ecun 1
15, 1920
Whole NUmber 5400
Community~rvi~_ Institute W as a Success I
Big Audiences Were Present at Every Session- Staff Were Attractive Ent.ertainers
-- .
TO MAKE US US& NEW AGGIE IDEAS ( 'hlll'llI llI' \\'!\~
,I . 1\
vi ~itor "'r i<ltt y,
C01111l1llniLy Servi ce Chairmen I ll unn il1 l{ fur a Uusy Year A lready Tental ivc Plans Are Formlliated Whi ·h Will I idl' th e \\'hole COl1llllUlIjty Jf Carrieu Out
Prloo who
1, been appoln.t.ed ohlef of a DeW 41,llIlon In
the Department (If Thle divisIon will make a buslD1I8 ·of placlDg neW' 41100verlell ID oommon nee that otber_loe would not be bAlard of Rwln. to tbe fact that man, ot ,hem are Dot praotlcal at the UlDe na.,. are produced. ~Ioulture .
Miss Elizabeth Chandler left Sunday for Scio, where she will teach . th 19 O year. TIIe C,ad'IZ Repu· b' again lican of recent dare lIoys that Dr · B. F • S tanton.o f Alii. ance, an d Mlas Elizabeth Chandler, of lhe Scio Nor· mal were amoni the best that ever allpeared berore the Harrison COUIIty teachers. during the institutt' held at Cadiz ThiR speaks well for this youn!r lady, and no doubt her SlICCess will be great in her work this year at Scio.
---.- ..- - -
\\' :11' tI "n..ta. an' II,,· 1! IIl·. I, ,) ( Mr. Mr. and Mr ~ . U . l. ('rane unu ~(I I1 . ,' 1 '1 " (·11 :111.... \\'"" lIl1 rd .111t1 flllllil .\' . 1·: thlll1. wcre l 'i ncinnlit i vi ~i I Or :l . 1 i du y. M I·'. ~I.lr\' I. ,\ 11111 11 ". of Wi lmingI ,,,11 .\I " nol :lY 111 1: 111 wit h l{pv. I Mr . :' nd Mr~ . Fr"d l.eollll l·d. uf .I ' I".. I":" 1·.•,I.l'af'"der all ol fMlll ily. l\inlCMMill". Hpell t !'lI l1duy wit h rei,,· tll' e ~.
Mr: alld ~1r" . J ohn Nic hols . of S hart e~. I·b. were I he week-end
Mr. and Mrs. A . D. Haines. of Springfield. we re guests of Mrs. Anna E. Haines at dinner. Monday . Miss Helen Marlatt entertained at dinner, Sunday, Miss Olive Allen and Messrs. -,",yman Silver and Coulus Younce .
R D, Cla"ett and family were entertajned at dinner, Sunday, at the home of ~rs. Alice McKinsey and daullhter, Miss Hen.ietta. M1'!I. Huldah Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Burnett, Mrs . Forest Graham and children and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smead were Sunday Iluests of Mr. and Mn. Will Stroud.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer had a couple of in-field wobbles in the 88 dinner !tuests, ,Sunday, Mr. and first, and singleR by Mounts and Roll Mrs. O. J. Alexander al1ld Mr . Glenn coupled with a passed ball and an erAlexander and family, of Dayton. ror tied the !lcore in the last of the and Mr . and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. fifth . After two of our boys had been reo tl'red I'n the sl· vlh. Jarrelt doubled to Mr, and Mrs. M. A C~rnel1 enterleft and the faithful Haggerty, etc. tained Sunday at their c:ountry home tJ gallic WIt . II a' scrcec hi nIl, ....,..+"'''-'_pI6 Springll" Mlr. W. Wright WOllie grasa-cutting double, just inside of Ilnd wife. Mr. Paul Wright and wife, the left foul Ii 011. Manager Burke Mr . Wilbur Rexrote and wife, Mr. let out an l' nfantl'le howl nt tills J' unc- C, DeMersman. wife. son and daugh~ ture, but was soon pacifi ed by Hoss ter and Miss. Velma Cornell. an1 GOUld. who were close to the Little Ma~y Louise Zimmerman play and knew that the hit was fair. celebrated her seventh birthday, Saturday. with a delightful afternoon party . Twenty-four of her friends were present and made merry tor the afternoon . A delightful lunch was' servpd, .and the MiBSes Leah Smith. Helen ~arlatt smd Henrietta McKinsey assisted Mrs Zimme rman in the entertainment, A
- --Mr . anll Mrs. C hll~ . Garri~on. of Mr. Cleaver. county game warden. ; Cincinnati. 811ent Sunda y wit h ChaR. has just put In the river above th l! Wasky and family . dllm. abClut 3000 fish. These fi " h J . B. Chapman and fnmily nml include bluelrills. rock baBs, croppics. catfiah and a new variety. callpd F. I!. Henllerson anti family were in brim . There will be more added a Wilmington SumlllY aflernoon. little later. and there will IIlso be a quanity of bass besides the above J . C. Hawke and wife and John mentioned. Mr. Cleaver will In the Fromm and family Hpent Sunday near future, have some phea8'ants to with relatives in Pleasant Plain. distribute to various parts of the county. Mr. and Mrs . Wallace McClelland. This is the time to talk about a of Laurelville, Ohio, are the guests dub. There · have been several at- of Mr . and Mrs . Itoy Hathaway. tempts to organize a game and fish . . club here. but it has never succeeded MISS Sarah Jane Daniels, of the At present the fans ought to be wi I: Ohio Militarv Home. S~IlI I~ skY: waA ling and ready to j oin a club and see the week-end .gu est of Edwlll Chanthat it survives. There are enough dler ami family. fans in the t ownehip who enjoy ,, . , catching flsh with hook and line to . I he staff of the Co m~nlll1lty Serspend a IImall amount for the pres- vice left, Saturday mormng. for Maervation ot the fish against illegal son: at. which ~Iace they are holding fishing. an institute thlt week.
Now don't only talk about a club. but let's get busy and act . It will
and retir~ the Bide, Carl Dakin wu on third and aurely 'would have scorild the tying run If the Dutchman had waveroo the leut bit. Here are the figures' ----...'~________ Wa,. .... V1I1. AB R H PO A Il: uraoe... .. . . . .... . • I P d ' I J~tn~:: .c. :::::: III ~0 02. a~ R. Sumo, c... ... • 8 a I 1 1
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The in~titute ataff wti all that ~ould be desired, and their enthu~ , . .. ' . bin in the work '~ut new life Into \. . . . d . 'he~ommufilty, r . an MMI. J\.L. The' Juniorswill hold their annual l. ti h b " h " . d DeJ arne~te, w 'o .ave een _ ere plcnicnextSun _ay, SeptemberJ9th, • Iince the Inception of the Comm'iiii- at gall~ntz' I(I'Ove, ' near Sprin"boro. Ity Service., are . live wl~' Ip their They will leave town at 10 O'clock, different branch.. I(r. DeJarnette and an membera and their famill. b.. proven bimulf an eneraetic o~: at. oo~i IDvitld to at~,
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• lieu. batted forOo.uJd La ,be m.
ChB!!. Carey. of Day tun, a furmer principal in the s~hools here. was III Waylltlsville, Tuesday, shaking hands wilh old fri ends. He is at present selling dictionaries.
---_.- ..
All roads seem to lead to Lellilnon .this week, and the peoille of lhe countryside are loyal to thei r ow II county fair. judiing from thecrowda going through town.
favor of the WiI ~o n -Cox league of nationAidea . Senator Hnrdillg' NIlYS: "The Maine election is reas~url1nce thll\. the people mean lo Tr> 1 II rn to representative gov e rlllll l'lIl under the constitution throulI'h th e agency of the Hepublican Ilarly Ilnd that Maine takes the lead in declaring (or America unmortgag~d to the old world, but still ready to serve humanity as American conscience impels."
- --
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Clyde Coleman. of Norwood, came up, Saturday. and t ook Mr . and Mrs. J . II . Coleman bnck to Norwood with him for an exLended visit.
Orndoff, who will continue the busl- was closed on Monday on account net!8 at the 'same old Btand on South of thll Jewish New Year. The Busy Women's Claaa of the Main street· Mr. Servis iB at the . W. E. Cornell and family, Russell M. E. Church met at tbe bome of present time working for Mr. OmMrs, Lou St. John, Saturday after- dorf, but Mr. AII"n has not deCided Sall~bury and family. Ronald Hawke, and family, Ralph Miller and family nOOD. d what he wllI do. d B t H Oan k d f l'ly Silent The meetir1i W611 called to' or er - - -....- ••- - an er ar"""c an am b yt heprCSI'd en t anda' very mer· . t I:'·t Sunday at the Zoo I'n Cincinnati' ( esting program followed. ~ After business topics were dlacu.. .. Lieut. RUBSel Haines flew over John Wilson, who livoo in th~ Caea· ed, delicioul refreahmentll werl! MondilY morning and advertised ar's Creek neighborhood, WWl mar. I eerved by t~e ho.at~ fQllowe~ by a . the fact that h~ would be at the rled Wednesday. September bt, te> 0.. deli,h t f " I lIQl:ial h. O\1r untII' Leba ' non fair this week, and lit so .Mrs Harriet Uvard, of 8illaboro. tIme f or ~ depart"re. (Jlul adjoumed at tbe much per flight, people could see 'rhe ceremony took "lllce at Lexinlr• ".ual hour, The next meetin" ·wlll · the' race!! from his aeroplane. ton, Clinton county, and after the held October 9 at the ho~e -of The followinll farmera: 'Instltute ceremony came to the WilBOn home. 10 un. Lucile Salillbury. will be beld. in the county thiB wln- ·Mr. and Mrs . Earl McMa!>an and Mr. WillJon is a p,rosperous fa~elt ter: -Carlisle, Februapv " 18-19,' . , II h "-' "'-' W "" ! . '01 . son.-Mn.J.W. McMakan, Mr .. and an as mallY ulen.,. In . ~..e • Pleasant Plain, February 21-25; ·Ma. . . . t nsh' M W'IBOJr has 1I~,.~ ~:9>,: ~ Mrs John Hammtlrsly of Dayton,~ow Ip. re . .. . l 0 Watch Aequlre. LIttle 011. . IOn, fe~ruary 28:24r6reg;o~la, Feb· ~:r; Sunday !ruests of M,I'S. Viola . ie~da in Clinton county. ~bere' , . '. 5 It tallell ooly oDe·tenth of a 25-~. . . Care1 and Wlullhter. Mr, .and Mra. has hved all her life, Tbear ~&i"'" eO to keep aU or the m.ftebllleJ'J' 01 tile • . ' - • .; Melhkan stayed over fo.r a (ew in both eountieswiab them tbQ beet. I ~td1 Ia pOd numtac 0l'IW , . a Tbe Ml.....1 Gazette, tJ"i,!J. ,.ear. dap' .vlsit. ' of luck. ' : '
11':&,,':::.;:'Ii: : ::::~ : g g
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haines, of the Ohio Masonic HOIne. at Springfield are spen(ling a few dnys with relati"eR and friends he re.
. ' Old Brussels, Ingram or ster carpet and rugs made mto not l'• ran kl'In I',ug . . cost anybody a big amount. to. . W earwe II" I'.Ullil. JOII~ a clUbl'1 and tthhethbenefits deri ved Co .. Franklin. Ohio. The Republican party carried w b e we wor e money. everything on the ticl< et MondllY, - - -. - . Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. Allen, Rev,lelected governor. eve ry and Mra . J. I". Cadwallader and Miss man amI" the entire . state senate. • Clara Lile were calling on Xenia The state i~ usually Republican hy friends Sunday afternoon. 10.000. but wenl GI.i,OOO Mondav. showinll that large numbers of the Mr. Harvey Rye and Miss Mary Better send in your Old Carpet women o( lhllt state had V.Oled. Salisbury were q uietly married In and Rugs now 1.0 reserve a place for They seem lo vole int e lligently. as Lebanon Thursdav afternoon, by the weaving your "WearweU" Ru gs. lhe ballot showed th ey:were not in Rev. Osnlel Clerke, at the M. E. Franklin Rug Co .. Franklin, Ohio. parsonage. Mr . Rye , who is the Bon of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Rye, is a J. P . CUmmings. our local postrural' mail carrier und is also a pros- master, was absent . Thursday and perou s farmtlr. Mrs. Rve is the Fridav of Inst week. attending the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. W. P postmasters ' convention at Cincln· Salisbury, and is one of Waynesville's nati. prominent young ladies. Girted The Woman's Aultillary. of St. with a fine voice shtl has sung herself into popular favor here, and Mary's Church will meet with Miss has many friends . The you ng cou- Emma Heighway Friday afternoon ple apent a short honeymoon in Chi· at 2 o'clock. A full I'ttendnn(~ e is cago. arriving home Sunday evening. desirfd. On Monday evening a large crowd Harry Haines, and son, lliram. of their friends gave them a villor· ous belling. and the new Iy weds reo are spl'nding a few days wilh relasponded by invilina- lhe bell e rs into tives here. Harry lIaya he i~ alwuys the house and treating them to can- glud to gilt back to the old hom e I anu ~ee his friends . dy and cigars. WAR Qf. N G. IiARO(NG. OI1IQ
POPULAR BUSINESS ---_. - .--- FIRM CHANGES aters pre~ent sit up and lake no· Ch~{:e~\~eU;!~~~uor~~t~:o~\!:a:r~~: Howard Burton saved tlle game BUSY lIIOMEN'S tice at their antics. f h' . h h n Myer Hyman and family spent parlor owned by J. C. ' McCoy, who or IS team t e last of t e sevFrillay morning !lnd nftern~on lately purchased it from Ed Star- enth, when he made a beautiful di v· CLASC MEETS Servia 4: Allen have aold their Sunday and Monday with relatives were entirely giyen up to discussions ling. "Bobby" will be welcomed Ing catch tbat robbed Roll of a hit . "I intereats In their garalre to Earl in Cincinnati. The Hyman Mtore .nd tent.ative programs were sub- ba~k to Wavnesville, 611 he has al. mltted t.o the lIe,veral chairnian for ways been one of our' favorite IlOna thoI co~nmg y~ar i ~:rk: I k I as well as a iOod athlete and ball 0 cloc a arghe player, and he will Burely have the n t e .evemn g a commulllty Bupper was g ven at t e t t th t d t B WtJlte Brick Ml!eting houae.Everl- BtuPkPor 0 ~ owMn and coun ry .. e • t t th t d 00 poSieISIOn on ay morntng. tl lInl{ 0 ea a was goo • waR Mr. McCoy and family will "0 back th de • tll d d I .. h was eor ro .. e uY,an a arge toN Leb th· f crowd was there to enjoy it. The ew anon. elr ormer ome. band rendered a fin" concert after • - ... the supper, which was thoroughly ~ enjoyed. Inlltltute Staff E:njoyed
Snvc yo ur Old Carpe t anr! Hugs and gel .. WCll rwl'll" Rn g s Illade. Send f ur I'rlea LI~t. Franklin I{ui' Cu. , Frunklin Oh io. 22
~I r:;. 1-: 11111111 1'11 "1'fl'l111l s pent severn l .),,) ., wilh 1'.· IIlII I·l'~ in Spring' honl !' t .. ! w,·p k.
Mr . and Mrs. Ed Slarlin K spent I(UOHt~ of l\-Ir. P.:rry I\I'nrick Ilnd - : - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - a coupl e of days Iu~t week with family. friends here. Mr. Iln d MrR. E' V. Barnhart Mr . anr! Mr:l. J . M. Tayl or and Mr. sp('nt a c" nple ot clays thi s week Lou Printz Silent Sunday with rela· with Itay Smith and family, of tiv es in Dilyton . I!ruol(vi llc .Ohin.
11,('11111:11 I ' I I I In; ~"'I\)\)I,; wi ll elllAc ThlirHoI uy and 1,'l'ioiay "ll aC (' ''u II I o f the fair .
Mi ~s Mnry nnn k in ~n n Apellt SIIIl 1,' I'I ,." t Illll" lan I. ·rt Ilti~ 1)II,rning ' dny at hl'r 1IIIIIle 01'11 1' H'd I.illl l. fIl l' I ·I,"" I,!". \\' 11 ,' r .. II·' illl "nlb 10 enI Chns . Aman. uf I nd illnf\ p(lli ~ , Inol . (~r ~ ' 1'IIt\\'e~"' 1'I1 Uni"ol':;il y , waR u "u ~i llt!~:-I I'i~i t tlr Ill' r c. I,'r id:.!y ~1 r "lid ~Ir" 1", I'II' ln lIalllilton. of
The conference was dlwoted ' t o gameH and dL c IIHs ion ~ , after which Ilames were fully ciemollRI rated, ~ogether wilh some old-time folk ,I"nees. The eve ninlr WIIS enjoved t o lire limit, and It ca rried the oldel: people present back to their young· er life. and made 80rne the young·
I>r . Il ill. O"tt'''l'ulll WilY , 1.<'I11I1I1I1I. ( lh io.
T h(' C'''ntmullily II1 ~ til\lle lu.. ld ·1l'''II7.il'r. IIl1d IIi_ "ife i ~ II capila l Iwl d IH 'r!' 11I~ 1 T u ,.~.lay 4·v.. nilll[' :<:hil"', ,lory lell"r Mr Nolan. a8 W P.d IW~. l ll V. Thll r8c1ay . a mi Fr idll .' a lr"ad), "Ia il-d. m ukt'~ you sinlt whe· wus a In; ly h Ulle H \lc· [· e"~.· 1':lIch i'lll. r )UIl wnnt tu 0: not. IIn'~ he wa H day ' ~ ,·" nfrn' II(·" wa" w4· 11 ullendl'd a J"II.\' <'"Ih"'rl 1Il t- I, ter . MIH~ Mar1IIIIIIIIl'l "cul IIt·opl .· we re enthu H,·rl . gu .. ril e HU SHC'y ImoIVH gU IIi C'S all d M. L. MlIIer. 76 years oid aDd IIltd it l o"k~ UK Ilw UKh 11I1'11' "ill I1I' JIIII\\' to "xJ.llai ll tiI PIll. and IlPr ~rll~" 1It111 a compositor on Senator Har; tIO l11e lhillM' tloili K Ih is winter in (\Jln ' ful mlllllll' l' inHlill"d her ICH."un H into ' dlng's newspaper, the Marlo" Star. He blUl been employed by nWllitv :-;.~ r v k~ '111' lI illls of Ih fo lilll ll lll' pllly!'r witli out a Hccond ~ x the Republlc9n PresIdential canNIlIi .. ;11l1 COlll lllunity ~ervice WCrt phllllJ Li ol1. Mi RH FTllII r i ~ proved fI didate tor 26 )'ears-.aJ1ti taught ( ully t'x IJl uined In Iho~e whu 01 tell· Ilrill ianL tlll kpr and hE-r le illative Harding to Bet tne. ti ed . Ullt! if the J.l lan ~ laid down LJ) pru"rU IIi un pl:l y~ ulIII th e nllln8g ~ · thul orgall il.a tion arc car ried lIut. Illl'nt of the m Will< \'l' ry plain and to it " 'ill certuin ly he for th e b 'I ter· tbe p,linl. menl or not only ou r ow n commu n· Th e comlllill eeH IIppointed will d o ity. \) ulthrnugh out the county . a~ g"flu work US tli ey are willing to go we ll. UII Lebanon , MllIlOlI , Fra!lklili . ahl/arl and see tha t th e work il< donI', Springlull'o and Morrow nil huv £' and the cnmmunitv wiliinok rorw a rd community cenl crR lo Il winter of Kood community ser· Tu esday evening. Il special conter· viet!. ehce WIIS giv.,n UJi l .. t' xJ.lhlllali on ~ The Community Service means ( Word . and mU<lc b,. 'l'oru ) ami com multily sinRing. Mr. Nolan . g reat deal t o the peopl e Ilnd it meam True to otJr last week'lI prediclion. of N ew York. was s ure ly on hi ~ ~ great denl to those who hlive un. we have a much happier story to tell j olJ. II" he 1I 111l.1 I! t: ver> body ~ il1l1'. nol derlaken th e work but the whol .. you. thi~ week . Our Miamis tra\'· by fur ce. UIUI"l'dlUrul.llllt by hiMpe r- will bll juslified in' the bell erman t eled to the Warren County fair ilonrtlil,Y 11m! I(Uooi IIll tllre HiH joll) of the' cummunity in Ii heller com- ground, hlMt Sunday ~fternoon , and wuy uf ll"oitllC Ilf,"'r hill Iludience en. munity spirit and 11 working togel h- rlefellted Ihe greatly Improved Lebtltu Hed th" nt tu the "uint where the) er of the peop le for Il common anon teulll by a score o.f 3 tu 2, in bv m !! r ~ ly hRd to Ring . whether the y welfare. far the best an~ anapPlelt game they wi l!hed to ur nol. - - -___ - - have played thlll season'. Harold Osborne pitched one of his very best Wt!dn.,oony morning was given. games and hia support WaR of the o\' er tn 1\ nt ce ti.~ uf all th e ~ommit.. very best. Every player 111611 full of Le .. ~ . a nti ItIHj re.sel! Wll re l( lven b> pep and was on his toes at all times, the ijtutf exp lli llJill1( UIlt! I.:IVlng lid · vice IL" I,) Lht' !Jl'~l rn"ltliH of d oinK :lnd Illl of them kept chaltering like a bunch of magpies throughout the th e yeu r's work . Di ~c'I l'!.~in Il H fCJI· entire game. GOl,d sluff, boyB', tl y lu wl'tl lin 1" .lI\e tlll " nt ent ",rlainmenl it some more! elc .. (orllm>!. public SIJeBkilig. el f" Aut n llel'nse tagH fo r next year '1'he Miamis got away to a two·run bates , I: unll's " lid gaUl<! d.,mon~lrl1- will be placed on sale un or ahout lead . Buckram Crane beat Roll's tions . Decernu e r ZO. 19:W. A . G Snuw. wild throw of his grounder to first S l ~ry Telling Fealure slate reg iHtrur of UUtOH. recently and toddled to second when the great In lht! I1fterrtuun tli CUHlliuhB 011 slated . Thi ~ will toreslull the usual and on ly Decker (Carl McClure's story telling . g ames and play with ru sh 011 J unufl ry I, and the few weeks good work made him look like thirty d emonstra tion::!. The tlveninlC en ter- thereafter. centll. counterfeit) pulled one of his ttlinmenl consisted lOf commuOrder!! have been placed for 500,- brilliant stuntll while Prendergut nity singing and alldresses on thl' 000 passenll'er car t8g~ and 86,000 was at bat. The good SUlreant was different sut-jects by the experts Al commerclul car tags. rhey are to nnally Iliven free transportation and thi!l conference II special fifte!!n be ready by .November l~ which will both runners moved up a station minute program Wo.:. given. Miss' enable the state to send them by when Jar'rett hl't one to where the Kathryn Henderso n rendered a freight and save ('xtra Chllrlre3 in- right fielder couldn't reach it. Then I'nto I·,., bat "ot bellutiful -piano -so lo, w h ich was so volved in rushing tags through by Bob Burton and hl' s L... .. expresa or parcel post. actl · on. and Buck and Pummy pal'd ) well recei~ed thllt Hhe hal to (lIllY an encore. The Men of Waynesville • - • their respects to Carl Dakin at the Illee club also iave two fine Belec~ home plate. tions . Lebanon got one of these back on Thursday morning, discu9llion of "Dake's" single and atolen base and
Btory telling and at the nooll hour the schbols were visited and demonatration in music was given . In the afternoon, home talent entorlainmenta, plllYs and Jlognnts were fully discussed 'fhis melting was largely attended. and the Mother's club was !riven attention' The evening's entertainm'mt began with another local concert, when tht! Misses Kathryn Henderson and Fran· ht( u I ces J annpy ren d ered a d e IIg piano duet .lollowed by a ladies double quartet, which proved to be excellent and took 80 well that an imcore had to be relld ~ retl ) '(james Are I layed
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Old 'ou ever ..top 10 Ihillk that Ihe ad\' I"ltSCI 1('111 . of the h Olll m ercha nts i n this nf'w. paper /\lokI' it n
BETTEn ncwspapl'r? Well. it do e~ _ .'O\'crtis in,q tcachf's
'1lr WilHam
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For bourA 1 Iny l llt"ri' r ni ' ll"ltl j.; bl'ftlns over thl' unsoh' nhle lI r l,lt' ",".
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d " ;llh 111 1I~
",avl'd It IIWR Y lIntoll (' lw,1. 1Y" 1I 1'11!' 1 wondllr~ whNhpr tI'" r rMPI'Y or - the-,..,arll hAd d e ,;t I' II~ " d III~' n~ , ·.1 rd·
aUve's f a tth in IIl l', II ~ It SI 'l' lIlI'd til have (iNi1ro),rd f~\lr mlln· ~. 1 ~'l ' \Jh' tlt'l ' IHI Pl ( " , hard"t hlnlllo h l l1l It ht\ 41 ('111, 1," ( TIl ... ~I r. 1'1/1 .. . ,'11. II IIP l 1t 'U l j ' d , liad ,'nlf lt' { o t t u ~ t : rllll",1 ,·. 'k :t\J P lll ( ,. " (l ' ,'I ' h 'k III after ' finding th o l Ill,' ~ll,r.r nt lh ,' IJ\:; • npp(\nrAn r (' of tlH1 111'lIrh~ \\" .. HIII":II" rl lt, I. J III'I,I1 , ~ .I nd L II'\ :.."111" III "II " " h' if"tltly un trne, )n 11\." hl'h' r P~~II'I ' jt'IlI' I ' 1,1:-- :1l ·,lr r l1, ..r II. ti ll 111 ... 111 1' 1\:1 1 h i' lllll l n,. n prf ~ (\ n ~r I huft 1.'lHll t'd 11 11 r" iI U" j'l l 1.':1' !'I t,d 11 ) lIlt' \t·I . phllitt-' ~ Irl and well the hlttrr fAI't th ll l 0 1\,'1' n tII:11l 1.,1,\ 111:.11 111,·. 1 !L, ' !' IILlIl It, · Wit ' tI ( d ~ ' III t. d l ~c rC'd l t ec" ·Wllf' t·, rHrt h 11(\ n n l ' 1111' dt,\ lor U f.·\\ ,l :\ ,'~ 1111' 1 \\' u ~ ~ 11l \ · trusts hlru. H }t u ru. t;,I'I.)l1 (,. 11. ·,1 II I:': at :I JHIII'!, I I .- I,a d udtl ,·o\ thtll 11, '
me nt tl d ~ jU ll r lu r(' I did II n l ~I·t · 1111\\
1 rould possibly (,1: t rl rfl IP 1Il~""' l r 111\ · Ac:nth cd rrom th{l Wt·" th llt UII"",'t' n ha n(15 b od so skl ll(u lly IlUrl 111 ,,11 · ctou. ly wo'\'('In ~r('\u u d m . Th,· tH ll y
" puld 1111 1 lit' '" lll\' .' ill l! 1111' 1I 1'ltrllllt'lI l ror :-- t '~l 'r:11 \" ' I ' ~'" 1I1i1t[ I" ... " It't·':.; r~ ' ril l'l l til Ih ,l l'11.\, .\ III.' lI l IIII I ( l 'U ... t d\j' Ih " I'I' 11:111 \ 'Ill;" 1\ 1, ·lt· ldI HII t" (' u ll ("I' 111m . TIlt' }l l r! h:l d I,,·, ·u lIll· t \\
m y' at comto rt t hut 1 c011 1C\ nn.! ""." - u hh' t il ~ I 'I all~ 1"' ... 1"'11 ... . • frlllil Ille \Th er e In the wh ule ~ 1t1l~tl OU \l ns In H l l a rII Jl \' I It. )\11,, \\111 ).: 111111 11\' !Iud I\lI t my firm helld Ib nt thoulth 01, 1 II nrl1~ J,: Olh ' "III. I\I . d fdtrllu: Ihttt li t' 1 1I 1~h t a.nd Gon.non nlHl th f' wh ll l" ,," Iu l t) h ll\' (O hud 11 :-.udtl '-' II Il l1111' k II f 1111l1'!'-!lt. doubled 111e. BRI-hll rn f'lrntl( " ",I--II1 Y l;1w h ad b,,\·.,ltlt' Illn r ltll ,t! :t lid n ot Inl' d R nr bnrn. 1 yentm'NI t o ~nll lll' r 111 my ~l r. \\"h'I ~ . t hl' ""lIlt'rlnl l ll'!.-1I1. Inn ermost honrl - ·would c0nt in ll'> to Th ~ Jo-l1l', · I'I II I.·ll lh ·1I1. 1 11 1' H",' lill ll t believe In me. She wOllld h,,· '-Il rt.\ no CI') Dtltl tl,·d . lUlU !"UIUlIllillt'd .\1 1', II ,-' or y mat ter how Illurh IlI'P"nrnlll',I< ",,,nt 1\' £'l1t . t ill' ,,\\1\\' " !If thl ' l ; I·lIlldtl ,·,' k agnll1s t me. lhat 1 "'n s 1,'IIII1 A' lhe "I'll r lIJ II ·111 !". ')" .j!' ·llil ·r lit,·,\' It ad ~IIIHI trotb . B a rbnrn o ud J kne w. E,,'u It t o ~l r. l ;a--[(\n 'S rHo llI=--. H,·j nj:: II UHl tlc abe hAr! not kno wn thot I c(1 l1hl 11 01 t u Io;~l uny rt 'p ly lj ) l'l ' p l' nldl 1·!IlI!.:"i HUl l pO!lSlbly hav e IIre d Ib e sbot Ihot kll lNI knoc ks Ih e ,: Illlt! tlnnllr ll't 11 1( ~ tII"t; h' t).s Miss Lutan . I was c .. rtnln tJm t s he BUll \Tould ha..-e tru st.ed me. Thinking about Barbaro 1 r eco llt'd thot It wos (he doy or her s lste r's wedding. 1 hnd one at tbe prl ~on atl e nd· lints get me the evening pnpe rs to ~ee wbol they llad to ..y abuut It, tor
fllorful les t some llren th nf leandal at the last momen t In v"h' lng the Bradtords mi ght brlnll nllnut t1 postponeme nt. Enl:('l'I~' I " ' fl 8 h Ol'lnlt thllt nothing 'had happened 10 p re \"~n t the marrlaie lak in/( plnce. \\" llh \lw fortunts at ber s is te r a 88ml'd nnd ber moth er's f uture are. I rc oll z"11 that tlle cou rse or my r elAllons with Barbara " ' ould be like ly 10 he mu ch 81DDOther aalllna. provided or cours .. that I was acqultted_ In the few cbata 1 bad bad wltb h er . 1 hlul rell lbed that wealth and lu xu ry nnel acini • poslUon mllant n othin g to BOl'hnl"U 's happlDet!8. She wus the so rt ur girl wbo tor a mno she lovell glnrl ly ",0111d brave p<werty . bnrds h lil. evcry tl tl l1\:a Atncero, true--h ~nrt"'ll WQlI llin w it h III clear vIsion ot th e r e nl vslues or rx IItence. My mll8 engpr r e tl1rne.' wllh Ihe Dewspapers. nnd RS t p lckpu th em 1I l/ . everythi ng we nt lol n"le -';ll llI lol1 nll'" On ston Found MIII'II ~n·<1 . " \\"11 ~ t hl'
"I th ~
h i m,
atnrtllni b enellin (\'01 fln s h pll h " (o r' me. right th ere In Ih e col uuln next 10 the account of th e Bl'ftdrord wNldlllg. The sinIster etrllct "f thi s terribl e DeWI dawned on me In stll n(\ y. W ltb my l1'eat-uncle Dutut! dead. with out the poB8lblllty or hI s cOl'l'ohornl ln g any part ot my s lory. my ('nse WIlS hopeles8. d e 'pernte_ nQIH'st longh ly It ~onlrl m"." t l ,,,t J wOll ld hI' foull el
tltl "'p l t'l , tU:O; W I\!:i \ ' PI',)
.'H·I ~ O Il
kt' ~·
~ ( r,
(; uS lOfl
IlIh ' XPC t.'f l· ltly
to hi s DpIIl'l lu e nt. lI ow Ih · IUllrtlc r e r CSCfl PNI lif ter n ttn cl'l ll ~ ~I I'" (Jus ton w as
pu zzl e to th(lo c! f·!t·dhC-)iO at ",u r lt
00 thl! Cllse, Th o s llJl ~ri n te nll l' lIl o f Ih e building eXlII' es s cd th ' "pl lli oll Ihllt tl,e lUurd"I'er h ," l 1:ll1 11 e ll I.. ccess III I h" J:.,ruls\! of U Inl't.' r
III ~ p' ·f ' lur .
Attf· IH.I ·
1I0 ts In th o ha ll r .... :tl led Ih u t tlw rll h".l · hpen , 1I('h 11 lIIal1 In th e lHlilt llnl! Ihat ' '''' l'II ln ~ . As he wore liI e' u ~ lIn l un\fllnll lind pr ~ !'i \'n[ e(l th e ('u sltJtun r y l'1't"liPll tll ll s , Ii' 1m I OCCll pl'rm i llcd t o
th tll' o lllrl:td ,\'
S t~ (' l'd l\'('
fl llllllll' d
1I 1\PUI hi ..;
~.I I·.
til (' llIph.y h l lll It !:! ('Hl'elllkt'r I rH'\', ' r 1f'lIl'll pd. It tll it \\' I)I1 l d GU 1<Otli ll
(' III11P
(!\oC t
h~ 7
t h t'
In fll'
dfl·t1l1 i ~tIlI\Ilal
use or
('Ol11ll1 g
It did
Ohio _ .... ""."'""rtt.'''''''''''''''''''''______.....-._________ ....
Itl ! u .. " 1 \,
I '.
•. iI
II I r
I. I'
ri\, 'd
I I _, , I. II II, I 1 " 1 I \" '1'I! l ·p :11" 1'1 ,.,,' 1 fr 'lIlI hi I' 11' 1111 . ' I' J I ,I ph 11111,\' H' '1\1 11,"1. I ' I \\,
111 ) 1. 11 11\\
" t
UI" 'I
III 1",- lill'" lIt
M I~s l. u t Jlll 'S fUunl l' T, [111'111'111 11 :11111.\' 1 hull tll \~ trn);c d IIql ll ~ J r, e ta . hlll ·S 1t.'I'
II h!
t1 u·
t'r(t lll
" I'~
II ·i l
'\' ' :11_1 I II'
.. 11." hi.!
lit Ill.'
111 ' 1'
1,1 ( 11 1:dl.
111 ,\ ,II 1 I
HIl)'n up
h e r Int o It. O n r l'IHlIllj,; fi t hili 11114'1,,'., (I"nth ~ h e h a d hH ~l'· l lt·d ; .. 1 i l"'IO :11,' fUIIt'l'ut
'I' lte l'e foli ll wed 8 lo ng r ... vlew of n uru s G n~ l4m 's b\~s ln u!lts enr e r u od un CpllllllllC lIt sulli e of hi eXlc n s l\' C hold · Ill!:" III ~I o" h s. h Ulld s nml r elll ,,~t u( c . fro n, ' ", h lth It lIl'l'<"" ',,(! UWI hi s for· tltll P \\'1(' lil;,- I), to rlln t o over t en 1II 1111 0n Ii olltlrs_ It WIIS \\' llh some s ur· prl s ~ thlll I lell"" t'li thllt " score or
Lt·' ri /I' \'
t. ", ' ~ 1"11 II
I I '1·\
\ ., •. ,., I II
. ..... \11
1' 1.,;
tn It :;,
ht1 :-o lllt'~~
III ~ tr"J1"II".
\' ',.
1 1 I ."
j li,
h :l cI
\\'lt OI III t e l' .. " t ,·d 1II" ~ 1 WII S the ntt enl lun pal ll t,) Ih e T\ 'II,n l' kn lol e coIncill .'flce lltllt nn l.\' II f c w weeks h e, f or It 11I1I1'Ul' l' hud tulc PIi plu cc I n th e npnl'lI II"1I1 Ju s t I)(- Iuw. ulld,' r IlnI CII'1 cnlly th e ~ 1\1 l1 e ·{' lr·(· l1m ... IJIII("p S, 'l'hl' po· IICl', tl1~ 11(,(, III10 t s w 1t·d. \\t.!re " wllned t o bell e " c thnt th ~ II1\II·,I ' ·I'l' r Wn" O ll ~ of th e gnu!; to whl '-h )'oung ;\'elsoll. now In pri son (' h llr~ , ' d wllh \lIP mur· der of M I~s I.U tll". '"HI (l UIoI",lly he· longed . T h eir Ihpory wn s th ll l " hur· glnr j;UlIg ~ ucce "dc d III Illllll tl ll g 1'el· d nd
Ih a l
lil ts
(J ~
t' lUtl d "d
n ('1\!,,· 1111;r- r. tl lf' l lI
To To
W a ynes ville, Ohi o
li d·
Fill 1\' i ': q lli p pt'd for Se n ' itl· .
~ t :\ l' riu ~tJ
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H, I, I I 111"1' 'ii' Ilu' 'hl li f l Y tJrr:ourTI UI' )' 19'1 t , I' .1.1.. " 1111111 !,lI .. Ito
28tll ddy uf Selltember 1920.
~ f'l
FIRST TRACT ~, tlj.l h'tI
I II 1111' Sl.lt to u f 1 '1110 , " n llm y o f
\\ ,.IT' II lIlid I II \ \
I\ ~ II~ T O W II ~h ll .,
au d I k'lnj;: n
W'.'~\ll'l~ l~t;:ll :.: :: lt~:iOt~11 'nl~; I l ~ic~,'· rH~t.~i' c:~1 ;(~II~
I t ' lInl t h " l:'l ' , ~ ( 1I111 ~ b , · d . "IJ Io'~I'n h "I1 ~ II .
... 11111,·.
t h,> IIP'
I .. ·-111.: • )11, I H! I !' "~.I · hw , ) 1" n I (lInt ill (III' • ,"I "r , f 1,'1' 11;11.lh'~ I; UI I. ,,(tUI ''';; 1\ ~ h If H '
FO U .\HJ in
A '· '""k . llr , . Wilit . 1... ,'
h qr f ll "'~
c a l ltll~
lin U i
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10n(1 . ;1li d I'U\l1lg I · hn ~· g ,....
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.U \'"' :J.i O c ila . 1, 1 11\
1 1)1'1.1'" .--1, I an W, 'l. hI'- (·lIs. I II II UII .. ,nl h" I":-! t;flrl1('r .. t t il e IU"I'(-'II ' ·1,," ·,t l l IH "t 11 0111 1111 111',.1.-1 ,. , :'P J 11~ , ~~:'7 ('hI!
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'\1\11 II .. Ih " \\, ' 1,.1 l w1!tJl u fa n l )\\ d l\'1811H1l1l1t\ 1'lllJltlo¢ Llllll(·,· ~. 6 1I,j W . 1!l.tHl li s. t o a
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.! ~ 11'1j:
ltENT- - FAJ{M
SECOND TRACT. t o r e nl o n F A£Ul 1'1." 1.(1 L.
\V _I. 1; , t " "" t . J1 (11 11'lf.,.
uD (\
~ t ftll qJ Otl
l·u,I.. III ·)" H, ,(u t . llt lll!!',) rill
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S uil .•
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," u,' r'u III'" n""l L I'Ih",Jl dcr or H.nlt l rOIlY nntl In rCI'" lll t li l' ,·lItfl ... It 1\'11 IIIU1. I l h )I1('U w ith Ll l l ' ~uCt lll lll Do I
CO JII lllon ' -11-11>1 Court
I .. "... . 1 · l'lt 11111111).( il l II 1'4 10 11 8 Il t lll'" \\ '· ... 1 ('( ,rlll ' I' j,f tilt' 11 (' r tt l u th ',-w' rIl1l'd
M ,jNh:Yli '\, "',
I :! . ' I I" tdtl ' l'l1nO I I U pU Il I he J) r~lIli": "\#4 ., !tId •• 11, .. ,' ' 1.11 ,~ I III WO)' l1 C 'l'o Wl1 l"hl1l. \\· nr,., II t " .1111 ) I I/ II" an d lu \ \' ull h ln J.{ l 4l 11 'f' n ~ lI · .. II 'i I \ 1.. nll~"IIIf'n· f 'H IIII,y, U hlu. 11.., t" l ltt w· illt~ I t')oO L nl.Hd I' I'll( ,·"In t t) . tn .. " I I :
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Rt':l l E. . llIt t.. Trll uf .or a
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' . ",
I 'j s ltlay
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To thin!- of To exalt
II , '
1lL.1 !
..... I'
t--: " }"I "t l
II l-I.! '·e botil
.I lIl1 1· ...
I \1\,'. II
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:Iu d suel ill li f e.
!It')n In tl li' n t 'lU l'tlll l ' lI t
I\' t ' l
11 1·1, •• 1
or 111,\ I, II ,
tn l') r' uf ~' '''I'''S II j.! O tll,! Il ltl TU nD llJlp ar· ellt ly h ll d h t'(\o n puw t! l't'u ) fig'ure In
tb e Ilr .. " f Ih ,·
1'.1 '
elllt:r .11111 lell ve the building unUloI ,,~"" I.
,'.1, ... ,.,
till 'I
Ill' '''
~ · ;' · I I
h iM
,, 1\, '
HILt' il l!
FU NERAL ()W[ C I'( )I.'
III"" .. I'd
I r rtlr til ,
: ,' I ' tnll' wllh Iw r. doC'lurlug th llt rh .. h'II ~ 1 hll' ext'lt~lIIl'n l or a ny ~o rt wOlild ' be upl I n l1!JIII II 11 '1 forU I I'I' I ii t <o h nve rulu l ~ "su l ls. '1'0 IJ ~ ~ l1re Ih e r e wa . lilY 1I10t h " r, wh o cotlld p ro\'tt Illy r l'llI l lolIshllJ. Ilut 1 ( l·lt lh l' r c WH!" 11111 t' w~e III' dr f~ !.!gd \ J,:
I "I
' I "
I 1\
d. "\
t '·'·
l\ ' I f1
1'11 1 ~',
' 'o,,\1111 ;.!
m o n e(1 (0 Ih e }(u lne CUIllP wlt l'r e "he 0 111 1 " WIIS l'cr\J ~e d In pe rm it h ~ r 10 ho r e- u ndo II I' '': 'I t "
\ VI -SI
'I' ,'
• !! 111'1l11\'
sf!enwd to hu\'e wholly 111 'I'UlI gl\l l lt Br fig'll hrnl n. !l ud th l] I'h y" l cl: ", ~ RUI II-
lh e re 'o r to le t
'.\ 11 ..
mnthe r whkh hlld »rs t t n ld n", (.r Ih ,' o le' ml1Il 's In t e ntio n . M y ~l'P:\ t· ll l1nt , I . lea rn ed frOIll th e n c w ~ llll l l~I-S. II l1 d hel!D CUIII[1I N e ly l1rus ll'lll l'U hy th e It. trn gedy '11111 had bce" lIoulol o t o cou, ., to the (ull crn!. T h e s hod, uf th e II I]\\'8 of h er hu s bnnd- s "l oic ul ~II(I hull left h e r In u " pry cr ltl cnl co n ditio n. II
tl) o"-ecl trlllll
(n il' ''' d,
Il hlil lll. · dol.'
li r €' llu fll l ~ n d lI ud h C I' ~dl 111 l or pnll' 11· t'u)ly P\' ,I1'Y 1I0 p,-, or l't'IIl'; IlI'jJl ll l"'d ul th e IlhH ll'd dlH r J.!<' fl~HIIl"t 1111. \\'It:' It \\'a~ pl ul l1. I IH I 'IHIII I 10 ti l .. lalill 11 11 1\ l1lt,.. t t ·d~l.· flf III,) rl'lIlt)IJI I ... hljl [41 ,'I I 1 ;:1 :-. 1"" , Hnd no w tl " I' f.' \\1I'" 1111 I'll'" \' I t: l~ t o ,\xpll1lu !Jr, \\' I h :lPP; '!1t II (., h ,
• 111\1'1,, · ...
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" ,lIr,· ('1\ 111:1'-: to all IlJr 41 ( 1i 1:" 1' tr ' l\d d t'~, 11 1(' ~ hl U'\' of n l,1 I H ut1JS l ju ~lllll '"" III\lnh~ 1' !lli l'lIt 111 11 itn,l I UII 111'11 1111'111- Hili" (1'''111 wh ldl \I I Sl)t" lnc-d lrppoK~i h ll' fo r nit.' t (l Jl I'nu"" ,\ IUY!' t:' lf, \\' !t hulit l! 0l)C Hull l l\' l!1I \\ Ilh·
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in :.: IJIt· 1)11 '1" III I ' r t', ' 11 I It I' ••. j \\1 , 1·' , "
\\ bal \, H}:
seen him only th r ee or f l \UI"
M one y a for You. ult::_ ____ _
m er Yard
II I,\' ti!.!lIlill;': ttll'II wl'7
:I .
ma l('rla ls :llld sll pplies if yo u bam.
\011 ;11'( ' !)\ Iild j ll ~ :1 11I tUl ~ i o ll . l·o lla g c.
I () I "
IlIn l kloll'" IlIpl'qUJ,:!i 1 tllll'll ...... III1 11.
h ll i l dil1~
:t 11 .\
W e Can Sav
"'j' I '(.' ..
out to yOll
Lit e sltort cu ts Lo eco no my ill bu y ill g-
'1 I
\\ill ("lItll" ill
l'onll,I,,"1 t hn l Ih n Sli m e pt'!'. •' n " h"l hnt! kill,·,! ' Miss I. UI II II hll li h.11I ~, 1 111 .1 grelit-IIn d". I could ullly ('1'n)" ('1 88 to Ih m otlve _ Tho p" llel' III .. ,,,·.' thnt II was burgl ury se" lII et! li S l o~I(' ,,1 !IS nny. 'I' h e more I po nder ed over UII' matter the more IIrmly J becam e convinced tbat tbere was a nU\llQro us cr!mlnal band .t the back of It Bli. No on. mBD or two men co uld corry out all tbe 4 cvlltry. even with tilll b elp of th e tel ephone gl rl. I r ecall ed. too. h ow I bnd b een skll lrully shndowed. work Ulllt ev ide ntly r e quIred orgnnlzutl on ami emp loyeNI. 1 wns cOln-lnced tllRt Wi ck nlld (ho telephone gl rl w e r e only two--morc than likely two mInor m em bel's-ot II powerful body of crlmlnnls_ Thnt It was lhla Bllme sInIs ter (orce Ulnl hnll cftu8 cd my <II "charge tram the ollice I ...·n s equall y s ure_ Tills sort or thllll: t ook brnlns- fur hlgl{er hl'llln R Ihull I Wi ck 1-:11 ve !lUY ev ld ' II C of p os~ es" 1 111(_ A pcculln r npu 1h:\' ('n me o v e r IIh~ It ' \;; f\nl ~h f'rJ I'('IH.IIIII: t il.,. I\('t'(l nnt. t' 1' \"' 1" ~
hll lll l'I'11I
£' :'\I"'L1 tll' S l 't'IIU'"
thot he Was or u
\\'110 ('0111 11 th e fIl m'de r pr
w it h '''!I t' ll
h e no h Brd IIlutl e r ( f1r H !'Ih'k yt ll1n~ croo k Il k i' 111m t o I nl )l llst' 'Ill ~o old n man A S ~lr. UO ~ hm \VUh tl l'\,lc k 11 1\'\ bul) st ory." I s nl tTe.l ImllgnulIlIy II ~ I r (,[l u lh l •. I kil l' \\' Ihlll Wi ck \\,I\ S ,klll'e ra lf'ly tryIn g 10 sti li fllrthor d ls ( n 'dlt II I". I rer-R ll ed lh n l h .. hlfl1 " ~lf h llll Il,ld " .., Ib llt Mr. Gll s to n 1111(1 ""'l1ll oll " d Ollr re lll ll ollRhlp. It W II~ 011\'lo U8 th :lt h ' w as tl l'l lh"rlll"ly '''lthhnhllllj( thl . III' fo r lllution \\'11h u slnt~{c r I lt l rpo ~(' , Thnl \r lck ku~w \\','11 who had klll .. .t Hu t". 0 ",\011. J l1 s t n. he kl1 c w wllo hnt.l s hot Dai s y Lu to n. I WitS mornUy c e rllll ll _ I wns luclln ed to uKr'l! \\'llh Gorll1l1 n Ihllt Wi Ck hllll s clf \\'II S nllt t he
Th o
We \vill point
k Ul'w- U III"t.n ra 1,1"'\\ Ihllt 1 "II''' 1111' t'1\ l u t f' IS 11I 1l '-)(','nt. I !lltHht . ·" 11\1\ " Ir Wl' (' fl ul d l!j·I rtll~""" ,.\ ..... In IH'\; . I' It 'I'll, ' ('UlIltint: \\f~h b :ll l h"t'1\
ClIl tllu):s nlu l ).;nlflJ,:S n n d \\ il:-; ul " :lY'i p ry lllg Uit (lll t t r y l n~ t o "':11'11 :--11111\· ' th in g a ho ut I he o ther t t'lI HII I";. 1I .1 \\,
I h .... .... ·:-.S l llI l 0'
._ I
I"''' '
til I,t'p ~, Iti l l'P' ' Ill
st n n HI HI t J'lt'lI li e
-' MIIlI o nalre Gaston Fo und Mu rde red ... • M h o\\" ~ d p ia l Il ly thlll 1,,· \\'11' \", hl.trI W ... the ~tartllng Hendlln. That o \ls ly CII!:IIlll'd In nlll~ kh l~ tho I" 'nl Fluhed Before Me . munl er e r ,
W fiS
l'nw unll y lind l'rl ng:tng lU l l u r i! !':l'~ Ull.lll to urg\lt" flJ.!'tl ln f-' l t\ :i"4o' l a U II!: h i m B tl. t h 'e l y w it h r rllll£l tJ or vlll l t'!h ' t', YN the vlrul (,lIt WilY In \\ hl(' h hI' \\,11 '" lldd' \J ~ tit tilt.. (1 \ · t .1 P IH' P 1I~ lIln'l t I11P
p n ~~
·.,.L.,~-~;:::?~::'-.:.~7:;-;----!;"?;~---ti1t"j( ~ttthl1ngy"Ot1-I'-{lW~I-I-Ittttte-A-t-e1I"" - ~---I~----'-""::'
Illtlrrl er (l f ,
Ibe o\\'lIer or Ill ' lJull,\lIl ).!. I n hi s Siu dy 111 Ih " 1-,'lI r or Ih o "pu rtm ' IIt Ihpy wt!re !toni II,·" to tlnu old Ru r us Guston . (ull ~' clu, l. Iylug un (h e ' /l oo r. fa ce !lOWD . " tOIl(' ,It-tlll _ A gl'COI wlillu d on tll e !Jack or his hcm! s how ell Ihlll he hut! he .. 11 I<llh·u. p rub · ably 11l .~ tll utly . uy II t.el'rllic tol o w trum somg s ort 0f n blu n t lu s t I'll ""' lit. A . elltch or til e 'r oom s tull,·,1 to s ho w nuy ~(lrt of It w eapo n, Th e poll et> thellry was thnl lite crim e wn6 undou l,lcd l., · (hc ",,,rl; n r Ii bu rgill!' who hnd to ~ e u tru 1'1'0,1 hy Ihe reo
II\ ('n l. Il is "ours _ Ill'allllO l g ·t away . For yp u r P;CSl:t; t cO lll forl ami safely, for ll H' fll ture wcHnrc . o f your family.
1 · ···11 I "
In With u
y 'ry .paytTIcnt i ~ an lnvcst-
PRO (;nES~.
£CONOM\'-ancl CONFlDE:-.ICE, It leaches proE{I-CSS in kCL' ping YO Il abreasl of t lt,' times. of all that is new nnll d(>sirobl e in fo odR. cl CJ lhing. homes. supplies. ond rO lll fo l'ls o f a ll kino -. 11 tea ches econQ m y Ihr QlIgh informin g YOII the bes t prices may he ha o - beCllllse econ Oll1 \. only in the m ere s8\'inJ:! of IIlO Il CY bul a l ~() I II . 1tclUgent spending of il. It teaches confidence throu~h the knowl edg(' ga ill ed In knowing you live a s 01 her folk s JjvP: c,.!n y 111 " things they (njoy- Jhot yo u h :1\"e' the sOllie o.!\-nt: l l ~' · ~. 111(' text bool, of OU I" \\'0I-ld1y ('omforll! is \\ Ti ll l' tI in the t!'l"Se Iin('~ of 0111" m(> rch n lldi ~ il 1(! ad \.' 1 ' lisl ~ 1l 1l' !l1~ - Al'D IT'S WELL WOI1T II HE.\O!7\'(' . If WI' re'ncl Ihi' ady!'rlisc l1t c nl s \\,,' ~ ')(lll !,·n! · iz(' tl m l tlH' Y \.\lUI work In (lUI- 11 .\\'I1I1 \Ug ,· )'I~ I n~ nlu ,-h [IS I.. 111(' I1I r rdlllnt wilh soltlfilting 1.1 srI!. Th!'n th e tIOMe-SPENT f)QLL.\1l 5tnr t~ its p<'pful .iour;1l' ~ IIlllongsl We' ho me fo lk._ (,\'£'r)' one of whol11 has the' development nnd growth o f this commun i ty nt h!':!r\.
FonSALE h ll!).!I'"
I I l q f , I I ,'
:\ l ltl!'tl' ~('\'\Itf ' , ....
I,' 1 r
i " \r
I t , IltJ l~l ' r
', ' d
( r
1'11 tilt.
"t 1
r ,' l ilt;. l'.ro (·ced i ll J!~
I \1 1''''1 j: 1' t
th e ir h" IIl'llIl,; s In Ih bll ll,lI111l 111,,1 .. Ide th "IIIS"I\' ''9 wllh r"l ~e l( cYs r"r rn nsn c kln g !lI e r ootus Ilt th~II' Il'I ~urt·. : ']' h e glillt of youn g Ne ls oll , tilt· pu!k e I say. Is CR lllhll slll'(\ heYllut! '1 11 ,.,,1011, I ant! (II'Y nl'" li"P,' flil o f b -Inl,; IIlde t" r, 't1l ul up hili 1t S:-\t)('iUl cS. ' TIt. 'r e WII S II lso 11 IJTlet Int l ''''' \P\\'
wlllt Wick. In w lll..r, lie wns qll"" 'fl u.S tUU·Jn.v :
1l11phels of «ood Unru In _ 300 qnlro of· J.mlee VIIDdervoori phon e
i1a :.I. W,\ynuKvU!.,.
S ver ROta.
ao bu. 'ee$ .
RYE f ,lr 8alo-yiE'ld ~ ~te aDllly~l.
U e rmlull t lo ll ___ .... _•• _. __ ......... 9« .
Parity _.... . ....... _ ...~ ............. 99 8J!J6 lnert fn .. tte t.: ......... _...... ...... .08 6
'Weed 80ed :.. _... ......... _......... . .oa~ . D_ ~. Und u hvQod. aaf ••,eburs ,
phon. 3'_3,
. alii
I'" ", v,l.oI It, I',.,.
enct>," ". gu o' 8 )'011 nre right." he Ilnsw I'ed, d(> IH)ndcnlly, It seemed to m"
1"1.' 1U1I HI. 111\\ uur I
11 hlllLru rl-
___ .
I mhl ePIace to 8uy Your Farm
LVT' [ ..
I'll Ir, PitH\! I bll t,w" pilI i'8nt. I•• 'y liII. 1 ,onUun o lOur Iwlll i . 0 u rlllt~n IlIlT obool@, pIt v,, ""f . In e l~, ijtuuy n ", Jl,rlllt r I!uiutl,'l,d ,I lid bllil lellller
worlrl cno hl'Ar It mllkes no dllt I'-
'\1»". IIIIt, I ' ItI',. ul< Hit"
G A' Z E T T E •••• Iw(! 8u('ee In Ullsetttng t/le eVIdence I 'UIIIIIl Rt lIle with 8 ""Cru s h thot nil Ille
1:-;' 1' 1, I , 1', \ I" n Y W 1'; 1 N l,;:.., J)A \
. L~
' Supplies is of.
W I . . r . lin .. . T8 , 11I i/l 1U Wrft.t bl. o f Do ml, r of 1)(111 \11" I "11 11 liAr" I" Du ytotl, were gl1 ' ~ _ Of r Ol ldlye Wlllt I' I\.; hlt,\', '0 1 '\\ llult OgLol1. to!1l1 fl d yh IIa)' n nlull"II ·I·I"".oI,1 hil) "nnd If tho worst hoppcna. wealways her uU !::loudlly', Wlt8 lI vrl. (JI Sun(lIY · ('An ·tnlm nn OP11£'81;" O eu l ~\lIlur'(t tel ul,' ju~ II nIH' J Ill s reply cOlwln ced m e that boo too, O ar ob.ofJl 8tt..rtl'd o IY hi IIno j<'rlll lll ll~lltl l1"l. I. I.I! ",'n. l ·tlllrIQ~. · h a l (J o,,·1t Irl ~"11,,"~ ·'r',. "" J I·un 1'0 o f n el'l' !. t'rr ' lI,n. ,l""" ! I" I -i"n .~~ f t' )~n ' WIIM tlntl clputJllg tho result. which 1 BbliPS , wit h ni l of tho "1.olIO ' , II Ie. I " ·' · h ' ,,' , • " hll r 011 11;", UY p'l,..... ' . \ -..l I • f \.j' long AgO . hnt! reellled to be Ihe only their. prOI'or IIJIlC s:. Mr a u I Mr L n H I I II "s·nome Ihl ng un f ore!lee n M r , Il,D d ru " T , J . 0 . Arnold IIn·j 1~ 1·'.n k ,. II".., Ojl I r" Il".., 'lcl" ,1 . Tl8111'lH ' , l"-l1n.'IIV t· 11 . /I /I~ I- JlI ltV Oil t (' 0 nI e• un ICo d ll lll,(htl' Ill' 'I," "'1'I hnppeoed- n verdict ognlnst mo ot duol(httlr, ·Alioe. of !Jayton , wElre in S"hlnll 0 11 l onrl .. y. murder tn , tho firet d.-ee. gues t~ o f t b e ell t I U t d . . . \\'" ult!d-!i,'wln>( IIl1ll dr ll~" lllllk ' l We} have Cere-a"Jla Sweet., .' .' n rll , ",n ur " Y . Al'l hn r :\1 t; u)ltll. 1\ det·rctlve, o f In!! . ch ild r nn'H Ol o ~h n~, ute. .\II' ~ Dairy Feed, Brl1 u, ," Idtllings. DII heard. almost wIth amusement, evenlDg, 1l 111 1Jlbu~, WO. III ,)ll~ UI1 Il I 1 0 1l. ",nil 11.01 1\ ::' 1I1i th. L,\'I h' . (j Ilin th e dl~lrl ct IIttorney. ""Ith eloqtJent "V, P . MoClirreu WliS ' IUlp o~erJ .1 \1; t IOI n F f·ho P OIlt'fl ~r!llllt Wtl ~'"1 . . I(csk r Ta ltl, ;I)!e, Il omioy Meal, Oil 'l ea I. C lI(tnn '~~'tl---Mt!&lf_ana+--------'"'"'i:::;'il 21~!I~§~~~~~t_-to~~rll;tory.ed' t ell the jury the crIru811 he up on by a milD 1 . t:......11 l ur~"d oo n cf' rn l u f( IIllItlor~ t llllt n oorll ll i'l :'Jl~~ Lo lIl l\ 1I1"(1i lllll " , ron k 'lJI h e l to prol'e aiulnst me. even OIBO a u binI. Th e young lIIufl 1M II uIH'1l1i .JII, .<t' h ",, 1 wllr k III. 1:.;11 ' I ~ ~" h "., I . \ 111" (i rO lll1d Ba rlcy. dllY m .) rnlll~. f smiling" little nt the picture he paint· pr o e~B t onn I IHl t! Is b elL1 ~ l\ 1) \1 ~IJI, \Y. t' M ot '''I'I"CO cJ ~Ilt" tl II I)('K OS I D rai'l I ile . Hollow Buildjn~ et! ot II ga ngs ter seek ing employmeot IiHe r in milo), p l"oeM, Be olutllu l chock /lull WII" looer t o t LlIo II ", ,, unl ~II ,"utll "11111 11 111111 .:0 ,,,,1,· n'ntor lu un " l'artJ.llont 0 cupled by tamliles wb o yuu oallll oh eoks for, (I f f.:!~ lI'r tll ill \lI l. nil ". d ,.• y Ill s'l \\. ,.·1,. Ilr I I ik', 1"' lI ci lt !!; Po ~ t ~, rc rlillzcrs, of " ' enlth thnt he might find OppOI'RaiD hilS been In abuudlln ce (or IIl tl ~l r" . 1:1 \\ . ~"Ito" "ll.t l'I "hl,OI " ~c lr F~ l'dc rs for HOll9 . Barrel Salt tunlth,ij tor plundering them, aod Ii f ow dnvt!, JJ Years Ago . Hn ",e ll lI!llI H o llin . " I l Jo, ~ t .. ". !lnli Spe.:ial prkcs on Koods taken wh e n he was 5Ul'llrlsed In the mids t I A L . SId .'" 1\ li d ( I ' ", ~ ht flr. 1':'11 111 . 0 1 of hiM burKlnrlzlnll'. brulnlly choking Mrs. Mar/\ Finob enl e rta in e tl f o r Mr. I1nll Mrl' . A . 1:1 . Ansnn f " l1 [II 1 \ \ '[\ \"n( '" \' I\I" . dire.:! irulIl l·llrs. 1110 u11pro' c,·t ed woman whose home ~und"y dinner, Mr . and Mr s Wil. In t.h el r h n'lI.e " M PY of '1'1111 \ \'oy . Iillm II1nb ll r, of D"ytoD . lI o 'wl !I!1 ;-;UW" f', r Mil)' ~ l. ISS7, II n ll \\ Il lIur t :Inrk 111].) fll 111 1h' \\" .· r;, C OIII C to 0 111' oHice or pbone 41",1 1 I I 'I \ 1u ry ( "!'TIl Il l\' h .. WRS d" ' I)(Il/1 o" .. and then lIS she In y U b f I 1hl' f " l hHving- aru th o lI ar\·("· .. tll lr~ · I ".\~ t:l . ~ tt II "rl'. your II cc d ~ . L~t u s slIpply you th e re. holjl pBS and In se nsibl e. 8hoot· nr og (lO Oor M of t hi s vi c inil y i l ll"'" " I Inl( her thl'o l1"h the henrt. "\toud ed t h o li ue l o I fA I ' , )" ~nn l" H ' ~ Ilr .n rl ~I ,. ", "1 )1, -. ' f r a il 1 '~ f', 811 d '3 \'e you money. . , I g SIl "1) ' "UI~ 'Tilt! II n·(. "IIIIU'.1 l'IJ lIltll!"II' OI I1 u lIl Vl-t llk H.,,:,,,, ' ''t''nd ,." II" . 1)/0\' 1" , In fllct . I qu ite Itj(rt·e d with 1111 he Ul o kln s, De OO tl" pt em uu )' I ·lI h . 81 . d 1.) f IIllr Hl l(h t'c'II,II, 1 " '111(11 , ' 11 III~ I 1' .... ,11' .. 11 III 1",n·" ." " llIl r)!. !-t1I1!\IIV !.-- ____- - : - - - - - - - - - - ' ~"ItJ. c \'eu to hI s m os t s trpnll Ol1 S nu- r o p o rt nc1 1r l\~ ~ t oclt ~\n\l rUHtH)O ah ll' l ' \,I'I l l tP " u,ud t nu 1l11lf'il HI P t'fl l~ I ' _ _ _ _ _....._ _ _~~~~~~~ .1 ", ·'ll' l)s-(tXCC IIl ror lit e one rll ctPrl OOP, "'1DI , II~lI t. 10" _!l td " I 1111 w it " III /111\' 1'" ,, ' 1, \\. " ,II Y !llId 1"'''"1 1\' . " , ' Ihllt I kll ew I \\'11 8 not til e mlln he l1 e l'. Alll os I '\ln k hll ~ b ee n '11.111,) wflYIJ~rtlcip"t~!1. 1' ''(' pr l)~I"I''u Wit " 1111\"" 11 . "1" ' 111 "'nl1 ,lu\, \\'lIh ~lr.IIII'I I •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' illS t'''''ln~ AhOlll. It h ll'llJQ<>n K Ioru· [)D.lI II' t ur ~ a ll l!l l inH' . hu t. II I t ill, \l f., llo\.\'R: ~II. \\ '111 111111 IIn'","IJ '" 1111 . l'oW Ul'(lIy JIlurll er . nllrl I \\'n s fully ti m' , i M th l1U~l llt L" u u lIlu l'h i ll,. (;COIn ,1 ~I'H('Io-'j'I\!! F(I~t h" " " . ;"" 1,, "11 " 1·I\I1Pt.l l. i"1 '\\",Wk wllh ~li"H ; ut: HIIXlou~ Uft th e dl ~ trl c t attOl'tH"Y pr o y ~rJ. ., ' . .. ... . ...... , . ..... . ... I'I·'I)\l I .. \ · I!l\l H' ·,' II 11. , l llll·]1 !l l ld i{ ,dl l'lt 11 ullt . ..,. l'Oll l,1 .. o~s lhl y bo to .~" th " 111 ;"·("I'IIl1t . .1. IIlllLl)lI IJI!I\Jr r, \ta ll purolollH f1 d II 1·'myp r ...... ...... ... 1{CY Y . I:' 1l I'()",1I r.· .. (·I,, ·,.. \11.-" II " 11,,' 11 r .. " I~\I[· , II " · ~ , •. Exa n1in 6d Correctly, .. wl,n hn d kith'" Mi s" Lnl llll I,rollgh t I w \lll~ ro Uil!. IIlIt!IIJ1l1hll fJ rn BrllllO ul. ~ l lhJ('-H\\'o,'t Uyl1 "11l1 IIvn (,lll lrit. I\""" P' Il,p 11IIn i ~: rll" " III W ," ," .• , 1() I to hook. ' D 0 1. lil O kl!. ~ lnllll y way . T I,, ~u u ~bi .1,·1' .. .. ................ F'fllll", " Ii,.IJ \ 11t,· - 1' '' ·,, 01 ~ lr " .I """ p1I 1'11, ." .. G asses Fitted The 1I·~ tlrnoIlY thnt "'li S to com!'. I I ~ .. \tll IJfln.,lI c utl ttl MIl L ill "t!tt-i ll ~ f' Ilr . 11 " u - · Th o g .. "lll i lul.. .... ...... 1".II ·It t' " Ilw p rl II ! I\ 1"\' 1'1 '1" 11 h nllt 111 " AT :lIOIII·:IL\TF. I'HICES l in .. MII II M,"I..
., M'
l E e ett E ar1y V r· . I
At the LytIe Feed Ma .
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m"r e
T II I"' C l !'l 1)(
II, .' \ H II Il I' }'
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j'uUtrr h In thl a Rse llon lhllll
tlll ol h e r c.lhit' (UJ6tt
!\, r )ClU':4 It WU. H 'Hlp· jll l · \II Hh l ~ · . 1Joc l o r d pre ·
I h, 1.11 111 1
IJ" .. · ·I
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\ 1I1I ~ l ill ll ill l lJl l co n u lli u n H. und
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/1·,.1 11 /t 1l :1 l. ulun h l\ l cdl clne. muntl l .1I 1111. d 11)' F . .I . t'IH' UCY &. Co .• 'folc· ,I " . ,d tlll. I!'I U {· ( I II ~ tllll l lo n o.l r emedy 18 1' 1\ . n lt l lfl l'lIUIl '.' tw l! n el s thru th o 100ul'.) lJ!l ti n; ~lIH'lll l '" S ur faces o r the S ' :l I ' 11I Li ne Hllntl l~ ' l l Dollars r e wllru t ~ I)lr. r ,' d 1\l r un)' CII ;,O th at ILo.II' 1;I C a· I l i l t . ~h' dldno (u i l :-c Itl l:' lIru. Se nd tor
1'11 ' II luI' ''' LL"d
t C!ot tltU IHl lili H.
.J. ' · I II; N,·;Y ,,< ';1.1 T o ' e uo. , ·,.I d h)' I) J· lI gJ.;' I ~ t.'4 ·7 fic.
OhI o,
I rlllr ~ FU lllll y l'UI :4 (or cO luUpallon,
----~~~~-~!!""-~~~~~ InClr II c lu ' only nd\'l s t! lI t'r tllUt !'I lw HPe Mdirl.'gor untl Uur· 111:11 ' ,,"(1 l\ u gU ided IJY what Ih uy Bug·
IUlllit> lilt'
DltlJil,.llo .. b,
jl tlS
th e SCHP' -l!lIl1t
1II 1sdl' t· d l'f..
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l u\\ UI'I! ll t' r UI W snt' n·t),
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l ' l'
IIl1 f"I' ~ "tt:th l t.·
~l!ll1p ~ ('
Wilen tb e morninG" of my trlnl nctu· nll ,l' IIITI"l'lj 1 elltl!rc, l ,he euurtroom In t1 ~ tllt c uf dull uputlly. 'rhe nt~ht be(oJ'{' I hud nut ,·d e pt ot all. I hnd 8pen t nil th e I duck hours r ev i ew in g my !trc,
II .. · '· " ' 1"1.111 I:I",'!IIII'·'. (O( Ih c ~I II IIII ' I" hl'H I'l. ~ " l' r n·II, I.)' t l) (111'1-: "" , l.! \·l ' r t)uh.: i( ( I l!ontpl".. l wII ' 1, t·\ t ' I ' prU lIl pt 1('.1 alit.
"specl ally th e lo s t y en r. thlnl[llI" with ",J ut t hig h hupcs "nel great e:xp~c tft ttUll s I lIuLl COlli e to the Hll'!trollull s li nd 10- hnw II1t ~e r u1J ly ~vp rYlhlng hnd turned
Fur ul\t· :;\\, t· ,·( h"lli' \\' 1' !1I11{tld g:" t ht-"r. UlIl\'t" Ul ld ,· r '; lhl ltlh ,:.;iy t h n n
"""," 11 .. (.. "1 \
II lIr
11 \' ,·"0.
" Oh . My Boy. My Boy l" She Had Cried
a . She Saw M., "I Know You Didn't Do It." ~ ",'n' t hi llg. "'\t'1I to H I J \\n !;, )pt't ll l hut hup,'l l""1'" lo\'(' ril l' n ll r· lJnru H I·IH l fol'f t. !'h p W",!ol ",111111 ):: .
full,' I tli ia Iat'r
l ous. r n t:I' r 10 IIlrI 111 ' hul 11"1111 1 WI(" IlI f'I'" th ll t Rh o cou ld fl o7- wllllt wn9 tb'rfl tllllt l\1l~' llnf' ('lIulll Ill)? rh..' I ("~s f ur n lo lll' \\' 011111 11 of II mit I'll IIII'UII _. 1I11 1l t'l/1I11111( .·t! w l,h tll~ big c ity lilHI IlJlll ~"t! \I) I I ~ II"flY~. to lIlt Cllllll t o hnttl !) n~alu~t ~ Ildl plI\\' er ful . nnd d c:-; pt' l·tlt tJ c l'l lIllulI l ~ US Wforo con· Wil li h
~l1ll1m01t f·d
IH1\'l ng hr t'n
t h,' 1~J"III1 ,I"""I( nll,l nn dl,,!: h 1\11,\' () r 1 ' tt I!,".,. L II t un , II I'
fll"~ I' I~ u c ilIJH!
wit O.
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MItHo\ E tltl Arn o lu , o f U nvto Jl, \Yn ~ I btv U k d At fM A Ell
Anntt M e lJ u lwld
I' ~
ht · r pIn(' p. ·
'l'a r Hnh'1I 11.. .. . . 1I 1 ~ 11 ' · r
MHHI Lut h" Vandprv{)(lr t
1 ~ . ~. H . 11.1111"", . \ I n-
~1I "l'p th e 1 . lI1r. ulI ll
M1.IlDll ~lr M .I onn t. lluu ~l lJ rrl M, Ilf RlllllUfl, wertj ..... rl(i lly \,l ~ t tu n~ u f !\Ir I d" 1 . I I ' . I tiD .lJInl . ra. by en
f."l o.: p?"
U..-\ f\\,IlI!r'
"Y es. ~It". \\" It' l.
Ihl' ,,,n,,,.I II! ' "oI "nt J' und till' prl o..: llJl( · r. " "Whitt (\I,I,h l'\' '= II' ? 11 o\\, tlltl lhl'Y 1 I I I . I '" t'Iplt D ' , e r P" l"C'" " t 11' ,... 1 of tht~ npul lrlll'/l t
"Tiley s nlcl 1111' )' hll" lH"trll n Rhot and huil COUle In '0 Il1w·s Llglttl'." H o told or eInlllll1 l l1g tho bOlly. qu estion ing th o ))h< "I('ln n und CIt ntn k· Ing a st'urch of thp IIpart.,ent tho
murderer. the re,
no one else
11I :t '"rt ~
"\Vhnt !lId you do then7" "!lfy pnrtner nnrl • follow ed the prison er 10 hl~ npJlrlment [ln,l pln el',l hIm und ~ r arr... t. W e 8Pftrch .. rl hi " room lIud In th e dres_er • fOllnd R re" olve r wllh ooe chamber ·recently
1.l n l
SIAnet'll I ((· It Ihn t I hnd IIcted ' RB a ilion of hO llor 811" \llrI Iln \'e 0 (' 10 11. My ,.cn ~e o f h I110 r\~ I H'e \1J)h ro ld m o even though th e d.' l1ll1'rule malicious plot· Ilrl~ ,)r 1),' 11 lltell '"I~hl make II Ill)pellr 10 Iho 1,,,l jlll, to Ih o ·jururs. 10 the Wl111 tU \\,01'111 thnt J wa s 0 mll"tle rcr.
1<;"\'0 Iholl ~ 1I I s hou ld bc !I!nlclicoll to 11<:1111, for kllllll~ n wonltm I ne\'er lIad """11 k llnll"ll'll !!o thllt At (" 'cry (lolnt I hlld IllIllI' wIlli I I BlllI 1o (·IIt.!\"!'d to hll" " I,cen rl ~ hl. Il I'OllF h l me s trong Com COI'l IIl1rl nli Nt 11\ I\"lth n e w cour·
1lJ.!.. .. .
It ,,"n~ wll h I!lrk or Int " r".t Ihnt I 1I8t "llI'U 1\, thl' U1 0 1 " 1 !l n "" ~ ~11 ('~ !lon· In~ 110 ft ' f fln'I".1 n I'url of till' sph'r !lon of n "1'10 fllr n, I nrn tOllrl'1'rI N I," I hnd ~nld to 111.1' cOl1n s t'l h' nOr lns t (·hllt. I U II Iess .... nv .nrl (0 r 1\ Iur\" I\" III '0. )'I't
on ly n caretaker." "Had onythlng 10 Nelson's actions made you su"pl elou8 ot him?" " I Ilotl c e d 1h nt h e was grea tl y ex-
"Anything ('1,e7" "Aft er Nelson had gone upstaIrs to
his owu opartme nl. I queatloned Mr, Wick. Be su ld he had been 1n tho -elevator whl>U be heard tho shot. Se had gotteo Ollt at the fifth floor, where It &eemed to have co~e tram, At the door ot I\Uss Lulan s npartmeot he had round the prIsoner," "That's 1111." said the dlstr1ct attorney
My attorney wolved Cr089-eIamloatlon, The socond detective was put on the stand nnd corroborated bIll partn; r's evIdence In every respect. Both ot them told ot finding blood 00 my coat, The phy.lclnn whom WI~II:
i h' " ........
(j UY 'I
prosec utton put 10 the bullet extracted trom Ule body
Hlld the
() p c n t' I.'l·nlflg'" h Y HJlPOl ntnlent "" \VtJ(h l; '~ " " •••••••••••• 4 •••••••••••• ~1 1 \\,, 11 111:-,1 ____________~~~"'!""'~
Il rld h , ' r . (~r l " IId 'l B Jl wk IIT Hl fll lll ll\'" IIf ~ 1t IlIlIl . 1-10 Will nU'lI t illS hrn t h ll r \ VHrJl l Tl Ii Ur o(' k , " n ti wlf f', o f FI !) r~
'~I! l l:"':- l h'l' ... ~ 11"111
. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - "
(1 \)
1£,,,,. ~"'iO I w hi ch
lb " or lt·",!."
_ _ _ _ __
A. 1:1 . AJl HOn nnt!
d'ioghter, OMoe, will leave " .,0 0 f o r Cll hr o rDill, whern tb e y wil l make their borne.
Mrs. Dl1 rn Br fil'kn fl Y \VILM t b Fl
g UBBI ·
.. t Mrs l' h l1s, Br .. rld oll k 11 0 <1 fA m il y
'1'rt~bl o . of
'l'rll~l)le r R
In. nv" r
'h" '1
ftud the r evolver the Cl c tortlves hac) found. polottng out Ulnt they were of the same caliber. 1 . • "Cnll Mr, Wick," sold the district \\ buo \v o t~C co lDphsb wbat WI! ar e attorne,., culltied t o , rI g ht th ull o ur tux dup\l I leaned forward to liaten to every ont ll will bo ol.ll nrged t+lIJd w e o nn word ot \Vlck's testimony, In tnct h 'lVtl t r\~ flNm8111 11 e hvery I\n l"1 \vntAr o w, 11 order t o "ot t.hl ~ trom the moment he WAl'! brought In works I never took my eyes trolD him. It
- --. --
B e ~ i olii ng n
tt" ,
I o'o lo('lc.
c. Woollard Phone
[is-I X
Waynesville, OhIO
Saturday. Seplember 25, 1.1)20,
S~! I1r rI IlY ni g ht..
s ur,," oe C u. , of HlLr\f o r ll , t; il ll n .. \\,lL ~ T IHl A ~ .. 11" 1' 1 11 011 1t" I') "t lb" ['rim . o,liling on tlt o Trnv e lc r , ' n·I'n'll,mt ·l. Ili vA H'I I.ll. l. ('hun'lI (I n rill~ th e tive h e re InHt 'J'hurslluy ' I Ut! ~· rlday . wl'tok·{I\ l1l \\"1\ " u l(llll IRn ltv Illr~1' Mr. 1I0ti l\lr~. b' f nllk Au,\t; r so n. of l or ' w , l ~ o f 1''' ·p l· · 11"'" 11.1Il1l 0 V 1)1)\ nl " LolJllo () n . w e r e Culli ng IJ tI 1I"l\llUin. l lu 0111 11, III 1'"' 11. "II.! h, !' n t ll('k y . tan Ctls here. l:iouluy ,tli,'l:r OJO ll . Hnrr " 1111 • ",,111 .1 HII Il , 1I 11" u r c1, 01 .Ne 'R Bllrltugto ll un sa Im'll ' .011 01 H.iIl8h ,'l·". \", r ,· tl ln n(IT !tIl ,'.!!I . () f hl ~ playe d the l:IILr\' e Y 8b ur~' c lnlJ H un. nll n~'. \l . '. . . Il r n Ul [) u kl rl. "'I .. 01 I liS · d tl tb ,., '1 r . I Iwd oll l\l',I, ,! o til ,' r r oln n\'". ho r u "Y.lln IlBOO reWu il , Ou' l.I f.V, . or of New Burl lllHt.oll. l\ti~ ~ A III'" \ '11 ~ r1l1\vl't h PI'1t ,11 I,d \lod 8 lIullllll'r u C ~11!'~ t ~ .i l\nn~: A ~~o o lll Mr. Bnd Mrs. Tho . I\I10Ul o.de , ot t lcn 111M w Ol' k . Wilmington. were ~nlldtly gue8tl! 01 'l'oblLcoo oottlng i ~ the o rrlo r of Mr. I\od Mra Ulln' Grflty, of neur tbe tlny nm o ng ~he f ll rrn er R h AH', bere. U. B Ellis j ~ nrl llin g n ui~t ll rn 'Ind For 110 guod many y Cl~rs , Ueor ge p nr oh t o his o e w h om o . S"lJer Davis has beeu b fl VIDij llirtb . Olin Mn r g nD I\ ncl . ' nmllv ~ Ille r , rlnys, Iiud on I:iDnda'"' Dl"nv ot 111' S t Aloe ' ..~ compuny , .,K '" tanI fly II I: It /lur) J. r el"tlvell snd frleods frow nO"f S nllli n y. Wilmington met at bill b o mo uo _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ West Malo strllet Ilod sjp read tb ei r dinoers und a day of eu j C!ywe nt ' wa~ Family Men Favored, hlld . Mr. Davis is f.I mU.n of brond In on e r l1('1It I" 1l1 fl1"""), In :;;1\"117.01'experienoe aDd clln glv'8 tbe b~Y R Innd. 1\"111.'11 I_ )"" 1" " ·.• ·11' ;0' 1". "C "1I1" r oards lind splldo!! c·o fi shi n g. bll v lll g chernl .... 1 IIULI til'l' •·.. l1 ;·'.'·" H I IIIU"'If' d hoe n Il 'HlcoesNfn\ fieb ol'Olan . I:I Il i ull'n rp!"l'I \'c to j",r ""111 m",: 1\ ", cp lc WOrt n lloJdler o f 0] 110 rl OflO. glv ., : th nll " In~le I,," n " n ~lI~r'(l In " 1110'0 Wilily Illtenj~ I.loK IlIlk s of hl~ ox II I SI III l\ I ,O\' U I I ~ I1Il1r· OCC 1JP" o n. HI li 1 loe O P r "I I rl ~d ""'" r",· .. I\"., [,.1 r" 101 . n w( ... k eX' , Mr. "nd Mf. Ed Mllllun . o f Dn y. ' t m f Ol' 1'110'1 1 tl'lhl 11 11; It·;· ttr'e"11 ),L'nr. t 11, Wflre ~ tlll d n y g n OStd of L\1 r. no d of n gc, Mrs Ed H.e u~ oD, .
Ins.·de Chern"leal To".lets
'I'b e 11 l1rle r sif{n oli will ,·. Ir.lr f(lr @A lo lit Publi r- e,u ntl " n . .. I th e 11I1.e rp~i · llcln oo of S .. rllh AU1'tntlll HArtHnf' lc. in \OVtt. YIlO~ \· lll o, Wll r ron t;') l1o ty. ( lh io. 11 0
Public Sales
('n u lli n ,,1 " 'I,i'" 10" I tI 'l' r llVo.l ti
I t'l1C01'P.
Mr . Iw ,l i\lr ~ , (:lytl e Cleuvtl r IInll l so n, o f CbtOIlR '·'. III"U g UI,SI " IO f M r . t; leuvor'" /lu r e u! ., M , . und Mr., ]' . B, C IIJliver.
Mr. anti MIS
'"II'i- i..
\ ueor ge U .. r.rl M h"r,,(\ Htrfltll un ""I\mIIlY
I e,' ldence
had summoned gave Ii somewhat tech· nleal description or tho bullet wound.
dll\' fnt'
W8 S
(j II r"'1; I· ·" H (t' lI. ' I 'l \" ~' 1
iun, w h o tlfH al st) v: ~ ttl n ~ Ilwr o. '1 'I I) , 'l ~ <o( n Il r~--' I' nl l.\' l\ l r find Mr s. M tl ok P lOk llJ'l lI ~ rn. •• Uaki ll Y Rill "" . /I f, \\·II.v [) e~. \'1 11 6. AIIIII1111 i\ . Il\r p~~- .. I' IIl" .. .... ..... . , ! erlll l ll l1rl 'I ll ~ u n l l nv II\(' l .. nl·I'·' " .. I t" l.. . f ){ II l:..t II I t trttnliuot,ed l.JU!!lt IJO" ~ bcrt! lI DtJ r~l ~I I) Jr "o\ t ~lr o ntl I rnol l l·ul d. ~ l r 11tllt \1 1'~ . 11:.1 ... .... .... ... .. . M IUHt wfltlk . UI<I('- B Il ll1l1 6 ~('() I "'" ,I . . . . . \ .11 111) '), 11 , o f ( ;""q.: ntllwlI .\ " . ... ... .... .......... , 11 ,. ... f\ Ll tn· lll~ ~·hl"l'hll ll 1''''tlIlI IH'tl t n l H ,. , lt llr ' \'1 11 WIIIII1111 Ht",' uh II , o f t l: t1 Kllpltt 1''' '" '' II tll t ll) 1I o f 1)l pl 'I1\ " " 10 \' l it.. _ _ _.. _ -' 1 · 'rbk.Fre uub lIIulqr Cl'f l '" 0 1 Lu\)tI , Pr i ll ('ip,tI ...... Pr(lf .1 . ~I ~ll1 l1 " rcl ' I Dun. \ranllllotll ti IoU M I\ I"~", ilUrli IlIl<t 1i'l nnl e-" l'oli rl Un l"I'" . I-'fl'nr1" \' l llo l Phone H 1 Wflllk . H'Hlf',ll n l lll n .. He" ~It" r \\",'nrl b'I~()n lon't It the T "u th ? " 'I" I f il l111 I !\:ulonl/ ,· I,.,.", "I ""11 " hnNt II I The LlitileH AI r! HUCI Oly will !li Bel nlec. ! ~nlc· t' l>r~ tnt ~ ""1\\~ 1 \'1" 111 ,'1,. 11,,;1 r' ......... ," I" 'I ' , ~ ,; ,''' n.1I ,01) JUrg. lit Mr ~ , Frrlllk l'r o~w. ' II · ~ h rllne u n" ,,' II " 1tI n .. .~ "I' lil t! Veil!" ' . PrllI l' l l lI I I '1 'I II I I l' t 'm il . ,·!tr.· '" h .. ,,)" "I 1 .. 11' " '· ··· '·~ ... - l ~---------------J 'J'bunllIlY . ' , . . " .• n ,' n . n "~ ~ ,,1\ " I B '1' . ~~' Ion H n)"r\~. B llrll H'" .J !l hll~n n u; " 1"lon )"f1t1--" ,·I,,1. Tb o Clvlo 1.,Ang n o m il l. at MrH Jl::rlwllrd I, " " II t'~I \' - 1I " ••1"011,,1\ - - - _ _ _ _ __
dI Rchurged ."
I i"lJlf1q .........:-"uh,........(J..... ... . II\·tdtn.
I lr, I.
IIrlll C h lll t (.~" w hh ·h lonlo ll gl\,l .t n .' l1tel Snfll.b A mllll cl!l IJurtRO(\ k,. 'JlIlCA,," r ;1 ISo!' blil fl fll r funit or Jlllrlt cl1 l!lrs.
/lead Gazette's Classified Ads
J. W. 1'1'; NCE, As Exeon'o f o f InM I. will Il f !-: 'lrH h Arnnndil 1I 11rt.~oo lc . W •. N " lL r R. AllOr. (l coo lI ~ed . ~_ _ _ _~"'!"_ _~-_-_ _~
= I
Untce In )/ allon.llllUlk Dltlil.
Funeral Director and Embalmer,
Waynenllle. 0
Avery 8-16 Tractor
Either Aut o o r Ho rHe drawn ser vice . No l1X lra cltnrll"p. ror Iluto tlc rvice. !loth ph o ll es in e an ,l I{esidenl'c
In good mC'chanical ('on-
ditioll ~
I. H. C. 10·20 Tractor Dr. JAM .C . . r, oy,
In goou shape, overhauled hy factory.
These tractors have been taken in.. tra.de....o-U-lI1I~..,.~ TCT"'t:.r.·ry_ _ _ __ olltfits, and .:an be purchased at less than half price,
(irlutuotc of Ohiu Sta' ", l l"iv ..'r8 i ' ~
A lpl,.,be ll. Th e l ell' I'< III III" 1I 11 .1"I IJr·l s of the wo r ld I'liry f mln I:! I to :l'J ~ ' 1 1l nUII,bt' r. '.I.·h e Hn ll"ldl,," II ljl lln lo "l Ihl! ~ \Ou", I t 'J"1I 11 1I 1' l nll lilt' 11I 1·!i '8t. es t !H\ll! 'l' r. I W
OFFI Cio::
FOllrth Stre"t. n car
Tyl er
Telephonr !):l
5 h.p. Stationary Engine
Practically new ,
E " Harding In Action
Notary Public i\lllcI II!lEt of N litary Work fllI'll f) I'A t! ~ f\
I" ll fl olnl t v .
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
~ WA VNESVILLE, OHIO IL-________________~
HGW Senator Harding, RebUenn ca.ndidate for presllooks when he is drive n strong point I::. l"lillAI,ng a v-..'litical speech. ~ K.YS'O"'. 'Vttlw
I L.aned Forward to LI.t.n to Ever" Word of Wick'. T ••tlmon". would be blllcl!: enourrh for me If he merely stated the tacta as they actually bad happened, bot I doobted It he woold be content with that. H •. . . I felt certain, WIck wal In the employ ot ' tJle cODsplr&tol'll, It was more than likelY that they seek to clinch the ale ami nat me with hlB testimony.
Bo gave bls name, ;James Wlck, and oceupatlon U 'Uperlntendent of the Gn.nddeek, . "Bow· lone have T0U. boOD employed ~I', ' .
co . It-tc .. f'l:V.
Junk Is Useful Material In the Wrong Place Nearly evC'ry home contaills more or less junk- tllat is, material which will never be lIsed there agaiu, Whatever you have ' which has outlived its usefulness - furniture, hardware, books, magazines, baby carriages, bassinets; brica-'1;>rac, skates, clothillg- should De ., sold. Other people will be able to put these things to good use,
(To be ooaUaued.)
••For Sale••
Waynesville'. Ohio.
No,14 ..
._-- --
It dJll rt I t nll t. llndM r04 \\'ldll~ rl \., llrt('k\\'t'ff ·l ..
tIlf' lIt \\ 11"1\ yll tl n rr l\'{'( l ?" "Y l' ''', II tlill'tor."
doue wrong to no one. A c1car con8clell('e kl'pl u.surlng me that It ",all msltortune And not error on m,. PIIrt Ihut hnd hrouj!hl me here, At e"ery pohlt In Ih e slml1ge chnln .t c\rcllIo'
I'm' llPd
clu "
......' hot mntle YOIl SIISpect NelMn1 fl lr 10('1. :--;t t' p hy s tep 1 h llll r e · urrest him'" 1-'n·.. ly II !HI ,-II\w(\(1 th e en-' l1l:-4 thut hnd brou ght Wb~' dlt! ." .. I III " . d1<tTcrll l ',1. nil hnt (rl e ndl "ss. 011 "!lfy portner ond I tnl kpd It over. hIlt p " "11I1~s ~. Illt o Ihl ~ IlI slllnl court· . and we both were ot the opinion that It was an Insid e job. A burglnr would rtlUli1 11 '''\' 11 .' 1' 1 1) ( fl IUII'rl lll f' " cO\"ortlly (It'l'd, !'it·.·I;: l l lg .t o S '~ t' Wh t'l'e lll 1 mt ~ ht hn\'e 00 chnn ce to get Into R building hUH" ult .. n'd Illy !,pc'p ut · u l~t lOlI S or 11 k" the G rnnd dpck Rnd mak e hi" get' ..,lInll l; ,II th" (' nur~~ of lilY IlfL' t o n'"old nWIl~·. It WllS h ·tween th e su perln· lilll'llI \: IIl"r/l'''" " ' I hlH . IIlHn eful g",,1. I~ndo llt ot the building. who was a Y,ot. !'-II'HII ~t ' I n !-O ny. I fuund n-'Y!'tl' lt mnn ot teSPOMlblllt y. and Ihls young rt·ll,,(· tln n cO llvlll (HI thllt hlld I Il oi' 111 <1 )","I r I n lI\"e I)\'('r n~llill 11111 In li n . tllll1 \\', 1\11\1 1 hll \' p 11 o n ('l flit· r l1n'nllY- lIu. nllt (" ' cn If 1 cou ld have f u r l'tlOlti whut th e futur e bnd In store f nr Itlt~ . j'; " s .. n s~ of ,hume nor ot guilt pos· se s~e! 1 me. I \\'(l~ Ilware ot having
~() III {-"
'1'11(\ fir~ t \\'IIIIP~~
.. MH1i i\1 /p "" I h· n'\ Mrs . ' \ L 1.. l rh. o f Wd Ur"ll n n-'"II I I,.)1 Y .. UI' \\'l\l!nn til I I t j l n.t miu r O f\1 ~lu.ld l1V1 ~I.! Utlloi ts of 'I ll I th ei gtoll r e h,' lliWf, 'l' ll , ' . I , /'I Kt.tLr" " ..... ..... .. .. i,; .11111 ( ' (:'L - r l ,'r sit •. li nt! )\I. t ' U . hot Ili rll Ul!h tll .... h f> lIrt. I K Ii: _I " r . I~n ( ft" (tC':! \ UI IIfJjl' t orv-"·"\ ld tL Y ". . . .. .. ...... tr I ur th i' t Iludv Kl( ch e u 'l l1r~' L t'l lult " \\' I1\; til",.., llnynnll In ti ll' ;IP:l f.t- 1 . '
!,,\(. , \ .
Hu t
n(,. 'r
hope ll, woUI !l g\\'o
\' '''1I 1d 1(, lId to t he! unlll!l .. I\ ln~
ti lt , !'I' H I IIlul"I"rc r .
\I"".", .. ":'l 'Ii!·,.• ,·.. " . tllutiOIOIl'trC!lt ·
of Whispers
of n "Jll' llllll n il
f1 p\' oIl1I,\'
fl lill
n · llI hlh·H. anti lJy co n · (·ILlI,·d \\ 11"\ Ofll' of tll .., (h~ l t"f' lh l ' ''' \" ' 11 I t , ·o n gu n 0 r ~ . rn w~ I l t4 , Pi uTt .) " l1 n t - ' 1 1 n1()U J' u 111 · , 1111· ·.. I, t t llu tll l~.;~ ' 1I 11l"V UI I "\"II~. \\'pti'w~:: O,)lical Ucpar.tnlent ~: :I,'I' II .I,\ I . : :I, I, II:.\\~, . ~l~. :It:I';t· \\~~lt~~~l.~It:i~.tr~!: hll d ar r l"".t, •., IIIP. Ill! to l d ('plIl·l~t·ly , . H.I IY C l u lk, of Co l\lm IJu~1 vhHt od . . ....... ..... .... .. . ... . .... . .. B ,\lI lJl llhf' h d, I \' 'L tt ' rrHJ!I : ~, ",' th i'lI o lIlI1 li t j\lt· ... I : ~, Octruit SI . X'nia. Ohio 1;11 . 11 I ' tL 111 1'/,1 d IHta ~ C. r; r c ally 1f1f1u. 1 it ...: ''' u P~ h rt'pf' nll(J ~ n w pl l rf'l ll 'nr~M 111 fo1 tJu r en t.fi h oro u n ""ull d,~\· . ~'r:i I\.'lte l\Jll l l'clrd 11.1.I !l nn ' V. III \\ , l\'lI t'~\·III.. Ie. ,
The House \
E "1"ES
THE WANT ADS will hell> you make quick and profitable sg.les. QJ dis~!.ded .~rticle9,
.........,.. Hard Luok.
Flnrlh in tb. npper l)tlliDiul. II I!O I ' ItHI thllt. tkkll' her wltb a hoe" Ilid I 111' Inngh~ with a h"n>e.i1t, but tber.
1\' ~t' lIl t! \I
Orn 'l'bfl('lll. It lleo!ma. A II II' r ,lllwn It Au TraIn put out cab(J \l~
year. Hnd grew perfectl, " "" ' ''' nll ~ ht'od. \ eli~ l nK.• very one I ' ''' "1. rorl Y POlllli1s or leu. hilI dOI" IHo lite luck, U8Xt yeKr the Ill,'ce Will 1<1 II I;" cut·o,·er land ,1I"alll, nnd It ,,1\; Ih., fnrmer nil seRson to chml\ out 'Ie l"1"bRgII RtumpI.-Detrolt !'!ewll.. 100:00'
- -- ...
Hqr " l)()n1e~tic and P'rodu ,t ~ M L1 s1ill ' bleached, yard \\ idl< liSe ' q~nlity,
a ....
MemorIal to t Sclentlat, The orlglnol home Mild InhorBtor, of I"r. J 08{'ph I'rlo>s tl ;v. th~ chew 1st who IlI.covered oxygen In 1714 • • fl'1lme ht'lI~e. IOCR lfd on the hanke ot the
proportiLllled h) properly den-lop the g-rowing fee t.
chl et exocutl ve
StRt CS.
Our Slore will be ,Iosed Wed· nesday, September 22, on account Jewish holiday.
ot tbe
, Th e Wayn es\' ill e P r emier band is I l'lav il1J.: at thl' fnir totiny, an cl they wi ll \!,ive a ('(' nce rt thRt will he enj !>y .. d hy the great crowd. The ballrl i ~ Kfi. in ing in p opularity every da y , and arf' p laying- orne very good mU Ric . B. S . Howell , of Wilm ington will play with the hoys .
- --
.. ----
32 and 115 Volt All Sizes
Explains Sodom and Gomorrah. '''ll ~n l ed '''Kt',h p r
Bol ,yl on.
wllh drIed
t' IJ ough, heen fl Ull fl lll l's In NIneveh '1'h,' oll ·I)(,lI r lnl: fin d 8ul.
petrol t' l1l11 hR\" t.' t ounrl In IlI rg e
an d
l'lI l' lon ~l y
ot the "alle, of th e Deud .en. whIc h nre now bel.n , d ev c l ol 'ed, Sllppl1 e<l the "brlmstoDI and lIre" whI ch destroyed Sudom aDI!
The Siven Sea ..
0111 Kipling ('o n~1I1t HIII"u mytbolol'Y whe n chooRlng th '! tl p e tor bll ,,·~II · I, "ow n hook . "Th e SI"'en Beu'" Acr onlln!: to th l' f'urftllA8, the earth II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' clrClIlnr nn d flnt, lila' tho flmver of a l wnt er Illy. Jl 8 clrcltlnterc,ce Is 1.000... 1 000,000 ml1~s, In tbe cen t!ll, Is Wount I
Waynesville, Ohio
Soo rueroo.
Watch for It
Big conlumpt: Mola_ ApproxImately 10 .OIHI,114) I 1;11 1\0n. ma laise.. are u8t!li Hll l tila ll y 10 da. mo nutocture 01 teed •.
--- - -
:~~~~RMAN'S /1 Mason Jurs and Mason Cape Jelly GlllSIIes and Parowax Sealing Wax. Glass Jars. White Crown Glass JaJ'tl. Save time and come here first
DON'TWASTE TIME f ~:~~~u~ can;:aS~~I~: The poet said, "What is so tare as a day in June." The poet probably never had a cow or horse, or a plow (or buggy to sell. You should 'wo rry about the poet and perfect day, because you do have lots of surplus stufT lying around, which is doing you no good, but would help the other fellow out wonderfully, Cut this stuff ofT your list at once by an ad. in this paper, and you will rid yourself of a pile of junk around the place,
Spacial Sale
Cala Yellow Free:Peaches. large
in clothes
· THERE'S one danger in buying clothes; the danger is that )'(,u'll try to save by looking for a low price.
Low prices at a time like this Is very apt to mean low quality. There'. no economy in poor stuff. We sell
only ....... .. " .. .. .. Unly 50 dozen to sell at this p r ice , It don't pay to can peaches this pea r .
SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY PALM OL[VE SOAP uars for ThiR is less than present whole· sale price, better lay in a good Bupply now .
Hart Scha ffner and Marx tine clothe s; they're reliable . . They're not low priced, but they'll save your money.
Onlv $1.00 . Bring us Y.JlIr chickens and eggs
I ~Ir . J . A . I"u nl,p), W 8 S lII :l I' Tl I' oI t, ) M eet- I Mi 8~ Ho.~a Mllo n ', o r t ;c l ly , hurg , i
Ohi .. , in () a \' l nll las t Tl lIlr" lay . Mr ' l 1"un ke y ha ~ been Olh' u[ Way nes- I 1ville' s prllll1in ent hll ~i nc~,; Illl'n for Ferry C hristian Church Bible Schoo1 at 9:30 Pre8chin~ m illt y yca r~ . ,\llli his m any fri end H at 10:30 a . m . and 7:30 p . m , Every- \\'i ~h him th e b e~t of g ond for lune , one Invited . J . A. Pine, Pastor , I Mr. ami Mrs . Funk e), ar r i\' ~ d here F rid ay. find Oil th:H e\'l' nin g the Harvcysbulrg Friends Church I Premi e r bund gave Ih em fI d l' lig ht Sun4ay School. 9 :30. Meeting fO.r fui lle renade. . ___ - - Worshi p. 10:3.0 , Everybody eo r lh · ally invited to these services, Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this ~ hurch evl'rY . Sunday fit 9:3.0 a . m . Preaching S {'r' vice at 10:30 o'clock a. m . You ar(' cordially in v itl~ to be present.
Way nes\,ille, Ohio S tore clost!d all d"y Wednesday, Seplember 2.:!nd, un account of JeWish Iwlic/(IJj
St. Mary 's Church Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity.
.. -_.---
REPRESENTATIVE The first wOlma n in Wa r ren COUT ty t o rUIl fllr u pulJ lk nnice ot he l than school hoard, will bt! pu t on the ti cket th is fall to r ep e, ent Wa rren ountv as stute re pr·'sen illtive . W , G ~ T ho m pso n, who was I h" nominf'e at the Democratic ca ucli s. r t'signed. \ and l'I lrg, tll Hry Pruct or \\' il"on wu o' a lJPoin tc d t tl l h :lt pi liI'll (I ll th e tic ket.
PHEACHER HERE COT HIS fOOT The announl:ement made In lsat CHOPPING WOOD week'. In regard to the. appoint-
M. B. Hyman Hnrt Schaffner & Hart Clothu
I t Pays to Trade at
Lebanon, Ohio
menta for thl. ,ear was not right, As Enos Wil son. who li ves in the .1 Rev. R. C. Jones will go to South Lebanon.lnd Rev, Welaer will come CaeRar 's Cret'k diHlrict, was cho pJ,>ing wood one day last week. th e ax to Waynesville, hit a beam and ascending !ltrll ck deep into his left foot. The w ound is very pa inful an d he will he laid up How t. 8e Happy. To be baW7 wltll a hU8band II wom- tor some time, an mUlt 1..1'il to bl' happ, wltboat blm a ,00II "1I11 of til. time.--<ltDoI6o
Records and Needles
Dati EIIQulrir. _ _ ••_ _ _
DIr1t In Str.. ts,
Onl Good P oInt, Juri Tllnkltl s RIIl' P nil e IIl lnll: he "d. mlru nbou t lCllMlt ne I ~ i hnt " 'hen the prIce goes up no nn~ ""1" To wo rry
ODe tbousan d ~ I x hu n (I r ed wogon t_dl of mud Rnd dll' l ore removed you wUh ' ' " , 'raID the stree ts ot Lonlltln. del"l!tl\nd.
eXll lnnutlllnlil )'''11 f'n n 't un ..
F. D. HAWKE Phone 41
'Waynesville, Ohio
..................................................... •: • I : : '
Ohio's Leaders in 1920
....- - - . - - - - - - -......- - - - - - - - . . . .
. Sunday ·ch? ol. 9 :3~,a . m . Ing for worshIp at 10.30,
- --
Red Sealing Wax
'Orth odox Friends Churc h
September 19th: Church School at I;t=============r. i:SO a . m ; Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. The public cOI'dially I Getthebest Invited to these se.rvices. OIl I
nlore than ten \,~lrds to each
Begin Soon
ph ur· lllIl'rt' l(llfltetl 9 h ll l~"
, @u..s J'amcrus blaok·ra<MI comedian and entertainer at millions of AmerIIlaIIa Ia presld ont of tbe Harding and Coo li dge Th ea tri ca l Longll l) li nd ~ bUI, at Republican Nallonal Headqullrtofs orgllu lzlll g th e "prOrCij. aloa :' tor tb& P 'lUcan I i
of solid ieRthcr
n il
1{ (\ Pl '
UnL,leached Muslin, the reguhlr ·IOc qu: t1ity, ya rd wide
d ll t e Wa rr l! n O . H ordlng preacb. Ing u ndl Jut .. d Amer I canI sm to a d eleg n ll o ll wbl e b t ravel ed to Mari on, 0 .• to ball hIm as tbe next
BUI LT O\'l'r health las ts to preser\' e th e natIlfa l shape of the foot.
For Boys and Little Men For Girls and Children
32c --
In f'hlln .lel phll onrl mnllt' It n Lutln, (nemorln! to the l<r eR t .dentlst.
thro ughout so as giye ~ood serv ice.
Sl18Ql1ehRnOR rl v!'r 8t NorthumberlftoO, hA S hPen bou ght hy graduate cheml.ta at Ih e P"nn sylvBnlo State college, who pllln to ruo"" It to the rollege campu8
Health and Service Shoes
I. ii. i
I! •, : :
i: •
Thursday, September 16th Featul'ing Euid Bennett in.
"The False Road" Also, Charlie Chapliu in
"The Floor , Walker" Admission, 17 and 11 cents
Saturday, September 18th featuring, Maurice l'ourneur in,
"My Lady's Garter" Also, Pathe News Admission, 22 and 17 cents.
Tuesday, September: 21st Another inst:llment of the Jack Dempsey serial
"Dare-Devil Jack" Also, a good Fox Feature Admission,,22 and 17 cents
I t
New Seed Rye ["di.na. tb& Hoosier stale, bas adnpted a ,,"!ICY IoDk", t.owuocJ ' .........., of lta~ ,.,.b, _tuch ir followed out b, all otl.r corumon W1l lUll would . . . . ou ............. .,...... tile .....tt Ill' ~be <,tid . It II !Ill onmple wblcb. all B ta~ eoal4 ..u ~ tID~. tIM t-. .tate pub .1I1da Jll 4lalll~ ot''"' baa are cont rolled b, the indiana Deparu.eut em ..............,.. LIeMr. ·dlrect.or. 'he 11." t Tu\'key RUD Park---comprtajD, no acl'M and Jocatad '-t II . . . . I'MU..apol", ....1)' .-Ible ~ rut 01' motor. More thaD 11.1100 ~ ....,. Ita . . . .r ... ...util JI-.. .... """ , Til. 1,)110'_ 1ItO~ 1M . .y mocJerR a.oc.l II~ ~ • .... . . . . . . . . ~ ......., .
,.auc..a . · - .
' .
.., ...:,.- "
WE81ERN81AR I SERVICE ADVISORY EDITOR RESIGNS COMMITTEE MET The Advi~ory c:ulI1ll1ill ee of the CommunilY Ht' rvic c 111l'1 III ~ t wpek. and have 1I11nounecd the g l:'neruJ "ommittpt! ThiH Ilpne rul commitlee i I tak en frllm th e m e lllber ~hip of th ~ "'lurches alld locll!cH ur the! luwn Ilnu numbe rHflO in all Jo'ulluwinj( a re th t' different committees and th e chai r· man of each : M uBic -- F:arn es t Earnhart. chairmlln , St,)ry T elling - Miss May Wright. chairman. GameH- Miss Olive Alle n. cha irman. En tert ainmen ls- - J. E. J lin ney, chairman . Public Speaking - Itev. J . F. Cud· wallader. chairman. Publiclty -D L Crane. chuirmlill.
II... IF J!,
Wm rra>w.r, eclil li r (I f the Wellte rn , Sta r, re~ ign ed hi ll lJl)~ ithlll aml ended his w'nr l< on t ha t \Japer 1" t Sutu rday On MOllliny he k~ ca lll e d irl'c lcr of Ha r lllll n hail . II hi ell . Wilh Ihe CummUll ily ~l'rVf(' " lall' ly U"K ll n ill Leh· a ll OI1 will l"kl:! up lh,' g real .. r part ' of Iti~ l ill tC'. Till' Jil'f'C l li r~ hiJl:ho w- ' ever, i ~ only trom pnrll ry . Mr. FI· ~~. ' r ha ~ talil' lI Cll l't! II f th e W ~8 t e rn ~t& r in an lihle m Illine r , IIlId lh e I'l!ud l:! r ~ uf that pa pel' lI' ili pr ot;fl hl y lIl i ,,~ a lSo-f'a l d" a l"r h i" IVriLiIlM". , l:I e WII" ill luu ;'10 wi th L(:banoll. l ther ef" r ' c'o uld tuk e care uf th ei r illlefl'"l tl pr"pt'r ly. lind th E' Slar will miss h i", very IIIIIC·h . MRS. MANLEY L. F088EBItf Wf' h' )pe I hal hi ~ wn rk will he pe r· Wbo, wltb Benator Harry B. m:lIi1' I,t t' nuu ,, " to hol d him in L"ua- New. <If Indiana , directa the no n. ulld that he will ~ ul' e ee d in any Bpealtera' Bureau of the RepqblJcaD National Committee. ve nture he III LY ea,t hillH elf
Mahloll .l1iri~l' wu~ "u~inl''''
~l i"~I\lary
I The Warren Ct~unty faIr was largely attended this year, and Will! a good fair. in spite of the fact that the rain Wednesday dampened everything for the day. The racing was fast every day except Wednesday , The local horses were entered. Friday. but were unable to do anything. · b ro k e on All en. C an d h e wen t A Ime into the fence. making a bad wound on one of his fore I'egl!. The Premier band made a good Wed d d th . . J";1presslon, n,es ay. an ey WIll probablv go all:aln next year.
Mrs Alire Mr.Kinsey Rnd daugh ter . M i ~s Henrie tta. had os their It ues t!l. Sunday at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hohitzer. Mi s, Marlha O'N eallan d Mr. J . H. Pe nce , . Mr. and Mrs . J . M. Keys entertained {It dinner. Su nday. Mr. and Mrs Wm . Bannis ter, of Blakpley, W. Va. Mr . and Mr8. S. M. Selle r s. of Lebanon. Mra Rachel J( e,liR, Mr . Am)8 Cook and family .
11'1l ~
Mrs. J ue rho rnp~u n. o f l 'in einnati.
J. B. Chapman and E. S. Baily and Miss Leah SllIith are vi si l ing
were in Wilmington. Monday aft e r - f riends in Indill na. noon . Miss Geru:din e Wh ite left f ur her . Dick Mason. of Dellbrook . ~ pent hom e in Uaytull. atunlay. a f t e r an Sunday here with relflti v~" a nd e Jllend.;u vi ~it with rl'lutives here . friends . Mrs . Frank LonL(, of Columbu s . is M!dr ' I~nd Mrs. ~ W H . ~11I~n al~d spend in g a f ew rla ys wilh he r sister O Ive spent . nn ay WI 1 nen s , Mr~. Hurry Willi am ~on and family: I ISS F kl' n ran Ill , . ' Mr . alllJ Mrs . S. L. Ca rtwrigh t ar~r8. Mont MIller and dau ghte r, of ; riv ed hume from 'ha lLa nooga, SatIndIanapoli s. Ind .• are the g ll e~ts Of , u rrlay evenin g 'Ifter s pendi ng th e relatives here. " .' ' r e week ~ In tlt e Sou t h,
He gu la r m eeting of the Woman's Aux ilia ry of St Mary's church was heltl at t he home of Miss ~mma li eighwuy on Friday a fte rnoo n. Sepl e mu er 17. The meeting was opened by the I'r e~ide nt. Mrs. Cad wa llader. r eading a portion of lh e seco nd chapter of James. Hev. Cadwallade r conducted the devo tional service. Scriptural q uotati ons we re given in r e~ Jl U f) ~e to roll call. Afler th e r eading of the minutes and d ispoaa l of business. the toll ow::iav e your Old Carlle( and Hugs inl( prog r am was r end ered :
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney. Miss . Tthhe exhi b i18 wel~e IrOOd • eBEpeECIRIlY m e mac h lnery Ine. H . . am- J ' J d D L C hart and Laybourne &: McKean had eannette anney an . . ran e and get .. Wearwoli" Itu gs made "I nOne Co rn E'r" ..... M iss Clara Lile exhibits. were In Dayton. Thursday, Send fo r Price Lis t. Frunklin Rug " A Le tte r fr om Rev . W. A . Th oma" .. .... ....... Mrs. Cadwallader Quite a little interest was manlf.t M r. an d M re. Otto Co x an d F ran k Co .• Franklin Ohi o. 22 "Things I Find To Do" In the exhibit of the Warren County CII,perd of near Blanchester spent . ~ .. ..... .. ............... Mrs. D. L. Cran Boys' Pig Chlb which tbowed the S d ' Ith M Lid S Ith' Miss LIzzie Stew a r t had the pleasresults of some ~plEmdid work by the un ay w rs. am. ure of a Vis it fr om h e r g reat neice. Afte r ad jou rnm e nt a delightful . b oys . WIll 'lam Th clmas an d B Drne t Old Brussels Ingram or , Axmm- Miss Edith Bak er. of CU lle Cal l • ~oci81 ho ur was Silent. during which Butterworth had nlice entries in the .ter carpet a~d rugs made Into Mass ., Monday. de lici ous refre~hment8 we re 8erved exhibit . "Wearwell" Rug!. Franklin Rug by the hostess assis ted by Mrs, WiJMr ~ . Emma F, l)al<ln , flf Spring---.~. Co., Franklin, Ohio. go n Edward;; and Mrs. R. M. Hawke. field . is e nj oy ing a vis il with r e laMiss l'rille na Edwards and Mra. Among those who will attend col · ti v e~ he re . She i ~ a ma l run at the J oe Thomp~on . of Cincinnati. were Oh io Masoni c ll (Jrn~ . lege this winter are: Miss Kathryn presenlUA visito r s . Clark left last week tor Miami uni I\1r~. Clara l\ uiJerLs. M r. and MrR . vertlity, at Oxford; Miss J eannette LeI uy Br own, Mr. and Mrd H a r ry The HarveyaburK School will hold Janney and Mr. Elhan Crane we nt an ice cream social on the Bchool to Wilmington college . Tu esday, and Marquis, o f l)ayt on , w ere S'unday gu es t ~ of J, C. Hawk e and family, . \!:rounds on Friday evenin&,. Septem- the Me88rs.Alfred and Elliott Wright ber 24. Everybody cordially Invited, will leave this week f or Ann Ar bor , Il e tter :end in yo ur Old Car pet anti Itugs now 1.0 r eserve a place for weaving your "Wearw ell" Rugs Franklin !lug Co .• Frank lin, Ohio. Am ong th e tWl!nty boys of the Wa rren Co unty Pig contest who e.xMiss Hel en Ma rlatt left. Monda}' h il.Jiled th eir pigs at our county fair. mo rning . to e nte r th~ Eli za be th we tind twu Wayne 1'ownihip boys Uam blo Children's Traini ng Sc hool who ente re d. carrying home prizes: al Cincinnati. H'r traillilll( will lie Wi'll , '1'. Thomas 5th a nd I;lu rnett M . in kin de r garto n work. Butterworth 8lh . Both boys raised pure-bred Poland Chinas. purchased Mrs. ::iarah Lippin cott hns ju ~ t re- f rom Cha rl es Ellis. turned horn e from a re putnlo le fur ' house In Hamilton. unrl is now f ully prepared t o 110 yo ur fur work in eve ry way . J
Several tri pnds of Mr. and Mrs . Fred Braddock surprised the young couple, Sunday. by walking in on them . At the dinner hour they spread their I-aAkets and had a tine dinner . li:vervbody had Ii fine timl'.
Will O'Neall
Mi. Anna Furn&!.
WARREN .COUNTY'S '. 1920 POPULATION Followin{l i8 the JesuIt of Warren Countv's population for the new cenllU8 taken early this spring The total population of the county is 25.716. making eonBiderable of a gain over 1910, when the population
was 24,497 ,
The Premier band se renaded Dr. and MIS. J. T. Ellis. Monday evening in honor of their thirty-eighth wed ~ ding anniversary. The evening was most plea.anlly spen t with music and conversation , Deliri ous re fr(!!!h· menta were served. It is I umored that a wl'll b.' loven me mber of t he band' was IIlso ct'le utating his own weddin g anniversary. but he ke pt mil{hty qu ie t IIbout'l1.
WaVDIll'ownship'lI population. including Corwin and Waynesville vil~ l8if88, is 2,289; In 1910. 236:l. and in
1Il00, WBI' 2462. The several townll of the county are given below :
1920 1910" 1900 125 131
2124 -136 2!S67 I)
- --
One Good Poin t .
Juri T ll ll kl lls "")'. O IlP 1I ,I nl' h(' nd· mIre- Ahnltt ~"snlllt~ 1< . hil I \\'h e" the price gOCM 111' nn On l' Sll) P ! to wo rl"J
rou with expIUnUII(ln~ l 'uU cn n't UD. Il .... tllnd. . .
288 629 869
Mr. C. T , Hawke und Mr, a mi ~Ir s . Frank Le May and family mo l ort'd (0 Mt. Verrlon. Friday. for II day's l' iHit. Miss He le n H awke. who hall spent a few weeks there, returned home with them.
OUR NEXT GOVERNOR TO 'BE IN LEBANO'N.. Accordinlr to the ItlneraryotH.rry Ji. Davll. candIdate for !lovernor, he ,.J11 apeak at Lebanon, Thurtlday ,venina of tbll w~k. A lafgo! crowd of Wayne township people are makinl( ar1'8J1lrementa to go dowillhere to hear hl~, and it· will probably be ~he larleet meetinlr of the Umpaign. There are IMIvf!ral speakers dated for the county, but the d.t. are tentative 'a nd bave not ,et been announ~.
COUNTY fAIR LARGELY ATTENDED sp~~Si~~ew~~~~~~:n~~:hCirne~~~~:~!:
Clarence Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kich Walter Elzey Mi88 Lucy Emley Mr. and Mrs Frank Elbon MiRS Henrietta Mc KiMPY Mr . and Mrs. C M Rohitze r J O. Cartwright Frllllk LeMay Jamel! Muilt'n Rev JOPl:'ph Pine Mr. and Mrs . Walter Kpnrick Mr. find Mrs E Butte rwo rth J . B Pence Frank Coleman Will Cornell Walter McClure Sid Ellis J . C. Hawke Mrs. Fred I-lllrtl<ock Mrs. F. H. Farr
, .-.
'J'IIe (II Il' ') HIII, 'I Iel' ~ 't\ "~ , l: iali " l \ lI IO rth:',,=b,TOIll ) Iea~II C , ,",' I10 art: 110 ,('1'1n L(' a lllll\ ,'nl i, 11 I '11", \\':\I'Il" "l'ill" Miam i hase ball at (··I h\ " I'LI 'oI, ;11101 ,_ ,·"" 11'" .. 01 " I' 1I" il"1 "I I.i . , y~·d a picnic at Phi lli ps iJuild ilw hlld 1 "~11 " ,'t,,'I, 1'01- . '.\ il ; 1I 'lrk , I" .. ! ~lInday nfter noon , T he di ."'· u "., lit ., (":I>,I,lIl l I' "I' .,i Ii I' \{ h"11 '" .Ia 'il' . 111\1 11 "'alll wa H .a(~o "re8e~t. bu il d"r " In C"II- rUl' IIIIL!' 1\111111 1\1 101 11 01, 01 11 .. 1 "eem In enJoy the fast lvh"III," in l it,. _ ai " "" Xl .I', 'a r . \I,," IH'lI rl1' ~ " Illlll'h a9 did our hnys. I I", 1"'I\- I' lc' '1 1111 1"llIa ! I'" ,101 "1,1 i, I'h., ~l i " I II'i ~ UII1 . ..-· .,d a total of 30 hits a nol ~I; t"lli,'s , while l h p vi sito r s wer ll . d i n 'J f I I1, 4 I~ ~ t , III! " (It { " " dil \' . 1I11d tl,,: ,. ,li\ ," ,!,,, :, I, "~., 1I, .. t ' hi' pl"h- ai, ,. t 1('1'""" Ihe platter but four 1"1,, Ie " /I. ' Il,a t II Irl l'l' "I' 1"",t' llt lU " '10 '; . . \1' 11'1' lite pxe r cises at t he /laol'l Amun rl!e n . th o flt l11 0\lS HII II,,· l'O) II111' U', II; ," lOr II". "Iall'. 1i.'ld, Iltl' "I iallli, adjourned to Bob Norw cRlnn eXlllorer . wh o ha ll Ioeeo un h ~ .. rd ,,/ for "VI!r I wo yell r " an d rl lI· !·l· 1,.0 /I d" ;,rI 11 ,01 hOIl-"- ill \\'a)' . Ilurluli' " !'l·~ ta tl rlLllt. wh e re d e lieiou ~ re porl Ad lost . III,. arrlv o',1 al ne ... vill(" and if i:i tilt· sam l' prnp" .. j. rl'i'r(' , hlll,' nt s we n' ~cr l'ed . thllnk ~ t o Nome, AII,.ka. wIth 11 fow of hi e tion all (l l"'r Ihe' , tatl' , lilld i f till' II ,, ' L!"'IIt'J'""ily ur Mnllllger Coo k. pInt')! He has com plete d tll p fi rst cir cumnavigation of the wor ld be· I'll· Jal1lt!dtowl, t 'arn is as clea n UUllollI l,( alld IIIalll' tl llipall il" lI'i ll aid tW ooD the northern coaU8 01' Eu · in 1'''111" Il l1ildi ,, ~ it wi ll 1,1' ' ,f 111.'"a no! ~elltlc' rnnnir ~f' t of young m en rope. ARia and Am erl cB wtt.b a " .'I·,·r , lc I'JI"d " n a diamond . Thev tilll a lol,. 1" 'II"l il I" all ,.,II I('r' rn, ', I. II1&II, harrowin g eJ perleuccs. • a 1'(' IlIaltag'l'oI It\' the Hev. Father () 1'''1111 ' ' '-, I'a ~"' r (l r St. Au g ugtine ' A rillJrch anollhe rllll!'C'h nt .Iames town. \\ I, ,, ,d'" , 101 ,(\ " wilh then>. The 0: ",,01 1·',,11 ,, ·1' IlI' li" V e~ it 10 bl' hi ~ .) ' 111' I .. oIil'('cl th~ Ilhy ~ ical, Ull weil a ~ II,' "piril llul, Jll' tivilieR of his peoIlr . (Jill, O~le/)palll :: 1 :-: , I:r"a.) - r \I ,.~ . Ilan.1 \\ tllillI,,",l llli lld fumi l) :tI,,!) ~ t llt·I,ildu '"tlines . Incidentally, 1'''lll ill~ II f thi H tellill l'nabled the I way, Le ban on, Ph in. , lI' el'(' I )U .I lllil l' b i t"I'~, Th ur,,,day. "l'lll lllunkan t. of ,'I. A u g ustine to II ViSit· r 1I I11lkinsilIl a 'H··h· 'I!j OV I he rare treat of Sunday I or in Cincrnnatl, las t .... epk . ~ nd l'lslt"ruf hl'r jJa rellh al lll lle llall Inornin~ ~~ rvice ~. Hell urutl k or i'oaHLtown will be t h ' al t ractioll he re ne xt Sunday . W. N. St'arA nnd forni ly w(· re 1)(\1' .1 Emma of ton \'i ~ itor~. one (lo y la~t w(,,,k . Ca l. , i ~ 1111' ~1.h' Rt lO r ~ I r ~ I':\'a . J "Ill:~ 1'lI n,1 town i ~ a strong team which I lias oI .;feated Le ban on, so a good , Thad Zim merman and fan ,i ly , of lIr . Hnd Mr~. II. K ll a lhnway Kalll(, is nss llrcd no matte r which ; Dayton. we re in lown. Saturday. sp,'11 1 S unday with fri ends ill Middle. t~am ('nmes . , tuw n . I Mrs. C. M I{obitz er and M ra . ,I . J , , Marlatt were in Cincinnati. I\l'mday. J\l rH. J c~si~ 11",iror . "f il uyt un. is t he I{uestll f Mr. und Mrs. (; eMg e Har tsuck .
:~~~~h In !s rtRD ______________
W. N. Sears
Butlerville ............ ", 97 96 Corwin ................... " 136 146 I"ranklin ...... .. ... ....... 3071 2659 Harveysburg . .. ... .... . 355 359 Lebanoll ... ........ ....... 3396 2698 Loveland (part 01).. ... 19 11 Maineville ............... 269 246 MaBon .. .-............... . " 816 737 Morrow...... ..... ...... ... 808 882 Pleasant Plain .. ..... ".. 164 iouth Lebanon ........ 676 6<!6 Sprlnlrboro ........ ....... 841 356 Waynesville.............. 668 706
H . Kolebmalne'D. tbe tsmou. runner. was Dot allowed to reprelIe nt th e United States at tbe Olympic games. 800 be rail ullder Fi nn ish colOf's and won the classicR. It waR dlttcoyered that Illthoagb he hOA lived In tbla country elgbt yea rs since hlB great trt!mpbR In lh l' 5000 and 10 ,QOO-meler races and c ross-country In un. bo 18 not Ye t na turalizo(i. He Ie shown her e deeoratod at tbe ~nt Olympic games ~.Ith tho cla88io wrealh of laurEl1 loaves. Tbe ap eed boy looks w! tbougb be folt about as comfortable with that
Mr~ .1 L ~heehall Mrs. E S. Baily J W, White Rev. J . F. Cadwallader Mis" Clara Lile Mi88 May Wright Mrs. W. H, AII~' n Mr. and Mrs , L . C. St .J ob n Dr. H. E. Hathaway R. Weaver J . P . CummingR Dr Mar,li Cnok Mr and MrR. J . L . Mendenhall S. D. Henkle Mr and Mrs. J . E . Janney Wilson Edwards D. L Crane •
The Advisory commit tee is co mp08ed of the following:
Whole 'N umber 5401
Come toU s for Good Shoes. Why take chaneea when you can buy
PETERS "DIAMOND BRAND" SHOES ,Soliel Leather.and Sol~ Under a "Money-Back" Warrant of QUality? Our splendid assortment of new ) .styles , and the best staple.. shoes makes it well worth your while to c:ome today. Oiltfltter. ror the Entire Family from Head .toF~ ..
The J uniorg held their annual picat Schantz' grove. There Wall a good ly number present. and everybody had a good lime. Con ~ Mr . and ·Mrs. M. G. Schatzm an tests fo r the kiddies were had, and and Miss Edna Knapp. of CilJci nnati. thl!Y fully enjoyed them. Altoll'ethel' Mr . and Mrs. J oh n Werner a n ~ 1 th l:! pi cnic was II decided succel'S. - - - ' - -.... daughter. Martha. and son. J ohn J 1' . , of Dayton. we re Sunday ~ueafS of Mr. and Mrs . W. O. Rape r. n i c,~ unday.
- ..- - -
Mr. and Mrs Al vin f;arn hart anti son. Lamar, un ci Mr . anrl M·rs. Clif· Mrs. Henry GUY died at her home, ford Himes. of Center ville. ret.urn e'l olle mile northwest" of Ferry, Monhome, last Thursday e venin g , a fter day. September 13th, after a long II delightful auto trip through Eastillness. The funeral wubeld TburtIern Ohio and West Virginia . day afternoon ft:Qm , ne~ ,late home, ' and interment }"as made, in Mt. Zion Apples For Sale - N .lrlh ern SPY. cemetery, nortb:Of Bellbrook ' Tulpahawkin. Baldwin . Russet and . ..,I ' c · . otbl'r good .varieties. Orders by The ·remain. t.c;)1 · Henley. mail or phone will receIve prompt arrivllli be" from W.tJiD.t~D D' 0.attention, and satisfaction guaTall. Tuesdav evenlnlr, and waa '-hlterred teed. W . F . Frame, phone 74-6 •. in Miami thfs · mofni~ • Waynesville. Ohio. ,P..ev. <Ad"aUader. otDclating.
Johnston .... "',a I thnt
"1!)v"r , Inee tile DUIIQIDIl .pened.... "Where wnre you employed pre.. Iou~'" Wick llelltated. I wondAred It Gor. man" IUrml.e that he had heen In priaon were tru e, what ht would 1&7.
cording to on old a d a g e.. indicating that our CBsh has human trail&. JC It is so. we may have learned the rea&ap for ~ ~rayiaq habit of many' lona. from this comlJlunity- t Y,'ve &ulccumbed to the courtesy Jlnd fJiendJlnc88 of our nei ~hbors. the lillg city merchant. and mail order houses. The clty merchants and m,.11 order folks are provIng every day Ihal it I! Ilrofilo))lf' to Invile Ot R DOLLARS over. They do It tt\lvugh advertising. But 'he merchants of I~1.s communltv clin over· come that- they can ('slnbUsh a more lasti",1 fril!nrl· ship with the communi"". monev--lll fact, make reJ!uJnr STAY.AT·HOME DOL1.ARS- pve"" one. PHlST- 8)' INVITING the DOLLARS within ~hon· pin~ distance of this center to TRADE IN THIS COM·
perat m......loy"NOIW.
Jrwif\MyerI I'speClnl !y TO nl ll n""II11; a.,u
"Before thaf. " he stnmmere(J. " T was In the ~mp loy of Mr. Keut 10 tb. West." "Wllo II Mr. KCllt'" "He O""nB the Gram\rle k . H e h~d known me tor years. H e brou Kh t me on wbeu be built this bulldlnj(." , While hIs ans wer stellled to slltlsry the dlnrlct allomey. I was com'luced from Wlck's nen'ousnlPSS that he wile COUl'elllln, SOlnethlng. Iha t furt her qu esUonlna Into his pnat might lea d to unoxpKted devet opmenls. ",Aro rou acquainted with the defendlnt7" "Very sUabtl)'." "How loug have ,.ou known him , .. • 1 waB IIstenlug Int ntly. Wou ld he Id mlt knowlnll thnt I was a relllUve ot old Rulua GllIilon' "I don't really know him." Wick ex· pli l ned. "I've leen hlru two or th ree Um\MI. Mr. Guton. 0118 or lDy ten· antll, tol 4 me that be was going away Ind that be bad slven the key of his a partment to a young mlln nnmed Nelson wbom be had employed as caretalter. He saId lhat the caretaker would arrl"e at len o'clock on the Sunday momlDg thnt the Gns lolls \\'ellt awo,y." "And dJd the cletendant a rrive at that tlme-et the time he wa"s ex. pected'" "He did not. What Ilrat attr cl d Ill)' attention to him wu tha~ :e aneaked Into the bulldln, earlier than he was expected." "You 11&1 he sneaked In." the dla' trIctattoml1'. "olce erpreseed a proper horrol' of 8Ueh conduct: "Please uplaln to the jury what you mean by that." . "ll1.1t.. ~ aunounclnl his arrl"al. be "atdled bl. chance and waIted till one of the tenants wa. coming In. Be Inpped ID besIde her nnd went up ID til. we"ator without belull RIl' nounee4. Nlturally the ele\'n!or man thought Ile Wall a friend of the young lad,. tenlnt." UJlow do lOU know he wns not a M en4 of the young womtm with "bom he entered the bulltllog?" "I ukad blm If he W8S acquai nted wtth her, and he 8111d he wns. Lnter that lame day she pnssed him In the baIl of the building. I nollce4 th ar abe 41ft not apenk to him or recognize him In any wal." The prosecutor waved bls hand to the Jury al If to 8ay. "You see. gentlemen," Uld followed on Ith anoUler ,u8IIUon. "Was thl defenda nt'l con'dnct In the bulldlnl In aDY other way I!Uch U to aroullO 10Ul' aUipleloo'" ''He'd hllrdly got 10Ctlted before he began bunlng the telephone girl. nsk· Ing ber all kJDdl ' ot qUMtloulI about the other tenanta In tbl bfllldlng. He kept ~g to get her to go out t.' dlnnln' with hIm." "D14 ahe OOY ea. ahe did. Sbe reperte4 bll Ietlona to me. ana I au.peted that she 10 wltb him ud tI'7 to lind out what bl' name was." "What elle do 70U know about the dateudanU" "That'lI all-except-" "mxcePI whll t 7" "What I 8IIW on the nl,bt Miss Lu· ,.our nnme la Nellie Kelly. I. thlt tan "",. murdered." your r til nnme'" ''Tell the circum stances." My cou nsel's unezpeclad question "I W8I In the elev8tor coming down cnm e ftS It Ulunderbolt to the oPPoll· from the top tlopr. I heard tlle 80und tlon. The whole courtroom ' seemed ot a ahot. It learned to COllI e tram to sense tho t somet hlng cru cial was the lifth 11001'. I got off there to ID- abou t to he broug ht out. Tbe jurol'8 n~ l1g8te. As the door of the Lutan to n mall l "o n ~ 11 for\\'ord to listen tor Ipurtment stood Mr. Nelaon.:' her lUI S"'er. The district altorne),. Illn lnly pll7.7.lell. hnlt rose In his sent "What was he doing th ere'" "Juet IllIodlng there. It looked to IIlId Ihen ~ uh s lcled. Wick', tace wllnt me as I.t be had just beeu coming out while. nnd U'e ,;Irl herself starled and and that when he Bnw me be hod her tljC8 turn ed helplessly to Wick. as If Ree l, lll;: Instructluns as lO holl' to ItOPped luddenly." "What was his mnnner' Des~rlbe answe r. "Ie thllt your 'r pnl nnme'" 1tIcthe l)o.ltJon In which h e \\'ns standing to the jury." Agsln t here was 111 the Gregor r"pentl'd. th is tim e a little dlstrtct attorney' s vo ice a trlumphllnt Ulore elllphuU clllly. "It Is-tho t Is-It was ," she stum· rtng. . "He W88 all excited nnd trembly· mered. "It WII S your nnme." saId Mclike." Mr. 'Viall. went on. "0 nd lils eyes seemed to be bulging out of his Gregor su rcast.kally. ft Uti tl whnt mlrht be you r nnme 110\\' 1" bead." "My nUIll!!." Ille gi rl h eslt nt ~d. M "Wllnt did he 8ny7" "r liSked him If he bnd beard II shot If Btrtl l!l:llng with hersplt. und then and he said tlmt h e hnd. I nsked It clIstl ug II ,Iellnnt look In Wl ck's dl· It hnd not ~o me from the Lutan apnrt- rectlon. she 'Hl9wpred wll h prld c rnth· ment alld ho said that It had seemed er thun wllh boltlnt)SS. "my IInllle I. . eo to him. t wanted to keep my eye MM!!. ]~d\\'o t'(1 M/l ore." "The wife of L'c fry ·Moore. the buron him. so 1 took out my TlRss·key and suggeated tilat we In vestlgnle to· glur In Ing 811111. yoU menll. do you eether. He did not seem ot all anx· not?" ~ n ee red McG regor. "18m." sho replied with a proud Jo"a to go back Into tbe npartm'ent with me. but the elevnlor rnnn waa IIttlng of her chin and a tlnsh In her atandln, tllere: 80 he Clime aloni and eye. "I'm Letty Moore's wife. ond _ . with lIIe ""hen I tound the Ilody. I'm proud that I am-Ill. lllvrtully J ke1>t h IIII there until the police wedded Wife nnd I don't care who knows It. J lo\'e Letty Moore." came." There wns Instllnt consternatIon In I had npacted that my counsel wont4 offt'r obJectlonl to 'Yl ~k's tea· thll dilltrl ct nttornev'& caIDD. With
lOR MER~~~:~_~~r
I did not appenr nnxl ons to "go back" Inlo th~ IIparl mpnt. but MeOr~gor ' contented hi m 'ol t "'Ilh two qucM lons. . "Do yn u not lenow thol Mr. Spa l· ding Nelson Is a grand·npphew of Mr. Rufu S Ga8t1)0' Did nOl Mr. Gaeton tell you of tbl. relationship?" "He dId no t." lied Wick cohnl y. "Bow \\'nl Mr. Nelsan fir~ t Btandlns -whcn you go t Oll t of th e elc\'ator-whell yo u tlrst I!8W him?" I rccII II .. il 111)1 a ttitude dls tlnctly. I hn d b~ c n s tRndlng facing the door. strain ing my '<'" rs to cntch any sound In th e Ollurl lllent. Wh en I henrd the ele\,utor Siopplnl;. I bnd looked around o,'er ru>' 5h o ul d~ r ns Wick emerged. "Be WR8 s tanding." 80ld Wick. · ot hl5 own accord. spenklng direct to the Jurors. "wltll his back against the door. ne hund- hls ri ght hund-was behind h im. I UlOugbt at Orat be might ho ye n rC'I'ol\'er In It and drew oue I nl"'II),s carry. but b e had not. It 1 00 k ~ t1 liS If ho hud just sUpped out of th e door nnd wns rCllcb lng beblnd him 10 close It wben 1 dis covered bl lll." "That wll1 be all." said my COll»sel, to my ~rpllt dl~lIppol n tl1l .. nt. ·l1Jrftll ~'b· O\lt 1111; IIllx~d llIt'dley "r truth nud 1Iet1 that Wi ck ho d hel'n lellin G. Ihere J16 d been lII n nlr c~ t 10 Ine his deliberate purpo e to dlst'redl t me and CIlS\ suspl clun 0 11 mc. I felt ce rlilin tha t a n abl er Inwye r ('fluid qui ck ly hn,'o rhlill ed his l e~ lh ll "Il .\·, Itlll ~k Orl'gor showed no dl sposli Ion to lake IIdn\D' tllg, or hl~ Ollllortltillty. Nell ie I\elly wns cnlled. Brlelly she told of her Jol>--swltchboord operator ut the ?rnnddcck. She cor· robora ted Wi ck 8 sto ry of my Orst arl r ival at the Grnnddeck .and bore out his stllt ell1e nl8 about to) ha"ln, chat· ted \\'lth he r Slid also lold of UVIDI gOlle t? dinner wll.h me. WhIm I had bel(lIn qu esllonlng h'r IIbout otber tellUn\.'!. ~he said. she ex lJ ed herself Rntl went to the tel ephone Bnd cn llc~ up lhe Ontlllldeck for ad d ce 88 tll bo\\' she should 8118" ·er. For some rea ~on. ·she . said. whell she returned sft r. I)honlng. the defendant bad not Qu t!stlonetl her furlher but bad seem· ed fluxlous to get away frolU the reatnufflllt. ''ivu 6I1Y." s81d McGregor. .. be begon her cross·exllmlnRtlon. "thaI
. Every paynlent is an investm en t. It is yours. It cannot g~t away. For YOllr present comfort and safety, for tbe future welfare of your family, hegiil bu ilding your own home at once.
We will point out to you will come in ami t alk t o garage or chicke ll coop.
ti S .
the short cuts to economy in buyin g building materials and supplies if yo u \\ h ellier you are building a mansion ; cott.a ge; barn,
We Can Save Money for YOU.
renewinll thot Im'italiotrl throu gh ad· vertisinFl. week after week, month aftcl' month. year after year. That'.. Ihe way the city merchants anti moil order rolks do iI.
Maddell's Lumber Yard
'THIRD-The lnvllation i~ to tell the dollars About the worth-whi le thin~i'I Ihat are in your storc for Ihem FOURTH~\Vhen the doHlI1'S come, remember Ih t'\ will onl." comc bad, BRain whcn well treated. . AIlII Ihuc is nolhing mo~ InvlflOl'IlUng 10 Ihc acli"itie.s of allv oomrnuluty than HOME·SPENT DOLLA"S.
Wayne8ville, Ohio
pep'' '
r-----------------. . .--.--.",-;;.,-.-=-CAMP AIGN CONTRAST
.. I, ~-------------------------McClure Walter
"Islons fir dlsr n -tllted [CS timoDY C(/l,' fmntlng hhn . Iw WIIS on hl8 feet rORrInt: ohjecllons. Th r0u lhout the wh ole (',,\lI'frlll/ln th e re was
Car as 1 could "urn. 'to ·...e IIlIIf. .Lne one IlIwpse I bad ba4 of Barllars there 'lD tbe courtroom had !ired me again with wild detllre. to lee hill'. My fHllnp were equally divided between hop ing Ilhe "'<'bId and hoplnl abe would DOt. mike 8n,. ettort to
n s lbl lunt s tir
nnrl ti l(' jllllire begnn nipp ing tor or: UPI'.
('1 C1~ ~
Il- hlnd Illy (,oU lr "~ 1 lil Y ulOtllI'r IH"'" ~It tln g . IIC'·,l\l1l'lInINI I,y sOlO e
h at!
w{'ut'lng n h t'j ,,'Y \' l'll.
flultl IIltl"
I ha d
to h,lr hliherlo. ~ ul'll fl' lng Ihnt It WII S .ome holel mliid wholll illY moth er had hll'cd to IICCO Ill' pliny her to cou rt. tor so fllr liS I knllw UIY moth er had no WOUlI," ucquulnt· anres In New 'tiork. '1'hls WOlllnD now. to my amazement. reached forward and plucked McGregor by the sleeve. All .he pUlbed back ber v@1I to whisper to him. to m,. utter surprise and consternatloa 1 81W that It WI\S Barbara Bradford. Bow hot! Barbara eome to be &JUJn, there In court at m,. motber', side' Delighted .. 1 was It IHIDr ber. I ."... puz.led an4 p.rplexed. 1 hid Iternly forbl4den both Gorman and McGrelor from makin, any plana to call her .. a wltae... I bad ur~ed her to keep allent and not become Involved ID auy .... y In thl C8S@. My eyes aought hers for en explanation, but I after that one whllpered word. Ihnt 1 was unable to bear, Ibe bad qulckl,. drR wu her \'ell over her fa ce. "Your honor." aald McGregor, ria"In view of thll unupeded testl· mooy. I should like to requelt a r. IItteu lio ll
"Granted," satd the ·Judae. Journed until two o·cloett."
...... d·
rellcll lIl&-at least not until m:p trlll' W. I over. 'I1)l nt somethllng WII 8 happening to keep Ul ellI Il II awny-som,thlng per· bap!! .. lta l to my rreedolll-I was Ct'!'"In. On no otJIer ,round conlil 1 ex· plain the fn ct ,of none of th em IPt'k· lug me ror COI1" Ultlitlon. YO't wh~t It mlrbt be I ('QuId not possibly cOl1jl)(,~ lure. gug.rly I burrled IDto the courtroom a,alo a. 800n al the recesl Waf OVl'r, at once tu rnlo, m)' e)'e. to see It the IIrl I IO.,tld there. Quickly I 1000lted her .tUl sitting beelde my mother. Her .. ell now w", ~Idly throWD back. aDd U she ,azed It me ",\til Iparkllnr eyes and II ('Qn· 1l4eot ,mile. I telt aure thnt ICrOIl8 the dl.tance Ihe was trylll6 to und lome me8811,e of rood tiding. . My mother's fa ce. too. I observed. now wore a happier look. and about Garmin and McGregor both Will an nlr or greRter confidence thaD either had mlnlfe&ted before. Wha t had bnppelled' WIlat hnd the), found Ollt 7 Ea J(e rly I wnlted denloPlllenls. The teleph on e girl wos recalled to tlle stand and ber cross·Ramloatlon resulned. "Mrl. Moort)." beian McGregorand I ob.ervl!d curtou.lll), tllnt his volu la 14t1~11111 114Jr ao longer Waf ~ ~ !lPl'lt~c: b. merely luave aDd ~IIN-:-:-"J.ou hav, tflIIlJ.O.4. IWre .. aplolt 111'. IIpll11111' MelMt:l, a_Nd ot huln, murdeNt! ,bll.,· LlIItail, ha;'e yon noU" "t be"';" .llIe aDlwered. looking It hIm a;tItaPJI1 .1J!1 the eye, but apeaklnl "'Ith • ~,.~t tlfemor ID bel' tonea. 1 w~d.recf to lvbat It might be due. W.. It bet!auIII alie tea~ tbe cons. qulnCN of t)1II n,.·e latloo al to ber 14enttt" or wall It that abe teared Ihe mllbt be trapped b:p bl. , ..Mtlon.' "N_ teU 11111. loin. Moer••" h. sllot It liar uplo.I ....I,.. "who reall), murdered Dalal Lutan'" "HeDry Kent." ab e answered quick· I,. b,tore the distrIct ' attorney had time to ItOP hl!r. "Wbat', thl.,., exclalilled the judge. "What did ),OUI ,~r' "Object I object I" vociferated the dllltriet Ittorn'. y. ItrI.. 11II In nln too altcb the · Ittll~tloa ot the judsl preildlnl. HcGrtror, allpareDtl,. .ell ..tlsOed wIth ·tbe reeult.1 at bl. qo... tlon. Itood · there. Imlllni unrance at me. "Youn, woman:' dll'll.·ted the J04,e. "wll\ ,.ou khl417 rlpent ,.our lut Itltement-Ioud'r. Whu dld ,.ou killed DRII, Lutan'" Tbe ctrt turned to taco the judgl. Her lip. were set HI It ,h e hnd dete.... mined to carr, out !lOme fixed plan. eoal wbat It m.lllht_ lC<Joctllued 00 pille 3 ) - - --- - .-
BY SOOT'T C. nO N" To the ezteDt tbat Candlclnt e Cox ell n cl lvert public attentton trom Ole tblngB that Caodldllt6 Cox 8t nnds ror nnd typlO_ W11Ioniam and tbe IIk&-CandlrlatA Cox ..cor · K. Re eeored mom entarily wh"11 he milde t he brllum. prepo&teroue charge tha t tbe Re pllb llrll n "arty huol s ot out to ralee a 81l1.1h fund of UO .O OO.OO O to bu y tho Prc ~ ld c n cy BIB newlp&p4lrs gave hIm sca re hoo<lllll08 (IUd those favurlnc bJa c&ndldaq made tb e mos t nf th p llIu un te btlnk performlln ce But the .anenUon WQM 100 "Illll t)' It> <!lldu ro . Confronted by cold fncts. th e uti "r r"I ,;It l' of t he oulc ry \Vas qalekly 8IIt&bllabed. and Ca ndlda t'· 1 rev\lll l" d III hlR cheap pt.e aa a mon,er of untrulll M. ,; 11lI ". 'fl lt "ly RLOOd IlXl108Cd atl ". ~oed wet." Thua hi bo depi""'11 a ncl chura.c te rlzed by the New SOI'lIe,. .L.lq1lXlr Dcalcnl AssoclatlC}\1 \1I U ll olppeal tor runda to hl!lp elect Cox President. ScIoI1ll, aa be did. temporul1 Y-6hleldlng blmse.lr. for t hll moment. rrom the bUght 01 WlIsonltlm. wh ll~ 110M Murpby obuckled. and BOII8 Brennan grInned. alld BOlli Tanart winked the other e,.&-Candk14t4' Cox, hi the end. blls only .ucceeded In awall:enlne aod .Umulatlng Interest In the cumpatgn . And thl. awakened and stlmulatod Interest will 1l8llurodly make tbe RepubUcan Victor, In November all the more ov erwllehnlnc aDd complete. What a COIltl'lUlt Ie preHented tl6 to candIdates ! WaneD O. aardlng. In the becoming aDd dlgnlned role. befttttng a nomlnee tor President of the grealust Re public on earth --GOt In the tawdry guise ot a barnstormin g usgtra nt ror a aeat to • t6wn COUDCO or on a board ot aldermen-Is ds voUnc hli time to real problema of tbo day . domes tic and In ternuttonal. and. with notable lpeochofl ot 11 cons lructlve character. com· mandlng tbe respectful a{TI!ntlon or hla couu trymen and tbe world as well Verily-the contrast Is 8trlkln c . Inde ed. nnd. moreover. redound8 10 the credit a nd glor,. of th tl party ot Lincoln. MeK.tnle:p and Roosevelt-th e G. O. P.
Wayne8vllle. Ohio
FuIiy Equipped for Good Service. L a rge Djsplay Room
~----------------- -_. --
D I', If . E. II .\ r H ..\ WAr vV fly 11114 rtlle'l LIltldID, Dell"" Uftloe In Ii .. IDOl B11III Mllll1 ijl
OlaaBISed Ada 'An ad . in thiB column is a 8ure 8el.
MONEY LOANED ONEY TO 1.0 IN ON FARMR M al 6l1( lutf' rA_' Ii 10 yean. Terrell & ·rllri pll . lte .. 1 EMfor
tate and Loa nl, WilwlngtoD, Ohio. Phone 301. mig !\ minor.
Pllrttt.l on.
Proceed in is In the lDaUe r of EM I Wharton V8 Margllret Whar'on . Plaintiff iii g ranted div orce . 'l'he OIl r e hnd (lns ~olly of oh ildren ar o g ive n the d e. fendant Dn~ll furtbnr orders. In tbe m atter of tlu~an tit .. .J n hn VI Carl St. J obn. tt Is orrl er (ld th llt the defcndall t )lay" p er wes t fr om tbl8 date for the 8uppnrt of ohlld. In tbe mat ttl r 01' t b e t3tate of Ohio V8 J oh n Ecton. Defflndn nt prvnounced g uilty Roll fined t~o and C08'8 . In Ib e · mntf.er of Tbo Ol.terb~tn Home V8 J oh n M. Mnlford et al Court overrul e8 mo,lo n of 1)1&llIt111 to J'6~IlX the OOS'8 berel n .
M till' M"r:v !5l1l1sh ury, botb of Way. nr.v illn.
LOAned on live a&OOll,
OhBtt1l18. 111110 , eoond mor&galC....
N ote8 bonlChl. J ohn Harblnfl, Allen Real FAtale Tnal.,. Bulltllng, XeDla. Ohio. 6 • . 21 r,ldR l'e ll(lll Lo J/. ... Re,uoldl put o f MIIUllr, l:!ur.,eYR, ~o . lUS CHAP.T." XIV, LOST lIod 11;49 In Vlrglnl" ailll&afJ ot... IlllpadeDtly 1 walted , . til. ~ trio&. .. be onr. Dot GJidIrItI1id A. C. Villi and C. 0, haaee to N 8&'u,4., .....1•••• rhlalltoee wFt "18 happen IDS. Melther (JerAlbert Bml gb . par' of t5eo 7. T. I, pIn. Ubel'al .... ar4 for re. miD nOl' m, ~II.HI cam. llIar m .. R. 5. b etween the Miami rl.er •. 'D~n of lame. Lea .. at J B. Ciaap. BUD Ill)' mo."er. made no att8lllPt, 10 tl. man '. a1lw .&ore 011 Lorena Hatbtiway '0 Perry Bor Whl'e-faoed Hllf.,., brilided . del1, par' of lot! No. 60, CIl aDd lit I'tndel' will pl.a8ll nom; HoM. in Springboro. II I'rleDd, pboDe 56.2. Wa,DOI.llIll. O. Lucy Coleman tu Grau.lIle Po*'. 01S orf, I:lRr' of Seo I, T . ., H. ., In Tnrtleoreelt T"p. It. IIJLM)Y'S T..ae Moore '0 B'red Robenon FARMS FOR SALE part of MIlI'ary Survey No. ISS7, WR8hlngton Twp. '1 , AOREIJ, 7.room houe. 10011 fooi. U. Koney &11 Ra,mond Kefl8" Probate Court Pr~in.a barn, 'obloou .hed and out · pArt of I:!nrve.v N o. 1S17, near Uae- bolldlnK8. l'unnlng water, II mllll~ In th ... mllUer of tbe (,R t·nte of ~llr'8 Uree k. 11. "la' of Corwlu on New Burllnl('on Mary L!ltobelD d eoens ed h'i rst Will. G TholUpaon C. C, road. loqulre at 'bl~ offioe 05 Bnd final acooont apllrnv ed In t·be mllUer of th6 est!\ te at Burn8lde. part of 10~8 No 8 anll II In ::!eo. 6, R. 3, In Lebanon. Raobtltll Brown. d eooll!l(Id. Bimtlon $ lftOO STRAYED OR STOLEN Brown I" app oln'ed odruinistrtltor. Bond 1 500. f<?UND-A lih.ok Mure. wi~h .'ar In tbe ml1tter of tllIl ostll t e of In her face Owner oan lIa • ., by lohn Wlns tel. d eoellslld . M!ohn r l call1l\1 on 6 II Gordon, on Townlhlp WIr'h gave adtll'lonallJo od of t 2:l0U. roMlPDd paylnR ,lb'rl'" IlIlI In 'he maUer of ~h e g ll urd ll\t\Mhi p of Pilol Wln8tel, II nllo or r.; tll(\1 Wln.toD II eppolnteil Rll,udilln Commiulonera' ProeMCIIDP FOR RENT-FARM i Bond 1600. Bj\I~ nllnwrt e d-'rbe J . W. Llnlo In tbe maUBt of I.he PA t,1I I A of Go. I' tl terinl and eqolpmeM .for J obn V Jack, rl eooR.. ed . R oport britll{H wurlt, '3~ . 31 ; Tbe Ohio Cor. FARII to reD' on tbe tblrdl . Ap. of BIllet! approvlid . . ragtHetl Co" (lui vert J)ip8, "408 70; ply '00 L. RIots . phoGe a7.1~, In the matter of Jobn F Shl\ nk. 1:1. D. Williams. record, '.7.87; Wlynenllle, Ohio. I¥~ , b'll been orderAd that h o b e r e· IvlnF..lllmeHon Urug Co.) Inppllea oelved Inlo 'he Ohio ho~pttal for for 8 be rift' $1. '7", l.ebanon Lumber ICp\lep&lo8 for 're ·, 'mont. Ce. ,Jmnher.'7()N;'fbeJ w.Lln., FOR8ALE . :.(0 Hllrrlwnre Co. ~npplle • . . "00; ·F . • Read GazeUe's Classified Ads ~. C(' llIlI~, IDIlI~tenanoe, repllir etc. 'SBROPMBIR& IiBlilICP-HeDI.terac! -~ Marrll,e Urenletl fi(J4 : 10; If M. 0 0\lln8, malnteoanoe. Ram Lambe blr ones 'b" , Edward EIliR. mRohlnI R'I., or Elm. rApB11' Atc " ' 174.80 ;. HaIr, Brown' lbe n.ed ,hi. f~1J, AI80 .o~e ~:! wood Place Rnd MlsR Edna Deete rl"'11 Illll j nlonllno~ . repllir eto , 1160 l LamlNtt and EWfi wO:llled of t.ebanon, I:Inrr~.l\ro wn. mnln,teDanoe, repair MalllDi on' the 11 ok at It,. prIce . Oba8. WallAoe, ''rlBohinIMt.. of S(I. (l tc .•'~a6 IU; W . B , Forl',m"n. mllin. O . B. Wea"tir. R D. 16' UayloD L8banon Bnd MI.I Emm ~ I:!lteets, of tell.uoe. r np,tI.r e to . • '23730; Zilin Ohio. Borne phone 1301li ' 211' Franklin ArmJtf\g n, m Ill tl t,mllnoe . repair e&o . II GllOree' COllier, Ia.bnrer, 80(1 Miss *28; Z .. ln Armitage. mlllntcmmll'e, m cntb •. old Duroo Wale DOl a:'bel Freeze. both of SOD,h (.aba . replllr eto , 141.20; Zlllu Arm It'-lie, ell,lbll to relllMlr. Prt~ Comm~lD .,lflRII Court non. ~lIlntenllDoe. repair 8l0., 1320.13 i rBallOnable. InquIre of L,m.an Da" Hugb Llokllter. lllflCb!\olo anll ,Z~ln ~r~ltaKe. Dlaln'enanoe. e'o., R. 0 ., phone'II·.X, Wa1l1en!lll. One feave 01 Xfla4y'. autumn New Suit. ' S.75 ,C. W . ~'au'on. mala'en. Ohio. 0' eloak will ' be tile bllttODL w. Milt! Belen Bmndenburg. both of IInoe. e*o., '320 6U; W. L. BroWD. bave row • . ead rowa of pnU)' .A.lber'CI"~\·M v.< L·-n" Cleaver. Foder. roadwork,t63;W. W.WlllramIOo, Ford ToortnsCar . buttonl tllat baYe no p~ III Dl.,OrM-II!1u l ltlr )'. Robert Stamm, papel'.Dlaker .. nd 4 .oraper", ''108; P . P Mtller. In.. CJ .. ~r~n&lld In Ire' oIl.. lite otber tJaaa 4eoorUlolt. ne Vb.,. Wht~f,"ftok V. Lll"V WbUe Mle.61adY8 (lnlp., b oth of Fnuk. 8peetor I C. B. No, a, '115; cODd,'lolI. Ob_p. 0 : O.~ Set"'I, Outatandlq fMnr. ~. Ale eOa& ltn. MlIIel'. eXptln8e8. 1111 41 i Rov Mil. pbone UO, W.,...vlnl/ U. 06 ' are tile b"• .t#1lt d.., _"wi eOI- Daalr O,vnrr \,'-:rr ,~~ ll"g' rot. IU' ad CIIe etUU, ..... pocl.... Jnbn Rnt,I.. ,· V" I:IIItn8r Btlllnett, . Barvey Rye. mall oarrler nnd IeI'. 8tamps !tod fr8Igh', 'IS 2' EED RYE . lor lall, ea'ra _ 2£ __ qUIIl'y, prloe I'el.onable. la. quu e of O . lJ. Surface, ". D ' Ii WaynlnlUe. OhIo. 01S •
. •
- ~
O 1
------------------- ,
- - -....
and Timo'b, Say. H AY-Clo.er Il'Q'lIre of Jobn RobellOD R lJ. 3, Waynln\lle, Ohio,
.illl ..
ome Dloe Ba1, prlnolpally ~I.no. S Lhy. 6 i'ollOnd.()htoa 80'11'1, '11'111 turo"" Ihle mon'b, "1I.b"d 1r3Od lit.· terM lilli' ~prilill . J DeDnyGlantMate Bog. ,I. W. llUIlOb,R ~) Wayn~vllle.
A Ilood 1.llI Dlao fI',lr'ntzer Wb... DrIll',· I. nit"" IDqalre of .I. U,. Afawk., Wa1nelnllle,
.... THE
to WOI'II: Dnd lM IIrl," GA ZETTE ... .! (,"IlleIhuIIIIIK,ttunlty IIIYllt ry Ihat had 10nrl".1 be-
ThfnlllDI thai I bind the bore. runerul migh t
BELlB n ~,I
lluru. plt'11 up AOIl1 1l 1'1111' Ihat would be or H~ l'vko In I 1 '1 d ( I: .... ~ ' I ' " lI' I I I ' / lIl1rnvellll ll lbe tflnl'llecl akeln tJltIl' lhel ,1 , II nr flllrl tile 11I!J'·III1·r. s he h"d gone ('1 ' )\ \'I: k, Jl elltor Ulld I 1I1J1r ~ 111 . \ \ :91l('; ' iIIe, ( ,h,(l tlillh~r. nnll s~" 11I1; ui,f mOlher Iherp. IIIHI ~uilIJl'(' lIn!r ut I)n~e ' who sll' 1II Ighi SU II"f'rinl i " !'rif·t'. $ 1,ijU p'r y ear j h\l. 11,,(\ 1111 "",Iu!' ',I h'r8 It. Qu ickly I f... , \,1\ , f' r. +• I Ul e), Iillel h~CIlIt\Il gl,a, l fri ends unci she , ~ It I ... ~,' 1 It who hud IIIr'JI"Incd my mOlh llr or m y IllIgJH. • I'I'OSUII ! n180 , with UB. deSlllte the III I IHI S~ or tl,e hou r, \VilB the distrIct 8tli)I'II\';I' ,,1It1 two ot hls 1l108S; ana N.'lIle Kelly. or liS ~hl! milch preterr ed ,-;~~.............~_;:;.,.;.___ "' to Iw cu ll pl1 Mrs. Muo re. T he rtrl "Ill t cchlilcu lly 8 IJI·ls"IIUI·. but her servi ces lu I" luglu!! lho r~ul cl'1ml llllls to hook hlld ' hee n S" eX"llpII<,IIKI Ihul ghl! hlld b~t"1I I'~ le" se d on her uI"n r"('(lguh· III ... ,· 11I1I"'r .h,· hud lIe"1l bruught ll",t Ih" dlslrkt nUontt'y ullgl ll ch"ek UII wllh h ~ r lhl! IIluI" 'elous loll! or "1'1,"111,,1 "11" "Imel' lblll sh~ hud un· fol d~" lu IIIJ' couusel In lh~ lIrll!t r. c"." uf tli" cuurt thlll dll)'. IS .' I IW I'S I ~ /{ \'
fo.,'IlA Y
tJU"toll'S •
<rho ll'SJ)erlmental departmont on agrloulture bas decided that the bot 8welter-boul'll put In over a COOkRt.oVt\ at cannl\\g tfme aro soon to be forgotten. Selone., SI~Y8 'tbat fruit CIIn Bu coossf ully bo st ored foI' mon t hs by freezing ns low hS ton degrees F'o.hrcubelt or higher up to thLrty-two and stored In 0.' t.emparture equall y low. The plctare allows results ot n throe-month tree;tng test r eoently wade, whleti proved wore ecoDomlcal and generally more IIIllJ8fa~t.ory than the old bolllng methods.
()c" 'lIle Ornnd
r~ ,
1i ,·1.. · :
--..1---------.. --\
m oYr e. than ca tn rr h tn lhl" sectlon or TI hcre h e f ' UwUlIll' aU Olh~r disease", ,Jut tn gllhl t', li nd (o r yearH It wnd amp-
uu:",..' J l\1 h e I li c u f l\ lll c. ' Fl rrih £" t 11 11'0 1 r f.! llI c dlC8
The House of Whispers
Htttlllly rlli hllg- \ 0 CUI' O
n"~ nt.
pru HvluH.'
DOClO f d
nnd by con\vllll Joca l trent-
tn curo.ble.
IIUT!! 1!oJ n lo cn l (IlBClaSC. g r ently [nflu('11 ('0 ..1 b y CO"""tllullo uu.l condit ion s . and l h "n ! (oJ'c re~l tl l "c8 constttutional trealI lIIllil. Hall' s Ca. tarrh Medicine. maDul'nL'lurt!t.1 by J1", J . Che n ey &. Co., Tole ... l d uo 0 h10. I_ 11 cO llstl t utlonal remedy la l ake n -+t1-t'er1Ut-H-y- & &ot. thru th bl ood 0 11 the Mucous SurfaCe! ot the
One Hu ndred Dollar. r .....ard ' Is offered (or nny case that Hall'a C&-
He H.d Bullt •
grown so cl,unged his npp pnrn nce. 100. tlll\l he! hnd IIlt le fenr o{ belnl rr cnl(llltod. Reco,'erlng slIch part ot lilt' s t"l en mOlle." 8S WIlB left 10 hlnl, h e I1n,l come to Nel\' York In Ibe IUlse ot n (lro"l'proua We.tern Investor and, 1'11I'<"I,n"111101 1\ plot of land. bad erected th c OI'""o.1dcck a\1l1rUuente, d.slaned tor Ih,· o" cuIIHn cy of the wealthl"t class of twou e~.f'..
(To be coatlaalll.)
' B)f.t~m.
: uLTrh Mediclnc fqJI. to cure. Send tor ,el r ula.rs nntl t es lhnonlala. . F . J . CH GNEY &. CO" Toledo, Ohio. SOld by I)ruII'IrIHI. 76c. H " II 'd Family 1'1118 for eonetipatloD.
Kenl. 6rlll his confedernle, JllmC>R 11'11 · gn", nll" • .IUIIII"!! Wi ck nlld 'Slnll) laWINInBU Jim : IlI1 th e chllrge ot IInl'lng Ulur,l~l'ef1 DII18~' LIIlUII 111111 Rufu s q Rston. I turl hrr m ile tI ", hnm PlHn te relel\Jle or Ill Y rllpnl. Mr. Spqldlnll Nela n. 10 UDulsy LuI",,:' she rp pen1(~o. " WU!"o my cu!"t. ltly. rr,l!-;ti mony thllt w~ al .. murd~re<l by H enry KCII1. wh I owns r"IHly hlll'.' "hlll!ncd \\'111 H~tnb1l8b the Omndlh'ek. H e's I' 'nlly On'lIlp thnl he \l'U , 11 11 Innnreni "Ietlln ot lhe Orolld ers, tho hunk " rp~I""n t whll g"l ,,"s""'dl)' "In ts or Ih 5e two ex·conaWIlY with I"hl h"".I ... ·" 1I""""n" ,'Ir ls." ' .. he 1"PHC'tlml Ihnt cnlllf' fl'om this dollArs oud wile Helll" III' r(ll' ~ e\' ell lUll n yeors." . slIdd,' n ('1 '111'1111: nf lilY num lert me Thore Will a COIl1"lnllnn hi Ih e renl' 10 n pU7.1.ll!cI 0I 1I7.!' frnm whi ch I hnrdof tho coprtroom . A cln ppel' little .. 1,1 Iy roeo",'r",1 -1111 [11 lilt.. I hilt eveni ng, I r"u llIl m>'Reir lenllcman willi nOlllly trhnllled whl.!\' \\,hell. I'll"" 1II11I'P r.. whIsker. rose IJlIsUly 111111 ""ltI" 11 III th e C:IISI011 1I11I1I·llIw nl. (:"III1lI(> ra, dasb tor the door. OMmn". who hnd hi li ',1,,1. "'kk . IIl1d "rn ti('nlly C \'l~ ry been Sitting behind hIm. @J1\'111l11 "tt "r cmployee or Iho O",,"II,lcck were un· blm lind pinIoned hIm hy lI,u Ill'lIIa: . tiel' urrp ~ t, uud wurrnnts wcre 01l t ror "Nothing dolug. o I'll uilt'l·s. I'v e gul olhc r lIu'I"I1I'I'8 or Ihe bllllli whn~e hlt'lIl1t." hnd )'<'CII revculed by Ihe tor· JOu." WIck, ttlutnJr up nller Ihe COli II "el mer I "l~Jlho"c 1(1 rl. An,l lI ... r,' III Ih~ nl'nrlml'nt with ml' table, at the aame time Bho\l'c d ev l4ence thllt he, 100, WfiB eOlll elllllln lln l! wen' 11\~' lIlI'ther, norm An . M c(; ,'pf!I)rblllt, flight, but ft hllsky chnp whollO ont! to m~' surprise nlli! delight. Bnr· A flcr her 816t .. r'8 1\I.peeled of being olle at OorUllln'~ bnm 111'11 Mul'll. WP',Illln g. It III,p~II1'el l , BllrhnrR'~' nwth· aid". eelKed hlJD, tOQ. "lour !Jonor," cne4 my coun8cl. "T cr h'HI "one uwuy for II brier rest. 4,D1ancl the Iss\lnQce of worrn"t8 n I leul'l"g h"r nlone III the npurtrn enl nnC!ll (pr Or,lII11 Granden. RI\a8 Benry wllh Iltll s,· n ·IInts. She hllel welcomed •
I(ls.OI Kate Meloy and Elorenoe Wetzel Anft 11r •• ')ball. Wetzel. of 0.,&011, meod. of MIN 0868 An,oll wbo wora4lu Clie .ame oflloe wUn ber. ..... . WI .• ' ,Arewell oall 00 IIODdA, a...noon.
to -cotttioule OeIl=r~ .lpprcve * Peaoa- a.u.IJI>t~
of S~Mr I -Fo'tel ~ ",IIF"I lIl;rGptclClU~
"l\.( ~tpt.u,ouloFw~t t
-leAd lie' ""'"
=-- __
Again a.hule 'l'own8hlp oomes out 1'h18 tllme U II! Amo~ AIIIID, he having dlfA.WO firet prl:t.o on a I'oland-llblnll eow. The oo rn In thl8 81l0tion 18 rlpsoing elowly. On Rundny Aepternber l ~ , Mr. &u1 1dr~. Amoll EIIIII ent ertllined for din. Der. Mr, aDd Mrs. Tho mlls Hodgson aDd Mr. Bert Hodgson, of Rooth Norwoo,); Mla8 MlIlrle LlinRes!1, of Hyde Park; Mr. aod Mr8 . A . fl , Leswr, of Cloolnnat:i; Mr. Rud Mr8. Branson Seal, of Imllan&: Mr. and Mre .A. L . BeDdrlo't and 141111 EU", Arnold, of »aytoD; Mr. aDd Mrs, Hllnry MoKee, Mle'a Bnlh Rlflletb, Mr. aod Mrs. FloVd Andenon, Mr. Wm. Davlll, Mr. Cecil Baxter aDd MIIR Cora 81nden, of Xenia j Mr. &nd Mrs W . A. Menl" and Mr.lllld "n, Fred Barlan of this olt,. ______....~~ • vlo'orlon~ .
to afo"" ...
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Enrth In tbl Dpper pouiDeula I• ., ~hlll thnt, tIckle her wIth a hoe anlt .he Inullhs with B huveat, but there Rre ~ome Itr.wbackl,. It seem.. /I. rnrmer down It Au TlrDln pat out cabhn!!e one ),ear, and lI'ew pertectly lila 1'\'eloUI he.ds wf'llhlnll, e"er, onB of I h"m. tort)' pound a or Ie... but dog· "lOlll! Ihe luck, next ye~r the piece WA. JI1~t like cut·oYer land arraln, aDd It t",'k rhe tannor al\ season to cle&n oot tlo.., cabbage fltDmps.~Detrolt Y.ewl. -------.~-~.------
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Mr Ilml Mr R. Ellrl Biloko tt ilncl two ohlldren , of uenr W"yn eH vill u, were ::iundllY vl ~ ltor& of Mr alld Mn. Ed RenHon , A grand rn!ly W~tI given h v th e A. M. E. o horoh 011 tlunuay, Hoptt'fIIbar 5, In whl oh tbey Wilre pro ud to to say two bunllreel .. ud one tlll !lnr. aod five Dents wil e Wllis()d Thanlcs to t·he well·wlsb e r R rer I,h cl r hlJurn l dOllBtlo08. Rtlv. R. L. All eu , IlII"h,r ; Mrs . John Slmp80n. 8eoretlirV . The Pytbilm tli8t·en gave ,. bBIquet to the m embers ond tbelr film Illes In their ball at 'beu 1&/1' mt'e · . Ing. Nover iD tbe b l8tory of th ell' existence has luob a dl~plllY of ff,l. &bl!l8 lind €'ujoymec.' been kuow n . 'L'h 1l 8P who co uld uot, bo pre.eut ver.v mu, h regr et Ih eir 1I1>8e ooe. Mr. W ll linm Wright. of Dtlytoo, ill o ur olty " short time Oll t>nodny mllrolog. MII's MBU!O BenneU re'orned to he .. b'/lne In Dayton , Tuesd .. y. lIflef 8evllml weeks' v lsl't wltb ber ptl rent .. The rapaln on tb e 'fown B&lI lire twlDg oootemplllted slnoe reodlng 'be artlol68 In two former 18S00S Tbat goea to ebow otbu 'be Miami GH:t.I'IUe IB appreolated f(lr Itll g ond advloe. if vuu arl! Ilet DOW ~ enb I\urlber. plaoe voor name 00 the dotted line at onoe ................... .. .... .. Mrl. [da Howe an,d MIIII Lonlse N . WUIOD were week.end lueetll of Mr. and fMr.. Frunk Penen, of WaahloRtoo C. B . 00 Friday nlgbt, our sohool will have an Ice oream 1100101 to ral~ e mOLey '0 supply thE' play. ground a o far 1!18 the mon oy will go. Yon OIlU oontrlbnte In a .mall way, If rou 80 dealre. 'rbe Coffee KHoblm, run by Mr . and Mn, (Jeoll Kirk , io the CeDtral Bote1 baUd lng, h&vEI "dt1ud to their b0810e81 an antomoblle, whloh will aid them In their work .
ri ll ' . 1'0 <; ( ;;
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&xpl." •• 'on ef D"~ Mr. ' ••4 Mn. A, H. AnllOn and To see a tuneral, II ~lIa or a ...... In onll's dream. len.rally port_d• .a "!lIb_.~; left this week for Illness. death, or .ome ,raye ml8to," .~llforDla an llpend tbe wtnter. l'heir man1' frlen,t.exleod to tbem tune_ It the dre.m .. nth., 111111 hazy, It mllY ott~n be relardtd .. lhelr bait whee, a elgn of blr1h or • lIarrlsl" MSllllrl. J. G . MBOY. W. W. Weloh .... and Edward B. DaUn aU.eoded the Republloan meeting n' Wllmlnji(ton N.me H.rd to A_rt.ln. Bon. S D Fess Gertrude found a cat and Mortl, 00 ' FrldA1 ntlM. Itler 8 lIelihbor oRlled ber Ita nam.. made the Addr6l!ll, "Oh, I don't know yet," II1lIIwer.4 the Edwin Randall, of Wilmlogton . youngster; "I called It eYlII'Y cat 0.1Il. b&s been IIpendlng IIBv!ltlll days with lod It won't IDeow to Bn, of them." biB pnrents . ME'sp rs. Mott lind fGII rl ell n;. or OilY ton, were oolll u g on t,hoir broth er, J IIW(\8, 00 HII tDr.lllY IlntI ~UDel,,:v . Sqnlrrfll hunl'erll n~re rnnre nom er. on. 10 tb llO vloinlty I~ hnn ~qllirrels.
Seoret P.uageway.
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verJ (, lUI( tur tbe wllnt ot onn l. \ aD eatllllate of the Kreal lJeu~ under. Albt'rtu Id t,he 011 III A ct 'I big (lro. Iylog tbls provln 'e or Albert" Rud vlnon 10 o o rlhwedtlrn l ;KlIlld ll . It s reports thllt tb ere ur e loe t,h 0 0811Ud lIonUwrn lllJDudary uflj olO tl onr I bllliuul! t01l1! of 00111 Ihorll , owe ~ II" II! Mnllt"u" Wh"t 'H ti tL"lOUIlHOel billions? It III W ell. n,hllr' .. I ~ vl:' ry Ulil o b uu exootly all( ht tbuuHllnd t"n8 ot oll",1 4evI IOlJt'<i . II lth " u l(l l II lo r nf Al1lcri fo r I'\' ~ ry milO, WIlIlIlIlI . hllli A.ud O.m B h"yu go De !lV"I' t.1Hlre L1url!l ~ lJ" by I\l1vll l uday III the olteel the Ill'll I SW yellrd t o turlll It. \\ ,. ) :-<lllles GUll Cl\nudll.
I nl ,\\','
h ..... :n trl l l j1 lind 8e nt e n c~ cl to 8eventeen
n1. ~hlUII "' Mr ~ . N j 1(1:-:n ".iI ·t "' 1~1I1' or o tlH!)' ' I Urr r \V , I,d l1 I 'i 1
It BllpI' nrpt'l. IInll
yelil's' Inlpl'l ~onmenl, but no onlt ever h011 bren IIble to Hnd what be had i10ne wit h the mnney. 80 sotely had he hl,\l11'1I II Ilwuy . Tn ht. long yeo rs In prison, &Bsoct10, ·,,,' 11",1 Ih,, ), nrll ,1"ll1g WillI. 111- alllll: dully \\'l1h criminal. ot the wor.t son , IIlIrl ",","lng to theIr pl8118 ror ti p, ,, •. Io,, ""rv H1I1,, 11 I"r~ of ;\1101'1'. {u rlhu r crim e aD theIr release, bl. l ,, ' ~ III ' r,~ ~ 11"-\'(1 h no l' t ill i'(\. '1'hl'" 0 \\'11 "1'1111111111 11I911IlCt..~. alrea,ly d.vel\,1 ' 111 t, hl~ \\ luun HIl11 Il tbftr ~()!l p n, . OIW, I, hn d gl'o wn SI rOIiIlAr. 8ftd he bat tlUI ""', l'x (' IIl I'II\' H nj of\ttln tlnd llur~ e~ &P,," I hi. Ihll e plllnning • nelf sY8tem to be the will htl" Iidy t il lor Iinn"",,,l ," 11 1l o nN or (' rI1l\ e or whlPh he hcud. II.IIII! li S his cOllrederftlel c_ ,)f ,1,,11,,·. tllin evlldllt'r R with whoon he hud be· Don't be afraid , folks. that A ll ie r . !-lilt tl" 0,,,11 The (;""111\l"n come urquu ln tHd In prison . \Vh en b. lOI leaolng &0 fre eze t,o u llHth lJeto ri j( " I " ~il'fl l HIli' V".'' hll e 1'1'''0,, 1I~' 11I1I,1t · hud Ue,," rel"u ~e() h had ~llpp8d qull'tI~· 8\\'8y ttl Ihe West Clnd lI\'ed III cln"p rellremenl lInlll h" bad been tor· I!IlIl ~II. ' I'hp \\ h II e whlRkers h.. had
VI Qo-111u L'
1t ~" 11 11,1' l1Iu.ler · luln~
tllot lIu ll . Il ll'o"' ell 11 11 the lJltOttlug. A score ot y e ll rs L.. t'"I'P h" hud b ~ en "realdent of 0119 nf CliP 11\1'1 ropolls' bll(gt!at buulls. He 1111" hHn dl6COyer6d to lila". erobez1.11:" " Oflrl~' n million dollartl. He hnd
Es IJr-fl
I{Ilhr.. , ' '' ~I I , "' 1" 1. ' • ('ha t<! 1 " 1 II I , l Jl"l~, v ,'" r'lfl 1\1" fit l1H __ h lMt "-4,tf'!t' J... "t , I J Ii
Ohio Slal e
OF rl C(l; :
I·'ull rth SI r"o:(. near Tyler Teh' phone 93
Mr , tlllel ~lrp . WUI l.h l11 l1p~ l1 n 111 ,11 1 1·. lho l, 01 ( \t1l'10I1I111 . "'" nlllkin g Oln I'xionilHIl vl M'L With MI'I\ 'I'll . I Wa n ill Ohio Th o(Jll'~o ll' , 1It' I.h tl w. Il . ~I . CI"rh I) I< rlln,lll ooi lJ lll lr Jur " r~ for ll, e Y esv e. BO il wlfo. , t)olol"' f ~~IIII (' I "'~ Il' 1 l,u l'o h " ~1l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~ dHught ~ r,
I iii' ~r'l lI l l 1111,l r 1l \\·tll
c1 r nw lI
(' . IIt .
Lyl ill \\'II~ "'Ill! rllllreH enl o(\ lit Ihl1 V ~ I"j ~l"" tl uv I ' UI ,,' ,r II ,01 I II " • WurrAn ( 'o unty f"ir o n Thui srill.\' 111.11111 1 ti l'"1',,' 111, J ,, : orA illlv!) lr ePIl ; . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . &Ou Ifl'lrlav . I ~IHIIIIl " n ptl fur Tueeuay. \ fot li lte r IV. ;: E~" MI'. nnd Mr~. ~hn r l ea Morr l~ . 01 ' at ~I ~ III • I : OilY ton. WAr e n"l!IIll: no Lytlo Urnntl Jurors :.. rrlend~. W ed ll ~dtly Ch l18 ,1 I-ichwllrl , 'l' ur lil' I' I' p" I' : ... LX:1lnlJ1Cd C l'rectly, .. ( Mi~~tK ,rll,hrrl ( 'Ju rk loft..Tu 6"0I"y . Bert D~ .. k~ . Tnrllor r;; "ic : Ah' u 11 111: .. Glil:SCS Fitted or I or , " ItJre sho w,ll rt!>'OlO " tf"wlll.nn; W . A Brl ll"n I"mnlo llll ' : .• , . ) ~er wo rk fit, Miami uulv o r~i ly . tlw Will. Or"" . f 'lr flr!'rl' ll k ; U. I~ W ,.r:" .\ 1 .\ IOJ)b lt,\fR I RrCES CO Il\III ~ y e.lT. WIO", T u rl l",nrtll'I< : ( '. I.. 11111". M tl~~lu tnQ~ Mury 1'lIrUl ll n\" Mil · W " VIIO : \\' H , I\" "K. ~II h ' llI ; 11. I';. • tlldl1 (j;mrlclr , C'1Ilrl' 'I' hlllll(l.o n fllHI I)nlllllllll . \V~ .V II" ; E ,III I" n :-:1 " " "r + . ' M"rg"rn~ .Iohn." I·ollk rllunor. '1'\1 [' 13 . Tun !" crl'tI)( ; .111111 "" 'i(\ III'I'P. '1'url lll - • Optica l ncpartment cll\.I', wllb III:" . ~ , 1:1 , H,tlo e~ , In f'r" ,' k: Ii . I: HOYH. ~' rllukllll ; I,IIIV Octroit SI. X enia. Ohio honor ll f b e r ,Ilt. h blrth,loy , r, 11 0 0 "IHl\\hun 'I'urll .. or",," : ~'r""k : ()Jt,~ n <,ve nin l(s by appointme nt Mr . Curs Millor tin,l uS ll ghter , l' Ib,10 \V"YIlIl, 111111 L . A /.1111111" (" • • • •• • Thelma , of DllytOD, ~pent ""tu-un ' mnll. Wl1yn~. • with ·\ l r. aod Mra . WlIllRm ' ,,1.,Pelit Jurorll ~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~ man and dllugbtBr, Do r ot hy . Mr , and Mrs 1:1 M Clllrk eu terBarry PulUJur, Dllo rfie 1cl ; .1 ,' .1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 1 talned to dloner, Tuelda,V of 1,,"1 Grtluy, Franklin; H W Cllu"' 1 week, Mr. flocl Mrs, Johu NlOholB. of Wa s blngton; ,Jam BS Brown, ~' rnnk_ Elblul>!' FJIl, ~oel Mr . und Mra . lin: Edwnrfl ~hnwhlln . WnRhin gt.I' o . Perry Kenr'ok lind daollhl,er, BBr - Curey Monl.on, Def'rfielol; F.llurY Beller, 'I'n rtl eoreek; Hnrry I:!ntfieltl h f W t a. 0 aYllBsvllle . . 'l'ur t illoreek; 11:: M. 'l'h!rkl e id; IJ. IJ', Mr. and Mrs. Kesler GruhulU unr! 'l'hirki t' hl, ~' rllnkIlD : 'hIlA . D. Uook, danghter were Sundtly-gll)j~t~ of Ilr. MII Rs le; 0 B. An(lilr aU Il Frnn ldin ' anel Mr$. Curi AlbrlKht nnu fl>lnlly, E. C. I::lamllto n. Frankilll; Itullth Phont' 44 near l-3prlogboro (Jrnllllin, n~orfl eld ; \\' . C. 1' 0(11 1. Mr 110.1 Mr~ . ClruenC114 Smith .m '['urlloC'rll{lk: () A Hlll o hln ~ IIn. 'I'l1r. Ohio tel t·&ln£'d t o Handav llinuar. Mr. 1\11 (\ lIeor {lek; H lll;h KeI\li n:.:. ('I~,.roreuk; 111.1 rveysbu rg, Mrs . (Jllor ge LIHrl ck, Mr . II ntl Mrs H'. H. H iIl 1J1 ~n n , :-Inl .. lII. ~ll\rry t:ltokl\~ J Pblilp Lllrrioll 11 1111 ohllclre ll, "r l.elo Wa:vn f' . IIJlcI Tho~ . Buut or, SUilllll. ' ano n. MIMI! T hehu" Mille r. of O&y'ou D~. J. MILLER. Mr.llncl MIS . Chnrles Ulllrk , \Vii bur OI 'lrk 'Wel tlunily . WI~Uor Clllrk f\D/1 fllll\i1y lind Mr , Rnd II1rs. Ii M ..• DBNTIST••• Clark Bnd guests wero e nterlAinod 1'btl Il l1 el~rMll(n e' l wi ll Ill1'H f rn r 81\ 10 Hunday, by Mr . and II1r ~ . BortoD lit Pnhiio Allct.I" n. "I ~hn I,.te re HI om"" In WaynenlDe, 0 Kine and Mr nud 1\1 r~ . Th olllilM 111'1100 o r Sun.!1 All'tlnd" Iillrtll"nk N."n".1 !l~ nl~lI. liafll&n, at MIRmINbur". In WaYll o" "11l1i \\'''''1'1' 11 t;'lUnty' , Mr. and Mrs KI'sler Graham , of Ohio, on ' Ly,le, entertained the Uhrlstllin EnSaturday. Septemher 25, 1920, dea vor8 from tbe ~prlngboro U . B. ohuroh. Friday e vening . A two Be ~illnlng lit I o'o Joe k . the lluods ooorso lonohetln waH servet! to ahlin' and (:tIllU,,:S whi c h b ~ l ouglld $0 H"ld tb!rt )-. • Ix guosts They w ur e: totr. tlll rilb Arunueln u ... r,sook. lIeool\8e,1. I\od Mn . CbU8 Alleo, Mr . lIotI Mrs . Rue blll~ for fnrth ll r pnrt,icIII 'lrs. J. B. 1'~: NGEl, Louis Ifry o'od ch!ldren, Mr . IIml All Exeontor of IIlKt will of MIll. Lester ;J'rv nnll flollKh'or, lIIr I n good mechanical con8'lr1l1l Amlln,l" Hll rt.~oo k, &od Mra. Gnrret.t Ulevenger, Mr, deoAI.sell, dition. aod Mrs. ,Tohn Mvor8 nnd lion Mr W. N. 8ell.r8, A 11 0t.. and Mr8. J noolJ Iit'I"lsr 11 mlllhllLlrnn, -' Mr.ond Mrs . \ ill llIlIl Lelohlv IIn(1 dnujtlJt.er, Rev. MoN e lll s, MIsses M.,_ rle K flS I\OIl, Uplil And Url1hll MIIIR . III good shape, over(Juoe. Mar g "rE'lt. and Luoill n Leiohty hauled by factory. Agnl' ~ W l.mln.r d. Vl1rR Unrrl ~ nlHI Funeral Director Doru... tows. M IIH~rfl. Chll~ 1\" rr!~ and Embalmer, These tractors have been Arl.hnr Whlto IIfld Lfur n lll Mil l... .
Public Sales
..For Sale•• Avery 8-16 Tractor
+- - - - -
Waynesville. Ohio.
I. H. C. 10-20 Tractor
taken in tmde on larger olltfits, and ,an be pllrchased at less than half prke.
I·:ith('r AIlI !) t1t' H o rMc drawn pe rvice. Ne "mil ChHfl!e f!!r nuto....lle rvi ,·e. Both IlhCllICH in Office a nti Hesiclence N o .1 4. The Y . P. B WI\8 plell81\lItl.V ell · Pract icnll y new. tertafued ,,'t lilt! h OIll" of Mr. Bnd Mrs. I. N. Petsrson, Wo'lue~d"" evening. BAUNHART, l'he !!:astern St.ar ohlipter alit! Notary Public tam!lIe~ enjoyeel " sDpper I\t, tlte home of Mr . lIue) Mrs. fl. M. Uollett 'l'hursdl.l yev ei.llng. All kinds of N utnry Work . Will. ~ WAYNESVILI.E. OHIO Cillrenoe I:l lllitb ,of COVIIlKtOll , ){y ~ I\IlIl n OellM " Kj)A"lllltv , Wtic:! tbe gUI'l~t o ( relr~trvoij. h o ra, II.I~ I I week . ~ ---~-.-!" - ~~-~~~~""'!'!~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~-~-~IIa. Born-To Mr. nnd Mra. J . 1.::1. --.. Peter~un , I:-iepl,ewbet· 20. IllItinght.e r. Born-To M.r. nnd Mrll. G Aorg n Grooms, Friday 8eptomher 17 a daughter' ' . . Mllrrled-.At t,he r Bidenos or Rev. Jesse Hllwklns, ~,,~ordIlY ev enlnll, Heptembnr 18, .WllIltun Wall, of near Wlhnlugton, and Mi ss Vern Billard. of Klngm.n. Mias Boover, of Rlopm md. J nd " gave an tnterestlng tnlk on B o me Misslon_, Il~ $be Friends CbtU'ob, Suuday morning. MrB IDa ,,'bllne i~ "~81~tlng wllb the work at the )JO!Itollioe, for B ff'W dill'S. Rev. IVrlght Wfl,& oalled, iAst week, ~ 8omene~, Ohio, where he W08 formerl, }lRstor. to of1loi&t:e at. a Nearly every home contains more or les!! wedding. junk- that is, mater ial whidl will never be
5 h.p. Stationary Engine
E. v.
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Junk Is Useful Material In the Wrong Place
- ...------
Dre.me That Annoy, A Queer drenm. nn'd a very IrritatIDI olle, 18 thllt of trylog to CAlcb a Imln 'ollli ml8llng It, or of geltlng Into th o wrong ll;l\llI- It vcry vivid these drQnms 1I811nll&r P\lr~eJ)d · ,yorrles 'or-' Ii tlnnnclni kind, no,t 1[\(~e\lueDt1Yr I!lIlo brat' lng thc 1088 of n I)ost or 80 mucb pny. If merely vagnfl antl hlnrre¢ they slgnlfV nothing 1]1. • particular, ;
eeyond HI. Contrel. Robert had entertained bl. CODlin tor two or th'r ee dllY., but at the el\l1 ot I.he third day, a dllco.llon aro80 ud B hnnd . to 'bond fight ItO.Ded. Hla 'lIo.tber, hCllrlUI the commotion, quick. I, rushed to the scene Bnd ndmonlabed, --.---"It Im't nice to !lgb!, Rob rt," Ibe .. Id, "elpeclal1; your OWD , relation and lUelt," lIut ber Ion In tHe hetlt of . D.lIy The'ught, P11l1!loD, repUtd. "It don't make aDJ or 8 trntb men lU"e mY8tlCally Dnltdl;;erenca netller be le mll '1 !I tloD o. eel: a 'mystic bond ot, brotherhood aot, ml; mad teel. tOlt . the RBme." 'Jilakee In men ooe.-<Jarl.Jle,
used there again. Whatever you ha ve which has outlived its usefulness - fllrniture, hardware, books, magazines, baby ca rriages, bassinets, briea-hra , skates , clolhillg- should he sold. Other people will be able to pllt these t.hin g~ lo good lise. . TaFl WANT ADS will helpyou make quick and pr,o[i tnll ie soles of discarded articles,
. ....000 It... .","U 'J'h
• M .. ut a.
<or ,ho' \\ rlil, o·"'''I'",,·d, Q'rlllo' 11.000.1100 ",p,.~ nll"'II" til IIh' ::~ h"u~
.....111 ....1 "ull ..."
.... , ""
4000 miles. writton iuarantee. New 'Wi1kin son-Beavet Hil<!h Pressure Syatem. Stop a cLRtltl us. It will P!lY VOII'.
11 617
Of condlLlon of th Harv y~burg N ti nal Bank Rt Harv YRburg. in th tate of hia. AI the ch'se of bU8in II, Qn t!r/ t emb~ r 8, I~I:!O . RESOURC s Anll 1>I"""unto.. • ~ ,U Of . n
'1~.I'O~. "
0.11...1... "" llMe1' Ur.<! . • , •. , •.. :. U •• • Oo. erUmftDI ""'url' I... o"n ... 1
IU 6
1"'00 0
'QMOU,.,' '1"'\lloU hOUlll ,JAr v_fU"I '...
De_I t""
Tim Bl~An"ATTII! &SnV1~E ~~I 326 I!. 8tb !it., CinCinnati, 0,
I , UO:'<. 11
Chu rch, next Sumlay , eptember 26.
of C'OrporaUonl ' .. \lft... f·'\f"
Mi ss N!'l1ie P"lHnoi, of Dnyton, spent the wet'k-('nd 111 the home of Mrs. J . W. Ed w Brd~ , Ollrrhird ~ t rt'e l.
.., II~r
1::;;~ n ll t ~
lhlln no" J'ellr flor n\l.
H':~k~,~~l~li~:~~~;~~l'.-r~rO\~' nuk .tock . HIO<"k
"_r'·. Ilol1k
or Flld ... 1
( 50 p.er oeD" 0' luhtlClrlptiOIl PUrnlCurfl and n"lurw .
t , . ,'(l , hO
~.O '''II' O
., . . . ...
.,r"o Dank
~ ()
. . :-'!J3. tHi
C I'd~et.~ro';:U~~tl~~;~ n~~n~:lOUO~~
11. 454
Tot-I I. of 1t(\01. 13. .. . 1 ~ 18 a nd
~1 1
Three important thin gs to get in fall clothes
rh~i 0'0 b.~'k·.·lnc.iOd o!I~·.i~!·~l chy or I{)w n ('I f I"t'JlOrtinM h i Uk
and oth r CuJlllcnn. ..
1 :I H I
llodem l"lou IIlIId "'I,h l ' .B. Ul'(I.r acd uuo from t: . 5. 'J're ...•
ID~-:'t ·l!·a.ru.f but not' roil.cted .
no nl~
TOlol. . .. ............. .. . 'H ,18( ,38 1.1 AUI ,"ITIES Uopltal .Iock paid 10 .• ,., .•.. , .. '3~ , UU U 00
8urpl ul tu nJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l ' n tlh1ded pront• .. ... . l. a 21.!I!'I t ... currenl o).peOIfltoa, In1ere.' ... d t ax.. pahl. . . . . 313.!lO Jlueroet amt 4ItK'ount t'O lIert.OO or credl\oed lu ad \ Dooe of mat.urHy t.Dd Do t earned . . .. . . . . ... . Cirelll.U llf lndlvluul\
011 IJltfLllding . . . . tle,lOl lta lutlJO\' t. t o
t1 f1 1l 0 noOP
chock ...... .. ... ' ......... , '1'0 1.1 or lIem. 14, 3 0, 86. 37 , 88
an(119 . , , ... , , •. , . , . 1 'folal .. , . , . . ,
.s .~ 8 1 , ! I
1 good qualihJ 2 good style 3 a fair price
D O lt.
S " .3 ~
'., ... Si4 . •
o r the tot a.J loa nl an r1 dll(·ounl.a eho'Yl' D a l){)\'e
Tb e hl gb prI ce ot clothlnr; Ie larr;oly r08pons lble t o r tbe m a nutactu re or n numbo r of pn per articles Import e d trom Aus trIa nud O(' rmany . Clli ot nmo ns th oso 15 au all -pape r 8ult tbnt retails Ilt th e DOmIna l s um o r 1 5 conts . TIHlse nrtt c lea hu ve become pop ul a r In p arta or B uro pc, eep eclU 1l1 w h e re c lo tllln g 19 woro mo r e fo r serv ice thao nllp ea r n o ce . T ilb le. Ioths. rug~ . <J IO. , Ilre a ls o' ampo g lho p n Ll e r lU't\ cloa. The dlllll,n an f ('olo r I. IIlmlln r to tllos e uow 10 Ulltl.
Hart S chaffner & ~[arx clothes cover those three points .better than any clothes we know of.
t he .alOUD' aD whkb i ot er6lt and dilk.·oUO l
....... c:h ....ed a. ratol 10 8:x-("M.I o r those j!ennlUed bv la" ( R8(l . 3191 . Rov. S<.I. ) (e.xalualn!l o( DO les upoc wllteh totlLl cha.rge DO'
('6.ft' '- . ...
t. '~ ent 1. true Ul~ btUer,
to the best o f
11. S . 'I'ucker . O""hicr.
:;ublc:rt bed and .wo rn to bdurt'l me .. bt.
18th d., or 8epL U1 0, Qorrect Atl",l :
Nota., Pu blic.
l:. B . LBVll'Y
Dlrecto ...
No. 2220
REPORT Of the Condition of the Waynesville National Bank, at Wavnes ville in t he Stale of Ohio, the close of bU8iness. Sept. 8, 1920.
RX SOUlIOES. Loon. aoll dllcounle. IDC1ud lotr
red.lIcoun'" ....... 828.090, • 6~to1 Looo• . . , .... . , - ..... ,. 82 ~ .0 80 .'~ erdran.. u..-ured .. .. ... , . 9~ 1 , 0 I U . a. !J<>vemmlnt S«urt U.. .,"nll<l : DIII!.ul&ed to -1U'e circulation (U.8.boDdI DtLrYilulI)G O.OOQ,OO Owned an4 unplodgod .. .. I n, 63 War Bay!og. o.,rlil1eateo au,l Tbrlft S'amlll aCluall7 o.vnod 1 OU7 15 )1211 sei:ui1,iei oil;er •• ih~n 'ti: S'-boud. .' (DOt lnCludln tack.) owood WI(llodaed . .. .. , .1U6.611,00 Collo..".ar Trual ..nd oLber DO_ nI corpor •• loo. lNued ror no. ' - tlJan 001 yur uor mo.... 8~~. a:tl~~~~· 'F oJi~?i~ 2J9.'U.OO S=~fB~~~~";';ive Ii • .ik ( ,000,00 (60 per cent 01 .ubocrl plloo) 1,500 00 Value orbr.nklDa hOIlle .. . . . . , . 8.000.00 Lawtu\ .-n.,,"b Fedoral Re· ""'0 BtoDk ........ ..... . ... 31.066.08
Oaf.:.:n~l~a~o~Je~=~~ Tol<al olltema II, H . U . 16 Inu
07.71Q. t6
c~·';ti 'b~ io.;.~7 '~~:il·3o o r CU7 or to .. n of ..... portl bank Olld ot.b.r cuh 'tem • . ~K Bodemp"oJ1 fund ..Ia U. 8. ........ urer Ulll due trom U. 8,
ID=~ bi,I'Dot i.OiiiK:i6d .
N g~J~
- --Total ...... .. ...... _.... . ' 70a. HO,2l LlABILITIES O~!?ltal'tock pald In ..• .••. . , . • ~O . OO O , OO fund .. , . . •. ... .. . " . 100.000.00 D l1ded PI'OIIIe ..... S•. SIG. S. ~ CIII'1'IO' _ , In'''..... t ...d tu.. l)altl ., .. . . J,116,G9 32 1 29.G~ Itll..... t Olld dt.counl collecUKl or cnc1tted. In a4nnce or mo'u. It7 &lid DOt earnod ... . . , ....
l'I.'bank.amounle duo to NotIOnal , .. .. .. ............ , ..
C..rUlled cheek. oul<tLaudlng . ... Total of ILIIW. ao. 11 . 11 and II . ............ .. . 10. 31 . I G IOOI .. ldual dopo.ltf .ubJoct 1<>
~al'rtl~;~.II.PO~~ ~~~.'~. ~~
DIvidend. unpaid " "" " " " Total 01 demUld dopoell. (other
10 000.OU 128, 16 0~ G.9 1 5 . 6t
0 I S, 95
UlIUI h r.nk del",6I lo) .ubjtrt 10 Reler.e, h em. 14. 86, 38. 37,
1·otal , .... ... . ... . .. ,. , . . 170 3.2 10.2 ; UI the total 1000• • nd dt.l<:oU'II. lho,," a OO\'6 the &moun' 011 "hle h luterHI ond ul.Sco uut wu charged ac n.t.ee In exc. . of thOB9 I",rmln ed h)' la .. (tlee. 51 97 nev Bto, .) C.xclu. " ·. 01 oot... upon wb leb to.dcha.rge WaJI
noDe. The number or such lows "08 none. I . I . M. lI. lld.roon , C..hl.r or l he abo ".
oamod b all k . do IW1 lemllt)' Ii\\oar tha' the abov 6 ~.J~I\~rl~tia "rue t.o t.iJo belit. or my know ledg -
Lo , M. Illt NIHt H80:'l. O..hler. !lU tem'lbed .,"1 ' ''om to beto .... me thl. 16tb darol8epteurbor. 1820, E . \'. Boroba.rt. W H I T E~otar7 Publlc. (Iorrect A W. U. ALLEN .
O,T . lIAW I\E ,
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..~
OUR 'CLIENTELE GROWS - No t lIpon ,promises hut upon pe rfor lll a ll ces. We nre p ioneers in DRY CLEAN ING A ND VYE Il\ G . I II hu s iness s ince J t'IJ,'j, Se flu goods b y Parce l Pl,Is t. Pro nlp L l h :livc l ics.
J , H GrahRm, of J etrer~"I\\'ille, Ind , Wll.~ r elll! \\'in~ old 1l(·!.ll1 uinlunce ~ here this wCl'k. lind W ill make a visi t to his nuughter. Mrs Curl Cran e. of Dodd s.
The Teasdale Company 615 . (,n Wl1lnut c;; l
Mr . and Mrs. L A. Zim mermlln , _____~~~~~~~---~~~~~!""'"~--~~'!"'"--"~::= left, Sund ay morning, for (;ree n\'illt', where they join ed ~o ll1 e fri ends, who ••• ••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••• ~ will t uke an IlUto trip to I'orl Clintun, Mich., ami ~ p n ,l sevt! ral dllY ~ with relatives. :
Th, Home 01 Halt Sc haffner & Marx
Lebanon, Ohio
Read Gazette's Classified Ads
A New Serial to Begin Soon Watch for It
Ferry Christian Church Bible Scho('1 at 9:30 , Preach ing at 10:30 B. m. and 7:30 p m. Every one invi ted . J . A. Pine, Pastor ,
Caesa r's Crcel{ Friends Church Sunday School at lhi ~ ~ hur ch every Sunday al 9:30 a m 'preaching ~er vice at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Yuu ure cordially invited to be IJrCsent. St. Mary's Church . ' Seventeenth Sunday after Trlmty , September 26th: Church School at 9:30 a. m ; Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. The public cOI'dially Invited to these services. ,
Use our CII88ified Ad. for resulta.
32 and 115 Volt All Sizes
The LateClassified Ads, FOR SALE- PROPERTY
A.-6_room bOUIe, large barn, wagoD abed, orlbs and oSher outbuildings, tlprloll of water d house, Hood .011 all ,mabie aDd on good road. 7 mlJM e.. t of DaytoD. A grand bargain.' ,UIO per A. You OIO'S touoh lOY farm th.l jolnll " for le.a than $201 to '225 per .... Thle 18 on8 of .he bee' pi opoemon. LOllonll sccured. I hive on my ('ome and S86 me, M, N Doo,I ..IIJ, Bell phone 14X. I::Ipriog Vlllley , O.
F.D.Hawke WayneSVille, Ohio
Centerville, Ohio
Admission, J 7 alltl II cc n ts
"The Night of the Dub" Saturd.a y,
sep~leml~~r ?5th
"i;:;~~g Isl:~d,I;1 S till better than t h e "Grim Game" Also, Pathe News Admission, 22 and 17 ce nts .
Tuesday, Septembet 28tt. Ano th e r installment of thc J ack Dempsey seria l
"Dare-Devil Jack" Also, a good Fox Feature Admission, 22 arid 17 cents
~ .
MAXWELL-CHALMERS PARTS - SERVICE We (Arr), a compl ete Une of parte ror th"
MAIL. TELEPHONE OR TELEGR.\?H Ordcn given Immediate atteodon, l)ISCO U'ntB 10 bonn tlcJ" gnrage..
Bell .....
___ - _ _ 7
1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classified Column! for Result,,.
Orthodox Friends Church Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Meeting for worship at 10:30.
---_.- ...- - RESOLUTIONS
Resolutions of respect for Thomas C, Whetsel from ;the Eastern Star No. 224. Harveysburg, Oh io . Death has again invaded ollr ranks and taken from our mid st an esteemed brolher and member of our order. Thomas C. Whetsel'. Brother Wh etsel ,will be mi:!Sed from oor Chapter, and we ex tend ou r sincere alld loving sympathy to hie bereaved wife and brother!! and sisters, therefore Be it resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be l!p read lIpon the the Chapter in honor of records our deceased brother, and a copy be given to the family , Annie L, Harri s 1 R. L. Hartsock ~ Comrniltee. Mary Sy ferd ~
Starr Phonograph.
Record,s and
Make thlsstoreheadquarters for aU your Butomobile luppUes. We carry only trademarked Qoods of highest quaUty.
ACRES S IX - RO O ~l HOUSE, BARN , 2 CORN Cribs, good Well Water, ]0 acres in Timber, P rice per acr e .. .... ... . . . , . ..... . . .. . $150
These farms are both wi/hin:d miles of good elevator and shipping station, located on fine pike dose to town and school.. Both an> splendid bargains. If interested, write or call
Also, E rnes t Tru a x, ill
18-20 South St. Clair St., Dayton, OhiQ._
ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND, 27 ACRES B lue Grass Pasture, ever running water, :~ acres Orcha rd, Si lo, Tobacco Shed , B~rn, Coal Shed , Chicken Hous e, S moke House, Dwelling House of 8 rooms, Fur nace , per acre . .. . , ... ...... . , $200
i £ I
Harveysburg Friends Church Sund ay Sch ool, 9:30 , Ml'el ing for EVCl'yh"uy ('ordiWorship, 10:30 ally invited to lh e~e servi ces ,
Several of our residents had the pleatlure ~f an aeroplane ride this week .
C l olh~.
P ea turin g Ury Rnt Washhurne, in
M. E. Church Sunday Schuol. !.l:L5 8. m,. Frank LeMay, Superintend ent . Morning ~ervic e II :45 a. m . Evening serv ice 7:30 p m. All invited to corn e land hea r th e new pastor, Sunday, September 2r..
Thursday, September 23rd
"Mra. Temple's Telegram"
your money back.
Mrs. Elsie Netzley an d tl au!!'ltter, Evelyn, of St. Paul. Minn. , IIlIIl 1\1i~~ ' : Velma Co rnell, of Duyloll , were : . week-end guests of 1\1 , A Curnell a n,l l : wife . They we re joined on SUlld!lY : by Mr, Geo B1umll'lI anti wife, Mr. : G. W. Barlholo lllow, wife lind Kralld- : dBuRh te r, und Mr Will . 'l'hU P.1I1. : wife 11110 d a u l{hler~, lMtie und : Doris, of Day t o~,_ _ ___
money' s worth- y ou ge t S~IITH .
RepubllcaD candldat .. ror .ec re t'a r r o r atate, cite. hi . udrnllllstr"lIol1 or \.hat ollie. a s Ih e l,n,ls of h is clai ms ror r ... le<> !lou . 111 . UPI>Ort o r tb ls, be tor. the eleclors o f Ohl u. he poln l a to the emclency anI! econ o my whI c h character ize h is ('on llne t or t h ll de l).rlment In th e race or unex.mpler1 lo erea.es In Ihe volume or b us lol .. aod dutl •• Imllo sed In the las t ' '''0 yellra 10 al l It . dh'I.lon s. A s supe r visor of Ih ~ e lolc\lon .,.st.1II ot Ob lo. Secrt'l nr)' SmIth direcli tb. atte n tion 01 the c iti zens hi p of the SWle to hi s coutluct and ruling. tbat reflect hI s sla nd tor c loa n . hone.t. ld bo' o r derly go,'er nm e nl. H o ho 8 t '" the r igh t or Irnn eh Ise g uaron I eell by t h e con-. l ltll tlon all " law s or our state \ ' u s hall be pre served In vIolate ; tbat Ille 1,'lrl' t y or th e hn llot mu s t be saloguarded: t hnt t he people mllst be protecl d ·In th e o l e r clse or t be lr p r ofer ence s o r the ballot bOI. free trom \.he m e nacing scb emes of \loUtlcal trickste r s, and that the e!forts ot tho Be wh o wou ld USUrl) Ihe l)O wera HON : HA RVEY' C. SMITH. and Il r iv ll eges at t he peo ple Ilnd u se Ih.m 10 promote th ei r own e lfi s h purllose •. m ust be I UP1,re ssed , Secretar y Smith h ns III'en nctive in pOli tiCal. ludl ctal nnd admlnl8t ... the alfa lr s el' er since becom lnl( a vOl e r. He WIlS three tIme s elected to the ofll ce of proha te Jud ge or ~Iu sk lngum c ounty . u pon whIch omcer Is a ho eonrerrrd Ihe Ju ri.dlcllon or nil juven ile m alte r s. Hi s admlnlstratioo of thl unlce gained tor hi m " Ial c. wl de recognitio n and be Is knowD parllCUarly a a n uut "."rlt)' In lu v nile cOll rl work. ' .J ud"e Smith was born in Ooslloc ton co unty and became a r oaldeot of Mo skln gum counly wh e n about tour year s of Ilge, A I . young m~ be t BlIshl sr hool ancl la ter bec'n me Interest.d In oew.paper work and In tbe st udy or law. AHV I;; Y
Farms for Sale.
If you don't get your
98 anti au .. . , .. , . , ,e 9,0~ •.• 7
onto t.o eXCO&I I GO ce Oll
ting ours "to the bone."
For Secretary of State
Otrcul6ltq DOIAI 011,"'&001111 ' •
check .... . ........ . ... . . ..
it a b igger one by cut-
~l eI1'I U ,
W . A.
(;. U . COO K
T. f '. llcOU IN N
We ' re making your prof-
m ade) \Vb
Done. T he Dumber or lucb loan. WILl Ilono. STATE OF 0 1111). "'AnnEN COUNT Y.SiI : I . If . 8 , TU I'.k6r. Oru..hle r o r Ihe a oo\'e n.med t lAll" . do 80IemDly ."ear that ' h e k llo .. ledge
:"''' ."")
wh 11 Fooe,nl Itf'-
/ , ,,, mOUT TlQ1l \vOIU.D. 'n TUEr.t -mIll AFTERNOO:S .~ : " H AN( ' ~; THAT. THOUGH THEIn I'. .... ~t l\ \' · ..: ~., I~ AOAIN loW ' 'T~ , 'I'IWIUG S"; \I~;1t S ~I.t\Ll. lit.: A IiUns1." , .. F'OIt T ln~ 'S' I'J\HS ANl) t>T1W': ~t:I " ~ y T IlEJIJo:UJ. "
'Jl'S'(' " ' / nu'r' I
,Mrs. J abez Hoberl~ . ot Dayton, was calling on reI8 ti., e~ here. Su ndav aftern oon.
(001) la r lurtln", " Ierk.) u ,.netl
Oo~I~~.,::rl::.t~~1 AUt'
(''''~ I'T OF .'IUilEDOM AND
1,1Nl ' (\
IVlln Lack y and flllmly, of Centervil le. s'pent, ~undfl)' with bus, ' IISkey and family.
All are in vited to come heal' and welcome the new pastor !,f th e M. E.
0 Il l.
8. ' Ill n!' O .oed . nrl un plrwhr 1.0 UI U 8ecurt'JN 01 her tba.o 1' . H hond.
Ue llv urlll" 11 1I~I:lOIlIr , uCUlIlIy. S"Ulltur H ..rdlng, nttllr r.rerr lllK to tWO hl!nd l'l\ 8111dlorB who w ro lutilrelled lIatElnere. elLI,\lmed : " 1'IfE V f H : S ,' \ ' Elt AOA.lN TO SlIiIll OLD (;1.01\". -I" 1'0-: AT HO;\\E AND '8IGNALo
..... .ne '
Standard Spar.
A ·:e
Equip your motor with AC Spark Plugs to let best possible performance. AC'sarethobeR ll&oDey cao-buJ.-:- - --
Waynavllle, O~o
The p oe t sa id , "Wha t is so rare as a d ay in June." The p o et probably n ever had a cow o r h () r~e , or a plow or buggy to sell. You should werry about the p oet a nd perfect day, beca usE' you do have lots of surplu s s tuff lying ar< ,und, which is doing you no good , bllt would help the o lhe r fe llow out wonderfully. Cut this sluff off your list at o nce by an ad . in this paper, and you wil~ rid yourself of a pile
-!-t- UI>'-j-I.I.J+Io;...a -lI 'UIJI-U-YI-UlII::.,I·Ila.I; t:. - J
THE COUNTY FAIR Tom Clark took nrst in the roadster class at Lebanon last week, with hia mare. Sister Dianna, 2: 17}{ . She was 8howR by W. O. Gustin, and was al80 matched up with a roadster from South Lebanon, the team takin&' second.
F.D.HAWKE Phone 41
. WaynQSville, Ohio 2'
--- ...- - -
- -- ....
,SOCIETY PICNICS AT FT. ANCIENT The Service Guild of St. Mary's church went to Ft; Ancient, Satur, and spent'the day. They had a fiDe time, a fine lunch, and the young folks enjoyed themselves to the limit.
New Seed Rye FOR SALE AT
:3eventy-Second Y ' ar
HI' ca re flll :11111 ",,,Il·h · l h,· dille of expirati on " " yUil l' .\1 i III I Gazette. Thi " i" Ih " I illl" d \ o: ur ,..· ~ .I. ~n
wlll 'l! .'lJU h " \ t' I lI nr
dOIl ' 1 I.-I
' It,''"', f(l r
\I ' U "
y ou \\' 111 \Vh f'( ler, .1I~ d \VIall
" ' ""
'" t\'h d ~d t I lI i :-l \\ ill-
Don't Let Your Subscription Expire
l hi ' 'A AJ '· I I h,·ld III On·gt1f1i ;l . ~f ' pt t 'llitll'r :.!.:lt h . \\ a -.t H • ln n~ lll ndjl itl d, 'I. arH I t'lIj', \ u ldt' "'Ta- l Tc e ar,nual
ren I'ollnl ,
\r " rd ' IIIl'! IIIU' !o'
t' IIIl Vt'I11 io ll . If
\d I
II IU n). Il f
R~rll(·n :ber,~,
Call1oir to your mind the great ~rowd8 that at.tended the S. Fred Co.
LebanoD St{)re Sprinll opening, a 1IIJlflfetition Is made to come early so .. to let a ~ood poaition to see the modele poee the fashions. Thursday Doors open
Friends of Mifl Dorothy Gebauer. • former teacher in our schooll', rejlelved word lut week announ~hllr t~e death of her ~ather, 'who vlelted Waynesville and made many acqllalntaDl:es while hia daughter was here. lliis GebaUl!f bad arranged ·to go to Bl~mond, IDd •• t9 teach, but after b~. fatber'. death ahe declined ·that lIChool, and at preaent is teacbiDe at
The first regular meeting of the Wayn\! Township Mothers' Club will be held in School Hall, Friday ~ven ing, October t, at 8 o'clock.: All wo.men and· o't hers Interested in the wei fare ot our school and the conimunity are urged to be present. Judg~ F: M. HamiltoD;'o f ~banon • . will addre88 the meetlnlr aqd give full ' lnstructions. "How to Vote.!' Ev1D1v11Je.liId. j,uR acr08l the ri~er Ella B GooJi,-Pres. . from her bome'at Hend.non, Ky. . Stella 8llttel'Worth, Sec'y. ~.
I r'illli
:lr, . ,' .
li t, , · 111'11.
a ll \' ', 'at ll'I I Hd, ...: p tll !i\ \\, ~l l' fI
1':1I .i;,, 1 h, ,,,) o r " . 1'1'1111'1, \\ Jl II 11\ ,h ,· til ... j),,1 h, I htJ 111 ' \ t 1',111 " I, il tlo , l,aJl IIII I, h, . :1I,at" "11. I tt )\C IJ! lin al ,I,' I II U l.! t ' hi: h ;lI f ll r that I' U ' P"'(' T b i, I d ~ .' , I a m all 'Ill lir , 1 tin·\\" ( )..:h Ir ll t'
THE DAVIS MEETING AT LEBANON A bi~ crowd ~reet · d IJ llf'I'Y L, DaviR. cnndi d at, fo r ~'"'Crrt u r, al Lel' an on, Thursday c\'el ,jI1 ~ . Tile r" was al~o a big cro\\'u of ladil ' ~ pl ";lent who a rel anxiou 13 t o g'e l all the informati on th ey can I((;'t tJ n th e v"ting IJrop .:r~i ti (J n for th e ell' 'l ion in ~o vem her. Mi s ~ \Iarri\! 1 Morial'il .v, of ('I veland , Hubt. Z. !luchwaller, tlf 'incinnati, Lie ul-(; " v. llroll'lI al,d Il a rry L. DaVI S were th e sppakers . Judge Mariu ll Hamilton was the <'halrman of the evening', anti per form ed that tas k with hi ~ usual gracioll s m an ner , There wa~ v('ry litt Ie murl-~I i ll g inll from an y of the 5 (> 'akers. all of th e m tlliking ftl cts, !llId etlch "H\(Je Ull impr~. ion on his hea r ers, I: . Z, Buchwalter. who is a candidat e fur t he Co urt of AplJellls from th is districi. is a good man fo r t he pl ucl' , and has the entire eml o r~I:! ' nelll of the I{l!plIblican s from th is di H lri~l . .
d dwil f'I I ,";I)
Itl till' k t ,~ .
' t" IIt' e:... I,. TI ,.. 11 " -1 I a lt,'r h it " ~ r"un d l' r thr' lIlgh Ih ,' "acan cy th u~ i" 1'I111',1 allllll<'lIt\; ill l".n ... · g'H,,1 I hrll \\' til 'i rsl 1'1' a ': 1<'1' . l l.. , hig I", \ 's pil .. hill" 1" "'11 1'11 f,,1' I I" gall l< ' \\,;" !J "! rik l'-" "I'. I I il. I 1,a ,." ,,".1 I lil t lHl tslll ''' ' WI ,ill' Jarr~ t t li as "1U~II . g Ihis gnud r , curd, hi~ hatter.\' partll er Hu b !:lUrtOIl. wa Hrlning' equa lly well WI1<'n Ilagl!r rl v is right hp kn owR liP Ill:e r, Hn d h.. "..,v c r d, s played 1Il0rt' real ~ llI s , lhllll It ' tI,d lus t SUllday . TIll' eltl i I'e team played gil -edgl' ball 'I'ru,', Ih e r" Were U fe l\' lI'obbl l" righl at till' sta rt, )'"t t h e~l' we re ,I ,", I" lI l'I' r-an xil'l y, anrl th e ufTend,11'1''' d id clI"ugh bri lliullt " 'o rk tu ""JI't' tha n at un ,' fur tlll' Ill , II wllilid III' Imrd t l1 pick tb e' indil'idU fri "lal'~ l;a rl I\1 cC llll" ~ and I-l owurrl Burt oll prllbably shu wed up to t he hesl HlIvalllag'u h!.!raust' t he lu ck of th e game bra ve lhem lh challc· to ~ hin e , IJu t " Vt'fI' IIIUII wa ~ a lway" on his to e~ , doing tire right lhillg fit th c ribrht tim , Fi ll aJly, tJr 'thr ell, th" I' JI1g: tulked lIf and much d,'sir"d fiv l'-gullW se ries with l:lellhrook hll ~ Ireell arran ged Acro.rding to pr e~e nt planH. the fir ~ t ~3me will be \ll ayed at B\!llbrook, IH' Xt. ulldny Th L' game~ will t hl'lI alternate hetl\' t' en th e two towns UIIil th e fifth. th e Irt ca t il)n ft.r which th " coill will he c h()~en hy II nip Th l' ~1i a mi 3 not only cun, l,ut will. wIn thi g ~er ied if they kee p lheir head s and play I hei r usual ~ oud ~ al1\e ::iteml y, boys. yo u ean d o i I!
Th e Wayne TOlvnship Hig h Schoo l base IlBJI team won tl\(~ lirst game of th eir fall ~eaH {)11 at Phillips Park last friday a f te rn onn. The ~cnre waH very lop-SIded ( I!I lo 9, w e believp) a nd th eir opponents claimed f a r epresent Kinj(s Mills Hi g h Schoo l, but ye ~had es of No rv Tanne r, Boob I~nglert alld lIill 'urrun. how the lIlighly huv t! fullen We still ha,'c painful rn emori es of the tim e wh en those young genllemen lin d their ~c hoolrnal es wo u ld g ladly take on anyalld all opponen ts and proceed t.rJ mop up the n earest ronvenient IIlI Il fiel d with t hem. 'l3ut those days of KinK~ ' glo ry a re pasl and gone The present bunch has aSB umed the role of mop. instead of m op per.
of Dol1ars
'1' 1,,· oIn' \\','athl'r o f la ~ t weel< 1\·"01,, I II' 11":11,01 . 'I f. d () lIur~ in Ohio " "'ll' '1'1 ", ' ''l' n 'lar y o f Ilgricu l1'1'" "11 II! II I Ihi ,) will h(' wll r th S,". IIli'l .lIl1t1 II I"" " 1111 :ICC,)lIl1t or the ,Iry ~ I',· II. II " '" (pn reel that a f" " . t ," i,dll "" ""~ un.1 hurl the , ' ,l rI' , wh ir'il i .. II • . • very immature ~tnt.' . 1111111111 ,' rl r.l· weather com111(>!,.",, 1. 11'1"'11 ,t heg an to r ipen ti ll' l' rt 'I I I I i.. dallllt'd t.ha l the late pot,d( , n,,1' wil l h i! I! llllrmOli S l ilrll lll, /',,"1 th ,' "I:,t<', bill th e I·arly crllp had II lpnden cy to rot ill 111t' "rll'IIIII. IIwinl! 10 the ext ro·I1\, · wl'l ",('ather . Other lat e cr,'p" lira .Jili nII' well , h ~ wevl'r.
:'1i"::1 [nulla lI eig ll\vay was the :-;ull day din ne r I{ ue ~ t of M&dames I';dith lI ur r i, and Laura Mosher . ~ I r anrl M r ~. l{u8f1ell Sa lisb ury en lertallH'd , :-;lIllday , at dinn e r. Mr. l{onAld lI awke and family. Mr Leon Sali~bury flnd fami ly . Mr. Harvey I{ye and wife, Mi ss Nettie 1 ~llr nhart and ~ I r . Clar once [{ye.
The lluHY Women's cl ass of t he M. S . S. , t end e red Mrs, lJur vey Rye 'I showe r !!urprise , Salurdav evenin g, at he r home IlI1 Thi rd street. Eighteen mem bers of the class were presl'nl, Ilnrl each one brought a very useful present. The evening was SlJ lJllt in mu ~ic anll conversati on. and horn -mad e can dy and popcorn were servl'll. I '~ ,
A ve ry enjoyable IIffai r was hel d, ",unday, Seplemher :lG th, at th e home o f Mr . an'~ Mr~ . Walter L. Sawyer. it ueing t he occasion of the Sawyer ftlmilv re union. The dtlY was perfed. A9 the Bun began to climb. th e r elatives began t o arrive and by the timl' the 'noo n hour had roll ed arou nd. the tabl es were spread out nn the law n beneath large willow and maple trees . All we re seated at tbe tables, which we re fill ed wit h all the good things of the season and everybody proceed ed to do it justice. the number o! gueslii being nearly tlfty Dinne r heillir ovt>r, 1\ m eeting wall held lin d t he foll owing office rs were e lec ted for the e ns uing: Waller L. Sawy er, president; Mi ~s Elenoro Wolf, secr etary. The date fixed for t he next r eu ni on was next !:)pptemher at th e home of Mr. Wilbur Spies. o f Ca rlis le, The aflernoon was s pent with mu ~ ic ami g ames until t.he g'uestA u epartetl, declarin g the occasion ono long ti, be r emembered ,
COMMUNITY SERVICE ENTERTAINMENT There w ill be a meeting of th e Service. Wednesday even ing , Octo ber Gth. at 7 o·clock. lit School hall. .TIl{' com mittee hllve .j('cided Upllll Ih e f "lIowilll{ program ro r the e V!'lIing : l 'remier Bnn d conc ert. An in terv al for Gam (' ~ , So ngs by Femal e (ll ee Clu b . Songs by Mal e Glee Club. S(] ng~ by the nUlld Roys, COlll mu nHy Si ngi ng', It i::l hoped that there will be a la r~e cruwd fit thb m,'eting. f or reco ll ections of the recen t good limes uug ht t o attract. The re will be sUlI1ething d oing ev ery min u te, and lhe locnl direc t org will have charge of th e entertainment. Come, and be preJ)ared to enjoy yourselves. '~I)mmunity
.... r iP :":
11 th' d 1l " II ,
---Stillwater Lodge, F. & A. M .• will hold a big meeling. Thursday. <lcto_ ber 7. and Waynesv ille lodge is especiaJly invited · to attend . The work '>I~ll begin at "o·clock. Lebanon lo~ will· eonte r the M. M. degree on th'e 400th candidatt! of this lodge. Ed Kandall'. formerly of this place. is one of the leading members of this lodge and ill also a trustee.
.la"l'l t 1'111'1 .. ,01 " \\"",,1, d,, 1 lIil L!nll ~ t· . and' I idl .. n l' h i; w a- I li t·
Milll Lizzie Stewart. last week, had the pleasure of a week-end vlait from. her cousins, Mrs. Cochnower. ot Jow liD, Mo , Mr . Robert Cochnower. ot Cincinnati, and Mr. HarryCocbnowCly and eon, of DaytoPl. Ky.
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Watkins' orchestra and Living An uffe rill lZ of $7 WIIS laken for Models posing the latest fall fa~ hions the work rlurinj( t he convention . at Fred'a Lebanon Store opening, In l he evenill ,. M rl!. Cuslis I!:we Thursday evening. September 80. he- lin interesting lind he lpful tulk on ~Innin~ at 7:30 our wo rk in th e S und ay-sc ho~ls . The six delegales from WaynesRalph Miller and family W . E. ville Union Mesdame.l Emma ChapCornl!lI and family. M. A. Cornell man, Elwood herwou,P. J. L . Hartand family. Mra Eva Miller and Mrs sock. J . E Janney. Maurice Silver. Grace M~Cune spent Sunday at Sny- and Lindley Me ndenhall. wished all der park, Sprinafield _ tire rest mil(ht have enjoyed the day lhere too. No efforts are being 8pared to out-----do. the wonderful of the S. Fred Co 8prlng opening by the "Fall f'ashioll Review." which will occur Thursd::y eveninlr. September 30, Friday and Satarday,October 1 and 2
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) Weather Made ThouSands
:~;~~Ir;,~!~~mber 30,
Whole Number 5402
\ \'J: ..\~ il r' " to'!:;ntt~ j than yu u l' l' WII hUIlI!! IJIl Ill'r In ud .· ful',lIur l'Il lfl f"l t Ti l " 1\ 1I \\' 1' r !"\ We will ~tarta nl'W ~"r i ll l ne)tl ~;l\ l rill~'" Wt · rp ht'H l11lr t d, l' l d l l ,l! :J1I . 11 p f t i 'l' we\!k. alld b ~ l i"ve il iM u"" Ih,, 1 hand ~("n" !4 t d.lhli a., ' " I,, · ', j ·t·" ,lf l ~' . I wi ll attrael Ihe at ll:' nl iUII uf everv wltel l'. TI " , .j, ·I ,··~ al"~ fronl II,.. reader of ll", GM ze tte. fl~ it is ~HrilllJ ~ llllt'JlI " of t lll ' j'lJlI' II~' (11:t,t.l p,d cho~ k full of th"i1I ~, li"Sp"" ~;' and g-hHt h a lltl ~ .,t ).{I l, ,·t 111)( It del iKhtful r" manee . It ili ~>l id TIIt·rt 'lq " to '", 'P' LI I or \\ 1)11, d ont' to be on\! of Itan d a ll I'urrirlh '" HII allll l~ t ilt' lini', ' 11111 ,It,· \' aritl ll ~ best. Start th e li n" t installlllent , d ~ pHrlrll l ,d :-l, :--\1) 111(- "r th e:lfJ' ~"rl: and you will r"ud It lill. l'Ilf't ' rillg' lind t·Il('lIurul!inJ.!; ~lI nll:.! Ililt REAL> YOUR HOM E I'AI' EH "0 mul'll ,n , lout "itll p""llIi"" (,f IIl pr!.! to r dl ow .' M r" flomll1l 9 cuu ld lI(1 t he with IJ~ on uccp unt of a call fr om lil t' NIII ili lla l COin ll1i tll'P, u f wilt. !, . h,' i ~ n Im'mllf' r . Hut 9hp sellt lo! " lIr lIid M r~ Fallnie ('u~1 i,· . o ur "tal,' ~ 1I1"'rinl"lIrlenl uf Sun day ~('h, "I \\' ''ri< M I ~ 1 '11' 1 i. lI'aHIIl us tl·f!iI·ielll lt r·lp, AIlI'''' ),[ other I hing'H gh e)tlJ lai ned lu 1I ~ hllw III rnark our Io ullo l lin aR to Mahl on Rid ge was in Dayt on , mea ll what w .. WUllt it til mean and Tue,dBY. be s ure tJ COUll t OIl C She uq.(~d c\'l:!ry WlIll1l1ll lo inve, Lee Henderson is a bu~ine~H visittign te for h er ~ l'lf alld find out H~ fllr or in Xenia. today . aq 1J0Bsibie till' II I I iud e "f lhe l'ariUII'; --Myer H)·mnn lind famil y werf' ~ lIndidalt'M un t he li'lIJ.,r qll e~ tio'l, e~ I J e ciall y a~ thi~ appli,'g t'l candi Dr . 1I,,1t. of '1)Iumbus, preached Dayton visitors . Sund"y ua tes f"r U S C(Jl1gr ' ~H, fur tlo('y two obl(' ~( ·rm ., n >i al til<: M E church Mis, Lucy i::mley was Ih e Ru est of Ilre oeolJle who will hav (> t hI:! pow,",r on la-l SlIlida y. tu t Wll large a nd aI'if they wish. lO r e peallht, Ei~hlf'enth pn'cialivt' alld ie nct's. He has lJel'1l friend s at F'~rry. lus t ·undIlY. . Amendment and the VolR t ~ad En- a~ ,i glle:d to th,' pastorate of th ·I ocal chllrr' h fur th e comillg year. lIe, Joe Hawke. uf Slibinn . is spendillf,! fnrc el11 l:!nt A.:l. Be Burp alii I u ~11 for tlw Cra hlJ witn hi" wi f" and ~n n , will b(> Iwre. this week here with r ehttives and Act. wh en yuu ~u to vLotl'. It will T hll r ~ d ay . lind w il l ~ "o n I,,· lit h01ll 1' frien':!lI. I,e a selJll rate t icket, and when il in th e: M. E. par gonll~e. t he hand H nf - -- - - - - -- Walter J Kilbon. o f Pitlsb urK, corn eR t o li ght ou t Pa. spent the week·end here with the wet cUllllllittet' . il may rrequire a lawyer lo tell which way is W\! t and • h b family . which way is dry , nut find llUt be~~S";':::=:':'-.c:le~~~_ _ ~,-, Fred Caskey arriveli h ',me. laRt for e we vu te. fo r we don't wanl thtl This IndIan, Manager Trle Speake r, ot tbe Cleveland Amer· we. k. after being in New York Cit y nr en sa loon which the re ferrendtll l1 P.arl CunllPr haH lII'pn 311pnilllerl lean League tealll, seems to bavEc on that nN is in tenncd to bring back . for several weeks . the (lol e In tbe {lrea t dash uown mail ell ' ripr, fllld loo k up hi ~ Ihlli . A t th e noon ho ur t he vi~iting de l. Mnnd av l11L1rlli llg: Mr . Cnllne r ha ll tho st retcb tor t.be peunant. It Flowers to the Ladies at Fred'. ell Mes w(\ndereli what th ey brou g hl been work in g ru l' lll e Stalldard Oil Clevolan d wIns , It will be Its first Fall FlU:lhion Review. Thursday evell- lunch bnx t' ~ for, as th e lung' table Co , but one W>l1<1I1I IVa! taken off. ponnan t In Dan J ohnson 'R circuit . was a lrelld y IIbundulIlfl' ~ pr ('n d . Am'! in", September 30th . and he ~ec ur ed th e currie r ", u~ ili lln s uch fri ed chicken and ~ qllll g h ", ie" He is u go"tIlJe mocra t a nd wil l make . !itart the new serial to begin Mrs. Grace McCune, of Limn. i. and e verything else I{hod! an ex c Ilrrrt mail carri er . · next week. Is a good one. A ft e r lhiR must d el ighlful social .pendinlf her vacation with her hour we look up l he work o f th e mother. Mrs. Eva Mille r . aftel'noon. music, r port~ . t'lC, Mrs F. B_ Henderson and three dau gh- :;nook. of Lebanon . a lthoul{h nol ters and 0 L . Crane were Wilming- ab le to be presen l . Bellt her pllller . which was r 'lit.! uy M r ~ . Kerr. lind ton visilors S unday arteruoon. Willi a bellu l iful trib ute to those Fred Everhart and family. Mrs. whum Yl e tlelil{ht to I.hunor " Our Ollie DIlVla, DAn and Forest Brown CruMRlle Molhe rs ." .pent Sunday at the Zoo in Cincilmati Al t houjlh th ei l' r8nk ~ Itr~ growi:lg sadly lhin , we had Iw o of Warren J . E. Janney and W. O. Raper County 's Veterans in our mid s t that were in Lebanon. Sunday afternoon. day. A copy of th e reso lutions an d attending a meeting of the Dry clllS.q of work waR ordered sent. to Federation. t!ac h local union in the county. The old offi ce rs were re·electt!d. Mrs. Waller Williams. of Ki ng· t!xcept vice- I'r sident-at· large, 1\1 rR. man. and MillS Jeannette Janney , of Rache l !-I artl ing . of Frank lin . declinWilmington college, !!pent Snturday illg th e honor. Mrs . ilella fl oss. \If with J E Janlley and family . Mainev ill e, was lect ed to thai )'IoBit lt·ll t ·r
Walte r Sawyer purchaser! th e building formerly ow ned by Elli HA Kerr. a lawye r of Tippecan oe Ci ly , Ohio. in which the poo l roo m iH no w operat ed . The d eal was mull!' MondilY . and Mr. Sawyer will tul\\:! inlmediat e po~sess i on, Th e building has. in the past fe w year ::!, had lIIany owne r s. it having'pll8::1ed f rorn one to anothe r in a short space IIf t im e . upparently making a goud pruperty fo r inveslmen t.
Are the Best from Every Standpoint-:
FOR SERVICE, ECONOMY & SOLID ·COMFORT. Why take chances when we stand squarely behind our shoes with the strongest possible warrant of quality?
There Is a "Diamond Brand" Sh~ lor _Every Purpose; a Price for Every Purse. Outfitters for the EnUre Family from . , Head to Foot
WayneSVille. o.hld
_ _ - __ ..0- - --
TO CONDUCT 'STRAW VOTE fOR CAMPAIGN The RexaJl stores all over the coun. t ry will conduct a ' l1traw v'ote ~-.n- . paign as they did tour ,y~r8- ~ • .' . when thev named ·tbe ~C8ident_ · The voteS will be counted and .ent;. in to the company frqm~ each~ ~a!. store every day eiGj.:.tion : 'Th&
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Comrades of Peril Is on of th
st11ashing western tales big ''lith ad\ entur , stirring in .action and representatIve of the strongest and Inost interesting types native to .j great environnlent. Dealing with thrills. mystery, suspense Clnd best of all, channing romnnce, You I11ust read it.
==, =='
1::1 EJ m 15'
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1 7
Iu till. bulldlnl. sllUnl lI"e 8 little wllite apl".. ID hI. web, he plann ed to prey ..eretly on 1111 " 'ho cnm. to lI\'e Ulere. £ ..1'7 attendant In th e build· ID, WIll eltller a C!rlmlnnl or no. a ssoci· att 01 crillllDl.l.; reportlnlt to him dally all that WtDt on, aod obeying his 01',111" ImpllctUy. A sp~clill switCh· board ID bll apartment enabled him to U,teo ' ID at will on all telephon e con· nreatlOD. that went on. E"ilry le tter dIU ..,....;- at the Granddeck ' went tIlJooqll lilt hands betore reachlnl the tellUtl. For every wall safe In the "DUdInl lie held a Dluter comblnll tlon aDd hit p .... key would unlock evel'7 door thtra waa. And In addltlon to aU wlIE HAD BUILT .A SEQUEl' PAS. IlAOIiWAY, We fOllnd It that nl,ht nnd ex. pleNd It. tllmlllariung ourseh'es wllh all Itt e:uta, IT88t1y to the amazeme nt and coDrOlln41n, ot Gormnn. Coo. nectllll with the Ie"lce elevetor by a ma.lI~ open In" It ran aloDg the hall .t eedl apartmeut. with I!ntnlnces cODcealed ID wall pllnels. It enubled Ortndert to wonder at will through the .pertments at nIght. luvlug mysterl_ not .. to terrify hls tenliots. PI7IDI IDto the 8urets hIdden In their wall eat... IIltenlng when he chn~e to their mo.t private converattlons. ex. amlnlng the contents ot their pockels. Aa be bad planned tram th e begin. Din,. he plDed ID this way much In. formation that be was able to utilize to bl. 1lnauctal prodt ";'Ith out arou s· Inar .. naplclon. lie hnd discovered. Mrt. ;Moore 8IIld, secret stock mark et movementl ooe of hls tenunls was plannlnl lind had mnde II slUnl1 for. tune out at the advan ce Informutlon. Severtl InjUdicious wom en he hnd euccesllfully blackmolled, turnlug over t() apnts who Dever cnme ne8r the GraDddecll the secrets he lenrned from letten be opened and telepll ol\e con. , ·ereatlon. he had listened to. tn the caee ot Rlltus Ollston, he hlld plutted to .teal the Ooslou peorls, tJl·f!. Moore explained. Ilrst terri t ying the old couple Into len,lng the avorl· rot'llt. the wbI81)e r~ that had bt'en benrd coming of course from tI' ll 5Cere t p ...ageway, "But 1 can't understAnd." I en"I, dter he hlld once got hold a t the l'ea rla In Mr. Oasloo's nb se nce. he ahoul" have restored Ih ~m to t hei r hiding place." "H .. had a duplicate mn (lc ot r·h(\ny pellrls," ellplnlnert Mrs. MO"l'e. "It was (,art of hie plnn not to hu ve nny or tbe tenftJlts discover Ihe th efts for II long time atter th ey occun-ed ." "If he wns so coutlous," 80ld the dLltrlet Bttorney, "] am puzzled 88 to wby I, e kUled Miss Lutun ond Mr. O•• ton. lie must hllv e r ealized UI81 both Dlurders would be tboreiughly' In· vellUI.ted." "Bot.h wtre nccldents, so to sllenk," the Ilrl explained. "Ench o[ them lurpriecd blm ID theIr upRrtment. and he itad to kill them to ruttke h is get· IIwIlY. I suppose he had buen rooming IlrouDd 110 much he hod iot cnreless." "How about the revolver?" Maked Gorman. "Bow did he come to plunt It ID N.I ~on·s room'" "He Wild puuled by Mr. Nelson hut· tl... t .. na the Bradford C!lSe, 8nd It
Comrades·· of, 'P eril
-I" "Comrades- of P
Is by the author of "The
-------e----r+I----~~a.sc dish," "Beyond the Fron-
A real We.tern Story and an unusual Love Story, Ir you know Randall Parrish's novels you Iknow they are; never disappointing. 15k==I[::IEi=511 [:J 5:::::J1 [:J Ei!!:!:!:!!!It
mo de hllll 8\}1'~. 1 ot'l\ro IIIIU nnd IVlck mlklug U\>Ollt It Olll! <IllY, lIod he said thol he'd tl'lI~h Mr. 1\ 'Ison not 10 In. lerr.. !"\,. ' Ho\\' l ' ask ed W lek. '1'11 frum e blm tor tlJ1l 1I00t l1 IlnyUlIJlt bllvpens.' "
tier," "The Red Mist," "A Love Under Fire," "Keth Nor\'eil," "When Wilderness \Vas King," ~l1ld nl~11l y others. In each stor)T there IS gencr~dly a surprise. sonle-
thing different.
erly. "Surp It .... s . B e wrote Il note on Mr. OIlSIoo's stationery sayIng tbat . yo u hud forlled a check liner be hRd betrlended you. He wrote In the let· ter thul he Will not (COin, to pro.ecute you beca llse of YOllr moth"r. but th.t he folt thllt you were unworlhy of employment nnywhere." "I hellev\,," sft ld the dlltrlct attarne)' . "that that clears every thin, uP. except tor one tbln.-why, Mra. Moore. did you aId hIm ond Wlcll ID all Ih ese crlm"7" "He promlsoo that If I ... ould help him h" would 11'81 Eddie out." Ihe crl n'l. "I wus des perate. I'd do allY' th llll: 10 lIet my husband · back." Gorllm" nnd the distrIct attorney ~x rhlln,,"r1 1IIennlng (Clonces. While nolhlng more was said. I felt sure .11 Ihey d ~ pllrt~d thllt both were thlnllln, lhut thl s brave youni woman who had Rolved lhe lI1y~t.ry tor them certnlnly de ge r\'~d sOll1e rewllrd , and I think we all reo ll.('d IhHt tho only rewllrd lit. ever cou ld hold for her Wat the fI'Mdom at her husband. Pro cotty thty went and left 118 810lle, Oormnn, my mother. B.rbara. and 1. "Thpre 8re stUI two tblngs I NUnot undors tand ," I .. Id, as we sat tallllDl It o' ·er. "The tlrtt le"-lIn4 I turned to Barbnrn-"what wns your eleter d .. lng lu thl. npartment on the night of the first IImrder? When 1 N .m e liP fr om the Luton apartment I call1ht hpr just comlnl out at my door. 1 could not halp wonderln, It dley bad IOnd e her plant th'e reyolv.,." Burbam started uP. bluSblnl· "Oil, no," ahe cried, "It wae nothl. . . I1ke thaI. You remember a tew moo meols before you and I had bun III your room. 100llJnl nt the secret pI. sagewa}'. Cl nlre Just then had _ Into my room loollln, tor me. Sh. " ' Be puuled by my ablence. and the ooly solution that came to her w. . that I muat be In your room • . Alarmed at " 'hot she considered my Impru· den ce. she had slipped out Into the hllll, ond seeing your door open. bat! IIn·es tlgnt ed. .Ot course .h. dId Dot flnd IOU, for 1 had returned by w.y ot tbe window Ie-dge. She told me about It th e night before s he waa married. 1 don't wonder. though, thnt ,ou IU. poeted h~r." " I dl,ln 't suspect her." I crted. "I Ju st wondered what she had been doI ln~ there." "That', right," said Gorman. "H. wouldn't bel1en. for a minute that IIIe had hnd anything to do with It." "But whut punlel me mOllt," I willt on, " Is how you ever pereuaded the teleph one girl to g h'e Ornndera nwa,. It mu st hflve b~er, done nfter the h.d gI"en her first tesllmony. Bow dId It happell thllt sh e chllnged so Buddenl, over to our sl de7" As 1 looked trom one to the other tor on explnnlltlon. Oorman burat out laughing. "You'll hllve to lI, k Mlu BI'IIMord IIbout thot." he said. "She did It all," . ] turned ognln to look ot Bnrbara. expecllng her 10 8P~lIk, but she merely bluohed nnd W8S silent "Go on, tell me." I urged her. "Well," she sold helllnlillily, "08 I hpnrd her testltylng, 1 had au Insplra. tlon. '1 heRrd her sny thot she 10\'114 he r hushund. oncl thll t she did not care who knew It-ond-nnd-ond- 1l11 lit ollee 1 realt.ed Ihnt 10\'e WD9 the strongest Influ ence In the world, 80 I hud ~[r. McO regor ask for an adjourn. meDt. ond Ihen-" She s topped In contuRlon, the rosy bluehlll onca more montlltll her cheeks. "00 on," I Insllted. "I COD't tell It." she cried. "Yon must lell." I urged. "] hllVI a right to know It. What did you do'" "1 mnnoltcd to see her alone." .la.ln ~h e hetltated.
'l!J rErE==H!J -P---'I [!] L:._ 0 £.:1=318l::E==
• A nf! 'VII S It he who hRd me dl • rhlll'll\'d fro m my 01Hc-e?" I uked, e8g'
Out new Serial t~ begin next week, entitled
[:J Ei=31 G 31:J 6'==Ie 6'551l e
The Bouse • fWhispers
Every payment is an investIt is vours. It l'allllOt gel away. For YOllr )I;csent cOlllfort and su f!'!),. fo r th e futllre welfare of y01\r fUllliiy, hegin huildi1\ ~ yom OW II hOlm' at ollce. IIl e llt.
We will point out to you
the short cuts to economy in b uying huilding mate rials and supplies if you Whethe r YOU arc building :1 m ans ioll. t'otta~c. bartl,
. ~
will comc ill and talk to garage or ch ickcn coop ,
ti S.
We Can Save Money for You.
Maddell's Lumber Yard Waynesville, Ohio Public Sales
Wanen O. HardIn •• Republican candIdate ror Prelldent, tolllD.
~l.tLora to hia MarloD home tbat the Republte4D Party Rle&D. to bold tUtI berltaae of Amerleaa natlonalSty lUIlmP&lred &II.d IlUlIrnIldered.
I will offer 'It Pnbllo Sale Rt my rRI'!denco on !:loutb 8trtle~, W(lyoo~. '!"!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!~!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~- v III e, ObI o. on
Saturday,· October 2, 1920, "What C1ia you MY lO ue, , . • u_ m.nded. "I JUllt told her," the faltered, low· erlD, her ey.. aa ahe IPQke. "th.tthat I loved ,ou JUlt 'B much a. 11M loved her huab.nd, aDd I belled her for love'. atke Dot to · belp tend YIIU to the chair. tnd abe broko 40'1'1'0. and told everythID,." "Oh. Barbara. my Barbara I" I C!rled, IprIDgtDI up Bnd claeplol ber
Fortune 'Might Have Co.t Lite. A letter Inform ing hIm thot he hnd been left $80.000 by on unci .. In Nt'''' Zenlnnd W09 n early tbe en U!Ie at tlle pfelllllture death of n house-Pllinler In the i\rtdlonds, at England. His wlte, 9c\!1It1l1g· neW's of nn unexpected no. ture. hnd OIlE!ned tI'e letter whlll' h,' r husband wos ot wOI'k lind, upon ren,l. Ing tile conlents, 8he nl shed off tn tell hIm. The pOinter WLI S lip n In,ldf'r lit Ilhe time nnd so n.tnuud l'd wn s lIP I hilt . he feJl. fortllllniely wltl,out 8uRtnlning I serious Injurv. : '
City of Tobolak. One at the prlnclpul Siberian cities Is Tohulsk, Ih e comml'rclnl cen ter of the Vllst province of Toholsk, whIch extends o\'er lin arell of l5OO.000 squnre mlles, ·a Inrg.! (lQrtl on of whI ch, how· ever, Is prnc ll.lcu ll y ull inhnhlted. The most prominent tmUdl1l : In the city Is the Kremlin, buill In ",1111 tion ot the gTeot cllnllpl In Mo.,·m · . Thlif sI rilC' ture Wus ereetrd hy S\\" '1I15h prls"lI1'rs at Wllr cnpturl!d hy P" 'er Ihe O!"cat at til e hnttle of Pnltll'·o In 1700.
Novel Blotter P ~ d . Tn sil ve the time wn -' ('d hy pen USl'rR In pick Ing liP lind 'llying 1I~ld (! ordlnAry hl otlc rR, 0 weSI"1'I1 Inventor hll8 ,ltJvl.ed 0 menns tor " Itnrhlng the nllsorh!'lIt pnilPr 10 the \I rlo;,I, where It I" o\'allahle t or Instnnt 'I'e. but dues not Intprefere wllh the ''',lVeDlellt of Ihe wrll .. r'8 hnnd. The ,·""rrl\'RII<'t! In· "If Only I H.d Something t~,O"er You du,ltJR 8 eUl"\'ed '''nll ". ,. " .. Iller. lnto Be.lde. My Lovel II I I . \\' 1 C I ~ SlI10l 1,1 " , I,'r ..,," be Il II ed, ID my arms. "If only 1 had lomethln, nnll n ~trRp f ill' ra'''' IIII1 i! Ille devi ce to offer you besIdes my love---" lin pili I' ll. . "I wouldn·t WOrry about that Just nOW. Siloldlng." Interrupted my mathSmoking Bad for Aviato.... er's ,·olee. "They found your great. ' AIr mllll ' I")' "''' 'I"r, I" r:""111 Brlt. uncle'. will toduy. He made 10U hili nln hnve 1" "11'11.:11,,,, < I.. 1"'1I1II'e Into 80le heir." the fumll~' 10 1.' 10 11'1", fit \I"r~flll" who deBut Barbara Bnd I bardly heeded sire 10 ''''/''"I1P u\'lul,,,· •. "~IH'dnlly with ber iool! news. We were too bnlY I reterell/·". 10 11I1,,· ... ·lI lfI~ I •. IlI'lIrt rlla. telllni ellcb other the world·old .tOI'7, eOAe, "r ""'11.111 l"sllIlIlIll'· Kmong nell · S I . . be (THE, """'-) a.",u. ' l', TI ·1II II '''''I. . I tl u 'P t·~ IIrp to
- - -•• -
...- - -
No · Se.f~ht1ghte Then. PIli/WIll'S '1I11n t find nn honest mao. But It 18 ollly fair to lIay that be had • poor I',lIIl'rn.-'] ' a led a BI II d e,
Beginning lit 1 0 ' 01001[" 111 .. a lo t of Household (:jo od~. !:lee uill_ LOLA 7,Ii:LL. ~ . N. 8eRrs. Auut.
, 18'Mootll ... old Delaine Buol[ AI. LO " N UN FARMS 1I0me good Cooklnl{ Apple~ . MONEY""10' '1'(1Int."r"o' u to 10 11 I' r Iqbler R lJ. !l II ". 'r' II I' I "'oq u r o 80
0 ", ." ., yetlrs. l Il rrH.'ol .. rlf' . ,ea ..... WaynMvllIe Ohio 013 , ' I will offer Bt Pnbllo Rille. Ih e r eBI t·M.o Bod LOlln", WIlmIngton. Ohio. ru I U tf eltato Rnd oliaHols holonglng to the Phone aOI . tU o ntb" .old Duron Male Bog, es'ate O i Rttohel Bro wn. c1ooetl~erl, e ltglblll I.n regIster Prloe ONEY Lonned 0 0 live &took, 8itUtlted In tbo towo of Lytle, War. ohlltte lll, "Isn secoml mortgllgeM. reaaonable . " ' '1nire nf Lym lD D .. y, ron County, OhIo. 0 0 N ;) tes honght . .Iohn I:IllfblnA, A lien R. D. 4. phoDe ~\I . ~ y', Wo.YDeevllle, Ohio. . ,,6 BnlJeltul(. X oniu, 01110. 6 4.21 Saturday, October 2, 1920,
- -- -Beginning lit 1 o·nlook . II lo t of -= Cbattels. Also Real Estllte. oo n~i st.ing LOST of II hooees and lots. Will he 80lll to 'he higheRt hidder, 11.8 .. wbole, or RS lIep"rRte lots, In t,he WRy t o bring N tlntnr(\I,y ~ veolng . n rhln"st nne lhe m "8t monl'Y. Also. the undl. pI n 1.1 Itonl r ow" rd for reo 'vldpd orop on ellid premlSOR, !:iee turn of aBmn. LOflve at.J B. Cb"p. bills ror turlher p'lTtlonlllfl! 0(1-SIMEON BROWN;- fUll n 'II R 1HIHlt.8re V. T, Bawke, Anot. White.flloed !:lOll fer, llr .. nllod . a ___ 0 _ __ Flndflr will plOIlAA nol.!fy Hobt. Friend. phoue ut\.:!, Wnyoesvill o. U.
O 1
Notice of Appointmcnt
- '. - - --=--- - --
lI:.taw 01 Rebecca lI ololett. ,loco...," . Notice is hereby gi\"on thllL Huwltnl It.
Hoblet!. late 01 Warron
01110 . do ·
Da~ this 21.t~~~ToJ~~~o'lMb\~~,r· Jm)lI" ot till Probaw (Jourt. W. O. ThomllflOo . ALt;~arron UoulitN OI~I?a
- --
.. - - --
EED RYE 'ltle, S qnIiJl'r, prIOR reasonable. qullo Hnrhofl tOt
of ()
W"yneavllle.Oblo .
ID . 0
5.-.'--_ _ _
Y-Vlover Bod 'l'lmntlly Hay. H AInquire at John R 1{ 0 IJer~(Ju,
U, :l. W .. , nesvllle, lIlIln,
nlOA B .. y, prlnolp"lIy 1'1.110. SOIDe thy. 6 Pol .. nd.lJbIDa SOW" wIll
fnrrow tbi~ 1II0n&h ... 11 h .. d IPod lit. tl'rll I~Ht ""rlug, I OounyOluntMa!u A lJ IlI£~, 7· room 1101180. good HOI: . . I.W. Be.. oh.lt:4. WaYllOlvllle. 829 burn, t o llu colJ s hed and nul.. lIulh\log~, ruulling Willer, 2 mllH~ "list of Co rwIn nil New BurJln;:tun I.I~ Diso FlIrtllizp.r Wbell\ DrllI r/u,d. Inqnlre at. tlllH ollioe OU j(Otld a8 DOW lo'lulro of J. U. I:lBwke , W"YDonIl\II, Ullin M29
Notice of Appointmcnt
STnAYED Oil STOLEN B.Catjt 01 Tho• . O. WII ...el. dllC ....~ .. , HOLlce Ie "e,..,by Klveu tliM JOfI8le () IVllet. . ..,1 b.. been ~ul, a"poln~ed and 'jualiltOiI !Ill Admloletratrlx 01 th e Ihta'" 01 Th" •. l'. OUND- A I:IllI uk Mare. with Mtar Whet..,l. late 01 Warren County. 0 1110. otu ' in her hoe Owner 0 .. 0 lI"ve b.V c~t8d tble lI.t day 01 September. 1920 . oalling nn (:j II H a nlon, on 'l'own8blp AlwD ,.. Brown . r Olld, IInfl )laying obar!:!e~ . 829
-_._ - _._-- - -
JUd\t7a~~o'~''b.t~~;~'b9S~ rt
o u. H. E. [·L~.l' HAW A \' Way ..lt.ulllo·s Leadinll Dell"" MaID Bt
Office in Bllln88 BldR
Notice of Appointment
Eola"" 01 LydIA L. Pratt. dece""OO. A ROP~fI1Ri!) HE! EEP-Heglstererl No~lc.l. hel'8bYJlvoo thaI O. Smi th h... Ram Lambs, Illg ooes thllt tnll.V been ~ul, appolote and 'I".tlfted .. Admin· iltrator of 'btl aatato ot Lydia J." Prat\., lato loe used tbls filII. . AlA" SOIliO Kwe clmo(~I .\ 4)1I l' ..:rlllrlf'd . n"d IIII' f'"f'lOrtJ Are of Warren Count, . Ohio , dOCOli8e4t. I.AlIn II" ,ind ORfld EwtR Well wo ~ IIA(1 to 01111«' II II"',. " ... 10 110('10 nr P8- Dated tbl. 22°1e~L*'~~IlDehn6'~N~u20. Haillog out Ihe 11 ok at I" w price Ihnl I ~. If'" ";ellr"II,·, "1' II ....,.' pipet( Judgeol\hal'robato Court/ O . B We~vHr. R D. 16, uay~ o n. /I 'lll \. Warren Oount,. Ob o. Ohio, Borne pllone 12015 820 . Roben J. 8b.wht.ll, Atty. 01S
I ·.
oon(\ltlon . Cheap (J. C . Bervlll, "hone 1110, W .. yuesville, O . oG
Robert J . ShawhAn. Att,. - - -•• - ••- --
Mot\tll Ford 'fou rlDIJ Oaf . 1914 (:jn'Hllnteet\ in
Wayne.vllle, Ohio FUlly Equipped for Good
Service. Large Display Room TEI.EPHONE 7
E. V. BAIotNHART, Notary Public All klilda of Noaa.., Work. Wtll• . 'anel Dew a ~peoIjl_. '.
....T.HE M I A MIG A Z E T T E... .1 l St'U'EIJ
I , Subscriotion P rice, $1.00 per y u r
\ ' ~(ll , \11' "
~ -=~-=
PARTS --- SERVICE \Ve cnrry n
- .="'====== -.
~I r •.
Hnr r y (J ul, uud "'n . 'If \V 1"" i l~I "". Wl'r !"ulIdny I;(llI'!-I·' III ,\ I r "1101 ,\1,. ~ 1" 011 Ki rk I , ' ""~~Ir". lIprt, WI H' IIlIrI !\It •. I M" I ,v !'-- b l dukpr , t l f \Vl l flli rll:1I, u lL U . \1 1(,,1 tu r du;,:!, 1' 11 1' clly li n ~t1 n d I\Y , !
14 1· I I' lId ... c' hUJ'C'h
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I • 1Il " n
10,," IIr Ilt n pllhli{'
lnrl!f' .
Il r·
flir A t 11p pn t,, ''''f! lt r tll n." h nl! fl t..:'rl lllt fllr nll lT, n
wit,) ltll l'~ til " soi l
IIIHI t1_ pr"cll ... l, I'll t h nrdly II
r, .~
REPUBLICAN TICKET I'()r l'rt&.it!flnt
WAnnl,N u . U A IIIlI N(; "'ur \ ""'o· l'rtl.h hlU t OA LVI . t:O I I Llll ~il!: Fo r (lo \ornur UARll \' 1_. 1.1 A I' IS CLAHR SC)'; J. U IWI\' N For !ic, ' rl'llu ), uf S iall ' ~.
ll Ml'l'lt
}lor AuLlllo r
ur !:Hut u
J UHIiPH '1'. TII A . \ . Yu r TMll1t u. re r
or Stale
IIUIJOLl' lt IV . A HL' ll !! lt .~ u r Att o rnoy flODerw JIlH S Ii. I'll ICE For rulttd S IM&; tie nalo r FllAN K U. WILLI Il Fo r ItfllJreee bl alive to OOnl( r~8 IIIMEON II . FKSS P,)r Stat,tt ' QlIlLt" r i Itul.,A N Il O. H A I ' !!I Vo r R Ol lrOSUol&Lho 10 ':0 1l0rll1 ,\ nMlrul> I)'
J USTIN W. HAIH.l1'" Yar Clurk M lA,u rl . Y . J . LIl:WI S Far Sheriff MOil ROW ImA ;>;,],
Yor Oounty UO lllllll rflloucra tlAM D. H EN K LE OAUL J . MILLEn FUANK B. 'STOKES
Tre&J!i urer
Ol' Y lIARLA1u r ' Por County Ilc(."(Jn.le r ALLEN IlUP Y~IA N po r Oount.y Hur\'eyor "ATIL J . 1I1'XNOl>1I
liar "roeocullnl Allorll.,
!lor Coroner
.,' ", ·IWIt "'tH'd fur "':-\\\'I'.l "n ," 'J'l ltI \' ul~ \'e l IIlIlsIl I~ :-OIlI II HI~I · d til -1111 " l" OI"II..: l lIlIt ed III S\\ (·dl'1I H I lt! 11 ' \\"11" n l 'I' II~ (l nl klfl· ·ult,l -ltnHo-t'l1l f~I; l n . T ho 1 )I'tll"'~£f '-1f mnklll:! I( 1I,,·oln.ts tHlIIIIIU' 0 11 till u lIl lIry \\ 1 1I'~'l II" , IIl'!'l h !:tId e fh e 1(':ltltt~l'. s., 11:-' to prodllct, " ~ 11I· t fir IIII JI (I I' ,·cl\'I' I.'· ":' 11 1' 1"11('1'. ,"'IIl(" IlIuk ('r~ of Il'ut Itt' I' lId ,,,t! II dlff" I"i'lIt ,1I' I1C'es.s , h nmug (If ~I "lll'ill;: Jill' I lit> ~1'H lu :»hl l\ I ii, · It ' ltlh"I' III I,,·,,!lure tilt' IIH p .
'or ()bl'" JUIU"... of I!u"....m. Court O. T , M,\RSlIALL
ror Jlldae 01 SUI'reme Oou rt liang lI'rm l (Nwo to eled)
Asbesto •.
THOMA8 A . JO N1i:S BDWARD 8 . MA1"rIlIAl!
I'or;ludl. 018ul'l'Illl1. Court (ohurt term l BEN SON W. llO UCJlI
Yor Judie of lhe Oourt 01 Appeal. "OBIUtT Z. B C BW .'L'I' &R }'or "rol>..18 Oourt W . :I. , n Ol,L
- -- .
T ile
U": ..
( If
lI S hP Ft l(lo;
Fi lllllnill/.: 111111 "'I 'H\' lng , ttl 11I1I1, ...• Inl'ulIIll1l:o't 11111 1 IlIn!II " li nd .' :11"11 , " P l it' Hllt l civil., 111 1" 1111, I.ns ('flltlllllll 'II I " 10" 1".1 nlt,l!"1 111l1H'I" I !l llr of n ~ l l(lst/' S {'I\' I- r since 111(' tlnrs n" th (' t:rpt1k s II lI d H 'HIIIIII S, II I)I~ I h .. I IP~l J.:nlllt · ~ ("nil I,t' 1I ~ t !d fqr rIll!» 1III1'I'tlSP" a. ·t·n!'dln:,: to .T. ~. n I11.,!' !If th l ' " lIlh·d ~'lIlt ':-: I.."tlO h 1:.f. f(l r
Bl l1' \' I'Y , dl ' jllIl'!lnt'lI ( of t il l' Ill h'I"l llf.
1''''j''lId " 1111 IIUW 111' !'o1'" l1
Ihll' n,n t
It \\'11 1 rllll 111,,'"1 iI~.llU"l r. ,Pl tn 1I1 u Jlou ltr!.
u rl: ulturc Is 1111 '1I 11.alUlllld enle.· P'Jse fur a ,l lIeeruld ~ t"IIII1~ \\'lio
~'IO)V8 funllill~, ",III) k ll ', \\ ~ IJI15illtls!'
o r th u cu tlnt "y lll u H I,L lt o th er dls eo.solt Pill t u..ij'L th ~ I'. " " l l ( o r years 1t \Vo,e .up~tI )oo , · d tu iJt.' irH' tll' ahlu" Doc t o r s p re ... J(c· lllH.:d 10" n t I'clUell! d" and b)' co n ...
Rt :tl1t1y rllIIJII~ 111 ";\ 11.., with loe nl trentnH · II t. 1H"I/ UUUll tCJ H. Inc urable. CaI IIIT !! I ~ Il hJ, 'n l dI HCflRC. t;rcut ly lnrtu ... t~ U
'c el by
(' tln ~ tltull v ll n l
.n01l'8 lh" ,, 1t !lI llIl o~ y Ulltl J.)'clwlo ~y tht! ,\I1I t' llc&1I pt·0l"o .
lil (-' l t,rllI'C
-CountlY tiellIlclllUII ,
.111. I lido. 1M
co ndill on e. nnd
""II\1'n' ~
clHu; Uluti Onill tr en t· 1I1('II t. I l all' H t 'al llTl'h ·M edl ci n o. mu.nIIr 'lO' l llrt'ti b y).', J" Che ll ey & Co .• 'rolel td~I ' 11
("'-i ll'HUt \lU o na} r e medy IlItr' I'IHd l r nlld n c tt~ thru 1\
'ft th e
Berore blm tbey Iln ll B Ilrof "8~ or, tol u od o n ' ti le t\ 1\1 eO \l ~ Surrn ces or the ~ \' :o!ll.·IIl. One Ittln tlrcll Uollars reward all rlKh' In his wa y. hnl, t Uli oll or . I ~ ur ( e n !ll for t\1I~ (: u ~ e t hat 11a 11"s Cat n l r h t-. I (·,tl cl ll o rulls to CUl'e, Se nd t o r are oo'orlOu~ly poor bn~inll . H Ulen cl r (:ulurs nnd t cu th n n nlu.l s. ' aDd certainlY 'he.v blueu't HIll II"Y' F . J . ·1I1'; NI·; \· .'<. CO" Toledo, Ohio. ~h l d l.Iy J l l' ll j;gl ll l M 75e. obology &hl" 1\ re ,lIy bIll' bUMio es~ J !tll I's F'Zlmlty P ill a t o r constlpatlon,
i l t t ' l l t "I O
tll 'p
t ",·nlrtd \ 'U I Il I U II II ' " t il tlll< ' ,I ('t Illh t Iliu I'PIIIUrll~ \\" I t' 11I 'lf l , ' t i ll H I "'tf!l o. t 'flltl( " pl ll lf l :' .1\ hU lhl ~ 1!'4 II tirOI I lj ' !H ' V t ' r
to '\
you ' - . . . . . . . .
Marriage Lirens"l
IIny, S traw anu Peed.
feed r. rinding a Specialty.
Lytle Feed Mill Ohio
Telepho ne 76 , ring J ! '--______________- !
(Jarl K" l1 y, " lIlC hllU lo, /lud MI SM ~~~!"!"'-~!""!!'!!'!!~ Nor m" Coud eu , both ot Lebfl tloo . Alva EII,Brotb, mllahllllat, of Dn.v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. too , aDd Mlsij Sllnb T l1 gu e , of !:lllu t b Lebanon. I Real Estate Tranterl MarT Kerley to Sawuel Ker sov
,Examined Correctly ... Glasses Fitted
plrt uf ~ec. 2~, T . 5, R :I. , .. t::!a.mnl lLersflY t o \VOl . ({OI RllY, par' or !:leo. \!:r, l' Ii, H . :1, 'l'urtloc reek l'wp .. It. Samu il l Keney to Mary Kersey, Optical Department Ill' N . . . in (~ebanoD, 11 , S. Detroit SL X e nia, Ohio Samuel Kersey to Anna 8iJ(It~. Ope n even ings by appointment man , :I tra ots In Sea. 24, '1'. U, R . 3, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . betweeu the Miami rlvllrs, 11. )" lInk Kender to Cbester Camp. bell par' of Beo 26 '1' '\ it 5 Clea r 't'rw II ' , " , . , ' oree p.., Kate )'oong to James P " rk8, part I of t::!urvey No. 587, Washinltoo Twp .. '1,
Commi18looers' Proclledinrs Bill, allow.d : L 1.2 Aodenon !J008, brhlge lumber, ILlia. ti O i Mor . Phone 4' row Lumber Go ., lomber find n .. tla , ltiO, ll i Th\l W88tern 8~"r, en voI . OP88, blaoks, eto , H2.f,0 i Tpe Leba Harveysburg, Ohio 0011 Pa trio', prio tlor aud logal ad v., liS: 70 i A . R . Lind, expeoee8 depot.V" _ _ _ _ _ _ _~=_:=====~ survev ur , 119.62 i E. B 'l'lllrkleld & 8on8, deak for pr08eo'.ltinj{ a.Uor. ney'. ollio,e, "'3, 110 i The Weste rn· DR. J. W. MILLBR. Bt ar, legal adv., 11 5. 00; The Uolom. btls Blunk Boot MfR. Uo, blallk., ..• DBNTIST••• 12t 30 i B J Melampy, dlloblng Il nd gr..dlng, '1~7 00 i H.!:l. Ellis, labor, om"" ID 128 00 i Perry Law~o D , ltibor, ,. 00; N."on'" Il&Dk Bldl, WlynenllJe. 0 Ed Blsbop, openlDI d ltoh, 160. ao i Philip He1MI, road and bridge re. pal,., ':!(l3 ,'lJ; ' G. W . Bbldater, malntenaD.y" repair, etc), 1222,20: J , A. Cow.o maln te uance, repair, .to" '31 0.110 i Harry Brow n, .ualnte oanoe, rellalr , elo., t4a.3 4' ; Z,ln Armitage, bauling gl'tLvel, '67.UO; Harry Browo, malnlenanoe. eto" la31, U i i.alph Lewl8, maloteoaooB, eta., ISll 811 i I. 11: (ju.tlo, malote. In good mechanical connaooe, e&o , 173 10 ; RUlulell Bro wn, dition, maln'eoanoe, II043.l!S ; Bar 0 I d Sweoey, malotenBooll, eta ., 1l!7HO ;
Mr. and Mrs, Alb.r' IUaoy and Mr. and Mrs, D, A , Wenner eo· tertllined for dloner 00 !:luuday, Mn . daoghters Apent Bon4ay wtab IoIr, ~lIzabetb Bears, Mrs, Katherloe aDd Mrs, Will Noll, of 8prlogboro, Jordoo and familv . Mr. and Mr., Mre Will Cox Is moob Improved AlmoD Ferris, Mr, oDd Mrll, Bher. man Ferris, Mr , IIlnd Mrs. Wenner ·and i~ able to return to her bome wi II move t o tbelr 18 rm, nBar Uay. here after being oared for a number weeks at the home of h"r 800, I U t h~ u ellr fot ore, Pr Of. liud ,M rs ton, on or about Deoember 1st, V, O. l ull n Wi ll ooc upy th o t;bas' l Tb elr maoy trieods wish them !ue. Clyde, aod wife Ed wa rd . prope rt,y 0 11 E!I!lt MOlin Cl8FS. Mrs, Ellie Fos and daaghter, 8l rl'et·, ~uoda1 din, Pllul Moore Will m ove 00 tbe fa.rm .Gladys, enter'aloed Mr , nnd Mrs. A . U . An8 0n aO l) vaoRted by Mr . W~oner . oer, tbe former's sister anel mO$hsr, dtlo g hl ur, MI ~H Odee. loft W ednes. Mr , aod Mrs Otmar Dro,oha and Mr. Bnd Mrs . W . L IInrvey, Mrs. day l o r Culll urDl.\. W I!! wlRh t hem Mrs !:l, A , Bl&rks, of Day too . L . Shi dll ker, Air EdwlIrdM Hnd W . F. " hapIIY fo t oro. W. W e lob nUend ed a f uoerol In Mr . lInll Mrs. ~ rnuk L, H " rri~ a t . Wilmlnjl;too. Rntor'd ay . ~, Lood od Ibe funer,,1 of 11 oo u~ln in In good shape, over(';u lulJlhu,. 011 ~' rld" y. Mr. Jnm es Banlson, f o r mllny hauled by factory . years Il r l'sil)eu t nf Okh.bomti, died ~I lo fil li ng Is be ing ebrrtl'd Oll by and on FrillllY hl l! r emolns w ere Read Gazelle's Clas5ified Ads These ·traetors have been' wIln y o f ou r farm ors. laid to r est In ::)ugl1r G r ove oemBt ery Veterinary SI'vor ,,1 fr om h ~rt, IItlemll'tl th o at Wtltulnlttoll , hi B boybood b Ollle, taken in trade on larger Rell lllJlloun rnlly 11I' ltt in (li o " peru Fo r silvern I :v eon be WI\@ a resldeot Graduate of Oblo saate Unlvenl') outfits, and Lan be purItOIl ~" at Lellunnu lI n 'rhund ay of Wnrra n Coooty Be leoves \0 3. chaser\ at less th. half ui g h t. m nu ro bls d e p«r tu r e , Mrs . C. W . dall, o f Lebllnoll, Mrs, ZeLe Bar. price. Ollr e l! l ~ t lIIell eltll,Btl , OFFIOE: I:bryey, r UIIIIU!I nb ollt tU e 11 111110 , lan, o f Ml lI lIIl s bD~ g, a hlllr.eI8\er,' Fourth Strel!t, ncar Tyler Mr ~ . Evorot t H 08 kln s . o f Wllmlng. Il o t, gel,1ill g mu ell l.wtlllr. ton, Rn cl 1ll .IllY old ottize os have tlt e Telephone 98 Funeral Director PY llt llHlI ~ ru Ihro ugbout th e Un l kind est r Arne mbrnlloB of him-gone Practically new. and Embalmer. t, rI !:i t , 1.0. is on llo ~ hllU IIl II H r. I bot, oot tor go tten Waynesville. Ohio V /ly~ il\Il'!{ ~ , "I gH N " . (,:,7 IS ill tb e . Waynesville. Ohio. :-\ tul o~, II nil wh on tb e rllll ill 0111 hilI II ~"'~--~_,!,!_~_ ~~~.,!,.~~ ~",!",!""!"!"!~~!""!!",,!~!,,,,!~~!,!!,!!!,,,,!!,,,,!!,!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2!!!!5!,,,,!!!!!! Will n il !, lie fll ontl Ill ukl/llii IU 11 8 IH l" I ~ hl1 ti tili . Th o wlnt(! r i ~ o'lIn1n ,; u u I Either Auto or Horae drawn ~ ervi ce . H.nt l IIIt\n ~ IIpl'll Orttt JUH uru to IH , No extra charge for auto s er vice. pro"' ·lIll"1. Tit .. fl l.\ lU e lll'Jer ~ nr" Both phones in Office and Residen(' e WAYNESVILLE, OHIO hl , ktn~ f q r war u 1,0 tl ll'U,v pl fl/l~ lLlIt No, 14. . BY 8OO'M' 0, BONE t' \, (.l l11r q,~ :i 11\ r"iHtn~ f.llt-l nl , nfllt 1I11lY Candldnte Cox, TIlckleR81y charging th!tt the Repul1l1can "" ,It o 1I11 " Llh ~ r~ g lv" IlI c lr , n(lp lrt.. PATty hnd ~e t' o ut to corrupt the electorote by rnlslng a 'oDd ot r h e I(lllld IV o rk I. /l OW UO , ftnli luu g ~ j ;, :~on,\,oo with whIch to "boy the presIdency," hns been utterlf 1"n y it OM1 I,lnu e . " " " ,, '~ d by tbll faclB. ,I" hn Den llV \Vu s ill II t tlJl\dun ce III " l" tooll , It bas been completely established that tbe .oal tIm Hom rti lun '1 1011 nu FlltlllY 1l 1;.( IH fixNI hy Cbolrman Hays was only one-lIrtb that amount, or $3, 1I 110. 00.0, wIth contrIbUtions rlgldly limited to 11000, aDd tbat n ~ vc r beroro ha,s ~ c~mp~lgn fund been so rree from tbe lBlllt of co rpora te, sinIster or sordid lollueoces. ThM an oller-taxed, over·burdened and weary country, pay. Illg tlte cost ot Incompetence, Incapacity Rnd Il1ltravagaoC8 10 KOVe rnm entnl alfolrs lind malrlldmlnlstratlon at Wasblngtou, would welcome rell et I~t aoy price leglt\lD1ltely expended may be wen ror gronted, , But only In the wild drealD8 of CAndidate CoX-Wbo ataDd. commItted to WIIsonlsm and Ibe wutefulneu of Wl1sonlrm, wltb everything tbat WllsnnlsID typilles and Impll_has BUY o'1o::b expenditure as Candidate Cox cbarged ever been r Cln ~ 'l': Y "10' celved or for a mnment contemplated. Eveo his foremost n e .... 81' ." r champlonl-OrJt"n ~ of tl,n !11' ternllUonll1 ban.klug crowd wh ic h favor h!~ CRnC:id~ bot!f..~"'" wIth equal rash ness, he promIses , that If. eleot64, he ",III 11'1 brto tbe Wilson League of Natlons-edltorlally admIt Uu.t JIIa ,lllah tund cbnrges have proven &rouodleu, Nearly every home contains more or less Condldate OOI'S credibility AI a wltnetlH bill! 8101 il4r1)" " dal11~lled by th(~ wet and dry Isane confronting him. junk-that is, material which willnever be To tbe Indisputable proof that the New JefllflY Uq'lt:>r 0.1used there again, ers' AS6ocln.tinn Ie ap'(A~iog 'or fnods to el~ him &I a "pronounced wet," :he rel'!\oo tbst tbe liquor Interetrta of '01110 D..w contrIbuted to a~y of hi' campalen•. Whatever you have which has outlived its Yel a sworn statement, 81'I:Oed bv the IIOcretary tit the Oillo usefulness - furniture, hardware, books, Liquor Delllers' A88ocllltion and on Gle III tht! eeeretary' of ut.'. magazines, baby carriages, bas ' inets, hricellice, shows that that organlEatloo contrlbnted ,a subetantlal .UID . out or Its trel\6lU'y to the Cox campaigll of 1918, a-brae. skates, clothing- should be sold, ADd In thEI roce of It all, bavlng withstood for mOllt~ . . .. Other people will be able to put these silence, William Je!,nlop Bryan's denunciation of him . . to snd uollt to run for prelldent, Candidate Cox, with cb.~ I. things to~ .good use. I audacIty, now UIIUi'ea a North Dakota crowd that, "I ba,.. al..,. Toted dry'" .. THE .WANT ADS will I\elpyou make quick Imaglne B~.88 , Murph,., Boa Tagnrt. BOIl BreDlUUl &lid Uaat and profitable. 88189 discarded articlea, Youngstown APoatle of U.bti and t1»11ft, 114 lI.re.:._~~M• . the nomination at San rralletaco bf a eandldate .... , ~ '::.!l~ voted dry"l Im.clDe It, If 70\1 can! " " ' Shade of 1000n Barlejcol'Dl Wbat a ~ Ie " . .... ·1iI American POU~I ., ,f" , • Mr . Wlll inm Gopsey di ed 6t t lt e b Ollle of b l ~ d u ughta r, Mrs P. B. a.wk e. o n~es( l uy night" Rfter R II lin ~lirini! tlln o~8, Hnd "'~H ' burllld III. ::iIJrin J{ Valley o n 'l'bu r Kdtly after. lloon ,
••For Sale••
Avery 8-16 Tractor
" " ,
' "
Dr. J. A . McCoy,
.,,11., .'...','73,"" I. H. C. 10-20 Tractor
S h.p. Stationary Engine
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Cox Wiggles and Wobbles
Probate C()IJrt PrIKeetiinlrB 10 'h u lIIa l te r IIr tho "Ntll!" of (', "Y , 11 ' r~o " h , ,l .. r. en~"(l . r' lr ~ 1 lIr. oOlln t appro ved . 10 tb e ·l1l1f.!,er of tb o "~ta t e or Ano Batb"wIlY . deoelillod, priv/lto s,"o llf I bo ods ordered . I
IDIdiO:n. Sc:on.rcw tt.diooc IIIid in ..-ell OIl A ..... 251h.-"therc never .w be 8 ~ . . die __ ...
Turning from bia audience to t\YD visilillg btiJJd
111 I) .. fI (J f'ru l' Y lIu . 1 ( 'tJ xru ey t lllli I/ (lr ('lI flI1J1 ,ttnttf ll flH
l i nt! krUH\,
P e l'd, Coal. Salt, Tile, I'osl", Water Fount, li n s a nd ~c l f -Fce d e rs ,
L2 1'hC l'O 1M m o l'o futu.rr h In thts s ection
Mr. M•• edllh, hu' force d the rell ll . ulion (on tI, e I'1I!Jll d " 1111 I he IR . k bo .. of I he I- du.') ,Iq ,.111/10111 0'
lOci who
('I II Il l'!
W"llltl 11''''0 III 111 1,,, hi. Itll t 01\' btH" ; !l(l~rtI lll l1.U h iu l. '1'10" r,ll·lIIll l· .. r AlI lIl rl Cil h"" 1I1\\'/ly~ MI"~ Hllllill (~ . Br,)w ll "''''' tb l' On r ~ tr "r l ~ fire n eeding 80 010 im · IrOlll ' " htl . III"~~ IIIl1n , hil t Indll Y h o ~11".1. 0 1 ~Ir 11I,li Mr~ J .. hn \V I llr"vI! m ent 1lll1ll0di At oly be foro 11.1 0 11'1111111 ·11 " l ll rn I .f th ut tll"n ovo r h e~ Kl owa rl , '1\' 111 10, ""'0 l \Vlt l l,e r ru o ll!h~ . I t is 10 be h oped ' tbllt, nllr , m co r. will get IJusv. I tOri ' II 11:4 IIt· t ·l.~,..~ n r,Y ttwt la t1 t4hull t1ur\' fJ.rRltllrl-: K . of 1:' . L"dlli tl No . . . . (WAr Irll'r ~.I " " 101. hIlKio f'"S 1(lltlw lotlg e Gf" I. (lu llI lI l( In r Ih " Cuu ul y oo t} . Al1 \\'h" dnV A un tolllohl l (\~ 8" no lo l T h e \rtltll ~ o n I,b e rllllroact here IwLI 1.Ioll or hl H lJ\l~ln" ~~ PTIlCli cll. \·"nll ~ 1I whlrlt I~ to hollll l] Ih o lIonr r ern t'ml ll' r I ll ,, ' f 'll/ l~ beou m o tlol!t;ld oh a o ged t l mll I'galn las . ~uoday I Bnd lire [l OW rUllolng on tbe lr for. Thol' ul o r Cl, III th e h ('u d 01 Amurl OIl '" tn lure. Tb"y ur A e nt i li ed 10 t\. nn rl by rp l'klpsM ,lrt\·l n f.(. W,t1l ftr HII\'A rd hilS ~evA ral I hn r. mer sobo Illle ~ I'fl "t P"I "IIIIti .. n of fnrll lll r8 Il lltll' n il 10 dil O in th tl count Y , hll 8 moro MrR. ~Il1r )T Curm ony Ilod Mrs. .!"I h ou lct hu II. Hltlll w ll o C U ll rl ul k w 1th h .. ~p lf [l ilty Ih ull No r.57. Lllta \'ery OUk( bh r l'll h lll(", IIu d h e Is II yory 1Il1' lIllt, 'r pull ro r It IItH.I u e lp to mflk e e nmpPl a n l 111 1111 fo r t h o ho slll ~PB. Co r ll Tlt o mll~OQ we r ll Day too visit \1m " lll(J llli uH 0 1 ludllHlr ,V, " a " thl ·.f II, II "IIrc" .• ~ . 11. 01111 lIu dOlle lin d i l . . \V d 0 ,J. ('. B rll Y iR quit e Sic k Ilt hl ~ 0 1'8, e lIe ~ oull I II" Ilill ~~ Il f 101t ~11I''''8 , II '" "n IIln st II d ,,"e. IJU ll o ot lco Will be It um o (111111_ wrlll.ng . Alber t !:lLI1 0Y ml1de a bUllneSd ,rip wlr o UIHl ul'" IIIIlII H It. tr fl lll A I .. Z, "n d 1( 1\' 1'11 c, 1 t.h ll duL,' . KI' IIIl f' lh Kirk is vi .il lII g h e r Mr, IInrl Mrij ..llIm,PI! Wllrd, of Uo. t,o Fltot., Mloh, lnst week . wh o \\'11 1 kn ll\\' h nw ti l II" f'I~ th " ht!~ f Mrs , Mlltilda Em rlok speot eev. hlg h oHt bll" lt ll' ~" "",lu oII" und pr uo. Il rnndphrflD tH ut Frem on t fo r ~tl V IUUl b ll ~, nr " H(loud l ng II f ew tllly e urn l WlJoks. wllh III . m o l·h or Rnll hr oth';! r . a?d e ral day R Ill Rt week with Iler 80n , ft rtlH to tile ""Il urij ulIll 1.,lI.I'o r uf whllA h e ro w ill t r y ancl pb oot sqUl r. AileD, aod family . C .. rll e nltin g iH 1\11 the go, mo k ln g rt' ls . tb e t'l rtl1. pl Aot y of m onoy for t he c u tte rs. Mr. and Mrll, I:i. B , Bal088 nnd \V U It np" Ih ll t tho TJ (tx l. pr es lo nnt Mr. AIIII M" R, W ' A . Me rritt gave 8?n, Jam es . returned from D~ytoo, The H It;!t ~ cllol) l ~(I0 IAl , g i vlln on Will rtlali,." thu Il lluu~ .. it ,V o f t!tl~. It Fr ll lu v t1v6olnJ..!', Wf\~ a ~UC(· eM" in a d illu or O il Sun d "y In b on or Of[1 hU f8uRY, afte r epondlng a. w eak . Will ho 1JII I te r for I he city a ~ we ll Il~ .wll ty wny, li n.) l!t tl Hch llO l IJupill! ttl At r g rand "on, Mlllt, C line, It b ein g w1.h Mr. tlud Mra . Alfred Balnel tb e oo untry w h eu tb e r"lmer , hy WIAh to tll 'lok tlUl puldi o ror t h e ir h is ISth 1.IIrtb,ltl.\' . t,lf' vornl o f hl A 11 0d Cil1ngbter. aOlllpllnl oll l!. we re prese nt. lir ~t.o lu s " n 'o t lt uLl~. e~ 1l ul wIIY .. . llltlte f' ~"IMI,n nce. Mr. aod Mra. Ulyde WhaUoo en. Har r y To ck e r Is hn vlng II Clll oria ter\ain ed to Bun day dlooer, Mr. aod .. gOOd pro Ut wboLher orops ure Hh ort Tit" fJrllt out" nccille n t (lcc urred furn!\ ce io ytnll ed In bis home . The Mrs . Chllrles Tllomas blld fomlly , of or I"rll'" Trll o hu "i lll'"~ m etli oll A ' lD II ur ~ I· r ll~ l " on Ifridll Y e Vtl nln g, firm dotog t be wOI'k Iy Jobu A Blolr Mlaml~burg . li alllUg tnlli botlt mll c h i n ~s l, u L n o don ' t lII e~ n til II l- oo rum oJ i'y i ~ Bold of Lebanon . one was hurt . In 1r.rgo I l n uIII, it, le~, s och u ~ l oc t! 1:; Mrs E..I Ca.rmony "nd ohildren, l!'rnok J ones, of Leba n on , was In Mr . nntl M r s, Fred ' ops , ot F OB. o nr olty ou buslnBlls S .. turdllY worn. o f Springfield , were week.e04Ii:ue8'8 I ml coll, wh e n ~ c.lollllll odlty ie 80hL ill 1,ll r l'l, WAre /o(np.. t ~ of Ihoi r t1ullgbt r; r, log . of Mrs. M"r~ CarmoDy . I.. rgu qllunlilh'" It Il ~nll ll.v f,,11 I) \\08 , Mrs. ( 'eell KIrk , tw o days IU Bt we ek . III Ie lld hoslne ti, t b,,' the OOUHum e r Mr. aDd Mrs . Walter Clark eoter· Eme rso n V llOd(lrVoort , of Dear ~li 8' Ii .. llifl Q L{rown, of Wllbe r . of 1111'1, pro(looL gilts II lo wer Ilrloo, force. " " Ii ve r",1 .. (Jr nh l1.li tion ad here Is building a Dew b!\rn 00 hi ~ ~alnerl t,o sill: o 'olook dlooer 00 Thursday, Mr . and Il4rs. William while Ib tl prou o oe r n lilkes grenl er llro~" Oll tho ~ oll oo l g r nunllij on !:lilt well Improved fa.rm. rhorups oo, Miss Cora Thompson, of Work Is 800n t o stllrt on the jll' ufll d. urtlu y eV81ling t o tlO Inte r es tetl nudi. (lIlC Broo ks gartl~e, and wheo d O ~O it GloolnDlltl, and Mr . aDd Mrs . II . M Vlark . will he II tblog of beauty , Milton ~~llkl n 8 reooiv ed word , lf rl M W It K I" I 1& d'" Oeflnl tJ on or Sue de. re. Mr, nnd M rs Ma,rk Oavls lind 800, d 'i y nl g b t , of I h o 80r lolls IIIne89 of K Ia k e r t enr MI 0..t vV8 IIe ..hver. 'l' lrI !i 1111 111 1', ~I\"II 10 II Id nd o f lin · Gro ver, of Clnotnllatl. were guests tltt Bnr 0 a am a.y 01, hi .. fulh e r , who It ve8 n OH r Ceda r pltal, Wedoesdsy. I Ir"''''~ ''i l 1,1t! it '!lIIl.' I·, I, sit II 1'1.1' lI.e Ville. of tbe Cen trill 00 Tue8day,
n,." '"
----_ ..
t ',
Fo'~Ll u u( o ll tt.ut tl O\' fl rU l. r
lI A lt VE \ '
\\1 .. 111'1'1
ullduy t ill
New Suillll r'. r qn h ur \'~ ,\ III hr<l' e Dec ker . ro r Ul on ey Tb o C tti' Ans NlIlion lll Hun k "I Le b"n l'l n V " \Va.ltur Wills I', r lIl " nl'y ua lv. Tbl' Cltiuns :-Iulionol Ii.nk ('I f Lebanon VI! C bAt! Hr p w ~ tl'r 01, hI I rnr Ul olley . ,
li t. t ( 'nl "
Everett Early
Common }' INI" Courl
l'llI lIl!I, ' 1,1 \\', 1V II t· rI ...·1 dtl. \.\ 11:-1
"l l ll l ~ I ' IHd~
Dell MAIn· 7201J.
I ~~~~---
~ n J)dl\Y.
,I r. IIn,l
l it,
18-20 South 't. C la ir St., Dayton, Ohio.
" llId«ItI''', u f I.pbUIIOIJ, WU S Ih .· I!UPHt uf hlrl bro t h" .. , 1"r l1 nll,
nll cnUOlI,
Home Pbone ' 2~3,
urOIlY lIud TlltorrtncJ (\ 11 !'llll tjUY
tlll , 'I ' l it
rIll' Ill, · nhov
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blr I\ lI d ~1r" . ~'T/l n l( Fv l' O~ I\f'1I ,,1\ (1 6.'n, I) f /)/Iy t Otl , 01l1lle d o ", II fin H"t.
O \' l' r
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01'1\,0.,. J:I\' ' II 11l11l1l' IUnlC
W gONI!SOAY , SI'!l'Tr':MIIErt 2!l, 1!l20
COlli III tn
I I""".1
,1VI!I II ...ilU/ H ' IJll·.Wllf', I' .... ·
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B'lrveY,l<hnrV H tlu" ~ h f)O It c h e t !! 1I •• OOI'l n " lI lOet III reg ulur 80~61U Il willi PI ~irlllllt I!:lilij 10 t,btl -i (!!JI\I!·. '1'1Jt\ ' ull o.d l "ho"'~Ull llllreb. l ont 110(1 In their u r u pe r st llM (Jll~. MlIIlIl,· f\ n f 11I1lt. m~ ting r lid /I u d 1I /llJruvIIII. T I,IIV /HO t il h oll1 IlI ol r UIIIIV flilun clllrlll' Iho wlntt'r
• 0 , L. C)'l.A N E , Editor nn d l ' lIt,li~ l l er, \Ynynt>,,,illE', Ohi o
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Junk Is Usefnl Material In the Wrong Place
no~"~~::::'d:': t:~r::~d;'~~"::: I ~
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X '·11111.
Snider visi lt·d rel a ti\' e~ in SUlld" '.
Or Dill. O~ leo palh i! 1 ."l. Br<lau· . way . LI'ballun.Ohio.
\\' N St>a r~ was a busim'ss vi~it o r K"n;" l'kv. . IlIsI \\' l'l'k.
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HBn1ett Tay lor pton , vt ce cbp.lrmBn or tbe RepubJloaJl DIII' tul, v i ~ i · o l~ . Tltul'. d u • • ....tlonal CommIttee. and the staunch Republican memben 01 tile . . 'l'ennewl&9 Lelfllliatu re "'bo mode women'~ partlclpatlon lD UlAI ~........ pnlttdeattal election p088lbla. I ~ I I" 1(,llvh SlIIlth visill'd ...·1\11 at i vl'~ iI , V. illllilll,! lOn, la,;l wl' ~k
who left here rf' I'entiy fur 11 visi t I . , with rl'lntivell in Ev rett :WH~h. ol nrnbul', hia,.' pi Iii . I~):![[ i wn:l bu ried At E,'elett , lust we'k, l ' Q Whom IL Ma~ .Lll1f l'rn: I lie wa~ 'l'isi linJjf hi nephe w, 1~l'erett l It hM rE'cNll ly UP"lI hrllU l!hl1 n1\' l Harl n. who hils b"11 ill t hi:' West a tt ention I hilt Ih OWllI' r!' :11)" "I"r!lfur H 'ou rl o f yea r~ . Mr Ilnrllln ' tor R nf 1't!. llll l l'nnl~ . hOI!') :1 11 01 ,'HI· had 111' n mllkinl{ his hom!! here wilh : ill l! hOIIRI'1I 11i~·pl1~hIlUI ~ I,,· "I:~t,. IIf hi ~ ~iliter-i " . I. ,w . .'.1,,, ·nll.- \.I.IH·lan ..oh i(~ n1.l....~' lUlXLa:w..Ll.lli.!....u= " for Ihe pallt "I''V prlll yea ". I fulld LII tILl\(, lId, uIII '!}'" ,, [ I, ,,· h ' ~ " ing LHlhlic . nnd Ihal in 11, · 01 11' I' ,11111ce!' nn pr ict' l i~ 1 i.. P ,J •. ,. p,'" ~,; for plI l·H(' in f"rrl1 .,111I11 "" h,' I ", '; II"'~
Hu,,11 wall in Cincinnati,
. onday. t
Ull Hjt i ll :- !
MB& RARRIBT TAYLOR tJ'PTON wbo. ae vtell! cbalrman of thl Jt4publlcan National ICzaClltlft COmllll" tee 1& actlvel, 1!D8lApd ID o,.anilln. RepubllcaD womaD tIIrou,hOo.l tile' country nod who predIct' an oTerwbalmln, women 'l ,-oll for Har-
H ' nise I! H a r d t o K II'
'rll pI I' lin' IIln l\ ~ 1:1 """ ilii 11,,, ·,, 1 IIf Iu'o(t.o:;: ... t. ,nfll (n .. 1t ~ I''' tI,dllJ,! \\1'11"111 ftl \k l f!''Ir '.10 (lIlY~. :-:.lIlW ~t ·:lr ... :11-: 41
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Fn lid} ~, Idh· r .. C .,rpl1"111 I ' . .. '·nl .... (,.11 Intll UII old Ill lll. · -:.;.hn r, n,'ur B rl ''';'
l1e Iny l tll \r ,', llllllbl ,' t tl J,lt.. t tmL '..:,~
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tI t tO~ll Or drillh..
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Yt"l Il( til l' ~\lId ti t" thn t flnH' Ill' \\ a~ n h lt· t o n tll fin ft:-- totls tn nC"f' , HI111 \\ 1h'1l 1! , lt 0 11 1 , ('tH il l1 !,'II hIs h l ft ry , \\'l l h l ' I \)jI('r l ' UI" l hl:' l ' II \ltplt'1 el )' rc("o\' ~ r~\l1.
The LateClaSSified Ads - - - - - -- -FOj{ S ,\U:
Mr . and M1'& CIIII>I. Brown had a8 th eir auel:l ts, SUlldllY, Mr . and Mr>!. Orrie And erson , of Dayton.
~- ---
What We Can Do For You In Clothes
Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Smith and Messrs. C. B. Bentley and W. O. Raper are in Columbus today, attending the fall races The Premier band will conduct their rejfular rehearsal on Main street this (Wedllelldaj/) evening. ThiRis merelv an open-air reheusal - not a concert. Come. if you care to.
We'll .gi ve y ou ,e-rall-wool qu a lit y , nd th e b est s t y Ie t o b e ha d .
reduc e
your c lo thes ex p (' n se. Hart S cha ffne r & \ Ia r x clothes outwea r 0 th e r clothes .
Make this store head. quarters for aU your automobile supplies. We carry only trademarked good~ of highest quality.
We 'll gl', :. your money back if yo u ' r e lI o l satisfied.
The Standard Spar' PI", · Ollh.~Worl4
Equip )'our motor with AC Spark Plugs to get best possible perform. nnce. AC·s are the bes\ !lJoney can buy.
Th, Home
o f H Art Schu IT II "
Salurday. October 2nd. will be Grafonola day, in connection with th e Fall Review. which is 'S cheduled at Fred's Lebanon Store. The Columbia Grafonoln will be given away at 4:30 p. 111.
Lebanon, Ohio
Mrs. Ch8ll, Werntz and Mi88 ConlIuelo Smith left, thill morninl!'. for Waync8ville, Ohio Midland, Tex" where they will visit with Mr. Chas, Herrman and family • • • • • • • • Miaa Co~luelo willllpend the winter • and attend I!Iehool at Midland. Mn. Werntz will be abaent {or about a month.
---_a ...__. - - _
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 W. C. Welch & Son.
belonglnlr to the Albert Cornell estate, Monday. One of theBe farma i. located in Warren and the other in Montgomery county They are both fine farm. and well Improved. The conlideration was ,181 per acre.
- - -... -
I. "
F ea turing Robe rt Warwick, in
"Thou Art the Man" Also , Charles Chaplin, in
"The Vagabond"
. -.
Experlmcnts ha VI! been carried out In Burma wIth tbe Idea of utilizIng tbl! Blllea content of paddl, rice ·husks, In the mllnufacture of glo8ll. On burning tbe hUSKS about 18 per cent of white ash Is obtaIned, and. although thIs 88h conlalns smull quontltlea of Iron. It has bcen proved to be suitable tor the lIIollufadure uf glllss having a pale green or yellow color. In burnIng the husks 8utllclent heat 18 generated to carry out the various proeEIII_.
Saturday, October 2nd Featuring Do rothy Dalton, in
"The Dark Mirror" Also, P a the Ne w s Admiss ion, 22 a nd 17 cents.
Tuesday, October 5th
Immunity From Second Attack.
The UnIted States public heultb ..... vIce anys that It II well known that aD DttacK ot mellslee or scarlet fever or smllllpox UlIuall1 proteclll a pe\'llOO . Also". a gOOd . Fox Featt~~e -. aplnet unother attack of the ame ~.,aee.. To ment ·thlw.::-4ppean Admission, 22 and '17 cents \.u' be true alao of lIi4unu. JUlt bow ~~~~~~~. ."---' ..... - ~~~..........~~~'". . . . . ...; lOIIf lUeb protect1OD Iuta la DOt .;': k!!OWll. •
"Dare-Devil Ja·ck"
TIEBIOADWATTIU aSU.vt~E ~al 326 E. 8th St.. Cincinnati, 0,
j · 1
)Icr P'llltilt \'ur buttcrfat - Sepl. 27th 10 \ Il't . .1nl, Incl.
W E 1' ;\ \' T IlE FREIGlIT allLI gurall tcr til(' ('renlll Hnd L'a n ~ a ga in s t lo ss or damage ill trall s il. C UT {JUT Till! ~ III )J)I. I~ ~ L\ N . E \'c r y l'l' lIt s lt o llld go (0 the produce r fo r ),0 11 ha vc done tlt e ba nI wo r k a nd when it l 'OtllC S to s hippin g th~ LTeam, yo u l.';1 n do it j u s t as ea sy a s ellillg t o a hll y in g agt'ut. H VOll n eed ca n s wrile for Frt' e Trial Ca ll s ~tltd DEAL ll ( IU ;;CT with '
TEACHERS fORM fORTNIGHTLY CLUB The Tri-State ButterCo. The teachers in the ~c h ool8 have (o rm ~ d a club. \,,'h ir h they have nam ~ d the Fortnightl y cl ub, and MillS Edna will di _c uss politics. Howla nd was elected pre ~j,Il'nt, and for the present time th ey will study 1>1I 1t I i c ~ ,n all i ls phazC!I. The pliln is good. nnd ill waulu not be a blld idea for the w O Ill ~ n of th e town 10 form a Harding cl ub to ~ turly poli · tics and get a viow of how to cast their votes a t th eir Ii rst elec l ion.
Th e Tri-StRte handles more c lln ~ of rrellm \wr dllY Ih Rn Imy other creame ry in lhe world O'CI' 45.000 IIf Ihe IlIrl!'l'M producers in Ohio. llldlallll, K,!ntucK y alld We· t Virt-:inia Rhip tlleir crean. DlltECT Lo the Tri - ~t ll l e
OUR CLIENTELE GROWS - Not l!pOn a re pion eers in In bu s in~ss s ince S end goods
promises but upon performances. We DRY CLEANING AND DYEING.
1835. by Parcel Post.
Prompt D~liveries.
The Teasdale Company' CINCINNATI,
625-(127 Walnut "(
Mrs. Grace Fi$her, of Wilming ton. took a dose of carbulic acid with 5ui · cidnl intent. one d!lY la~ t week, in . the rest room of Ihe Tel phone buil r ing. She \Vas an nperRl or at th ll ex. ' change, and domestic troubl e was lIuPPoHed to be lhe cause of her actiona 1-1 er latest clJ nJ ilion W!lS reported improving. She is a sislt' r of Mrs. L('~l i e Kempl e, of th e Palace re3taurant .
Waynesville, Ohio
The next regular meetiolr of Miami Valley Council, J. O. U, A, M will be held Friday evening, October 8th. and every Friday evenlnr thereafter. There will be work in the second and third degrees. All brethren are urged to be present. L. C. St.Johb, Coun C. L. Allen, R. S.
Admissioll, 17 and 11 cents
Auo ther installment o f tile Jack Dempsey serial
4000 miles. written guarantee. New Wilkinson-[leaver High Pressure System. Stop and ~ee us. I r will pay vou.
AT SPRINGBORO About thirty of our citizens went to Springboro , last Wednesda y eveninl(, and IlSsisteri th e Co mmunily Serof that place in demonstrations. The New York direclor ~ were alsC' there, and the town was crowd ed with people: who entered int o the games with a great cl eal of enthusiasm.
Starr Phonographs
Records and
---... ...- - , - -
Itt '
""" 1 _
F. D. HAWKE Phone 41
WayneSVille, Ohio
Ferry Christian Church Bible School at 9:30 . Preaching at 10:30 a. m, and 7:30 p. m. Everyone Invited. J . A. Pine. Pastor.
~' ~I,\~u
Thursday, September 30th
Tires Retreaded
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Cash Capital $2!lO,OOO.OO
Rev and ~rs. J. F. Cadwallader. Mrs . .Edith Harris and Mrs . Mary Caskey are in Dayton, today. attending a DioBP.Can convention olthe continuation of the Nation·Wide campaign. Apples For Sale-N .•rthern Spy, Tulpahawkin. Baldwin. RUSHt and otbt'r good varieties. Orden by mail or phone will receive prompt attention. and satisfaction eOar&Dteed. W. F . Frame, phone 74-6, Waynesville, Ohio.
_ _ __ _
.r:============;-I 3
--- ----- -==---------------
tau ra nt.. hut,, 1, dillill j.!' ""'1 111 . ltll,..I ., counter ami .. uli ll ).! hUll ",· thr.,u gh. 1 ._ the Stat e of Ohi o. Ii,' 1111 .1 111' i.. ItPI \:. by required 10 k"" 11 pd" tt.'d in a ~1I11' , spicu ous place. wh .. ,." f\Jlld i~ "l'rvl" 1, , a Iisl (0[ each unt! eve ry P',rll 'HI uf ' fooa se rvlltl. Each li nd every Illcal price bua rrt I throughout l h" I('ngl h alld brelldt h of thl! enti re slate i ~ herdl}' i l1~ t rue· CARNAHAN ted !lnd r l'4UIlSled l u pro 'cl'd III 11m ',. wi th lhe en forcement o f l hi~ urdl' l' Candidate for wil huu t fClIr o r fll vll r. I .J OII N I'FI':IF EIC I Fair P rice 'ulnmi ,si(lner fot Ohio On th e
LO T - At Farr's 5-10-25c Store. a dllrk lJl ue jacket. was taken by IHf'. l1r p ,J !ll1rol' .. 1" r ~,,:v 1300 anll milltake. Finuer please return . II I I I , 'T'!I,'." II re frM II 'h e mOAt p o p nlt" III 0lH\ Ii 110'1'. PrlclI(1 to 8011. ChaB. Woseran. of Dayton. and 1..\'1111111 ~1. :-;llver, p b ll ll O ·HI:l , WRY Mrs . Ida M. Sibcy and Earnelt Earnn"ovll l", OhI P. 01 :1 C' h e ul' B () r ~(' f or RAI l' For In hart, of Waynt!llVi II e. motored to r" ")\IIII " 1I In'l l1 iro of LoslJley Maderia. Sunday. Br r·•.. H J) I . WllynllijVl l1 e, OhiO. o UI Mr. James Zell, wife and daughter BIL! ,.~· l'rol' n lltn tl .l..'hl n "Bo.r8 , ell· and Mrs Funston. of Yellow Springs. Lll lol" ", rt. ~i~le r . C lIIe sile them. were calling on Waynesville frltmdM, I ~' r ~ ~h JI ' r ~ "J' Cnw . IIho VA average . I .I M."" Hp;fpr. vca r ohJ io November Sunda)' afternoon . Mllt " n JIlll c Dounld, H llr\, e y.borg . 0 I Democratic Ticket Mrs. Sarah Lippincott has just re0 13 turned home from a reputable fur Earnestly desires the support of the 2 4. _._ house In Hamilton. alld is now fully voters of Warren County at the Read Gaze/te 's Classified Ads prepared to do your fur work in November election. ·-Potltlcnl A ch o~l ,olll oot every way .
dina and Coolldl'8.
DON'T WASTE TIME The poet said, "What is so rare as a day in June." The poet probably never had a cow or horse, or a plow or buggy to sell. You should werry about the poet and perfect day, because you do have lots of surplus stuff lying arr:und, which is doing you no good, but would help the other fellow out wonderfully. Cut this stuff off your 'list at once by an ad. in . this paper, and you will rid yourself of a pile of junk around the place-:
Harveysburg Friends Church Sunday School, 9:30. Meeting for Worship, 10:30. Everybody cordially invi ted to these services.
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at thiR :!hurch every Sunday ~t 9:30 a. m . Preaching service at 10:30 o'clock a. m. You are cordially invited to be present. St. Marv's Church Eighteenth Sund ay after Trinity, October 3rd: Church School at 9:80 a. m ; Holy Communion and sermon at 10:30. 'fhe public cordial ly invited to these services. Orthodox Friends Church Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Meeting for worship at 10:30.
M. E. Church Sunday Schuol. · 9:16 a. m., Frank LeMay, Superintendent. Morning service )0:30 a . m. Evening service 7:30J!. m. Everybody i8 cordially IDVI@! t~ thest !8rviccs.
Farms for Sale. 87
ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND, 27 ACRES Blue Grass Palture. ever running water, 3 acres Orchard, Silo, Tobacco Shed, Bam, Coal Shed, Chicken House, Smoke House. Dwelling House of 8 rooms, Furnace, per acre •••• , ••••••••.•• $200
ACRES SIX-ROOM HOUSE, BARN. 2 CORN Cribs, good Well Water, 10 acres in ·Timber. Price per acre .....••.... _.. , .•..•.••• • $150
These farms ar~ both within 2 miles of good elevator and shipping station, locat«/ line ' . pike close to ,own and school. Both are splendid bargains. If Interest«/, write or call
FOREST T.. MARTIN General Auctioneer
Cent,ervllle, Ohio
_ 222 _
Wh ole Number 5403
0 8cur I,uy hourne was ir:l Sp rillgfi eld . T hursday and "~riday. THE
B. S. Howell. of Wilminaton. culling Dr, Oil l, Osten\J!\1 1\ way. Le bHnon, Ohio.
::! I S, Kroad ·
0 11
fri ends here. Monday.
Mrs. J ames McClure is spending week wi th fri e nJ ~ in ColumbuB,
thi ~
Mr and Mrs . H G Cross were St. Mary's Gui ld will meet with t'incinnati viHil ors, Monel ay, Mrs. D. L Cran e on Thursday aC ter· 1I00n . Mr. lind Mr W O. Huper spent Sunduy willi rela t ives 1lt'IH Uayton. Roy MllcIle th amI family spent Sunday with relati ves in WashingRev IoInd Mrs C S Grllu,e r and son. ton C. H. of Piql\a . were wet:h -e nd visitors of fri end 8 he re . Mrs. J oh n Smilh allll Mr. I ~ Aac Li ncol n. of Onyton , we re vi8itors Carl Servis and J aB. Uellh am left . herE!, Sa turday. MondllY mornin g, for a weck's fi shjll" at lhe Hese rvoir . Mr, And Mrs, J , ( ' , Hawk e and Mr, ,Ioc Il a\\'ke vitiitt'rl ove r Sunday wilh Mr, and !l'l rH. Ivnn Bull. of Culull1- fri e nds in LiIllU , hus. were lhe wee k-end I:U eR ts (I f Mr, lind [\drs, J a ll1l'H McCl ure , M i~ses EIr1ll1a Cart Wright lind Mart ha Burn e t t ~ pl' n t Th urHduy wilh Mi ~s He len Mar lll tt , ll f the Eliza- Lt'lm l1on fr ien ds. L ,th G!llIlh le IJl'acoll ess t ruining schoo l, of f'l ncill nati, RIWl1 t ~u l1da) Mr. 'lIId Mr ~, Hohert Cr t' w. Mrs. With her parellt~ Itad .•·1 I're", an .1 M r Frank Cn·w li re " , illng- wil li r l' llI l ivt!~ inlndianu Mi~s Berllice Hyman, uc\'ompBlli" d by her par ents, Mr , and Mr ~ I\l ye r I\ l i <~ J ('an ll elle Junn ey alld Mr. lI ynum. wus the I{u e~t of friclld H in 1';UHII' Crane , of Wilmington collel{ "', Xllnilt. MOllday a ft e rn oon, ul u pu r ty ~lJe lltlh e wl'E! k-end wilh h·,me folk ~ . given li t lh ul IJlace. T imo th y Brel sford and C. M, HOhMrs Chas. Bradd oc k nllJ so n, Eur- e r l~ . uf Middl etow". we re Sund uy n e~ t , lind J. C MurrllY wi ll urrive Kues ts of Mr. and Mrs, Hur r,; home soun. afl er a tld ij? ht ful vb it Murray, wit h relatives ill New J e r~ e \', Wh ile Mrs A . Q BrllI ls l reel and dau KhE K~ l . t hey vb it ed II1 UII)' 1J11I ('p~ of IeI'. Mrs . Frank Tomey, of DaytuII, i IIterest , ~ p t'n t Sunday with Mr . and Mrs , Harry Murray, Mn, Walter io.:l z:ey and 80n. Ken· nt!lh, Mrs . H. E HalhllwllY. Mrs. Ben Mills and Hay Mills were Day ton visi tors. Tuel!day. Mrs. Sn rah Li ppIncott has just returned home from a reputable fur house in Hamilton. and is now full y prepared to do yo ur fur work in every way .
and 115 Volt All Sizes
F.D.Hawke Waynesville, Ohio
gu ou t
Lavina Brackney.
Mrs I!:tta Arnold was t he guest uf DATE OPPONENTS M friend s Ilt'ro !:Ieveral days last week . Mav 9-Morrow " ... .. .. ,... "", 14 ". 7 She le ft. Monday . for SlJrin"field, 16 -C larksv ille """ .. "''' ' 5" . 8 whe re she will be e mployed at lilt' 23-H~rveysb \J rl.l' " " " .. . , 2". 9 Ohio Ma lillie Home , 30-Mlrlland City" """ .. 2 ... 11 June 6-Hlanchest er ... . , .. "" ... 4 ", 11 Mr. Rnd Mrs, W. G. Grethe r, 13-Xenia H , & A" ..... " ., 4." 8 Mi S~e>! Ht:le n und I rmll. Harrid and 27 - Mid land City ... ..... . ". 17 ... 5 Me~ s rs . J oseph and Frank Harri s. of July 5- Wash C. H , Arc>ldes .. . 14 ". 4 Dayton , were the S lIoday gUestB at (Second K1lme) ,." " ... 4 ... 10 Mrs . Ali ce Mc Kin5ey, ll-Lebano\1 ." .... .. " .. ,, '- 0 ... 3 18-Bellbrook ."" ........ . , .. 11 ... " Allie Hole and family,- who have 25-Bellbrook ,...... .. ,, " "" 11 ". 7 been living at Garrettsville. Ohio, fnr the PBst yea r. arrived here. Sat- Aug . I-Xenia A L "." , .. ""., 1" .13 7- O rmus Grotto..... " .... 12 .. . 13 urda y evening . and will110 to house8 - CI ar kBVI' II e .... " .. ,, "," 6,., 7 keelJ ing as soon as their goods arrive. 22-Cedarvill eNationals" .12 .. . 14 J . C HawkE'. Republlcan Central Sept 6 - Ormus Grotto" " .. " ;,, I F... 11 12- Lebanon.",."" ... "" .. 2". 3 committeeman and Mesdames F. H. Farr and Mary Caskey attE'nded n Ill-Jamestown ... , .... ''' " . 1 ,.. 26 12 o'clock luncheon tendered by 26 - Poasttown " ""'" .. " ,. 0" .16 Judge F. M, Hamilton to the RepubTotals .. .... . " " ,."UO.. 190 lican Central Committee ot Warren Co unt y at Lebanon. Friday. Plan8 - - --. - ...- -were "erfected for fur.ther work.
----_ ..---
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b'~ 1 :Jl\ .
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A MunnLE Warren County. UhlO , Dece muer UU IB60. and died a t the home of her daugh ter in Waynesville. Ohio, Sep( W o rd s &Ul l mu sk by Tom ) t em be r <!9 I 920. aged 5~ years, 9 h d 9d Our Miami s tra veled to Bellbroo k, mon t s an ays. t I a ll Iler II' fe la8t Sunday afterno on. and brought She °pen ~ near y . W II back the large end of a (I-lo-O sco re nE'a r e man until the las t year. b . ", I willch she has spent wilh her son y forf eIture , The Btl lblook hunc .. • not ani f f ' t d tl I. I James C Brackney , of West Alexany or e l e le game , uut ,,,t dOh ' and trampled under foot th eir own er, 10, and he r dau ght~r. Mrs If d Cora Gray of Waynesville Be res pect an the respect or every '. ' lover of clean hones t LURI! ba ll She was married to Wal ter Brack- S h d' f 'I . ' ney on March 16. 187!), To this un- ~c Isgrace ~ perform ances are u ion were horn one Bon and onedaugh- ~a~~u~~1 tho ~alr name of ~he great ter. who are lett to Inourn the loss I II pastime ut any t ime. and of one whose I b fill d espec a y so when they occur on p ace can never e e. S d She was a loving wife and a kind and uOn ~y. tl th I d d wlIlg to t he absence of two or Iten e rna er. a ways rell Y to a th f h . . anything for the welfare of her dear r ee a t e~r r egular, players, l3ellones . As a neighbor, she w&s kind brook , expl'rle~ c~d qUite a IIt lie difliand sympathetic. ready by word or culty \11 patchmg togethe r a tea m to deed to help those in distress, take t~~ fi eld. ~nd were eVllienlly Many a ho me t oday remembers determmed to wIn. some time when she glllve them a heJ p_ The fraca~ we n.t ~Iong un ti l ~he ing hand . Little children she dearly end of the eIgh th \I1mng. w hen. With loved and many a little one will mi89 the.8~o re tied 3 103. Bellbrook los l a her Joving care, deCISIOn and re fu sed to pi ny furth e r, She is survived bl' one brother By every rule of the game and overy one sister, a Bon and II daughter, to: laow: of c~ean . hOn!;st sport, the Migether with a large cir cle of relatives amls . claIm the vIctory, 9 to 0 lJy who will greatly mourn their loss, fortelt. w. mY. 'hef fI'Om our born. , dear molbe Later- The Bellbropk boy s hav e We m.. 'llee fI'Om Ih,. place ' s ince realized their ml~ta ke and have A. abodo.. o'er our ur, Ia c..I, ' I W. mla 11I11WIIhIne 01 Ib,. lace , apa ogized for their actions. They We ml .. Ib,. i<lnd ud wlUl~ baud. . ta W i l l e next SunTh,. l ODd &Ild can, ' are commg aynesv Our dark without II!Iee • day aft ernOOl1 ll1 . t en d'In g lo prove t o W.hom. 011..IaIbl ...ef7.b_. -E. C: B. our fans that they can. and usually do. conduct themselves Bsgenllemen . Card 01 'l'blUlb We ask our friend s 1.0 let lJygones be We wish to thank our many friends b~gones and pull f or . our Mlamill to who so kIndly 888istedJ us during the wm a clean, honest victory . - - ...- - Rickness and death of our dear mother; a I80 Mr . MC c lure for the way he cond ucted the funera l. . Mrs. Cora Gray. COMMUNITY HIKES J a ml~s Brackney
GIVES BEST SEED CORN The best seed corn can only be produced by artificial dryi ng according to agron nmists s t the Ohio ElIperiment Station . In t ests cov('!ring fi ve years with seed corn hand led under halt a dozen different conditions comparable with farl1l practice, the corn receiving artificial heat has given an average germination of more t han 95 percent,
For Style, Comfort and Service Ask your shoe man for Peters "Diamond Brand" shoes. There i. « "Diamond Brand" .shoe lor
Solid Lc~dhcr - Strongly Put TogC!th(lr
w, C. 1..
'1'1 :1' Octoher meeting of the WayW. c. T. U will be he ld at thl' horne nf Mrs. Emma S. Chapman. T I\ P~"ny, October 12, al 2 p, m. Topic-" The Womnn Citizen." A ' rel'" rt of the Co unt y Convention will be given by t he de legates,
nC~\' i lle
ENJOYS ADDRESSE S Th e> (j r~t rnet>ling of I he 1\1 ol h er~' clu b was lI eld in S~ h oo l lIull la" t Friday eveninlS . Af ter II porti on of ~ criptllr e wa~ r ell' I, Mrs. Frank LeMay sang a hellutifu l ~l' l ec llon, which WM much Ill'llrecint I'd T he pres ident. Mrs. I::lla Cuok. then in t r oduced J ud I{' I1lunilton , of Leh-I anon, wh o, in 1\ ve ry inte rcHting talll , e XlJlainerilhe J uolicial system, J udge Buchwalter, of Ci ncill na ti, \\'a~ presen t a nd explailll:d lIle d iff erent ballot" ~1I(,w in ~ l ll M\' 88ting u vote is a ve ry siln ple Ihing. proviuillg' we vote a ~ l raight li ('kt'l, If "" want to scratch uur I ickd. it i~ a lilLIe more Wlllplical.l!d . J udgt! l:uchwalk r , c>llll ii da t" for JuJ~ <! of t he Cuur l IJf Appeals, is !I man of pleasing Il e rs"nu lity, a nd will probably get the VOLes of all present lit the meeli ng,
Satisfaction and Service Try the "Service
Gnrage " at Lytle, Ohio,
TRIP IN THE AIR Sunday, October 10 Landing place on the Lester Su rface farm, one mile west or town.
R.S.Haines, Pilot
---- -_. - --- .-- -----.-~
Specials at
H ' .:
E. Earnhart's
============= ========
under these conditions the percent
- ..
.MAI~Mn: 01 IfT'.H;:~" POTATO ~.
tn ell·ct .. ................. 2Clj
at germinati()n Ii not as high as in
o. [
ef)erJ' purfHHe; « pri~ 101' ePer3 pur...
Neces ~a rv
-----_ ..
the ~rtificially dried corn. The lecture course for this winter With tbe severe l~reezing of the will be conducte,1 through the work 1918 BeMan the ordinary method of of the Senior class. This course will handling was a failuI 'e, ani v the dried be one ot the best ever offered to the Mr, ancl MrH. P. DeJarnette and corn bein" satisfactory tor plantlnr citizens of Waynesville community. • - • The first num ber will be given on t he Mr DouglaSll, ot the New York dee.,ening of October 28lri School Hall. partment of the Community Service, The tickets can now he pur ~hnsed were In town for a short time MonATiENTlON, JUNIORS from almost any HighSchool 'student. Jay evening. and were the auests at . . Buy your tickets early and .·be ready Mrs Jason Sheehan. The next regular meetina of ,Mi- for the drawing of reserved --ami Valley Council, J . O. U. A. M. which will occur in- ~hc near will be held Friday eveniug, October ' ' -' 8th, and every Friday evening there- -- . ~ • S. MEETING after, There will be work In the aecond and third degrees. All brethren are urged to be preeent. ::.. ~ , Monday night, October 11. will be L. C St,John, Coun. held the regular meeUni ot Miami C. L. Allen, R. ~. Chapter No_ i.07, O. E. S . . All memo ~ . .bera invited to be present; · . !Wabel Farr, "IV. M. Ml'II·fred puke\' I, the lrUest of Silt aawke, . rel.~v.lD ~.w~~. · . l~chfa ~lC:'~(lmferiIDae.
Co;>. .. · ..... ......... .. . ........... ", .... ) 7 ·
October 28' Everybody cornel
Pil~~~:~i~ng~~~~~ ii~ ~~~;':r"~~~~ 'LECTURE oats,
ears. or dryurll by burYing
Regu lar c',llllll utd eali .. n of Wa ynesville Lodge No. 163 F , & A. M .• Tu'e sday evcn ing , OClobe r 12. There will be work in the M, M. r1e g ree. and all membe rs nre inviteu t o he present, . Thu rHday eveuing of this weell. lh e Ir.dge will be the IZU "sts o( Stillwater lodge. of Dayt on . Tit se wil LI inter.d tu go will leave Waynesville at abou t 3 u'clock. and !lhullit l re)Jort to fOR THIS MONTH J, C, Ha wke. W. M • in ordt<I' th at al l muy ge t n way to go. During the month of Oclober , J . C, Hawke, W. M. there will he a communit y hike every L. A Zimmerman . Sec ' y. Thul'llday afternoon . Thest' hik es will be conducted by memb ers of the AfJpll!~ For ~ al e - N ,rlhcrn py , athletic committee •. and those who Tu llJ hawk in. Ba ldwin, J{ u8set und wi sh to go will meet at the rest room Ord e rs hy at 3:30 p , m The dales of t he' hikes olllt'r good vari e ti es , mail or phone w ill receive pro rllpt are as f ollow s: nltl'ntion. and sati sfac ti on g'uaranOcto ber 7 teed , W. F. Frame, ph one 7-1-G, October 14, Way nesv ille. Ohio. October 21
I The I:, '~ all ~ tl'll\\, \'011' hH~ CI"':lt(> 1\ \\'or. 1 \V,I.' rec('i\' ~d hel t hi s week a great d,·"I .. f ('n hu ,ill~11I III 'rl' , :1l1d ro r\ Ih,' 111 :ll'ringp of Mr , W , eve ry voler i~ [<,king all "IlI"'l'llJllily IJClllI II "w<'1i I, ' tlli ~~ (;race West. of t o casl hi!; vole. r h.., ':"''' 1' "1\' I" l'hkag .. . TI\\' wt·ddillj.( was a Quiet ~elllii ng 0111 ('arr iel' pig"'lJl," t ' Iilr\!r · (lilt' alld ["01; plar ro in Chicago on ('n t ~l al s. lI ml Ih ey ca rry th., r,'"u :l TlI e.uay , ~ept"'lIlh . 'r IHh . Dean is of Ih' votillg I II Ih,' 1l11li ll ul lic~~. a fil VO l'i ll' ill \\ 11 \ nU9v ill e, and his Till' wiIlIH ' n, dl\ rill~ til<' ,,:. - l \\"" .1; 1I11\IlY frjend ~ \~ id be surprised ' to 'I ~ f" II II\\": I hpar uf his Ill'lrrillge , [,u t wil l w ish I ~ l-H l'xall ;-'; 11 2Ilt; li, ( 'ill 111'Ul: fol' him and h i~ wife l he ve ry best ,'t ure, :\r~adia , I.:J , ,-"I•. llIl ilt:~ : l\\'c' r· pOH:4ihlo age ~ l" '.I, :1 1 IlI i:.,,, Pl' l' b •• III', ~Ild I{l' xali :\ ... 6:{S, ( ' <Jill; I Iru~ (" ' ., ;\; uwn la , Uhla, ·IIIi'lItil", L OCAL OIL .MAN ::lrd- ll ,'x:dl :--; ,. ~"I)::, (' fl . KillgInn , J) 1.'T1l l i '''11 , T,:\ , :,fll lll iJ",,, ~Ih - \( .' ~ a ll ;-,; " :.!;.:.!, 1; 1111) , ug (") , WAS ENTERTAINED l · a rllth el'~ \ I :I " . ~1" , 115:. ," 11 ., •. Tile \{exall ,, 01" r p('pil·,'d O ~Io " ,,' r ,I ,H, 11 (,\ 1'1" ,,11 , the local Standard 4th i ~ liS f.,IIIIw-: Oil II)! nl. was ent e rtained at a 1,;tlld,ol111'\y :llltlrlint.cd dinne r at t he lIardi ng ... HI~.I) !l t; ( ;tllll d hillel , X,lnia , Inst Thursday Cu~ .. ,.... .. I:';, ~ ,IJ I ~~ "\'t'llln g A ('on fer ' nce of the Wes· tl'l'lI C"llI :nbu:i distrirt. about fo rty Ii ard illg In 1,'I I1ILer , II1cllll Xenia and t ransox .... .. .. . ................... ...... :I~I.U :, 1 llf: Il'U u luI of uu si ness after the Jo: lel' tnral Vot es Hardill~ ........... ... .... ........... .. .... 3:,3
AT ROBBERY DRYING Last , Wednesd uy evening , II hold atlempt. was made tu ruir J , A, ~'un key'~ dry good ~ Rtore The IIlI Screant cut a hole in the wind ow at the hack of lbe ~ lore . early in the evening. a nd turn ed the Il1t.:h , L. N Printz. who cl er k ~ for Mr , FUllkey . had occasiun to enler the ~ to r e. and when he opt'ned th e fr ont door, Mr. Ro bber we llt out th e winduw in the rear. N othin g was taken from the store. a3 f a r as could be Ildcertained. but the man had II couple of boxes in the rellr, in which it is thought he intended to carry off his loot.
!e<I, rn mL , wan ..
'r VlfJl< \ O i lY>'
RECORDI1 ~::h~~~~~ina~e ~~i~~i/:;~I~e;:;~: 20.,i
T he f ullowing games played by the Mi amis du rin'" the pas t season .. indicate that Waynt>1!v ille has played the best ball a nd th e best team t hoy , have had f or several years pa~t .. Many a f t h e scores d 0 not IndIcate th I' f b II h e Qua Ity a a l. ey se r ved uP. as the score indicated a one-sided tr · Th b II . e oys a re a natura l hlt a a ir , ters. and their balling averages are alll(ood . AOi the f ollowing t.able (which does not include th e Bellbn.ok fracas) . Will show. the t eam has won 14 and lost 6 making their average won , • and lost . sta nd at 700 per cent · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __._ __
Grow~r "
J ll tI ~
. beauty ~ n t f: r1t lo CJ,i.;(I/. ~ ~ hor r ownrtl V. i. I n tl"ll l '("I ' , . : ton nnd. u. cd: L~ ihr \' ~I.
I Tllere aro on ly two nntlonal prohIbItion commlsslon'e re tn th e wor oI- tor t h e Jnt l.e!! Stat ,u and Fi nl and. And here they lire' Dr M . Helon lu8 ur !'hl lu nd aod J . F , Krame r of the Voltnd St t lob ' wen' bOl h delpgate. to 'he 15th Internationa l C 11 0B, oy COlIOI1U Ill, h eld al WO Ahlngton, D , C" thI s' yoar~~.W;ee8:r~, gatllmnBet Atl)l~ r ,'·1.o; r'l98 " ~ A Avor conven ed In a d ry cou ntry. "
Outfitters for the • whole flml1y, head to toot,
': n
Farm 'L anterns that wi l1 not blowout Tin Buckets, aU sizes, best grade tin Oil Cans, all sizes, i -2-S Copper Wash Boi~ers, good ones W·ash Boards, the best made Leather 'Gloves for men . ,. 'C anvas Gloves, price' by dozen l'r:ighi',, -, Auto Oil, best grade in tpe market'· ' '., ,
sa ••m
WAIJIII ......... 0Il10.
artofthe Wor d Is Yours
Have you got itYour Home? I~
Retllrn of the
W.nd.... r.
8belby, alone In the buckboard. drove to the Bummlt ot the rillgo, balt· lIllI the broncs, as hla eyes IIwept over the _ne outllPread belo;w. Tbe ani· mal.. tbelr duet)" 81des streaked with ''''eat, Itopped willingly attor their .lxty·mlle trip trom the Cottonwood. Below was a deep. narrow valley. In the midst of which ['oncn spread out .10011 the bank of the creek that IIBve the town Its nallle. To helby. wearied wltb tbe dull plains. bere ,,'ea a seene at benuty. JUBt beyond there was life. tre8h. luxurIant, aweet: running water. IU8c!· OUI creen 1'"'88, and above all. tIlat ",bleb be cra\'ed moet. buman com· panlonablp. To be sure. he knew Pon~ of old. nnd possessed no \IIu· alon& Ugly. dirty. unk ompt, Ponca mad. no pret ense to either c!eanlt. nec&, or rt'spe«'tablllty; It (lOS8et!8ed no pride. no hope of a tuture. It _med to recognize Its deRtlny, and be ecoteDt, 6 mere mushroom tOWD of the trootler. an adjunct of the catUe trade. permitted 10 1I0urish today. bnt .. ~rtalnly doomed to pcrllili tomorrow. 'I'ba mall wbo Be. t there on tbe ridge ...loC down. tbe relna held Idly In hit haod. hll eyes rollowlng the wind· 10C of the valley, was a perfecUy nat· arat part ot the pleNr&-he belonKed. BellMth the tan and dust was a IIlDOOthly shaven taee. a ta~ ot t1II'stJ-II.,e. or twenty·slx, the reeturee atroD&. nOIe IOmewb!1. promlneDt. lips 8rm and tulJ. WI~ dark·gray eyes ab.dowed by bea..,., luhes. In truth. lie .p~red all mao, a certalo reek· 1. . Plety about blm not to be mistaken. let as evldenUy not to be IIgbt· I, lakeD advanlage of. "It certainly beats h-I." be mut· terect. unconlclously aloud. "tba t a man Ibould dream about vl8IUng a dump 1I1n1 tbili. Shows what IIOrt 0' place Cottonwood II to make a t ellow 1I0mealclt tor Ponea. Town looks kinder dead; no <'little In tbe corrals. U~ ~h:l.I·D t\.ul> (flltl'reoce t There'lI ha _"'" of thP olrl bunch htmgln'
'ro1111l1 on' we'll II1II1U! tnllJ/:s nu,u lUr awhll':. ('ome. I)f()nrs. Jog ul ollg I Let'S 8bow Poocu w("re a 11" 0 olltflt!" It W08 II r ough. ("lIn' ln/: deSL'i'ot. the trail In places barely whIt' "l\uUKh tur the wheels. hut til e IIrh"'r never 10B t cootr"l. )(uhllng the hrOlH'os with expert hnnd. until tli,,)· tlnlllly 8wung nbout the edge ot a /:r(,lIt rock Rt thL' hottom. nnll went char~lI!1 st tull IIlIlIop Int o the main ft tr('('1. To hNter e xpnJ ~8 tho t'x\lhernn c(' of hla f ..... llng8 at this l'<'turn to c!,'llIzutloo. nod an· noulll'e hl H IIrrh·al. Sh('lhy whlppell out hla ' gun find helomn sha tt ering tho at· m08pherl'. I1rh'lng the aDhoals frtl.nllc a8 th e sharp repo rta fling out over the-Ir hn ('k:<. Rllt If nny 8eoso\lon WnR expC'cted, tt s lg1lally fflll ..d to matorlollze. ('onco remained deserted. Bod unimpressed. Lonl( .. xperlenro had either rpml .. red the Inhabitants Incllrrcrcnt 10 8urh 0 dl"ploy. or else the town had gune utt e rly .h·od. The sllonel! Bnd dCRola· Uon enu8NI Shelby to utter an oath. and !!Uddenly IIwlng hIs It'IIm liP to a hitching rack In tront of McCarthy'lI saloon. the door ot which stood In. vltlngly open. An loataot the per.
Por VIce-J>r.Ideo' OALVIN OOOIo1OOE J'orOo.. . . .Ry L . DAVl8
hdLlft_' On......, OURKNOK J. BROWN
a-wsvr o. I'ale
Por ."orur G-.I 10BN O. PIlUlK Bor VIII.... 1 , _ BeIIalor
10 CoII~
BUlKON D. F~8 ror 8&&&& Benlo.
ROUND G. DAVIS I'or a._ _ &&laft 10 Ge_aI A_bl, Il1I'1'IN W. BARDINO ra. 01«1< at CoUN r. I. LaWII Pa. Sblrilr
MORROW BRANT POI' OMuItr,Oommt.llOo.,..
I. MILLER .. RAK8: B. STOUI l'orTnuurw GUY ..A.UTT
ror,OoUil', R«ord. ALLSN BUF'Ult Fw 00UIlb' hn.ror IlAIlL I. IPBO.a J'or ~
J'oro.ro_ B. a. DILATUI.
J'or IlIdpet l u _ Oourt (Ioe, lenD) (Nwo .. elect) T801141 •• 10ND
aDw.aD I. MAnBUI . . . .QC\p 01 ~~ !8bon'VIII)
aaMSON W.80UOB h i Iu~ of ilia ~1111 o. Appealo KonaRT
1'0. ProbaM 00,," W. Z. ROLL
TL\ll~ . ,SI';I': \ 1;-; :\l \(~.l .I T
/\ 0!1) (~I\ ' I~ ~I:\TI ': AT L () \\'I ~ST FIG RI '; S.
I-.~ Il ·
Maddetl'S Lumber Yard Waynesville, Ohio
Republican candidate tor president IIpen'klng to an e ntbust as tto nowd at the railway ltatlon In Chicago while en route to 8t , Paul.
MONEY LOA NED ouoelf o· wlllow&' tile graveyard I.. obs~\lle8, )'ou bet. to Buffalo Gap tor ter do the tblnK up
IOU IUlOW \VII ..." Goln' tl'r he some Dtln h o went clear ter glt a l)feacber IIwell. What's the
)lR tlICllC (llC\ii.'C, _ a~
:_.. .: :.::. : -
bow Impre.9sffl ShNby. De w"tch ell her s top at th e hl'Ad ot the npp.nell cRskl't !lnd look <Iown at tile rll~e at the dead moo. Th e re \vos 1I0 Sign at matter wltb yer goln' over there, Tom . a tpar. no semblauce of a "oh. IInrl ao' talrln" the abow In' Dlln'lI he be mighty pleased ter see yer 'hom In.''
plexl'd drl" e r sot there. slariog grim· Iy about trom end to end ot the delIerted Blreet. "What the h-II" he ejaculated at ta.st. "ta up anyhow' II thlB a KfIIve11lrd I"'e got Into' Lord. It can't be
:~~0~h~8 ~~~ :::,: !~~n~~t ~:P~:. ::~ dtf~hkel~~d b:!~~ d~~~:~~~I~:'eI:n,~~:::~
" open anyhow. I'll go In and find out. Be spmng out over the wheet. BUttened from tbe long tfde. yet slllndlnil creet ne,' erthl'leBlI, and strocle up the saloon atepa and In througb the opeo door. He had eXpe«'led a welcome and thlB strange laclr at Interest on • tbe part ot the cltlzen8 of Ponca bad
the bl&,. deaolaled rooUl . "I rpckoll I'll tum the broncs Into Davt.· ~orral. lin' then amble along." be Bald slowly. "Even a tuneral's belte r Ihan this
dump toda' ... Be bad waded the allllllow woters Bnd reached the edge of the willows betore hi' eJes dllltlnguished the crowd IJ1ItbeM'd In tbe ol",n "l'lH' e healready considerably ehllled his en· yood. It was Burely Borne tUllPnll; tbuslnam. Onee InSide. he stopped, there wa8 no douht about thllt. A mlts~ 8tarin!: nbout In I'ven del'per perplex· of men !ltOOt' there. hflre-hencled In I\y. The blp; saloon was ab80lulely tbe lIun.hlne, and beyond thellI. on a empty ot patrons-tbe tables w{'re un· little knoll. a small bUD('h of women occupied: no one was lined up 10 tront were crowded togetber. girls from tho of the lu ng bar. and no sound ot voleos dance hall moatly. judging from their or ot poker chips came down from the dothl'!! nnd fRcel!. although one or two room abm·e. Tbe place seem!>d like older women were at the further end. a huge grave. nnd, tor a bl1et mo- Shelby cnllght a gllptDse of the px. ment. he even failed to pereolve Itll preoeher. el{'vated on a hox. lind his only oel' upont-a red·mustAchl'd bar- I'OrR cRught thp sonoroU8 w.nels of PX. t('nder In troot ot the mirror, Indu&- hortntl on with which bl' enlled hl8 ser. trlously Mlbhlng tbe Immaculate gla8s. mono The,,' foll owed a folnt applau.e. Thoroughly ollgered hy this time. !lIIel· checked Ins tantly by MrCn rthy. who hy advon eed, bls tooiNtep8 muroed by politely requested the hunrh to IItop the sawdullt on the 1I00r. makIng d-d tool II of thelllselv(,R. "Whot tho h-I IS the ma\t('r wltb and tlllmedlatply anDounced that the this dump'" he demanded IIllvagell. hla Poora male Quartette would 810g "On. IIBt thumping the bar. "Oh. 110 ward. Chrt8t1an &ldlel1l." after which YOU, ' III It. Moran' Well. are you all th088 who deal red would be glveo the that·s left In Poncn f' opportunity to view tor the lall UrnI' The reel·mnstached one tumed tn· the teetures at the departed. All tbe differently, yet mOllaged to extend a lall dul<'8t IItraln. ot the bymn rolled rather limp h.nd In fmtemal greetlug. away, McCartfly. a. though 801(loUII ''Tbat'l! 110ut the 81ze of It. Tom." to prele"e the 119418 of the uogers by he aelmlttpd gravely. "Wbere ),er been Qntcll ardon. pushed ble wa, onee the la8t .Ix moothsf' a . .ln to tbe front. "OVIl' on ~ CottODwood, rBIIe~ "NoY, yon bnctl!." be roared out Sat, I ain't IIeOO nothili' bnt dOIl8 teraely. "lIoe up along them wlllows. slnee I IItruck thl8 valley. What'l nl CO fIrIIt wltb the daughter a8 ehler up, Po~a gOlle 00 the bumf' moumera. an' then tbe females wlll "No; ehe's -.11 right mollly. Be all tan In behind. After that the rPllt of right tomorrow, I reckon, fer Bitch- yer can mosey along. We're p;oln' ter coek·. outllt'e comln' 10 with a buncb do tbls up In some· IItyle, an' It oln't o· ateen. What'lI yer drInk r' Jalt rain' to be 8howln' proper r('spect "Bet!t yet'"e got. o· eourlll'. That ter the dead. hut we're agoln' te r relooks a bit like old Urnes. an' tutea member the orphaned and Ihe tnther· IIl1e It. Take s snort with me. Moran. teB& Thet'. the woy Ponca dOeR buill· Where'. Mac. an' .11 the bO)'II. any· ness. Now. ('hlp In. lentil: there'8 a how'" box tbere at the head or tbe cprp.e. "Out ter the tuneral; tbat's what'. an' atter yerve I\ad a lIQulnt ' at 01' the matter with this town. The whole Dad COUll" up Hmethlng ter the gllrl." kIt an' caboodle gone acrOR8 tbe Sbelby dropped Into place behind creek to help plant old Dad Calkins. tbe IIfage agent. who reeognlzed tile newcomer wIth a hard handgrlp and Yon rempmher Old Dad'" "No. cao't e., I dO' ; what was he. grin ot welcome. a gRmbl('r'" "Jut btow We're gtvlo' Old "Kind ot a tlo·horn; 80USed mOlt 0' Calklnt! the Hme d bls career; owed the time hut 8t111 everybody liked blm ; me a hUJldred. but what the h-I do pretended ter be a black8mlth wben I care I Koow the ·01' eulS'" he IIret come, an' put up a 8hack down "No; I JUllt dropped around fer to tbere next tbl' hotel. Never worked pa811 a"ay tbe time. 80me spouter mor'lI three days to my knowledge that tat preacher." slnc&-Just n'a tumlly bummed ·round . "Aln't be, though I" admtrlnl{l,. "Be but he wat! a h-I ot a good story·tell· Bare shot olr some langnage I oever er. an' the bOY8 cottoned to him. Sure, did besr afore. Yer heard our Quar· ),er must have kuowed blm," tetle. I ~kon'" ShelhJ ebook hili bead. "What dId "HeRrd It I Not being altoget.ber be die from f' cleat. I did. Rullo, the proeesalOA &I "Shot blmeelf. I reckoo. Be Will! aboat to lltart_ tbat', Old Calklna' picked up over back 0' the dance hall. &"Irl Is It f' with a bullet In hla nut ao' a II!D In The lIage a~nt nodded. hie hand. The atrl wall huntln tor "Yep· not so darned macll to look him, 'eauBe he dldD't come borne. 00' at. either. I doo't reckOD rYe lleen .0 Dan. he went along with her:. Tbe her atore fer a Yl!llr." two of em found blm out tbere. • Shelbl eculd not have desertbe4 "What Klrt yut there was .bout the rtrl to ID. "Danghter, I 8 roae. She a been ureat him eY80 allpta,.. AI Mike J'ere kinder keepln ~~u .. ever slo~ uld, there WBe not much to look. at. I IIl'11t knew the CUIII. and what there wa.s had beeIl rendered "Bow old la sbe'" • partlcularll bldeou bl the m.i1ttlng "I alo't no Jedge 0' temale8 all'es, black drellll In wllich abe wu d..-d. It yer a.k me, but tDaybe slxtesn or She walked w4!l1 and Bhe held her leveoteen. Quite a wlap ot. a IlUrt bead stralKbt uP. 'a bit dellant\y, look. IIl'11t I saw ber. bnt ahe don t make inK neither to right aor left &II Me. up with AObody; aerter aUlleo.llke;. an' II Cartbl led ber forward by a crup jU8t ItaJ8 tet' home all the time. on ooe ann. 'niB cornet! ot ber "Where'd you 88Y all tbll rumpu mouth drooped a trille and het' balr WB8 goln' on f' . "81 drawn Btralgbt hack and bOUDd "OVAr ~'0811 ~ creek. beyond that III a wllm. AItOIl'!ther Ibe made Il
HO ,: E
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Common "I.. IlM Court
Notice of
New Suits '-'I I arwood G u y , .ew IB VB Ell Za" 1)l1tll ': . :
Est.ato or JtebocclL Il o Llett docOfla6(.t . jl;n'ic.. I. hereh), HI" on ,IIIlL UnwR,d E . lIathaway h~ boon flul, ap lJ9inlOd al1ll (lUaU · 1 ..1 U II~I Wit Atim lui,\raLo r or Ule E!ltate C)f HolJccca II nn .. o w(\n. lI ul, l. ll . I",. of Worron OoUnLy, 0hlo. de-
. Uwlght Moe ulln VII haa; fnr div l' rce. grll88 n eg lpc ' ,,,_,,,,,I. JeRse Hrow n VB Edwurd'J o h1l8 o n ; O.""t 1111. ~t. t~·I~T)0 ~~~'l'il'fl~\~~~· for m ooo.y . Judgo 0tl~~~:~<l:.a~~,~° 'g~io . nlra WU No 81gn of • Tear. M8rgaret Collln8 vs Ma y m o Curo y W. O. ThompooD. AtL~ . 011 then IIhe n~oved on with DO chanlf' el al ; partiti on. I _ _ _ _ _ _ - -perceptible In her fm.' e. outwordly uo· Luella Yoong va Burry Y " uug; fA· moved. To, 011 appearances ber ooly ' or dlvoroe, ext,rllm e cruelty , Notice 0 ppOin men desire was to have the alralr ended I _ __ _ _ and be lett slone. KOlOle 01 Thoo. ' Wh. ' ""I. 1I"".a.."t. Pr~.-"Inll' N,.lIee I. horeby !CII'uu Lhal J."..lo () WhotS helby p'!l8sed. and stared down at .".,...-al . Ho i h n~ boon duly tlppoilltoo aud (Iuamto'. u the face In tbe c8sket, thnt at a mon In the mutf,nr o f Mil ry ' nd""" V8 A" ", lnlo"aL" .' ur ~hu .,;,L8'8 .. r J;::~~ .I~: or 8lxty. possibly. y!'t exblbltlDg even Dani El l I:lurfnoe Pllllnl,lff 'Tllllt ud ~~,~.I'· 1. lato at WorrolllAJuu,y. g I !JOlt· I Lh ls ·l ts, "oy " r !!o l'l~mher. '~lO. In deatb the mnrk!: ot a harc) life ell I I hi It voroe. ,IIICIO 1'. Urown . b h w Ic ha d un d u y agl'c m. was 1" t f Elh ' 0'' . Jud~" or th .. l'mhKI" C"",, rather nn lotelllgeot tllce. fmmed In! n t,u " 01/\ ,t ur 0 I rt .~ tJn v . lI'urrou t.:uUlIlY. utdu a wblte ben.rd. with the fmgment ot a Jam es B row n: .!~ "' P II l~nt o rtl l' r pU Hoburt J . ~hawhuli. AlLY . "IS sear showing on clne ('heek. There t.o 1)"'y pl .. tlltllJ 'w:!OJ,H. - - - - - • - --was 80melhlog ohout t1w tn ce s tronge111 Ib " nuttier n M . ,\ . •lulII '·s ' n N t' f \ . t Iy tnmlllnr. yet he cnnld not recall vs Grondin at ~I , e"un ul'"r,,""H 0 l('e 0 1 ppoln men the mnn to memorY-HOOle wny tbe cowpe ll . ,.t.ln o 0 1 ~r.'·t" (O ~ I I·:ltlo.'ro u f l .ytllu. L. I' ra l,f . d CCOn.Sl... I. 81ght or hllll hnd turnpd bls mind back ~ut lee itt h('r u by Klnm I.lUlt () , dU IIt." Iliu to nrmy duys, yet th e two would Dot IJll t~ 1I d uly OlJlJOiUlCtl a nd q ultllfl f}4 1 RJIt ..\ 11 1111" Probate Court Proceedings i l Kl rllot lJ r or UIU KdlRlu (I t l..y dl A.l.. l 'rb.«'I, 1I" e connect t hem"elves dc' tlnltely. As be of W ur r uu Oo1ll1ty . Ohio ...h .'cen...,I "l1. . In t·bn mt~lte r of aha e~t8l,a o f H ". j IhLcd Lilt. 22ud,Iuy " I OU"'liI locr c.In1 0. thru~t his contribution loto the boi. OOooa HobleU deceu Rod . l1 0 wurd ,\L'r ON ••. UHIIIY" . McCnrthy gripped hll 'l cordIally. ' . l ' Juclij:u of tho I'n.,ua L" ( IIlIr l._ W.. rre" UOU ULY. Ohio ' "Well. hi es!! DIP. It ~ \ e re nlll't Tom E1a'ha"uy Is III)P UtlltlH.l I\l IUlul~tr " . uta !':helby. 10(1ldn' like a " hll e man, and 'or; bond 11.500. •1. O. (!I\rt w r lgh\ . • I(oloor' J Shawhan. '\LLY. - - - - - .. - - blowln' his money ilk I' n ~ood sport. J.E JaADey and W. N . t::i eart!tU O How's thlnl:8 on thl' Cottonwood' appolnkld appraise,". STATEMENT Fine 8A 81lk. -hey? See yer Inter, Tom. In 'he matter of tho Astute o f No, ),er don·t. Ramsay ! You tried Lydia Prate, deoE'alied. C. omlt,h Is that game on me ouce before. I'm Ilppolnted adwlnlst.rutor; bond 11200 !ILulmll""L or tho oWllo.. hl,. and llIall8{!Omenl. u r lho )lInrnl O ruOlt.e. publi shed at keepln' CUBI'S here." Rlohard Cross, J . E. .Jannev Ilnd , Wall/os,·llte. <)1110, .. l'i)'tulre<l by tbe .\c~ 01 There W88 a moment's .Ielay. whtle Frank Elbon Bre app llintod flPPrBi8 1:lulSi~;,~ · JOIt. Crallo \VaYII L'8 vIllC Ohio: Ram"ny roluctontly dug d' 'IVn Into hili ers. ~11l1I.gor .ud I'ubll. her. '/). L. Craoo. ,V.yn.. · 'ean8 tor sin amount 8al l ~tactory to In 'he maUer of I·he 68t R.f.e of \' it0uw,~~~' Annlo and Mamo Drown, D. L. the pnrty In charge. and Shelhy. 8UIl Frtderlot Shsrwood. deoAussci. Pr' . ' Urnno, \.0880 struggling 'wlth his e1081\'e memory •. vate I!lIole of bood stool, ordertlcl. 1\()P.1~';;,I.h~~~c:.' CII orlgnsO!l. acul olherClClCurlly bent over and asked hoar,ely: ::; W(1 ru t..o and subscrlhed I.cforo rnc thl8 5th dhY of Occ.o hur ' 19 2u "Say. Ma~ who was th is guy. any· Eo V. U.mh .... Nol.ry Public. ManlaKe U~enae. wny'!" "Old Dad. you mean! Fllrst I knew Alher' Bllloklt', foromun, Rnd Min i - - - - - - - - . - - -. of the fell ow WR" nh""t three years Belen Hempstend. both of l.E'bllnoo. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ago, blacksinlthln' (Iown Itt Kelly's Frank H off, for e mao. !llld MIHs l camp. WhE!n tllllt mo"~t1 on he come MIDDle Ben<lrioks, both o f MOR IJD . I up here. an' hnM bpi-n h ll ll ~ I IJ ' 'round ever sln('('. 'Vn'n't RII~h It hnd 80rt. 'capt when In lI'lunr ; II "Clllirt nl' dl'vtl. Real F..Itate Trantera FUNER.AL DIRECTOR tOO: read e,' erythln~ he c·oul.1 get bol<1 Frank Crowe aod Chester Cllmp. of." beW'to Loale Rlldo. part of ourvey ' Waynesville. Ohio "Do you III"ppen 10 know If he W88 .'io. 165210 Wa8hlngton'1'wp .• ! ever 10 the BrIllY'" Walter Dunn to William Ros., , "Come to think of II . Tom. I do. par' of MllUliry !:Iurvoy. No. 3797. Once when hI' "'"R clrullk. hc~ showed Waahtnlton Twp . • 18,500. Fully Equipped for Good me bls (lIsrhn rge pn pprR. Lemme 8ee; Service. Daniel ~nrf.oe t o Mary ourfaoe , h-I. ~e8-the 01' cock WIIS n sl'rgeant pad of MUUary OUI Vtly No. 3992 in Large Display Room ID thp !,:Ixth ~llvR'ry . Thnl'R nil right, Ram~ny- pll ~" 111 0111:. Now, wbose Wayne Twp ., $l. TELEPHONE "I DAY OR NIGHl Jame8 Grllofton to Clay tun Clark, next: ,.tpp lip \11'1'1.\', 1J0)'~." par' of Survey No. 15511 in Wush. ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...; ~h"lhv ...:.!.r'~'1 '1Inn,. wllh Ihe 1I0e,
Walter McClure
NTE:D - Ilr I'S" W "Chil llr!' ,, '"
nl.kinR "n rl IC' <jull'e or "lil ith, Lytlp, Uhln. 020 ""WiD~ ,
Mrs. 1"... Ii~
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88 !llun.
7-r oom
go o. I
t"U800 •• ~b~rI an I nut,-
rnnllinj( Wille r , :.1 mil e,. RIIst of Corwih 1111 New Burlln ~ ton rOlld. Inqoin. lit t.hlM o alc.. or. '_ r
mit SALE
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W"ynns vl1ll'.O h IJ . J n r ~AY
Unruo. • Pure.brlld Gilt8
SHurR IIIHI f n "" UII! m08t popul"r l ' rlco<l 10 ·lIell. Lym~Q M. lStivef, pbon e 4\l . ~, WI4Y n OlVllle, Ohio. ol;! 'l'h e ~n IIr .. hlooll )lU" II.
ollp BorRe tor salo A Ch for'utlt,loll ioqoire of
For In Lashloy BroB., H. D. 1, Wllyu E18vllle. OhiO. 0 18
011( "n·ePul"od CIIIIIHl30RrH . e li 3 glblA to CI. III P Roe tileD!, re~ l~ tf".
I Frc"h .' A r~tly c.. w "III) \'11 Ilv~rn~o . .J,' r .. " y tleifer, n :ur n ld til N OVfHn b .. r Milt o n MaoDl)na!cl. Barv toy_ IIurll. O . .. Ill
18 ~o, R')UW /lClllrj '; 0 . k I UI!
-M o nt. h ~
old [1,,111 1"1' Buc k A I• AI'rl~tI. 11IC)l\lre of (Juy Klbl"r. H. O . S, W"yu8svllle,Olli !) ulil Duroo Mn.le Hog, re~i8ter . Prlca ronsonable . Inqulro of Lym..ln Day . R . D . 4, phone 411.4y', Waynenllle, Ohio. n6 moutbs.old 18· eligible to
Modlll Ford Tourln8 Car , 1914 Guaranteed tn fir8t·olull oondltlon. Cheap O. C . Servia. \ uh one 11)0, W .. yoe8vlJle, U. 05 ' RYE for SEED quality, prlofl
Axtra Kooel relll!onable, In. qnil e of O. Surfaoe, Ii.. 0 IS. Waynesville, Ohio. o/)
Dn.H.E.HA.THAWA.Y . WayoNnllo'a Leadlnl DeDUI' MaiD lh
Uftloe ill Haln811 ~ldg. .
.. :r.
--.... THE .MIAMI
GA Z E TT E..~.
ISSUI!:[n: VI!:RY WEDNESDAY at Wayu •• "JII.,
Uhlo, I I
Martin Dr. J. A. McCoy,
VeterinarY .
t ond ( 'Ilf. llUI ·A).'I<.1 ___Mr. &nd Un, 8erI1-Hhldak.r-60 DI'.-L.- --G.-Brook--t'etnrned ' Ia_' CenlerviJ/e, yhio - (jrudustc of Oblo :1", 1100, ot Xenia, were Sanday oallerl!. week, after I vilit with relfttl~61 at Give m.e your sal l;l. I can do"yo ur I D. L. I ~ AN E, Ed.ltor and P ublisl', r. Wayn('~ ville, hiD 00 Mr. S hidaker'. Unole Fran.k . Iodla06pohll and Centerville, 'lod.work reasonable and guaranle 0 MJ . and MI'A. Borrel Ma80D, ot Mr . an,1 Mre, A. M 'O\ark are now 'Tba\ muoh impr ovemen t may be Flltis ty ~ou . Sub~"riotion Price: $l.£iO per year OFF IOE: WllmloRtoo, were Bunday caller. ridlollio a Dew Oldsm()bile. made in ' h I! home elorin g of frUIt! I" durth Str e~t , ncar Tyler M d M M on r. ao r", IIr I00 G orl1on . Mr . aod Mre Leon !Salle bury a011 Telephone 93 Be vera 1 t rom h ere aHen d erl the dr.ughter lett, Ra,tarday, for several Rnd vegelnblee by givlog aUentloo W. t: Weloh hog.ale, held ou Tuea. daY8' vialt with ' hetorwer's mother to tbe 8tonge oellu or b~sem o nt 18 \ Ohit) I WaynesviJle. and silltere, a& oelr.ware. polnled unt by ,1 . 1:1. Keil, guden DR~ dllY . WEDNESDAY , octoBER 6, 1920 1 'l'he Mast Lightning Rod Go. , of Mrs. Allen Smith II teaohlog aa RS8lst,not At the Ohio Experiment I • .' • OilY ton, IJlfint 118& week WIth their- (jettyeburg, nm---D57t . t7l.tlon . repr eeentBtlve berl', and ereoted .ev. Mr. lIud Mn. C. 8. Lamb epter Tbe ~tortlKe should be dry oonl eral oloe jobs of roeJa. t I ", S d dl ooer, Mr . aD d I and weH von ti illted, he ijtl\ ~l' d. Spmy. • VETERINARIAN , . Ii oeu 0 un &y W m. P. Mot:arren Is beantltYlDg MrR . E, R Raorllolph and ohildren , .. , ble !lwe1l1ng and garage with paln~, of Darton . Ing tbe wRl!a WIth whlte wl.I811, 10 Vaccination a Specinliy. Nothwblt'lh looka muoh Improved . 'I'he lale of proper&y and bonse whloh lin onuoe uf OOIJper BollJhllte Inlt but Reliable SeruJ11 used Mr. and Mrs A S. Collett lind hold goods ot the late Mn, Raohel to one gallon of "pray btiS beeo Examined Correctly ... Mr .. aod Mre. Frank Sbldnker III,. Brown w'Ia held ISaturday aUern ooll added, bell'S to d(O~troy deotiy germs Phone 44 HarveYSburg , 0 . . Glasses Fitted teuded tbe fuoeral of lI re. Bllrry and everything 80ld well. Keller t:ooltnK of the .I.orllge mllY bioi oar. : -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.--; I fAT MO [)EIU TE PRICES Smart. 10 CIDolonatl. W'edne.dllY of Grabllm purobllBled botb pleaea ot I d 'I • b til Ii la8' wet'k. property . r e on. n 1U0S . oas S y veo " Oll A oulntul of 00111 "aa dAliv or ed to AlleLJ Hole and family arri ved ,.-tnd o ws bOln g kl'l IJt opeo during 011r aohool, Ian weet . hero, i:!aturda,y . I rom Gllrrettavlllo. !OOO i nlgbtd lind cl osed io t b o ,l ilY D~. J. W. MI LLE ~ . : Ollticn I J)l'llartment Mr I\no M,. Coo11 Kirk, of I.be enwute to tbelr IJew home tn W",y. ti D1o. • S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio Coffee Kltoben, eOl.rtalned for din. neavl\le. 'fbe}, or.me througb by Fru it keeps In 8to rOl-:e. lUuoh lJO t n o' r 00 i:!unday. Yr, A L. Kirk and auto Mr and Mrs. J. R. J ohns t er uDd e r uo iform o u ndi\ lon ~ ro f : (Ipen c \'enin ~" a ppointment ..• DE NTIST •. . Mr . 00.) Mrs, R. 1:1. Kirk und two eot ortained to a family dinner for , ~ 4 '.u ~ h!er8. of Wilmington th"m,8unday. Itewporllture , p(\r"louh~rly Il ppl oM O", l'" 10 "" ay Den iIle. U Ue ...... M. Edward. and R obt Cur r AIr and Mrs.. Wl\lter Keo r. tck \ I t il'1 o rt e n 1)tl8~ itJl e to k U01) Hpp les ~ aU\l n .J U"uk DJd ". plCl8t"recl a bou8e near Lum hert oo Bpent tlnndllY III 8prin~boro wHit frolll three to f nur we o k~ 1 0 DIo!~ r lli~t w~e k . ' Mr . aDd Mra , Cba{lel WIlls and Ib Oil.j 'lt KIl Lh oir r ('g ulf, r mntu ring sen~on I. N. Miller IIpent Beveral dBVB , roo guest, MrB. CbBrles GeY8er, ot Lin . by cnroru l t!l o rill/.{. BA ~NHART. otlntly, vl.itlng at Indlaotlpo\is and ooln, Ntlb - --- - - - - Funeral Director ' Vtln(\lIlla. Mr. aod Mra, Albert 8t80Y an.1 1 dauRhter8 wer" In aUeodaooe, SUD. A Perfec t Li keness. Notary Public and Embalmer. I . Unr town gel In two oarloads of \1'''1111111 Is Ilk, ' " lilll,' IIIh le. ": h" II feed tbem 00 ooouionsl emergen. 0,)1111, II~t week. bu~ It did not reo day, a' ~he hom.e of Mr and Mrs Will Null, DMr SprlDgboro . 8ull],'c [ [ f) chung., wllhuut lIotl ce.- >\ II kinds of Nutllry Work . WillA \ Oill8 in the wlnl.,r. 'I'bey will enn ,tuoe the prloe, juat jumped It up. Waynesville. OhIo. In a rooeot lel~ ter reoelved from Lit.·. - - --• - - - - - nnd Dee.la a !:lpeolaltv . breed them be . : take the trouble All of us work 80 ID06sM anlly thd MilS Bertba COOD, she BU YS that tbe y we have not muoh time t.o write. are having 6 dellR:htfol lime in Il ~......_~~~~~~~~~_"'!! Either Aula or Horse ckawo service. - I N o extra cha rge for auto service . Mr and Mrs W A. Merrilt, Mrs , oabin aD the Paoifio ooast at Bron · ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I. / _ _ _ _~-. · Bolh phones in Office and Residence IIIWbY" be more vllluable ~o tbe far. O~ee Harlan aod Bary Bowe were doo Beaoh, Oregon . Bllve been via. lUng relatl vee at dend. P.rtl .. nd and _ _ _ . : No. 14. I mer Ib,u) bl8 poul~ry It he call lIell BundlY vltltors of Mra Emma Clloe Coquille, Oregon. ,>; !II 80011 IMve ot o.y'on. U IR now prtltt y woil es ... bllshed ' 'hem for food . fur CaliforDIIl; "III visit Sao ~'rno. Seeley, Famous In This Specialty; •• •• On rhnraday n't gM, Oo'olH!lr 14. OltOo, and 'hen ex poot to spend th o Called to Daylon . tb llt lhe multitude of game Iliw8 Gn ; Tuday the IIIw preveDts him h'om th e at~tn'e b.)" ks of nearly every I breeding lind rlll,lng game bird. for Barveysburg Lodge No. 6117, K ot winter a' Los AnR:eles, F, B. 8eoloy, of Chioago aOlI Pblla. P., will enter ta lo the 8111ter lodaee IItrlte In 'he un io n ~re not 811vinll fond. Tbink of It In this 20th ee.D· throulthou' the oounty. Thl eveo. delphI .... tlt e noted tru 8S expert, will pe r sonall y be ut Ihe Wnre tlo,.,1 "od the game. Tbe m ore la"8. the fl\8 tnry; a prohibition ugllinst produc. Ing overture will begin promp.l., .t In good mechanical conw tll remain ID [)tlyton tbis Friday 7 p m All members ere oordlally eRr Amerloao II' ,m~ i. dlaappelirlng. l11g fOQd . only, Oot llith , Mr . :,)eeley MYS : dition. lovited aod r eqnested '0 be preseDt, - DEALER INIn the meanwhile, t,lteRe lliws are "'fhll ,jpernultl0 Shield will not o uly .nd make U a time that w\lllODI be bnlldlng up a hURe army of um oe. :;ome ·,·.a'm~: retoln IInv oase uf rup tu re pe rf ectly. remem bered. 1 will offer at Publlo lio Ie at my Flour, Fef'd , Coal, Salt, b u~ o o ntra o t~ the o p e n ill~ In 10 da yH h"ldllr~-gllmfl warden" !Ind tbel,r Till! full "" IIII! or Ihe Perslnn poet. Corn outtlng II being Indulgecllo, relide ooe In L y 'le . Ohiu, on Tile, Posts, Water Foun· 0 0 tho averuMe 0"8tl. B ~ tn g a vast )"r~e pohce forOll8 whlob lire oust. Olllll r 11:111.)')'11111, \\,n. Gblya th lid D(n In 'bll vlolnlty. In good shape, over· advancement over u ll tormor m e tb. Alml Fill" Urnu r Ibn Ibrahl.'II &l lClay· Saturday, October 9, 1920, tains and Self-Feeders. III!; ~h~ t.u:llllyerK Hn enormo us sum hauled by factory. odll- exempli fylog in~tantilu eo ul ef. Tbe Ma8sle TownshIp Snndlllv Yllwl. oV I< ry year 10 "8larieR and es:ponHes School oonveotion met tbe Beeoh Beginning at 1 o'olook, a lot of fects, Immediately IIppreoillble aDd These tractors have been There I. one W8Y by whlob Wtl withstanding 1i0Y Btrbio or poal\lon -SHIPPER OFGrove B:lplls~ obnroh on Sunday . Blllolrlmith foola. 8ee blll~ . W . M. 'Ul{Al:iAM Thill instrument reo(,lved the onl.1 The ."endanOll w.s good, with aD taken in trade on larger Ollll Wilke gant£' pltmtHul RRaln 10 C 'r. Hawke, Anol. Catarrh Cannot be Cured a"ard In England and 10 t;paln pro Hay, Straw and Feed. outfits, and .:an be purth is ooonll'Y' -e veu plentllul al food with LOCAL APPLICATIONS aa they IntereetiDIl program , dUOJog resul\B wl'hout surgery, 10 BABIl ball weH mnoh Indulged III on fll r tlill 1ll118~ of the peoplo. At the cann o t r ea ch the seat or the disease . at less than half chased Ca tu.rrh 1ft 0. loca l cW ~ ealle. greatly In I wll1 offer at Pnhllo 81lle at my jeotlonB, medlolll treatmen' or pre. IIll1l1(J limA 90 pe r opnt of lhe game flu enced by conatltutlonal condition •• 8unday . !:Ieveul strangera were 1ft Feed Grinding a Specialty. Mr. !Seeley hM doou price. tbls "Iolol&y. I'flHldenol on South M"in street, sorlption B. In ordor to cure It. you mu.t take mente fr om the United 8t11tes (jov. po lloe CIlO b" dl~oh8rlCpd Rere U III and W .. ynes"lIIe, Obio, 00 I\n Intcl' nnl remedy. Hall'. Catarrh eromeot, WashingtOD, D, C , for 10. 1:0' ,'ot tne gil me IllwlI . Mak .. Meaklne Is taken Internally and acta Prof. aDd Mr@. rol l" ~peot Satur. s pectlon. AU ohurity 08lle8 wi thout thru th e blood on the mucou~ surface. day aod SUDdflV at tbelr home In Saturday, October 16, 1920, guma litH prop" rty or tho !!lrmor 00 or th e system. Hall'. Catarrh Medl- BentonVille, Ohio . or If any loterested oall, he Practicall y new. ,t H i t th I cin e WaH prescribed by 0"" the be.t phy· Mrs i'rllnk E. dlllll, of Bfltflvia. BeRinning a~ 1 o ' ol ook, p, m .• a lot uharge, will be g l"d to sh uw ~ lIm " wahout " lORe ,Iores . IV' ·. ·· UII , . n IJrop 8lelnn . In thIs country tor year.. It of Household Hoode aDd other obll.rge fit th elD if u eslJ' ud. BaRt. 1. c0ll1p08ed of aome of the ot or ! 'V 01 tho H~"t.) Tbe n Ibe f"rmer . '1 tonics known. combined with .omobe.t of aod for many yearB a re"ldAn' n • ar&ioles , See b1l118. neslI dem ... ods prevent .topping at t.I. (",we r'R wife un.I I.he f"rm"r'~ , ti,. boo t blood purltle,.. The pert.ct 'I \b18 towo, Is epondlDg " ttlW dave F . W. CARMAN . any vther pllioe 10 this seotloD . ft no .. 'b bInation of Incr.dlon'" Hall'. wUh frlendA • and while bere will b , tV " a Tl rl g Irl 8 -III no " t1 t It W 111 1 com Catarrh Medicine ._ wbat In produce. W, N . Seor8, Auot , b e wor th tbelr wbijA to prn\pol. huch wonderful r •• ult. In catarrhal Bell their honseholl gooda whloh P. S.-Every statement In thil .;. , l:o ndltJo"". Send for te.tlmonlala. fre • . hav" been IItored . I:lale, Saturday notice has been "erified before the l ·lL "II'1n '~ . qllAil, ~rou~e lind other I" . J , CHENEY" CO" Prop •., Toledo. O. at 1 p m .t tbe bome of Mra Lou Telephone 76, ring J Federal nnd State Courtl.-F. H WAYN~SVILtE, OHIO , 1 All DruIJ811U 11io. . ., • • bl r,I8 frllm th,!!r vtlrmin eoemlellaod I Hall'. I'&mlly' PUla tor aoutlpaUon. la.. Jeuup, on Maple B~ree'. Read Gazette~s Classified Ads SeelflY. t Cat.erecl
at Lllft Pn.t"ntt.
.......................... •
;i . .
E. v.
BIRDS ~~~::~S.~bae~:::td.for~:::nb~d~o~~i~
For Sale
Avery 8-16 Tractor
Public Sales
----- - •
Everett Early
I. H. C, 10·20 Tractor
S h.p. Stationary Engine
Lytle Feed Mill
------_.. __----4_~.
, ....................
_ __
.L _
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Lytle, Ohio
. .. . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
A Great Mass Meeting at Lebanon The League of
will be discussed'by Kentucky's great Governor,
AT LEBANON NEXT At 2 o'clock
Every Voter---Republican, Democrat, Men and Women---Urg~~ to be present~ Band and Glee Club Concert at 12 o'clock, nOOD. GreatestDay Warren County has ever s~en. ~HAS~ J. ~ W AGCONER, f ,Republican Campaign Committee ' C. C. COLLINS, . Warren County " ' .CHAS. MADDEN.) ,. ,~~E+ .' .,
.. .
... ~
. . . . . ..
" to""
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'l'h t \ .: ICklil kt t""(,t lf
Ilaord to ho n d- n fool fo rever. UE're Is wlH'rt' lit." \\oul,) QI1It, ='0 douht , hpo WIlS ll,lll j':o,t ('1I1'lI~h I n tlH.'~f" hl1 ,\1lII. III", ~' tlt
h," tIIlllI" pa ~'''' t.'+t nWI\~' ~,) pl"' I' I~' th :tt I.,·ror~ n i;.: ll t 11(" Wll-;: with ItH' ':1I1l~ lind hlld "'t,}\\"t1
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you r m e mbe r how we took ren County the p.art SUl1Ime r c,?st ,o f y.o ur weanngappareJ. dldn t WIO th e admiration of munity. They appreciated and they of our offering.
tb e lead ill Warin r e dt.lcin g the And m aybe we the whole t'omlook ad\'antage
I loIl
It,d.I, III , 't l , " I' Tlw \\" ~ rd~ o lf ro n dt'lIIlln r loli (> \'l lI ellli), 1 "0111 1' ,1. ~l ltrl l:IIII I·, :'LI' dldn'l "" \\ :I~" '"," ' r"r 111 -.: f ll" " ",n~ flll .-;h.' I' nlf h n l1~h lliul.. 1. 1 1111' 111\ 1' Ih' "'HI I \\ III' I uiliol , hr' 11t,1 t! It !:" I I'lf lf l t>r. I11"1 Il'1\ ' t". , II ',.· lit ' tI ';!I Il'nl ::11'1 :1I fI' , I "'111,1"'" \\'11 :11 )1 111' 1t"rtJ ~nlt l nt flr..:t. , f'\1t "H " IH~ l't ' li ., \ ,,~ II \\111 " ' Irk . !l BtI " \ I'll h llJl j' " I lnlt• •' \1'1, 11'1' al " I ••> "111111' "'n ,I .. I ," It" \ , ~!thd l h' d t.:;1'11\ " \,\', " II ll' tl'nl I II d llllld,' 1I:IIII ' h.... ,\ 1111 Ih a l I~ I I'{ lit till III " ty tilt ' 1;11'1 will ( ''' JI 'I ' 1 , lit' 11'1J1it. \1 , ', til ).:, '11 ill:.! 111:11'1'10-1\ , 1'1'\ '\ Idl ,t! 1..; 11" 1IIIIIt {~ ~ Il . · n .\ '!! it I'i q' \\ :,' ! I I Il...' (.,r tl,,' Ill' \\ 1I11 II 11Iall ... 114) ""II IIf 11\, ,'" 'T1I ... .. :tl, I ol d.. , ,·,'I'r "I ,II j",' 1 It .. 1\ " "1"," 1\ , 4111 1,\' 1'1',,1,1.' 111 I .. 111 dl"'{' I!\t ' r t l,\, I'I~II I "~ I, . "'" 11 I I I ",101 alt ' ... .. , " " '111 11 I (l'J1,,\\ ," tll' aoll'l1. '1'1 , 1..: 1.1 .. \ ," I I", \; 1' ",!' ... :11 -1 " ~\ ",I \111\ I hlil i. \ ' 11\1 , ' 1111 l!'ll ollt tillal" 'I I :11 ' ... 11111 ' 1'1111 11:...11. ' I tlllI I 1 111 tl li .. ; '1 \\ 11, 1'1"1'" 'a ll' h'.L: I .. ' IIIlS III ,d II 111'1" ~ ( 'III Il ' 1.,1' 1'1 Col IIJr .. tI~ l l sfr-II l' II nl \t ' l' kl( \ lhl 11111 1 IIit 11 11' I'l l II:.!"" 1IIt 'JII • " ,. II, p lll," 111 .... :111 . '1'11 .... 11 ~11t' {h('
o: p . ' l\li t 'I'
,\ l e l'lI t' tit \'.
Working Shirts Lay in a supply now at th se extremely low prices. Men's very good qu a lit y Working S hirts the best
~~~5c~~~I~i.r~~ .t~.a.t . ~~I~ .~~ ~l~.d: .' . . . . .• -
--------- - - - --
For Saturday Only- Exira Special
III,, ·
$1 98 •
Silk Neckwear An excellent selection of pur ~ilk ties and the new fa~l shades and heav y qua liti es of s atins, silks, failles and brocaded patt e rns. Regular $1.50 ties ... . ' .... . ... ..•... ,
Boys' Ribbed Union Suits Boys' Ribbed Union Suits in winter weig hts.
95c, $1.25 and $1.50 Extra Special- Extra Special
Men's Shoe. McElwaine Black Shoes for men tha t wer e . sell for $ 10.00, Special .. .. . . .. .. . a nd
made to
$7.50 $9.75
th~5e 9;re of .tlle high es t grade shoes and will gIVe entlTe s a tisfaction.
Walkover Shoes ill black and dark tan, in all the toe s t y les a nd las ts
$7.50, $8.75 clnd $10.00
I I' i d
II '
, 01:1'11,
""" • I"• •" •..
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Fllr('('e,lcli In su fely E'~ I/lhll . lIln g hIm· ~elf on th ~ ('mpl), bl.'nl' h. Th,' r,,1II1I 'I'll . '1'1'\1 flll ~d wllh mE'n. 1I","t ot Ihem atlll dl.cusslug til " Imporlllnt ~ " ~nt of til!' nfl ernoon. nnd h' ~o" n hr!('nrnp aware thnt the ('onversotlon or the two llt>xt to hIm hor> upon the SlIlII e slIlI, ject. helll), stnre!l nt the smok ill g. lfl'<'nsy m c~~ [llIt . I,r'·:1(1 hf'fn re hll11. \l1 ' )' ln ~ opt'n n sOf(!l'Y biscuIt. ,nnd n sk~<1 II QuestI on or :'of cC8 rtf,y. "!low',1 thl! colleclloll co",,, Ollt . ~l lI c ?"
" \\' hnt ",,\I, ·(' tlon? 01\. for
II II' I1l1rl: fh'e hun d l' l"C'l , ",a tll't H, r ('H!~
ntn ety· se"eu,"
p,. !ldlC r III h Is ,1l'I'P \·"I Cl·. all
tI ~slstnllc(l
fur t ilt!
22 and 17 cents,
Tuesday. Octobet· -12th Fearuring Shirley Mason, in
"Her Elephant Man" Also,
"Dare-Devil Jack" Admission,
22 and 17 cents
.. "
" "
1\ .
1!r, iI : 11,.1
W. GILJ)ERT THOMPSON, Attorney-at-Law
, 'I '."
:1 rJ '
1 1,.
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Hoo lll 2 , I. CIJ :1001l N aliollalnank Building ~ F Orlllnl y Ov ~r Post o tTi ce.)
!fan .:yst)llr~ Frk lllis Ch urch
GEORGE E. CARNAHAN Candidate fo r
--- - - ' -
younc \\'OlilUn
tllllll ..r h" r ·11\·enwnl . ,," I om I nfM It,~tl l1I'r fulh .... left IIltie or Ilu
"PropE'rty I Old Cnlkln sl W(>\I, I soy not. And whllt's more." the snloon,keeper bpcomlng luteregle" . "I don't see how thnt rnoll e~" s ~olll ' ter do her much I:ood. J \VII S J\lsi lalkln' tl'r the dom InIc YPI'e nhout h(,I·. 1'''m, what Is sh" again' ler du? All' whot hE'd this town ought Ie .. do fer her?" . "Whn t do )' 011 men II? 'J'hey ,lone enough, IIln't tlley. wllh thllt s\\' cl1 fu nI'l'll I all' Ih'e hundrell huck s all lop of It? 'Vhnt mo re wotlld she ('''peet ' " "S hl' don't ex pect. uuthln'. Thill aln't her slyle. I got nn Illee Nlu won't ~ "en IICCl'pt this bunch o· co) ln. She's Uw 0l'nol'le8t h ~ l rer ] c,'er sn w. But thn l'H got n" benrln' 0 11 us. She's 011 Ol'phnn, Icft yer\! In Po nco ~"Ilh · 1It;! \'191\.111' mCII1I 8 of support. She's a decelll gIrl': nobody ever sold uuth· In' ognlnst her, Bnd the wny It looks t r me we got n mornl duty ter per· fon.. AIII·t tbnt It, Rc'·c.renc\?" ''T,illt Is tbe thou!tht I enden\'ol'c,1 to ,convey," retllrned the vI sItor from BulTolo Gnp serIously. "You heofll tile. I presum e, young mon1" "Only the Ins! fcw genl enC'''.'' lid, mtttc,1 Shelb),. "I don't belo llg hel'e, Lut just hnppenf!d to Mitt In todu),." "Tom's ranchln ' O\'er on the COttOll' wooll," In f.errul'l~d McCnrthy, "bul he's 0 mIghty stra Ight guy. nn' I'd like t(, r hll "c him express his fl'clln's on thI s yore Idee o· )'ours, Hc\'ercnrl. ~llollld
" I. E. Chu rch • unday Sch oo l'. !l: I ;) am . and you wi ll lind u clugs s uit 'ct to you r need , !lnd a w<!il'ome from the class. I'reaching at 10:30 T opic of ~e r rnon-" Blessi ngs in th e Way of On ly." At 6:00 p. Ill . , all yo un!' p.o pl e uf th t' community !t'c Inv ited 10 nn Ep· )V(Jr lh Leltl.{ue ·devotiol )il l mecLinl( in the lect u re or main Su nday School
quarters for aU your automobile supplies. We can:YonJy trademarked goods of highest quality.
r O lJ m "
Preaching , 7 o'clock Topic"I{edtl mp l ion from 'ill .. Wednesday, 7:00 Pili . weekly prayer li nd praiee meeting . to which the' puhlic is invi ted. Come ant.! worship wi th liS in a ny amI all of t he!ie s ! vic"s D P. Ifill I , PAs t r ,
The Standard Spar' ;1u, 'ollh __Workl
Equip yOUl' motor with AC Spark Plugs to get best possible performance. AC's are the ben naoney can buy.
Ferry Christian Church Bi bl 8cho(l l a t 9:aO f're : ,c hin~ 'It 10:30 a. m. and.7:30 1l III P.very· One inv ited . J . A Pin e, Pa ~ I ') r
per pound forbullerfal-O,t. ·Uh to Oct. 10th, Incl.
WE PAY THE FREIGHT and gurantee the cream and cans against loss or damage in transit. OUT THE
Eve ry cenl should go to the producer for you have done the hard work and when it comes to shippillg the cream, you ca n do it just as easy as selling La a buying agent. If you need cans, write for Free Trial Cans and DEAL DrRECT with
The Tri-State ButterCo. Cash Capital $2fiO,OOO.OO
Orlhod ox Friends Chu r.:h Sunday Se h""I. !) ::)O II til illK fur wurship aL JO::lU.
In thl
vropc rty, "
:-;un d dv ~l'h ()n l . !I::.m l\1.>~ti nK f,1r .V"r.ilil' . 10:30 F.\'E'rybody l·ordi· ~lly in," ~ ed to t Iwse ~I.'rv i ces ,
Cal'.- ar's Creel, Friends Church DUllllay School at thi. ~ hur c h every On the Preaching ser· " unday lit 9:30 a m Democratic Ticket vic:e at 10:30 o'ch,ck n . m . You Itrp Earnestly desi res the suppor t o f the cordi ally invit d to be present . vot ers of Wllrren County at t he SI.I\\arv's Church N ovember election . --Pol ll lcaJ A,l\·crt l•• ",ent N in ete nth Sund ay nfter Tri nity , OcLober 10lh: ::iund ay School Hl 9: ::10 a . m Mornillg Praye r a nd ser nlfln at 10:30, You a re illlitt!d It, LE' presen t and wor"hil! wilh us .
tllt' "QIlIt, ·
~~i: aS~~?!~~~~.~ ......25c
Men's p~ain wtite HandkerchIefs, 3 f or.. .... ....
25 C
Men's ve ry beE t 25c work hose
~o~~i~.... .... .. .. ...... $1.00
I Best 75c Kady Suspeniders, at. ....... .. .......... ;
59 c
Men's Union Suits --.
We &re now the representat iv~ dis.tributors of Munsingwe~r Un?erwear. !lIen s nbbed ' winter weight
' ~ . ~l~:'u~~~t~: .••...... .. . .. . .. . .• "
Hea1thribbed win ter. weight Union Suits manufactured Coope r Spnngle nee dle machine, Made to
. ~~r~l.~'............... .... ..... eI;l'sJ4u~singweaf $3 Union Suits . . '.' ~'$ ~n.1JJsingweaf wool ribbed Union . .,
The Tri-State handle.q more r.ans of cream per day than allY other crellmery in the world . Over 45,000 of the la rgest producers in Ohio . Indian a. KentlJcI<Y and We~l VirKinin shi\lth eir cream DIRECT to tlie Tri-State
OUR CLIENTELE GROWS - Not upon promises but upon performances. We a re pioneers in DRY CLEANING AND DYEING. 1n busilless since 1835. Send , goods by Parcel Post. Prompt Deliveries.
The Teasdale Company CINCINNATI, OHIO
625·627 Walnut St
,1 4ou want to be entirely satisfie4, use our Classified Columns
Waynesville, Ohio
TIH' P" \'III'II",' slrn lghlened up ond
Men's tine combed 'yarn hose in
• .•. .. . . $2.50 Suits ... $5.00
Lebanon, Ohio
cl ell l'l'ld h is thrOAt,
"We ll. hNe's the , ase of n young gIrl, SL' \'I~ n l, 'e n or eIghteen yenrs old, wh (, hilS lind no expcrlencc whote"er III IItc. snrt deuly I ~ rt on orphon In lhls tOW II. II'IIhout any money or friends, EO to ' lil!lIk . Where con she go? Whnt ('an she do? Th cre Isn't n plllce she conld c urn n II "lng here. excepting the tlnnce ha\l; there Isn't 0 IHnee ID thIs lo\\'n sbe could ('nil home. Thnt The poet s aid , "\Vhat is I, wl tnl I Irll'll II) I11llko clenr to Mr. d'" ·:'lcCIlt'tl,y- thllt Ih e men of thIs town SO rElIC' as a ay In JUll C. ought III "ll'e hc'r n chllnce. Mne here's The po et prohabl y I1 C\ 'er n IImnl e,l 11111" I ,:at a wIfe and two had a cow or iJor!'e, or a Il nu,:hl et's of hl ~ own bn ck Ea st ond I L 11 lie ('otl on I'll to my Iden right owny." p OW or ullg g V to Sl' . " 'Bul \\'10111 Is your Irlen'" You shoulcl werry about "~lnrrllll1l', ~Ir-mnrrlllge; honornble th e poel a ll d pvrlect day, mnll·lIn()n~· . I even offer my servIces bec'ause ) ·ou do Ita ve lots frcely. Tile gI rl should be gh'en n husbnntl IIlId n home; this would as. of su rplu s stuff ly in g sure ber fUlu t'e nnd r e ll en~ Pionco or a wund, which is doing e\'er~' ohliglltlo/1. Do you see the you no g ood, but would poInt ?" "Yes," II,lmllled Shelby, yet rother help the other fellow out, dnzed ut the projrct, "hul there would wonderfully • Cul this stufT off your .seem to be certnln obstncl es In the woy of such n scheme. No doubt you I' b d bav~ cons\llel·cd . these.. Who. tor tn. 1St at once y an a . Btnnce. would mnrry her?" in this paper, and you ! "Ther Isn't Ilitely to be any tro)lble w .ill rid yo urs e l.f of a pile about thnt," confldelltll ~ . ...,'::J'IlIf...!!lilll:J:LDLI+--ttl'-it · tk-tttt.r~he I IlP she'!! be n right gOOd.IOOkll)g girl, . tf . . h l l l l . -pace. besides. she's got fi ve huodred dollars to sta.rt. with Rnd tI.ot's more money Itllon 0 Jot . ot these gnzl!boa ever /lillY dn .u their UVe8. rn bet thlere', 4tt7 s
Will be distributed to our customers at 4 p. m., on Saturday, January 1, 1921
4 4 4 4 4 4
$150.00 Machines, abs~~~!elv $150.00 Machines, 50% off $150.00 Machines, 40% off $150.00 Machi~es, 30% off $150,00 Machines 20% off :$150.00 Machinet, 10% off Ask our sales people for
4 4 4 4 4 4
S!' FRED CO., Lebanon,. Ohio, 11
1" "
"'I '
It's ru1h er B new one on me."
Men's Hosiery M n's black seamless bose in Men's all silk thread hose . regmedium and hea vy 19. C weiJl'bt Spe.:ial ......... ~~i~!sl. .~ .................. 95c
!.-_-------------- -- _.. _.
tl' rel l" oyer In thl' ("rtlll'r l'lI rn~r undo
f' ~
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1,"111 11'1' .)
Also, Patbe News
\\' 1111
t"x - t't'\t'I'I 'IHl
tw o \\
"The Dancin' Fool"
9 ................................................... ~
o\l~ hl ," IU'C'UII11l11' d to Itordl'1" i'h·!t~ •• r ("tlrnfnrt. M f'Cllrlh.", hil\' lnJ! flll h, 11I11 ' nf 11i ~ ,,\\'n, 1" 11, ."11,11 tl\' 'I' Ills ~UI'IIlIl , hut wnR C'O IllIIf'IIt~rl t n (':I I , II .. I Jld, ..!
hr lllJl l
Featuring Wallace Reid, in
111.::111 11
nl,oln;.:It·.: Ih4 11', '(nr. IIHfl. till
Saturday. October 9th
• ••
d '1 "11't
17 and 11 cents
'I "I '
('tl llI ·
-, A Lady's Tailor"
'" '
Also , a good P nramount comedy, entitled
: •..+ •
"Queen X"
l,,,tlh1 ~h"' l l I1 n·1 "II I. It (lIlt' \\'1\'" 1110('·
" Vour
$2.75 grade , Special for Saturday ... . .... , , , .. ,
'I ;,'
(]I'~It\"lIlt" ""Id . I II ,·~. 1'1" ' 1'1'1,,· till' , \\ 11!'i 1111'1'1,1) II l ,iJll'~ III whl d l ti nA
1'o Uf
Excelsior Ove ralls of heavy denim (not the light weight that is u s u a ll y offered on the market ), All cut full giving roo miness ill th e body . Us ual
j ..
Men's Overalls
li lt' :..:1.1
oodrich, III
.A story of Chinese opium dens
•• .,.• •....
Il1' l. t l'," I .. , lid·
"It ~\\'
Now, we follow suit again, and ha\' e reduce d everything in this store. H e re are a few of the items:
.. , 'tit.'
'"Iu(l ·
lIi1 rlt'd 4 1 \ 4 'l': 'iI ~' , "rll,tl 1'01 l 'alil t' I' Ilk " 1'>·,,'11,' 11 !,1l11eol 1·11 1'0\;1 !I' .... III,' IH'
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" T It,lt' ' 'i
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O utli n in g
aturing Edna
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thu .; .... \\Irll,\ .11· ,,1 .\
UIl.' l1llld,
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1.. II't II
~ JlH1L,:h,
c"u,':;e she dlllll rl' Itl ,,11,1' ht·1' \lId,. ,\,hll l '~' t'lli r ~hc,
Thursday, October 7th
l1H'II1, ;lIu l tilt I~~ IIt\\1'1' Wl1~ It ,\ Hl1n ~ ( -"'11(1\\ in I': ' """ 1 ,I1thl " ... l'''''t'I'~ I).... 1111\'\' II,· \\U'" II 1" lIlill' 1'''I~,,)tllh\ r, 'j'h lll'~ "hili'S ~lIln~ In 1'~Il,wl tht tlU II J~ In :I 11111 1. II, \\ {,'II ~j\ P 1111' J.;I1'1 II
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hl tlwlng In u ll hf'l h nrl ~n '~t'(t lit furo, n - I, n o! I1 p nt· N l ..... d j' \' t'ry clllll nr I." Hlllk. t thl~ I' H II I'll pJl~' lI11d (,tl ul ,' lIn t
J I'dynesvi!le,
~" nl'
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You , ql n ( In kno '\ \\ II 1 t h ink or 1'lw fw h flllH" :\ 111(': "~ {\I I , ft '!" l\ foo l 1(1t'1l nnd It wOlI ' r l,\'ol' t:- rh t1I'~ w hal I thi nk or 11 : Ii 's Idlll ll( ',"
lf l' 111,,1 lost hi !'! c nrllttr Ilwllllntl(lli f'nr n wild t..'n r(lH~''l In town , o r IIfl~' f! 1'I ~l r" t Il r"I It'\\" ol d H ('q "Jlh lllltH'~'~ Itt th.' I,nr, IIt~ wlt:-i JlIIIII'(O;I p,'r!'l l1Il1 1t~d t n Inud lip tn I h,· IlI lI rll l l1J:', If Ill' l'flll II 1 t1nn Ita" h lln t! h,\ " ' ~t'tlt,tl nn(l l lrh' t' hHC' k to (' (ll' tnn\\' l l IHt. Th tl r~ \\'n~ nnt li lllJ.!' 111 It, thl!'! ~PltlllJ: tlrunk on ,'\I, ' \\'hl.~ ky unt1
Phone 41
Ihu tTIf'l"l"
n ruld II,
"~ h ,' IIII~li; ul ,j"I·t ? or will. Ilnd \\' h~' o.:houhl n't
I t \\II~ r". ,: " :tt..·ss tlll~ IIII~t'nl1g I II Pm· (lr~' ",hle' h kpr t It lm uwny ~~~ ..n ' ft,· ~ II' ,ur I)" !'I ~ n Itlon (Iur InJ! t I1(,' 'H'xt IWll r ,
F.D.HAWKE -__ £2 _
d l\~(I H l'l).!h f Il ll\\',
"By 'Randall 'Parrl... h
Records and
r l~ ht ltJurl 'ri\\1 fhJ l'h lu1nl 1.... IUJI. " ho'rl ht' m lg h1Y c ln tl I ~{' r .. A Ih'C l \llt WOHlft U n tHl ~t·ltI(\ dHWtI , I l'n\lld n u ll .... n IUl i f
"TIIl'l'''', ,!ul ll'
PtRIL Starr Phonographs
11'111 lin hurll of tIll-III "'~1t"·.
\ Year
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1920 Or. Dil l, ORLeopath way, L~uanHn. Ohio.
2 1 !::i. Uroad-
- -- -
Fo und - A door key. ' Owne r can
~ave same by calling a t this office .
J . B Plmctl was in Co lum hu 8, Mr~ . Ro~a SnE'lI, of TOledo, is th e Thursday . g uest of he r ~ i~le r, Mrs , Mame rl a lfield. L. A Zimmc n p an WR S in Cinci nI .1li. Frid ay L. A . Zimme rman a n'd 1<' . S. gluon a re do ing d u ty on t he co un ty gra nd The Wayn es vill e ua nk was clo~e d j ury. l' u e~ day , on acco un toC 'ol ulll uus day Mr. UItJ Mrs J , 11 . Cole ma n a rFred Ihr lsock lind fami ly, o f MiI- r ived home,Salurday ,after a month '8 f~)rd , ~penl Su n!l IlY he re wi th re la- I visit wit h re la ti ves in No r woo d , tlves . . Mrs. Fl orence Huddle . of MadisonMr. a nd Mrs . H G. Cross s pent ville , is s llclldi nl{ Ihis wee k with Mr M, Ins t week with rel a tiv es in Brown Ma ry Ca>< key anu o t fJer frie nd s. coun ty , Mr . and M rH, i" re d Cas key arrived Miss [ol a r;i l hen~ , (II /) 1I)' toll, HIll'llt hOlll e. Sa lurday e ven ing , fr om a vi sseve r a l d aY8 las t wuek wi th he r s i ~ - it with r elli tiv eMin Ne wa rk, Ohiu. t c r , Mrs , E va Mill er. Mr , and Mrs. Geo rlre Hess , of Mr, and Mrs . Hay Haw ke, uf Day- Sprin"fl eld , were th e S unday I{ ues ts to n, s pent several days lus t wI'ck uf M!' J . 0 , C!lrlwril!ht a nd fllmil y . with J C, Ha wke and fa mil y . MI':l Eun ice ji', Frame , of. Ric hMr, and Mrs: J as , McClure a rri ved mond , l uu " ~ penl t he wee k-end a t hOllie , Mond a y evening , af ler a p leas- t he hume of W. T . F ram e a nd wife , !tn t visit with fri cn d~ in CUIUIllU US. , :'d r. Hoy Mac Bc th a nd fa mily a nd Mr , and Mrs . Arth u r Zell an d Mr Char les Woolla rd an d fllmi ly da ughter, of Pi l t ~ b ll rg , were th e I were Dayton visitors, Sund ay a ft er week-end ~ U L'l\ ts of M r , an d Mr s. nuon . John Zell . Mrs . Mame Ha tfi eld and Mr s Rost! Mr. a nd Mrs. Drvill ... li r ny and Snell , of Toledo , ~ pc n l. T u e~d ay with daught er, Ha r bll rll , we re l-i unday Mr a nd Mr ~ , 11 . Shid ll ke r . of Har g ues ts of Mr. Il nll Mrs. Ellrl BUKall, veysu urg . of Lovelsnd . Mrs , David , Fette r was ca lled t o Mr. and Mrs Wi ll ( ;ill am a nd sons Kings Mill s Sunday, on account oJ E rnes t lind Robl. an d wife, of near th e se ri ouB illness of hE' r dllullh terHicko ryv ille, we re th e Sund a y g uest s in-law . Mrs. Ed Haines. of Mr , and Mrs . ::let h Cook . Mr. a nd Mrs. F rank Hill a nd Miss St ell a Stil es. who has been dau g hte rs . Ruth, Do ruthy anel Lo;s. vi siting in Morrow, is he re , e nro ute we r!! recent Iruests at th e home of t o Springfield. and i ~ tli e j{ uest of Mr , a nd Mrs . Ea rl Winston . Mrs Hope Sti les and da ul{ h te r . Mr, and Mrs. De m psey Dennis and family . of Richmond, lnd , motored Mr . Bnd Mrs . W. ·E 0' Nea ll and to Way nesville, Sund ay , and s pe nt ~h e Misses Bellc alld Mllri ha O'Neall spent last wee k in Lex ing t on , Kv .. t he af te rnoon a t Dia mond Hill with whe r e they yi!literl r ela ti ves an d a t - Mr. an d Mrs , W . T , F rame .
, I
Mrs. b:mma Barn ett arr ived hom e t oday, fr om u vieit with relati ves in l he Eas t. Mr. J ohn Wol f and fa llli ly , o f Cla rksvill e, lind M 1' , Will Til llH, u f Morrow, we re t he ~u"H I ~ u f Mr , A T itu s Dnd fami ly, S un llay , T he W o m an ' ~ Au xili a ry of S t Ma ry 's willlll ce t with M r~ . W. H Allen , Frid ay a f t e r nooll a l <! o'clock . All mem be rs are urgl:d to be presen t.
The Grange will meet , Salurda)' evening . Th er e wi ll be work in the first degree, when Mr. D, Dunham . Warren county d e puty, will be present. ' All grang ers are earnes tly r equested to be present ,
It fo' urnas Truebloo,l, of Whittie r , Cal.. o n his way t o Smy rna, A..ia Minor, s toPlJed o ff he r e t o s pend a fe w hours ~ ith his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. W T . Frame.
a nd a houl Sixt y Lehanoll Muso ns wenl to Day t on 'l'h u rsduy aflerlll,o n to atte nd a communication o f St illwate r lodll'e . It \vas tr ul y a Warren co un ty meetin g . as t he m aste r ~ f S t ill wat e r lodl{e , fo r me rly of Leba non , al eo Ed Rand a ll,. an old Wayn es ville boy , and a tr ustc,e o f S ti llwa te r , and al l t he speak e rs of the eve ning were Wa rren co u nly speak e r s The Le banon lodge pu t on t he work an d we re lOUdl y app lauded f o r their e x · cell cnt ~ h ,win g , At six o' clock a well a ppoi nt ed d inne r was served to abou t 800 Ma80ns , !l fter wh ich t oasts WE're respn ded t o by Rev J . F . Ca d wallader , Solomun Fred , of Leban on, and Chas Hea ld , a fo rm e r Wa rren co untia n , Mu sic was inte rs pe rsed throu g hou t th e p rOll'ram whic h ad ded much to th e enj oy men t of the mee ting . - - - ___ - --
BIG MASS MfETING AT COUNTY SEAT T he Wa rren Co unty mass m eetin g held at Leba non Saturday afte rno on wall well atte nded and a large c row!! was present to ~ear Govt!rnor Edwin P. Morrow, of Kentucky . Gov. Morrow is a magnificent talker and h~ld his audience breath)e~s during his entire speech.
Misses Anna and Marv Carstensen . who have been in the Wesl for the past year, Are s pending a tew days Mr. and Mrs. Chas_ Shutts , Mias with the ir sister, Mrs L A. ZimmerJ M, Mulford presided over the Phoebe Miranda, Mr. and Mrs. Jobn m!ln , enrout e t o their hume in Cleve- meeti:11r and tbe Lebanon Glee club Beach , of Waynesvill e , Mr. an d Mrs, land . and the Lebanon band gave a concert Ludwig Koenig, of Fra nklin, mot before the arrival of the speaker, ored to Dayton on Sunday and took Sunda y October 3 M d M which the crowd enj oyed very much. . , . . • , r . an rs . A larre delegation was present dmner WIth Mr, and Mrs , DaVId Carl Cran e alld daugh ters , Margaret f W h' II Arme trong' of Home avenu e Af~r Ruth and lana, and Bon, Robert: / om d ' !fayne town s rlP 'h as we a s dinner, they motored to th e Soldiers' w~regue~ ts ot ~r. and Mrs, Earl l rom I erentP.a~s~~unty. h l me and enjoy ed the beautiful WlIls ton and famIly, at their home scenery. near Lytle . Use o ur Classified Ad s for results. _
L __
_ _
BEAT BELLBROOK (Words au'l m U. lc b1 Tom )
Ou r f nit h in ou r Mia mis was fu lly vind ica teoi las t Sunday aft e rnoon, . ' w he n t h!'y kept t he ir nerve. pl ayed uase ball , and h~ n d ed the Bell brook t ea m a IWll u ti f ul 10-to-7 wall o p ing , The g am e was one of t he cleanest and 'l uie lt'.t e ve r played o n t he loclli g r ou n d ~. Charl es F' raze r, of Le banon, ollicillterl liS u m pire lind g ave exce ll ent sat isf action , not a sing le p ro t es t agains t hia d ec isions was r egis tered uy t he p laye r s of eit he r team , T he re was a bsolutely no w ra nlrli ng . and eve rybody f elt lie Iter becau se of thal fa ct. The ga me was cl osely conlested; o f co ursc, bnth teams made gom e ('f ro r s. bo th on the offe ns ive an d de ft! nI sive . bUl each and evc ry player was , tryin g ha rd t o win at eve ry st age of the c on le~ l. Bo th p it che rs we re hit : r ather har d , hUl th e Millmis g o t 10 Barna rd fo r ~ O sa fe bin g les in eighl inni ngs whil e Jar re t l held th e visilo rs lo 11 hit s in n ine inn ings , Th e ui g boy also led a ll of the batte rs MilS . FRANK H . 1L\ .\llIIILL wit h four hils in li ve t ri als. Cba lr moll of t be Rep u bli ca n womao 's com!ll lttee oC Rbode lelan d, A pass, t wo s teals, tw o errors a nd who originate d the fa d Which has tw o hits s la r ted th e visitors off to a 8wept th e co un t.ry , T hat of wearIn g a tin y Ivo ry e lepha n t as a t wo-ru n lead, a nd t hey ad rl Pd on e mark of RepnbllC8D a dher ence. mo r e in ea ~ h of the next tw o innin gs. DUrin g t he nl'xt thr ec fra mes, lhey fai led to sco re or e ven hi t s afely , onlv on e man reached base a nd he d id no damage. T hey br oke o u t ag a in in t he ~even t h Rnd chased lwo runn er s over t he p la te, Weav e r fin a ll y reached ba2e in t he n inlh a f te r - -four vai n att e mp ts (thr ee o f the m T he crowd that we n t on las t w eek's strike-('uts )' and sco r ed th eir con sohike , dl!c ided t o e nd Ih e h ik e this la lion t ally . week, Thursda y, Ot,to b e r 14, wit h a Mean while l he Miamis wer e plu g · bacon bat. Colf,~e will be made in g ing alo ng du rin g the first fiv e innthe woods , b ut ea,ch o ne should b ring ings at a 1-2-1-3-3 ga it for a t otal of a r oll o r two, a fl!w slices of bacon , ten runs. T hey e vi dently consid e red or some weiner!! an d a lso a c u p, ,that score la rge eno ugh to cop, and cream a nrl sug ar for th eir coffee. rl ec ided t o conserve th eir scoring There will be two g rou ps s t a rting ene r g ies and th e su p ply of t allies from t he Rest room -one at 3:30 for future e me rge ncies. and one at 4::30. The next g ame of th e seri es will - -- - - - - - be played at Bell br ook, nex t Sunday , weather perm i t t ing . C h a..~ , Fraze r has bee n en g aged to ump ire th e bal Knee of tbe seri es, so a aq uare dea l fo r all is a ss ured . Here's hoping for and expecting another victory for our Miamis . The score by innings: Bellbrook . .... 2 1100 O Q 01 - 7 Wm. Cumminll:tl, of the Wellman n.:!ighborhood, broke a leg )~t week Miamis ,.. .. .. .. . l 2 1 3 3 0 0 0 x - lO while loading a lOll on his wagon. Batteries: Barnard and Weller; Jarrett and R. Burton. In some manner the [Olr got away from him and rolled down the skids, catching his leg Iilnd pinning him to Appl es Fo r Sale-N orthern Spy, the g ro und,and was almost two hours Tulpahawkin, Haldwin, Russet and before help got to him . He is lIuf- otbl'r good varieties, Orders by ferinlC considerably from the wound , mail or phone will receive prompt attention, and satisfaction guaranteed . W . F . Fra me, phone 7-1-6 The Miami Uazette, $1.50 a year. Waynesville, Ohio ,
MASONIG GATHfRING Al DAYTON TEMPLE I Ab out Iw t'nty Wayn t'sville I\la~I'ns I
t ended th e rac es .
Mi S!! Nell ie T i tu~, of Ill inois is e nding a few days with he r par~n t
Mr . C. W. Yo unce , Jr .. s pent Sunday with n,lati ve~ ill Ne wa rk.
Whole Number 5404
---.- ..---
- - -. . .
STRAW VOTE Following i2 th e He xa ll Rt raw vot e up t o thi s morning. Hard ing is gaini ng in fav o r r ap idl y , and lh e women arc casting t heir \' o te~ alm {) ~ t as fr eelv 8 ti the lIl en T Ill: ':"ct oral vute h a~ chan l(ed . pr nha lol y d Ue til Ii la rKe So uth "rn vo le Mal e Hnrdin ", ... .. . " " .. ..... .. ,.. , .. , .. a I6 ,525 Cox .. ,.... ... .. ' .. ' ... .... , .. .. "" .. 2 1~. li9 3 Vemlli e Hard ing .. .. .. ..... " .. " ...... " .... , lli8 , 4 1oi ~ Cox " .... .. . " .. " ... .... " ... " ..... , 64 ,V~ 6 El cc to ral Vo tes Ha r ding ." ... . " .. , .... .. ,.......... " .. ,S4 5 Cox ..... ... .. .. ,.. " .... .. , .. .. .. .. ... .... .. 1 ~6 Necessa r v tu elect ,.. .. .. .. .. · .. .. .. .. ,2Gu
lZ? .
" OCle. .' '
Th , Mi~~ es Doris He nde rson, Carolyn La) bourn e, I{hea Janet and E vely n l :8 r t wright we r e ente rtained to d mn!:' r. I\loulia)' e vening, b y Mi ~s Ki zz i,! M t'Il' l ll Mr , a nd M r~ ' ~~a rl Winsto'1 a mi c hildre n , o f H" n le .1, we r e dinn e r g'ues l~ of Mr . a'n d Mrs , We bste r Ki r iJy, Sunda v, October 10 a t th eir III I11H~ a t. i'e kin. ~1 is~ h izzi e Me rritt entertain ed a t dinn e r , ~lI nday, t he f ollowin g g u es ts : Mr. an d Mrs , S. L Ca rtwr igh t , Mr. and MrR. lI oweli I'circe , Mr! , Lin ll Devitt. Mrs . Sarah Zimme rman, the M iSHeH Eli:.:a ue t h Ca rroll. Emmu Curt w rh:ht and I!:li zabeth Ste wart.
T he loca l vote at Jann ey '~ [{exell d ru g s to re, counted thi ~ morninl/: , Mr. !lnd Mrs . Jam es H . Cur tis enraw lted n ~ follows: te rtain r <i at S und ay d inn e r, Mr. an d Mal e Mrs. J ohn Mc Knil{ ht a nd ~on, RayH uJd inl-r ,... .. ....... ,.... ' .. ...... .... ..... 39 111 1l1lL1. and dau gh l er . Luci lle , Mr. Cox .. ,.. , .. ...... .. ' .. .. " .. . .... .. .. ,, ,, ..... It; and M r~. D . . Ca rte r and sons, Femal e Henry an d James, a nd d aughter , H ardi ng ... .... ... .... ..... " ... :, .. .... .... . 16 Elizab eth , Mr . and Mr il. William Cox .. ,.. , .. ... ". ,... " ... .. ,," , " ,.. ... " .. .. 6 Ecton, a ll o f New Bu rling ton ; Mr , a nd Mrs J a mes Dicke rRon and aon , Raymo nd, Mr. a nd Mra . Welby Ca rte r, of Har veYSBurg; Mrs Mar y Love , of Le banon ; Mr. and Mm , Gladman Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Cal'rin glo n Elli s and son. Eldon , o f Waynesvi ll e .
Th e Warren County T eacher s' Associa tio n will meet a t th e Le banon Nat io nal l3an k building on Saturday, Octo be r 23 , 1920. The followln&, program will be r end e red : In voc ation, Rev . C, Harold Cle rke; music , orch es tra; roun d t a ble , Pro( . G. H. Ge rke ; t en minute talks, E, C, Kerr wnd J e nnie T ri bbey; address, Dr. f', H, Dy er, Cinci nnati. Noon recess , Music, " Community Si ng; " add ress , Dr ..... B. Oye r .
A joll y crowd of young f olks g athe r ed a l t he home of Mr. and Mrs , F ra nk ){udduck, Saturday evening. Octobe r 9. Mess rs. James Hartsock an d Ho race Rudd uck built a large bClII fire , whe r e eve ryo ne enjoyed eat ing weine rs a nd buns. Games were played, stori es to ld , and Miss Helen P ine imi tated H awa iia n music, which was fin e , T hose who enjoyed th e · ev eni ng wer e : Misses Edna and E va Lindamood , Opal Guenther, Opal Harnish , Hel e n Pine, Barbara Filer , Edna Mull in , Dorolhy Pennewit , Ed ith McKi bbon , Marjol'ie Hubbl e . Ethlyn SluI,de , Ed na and Barbara Allridge, Alice Hunter and May C ummi ns, Mr~, Chas Rurlduck and Mess rs He rm a n Lindamood, Howard and Torrence Gue nther, Cecil Harnish, P aul P ine , Marshall Filer, Earl Magr ew, Aug ust and Herman Saylor, He nry MUrphy, Ear[ Shaw, Clayton Hill, Albe r t Hill , Donald Harnish, En nis and Luther Cummins, Laure nce Payn e, James Hart sock and Ho race Ru dduck .
J ohn' Lake and son, of Kentu::ky, we re here Monday lookin" after their tarms. purchased a few weeks alrO - one from Rolla Bolton, of F'erry, containlnlr 1240 acrea, known aa the Waverly Farm, and one from W, C, Bergdall, ot Lylle, containing 110 acres , These are two of the best farm s in thia 8l'ction of the counMr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and try . Miss E mma Heig hway were in Xenia Tuesday afternoon. They met Mr. Messrs. C , B. Bentle y, L. M. Hen- and Mrs. Nat Barnett, ot Washingderson and T J, Smi th attended the ton C. H .. wh o will vislt here tor a f e w days . races at Xenia, Tue~day afternoon.
_ __ _
Good Seasonable Merchandise at Greatly Reduced Prices. These are jUlt a few o.f the many bargains this store has for you. Come i'l and see. Regular 50(' Dress Gingham . American Indigo Blue Calin new Plaids and 39 ico, in all colors, plain colors. , . , . . . 30c value . , ... " , .
Heavy Domet Outing Flannel , dark or light, 39 regular 50c value , .
36 In. Bradford Percale, 3 '9 in all colors, Regular 50c value.
Come to us for Shoes.
Men's Excelsior Overalls
We stand behind every pair of
Men's or Women's Union Big Reduction on Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats; also Suits, in medium and heavy , Shoes for Men, Women and Children. weights. 98 Reg. ~ 2.50 v,a l. • ,EVERYTHING IN THE STOI~E REDUCED
Outfitters· for the whole fami,ly from, head to foot
ERS DIAMOND BRAND SIiOES Men'·s Work Shirb, ' extra fun cut, 48 a "Money-Back" warrant of quality, because we know they $.1.75 value . . , ' . nonestly made of solid leather and built to give good wear I~______""'_~_-Iruu real foot comfort,
Extra Special
Hope and Montaukbrands, bleached, yard wide30c Muslin, 40c quality.
. . Big Reduction In Blankets, at $3.98 and
Excelsior Overdls of heavy grade striped (not the light weight that is usually offered on the All cut full market. ) giving roominess in body. Usual $2 75 grade special for Saturday ,
Part of the World Is Yours Have you got itYour Home? MAN AND WIFE - 'EVERY FAMILY EVERY I~ ENTITLED TO A HO \!E ON THIS EARTH OF OUl{S ,
YOlT IF YOUR "Y,lII 'l1 h"11' liS Oll t. th()lI~h7 " ", IIr~ : I' ll fn lk II o,· ~t \\' lIh th~ hn)' ~ fl od gPT '(:)111 Intpr ... ,!'OIe<1. I'll P\'(lil tb row tlrl)' ,1"l1nN< Int" Ill/' .1",' 1, pOI Illp Ilnl ' p~' ('f111J11~ n ..:tnrt , Th l"'l~t··9 not l i to ' thut will 1'111 1111 1r . '"p l"
"Tl lpJ ~
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111(· { ' p ll'"I\\IIH d .
p,·u. pt'<'n,·p hrlol "~"''''"1 Ih nn " ' Iii. I. liP a "p\\ · hund. In
Y I''ltl t \\'('1 f~ll"w~ n~'1I1'~ It " "I nIl' I' ll 1:" ,\\".,' t n the saloon (lnI1, !"'nr iCT '1 l1l! r--I I1': f~ . llIntl(l \ '
t erl Ihp h"ys 0111 n 1,1 t.
\\' h.' r,,·11
) '/111
bp In nn hour"?"
"I n my
o m Cl' .
" "h n
W A! rOll ttlllllH~
to Inlk wllh7"
"Oh . Cod y . .11111 Mnck , 'Rnw,ly' F.c:nn Thp~·
.. n' thut hu n c h .
nrr thl..'\ hoys
yet almln' to IlIlcr e~ l . I n·(')"',,. Ho w mil ch of n j uck po l iln YO II nhll to r nls!'1" McCnrlh y Po\III H~d n mom!'nt, hi. eliln (,III'P!'i1 In hI s h nl1 'l. " W e ll. I'll "low In tW(I·MI )' nn' 1 re<'kOll there n rc Ih o ~e wh o wOllld ni ls!' It to n rl!;hl ,.mnrl fll(nre . l OU kin tnlk. a ('OlIpl!' o' th ous:ln,l. TOIll . As ret say . th nt'll hI' quite n f .. nlure, so' there nlD ' t no reMon "'h~' we sb oul dn't 1'1111 the nrrnl r orr I('rnll(hl." Th o delicious nnr! del len t!' hu mnr ot th e situa tion wo s wllOI " nrllculo rl y op' pealed to Shelhy-the nrrnlr p roml .~o\ exciteme nt ntid 0 good Inli l/h, Be \\'1I ~ eVl'n con \'lnced that the sche me Iltl~hl work and t.hus reall y IIrO\'e II hl'ne fll to the girl, It s he olll y cho,~ wisely; hut at preRent his mBln ' Inl cr~s l cen· tered on th e fun he expecl('(1 10 ex· tnlct trom t he prellmlnnrl!'s. Be hall nlrendy Melded on a ~en· eral ('oorso of nctl on; he wou ld 8P' proneh those whom he rnn.lrI ,.e,1 wortby, In a slrictly (llplom ntle woy, judicIously .hlntlnl/ A( the posslhlll l)' ot Old Dad Calkins' gI rl heln!! nn helre.. and suggesllll!; th e nrinllltU!!p nt her being sotl!:ht 111 (,8rl)' 1IIfIl'l'ln!!.,. Tt WIIJI merel y llD Itl"A he pro)lIose,1 10 advonce, to be Implnllledio Ih e lr minds, thst she should not be oll owed 10 ('~. cape trom tho community Wllh oil lllBt
It II .. Otl.eD proved true tlaat deRJ"'&toa . . . W&IIt III tbe u. tre_ are tbe openlnll: of tile '"'1'7 cb&DDeill ao _ - . B1IdlI __ tile _ or Mra. MAl1tartlt Armer woo aboat 10 ,.een aco . . . lett a wIdow .. ttll au: 8mall cb'l1dren, ~ltb only a l\ed:ton 01 and land 11, New Meuoo .. a means of aupport. Today abe 18 the proud owne r of 1500 PUlto bred )\Dgora goaLa, w blch ehe baa made a buslnoss of bnl8dlnll, MN, Armer II&l"8 ber a ueNla. Is due to a tbo,ourb und erstandlIl« Of tbe suat lD4uatry and the .blllty to make Quick deali iou ID pllJ"Cbudq doGrable foulldatlOD atock, Some of ber .Iree haye ,ODe .. far .. Boatb AfrIca aud New ZMlaDd. Three bun4red buck. aM d . - aN auetlolled eadI ~r, fn selllll, for leu tll&ll 1100 eaell .
1.' ...·.(" .
I .. ·ft ··· ..
l" I\llId
llt'rt' :,:-"t H lI a lt· Itl
I Ilul 1 Ih.'t\ .] niH II il t'I', TllHt'~ ,\ tll' !'" 1 ~l:1ll d :' "\\' 1",1' 11 II I'"!' 1" "1'-" 1"1." dol\ar:-o, Y,\\1 j,!'n t n !lor~l·1" " \\' . ,11. 11It' tTl1h,-'r looks I l k ...• Illle: turllt'd tlllt III l' f' Wt'll"t.: ('orrlll, hut 1 IIln't J..:llt 110 IUf'llt1Y t tl Itll Y r~r Id s ft'i ·d , Y,'r 'l l hll\e ter !tl pw tIIO 8111110 IIr""I1.
~' I\ l n , "
".\ 1\ r lc hl: It, · rt"~ tl ' n ullil 1"11 I'IlY' Pn\\',"11 fill' 111l' Ih l r~(\ kflt'l', YOl1 ~ h llw lip hl ,,'l ' :o;plw r III 11 ' 11 lnllh,rr(l\\'. or t"'lsc
I'll I"H \ t ' YO\l h " n'; 1hHt' ~ ~ 1 1"1\ 1~ht." III ' ... tl'lIl\l' Hwny n Crt)!'is, th~ bllt C'I',lwd.',l r"h ~ 1l1 Bud n p f" Ilf"I' II d oo r nt
ba t h'd
bolU l' nn' no protl..",·t lull HlIti
Du dl1" th, ' neXI hnlf hl)lIr !"I ,,-lilr
1I1111luged 1(1 Inl 1'\'lew d l,Z(!11
\\'h :~ t
tll o~e
81l t)l'II \' t
knuw lI tu he or
It ~ II Il U~'
t1i~pll ' l l tH Il ,
\\'1 1( ~ 1t1
lurh R pro "o ~ltlull liS II~ 1111 ,1 I" o)i'f"l' lUl" ht nlllurully 1I1'1'~II L .\ f, 'w ,If th l':-:e treul c d the S \l ':~t'~[ 1nll prH fHllt ' ly: oUu ·r s W (1 l'e rntl H'l' ~\I\!'Oln". 11111 lilt'
IlloJ" rlty (hus d lplo) lilll l ll'uli)' 11\'\11'11'11'11 · ed e" lnce,1 um elent 111 t ,·,.",1 I" )'i"ld nlu ch eD("ollrn'::Cl1le llt.
lI i~ Wu l'j'''': Iwd
tle ell broughl 10 R gUOIllllllrl(l'1 11110\ Old Dotl'!; gIrl . "cllll eretl pal'lkulllr l,l' n l· tnleU yc b~' n "do t' · r \ln l dn g \lp Iltt ll
the I h"u~Rll(ls, ",oul.1 li n, l 1'1\'111)' or euger Rull urs. J\ ow l linl til e nllllnl' ot her e li gibi lity w"s " ~in!!, "1' 11'''tcl ~' ctn.·'ll l1tod I'rolll lIwu l h 10 1I1llUIl1 . 1I 11 ~' unn t" "'ssury delu,"" would (tilly t't.'IHI l!r th e II n'l1 11' more compJt t'lI ll"ld. nt' wou ld t· 'port fi t. nUl ' !, the suc· cess of ht~ flll !';s l Oil 81Ul tll~J,!'{, 11f t-! en· con ~l, f l'al or8 t o hum plHutl' IlI'fllIlI . 11 wou ld ... IT'e be 1\ I1IH' sl,.:ht tn !oj ' I ' l lwHt.' t ell t)\\ ... li ned 11p while t h at gi rl Itml(f·11 tht'lll H\p r, (lelllll~ t'tlfe ly lIIakll1J; n cho l, l' . ~ lIdl1 (,l1 l y II tft J,:u .... P ""!'ll'd ( In •
l!liUI . Ih'.tc (' h~(I1~' h ll l ll,':11I1-= HYl' l'
thf' " Iltl
bal'T I ' I I '''- '' ,
tilt· !til l" III'J:ulnl! wi th n wh o u tll~' slwok Itls 11('nd
In\I II ..... I \I'I)'. ~l l(' lh~' 1II0 \' .1\} tl I IH I:: l1n· til l ,•• rill l!vt1 UJI h\ ' ,~d d l! tlu.! (. ·1111\\\ . ,\\ 11:1 ' · ... )'HU " IInllw?" • • , .. ..
•• \.,, __ ..
IInh' rttl l" ... 11" 1t:1'"
It-' hn~d
t Ptl1l'lllll'd llw two, chp\\!IIt-: Oll th e hu lt o r f\ rlcur, "\\" ,11," h~ sold \)Iunll )" "( lot' canls nrl-' ~tl1l'k,,'d , ~ " n t s : n ow, 11 11 yo u got
t" ,10 I,
plllY your
Illltlol~ . "
"\\'bu t tin y Oll m(,fln?
' n it' bnys ore
for It 7" " !l ung!'." 1111,1 s nnp" lnl(, I InlkNI to quit e II IIU lIl'h, T h,' "'"' Ihlll l': I'm tl f I~
thll t
j.!nlno l I lIn~' tnke
n IIM I.. " hunt 111,· !!II'I UI' 1J~ (ore we ('till ~ I q I hill/::-: Inlu ~hIlPf" 'llhnt"s
wl l\' I II l1 n-t.-oI In I",t<'. 1'1111 III., "n'nl r 1" ,,1::101." 'l'~It '
fl r l ' :lI ' IH'r
go t to
~ pr, 'nil hl~ haulls,
",0\', '
In J.! tlu- :-= l1~J.!I.lo!'-fhll) 11 r-.:I dp. ":,\'11, lin; tlllli rt'lIl1y woulu n't be 11('(' t' ot. -on ~ I lo n nflPr tile tlmt'ml. The
pnnr clrl mll "1 lie gl\·t'n 1ll'POrllln ity to fllnurn In p l' n4'f'." "!':llIu·k.! It wil l ~"' e he r something
e l"l' In Ihlnl; nbollt , An yhow, thut whul l' "lIl1r h will be nrt ~ r he r by lII umln;:. \\,hll t do yotl ~n ~' , !I[o<='" " 1 onn'l ~c!' no ohjl'Ctio tt S, The sonner It 's ('Icnn ,I III' the hett e r lind ther.' won ' t h no hnrd feellu's among Ihe IIn)'s If W(, ,1"o' t give ' em nny time to mlll nrollnl1. "Y ,," nllll 10 rlln Ih e bu nch In on hN willi no notlre ' " " ~ : Ihnl's up to Ihe prr'lI t her, He \t1\"'IIIPoI 1101- Cllille IIn'l h n< I!"I tn t uke "orl' IIf Ihal PIIII or It. I .... 111·1 know
(lint It w us
.... lnli L!'1I1.
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DIl(1 C illl ; ln ~ II pro\l<:r kilid or II funeral nn' ~ lI l'e Jlul1p(\ It n il' i n S~ I1If.' !S lyl e, If [ Ril l' It Ill~' se lf , 'j'lWII we dcrl <i.,u It WH .";
.:I vc tll p ~Ul'l n d el' ' fit lh ls town dlll (·k, ·tI In fh' p 11I11lrl1'(l11 Ilu rks on' HP\'pr
S~ Wt · ll ft'
nh n llJ
tl J li S 10
nn '
"What I've Got to Say I. Just ,for You B o y •. " !IIort'(lr p lf'I' (\11 you
•. . . -
hn~' H
11 k" " . Mtnl . 'roun,1 In\\'n :111 ,1 Il1l enli " '1" ;""' "011 I1n nn' fluo n I.,-t ~ .. h l'.,r ,,1("1,
d()II'1 "1111
11111' ,
hun ph
r.· ... lllt. to It . MIU'," ~fll1lt"'.. t1ll r r lfltl
~ny l ~' ,
" gl tt ln'
s nit ." "All rlJ,tht.
llJJlrrlt' d
I" )',,"
I I\~'
• '1
"l 'II II III rlJ.!h t In .
. Sbe t. for AmerIca Fll'lt &lid for tile Amlmcall au whOle colol'l .1Ia1l n,,"r lie dImmed 01' 4JRoIored b:r the lILarlllce of .Am4l1'leail IlItecrttJ'. SIleDtllla 4..,011 frOm ...... lIIe Ie 1I0t alo.rmad for & momeat by tile mouDtebaDk outm. of "ollgnrch y" or deltuJ ad by tbe' bull Ull'ertIOD tbat the pNliil1ll1l1 18 011 the market and ID cIaa;er of belD, boll,ht liP, eba baa beard &lid t~ _lid kooWl . .. , are Ilot 10. T1Ie boley maD d_ ... a.,..b" ~ l11li Ooluml*. ebe Ia a mathemattclall, ,our II1II OoIDDllbla. .bo t7pHlel tbe ne" Amertoan .oman YOtAIf. Ibe baa learned tbe mathemaUCII of WIlIODIIIII . ., macle ... AOQloalDtanoe ot 014 Bllh Coet of Unll, to tier IOI'row. 8be wtll ,,"ye nO mpra of It, It Ibe oan haye IIII' _,. aDd, It 10D lie tMII of e,., already 10U oan c1Iaeover tllat .be Ia la)'lq down tbe la. to Unole So.m and linD, htm due Dotlo. that tflat CO't'1ll'lUllelltal II,DUe of hie mat be pat In order aud tept ID ord.... wltb lOme " .... rd for .u pkeep, taxatiOIl and the Ulla. Yow Uncle Sam mat lop off upellMl and get down to bed rook and ruD hla ..tabU_maDt on a b1l8lnes. baal, unleaa ba Wantl a row with .... Columbia. Re .ball Btruule hat-der to make botb onde m . . . If h' woald IIeIp the domestic peace. She has glveD til. alcD--tlae hleb Ilan-thll AmerlcaD "0man YOter. Sbe I, OIl tbe Job. .lchUI, dId .he .peak tbrcwab tb. bellot 10 tho PIne"'" lkate. '!'be eab~ of her .peeab are I'tIOllDdl~ througbout tile IaIId u DIY6r' before .Iace .alDe "lIlt ".tralcht bent tor OOnnIor KuL" Rail, ....D IIJaI Columbia' Rail to ulS to aU III, molllent and Ilat.81'11 Rlftl au more power to tile atlUoDl ot fOil all. 00041 OonrameDt aeoJallll8 1011 aud needl ,Oil ..,ery bou? And til, O. O. p, tl'1llta 1011 Imrlloltl1 to aid ID the clean·op at W....1DatoD whtob It IIu . . oa to 40.
IkII &Ad aooIaIID I
he px-
co..... O.t.ed tbl. 2tlL d'Xil~,'O s~~~~~.:-: Juda'u o r thu l'rulJa'" Qou rL Wur.u (,)00,,17, Oillo Robert J . BhawhlUl. AlL" 011
Notice of Appointment
Y on IIn\' \' \Ix p lu hu..'tl thp Cl l' C U II I~tnuces , ~I I' ,
~I ,· ( ' II
" \"'r)' w, 'lI , lli pn." his \'olro illr: 0 soot l li!1,C t o n £',
Ii ".~
:-IoLlc. I. henlby Klven Iha< O.
Hel'! f! wuste
1111 III! II(,r,'"sn 1',1' IIII I~ In prc llmllttlrles. I hll\,;' "(,1',1' f rllnk l,\' Inl'l t he entire
~l rf 'Jll'l h )'
f1 1 !tI p wult'h
or Lydia L, Prat •. dllCCU4XI, IIDlI.~ b .. tlul, .ppoiDLed anti QuallUed II Admlu · ""rator ul &ho K.... w o r LYtfla L, Yr.", la •• ot Warren lJooU'7 . Oblo, d~, ElIII\.I)
"~urt' :'
- ..----
."1'1 11lI1 llle. 1 I I'tI ~ f. JII"I circle II liout Ih" Wil li tli{'t,' -Io the left, pICII S!!,
IlIUt l"J' 1I .. (ore l1 u'" youfl~ hlf l~' fHut hlH'e nllnlh' . 'I\ II\·IIH"·" luor o f tt l .... 1' lgltll~ clU" ·
DaLed tllll 22D~e~r,~' r.Pr:rU";N~no.
Judlle Roher' J
Sh ... I1 .... , A.,)'.
' ·X I.reHS
YlIlI l' ~ tHI (\ ilf 111 111 .1 . my d,lIel '/"
.,... u4 wouI4 II&~ Ammea e"" do ..... part to .,... aDd 'ell! 11"1' the peaoe, lbut ~. II DOl for u.. bHUhIa of tNdltloo. aDd priDed pi.. beld 4.1&1' to tile Amart0lIl lltart froID tile teuDdlq of thla ..,ubllo aII4 "lIleb ,,0014 . . . . ""1"meet .. IDuroJ)e&D Quarnla ulS ..tripe at ~OOIt J CIC AIMrIeaa Wood aa4 tNanN. • ..... C4II1uabIa baa lICK Itadleel ... OoIIIUtuUoo .. ftIII or
'* ..........
f!t' ntl ~ ll) e n : '
hlllHt. " our UC't'Olll tllutlHtlon s ore t.'xtttll ~ I\,l! , R ~ yllU wtll lJ<'rcei\'e,
1111 unt
- - ----
Notice of Appointment
~ht, lifll '"
Iw l' '~.\· l'S 1l1h: 1l 1Iy , u rt\tl hm' l d tl J; (J II (' i ll lC' r C.' lwl\k. " I :-: 11111 11 ...... ~II: thlll '~ whllt y o u told
- --- -
Itf';';'~ ;Ir 0111' I ttl l·p" ~I'. n o t fit ly
~ 11M II for ~ worl4
of Appointment
la llll\" \. l!!'sl llrlt1~ hllllr.'~s", ..ly \Vllh
. . . . . ..,
ITo .... conelDuitd ,1
WIiS ('fleer III I,'urll 111(1
hIllH' h ; I rllln ' 1 l~\'NI tho," III !, OIH ' 6 , 1ue-I1 l'UltH' alllll !! t .. low ll.) o ut .
prop o~ ft lon
"nul soy, h"lo a li i" he eX<'llIllu~(1 "I linn' l helnll!;, If> . till.
ex~'II," lI y.
'Th('re \\'n~ n Rt1r~ln1! rnrw nrl l Inttl· cnth'e (lr r('n'lIn l" ~. E"i,lelll l)' tlw
~ I n ll r t'rl
~lmr= r;:::~= ~.&o.
' ('III ., ·,)ur !-Opt !..'1 a lii we'll .
"I ~ Ih .. ,j ,)I.:' shUI tl glil? All rIght, Wil a t l'n. lI" t 10 "fl y I. jus t f,'r yn ll , b,, )'~. 1111' oln 'l ler hp lold 'rollii tl pm-
o n . .\no
" 11 111 "
r~' In~1 eN,1 It. \\' h,, )! Irl C h oo~(\~, ,,·tll' ll l iP mn rrip ....
Nlp.pMra . . . Uytq faaIor III ... makhla of _ DaU •• ' ilia OOIlMe lilto IIer OWL .tlllll&lllF aWak1B4 "elcom" ud aoeI&lUUI her. IIII' "'Iltllli realm at _ onlalal h.. ui', II., wllol., . . . . laII.aDOl .. aeede4 MelT 1I0u. ' a.aa1H'1ll... IIII' .abuL " .....Iao:w ~. 110" iIltd''NIr. !lOW UllarrbI-'Y 1IIe. dl'" ..u.... WWMD ' tIla rat.. auct tbe real ill eutSq ber 1Il1t1a1 llello& III ..... eJaWII of - more ~DI 4q. . i" 1Ia," .,... tile 11I4ex to tile oIw'aot.. alDd ~l7 of liar
twe(,JI h!:o; Il' N}, .
dell OtlClll c ltt U ~ t o s("ur.:pty nnel wort1a ,
Noti~e I!tpum I,r H II ;.:: hl Ih l'OIl I,,d1 11,,-. wi ndOW IIf C'/11 k III~ ' shuck. fl nu or t " 0 ~n ll..:11( E.t..I,u ot fh,t)OfTa nublat' , uOCCJ.....oo . 10 IlrHp (til l. hilt ~h .. lhy I'('t llan.:,' 1!l ell! Notice IA horeby glvun Lha' lIuwtllt\.1 It , )1 1'01111.1I.\". ~IJ t l lll i flit ' I' nlll' \' llllnd, nathaway haw bolln tlul7 a •• pol1ll6l1 alld t'lU&Il ~ rllllllt." I l lI t\\I till ttl-hll il l ~l l'l'nl' llt -" n !'l he l 'h~.1 .. Admlul.&rator 0 1 tho J.:.~ate or Uebecca Hobltstt, 1.t.1t o t Wnrnm CoUllt)! . Ohio , ciu I'IIP IWt l 1I1I I Ii", dO!,\~ ll d ("t l r , TltI~ l H' t'II('h , (...,. . .1, I~r , q h' IIt' d If . II I~ rOBo tl r ll{'t' ht-Hlllilltc D.le<J thl. 21 0t ~·C:rOJ~'~i<''llYr.'i\~~J~ ' hf'lIl plllllfl .\' i ll flip )!Inr ... 0' the s ln,l.!le J utlp or the PNLJaUl Oourt, ,Warren County UhID . "II 1111111' 11'1 11 1111. h i,; l'lIl k 1Ii1<ulu(..ty W, O . ThompooD Any, 0 \I I hlnddng- 1111' l' lItrnIl C~. Ht'ynnrL thuse ('Inol " 1\1 hUlld hlHI n \·t1 I: I1 £-'- , J:l ll n p tle ut til" !li l'l, whu ~ tft Utl hud, aKn ln ~ t Uti' willt. s l arillg I UWIlI'1! tt lt'tIl wit h "" t1 t'II I "''' t' Yf'''f, TIlt!' HuIT:lh, Gnp ru n n K.,a\.l) or Tho. . 0, WlJ.hel. ~_..... No,l.,., II ho"'l>;, IIlvoo thaL J ~o (J Whet, ~1I . iI'·1 1 Illundty In Wpl l·.ll llt... hu,.rcsst.!.l ""III .. been duly appohl",,1 and quallO"" .. It,\' tilt' UUlt lhl' l' of flH.'l'k he su\\', oTlll JloJmIDlltr'.lrj~ or 'he li:n••• 01 'rb"" . C, Wh._I, I .... or Warren Coune;,. Ohio. do· ' !'oltl'Pl'l'll 11\' ,,\'I ly n ~ltl l' .
he r. I ' ll pny hi m Ihe 1Il11Ile),. 'I'''a l'" "nt on' yo n bo~'s kn nw who«' 1"lklll~ , "
It eIartt., "e1'OUUoal .tID. . . . . . No Ioqw d_ ..... CohlJDb1-.ood ~_ 11l1li-...,.., ...... fa the NlecMd .1or7 of 0., .t.~01.1 ....
J(~I IH ' "
~ee " hat rU lt ll ' :-I flf U ." M ,('11 1'1 lIy cil'rll'P ll h is th ron t an.-1 re· 11 11),'('(1 Ih,' "111111\1 or f'iL;lI r fl'O\(l 11e--
h ll ~·.s;
the one will, 111(' pluk .hlrt." Shelh y wus UpOIi hi. fee l · 1" ~ llll1(\Y · ~o' IltOI·'l1I~ hl.'· "II,'liI'(1 hy tid . "luILl,·,,·
Ihl ~ 111111' "'IS In rull hll1l" , Ile~' n nd fl iP.\' \\ f-' l'f' p1.lIlgf"'ft Intn r' n r kn,~·t.:~ . hut t'lItiltl :-:,'1' 1IIII'utl ,,1' tlh ' lll 11 11 ' rulnt
ever I h
01 a1UM"'tt1J ~ . . .cdaI bOat ..
Mll e. ,, 11 o, ~lo(l d wllll hlR Io:l l' k to Ill<' d,'sk. . "1'1 '"1'8 11 11 of !1 1~IIl , " 11(' ~nl d ~1I 1 .. I, Iy,
en rlh~' .
~~~':,::,...,.. My .... bttt.r . .~ .. OW ~ .
Ihe ~'
h .. l lI:!' .' l\II L: ht.
rill J! I I.Oj } to It?" A Y(l11 J:r(l(' It'd tIll' 'll1t· .... t Inn. Jtttll r tll ' utl·d wit h \"nrlt~t1~ l·t'lIlt1rln.c. o'Tnkfn' It ~p r ln tJ '·d,\·. 01,1 IIll1n?" .. ,,'I nl t slurl 1111 oppll ~l l1'-H l ~ t n l't'?" '11 ~T1 1l"1lIH {,l' the f.l: UIIl , " ~lIld )., ~.
Dl&7 ODIII 1Ia" .1I'nII _ campalp ad la lSeoat'f'tq II... lilt. ., bat • • Cola~er DaDle tod., allo Leclo_bu proated b, tile 1_ _ of uJllrluoe ud callDOt lie fooled ane. b1 empty Ilo,aa.,
jll' II:'
P ili "
. .....'...... tato-=r.
t11l'( III:.!
hpr ",li pn -he', Il' ft IIlone ?
• ., 100'I"I' 0. BONa 1I&II:_'.uMII~ .. . . . .0.,
..:nl d
!':1i,' IIoS '~
t h i'11l ow'r.
":OIlW\\ ' 1I:I f IIl1xtnU!'lI \'.
m nr ,"n ~IHn c o' yof} flu rkfil f" , 'fo r !O:llW." U~!I" . ~I n ('. WlJllt wn~ fh f' 11101\ ": (' ut
1tIl""r"lt lOn l nll s l~T
r, pr
rf ;;k . ~ 1 1 1"11 j'IIII\lI'r nil ("1'''1111 I tl, ' If ... 11,.. 11l !"':"'I'S h im 111 ('111 g!, I,,!lul'l1'" (l' .\r· (,IlI1.nld · .: will ~lI n' !.!,>1 111 '1' l!o UI. " "1..: lido.! n ', n' two 111.,11-;;\1111 n !'ur,' I h l ll c '~" It' \\'n ... t\ l\\llll \\lin n4;ptl
"How 111u c h?" "Whnl's the figu re. Dnn?" "Two Ihlllls und, besilles the fiv e bun,lre,1 ulrrnll)' . uh.crl1w,1. 1'hnl'.
h ll rl1 t i ny '''' w(1l'l.:. ~~ ' jlI'P lIlt' In...:' I,) .10111 , 11 (\ I·O Hl · fl n n ,\' I,f ~(·I ' ·f1!'l ,'r(,wdt 'd Inl11 Pun ~tf" ( ~ nl' l h\" ~ n flkp, Th,> Itll!jo rity Wt·'·(> TIn · foO h fl \ ' 1 11 nllfl rlln~ld~' dn ·...... l ' !) . I nl' lIll~ d 10 I nili. nn tl H' whf'l ll' ,tfY'ulr Il l: It lurk , hot 1111'1'4.· \\'t' rl ' !';PI'IOIIS fll('t'''' :11I 1()tlJ! (llIr
~O\\' ", !I1I 1' S J!nlll ' t(t r
, ~ blltol7. , "lie kept . . oat of
\' u",rtU'
ff'lIt' r s: 11)(- 1mnl'l 1
he r.'"
The Ch oice of the Lady.
I' llTl lfotl
(11" ugh 1(1I1 1'l'I'lng hhlls(,lr
the .('rllll'l" I Ilnlllrully ('flll' l 111l1rry he r lll".elf, "(,plnl': li S hnw l" 'e ,:"t n wife lI~d fI"e kid s >I lrpn!i)·. hut I'll ,10 tile nl'xt hOB t thln~- J'lI cnngh up el1 ou~h coI n to J!I"e th e fellow who will ~I\'" hl'r n chonce (l'r mak e 1':0011. She's I!oln' ler hnve ca.h lo' r hn ck
(' .-lIy. wh o hurl 1t ,'jl ll
TlHH· t'lIl en t
tl l lIl'lIl1ll'
low e l1tln ' U\'f~ r th ere tln Itl ~ wlll<ln\\';
I ,,1\\'
f lllll·.
TI I\' \ 110 ,\' 1' 1\ .... I.nd y out. Jo!" f1hu,; t ' :ldl '11 111 .. 1'. n lHl In du lJ.! lll L:: In h (lr~p pili.\" :lI l d 1'111 1,' .t1l)' I'': , 111111(' Inklnl! Itw :I n'l\l r ,, ' riHIt"'I~' , IIHI \'UCI'r hl l cn rn Ii o\\, It \\ ,lIthl 1 l'rliM11111 1', ~ l ..t" llrlh\· Iud t h ..., wn.\'. dlr{l!,t ly :I('f!'!'-'" llit" 11111111 ~ t r(It't. llwl rl own 1111 ' I'I1!h P ;I" Ilu' da'H'I ' 11:111. w hit'll Ill'
.,1'".1''': 111111 f I'r
w n nl. . " r l1 hpt ti \,(l I n Ollt'." hl \ ... 111 11 ,' 11 ,\ '. ~h n1 ~h(' tllf' n.: .1,,\\'1\ 11 11' \ \ 11,,11' C !II1~. " fl T('r II- I .... l l P \\ II I ! ;'\:1 \ 1 Unl'T' ""h I' L:'PIIol nil!" g ll1n p,." n' riIWIlII . ~1I1" 1 1 t h ink ht' own~ til{" tnWI I. "
I t ole ) thill pr,"'arh" r 1' ,\ flo IllY f;lm n ' an' ~pe to It ti l /it I 'ultra ('nln e lip to
f'I'lh 1'1 tlo
lH'('O ll1tl:1f li " r l
I ' I-'I dll'wd
:-;1111 11' 1'1" '\' I. ·.. ..
~h p l1'y !-'IIPlw" III
fflr h is Innlll ('tTo rt.
good eflu tRttf)U,
p urt."
~h\ · III~ .
girl Is ( ) f'> ('ut nu' has h c pu hr (tll~ht 1111 fl ec~nt. ' I'~n Ir 0 1' nll,l WII ~ 11 l'\'lI11U l-r, He k"llt 11l'1' .11'11 11(111 a u' I!II" her II
1" ,,1 .. ' 1" l t 11\ "r."
Tt t ' p r l')w lt- 'I' !.!"I I II It i... ( "1'1. •.• 1'1 . . u!'- !I", L III'" "il l ...... tli'
I , !,1' I t"
,11 ,1,' !! :I:\ ll ti
IIlInllf II T"IlI'!"
11 11 11 911tl i fUll n1H1 ... ~dl l \llIl"lI , \\
"All r 1;01 II!r SIIY Is wh,'" I Ih~u"hl It oil O\' e r I cnnrluCl ed Ih e III·Pl1l·h",. sure hn,1 It sl~"1 1 up IIhonl r ljl bl. Thill
~f1 r( (tr
It '
t Oj:tl.. f1lp r
n·If:.! l pll ... · llkl'. ~nr WI ' ,:i\'t, hl111 nn lIour 011 " IIII'll ... hu, II l ilt' IllIUdl O \' ~lr to , l iP .... II IWk; I hu t IItI::llt t o I .... I n n ~ "111111 :: 11 ril l" Jll ul I n LU'I ti lt' L!1I'i Inttl 1111) r-h:llt r" :I IUP of mill d, It ~ 1 1t",.. <..-'''PI· !.!'fl lt l ' It! III', ~l:Irl l i ' ~ ltt .. tI tuke II n il " idll 11 1111 III:I~' IIP po: !I .. Wft ll ·t. You rt'IHI,\' I " lr~' ~' I-' l1r ·ltwk, l. olI lllIl~ ? " " '1'1 1"1'1\ I .... TIn 'I1I1 ':o' IlIUl III 11l~' mlltn ." hi' 11""'\':"1" '1\ !'oll h 'llInl .\', " IHII t lln, 'his I~ till ' Jtfol'I ' r 1111 '1 lind uf pr·oc'e llurt'. ( 11111 II.t'l'l'(oIl'~' l·l ' ... iL:It .\I\ tn li n 1 1I ~' P Il I'I . 1 ,..h:lll 1111',,1'1'1 al" , Ih · ttll ...... ln ll In t ill' 111:.:11 "'pi l'i t of 111.\ " :11I 11I:!, " ·,\,' ,·11." ... nl d ~I ' " :1 1'1 11 ,\' \\' h o II n,l 1" "' 11 "rllln!.." lll dll "'lri lllht ., · "l h'I'f " ~ I ll.' n":l or :: a z:l1,u ", \' \ " 111 :l1lt , /lIl L T iI,-' r t' :d,,'1 11. r l ~p l .. ;PII IIU!.." ·" IIl . hilt ~ lr f' "01' , ' 111 1.: 111 , , ' 1'11 11 1I I" 'l zt· "111
\,n' 1·ljl hl.
!!"I >IHn .. d
II '
Inl.! LlI ' J1P~i'I(l I1 . 11111 \I \\ : \'-l .' ,I d , III li lt' pl'qp(I.: l fitl lt l' allwl' UIII" ': 11. ·" I .. 1111'111" .1nrl ty . "hll i'OltW In It II I hnn, 'p fli t' ",,1 11, '
"m olll! tht' t' r,}wd IInli ~lh'lh y wns 1l00\u·ed lit 1l1t' \·url ....>t) t-I.p ...: ... ~lun 1I 11111l Ih.. rlll 't'~ Ilf'forn hllll . ;\Jt 'l'ur llt y
nnd 1!11 k It o ut wlt.h
h\l!'i!tlt·..... It)
Ill. l it' Itlnrrll'{l a101'1> )till!' h nd H n~' (,,' !iUIlt'U h'l' ,h'lf t nod ~It I'pddt ' . .... 111,'0 n hit u' rhl'lI1 f e- m nil.'!",' ·
lIP 1I'!;l1"'1
td e~ "'fi S tliat ~ I H' UII),:'ht tt.·r
n th l ft' 'hlllli fpnll1lt's 1111 ,1 Ilnll ' t nlm til 1" 111'11. \\'i ·1 11 IplI\' p 11H' j! l r l 10 1I1tH (:lIp.
I ' tH l l' Il'~
I I " Ii ; III" "
1':1 1111' 1'
Tht' I'('
rli ,'
nllt fl i.· PII,' ....1 11' I n 1\ , '" :1 1.111' \
Ih nl
up (l:'qH... ,'tUlltly . ~he l by IllWk flj.!Jl inst th e-' \\ nil unf! ('un·
wldf)\\,~ I''',
bu , helors or lon«!ly sel " ctlng
he \:uusl u ered
l\"'fll l, I,,,,.1
I'r ,'I1.-1 ,,·,. I'rfl lll Bllrrnl" (inll. Iloth
".,I t'·!'
1" UIHWI'.
t li ut
Waynesville, Ohio
\' ()II" ' ~.
e' lUiry
\\ Il:"l
drl fl tl'r h- I
MI'o I'
ll P II:,' so m e flier ·
t ilt· fUI·,II ... !' ("lid . SI('PJlII\~ n cro ~S the ll1r, ·... lIoh l he CI(l~t.'lt lht.' dl" llr Il ...'hlnd him Hn d f:II'4.,,1 )It'('nrth ~' null t h e ~ x ·
IIW!'o.I·~ · rl:.:1t1 "\' P I'
Ye t"
\\ Iit' li
Maddell's Lumber Yard 1111rf, 'r ... 11I ·'tl
I ;:"l1t . frnm Hlitfnlo
~i\:l. PII ("( 1
l' r " .
l ess .. lie \\'t\~ 1:lk l ' ll ...·ut· ..• lit t'1I .. ·O lllll yl>e
ftlnnpy. nor
\' IS THE TIME, :-'1hE liS A1301. )T THtIT,N NO AND WE WILL GIVE YOU , AN ES'l'l-
tilt' , ·ur.i :o; fur f\lr~t (' n~n' .... "~o; Iltl..; 1 ~ n s l'Hrtlo' : .rn l l;\~\ I"~n . WIlli ~" ' ,·r~· ,\l\f' !tn \" n' f\ r:ttr "''''' w.''
U""' Wit h, I ~(tI'It' r ('ttll$l,t,'r,od thllt P III1\,U h a d It lJout ",,114 ' Its :-i l l urt..'. tHI1 the preo r' ht'r \~ lint (' \111l\' duwlI rrotll Hut· tlltO nllp 11101"'1 Ih ln k II ", 'nlJl~. II " scd tl eri' WU S 0 IJ4)()r .:11'1 Ipft wil li uo
"That Girl Ain't E v en Ha lt e r Br oke
.. t·:11 fill Iltt' ~i ll o f
f la.'
I l ia , . .. ft-11l 1i 11tH, or IIU' " h lll"' kl·,'l III" I'i '!'i dl ,\ n;:: tli i sl 111,. \\,:t I1 , Th. ,.\' we re 1111 "'qdtl · loflldl1J,: ("l'Ilw,],'.1 10-·
111I1·I'II ..:~, + 1 IIlId II
!! Irl
Ilt lh' :I:-:h n llwd .
!' Inull 1I11I IU' .JII ""
~1 1 + ' II I~
h"rll l'l '
' )It ' I1 I+PI':II','d
y " l lllt' .-r I tllI' I II II", aflrr· 1"'1'11 nlll1l1s l
l it .. ~ " l lld 'I' " I
fI r
"Iii,,·' . . "' 11111 '11
l'U tl L i tll why p tso p ltl hUl k !'I (J )mh' IIIUJ h looLi }114 unp JV Url b hl u,1
Ilf tj J ett~ wh e l)
The b ody tlHones tt'- b dl n~ 811pplted >II1&h w a uk fnol. 'I'h ~ bl ", d h ll ~ nOI e oough rod oll '1)u .o l(l ' . Y o n \V ,uld IlOt ellt p oo r food wilt) uo uo url li h . men' In II, ; 111) lO ur" ~ h .. ul(l yon 101 the lunl 'iliit RUllpli.'M ~1l8tentlU(1 U 1(1 f our l~ ntlrll bud y 1", lofi'ri " r HllV P ,",ond hlo od , Impr o ve tho I]tl ullt ." and kllt'I' It fit il~ hI's '. Ir y ou I,)ok pU.\tl IIlId fllo l WOII k. If you h " vIl 1000 t your e u thu~in8m lind e nergy , If your blooa 18 01 'gl(cd wLli pols "o e. your MV~teD1 Is hei nl( fe d with II pOq r Rrlld e of 1IIood Thllt, iti no WdY to go .. roll",I, Jr yo u nr tl no' your h lJ8t, !!Ol, .. t tlt l! ~ (' ur ce of til .. tro uble rikltt away . Put tin e nd to hllU living . TlAke 'bllt ldo ..1 t l, olo, Pep~ll Ml\o. gilD, to tllne np vour bloodllll(1 lIuri' l fy H Ge' t.be full Alljolynw1l1 o ut l of IIvlllg, Urenth " fWHII Illr, t'lke Be @nre to ntlk fo r ,"(;lu<.le'~ POlIto it (\o lll e~ ill convenient 'dohlet fQrm ,wd in Ilqtll CI. One lin ~ the same medlcinul vulne '''I th o o~her, rhere ill onl ,V one geotlion - Pepto. MlOng.l ln, lind tho 11111110 "Gode's" is on tho pflokflge,-Adv,
lind l li(' I'(t , hp r \"" ,.t,l 'I'll,· .
N ON FAI'lMI--I til. Ci I." JlJ years. '\'"rroll & 'I'-.'tf'II , It 1',, 1 &~ . tat " 011,1 L t1nl1~, WllfIll "l: t"Il, ObI" , Phou •• :\u l lid 9 tf
M ONEYG}'o '1'1,h t "l.Or,," IU
L" "I1NI 0" IIvlI ~t"e " , M ()~EY o llil I.r-.I" , I." "ecII",1 mo. til"""'" II
,1, '_ h" ollili.
BIII III ' '' tJ,
" II!~ III
~ IISt1 I.-
,I " IIU Hurhlllf" A' II"I
X" " "
Ohtu .
.j ~l
11l'1' ", llI!l 1I
1 I II't 'I II'\II ' I' 1'1 1" 'l-'n ll hi ... It ullt lf' I\ " III ~ (,1 ... d ~' · 111·~1 P nmp!;'" I'I'f'!luIJII H of Ii l' r r f11111l1'k, hi ' II J;; II Ilw \J,~d y b .v Ih t' 11t"llrt , 11 "( lit . IIU, lil Y rh ':lr, " I I ' :H18tcl l p i!t tbOluU " CIt.,: Htlo tl f 1:-~ u ·' -. 1, " I 1lt! ' I' I 'Jy Inlt"t'f\1I wit h .\" , " ntiltiWd tb 6 111 , I t tl'fJd~ th ., 1 I'II\n -- tl il l-: " i'll ll ~' 1I1I 1I~ Il ul h""'-r I.be t t . . . "Ut·s of t la~ uyo uut! t' tl C t1 1' \" '11 I II Hilt' It Ih l' l"lIh.1t'l'I
Mangan . "
tlH~1II lIu d
1"111 ' 1' 11I1I1i: ill :': Ihal1 Il UIII I. SI: ,' \\'HlI!d 1111"" I"'. II ." I " " 1'11 1' I I", P :llltl ' Iil ' fl r no l l III ril l'
Ke ep the OUlilily o r Y( ' u r l' lunll n t its Best- ill\l c an H \,i~ or() u Il e, ill h . lind Ahilily I .. :\c.·.. tllJlli~h
e]( e rci~ e ,
w lTldow. wlll'rt-
lit· had fI r llil \ I,·\\' o f tI ... 1"" 1111 . l lil'l :.dll ll l"· \\: tnd"rt ' t! tqq u" lI'ln lln;:ly ul n nJ,!'
An lid , in thid column iN 8 sure 881e
In !'H\,."
:'llt'lh.\ .· o.l ll\ll'ill:: III tl l l'otll-! h" til(' .'our I n ~ i nl' "II. hlltl f" II II,1 11 prCi'nr!OIl ~
Pumpl'd Thr()u ~ h thl' Sys t e m by J,t' ;1.. ·,' IJI"I" I' II .. , el1lI'" of Ih .· nl l,h'IIII'. tltl' II l' lIrl it ti u s tainN fhe ' Ii lo' ,, ·,,'1 "f 1111 " " J'''" ~ h l.'· ,h" 's",',1 1111(1 IltI~h ;j' "II 1111d 11 11 Itl' 111f'1I1 vlsl hl.\' e lll ' l\Ilf ~ cl e8 lind Tiss u('s
II PEPT()·~I." :-.';;/\ N II r~LI'S
It n!"h
- AN I'ED- l )rl'<lIO mnklDI( W ClflliJrhn ... "I"ln!! . It
l'"nlt'Sh ,-' 1. nn tl
LeI!. Mmlth, Lyt.lf>. 01>1 ... ,,20
l·O IlI' ~"' . of
,\\ r~ .
,I of r"'---_
qOI, t!
1,,'n )' I' I'
l!tnl W I' IIl i:.! bl III ' t1 1r1 l1l'1 y ':11111.'11. 11 i!'O 1I0\\' a IlIlItll' l' t-'lll il '!'ly fur your own I h-( ' i~ j, ," , "
S ill' 1",,1,,' 01 fmlll IIl1u lu fh e rOw
t'ltr 5 Polanrt.(JhIDa pouod., prloe 166,
wehcbl 70 (Jal! ou W, O. Gu.tln, Waynesville, Ohio. 027 ll,
1'1" '11 , 1,1 ,,,, 11i 1' 1I ("dllJ,t hl 'l'. IIIJI"llh!nlI)'. 1" ,1' t. tJ~1I1 1I 1'1,;111 1; 111111 fnlling tu· 0 :lT-Blact tlow, welsh' about 1l 1I11i" " ,I.,'. 1125 pound! J'iodllr ple . .e 0&11 " ,\ 1101 1'1'1' I!n l (0 which olle phone 83,3Y., WIl,neavllle , 027 ("I 1',,11,(' 1' I!llll' r~'?" Guo(i Driving 80rll8, Bagg\' aDd "\\" ,1 1. .'·"R, 11i,,1 Is Ill e Irl eR cru(l ely HRrne~II, WllI 'liol( OhllSP, If IIOld I!x\<", ·<., ,' oI . 1\'(11 ( 10,,1 YUlI lire ~011l - rlgb~ away, IDqulre of ClareDoo 1,, '11,,01 III 1111 .1' WII.'· : only we te\!l It Smitb, L.,Ue, Ohio, 020 I tI~ I" ," ,11,,11',, \11,, ; t hnl - wI·I!. pe rhllp. 8hropllhlre Buok Lamb. lllquiro I 1I 1l 1,l' "",\'. II I ~ 1l1i' will of .Got! thnl of Davie Furn.p, R, 0, 4, Way. ,1'ou 1"" 1;.- "tllII!' "",'11 r ll"I,·p," ' n20 n ,'r ".'·"S WJ1 ud" I't'11 II\< 11I1d .Iown nll!lvtlJe,,!->1!lo Ih,· , lll' l lI kl ll ~ 1111,·. '·" ~ II'l.I: ('lI ltnly OIl pEAR~Vboloe Kel 'or Penr~ 10. rll" " 11ft .... fll'·". H ·HI... f,,11 :IllY hnm or quIre of J 0 HaWke, pboae,..A5.4 III tl", Slillllfl"II , 11 ... "'''s nil "XIII'I'g- WlIoynelwllle, Ohio. 020 s inll nr II "IRi h \(,. :-;lIe 1" 'l lIl n ,tt lin liP' t''''' I':III' ''' " r "nl l"1l Inrl ln\' l'e ncp, which ure. bred Duroo.Jer.e, Boara and ",us 11 1111 '''1 In,,,I"1I1. GiU. Theile are frOID 'he mOlt "1'11<'1''' Il ln't no I"or e or '","?" popul"r bloorl 'l ineI', PHoed to Rell. "~ ,,: (Il ls Is 11 11." LymaD M, tlll"er, pbone 411~, Way "Auol 1 J("( ( 0 )llt- k ("0111 Ihp",'?" nlllVllle, Ohio. 013 Th, ' 111'1,," '1,,' 1' II"d d",l hl ~ h,'u,t, 8S Che"p Borae for MIll "or in "11., I:lnll ",'(1 Illqull'flll(ly III hll< dlreeformatlo~ ill9~ire . ~t Lalbley lIUI1 , T ill' " ,-,llt ' IlP 10 relit 10 tn lne In II 8r08" R, D. 1, WaYD8eVllle. ohIO. "lJ,th rrolJl h('t\\''''' n her lI)1s . 018 "\\,(,11 . II' I' \'(' J:nl to , I hfll'(', [ sup· f"'"P. IIII'\. "" rllr '''' I clln St'I!, It (1011 '1 Bill TypePoll\DIl.Ch(alBoara, ell· IlI fl 1:11 nn ,1I t':j .t','fWP f'l1 10k .. Ihr. t el· glblA to rell.t~r. ob~tI ~e them, l I'rll!lb Jerie, Cow, .bc,.e average, ,I Arl8., Helfer. year' 0141D November MlitoD MaoDoDa'ld. Blu've,lbur,.O, 018
L 1
1' ''
o·Mon'h•. old Delalu Buok. AI. IS . .10, 1000 CooklDIr AppJee,
~C)m8 Inqolre of Goy Kibler. ' W.,Duvll\e,Olllo .' .
D. 8, 018
"..,... riue·a.Jft"......
Olloa' III a ....
B1dC. -
. . . 8a
f"':---________. . . ______WAYMBtlLUl. . . . . .__ 0810.
18WI'.lJ 1l]VI!)RY WlmNFlSUAY j
D . L. CP AN li, Editor and l'lI"Ii~lier. " :nynesville, Ohio 'u.bscriolion Price. $1.1;0 per year
-Fu'.I~ Ii A tio~-;'t i.ln 8 Hc pr" s C"ntnti'¥,'
I'll F. AME li L AN PH E.~ 5 ; S. 0 ' 11\1 1() '1
W8DNIi;SDAY. OCl'OllEH 18. 1920
Live and Progressive Business Firms, Recently Visited by a Special. Correspondent. HARVEVS8~IRO NATIONAL BANK
KAYLOR'S· A New, live Financial Institution Popular Oroury Store for Depend. 'a ble Goods and! Country Produee 10 o.:mpl1lnR oor annnal bllBln64e Harveysburr, Ohio . review of thl. aeo'ion of Warren Tbe progr..slve and mo.t up .to Couuty, 'be Miami G .. ze"e 'akea date exolusive ,rooery .'or. of Bar. pardonAble pride in C.. lllnif the pub. veY8burg 18 abl, oonduoted by MI'. 110'8 "tention '0 the Harvpyeburg Rolly W. Kaylor, "'ho t. a live wlrl N .. tlooal tl .. nk. Tbls live fln"DolAI In the hUllln6ll1aotlvill.. of thetowo. 1118tltutlun haa a oApl, .. ofUD,OOO.OO. Bere I» found 10 exoIU.o' .... ort. and" bas mM with unlnterrupled meot and ,reat variety a well .e. 8uooeMS from tbe beginning, owing , leoted line of both .&aple aDd fanoy in a grell' melleure, to Its v"ry oon. grooerlet, Danoed goods, tea and oof. 8f1rvlltlve man ..gement, A gener .. 1 fee. pure aroma,tlo 'PI088, oondl. blinking busln08818 tranRaoted,l oans luenh, floor, fruita, oandy, olgan. ,tlllde on approved aeoorltl"I, llntl 'obaooo an.1 amoker.' IIl'tlolee aod oull-ol.lons made witb promPtneae ibe Is alwaY81n tb,e marllet for'lggs Evnr, 0008111tent f .. vor 18 ex.ended poultry and ,enllnl produce, and l.lI the )JMronfl of tble hKnk by . Mr Idoe8 an exohange bualne.. with tbe E:t ll rry tI. Tuoker. the etllolent ollsh. {armerti. Mr. Kavlor 18 fuJly up to lur. tile tlmel In meroantlle ethi08, wblob ~oable8 him to nl.eel the mcet for. OEOROE B. DAVIS mlduble oompetltlon Popular West-End Grocery Store Harveysburg, Ohio R. H. BROOKS' OARAGe "C·ali·j'!'.: rila.,r .• In making Its Rpeclill revi ew of Ex pert Repairing and Prompt SerTilt· 1111l1lp Wlt~ 1I1"~1 Hppllf !\ to 1,0''''- the oD w .. rd runroh of the lJU Ml nesR vice, Harveysburg, Ohio enterpri8flB of R'UvoYKh urg, tbe Illi. l 'r \ ' ullfurll iu , lind pl'oliuhly "'liS tnliC Il Tbe well equlll,ped Garage and fl'olll ti le 1I::l lIu IIf J\ II c t lllullS h. I HUd l:e Ue o.. nnot ufford t o overlook tbe live and pr Jg re88lve dealer In bol·h aUlD Service !Stdlon of !larveYI Uhillllllllu g III ~ tllt1 uUlI lu'"ol'!o uH MlUIl l!8. \\,111 \'11 lilt ..' oI,·s''I' II, .. <1 hi III!' SPlllllsl1 It·aple aud fanov grooeries and fresb bUrg,oonduoted by Mr. R. B. droolle, Mr. EnjoY8 1&11 quola of the trade. In rIIJlIU III' I', " 1.11": S.. ·q,ws lie E!'fplulld luu," bre~d and haked good8 d"ilv. Bamllton Bogan, Ihe able And pffi· addllion to all kinde of expert aolo 111I1011·h,·;I III ", IU. oient manager of tbe Geo B. Davl. repairing, rim, lire and tube work, st ore, 18 alwflYs a~ your 8e~vloe and light vuloanlzlng, ew, thle gentle. Ancient Perfume. be oarrles an I1bsoluhlly fresll and man Onrltl8 R weU seleol.ed line of ( t !'fI'I ' III ;-:' :'11' 1111 ,1.(:(' fo li S tOlllty 10 rt'Rd IIr slIlrrll ll 1I" :1 pertUItII'; 011" o r the pure line of both 8, .. ple .. nd fanoy aOll) repairs. 'Iree, oll~, greBle and «rooerleB, beet teas .. nd ooffees,sploes best g880line. Be la al way. on 'he r OIl IIlIlt ' ~·t'J II I.nll l It IIl'l'; In lh (' I-tlOry by Il lIklll.\' 1 of II )ttl/!rllll Nlll tlJ.;gllng, 8t flour, frulte. 01g6l'8. tobAooo. fresh job, .nd for the moa' expert aervloel 1111' rl ~ l{ vf IIiH IIf,·, froll} IlhI I.e\"nnt. brelld dally, anll be Is al waye in nle pfloel will be found rlghl. All people tbroughoo" lhis dilltrlo' .. re ,he marke,t for bo Uer and egl!8 . 11 I H'H d fir ~lInl rlll\ Itl Il !tOIlHW Inulle 10 oordlally Invited to give bim a oall . hi" 011111'.
11.~1\uIN li
• ' 01' VI~"'· l'l'''''ld.n ~
OALVIN COoLlIJUIJ: For (lorerutlr
DARity L. DAVIS Y",;1... leutl1 uant Oontrnor CLAHKNCE J. lJR OWN
Our ao",u "'al well repre!lll n :ed ,t LebaDon OD tlaturdtly to bt'af Gov. I· )(orrow, of Ken'u:!k,. Several from bere attended the Bamnton ralr on lall' 'l'hnrll(1 ~y . Tile K. ot P. ooun', oonventlon will oonvene bill II on Thur.,lay nigh' 'l'be 10dg81 throughout the oouoty are Invl'ed. 'l'he Pythlan elaten . w.1Il furDlab 'he b&nqoet, whloh will oot be I.oklng In any parUDul"r. lIIr .• nd Mrs. Tbeo Lauren04l, of Middletown called on friends her. on Tburllday. loire. Amol! Elli. dpent lIe veral !l.y. I in Xenia last week, ~he gU81!1 of Mr. and Mr"! . Benrv MuKee. ' Mr, and MrtI Ira 8'. Syferd aud lIOn, Jahn , were Bonday gneBtH at relative. In Sabin" . MUllo I, to be taught lu our sohool. Mr. and Mr8. Chili JohnBton. of Xenia. oalled on acquRlnhnoe8 here on !:lunday . Mr. Johnston is Clerk of Coort8 for Greene Coonty. Mrs Frank E. Mills, atter bElr vl,it and ha't'ing "'teoded \0 ber bo.ln81!', returned '0 ber home at Olive Branoh, in Clermont County . Mr. and lIIrs. B"ory ~Iurphy llad two daugblere, ot Franklin , were Suuday gue8's of t belr parentH, Mr. and Mrs . Koberl C"rr. Mr. aDd Mrs . Chae Edwllrds were shopping In W IlmioJ(toQ. Saturday. The pu blto 88.10 of hou8ehold for.. nUore, Ihe property of Mrs, F. E. MIIII, took place on tiatorday and the prlooa were very adlsflloillry . .!lira. Frank Wilson and d'\ngh ter. Louiee, were week.end guests of Mr. and Mrs . B. E. WilBon. of Day. 'on, relurnlng home Suod"y aooom. panled by Mr. and Mrs. WilBon . An automobile aooldent ocourred on Main atrell', Thursday. Injuring no one, but bree.lllng 'he wlnd.8hleld. J. W. Kibler, of New Wallhinrrton, tran8aoted busiDl8s In this vioID",. on Saturdlly.
Good ThinlJ Th~y Weren't. Sanitary Meat Market and Orocery, HillY.. " "111,·"1111",, 111111 It n polr of H.rveysbu ....., Ohio
-----_ ..- - -
Junk Is Us'eful Material In the VVron~ace r\earl y C\' ,T." h )lJ1e ('o llt ai ll >; tl1 re or less jun k- tha t is, l1Ia te rial wh ic h will never be ·used th ere a ga in . vVhatever you h a \'t~ wh il' h lias oulli\'t!c1 its usefulness - fllrnitllfl\ ha rdw a re, boo ks, magazines , bahy ('arriagl's, bas'i inds, I>ri '. a -urac, skates, clotlii ll g- - slioIlIJ he sold . O ther people will b e ab le to ]J u t th se lhings to good lise , 'I'll E WA NT A Il ~ lI' il l h" l" Y'''' mal, e qui ck )j lld prolilulJ le ~al'.'I of d L ,can l.. r1 a rt icles .
THE MIAMI GAZETTE .!!!!"!!'~~~~!"!~~~!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!~...... -_.._~-....~--~-----_ -.-_............""_............2!!~ -
Public Sales
Everett Early
I will offer fit Pllulli' Hnl. nl Ill )' reltidence on Hout" MII"l ~I r (lO I.
W.yneRvlllp, Ohi o. ,'n
F lollr , Fel'd , Coal, Salt, Ti le, I 'osts, Water Foun· Beetnnlug at I o'ol ook . Jl 111 .. f\ l(ll I t a ins ami ~elf·Feeders. ot Boullebold Iloods llnu olb er Saturday. Odohcr
Seo blllll.
F . W , OARMAN .
W, N. Sears, Auot . I wilt lIell at Publlo l:ialo at m y rosi · dence 00 l:ieooud etroet in Burveys. burg, Ohio, on
Ha y, Straw a nd Feed.
W. P. McCARR.EN I'<eed Grind ing a Specialty. O.rage and Well EqUipped Auto SerSaturday, O,lober 2.1, 1920, [!IIIII II,I ), U"""llIrl,,', 1 (or II p"rlml or The Choroughly 8anltary meat vice .nd Repair StaUon, HarveysFor tiocretar), of Sttu o ~O p 'lIr!ol. tllt'Y \\,u\lld y lt'ltl un fl lIHlllnt 1uarket and grocery (;f Harveysburg buI'X, Ohio . HA I\\'K), O. SMITH Bflll lnnln. Bt 1 pm ., tbe t o ltowin~ .. t lI~h "'IIH11 111 bulk 10 Iho I;lut.e 00 18 oonduoted by Mr. F . L Barrla. Tbere will be a Republloan Rail,. I properl,y: , Horses, ~ 1:!0gM . Ilam e For Auditor of . "'.\ 6 PromineD~ amOD11I: 'be mo.I up. '0. BI" motto 18 "Cleanllnese .. nd !:illni. JOM!;;!'" T. THAt Y a' Ly\le, 800n. Cblokenll. 8 1l1J(lan l::IRrea, Veblole~ . t"tion, " BDd he oarrles • oholoe line dllt-e and best equipped garages In h'Of 'fn,!l1turor o f S1.I1' 0 William Loug halt purohaaed one Bares Blook Mfloblne, Cemeu'ToolH, Warren Couu,y, t,he bl, es'abllfth. She Never Kicks. of both oared And fr6llb meaS8 .nd nUDO U'lI W. AH~l.Il'. n ment 80 ably pre81ded over by Mr. of 'he Brown properli811 from RII8 Houa~hold G ood8, eto. See bills A Lmf i\uj!t ' I(lS I1Il1n 1111 .... fU' fl n I!Tft nt .. ,rocerl81!, Inoloolng oauned ,oods. For At-torllt')' lioouru.1 W1!:LBY CAlt'1'ER W. P. MoCarren atandllln the tron~ IeI' Ilr.ham. eel n IJI\'oJ"l:(! I l c (·l1 u f.C~ h' ~ wite t"I'I ' ,~d froUB, flour, bed te ... end ooffeea, J OflN U. I'IlLU& ranll of trade. Thle genlleman h •• Mr. and Mr •. Frank Rogers were Milll & I:Hanley, AUDt •• him In flu Ih ~ tumll), \\'o oh. It wOllwn Ilnd ,bo I!weetes' ohops. julole8t the 8alE'a agenoy tor ~he faDlool i'or United 8 1"tea Suo_t.or In Uayton, Thurad.y. roast8, tenderes' lleallll, And mo.t C\'~I' ul'lkt--Il dl\,orfr· un !(l1ch a;roull t'ls Telephone 76 , ring 3 The undersigned will offer at P ;Jb. "nAN K U. II'ILLH! Oakland car, whloh III the Id8l'1 oar The Ladles' Aid of LyUe ohuroh 110 Auotlon, a' tbe late res idence of Ih,· ""UrI" ",u"hl nil hU\'e to opemte dellolou8out·leta. Aillo ham, baoon, tor every l11an. and it hall beoo... For ROIJrMOJuntlvo tu CO flH.... hud, 8lulllagea, eto. Be II alwaya In I1ll:ht "hltIM, ms' wish Mr8 R . C. Bun'. Wednell. Lyella L. Prau, on the oo rnor of 111111&01'1 O . t'KS!:l 'he Dlarke' for buUer and egga, And oelebraled for fine finl.b, durablll'y dll, afternoon. _. 'rhlrd and Soulh streets. In Waynes. For Statu Sun l Lor IIDd endorance of engine. And a PflY8 the biJchea' prloes, Ominous Beginning. Ou acooun' .Jf III bealth. Willla.m vtlle, Warren County, Ohi o. on HOLAND O. UAVlS true oar Vain,.. Aleo tbe lamoul "It',: Ih r wily )'tlil Rlnrl Ihnt depldes For RtlIU'8t!LOOt.lll\,u t o UUllorul ,\ hlkJlU b ly Samson Trao'or, ' 'he be.t geDeral Graham h ..d a Bale of bl"ok.mIUi Saturday, Octo~r 23, 1920 t h ~ t'o nrHl' uf IlInrrl cu lite," dl'f'lurNi n JU:lTIN W. Il AHIJ I N<l WELCH &: DAKIN purpOlltt,rao$or, ",'bloh baa trained tOOII, [l111l"~ ' \ I,III: r. I s Ihnt young I:O I1I~" who Io"lor Olerk of Cuurta , H d S " lupremaoy with farmer •. Mr. and Mrs. Ulyde Wharton, B.glnning III 1 o'olook, \he Bouse. h O lle.\'Ju iHIII~.l 111 un nlrpilluc d,·stlned Dealers 10 General ar ware, tovea rht. .enlleman l!mploYH oDly ell:. 101111. Velma Iimltb lIud BermaD hold Goode !lnd Chattelll, whloh ue. Funeral Director F. J . LElI'l il to he III\\'uys "U[I In the alr?"- Bo8too Pamt. and Hamell. Itarvcysbul'l per' meohanlOllllnt1l1kllled au'ola&a, Smith attended the Bammon tair longed to laid Lydie. L Pratt. de For htirlll and Embalmer, I'ost. MORROW BRAN'J' 'I'he important h .. rdware trade 18 rind a lpeolally ISIDade of aU II:lnd. TburadlY . cealed. tlee bill. for pe.rtiouIBre . well repr81!ented In BarveYllburg b, of auto repalrlD" rim, " ... and 'ube For Oounty OommlMlonet"l U. ~MITB , A. E Whlte 'le vet, buy at the Waynesville. Ohio. Vain Acqulaltlonl. SAll D. BKNKLE 'he live and progre88I't'e firm 01 work .and Inkl aOOHlorl1l aDd new garage. 'N. N. Seare, Auot. Allrur8. OA UL J . M1LLI'.R .. 'orne IlIt n get" n lwllp ot efluca- Weloll & Dllkln, who eoJoy a mOil' supplieB. Ill' Knnill RogerB re.orned hO!D8, ~' RANK 1I. STOKKS fl on." remllrketl un ohl polon'd 1)111· 8ub8lantlal trAde frow aD appreola. !lAving sold my farm, I will sell I~ ither Auto or Hor~e drawn service, Sund .. y, aner lpeodl.,. week ",tab 1I0r 'I'~uurer lo~oplier. "JURt us 8(111140 pt!')llle gels 1\ Uve publio. The I'oot oomprt88s a No extra chBrge for auto service. at Publlo Auotlon, at DIY resldenoe hlB eOD, ShermllD, and wife. near C. B. LlEVICV aUY MARLAT'l' whole lot of hutt wl1110111 ke lt:hlo' 8n, oomple~e line of bolb heavy and rerry . at Ihe Eaet end of 'rblrd tltreet, Uoth phone:! in 0 mce and Residence For Oo.io~)' R<Icord .... Osh."- Bo"lon Trofls,·rlpt. IIbelf hardware, mdohaDlo'., oarpeu. Leadin&: Dry Ooodl' Merchant, Next No. 14. Ill'. and lIIrs. Allen Emrlok lind Wa.ynell "llIe, Obio, 00 ALLEN BUFFMA.N ler'e and bullder'lI 'oole, ed.1I tool8 to 8uk, Harveylburg, Ohio daughter. GladYII, were Sunday Fo, Oounty Surveyor Cheerfulne ... Tuesday, October 26, 1920 and onUery, tin .n~ eoamllled ware. ID all 'he Wide I~Dge Of merGan. EARL J . ·SPIU.OI£R Ohrertulucss Is full of slgnlflco nce; Ibe famoull Kin. ()Ier~on' healal'l, tile porllw&a carrl.d on In Ban.,. gueeh of Mr. Amol Bougb, al Bar. veYllborg. Beginning at 10 o'olook, the follow. For Pl'OI«ullna Alton,e, It S Ul!g"~I" 1;00<1 h~IIItIl, 1\ deur COD' QUick Meal rangBI. I)herwlo. WII · bor. aDd .,iolnlaT, 1Ihe nea' and ,...11 Qol&e a .1lmber of people from Ing proIMlr'y : 1 Horae. t' Cattle, ... M . OUIIN INOR All srlenl'l! onll n sou l ut pence wlUl all ham. palott,ullr. and lI'dnR, harnellll, .. rranged Dry Cioodl, HhCIII eft No. For Coroner bumno nalure. hnrlc8 Kingsley. gUOj aDd Ammonl"on, and In fao' tion. I)&ore, 1Il'Mtded by Ill'. U. B:. b.re went ao Lebanen, Hatnrday, ~o ImplemenI8,Barne8s,Clovl\rHt~y,eto . H .. K. DILATUSB nearly any'hlog and everythlnl In Le't'loy and . .1.1*1 by IAre, Ida hear UO'l', Edwlu P. Morrow, 01 8te blll8 for further \lllrtloular8 . ISRAEL 8A'ITERTH W Al'rE. AI He Saw It. tbe leoeral ha.rdware line. And 1111 Bowe, .&anda 10 &he flOD' nail: 01 Kpntooky. and all 1&1' ahl. wa. one RItPUBLIC1AN J UDIOH.L TlCKE'I' of the moet able IPMOhe. ever dl. W. N. Stars, Auot. An Ji: nll ll ~ h ~' ou ll,I: ~ l i' r gll\'c this deO· &broughou' ,hi. dl.lrlot are oordl.\ 'rade. Tht. I. aoknowW .... livered tn Warren Connt:r. . • ' 0' Obl.f JWltlco 01 Supremo COllrt DII11In or "II I'I'f'1II<' :" "II IIICll ns IlIftr ally .I Dvlled to give 'bem a oall wben beadquar&era for a well eeleoled lIil • O. '1' . WAII!l IlALL I will I'ell at Publio Auollen at my i'rank Woolley aDd family, . of \\'1"'11 Yt)U'" C clun e you're tlght."-BOI- In need of bardw..re . of fall and wlnlar dry and lanoy ror JudRO of SU I)rfme Court l long t erm) Da,.'on, .pen' !:ia'urda,. and tlllnday relidenoe .on the Oglesbee ffirm . l! n good mechanical cont on TrHI1!o;I: f!l)(., goodll. hoeltry. n ,l)'t'eUI611 an4 nil- wlah (N"'o I<> oluel ) Mr. lind MrH. William Brown mil .. from WaYDes vllle IInel :4 miles dition, W. A. MERRITT tlonll, ladle.' and gonu' farnllblng., THOMAS A. J NE!I 14r. and Mre. 0."8. Lamb enter. Irom Barveysburg, 00 ) I h P ffi S f SI,I08I Rnd rubber loa' wear ror ahe BOWARD S. MA'I"J'IIIA8 Cata.r rh Cannot be Cured &atned '0 Sunday dinner. Mr. and I roprletor 0 t e osto ce tore 0 , wbole family, all in excelleD'''.or,. Wednesday, October 27, 11)20 I'orllud,.. of Supr"mo Cou r~ C.hor' I"rm) , wllh I.OCAL APPLICAT[ONB a. tlley ("nnnol r each the BOAt or the dtseue. Harveysburg ment And grea, v,arle,.,. And a. M~8. Walter Nelaon, o r Day'on, and UKNSON W. HOUU Il i ' Ull'l'I'h 18 a local doI8e&80. areally In· lIDr llener .. 1 fall r ovlew of the boah are fully up to .be Simile in Mrll tiue 8tQutenberger, 01 Bell· Beginning at 10 ::10 o'olock . tbA fnl . In good shape, overFor Judge of the COOlrL of Allptl'''' '\ flu c n eed lIy coneUtullonal condition •. brook. lowing property : 2 Bor8oM. 7 ('1\1.. •Hld 11\ 0 1Mr 10 eu ra It. you must I.k. varlOlUS tradlog )Jointa of thi8 eec. meroan'lIe e'hlOl, 'bey 81'8 ahUt .n • •. 011£111' Z . Il lJO nWAL'I'KH ha ul ed by factory. fln Intcl'llUt remedy. Hall'. Catarrh Hr and Mr.. JOlleph Champion tie, Bog8, Implement@, Buy, Cor n )for Prolul1e (kt urlo ,\I.'II"ln. IN luk en InternAlly .nd aou 'Ion 01 .~ arren Couoly would be In . • bled &0 meU the m~ fOl'lD1dabie of Boolal Bow, and Mr •. Ida Iloli and Boulehold UDode. 8HO hill s. oQruplete It '·hll Gazett·e f"lled t .. oompetltlon. W. Z. HULl, thru th o blootl on th e muooul rr,urta.cel These tractors have been DAVit) WENNlm 1uf Iho sYHtcm. HAIl'. CaULr,I, Medl· U1 .. lt c' pa r t·1ou Ia r lUeu t Ion oft he" b I ~ ""!!~......~~~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and daughter, Dorothy, Of Rprlug. . l"1n(' Wll ri )lI"c 9t;r lbod by one tho beat ph,.taken in trade on larger field, were oallln, on Lytle frlend8 _klnn s In lhls counlry tor ye.rl. It '\lId, JUolen' p08tlD .~tor and grooe1 " Bnnd.,. Mr. W A . Mer. outfits, and Lall e purIs CO IllI)O~cll o r 80Ute ot tho best of ,.,uno , sburll'. IUIII 't;t known, con10ln'e d w'lh lome ot rl n III wlflolv .. nd f , v"rably knowll iiev. F. W Miller, of Red Lloo, Read Gazette's Classified Ads chased at less than half Or.art SU 5p en6e. thu hr. , blood purlfl.,... The perfect wae entertained to dinner, Thurl. 10n of Inll'redlenU In HAil'. thruogbuuI thld t!1~II' icL f81 biB m~l) y ;'Oh. (1,,<'1111'. !l·11 " I". q" lt-k I" mOil""" ,·otnblnn1 price. Calnrrh Medi cine whAt producoe .tllr\lng qUtl \itll'8 "nt! high personal da" at Ihe home of WaUer Kenrlo\[ Ihe tnlr put h',,!. l'Inf l'lul! Iwr 1111",1"1: " " h wonder ful result. In cal4rrh.1 wurtb t tl the po\)110 He Oarri!'s I and f.mlly. Rnd con l' nl ~ "'('i~' nlh""ng n lilion lind· eo ,,~lIIon. . Sond for teatimonlals, tree. weU 'aeleoted line 01 8tu)Jle .. nd fanoy &. CO" Props., Toledo. O. Mr. and lArs George Soott have dollnr chcck. "tllIw ~ I"', ,lin I ? 1M It F. hJ \I. CHENFlY Roy ObenowlI,h . of Xenia, wa. .old 'belr properly to Carl Albright . Druggl8ts nCo ICrocerllllt, oanotld !(uods, fruits, 01. CDUrornln, Flurl,ln or \,;nrope?" Hall'. Family' Pili. tor COD.UpaUOD. ~be SundAY gued of hi. lIIo'her, Pract ically new. garl, tobaooo and dtlltlonary. or Dear SprlDgboro, aud will gl ve Mrll. C"roi\ne ChelDoweth, and hi. pOIIBe8ltoD 'he ftre' of M,aroll. bro'ber, Boward. . Mr. and Yra Thoma. Laoy eDter'Ole Good of Llf •. Whnl Is fh e good or life ? A phI· talned a' dlnDor, .!:ionday, Mr. aDd VETERINARIAN 1080l'hor hns nns\\' re,l : "Giving nud Mra . Jobn Tracy, of Da,.ton IIr . And Mr. . ("ael EluoU, Mr •. lr. M 10\'lng nnd hellllllg." The hnPIlY nre Vaccination a Speciall.Y. NothWAYNESVILLE, OHIO Ihe II -llll nl!. the lOlling ore the 1I1·lng. Coolt and danghter, of near Edaewood, ErDes' Brllddook, W' a rreD Ing but Reliable Serum used "He who hus 8 le nr for pity nnd 0 Dr. Earl Morrill, ",Ife and two Ions. hand open os dill' for mel!lng thnr· Laoy, and Charloy Lao" Of Clnoin. Ity ;" he whose good ,lee(\s lire with · nlltl. of Day 'on , were gU8ll'" of hi. fatber Harveyaburg, O • ..hone 44 Mr. aDd Mrt ChArley BUlhet aDd 101, T. Morris, IN, Sunday. out wish tor I)ltullclly or HpCcltttlon A~ of grntlll .. l e-hl~ Is the rnrest tUlt· Mre. Mollie COII\OIl, of ColumbDlI, Will Siden.lrioker aDd family ury of 801[1. Chllrlcs ' L'Olllb tells UI and Mra. Ida MoAdamll, of Daywn, ha"e moved in$o lhe I:Jbupp property thnt Ihe I,eerlest plcnsurc he e\'cr enjoyed tbe weell.ond at the bome Veterinary Mr. and IArll. Domer Bond and knew \\'II S 10 do" gno<l nctlun hy sl!'olth of HIli. Alioe UhtIDowe'h, and at- Mr. and lin. EI",ood Tbomal were tended ohuroh a' Middle RUD. Graduale of .oblo Siale Uolvenl)l Rnd hn,'" It fou"fI out by flccldent.'t'1.I'or8 a~ F'. AnDlent, lall' Sunday. Mre. -Narren LeclY Is enjoying a HUIllI,hrey J. Desmond. Auctioneer Obllll . Cunningham, of Oklahoma, tew day. vlell wUb bel' paren" lind Centerville, Ohio .o ther rela&lvetl a' t!iou'h OharllltOo. I. vI.ltin. relative. here. ()rFIC" : JOlt. Billing •. lira . AmaDda EIIII\, at DayCon, I The hlllllorlfn whose pen·nnme WRII lin Ch... Brad40011: 8nd 80D, mo.,ed I'\m rlh St r<!l:t, 11 <!:tr Tyler IDto 'he Badge property Give me your 88 tl. I can rio your ".Tosh Billings," 11'1\8 Henry Wlleeltlr Ernee&, returned bom., Friday. whloh IIhe reoently purohased, las' work reasonable and guaranlee to Telephone !l3 Shill\'. Ue 1I\'ed froUl 1815. to 1886. lin. G. O. EIlI. and IIr.. C P . eatiBfy you . He turn e<1 off lIIltuy shrewd sayings, ~,lIls alid Ion autold ao 6n&11 on weell:. Waynesville. Ohio Mr . and Mr•. WtlI Cunningham bits ot quolnt philosophy I\nd polnled buslne88, one da,. hl.t weell:. of Greenville, an,i Mr. and 1111". Joe Jokes, but they were ralhcr damaged )(1'. and lAra. Elvt. Mlohael Ind Zea aDel two ohildren, of Rlohmond, ;. by tile Inborloualy bad spelling 10 OR. J. W. MILLER. Ber' Marla" and IOn, ICddle,of Iud., were gUIIB'1 al 'he home of which Ihey were written. TIll' style •Mre. . Holly, were tiunday IUeti. 01 IIr. aDd Mn Cbae Breillford, 1111' ~ ot hUUlorous writing, quite popular In ...t M. DaIdD and f ..mIlT. SundaT. the Ulllted StRteQ hDlt a century ago, , •• DBNTIST ••• Mr• .' Mar'ln Wee' and &11'0 ootid. has about galle O\lt of vogue. Toda, IIr• . MIl'Y Lamme aD4'daulb~er. Josh BlIlIlIgs la little more than a ren, of Bellbrook, and Mr• . ' O. P. In law, Mn, Blalla Lamme, lela for N..... D~1IJ::.:8I4c. Wayneavllle. (J £111. and .on ..er·e r808n' dlDner RI.,ertlde, cal, las' l5onday, and IIlIme. ... Examined Correctly... lIue." of tbelr paNnas. Mr, aDd 11'111 be gon. un'lI 'h. 4~a 01 April . IIr •. O. B. EIII8. Glasses Fitted Mr. and Mra: Carl Lehra art enter Paper Collar Prot.etl Plante. Mr, aDd Mn. Jamea Curala and 'aiulpi hl8 moaber, Irom Da,'OD, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:: AT MODEn ATE PIUCES A collnr ot pftper hns been made for lamlly .nser'.lnM a' dioneI', , .., 'hie week. . : prQtecting tile steml of delicate pI anti. Banda" Mr, and Mr•• WlIlIe'J:oaon, Wall Davia 1. OD the alok 111" lifter Ihey have heell pillced In the John Mo8:nlaM alld . famil,., DeAll 'he farp'en al! bUll, fillIng ,grt'l1U\(I. TheBe are oftI'D nttllcked b, JID.y Uai-ser and f.mll,., of New Optical Department sl10a and 10wlDg wb.&, " hlt the cut worm, which cuts them olf BurliDgtoo, Jamee OIok.,lIOII· and abelr ",eek . FUNERAL DIRECTOR S. Detroit St. Xelll ... Ohio eh'.lrt nnd ' kills the plAnt, but the family, WelbT carll8r aDd wire and ------~~~.~----Open evenings by appolntm8llp'l "'onu CDnoot get through tile PBper Mn. Lo.,e, of oar,.e1•."01'1, 1I'.and Wayneevllie, Ohio ~... IAn. C. P. Ellie and Mr, alld IIIre. co~lar. . 11I ·1' 1' 1 1I J.;~
n ll d d Ilv It· f!
to Ilr,-,\.. lI Hull
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
••For Sale••
Avery 8-16 Tractor r
I. H. C. 10-20 Tractor
- - - _.. - .. ---
-===========--:::-_______ =
S h,p. Stationary Engine
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Dr. J.
Walter ,McClure
'waahlngton !<naw Valu. ~f Oil, There ball , bl!l!n recently 41eeovered Il letter ot deor,e Waalllnato o In wbldl he I~o"e -rat tntl'rut In the ,'011 IPr1D~ ID VIr· poulbl!lty of ~nll\.. ~Be _called t1!e ~al attention of . bla trulteel to the Impol'tallee of the mal$tJ'. .
G. B . £IIII!.
..- - -.
~ '
a; ",,;,;;,;,,,1.1
';Ult .. Aud the resac'" ,,~ we tblnlr • tweDI,.:one-,ear-old IIIrl need. paint it ' becku8 0 month-ol4 baby1!~ teeth, -DallU , '
. .'
.-JaP:rc f • _
-; .
Fully Equipped ' fot' GvoC'--!v'\A-Iurl---'-~E',, " V. - Q~RN~~T. , :,. .' Servic~. N tal'V '.AnhH ~Oo ... I <!~ ._ Jl,arg'e Oisplay Room . ~' '''.....(' ~~ ~:~c ,
I :' ~ONB . '.
AlllI:lnde bf No"'l'f Worll .
aDd Dee4I •
I'll, 1··M .f tTnd\.'r w.l ,I
-ho mo c,f h ill d oullhter, nUll r lI a tveys· hurg , Ht'r e h" livl'tl som e months u nl\c'r the ki nd 1111 .1 lovi ng mini tra· tiO I'''' of hill wife , tugeth r wi th lhe d :luj(htl' r I\l\ d her 11II!llJII J\u . nlll cont inued . to g row wenk r tillY by cloy until hi em.d t o I' a lize thnt ' the nJ wa ~ very nl)l1 l·. II ca lled' his wife and dauj.(tll r to him nud nid , , I rn ay bl' \Vii h IHI d ev ~ r lll days lind i may ho very fow , Th eil he t o: d (li t'1Il lhllt he was reudy 10 1(0. t hll t 1111 wa,. lYel l. alld J.(u v di.reclions as 10 fUlI l.'rIl l ~Nvict'~. tc . 011 Ule fol1,, \\' in K '\'u"Rdu y t!vl!lIing. al II little pasl l:! o' cluck , ill the presence of his t'an.ily . he passed quie tly away, in ( b" ~ ixly, ,, ix th yeR r of hiR ugE' . He \\' us consc io ud t o t he ve ry IlIsl. and Jus l liS he was leaving he W8lI heard I Ll ~IIY , "M oth er ." !lnd . reBehin g hi s I hlllld s ullw!l l'll us 'if cO lll p rehenrtinl( lhllt whic h IIWlli l "d, sui d "res l " ~I r COPS('y wu ~ li n ob lillin g neil{h· hM , u I ril e fri end. II de votl'd hu sIl u IIHlv es lu hllnd !llld fll the r . Ill uu rn his l o s~. hi ~ ",ifl', li n da uj.:h· I,' r wi lh lie r h u_tlll nd . ulld t wo Krll nd· ,·lIil d rell. lOjl' t' l lll' r wit h a ve ry large ,·il d· o f p ·I!l( i \'l·~ a nd fri ... n d.i .
lwTlln}{inl: 0 Wlll tl'r L'III' II at t~\ ' L ' bllnon Bu ~in css I f " " II d" w!t~ 1·...C;lV r~J in Repres~ntati\ Sf''I' j.: 11,,101 'I'h\! (I , Itemp . ,'wllrJ 1\\ltI IUln"It. · II "'f~' t tll I'll CU rt' (,f b ' . v 'I'll" " ,Ii IlIl IM'nttlal ln u lln(:e Gum' Make this stor e helld· lAYB OURNE & Mc KEA 1"\111 , I,f < \ ·111111. Uh in. r j.lr... nlt?.1 WAYNES ILlE NATIONAlBA K J. p.. JANNEY quarters for all your liy ~l ,I,:, l'lI rl \\ l'il!ht. \\'"ynt!:\villt', The Quollly Drug Store . ro r Purc leade rs In {jencral tlardll'nrc a nti Safe, Sounl\ and Conservatlvc (.1111', automobUe supplies. Waynesville, Ohio DrulS, Stationery and Druigilils' Implemcnt Store. WaYllcs\ ilk . T his li ve finan cial instituti on henrI.' Sundries Waynenllle, Ohio T he liv e a nd prugrl'ssiv \! hUI'II \\' ur We carry only trade("'! "e GC.1d r'l"I i nt. the diRtinc tion of beinll compRraThe popular drug s tore of Wav- lind imple nle ll t firm of ~ t eH~r~. LilY' goods .111" '1"1111 -11, .. ... !~ , "" 1" I ' nil,,!! hf' 1\(1 - li vely th e fifth strongesl bunk in the nesville is ab ly " onducled by Mr. J . hourn e lIfld McKl!1I 1l Mt nll d ~ ill the , m lr(lt;: nl'tllIl rl l ~.~It I U" I~ fhlll ,\ hpl) t h e Rlu t e of Ohio, which is owing . in a 1'; JallJ1ey, who hus s!Jr ved th publi c [ronl rlln k o f th eir ~pl.!cial lin e (If highest qUIlUty. I f'lrl P L:fi l ' .... lip 1111 "Ih\' ..,1° 11 '" II ' w"r r y J.! reat meaSllr', to its very conae r'fQ' in this important line for over forty tra de in WII) IIcll\' illc, lind /111')1 U,· , ) 'Otl \\'Ill t'l lla n nt l, ul:'! )" \I n ltfl UO. li ve lIl anal!'emenl. Th e Waynesville years This gentle man carries a j UHtl y d(,~t.'rvillg of !l spl'l' ia l llIenliuli dpr!'l hlllli Nalio nal Hank h as a capillli Rlock of complete st uc k of che micall y (Jur e. in this re.v ic.w of Ih ~ " 1\\\' III'd lIIarch $:>0,(,00 00 IInds urplus of $ 100,000 .00, fre~ ~ dru gs. pa tent and proprie tarY o f t he prlllclpa l bU ~ III C~~ . e.lllt·rpl;I ~I '_ a nd t he d epOSIts ha ve made a won· , medI cines of acknowled ged m eri t o f Way n !sv lll e and \·!l· ll'llty . LIlt' dl' rf u l Rh owing, A general bllllkinl( l ond standard re putation, and phar- !pacious store lind !lln'l' \\,:l r~hIlU8es bu~i ll(!E S is tran ~a.ct ed. loans rnud~ nn mac euti cal,P re parulio ns Al so,. p e r· ti re fi ll eu wit h I h" t. ,~ K"" oI .·, "I hlll h IIp p rovel1 ~ec urtll e~ . an d co llec tl oll s fum es. trl1 le t an d f ancy !lrll cle~, heavy ami st\l!l f hlll'dwurl'. IIll'c hllll ' mad e in a p n, mp t ann most sati~· books, stat ioller y , sc hool sup p li e~ , ci- ic' ~ , cnrpt' "l,' r ' ~ IIlld l,u ill k'r'M ,l ",, 1.4 . Tlae $hindard Sparlfa ctor y ma nner. M r W H. Alle n gllr9. t oba cc o.!!Ill () k e r~' a rli cles. d ru g· eOl!'C t oo l ~ an d e ll tl ery , I lil' .I·,~ tule Plu, the Wor/tl' is pre~ irl ent ; Mr . G E. Hi ley . fi rst gists' s unrlrie~ a nd Dr . H e~s ' g oodH, s t'lVe~. r n n ~,, ~ Bnd 1I"IIIl' 18. lIn lin!! FRESH KILN DRIED CORN MfAL vic'e president ; Mr. J 0 Ca rtwri g ht. all in e xcellen t a ~so r t rnent and I( r ent ena llle led "'lire. 1'1 ,· . 1\ lsl! . :iUI 'I'rior E quip your motor with IIcli v(' vice preside nt, and Mr L M' I v ~ri e ly. lind pri ces will be f" u nli (ir ill s. \o' i~ l( lil'l'$ , 1)" L:lv ,d cr"I\II ' AC Spark Plugs to get H c "d e r ~"n, cas hi er . Ev pry fa vor right sC l>!lrlll or~. t llnl\, PII I IIJl~, J,( fl·~ ' · IIj.(II'~~ NEW PANCAKE AND co n ~ i s t e nt with sound and conserv ll- - - - -a.n d in filet everyl IIIIII!' ill lhl' ).!<!lIl·ral best possible performBUCKWHEAT FLOURS t ive banking and finance i~ t? xtend"d THE PALACE R ESTA LI ANT hard wlIre lill e . ;\,,, 1 "" hUlll Kellll.,ance. ACts are the best. lo the patrons of this live financial me n lire fu ll.v CIIII\' 'r~ !l lIl \\" i II till' Fann I{III ('offt'e , .. lI ound .. .:l5c institution by the management. All Meals at All Hours, ,' onfedlonery, g eneral haru wa r e I nli ll', Ih.,y 111'1' ll10ney can buy. Card of Thanka 1Il cLauKllli,,'s -IX ('nlree. Ib .. .:l5c throu i hout this dis trict are cordially Ice Cream and Cigars, L. 1::. l hu s " lI ahled t o mee t l lll' 1II0~ t f ur· b:conomy:) leel ·c ulCoffee.lb ... 25c invited to give them a call Kemple, Wa),nesvlllc, Ohio mid a b le cOlllpplil iOIl . alld I h" ir prie.," the I'u ' l Tuu!lies, 2 IJkKS .. .... .... 25c wi ll h p. foun d rij.(lI t All IhnlllJ,(h"" 1 lIl 'il{ h h"r ~ flild f ri " l\l l ~ f ur tlw ir \ '1:'1' )' In mnking our rt'v iew fur II", ( ;uKel logh's Cnrn F laked, :1 for .. 25c ZIMMERMAN'S .... ayne5ville, Ohio Waynesville, Ohio zette, a r epre.!lentlltive of this papt'r t h i ~ d is lrk l lire l·.. rdl ll il y IIIVI[. ·oI I " ,' !'t'ut k ill dlll' ~ ~ illid he lp d ur in)( till' ;; I b ~ A rllo Star ch ...... .. .. .. ... 45c Kive :hl'lI\ u call , SP l 1'i1l 1 pril" '" 1., , 11 Up-to-Date Orocery Store for Qual- had the pleoti Llre of Htu ppi nl( at lh e be I{ivt!n on all )(o"d s I !lis w.·.. k l'ala cll ke Flou r. pkg : .. .... ..... 30c !""" i li lles~ uf hll ~ bll"d an.! fa thl' r model san i t/l 'ry Paillce l{e~ l lI u r ll ll t . <; uod BrOIl I!ls .... ...... Gr.c and 7~ c ity Groceries and Provisions, which ill stric t ly firs t-cl a~~ in nil il,; l Int , lass Jllrs. d oz .. .. .. ....... 7;)c Waynesville, Ohio appoilltmelll>l ami is th e bC>lt place in New [lfi llard' Puncllkc Flo ur , J. A. F UI'\ ld': Y Th e thoroughly up-to-date grocery town to eat . !{elCular m e/l l ~ are un· ~ fllr ....... .. .. ......... .. .. . ...... 85c ly se rv ed in a mORt pa llllalJle Btinting store of Waynesville, so ablv cun, rhc Li\ e lind Dry Goou s N t'\\' AUlIt J am im a 's, 2 for .. 3" e dueled by Mr. L A. Zimmerman, manner . Also, short orde rs . IlIllches , Shoe Bnd Notion Siorc, \\ a y nes. t stand s in the front rank of the gro- sandwich es, pi e linJ best cup of cof· \ iII(' , Ohio Specials for Friday and ce ry trade of thi3 s oction of Warren lee in lown . Th e mos t rl el icious ice - Forcream. ice cream soda . Cuco 'ola In clllllpi ltnj.( o llr s pl'l:i:t1 rc\'il'w of County. And it is the acknowledged Saturday headquarlers for the choice!' t of both lind cheering car bonated be /e ral(cs lh l' oll wllrd m ar,' iI oi Ill(' vari ll U::I To int r odu ce a nd show yo u staple a.nd fancy groceri es. canned are served from h is Banilltry soJa bu ~ ine~" e nll·rpri ,. e~ p f Way nl·.\, ill e, I how muc h belt e r Tu ri a ia than lZ'ood s, pure aroma.tic spices . condi· fountain. lind he carr ics Ii chuice line fo r t he bl'ne li l IIf 11 111 la rg,· c,.. p~ .. !' : • al mlln. we eu t the price fo r 2 ments, dried and fresh fruits, and of cigars. t obacco lind ~ llIo k e n" r eade rs, I he GU Zl'll t? takt's pard " ,,- , ==============~============- . ====== Ilible pr ide ill cul linI!' Ih c public Ill· rlay :, fi nd will sell vegelables in their sell9on . Also, ci- articles te ntion to the Atore ~ u ably pr">l hh'rt I ' ,,·Ih. 'an>! T u na for ..... .... ... 5c gars . tobaceo, candy. queensware, THE liOME BAKERY lo ver by Mr. J A. Fu nk e),. Thi ~ i,. 1 F~lrm '" ·I l,. Can T Ulia fo r .. .. .... .... l 0e garden and orchard prorluctions and t he IIck nowl edged flt'ncl q ll a rtf' r~ f,.r I I-Ib ' a ns Tuna f or .... .. .... .. Hie country produce, all in excellent a 5· We r e r ve lhe- r ig ht to limit sortment and I(rea t variety. and he Fo' Choice," Baked Goods-Pies, an e xce ll ent line of f al l HIII I ",illl'r : Cakes, Bunls,Rolls-Roy MacBeth .dry a nd fUll CY g oods ,.J C C. l'u ll e}.!<' I the pu rcha~e lind none Rold t o handle!! eggs. poultrv etc., and is al· I'rop, Phol~e IJ7, Wayncsville. iGirl co rset!', hosie ry , n O\'t?l tit> ~ hnd way s in the markllt. For a ~Quar e d eale rs. ti ons, me n 's wu r k clo lhl's, ~w "I1I· I deal. honest weights and prompt se rTh e th oroug hi y .sanl.' t a~y H ome .leno r", rain coa tll. gl,l\' eM , 1(1'111 ,.' tille Lenox Soap , 6 bars for ......... 25c vice. Zimmerman's is th e placl! to call. Bok~ry of Wayn.e>l vllle IS Ju~t1y de- I fu rnishing8. nobhy hnts lind PalmOlh'e :-5oal1 , 10 ba rs .. .... 79c servlllg of thelhll bc r~1 ~alronoge o f ond un~ .. f th e l a q~e~t li,",'s lI f sh o ~~ MOTOR SALES AGENCY all. thr~ughout IS dl strll' t . as eve r~ . , in Wa rr" n Coun lY . And he a'p reWe want \000 Chickens. High· "~ l pricl.'S paid Br i"g th em Ford Sales and Service, Expert Ford thrng I! k.ept I~ a th? r oughly SU~II' ~ents l ilt' N a ti onal nnd Intcrllatioluli I ta.ry condItIOn III strIc t conformIty l',d lllrir1)' co m pa n i.,~. of Chicaj!"" alit! in any l ime. Repairing and Parta, Waynesv,lIe WIth the pure food Ja~vs of lh e stute' l ,II I "rcl"rs taken by hi nl a r e I{ lllira n- , It 1'!lV S to Trad e at No s imilar establishment in War- AthS Mbr ·kRO,Y MatcBI(' th IS ani' eXPh~ rt Ill ! I" ed to lit ill n mos t pe rfect II Hll1nt'r ' l ren County is better equipped to e a er s ar. Ie supp les IS pll' ~ive the best of service 10 its auto trons with the chnicest of bak ed trade thlln the large and capacious goods the malrket afford s. He lurns I garage and Ford service station of out the choicE!St of' pure. wholesome C. i\\. l3I~O\\' N the Waynesville Motor Co This is bread daily, roll s . bune. piea, ami L I' \ the acknowledged headquarters tor special orders. are filled in a prompt ive and 'rojtressi \,c East Side Grothe famous Ford Car. whi~h is the and most satisfactory manner . All cery Store, High es t I'ri.:es for E):gs I universal car and the ideal car for are cordiallY invited to coli and give and Poullry, Phone IIJ .1 every man, an d th ~ F ord son T raet'lr, him a trial. No house in t his sec ti on of Wa rt en which stands without a peer for gen· County i8 mor e d eservi ng of com. eral purpose on the farm and in the T. JEFF S"UTH mendation in our sp~ci al fall rev i••w field And with the present reduc- Proprietor of Our Old Reliable Meot of th e bus iness inte resl ~ IIf Way nes. tion they are WIthin reach of every Marke,. Waynesville, Ohio ~iIIe, Corwin and. vicin i ty. lha n the man, They allO carry a' full and . .. i1ve and progr essIve l.rroc~ ry dea ler complete line of F~rd P!lrt8 and exWe f~el acs If t~I S revIew of !>ur above nllmed, who enjoys his q uola tras, auto 8~ce8S0rles, Firestone a.nd old reha~le buslll e~ enterpn.s es of the trad e . Mr C M Brown car- ~ G,oodyear tires and tubes~ HavOhne j would be IIlcomplete wlll~out mllklllg ries a fresh and pure line of bot h The Waynesville High School, for a benefit for the oils, ~rease and beat gasolme. referenCE: to the old rehable dealer staple and fancy lI'roccri es canned Mr . Har.ry SherWOOd , the lo~aJ' in both the choicest of cured .and goods, best l eas alit! cofr ee~. men' s Athletic Assn., will present Wm. Faversham, in manager, IS fully conversant wlth )fresh meats. ~ho h ~s UIWIlY.8 given work clothes, gl oves, fruils . candy , ever y detaIl of the auto mart of I the bf>st of 8IalJsfactlon to hIS large cigarA tobacco and counlry produ ce trade, and for true car an~ tractor ,c,?rl?8 o~ patrons .. "Jeff" bears the He is ~lwaYR in the market for but~ values at pres~nt reduced prICes, ~t ~18tmctlOn ,?f being an exeellent · ter " eggs. pou Itry. el c., and d oes a Thursday, October 14th ot workmanship .by skilled meclll~n1C8 Jud~e of prime beef cattle. !indoh~ large exchange bus ine8ll . All throulrhAlso, a good comedy. !"'~ prompt. serVice, all are cordially carrie, the sweetest chops. JuiCiest out this di !.'trict are cordia.lly in vited ........... ......... inVited to give Thu Waynesville Mot- roasts. tenderest steaks-and the most to give him a call or Co. a call . Branch of the Kilpat· delicious cutlet~, al so ham, bacon. ' A tale of the Northwest. rick-French Motor Car Co ,Blanches· lard. 8ausages, etc. All throughout ter. Morrow, Mason, Waynesville this district IHe cordially invited to Also, and Lebanon, Ohio . give him a CllIII. (To b e continued> " If
A Bri f Revitw of Our Repr scntative_ Entei'prises-' By a Special
All Sizes
Specials at
H. E.
Economy Satisfaction and Service I
Lanterns that will not blowout Tin Buckets, an sizes, best grade tin Oil Cans, all sizes, 1-2-5 CII ". I Copper Wash Boilers, good ones Wash Boards, the best lilade Leather Gloves for men I Canvas Gloves, price by dozen right Auto Oil, best grade in the market
Lytle, Ohio,
A. E. mE, Prop.
32 and 115 Volt
Try the "Senrice - Garage" at
Special Show
H. E. Earnhart, Waynesville, Ohio
Miami Theater, October 15th
................................................... •:
"The Man Who Lost Himself" .
SPECIAL FEATURES Music by the H. S Orchestra- Singing by the H. S, Quartet- Don't fail to come.
15 and 25c
i• •
"Jack Chanty"
That funny bughter maker, Chas, Chaplin, in
;~ IIIf11uGH
============== • ;
- --
••Underwood's Apples••
Saturday, October 18th Featuring Charies Ray, in
"Paris Green" :Also, Pathe News Admission, 22 and 17 cents,
Extra Fancy Rome Beauties
Admission, 17 and 11 cents
'if, w.. " '"' 0 " 'h'l It was whil e purs uing this . voca- • of hi.
tion wilh his pa rents on what is • known a8 the Atkin's farm n('ar Caesar's Creek Friends Church ! ~pring .Valley, th at he was unit ed . ~ The many friends of e. E<l. Mo, : In marrIage to Mary E:ll e n Fox. To Sunday School at thiS ~hurc~ eVllry Unlnn will be plellsed ~o knQw 'hat, this hal1PY union were born f oul' • S~nday Bt 9:3~ a . m . Preachln~ eer· bavlng relligned hlB pOSition wl'h children, two dyin g in in fan cy , one vIce ~t 10:30,0 clock a, m , You are 'he Brown Manufacturing Cu, Albert L ,who died at the age of cordially mVlted to be present. will englllZ'e In Slle re\'llllmplemenl f d EI ' M sle , now Mrs. Hawke . ooal and leed bnslnelll hl.Ql/1rkijvilh~ our, an Ed, as ever'Y budy 118 him. ornear Harveysburg. THE KIND THAT KEEPS St. Mary's Church . . born Ilnd .relued. In Cliulon Gordi'y. Shortly after marriage he reTwenieth Sunday after TrinIty, and after spending IIOlllO little ume moved to what is known as the Zed Price at orchard, $1.50 to $2.;'0 per bushel. October lOth: Sunday School at 9:30 in tho employ of MoGu nn BrOil., en · S· f 'I H II Af Price subject to change. . tered the employ of th~ Brown Mlln, 1mB arm, near "t. 0 V. le r a, m . Mornmg Pr.ay~r and sermon ufao'nllng Vo .. of Zontl' ville, l1a gen. Borne years of resid ence at thi s p lace at 10:30. You are inVited to be pres· eralaaleeman' and with 'he IlXoep- he removed to Spring Valley wher e VaJlerl_~h~nc ent and worship with us. tfon of ODe year with 'b l American I he took up work as carpenter and armv durinl th.late wa ", hilS been \cont t 0 f 'h ' . rae or. ne 0 t e Important 00ntinnon81y In their senice for the Orthodox Friends Church pRsUeven yean. Oblo,l , diana 11Dd I tasks R'iven to his care was th e er ec· Sunday School. 9:30 a. . m. Meel· 1I11nola werl3 covered d ll rlng thlllltion of the church in wh ich th e~e time and Ed beoamewell kiJown lind lervices were Ifeld . ing for worship at 10:30. qnlte popnla.r with a 1(1·.'st I.nany . M. E. Church / deal era in tbese three sto les. Tbia Mr . Copsey became a promIn ent . experleoce has be eo a '\'onderfnl figure in the life of the village . beSunday School. 9:15 a m A good Iloh<.oollng an!l plaoell him In 1J0~Ulon ingelected to the omee of cons tabl e place t o study the Word. There are '0 know tbe most popnlB I :lUd mod. and several te rms as membe r o f th e classe,; fflr ali ({rades and a.iee. A.rn !tne!! of goode and en , ' >le8 him iI . . . . t I to pnr obase .:h em 8t lowt! . price .. , counc . li ve bun ch. a fine SPirit, a deilgh fu and bls friends p rt' oio& for '11m lin He was a memh er of six loJgeRIJlace . At 6:15 the Epworth League unpTeondentecl uconss The Masons, at N e w Uurlington. th e devotion al mee ting Miss Howland Mr MeGu" ·" WIll hllv" 1\ c · nplete 1 0 0 F J 0 U will talk Une of farll ' ...JI~ of all klnrJ:.. {h,ld • . . ., , . . AM .. Mound P h' b h t t 10'30 fenoe, coal,,, r\ f epd, lind wi eo In Encampment and D. of A, of S pring r eac IIlg y t e pa~ or a . need of nll\ ; . lng o f thiM lIind --"O" Valley, and D . of L ,of MiamiHburg a m unt! 7: 30 p. m, every Sunday. Ed MO(iult , ;'. Is tbe worll his fr Itmdl Being of a 'social nature. Mr. Cn p. Wedn e!! day 8 p. m, prayer and praise are pl18S I n l? ..\on.... sey enjoved very much th e work and meetillJ.!' . -- - - - - -associations of these various orga ni. The public is invitell to come and T I1e Crown'. Share. zations, and pas~etl throu g h all th e join wilh us in worship. UnCler I';n~;ltsh ('11'"11"11' Inw, the chairs of each. with lh e exception o f D . P. Hol t. Pastor. Ihore 11.111 tillS (wl"'""n Iuw lind hJah the D. of L, Ude b, 'h'"I1S to the crown. About thirty· eigh t years ag o dur· Ferry Christian Church ing a revival und er th e pastorat e o f l3ibl e School at 9:30 Preaching Rev , Witmer, he united with lh e M. at 10:30 a . m and 7:30 p . m. Every· E. churC;h at Mt . Holly, His m em· one invited . J . A Pine. Pastor, bership was olterward s removed to EIIH lluel ("opsey. son of John and the M. E church al Sf,lring Vall ey. HarveYliburjC Friends Church Some f ew vears ago, his health beEliz,lbeth Copsey, was the eldest of R~cordl Sunday School, 9:30. Meeting for fivll children and is the last one' of gan to fail and after some months an Worship, 10:30. Everybody cordi· the family t,o patS from time into operation became neressary, which ally invited to theBe services, Ete rnity, Ille Wall born in Sprinsc was undertaken at the McClellan VaIlI!Y, Ohio, February 22, 1855. ami hospital,' Xenia, on April 25, 191!). received his early education at the This was only partially successful, in of a that. it no dOUbt prolonged hiB life, . to many ut he continued to grow graduallv who I. 10 ,lad of a cbance to b.lp ,011 name . nt ~f troubl!' ~t he I~ al)Ilo.t wtIlo memo.rles of childhood to l!umoers worlle. (')wing to his condition, it hi, to hetp ,.u .lnto 10111' f.r tile . . . ot~ur residents as well ail man, wh.o was thought best to sell the home at ~~""~!"""~ii:"'"~i¥.i~~-~~~~:"'----:o~~-~~ ., lhowlD( 7011. live In distant . places. Tbe. major Spriog Valley, and remove to the' J .: . =-
"The Pink"
Will i
Harveysburg, Ohio
Tuesday, Octobet' 19tt, Featuring Th!!d~ Bara, in
c _ _ _
uLa Belle Ru.se"
"Dare-Devil Jack"
Admission, 22 and 17 cents
• ..................................................... ,
Room 2, Lebanon National Bank Building (Formerly Over Postoffice,)
and Needle.
. -.
OUR CLIENTELE GROWS - Not upon promises bU! upon perform'ances. We are pioneers in DRY CLEANING AND DYEING. In business since 1835, Send goods by Parcel Post. Prompt Deliveries.
The T ea.dale Company 625.627 Walnut St
J d'
If you want to be entirely satisfied~ use our Classified Columns ,
. ..
Su ppleL'll 'nt, g Pages
Seventy- econd Year
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20, 1920 1_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~='PElVflV':":, -
.. heInel·...
Communi ty Night. October 29 . ColIlIUOu. . O. - I S,wc iul )- Tllere . b~ ro ur h all ol~ \'Ulea Oil by lIiI , Tho Two Community Plays will be I th .. vOi e r v of Uh lo III Ih o !\:uv~lI1 b or •"lecl lo l1. III 10m" jJlu ces th el'e will interMpersed with fine mUMic . 1.9 lu rn l rl·ojJ o ~ II I . ill .d d lliUll . O ne or th t':!o four hallols will CU II I . , 11 th ,' W" S. Graham and A. L " King lJrluident ial ti cket"" Anoth er "Ill werp Lebanon visi tors, Mond ay. have un It 8t1l10 . <;on gl'" .. lunlil . I~I!I .· Illti ve auu count)' ticke t"" Th e third Mr~ W . S. Graham and Mrs. Flor. wJll
li ln".I1· , ~l r. :lIld ~I I' < [-"r, ·t! i1 art ~ o k . of H ~' O lJ r L r l l (;orrcs poocl e.n t) hi tR CO UI)I d wit h \\' 0 ('r ~o r. ~I il f "r' l. "II" rt;IIlh',j till ' fn! I'lwin>: Th i~ li t l ip vi llfl)!" \Vas agai n dis. in t he firs t inni ng. g aV E Il ellbrol 'k 11 gUl" t < at dlilltl' '' . :' ll n,lay, ill 11 ,,11 0 1' IIr tll r li('d ('ar ly Saturd!lY morn ing by total of four run ~ , e nough t o pu l I he t hp 12th lllillil't'r"ary II f ill/ ·i ,. marrl· ri,"'s IJ f ii I' ' all d t he rin ).( ing of telegam e on th ei r ~ itle uf thl"! ledge r , last IIg<-: ~l r a'I'; ,\ l r,; H"I 'ui.J Ilawh .. " hl'lI l's. J t IVII~ ~oo n discove red that Sunday. !:luch wa!! th e beg inning' of an d ."11, F rank . Hn d l\ol r K. Lllu ra th e harn wh<'fe ~Ir " !Inti Mrs. Leon t he ba ll 1/:11 III e betw ee n Bellbro ok and i\1 ",h" L .";a lis bu ry livl·. V. :d all in flames. Waynesvill e . th E' HfJl'o nd ~ 1I 1ll ~ of t"e J u,; t 1 ,, 'c1uc l;, a . III. . ye t it was not seri es. Th e ..:unu· dirl III,t ", tart 1\ \\', "i ll " I' r,,:H t "'flo; 11t'1t! ill ,) " hll III n)! Ill' fore:l nt ll ll lJe r of people were qui te on tim e. and Jarrett did not Sa :>I(lI"~ \\'".,d". n.-ar ("H·Il. "',ur ch, Ih'!r\! lIith "lI Ck"'l~ a nd bega n tn have tim e to wll rm u P. !llld th,' r eo O('I"Iol' r 11i. lIi:.!lI. Th e pl' e n ill~ "'as "I"·" t hl' adju l'l' n buildings . The suit was as slated a bove. t ea r o f t ile h olt ~ , wa., 0n fir e hut. by In Waynesvi ll e 's hal f t he I ,o ~' s \Vt ' I Il" r~ a tilt ,na r;-;!1 ma.llu\\',\ 11\' ,, 1' a qu ick 1I'0r k !I f th l' ear ly arrivals. this made a coupl e or h it ~ that yie ld ed a 1i" :l!lUf ul IlIllllir" 1\10" ,,1 11 )(u.· , t ~ II'US .oOIll'xtil,g'lIi" h('d . run . The Mjami ~ had me n on th ,' 11· '-'1'1' "1',.,,.:,(. an d all had a fin l' t 11 11 (' · Th.· II ri"ill "f the ti r e is unk now n. hases in nearly eve ry Dill' of th e ir .\1 1' :'lIlis ll u ry il ad two automobiles hal ves , b ut hi t s we rl! Inrk inr:- w lH' n " , "pri,. ' \\'11. g'il ' II ~l I'~ I' rallk nml one a t r uc k III th {' uar n . which In Ihe' f"UI'l h, (;ih. l 'ur lll:JII LJy <llIlIL! uf Il~r l lt'i~hl,u r 3 mOR t needed . ""'re de~truycd . T he barn and can · bo n~ marl r a 1'1II)! hit alld ill tl' \' III~ 1:' 11. fn"1 I, "11 "J'u\·<da l' tTi " rnll1>:, t " l1t~ W\! !,,, partially cOl' e red by in. . to stre Ich t he hit to a honH' r w a ~ put \ 1)c1 I", I:: . :\ 11 ar.r i\' .'d <II h,· !' 1i."II1(' . "u rUI1!!\! . !'he pro pe rty is own ed by out . GlbLJons, however. wa s Illl' !It ,,1 "11'11 II d""k wll h ha'!-\'I< 1111 .,,, ' I 1'". lI arlan, (I f lI a r veY Huurg. heinJ!' s tella. r a tt lfl tio n o f th e "'a mI' , !lR hi " wi tll g'"." .. 1 t hin ' " til 1':11 , :tI,d :11 "I ':.,· .. I' t'~t" ,tly I' l lrchfl ~(ld rrom J . R Jones, fi eldJnI/: wa~ I'l'r "l' , I'e ry filiI' II i"' ga nt IlIllII "r . \\':1 ' .. ,.r, " I" ,r.. r,' I h ~ . "I "A IIlI tler I Iu c k y fi reo ;-'''111<' sail. cat ch nt Ih c cluh 1 1(lU"(> IVI'~ ~u n'" Illu ch :< lI rlll' l" '') Ii,," S" 1\[1, r ,1111 " "tl t l . I " t . h . ~ . ~ . u· . , " 1\\'1 t 1(' Wln l JU S rill t . .• , 11 uut tlO nal a 4 he t ouk tile til' I') itll'hl'H nero !Jr . ~ I al 1' 1 " Uh ),!;;\.,' a 1" '11' 1111 · Ii I I "['1 t' . ." ' . . I I', , ~ en. pcolJ e. lo re may come a lIn P IJI" ss il' \' tla~ t, \\11I1' 1i ""111111' "I.', I ,J! ' \\' Ile ll th e Win . , I WI' 11 no t b e " n. gIlt" off t he house . . The game waH a ve ry exc itin " onc . tile 1:)" ,," fri 'l1d -hip ", hii'll (,\:,,1" I ,~.. hllll W e a re s ti ll without any fire pro· Jarrett. after th e fir ~ t innl·ll ..." . IJitc hc" t W('l'lI th"I I1'l'I I"'·" alld ~ I 1'" l'al'l 'I<l11 I \' cl iun what e,·c r. This is the third II gt· lt.ed"e l)all nll!1 onl thr ' I I't .. . . •, y ~e I ,; M r ~. I':vn BUrll"t ~ ,w i. h " ft:\\ 1\'l'11 had li re here , within ('I e von monthll . Max Bllrnard c1 HJ~l'lI wo rd: . tlll'lI prl''''II I,'>! tli" _ _ _ ___ - _ _ wert: made otf him was pulled in th e sixth. J (,~fI Wefll't'!' h o ~(,~. wi t h a bl'a ll t it lll 111111", ·1111, going in . Sevf.rnl lCllod hil s we re g il" " loy the 1:"li\·s jln '~I · III. I"h" made off Wea ve!'. hil t were not beautiflll dllY ~lijJ l' l' d by 1' ,1' lj "' hly bunched t:no ugh to ma l;e th ' neres. f" r .':1 . Ulld la te in t he afL"!'! ,,,,'" Lh,~ sa ry rUIlS, f r i,"" I.. d " pa r t .. d . \\" i ~ hil1).( th,' I" .~· I':ve n th e lur e of th e tropics has In the eighlh , with Iwo m en d own . • t e ,~ mil ch h<lppin(; ~~ in her n.·\\, h" l1ll' Mye rs knocked one t o O~ b o rn e . wh " in 11uy t() ll , wh ' I'e ~ I r " alld i\ l r" " (·al' · been felt in th" hearts of the men Pe rthrew wild to firs t. Cu rl y 1·'ow,·11 ma ll will lop a hUlIl\' ttl Ih",ir f ri" II ds fr olll tho land s of the North. then proceeded t o kn ock an infield al ~ljl; Yunek\!!' AI'(', I)ay t llil " il'll· hllp ~ it is heca uRe th at lure is ('ternal hit. which went through three mell Th " ".' pre'sen t wer.·: !'I1t's,lilll "'S t fl al "The Bird of Paradise." which to th~ outfield. Mar~ h . in cente r . Walt t' r !'o1cl'lurp. ){ nbL · nl~: . I. Il . ('o ml'S 10 the Victory Theater. Dayeven fail ed to s to p the ball . and Chil\'~ . 1':lizabe th Lcwi~ . L.·" lI awke . tdn. fur Lhree nil!Chts commencing Hul h A . IJllul{ hc rt y . Hirh a r d erll ~ , ThltrHday . October 28th. with matPowell made a home run. The next game of th e seri es will Li na Madd en , Itobe rt I:rL·\\·. I{() ~!I inee on Saturday. finds itself going be played here nex t Sund ny . 10'01- Berr yhill . Eva l3u rn ' It. Sad ic Con- on vea r after year playing not only low ing is the sco r e I:y in n inJ.{s: ner, W. J . Sherwllud . J egsic lI yma n. to ne w patron s but to many who Oli ve Hathaway . Chu!\. Orcl . Ilclro il. ha ve ~ee n it- not on ce but many Miamis .... ...... ,, 1 1 0 0 1 0 I 0 U- 4 G ro cc Davis. of Dayto n. and Ii W. times be fore . Bellbrook ....... .4 0 1 0 0 0 U !:! x- 7 C I To those who t oil. who know the arman ; I\'l isses Sielia Dall(ne r t y. Lucy Eml 'Y. l.iIIy Benham, j-'Inra " rirnn ess o r rigorous cold. the stub· l1 erryhill. Dr. Ma ry r.l1lJ k an d MeHR rR" bo rn r~s i s tance to life that nature. Robhie Davis. Eli rl Dean Ha wk e a nd und soil . Imd social complications of· fe r in the lands of civ iliz atio n. the Et ha n L e w i~ . picture of the mid-Pacific islands with its eternal s unshine . its colnr lind warmth will alway!! attract. On e of the charms of this play iH (Words anti ", URic by To", ) t he e ve r present. weirdly sweet muSometimes our editor 's modesty sic thll t s teals out of t he sj len ~e and and a promise made to his son. pre· for~es its.ap~to deeper emotion· vents his publishinl( certain item s a liam. 'living peace Lo troubled souls which are ot keen inte res t to Ethim's and a s weeter breath to the island of many friend s . So. while "pop's" The cili zens o f Massie li nd Wayne back was turned yesterday morn in 2'. towllships are fortunat e in securin g love, Manager Tully is presenting lhe we surreptitiously took the oppor tu n· the li on . Wm . H . /loyd t o IIdrlress ity to copy the following self·expla n· th em. Saturday afte rn oo n al 2 o'clock IJiece this year. wilh Florence Rock · atory excerpts from t he Wilmington Mr. Boyd is a fine s peak e r and will well in ·the role of Luana. the Iittl o Daily N e ws-Journal. of October 18. IJI'escnt Lhe is~ ue9 of t he cllmpaign princcss. Robert Brister plays th e Yl' ung physician . Brandon Evans ' is .. Wilmington Co llege was defellted in a fo rceful Itlanrll' l' . Eve ry voter thc heachcomuer. Gertrude Walten. SatudllY hy the cfllck Bilti e r Colloge in th e two t ownehips o ughl to tur n team by a score of 74 to O. but every- out and hear him . Il ~ he has Il meso the Diana. and Lee Curley the sugar lhina is cheerfulness in Wilmington sagl;! t hat will be of inte r es t t o all. king. The Hawaiia n singers are. as usual , a f eature . Owing to th e camp today . • . .. Wilmington Mi. s J e nni e Reev es , of franklin, I-l"rea t demand fo r seats. mail orders made an excellent sho wing. Thc will a lso s peak tu th e lalli e~ ~ h l) uld ue {iI ~ d now. first time they took the ball, they ( II J "Y e Edlt .. r .
(Un ottic ial Oallo1)
Mr. alld MrH" Frank Le May and family It'ft. Friday. for a visit with relativPH in AIIILJIIIIlII.
I !
If yo u wallt Ohio to stand for law enforc 'm ent, vute "Y ES" ,)II Ho use , Hill No . 620. t'lection dRY.
I hi' " ti lo ml bl r a
"fl rU n 't' llI e 'H v ( 0' ... 11..... '
,,,1,, 1,, , ,,,,, "lid lUll ;"nUl ill C,,,lu"
John Layhourn e and family and Rogrr Hebe rt and family, of Sprin(l· fierd. we re the Sunday guest~ of Oscllr Layhourlle and family.
VOI@ r s
T h" n r ~h g ll ille of th ll seri es staoda out 118 one of the mOllt brll. IInnl ball !;orn e. 0 \·.,1' plu yed . It was n decided victory for tile Cleve. lund India na. 8·1. bu t tbe unprecedented fent a performed will make hl ~tn r y for bltsehulL A hOllle run. with the bases full by l!HIIW t:lnlltb (shown nhove). nn ulla8elat.ed triple piny by Wo, m~gnae •• an~ 8 ft""ond howe rtlll wllh two 011 bnBes by Bogb),. nil of tile Clevoland Indian". also throe ~uccOt/8Iye double playa In a8 many Innll)p.
aJlI ' rov l~4.I
.t at .. ~ rlllllhi l ion . HII~ i n.trllcl ~ tI tho legl . lat ul'e tu '\lla "1 law8 10 /II uke It
Mr. and Mrs . Jack Davill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhardt and son. Har· effective . An ClIr o r t: 811 I f: ' l l hny ..... al" Community Night. October 29. Usc our C la s~ifi e'd Ads for re!lulu.. old. of Dayton. spent Sunday with p all s4Hi laMI ""'lrl ll~ r alld alll! roved lt ~ Mr. Horne r Cllrey and fumily. th i 10"orno, Th . wet. did nOI wan t Mr and Mrs " Fred Hllw ke were in Dr. Dill. Os teopath 21 S. Broad. 110 eu fOrCeDl ft nt la w. and hrought 0" way. Lebanon, Ohio. tbe referndu/ll Th~ tjU~ . ll/J D for the . Misses J eannette and Louella Jan. Dayton Tuesd ay. ¥oten to determl"8 nelt In 011 I h I. ney. Alma Waterhouse and Reva Walter Kilbon. of Pittsb Urg. Pa • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cllbhage. of 8hall tbe I" w be "~provl'd ? T ho"o Hormell went to Cincinnati. SlItur. who belie ve Ohio , hould hM.a Ii I.w d d I f M' was at home the week-end. Washington C. H .. are vlsitinjl' Mr. to puni . h boot leKliors "III vote ay. Iln were t Ie guests 0 ISS and MrA. Roy MacBeth. " YI':S." Helen Marlatt Miss Minnie iJS \ .::1 . of iJayton. waa 01110 I. on e or a fow ~ tatn . · whi r" the week-end guest of relatives . Mr. and Mra. Frank Zell were OOU Dot b... a law to en foroe prohl· Mrs. May Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. C. called to Moore~ville. Ind.. last Fribitt o ll . Thl. ,.tatn I. de l"' ndllll! 011 ' 0 . Ifayes. of Hamlet. Ohio. and Miss The" Belle Family" and .. Happy day. on account of the death of Mrs. Ib ~ retierul 10\' HnDlelll til enforce the I' Th· f C. . feli erlll dry al118ndm6nl throllllh th.. • ranees ompson. 0 mcmn!ltl. 011," at School Hall. October 29. Ben Jones, Mrs. Jones died WedVolstead enforCetllllll1 18w. Tb. reo s pent the week·e nd witb Mr. and nesday afternoon and was buried IUIt II the four fed ..,,1 cou rt. 0' Oh io I Ml"s . R G. Cross. Mis8 Jeannette Janney. of WiJ- Friday aftllrnoon. are clolled wltb booliesalul ('&l ei minllton. spent the wcek·end here. aDd man,. or them wIll nOI he hea,d Mr. and Mrs . Jos. Thomas and for month . All tbe flnoB colifIClnrl M K J . In thue re dersl ('ourt@ 110 Into tlte rs. a~~ ohns. of Centervllle~ Mrs. J . C. Hawke is in Columbus. at· federal trpaBllry an d 1I 0ne uf th ~ Ed H , "lI~on. of Kennedy Heljl'htll. tending the Grand Lodge of Ohio mone y romahil In the eLate were gueats of Mr and Mrs. Roy Masons. Durln« the Pilot year the rf'd8r,,1 Hathawuy. last Thursday . courl In Cleveland co ll e( ' t~,1 mor c Ibao ' 380 ,000 from wet "Ioillton. an ll Mr and u~ UJ t:' J ' f " Do not miss the Two Community !the emollnl 10 colleoted In t be fo" r I . ' .... ,, '--"L'-'."._ .enrunas. 0 Plays at Sehool Hall. Friday evening federal courts of Ih. state for t.hal ! Norwood.llnd Mrs. Minnie Smith and October 29. period I Ilp roltim U1AR Ihree quart a" , daughter. Miss Marie. and son. Cur· The sample ballots are here now. a million doll"r"" Tbl. motley all tis. of Lebanon. apent Sunday with Mrs. Lina Devitt attended the Uni- and can be had by calling on J. C. went out or the atale Mr. lind Mrs Roy Hathaway . . versalist Conference at Mason. Sat- Hawke. at Hawke'll garage. or at If Ihe voters RPpro,e th e OhIo 1... urday and Sunday. the store of F. H . Farr. It will be " tbe comlol elpcllon . III Ih e nne. C T. Hawke and daughter. Miss well for voters. men and women to ",\II slay In ' Ill" .1!lte . h"I' &olnll' 10 "'8 It ate and holt to the IOw n or Helen. Miss Mary Hawke. of LebaMrs Mary L . Adams. of Wilming· get one of each of these ballots and township In which the convlctloll I. non , Miss Ethel Hosier and Mr. Ernton. was the week· end guest of Rev . study them. Of course. the national Hecured . est Earnhart spent Sunday with Rev. Cadwallader and family . state and county Hcket will be easy If HOllie Bill 620 I" approved . IOCRI Ben Hawkins and daughter. Miss to vote. as only a cross will be reAfllclals and looal COllrls will get lJu~v Ilnd Ihere will he no 8%cu~e for pOlicp Helen. of Wilmington. Mrs. Jason Sheehan, Mrs. Wm quired at the head of the ticket. but and other ofll cle l ~ 10 Ray they U P. Frame and Howard Burton were the judicial banots are harder. as the .... Ithout Iluthorily to RCt. Arrestl will names are all print·e d without regard Mr. snd Mra. Emmor Baily and Dayton visitors Tuesday b. followed Qulrl" "v by prO ... Olltloll. to Jloliti~al partiel3 , Get a sample Bnd punilhmen t of vlolltora ,.111 b ~ Mr. and Mra. Howell Peirce went to Columbus. Friday. and attended the promPt. Do you know of any reason why ballot. and learn these names tbor· Wltbont tbla la\ And d pnRn"lng on reunion of the o. S U Mr Baily you should not vote"Y ES" on House oughly. federal ofllcen tor pn torcpm81lt. Oh In has the distinction of being one of Bill No. 6201 Neithe r do we. will continue to be th e RCAne of IlIw le ... ne .. 00 the part of thl! old lIQllnr the first pupils of this institution · cro .... d. The fr.de ral 1J0VernmRnt he. . and Mr3. T. MeKean and M..".rs" '"-Ht+lfIr _ not onoullh men tn do errArihe work . Mr. ane! Mrs. C. M. Robitzer. Mr. F8SI!iolter. of Springfield. spent the Ind It II believed Ohio aholl"l ~o h,r and Mrs. J , D, Marlatt. Mr. and ;:-:~I;nd with Floyd McKean alld tllll part In keepln;! her ow n door,..r~ Mrs . Harry Murray . Miss Ve.rna clean . !'alr·mlnded men And ""omen ~.rfl' Weavllr and the Messrs. Chas. Buell You will certainly kee p smiling ... t prohibition ~ holiid II.. .hen n and L. N " Printz Wf!re the guesta of Following is th c Rexall ~ traw vote flltr trial. It can nol I, av~ n f. ', trl.1 Miss Holen Marlatt. of Cincinnati. when YilU hear the "Belle Familv" unle •• there are the rl.ht ~nd of Sunday. and "Happy Day at Schoul Hall. I"ri· up to date enforcement Inw.. A ('onatltllilon lil day night. Octobe r 29. . Male amendment Is not .~11· .1""'1l11", . il Harding ..... ... "... " ... ... ...... ".385.569 Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Sherwood. Mr muet have l8.w e to mlllte It .. allor • •• Mrs Robecca Cox. of Argonia. Cox " " .. " . ........ . ".... : ... "" .... 262.690 Ohio has hed prohibition In hllr COli and Mrs. M. Sherwood motored to KarL, and Mr. Alfred La shley. ot IJ(Uutlon for neBrl:v Iwo y~ .rt , hnt I. Col'umbus Satu rday afternoon ' and Female Laharpe. Kan, are viailinlf William without .. law to enforce It . Harding ......... .. ,. " .... .. ...... .. ,137.093 were tbe ~uests of Mr. F, E. SherMen and women yot era who h'II'v~ and Robert Lal:lhley and Mrs Doan Cox " .. " ... .... . " .. ".... .. ........... 83.477 III the sujlremary of th e low will nnl wood and family : Mr. and Mrs. Brackney. onrlook or forllllt thl R IIttl. h.llnt Morris Sherwood remained there for Electoral Votes when tbe,. 110 10 yote. There b eom· II week'~ visit. Hdlmes Stoops. of Van Wert, Hatding .... •.. ....... .... ·· ··" ·.. ",, .... 1153 plaint In certain conntleo b.ean •• brought Mr. anti MrH " A . Sloops Cox ....... ........... ·····,,· .. ··· · .. ... ..... 178 prohlbitloa I. not a. ell'ectlve .. It Mrs . W . H . Stark. of St. Petera • here. Fridav. where they where they Necessarv to elect" ....... ... ......... 266 • holild be but It .. 111 he tar m,lfe ,., f.otl"e It 01110 Toten appron thl . Mlnll .. was'' in town Tuesday cal1ing will visit. most ~f the winter. with The total vote at Janney's Rexall 11'11' and hundred. of ofllr."lale .n~ on old friends. Mrs. Stark is the Dr. and Mrs. Wttham. drug atore. counted t.hi8 morning. .eore. ot courts ret bus,. hI the work daujl'hter of the late J . A. Roberts at punl.hlnl! boollep:sen and othfO" A. E. Roberts. ('xecutive of the resulted as follows: who Ittempt to DlIl1lfy the dry ImMO· and a neice of the late J W " Robe;ts of America. will be here Male Boy Scout;s one of the founders of the Miami ment. . '!'hll I. the only Ilropogj to h~ Visitor and Miami Gazette. She hall and talk to the Men of Waynesville Hal dIng ....... ........ .. .. . ......... ......... 49 Mr. Cox ...... ,. "" .. ............... ............... 28 voted on by all thl! pooplp of Ihe been in Columbus attending a con- on Friday. November 12tb. It ate. It I! the onl)' .tatewlde hnllot ference of Child Welfare Work in Roberts will speak on "The Men of Female .xcept the three wblch contain the Tomorrow," He ia an entbusiastic ~arding. " ... ....... ........... .. .......... ·23 Minnesota. of which the is adlreetor nRDlU of candidate. for varlon9 of· and she is also on the Republican worker for the Boy Scollts. and thjl Cox ........ .. .................................. 9 neill, • - • " "YP:S" Toto on thll proPoI.1 I, • central committee. While here she Illub will surely hear aomething '!'p(, for law enforceme'lt. . visited t~e old homestead. worth while. The Miami GazeUe. $1.60 a year. -1!o1l~I~.t A4vertlleulent.
- - -..
took it to the middle of th e fi eld , Several times Wilmington w.n t in· side the 40-yard line . They mad e eight first-downs agains the H uosier outfit. Nine forwllrd paSil e.~ Wl' re worked f ,)r a total of 82 yards . a nd Wilmington ran kick-oITM uack 1:10 yards. .. ... Crllne. Wilmingto tl' ~ little ~ peed king, was the olltslalld· inl: s tar of the game. ru nni ng . Ieceiving and making vicious tllckl cs . The Indiana crowd liked Cran e' s work. and was not slow in sendi nl{ up cheer af te r cheer whe n he madl' some of bi s pluc"ky s tellar plays ." Are we proud of o ur young "pardner?" Well.- haven·t we JURt cause to feel p roud? And m!lrk thi!! prediction The boy is just starting. but before he finishes. he will accom· plish great thin gs. not in athl eti c alone . but along scho lastic lind cial lines as well. Go to it. boy!
.• 1
----_ ..
z:: ~
' GHURS~ NOTICEThe druwill~ of seats for this Rea· Lycuum CO llr ~e wi ll take pluce Jo'riday . Octube r at 1:30 p. m .• nt t he TlI wnRhip Hou se. The first nllm· LJ ' I' will he giv en hv S. S Henry and l 'ol1lllany , Ar (i t Magir.ians. on Octo1,.·1' :!Ii. at S(~ h oo l Audi torium . 'fhifl ~ u ur ~e 1I f1\mi R rare t reat for nil. 80 kt liS aet tJuiel<l y unt! ha ve qu r rcs~ r vfl ti lJ lIS mad e . :; Oll ' ~
There will be a De mocratic meeting in the Lebanon Opera Houso. October 29. 1920. at 7: 30 o'cl ock, The speakers will be Parks CatnlJbell. State Senator from Florida. and Mrs. George Turney. of New York.
"______ ._____2-===--- __
Mr,. Lidu Smith !lnd Mi!lS Clara I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hop kins. of Belmont.
' K ey~ " ~" "t '::i ulll' ay ""ith
Mr. anti Mrs. F. B. Honde rson. I Mrs " J . H " Coleman and Mrs. O. L. .roh ihit th n Illl II I"I;;;;:;I ,' Cran e were Day tun visitors Tuesday / nllt! tu 1"0 • 11" afternoon.
:~ .t1~:~~~::~J:r~~··~~I1~~I:~I:i.U \ .IJ~I~~O\u~~'~ ence Huddle are Sp rin g fi eld visitors, olldulII !Jullo t 0 11 "IIPl'o.lil" the dry ' MiHM Huhe rta Hart. of Leuan on, en for ce ment III·t pa . led by the 19KI .. l.. tu ra 1".1 ", luI or" Mnd il elG u~ by Ihe was '. the Su ndllY gUl'~t uf 1\1 r. and ,,·et. rol' a . tMtewl ~ e ,ote. Hor. 1. I Mr~ . Fred Hllwke. the I'eferendulll bllilot :
I' rl n in ded
Whole Number ,5405
Hl\I' tloy L. r\ 0,,081.0. atl\l 08 a t· tOT ney. wh o 18 hot on tlle traft Of th o traitors to clean Am e rIcan bn ~c un ll. Ho is ono or he leading f1l:urcB who ba"" ' ~d In tblJe recont In''e~ t1 J;Il 11011 wblch 118 unIl4rthod thO grealeet ba Boball MCtllHlal In hIstory.
$1 19
The e nte rtainm ent at Miami Theall'l'. I' r ida.v ev r.ning. netted the H. ::i. i\Lhletic Association a tidy 8um~ Af te r a ll ex venses were paid the associll ti oll hat! $67 . which will be exiPe ndell for pllrllplJanalia for the blls" kct ball tellm. rhe entertamment Wll8 fine. and was enjoyed by all. d
Best $1.?S Work Shirt, good Best 50 .and 60c Boys~ and Gir~s' matenal, full cut, only . . . • Stocl<1ng,s, all colors. . . . .. . $1~7 5 Ladies' Full~fashioned Silk Hose, in all colors" regular $2.50 value. . . . . . .
Specialfor ,_ Saturday -Only Hyr"an ·& ,
eO.,~aynesville, O~ ,
uti', ht..; (.
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There." "1 '\ .. 11 1"'11 II"I',HI r/ .. " ilL. .. I f'. ,._ ·I ;.t" IOU' J;Qunro with Y"'U nll, tltll 1 n i ll ', .l!t\IIH! II: I I '~ I II' \\t1Hl d: , h"I'" \\pult! liP f" iI ' ·. to he tnnde n r Ot)) or n o IOIll: f'r, ~flW it tl o l1 IfIl'l' lI\\ hH I' \\ two IltI""~. fl' ll(l W'" Is ti me tor y ou It(lnf8 10 J:€'t !lut U· IIP I' I\' , ",,'I'P 1111 :: Oll t'. · l l t·t' IlI lr..:t of nn1!f'r J point ed, ou r the fellow ~' (1 1111, .' lIlI ' would dl.l "wn~' :lI l d ",h,. \\()ult! ~ lI (' d ' there oln t Ilnother our 0 11 11' hUl\ C' h I ft~ n r:-o o f 111"1'111;"1111., (1 . I t w Hllld 111\ I'll 0 , '£'0 look at. I lJ ~tl r l'lI z.,· n 1111 '(' 11 1I1I l!' IllI' l1 If III ' PHllld L:I ' !Ift l'k 'hout ,rettln' mnrrl~d; II '~ nnl ~ hl'('Hn~(' \ tl ll'r,' 1111 nl"I\+ ' :" 1· 1 l'I'Inf,WI I Hor : I ' ~ " he said It "lus th e< wlll 0' Gnd tll n t 1.1:1111 h .. " II h~I I I I I\' II"oI ttlllT ... hll w It"r ] hnvp. Now rm don p. 1 p !("k '-fl 111\' 111''' h l 1jH I"" ... i!,! " i l ":1.:- (11(' I lllil I" mQlI un' thero nln' t nU lhln' ,'I"" " C'ro I"',,·n. I'd t ou cll with n pair of lonJ:~, f'O ~' n n 11 ,: "lIl dd 111 1' JI II ' II 1'1:llnl\' might 118 we ll Sflye your) "I'nth nnd t'll If 11 l!'11 , lIul ll lI l " ,1 I n 1111 ' II:.: lir. HS 111(1,\' ~et out. I don't want to IlIlk lin)' m ore I I '· ..... t ' l l( I , ' I I t I It, ~I I ' I'" .11 1" I '\ nllt' Hi lt I t o nny ot YOU ," j tlll'n f :ld ••t! :1 \\'IJ~' III I!,I' ' 1:l rl; I1I....... "But. my dear ChIl11-" '1'10.,.,' " •. ,.•• II , 11-" "" , .01:11" . " 1 ~ •. "", tll.' ,1 "Stop thnt! 1'm n o dl'ur rhllll: I'm 1111111 '11 . \\ !tll t! 1I\\O "ut:1 (:1"" " " ltd !'OHt'nl a womnn; an' Ulls pl rrr,' Is rulll ... ""('11 IIp<. '1'10 •. I' ... ." d , •.•· lin d ~"" ',"·,hy CII'n, ' It It is n shack. You g(\t r h:ht I'ut 111"1. tI ll' 1111'1111 '1' ~IIII I :dl. lrll,:, hi" \' 01('0 0' here1 th e whole kit nn' C'n\lO(l ltl e of /IIIIPJIII' III!!. Itl l i l.yJ, 11'111 I." I .. III! 1'1lrj'P'::t\ YOU ," fo!' :-;n li ld h ill l: 1.. ,1111111 1\ ~'I\f IIIII,, ' IIIIH: S -heJbv wnft th p ,Ory: t to joi;lIdt' r"l·th hlo" ( .. ,' " " ,.,t nnd 1'\' , ' 1) " lt ll,' Itt' ('hm!!
pnough," ~ho ~nld ~hl1J"J.\·.
Itn "I'''' P'' l t '':" 111 111 itt' ll"'l'tl 111:-: Inl1l1'klfl~ 'r i ll ,' IlIlI d l ' r' , Il d t ' n"'I' ly l 'Il"' ('111U~ nr II tl , ... I I'P 141 IIII'll IIl1d rllll "" .IY , H UI 1l11'1't..' \\'11" 11 11 "1'1"'1'1111111." , TIt . , 1:11i'1l dld"'ll ~hlll'1d." IIl1d Ow liJ,!lit !o'II't' tIHl(lti dlr('ctly 'IItt} his {lIt't', fnlrly hllntttnl; him , "Oh , f=O It I~ rOll hn,,-'k nL:ul ll?" toll!" f\~l\ ('(' ('ol dly, ""' hu t did ylll1 \\IHlt ?" " .JU!'O t -JllfOO t t o hn"e n wllrd with ~' (1 11 - prh'lItpl~'," tit ! px pl n!ll t'fl Ill Inplr. hllnkln~ hl ~ "l'C'•. "1 _ 1 IhulI):ht 11111." . h e I (·oul .l l\xp lnln." " Etplll i n wh ut?'" "\\· I I~·-'\· l.~· 1.0\\' till .' tl,ll'u_ 1"'I' I, .. n. / "'1. ~1 1~-.: ," II I!' (,,0l1fl1:o::111 11 rplId ,' rpc] 111 m "Imn.t Ill c.,I1Pr~ nl. " Y OII .t'C'. I- I , dllll'l \\:101 ~' (t u to t hink 1'111 Ihut snr l ." " Oh . ro n ' Inn 'I7 \\' e ll. I' m nol thot ~ ()I't. (>1 111/'r, , oll1 e ninlll-! ill , If )'011 \\'nll l I", I'll he ~lr wlint you hnn} t o
!=O'"' '' '
• llPl't:lr ({lit
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"Yn ll ... , '.' 1
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Waynesville, Ohio
IIl1d \\ Ii\ Ill' ,,, ' h'd 11 :-: IH' 11 :,, 1. I y ,.. t 'III~ \\ H!oO :lI'I..'tHllpli~",'t\ ht' :ooit ll t· l licl\'
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lo-t :l ud i ll ;.!: t'Yf'~ Iln .... l1 l ng:
11I :lrry 111t' '';''
"'Veil . tlwH , flll t' p iny
ht't\\' ('\.l n ,
lH' !lI:llly I 'rl't l~'! II I' It ud 11t'\1'1' IlInllellt
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n \ 1\ I 'lU I'I ' In II fl': 1111 1' , lilli' I'"tl nd :l n Jl
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'Randall 'Parr!Jh
(U lll t~ np
Partof,t he'W orld Is YOUr$
h ' ",1(\,1 III '\ (II HuH· '" ,·lllt'till 'l. II,' h !lrl no ..... , • of 11tH Ill!' I fL 1u~ nu I
III~ nsl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gnd I. I. "I I'PI,'h' ,., n'l I IN tu l11t\."" 1'{1 fnr lU,,' IIP'~' "m'rt Int- nun, ... ll1'1nlll.~ I ill h i , fuel ~ .• I' ~h"lh~' ~ell rd l 11,., ' hurp .. nllp (~r 1\ 1,IPle he •. ,tllll"III,: .h,·rl' \\fllI" th., "Ith thl' ,f) IlIIt In I II" huno] t:ltl "",. ·11, I 'll I", ,1-.-,\.1" .'.In~l1ln"', 1 . nr full\' 1t"II'.1 11,\, <lnur Iophln" him . :\tac\ hi ' t\\IIII'(\ r utll'!'ly Jth' llltr \\'n~·. ~ler U,\I~, nl'lh"'~\f'hlll'{' Or" I ,,~{\. ,. \' ~ ln of " If hu lI ln ' n wllth~lt! LOI'll, but I'rl I' IIJl'yno.' nt . oll ly IItl(1<'d In)'I ~ flet'" L'III ' ~III' 1'1t) Ih., o!"II,· t \\ ho Illd 1I1/1I·r)'· IWf', ("' nl\l(' (III , nlr! hlll'k, ,Ih.l l"l' l!'l no Vor th " Url't I I"h' hI' n 'nll)' Innlr II..: . ~"'~ In' t" ' I' f I wUIHJl'r whe·r nnlll'(l or tit r tl. >tll, IInw pl ul nly " WII ~ ~h"lhy \\'''lIt?'' rurnl~ I ..'d: · " ,I III I II hII'. IW" 1'I1IIh·~ .• rh o St tO\' l', (\ til'''" houl, !'( ,Ut n h'l lf, with ":-;Iml"h l tl'I' h-I, 1 h"IH':' I h" Jlu!·
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"I ",k III wh ' ll t h .. PI"':I t'l II ' r r Ill' I nln' l 11 1\ WI 'I'l d IH! \\ illllW , '1' 11111 :,1t1 · I1,\ . 11 1t' t IIt'l ' d ntth pdy I.. ' :1 1.: ., 1':1 rl' ,I f lilt' ... 11 11
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lJtlfg: 1 «l h h',
You D id n't 1"1 Pi ckod Y ouLivOute HBee cause re."
1'I'a lty
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l! 1I lC,kt' fl l'I , b linn, , BII,('k
d id
\"111\\\' . Jlll-:r '
O.lober 2.1 . 1\)20.
1I.!I,Il I " "
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T h e on dt'r>4 l)~ IIt ~ ' 1
"YOll II 1l P!t ' It 1111:.: 111...• p o nr /..:ll t· l.l;fot, H t
,\ II I ! IT ..., r ,tt )oJ IL ~
II ' ~~tl t! i'll' ·I ' rrllll .\·, ""l1 t' O ~ .. u 11 --,\.lutI O Il, "I. tlhJ I ll l' I f'tU it"ll!tt v( 1'\1'1 , ." nit', I'd It Iltlll.: ) ·llll In U " -ti l' ''' ,' l~\' tll ' l ~ l'rnt r, I.. I U till ' Ct \ rlUU (I f 1,1: 11' ,' Il t;! 11 1·0 11t'1I . " , I'hlrtl lLIH.I :"'o tt uL h tllr t."u t "4, IU \\'t1.yne:t . "T h,· r.· :t1I1 " 1I1~1If'." PO~l, ~I\'t ' I.\' , Vl ll t't \ V rl l l t' " l ' u n 1I t,,\. (UH I ) n il " ""h,'n l I~ It \'011 I h ' t' . nn ..·!w\\,? I t h 'I I,"
h I '" '' ... ' 1' "
.I U
, Hf't.{ lnn lf l~ III 1 P I I.. tl ' lj I tlllu wio k( )lrt l lH'r ' \ 'l1t !' r !'4t ' t'. L l:I ' IU1'I . Uamu
Salurday. Ul:lober 23, 192 U
( Tn h I' c'f1 ntln\l f+o{1. )
11 111'· ...
l 'llh lh, S·· !tJ td JU \' r ea l· tn H"l' re Yri.
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I Ollk 1111 ' -
HIt,\' ,\ttl l
"' 0
til L:, ' f tIll t Il' " ,t l1ld 11 111 IT,\' 1111 IlId l :tll ;,
Public Sales
11 11
I n\. loo k. Hi e l:I .. uoltlli".Il I. lind t ·h "r.tBI., wlll'o b b.'·
Tltl' Miami l:u:t.l'tl e . $ 1. 5lla )'E'n r . 1 1I 1l~ t' d III " .. III L .I .Ii .. l. PrAtt. de· OUUl!uoI . ...; .... \)111 0 t nr , ltl.l't l,'ulolrp.
~~~~--~....:...-----~-------~~~------- ----. -------------
~ MITH ,
IV. N•.Sllllr~, Auo t.
U uv lo g ",,1[1 "' )" Illfln , 1 \\111 I<ulI u t tJ'nrH'c A lH.· lltl H , C11 lit \' Il,,. id HflC' "
'he EII~t . • ,(\ ...t '1'111 rtl u" •. 111 ,'. Uhi". (Ill
I- ~ree',
w ,,~
TuesJay. Octob.:r 26, 192U Rel( iulliu Jo( ttL I U O·olo .C k. III Il foll ow. ing pr up ur'v : 1 1:111 ' •• ·• ti 1:.. l ll ... 1rnllle lll l'1l 18. H II rIl P~8,l· I" Y .. r Ij Ity .elt'. "'ee bl\ls fn r furth"r lJ~ r •.il'u "'n I I'lRAE I. tiA ['J'EH'I'ItWAI1'E, W . N. tiUII T'", Auc ~.
will ~~ I I lit l'ulJlw Au oilo n "L my r .. "ul OIJOO hI) t h u U~lu ,·bl~ " f 'll ltl , :l I .. d ,,~ IfO Ul Wuvn t: ijvl lI(j unci :I llIi"'"
frlllu l:Iarvcy"~nrl!. 0 11
Wednesday, (ktobcr 27, 1920 ,,1. 10 : 3U o'oillol. th .· fo) .
llruperty: II Hnn .. " . 7 (Ja l,. tip, I:I "~~. Impl. 1II ~ 1I1~ . I-IllY, Corp
,,) willl,!
nnd Honsl'l\ ,,11 ll · ...(' _
llAVII) \\'I!;NNI!:It
C!as sUled Ads An Hd .
Dollar Day
I, M. A. ]all}eson, Mayor of the City of Lebanon, Ohio, by virtue of the power vested in me do hereby procl: tim Monday' October 25th, Q holiday in Lebanon, allowing :111 places of business to keep open house between the hour~ of S a. m. and 9 p. m. For reasons of a Dolla.r Day Sale to be held on that day by all m erchants . Signed , M. A , JAMESON, Mayor.
SUEMENING & SEIKER-Dry Goods. IVINS·JAMESON--[)rugs. KILPATRICK·FRENCH MOTOR CAR CO.Automobiles. o. H. CHENOWETH.-- United Cil'ar Store. LEBANON NATIONAL BANK. THE BOOK SHOP- Stationery, Book SUPllliel. E. B. KEHOE--Shoes. HAPPY MELOY-Dryr!eaning. GHAND THEATER-Movin&' Picture,.
Ii 1,0 10
years. 'r e rr ell &. T Brtt'lI . Haul 11:". t·ate Bnd 1,0anH. ·\vilwlnllt on . Ohio , Phone 301. ml~ H
LORn ed on live tHook. MONEY ohattels. 8tlCood mortgal!el1 . RIM')
N .l t~8
bonll'ht . .J nhn 8.ltbinl'. AileD Building, Xenl ... Oblo. 6.~ . 21
Docs 110t mean lhat e ver ylhin g that will be a lTered for sale call he bought f()J' one dollar. Many of th e lIlC'rChallls lI'ill s<'ll two doll a rs ' worth fo r o'ne doll ar. !lIan)' other l\Iercha lil s will make redu ctions of one do llar on every ::tr ti c1c yo u 1m)'. Don ' l miss thi s o pportunity to be in Lebanon - Come assured th a t your d ollars will do double duty
HtlmpMblre !tble !;htlep, we igh t. 1 275 S yeorM old A an Ih~"
HANCOCK BROS.- Hcst a arant. MISS HAIWIN-AliIItIl H. WARWI CI(8-Groc<'r i'$ .
J. LAW & SON-Aulum<lhilcs. FRANK LUDLUM -llclica l ~88 cn. SHIMI'-Mlm's and B:J}''; ' Clothing. PURE FOOD GIWCEH - (; .. uceriell. BROWN & BUOWM- Miil illcrs. WARltEN CO. BAl'TElt Y CO.- Stur. Buttercs. M.IS. SNYDER- Novelties.
April Mille Our o(1 Pig, well(bt 20U Ib~. G 1£. Riley, piloue H 6. W .. y . ne~villll, Ohio. ull
with hole 1 ItBig00\ torn!:low. out Weigbt, 350 IbM.
Dollar Day
10 lIal'
Heward. A B I:lbaner. H, D 2. WayoesvtlJe. Oblo. 03
Following is an Authorized List of Lebanon Merchants Who Are Pledged fo Offer Speclll[ Bargains Dollar Day. Monday, October 2.5th M. B. HYMAN-Clothing. Men 's FurnishinICs. s. FRED CO.-Warren Co's Largest Dept. SlurI'. M. KORLHAGEN- Jcwelry. BLAIR'S HARDWARE STORE- Hardware. LINGO HARDWARE STORE--:Hardware. KAUFFMAN '8-Dry Goods, H'd", e, Furnishings F, 1'. CAREY-JeweJry. VARIETY STORE- Home of 1\1 us ic. REID'S-DruIo\'8. HOLZLlN'S-Shoe Store. Shoes.
,I ~ ur e
l'\' L(J N ON M ONEY at 11,% IDtAr e_t t or
Your sister, your brother, your father, all your cO'usins and you,r great-great~grandfath e'r wil l be there, beca use no tilne, . no \vhere were such bargalns ever offered as Will he found In Lebanon on Do llar OHY. From n eedles to thrashing machines will be offered at prices neve r before heard of. Pract ically every merchant in Leban on, from the smallest to the largest is co·operalin g in this great economy drive, to help bring down the high cost of Ii v ingpresent day shoppers a ppreciate this-and bearin g this in mind- they ma y he expected toftock to Lebanon in great numbers on
C,.lU llI ll i"
A Day of Glad Surprises When You Discover the I creased P urchasing Value of the 1924[) Dollar. EVERYTHING
\II lh i~
DELCO· LI GHT. LEBANON LUMB EI{ CO. -- J,omher. TA NNE R'S GllOCEHr - Grnccric8. TUFTS & SPARKS - Garage, FRED O. .JAl\mS - Meata. FM;HlO~ SIIOPPE - Lndics' Itt-ady to Wenr. llEUN AIW BATTEH\, STATION - -Storag41 Batteries. . WILLIAMS - Music. J . A. SC HILLI NG · Groceries.
l'ED-Orelll4 makIng Il n d W AN Vblldroo's sewing. tnqulre of Mre. Lell .. Hmlth. Lytle, Ohio. 020
J'ORSALE Wllg () U. AIIIO toOl~e ~lIreftderll-NI"O()
A BSOoud.hllnd Dew Manure
andObio-ut good prloes. LnybourD6 & MClKeau. Wayncs {llIe, Ohio. oS
Boon!' Kitchen Ct1blnet. gllod A new lnqulreofMflry,F Route 1. Spring Valley, Oblo. n3 5 Pulunrl . Uhlna !'Igs, welKltt '1'0 prioe f ull on
;,.-- _ _ _ _ _ _....
O. On. IIo ,.
Bl~Ok Sow. weight L o.·22fi'I'-,,1)llIldll . FllIdnr
n b" ot
plt'o ~ (\ o~H W .. yue",v llle . (l~7
G oo, 1>r1vlDg llor8fl,., Bugg~· ".ut BRr r.e,,~ Will ieH.ohtla", If 10111 rt gbt h wily . l uquire ot.· Clure.nOIl SUlilb, I... v~l e; I)hiu. 020
1.or ~brol18blrB Book· Lamb. 11lqull'o Dn!., ~- orn.. , 11. D. oi, W..y.
neev! lie. Oh1o '
• o2()
ICAR~!.-()I!\)I06 ' K'11~r Peara. Iii.
P Qalre C'f J . C till Wk.", phone 'Ii .. Wa1beevUle, Obiu. . ~ 1)20 .~. '
•... T HE M IA MI IS~\ lI": 11
G A'Z E T T E ••••
I •
Price, $1.50 per year
. lIe l. lI Adu ~' 1 t 1111.1 " ,,= H,· I" .....·III " t l\ , I I I:'",. ,\ M 1.1<lt Al'. fJ H'':':l '' f\ "'''i)( .\ 110';
O CTOI~ Jo.[t ~O.
FtJ r I'reiHlelJt II'AHIIE N U . I.I A HIlIN Ci
Fur \'ku · Pre8Hlolit ()A L\' I ~ CuuLlUUJ,; Fu r t;O\UrDt1r
H.\lutY L. DA\' IS "' 0 ' L!uUtClllult Uo \'cr llur (JLAIlK:-IC~
1I 11UW N
Fur ~ocrula r)' uf RIM' " II A 11\' I'. Y C. S MI '1 1l
l"or ,\ udltor fir Rt.' 1J Ju s I·a' u '1' . 'I' HA CY Fur '1' .'cl\l urur of :i lllt f' H U lle) Lt' 11 \V . " " l'll 1:: 11 .... ur Atluruc)' v uucrtl.l JOll l'i ll. I'RICE
J70 r Un lt.ed
StMeK ~OllaLCJ r
I'RAl'it{ U.
\\' 1t . L I ~
For ltu l .refloll l uLl,,'H 1.0 Coll j..t rcu
Fur Stute 8 .II. to r HULA.'1l> 1> . D.\\' 18 .rur H~.,r6AOnl .. tl\!c to ti cuor a.1 .\ tl8tI llll lly J l ' !!IT I N II'. It A l<»l.~', For Ulerk II ' e tHl rt.
F . J . LK WI S ...... elr Kllorllf MUlll<UIV Ult Al'i'l'
Por County
t'O I I111 1i"SluIICMI
I,. UI' N I U . ~ 'A lii. J . MI LLE lt
tlA ~1
na, ing., Lowe red Vitality, Need !\tore n ed Blood. Ta k e
M r ~.
--- ---- - -
M( B Hanollh Lewi~, wbo is ~ .! "RANI< U. !ll'lJt(& S ytlar /i of U~", r flg .Mte r ed iu V"y ton For 'I'rtnum rcr SlIl u rday, 1l1ll1 WIll vutu fo r Bl1 rdln " ' 1 la' Y MAlt l. ATT ~' ri"uLi ~ Il...,e ure SO rr y t o learn of : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :, lo"nr. (;u lIul y He 4.- ord cr ALI. E;>; UUFnIA:-i thft rloatb IIf Rev. K W . Cnmphell. whu dl ud lit tile b OWl! of b la d u ugh . •• Fur Cou nt y un'eyor t.." Mfa. M"ud Y " ~~Al. lit !:;out b "; .1 ilL J . S I'K~ C lin Cbllr l.. " lon , 16st 'l'bu n dli Y m uro in j(. Y o r l 'rolt'C UUII~ A u oruey I'. M . ('l' N:-I I :-I O lJ AAI Mrs. Mary Ca r m ony e ntert a in ed Fur C.-rouor to <llnn pr, Sntu rday, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11 .11:. llIL,\T l.Sn J obn N lohols. ()f tSh UTtIS. II'la .. Mr . In good mecha nical conIID(l Mrs )o;d Bll bl I\ nC! &.irIS . Id a Cos KItP UUJ. I CAN Jl' UI ' I A t. TI ' I(E 'I' dition, ten bo rder, of lIa.v ton , Mr. uDd Mrs. For elil r J u~ tI ·~ or ::Jupr. me ~o ur L P" rr y Kenrlo k " DC! dll ogbte r , Be rt h .. C. T. AI . \I(~lI ,\l.L OJ r Waynes ville. Fur J ui.l J,:o 01 lillpr' "llItI COUll, (luuK ll'rm \ Mrs . C<>rB Olu k WBS t "kon q uit e ( ~\\I, l u ICl' t ) In good shape, over· III wh ile Mbo ppio l! In OIl.V I.on I"s t 'I' U ulIAS A . J" ;>;~ ~ ISh WIIS taken t o t h e omoll weel: uled by factory, ha ElIWAHlI S . )1 I'l"l 111.\:1 Df Ur. West nnd , b e D t.o Mlllmi Va l· ForSJ udgu at SUIIN.:IIIU Cu urt Ifih ort. term) I.. , h o ~ p l t"l , wh e re she r enminfld These trac tors ha ve been lI J,;~dUN W. UUL' U II .oyer ,,1 dl1Ys bet ore bpi ug au Ie t o be taken in trade on larger ~'or Jutlgo 01 CI,. (Jourt ul .~p"". I . hr oug h t h om e . Rbe is Impr o ving IlunElt'f 'I.. Ul' ' UWALTEH outfits, and .::an be purij lowly. "'ur P roba. e l.Jourt chased at less than half W. 'I.. HULL Mr , and Mrs . C. B. Ln munttt'nded price. II birl h lil1Y I nr prlse for Mr. E R . Rrtndo lp b , nt his h om o In OilY ton, ~ Suudh v
F or S a Ie..
Avery 8-16 Tractor
I. H.' C. 10-20 Tractor
P-----------.. . . .
.. - ...- - NEW BURLINGTON ---
Everett Early -DEALER IN-
F lour, Fepd, Coal, Sa lt, Tile, Posts, Wa ter Fount a ins and Self·Feeders. -SHIPP ER OF-
S h.p. Stationary Engine Practically new.
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Ml's. 'l' nw<> r C. Haydook 'RaB a s lI th rer f rolll quinllY, lall\ week. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO i'be Y . P . H, lind CIa •• II of 'be M 1\; . IS r>, ' " olle r ad Cbae Vander. '-------------~ v<>r t '" s urprise, ~~ rldIlY IIVt!Olng. 'J'lI tJ tw o 100lure8 dt' live red bert. by Ur F ltzpd r io h, 0 1 R iobwund , 01(. HAl'l:lA W A" lnd " wur e h lKbly up\Jrl'oi", ted , Mr . IIOU Mrtl S ilO JIlY, of Nfl w AI· Wa ynod vllle 's Le",dlu¥ Oen'I.~ i> bn y , wel'e cu th ill{ un IrleOd!! be re , Office 10 H uln es Rld l( M.. in I-It tr ht .. v· IJ . D. ~Ilu rs Iwd 8 uIJday Moh ool 011188 V l ~ ltoli tile CJlnoi nnati Zuo, t:!n t. urUIl Y, , A vOl iug llollou.I will be holllio Lhe Anut! x , Wed nesl1llY evenlog. Speak. Auctioneer ers WIll bt- preseot f r om Ureen and CHo too oountle •. Centerville, Ohio T he Prlwa ry oiull of 'he Friends Give me yo ur sal t!, I can do your Sunday ijobool wall pluMnt ly eo. work reasona bl e and g uarantee to tertalne<1 "' t be bome of the t eaohe r, ~ ati8fy you . oa\urday lifteroooll
Hay , Straw a nd Feed. Feed Grinding a Specialty.
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, ring"J
.......................... E)~ ES ... Examined Correctly~ ..
Glasses Fitted A'r MODE lt l\ TE PI{ICES j
TIFFANY'S Optical DCllartment Xe nia. Ohio Open evenings by a ppointment
S. Detroit St.
Forest T. Martin
Catarrh Cannot be Cured wit h l.OCAL APPLI CATIONS a . they cnn nol r each t he sent of th e dis oase. Cu(n .... h 18 n 10CI\I IW.ea8e, c reaUy In· rlll ~ n cct! by co nstitutional condilion •. unt! In onlor to cure It, you muot take
VeterinarY Grad u ate
Obl(t Slat.
UnlverMi ' ~
A. MAFFIT Ii'll neral Dirfctor 'and Embalmer,
VETERINARIAN HaTveysburg !J(ldge, K . of P ., eo Waynesville. Ohio. te r tllinod the slBter 10(1ges t h r no.g b. out Wtir r po onDty on Ootober 14, . Va ccination a Specialty, Noth. OFf l E. And mombers Wllre preseDt from FuurLh :iLr el!l, nca r Tyle r Eit he r Auto o r Horse d rawn service. Ing but Reliable Serunt used . X enin, Batll vi ll, G ermao. No extra charge fo r a u t.o Hrvie•. Whep You Feel O ut of Sorts li nd (;01Ilmbu8, Telepho n e 93 tow n, Ky, La'Olaia , K y ., Maeon, 1:!tlth phones in Office and Reeiclence 44 HarveYSburg, O . See Things wi t h. Dull Eye !:';ollth Lebaoon. Morrow, Lebau on , L.Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....:: ' Way n esv ille. O hio , No. U. Springboro Ilud Wuy n el!vllle B~o . Geo rge L. Behreos, Pili' Gr ti Dd LOOK TO Y O UR BLOOD Cb anoellor wa l IlreleDt a Dd d eliv.
P epto· Ma n ll'a n F rnllk Ro~ e r8 MIJeut 'l'hur~duy In CilJolull ll tl. 80 m a ny PHOIlII' s pe nd weok ufte r MiMH LeoDII MoUiDui8 WIl8 a Oil Y wee k fee llo g dow n 110,1 ou t. Tbey t ou v1 81l0lr, t:!at urd uv. nover ~top to tlli nk t hnt sOUlotLiug i'I\I\ Ll1lllo~ ' Aid hlid a u .>l I.duy ' rea ll y I. t he maU er . They 8/1 t is f y iJulltlnl(. Tbu rsd AV. "t the bU'lle or t h en lsslvos by eUy ln K, "Oh, I 'w n ot M.. . . ~;h,.I1Letb Foul k ~ . siok . I'll 00 a 1\ r llC b t tomurr uw." M . ~. C harl e ~ WI II ~ of Sprin gbor o, An u tomo rrow oomes ,,!Cain and uo,l Mr8 CbllTIl'H (;IIli~e r , .o f Lin noln, U" llln. btU l they feei d e pressell"nd NI ' I .. visit lid wUll MrH '~lI l t(\r K en . ' It, n ~u I Il, ~ollroe l y nble ' 0 ge t Il r ound TI ck n nll fU Il •• iy, Wtld ncsul1 Y li nd It yo u do n 't feel li ke yourself, you l'hu r.(I, y . . IIr H not yo u rselF Jr y on are we" k Wlll ter ('llI r k a n d f/HUll y . Mr a nd li nd pa le. your hl ood needs str eng' b . enin g . You s bonl d kn ow ahont Mr ~. HlIlph LewiR and POD, i..flslie , Pept<>.M8ngan, tlill t flllJlou ~ b lood 111111 Mr. IImi Mrs . Wlll te r .lIlnney wore Im lprtuio e(1 10 :-louda y di nn e r lOOIO. 1>hY8ioill n 9 reoommeod it " od lIt I ht! IlUlIlI) ul' Mrs ( 'lli r" Lew is, in pr<lHo rlbtl It boollu .. " it- oo nt'lIiu9 j n~t th e lngrud ie n tH n eeded t o rn ulre red I UII .vtlOn . bloou . h r ene ws you r e uerl!Y , pul M MI R. Mllrlhn W .. t,kl ns. of \Je nter . y<> u w h ore yuu o ug lt' to be. Begin I YIII". \' 11<tt.ed wltb M r ~. MIlUlda Em . wi th it today. Uel l b t! tlll.lets if , riCK, Suuduy. t bey will be UJort! oonv ~ ui ellt 10 tu ke MI' S Hnll I:H ou l.e n berger r etu rned t ban the liqu id. Uot h hHye tb e Slimt) t,o hllr h OlU e ill Be ll br ook, tSl1nd uy , Illed lci nll l propertiop . But he sure ' lifttll ~ p'Hl oi itlg u cu ovle of weekF YO Il get 1,lle gO llulue P"pto. Mnn gan . , willi II< r brutber , ' ;. I:! Lumb 11I1d Ask tor '·(jUdO 'H" uml 1111 sure tht! rull li li me, "UudtJ ' Il P6\1tO. MU Il ~II IJ , " I wit" . i8 o n th e pAckHge.-AdvlJrlisPuHmt M, .. l.~onn Mc(;li llll i~ In viteH yon t o b /i"II " wf1'B Il fo n lllrt"in m en i ul ~~ lj i,ot I, ~r"IO lJ l , '1'b u r ~ d llY tJYening , Uo tubo r ~H Cause for Ad miration. ~ ! J1(l rf', r " It.nll,,,,· ',lo,'rl"r! nn ~ I dp r· I Mr. liDO t1rs. S . B . Huin es lwd ilion ,J II 1111'9, nnll Mr. an ti Mu . Wul t, lr Iy I nol~lllJ! 11111 " w ittl n J!f' II ,\ ' lJ"n r rl. Ktlurlok wore HUtHtny (Uu uer g u e ~t .. Whpil ~ t Jlt1r" l l's 111111 1 o"k(,.1 h,'r If Bhe (,f M r~. l tlll Ch rl "t op ll llr, a t t:'p rln ~ . HIII'.1 hl' r ""W rutll f' r. ~ lt t' ~1l1 r1. "Oil , ,'f'r), lItud>. heo'Oll"C he looks like Sn ll· th) r o. Mr nnd
I ~--------------~D . r.J. A. McCoy,
D . L. q~ AN E, Edito r arid I ' ·hli , I'el. WU) nc ~" iJ1e, ~lJbs criDtion
DR. J. W . MILLER . ••• DENTIST •••
intOI'no l re m edy. HaU·. Cata.rrh Onlce In ) l odt('lnc t tl ta ke n Int e rnally and actl ~a'lon.1 bank Ol"e.
I U1
Wayne", lIIe, ( ; tllr ll the blood on tho mucOUS aurtac •• of lhe Byslem. Hull's Catarrh Medl· cIne wns pl'escrl be(\ by one the beat PllY" - . - . lela" 8 In t ill. co untry tor year.. U is cum,)o!H.· d or Bo m e of th e be . ~ E• V. " BAIlNHART lonlc8 know n, combIned with . ome ot ' • Lt.c bo.t blood puri fier.. Tho perfeot cOlnbl ,llll lon of In ~ r . dl . nt. In Hall's Notary Public Culnr"h Medlclno \8 What produces bu c h wODdor fu t r esultll tn catarrhal cond itIon. . Send for toatlmonlal8, tree. VV IIJ~ F. J . CI:IENJoJ Y & CO" Props .. Toledo. O. All kInds of N(ltar y Wnrk All Dt·uggls ts. 76c. d D d ., I It an P I! ~ " ,.,pen a V· Hall'. Family PHIll tor ooDatlp&t1oD,
t o U8 glad t ldingll, and by ' wb we will be f~r ea'ly benefitted . Sh e rllf Waggooer, Judge Willard WrlJo(ht a nd sevel a l o th an Rave us ! words of eooou rllgem en k 'fhell\8t bu t n o' t be loosi, WIIS the ba n quet plnced IJefore u ~ by th e p , t b la n t:li~te r ~ of t b ls vi()iDlty . A vOle ot thu o k8 W ll 8 ton dere d t h em by th e (iitYerent ImlKeH f nr tho repns l" 1'0 well prep/Ired Bud 80 graoio usly lerved.
W . P MOCarreu i~ Improving h is hu i Icllng8 wit h pilln', wh ich Is a Kreut Impr ovemellt to our t own . I'f ho w\Ji be the n,e x t ? Mrs . Amos E lli!! I. a88lstan t oen ~rll l oomml tteeman for tbis preclno t - a ve r y good o boloe. i! H. Broob Is ooo templa ting , bu iftho Jo( A t Ollr.@ tory oemeD t build. I 1{1 ~ w i ~ h ele vator, upper rooms to be ooou Jli ed fo r lodge purposes , olu b rooms nud oUi ~el . h will be built in tb e m ost m odern ~ty l e a n(1 who n oo mpl eted It will be usefn l tlnd II t h ing of beA u 'y. Only II few mo r A dAYS nnt il we wi ll be olliciall y n ol ified of Hud. iog's e leotlo o , lIl r . an d Mrs . Deibold, of Mor row . we ro ·in tlnr olty 0 11 !:lM,u rdllY, ViH\t,. iog f riAnLlsll nd trallsaotlng bU8ineH . Mr. and M r ~ Val CmH, 0 1 Tip ton. Io.tl ., wore AUfI@ t s of Mr. Crnft's SiR te r , Mr •. W A. Me rritt, u l ~o Mr~ EIIlUlIl Cline a nd 80n , Mot, of Duy. : ton . Dr . W , I!;. FroBt. o nr b URtllng vet. erina r v scrgaoo. re ports fJ u ittl a IUI' I slokness lilllOOg IItook MI'~. lr1n R owe e nt.e r tn ln ed li t 1'1 11 0. dllY dinne r , r elllti ves fr oUl o nt ot ! t o wn . I ~I r. !l nd Mrs . Uell r ge Hu rri s hod as Ih nir I( UII. ts on I:!cndfl Y, Mr . lin d M r~ . ~' r a d H"ge r m eyer aud ftHll lly . Hon. lIud Mrs AI Ku nYlln, of Leb' a n OD, rtl ut of(,d t hr o ug h our to wn o n l SUllduy iu their beau tiful ne w Pl e roe. Arro w. M r ~ . Katll How lan d a nd dau ght e r, LyLli .. , of P rt Ot; diU, wer e t;unday g uellt8 of re l,,!l vee. I R epor t- b llv"" been made In tbls l ViOl Dlt y of pilfe rin g by some of Mus sie 'fow nehlp's oitllze na Pumpkln M and dllIe r ent tbio ~:8 OAn be u sed for \ feed or to sto p leuky roofs, or tha t aan be Rold, a re bei n g oon fiscMo d T h e guil t y on es tt.r e b elog watoheD , li nd .80 expoRurll will surprise the m. A word to t be wise s h ould be Buffi. cient Miss Peul Cline, formerly of t bi a to wn. Oll t r eoe utly of Day t on , was married to Mr. Alphonso MuUAr, on Thureday, Ootobt'r l!l. We ex tend to t h em o ur best wilih es. Born- '1'o Mr. and Mrll , Adam Cllmpbell, on I::)ullday morning, a nine' lloond g irl. I Mr and Mn . W. W . Weloh lind Mr . Ilnd Mrs. E. B. Daltlo lpent liun. dllY with Mr, and Mre, F, E. MUll, near Olive Branob. Mr, aod Mn. R. W. Kaylor enter. lalned on 8undalr. I4r. Kaylor'lI br )ther and family. of Ben.foDaatn. Mr . anlt Mri . !t'rllnk Barkook eo. t ertalned for 8 unda,. dinnllr,. Mr. Warreo Cleaver , o f Detr oit, Mloh " Mr . and Mrs . 1. A. Hartsook , of D.. y t on , Mr 'and Mrll. Itosl BArt. ~oo k . Mr. lind Mn. Von Har~sooll , Mr nnd Mr8, G eur,gu W. O(lvIS, Mr a nd Mrs , I roest M",nnoo , Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. D"vls. Mr. anel Mrs. Jo ~ , W. Davl8, Mr . Ilnd Mrs , Wm. Lnken! nnd Miss Gi reen. Mr. I, N. Miller bad tor 'bls oom. pllny 00 8unday, :hll ohlldren Bnd !!r"ndoh l)dren. oeloel and nephew., oo uelns and .. until. aod mliny other frien ds. Mr Rnd Mra . G·llbert Weloh, of Fo rt Dod ge. Io wa, notltled graud f .. tber and gr"Ddn~o'ber Weloh of t be a rnvQ ! of 14 7Y.,POUlld girl, Ooto. ber 17. Mrp, Linooln Bundrlok, of Day. ton. Will tb o gueet of ber s I8~er,Mr8 . Amos Elltl, last wee k . Seve ral of ths mem bers of Bar. veYllborg K . of P . l od ~ e were pres. en t l:t Cro wn lodgr, of Wtt.ynesv11le. Wednesda y nlgbt. MI', nnd Mrs . 1 A. Bartsook, of Dlly t on . were @' O'\'stA of their aun ts, !:lusl1n nnd Emma Wb et~e l , on /:lat. urdllY . Mr . and Mr H, Wlllllrd Martin, ot Dny t on, wer e 8tlnctay g uests of Mr . ond Mr • . Ira F . Syfe rd . Ueorge M. Ed ward" i. btlllY reo modelIng 1\ dWt!lIi ng iD Yell ow tSprlngs for his 00u8in, Mrs , Carter, Mr. aod Mrs. Wilbur Shidllker and tlaugbtflr, Mary, of Wilmington. were ::l nnday gtlelt,e of Mrs I:lbld. a k e r'8 parents, Mr . a nd Mrs . P . B. Clell ver. O"nlel U nderwoo 1'II apple or· obard Is attrlloting tbe .tteot.l oo of a grAat mllny people. Hundreds of a.ut omobilea oome away ~eavlly laden wltb the fine st of fruit., Mr. NIl'han Baney lalll remains 'quite daugerously III
Harding and Coolidge AND
Good Government
. ...- - Read Gazette's
CIQS~ified Ads
Wayne.vllle, Phlo , Fully Equipped for Good ....
. Service.
TO THE AMERICAN VOTER : Are you satiafied, even content, with existing conditions of life? Of course you a re not. You are burd ened with taxation and the high cost of livin,. F or everything entering into your daily life you arc payin, an abnormal price--an unprecedented price. Why? Largely, if not altogether, because of the extravagance of ,overnment at Washington---hecause of padded payrolls- becaule of colollal waste following the war- because of loosenell, laxity, inefficiency and incompetency in handling the country's affairs. You are paying the billl for all this - you, Americanl, men and women, who make up the good citizenlhip of this nation. You are paying, and paying dearly, for all this. Your Liberty Bondi -thOle I. 0, U'I of Uncle Sam-in which you invested ao proudly, ao. gen~rous ly, so patriotically, to help win the war, are today below par. You made sacrifices, .ome of you, mOlt of you, to buy them, and now, with the war long over, but with peace not Jet fully established, you mUlt make further sacrifice., if compelled to lell thole Liberty BondI, in order to meet the abnormal conditiona confrontinl you and entering into your daily life at every t~rn. Think of the tragic climax thus put upon your patriotilm! WAR MEANS WASTE, WAR IS WASTE.
SHOULD HAVE ENDED WITH THE ENDING OF WAR. It did Dot end then-it h.. not ended. It ha, gone on prodi,ally-abamefully. And you, long-.uffering American citizens, are payine the bill-payin, ia taxel and high ·cost of living the price of it aiL I. it not time to call a halt-high time? A Republican Conlresl curtailed governmental edravalance to the extent of TWO BILLIONS or more-reduced the department eltimate. to that extent in Ipite of tbe resistance and ob.truction of the WillOD Adminiltration. Think of that! But that was jUlt the begiiming of retrenchment and reform which cannot be effected fully until the Exec:utin and Legislative department~ of the government are working toaether ef~ ficiently and in unison to bring ahout retrenchment and reform. And thil means A COMPLETE CHANGE AT WASHINGTON-the aubltitutioD of efficiency for inefficiency, capacity for incapacity, all .Ionl the IiDe. Then, and then only, will you be relieved of the burdenl you are c:aJ'o rying today. You are bearing talk about America'i duty to the world. Much of it ia intended solely for campaign purpos~ and il a. full of deception .. the cry, "He kept ua out of war," the Democratic .Io,an of 1916, when the Administration at Washington knew full well that no power under Heaven could keep us out of war, and that, in fact, at the very moment, when an election was beinl( 8cantily won by faUe pretence., the Nation wa. even then virtually at war. America do her duty to the world I When, pray, did America ever fail to do her duty-her full dutyIn any cri.i. or contingency affecting mankind? Never! And America can be counted upon as con6dently in the future al Ihe haa been counted upon in the past. AMERICA IS A DUTY DOING NATION. Any lunation to the contrary-whatever the individual view aa to the adjuatment of world .ffaira, whether through a League of Nationl or not-il an affront to every true American and mUlt be dealt with al luch. The Republican Party pledgel you Good Government. It pled,c. to you efficiency, economy, courage and the aquare deal: It pled ,e. you an American government-the lort of government that a lona and ilIultriOUI line of Republican Prelidents have given thi. Republic. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN THE RESULT TO KEEP YOU FROM THE POLLS
Do your duty a. a citizen-an alert, wide-awake, American citizenJUlt al AJDerica hal ever done and will continue to do her full ~uty a. 'a nation, and thu. will you help to put your Uncle Sam'a houle in order. Vote·for HARDING and COOLIDGE and a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS o~ November 2, and all win be made welL HARDING and COOLIDGE MEAN GOOD GOVERNMENT. And GOOD .GOVERNMENl' il wJs&t we all neeci ad mUlt :bave.
" . ,Luge Display Room Tm.II'BONI: 7
DAT OR NIOB1 -1'IIIIIII:alAdIWtfC.-Mt'_ _ '-
TIl .Last and Only Time to
~ VICTORY Da' y t ' on' 31 . : ~~~TSOct T.HEATER
~ Return of the Perennial Favorite, . . ~
<~ l~~chanl i~
LI~'e Pro"perly Today.
Ili llY h, ' l'r\'~~'n t Ih'nr Iht' III Hlr 'I ( n rni) m In wlll r h rh,... n(lor o f Jr.!'n '0:111 hlt'
sCIlrre ly
1l011 (',' nhh l
I hlr~o u
pt .. n/Hncr
H(\ n o l lI uxtHUfl nbcm t t01U ll r r() W .
Rhhard Walton Tully's Play of a Woman's Soul A h rilli a nt cast o f players, including Florence Roc kwell anti the Singing H a waiialls .. .. Ne w aud \ I a ss ive Produc tion Revealing the Iknllties of the Hawa iian Islands
f O t ldn~ l'i w lil r h R IH1 ('oul,t nu t un <1f'r·
rnrwn rr'
II\' !oi !l" IIl ':
"""!!~~~~~~~~......~_ _ be he ld Fri lh,y .," ening . Oelult" r ~2 . ========================~
.r------______--: 1~J:~Ll. ;:c
III t h<' ir I('mple:
Thcn' will bt! 1\ fur tlH' M M d eJ.!rel' . a f· t e r wh ic h IUlidl will be sen l" \. SO· J" \l I'l1I I1 ~ IJ rpt hr"l\ and VI ~rl ll r S are ,'urdia ily IH.l t·l,m • I
t \ I~~;~~e~r~~~::
- For~
i Economy I Satisfaction and Service I
R< d l )lI
I Ull
11 :11'1.
:" '1 II
II~ t ll
ZIMMERMAN'S New Mot hPrs Oats, pkll .... .... 15c New Aunt Jemima P. C. Flo ur, pkg ..................... .. 18c e w Aunt Jemima B. W. Flour. pkg ... ...... ...... ..... .. ·18c Pat·a· Cake Flour. pkg ......... 3Oc Fancv Rio Flour, pounrl .... .... 25.: Steel·cu t Coffee. pound ... ... .. 25c Big 4-lb sack Salt ...... .. ....... 1Oc Post Toasties. 2 pkgs f or .... .. 25c Walrus Salmon. 3 cans .. .... .. · $1 Avondale Country Gent Corn ver clln ...... .... .. ... .... .. ...... Hic Plenty of MaRo n Jars and Tin Cans this week .
: h :e Lights. n \\ I li lt.
III ...:!! I ..
r ltigil l:--
1.1 I"t III
I t·d
lid. ,·""
" nn
11I111' f'.
I Ju t
tJhi n -'.
Try the "Service
Garage " at
Lytle, Ohio,
A. E.WHITE, Prop.
I t Mak e. H ,:-;-;e l B ig . Th C'- \\ Hrd "ti l l t'~' H· PUI III tllI~ mo rrln gt' l "'r" lIl nn~' 1111'rl 'l s til rIal ho I' the growli . ~~nl l "H "' .( "I) ~tllr .
1------------------------I I
Before Fra nk
for Co mt1li ss io ncr , m ea n s no r oad lond s a t the present
I high . cost o f construction . Adv
-____________________--J I
50-I b R I wo . cans oya Baking Powder.... .. ... .. ..
'-75e 5 Cakes Fhike White Soap 75e 5 Cakes Palmolive Soap .....
i·~;;~~I~m ~\~I!~II ~~~~·····\i~ l ·~~·~~~···""····""'·····1 t.
I" '
"The Man of the Hour"
"Let's He Fashionable"
89 e
5 Cakes Fels Naptha Soa p 5 Cakes Pblmolive Soap .. ...
.~~~ ...... ~
St.l"ary's Church Tweny·firs'l Sunday after Trinity October 24th : Sunday School at 9:30 F. l>. 11A\\ Id~ • l~ ' Cl~ a. m . Morning Prayer and sefm OIl Av.ent for Ovcrl ulld Car,. ~larr I •~ ~ ~~ , I I'" at 10:30. Yo u are invi ted to be pres· Phol1o~raph! . "uto Anc,;,nri ", : " '\ ,~\~.~ I , ent anu wo rship with u~ . and supplies, \\ a~ Ilc,l' illc, Uhi u, : .I "" . I - ._-- - - Phone ~I : Thursday, October 21st Orthot!ox Fricnds Church In making lh i" rl'vi,'1V IIr <lU I' UII " : Featuring Robert Warwick, in Sunday School . 9:30 a . m . Meet · wurt! progre~~ . till' 1.: HZI.' II C ' " pl"a,,," • 1.0 CUllll'linl ent thi s up ·to tl flt!! flU'ltl ; . f l' t 1030 mg or wors up ~ _-,,:,,_ ._ in~lituti o n upon its v" ry ~atl,rat: ! l1r ~ • ilervice Mr . F. IJ Hawkto' is ~i\'i ll ~ 10 : NI. E. Churc h the people. and tI ,e wide , ,, 'pillar ily _ A good Mack Sennett Comedy . Sunday School. 9:1 5 a . m . A good this supply est ubli shlJ1 'li t ha ~ J.:ainet! i t AUlIlissiotl, 17 and 11 ce nts place to study th e Word . There are ill the aut() m<>bilc ('ir<'l e~ IIf Wa rren • County . The propri etor i n~i~ l ~ thut : classes for all II'rades and alles. A th e very best Iltt l'nlinn be g-il'(,11 10 • live bunch. a fine spirit . a delightful ev ery pal r on. and as a ~nll~('qU l' fl c ,' : Saturday, October 23rd place. At 6:15 th e Epworth League p,'o pte f r,' 1Il every pllin t a I',' pru i~<' · • Featuring Douglass and Doris May, in i ,, ~ I he (''Cce ll ent So'l vic ' . lI !'r i < : devotional m eeting. carri .·tI ill stock 1\ complet e line pf • Preaching by th e pa9lor at 10 :30 Hil lu aCC"'>'''ories and su ppli es . tit ·, ;\. : a . m . and 7:30 p. m. e very Sunday . C tallri a d spa rk plu g~ of tit .. w"rtJ . • Wednesday 8 p m p rayer and praise ' oli··. ~ I ,' .1 . ~ , be~t g'IMuli li " Ilnd U ~ . : A lso, Pathe News meeting. " . .! ~11 i' ," ' ircR. nnu it i~ l it " OVI 'r · • eO I 111 11 .1 ",,0/ ' ;oodyear ~erv ice ~l lllin n . : Aumission, 22 and 17 <;euts. The public 18 in vIl to come anI ' Th t' f a m"u , Ove rland ea r. i8 thl' if/fOal * join wilh U9 in worship. ca ,· rll r "l" 'I'y mlln amI it h!l~ h 'come D P. Holt, Pastor . fa "lllu, 1" , slyl e. a ppearanc .... lint! • Tuesday, Octobet' 2Gtt. fir IH' h. d ura bility Hlld tmduran\· t! o f • t Ferry Christian Church e n~in e . alll! i<l a true car vul ue The F eaturing Jack Dempsey, iu Star r phonograph ' is t he peer of the m : Bible School at 9:30 Preaching all ill th e musicat lilll', and i ~ all but : at 10:30. a. m . and 7:30 p . m. Every· human. Fo r a demollstrnlioll of thi ~ • one invited. J. A. P ine. Pastor. wond erful inst ru men t alld !1 r eal :: Also, a good Fox Feature. true car value and prompt se rv ice. do not fail to call. Harveysbura; Friends Church Admission, 22 and . 17 cents
I Two 35·l b. cans Rumford 5ge I Baking Powder.. ........ . . SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY
B. Stoke s' name
I'rko . hcnilll:s- Orchcslru, $2, $ 1.50: Bateon.v, $150, $ 1, 7Sc,50c Sll tunl ay t\l ntillcc - Ort:hcs tra, $ 1.5tJ : Bakony, $ 1, 75c. 50.:.
Scc'y .
Mail Orders Now
A R ev iew of Our RCjH'l' ' 1.' 11 I i\ . tiv e Du s in ess ~ll' lI I\ y a Special Rcprcsc nl:lt in '
th f' IIl .-rhn rl~s
1' !IIl.!':-: ll'Y.
, (,)<in )", 11I1t)'. fhl h! t,'dn~"" lemp lnt lnn. n ll .1 till II Pt \\''''' n k l'll o r dl fltrnr l )\l llr~~ lr
Sp<' l'ill l ,',ltll l11unica! ion (I f "'aynes. \ Y~ll c nnl ili t ~tn ' }I' lr "illC' L nJ~e r-; 0 l(;:~ F. & A. M . will \
~-----------.-----------------------------I-----------------G asoline. <In!ololi nr /.!l \' (" !-\ n1'( n \'t,~ r.\" (")II. . ~h j ' ,npor , l\yftl1 nt Ol'l 'hlnr~' fPl11 lwrlll Hrt" 1 ,'h 18 \'Ill'n f' I~ ht'ft\"kr 111 1111 nlr Ull fl
~lld ~~
Hon. Fess has .i ust return ed to Ohio, ~'lfter ,l tour through twenty states, and he has a nless ~l gC' for C\'l'!,\' Republican in Warren County. Come out and hear him. \
Walton Tull y the Fascinuting Pu lsating Romance,'
. ,
THURSDAY .. • Matinee Saturday at 2:30 p. m.
At the Lebanon Opera HOllse, Olt
la: .
"Dare-Devil Jack"
Sunday School. 9:30. Meeting for i J. WILL WHilE . ................................................... . Worship, 10:30. Everybody cordil The largest House of Waynes\'illc, N 6p~~I~d~ ri~r ~~~.~. .~.~~.I.. Dealer In Gencral Produce ally invited to these 8ervices. . In compiling our specia l fnll r ePaying 21c for chickens. Caesar's Creek Friends Church view of Wayne ville lin d vicinity, wp Sunday School at this ~hurch every de8ire to call the pub lic'~ alt pntil In It Paya to Trade at our largest I{rocery house of lh is \ Sunday at 9:80 a . m . Preaching ser- to section of Warren Count y . Mr J 625·627 Walnul St ViCe at 10:30 o'clock a . m . You are Will Whi te is full y conversunt wit h CINC IN NATi, UH IO every detail of the g roce ry trurle in j cordially invited to be present. Household (/ Jods at the Sides Store room, adjoininll Ryma~ & Co ',.. ::;;;:;;;;;;;:===================:;~~==:;=======::;~_~~~~~~~~_ _~ all ita phases. The big store i:l fil led on Main Street, in Waynesville. Ohio, on .-.. ... -. - to repl etion with Ii cumplt:te line 0 f . .both s taple and fancy grocerieR , be~ t lIE] brands of tlour, Ap ices, p.anned l!:ood s, dried and fr esh fruits . the fnmou s ("hase & Sanborn and Old Rchab Ie Beginning at 3 o'clock p. m sharp, consistlnlf of 1 Oak Bed. coff.,es and best teas , candy. cigars. room Sui te. Springs, Feather Bed, Bedding, Pillow8. Oak Dining. tohacco.enameled ware, qll el' n ~w ar I' . . rlJum Suit.. consisting of Sideboard. Hound Table, 6 Leather-Beat kitchen ut e n ~ il s, hardw are and ttIe 'hair ~ ; :3 Rockera one leather aeat,l Lounge. 1 Oak Library Table, fam ous Lowe [j 1'(1~ . pr, inls . " it s an d I:l 3tains. And t hey arll ul wsys in th e Singer Sewi nj( Machine, 2 9xl2 Rugs, 6 8mall RUIlS, IJrusselll Stair Carpet, Porch Rocker and Settee, Cupboard, Kitchen Ckbinet, 3 market for e~g8 anci produ ce. hurner Quick Mea l Gasoline Stove. Oil Heater. Oven, 10.t of Dishes and Cooking Utensil!!. etc. Can be 8et'1l before 8ale WAYN t2 SVILLE FLOUR MILL S W N SearR. Auctioneer . Manufacturer of "'ij(h Grad!.! Bra nd s Cu r t wright & Hawke, Clerks. of Flour, D"oler in Feed, Cho fl S and Meal , Custom ' Gril~ din£ for , Farmcrs, Wayncsville, Ohio An impMI.ont act:l'ssi oll to II11 inrlu ~ triat illtCI c, b of Way n('svil I, Sale of C. Smith, Admr., at 1 p. m., on Third street . and vicini t y i~ t h(' larg · IIrll l we II Sa le of Mrs . Knapp, at 3 p. m., on Main street. I!I equipp\·!1 Wa }, lIe:;v ill.' Fioul' Mill. IJ - Not upon promises but u pon p e rformances. We are pione ers i.n DRY CLEANING AND DYEING. In business s ince ] 835. Send goods by Parcel Pos t. Prompt De live ries .
The Teasdale Company
..-:as'.r.:i==ilI!!55= 't.. 'ID'
Gi''1ii==:J . 'GI'-::::.:::JI:J'.r.:==51
~ l' at.eJ
9 i ~le"
hy MI'.
K'I/,ilZl· l' . n
by ;vll' . It'IYIII Uwl l ·tltl lIl'r . for t~· man. IVh\, >ira fulty COllvl'rsanl wit II tlvery detail IIf lhe miitill l{ Indu ~ lry The)' turn out S tar·Light Patent an d Albino. pure, wholesome, high g rill I" hramls of fl our, and their prudue t" are concedtld lIy the Laker, huus c· wife, groce ry a nd trnd e to ha ve I111 superior in the mark et, and lind a ready sale wherev er intrnrl ure d. They al!o ca rry feed. chop. mea I, bran, middlings. and uttelld promp t· Iy to custom g.rjndin ~ and K ri ~ t in g for the farm e rs. and a re al way~ in tl I ~ market for whoa l, etc. Mr. Robitzcr tllkes runk am onIt our most enterprising· busi n'esB me n and citizens. and is prepa red 10 fu r· nish the trade throug hou t this t1i 9trict with the closest estimat es ar Id his figur es will be f ound rig ht. Th is miJI has the large3t rating in t he state by th ~ fire inHurance inspccto r. which is owing to all th e ve ry late st machinery and safeguards being r e· cently installed.
I wish to announce that I am opening a busin ess In Clarksville and will cater to the public ueeds in such lines as Coal, Feed, Fertilizer, Fence,
~I P.'t
• •
McCormick Com Binders, Farm Implements and machinery of all kinds. Your patronage solicited.
c. ED McGUINN, CI~,ksville, o.
. . . , .
Presidential Elector of Cleveland, Ohio, will present the issuet of the campaign. M. r. Boyd is a magnificent ipeaker.' None should miss the opportunity of hearing this address.
ness represent.atives of Waynesvi lIe and vicinity would be incompl ete if the Gazetle did not make a few r emarks of praise in behalf of the pop · r:t ular grocery store conducted by Mr . ~ Ralph Smith . This is th e most a t· Ilractivc and thoroughly san it"ry grocery store of Waynesville, and th e stock is alwavs absolu tr.,l v pure lln d . fresh, It comprises bot h stapre an d fancy llroceries, canned goods. bes t
~, ,.' Als.o, Miss Jennie Reeves, .of .Frankl.in. m a !~i~~~r.~o~~d·~~~~li·~ ,cas~~·~ig:~~· '" Music by the.:· Wa~es, vl~Je Premle.r Band " GI d:%:,i~n~eh:d~k~t!I~::::;~~:nr;· _
plies. light aluminum ware and tIJ~ famous She....... in-WiI.liama paints. oil s ImthJtalns. Thisllentleman is a I-
busine88 with the farmers .
(To be continued)
Tile, Grass See,ds, etc,
The AUracliveand Up·lo·Date Ex elusive Grocery Storc of Way ncs ville, Ohio-Phone No. 19
m Our annual faU rev iew of th e VAr i· ' ous trading points and princi'pal bus i·
-=-- - -
AT 2 P • M. , WHEN
.. -
W. GILBERT.THOMPS9N~· Attorney-at-Law
Rooth: 2, Ubailon NlltioQaI Bank; Building .(Formeny Ov~r-Postoffice.) ,
.. 1.
.A , ... ~> • .
1 '11 ' the Miami Gatette s _C/QssIIied Columlll for 1("'" :'
. ~eventy~
econd Year
'I F,·id a y .
AWOMm~ APPEAl-' TO WOMEN VOTERS This e xcellent a r ti c le has been I>u bl is heu in c ircul a r f urm f.lr f ree ui .. tribut i'J n may be ulJ(a ined hy ca llin g on M rs , F H Pa r r o r Mr .J (!. Ha wk t!-
C I> i e~
Whole Number 5406
N ov mber ;'t h . a t F red's. '
I ~Ir . all d ~I r~ . C H. Be nt ley ha u asl "1'1 . I' d' I '11 . t lwi r 'u nda" "U\·RI~. ~r . an d Mr~ I Il' re a rc few men In C . ong r ess I. 1. 1 t h P d rOuau y e mos t (I ~CUSSc I~su eu f t WI av a il nothi ng t o di CU" in de· ,nnd ~a l l ll rs mu ~t th en go for th at till' I , V 1 I' I" " I I' I I It wh .. do m ore s t ra ia ht thin kln" than ~u \' e lll lJe r Dr . Dill, O~teopath 2 1 S. Hr oa . t '1 h L . I' h . I'· " " , le n t " Y li n' Itt l' r uug ) {· r . . ' ..... t he day umon!! th e wome n i~. " How al t e eal<ue CO l'e nunt w l lC w a~ Cll mman, o f f or e ls.:n cou nt ri es unl \·"" ' I 1"1 I 'I I' ::;Irneo n O. F('ss. H e is called Docj·lot'liu H. In :SO ll Ie pllHe !i th L' r e w ill wuy . I.e hanon . Oh io. , I f Id I I. .. II ar)!llr d ', I I· m· . ;111\ •• r" \ elta sha ll I beco m e an intellige nt \· " ter~ · · Clln ce lVt!r o r wo r ~ u per·gov e rn - we I re a ~ our moral o l·llg atl on . II I f \ ' t or . 1I 0 t (l nll' beca use of college d elJe tonll Jl ru p o ~ al s io Hl lt.lilll J l1. One . 1' .>e rstalll I . I It e I'levI.' t Ile w o mall h oocI 0 f A m(·r· e lltl·},. 0 . c n Ul . I<Y. rees. IJut ' beca use he Just . . t Pu . th uught to ,men t . n pgotlU m ml'sunu nat M r R, F. H, ~'arr a nd Mrs , J . G. It ..ue hoov ~s us t o give ... 01 Ihl'.a lo ur ball ul" w ill " UIII II " ' ti ll' I\ l r . a rl (1 ,I' lr". 1 ".1' 1 ,'1" . O,.lt'. tle" . o f I: u rall v k noll'S m o rC' a" ou t stra lghten preHld nl lll i tl ck, ts. Att olh ' r w tll Hai nes we re DRyton visilo rs.'l'hurlday th is fi r~ t m o m e ntO IJ ~ l 'res id (,lIt ial ing ,aI lld int o le ran t ly urged IIml ue· ica . if t hey rcu ll y umle rs topd Ih" im · I, " ... ' I U hue on tl stul6. co ngro MlIloJl ul. tSlll H· . i lI1anu e<l by i t ~ arfm i nis t r u t ivp s p() n· pur t n f t.h e Leal< UCl o f Na tions. 1I' 0u id I:" tl t e:! . ha d a ~ t he'i r "lll.~ t3 f or d in. in¥ ou t kin ks in de ba te a nd makin g E1ection for ,it is ind eed monl"n to I1 . " " I ' t , I ff t I h h i '" I Mr 8 Rebf'cca Rand a ll. ot Day t on. l/\lt n ' a li t! COUlI (Y It ukell , Th o Ih lrd ~ ., SU f o . \Y 10 re I ~ eu ev er y por to v o te ngUin." t e pa r ty t {.I t Rlnn( ~ nc r. ~ lI n d il Y . ~Ir , a nd M r~ . 1'. D. , I! cipa r· cu t . Ill c ill diagnos iR of a n I. th e nUll partl sulI Judl ctal ball ut. S il O is t he gu es t of Mr . a nd Mrs J . W . whe n we t hin k WI! w ill vo le in tI) otl ice Ha f,'g ll ard Am e ri ca. a nd wh o flna ll y fo r s uc h II cov ('uant. I be li ev e th ey CluglC tt a lld dn ut-:hu. r. J\1 i"8 Tacy . : in volved s it ull till n . I>oli t icall y , tha n 1118 fo urth . H UU . uH" I ~ .1. t. Iile ro l" r Whit c . II lead e r of I HI.OUO.oon peo ple . a t rt'jed ed it w hen suf.~lt ullr ds we n~ in · wou ld \"t,Le fu r t1 wI{" p ut.l i(·a l1 I'arly. a nd ~I r. a nd ~Ir~ , Fn.d Gons and Hu n. , Y of hi" coll ea g u es-e ven ve te ran s ell dll lll ua ll ul Oil " lw rov tll ir Ill s d r) p res(!n t t hE' m o~ t pr (J spe r o u ~ nati ti ll ~ i S l l'J , wh ich s ta nd s fur Illn e ho n or~d pO ll. lin th e se rv ice. I n short . he is a ell (or"~ lU U lll ''''1 l,,, . , .d hy Ibe 18/(1 0' Fr iday . No vemue r 5 th. a t Fred·s. IK l uru 1"01 w liH ur , lI liU held 1111 by lh & If tlH' ~ u pr e m e bl u nd e r hll H le ft r it'g in fll vor o f t" ace . d .. e1 ar t!' ~ loy ~ ul " l a y . (kt oil l' r 17th . ~Ir . li nd I"ade r in COliK ress whose advice i s in th e wor ld . Il nd at t he \1l o: l"ri tkn l lur II. s l"le wld e ,ul e. Hure h J.:uro p. ! in n: lati o nsh ipR inextri cab ly Was h inl!t o n . J r'lf " r",ro a nd i\lollT u£, . ~ I r~, (' ha g. Wi no[rm a nd ch ild re n anu gu ug ht. lieca use it stands t.he teat of J oe ElJri sc h t of Dayton, spen t a m oment in t ha t nuli u lI ' lI l l i ~ l tlry , We r ~ r e re odll lll I> lIlI ut : day lus t week a mong Wa vn('!lv ille We m ust tak e our sha r' o f till' reo int e rwov en in t he L eague CO lnua c t . a ll d pll r~ u .. d by a ll ndlll ini .,t rati o n~ Mr . Hn d Mrs (: ~O. Saq{!?nt . a ll of IJl·in g sou nd , In th e d ark days o f (Uu offi <ial Do not) s ponsib ilil y - wh e th pr w t' wHllt ed wo° ou r sy m pa th y ( o r Eu rope onl y m a g · · f or mt.rl! t ha n a cen tu ry, La llini a . 1\ v, . w ~ n ' p l " II ~ant Iy e n t er · lh e De mocrati c lands lide an d the Re . fri e nd ~ . m a n s u ffrag e or not tn el" d aJll'lli · Ill fieR o u r own guod fll rtll nein l e~ i ~ t · V :-II',I RAI. I EL I' ; II 1 ':XTIlAV" (;"S nl lain, 'd at th l! hll llll' "r 1\1.-. an d Mr s publ ica n ru ct ions. Or. Fess came II, • •• .,.-4 .. ,.IiI..,.1 Don ' t f ili i to see th e a muRing f a r ce r ie llt lead e r for Oll r g"1','a( H'·I' (j bli ~. i lll! in\'IIt vIll PIlt. flt . r,, ~,. I w ril t! fin is til Ih i~ ar t i,·I,'. I':ar l \\" in~ t " n a nd fa mil y . of H U.·I u pon t he Rc ene , He was soon cho!len ~ II AI.L II U I'SE BILl. "Bell e Fami ly ." nex t F riday nig h t . I a m wri tin Jl lhis . IIl1 t a ~ a Itt·IJll b· 'l' hi~ I.l!a g lle Co venant W IiS p r ...· I h..,li e vl' il would III) d ilal o ry ill 1' \1' dl a irmn n ot t he Itep ub lican Con:-; 11. ti20 BE ArI'H II V. Mrs . Mall\(' \I>1( ti"l d ,·nt L·rtain ed I{ res~ in n a l co mmitt ee beca u se h e a t School Ha ll. lican or 1\ Dl'1I1 0l'rat . 111 11 : I ~ ulil' I fir e' I I 'Y (: ,· n. S IIIUt ~ . o r ~ Ull th A r· if I "''' 11 101 no t ~a y II wo rd 1I 1"O) 1t t !II ' ' U At! I' ARSF. U \I V rH E (;E :-; EIl.A L A:' · A me ri ca n to o th i·r A me ri cans r kll. - all 1';lI g li Hhm a n wil h till' ex · 11I1 \1llrllll" i(',j .., x t rll\'Ilt-::\JWl' whi r h w e L111 ' flllill win l! . in hlll1l> r o f he r ~i R t (' r . k ra' lV how Lo ~ t ll t e issulls cl ea rly and -_ !5EilIII LY u ~· t' H I' , M is.• Cla r a Lil e att e nd ed th e wed· Uo we want t o cOlltin u(, in po w,' r ce pti un o f Ar t icl e X. wh idl WU~ tl ,(I hav e 1)J "'ll ·,1.. i tll e~siJlg d ur illl< t ill! M r~ . I t':H~ Slll' lI . o f T ? ledn: Mrs >l rgu ~ cn nv inc ingly . Fea rless an d A \' U A n y ~7 . W ~1l Yes AI'P H(J n :o 8Y T Il l, d in ),! rt' cl'p tio n o f a ne phe w. at Xeni a. a I>ll rt.v whi c h st a nd I! for tlwlIIY of wo r k of th e Pre:lil l ~ nt l, f t he 1I 11 itl'd De lll oc rat ic ndn lin i$t rnt ill ll . Ne ve r Har te r. 1II<I" k,' r. ,'vl rH. (('cli II l1uve r . 1I11l1f rui d . he ha ~ p ro ven th e t ype o f H )VE H \, ()H " E BIl C· Satl! r<lllY e ve ning . admini ~trati on an d C"ov r r n";' C'nt ·tat et!. hefo re ha s a ll " d m ini;<tra t ion uf t he I\lro. I h ar l ('~ lI al!('IIlcY ' r und stl n . L'Ol1 g r eB~m!l n th at o t he r d is trict R ~ .~ HY Itl, 1020, A:-' U whi ch is no t Ameri ca n? Mr . Wi l. ' I I.IW WITH T il E T his Ar ti el£' X i~ th e fire· b rand (' f l Fed er al l ;" vf' rn me nt di" pluy cd su ch J.::~tll' . Mr:l t"h u~ , Gru y an d Irm a E lli s lco l' et. because he t hi nks and acts o n ... Friday . N ovember 5l h, a t F red ,J S E ( ' RET A It Y I ' ~ son's m ethod s. hi!! r ons lant. if inui· th e whol.: CIIV l! nu lI l. F' lr t hp ben • . r ckleHs d l~ r ('ga rrl o f th e p u bl iC we lI\ l r. l> nd Mrs . Winoton lind l iJ road nati ona l lines. 'T AT E f EIIIWAlt Y Mrs l{u lJ t. Uur ton h as hee n .:all ed r ec t o a 39a ul ts u po n t he Cons l i tuti n tit uf t ho~1C Id, U ha ve nllt had th e Of!. fo rI' und ~ u l' h ~t u hiJo rn b (J~ t i l i ty to AH a ~ p e llk e r he is in grea t demand . -11 7. I !J~'ll'1 : c hi ld ren e n ter t nined . u n la~ t Sunday. t o Sy racuse . N . Y • o n account of and u p!)n a ll th e t r aditi ons o f f ree portu nil y to r ead nn d d ige. ! it , J re tr t nchm eil l. lit a ti me w he n t h t! beca use he kno ws his s ubj ec t an d th e foll vw in K gues ts: Mr . and Mr~ . governm en t. 9trike at th e \' e ry life of wi ll q ll ote it. " Th e ml'll1b er ~ o f Ihe \1ullic d ~ m llnll fl. r e('u nomy was u n i· ~e ri () U H illneSl! in h e r f amil y . J us . Sweeney a nd d llu Khte r . Thelm a, kn ows how t o te ll i t f rom th e vie w' 0 p ro hib it th t' ' ''l li o r th e A·m e riclln princip les upon which L eul! ue un d e r t ak e t. o r ps lJec t alld ve rsa l. po in t o f an eye· w itness-one who I ndli(· Hlld 10 P ltI \" tl tt und Mr . and M r ~ . Mad iso n Mi ll s and Do you kn ow o f an y r eason why o u r Gover nm en t has a lways rested o r t tl!' Ildll ll ll l ~ lf a t l "ll 1'111' 1~ " p u"li c lln pa r ty \lli-d l{ e~ it· d au g h te r . Mil rl red. a ll o f Kent on .I' y. spea ks d irec t , a nd not b y hearsay . pr !!H ~ rv(' . a s alCa i n ~ t ofo xt e rnalllgg r ('syou should n ut vo te " YES" on House Mr . Cox has p rom ised t o foll ow in No and (l u l o r " " !II{'nl uf t' UI'l I In h is own d istrict t he people kno w s inll. t h • t e l' ri tor ia l in teg r it y find px · su lf III 1I r il<id e co nomy. 10 th e bl'tte l' -_ " ' 0 ".1111 11111 UIlU rcp, 'u1 = 1 I!ill N o , 620'1 N e ithe r d o we. t he foo t-s le l>s o f Mr , Wil son. a nd i ~ lin).( 1lI lllt i.. al in,J"' \fl" IHlenr ,· (,r a ll coo rdi nat io ll u r u(' \lil rt llll'lIt nl act ivo \) r , and Mr~ . J . W. Wa rd . uf nea r mo re in t ima t ely th e . calibe r of th e , ' , ! t' ~ " 1 !'wr l l un o f t il" = 1 li t' h ulu l C udu . _ _' t his m e ans a IonIC s te p ill t he .li ree· m e moe rs of till' leug ue. In ca,(' o f it i e ~ . to the e li lliinu ti nn n r lI nl1 e Cl'~· II arvt!ygh u rl-r . had as th e ir gucs ts . man , He a t t e nd ed a co untry schoo l Mr.antl Mrs. Burton Earnh a rt Mr~ - , Ha rrv Mu r ray and Mr J . W . Burlon lion of a n a ut oc racy. a nd a hea v\' a n I' ti uc h aJ.: l!'r (· ~~ i o n . n r ill l'lI,e o f SU T\, officials a ll ol (·llI p t ()Y l'(' ~ . a nd t o SlI llria y . Mr . a nd M r~ . J . E. J ann ey . a r Poal di sti nction th ese d ays-and b lo w to t he conti n u ance o f fr ee re l; - Iln y th rell t or ,J ull l!('f! r o f uny ~1I(' h ago th e .. fi ic ient adn li l1 i ~t l' ali \"l' o rgani za· /J r , a nd Mrs C, M , H ou l(' h . Mr. a nd t hen bellan a life o f unceasing work wer e Day t on visi tors. las t Wt:dn esday U lilo \' u l~ r !'\ h H\' P l w iC'P O'lllll r u \· , ·. r eRent a t ive g over nment as we have r l'!<."ioll tIll' c(,u nci t ,:'Illdl nd\' i ~{' lInOIl t io n M r ~ · Wa lte r Willium s and son. of and activ ity . Hllite Ilf ol dld li on . X l l ri 1 1I.lr ll t · lu~ 1 t il' Friday, Novpmbe r 5th, a t F red 's , a lwa ys conceived anr! vene r ule d it In years til co m e. you and I v. dl K ing man. th e Mi SSt'~ Lo uella . J ea n· He grad uate d from Ad a univ ersi ty t hl!! m ~an R hy w h ich thi ~ oJ,lit-:a ti o ll InlJ( f:-. ' u l ll l l! tlu l!H U I ' 1 luwtI 10 lII i.tk ~ II Do we wan t tn co nti nue in o llicll a shu ll I..• f ulfi lled ." vo le f or ot he r Pr e~ i d e n t :l. hu t neve r ne tte anll F r a nces J ann ey an d Mr. !I nd was lit o nce selected f or a place e n'e c' t h ' e A ll IIf d n ': C lll cll t la w wa ' Mrs. T. J eff Smi th is tak ing care pa rt y w h ich has a fo re ign pol icy ,"uu :- t'd In sf W ill f f ]' n u d all pr u ,' ed I" in the f acu lty. taki ng t he chair ot , .... .., ca n ~ee pl a in ly t hat t his Arti· allain will we expe ri ence jus t lhe I( £' nn c l h H oug h . t h e I U\'Or n n r . Th ~ wc t l d i d unr W 8 nl of he r siste r, Mrs , E llen Ma nning lon. fo u nded 0 11 no I>rinciple and di rect ed Amer ican hi sto ry , a nd he certainly cle r ests e ntir e ly u pon nak en fo rce Sfl n1l' sensa t io n w hich com es w ith Kl1 e nflllTtHl l P IH IRW, lwd t1 ru II Kh i or wh o is q uite sick at her home in by no d e fl nit e conce p tion of o u r na- In th at wa y penca is to ue pr l'Re rvcd caB t ing our ti rs t Presid ential bllll ll[. T he in v ited g u es t ~ to tak e din ne r d oes know hi s hi st or y of th e IT ni ted Ihe r.. tornd" llI, T h., !Jue. ll oll Inr 11)( Sprinll' VIIlIey. ti on's ri g ht s and obli glll i on~? I t h n ~ a \111 t he na ti ons fr eed fr om war. lJy I ha l' e fai th in th e wome n t h ll t on Saturday with Mr . a nd MrR. S. L , StateM and the wo rld of government. vOl er ~ '0 rt ~ l o rmt l A 1l00 I u".nlh t' 8hll ll lhe taw be "I .~ roved' T ho .~ • Dr. U . P . Holt and Mrs . J . W. been humiliating to America and ir ri- mU ltipl y ing t he o ppo rtuniti es for lhe lhey wi ll c a ~ t t h",ir ball olR fo r th e Ca rtw r ig h t we re : Mrs. H. R. Ha n- He w a~ laler ad mitted to the bar and ta ting to oth e r nulions wil h th e r c. use of f orce . I':ach indi vidual n!l- Ilr ~ t l ime w ith int e ll igence an d fo r d al l. of Da yt on . Mr and Mrs J . 0 practised for a tim e, but the love of who h,· tteve Uh ln "l>O III<I hu vo It I,,,, tu )lIln tHh "Ot>l l gJ;U IH will y ot ~ White a tte nded th e Dis trict Ste w- ~ ult th a t aft e r a IJe ri od o f un e x- ti on is lJou nd bv Article X t o go t o th e Part y w hi ch will tell d t o mu ke Cartwri g ht and dau g h t e rs. Rh ea teach in g wns to o strong and he was ards co nve ntion of th e M . E c hurch, " Y ~; H " am p led sacrifice. o ur mot ives a re wa r for th e pro tecti on of e ve ry oth e r our country iJigKe r an d bett e r - .1>lllf' t a nd Evel}·n. Mesda mes I{uche l ca lled t o t he Univer si t y of Chicallo. Ohio Is one of n r ~ \\' . III I~ . wh ir l a t Middl e town , Frid ay . s us pec ted, o ur 1Il0 ral influen ce im- nation of th t: world. be what it may whi ch . in m y min d. i~ th e Re publi- E . J{l'YS. Eva K J ones. Han nah 1. and lJecnme th e edi to r of World ~l(l tt Jol a n t h a \' " u la w l O P II (u rc ' e ll r o h l blr ln n. Th is "Rle i. d" 'lIln,lIl1l( 01. Yo u will keep s miling when yo u pared . a nd o ur Gove r n men t s t and s - Siam , B edia z o r Timhucloo. Any can party . with Wa r ru n G , I\ar d ing Rog er s. t he Misseti I ~m m~ A Cart · Events. In his s t ud y o f political hisr h~ rc de rul 10\'ernOlont til Il nror ~e II" wri g ht. Murt ha Bur nett and Ki7.zie to r y. he understa nds t he point of lIee th e play , "H ti ppv Day." next di scredi ted and fri end less am ong t he country in t he Le ague co uld d\' mand as it s lead e r redllul dry ftm enOmll nl IhrollMh t h. na t ions of t he wo rld . A WRy ne:lV ille Woma n Vo t e r. Me rrit t . ou r ar med as~ is ta n ct! an,d ou r so ldi e rs pe rsona l con tact. \ '" Isillad 811' orce mell l I.", The rp. F rid ay nillh t. As vice· p reside nt of th e Ohio ConsuI! fa Ihe fOllr loo eral courl. or Oh l! A ch icke n dinn e r Ilnd a su p pe r will Mr. an d Mr:l. l3e rn u rd All en had a ~ ~ titu t i o na l conventi Qn he w as t he are cloln:tld wit h bo o t\ ~gg I Jl I CUe' Ilnd many of them wtl l not be h" .. ... 1 be ~erved a t the ne w Grange Hall , th e ir !Cuesta. Sunday: Mr , and Mrs. Il u l-hor of l he a m endment creating for mon th . . All Ihe n U I!~ ('otl ecl rn across from J . W. White's groce ry, Cha r les T oadv ine and so n ~ . Virg il . t he d(lilart ment of State s uperintenIn Ihe sfi redera l cou rt 8 go IDlo t ill' on E le ction Day . Come! J UIn es and Basc um. Mr . an d Mrs O ra uen t of p ublic inst ru c tion, which has II,. ted en l trea8ury a nl1 nOll 8 Hill an d d au ,.(I llt·r, Lo r et la . ot M·i· ~in c e become a mode l of its k ind. He mOil er remalna In the . u, ' e Ethan Crane and Levi Lukens. of amisb u rg ; Mr. a nd Mrs . ARbury H ill helped to fra me t he initiative and Durio g tbe Pl8l yen r Ih e reder~ 1 courl In Cleveland eol1 e<'I"d morr Wilmington college , ijt opped off here and daugh t er . Do ri A. a nd Mr . Lafuy · re fe rendum a mendm e n t . He reveal Ihan , aBO.()()O from wet 'Iole lorl . a nd Sunda.y, enroute from Westerville. The regular meeting of th e wo° Fo llo w ing is th e Re ltall s traw vote ,( W ord • • ud ll1 u.1c by TUII" c tte If c nde l8on, o f ne a r Morro w; ell he re a g enius ( o r co ns tructive ~e am ou nt ao coll ec led In Ihe 'Oll r and spent the day with r e latives. men 's Auxiliary was held a t th e up to date Last half o f t he eighth inn ing . the Mr A. Dan Mor gan a nd daughte rs . ~ ta t~sma n ship-put to a practical fede ra l cou rll 0 1 Lb. ~tal e tor th RI sco re t ied. 7 t o 7, one man r eti red on Me ll. Mabe l a nd Ka t h r y n. Mr . a nd te~ t. period a pprOll t0l8lA8 thr ~ Qlln rt." Mr and Mrs. Roy Hathaway and home of Mr8. W . H . Allen Otl Fripay .Mal e of a million dollaro Thla ,.Ioney al l Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray spent aft,moon, October 16. The meeting Harding .. ....... ; ... . ... ... ......... 450.293 s t ri kes. Bob B urt on WIIS given a Mrs. Otto Mi chae ls lind Bons. Mr.and Whil e p residen t of Antioch colleK'e .... nt out Ihe "11\1a was opened by music on the victrola . Cox ........ . ...... ........ ... . ........ :105.3 16 base on balls and [\ Imos l imm edI a te ly Mrs. Willie Allen and Messr e. Ed- in 1912. h e was e lected to Congre!S the week· e nd with Mr. and Mrs. Ed It th e ' Ol en ap pro.e Ihe Ohto la .. Ave Maria, Mrs Cadwallader read s t ole s econd a nd thi rd. Another wa rd He nd er sun . Er nest Braddo ck in a d istric t that had been Demo· Femal e .t Ibe comln, I! lpctton. all th e lineR Hathawa.y, of Columb~8 Grove. O. the Scripture leason. Paalm 9S. Rev. v icti m succu mbed t o s t rik es and t wo a nd Ca rl Da kin. era tic in politics . , His ra-electlons wil l atB1 In the state. hal f ,otul tl, Hard ing ...... ......... ... , .. ... , ..... 15 .228 ~- - - - - . -wer ll a ~ eri es of pyramided plurali· F riday, November 6th. at F'red·s. J f". Cadwall ader cond ucted til· Cox ..... .. .. ' ... . , .. . .. ... , .. .... ,.. .. 97.6l!1I calle d on the next. T he n Hob Hta r t ed A ll I tal e and hall 10 rhe to·.. n '" devotiona l service ' Scr iptur a l qu of or hom (' and rea ched his d es t inat ion town ship 10 .. hte h Ibe convlctloll I ~ On a cco u n t of leaving Waynesvill e , t ies fi\ nd majorities. His leadership 8 1cc t o ral Vo tes sec ured. in ~afe ty wh en t h e t h ird baseman Mr . Fran k Ca rman invited the Way. in the House o f Repreaentatives has Mesdames F . H. F'arr, C. M. Rob- tati Dns we re given in response to Hard ing ..... ....... . : ..... .. ... .. .... ..... 1179 droPlJed th e pit che r 'S throw to cn tch nesv ille Pre mie r band to h is hom e. beeu cha racteri zed by the 88me If Hou se 8m 620 .Ie appr o v~d. Inca t roll· call. ilzer, Les te r Gordon. L . A Zimmer.. 11101818 and locat oourts wttl Ret bu .y Cox .... ........ .. ... ... ... . .. .. ..... ... ..... 1iil! him . T hen th e batte r fin ished tak · last Wed nesdav e venin g . whe re they t ho ugh t ful in teUige nt conviction of Election o f offic e rs r esult ed in th e and lhere ",til be no 8](cu ~e for poll c ~ mw and J C . Hawke are attending N ccessar v t o e lect .... ..... , .. ...... ... 266 ing th e ~ o u nt . a ll har! a fine t ime . Af te r play ing a th e "ma n who know!!." (n his exelection ot Mrs J . F. Cnu wa lla d e r. and oth er olllct.ls to 88 y th. ,. ar ~ the meeting of the Ohio Grand Chap... \Wout authority to acl. A r r~ Ata will ter. O. E . S ,' at Columb\;s. Thus was t he winnin g r u n sco re d fe w selecliollM. t he e ven in" was given t ended lect ure and speakinlt tours presid ent ; Mrs . S . L , Ca rt wr ij.( h t . The to t a l vo te at J a nney ' s Rexall ha foll owed Quickl y by proMclltton. vice preside nt; Mrs . La ura Moshe r . d ru g sto re . counted th is mo rni n g , in th e Miami-Bellbrook lCam e a t uve r to co n versalion "lid r em inis· ove r th e cou n try, he was soon recogand pllnl ahmeo t or vlolatora wtll b ~ Miss Addie Keys, Miss Clara Key., s ecretary lind treas ure r, and Mrs. J risul ted ' as f oll ows: Phillips pa r k las t Sun day a Cternool1 . c en ~es . At a s easo l1ab le hour ice nized as a m an of the proport ions prompt. T he gam e was close and eXl'iting crea m and cake WHe se r ved. Har- requ ired in h a nd ling national afWtthout thIs la w And d ~ I"lbdtnlt nn Mr. and Mrs . J M. Key s and daugh- F. Cadwa ll ade r, Un it cd l'h a nl(·OfTe r· Male th r oug ho ut-no t an erro rless exh ibi. vel' Sacket t . t he fam ou s trom bone f airs. ' tederal olll cers fo r enfo rOllmom t. Oht ~ ter, Mrs. Amo, Cook, and Mrs. Eva ing treas ure r . T he re b a n e le me nt of consistent wtll conti nu e to be Iho ~ce nfl 01 law Jones attended the S3rd wedding anThe bus iness session was un us uall y Ila lding ... ... ... ,.... . ... . , ... .. ... ........ ,58 tio n , bu t closely contest ed . n everthe- player, o f Bell b rook . was p resen t and added much t o t he m usicaillrog ram . cou rage in his m a ke-up that long letlO!!lleM 00 tbo pa rt or th" 01<1 IIQun r niver88ry of Mr . and Mrs . S, M. Sel· 10nK', which short e ned t he pr ogram , Cox ... .. . .. ... , ... ...... .. .. : , .... .... , ... .. ... 25 less . crowd . The l ede nl j!llve rnm enl ha . lers. of Lebanon. Thursday .. Fe ma le Be llbroo k ~cored t wo in t he ti rs t. ,Be fo r e parting . H. E. Ea rnhaf l. lifted h im from th e r a nks of a sail · A very inte restin g t a lk was g ive n by not euoullb ' me/1 10 do eff ..cttv8 work . Rev. J . F , Cadwallade r, foll o wed by Hardin g . .. .. ..... .... .... " ... ...... ...... ... 28 d ue t o a fl ul<e hit. a fie lde r ' s choice . p resid e n t o f the ba nd. presented M r . tri m ming politician- He puts con _ and It t. bllt. Y I'~ Ohio ~hollhl tlo bM Friday, November 6th, at Fred 's. a recitation , .. How th e Great G Ut'st Cox .. ..... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ...... ... ... ... .. .... 10 two s tolen baseR, a d ropped t h ird Car man w ith a fi ne trav e lin g bag, a s science and hum a n in t ~ rest into his full part In keepin g her own dooryartl clean , - - -- - .~---.st r ike un u a n erro r . A bad throw , a n e \' ide ncc of th eir es t eem . Mr . wo rk . In supporting the nomlnaSupt, R . We ave r, Mr. and Mrs. N . Came," by Dori s Hl'l ntlerson . T he .!'lilr·mlnded mom nnd wo men IIlfrllP af te r Din widd ie 's gr ,und er hud been Ca rma n has been a m e mbe r of the ti on o f War ren G. Harding he was program closed with m usic, "Un f old. ..at prohlhlt ton Rholl irl lie Ii'lln B P . Blatt, the Misal!s Mary Hankins topp ed, and Ta t e's t r ir)le ( yes. th e band eve r sin ce th e star t , .a nd t hE' g uided by t he same co nsistent logic Ve P ortals," by Goun od. rAlr trial. It can n ol hn\'Po 8 h'. Irt ~ 1 lion. Reva Hormell, Louella Janney, old pi tc he r. a nd s till a pre t ly nifty lJ nnd bovs a re loa t h t o see him leave t hat h a~ g iv~n him som e fame as a During t hf' p leaslln t socia l ho ur. unleu tb erll a re tb e rl lthl l<~ IH' 01 Ednll Howland and Henrie tta Mcp lay e r, too ) gave th e m an ot he r ill poli lica l prophe t , H e d e als in fun enlorcemen t la wo, A ennlfttullon.' which f o ll o wed ad jo urnm en t. th t Kinsey attended Teachers' A880cia am enrt·m ent ts nnt l elf·n ec utlnl 11 T , J eff Sm ith had th e mis fortun e t he secGn d . In t he sixth , an e r r or rl am en tll lR. and t he Seventh District hostess se rved dainty refresh me nt s. mu ot haye law8 to mnke It a 8uace •• lion Ilt Lebanon, Saturday . assisted by Miss Olive Alhm ulld M i 9 ~ Cor Hom e one 10 s te a l a 200· poun d on Weave r ' s gro und e r. II pass a nd a of Ohio is natura ll y proud of the li t Ohto bas bad problhtt ton tn 111>1' con t Ie g iant of lJrnin-power and conI>o rke r fr om hi s pells al th e slaughte r nOllble iJy th e f a it h fu l Ta te ga ve Friday, November 6th, ~t Fred's. Doris H ende rson . M!tullon ror nearl y Iwo Ylla ra . but I, A varied program of music wa, hO llse . Friday ni g h t . ~ __ wtt hout .. 111'11' to enforce It. t he m ano th e r , and lh lCY batted t h ree Rtru ctive geni us t hat has gi'fen to Men and Women votera who hllllfO V" Clifford B. Wins ton, arrived home played to entertain th e g u c s t ~ mo re across in t he se ve nlh . their state and dis tri ct a Representn the SlIpremftC;V of the la w "'ttl n(> ' for a short visit with horne folka, Misses Olive All en and Dori s II e nde l'· tlltive of nati ona l p roportions who!!e Car l l\Jk Clure sCSi red the Miami ':i onrlook or 'orltl!t. thi s ltU11I b.ltnl Thursday evening, having finished son were p resent as visi( o ~s fi rs t co unte r in t he second. on his H e rvice~ m ean m uch t o them as well Wholesale Knung when th ey ~o to votll. Th e re I~ enn> his work in the A. S. M. S. at Kelly doub le, a wild pitc h and l3uz ick 'ssinMrs. r:rnce Fishe r. of Wilmi ng to n . us l he nation . T hey have faith and Investigllted pl810t in certaIn counll... hllcau >" . T H gle . A pass, " H aggertv ' s" d o u ble who haR bee n visit ing he r si st , r . MrR confide nce in Dr, Fess, a nd this has e rerohlb ll ton I. not u effert l'lI .. I If' fi eld. S8n AntOniO, ex. ~hould he b ut It ",til be tnr mJrl!i ~I turn ed to Wilbur Wriltht field. Monand a n e rro r gave the m tw o mo re in Lesl ie Ke mp le , a nd wh o. a bou t a extend ed f a r beyond the meandering factl' e If OhIo vot ers BJl prOYI Ih t. day morning , t he fi ft h, a nd good solid hitting in month ag o. a ttemp ted s uici de. d ied mete r an d bo unds o f the distric t law an" hundrf'<! . ot om~t.l . .n ~ t he e ve nt h se n t f ou r mo re acro~~ , at t he P aluce r estau r ant, T uesday wh ich he has so Ion" and ably repre ~core o of' court , lIet h"o,. In the ",nrli "·or weeks pas t people have been e nough to ti e th e sco re . T he n cam e afte rnoon , a f te r t ak ing a cl ose of ca r- ~e n ted . -Hy J oe Mitchell Chapple, in of 11l1nt&htn g hoOll llltglu an d oth f'rF coming from far and n ear to Downt he a b J Ve-me nl io ned g rand fi na l in bolic adu . T he youn g woman we llt National Maga zine . who a ttempt to nnllify the dry amen d· ing' s Studio, Xenia, Ohio. for their --the e ig hth , t he fi rs t slun t of th l.t to the toil e t a nd s wall owed t.he po i ~ · - - -- - ...- -- ment. The m eetinll at Ly tl e las t Wed nesTbt. II the onl y pro pose1 to b~ Christma.~ work. and this is just as it k ind Waynesvill e fans h ave e ve r seen o n, and he r ~c r e ams a t t r ac ten th e at· vMed on by all th e poople or tI. e should be. aa the rush this year day evening was well attend ed , and u u lled o ff a t Weave r 's and Mike We i· t en ti on o f Mr . Ke m p le who f ound 8t ale . TI. II the 'onl v >llIt ewtd e hnlt ol promise. to be such that no one wish- the speakers were both Rood an d lel"s expense. he r in agony . Medical aid was give n &x re pt the thr"" whtch contain tb~ ing Borne fine pictures from this dee ply impre88ed their hearers. The J a rre ll n o t o nly pi tch ed good lJall , im med ia tely. but t o no a vail. The nameR of cAndtdale ~ for va rtoliR of· noted gallery, should put off until the Waynesville band added much to th e ftc ..... b u t proved himself to be 11 t ru e ge n- body w as taken t o Wi lmingt on for A " VP:S " .ole on thts IIrapo ..1 f. I 11th hour. Remember, your friend s enjoyment of th e m eeting , and the l lem a n and clea n. c ool-head ed spor ts- burial. Fun.:ral eer vic es willlJe con,otl tor IHW enforcoment. can buy everything else except your Lytit! hall was filled to the doors. man of th e hig hest type. ducted a t tha t 1>lace, Thursday afte r-PoIlU • • 1 AdverU•• 01e n l, photo. Saturday afternoon, Hon, Wm . H . 'The score by in n ing R; noon at 2 o'clock . Would they ever get back to civil- - -•• - • Rov Irons, who has been manag- Boyd, of Cleveland. mllde a mag nifiBe llbrook .... .... 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0-7 zation , so that they might tell the ing a canning concern at Am~nda, cent address in Miami theate r . w hich Miamis .. .... .' .. ..•O 1 0 0 2 0 4 1 x - S enlightened part of the world about Ohio. has I.!lken the management of WIS crowded . Mr. Boyd Explained --the deep cauldron wherein humanity another factory at Asheville, sixteen the League of Nations ve ry clearly , so called, writhes and squirms, In . an ·l- from Amanda • . The latter fac- and pointed out that what the counCome and see the ,hoat at Lytle ml ~ eeded t lh t r agony of dinknesa, despair and 11'0'Maj. Oen. George Barnett, for,.."., d ' I ' 0 tory' cans almost everything that can try n a e prelen Ime was --. age brutality ? Tbiatruly walll part Hall. next Satur ay even nr. etamen. M~ 'that would do things, , 1I'er ,commander of the marlnel, who hal reported, tbat J)ractlcau, The fun e ral of Mrs, A lii Haines of th e world God had forgotten. her 80. Everyone requested to mtlllk. be canned. for the trade, and is and men that would he lp the presiIlId!acrtmlnaw ·ltlilluir of ,t1)4 lIaThe Harveysburg school will g ive was he ld from the horne o f 'Gordon But they did return. See Ilory There will be I . prize ~ven tor . t hll bUII~ from early May up ~o late dent. instead -of the president doing 1tY_ ot HalU ) I&d beeD da.ctolNlcl a Masquera~e Social. a t the Bch901 Joy, Monday morning at 10 o' clock, of their adventures In "ShJpwieeked . best mask. Therp will be on ea\e~ l November. A~ both factories the all the work by himself, as has been AI .. ,..ult ot an 1I!". UpUOD. h ouse on FrId ay ~vem~g, ~ctober 29 Rev', Cadwallader officiating. Inter- Among Cannibal," at the · Miami up to the . .. Btl report, lfhloll total8 ~.(I". ad· lee cream and other .."'""tables 'I'his amount of canned 18 ~ B 500 IVV\ done in the past admimstrutlon , that SIlO II.U• •ere k111e4 E vedryb°EadYhCOI~IIJi mVlt ed tted° "'tt• .ment.was made In MiamI cemeteri~ TheaWFr ThuJ'lldayevemDI(. Ad.mIiIe uDder the auspices of the Ladiea' preIM!nt time I t j~~I ' Mila Apes. Reeves. of Fcanklln •. mltl either b, the ADieJ:lcall marlnel ten . c a uy s reques 0 . • I ']G ' dl· 7 Mr • Irons and b famll, ' hive reo Ald. ' . or by tb" ...ellr-iD.. (IIlItlve OOD" ___ e ___ • . . : moved t ~ ~lIe. add\':taed herself particularly t o the bring a pumpkin pie. Proceeds to . • S 08 .... an ~,~~ ~blllal'J') art... tile I)!' rtod the G f aU the· , 0 ladles present, Ind abe made IL line help Jl,J.y for muaL which is belnl( Cos t of Government be cut bl AIIl..rt.... n~ roroc~ .·t ll!'11II D&n..Vote r~ 0.,,1. BD4 ' i!1Ic1taC1• . II,!ulcia~ w...~ 1114111,. taugbL'iIi the scbllQl. will FriclaJ. November6tb. It
CIIlumlJu .. O. - . 8 1'""", t wtll IJe ruur ball o t . , ol "d t he \' Uf er b u f O h io u t th e
The re
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F&d'~ imp~etlIIiollcmJl'('b~.fI.
Partofthe W'orld ~ Is Yours
E\' E
m tl e~ n orth. u p nenr 1lhl rt-' St:,I!"\' Il·
t.l on,
Dot Ano thpr whU e- m on In thlrls milliS," "Yo u n r fl r nn ch hl g?" " Just stnrttu' , you T11 t ~ h t "n~' ; r\1n . ' n ln' 11 f~w hend on n frpc> rollI'''''' I " Dot yo n '~e go t 0 houqc, II I'lncl' I
to 11vo In?"
jillni u lo! th p
(ilt1t~rS Il t
a thtng?" "Whot. me' shoOld s ny nnt. Thel'll wo'n 't nothI ng done th ft l \\,n'n' t all righ t. J don 't blome you R I1Ille. Yoo ou ght to gl t marr l ~ d . " "Do YOll re o 11)' think 80 ?" "Yes. I do; t hIs aIn 't no pl nrp for n l Ingle woma o who wnnts to hl' de<:ent, t o live 10, BesIdes. you'rll Ol d euo\l ~ h." "B ow old ' lim 11" "Seventeen, ma ybe; J oln' t murh on 1\l~IJSlng a gee- BJ1e:;lall y w ome n." J am nInet een, sh e tlnIl S~~, h e r t eeth glellmlng liS s he smiled. I wi sh ,00 would tell me nbout yon rself." B e gla nced up at her 80rprls.1l And twI stIng hll hilt a bout In h Is h onds. "That WOD't take long," he w Id 80. berl1. "I aIn't go t milch hIs tory: so t~ .peat. I was bOrD In Kent uck y li n run . ... .., wheD I wos so\,cnt ec n. Been out In thIs CouDtry e\'er since" IOldlenng mm ot th e tim e, 80(1 t hen puncb.1nr ca ttle for t.he SIll Slnrs. Saved a lit tle money nnd slart e(1 In to 10 It alone. Tbat's about a ll t ho
m e.nt. The IDtervlew had prov ~n 01. I t og lh er differ ent from wh a t · he h ad 8n tl clpated' the tear. h Ilnd ~o t , a e , me 0 ",II e 8W., w ere conspicu ous by t l1('1 r • h8"n ~'(', aDd los tend ot bringI ng ('om- I t nrt ullci COllralre to OD 6l:trem ell' mor- ' flrl<.. <1 young lody, he had f our;d he r ; fill ", I wI th me rnment over t he II lTu lr I an cl q u Ite Indll'terent as to Its Olll cnm e. I gh e "'liS dUferent trorn nn yl hl llg he ' hll ll p rp\'loutll)' cOllcelved . H e ' hll d I l'OlI n ,h' lI l ly expect ed to eocoun ter n rn- I ther or,lI nftry young womO D of thl' (' O lllm nlll'l uel? tronUer t)'p~th e kin d IIC , h ill Imown t or years. 8l1e hnd proVeD henelf not h lll g like ' ~'lI nl h,' had conoolved . Sh e hnd heeD an,lIh,,' nn d leJ f.no~s e.s"d. mock In!:
sili m Ih(, looh,
0' IUY wl(e.. el lhe r. YOII j."Ct th llt, )'011 coyo le ? \\ hn l do yer tJ d n k of It nnw- II l'.I'? '(l it It out ; I c\ I I I< f I ?" W' ~ I 0 )" ) 11 I I II 0 ler 11011' . ",,11)' hn'l til "p it It 0111; It \l'O S 0 11 1.1' cou lrl d (l wil li th o8e nil gel' s !;r l,,· plnl: hllll . " I.et I'<>--tl - n It- Ip.t ~"I £I - II She's-she's t1 'e h nn d,olllcst womnn J e l' .. r "" II'; )· n ll ~.I' n ll I" t go 0' m e I" Sl ll' lhy fl ll n!>! 11 1.11 to one shle In litte r dl sg ll s t, II l1 rll nl; nn I>nth nfl e r hIm ns he " '('\I' ll dl7.7.1I)' Into th e protec ti on or t.h e crowd . li e cos t h is a)'cs oll ce In contern l, t nhollt the circle. 8~ ek l ng some oth er nn tll gonl st ood .Ond lng n Oll e. '''1'0 h- I \\' ll h 011 o( you!" h e <le-
uf:l \ t II ll f
: 111 " IIle l ' ll l t":IH H o d ,
slId dplIl ... 1111111\1''>1 111'0 h lll1 H", I 11 (' rt'C'ol'nlzerl Cull'lIl1 o n,1 "R NI" 1\(' lIy, bOlh drllnk enoll~h 10 hI' u /:I )' nll (1 Ins ultI II~. 1'h r Or:;t stll r d Into his fn ce with n .n('rr . " H -\. 'H ,''': If I",n' alll'l Ihe hrhle. 1tl'QOIll . " h ~ (,~ l' I II I II"'rl In ·n lplI. I,\'. "Sny, \\'ll('rc )'0\1 tl(' 'Il " II th is IIlIml" S lw lhy <1r ,'1I' hn ck . 1J"IoII,\'. hilt hrl d bls 1" "' I",r. Ills h .. lll n III "IIIIIII .\, drllrln ,:t. " I il .. II ·1 1"1111 Ihllt 10 I", 1I 11\' o( 1"0llr bll sl n~.~. " lie rl1111 II (·nl, II)'.· . " Wei\. hy thllnd,·... II I•. j us l Ihe SA 111('. \' U" h"lle<l Ili ln 1111, gll nle w llhOUt no wnrmn l, 1111' )·,'r Idn yi ll' us fe r II Jlllr('cl M f\lOls. Fer one, I don' t s tnnd re r It. II 11'11. 11 put· up juh. \, ''" 1111' h('r nrr In ('lIhoots for j th At ' ""l1e),. ~I,,' <11 <1 "'1 lIel'l'r Io",k nt on(' to lIS. YOllr I'rN PlI lI llI' . 0 he slIrprl _eel WII~ 1(10 clnrll Ihln. 11 - 11 I he! ;re r jU~ 1 CO IllC ,,\'~ r ( r,III ' helll' w llh he r nn' Inll " h ln ' nt u~ -y e r eI-1I skunk I" S helhy'~ facl) hnnle rll'll Hnu hI s teeth set ",rllll ly. " Don't 1:0 too for . Co wn n." he wn rn1torJ." ed s ternly . "I go t oOll1e repu tlltlon 8S "WIth a lot left -out. Why did yon a fl ghlln' mnn mys elf 1\1\ ' I don 't tnke 1_" homer' everyl hlng penel'ably. l\ow . lis ten to ·Oh, the), w8ntee! me to go on In me, yo u drun ken ll rutc. nnd k eep a lChool and be a lawyer." civil ton/:lIl! In )'ollr head. I bov e see n "YOII 6n lshed h igh school ?" th e gIrl, hil I we dl' ln't Ill lk n one abou t -Sure; wh at made you think U18U " mnrrl nJ,:e on,l. who t'R mn re, I wouldo' t She laughed. t ou ch Ulnt 1II0ne y, nO I n cent of It, " Oh. Juet B word or two; you'\'e got even It ~ WI\ S 10 mn r ry her-sh e alD't Illto the bablt ot talking lik e the se thn l k ill d . ti er I aI n' t. ' people Ollt b ere. So ha ve I , fo r t he "Gosh, you mu s t Ihl tlk I' m n sucker, matter ot that. When y oo li ve ,\' Ith T om She lby . W hol lh e h- I you got them for yean , It's bou ntl to twist to gil mA rried oo ? J"II h<!l ye r oever your tODI\le. .1 can speak good Eng· secd two th ousn nd before In !Ill your l1Ih wheD I try." li fe. Te ll th nt to th e OIurlne s-there MAn' the thing )'er wnnt t o do most al D' t oohody gai n' to mor ry he r exta to lilt awa, trom P ODCB?" cc pt for the cos b." "Y-." " "hnt do you meDII ?" "Yel' BUre don't hOle! n o grnllge " Wh y, s he's ho mely oS n hed ge fe~ce, aplrult me tor what h appened t()o 'R ~' was jus t 80ylo' thot If 8h e'd a night,., picked him, he 'd hUH! JUDlped the reBer Ups ane! eres IJIDll ed. servutlon. money or no money. Yer "Why, of course n ot. It wo s t oo CBo't strln !; me I" rlc1IC1I1ool tor anJtblng. Alter you hnd "YOll " ~) s he's homely?" flied out I put my bend down 00 the " ) su re do. fill' os dnllln meO D ae she table there and lau ghed u otll I hod looks, I reckon." teara In my eyes. Tbe expressl oDs Sh clhy's fnce wn s lik e llI.n t nDd hIs 011 thole taces wheD I pickell you out rI ght fi s t crn shed 8~ n nre Int o Co wan's would have·made a dOgI BIIgh." 8nl'erlllg lips. Th e fc ll ow wen t topShelby wanted to 8II Y s OD1'I!Ull ng, but pll n/( ove r nn ll hr fMe he e \'e n koew hll mlnd leemed to be IItterly blonk. whnl hn'l hnrpen(' ,1 1111' I'fltI, 'hrn nn was Be could JDat etnre at her du mbl y. upon h im, lI old lll l! 111m Ha t to the The IlleDOO beca me 80 e mbn rrass lng enrUl ~nc1 p omm~l\ n g w ith both bnnds. tluIt he 6Dall, got a wkward ly t o his It wns ooon ove r ''1' 1111 , Shelby gh' lng teet. hlR op poncn l no chon ce t o brenk owoy, "l'm-I'm IIwtul\ y glad you took It Inte rspersi ng h Is hl ows wit h a frank . that '11'11),," he stuttered, " You see, expr.. sslnn at f,.cll ng. J lIoD't know much abollt gi rl s nnd so "Yon nH'lI~ly h OUII II! Goln' to mnrry I wal afraid yoo mI ght he mn d. I'll , hl' r for tI1on ey. Rill t7 Mayo e you'd have to 10 now, I think, MI ss." li ke to thnt li S' In. d- u y'ou I "I'm yery lOrry, but I'm glnd you Th nt' s 'h" 111 th e sl~e 0 ' YOllr ~o ul , ClIme. Good·bye, Mr. Shelb y. " Cuwlln. 1'1I 1(~ t h nt, YOII wh elp I You Be took Ule outlltrctched hBO d, con· won't he ~" l1- n henu ttrlll you rsel f aelou8 of the WArm pressure e " o ll 1\ 8 whell I !;~ I O. roll gll. 'fh erc IIO\\' I I' erh e tumbled at th e la tch of th e door. hops r ou' lI III ), qll let nw hll e I" H is eyes wer e downca s t an d hI s fo ce H e /lot 10 hI. f ce t lIu d gla red nhout fielDed; nor dJd h e br ea th e eas il y un. Itl to the r lug of ln teres ted ra ces deW he was agnJn ou tSide, a lone ID Ule fl ouUy. C1arknllM ot th e nIght. " Any more of yer wnnt t o sny whut be d id?" ho dell lfltll h 'd. "H ere, you, CHAPTER IV, K ell y; )'011 Il1u KI,ed wh en t bn t dirty pup . o ld she w u s hom ely liS 0 hedge The Proposal. {(mce I C'" l1e hl'!'e. you red · headed He stnred back at Ule cl osed d oor , t e"r ler," und h e g r lp peCI hltu by tho ltUl lIa zed but copnh le o f swcn rln lC ut thrlln t Rhll klnll the f ell ow h"lp less ly hllDlc lt tor' beIng such a b ill me fool Be f t'lt a vague suspIci on thfl t he hnd ' bli Ck, nlld fon" In hl o mild r'l g~. ·... m act.ed rool!ahl~ and th t th ' I I ' goln II' r IIlA IT ), tl ,nt ~I \' I . If Ril e 11 hOI'c , a e g r wos , ' tl jI ' I'P n I11 't I ii } I I O! I ~' ~n I n' t 0 amused a t his awk wa r d e mbarr0 8S - , m~, nn
(I f Ih .... Wfi '· thp r e I"
Lumber Ya.r d
Waynesville, Ohio
nl,III' I",,< 10 nil 1'1,,· h"t 1115 g loomy tl ln"" hl". retllrnlng to r ('st on his (n('P. T hpr.. Ther;· "'f' r .. nllmpr "". Ilt'opl(' On Ihe wa s n o smil e on her lips, y(tt somt... j ll1 J1 ln ~'n ' t' t, nllh n lll£h tll," pr l ncl p li l b ow sh e did not · look s ul len or In. I !troll 1'" "'I" 'e I,('fore th., ,llInN! hnll IIIHI ~l pCll rlh .I· · s salooll . 511('l hy s t op p ~ lu d llTerent. "And t hnt wns wh y YOII snld no ? lI.e /:In r p ot th e r,)I'lIlp r to ('ons hle r You C'ame bnck t o ex-" lnln? 1t wnt:: n't "'lint ht" Il nft h'-' ,h' r ,1n, h h~ mind v lhrAt· h t ,t\\' t"P Il
\ l U :-;T ~ I :\ YHI ~
,\ f\ I ·: ~; · II .
She did not sl'l'nk for ~o ~ t lll\~. ht' r
fil e
() l IJ{S.
:\'1' LI) \\ ' 1';:-;'1' F I l~ lJ IU ':S.
.\ 1 \ 1'1 ,:
eres roylng nhnllt tllC r (>011l nn cl then
~~::s;;,;O~les~\:~~e~e~~'r ~~~~; ~I::~ ~;(: I~'~~ :~'t'~",'.~ (i~:~rl~,,;rll\'~,:'ntl::~'oh~.~~~
' \ ' 1:-1 T Il E '['1\ 11 ':. :-;1': 1': \ ';-> .\ HO I ' T TII II':T:-':, ;\() .\ :\\) \ \ ' 1,; W I I.I, C I\'I,: \'U lJ
A l\e p U ~ LI C " M ADMINIS TRATI ON ' .IS IST$ O F A R EP u _' L I CAN p ru: S I 0 E N T , 5 E N AT6 .... N D HOUSE OF IlE PIlE SE NTA''' IVES .
HSort(lf !ll lnck- yr'. ; n ('o r rnl nn' n I ",d ~ t n h l ('; I h n t'~ ' honl 1111. 1',1 I'r' n d and y. W Olll~1tl ' t 1. fe r n~l; n girl to I!l l ou t th~r e I1n' II I' C? :"0. sI r ; thot olll' t ,I " , """ " "1 ,10 , n r.. ,,1 , f hllll . •,11 rli:llt. my styl e ; 11 wouldn'1 hI" "'('1('('>I1t. " I IInet li p tn r ll . ,d lind ~Ir\ldl' up thl' pn t h,
E\' I·; I{ \' F Al\llI. Y ~ 1A N A 1'\ )) WI F 1,; I': , " 1' 1TI.lW TO :\ lit)' I E ON TIll !'
II.\VI ,: " T Cu I' IT - IT \ ' I,; ln r 0 \\' 1'\ F .-\ U I ,'l'. \' :\ !' T I ll ,; 10' .\ 1L I{!~ Tu :\ cT .
r"l1lln~ !
h im " I f h 11('1' c · ··1Il tH IIl I!1 !" nll d I l ilt \fn ~ 0' " .I" k" . tl H~ ' kttm. rllt h. 'r tI l/Ill ~IH'. tl \' hklltly. I n tH' r "':oetlll1:tll"ll: IIlId lit· hntl uc,tl1 u 1ly fl'lt IIkl' n r nw I' t l~' In hl"lr prt' H'!H'l', unllhl.' 10 tloI " k Clf II I\"<'rd 10 811~' or \I'hn t t l> ,1,) II'lI h ell lH' r h :\n " ~ II r ("t't. 11 <1\\ l rHTllnrI1111!'"\'r d.·nll :oeil t' Wtl~ II II ll rt'n d ~ ,,( "'p4 'pd1. I f l ) SItW "J!nln tlll' plrlllr!' " f I... r. ~lI lln~ tlII 'r,' fll r lll~ hllll . h. 'r \' .\". '1::; IlIi'.' I l lh: 111111 fr n llkly , y (\~.
A- I I Hut II's lon N y nl' III~re; , lil t' "h ,oI ,' nO'"l r
1·:. \ IZ 'i'l1
A R E P UBI.. ICAN thu ll
YOU WANT '·O"er on th e Cot tonwonf\ :
Ha ve you got itYour H~me?
1'111')' r,·111l1\( ·k t"
): 11' 1)
hitll snfe
1'11 8'
Rn ge anti he str ,)I' L' s truh:h l nn Plts t
Ihe dnll ce hull IInrl IlIn",d ,I" wn thi' rlll rk I'.IIh to't1,lltlj: I'nr\, to Culkln s' s h llck . I l ,~ hlld h\1 [ t,lflP one PIlI1''''c : he hnd
brl dj!C's Io"'oIn,1 h im. hnll
tlll)l1:,: ht
hu rll od Il ls Afh ' r "'hn t hc
~I\ lt l
lind !l Il' W md)' n !o011lj,!le cou r 8e r cmnl nf't1. \\' ltlll l tl l n pltu!'u or 0 n ....
J!rct hI' lI'('nl r np Pf't 1. knu c kl t'~
~I rul ):ht
to II", clno r 01111
I I \\'II~ no r fl11l ll tn\l(' 11 nf t h ~
till " ti n,,'; I",
\\' II H
"1111 10"
nnJ;rry t o e ith er 111'!"ltn t ll or .}()u ht .. ,\n el
t h r e wo s nn In
'\\'f" '"
nr Ilj·t
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t3 1)t1l
~h , ' SIIII)<I 11,('I'c InO'(l ug II I UIIII In w nl1 (I,· r lJll! ut. " l' \ 'p ("n m l") hOCk to foJ n~' n n n tl'J(~r ", n r c) t o ~' uu , " l iP nnn o li neec\ sIm p ly _ "rc1
li k e to come In.'' " S"",ethln!; hns hnl' l)Cnell ?" "It hil s ; I' ve JII'I hod to li ck tw o pups wh o got t no
}!H y
'h OHt y ou.
snld so me t ll lnK~ . n' I . Ald s nm e t hl n~s . NOlv 1'llI 11I II11n' to lIIuk c I:,,"I \. You 811 1<1 YOU',1 1II11''''.\' me lI \\'h ll e IlI:O; do.. ~ IllIIt h"III?" Sho ~YIl S 1(-'nn l uJ:; " ~nl l1fi'; ( ,.. th c tllh l t!,
st ll r lnl( nt hllll; h er fR CP s {'C~ III I' II to go I\' h "~ nnel hl'r h " n il. toyl'" ncrl'''II SIy w ith n I(ul(e 811 e 111111 pl ckNI III'. ", Oil-YOU hnd trouhle with t\\'o m e n , oye r m e?" s hp o!olk (' .1, h er
\, ~llcc
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ii '
I " ~"'"
\\'1 111 \ 0 11 . " ,, '11, ' 1.:11'1 L::J 7I'd a t 1t 1l11 III
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t rlli ll r , 1!'4
t h ll A~ t a l " 0 1 d~ OI ' "·' ·I I. ,t . \ . j \ ' 11 1,,1 :4 1" '--'I' V: 11 111"d t · Xi · ~H 1 1.\J r ,
I I I I n a ny
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Only R C;11 "Failure." , ,1" '11 1' tI:..: .d " "1 II! Ii \I II I'd
t h l nl: . J IIlll ' r llial 1.1 1101 I .. 111 111'I Y til' dl'l (' H lI ~" .. I", ·s ;': 01 t· , d ll , ' 1111' I" , ' h l ll ll ! r " d Is .'·llIlr ... f :d r till ' ~ll'llI n' . I,q , ,1 1'1 . ' . lnl1·t 11011,1 d' tll il l I"" ,IIqq . ' ." 101 ~ " i' ' 0 Il l y J t.·Hl j ... . T hll l ' s J..! "t t ll I ,' 1': 11', II' I lifl l "l r ~H I II , " ' 1: 111 \11 dO ll ' t 11.110\\' nn ,\ lltll l l: :1hll lll :0: 11 111(,
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tn' lII lo lln!; ~lI~htl y. " Wllllt men ' " "' }t NI' I': plly nnJ n I:nto ho nnml'tl F la ttering. I I , . ':" ColI'nll ; th ey II'n s both hcre." ~ 1 "d4'rl\ 1,I "d ll).!" !":q 'II .\ :11'1" ':' 1,,," ( 11 h,. ! 1\ .' ; ·,11 )!p(lt) · 1l11t1 I of'l'tl l.\' . "Oh: t hcy lI' er e ."Ibry o t you tor lIlI 11 1'1 Il ull ,'n :lI 'I "" " '" 1, \ "" , ' It II I" " 1 I',·, .,'1 tllt' .. e fll:t ~· ht' :, nt1ll ' I l lI nC' ~ thnP" ~ . 'h" a ..... 1111' 1... y "n ' ll d ... t , vI' nhollt lilt', fl!r IIH'~ 11I :l t· I t Oil '1"':l n"' I'I'l pt . "SlI ro ; no l hecn nse you dIdn't toke tt' r II' I It:11 !\I nylu~ I t's ' h, lUl us ful r tlO notIce of th em; the n t hey !:,o t drll tl k fin ' u nd e rlook to r ide me: sol d It II' II S 0 1,,· \\ :t ~ : . ~ Ul\ fl tlli'r ." T oo BlI s ~ Hitc hing . " Y e~. I ' UP IIO~c II I". )" '11 !"'III1}' a p ut-np joh hetll',ren us te r get oll'ny ,\1 ,:" ". ' h:I\ ,' til l'I 'I 1! I .d ~' nll t h ll t 1lH.~H I I wl1H t you 111\, t' :-l nhl,(' with Ih nt money,''' 1111' lil ud (1 1' IIHlIl \\ h ll Id l l"l ,I'''' lll'" " I SlI rf"! dn." "W ha t mODey?" \\: 1:.: .1 11 1, 1 II .. 'ar 11 11 .. ... 11 · 1 111111 1 l II\lI' lI .""'Il t> II"1 lI ow !"tl , III ']" "T he twenty·flv e -tl und red )'OU wn8 1' 1111:1-. :\ " ,\ !oO . "T't Hlhll'fH\\' II hlrnll l j.!'. ) 1 11m to )!"Pl goln' t o get. T h.! pren cher tolt.! you a bou t thn t, dIdn 't hq?" Defini ng r ,l er ds. She sh ook her hend, ev idently beF" ! I ' II"~ tI "" tll4 ' l't lll l'l •. t h ll t ~ nll1~ w ildered, r, 'I1I I\\ ' t"I" "" ~!I " n':-= , .. I.! I 'I IlIt' lI l n n t "Where 11' 88 I g nlng to get all ' lIlo l flf tril l!!,,," I ', 'Ir·" 1 I' t·,·p 1· !'t,I,l:ol . m oney ?" "Wh y, McCor lhy WDR IHII II1\ ' It liP ; Girl P a g e. In Kansa. Leg is lat ure. he an d 80me othe r hucks, 90 88 to go l ve In ti ll' "III'I,\' ":t' \' l ' III l t '~ glr'~ "'PI', · ,'Ill· you n sta rt atle r you \\,118 IIlllrrl et l." p l \l~ I'd Jt<': I':IL.~ I''': III l'l,tll lU IllSt!S Or .tI le She drew fI d eep br enth, lookI ng K un :-II~ h ' /--: I .. I: tJ lin'. &trn Ight Into hIs .~)' es . "Yo u menn those ttJ cn CHtIle here fo r Hi! . t he Floor. thllt ?" Inclh: no tl tly. "TileY II' l' l'e 11'111 · ~ I .. n,')" s III lk ~"I\I'rn ll )' InkeR the Ing to murn me· ~o RS to ge l IlI lI t fu t'lII flf II 1III II l ..'y ·llIgue. --H,1s l on Tranmoney ' Good 00lil1 111'88 to be so ld I sc rllJt. Is thot actually true' Nobody "ver hInted su ch a 9h lllmeful t.hlng to me," "Well, I reckon th ey dldn't men ll no h8nll by that." h e Irl ed to exploln. "You don 't Jual see It rIght.. Tbey tlr · IIre<1 thot 01(1 elllki ns hn tl 'll eel nil' lett yo u wHhool a cent, so rte r I, el\ll ess out her e. on ' UIDt the to\\'n owed you The Fellow Went Toppl ing Over. a decent chlluce ter glt olArrl ec\ nn' 8e ttl e down. Thllt '" whllt th e mOll ey "'0 8 gt ven for." w mmoo "11'1111 Court "litH thu se fe ll o<"' ~ 011 kn ow It. 'fhat I was whnt made t.hllID Ilgree ?" N e w Suite "I r\cklltl InOybll It wa s -moetly. at lil t,,' \' 1:11"" ,,1' v ~ Wl lI ill lU S " ffe r , len st ." 1)1 ,'o r 'u-r.r u t,1ty. She twl ~ t p(1 he r hn n,ls togeth er . " I C hllrl o~ Ur llW II v~ Do r ot h y Br o w n , bot, red flu sh coml og Into e oc h chee k, DI vo rce - II usanc e. " We ll, 1'11\ glod to k nuIV thn t. Now T h e 1<;" V tl V C o . " s ,J C. Hou sh an j whot wos It th oS4'1 two men slll d, th e W . A . HI!I ~. :~"r lII o n oy . me n you hod til e trou ble II'l lh ?" When Your Blood 18 Rich s 'nd Red " We ll , you se~, COlVo n \\'U9 d rllnk lin' natu m ll y 011 'W orked up. Be's 8 People Notice Your Good Health "Will YOll T ake a Chim ee 7" ProceCfling. I so rt 0 ' goot!·lookin ' chop lin th inks out 0 ' h(' rc n 8 SOH II JlS 1 ('all. I row I 111 Ill e m ut t e r " f th e ~rn n d j u r o r ~ he ellI s (Ill it e a 8Wn Ie wltl. wOlllen ." fo r 1.11 0 (J " I.oh M t Ui Ul . ~ m nk E llJo n III It- w ill yu n Ill ",· II 411 ' 11)1 " '0" "But II'llHt did 1110 sn y?" ,Vl1'! Ap pOl nl "U fO r 0 Il1 11li " n ,1 Jllmes "We ll , he ruo IlOtO Ill e up th ere on , n I f' \' tl!rfe \\' :i :-.... ,I rallL;'t'I .\' ,.' ·i l 1: '1t' ~ 1. Fo ll en uo ,' :; t llh le . th e street jlls t now. him nnd ' Hed ' Pale Face, Dull Eye8, Droopinlr ~"!'_ ~_~~~~~~~~~--~ I In t he uJ<ltW r of M. E flll,1 L . A. Ke lly, on' Rn ld I wns ntlc r you ror ._~~ Shoulder8, Res ult From H o"~ V~ R llv tlll r ri son et 81 0 1_" lhllt m oue~' . 1 tol<l h llil Io ~. W IIS A lIur ( 1I S ll1i ~ F e c1 11 [HI co"trl to u e p "id by Cloned Blood un' then he l ortor le t lo"se n romll rk p lnln tl fl'• . ~P..l:Ii{S I dIdn ' t toke kIndlY." : In IliA IlI l1tto r of tJl'o r l(e N o w8'e dt "Whot rema rk 'I" If y o ur blood Is in bad sh.pe It VM 1\ . M . Elhiug e r . Cos e clis ml ssed "He-he sorter ID Slntln lel1 Ihot I'd sh owe up In y our looks and fee ling . ' IIt C()~t 1\ 1' p la l u tiff .' WneD y o ur bl o od is rl oh wHh r e d never morry )'OU tor on r o th er reaI In t l;o 11111"- r of t h o @tn t.eUlent o f oorpusoles your oo lo r Is better -y o ur SOD." "Be dld-whl' r' Ih o O ruU (1 ,J tlrv. A fte r ollT fi tully e xIipl are r e d, eyes wide ope n and "Well," h e blurt"d ont I le~ p e r8t el)', a mi ni ng I h u c Ollot.y j r1 ill1 ~ t o oundl . br ig ht; yo ur g oOd f euli og sho ws in , t io n . trll t< llII ullt lin d cll s OIpliD EI of IlII cllllg no poas lble wn y of "scope, "ho y our I)C*lOne • p r i "u n .) r~ , t h e v r opOl't till,t th e rules COt.l lllJn O s en se will t e ll y n n thl)t It sorter sold you wll s n't •. wful good h t,ve b 'en oll r,'fu ll y kO lJt IInli that weak, t hio hlo nd mllkes y ou look lookln'. ou' the ~ I pastod h im. Tbot's 110 lu w h ilA lJHe ll vio illt! d . IIfe leHs. it lo wer" yonr vitality, If all," H er lips parted , . her P')'os opening vour v lt.d lty ie low y OU have HU.le powe r t o r e~1 8 t di sea s e ge rm s. Me n. "'1<'I e 10 os tonls he (l 811111"" "" 'nt , Marriage Lirenael "1'11 at I WIlSD't go(\,1 lonl;, ng I" she w om e o IID d ch il,lre n wi t h rioh, r e d Ueo rt,( e \{ uil y, oleo trloll l d e ~l g tl e r, lauglll'd. "And you II l" II ;lI ly hIt him bl ood a re a b le t o fight olf the germs ur L>uy t o n , lI DtI M i s ~ U tlD 6 Vl e v e for thllt'" whioh b rIng s e vere IllneAB. K uif llll r, of Le bllt. o " . "I s ure (\1,1; the oUII 'r pilI' laughed Wh e n y o u feel rUD d o wn and weak Li n y LewlH, "" I "~"' Il Il, ot Morro w, wi th n o appetite BDd DO ambillon , an' be gOI hIs dose uhll ill Iho SlI lIIe lind MISS Ar ti e I:I l1 rl o w , o f Leb lloo D, tli ke P e p t·o-Mllngon tor awhile . It time. I d .IllI't III1 ~t 'Il ~ d ' !,,'11)' Done ; 18 Il grs/l.t bl ood boildln~ tonlo jus t shook 8 little s e.. ,,· 111 10 him, V UDce U" ... i~ , g rtl l n ~ r 011 N . C, R ., u f DJ1 yto o , lind Mrs , E ; t h lJr KIrby , You ,h ould begin to teel better but I r eckon It'\I be a wp', ~ k before o f I, OUUDOIl. Cnwon ~ " 18 out much, '1'1 1011 I come withIn /l f e w dl)y e, • P e pto-MangllD Ie put up In both down I lt 'l' O, Posltig &a a Pll<!l to evade pe ril "To usl< me to mnrry you ?" liquid and tablet torm . 'rake either 'f thl 11111111, J Aell 06\1 oe On Y c' Probate Court Proceedlnrl klDd yon pr e fe r beoauee they have "'rhRt 's th e Id ea , I told 'Ctll rd do ndlu IIrI, marrle c! h e r (\' Ir : I" In Ute m il tttl l' o f th e (\~ t&t e of the sawe medlotDal value. Bu' be It . ''I','' n't lik ely you 'l\ re,,1 11,,"1' the Ind ~ In a mleel clI ! '" ; .. ,.,... _ IdeDUI,Y WIUI 10 " i' Bure you ge t the genuIne' Pepto · s nme .vn y ~'O lt cllc1 ot tlrst. 1,"1 Ir you 1:I11rry Co rne ll e t 1\1 , as ex oou t ors of 'b l'O'i1l$ ...... tiled \18111111,; " • MaugaD-"(lude's," The tull namQ, do, I; " II I'm III UI" gU I,n e. I " I,, ' t got t h e 'lis t will of Alb' rt Co rn e ll, de. .:'a ~1l ~ ge8 lIo1 d n r: r tlr" " .' . "Uude '8 P opto-Mansan," should be mil d,; I tu lr] you 011 ' bout 1111, 1, but 001)1'011 , v s ' Htly Vu r n ell e t ..I. Re · -' ! ~ :r" ,, ( P o ri' on t h e pllokB g e .-Adv ertlsemen', p o rt ot 81)Ie uppr o vtld . If ,·,,,'r,' R In ln<l 10 rOUl!'h II 11 0 pD
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Ut·ul EH t Bt e Tr a nfe re /\ 1\", 11 1 " tr .. , w k 1·11 II I t( 1 t'hillp ( 11 11111 " rl IlInit "I '...'"1 11 Iii 1" ' 111' I .. f. 1II III't ' ' I t " l dilll!'l. , I , .. 111 ' 1' 1 1, 1 I"t N I ' , II \11 111 I k ;I " I I:": \11 II " 111 11.1..... ' . Ih ' !'OI·' · ... 1t ~ \,vn \· I1 ' .... \' r! :,'. fl . h" 1" ... 1 1; , ' 0)"':, ' F l i, " 1"11
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Commi 881on er s' I'roc.>edlnx. Blll d IIII" well : U. I' . •V I I1 IHUl ~, ~ lIP\l l l e ~ rill' o Oll r l "t,I' n " l,: r " ph tlr , f I0.0 7 ; W . 1::1 Il u \l p' OIf. ('l)r \Jt' lI le r w,,,k, ~ n II<; ~ I] ,I"y , t u r .. m I"vl l ~ f l ; \.(I wIM & UrH k .. , 0 0 .. 1, . ;J 16; ( :" Io mbull Ui ll tlk Hlln k M· J(. ( ' 0'1, dnjl\Jl h' ~ Illt cl h lllnk N. f I O, ~ G ; \ ', Ii. L> ~o h n n t, IIUH I" " ", "14 : (l ul l" 11 11'\111 Wnrk e M rl( ('"., I :-i. H. N il. I O ~ . • a;
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l' to , f~O j' 7!) ; W . H F " r . u lR u , hnuli tl l: g r,,~ " l. ' ~b 7 18; Wil li",!, V'H II" r , r " IIII II U U hr" l ~ tl f t'llui r , * l 77, 7 ~ 1; I h i, N 'ndl ( l ; n(~t ll n " t1 M\)t llr Cill' ;". , I r u c k rl' l).ll r . , '~ 1 J :! ; T h .. Barr llll C,). . hl lllUIiLl Otl S w " t e ril,l tf, ' 140ll. 4(1 ; p, t" rs t :" r tr td " 1;" ., I"\ln " "t,u n " It t K lnJ< " , ' 3~2 ~n; I'll" \1 o r . r nW L um he r C,) , Itlmos r ftor1 nllll tl, f l O 06 ; Tho Kll h ', uro tl & ,J" oi>t)~Co. h ,)ls t Cllbll\, " S. 9f1; Th l! Vll n ( 'II DIP l:l t ll ll e Vo., orush ed IIt u De . .. 2M 43
OlaBsiSed Ads An ad . in this c o lumn iRa sur e sllle MONEY LOANED
Il NH:Y Ttl l.O , N () N ~' AIt M ~ li t, 6i'b I tll " re <t rur [j to 10 yell r s . Tu rr e ll & '1" H 11'11 , He nl Ii:~ . t ll t ~ II lI d LOlln l<, Wll m l u!(t " ll , OhI O. Ph o no ;lu i m ill U
L' ",nod on liv e Mfnol<, n lso sooond m o rt.gIlK IlII . N ;) tll ~ h Oll l( h t ,1 I1 hn 1:I.lrulno, A llen Bullrllll l(, X nid . Oh Io . 6. 4.2 1 cl llltrel ~ ,
- "
~h oe p ,
Ih tnp.blre :\",.10 1 276 1be., 3 y ear. 01(1
w olg h t. AI "o , a ll April Mill o Ouroo Pig, weig ht :.lOa 11JH. G 1£, Riley, pho De 4ll 6, Way n etlv ille, Ohio, 03 ;j1
WANTED 14 Ill . F oildor VnUor,prefer _ A .ll!blyor with Clurl o r,most be In good cUCI,li l iulll)ud Oh lll1 P fur olls b Addr e H ~ W, B, Gu\hrl ~, R, D,6, Wavn es vlll e ,Oblo . nlO
LO2.2~"-Blaok fi p o utlds ph one
sa.sy' ,
t!ow, weight IlbOUI, Ifi Ddl\r pl e tl81\ ollli W " yne!vn le . u27
So w, wllh h r)le ID .ar 1 IfBignotBI"ok t o rll out WeI g ht, SuO lb~ ,
' llewIlrd, A B t:lhaner, Wayn ellville , Ohio, rrm - aar
FOR SALE e d SpoUedPulaod.Chlnll. II.D (1 I m.noD Duroe J e l'8ey Red PllIe,both lexe~,
el\ gi hl e to reoord , K : Ill. ThomplI Cl n R . O. 1. Ortl80 nl", Ohio V IIU ey ph o ne.191 Yo, l:larveYBborll rID" n17 Florence B ot-Blae& Beater A good ror Bale, .In good oondUl o D, In-
quire 01 MarSha O'Neal1, WII.Yl1ee. ville, OhIo. . n10 ond-hand Wallon: ' AI801'01l18 A 8o" Dew Manure 'Surea4el'lI-Nllo()
·andOhlo-&.C ROod prloe!!. LaybOUtnCl & M O ~6Bn , W~yne8lflUe, Ohio. III
BodD'" Kil ohen Cablne', ,0.0(1 all A new .. J. f1q Dire of Mary 1', Brow n
RO\l&e I, tlprt bg Valley, Ohio.
P llh., nd:rl. \ II.. PiP. wetKM 70 prfOtl " 1115. Call, uD V!I . . O. oUQ!lUIs, W.YD8I¥'lUe, Oblo. oll7
5 pctJilWR:
---.... TH E MI AMI I S~~\J(':1l
G A Z t .T T E.;).•
VoteforF'R.ANKB. for United States Senator
Mra . E II ~Kbet ll Barlan , wbo me.t wl,h 110 1088 lly fire at Lytle r eoeDtly , ~ D. 1,. tl A E, ]·: d itor· a nd l' uLlishcr. \\ tl) nI'~\ illc, O h io wi abea to expr.S8 h e r g ratitude to : tbe Wf\Ur wh o eo oo mpletel y s lIv ed . ,!:i uLJRcri otion Price. $UiO per year h e: r dweIJing froDI a total 108~ . Miss Elizabeth R"DdlllJ. an' elderly r '''1\" '1 \ .1\, .• 1 1' 11 I U. "If' "lI t .t·.f" I --; II! \\11 I' Jl''''' t'HI . I', "I II I 11.\' hldy wbo t o r maDY years lived In our mldtn. lind tor a li me ID Way. nesvllle aUll LebaDoD. died IH Leba. n on . t:lrt t nrday, lit the lige of 9~ . C , WEIJN 1':::; 1lAY. UCrUl-lER '..7. Jrl20 ...., . Rundall . of Le baDon, ber brolber, Is t,he oDly surviving Il llir of Il large ON THE STATE TICKET--SECONO COLUMN r,tlDII y. ~ he tell ves oeleeN. D phew8 Ilnd frlllnd R to UJ o orD her going (Not on the National Ticket) Mrs. Mar y K e nDedy r etu r n I d h " II' 11 reotl ot,ly. Aft e r ~ev o ra\ .. eek~ · Vl~it witb reluf.l vell l10d fr ien d s 10 On e o f the most ollt. standill g fi gllr L'''' in the l1 :.l liol1. Ih" W (\~ I . ]{e n, pmhtl r. tb e lte pu bl1 can rnlty T hroug h his lon g p1lbli c ca reer, Oll l' of th e mos t , wb lOh w ill be I·be l u~ t d ern " D ~ tr 8. typ ica l n ' presenta t ive 0 1 the bes t ill AI11 riean li it' . 1111 W urr" ll ('Ollll t y. Will bll b f' hllll're I on ~"turtl"v . O ot ohc r:W Yu o urtl I fI q Il". h-,I t o he pr<,"oll L A leader whose voi ce will he in "Inlltly Ilcnrd n ml I. N MllI " r Rnd 1\ " l1 u lll or . LoI R, foll oweu in th e n a ti on 's cll un c il s. 1 ...... I(U AM IMIIf Mr . lind Mrs Itt! It .. I'd\t nk , lOr n tlu r, Or" 1-: '1I1 111 . u n 1" .. , Thnr.dllY I Wlnl " r i ~ "1'1)rIl801lIng quito r ltp. l'II.v. IIIId II10W Y M UM 'HtJ wlt.h ollt FEARLESS ABLE - EXPERl I~NCE J) UIII' wll\t'Jr' ~ tm·!. \\I ,. ILul' ~II vu r~ \ViiS o,lIl orl t o IrllllCLA SS ES ,.nil ', IU SI wee k . 11 11 lI oe , u nt lOf t h e dpfl th of Ill s l.r u t.llJlr . Cllltr lllM. FRANK B . WILLIS . I Mrs. Ullrry Ki ng , Ropl1hl1l'un 00 m . --::::::-----=-- - - - --- . , - . \\'I II IS 11,11 I,, · ., 101 " mIUeo w ..mllll . of KIIlg8 MII I~. In . Uhlo. '1',) Frank I! W ill i". " t\ ["on I "tr uduu I h o ludy \' o ttl r ~ of thl. vi Ol h":t l' .: r i., II .• m u c h :t I1ml1 :tnri Frank B. Willis Is Ohio's Choice to suc"I ty o n TueHdllY II f t '1rtlOUlI. \\ 11 11 " A l wa .\ "'i ~' I II : II ' t ' f dl"II' "ili :~ "11 :t" a llIilhnnain ·," CuolI Kirk WUH' Il W !'l' k e o d gut's t ceed the Creat Men who 'have represented lIurry Ila,i 'i. of r tl lllLivps I\t FORtlOrill - (·II·\'('lund :\I· \V~. Her In the Councils of the Nation. O ur IlUI,O h O ~1-'it"l~ li re full t o ove r. - - - -- - - - - --..:. In serted by a friend of Franl(8.WiIIis l10w lu g Yo u lI1u ~ t Hpe llk "h A"d If H e llll'm lH 'I' Stil i, ' alit! ." :11 htlial h :i\ yo u Wis h you I UillOhltH> trt,,,ted . l ut s un.' s l ' pltl'alt' thl ;; ~i';I I· . Tbe Clvi o Lellg ue DIP!· 0 0 ~1I11lr. , dlif ,tt e rD oon at t b e hume 01 Mr • . W. L . l:lor vey . Dayto n', M r . Brow" Illl~ IIl ~dA II ' t h o rou gh 8tllrly of tb e Lefl~u (' Unr tOWD W88 we ll r e pre80 n led a t NatieDS, lin d gav ll fin e xc ull !lnt IRlk ; th e R e)Juul icI\D ~petlo ll In WaYD es. 0 0 thllt sullj eot .Jod j!o Willllrd J . I Ville, l:)otural\Y aftern ooD. - - -. lh MCK W£..'fT Wr iK ht , of Le ban on . gf\ve Ill s t,rno ., ' 1m F. Aytercl, moulIl{llr of tbe R e viva l lIl eeti ng hlJgi oij O P.'( I. S un. ,lOllS b o w to vot.e tb tl l-tepubholln - DEALER INBo rn-fo Mr , find MrH Unrr" l:iar.v eys burg Ffirttl : ~.ll r (;0, trllD8. clA Y at L yt le ohur e h. Th."r ullC. W", a pt',,,,n named Co..' ~ioket.. (;o unty Chli i rrulln Cb'HI f\~ Lnnlln A. nurth'lIl~t .f l"w l1 . " tin'" do .ed ho si n ess in Wich ltl1, KaD, Mr IlDII Mrs A. O . Wllllllrn s un d Wtl ggoll e r hud ob fl rgfl o f t h e m ee t. dll og hl,e r I Flour , Fef' d , Coal, Salt, %0 wantffl 10 Wea' Wibon', lIO" last wee k Mrll. J . M . :'ilaoY,of Day t on. rectJ~'tlY ing. MnAi e was fur" l~ h o( 1 by t.b e l hJ 1SA U ele n KOilll'. ~ Iu ' le nt, lit (lx. , BUI h.. '",'nd. made • holler T ile. Posts . Water Foun We Ililye ~ume fflrm 8 fo r r efit And v i~lt ed wllh Mr s. (; h noe ~ides W" yoeav lll" bl\uc!. A Illog e c r owd l for ,l . ~ )lO li t In"t I-III III -"'IIIY ,,",1 Bno. , Whl'n they 'ound Wibo,,', colW t nins :.1 11d Self·Feeders. ilU lue r"nler t! fur farm s . Uet bu sy Bo rn-To Mr " n el Mrs U I,l no e nj oyud tho occa .t on . I du:v wtl b I"H' h OlLl e lulk. , r Ilnd soleot y our locatioll. Br uck. of In rlltlnllpnliR . Hfll.llrd "v. W.. wrapped In the . ery ,am., box. Th e Ladl e~ Aid 0 ' t.h n I... yt lo W nrd h n~ bo nn r ee-Il l·vell h e r e o f Our ImDk iH com ing IIlong Dioe ly; Ooto ber ~ :S. 1l H8 ven.)Jo llnd dnu~ lIl e r will I{i vu .. Hnll o wp 'on Ho · l lllfJ 8ar,,'Ur iv, d uf ~JrB . M" r y LIIII1111e - SHIPPER Of REPUBLICAN TICI\ET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- business i~ inorell Bin g IIDd Olltroos Mr" (;llIu de LeWIS h88 hne D 'I"it o oburch olal a t t,he hlill , n ext :-;"turdilY evon· find d'lI1!lblor. ln .lnw. MrR . J u hn Itr e s"tl ~ fi ~d. WIHlt lU o re shonld ~Ick hu\ is n o w Impl~ovi oK iog. Oc ~o b " r JO. ~~V('fV0 11l1 illv it lld Lt1mlUtI . lit LOB An!: e los. (;u l. Ha\' , Straw a nd F eed . For I'rfltlld tlllt wo ex peot: ' - - -- _.. , Mrs .J o hn \Vri ~ ht, le ft fo r 10 WII , \\' A H I(E~ U . II r\HPt~, j Mr . ,1m! Mr s. Frnllk W oolJer li nd , Dlivld WooD er s 8ale was w ell at. ohildren, of DRY t on , were Huoduy l aRt MOll rlny nigllt, OD 1I0uo uut of 1,'01' \ · h-6 · I· ru~lt l cli l I.e Dded aDeI ttuogs hro0!lb\ tI ~lltl8 . • vt t!itor~ of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Bro wn. , the c ritlo .. 1 illD esH of h e r futh e r, Ilt l reed Grindin g a S pecialty. VA 1.\' 1.-; CUl) LlIl U E fa c tory PrlO l' , Mr . Bnd Mrs . W eD . thnt pill ce }o'u r C iu \ erncr Mr. IIDd Mr ~. Ail e D J£wrlok and ner alld ill/lilly wlillellve, N o ve mbe r 8 0ro - 1'(, Mr IIntl Mr s. G lyod 'JD Mr , and Mrs. lo bn Underw oo d IJ .~RI(Y 1.. LJ ,\VI S 1st fo r tbelr new b orne iD Mon'g om. dllughter, Glildys, wllre l:IoodllY dIU. McNutt . O c t obe r :!~ . " Hon. e r ~ torn e(1 h Olilo nft!:! r 'l se ve rlll For UeUlenftut uo,,'f'rllor ery oounty, DalU DllytOD. N hlle iD Dil l' gueilis of Mr. Dnd ~r8 . ' harleM Mr . and Mrs. WarreD LallY enter. bav w ee k8 vi8i' w ith t.b eir dl\o \.: ht or llD d I. A IIK NCa,; J. IHIUW N I MI8H Mllrle bl tlBCc ll e r Is Dursl ng a ~bi B locality , they marle fri e nds, and ADderson, at Waynesville. t .. lned Mr, Fre y aD d f"mll y ,find famil y, Mr. IlDrl l\'\r R. 1'11111 Moor e, of brokl'D IlUkl o . lou r ~6(~rt- lCLr)' o f at bht IlII wls b them the hest this life MrII. l.ydla Mende'Dhllll . of Day. c \h er frl e uds froUl Oayto Ll.la K' ~ UD- , n OM l:Iarve y sb urg 11 .\ l( \'In ' C. SMIT II W . 1:). l:fullmun. of Ih e Loo kland affo rds t o n . i8 vlsitlDg her 8,l~ter nnd hus . . . . I Til ) 111 II A Crom e r , (l.I( ed 6'1. d iou at F 41r Autllt(lr of ~tt1'O ~O h Il OI8. dlJ!l ut the w uuk ·oud a' Ills Prof IIDd Mu . U. V. Tolle were bRDd, Mr , and Mrs . Charles Clark . dilY. ~r~. LI~zle Le wl8 and MrR, ~olu le St . 1l:1i:tll bet h 'H h nspi t,tl . IIiAt Ifmluy Jf ISE I'Ii T . T HAt' Y 11,,111 0 here. goes t8 of rellitl vlls iD Uayt.o D. OD Mrl!. Emma Foulk,s Is spending a BeDtloy were guee t,s of Mrs , lCllu rl ee ev enm g . Th e h ody WIl S r om oved \ 0 •," ur 'l' rc u~ ur" r ur Stnt(\ t Til e llrst nuru hllr ot th e lectnre tI"'urdllY . ootlple of w eeks In Dayton with her Buddocl!, ODe ()I\Y IlIost week . t h e h Olll0 r,f h i. nel ce MrM . All .. I(UIHlL I' 1I IV . ,\1 «, 111((1 0 0\U 80, a loot uro by D. L. FI!:tlJat. ''' athamel Harvey dlej , Silturday daughters , Mrs. Moille Dnvi s tlD'\ Oor r Ollod il< closed this ,veek wh ile iCro wl, lit ' bls )lIK et!, wh ~ r o t,h e funTelephone 76, ring 3 F o r All or.le ,. C; llDt.ru.1 ri c k , WIlS al' juy ed II,. Il.' large audl. afterDoon, at bls borne CD I.be Av · Mrs. Luoy FHe. u. Dew bridge I~ beiDI! )Jut In and the Iflral Wll~ beld, ~ und l\y Afr-e rD oon at L _ _ _ _ _....________.J J u B:\ U . I'HI C b; Il uce, eDue Mr . U"rvey was an o ld sol· A nnmber of Lytle folk s helped r Olld r eplloired. 20·0100 k. Borlnl WllH nHl de i n Hell . .F'ur l ' uih.""ll SlulC!" Sellntor J tl880 liilliind family are l:UC6t8 dler lIod was w e ll kDowD . He leaves swell the orowd at ' Ile R e publi olln FI!A:-; I{ U. WILLI!! Mr. nnd Mrs ll. l::i . Eillil hu V8 re- hro o k ce m e t e r y . of frl u od~ to Indillna. one 80D IlDd maoy reldl vee t o mourn rally at Wllyne~ville. I::i,.torday IIf . oeived word o f the arri val o f" g rand_ For Ht' ltrOiCutu lh's 10 t:out(rtiti8 The Pyt hlllll :::I ~ t u r ~ lodgo will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80rn - T o Mr , and Mra Artllur bls rlepllrture . Be WIIB laid to res' te rnOOD. IID d enjoyed the speeoh by I'!I~IKO ;-; I). FK~lI daughter at the hom e o f Mr , IIDd k ee p o.pe n b o us e li t tho K of P. hl1l1 Blly SIIJ.!, Uc t obur 21, II suu. ID tb e tSprtngfield Chu roh burylDg Hon. W . B . Bo yd. 01 Cleveland. Mr8. Leroy Hurd , of P lq u". 00 e lec t,ion rluy Imd eveni ng . nnd fu r State Sell a.tur Miss Ellllliol l'bllyel', at Hpring. grounds, Monday afternoon. Mr. aDd Mrs. W ll bnr Clllrk and HOLAr>D O. l>AV IS willlll AI) eon-u rotreHbment~ . . fiold. IH UlU I-:U rost of Mr . and Mrl. Or. MllrloD Shumllker traDBlloted Mrs. ,\illry (;armony motored t o F o r ltCPre6e.ot6l1vc to (lener" 1 Asscm bly Mi ,;~ Curri e K " blr' . w h o forme rly E ' ' de· tl y... J esse l:f,lwklUM . J UST I N W . II AH IJ1 M' Lena, MillDli Connly., BaturdRY . IIDd bnsiDe8s In Dayton. B"turdIlY. Poke r as Gla ss Cutte r. liv ed n o rth of tow n hnt who now .. . Fu r Cle r k ot Cu ti rlM I\l n Will . Mills islwpruvlng from Mr . and Mrs , Joho Feillev enter. SpeDt SUllday wltb 8D aged Ront, An I II"e lll " u~ IIlI'lIlnrl n( r" llIn ~ liv es In On .Yl-oII, WOLM'rnllrrled to Milr. Glasses Fitted I'. J . I. EW IS II r tlotlDt illnes8 . talued Ollrry Brown for dlnDer on Mra, l:io8AD SI1l8 Il la SR with n pok,,!' I. rlpgrl' III" II: ~In k e t in ·c hmldt. of X OIIIII , l'lHt W edD ell . AT MODERATE PRICES J For Sherll l ' J e~8o tsanniugt o u lind family llilYe ti nnday . Mr. and MTS. W"It;er Kenrlok .. Dd o ti ny notch on Ih" ~ d"e fir II ,,' gol""" d'ly e veniDg . Tb flY le fl. fo r I.. os AD Mu ltll u I\ UIIA:\'\' ruovvd to tho t'urw of tluWDtll Wil The Jonah '8 Rnn Bllptiet Chnrob Mlsa Loul8e Woolley apen' I::iuoday ",her" YOll "'IWI 10 e llt II. 1.11 .\ ' th (' gel eii. CAl. . tli e samo "veiling, where For Vo u lit)' UO lllluldl!luuon; SUll , held an aU-dRY meetlDg OD Sunday, In .Jameuown, 'he gUBsta of Mr. anel glass o\'.e r a newsp"p~ r, 80 Ihllt YOll Jtbey Will reside nntll tbe fir s t Of/ tlAM 0. II t::N lil , ~: a prfnted line ns a 1:111<1 ... hl'nt 11 April I'here will lJe .. Ballowe'eD 600ial "'blob was wellaUended aDd muob MrB C . R . Binegar and 1141.. I14IDnle bl"e poker and apply It whe rp th p notch . ______- _ _ Optical Department CA llI. J . MIL-LEII Reaor,i. 'eDjoyed. at tbe sobool lI o ule, Friday evening. FHANK U. TUI(KS la. Th ere III II tllint click. no.1 It the S. Detroit St. X enia, Ohio Mr. aDd Mrs. Gao. W . DlI.vle will Mr. aDd Mra. J . B, Jonel eDt.r. Mrll. li u wnrd , of Jaok.on, Mloh., "'~ o r 'rreuJi u",r II P itcairn leland Women. Open e venings by appointment Is I be 'IIU6llt of M u. ADna Uiliesbee leave for LOll ADgeles, Ca\., Novem talned to Snnday d inner, Mr. aDd bot poker 16 drawn ft lowl y (lJ;Y lI A nLA T'!' tollows. When llip. OPI>°·1I1' erlge '1'111' "'('11,, '11 "r 1'lI r'H II''' 1-11111'1. ,1('. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ber 2nd, to Bpend 'be wlDter. Mr • . E. B. Longaore and ohlldren crack 111](1 Mi lS Edua Lehr . F u r. UOu nl ~' Ht"l'('rt'ler of thr g lll ~8 Is r .."d' NI II \1'111 100 ("1111<1 - - -- - • and Mr. and Mra Ja,meB John • . ALLEN II U I' ~' lI A ,~ thnt It Is In t wo !'if' pnrnt e ptlrt !'!. f'( ', ' rHlfI(l (r t lill EI1~ll l'I ll ~ JlIIIJr ~ lI ud O f,, l !f ' It HII 11111111 111""' , nfl' ",'!'IiTlh ••.) liS I lflo • Clifford WlDston IIpent several Fur UOU lI l)' Hu {\ l,y, .r "I\ me l'h' u I·'II' <I"- IIIII-o lnl;. 1),, \'1, will he a ·r ea l OO\·c ru o". III ~ 111l1l"':lutll .r g l'lIl 'f' flil. : I !'l \\ 1'11 n~ \' I~ KAftL J . d I'K 1'O( ' tJ: 1I days Il1at week with hi s par'entl,Mr. Settlement of Okl ahoma. Yur Pru'«."C Utlll"; A li urUftl lind Mr.s. Earl Wioston. 80uth of ArlPr II". nrftl l- l1i,," h)' 11". f" (I"rlit nt·oll ... . It I~ II l ' Olllllllln .~ h,!ll t to ~fI(' ... . M . I ' l NN I 1'OII II .\&1 to wD tSiDoe en'ering 'be Air Ser. 110 \.",.""".,,1 " r II" . IlI oll"" 0'\"1",,. II,,· 1111' .' tll l ll),: \\"il I IU'1 1 .d' 11r~' 1:-.I :I l ld ~f) 111 1 <..: atarrh <..:annot be Cured and ,1uHrl fll l ' ... , ••\.1' , r o d l ~ ... IHI'·'·... 1'111' · (l'O f ~om " Br vloe of UDcle 8am, he ba8 been at t errll nr~' or (Jk l" I1",,,,, \\11' \l' llh J.OCA I. A PPLICATIONS as thoy 11 . 1;. IlILA 'I'I'R Il Sa D Antonia, Tex., 1111 the mechantoal Olle n 10 willi.! "';>1 I h.·,'s. Ih p ",'''I"t1 " II ,·t r~hl1': 1' :I IT, ·l s !lr "ul "1" 1 11' 11111 .. 1' IlI'n " ~' I,.'ulln o l r\.'uc h tho sca.t or the disease. L'a I UI'I'II I ~ U. 10 a l tW itoatio. greatly In80 h 00 1 t,b ere. B e Ie t,'th ere, Mon d I\Y, hy prodllr."lllln" uf l're"l ol ~"1 ""I'I' I~"n 1III I'tl l'II"': / 111 III I' l l' :-;h .. "ld· ·r..: . 11('1 I1 I I"I'l1t · (h l u lH.:c d b;,' l:O luI Utu.uonu.l conditione. RBP UI) J.I l 'AN J l · I.I IlJI AL 1'1C I(K'I' h h e on April 2::!. H\ill1. a Inrge lfilet III l Hll1 I ~' \\ ' 11 11 II!" 11111 1' 11 ( 'ilS " H:-' til e .\' 01111": · h·]~! 1 e Id , were VETERINARIAN for Wllb nr W r111' un .... i n o'd t' r to c ure it, you muat tak. }o~or Oltlut J u.stJ('o u f SUJ)n)mo l 'uUrL wlll be stationed. not) the C llpfol<ep .trlp or ntJtlt-t l u f li p 111. 111 I!/ •. l in Intcl'ilu l reme dy. HaU's Catarrh C. '1' . r.I .\H SIIALL .\i L'llJd IW I ~ luk on th t ern ally and act. Mrs. Amllnda (hrDer Rnd dllugh. Vaccinat ion a Specialty, Noth. One of ~he most able speeoh es of i lI ortl , In 1Rfl3. The tel'f llOr)' "." .• ",'1 . thr"u lite bloo,,", o n tho 1l1UCOU8 surface. For Juugo o f S Ul1ftllllC ('ourt (Iuug t,lrlll ) ter, J rM~ ie . o D~ e rtalnecl Ill e I£mb l oid. the Republican oampalgD was dellV- tle,1 with ~xt rllord l""r~' rI1I 01(111),. ,,1 (h o .Y 8 ( CIIl. HIIoIl'8 Ciltarrh MedlinK bill Reliable Serum used ( ~ wo h \ IJl tW I , ' d l1 ","Uti 1) I·odcrU.H!U by one the best phy .. Ary ol ub on TOfll!day "fttlrn oon . ll red at I... ytl e RaH. la s\ Wedn A 8dl\y Inhomn wn' ndl11l ltl'd to Ih e Uliion ~ Iclu u ~ 10 thi s co untry for y ea.rs. It 1' IWM ,\ S A , J uNES Mrs , Uril Burj(e l. ~ , of Lob"no n . is e veDIDg, by FraDk J. BrowD, of 1 NO\'emher 11). 1007. Iq CClmp Ol1rU or some of the best Phone 44 Harveyeburg, O. EDWAIlD S. ~IAT1' III A S lonl cli know n , co mbin ed with Borne or H\lelllllug 8tlv tl ml <III} 8 )Nlth b er J'or~Jud"tI of ~ u prcll1 o Cuun I:l hn r t. turm ) 'h " b~" t blood purlner.. The pe rtect homtl folks here. ~ : o lllbinuti o n Of In g r edi ents In HaU'. Uh::\IlU N \\'. II UUUll CILl n. n h Al edld no 13 wha.t J)roduce. M Ips Marth" Deillhm IIge hilS n For J UdS6 tl f lho t:()\I rt of i\ PI HJlt ls "' '' ell wonderful alB ult a in catarrhal - - - - - - --•• UllltH'I' ... . Ul· UHW A I.'I'tJ: 11 "u ndill on• . Sc nd tor tostlmonlals. treo . pO@ltion In tbe Marl'll Buok Store. Ie. J . CHENEY & CO" Pro" • .• '!·oledo. O. Le banou , 1""o r PruhUlo lJou r L BA~NHART. All Dru&slst •• 760. The Wl sses J~ffe ry aD I Ed warda W . z.. IIU I.L l-laU·. Family Pilla tor oouUpatloll. In good mechanical conbave positions iD lJaytoo . Notary Public dition. Lon BranDon and wife nud K , E ThoUll>mn BDd Wif e 8pent BUDd a y I , All kind>! of Notllry W o rk . Will" with relaUves near Port WIlliam. Todd Lowry aDd K. E . ThompMtI In good shape, overwen't.o DlIoylon , ODe day 10 8t week . and purcbased boll do!;'t!. hauled by factor y. A . 1:). AileD and wiftl were gneHt~ HATHAWAY of S. A . 1!;11t:l and t'l :llI11 nn W ed. These tractors have been nesdllY afternoon taken in trad e on larger WOy'~eH iIl o '8 I... McUng Dea".t Hisey lIud Mooll f' Y have pu'outfits, and Lan be pur- OIli (JO tD \:i ulu6A Bid!!: . oblleod 'I tlue lierd of I3tlrks hlre hOgH Main 8 t chased at less than half to put 011 Mr. HiseY '1! fltfm on the rivl'r price. K. 1£ Tho mpsoD !IDd ",Ifll. ,I ,," ,,011 ' Btirry Usborn und wlv l'~. LOll Hrao. Don II nti W. B. Te rry IIHanded the ~houJl'1l spotted hog ~Ale at Dayton, Practically new, lll d Thur ~ dIlY. Flfty.onA bf'ad S(ll d FUNERAL DIRECTOR at an llvoroge o f 1230 pt'f head, Mr. Anell Ie runlllDg hi8 OIlDe mill Waynesville, Ohio at Wellman ID full blast, making old. fashioned sorgbum molas.ell. Our Ichool III getting aloDg Dloely WAYNESVILLE, OHIO under t,he ~ktlltul management of Fully Equipped for Good Prof. Van Retalltok. Service. K. E. rlJolUpson nnd M . M. Terry Large Display Room . WAre In Lytle on SaturdllY, Inspeot. Ing Maok Plollelrlng'8 herd of IPOI ted . TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGH'! DR. J. W. MILLER. PolBnd.ChluB hog., Mias FI"rBmoDd Reed was out of Htgb 80bool in W&yoeevllle, I",' ••• DENTIST••• week, on aooouot . of II1okn6lla In 'he famtly. Waynesville, 0 Karl Deatherage aDd wife were IIboppiDC In Leba Don, aa't1rdIloY af. ternoon. This plaoe WIII:I w ell reprellented at Oraduate of Oblo Stal, the 'speaking-In Waynesville, t1a&urday IIfternoon, Funeral Director , Ohlle RYRn, of &IIIver'own, wal 'OFFICE: h e..e I•• t week., buying Oilivel . and- Embalmer, Fourth Strel!t, ncar Tyler. Ed Wileon wUl farm Ed (;ioray'l 'Telephone 113 farm the 'ooming' V6llr, and Sam Waynesville. O~io. -~ Brown will flj.rm 'he F. 8. Sherwood Gino fa~, Dear tlie 'c.h.uoh. .. \ ;:t'L
of :
The Collar Came Also
tI I
Everett Early
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
011. \-----.
..For Sale••
Avery 8-16 Tractor -
I. H. C. 10-20 Tractor
E. V.
1 ~~~II~D~d~O~e~e~t1~~~"~H~·I~)e~O~I~,,~I~~V~.~~~ Dit.H.E.
S h.p. Stationary Engine
Walter McClure
Waynesville Motor Sales Agency
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
Davis' paat record Iii biB future promls.,
Either Auto or Horae drawn service.
No extra' cbarae for auto service. 'Both phonea in Oftlee' ud Residenc:e
Way...,.vlll" . -
----...;..-.. . .,;. :- -
rida~' .
lJ"~lIlh r 5th. ,.' ' I~·O·~. I \\ 0 III ,t! . Is in ~o lul11bu H f nr Il .' I f n lin '1' 'I dlllp ie (If !lm·A. Iltt€'nrli tlg 11 III int{ H r ~r . \.~ l."" t \J .... ' I J{ U ~} , :- fI f , • I . 1'1 I1 ' .. I I I I "t llll' {('xu rlfg ( 0 :"ltirlhl illltlSUII' I ny WIl I '~'ro 11UI{ 1' h' r . Mr~ 11'\,(,11 ll IlTlIl'r. I r..;-~ I{llJlul\lI Crllllrlllcl ,of iAulI10n Mr~ M. 1\1. l' 'n' 111HI 1\1 f !l Ori(! f \ i ~lt.·d hi ~ j.( ~nlld 11. rellLe •. Mr. :md 1 :Jrgl!U: of !;ehnll nll , . Ii nl ~l ll l1dav ~ 1r~ L I). l'hll ,'~ . Sll lurdfl\, !lnd UII. : day . at I·' n·d "; ,•.tt h l\11 ~ l' L. :\ llell ,
' . r
lIi t. Anumu(\r oC 0,.. (:: 1. t(lr n: lir 1 mem,I-!crs Wl'Tl t to I lIyt ,tIl . Th llrs,t.,y I eVll!1l1lg. nu lilt Jl(J J a I«rit" III '" t_1 Or.lh o(\(\\ Fricnd~ Church inA' of the Whit . hrin 1'\ 'll r n.:-w : ,'U l lt1:t· S hool. 9:30 n. m . t ct . ' H,'\ i~'nl me tinf.i· I) pl'ning' at the Friday. NO I'em ll"r .1I1!. members from Wa yn,'. \' lill' . \\,,'1' iI~ g fo r wu\'sh ill ut 10':30. I Lyt 1.:-!l1 E: l:hurc h. 'unday l"'('lIill~ Add ed to the rOS ter . 'l)rlnt.e r :{ I ~ t . Thcplls(or,H pl' F W. . MI S. L,c? llI\r~1 Til1ll"Y h . l ~ r,·(uflll·d , li lle r. will be 1Il\~ i ~ t l:'Ci h\' Ih l' "1'1111- (r"m. 1I l' I~lt wit h n·l nll III h 'II' M. E. Churc h '., . . k I<I·IHI. \\ . !l Hem"'lt, I III II of (;"t1 [ue ) . ~1I 1l t\i1~' ~ch o( ' . \):15 n. m . A good wh o Il rencht)s " lo.I ·t im e ... ·Ii ,...· ,,'1\". ''Ii -" ' l' e r r\' (I f 1}(I :U'r1.1:t I' \ Oe\'t\· ~ nl r ~ f \ 11 Ie P\:11'" I II RtUlly th e Word. There aI'" a~~i~ [ cI hy Bro Wil~()n II fin e (IV 111- I ,;. I 'I '" I ".-J . . . . .' . . . \lI rl{. H penl~ . ,tlll ,, /lY I\ II I .. ,. ~ Lv . ' ll e IM~ s f or R IrTll' ~~ an" .Iges. A gellsll c Slng-ll r . Wao-frnIJ '" Villi wil l '1 ' I • " ( . . 1 I ' I tf I ' . l ' I us, Before Frank H. S t o k e s' llQ,m II' I 1\',' I ,unc I 1,!1 (.IIiC SPlrI • [1 \1 1' It.! 1 ll , enjoy th ese m II of (;.,d ,>;\ ptllJll d L111' . . pl ne t· . At ,i : I :> thp EI' ~'o l,t h l, 'III{ Ul· . ~c r i "tur ' to vou ": 011" c .. n in' I",. Jj"rnard l~ rf'''' ~ ltJr and Ili othcr vi,. for OUlllllss lo ncr . m e311S 110 I ' . . " . . , ~ , ., I ' el'o tlo nal IllPl·t llll< t<ln~ at 'j o'clo('k : IlJ~nt:hill)!' St'l'\·iL'" . i' "d wi th fri"rill ~ III UI','\\,II CtlUIl !), . ro.l d bO J1 d ~ a t t he pre '('lI t , }'r IIchilll{ by (he I'll-I ..,. Hl 10:3l' 7:30 . E ve rybod y we klllll!' . ~, 'nL1ay. hig h cost f cOl1slr\lct iO tl. --: 9 In lind 'i::m p . 111 . (On!r), Su nd a~ . ~Irs. Am o~ 1\ II <> n a III I ~lr,,- , Uri .. Ad v. . ' I W,'dll"FdIlY ILL '7 ::;0, pray e r !lnd prniR,· Hur l<ell ~ Pt' ll t ~ 1 ' l uJtll'Y will , ~ t ," L . I. . ,\ lit'll. ill\'i leol t,) (,,'me !Lnli ! j .,in wil h u~ in worship ~1r an, 1 ~Ir " I'. II . l ' I ~ ){,' tl H' Hi n. P. H"l t , l' n~ to r . . d UIlJ.!'hh' r, J\li,...... i' Hl',), . \\ t' lt' I J ,I~ I "n IOnly Woman ('anclidat(' for V • itor,.. l,'rioJay Ferry Christ ian Churdl Heprcsenlativc in the Ir ~ I ) \I \\' a ri t t ) 11 i v t I S I .n .d r 11- I:i \\' ilih.,· Sci lO(ll at 9::-10 I'reaching State t Ilftln' t n1j)llt. ' l It " "Y I ,'~ " I' ll 11 I II~l' ' , al 10::10 lL . m . and 7::10 IJ tn . I':ve ry· - For1:11 1 No. li:.!U , l'1" <' llon lhy . . Ollt:' in\' i(ed . J . A. Pin t!. Pastor . I-'i \"t~ y 'ars Tt'llchc r ill U . S. alld ~ lia r I'\' lI am ill" " allJ 1'. ",,11.1, (I f II«no;'~sIJllrl( Fr iends Churc h 'I n. II o 111 l' , .\ t'niH. Uh i... 11,I.I' t UI1. ~I't' nt tl,.. wet·h" ,n, ' \\Jlh ~lI nd ll, ~dl (I .. I. !1: :~U . Ml'etini: for I ,Yhi rty ye,ars 111l:1I1 I'e r " f .1;oard "f ,' I I' and ~1 rd. l ;curgL' ti a ll ll!I.'1I \\" r~h ip 10'30 !'\ 'cryuody l'ordi ' \ 1 ~ Il O) r~ , Cnr n 'I'IIIJIJ at llilO l ' hal'l l. ' . I . . . -. abl e In ~ tiluli , tIl s, f t l) .. ~I ' ll . If yt·u wunt t .. " 11 )0.1' >Ill , ' \" ' 1 II " ~ al ly Il1nt L'd tll th coe -e rnces ' - •• l . • , . I I"i ve ami a hllif yellrHChi d I'rnl,a. l " I ' r1nlnnh, nt, I,,· "or, - I" aliI , .. 1'1 c , . -- ~ , lioll Ull ieer of Warn' n (' un[\, \ 1'11I1I1110Ilil)' !' Ia." . 1 lt' ~ 1 1," ' ,.Ia,\ II,,,I ,t ,u .' L:ncsar s Creek Fncnds Church • " . , . . ' 11I\rlY '~I'\'t' n y\'ar8 bllt"r o f Th,' 1I " "'n Ll'tt ,lt, 1"""11<"11.1 , .f 11, \ ' ·, n. l al t h l:-l ~hllrc .h e ve ry Lebanon l'nLri". t . . I Ih'l" II 1 . sUlld"y Schoo . , " Pl' I'l l t Il C w e t' k'· , ' r H t Wit' 1 I :-lll1rJay lit \1:3(1 a III . Preuc hmg ser' IJ us ad""C'L ll'cI u·n · ',(, '11 'Ill "'11'1 ' 1 I 'I ] . '1 ' " \ ' 1. .' . ' '" u, ( ... . - (' \lllll, hHry ',. l\ c L,; r U\' ,1I fl t u~ ,' ICC at 10:30.0 clock R. m . You are est work" r for Telll!, rallee , \\' ll- I ini t y ' . l11an 's Su ffra){e . alld the WI.'II. I" 'ill),( corollnlly Im'lt ed to be IJ resen t . '--- of wome n and chil d rt:>n a l a il l i l1l c ~ . I St.\\ a r\'·s Church --\OTI:: FtJI ( ~1!{ S. \\' II.:': O;-..J - Tw ~ n y-~ c nd Sundar after Tri nil .\' , Adn' r[I "' Il1"nt ' \ t)ct ll bl.rilltl: SlinJaYSChClolllt!) :X" 1 j 8 . 11\ . :o.lIJrninR' I'ray e r and ~c rll\Oln
~--~!"'"'~"""""~----_ Ilh;;:~"~l;t'li" i~
Trv the "Sen' ice . Garage" at
"ill m;th' ~' f)~ t en )ugh moncy to pay for itself and give you a profit hl' ~ i dl ', . .
Scic ll ti!"-t -';:II ,d (. 'prrimC'l1t stations ha\'c uetermmcd that the value ofmftn~re i s f ro m S~ III , I I I)( 'r : l llill1al. Ordi narily half.of thi? is lost through abs~rbtton ill th t' barn y:\[ 'e :111 , \ tln o ug-h improper sprcad1l1g WIth a fork. Save th1S half by usin g a " j 'I:C )" Spreade r and you'll save $300 to $400 a year even on an
80 acre' farm -'- l1lor(' on :1 brgcf place . . That's wh y you should increasc your profits by spreading with the
The' ewldea
-,J ----
A. E. WHITE, Prop.
a t lu:30 :"'~~_ _ _~_~_ _ _ _ _I ent and
S re ds 7. Feet-Across 3 Corn Rows
Y" \1 fi re inviled to be p re~, I \V , 'r~ h i p with U ~ .
Thl.' ", i(k ~pn' :l din ~ " N ISCO" san~syol l hnH a mile of t rnvel p er acre. It spreads beyond the W:1:~o n t nlC'I, ... :illi l ,'Pll d o n't h :n'e to dr i vc o\'er the s pread m nn urc. It s preads uniformly and th e s prr. lil l :" I>~ ' , I.-iL·1I .3. (', '). 12, 15. IS loa d s pn ac re m e rely by r ll shlOg a lever. . TIll' d Oll " t.- l ' iinc.'. ' r~ :lnu di~lri hll tor take t\\'o w\tncks at the manure. Every particle gcl.: on to Ihe "1'1)111 1<1 --l: " nl' left to fr e eze or rot. There is no dnnger of clogg ing so the . ~ J\' ', C O " !':t ll i; · !< ".I'~t'\! ." h ig h :15 the ordin :u), \\"ngon box. Strong c1.1ain conveyor, brings t~e l. ,,! Ire lI l:l ,lib l1, .I., In l'... linde rs. Cannol s lip from und e r load and Will not race g'omg up hill. , ' h ni n u ri\'l'-I!o f~t' ars tn fr eeze. brt'ak or strip. Power to conveyor aod spreader mech'1 • is J e ri \'vd <: ;r . Tl frl)ll! rea r ax le-no side strain or lost power. . ' he "NISC )" i", m;1uc by sprender pc c inlists with more than 16 years expenen~. who 11;1, ,be conf idc, lce to hnl'l_ t he ir mac h ine with n 1 yea r guarantee on workmanship and m a l ' 1 ia!. We uube Ilatingly r ecomme nd it.
for Hardill g " lJOllt Warren G. ~llId JlI s tin \\'. "\'o t
DryCleaning, Press_ng and Dyeing
-- Ad \'t-rl
lH1 10
I II '
111"1111 .)
11 ,j\i :--
;\ ...
Spec ia l ~eprese nt a ti n
. . .· : , _ · · · · · . · _. . . .
~nl e~lRmelled
llhooldds'ttin .0 U ensl S, Jewe ry . ware caml,y.Il! ,u;.e sl a-· llonery, pens anrl penc ils. novellie!l nnd notions. and racket goods in general, late.t t dail y p ape r ~ and b ~t magazines, all in eltcellenl asso rl· ment and 2reat variety . A nr! tho Re w,ho Br~ looking for a barga in ~ h ll ul d give thIS s tore a call NIt FarriS fully u p to the minu te in nte rcllll til e ethics. which enabJ es him to meel Lhe most fo rmidable competilion.
"The Count" Als o,
"Shipwrecked Among Cannibals" A Universal Super Specia l. Admission, 2 ' a nd 17 cents
Saturday, October 30th Featuring Wm. S. H a rl , in
"S . and"
.'\11 seats at lic Two suows at nig ht , 7: :~U and t' ~ 3(); Sea ts 22 & lic
Special Mat inee at 2:30',
Also, Path e Ne ws .
Tuesday, November 2nd Featuring Jack D empsey, in
i :
Our Practical Undertaln' r , Lkense(] Embalmer and funeral Director Phone 7, Waynesville, Ohio ' The up-to-daLe lIno e rtaki ni: pa rl or of Wayne vill e iHably pre~id ed over by Mr. Waller McCl ure. who tlll(e~ rank !lmonl{ the m08l up-to-da le and thoroug hl y prllc lical e mbalme rs of War renCounty. Th isgen tl l'trlalJ ha~ a flne auto f unera l se rvice and fir~l· class equipment. and he is prepa red t? attend promptly to all calls . bot h nt /Z ht and day. A ~pf'riall v i ~ mad e i l of taking filii ch!lrge (I (oI irI'C lilJR' fun e ral s and burials. and Ihl' Ulm oSl i iconfidence can be re posed in I,is kind . and consid el'ate IIttenli on given to : t he last Bad rit e~ for th e dead .
. :
------ ---H. E. EARNHART
: ' Li\'e and Progressive Dealer ill General Hardware, Slo\'cs, Ra nges,etc. Waynesville, (lhio, Phone No. Ii AlSo , a good .Fox Fea ture . : I Th e hurdwa re trnd ~ is well repreAdmission, 22 and 17 c e nts • I sellt ed In. Wlly n e~v ill e by th e live un d : progreMslve l,{entl eman wh o~e name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ................ fo rm ~ th e s uhject of LhiH ~ketc h • I T I~ I ~ s tore IS fi ll "d frpm cIld to cn rl with fI e" mpl ~ l e line of general hardI ____________~_____~_______ wu;e , lIldu~1n1{ ~ll e chunic· ~. ta rflcnt ~ r s a lld bUi lder B tools. edg-e t ool~ . cUll e ry, lin . !,tlantic and alun,inum I warl' , Ihe tamou~ Mall eab!e sL\!el range , heaL rHo tan ks. Quick e r·Yet dn~iJlc.lub electri c powe r washe r and , Wrt~l~e , . Mazo.la lamp~ , Oliv el' and 1 H.C II n(llc m e~'t;s . sprearl ers. ha rn f'SR . , jo!uns. ammu lllLlon besL auLo oil Red LEBANON , OHIO i Crown l{asoJine. e~IJPer w!lsil boile rs. 1011 ca,ns. wash boar~ s . canvas .c-Ioves OFFICItS a~d ,Ill fact. eve rything u ~ually earn ed III u slrl ctly tirdl-class I!s tablishRoom 2, Lebanon ~ationa l B a nk B uilding m ~nt.of .thi s kind . All throug hout (Formerly Over Pos t oflice.) thIS d lstl'lc~ a re invited t,) Clll! : M.r , Ea rnhart IS Il l way~ looking to the ~'!!"!!!!!!!"!~!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!~~~!!!"!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I best interpst ~f. his Ilatrons, and "A _ _ I quare Dea l. IS his mOILo.
"Dare-D·I eVI J ack"
:: II
W. GILBERT THOMPSON, Attorney-at-Law
~--------------~ I OUR CLIENTELE GROWS
(To be conti nu erl )
'-::-Not Up~)[l promises b ut til 0:1J p<::rform~nces . We ' ~rs In DRY Cr,EANING AND DYEING In ·busines s ince' 1 35. " Se,nd good s by Parcel Pq t, Prompt 'D elive ries,
are plon
The Teasdale Company ~V.ln\ll St.
\ ' )'1'11 ~'o u c om\' i n
be >n rc you nsk (or n f re e c np y o f "lJel ping Motber N"lure"- I ),~ spt.·(';.1 1'(1"1. which II" . 1''''1 11 c <l IIv Ihe m~nul3c lurc ,., . This is nul a c : 'I ;jI\)~ 1 h ill .1 h"H. ll~ l"'lf I lI for m:UIOIl 4ln Ihe proper \\'ny tosprc3d maD· urI' 10 C '1 II", "·, ,, 1:,. '} i;is hook ,~ rc~ Iy 1I'0nh mouey. but ","p'lI give
Featu r ing Charlie Chaplin, in
Special Book FREE
Candi d ,Ie fll r
Thursday, October 28th
r RA Nk: H. F:\ RR ,,,,,1 U n I lt l' Va rif ~y l3argain Store, \\'ay m'svi lle, you n copy (rcc 11 y u' lt c:tll :11 l11e siore. . OhIO Democratic Ticket The stock carri ed lly Mr . "rank II . I rarr, . one of our hustling hll8i ' ll'fS Earl\t's l ly d (·~ir e ~ tl l(' ~\lI 'I, ,, rl o f tlrl' Waynesville, Ohio men. I~ very lar)!\! nnd ve r"if1 l'd con- I vnlc rH of WllTr"" ('"unt I' III lht! sist ing" of many use fUl nrtiel e~ 100 N.. vcmlll'r eIC('liltn ' -1 ·l,Ii, ... ,,1 AoIl crLl,ou. oQ' numerous to mention. and Ire i. nlways at you r ~e rvi c ", ThiH is hend q uar~~ fur ~I kind s of oount e r . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
He \-vill give you first-class workAll hand work.
.......................... 1
L e t ti S slim · y ou how i t works aod you'll unde rstand why we're so entl,\ls iastic ;lhnltt the "NISCO." It cost:; you nothing toinvesligate and you \Yil l not be urged to uuy a g ainst your w ill.
A Redew or O ur ReprC' scllt a ti v e l3 u s iness i- ! ClI - By a nEORGE E. CAR~AHAN
7 Mulberry St., Lebanon, Ohio Phone 315-Y
See This Spreader
i~ "nl t" 1 11
I t; O\, ' l lllll_._ _
self in Better Crops
Lytle, Ohio,
E\' '"' n if \'/)\\ haH' only a small farm the "NISCO" Spreader
Economy Satisfaction and Service
You will c rtllinly kee p , "lI1i1in~' when. you It ar lh .. Belle fflm il v" 'Rnrl . Happy Day 11\ ,chool Hnll. Fri ,IllY night. O'[ oll ... r :m. : .
Rov J . I'. Cad wallader attended :I cunv ention elf. the Dllyton Dellnel v ul Troy . hio •. IIIHl Thu rsday.
Hunsing or trapping is positivel. for bidden on the followin g farm s: Dan Morgan
1 ..
~--- ----lIIi------------------------------------------~-IIJ! '
iterion's .econs ruction Sale • Announcing a BQnafide Break In the Price ·of C10thing WiLh th~ urge nt demand o f th e public for lowcr prices and th e ir anticipating cheaper clothing for !l ex t sp rin g , ' we del'lll iL goot..! bU :i il1 l's . 10 r ed u ce (lur pri c('s now in order Lo move our stock in season.
Here Are the Prices You Have Been Waiting For Our cn ti r e s Lo c k of ~ re n 's and YO U\lg l\re n' s l\ l ic h :l.l' ls S tern and Society Brand Suits and Overcoats r e du c cd t o th e fo ll u\\' in g pr ices:
:$,40 and 42.50 Values' reduced :$45 and 4/.50 Values reduced $50 Values reduced $60 al;d 62.50 .Values reduced $70 Values reduced
to to to to to
$34.00 $38.00 $42.00 $50.00 $56.00
All Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws reduced as foUows: $10 Values reduced to $8.00 $13.50 Values reduced to ' $10.75 $15 and 16.50 Values reduced to $12.75 $20 Values reduced to $16.59 $25 an~ 27.50 Values reduced. to $21.50
Eve ry ga rment sold with our positive guarantee of satisfaction or your money given back
Swee t -Orr Overalls r educed Lo $3.00 per garment.
Swee t-Orr Overalls reduced to $:3.00 per garment.
All Auto
B rand Work S hirts r<. d tlced to 51.50.
22 South D etroit Street ~el ia, Ohio -
iiBCk HardIng with Willis os Senalo~•
Auto Brand Work Shirts r e duced to $1.50.
22 .South Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio
~evellty· Second
_ c
9, 1920
Whole Numb er 5407
Republicans S w ee p th e Sta te a n
-'~:f~ ENT~~~~~~IT~YSERVICE ~ I
::::::1' I:]
::::::31 G
-~-~ ~,
::::::::J=II:] e=1
::::::::JI S
==:JI[!I rr::::::::::::::J1
On Fridav e v~ni nl(, a t Sc hoo l hall, I::) u fill e m eeting of the Comm unity ~ Dr. Dill, Ost.eop ath 2 1 S. I:\rlluu , Service was helu . The evening was way, Lebal1oll. Ohio. in chunn' of the en le rtainm ent com· millel' a lHJ how well they Mucceeded Miss Helen Marlatt . of Cincinn ati , wa". "v ·l,I,.I'.· .. rt L,. th e good enter · c:J , < " u, spent the week-en d with her Darents . tui nmt'nt they furni~h cd. A fine au- • diellceg ree ted the lllayer~ on tl1i ~ ~ Hess' Panacea is a great toni c. alld uccaMion. will make your chicken s lay . .J . E At th e l>('~innin" of the en te rtain· Janney . ment, there were ~everal com munity Hongs, al HO a girls ' qua rtet. A ~ S Mis8 J eannett e Janney, of Wil · mington college, came hom ~ TU Cl'duj th e curtain wE: nt' up on "The lle lle ~ F'a rr il y ." and t he differ ent charac· to vote. tt'r" W<, I'e illtrodu cl:u . th e fun tlf the SI. Mary's Guild will m('et wit h eVel lillj.( iJell'an. And fUll! The lauMrs. J . F. Cadwal lader on Thursda ) ies lIf tile cast m aue enuugh fun to G la~t for riHlIIths. and each charact er ~ afterno on. lJortray ed was so g ood that a special Miss Kathryn Clark. of Miami uni- commen t on each one is unn ecessary _ versity, spent the week-en d at he l "'I'll(' Be lle Family" proved th em· ijelvcs actors of the firMt qUl!.lity . home near Lvtle. Anothe r g irl H' quart et and a boy~' G ljuartet sa ng se lec tions and we l e ~ Mrs . Alina Purd om, of tiatallia , Ohio. is th e guest u f Mr . A. 13 loudly enco red . After this, "Happy Uay" p l.ay was put on. and althuug h Shaner and family . th ere were fe w chanJct ers ill th e A. B. Shaner and flJmily lind Mrs play, th ey 'm ad e th e m ~elveH f"lt by Anna l' ul dom Hpellt S unday with t.he int el'vretu tion u{ their seve ral partll . T his proved to be a very relative s in Day tOil . . funny comedy . und all the" Happy Mr. and Mr~ . J . V. Hartsoc k, of OI'Y" charact ers proved to be ver- I:l Akron . s pent a cuuplfl of days her!' lIatile actresses. ~ Thus ended the entertai nment of last week with relatives. the evening , and another bright spot Miss Nellie Titu", after spendin g in Commu pity Service is recorde d. B few weeks with her parents and These enterta inments are thoroug hly 1:'===: 111:] 11:===:]1 0 fri enus, I,as returne d to Illinois. enj oyed by all. Use our Cllissified Ads for result M
~... ~-
'. -,
!'i ~
'<~" ", <i'
_.,.<i '
Hess' Hall' Tonic will conditio n your Btock, enablin g you to fattell them Quicker on much less food . J. E . Janney .
- ---- --- -
~~::i:~~:~r~u:~I~!~ U!~Up~~:e~~~~
Mr. and Mrs: M. H. Hopper , of Red Lion, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Earl Winston and family. at their home near Lytl". Mil!ll May Sibcy, who is attendi n" Miami-J acoba Busines s college, in Dayton , spent the week-en d with Mrs. Ida M. Sibcy and family. Miss Ruth Probasc o, who formerl y taull'ht school here, is spendin g the winter in Florida with her sister. Mr•. McMill and, and husband . They will go by motor. Cliff Ridge and wife and Mr, and Mrs. Stretch . of Columb uR, and Mr. and Mrs. Weller, of Centerv ille. took diune.r with Mr . and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge, on Sunday . Me88rs. Jesse Thomas , Erne ana Walter Dakin and Fred Hawke spent Hveral days at the Reservo ir last week. They report very good duck hunting . and from all reports they Il'ot the limit.
IUs trip.
r:-- . [:] 'E==311S E ' -:=] [:] IE=: ::l r:t=__==:=i j 0
---_. - _.- --
fry had a good time and but littl e
• ..-...-- --
Will Welch returne d home from Atlanta , Ga. ·Thum ay evening , where he had been for 88vera\ days, 'attendi ng the Georgia State' fair, Mr. Welch is being BOught after far aiid near 8It a judae of bog.. and, from his wide experie nce a hOi raiIer-• •b. La IUrel, able to judge them. He had fine time durm.
Co.lvin Coolid q r?
him to the band . And lIay, how he r1isallpeared! In about umptee n minutes all that was left of Mr. Coon The Wayne TownRhi p , Moth ers' was th e platter upon which he wa81~I~b will meet in regular 8e~i o n. sen'ed . The band boys surely are ~ rlday, Novem ber 5. at 2 p. m. at under deep obligati ons to Mr. Mac- the home of Mrs. Mary Chapma n. Beth for his generou s though t of We are anticipa ting a meeting of untl usual interest having with U8 Mrs lem. • _.. Herber t J. Carr. pf Harvev sburg', formerl y of Wilmin gton, who from aclual experie nce will tell us of can· ditions of living among the children of the slum district s or ~ome of th e Elistern cities Do not miss this meet inl{. Il nu those who have not ~iv en in their The boys of the High school have names, come and do so at thi s ti me· Stella Uu tterwur t h, Sec' y. organiz ed a football team, and are .-+ - - prastiAing every evening It is pos· sible that they will make one or two dB tes before the end of the season with teams from out of town . The boys have some good players and it is hoped that they will give a good A terrific storm a t ~e a, giant account of themsel veR this season. waves dB~hing over th e decks o f a tramp schoone r. ligh t.n in g' , haw ing the crew shorten ing the sails wh ih· th e masls are calceni ng a t wild an· Ides-th ese are actual sce nes ill th,' Univer~al-Je\Vel product i on, .. Und el' Crimson Skies." which will be sho ..... 11 at Miami Theater on Nuvemb e r 4th. Directo r Rex Ingram is saiJ tfl hav e Hallow e'en passed off quietly , Sat- w~ited three ~eeks ~ne hlln d r ed urdayev ening. There were not the miles off the Gold e~l (.i s t e for th e number of masked people on th& proper weathe r condltlo ns to lend atatreets as formerl y. but the smail mosphe re to the product ion.
damage was done . ·There were BevThe followin g card was received , tlral smalllZ athering s. and everybo dy Tuesday morning : "Mr. and Mrs. enjoyerl the occasion . Wm . It Sprelge l announ ce the birth - - -... ... of their dRughtl 'r. Elisabe th Marie. the ninetee nth of October , 1920, at Detroit . Mich. Mrs J. E. Janney, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cr ane, Mis3es Louella and hancea Janney, ' Kathryn Hender son. Martha Lukens, and MC8I;ra. Van Re.' tallick and Irving Welch saw the St. Xaviar. Wilmin gton football game. at Wilmin gton, Saturda y aftf!rno on.
~11. ~ I , ~~. t hl' The .Jolly l\l at r (Jns and their husII f L11l' Oh iu Woo han d ~ we re ent e rtainerl at the home ' Illall' ~ l'h ri, tiun 'I'l'll1pe ranCe lJ lIl ,) n l ll f ~Ir. a nti ~ r s. I·' . B. Hender son IVa, IH ·ld " I 1·I,·\,p land. in which city ~1 "llday eve ning'. ' ' t;'1 tl. '" IIr~t ""111"'11 t 1".11 \\'a ~ IIt' IlI f o rt )' '' ' . _ '.. . ~ - IX> I'a" " ',I i!:" ~ 1 L" lit '" l I,I" "'''"l' (' I" Iri' I I atdln "' 1I~~ (' l.. a ra " ey~ en t er talned , 1"1\\" ' \ 1'1',,, lh:,t 1,.1, 1"" '11 IMrlll,d Il ,; r, last week, Mrs. Emma Snow. d,,"11 "" ·I, ' \\l·rc· I\\,,·I II \·- li\,c t·ru ~ l r . alld j\lr~.S M.Seli e rs. of LebaI "JlI, '<'~ " rI'So'l ll '1 lie 7~1I ,h. 1 'g-a tl'~, 111 '11, ~ lrK. Eva J on eM a nd Mi ss Addie ", i,h \' i,illlr:' and f l'i l·nd~. wer<' I'OIll- I !\ pn . El t .. rtnbl,l' hnu ",·d I!llhq{f l'al I': p\\,ortll l r::J I ~1. 1·: c1l1 lr ~ 1! I Mr . und Mr~. · J . M. Keys hnd II A ~ Th,' dp~I' d,' \, .. t ill nal ~i'iri l always tlwir g-U('~tH al S unday d inner. Mr!!. (If """nt ill 11"'ol' ""I1\'I'llt i"nq i, nlll" l i-:rnllln ~Ilu.w . uf .Stockt on. Ca l., Mr. ' h,'I I.fIJl I" til"",· "h .. art. fortul1a le and ~ Irs . S. 1\1 . Sellers. o f Ll'hanon , l'IIJ1Ugh to! a l l, 'lId I\eillg HU far Mr~ . Eva J ones, Mr . Amos o(lk and 0 uwuy . \\ " ''1','11 ( '''Ull t )' hdd lIlily fuur r~ll1i l .v,. lind the MiRse~ Adda and dul"~a t " PI' 'sellt lili " yeill' , althuilg il t la m 1\I~Ys. ~ w,' \\'('1'(' l' lIlI lled t u d ev,," . -N" J1al l i~an disL' lI~..;j,," \\'as a l· 1\11' . and Mr9. H. H Wilkers on en · l"wed , fur W l' IIr!'. lIf all part ips. but i<'l'taine d on Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. • the \\'tllI1'n \\"'re tll'g-~d II) l·xe rciHe.1 ,\ Wilkers on ant! daughte rs. Mrs. [;J tli' nl'w "r il'ile~l' II I' th e bflllot t o in- (;arner, Mrs . Lawren ce Wellme yer. ~ SlIr, · ,·llf"l' r elll"lIt ' Jf t l!!' proh ibiti on J-:val yn an d Ru ssell . of Dayto~; ,St I;-Iw in 111(' nation hy I'li ling fur SUI' I! Clair Fife. Mr . Rnd Mrs. Will ful · ":tlli lldai es only Il~ are in ~Yll1pathy mllge. of Wilminrcton; Miss Martha \I i!h thl' I ~l h Amendm ent and I.h ~ O'Neali and Mr. ami Mrs. L . H. E \ "Is tead 1·: nf .. rC€'!1ll'nt Act. (;on\ull . ~ I W" ilHd fi ne add r e~~es fr oll1 our ----I)wn Mi HR Anna A ( ;ord on. presiden t . Clev!'r liltle jllC, k·o-Iant ern invit~ · ' at iO ll a l W. t' . T . U.; 1\,11'0. Li lli llll lions summon ed twenty- four of WayMi tchne r. pre~id enL KlInlluH W. C T . nesville 's "younl( set" to a Hallow U . Also f pHn H Ull . J oh n F. Krll- e'en party given the Misses Ethel I!I m e r. prohibi ti on {' Olll III I SllJ!le r of Hosie r and Helen by Hawke at the home th e U nited StatC'; . th e ~ecolld one ill of the latter on Hallowe 'en. Met at ~ u ch posi ti un in al! th e world. The th e door by a ghost . the guests were E"-:::::::J I:::J oth e r hellln~, to Finlunrl. ushered into ,limly lilZhted rooms "i\lI1e ricaTriu ll1pllllll t" walla beau· where there was gay re\'elry among liful \Iugean lil ive n in th e ev cllin rc of the cl own R and Mother Goose charOct 1>,,1' I !I. ill the hall r oo m o f the Ilcters come to life So comple w .' tutler hotl,l The ul d ol1ice rs we re we r'(! thl' make- ups that there were re-elecl er!. Toledo invited tl! ~ con· man y ~ tll'l'rises when orders were vellti oll fflr nex t y('ar. Jl:i v~ n to unillask at nin e o'clock. ___ _ _ _ ___ Afte r lIeve ral intere.qt ing conteats , interHpersed with music, the gu~stB we re invited to th e dining room wh ere 0 ,lclido uB tw o· ;ourse luncheon was se rved . In conclusi on, English walnuts were PI\9~ed. When 011 n ,·t ,.!,, 'r 1:1.
~ tilt'· ~lIli\,·"ti" "
Har ding 's Plur ality in New Y'ork, Penn sylv ania , Ohio and THERE WAS ANEW Of her Stat es is Unp rece dent ed. The New Yor k . Plur ality Will Be Close to the Million COON IN TOWN Mar k--- Ohio Prob ably 300 ,000
Roy MacBet h introdu ced a new Charles Brewst er Bnd family at- coon in town, Monday . ' and tlfter roasting the same to a turn, and tended the funeral of th ei r nephew , mixing him with a lot of fine oyster Mr. Edward Agnes. at Fl. Thomas , Ky., Saturda y. Leslie Kemple an.d family and 8. J . iJrew8t er and wlfe a.ttende d t~e fu.neral of Mrp. Grace FIsher a.t WIImlnllto n. Thursda y. , . . C.hft'ord ·.B. Wmston , of WIlbur Wright field, '!pent Saturda y and . Sunday with. . hia parents , Mr. and Mrs. Earl WlIlston .
~:;~_' _""
Mr. and Mrs. I{alph EarnhA rt wen' visitors at the home of /vi r . and Mrs Earl Whist on. S unday uftern Jon.
We have a car of New York handpickell apples-Bald~ins and Greeningtl- on tho ro ..d . . They will be on track at ('orwin in a few days. ' Place your orders with C' E.. Michen er or S. D. Henkle.
---.... ...---
DEATHS . Martin Frazee died at the · Miami Valley hospita l, Sunday . of pneumonla. The hod, 'WBII brouab t-to hla horoe and the funeral wu beld tbis morninl at 10 o·clock.
Women Voted Heavily in ,JUNIOR ORDER Wayne Township [
_ j Election m ornin g was u he red in ' by a drizzlin g r a in that presage d a Democr atic victory, but as the day Rev . I.l ult preat; hed to the Jun io r advance d the sun came out smiling ly Ord e l', s und ay In (H·nlng. a t th e M. from behind its dark bank of clouds E chu rch . A large delej.(at ion of and made the Rep ublican s rejoice . th e ord er wa R p r esent. anu s pecilll It was !I busy e lection, as both I mu sic charact erized th e se l vice. forc es had their peo ple at work get· - --- - - --ting out the votes lind Meeing that everyon e voted . The ladi es we re in evidenc e early in the morning , anu Mrs. J . C. Hawke was the first woman voter to cast her ballot. The Regula r com mu ni cation of Way· oldest voter, perhaps . was Mrs Lou · isa Woolley , who was taken t o the nesville Lrll\ge No 163, F & A. M .. polls early aftllr dinn e r . All day Tuesday eveni ng. Nov . V. at 7:30 . st reams of womell wend ed th!'i r' way Sojourn ing b rethren and vi sitor s a re cordiall y invit u to l>e present . AI · tu the p on~ . The countin g was slow , owing to a RO. election o f "Jlicers and an nu al ~cratche\1 ticket in ~Ieve rnl in ·t anres , p aymeTi t of dues. J . C. lI awl<e. W. ~ 1. bu t 111 0st uf th e ball ot, we r e st raigh L. A. Zilll merm an. :-;e ~ ' y , tk kc t~ . 'fiw ex tra l'ute rs, t he woIll t' li. a lso mad e th e COUlIt slo wer. Il ~ the re were ('xtra ticke ts t o cuunt . The mornin g paperM ali conced e t.he elecliun of Hardi ng by th e largest pluralit y eve r Ii{ il'cn 1\ presiden tial candida te. Th e elltire state ti e· Mia mi Chapt" " N,/. lU;. U J-:. S" ket was elect ed , althoulI h the Davis lIote wili be pulled down consid e r· will mlJel Monduy ev(' ning . Nove'I11' a bly. Ohio will proba bly give 300,- be r 8 Annual e lection a nd payme nt of dues ut this :ies, ioll . 000 for her favorite eon. The county Hepubli can ti cket will be elected clear through by a g oo d majorit y, the county givi ng Hardin g ~ a maj ority of about 3500. olle thousmo re than was counted on by execu· tivt's. Followi ng is the umott1 cial vot o of part of the ticket in Wayne township:
---.--- ---
O. E. S. MEETING --- ---- --
W E For Preslide nt Harding .. ........... ....... 236 18·1 Cox .... ..... .... .. ... .. · ...... HJ7 116 For Govern or Davis .. .. .. ........ · ... .. . ... 219 178 Donahe y ......... ....... .. .. 2()(J 86 For U . S. Senator Willis ........... ....... ..... .. ·229 ) 84 JuliRn ............ .. .. ... . .. . 198 7!l Repre~entaliv e to Congres s Fess .......... , ......... ...... 234 i87 Dye .......... .......... . ... .. 193 76 General ABsemb ly · Hardinj f .. .... ........... .. .. 229 1St Mrs. Wilson ........... .... 193 . 82
COl' 302 121 20 1 14 0 305 11\') 309 U8 298 125
Lleoten !,nt C,·utl1rlno. ' one of the IJroup Of I\vlaton to make .tbe . C(l mmi~sioners tralllc.o ntinonll ll fUglit of '000 Henkle, H ..... .. · ., .....•. 226 l88 290 mil" from New York to NOlDe; Miller.. R ............ ......... 216 181 '292 Alaaka. baa juat ftnlsbed tile roetAlrn -trip. land InS' at Mtneola. LStokes, R ......... ............ 214 lil 299 I .• brlll&JDS with hllD a pup of tbe _. Carn~an. D: ......: ... ...~ 248 8 115 tamon "Blue-.Eyed Blbertau " . Referen dum l::'ted, . wblob rtPI',ntly 1'011 the ..balkan a,,""t U.. and an _ yC!l ......... -:...... ~ ......... 801 184 837 allola . . ..amand. No ............................. 121 60. 70 '~
'--. r - - _ ..
The lovel:!,: Madge Kenued y, the taIDoU8 soreen star, 18 returntl ls to the apeaklDS atase .... bloh abe left for the movtoa a tew yea", 8g0. Miss Konned y III returnlu s with a wealth of kn01'le dl9 that . will u ndll'tbte dly belp her In ber work on tbe Btase. A ,r~t deal of ber .paro tllDo In the lDoyj_ WaB epent In tnter10t lleooratIDll. wblch win be vOlT valuab,e tp her. Sbe al80 etudled- atnllD, with the 14_ that ~lbl7 abe. mI,lll aOlDa dq.be beb1Ia4 _ Ioot"&la tl once. .... •
COMMUNITY HOME GREATLY DESIRED ~~);:~ende~~~~c~:~~r~fe~l!;~h ~~~:~~ .
menlt when !"ead aloud . The. guests Al t huug-h t he School hall ill ade. departe d ut a la te hour. votmg the quat e for th ' ent e rtainme nts that party a huge success. and the two are be illii held ill town, ye t, there is young ladies charmin g hostesse s. somethi ng'l ac ki!lg . There oUllht to ---- - - --Ilc' a hul l large ('(wuj.(h for tbese go t heringH, where haskcl ball, in dou r basebal l and oth er winter games can be pluyed. Th e Legion boys were a:lllious to huve an indepen dent ha, kel bal l tOIlIl1, but co ulll not or· ganize un accoullt o[ havin g 110 Healizin g the strengt h of spiritus l vlace to practice . til l:! Sc hau l hall be· power, 1 will take part in an effort i n ~ d enied the m . This is th e one big prop !lition to gain that power. I promi ge. if possi ble, to spend t hat the Commu nity Se rvice directors ought to cons ider. and that. fift een minutes or more In St. Mary's ri g ht uway . A cummun ity purk site Church, Saturda y. Novemb er 6, in oug ht tu be found. in order that all ~i1ent medi tatio n and prayer, lICekuutduor l(allIOHcan he had during th e ing a quicken ed 8piritua llife for my SU!IIlII e r. alld a l a r~ e hull put up on lJuriMh and for myself. St. Mary's Church will be open the ~ I' u und , . The ma intenan ce of fr ll m U a . m . to 5 p. m., Saturda v, SUt'l 1 gro ulld s and .b ui lding ought not tu C' lst very lIIuch money , and th e Novemb e r G. f or silent meditat ion IJen cfits dcriv .. d the refrom w.mld be and Ilray e r. Commu nicants, member s of the wo r t h t wuf'Jlll th e cost uf th e enter· congreg ati on lInd any thus desirou 8 Jlr i H'~ ' of s pendin)( a little whil.e in co~ -~ --rnur,ion and f ell owship WIth God III the quiet of ll is San ctuary. are asked tl) avail themsel ves of this opportu nIIY. It i~ desired tha t you enter and leave the Church in s ilence and ab~tain from conversat io n while there. "The I/J rd is in ilis holv temple; lilt all th e' people keep' silenc ~ before Earl Orndorff' and L('s te r Surface Him" Corne. went conn huntin g , Monday evening , ... and they ca me horne with a prizeth e three-ll'llg etl coo n. For five long years , COOI1 fJu nt er s have tried in vain to capture thi H pr iz·. but to no avail. He seemed to be a .. real s mart" f ell uw and eluded capture until Monn ay ni ght . He was cnp· ---t llred in a bill' tree. and th e hunters A large delegat ion of Wayne and are proud of the fact that they were M . 'town!lh lp Repnbll cans took f ' . aSSle. ortunat e eno~g I1 to g!'t t h e prize. the bam\ and went to Lebano n. - - -.- - .. - - Thured ay afterno on, to hear Or,Fe88. There WB!! a large gatheri ng to hear the words of widdom from the Il'reat man .
- ..-
Have Y fl U g nt Your Home?
}t -
H ' i': [ \ 1''\-' \ ' \1. \ 1\ .\\1) \\ ' ) F j •• Ill) III :\ .L I J. 1:,\ 1' 11' 1 1':1'
I . \ " I' ll \
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c.hnrfH'I('r I.r Iht ' L:i rl nr \\ 11:11"1. ,· 1111;.:111 r equire nf 1I1o ,, - "'f. I h ' lI" d Ill' ceptlon 111111 hI' 1,\\r.1 II",. nr ,I"" , I,,·
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I'r,·H I'l u.'r ~nld
some· ~I\l lll\ ~I rllrll!f" wllr{l ~. nud
lJo ), 0 11 kll(lw Wflfttevcr 0 1'
d urrel"?"
"lie "'n ~ hur led h e re yesterdllYklll rd hhn '~ lr ; lett 0 du ughter 'bout nlnptocn- " "Th ~ h- I he did I J ett CR lklns n e '·
e r was mar ried; not be fore he le ft the I (pit nn .r ""Pt'~ ' I:ll li n-, ,·tlll ll ril l'. !t 1111 1 IIfll'11 t t! q 111"1\1:-: flntf'lI1 nl~' I1IH ) ~hclhy army, uny lOW, I know because I El ls !'tlllll('l\ 0C-1!11I\ 11:111 III't' l1 \\'1',' I:l n.: ,' I bunked with b lm nellrly two yeu rs 00' "H Il!..:!!t Ih e' !01 ' nt t'ur ,'. " I pronou ncc you 1 ld Iy tnfl npnc~d b)' Ill" .'. 1II II .. , , ., <,\ .01 111 I 11 11 , 1,,",,1 nl1 ,1 ",If.. nnd whtllll Onl1 Ie 10 Ul e fl lot allout himse lf. B e Cowiln Hnrt ~ht) IIH t' qu I" , r l'a fl~l \ l'l in - ! wn so 't no . IndY' 8 mlln 8t all. Say, Mtll j l'llI ",1 l(l ~pt "e r. le t no man put h h" II Is goln' on here?" reA s(~1 tho t 11,)1' l'h " I l'!~ of !I!t n 1' ,'" t'li U!'-II fl d (.. r." W o t l e uev l eutlr'j' h- 1) 0 til t' fW '1 ,ilHt IIt \\ n .. fl·" 1 Tht "'l' wns nn ('~lo~to n or hreeth. "'l'1lcre's b (\0 n wedd ing." Shelb,. R re~ lchmt
I'nll, ·:1.
'l' t WI'(,
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men """ of 10\'" 11\.·I \\ j·, ' 1\ 11 1" 111 I nwr(' I,' II "u~III~.s· IIk>' "'T''''P·III1·III. UllmR~k('<1 h) Ih,' . lkh l.·,1 ",'11111111''' 1. H c wns fUll1 ly OWRr'(' I~ntl {h l~ 1I !ll d t· 11 poor (oulI,lnlloll (\ 11 \\ hld l ' 0 I<lI lhl (Ilr fu t1lr~ l .nl ' I'Ith'~. . 1111s [te"lIIIHr . I'" ollnn "n, dr"" '11 hOIll P tt! him loy 0 ,1"ltI r, ·r oll,·,' tl t!u or ,vllnt hr "liP ~ nln ~ ,,, wk. , I",r 10thlll ,),·,nllll .. mil ch "1\1 II,, "'.· "11 th" l (Jott"n w,'od. COllid ""~ til' ,,,11,11,·,11 Ll O
n f" IIII c lnpl'l,,~ of hnnll •. nn luslnnl 1>111.7. " f Innl:lh" . li e f,' 1t Ihnt hc mu s t I,"\ " , hnk,' n 1I1Inrt. wll h 8 th ousn nt! IlPOp1t, :
\\' f\S
pu sh{>ti
hl're n lHI
th ere
lIy tile cl1',' rt ~ !IIo{le to reneh him And flrlld l~·. h('wlhl~rt',I. hi s mind. In a wh irl. fOllnd hlm,,,l f nllce mo re ou t III tht' hnll. ohs p~s('d wi th n Il('slr e to E'<rn p'. Il e l'o.<es,P,1 no Id eR RS to whOI hllrt Ior{'f\III~ or til e I:lrl; no doub t
stH! Will': ~ nrue \\' her(> bo ck t h'('Ire tn t.be
crlls h. hil i he. at 1E'8 t. wo s f ree. and w,,"11l wnlt fo r her to j,,111 Itlm Ollt. sl<I('. ·
('nult! he e'en beftr ... lth "ud. cnmll· tl ons? I,, e sow"'I cC nrl IlY nllu., t II,' rrea c II('r \I ~ ~ t Ollrl th ere Rlon e . stn rln ~ do wn • R tt I o n I III II ~ ,rom u 0 0 "I'. ur. I "ng lem " I th e INIII! o f hrnn t'ns 1111 11 t lte h eovl1 y , I I ., I ,. rran kl Y "",e w 10 e 510ry f1l1u I(rll\'c Y. lortcn hurkhoo rd un cnrn lorphendlnply. I d IIIg b01 h 10 se<:r(·cy. It C f u Ing , "PI Slo wly U nil corne bock an d ehi s peg '" th ~ mall <, II rm Iy t 0 rel'l' I \'e 1\ cen ' f 0 IOlnd hc~nn to nr"u se (rom blonk whlcb Mo c promptl)' otte rNI. he Ic rt st urM. III ~ IIlt enllon wu. attrocted these two to nrrnn"p 011 ,).·t"lI. fn r " hy t lip nllpr<lllc h or n hor. ('mon t rot· th e wedtl ln". cunfld f>i11 ot Ihel r ,IIRCrl~ I II ~ M t ,·(trilly lip th" '1 .. ~t' r' ",1 st reet t<>.. tl on lind I;ood juul(lIl r ll!. Th,'n, wns wllrcl I hi' hote l. Th e r hler wa s 0 I'nv. no neces.,lty f or h is S"l'lnl' the girl nlr~' ~oh l lt' r In ulllfl) r m. powderer! agoln, nnd. Ind el'{). he felt no l!J cllnu· tlon to UO 60. li e en'o slt rnnk f rom wllh ,llIsl. his horse s ho""II1£ evidences of 110 I'd t /'1we l. th e Ill ougbt ot see ing her. find was SllPlhy "'ntrh ~ rt hl~ cOlllln!l cllrlous· profouodly thonkful th nt I!\'"ryt.hl ng Iy. h i rn~nlOry st ili IInl!prln" IIpo n tlte was 80 completely unde rstoo d bet ween Illcm itS to mnke IInolller co n. scene with in. T he 111 11 11 drew liP At Ihe hotel. ,Iropped his rein m'er th e ference eullrely unnccessnp· . Sotlsfletl J ho rse'~ lIend. sWll ng Ntltn~' to the upon this nolnt. he d e" otel! tlt e time ,. g roun,1 finn 0,1\'0111'('[1 up the steps. remnlnlp, at hi s dl sposn l to nurchus· He glnncer) R. lrl u at ~he l\l y '8 motion. tng the varlet~ of articles mllu e n(,.'C' J less fii-'llr~ . took II s lep lowa rd the essary by Illis sud den change lu life. doo r llnel 'he . wheeiptl Sud (le nl y. The buckboord wns londed uolll ooth· "Sny . ,,1 1I't your IlRUl e Shclby7' Ing remain ed unoccunled hut th e Illlr· Th p dllzed brld E'l:roonr til rn ed nnd ,. row seot. 8 hu~e box. pllcked fil II. DC· " , looked In , o Ihe fn cu ('onf rollllug bl m. cupylng the rear portion. ",IUl bllll' Ids '1I1n,1 snuPl'lnl.l I,ock IJ to qlllck dies ti ed securely here nll ,l t1 ",re recul.'1lli 100. about the vehIcle. whereve r the)' would 0 II tl I I I h "~nre. We ll. tllUnll er. you' re Bbau· • I r td e 8a.e 'Y. vcr (l lese Ie ~ n ' . . ed a tarpaulin to keell out the (111'1.. nes .\' of t he Sixth. Wh at're you dostrapping the latter firmly Into 1.lace. In ll he r c ?" T he solemn Inj uncllon to sel'l'ecy The two clnsped honda Ilrm ly. bad prevented Panen from nlllkin& "Thollgu t I knew yuu. T om. when this occallon one of apccl al c ·Iclll·n· nrst cnme up lIle s tep s. but wasn't tlon, bnt, n evertheless. rUlll or hlld Quite SlIre till .I go t a s ide view. MUlt been lumclently busy 10 as to pre\'en t be six yenrs s in ce you le fl us. a ln't In an), I!trlctly ilrlvate cerem ony. T he Whnt om I doln~? Oh. th cy" 'e shoved parlor of the botel WIlS al rently crowu· liS up here f"om Arl""nn a lld I' ve been ed wIth uninvited gtll!SIS whru h" nn · liP nt I.h e Resen 'ntlon wlI tchln' 'em ally arrived and there "'os IIlso nn I:host.dllnc~ 110' nn l hcn dln' now tor over1low meeting tn th ~ n,!jollling ,1111' Coll l118 10 le ll til e old lIIan the newi. tng room. Sbelhy swore I\I l1ler his Some fll n go ln' to be pu lled a ir pres· breath, but Jt wn s t oo la te to p r otest entJy,"" outwardly as tJle urldc· to· llC wns III· "You mcnu lit e Sioux ore goln' OD read:r wlIl'tlng his arrival ot Ihe foot rI1 l1ll'nge og'l n ?" of the stairs. "Sure th ing, \Il1l p~" I miss lilY gllesa. In spite ot the t!oulHS wltl ~h hnt! un' I reck on I ou~ ht to know Injuns Bssalled hi m du rl nlt th e I'n ~ t few hy this tim e . 11'11 cl lh(' r come tblll hours. the Sight of her thu s nWilhing filII or nex t s pring. 1 11J;1lre they'lI hLs corning. be r eyes mee lln ~ his OWII nel'er h old In ""Cr wlnler. 0 1' Slttln' frankly, sent n ~lI d rl en thrill Ihroll~h Rull ho s got Ihe I:llme In his h an ds bls veins. She wus chnprwol1p.<I h~' Illp nn' you know tllIlt 01' d c ,·II . ' reckon." wife ot the prlnclpo l slo rck cpcr 1111,1 "I hllvo renSOn to. Any troop. np doubtl ess oth rs among the fuw I·.~ tJl crc'l" lpeclable women of POllen hll ,l COlli' "1'0 ; t he Injun ogent d on't believe blned tllelr toste anti PIlRS"sSlonH In tlwn,s 1;0111' 10 he ony trou bl e; 8ays prope. rly lit ber Ollt for tlt e 0( CII"I"" '1 11 ' 8 j uH 11 fe w younJ: hu cks wllo a re Jus t h ow lIle trn ns!ormllllon 110,1 " P,·II. rAi si n ' h-1. li e dnn't kn o\v wha t 18 nccompllsbed Shelby. beln!: II IIU1U "oe- gn ill ' on. Bu t I h.,en nmong 'em an' f ully IlIcklng In experi ence. 11 141 n ot th" wh ole oll ltlt Is hl ood·mB u. I seen k now. but be ·WlIS vividly IlWllre uf IWU of tlll'i r j!host·dnnces mrse l! bnck t b,' chnnge In her IlPP("H"It<'C 1111 11 III the hills 1111 ' I te ll you th ey m~all mll nn er . She wo s drcRse,1 In J:1·ur. LIlSIII<'~~. You IIvln' he re Oow?" th " ou ter ga r mellt pl oln l ~' (n,llI"''' ',1 "1' n. OUI 011 thc Cotl onwoo d." but llttln g well , whil e II III liS I h~""I1II I1!: ".IYI 'ltt-;- norllt? S a~·. old IDRn. Illat hnt, roih er COQ\I NII~h In lis . hlll'e. uln t l(n ln 10 he no .h enillt y ploce fer r e"ted on sMI . shlnllll; hltlr. tlll lT,·tI It wh ile. If II""" de vil s bren k loose; out attra ctively. (ormlnl! n 11 1,,"t 111(1' ,·,· · t h ~~" 11 tl\ ltke Ilt nl country su re. Oot ubiI' Crnme tor tilt! )'l' UlIg fo. 't!. th ~ IIlU(')1 <I( 1111 011 101'" "" hlln.-ll , r cll lll e on ' two herders." c.beeks flus hed wlt lt e"CIIClll(·IIt. SI ,I'I · by s tood I'efo re her t n n/lu c· tl,·t1. 1I111""e "\".1 "II''' I ~ h to Ilut un n figl,t. Well. to fl u d wortls of grrcll n~. p:llll f ll ily If I w". ) . "\1. '1'0111. I'd ru n those cows const'l ous of his own IIwk\\"ltr<ln('~s . oyc r 111 10 Ihe 11" ,1 Lnnds nn' li e out The {'l lIbn rrnssmen t. howc n·r. W it S hllt th " ,..· (\wh lh·. \\' n' lI J;c t the Inju na. of tor the In s tnnt. for t he pren ch" r hlld C(l lll'~e: hil t tI "'re Is hou nd to be Born e been waiting hIs cnlMlll ce. c!1g~r 10 1,111111 ' unle!;s rill crnzy. I've got begtn the cure monr. 10 ~n III 1111,1 gr t .nmelhlng to en I." Wl,at occllrred ullrlnll t h(' IIf'xt fe w H ~ Slo rle,1 to tlll'll nwny. bllt Shelb y mntllcntA wns ne" pr wholl)' rlPllr In 11l1 I t~,1 hint "i1th u llu es tl on. Shl'"'~" s mind. He d ll! llI"eholll"'ll l), "\l ow long YO II been In th e nrmy. whllt e ,'er I,e was t old. but wllh olll ('rh"/" CnIllIU·"henslon. FIe rem ~ mhe re' l wnlk· ·"J'W(!IlI,r·t",o )'enrR. " Il1 g 1 ' ~lween r()ws ut curi ous f"e .. s. oe· " And with the Six th covnlry ?" cn~I"l!lIl1y r~ogc lz ll1g n fn,"ll lllr "~'Iftepn." <·O\l1l tt' fl lln ce. cleo r IIcross thnt crow'h~' 1 "Old )'OU a \'er know a sergeant 1111I'lor 10 the further "'o il. wh idl · no III ",I Colkln ~? " SIX'II,,,,I til be decornle<! pro fll ~el~' wllb ".Iett Cll l kl n ~ ; he WDS my first 'top' s ll rl\\'s or e" ergt'ee n. II ~ 'UCII1(otl t o nfl "r I jolnpn; he left the service r<.'l'n il ' ltat t h(' girl Joln('d Itllll. ~t lll lll' I' 'hom t.e n y\'llrS II go. '1'1l e re was a In ~ li t Itl s le!t, and that ,I 'e hlltl 11,1· ~IOOli n s~r:, p e or som~tblfl' down ol \'Iln,·,·,1 ttl hi s s id e /lul<l<,d It)' Onn ~I C- I f n~koCttr. . jOrlte r ul~l~t' "Ittory. lIlOllllghhl've p. n I1 S W III was A n on t or ., Co\l· lh ~· . It w os nil "Rl:ue. 1U I ~I.I'. un· n ow. C lllkltlS got ou t o. th llt nil right l'{'rlll in. nn d the nt)xl I1IUlllell' rill he bt l II II t t h' . .. .. "0\..; thp ftf1~h\' fil!ure fl f t h~ H urU \\' len IS f."n ,. men W08 up e I nlllt : hp rlldn' t l!pl nn I!ood w ith the
ti ,.".
Il l ':
tll !'!l J n~ f.n'~ 4\ w fJH'" ti1(1 ~l1l' nt crowd pl't·e;; ... lrq! f1j\~H ' In n )"'lnu thrill: then he
\1 1 ;,
' I \ \ . . ':
rt·';:I "'"~I·.
1'1'11 ' l ' I ' ,
1110:11 10
n ..qlll!.!' In h l~, fI'n l . 1 7_ 1r1,l~ 111m :'dlt HilI! ~lIltlll It "a~. li e r l ' lI11'llIh"I\' " U qll ,.~ thlll "n~ Jls),\,t1 him
...~o"t ~tnl )lnt(' l t IIl Il ITI :h! t ' , nr IIII JH.:llIl'd hlm A~ I( n t"'"" ,llrL II.· I""·,, 1'1'1,,'11 ~1I11" oolhill" I,. 'h,· .1I'I',«Io"'n 1111<1
d l, d
'1'1 , ,'1 1 1 1:111 {'II III .. , hI' { l,l t lh' r 1t ,l lll'
T1 : !:
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I' \ II' i~
I i .1
( II +, j •• I ,, ~ I '" , I •• I ... I II II ~ 'lI 'd , ', 1 ~ , .• : .. r. 1.11 11. III" till ,,01 ... II I ' I II "d ' 11 1.1 11\ .. 0,. 1111 ' \1""1\ ':' '~I (n' 1I 11" " I Il~
FA .\ ! ) I \ .
: !~
1 )\
I! . \ , :'. . t' I :. ) . ! i \' , ,) . .y :\ F .-\ ! \ CHAPTER V.
I ~ \,
8tarted t o e xpl a in, but th e ou t flowlor thron g cnt his ~en t e n ce I II two, nnd
th e eln r tl e<l s oldl el. stepping hn ck to get out or the way. "'os lustllnlly swep t flSltt C, whil e the J:Hng poured
forth betwe('n. 8cl1Or81111g th e two co mpl etely. The brltleg roorn found blmRel f on ce more lIl e cellter ot fel'vent congrllt ul ntl olls Rnd only escaped by push in g a pA ssoge dow n tlte ateps to wh ere hi s outfit woU eu f or deplil'ture. Some moments lat er site J()lned blm. RccolDpanled by her bodyguHrc1, wearlnll n long dust cr whi ch a lmost r enched th e ground And a clos e·llttlng cap pu ll ed d[)",o o,'er her s mooth hnlr. B e s il entl y helpe,l her Into th e sea t of lIl e huckIJon rd. Joining he r griml y and gathering uP. the re ins lu his fln· gers. " )\;0\0. th en." he culled. "a couple b of you unti e those rutes and Ju rup. TI . b J " ,ey re 0' s tnrte Ml. Th e hroncos nm ply justlned his pred iction And the porty went t earing dOWD lIle rua ln street. pursued by yells of enjoym ent ond cllt· ho«l s of derl· ~ I o n. Shcolhy s tru gglloll wi th th e reins I d I dd ~ n an en eavor to "eep t Ie mil ene" brul es orr the ~ ldewa lk 9. H owever . . th e s teep a 8cent ()f the lJllIlT brought the pillnging IInlmals to h d b II I h t el r senses nn Y Ie t me t ey hnd surmou nted th e ridge and struck I th th e prnlrl e trs l lending ncross e A h II II h uplunu t ey were w ng enoug to b slow down to t e aw lft trot they weN! k I j DC 'u s t om ~ d to ta e on ong ourney s. S d hi I I th , belby loose ne 8 grasp on tie ea • k In t h e seut, ven· e r an d res te d boc' tnr Ing a s,II e g Inn ce at hi a compan Ion. S he woe atlll gri p ping the Iron rail for .'Ife t". htl! p" I,le ntl'.' felt no fear. J
eno11&h. but thn t IS orflK~ n Co!\ II 'T~· . wit h Honu! thilll! (11 rest t h ~ l'yi' ~ IHI. , om efrol 'l. thtlllg h. y,'u'r' !l01',,' to b e awfull y sorry ." "I "Rea ll y. 1 don·t.'· h onesll ~·. don't mi nd bein g olone Ilt HII. I'n' alwa ys bee n olonc. s() thllt WOU' t burt." " Bu t thi s 1$ dltl'erpnt." hc Ins lRt el1 Itublt()rnly. "Besid es. I b ell n l NaillI" tblng back tl wre In Ponc lI thltt mllke. me think I ha rt no IJlI s lucss br luJ;l nl( )' 0 11 IIl ong nt 1111." ~Whnt wa. thnt?" "Why. Ju s t b~ f o r (' we COlIIll nWIlY Tll n Into 110 01,1 fr lo'nd o' (dine lu the IIrlll.l'. Iluntpd Shoun e ~)'. lI e'd h\'~n
1I1J w 111 ('hll1'
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Sio ux
t:ho~t·t1 nn ce.
Waynesville, Ohio
nn 1 he
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"~'" II ' ('lHlr s . , ~' ''II d i d,, '!. I I h ' \ ,'r us l\ (' \I, hut '\ \t'I'~I I H,h I It.llI L."I I I .\ In l 111\1:'1 111 ' . \ Vll ti l ",1-' 1111 ' "Id III : II! SOli , ltllyittl\\" / I 1'1" ' 1\011 I L: d t :I 1 I;..: II t
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Classified Ads
lu g fmll"l. I ,I"d,),-,I Ihul waH " hy I 1111 \1 ' 1I n I10 1lt f rom p Iu <.' ,' to II I;,·'l· fltlll nl\\,IIY~ II\'1)1 I I H S U" II l'tI\· " t'1~· iill' I •, "Somehow
Don't Just Like Him."
An ud . in Ilti ~ e ,>lu'ttn iH Ii ~I\ re sa le
r, '.'t
t il
1 ht\llp\"\:.' ill' ha il Ilhll WY Hr \'uu1t) al wny!'\ /:'" :.., 1111\' WIIt'I I 1I1 '\.'tI·,~t.
It 011 '
A Blow of T",ach e.y. M I)Nll:Y n , 1.1) N liN ;: ARM ~ .' 6u.· Inl,, 'nbt• I " Ir r. ~o II ,II'SlIhlll' hlllll l"l'ulI1lnIC.-11 • ,-U _ I '"I U " I II lI ell &.\" IIUII " I • lI ~ nl )" "' • . '11 1 !' 1:lI' ~ 11 \" ' 1'11(":111. th e tlnk lo yea r .• I II .• II k lut e /l ud l., lI ftH-I ·.- l lu lu toCL , 11 ul O.
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or , I1"l lIn l
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1'0>l ng a. a mil o to l'yade • ~ rll It lbe aluml, J AC~Q~lIue 0 " ". .ndlan ,Irl, marrl ~.J he r e l , " Ind . .ked In a mlsslcu ! ., rl'~ Bar ldeAUU was Ic
~ Itlllil c n ldll !'l l1 l'1'ollltd" d )1\' I r('t':-;. \\' o rd~ !o= 11I\\ I ,\' . ..~I ..·tt· l· ~ Id'\\ " j!inll' ! II Il tlltd r "tl 111H ' I~ rrllIH Ti ll' I'i ll't'llllI, lrl ~ h , nill' , 117 T )u Il .. t ury ~" \ ll1d ... n l ' nlld Ill. · "rhe r 111111111111 "".1 t llelr I"..-I\'u l. thl'r fll I Ill)' t o IlIe." " M y Idt,(\ i s It \! hlllll1!.! 11\f' fru!I\ CHAPTER VI. sn m t' 4lIh': try ll1l! 10 I';: .-f'l. m,' (I'PIII III"
Cltr l,\'ll ,"
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Sh llllll~~ SY Ir Il l' p\'l'r 1~ lIc\\' 11 1111, "
n~$; I ' rvfltl lJ n .
"Menn devil. that bronco." s aid Shel· the "ucks Ull UII1re nre !:Utl! · ru rlllSt' by. fee lin g Ille Dl!Cea~ty_ of 8P~ h Null berote I"mg. 811' tlt""e "ill't 110 nnel n ecking hll wtllp hlBb lit tile Iiuck· \ troops Illl),w h eire 8rt1UnU sulllclent t() skill. whose evil eye "01 peertng mall· h old 'em. 0 1' Slttl,,' Dull who 18 cloual, backward. "worlt hortle • ever Itlrrln' ' C ol liP" owned. The 'Kld back there Reml "But aUrelY ' they could ne ver get to be Borne brODCO Dueter and r'lI let down h ere?" him try hla luck wbell we ret out to "Not to Ponca- no ' they wouldn·t the rancb . 1 got some outlaws there." ,,0 In that direction .. But tlt"y'u be She turn ed ber heed and glnnced mlwh ty IInhle to com e raldln ' d own behind tJ, ro ugb the cloud of dUll. th e Cottonwood. Tbat's whut Sha un. "Who 18 he? One ot your me n?" easy 8Ri u ; 11C told mil I'd belter nID "Well, 1 Just htred blm down at ill Y st ock ove r Into tbe Bud Lftnd8, POOC8. Seema to he a mighty ,ood and lie out for awhile, till th e 80ldierK rider. His Ilame te Macklin. but ev- I(ot the d evils rounrll'd up tll:Dln. I erybody calls him 'KId.' H been thlnkln' e,'er sin ce I o~ght to "Somehow' don ', just like him." tell Y()U nbout It so. It you thonght "Oh. he's bannless enough ." b est we could t~rc nround uo' take "r'erltnps ao. but I h~vc thnt tcallnw you bac k to IPon Ln." about him just Ule snme." "And th en wllnt wO\lld YOll do ?" Shelhy mnde no IIn awer and Illey "Me ? Why go on o· course sn' rod e 011 In s il ence through the circling take co re o· tllc pottle. '1'nln't thc dus t. He felt IIwk ward and em hnr· firs t time I' ve secn Indi a ns." rnase<!. unob le to think of an ything "Then I nm going with you." she t() sny to keep up converSAtion nnd In· snh) 6rmly. '" nlD not Ih l! leasl tensely consc ious of th e pecullor sltuo- nfrnl u. I wond,er If you ho\' e Ill! extro ti on In " 'hlch they found themaelves.. rifl e out there?" OCClI slon nll y be s lole II surreptitious "Sure." he salu. grinning. '" Bo rter g lollce 6sld e at be r. but ber eyes went III. e t ltu t kind o' tulk. little girl. CaD nverted as thougb tn avoidance. . . . you shoot?" IlIg oct over the dull vlAIIl . To SbflIby "Some; I'll s lt ow YOll wh en we ge t this quietness on ber purt. tht. balf out there. Anyway. pl ease don ' t tum tnrnln g frOIll him aeemed pllrtlCtllllrl, buck 011 my aeeOlml. I hell r,l In POll en 01ll 1noU8. S he was doubtless sorry nl· tbRt the Sioux were ghost· llon clng. hut r"'IIly lit her choice; this drenr expnnae I dldn't thluk about their co mlllg down whl"h they rode W08 more thun she the Cotton wood. Dad snld they we re e XI "' rte,1 to encollnter--she wu s dread· ge tting ugly. but I don't know where lu g olrea ,ly lin appron ch to lit e Cot· be h ea rd It." t,,"WOO\1. 1-1 0 hod been B f ool tf) even This unexpecled mention of Cn lkln" dn'um thnl h e could ever snt! ~fy her 8Urred She lby to nsk 8 furth er ques. III s lIcll su rroundings. Well. It 'wn s tlon. She was Il olng on wi th him. thnl li nt 1(10 In Ie t o turn bR ck. Be wtlull! wo s evident. nnd the myst<lry betweeo talk wit h hl'r and lenm th e t ruth . th em must he cleared /twIlY. H e ,h'o"e stendlly forwa rd. en· "What was your name'" he nsked d (,I1"' . r ln~ tu forlllu illte some plen sont soberly. o l.r llill" "ril iell ce. his nund Inevltahly Sbe glon cell liP Into Itl ~ fnce. sur· d.- If ill!" "li ck to thnt late converSfi' pri Med at the nbrll"t ' l'l\'s 'l on. tloll w illt Shll unes"y nnd the doubts It "My name I Wlty. ,1011'1 y ..u know?" h"d "w llk ened . Ollght he to permit ". neve r hpR"d of It; "et',"e sorter her to I",rolll e exposed to a possible odd. mayhe. Lut I nev er lIld ." Jndllll1 nun ck? Was It not plolnly "It Is Ohm." bla duty to explnln fully the exact "Olga-Olgn what ?" s ltuution ? And then that other mat· "Why: :-5 lle lby. 1 8uppo.e." t er rell1t1ve to Old Colklns1 Surely It "No.1 ,1I(ln'l lIIenn t hllt. Of course. wns her plo ce 10 make that clear' It's Sh.'lhy II()\\,. but whnt wn s It beHe s trllltrhtened uP. cleartng his torI: tod"y ? ''I'wn",,'t Cnlklns." voi ce. und site glanced about, Ills'rhe s lnlle llll d descrIed he ,' lips Ilnll turbec\ from re\lery by bls action. her e.l'p.~ ·w ere v,ery serious . "lIow ul 8IDni It nil la," she saId, ".J,,"t whnt do you mean . pleaso? \ 1Ul It ~ fulled to apeok. "Bnll yet the Ua" p yOU Iteortl 80methlng1" ve r" silence ond lonelineS8 has a "\' ..,11 . yes. This here 801,llpr Sbou· .1 chorm. Is It like this out on the (Jot· n ~")' hn~ been In Ihe arlllY It long tonwood?" w li ie; he WBs Mtcen ycnr" In the It' 10n~ly !': h th ,·Il\·nlr,' . No\\.· I hnn'_'''''l ed to "Nn. not .'lrnr tl r.. .. s
Madden's Lumber Yard
\\lIlt·r. III" " II ('~ IInu l oe .~ l ' III &t nl's~ ull :lhllll{. Hull tll{! di m uutlln e PbUII U , U . u' Then I,,· s,'''''''''' II) h .. ufml,1 nil II,.. I uf lIa, (·:!Io ill haruly " Itilld,' 1101 1,1 Il,e M ON I!:Y L 'lln" rI t n ltv/' 'lUok. tlnh' HilI! \\ntd tl l}~ (III' ~" lIll'1hhl C' 1(1 I HIl I'rt H II HIIIIJ,:' tr·l't'.!" , Til e J,:'1 1'1 1wld h~r I ouul·l e lt'l, AltwtSeouod til H ~g ll !C e 8 , hOP )1"":' I 11 ... ·"11> wll h 111'< 1"·.,.,,,,1 I I~ hl . " tnrlng ' N ,l t' <l~ b ll n !o! llt . J " hu Bll r bl~"', A llen "And
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II1'Oll ll i1 11110 Ihe
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hl""llg llt tHI ck to her n sen se
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!'Ionhl. fil l'
1II1I1lIlC; '
('h .. , ' r( \llrl('~~ he WIlS "'1 ' 111 1:'::. " ll l' \' 1h e re. Kid,
1"'l'l4'lI d l ll)1 1.1 f"OIIi
If You Are Pale and W ea k , W ith · out Ambition, You Need a Tonic I
TRY TAKING PEPfO-MANGAN Rich , Red Blood Fights Off Ui seas e and Keeps You Well und Enabies You to Work With Pleas ure l::ier iouR Ri oku e,B of tll ll oom es wlJ en . you least HUHpeot. Yo u lOny t tl,,1 " httle lOver· Urad . Y ,)\I h~ Vllll't I,ellu expose d to oontll giu n, yet 1111 uf " Budden y ou Ilr ll 11 1H on y our hllok lind in for a s le llie (. f Mi ok [l ~H Your bluod elill n ot h ,. v o til!: lt tl ng · qU .. UMtlB. It W II ~ wilidt ," IU thin . . Yonr vita lity nlltl p o we r s of r elll; I. , ance w e re low, When vou overdo. you U8e up tHl . ergy . YOllr bl ood Is d ri vo n t o do morE' th a n it o .. n . 1t b eoomes 0101;:. ged with waste. Tile w,uto lI e l,s like paiYon. Dise'llse ger wlI get In you blood und Clomioue . Don'l lob y ourse lf get run d ow n Take that good ,onlo, Pepto Man ga n H makes rioll, r ed bloud thllt will r e· slat and rout Utlt dl.eaBe g ~ rms. "A Bit Tough LQok lng. I Suppo.e." Pep to· Mangan Is wid ely /lnc] heart. lIy endorsed by physloLr.D B. h i. stnkt· out yer horse. nnd corne hcre effeot! ve and easy tllke. 1J0mos lin d ' 1101(1 Ih." .! ilrCllH's IInlll I IIIrht Ull In eltber liquid o r t ... blet form. Bo th 11l ~l d4·. nOll ' t IIH I\'C. O l gu; tli c l' P Is n have tbe 8t>me elIfl ot s lrt'I' hllnk j ll" 1 heyHnu. I'll onl y h p Mold \t any drog storA. Bnt b e ~Ollf' II m l lll ll c." .ure you ges tbe genuine P ep ~o . Mun " But wh ere Is yo ur " (' nl ~ f· ? .. gao-"Onde's." Ask for It by Dlltne " P ili wit h II le cult Ie. 11I·01l:,I .I." ; It e aod be lIure tile foil nllmo, "~ ude ' ~ flofl"' fJ~ ~ I (tpn hl'rp. nnd hn rl no IcJ4'n Pepto.Maogan," Ie 00 tbe paollll go. (OouLlUllod on palO a I -:-Ad vertl&emeot.
_._--- --_. _----_._- - - - ------ -
Buih11U~, X o u 14 Oht u ,
6.4 .:n -
-================= I'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE
of '·IIU'· lI~(·. Bamp ~ lIlr o M .. lo S h eep, w"ljbt. " I "-- I ~ tlt (,I·., Il n nil e h,' r .. ?" she ' 275- l bs .. :S y "'H~ o ld AI_u . . .. 1I , n<""d , " f ,.,,101 to ""nt ur'l II ~Iel) In lIlll l April M"le Uur .,!, PIli. w ei Mb~ :400 I v, .•.,,,. " II Is " ' nl hl \, 'IIIrk." . Ibs. ~ I!.. Rlloy. ph o uu ~.2 6, W ilY ,
gl~ ntl~! R\\'lng h~r ! I h,' ,w<:"11 Ille ", ht·('\ti to the groulld. ~'lrlle wa,\' tile s tn ng gTHS p of hie
VI' I 1'!'!'Iui! t.,tI :-::laclh ,\' to
nelivlll e. Olll u.
WANTED 14 ill . rllLiLie r 0 Ul\ur.llrefer . A ..ublyor with onrrl lJ r ,tllu.t btl In guod
condit·lun auel c hu •• p t u r O~8h Ad. dress W. 1:1 . liut h rl. , R, D.5. W .. v· nesvill e, Obiu II ~O
STRA Ylm OR STOLEN lJur uo.Jer " ' y ~u w, tli ~Il I,,,el\(e ,1 tlnly Il16t. Wtlt;k lo' Il1U~r p lelfl\o - - - noUfy ph o ne liti- I L.:!S. ut7
t:!ow, wi hol e In !tar 1 IfBigDotBl.ok torn out WIlIl:(ht, 350 Ills.
Heward. A B t:;h .... ur. Waynesville . Obi t..
c ·
Houlle. Ii n e wly Good pered. ,oreoned.tn po roh , cemen' pt&
Illlllnr. w e ll, olsttlrn. un~bulldloI8. g ood garden, 2 ~orll~ of gootl gruund . ApplV to Katherln" A. Rloks , Utlo., Oblo. nl7
NlaeqUItRoom uf Jail
bE'r t:!hop .
' ] 8111 "tro,,' JoOaklo Ilt the &r. n17
FOR SALE SBOA TS, weiR!) about 6Q IbM. 25 eacb. InqUIre or Rober, . ~eo.
80D, R. D . 6, Waynesville, O.
H H.
Om~-RegI8tered Uoroc JereB}, HogM. L ooo.' ~rove 1I'.rm A. Day & Son, R. O. 2, ChUIr~vlll.,
mmun/'(l BpottedPoland.Olllna ~nd Duroo Jersey Red Plgs,both IHX!!I(, el\gihle reoord. K. iC. Tllompsoo R. D. 1. Oreg o ni ... , OhLo V.. lley phou e lilly', HarveYl!burK ring . , . n17
Flor!!nce HOI, BIIi!!' Helllter A good ' o r lillIe. In good ooDdltlon. Inqolre of Mnrtha O'Neall, W"YDe." . VI ti e, 01110. ' . D~P
St!09nd. h ~ i"i
Allo IOome
M 1I,Infe I:!l)relldere-NIRofl amlOhlo-u ~ )(.100 p!'lori•. ~ybournc '
& MnKllall, \V·.YDllulJle, Ohio. 03
' SnooP I( · .. ·h,.~ C&bIDIl'. g,)04:,." A n'"'' !rotn ;',. e- ilr"" ' 1 " I'd " ",
Bu"", 1, .:ol'nlill V.}I111, U1&lo.
.... T HE MI A M I IS~ t JW II;V I~I{Y
G A Z E T J E~~..
, D. 1.. CI' j\N 1' , l ~ dilO r [lI lt! hIL I1~ I , n . \\
I TO ~
I' • •~
II, '
" "II
1< pit -, l
p~ r yco r
"ub. rrinl inn I'rice, $ 1.50 :
n.' IIU\" illc,
Common I'le aH Court N~" Sui .. The I!;/lVtly ()o. vs ,I . lJ. !:tou"b . ;;oo r mon ey . J . ""ti rr e n W oo d ~~ Mnrlll Mu lfo rd tl t Ill. Ifn r ~ Ill tl " I r eltl e8 ~ liLtI
-::- - -==-
W I·: I INlo:SI IAY. N()VE~1IlEI{ :1 . 1!120
---- --- - -== = ProcelllUDga In Ih ll 1Il'ltter uf J Wllrr e ll W .. ,)d V H I'oI .HI l\ Melfo r" at ,d . t:! .. le or
ltOIlll'ltk' 'Ifl. ·lImOQ!'. T h4' dir ty ,II h CII "'I're slt(l \'PCl lit of sight, t lt e flou r ~Wj · I \ I. lit,· Ilre In ti ll'> Rtovo blnze,l ch"I ... I·.lIly, IIlId t il(' r c WUS (livered w ltl, II,,· Hs~('ntlnls or 11 trllly nllJl!' lIz. Inl( III (·H." ~he H·t Ih" Inn'n dow n In Ihe C III 1", flllly I"ewll rd 'd by che ex· Il" ~xslun "" Ihe (uces of the two. "Y"" tl!l)' ~ wllsh up the re In the .I nk." s he cOnlllllllld ed ; "use lI,n t plec" SII ,",""" for 0 lowel; It WII S nil I c" u~d T it 'n we' lI g t busy." It Sh,·lhl· WIIS 10 lI\"e 1\ Ul ousund Y"Ora h ' wo uld nevllr loae memor y of 1I. UI lU ~n l. The grntetul WlLI"Illth of -Hr~ ." \"", tbe nelltl'.sa of the t uhle, n,,! g')u.J fe ll 'lwHblp with wb lch ~lt e ".,r\"~rI . 1111 co u r) l ~d w1tb the wuud"r· ru l " " ·pf lse. left UpOD blrn 011 1m·
I:!ev erlll fre m h e re a ttentle d th e Repu bl\olln d eI1l 0D I! ~rR 'l on g ivee In · T he fo r m k nown as t h e Wm. H"b lit farm . ~ituate(! on ~I~ FJ :-V':ly n esvi l'e ! Leban on o n 'fhurlldllY, and r Apor S Il . s pltln dld ' a lk made by onr C o ngrtl!lS a nd Bell broo k p ike. also o n the Mt 11 ,111.1' Illlcll'erry plk(' , 2:'< mll p~ n o rt h of Way nesville a nd IY. miles we, t o f ~,:t lI u ll y , will b :lold o n pr ml se3, Oll wou , Si m eon D E tlss. Mrs Id f\ B owe aO[\ HOn , Bllrry, Wtlre S nndfl Y vl slt or !l of b e r pa r e n t s Mr. lind M~8 . A 011 Allen, ot Flat b'ork, At I o'clock p . m . T he f arm "'ill he offe r ed in t wo 60 ac ro t rac ts anrl th e n a ~ u w hule. as fo ll ows: Mr. anrt M ra. Robt Carr retufned home from B'rttolrlln, on MondllY, FARM NO, l - Cont a in s (jO acres, has brick house, afte r sove r,,1 daY8 ' vIsit wiSh Mr bank barn, youn g orchard t hat hears every year, 45 acres ami Mrs l::Ienry M urpby, of 'bat excellent farm la ll.! . ~o m f: ti mllt' r . e t in I.Jlue grass ,and farm olty.
I ron l
t· t-I ' lI t U lI l ll u r e d , Il n' liNI ! I" Ill' \ ' l "r ll fl(l iWIUd t o b e blo tte d At. t.hl s wri ti n g . tb e w e atber Is l u 111" 1II11~ \t' r o f III .. :-;t "l:e 01' Olt lo ""I. !o;h.· lulk.·,1 " bout \\"hnl ~he ' \·us m ost beau ti ful ~;\' IIr:TbOd:v I ~ un , V8 I\" Ill . ~ llI r r l •. It •• '1rIlorll<l tll SI ge, llI!: I d,,; nhuul what Itp II"d pll r- tb e m o ve. healtb I~ flul'e ):tood alld tn " d,"' r I1wjun t h I! e " lIfi ot-'u l1 l t hu jt,ll l l'i lll '-ll 'd Itl tU\\,f1; abo llt nnl't lll u J; w hic h h 'l ppi nl'8" pre v ll illl through o ut. t hi s . ' ' r r)" rt v ' III .I' ~ II lid Ihut \11 ' P".v II." i ,."" ... 11110 hl' " III lnd Ihllt ~ h e CntH II'el vloinlty . o , .. t ~ .
fil II 111I(af ' l lI fP
11 ,' 1' h Ol li e , S h ~ h Hl l rome hl ' I'I' 1\;'; 111\...;1 J,' P '''. It nllll11 l rPf' n fl t RO , 1111,. ·11 \\ I nti It WUS fl nW , h u t w h u t Rh p ... 1\ 01\ 1, 1 111 111.1' /If it . t1" r !'tlf'w t, ' r (orin ; wn..; I"
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"' lIlnll " nuk ""11 \ " , ;1 .. tt l' l "f r p llL"lIl." hullt r lo .. .-·t , :,11 ,1 .. h d, . I I" 111111 ' 1' ,..llIj 'k " t! w ll h 11)\ ' \ \:t .. I" ," d l ... l w ... . An II 1'111 r il l o ( "pili . \ ' Hold 1:1\ il il Ih ,' 110'11', II IH.1 It f ili I( ~ ll\h 'I f \';r ' " '; 111 111:': , " II 11 1111. c 1 1 '~a l!:I ' I' " ~ ' 1I 1 III '"ICII "~r Inl11:II , ,1 1111111 " 11 1111' 11,,,1'(' \\n~ Hu hlllr o( h y~ , !"h, ' IHl d (tHI IIIl h"1' .. .")If. It-r i;r Itl II f ~I'I, ... .. "d ... 1HI III t li t' IIII IJ,! t111 s "',', :i l li l wf.... o 1-" \\' 1)" 111 I'" " al'li. ' .... 0\\ r lil ll ~ l l1l ~I't '!II\\II II,,· 111111 1' fill Il i'l 1I 1,, 1I tll ll le' . li g ht t o t ll i':'-1' I',lf ll" , I\ ld , lIlId I' ll tat'l r' I lind d l"lI l",I"C' 11)11 111 IIPI' k l ll'Px, ~ w lfll~' you (lrt... ~(\tli l y . " 'oultl yo u rut II\!r ~c 'I 1'• 11,,11.,,1 'I fin' ill I h t..' ~ I ' I\' l' , AH th.· . " wllhd III 'c nlt to f't' :lI'kl(l d l ('~rf llll ~', ~ h f' wILli III ~, 0 11:" 1" )o; P!If'I ' lIl'd IIII' f· III .... I{ rill' 1 11I 1 1 . ' rlu l ~ . rf" " Y , ,~," Rl ,, · ~n lll. )I(\r 1' ul(' ., I r'~lIl h ll n ~ ' Jll ipi rll..! \ 1' dl ~I' fHt'I' f.;!l llle cl1 !'= IH.> R yPt A1i~h t lr III "'j. l li' ,,!' "\,'1')' .~nllrt III 11 1111 " ",1. fIlCt, tllt' I' \\' ith r "lII l l1lnt H or l',Jlttrtll. " 1 \\u lild I"ullu ' r II I.H hi h'fl (o"d "lIffil'1 ,' llt (ur lll' r p llrp o~('. 'I'1 I(\ r e o ur IIpr'(\," WII ~ '!'Onc:,,' , " 11 I II It 'II foO . ... d 1I111 k. n fe w "A ll r l,:;- h l; ti d .. I" t lw JlH tll ; (,,,"' t I{nllrl y rroIIl I H~~ , It NlilIti l stlC' k o r fl HlIr, tJ o u t rultt. t \\'011" ItlI yu n HI IIIII II)I'. " l Id H 11llif 1' 1\11 of ('ofT!'\" ~ ht , rll1ll1 pe(l Xu\\" Hlle ,sl t' l) till : IlInt' :-l It. " til " .. ,. Itllf P H t lte Illlth'. n llt! h {\~11 11 IHIl f) ' li t, JIU rll! 0Pl'lI tilt' 1I Il St·, ·ur,·, 1 "!lo r , IIIIII).! II 1 11 111 ' , H~ ~ h •• add .,,, lit •. )o:l u h o f nn d sle pp<-d 111 10 I IIl' d"I I"" " tJIIII 'kl u 's", hll ( 'III) 141 1" (''''1' t n ' IISlII'P!'I, ~h (! \\' II ~ t oo ur I ll e 111 1('1'101', :--;' 11 1' ,'"u ld ":.'" II l ll lt - I l\l :-: ~' ,,~. 1.11\\' In ~t\'(, 1\1If1l lw r Ih o nJ.:tu III I! , hut I h ' III',1 111 111 1'1I11111111t..::11I~ II I'vll1. t o lit ,' d i l'l find IIi SHI',l!' I' Il h f'l ll t h (. r , u nd " Uft lt y l'HlI:.! ht l ilt, Itl'l~ J,!I"UII I 'I ' Sir . II,~' \\'11 " kt'lH Ol lt s ld4' ('oll!'ltl ('ro4 11 11I Il t d l. 'I'll,' 11I'~1 1II !'ol lllli 1111 :-4 I lIl d hl v 1lIll c .. r limn h L' tlild Il ll tld p ut{"d . h t,lC'IIIIl I' 111 ' 1l:" I1 (~ II f 1111 " II IH III)I , lIllIl Tilt' 1 1I1i'\i ~I\ 11 1. I n ~ I .ltt' tlf n I"lxIY.l1I ll e th~ w lillie InTt' rllll' .. r ti ll' rt 'fllll 1,11 - jHIII'Il I'.\' , ,'p tuinpd \' \(,loll~nt' ~ "-I t' n olll!iI ('1111'0 r~ \' (·nl l' . 1 111 tire ,n'll o \\' tlld': I'f . 10 kl .'k t i lt , IUlIll' r ll out of t he K id's I n spl t f' of t'\" 'I'y IIlltllll jlt In !" t""d y 1111111 1 111111 Io:lll1tsh It Intn "lll ltl U'rt'I' flft. horstM. li ef" h"url l!II "e n , ,,"1\"11 1111'010. Ihus '""'"1"'11111" II ,,· 111'11 to wo rk 111 fUll I .. h e du.c,,·It .. d III th L' ,ILI(lr rllr ~Ip· rlttl·I"I' ·";S, :\I n,,I,IIII, OtIIt('q lllllnted wI th POrt, Ti ll", WUlS t? \'C' ll \\"vr~H thllil s ll e tlH' iooI lIl'r olllllllllC':-O, "It !'! nf 1I 11 \(' u se. hn tl p lf" tur'f'(1. Ji lid 1110.::1 IIr , III' \\ o r h 111111 t n ht.' .llI n. ' "fo! l l .' il1 ' lI ':
did ,
1Jy 'Randall 'ParriJh
"A bi t 101l l:h 10ol:1 nJ!. I ~ II """ ~ I' . " h\" ~ I II'III\' III )1 " "" 1111. W it",. It II' np 011 Sh plby sulci \\'lth Il h ll~t .\ ' J.!IIIIIf 'O HIIIJIII. I o~' t'r' \\'Ii h fl nfll 1111'11 \\'t' I·\.' S\\'(!Ht~n g " ~u l' l e r tl- lir p r isf' , 11 11~ h rlllj.!l ll · It \\' If,' {uH'k with I lIl~. Nl'\l' I' n'c ~") ll ed on nllY lill('11 thi ng, n r "d... n f' h' t\ I I(,! ' I tir e foI hn c k up n h it. Tf n\\'(, \',.I r , I'll Sl r nl ::i1lc lI Ih lngs u rolt nd III n j llTy. 11 ~ "0011 liS I Rh o \\' tll(~ 1(1.1 th p cOrl'nl. Ilt' re's I! chlllr to sit In," 11 ",1 Ill' ,IUl np",1
I H'" I'II"'I ·I," . 1I " . 'd
.. I' !II I) world . :-\III ' II ' ~' , §: u t ld p i l ly re1IIt I Il1 I IPI·IItJ.! t il(' j.:I I" It'fl ttlIlIH ' III til e
lon\l on Ihe Il oo r. " '~"" ,,1 1I't t1 frulll 10 wnlt he t c. nrc YO II T'
uO II , n o; I wIll h e .n il r ig ht , Y o u fl P(,('! not IlOrry:' ~h e - n uF1M tU' r~f' 1f sny t hl'1'If' w (l r ds CRimi)', lookin g h lll i f rHll l d~' 1n I II' tUI 'O, l ·pt it S 11" Wll iit. I lH h~I, I ,' . f ' I I, ~~ I II 1-!
Ih" rlnOJ"
Ir ~ h l lld
hIli •.
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" II Ih l" III"" . 1",1 Ih u In.1 I:FII'
n il hl l!i ft'l IllIH' r , " .' hu l 11 1' :"
Ill! hnrl,,'01 ~ n\'ngely . ''I'n' hn'l j ll, t <'11 ''''1;1, of Ihll t. Whllt " 1,1 )'nll (" I" 'el 1I 11 ,\" 1t'11 )'- 8 rece"tlon c Oll ll n llll'(' 1111' JI h Uflil llt'l? ('ullI e o n In . II OW: \\("1 1 hll s!I(: lI lI ~q lll P gruh,
1 1l1~"t II~ WI \ II IPft · ! : few of ''' II~' ' Ihl ll CI'4 II lo"l.!' wlilt YIIU ," II N·t ' . .\' 1111
qu ite
Mlil il"ti ud \\-Itll I w r 1" 'lH lll L1'!"o~ I " u h l lk Tl lcrc 1M mu r e cat a rrh In thll .eclton ttl ll ~ ltUHtl ()n, ",li t' ho\\',, 11 Itl.' r h t' u d ')fl t Or th o cu ulltry thnn uJi other dlaea••• ' 1 ,t\ ' h oo l' put t oge th er. Cl nd to r y ear» it wu .uptlw dlt·1)' to hiL', I lI lI I I1"1 _0 . ~ \ pOJolccl to lle In(.' urabl o. Doctors prewtllt sobs wtlir h ('lIul ll I lh I flll;!'\I' ht· j 1H'l' l h erl loca l ' z'emcdl o8 . and by con-
~(t- t h l '" \\ )\ ~ \ \ IrHt ~ h .. lin d I stun tl y t nlh ll Jr to c uro with local treat .. If m onl. pro n ou n ced It Incurable. Ca-t h lH! :-:'II ~\ hod h.'p l It" .. ",-" t o IT It It! U l ocn l dl ocnft c . greatly IntJuup 11 11 LI n \' with ll'·t'tlfll .... : lIu,l th l ~ Wlt~ n ce d b y cO ll tl t lt utl o nnl c ondltion8. and H IP rt1 1l1t;'ntlllll . ~III' ! I (h'd lu' r fll r't' ~1,1:~~. ro l~~n~r.~ lItr:ta:~,~ 8tl~~~II~r:~. t~e:~: nt H1 lo fJl.: .. d n l l""t. Ih" ll' ''I'~ 1'1111 IlI ls l- Ufll c t ll l' d by F . J , C h e n e y &. Co.• ToleO hi o, Is Q. co n s lttutlona.t remedy I ' 1' ,\'t '~ ' 11"' 11 b lip jol \1rl ,l p nl y I • I I I)! n H t , " l nkcn I nhw nnll y n u t.! acta thru the , n t1 l! III ·tl. li nd s fll,,, l Ill' wit h 1'1l4't:l< o( 1 1~ 1 ?0l1 o n til e It.·luco u .!!! Surfaces ot the "11WII1 ~ , HIHl II p~ n 1'11l1~' ~ , , 1. 11 ""-; t ~."~ t ... rn. One Hundred Donar. r~ward ~
n nlut")d
rt ~ ('IlItIU H
. ,. I II...
18 or f ered
(or Iln y
that Halla Ca·
n IILH'l' lhl e nlf'S~. to " tl . Il rl.!. , f' ! torrla M ed i cin e tails to cure. Sond tor Illn ('11 Ih","' lr \\' u ~ nll1 ~o h ut!; !ill , ~ 1111' 1 II clrc uln,rs !lilt! t cs Ulttonl(l)e, & CO" nO. Toledo. OhIo. II , ' P ( I III r Ilr w n r-l" . 11.111 """ " 1"" In F .SoJ .ld~ I-lbyENl!:Y Dru llgl.t. ... u .. .. rl '")' ' '' l hi ,,( m·d .,,· lin d !' '' ·n lll ln . ·~~ H a ll' it Family PUla for eonaUpatioD.
Have With Us This Week-H
'1 .
Frank Galloh (: r Alid .
lJ e" i zce~ under t h e w ill of W,
l\f) 11i fllI ' li 1,"Indpll up \\'1 111 pll(·I" " ..:. ·.. fr Oll1 I h e h ud ;: hlllll'fi. Illp 1, ill ~ tlll s Wt 'n rlll ~
IIw h'r lI i~
hr vlll ll , h ut
The Ladle8 Aid wall entertained III the home of Mrs. W . C . I::!mUh, Tbursday.
Rh elhr
trrhnl v ~ 1I ~n t. 11 (' WIIS I"CII. N II I'e ,·11I1! whllt ' Ihnl 11I1 '!"I(l r 10okp,1 111«(', nll,l \\'011(1"" 111" h,)w sh e \\" n ~ lokln g slIch ft
MrA. Trevor C Haydock hal lallen over the P08toffioe . Mr . Icenbower ha vlllg faiJAd In health.
11 " l'ollld no t bu t con ImSI Ih n I1 lrl 11 111\ ,II Rnr,l!'r to "'hld l h o tH e ·(·ollrin J,!'.
hf' hnt! h" I)(I:;:I, 1 he r wit h Ih e ImlllAcu· Il1 tf' "" 'l1n : ln j ' "~ of Ihe Rhn ck where '1 hf'
POll en .
Th e
m emory
mn(l e hllll Itnlf nfrnld 10 gn In ond fo ce h!' r (,)·rs. H e IIfled Ihe Intel. he"ltol lulrly. th e hllurlles on th e olhN 1\ rill pllm1 to hIs chin. onr! . tep"e(1 lICrOHS Ih e Ihr .. sllnl d. Th en he sto"ped He WFnt Staggering DoWft. ~ u.\(l p l1l)'. \\"lIh hI s mOlllh \\"Ide open. t.h e 1';/ (1 plls hilill In h('hlncl hIm, e\'cn ~Iruck hl;lI. nnd:'he went 8taggerlng ,more hC'l\'ll y hlll eu. She .Ionel In the d""l1, 8 S though hIs skull wns crnshe(1 mhhll e . of Ihe rtoor. wIth cheeks by Ih e sll"nge blow. Olt ~ h el !. 111111 e~' ~~ ~ mlilng. • (To be Clllltla\IeG.) • "Y ou boys Con p il e thnt stlltl' on thp ---~~ ~ Illllle." s he onn oull ccd hrlghtly. "rV\! scrnpt'll Ihopo f"' pe rs liP In one corner, Saying KII;d Tfilng., so th crc'~ pl enty of roolll. NC\'er Olltld We cnpli OI ,\11 lIOy c1e\'er things, bllt obout brlllg lng the r,~s l ln no\\" '; sup we 1111 (,.111 ' 110'), klll.1 thlllgs; the kind r r's ready," Will" linger ,In the hellrt alld keep 011 . Sllctb)' PilI hI s hunlll es down wllh ' dollig buulness ' In lho .lIfe arter· the out II \\"01'(1. hi s eycs quI ck tn parcelVe most brllllnnt speech hlllJ"8Up~d trom the chillI'S cl l!ared of th eir deltrls, the ~emo~, . noo~ ,,"'ept, Ih e nsh'!s bll()k 10 the ~toye, Be could hnrdl)' eomprel)end Knew Value of IIducatlon, the mIracle. Edutntlon II a beU.er eateguard ef. She led the ",ay pyly, lcavlol ber Ubert,: thaD a ItandIn, arm,.. If we hl'OClm In a comer, and CIIrrylnl tl)§ retreDeh the wa... of the e~hoolmaller 101lln. The fean·to kitchen bad been we ml1lt ralH of tlte reerultlDa truusIl4W·"Il, !lnt! actllnUy pr_nted •
• • •
Mr, and Mrs , M. 8 BoRan apenl She week.end wilh relatlve8 In In. diana. The LI&erary Boolet,. of our lohoo) gave II Ballowe'en loolal, Friday evening, whloh wa. enjoylMl by all preeent. MI8eetl Graoe and ErD8Itlne Bha_. bangh entertained .: larle number of tbelr frlende wilh a party, Satur. day livening, Or. Kobl.lon, of Otnolnnatl, will dehver an addrBIIII a' 'he Y E ohurch 118:1S Sunday monilDR. MI .. Anna Sayers, · of Oxford 1101. Ilge, wall home onr SUDday. Forrel' IilDlth and a trlen4 from De1awar8, epe.n~ 'he week. end with W. f"Hmltb aad famtly, Mr •• Ken' Bolland, of Xenia, lpeaS a par. of I.... 1NU a' 'he hom. of Mr. and IIr.. Lewis Bolland.
, _ _.........""""...._ _ _~_ _ __ _ __ _
It Pays to Advertise . In our Classified COlUmn.
_ _ _ _ _~~~~....~...
MAXWELL-CHALMERS PARTS --- SERVICE "'a carry .. comple to \ill l" o r 1" " '1s for Cl.o " ho,.o ear..
MAIL, 'rELEPHONE on TE LEGRAPH Ordefs gh e n hnlll",liule Iltt ,,"1 Ioo. IIlscounlH I{) boll " fhlo g 'U"lIgcs.
THE GEM CITY A. UTO SALES CO. 18·20 South St. Clair St., Dayton, Ohio. Home Pbone 2043.
BeU MaIn 72OIl.
......................... HARDING'S CREED
lIlfeguard ·Amer. ica "To IiablUze Amer. lca ftnt, "To prosper America
flnt. "To Udnk l)f Ameriea
flnt. 4lOJ'o Golt America 6nt. .....0 Uve for and revere Amerlea flraL"
. . .Examined Correctly ... Glasses Fitted
Optical De partment St. Xe nia, Ohio Open e venings by appointment
~. Detroit
............ _ _ _ k. _
DR. W. .E. FROST VETERINARIAN Vaccination a Specially. NothIng but Reliable Serum used HarveYlburg, O.
Phone 44
'DON'TWASTE TIME The poet said, "What is so rare as a day in June." The poet probably never had a cow or hor~e, or a plow ror buggy to sell . You should worry about the poet and perfect day , because you do have lots of surplus stufT lying around, which is doing you no good, but would help the other fellow out wonderfully . • Cut this stu/T ofT your list at once by an ad. in this paper, a nd you will rid yourself of a pile of junk around the place.
Notary Public All kinds or Notary Work . Willi "nd Deeds ~ I-lpeolalSy .
D I-t. H.E. HA. THA W A. Y W" ytleol ville '8 Le&dlnll Dell".' ilffioe In H ltin es Bldg. Main Rl
Waynesville. Ohio
F ull y Equipped for Good Service, t argc Displa y Room T ELEPH ON E
Everett Ea~ly -DEALER IN-
Flour, Fel'd, Coal, Salt, Tile, P.osts, Water Fountains and Self-Feeders,
Dr. J.
Lytle Feed Mill
Fo urth Street , near Tyler
Telephone 93
Funeral Director
and Embalmer. Waynesyille. Ohio.• Either" Aut(! or Horae dr~.wn service. No extra charge for auto .aervlce• Both phones In Offit:e and, ReBld.Dee
No. 14.
DR. J.
.... DBNTIST...
if............... om. ..
Lytle, Ohio~ Telephone 76, ring ' 3
Graduate of Oblo Slate Unlvent·y
Hay" Straw and Feed, Feed Grinding a Specialty.
M;: 'aud
lI {1 hlil deceaHt' d
T a rm s - Will he ~o l d w it hou t r"~Nv ( ' I" hi glt('~l hidd(' r, o n te rms o f o n o third cnllh , ... no I hirdln 0 11 0 and " n" I hi ... 1 ill tW() y .. a r>l from ua t o o f saI l', de t e rred pay me nts to hear in tu r f'Ht a l ~ "" . and b' ~ec u red by mn r tl{uge on p re m isl's so ld
is well s upplie d wi th ne ver-fai lin g water. F AR;\Il ' G. 2- Cont a ins (it) acres, lias fra me house, good barn and otlier good o lt lbu iltl ings , ne\"er· fa il ing sp ring . ,10 acres of good fa rm lan d , sma ll orcha rtl and locust grove . Also nboll t 12 ac res of good bo ttom lantl, These farms arc locat ed in West \\"ayne Townshi p. which has Ceutralized sc hools with n No r m tl department for tenchers , 1·\ miles from lJ a\·t oll, II 1I1iks from X enia and !.l miles from Leba non .
WHcQp .. a:!!
.s ,Q"
" •
fr om.
Mr . and lI1rH . G no rgfl W UllviB lulol " r 11"'lr 1I(ln'lIlures out Sl rle>. nud n1lI<l,· III'r InU Kh hen rtll y o,'er !lw le tt Wedn e~ do :v e ve nin g fo r Lo ~ Ao . Probate Court l ' roceedinr. Rl rll;:!:I.. of gett Ing the Kld'N pon)' l!I e l e~, Clll. , f o r tb e w lot·e f . 1' 1 tll!~ Tl h, tt " r q t f lHi t):-4 t ,, 111 I, t I ",,1"'1 ) 11110 Ih,· co rfUI. Tb~ KId hllD' Dr and Mrs C ln ge U and <l a u g h . .1 ~" Jlh Mull . d ' ·II('UM,· d. ~' '''' I 'k ull , Rl!lr Nllh l litt le. en ll nK henrtlly hul I" l e r , 'rnov . IHft Frldny for Cflllf"ru lt~, a /l ' l l tt t:O, )U l it t& l t I JI' I' VtH I . I sltc,....·. UIII)' occaslo ually IIflln g hI" t o h e g., ne In de finlt oly . III Ih !! IlIu L"' r u l Seve rBI of o ur ci tizen s are e Xlleo t. e,t ~l tl (I t (')" '" from Ih e pl ll le. 'I' hls prele nse al 1.1 <11 n Clut·le rv .•I '·'!"" k~d ~' II ~ t, ~ud mur l" "l y dl t! not semo lik e tilt, Kill. In g So s pen d th e wiD tllr In tho Ho [)th . u.1I1 ,. hf'lh)' fn llncl hllllself o b " er\" l lI ~ l1U td tL< 'Oq unt nppt'uv ut l . Mr . And Mr s Nelson Hamilton. of I II Ih o lIl ultfJ r uf t lto (.~ t flte 01 1 Ihe f""o", wllh Borne wonderm e nt . H Is 1!;,l tth Mi ll~j>, Il W 'O(lr. F iolll i II c· 1 l llllk:-; \n'rt~ no t fit n11 pre p os8~8SIIl K, Lebnnon, we r e I' unday g u ests o f r eI. no\\" Ihul he Hft W hI m more pla in ly re· atlves in tbi s vlol ni t y. e nn nt ~ ppr uvtl ll \" 'nlp,1 In Ihl' Inll1 pllght. and he WOB II1I~R Alma Wn' e rhou8e, at W a y. I n t he oIlH t " r of th e flP IOIo ot ROIII C yro rs nl.lf'r than he horl "11 ,,· n eRvllle. a t tend ed the hi g h 80b oo l CU I"ll W ntt s, dllOIlUllOt! flo ul lie. I p"sell. Th e fe ll ow had a hArd , dl s"' · mll squerad" pie Moci,,1 0 0 Frliu v oo uut tlppr Onl t. pUlu d fucf'. li nd his lips we re Ihlll. lu t, b ll lD~Ho r of tll ll OMtll t fl of E ; wit h 0 ,1I "tlll ct ly cruel twl 8t t n tI "·II '. Di g ht . S b e bro u g ht t h e mu ~lo, MrR Hflrllh Ri oh An d Mr nnr! M r_ . ~' . r~I , ~oo(l n d Sh"lh)' hil i! In lp ud e.1 pllttlng the "'" 11 K . Sn n., k , d "re I\ HIl.1 1i[) (1 fln '" u re"u ut~ n l' pru velt. I In t hll t !Junk In tI' e frollt rnolll. hil I \VIII I' r ,l nnlAu RU,I'D,I " d II 1IlIllo w. In tb o "' utI Br nl t h " • Ht llt.\! t) ( no\\" , I ~"' '',,(\ Ihe sllllhl8 It'US 1(0,,,1 e'en Jlllrt y AI Mr 110<1 Mr ~ J obn W . rh O I1lJl~0 11' 8, of n eKr W IJ II III " II . n n Onnl ,, 1 :-; lt il'ld ~ , ""o""H .,d . Fl r~ t IIlId II en(l u ~ h fo r hIs ,, _e. Friday nl~ht, fl u. I "CClI uut .. Jlpr " vllti A R 500 " nR Ih p)' W('re I lrro u ~1r he u "ph",,1 lunl ern . 1.. th o mlll,I.Il . I)f Ih o fI~ III!. O or hll Il INI. Mr . l111 d M. ~ Wil iour ~h i<," I(", nn (l "Tnkt. fl u' I'f'st or Ihut st un' orr Ill n dAU g htPr , MIlr,v. n f W tI,n ln!!!.n n tl ulJIl n Mull, d po .... M~ll . Flr_t nud I hurkholl rrl, ~ r 'H'ktlll," h e Rnl(1 "1" (1'''.' '. w e r fl ' unill\ Y ~OOll t S of Mro,. l-' hld . tin nillocount 'I ~ ~r ov t: d. In Hl o llIutte r 01 t ll o B8 t fl te of "nnd "lnw It OWII)' In II le rrll nr'('I1 "" .. k " r ·" \lllrRot~, Mr, litH} M,·s . P, B. JU"I 10 .Ill' rlL(hl nr tl,.. ho",,·. I'll I... Cle Rver. ell nil :;bliwlllln at .Il. ~· . r8t uonou u t l out pr,.s •. "II)' . lilt' ",,,'11 fix I IIl il;:~ UI' D . N . Co mpl o n , of DM r K In g man . Rppro ved . · III ~h In Ih o lu a U·!'r o f t,h e e. tat e o f furA~,I,,II". f" 'll. "n", dl , " I'1''':1 .. ",1 ~h"lh,\" ' " vl81 t erl fri e ncl ~ h o ro nn !::!u n dn y . ,lolIl\thun :-;wit.b. d"cu lI ~~<1 J.o' l r~ L 4')'''' ,'11 ""11111,.", ." IIr., ••. or Irl • . ",Ir.. P rn f . an d Mr~ O . V , T o ll f' , Mh~ ueoo uo t uplJr uvllU . , n ,' ''''~" til" IlIhl... Lui .. Fe"l " !lnd MI A" Lunr" Mc Ktn. In the Ulu tt e r uf 'l'bulcbe r Le wis. " A,,,I wlll,l "'',. )'''" ;:01111: to ,I.. ?" sey , Ifl noh'e r s ln nur Fob o lll , tak e thl . o JlPo rtu[)l t y to thanl. tltlllUtln y wbo e Xf'c u tu r II f th e Wil l o f AilD" S won e y . , slH' 11 ,"1,, ·,1 rll'·... ·II\", dece"~od, VA Huttl e Jj"n t .. 0. 1 III. It. " \\"11),. 1;"1 1' )".:11 wl.h Ih ",,· , Ilrlll~~. 80 llenElroosly donat,f' cl I,h e pies . and 18 o rcl tl rtlll t hut Ih ll (l1 .. in~lff g iVf' 1I11 nnd IIr ,," .. 1"'<1 1 II". ,I" ... k lip II loll ; It to the ones wbo!lo liberallv patron IIddl t lo nlll bo nd IIlll o uutlDg \ u 15000, Is III ",rll·,,· , h""" Ihllll I '·('nll,,"!." \?;ed the 8111e , lind for all o t.h e r a S8hlt. ~ h ~ " I II~'I; J" 'r h l'[I'! pos ltl \"l~ I l". anoe rendered by the oitlze ne. A " Olt. 'H<. ,"1 "1\'.· mll n. ThI s I ~ my goodly ~um wa~ proonred, and WIll IlIarrlaa-e Ucoenee. hnll"'·. "'HI I nlll ,,,,I n;: to tok e cnre of b~ uRed ~o defray Ibe expllnle ot Etll;dUO Hrtltldenbtlrg, farm e r, and 11 - ,.1 1 " 1',11,, I hll \"l' seen your SI\" II' Prof. Watkins mUBlol1 dlreotor. Mi l!" Murltl l::Iarding, b otb ot F UBtar. Mr and Mre, BanUord Lynoh at. o r hOIlSl.k " PI;IIIJ;. IIn,l I prefe r my o'~·n . ltu ue rt 1::I1lIfi" ld, fllrmer, and MI~I! YOII go Oil. Oll i! tl ntSh Ihe work out- . wndtd his 8iater's funeral '" WII. G e n e vi tlve Wnll. b oth uf !Jayton. s l,I('; It'IWII )'ou co me buck It will look mlng'on on Satnrday . Shreddln fodder hal begnn In belt er In hN..... Real E.tate Tranlera Shelhy WCllt out. Macklln \V 08 see m· 'hie VIOlnlt~. In!:l)' h\l sy a t Ih e tnsk Rsslgned hIm. U urtrnde 'I'l b ull18 to Velln S tanley. Ihe lant ern hunlr to the broken branch to\o wlng wheat Is " thing of tbe purt o f !:lec. a 5. '1' . 6, R. :I. In Leba. of 11 cO II\" enlent tree. llghtlng hI s path. pa8' 'In 'bls eeotlon, and orlbblng non. ' 5000 Withoul even s penklng, the ran chtntln oorn Ie being Indnlged In with good Mllrtha Col1ln~ t o Ella WlnnAr, I>BSMed by rl ow n the s teep path leadIng 8UOOll88 . pnrl, of out lot N O. 1 In Eillo tt's ~d. t own r,1 th e s trenm helow. H e was The oold weather II here and very ditl o u Le ban un, Borne tIme In completi ng hI s ta81< , and, few an Bupplled with eoo.l or wood B e~l!l e Glan oy to Jltmes Brown, when he Ona ll y e me rged once more be Raved? par t ut In lo tll No l li7 I>lld No. 16U from Ih e s loble, Ih e only gl eam of What o&n we do Stanley Surfaoe, of Dayton, was a 10 Le u"noo, light he ('oul d percell"e abov e come (), J, McCILr'Y to Luoy MoCarty . through Iho 101r chI nks or th e cabIn. t:lunday vl81Sor of hie ann', Mra pan o f lots 1 7, I II Ilud 19 in I:lonlb He wonde red whn t bad bocome of Elizabeth Burfaoe tlarlan : MR cklln , ye t go \'e t1l.e matt er no epe· Le banon , II. Cecil Kirk. after several days ' V18· tJlttt.l e RIUeobou~e to Cora Rltten. elnl thought 0 8 he lo lled 810wly up the " with relotlvell In B'remont, reo bonBe, In lot N u, 36 In Lebanon, U. po th, hi s ml nd more deeply Interested turned home . Monday, accompaoled In the receptlnn awaiting hIm wtthl[). by hill dliughter. Kermltb, who had H e passed close enou gh to th e buck· ApenS several wlI8k11 wUh her grind. Com mi.alonera· Proet>ed1Dp board 10 Rssure hlm selt thot his or- parentA, . Bills allo wed: 'rbe Wostern :::ltar, de rs IlUd "I,en execUiled. and. bell ev· Mr. and Mre A. 8. Oollen and C . ~x reoolJ)hl, blanke, etc. , 1273.9(;; Ing Ihe fellow had ,pro bably re·entered Levloy were Bunday vlel$ore of l'be WOlltern I:ltar, legal Bdv., I1U; the house tor some purpose. pa.,8ed on Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bar$eoolr, of The Lebanou Patriot, leltlil adv • dIrectl y 10 tho front door. No one '10,50; JOleph Corrington, work on W8S In the maID room, Dor In the DaY'·n. .ts:d Luken~, one of our wide.awalle dltcb and waab, .5; rNm , Keev"r, chamber behind. TIle,. remained ex· labor, '6 3U; Colnmbus Blank Book actly 80 he hAd le rt tbem. The allence cltlzenl, always loolllni a f&er lblille Mfg. Vo ., supplies, ' .uO; L , F. Cole. lIartled· hlin. and he advanced swIftly lI' Imporlance 10 dDe time, has beep mau , 12 50; RUlIsall liro wu, maleto townrd th e klte he n, where the Ilght mailing himself nperul 1u lliatrubt. uanoe, repair, elO., 1.01.6"; E, M. s tili burnet! . "Is lble through th e open Ing m&ny of the new votere, 10 tbev :Oll1U8, m .. lnte uanoe. repair, e\o" door. It al so wns deserted, the dIrty would be 10 per reo' oondl\loll to vose $30:1.69; Harolil Hweney, mRlnte. di shes yet ~eltlnll 0111 the lable un· rlllht. uance , rep,Lir, el.o., ,:123 H; Rlilpb touched. Oood O... d I' what wns th e After the e1eoSIon of 1910, let'., meanlllg of thI s ? Whllt had oceurrl.>d? put Main street In our town In good Lewis . lUalnteDlLllOe. rop~ir, eto" $01 2 ~O ; 1. E. UU81111, malntenRnoe. The outer door 8tOO<tl ajar. nnd h8 repaIr, rspolr, et.c " Il4n.Ii! ; L E . UU8tlll . sprnng nnxl ously toro.ard. peerIng In. The RepnblloAn meetinR beld at mnlutoulinoe, r e paIr, e to" 1103 05 ; to the blncklll's~ . Th el"e Was no 80und. l:i . W . Trovillo, bridRO repalrt!. "76; no movem e nt; th e blaze of Jlght hod tbe Orthodox FrIends ohuroh on 8"C· ~.m ExwaD, bridge r e pair', "Sll.9 5 ; blinded hIm. nllrl he s tepped outSide urday nIght was w.ell aUonded . l::Iurry Llndam oud, brIdge r opain. so ns to ~ee be lter. H e hnd taken bllt Our old oUlzen, .Tasper Meroer, ';.1 ,:)0; ,I. F. Gr l\ g ~, ll rldge r e pairs. ODe s tep beyo nd Ihe protec tion ot the will sell ble bousehold .goode on Sat. partially open door. wlteo lIompthlng ,~g flO; J F , 'L'ow uBle y, piling stolle. uroay, aUer the 6Ooumulatlon 01 90; 1:t1lJl)ld M il '1 '1. . graveltng, mllny years. U will pay yoa a bIg fll 68 GO; Hun \' n nll t;, lI. o wlng weed a. dlvldeud to bo presen' . . 111.~U ; Orville Pit rk h." , stonp,II .60 ; Mr. and Mrs. MelvIn Stover and I'tny I:lwige rl , hunllng llirl., f4 0.95 ; 80n, of SabIna, were Sund"y guests J _ l::Itlrul or, brtdg\l n' plllr~. 115.1 ~; of her fatber, .1 . B, Bbldulrer . W. IN . S Wtlnay, lJrillge repalrH, ' 3~ . f:!0; Ktlbouru e & JU llO \)S M f!;' ClI .. JOq. W . Davis and famIly were rElplllrs. '5 gO; J o llu Vo lkerding, pll . SundRY guellS8 of thel~ parentI, Yr. 109 /lton o, "60 40 ; Frank Urubfl r . and MrB . G. W. Davis, near Wellman ':11 60 ir Lewis aDd Oro lie, cement , Pot Garnor , of ifrankttn, wbo waa f4U2 23; A, T . Rettig. malnlElnRnOe , a oandldate tor pr08Bouting at torney rt'p"lr, eso" '-H , ~5: A T . Hetti" , wal In 'his vicinity on Monday, mtlln~enllnCI\ e t·o., ' ·121. 37; C. W look log after hie proapeo's. .- lhldalte r , ,"tliut,enllu llll, eto. , '199; R. If. Brooke, Alva and JohnKen. " hHP, t' i UlP ~() Il , h"u1tn~ gravel 1106 .• neny spent Sunday ID the sou'hern 40; W. B, FOrtlm nn , b .lul ng fl rllVe: part of the slate '259.36 ; W L. Bro wn, ltl ho r . 17; Will Hoff, labor, ' 7, lIud J oe Dutro, ' I.. bor, $3 ~ 5 .
It 111 1:...'111 prH\I ' 1:1 11"1\ '''IIIIIlllflt .. . d,·, 'd . :-':1,1' ~ Ul',", · .\· , 'd !hl' ~t·I ·III' . II~ rO\ " III "d It \' 1111' \'j · 11 II \\' nu l ilt! of 'hp IU lnp. hl'l: l i . 'nrt ·, ..... lltlnl! t uo;;; tl' r . Th l!t
c n uv (' rSHtlon
•..... 0 .. rR.....:~="J&WIlJIIlI'"_ ulW . . . . . . . .
- -' A Review of Our Representa, tive Business l\fen- J3y Q Special Representati \'e
Thursday, November 4th Featuring Fatty Arbuckle. in
"The Hayseed"
Popular Short-Order RestaurantIcc Cream, Confectionery and Soft Drinks-Waynesville, Ohio
Also a Universai Super Special starring Amos Lincoln. in
The model retltaurant. confection· ery and &oft drm 8 an roo uc by Mr. Robert Burton is juatly deservin&' of commendation itt a busi· negs review of Waynesville. Short orders, lunches. sandwiches. pie and oysters, in their aeason. are served in a most palatnble manner. and he carries a choice lin e or confections . hon·bons. chocolate creams. cigars, tobacco . and serves ice creams and and all kinds of soft drinks. As B caterer, Mr . Burton is a grand success and a prince of good fellowship. Bnd :he will meet and greet you BH he did us. All throulI:hout lhis dis· trict are cordially invit~ to give him a call.
Tt look a a . Il,Q u"b sc hiller hAd III IA8t <level " l'pd ~ n ln ~hln e t h ,t w (lu ld dIsp l ace buman bancla In tbe cotton 1'h." 1J1 ltl'll:U l' a lH. I\ .~ \)04 ti l t> (1 ,' \ (, 1" 1' . ,, ' (It Q Ct"to ll- I' lc klng "~ V f8e Invented y c nrs ago h\' A lII ' \I ', (" I H\p',"' l l H ;)C"ol ('h l ll :tl1 . IUlIt I ~ hI l L ,. , I " u ~r " n (ull . p'r k lll~ 1:00 llr)un ds of (I, · lhlU n n ' I" U I \dd. dJ "Iu a h} I l ,l' \q'l 1-. I.,f 1': , :111' [1 II , ,~ f ~:;1Il.' ll :ll 1' 1:1 jon o o ltn rQ , ,, 1 f1 vol,..."
nP Il:..l r,4. t l. .. "
I' t> i"t l" ":"
," ',f •
"U oder Crimson Skies"
Admission, :33 and 22 cents
Saturday, November 6th Featuring Vivian Martin, in
rt!ialivl':; li t
Call an d I"t Ull lalk l" ) ,'' ' nl ,n UI "OU~ SPEl'lAL" i'ur lhi ~ \\'('rl;, J E . Jann ey . _Mr. and Mrs. S I.. Ctlrtw r it.:ht IImJ Miss Kizzie Merrill we re Xt' nia vi:;· itortl. Monday.
"The Third Kil."
Also, Pathe News All seats at 17c pecial ?latinee at 2:30; Night, 22 and I7c
: :
Tuesday. November 9th Featuring Jack Dempsey, in
'~~:.~~:2eF~!1 F~a~u~~"
"out{ SPEC IAL" th i~ wl'l·k i~ 1\11 Service Garage, South End, Aut " apveal to FAHM~H -; t u U:H: 1I "ils' Repah, Batlery Service Station , Read Gazette 's Classified A ds Bl u ff . r Final ly Un masked. Near Old Light Plant, Waynes- Rem'edies for th eir ~lock and chick - .+ :: Admission, 22 and 17 cents , "" r 1\ l ill' " n (' lLl1T1 l~rlll"'t I1 IIlY out · ~ullrlllll ~e l'very var kagc • ens. ville, OhIo in the ... l d l H' , I, .' \\ ' ... . ·r ! n UIl who"t' longup J . Eo J anne),. ~ The South·End Garage, Aulo Hell' HI I hands of WII ).: ': I,''': .. , Hut. 111 tlh" , ' nll, 1Il'f SlIlo· ~, . E~pcrtS pair and Battery Service Station. 10· III H1: ' " r, ~ ilL:1+ u .. H n 'd \1"': , "II prtll l ng Mrs. C M. "t!y I{" bitalld zer. Edllu l\lis· 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II! I f u,d '!' 11 I f ld l " Tilt" tHt\t1 \\'IIo'*-.' lIra! n cated at the south end. is now under !lesMr. H..and nrielt a Ml'Kill n:airing By ex per t w ,'r ;:' ... foil IlI l h' 1\ 11.1 ... h l l1t1i1lJ! unttp('t'R- t.he new and efficienl managem ent of 1""'''' 8 h oemaken'. ~lt l'y . II I", rlll l; b l 'rlltH uh l l', IIl1t o nly Mr . Earl Orndorf, who is an expert Kelst'y aud ~l r. J 13 . i'ent'e ullc nJ ed Soles sewed on l'y Goody ear proto 111 """1( . 1'1I1 10 "I I w l l h w h o m he autoist and skilled mechanic. Thi" lhe Miami-I ) ell n i~vl1 r",Hlotlli gUIlIl' til Fresh O.l'~ t C'rR Cranberries cess bv the Proll'ressi~ e Shoe He· gentleman is a,mply equipped an d Ci'l!l1 \· ... In (,,, ilI a ,'!. l'l' IC' r y pairing Co .• of DaYlon, Onio . prepared to att.end to all kinds of \Juyt on. ::illt urJ uy ul tern,IU Il . auto repairing., rim . lire and tube Co in Co llecto rs Liberal. t; rHI)(' Fruil OnlnRes We are al so agents f or Mrs. ~mm u Snuw, uf SLuCktUII. \ Il killd~ of Al'lJ l l'~ Sli I\" I) 1"....,,' Ih,' \" t1I1(' nf I'uro ('fl ItH! work . recharging and repairing o r Kizer's Laund ry, of 11:1'" IIwn·" . . ,·d . rllll c: II \~' ~1' t ' llklll1!', 1.1)00 batteries. etc . In every brsnch of CIl I.. who hai! b e l! 1I vis iting r elaliv <.'. , Family washi ngs. Xenia. Ohio. O! IV I'sllcRke F lour the auto trade. he certainly excelR . Ilt'r j " ' 11 , I llltn~' rlt-Ii 1111-111 hl1\ IIII! rnk!'l1 bundle work. collars. ol e eac h . here f or the pus t 1lI1111 lh. left Mon· \ and New Hais ins Nl' \\' Prunes \lp tI ll' f :l d o f ( '1 1I ' ·~· 11f1J.t th l'lIl. A \\·l\ ~h · and g uarantet!S satiRfaction lo all. I l is the authorized U . S . L . hat~er y dllY fo r the Sout h. wherl' Hil t! Will To you r 11I L.:lll lL 1111111 ,,\\1\'" Il "ull l'I ' l i "lI of pen· Tin Cnm , Mas"n J ars, S ' alilll< mC'a~ure n ll ' of ril l' \\ hkll ht' il1l:O( n ··fw':l ·d ~u . ooo , service slation . All auto owners :lr<.: ilp~nd some lim ~ wilh rt!1.11 IV ei! be- I Tin Lid s . ~l"ne ,I ar ~ . ~Iilk $22.50 and u p . Am eri can Woolen F "r 'II I' \ 1 1\ 1111"1' ' \ l l ' l'hllf"U Ih' ":Hve 8 cordially invited to give him a call fore r e lurnill~ lo her hOllle . Crock~ ~cw and used Fur· Mills Co. l = r l l " I I;II""",I ' _ "\ADDEN 'S LUMBER YARD nilure, S t 0 Vfll. P ayi nR" ~l cen ts for l'hirken8 Prompt service. Leave ord er s at Mr. and Mrs . \o\uller McClure. Mr. Carpels llnti House For Lumber of All Kind. and Build- and Mra \J . L Cralle . Mi :!!! Lill it! hold Goods. We Ill'ays lo T rade al Ing Materials, Waynesville, Easl Benham. Mrs. ({ G Cro!\!!, nnd hav.: a full line of Side, Near Depot Ml'lls rs J al!. Benham, Th Ull. Pi erce exceptltmlllly good The imporlElOt lumber trade is Slid L 1>1 Printz SIlW "The BIrd ul Furnilure alwlYs well represented in this section by l 'dr1illb,· ... at \Jayt on, la!!t wt!l·k. on hand. the W. H.Maddenli: Co Lumber Yard New, All-Colton ;\1attres!l, fine Art Tucking ... $13.50 of which Mr. W. II. Madden is the - ForMr. ,, 1,01 Mrs. P. D. Cl age tt lind able and efficient manager. and is Sin ger Sewing Machine, like new . . ..... ..... ,$22.50 deserving of especial mention in our J ll ut.:h kr , Miss Tacy. le ft friday 'Iron and Brass Beds. like new, as low as ...... $ 8.00 annual business review of this dis- ~\" 'IIIII /o{ fur Los Angeles. Cal. Tht') Leatherette Bottom Dining Chairs . set. .. . ... .$ 4.00 trict. The stock comprises the best AN NOUNCE~IE N T Wi ll ~ Pt· "t1 the wi~ter somewh er e in grades of lumber of all dimensions. Quartered Oak Dining Table, like new ..... ... $32.50 lath. shingles. EISSh, doors,mouldings, Califorllla, but they had not fully d e· Quartered Oak Sideboard, like new .... .. .. , .. $35.00 jusl where upon leaving horne. ci ued (leiling, siding. ·roofing. fence pOllt~, ladders and building material in Wash Stands, as low as .......... . ..... . . ... $ 4.00 ----,- - - - general. They are always at your Crystal Glass Punch Bowl. 12 Glasses ..... ... $1000 service. and a lre amply prepared ' to Mahogany Arm Chair, leatherette, Special at. $12.00 furnish iyou with the closest esti· mates. and the:ir figures will be found No . 1 Air-tight Heaters, as low as ...... '.... . $15.00 rilrht . Announces the opening of oniccs fo r llie
--------------------_. ZIMMERMAN'S
Shoe Re
..Sawyer's furniture fxchange ..
Buys Sells
Suits or Overcoats
Sawyer's Furniture Exchange.
Economy Satisfaction and Se"ice
Ralpb H. Cattev
Try the "Service Garage " at Lytle, Ohio,
23 S. Broacfway Ohio E WHITE,rop~ P ._ _ _ _ _ _Lebanon. __ _--.,; [I A..
----- ...- - -
We will exchange what you DON'T want for what COME IN.
M. E. Church
Sunday School . 9: 1[; a . m . A good Hunting or I:rappinar is positively place to study the Word. There are forbidden on the following farms : classes for all grad es an(1 nges . A Dan Morgan live bunch, a fine s pirit. 1\ d elij::htrul Lindley Mendenhall place. At tj:15 th e Epworth L ell ~ul' devoti onal m eet All othe r e v en in ~ services at 7 o·cl oc k. Preaching by I he p a ~ lo r at 10:30 a . m. and 7:00 p. m. eve ry S unday . Wednesday at 7: 30, pray er. and prai se meeting . The public is inviled to com e nnd join with us in worship. D. P. Holt . PaRtor .
Re CO ns tru c t i on Sale
Bible SchoDl at 9 :~JU Preaching at 10:30 a. m . and 7::.10 (J m . Eve ry· one invited . J . A. Pine. Pastor .
Sunday School. 9:30. Meeting for Worship. 10:30. Everybody cordi ally invited to these se rvic es. Caesar's Creek Friends Chllrch Sunday School al tb i~ ~ hur ch every Sunday lit 9:30 a , m . Preaching ser· vice at 10:30 o'c lock a . m. You are cordially invited to be presenl. St. Mary's Church
$40-;;~~J~e~c:·t~~~~~s.. ...... .. ......... .. .... ........ . $34
$45~~7 J~e~~~'t~.~.~.i.t.~ ...-.. ... ..... .. ....... .. ..... ....
$1 2~~~3,g~e~~~:~s~~~~........ ,..... :..... ......$1 0.75
~:d'O;eu::~ats ..... .... .. .... .......... .. ..... ........ ..
~~~ ~J~~~o~:;:~. ~~~~~... ............. . ..... . ....
~~~ ~~~~~o~:s~:~..~~~t~.
~:{O;~:;~8tS .... ..... ..... .. . : .. ...... ".. .. ... .... ..
~nd~;:r~~ats.... .. ......... ...... ... .... . ...... ...... $56
::~6~i:~ats .. ...... ,........ .. .. .. ......... ...... ... Every garment
.... .. . ... ...... ...... .. ....
$50 $52 $60
~~~~~~~~~!loaUi ....................... .........
$ 15- $1650 Boys' SuiUi and Overcoats ......... ...... ... .. .. ....... ...
Sunday School, 9:30 a. m . ing for worship at 10:30.
$ 8 00
Faahlon Note. "Who mad o you7" .nld the bl.IIO!'. stoppIn g to pd n little "nrlln~ 011 her hend or gotdml curls . "Ood." Clime the
$12 • 75
o .....c•• Room 2, Lebanon National Bank Building (Formerly Over Postoffice.)
by the further Infol'llnUOII, ""nd he
mnde me nnked."-l..OIl<loll MornIng Post. . Killed Value of Old Colna.
OIl'-fRshloned copper cl'nta or the, yeore 1817, 1818. 1811) nnd 1 20 were
~~ ~Je~~o~~~~ .~.~~.~.....:............... ' $21.50 $30 ~~~s~~~~~~ats...... .......................... $24.50 .
formerly very rllre nnd corr s(1ondlngIT vnluable : hut bugs full of them w('I'e found In nn old bonk and the mnrket WBII tlooded.
Influence of the Pilgrims. . The ·comlng hith er of the Pilgrims three centurl '9 RII" •. , . shaped the
detltlnles at thIs contInent. and therefore profoundly IITectllcl the destiny of ·the 'whole worltl.- l'resldent Thee>Ilore Boos velt. (Provin cetown. 1001..,
22, South Detroit Street
Xenia, Ohi.o
W. 'GILBERT THOMPSON, Attorney-at-Law
prompt' ouswer, 10 he "w lrtly fu llowe,1
$15.50 $20 Boys' SuiUi ............... ............... ····· .. ··$16 50 and Overcoats.. .... .... ..... .. .... ........... • $:!2 50 Boys' SuiUi $19 • 50 snd Overcoats ............... ,................
sold with our positive guarantee of satisfaction or your money back"
----.~ -~. -
$ 1 8.~On~06!~~C~~8 ..............................
22 South Detroit Street . Xenia, Ohio
Orthodol( Friends Church
Here are the Bargains you have been looking for:
THE WANT ADS will help you make quick and profitable sales of dlaearded' articles.
Tweny-third Sunday after Trinity. Nov. 6th: Sunday School at 9:30 a. rft. Sermon lind H olv Communion at 10:30 a. m. Come and wotship with us.
No store can hold out against public opinion, and this store is not trying. We have decided that NOW is the lime to give our friends the benefit of LOWER pricesinstead of waiting until next spring.
$38 $42 . $46
L. SAWYER, Wa}1lesviUe, Ohio
Nearly every IHme contains more or less junk-that is, material whieh will never be used there again. Whatever you have which has outlived its usefulness - furniture, hardware, books. magazines, baby carriages, bassinets, briea-brae, skates, clothing-should be sold. Other people will be able to put these things to good use.
Harveysburg Friends Church
An Men's and Boys' Sui ts and Overcoa ts go out at greatly reduced prices. This sale is being conducted to bring lower prices to the people of Xenia and vicini tyBECAUSE THEY ARE DEMANDING LOWER PRICES.
DO want,
Junk Is Useful Mater ial In the Wrong IPace
Ferry Christian Church·
I1iiI_ _ _Illi___________....
'OUR CLIENTELE GROWS -Not upon promises but upon performances. We ·are pioneers in DRY CLEANING AND DYEING. In business since 1835. Send gqods by Parcel Post. Prompt Deliveries.
. The .Teasdale Company '
615·617 Wa~ut Sf:
simPle Beauty Rule. ' Women ' Nhould t./lke u\'(~ mInutes 0 d01..from work anll lie tin tOIl the bnck, all mUBcle~ reIned. wIth e1et1 clo~etl. ~ It win be found a wonderful pre~rVl!r of beD-lth. bellu(y nnd 8tTength. necord . . Ina to the Ild,'lce of e . h.tal~ expert. I'll
the Miami Gault,',
Column, tor llaultJ
Seventy-Second Year
~rA.PPE~ Usc our Clils~i fh;d Adl.l f.lr resultf ' H. E. F.arnhart w'a~ in Day ton :-'aturday. Mrs. Lin a Devitl viRitt'fl r elative!' ill Cincinnati, last weck . Mrs . Etlilh Harris'Is ~\lendi n g this week with rt·lativ es in Milfurd "OUH ~P Jo:C IAL "T hl ~ week - Holl Tone- we g uarantee it. J. E Jannl'Y Mr. and MrR. Walter Elzey and son. Kenneth. were Dayton visitors. Sunday . Herbert Rasor. of Brookville. waR the week-end Ru ellt of hi s fri end. C. W. Younce. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Z('II were visitors with friend s at Wes tchester, Hutler county, Sunday. Mrs. J . W. Edwards and dBugh te n have closed their Bummer home here. and returned to Dayton for th E' winter. Mrs Anna Purdon and son, William, of Batavia. have rl'turned home after a week's visit with Mrs . A. B. Shan\!r. Sherman Dyke lind family and William Dyke and family. of Dayton, 8pent Sunday with Mr . and MI'll. Cliff Burnett .
Why not I(ive mure atlenti on to the essentialM? The ne~ d of the Nltion Is more genuine religion. The res ponse to meet t he need rests with the individual.
Mrs. Mary Caskey Slid mother, Mr Fred ClIskey and family have tBkl'n a hou se in Dayton. and will make It their home I his wint t!.r Tbev moved, Wednesday f h I I K . h Abo uht. twenty °t t De oca nFI~d ts o r P.vt las dwent 0 ayton k , I IrJ day even mg. an ~w :~e ;~~cd R 0 ~ egree team con er . e . Ir an upon a el8B9 o~ fifty candIdates Mr. an d Mn. F ran k C(uman Ie ft ad f th' 1'1 h . ne ay. or elr ~w ome
- !~e~):::'th;!~~a:~~:~~~:~~:; I t Wed as
they will be happy In their new home
Geora'e Wat40rhouse went to Dela. ware, Saturday, to attend a Home. c:omin", of students, and saw the Miami.Delaware football Kame. A larlte crowd 'ot ex.student! attended the Home-coming, and all had a fine time. All interested are invited to brinK dinner to the Waynesville Methodist Episcopal Church, Sunday, November 14; and unite In a family picnic dinner at the close of worship. The Rev. Dr. J. W. Dunham, District Superintendent. will preach at the morning hour for worship. Come and join with us.
---. =-=- --
Si xty people entered St Mary's Churr.h last Saturday between 9 a . m. and 6 p. m ., snd for fir-teen min· ut es or more in silence held communIon and fellowship with God. All who availed themselves of the privilege are grateful for a qUlc.kened spiritual lite anct. po weI'. "A won· derful opportunity to gain power," I wrote one on a redeemed pledge. "Be slill then. and know t hat I am God .. Rush iMone of th e CUr!leS of mod By Col. F. W. Galbraith, ern life Livinjt perforce in a world Nat,lonal Com . AlIlerlcl1D I ..eKlnu ()f noi ~e and hurry we are busy with a th ousanJ things. always hurried, The swift triumph of our gall ant we g lllnce and bustle by. touching life only on the surface and with allies which two years ago gt.lve us Ii ttl e more than a nodding acq uain· the victory, the anniverltary of which we observe today, mbrk s the highliince with the vital things of life. of the p resent century in Amerlight The inevitable result is that sense of proportion is warped. We live if-an affairs. Victories such 88 Armand mOI'e and have our being in a istice Day commemorates are not the world of buying alld selling; getting Issues solely of clas hes of flesh and They have a finer quality and spending. and without deliberate steel. that. They are the triumphs. than intereet. we become absorbed in the things we can touch. taste and han- as well, of an unconquerable spirit. No victory, however . complete, dle. Before we fully realize It, these things become all important long can survive the IIpirit that conand command our highest endeavor ceived it . The annals of mankind Golbl'oith Jl'. l' The trouble with most of us is not are replete with example: splendid , New Notiondl tbat we are miserable sinners . . Most triumphs in behalf of splendid causes of the AmeJ'ic~n LeSion people live clean, decent, honest lives that have gone for naught because This Is only the second anniversary but alBo most of UB have l(Jst our the spirit that made them ceased to endure. of Armistice Day-a day destined, it sense of proportion. We do not put first things first. Other thlngll immea 3urably less important push themselves to the front and life ill marred because we revene the divine order . So the master calls us to the place of qUIet. Only ii, tlla quiet place can our sense of proportion be readjusted. for we only know life as we ThE! man view it in the si\en~8 who gets away from the bustle into the stillnl!88 of God's house and ex· amines his own lite, sees how often quiet. Like the Kingdom God, It Is he hilS spent money for that which Is wl~hin us It Is detachment f~om not bread and his labor for that oneself; the staying of the heart on whi ~h satisfleth not. In the place of God; not withdrawal from the . t we Iearn to 'sec k fi rs tth e K'109- wor Id • b ut I"IVlng . . I ' qUle ID It; paYing a dom of God and His Righteou,nese. j man's part with broad human aym. God but seldom speaks In the thun. pathlee. but in it all and through it Mr. and Mrs. Deatll Howell and two der, the earthquake or the fire; I all livina' the lite hid with Christ in . mostly He speaks the still small voice I God -J. F. C. other .couplee, tro~ ChICagO, are . which can only be heard In the place • - ...- - on a hIke to the PaCIfic cout. Word of quiet He whisperd His will and has j UBt receivo!d thalt shortly atter His truth In the silences. the Howella.were married, theyatar· Savs another: "We are so husy ted on their honeymoon on the hike. talking to God that we cannot hear --The men are carryinll i().pound bunwhat He has to say to ua. It ia ViJry .The Dorcas Society of the Metho· dlea and the women 31()-pound bundles true." dlat cburcb will hold a market on All are dreEed hi kbakl, and they There are many quiet plac:. to Wednt18day, November 24th, at the are traveling alonK u thl1 Me fit. which we may retire. Tbere Ia the ToWtlllhi~ House, t ... be o~ prompt· The last heard of them wu at Mem. quiet place of worship; the quiet ly at 9 0 clock a. m. S~laI orders phis, Tenn. All were bavina' all'OQd place where the table is apread In will be fill~ by calhne Mrs. H. time and feeling at for the balanc:e the wllderneea; the quiet place of Murray, Preeldent. of the joumey. prayflr. which discards petitions for' - - - - . - ....- - - - _. - • needs but seeks only communion and fellowship And tbere Is the quiet U place of that almost lost art 4)f merl· Itation; which Ie the audience cham· Our ear of New York apples Is on ber of God, where we experience tnck at Corwin, today and Thurswhat the psalmist meant when he day. Call and get your' supply of A few more Keiffer Pean and said, "While I was musing, the fire winter apples. Gano Apples, Price of pears, 60c burned." C E Michener and $100; price of apples, $1.00 and Yet no map marks the place of S D. Henkle. 11 50 W. T. Framfa, Waynesville.
The Gazette office Is unele r obligations to Bome person in Richmond. Ind .. for a paper issued Sunday by the Richmond Item : The p8IJ er issued a special edition devuted tf) the Ki'wanis clu b. the meaninll' of wbirh I. "Build ," Wi have takl'n several excerpts from the ed itorial. whi ch would be a wise thing for our com· munity t., follow . The editurial ~ uy s in part: "We have had too much protilel'ring in big b u ~ in ess. too lllallY work we will, to keep company with the era loafing on their job Ilnd too ~clln l immortals of the calendar which attendance in our church"",. t oo much mark great moments ot history that extravagance in our publi c I{ovcrll shall never die. Succeeding genera- ments and too littl e attention of our tions will acclaim Armistice Day . citizens to what th ei r paid se rvants God grant they always shall acclaim in public office have been doing . it in the spirit .t hat made it; and "The Klwa. nis club is an organi7.!lthat thlseplrit, like the day. shall be tion with community spiri t as th eir imperishable. mott.o, to build that sort of slIiri t in With this prayer in our hearts let our city. as the way ahead is fu ll of us renew each year our vows of promise for growth. uplift and all fealty,repleda'eandkeepunshakable the good things that make for clean our faith in the high ideals. the lofty and contented cities. To build up purposes, the unselfish aspirations greater and cleaner and more I)ublic and exalted, holy hOI>e8 that fixed spirited conditions. better homes. the hearts of Americans In 19111 and recreation parks and athletic field s." made ours a land from whence cru · Among the many members of the saders came, with souls a·flame, club. we notice the picture and biog worthy of their victory . raphy of Geo . R Gause, who reGeived To this end the American Legion bls first lessons in fruit g rowing on today, and forever. solemnly pledg-his fatber's farm at Waynesville. ee its all. and where he received his early education. He is a successful florist in Itichmond and conducts a large retail establishment. • -.
~ ~
Mr , and Mre. A. B. Shaner entertain ed at Sunday dinne r. Mr. and Mrs . Clouds Bai ls and daughter, Sarah. and Mr. and Mra. Louis Bui ls. of Xenia . Mr. Ed Dechant. daughlers Elnd ,:{randson. of Fran kli n. Mr . and Mrs . A. n. lI aney. of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs . •1. O. Car l wright and daughters lind MISM I< i7.zitJ I'll 'rri tt we re the In vited j.(uests lo d inne r on Sunday. wilh Mr. and Mr~. S. L. Cartwright. MI'. and Mrs l"red Gons enter ta ined at dinner, Sunday . Russell Salisbury anti family. Quincy Gons and famil~' . Ronald Hawkfl and family. Ha rolll Benham an d famil y lind J . O. Morris, of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs . F.lia~ Og lesbee and Mi >!S Annn Furnag. . Mr . an d Mrs.G. W. Kendall (ne~ Ella Burnett). of North Barclay street, were entertained at their horne on Sunday. October 24. by a number of relatives and friends who CRme wilh well filled baskets to celehrale the 71st birthday of Mr . Ken· rlall and th e 66th birthday of Mrs. Kendall. Th e occasion was also a home-coming. Mr , and Mrs. Kendall received mllny handsome and usefu l presents. Mr'~. Nettie Sturgaon. Mrs . Alta Kendall and Mrs. May So uthga te acted as hostesses and O. T. Hollowell. toastmaster. The diY'ille ble~si n g was rende red by G. W. Kendall. The afternoon was spent ill mu~ic and social convena· ti on. after which all wiAhed Mr . and Mre. Kendall many more such happy occasions.-Fairmount (Ind.) New s.
- - - ...
The Men of Waynt!sville will hold
:r~~ayfi~~~n:;~t~~gt::rMt~eO~!n~~~: MASONIC LODGE ARE HIKING 10 FESS BEAlS DYE inK-rooms The speaker for the evening will be Arthur E . Roberts. ELECTS OFFICERS PACIFIC COAST BY 25,3n VOTES of Cincinnati, chief executive-Hoy
-Aim~:,~==:J":J 1:'
Whole Number 5408
- - - --
===::1' al
Ii'===:I'Ial'===5I'Ia-I:===:I' a,G555J'EI 1 1:553n:JIlI
In tbe contest for Congreesman from the Seventh District, between S. D. Fea, Republican, and Paul Dye, Democratic, Feea defeated his opponent by 25,311 votes, accordinll to the unofficial count. The vote II) the respective counti. with Feaa' pluralltiee, followa: Clarke CouDty-F. 11,606; Dye 14,672; Fe.' leed 1,880 LoKan-F. . I,~; D,e .,722; Felli' lead ., T02 Champaicn-Fees 6,080; Dye 4,_ Fese' lead 1.134 Cllnton-Fea 6.774; Dye' 3,529; Fees' lead 3,241i Fayette-Felli 6,234; Dye 8,166; Fea' lead 1,879 Warren-F. 7,297; Dye 3821; F88II' lead 8,476 Greene-Feaa 8,677; Dye 4,206; F.' lead ',371 Madl!On-F8811 4.994; Dye 3,682; F. .' lead 1,862 Unlon-Fess 6,239; Dve 3,427; Fea' lead 2,812
Scouts of America . A delilrhtful program has been . arra~ge.d. and all members are cordl8l1y inVIted to be present end hear Mr. Roberts. I~ is said that he is a very attractIve spellker, and is also a greatcommu nity worker . The supper will be served about 7:80, and if you want to attend, send your name ill by Thursday. ~he aupper will be served by the ladles of the Eutern Star.
- - -...
- ..---
WayneRvi lie Lodge F. & A. M. elected officers at thei r regular meeting, Tuesday evening. as followR: W. Moo Wilson Edwards; S. W•• H. E. Earnhart; J . Woo Ralph Smith; Sec'y. L A. Zimmerman; Treas., J . H. Coleman; S.D. Kenneth Hough ; J . D .. Geo. Waterhouse; Tyler. J. C. Hawke; Trustee. J . F. Cadwallader, for thre~ years. • _ ... _ _ _
DEATHS DROPPED STOVE Wm . Orndorf died suddenly. WOOD ON HIS fOOl lastMrs.Wednesday evening, at her home Henry Woollard, who-arrived home trom Indiana last week, is limping around, the remit of dropping a block of wood on his foot. while splitting wood at his brolher's home in Indiana.
on Main street. She had retired lor the night, when shl! had a coughing RlJell and ex pired in a short time. The funeral was held Monday atternoon at her I~e home, Rev . Sholtz, of :Springboro . nffi~ialing. Interment in Miami cemetery.
===:1. B ·r;:55:J'B 1::1==31 [::II
=t GUEilI!E!!!!!liBI:l'=55:1'aG'BE- laiI==!li I!ICZ:£3I!1~'
Price Readjustment Sale Is Now Going On~m EVERYTHING IN STORE AT CUT PRICES
Men's Suit. and Overcoat. $30 and $32.50 value, at $22 .50 $35 an6 ,37.50 value, at $29.75 $40 and 45 value, at $35.00 $50 and 56 ' valle, at $37.50 \
·M·en', Underwear $2.50 Mea's Union Suits, at . 3.00 Jeo's Uliol Sails, II . 5.00 U-Wool UiIiu·SUs, at . 1.50.Men~s Shirts and Drawers 3.00 Meo's WOol Shifs.Dnwers ·1.75·Work SlUrts,. at. , .
$2.50 $4.00 $1.25 $2.50 $1.25
Blanket. and Comforts $4.50 Cotton Blankets, at $3.45 $5.00 Cotton Blankets, at $3.98 $6.00 Wool Nap Blankets, at $4.98 $8.00 Wool Nap Blankets, at $6.98 $4.50 Comforts, at $3.50 $5.50 Comforts, at . $4.50 Big Reduction in Boya' Knee Pants Suite. • Serge-, Wool Goode and Silks at Reduced Pric:es.. Big Reduction in Ladies', Miaaes' and Children,' . Sweater.. Great Reduction lin Men'a, Women'. and ChDdren'. Shoe-.
Ladie.' Underwear $2.50 Ladies' Union Suits, at $1.89 Short SteeY8s, Dutch Neck or Long Sleeves. $3.00 Ladies' Union Suits, at $2.48 $1.50 Ladies' Vests and Pants, at $1.25 Misses' Union Suits, $1, $1.25, $1.50 Dre•• Good. .Calico, best grade, at AprOD Giogham, best 30e grade, at Hope • . , or·Homestead, at ~-...... Beat Jrade, Plaid 50c Dress ....... m, check andlplain, at 0Ug FII.,·1iak and ,dark, at .ScoIt Percale, t.est grade, yard wide
~m ~
18c 25c 25c 35c 35c
• • BlC . SPECIAL:-Beat $9.00' McElwain' Dr.e.. ' Sh.., bl.ck or taD~ ' in BI~ch~r or Eqli.h, only
m ======~~~==~.==~~======~~==~==~==~======~~====~--==--F===================~======~~~ C m
I .I;IVMA,I 'l " &. COMPANY,' vvayrtesville, 'EI'
_1 __1._• •- _ - - - , - _
..iI_ElIE'_ _ III.'._IDII!i'_ , "'. _..DIB'. .
"1___ ••• ' EailDllli55!lIl._
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11111.' 1111\" 1",.'11 )11 ..'1,1111 111 < ",, 1.1"11 ,11.111'1 "" " "'" ,,' \I liS . III I I 1.. 1t':;;1 . )'!"lIlIr It' mll~1 111l \" had Jl IlInri Iu It . BUI why? Tt1 Whlll ,11 1117 :o-iht\lh~
.tlrrt'd once more. nnll , \\'lIb f\yP~ nnl:o pa rtiAlly ollell. slnrt',1 In 1"'"I1",','nlo>nl at the pole IIrl'h llf sky , ~Iowly IIIcll l01']' Ctlll1e hllck, 61\11 he IIII1IlIl I(",1 to 1If! olle hlllld 10 h is 1\1'1111. iii . IInll,l' 11 11 "eTH tou chlll jl n ~hn ' tl)' ~"lIlp II'Ulln,I , th e c1otll'tl hl lllltl n ll,II h '1( h i. hll ir_ 11., h od been Rlrll rk II d" " I" 1,1 1111' . •lIll1 was
dO \lhtl c~
I~ '
bellet thllt he " ". oi,' Iy Ihe _ku ll " -II' Ii'"~ nlgbt air h llll • n ' VIUl a
self Into a sll II
mU,er blnnkl)· ' , vealed In the :
In (he
'" Ihe uhjl'cls .. II'n.
on thlll IIt'{,Ollnt? Alld WII' tI ,l, st mll!!p (lhm Pllr! of til •• pl n l. t!h lwr 8elzurl! ot re"N'~ O!, "I' "es tltllt 10111 Till Il-"tpl nnlltl on ~ .' ~ m ~" Inort! I'rolmhle thlln any otht'r: III 8 wuy It lIPl'c"r!!" to lit th e cll"e. lI l1 hOllgh he p!'S"CS ell no more kno"'leot l/c f)f whnt II 1111 menut Ihnn he <lIt! before. (lnly, c"lden tly nil th" l hnll Ioc en ",'sired \I' os posses"lOll or Ih~ gIr l, Ilnd thllt Wll~ dee med or uflk tr nl IlIlIlorlnn ce t o '~\"CII jus tify murder. A hnd 'been I('ft for dend . In order thllt sh e mIght he horne owny nllve.
The alr h t " · t"nlly r~Rt ol'l'd hI s melDory; U,· " ' door RtOOti wl tl.. open. just 0 ' f l It. lIud whh lll ,III' lamp s till b u "on th e lobi .. , III Ihl' m idst of Ih{' :, "t led dl . hl's, "h e hlld not returned, thell ; he hlld li ee n I)' IIII! tll l!l"e olon l' till nlllht. Th e Ti'II II ZII II >I, maddened him 10 efTon, 1111.1, by gm"p· Ing 01 Ihe door for s upp or t he "tlllinl''' bls teet, nn d slo0l1 OWl', fM 8 1110 ment, s\\,u)' lllg dizzily. }o~J(lIctlr II'hllt had occurred he cOllltl nOl .I",v,'mlne : the whole arrn lr l'eI'IllNI ",MC like Il \ dreom thnn 8 reolllY. li e 111111 lefl her ·there 8Pllo renU y eh N','ful Ilnu hoppr, Ule laughter 1D her eyes n 1Il~lllor~' to linger wIth blm : h e hnd not h(,eLl nbsent to exceed thIrty minutes, !lod not 80 Car oway but, wbnt IIny ry would surely have r eact-11!d b ls enrs. Tet wben be return ed she hnd van lshNI utterl;,. leavIng everyUllng II nt ouche,!.. ·
of blood In ber cb eeks; Ibe roulllJ fi rm· ne88 at the whUe neck : tbe pecu llnr I"racefulness o:f her wolk: th e Domeless attracti veness of poise. nll come back nOW In odd fa scinati on. n e wns lt ol awaro bej~ore thot he bad C,'cn n oticed these things. but OOIV th eir memory domln sted hIm. cau sed his pulses to Qulc~[en . Be hod known lit· ti c of 1V0me n swee boyhood. nnd nev er before hnd bo' enconntered On terms of Inti mACY this type or a WOlIJon . Sbe h nd been n re'velotion to hIm even 111 hi s bllmlness, but now. under lhe spe ll ot memory. s he had sudtlenly cllluiGetl to on 11Ispl rlltlOn. El ls wife. Ol go Cu rlyn. his wife I Be 881d Ole worllij O"N. 11 8 Ihoug'h he recnll ell II <!reo m. the 80 ,,"11 or Ihe woros cau s InG Ihe ,, '"rllt'tl hucksl; ln 10 enst bock on ev il eye n t hi s un co nscio us rider. Y I~ I It wos oClUully true; ImpoIIs lble li S It ~,*lIled, It WAS lIeverlhe less lin 11I.'nntrm·rrtlhle fA('I , He hod n ever spnk" 11 10 her a s in gle word of love: h" 111,,1 n eV(' r e'-en kls9e<1 h er. and
• 0 lon~"r doubtlng hilI 11'1,"1 th is th eory III lenSl approxllJlllt ed tbe trllt h. Shelhy f oeed the filets frnnkly. nnd with 1\0 furth r husI I"lllln. It WOS lIl) to hllll to net. promptly: Ih ('ro 1V1l.'l 110 one to wholll he CUlli n IU,'11 fll r b t!lp. His e~' cs dnrk .. II.'d, nnrl hi s jllws set. All rl !lht th.'n , he \\'(1 \1 ltl ce rtnlll1 ~' give the KId n 1'\111 for hl~ m(),,,,)'. Ther IllIlSt be sOllie trn" I.. ft; .uch Il dCI'll ns thi s CO UIII lIeyer be Dccom·
Whatever occurred
must h ove bee D
broucht to p888 almo t Imm edln tely apon bls depa r ture. before s he e \'e, n becan the work of clennlng up. But bow could IJUcb I thlllg hoppen with· out lUll a1arll!' 'Vby. Ul e KId \Vas wor~ wIthIn teo teet ot the bouse. I and muet have heard tile sllghtest aound ot a strurcle, The KId I w he re was b e anyway? 'Vbat hod b eco me or the fellow aU thI s time ? H e w ns no- I wbere 10 algbt when S helby retroc t! M. steps up the path. Collld It be I that the KJd was the one guilty or this deed? It s o, wbat was hIs obje t? .. , N o t ro b bery, surely. f or the plnce h II" 1.._ I oot ~ 'ra~sack ed. or nn yth n g re- I move4 from bll pockets. Yet slln'I~' thll was not IndIan work: It bore no r_blance to a 8tlvuge mid. The quHtlona were unanswera hle; 110 mental eltort gave hIm li ll Y cllle. yet bll Itrenctb was ropldly ('omlng bock , IlJld ... Ith It a grlm. determIned nngl'J'. wblm u ....ed blm Into nctlon. ... FIrat.be went through the deserted ho~ room by room, seek in g for the .11....:te.t -' .... ot ""Idonce. bnt find In"
I ~n"lng
!{O Ill C
sllIl, h e fore both God and
behind, WIleth er t h4'Y tro"eled on t.... \VIIR Ill. wlte. The Hlr8ngenese or the t oot. or hor s ~hnck, Ih e pllr l)' mu st ~ , situation b eWildered blm. Why. Ite sur Iy Il'I\ '-e sOllle t ru e p nr f\J19SIIIW, did nol evep know who IIbe W08: and Shl'llJy. II'lto lUlU IJllrn t he best ~' hnt rt ght . tle had to claIm the tamlly troll er In his regiment, f(' 1t conlldent ~ nama uuder 'Wblch be hod morrled ot belllg nble to rlln Ih" olllftt (\Oll'tl. he r: whot s'lrange atory at crIme With th is once sP 1l11!d I" hI s 11111111, ~ mlgbt SllBdow her blstory, It was all lind his plnn ot pllr"tlt oulline ll, Shd....... '- _ ..,~~ mystery. 0 mlV8te17 In which be wos by UII'C\\, on' his "'·IH'~~sl on . 1111,1 IJt~ C becomIng deeply lovolvell . CalkIns com!! ~ool lind re, .. III I~. Flr,I he 0 had evidently been hldhll ber from seorch ~d O"pr rl'~"" fOO l nf gn'"l1d 80me fat e. bt~t wbether ot good or \\'lU ,ill n qnllrt l!r i,f n ndl e I)f the He Followed Their P assa ge. evil. could not yet b o determined. Tbls hou se, sl' I,l; III l; III ,1I~I'l)n'r jll t how 11\' c. nno f\'cry nsUnC[' or long .;x-' present abd uc Uon. beyond questioo. · Mn kllll hlld "1"'1-lIt"tI. "1111. whet he r perl ence on the p lolns. wnrned him bad to do wlth that coneellled pIl81.• or not . h' Wllri "lnnl'. The r(,8 111t WIIS ngnlnst being ro sh. He recr ossl!d Ihe perhnps with some hoppenlng before ' onh.' IJllrl llll ly sll ec('~. ful . The hnrll. s trenm, built n Ore In the slove. and, she was even born, Tb ese fellows pncked ell rth "8\' nlt!rl littl e of yoille. ntter wnshlol; Ih e bl oor! froIII his were not robbers; theIr raId was not DOll'II .h"loll' lhe cHI,ln Oil th e s loping h~n<\. IItl! henrl lly : Ib en pncked ft Inle oded tor lIIuy IIucb purpose; U,ey sldo or r1t~ hIli. he fUll III I th e lIlurk ot IClllher huversllek with tood, IIl1d WIIS had touched notblng, e ven the horses 0 htyh -llc It'U Iloo t t; l1ch UH the J\ hl r nrly. fJe took thi s time In which t'o " pere lett uDcllsturbed 10 the corral, \I'MI.'. \lllrl, " fllot or ISO I'('yonrl. the lind the mom,eot the1 gaJned P0lllle. phll n 111'1'.....,,1011 of II mtlJ' co,ln. A pilln nil I hi s cou rse. o nt! then went for- slon ot her th,!.}' hod burrledly depnrt. hundred ynnls to the nor th 'lte IllI- 1l'1\ 1'1 I II IIII~~ltnt1ng l y, fi lling hi s (lockels ed. It hnd all been caretully planned. w it h rllll! curtrldges, ond fli nging U,e with Mncklln to mooee the time. ond print s \I'('re lignIn \'I sl llie. muklll!: It hn"prsnck over hi s s houlde r, iJefore clpll r 10 his III Ilit! th o t Ule fu&:,ltll' CS ~II1,.tln~ ror tile corml. Be d cclded tlten executed quietly. TheIr only mIll,n're III 'Il lIIukl ll ~ fol' th" lower (oru. toke W88 In h!avlnl: hIm behind alive. UP"" ,he lJ" rlt~ kln IlS belo g th e hetter Bnt tor that one error no one ever au ...,,., The IIl r l WI\S I.'l'lrl~"tl~· b('llIg cu rried, 1l" lmlll for hi s p" .. pose--n vicious 1\ noo l:, Ever;rtblo& remaIned precisely nnd 111'0 mell IIlU ~t hll "c b n ollgn ged brllt e. ""rder to bllndle. but tlreleR, would a ve knoWll what hId ()C(!Qrred, as be l'tlUlembered Beelng It the nlghl on the jnh. olle of tit III pOSSIbly 110 tn or dreamed ot. \lei' .tata. And 00.... aabetore. H e blew out the light. look dtnn. He pnssell slrllighl on 10 tlte ~od able to exist wbere either ot tbe IIured ·or satety, belll\vJnc the dead down one ot the rIfles trom th e II'U 11 , t or,l to "prlry litis. U,(!ory. nnil here otbers would atune. It retllllred a would tell no tal., thr-t ,the1 lIad left loaded It, snd the n, t eellng hi s old Ihe 111 11(1 cxhlhl! ed clp,"'ly Ihe 1110 1'& good balt·bour to rope ond B8ddle the behInd no nfdenee ot tbelr CJ'lme, the Itren&'th returnIng, ca utlou»ly s tepped m('nt . of umh th e frUulI's . whil e close beRs t. bnt: he had plenty ot tlme, Onee outfit was rldllnlf eare'leiel1 acr08l1 the ont through the front door, Th e bU l'k· lit t he WII ter'~ c.l~e he I'n lIIe 1I1)0n 0 on the trn 11 he could eoslly outride the lonel, pralrte . _klnl lIOmewhere a board atood there. gnunt and !OtrlpJled. u urrol\' )lInk rillbon. wbleh Ule I;lrl IJnrty he was followIng, lind bl! Itlld no Bote rende~voull. eJ[cept for the b ox betweijn th e renI hnd c"ld en tl y hurrletl ly tlruppet! In tle8lre to lIppr o uch them closely unUI Sltelby reined hla borse to the lett. wbeel.. H e peered Inlo th is. Rnll gulclnnce. well otter Iln rk. and sought a, water hole he romem· found It stut holt Oned with bundles, It I,'IIS clcllrl,V 1I1111llfcst nuW III 111Oftce nrm In the soddle. however, ber.ed. blm8el1~ dr1nkll)g /lilt. and tben Macklin ha,} not eomplet.c,l h l~ joh, r ecti on In whl h the~' hnll ,1I~n ppenred. r ifl e u nder tlte finp, with ' baversock .tandlng by while the anImal quenched other evIdence being tllMll8he.1 by the hil t helby rt'lnnlm' ,1 IIn_lIllsfl ed. Be strapped on the OPPClt!lto aide, and Its .t hll'8t. LellIvlnl tbo bucktlkln there. extinguished and ove rturned Innte", CO il\(! not hlllle" Ilmt I h e~' would nt- blnnke t-roll hehl nd , be gove the plUllg· with reIn trailing on the grouod. bll on the gro\lnd j\lst beyo nd. But th ere tempt 10 eKeUp' tl lll~ (Ill foot with Ing. bu cl"n ~ \lemon between bl8 legs C!lImbed the sleep aIde qf a butte, ond was no sip vlslhl e ot nny IItrulrg le. tbel r hurden. H ~I IIcl; llrl 111,,1 oue itS' littl e me rcy, The man \V8S In no mood swept th e d lstoot horiZon wIth a field Surely ahe hlld not lert ot h er own sls tlln t. It ",os hl l;'hly l)rohnhlt> Ih re tor pIn}' or no y sort. and set blllleelf gI881. It WB!I 0 tl'1lcklees wo s te. drenr molee. Thnt w ns lIuUllnknb\e. ~ h,' to conqllerillj! Ihe bru te In the quIck. ond deserted ot nil life. NOI a Ihlng III tI,e es t pOSS IIlI 0 wl\y. It wns n r OU"11 bad appearl!d chee rfu l nnd contellteLl, would he otllcrs ulso eo"o"cd " ~ .. ' bllrd th 0 t move d crosse d bl II rsnge 0 t r. 'I'he opposllc sh Ure II'IIS d en nt!'IIJ even actuall y Interesled In th nclI' sl ruggle, IHI t t h e h. umnn won. nlid , U· v ISIon; on d , 01 I88 t. h 0 snnpped Ihe llf b Id It 1 I I st!rL()(l. nnd he er 08 'ed OW" ', ",odlng to de r tlte me rclles8 8t1ng ot the quIrt. lIeld glosses buek Illto theIr case. , e; 88 ea, s Ie possesse, t 'e his t1l1(; h8 In Ihe swIft w"I er \l·ttl, .. I I . , th o mnddc llc\l but s ubdue·, nn 1110 , slipped <!OWDI the steep (uce or the . ,U"'hteat desire to e~ctl l)e. he hllLl ur. l • es . Intentl.u tered ber every opportun ity on th e rifl e flll ll!( fOI'WlIl'l l, IIl1d ..... , , n08trll ~ Ills lenucd , and eyes v Ic IOUS ns b\ltte, nn d Sllt'tltl, remounted. T be sun was 80me time PIIst. the ,val' ou,t. e.nd she hnd refused .. ,"urely Senl' cldn g th e fll "llI er huull. The tru ll eyer, ylcl ., ued fi nD I 0 bCdl ellce to the ~ wo s nln lp nt this nolll l : he cou ld • Idf Bhe would never have corn e "'n~' Oll l relo. mer 8n. nnel he telt' convlI\ced those tLere to make ber dlsagreeJlhle jour. he (ollowed c'ould DOt be tllr from tbe ney over ag81n 8t n lghl. EYen It crllZY troll be wns endeavoring to locnl e. l:I e en"ugb tor such o n a uem ill. the effllrt cnlDe upon It In le8S thnn nn hour. It'Dr ..M" leudlug stralgbt dowo /I narrow val· w nuld ne ver h e mnd e ut'lln tonI. f" ,,1 sll three ponl l)ll were III tlle corrol: he I'~ ley, whose general course lVall dlrecUy . west. Be dl81D0unted. 110,1 ItUdled the h u,l Been U,em whlll! cOIIIllIII ,1,,\\,11 . No, thot theor)' mll/ht he r11 ~ 1II1"~I'J\ " I trsck s wIth C'8re. Tblll"8I bls party onl'e. Ilnd sec retly he \l'IIS gln ll " beyond a doubt-five horllnt!. ooe wIth 80 easily dls\losetl of- It hnll \ 111:11,,1) I n split hoor. An hOllr Illte r he found where the hnlUi ted him at first, cll " ,IIl/! h im In dre8d the d is 'overy tlmt Il lll igh l Ill' pnrt y hntl 118,lted. mllde 0 Hre IIIUOllg true. sOllie rock s. nllt! prepDretl (ood , 1:1,, ' The n \l'h.t wns trlle ? Wh o "0,,1< 1 I... .tudled eVer)1 sliD with ·(,IIre. bopl~ guilty of such 8n oul rage 'I lll dh ll," 'i tor some m'~8gitge of gu ~ flnnce rrom White outlnws? J oe ~l ock ll1l 1 Th ~ s" her: bllt th e re \1'08 nonl' Either she three poss ibilities alonc remll itll'ri. hUI , hod been tOO cnrotull~' \l'II "'hell by her th p !l rst two seemed Quite Impn",,"' II'. . cuptors. IIr hnll, c l\"l' ll III' in despnlr R. , \l'RS u sl!d 10 III d l8l1 foray. lout ,his nny Ih,.lu ght at ' -" ~" "e. " ". .h Uess she ft CI lJnre no rellemblnn ce to t ile ... "r'k bell him ,1".11 1 "I.,, ; I''' ' hllps hod e _en lV1tn e~" " d Ihe bl(l\" ' Irll, ·k. bill If Of "~ \'tIge s on th~ wnrpnt/I. Tit e r., hll t1 h""11 lIO otlempt to plullde r. or ,Icnol \\, oul ,1 n"" ur"flly 1111\'.. "een - In' 81rll~·. Th e "ery fact thn t the l'''lli e~ formetl of \\'1",1 hll ,l · hl' I' I'I' fW'1. The r"" V1ll1l'd undl st llrbl!d cort\;ln c"tI hIm stnmplll ]; of Ih e punh '" III ,,, fs Indl· cllt e,1 thnl thp pnrty hll ol "" II" t1ned In lI, n t Ihl S W88 no deed ot I ndll1ll I·nl tl· IJNI. Thol It mIght have heeD ," hlt e ,," 1thol RJlM fol' "omll Ilnll'. III " u hurry Is \\'" \\'119 oot quIte so eus llr llisto pro,·,·,·,1. Sllt! lhy slIll 1l ,," lite root· IUI s""d. 'I'here were dt'Sr~ rnt e nwn prillts, 811tI8f)'11I1( hl","elf 'hilt toar hld ln,: out YOn dt'r III the Blld Lnn'I ~, were 1111111111. '"111 one wI, II'. unqullll' hu t hI' never hnd know o ot th"lr " 1'1\The IOU."U., 01 freakll oas 108' all Of Its appeal III tbla ' tlonllhly MII ('k lln. WUl, ,,"ly tlve turing to ntta ck BDY se ttl e r. en!?111 0\(' . -movln, plotnre activities. F'r · 10IllaDce--wha, little or elr! hor!;I'. thl 8 mllunl Ihllt rill' :!:rJ rode CIl ~lonttll y to run ot!' cnttle · on , he . oot ,et a ",riD frOIJl Beeln, thll two-beaded calt.,....lloril on the . larm ;"Itll " ne of Ih e men. I),·ohohl ., ' , he KId. refill", 10 tlile cnse t1l(~re \\'ns no II J1of ,. !tattle, 0L!:IOhOIS, 8 , (l. f ,It W&8, Pllrteo' ID e,er, Je.. HI' t!1 ~I."wrr·"tl wh ere tihl' l' l'obnhl, parenl ject- th{!y hlld luke ll no'hcept COr we two ell. ' It w8IlhOLOgraPhed a' Wuhll1l(oQ>· ,wllotre I\'II~ altllng durlnll th e mell i. 1\ to~ In\' .... Ith"r food , ll~.r ,Jlrock. Th en It It belJll .talr and mouole . ' , nf'_'~ . ,!f (!1·UIlInl ..,1 RIl('liln!! ht!llrlng
Have you got it, ? ¥.our Home. l\IAN AND WIFE- EVERY FAMILY EVERY l~ ENTIT LED TO A HO:\!E ON THIS
<I\'HI~hl"lIl'" "l'. II II l' W Ih'~ !t "r it II ,'1 11*,£'11('1 ' I n II 1:0' t·~· r!ol. 1" '1'1111 p.:oo I h 1:\ nil I I I lIl r lHifl lliC ' , '_I thai ""1"1.\ 11I\!'oiI,.,·y In /It'r IIr... ~I,,' 111,,1 ," 1,1 h ili, , 111,1 CIII.
la.' th ' ' W hllll ~ r .., 1111.1 s tllrt't!
PartoftheWorld Is Yours
kin" 1" ,,1 IlI kl' lI hl' r frll lll pilleI' III ,,1 11,'1'. 111'1'111" '11 11)' III"",. "fruld thll l . . t'I'"n'II1- he w'" 1"'I IIt: f" ll mlt'" \I " ' It p"., . <Ito'" 11,"1 II" 1111,1 1" "'11 111110"'" d"lI'lI n, . :1111 1 th e", ~ t ; II IIIt ht' r~I,,,,,"17.\'" IIll' ' lI 'prlllle h ,I,,' . III nlll.I ~r Ih., ,'\l, l. 111111 h n' l (,,,"111,1 11,',1 sulrltll' t'
qlly , h"~, IIII' Ilt~115 at nOal men ~ tH APTER VII . I 1I><.,lnl( " I' " ",\I'row gu lly Inlo th e An Hour Bell i"". ' IIrsl IInl' "C IolulTs, 111111 tI'erll. In n lit· 1 Ih' 'lI! II )tltul.. , h t'lI'HI lI' I'ero h ors,'S nerll wlI DO marked trn ll, but th e hntl be n l\lt h,'n'Il nn I tl'lllllpod tll Instincts' or n 11Il\hl~UIO n kept Sllelby'B Th,'r b lHI ",I,II'nlly b '!~I\ hohl <;0\11'1111 d ltectly to th norUl\I' 'AI . '1'ho for sOllie tim.·; 1111<1 "" t" rctl from Iho bronco. no'v thoroughly tllll)o)d. IIntl b dlcnl to the RlIghlest pressure ot north tln\' n II slll(ht (" 'ule~. 1lII,I depurle(1 w~st\\,II"11 " t. nl; n shell' llIlI th e ri der's ler. I,,' pt 11 tlrul B gelt. hllnk. Til ,' I'<' 1\ "\'t' Il l' ~ IInlOlnls. all plcklu g ou t untllded the euslesl lIaths. moullted, 10 jlltl!:j, C..,'m the d ..p 1m· "rom the g nerol dIrect ion ot the trnll I"'I!SS JJf hnof,. n'I<1 he toll owed theIr lett by tbe rn tders h e hnd ,Ieclded I'n ""lI g R ~ fill' !IS Iht! c r ~~ t of the hIlifl'. 'J'h .. ,~· \I' ' r 11','11 1,,'.1,11111 "Iew, of they werc he~!Oi t~~ 1\ certnl n I,ortlou ot til ,dJ'Lano'; and. It Ilila , cou rse by tills tlllI e. n c "() ~s Ihnt rouj!I, th eory w,. c ri1tct, btl ouibt easily to brok en COllutry. but he sntls tlcd hint· cut ocroa. thellr trae;" 1~ ln IIlte In sell that tbuy W"''ll he,"lln g st raIght the afternoon. SllUng , uprlrht lu hI! tor the Bo d Lllml~. .Ieel' slI.ddle. ",'Jth the st.ra\a:b t back Shelby kllew III1W sOIll~ tI'ln g ot whllt ot the ~n1r)'nllUl, bla e)'oe WlItchtul, he lUust COlltelld wi' h. Th" oct ot air hi s lip! arlmly lIet, he rode stead ily on ductlon. nn.1 ntlelllptctl IIIlIrd .. r, wos Itour lIner bour. thInking, plunlllug. no 80lld en Il'nlplnll f' n 0"""111111: ]Jock· b l'j!lnul ng n ow to realize tbe rlepth ut , lin , but un,loubl edly pllrl of R well·or · b ls own lo ter t!st In thl ~ eITorl Ilt NS~1I1117.l" 1 pIn\. W hnlp ...·r II,,·lr ,.bjecl. ('ue, 11e h8.1 IlIIrdly COlUl'rehell<le<I beI\,' {> ,",' 11 "~rp C"llrl'rtll',1 In Ihe Ollt· fore thlll t his I!:l rl WIIS rpnll y hIs wire ra,:C'. tllC lr In tenti on I'r"hllbl), Ihe - UUlt I,,~r lite hn(1 1.1 ('.III1t' his to IUnklnJ: 01 Ihl' drl /I Ilrl""ner. In J(Uard. The atfalr between t helD_ hnd !,;helhy'. j ,, 1 ~1I " ' 1I1 "he WII' prolJllhll\ occurrad . 0 swlrtly, 110 \ln eYnect edly, ... - 1"III n o hll ll ,,,, IIII'(' 'I ll nger. If Ib e f.>I- bll b od not ba.r oa·"'~ .. ft k ene(1 to Its ,~ ""I" hlill lIOI""lt",1 Inklllg 1",1' IIf... . 1,,· tru o m ellnlng. But nolV It becnll1e very wOII\l1 lIe\'er JUl\'e tll\l ~ be,," ""'"." . 1'01 11. 1IIId I,e " ,' ns po-. ltl" ely 8'lr"rl"<'(1 .-. . . .~ I' - '11,,,1 "\1,..-1,·,1 nwn)'. IIp,,lIrently un ill' to laftrll tbe st retlutb or bol-' s ll" nl· " '" . & u u .111 " "1. 'I'h II' p\lrposp ""Idl"ltly r l!' re udy bad upon blm. '111 11"'11 , lInl sI'e be kepl nlh'e, but hl'l /,I,'"" III Ih, ' lr hnll.ls. Bill mind woul d lin ger over n Ihou1 II I I I slInd lillIe womnnly pecu liarities • WIl!ol l'vu l HOW; ,:r III y ((~ ter.. I I b I I hi which sOlllehow bad Ull consc lou sly 1m· ll 1 "'I'rl"f ' III I IItellt c10 d p" ~Pllr ng 111- pressed hllll-tlie soft glow /11 her '" or n onl; I1n 11111: rOils quest. t I I ' 1/' I b 1/1 tI I eyes. tb e wi stfuln ess o'e r sm il e : t ' e .. "IIS 0 e one mn ll p e ngll ns t IIlIght dlmple III h er chin; th e pu lsIng
Maddell's Lumber Yard Waynesv;lle, Ol)io mut e
1 hilt
111l01' '''
111 10
heen h("tlHHl. ulIlI ,'plp:Hwtl St! i IIH I she
mI ght cut. Th l' f.,II!'w \\'1 '"'' " ,'1,\0 '111 Iy u llnfrnl,1 of l ll'l' nn y I tl n ~,,-~ r. HllIl bnll not Ih'" h ~,· "\I n~ n lll wl"'11 tlll',I' rc suUlec1 111,· JOl1r ll '~Y.
Real FAtale Tranterl
tlvlVIl"tt'r Ul\ rr (bv W ·t1 t"r CJlrr ,
,'xl, .) h H,dll\rti ~ I "rk,.. purl or l:Ieo·. T. a R, n. 'Il, Gfl:l.04.
It wns II l 'lI rl)' "" lI duw n wi H'n the (ru ll he ful lo\\,plI ~\\ 1 11'\' ('4) en ttl£! rl,:ht np " n sfPl'P lII1U1;:, ",laer \ lhfl p ll ull''o;' h oofs FllpJ'\'(\ In n ll'l r Flrll"II!t' tn 11 1-
"I...." Court
New Suits tn lu the 'np_ :';1",110,1' ~n"~ I h., hll"'l A.I> I)" ViM v ,. N . l. lUolHu uud . ~kl n bJs 1"'11,1. 111,,1 Ih" 1:'"11" 11111 .: rl e\'11 "'{, Ill Ii" I'Il",""n!! lip. unlll Ih" .v A PI''''' I fr um .1. P co ur t. cnme forllt Oil II IInl ph,llI nl', ll·''. :<;he lAUII ,,~ t Ur o", & t:lprel1K v . Uoo rl! e by c1ropppd hlN 1','111 . 111111 cll,"I"', 1 10 Tlltou, For mon oy. 8st" te II hl l!hpr 1',,1111 or rodl. 1~'l lI c 1''''''"' lI le,1 Will .•J . Allon ...rim . o f tbe P e rry t' t\hllld 1 ' ~ ":lIIlHn 1t . willi ... fit· ~\\'f'pt Ih .... of J nil" It t\ Dumb'lc he r ve I'd .. w I lIrnu !!1I IlI l' ",' 1,1 !!1!l!Nl'~ . l it' 11 ,'\ " lid tH' rl1 IlIl'n' h ·rul'c. " I't Ih ' klll -" , .1 hnlt t \\"her~ h o WII S : 1 h i:-4 I: list l u' I 'rag-oo ll ('r~(ok. unt! nol fur
II l'l ow \\ . 'II " ~ lie '
olycs' h olt" (If which
III' "ft"" I ,HI heurd-o f l1"" ' " ~ h l J\ln~ l'Ii"'(' f,'r , n 1110 I hlev $ nll.1 ho,·tler Oil ' 1 1I\l' ~. '1'1 'R~ fe ll ows (! "ltl ~n!1y w~r(' IW II IlJ l\ ~ 1'" . thpr • h\lt wOIII,1 thpy Iry to en"",I, '" the journey? Ills hopll Cf' IIIl' I· .~ 1 ,," titel r C1111lJ) lng somewhere until rllorllin/!: It s ufllclent'ly nss ured nr sn fely Iliis 1\'(\,,1" Jlrohnhly I,,· Ihl'lr ch oll.'e. Throllgh I I,,· fl"ILl g lll s~, '~ he st ud l!.'.1 Ihe rO llrse <If lh ,) FlrclIllI, lind t he l\tll e Ilntche of \\,00.1 III I", " ly. At losl he ",os rewnrtled-n fn lnl ~ plr,,1
hl ue ~lIloke nrOSl" nho\"c ~ome dl~, tflut tr tll·~. tile c\'If IPIH.'t.· or n ("11011'''
tire. II,' tn), Ih ~ " e ' 1Il 0tloll lc~ •. s il ent. Itls e.H·S l!llIeJ\ 10 lite !!I""~ , plflnn l n~ hi s 81.'11on. nllil wllllln!! tor th e II I!!h !. As tl,p ~Iuom ~1J)\I'ly dC()pl'nell ~h el by W 8 ~ nhl .. 10 t1l s ll"l( lIl ~ h the nl ~k r ot Ihllt fnr·nt!' lire. bllt Ih{' dls ' nnco \Vas fon ":"'t'llf In p(>l"Iult ~I;~
1111 ,\'
h lt\l t!
!"l IIH ll!I ' d
(JlaaatHed Ads
Probate Court ProeeediDp
N e wto n Bro wn, hi borer, nDd Mrll U... r n lin e DODn, b u th of l:) (Julh
L oanpd 00 live Ilook, MONEY ohsUeI8.,,,lao 1!800nd mortgJllCea, Nalell boullh't. J"bo BarblnA, Allen Bnlldtnl!'. XAnia Ohio. 6.4 .21
A!12 or 16
In. Eoddert;oner,prefbr. bl, wish oarrier,mu¥' be to 100d OODclUloo aDd ohellp for oasb ~d. dr•• W. B, Gluhrhl, R. D. G, Way. r 011,,11 Ie, Oblo 010
oo&: j,j'ove, Kl&oh"n C .. blnel, ~ Lebtiu o n . . BeJ .ud l:lou8"bold G ,IOdl. ~w. Em e r Moll IIIIJ" r. fa rm er,o f GOMheo Yllr'8 B'aroHorll !i:llobllul!e. Wayne •• II',JI'II-Ollt "hoMJ,:rnph , 8nd Miss EI ~ie MoEioory, of Pia ... ville. Oblo. Whnt nU diRks b e used fo"? IIs lc!! C. B. A . ' 0 nt Plotn. tllr li S 0111' ullsen'IIllnn go~~. C, B. A.. I d M th ey 1'11\1 he nnll nrc IIR". I 011 1'hollo' Frank Bll. ker, on(:lneer. atl re , FOIUlENT-PROPERTY grnll hR jlls l the sn llle " ~\,l"" -S t' ! b:ltz,\1)el b C rllln , boHI of Masoo. Loui s GI hc. D'm(lcl·u l. Rillph Knlgllt, tnll oblne operator. of 1)lly I.OII. aod Mis!! Ue8!!Ie I:Uowe. OU~E OD Mlawi and Third Balr a doo ble bl,ulIII, oPpoll'e iCo"lnll of L alJ auon. Not a Stead y Work er. Tit!' ,'.s(lI te of 1I ('IIlIforlll" 11('11 11"" Olvll Bill. gI1l 8t1-w orker. of BI"n. booae Allo. R. I. Ked Cblckene tOl'=' ..nle. Inqolre of Mr/!. CII,,' R.,.8, 19 e~ llllllll e(1 10 Ile wurl h '1\I 1 ~' nbollt ' che8t~r, anrl Miss Graoe Colli 011 u24 !30,OOO_ li e IIl1, sl hll"I' III" '" .lel; fl i Eorl S. ,JuiIDdon, gr'Joor, of Ma' Wa,nelVllle. Oblo grent 'len I or tI", !l1Il·. Or " , h" "\l'18e ~ on 11011 Mid!! .Iotl& TI\Q8 of Klnga IncnpnI'IUII(,.1 fUI' 1\·tJ,· k. 1 MII,i s. • STRAYED OR STOLEN U sc for Old Reco rds.
Sow, dl'lppeared A Doroo-JerJel Nrly la.' wllek. .·IDcler please notify pbone G6-11.;»8.
Bouee, [) room •• DPwl, pa Good pered. ·oreened.lo porob. ollmeot u6l1ar. well. oleSern. onlbulldlo'8. good gardeD, 2 lorea of good grouod Apply to Katherine A. Rlokll, Utloa. Oblo. n17
n fT or 1'11hhctl
:;C "' ~ ' "J1I1,
IIn ,l
""011 . fl.
Nul" " "
Brllt'" I. w t- 1o () H. B IgRIDI'. ptlrt 11' ' l i au. T fl. It ;$. In Leb.
1n tho nlflcter-o f the estate of .Iohn Ollllrd ofl'. f1eoe ,ule d Private sllle of bo ud s OI'der e d, 10 ~he nlllUer of · t he aelateot George Batzel. d eoeued. L.:1'. ' Cll r ye l1 - Ie appol n\ed to Sake thA Illoee of Karl Daktn a. appraiser. In t he mattor ot the 88&ate of Loai~o Goud eD, deoeft8ed. Repor' 01 Very R ud e. Irdeed. "1'111 IIlI t j; nlnJ.:: til th llt \\' l)lnn n hur· h l pH "I>proved , bcr's fl J!f1 III : 111(11''' ''' II null· g irl IIw re. don't YOIl kll(lw. Why. ~h l' I"ok p" nt my m Oll l-'tl\tlll'. IlIlIl 1\ ~ l a·(1 111' I r t Marrla,e Llr.rIUI6a woulc1
11:1111111 '11 1011 to S ,r-,h WIllI.ma . ,,8m .. 11 Ir,, \\ 1 III " ' II"hl.' ~ 1\1IdlUOll to I ...,b,lnnn, fl. Edto: 1r BmY,·,'r '" D B. f{ d hlJlPon, pHt ur s' u l i"" I G. T. 4. In Ol'e lfipltI 'f.,wobhlp, U BIl Td IT Mr ... MJI]ni f' Sr ,H'-" 10 Leur" I:II ow llrd. IJ"r " (If " ,'o l lon 21, 1', 4, R. Ii. WIIJ UO To wII.hi ll, '1 50 .l eAB'· Buller 10 Llilltnd B"nntnll. III \11' m utt ll r of J oh n Butler v. J:ll rt of HnrvAvM N, 3801 tllld 14110B' H OUi e r B" onett et Ill, It is o rdored thrlow 'rllwn·bl~' , ~hl\t 0"0 I!.. Y l.lung be IIppollJted AD"" " "Ime r ~uytlo I:IhurU, !Ill , rdllin (or mlu or def e 'IdllDt8 10' l'j') ~7 in Mason. 1u tbe tull tte r o f tllil I:Itale o( Oblo VA li'ITrY A ~I\ln u re. Bond fixed al $:l000 I'he defend ... nl WII8 Til IDO ndnd t il til e o u~tu lly of I he s berl!! III lite I\I IlLl"r r.f Il: llJert Owen. ve An ad . in this column iR a 8ure salll Jo ~' e8 BI'I]wlI . Am o unt of _e rdl ol ...................... r l'rioced .. nd m o tion fo r a De w trl,,1 ove rrllied. MONEY LOANED rn t ht! nlaUe r of J . W .. rren Wood trll~t" B ftl r M. r l .. Mllll or ,l, v s .ltarla ONEY Ttl LO N ON I" ARMH Mulforll et ti l. R ll porr.. ,,1 Ilp pral8e. Ilt G ~ l ote r a- ' fur Ii tu 10 ment ap pr oved a nd (Jrlvllte s llie of ye8rs. Tllrrell & Terll'll , lt eh l 1&•. re~ I estote ord e r e d. I,ate "Dd I~o"nll, Wllmlnt;t')D, Obl.O, Phone 301 mill "
It- l< I[j'I·tllI'lt llllgB._ 'I'l L' 1'011 le ,,(\III I;' Iln\\;11 I,' II ~ nu,l ro('k s trewlI , 011.1 ho d .'I" rllll",~d 10 try lh!' pn8S8l(e ,v""{, n flll .. t glllllmer of twl· lI&:,ht yet lin gered. Lendlnl( ibe buck· 8kln, on .1 lIIol'lng wlt lt tit lI11llost, cnu· lion, he be gun Ih e .Ie cellI. (001111011""00 PAl! . ) Or
I,II"I/'IO, e
hllR O
1 R1 0 h ttnl Up': 11, p" d , •.1 ~tlf'rt ' , n .. r. 11\ lid 6, 'I' fl, It 3, b .. 1we"" Ill " tohuDlI I rl vpr~ , $1.
on NloequilRoom e of Jas b,"r ::.bop
,laID litre.. ' . In[)lIkln Ilt 'be Bllr, 017
.'·ORSALE CORN-Extra flne POP, CO , D. 10qalrll ' Ilf .1.
old Pup Hawllp. pbonA '5.4, Wa'l'De8vlllll, Oblo. 1'12.& (J
W. Legboro Ind C . 8. Or . S• C.plDgtOD Cockerlllil for I18le 'Iu. ij
quire nf Mr ... B. V . BmUh, 1Jboue 81.8, Wayn"'~lle, Ohio. D~ Eat"'e Oak Bea$IDI( 8\0"8. a A N,ood on8, .tld IIi 100d ooodlS1nn. Inquire Of. B V : SmUb, phone ~. ~, Wllyul!svllle,Oblo. , , nI4 ,
'8BOAT8, ~el,b about · 60 Ib!!. -~~ ob, loq~1nt; of a.o. , Rooo~, : aon ;,a ,. O. Go' WaYD.e!lvllle,.O. ,. 0;10
HOME iii
: uaroa ' Jere, ... HO~M-Rekl.tereil Hogio. , 'L '1(Iu,' Urove ,r.rr;a . A. .'
·H. 0.,. "Sun, B. D, ·t, Olar•• vlU_, OhiO.' " _ • . ,aI'
4D4 l.atmOl!ecI,pu'Jedr,ot.a~db~ Doroo Janey ~ PlP;botb "DI!,
AII,lb1_ &0 I'f''' .rd. -It,. ... 'l'Ja0Dl~
HaI..,.-,. nD,
B. D, 1. Or~ 'Uilo phODe
1111". .
...•TH E M I AM I ISSl
D, ' L,
r:D J<1
JJ.dilor and
WEDN E DAY Waynesv ille,
l ' ubl h, lte l ,
1 Tho
.J l~· ll/l· M. ~,'~ ' -"1\'" Hi t--':r1r\r
I h·qut\ ot
lo.u .
Subscriolion Price, $1.50 pe r yea r
"0; '.
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lI'I',ItIr .'
lI !,pllr"lIl1 y SIII'lIlelllg nOl t\\'o YUrt], III<IIIIIt. ~o \'" IIU Ill'nll Cu to nn outh ot dl _J(II " 1. "II - I !" thl} " (11 1'1' ""111 l'uII/:h l y,
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k nuw w h lll th e glllllt! Is 1' 111 pln ,r lll' III. \\,hl1t (In yer kIl UII', nilY' huw ,!, '
Th e IIlher rllll t'ki erl In hi s h ~ "rd , rll <tllll/: Ills feCI In II lu ICIII'I!S, " J.:n ~ lpr t e r u s k uhout thun ex pl nln. Hn ll l;," he ufls\\'el'cu ~ l n\\' I )' , "spucl u Ii " os thc re Is thl n g~ I don'l jll sl eott OI1 t o m)' ~e lf, 1111 s tly I pu ll ed t h e fllcls Oll l ot tll nl KI <I Mnckl l n wh en Iw \l'ns tl l'lI nk , 'cll ll se he "'" l1 tell me to h ~ l l> hllll , Hil t It see m s tIC'S only h lr",1 ter th e jl)lI; It's th ol guy wc're wnlll n' fo r wh o hil S I;ot th" I'cnl dope. nn(l li ke1\'1 ~e
tll ~ loo~ · gre('n . "
" Cllllrl'hill 's hi s III1I1lC, nln ' t It?" "Thil l's Ille ,lulTer ; sOllie hll: rellcr d 0 1l'1I En t; V l r~llIlu, li S I IJntl er stllut! -,Ju ,I"" Co rll ellus Churchil l ; lh e \\'hlli e Rlory goes a h- I ot 0 10llg wny ~ hn ... I\," li e 11'11111'11 hlft 111'11 ,1 ngni llst th" tree IMlOk IlI'hlllll him, IHlllI l1 g nll'lIy lit I he cl gll l'''' Ie bl.' t \\'e(~ n h is henrll ell l ips, Ihe dllll 1'1011' " "rel y tou t'ldog his rll(·c. T il l' yotlll J,!c r 10 0 1) lea ued torwn l'l l II'rll l l " " , " W el l," he An Itl I",pll lleu tl y, " t hot n!n'I nil <>Y It : II' hll l ~ III"I"II Ih e r lll1lp, Whllt's Ihe Illl'lI IIr HI !!ulltl' the glrl1 An' Jusl \l' ho r 110 rOll 0 0 ' me LIS ?
He Circled tne Two Grcve .. their dep t hs nnx lou sl y t or n oy Slim ot life, They were des"l nte Bnd el esert· ed, but, from the ou ter fringe ot the leconll he coul d I>cr celve pl nl u l y the dull glow o t tlltl flre 0 hunllred yn rds aheod, "wo s no Innver R I1nme, bllt a mer e glimm er ot r e<l IIR h c~, cos tI ng DO r en erll oo nhnu!., nlth oug h clenrl y vi sible, n e (" stened Ille hro n ~o 10 n IImh, within Ihe ('Irele ot Ir('es, Rnd eroocllell forwn rd Rloll e, W l nr hesl er 10 hnnd, ch oosin g hlp pRssoge " " neAth th e hnnll ot th e s t rcll m, ot,l (I /111"0 11 1" tng with e\'ery p r cl'l1 l1l1on, \1 I1I1Rln g ever y t el" sl eps, 10 p ~l'r ovp r Ihe pr n, f eeUn g honk , nntl I hll s n~8 urc hlrn.elf thll t 1111 r ernnI n('11 qlllet. \V h ' n ul lrlllst ulI~tly OPl l08 1te rh e r .. 11 I: lnw or Ihe eoala. he lo y ~ t l ll . endl'n,'orl ng vnl n ly 10 1 ~lIrn the ~ ltll ntlnll, li nd hl!(,Ollllll g more Rn d more p\l7.1.lp<1 . Th e ca mp Orrell rl' rI II ' NIPlI , 8" tllou gh the puny \\' hld l I III rl hn l u'!l there hnd eirell ll y I)n s.r<l nn , II I' ('0111 1\ h"nr Dn .ount!, s*,c 11 0 mo,'emen t. "h e
come In 1"
.. rl~ h n t" R
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I) e\' i zee~ und er t he l\ ohl i l d ecea~ed ,
lUl l, " \'
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YOll r c~ lf.
I t f nr
rh o ll ,L!h l'
t h ut's one thin ),! yllll 1111 ' , 1n ld
(lil t
hl 'rt'
p;1t('e of IT1nt lt=" ~'
down 11:11"'1.
Bl oo r!
i n (;"
Y()u Thro l\' OIT
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TO BE S C' 1{"l' fl Your
I I y ll tl I; ' 1'1' },IJU" hl,,,,,! I " ~llt,,1 ooolltli"n it 1<11 1 fi,!b t 011' lI l -~ II' e Y 0 11 wtllu ( lt b u joIl1l -h u n r't .. \, p n') t o h)l l ~ fiud .... ,X p t 'l Hrl' ~ll' !;IH \d:'t'''' I \ V U·h th l Cl lJl d v d VI, U L l kn ('llf~Oc""" aVH r .v dllY, ' 1 'f h "ro'. lI u I""ed d lml#-( Ibn r. \, ,, u I Olln f ,.k,' PtlJJl ll, J\1 I1!1I!Il IlIIl\ll llll li,J I fJ ' rl olt , r erl l)I!),ul W ll h r n I lJ lulltl .v' " urt) IIbl o to \V ' II in t ho J1 «hf " ~ ,llll" ( Ilre " ullIlIll i1 i ."n~ . '", T rv [ " ' p I". N aogtln. II O , " U ~~ I n I" ltl .. t I II 11 . I qU Ill f ,rill 'Cl1k o e lthll f k ,nd T he tllbl"t 1J1I~ th e ,,:tm t! tI1 M lolllu l l'u ll1 o n~ tb e liq uid, tint leo ~ nr ~ tll n l, v Im ; g et thA g~ nu tnn P o pt n Munglln. A ~ lt f o r " Gollo's" uod btl ~uro Ibut th o IIfllnn, " <.:10110 ' 1\ P OptU. MIID WID , " i ~ J
~~d ver I i ' Nu nnt.
th l'\, 'W08
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'dq r. , \.\" "llflrn1 1ull.
l IP )" t)\\' 11
Imnd s
III 'r I'llw'lIt l,,1I tn lhe cuBn·
Glasses Fitted
............................ St. Xenia,. Ohio Open evenings b y appointment D etroit
;.- -
E. V. BARNHART. Notary .Publlc
Vaoue Des cription, 1., '11.' 1'1111 n'l II I-: 1'1'1>111
L it III'
Tl\lnll l i!" " ' H1 \ltl'" '\I \t1 .\lr ..: . ! ,)..:\,.10\\1, I ' Id' It d ' , .dflt l ': ,r' rnn . rfl l , of lJill l\i\..t tlI Uh _ll l! Ilt \\. l.\!l\ ' :-O\ l ll",
hl'I' ~ 1\ 1I 1
HI'X II rl .
ill' r
LExa!!~~tly. .
Is ('A p P.'ld ) t o J!lw' 11
d l ll l,4.'r l tn 'p!1 rt 'c1
II{O:I II I ,· .. ,
't.o,t, - - . .
S,berlnll B r id e Pu t t o T est , \ Yl ..
Optical Department
Illl·.· '· QI::l l l l ' r .l nl'l),· .. ,
('f\lld,' •• '
,1 1I11l1)~ J "o"lJ~
Telephone 76, ring 3
-I tnr d ' Y Lo" 1IIIlt" Io' I n ld \ I f n 1I' 0r o ~lt ' \', P"''': III \\''',\'0(".\'111", I" r loill y u t t " r.
rn .. n t
Lytle Feed Mill
C, l rnor dh, olrY H UI'd l i ng, 11' 1111 "" 1' 1'10 " (1 ), " ' 11111 1 1 ': " ~ l lI fI(l ,
.. I r 'l \\
~; 111~ lind A
11'1 "'ll1 r ., ...
G~ il1din g a S pecialty .
l:nolllY, V/.:l l c r l eAG Anima l s. ",,1 \\!fl' 11 1,,,,,<11'11 'II " '1·, '" :111' 11 11111 111 1.. lll1d lIn' ,,1,L'c ll l ' l l l \ ... llIlr""·" ~ \ I , "I , ,\~ \\111 '~1I tll' I ,I·I II I! j..: p.: 1t1) \ \11 h~' llip J.! U · !-- 'f!l ' II " - ... II. ( ,f I Jurv l'Vl'"ll1l1g .... , I 0/1 tIt' J ... III II.I ., r ~1I:t " lid 1'111 . ofi w ~ U v t'r, h\1 ... \· 1111'" III' r il , JJlt"~ 11 11 ( II I "I' ~'IIII!t!l l lI lld . \\ h" I'" I lt"I"I' I ~ I I ' 1"1 1'1" ·11 \\ :11 , ' " II' nil. li n d \\" 111'1'1' til t' '\' " :;, ~\"n t ll": Ifl"1J1UflO' t 11'1 H.~ I t ·~ Hilli ""li"'1.: I 1,,, 1 I , f ', I!', 111 1 'I' I'til!f llil 1:- 1,· 0.; .... 11 1111 \ tntl 11 1111 :', "
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"II It ll ' o l d " 'II ' '' ~ • " , " r n lj! " \\ h"'1 111\'
h Inl,
1'1" ' 111 , ' 11111\ r
Lytle. Ohio
oljl"lu l ,'d
H ay . Str aw a nd Feed.
.. I. , i ll'"
':1111 I
I,,'n tn,\d,·
t a i n s and Self-Fe ede rs.
. ·dlll·lll., !" ....
I '!I
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"I1I1",n :--111 11 11111 "
Coal .
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All k inds of Notary Work, a nd Deeds a !:;peolaUy,
f'I1II1I1f'1 rtt tl l,1 l illl l' " ,' l ll t! III I nlll .. (l r. :':"lt i ll . 11111T1f' ti ('·!III;l fl ~i . C'III1:IrIl! \ \':p
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~·t H ' l
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VVny Qe.svllle's LelLdlnil Denti" ()f!loe in H ai nes Bldg, Main S,
hll J1!o+t,! r
,4'1\ '
" \ \' I I: \ f Illul 4'''
circ ul ars a nd t os thnont a 18.
\ n' l
F. J. CH E NE Y 6< CO" Toledo, Ohio, Sol d by D ru g ..l _t . 160. H a ll'. F anlll), Pilla tor con. tlpatlon,
t i .. "
M, M
I t" r rv L ollrtl' Bu,l [ fl t' n d .... 'l IHl ( 11'0 . ll~ Y , n ll '.~ , of ... dJlPI. ('11 , lot, J ll ~ "' "
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1( . ":. 1 i!"lllp ... nu HlId v' tfl'.
DR. W. E. FROST Walter MeClur-e
VETERIN ARIAN \'acci n nt il) lI a ~ pcc ia ll y. N olh. in K hllt Rdiahlc Seru m used
Waynesville, Ohio
)ju n ' .. IIn,l I lIn l , ly r cunt l ,v 1nt,) tllo IbH; h\.' i U.IIWlt p nJ ~) ..
I1fl,y ,
1\1 )
'l 'lll" \\,I~rl
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tH'ld lv
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\ltldt'l"'lt -j,I; l t]) , 111
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
Lar ge Display Room
TJUH,' j'u 1)\1' W 'llll
Eq uipped for Good Service.
X, " lf\t \
k eep t h~ st UlT, fin ' II~ '1Id,,'t '" I' ) I I III \lll ~ t \\,old, II ' lllU UU III IJ UI J.J L', L , 1 tl, B rooK, t o IOl' ut P thl' I I I i n · ... ~ . the lillie h ~ <llll 1I'1Im willi ,ll e 1"1 I ~Ir. nutl Mr ~ AlI l! lIl f,l r Uy . LI I UIIY . ~~;'l(~J:::: t l::n, I '" l,n lt :OIl o u L ~u G h mnnled, no ,~ (1\1'11, 1('1I \·i ".: 1\ I\ nll~ h· inu. ~p o llt" ."'if.L tll lt ny \ll'llllll+{ li on ' 1\ . 11 11<1 It 'l v ~; i ft ~ , Il f nnu f All r . ter, B y the \<'I'IIIS "r tile wil l if ,I .. :- II UUI.y \',lIb 11.11> Iiltlor ' ~ ru u th o r, I ~ (',\'B1rur>=, ''''f(' h I rl' I n ~ t \\, p ol; , hu ~ ri led chlld l e ~ s Ihe entll'l! I'slll ll' 1'I' ,', 'I'l' Mrt! Alia L NllIt ll, 1'1tt; ff 'l'l llu~ b~IV". ell 10 nl'llcl l ll S, nll il hI ' 11'11 ,,,'t th u lJern,1l .:lIulcll1, HOIl ,11 ~t' " •• u 1 , Iin ni(\ Un E1'1sort 0' gu)' 10 10" " 11 1111 Idllli ,,' 1",1." M!'" , '1101 I:> .. rluu \>.\1 <1 file lIurt ll 0 1 I HAn' this sold l (,1" tl ever ~U!'= l l l' (' t " . t Lv'" II , w.. ~ tbfU\vU Ir u u l Ii h ll rAe n othln,, ?" lOot \\'Q(' k l\'IId tiC r lOn:.Jy "' jO ted t Jo " No t n ti l i ng, n {' \I''' ~ n ,'(,I IJlI{'1 Ily W 11~ (l UUO U C~ lJ n'i ""o vt"raJ llul1r~ , t/ul +:",~\ I"" :/.·O V',!1"1·~V ,·f I ro n . thl R tillie, oul nt ,rJIIlr fl'(" H I" I' 1"," 1, iss l uvdy f LlUfJ VUI I Ug- . I "") ' r~·t·"" 1 '", I, d\'! u .... \ · " 1':"l'l1 fo IInli left his boh\' I" I he 1'11 1'(' 01' H(ltllll f'll1r' .r ' !H ' ''It.1 ... "r .\ f r!/ 'u ·.'1\·111;1' .... :W' r c l uth"oS I n th e' EII~t. T IH'I'l : W!lF" " ~Jl' ~. U, A . t'h ,. rn p:; 'lO t' lllc ' rllli uud quail .l f'll \l-Hh ,I", u r I t lf l! I'lt11ll" It'HJ, DO f ll ~s mn<l,'. nn' "0 (',h 11 r('\1 I II " " '''' 1' tu di u u ~ r, W " UIII Still Y, th o t o\hhd n g, r"'1I11 11(.; , r ..... Hnd \\;I,,·J"l n !.! it ·1'(1 ~'l afl \ l l et offalrs s ll tl p ol lln !:, 11 ,' h ,, 1\ tl H' II<C g u ,, ~[ : M rll ' '11"1 <11 i :IHlI OI u f On} I I' f' (II··· . nl"1 u . : " II pI'il 'll\l\1' ltlll)ol. t fUI"' of l h e mOlley, nn' h c'~u n to Ih l llk LOll; ,\11'01 M ll r .v t :.l lllIUUY 111111 ,~ll' IWr',· lOr 1,:1' ,-'"1 II lid . \\;111 .'I :, r,,"al 1" 'r th ere nliver woulll hc n o t l'o llhlt', or ODd ,\11'11 1:\, L!, UlltIIHH, ftrpl nIl" t 1I ,, \~.. '4 fll " '11..'1'11011'1' ht ' ,'('eourse he kep t n IIn o. nti t lc e hll ~h l\ lI ' I , MT, 1\11\1 Mr~ W"lt r K uutlO ' '1 111"'11 '" I.\; : !J la'lIt. I ""t'll": I1Il .l~t~ j hl ' I' bllt 10Bt t rn ce ot Ihe It l(1 enlh't>I)'." wtlnt eULtlICulnot:! , fldllY , "1\~ Lh e lIl:!·lr 111l I '·.f!I\\h,l!',· uf 1111'':" PI'O· H\ 'l'r men l1 t h e colut1 pl ncv ('I' oven Ii DI e I"I':-.t· '.\'1 • "r i·..! Ii:"" ,' 1\,·,1\\,.1 J, y 'ISI'i)' ll.1 r, 1l11tl ~lr ll Ma rk lItLV I "11 011"11 h e'll ml\ ''I'l e(1 n rldl 'g i rl?" ... \ Wlilout 1:I1.1 ~, UlnelD ll ntl , ' HlH',".r " ,.s II' pl'l ..hl ..:~ lI dt· Ih :'~ fn·1I1 I hi' " So It seem.. I r,.I'I;o1l shu tlf eln't AI': h:"i ntl'~ I'hllt J n h'h tl"·. ' \ ],CJ ttl, II, n!i .A r: lind Mrs ~Im "o n Brlfw I\t , in e \ 'UII Iwow it, l l l ~ wlfo. nut 11ftI'I' Ill' 'r ,! 'jt "~. f1V,'j 'l'I'I' 1111 ~ J ~ , f' ,'fl'kn . R"' hlle SOllie I nl~lttl g of IIII' Il'lIt h 1),11 t t .'ntl ed thc tu n ent l uf P l'l vMe W nJ ~ tar MIl dlOh)u, In. DI~ y t un , ' L'Il(l d ll Y IIn vc r enchI'd h I m, . fnr he \l UIII Fll1 , I, G tt,,~ H I", I dYl f or Bn llool1, uf~UrllOOf) III~t wt'llk , M~, Iltll) . all d hobo n tn rl l/i lle ItIQ II!t'lc Ihl'ollg b TI ~I' !an' I'p d Oli of I bc' 1'1'111111] 1';<' h~I ' (11\'\'' \ In dI ed In l!' r a ooo in 10 1M !lud R ln wyer, Wh 'n CllIIl'cll l ll h Cll rcl ,1I11011 t 1e'll"11 I~ stil l! til 11111'(> 1111< 1 1m () ~~\" " Hn!Z ' thI s he got Bcnl'cd. I r C('knrl' II ", I bls lIody jU8 ~ nrriV Il In O ..ylon IX "1 111111 ' Cttfrl \1, I huu -1\ , ~" ,,", 11 It lI\lfl· plu ycd h- I wit h thl) IrllM funlls by Mr, I~nd M~ Alhl o lllmriok nter_ tit'!; !!lvl' l'nofu Imn ollr ltl ~lIHI(',e ot tha t Ume, on' with the ltllsbo ntl on his talued 011 , \'lOtl lfY. R Il Y ' t:i. Buu tllis c11~yet~' ,. A ,,,.l Ilrt "'R ~ trRII got mighty clespc rnte, ~ll'lIuwhlle , oet~ ond AIT, Wil on, tho Vtlri!! li s. 1llllllri nf!,ln rr<>1It 0( [I Or('o, and , tOl)heo the daughter wos 10 some COI1~' nt tlo klnKer. 11fOtl tJo!QIllt' r, 11'11 . III said to hnyo In· sehool. our! DOL {o be fOtllld , 9 nrl YD Mrs, Mary Cannon,. hlld ftir . ber \'('1\ ell till' I)nl1(10n, !Io11~~tI rlll)t os the , tt-uek a hQt trn II all r1gh t, liu t, boo dld1rer IIUetlU!. !:lundbY, Aho. an d Mrs \Tlll'1)\ njr' ro, 0 It t(ll1k 'III 1<I\It,t Wllh It, fore h e could l ok I' ony nct luo, wall Nllbn r Ql ark_ ,M~S8ell LI,lOIlI1 MoOID- Qlllt~ 0. Bl mplo Indrlknt, wh1eJI lHl tl abot en d k llh~d In 0 street nltht Wlllt nia, Mild r ed Mar@' ('hlrk, II l'l'mnrknhl!) hw\?oUol\, - , SNlttle . ,1118 m~ 111 Slterl don. NobOdY aDeI Kr, JilvereS& Time..
-- - ----
Phpn e 44
1011-1111 " '1'111" 1",11,·1 117 Vll t ll" 111 t 111 t o'-tvnn'Jlp lIi \lII,I;, In t hl] Q(H t 0 n .. t1 111) ut ll,' I\· I '~:-I!J1 l1 !.{ , l'l u (,'u, C rl 111 1t l ~llllt· 'f. ·1 ' ,ur ('ulI, u l~1f\n!n() n , l ' hul .
MrH, HIl.' "u C ·,81 " , u l \) ny l oll , "!J onl
H a r vey s burg , O.
Mr< M,d.r l n r qll"I ' r . lei \\' tlvn ('~ . \' ll le, H "JI"lIl lIl,r II,," 11'/" Ie w lf h
P o t ,~ t
L(lIH n 11110\
U 1JU ~i\ 1 11rdll\,
J II I'Vhf IH l d
011 1"
I';. 'l 'IIom p ... ,11
L\'tll', H ltl :!h\, II 'I', 1)' ''\1\'',
l.Jo htult
II l1 ,r 11:1 1"1\
' 1,)11
IllI u m L ,n;.:' ' , ",1,11 1(: IJll"', E ll .d , Wl'ro UII. 'LI Ii I hlll)p p C r l:> , :ill t .
tflI)VU( \
lWei I
1"'1 f \'
lit " q ..rl' Y I)\.n ,g- I,"d "'1If) ,, ( " phil .. ,~·t· r'\ I], rn I h' U I ~T''; Ill , \ to l' k '\lId b l1 1t /.!h t I t (' \\ l1th l nf Un!' ~. l' C 'I ~ ill~ .. t I( i~ , 'l' ho ltlP-4 Ufl
li.: I', . . . , nf lI u l \" .... ~lJ u rw, It nrl ti u y wirllli llt "~I 1111" pill! " olll ll,(] I
t r ll tH-ItJ4l ,nd h ' l · h\fI"'~ III f.V' lVIl (l~\·l l ll-\ .
grea t en-ort
Fep d,
Tile, Posts, Wa ter Foun-
l l ·l ll.
\ . n --!Tlq.! ,' J"I' '' I ' ' d~' I, " , It 1\ ,11'11 1 Id lll\\''''1 tl, .. ,, !II " II 11/· 1\ ... ... or " . I ... 'II I l l . n 10 dl'Y I..: II
'., I
n lf'
11 1ft I, ,,,"
Ill'\: '"'
F l ou r ,
"~ll lt ·
" , K 'I'h llnll'" '" ,
hilt ~"1 n \'.)\ . "lid lot)1t f':l rp or ('ar'lnt 1111 I II " dll' " 1111\".'111' 1\11 " "'1 11' In, II'", 1\ .' 111 k \,. ti lt ' rill" ' nw~ ( 1'''111 ~d11·~I!. I II, p ' ~tt\ l'nl ·,'I' f>. lilt' I ri 'j'!nll I I ,. ,',I '1 1. ,1 L'I\ t · !I ! fll u n 1111':1 .. r \yl!:t1 \\ 'I'" I ~P"
t 111'~
'1\ \ " (·.. ,'ull,..!.
"Wh.t'8 the Idea of Slealin' t he Glrl7"
!I,. ,
i" ,tnl'\.'
. ,11 ... j
YOl \\1 4.' 11.
hn\" (I' tn Sk ip Ollt. I r f'pkptl . tIl fl y l ,p, t l-.·I\··b u lld IL. IJk lin"" ' ,'j( t l Id h she d id n 't l(n o w If IlerC:: (llf III ft lP tll1l / '. 1" I1 , Jo; I II 11'1 1111'( \\. Il: 111 ... ,... n or I h e r(>~ 1 If t hr ('h ll rc'hlll f" m ll ,l' , ! " h" l l hl ""' 1 II,,, II 'W,' I I" fi~III f o r t hey rl lflu't mnkl' no CTf' )H ..... fTnr·t tll~ ·.~ Ut'l.(l . If l u km-. pl\ h !, ,( I l J J"P"i l
T h e r e le m ore catarrh In tbls s ectlo n or ' h o eoun , ry t hnn all other dl.e...~ pu t logelhe r . nnd r or years It WAIl 10Pposcll t o be. l n c urable. Doctors pre.c l'l b ~d l ocal r. m ed lca. ant! by con· Btau tl y t aili n g to eu re with local treat' me n t. p ro n o un ced it Incu ra bl e. Ca10rrh , 18 a local dll.ase, ..reatly Intlu· oncall by con ~ tl t utl o n a l condition •• anel th e r e fore requi r es cOJla titutional tr eat,· nlen l. Ha l l's Catarrh MedIcine, man· u tact ured by 1>', J, Cheney &; Co" T ole· do, Oh io, Is a eo n8t1 Lutl on al rem edy I. ,Ilk en Internally an d nell thru lhe blood on the Mu co u s Surrace. ot lhe SY8Lem. On e Hun dred Dolla r. r ewnrd I. orlered tor Bny ca 80 that Hal!'. Ca· t ",rll Med icine rail_ to curo. Send tor
I I ' , .. ,
, ' I ' ll
\. Ii
'!ld\ \ \ II II Id
Everett Early
I ,
Til '''' 1-::
wh ell t hpy ot lellN I n will , ti l ('." rIl RI'm'· er eel th nl mllsl 1111 Ihl' ( 'IIIIrl 'hl ll Fnr, to n e h nrl tWl"ll l ef l t o Ihl~ H II~e:. nn" the-y nnt l1 rnll~! hl'('(lIlJ' 111 1[: 111)' Int or· este(l . (;orn('ll1u ~. II~ I n Olh' I'&:; IIUli l. W08 I he hrntll/'r or n OSC'8 f n lher, I1 n' Ihe p rOTl~ r l y II'n ~ pilI In h l ~ hHnrl ' liS tr u s I ~e 00 hl'hnlf "r III ' I.:lrl. "' ",\'he he WO R 0 s lr ol~ ht "11 0111.:1, g il)' I::l'lIl'l·ol· Iy Bp~oltlnl: , hnt Ilr hnll <,,,pe\'Il'l l to gel most of .'lIls IIOll gll lIflcr 1 1 1t~ ~I r l sk·lppell 01lt. /III' ' ,<ns conse'lurnl l y III· mlgllty hot. N lIlurnlly he w on led III
.... 'll
\ h ' 1 .... I, ,·, " I I III Y '1"1,1,'. II! ',I r'I'II\·I1.... 111'1 \'t' ..
IIlI rl1 ,..
\\ "1'1"
, , I"
It' I '.lId
\1, .....
\\1,01,' I
11 \ loj
t I
h ow till' I\l rl 1,1('w It tn 111(>, I' ~I"'II '" 1 on nrmy oflll'!'r nJlIlIl'II ( 'n r llll '1 11'"1 ' t he t hlle the CII' II \lor rl,,· .. rl, r ll ll Nn Nt'cll tn Tak t, Ch a n el's " i tlt It, owny with fI n O~l' Ch lll'I'hftl d" "," III Pep l o.l\1u n gun Mnllt!lI Hieh, V l rglnln, nnrl mnrrl'll hl'l'. ,\11 hr. Cllr~d tnr wns Illtl I.:lrl. nn' III ' 1I(" 'I'r , Red B l ood \\'1 .t even knew S~H~ \\'n ~ rl ' h. on l ~' Ihll' ht... \1 \" II ... ·~ \\' 1) tH 1Y '\ Ul'I r:"l~t' l' tl"'lrl " l ll~C.\lI\·I":" \'I'I\'!~tI t a m i l yo hJ eC't e r I0' l11ll,n l l1 ' 11'11'1 III 1 1" \ ( Ih'~
to fl nrl her for ~ nlll(\ w hllp.
\ ... ,'fl II
.... ,
I ...
" :.: ''''1 ' I I I I 'Ir
.p·,l ," I 1. J', : I" l'~ r .. d II ,1) II n I
\ ; ' . II '1
I l
on \. \,1
• IIlIII. i,
• I
ror, tn I! ~ t n IIIII! (oil ~ l:crl ;\I II , '1;111" oIli er Ihl nl; Is IIltlt 11, 1. y ~ rl ' ( 'I".II"l i l1 " Churchill Is nl<nll l :1I ~ l l , 1111 ' , " n'lORt III\ cly to lIlow til nlntl g ,h i ... C;;lll ll t' t r nl1. It 1~ trI .\~ I1 Ul inn In 1111\"t· 11 w n ,.d p r \\lut c ll1< with fillil g( 'l1 t I )(~rll r e .1 11(\ gel~ 10 Il l m- "~l'?" "CUII't su y Ihnt I It r,. Illl n l" .,. (· x n r t · Iy, " 'lIOt' S It nft nho!lt - tl ' l' ~ I I'I ?" " M o.tty , I r~ rkon , nil' " \I - I "r n
I. " I \' I :
' '1
· ill ll.: t kl:l l l: 11.'1 1/,"1 iI 11 1I" II +': • d' .\ 1111'1'1, ' ;1 II rt ·
, I
wili of W, H .
Tow nship ,
11 1I :~' I f ... t:-; • II
I ,
' VO! \' l'S'
\\'a y ne
Norl1la l , department
• 1~IH r "
f or
g rove .
1" If'1'1 I l ' il l h I' 0'1 11 .1 1\ il h" t, t r ''' ''n'!' to h ig- Iws t hi ll der . on terms of on o 1,11,1, I II, '''II' I h ,rd ill 11 II l ' a nd ' 111' Ihi rd in tw o year s fro m date o f sal e, -I" f" , ~" I I" " ",I'Ill.< I " IInr in l l' r l'~ l al I ",. , alld b e ~ec ured bv m or lilage on 1"'1'1111 .. " " rid
, I
W es t
house, s pring .
L :" ' ] 1" 1, , ] I 1l li k s from Day t on, II mi l es from X enia
moyhe Ihey'(l r Ulllp ,I 11'11 111'1'('. hilt Ihey dl~II'l-jllKt 1" ' l>t I1lnl' ln ' , \\, ,'I i ,
w i th
acr es
I - I,' '
on th o pfI(dllll!:tl
" ,.1;0' . o n '
s dlOo l s
\ I .....
' et i ll b l u e g r a s s , a nd farm
l o cak(l
I, ,
I 'I 1 to! , It',
;I u d ~ I I llilt:; l'IOI1l L e\)m lOlI ,
1:,'\ \
h as
Tlt .. "l' r ,lll11" : Irl'
ac r es,
hears ev ry yea r,
Wll i l ,lt ] 1.1" ( "111 ralizl'd
lUI ".
' 1li p
" Well, os I n"nre It, we've got to mnke olfr o\\'n 1II1!,lI dlle. YOII sow tllat outfil go II l tln!; "fore Ilurk- MackllD on' Ihl! fOll r I'mls ?'" "S ure; Ihey li nd a WOIl' IIO with
'can ?"
,',t I,.
i, ,
1110111 ('11 1 1114' two I'HI ITt' " H\\'UY COIlIl'nt· I'tl ly, Sh el hy 1101 "l'lIt lll'lu g to IIII]"C n
: ,\ ,
fO l'l n lll 4': '
• nltl!, f\t I
to l,n ·III1 I(!. Thl ~ 1II1 ~ t't" 11 udd n·s ~ t·tI !::t In.'! 'In~ ll I tllIl sdr
II " ",!,"rI, II f1l11 tl' h, h ollowIng: the nUIIt t' Itl hl~ hllnd ,~, r C\' (lH lln g rh e IWII ,'<l I'<I fil l'" or n nllill of li t t y, ~ hll(\ ' 0''' '11 111 '111'11111 II " "fl hnt hrlm. Bey(,t HI h ll1l 1I1'P"lI rt! rl lilt! ohsc lire nut· t ill,' Clr Ih .. HlllI' r . n Ill en ' foIln u d~e. A
,.: I ' I
.. 1'11\
I H'''' "
,1. 1 "
: I
IlI zi l)', " " evldellced hy th' ru sUc ot l eu \',, ; : ; . "I n·'d \lIn ye're rt J: ht. nunk ," 11 0 nd· 01111, ·.1 s low l,\ ', hl ~ sptwd l 11'1'1\' :,' n n d ('Un r s \'. .. ~o lNIIJel'(OOt nln't ~c)ln ' t~ r IIlIell\! tlllll tmll lit IIlght. M 'lr ' n like· Iy hl"w Itlln Jn ' ler com' th ruu l:;"h th e orli('r \\ IIY ," ""' hlll'll \l'e 110, t h ~ lI - rl(l c on?" "" I " ,1' II hll ; h 's (,lIr l y y ct, nil' rnny· h e 1, '11 " " "" II /l,rm til li e 'l1l1~ 1 llw h lle. Bill \\ I' l\i ll Ughl uP. UII' bt! l'Um·
movement", for, t l ,,-ou);10 I he ~ hl "s e", he h u ll tu Il PI'et! Ollt Ih o SlI lI c lIl fen · 1I1reS, II Pd 80 Iml"'I,"s(>(1 th~1Il Ill'"n hi _ m emor y OS t o 1:0 fl,.'wlirl i II OW I'on· tltl eotl y, T h e cAmp tll'O wll9 locll tc(1 III third grove of Iree ~ , un(1 IIlPr a were no 81gIlS ot h U11l1l11 pr 'S~ " CI' be· t \l'ec II , Howev er, he t ook 11 0 chlln ce, h ul od vn n ced Quietly on root, l~ n( lIn g h is horse, Rn d u81nl: every prel'lIlltlun agn l "" t discovery, B e circl ed Ole t wo gro,' c8, keeping cl OSB In th eir 8hol)01l'. nnd s ~nrl'hlnl:
I ' . \ HUlI')lII' 11 )' • "tI· ... , -I,·, . ", .... "11 110 ' ·II~'"·I"
(·l' a ~I".L!'
PIt I'I."
t1 1~ t
tracts anti
:'\U . ~ - Co nt a ilt s 60 a c r es, has f r a m e a ll el ntlt v r g ood u lItll1lilctin gs , ne v er-fail i ng <II ii' l\,~ III ~ O() tI 1arl1l IHl1d , sma ll orc hard and l ocus t \ I... " IJrllll I ~ , In~~ of ;.:oocl I Jo tt o ll1 la n d,
;;1"' ill), llropl"'11 ti nt 011 Ill s fn ce 01, II I O~ I
Collt'n in s o r c hard
S\I ] pli e d \\illt l1e\'e r - f n ilifl r water.
F,\ l n
i .-
I 1 I,
, 1 ~1111.1 \ . 11,I}tor. ,I ..
l -
\' Ott 1t ~
l ,arl1, .
(:\('c ] k tll la r ll1] :ll ll l, so rl1t-t ill1 iler
_ >II
I';' 't,:III,,,
V I't
d,' ,
:\0 .
F :\I ,Dl
1111, 1h a ll k
P II j . . ... I I hi r ,'\ TI
' ~,
t ., I f
I '"
I l"r
"tl ll ' r~ I ~ !II. lI ~ P \\l ill llI' fn l' lhut g uy 1111.\ I It II j..' t ' I' : 110 tdllll' wllt"'c h i' I s u t U j ' fl n w ."
2Jy '
,) 1',1",1",.',
t,ttt, . t-
"tl' "'p"(,ltil'
1'"'' 11,1\"
T IlP. fa rill wi II. I'e ofl'ered in two 60 111l'n a ~ a wh il le, II ~ 'foll ows :
\1 I ,, ' clod. p, nl.
" 11" ,\
~', ,::, d, ': .. ;;I"t-'IlI' ~(;;".-"~/I1 .. "t
Ihut lit' hull ottntn e(l f ile dpf')lt'r s hn d e I of Ih v II'l' t'I:i, w il e .. , s tultlPlily . It \'ul c e, ,
'I' 111 1
"I I
ml'r Itf rl'rl RshliB, bll r el y per ceptlhle I"nlll th e II r roundl n g gloom . Shelhy ,"'!'\\' hhnslH tor wOrtl , creeplnl: li ke a ~ ll n J.:p . ('OIlVhH't ld t hu l h e wn s Di one, YCI flu I "S nlprl 811(1 wn tl'lI ful. A ls IJr 0t:re.s 1\'08 up 0 shll ll ow d el'res&loD, I
•• 11 .
flrl! hu rl 'flen n uwn IIIIU U mt1r~
Th f arm known n!l lite Will , Hnll ii t furm , Hit ua t c d o'n t he 'Way nesvllIe 11lld flc'll hr(1(jk piko, :1I S(1 l lil the ~ I t If .ll l y 111111 [I' e rry pik~ . 2Y. m ile~ n~rth I ;f \\ n.lIll'~vJilt, and J '; I ll il~s we, t 111' \Il I1 oll y , will be sold on p r emlBe9, ori
11 11 ·,u t. unJ l' rl
\. I, I ....
...; !",..oJ 'le ". ".,, '
VeterinarY Graduate of Oblu Slat' Unlwnl' )
DON'T WASTE TIME Th e poet said , so ra r e
as a
"W ha t
da y in Jun e . "
' fil e p oe t probab l y n ever
had a
cow or h or~e . o r a
p l ow
bu ggy
You s hou l d
worry about
the poet and perfect d ay. beca u se yo u do have lots of
s urplu s
s t u fT
aro und, which you
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no good, bu t wo ul d
help, th e othe r f e llow ou t wonderfull y.
Cut list . in
'th i s
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pap~r , a n d
w i ll' r id y ours elf
, of
Stretl!. noar Tyler Telephone 93
l"ou r t h
ad. you
a pile
j unk a r ound the place.
A. MAFFIT Funeral Director and Embalmer .. · , .~
Waynesville. ",,10 • . _ _ _- 'I-
Wfat Youa11 Mean- Gotta Have Turkey To Be T hankful?
OBITUARY Nn thall ·l1l1 f vey . grand:lOn of WiI · liam Dnd Mar\' Har vey . was born ' in p'a rk e OUllt y, Ind iRna, Augu~ t U . 11044. and l JlIs~ed Rway October 23. 1»20 . aged 7ti ~ ea r " l! months and 9 day. . lIis entire li fe has been spent in and Around Harveysburg . His g rulld lJllren ts returning to IrarveYRbU fll in hi s early chil dhood . he came ' with the m and h88 since lived most of Ihe li me with Bome of th e immed iate familv . In 1874 he waB marri ell tLi Ella Hogan and a few short years of ha ppiness and love was g ra nted them . To them W811 one eon. Horace. who su rvives him .. N 8 te." Ill! we all knew Rlld spoke of hini . was II frank . plain-spoken. honest . patriot ic citizen. alwa ys ready to defl'lld the trll th an d Rpeak it with· out fear or f uvn r A t th e a)!'e of 18 . he enli ~ ted in Co II ot th e 79t h O. V. I , and served neurl y three years under the old flag he lovp,d and ('heri shed until the IIll!I moments of his consciowmess. He was wounded at the battle of Re· ~!lCC !l . in one of th e severest ba ttl es of the Civil War. and rendered faithful service a t all times throughout the strullg il' . Hi ~ d i ~ lI ogition was cheerful. ten · der· hearted. forgiving and true. He manifested an intense spirit of indio vidual freed om and t o the best of his knowledge and understanding defended his po~itio n at all times. A useful and skilled mechanic. Ill! a stonemason. many mon uments of his hones t work will remain as silent wi tn e8Ses of his \:irtue and accom· plishments. Almost his Ia.~t utter· ance was a tribute to this land of li berty he loved. and an assurance to' those near to him that he faced the Cuture without fen r .
Presh Oysters Cranberries Celery
Farm Sales and livc Stock n Specialty
IIt·illz ' \\"ee t Pick les l.au rel. Ed ~l' 11l0 I1 t and Id eal l 'n\c k c r ~
Satisfadion Guarant~ed
Bellbrook, Ohio Both Phones
"=============:-; r NEW GARAGE
N l •... I\ lln Ihi ".! Co rn Meal New Il u I k I ~o ll ed Oat>! Nt' w l' rur- kf'd and Fluke Homin y l'\ e w Sl'edl'd ancl Seedl ess R!li s i n ~ :'\I! IV (',,1 11 Evap . I'~a l' h t's Nt'IV Ca in E ngli~ h Waln uts Ne w l'ullcak" 1:lou r New Buckw heat Flo ur New Pet ty johns Ne w Whent Hearts
Economy Satisfaction and Service I Try the "Service Garage" at
Tr y Kr ug 's [lig P(' tflt!J Bread . f r,,~h e\l~ r y duy.
Fan cy Grape Fruit Fla Oranges F'aney Eating Appl es Lemon9 l3ananas
Ne w Head Klce II pou ncl . un ly ,... .. .. ..... .. S tee l Cut CoffE'e a PII UIllJ. un ly .. ... .. .... ... l<'ran kli n Syr up for half gal lon .. ... .... .. . .. Franklin 'y nJIl for (lne I(a l\ on ..... .... •
25c 75c $1 25.
Pily ill il 22c for Chi ckens and 65c for ER'l(s. today. Don' t sell unlil yo u g-et our prices.
Lytle, Ohio,
It Pa ys to Trade at
A. E. WHITE, Prop. l
FEED PRICES LOWER C, W. YOIunce wns in Uayton. Monday .
T here h:lS been ':\ big reducti o n in nil kinds of Feeds.
Dr. 0111. Osteopath 21 S. Broad · way. Lebanon. Oliio. Born-To Mr . and Mrs. F loyd Sav· age. N oV8mb8r 7. a 80n. J ohn Fromm Wall a husint!l!ll vis· itor in Dayt on. last week. A8k Pete Kuntz what Hog Ton. has done t or his hOg!! J . E. Janney .
If You Want the Best Grade F eeds at Reasonable Prices, Call at the
Lou St. J ohn lind family. of Rout. 4, spent Sunday with relatives at Morrow .
Ethan Crane. or Wilmington col· lege. spent the :week·end with his parent!!. Mr. and Mrs . J C. Hawke spent the week·end with relatives at Pleas· ant Plain.
&1 Standiford is Ipendinll several days with relati ves in Indiall ll lJolis. Indiana .
Mrs. Huldah Burnett. of RO lltp 5. was the g uest of relatl1(es in Dayton last week.
t\\'o \yceks' layoff for repairs.
Fred H o rl~ick and family. of Xenia. spent Sund ay with Roy MacBeth and family.
Announcing the Formal Op('ning of
Mr. and Mr • . Max Kohlhllgen. of Lebanon. spent Sundl\Y with Myer Hyman and family .
Ferry Christia n Chllr. h Tilere WElre six addi tions to the i3ible Schol,1 II I \l ::lU l' I' ~ : ,,: hlll~ membership of the M. E. Chl1 rch. at 10:30 n. m . and 7 ::{ \) \I III 1·: '·L·ry· Illst Sunday morning . J . A 1'1 11 ' . 1',I:;[ul' olle in vil ,·. 1. H . E. ESlrnhart and family were Sunday guests of Fred Elbon and I li ar"". sbllr" Fricnds Chllr.: h Of Mr. and Mrs. J . Walter Smith. family. of near Lebllnon . " 11 1: 01 .1) ';chll(". fI: :10 . I\l ,·e[ill g' f,\)' Everybudy l'< 1I'dl \\ " rHhi l" 10::10 who de pbrted from this world . Octo· Chill!. Garretson and wife. of Cin· a lly ill vl k d ttl t h c~e se rvic c~ . ber 24 and 26. 1918: cinnati. were the Sunday guests of Gone, dear loved o n ·~s. how I miss Chas. Wasl(ey and family . (oc~lIr' s Creek Friends ~llII r c h you, as dawns another yea r; Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cartwri"ht and SundllY ::ichool at thi s : hu rc h c vel'~ In my lonelv h ours of thinking. daughter. Mi@8 Rhea Janet. were Sunday lit 9:30 a . m . Pl'ellcllll1l{ SN · thoughts of you are ever near; vice at 1O:300'clock a. Ill . You arE' I t hink I see your loving smiles. al- Cincinnati visitors. Friday . cnrdially invited to be presen t. though two years have passed. "OUR SPECIAL"-The Ho" Ton. And in my memo ry fresh it is. and SI. Mary's Church will save you money . J . E. Janney. will be t iII the last . Twenty·fourth Sund ay llfl er Tr ill' I mourn for thee. dear children. but Miss Muriel Hayes. of Wichita. ity. Nov. 13th : Sund ay :->choul II I not with outward show. Kan • was the week-end !luest of her 9:30 a. m Murning Praye r lind Se r· Fur the heart that mourns sincerely Mt. Holyolke school-mate. Miss Olive mon at 10:3(1 a m. " 1 \V a ~ g-Illu mourns silently and low . Allen . when they said Ull tO me. We will 1:'(' Sadly missed by ConRuella. Edgar. in the hou se of t he Lord " Come. B S. Helwell was In town. Monday. mother father. brother and sisters. : and he aays that he and his wife will Mrs. T. Jeff Smith. Orthodox Friends Churc h leave for their ranch in Alabama, Sunda¥ School. 9: 30 a . m. M Thursday or Friday. where they will et· ! ing for wo rship lit 10:30. spend the winter.
Dry Cleaning Pressing
.Saturday, November 13, 1920 We carry a full line of Furniture, Stoves, House1101d ~oods. including Q uartered Oak Sideboa rds, tJ u a rlc rc d O ak Dilling Tables, Vermise Martin ' Beds, L l'a th e r· bottom D ini ng Chairs, Fancy Iron Beds, O dd C h a irs , S e w in g :\'l achines, Dress~rs, Wash Stands and and man y othe r articles . It we haven't got what y ou want we will g e t it . . Kupie Doll s , the unbreak able kind , Funny Tricks a nd G a m e s . A ge nts for Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Laundry. We are also agen ts for Comer Rain Coats, America Il Woolle n Mills Co . M ade-to -Measure Suits and Overco ats . Come in all Y time, tell us what you want.
WALTER L SAWYER, Prop., Waynesville, Ohio
___•. - _0----
- TRY . US ON-
f E. Church Have you attended the Prayer f meetln!l Bible Study or Young PeoSunday School. 9:15 a . m. A good : ple'i meetin" at the Methodistc place to study the Word . There are )\1.
i I.
I':l! I!
! 'i
! ,' ," ni1l 'il l !f,i~:iiI1l1l1Mlllrm'"""iiiI&...
Th.u rsday, November I I th
Featu ring Ethel Clayton, in Abi HaiDes. daughter of Ezra and Sarah Adams, was born April 2, 1842. ohurh Come and ahare in the spir- classes for all gracies and ages. A - andand wa~ united in marriage to Silas ituaI'uplift. won't you? live bunch , a fi ne spirit. Il delig htfu l A lso, €harlie Chaplin, in W. Haines. July 29.1863. To this place. At 6: 15 the Ep worth LeaK ue union were born five boys and one devolionlilmeet All oLher eve ning girl. of whom two survive herservices at 7 o'clock . Admission, 17 and 11 cents Charles and Robert. both of Dayton. Preaching by the p lI~ to r nL 10:30 Ohio. and three grandchildren and a . m . and 7:00 p. 111 . eve ry ·un day. two great·grandchildren . She was Saturday, Novel1)ber 13th Wedneed ay at 7;00 . praye r li nd p r u i s ~ a member of the Friends church We a re experienced in this line meeting . Featuring Marguerite Clark, in since childhood . of work, and Guarantee The public is invited 11.1 C0111C and Sa tisfaction. Mi81 Mabel Salisbury. who is at· j oin with us in wors hi p. D. P. lI olt . PaRt or. tending Delaware college, was hurt /. Prompt Service . Also,_ Pathe . ~ews badly last week and was in the ho.~ pital for several days. A lot of st u· Night, 22 a~d 17c \ I ouc ra t c Prices . dents were having a weiner roast. The fire W83 located near a bluff, ann Tuesday, November 18th MiBB Mabel not noticing the location. F eaturing Ruth Roland, in Itepped backward and fell over the Cards were r eceived here. MOll dUY ' 1 bluff. Her body waa covered with It has been said that The Youth', an nouncing thw marringe of Hev. A. H. E. HARNER . Prop. bruises and her arm was eprained. Companion has had more readerll per K. Sargent to Miss Lola,May Cond it, She was able to be out. however. Also, a good Fox Feature. copy than any other publication in lit St. Petersburg. jo'J a .• on Wednes· Sunday. Her many friends here reAmerica. There Is !lood reason to day. November 3rd . Rev . Sargent Admission, 22 and 17 cents "retted to hNlr of the ac~ident. and believe thill to be true. But the 1m· was, .for many years. pastor of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.. wish hera lpeedy recovery. portant thing is that the influence of Baptist churCh • .n ear Harvuysbu rg. . 11 the paper upon ita millions of readers and has manv friends in this secti on has always been directed to building ofthecountv, who'will extend hea rty character. .. East. west. home's best." congratulations. They will be a t hus been its unuttered slogan. In home. after Dt!cember 1st. at .:t. Petersburg. its articl l's. editorial aild otherwi@e. ANNOUNC E ~mNT it has dwelt upon the importance of The HiI"h school baske tball team good citizenship. In all ita contp.nta has been practicing for sE>v,·ral weeks The " Bobbin Boy." Iit has aimed to give not only enter· and are now In tip-top shape . There This \\' II ~ " 11 I d i: 1111 1114' J,:'1\"en to NoItainment. but "steppin!l·stones to will probably be a !lame "~I iday even· l111tnll'l l' r" 1I 1I 8~ H "II I, ~ M M II ~K II 'hn· higher ..t hings" ing. Cummins Jones hw; been ele<" Betts. III Ol lfi l imp It s ~w\'l'nl n r lIud rn r A year of The Youth's Companion ted Captllin. and the team is well sat- mnn y y enr1" II 1I1 f'111 1 1~ 1' flf (,O I I ~ I'(' '-I ~ , Il l" brings a tremendous tide of delight- isfied with their new captain . The wn~ speokt- I" or rh (' hO Il ~e of f t' )H'f' ''i c n· Announc es the opening ' of offices for t he ful and dive rsi fied reading that ~. boys are out to win by playing good, tllttves tM " g~ " ' ln li . 1I('ln ll " h Mf ' ll Oil g e neral Ihe one hUlI!lrcfl 11 11 ,1 1 1dl'l ~·. l hl)'fl hIll · not be found elsewhere. clean buket ball . lot. In hl ~ yo uth lie 1t,,"·,·tI I h e Irn (lll The 52 iSBues of 1921 will be Coach Allen'a pigskin warriors are ot a mll chl nls t unll \\'01'i"'<1 In n f u" crowded with serial ·storie.'l. ahort being put through atrenuUII8 work- tory; hene.. Ihe 1l1ckllault~ . stories. editorials. poetry. facta and ou1l. and one or two games will be Firllt Engllah Co i n. fun. Subscribe new and receive: played dllJring the remainder of the It Is II. cO 'llmnn P l ' I'O I' I'" slilIPoee Itlllt Nearly every b .bme contains more or leD 1. The Youth's Companion-52 is- 1888un. if pouible. 23 S. Broadway Lebanon, Ohio the IIrllt J-:llglI . h criln \I'll " lIlllel e or sues in 1921. junk-that is, material which will never be copper. II \I'll " mRele of goltl. IIhmJl 2. All the remainingiasuea of 1920. used there .again. A . D. 460. lind Is believed 10 hnvCl h~n ~tr u ck tn celebrotlon of Ih e " Ie!. ~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!"! S. The Companion Home Calendar Whatever you have '~hich has outlived its tory ot 8<-60 • .the overlord of t h e tell = - for '1921 , pro\'lslonnl chiefs In soulhern Britain. usefulness - furni~re,. hardware, . bookS, All t he above for $2 50. over the 811?,on lu'· nd ~ r8. magazines, baby Cil:rriages, bassinets, brie4. McCall's Magazine tor 1921. The Huntin!l or trapping il positively a-brae, skates, clothing.....:.should be sold. mopthly aut'fiority on fashions. '1.60 a year . .Both publications. only $3.60. forbidden on the following farmll: Other people will be able to' put these -Not upon promises but upon performanc~s. ' We THE YOUTH'S COM'P ANION. Dlln Morgan things to good )J5e. ' are ·pioneers in DRY CLEANn;G AND DYEING. Lindley Mendenhall Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St.. lal business since 1835. THE W,ANT ADS will help you make quia , Boston, Ma8B. Jason Sheehan. on .~1 hie farms . and profitable sales of diacarded , articles. . Send gpods,. by P arcel Post . .' Prompt Deliveries. New Supscriptions RecelveO at thi. Lyma1l1 Day. LOST Office. .
----_ ..---
------_.-- ..------
"Soul. Adrift"
"The Pawn Shop"
EAST, WEST, HOME'S BEST The Fashion Shop
in Pawn"
"Ruth of the Rotkies"
Waynesville, Ohio
Ralpb H. Cattey
Junk Is Useful .Malerialln the Wrong Place
Tbe Late Classified Ads.
·•___ __ .
.& ....
The Te~.daleC.ompany -7 Walnut "'.
Read Gluette·S ClaSsiMd A'"
It Pnys to Advertise In' our
Classified Column.
LO~T-oa OheDoweUl road, aD ,AUCO Jack . I'Uldir pieHl lene aUbla oftloe.
Seventy-Second Y-ear
~ocALI GOOD MEETING ~PE~ Of BUSINESS Dr. Oill, O:<tl!tJPIIIIl way, Lebanon, Ohio. Mi ~ Dora Stil es was itor one duy last week
~. Hroad·
Xeni'l vis-
a J . Br ewster and wife snd Roy Pickelt were Davton vi ~itf) rs .Monday Dr. Farr, of Sout h Charlestown, is spending the winter at the Friends Horne. Mi~
Mary Davids spent the weekend wl'l h home folks at Washington C. H. "OURSPEC1AL"thls week: White Pine Tar and Wild Che r, y Cough Syrup. It cures colds. J E Janney. Mi s.~ Sabina Howland. of Wesl ll/lJon, Ohio, is spending this week with her neice, Miss Ednn Howltmd , of th e Normal school.
Rev, and Mrs· D. P . Holt and Mes· dames Walter McClure, J W Whitt' and R. G. Cross altendl!d a meetinll of the W F M S. at Dayton, Friday. A customer says "WHITE PINE" has hecome a household word with them. the bt.>st remedy they' c~n tlnd to cure a colo-they are nev.;!' without it. J . K Janney .
Whole Number 5409
I. N. I'rintz ~ p nt :-i Ull llay wIth
The Men of WaYIle8vilie had a small but enthu8iastic meetinll at the Masonic hall, Friday evening, and were addrelll!ed by Mr Arthur E Roberts, (jf Cincinnati Mr, Roberts is an enthu~illstic Boy Scout man find is also a chief executive of the orU'allization in the U. S. Afl e r an t'1t'gant dinner, served by the l!id i e~ of the Eastern Star, Presid~nt Whit e called I he meeting to ordt!r "Star Spangled Banne r" was sung .' He then, in a neat talk, intro· duced Mr Roberts, who held the atlention of the men In a fine talk, "The Men of Tomorrow ." Mr . Ruberta told his IItory about "The Men of Tomorrow" from hie uwn ''x p.!rie nce. lll'ing brought up in the coal tiulds of Pennllylvania, and having no advant a ge~ to speak of, he wrought out his own education, lind in his ex verience he learned what was good for the young boya and how to treat them in order to mak e lhe men of tomorrow . Hia talk was good. and many que~tions, relative to the Hoy Scout movement, were Pomt l.ro.belle. 0asked and were HII answered BatisPr "8 Ident~lect H Al · tn~ and Mra. Harding with a slllall group of tManda are enJoylllK n ""m,lion ·ractorily. trip alollg tbe Qulf of Mexico aa tile IIUetll or Mr . Y B. Scobey or ~[lll AntoniO, Te" .. Wh o la Ii ~Io.o rden tl Upon the conclusion of hi8 talk, a or Mr Harding. After a.,..dln, leveral dUYM at 1' 01 01 IRo be llo on the gult sbore. th ey will vloll Ne w OrlenDs and tben tbrooK!. Ole Pan.om I Can RI II n<1 b"m". Tb ... ~ e corupletlna th'l port y are Sen . !or~ motion was made to have a Boy DavIs Elkins of West Vlrctn ·a. J . B. Frellngh'. , .e .. ", Nnw J or~ey. Fred erlrk Hale or M Il I"l'. S".· r/,. Scout club or8'anized in Wayneaville, wry ~orge B . Cbrletlan aDd Mr. and Mr • . Edward Dc'" Md.,'"'' Th" soenp b.,t" ... . Mr Hurtling and and President White appointed Dr. Mr Srob y , IS ' part of the countr, "'bere rh e ',.If ' '" '' ,' , " . , . " " '·" .. lInr _ ___ _ _____________ _ Ellis. Rev. Cadwallader, George _ _ _ __ ___
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper and Mr, Jesse Thomllll are making their annual trip to Brown county on a hunting expedition They will probably be hun ling the fire on such a Robitzer a committee t o look into morning a8 this.
TIl'r!' will 1,(> a I!lt' ('1 inl! I) f Ih£' Cnnll l1l1l1ily :-\('fvir'c II Il Tli allk~1<ivin~ Day ('v "nillJ.( al Sch(,ol hall A lentu l i\'" 1' r( 'Rralll ha~ beell nrran ,,,·.! . lin.! th e' cnrnll1iltee are I'pry anxiou~ I., hUH' ,'\'cr)'I,ocly attend A ({fl'ni I mRny .,f ., 111' tn\\' ll~h i \l re~idl'nt, han' nen,r a((' 'l101 ..d OIW nf tlw~ (' III 'etil1R"~ and t hl')' an' lII i,;~ i ng' u g-reat deal of of pe r~onal enj l)yment . H~ the meel inl!~ IIfl' entirely inf ormal, lind el'cryb" dy ha~ a ""ori lilll P. The pn'J,: ram. as a rranJ,:cd, i!i as foll ows:
~ i,;ter.
~ e llhr oo k.
Wa lle r .";,III·y!' r was ill Iluyln n all la,;L Wednc,;day.
IlIJ g i ll c,,~.
~I is. 11('1' n \ l lr: .llt. of Cinr.innu ti, "I'(o n[ Sunday wi' h he r parents .
I\!art 1,,'wi4. wh n h Ft~ bp!'n wnrki nlol' Il ca r llad ol1 , i ~ hom e for a fpwduys . "WIII1' F: I'I ~I-: " Coug h Syrup ' wi ll ~to p lit'll dlild' s cough . J . E. .Iann c}' . l'ha~. W, oilard nil nd ed a banljuet of Ihe I':agl ('~ lodge . at. Xenia, Monday oveni n~ .
Wuyn es\'ille l'remi e r Hand Ii al f Il our Co mmun ity Sin),( M i:l ~ MnY IllP I.,)wri,' i:4 on an t.>xI'lI'en t y ~Iinute Addr('ss by I~ e \· . 1I IlIl lell ,lt'd vi; it with her ~ i . te r, Mrs. BUild Musi' WH llcr L. Suwyer . CU!lllllun ity Si n).!inl! Mt'~ . e bas Wern tz has ar rived The pr" J,:ram above dues no L telJ ho me fr r'" l Texas, arter an ex tended half of Ihe I!oud Lillie th at you wiil visit wilh relat ivps Ihere. have if you atlend 'ri, e sin!!in>! i.; worth a gr eat deal to you, e ve n if Mr s Arth ur 7.<>11 and duughter. of yon cannot sing . The address Pilt.~ htlrg , Pa , nro! vi ~ iting with Mr . found ed on C lmm unily welfare, will and Mrs J ohn Zell. of Co rwin. b(' a gooel lhing fo r YO lt to hear, . /) Mis~ (' Iura Lil.., pent the week-end come , and e njoy yourself for u couple of hu urs. lOU will neve r re),( ret it. wi th Mr9. Mary Arlami! ant! Mis!! ~I ma I{oberts, of Wilmington college.
i\Ir. anfl Mrs . Chus. Brewster, Mr. and M rHo 1\ . J Brew~ter spent Sunday wilh relllliv'~ ~ at Lynchbu rg, O.
Mr. and Mr~ . (;('orge Hartsock, who ~pen t three weeks in Wa~hing to n, 0 C. , arriv ed hom e last week. To t he Nurprise of th eir many They bllfl 1I Hne tri». friends, it has become known that M r. Frunk LeMay and family, the Mr . 0 'car Sm ith and Miss Leola Our new enterprise, Sawyer's Furat length. relatiye to a M i ~ses lI e1en Hawke and Ethel Hos- . Sparks were quietly married in Covniture Exchange, certainly fills . a community hall. was entered into. ier , an d Mr Ernest Earnhar t visited ingtoll, so me weeks alI" . long-felt wanl in our lown Mr. but nothinll definite was decided Midd le town, Sunday afte rnoon. Mr . Smith, who hasalwll)'s li ved in Sawyer tells ua he is r eally surprised upon. A community hail i9 BOrnePoor Bunny had quite a surprise Edward Everett Hal e used to coun· Columbus. O.- -(Speclal.) - Ohloaus Waynesvill e . is the son of Mr. and bow many th ere Rre lhat want differ- thinll we are badly in need of. There party. Monday, when the hunters who put th ei r lavinls in gov~rnment sel young people to converRe every Mr. II II. Williamson and family Mrs . T. J. Smith, and is a young ent articles that he keeps in stock- ill but one place in town that is avail- from all over the countrv. from the aecurllles are ItC l)mn~ at lho se who day with ~o m e one old er , bp.tter imd unil Ilr. Cooper a nd family lealle toman of sterling character. He is a a stove . dining table, dre;ser, sewing able for social gat,herin8's-the Sehool ~Itiea and towns went out to slauih- would starupede 'lhe people wit b ru- wiser than themselves We cannot morning for the South. morrow World War veteran, having Ben'ed machine. chairs, table, washstand, a Hail-and that has been denied the ler him. Hunters were out at day- mora ot bard limes ahead. Von L. all do that, but we can do the next wh ere they will spend the wi nter. ntry well for two years, behis cou few odd chair~ , a rocker, a few pieces independent b88kethail team, Hard- light and stayed out until dark, and Tobin, whose pen a8 ad I'ertlsing and best thing: we can get in touch ing with tb r Army of Occu pation in l\1 ess r ~ : W. H. Allen and J. O. of dishes, a wash tub, a bed or ly a winter P8ll8eS but inquiry ie many a bunny was made to Buffer, publ1cl·ty director lor the lJnited with them through the printed page Germany for a year afte r the siKn- Carlwright went to Dayton. Tuesday made from the outside for BOme Bprings. or a new really ~ood matHunters say that on Tuesday the Stalea treasury department in lhe and enjoy the fruits of their· wisdom ing of tim armi stice He is well evening, i.o atte nd a banquet of the tress, You know we all owe our- place to hold tl'aveiini shows. but, ae rabbits were in their holes and would Fourlb (ederal re~lerve distrtct lor tbe and experience. Probably no publi· throughout t he county ,heing Oh io Uankc\'~ ' association. The afknown eelves a good comrort.able chair end a there i8 no' place for the purpose, not show their facee, as they had ia st tWO years bas prellcbed lavlngs cation contains so much from the A com- been 80 frightened the dsy before lind economy, declares tbal Obioan. writings of men and women distin- ernp loyt,oI by hi s father in the meat fair wa ~ II very fine one. nice 8Ott, warm bed . and you are townapeople are denied. marke t for fifteen years , bappily surprised to know that you munity hall. therefore, Is needed The lIf'ason will last until January 1st. bave a IIrm ancbor to windward In guished in many ways as The Youth's MrR . Smi th , wh osE' home is in InThe Woman's Au xiliary of St. banly. don', have to pay a great bill price Pheasants also are allowed to be tbe $130.000.000 worlb of War Savlnis Companion . A constant rebding of After singing "America," the killed from the above date until the securities now beid in tbe Buckeye the paper is a liberal edu.:ation of diana, has a88isted at the Miami the- Mary's church will meet l!.t the home for them . Anotl,er nice thing is. ate r for th e pasl three months. and of Mesdames Harris and Mosher , if he hasn't 8'ot what YOD want, he meeting closed with a motion to hold 27th. cock birds only, and limited to Blate. The intereSl from War Bllv, mind and heart. ings securitl e. a.lonl brlne& $6,000, another meetini In December. will get it as he goes to Dayton lind three to each hunter . Boys. let the 000 to Ob io8OI, Tubln wai<! . He alao The Compa nion has no age limit. ~as won many fri ;,ncls by her pleas· Friday afte rnoon at 2 o'clock. A dUferent towns once a week to sup· pheasants live, 88 there is only a limProfCl!sional men, business men and mg personaltty. lheyare at home full attendance is desired. 10 the lact tbal Ohiocalled atlentlon - - -... with the groom's parents, for the plyhifl customers Now. i8n't that ited number anyway, and later there ans had rede.med ielH! than 20 per busy women prize it as highly as the winter . The Gazelte, logether with Tonight, Crown Lodge No: 538, K, nice? You don't have to go at all. may be' more if you save them now. cent of savlnlll securltlea boulht duro young t alks. a host of friends, ex tendll congrat u- of P., e:<pect~ to s lu rt a class IJf seven Ing the war. while tbe ceneral aver· Be ill also allent for Kiser's Laundry; Remember, you must have a IiThe 52 issues of 1921 will be age ot redemption. In th. United latIons to the coupl e, fine yo ung me n upon th eir journey to collars 4c, and other laundry in procenee to bunt, end it is a good plan Slate. was more than 25 per Clnl. crowded with serial storie.... short Knighthood . They will be taken portion. His new Btyle book of to 10 to the owner of the land and Ohio bas led the nation in tbl ule stories, ed itorials, poetry, factll Ilnd steadily along. r ec('iving their Second of War SavIngs securltle! from the Made-to-Measure Clothes i •• work Martin Luther Frazee. BOn of G W. get his perml!lllion to hunt. as it may beginning. During the luI year It flln. Subscribe now and receive: Rank on Novembe r 24 , and att.aining of art and beauty . ClothM that are and Delilah Randall F~uee, wa. born alive you a atiff tine, Most farms 1. The Youth's Companion-52 issold 20 per cent 01 all savlnls their Ra nk of Knight on December mide for you Ily the American nellT Morrow, 'Ohlo, November 27, arl! posted. either on the farm or bas . ecurltles In Ibe country. Tobtn al· suea in 1921. 1st . All tneml.Jer~ of the Orde r are Woolen Milia Co .• af prieN that are 1854, and dflparted this life on Octo- throulh the newspaper. trihute. this rema.rkable record to tbe I, All tbe remainingi88ues of 1920, url/:cd 1:0 co rne ou t and help the boys rillht; guaranteed a perted tit. all ber Sl, 1920. ailed 65 years, 11 --liberal use of advlrlislnl. Nlw. 8. The Companion Home Calendar along thcir journ ey. They are a paDera, " nel'erbetorc, prove<! tbelr for 1921. band.tallored, latest weavee and fab- month" and" days, He waa married likely looki ng bunch and deserve help dur i ll~ th. war. wortb to the natton rics. Mr Sawyer ie Kolng to give a to Eva R. Elsey, January 24, 1882, All the above for $2.50. satd Tobin. Tbe war l1li vlnls record - - band,ome present, Christmas Eve. He leaves a wlf~ and five ehildrenPresident W. H . Allen amI Vicemade In the Buckeye state well 4. McCall's Magazine for 1921. The Drop In. 'when down on Main street, Mrs. C. R. Steams. of Xenia; Walter proves Ihe old adage, "It pays to ad· monthly authori t y on fash ions, $1 50 President J . U. Cartwril/:ht, of th e and ask about it. Mr . Sawyer'. E, Frazee, of near Mason; M1"6. Jerry vertlse." "Adl'erllainK wIll seli any· a year. Both publications. only $3 ,50. Waynesville National Ban k, braved thing. and when ~,n e couples the rilht motto is, "Fair Dealing, Honest Pri- Wood, of nellr Waynea\illla,- and Rothe s torm, Tuesday afternoon, anrl-+t.m~~..., THE YOUTH'S COMPANlON, sorl ot advertising wltb II product eetI and Satiafaction," which should setta and Glenn, at home-:eight attended a meeting of Grou p One , --Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., that w1ll llcllr sct'utiny the ana,..er ta llain for bim a gootl. substantial trrandchildren. two little· trrandOhio BllIlkers' Association, at th e Boston, Mass, Hev . Dunham. fli~trict 8uperin inevitable. It you have lometbine Last Friday night the· Waynesville good leI tile peoille know about it all. New Subscriptions Received at thi~ Miami hotel, Dayton, business. Governo r lend enl , occ upi ed th e pu lpit of the daughter~ having preceded him. Girls 109t to the Kingman Girls by they wItt wear a palh 10 your door," Henry J Allen, of Kan~as , was the M et h ot!i ~ t church, last Sunday IllornOffice. He W88 iii less than a week, being the score of 18 to 5. Betty Barnett TobIn declared . - - -... - - principal speaker. ing. and pr ~uch ed powerful serm on . stricken with pneumonia. His 8ufDurIng the last two years To bin played a wonrlerful game at guard, Mr . Cartwright WUH elected a At lhe ('lose or t he se rvice, the contering was great from the first. but piaced more lhan ~O .OOO new8paper Thill was their first game and MieB columns o f jlubl1elty concernlnl \Var membe r of the executiv e committee gregation adjo urned to t he church his prayer was, "God'8 will be done." Allen was well pleased with their Bav in!;s .ecuriUel!. Every ne,upaper of the group. and en joyed a uounLl!o us basket dinHe wile passionately fond . of little showing . In the slale at ()ne lime or IInotblr ne r together. The qua rterly conchildren, and ever thouihtful of the The boy's quintet romped aV{~y carried War Savings publicity mal· feren ce of .the ch 'lrch was held in aged. He 9188 always eager to atwith the Kingman five.beating them ter. Perhaps more publicity was the aft ern oon. t.-nd services, where he could hear of given War Sa\' ln ~8 Stamps nn<! Becur· by a score of 3~ to 10. Jones and Itles than anytblng else that WIl8 the wonderful love of his Savior, Burton lead in the scoring with 7 ever ortered lor sale. The loyalty 01 and waB always anxious that othen Armistice Day was observed by field goals apiece. Ohio newspapers, according to Tobin. might know his Savior. too. BeFriday evening there will be two accounts tor thEI wonderful sale 01 the Legion boys at Leb.anon, ThursThere will be u preaching misHioll 8idell his own family, he leaves a BIsgames, when the strong Bellbrook these securities an d Cor lhe lact tbat day afternoon . Several of the melll- at St. Mary 's church from December ter. five brothere. neices. nephew8 Ohio's record ha li not been surpassld. bers from here attended and all had L-_ _"-';,,= team will be here. and the H. S. 5th to December 12th. You are in and friends. to whom Heaven will be --- ~-~a tine time, After a short parade, Ilrls ~ill plsy the Normal~, vited to take part wilh us and hear nearer by hia going on before, they asaembled' at the Opera house the gospel taugh t. Services ('very ----LIght Lunoh In MII~eourl . Cudof~ and listened to two fine talks, one by day between the dates mentioned . Tbe man wbo never could get Do you ask. "What is u mission?" We wiah to express our heartfelt enougb doughnutfi evdanltly lives In Frank Anderlon, who talked of the Boonville. The Central Mis-ourl Re- boya who came home, and one by A mission is a special effort t.o con thanks for the ftowers and the kindly publican saye hi vlatted the wlndo,.. Rev. C. H. Clerke. who spoke ofthOBe vert souls to G(,d. It is a cOr:\centrll' _istance of friende and ne\ghbon. aale of doughnut., recently held by a who sleep in the poppy fields of tion of spiritual effort upon one place To Brothl!r Stokes for his words and local woman 's lodle . His flrst pur· France. Major Duhe W88 expected for a short time. comfort, and to Mr. McClure Ind chase was a dOEun doulbnutl, which The Rev. Chas E Byrer, r eclor of he ate on the ape,t, Wltlaoat beaving to be present, but was unable to come 80n for efficient services a algb ha added a aloond doaen to Christ Church , Springfield, will be Mrs. Eva R. Frazee and Cbildrtln Burton's restaurant was the scene tbe 'late cUlllllUes and thin boullit the preacher and instructor. - - - ...- - of. near fire Sunday evening, whsn "'otber . ai:l to fill the orannl.s and Il1l1de way wtth t.hem without a 8ip tbe lasoline stOVIl became overloaded of even becoming languid .-Knnsaa and etarted to blaze too high . About City Times. ._ the only damage done WBII by smoke, u all the dishes and cooking utenlUs Danglr In Tcoo Muoh "Iform, The Mtcbipn State Fed'erlltlon of bad to be waahed after the tire. Women'. cluba bill' tak.en ' . stand for 81'Iater mode.t,. In the . matter ~ The NovemJler meeting of the , drell, partloularly by ' bllh . lahool Wayne Township Mothers' club was Ilrl •. Various cluba aIId or.ani.atloal held at the home of Mrs. J. B. ChapCounty Chairman C. J, Waggont'r :I'be Eastllm offteers will keep 011 ret'o,ml.. tb. dr... of I at their regular meatln,.. lut. week, . man. The program conaieted of a pve a dinner 'to the m~mbers of the Here, a .t,,~ 'b !ib Ichoal elrll unUl tb,' boya WO.I I't , u follows: DotIna Edwardl. W. M ; ", .' 10 at all and tliey at. fa" enoueb a. poem, read bv Mrs, Elale .Hockett, County Central commIttee at Han- "hat a Ibort lpaD' 01 ana a very interesting talk on per. cocka' restaurant. ~banon, Tu~ay. do ,to MlladJ·. batr_ 'l'beDoreaiSoc:lety of the lIetbo-. It It.-Llblrty Pre... .. '. Richard W.lbbllrll OhOIl 8114 . Van " Retalllek, W. P.; Aaenetb " . It . th tu e f a vietory din dark-eyed Iltl aayj, ''You maD a aonaJ.work In the IIlims of PbUadel~ .· WRlJ In e ~a r ~ - "tHllbt JllP.J't dowD the l'IIhl aide, l~mea •. ell".t"a, . t. 01 Wlaleb , Tbomaa, A. II': Sue 'Oawke, Seere- cUlt church ~1Il hotd a market on .01 • ...,. probablJ be &lit .,.tarr 'tary; Eva Bamett, TNU1I~r; I .. Wedn.ta.J, Nov:ember 24t~, at tb~ . The ul'IIll from t1l'. tnit· ~ a par- pbia by Mrs Herbert Carr of Bar. ner for thOle who worked BO v.I· amooth It dOWD to the ear, "... . to PreII4lat ·R8I'41"1. IIr, Oh,. UaUJar 0« pallll ~~ UppW v~u ' .. ' I ianUy durinl the put campaWO· jou aarewtIUt ad. IDto • u.II. Robitser,Con.; llbud. Fromm,. T~ H01l8l, ttl ~ open prompt· p!, . . (&bOY., ... MCreUn to lit. ~lllh - lIrleI, ,. \I.IlU, ..... III . 1'8. • :., . . . Mr · aDd Mrs J . C Bawk. and Mrs curl, aad pin tb•• til ,a . . . . AIIo. Con, 'l'be~ ..... W0rth7 .... ., aU.o'eloek L m. Special orden IIIBIdIll bllUOae. '1_ 0 II.,., ~. ._.~ ' . .•. • rl.bt ewlr tile ear." TIle bitt • Barel"l 411r1DI' 1111 ........ -. . F. B. Farr, of this $llace, were in at- , tile fillet m4eDtJr ·.r; Clan. " It_ YorIt ...,., tron, will nm.. ber Itatf of appotu. will be fllled b, call1Dr Mn. B. u4 ....,. otIIer BrO• • •beN ..." a.el wrtter 'BOlII ba.. lIMa . . . U.. our CIuIl8ecl Ada for neulta. ~. .I~ . . ap&ul .tlft , at tbe DeeembermeetlDa K1IIftIa PnIIdeDt.
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"Thp wny hft n ("f ....1' t t "r\ \ ,:t Ohurc'hl11 hnrl ~t ll Cllrl \' u .1111 ,I f lilt! l 'I IU!. I I]!) "II\1\'~ Il l' Hild 1h', I1 I\' ;oO \\1" 11 WR )', h tl t l u' ro ulfln'f ';.rIl IP 1h ... :: Irl. , 1f1 ,10 \\11 11 t lt~r ." n ... , lI tl ll't ~11';:11f ~·t I h i' \; , ' n : I'1l11 1 II f I1r-: ! " ""11 11 tin ) 1111 SII PPt l!'(' Itt~ ' 11 Ih\(' ltfu1" n or f!lr f\ Inl1 ~ IllI1i.... 1f ., \':l~ n rl. X): I .. " " 11. III .' I lIl II ,) 11 Is f hu l If ~f n""'k lln Ifll Y. find Ht1Jck t o
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If:; t il t' p l. f 11111t1 ':" !'OIIU . h,"" l1 try hI for eo
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rH'\'(, r mulll1' Jl 1111'\\' " , JU~I pRy ln ' f or 1h e- I.rl rl' ~ ~ f'l I I ~ l d ln' , tl ll t ncy er Iloln' n('flr h,' r , Tlh 'II , \\ h(,11 eVflryho(l~' 111lt l '11111 \\,n tl'!l 'I' h I 111 . r' u l, kin!' lo(,k h t ~ (l l.:d lll r e 1' 1'. '1' ... . Hn!! ytlllrR,
I nr ,."nrh or the Inw. t t "'"' r"rour",l hili Ihtll'tl "'n.~ actually n 10" '" n lt' I". wl'h . woro [) of a r ill ft~, with A r l',·tnlo nlli e Alt l'mpt at ll\lVrrntn p,nt II)' II few self-con!!lltnted au · t.horltl es. Illllh~' ,' ISloOI'II 011 Ihls 10 his m mory. qll r~I I /\" l nl( his rhnoce or e"er 811cressfull y In\' ncllnp: RlH'h 8 ~pot without nrou s l "~ ~ltsp ldotl . It wos plalDIy prO" rn h.l· I he ir tt'stlmony tha t MArk lin '''11 8 Inl, lnl! hlp npUye to thlel PPot for PRr,J hl(lIn~. 11 " ond hie [nellnn IIC('c s~nrlrs hl'" rhltl ell on. aMlou ~ 10 rell r h I hi " "" "l1 r1l:v with RS lltlie <leiIlY 89 po~"lh l e. But 1I'01lld Shelhy clo re to follow? Tn h" 8Url!, e%cept to th e KI,I. h A wa s ult knnl\'n . wbleb might n1flke hhll 'elcom". Yet tbe <l8n ger of elel er tino 01'08 grellt. A pptlreDtly, Ihl'rl! was DO otJ\et fetlllible woy 10 wht('b he could bOl>8 to aern Olga. He lVelcbed tbll. wtth no conscious thoup:bt ot blml'elt, cold· Iy oo<l deliberately conntlng thp ('hon('eo. ol1d decld~d to mnk e the 8t· tempt. CODvln('f'o1 118 tn his dUl y and urged to It by Ih· · I", ,,onlll Imerp't he felt to th e girl. SlIe llly elllt all heslt&n('y 8slde. H .. would U1ol<e the Rth!",pt; t orlUnl!. had surely tavored hIm tbue tnr. nlll1 nllgbt aplD. Be went bllek to ",here the buckskIn WO\tCll. lUount· eel th e onlm81. Qul"t enoug h by tbl. tim e. ro<l e doU'n to the edge of Ih e .!realU, 8nd sot silently In tbe saddl.
SQunre. nil' h,' s ur,' (Jill !" CHAPTER VIII . "The h- I he Il ld! Np"rr mn,l" n pcell f or the mnne)·. 111,1 hr? n' j ils i The T rail to Wolv.a' Hole. bIll nnt nil ' round Ih r ('(l llllln- II'llh , S ht ,III,\ II fl t·t,1 II lt u"'p lf Oil 1'11(' elhow, th e glr\. I don't ('oil Ihnl [1lnyl;I' ,·pr.1 I omJ \' ~nrll rt·t1 to 1I1'1 1ulih' t.'Il :-l lly o ll <'e 6Quore,u I mor e, Til l' \'UJ!lIl ' sh o't! ()wS nr tile hvo "Well. It was, JURI Ih e 8nll1(,. d- II nH' n l,u,1 "ulI l" I"'II, hut th ,·l r I'rng r!'l;S sQu81'e, If you nsk me. II \\'us whnt I hr()lI ~ h 1111' 1I1I<I"I'[,rll,h ('011101 10' 1'1I\lnWeek adv ised him 10 do, nfl t' r he Iy ( 1I ' l l tlc" l l~h ~cI . l'e"" I1 1: Iht' tl IS('I ,· s went to Vlrglnlo. on' got 0 Pl' P[1 nt n Ah So1 lm cly IIlone In 111II1 \" lI l1e rn ss copy of Ule will on nl e. Th is gi rl hnd , Ilpllh pr 1I 11"le the ,11,, 11 II'SI l'fI'or t to DO legAl rights till she wns of ng_ I' r,w""'1 I " "I' IIlI~· . SIIt'I";- Sil l uprigh t ·see I Churchill kopw thI s. on' he I nn tl", (' dll(, lit Ih l' 1'1111 ;-. ~Irll l lllnl( hI s dIdn't do milch 0' Bllsthln ;: e l ~e fer eyt's " ,rlln ): h I h., ( 1 IIr l" lt'~ . ten years. but try to ~el hi. hll ll li s nn A S lrtlll ~ e fonno" hn ,1 hrough t hIm her. Old CalkIns wns smnrl enough th c ,'('ry II1(ot'mn tloll he IIlnSI l1eeU(,l1. to fool hlm. Th e colonel hnll money J H Is \\'h ll lo' Ih01ll:hl c('nlerl',1 InstnD tly enough In the depos it hox. so they on Ih p rnlP nr Ihe I1l r1. \vllnl course eoDld live OD It qul e Ul ke. nil' the ser· wou ld ~h e chnlJ ~ t' tltllier Ih ese clrculI~ gennt De,-er wosled 8 ('ellt. Ht' j us t stnn('I's. wh o ll ie (IlCIS wr re finally naturo"y lI\'ed for thai girl, till ohout rp,'l'ul el l to hl'r? Unllotlhl <,III .I· she heII month ugo. H e wos smart enoul:'h 111',· .. ,1 h lll1 ",,"rI; h!'r rn l1l OlrR would not even 10 tm t h('r: she never knew Imprcs< IlInl 1'11 ('1 11[10 11 he r Or.1 of oil. Wbat th ey WDS hlcllu' from. " 80 os l(l In n I,,· her rl'lIl1zt' h ... r r omBank touched " Ilin t ch to nn olh er pl cl e 11l'I p lv",II('ss. n(' ~ IIIC!'. s he ('fired cigarette , Impr ssed wIth til e SIM)'. nolh i !l ~ rnr hi m: hnd mnrrlell him In "Rum kInd of 0 bu~ ln C!8s. I'd sny." (II rr . . rl' lII II' . 1tI,' rr ly 10 t hus ('s"n pe he odmltted at In t, " hul jusl I\'h e re frum n \\nr ~p fll It' . fl p ('oul<1 nOI IIopc did this devll's Imp of a Mnck ll u li t Ihnl I n~- fl ll)' III fIlm. 11I,,1"r slIc ll co ndlInT' tlons. 1\'1'!l ld ~ rc''' l l y IlI nll"nre her de"I ain't got that 011 ngured ont yel." rl . l(ltl. ~lI tl l l'I l nl\' 1I1l' IIIIIII):h l htl rl admitted AnDley. "You kn oll' prett y Shell,)'. n'HI hrnll/!hl 101 01 ", II", knol\' lnear es much abou t him 08 I tlo. Fn rsl eUj(!' Ih nl h(' 11111 cnn·. 11 ., Cll rl!~ '-ery time r lUI'" the t ell er he rod e In ye re mU l'h 111 011'(·11. nllli 11 11< Irlllh colorpd olong with Cossad y's outOt. aft er thot hi s Ih (\ lI~hl nnll (Irrl, lon. N. P. holdop, on' be's been trnlnln' n p (hll' (, 11111 [ , ,11011' I hn<,' In"n nt wlth Cnssody more or less e ,'c r since. prp~ ('nt: he ('('11111 0111.,· wnl l wll l' re he Atter I had thIs ta lk with hi m. when wn s. n llll plnn III- rOll r<" IOf lI('tl oll . be ..·os drunlc, I put hIm 10 hed. "n' Th,' r r I\'ns 0 0 rllln ~ rr of hi . 1",<lnl( pIcked up a letter, or two. ,,' ho I fell th"tn. fur he knew whl're 'hpy wt!re out ot bla pocket. I got some 0 ' Ih ls 1(0111 1(. I1ntl , In 0 men s ur('. rtl least. lltufl' out 0' them. On e of U, em wR S ohOUl \l' ho 1111")' wl'rp. ~h"lhy hnd written by Ohurcblll, nn' juclgln' from nCYN hpl' lI In thnl slrnn,cp ~ I nl; Imown the way It read, tbe KId aln't renlly os \\"nll'I'" hnt.-. hnl hc hnrl Inlk ecl nomed Macklin at all-he's a Churchill with n tn"n wh n hn,l. .~n Immen"e blmself. the old cuss' 800." hol(' In Ih" H n ll LAnl1s. Ihrough which "Well, rll be d~ I" " owcd n hl'nn ch "r t he Cotto"wood. n "You kDOW the rest; ha ll' he ~ tum- s lrnn !!" tnll lrormlltlOn of noture, so bled onto 01' ealklus down In Pon ('n. ' ('Otll pl l' I~ I )' ('n o (''' nlp~ n8 to he InvI sIble an' wbat bappene(J. You cnn't mnles unlll 111(> R\1rprl." ,1 tro"rl pr sloort nn me believe Ibe old tellow kill ed him. It ~ "pr y e<lg~. nnrl Rtnred down Into selt; b. W8so't that klntl. But. bow- th e Irlonmr eleplhs hrlow. TIle wn ll s ever It bappened, tbe gIrl WD S left were preci pitous. Impnssnhle excepl belpless; tben d-{j If she dleln 'I marry on fo ot h~' dA yll ghl. nn<l nt only two thnt rancher over on th e Cottonwood, polnt R rn ultl tho sink he entere,l on an' !!poll the whol e gome." h o ~ (' hn c k; from Ih e west benenth the Bank laughed coorsely. "rolertlon nf A enlArnct . .where the "Tougb luck ; but the Kid ployed stream pllln ged h end long over B hi gh bls hood 011 rlgbt." le,li!o nf s too e. a nd . from the other "Sure be did . but he hod to bp.n n estremlty Il own n norrow rnvln e thIs tellow Shelby. Esrept for Ih At through n runn el ~('onJl('d out hy some :lob It WBsn't so bnd, for It IVns ca~le r lorrpn t In I('I n g-po st ni!es. OrigInally to get her where he wonted her. dl ~coye rNl hy wnnderln g IrnpJlers. don't know how )le'd hove mnnAged al who (,111111",[1 Ih ere 0111 of the winter POOCll. but Ibere wos just th e three storm", It hnel In ler become the hendot 'em on the Cottonwood." Quarl er s for nn illicit [ndlnn trod e 10 "Anel dend men don't tlllk." liqu or. nn(l finnll), Ihe renrlezvOUI ror "Well, they'rll sufer thnn live on es. crlmlnnl ~ or nil klo,ls. en)!er to 111'1 enybow. Tben tllis Injun outh rcn k comln' rIght oow mRk es the !:t:'l-Ilwnv plllm eB8Y. He enn hIde her 8wn~ I bo ck ID the Bole as long us hlJ d-n pleases. EverythIng wlll he Inld to I the Sioux for "while." I "It's a ~u r~ hreok. tlII'O 7" "S ure; all Lhe lIoUU\: bucks are 111read.)' out. Mu clrtln hkd fllll r wltl, him on this chuse- Iook ' ~tII 01 1 purpose, HO If Ihey \\'11" e "I!r nu ll"" till')" ., say It wos on luj utl jol1. Oh. II, .', e(I"ered up thln'gs nil ri ght. Y"u 1;'" II strlllgh l 11<l\,' ?" lInnk dl'e w ' up hI s fee l tllll il III, ('h :, resterl 011 his knr ~ s . lI'" III' or .-I;:nr;'II (' g-lolI' ln.:.
of the Dragoon 8e far ae the Ifreet hpn,l. IInll Ihon aCNlS!l the plateau until th ey renc hI'd the Cottonwood. Be wOIIIII sImply tollow cautiously uDtn d oy llgltt. Illpn senrch for the tmll to mnk<l sure, nnd end l'ovor. from 80me «,l p\'aUoo, to pl('k Ibem up with hi' tle ld glns!ll's. 'l'he grnss In the valley W08 tlllck, but not long. It presented no pbstllcle to Iro'-cl, hut th e horse's hoots made no nOi se. Fl nellng the rider undeDlun~ trntlve. the bll ck5kln lowe rec\ hi s heall nnd mO "cd rorwnrd s leadlly Rt n rapid lI'ulk, Shelby swaying In the saddle. hulf ns leep. yet keenly awake to any unu s unl sound. 80ur after hour passed. the nlley DAI'roll'lug us Lbey 8dvanced. the hill s on e ith er hnnd growing durker and m"re "hurply deOned, and the rlhboD of I he 8ky nbov('. constantly rODtr08ttn~ . The mlln en deavored to thlDk. bul found It useless; there was \lUI. he cou ld plan In adYan('~nly MOII nue on Rnd trullt to fOrtUDe. HII mInd lenped from poInt to pOint. yet settl ed UpoD nothing. Be kDew where he wos In a vague way, recoilIng to memory tlte outlines ot thIs country us traced upon the mop, but by this II me he Wll8 well beyond the ranp of hI s aII'll coWe. or any reg10n he hftd e ,'er hno ted over. All ahout stretched til t! lIesert ot the Bad Lonels; he ('a uld picture ID bll mInd Ule scene present ed from those blurts, either nr hroken. rocky country, or dl8mal clesert, whfte wllb alkoll. [t was a Innd d e "old even of aDlmal or bird lite. wnt erl esR nnd forlorn, uvolded even b, Imlf nn s ex ('cpt for concealment. In 011 Ih ose hou rs ot darkness he hetl8il no so und at IItIl escept the dletant howl of 0 coyote. Th e Orst tnlnt gray of dalVn cav. him ,lImpse of hIs surrol1ndlniS, aDd. on 0 slight rltlge ot laud. be fln'ally ,Ire II' np Ills tired mount. nnd J:1l~ curlouSly about. Be dlslUOUDtecl, and. ofter a few momllnts' IICnlt1D7 ot tbe ground. decided thJlt be ",al .tllI .. telyon the troll ot thoM t'ra venna ahead_ There were two tracea BUmclently deODed to IDdle.t. tbe' Pa ..... wltllln a few hQura of both ·M8<'kUo·. Oarty, ond the two Iltherl. Ne,lther outfit had mRde aoy effort at cODceal. Dlent, but Shelby, fiarlng tbe lat.ter might be ' comped for b~kfII.t. left hIs horse to' crop on the Ibort era ... while be advanced OD foot. The trail obscure, but . not dlmcult to follow when once discovered. Qanley a.nd hlB companloD had DOt ventured th e possoge until dnwn. the marh of Ulelr h orses' hoots so fresb . . to' con· vInce th eir trailer they were Icarcely beyond the sound of bls yolce_ Be even tound where they had dismount· ed woltlnl( for dayllrbt. Ibe cronnd... littered wIth the ends ot burnt clp. rettes. "h"Jhv InHered an hour before ven.
I we 'l'C J.!olo ' 10 1= 1'1 uut o f i l ,'· , ' , r: \c go r lli p ~: ITI I\' 111 \( ' ( .. ,. tli l' " Id I :,; \' t!, nln ' t ." tAr?" ··, III "'~ :thout, [ fPf' \' ul1 , 1'(1 :--1 11' " 111, 1' tt l I:l [" • •\ goo d Rw I IJl' fi t I Il l' ( /1 ' 11:1 1'.\
'fhf' tl l d
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Th l !" orrulr
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pu ll, ·,1 ,, 11' hlJrrlcdl ll, e on' 1111 11" , 1':101 · hil S "" I In h is mlllll' r lj:h l '''''' I ~ I" h ltll.
,..!" ,
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~(ll ne \\'h er tl "
HOME li)'
\1 11 11
Tbcy've tIl4l1y IIone It-tbe,'... Ilped lbe papan, tb_ fatal paper_fatal to one of the two, but " OIUI elllJ . . . . .., AU. .ut Marcb a.nd do our propbesYlng. as the conll'll« rwcI..... tbe boo, In which Dempsey ",111 defend hIe dUe. _hall lake p&ew '- ,fie Ulllted S lOleS. Canuda or Cuba between' nut MarcII .a-, J.aJ' ........... tbe' champion to get 5300,000 lind CarpenUer nOO,ott. certalnly glvlDg "Carp" the "ODC8 oyer" . . he - Ie ailxDIc~·... JoIa8 H ancock.
-u...., ..
Maddell's Lumber ·Y ard Waynesville, Ohio I "hi,' r: 1 \ ' 111 1'-1 , " llI l .. , ' 111,;,'1. trntlcl 'l'O Ill' l'(lllld IlIl1 d ~' 1" ' 1"1'1, (', , \ It!oil nil S " ~ f' l'I 'II' \ ' ~ I' PI'U" \'IIi I.
IlIf'lo r O l1 Q
Ho Sudden I, Emergod Out "rom the Gloom.
Public Sale
trt"e ~ .
Al'~'n etl
""('i ll'f'j,I,"
wide. A yo I'll , why. If II II ctulllly tr... CotlelD"'''ull , It IlIU ~ 1 'If> " I"mdred fe.' t frOIll l 'nnk t o hltnl;! C;,,,I ~ What u hol e I Whflt a f... ·(I1, " I' lIalure I \\'loul u wllul!rm's.~ hiding 1'1,,('" I \II' hty IOlotlonJ:es8, with ".\'('~ ~ I'o rch hll! III' OlltJ down the vnlh-.I·. To the right he could lIot tlel e l·mll,,· 1l,)\V fnr It ext••lerl, but to Ih e Ic>fl I" , cOllld I dIscern the sliver shIeld ot woter I\'bere Ibe Cottonwood come 1IIII,bUDg oY!'r II precipIce. One of the t 11'0 POllslbl" entronccs wos Ihere; Ih e Olther mUlII:t tu~ n 10nlZ' sOInp one or 1Iifl~ '! nu-
Walter McClure - FUN ERAL
Waynesville, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display ({OOIn TELEPHO NE
, _
I t ...
bad gone. wh en he su ddenly emcrl1l'd ( r uth ~(lPIl If'd 11Il 1' 1 \~~ ltoll' Ihll l h. ":I": out from the gloom Inlo the SUIlI IJ; hl IIC I II II 11\' 1:117. 1111':: dol " II il ll .. II ' ·. ' r lln l d ,' of the summit, with a c lcll r \' Iew 111--' 11 nil 1~ 1I 1' 1 II. J1 1'1 ·" dl 'I, \' ( I\I" lit' \\ IIi I I ' t '" 4' \ ' 4' ''' 1l nd Ifllll HII 111111'1 ). ' 1" ' 1''': , II !lnracrollS Ule lev,el plntenu. Shelby stopped. holding th e horse 11 ,1 r fn r tt· ,, ~~ for:l lt Illl' 1\:11111' 1" ...... ~k \ l! back below tht! sUOlmlt nod gnz~d un,,- Iry nf I hl' ft'''nll l' r . ,\n d lit ) rll ll ~ l 11I\'lld ·· t I ll' 11 01 ' " , :11, 1111'. lousl)' 1.hout. The snll lefl lin I fil II and, wllh Ibe nnked eye, Sllelby wns If ht"l ,, " u ld IH' o f :-:,."\'1. ',, t o \Id~ \\lil ,,\1\ nnRble to dl :ltlnl,"Ulsh B sign of lifo t"ll ptl\' t ' I B y ~hl' l' r 1" ' f ' I,I, ', ... ,11· ....... lh ' within Ibe rOII1II1. or viSion. ~~Vl""Y !l lttS I p h' !'{' " lle " thllu: III ,III ' 111':11' 1 ," ,' I huw \\ Us It t 4J lit' 111m,,"! ':'\ . 1' 1' \ 1' 11 n Ihln ~ hilt! Ih ~' IIpp"n ron('u or ,1('0111Ihe d('utb of age.'!. He 81001 1 uprl~ht 1110Utlt n ili J!Iillt ('oll id lin d l' a ...... ·\;.: I' tltlll SW"J.l1 line ci rcl e with hi s ti"I(1 d (\ \\'tl Ih(lr.:t· I' o('k~ t'" 1\ l1 y t1 :I ,' 1i:..:1 11 al il l 1:11I8Mr~. ne '~' os bsu-ely In time; for it 'll" " 1 ., 1' 1I0tlr n il wOlllll t il' ":11·1. 11. '... .. I nn t r(>fTHllll tl lt ' I'I ': t"'!'lI n ' rll r nIT there to til l! left. scnrr ~ l:v IIls- 1!" "01,, tlw Sf'UrCll 111I1 1I1 ..... l hlt· 1\1' ('e rnlhle even Ih en agnlnst th e bl urk. 11 \ ' II' o""rhutlJ;lng rl,I~ "s M rock. he LUIIlIe !II 1! .... , ;:' I. :1 8t thlff W:l t("r Il llil :l p!; :" " "III two Rlowty . movlug ohJeNs. TIH'), In \\ II "' I! III ("li mp. I It'I stll t'I'" """'11 were (Jot tllstlnr.l. he rould not hn\'e 111'11 11 ' 11, " l' l'PPIl i'IlJ,! fII l ~l ~ h.'lo\\,. !ll , "woro II'hnl they were. Ilu t the re \l'OS I'. · d ,' I ,,' ,'llIn:.: 111 trIor lUll t h . · f": 1 110 <1uuh1 In bls mInd 81 to their Iden-- I II , ..... IIf 11' 1' ,'nllc.\'. " ( ;0" , n ll n t 1\ hole," h ~ h to"'I nthl"t : III .v. He .tudled Ihem eogerl)' until thell dlsnppenred dOWD • coulee, and " II I. Ii', ,' Itloklnl( st rnll(ht Into 111 '11. Ti ll ' no l s \\ U)' cl ow n IIl U ~ ' ht..' ~ n l1Jt> Ulen caretuly mnrked the (,<lnrse. his wl ll'l't· t il IhL' Irn. (' nto o t old 1111 ' 111 ",\ point of culdolnce a hI gh IJlntlllcle of ,.n ,~e" In ","II'r th nt wnll·rfnll ." . rock ataDdlnr out aculnst I' . s ky . He ~\I t to 1I 1~ f f't.'t. with t i ll' I '. IJI~· He wos on hour rl!ltchln g IhlM oh· tl'nilll1 )! h (lhlntl , 111 ( I\' t· " 11t11'\, \\' III' '' II\\:I Y Jectlve, but otlca there he round tIle trail plulDly traced olong Ihe edge of (rnOl Ih e ed);(' (' f Ih(' ch" " " illi ll Ili p the bODk. It led ID ond out olOid the ollen phi In. S ud ,le lll ),. "" II I, CI:II II'I' Intrlcacfes ot the hills. toklng, ot nec- won,It'red sPllr(' hhl): ly lo wnl'd tI ,,· I!88lty, so whjdlng a course 88 to give chItin o f r (l rk hill s, t l 1(1 IIlIl Il :o' loP [1I ''' , Shelhy DO view nhead ond soon con- hIs hen r! poun ding. WI, III w ,,~ Ih lt t tused hIm In point of cll rectto n. He movlne yonf1f'f', ,1m; t ("11I 4' n !' lll,:: fr~l lli our rould only move torword cautious ly, the m oulll or Ihat rllyl n e nn d 1H'('ullllll c tearful le8t they might hO"e 1I11lted for clenrl)' Il ll t ll u l.'d 1I ~l\ i ns t th e .l!rny III· lome purpose, and watchful of every knll ? II I' kllPW n lll loRt In 'innlly- Ih p trace of their passage. a8 other ravines oclYonre IIr n dr!)\'(' of ro tl lL'. (ll'lllll1l·h· .. ere con8taDtly unlttn g with thI s log Ihrou!!h th e nn rrow ,": III~ ,,,,,1 through wblch be was blln,lIy teell ng Rpren d lll J;!" uut li S ,IIP \' n t(lIlJwd tit ... bill way. Be come to sand ond lost \Vh l ~ r nptln ~pnr e , TI1(' r e mll ~ 1 hi" f1 III 81CDI ot tbe tmll Instantly, senrch- huntln'd " . . . 'lll Hud t\\'('U fi S 11\" ('um · Ing for It In v.aln tor Deerly an hour pre hl'IUlf"f l. h or~e lll p n opp (-"a n 'l ,1 III 11 10 11' before contes~lng hlmselt at fault. r ellr. spllfl'lng- fC"r\\'lIrfi t fl turn Ih/11ll Theil, leaving the horse below. he to Ihe 1,,'1 ,11\\\'1\ n . hnll ow I:ll lc·h. (Oo ULlllued 00 plgo ' ) CUmbM the nearest hili for a view ot hll, BUr;J,'Oundlngs. . the lun ClI;v'" hlw the proper dlrecWo-rld'. Smallest Book. ,ttOQl, but all about etretche.1 the same Th e rec"nl IO [ Ih ... 1''' lU pll'll' F rl 'n" h ~. bare rIdge. of rock. olferlng vers ion of Dlltll r ·. "OI"ltI \! l·ollll·,ly," ~o , 1V\!1~nce. ~Mlere "' . . no life vlslwhich WDS SllllWII III th c i'lIr l" ,,' po~Ie ~DTWbe,re SInd although he wolte(l 81Uon III l S.~~, till' ;'" III" ~1 ' 1 '1il III liH\'t,' ~or IIOme tlme.:- sweeping his glasses been !(lSS th llll II lIl r n il !tII '1i .. qll :tn ', back and fortb, he gained DO glimpse ruul thll u!.!1! l' Oltlu lll i ll)! +1" '.1' ; ,I)() P :H! 1'9, qr the two be endeavored to follolV. requ lr( '.l o H I ~' tWII j-: lIt~l' t~ or pt' I O I \ ' I"~ They bad vanllsbed a8 though swalpaper rllr tt s Itlal\l~ l1 Jt , lowed up by the earth. The s un WRS ilrelldy In the west aDd desperately be First Enthus ias m Gone. :determlDed to try Ibe le,'c1. Even this. Alnr\ c ttf' WI\'S d t' lig lllL'ti wll t' l} II ~ 1 1l J111 :~mld the Intricac ies ot those bronchIpl p..II&les between tbe round buts, brotlhn' H I'I' (\' ('>d III I H' I' 1I"lIh', Il uw, dUllcult to achieve. yet h e flDally c,'er, II rlf'I ' !iOIlH! \\'("' !(!i :-: h" IH'!.!:1I 1 to dIscovered on exit and ventured to· think IItl wn:f folU II1~,\' hlit of n ,('I\l't'. nud ward the north, contldent thllt the oll e d a y w hpli hl'!' IlIltlll"!" Inld III ' r (I) Oottonwood w<luld surely lie some- I'ol~k II I, (·,'u d l ,'. ~I If\ I,HII"t' t! III 111111 with <1 1:..:& 111111 I1IH I ,'I'l ll il r l" t'd , "( HI, ~ "" 'There In . that dlrectloD_ I Be CIlme UPOD It so sudd ellly I1n<l IIttlt! (. ntl'l l'rl ll l! ri till l.: ~" uoeX]lectedly as to almost clnzc hla faeultles. Alm(lst without wornlng h e 8~ood at the v€! ry edge of a yownlnll hole aDd stared In altlazemellt down ltlto thosIl dept:hs I'o elow. Agoln nnrl agalD he bRd heord this ",'''tie descrlh!d. yet had neve r hefore clltnprehen,l ed l'f reality. A huge cut stmlght down. 1 will sell 1\\ publlo auoti nn at my ,full)' II mUe w ide, clett t he plaID In resldenoe on MaiD Joitree t" Wayn o8 1;"0, with no visible signs of Its pres- ville, Obio , on eDce nDtII one stood at thl' very crRSaturday, November 27 , 1920, t~r's 'edge_ At nIght be wouI '1 have ridden' wlthOllt the 8l1ghtc~ t wnrnlng Beglnnlujol 0\ 1 o' ulno k, ~ ltu r Jl . u l (J t of donger. And below I FI ' e lltl ~ 8lck. (If B onseh·)lcl (Jolld s. o .. e InllR tor ~Izzy, Shelby swung hlmse l f from the further purt,ioll In rR SII<ldle, crept clluUously to th e edi!e WILLIAM OI-tNDOltF. aDd looked dOwn. Be hod tlO co ncep- W. N . Sears, A u o t·. tion of the d"ptll, for It ol t ell lly \\'as hAZY down th ere. as thou" " h e I!'llz"d through n hlue to~. III" ""IV s ll1ol1 tl lf~
1h l h
lbh~ \ IHI It t;
Have you got itYour Home?
IItHI Ih e s live ry slr('tl tll nll ,,01 ,, " throllgh
f :rr n '=
w hut I th"u!(ht. \\' , 01 1. lUI ttln ' t co i n ' I u fl o lIot h ll1 " 111 , .. , 11 '1'1\1 1' 1'1
I ltck~kllt to brow: e II llltll\ t il,' IJllrti( ur I ho ~tre'l\n, wen co ncclIl~ 1 loy II trluge or WIllO\l'8 _ Thpn. ooth Itors~ It nd innn rl' rres bml, ho \I' nt torll'8r(1 0 11 foot, h~JIIn g Iho 8nlmol. and begun Ih~ UI wnr.1 c lllllh. In plaees. It "ns nut nnll lco A c n"e~ and Sbelhy hlld nIl Ilipn how fur ho
those trees nppcnn·,1. 1lI1 ' I', · I lly
H ' t ' \\ Itn l
"'J' Ii :I1 ' ~
art fth e W orId· y urs Iso
be mtinchNl at n ''-ilil
lIleal, (Inl1 1),,"111111'(1 Ih,l
"I J,: lIt It s l'"flll! lIt 1'IIflU I,! h ,
wa]' out. lin I
h t' r i n r o ln IlT'I' ~' l ll ' t he twy. Thnt w fl uld I II' t Ill' 1 ' : I~ r \\'11 ,". nn: 1 }J,q lt.' \' e thut \\ III I lt..l'ly I", IIt \'l r ~ ('ht' II1 C, My Idea Is t .. p tlt 1\ ,'1'1111 1\ In te" •. ) 1 11\\ '! " " I h L:I': II IIC h ," d of h('lr ou r s("l\'es tWill !'I' tlh\ Ilhl 111 11 11 ~ h ow s Uf', no ' t h en r willi e th o beaBt drank. It wss II dork. d ,I! I1 ' IHI .. lrh\ ~~ "'flh 111m, " elcllr olght. tlle stara ove rhead like ""'h " " I" !! \\ ~ tnli c h('lr ?" lomps In th e sky, the air cool and " H :I,~I, lntn \\' Hl q"'F= ' IUl l e : ther e's rres h. IUnled the pony up Ibe ·valhillin ' I l lal "' ~ th .' r,' n pll ,tlt ," , nn' wllh ley, tltllkln!\' no ertort to hurry the 8DIt ht.... !! 1 I IIJII I1 !'oi' r n l !>o. lIl· II- I 11p lI(lrt h, It'll mOl , des irous only ot 'present ot keephr· !o'u!',' .: 0 0111-:' 11, IIn t ll th (l wu r' s o y e r Ing 11' 1' 11 In the renr at the two hor.8{'n ~· l h ' \\' . \\' llIlt tl o ,\'('r ::;l\ y1" "1O'n nhenl\. He kDew the course the, " I I -I, I th.III't cu r e ; there alo·t \\'oul" tn ke, must toke. up Ule vaUey
''Tllnt's ",li nt 1 , .... l. ~1 ;Jckl l n , IItI' he sa id thl'y',1 n· 111.\ nlllll l tin ! Ili n t durin' the rim,,"' i' l l' "II \\' I hlll t ':lrl ," h \\18 9 sho t , nn' 1 ., Ill' . 1I,'d I l ~ 'l t I slgnf'd n "npl·1 ,ualdn' (":lllil ll'" th, ' I g1rl' ~ ,z-n nrclln n Il l' J,:fl \ ' O hl1l1 I h,' ti",\' t o ft rl ('r()~l t h. III T\nn !'=n~ ('If,\' , \\'I h\ n~ RII hi s pnprr- \\'ns. II Inll') r r IIIIIlI,'!! DlIlh ln' 10 1M . Ynll ~n l th e Ki ll t.hem \Veck ~. nl SI,·r lrlnn. (l ltl II f'>r hllll. In.llllls. d ld n'l YOII ?" 1011 ft (>(, 11(' .·ulotlC'1 d Idn ' t Inn ".. II " " Y~ :-:: Ii~ 1I (,,' l' r t ol d cnrholly wbnt n £"nr rclnrh't,'s, nn' li p nil' C'u lkh, ... 1111 (1 WH S up 1,ut flI~, All r ight, l ~ t '8 rnospy heen sold lf-l rlng '0,J:f\the r for Yl' urfO: he n I OD ~ : t ll t ' rc '~ 110 USO\.\ st Hyiu ' h era" Borter tru . 11111 Ih l' ~l'rl: nn l tn \lIn)'
th ll !.!" h'~, I-':lll l(l ~' . hur 'd ull"
~M~ 10~~~ TnKUW~~ u,,~, l' ---~.---~---~--~--------------~~-------~~~'-~-------~·
I. ·. E)"PES
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fROM COURT HOUSt ... Examined Co mmon
"'.~.; ,~:'.: :~:: l~'~~
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hl " I,I" llur lO ~ hllld ~ I 'M Fr .. n~ If" r 111 v ·\roll - ll d n l lor .r IIlId ~"'- . ~ll ldr(lt1
Correctly ... : Gh188M Fitted :
:I i.
B,lrllllln Kn o rr _
S_ Detroit St.
Xenia, Ohio! O:>lln evenings by appoinlm"nt :
Classified Ads
An ad itt thil! cnlumn ill 8 sure sale In th e 11\11lt llr ()f W . tl BI "o~ \I" ! Ili r C·u. v~ H" lJe r t Burfllll It. I. or ;I(l r p(( th ll t Ih,' plnln~11f hJl~ u light MONEY LOANED , I n ~tllIl (Irlll'Hrl,y "ud ~hllt th e 11,·. \ f,m (ltl nt Mb "II; \-l:lY t it .. o n ~t, .. , 1- - - - l u I tlt1 m ·,1 I Ar u f W It Pll, ,, z ~ r V~ MtlN I£Y ", , I) N "N i\tl ) ,~ Wm . PurH h ,dl ~t nl I t I. o,<161 .. d "L U~ I" , (; ~ IU Ihll t th e phlnt,iff'jiI 11th' nn 1)(l8 HI'.~ · 1 y t!I"~, I.... " .. " & 1',., ,, ,, ., ,,, 1 80.
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In thp ntlltlpr .Jf th(' rir-"t e n f Ohi , ; I'b e.. ,~ :1<11 V i' II UT! v A~ hn lll r p (lo 'p nll,,', ' l\t. Chrtr gtu l,
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Probou Court ProceedlDp
I n th e U\ .,tt,l'r u f III " "l!~n t·.. nf ~ I ,tr(,ju b' rnz ttl , d'loe",w". J . rn FURIJ TlltI, uo t .. ,u br' h.,·"lt lil.\V ,II" I I" ... IJp olLl t od IHllDlul.lr .. tor v"Yobn'l! auu ,V"YU'MY1.hl. ,j uu d'100 0. B'tlldllr pie De rHUIO IU Mr, loa In t.he mil t ier of th e il\llHdlan~hlJ) tHuk61, WarUetlVIU" . UItIO dl "r Le vi Luk fl n~, min o r . E. M. Lullllntl I. IIPP() lnt " lgu"rdiIlD (I f ~nld mluor LU :iT-Oo (;b''' ' UWtllh lo"d, an 8 .1011 1-111)0. Au&o .J"ok Flud"f pl , ,,I'-" UI "V8 tU lbl8 l ,mO" Rew .... o . uU -
Marrl.,. U~ E HI ' 'pen ler. A8Nt . Civil Engineer ,lOll M iMd Mn hoi t:Hnkee, bli,h or Lo bllu o lt.
r WORK .f all ktndl, Call 8 J . , Bre.,ter, p, O. box 8811, Way.
R I Eata.- Trant.<l0
at.,.UI., Ohto .
E IWlud ::iu,\wh .. n to Wm.I:Uonl!mnn
plHt of Milltllry I::Inrvey No. Ull i \(1 WasbingtuD l'wp , t1.
L .v d lll McKinsey to W , 1:1, .Nor&on, part u f lot No . 6 iD (;o rw\n, UOO . Lon i" K li ll e r to Lydia Earnhart, p .. rl u f o eo. 30, '1' 4. n,. 4, Uleluoreek
W AJlTED-TO BUY MloV8, Kltohen C.bIDe', y. COOK Belaod tioQIIllliold GIJOOI.
yer '. B'urollnr. Ellon_Dlle, WalDe•• D2. GraDt (J oodwin e' al to Wm. Ood- ville. Oblo !r.lY , /lores of laDd inol ur}mg pa rt of Ibe so llnol lot iD dlUlilD rwp . • t1. L'own~hip,
Com missioners' I'rocnedlnae nllowed: C. W . Uogleeby. of I:i"unl\b titaDis , 'lOU; W rt . I:HIIDage vo" bjankij lur AudHor. ~ 4!l; 'l'1It1 o. h'retl Co, olllt·biuK tor fJl' l bone r~, fl1.4:1; fba Wes.ern I:)I .. r, Ic ~"1 udv. 'l:l; RemlugtoD 'l'ypa Wrllf'f Co., IIdjuIILmeul work, till; Wurro u Co . tlome, ooul, t76 69; (J hu ~ . WaggoDl:lr, boardmg lind wUh. Ing ftlr prI80nt'lr~, H!t.d2; The Leba. UOIl Lutnne[ CU' I walJlrlal anti la. bar, f,Y.H7; Walter MoClnre, burial u! Nlublln H"rvey, tlOO; W . B . ::> ttluuge (;u., oouuty wnrranl8, 1165, Leb"llol1 10e & Uual (;u., 108 tor OO llrt h o u~e, $10 5U; 'l'ru8lee8 of Publio A !llllrs, lightfor ouart boa8e ; #\0,5(1; tl. Anuu Ql1lnby, Ka,ud ·rall 'lUU )Jh~Uk ; UreKoUla addICt! Co" reo flliir 11IHI .,r~or, lDg bridgl/, '~12.411 i Ohio Co rrugl'otlJd Culvert Co. onlvert pIp!" "45; l:i e ury Will, htlullog :; mvel, UAO; J . ll' 8 hlllkl e. fenotl PObt~. $4; U .. u liro •• , m&kUII! fill o ver br id ~<l, 11260; l:Jownrd PCBI, fill ror bndl! tl '~2.60 ; Curl Updyke I lill for Nu lOU-a . • 4.00; ,I. Law & ~o n. I' e pulrs uutl 8utJP1i1'8, .73.G8; tiu!lb Buugb , lI .. ultng , ~12; Hun Brown, mHiDttlU""0U, eto ., '340.96; kolob Lewis, mulnten&uoe, eto. *,~:1I ,4 5; Tbe Burrets ';0. , frel,ht , ,, ~a . 7U; J. LIIW & ~on, 80pplieM aud r Cl pulrs. '111.08; WaUtllI & Jllmal, ra pulrs alltJ Inpplles, '138 :15 i F. (Jruu"r, gmvel, '12.80 i H . U KIDa, lub ur, t(l3.GO, B\II ~ UUrlttl
mUUl:!E on Mtoml and 'l'bhd Ual~ a dooble boale. oppo.Ue EOlloe buule AIIO, R I, K"d (;hlokene for nIt;. IDqolre ot .hll. Clloa R->II. WayneevlIla.Ohto uU
STRAYEI;) ,OR STOLEN ~w. dltapPMred
A Dnroc-JerJey early la •••• ek . notify phuae
It'tOl1er ple..e D17
FOR SALE-PROPERTY Boolle, room~, newly p.. Gnod pered. ·oreeaed.lo porob. oem,at I)
\lall .. r, well, ol,"rn , tJo&butldto,l, good gardllD, llaore" of gooo Itrt,und Apply to K"tberintl A , Rloka, Ullo., Ohln. 017
.FOR RENT on NlollquitRoom of Jal 8
bpr t!hop
.IMID etreet 10. D"klo a& 'lIII Btlr. a17
O 'f of Aoooaa Cool!erell. loqulre . of W ; N. &lare, Waynlnllle, Ohio ' dl
0i>.CORN-klra ft'oe old Pop OOI<!I . Inquire of J . 0 Hawlle pbonll '1)..4, WaV·D.."me. Qblo.
l1. W. 'Legh9ra and 8 C.. B. Or
pllllCtoa Ooollerel. for 1I"le Ia. qQlre ot Kril, B, V ,Smitb. phoQe 87.3. W~yo ..~l1e, Oblo. .
1>u,oo J,reey Bogti. LOOU8& Urov.&' rarm ... H. I;>ay & 80n, R. D, .; lllarknUl., Oblo. D17 .
·jmmo1tp.d BpOUedPolail4.Cblaa Bud 00;00 Jeney Red Pt ..~both ..s .... , ell,tble &0 reo'lrd. It I. ThOlDplOD a: Q, .1, O~"¥')QI.. .01110 ' V"lle;,
ph'JDlnly', Ban.,.barl
• .u
bIBd. .... THE MIJ\Ml J:n~...
Gloille. al \\")ue.vlll •.
hi ... .. ·fr.wd ('leEO MaJl &1""11
D. L, e ll AN E, E ditor and Pllbli~h('r. \\' ayJ1 e~"\' iJJe, Ohio S ubsc riotion Price, $1.50 per year
WEUN ESDA Y. NOVE~1bER 17. 1920
How I~ II town jufl KPrI ~ Oat In the big hu.iUf·.ij world. a 'own lij jadg.·.. by li. III PH I. p rum l. nent 1 0 0kloll·gl,,~ •. whioh I ~ thut 10wo '. neW8pll pe r. \V H q uota. tI~ folloW8, a busine.1I IJIUlI who boa bl s fingers on 'be plll"A IIr AIU Arlo/\ : . "By watohlng th e I1dv erl.iHi ng 001. umns of a OBW81'''pHr we."" ellilbled 10 know tbe eXllot, oo nd ll.ion of wer olin tile aft'"lrs ullIl t.llU j(fllIt,r .. 1 llro~. perlty or depr n~S!(lIl In the town where that pnpe r 1M pultil Hh ed . We . oan sl' Ito' \lor lI tiH k "nel pl ok Ollt th e IIvll buslneall IIU!l. t,he lI "'liu IOWtlM. "Thore 18 no bet tor inllex to • town thlln 1t8 Pll por; it It! ,. heUIlT or"erlOn '0 g\l by, I1l1U I~ ooosid e red eo by Bagaolc' u8 m ell . til RD " ph"t u. groph; " Is th e enterprlSO of the In. hllbl 'fln'8 aod not t b" ~h." at th e bnlldlngs thlH IOu ke til e t O WII "Yo u wl1y plok oJl a l'0pl'r Imd read at Ii glllnce. . \V a mea 0 buel neRB' or 'We're ue"dllT tb.m IIl1toffed bird,' 11'.1 nlaln 88 th ough It wa, prin ted In ten lIu e pi 011 alld r ed Ink aor088 evnry IlIl~A ,.
PfRIL 7)y
7f.andall 'ParrlJh Copyright
C. McClurg
There Wft S no woy he ('lJul(t eS"lIpe obsen'nllon ; 1111 pnRs lI,III,:v or hiding on ttlnt hnrc plnll1. Rltelhy's bruin work ed lik e 1Iltllll1lng. 'I'h('re were fh'e rldera ; lie COUlfl eo,,"t lltelll now; In· dlon s Illostly. fllthollglt one WUR surely while. There wa lt n n llt ll1~ letl him but Budoclty nud lies. He must IlIk~ tbe cbnnep. the Ollr chum'". mnd . Ile~· perftte. yet yielding 8 posslhlllly ot ~ uc · ct!1!8. Be sWlln g the lIeltl g"I'~I'S 10 hla eye8-ycs. (lne rlel er W8 S white. 0 squnt fll.'1Ire with II reel lIcllrd. 811d noother. tlte (plI ow fll ttlls end. np· peared to he II MHkon. Theil he Inugbed grImly; th e "nrt ex o( bls gla Rs rested on the exp". ell flu nk ot Ihe neorest steer ollli he 811'" Ihe "rlln.l. By 811 the go(ls. Ih ey were his own cattle I Tbe hUlllor of It fln ~hed In his eyes. bul th e Jow o( th e IIllln scI • Iemly . . The ,I- d Ihlen!!!! He Btrocle (orwn rd. Ihe pony Iroiling 01 hie heels. Rnrl lite" lite Moxlcnn SIlW blm. throwln!: up olle hnnfl In n Rwl tl elmal Ind Rpllrrln!: his horsl' rl!eklt!llsI.J Itt088 tbe gr07 II lnln . They mel holf way. Shelhy stili afoot. Ihe othl'r .weeplng up III (1111 _fieI'd. his hor~e broughl fllirly 10 Its 1111 1" ... 11(' by till) cruel pressure or II :"lInl"h bit . Tbe fellow wos B hOI1.lsllllle Ilevll but tor Ihe evil In hi. eyes nnd n dis· Ilgurlng scnr ,Iown ono ch~"k. The eyeR ot the two lI1et lind Ihe rld er's bnnrl dropp,,<1 Il1sllllllly uI'on th e el[' poled butt of n re,·o"·cr. "Buelills 111M. st'nor." It!' Rnld ImrshI),. 8lnrlng. "Wit", Is Ihe llIennlng of _ ••. ,.... Shelby smll e" . c(lolly I'elurnlng III" \flnnce. ''The meaning 01 whnt. SCllor?," he questioned shorlly. "Yol1r hnln!! ''''1'1'--111""" ~ I h,,"a not seen )'ou herore. You lire not ot the Woh'cs' den." "Oh. Is thnl It. sellor?" 11I11IfTel·ently. "Then rnRrlte you will tell mil bow 1 om to Ihul • WRV f1uo Ihls den lit
The Ladl •• ' AIIll .pct.$y . . . . . 0,)0', forget &be 'Box 800lal a' the __........ ,•• Banuab Cree.weU'. 00'.... OD IOhool hou.e h.re,8aturday B~.nlng . . the, Bill, Thurl4a:, &Uernooo, No. - No' auoh oewl "hie weelt, only Red·Blooded M.n ana Women Are vem".. I oodl, OUID be r w. are R."lng rlOdy • for the Box _r 11"h •. .., Seldom Sick wa•• n aUendanoe. Supper as 'he 8ohool houBe on Bat. The exeroilee ,Iven by our IOhool urdayavenln • . 00 ArO)I.&loe Day were compl.te In WATCH YOUR BLOOD CONDITION every voln... lW,.erends BeDD.tt A, S. AileD and Bernie J ordao and BunUng'on made 'alb whloh were In Olarbville, Friday. were '0 th. polo'. The nnbUo muoh FrIMl 'fhompilOD uoderwent an G cI If You Look Pale, Feel loomyan appreolated 'he m .oh.rs";i«or,.. (I(lera'ioo a' the MoCI.llan hOlpltal . Run-d.wn, Take Pepto.Man.an t. Xenia, Friday. BlIiIcI Up ---I-.,..,-AL..J~ID-I...g,&:II~Ie4·~I-·a;ua......b1Il13-1fMU"'hlreJ-ClllJp::; MN. Ita'i JordaD llpen' Friday of b~. It tI GIl. of ,he moe' . .Sh her 80D, W . T . Jordan . • nd Yoo ese meo aod womlo wbo .re modero 'YP". 'wlfe W. T. and wife will leave, all olIVer .iok. Tbey worlt hard. look Our BaDE II .ta"dl. . eo a IOlid . , for "Iorlcia. robUl', eat hoar"!y and enjoy Ufe. rook and plDID' irrolln4-'ha' Fra.1t BroWD, of Corwlll, II 'he The1 have pl.niy of rloh, red blood. lonillhonid be .pp:reota.... au.' or 1111 unole, Slmul, neaf Tbatll wby tbey are nner III . Tbe Rank of Pa,el. ahe o~er of l Ore,OD". People who lry to ,ei alon, with Kolgh~ of Py'hl&l will be co.terred Y., ... Box Boola! at the 8Oho~1 woali, Impoverished blood alw.y. on a ola.. 00 Thurad.y DI,h', No. hoU81 lie... on Sa'a....y eveDill1l' II bue a stroggle. They go from ooe vemlMtr 18th. AlIl.lmberelrllOf. • •arl thlnl. .lolloell8 tto anotb e r, Ohlldren the dlaJly Invited. Killin. Burk & Hodlloa, of Anti . oob h Frt4 d IIIme way. If .,ou keep your blood rloh aod Alr. Uhll.ter Batllleld and IIrl Ora ,wer. efe on ay, an red you'll enjoy fuJI vigor. DIIlBaI!Il Borgelt, botb of LabaDoD, w.re bou,bt a flnl 8. P. C. ,Ilt of K. E hall IItUe ohaoce to develop In haal. rled on Tharlday .ID4 lett for .~. Thomplon. tby blood . A8 800n as yoa feel run era I day,' viIU. On 'bllr returo, Iil4 Wlllloo mad. a blllineel trip dowo take Pepto.MIIOIIIlU for awbllil. they 11'1\1 m.t. 'hei r bome ID Leb. '0 LlbaDon, Thureday . lL will teed your blood with tbe In. anon. Girl., y88 Ind woruea too, brln5t He sees only in th e dark , a nd misses a gredlllnte ueeded to oreate Ii Kood BarveTllbarg Graog. mlS Oil 8a': yonr box and oome \0 Liber&y Ball supply 01 red oorpusoles. urday night wllh alrood anendaDoe IIOhool.oo.e 00 BalurdayeveDlng, great deal of tlt e world ' bright spots. Pepto.Manglln is 80ld In hoth liquid A grea' many of our ol.l18ne are November 2', IIhIO. There will be But his eyes are ope ll ill his business hours Ilnd tablet form. 'Jake eltber kind troublel! with ooldl . wordl and mOllo by Tom and K en' and he uses his opportuniti es. You can yoo preter. They are alilte In medl. Juet a word or praille for the Terry Br08 .. 1[. E . Thompson and see your opPl)rtullitics by 010111 nloe Bo' be sore you get 'eaohere In ohar•• of our lObool. Loo Brannou dellvpred • bonoh of Ibe gonuloIlPeplo.Manl(an-·'Gode·... Never hal 'he ... MID. Ilml wben caUle a' Waynesville. t:>a\urd"y. lire. JeMie Kenoon, Mfi. Anna 'l'he full DIiIDe, "Gude's Pepto.MID. mar. Inler.' hUWeD Ihown &han gan . " should be un the p60k!.le.- al ahe prelent, by bOsh 'he .oholan Brannon and Wal\er Jordan are on Advertl8ement . and the teaohers. Reenlte are lure, our Ilok III' thll week. We all bope and loog lDay il ClnliDue. for. lpeedy Inci perm"nent rsoov. Mra. Ceoll Kirk, of &la. BUIY Bee ery. r.&aaran', Ie" on WedDMily for a Mill IIlIvena Kimble epeo& Friday IIn,l ~o",(.l'1''' IO'' tllll color or !'urCII. ~III' with her par.DSe a& 1'00torla . wi", lin Mery Maoooo. And he so wise that your surplus stufI will nt!'llI. R . H. Broolt. haa begun brealtlnll Mn. Or I. BorgeU and Mr . Cbe' leave you as SOOIl as advertised. "\vh/lt Ihe h- I 18 /III thIs. Junn'" around fOIf hll modelro .ara.e. BaUWld were marrl8d' lal' week at h ~ 'IUp,llolle<l rl)u;;hly. "Who la the OolllDlbu., 110 we .re 'old (ull ow 1" rhe repair. 00 our Hall are a.· Inl an In"erel'l It "I K. Eo Thomplon. who hal been on Try it once and be convinced, and like Ihe " " I! frnvl'1 with Mlltt Runle)' 00' • nr II ua. on. lOon.y 1...... In' ral.ed b ... $he Bog Cirollit thll fall, visited B. gpl In.l ; .0 he .u.,·... .. .,. y .u.,. cal you'll always come back. "!lulll ey. hey! Thal's aome reeom. 1."",rll1..Mln ood-r"h 0 , e dl"1 reo. on a f IA . and Roy ElIil' whole farm or Pro 0 V '1'ol1e bop, on ..rlday. There he 8&W 'he 1Dl'llllRrlon . Who else was wllb your . . lar-IS honoh aDd bee, ho- 'hat he pal'ty?" Mr'.•ud Mre. W . L. B"rvlY I"n, D~ Btl d f '"I h .. on hl.olroal&, .0 tar. They "A ""'11 t ulled Hnuk." AD ay, ' or " oru'l. by auto, aDd are feedlnlr 00& eevpral hundred "~III!(I II . Well. the story sounda will epend tbe winSer In 'be 8oath. het.d. al will iO WeI', UUI week , Sl rol l: hl so fllr; them two lert here IdNlfl. Chal. 'l'uot,r and )'r.1111 and InBpeos lome of 'he Wee tern tO j:N hpr ; I hnl>pen to lenow tbat. L. aarrla attended lhe mall oar. hltct.. Mlnalebaha. "'hul's your nnlllll?" rlerl' oonventlon. beld ., Wllmla,. ~"'Iby looked hIm sljunrely In the Ion on Wednfllday nllhl .f Iu' .. ye. week. PHONE III "( ·hurcltlll." ijlaugbterlng of ho,. for 'he far. "WhRt I Mutt tnlkod to me about mere h .. begun In oor oomlOunhy, thll l. Pellow uorne,1 MaCklin stnlkln' a Mr. • nd Mr. Wm . Bell and IOn, girl <10"'11 Ponca wa~." ot 80Jq,er~ll1e, _r. She weelr Ind "He's 1:01 her; 80 Booley saye. an' iUMlII of Mr, and Mn.Blrry'l'nolrer. 11111 Me"a Mill., who I. tllloher In thst's \\'hat I'm here for-see1" 'he primary room III oon"nOO to Wm, Wheteel,-of ClnelilDall," pen' ," "Bul you aln'l 01' Churcblli. 'nIe lalt weelr with Nlallt~u In ,hi. vi. her home wllh a h .. ~y oold . way' beard It be .... tIS elxty Bnybow, olnUy. Mr .•na Mn, Ohu Morrill, of 00. Bn' a down-eosler." ) b 1_\ c1 hi r ... . ~t"Ar I. promptlDI M-e-I nm ne, 1 ....,. ea.' of Thl WVOl "VIrginIa ; he's my father." Ao • ... I. ~.. te of our ollll6nl 'bat ... .w D-.... 00'. 1 'owa, ..., 8e'arcia, and Buoday. "Oh. h-I . 80' where you been r' . "Soldlerln' mostly." '0 h."d off 'bl fron . Qolte a few mlmber. of 'he D. of The farm known as th e Wm. Hoblit farm. situated on the Waynesville "I !ll'e." his eyes wondered. "Sounda The Ad IDtelUpuoe hili nac'lIl A . looge, 01 'hie pia 0', went 10 and Bellbrook pike. also on th e Mt. Holly and Ferry pike, 2Y. miles north klnrlllr nshs . young feller, bUI I aln't .hl rell&lvee of Betw,.,. DawaoD or Wayoenllle, Salurciay evenlog, '0 of Waynesville and IY. miles west of Ml. Holly. will be sold on premi8e~, on In tin .hol,e 10 lell. I reckOD Matt OhlORKO, of her very ~erioUl Illn~lI. help llar' a loo,e 'hsre. I1nnl,'! kin strnlghteo It out. RO' It be Mr. and Mrl J. W.8bldalrlr ID. Mr. ID4 Mri Elwood Thoma. ~II. Is rlown Ihnr. the best thlDg we kIn do terlained tor tJoDday dinner, Mr. IlM ber eillter and family, Mr. and II 10 lake yer ·Iong. It yer Iyln' ye'll Ind Mr•• Ed Sbldatar aDd two 1001 Mrs, (jIG. t)ml'b .nd dalllhter, At 1 o'clock p . m . The farm will be offered in two 60 acre tracts and he d-D 80rry ·tore yer get out ac'ln. lad Kr. and Mrs. Wm. Sbldakir Wilma, or Dear Ferry. then us a wh ole, as follows: I'll tell yer that to begIn wltb. but It and liOn. . Ilr, aDd MH. Bruoe Morrl., of yer gnme to ride along. we' II see yer Re~. and Mrs. AlDOl Cook, Mw. Tampa, norlda, .re ~11"log hi. pa. FARM NO. I- Contains GO acres, has brick house, rl'1 Ihllr nil rlghl . Let's hit ber uP. abd lin. W. W, "reloh aDd 'lin. renSe, IIr. and Mrs Walter Korrill. JUR O; them InJuns will oeed u. 'tor41 Anna S'IDlon .',eIDdecl quaNrly Glean ICdward., 01 Dayton, 11 viII. bank barn, young orchard that hears every year, 45 acres lonl!. Come on. atr8nger. lOellln, al New BnrllDgton, 8&$1Ir. '1'101 bill uoole, "rank Thomal. bnd excellent farm land, some timber set in blu~'grass, and farm l:Ie wheeled hla hOnle aod rode ott dlY. lwtf., Iu.' ot 'OWD, thll weelt . is well supplied with never -failin g water. on II ~h8rp trOI 1I0d tbe Mexlean tol· Iillla. Huffmao returned ho•• iae, ....Ill! Weaver eDterbined hll lowed. Neither D'ltlil flO mucb all weelt, af&lr .......1 .,IIIk.' .111' wtah lhwotlall', John Wet.ver, of Kokomo. FARM NO . 2- Contains 60 acres, has frame house, lanred hnck toward Shelby. eeemlD\f' btl 100, 1>r. JBowal~CI 'Ilnffman, W )Iod.; hll 811&er, Mr •. Mary Alloe good barn and other good outbuildings, never-failing spring, Iy IlldltTerent 8S to what be cbolt tc lodlaoapolil. IWhU'IDI'on, ot neal Zon, allO, htl do. Yel he knew the customs ot lb. Tile Zion SapSl... ,a~. a t.li~al :tIlplaaw, Walter Weanr and family 40 acres of g-ood farm land , small orchard and locust grove. Also about 12 acres of good bottom land, WI'SI ond tbal It he tailed tbem 001' or I!ootal OD 8&'ardIll1 DI,Il' a' Ibllr lut Tbul'Iday. no future f.lsehood would ever recalo Ilhuwoh 00 EMs MllII1ltr..., and Ih.. Jam... Da~I. and family , of Day. These farms arc located in West Wayne Township, tbelr coolldeDee. Be 'WUD\f Into lb. NlUlte were .. 11.,aosory, 1OOla1l7 too. ~tll"" ble fa'laer, Rolla Davl., which has Centralized schools with a Normal department Mddle lind rode allentl, forward be- and dDaoolallT. .a Shla plaoe, lal'If!lDda1.. M d M W II bInd JUliO. The cattle were stili out ot ellbl ahead. but lb., eoald b~ar · tb. ThIDOUClIofRe,. A: ~t!' r, aD . r.. 1 .11 Brewer, of for teachers, 14 miles from Dayton, 11 miles from Xenia 1.IO.arr1a.rA.' 8' p .._n~ rt6alt4a Da7SOD, .llM ·Mr . auellifi. Jonae and 9 miles from Lebanon. calls or the driven. Shelb, preued WI. I'8OII,.ed ber.aad tIltIOammlUl' Wbitaore, I..t 8au1a7. hla hroneo up closer to tbe Mexlcau. I,y exlllDdl to Sbem •• ;IIeet wteb.. • _ • Tarm.- Will be sold without reServe to highest bidder. on termll of one We have a fo.d nmembraaOl ot \\'bo had Ilt a cIgarette. third caah, one third In one and one third in two years from date of sale. "Is It (ar ..1uRo?" he Mked. Bev. _rienS, who .. . . I!¥. ,af -. deferred payments to bt'ar interest a t 7 y~ . and lie secured by mortllage on I:.p~.nt. Oft HI. Hln'" "Nom de Dlos ! I henr.tI you not. for o,.~ ~1."rs. f l~_&M't... premises BOld . Order receIved by the crocer OYe!' To fh l' Bol e YOll menn? Not tnr. but he preaolaed mauy tilnlral.,marrtld VALENTINE M. HOBLIT 8Ie pIIone: "Pletlle eeDC1 UI 10 cente MII"h. senor; yel Ihere Is no otber maoy ooapl... aud 1[)naebe4';:DltDJ' wny tn g.. t ealtle In.'' IlIrmonl 'hrooaboa' 'hI. . . . .'OD or .... o.rt" of anImal craclel'll aod lIllt8 out Frank (jallaher, Auct. JESSE V. HARTSO(~K "'l'be mao wlt.h YIIII; who Is her' Ohio, and we .re Iliad Plal IlI ' 11 ~, ,e lepbant. a. tb. baby" Ifrald of Devizees under the will of W. H, ,lllAn emitted 0 cloud of blue 8moke oloely and plea.anSly lUna'" IDIShe 811!m."-BoI.ton .Bvnlq Trloecr1pt. Hoblit . dece_Q9S"'-o..._ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ In III ~ olr. Am llln\f plellulllly. BanDy 80u'h. --
Don't Be a Punkin Hcad! But Be As Wise A. Old Mr.
- -R =""'A "'G -=-=G ""'E =O :-:y-=----- -+----.mcl EOITOR MAN
Tbe Editor Mlton 10 our home town III the rUllni a@tguy ror miles around. \:Ie worrr~ u\l night. bud worlrB all day, And bn .. I!As likl! ht'ok to gilt hlH pay. I:tie pantH flra ,.) ltcbl!d find bl8 IIboeH ur e ttlln, Alld hl~ ijbfl ul.hml stoop 'cause he work~ lik e' sin. Alu't b l' th o funnle Rt I£dltor Mlln? T be r6~gecl'y, rBllKedy Editor Mlln I'bo Editor Mlln he works all da,. hOllre fur Hle tlp and nooe for plu y. Ue hUIIOt's the Ilew 00 every hand, HI! Im tooks tbe trus t.s Itond boolta 'be bund. li .. 10llM h o w tbe JonlS hflve iO' pOllle tlllins. And h o w to mllke j bm from potato _kIDK Aln'l bH I.be fonD lest Eultor Mao? The rugo(elJ,y. rllg 'edv Editor Mlton. T.~o
Be tell a 118 when Pete Smith's old oow dll~8 , And wbo won tbo prize balling "pple plel!. Be hllr8 1ds the flto ot of eaoh one's hirtll, And prtll~ e8 th eir IiveIJ when they lea ve thlH ealtb . Bot h e d"reo ' t tell when yon beat yonr wife, Or obltolle her oot wltb a oarvin. kotre Aln't he the fODnleHt EdltoT MMn? Thll rugiedy, raggedy Js;dltor Mao. Jim 1:1111 gal married to Widow Brown, And invited everyone el.s In town . l'bt.D J 1m came liround wUh a oheap algar, And aflya, "You IInow how Iw.,11 we are, So Rlvs ue a wrUe.up ,ood and strong. And "'like I' at lea8t a oolumo long." And the Edhor dId, 'he tonol' man, The rllg,ody, rlggedy Il:dUor Man. The EJUor Man be done his heat, Be IIlodod lbe brule .. nd all $he rNt. I:Int bit dldu't know how he had trlln~Rressed,
When bA dldD't tell jU8t how Jim waB dr8l8ed. Bo' I·be nt;xt day Jim oame down the 8'ree~, t:! .ylng, "N I)W ain't that a bel ova ~beet. " Aln't he Ibe funnleet Editor Man? rbe rll8gedy, raggedy Editor M.D. '[ be Ed Itor Mau to Baa ven will go ' UIIUMe be'a hlld enoogb holl on lhll el\rt e ow. - And It wooldn 't be 1\ fair thlog to do, To rout. blm on eulh and Eter. nlty, too. 'l'he rllggedy, raggeJy Edltor Man, Aln', he 'he funolen Editor Man? Bot every nl,ht he eay. I preyer"Ob, liod, don" makl me an Eclltor, 'here. " I'"'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!
woln!R ? l'ltnve looked down ),onoer.Ite ,,"lived his hnnll. . "Yoll seck It. Ihen?" "SuTe; otherwise wby should I be here? You will guIde me1" "Cnrumbo! It depends." SU6l,lcloua. Iy. yet somewbnt dlscoocerted by the other's qu lel IIlnnner. "I would know more ftrBI. You 8rt! lost'" "Colllpl elely ; set It 19 a story t\lslly told. I wns willi n lIlon nnllied Unnley un' u filII ow clIlIe!1 Huuk." "0111 MIIII- I knnw him." "Good; th eu I hn"e met 0 frIend. We were tlH·re. hllck In Iho.e hills. when my girth hrnke--see. where I hn" 1l fix ed It. I (ell lIelt IIlil 1111(\ they ro"e nn. I Ihollghl to (ollow co.lly. bll t. ,l'OU IlIlISI know Ih o~ e hills, Ule Trull wos lost; pCl'hnllS I took a wroDg t1lrn. fflr "'IIII.lclll y I (ou nll myselt on this plnln." The Mpx lcn n Sl\t mollonless. his eYI!8 118 611SI,lclollS as e" cr. hut hla ftngel's nn longr!r gripper! on Ihe revolver. The lu st ot Ihe ell ttl e bad dIsnppeore.1 ,1,)\\"11 Ih .~ coulee nnd Ule red· hcnrflcd while mnn wus rhllng loward them ncrlls. Ihe nlknll. Neither chnng.." 11081110n until he cnme up. B l11mn of R fellolV . with Rlnrlull e~'ea
au... .....
"Senor l.nod."
(To be OIIDtlnued.) - - -.... - ••- - -
Uee ouFClaesilled Kastor results There II more catarrh In thll tieollon of tho country than all other dl...... put logether, and tor years It waa IUppo.ed 10 be Incurable. Dootorl pr.· ICr! bed local remedloa. and by COil· ltantly tailing to curo wIth local tr_t· ment. pronounced It Illcurable. Ca· t .. rrh I. a local" dl.aue. creatly l"nu· anced by con~Ututlon.1 cOJldlllo~ an therefore requIres conatltutlonal tr_tCI1~nl. Han's C.. larrh Medlcln •• 1DA1l· uta<lured by F. J. Chen.,. .. Co., Tol.· do. Ohio. Is a constitutional remed,. I. taken Internally and act. thru th. blood on the llu<ou8 Surtac •• ot tbe By.tem. On'e Hundred Dollar. "waN 18 offered for an,. Clli. that~Hall·. Ca· tarrb MedIcIne fall. to cure. Send for cl rcu tara Ilnd testimonIal •. F. J. CHENEY Ii: CO" Toledo, Oblo. Bold by Drulr&'llta. 110. HaU·. Family pm. tor conillpation.
Mrl JIIIIII. \'thellle), wldowoUhe hUe T . C. Wh.'M), Ill f' for Oilioalo, ber futare home, OD lIooda7 morD tog. · . Mra. Cb... lJoolt and three oJalJd. ren left for NorSh lJarollua, aD '1.... day 1&1', whete shiT Will lpend 'be wlnS.r. One by ODe 'he lea .... ne .;fallljl, and in bonoh•• 'hey are ga'hlred up and oarried away. Alfred Edwardll '1)80' 'hi day wlah Mr. aDd Mre Sam Wu.on, of Nlw 81lriioitoD, recro,l, . ' Au oVlntlbe br ll o" mlUtloul... before about our Ilady va"" OD 1Illeoiloo morDlnr, l~ovembtr Ind Mrl. at E. Wilion Will &lalllnnady .oter 10 'he mon lolpal . Preo1Dot. Tbe l8CIond Mill LN. Wnlon, aDd tileD oeme Ilrs,Badil a..... and Mr• . ADJla &anI1all .. . ID Y~ " 0 oome tbt. "em may boehllbly ~teed by ShOM lookln, oVllr She I..... of d.y. pa•• aDd 10DI. Mr. and lire. A. E . BbI,.III., of Olevelaod, were ~uDd.y ~lliton or IIrs~' MII4red Eagle.
lE verett Early DR. W. E. FROST -DEALER IN-
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains and Self-Feeders.
Va"inltion a Specially. Noth. Ing but Reliable Serum used 44
Harveysburg, O.
Hay, Straw and Feed.
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
Either Auto or Horse drawn service. No extra charge for auto service. Both phones in Olli ee and Residence No.14. Waynenllle, U
... DENTIST•• ,
Lytle Feed Mill
1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classified Columns for Results
Lytle, Ohio ,
, ,
Pt. J.
1JOUrs.1e. thlsNe-ws-
A. McCoy,
'p apeT. flI t'
·will~ '
p~uote If' .ui..... : Iee1lDd II tbl _rt!e .of die tapte _ ~1ft4ODJ ........ Jewell for wltC!bte"1...
Funeral Director and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio.
T.lapbone·16, rlDI 3
W!l.Ylle.Hllle'e Leltodlnll DeDlI., Office lu H aines Bldg. Main St
B. V. BARNHART, Mr .nd Mre. Wa)lIIr JdrdaD ba,.e lOne &0 ..Iorl... '0 .ptlDd abe wlnMr. -Notary Public: JOhD Bel,hwa, II DO' ,.ery 'well a' Ibtl wrlUn" . Mr. Geo. EIII. aDd daUlliler, Allltiada of Notary Work. Willi Vee", . I .... oded the runeNI ot tbe . f.'ad DeedI a tJpeoIal'Y. tormer'. oonlla. BorDe Gnlham on 8&tard,ay. ' . Mrs. Alice Gra7, Mre J'lllrlDOIl Lama. and Tom T110mpeoa were oalled to Lebanon \0 ."end 'U aera1 of.lh.lr aDD', Mr• . MoRlnDe, ; on Tbureda7, . I .\ ' Mr. aDol Mn. ,Todd Lowry. han 'Olle ~ bouaeaeplaa;lo X'n'lt of '*10 ..sta •. · Unlftl'll The farmen b.... are buy .breeS. L •. dluIOOrD. ' • .
• ------~-
- ---:.
TIR IllA.III UJUWH'& WAVNBsVILLE. L ____ ____ ... _ _ _
with Inlllan trlh~lI. of "'hleh the mn t hupo rtullt wen! pr bably he Black Bawk \\,ll r and tJlll S win olA \\' nr. It Ihe e u " coiled \l' lI r-. All " II!,·entll... n,lj(lIt h IHlded- th e MNloc war of 1, 73. 1'111' Irnpnrtnnt wllr ~ on tho list ure Ihe Wa r of the l!l!"OIUll nll. thl' Wor or I l2. the Mexi II Il wllr. th e t'I,,11 \\'lI r. th e SpAnish wn r, Ihe wor "'lIh (l prmll nf . The min or oonflll (' ts IlIdll!It',1 III .he III1t are: the wor w it h Frnllce. 17118; the war w llh T ripoli, 180): th e Philippine war, 1891). .
Ceme nt
V.lu.bl. to Science, T ht' t e l ~~'Op(' 1;:1 \'t" ,,"Ir"'IW<l . 1", " of dlstlln t oII J ~ I~ . fh e mlcro~co pe . bow. only whnt Is almost 10 contllc. wltJI Ita len s. nnd lIy j(h'll1j( n Dll'n08 of mak lnll Illferlll,'rllll'" "h~f'r\' n tlon.
the rond l llt"n t tnn f;l or rh p rh " o :1 Il1ll~ ro·
tcle,u.'ope hn\"· p r l)\"t't1 ft 110 0 11 to tbe Ilaturalls t. Wilh gr"u t ,Il'pth of fOCUM . Hnd II lurge fleltl of ,·Ipw. lhe short focus Iypt'. for e XlIllIpll'. hn s H work · Ini tll stnnc{! of 10 10 II< 1110'\,,·,. nn rl ruag n 'fl,'~ I ~ to ;~'< <111\111>'1" 1'0. .~II nd· JU81ahie r llblJl'r· tlll f1Pr\ 1''''' serY," n. ft
John H. Wright
fi' lIl'pn rt til t.· In,.,tnlll1Pl1t lit t ilt'
tlellired h"l"ht for "11l(1 ~· I IIJ.: sU"1r oil>Jcc t8 ns I", ects. pll1l1t' nllLi rOl' k~.
Auctioneer Farm Sa k s a n,l I ' .c' Spl" ia ll.' Sati s fact :0:
SI nel, a
Hellbr Jok, Ohio Bo t h Phon es
Economy Satisfaction and Service Try the "Service . Garage" at Lytle, Ohio,
A. E. WHITE, Prop.
Mlu Pauline CUrn lck has been • ppololed as executive secro.ary 1ft charge ot the atTnln or the Women 's Auxiliary or th e Ame rican Legion. Mis! Curnl ck. Y>'ho live. In Indianapolis, national headqu arters of t he' Legion. ha,i been a leade r tn numerous weI. far e actlvltlell tor tho b Ol\e~t or . enlce men dll rt D ~ the war an4 b ls aer ved a. personnel and CIIlployment d Irector for a Juae eaatern Indus trial . ~_.
Caesa r's Creek Friend s Church
St. Mary's Churc h
Su nday nex t be fore Adve nt. No· vember 2 1st: Sund ay School at 9:30 a, m . Morning P ray e r and Se rm on at 10:3U a. m . " I was g lad when lhev said un to me . We w ill go 1 Hunting or lrappinlC is positive ly in t he ho\lse I)f the Lord ." Come . I torhiud e n on the follolV ing fa r ms: i Dan Morga n . Orthodox Friends Church Lind ley Mendenhall Sund ay School, 9;30 a . m. MeetJaso n Shee han. on all his farms . ing fo r worship a t 10:30, L}' ln a ll Df,Y. A . H. Shane r A1. E. Churc h
--.......- -.-
All Kinds of Auction Sales Get Dates Ear ly
Sunday School, 9: 15 a. m . A good place to stud y the Word. The re ·are classes for a ll grades and ages . A live b unCh, a fine s pirit, a delightful place, A t 6:1 5 t he E pwo rth Le ague devotional m eet All oth e r e vening se rvices at 7 o'clock . Preac hin g by th e pa'Jtor at 10:30 a. m . a nd 7:00 p. m. every S unday , Wednesday at 7:00. prayer and praiBe m eeting. The public is invited to come and join with us in worship. D. p, Holt. Pastor . Ferry Christian Chu.rch
A ll Kinds of Insurance ' Protect Vour Property Wri te or call tiS, Phone 6 1-2 Office in Ama n Block, ·Waynesville, Ohio
Bible School at 9:30. Preaching at 10:30 a . m . and 7:30 p . m . Every. One invited_ J . A, Pine. Pastor.
PRICE for QUICK SALE A ny Hat in Stock for
$5.001~ Call and let
US .
prove the Values..
mANKSGlVlNGDAY the good wife a GIVE chance to get away from the ho t stove and let her enjoy at least one meal she does not have to prepare. Therefore , go to
BURTON'S RES1r AURA NT For a good dinner or supper, and she will go away satisfied with you and the rest of the world.
= Our menu for the day will be a
Swordfi ' h No Mean Foeman.
lire IlI'lIvy Ollkt'n plu nk, once 11 purt of Ihe hott olll of u stout vessel. whi ch hnd h£,pn ple rcerl b y the 8worll at n swort!flsh. '.1;he weapoll remnln. tll,~ t !lxl',1 In thr tI mber, Along tb e Atlnnttc COllst ot the UnIted Stntes swordfl i h ure hu nt et! hOlh for their flesh. whi ch IS pn lntable. nll t! nl so In ortler to IIToIcet t ir e s<'hools of b lll e fl ~h Ilml mil d!, erel whIch th ey mV lI ge.
Announces the opening of offices for the genera l
23.S. Broadway
Lebanon, Ohio
For your
Pickl~. Olives,
Nt!w Hominy. Kiln Dried Meal, New Raisins, Prunes, Peaches, WANTED--1OOO Turkeys and -CIliekens. Higbeat prices paid . ()all>U8 IUlid get our prices be.foN"JWD ·sell, Paying 70e to-
day for EellS. It Pays to Trade at -
" " '"
Si~~r~~~r~~~~)~:~;~~l~~~ ... . . .. " . . , . . ,$31.00 Se~~~e l!~;~~~ , .,..,.,,.. ,.. ..,.... ,,,.$ 1.25 o~~r~eo~~~~ seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . .. .. $ 4~50 ~lOxA:3 to and, 3lJx_3~'2 $1 .60 and $ 1.90 1 u b c~ . . . .. . , , . . , .. . . tI
Ti~I:~b:3eUXi!e~~~·.~~~~~ . . . , , . .... . , ... , . ,$13.00 uP Kupie Do ll!'. $ 1.50uP Origin al tiRo e O'Neal" . . ' , . $3 . 50 a nd $ 400 E leclric Showers ,I -light oxod ide . , . . . . . . . . •
WALTER L SAWYER, Prop., Waynesville, Ohio ----FOR
DIt\' el~aninu Sf Plt~ssing - - -.--AND
Made-To-Measure Tailoring · - - ---TRy----
H. E. HARNER, Prop., Waynesville, Ohio. ~-0" All
Monday m o rniolt as1i ght snow f~l l . enough to say that it was t he fir s t of . the season hu t on Tu esday w o rnip l: the snow ~gari in e a rn est , ancl f.:ll and fe ll and f e ll, until III III R'ht it • was seve ral inch es deep The ~ nlJ\II • con ti nued all ni g ht . Ac co rding to _ .+110-mea8Urement. th-e re "' li S a f ull () about nine inches .
I '
•••••••••••••••••• •
;I Thursday, November 18th Featuring Robert Warwick, in Also, A good Mack Sennett Comedy Admission, 17 and 11 cen~
Saturday, November 20th Featuring Robert Warwick, in
·'The City of Masks" Also, Pathe News NWrt.-22 and 17c
Tuesday, Novembet· ~ard Featuring Ruth Roland. ~
In our Classified Column.
........ ,
"Human Driftwood"
It Pays to Advertise
•••• ,
"Ruth of the Rockies" Also. a good Fox Feature. Admission, ~2 and 17 cents
U. S. ARMY COOD 53.5
R. E. C. Field or Marching ' Shoes,.,. __ ,.
_ •.. • _ _ ___ _ , . •••• _ _ _ _ _ •• __ , . , . __ _
g~!·s~!:.~~_ _ ,. . _ . . ,. ,.,. _._.,_ _ .. . ,.,..,. 52. ~ipsB!:t~~.-,.------ ... -... ,.,..- ,.,..:,.-.......,.----. 55. ~~! ~:=:. $4~ ~ u. S. Army New Marching _ . 56 2S
.,._,._... .. ,.,.,., .,._,._ ._,. _,._ ..
Busk Corn . lJIqulre at M John'0Strawn, phone U .:l, Way-
Shoes,~ ., .,,. ,.,.,.,..,.,.,.., ..... ,.._ .. .,,. ,.",.,.."
~~g~I~:~~~s~~.~:_ .. ,·....,..,__._,._.. ,." """''''·._$5.
and Uonfeo&lonery R, ESTAURAN'r liohool 'B ook8 II'n d 8t1ppllel
Inqaire a' t:ia"1er's .urnt . . ExobaDp or pbon. 8' ,. after ~...~~~~_!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _.,..._ _~~....,,; • p . m, 41
QlI~:t7~~t ~a.~ ,~ i.~i~~. ~~~.l~ , , . . ,
W~~~~~g ~~l:cil~~~e . , .. , .... , ... . .. . . , .. . $ 3.50
- - --- -
F la ' on Maiii ••• Water 4- Room 'and elec.rio lI.bU, $10 per
$30.00 Dil ling Roo m Cha irs , $ 3 50 uP • lea lhe r a nd Iea therette ~ea ts . . .. . . . . . , .
H [)in widdie. and uo th III trld :" h 'I,1 til g o '0 th e garage tl un J av ~ \lening, U.:oI Lee fulln 'I}.. ' w os C"'~ ' fl g fr om ('cli t "rv illt·. Io~ I (l it c'h,-" 1I1I1l ~elf on th e Ly t ll' road . Hi s 1I1 !I 'h il 10' np" r 11 .11 1, ' ~ woods "'''S llHoi I;' damal{l!d , bu l rvh , '1'al mu:.!'!' '~ca p ,;d without a scratc h It is ~ airl t hut he had been t ('(' nterVil le on a 50cidy errand , and t hat he was e vidently fast aslet'p wh e n h(' went into th e d ilch .
, ' oro •• _ •••• _"
Geil~~~:~a~~; .~l~~i.r : .b,i~ .~~~ .r.o~.~ ~,
,, $12.00 S ill ger Sew illg !\Iachine, $22 _00 ptrfect condit ion . .. , . .. _. . ... , . , , . . . .
We otter F resh Oysters. ~lid measure Celery, Cranberrtes. Oranges: Grape Fruit, Mince Meat Raiains, Heinz Sweet
broke 11110 son g.
ro lled ed ges , fine art tickillg, hand tied . ,1)0 Ih. Cotton lop and bottom Matt ress ·1 liuud loops , rolled edges, heavy ticking. 50- ~IJ . ~otlon Top Ma ttres:, stron g
dlerry fra me, An tIque ." .. , . . . .. . . .
# .
Bri de Carries C.nary.
John H . cil
$13 50 . ' $11 50 • $ 9 50 t Ic kl1lg . A good buy .. . . . . '. , , .. . , , . . . • Fa ll c), ~Iirror , 1 2~ 1 5 i?ch ~ re nch plate, $ 3 50
,15· lh t:ot lon Felt Mat tress , 4 hand loops
R. A. BURTON, Prop.
A hrlol" In l'a rlR recen tl y ap pea red Ih e " Itn r with her pet cannry fns-
Price rllfbt It tiold lIoon . Wright; BeJlbJ oolr, Ohio.
.Ralpb H.
dUd Fu't Stoves ells New 8~ se . rnl ure, . ' Kitchen Utensils, DIShes and Men's Clothmg
Buys and
Last Wedne,day m o rni nt{ Ih .. school h nc k drivers s eemerl to 1111\ ,. an off d ay , as there wt' re se n'ra l "reidents. T,,'o of Ih l' hnrk < r.:>1I11 t' Ifl ge t her at t he corm'r (If j-'o)lIr t h ill'oI Our Mollo-Fair Dealing. Honest Prices, Nort h sl r eets. IlI1d onl! IIllll·I,llIo.) I" d I a broken wh ~e l Au ou : til\' ,U ll ," time , on the corner o f 1"o) Ll ri h Il il d Ty ler. one of the hacks r,)ll iI, n II I ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--
PJrice , $ 1.00
- Ill .he British mu seum mny he seen
neav\l1e, Ohio,
On Jast Fridar afternooll , t ht' Iri r id of the B uckeye schoo l Illd nl II " home of Mi~!! Alice Win ~t rrt\-11 l hl II joyed a weiner roast a nLi IlHlrshm nJ low toast; appl (' ~. pea rs and p" pco r 1 also helped t o make th o.) f " I\'" eMIl ple te . T hose pre,wllt \ e r (' : 1\1 i "~ , '" Sdith an d H ele n I"ri end , ~d i l h 1" "'01 e r, Mild red Frierll1ond . M II II I iPHI Gr ace Bracku llY. ::>t(' II" ::;im IJo')/I. II .zel Yo un g, J Ulia , ~ Iil d r ctl an d l{ ll lh Cha rlton . Golun H ain e~ . Hn ze l Will i.:. Alice and Mildrl d Win lOll T h.., invited g ues ts pr e~ tJ nt w t' r ~ : ~ I r I' 1:1. T hompson. Mi ~~ l'lo r a l· har ll "lI . Churil/l ' . 1-:1 ,,, · Mesdll mes A J Brackney, Hen YOll lll(' . Will ~ iill l" son, M r ~ l{ubt I; ri e lld IInJ oI " u · hler, Pll uli ne, 1\,lr~ . Jll lrll I{t· >,le-r . SU II. Kenneth, and daught,·r . ~ :sl lr .. r . ~ I l Lo renc F'riermood awl ~lln . I.', )rr e. I. Mr . altd Mn . ~url \-Ii in ~ t ll ll a nd hlJ " . Ha ro ld . J
Ohlcken Dinner
Tbe Late ClaSSified Ads. ANNOUNCEMENT
at tenr ol I" her should er by a golden chalrr. During the ceremony the bIn!
. 1 I\lr alld Mrs lI om~ r F,IX 1I1H1 MI' ' . ' r ' "f I....rl'l' I!.ntl Mrs. She rm an Hnge ~ . H' . wl're t he gU llsl s of :'1r 111 101 1r" l 'Y H athaway, fO I' di nne r ~lI!l LiIlY .
Del/llft'h Ol/ercame Whale. '. AccordI ng 10 some nat urtlllllt, the squI d, or euttl fish. ts t h e prlnclpol food of the sperm ,vhale. Bllt appa rently th e gnme Is not al wa ys one-Bided. T h!'re Is tol d n thrill ing tncldent of a huge sperm wh Rle r oiling on the moon· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""""~~~~"""""""""""""""~"""""~~- li t su rrnce of Ute sen em'eloped In the mlgh.y coli s or lUI octopus., Bullen, whO oooooooooooe;Ooooollr"'t i»h,"'htl.C)O()O(~;ao ')-<C>O-C>O-OOOOOOI witnessed the 6ght, Is ot the opinIon •, R thut th e do\'lltlsh Will! tor laJ'll'!l' than nny ot whl(,h even ft1lg men~ have ret been handted by mnn.
----_...- - -
------..,------1 Read Ga.zette's Classified A ds
Next Sabbath , t he 2 1st. we will ob ~ e r v e nn ull -day service . Sund nyschool 9:4!i a . m , exe rc ises bv po rt ions of t h e school du rin g th e S S, hour , from '10:45 t o II :45; special music. The n a social hour an d lunch. a ft er whic h B team of Chris ti a n wo r k ers tram Wil m ing t on College will be in charge of lhe se r vices Come a nd worship with us on t his our Lo rd's dllY .
Sunday School a t th is ~ hu rc h ever}' I Sunday at 9:30 a . m . Preachini ser· vice lit 10:30 o' clock a . m, You Bre co rdially inv ited to be p resent ,
- ------
H arveysburit Friends Church
OCIe Yo . . I
~:d.~rll~~tI:~:·;r~;:~~t~:.~~;nr~I~~iIC~~ W .... of the United au te..
orr ,.
~ia~k!~~~_~~. ,~:., __.... ,.,_..,._"."" ""."., 56.0
All KllIlls of Army Goods, Including Shirts, Untferwear, Tentll, Leggins, Breeches, Overcoats and Sock'll
Oft All 11111 OrderJ-lIonl, Refunded II Nqt "SII/sf,eto'" .
~'- RM-¥
U2 South Jeffer..,n Sf.
Junk I.s Useful Material Iii the Wrong Place Nearly every b"me contains more or less junk-that is, mater·ial which will never be used there . again~
Whatever you have which has ,outliv.i!d itl . usefulness - furniture, hardware, boo~; magazines, baby carriages, bassiliet&; bric:. a~brac,skates, clotbing-shoul~ be' sqld. .Other people will be able ' to put ' thesethi~~s to good use. . . THE
WA.tlT ADS will help you make qlllck
an~ profttaJ>le- 1aI. of d~rded .rticJei.
Dayton, Ohiq.
ED. LEVISON, Prop• .
--- -''''-,
Seventy-Second Year
Whole NlImber 5410
:w I Gordon Jo,1 was in Cincinnati. Tuesday , Ur, UiII, Osteopath 21 !way. Lebanon~ 10"
Broad , - - --1-11-- -
lIpp£a'L fttom
Al Shaner and family were DayUSII our CIIIs.~ified Adll for re6ult~ . ton visitors, Saturday,
D, L, Crane and ..... ife were an B. J . Brewster and wife spent SunXenia, Saturday, day with relatives in Xenia. Robt. Hopkins. of Lynchburg,Ohio, for a visit at hi 3 old home in Ar- w&.s visiting friends here. Sunday. kansas. Born-To Mr. and Mrs . George 1
J. C. Murray left, Sunday evening.
Born- To Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Adams. November 18. a daughter . Hay, Saturday. November 20. 1920. Roy Pickett. of Davton. spent Suna daughU!r day with Chutl Brewster and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Hendenon and daughter. Esther, were Dayton "i~ it The Protective & Detecti ve assoors, Thur~day , cilltion will meet. Saturday aft ernoon
Mrs . Waltl'r Cast and Mr and Mr~ . "WHITE PINE" Cough Sy rup Chas. Zimmerman and daughter were will stop that c hild' ~ cough J . E Dayton visitors, Friday . Janney, "OURSPECIAL"th ls week: \\hite Mr. and Mrs, J . C, ,Hawke visited Pint' Tar and Wild Cherry Cuugh relatives in Pleasant Plain and DavSyrup, It cures colds, J E Janney . ton, la ~ t wee, . MI l! W. P. Salis!tllry, of Delaware. MIllS Minnie Cook. who has spent Ohio, is ~pe nding ~evc ral days with the past Bummer with relatives In Ohio, left last week for Drummond, her children here_ Mont. Mr , Lloyd Michener, of Dayton, ~ pent Thursday hunting with his Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman left. Thur8tlay morning, for Tol edo,where friend, Walter Anson , th"v will spenu several weeks with Knowl es Con n and family and Bert relatlvel. Smith and family, of Springfield, Mrs. Walter McClure. Mrs. James ~pent a couple of days last week with McClure, Mrs. Clarence Allen Ilml Mr . and Mrs. I. Srtte rthwaite. Carl McClure were Dilyton visitors. Mrs, Fred Hubbell. of Perry , unSaturday . . derwent a seriuus surgical operation, Rev, and Mrs. J F. Cadwalla~er Saturday, at Or , Murrell's hospital. attended th\l funeral (of Mrs , Hager, in Wilmington . Mr, Hubbell and at Xenia, Saturday aftel noon . Rev . little daughter. Rutb, are spending the week with Mr . ann Mrs G, A Cawalla'.ler officiated. Rea, to be near Mrs Hubbell. who is Mr. und Mrs. E V. Barnhart and reported to be doing as well as could Mrs, Emma Barnett left, Sunday be expected at this time, evening. for Shawnee. Okla ,. w~ere they will spend part of tht! winter, A customer says "WHITE PINE" has become a household word with them, the best remedy they can find to cure a cCold - lhev are never without it. J . E. Janney.
.. - ..- - -
I\lr . and
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Th e AI)le ri cull HI ' l! Cro s ... . whi c h i-; knol\'Il thrfl t tgll( ,tlt the c i\·i Ii 7.e ,1 \\'orld . appe als t o y ou t o re n e\\' , 'ou r tl ll' IIlIJl' l"s l' il' . I lS \\'lJ rl': It O\\ pr o~ re s ..; it l ~ i ~ :
pf tIp l,' , PI'I II
A ss is till g' in r el ief to llm:c :lItd a half tllillioll ' "I' Lllllcll" ... " "llild rL' Il of our AlI ies fuci n g disease :JIlcl s lan'at ifJ ll , ~
Fi Il ishill g th e \\'ork (If as-;ist ilt g- eX·Sl· t \
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Th e co lt1mi llee d ec ided il ll u l ll ecessary to I11U !-" :I 1ll' 1 ~ "ll , lI ('.1 11 I ', l ..,.., II " ... y ear. If yO ll ap pro ve of a nd de ~ irc t o Stlpporl tlt t, ~n': I \ \\'ork , 11 :1\ t' \'(,lIt tl.\ tll " e nrollt' u at o n ce by payin g Yotl r m e tlliJersllip dtll'<; ,d' ~I IlL) . .\I. I!-(' \(Il1r l'il( " k p ayable to ~ li ss S t e lla lJau g ll e rt y , lreasllre r, \\', I)'lI lS\' il lc , UIIII'. \ 11 k: I\T ylJ lIt doll a r wilh e it h e r o f the fo ll u win g p e r s olls: L. ,\1. l lelllk rsoll, \\' :IYI II? S\ illt · Na tio n a l Dan k; R ev. J. F . Cadwa llade r , (If al J. H. CIt 3Jltl13 n 'S SLorl'. Tlte L'a 1llpai g n w ill c1 o ~e D cce ml H' r 1s t. Pl ea sc attl' nd t o [Iii ... at (Jlt Cl' , J, n , Chapman, (It :l inll :t n ttl 'n l Hi a lt ·It.
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I·~d Th "tlHI~
\1 r. \\. II. ,\1 1,'1 and [ami ly ",nlerla l, "'" :II .~lIl101 il Y oIilllt,'r. Mr. and t. , I , JII :h It \1, I ,\Ir", I:, \ '. I;" r,,tl arl. \lr ~. Emma "" oI l;l'\llill['1 I :.Jr'lll' ll, \1i ,"I'- 1.,,1 itll< ~lci(ay 8n,I l l.'III! l t .. til li l t' 1': I" ",, 11I ,·lglt\\<lY.
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\11' "1 ,,( ~Ir - II I. I·:" rilhart. a~ I'll "'\I'll rool ll " " 1'''1 -i , ("d 11\' I h,' \li ,~ " :i 1':lh .. 1 lI osi er. I II ,I, LI ' IIIg- r t'cl '1v, ·d HI 111(' '\ ( ' W \ '1 1" I,....·" nm: 1 ~'lrl of l :11 ,01 :-:"'lIa llauR'h1, ,,,.\ I'Ih:a lrt' wllt'rr' I n IIrd"r I ,) I ,r(t "1'1,' . "11 1" 1'1 ""1" '\ t ill' WnYIit'svilll.! 1, '( '1 IIII' I'lIlt li,' fr lOlI l IJ II,,,'rllplilltu1,,,,,01, \l lOll oiay "I· ,'nin~. 10 all oystor ' 1"'(' lIlal" r, flO ll,,,,," .' lh,' al lr a"I""1 "up!,,,r. a ,,01 "II tile ~ulOd th i ll>('~ th 9.t 1':" 11( ,'!I \, I .. ('II I' alld wit " III :-> ,'w \1· .. 1l 111111 ii - rh" ),,,,,, our ... ly ap: "rl. :,, -1 WIllI "1' . l'il!lr~'d II" lti ~11 a- l'I·,.,' lal"d t llt.i r " nl,'1 ia llllllent a nd ~ '11111111 a ,ca t. II,,· II ll1nl'I'1 " I 11,.)«'1 - ,1 "1",,,11 I " d~ ..d Ih l' fa l'! hy rendori njoC all"l\"d ench 1"'r -1I1l 1I111, l I", IIII Jlll'oI d 11 11 1-;11. '(1 I proK ra 11t fr, r tllcln a ft"r ... , til "I~ 1I1l1,,~, ~ al l"fa "llI ry ,r" oI ellll ")'l ll 11 ' '"'IIJ I 'ilL' r ~J,,JI'J1 01 L' I ''
an} K ntlWI1 .. ,\ ph 1'," 1illl " r, ' prt '~ ('n l "
~ " I' cr .d wt'"k, a)('O the Met hodist
an 'JIll ,~::(IO,IIl IIl
WOMAN ' S AUXILIAR Y ! B OUGHT fATHER'S lay 11,'I\\' ('CII III <'llllir di videll ill to two se<o),ions. MADE BELLBROOK , I" alld IIL,,'II pr,,· III,oI" r Ihe of COllPROPERTY : dl ll'L,rI ull ,,·al,· ll1a~I,"i ~e n ~,' 1"1I' nnd l.:rllest Earnhar t. HOME BilE THE' DUST ST, MARrS CHURCH : I 1l",'L'r II ,f, ,,'" all "III!,le" th e· and a contest was insti"f
,';!,-,JI ,lI ()
Jl ~ prlldlll" ' r~ a
I !'Ill' rl'\(ul ar nl ",e lin l! ,,[ tit, · WI"
JIlall ":\lIxilia ryof::ll ~In l'y ' st:l l u r dl l WH H 111:1,<1 al th.1.! IHIIlH! Il~ 1111'S. 1.lar~i" and M I ~ . MOHhel on I rlday " ft c r· noon . Novembe r ]!) . Th · Ilwl'lingwas opened with mu sic all the pillypr-
~~~~~~Is·~~hnn. W~~!.Sca~fwa;~~~·;·r ~~~;
Il'a d,' r~hi\l Y"llll ce
':,1,' ,' ill lite wnrld ~ l l)ll l 11o" "i l p;)l'cha,l'd tl., . farll " I" 'r,' h,' ha ; Ii, ",I f"r IIH\IIV I'".,', In, 1 Mond" y. '11ll'rl' \\" ' rt.' i,u' I\\': IVETERAN or thr,' " I, jdd r~ "11 Ihl' pIa,' ", alltl MI' . Hul 'lil l{t1t Illl' (arlll al $:-<11 pl'r acre .
BO X -
a part of the [jth chapter of 1': ])11","_ 1
-SO- P-IA- LlJ
\ 1
IS OcA 0
IUleol. Last Friday eyening the losl'r ' In: all)d the winners to all oyst er ~u p p l' r wilh 1111 Ihe trimm ings . at lit · church dinillg' roo'm, More than thilly III 'mllers of lhe ('hoir were t~re3ClIl. and .all eltjoycrl II most deIIl(htful evening .
--_ .....- ---
I , " '" f > , I I Many Accident al Drowning •. . .~ . . . I nl ll , t H \, t et lUI nOt ra l I - I ,\ "d dt' ll l rtl rll'II\\' II I I1J,: ~II I1 !ol .. d ri,r.:\O l an~. 1 he d,e votlOn~1 sprv lCc w as , -reclo r , dle,1 at it l" lt nl11e t hi, lII~lI'n - (It·" illS, ",. iA I"'r t'~\ .I~" ', III till, rOIlIl c.on?uc ted by Itev : J. 1'. C.adwal~acJ er, ,-rile Lad Ie"' :'\ iol " f 1.._ II ... Churc ll I illR al l : l ~. , afl ('r <I 1,)11)(, il l lle9~ "I' , It , o:,-t .' ,'nr . Thl " ""\<' I~ , .,,~,,~,.'ern ::sc ri ptu ral q uotatIOns Wl!re g l\ en III wl!1 jo!lI· ,' a J" ,~ Hl'l' lal al thl' I lall, I aln"",t a \'l'ar . T he fU lteral Wi ll II,> 101)' Ir., Ihltn thltt for nny 1)11" ( ,illi g reSponse to roll-call , After the read- n,'x. t ".., allire I<I\, l'I'CIlIl1 . g-, "ol'~ .' '. . , I"'" ,I",'" l!<llt. ,,,,, I I. nt.n <I",'I,I[,llI y rllhl'r '2.7 , held Sa lurday Ill lO rIlllIg' at t I ",'Iol' k ing of the minutes I~ml dispo"al of 1" , ""I"" Ih,' """J'I<):" rOl' the d~ C8d ... 1001. . . ' ~1' ,.' r.Y"1l CUtll" at the 1\1 , I-. ch llrch , III"" iJu Sln css. the foll OW in g prog ram watt I rende red: I'
Messrs. H"rry Sherwood, James McClure and Clarence Allen went to "Praise and Thanksgiving." by Iteading - " A Liber ia n Rnmance" co 8 1:1~==:1l E1 £::1===::118 L22S HYM AN [:J M. N. Douglass, the real estau! Dayton, Saturday, and rode through Carrie B. Adams, will be rendered ....... ......... .. ... Mit-ls 'UAan Wr iJ.:hl ~ man, of Spril\~ Valley, Ohio, Bold the the hotBands of the desert, and came by the choir of the M. E. church , Piano Solu-"The La:!t Hopo" ... . .. (Goth!chalk ) .. ..... " .. .. . ".... .... ... .. I beautiful brick residence of M. E out ' K n i If h t s of Khorllll8an, or Sunday evening. November 28 th. at ., .. " ... " ... MI S~ Kathr yn I\ endeersol> I Evan", In Spring Valley. to D. Ii:. "Dokies: ' as they Ilre familillrly 17 o'cl<1ck , An offering will be t"ken Gorham t or Springfield. Ohio, Con· known. There was a large class In- j for the purchase of music. Th e pull- Read illfl.:... .. Hi hop 1{1IIVe. tltl.! Trail Break er" ... " " . Mrs. I::. L Thom8s :::1 itiated, and a wide-out time wag had, lie is cordially invited to bee present aideration. $6,000, Readi ng - " The J oy of Service" ... .. ~ ...... ..... ... 1\1 r ~ ~a r·ah Zimm erman . Piano So lo-" 1'lIlnna i"" Mil itair .... (Cho pin ) ... M i ~,, 1\a t hrYlli-1endcrstl ll Cal i Afl er aciJ " UIIJl lle nl. 11 I' lea~a llt so- :J . " t he , bes t gradc 'ial hour wa~ Rpent , dU ring wlJl~h re. ~ al l co lo r s. " , .. " .. .. , , , . , . , . Ire hll ll'nts \\' e n' ; 'rv£'Ll II)' the h",· I Il ope or I,'a rm e r' s C h oice Bleach e d lebse~, :t ·.ti i ~ led lJy Mr.; I{ollu ld lla wke \ 1 or t nhk'ach e d Mus li ll. yd wit.le .. ,mel M r~ Jam es M,·CllIre. 1\1 i,H 1 Jh · t g rade Percale, a ll L'v lurs ~ l Jlry C ar ~ lcn ell . IIf 'Ie\'( land. aJld " , J yare I \\'1(' 1e . . .. . . . . , , . \1i ",~ Kathr.\ II I\ enderso n were prl'S- -:.I I k ., L ~ rad l' J Jress (~ill g ha ll t s , cllt as vj,itllr~. ~ '. plait.l s . c h ecks a ll d plu ill . - - --. - - - - :1 ,I Best grade Oll t illg F lann e ls, a ll colo rs . . , , . , , , HANDSOME GATES Best g rat.le Laltcas t er Apron Gi ll g ha tll . , . , . . ..... .. . ad ies' lice ('- l ill ed I Il io l! 'u it s , ()ttt It n eck a n d s h ort s lceves, L r - - - - H E president issues a proclamation appointing a certain day - of or no sleeves Thanksgiving each fall, and we are apt ,to regard this holiday as or hi g h n eck long s leeves We matl u a sh(l r t vi"il I.. peculiar to America onty.--'fhallksgiviug Day is, however , only BIalik ' Ls , ()(jx~O "cmelery. lu~t w<'ck, In n" le Ihe iIn - ~ our modern version of a very ancient festival, one observed ill alCo ttO Il Blankets . . . . . . · ;)ro v('m l! llt ~ th al 11'1 <:" h" " 11 IJl tl,ly : most every corner of the globe. And we feast on much th e sa m e 'Ilad e ill th e "[,it y IIf (On r d,'atl " foods our ancestors considered' choice morsels centuries a g o . I'wo new gat £'" . at th,: no rth llil d ~o ulh e ntran c , ·~, huvp 1o~'! 11 add er! . ::J The Greeks honored Ceres, the goddess of agriculture . Her s y mbols md have I!reatly enllllllcl.!d till' IIJI' were poppies, ears of corn, a basket of fruit and a little pig. Except for the pean . nce ,)f the Cee Illt' h, ry Tit" I! U l e~ poppie~ the market of the ancient Greek goddess would be gladly accepted at are thingR of lIel\ul,v. Th e t wo largt· posts. mad e of a li~ht granite, rfJu !{h C!1 any modern kitchen just before Thanksgiving. design . nrc abo ut ten fcclltigh The ~ The turkey is America' s distinctive contribution to the harvest home b n.~e am] caps IH t) highly p nl i ~h cd and festiva't. Plymouth housekeepers must have roasted a score of the wild hird s hrin g out till' bea ulY of lit ' marb le. to satisfy the hungry hunters of the three-day feastin October, 621. The (wo ~ mall e r )lng,ls. made of thf' I same materi al. a rc about liv e f ('et 8 . Waynesville, in pursuance to Gov. Cox's proclamation, will fittinglyobhi gh , The gates Ilre mad e of ir,)11 in ~ serve the day by a union meeting at the M. E. church, as follo\\ s: a ve ry hand ~oll1e degi){l1 , and th t! iron fence lellding LIP to th l) gules Church hour at 10 o'clock ht!lps lh e appea runce of lhe opMusic by choirs of town proa(;hes very mat eeriully. The mar- r:"I ble work was dOll e by lhe Uod,ls U Address hy Dr. P. D. Holt I $32,50 and Granite Co . of Xenia, The centt'- ~ Offering for the Starving Children of Europe. tery board ,is to he cong ralu la led $35, 00 Va lues upon its excell ent taBle in the des ign In the evening the Community Service ' will . meet at School HaU, at 7 at . .. ... .. . .. of th e gates, o'clock, when the following program will be render~d : .... - - S'iO ,OO a nu .Concert by Band I S,15. 00 Values Community Singing at ... . , .. .. . . Twenty Minute Address by Dr. Holt ,Concert by Band 1 '$50.00 :;tI1U Community Singing $55,00 Va lues Everybody cordially invited
r:==:l' ==' =='[:J 1::1
The Prices You Have Been Waiting For Are
0 Id Time Bargain
M eg~ rs .
1IlL'll1ber~ hip
III allv
Las t Friday evening, Wayne8\·illt· was the scenp. of three basket hall games, The W. T . H. S Girl . 1". 1 to the Normal Gi rls by a Aco re of I:{ to 10_ The Waynesville 13oys' ~e~· ond team lost to Bellbrook seconll team by a score of 27 to 12 T he W. T, H, S, fi rst t.eam defeated th t Bellbrook' first team by th e Hcnre o[ 25 to 23, There will he a dOUble· header this evening at the Higl l School gym .
hJl ~
i.J II
Former price Former price Former price Former price Former price Former price
30c New price 40c New prk~ SOc New price SOc New price SOc New price 3Sc. New price'
~1 ianti 18
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Sounds Good,
Doesn't It?,
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OUI tlnc'DY
fnlly nW/lre tbllt thft
otl,,'r 1\:11 .<1,,·,1 him cn ullou81"• . /I "" . WI'1I111 hl' ,l uh' I, to <l~t,.ct Ih sU&hll'~I 1111'"<'III.' U I. 'I'h!!y rOll~ lIt II ",plk I IIN111 ' Ii A ,III rk lll' SS SO IlI'otolind tll111 hI! . ('oul \1 n,' t I... $ure th y were even ((.lI llll'ln,: II trill! . The sound of h"l s h' rtJus \' olr~g r un,::: out ocee.s lon. li ll y. hut t hl'~ hure oil' ~Ielldll~' towor(\ Iht' 1"1t n\\'n~' (rnm the nol~<l. ood ht nl'l\('e d tJw Mc' xl clln li nd sm~p e d tbe bl'ldl ... nf th~ hu "~klt ,. II l1rl ~s fir m· Iy !:"Illtllnj; the Anlmlll. " II ~ I '" 811 1d 1.nl1,1 ''''''''' lIl y. "I (Ol'l;ot nil I1bo ut the R hl. WOlller llet him . Churrhlll?" "Not sper'hllly , .. rlll !; "I ." Sh el bY ~Il' U1 1 " ~tl ·h"8t lly. "",urnlll ' \\'111 I", 800II . enouI/II ." ".~II right. th.' n; 'Iuln 't 1Il1I.·h tar· th er, en~· how. Tlwr~'s th e hlICh rock. Junn; the IIght'U .h('w r<)ulltl tht t.'l ,UII I I
, -'
1 ,1'
\\ t III
Il H,, · 1
,1, ,,
.. ,
J I 1111.
t\ l rt,tt d y
\\ IH ' I) \l1\" ,\'
nl ·
'1\IJl "1\ Il l" h '\ 1'1 or t ill' \' HII, ·y , Ulut t h e "\ ,'r"IIn d,,\\ Inc h I II n':- n t .... " h l }!h o n ,.: I ~ ' r
fO,' II0,',
'1 '
\ ·1\1
1.. 111' •
,'tl • • I \
, I ( ' 1..:.1
I ,"
1,1" .. ;,1 1
I : 1. \ •. ,
I. '
q'.,:' Tr io,;
1 '0I1 ~, 1,,1"1 1_ ' I III
I rllllll l ... .1111 1/4
" I I"
"oHIt' SpIIIlI ... !, r
f , ' n ' llt. ttl \!" \lI e ' 1" I ,' .. t ill' 1l ! 1, Illlo! 11111111 • '
.. ...: ,. ,
I ... :1 11
,,, H II
:-\" lliu! I .\. \'" ' J!, l.!lIHJ : ,.\ ... , ,, \ I .. I '" III 10 tilt' (1111 I I. I I ll~'I 'l lid " Ud\'llll ,"'./
(l" l' r ~II \! '"
I dd l ro. k .
\':1 "
Id ' " I ~, · d
J'" ,.
, I '?
\\ I I t.
111 ' 11
Ila d 1\1'\'11
tlnl 't~ :-: t Il TllI1 1. they 1I1~ , 'lIch
f,'p\ IIrtl. (lIll o \\
frl.: ht. I II" t' r
le-dJ;:c ut ttl \'
11I!'ok In ~e1
li S "
o tlu"'r
llllu slllj.! ull t ll tlH'~'
tlh ' 1,111111 h"I,'\\', 1.:11111 drt '" til' 1tl!'O 11111')00 " III t n.m( ot 8 )o.1 1i~ 11I l olL.: ~'rlll ' I Il /'l ·. :-01) l'H UCt'nl ,'d I\C t hl ' ,·t''':" !If H ~ lrngc1 ~' ),:1'11 \'('. thnt, In
,,': 111.11'11 tl l ll 11\ I' r
,, ~ .
1t:111I, ' ,
~\I"'III. ~hl'II ,~ \\ :I~ nnt ,'\'t'11 Rwsre
.\1 '; 11''' 11' I'I :dlll .\ . ) !i r
I'O ll ntl'\' " ., III ""' '' ':1 '':11 " ',,
I t"
tlll 'IIIIt.: h , y,'1
, ':1111 1'
1'1 .1'11'" r~ '.,II ••. d
tt l ,.)
"II Hli ulI .1 1' t Jf'lIrol!lf h i
h r": ld ... I I'I ·HIIl 1'~ lIp(" d tl\' ,'r n
.. "
Wl dl ,' 11 1111 1 .. I" I
11 101 11
"ltd H'" 1111lt l l Wd tht' full l lt ' P l't.'SS ,(lll Ilf t I l ,· 11.111', \\ IIkll rt,lqu ! n,.' tI nll o tlu~ r ~h !ll l' .\" .... . 'lIl ulnn),: tilt' hlll'l It" r tJt th" ::it 1' , ':1 111, \~ l it' '''' n h' d~\' of rndi had e,·I· d"IIII\ 111" 'u ld ll ... tt·d IHIt. TII1 ~ I)U ~k llg:e :\1'1'1I1"11~ "lItI,,11 111 tl wltlt~, ~h lllC CU llSC'\\ 1\) Illnli llL! ... lllll'l ,l), t o tlw l ett, ~od tllll ni lH,: 11"lIt 'l\ llt" \\nlt'l full. \\·h \.. . r t::' III I'
" I" , 111111 , 1111 II f
I,,' II
II "
h"~' II II '1
I. 111 ,: 11 ' 1.,
1111 '
1 1101., 111 '
81 nrln,:
• I
t Itt'
1I :11I d. 1 1 ':t\' III~ Ih"lIl l )I IHhUIH: 11.1,'11:: 11 tit" ~It\"m, )"tlt t'\' PU h{lrf> tht.l~·
, \:,\ \ ... I/' IH'I'
nd e.'s gr eet ed
ti ll '" !,"rth , 1111'111 tI ... r ••p" .. ' . I:" .'}. 1I ~,illi . .1"I'~ \\''',·re ..1 yer pi ck 1 11}' 11 1!11 I+llI lf'h7" " t 'I ' "11 t llt' ( ' 0110"",,"1 .,11 : (Ins}' plckill alld L a!!!1 tllllq.: Ollt' Il'l! O\' er hIs ":: I t!d k in II p~ )"' l lIrt ' t'( J'\ '~ ' , "\\' here'S h dl.\ '! ()) t, t1l1n: hrll q..: I/If' ou t a til 111 1, ' 1l~ ,hlng 1\ , ' \\ 1" · '1'1 11' \\ 1HI
f r ltl\th~r~m nn
rll"," h filled
1',· ... )I,lItt) 'fl, l'ull\·d lit h l ~ pl p\' , li nd
11'11 t hl" 11;.:11 I Ill' p",~ n dlluJ' .1I' tllP 4,~uh I n I ht'n~ -:\lI l dj ' TlI ~' ~tl't'!lI1H'(l 11 lIt:ht r e. \'f'ld l lll: III" f ,'UIU fI ':-' . lIth l t ilt' I nt.llstluct 1111111 n ,\~ n f ,. llIl'r" Itl lIolo! 1) ,' 11 r h y . li nt 11 111+ ' h ,11',· ... Ill' ttn SWl'red
hnye :0:11'11"1 . 1,\1'\: nio ' l II\lIr' lI n dtl:~,'n hur ks l .. ft. I rl "~ I " ' II . TIIf'Y telt 1111\ the y ' rt?
111"1' \\
lIo ::!\' "
I"ll I"'lfI '
"111"" 1
o· th, '
I :llr" H t1~
11111.\1 ... ''''' Ii,'ur.!
111 ,1 1111S
0\' ' r I ' I III,'U WUy;
1.:1111 1' ti otid " ,!, "I p lll:': hl ~ Ii llS wit h ' Ii, ' 1'''('1; "r his Il tl" '1. " \\'hllr's ~I t\tt 11 :t1l1,'y?U
" (Ih . II,' on' !'illlgi n "nl il' In 'bout
1I llur ... Il g' I) , 1 I','cko n. : U \' wC' nt 011 up t n tt H' (' (1 \ ·(.l. " " 11 :1\ 1' (' u~' lhll1l: wl tll '(,111'7"
":-;01' Ili N I " .~ IIIl·Y ,lId,,· t. did J III,'! -Jil" tntll' II II' lI!:"ht : ' "D ldn't ~II)' ,,"~· th l n g nhn ut n il ther
I h e ~· .
~ 1l 7: IIH I: "
''You Are Not of t h e Wolv es' Den!' nnt af nil ", lUll IH' Il l'i '\ IIIIJ~' ~' had ItDngln ~d tho I .le' pcr:"I" lu I",. Laud WH i' gross, h(ton1 l~, (lirl y, ('liar:::cW88
" :"" " lhlll 1 kllil\\, :I'II1I1f. Tllt!'y 8 ('1j"d Ilk,' IfI,',· \\;1" I f{HII pllllil Ilrel1 out, II l1 d ":lllIl,.i H"" I!" u ~ I" " l l . .I II SI t ook a flrlt ,k :lph·I ·.·. :11111 1I 111~1 '.I 1I1C1111.!, " 1.and 1111 fu ll :tn Ol ilh . " .\11 "e "t tl "'II. hilt rl---<I If I'll r i d ,' down Itl (It~ CO \· , ' IOllldll. \ \'(,' 11 go " I' To .' u l1r ~ hnrk . .JI1HII . II nci uunk cl owil t "'I Jl t) on. boO, o· ,n .' r :'
nes t turn ,lf It rlhl . shining out like " olnr. and th r~' ,Irn" e liP In tront of II lolt AhRek .
,"I,I ·"III,pr d.
r8","lIn ~
"",nl r. hullt
(' lo!O" hi nl! : lIn~t II wnll r,f ' tll'k, The d(lOr OIWtwd in rt ·~ ,.on~~ ttl tbe 10llOl"l ot che h' II·""\oo" h oo t M. ftn tl · It ~~ OUOIt
lI t'n,_,
" Ih l lllf,;
" HI'"
I\Pliitit tll c' tnllll), lind ~"zlttg lit 111m fraokl y "lth h ll " dol'\{ ")'''•. "J'unn I\lld t 11 11 1II,lt'" hore." h I' '·Ql1t es8l·1I . " Et!l I,. tll.t nle ' -no; I lIke not tbese Am rlcllllO$. \'ou 110 nOI look Hlle til s\'n(l r- \'!It ze tu nny nome Ilti c81\ YOU 1" "Churr hlll." .. hll'clill-boh I 1 no t ~n ,\' I',·t \,I'rrn gOOl1. Mllybe you hnv' _Olllt' other nBme I 'co n say better? You h'" me?" "My gi ven nome, you t1wnn ; thll t Is T om." She Inn~: h e d, Hilrugglnll h.' r "" onl· dcrs. "T om ! 0 11, 1 know Ih ol : I enll you Torn. UU!tl . I am Puncho VIII eUl Ot1 Ie. Whl rh you rllth",. suy?" " Pun chH, or '·')lli-s'.....-; lind \\' 11 0 1~ Juan ' "
Pa'r tofthe World
Is Yours Have you got it-; Your Home? MAN AND WIFE - EVERY FAMIL;:;,Y .;..-___TO A HO~lE UN T ,
" Juno V lI lt'IlIU1lt t!' : hI' I~ my hrot h -
f uu uot kn uw lI ~e lli . ihen'" ." No; we jusl met nhuve. I h"" 1081 Ill, wa,. ,nil we ran lot n "0 I'll other
op th t' r p.
clrh' lllloC . 'HIIIt-'. nll d
Ilid l ull
.J ilt'
I lrojlt ~ h l
!lI UII~
r otlp
8WRY ,
~' N
th e re
I"" Il,n, t",(' urred I would lolk with y, l t! "IIollt."
" 'Tls
I"tl e olte--afler we CRt
tlll'o rp \\'111 be ti me," 1.11 1101 s \l'lIn~ hen"IIy down from
11,11'",,, Iooltlln« up hIs ~ In to Junn. wh o retttnln ed In the sod dl e. lie mO",·,1 IIk t' otle who.'! IIl1lb. were stlt· fl'n"" hy Iwlng long In one position . " lI oly SlIIoke I I ('an "nrdly wolk." hI! !lIuth·red . "I ,,' 111 go il ionII' with .,·olt In tht· cnrrn l to tearh OJy h'g~ bow tn h ehll\'('.
Anti us ro r
C hllrc h-
II I." hi " olcc derPc:'nlng on th e word. on lulu til" cobin. end " 'lilt th ere tIll we COIll I'. " Th('r" " " " tI ,th in g tor Shelby lO do IIul ohey. Sus picion ca us.·t! hIm to f",,1 n thri ll ot appreh ens io n from In ·
c1lnn .JOt" S curt manner, ),o t
rnnl f" to
"Not Just
I h n \ "C
IIlll ?"
Waynesvjlle, Ohio
I 1"1 tI,,~tIl
believe I \\'n R In on the PII'"' h" ln!:" plll,ed. lu fnrl. I ., 1<111'1 hM"" I,' sny Blu ch or ar:1y (htnJ( , ror Il ~ ~ unn us I
lDentl nned the nnute nf l·hltr, ·I, III. !.null seempd to o uelerstnnd. IYh nl r f!llled to make clear WII S tllI.t Illy oIJj ect waH 10 hellP he r." "Why you tell me thI s '" ·'B cl' all s P \'011 nrt' a \\' 0 111 11 11 .
nn d he(.~nll sP~ 1 thlilk y r,u 8rt ' :-:trn ll-! ht : · 'he slJIrt''lI ot him a IIl1lll l ,' nt In ~l
(liP" \\' (,I)t
(l\' (1 r nlHl ~llI nli with
~ tuhll
.. ,..
\\ll hol t l
I hl\\l1
IHl I "'''Y
\I B'
,, '
loOk I,, :.:
1 " ~ T.):o.:":
~h, ' Il, ~'
tI - n hu~lueR8. [ ( ron\. ont
\\' II~
\\'1111 111 PI\': .'
hi s linn'" nW'1 hl jlol;
c-)I '~ ).! la n ·,1 ... 11' 11 _' !I I
Into Sll."llty·s flll ' C.
"11 11 '1 I'po u g h?" u P1 1' 1I1~':
i~ (I l-: ' Ilul " 111' \.. Thllll ;.!ht I' d '\ :1" 1111
Pan (' ''"
" ~I I r> j ... I hnl.
a ft. ,,. .. 111'1,,'1' I I ('I(oI 1't , fll ' '''~ .
~' llI'ri '
\\ '1'
I ;"I~ . ·d
~ 1' 1·' \'t· J.:'II( f"c n :-: e
1'1 plI~ " III I wl1aH.I re l',, 'lf.
TOIT10rr l)W I' ll ~I'I ' \\ l tlll ~l nt t Il nn lt')" IIllS t l ) ~ ny, 11\11 1 111 IIll1 1 rlIIll'" yPt·t· J.! ol II , l\1 hI:' I nc k ~ '
("' 11 11 1"1' 11 111 . III' \\ 1,:111 , I I", 1II II ,\'lIt, )'( IIJ 'lI 1,· 11 '1 11 :.:, ,1 1i1a1 hrolH..' \, ."" It ' I !. n',
Sill!' 1""1111 11 \In
111 111.
1011 1,:.! ,\tIll 1111\\ : IInl
,\ ,,\ \ ,
'F,li i"
\, 1111
I ; .. ill·
!l' r
1I1ll1,L' llll Y
--- -- ..- - - NEWS GLEANED
The L ove of a W om;an "\1,' ""II of l.nl1(I' !:o{ P ' _P ,, \4 111 i 'I I, ," \1:1 .... \ , ' .' \ ,I' i thnt th i' ~ Ir l 1,'''11('11 ... t1+1I1 .'11I, : 1 I" "'I rh p \\'u ll. II t'r .. r:lC·" \\h l ll ' ~" I ~tu rl n l! I ll w nrl l hllli. nil.! 111 ,11 , 11 1\ 1
"011. I lin I eet: you Dot Kpcak Spon· Ish . seno r?"
"Well. !tordly. I kin make out tD • wny ".hnt IInybody !'Iftys, but ·wbeD It COllll'." to tnlkln g the lIugo, I'm B bit
MONEY LOANED _ I MoNEy I'll LU NON FARMM 6% Int,,",·' I .. r Ii to 10 y e .. u. ,!,,,, rell & Ttlr't'll. luull &I. l'llt! lind 1," lIno, W,lrnlog' .. n . Ubto . 1018 If PhODe aul
C<> mmon Ph·ItH Court w i th Jrl,' olliing 1('1' 1II l' X P1 1~W +l . 11 " ".1 ~ I calm c- nnllch I d l ll~"lr. fu)\\ ,,\',' I' f.·, t i New Suite had 11I1H~lne. l 1h l~ lI"pl,~JI"!IIII ill "11\ I' )l e Fn rtllfU ' Nnti o nRl Bank. IIf ory mlt:" t I".. IIln."· nn" \\':I~ n,,1 pil j (;I.rr k.vil It'. ve l 'bo.t er Campbellllud t lrel,' tl l ltWtlp:l rN1 1ft IIH-'Ul II , '"\\' 11 111 ItrHnd 7" II,' 0 ,"1,, 111 "Ih +l l .\ I A . J . ;:V ,dlu' r. ~' o r mODey .k se plt Uro tober v s IJ"Ule CrutUYo1l 111" 1111 I III' Thrttl' ,1:11'''' '(,
In l1g u u~~,"
.O laaalSed Ada An lid in lhia column I" a lure ..I.
WA S Ipoliing rnl'w nr d H'·!·jo ..... Iht ' 1:,1 I,
"Sur(' I ,10." lind he itral ghtenetl up. "I thouj:llt Uluybe YOU couhlo'! tolk my
For Internal and Exsemal fo_
u n~ r
1' 1' 111.: I'll I I ' '!''
{ l~lIli lluOtl 0 11 PAlO 3 )
rOll 111 111.;
I' III I~\
uplical Department ~ S. D2trolt St. Xenia. 0:110 ~ O;>en evenlnJlll by .ppolnlment :
th'r •., r,HIIII-: tr Il O\v. I'rcdlnn , It ·8 i lli !h lll .h l" 1.11\1 11 IlIlk ln ' til .\ ' ,'11. ~IHJ I, t ' '1 ' 1' 1111 rh!h l UIl ' IIluy l u· y,'r uln't: "11i~ I d""·1 I lIk t " lin ,'lta rU'~t(. 's ou r ... 111;' \ :1111' , "'" lIlld\'d J\I~ I r l ~lIt 10 m e 1'1'011;' I hi' ~III rt. hut I'll J.:h·t· " t~ r a dl:III, ·,. I II I ln l\' ,' It. r n ln ' t go tu' t e r " "',' \\
\ 111;
. Glas~ Fitted
. .. E.·m~ined Correctly... :
hl~ J,:'1I 1l IIt'W I1 on th e 1:1111" :1111 1 ... 1:1 I I ' d H l ' I ',,:oi~ lntn Shl'lhy's II l q wl' l llI'I ':l h't' fi ll '" wh li hurd. threut-
11,11'''',','' I I ,· dr"l'1 ,, 'd
1111 '"
r (l yul\' (' r
I 1111
I'IH tn1 er 1''''1 ' ' -1 III \ ..; t Ill\\' til e h- I yo n got his
Cll111I '" ( I ll ' ft'II" , \ ... . ., 1+' I fJ bll\'l lIl1 ~ (If nn y .1111 ,· r 1" -" "i'lil l' \ ,'11 1 I ll y III ' 11 11 .. lll\d h n l'li 111 ... ,·II .li l I IU ll i " j h fs (t 'flt tlT' tlUllil t n \\111' 1'1' IIII' " 11" .. ;
then~ wns
" \' •• 11
WOt.,.. . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . . . .,
Sht-' Ihy," ' , ' 11 1 oil' ,?"
11:11 111' "
" '1'11 ·11 · ... I l dlH! tt ' \' f Hlr I h ,It' ... \\ I II"'" li lt:\' 'UIIH~ :-.1 1. ·11 . \ ' ... tll· lI d . Hil t wlUlt
,'lIl1el 't " , ," '--
lit 111111, 1+11 1 " \I· , ' PI
!. I I.·I'
hi s fl ll .
( '1'I I III , WtllU I : tlw.y tJ~lou~eu
Itl' "11 !I w
1' :I~I II C:
( h i' .... Ii .!'· " tent In" 10 ~1l , 'II' ~', i ' f"" I': II't'l\ Ih" I'I" fo r Il l" m t':l t. Tp llt ~ ' 1':11111 r \~ ltn tl plI of I hI' f "t·" II'I' til" ! II ,1 • 11rew lip Il h ' " ,,1 1" 1, III 1111 ' 1:1 1 ,' , . ,IT! , ' J nhh' cl 111,'111. 1' :1111'1 1: 1 1.... 1, .'" It", 1" ... ; 11 ' r u 4 f ...·w llI H'l'ottnt l'-o. I'tli 111, 111, 1. ,I ,,, I , \ er utl t' r ('d n ""H'I I !tllill It ... 11:1" ,',\ , 'p
I lI nt
nothln,!: In Ih e wonla 10 rese nt. ODd his on ly chonce of 611fl' ty In y In an (llIlwnrd nppenrnnee of s8 t\ s foc:'t\on . The I:lrl drew osld e. nn" he slepped f"rw il n l Inl o the room. An Insl ant she lit!ge retl, a s he glnnced hn stlly "hoU I lit th e plolnly hlMllshed Inte r· lur. th en closed the door. ond " ..gnll bU . yltll( herself In arronglng the tilbl~ . ~11t, was young. not over sIxleCt!. he judged. with dnrk balr and oye.. Ilecidetlly l,retty, allll ",lIh 8. Qui ck mo,·emen t. like the IIlllbt of a bird. Twice she pas~ed blm on her journeys to tbe IIrt! place, without even glu nc:'lng 111 hl8 dlredlon; then 9u,ld en· I~' tlw lr eyes mel, nnd she IlIu" h"d out· rl !:"ht. "Ynll " erra dull, Arn erlcuno. I not s('e n mon like you be fore," IIhe declnreLl p,," IUn>ly. " You Dot cnre talk willi
Madd'e r-l 's Lumber Yard
1, "\11111 .1 " .. 1"
.'" 0\1 :
R WflIllIlO ."
"Ynu tell thl'l11 Ihllt?
. 'lth tI ••-III . "
Ber eyes " II(· tWU wlt l,.,.. ul1l1 her hftBd8 Intet·lockM . "You DOl here hefore. thell? Yon W(lttllln np\lI'lI rNI 10 the I'otrnnct'. petro . never III WolvtS' hol e till now'" Itl g (orili. "No:' ""'" '" you . Juan '" sill' nskt',1 10 "But why you co me. Ih en ? Why ~punI9h . they ~Ry you rhl .. with Ih"'11 1 ~l lI l lr . "!-'I : til er.' oro three of U ~. PUllrh a." de Dl(ts! Y ou kn (l w "hili 7. 1~ I' ''tl'~ n ·pll,·" thp ~IHI ('nn. "11 11,1 we would Is Y' I'lit "111 (· ~ly . 18 th e Bl'nM h.rp?" "Y1!8 I'tHh: hn," hf' nl1 ~ w i'r "d ~lIt ,, · r l~· . " \",,1 since' n no n , JUlin , lie ~R ld tel'IIn,;' her en rn('s tn ~~8. "I kll"'" I 111111'
L " IIDAd GD Ihe .It·oak, MONEY o hmttela. IIleo IM!OOnd morlllllCeli. NJltltl boorrh' J"bD lJarblnfl. AIIIl(l 8ulld101l, ~enla Oblo. O·. ·»l
ohl' r Fo r III vo roe-abAe Doe. "1~"" 1'!" t!xnt' II~' willi I 1 IlJi Ill' , 1' 111'11 LOST ner o I lmpppn to know \\ IIl'I " tIU1f :-: 11, ,11 ,.,' r nt Jf- n wny !11lfllltly hetwee n nHUY:" bron .. ,'011" ( rulll ." Probllte Court Proc:eedlllp featu r ed : to 011 np p{'n rlln l"' ~ II !l1I ' n' th(' 1\\ ·t , t."\f\l'- t ·lntl~ Ihnt t hi s hl'l et co n· "Where you leom?" "1'1 ,,-" .,'0" ktl"", 1110 ... •• II "" , I 01" . ' FURD Tire, 00 ro,(l bMw_ Uar. hnrronm fough. y~t no I!UHI (Ill II l f' n.' r"::lI\( 11I 11:111 In it O W Hy IlII pron.!d Ills "Whell I was In th~ anny. tn ~rt· "Becau.. I Think You Are StraIght." Lnud . I I","~ht Ih,· I'oll~' tnlll' II 11 \', In Ih f' mBtt e r .. t the estal·e of "fly_burg and Wayne•• Ule. trontit"r lmrt a . wor. r ecord 'If \, II ~ 1"'> 11 i,'n . '1' .. i,.· , ,,re he hnd escnpe!1 i.onn. ~· Hllrry Finder pIe, ee r.lwn to IiIrs. Ida ber back BIiBIDst the doo r. She wos ery flilltl I,t (1 .. rlM,· h ~ III rid ,. " '" I"'rp M.. r .v Yeuge r . dooeaBed ulore dl'l'oued Olltl d ·"pl.I"1. 1\' 1,., \I I" "I In Arl1.ona ollc&-Tu~on: you n il 111It1l1'dill f4,' HIP.,-clll!! wi t h I1 nn l ey. •· I It t " 'v "' If' ( ·o w .. n I~ uPPOIDtild p x ~o owr dODd tI'OUI, WaYDenllle. Ohio. dl he here s(Pllllllg cnttl" IItI II,,· \', ' r~' hil i Ih t· I:lc t IIIlIt the latt ·t· 1111,1 ~ tttlre- tberb? Goot!. You not soldIer now'~ breathlog hard, and her cheeks were on; "" me I lI tr,cr. 0 ," . ., . . ,. ~2r, on ( 'h .". Irwin t:i eo M Bro wn red. • verge of J ndlnn \\'Jl r? 1'rlh ·. Ii" \1'''< I., (:111 .,+1 I II lIll.'n tiuH h l~ pnlhuhl e u r "011. 110; thnt wal QuIte II wbll. to t hlilk "I''''tt II .. th,,",· .1·"W.<.. oOIl ''''r<' 1bnd t;1",~. B. YOllnK are "ppoloted LU~T-On Cheoo1J.eJb road, an "She corn,e trom ., fllll Ch 011 th e ·Cot- dr not 8 SIoux In Ill o(l,I . ~''' I It \\'11" ",.' 11 rlt "I 11111>1 ho" !' lert lin unpl enso nt ago: thot Is wh, 1 .hllv!' 'forjlOtten l\'llig III wer,' 1 II,·,·,· f'lHr s.. ~ Auw Jaok :"Dd•• pl __ I"-itonwood'" ""'h 'lt I jlts t ",h 'l( th ,'" \I ,.!'t .. ,"",,1 fl JlllrlU er8. .. .. --. .... ...... ... knowD th ot he hoel ......" n, I"pt,," Int o "" -1,1" 1"" In Llllll l'~ ml",1. The fellow Sponlsh. There IIreD't DlIIDY of lour • ' . Th .lll's wl 'll,l. ,1 I n I,b e mat t er . , tbe estate 0 f f' •• I u 'bl. o...oe . Reward ' aU "Ye!!," o. thcllI ~tl'lt.-l' I,,,· Jt~ the tribe ond nevt'r illlh," fII 1111\'., n SIII(I lI" thlnt!. how('''(' r. ond oppareDt· 01100141 IlT' hp~"," Her white teetb gl eamed angrily b&- d-n f1l1.1I.'. Tit,.". "11 It It, (" ',n ' (nll 'II I. LUl el Lee.deooaroed II'lrll'lIDd 110_11 hand In th eir de,· II I r)'. Arll '), o tl k •• rs • .nr o" ool approlled tween the red ot ·her lips. cllllmed he possp.< "'d "liIr" IlI ll urllce .1 "An' what this woman lo you, seWUftP 10 t·ue 'matter of tI W . hlns. ad. over th em for thnn nll~· "'lid. nor! Wby you care whnt happeD to . ) .. wlnlstru&or of *be eela&e of Harlba Shelby had It enrd h Ill! lII£'nll "II "" will, :.IA,oor , dioeilled. Vtl Wm. Meraer her'" Sitting Bull 0 8 Il'orlers Iu I II,· I(h081' 8QA!k Oor1l. Ire 01 Shelb" lo,~ked frnnkly Into the glrl's /:in hI o f re,,1 e@'al~ ordered Addl. Johra S'raw ... plaODe 1 • , Wa,. dBnce. It tru e. Ihen he II IU't kll u\\' face. determloed to rIsk alt. soddenly tlonnl bond dispensed wltb dl how to r to venture. Ilnd ju,;t \\'11<'11 to lleavllle, Ublo. convlDced that thIs young MexlenD hod In t It a ttllltter of the etltille of .Jobn dnlw ns lde so os 10 , ",-., 1I 1 11 1"~If. Thllt liD IDtereat In hla answer beyond 8ny V Jo o k. dl:'~eued. final aocoun' WURK of all IIlnd •• (Jall~ . ./. mu st be It-to hlll i \I'nr 1I,,'ont ut,l\' un mere curlnelty. I ,,'pro ved. Brew.'er, P. O . bol Pi. Wit,. opportunity to plund,·r. Tl' e flnui rLL Il~.vllllll Ullio. dl "Becoose J am her husband," he Bult wns elenrly Indlnn de( nt: he ..14 quleUy. would keep out. hut In O,e tll cu ll wlil le ; j .... "YOD I he r husband'" She olmost proflt 0 11 he could. FOa RENT IICn!IIWed tire words, aClvonelng t()Wlllinm Br" dley, sboo worker a"d Tbe · troll led down",nrd at n .rath er ,. MI ss J eDnie (;oo k, botb of LobtlDOll ward hIm fiercely. "You not III' to eleep grnde. In spite or conll nuo l cur-\,· Room Fill' OD H.lo .l. Water me I They ISft" to me you deftrll They MallY a Brain is Trying to Work Ing. The sure-foot eu hOl'ses n1O\"'11 'u l'pl.!lr ""tll " Id. mecbllnlo, and - anl1 elllo,rlo lI,bte. t10 per tell me thnt: they tell her lhot," ta ster thon th e cnttle. ond hefo re thl! \lr ~ . Ori ll Burgett, both of Leblnoo . With Weak. Thin Blood mODtb . Inqulre.l t!awyer·. 'ural. "Wbo told you'" oUlflt reoch"u .the level or tl'e "nile" ('nrl b prol\w, garau:o proprietor. lure !l:xobllnl" or phon. S8 ' .,. '!fler "B.{lIckllo : the IndIans-nit tell eet. the three r ltlers ho d eloged In 011 th~ ih MORE RICH, RED BLOOD NEEDED . '~~~ ,, ~1 r~. Puulint' CoIlID~, uotb of tl p. m RUDDlng Borsa. be keel J'0ll-Ilke zls. II ,d lan dr-I""rs. SllI'lhy kn ew th"lIl n I oll <'e ns YOUIlG Sioux wnrrlors. lind wn . tee I" l 'h ur \ps Corwin , fllrmer. aod Mra "Yes. he .truek me all rIght. Pon· a"lIln able to dl811l1glll<h pln llll ." t h,· Pepto.ManllanGives You th cll t:a ll :t ro;,llln BIIl Jkburn , bo t·b of Edward •. W~~':fO~yy eha: at leOlt .0maODC "Id. olso they brand on the fl ank of th e "" ,•.,." Ior lll):' To Tackle Your Dail y 'Work "l llp. lett me there. But I was oot deDi!." Ing up Ole r ep r or tl, () h" rd. 'I'll.'." With Vigor Horn l Prater, shear h elper , of ""1'1'1' unQu estl o nnl>I~' hIs II wn 'I ,wk. "AD' wbat be want at her? .Whol CUOl' tI'on, !llklhen CabID." ~ l \iridle lll wn. aDd "1811 Grace OJ "ord nnd , tn spite ot hi s rllj:C, Iw cll ul ,1 tlo i Beuor HIlclr:IIID waDt ot ber? You koow Beialld UoqJellold Ciood., I ) f Lvii 00 11 be eotlrely Indltl'er enl to tl '" I:r lt ll hll ' thaU" yer'l rarDl&Qr, fhollaQflIt. WaIQM. If y ou ettat a d es k Idl (I" " III ," mar or Ibe 8lt untlo n- he W:lS 1 ,,· l n ~ "I know II little. but ' perhaps not omoe, whllther you J\ro l>pn' b" , ,,', I' ville. Ohio . I all. ' 1 beard two fellows tolklng about high ato ol or eehtlld in lin !l lll I KUld" d Into WOI" "8' hnll' h." tI" , \' <!I'.\' neal Eetate Tralllen men who hod robber! hl lll. It: you know them. likely-Matt Ban· ~&ered ohair. you r bo ll y t- tn .. (·t " ". ,I. Wll rt e D Wood. trDdoo t or ~h Ycl bls thought s rlld n"t (I II','" Upl/ II Ie, and Bant Slagln Y' FOR RENT-PROPERTY You CBU't get mu oh fr esb "t r ,, "11 ria Mnltotd . to Mary l:;lmpson IIDd this 80 much jus t tIl en. 11 .< "" II,,· mil d She nodd'!d. outdoor exerolee. Y o ur lol ,) ...! I.. ,. . Iuutl lli t 1:1 II'OOO K, part of IDlo' No.8 dlaDCe he had aSSlItllPd In I hi - nrh·,· n· "Blloley blld got )[acklln drunk nDd oomea poor. Yo u lou k )Jill " ,,1111 ",,·1 ,Iu" kdo n '8 A rtd iti oD t u Le blloOD,'2250 ture. Whnt could he nccom pll"h 1 \\,h n t HUUt:lE on MIlIDI aod Third. pDmped hlllll.. BOme motter of a weak. Anul1HweDey to Battle Banta,part a doable laoUM. oppoel&e lCalalae bope was tll ere lh nt lw lI'" uld "" cr big fortunEl 4Dwn East. It seems Tho great toolo. Pepto.M a o gllo. I. " I .' iee. n, '1', 4, R. 3. 1ft Leb,.OOD, 11 bOUle . AI.o. R L Ked Chlok.D. for emerge agnln nll,·c ? II I' WII S ~ o lll l: "aekllD'. 1'eal Dame mpf hD Ohnre)llll. whal yon Dee d tor IIwhll ... It m 'l k (' ~ L oois Kello~ to Lydia £arnhlUl ~&16, IDqalre of MnI. 0110' ,' a..,.., forw urd blindl y. led by fut e. wltll not aod If 80 hIs father Is irll~tote tor all rlDh. red blond, It re ~tore~ y fl ll r 0.' cVl'n 0 plnn at !.'1 IIi1UIl CI'. II " mU !;1 ",II Pl'opertJv. whIch t"cnlly "/lIODgS to vital enerKY, Your color Dunta_ IJ" r:k . 0 11 rt o f ~eo. dO, 1'. 4 R. 4, Cletlrorvek WIIJ'oentlle. Ohio " fo rk .don e, In t he m i d st o f (\ lI e llllf·~:-:. the womOD. Mackll" hil S got an Ideo \\Then y oor blood is g 011. f u l l ') 1 l'n l\'u ~ bltJ. H . d ~ \1 rmlle men t o wh "m l' lltll llll life '[" In u mh HDonk t,o Llz~ le HhKnkle be CUD mnrl'Y her ond so cop all the red oorpo@ole8. you ore betto r "bl l:> to fQftSAY; wn s ,·nln el ess, n nd wh pl'e ony Inl'nn COlD:' reelet dI8en~e . You go Il b,m t }"' !lr pn rt o f lot No. 6810 !:louthLebaoon, II tl nus \\'lI rd or uct w ould 1t 1~1Jlnll.\' ('i X_ "He marry hel'?" daily work wttli tbe opt lwt"Ol o r AnTIll "nker to Erne8t Luker, tot . '-po. •' 111111 to dlsron ry. In "pi'" "r '-rhBt lit lile WOf Honl,,)' unrlorstood of good hell I tb. Nli . 1 1S ~ III MfI~on, II. )lew Model tleWIDR M.ohID •• ai, the (lIl'l lhot be wu iJe l lp\'l'd rlt)nd , Try Pepto. ,IUn !!IlD no d !J ull,·!! 1L" Dr, lIl1 ,Jon os to .JAmea Rohertllon mOIl' aew, Will ..1I obe.p. Ap. Mu cklln would recognl?e 111," at II "TheD your Dame Dol Shlr('bIU" how yon hnprove. . Inl s N o: 53 and 64 In Allrveye- ply to Ch .. Wulle,. WaYDllllvllle·. ,IUIl f'(', :l I U' the \t~'r,\' t'iJi l lu 11I: lt II I' \\' : I~ "No: It'l IShelby," Pepto,MllngaD is 80 1,1 itt !tut.1t 11'1 " ur ~, MOU Ublo elll 8 rrh\lI 11 o r HOII Il'Y·, l'xpll ~ l 'd 111 111 to "ADd Senor Mackllo - hl ~ name ul.'I and t8ble' f orm T aka olt h ,'r Alhd r t Beon lll.t- t o Wm . · ~Olt. lot dhu ·lWt'r.\'. Tn SO IIlP woy 1\(' II I11"" ! 1I\' o l d krnd you Ineter. Both Iluv<, IIII' N ,). Sblrchll T' 8'orlD B\lII1. a qn.. !p. 2fi8 III M1I800, IL. th elll h ll l h, und Sf't 11 0 lll llli j l!"' .... ' I I1 I·t! e&me mediclDal villue B tll> J)l1 ,!I tA "J. reckon likely: I doo't know." qt1lr. of J, iii, e1.. Waya ... A lInll Hohoer tu Mary Thomas vUle. Oblo. itf$t'lf 10 pro nll ~(!' " :O:C ' : qh ~, II I , 'lIlI l d There wal a sound wIthout nnd .be you get t·hA genuine Pepll' M,w ;,;,," di '. onlr rtl-'" h ~lrlh'!i\~ly, h('f'"III IIq..: 11 1"/'1' 'Prang tnstftlntly nslde to !lIe table, -"Gude',," Th e fn ll nlllll o ."t:i ndo·/\ \ It N ... ·II~ in Franklin, 11. NEW Tire.: SOd. '8 &11; SOz3Jl. r1 efl p l ll h)I 'lI t of ~l2(·c..'f'~S w! (it ,'\ \ I' y ~"' n busying hertlelt furiously. 1.11 till aDd Pepto.MaD ·;nn," .1I " lll<l IJI) on 111 1-1 ~lt z '\ W ull!n~ :0 Wm. ColliDI. lot nf u ," ..... u tI0.75. Iltn,I••• '11 wild In our. No. 75 3 In ~' rltnkllu, '1 . tt>p Ml'xlrnn entered . throwlllli theIr pllokage -Advvrtise ll1eD t ,,,101 John L'lurr. a' Phlllipt' G~r age, ".ID .. lreel. d8
MiN '0
D" •
-- --- -
RE·';TAURANT lind Ccm'pollllnuy Buoh .. n d dUPI,II .. ~ho.1
Pr.tce ' ICh& 'U eold . 10011 Wright. BeJlblOllk, Ohio
LOTor ADooDa Coollerel••
Illqalre of W, N. Sea,.., W~VDIIII.\r-' ablo · . ~:" d POP-CORN":"'£I:"a 411e otd 0010 . Jnq'Ilire of J.O pbODI! .6-., W"'..D....II~ Oblo.
.P.lp ,
a ••·IIII.
, S-• 0pta_loa , W .. Lrib~-F. as U •• Or;. f- nlr ilor... cpt'" of , "~" II. ~ 8adt...(r. . . . ~ 3, WlfDaTll", 01d0; ' "'WI6
' '
-- - - -- -------....
•.•. T H E
rrom Ine '11Int. a lI088I(lIC eltlllallllfto s hed ' loto bJl mln~Macklln. Could nny relation BIle mlaht have 11'1110 thlll " ellow account for a dealre Mr. anll Mrs_ Harry 'ruilker anrl Mrs C'lm rl eij Ulllrk Willi (I D'ly L 0 to Wish lola eSCflpe allve1 It might; PrOf. lintl Mrl! 0 V_ Tolle were ad . vitu t Ol', 'rll nr lld ny . D . L. CP AN £ , l!.dilor alld P ubl i I er . Way n Hille, hio the fact that he wn already the h'uIIUil"ed to memberlhlp ai, th e M . E . i Mrtl . Floo Ht (lIl t Menhnlll.!' ' f £l/)II . 0811(1 or the woman Mocklln plann d broo k , i~ "\lauding tl l(\ wln,,' r wll h ould quite <na ralY---c.r. ohuroh by lett er on :-:lunda N • u b Bcriotion Price. $1.50 per yetllJ'-- - - - - - - -l nrlll t£rry 5&- 2 . M r . nn t! M r s. U. • L Ofllh . plain the enUre altuatloD under cerI r o r e ,,'n Aflv c rl l~Jn ~ f{rp r DIJ Cnln l l\'l! We b"ve an rOhestra tbl.> t are trI n 'l v Imli Mr M. jo'. \Y ~1 1 111' t II " ,.,.. I 1 I 1I.,\MI'.nJ( ·A_ P RE.'>S ,\ SOCIA'II O to ln conditions. If that nulcnl hnd lI1ade love to ber, aod now deli berate- t r &tning tor tbe ChoulallCf l\Bll ln 1\12 1 U \In e n Il'rt lJl 11 0' \ til ti ll' 10 ," " , 01 \11 ly plann ed to desert bel' fo r Doother, and!l bruss blltld Is be ln~ Instl.1I Ii lin d iIl r~ . Ii ( '. 1111" . l 11, ,' (,,,,t ",,, .. I, "Vilhiull 1;I'" h ,,,,, H lluw III \11 " 1111 the Spanish blotod would 8CCollnt for and willsooo bo put In II n o o f p r o· WEIJNESDAY. NOVEMI:IER 24. 1920 mO$lon. And t,b e n t b e air wi ll r n, Vulll .v 1"'"1" 111 1 ( " I' Ir" "I IIII ' 1I1. I II Ih e rest. By heaven; thllt mUBt sound with tbe betlutif u l l1 ucl lIlu -i tie It I Be recalled the Ins l!Jtence of 0&1 10n eH , whi cb ~ UI e ly is Il pie .. a nt T Il A F(' h . I II t nJl ' l; s dId Jl I\ f fil ii kl' Th tt f ti t il m o r c ca~arrt\ lA thls .ecttOD ber questioning; Ole nnsh of bel' eres. t hl" t r i p r l) \\'u\, lI u ... \'illt' 11 1\ \\ 't~ \ llltl'" ~booght. of ,h u count ry than all oth.r dl ....... ell" threatenln, gleam ot her whi te put IOlrotlle l'. atlli tor yea rs It wa. IUPlirorgo M, Edwards is P),' 8~" ( 1t1 .\ · u JI Ul' l'i l n: l t l 'l f t Ill' !"II ,I \V 11rlft .. PO S lJ i.I to bo ln c uraule. Dootor. pre- te.>t lJ. Unconsciously be hRd touch ed dwel!Juj! n elir L umtJlirt ou III t 'I! nl oll - Mr fllI rl i\I r ,. \ \'/11111111 II\'~ " II l1d 8 crJlll,d 100,,1 remedloa. and by OOG- the secret sprln" and unl oosed Ihe tIj'h ildrCJI , o f I j f1 ~· t '\f ', \\','1. wl , .. k " 1111 . ' Illit ly r .. III"1t to curu with 10CBI t .... t- rer, J ealousy wus the WE'npoll-a lo" e (;r)u n t y . LlH' o t. llrououn ccd It In curabl.. 0 .. 1:UI'l"' t l1 (If M r /tll d ~ 11 !'4, , \ III :\ il l ' " Cliff Beokett, of n ear h ero : iM (1 11 . I UI'!" h I s lL l oca l dll c o. yc. "really Influ- tum p,1 10 hate. the fury of U WOIIIIlII ~" rt o nd M h n r f' IIr· · ,,1 t:4n~( · d I I' j .'qr n deli vorin~ to ge l; hie lar ~e bllru Il LJ cll ce d by CUII . Ulullo"al conditio .... and SCorned. '1'0 get Olgo ou t of her pOl h , th e refu re r"Q ull'ea conaUt utional tNat.olosed . Tbo wet)ther durltlg Ibe I .s l, 'bllt, ~Jr~. I!.. H. R ·,nd ol fl ll und . ,, " rore\'er. s lle would risk onythlng. dure ", . "t. Hall'. Catarrh ¥..uCIDe, 111&0Ru sse ll. of VJI\' Il) Il, Ilrt! iJo lh 1111 "rndured by F. J , Cheney A Co., Tole- all.Ylhlng. Bere then. was bls olle Bnd week ~topped It El progress. ,u o v1n g, uf t or " "'o \ro r.., nUnc' ( ,I t do, Ohio. Ie a co n. ttt ulional remedy t. ln ly ('hn n('e. Iu thlH vi olnity thoro arll lI)u slolll <ullt l t, " ,' ,'r tllk en Int erna ll y and acU thru tb. bl ood on the 101ucou8 Surtacea ot tho But ('ou l,1 til e elrl se rve him. e\'en Ir lu~trum60t.• . bought a few yellrH Il~ " ~ 'vsl (, lIl . On o Hundred Dollare rewII.rd wh e n tbere WIIM tI brll88 band 8tllr tod Mrll MIJr /! nl .. 1 . l lI h n~ \, 1 ~ 11·,'d \\'1111 I'; orrered tor any oaa. that Hall'. ca- !he dPslred to do 801 Be reollzed In a s h ort time It Wll8 obn od ulIl lI t ~h """" H u r r " " ,, 111 1 L" I, fltlll". III rnrrh Me di cine ralls to cur.. Send tor the "erlonsnes" ot his Dos ltlon; hi" c l rc ulnre nnd tca thnonlu.IB. bp lpless llellB wllhout ~ome outs lrle 0111. l and th e I[j RtrOll1l' ntB w or e tuk oll i'J o rr uw, 0 111 ' lill .\' I,, ~, Wlwk F . J . CHENEY .. CO" 'I'oledo, Oblo. Il o m e lIud IH e In fJ J~ ijo8ij l o lJ IIf t!J oRe Mr~ , W. H . BODnet t. ll r \)1I .\ 'I li n . li e hnd been 0 blind rool to ,'en tur Sold by Drulrlrlata 760" AdvertIMing 1M tho ,,'I nont.io ll 0 1 N o w, if you WtlDt. t,) d o th e j ')in e cl h or hll ~b"lId . It A\, . UI'IIIlC'tr . 11 ,, 11'8 Family PIli. tor conaUpatiOD. Into rhls den 1I1 01l e ; on(] e,'cn' n hlllld . poop le rlgbt thin~. brln~ I.bem in und turtl Iw r u l::hl l nr fltl " II l1d r"III'IIII ",1 0"" " 'be publio Ii~ tu who Y'Ill .. ,,'. wh e rp ~ r fnul to r lu lrn f rl"IHlshlp wlrh H UlI. 100 are, ar d wh8t YO I1 bHV O to ntl'tl r Ipy. The IlIOmi ng wOllld tl lJ(l hllll CO JU - til e m ove r t o HIllrry Tu ok e r lind go t l:i uo d,,~- ' !'l o w u o thi H, und 11I II Y Mr l1f1d ·Mr" WIIIJlII II ='"11 . li t In the Wll~ of "kill, 1I.lallt, n r no m . 11I 1 1l ~ l', I H~ Ii]lnll ~ 1111111 , .\ ' t" 1 lllh l \'H ~ pl f'I~ ly e X\>ose,i. ft!l el I I ~ hud Illrle u r f'Cll ipt your gr (j atnl)~ 8 b l:l eVerll1 Htill1-( ~prin /!b"f(" "'tH O Snn,IIIY f.: lJ P" I ~ " I mod ity . The only 1" ,, 11 will! shou l·o 11111"111 )' tlk l'l y . St 1Illt' OI H' r t ' lIll1 l 11l' d cer . dUlIl ,r whOI rUrio "engcoII ('e "" ,uld 11"t!ur vA y sburg Lod f.: o No. Gr.7 . K. or Mr 1111 .1 Mr" . Al hll rt ~rllv\' 11 1111 !UlIJe lit the hands ot lh ese 10 0n. Re n.)~ .dverti~e I~ ~he mnn wh o b R> tll i nl~', for fiu' r.· WII S IJ IO \ ' l' lU e nr , !t utl P, will w o r k In 1111) Rllnk of Pll goon r1~ u .: b to r s . . II Il' ioI lI l Ult' or ( tol' l. IIIII I/.! I t' tI w l,11I the Wo s li ke 0 conrl elllnell man In his cell nothin g to dTnr th", WOI III In tbl' 'l'hu r"dI1Y Ulld l t. ~ o ve lUbu r 2(, A Mr ", oct i'J r ~ . I'. 1"\. ~l lIl lh h llLl for VETERINARIAN ('link o f (11 :-: 11(· ... , 1'1III di U Wit S (i \"lci ently \\'ol ling he lpless ly ror Ihe cerenln hnllr way of oo mm odity o r BIlrVI ('(1 . "_ .-I' ·III· III /: 1111' Ih .. lil loii'. 111 < Ih ou/:ht f) t c xet~ u t l (l n. \\' orse tflnn ll mt, e\'(~ n ; 01""8 u f Be ve u will bo iONt,ruuted 10 1,III'i r d inn ~ r go a_"• . ~ un "" .\', H.",. I h u bidlle n lU .v@t brl tlS , ::;iH t e rLod g e~ ufIll Mr ~ . W . H . Renn"'t, ~I r . \V II,,, n Elbe rt II otJllII r ri . q '''I L' I'nl un I l l' r . Jl ull l IP n llH l e II ml s. rur hi s fUle fIIU ~ 1 tnlH'IIII bly sp ol 111.0 \ ;t .:Li na t iu l1 a ~ pc c ialt y. !'l oth. tako 110 \i c,', yuu UI'\ I In vlt od t,ol\ s ~i " f. fi nd Mis,. MII (lr .. ,\ M II I ~r. II I I> Iy t.o n I/l k,. III tbU R <ll dd " nl~' "" nti,lIl1 /: hi s lhe role of his wire. Ucr only t:llllflce ill l-: hut R ~ liahl~ Serum used or r<'scue Ill Y In his e rrorts, Hud he wlird l. uIl Ul lnl(, o f ::;prlo r! \ ' '' 1' 1 \Y . n . tI"I !l"~ 111 111 fn u lll . \ · . lit' 11.·1. H o tru t.' s tory to tlt\r I' nr~? Yt' t. so ro r 8S I\'n 8 helpl ess. 'I'he re \\',, ~ nol n I hlu g I .. y, WUS l!lllIlng 011 IlCIf Ullintull oe~ 'li ont . W" r ,· :-;und ll Y gOI 'SI" n l. I I,,· Ill · k Ot" U' , ~ 11t· h lld ~ Illd u' ithlng 10 ill Phon e 44 Har\ieyaburt:, O. b U fU B o f Willt e r Ke nri c k " n t! IUII" I,\' Jllrt! him . /1 1111 1",,1 II 1111 Ie n" errorl 10 h ~ could do; ye t he Irled ugafo ond b e r e a u ' uodilY . M o ~t ('line, of \)"yt·o n , ~ Jle nt Oil Mr ~. Mlitl lLi n Emric k rI1 lJ llI lnA 1"' \ " '111 ' i i:; ~ I '.'I' I · l . IlI d" .'d li P!' of ' llurI'" a" nl!l desperu lely. tes tlfl g Ibe pun ch- DEALER 1:--1Ilu tl 1'1I1 1" ' r " xP"l's,,",'d ( " lIr or I,nlld em .. of tile Ooor. block hy block. d ig. dl1Y with hi. g rlllldpurentH, Mr. lind qnlte p Oll rl.v amI WII .. tJlk e n 10 111 0 rllll: at I the _dried luud belweell the Mr s W . A M"rrlt.t . h o m o o f IlP r SO li , A ll nll, !In,i rU 'Il II:; , lI ud : 1 ""I' l ui n ...: .\ IIII' II I !!.\' f or tiltH ; surf:" D. N . {)o mpto n I~ in tbi s OLl ffimUIl . lus t w ee k . t o " pond t b .. wllllllr 1\' 111! 11 \\ a " \\ IllI t Ill' Inl ll r""11 III lilt. lugo or tI~ wu ll ; ei1flcn ,'o rlng lu guln Flou r, FCf'd, Con I, ~;l l t, tty fo rA be wiote r . ,j"lt t l,:-- IIr IlI ' r ,.y,.... Y (' I h o w ('ou ld 'C lll t! le\,er/l!:\! upon Ih e hl"lIeS of Ihe Tb e E vnngel i. tl c m",A t.lllg "",r(' , ()~ . J. MILLER. T ile, I'os ls , \V a ler F oun Dao lfJ 0""'8011 r oturn e d h ome or ' o!o~e tl t-iund "y " " "III ng , II ft l1r IIl h rr·(l ,h i .. lip /l1' I ' fl llI lll ' " I .. r 't Sli p "UI ~ 1 r •• r ~ ""r, /l nd IUl!gir'l: olleu aguln forlou s· .t a ins ;1 111 1 Self-F ('der'i . ' " 111 1,\ I,t ' I lfll ' wit h l lie!'olf' Glllf'!' t.t : I~' or those w"u(I (,1I slll"es prOlecllnl: tlatu rda y from Chl oag o, whore h .. W1lek ' ~e "" I' I Il . '1' 11\ t o \\'" r o '101 Ie u .. . DENTIST... was oa ll ed o n acc o un t ot I.h e "u ri o 1 " uUlu be r fl f ll fo V," 11 (\ ('O~Rl0 n '" v, tl ll ~ hr n u :.: llt 111 1 1,rnhlll dy ( I'llm ,'Iillllllon(' th~ IIArrow willd ow. Bls nllgers bled llIness ot hlssistEJr, R e becca (' huro h. I h i IJlL' uI IlIO ~ I,t"' n' ut ('r l lll l', umJ cer - fro", Ih e (runtl e errnr\ to UIU8 loosen u nl ~ In -SHIPPER or Waynenllle. 0 Jilm es W. Hu be r son b". pu r c hu @ed Mr . nnd hJ r ~ . e lu, •. ~~. ,Johns on . 80lllel hln g. to yield him no opporlulI lS .lJnna l U"gk Ol dc.. t~, Iu ""ully exe rl his s tre ngth . Th ese the J ones property, udjoinl Dj,( hi s t e nuiD ed tu (linn a r, !4 u fJ du y, lil t< (01 I H ay, Straw a nd Feed . lo wing g ll l"s tS: 1'\'Ir . Iw d ~ I r~ Eo J elTlirl S "'ere utl e "ly use less ; t here wos prope rty on t be EIKSt flO I U SpOI ur ",euk".,!! to be dlscov~fDith. nf Wilm ing t no ; M i~s Mnry err .t. If til "I II ce hUll uee n orlglnol IY d -k' . . l'f. rr.y (',o ,. k , nf "v ", r wIII ', Mr~ {)t<oi! Kirllc r e t·urn e d h" orn e . ' ' ·o(. I.n" HATHA. W A. Y F eed Gri nd in g a Spe ia ll y. ruB s t ru!'1e, U~ u pri son It could 1101 on Toes h b ay, aftmr two F woeI ks Vl..lt .II u r . nnd Mrs . R n" ll lh I.,OWI. I, n, l ~O ll , hu Vc bet'll !Hnre s ec ure ly uu llt. "en· _ • [) ~ _ _ n '\ wil ~r po.reots at 08tor.l . l ,e" llf', ' 1"., 8 J 'IIO D" '! " H ' III"" 1'11, 1 1 I . 1'Vll y oeH ilI e 'lI LeadIng Dellii., toHy· lind · Ilh)'s lco ll ), exhou sled, he Mr. and Mra, Amoli Jo:lliK SP" lIt Gl e nn J ohn!! 2Jy (Illi ao In U "l nes Bldg. M&ln St tlU 1J1: hlmselr upon the noor, nod Iny 8undllY with r a la 'tivas l n Xenia He mernb ~ r th o Box S n(, 1111 ,' 1 L v tl e th ere, (Iul,'erlll g rrom bend to foot. hlrll. l e u o HIln ik8 WBII lo.k e o Into bull lI e xt, SlI t ur ,IJlV evell in!! . N" ,:e m. ",lth nef'\'t's cOlllple tely shattered. t h e M Jo: C huroh by leU,e r , 8 und"y . bot ~I. Ev ur y boll y IIl VI L," 1. Th e ~1I~n ce become ghostly: nllY R IlIl I es tate Is mOiling so mp. Farm 1 ___ ___ _ COJ>yrlllhl A. C. McClurg /I< Co. sound would hove been a rellet. There property Is oh,wg lng I}aocls 0 nd pOB . . ""IIS 00 one movlne ollout even In tbnt se8sln n will he give n In Mlircb. 11 UNot tht' l (\ n ~I . ·' 01 her rllom. ulld rhe door betwee n Otted in need of pr ope r t y to buy o r reo t Funeral Director "All rlgh l. II".n , .JIIII II . .1'11 11 Inke Ih ~ 100 cl ose ly for him to percei ve nny It might be well to s ee our dmde r. Te lephone 76 , rin g' 3 lent's gun ; 1II" ~ h('lI l'r "IT WII Il"11 1 It. and Embalmer, Ir leBm ot li ght. Re II/rt ened Int ently, whu bears the III~me n"me a lt t b e 'r'lat'" rlStht: lIoW h 'l'l 111111 U \' , ' r un ' holdl n& bls breoth. but his hend sank inau that "kept us out of war ': 8ee If hc's got li ll Y "Iht.~ l· \\'f'l lp o n s. buck Ullce more III dejection. Why 10 . R. W Kayl or tlransaoted business Waynesville. Ohio. ChUB (J or d on , o f Hllr vey", ho rg , n ett .. r s tuII l1 II". (,hurI' I,1 1I .. Ood 's nomll hndn't he foullht It Ollt In P IQ !1I1, one day last week. and K. ·E Th o mpMn n, of tllie fI\u ce , The rUlIl'hrullll. cOIII"."',,,,,,II,,!: th u lik e n mon? Why hod he ever l>ermltMr. and Mrs P. B. C leave r 11911) ~po nt ~~ t urr1I1 .l' III Cio l· ln nll t l. : - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - : : Ei th e r Auto o r Horse drawn service. utter rtltfllt~· or JII1 ~' IIlt, 'm p ' HI 1· " ~ l s t . ted himself to be tbull caught like a Boon I~Llve for Florldli, wbere tbey N o ext ra charge for auto service. nn Cl!, did li S I", \, III( tuld , 1I1I1I1 IU:l l q: tu tropped nlt ? The frenzy of di sguSt he will spe nd the willt.er. W'llte r ~ 1I"11 ~. 1II 0Ih (l[ 1I1I c! s ls t e r , Bot h phones in Olfiee and Residence ret-·nlo th e r.;UIIlf' r llo l :o\11I 11t! on lai ~ III) ~. felt cB used him to s it up ond store LesLer i::!tarr, of near Wayn esvi ll e. Etb a l, w ll r e tllIO ll(lin g In 1.olJlIDo n. 1 No. 14. I The l1Iurct c r o tl i" eyes IIf III· sqUHWonce more ot the single s tor shining wall a Sonday g nest of Ilcqualnta noeH 8al,urdn y "ftt'rn (lo n. FUNERAL Dlt{EC: TOR Dlun nen' r 011 ('1' .h · s~ rl('(1 III (n ('(' nllli MrM. J l' ulli e (J O rll lll l ~ ve r y s iok 1\1 th rough the wl n,lo\\'. Whot W08 that? In ~bll vloinlty . Shetby r r nll1.l'cl thn I till ' s lh: lll cs t SYUlI" A s hadow? SurelS 80me thlng' out yonTher .. Is to be .. ,o hange in our tele- b e r b om e in I:l Jl rve\' Hbnr g . We .. II I der mo,ed I tOIll of tr ~ lIch l! r~' wOIII" 1' 1'11" ., hl & 1111 . Waynesville, Ohio hope tbat " h e will bo !Un oh bettcr phone exohange 0 .0 or about Ue oem. lJy I he tim e tbi 8 nppellrlt In priut. dolni. Lllud wo s III no ",,,uti to ue S lI e oll y, cautiously, he 6tel)ped on ber I Mb . Miss S h oema k er h llS been IIrgued with . Th os e p eo pl e fr o m Btlrveyeburt; the stOOl, nlld loolted out between the a. very effiolen t o per ator. "NIce at yc\u 10 \\'11 It ,UI.1I1 nft !'r l 'cI bors, bls henrt beating like a drulll. At . wh o went l:ll1 utb fo r th o winter, p US- I Fully E quipped for GGud en ten." be s nltl I'lI slI.l'. "It will I:lv" Ors t he saw nothing, the blood seemThle secMon s h ows an in creased sed t hrongb he r e o n l::innd"y m Orll_ Urlldu81e of Oblo State Uolvenl'" Service. rue 0 eornfort uhl c 111/:111'" rust," log to stand 8UII 8S be gazed-then subscription lis t tor the (;laze tte. ing. There wo r o thr eo maohin e I tbe IIn&ers ot 1I hllnd grosped one ot over Il:I8t year. Tho.t speake well o f "mad YOU toke It th nt \\,1I ~'. Cll'nnLa rge Displa y Ro IU load s: The), are golnK t,bro ugb 111 1 the wooden hors, and a tace rose the an xle$y tor tbo h ome newlI cd 101m uP. havo you .Tulln? Now, how their m ll ohines . ' . OFFICE: ahout lJiat room YOlld or? J·: tnllty, ol n't ·s lowl,. Just In tront ot bls own. A On Deoember 10th, at 2 p . m ., th e J)A y on N IGlll M. M. T e rry wnl:l in Dll y t o n on I TELEI'IIO :-; I; l:lnturd Il Y. ' -_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ IU" I"o u rth Street, ncar Tyler whis per revealed lbe Identity of bls propeny owned by MrH. MutU e Mer_ "Tomorrow W.'II Settle Thl. Cu. ... "SI, senor," It \\,II S I'nndln wl1Q. UII' oar, deoeased , W I!) be sold by tbe vl8it or. Telepb'one 93 The \:Sox 8 0ci ,,\ at tbe sch oo l h o use swered. opening th e door. "Senor, ('orne quietly to window: do adminlstra'or. B'oward Ivins, lit bllre, last :::IntU.alloY eVllnln ~ , WAS 'L tAlnly 10YOi to ner brother, It oothlni I.aud tonk " "tl'1' for\\'nrd nlHl ~I se. Whllt lhen could possibly InOupubllo anoUon on the premi ses Waynesvlll >. Ohio Th is Ie a belAutiful and oonvenient oomplete Sl1oce!\S from M'ar~ t o finglonce<1 Inro th(' npllrtmcnf. '\'h" Mwlfl en ce her to .how him th e . slightest Dol apeak loud." BARNHART. Ish. Ther e wor e a bo ut ODe hun - I "Pancha, you I You would talk with home, and Ihould brlog som ewhere IICrutiny oppnrently mltl s lI.,,, him, for :0llsldemtlon7 Notary Public near ItII worth, 60011 property Is in dred present . Tb e boxes w e re nu c- , .me. then 1" he tunled to th e prlsoJ(t' r. hi. e" olver He snt with heod In bls bands, enI! l O Ppod to 1:0 mtnute. "I must know IIOme things, senor: I demand and thialtl your opportunity ~ione:l off, t.he blghest ~>rt ced b ox II til I gra8ped In rl!udln ess for InSl.fllll '0 Ii U .ftj with Dr. t:J h.lA!J,•• dpl1vnrlnll tn RQlve the mystery, aDd, must be Bure," Ihe saId lIercel),. "You to get a home 'halt. Ie .well looated. brought ovo r t·wo doil ltrs. Among CrU UI,' R"mooy. 00. IIlltlon. . Will, te,L will IUNllr pro ... tell me tonl,hl the truth, Benor: YOIl .n extra largo lot 'hat you 0 I n raise t h e many dlfforont entert&intll tl ntH All kinds of N o tary Vfo rk "00 on In.'' he I'olllmnlll ied hnrs lll y. No TomhID1l-::":: wore tbe I!wi ullning matoh, dout,:h anll Deeds Ii lipeoiul t v . DDt lie to me." your lIyinR on . '''"" Ina till'llp-4(to. ' LAn' tomorrow we' ll s'tll e thi s (,OS(,." nut!! all li atring, oarrylng lion [Ipp la "Not a II nile word," be aallUred ber The ooal IIltual;\On Is not at IlIJ Shelb)' wolke .. IllI Rt him wllhollt 9 eOllerl" hla heart bealonlng to beat proml8lng. Tbe lIoaroit,. is grellt on It te~Rpoon "orOl8 I,h o r oom IItlll muC!h os 0 Rl d(' I:llIn ('('. to nil olll\\'lIrd with new hope, 1111 tace advaoced . on- and tbe demanl1 very heavy. Wood bllok . h ,ntl.ted pBper s aoks, eto .. <'to (P o tl . rb e 8wllJlllJi Dg lJ Ull·cb W,18 " aplle1lmnce quite 01 hi s eose. Lnlld til onl)' the bars divided them. "I Ie soaroe and tbe fuol lIitoatlon Is side sbow . ) 'l'ake n &11 in a\l it wile closed the 1I00r nnd the prltwner hcnrd trusted you," terrlblo 1 bet another year 1 will uulqae. . Mintilehah[~ . blm !!e('ure It wllh 8 stont woo,len "Yoti lire I:>lIuor O«,,'U/. ha ve plen 'y of tllEII. 1 would bli ve MY CI'IANOi'ttQ ""LUI ~S illlr. Be stood Ib ere mOllonless. en----.~ ~ -"YeB." b&d plenty of fn el thla year bot 1 SI'1( LI'ARNEO "T SUII/O"" doavorlnil to coll ect his thollghts. "And she, thIs woman, Is your was Inf t. rwed tbat It would be plen . SCHOOL n-tAT "~M Toc." '" tM mile no longe r on his 1I11S, ad, wlte?" tier and lower in prioe, oonseqoently QIBBOttt OUT 01 HI3 SID. JUltlni his eyes to the dnrkness. "Yes." 1 110m out In tbe oold . C:>OCI(IT _ 0 MAOI: 1,,1f "She Is IlI'eltY wOlllao. verro pretty: Tl\ere wos a wlnl10w hi gh lI(l. hut ~erviollfl a' the,~ M. E. oh uroh on OUT OF'T 1011 not III II rrt ecl lon g?" llceniingly too smn ll for the pllssnge or Sunday . "No, only B few !luys; we bod just hi s body. yet n s light , gl('ll Ri of 61MProt . Alfred WEltkillS, of Morr ow. Ev e roH Blair, of Detroit. i ~ h e r e come to the rnnch wben she was tok · light found 1t8 woy tllrough the 0PUII' W"8 in our oi loy on. Tuesday night of for & Vi s it a t rb e bOUlO of hi s gran d _ I Ing. which was fnrth er hll l're,1 "yo tl\'O eD awny!' I,,@ t week, Ilsslsti[lg ID tbe orgu.Dlzn. Dlot!J l\r . stout 'voodell stukes. fl u s ll'ppell s i"But, Benor, wby she go owoy tt she tion of 11 band of l:nuftlollAns M re. EM . Pu ttoraon, of ,J nyIlO~_ lently IIcrOS8 and tes ted them, nndlng be JUBt murrled like yotrlllIY? Why The sad inte lli geuce r eaohed UB a t vili B, Wis. , WIJS oll ll ed h e re by the them IIOlidly embedded In the logs. H e ahe leove you, 8D' run oft' wltb Senor felt his WilY coutlously nbolll Ihe rOOII1 . Macklin? She love heem hetter thon ~he delltb of Josllpb n8 H os kin s , at death of ho r unolo, Eienry Milior . .~ limington • . who w"s known t o Mre. B B Mi ll e r , who WIIM ope r11'\l1~\l w,\s at slllull dImen Sions. ~on· roul" mllny of our 'Jlder oitize uH in d nYN ..ted au for goitr"" ut MIllrnl Vnll ey IIIlplpg QI1!.I' n s ingle s toul. lind u cut 1 "La\'e him I She did Dot run olf. He pa .lt llnd gone. tfle ftoor W811 pun cheon and the wnlla b ospit"I, Tuc s<ll1Y of Il.> et week . 18 \ Rtole her, he nnd tour Indio OS, after The ollshler in tb e ~ta.te bnnk of rllpidly r e oove ring. pf lpg, lI~ovll y pill s tered with mUd. lenvlng m~ for deed." rhe pillre oITered oppnrently no opBeury Mill e r. 1I life-l ong r es id e nt "Ue not tell eet to me like that; he Vandalia, who wa. beld beld nlJ Ilnd put up a fight and W,,8 instru mental o f tbls neighuoru ood, (li e d Il~ bl~ portunity for escn pe. an d Shelby so t BII Y s be WOIII to marry beem, on' 001 down . on the edge of the cot (llsconrHe YO'u. 'I'hat be took her to save her from In the robbers' Ilrll'8St, was formerly h OUl e h e r e, Fridav morn ing. aged_ you: tbo I ahe wouid not let heem from Oregonia, al~d IS 110 son-In.lllw was a. veterl'n of th e Ulyil Wl.>r unti Be could distin gui sh lh e voi ces ot leuve her. Then IOU 6gbt, on' so gel of I, ~. Miller, o f this tOWIl. 'I'be 1\ me'mhe r of t,htl Mu ~ool o lo dge. Hll i oas hler's name I" H nra oe Wilson. leOVtlB t o m our ll Ihe i r laSH, fo nr s o n ~ the three wllhout pin Inly enough to keeled," A8 a rule , you hlid botter le o.ve the - .1. Wesl ey, C hnrles. WllllulIl lind I detennlne who wus spenkln g. bllt llH~ lr Shelby Inughed softly. Wllllons atone. wordB were Indls till guls hllul e. 'I'hen Daniel-tlntl II s is te r, Mrs . J . W 1 "So thot WD8 Macklin', story, wos Owiog to tho we"ther, Yr. and Bavdonk. Fuoe ml Mo r Vloes w e r ll the mumlur Onnll y reos(!(I. nnr! he It? Well, It Is nOI exacUy true. thrwll'hl ,o ne of I h.. 1111''' ~(lIId left the alII ', sII ylng fille's lu love with llIe, or Mrs. W. L, Harvey Imd Mr ana Mrs. held ID tbe M. E . oburoh. l:3 und .. y . , Jordan did not at"rt on Monnothln' tl ke thnt. but ahe Bure don' r W. Wllllnm Spray, of Lawren oe, !rI.> O " ' honk" r none ortcr t.,ol ('hop. I'll tell day, a~ laet weAk',s issue proollilm!\d Is tbe guest of r e latives b e r e 1& But DOW they have go oe, leav_ )'~r why he took her-couse ahe's ,01 Miss Nu noy Sm ltb di od lit Ill o lI e sees on ly iuti1e da r k, a nd misses & a bunch 0' mODCY comlo' bel' woy down Ing here Sunday morning, Novem bome of hor sister, M r ~ . JO~B pbin " be .. 21, for Floridli We wleh for CJ(~t thOI Macklin ",oulll like to gel Hlalr t-i nnd av eve ning :Tunero J grea t d eal of til e w? r ld.' s b ri.ght spots, tbem a safe trip, anll a benefiol,,1 bls hlln,ls 011." ser vl~es will be h eld, 'l'ueHdoy afterBut h is e 'es a re open III IllS bus l11ess hours one 8S well. " Be lIJurrs h!'r'" no on . a nd he uses his oppo rtun ities. You can The All-Day meetlug o.t the ''Thnl's his gnme, no dooht, If It \\·ork~ . If 1I0t. 1111'11 evol\'e sorue otber. II'rlends ohuroh on Sunday was well 1 sec your opportuniti es by I <1on'l t h'l n k he Irl yes a cuss how It'. attended and highly appreoillted . We are to bave a Lectnre Co nrse d,," e. ~fJ he I:<'tB It-he nnd hi. prebere tbls winter. Tbe firet nJlID oer clou ~ fAtlter." '1'11 (0 s lllred at ' hIm with lips will be aD S .. t.urd,IiY night, Deoe m_ ber 4th Your patronlloKe will be t'C,,·I.. 1. 1 will sell &t publlo auo),l on lit my .. : 'Ilyhe I see It more clenr DOW." appreolntAd r es ldenoe on Main !Streel" WaYllce lilt· t!.Yclnlme<l . "U.. nol loVl' h(Ol . ville, Uhlo , o n
I "
.,. --_.
.Advertise lJOW-SAlel~1
this News.
1 bring !Iou bu1Je" Wt
E\'erett Early
'Randall "arr/.Jh
D u, H, E,
Lytle Feed MiU
Lytic - , Ohio
- '--1
W alter McClure
:Dr. J. A. McCoy,
CRO ~ rgJ
Don't Be a Punk;n Head!
But Be ' As W ~, i!J~ As Old Mr.
Public Sale
tlll'lI: he jll8t wont her money, hab I I ('lire nOl how he gel Ulnt, It he nOI gel hl'r. You 18ke ber own"~ Senor l:ihelh~' . " 'he re he De\'er Bell her agoln?" "Of ,·olll'f<e." . "/,n' you kellp her mnrriell to you'" "I'll dQ t"e best 1 cnn. Whol do YOIl lIl,.nn, PAncha' Cun YOII get 118 Ollf o( here?'" "SI !!enol'; I know tbe wO)' that oth· erS dO not, ~ 'get you .out: b~t." I>D~ ,lonlltel1. '!~I I. not to UV4! .Yllll· l "'toll, bere-see; wltll olqoq, brother, I am , bom outlaw; ')'et llIe ml!!' 10 I T~.t 1 .reeolve. It ebe Itay her:. 1 "~lIer. But 'U. eaaler ~ay to bave tparr,led to JOn, an' eate.· "You lovlI Mulrl!..,.
----- ..- ---
Sultan Who Sollclta Washing. Perhnps one or th e lJI os t prlmilive ot Independenl 'klnglloms Is Ihe tlltle Islnn (\ ot Johnlmn, In the Comoro I:rOlip. Th e ~ll l1l1 n hoord s nny Hhlp Ihat IJIOy cu ll thi're 1I1)r! endenvo l's to s ecu!'e Ih", washing for hl ~ wives, whil e 't he prime mlliister lleddles cocomU!! nflll hOllllnaS.
Saturday, Novern bur 27, 1920, BAgi nnin l( ,,\ 1 o'clock, sharp. !\ l ot of Bou @eho ld Goods. Sec bil l", for further )llIrtioulnrs WILl.IAM ORNDORF . W . N SeuB,. Auo~.
Bavlng 1I01.rt my' farm. I wlI\ e ll o ~ farm slt)lded ontl Had Enoug!t of That !'lumber, mile eut o( Oregonia on tbe Ore A ~~rth 'nrollnll lIlon w\)08e nulo- ~.o nla & Barve,.sburg pIBO., o n ~oune license W0 8 Illlmheretl ' 13 sent . Wednesday, December· I, 1920, It bock to the secrl'lnry ot 8111te wltl! n letter Roylng: "The IIrst dill' t r()(\e Beginning a' 12 o'olook, ihe follow. with It, J lost 118, lUld the sec nd dny lUi ohattel.: "Bofse'!J 12 Bog", I lost 18 Inchell or skin oft my leg. rellfl Jmplemen$s " e~ . tIee billa . Ph!8"11 I!8hd me a 'lJIlfer uumber." lie •' . WILBUR WILLIAMS.
And be so wise tha t your surplus stuff will leave you as soo n as adver tised.
Try it once and be convinced, and like the cat you'll always come back.
o t Publlo t!ole
lOt It,
Wa1ter-Luy, Aao',
WA~"NB8VILLB. 01110.
J •
FridaJj and
BrDd~tr ~t, W.111
2.') Bar LeIl\lX S nll ll, pnl.' 0/' 1 " I) I I I) 20 Bars Swif t' 8P rid~~oRp 20 BarA Sunny Mol1tlll Y Sllll~ I llll 20 Bartl Mllpl o Ci t y ~" 1I1l .. I 110 20 Bars J axon SOll ~ 1"" wO Uar PeaI'I Toil,·t :-:"a l' 1 1 "" Oll 12 Pou nds Nllvy fl ell fl ~ 8 Pountlll 1.im» H ellll ~ ...... .. 1 !lll S Pou nds Hit) Coff l· .. · ... ... .. 1 "" 5 Pounds 't~· c l · C ut C"I1\···. 1 \111 1 ,II S Ilill :lIns ·lIlmon .... 1 •I~ , 10 ;.J Ib CRn$ TUlln ." I III) 7 1·I'ou:'lcl CRfl~ TnnA I on 4 Big Cans CRill r " lI cl,e~ 4 Big Can ~"I<l A p ' inll , 1 "I' 6 Hig Can ~ Tomu I (I('~ . . . . . 1 P II 1 LiO 8 Pkj.(N MUlh,'r 's lh, ' ~ 1 \1/1 9 Pk g~ . r, . ~ t TIl" ~ l lt ·~ . 8 Pk lrs .Iello or . Ji tf~, ·. I "'I .. I Ihl I til 11 l'ounJs H .~ R" I:,, '~ . 8 Cans Earl\' .Iu,,,, l 't' :l ~ ... 1 0(\ G Pkgs, r . C I-'I,' u r . :l ll~ I In.! 1 Ihl 1(1\1 16 Plq~'s f{"dM llnT nh:,, '" '' 3 Pounn Can~ und ' " ~, ,11 11 Humfonl Rakin~ i'.. .I.' r 1 Ill)
Granutated Suga ...... 9 ~ c
Mrs. Ann l: u ll'1n , Ill\' n r It. .. hil t>.' Q Uralj8t r eer. led al h"T II< me af Alexa ndria . Sundav 1110 'Il lfllf .,! ·1 ,'\' 1<> k The fune ra l J \\' I\S h'.'1 this 11ft moon at th e M . E " 'hurch at Ihis ph 'e, Rev Holt offi!!i . ,dnR" 'Inle rmen t was mad e in Mi·
Other Specials
,, \
Week Beginning : Sunday, Dec. 5 MATINEES WEDNESDAY" SATURDAY
Far m ~Il lrs and UVl' -11l'ciait)
Sl ock a
Sali~fu rtion Guaranteed A j ' ,'U 1H'lntl v(> \\\\0 1 "nol h ,tH yta n r hy 't r.on :-l Ilt-P I) HINt n t rthnoll'4 MlJDfJl" V 1fiOfll1 h\ I h •. 1,1 1'11 , ......\"/'1 ll l ur •• 1 '-\:i.; uclnU o n . :-ll,"d tht'lI, Ithtlut (to.) Thl ~ \'fHlr 'WiN' Rft mu.n .,· \\,· Ofl} - F" · (\\\" ' r .. II '~IIIII .~ art' ro ll ow\njC Illt~ ~1l 1l1,a pi a" u' llI(' 11 \'(ln RH" ' !l' II I ... Ii " plng J;:'ra (jtn)( tUlf! ,,'o r llt\! " , •. \ t . " . I. ' 11 '.t.,
, Ft .,
Hellhrook, Ohio
l:-i l I..,
r,,\'orll bl e mn rkt · t 1e
prf"t ~ . · lI l t'd
+i" . _
T Ilt' In '~ I (fl ' l 'l1 a r
Th{' loc al .... illl1 ~ an' 1' 111 1" ,1 bv Ih t'
F' u rlll ~,
It l,
, ,' I
- ,-lI mll lo l •• " Ih ft I{rnWf'I '''l III ,.ti l·h rrll ' I1 ! \
" " " l l l ll.
" '\1Ft", , ,
' . "
1,· . · ..
, •
. ,'
Economy Satisfaction and Service l'rv the "Service
London --Add"lonol by
1'1~:,~ ' '.L~,:.)'b ) g~:;::~~~~::;.;~,~;; ( ~~~;.
''''11'' FlO' r'"r . Ever Kent un Tour in the Jo•. ~~,,:. ,1111" CH, e AGO, ILL .. Nov . ~3 - W !101 \ 1I1'o"1I11,U1~Lot' '' 1 History of the \Vorld . ot Loudon growe rs of the middle we~ t c rn ~ Iatl's - Illinois in 'pa Tli c ular- art~ a~king ~ I " i l ()rd e r~ ru t lhi~ elClr:lOr dinary Bll r llclinn will n(lw b e received highlyexcil ed wheat. corn find co l· Why ){ i" e ~ o m etl ,in ' i',·ri ,.h:al, '" . ·'1 fto r lht! "l1 tire " u gll~ement, prio,' to o~elli. ng of th e public 8e~t lIale ,'II M"no tiY. Nov :!!Ilh Send p roper remtltance payable to Victory ton raiders of th e nalion to foil ,,,,· a Chridlill as prl'~" "" 1111,1 n,,, 1,,- / ;1\ T iI "fI' t'I' E "dll~e _e lf·arld ressed ~t~mpt'd env('lope f or ret urn tj('kets the ir lead of po oled mark e t illg if 111 M I I' '' l lI ll h" II" or 11 duy "I' 11 \\« ,1;. Caesar's Creek Friends Churc h l'IU , ' I~=-, - Ni~hl s: Orc tu,strll. $385 ; Balcony . $330. $275 $220. they went the bes t possible IJrice for wh e n t hI? intp ~ ri,ltl\h ll' i.. II l"h-r ' ''I I I * 1 K, IItHl $ 1 10 Sunday Schuol a t this ~hurch every thei r crops hand : Anti if. ,""",11.( I I" ", . .'" I"' ~ ' Wt·tlnegda v Mllti n ee-O r c h e~ tra. $275; Balconv. '2 .75 S2.:lO. Sunday I\t 9:30 a . m . Preaching ser· $ 1 65 IInrl $1) 0 SaturdllY Matinee-Orchestra. S3 30; Balcony. Of the thirtl~(' n staled o pe raling u l i ~ h !l bl l'~ .. -" \I ll d , ,, ,~-,. flit· \ .. (,'1 vice at 10:30 o'clock a. m. You are ~ :I :111 . $~ 7fl . $2 20. $ 1 65 a nd $1 10 s tate pool of wool, with a stora e eS· I ~umpan' " tt. Y',llr ).:1( l ha ~ lha- -I" '.'" cordially invited to be present . \\ IIr I IIX illclud ed in the ubove p ri ces . timated at 30,000 .000 pound this l ~ al qua l' t.\' : l!"~ tt c\\'n, ·,~ "f II ,!, coati, COMPANY OF 300 PEOPLE-TEN BIG SCENES year , Il linois wi lh vi r tually 71 UO o r. \1t..~ .fres ltn l'~H : , ~ no t ut "'\(' , ::0; hH Il <, I·d SI. o\\arY's Church ganized shecpmen. leads. Th eir co· ~ Jewt!l . II IJl el ur .·, lO r H ph" ',· /I f al · First Sunday in Advent. No· operative pllol las t year saved them t~r e a ~o r<l ~ ~ o ~ urp n~ :~ afl:-r II~,. vember 28th : Su nday School at $50.000 which would have gone to , tlrst IIl~~ eC ll OI1. uut l ite \ IJ UI I, • 9:80 a. m . Morning Prayer and Ser· t he middleman . The mt>mbe rs hip Cntnpam on bt'Itt ~~ U It ~ 11 ~ ]lCC I 4 ,J .It-. mo~ at 10:30 a . m . "I was glad then was only half what it is this lilo(hl s Hml untaHll'oi ~,' u r . ,,~ ,~ t 1'1, II; ' when they said unto me, We will go year. ure ~ll101 hIlPpi n ' : ~s wilh ,·I·N., "I,· in the house of the Lord ." Come . The Illinoi Agric l1llural A. soc la· ceedlltg wt'ckly !lumu"r .': lion broug ht about t he pool last year And every Ult· "' .l lh' fun llit . ,' I ,. Orthodox Friends Church Through its aetivities, st orage quar. el'(' n~ a~e Will s ,' I, I t th a t IIr,· g" .. ,J : l :i acres good land and buildings near Lytle, priced ~ hllred Sunday School. 9:30 a . m . Meet • ter"~ were oh ta ined at th e Na ti onal th l"lo(~ to sell. ing for worshi p at 10:30. Wool Warehouse Co . bere. and pro· Th e :,:2 issues ~'f I ~ .! I. \\,; ,1 Ill'! visions made for h'l ndling th e sea· e r" wn ".t \I ith ~e r! 1I 1 ., lll l'l .· " ,ia 'r' d :3 acres at Waynesville, good buildings. furnace in so n 's clip on th e in ~t allment Dian . ' l , .'· ;, ·~. ,. i.:.)rials, pue lr y . fact.- ::1 ..1 ,I ~\. E. Churc h house, nice home and a bargain . The lalm advi~erd o f th e co~nt~ ftl f\ • :'111 •., 'r iia~ " " .\\' ant! ~I'C~I\~~; '. II Sund ay School, 9:15 a . m . A good bureaus acted as a~p.nts tor th e md,· I . 1 11" \ " " th s CunljlUllInn "- ". :! acres near Waynesville, new buildings, fine land, place to study th e Word . There a re vidual 8heepmen; sh ipped the wool sut' · in I ~ I"< I . .. . good price. classes for a ll grades an il aires. A to Chicago whe re it waS graded, 2. .·\ !I IIa" I ,'nwlIllng , ~ lI es o f l nu live bunch, a fine s pirit. a d elightful store<! and sold when m arket co ndi· 3 . ril e C" lIlpani on Home Cule ndar If you can' t buy a large place buy a small one. They place. At 6: 15 the Epworth Leltg ue ti on ~ were mOis t favorable . And the for 192 / always sell, for the demand is always greater devotional meet All other eveni ng sale eliminated the middleman-or All the above for $2 50. than the su~ply, ser vices at 7 o'clock. local buyers- as the wool went direct 4. McCall'l< Magazin e for 192 1 Tir e Preac.hing by the pa'Jtor at 10:30 to the mills .• The wool remained t he monthly a u thor it y on fas hionH. $ 1 GO 8 . m . and 7:00 p. m. every Sunday . property of the individ ual g rower ayear. Bulh jJ ubl ication:;. only ,3.liO Wednesday at 7:00 , prayer and praise until sold . Freight, st o ra~e and in· A uc.tioneer and H agnesrJllle THE YO UTH'S COMPAN II)N . meeting . , Ohio Real Estate surance was deduc t ed. the bal ance Commonwealth Ave. & Sl. PUIi I ~t . The public is in vited to come a nd going to the shipp er . Bos ton, Mass. join with us in worship . Local buyers early in 19 /9 offe r ed New Subscriptions rt.. ceiveu a t th i, D. P. Holt, Pastor. sheepmen 30 to 40 cents for wool. Otlice . When the coo]pt'!rative pool became • - - --Ferry Christian Church effective they paill aa hilrh as 55 I Bible Scho(ll at 9:30 . Preaching cents a pound for it. From a wool producing standpoint at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p m . Every· the pool markElting plan educates the One invited. J. ~. Pine. Paator. wool growers liS to the best kind of wool to grow Ilnd how to prepare It Harveysbur& Friends. Church Thursday, Novemb~r 25th Dan Morgan Sunday School, 9:30. Meeting for for market , Throu~h direct con· sillnment each llrower is paid the Lindley Me nd enhull ') Holbrook Blinn and Vivian Martin, in Worship. 10:30 Everybody cordi· highest mill price on the rating of J ason She .. han. 011 :,11 I.b fu" ,,·. ally invi ted to these services. their grade. Heretofore the loca l Lyman D&y. all'ent haa boul~ht the better grades A. B. Shnn e r Also Charlie Chaplin, in ) at the same priee as the poore r grades • ---.- Sellin~ direct 'to th e mills through Read Gazette's Classified A ds I ) the pool takes more lime in dispoSo ~ Admission, 17 and 11 cents ing of wool·-but thi.s is offset --'-- ~ through Ihe stlllldying of the market; . No. 2220 Special Matinee Thursday at 2:30 at securing a just price, and furth er· REPORT Saturday, November 27th ing an effectj~e method of marketing Of the Condition lI C t he Wayne,;. A Rucceesful revival meetina-closed wool in the future Featuring Dorothy Gish, in ville Nati onal ~a" k . al Way lt l'!1 : Sunday evening at Lytle M E c huTl~ h In forming a local PilOI the farm ville in 1 he Stal e uf Ohio. at lh~ : Some twelve so uls bowed at the al· bureau adviser calls toge ther sheep· close of bu siness. No v. I)). I!I.W, : tar, acceptillg Christ as their Savior. men of the county and ellplair.s the RES0 Ul/ c r::s . : Also, Pathe News . Thirty·two reconsecrated themselves plan. They can elect their own r ep· l.0r'!.'a'is~~~:~'L~I~~~~'J~~'·:~'t\I::~ • Matinee at 2:30, all se'!,ts, 17e to the full service of the Master . resentative or name th e advi ; e l' to Tutlll Lo""o..... .. ......... . :" 3. 1' ... 60 b h 1)\" ~nlrotlM , uIl8Ol;unxl. . . . ... . , :n.; . U:' Night, 22 and 17e Rev. Militlr, the plls tor, is well ple2sed !Ict. If th e farm ureau as no u . 8 . uovornm~ s",·tI,tl it" ,OI"u "oI : with the progress of the meetingR. wart!hou~e-all m emb(·rs deliver on D(tt?~~~"J~ pm~,~,~i'~~:'~~:,I~,v Tueaday, Novembel 30th by the efficient help of his evangel- cars on the sa me day, , Each ship· \t':.~~~:~!~,~~' I)~ft ;li':'; I·,." 17 ;,,':,1 ists, Rev . W. Bennett and Bro. Wil. ment is care fully weigiteej and la· ~·~'rlf.L. ~t"ml}S. Q.c.'~·" )'1 ~::;,,;.~ 'Featuring Ruth Roland, in :'". 1 "1 ; !I..! 1#" , son . May the blessing of God still belled with the grov. '! r '~ nam e. SocurIU.. otho, thll " U. S. b Olt". <JlO t. Ill cl udlng: It..OC I$If. } u wn od J remain on th e people of Lytie Eighty·seven cuuntie~ in Illinois are unplodge<I , . .. , .ISH . J II I UII "o Cullale rar Trust o. nrl o~ her UOh"H Prp.aching services, during the win- so organized. ,,1 corpora'lo". iIIsuud lur ",,' ~ Also, a good Fox Feature. ' , t less 'ban ana year Hnr m on' ter months, will be held at 11 (I'clock Wool growers of t h e t hII .een sta es 'ho" 3 y ...... tim • ... 12. • ' <1. 00 W.I' 1.9I1 j:· Admission, 22 and 17 Cents each Sabbath morning , The pastor now operating pools, are asking the 3t~:j, g~:,'[; ~~c'lc ~-oo.~~·~1 • . , ,,,l , UO I . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . urges all who can to attend these National Farm Bureau Fed !falion to S1~~ g:,:~~nO['~ , t~~~~, pW~'I','~ ' :) I/(1I1 IJ good morninlt services. Come and create a national selling agllDCY and r~~'fur~.':,';~~u,fi;l:' ~.~i~r"·, · it;.. I'I . II " V. Hu ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' hear the word of God. arc backin'" the "Truth in Fabric" IOn. nBO" , ... . .... , . ,. . . .111 '2 1" I " & • OlUl h 1n vault, nu d 11C~ tlnWU lIl s bill which would compel textll~ man· d·l. Irom lIatioll" J ~,.' ~" th To tal ot ite ms U. H , I ~ . Ii: 11 1111 ufacturers to stamp th eIr clo s, , 11 . .. ... ........ . $J :' . ' ;l~.b ' . h f . . 1 Chocks . n bank. located IJll biol" nammg t e amount 0 VIrgm woo 0 1 ct~y ur . 10WI1 Co r r" I"!r'I,, ~ dl'ooru 'age the RetleropUou hank 8"u other e .... " lI o ,,~• .. , 10U, IOU Tht' 8 'vould u ~ed . ,. .. ) , (und . wIth U. s,
Own Your Own Home
Lytle, Ohio,
A. E. WHITE, Prop. -
We buy & sell Stoves, Furniture & Household Goods
$28.00 $3100 $12.50 $ 4.50 $ 3.00 $ 1.50 $ 4.00 $ 7.00 $ 1.50 4e $ 1.60 $ 9.50 $22.50
A handsome Crystal Cut Glass Punch Set Will be given away on January 1st, to the onp gueesin~ the nearest numbe r of beans in the glaes jar in ou r window. One guess with each purchase up to SOc. Qf one gues~ each for eve ry dollar spent.
"The Butterfly on the Wheel" "Behind th£ Screens"
" Mary 'Ellen Comes to Town"
If we haven 't go t whal you want we will get it
Our Mott(}-Fair Dealing, Honest Prices, Satisfaction.
tion Was in Ila InfJl ney: When Gods of Earth and Idols of Clay Ruled th e
'P.~'u ~::le':!,,,
Garage" ~It
New Famous Cook Stoves. as low as .... .. .... ... .... ...... ... ....... .............. .... .. .. New Famou9 'Hot Blast Heaters ... .. ...... .. .. ... ................ ..... . .. New Famous Wood Heaters as low, aa ... .... .. ....... ......... .. .. .... . ......... ... ........ . New Mattresses, all cotton and coli on t o p. as low aa· .. .. .. ......... .. ..... .. .. ........... .. .. .... ....... .. Dining Room Clock eight day .... .. ......... .. ....... .. , .. .. .. .. ... .. ........ ... .. . Mission Sewing Rocker ................ .... .. ... ..... '" ...... ... . .. Ladies' Heavy Cloak . long and warm ........ ...... .... ...... .. .... ...... ... ..... , Ladies' Near Seal Neck Piece, silk lined ............... ...... ..... ........ ... ...... ...... .. . New Corn Husker • Auto Tubes ........ .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .............. ..... . .. Leave your Laundry hert! Collars ...... .. ......... .. .... ..... ........... .. ........ , .. .. .. .. Dry Cleaning by experts, Suits and Overcoats ...... ..... ........... . ...... ... .... .. . Get a Comer Rain Coat and Hat to match. for your boy or girl for Ch r istmas, guaranteed .... .. American Wollen Mills Co . , Suits to Measure ......... .... .... ....... .. .. .. ... .... ,t ... ..
F",,,, '''a Nu , . 1
'Ii .
- For-
A Romance of Ancient E"ypt
I' ,
t ~
UY V I (,1'Olt MA YJ::H
"I., b,
1'1 "',;"";,, (r~~~"g~l. ) in the Days W~en Clviliz.· (
Wrlttc u 8r)CK"laJl y tor Tht) M tu. nl t Ua /cut)
(~'rom the Theat re Renaissance. Parie) mred from On e Entire Season at the (;entury Theater N. Y.
ZIMMERMAN'S In our Classified Column.
It Pays to Trade at
It Pays to Advertise
I .C T 0
_ _ 1.-'
John H. Wright
We will sell ~ 1" ' 0111, 1:; II f l ; rHl1 ' uln :l'd SlI 1:ar I,· i~ I .'. wi lh '" '" of I he Ilbnl'P , I "I I Ilar).:'nill ~
Gall o n l3ucktl:! 1(lI ro ......... .. ':lC Palm Oii,'c Soap . 10 for ..... 7Ge Bulk Mac or Spt'11: • 2 I b~ ... .. :![, ~ Large size J erseyCo rnFI Bkes .. l0c Big Post Toas' ies. :? for ...... :I~ c 81be Argo Slarch. only .. ...... 2~c Flake White. a pound .. .... ... ZOc Many other arti c le~ a t price~ that wiil save you money .
ZIMMERMAN'S ' .' -- ~ II
_ 1....
Waynesville, Ohio
"Ruth of the Rockies"
. The longer yo ur Suit lasts, the better it is for your pocket book. . Let us do your
GUARANTEED Two enterprisin~ men, who be· lieve in the efficacy ('If the preeM, were mad I' 'happy , Monday . Last week, a man came to thi s offi ce and wanted to ad vertise somelh i nil' he had found on the road, and two hours later the loser o f th e article cam\.! to the office and wan ted to advertise for the lost article . In t his manner the lost was found, and everybody was made happy. These two men believed that advertising was the only way to do liudiness, and accordi~gly acted upon their belief. Others can he made hoppy by foll owi ng their example.
THE FASHION SHOP H. E. HARNER, Prop., Waynesville, Ohio.
Ralpb H.
The Late Classl"fied Ads',
Announces the opening of offices for the general
'I I
prac tice by nlaI'\Ufl,clure r., of reo
old rags,
l ilink th e wool
~::::::~::::~~~'~I.U ~'~.~~.'~' .~: . s:
Inte~::~~~ed ~".t.':~t. ~(.'II~C~CU. 'ti ;:.: : ::~ I
--- - - ---
nTATE ,.. •
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~~~~~~.~~p.~~~~: : 'It~:~8:::8~ 1 Undivided pI'OIl Ul .. . .: .::3 7.: ::12::1: Illi J...esa current Intfll'C8 t ID:i!.:~~'ir Jl~:'::i,oi 'c'o'II~,~,~ ;?, J2 .3UIi oxpeJ.1t:lCtL
'S SEAl g~u~g~D~t~~~~t"~~lt~~ai ~i SI.:NATOR
cred I t.ed.n ot In oaruoci 8t h 'lln e8 of lIlatllr tty ami . .. . .... . .
'ro~:r~~' 'IteDii,itli: .;9:' ao: . i
Mi~s Goldie M Soale, of P leasant Plain who haa the di8tinction of sell. in'" the most War Savini'S Stamps in .. Warren county, will go to Columbus d to ntt('rl d a Friday, December 3 r,
and a~ ... ......... IU.O uO.oo Ingll,~u~ . ~e~.~u.. "~b~~t. ~~ Certl1lcau. 01 deposit uue Ill leso tban 10 days . .. .. .... .. , .. . Dividendi unpilld .. .. .. . ... . . Total of delDand depollt. (other tllan bank deposita) subject to R_rve. Jtema 13. H . 86. 36. a7 aud aa ...... . .. U I ,1~~. ~ 1
!J 29, UO
60.m.OO 10. UOO.Ou
m.j O~.1 6 2. l gB li B 180 . 00
Totu ..... " ...... "" .. .... ' (j7Ci~u:.70 the honor to sit in State Senator J o hn OfJ:be totalloaDI ond dll"""nt•• how"a lx')\'e Holden ' s chair durin~ the Be~8 i on of Ibe amouut 00 which IDlereet anrl ulacolunt
1brift ConR'ress. and she will have
this congress. - -- .
"":my~~egyafa~a~ee~'~lWelJte:1 Jl~~~~
+ ---
Earth Stili Growing. the eur ly dn.'·s' of Its hI S!;I!)' Ih.e enrth g rew ,·ltili dly hy the olldlt!oll of
r."Clullve or
DOlel upon 60 ceutJ
not to exceed
Whic~ total cbarll. was mado) W&a "'.8
159.40. l'be Dumber or ".uch loans 9 I, L. M. Hender.ob, Ouhlor 0 1 thO above"
D"lDod bank. do solennl), owear tha' tile allove "'''''~~~tl. true to t e be-lor koow'edg· LOST , L . M. IlENDERSON. Oulll"r. meteoric matter. II Is stll1 Irowlng In, But>eCl'lbed ullrl ..,nm to before IDe tIll. 211'11 11"'01 NovemlA<r. 1830. OST-&turday night, ~ew Pdlr tbe-n1Drnmnnl..,...-tItmrib III!Im'I't M"hlob Ridge. Oorrec' AU.... : Notar, PUblic. 01 Over,boe tD box, aad aD odd !lI1 apprecIable extent, tor the D\O~8 of A. w, WI:IITm. , lIloe. ".Ddel' pJeue lean a' 'hI met~rlc mlltter odded ,ellrl., I. I'tlclr· S. L. 04RTWRIGRT , w. R.ALLBN, . d8 "IDe<! to be oDl y 20.000 toOl. u . . DinoWr. ·
om.. '
When In Dayton See Dayton's
23 South "~~ St. Next To Lindsey Duildin8 (Comer Alley)
The Largest Stock8 ' The ' Best . Jla/ues Most SatilJlac(,," ~~I ,,;~e
l,"-=R=e e; ;m~0i!;5i di i i ieEi li i i i in'i i ili i i-i i Si iIli iRi i, ei i~r~~i.r.iD.I_ .
-. ,
__ -. ---;':...
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: ___ ~~_
~ ___
- .. ~..::...--;;;;.~ - - -
Seventy-Second Yea r
Whole Number 5411
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r. !
2'/ --: '". "-l.;. ,,,
Last Thursday evening tbe hom e · E vans was en t ere d " I' J. .I It Pence wa ~ in Cin ci nnilli orl of rMa . Cynt b la and a Ilreat many valUllbl l!1I we re , ' rll IIY · taken, Mrs. Evans bed Ilone to a . " hb ' h . t d' t t IRaac LlIlcol n , uf !Juy ton , was he n ' nelg or 8 ?u lle~ III en 109 .0 g o I) f ur the wee k-end . the Community ServIce m eetin g, but she found sl' e had left he r Khl Hses , Mr. tl nd Mrs. R. G. Cr osil were in and re-ente red bl'r hom e . but did not Cincinnati T Illluday . find anything out of ord e r except the book case door, whicb was standMess rs J. B. Cha pm a n, M ye r Hy ing open . UPlln h e r r e turn fr om man H ~e nt Mond ay in Cincinnati. the Bchool bouse. she found al l of th e doorll open, and o n investilSa t ion MIS>< Il enr ie ltll Mc Kin sey s pent found several of her bllxes, whe re til(' week -erld wit h r elatives in Dayshe kept her valuables . were missing . ton . Among tbe valuables nJissing wa ~ a diamond ring, bought in Am~ terMr . an d Mrs J o hn Smith, of Day dam, Holland when Bhe mllde he r t Oil, s pe nt S Ullday he re with re laforeign trip ~everal years ago; II pock tlv es. et book contllining some small change; a beaded bag with some Fred J-I li rt sock and flimily. of Mi !coins and lIome for eia-n coina she had ford, we re g ues ts of r e latives he l e picked up in he r lrav (' I ~ , two thim- 11I9t week. bles, one 8 guld un e , th e oth e r silve r" WlitcheH, Silv e rwarl:, I{inles - a nytwo strands of bead!', one of co ral, which she picked up 01 the island of tbing in tbe Jew e lry line at II . I':. Capri , in the Medite rranean; two Earnhlirt's. small jewe l box ~ , une cont aining M i~3 Helen lIarris, of Dayton , ailt small j ewel S. a ~ apphire. II bloodstone and otlie r vuluable s tones Silent. Thanksgiving Day with MfM. In tbe other box was Bui lding and Alice MrKinsey. Loan book. tOllelher with a g reat Me n. mRke your wi ves II present many valullble pall ers, the key t o her . Mfety d eposit hox Ilncl many of II f ower Washer . Ge t one no w. other small Rrti cles. lI e r loss, as far at H. E Earnhlltt's . I I! Hhe clln dete rmin e nnw, will ue in Porust ~umn e r, of Dorc hes te r, V..a , the neighborhood u f HOoUt $1,000 The bloodhound s from Xenia wen was th e gues t of A . B Shaner and loon gotten on tbe IIcene, and they family, Thursday and Friday .
FUNERAL Of OLD CITIZEN SATURDAY Tne funeral of Mr, A. Maffit was held Saturday morning at II o'clock, and was largely attended by friends and relative8 Hev. C . S Grauser, of Piqua, assisted l-v Dr' Holt, C'onducted the services, ThM Interment was made in Miami cemetery,
Mrs ChrY J! tie McKinsey and daugh Ler, Mis8 L!lura, spent sev e ral day s last wee k with r eilitives neal Ridg eville. Miss Jeannette Jllnney and Mr Ethan _erline, of Wilmington college, spent their vacati on here with home folks Miss Lucile Clark, of Route 5, spent her Thanksiliving vaca lion with her grlondmother, Mrs . Clara Lewis, in Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blair and Mr . Donald Cole were the Iluests of Mr . and Mrs Thomas Grabam and t~mily on fbanksgi vinll Day_ J R, Hisey, who has been spending the summer in Everett, Was h, arrived her.e Fridav evening, whe rp he will spend the winter .
St. Mary's Guild will meet with Mies Letitia McKay on Thursday afternoon. A full attendance is desired, liS it will be election of officers for the cominll year, The tl'achers in our llchools spent their Tbanksgivina vacations as follows: Miss Opal Davids at Bowersville, Miss O. Weaver at Marysville. Miss Edna Howland at 'r\es t Uni'>fl, Miss Mary Hankinson at Middletown, •
Thursday, December 2nd Featuring Alice Brady, in
"The Prof" Also, "Ham" Hamilton, in
"Duck In" A really funny comedy. Admission, 17 and 11 cents
Saturday, December 4th Featuring Marguerite Clark, in
"A Widow by Proxy" Also,
" r,'; . , ,':
Use our Classified Ada for resulll!
---.. -..- - -
Robber Made a Rich Halll of Valuable Jewelry and Keepsakes.
tracked the fell ow to the station at Corwin. Tracks were found under the freiaht platform , and it is thought he hid thl'reuntil the ~ u uth · hound freight came along, when he hoard,d it. Nothing has been bear from th e papers, 88 they are valueless to tho thief, but the case Is being worked up' and it is tbought tbe loot will be located before loni . Tbe thief tri E'd several different means to get in, bu t finally g ot in through the cellar window, and it is thouiht hfl was in tbe h ouse wht'n MI'II. Evans returned for her glasses The 'thlef was pretty hold in his efforts to rob the house. but he must have worked in a arellt hurry. a9 lever,1 valuable pieces of jewelry were pot touched
News Night, '22 and
Tueeday, December 7th Featuring Ruth l\oland, in
"Ruth of the Rockies'" IAlso, a good Fox Feature. Admission, 22 and 17,c entS
Evening Was Pleasantly Spent m Music, Song and Good Talks.
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OBITUARY ~ arah ,\d:di lll' ~ll' l h "d. dau ghle r of ~ l a rt in c; all d I\ ll lll l'ri ll r> Me l hod,
F. C.
1)1' allti Mr .. J T . 1·:111" ('111,'1'l:lin ed a t d il1l1l'r. SUllday. ~Ir. J L . JlI ll npy lind fUI1I1I), . fi l l' . \\, . 1': 11" ;\,'al l Ilil d f"lll ily, anti ~I I' \\" al I (' I' Will:""I :' ," ~ J fHl llil)" of' l';ill).:llIall. ~ II' 1'",,10 11 ' )"lIllI e,. alld .\ f r~ . F. II I'-arr l'II[,or l;lIl1l'd I hl' 1III'llIl','r, "r 'II" .\1 I·; ~lIl1d:.yS d J(),,1 ""u rd at ;, ' ",<:in"r 1·"a,I," in th t'l'Iwrc h dln. II, :,.! rO OIl) . T nl· . . .day ,' \·clling .
\\" ai t .. r Cl ar k and falll il\', o f 1,' 11 ,'. 1) '('J \ld, d innl' r. ~Ul! ' cia,\'. ~Ir and M r ~. li e rmull L ewi~ and fHlIlily and Hay Smith, of Day· tfl n , and I{a lph Lewis and flllllil y. I'1 ll t.: rla i ned t tl I :.!
'I'll" ('''"llllllilily ~t'f\' i rd mcelinl-!" ";" 1",,,1 h"ll, T hu r8·.l :11' t!l'cning ,
\\' :\ ..; 'l hllj.!.· ""'H'I'''S''' .
!" ,II
u!"unl , t hu
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with l'nthusi astit,")' 1" ,',. 1"'''1'''' anol their fr iend s rIl,· "nl,' I' laillllll'nl ~t 1lrt e d off wit h a .·",,, 1 ,' ''111'' '1' 11,\ ' I,,· \'all ,[ Folio winK Ii", IIII' .\1 I·: 1'11'1 11' , all).: all a n th em. 1111' -I,,'al,,' r ,,[ 11,(, ,'H'lIi n)! , Rev . 11 ,.1 1, I\;H intl'"oI llcl'd and lIlade a ,(""d la lk ao; til til(' Ih!l'd~ uf th t: com 1I) lIl1ill' , whiL'h :II"III;1IlY . hI! 3aid, and II" ")) IIII II'T,,·.(·d 'IlI il,' 1I f, '\\' "I' Ih em . 1,',,1 I" w III", II r. 11 ,)11, t he bund a~aill play"d, 1>111 many of t host> 1')"0" "1 i , t t ll llkll1~ Ihl' meeting wa ~ ,,1"1'. 1"(1 IiI" hall, jlJ ~ t II'; the com '"lIlI ll y "1'!.!III).: 1J(·~all. T he si ng inl{ "I' II,,· oIllr"r~))1 1"" lllIhal' t llnes is ve ry .),·,mdol e til Ih"Sl' wh" attend the ""lIllll un ity I lledin~ " . liS t hey bring f" rlil a . f, 'II"\I'~ hiplhal is dee p ly f el t 1,,1' all wi lli partil'ipate . Illll' of til e pl l'891l rabl ' fea tures of til e nlt' ting wa ~ the appea ran ce o f ~II · . uIli I ~ I rR. Iidarne lt e. who carn e 111'1'., 11111 ' \ pet'tt'dly, allri wa~ a g rQft t ,I I r"ri ~l' In I he II >olll e, Th ey we re Illlldl)' ap plaud c>d u pon th eir a ppearance \lo th u f t hes ' enthusias ti c wo rker>! made talk H, a nd complime nted the Se r vice up ,n th e good work thuy a rtl doing in t he com 1fI1ill ity.
!'I l r. an d M t M. Fo res t GruhUIll , of -- -..... ~---HOll te :' , ente rtai n 'd on Su nday, Mr. 1'1 Y ('''III,ty (Ihi". I )"Cl' m\)e l' 22, 11):>li, alld M r>l . Myer !l y man a nd da ugh Professor W '. W . t;l lzpntrlck, Ilr" resRo r o f da.Iryln g Il t Cl emso n 11 11.1 Iii,·'! ;'\"I' l"IIIlll! r ~, 1':1:211, at \Vav- t e r , Be r nice . o f Wayn sv ille , /vI r alld , '" tl c'KG . SO llth Carolina . 18 now ry n l':, vll tl', Ili li u, agel' U~~ Ylm r :-., 10 Mr ~ . W ~ P yile nnd fllllllly und ,' PI,olnt lld 10 m id -weste rn ler rl- n llllltll c.; itnd 1:: day,,", "alph Dyk e, "f Day 10 11 . ' d ry " Itil hec d q u nrtt'Nl ln Ohlu In I ;l; I JI),!" l h., ' t'l', lI u l n l t! t ·... t flf a ( ,li n . t il \! OX llllls lon SE.'TVlee of tho Amer Ica n Ou e rntley AS80cia iion i ly "r ,'1 !.! "t l"i ,11 .1 n 'lI , ~he learned Mr. alld ;\,1 r>! A Ivi n I':a rllhart enqllill' ear ly III I'fe III h 'Ip hea r t he I,' rl a illed ilL a i, ,,' eluc k d innel', Sun- llur dl'n~ uf u h r)!I ' fali lily . She oft en day ev('n ill !{ , l\lr and M r~. J. L. Al llll' la~ t mee li ng of the Grange, wa lk ed two mil<:~ lo ~c h ()ol and f rl'Sheehan, Mr . !lnd M r~ . EUI' I Tholll US, th t, fi\llowin~ ollice rs we re e lected lJuen t ly wu rl(.'ci in til !' fiel d s wit h l1£' r Mr , !l lId Mrs. Cliffllrd li im l's , Mi~ s fa the r II it(>n needed . T his e;(pe ri - Ethe l Sh ee han an d /vI r . Lee Tal mage. fqr I ill' (,(II11 ing yea r ; e nce I{[I\ e her l:ltre ng t h (j f cha ra cte r Ma ~ l \J r .. -- .. ---. ---- ...... . --J ohn Sbultz 1lIlLI Ilh"lIn din g' pa tie nce f ~ r t he shur lWI) hHO<l her , )'08 w, · I U\'6lJ h a r , At t he c lll~(' of K o f I' . lud g-P j(J ver gee r .. -- .. ------ ---- Morris Cornell B u t J US II ~ 10 \ ' 0 her 1II0 r" . cOllling:' of her f 'lilly,' beillgs. m~e l il1l{ , I"st W ('d n \J~rl ay (>I'c nillg-, l.el!lun'r .... -- .. --.-- ... --. Elsie Hockett And he Illid ~ w oo tl y t:taIlUiJ hor 'I'u y uullcr shi o l ug ~hor • . SIlt' often ,. pok, of h e r fa vur ile Mr. H,,), Ma c Beth illYi ted lh ' li rllt h- ::i"<' r cta r y---- ... ----.Ste lla Butlerwolth m otto , .. He t urn g nod fo r ev il," an d e rs ovcr to th e 1I t/ 11I \J hak ' ry , wh e re Tr 'a~ ur er .. _______ .... .. .. L. C. St. John Lu la Ann Alle.n, da u g hte r o f J ohn t his pl edge , he fait hfu lly kept w ith 3 II1 I1;<l ap pe l izillg" lu nch of rna~t p ig S.tewur d '-- '" . -- --,-- Ea rn est Earnh~r t W. a mI Cath~ rIne J a ne AI.len. was aiL In early y cur~ ~h e j oined t he a nd lli mm in ~ ~ \V us ~e r ved _ Mo r e Lhap la m . __ .... ____ I· ann y atte rthwalte born Oc tobe r 6, Itl G, an d (lied a t th e Reformt>d Chll rc h at Sprin g bo r o , th en fifty K nig-h t~ agreed t hat flr o Lad y A s~ t. S tt>\\'a rd ____ __ Pearl Shultz h: r 7' 1a nd plaill Ch ris t ia n t ea chin g ha;; Mac Be th is " some pig rua~ l e r _ " A ~s l. S tewa rd ---- -- __ .. Chas . Michener 19_0 , a ged .U ) l MS , 1 mont h a nd 1 been he r dailv prac ti ce t hro ug h life. (;a l e ,Keepe r -- .. .. I::rn e~ t Butterworth day . .The rl ec:ea~ed w as uni ted in marMr . and Mrs. Walt e r ,Junne y, of Cer es .... -... . .. .. -.. ... Lueile Furnafl She was u n ited in ma rr iage t o Itu - r iul{e I' , Will . M. Ol'llrill r f, Apr il l(j, I{o lil e 5, had t o r the ir dillne r g ues ls , Pomona .. .. .... --.---- .. --. I:llallche Smith fu ~ Drake, J ~ nu a ry 12. 1908 . To I, ii i, a ' 3 pri llg bol'O) , U hi " . '1'" l h is Think sgivin){, Mrs. lIann ah Le wis , 1,'I 'lra .-- -- ____ .. --- .. . __ .. __ __ ____ . De na Hich this uni on we r e b o rn seven chil clr "11 happy ullio n fi ve child re ll we re born. Mr . und Mrs . Chas , Parl ell , Ma .xwcll Pi ll ni Ht ... __ --.-- .. -- ----- I{ulh Tomlinson - fi ve g i rls a nd two bllYs- t wo of r(,UI- ~o ll s- J tl hn M. , Wulte r M , Wil- ~ t o k es , Mr . an d M r~ . He rma n Le wi~ Il usin ,~s AKent ..... ·· Chas , Micbener wh om have precE' <ied her in deat h . liam II and i-:a r l lI .- und one dau gh- li nd child re n, Mr~. Clara Le w i ~ . Bie ry L('gi8lalivl! Comm it tee .. , .... -- - .--. Those Ipft to m ou rn I hI' loss o f a lovt er, !'I II'S. G~u rg-e Bocock. All ex- Le wis. (Jerry Ba il e y, o f I) l\y lon , Wa l-------- . .. .... -- -- ... . Cur tis Tomlinson in g m othe r are: EU Kf'ne, Helen , cppt ulle - Walte r 1\1, who d ied in tf' r Clark an d fa mil v, and I{a l pb . , , J . T. ~1Ii1:\ Dori R, Lest e r and LI' ui ~e She a lso infallcy-a re livi ng . l rus t' ~ .. -- -- ..... -- ., i Anna:;heehan L" w i ~ a nd ftilliily . lea ves he r h us han d , Ill oth e r . t hree . l Milton Keys Since he r ma r riage sh(: spe nt mosl sisl e rs and one br o th ' r . lI e r fa th pr j and one ~ i sLe r have' g one to th e of her li fe 'in th is co unty , neR r S pring bor,), Ahoul two y('ars ago ~ h e and Elc ru al H ll lll t! . She has ~ u frel-e l l wit h poo r hea llh h('(' h u band r('l ired f rom the fa rlll most o f h(' r ma rri ed li fe , She hlld and have sinn' lived in Wayn ';w illf' A great luve r u f litLie ch ildr e n , h ~e n cllnfi lwti 10 het bell for se~ ('n I! cm' rOU5 tu L11!'ir fa llll ~ . q lli ck 10 Th e Wav n ' ·'1'uwll. h ip Mo the rs' munths . She d ub w ill meet at th e Librar y . Friday She had absolu t e fait h lind ('0 11 1'1 ' fal'l!ive th ~i r t r an ~ grl'HH i() n s . He r h o~ pi la lit y The Grang-e wil l have init lat iun at ;, [t em ou n, Decel1l her :.l rd . AH man y d enee in her ::ia vi >r 'M luve alld in lI is li v!!d fu r uth ·rH. pow er 10 hrin ).: u ~ t o )l eI' in Ihatland knew nnbOUlld~ . lI e r 8ymDa th ya nd lh 'i r ha ll, Su t urday ev e nill ~ , a mi Ih,' lll o lh e r "a9 p,,~~ ihl c are urged t o lif' where th e re is n o ~orm \l' o r pa ill ki n dn ('"~ for lh. , unfur t un ate iHt r illy Illrc ling- wi ll II!' eall e(1 prom ptl v a l p resl'nL t:ll u 00ok, Pres. ' a Chr isl ian l'xarn piL> t o eve ryu ne i::lQ 0 11 thi ~ account. Ste lla Il nllc rwo rth , Sec 'y. Bles.;ed be th e n ame of t he Lo rd. She iliad!., II "holll e " t o which he r 1 !li ll Y IlOt kll t l\\ \\ It)· d l'lll,.l l )0(1100 111 ,·ome . childl'!' n an d ,f ril'nds we re a lwa YH 'r.. l u k e litO ilUk r 1.1\0 f l'lIlll n ur 111)11".... OUI 1110' ml no tl!o't' t'I. wit h I,ou r IJlI dill' , glud I () COllie, I; l' ('a ll ~(" ' \\'h ere tnu tlt er "-' ti ...,
hll rt! t]l'll r (\lnti'r\' il ;p.
I l ll ll{ .L!'(II11 -
~~~'ther, Novem~ ~r
i t~
Th o Lu r tlli IJ UW8 \'11 1),- 1'11 I rll l'>l III 11 1n1,
--;- Il e r Sis le r. CARD (,IF T I-IA N I\ S
We wish to exp ress our deepes t gratitude tl) th e kin d nei g- hb') rN and friends fo r th eir he lp hn d sy m pathy during thi~, our ' great sorrow, an d also for th e fl oral tributes. Moth e r an d Hu s band .
i ~ , lIo Tt H' i s
T!w hu sband , Ulll' 1)l'o lhel', two sbt f' r ~, fou r ('hi ldrl'II , t pn I!randc hil dr ell twu grca t-I!rlln dcil ildn'n, neices. ne phewH, and It Iw" t uf fr ie nd " d eeply mourn her d,' pa r ture . But s he ha s \Von he r lace - a rH ce tha i each o f lie mll Ht (j n i ~ h soo ner o r la te r. T hen le t u ~ cO II ~ olE' ou rHe lves wi t h t lH' wo rds of Ihe Masl (> r ; "We ll d une. th llu good an d fa il h f u l ~e r va llt, r.o mc up hi g he r ." - A Frie nd.
Then He Will Wisely Whisper Us Your Wants
Tell Santa What You Most Desire for Christmas
Card of Thanks
We wi.. h to t hank 'J ur f ri ends and neij!hhor" who so kind ly Il~s i~ ted u s in our hour of g rea t Ro rr ow . Alw , th " 1( . of P . lodge fo r the ir bea u ti ful The oanta ta , .. P raise a nd T halllls- tl o ra l t r ib u te . W. M. O rnull rf und i-amily . giving, " g ive n by th e M. E, c hurc h choir, Sund ay eve nin g , thr oug h th e efforts of Mrs. Fran k Le May a nd Miss H e len Hawke , wh o co nq ucted the affair, was w e ll r ellde r e I a nd Nelson, Bon of, Mr and Mrs . Henry was a ve ry pre t ty cantata. T he soWatkins, of Route 4, was bad Iy ir.- loists s ustained th eir work a ll th e Jured. IIIp.t )i'riday, by being kiCkelJ way through, and the chorus, comThe ' uni on ser vice lit t he M , E. by a horse. The fourteen·year·old posed of thirt.y voices, was well ' ual· church on Tbanksgiving Dav was boy had put his pony in a stall and anced, Mrs, LeMay was a t he r best, well attended, notwith tandihg the was going out of the stable !lMn the and sang a ' very pre tty , olftlrtory many attractio'n s fo r th e day . Rev . horse kicked him In ' the face and solo _ The collect ion, taken f pr the Holt preached a sermon befitting tile head. It took twelve. stitches- to re-·, benefit of lhe choi r. was very g ood. -day, and .the choir rendered good pair ~he d~age. The little man is •- • _ music. A goori collection was taken Ketting a1on,! fine. The Miami Gu.ette, $1.501\ yea" . •ior ~he sufferinK poor of EuroP,e,
.... - J
~ I r , alld fil l'" \I url' Y ~ l lIrr "I' " lIt,'rl aim'd , ~ ull dn ,\", J\l r. \-:arl (·'''1I1''r . 1\\,I fl ' alld ~,, ". ~lr l;al"lIh ,". 1 t ·"n n, 'r. \\,irl' , ""f! a nd da u l!h! l' r. illl.j ~11 4~ 1I.I11'Y 1':I1i1 ,'Y
,1 ) 11,' 1'
\\' I t ~ ,
WHAT IS YOUR LlfE1 Sl. JOlll eM ~ ay s: "I I i ~ even a vnpor Ih at uppea rd h fu r n litt k, tim e, li nd tlll' n va ni ~ hd h away " Sl. POIlI snYH; "T he lifp I n ow li v~, I Ih'e by fait h in th e Lord J csus Ch ri s t, by whom the wo rl d i ~ c ru cifi ed un to Ill€ and I un t o lhe wurlrl " Wha t is )·o ur life'! Is it eve n a vapor ? O r is it a vita l for ce , g rowin g st ru n ~l! r a nd stronge r e ve ry day un d e r Chri gtian in{1u e nces- thnt cann ut ,i i e- dolll e day to enj oy t he h li~~ of heaven '! Is yo ur lifp a vapo r life o r a Chr istia}} lift'? You we r e neve r call ed upon t o answe r a more important question , The r e ti re pl e nty of vapo r lives- we all kn ow that. Th e onl y qU I'~ ti o n is wh eth e r yo urs i ~ one of th em . Many a bu ~ in e!lS man i~ wh olly abso rbed in a businetls that· app ea rs for a little while and then vanishes away. Many a man stores up wea lth by skill and ca re, bul it never la~ t s some body will soo n wflStP. it on so me va por . Man y a moth e r gi vE'S her a li - la bo r and d e votion - to 8 ho me t h8t i8 only a va po r , Man a man ).!'oe ~ to his daily tas k, and work~ t o Ii ~ e, and li veR 10 wl· rk, and sl ee ~R to be ab le to wo rk anoth e r day. a nd ea tA to live , w ith littl e or no th ough t for thl! tru e and e nduring things of life How it makes one' s heart ache to look upon th e milli ons of peo ple in (J ilr land with no higher th o ught th an a va por, and know ho w soon it wil l vanish aw~. Plenty of vapor lives eve rywhe re Why this mi ~p ru b le fa ilure? It need not be. Chri ~ t hilS a message to Kiv e to each one of u~ that g ives a life I hat kno w ~ no such word as failur e. He 110uri s hl'~ a nn sURtainR a life that, whilt~ it i ~ hUR, with th e things that vanis h . has r motto and an ins pira ti on that givesu higher motive and purpose to each duty and pleasure, and Bays wilh St Paul : "Fo r me to live is Chris t, ami to die is Ilain ." This is the life th e Mission a t Sl. Mary's cburch, December 5-12, see kll to Rtrength en . Tbis commun ily needs tbe message and th e inspiration for better things . Come , and consider the issues of life. AnRwer th e qu estion: .. What is your life! " Not in terms of failure hut of victory . God bless our Mission!
111 .'
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t\ rllt'rlnali h a i t i.,!, " :1)0; II I !' - ( O llllll o pp fl r t llll i l Y I II n :\ 1 W \'I)rk rtfl~: 11 " ' 1111.1 11 .
- -'
~I )' , and J\ lr ~. J . W. \\ h il,· " I>lI ' r. laill~d al riill lll'I·. Tllallk ,,~i\" l1 l~ II :ly. Il r Ilnd J\ l r ". I,' II , Farl' . J\l i '~ 1':11' .. )."I h ~ll'\I'llr all.l J\ l r T h", I'i"ft'
1( ' \1 ,' cI n i l I h" ~ h,'l ld l ! cl. \ ~ IHlm. ' L 11 1\' 1"',;lo n i" ,:o; t !. an' I',,·u ci opt111£:
h~lVC th~
following in stock, :lnd anyone of them will nlake n very bands0I11C present: . ) Detroit Vapor and 011 Stoves New Perfection Coal Ranges Coal He~ters Stove Boards Hollow Ware White Enamel & Aluminum .Ware . .
B. ' E. EARNHART'S y Wa rie8viIle, Ohi() -=-: . ;:;' .
E ___
I If -
"Grn.'IRI;\ l't'1 ... ltl hI' lit nlltht wn('n If lief",\\, 11' 111"',' IHI \III~ I "' "I''' "" ""e OOllll" IlIIrl ):"11 '''!11 h.II'\'e to dltllh \ll'ller:' .. y•••. r 'rUl~1 )011 f'nn('h.; hili I«n't th OM rocks III II", ~, k . "'11 will nerd !'1tf' I nu~h.'(1 1I1 "")~ 1 ~ ~'lllnr\ll " I I It 1•• '11 .'1' II al t UII;'CI'. In n" the 1111111' 1"10111 lWllrts, ( ur Ihlll Irl\, ; h'lt ~Pt I"nnh I \\'hll t IIII' ,11 n'''-''. ",.. , '. , ..,? I 1'\11''' Wu ,·,, 11 \ ork l og~t h t!r," Ilelter In rllill tliull 'ItI,I' IWl'e nil 111.'. Ylll. ,lilt kil O\\, Ir 1 !uld yo" I "I '1 ,!':I'e !lr .. w In R, quIck brentb Iwp,,' • 'nur, Now 1 tell Y(~U-It\ll!~" J O~ not rllr nWlI)': 11i'r1tIl"~ II;. .IU • '.1' II 'n il)'" h<' r lin I{ 'I'S clutching al hie will betleve you tound ~1tnl k!!~ ~' I.ln' yo" ml~ht ~l> •• •·t fruIII up lit ", , sl~t" ' p. cut your way out aloue, hI! I tr) to hOIl~" nil nllillt. 111111" 1' !I II! " " ',11 \. I "PI ~I I1IIR IR 1I0t tlllIl! to IIlllDd follow, 1111' he Is Ilke wolf 01\ tl,' Irnll. ruu lie hid, SI" ' OI" , fllhl " 'IIKI \III I" I,ll' ,. nllll Inlk Ff'n"r," , hr lmrsl forlh. "yel Ue will uot helle~e you 'nn gl'l I,t\\,~Y ; ' ' ' \ II II V" [1r" u"".",1 Ih,, ·, " IISI"" , If n,,1 "" " I\t"rwl c. There Is no my brOlbl'~ Is lTeat truckl!I" nn I ley "no 111 .t!nM · I wil l ~" ." " w II pr 111111'1 1\\\1\\ , .11,,1 h, ' !l1II., I fl I.)nll(hl In whleh 10 e"CRl'e, tblnk eet ea8Y to" run YOll 1101"0, !lit.' he (Ir' I 1ll1lS I I,p I'1\ ( 'k I n IIll'. II (I,,"• (' liMoN' tool thelll, senor, IIBut how 7 they will Rur ly sm' Itocw s he wn l) J.!"tllH'. It II IItll!~' 11 1'\P I ' ~ I I In " '11 1'l .l or' \\"n k (1'1 . fl r Ill,. ", rolhPr ,..,. .. ml' nt of 1\('11' flL:.ul'\· (,(llIld lit' " 1... 1111 ' III"" ~, ,.,11 I 10:.11, h"l'" III oIOl 1-. hIde, your footprlnls. ~'I .h('d. ~II 'I/I\' ' \\' 1I"~ II .. , I'll:! IIr "Mlnt'I" I!he lau"'beO sortl\' ":0;01 ,,_ . , y t\U Wlll \ rf~ yf\ U nt' l hr rHond . T "en · . .' pro\· I f.:lolI~ lll!oill I., Ids ;0.111 '1 11.1,01 11,,1
( 10 1' .111
1'00 JI 111
"." Q.:;t tnlll1
Ii When In Dayt'o n See
m ust l 'llun ~hnf I~ hf"'" to do." to ever know them, tJe-nof--aec! cPt Is "YUH kn ,l\\' wh{'r~ ~I'" ' I.!I ?" mao', hnnt I wear , an~ ~co.rt'ely hAv e "SI. ~t'lInr : 1 lind\\': :I,-f ,·1'1 will not ... Iteppet1 orr 801td roc" . I'flW we go til h,l , ' I1 :H ' tu 1:l" II lor r1"'KY. ~he 18 Dot the "trPRIIl yonder, U!If' tI\~n Wllt1t~ \11'
prf'ul1 l " ,
\\' 11\
IA,. h o I.. "" n,,": Yf't ~hp ('''!lB ' ~ I :lf'rll (c I I \I" .. ' I Itnl t"' h"t ' :-:'1 11' 1!lk'" !tH ' 10,'('1 Rh o! E .. t ,.. lI n l1 !l ilt IH I. r U~ I @v.'Pttr, ~I ·n "r. t hn t ~th' i-!I I wilh .\ ,1\ 1. 1\11 ' n {' \' l"r ,'011 11' hUl ' k
Pltlld lll.
" Yt's,.
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I E=\\"lIr 1 11111.
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he m I ~ fh n t I n tw 41" '11·' Shp ~Inn ('t't l "l'prl' II" " fltlll l'l l ll~lnloC tl ~hll ,\' I, I
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11i1 '1I .. 1,1,.' WR!'l: h1lt ftl! ' dllltl11t 'St ,, ;'1111 ,.. h ,' r fll{,~ Ithll l'lt1 I1~ l!lshnhle II '''Ill:!! ,t", 1:1Ilom. "SI H'a\\ I, "", ~t.ll1 nr ." "hr whlsperl.d
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btH1 I1Utll. AU' 1 , tt ,,(nil.! I~ I I I, , l\ h" SI"-l'l' III 11 I tT I't'P 1'1' ''' H' . , h {, tl r('Ullit'. /t il I hl t \\1It- t' h ~ 'I 'II I . 'f , ... lw(' nn sl' rH' 11 1 .lI k . .1 11 11 11 111 \ 1,t',111'l'r ' [ I I I' I ,, ' . II It O UP n 1 It.' l,j\ C n ,II ' • " 11" " , III RI nl' I I I I,' I1ft , ,.,, I" " I 1111 ,1'1.fl,_ I.... . 1 11' nn
!"I 'I :trl .,d . II ll d r,lr It rll ,·1I ,1'1" Itt' ftoeoll ·J \, !r. '!" . I. •• I , II. 1'''''( I1''''.! :1 11' 1 I anI I" ..: (, " '>1 , . II I hi ' 1 ;J ~ 1 \, ;t ~ !'on hlllL' h: r l , '1 ' I:, II, . . l l l' I ~"\ \ !If pi ':l't' :l1 lillls, 11 ' 1 • • 1\ ' ~ "I 'I' ,!l r, 'c.
" "'1' ,.. , ,1',' ,.,1,1" I~II"\\'
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t1 :I!, 11. ' 1IIIt'! " lilli " II" ... p
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0111..:111 fllrl'e his hntl~', .~t tllll( h r \ ( "tlllt! nil r ,)flm 10 ~ r(tre: Io ul. Il ~' \'en 1 1tr lll~ It 1" ' 1111 flr s l . s~ Tl· w ll! ); his ~ h O l)I ' ! df' rJri:: 1111"111\.: 1: ," )4' III n Ihllt' Hur! rl rHw. 11 11.: In Ill .. hr t'Ul ll th.:llfl.,·. t~ t' 1Il:IIJ Ili!'HI I" ... ' · ... ulll' 1,;.I I\(llllr ,, 'II I" l ilt' holt:', ('/I \\ IIlt=;:11 thi' rt1nJ,:'ll ' H II .... ' d •• bur k" ( "t' l 'lrt'lJ:I"" ;llld 11 111 11 \ \','lllIn ..: d ",\\'U tlh ' (' n r "' l " 11 10 t h e .. ,dil l \ ·lI rtl l. At
j ~ p.
(l0rtulllt,· lonlj.:"ht: IIllt I 11111 .... ' S-:1'1 It" ay SIl~J1t l " t y"r hlld lill Y ,
" ' It ll I Il l' Ih l!' "'ny ," Il l' r .'rlll! I! ,.r\ hr-r It'lH' htm fo r · \" 11'f1 O\ .'r L: r ,ll1 ll" ~lnp ll1 ~ u pwnrd . hut 1'" III' . ' 'h,".' 1",, 1 II"," "' I\"I\l.r ~" nflY .' :\ r d .... :-:' 1",11 ,.\ Io; 1,"lPPi'(1. il l.' h·r1l1i nei1 t o t/ 114 .... 11111 1 " " r f'" 1'I' 0:O:P, "II II, ", 111'1' )""" Il\k lll ~ 11,,,7 T o
tl l'h 11 .\
" ( 'olllfO
" So I know: but 1 hrt't'l1i! one--!'C't.. ,'·
end sbe pressed tile hnodl e InlO ,,,, hRnd, "Bow he kn o\\' how you ""I een Eel 19 slrong, shn rp, so you CU! these bnrs, ao' wIlen m o r nIng ('Olli e
you lire not hfOre, eet hnl}pen. se nor?
"'ho kn nw R how I n III 01'1' o. leeI',
an ' you oro g(me; 't Is th~ mercy of
Shelby cnughl his brpalh to I '~ r e:c· l'ress"'e geslures, his f1ng~rs grlppln!( the knife. "I doubt It I cnn gN Ihrou!(h Ih nl hole." he saId mournfully, " lifte r th" b,ll"! Are cut I' m pretty bl,.;.': "Bul you musl, s(>nnr; Ih(Orp Is ,10 othe r WA Y." sl le IU l'3 iSlcd Irlll' ntll·"1 1 ~'.
"Tbe blnd e Is sirong, ghnrp; ('('I will dig oul the log, hut do no! he 1. lllc. S_there Is n tree yonu~r; I will wnlt you [here, an' show w h e r~ you must go, 80 there he no Irllii. \" ') 11 come to me Quick, but be sllIl lik e death, Madre de Dtos I 'tis th e ouly way." Sbe was gone before he cOllld protest again. v8nlshllll! Inlo th e hllll-k nIght 80 8wlftly ollll s\1('oll," I,,, ~o t1 I " only stare Out hel plessly th!'lIl1l( h Ihe bara, Yet she hud left hope nUtI .1 'It! r· mlllllUon behluJ. Whh le"l h ~.,t he began the work, tlncl ln!l !h., SI(,;>I hlnde etl'ectlve ngRlnsl th e lough hkk.>ry, 11 \VIlII nO light job, nl Ihlll, hUI h" plied the knife d espe rtl! el~', pos sPs~lng some sklll Bnd uou 'unl strength Of wrisl and fingers, The stnk('s g O\'C ,,:ny one atter the OUIl!r, I>u I he II"tlB nOI sn I I"· fled uoUl he enlnrged Ihe ope nln~ somewhat hy remo\,lng oil hnrk fr,om the logs, nnll pr~' lng loose Ihe I·ox trawe. This rPfjll lretl nil or hulf 1\1 ' bour to occumpllsh, ~' et letl 8n np t' r· tDre througb which he t' ell(,",'rl h..
aON. Thp~' wf'r.· u p on n crt 'st or ~o 1 1 d rock, \\' orn ~m(l('111 h~' Iht' n J.!'e~ . nud !-O Il f\dvsnrf' fl 1111 ~ 1l, 'd, ~·d for " huncll't'cl tA_t, UI1I II 'he rlc1" ~~ " ... e !-\1Iddt"I\I .\· ·( (' rIll1 . nRted At the hnnk o r n nnrrv w Slrrnm . A AtnRl e !lU'l" RIlI1 hoth "' ere ~tRnd l l1,i.: 10 th e \'·n tct', n nd she hod gru~p(>d hl~ hAnd. "Eel Is swite , hut not (Jco~r." ~h .. Ji'uld ('untl(h' u tl r. ". 11 1\\' 0 w ud .. " el'l lUau, B lime. \V ~ IIIU~t hurt·y ." He took the hag o f pro\ 'lslon!l llml 8wu nl It n c n'l!'~ pUP ~hrmll1t" r nlld to· ReIhe r IhfoY b~~nll plO\\" Inji! tl1t'J r wily
Jud)!t, ,11111' 1i(lr Inns:: tlf'("I' ..• IIdl l ' ·1 .. · ... d' whl~ 11 h i' flllnlly (' Ia ntl",,,· I . ,., hflrrll' r 'lI ' r "";'S' r i ll' I,· ,!I , " ., upon n ~hl'lr or __ 11'111' tlll ' I, "
through the dCl\\'n\\'urc1 ru s h nf w8h'r. It " ·O! tlre~ onl(" hut rl! py {l 'nnet"' d 8teodt1y torwnrr\ , findlnJ: til .. 1.,11 ,1111 ftrm . SlH~lhy did nnt kn ow tHl w f!lr
thi s !': frIHU:, · ('11\(' 1'11 :11 11'1 11 '1.1, '''.1 11 pPflrhlJ..:. Ft':l rfIl1 l l f \II IHI i i '" I11I~ht ~u\\'n I hl·l'~'. !\ .. ..;:, .. 11l ;I" \1, '1_:lIn nt tnlrlt •• ' hl :o: ft "" ~ lll " h\ 11n" ,·"·II,,.,
they tlflvnn('·ed . n o r C'ollhl IH' It'll In I the d8rkne~~l , th~ ('IX8ct ont1Jre or t Irl r 8urrounfilngB. nl s Impr ~~ Iun \\'119 that th ey were p(' nC' trntln g 1\ n a r ro\\' aide rn\1ne, helwpen J!n~ !lt o,·,'rsI Lu d · owIng nH1 R51es 01 n ut cr opptllJ,! ~ l lI th·. wh1rh IntmHllftt't1 the g ltllJT1l. F:y, ' ry step look thorn hl~her nbon1 !h ~ f1 0M • of the nole. nnfl, 01 times Ihe Slrenm became 0 ,' erltnble t orn"nr. Ri;oln!'i I whtch they 8carcel y (,oultl mnke pro}.:·
"plf n l: nlr l ~l 11 11' ,"II I " r,,!'!. (1'''' 1' Itl~. ~":1r( ' f\ l ~ tl :l rll ::': III \' , ' I" I ,. w un l 1"t H'" th ull 1111 It II I I " I . " , tlU1 ~. A f t' H i'l 't" h'"II:': II 1 1'11'" II, rn\'(lo 'S II\IIlI l t l. :1 11 11' 1', tl , '\' "',·1, • •·1\ wl" " tlr 111 :.: 11 '~I I" II ~'I I" I ,. h I .. .... , .1\ IIJ \· \"ld Hr, ·d ,h.' iii ',' 'I
tl l h'II . "
"Thpn h o w nre we to g01" h kit .. .·\1 1)11).: n pot ' nown on y n my· ft ('lf nIHl on e other, senor. A YOUOI h 1 I nll l :1 l1 fO\1nd .. e t )' !lC'cht cllt nnt coo · nfl,',! his s ~eret to met Be come. Bnd Wt'ut tiltH way tor R ), en r , hut no one .. holt' kllo w. (lnce he t oolc m e halt W81 10 t(1P; eel Is rough, yet can he fol· 10Wl'CI. Now you "ee 1 am rlghlf' "1 hn \'o 110 ch oIce; I QWP y o u my l ife nlrenr1y." "Then do ns I sny. !!(,nor, I wilt
An Appeal
To the Republican. of the Country and All Tho .. Who Aided Th.m:
to Scrape Painfu lly of thr Hole.
~.IL HO~
The Republican success in the 1920 election has been com. mensurate with the quality of our candidates and the r ighteousness o f our cau se, This success is the partnership accomplishm.ent of all Republic ans everyw h ere and of hundreds of thousands of we ll-wishers of good government regardlesa of past party affiliations. To all of these we now appeal, becaulle it is the mutual r esponsi bi lity o f us all who will share alike in the con>l e q ue nt mutual benefit. of good government. Th e plan o f limi ti ng campaign contributions to $1,000, adopt ed by yo ur national organization, haa left your party unmortgaged, . It has bee n a most advanced step in placing the business of politics on the highest plane. and has broultlt an interest on the part of thousands who never before have been concerne d with politics. Some weeka before eJection it wall apparent that the penses provided fot in our bud.et, with the .tricte.t economy, would exceed the contributions, but we weri ' unwilli ng either to leave undone any I.flttmate effort essential to complete succey or to chaop, the methcid of raising money , We were then sure and ,we are ,now s ure that every Republican d,sires that the expews. . of the campaign be distributed in this manner. Your presidential campaign this year cost no,moffl than t~t , of 1916, when a dollar went nearly twice " " f,,, &B ,it does today, Four years ago the bulk at; the campaign fund caQ)e fr9m 760 contributors, while this year the approximately $2,000,000 contributed to date for the prelldentlaJ election has come from 50,000 givers, . T h e \'i ctory won, the raising of the deficit would be easy, Indeed, if your committee were willinl to abandon th'e policy of keeping down the average of contribution. This we are determined not to do, It waa a filht of all the people, The result speaks for Itself. It lifted a burden from the minda of millions and points the way to better and happier days. We ask now for that additional h elp from all which is merited both by the Buccessful c onclusion of file effort and by the consequent contribution to the welfare of all of our people and the g lory of the nation. ' Let us now ha ve help from every American who is grateful f or t he victory and all that It means to the country. ' It m ig h t well be in the na.ture of a thanulivinl( offering for the return to a certainly safe, sane, constitutional p l'ogressive government. Let u s by g e n e ral and generoull giving put the seal of approva l upon the policy of putting a national administratio n in power f ree from any possible emba.-rasament of s p ec ial obligation to any man, men or group of men. Lpt us make the contribution, whether large or small, alld wh e ther or not we have heretofore given, comOl(,IlSlI rat e with ou r means and our appreciation, always withi n t h e maximum limit heretofore fixed. I ,(,t l" I{et our names on the cornerstone of a 8tu¥dier political ,( ructure. upon t he roll of those who have helped make p ci s>lil> le a campaign of which, in methods and result, we may as Republi c an s and patriots be justly proud. :ll osl earn estly we urge that this aid be given quleldy, that y o ur cO,mmlttee ma y b e enabled to dlschar.e the party's ubhgations and turn to further constructive work in beha lf of party and country.
He Man a ged
rt ' tn l l l l' d
own :,"," " YOt1 tUp:t n th,H I Am tn hide OU' Y'')llf' ''r ~"H II'w hpT'P IIntf1 ,·o u ftre " 1- IIR I I Ih e 1 r '''nd .\ '?'' IIt ' '1I1(H: II II !! . ·.. I. fl:dll ' IHf'?" : "TIll 'nolo I ... nit Iltll l"r tlllll':': pn!'ls lhle. ":'t l l1 I tlflt IIIU\" fniL Senor, dn nOt he [l (HilI." f:ht' lI~Keci t'nrnt!st'~· . " I kn o\" IllI' ' !: " l~ "r tl f nil th iS: you not r~ltl1%e I t'\'~ '1 1 ~("I wlillt t:'et Illl'tH1 S to 1\(" n prls· In \\' vI H~¥ ' 11l11~ , 'J'1ll""~ Ult"11 "~el: j If Ie; (1I('l r (}1I1\' hlw. I rl ~ k my lire to , d" lilt .. . n l\tl ihere Is hUI ,HIe cho.nce Ll f "'I l\ ' j · (H;::'l. •4.1011P. lInnlrt Cfl . ~' O U r u n I f h \'lhy ' 11t' \\: r J.!i" 1 0 \1 0 ('rf"--ne,'er, ~ yn ll n~k . B r('nu~~. ~el1or , p \· t.'ry P8A8 III ' ! IJllp r J!"lIonl; t11ey nrp n e ve r left
lenH you whe re you ran nevl'r he fOIlI1<1, 1 hO\"(l (0011 h ('re In t h 5 ~ne k . \ - You mu"t wnlt the re hhl,Ieu until 1 ,'T hnt Is cot ," t'nJ,:'('rl y. "l ll(HlIn ,1(,,". he keel me tt h e f,\\11\/1 1I \lt : 11I11~1,,' cotn~. E et mny be a f1n ~', two (JRYS, my brolher, 100, I s.,., h""1lI k".'1 '" " n , !hree "o~' s; Ihat mnk e n0 rlll!'11C I rlenlce. t 1 W Y O II hnve lilY pledge Iisl I f nr QII ICk , like litO!. T II'll hI' 11I1I ~ "- !'Ill ( )Ie" ',' 111 d 1 think: h e l ou k tn here, In l1 not to " :\"1. ~~ ' I I\l r: 1\'\1 nil\\' . 11H1l;O. t h'nq~ II t·r . I ~ () n ;~, He. Then yuu W 0 8foRTeh, 80 he- not 811r~ wh ut IIIl gllt h4!. I .. ... I .. .. .. ' •. '\. " r~1 I.:\ h' r J Ilrlll t: her tbl ~. fiB Flny . • Perhaps there wns n knl f~ un,"'r Ihe ,," . . ~ . . . . bed. he dropped snm~\\'here what y ou ~~~~~~....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"""'!!"""'!~~ tound-6ee ? Mavl,(> \lnu hnrl eel hid In your boot-ho~' h I' 'k now thnt 7" ''Yes, hilt 1 hA~en ' l. I' nl1d.II."
ao no one "s I 1~ II I1811.I In Il.
h rlfl
tllroUih Ihe wnler, rl, ~r .. will Ill! nil trail. I.t't us nol \\'011 , seDor."
~=~~~~~!!!!!~!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!~~~~:::::::::::::d~ ~ ~~t'.I:" \\~l~~ a!(:';I)' he ~nf~ wlifon S~uor ~ ....... . I' ~III " I; IIt1 lIt1el !Ill' Uroth.,r lire hoth
Ch"j, du/4 6. maa. pa,.H, ,. Fr.1I W, UP~ .... T"oJf4rtr, Qr }u"UJ (;. Blol",_ J~. , F..""" TrIll'· .r,." aoa "., to 'h, C. .. m/nll', OffiCI, I' U,~ Strvfl, N.ID l' or1 Cit" N. Y.
The mAn
without U \\ on 1.
to!,<,hlng hN willi IIn4) hond In gul<l·
reU, The irlrl kep I close 10 Ih e rocks on th e rl uht, nnd struggl ed (orwllrd i hravely· , ne"Pf loo!cnlng he'r I:rnsp 011 his bonfl . Meeting BB ho mu ~ t Ih e stronKer 9wee l' of ttl e curren t . Sh elby
telt the strai n, nnd wns glnd when she finally cnme to a holt "Eet'. bere," sha sold. "0 f ew stepg more. ODd I lea v~ you• . The gnm tl'~1 dacaet' Is my not geltlng huck In t1me."
Ahle s
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tbisNews. It will briDg !JOU bua.Jen
Ikul t;\' . (li e n"" f 1,, 'lllt.: rJ\ \I'I\ I I ' '' ! ,11I d Ihl' roof rbll"..: ... " , 11;11 'I ' , I tll" 111t1,""' 1
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'nl.re wat an opening In Ihe soli d ,," I " "".,,1 ), ~"I I"I1, ' " 1\' 01'" ',-k rock of the' wnll, • mere cre' Ice, so " :I!- ". , t' l p. l . It \\ li:o- " , . ... :0: tlnlll fl fl·' j concealed by tungleol 8hrullbery 88 10 be InT1slble eve n In da)'lIght, Bow she Jl lid p,. ( 111" 1"1 hnll ns w hl l'. n ;, r r , H\l n'! bad recoenlzed the spOI In thot derk· III TI .. • 1"1 ' , liS Ih'l lIl!"1l 111 ~\'II I I' :':I" , t l n~ was a mystery; tbrougb Ihe sense I (' ;11; 11'1 ,' !'O ' I! " r IJII~1 n\:,'" (\\' 0 11 1/1 ...... • .. Hf ot teelln, probably, tor ber hauds In· n ,, -I, h Hd I,. e ll hur1. \d II l ~t ' lht · l' . 1" :1 \ 'II).! stantly part,ed the Interlncecl brllnehes, tl d ~ 1I1t1t' \1 .): h,II\\ ' I'I ' II. It \\11 '" 111 .1 III Il\d abe Cl"l!1)t throu,b thew with Shel· il lt·I'€' . 111 :01 :o'iI(·III~· . drlll.!:: i llj.! II flt' " 11\111 bJ. 011 bll h.nds 1100 kneu. close be- tt l'" iJllg: ut l .r(w l .. IIIII~. rl ·IIH.\' , '., 111:-; I blhcl. The,. emerged loto a gulch, os conI. A few ino",.,nl" I,,"'r III' 1"1 ,11".1 I" h ~ IIIM't' r of Morton K"sver DR. BELL'S A NTI.PAIN UWO&b ,01llO elont tlX of the gods hud 11 Inlo II", fllrtJl .. I'" I'll III\\'. 1111'1 I II~ , " R "II' E ' I" I 1'1, "I. RttIl· ,rtA li t F Inwmal and El<ternaJ,,_ I I I: t I ' l'I"' I" h fUlroi Uft' I,vvroved . or elea."Jed the very fRee or the ellt!', a "0\"\.'" ~ "'rln l! itO nl 'IH~ tllft d~ ' 1111 11 en1pb drJ, acareell' four teel In wldlb, :( Con tt Dued on PflK~ . ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rock waUed on either side, nnd almost • tUunel bel:ouse ot slUDted growth. Pr~bnt .. Court Proceedinp wbere' d'l\'8lrt oRk~ bod tound some lodcment 10 l:rncke nofl crevices, PIIR' :;1,1 chll Itopped, brea thIn g Ilee vlly trom the exertion of tbe climb. - 1 II ' " '," ,'r ,, ' Ih " ... Me .. t l "You go on alone frolU here, sellor, " I " , L , ,' _ oil n~ ,) ,d, 'l .. oe'~l'd Fl. , Ibe Instruct'ed, the words pllntlng heI' ll !he AAt .. ot I • in this column ift a lure .. I, Common )-,lpltH Court I~ .. rio(' ,,' ... " ,' r, d,'op ... ,,,\. Firat Bnd , • ••• ........ . , II , " , '1l' (," O" I ,.p pr u\' sd. MONEY WANED Procee<lings I n [h ,' 1I11I 1!'l r t1f Ih" e"talll ot , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In I,he mlltter o f Buwllroi 1 "11) ' " Tho Elblnger ~h o" Mfll. I'" It " R ,lle r' M , Inll «, .1t'c~aKed, Pr,v .. te ' M ONEY Tv LO IN ON FAR"~ at In'erM' for Ii $() 10 o ~der ed t tll.t F unk Brr," tl ,," h ~ IlJ ., 1, . ,, 1.. u f b" " .! . u" le ruel I n Ih ~ ''' ~''''r of tbe e81,lIIe of yparA, 1'errAIi & Tenell, 14.,,1 s.. a p"rty defendo"t , Ver oll!' l r.' " dered 10 f"vor Ilf I,hq 01 1' 1" 11 I"", -\ IIl'H ~J. I'; ",tle r, rfHO ' n~Bd , First la'A And Lo.nR, WilmlDKloD, Ohio, 'iI ,I I : uul ".·"" out, "pproved . I I'hone 301. mlll,., MoUon tor 1\ n ew trlll i overrll l"'1
" I
Try our Job Printing
~ ,~: .I ' ,I:" ,"I:;'. ~ ,~ , \, :,'~ ~~:;!~!8 ~~~
ClasslBed Ad.
I '·:I::: " " "." ~'II ;::",~;!
ONRY LOIIDed on Ilv!, '''IC!~ , 1I111 rriage Ur~ obalte\II, ,,1110 eeooDd morl.""ee, C I~ r" !1O tl KinO( . bli nk teller and N;}'es booltbt, JOhD B.rblnll. Anita. \I ' . H IOlla HH.WO, b,,~h ot B\"o . Bolldlnw. Xenl .. Ohio, 1I,. ,.l
c tl .. ~t'! r ,
THAT'S ALL! -, 1'0 Your Family - To Your Fri " luls -- To Yourself - Going
\("IU I1(I ,
Half Sick
Wlllttl r
Jenning~, rll rmer, of Leb · Mil 1l~1 HIli, of Fo~t e r.
I:'.IRD Tire. on ro &11 be~weep U.r. (teal Estate Tranfen Vl'y.borg .od W'JDe.YUle. I ;';"I b UI .IOI l u GbeslAr CBmpbell trlOder pie, se r",uID 10 Mr. Id. II'" t nf ,,;,,t' , 2!l, T, a, R, Ii, Cloaror~"k ~toae., W .. ynenllle,0l110 dl , j'" wl1. lu ", f'1. i 6$ .I"LIIl .01 Z to ( 'h pilier U8 mpbell. I"tr t I'I f Sur , oy No, 2ll~51 n Washing LOIT.
t,,," 'I'wp , - --, --~ - . W , D, T iobe ne r 10 ,Inbn Lola, two If ;our ~Iood 18 WeaK and r.l flg~ cd l r , I~ 'n ~Itrv.·y N o, 2225 in Wl8h.
"You Go on ,"Ione From Here, Senor."
tweeD her lip. , "There I ~ nothIng 10 do but tollow the gulch, A hundred yard. and there Is an opening al the right. a Bmall cnve, You 11'111 teel eel wltb yoor hllnd. You nel'd have no tear tei enter, aud no one cn never tlnd yoU ' there, Thllt Is where you will walt unttl J come." Shelby trle!d In '\'010 to distinguIsh ber outllne8; he could onl)' be sure ot her presence by the volrc. "Do not llEte any ~ re:' , Ill' went on warnIngly. "or slt.uw yours"lf by day· light. They " '111 seek Y0 l!, IIlId wntcb thewe cllll'L Eet may liP ."Il' rnl days before I will dllre Ol'!; ,1"(I1i IUDSt be potlent. Wheo WI! ' ('ome 1 \\'111 brlnll arma. but 1 dldn't dare 11111"'1 IIny to· Dlcht." "You wl11 not tell me ,,'h(, I'u lilY wlte I. belnl; beld t" "What good;, Benorl You could aid her not at all, There JS no grell t harm comIng to helt' yet, Sncrlsb' I why yon wo"" about her? I brIng her with me: Illd I nDti' promlB e 7~ "Yea. I trust YOII, Poncha," he Bald warml,. "and wl11 do just whnt YOU .",. RlIl lIut. ,Ion', YOU 1I1\ (lpr~ 'and'
TlAo, BI.ok DOU';" 8t1sdltl rox HUUDd
.Dd WhUu lI'IDder DOtil Y Btlr' t;belJbllrd, R O. j, Way. l.elohty, D08Yllle,O 'lln, dl'
with POl80ns,Pepto- \l anglln \\ III " "d"n Twl' , Strengthen and Purify It : Iho..r \ :11 11 1, n t o L C _ ___ __ _ I r, N ,.1 1(' III !::lprl u g boro, Whon yuo gel over. I'II'l!d tl.J ~I . A !n u z u B"I "Ht, to Lon BI,ntoD, II tilt day, your Hy~ teO\ nIl ' to l!"t fl , 1 -111111 ~ruol, In Uo rwlo, '400 of sO' lOooh wa~te HOlln 't orll/'!" '"' \\' .I , W !:l ln do r t,u Emma P.lnt,er, Bnforg .V las t'eno u g h ('IIt1 ft-"1l11 1- I, •• lui nnrv ., y No , 12079, II that your blo,,(\ 18 filll\d \\'lIh " " . , •. Dlatter, It beoo m us ol "gK", 1 Y" II lire trying to Kilt around wll II " I ,to Commisllionera' Proc........ of poi80n In your tlY81tj Ul. HI)I" .. 1I ,, \V.1fI : F, W. OoBoll , 10. You look bud, yuu 'e,,1 lI ' '' '' \ ', ",,,,' 110" , ' ·1-1 40; 0, K, BrowD, ID8ur. Y o ugetout o fp ,.tluncu A ' ~II.v , ,\111 , ,,!.{)t', M ·I ,~,'; A,H Kautmuo, IIUP. bltion 18 I08 t, You juel .1 ,", '1 c" , e J,ll ". a lur tinrveyo r, 690; Franklin about any~hlng , I1runlol", Ipg.1 "dv • III; Geo, 4n. l'hat Is no WilY t" liv.. Y \I " d," H"II, bUrl,1 uf Euocb Kflll" 1100; blood needs help I ( r "t1l11 " 11- I' (; E lI.-ml!,t.. In8uranOd. IU6 60; 8tarvtid. You will find h elp In til l'" ll,qoe@t ot body of Ellzwth. ooron. fine tonlo. t'opto.Mang"u, Pep ' " er '8 fees, I I> 05; GOY Gl'bhard, malt M.ngan porlfies the bl und ADd fill _ log fill on brl<l~e. '31.60; Carl Cow. It with red 001l,u.cI01:l, 10 " 111.' ,1' <&n,huull"I!.III),75; OUerbeioBome while you'lI hll,vtl pleuty of' n oll ,tI1!l8, U5; ,J , K tlveo08r, haolloll, red blood aud y ou won't kn o w your. 12 ~ 75; Jj', I., B~rlo"", stone. '220; .elf. It I.n't a mRgto m edIClII ". It I::l . ,Iaolr, b"Dllng, 115.76; William eontlllD8 trOD anj otb er inlCr",I! " " I!:! Ih ' Dgnmll". grbvel, 11.01); E, Pbll . thul feed 8, .. rv·' d lliood Bnd IiIU" " II Il ll wer, gr llVtll , '120 ; W U Jaok, rioh Ilnd red, PbyslolBn8 bavl\ JJrt' , ~ I, o ne , 12; Rl1lph t.,' WI8, mllinte. .orlbed Pepto. M8Dl(aO tor .ve lL' ~ Duooe eLo" J600 90; B"rrv 8rown, Pepto.)4an~an i8 wo ld In Iiquit.! tln d !D lli nt e nan oe, ele, IS81 B~; The tablet form, Take either klud y(,U V •• 11ey Tele phone Co , tolls for vart. prefer, ODe aote the 8 .. U)0 118 t"~ I 0 0 8 nflio"8 for September. 119,35 ; other. Botb oOlltaln tbe ~Illn e in) Tbe VBlley Telephone Co, \011, for 8redlenU , But be dure tu 'leI tb.1 Oowher. "20 05; fhl' Sl"hlta M'g l{eDuloe P pt).Manl('LD--"liude'Ij," I;" ., '1Il 1'p1l08 for t:oon$y t:!urveyor T~e full Dnme, "Uo 1"'8 P rl ll,u. Mtln. 1560; The WeslerD t:!hr, bllr dOOk: gan." eho ultl tle lI l\ Ibo puoktlg(' , etB, 145 I Howllrd Rlopert. mllliDg -Advert!IjBweot , 611 over hrldgo, 1.9 50,
'11 " , ". aUI) ~ll s ·
"-6 EN to H osk CorD, loq III,. . of "'Iv ,lobn t:!'rawo, pbolle 18. 11: Wal' nlllvllle, Ublo, ' dl
ORK of .11 klndl, tAU 8" J. BreW8\er, P.O boX 386, Way. o .. Hvlllo, Ohio, 41 .
Fl.' 00 4 - Room Bnd elec.rlo
Maill W ...r 1I,8W, $10 ' per mODth, Inqolre e' t!awYllr'e,rarDI. ture EIohanl1l or phooll 8e " . ,,'ler 6 p, m 4l
FOR SALE Dooble.8arre)a.d S h 0 a Gao, A ltr6fM)h lo'\der, Iaq olre of T,
Jelf Smith, Wa,D'''IIIII, Ohio,
,Jene, Cow .. Dd Cftlr. loqulre of 1 Cb.8. '' '"orI08., 1t 0 , 1, 8prln8
Van.y, Obio, OD ,be
Na" ro.d. dl5
Mode' tlewlnK M.chlne, al. A New mod new , Will 1811 ohBhp Ap. ply to Ubae Wa.~e,... W'YD8I'YIII", Ohio d8 Storm ..Balth', • ao1d one, la. 1 quire of J. M. Key.; W.,D.... ~8
vll\e. Oblo,
EW 'Nu.: 8Ox3, 18 611; 8Oza~, 110.711. 111°11... ,ewed ' I. lIur. ~.lDII , JO~D L".-;",. '. Phllllpa· G lr age, Malo ~~~~" .,8
D -'C~T AU R ANT .ltd CoD'",IOIIiry AYt!cbool B D cl 110.,..11PrlO8 .I!fbl If .old ;-IIOOD Wrll~', a.ttbl ,~ " bblO
I ,QT ~t" Q;' n* ~,. .I., JDqalre ,1••"01 ' :N~ ~ W"D..-.tU, O~.
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GA Z £ TT E~ •.•
I ~UED E\~Y WEDNESDAY Bntered . , Cohl! P fllJlol1lce
\\f a ),-ne.vf11r, Oblo, ., ~f(, Ild
~. ll
' l at".'
D. L. ell ANE, Editor. aod- Publbler·. Wayne~ville, Ob!o ubscrlotion J;'rlee. $1.50 per year
Public Sale 1
John H. Wright
A8 1 have rented my f.tlJ'l, I Will III: an4 lin. tlla rt Ta~ller ~ncl ~ mth".. Ol,rk, 01 Miami .e1l .., Publio A uo~lon. lin l1\ y (II r lt. ibn. Obilcfr~~ oo..apDl~ '" Mr , plll,.ial """I! e .vJ.e4k eud iA.~~ of 1 mile EIl~t of K1dl'evllle, 0 11 th o Orl.treld. lpen'TI.-Dlullhlul wl'b hofTt" fo kl . WlIynesvlll e pike, lin Wedonda,.. . Mr. ' aud Mr.: Boo -9. Taohr. of I arm :ialc 5 !ltld l.i ve Stock a Tbe Ladlee' Aid held aD all .uay J. W. 'Bartaook a"euded 'be fun. 8prluafiel4. eewlng, Weduesday, at \he h ome of WcllncsJay. [)cl:l:mher H, 1920 , ~ pc ial l.' The ' Pythlau 8ts&era. of "aple Mre. Ellzabe'b Foullll. er~1 of Ambro~ · M.am" a. CommAnclng 01 to o'ol< ,ok a 11\ . UH' S a ti s fact io n Guaranteed ville, &tordI&Y. Temple gave a allrprl .. for 'bll, P. Yr" Jeoole Lllmb aod Mrs. Ma ry following : A 8. Alle~, V. I. Jordan aDd K. B. Clelner aud M,rl.. Cora Barris on Marshall were DltY\oo vlsltorll, Frl 5 Head of llur1lc,.-1 It .." " II " "" E. Thompeoo epeM Baiarday aner. Wedu8lda, nliht, before 'betIB la- day. l'kllhrool" Ohiu 7 yrH. uld, wUI .;hl 1 11 ", 11," , " '1''' '1' diM leave for ,be, 8uun,. Soa&b for Doon ID Barvey.burl. Mr. aod Mr8. 11 M. CIl1rk 81JtlJ1t dill wur kor , I jj IS I:I UI'",' , ; )' 1 '. " I. tbe wlnier Mite Gt.rn.t Edward •• of t5prloe• ThlJrl!day wltb Mr . Clad Mrs. Arthur wetKb~ lIi OO I",.. , ""1'1'11,,11.1 " " I '" '' field llpent TlaaDkBRlvtu, wUh h.r C1,d. OIl1&vllr. of Uhloago. w.. W"~IDII and family, ne.r c eot",r' l l allY M.. r.·. \I y rH. "I d . Willi ", It I" hom~ foiM h.,e. .'" w... "J~ ~ latI pareny. yille. sill e , 11 " nllll wlirkH 111 1" rt "" r I K. Ie. TholJl~lpeD' WeclllU\Ie Mr. ud ,"J'!I. P. 8. O"v<',J'. Olyd. Wharton reoll'l'ed hia 0 'II' ROlin BOt ,..~ . .; y r ,. 'J IJ, " I.(U '" In . :Inclnna" aud Thur8day (n Da: Mr. and lire. WO • .6.. lI.rrl" b.,t shredder 1.. , week and la DOW read y ' workflr . I It,)".! ~ . nl ' . ~ \ r- .. 101 '00 . II tkeir IUeey for Thaukllllvlug tor bOllo'lIIB "I'h ~he farwerH. 19 Head IIf ('at tit· - I:: 1,,·,,01 " dlnuer. Mr. aDd lire . .6.ltoOIO lIoUer Dr. L. G. Brook .re,uroad . &ltllr. : MUoh ·II.'Y~. tWill 1/" t l'o"1I I,,· ' h ,l II ven Ta.l'lorllDd famllv. of .. rauk. Mr•. Emma Clln •• of JJayton. Mr . 110, IIpeu, fhaDk8atvlDK wUh rela. and Mre. "red Bar.... llr. aDd Mrj . day after eever~1 days' vi~lt wHb /' ll f. SlIhJ ; .J t reSI] In .IIl I\\J,n ,\'; I fn· .1 Mr.' aDd Mri, Gleuu Brook and In Fe tJnlsl:V; :P"! fll\·ttI.: 11 ;': 0) " I it vee bll,re. Borao. aud obRidreu. JalllOl and dOOlM.r 8eU, 'Jaoe, a' IndIElnu(JO'j lIow ,li t ru"k h \ tlllrh ,,!! ,H",t H' - DE:\l.E1~ I!'\-' Mrll: tiaroer aud dftURhler, Jeel\e. Enl Cltn•. lIa. ' Mr. Cuw 8 '.yo r. ~'" tli p,,, ( ." ,'.10 .. ate their fhaDklllvlo, dlnuer with Mr, and "ra W . W . Weloh were fll r B·h\Jv ln ,: . Floll r , F er'd, Coal, Sa lt, Mr. aud Mr8, Charlel JOhOll ollte r. 2" lI ~arl of 1101:'" I ""W 1\1111 II A. &. Talmalte aDd famn,.. sboPPllre ID Wllmtullklu on &'or. Ti le , ('aSh. \Va ter rOUD M M. reny aDd K. E. ThompHnD day talned~oThllok8glvtni,dIDDer, ~1811'11(~ : " . 1, ., ' I .-t ", k II '~" . WI I' t uin:-. alld :-: clf- Fcedcrs. Mary Cooll aDd Parr! Coo~, 01 t;urWAIgh 111." ,,1, lill II,. .",,'1 1, 1 M • .!, apeDt ooe day lae' week at VeolerSeveral from her aUended lbe ville. faoeral of our oi.: aoqaalDsauoe, wlo, Mr, snrt Mrs . E . •1. Smith, ot I:IUI.(,B II(I·.I I"'I'.Jlilllll .I ·lltlll" l,Vr ul.1 Shl'ep -HI ll 'lUd o t ~;w,,~ br".!. Wllb,n WllllaUlI\ htU! lold hie flne Ambro.dfafIls. who wal "ell kDo"n Wllmiogton . -~ I\lI'I' E I{ .Of- . .,..~ Mr, COltls A. Tborupillo retnrned Farming Implellll'l. b - ( 111" l~ It ~took farm . De"r Uregoota Ilelgbh, aod re8p11O'ed. - -home from PeDn8ylvlltnia, Ib8t week , (I. (Ja~!o;uglo ,, ; I four r oo", Shr Utl,, 1 : CrOWD Lodge K. CIt P., of WaYD8I. " quire F. W . Wllsun. tbe rlllli aUate where be ba8 been Beveul m un tbs, 1 Feed (JriIHI6 r ; I IWfl It " r ~n ,\11 1 l la \ ', Slraw allu Feed . Ulltln~. ut HRrveJllbori, belDg thl! I luoky porcbanr . who will take pas. vil li. 11'1111 prfllleM ou ThaobJtlvtol superlntendlog tbe oODBtruOM ou uf " hom Wag" n : t !lilY I 'I~ , 1'<'''': I Hesllioo on or IIboll' Jl1uuary 1,1921. nlgbt ,,' Pysbtan C118'le ~o. 667, aod large mill aou tnlltalllnK 'he mil· (Jraval Bed, new i I CI wer Leaf luw Feed (~r ill d in g :1 Specialty. ~r. Wllsoo WIll tI~ook Sbe tarm In WIIS tn8tromeDtai ID ItlvlD" the ohlDery. down SIJrt'lIuor ; t OPNIIlg ( 'u r .. RaD II of Page to Ilx. aod B88laitDg Mr . andMra BerDaJooesRndson. Oint1er~; I UrlY Rllkf' : ~ I'iI'Ik f' 'he sprlui wltb rel!letered 8took In worklog tbe IAqnlr. aDd KIlI«b' .. 11 klDds. Rl1ok8 un ooe oaDdid"te. On Thurl. Therle were 'fh .. nksglving guesls of tooth Htlrr nw": I Ih,lIlol., LJI -u 11 M A . M. Allen Ilnd wlte eDtertaloed day eveDlug, l>eoember 2, 'he Rllnk Mr. a~d Mrs. Rlohllrd Moor e, in r ow;;) HIllin!: l; .. rn I'I " ..... ~ , I \Vul l< In g Co rn 1'llIw . I Ullvtor I (IoIIn~ ilL !IlDner on /SOOdCly Mrll Jdll Howe of EeqDlre will be worked OD three Day\oo. Ml•• Idabel Laokey of \Vost. Mid . Pl u w i 1 U u ul,1 0 Lh ~ ( ! UILn ~ 1'11191 ; 1I0d 80D, Barry. of HarveVllburg, oaodldates All members are re dletowo, Is ..vh.I\log a', 'he home of I l ;orn Piliuter wI! h IIlrt UI~.,'r. I ehet Balfield &od wife. Roward Fol- qoeH'ed to be preaeDt. Ad rl"n oe Wheal. BUlllt1r ; I W III"'l I kre'h. wife aod dlloghtllr, Fraool.. The ladlell ot 'hie- Jonah'l RUD the 8taoy I!lrl. Drtll with furtlllz .. r ; I 1{ .. Il., .. : l IDti Ray Harrison Ilod VIolrll, ot Baptlllt oharoh held a pilla, oak •• The 11001111, Saturday evaolog. W&S Idel\l Hog ~' el'der : :1 13 n 10(1,:1('5 : l Su r. LebaUOD. breid. ohloken and lnaOI other Nl•• muoJa enjoyed by 'hose buying rey : I:IlIrn Ol' ~ fll r ~IX h.IT,,,": ~ -;"1,: We are told tb8' MI88 Martha Lu. Ilble aUlolea. The,. me, with really bOlJ:III. 1& netted tbe Aid 11 ne,,\ of l3ug/: y HllrnllHH ; " tll ll r " rtlol , " Telephone 76, rinK 3 J kens 11'111 be oor ne" "bello girl" "t "Ie. aud lICOured a goodly amount IIUlelum. The'y lold a Dloe Dew too nlllllor nus t o IlIl'nlt li ll . t______________- ! 'be Barveysburg exobaulle. of mODey. oomfort for 1740. Terms of Snle-Hull I" q~ .. I"IIM . Rlohard N elaoo aod "Ue, of Leh. Mr. and Mr8, H. H. Baloel I1nn K H. t> HH CIYto:H . Prup. . t ._ Mr. and Mr•. Ira F. 8,fer4 aDd anon, were lhe gOIll'. of her OOUI- 10D. John, wire ThankagivioIIO..'" lion. James. Mrll . Mary (Armuoy Ilnd A . A. MoNeil. A net·, ~-------------_: Iua. K, E. Tbomp!lou aDd "Ue. I:!OD of Yr. 8yterd'lI brlll'ber. William. Mr, ud Mrs. Walier KODdrlck 8plln' Carl Duh e, Cler k. \ day afteroooD. aud family. of Sabina. ThanilailvlnJr wltb Mr, aod Mr8. Loooh by FrRok 'ob uro , .>Ild a Terry 8r08. O&me Deer loelDg 'belr go d wa rm fire . The Hllrveyaborg GraDRe me' In Perry Keorlck and daugh~er. MlsR fine gray mare. t5atu~day. .BerlM, at WllynBlvllIe. --- - - - --rllgular _Ion. Saturda,. ulgbt. FU'\ERAL DIRECTOR Il4r O,bornll aud .ou bave moved Robert Andre"e. o( Ollv. BraDoh, Mr. aDd 3.1", Alber' to;taov aod fr om Dear WaYDBlvt1le '0 'be Moore &rauaao'ed bUlinBiI iu 'hia oil,. OD daughlera. MI88el Rea. Zelma Bo d I plaoe. h.re. Waynesville, Ohio Sa ·arday. Cleo, aDd Mr. Ruaeell BurDel tonk R, J. Morray aud wife atleuded In our Classified Column. • Mr. aud Mra. Ed tlhldaker eDter. Thankoglviug dinner with Mr . aud ohoroh at HarveJabllrg, SDDday . t.alnC<'!. Ilt ,h.lr homr! In 'he oouotry, Mrll WIlII&m Laokoy. at W e~t for I:!IlDday dinner. IIr. aud Mra . J Mlddl.towD . Fully Equipped for Good B, tihldaker, Mr. aDd MH . Wllltam MII8 Normll Hray, of BelmoDl, Service. 8bldaker and Mr. aDd MH. MelvIn was a week end guest of Mr . Rnd Large Display Room then. Thert! "'ere no algns that Ite Stover, of BAblna. Mrs. Carl DDke Ilnd family. I W08 beIng soughl atter dow~ below, 11 Mr. aDd Mre. R ~ Ka,.lor enter. Mly Virgiull I:!aylor aud RuJd DA'i OR NIGHT T ELEP II ONE 7 might be thllt In the elcltement of taioed for dlDDer OD Ruuday IIl1veral Maylor, of 8prlnl Valley. spent !:;nn. other hoppenlngs. his escape hod beeu' of their rellltlvlIl and frl.oda day with Mr. and Mrs. WllIlaw consIdered 88 of minor Importaoce ; Mr. and Mn. Amoe Allau aud K. Cr.lgbton. tbut indlon Joe, convinced that he could never get out ot the Bole unoh· E ThompsoD, or 8eeoh Grove, were Mr. and Mrll, Wilbur Vlark eoter. se-rved, took no Immediate Interest In Sl1turday oallerl lu (,ur oliv. Bo'h t ..lued 800d"" dinner. Mrs. Mary Mr AII.D "ud Mr. ThomplOn are trailing hIm. Who t was the use. when Carmony aod MlslMI' Leona. MoGlo. "dmlrers of flD. hotP, aud have be llJust eventually surrender? It DiB aud Ka'hryu Cluk, would be a simple mlltter to steal cau, them lU qoauU'tei. Mil. Harrle' CowdeD, uf Cio oin. tloully dow~ throulb that deep cle!! Mr. aUd MH. Walter WlilIlma of In tile rocks. as rur. at lesst. u the Sou'h Klogman. 1l8111111d ,broullh natl. speDt She week.eud at tbe b orne VETERINARIAN Itreom below. Be would be conceAled here. Soullay moroilli. &0 .pend tb. or Mr. and Mrs. C E . Johus . The poet sa id . "What is Sll the way. and ooce there. bidden day wl,h Mn. Wllllama' pareD"', Albert I:!taoy and family, Ella aDd Vacci nation a Specially. NothReCurell IImong those tblck bushes. he Mr. aud Mra. J. E. JanDey. Woodrow Lewis "ere !:IoDdav guesis so rare as a day iu JUII . " inK bilt Reliable Serum used mlghl tben learn wbllt WIl8 actually ot Mr. Bnd Mr8. Will Null. neBr Mr. and Mra. O . V . Tolle .peu' th. The poet probably never occurriDg. It would be for better for !:IprlDiboro. week.eud with rela'I'I'ee In o..yton. had a eow or horse, or a him to know. Besides, thlll would be Phone 44 Harveysburg. O. MlslI Lala Fllllly W'" with her vano dlsl01al17 to PaDcba; eyen It she plow [or buggy to sell. sought him be would Itm be ID Ihe reota durtult lhe Thanksglvlog va. Vou should worry aboll t path sbe must follOW, aDd, 110 lonl a8 Cl&~lon, the poet and perfec t day, he remaloed undI8covet:i!d, jUlt wbere MI.. Laura MoJ[ltuey 'pen' her be W08 roo!'eoled could mu. no )lO8' TbaukllfPvlui Yaoa"on with her because YOli do have lots DR. J. W. MILLER. 81ble dltrerenee. The arpment mother. of surplus sluff Iyillg lied hI. mlod, heCllo8e be felt be musl Born-To Mr. and Mn. Heber around, which is doing Sohool opeu8cl np 00 Mouday. Youdab&ll&h. II flD. Illr t. oct ; must make some e1I'ort ot lola ... DENTIST ••• OWD, with 'b. &eeGbeH aDd IIOholan 10 lIr. auel MrJl, Lewla Raper left. you no good, but wOlild Mouday, for ~,. Loull, where Descendtng ,.... tar euter thao flit! tblir proper plaoee. omc<l 10 help the other fellow out Wayoenllle. 0 N.. llnoal Oaal< BI(I• . tollaome clImb tbrougb the darlme811 ItIn. KIlle Boo.e" .... 1190 daal~· 'berwill ,peod. wlDter with 'heir wonderfull y . . ot tbe ntcbt before. '!'bere W.I noth- "'n "ere 'rilitoH I~er•• s.turday IOn, JEdward Kaper. anti family. Cul this stuiT 01T your Ina In .I&ht 10 far I' flIe mouth of flIe anti IUD4ay. of Mr. aDd lin. J:d Tha Thaakeglvlul . martp' wae ravine wbere It opened Into flIe maIn B..-on. beld I. the 'rOWD Ball, I.. , WedDell. list at once by an ad. valley. Beyond thlll be could per· HATHAWAY The fir.' Dumber of OOlr lAo&1lI8 day eVI!ului. There 19" a large in . this paper. and you celve moving tlgnres, lind occasloDally Cour.. will be glveD . on s.t.rdaJ'. orqw4 pretlBD', and 'hit, oleared will rid yourself or a pile bear tbe sound nf a dlalaot voice. It ulghS. Deoeaber 4th. a' Town Ball. a})qu' flfty dollarll. vV ayue,sv111 ~ '8 Lel\dlnll DeD'laS waB c1earll evlden t to bls mInd tha 1 of junk around the place, Levi Lullenll. wJlo I. In 0011'11. a' Mr. aad Mn. Elwood. 'fhom ·.s, ()ffioe In U lues Bldg. Main St lomethlnll oouRual muat bave occorred-lIOme newa of dlsosler or ap' oVUmlDISou. epen' SUDday In thle e¥' of tnwD, auier'aloed .he follow. l~rel.tJve~.la8t BUDday: ~r. 'lnd prOllchlng (Ionge~to arouae socb el:· ~Iolnhy . . -' MH, rrauk Tbomu. Mr. aDIl MrF. cltement amoog the cItizens of the I'h. fUllleH 10 thia localll,. an P.~ry Thomaa and Mr. aDd Mrs . Bole; and he olso telt ronvlneed tbat prayiDg . . th.y hav(~ aever pra,ed Barry Thomaa aud lion, Paol. tbls more Importnnt thing bad for the before. They are muoh iD need of Mly Dorotb,. Barne.., of DaytoD . time being. at least. rendered ble own feed, very Utlle hnltlag dOlle. Veterinary III lpendlDR,thl1l we.l lk with ber rela. escnpe a molter of smnlr cooslderaMan, mUee of road are expeotfd 'lyell, 1Ir. and Mn. OhBl. Breleford. Ht-~ . . . . ~ .. . . . . . . . . . ' liratluatc 01 Ohio Slale Unlvel'll' ~ tlon. If any nttempt bod beeo made Mr. aud Mn JaoJb Meredltb, of ES ~ to trnll him, tbls effort had certllinly to be ballt yet lhl. taU, and abe rO&Cl oQr'h of Da,ton. apeDt lallt BoudfllY ~ I ' alr"ady hel.'11 nbnnllone.t. Aa he leaned workere here are bUllIY" can be. forlh from his hiding pluce be SRW . 10 "qole' oeremcol performed a' w\&h Mr. Ilud Mra. BWllyue Penewit • OFFICE' 8carcely 0 hlllHlred yards away. Ihe 'be parsouage ot Cowden Memorial aIicl family, ... Examined Correctly ... ~ fo'liurlh SIred, n ~ar Tyler log Willis of thai hut. concenled omoDg oburch. the Rev. M.Ei. Glblon uulted Mr . aod Mre. JObD Burlev eo'er-: Gll\ss~ Fitted i~ Telephone 93 the trees which he hod dImly noted 10 marrIage. Mondav al noon. Mre. ",ued. la8t Frld;ay, Mr. aDd Mra . from the crog aho\·e. ThIs wall proh· Emma Thomplon, of l>ayklD, aDd Stlrb Ta\e &od family, ·Mr.llnd Mrs ;; AT M.')DERATE PRICES 01110 ably where OIIlA. bnd been confioed. tbe Rev, J. H . nonlll.OD. of Weel I!'rankColllDI Ilod tamlly. of near+fTII'.J.'FANY'S;: waynesvllk. His henrt beat rapIdly as be studlerl Carrolhuu Rev. aIld Mrll. DODal. X~Dla. allo Rer father, JohD L. Tate, ~., ....""""""""""'!""''!'''''='!''''!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''=''''''''''~~ Ihe Olllllnes. Could sbe be there sU\1? son will make their home ID Wei' to a family dlDuer, Wns Mocklln wltb her? or ball sbe CarromoD. where lIb. former III Mr. and Mrs. Joha 6l'Dderwood Optical DepDrtment • ~ ""1' 1,, '1 ,,""'''L'. beell lett tbere untler lUard or BOme ot pal'or of the CbrlllttaoUnloD ohurob and Mr. and Mra. Cb,arley Under· S. Detrol't St. Xenl· a. Ohl' o • >.,," ""IIHt:ru,-d) lJ t. ~ I " ,"" " ! , ~ , ~ r" Up , U Io I . hla Indian nilles? P The llivio Leallle IDe' a' 'he home wood visited Mr. aDd Mn. aul Open evenings by appointm ent i ~'.~1. :'.',~li~~~~IYD~":I" .. It SII8 was there. and not too ae- of Mn. Cbarllll Gordou. on lIlaa' Mqare, oear Baney.buri. 1Bllt Bun . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IIe6a. A "'· ... .,hi n~ "' ru".-(,OG l)""",lotl# curply guarded. tt might be possible ttoot.h Itree" day. ror him alone to effect her reacue. ThP Mrs. A. L. McGee, of SpriDafiel4, =~=~~~~====~=~_~_~~.~-----"""":'----.....;------------ Insplrfttlon to toake the Iitempt aI>Pl'llied to him Btrong!y. It be only villted her par,nta.f~ . three, da,e, coulll get her away unobserved aa tar returning bome. 'l'uead.,. eVllninl. -...--as tbat CRve. he believed It poeslble til follow tbe traLl to the summIt. Th.· proJeet appeared IlrDple enough, III )1e turned It thus over In bls mind; at lensl It 8urely could do no barm tor him to delermlne definitely If the lady stili remolned ImprIsoned there. He Mr. aDd Mn. J. W. Ba,.dookbave would \'enture far enough to aBaure lpend. blmself Ihat this muat be the fo('l. Rone $0 JaDeevlll •• ~ia.. Shelby WRS 8uft\clenUy conlleloull of th~ wlDSer with Mr. aDd MH. E. II. Ilnnger to liRe every precnutlon; the PalierlloD. IlIlrtlll4_dy Kev. B. Eo Wright. training of yenrs esme to his ald. The rocky bonks of the strenm were 8Uf- Wedullsday ev.nlug. November U. ftelen"y hIgh to conl'eal hla BdvlJn.ce, MIIII Edllh 8ayera aDd &llar Dona. The,. are ependlog their Bnd Ihe creek curved about 10 .1 to bti, orlprodcb Ibe hul ",Itbln II few yards. booeymoon In CiDoinuati. Assured that the wotor would tim. Tbe eDtertalomenlt rend.red b,. ~ R \" A ~II L Y VERY MAN AND \vIfE concelll hla trail. be crept ncro~ . tbll bla)1 sohool aud lIf1triel. 'ruNday nnrrow open IPllce, lIod Inw.. red him· eV8nlnK. waa pl.lloi to a large HO\IE ON TIllS I~ ENTITLIW T() :\ self over the bank, croll-:/Ilna knee. addlenoe. EARTH OF OURS. lieI'll In the cold stream. 8ntely under Min Marjorie Bill. who he.~been Co\·er. 1'hU8 protected hs "'Jldod alow. quite ill. la muob Improved. F YOU . HAVEN 'T GOT IT- IT i\IUST BE Iy downwllrt1. Be saw ' DO ovhlellce of .hlonlo lodl. of ,bit pl.tiI ·In. Rny "ullrd. anti becllPIS convlnc,ed '1I11 .&a~led oftloera. la" TuMdayulih •• YOUR VERY OWN rAUl,T. :\[AYBE IT cahln ul,o wa • . deserte\!: that It thiN WAS THE FAIURE TO ACT. The W. I' . M. 81, mel 'he WOI actually the pilice wbere 0110 ball been confined OD orrlval. IIho 'had Jj'rleQd. oburob, .'ul-4a, afteroooo. HEN NOW IS THE TDI E. SGE US ABOUT Mre. B B . Miller re'urued from sln('c h""n removed elsewbere. IT AND WE WiL L G IVE YOU AN ESTI· As he tlrew ti~",G tbe pl~!'e IpP,eared MlallllV.lle, hoepl&al~ 8Iluda7,mooh Improved ID heal'h. . MATE 'AT LOWEST FIGUR8S. . old. rather dlt" pil!ited ~n~ 10Q~ ~e.erl ... D. lIoKIDneyla !!rlvilll a Dew ed, a shllck acarcely tit tor humoh ha~l· tatloll any longllr, The one window waM rore1. ho8 riled up, and the potcbed roof" Willla. B . YUlaD, of Lookla1ld. th, lean,lq saapd dtllmaill•.. 'nils .,..,. .pe~' TbaDkert,lq noatioD a. the . l''erfRlnll not tbe place; DO on. ~pp~~ bj)~" ofbte mother. en~11 bad ~jved Ill.... tor maD, a II,r: ~ .... BaHl(ellllqelbaker 8tOI. DOW be Jla4 YeDtul'td . IO,"~ It ban morDed. fro.. n ,wi 1ritb·re}. m1Jbt' be well to talle a 100II ....,,"" AdamI~*y. . ! ~ .• , . ~'II'iiIi1 DO- ilarm cantil be "~" IIIIi _reblDI flI. ~m~ .. ~\4~ wnnld NOon o,l!J ~ ..o~t '" .":1'1'
14. T.r!, a bueln... hlp '0II.B.ua"'(lo, .,~"J: 1 Jordau wa. In ClarklVlU., m~.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured. ey
reach Ihe diseased portion of tbe ear. to cure ca. lurrhul .1~nrne u , alld Ihat 18 by a ' eon• Ulullunal remedy. C.nlarrhal d •• fnO•• I. Cllust' d by an Intlamed condltlOD of th e mlU' oua llnln ir ot the Eu.ta .. "hlllll Tube. When Ihla tube II IDttllrned YOll ho.ve 0. rumblln" dou04 or impel'feet hearing. and when it Is flo .. Ih·t ly cl08ed. deatne8 8 I. Ihe r.lull. Un 1088 the Inlhunmullon can be redll ced o.nd Ihl H lube r •• tored to Ita 'rh c r e 1$ only· Ono wuy
norrnul condition. hon.rlng will bo de ...
troy ed f o r e ver. Many cae!! ot deatnca. are caused by cata rrh which Js an 10" rlammed condItion of ' th e mucous Burfn C8S. Hnll'H o. to. rrh Medtclne acta 'hru th e bloud or lh e U1UCOUS surfa.ce. Of thu l'I)o'HtU tn. W . will give One Hundred Doll ....
, fot·
Ae C'oul(1 fhlnk now. r~ ' t ' lIlI
Sllt'(' 1111 ft'flr
11 1(1\.
s\\'lrtly. on,1 "'auve l o~eth c r, Ill' ho.1 neted 80
reck l essly; til 're \nl~ 11 0 dOllht or UWI. 1\'0 one but 8 IJllnt.1 fool wnulll ' t1Uv e ever \'en tu nlc! nlon e Int o tlllM
Ile should ~n ll Nt
hn\'c rhh1 f' 1I t o 1"""('11. lInf1
hi s (rlen.ls for help : IIeJ' hnps he IIII1:hl a,oe n hn"'. . IWf-n n hl e to ohtll in th e
or " II'(lOIl of en "n Irym en frolll
tlte tu r f him nnrl
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hhl\ ~ll lf. L.'·I III: Ih" 1'1l III Ihnl 1,Iurk ,·lIellce. Itorlnll !llln.II)' "PW '1rI1. h ~ all \\' lhe womnn t\ICllln n ~ plnllll.\' n. Iholll;II tn the flesh-Rnw her. nn .l kn ew 11101 be loved her. Iter "~' CR slI,lIed "I him, wlUI such wI 81f ·l lne .~ III Ihl'l r .ll'n tllB;
WDS nOlhlng lI\1lh' lI lI"ntH IH·' r
IUIlI(H: H h~ \\'Jl ~ 1111 1"010, un. lind- he 10n',1 Iwr. He covere.J hi. C~' (, R wllll un IIrm. and roliNI o\·er. 00.1! WUSIl'1 Ihere anything he Ctluld do hU I wuli? Jl e felt wild 10 nrt: to nCl'olllplish Mmething; to strik e some dt'lllli te blow In ber beholf. Als "'I(e I Sho "'os hi" ",lf~l gn Cnrlyn ! II IlH'IIl1t mu r h to 101m now. 8 nw ,Ient hl~' sIIII It wn R: bow ' terribly dArk . l:I e f ' ll bOI Illid .tined Ihere In tbe cn,·c. ~' et did nol move. or chonr:e his POSltlOD, lIud so be (lUo.U, fell Rsleep, r>r~Ks lon 1111)'
Th. Darkne•• of the Cabin. It wns broad dnyllght-n dull gmy
within the smnll cove, hilt hrlght sun· Ihloe without-when Sh elhy IIroused himself. Rnll lonkrnl Duoul In nn In· atnDt ot hewllll prment. As tbe Iruth ot hIli sItuation rlm.serte.l. It_e lf. be lilt liP, consc",us of sllfTness In every joint. yet reinvigorated hy se\'ernl boul'll or rest. Be flll'ed 0 dllY of III· Ictlvlty. R hord .lemon rl upon a mon ot hIe temperllment. nnd he \\'0 8 os alow 88 possible ""er 0 menger hrenk· tllst. his eyes contlnunlly \\'Ilndcrll\~ townrd Ihe norrow (l))el\ln~. ns his mInd agotn re\'lewcd Ihe occurrences ot the dllY before. Flnolly, uno hie to reNlst the lempto· tlon longer. he ventured to thrust, his belld through Ille pnlr,,"cc to Il'urn something more deftnlte 'ns to his 8Urroundlngs. All he coulll per elve wn~ the sbelf of ro~ k. wllh u co nslderahle coping ahout It s ouler ellge. tll!!other wltb a fow feet of the dcsccmllnR trail. On tile 01 her hnnd a now clefl nppeared In the tront of the cliff over· Ibndowlng him. Rnd he susplclollod that tho .pnth be h011 rollowed the nlgbt previous continued upwardwas. perhnps. tho t secrel pnssageway· wblch Pllncha hod snld led finnll~' to the lop of Ihe gorge. and ulnng whIch ahe plllnned to guldo Ihelr futllre os· CliPS. Beyond Ihe outer edge or the Iholt there was nothing but sky \'l sl· bls. nnd. helievlng the copIng would eonceal hla move'lJlents from observa· tlon below. Shelby pushed hIs woy out flIro\1gh the openl'III(, nn.1 crepl on hands alHl knees to where he cautious· Iy l'Quld I!OZll over.
Toledo, Ohio.
hf\ !lI g ohRe r\'eti . how·
I t~\' t'r
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
I·', J . CHEN EY 4< CO .•
wns hll!h'>r "I' on ti le clllT limn he hart p1'( ~ " I" u ~ ly l'pnllz'lI, nil hou gh It . precipitou s frnnl ret lower"d men· ar lnJ(ly "hon'. Thr "Iew below \\'a" Il k" Illnt or 11 ,Ii, ,,,,,t plclure. Its de· lilli ' " "ll sIlnrl. Il P r.~ lt no longer IIny
Copyrllll l A. C, . M cC luJ'g' Ill; \,.'0.
'ulli rrhl.l D e .toe•• cure d by Hall'. Cal'ln:ulunt trtle. .All
2Jy 'Randall 'Parrl.... h
bud ocenrred thl R nn ,1 thnt
C lU iO
Drlllol'gl slA,
PfRIL \'
co unpl be IthOl turl'h lIledlcl n e.
11 1111 1(l1l11l'1I fllr l'n(jl1~h rurwllrfl tf ) .. , ' . ' t'I,'u I'ly liP !I IHI dOWIl th~ hronr1 ntlll",\', IIIN pO!illtl ll ll l ilY !'IOIIIt·whot reo 11H) •• 'tl , nrotl llll th t' nng! !! n sl(J p rU\' llIfI , ~ " 'hili hi' rn'llcJ n n t trnre tllf' elltln' ,'oUr""· of til e Cnl t onwonl1 , or
e\"'11 III . r l'rn Ihe wnl erfn" hpllenth wh le h I,,:, h,,11 pntered tile Iloll!. Yel I", hn.1 n I(III1l Jl SP (If Ihe mnln strenm. roul.l ""'k 0"1 whnt h" hel1('vNl 10 be Ihl' II)~ hnu.~ frolll wldeh he hnd e~ · ~l1lwr\. whil e, wl lhln 11 !(rO\'c "0 fl " tn be selln·.,I." "1 ~ Ilnl.'1II"llIlhl e. R"p ~fl red Ihe ronf nr 1I110tl14'r. Rlllnilcr hUlhllng, lie " 'ou lll hfl"C nl)liceli tI.I •. hnt fnr n Ihln ~p lJ'tJl or smok e flrl sln!: trom Ille c hl"'lIp~,. Pund." 111111 .111 ,1 11\1' pl nr.' wlll're OljW 11'119 l'C UlntJ ell wn~ "IRlllle from Ihl s "pot. Coult! Ihl. be
i-I p ~ tnr e d 11uwn A 10nK \\'hlle, bU1
wlthollt rewnrd . \'1'1 Ihere St!"lIIe.' 10 he much pn ss· 11I ~ nnd repn."lnl! nl nng the IIIl1ln vol· ley ; hinck, III·.lefinell n!:tJr('s of men on horseback olmost consta ntl y vIsible. Ae wo s "lIrIJrl ~e.1 01 the number. nO\'er hovtng supposed tlml Ihls colony of outlow8 ",08 80 numerous. Au· other thing. while he could nOI clear· Iy dl ~ llngulsh such slJlu li objects at thRt 1116Ian!'e, Ihe majority of theae ride .... hu.1 thc RI.penronce of being [n· d18(18. (;ould Ibey be Sioul worrlors gal llAred here In preporation for some rntd on th e elposed settlementsl or was II posslhle that tbe troops hud al· rel111y slruck. nnd drh'en the rem· nnnt R of sl.'Ilttercd war porties Into this Bole for refu ge? In either ~se th eir presence In slIch nUQlbera reo· dered hl H own position 80 much more prI!CRrlolls, nnll Increo cd the dnnger surrounding Olgo. He felt that. In spft e of his pledge to the Mexican girl, he eould not remain In lola bid Ina pi nee quietly,. wIthout endeavorlDI to leorn more ot who! bad actually 0ccurred during the nllbt. Indeed he ~uld per!'elve no realon wby be should remo In entirely lnaetlve. At Ihe very best 8he could IecOlnpllHh nothing before night. and hod hl',,1 nllt very little hope for eveo
TllR~ WE 'fURN
Everett Early
Lytle Feed Mill
Walter McClure
It Pays to Ad vertise
r. . . t
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
:eftU.,. .,
ovER A PAG~'
PartoftheWorld Is Yours
Have you got itYour Home? (,;v(
Lytle, Ohio
t"" •
Wayneay.jlle, Ohio
Lebanon has Orjlllnll "d u ~ulllr~: ~' i," I·;dna I'.'I.",Y r"~ignerl her 110-" , The 1:<>)'al Women's Cla98 of th e ('Iub, an d IIIAO hfl\l th~ dl ~litll' II" n " f ,ill,1I1 ill III ~c hu lll ~ h .. re lal't ~'ri daY ' l l'erry Bible School met at the home being til smlll\(lsl tow lI in lht' I ' S · , " !!.! ~II"II' III I,>ul' !loon ((l r ew York of Hev . J , A. Pine, Saturday afterhavlnall duh (,r th i, hi d \ Ii, r ('il.' . " It ,' r~ <h\! ha a posi ti on with noon , November 27th. th e diffl'r(ln t mprrhn nl ~ o r 11111 I, II " Ih. I'l l II :'(lI'\'i('c d e partment of th e . The meetinjl was railed to order ha ve join d th ' Iub ':11\' ,1'1 '" " nl . Ity Pr{'sirlcntOli ve H athawRY . Scrip\ ture reading . l03rd PStdm, by the ~~!!!!'!~~ -~ -~!!!!!!~-~----------~~~~~~~~~~!!!..~~- president., prayer by Nellie Wright. Scri ptural quotations were given in response to roll call. after which the usual business was transacted . Being 80 near Thanksgiying, the m embers present tc,ok the opportunGo To Sawyer's For itv tll tell of what they were most thankful for, wbich was very insroirStuves lah " ~ III1\' CIl.llrS Tubs \\ .l-h ' lan d, ing, Delicious refreshments were Beds 13l1cket s Spr ings ~"I ,' Iln:lIJ~ served hy the ho ~ t e!'.~, IIftl'r which a Washing Machines l'10 ,,' ks Mattresses Ti res anel T u bes Bocilll g ood I i," " Wli~ enjoyed by all II r (' ,,<,T' Din ing Tables D'shes . Sewing \I,lr hilll" 1'11 1111. 'h,l irs Kll lie I loll s In 192'. Velour (' OIlCltl'S K lto'lf, 1\ l ' 1I:,i 1'0; T' lys
:---- - - - - . .
Double Tub Washer
.. Aphroditl!," \1 rOIlJun,'\! 0 /l1I· j nt . Dr. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Broadli!gypt. \lr~S<! llt etll,l1l u ~r' d(' "f !( I'l"l l way, Lebllnon, Ohio. magnificence by F . I ay ' ('Ollwt('(!h Misses Helen and Mary Grllham, of lind Morri a Ges t . with a ca ~ 1 of :!Ol) Xenia, are at borne visiting their papeopl e, pr o mi ~~~ to be th., s" ll ~ atiulI rent~ . of the year in Dayton, just as it Wll~ ' Mra. Goldio Allen and family spent recently in Chiclll(o, and Ills t \\ in ter I
For Engine. or Electric Power-
! I
~~I;eek.end wIth relatives in Kinlr3 ~e~e~i~:~~'T~:I::~~l ~~;ll~~I\, t O\\.•I. ~~
Mrs. Th.:lo Crist. of Miltun, 1nd .. beginnin g Sunduy ' dJ.: hl, Ilt'o"' lll itl' 1' I .pent the week-end with Mrs Ma. the f>th. tilda Hosier . "A phroditl-" i:! 11 K"rg.'Oll:' >11101 brilliant staginl!: 011 11 l1la ,.~ i\'l' ~1·,tI, · Edwin Handall, of Wilmington or ,lIle of lil e IJl ll~l c .. h' h l'ukd 1'1111 1,111' college. yisited friend s here Wednes: ees known t o 1111)(ll'l' lI Ii Cli 'iIl r ill' dayevenin&,. original story IIY l' i~I'I'C L,llIY ,.. a Frenchmlln, \\' a~ 11 S ' Il HllliUII Mail ord ers fll r "Aphrod itl'" [" . Oruer your Christmas prese nts now, so you will have them when now being rece iv -d 111 IIt t' New \,i ," ~1 t':oO . I .• ' dd 11 Il HlI1l1t'1·- "l'uft~,..sor. af · tory Theatre wh er\! in ,mll'r 1,\ P"'" you want thl~m . \\'c havr u Ii Ill' ul nell' St,,1 es u'l1t1 \Ia ttresses. I.adies· Green 1"f' ~' I'II l llt \' " wu ~ h,\ t1 the I..Ililhea llod teet the pUbl ic ' tnll1l U1lSCI'llPll l.\u, ht'!l lt\t! l ilt' ~'t'o k ttl'uur Uw Hlnk ow, Jacket !:\lIil, &i,,· .:" hll' l . I.adi .. " 1\\ ,.lin Skir t , waist :l ~, l.adies ' \, 1111 ' up lI lt, plll tf r~· . yuu mfty t(lve llttl~ Miss Sarah Uurnett, of Miamis- speculators fllll owillJ!' l it\! II I I rar l inll Lo ng \ ' 0:1 1 . , i 7l' Ill. \J ail s t h " ' ,c"al, "~I,' .I:!. t-: th~'l r lrll l ll h l 'r h 's~u u Ull th~ halltlH burg. spent the Thanksgiving hol- from eitv t o city 1111 <1 II'h" in 1\ , \\' Agc nts fnr 1.., 1It1", Pry · !tant ll /;; , \ laJc ·t o- Mcusure S uits rl'g a l ~~n 111 '" . -1.I f~ . York laM wint e r. ~ Itur >!,'d I l ~ IIII'll ;" Overcoa t s . Panb. I·.mey \ 'CS lS, COlller r. lJ aranteed Waterproof idays here with relatives. Ruin COllt . $200 00 a seat, Ihtlllum ue r of l iv k d~ Mrs. Seth Cook visit ed her sistl'r, allowed each perso ll mu ~ tl" e li 'll il .. d Free gu e~s 1111 the Cr,,<;tal Cu t (~ I R5!i Pu nch Set who is a nurse at the Springfi eld, to six un less salisfaclury cr t'd .. "liH Iwit h e:lch purchase. Ohio, hoapitnl, last week . are shown "Aphrodite" r epresent3 un "ul - ! Our MoUn - Fair Dealil1Y. Hon est Prin's, Satisfaction. Mr. and .Mrs. W, H . Allen and lay of betw een $~5LI ,\11 0 tu ::;;;1I0.UU\I Mi98 Oli'fe Allen spent the wef'k-end to it.R produc e rR and h !t~ h ~"11 I,r,with relativE:8 in Cincinnati. dueed on a scale of ma){lIi1icl'''''I' FINE SALT III \'er bl' ["re att empted ill IJIlY 11,,·Don't Day IOc for a 2Y. or 3 Misses Mary Chrilltopher and J ean al re in Ih. · world . Prop. Waynesville, Ohio . poun~ sack - we adl Cron. of Dayton, were' Sunday guests 2-lb. Sack Fme Salt. only ...... 6c of the Misses Emma and Mary ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big 4-lb. Sack Silt. only ...... -, lOe McCray . Morton's or Log Cabin Shak•••• •••••••••••••• e r Salt, reg . 15c sizes. only .. lOc Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Hamilton, 121hs Dew Navy Beans ...... '1.00 of Wapakoneta, spent the ThanksBlue Karo, large size ............ 76c iiving holidslYs with Mr. Cha.q. WoolI White Karo, large size .... .. .. 86c lard and family . Nllw St!edless Raisins, pkg ... 25c New Layer Figs, pound .. ..... SOc The High ~c h onl I"II~kl't ha l, It ':< 01 Born- To Mr . and Mrs. 81mont New Head Rice, pound ... .. .. .. 10e WRR defeAled by th .. in ti l· " t'" d, III ' Snyder on Tbanksgiving morning. a Mother's Aluminum Oatl,pk .. 'Oc Bon. This a great-great-grandson t" 1I m fr .'m Dod d". In,t \\ ,· d, . - . New Bulk Oats, 4 Ibe .......... 25c e'f l:'llilur . II}' th e score of ~~ I :.! ... 5 Ilig Cans Salmon ............ 11.00 of Mrs . Clayton Foster. New Pure Buckwheat, 10 Iba.. 75c Tilt! Hi 1i .. ,1 Dodd~ beatt'lIl r,,, fr 'IZ , . 1~"8K r.oo--''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. ~ Red Man Scrap Tob., 'pkRS ... 25c al Iho: (-lid .. f the first ha lf, bul ~I'IC' gl ~ h plUY IIII! in the IUM t half cllfj.'d lJI Many other bia' Bargains in the lhl'ir tlde .. l . Grocery line that you cannot find elsewhere. and then look Two leams of the Hillh schuol t:I' I ~ THEATER, DAYTON. OHIO at this offer: al~,) pluyed. the Reds de feat i",.: : '" Black 8, I<! to 10. St. Mary's Church Tl)e t-il'dt allli ,ecoll.! t l'~" " f "1 00 Best Cane Sugar. ....... 7Y2c P;'I) Second Sunday in Advent, De- the Hi){h 8choo l w il l gn 10" I . I, " " We will sell 2 pounde of SURar MATINEES WEDNESDAY" SATURDAY for 15c with each dollar's cember 5th: Sunday School at Friday e l'elil ng, wl,,: r .. tilt , "I' I ' ,'. worth of groceries hought and 9:80 a . m, MornIng Prayer and SerThe indepenrl tnt leam iI ·, " l . paid for on Friday and Saturmon at 10:30 a. m . Sunday evening. ized lind th ey are read.\' t,) Ill " . day . a short service, with instruction and and all ClJml'r s Fresh Oysters, good solid meas· sermon, at 7:30. Services every day ure, bulk or sanitary,Tina Celand evening next week, a8 follows: ery, Cranberries and fresh F. Ray Com8tock aad Morris Gut Announce the Phone 25-2 Service with Instruction at 9:30 a m WayneSVille, Ohio Crackers all the time and 3:80 p. m; evening at 7:30. It Paye to Trade at Hymn sInging. prayers and intercesaions, with illlstruction and sermon Beginning l1oI'Uh the evening service 1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classified Columns for Results next Sunday, the Rev. Mr . Uyrer will have entire charge as instructor The Warren County Tt'ad, .. r~' (From the Theatre RenaiRSllnce, Parisl and preacher. Everybody is cordi- Association will m eet al th e Naliul\ ul ! Direct from One Entire' Seallon at tbe (;entury Theater N. Y. ally invited t o all these services Blink building, in Leban oll, V..cernPI .'r"I.'1 '71t~;;" lale ) Romance of Ancient Er.JlIt t P.~,,:u~:l.':ta ber 4. 1920. The folloJ\vi n){ p rIJA'ralll .".1 \.J61>. O. lD the Day. When CI'filiza- ( 01 Loado. Orthodox Friends Church will be rendered : Ih , olton tion Was in Ita Infallc1: __ _ I Sunday & 'hool, 9:30 a . m. Meet-When God. of Earth and 4dtll&loaaJ 10:00- Singing I ing for worship at 10:30. .· rolll Ihe No,·.1 - Idols of Clay aaJed the (Joe, • • • bi Invocation ...... Rev. De twci :e r I Music ...... ... .. ..... ... O rchestra , 1'1 6rro°\-o(1)'0 ) r.ee,:!:stuou. Pa..lon. of ( ~.p~ • ~~. E. Church 10:20-Round Tabl e ... .... .. ... .. ..... .. I --Positively the BIKa"t and -................. Supt. G. H . Gerke ' Sunday Sc:hool. 9:'15 a. m. A good Mus ic by Moat Colonal Attraction a - J ' b, nourl Fevrl.r Ever Hent on Tour in the l".~ •••ark«. d· I'bUUp place to study the Word. There are 10:50-Ten Minu te Talks .......... .. [tnO Mr. Hendricks IIIHI Mi s~ King .\ .. 801 III U oetzol History of the World_ 0 LoAdoll classes for all II:rades and ages. A ll:1O-Address .... ........ ....... . upL. Mai l Orders for this elttr:lordinary attraction will now be reeei\'ed live bunch, B fine spirit, a delightful H. W. SollJmon, Middl e toll'!1 for th e (m tire engagement, prio.· to opening of tbe public . .t ..I. place. At 6:15 the Epworth League 1:15 -Music on Mond ay, Nov . 29th Send proper remittance payable to Victor; devotional meet MI other evening 1:30- Addreas ..... .. .. R. W. Sol omo n Theater Enclose eelf-addresaed stamped envelope for return ticketl. eervices at 7 o'clock. PItI CES- Nights: Orchestra. $S 85; Balcony. $a 30. $2 75 . P 20. Preaching by the pa9tor at 10:30 $1 65 lind SLIO . Wednesday Malinee-Orchestra, $275; Batlconv. $2.75, $2.20. a. m. and 7:00 p. m. every Sunday. $ 1 65 and $1 10 Saturday MaUnee-Orehetltra, $8 80; Oalcon),. Wednelday lat 7:00, prayer and praise . $:l :l0 . $2 75, $2 20, $1 65 and $1 10 meeting. War tax included in the above prices. The pUblic: i.lnvlted to come and COMPANY OF 800 PEOPLE-TEN BIG SCENES join with Uti in worship_ $50)0 $60 values ~ $65 to $75 values $75, $80, $90 values of Adsm the Franklin w~, vetl'run rlied in edit !ll'U or U- ,I D . P. Holt. Pastor. Bridgp,N ethe mont, Tex ., Noyemu"r 2 1st. Till' Ferry Christian Church body was hrou~ht to F'r'tI ·, kl in. Bible School at 9:30 Preaching where the ~ervi ce~ VoTer ,., hplci. and in- l at 10;30 a, m. and 7:30 p m , Every- terme nt WIlS al so mad e in Fra nklin He was a Civil War vet e ran . one Invited. A. Pine, Pastor .
! I
Special this Week
In the
Market for
ARE ••
100 000 ,
H. E. Earnhart.
Bushels of New ~ar
(Jouble Tub Washer will Save Time, Save Work, Save Money, Sa\·e Health.
friday and Saturday Spacial
Week Beginning Sunday, Dec. 5
And can the highest n1arket price. Call us on the phone or drop in and see us.
THE SALE You've Been Waiting For.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Finest Suits and Overcoats at Great Reductions of from $20 to $35.
~;:~~;;====~~~~~=~:5 ~~~~~:~f=
H a r~ SC l l~ffll c r & ~larx just sold them to us on our recent buym g tri p to Chicago , at a very great concession. We had t hem ru shed to Lehanon to give you the biggest clothes valu e you 'n see n in years. The makers let us cost of productl'Oll -we ' re passmg . have tbem a t less than . lhe full au \'u nLugc n g llt 011 to yo u.
A Great Bargain Event You Must Not Mi.,. Other Good Makes AIl- Wool Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men $40 to $50, values, now
FINEST Suits-Blues, Mixtures, Browns, Silk and Alpaca Lined.
FINEST Overcoats, Ulsten and.
Mrs Mazie CadwalllJd er d ied nt l Harveyaburr Friends Church Memphis, Tenn. h.st Tuesday. Th e Sunday School, 9:30. Meeting for body was brought to Lebano n , Sal- , Wol'IIhip, 10::30. Everybody cordi- urday, and was interred by the ~ id (" 1 ally invited to these services, of her husband, the late Frank Cad- I wallader, Rev. J. F'. Cadwall ade r, : Caesar's Creek Friends Church officiating, Sunday School at this ::hurch every ...- - Sunday at 9:30 a m Preaching service at 10:30 o'clock a . m. You are cordially invi~ed to be present.
Riggs is eore at us n ow-says he lost $150 through nn ad in thi Bpaper You ~ee he advertised he had Hix piA'S for sale and it wasn't long befor e he sold them out and got en oll>!h inquiries afterward that he cOllld h a l'l~ IOld $150 worth more if he ha d t h"m He says that the little want II d ~ !l ot only bring b ome the the bac nD, but they can get rid of the wh ol e hog on short order.-Exehange. ----.~ ~
SfARS & CARTWRIGHT All Kinds 01 Audion Sales Get Dates Early
All Kinds 01 Insuranc, Pr9tect Your Property Write or call us, Phone 61·2 Office in Aman Block, , Waynesville, Ohio
Ralpb H. Cattey, Announces the opening of offices for
g~eral Hunting or trappinlr is positively forbidden on the following farm s:' Dan Morgan .. _ I I' Lindle¥ Melldenhall I Jason Sheehan, on all his farm s, lAbGnon, (!)hlo . Lyman Day . 23 S. Broadw~g ".' I..' A. B. 'Sharier J W. Crel8well. I I";''';·~....._ _ _....,!" _ --~. . ._ _-",",!"'!'io _--IIII.-II!IIII.I. .~~4 .
------~----~~------------~------------~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------T_r ~------------ I • ~eventy-
e nd
li n Ih e
II\ ~ t ~ IH l{e
Whole Number 5412
"f Clur j l uru ev.
[<rum MOl1llHI·U hll UI(,,"d~ roil. ! Dopst ers Think l-Iarding Looks to West MISS\oNAR~ WORK way !' u n~ IH.rthwe,,1 In lake Victo ri a All IIi)( hl 1""1( """ , mu ll w,,,,, t· l!urll· For His Secretary of Agricultu,re i fteJ...al.lit Hl n d n _ __ _ IN fAR Off AfRI CA b"rt·long iII"upward 1I1110nl< the rou
l! I,,-I_H_~_i,...(
11 >1
tree-cove, ed hili H \\ hit- h !'i ~ .' "fl lllt! r from I hl' ~I'u cp" . I. 1';'«'1.1 th e lI exl morldng \\ I' Il!fl t he h 'll" !'" r I Ma lava SIHl illo. t he broud, roll ing , I<r ".~ ·cpv, · r ... 1 I\i ~ unlll , ill ~1 () "It.IlHa , II E A . lJurill/{ the dll\ \\". It~d !\I I)(U, I II , I H ~O . plHill~ ~Ii rnp" es of wild Itnim ~ I ~, II, rd, "I' Uear F !'i e n "~ : ze br/1 ~ , g07.elll's, gnu~. h"r l"I ,, ' - I · You I11 l1.Y Ioe il1tl' n'~ t. ·d ill kl111winl! o:;tricht·.~ a nd cul l ;,· w~ ' rl~ IlI la: 1I .II Ho me lhi l1J,! "f tile l' XpC r letl CeH t ha I ev idt ' II ~ Il , hllvc r,o m .. to Ju an il a Bec.te Bnd to Mond llY pv ,mi l1 )( We (' 11 , " ,' t· , '\ . ." !lll:' Rinee our ar ri vul In I ~ a~t Afrk u, lI ui, I ht! ca pital "f BI'I I I ~ h 1·:,,- 1 \!, ,', Wc re'l'Iwd MOlllb!lsa ,,/ul y ~ 1 , thirty· A j" ~ llin ll crowd lOt ~' ~Ii - I I II " ' " ,I ! H\'Ve n d llY~ afll'!' Il'avilll( L,,"Ju rr. W O n ll'n . h liH'k nlll , and \\',dll l II til I A~ ~ I run II. ll/i'e ship d"" pped an· MOrtH of 'Jr" H~ lind IIIIdl{" ~ . :11 d I,· cI,,>r , IlJ1)~ row b"uts . 1ll1ll1ned by di alls, W(!I'e walli ll>:' fl,r Ih,· 11 ' 1', black IIl l'lI, " li t olf f r(,n •• lI ure <Ifill After a hair h'lu, ,, wa il, wh ll" II ,,, , Cil rrl e H.lulI~ ~i ri t· t il talie pa .~!-Ien g('r~ t rain \\!U ~ lu: irlJ,{ ft 'rr liufL. and n.1jll;ldl 'l l. H ~ ho r c N" ,)llt' who ('li llie nil hllurd Wl' eo n ! In ' ' Ul'( I lI ur JtJur n t!y . IIl'\lIlh I Kld l) had UllY idl'lI II ~ tn wl1<'f) Wt' N' I ' , ~tl ro )J w e ~aw u Ic-trJZ tl CUrlIP U II\ l· f (, .. IIId ~l- l tmill a"Colllfll lldat ionR for II k I . I '.
I a hrupt ly
. . 1\I~ ulll u
I) ,,"h,,rt~ ill "euvy loads or w.."d ac
Wunl en
l'a IT , lrlg'
'o 1"lll<':, I , ' 1( ' Jl~l ., ,. . I I",",' I)pon ve r y "u sy eyer sinc e the mornlnc or Nov
3 .~ I"rtlnll p n s ~ ". h'
cahhll'l !'l tha i wtl l lm 11 f1 l1l1,\ 1 1,:-, Prp.~ d e nl-e lect Har'd ing . 'The one pCtlltion wbich tnt ere~ t 8 th e Amerl . ('a n (;trnJ cr< Ill" " ' I" II,.. "" ri' llI r y of agriculture, The fou, men Abo"D here 8eem to bp le,do ra
Twenty·fi\'e m'" , n'Jlre~f'''tinl{ l1illl ' TI,,' i\li .;·d .. n " "ga n a t :-it. Mary'~ of the ele l'cn banks !I f Warr~1I ,,1111"" 11 ~ lI ndll.\' PI'e ninl{, wilh Rev , Counly, respo nd ed to illvlla'ilO"~ I II . :I);\ ~ I·; Ih ' r, 'r a ~ Mi si nn e r. Itev , he gue, tH ( ' ~ the Wll yne,, \ il l., ;-:". 1,1 r,'r 1'", ·,1('111,01 "i~ fir ,;t ~errn" n fr om t iona l BlIl1k at dinnl'r. 1,,> 1 \\'I 'dll ... · dw I! · ;<tl, ";-:,-l'k \,,, Fir" t the King· dayeveni nl' 'II", " "1 11<'1 "'as -cr· lorn lfl;"d, alld lIi ~ l{iKht(·ousness.'· " ved by the Lilli,," or II", I':H-IL'I'II ~tar ,.\ K,illd ,'o n),[rI, ..: ,. Iion was present and WIIS in k ee pill ~ with tl .. · !'l'"uta· 111.1 ellj"y,'d th ;. " 'ry line d i ~co ur8e tion that lhey hllve lI1adt! in the past. I{" v. Il y n'r hll~ u lill e. commanding Afte r doill l{ jUHlice til t h.> SUll1 ptu· "!lic., alld lil.· "II ll pli cit,v o f his ser · o u ~ meal. a cou nt y "1'I~anizat ion wa~ !l) ," , ~ fUlI l y"t tiw depth o f them form ed with the fl"I(lwinl{ "tIit e r~ Ilr\' fel l by all wh o hear him , Th l' ~ ,'r viL l' -; ill thl~ lI1 orninl{- Holy elected fo r IV;!I : .J , 0 , (·artwril{n t . "ic!. .. P re9id ellt·Wa)I1 .. ~vil ll, N" ti ,IIlal , ""IIIIIU 1li" 1I allol hi,. lalks '111 t he Bank , Chairman; II H, Thflm" ~I) II, " 11,'lll illld" ," ,ofl' "l'ry Iwl prul to "ashier I\laslIll Hank, \ ' il'" ,U lUirn'fllI; till' ~ ""1111 111111\ In lh' aftt!rnoo n at C, C ~ulays , \'lce· I 'rl.!~id .. nt L\,I.a1l \1I1 : : : : : ~1I ,,'n'icL' a lld i l\~ t r ll dion , Eve ry \ 1'1:1'"011 "1 lilt' town ollf{llt lo hcar Na tionaill ank, Sec retary , All. invitBLi'.Jt) tl) holll ti ll' nt'x t I LlI" "e 1,',·l ur, ·" , meelllll{ at I' ran klln , a~ >:,() .. ~ I ~ IIr , T ill' s\'I'\' IL·.. ,. will COllllllllclilrough· t he Fraldliill NHlio"al Hank . W ;l i a"- I"UI Ihl' ' \'I'I' k, and ,'I ,,-;t) SUll, lu.Y morn ceptl'd I in)! I ~.,\' , HI'I'I'" ha~ an sw('red all '1111' ,1 ito ']>' 1" 11 " I the qll \'R tion box in
I ti ll 'llI y we ill 0 11 tlwir I,,,,,, b th " h"Jlt'" f l""'IIilll-: "" llll'lhi Jl I{ , N.. '1'1 . j ' I I t I ,, ~ I" ~ hal 1" "11 rnr II " placl' I;; " .. ry one or tbe m Is rmm the Mlsaourl Valley dilltrict- lwo or them ' (4 wnme ll til l( g Ir ~ C (r 11' I ' n"e cou ld tell IIl e whaL I WIIIII.,d t o 1ft' I k ' ut\ h i II I II ' 'I IOWU 0",' r 1'(1 11 ' I "tn ' as ill lI I f) ne r rom Okl a h oma Th ree or Ihe m are farm pap(' r (lubll3h ers, Illfl ~" il L' leuVY wor Itl I " (1 ' 11'1'- ' Ih " Olh,-r " " uln" r " l'rn ~ r They ar e Henry Wallace, pllblteher Wallace Farmer. Iks 1>10 ncs, I.. , know un d ~l' I w\l nt bacll III Ih· Hhip and I ·w ~ I ' II J,"rue. It IIO "" "U , far tn or , )ll'.!slden t Nallonal Farm Bureau Federation. G!emone. la .. Senater Arthur flJ r lu nch , ga!'1 ell ~ tl pa, ~~ ' ,sev" !'iJ I Cupper . 01 E ,I II~. , :. , pu utlsher CU llpe r's Wpekly, aDd JOhD Fields , publlsb"r Oklaboma Farru., Okla. p lanltllllll1 ~ own ed by ~1I~h -;h lll en ' l b~Ula CII }. In" \\'" '" L:1 llr COl'll man 0' thl' weat. . ALo ut thl' mid d le lie the nfl"rnuon Acr~o f uKrn ~ '~rn u lllave~rl1 ' _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ word was g'ive n out t hat t he cap tai n in' In dla nu or Uh io Hl ulld rcady for hud orderect all lla9seng'e rs for Mom· hll ~ a t l d eba rk Jlcforc night. Tha t the hbrvest.To lio Ctl u tlUtltl I. , mea nl th al we would hav e to sta v al l nhdllin M()mhll~a. Afte r ge ttin )( !I ou r !lIInd IUI{g'al{c n 'lld y, we wen I a~ h o r e !lnd b " ~ !l n to loo k Ilftf! r ou I ----' heav y bUj{l(lIg" Every t ui nl{ thalwe U.e our C lassifi,~d Ads f or r esu Its MiS!les Emma Cartwright and Mar· ba ,1 wi t h u" had to go l hruugh t he , Invila t ion" he re tha Bu~nett were guests of Misa • " t:ek ll/lIh'lJ n~ lIIK that 1', mOlIt Me· cll"to m ~ ofli cc IIl· fore IV ' could lake Dr . Dill , U~teopalh, 21 S. Broad· Btlle O'Neall at dinner, Sunday . -ICl lll'1> "'. II Jlld present Mr~ , Ruth Ha rl· it away . i:ly the I i'll..- we hud cle lln~d way, Le uan on. Ohio . " ve ryth in l5 I he clUCK ~ lI llc k five We Miss Olive Allen was a ppointed tn SII I· k W"II', 11 ill a piano reci ta l at t he h urried t o the til' p,lI , ahout u mil e fill th e v u~ancy in th e Hil-:h ,chuol : Y. \\ t' i\ IIlIditorium. Fridu y Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Misa Mr. and Mrs . J. W. Cut and ~o n. a way, 1111.1 I ril,d 10 ~e ~ ur e rpserv!l' faculty , caused by th e resignati oll or !- \" 'IoIl1~, Dece miJcr :~ rd , 1\lrs, Wai· Olive we rt! in Dayton, Saturday, John, and his daughter and ~on were ti ons on th c ~ul1d!lY evening train . Misa Edna Kelsey , tukin g up 11I' r I.. " \\ ,h 1"',11'1 1 ill her ues t. and ~ h e guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lon TI tus , Th e s t a tion IlHlsl" r told us that ali work Thursday , Mi ~9 ' Allen. wh .. I " Iii) ,,01 - " V,1l numhers tu a lar Ke Uo rn-To Mr . ~nd Mrs , LouisFires, Sunday. t he car. were bouk l ll full. The r .. is II grllduate " f Mt Holyo kt!c\llIeg,', : 1'r'1II 0i " I' 1I111,;ic lo ve r~ , Thursday, December 2, 1920, • son. w a~ no lhinl{ ror u" to do bu t to lind Mr: and Mrs , W, H . Dinwiddie, is well fitted fo: ~~osil i o n . Watches , Silverware, Rinlil's-any- Mr, and Mrs . Walter Janney and sOllie place tO ~ lI e nd Ihe n i).:ill , HOlh thing in the Jew~!lry line at H . E, Mr , and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were enhotelR W" I e c rowrtpd fUll Rnd so we Earnhart's . went int n " I", ,) f UlI! Ii rs t·cluss rail· tertained at dinner, last Sunday, at way CR r ('ll m lJ"rtIl1l'!lt~ lIml Ill ude I Allen the home or Mr and Mra . AI. CorMert Baird and Clarence (lu r stt'H ll1er d ,wn tw, ) be rt h. nell, of Route 5. ru gs k!'ll t us warm and we >pe nt a Th 111011, ''; .. E, the r RI) - made a business t rip to Xenia, Mon· ci.·ty .. r till' ~I I·: church will hold A day morning . fa irly cornfo rlHbl e nig h t The ladies invited to dinner wilh nllill;1'! lit Ih,· rOA'n .. hip Ho use , Sat Ell rl y the n l'lC t ll10rning we again Born-To Mr . and Mrs. C. W, Mr. and Mrs . S. L, Cartwright, De· Mr , William Ticheno r, of Leban o l~ , unlay, Il e"" I,, " -r 11th, lit 9:30 a , m. wt nt to lh e Mttlliutl Illas ter's r,tfice Jackson , Wednesday , December I, cember lst, were: Mesdames Anna alld asked for Ilc('ommodu tions on lectured befor e the Fortnightl y cl u b, Cu m .. and .,:'!!l ,\, uur ::i u nday dinne r , 920, a son. Vaughn, Lina Devitt, Cynthia Evans, th e eveni lll{ trail1 for l<idllll1u. Thi ~ last Thursday E'vening on Shake·'· I " Ir"udl' pn' pll rt,J Ith Howell Peirce" Emmor Baily, and time we trle t with s U (,CI'~ S, ' Abo ut peare. Mr Tich e nor ha~ bee n a s t u· 1 • - - - -Mrs. t;va Jone'~ is visitin&, four ill the aftcrno'"1 We hud our dent of Sh akesppare for a numb .. r o f her daughter at Mishawaka, ~ d the MiS!les Elizabeth Carroll and n ., Kizzie Mel ritt, luggage IJ ut on the t rain Ilmi shortl)' years A small crowd wa~ ill a t· i r, Il!!' Yllu r (,h~i s t m as present s for an indefinite period , after five, the train le ft lilt' Htatio n, tendance, but the lectlt re wa vel y now, ~II you will ha ve th~m when, You may be Ru re we were I(llId to be inte resti ng . you IVallt thl'II1 , H. E. Earnhart j Mrs . Walter Williams, of Kin&'. Miss Bessie and Muter Wayne . mall, and Miss Frances Janney were Shidaker entertained at their home, Dayton visitors, Thursday. ' , Satu~ay e,vening, November 27th, with an elaborate six o'clock dinner, .. - !l E]I(:==:JI r:J 1:]11:==::1' r:l &::1 EI =--=:] 1= -=: ~ _=O1 8 l!i [!) Born- To Rev. and ~rs , R. C. \ with theater party following. The Jones, of South Lebanoll, Frida y ,/ guests were: Sarah Hainee, Eleanor November 26, 1920, a son, Haydock. Mary Lewis, Helen Hill, Verna Conklin, Donna Mae Hail'!y, , . For gIfts that ar~ pleasing .and Halel Hill, William ThompllOn, John I-Iopular, see our hne of holiday Kerlney, Homer Hainea, Robert goods. J . E. Janney, Lewis, Emmett Bailey, Ernest GilMr. and Mrs N. P. Clyburn, of lam and Raymond ~tingley,
lmHER --
w~r" n'l'eive~1
-- - - ---
[:l ;:::::;:;:::=============================O~or~ss
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Chillicothe, were week·end gueets of !{ev, J , F'. Cadwallader .and family,
M,. 'Dd M". M. A.
Mesdames Lena and Edna Hert-
••d lOCk gave a kitchen ehowvr in honor
of Miss Irene Unailllby, at their Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth home 01'1 Route S, 'Saturday after· B noon. She reeeived many useful present&- We were entertained with music on the victrola . A fine lunch was served to the following: MeAlion of fI large and Buperior a!!80rt- dames Mamie Retallick, Jessie Ellia, _ _ ___.pmel1 t of books at popular pricM. J. Mary Mannon, Lizzie Ferris, Carrie , E, Janney : Unglesby. Bessie Ellis, Adah Talmaire, Addie Deatbf'ralre, Lulu Ellis, Dr, and Mrs, D , P. Holt are hav. ing the pl easure o f a vis\t , from hia Edith Davis, Etbet Gillam, Gail Blatt. and the Misses Inez Rich, Ag· nes Green, Veata Ellis, Irene Un· glesby, Hannah Jordan, Elsie Osborn Mabel Ellis and Floramonde Reede Tiley all departed wishing Irene all the good luck po88lble in her new home in Cincinnati .
~W~::,:::::.:i:::~.,~:,:: ~rn
Former Slate fienal ll r \V , W , . . , . Stokes dted Ii~ hl R hu1l1l' II, Daytnll, T uesda '. afte r II Illn, illness' 1\lr , " k 1 1 I gf 1\1 • , rs . "I orris ""to ('8 w u~ U Irot ler II :SIlver, . . . and, was wpll kn.uwn in thi s VICin Ity. lhe fun eral WIll he hdd at his horn e in Oay ton , al 11 o'cluck . ll, 1'!le b Ol,y . IV I'II b e r'" rl'd ay mornln brought t o Miam i cemete ry f() r in· termenl, a rrivillK ht' re abou t :!:30,
and ( 'jlfl l'i ~e 111u nnl' r, and he i~
wi lllll>:' Ih,,! II .n n' ' 1Ile~ ti ,ns should U, ' " .k.,d \",r llnl'l1l to, t he church and Iw r way ' I';" .. r\' h,," \' is invited to these ser· . ' \" ILL 'I elf "Il'r": ou Oll){. \ 0 aval ~o~rs of Ihl -; o\JporlUnlty, a~ the MISSIoner . h . I ~ olle ol f I he ~ lrOll~es preac e r ~ In L' tt t)1 ' I h ' II! a .,lIU lern 110, fln l II WI a w ys . Ih t ' 11 be help gf IV! c Y"U a nH!Bsagt' ' a w' . u l 0 you ,
F ra nk, son of Mr , a nd Mrs , M(lrriH Silver. of Route ·1, di ed at th l! Nil' tional Military Home hospi lal in Day ton, Tu esday mornin l{ . a ft er a n ilines.q res ultin g fr llm th e " flu, " con· tracted while in the servi ce. Tht! II nt h baRkel ball leams from , the funeral will be he ld Thur~ duv morn· Hi ~ h Hc hO<)\ we nt to Lebanon, Friday inll at 11 o'clock, fr olll his lale homc evening, and hath teams were de· on the upper F'rank lin r oad , felt.ted The second team played a Hnappy g" lII e. but the score was l7 to Iv in favor o r Leranon. Th e firHL team lost their game by lhe score o f 32 to 9. As usual, the garne was ~o mewhat delayed by con· The Service Guild oC St. Mary's ' trovc r ~ ies, a nd l he Lebanon team church will have a Bazaar on SlItur. 1fimlli y ovl! rru led all objections . day afl e rnoon, December It! , in Mr~ The boy s wi ll play lh e indepenrlSides' room on Main street, DCCU- ent t eam al Oodds , Jo'ri liay evening . pied by Harner & M ~ nd en hall , begin. A good g um e iH ex pec ted, as Dodds ning at 1 o'clock . 11V01l ov e r' the II i here two weeks alro.
SAWYER'S' futtnitutte Ex~bang~ , Sal~ Will g e t you what yo u want when yo u want it. We will olTer this week 10 % otT on all Used Fu rniture Ilnd Clothing. We hllve somc extr a good Chairs , Tahles, Heds, Sp rings , Dressers, Sideboard s, Sewing )'lac ltine9, W ashstands , Davenports Rockers and ot her a rticles in th is sa le that yo u will do well to se~ . W~ ha vc new goods co mill ~ in cv e ry Wl'c k , incl udi ng Toys, Dishes anrf III any o ther articles. Co me in and we wi ll save YOli o n cvery thins you need . Everything marlced in plain lig u ~es.
Watc h Ut is sale.
This new enter;rise is located in the Sides roon1 on Main Street, and is now open for business. Bring, in your old s'uits and have thehl ITIClde lik~ new. Special attention given to the ladies' department. ' Call us and we will come and get YOUI" suits. Good service and quick work is our motto.
~ I'"
~ ~
Our Mollo - Fair Dealing, firmes t Prices, Sa tisfaction.
SAWYER Waynesville, Ohio
Mrs, D, P. Fetter was cslled to Kings Mills, last Friday, on account of the illness ot ~~r taud!ter,ln-law, The' Hlgb School may have foot Mrs , Ed Hain~ ball next season, and already aeveral of Lite Freshmen and Sophs are out Our carefully 81elerted display of working at the iBme. under the HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS will im- 8uper",iaion of Marvin Allen, press you .with ita worth, beaut)' and Foot ball has not been played in llaefulnesa. J, E , JaDney. the schools here for several years, Shrine" W_II. and ~reat interest is being taken in the game. , attended a big meeting at D81ton, Friday. There were about 11S can.
"" .,,,,
Thursday, December 9th Featuring Rob ert Warwic k , III
"Friday the t'3th Also, Charley Chaplin, in
"The Immigrant" A really funll Y comedy . Admission, 17 a nd It ce nts
.- ..---
Saturday, December I I th Featuring Dorothy Gish, in
Let Us Have Your TrialOrder \i d'::~:::::':'M'-W"'''. EASTERN STAR TO
"Turning the T ables'~
E •
Hankinaon and M.oor, went to Lebl~ non, SaumJav, land attend~ ~. '~ reachen' Alaoclati?,n. •'
'.'Why Miss SpleklnDPan, when did
Y9U get that n • •"areas?"
Miami Chapter No. '1M. O. E. S,
,:"Wh7 will meet In replar 1.leIlt It
~n lIon~
r:t this dreas Isn'c'ne'!V, dear. ~enlnw, ,December 18th, at 7 o'clock • .., to Sawyer's, He lIUda'them to DaJ. IDltiatton tm,UDatallatlon. All mIlDton and baa them cleaned and p~ ben are ~ to be preeet. by 'e.xperta In their line. ad bl..
Waynesville, Ohio m m BEi===!llal~'==;:e!ln!l'~,!!$!!EElF.i:l ~.E==!lU5IE'===:1' all'=:;:=11,a'Il===:lU!l'r:5~=!I'm char~~are very ~n"'le,,, Phone
IIabel Farr, W.... SQe~•• Bee'y,
c1os~s December Li th-one week only .
STEAM PRE~SING ~ ~:;~;;;:~:~~;~;~:~~; . .. Dyeing &Repairing [~I ~~~~;~:~::~,~~~~~;,~~ HIGH SCHOOL MAY
Sanitary ,
it ... Il'a r
A,1so, Palhe News Night, 22 and 17c
Tueaday, December 14th Featuring Shirley Mason, in
'~olly an~ r' Also, uRuth of the Rockies" Admission'; 22 and 17 cents
31 mnl.<' ,lU ' , h18 "U. lUUnanllotl"'I • ,. ('clIlrh t ' (l' f.3" d w"lth .. hearakll1 • • rl1 tk " ';111,1.. <'IlIIlr, • huckel of "aler tit !U;,. I ',' upr. III III ,I rll''1ntlJ' re,' \-'t\1 '(I 111/11 .... II ' 1". 1 til" rurlh"r \\'011. ",)1 /: 11 1' "1' ex lolllll.'d, "Ol gA I" :'1 .' 1f\l)\ \'oI, If'"nl ng (orwllrtI 1I111li!dy, "\\ '111111' " ~ " " 7 " ' ho clllta ILle?" "I : I ' )'( II , I h,' 11 1" he sl' rlllllt rorwurd, "n.III' ( I,,' ,, (rnltl; I nm ' heJbl'I " "~l lt'lh ," -Y " 'I ! T urtl Shelhy I 0 . (,d ' IlI t~ Is l Ul l :1 drN\lII'I" " :'-'P. lhl ! 1 11111 j lHu Il l' rt'fl l ns you
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o f IH.' r pn'..,
enee-, which w o ul d I,r(l "~ It ('lilt!. The outer d oor "'n. s ...{'urud lIlerl'ly b, " wooden hllch . HIlCI IIP l lt'd fll1 ~I'"
to- hie tOllch . Arrll"l I("t . "lI1e n n· known eye IlJlght IIln" ~ 101 , "".... .,"" ." ". Shelby glided qul t' ~ l l' In lI ,rnug l, 110., Darrow open In!:. fln,l In' l nllll ), PI',""'" ti'e door shill Ul'h l n,1 hl lll. \I. , \\ li S ill almost t otnl uHrkllt'R~. I lu ' "Id .\ 11;.:111 lIudlug entrUllce lJ" l l1h 'n II ,,· 1I 1 · l itti ll ~ boa rds at th e sln",l .. w l ll ol"l<'. II .· f~l, hIs wa,' !llInul !, n cr o. Il, p r""III . rulded tIl' thl <lim rn.'·. nn,l . "I ~(' .. \ ,'r· lng ODe of tho hon r d" .0Il1l·1I I lilt loo sen ed, mBotlJ!cll to wrf' n d , It ffl!t! . Ihus permlltitll,; Ihl' J.'T II ~' ,I:I ~ 1I~IJt to gaIn entrance. Thl . gn,'p hili' " ellm " Iew of the InterIor, 8 n"II"ly " Iunl'e room, Inexpressibly tll rl ),. 111111 wll "'III ( furniture, excE'pt n r Oll gh be n ch IhruSI bock ogn Inst one wn II. Strolglll across frOIll whel'e I,e >{(I" ,I lome block object l oy upon I he Ih'or . 10 IndlsUncl In I ts outlines he ('oulo l not, 10 thnt folnt li ght. ,1 ('I"rlllln e I\'hnt It might be-a pile of rill: . I ,N ' DIIIlS. or n shupeless h ellp of rul'I ,i~ h. B e stepped rorwnrd . cu r l,," ~ to 11',,,'11 .Its onture, yet st opped su<l, II'III),. sl llr· IDg down IU 8peechh'~s horror . I I w us besi de lh o b o dl ('~ of two ",pn . nulh
In tb l' ttl ill ' .. , .. ; :\" .
J " hn l 1['''1' 11" ,
:-;U:olP Cf' fl ' ('
".\lId - nIHl ," ~hc W(lnt 0 11 t" nrl1f'~C1y, " YOtl - y('U f plll') w l'd nft (\r IIH'. IIIJrt ns
Ceul·1 Fl n " .- "
PLJ rt ~nlnut lJ. ~11t. Ker~, ut ti u u t h L,' I , - Jn~l - hf."<" n ll~e It WI\!'O IIlt,'t" Le .. il A H IIl.1 . 1\ . "'I'hnt 's sure rlo:hl ; Il'(I ' Iwl , p ,,,,I II 1
" :'.1 ,' I l lnltH' r ~"
YOII 11''''9 . n~\' e r kll()wln g n""ul n il I hl s
"I"., lU'n~ r knew thl~ wh ll p s h@ 11\' ('0\ 1'\11 -"our roth e r IPltrIH}<I RO IlH~ Or tlh' rlu'IA nfU'r hf.lr (tpni ll . nnd ('n · d'·lI'" ,· .. d 1· lf" th(·tTI II I~ ~f'n r r h
"l '·. .
!>ilru l'k
OUtfit · O\·t."r
.m . . . Qfil~UOD
"1111)1 '
11 11' 1'1' (,"
ttl ,'
FiI.: h t
('ullli l l1'l)
I II I Ill' hnU!oOf!. 1H'l p lp~~ to es-
""[>4' tI'HI C"'ltll'o\ e (1 h.v tlwsc I" ·" rl men. T l h' t h lluC'l Il ~ C llt th e IIlot.HI surging
1"1 ,,
Slo l· lhy ·~
t'.n '.;;
:-' lIlI ~ ht
throll\. 11[111 It l~ eng(>r o nly d uo r openlu s tI ' I'''''1: 1o Ih si d " \1'1111. I I wns tl ghtl}' (')0""'.1 nllll ~\ 'r lll'pd by n s: t rOllc Ilor of 11'0" " . lit, p lckl't! up Ille r e"olver froll! till ' fl llUf. n nrl wcnt s wlrtly for"' tlrtl. pr r l':I'·",1 I n fll c ~ wllnte"cr might 1.1' n 'H'nll''' he),oll'1. The bnr IItted snn;:ly. )' 1'1 h ... for e,·t! II free of th~ da , I'" lint! pu> lwtl th,' door opeD wltb I.,s kn, ·(·. w,, !('hfll lty peering Intn the "n l:k nl "'-I~ 1\t' ld "d. li e SIlW nothing, no II" It .·r o f no evill ence lhnt llol' 1'1 ,,('c \l' n ~ Clcc llph·rl. I n spltc ot Il tl)' I I ~IoI 11' 11 1.. ,"1 . tI,e r oom . wIth I ts lit e
~ l l ll llt:! l't'd
\\' 11I~lo wfJ .
Il ls Io Ptl C[ ,,!ounst r Ctl sed t o hcn t, yet "o! mllr,' " lilt., tI ,r r ooll1. flllH:lng l hl l "I, .. r wltl ,· OP(,11 h hint,] him. Tl11s "oI ,"illl',1 ~ lI lIH'I" nt licit I 10 ellaule him
~r J . a~.
¥Jiien In Dayton
I 4.
See Dayton's
Cui nUl i ~8io ne r1l ' I~roc.uedin& li
.. Uowed : ti IDBoraOOIl Cu. Bl cllr. Bt1I~
.•, .
~H 411 ; ." 11 \Vtl8k'rn t;t"r, bl"u"' . I ... ,to '13.50; \V ti . H " t,.n_ " ", ,,' r "'(' bori,,\ aUlD .. H ; J Ii. \\ , . I .
' 1"
' ,;01,,,·, Ih"" (,hr ' s tmll ~'
""",,,." , •. \ .1 .. , " ·,I r ··
" Is th p shin In!: seal I. ~;VJo:RY baby In Ihl. ct)mmunll) Call't YOl' mak e 011" ~oul j:lnd'
whlll slIl rt ecf Irouhle; ror you r 1111('le. llo~ trus tee-hI s n"me Is C.,r · n('II,I' ('\o llrch lll- hod mnde no errort tn Im'"lp the h eI r 10 the prop~rly left In 1,1" "n r c, 1,, " t t'RII he hllll used Ihe In "IH·.1'. ''''IIo! ' ' lng hllll ~e lr pert ..ctly ~nr.· . \\' h cn h e l ellrned or )'our fn· I h.,O'·s suSpl"lons, .he becume fright· 11',,,
l' tH" I, "
"( '(In Ihls he true?" "It o"!olenOy Is tru ... slro nlle fi9 It ~eCtIl S. ,),h('n ynur fother was killed. perhnp~ Ihrough so me r ow engin eered hy Ch ur chill t o PII' him out o f the \\'0 .1' , nnd th ey mnde every effort to tlnd l ·ou. You II10LlC slood hN\,·<.ocn t lt em onll Ihls III'gotten ' wenllh. For· tllnntely YOII cou ld uot Imm edlntel )' ·~ locnted: you hod beeo hIdden nwlty 111 R ('n lhollc sch ool. nnd. betore Churr h· III succceded In discovering wbal schno l YOIl w ere nl. Colklus l ook you' aWl' Y. ond destroy ed el'c ry troll." "Cn l kln~! Who und what was h e?" ".~ ",! rl(cllnt In your fath er 's I ronp : 8 r:lll hful rellow to whom your fnt her hnll con fl d"" hl s '"5tory before Ite d Ied. Il ls OTl (, nhjprt II'ns to k l'ep you A nrel~' nl!t (If 1." / II'r·hl ll's hnn rl s IInlll vou
Both Oea.d, Grip ped Together, d en II, gl'lpped tOIlI.', Io "r, . ll n·, ',/I·o\ III thl.' " " I'Y attitud e with 11'10 11'11 oI" a lio ho d O\,,",.Iuken th ~m. Till '.\' II lI d dl. ·d Ilghl lttl; like willi ,I o~s . IIml (1"'11' ItJ';llI J!(' Jlwn ure [o hl th o \\'iu' h' s tory . Sh ~ \lI)" cru shin g loti 'k Ihe dr""" It " fdt. Irlt'rI 10 1>"1'1 11I!!11I . 1'111 110 · slir· feD l't! 11111 118 woul d nut yll · l d . CI III! \\ H:-o e whitt" fllnn. th e O1lu' r 11 11 Inll lllll. t li, " hUtt·" ,hil t thr(ltl~h III ~ ,'11(,,, 1. I he f,"" IU{lr jtl ll';H'cn th' l" hl' ~l\ d til d (-"alh . th e
Cf(\ ~I\' ntH,
I ClUJ t f'J1 ~ ' rut"
I l'UI't! 1J n
d-n nh ollt IhE! money nt nIl: on l y It IW"\? n tJUlln" of w hol 11'08 tip. I'd COllie ju sl the ! lim e; ~' ou rll ll bet yoor
0 11
IlI aL"
"nit. I '" I! ~I"'I .'·ou slIltl so! And YOIl - ),OI1 lI elUll,lI y dOIl't cllre f or Ihe IIw n('~' ?"
"C'n,'c ror It I Littl e gIrl . nln't gll'l'll It 0 Ih"" !;ht. I' m her e forl' utl !". "~ I e? YOtl rare rot IlI e?" "W('I I. I reckon I I1\I!SI. Lnnl( ,1,,,"'r.. Illy wi re, I'm YOllr hllshun d, IIln't 11" "Ye~." she fln Id. rath er weHrli,., -I Ulld erKtnl1 (1 ." B l'r glllnr" WIlS rowun.l the "pen In' n Ih~ ol her room. 111111 sif seemed ollx l o\l!; to chnnge Ilw toll ir. "Whlll - " ' hnn hoppene,l oul Ihere In st nll;hl? Do you kilO\\, 1 Th ere ,,'os tl gh tlng, nnd n Hhol fl,·pII. I 11111 'I1I' e I h<.'t1rtl n r ry, II!! Ihough ~ Ol\le "ne WII8 hur t. nn(1 'th en "Fter- tlll 'l e" " rythlug \VU ~ slhmt." "TIIt"'re wns n Al!'llt," h e fllll"\\'e red. "nnd II cosl tlile Ih'es o f tWIl menon e whIle. t he other In IJIIIII . I found th~1tI /,; ,'1 111)('1 1 III euet; "tI,er's nrms there Ihl' fl oor. hnll' d ell" !" "nnlh d,'nd ! T wo of th cm Oll t 111(' 1'''. Hllw hurrlbl e! \\' h o nre the)' ?" "nne mll s t hove lJeell your gl1 nrfl ." "Ye~ . .I I'" 11111In II : hilt Ih\) oth"r? .' ,\ r ull1ulI II n lll cod Sh :l-:ln: he wns OOe of IIH? fellows I O\'l~ rllt'lU'd 1111 k· 1111: " hOIl I you r r UIll!. 1\" !IlIISI hUl'e knowtl thnl Uockllll I "f l y ou h(' r o alon e Ins l lIi ght , ond CU tll , · to S~I! you fo r "010 0 purpose. ne lD IIsl 1111 \'t' en · cou nt er ed the Indlun . ull expe(·' e,lly. nnti Ihe two went Into th e Ilcnlh gmp· pi e." "AIl,'-both \Verll killed? "Y c~ : Ihe red wn s sho l. antl the wh l ll ' (' hoked to d ent h. It wns n gume il ~ Io' nil right. I couldn't I ,ry the fel· !(n\ s npnrt." .. "ntl I lt ey ore there nOli ~ .• ":'\"t In sight-no; I m llcd the hod ! I ' ~ huck unr1 !' !' It III'''' II out sli!IoI. (O ml Ihrl'1I' nil ,,101 loI ;,,, ket o,'e r ~nor
ml"" I L!
odels 10 our You hll ve nothlnl( 10 toke
dOIlI:, ·r . with ~'(J II?"
...' ,' ., ,,1 .. \Ok hl"r I l l'n,': thun ~ urlltcnly
servicElti on bUll nl • '" I. . i , Barlll1l ow, e"rVIO.I " 111 111 , X " tl . Lev, Uartwrll(h r.. ~I 'r, I,' p 1'08e. f4t; U ...; H ,.I" .. nd EXUl'uI'U . fa:l: K, · '" I h blaoks I Uf Audi t· r. fl'·" . Co., office CUlllr, I II ; \\ . Co., prlnttlll en \' u lo I"' " " • .j;. for Auditor , fl O , 8Upp\l88, $2 \I;' : \ \ . , ., lelter belict", tl I O , n ~ bridge relll1lrR fl II .111 : SOD, road nod br' 11l;! ' , Gaylord Bayo e, " r l". GalloD Iron W (I ~ . pair for grnd.-r. ~ :1,,~ . bauling. ,1>0 50; ,I. '. reo o.. f~ v . Clln& Roe •• blllll " ' 1: _ , Geo. MoC .. rren U, u :.: (lUbert, b .. ullu~ , .3 7 3J . BevaD. hlluliolS. . :1 ;-,' . Clevenger, h~ol '''I:, 1:'.·1' , eDger, stone. , 75 . haallng, 126 60; K H. " . , '20 10 : l:IBrhlfl W lil t , (', - I, Inmber. '333.4(\; \\'1 1' I ' . tl j ~" R, E Vrooe, lu bllr . (oIl i ll : Sevan, 18bor . tJf> ; I I"" f, "" gra vel, '28 35; I '. r' .' \00 11"" .: InatloD !:Joh n ,, ) VII P"!" "I ~: I ' OOI.ober, '2\) 5.
Ahlers 23. South Main St.
Next To Lindsey Building
(Corner Alley)
The Largest Stocks Ihe Best Values J.J.~ost S(1tislllC(~'1I ~~I oice
a_ '2'; la ..
,,,r... )·
"j 1
I ln ,r l o , \V\I .. , 'II
P.I I ul
tl lt ·TII. So\\' F;:t'~ llt: I', ·. C11;':;1 ." he went On enl'llf'stl ~' , II, .pl'·e ~, I 10 1.'::1'1 out of IU·fI· 1fl'fllrl ' ;tll,ronf) f'(I~ : tl ·... , I know a plar'£" Wll ft " \\'(! CUll hid ... 11 1111 n trail II,n l 1.·"tI, up f rom .tltl s 11, /11'; hut the nr~ t lloln ~ 10 do Is to J;el owny h"(,,,.,. ~ ' : "' kllu I(~ IS unci; . Y"u will go wit h IIlt.I7" "Of "" 'II'~e ; hul do you ""re make th e nt l,·ltlpl by daylight 1" "1 IllIu't <Inre onylhlng el,e. f)"ery
A DH m FQ ,GtlT
In . I ' 11 .,<, :1 \l .1l \!: .. : L !!h.I "" O, t l
c,m ME BroKE ALL Tt.1'TIME .
E. Earnhart. ! ---------
til II
I .. " ,
t ' .11 l· ...·" , ! I l 'h " u t ' , · "
-;:-:.=..-::"-;·-I ::I!..S- ..§- : §~~~~
B UT ll'I G-OSt.1 HArnl YOU
&,. I t" '" In "'U I v '
R . fl, I'
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fl ll i II I'nl nf h('r-Oll'n? ~urely no ('l1l1 ld 11 :1 \'(\ lief' n h('re SI Il('U these O t h t'r\\'l ~e
nll f'
f~l\l cht?
h t-' ,..L,"
1" II 'd I dll llkf't.
lilt' "
I.JoubJe Tub Washer will Sa ve Time, Save Work, Sa ve Money, Save Health.
Cru\\' ti t \1 Z
dl' url hud l, · ... IlI t prl (.lri\f'I(l nn lh(' \\ :1" IIlt" I'I' rt lli ll Iw "' 11I1td hpar. ObeyI,," ""' II r >1 Itl lp tl l "e It .. ,I"n~g ed th em. • 1111 g r li, p l ll~ "II ('h otlter. nCl'oss th e II. It 'I 1I11 ' ! IIII'll .... ' th f' lJ1 \HId e r t h e ben ch, (1I II e,,," owr th"1lI l lop f olds ot n tnt ·
t wo
n t',, 1 E.,I UI.· I;
tw o (1o('lr
hu<l l ,'g wOlliol Itn " e he II fnnn,1. n nd elll't'd fllr . I t lIIt1 st htl Ihut Mu ckl ln hnd nlll yl' t r<)lllrn(,II, nnll thll! IInnley 1;,, ·\1' nnlll ing of !; Ingl,,'s t! ~. l'cr"te vell l lirp. 'rllen th e J:lr l Illll!'Ol ~ l ll l he
1 1""1 11
rUll ... \\" ' IT'
I.:,," d ~
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l{.., y Mn llll o. r I tOO,tlULl .... ll .... Ell ~ u , 1( 'h
Ih"rt '
af M KIlCb tl ~t l' '', ~I '" tl , U' Utll" 11 . 1
I II 1111""1:.:111 I1 kl \ H ~11t1 \,I1.1~ ,IP, Id l "\\ I II:.: .. I" :'1.1 :11 ' 1\11\1':, li b :--, ' 11' ,. til ' ·11 11 ,\ " IIi .... IIII' f0111 " " ,1",'1 o f I III" 11 \\ 11 'I I , I r "' I "II~' 1I 01 1','\\ 111 a fo n l! h ".I' , ;tl lo1 .. I " "d III' '1'1 11' :-; 11 "11 (',· n lld L:1''' 'l tI "I'I ' !" .. ... ,." hllli. u" It l" t'~P'" 1I11I'l' 11 1"1" ~ \\ " flt ul,tlul till" tl lli' l llIlI Upllfl · 111\' '' ' I I \\ n... l irf'ly 11 rlt nhmlc f or "I' tl lt'
Marriage Ll<"n~".
1I :l'1
t!U ll' t' O t~ t U :-,
ElIrl WIlII III '" vIIII'. 1~1l11 MI-~' u Mtl'r .
T I.. '!! III ' Ii)!d
Wrl ~l,t H 'il ," " 1'1 UlI U I $ ·JtJUll .
n('Yl' r
I ,I
l 't ,,, !, ,,
tl f HHllt'l't'"
tw o
r ('nt ~."
hll ,l 11I' c
" ,'P
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Inuj!h N I
l:I e u d" r ~ u u
'I'll" fill' " .... j·lI l't ,' 1.\ lI J1 IH'nr£'d 111[1 11;1 11. IIl1 d yro! \\n '" ' lI::\1d ., fi,rld ll nr. I ll ' 1I .t! " t' , ' " 11 11I'(lI l t ', rI' \ I'JlI!''' h i III" :.!Ial'" uf 1\ 111111.-1 1. :I l1 d I h. · l ·tl.'I\I · it 't'II"1l i 'H nk 1", ..., Itullll l ln:: I dlll - Illt, f" II,,\\' \\'" ... ~ln~ l l1 I lao I.,., .... IqH1!h'I·. I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,
pr~l" l'r,. .
~I,.'II" Itt 'l ll dll\ \ II no d p f' t' fed In · TIH"I I. III IJII p rol,ahllll~ . 1111:- . 11 :1\11 tl!llrlltcl'y l iP " 111 ,"0 n~. ll\t7,'d (:\('e or tll o 1 , ~J.p n tl ,,' I' fl ...ilil \\ 11 " 1", ' III", \\ I " \\ :I~ 1 d"n o! ~\ hl l, ' t'l nn '1' 11,1 ( ,' a ill n .' s \\'~nl 11I-' Ifl. li t' hnd ;(l1ll1l".'d 11\'"'' It. 1I ··,. , I d ~ . , d ll!,"'1, d ' ''loIr1t',) fl'l'llI t l,,' n l.! ~H\~· II Il ,) utlb lt."oc1ly . \\fiC; , I,,' \1 ' 1'~ :--\1111 "lh'('~' ~ t. , \\ \, 11'\1 Ill ' Iturl d ll'd . ,1", II I" dro""11 !iih t;' LUll! l 'l't.' 11 '·lIllIh,, · d llllll "r :':'II;1ld ) ',1", ,1 .... 1,,-111:.: " j!l' llI u ln ;! I'll\\' o r
For Engine. or Electric Power - --~ ,--
,I,., ".-. "
A r ew h d ur
dur l lllo; th e p a~ t u l :.: u 1. .\ 'ot ~III' 1"'I' I:li ll 1\ ' , nut 11\) 1 th ~ rl' IW\' . T it . , d l · .. .. rl'·,j I;ppeornnce of lilt- l ,t Ht'" \\iI:-- 1'1'111 11' ptisitlveo t hnl sli t;, li nd 1t \'1'1) IIIk \' 1I "b, " wIU..'n? ' ·olC'es f' tl1l1 1dpl! P fT IIl\\ Urd I ii ,' hronder (\Xl'Hll ~e o r , ·,tll ey, hil i Il lH rllr nwrty 10 presCOllt dlllll:t.' r: t " t ' ll n~ 11., s t ond r nullnu~I~' up, nll d h tll ~t'd 11111 over Ihe tOp ~ of l1 1P \\ 4'I 'd ..: !I ."o (, 'fll id ri t."c lI t1th' u t; t o creu l l' 111 111'1 11 . II ,' \\ 11': "llIlle, uwst:'cn. u n ·''''I t\'l·I I·'1. 1111 11 yh·I')· l!(1 to the des ire to h':,,' 11 \\1111 1 " " '" wHhln Ih£' hut. ~ltt t 1I1 1j.:'ln 11 11 \'4·,
Double Tub Wasner
., ,,"r I11IHhpr' ~ tl tlll1 (', ~he (' 1111 1. > frllill \ 'I n: l llin . nud wu s hpll'('ss to (','"":ld "I'1I1 11 I· l , rl1pf'rt~'. It wo!" It.'ft tn III' r I n 11'11 ~ t, aud h~r unde Wft S th e " It
Irll,- II'I': '
thllll~h lIli1d ,· wl l h in \ \ h it'
fi ll ..
W(llIIn n,
t lt P
IlI r r('d\l lo ll ~.
(or, · ?"
1 1'1 \\ ltI, " \\:1'" thl ' t.:\1I1I·d7 \\'h 1<'11 111.-. 11I·11t-\ , ..1 "I I! IH'I t. n l l~ Il1l1 rt'. "r II " :p lt-r'; '1'1 " ",' \\ II" l In d IH',' "IlIPHlll (" t llil' \\ t ll l "I'''' .. al 11 11 tl,,' d,tI\r .. t " p I !", I,I.! .I t 1 1 ,1:1111 11 " , 'I' t ' n il I n dIIlTl:-. IlI t l'!lTh"tl l\' .. II lol ll l! t Il. If f,·, t· Til : II!"\ ~ ! \\ ,\ ... ''',I " r'I!'I' lI ,p"'I lIla·l y th a t n 111:-: JlI" ~II; ' " Ill .. pl l1 r t ' lin". hlll ':\'11,' :--:1 \:11.:." It tl,d. lt l "'~1 h- ft In ,,"I 'h O\'l\r hpft tl twd l·r ):11 111'11. Hfld tlin t flll " 1I 1 1 ~ - Ii i" _ II' \. I !I •. " It WI1!-i IIw whllf' 11111n 1111.1
I'II ,l·: ' til ll.'
('I I ,
hi"! own ; her
flln' III Ihe d l lll l ig ht. "I h 'lll l - yt'.q I T It.·y tnl" 111(1 so ; ftD In tlla " .,,101 II<' 111111 crush.,(\ In y our ~~ \I II. It ~ h Oll~t. , ,, <If It; IIIHI wilen 1 " . k .·,1 l io llt Mil"'; lin. he only InuKlIed, WI \\'11 Iw ~nl<1 tt \\'IIS so." "I ,,"ghl'ft . Ioow?" lh ' r f' Y l' ~ r\'l l. "II. - h .. ,lIdn't seem to t.h l ok It r nu l d ," " 1(,, n,u r h dll'terence 10 1Il1l: thut 1 \\ fl u ld ('nrf'." · ,)t ut "'l \''' 11 k, tuw "II" Ill' Is? [lId I\ {' It.' 11 YOll ': r . ld 1114' rell ", cxplnln Ii'''' PlI l'\ lll:-.t' In t his uutru J,.:I":" " I tI" nnl k nnw: he lind no ti m ,,,, no n pp"r' 111 Id ty: WI? were 11t-\'(lf "I 'I IH', \\'1 ," 1 oI n Ytlu I1\l'nn? \\ 't1 ~ thl9 u ll il ll lh ' f l l!" ROIlH' th ' 1l1wTnte THlr{l Ose?" " Y ~'. II wn" . (\I~n . Il ls nOllle Is not .\\ " ,·k lll1 lit 1111 : II IH prnlotl!>l )' C' lttlrr h lll
1I1r01 :11 1,
,'I' 1\1 11 1 :I
1 \
'. , .
I "
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1 ,1111'\,'
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~lJolIl[1 111' nolll> nf 1I1l" , '1' lInt WII~ \\'h~' he drtl ll" ..d ~" I!I tl'l"" t01l'1I to tOWI1 ~nd kept YOII 111 1'01 ~r o', " , "Sill IVI" \l itl I... 'It'H' I' l ell me nil 11 ~ 1" " I I'nnnot nilSwet' ihllt: 110 Il ollirt Ile thollglo l II 1JC t: belle\'l!d t hI' t 1111 LIllI! n ot C(lIIIC. I IInderetRnd h tI ,t.·" Ul,der Common 1' 11'1' " Cou r t 1t'~'1l1 ad,·lce. Then, you kll0w, hi ll d,;"ti. wtl S " ery 'sudden," New IlIII.! "I Itl h o kill hImself'" L 08fie B .•ur ls " ,'\ ~'I,·,,,. .d " "I do nrot Ihlnk '60 now, Thll Willi Dlvoroe. thp Rlory In P OllrR. bnt It Is 111)' bel ief D8111Y at Carty ,. ~ I·; " 1 " 1 'I" h,' \I liS 11111 r d "reft. Ynu hnol flun lly " " L!I .. " ~ . h pt' ll trnc(' tl: UU,J moo wh n Ilnf1 fl Ul'- Car&y. DlvorOI'. The Erver BOllkl 1I~ l" ,. , . 10' M ·, r el',lI"l I n findl nll your trnll wns 10 l'otl cn. ('ulkltl s lind to be put ou t of Hu~ohlo.on , Fur 1lI 0llM)' , th e \\'n~·. !1 Carrie Beod er~ nn v- Wm . HI'Dll or . "Ynu - ltI (l:l l1 :\1 f\('lt ll n '1 " sou. Divoroe . Ur ,,~ ~ " ' · ~ I . " " "Y" ~ ; ,," l y. " " 1 ~tI)· . t hnl Is prolt· Willlaw R Oflt V~ .-;~ U"l ~ ' ","' - , II oh l \' unt tlh.'· f,' l lnw 's T\IlIll L>-- )IU 1l:§ Cor· :ror mouey n.' lill s Churd'lIl ' s "'" ." " "'her \\'h "I'(' (1 1,1 yoU it'lli'll nll Probate Court P ruc",,,lil1llo t I, I ~ 7" " ~ Ir",klln 1111 fl 1111' s;Io r y . ",111'11 h e 10 ,.ho UII.HIl'· "r "'fi t.;; d r n nh , t n II nllflt . , 1' 1'1I 1.,"l1 1. 1 \'rl 'pt M. El1rnbnrl. (1,·",," .. ,, 1 Ii :: I Itp I tl n 1'11111 11 1\ 1' (' tl llI \ III.! I I :l'l tt th'll Nl ~fl.ro h u r(. iN It p]) ll lt l t, ! ~ \ • I' I th e Intl('r "t' luh' Ihi' lul l ' ," J . O. Curlwri!.(iIl • •1 \\, 't'. ;, '
Rfp'airing DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN Far IntenW and External
OlasalHad Ada she IIrlt'l! Ill'1' (' .\ I'M 1. "':11 II 11 1111 dlrt" '( J~' In t li t, r!If'f' . "T Oil! ::.:.1tt'l1n·. " "hI' 1I''':!I'd Intl ·I·III.,,,":· Iv "I~ wt ll it ~.t'H1 ,,, ' .! a , I !l:I If\ 1\'1\,' -
ti.'11 1
An ad , in this coluinn fa a 8ure Bale •
· JU~f ;j.du :.: III ',..' h,li'lIll " I' ! 1 'I I, " , '
_.\'011 I l a \'e I£ nt.l~~ ~ lwJ.!I:': III.'
lit ' "' l: rr. ·r! : 11
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1,,\ "''' !I i "" 1' 1 II .I l " ... I,,' , " Sun ': Ih ol t ·..; ,, 11 011 1 ,.\ , .11' : .. " " . Illll'l I { '! I ~ I II I 11, 1 \ :" \ I 'll ,I " t , I \: I " 1.' ",ulJl' wll :11 I 1I 1." ·'V. I · 1 • " I I., ,,, I, ,· ~()t I" Illln ldtl' II I,,' II '" III ~' of l l " ". ,~: s IJl r (: tll n t ,t:H )' "lt I ".. : 'I a·" ,t" I nIl''' II ; 1\ 11.1 - :111.] ' \\,,'1 J I d \.!'1 'rtl ~' Oll nt·c Il l." ",If£'t." II" I, "," ' I l l Pf"l'ill. ·ly . " '1' 1111 '" I" " "' 1 nhnul II ."
" o ll fll!-oI '"
'I' l l,' {·I .'lI r P ,' " :-- \ : " £lIHI ~11f?' Iootr'I ' l d ll ·q ' II I "YII II
:-; 11 1' ''
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:1 \) -( :, ,(11 did you 1ll' " r1hnt?" It Wit S 1111 ' II ul' .. 11 \ oil 't, ", :\ Illn D alnglnl(. 111f' "1) 11 '" IIr ~ I " '1. 1:;1.
.. - ..
f (Corlt.WIIOd lin J)\i RC J )
- ---
Hamlet'. Adv an lage "'rh e Ill;!."',!; 11\P. 1( ti ll;.!: " .'x f'!!l ltl w ll Rumlpt. Then h e " d ,Io-" 11, 101., : "",or· tunAl olS til " einr'lIln hlt" ti u., "1 ' ( ' 1\ I,,·
venttld. so '111' show to
}, ll1 g 1':1 111101 ,.n r s nl\e lilY lu !~' I' lI,o\'I,,~. "
... ¥
ON'T WASTE TIME ill!' poel sa id, "What is 1.l l l· a ~ aday in June." I' I t: 11l) ~ L probably never h. ld :t co w or horse, or a I1 l q\\' or huggy to sell, tl , II I Hllo werry about lie p H:I a lld perfect day, I ll ·t '.lI l se \'ou do have lots or ~ lI r pfu s stuff lying a r,' ulICl. which is doing \'I)U no good, but would l l E'lp tlte other fellow out wonder full y . l ' UL tllis stuff off your list a t onee by an ad. 111 this paper, and you will rid yourself of a pile of junk around the place. '0 1,
MONEY89(; TuLOAN ON J'ARM'M Ii to 10
aC In'er.,.t for ye .. r8, Tetrell & Terl ~Il, It'elll Ka. tate and Loana, WllmlDgton, Ohio. Pbooe 3Ul m111 "
LoaDed OD live .&ook,
ob&ttels. alao aeoond morcsa"N. N.:l&el! bOlltlht . JObD HarblD!!, Allim BolldiDg. Xeola Oblo. 8. '.21
OU-TlAn, BIIOIl Ind WbUe Beedle "ox HODDd Jflnder DO. tlf .v Be rt l:lhllpbetd . R D. 2, Way_ 0 6s vllle, 0,.10. dU
HUu, P .I1IIDd.C.,loa. old
·Orl8. ....,~'er Keoriolr. Way08l. VIII~, Oblo. Home pbone Ii, d;.lA
RBOAT', &verllge aboat 80 poandl', beell 'rad..d and 1111 ftr{\ be .. l&hv. Inqalre of U I.. Rloks phoo" 37 Way08. .1I1e. Obio
Doable-Barrelled 8hot Guo, brOAoh lo"'der. Jllq 01 re Jeff l:lmit h, WaYDN"f.lle, Oblo d Iii
tlr or.
1 ,Ier8e1 Celli'
and Calf. lllqntre o f Cba", ft4t&arlofl, it 0 J, tlprlllJl V.. lley . Olllo , 00 tbe Na't road. lHIl
N8. IU~
Illy to
Modei I:Iewlnlt MlohlDe, al. new . Wilt .ell Oh811P Ap.
Wailley, W.YDellVllle.
1 Slorm
Bull"'. • Ro1Cl4ne, . [,,quire of .1. M. Key., Way .... vtlle, Ohio. dB
HOME ~bi .
IN' RlW Tlree: 110,75, Iv
80&3,' 18 811 j 3Oxlly'.
"rr"- .1wed to ClQr. Jobn lilDIJ." PbllllP!" Gar.
••~, ......Inn;
i!8 .
:... T HE MlAMI
G A, Z E ~ T E •••• rI \l'ore "N,, · 1-=1 'Inr,'! Ihlnk I nnt . \'011 I,nt rOIl!~' wltlr lie, ,,"d- nnd you
OD 'he bill. auc\ t be llr ('(;n IlIIH wilra H. ~_ 'E 1 forwarded tu 'hI.! hnoj.!r\' hnd ~I"rv . log Ulllne"a Mrs llreswell I .. "u . I' ~ IDD b;1 ' RY WEDNESD, . ."lrl ~'('\I 1\'11111d hnve 80molhlog 1~1er· bonea' and $Ll)ugbtrul Ubrl 1,1,,0 el<U"l: to tell me \\'11110 you ,ot hn ck ," 4" . lady, and Is willing at all t·\tIl O t o ltut. M'H'kli.J, 11I1I/(hetl, evldeotly relle,'ed. OUR . DRE,~ PARADE ._ tlaorlfioll for good lind 1)I ~Ullllre for h ~ h"d "vol(en ns a child mll5ht One day lal' week . while the oeherll. MIlY ~b bo r e wlltd ~,1 I ~ OUt ' O. L. CI' AN1:., Edito r aId l-uLlib ll'r . \\n)II t:~\'i lle, hio whns curl uslty hod b 0 nroused, \ "Ol,. I see. my girl : you've hoen weMher wal molJll' and IDvlgorat. ! deRlr/:!. . Chlls M,lCld e n, Oor 0\18 I'nH,..oll11l1 I , ~ lJ.'!:rioti on f"r ice, $1.50 per year his~r---H thinking \hl _01' r, hn\'e YOII, ontl de· lng, ''''0 ot our y ')un" male Amerl' clrted I Illh:ht. llrrt be <lIllIe 60 bud utter oa08 journled oft 1;0 a leoluded plaoe, put a oar I<md In oor town f OI rlUI . II .\ d .. , I If', 1 ~1 ,," ·.r\! .t t '1 all. , tilnlll:lrt rnnybe you'd jlet over liS they ,hoUllhS, and premedllaledly needy , last we k, whloh e l\ ~lIu thto !!y I ' ·'. l! ' " I"'! ~~. ':!:if t 'l, , I n' I thlll t""II'IIIII nner n\\'1111 ' . fef shu cks I did disrobe themsl8lve.1I of their gu- up for a while 'l'be f~ w UI CO d oy~ lust weok " an' . I Im l!\\, !lInt r~ Il('r "heilly WAH nOlhl n' meotl! lind plon~:ed Into a pool of ~'o r a lo n g time tbey en. well ~ak o l\ cnro of by tho fnl m urH III to y 11 . You j1ls t mnrl' l ~d I' lm t r ,11 Wl),ter, WEDNESDAY . IJECEMuER 8. 1920 joyed tbelr swim, but IInatly 'ho Ihls Vil' lIlll.y Awn y f ..",,, I'unell-dlrln't SOli?" time o.. me when I·hey mUIIC lea ~o fo r "YIIM ," sht! fI(lmIUed, "rhut \\'ft~ 1 Me ~8 r s "lark, '"rr IIIllI B ogll lI lome. Une ot thl! boys, who il! oo ly '!fft bot chllnllg l or tb e 1101111 0 IIIlU . 1... ,,1 nil." five, oould dreae blmaelf aod t ie b iH their w or k blu baiC uo io I .. rg e CU,tarrhal Dl'afness Cannot Be h:l\'l' tile \ \ '111~ 1I~(l . now hels d ead ; h e don't cut 00 t our in-hand. bn~ the oth er. being (10 .. ntl&ie8. I Cured. I ce nnymore," :l n \ . () Ill' () -'.'--"' 11-'-1~\~\....!. · I ++---' ll-::-1--"' ; 1+--- - -- - - - - - -- -+l_HlaUle age, h""d Dot learot'd I.he IJ Y It} cu l npp ll cn.tlona. a. re lIP'S <I~'\lI ?" art ot IIrranglng hi' own tOilet, ao n .' u t' " tll e .1l neutted I>ortlon 0 "Sl1rp'" . neerlu gly. "I ,1vII'1 kllCl\\' be gatblred up hi' belooglngl and . 'j' 1~C " c I ~ uu l y one way to c ure c ... )Illl' prl'sent: I lIn lll\l 4l c utne88, and that 18 by a C:OD - h oI\' I 4·"uhl he DO surer. ' 1ur,,~,1 wUh hla oap on hi' be", he marob.c;l Il Li1t.l1l o nul ,"e JU t.!liy , Cata rrhal deClt .. (' II "" OI·P.r 1111' h" W"Ii rolrl , 1"'11 . tbroullh our 8lre<nl hie home. Iho IH'~IH Itt ,'n u !:icd by an In tilUDed cond lUon of th e Inll l ' OUM 1I0lnl; or the Euala.· Ynll tinn'l "",'<1 I\"'rr)' nnll~ rrh,,"1 !l lIlI . mftklog 'he entire 'rip on drel! ddull 'rube, 'Vllen this tu be fa In· W D" • "" ",)I" "'1 I .,' " whn Ihp parade, ThllY bo\h deolded thatlhe fillmed you have a rumbHn" Bound or wuter waB moel too ohlliv for oom. Impe r(e c t h earillg, a nd whon It III e n · ...,. ...... FranlI cox IIlIltle ) ,I,·t ly clostd, deMn e"" t8 the reault. tor~, and th e UDl8b wa·B e-ntirely too U lll l! n ~ th e InrlnlllmnUon can be rea boalneHK trip to Ci noirlDllI,1 '1'1It '. · homlJia~lng for repetition. duced and 11li t:! lu be relJto red to U. dBY · I nOl ' llIltl ,': o nditlon, hearing will b e desl l'v )' c d f o rev e r . Many cae& or deafnf88 Mrs. C .. Lberiou J ob nt! . of Ce ll lor · , Cbrlstmae la nearing aoa jI, year'8 nrC cl\\ll"(.lll by catarr h , whi c h I s an InlI u b80rtptton to 'he Mlawl Gazelle v\lle, II maltlo~ .. 0 extflu,t ed VI"I I , (l1,mm ed cond ltJ o n or th e mu co us 8urfU c.; th l. H8.II' ~ t.:a tn r rh Medi c ine a ct . i8 a IItep to proMperi'y and a frIendly wa b r e l.. tlveH and frlendtt berA I h ,-u 1h e Id ood o f the JIlU COUI 8urtacea Miss Leooa Mol4lnot8 Wbll " r emlode r of the IIlcqoalnt.aoce8 of i ol lin' M~'~ I (, 1I 1. \ \'i" w Ill ,::1\' 0 O n e Hund r'cd Dolhl r 8 week.end I(U Otl t of Mis~ E UI,(" nill yer;fM Ag O In "th e bnrg," Dco.tn eHti r o r ulI Y cal'H! o r C ntnrrlla l Ou Tbursday nlgbt, Oeoembu ~ Wbitllk e r , u ~ll r WIIYll tltlv:ll e t hn l L:nnl'\o t be cure d Ly 118.11'1:1 C a· t ur l'h M ed i c in e, C' 1I'c ulura tree, A ll Roy DI'y hK t! g ooe t o ClIl1f ll rnllL l u two o aodid8tll~ WIll be Ine'rooted in Ilr'uJ.:tdH t J4 , 7Ge, ~he bidd en mY8terle8 of t he Raok uf 8pend the ""I n til r. \ I". J. 11 (';N (,; Y & C O ., Tolcllo. Ohio. E-quirp. 10 th e order ot Knights of Mr. aod Mrl:! . Ism ,,1 tlu Hert·h wuite W ay ne ~\' ili l' , Ohio t> ytb la ~ . nre DOW re.ldfI,D~8 of Mr8. Lytlf,LnurtltH!e ,,,,d "n' l lIving wl\h and "'I'i,l l' f,I 'l! l IT,,)· r""1o:11I ",)(1 1; lllpri fhe patter of ralta on bhe root bere 1',,>'1, nil", ... 1>1 ,1 Ihnl Ilrst Ihp~· un. of late hae beeD work log over time. eims. ' " IJ' r l'ft I Itt.· rl nflf , ' ·UII (fllIlI r' Ihl'ln Mr. aod Mrs . C. t>. LIlr1lI , W(,f'O ' ---------~--------------~--~~~--~ T he r e will bl' a Cbrlstmal n ee and rr ,dKY h y II", rllPl" ' , IIl1d (I rHj!I.! I 'f! fill ' IU l(li .. ~ tinder (1nler~lliDwe ot undler 'he dupervtd. ('a il ed t o Dayton 7Jy 11 1f' hl 'Ilf'11. \" 11\ 1 (l il l,.. d n OI J!O 1I\\lIY: ioo of tbo hl gb soho Ol, at the Towo deatll o f thalr little gmnddlllll;htur , I ,\'011 wl ' r, ' 11 rl-IIl d - tlllIk,- tip SOtll(' s lory , B .. II, 0 0 .. dllte will be aonounced ~~lo I8e Kaod olpb . 'Randall 'Parr/J'h 11"r.· III' j\\ IIOW!" lalar. Walter Clark and family .lltf nndI111 ! II ,' It ·rl t,, ' r rl' l~IiIf'lIed Hn,I d l~ lIIlI \' e I J ebas. l/ordoo, our aooommodatiog o n oyator s uppe r of the K ,,( I' I Cov),rla:hl A . C . l\h:C 1Urf:: &. Co. h~' ll d\ol ... lIdtlt ·!I "III " n~I'II('J , II l1 d .. pr;, Il):! Irll.nste rman, II a bOlY man . His 10dKe and 'bel r families lit 'ollt.or . \ M 1>1 'I'll rrl·. \V LJ Tllrr.y . L,," h /ll" I'tln I tl i' d ar' . ':-: 1 ('orllt'l'. l"'H IIC'!t, I.I r'lnuolII .",,1 Ii: ~; 'l' Ir " ,np "tl lI [',.lI l'd patrool ha ve JearD.e d that bosl0888 ville on Friday eveoln K. I' IL: n1!lI l l ls l lh ... III).: \\'1111. If ~ ht, wllllld Mr . lind Mre. Wtll I:tardv , of IJ" Y' I '"l ~ . :-; Hlrr ').\'~lI·,,, f ""'If 1\ "lg,, \·tl l,· en'ruBted.o blm wUl reoelve prompt ra rrll :-ak~ a !HI Li lr Stock a CHAPTER XI. IIliI ,\ I l l dlll'~' :\lu ('ldl ll tn "l'\' ('H I Ill s Bnd oonlervatlve ;'Uenaloo. ten, IpIIn' Bood .. y witb Mr 8. Auu l ')) 1 l:iutu rcl ll'y ,dtern ou n ~p<:.: ialt." p lnll~ , :': 11 111 h i .. l 'wdl d'-' tH"" II " ('('llld F mllk :-\hnok 1M ~ p " D(l ltrl( II f,'\\' L t:ml\b . C brlstmaB in tbts vlolnlty WIll A Shot In the Dark. '; 1' " I,,· .. Ihl' ,.1' i ll ,III ' ,UIII lllo!llI h p n,IIIlJ!' oo me tbis year 00 BaturdBY . Misl Leona Mol/inois atteoded da ys Wil li 1l1 ~ f'''lltl y I"'m She "to"" ('llI t " III I1 ~ 111 ," ,Idllh·. I,oth r " l'wu l'd IIl1d IIsl "II I I1 I! , II ~ 't ' lIt1t ' I' .l!Irl · A . :-\ . A 11"1) IIlId wifn Hp!'nl I··n d ' .Y J ohn 8yterd. who IB a IItodent of Edu ~at looa l Dr;y Ilt the Mod elsoh ou l stu rln p. III ""n I' I II 'II 1'.'1) 1' til\! , ill'ulI:,t1l ':-.11 rh:ll rl' , Tl lt ' ll IIH ' ' " lI t' r tllI .. 1' "I'II ..: IH·I/ our Bohool, 18 8n InduUrlou8 boy Xenia TownshllJ, ·.Greone OOOllty, ou with Llwi r l'II11dr pu In Lf'L" III "' ~IJ"'II , 11'1' IIIJ.! III II fl HIHI of 1I1!1 1I (rlllll Ik llbrook, Ohio th e oJl ~ o ddllr 1I I1 H ! I\ " dIll' li:.: 11 1 nf ,l it, II.nd oot of 80hool be is obopplog Friday . To wo houillr" 11m gl ·llln r.: I " h,· II wlillo lll , II lId II ~ It' ll ~lI l1n, I I'fl hl'lI\' lIy trOlIl "001 11 . Til, > \\ 1" .1 ., .. Itllu tl llil woed . Earl "nd James Cline have Mr. and Mr8 . F"r egt (3rllllllll and lIut-,ltl ro III IIII ~ II cll; l1horll ll lld . IIIl , ltl ' i111111' . '1'1" , ,\' OIIIlC \\' IIIIIB : I flll",hr-d !hn!!l :.: h !' hl'lI ,.,··1"i tllilitl - - lf form ed B Htook oom pany and 'he} ohlldren spent SaturdllY fI"('I ol!J~ K . 1£ TItt1I1IJ.l ~n u 111 1,'11 11,·,1 I). ~I . Mucl,1I 11 \\:1 " :11""1 ' II. · 1'1111 111 1111 11111 •• ~frll ld ll "II I 'd l iP, thfA (' It'll I' prllnl .., (,r are trupplng; WllIlIIm Bough aud Ilnd t!uoday wltb 8hermHn UylIe lind 1\}'le·. tiOIl l4 . I' C. hilI!! ~"I " .. I him : .\',., I tu 'I' . , \'0: , .. .) ;111-" -1" Ihll l til t. 110' 1' flll 'I ' 1'. ' \ I'U h·d , ~nIlH·ItIl \\· ~I I I'ItI ,\ OIlYis tiogan Are parmerl i o tbe f!lmily, In Dt>y t on , X AU \., 0 11 1\1oudll \' Ulun 11I1 ~ 1t1 .. 1,,'"1 , :l lId rl ' I ' 1"'1111 1'1 li t. ""6''' .. II " I I:l d Ilr:II'"d IH'f' ~ I'lr (IIr Ihl" God : Old You Hear That?'" tnr LUllloes8 Yoo Olin readily 8ee Erne8t Butterworth aod f .. roily . .11I<I~H (·It"" ~; Kln r.:, tI t l. ' IlII~' 1 : - - - - - - -________ - ; O\'l·r!.PUI'd 11,\ .. lit , ·" .. '1'111' 11 : 1:.: :, 111 , tI" 4'11 1111':-; 1, ) 11I (' li l l ll IIIII~ ' IIn\I' .. 'llllI n'" tbnt oor boye afe llUMflerll and wifl Wayoel\ville, were !:lollduy ~ll eH t ~ ' ~ I1 .. . Ky _, s punt Th"llk "~I\'I "~ \\"Ih 11I1).!',1 Il nl 104' n l l !I I " . I I "lI" 11 1'111' 1' 10 JII" I \\ 1111 111 lilt' dUllr , ~ llIr ll , g nl-lIlll /:11 ,\ ,"fI': whnl Ir l t'f1 tn t H'PRJ( In n e rC" ," m- kfl Ih elr Illllrk. We are prood 01 or of Mr. aod Mrs . Perry WI"l e . I,," rnlurlv eH 111,,1 II1~rry Irl lI " d. ti t Oink l- ~ lIl' !, Il l'..: t , II l ltl 'II~ ' II lll' t. Bill h l ll1 III 11I11·"" ' lIi llty . ~III ' I" .,· ('1111111 Ii l 'u r ~laddl ll (' r(1~:i till' tbem . . . • Alhert !:ltIlOY and famil y ApI' '' I I Ihrv(\YHhnl ~ 1'011111 , IIlI d .I ,·rk 1111'\ 1I11111kj·t f!"1I 1Il otT tU)\"? A l. ts .. l l lill l~ tll ' I ' IIITI '" !II 11 1111 " \\, lral I III' II - I IS 1111 lit '!',,'!" IIl The 800t,hern Trio g ave the firAt Sundll.Y witb reiati vIl8 ill M1(Ii' :"- 1 Mr . lind MrR :-\hlvtl ll .. f (' 11' \'" , fli t, h!ld l l' ~ . Til " f. -II oW ~1I\' t' \l1I (>I'U'I (, " It \\'11"'" d ll l-1- \\ li lt ! " 'hn! !- """o d r,,"It!: till 1' '': 1 r d l'liI II n :':l'iI.," , f' I' lI r U~I \ d 11 ,\ ' IiiI' num be r o f ll ur lecture course on , .. tn : 111 fllI t h f.r no.:li11d~h lllf"llt 111 tilt, he f'llIllIl :-0 Ii 1I 101 11'1, 111101 th l ' ,""11 1' 1' I1l1d J!l"'HlI , "S a III n lI .. ru lire \'1)1/ 1111 \ '· - OEALEI~ 11"'Sa lurd",\, olgbl lJllCember 4 Tbelr ' o wn . . IlIntl . Mr . nod ~"Ir~ \v~I.1 \\ .. Ig ht . " f ,.;;1 J..: It I n~ n' : dl · 11. r\'I1I11I" 4'110"" :11 .. 11 , 11I '!' I IIII '''' nit· r~II(! \\ " !I ,\' .:'" ' . ,mdlllDce wus ~ell pleatled, an '\ we Mr . and Mrs E:. R Rando l"h ... t I 'u I' IUIl , HP S ll L t h Ulr 1 h.1II I,~gl v lI 'g . "~ 1 y ( ;.,,1 : r .111 ,"'HI ('\' t"l. r ~I'r- nny · olghly comw6nd 'be Yllung mu. O .. y'oo, bave the ~yrnlJatby "f th Olf \~' lIh IIr ill l\('.v Ullli 8 I H ~p r . ~Ir~ \\'uulll I II IIi , ""11111 1 1· \ " .1i li b pl1l11l'4 : nl " \\' ho I ~ ~nlll'?" s he n~ I, ,,' d qlllt " '~' , Fl ol ll' , PCI'd , Coal, Salt, "-U !-i t , niH ' " II I It! .. I ·U ... I ', Iii ' ('lI urd lip ond IlI ld " J,: II "':1+'11 (or\\'lIrd , " I ~ Illnl Ihll a: 11k.· rl ln r? I.o('kpll logtlttWt like 8\oi8 ns, frlenj~ frolU thl8 oommuDlly, 11l t1.II' 1·.Klll e, ut IIH V "'y~burK . Tile , l'osts , W a ter Faun .. IlI nd,· till' \,,,,,1 111 ,,( ..: urpl'i!"!' . Bill ttl l' I1I1I11P Ilr 111(' Indlnll you Ipft n n. (\\' 11 f: 'nl!~ . II - I ! ~Hlll wn~ ~ l lnt . hut F k a \, f WII I death ot '·belr on ly daug bter, Ill( d K E . 1'1''''''1 ,"011 '01 leu (1, ',1 Ilrn I';Ll \\'ould OI).:"H 1.111\' II" , PIII'I 111" "':-;:-'111'\,1 ,CIIJlnf ?" , t a ins a ud Self -Feed ers. th o 1! .... , ·11 ,,. whit .... f,! II ,\' (I\'(ln uflfl'r Il l' tb r~n undO on 'I ' °b mfng,on, flye y..ar~, wb o d ied Friday n oo u o r 15. Sbro ver ~lI lo II~ Itidge villn \V d. e or8e an mu e uyer 0 no~e, !oarlet fever . tlbe was borled 81· n u lillv ' "CU ll YOII 11(" ·(" I,,· \\ " i', lt-n 'd t 'n~I IIY . li p gn1.f'rl ot h er OIlC'II -molllll'·f1. (or wn ,11'11'1. f) - II lOP. Ir It nln 't I! lInk " \ \F," 1IH1 ~ t (" .. I lhll l ( .-11 11"' ." 1111' 1I10111l'l1t too n Sfoni s h ed 10 e \' ~n S l n~I" ! ;\"U \\'. \\'hn l d il l' S thut menn? ~aB IkD ~bhll!d'f'~OIDliY onII !'rlda y w"dh Woodland oemetery Hundllv m llrrJ· Mrs ' Fle l uh I:IUI1'1I1110 o f Dll y tun ran '" a&er, a lIVe .. OOWD &ra - In . . , , --S HIPPER ,oF "11 0 \\ dtl you 111 ' ·lI n ? \\' IIII! !l lil I to "ncl l' pt.'t!dl. I n'd, on 11 1111\1'." !iiPlit Ow J!lI loot In er, buylDg ho~ at~d ..nlel . g. . I~ spe n(\ Hlg thlH w 61) k with IH' r 1·111 · drr?" " \\, hnt I" hI! Rtn rn ml're<l f1nnlly. hel'!'. Thill ~"Il1 '" f"om spllll,, ' Ih lnjls Mr. and Mrs. Alleu EmrlOk eo· rents lJer tJ. "~Ink l' h lll1 Irllk . I.,., hl," ' Idnl' yo" " wiry. whnl nre you <loin/( out her.,? \\'111'11 .p ·t flruflk . SHY. ,rOil LlII' I h n\"f~ Ha y , Straw a nd Feed. The 8ad Dew, rMOke4 us rloently 'ertalned to dinner Sonday, Mr . " nd M. M. 81U1 I'J I:l . T I' rry , Lo n IIrlln or .. 1111 dell! : " 1,"\ ,, III! 1, 1'1 '11 Id lll (rlllll \\· hn nlWlIl't1 thul rlnnr? \\' here ts the I!ot In ~," Hul nf II prp. I'll 1,,11 ) ·011 at the levere Ilinen ot Ira aal tlook Mra J B Tbomaa and Mr. llll.tber . non Hod K . E . ' l 'hlJlJl"~ o u "pe ,,1 ::iun . au sJl klu lltll j.! thllt t HilI l' lt l wl' I I Pf' , ·, or d-d r e1'l snnl'(I. Illly \\' oy1" ,,1>(111\ II II' qlll ~ k ns I ~ Oll . It's fllnln of O~ytOD Mr . ~Iar'sook Ia well Ine jobo~, of Censervi!I." ·Mr . and dllY at C lu. rk~vlll e. Feed Gr inding a Specialty. eVI'1I nlll·.·... "I <In not kno\\' I'ery mu ch !II ore pnou,:11 IfAllh ·.\" '~ '::01 his £',\' '''1'\ on yon . koown here wbere.he b .. a hosc of Mrs Earl Thuma~ Bnd so n War . Cbu~ . Muda on . tb e I:lnrv ll y.hu r i! Hn ' \\'111 t)lIlIhle·\'rl,SS lIIe tr li e OIl('C UBut ho \\' I ' fl il 1"1" hn'rll lrl4 Rs l\', fllnn yoU rio:' she replied qnl('lly. frlende , and they wllh tor btm a r e o ,' Mr. aod lirs. Cbas E. 'Johus. I(lI s n chnn re." "willi (Ih-' tlonr IIllh u rr f'(J" 111111 IhH~I' " TIII ' rc \\'ns n flJ!ht nut h e r e ~Olll(l time epeedy reoovery . Mr. aod Mrs . Leon oallshory .. nd coal d llu lor. un itl udllli IIIIIIlirur ('Il r dcnt1 OU 'II? II I' \\' 111 k Ill,\\, " ~ I lr lt'!frlll ~ tlllr lnJ,C Ihp nl~1I1. nn!! flit" hllr n('rn~s " I\'I IIIi I ~ II )'<1\1 !lieu II ? I <I .. IIl)t un · Prof. Alfred Watkioll, the "loUn- d ~ ushter , Merlam . Gleno E. J obns of 00,, 1 at Wa yneH"illll, IlI gI w'lIIk . In.,,, "Dil l ' \ \ I' U I II- " Tho I1Illn y fri ll n d~ I.f M -II r 'h,," th, ' door \\'n s knt)('k.,(l d,I\\·n." Iler!=:1n l ul," 1st who Is dlreotlog che music a' and Mn. Mll ti ld .. Emriok . Mill ~ Will bu .or r y 1.0 kUII\\' Ih 'll s h,. "A tlJ.!' ht ! who w er e they7" " :-;",urllll)' .I·('r ,lnn'l, se<,ln' I nln'l our sohool, 18 making qolte a hit -------.~~.~------I ~ d"lIgllrOtlsl y 11II1t Iwr 1,,, ", ,, '"'11" "" wlrll(' filII II. nn,l lire jllln rli. They tol<1 yer not hi"'. nUl now Ih nt I know with mllny of o,n musically InRIJj!(1VIJl e . Mll1o le ltllh .. . ",pr(' hntir kill!',!." )'t'r ,,1,,'1 I'lnllllo: n\\'lI)' o\'e r th nt (,'lIer ollned ol&lzen, and Is gl VIDg prlva'e "flmlr - hflth klll ('(I?" hr Ferlll{'d un· SII .. III)'. I t('ckon th e s ('rr~ ll>l p Ihlnl: leleon8. . Notice of Appointment nhll' 10 cr,,"p Ilrp (u ct. u\\,hn WIIS the fer "'e tn ,In I. ter talk strolght. Prof . Tolle o~me here a e'ran"er \\'111 tl! IJIlIII"" 1'h('tl" s ~nln' H' I' h(' h- I 10 pny In this and, glvlnl \he sl'oa"oD a keeD sur. Te le ph one 76, ring 3 J .. ) lin no t hnow, " ltlt~r.c or 11 . &1. Et.I'Ilh.rL. deceued . vftll !'y IlProre lonjl, and th e soom'r WI' vey, made It known to the loboo1 Nollee b berolly gl "en Ib~. Burlou E a m · " ~' ntl ,rou did not ('Yen run owns' J!f! 1 nlll 0 ' llf'rt"' I I IP hetter, T ron n e rn~s board 'bat mUllto In oor lIobool hart b&8 lJ6en Ilul'r ."poiuteU .. lid Iluall th..", 1 f)ill nOI Iry to ('~cllpe1" a 801<I1er 'hollt hnlr \\,IIY ler G.. rlnsche. would be benefiolal, aDd U wall adop .. AdwJulur.t.or 0 "lie Elt&t4 o f M, M. Earn hare. late of W arren Oounc.y , Ohio . ( lecea~1. "Where c(ll1l(1 I jlo7' she n. kHI. no' , \~ ,.:l\'e 111 ~ n pn lnl ~r thnt IIIl1 rte '11(, \ed. D&letllhl. 271b day 0 1 November. 1920. Then he Burgetl,ed a leotnre ALTON ~' . BROW II. "Wirllt I\·n. Ihere f or me to do hul wh pfll nhour. nn' ririe hR<:'k," oonree, and by ble OWD efforb, 1l8Judge of Ih. P rob~'" erru r t. \\'olt for YOU to rct nrn 1" ,wn .., Inrllnn OUlhfcok?" Warren Oouncy Ohio . Billed by 'he CI"lo lAe.ue, It wae VETERINARIAN dn "We ll . Ir thIs don't beal h-II" he "Sure: Ihe troop8 got In. nn' rO\l'lI1· adop\ed. II:very Irew wtMlkH .he Ellzrolh &: lIapl • . AII F. . If ,Your Blood is Rich and Red exclnlrne,l. "W hy I flloll ghl you WRS ed most of Ihe Sioux up. "h e), hn(1 8 lIohoiartl are reqoeetect ~ learn pieVaccination a Specially, Nolhnfrlll'l or rne . Y(l1I Aln·l . hev?" You Say, "Fine" lI.ht nl ,WOII!l(led Knee, O\'er yonller, 081, and .he ol,IMD. are IDVI$ed In FUNERA L DlRECTOR tin' IIckp<1 h- I Ollt of the re(ls. Sn lll~ &0 hear them Thla III IOm.'hIDB Ing but Reliable Serum lIsed of 'em got o\Vay thoo gh, nn ' ('l)lIIe ,hat h.. beeD overlooked for lIome ~~~ ~ Waynesville, Ohio IrIIllln' \\,pSt- moslly YOllnl: OIH'S. I time pala. The 'brae . .ohen work Phone 44 Harveysburg , O. II r('ckon-o n' 1I0W they're sp,ulln' ro\'o In harmony wl\h each other and the I fllr~' 0(11 ler rid e 'em dowlI. 1'hot's IOhola,., Tbe lIoboo( II bound be Try Pepto-Man&,an if You Feel \\'hnl 1,1' wn" oflf'r. n hunch to ('ome a luooe86 aod a great aeee' '0 tbe F IliI \' Eql)ippeci for Good Weak and Ulok Pale oommnnUy . "coulln ' In through hl>re." Service, "lIere ? Wol,es' hole ?'" Mr. and Mr.. !'r'ed BarlaD are : ('''''HCN SEiH ELKINS Glasses Fitted ; 8 omp. t.lul ... '" t' n u tlrtl nho ilst. down La rge Uisplay Room "Mor'n likely; he dl<l,, 't SII), notliin' proprletora of our dllare book abop, TOLD ~tS WIF'E n-iAT AT MI)DERATE PRICES • and o ut Y" u kliOW .roo lire oo~ 'hOlll thnt. BUI Ihey're mll;lIl)' Ilnhl e whloh Is oomplete t n evtry de&all E:VERY THIRD BABy 'l' EI. EI'lIll NE 7 DAY OR N IGH1 reall y sick, I,nt ""u h u v .. " I) ~ t o'.'d. ter ('nil. I'm fer glttln' Ollt , \\'hlle Ih e I f they have not go,. the perlodloal BOR.N tN THE' WORLD VeterinarY OO~ flH! llull' Y'llI "lIt Illtle You iloln ' ~ K''''(1. 1'hnl's \\'hnt I come UlIck you are looklog tor • • h",. have It on WA~ A CHINESE ~HE drllg Itlnltg (n the tIlllroltll( yo u Lhe rOftd aDd are expeo"nK It at tor-to j!ct ~' ou. 1\1111 sl, Ip." ::sAID !SHe: WAS <H.AO (iradustc 01 Obi o " al , lI n iv('r , jI' you Inok at, your f ' co III Iho mlr, Dr . every dell'f'ery . Thill book sbop II a Optical Department SHE ONLY HAD THe: "To-to g,- t m e?" You fe e l Y""'. oll1 .. r wbell :voo 8~e f"lRST T\I\Io. S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio "or COllfse. "II tplt yer nbOllt 11 now. oredl~ to aoy town IDIDY $lmee IjI,r . hJW pair' onll llllllgllrd vo u i f ... DR., ' J. W. MILLER. 00' you'll jlo nit r l!!ht. I reckon )'011 ger Ihao ours, so when you want a OF'FI C!':: Open evenings by appoinLmenL U Is ynor IlIo .. d I ~ Il pp rl. r ed oor oel'llr thou!:hl I run orr with )'011 ruag1lzine 0011 on Ihem and yoo wl11 f"urth St re"I, near 'i'y lt' r pOllole. In.tlliid of pll klng aloog reoelve kiod lind Olurteolls .reat 'cnu se I 101' ed YO\1?" hliit Blolr. why d on ' t y.) o try t,aklog ment. Telephone 9:\ ~~~---"'R--+...:..:~c:-.c..-ou_~·o \1 Im'e,1 flU!?" Pepto_Man~lin , tbe hl oud '.onlo? U Mol' Cline, of DaY'OD. oaml do"n III (To be CIIDlIDUed .) hu jo.t t.b .. ingretllt'nlll wPRk blo nrl Ohio N'l.1.1nn onko Saturday to Ipeod HUllday wl,b hie WaynenJlle. 0 ..1 iJllluk Uhlir . ---_0 _ ••- - - needs. Wttb rl'd billud yonr 11Df'rgy Ilraodpar,ents, Mr. ,a nd Mrs . W . A . DR.H.E.HATHAWAY Waynesvill e. and enl.boelaAIIl rAlur n You .."t Merrlt'. ~~~~-~ . ~ --~~~-~--~~~----~~-~-~~~~ Th. "Porcelain 'rower." better. Y ou t"okl " w · rk Hotlltoblev, · Mr, and Mr8 . P . B. Cleaver and W'aYlle.v111e'8 Leadlnp: OeDtill' Thllt ",BS nn oct II l<unll l Siruct ure Pepto.M .. nll,lu Is wl 'luly Bnd b e" r . Mt>ln Ell 1 ry the Miami Ga ze ffe's Cla.'is ifi eci Colllmns lor Results killg. Chin n. It hnd nine slorles. fnee!! Mn. Cora Barrlll IEllt, Tuesday, tor I)ffioe In Baln88 Bldg. ~lIv endorFPrl by "by . lol .. nlO It. I. wllh l' nrl~I:IItell l'ol'relnln from II'hkh ~,. Peter8burg, Fill ., for tbe wln\er. eftpCl1VA "",I t .. , . ,· l I·.ko It. I, Mr. and Mrs. W , L, Harvey, Mr. bell s nn,l lumps II'CI" hUll g. T111~ 11'11 8 1I.>ld I.. 1),\I·h Ilqold lind I·llhlet form d l!sr rH~'e d h)' thlt '£lIlplllltR In J8r,S, hut and Mra, W. T, JordaD and friend a 'i'he lUudloiuRI pr' p"rMe. t>te Idenl·1 Ih'cs III hl.t ory II~ one of Ihe seven of Yr . .. DIl Mrs. B,.rvev, ot Ma_. oal obo8eUII, wb.> ler. bere two weeks wOI)(lcrs of Il, p middle o"e~ . 80ld al aoy drllg etore, Bllt be 80re I ago ror Florida hy IIUto, wlJl. by re'0 RAt IhM 1("11(1''''' 1"'111. ' M.. nICAnDar'. arrive I·h e re on MODday, 011"6ud ,, 's" A.k f "f IL by I,b l'l n ~ tne cember 6tb . 'fbey fOUDd bad r<lade aod be sure tue filII lI11m6, " (3ode'8 "GOOD MORN!N' JEDGE" wblch oau8ed the delay. Pep'o. ,I'lDgILII," i ~ on tl1f1 p ,lOkage Dr. aod Mra, J . W. Ward will l68ve 800n tor Lonr Beaoh, Cal .. for tbe winter. Onr dry goodl 8&orell are dolor bOllnellll 10 'he sao~e old way, reo Rardl88M of Ihe hlgb prloel, You need oot go hungry when 10 our olt.y We have two modern reM· t,mr8n'e. At lbe wrHtog the De VII II reaobed the writer that Mr ... Milo B91e la Y(' ry .erlou!ly Ill; yvlth lillie bopes VER Y ~[AN A i'\ )) W IFE lWI';RY FA~((LY re r ber recovery. Mrll Bale h an 1£ ENTITLEU '}'( 1 ;\ II O\!E ON THIS elderly I ,dy. well koown and reo EARTH OP OUR:. IIpeMed by all. Sbe hal been In fallinr bealth for eeveral year. F YOU HAV~N ' l' C OT L'l' - LT ~lUST BE >!\lfred Edward! wall 'he guelt of bls broth .. r, Charlel, for t!unday YOUR \ I~RY OWN F .\ULT . ~lAYBE IT dlnoer. WAS THE FAIUR~ TO AC'1'. Mr. lind Mra. ~101l Kirk enter t!llned Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Orr. of HE N NOW IS Tll'E T/\IJ.: . SEE US ABOU T W\lmlDRtoD, for tlunday dlnDer. IT, Al D \VI~ WII , I, C I VE YU AN ESTIMI88 Emma Whl&tlel, who ha, heen poorly tor lIomll tlme,11 'hough' MATE AT LOWE '1' FI (;U RL-:S. The 1IIIlOTIr "Ooorl mornln to be ImprovlDr. Jedge ' will b(' lit e ral ror maJOr lua,lIe ball play"r!, Cor thp !lexl It 18 811ld lba' we are &<- hay, aD. Inen )leare at leaat Thp nIH" o'ber telephoDe operttsOr ld ,he near deal In b~lball wbl ch re~1\ Jtf\d In rn',ure. The pr_nl...9pera'or hll the n.mlll,. of Jud,(' L8ndl~ or glveD ·notioe of qQU;&lng' ber job on Chlca,o ' a. lupre·m e · dicta tor 1\. or aboot ueoemb!-I~ ' 16 tlhe ha. ·b~Mball-'n·d 1111 acoe.,tanc_ beeD a model· opera'-Or, alway' p .... makee 'hI. 10 Tbe . IWO bl~ an' so the paaro.1 aDd "promp. Hrlealu.. wm a!templ to lettle all yloe" ••• ber motloD. . qu ..tlOIlI Il~ chb but wben MH. Hannah VrtiItwln a JarR. thle ran • . prwldeDu or tile ~e rrlll to 3aCa. Lu4Ja orowd of hoqrJ ~Ie a& her hom.
Then He Will Wisely
Tell Santa" What You Most Desire for Christmas·
Us Your Wants
'\'l'r~' h:lI1ds(
. ) Detroit Vapor' and Od Stoves ). New Perfection Coal Ranges Coal Heaters Stove Boards Hollow Ware White Enamel & Aluminum Ware
H. E.
flll l( f TI'-}
Everett Early
Lytle Feed Mill
l"y tlc, Ohio
Walter McClure
LExam~~-!~tlY. . l t
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
Partofthe orld Is Yours
Have you got itYour Home?
- .,0
Madden's Lumb~r Yard
Way n.e lvi lie, Ohio
...... IILUU o.&U'ft'II. "AVNBSV1UB, 01110. l Dati '"t..... llng tl> W on1tn • 'l'IlIlIIhl" r tJ,! ld .... f IlU \ Ilul h \11 " ••, AI /> "111'('" 1,',,11 • '\' \' .. .1111) I!l . 'tiKI "n~t
I~ ~ r,1 two , III ) " r t1f tll~ 'nllll' I'lnil \\"1 tb QU" \Cf'fl' ~. 01\.1 IIIII'
llH8. Iw,1 ~ I"tont ~' ht.
F.1I ~III .. ,ci,
' 1'1", 1t·,,~ 1 \ 1"11. ,.. III,· II
( '", \1
I.",·,·, 'II'
'I'. ",,,I
r"l(lI rll.,,1 , '~ U,,· ;:10 '0 " '"
Mi ami l1uzet,t e, $1.50 a year . Ir~ ,J nhn S. Hart sock . . 'Ilrlh 1.,,\\ r)' ",, 'nllp. C lebrfttpd Beauliful XMA' GIFTS tor all at , llh'lr Iif l)· 11fl lt w u.ling anll ive r~ar~ Ihvl .lble W,·ltlng. hl ~ l II' ('k t ' lIfllr tun 31elv both Mr Jannev's . mn nn milk nll' l' h~ "' ~ " r llr <",." ",·rlthHl. ~ h H't' (\XrH'r.tun' t" t-<ll'OIlL: 1H':I\ II lld ~ l r ~ tl ar IHII,' I. arc ill and co n· Hurn - Tu Mr. and Mrs . .J as Traylined III th"ir l h'd ~ , hul Ih,'y wcn' w1ll muk f' tilt' .\· h tll'ltl"l l'l '''l \ 1.. l hl l ·. ,\ 11 loyll1ble Ink mil,\' t... 1""' 1''' '·'''' h) ",I~ · i mad e IIlIP!>" 1lt" ' eTlI1!' I (,~M by tht) re o lor, lJecembl'r 3. 1920, a daughter. Ing on part o( Iln " ",~1 nil 11' 1, 11 1\\I,,,t r I nwm hrn nces RIiO ('ongratulations of parte of 11 1)110 IttlllnulI ln "lid 1, .. l'"rt. , fl·il·ml. Our HOLIDAY. OI'E N IN G, ~atur woter. I mnh.. r :-l loH III \\HI, ' " ",111 Iq' l ll~ day, l)ecemul'r 11th, next. J . E . 'if . 11 tlrl~ llc k ill t hI' ve tI'l an elevu· (\ut the writin g. tor man III the new ~ O Ul1ty building , J anney . Might A,k ·Em. Rn rl the e mployees o f Ihe count) "It h8 111 nlwfl:'o's IIt 'P II n \\ oll .tp r 10 Chll8 . tJ . WilliaQ1son was the guest 11\(1," n 'mnrk"d 1111'\ r,q )(l W ,, 1111 l hp~ I t n\a:-o ur ) r ' ~ ll f1kc~"nl M r and Mrs of his sister, Mrs. Agnes Wright, nClct c.il}t)r. nil 111l' WilY dl"\ lI I I1 HII l h i ... fl a r t ~\".: k H KT l-'at lh1x o f Leautiru l Tuesd ay. mom l n~ . "whnt ~I'I1IP (I f t h,·... I· II-ll'l \\''' Ic h r~ ... an t h eI Il U tl l ~ "ill h l Hlo r of thc ' who 1IIII'nN'nll .\· nlllHI 0 1'1' 111') "II n ,,'lr " l l1 y" ~ 1. 1l1'\ ,':II',j" pr " ..HI" ralula t ioli Mell, mRke your wives a present Ilm ~ wrillng (,Ollllllll n klln"II' I" nll'le ll ,llt' fr ol11 fn PIHI:i in Ihi s city Ilnd lIf a Power WR ~ h e r ~ ; e l tine now, 1'8P 1'8, do f or 8 IIvlnlt . " - ~tl1 rl"" (0 . ) fr .. ,,) ,, 11,.,1''' :;lar. a t H . E ~:ilrlllnrl's ~I r JI :II:I" "'k lIl u \·,·d III :-:Jlringti~ l d Parliamentary Law. 11 I"'; fl " II ) \ \ · nIT.' 1I enUllty, aLl! Mrs. Edith M. Harris hIlS bel!n ParltanH'ulnry 11111' Is tl ... ')' , 1,'11\ " f ' II "~ (pr II lI umb" r ,,( )'t'R' A t'm pl oyed rule! by which d~llht'rnl l\'(' 1,." 11 ,,, ,,-, ' I I I I r th S . [) ' 11 called to Cardington, Ohio, by the oraanlzed aDd ("nUl)\I (' f\l d . " , '11.1 II a (t~ I' an II t! llpert o r r1 cr itical illness ot her si3ter, Mr~ . L. nJles or parHnm ntnl'Y prn , ,"\dlll'l'I "' 1 ~'I>!1 ql h fl~ It Juhn ~l!l n. OI",'8Y" he<'11 (nllllll 111', ·" .. I') I, ,, " '" \l r .,' , I \l r~ I hn uck are tbe I,a· nccompll shtn l'nt of Ih,' 1,11' 1"'" '' rP I r, Il l' II f th n 'l' childn'n, Mrs. Fl pr. J ames Woollard is ma king his which dellhO'rnth'c " ~" oI,lh" " " ..'II,',· .J, oI"",," Hlld Mr. L. L. liart· called. I" .. ,'''; . "f I hi" city. and Mr Carl Hart · mot her a visit before going back to the N av y again, as he has rel'ently The "Ha r m" an." I,;, ,,·k . ,'I 1'1I11'innati. They have also re-e nlisted for anoth er te rm, and The Dom p "h '" II1" " " ,, " 11 11 < I",,·, ;h' " 1' l'·lr .J d, ild rc' n and four g reat · will go to San Francisco soon to
'\11011' )'!il\ r .,' IIf
/1\1' \\'O"'IU"
mOI'ClUcnt In A 1111'1''''" .
" "n·m ~.'
• The
gIven to 8 Ury. I ..
bl ows
f""'I, I' ..
\l ltl whkh p,· l'!ndl· l )! r aIlJ,· lll l dl'L'fl. 1 l\I~r lll r "f Arr l ~1I
tOWArd the At lulI ' l!- dllrln ~ l ll "I't · I!I I~t · r . .Tnn u ary nnd ).' . r ' I!1 1 ·~·. O f tell " i th ln fin h our nfff'r t ILt' I l n n 'Ul lt lll l Iw~ I Il" III hlow. ~re('n lZf.t":C:O In 11~ l ' tH lr:-:t\ I... dr.\'
f'llough to
I~!·n . .
_ _
.': A \
H il nd ,capped~
_ On March 5, 1921.'- we will give away ing in l'aiue to $108.00, as fo )lows:
... . . -
~c l ~ncc .
rl~ ' · '" H.: II IIlt'hlIu ' or ;.7!l,OOO
p l" ,II III" 1'1" ...... 11 1.' . ~ 'll ll
li p ~it rl'g'u lat ed
11 1] 1
The Brave Man . T il " 10 1'11 1'" mllu ~ .. ek~ "Pt lla \1 ",,,, - 1) rrrlt:.·n .
not popular
pri7es amount ,_ _ _
First Prize--Spt Rogers 1847 Prize--Go() I El(~c tr _~c L~lmp , (;]ock Third Prize--A 8(1 t 11 For each and every Cash Purchase of a dollar's worth of merchandise, a ticket will be issued. Tear off the stub and deposit it in the locked box . Save your coupon for the drawing later on. The holders of the first three drawn on March 5th, at 3 o'clock p. m .. will be given the above prize~. .. The contest will start• tomorrow, De'cember 9, 1921. Let's see who are to be the lu:ky ones. Everybody weico"11e Let's Go.
tako up his wo rk .
n ... I II , Tll t'\\ 1111\ :-.twll of nn (lgg with·
PlodlltllJ! r (' l ~ :-'lI r~ I l u l ,' ''"1I<4 0 n hp hHles 10 look ((IT u Job IH 111111 h,' h"~II ' 1 th e h e art (llth("f 10 (,lit rll t l' :O; III" i'llln s;:: t' tlle ...·gular price for 1I ",,).• • " u rk .
Come in and see t.,be Wood Heaters \Ioe ha ve just rl!ceived Take in a stick 22 in . long and 10 in . around . W~ sell them at less than the price of a ton of coal. Our price is $11 50. See tht'm at Sawyer's.
---_. - ...----
St. Mary', Church
Thursday and Friday : Holy Communion and instruction at 9:30 am.; service and instruction lit 8:30 Pill; 7:30. brie f service followed by instruction, sermon and question box Saturdav: ' Service for young pe0ple at 2:30 p, m .; 7:30, sermon and instruction . SundllY. Third in Advent: Church School at 9:30 a . m .; Morning Praver and Bermon at 10:30. This service will be the Mi8Sion climax The inltructions and sermons by the. P.ev. Mr. Byrer have been mo!! Tit fOr Tat. helpful and inspiring. You are inThe late Ar('hhl ~h l)p R e H ~n n unrp vi ted to all these 8ervices . hn ll 10 tnce crltl cls ", "f Ih l) ..t.'r~)· n. n hOlly . It was nr!!(>1i Ihlll Ihe "I ' h " p~ ollght to see Ihol hel1>' r rnl\, l l!hll ~" Orthodox Friends Church were brought 10 them rllr Ol'<linllll"l1. Sunday School, 9:30 a . m . Meet- BI'IlMn. with good hunt or. r.'pIlI'II : ing for worahip at 10:30. "\\·fllt . you see. we hl s hops IlIHl 0\11' · p('lves In R dltlkult positi on. Alt "' .. 1111 \' e only the 100lty 10 clio".", rr;"n."M. E. Church
Santa makes his bo\\', and invites you all to
H. E , Earnhart, WaYhesville, O.
Parr's Sto're Waynesville, Ohio
Own Your Own Home .'
3 acres , 9-room hOllse, furnace, good barn, poultry house , etc., a t Waynesville.
Sunday School, 9:15 a . m . A good place to study the Word. There are classes for all R'rades and aires. A live bunch, a fine spirit, a delllrhttul place. At 6:15 the Epworth League devotional meet All other even in, services at 7 o'clock. Preachfnlt by the pa,tor at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. every Sunday. Wedneeday at 7:00, prayer and prai.. meeting. The public ia invited to come and join with us in' worship. D. P. Holt, Pastor,
6 acres, 4-room hOllse, barn 24 x 36,
near Lytle.
Auctioneer and Real Estate
W n· N• SEARS Waynesville, Ohio
Ferry Christian Church Bible School at 9:30. Preachinlr at 10:30 a. m . and 7:30 p m. Everyone invited. J. A . Pine. Pastor. Haryey5bur~
Friends Church
Sunday School, 9:30. Meeting tor Worship, 10:30. Everybody cordially invi ted to these services.
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this ~hurch every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Preach ina service at 10:30 o'clock a. m. You are cordially invited to be present.
======== SPECIAL~--~~
For this week, only, we will ofT. er you most exceUen.t Lard '. per pound, by the ca n . . . . . Now IS the tune to bu y yo ur Lard at rightlprices We also handle Fresh ~I ca ts, Roa sts, Steaks and Pork
R. E. BENTLEY, Waynesville, O. .
•. ~E ARE .. In the Market for BN:~E:
CORN And can pay the highest market price. Call us on th e phone or drop in and see us.
The annual meeting of lhe stock· holders of the Wayneeville National Bank, for the purpot!!e ot electing officers for the enluing year, will be held at their banking rooms on Tuesday. January 11. 1921. between the hOUr! of 1 and 3 p . m . L . M. Henderson. Cashier. d29
---- - .,-."..-:--
.' ._
,f ;....
MASDNIC NOTICE Regular communication vI Waynesville Lodge No. 163, F, ~A. M., Tuesday evening, December 14th. Visitors and eojournlng brethrlll cordially invited to be preMnt. J. C. Hawke, W. M. L , A. Zimmerman, Sec'y. -------..~
,lnf1 'funklns ':Joys ·lIn::• .,. •.,.......~~ _ ... .. chanc!! of prom(ltlon for amlin whotle only IdeR a bOBS a pel'llon who
llticks hts feet 'on the desk Bnd BmokM
large c lglll'll.
p~ R'n pJ:Rmloatloo In Kan ... a
Suet) a SImple
Ocillir;;,~()j;;l.~It<~iilil~ teod'er d eclared' that "AD aUen mil)' become a elUle bJ lM4aa
bom In tbll eoUDtr)'."--a.toD. ~ 8eI1Dt.
Whereas . (i llll ill his infiniLe m ~ rcy has removf.:d from our miJsl and hi " , I IDl1g 8 ufre ritl ~ our bel ov~ d Uru the r, I Amll rose Mafli t. Reso lv.ed. Wh ile we. the I1H:ru be rs 1 .... ~. ,... ~ ",vnh:w:, PnSoi t . of Maple Temple No . ;l5i, m uurll " i~ l o~ , we tlo lI ot forgel th t) g re!ltt'r I' loss sustained by th Dse nearer a lit! deare r to him; that we ex telld our sincere sympa thy t o th e uereal'cd family , r {'n li ? in~ as We do thaL Hunting or trapping i~ positively though t he links u f l he golden chain forbidden on the fol(owing farm s: be broken une by one , uu r parting is Dan Morgan bu t for R short time and we' lI meet Llndley Mendenhall agAi n. 13e it f urther Jason Sheeha,n , on all his farms. l{esolved. Lhat II cupy o f t hese reR· . Lyman Day. ol uli Dns be spread u po u our minutes: A. B. Shanelr a 'copy be ~elll the flllllliy; that they J W. Creaawell . be published in a paper. and thall'll r cha rt er be dl'aped I II mou rning for sixty days . Lucy Cleaver J Clara Merri tl ~ Cn nllnill ee Use I! Hurlan \ I
\ViII Star t
11 ith the Drop in Prices of Bread, Roll and Cakes_ The prices will be as follows: BRI';"\ O .. : . . .... . 9c CAKES .. .. . .. IOc, 50c Rolls . . . .. . .... ... ... 12c COOKIES . .. . . . .. 12c We wish all who are interested in home enterprises would drop in a nd see our line of baked goods, . .
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We are preparing a nd will be ready to serve you Sa turd ay , a new home made Potato Bread, in a
ZIMMERMAN'S Special this Week We have
pnr t hWIII'I,
f · u l l ·h t ·~ II · I ·
('/1111 ,1\
REPORT Of conditi on of the Ha r ve;>sbu 1'1{ National Bank at Ha r veysb urg, iiI the State of Ohio. at t he close of businells, on November Hi, 1\)20 ,
All lands of Auction Sales Get D(!,tes Early
Leana ant! Discoun ts . .. ~ 8.002. 3 S
$58 .0(; ~ . 2 8 ~2 ~
Uver(lrafta UIlN6I.'Urou . . ... . .... .
U.S . Ooverom ODt Securltle .. oWllod D"'J)()81t,.t,.l(1 "0 Rocur c l'lrcu!t\llo n ( U.
O"ned and UDDled~ed ... I. ou a t3 00 II nt.eral trust. and othor 110t68 of co rporat.loD" iftBued
f or
Friday &Saturday Special
All Kinds of Insurance Protect Your Property
J 5 fUll I
11U8 from 16 •... • • .nlltlolll1l . • .. . .. . bnn • . • l,l-l . ~ ., 1.. 0 1 ~.. ."-;.
Tota1. .. .. .. ...... .
1.1'0:1 . n
legs than Qno year lI or mo ro than three years' tlmo . li .OOIl . no Total bond a, Kec urltlOIi. etc . . ot.h · er thnn U. H. . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. Stock of Foderal HCloior\' c U iWk: (60 perC8n t or 8uh~ r ll'tlo u ) . .. Furniture and fl xtllrefii ..... . .• Lawtul reservo willi FOllc r ul Ho· serve Dank ..... .. . . . . . ... . Ca.ah tn vBult. IUH.l 1I0\' a lilount s 1'otll, o fi t.cmfi l2 , 1 3, 1.. .
Write or caH liS , Phone 01-2 Ollice in Aman Block , Waynesville, Ohio
6.0110 Ull ~~O . lJO 2 , ~8 1. (iO
:i . 91iA. i;I
I:::==~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~;~~~~::~: - - -- --
b.• Ofi 17 ----
.. .. S71.9 0 1.H
New Mich. Navy Beans, 15 Pounds for. , .. $1.00 T\!co Pancake and Buckwbeat Flour, pkg ... tOe 4 lbs. Bulk Macaroni or Spagbetti ...... . .. 50c
Oapltalotock 1,"ld In .... .... .... . Uodlvlded pronto .... ... ~ . oa1 . IG Leal current. OXOOU8C8 . InteratH. aDd taxes pol(l...... ij ~.' O lodl vldual depolltl .u"jc'C~ to To~~\"'o~ '3": . j5: ·3d·.· 37 anu 11'8 .. • .•• . . .. '.. . . ~ I 6 39 9S
iteiDs ·aa.'
JUlt haif the prir.e you pny in packages
ToLal, ....... ..............
$25,U Ou . OU
~ 1. 639. 98 ·
Ralph H.
511.99' .7.
Ot ti,e lotul IOft D8 aDd dJSCOIl11t1! showo abo\'o t.he amouu t. on \'lllch l ULoreat. anu dl scouut WlIJI c harged at ril le. III e' L'088 01 tlloae permitted lIy loll' (Soc. 0 191 . Ite v, Stat.) (ex.lusive v I Doles (lllOIl which tolal charge iI no~ to e.,cOOII 00 coul . mllde) " •• non~ . Tho numborot 'Ud1 loan. wu none.
STATE 0.' 011 1 • WAiWItN OO UNTY.SS: I, U . S 'I'll ~ cr, 011811161' or the Ilbove named IJank. d o s"lomu ly , .. ea r Ihal Iho I bo" 6 stat emont. Is L,r uo .to ,,!to beet. ot Diy koowledgu ond beliol, ' . 11 . S. 'rucker. Oashler. Sublcrlbe.ll !lnti 8Worll \ 0 b lore me this y or lit\!; I g~o . 'If, A. Merritt. Oor""~ ,\ LLPa t : NokrY P.npllc.
T , 11'. McQUINN • D . OOOK .&.L5~OY
' 1)lnC . 1tl t>.
Announces the opening of offices for the ' ... general
Remember ua for your Clirl~t mas Candles, we ran savl' you monlly-20c a pound Rnd up .
CH ART l::R NU . 116 17
New Cracked snd Plake H" miny New Pure Buckwh eat 1"lour, New Rice . 2 pou n cl ~ rur ... 15c, New &>edad and Seedl ess Kaisina. New Currants. N l!w n .ltes New Enillillh W8lnut~, Almonds. ~ 'ilberts, M ixerl Nuts, Peanuts, New Prunes. Apricots, Peachles.
H)(ln g: Cll l .... · ~ 1' ll cI1 PII.·'
S. bonda p ar ,·ulno ) . .. . .. 110110
It P . T d _ _ .a vs, to ra e at'
= = == 14 Cent Loaf= ===
A N u rser y I<illg Who L iv e d . •1' ) l d h lll1! Coh'" 1> , ,11 1\ , '1\ IIr l ilt' n llr!'t'n". \ ~: I"; II 1:1'1,1 ... 11 Id tn.: \I h .1 11\'1' 1\ u l ,Ollt ' .\ . 1' . :tlM l Ii i ... ;w, ', .... :,111 \\':1 -': 111111('" \\' 1111 .i H ~'. '1' . " til'" !l as 11 IIII'!.:!'
uP. from a jDb· ber who was overloaded with Cala fruit, II nice lot of Cala fruit, which we offer this week at very low prices . Cilia Y . F. Peaches. ~, cans .. . $l.OO Cala Apricots. 4 cans .. ....... $l 00 Fancv Cilia Peaches, 50 ~ goods acan ........ ................ .. ... .. ·40c Cala Peeled Apricots,50<: good~ acan ....... . .... ..... ... .... . ...... 40c I-lb. Cala Apricots. ' 30c g'oods, a can .... ·.. ·· ...... ........ .. .. . ... 20c Large Can Pineapple, 50 cent goods, a can ·............ .. ... ... 40c This i. your chance to b uy Cal a fruit at jobher's prices They lIIOn't last long.
23 S. BroQdway
Lebanon, Ohio
•__~~~__~~____~~~~__~.-__~____~ -
• ~eventy-
econd Year
:aE ..
Wh Ie Nu.mber 5413.
Have yo u paid your tRxe~?
By Ross A. Hadley
<Oon tl l1uhl fro m lasl \\ook) e h ae, B ue II w a 8 Tuesday IIfternoon we r eached th e I it or, Saturday .
CI'ncl' nnatl'
. VI.-
The body of Mrs. Carrie Kinll'. who Have you pa id your loxe"" H I illvit at iun. till' Way n ' 'I'nwt:lship died at her home in Lebanon. la~t I,'arllll 'r, ' (,Iult 11 ,·1<1 th r ir Decemhcr week. under peculiar clrculDstances. MiR~ F:rlna fl owlillld WIL ~ jll' ·i lwin · 111(' t illl! \\itlr :\Ir. un o Mrs ,1. Will Wh iLI' Till ' ('1 1110 ("' nainly d u~s apwall brought to Waynesville. W t:(l ne~- nati, Satu rd llY. day afternoon, and interred in th e pn ·('ia l.e th' hos pitality and interest Miami cemetery. Mrs. King for m. Dr. P ill, (I ·' tl' " I". II I, :! I . I ~rr,ad. : ~ htJW II thl'llI 11\ 1; lese S{uod people, wh ll a l \l':II'~ " 'l'll l n':!dy II) help in er!y lived in Waynesville for a short way. LeiluII"ti . Ohi". 1"" I'rv II' :I\, p,,~"i lolt.'. rtlme, where her father operated a , L. N Print z ~ pellt SUlld"y "i t h ' . I blacksmith shop at the upper t'ml of '1 Ii., Ii,,"t . " '"''' ' dilly it was to Main street . hi ~~iste r, nea r Ih:l lhr lluk fllrlli , h tlip IlIl'II I ~1 f"" d f" r the dny. Mi:l8 Jeanne t te .Il1nth ·Y. "e I\i l- ,;",·IIII ·d t .. "nil'" J11 I hllw I.. "'e Stanley Shur '~ Frank Wh I' t u ker '" t the " 1 at IIF I"" ( t " IIn ' ",-'; lllfl fr o rtl 1 h,' rnemlH.:r R and Blanche Stud or are In lal min l/ tuli . :lpellt SU liday h.·rl·. Lebanon, charged with her death . !I f Ih. , ,.)1110 In .,rd ,' r that the lallies The company went to Sharonville , \ II nv," Yllu r cl"th!,s cl" ltll. ·d tll .d mil,111 III' illol ll.·, ·,\ t ·, t .. l;e part in the where they had a hilariouA time. 3nd presHt'd fur ChI ist tn flH 1;.1' II,,· " '" 111 ' rli ."'· l "c i ll ll ~ . h, ' iI ·.I;, ·" 1\ f ~ w to give contradict ory slatements are mad e \ Laund r y. A II w,l rk I(Uarllnlt'(,d . I la ll," .11' 11,· ",, 111, '11 .,f lh~ \last, presby the prisoners as t o th e cUU ~(' of l'ot :tl_r! flilll r,'. II h" han! ~ hl}wn th at her death . The coroner hilS not rell. lIar ry t';arn har t nlld Car l Mer'lurI ' :III Ill r" u ~1i 11,,·<., ~" ' :Ir' ",\lmen hav ... dered his verdict. but the chargl' are Im ~ inl'~~ v i ~ illir s III ('i ll<'illnali, 10," ' 11 all'"kl' t. till' 11l" ''\ S " f the hour . against the offend ers will be mnn. today . i Alld t n>!" what ItA 3 l'l'l.'l' . we may slaullhter , ,'xl" "'1 aH Ill llt·!t fI r 111"1'1' lie he r in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .' "Blu .. Ii ell " Olf th,' «'IIi'.·,.; t.":t ~" ud (ulu!',' ,\ I",autirlll 1",,'1ll an d ~om t' Clirl ~t n.If' ~ n;n ' t':n hraHl'e. 011 ~ IlI,' al clil'I'I" ~s 11' , . 1''' t ll "11 read. pertaini ng J a nney" Drug St a r ' . til W '"Il""', wlICk in lhe past and
It did look for awhile in hu lf Il ~ If Waynesville was highe~t poi l1 t 0 11 th ~ rOll d (8300 ft ) Besutiful XMAS Gll"TS fo r all nt )(.i llg- I II " ~Vl! a regula r battle 0 11 its and began dr op pillg- rap idly towa rd Jannev's hands AI Ihe elll! () f tbe opening l , Victoria Ny anza Theco ulltry grad. , ll"11 1IlIl,ute.. of I' luy, hut few points ' . ' Lf'vi Luk ens, ot Wilming tllrl. W H~ ""II"r",,"d 111/: 1\\0 It-a m ~ . Wayne o - ' ually bcca m(' flat. as It. sloped down· . S ., . IIltown atu rua vevelling . : v illt· " ... 11 r.. lll,,1 ils s lride and left ! wa rd . Shortly aft er !i ve ,,'olock we ..... J loJ dd " III Ihe fl·ar. T he fin a l score I s ighted the luk ..' lind ut six o' clock we I' Use our C la s~ifi e(l Ad s fur re'lilt~ WllS 4~ tll ~l. stopped at th .. I< is umu station . F red • t:' I .1 The' II . II :-; >lee!)l\d l ~am met aod Wll aon r,( wu ru B und D. i.. Crane lind Alta Hoy t we re wai ting to give d '!"uk,) II ... :' IJl illl-(boro High Schoo l us a wal m welcome to EaMl Africa. we re in Xl' nia . Sund ay af te t'lloon. You may ue sure we were glad to UV IL H'un' II f ;J~I I" 7. The Waynessee so me Anoericlln F r i e nJ~ . Th ey Mi ~s Mi,'n ie Davi s. o f [)ayton, · VI II .· )', ' IS "lIl L:la".·d Sp rio g lJoro in I. t ook us to th e radroad hotel where ' ~ PP I1l t ile wee k- end he re with r,'18- ev(' r.l' d r pllr lln ,' 1I1 uf piaI'. Their we spent th e nigh t. Edrly Ihe n!'Xt I tiV PS. PII"' WOII, alld fluu r wu rk was ex_I' m orninl{ we RlHrt ed fo r J(lI i mo~ i " n! 13 II f I L ' " I ce ilell t . Rains the night udore mad e th e es- C'h . tue f' e I) tble r oreMt . 111{1.II( j'ri d ll Y <' \" 'lli llg the High School TI S rn a~ n 'm,' III ' ran ce. 0 11 sal e a l telllll " II ill fl la~ Wi lmington and Bellcarpment very st icky with th e reHult JIIIIlIl ' Y ' ~ IlrU I( Store. umoi, teHIII S. Bo th games' wl' ll be that we had t o cli llih out of ttl e '·'u rd CltCili ll l{ ~a r se veral tim es alld wal k. Th e Mr ulld Mrs. (' M Robitzer ami Ml'J:' c.l untry between Ki ~ umu IInrl Kaim- Mrs .J n. Murlal t spent Thursda y tvro..c osi is very hilly and is f!o Vt'red wi t h in Cincinnati . t a ll graSH. shrll us lind. in many places, The Ilrrlval of Mrs. Muriel M ac· For gifl s t ha l are pl easi ng and Swiney. wife o f th e buu g.·r with trees. strike mayor of Cork. who recent· Afte r riding' for perh ups t wo h o ur~ pop ulBr, Aee our line of holidav ly died In a Lond.on prison for the gooJ s . J E. Janney : WI" cam e in ~ i~ht of the buildi ngs at ca use of Irish freedom, caTe the supporters of tbe eaaee In America Kaim osi anrl an hou r lat er wt' ;In oportunlty too at&&e a gTeat Thad Zimme rman and T om Man-I reach ed lhe pllnd >l nd m ill wh t! re th e demonltratlon ,.. ben her boat The~ miMHio n held at St. Mary' ~ mission lumhe r i ~ ~ aw l'd . Leaving nilltlt on. of Dayton. were he r e SlIt <locked at New 'Cork. Mr•. MacSwiney comee to teetlfy before the the mill we fllil owed th e road up to urd av , ~ hakinl{ hand!! with old fri e nd~ churctl ended Sunday morning. when the missioner, Rev . Chas. H Byrer ,' unomclal comDllltee of 100, the chapel a lld to tl\e Hoy t l/o m.' , which Ie In leujloD 10 tbl. counHllve your clothes cleaned and preached his last sermon, .. What Suon we were Heatecl urouncl a welltry .\ Mr8. MaoS'IfiIl.,. .. OAly 23 pressed for Christmas by the Home yeara 014. . Think Ye of Christ, Whose Son l:! filled tahle Roast c hicken, corn on Laundry . All work guaranteed . He?" summing up his work during the cob, potatoes. bread and butter. iravy. and custlird pie mad e ~ fine Henry Ridge, of Louisiana. spent the week The sermon8 and the in8truction Blrel·. "Love Dlnce." meal. the week-end with his brother, MahOn sOlli e of the fBland a of thfl We s pen t seve r a l dsys at the Kalm- 1011 Ridge and wife. It has been given by Rev. Byrer during the past osi station loo king ove r the prope rty over twenty yeara Bince Mr . Ridjfe week have been helpful to all who PO (' I~ c, In tropical SOllth Amertea, 18 (ound tlie beautlfut hlrd known al heard him. especially to th08e who and becominll acqulI inted with a few has .visited his old home town th e jllcnno. It II famoul for Itl I . have no knowledge of lire church and ru ll ed love dancelL, which appear to of the oative Chr istians. I have had You can get the Home Bakery her way.. The services were all be executed by the males to exelte tbp occasion frl'qul'n ll y to mllrvt"llIt Ihe amount of work t h at ha~ b"en ac- Bread at the following Ilroceries: "ell attended. and many expressed ut.lllllr·ution of the female birds. When compli shed by 'HLr missionaries here D. R. Smith. J W. White, L A thelll8elvllS 88 havina- been benefitted the lII ut!n g season approaches the jacnllo will single 'Dul U s fovorlte tady Always ~ h o rt ha nded an d with infin· Zimmerman and ehas. Mrown. of by the mission. Rev. Byrer left, ontl try to win her admtmtton wltb insist on gelling home- Sunday afternoon. for his home in itely more wo rk ahead thlln they Corwin IIti Its bewitching moneuvers. In the Springfield . liOIl('e the wtn gs Ire sprend anti work· could ace .m p li ~ h, they have cllrvecl made bread . ed In such 0 mn nner thllt the hell utlful mission sites out of the virgin forests . colored r enLliera produce II brltltant Robert F . Jones. who has been built substBtlt ial buildings in the face elYect. pending some time here with his s of almosl in s upl~ rabl e obstacles, over • ... come oppositi on. lived d own Huper- p>lrentR. left Saturday for Camp ~____________... Sherman, He will report for duty stition and ilfnorance . s tarted school ~ trained t eachers. traveled miles there as second lieutenant in the through tropical sun, rllin and fTlud Quartermaster'. department . to lay foundllti ons for future work. Our carefully selerted display of and done a multitud e of other things Re-dedication Service, Deceml'er HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS will imthat will nevt'r bt! known to those press you with its worth. beauty and 19, 1920. Many of the oht pastors who ha.ve not jived with them . You will be present; men of notPcl Ilbllity usefulneBB. J. E. Janney. who are at home may we ll be proud will apeak; horne-Coming will be the One of the beet Christmas presof them Bnd .may consider it a privMiss Mary L. Cook, of Columbu8. nature of the dl7. Come and see ilege to help in the support of their Diocesan Sub day School Secretary this beautiful church of God All are ents you can give to a relative or a friend is THI: MIAIU GAZInTE. work. Let m " add hert! that neve r and member of the Committee on ' co rdially invited to attend. Dinner does a day pass without our faith- Religious Education. will vi~it St will be ~er ved by the ladies of the Each week it itS a reminder to them of the beat wiehes of the' fill representatives here thanking Muy·. Church next Sunday and ad- ch urch . Let us make a gJ'tlat day at gi ver, and they I/Vill think of you God for you and the way in which dress the Sunday .School. and will R ed Li on. long to be remembered . every time they 1~lck up tbepaper • you are making it possible for them also make an address at the 10:30 SlJccial lIlu sic. Come! And besides. tho., will be glad to to be here in the work . service . You are invited' t~ th ese l - - -- - get the news from home. services. I Hllve you pnid your taxes! _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _- ' (Continued ~n page 4) U
I. I II e
t ir~t
.- .
Shu lt~.
Maric of Norwood, I'r.·",'n l . spent I he week-end wi I h hl'r I'an'nt ~ . ..( ' rll ll,) '" .... ~1;l4 th e suloJect for t he on I{oute 3 af ll' l'noPIi .111\' word cru mbs. aH defi ll ed and t r 'all'd UPOII at t.hi" Come and see thl' bes t furCIIIU :-;T. lIl C'l't ill !<. wa~ lit ' lill l., things thllt MA S in the new and novel ut lrac. ~o ttl Illuk .. 11)1 a HUl' ·e~H fu l lir(,. One gelltlellll'" 11' 11, lL~ke d to tllik on J ohn S, Hartsock. of Springfie ld , tiolls in box pUlJer . J I';. Ja nney. crum h, . fri'111 a farm er 's viewpoint , a former resident of this place. was taken sick November 27th. and wa! Ilr . alld Mrs J . W Wll rd left, Illl ulher fmlll tir e view poi n t of a taken worse and an operation was MundllY, f or California. wlH' re th ey I JU~i tl e~H 111"" . an ll Lh e r from t hat of II millis ter . All we re good . but the deemed nl!ce888ry. He was taken will Rpelld the winter . t hilll{ H that f{'lltl y help IlI1d make for to the hospital. December 7th, where I .. the operation was performed. HI' i~ . ~Iue I:lell e of t h .. Forest . " n KUII( I Eternity IHt! fr om the vie wpoint of getting along fine, and the doctors I Chrl8t~as reme~nur an ce , ( JIl ~lI l e ILL t h' minister, wh., ~ aid that 8 kind wo rd . n ple,lsanl smil e . n lift over think he will BOon be able to go to Janney s D ru g Slor e. hard pl aces , COIIHtant by d oing. sayhla home. Mrs. W . W . Smith, o f Dayton. was ing and thin kin~ fur other s, is what • the week·end guest:of her Mist!'r, Mrs . n1uk es life WMlh while . Hanllah Rogers . Wilh t hi~ s pirit of he lp fuln e..'!S and good will toward (,ne a nothe r. the Whateve r your wants Illay he, we cluh ad journ ed 10 meet again in Jancan mee t them with t he desirable uary . t e.: ling that this had been one cost and satisfacto ry selectioll . J . Eo of the besL meet ings ot lhe year. The barn of O . O . Missildine was Janney. entererl. Tueeday night. and the tires,
tools. robes. hood cover, and aome Mr. and Mrs . J . B. Chapm an, Mrs. other articles \\-ere taken off hia Ford K S. Baily and Mrs. A. T . Wri ght car; but Ollie has always carried in- were Cincinnati visitors, Thursday . surance with Sears & Cartwright. "so we should worry." It h much We offer you the happy combl na· better to carry protection than to ti on of a large Ilnd Ruperior Il~so rt take any chance, as this stealing of ment of books at pop ular prices. J. auto equipment is happening all over E. Janney. y the cou_ntr. _ . _• __ The Woman's Auxilillry of St. MIM'Y's ehurch will m eet with MrR. S. L Cartwright. Thllrsday afternoon at 2 o·clor.k. Member~ urged to be presl"nt .
CHRISTMAS TREE There will be 11 Christmas tree anti entert aioment at th e Harveysburg Town Hall. on Wednesday evening, December 22, under the aus pices of the High school. Fverybody cordially invi led . No adm i8sion .
- ..
Miaa Lettie Jacobe died at the home' of her neice. at Middletown, friday, December 10th_ The funeral was held at her late r.ldence. Monday afternoon, at 1:30 o·clock. Rev. Cadwallader officiating. interment was made in Miami cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. J . O . Ca rt wright T he Ser vi ce Guild of St. Mary's were guests of Mr . and Mrs. W. L. Suemening at a dinner dan ct' in th e church will have a Bazaar on SaturOdd Fellows hall, Lebanon, Tu esdav day aft ern oon. Occe mb er 18. in Mrs . Sid es' r oom on Main street, occuevening. pi ed by H arn er & Mendenhall. beginHave you paid your laxes? nin g at 1 o·cloek.
Toy Land is Now Ready
Fine Shirts in excellent material, Percale . Mad-' ras, Crepe. etc.,
Our Toy Department is bristling with Toys for the little folks . Here you will find toys which the youngster will delight in, among which are
Prices from
2Sc ~~ $5,00
$1 50 to $4.00
SOC ·t o $2.50
ight Shirts and pajamas
Horses Dolls Wagons Games Guns Cars Erectors Books Boals Pianos Balls Beats Banks , Cradles Elephants Drums
Meu' s Kid . Cape and Mocha Glo vcs. all shades induuing the new Afri· call IJrowll anti gra y,
A splendid and varied assortment of Silk Ties, patterns and coloring to please men of every age.
$1.50 to $5.00
Men's Flanuel Pajamas, $2.50 to $2.95 \ Men's Flan. Night Shirts - -.....A . $1.98 to $2.48
Range in price from
75c to $3.50
Th a t need l\() illtrod ucdud iull . Advanced new Spring models and shades at pre-wa r priccs. Beautifur Crepe de Chine and Geor~ettes From ..... ... . ..... .... . $4 U~ to •
$9 75
Men, Womeo, Children
Finest linen, hand stitched, hand embroidered, hand paioted. Some colored, some lace trimmed . Largest 'assortment we have ever shown.
Felt a nd Kid. for Men anti . Women.
Men's Hose, 25c, 35c, SOc Men's Silk Hose .. _.. . . . ___ .. _.75c to $1.25 Men's Silk Wool Sox. . . . . . . : . . SOc to $1.50 Ladies' Lisle Hose, all shades •... :25c to 75c Ladies" Silk Hose, all· shades ... . 98c:'to $2.98 Ladies' Silk. and W~l . HOlle, ..••1'.25 to 12.98
$1.50 to $4.00 ====-====- --.- . Men's Lounging and Ba th Robes. of Blanket Cloth •. in a variety of co lors , . . . $7_50 10 $8_75
10c, ISc, 2~ 35c I SOc ~ ~ut
up separately-3 in
t/ ~x; 4 in ~x; 6 in box:
Camisoles and Chemise,in Silk washable satin , flesh and white . .... $1.25 to $3.98 '
, FraJI 75c III ·to $1.75
C(])MPANY . ......
'h.ro1\J:tI~.~e .
wU:I:J'" ""I\(I hr h" ~II 't been cAu ghl?" "i\ In', ~ "('n hl(lo nu haIr o' 111m. S,IITll' ~II)' lIelped 11 110 O\ltBld_rllerq \\'01 . I,rhll ' of hI''? 1>10"1 of. boor. plllill Ollrj'lIgii nllder th o " 'lI,do",; bllt atter (h," Ih~) mlghl ' j U..l .1 w e ll have g,II1!' a" hi Ihe nl r," "Two o· "'111, The other collldo't I III" ~ 1,,'1'11 I IIIIIII'Y, or Slogln. could I' It ~" "lInw t.hl' h-I ,10 ! k nll'~? I 00\'1'1' (',,"d,t FI~hl o' n" lh ill' !lnt th print I or 111111 h,,,' 1. I seOIlI"11 np' Jh" creek; II" II thnt flr sl blll,,'h o· Inell8n8 CODle 1I'" lll n' In. 'll" I bod no t ime to thlAlt: I "1"'1Il nnYl lilng ShI re. only I:eltlo' en IIle Ollt 0' h.-re." "Hilt YOII'II go wllh Uft no ....· ?" "~'or a \\'II)·S. anyhow ; I n!ckou !I 'rr ... nlll'l nothl n' "I -e to do: !bem l enhlll'I'S Is hound .to get ber e." "A 11(\ t I", <ot)lIe r we' re orr Ihe better. ,
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"Por whpr e?" her y ol('e tl'C'mhllng
10 spite ot e\'eQ' .'lTort II t ~ .. I t·con I to!' "To G('rIJl~ c h ' t1r~t; the re's n prencher thl'rp, nn' Ih (l l1 nu to Gml's country ju~t It~ (list ns the trlthl \\ III
t oke us.
Thnr's my pr<>llraf1l.
1.,\ rue t ell YOU, I'll b' rt-Il ~I"(I 1,' r !:It lI",n! from l nj\ln ~ . ~r.· xs , 1111' tl,,· rp. l o· this rott cn olllfl t. i\"o. you wnlt; thnt will be In dlnn Jnl' cnlll lll' "'''''.'' The 1I00 r betwt'f'1l tllc twn ,,"'illS bad clo~ed portloil)". yl"I ' " I1~ iI,'uhl· less 10 some t o lnt ,Irnll!,hl I" "iI', "0 Ulat
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h\" must oct now , or never,
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'1 lit' I lIlpur' t of ~1 1t('kll n '.!'O 111'111 .\' had " ;11 ': III, d H ' l r "Hit' (1 (1(' 11 , l(' u"lltK Sh e1· 1,,\ 11111.' " \ I"lto:,·t! ttl vii'\\' . For nn In· ,llIIH . 1111\\ . ' \' pr'. t ltf' stortled nIH' he\\ p. I ' ·r"d t ,I\\I-I rnt1~ d to n ote his reH"l d !llr.::tll'~1 tltt· Iln rl;I\l'R8 of t hllt I lI t l'r i llr,
H .. IInti
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nnd. with
fix.' !! till thr' 'IroKPn w i ndow op.
p:I . . II t' .
~111 · 11,~' ",u s !<Iwlrt to tnke Rd\ Hnl I\ ";fl nf hi ... Nll qu'l sc, \\'h pre\'er tiu' ~ liM hl\ll (,(\l\1l' f !'lUlI , w1i o(!Yc- r bnd ft ... ·,1 II . hl ~ clJllt "nlme nl was no hmger 1"".lhle. 'J' lwre '1I 11sl be no hesllnncy. n" lit-III)'. \I " 91~p p~d pcross the mo1I (,"h'"8 bo,ly, wllh weapon flung grim· Iy
(111'\VI1 rd .
" Jl H,,, ls "p, J o~ I Put th~m up first I '~fo rc \'OU turn "round. Slop t hnt 1 Dr' n' l try nn y tri c ks 00 me. Now ,1,,"0\ th c l·c-O lgn." " Y f'~:1
"'!'nkc IIl11t gun out or hl ~ llIlod : tI,(... , I. an other In hi s belt: gel thaI 11 1<0. Thn t' s righ t : now ~o m e oyer here; )' OU u",l('r81n1l(1 IIrenr lu s." " Yes.
C'o l1 ~e "
w o ntl ~rlll).:ly .
kllow how to f;hoo t."
\\' n~
t_ p III t i lt' (' n,", ·, J ~l'n t Junn uth.sr ,,~' Ihnl '11'1I~ I WA S sun· t he
b11)' W1l' ""'" • II-n ~py. The hn s he "'" . rlol l,,' hll (1 til' ~1l"'e "rli lid ot Ihe m cott.l (' I oI ru l'(' In.'' "1'1", SOl"'" Iotllwl' \\' hllt bnln d1" "TI ,.. 'I'hn'" Stnrs: th.,y c<.me from I 1..,\l1y·s rnn,' h up 0 11 til e C" llflll\\"OO(I." j " !I- I' A t.1~ f,·lIow. ~'.", ,,, 1,1 wit h I IlgIII II :" ". 111 1" ~lI1o"t h fllc"'(' , "TI",I's h llll; gl'lly l811 ey 8. nn' rill es II kp II ,':1 \'11I1"Y llllln. ) ,, <, ,'cr Rn w the 1' gul" .. t I" , ror~. Lilt I "," n'[ golf}' 10 ln ke 110 cllIIn 'e~, 0 ) sot hl A gUll, ond 101.'1;(,,1 hllll lip."
I "\\'h ~ rc7" III"t ce ll I cnl ,( II." "III
In \ ' lIl emon e's
"A IIO he's Ihr r y(, I ?" I ""'n. h~ IIln't ; th n t's th~ t rouhl e, I SOll"'I,,OI, he g a l. hold or n kn if e: lUust I hn\'e It 111,1 Iln hltn, ) rockon. Enyhow hp rill III<'IU hn l's nl the wlnllow. An'
(" \ ' l'\S
followin g e \le ry
ruo\"ell1 e nL
":0' ,le ' I)C rnle, mnddeocd by s udd eo he lpless ness, w\th the socnklnll' ferocl· Iy ot 0 wolt, yet WIIS temp ornrlly held motio nless by the deadly per il. She!· hI' s lrlpped Ihe rRglled blonket trom oir th e dead bodlcs UDder lhe beocb, nnd hegan hasllly to rip It apart, The blnck, hl oRted toce of Sla,lo stored upWArd, Rnd IndIan Jo e sow It tor Ihe firs t time. n sudden spilsm 0' IHror cllus lllg him to hurs t torth: "My God I Thllt's Hook Slngln I" ":-urc It Is : he got his. nn' you'll get ~' Ollrs If you d rop those hands. you cur. Turo around 'low. and stop." Loud obeyed. his tace ugly aod threntenlng, and ' Shelby took a Itep clo ~e r, the .Irlp or blanket In hll hnnd s, hll r-evol,'er thrust back Into hi s belt. Who! lodlao J II" law will np,'c r be knowo: perh,ps a sllrht
tlOltll' S~ hut
(" r tit,,, q ll1\l'I · tll~ fit' ItI!l
" \" ;lU-YUtl lin- u l h ' l'?
II ,' d id Itot
"XU, no : 1 nlll 1\11 r h.::III," III " s.:1\~I' I . d ~lIt lilY 1111'''111 . II lid , t hn·ak I d~ 11 1'111 . TI I,-" n':!"' !! erotJ~ hound 'Ill lilt ' tlill t t11l1l". I \\,1\": n (101 , nne! otT lilY J!"lIan l ; It I~
u.trll l!
fcll o\\'
t..... nlldJl·t
"No matter w ll .. : r " '00 may be" In t II .,
I lil l l r
to It purer und rH ut'l,
~ ;I(' l't ' ,1
opln -
~'" p r tI p Lord 'H Uay AII",",'" IIIt'· I"~I"' C". " Ibe United lStat C8 ",,,s t re t urn ~ab -,
ba lh ." Thi s s tu l c lI1 elll , rllllo\l'l lIlt Ih e opening o r he,,,I 'III:I "Io' I'" III No" York with "'lItlona l ~ L' r r c· tar, Re y. Har ry I. 11",,111)' til cha r ge, hne oxclle d t h., h i!; tow n ro lks as no o th er recc llt e '·Pllt. For und e r th o cloak or " dry doanllll:" th e Li nit ed States thr ou ~ h re d en.. 1 an d 8tul IIIW~ , I'ow York ho s dl s co vereu th ll l th e drly o o r tbe l.ord 's Ooy AlllulICO or pro hlbiling nil SUlll ln), n mll se· menl S Is Ih e u l lra nim "gu ln at th o use or l obacco , c~"cr l o ll l' th~ clgare t. The F irth .\\' ,'" uo Conch Company hae toke n 11 Yote or Itl thousands ot J'ld e rs lind will cor,· I'nue to permit s mok in g o n th e th ree r en r Bellts atop tbe lr owo
tlw lt nf ) llu r,!':: 1 ",-11 4..111,,1 h l,n' lul\, ' 11 110 1'1' 111)('(':; \\ 1111 flit' Il og. \\ ' lu'I't · d id
h t'
Cd '}"
"1.,,"'11 tI H'I'\·. (111'011:.: 11 111,-' ", '. " I~ 101 111(' (, I! 'I'I(:
I .. , IIlI d
I ln l':-: ~ ' , ,, ,\, n
h'''','' " ~'\ IHI rode Il H IIY ?" "1 1IIIIlk ~II; 1 :l In lIot !o'l!rt"
1- 1'111'. '" f'll' Iltllld!ll! tllt'll bllt yo u ; I 1" " t1~ ll'
Il l'
~11I'1I 1y
h Hd 'dlll'.1
" oul -l \\' ,,1 ', ,
)' 1.)11 _"
hl lo; (.\, I. I ll'-! IIlt!l, '\I.h h.' , n ull l l\\' , lind t" , ,!, S 1',1 111' d 11 1111. t()
1't '11I1' 1I 11l ~ .
!ot11'1 ' IU':'l h
' 1111' 1',,, 1
\, . ,II
('I"ro' u CIl lId " .. 1 "I
f" "II ''''O \l UO ti Il R lind <''IlIllllI>lf' 1 n ut It WIIS ellollj:h. All h is hn to HIII I r e llt' r. Ir euch l!ry IIro \' e him to 0 llc' pcfltle chance. Wllh tlt ~ mnJlu ()JlCt.1 lenp ot PrOCCl'f\ings o wild benst, lie s prnn g lIpon Shelh)', ICrlpp~ d hlJn I~ercel y by t he thn,"t. t n thp w atll'r lO r iI ,I\' 'r I 1\"1I1M n' , lind lilt' [WO went hend lon): 10 tit" Th lll:;lbl n ~t ' r ~h "" MI ~ I '" 1\11111 11 11 Hoor, Olgo fl.re(I, bill wlth olll 111m , for n ow t,rl tt ! 11\',' rru!t · I. mi ssin g th em hut h, Hnd .Itlre nol pull In th t'l 1' " tt.l tW \I t tllt-l ~t lltj\ lit' )t lll 1 Iho trigger ogilio . so tightl y \\'(' rr t hl' Vot \\' 111 I l f"nd l· r ... '1 1l lr ' · ,l . t1 f1 r,·,l m ' n grnppled , as IIWI ro ll ed bl1~k ,,,,, I t,h"t t h .· " l;o. (l htl ,1I~111 1:-- ~, · d ",\1 1 Iht , forth In trenzled ~rr"rt to oh lnln III"" (1 r"llfl ull t dl .. t · tJ u r gtl~ \ ·tery. Shelby. to kro, conwl ete ly loy
_ - - - - -- - - - all
Furniture, Carpets and Hugs Economy We~k
Lau nd r y
nry Cleaning
Everythin g Ht>duct>d
Ollr Mollo - Fair Dealing. Honest Prices, Satisfaction.
dlsnd\·un t ll;':('. !III-
Ihro,1I crushe(1 h y s ll1l'wy 1"",,1". his 100 ened revlll" N IIlI lIg II nlf IIcros. lh p room. II i? COlli" only ~ lrllt: ~le to breuk lite hold or hi. ""I nl:unls t. r •• I1 · Ing o\'(' r ond over. nUll rOrdll~ I he fel . low's helld back with e '-NY OU ll ce " r s trengt h he ,~oulo l brill !; Inl u VIIl Y. TII!'Y we re nOli un l'v"n ly ",n l('\led. the I wo-- Shoilly 11116 y.Hlnt:" r. IIml p t' r h np~ Ihr RtrOnlter: Ibul 1.ulld II sk lll pd fl/thl· er. hanl as no lis, Rlill r~n"y 10 r('.0,1 to any U·lck. Moreol·er. he kn'w \\:Im t he hlld set OU I I" Il cco II'l'lIsh. nli ll bent e\"ery erro rt 10 pre, enl till' rrl ght· en I'd gir l trom ge tti ng II s hot li t him. He hung on, h.ls str:" nln ~ hll ,,, ls, I1lto • vise. twi stin g tI ~" t ~r ","1 tlgllter Shplhy's ~ IIIr! hUlloI. "I1rel,,~s ot ""Y In· Jury to himself so tllot hI' kl'[lt Ih e body of Ih e lull er In prolc(·tlon he· tween him pnd O l go ' ~ re,·ol\·e r. \'el. with e ycry mo'·<'. c I'ery Ht rlll"log whirl ot the ir' bod" '~ , he t:III nl)(1 nn . loch nenre r Iboe op en door. \I e tou ght like all on lmol , s ink 111 ;': h is teeth Into She lby's tles h, nnd ' Irl\' I "~ I,IM kn"es Into hi s body. It WII S SIl"'H , bitt er Ightlng. eyery mus cle slrol1l ('(1 to the OtmOl t, and Ihe squll w mlln "'111" Tbey Imoeked over th e bl·tI"", !I 1111 ('rlls hed 0111 tbrouih tbe no rllo I1\' m ,en door,
Prub"lo Court Proce('(\ln ga (IH ' 1I1ntte r o t th u , ' Hlldll d .Iu-(·I'" \111 11168, " "ouuscli . b' I"~ ', nlld 11 11 '" r" ·,:.lll ·l t IlPIH O\' u,1 1.1 111" lIIa t l e r nf Ih " P" tut " 01 Mur ), W"'liiu~, li ce ·I\~e d . ::O:c cO ll,1 IIOOO OOt app rovol\' I n t ho Dl.IlLer u f 111 0 c" tllfn fit :\I. M. Ea rnh a rt , dec e ~"e d . I t, I" "r. tle r ecl th llt W . ll. AII ,' n tuk " t li P , place o f .I .ll, Cu rtwr igltt n. IIU " p. prtil Re r . 10 the !l.l,,~t e r o f III· l·.t"I ., ,,' J r hn Br" dbn r y , rlec""~f1<1 FIr;1 a n ul1 nal I10000nl lI.}lp r",·e,1. l
1 11
SEARS & CARTWRIGHT All Kinds of Auction Sales
Get Dates Early
All Kinds of Insurance Protect Your Property
Marrlatre L1renaea Ollniel ClI.rl eR, f'lrmer. of (;', rUlon . town II.nd Miss Mllbe l Benn e tt-. o f Ual 1I~' e . N oa b jj'IJX , Inbo re r , of F r llnk 1ln. I II.nd Mrs, Mlon\ e J0008, of Chill!. t o ot he, J Mj:l! r LlllDb "nd MI ~s U e n"vle GrIl.Y , b tb of Franklio ,
Write or call us, Phone 61-2 Ollice in Aman Block, Waynesville, Ohio
Real Estate TranIera BtLrrlet WlI soo to H.o dolph Meo7.e l plI.rt of ~eo. 32, '1', 4, R . 2. U Frank ~loke8 t o Raymo n d ~pn.rks, part of lo t No 63 In Leban on , $ 1. J e88e Hartsook to V. I" ntlo e l::Iob. II n, p"rt o f 88C. 3:1, T . 4. R G, be . twee D the :lllaml Ri" tl r B. *4 800. William Uhlld e r ~ t o Mll ok Tilt . mlln, pllrt, o f Heo. 10. r 3, It ·1, 1'0r~l e or eek 1'wp. JI.
Hla Bean Waa. N ~w nnc! SIlnll Spoonerisms an! rare. hut here I. one rece nlly re porleol trom Ynl e. A j.:"nllemnn entl'rell Ihe d enD's II I11 ~" . " .. <I. 1... 1"t: II bll f1"st~rell , he In· qll ln'oI: " I ~ the Ii('flll ,1Izz y ?"-Boston
~~f:I'~"~'-~I.:(n~t:e:nd:,~b:e~ln:~~:en~\:I~~I~"~I~n~l~h~I~~~~.::. -- - - -
Loaned o n live "0011, chattel8. ,,180 second mortgallee. Nilles bonllht. John Harbiof'. Allen BDlldiDg. Xeliia Oblo. 6.6-:n
blood. (f you 8'aDd up i " front of your work 1IrUb half·sta ' ved blood In your .YII\llm you are ~ ; "Dding In your own WliY, You aro blookinJ( your OWD pr<lgreatl, Thin bloodl malles you dull. It makes :rou I',ale , Yon lillie no en. j 01 men' out of your w ur!r, Xl Is only balf a. !rood 88 if. sh·,,, ' db e. Yon oan rllmedy th .. , (! 'Ii ' litt on"o -811.... Bealn taklu1l t h ll ' Ii ' e 'onlo, ~ for awblle. Your bl oo,l" III 'Ieoome nonrlehed Pep\o.Mflll j,( ttl1 make8 red blood oorpu80lcs . Y ,m will get eDergy alJd "'rong p O...·f' r "f rll8le. 'anOll. IDI'Elild of 8'bDrling lu YODr '11 h It' o"n way, you WI pm .Vllarse abead b.'oau~le of greater v"" ' lty. 'Dn' bo 801'8 you g e t Ih ~ I( UnuJDs u ngso . . It I8 Itn l " 1' -111 110'b L il ill Pep&o.... • liquid and' tablet torlll. I\.:t forluAdmlulnrn<.o.·ul th . J\.,,,tonLll.lL. I::IIrrt · "Gude 's" anli bellure I·bal Ihe nlune Ie on she package Tbe t·" bl ,ts or ,\1 :1'"'' 1-' . I I I L\J \~ :-;. " .ahe I' quld b"ve ~be HHlDe III Ed ·olnal .' ''d "'·'' (I! ::;~!,:~·~::: : ::t~'''~I~io. valotl.-AdveUI8em p n~ . Eltzroth ,. M., ,,,,, . Illy, .In I
Th c r c Is one I<lud or rh "I.·: tII ~ S s calf< that will never g o 0111 ur s tyl e. That Is th e He rl Ci'Otllllll'al - '. 11 r oturn s Oil whi ch go to Ihe - .Tub e r cul osls LP.II g Il8. Lhll e Anti A.lri .. n Mn y(>r Is showil lUll'" ,I ,,· lI\'e rlng the b lg )lar' kng " " r sla mps to Secre tar y TUOlUlt y "I th e Wh ite 1·louse. an<! to be " '1'(1 1,1' Ilre~l d ent and Mr~, \Vil Ho n nn
oo-1'8n. Dlaok aDd White Beedle 1'0][ Bound . It'inder DOtHy Bert tibepherd, R. D. 2, Way. DlI8vllle. Ohio. 41&
---~ .
Wooder Oil BurDer.IlOod a8 new I lIelllnl{ a' a b"rgaln beo"ude """ I baye wood . Al~o. SOWII B .. rred PlY. ' m o nlbR· .okRooll l8r~ Mrs. L~ wrll n08 l:Ib"pberd, R, U 1. Hllfvtl}'l!bufl!. O. d211
1 ,MIlIIl.Jt!rSf!Y. III month~lIltI."IIr&I. f) rHlClHter 81tl'. Cort& '11 R .. ll'l"b .
J !llIv; d I\m out 01 ..... U g 1... er 0 t M'1" , 380 Ib~ 'e81 a .. " yearhnll. AIMn a few !load OarOD.Jel8t1Y KIll .. I "nct bOflrB IlIf&, all ellMlble a. r8.1t1. ' tAr I nquire of L. W. I:ll.,.dl .. r . '1llbone -ill y'. Vayne8vllle. 0 rl~1I
Ihafi",::'I'~,,~! ~~~'!;'~~l' '~r";:f,\·~:~,'r',~·r dIUJJrc,l. . THE MIAMI GAZETTE '
__~::~::::__~__~~__~II~'''~i.''~L'~II~r~I. ~I~'~n~~~~~p~a~C~l~ta~g~c~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~______~~~~~~~~____________________________~____~____~~~~~~~~~~~~ --
\ i
- - II Up, Ma cklin 7" "What the 1-1-1
' MONEY Tv LO · N ON I'ARUM at ioter.. a for Ii $0 10 yelU8. T errell & TI!lrlell. iteal Ke. I·ate "nd Loami. WUmIDIJ'oD. Oblo. Phone 301. 111111 at
The poet said, .. What is rare as a day in June." The poet probably never plies, '!.flO . had a cow or horse, or a plow ~or buggy to sell. -- - - - - You should worry about Notice of Appointment the poet and perfect day, b d hIts : ecause you 0 ave 0 KaLata or Amhrosfo Mnm". d"" . ...od. of surplus stuff. dlying hereby g i \' tUi th llL AII1&111 1" MulHtl d W h'IC h 15 ' huNotice beeu I.<July oI! 1>0 I11",,1 n",1 (IUaIlOe<l as arotln, olng ExecutriX ot Ihe 1::0"' 0 o f Ambro,. Mallttt . d b lilt. or lVarr.n (;ou"'r. Ohio . ,loeo'Ulod. you 110 goo , ut WOU Id D.tetJ t.hl ~ O ~h dill' (I f il ocemhor. l !J~U , he Ip t I'Ie other f e 11ow out ,\I ," n I' . Uru"., . 01 29 JIIlI~{!a~~;.~·~;,I:.~~~;~~~,t,\:rL , wonderfully. _ ___ • _ • I if 1 Cut this stuff 0 your Notice of Appoin tm en t I list at'once by an ad, d in thiS paper, an you I will rid yourself of a pile ".'aW or .'1. ~t. It ",." I,:orl . oI ,·,·"",,,II . Notice h lll'(~IJ}' ll r t..u<tunlill,'" lI learn , of J'unk around the place , hart 10 .., Is U",," duly J;lllUi appnl",.", U,,"'t
.. at 'be faot. of y " ur heal'h Brown, m"lntenan ot! , !lto ' 1 G!lu:) 3H ; • • . John l:iqulree , tlHmllges \0.. blook Lao .. 80 muob depends 00 L Ivtoll r e d la okle, S5; W e lc h &; Dllkln, Bt1 p .
here," be saId roughly. "WIlnt th e h-I Is up, Ma ckllo?" "!':n'rylhlog Is, f rom aliI henr, " wns th,' , hOr! rt'ply, '''Your IlIlIhlns n re \I" k,," II lrendy. 810't tll e y?" "Y. ' ; I expected UIRt; I told th em Id b " hllw It WOIl e. "'1'" I ,~ su re you dlol, but yo u never ' tI",,,. ht e" ery I'lInnwoy d h B butlck "'oili I1Inl;p r",· t.hl s Hole. lit ,ey ove : A 1111 '"'' know \\,hut thnl I1I l'llnS, I re,·k, :" . They \\'111 be s lII ok ,'o out "O<' ,,,' r ",. Inte r. 0.:0' yo u \\'lI nt 10 SIO Y. s o,I I.,' <,nnk ..rt out with 'em ? !'IOI rnr lle"l l\ ~ ,)ul or "~re Dow-tonl ghl, J oe,
Wft .• IINrtUe'a l.-4lJltt De.alBa In 8 .tnM Blel.. ...an ~,
An ad. in this column ill a lure . .Ie
DIt. H.E. BATHAWA \, '
alasalSed Ada
'Trll tl'Q't' l pr ,
Commisaloners' rroclledlnJ(1 Bills all o wed : T h o W o~ t " rn tlt-u r , eovol op AM, 1925 ; The Colo mbu, Do You Step Out with Snap and Blank Bf)o k Mlg . Cn" b l"llka ,. I ~ . '7 0; The W. 1:1 . tlt .. nllf/; e Cu ,billd fl r~.I ·I " ; Vi,or? Are You Able to Get '('be W ·, .. I,e rn ::it.. r , leg ,,1 a dv ., $ 12: Ttlin,. Done? Cbas. WagIC ool' r . ::; I H, ri1]'"~ "lldl tl on. 1\1 allowanoe, ' 1 4~ 5 1 ; rhe l ;u lutI1 · i hos Bl '\nk d ook M II{ Co , llnn l r AO~ IN YOUR OWN WAY urd , '40; R!l lp h ' ;" rll),. I.. glll "" vlel·s. ,:15: \V 'i. ' :1.',1h"'11\ , ' fio ~ 1 "'~ Ii . People with Thio, Weak Blood Have '"8te oo olmct N o. (;n,lauZ:,: H,d"h a Hard Time of it. They Should Lew ir', mtt. i n t oDu n ed , e tc . f:.!;Hl. UU : G hn ~ . Wllgg c De r. b 1l8r(\ Io g lind V\"u~ h . Tak,e Pepto·Mangan log tor prI8011ur s . F 0 ::1 V; II tHr,
S uil s to Mp.asure
Co m e r's G ua ranteed AII· Wtlath e r Coa t ~
Uu r Sll le, Ilis t week, Will! a IlreBt s uccess, but we are crowded nnd art' cry in l( tor m o rc r oo m We ure ex pecting more good!! e ve ry FrOMm " W ee k th e w eek to buy what you huve belm d uy. '1ak' " "_ . , . d' ? WI ' \\' fl llti liR'. Hav e yo u I(ot Homel hlng you on t want. e lu\ e leO t whal you d o want L e t' s tr a de .
New Suits Wf\ \-erlng 111 1ne t ·yt"'" 0'( IIlf" ~1 rl . II r , hops nn IOSlIlo t IO'\'(' rlll !; olC hcr ):11 11 .
C ut e Chri s tmas Cupi es D a inty Oe li!{htf ul Oighes Mar ve lou s Mall ie Mirlnrs Itestfu l R efresh ill \!' Itockers
htl ('(')nflnuol' ,)
CE B01.' BL~~T NO. 18 $35. Economy Wee k r rice $75.00 FLOHt<:N PEN INSULAR HEATER NO , 18 28. Economy W e k Price 60.00 RED C ROSS OA K NO 16 18. 50.00 Economy Week Price JF.WEL OAK NO. 14 15. 40.00 Economy Wel"k Price S ILVER OAK NO 10. -li.OO Econ omy-W eek Price QUARTERED OAK BUFFEr 27. Economy Wt>ek Price 31.00 OAK DRAWING TABLE 27. 30.00 QUA RTERED Econom y W eek Price BOTTOM DINING CHAIHS 21-.60 24.00 SET LEATHER Economy W ee k Price COTTON FELT MATTRESS (fi ne urt ticl-ing ) 12.15 13.50 Eco n omy We ek Price ('0 N TO PAN () BOTTU M 10.35 11.50 M A.1' 1'1{ j.::-;S,EcoCOT n n my W ee k P ri ce MARTIN BEll 13.50 15.00 E co n omy We e k Price ENAMEL BF.D 9. 13.00 Econ o my Week Pri ce
k il l " 0\11 " Il ~ e lld II\, ~ N' "II~: II rll!!.!'. hlill Sel t upon olle t ' lIh' \\' .
tmi l 111'-- 11"
li mbs. )nllcell. III) hilt! "(,lIrn'I)' rotr ',',1 " pCII his eyes wh pn n \!:II \\'11' Iw ~ I ' I .. h lll1.
surprIse. \\'US nt
" I Imll~ln('(j so: Calkins \\"ollid h llve ~m (l .. rh ( :1(' 1' . n r flut IIJI qllltf' 8 spt('l, 1 tllll !!ht you . K('c p Illis rell ow cO"e red, nno! """, ,,.,, ii i" ""111.' \\'11' h" r 'h ilI. 1 IIn,1 le t hllll h,,,-e It It he mnk n IIny I d lolll'l ",,,r' n hlllC 1,,'lIpve him, but ('lrO I'[ 10 hrell k away. Wo tch him Ont I,,,, ,wlll ' whn l "'" liP, I let tho clo"",y. wh llc I rip up Ihllt blnnket, etls" I hi 11101l~ with ti S. I ulm ed ,," ,1 tic him lip." t o !o' t '" ) Itll ns ~non as we ~lIt tn ; but I [c lert her Ivllb lhe gun s tearllly h- I, ~' ''U 1",01 "1;l l'l'eol, w!lIl e \l allley. pullil ed lit Lnud 'a hend , th e fello w will) IIlIe ttl III1\c knu\\' l'!l ~nllll·th !ng. cllrsl n/!. \\'lIh hnlltls up. hi M angry
, Ill!
Bceoe [hro11l:h th e nllrrow c rn r l, n,'lIr th e btD"e. Mot lcrs were b(,CVIIII II;: compllcnLP(\ he "'liS nt hi. "ii- "",\. He bud Ile layell ti"l long. i1 11.1. p,·r· haps, \I hod bel'n R mlstnkp lu 11,1\' 1",' the gIrl 10 Ihus npppnr tr len,lIy tn th lbrule. Now. lo s tend of hdnl: <'011tronted by the Rill nlone, he 11111<1 nb.1 ta ce Lalld. It he \\ould prt" "" " h"I' being carrie(! RWO .l' Ih ... ~cr"" rl limp. The sltuotlon hnd hrcnrnr ,11" 1'' 1"11 11'. He could see the ~Irl "I nll,lInj! p reged clo~e 10 th e \\'ull . Ihe 111=111 trom tbe broken wi ndow on hN r"r~. her eyes oox IOll SI)' ",ntehful , 0( Ih e move ments or Mnckll n, \\'ho lI"n turll~,1 Bod was frolltl ng the n.ll er oIo"r. Ol ll' haod resting In rt'ndlness "II IIII' hUlt ot hIs "45." Then thnt Ol'l'lIllIll II"IIP .badowed. nnll Ih e bulky flll'lIr.: o r tI ,e sq utlw·mao sll d d ~uf.,· II \1 1' .. 11 fl" I. !l Is linn utternoce WRS (ull or III·h"m or. W\Vell, I gO! l'ollr meA '>''''''. nn'l nlll
111:111 Id Jl ltl ll'
". \
In '."
,,- -
nd ll ~ .
gel'" still U ul '1II'il UtI ~h,'lh~·!. th""" I. rl\7.•·.1, Iho Ittll~r hul! \lIl 'oIl M(" 'HR,
ollce at th e IIpllll'111'" ruc", 1,'111",,1 I.C' his fCcl I\II;J 1,1 111••:",1 lilt" Ih, ' "1... 1l I ot th o weNI.. !'t1".lloy. l!II"\>III); pllll1 rull\' for 111" 'uth, S.'II \', ',' 1," ~' ~I t ull)' rcltllZlnl! w lill t hurl ''''I'urn',I, 111.1' ,110'
rt'IH' ~ ~! ..
\' " 1. ".r"ro> h., co tlld lak e n s tep t orn ilI'll , 1\ !t.ITl Ji.!'It, Nhot rtlng o ut abBrply, I I" ~11\ \ ~ l lIt'I·;;:1ln 0(11).:" Ill.' hiM a nils. 111\11 n ' I'\ Ilu" kwnrfl , IIIJt hotly ~rt" l nl l i l t! llld( tlp, ' n donr, hpfnre It (' r1l ~ h e d
"I', Itl
('seatpe O\' l'I'l'U IUt ! hl"4 pn~\'t' llt'~11 I 1'111. olld 111111011' .h ',>. ('11 .... 111(1;... " .,,"',
11 ,'
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\\'he"led n nd confrllllli'd the ~ hrlllkllll!, rrlkhl e ll ed girl, who made no !'I'P':" , " '\' <,11, I')' Oorl! )'''11 bellt'r be. O"t Ihe lIorse ~ . .1".· ; I' ll reIc h h ~ r alooi, nil rl~ ht." ~hl'lh y s lrullChtened up. [0 ~plte of
Ihl' 'In~h' ,..It',", 1I1h.
Jllut.hlcnctl u s ltt' WU H.
". (Ill
.lu" II
\ "'1',·,lq.
- - -.-.-
----=====-:::::-- . .
M oue. \LE
RO(7, Polaod.ChtDlt. old Les&er KIIDrtok. Wa~' nf" ville. Ohio. l:Iome phone Ii. dlld
65 KAOATtI, aver.\Jft abont . poood", heen 'rea"'d Ind •
an fir!' h8~II. hy. InquIre of () L. Rick. pbolll' 312y', "·.yne.vllle. Ohio 112'4
BII':rfllled 8. h 0' OliO. A· Double. IO'ldllr. 'IDqatre of T .. IJell SmUll, W.,D1.11.llla. d16 .1er..., C01ll" ",," Qalt. · Inquire of M" .l !rlol'. R .D, 1., tlpt'lnR I,1 Cba..
bJ Earl
, , V"lle,. Ohio. OD 'lie
Na'HOtld. dlli
& IIU,.d .. I Iho I'.,. l ull"'o " L .W.Y n ul. III~ . l' I"O .•• llll',"<1
('I.,. M.d .l " ,I'"
" 81 0e Bell a o f 'hll Fores t , " a R O()t~ 11 'ttlolll Y IA ,m b , of DayloD , llpon ' h r lstDlR8 l· tl m ~mhrRuo , on e" lu a t W c\ OElIlc\RY w i th bi B pare D" h e r o. A. C, Th ompson r eturn ed . W !Hl- , Har l.. n ' Buo lt ' t l) r e. MlllIY (,f Ollr oHlz~ n., 0'''' o r rflltg. ne ,Iny . fro n1- a bu ~I DeBIl trill to !)ubscr ioliOll Price. $1.60. per y ea r i OK 10 ijPNill I h .. hllJl tJIIY~ " Will' ' r llm P "n nflylvunlu., Il lIHl . M j'~ . E. B. 1, uol!llore Silent sever,,1 tr. t.II'J Mr~. C, J . t ·' O' I\Yf r. ICO ' IlI dill H I IIHt week 10 'iDolllnl\ti 1'>1 1110 ,,1 h \' '\Ir~. 1£11",,, 1 " th lI .. rl tlO, · Ir~. ADn L . 'Ullu b.6~ h " en qU ito II'l!fl, . I" UU JU) Ililorll '011 ltIoilt-I'H o n sIck t b e P " Ht week. W lmNES IJ A Y. UECEM lsE R 6. 1\)20' iIoir" I:\ O ~"II :::l u r t lloe, of oeAr \Va. y. M II: eI ' II: . t 'l' b d n e8v l lle '. , lI 0 .10 e rl o g 8pao lIr R n I' . 10 !)a y t o o , I "CC,ID& IIrly a od !,Ivold t b e r o s b ," I Will' " I . I~m ,-0 ema o IlI·teodod D r · Catarrhal Deafne&i Cannot Be 18 t b e ~ Iog,.. n osed br o o r merc h .. otll. r:>tutl.ldy II lillie. 10 Harv eysh u rg . !'oin l ' Is '('I () ~ e at hall d allJ ~'Oll \l il l wA nt SOI ll e IJ r . J Il:. Wlt,bam , of WaynesvIlle. urday alt er ubo n l: ured. . b a R Illu de se vorol pcofellsio ol1l ol1 lls tlIill g' for , 'ollr .I r il·nd s a lI t! I'01 \ ·l lIl r s t lf . hy '1,,",, 1 1l 1 "'''C1'lI'' n ~. u' th ey c ann ot ber .. r tloe ntl Mr . o otl Mr ~. ti. iM . C lu ck 1"lt . . . Irl ~ ~ week . for tI n oxt e n lled Vlllit w il u rmldl II .., ,H~" .... e d -t",I'+W~_ 'I'l l l n~ Irl on l y on' \\-' uy to cure c a · Mliy nnr d Bo ria 1 b t ll abo . t"'TI,a l <I eafn""". IllHI th a t I. by " conn !lnt. III 1Il0 a r. r elative! a t ' h i 'o go !lo d ~; I /.!io ii i \1 d . ' . . , I,,"lonll l I·C IIIl·U y. ('ulurrhnl <l ollf- Mr~ AIIU !:l ar ln ll , ot \ Vllrul oi:to o [f t uere is a nytltill g ill Ollr l i IJ(·. w {, no"" I. ~UIl "" <1 h )' lin luflume<l co nJ llI on c"ll~tI un Mr lI o d M rrl. Ed lII cli'tlrl"~ . es ~ lDe8 'Ia r a Th o mpHuu ana (, r th e II1l1l' O I" IInln l< ot t ho Eu.t l\- 0 0 ' u o dllY Mll ry ( IIrm o ny wer e ~ h O PIJ IO " In \\'iU be g l ad to sil o\\' y011 1I'11<lt "'e Ila n :. dda n 'fuh e . ' Vlit,,. l h b tu 1.Je 13 111- 1 ' . . Du y t {)D ~ at o rdn C'J (lulH l'd y o u ltU \'C a rU l1l b lin g so u nd o r ( ' /llJtu i ll C h a rl es (lll r ner tlud wi ffl . &..C y.. " "perrc(' t h c "r l n~, unci wh e n It I. Cn- o f ~ , wl'u r i :-': u " 11 . MISd Le o oil McUln ol S h " s b eeu tl n ' l y c! OB CU , ll el.Lr ll t ' ~ ~ 18 t h e r e sult. . ' to!. ur r 1'1 VI r or e n o s i k t . I d . , Unl c.. Iho Inrtulll ll1,ulon can bo r eo MtliunJ II)' llillul to ~ pe nd til Ir ,' IlOIl. C o r 88 Ye r tl n~ S Rnd U .e oo du ,' rl " nu tlol H tuho r .. t or 1I to It. 11 11 11 wtllt Itt" m a l he r Mr ~ Mile" I J o h o ~ I ' t el\chlllM for h e r .. ~ h: lhu l l n V rJl1u t co nd ition . Il c nr l ng w ill b o dtJs- L'" I . ~ . .} sclluoJ Ir'uyert (or " c r . MUll), cllea o ( dellf nc •• "lll" I, "lid b l" lIr u lil e r . Ho IJ I·.Utl r n !'r . ,\ }so, h I' llllyi ll g h e r e \'flll II·ill 11 ;1\' e a tt:nt(;~:~;~c~O~~ I ~I~;~r~~\ ;;"~' I,~I:, cl~lI :n.,I,~: ~I J,, ~ i l\ l,ruli ge lU e t OD I:\utu ru "y M e"dll lm'~ lJ u l(\~ b Burne l.t fin d r,, '·e". lI u ll '" '·l\ ln .... 1o ~ 1 "cJ' c lll e uel. 1"~III . \\' 1111 II Itl il II ttn n tlnnco T b l ~ Bltln ch e U rElb ll Ul uHe u dclll t b o ru · l ·II;1IHT to · wi ll Olll' of th e I'riZt·" II It i, Ii I tI\1 t hl ll Lll l' hI OO(\ or Ull~ 11111<:0\1 9 Hu rf lll'Cft " rd , r IlIl ~ ,.;r o wu ru pi dl y aud lUI fl erlll o f Mr . Phf lll1l , III U ay t on, HI I II " M)',oI t( ' lI J. I . M o nd HY II ill app recia te if \'011 ge t it. \ \ ' t! wil l J;tl\' u One If U 11 (1 r c oJ lJ o ll ,,,,! 11 11 /I I ', l'I lifO trHl·fi·s t ~ll In Ht-' . B 1M IJrllhllbl y n ll l. I'HII H nll y kn o wu ,\II \\'h" lire Hli l(l hl e III HI ' T h ur e Wi ll b,. 11 0 ~fl r'v l oes lit. L y ll e thut Clllll.r,u (:1 tl lll.y IlIn )' III IIl Ht uf I' (' J r ll ny ('n H" ur Cllt'HI''' " 1 D OII( .. "." 1 , ""' I II"!l~ ot<.' luLc IJy 1,rr,,1\'0 01:I u r o h 1l 0 X t .-,o co n r1 ft.y, n o d H II R rf1 1Jl· . reull v . trulv "u t h , r " I lI u l1 l1 l1 "'Itlll! , IIlIIt lurr h wnll 1\Ielll o. CI""d l ' I J'\.' u IUI'8 t:e. Ca· All I'" . '' I'" ... ~ II If · r. qlll rf:o rU6 n t ~ ~ t IOU· 11 ( til \" ' II Jt1 11 1 I ' lll ll fq~l ln d uHn e tit t !ler Hby Vll tHl . n ll tf.en d t b u r e ·d ed ioat 1o n I,f b e r l.J u tlntl~ . O ft " "l .. lit uU\J II I t il t Url j~ ~{ h; t )04 . 'i t,c. 1-' . J . CII E:'oII-:\' & ('0 .. T oledo. (J Iol u. '11," 11'(: ':1.1 WI.ltlllll r h b. ~ l u,, "~;1 I.It " (' h u rell nt Heel Lwn I n th'll dn .\' . Wllwl"KLc n l>1I" k ~ t ll r U" I~ .. h l1 .. ull ful RL u ry o r pltl fl l'l1 r n ftl In' ll ,lO - 0' I I", f" I "" " "'I\~" l l l lI gOll t lb (>lr ou rn l Mr . tl nU ~lrs . Ls w r e n t:eSill1" ,,,HI Itrellw o og tll .. llldllln ~. or " IOV1,l y I'll ,. r ' . Ilttl r ll lll . tllltl l'f Ilt A m u n . d lltl Khl.., r , M"rgn ro\. s p onf. SU ll dIL .v oh ' ld s t u le n lind t " k"n 1f" ' 11 h e , "L; "l ll , iii oIf ~I ,. tlll d Mr s. K irk . IS io Dllyt(l n . \\' e 11 ,, \, (' til ' iolluwill g il l s t lO C\.. · bome tIood tuk uUl u th u fll re:lt LlI l(ro " JI , 'Ii n .. ll l ll j! . Mrs R e hecc ll. UII1 . o f Mt U u ll \'. op wltb t.ue H tl d ~ kln ". o r I· h ~ dft VIl .' III"" 11,,11 ,· "f Il tt, I"" r es t ," n goorl is v l ~ lIio g Il t Ih e h o m tlo f h Or1ltllH(h. Oil S tU l'cS Flash U!lhts t.I!)n o f llltiiuo OOUlI 'II IJI'>ll tj . 0 1 I,h. I Itn, ,, ,, ,," I "" " 'II t hTltl lOf' , on M tllr, lit, t e r , Mrs . Burn e ,J u o e s 611 11 fU lllll v . long Me llr l'h ul II I'"r tl ll t fll r Ih A 10 01 Coa l St (lI'(,s l'.:· /?a ll .(/ t'S F n . t f,.'lulI ',..B "p ktilu..... . I '/Jekel (,,, tlcry of hiM beRrt. Illld o f Ih e h u nl " ltl ll'" u r I" con'·'· lI t' ·II'·,· . oJ I h O) ",· In . Tlt e UIl W b l nc k ~ rnit h . F roulk rl '" lecl t/l t h u IIwl lllr u f 111 10 111\" , 11 11 "tl ' l " li lt I It. Il ! Wllrnin !(t ,lII . T h lJ rnpso n. " I Mc (-l in IllH' , ,Jd . t .IIHI 10 etdorod in e"tllhli ~ u"l l( u IlI1IIlI ' III H'()od St ()(le.~ HI/teher J( lIives r eL! u n it fll-{ t ll u ",log, " WI' W I ll bl' u t \\· h .. 1:-1 :--t' llllIl-= 1111' ~dl :"i ' ID , \VU ~ in I i s \'ury butty th e~o l l l\v~ . ' 'be d e u s e 0111 0 f" n ,. t .. . " The wrlr tl r o f tl ti .. heo utl f tll 110.1 Ih n r. )I I "\\· I" ~ p~ I{',.~ ti ll d ll ft '" !Hlll I lhll"' \' ll ' ll11t~.. rt 1'lI f ltly \(Iu k lng tlft e r " (21/it'kl!r r et " W ash· Shea rs of (Ill kill ds , M r . Ro d Mr s E. It H tl o rl olph lind lutere81ing Mtol r y .. I Ib e tl .. II .. ~ 1 He f. Mill ... IIIPlI l lI llI.'U, 1., r'LI", p tir p OB e II I ~ lJ U,I III ·"" . . IM" lI IOI( t l,,, (lh 'lll It '' In'UM fo r Il le , ' . . ob lld r e n , Hl1sSAIl uttd Hilue rt, .. r tlera-Mrt! MIIIll<l" UII WOII' j( U ll ua r and Safety Razo r s ers l'uU'l!r I' \\ or l, III I II" h lil..:l d I ttl. nk , ,,~ 1\ . , Da ~· to o . W ~rtl:-; u ndIl Ygtle BtHoir ~J r wOlld-prel" oeM b tl r uLlu k wl t ll tbl yfil lf I n~ 1 . o t I '. L 'I\ I~, ' :-.I " ~:'" 1\11 'I'll or8d .. y ' IInll M r~ . C :oj L UI1\ b " 0(\ M r Ho S u o Strai!lht !?(lzor.\ Elect ric 8late ru e n \ t.hlt t . h " lR IlDubl otl t l ' T UE:-i D AY . IJ Ji:' ~ I , IU! (, lItlllll . {·,·d, .. " 1.<1.11.\", o f Leb lln o n. ' 8 t o ul stln hor ge r . relt.te MO tunny ill Cld l' lIl. li t e llrl} He I LI WII, ('I",f"r . 1,,· r '" l k \!)JOII tl vecuoli l. . ... . . hfe In tbe f o r B~ttl h A O~ U ~A o t h e l ( 0 11. .... . .. , .......... . .. . 'i: ()(t" III <I t''t'~. ", .. r l. 101 1" '1( 111 li t ~ i x o 'cl ne h . Al len om ' th IS n o w \\o rkll1!-: 11\ love of li~l e olnjo( , wb lln u Cblld , tl f runklln ..... .... .. .. .. ......... . \1 :(to U It l I'l \' IlIlt! 10.. p 'I ''''' lIt vouure tn vitAd DU.n o n , h 'IVI Og' R good PO" lt l', 1I In tbe telllug o f tll " Me " Iu ri el! by h e . l ;n rll s le . ....... : .... ...... . ... 11 : (1 1) 1\ . Ill. Rn ~1 wU III"d . If .r "~ 'w ll l be presant,. th o 1l"st(oIli Cl(~ uodur CIV il ~ (l r vlcfl . graodpar e nt,s li prlllg b u r" .. .. ..... . .. ... ... .. 1 :(m ]J l!l ' VI> hllV H 1\ 1''' ' IIIIlIII''H I It . t. \\0 111 ttlktl ' B o SPOilt :-;nod.IY w lI.h h l1 ulI! (ulk • . Th e b uok, " Altl o I:le ll o of Ihe For Hld gev III H..... .......... ... .. .. ~ :;l U P III '1Ift! I f )' '' tl. I Mr.. ~1U 13 Fox n n d (\t,u g h fo r. A good l ine oi liurIl(,ss, a lso, ~ ll l' " ~I S 68t," ill o na I) f la 5 P" !( ~ M , tJ fl tloI\foll.I' Lv t l ~ ..... .. ......... .... ....... ~ :(.0 P III F ri nk 111111 11 "'1111 li n d F:a rl ...;trlk e r UI"dYIl, wb o b " ve b(lll U livlll~ '~tl h b ound. i1IU.lrll t .,tllI"" oh oc k full 01 Waynes vl1Jc .. ... . .. ....... : .. 7:00 p. m WEUNh:~ DAY ; IJE I..: 2~ . nl ~o 11 1 IVtI"rill ~ I " " wI're ttl Ih i~ vic ifllty , Dr L . (1 . Broc k ~l nC:A IR_t ' I' ... n ~ . T eam iJarness, !ralld- B uggy lIamL'ss lote res t tr o m ·· I'r ." uo.... I" ' 1 1t~ " n ~'rlllli Y . CI;," ,,' r OIHlC l l>y Frl1nk will "aU II le ll vll fo r tb ,3' W "'H t, TIII' Y end . " 1'11" 1I 1.<l r y i.. !lo e whic h w tl' l made Lines h o ld 'It .. iD LB r b ~1 or e Vll ry y t. uo ~ OregIl IlIA · ..... ......... ........ . :-:UIIII. [II -;lt i,I.II Ke r . IJ u Ylug u o rse~ Itnd lIIul eM. WIll I{O t." Oil Yt on , Oil W tl uo oMd.tly . HarveYllburjf .. .. .. .. .. . .... . )(.:00 a. m . I 1 .0 ~ Jl H llti B t e w clIlY B with r olnLl veM rellder 11 11 W il li uMI h e oldA r W. ~ llllllltu ll fwP . lJ UU'l' " I :Ov p. Ill . Ilr . •Hld r.l r~ . .1 W . Wllrd le f l. th ef() . Ih e n 11"11 \' 11 Ullx t. Mond .. y f ,' r C ol/til'S, both leather Rridles For mti0Y .\'el\r .. Mrs U nd e rw oo d Mlddl eho r o u ti~ Iurtluv . f0 r Lu n ~ Be li c h , 1..:111. . f ,' r l ;;- r~ ~l il) . l ' td Mr s, Fc x h ilA Iw u R I ~ I .. .. . ... .... .. .. .. .. ,J :(lU p. m i l blla boon" rllHld llrt I ul Cltlll ll ll Col OO . I amI canvas A nd other 'hillgs t tl W IIH~ r . t or 8 It v in ~ t.!J e r e. Tb e y IHl v e m a d" , l3u l le.vlll o ...... ....... .. ...... . 4 :UO)J \Y. !l IlJIltIl UH o f OnA of 1'8 m 08t 06RUlit PlaiD ..... . ...... ... . 5 :00 Il. m, Uur hll nk h " l d~ OPtl O o n :-;" t urll 'Il' I mil 11 .1' frl ('II(J ~ wbllA b or u w h o a r!" PI blghl y r" " p p('I " tl (. Iull iell -WII Mo rr ow .. .... . .... ..... .. ..... ... 7 :00 p . m Dt f.( itl ". fll r Ilt n o()rtv e nie n ce o f It'" Borr v t o see Ih e m lea ve . bot w l ~ h miol(\o n N a w8 .. fu nrnBI . . Tl:JUR8D A. Y. DI£ U. ~:J. I n U 1l~lroD R Itvl o g in th e co ootry . J IA tb l' llI w e ili u t,h e i r n ew h o m .... Tbls bo o k i ~ ul .. " o n Bol e At Hur. prO~r ll"H 1M eo oourllgin g , "ntl m uoh Tit e ~ on t Jay tioh tlo l c lti H!! o f M I~d lao'8 Buo k ~ to r " . ill lJ"rv lI;v, lIUq,. ~u uth Leban o n ............... H :UO O. m . prlloi ~ tl I~ d ue th e olllctl rt! . 111I1I<l ys Fu,x; t im d er ed h e r u oOUlp le l e I lind .t lunn e y' ~ Drog tHora, III B o plllo ~ vlll e .... .... ... . .... ... . u :;]0 II . ru Wayn eflvllie Mr . nn d Mrs. W . W . W e lc h 111ft \ s nrprl se. Ibu rI'dllY HVOOIO /C , w l"'fl &hloevllle ... ... ... . . .. .. ..... 10 :ao Il w , W ptln etlliov. fo. Ft Dotl ge , l owR. t i. th.ey gn th e~ ed t.o s p e OtI) t.h e Ave ni.n l: tros te r .. ...... . ......... ........ . 11 :3 u B. m. vi~i t th eir ~ons "lid n 8(1U e W". Itod VoJlth b er , e or h er d eplu rt u r e fo r Cnl · l'oc llllvillo .... ... .. .... .......... 1 :ao II m WIll R. ~t e od Ihe w edC\io g 0 1 tlle lr 80 n .l lfo roln. Mus l o, gU ID I'S un el 0 Ro clnl Mll ~ UD .... .. ............ .......... ~ :au p. m . Meteor • . 1'h OIllEl 8. whlo b will lake pitloe DO o( nod Il n ' e wer e e nj oy e(l by ILl I, ,\lOKI! Mills·..... ....... ........ . 4 :UO p m . O hH~r\'n f I n n ~ 11I11tt f' ~ l l lItlllltl l(ll) u slr l'uesdllY De oe mbe r ~ I R t 1 Ware r s 100 OJ e6IJ1 . )Jopoorn a n ti .. . oll n d y w e r e se rv,·d . T hose I)fA"en t , . trom ~I Utl<l ll ~ rltr " parI hit "" l)ro\" '<1 All o wo e r s n nd hllrl.lI.tr e r Mo f d ogs thnt th e n \·t't"l1j.:'c IIlI.' It.' o r \\"ll('n nr ~1 w ill pl.Otl llll lie lit tbe m us t ou nveo. Mr uod Mrs W . W W e lch e ntp r' l we r e: MI sse8 Lu cil e Ula rk , Ve llllll Url s hllm. Etbo l Lon g. Th e lult. U ra. seen Is Rh oll! p1g h 1y TII I1P," ul ul\"e 111P le ot pltl(lo fo r them pru olil t ly "t. th e tat li e d ro r !llono r 00 S untlu y. &ir slirtoce of the ,·orth . nn ll CIl "fl J1JlClI r. tim e me o~loo H d . d nd Mr8. E B D"kill. bam , Lo u e ll" lind A g o e s L o ngn or e . frol\l \,If' ''' ut Ihll'ly mll"s. h ' olhe r Mr . Bnd Mrs . Ed Mc Forll1u onle r. I C lllfllbe ll e lin d Mary Hoot, Mildr ed I:>eoll " n 565~ of t.h e Lllws o f Obi>, \\,or.ls. It Irl\\,"'S tlFI ,· ",I h·. h"fo rr 11 ... .s amended, provld ~ 8 th .. , Da Olllty t .. in e d for dlooer on !Sundl1 V Mr Gith eu8, EI ~ i e Burs on . loa Borne tt, Atmosphe ri c f .. k l lolll h UrIl s It up. Thi s .. ball be II ss e~ ~ed t o th e 6WOOD t at &od Mr .... Fred Hllrll1n and Mr: nll d Glad ys Be r g dllll. !)or o t.h y Ca low un, fri cti on , tt Is n·/ 'kon" c1. rlll ... ilS " tn n $25.001l0d c 08t8 01 pr os eoo tio n agai08t Mrs . J e ,,~ e ()lark, Tb e lrull Mill e r Rn d l1I"dy s I!' ox ; tClIlp Crltl\l fC o f """lI'll tl ll ll 11 k" :l,(X~, · IlIlY o woer or hill b o r e r lit u d Ol( uo. Me88rH. The rl &Jone8, William L ou l{. "Blue Be lle of 1 .1I e F o r est ... & g oot! 000 (leg rf'cs. so ll tltl. \l1I1t'"" " r la rl:l' li oell Sed o n lIod ufte r Jllouory 1 1921 Merl y n nnd M e lvyn Bllnro, Uortlld Cbri .. l·mll" rem embraooe a u sal a al 81.p. It hu s n u r h ll nre to r"lIch Otll' La oy , Earl V III. rk , R u be rt Born e tt., P e rsoo s who oan n ot cOlli e t o 'A lid. Barla D' ~ Hoo k S tore. ' . plane t. Ualvin Lo o gRore, EVl3r e U Doouhu ll . ilor'S' office or h e utnuy oflb eabu ve oamed plno e8 nlln Beoore h ce0 8e I.ag Mr FrtlOk Howe. of Obe; lio , O bi o , Warr e o MOIlI. nod Mlrs . K V. Huot , by seodlng rl quir e d fce. 1I 1180rrpti o n s t o pped o fT lI er e f or two day s' visit tu e t euoh er . LivIng Ex·Pre.ldenta. - - --+. - --At tir e time of lire t1rst IlIoti gumlion II.nd, Mlamp fo r r"turo o f lIoeDs 8 tllg . with Mrs. Idll Howe and!on, Harry, . . or Ptesld,'nl I. lm·oln Ih ere Wl're fh' e to Co uOly Auditor , Le ba n oo, Obio. on his way to Elorida for the winter . All do g e ru o st, be regIstered Ilnd lormer \lresl d~IlI S "''In !,;- lIlore thnn Born-To Mr. and Mr!. lJbllr1e8 . or. . .·..}-f ·' ·N • • • •..,·. . . . . . . . . .1, • •• , at nn)' olher iJ ~ rl otl In th e hl s lll ry ot their \loouso seoured before J. o. Gray, a POD ollry 1, 1 g:n tbe ootioD. Waller T. ,Jordan puroha8ed th e C. I:! Monnte , Auditor, Mercer pr o pertv at Jlublio anol·io n Chu J. WUJ!gl ner, bberlft'. 00 Frtd"y, (leotlm ber 10 lie will Walter Tibbals and fnmily n o w remodle It I1nd ' beoome Ito cttlzeo of ClOOUPV tbe .Ioho i,o wry hom e t o our t6 wn In tbe Sprlog. Wellmlln . Flour, Fef'd, Coa l, Salt, O F FI ~ E : AT ~tJ)oERATE PRICES : Boro--To Mr. 6nd Mrs . Ubllrl es W ( rll: h"d begun 00' ollr Town Tile, Posts, \Va ter Foun1,'ll u r t.h Sl reet , n c ar Tyl e r 8011, .. nd 10 the nOllr foture It wil l Gny , of HarveYHburl!r, a SuD tains and Self-F ee ders. bl' Ko('o rdlug 10 Ihtl Mille ~pe01H c •. A !lumber fr o lll h ere III tend " d Dr . Telephone 93 ti o ns- ' 'rn llV be. " t!hadrly'. sllle , io H&rv eysbnrg, Rnt. Optical Department Ohio Waynesville. J nbll W .. rd Hnd RI8tor, Lllura , fl O urd ll Y aUerno o n, -SHIPPER. Of S. Detroit St. Xenia , Ohio. The W ElImnn Hoh c,ol eX Jl eO ~8 t o t ll rl.l\lII. d t or dlull e r on t:;uod&y . Mr. fIlrm Sales and Live St()(k a Open evenings by appointm ent : ,,, ,,I Mr • . Ern es t Co lli e r 6ud two giv e a Chri~t, lI1as pr ogrllm . Specially Hay, Straw and F ee d . o hll .l r p n. .. r. II nd Mr~ Frauk Vurl Th 0 8 Th o mpso n Will leQve "h lO i nili: F"EI.LE.R W'MO Iln d ~ I ,~ . V 0 Doreo Ihe lilt o f .)anoflry , ~ o spond ~h e PVTS HIS GUN ~R Satisfaction Guaranteed Feed Grinding-a S pec ia ll y . THE "'NCE F1RST IV h ,, \',~ p lulIl .v o r Joal n o w, lIul winter 10 Fl o ridn . \NII.L L.NE 'TO HUNT DR. J. W. MILLE~ , Mr. und Mrs. W ill Mooo ey ·were t·b 'l I,n c,· ts 1) " 1 bl1 in g tlist-orbed. Bellbrook, Ohio ANOT1-4eR QA't{ ~b opi'llIg 10 Lo banolJ , on e day I Il~ t Hl .. v,· WI" ,d I.. ',e lng bRol ed into wee k . Both Phones " lIr ( IO\\,U, li t ~ :s 51) p er ollrd . ...DENTIST••• Mr. and Mr8 . Herbe rt Dos t e r , o f VETERINARIAN U. to; L"v to v Il !l a TIle Book I:lh op Bick o ryvlll e, hllve Il new 80 0 . Ollice In Wllynell"iIIe, (I ., n , rlis)JIo' Y! ll~ l :h riHlmlls g ood~ , :oI ",IOD&1 lJ&Ilk BI<I ". C lint An so n, at BnorvI'YlI l1Urg . will w lw Tfl y o I C'I'I ittLlll!l.de .bappy . hll\'e n s tlle , ""1urdfl :)'. D eoo m be r I I' , Mr . 111'(1 fllrs. l 'n rr ,, 1 O e ~n Hlllllrt. !Ion ,1 re m o ve t Ll Calif o rnIa. inl( but Rdiahlc Serum used of \\' 11, 1\ ,1\1l 1" ". p"." "·1 Ihr.JU!(h bt\r ~ Walte r .Jo rdan pUl'c h~ 8e d tho Mrs . FUNERAL DIIlECTOR . 1! llr u Ul u I Ct l, ,· IIJU Il II . IIU /S ondllY, \ Meroer b Olll o in Hllr \,fl y ~ borg. Harveysburg, O. Phone 44 Telephone 7(1, rin~ .1 .
D. L , 0 ' 11 N E, Edi tor an d Pu J l i~l r. \\11) l'~"ilIC, (J ll fo
Also a Full Line of Implements Wayne sville, Ohio
J A McCoy
LEu!E~-~~ect1Y...l 1 EV e~:~;R ~arl Y IU"d."" ~e~:~I~,:,~Un'....' . i Glass~ Fitted : i lTIFFANY'S:
John H. Wright Auctioneer
Lytle Feed Mill
Walter McClure
Waynesville, Ohio Fully .. Equipped for Good S~rvice .
Large Display Room TELEPHONE
"B Ill r Uul lo lit l it" FoI l\' ~ I· .'· f\ good I Mrs .J A88 1e Ellis !lnd d tHfg b te r. :hr l. llIll\< I' PIlHlI ll l, r ll lH'I', Oil 8ul o HI V e~t ll • .WI r o s h"pplo g In WO Ylle •. l:lIIr l"ll ' ~ UIlO K MI " ,.·. villI ' . It' rlduy . - --- . - W e w e r e all so rrv 10 lea rn of Ille d e pKrturo of Dr. ~hfldd ay ; h e mild £, mlluy frlencl E! 111 t.bl !:! violnlt v . L"runk !i o w e. at Oberlin . Is vis it. lug rel .. ti. es uod frllB od~ in Barve ys. burg. Mr. "o d Mr~ RO~t' Bnrtsock wore t ' IJ ' I~ \lul l l;" u u nci wlfA H.nd Mr ~ sb opplnl!' io Wilml u gto n, on e dllY Alii " " E 111 ", . 11 f-In, vf":ttrl bnr t:, RI , last woek . 1, -1" 1,,,.( I I II' lilt "qIH*' , III Lab 'r D o n , Mts~ Iro oe UrigleRbY, fo rmerly of g- 1 " II tl\' rb,· I.;:" H (.1 n t i vo ( ;O l'tlUl1tt,P fl , \11" . 1,l tl ,l., tI 1!!'lJl g ' tUE' of tb3 OU III · tbls pluce. waft marri l3d tillturday. De ~o Dl be r ll , t o Ml' Pa 01 Bird, o f mlll ee H y d e P "rk , C illotllollii . E d ' -t lll \" II ll d \\ 11'11 • Cb l. s Ctl JIH'!f Miss Merl e E I\l8 spe ot tb e w Ae k. au 1 w i !,' '\ :0 . A \ 1" " lin'" K . u: I'l l " t) .-.. .. ,, 1l "I.rI,·r) W . O. Th o lllp e nd " it h h o mtl fo l k t~ .
.. ..... :-0 "
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We Took tlie . Advic e.
\V I I ~ I hl'l g llf.. ~t, 1I t
T',~ ,)p lt , 1'001111 11 1' I If, v l ll),!: I l'fl llhlp
f :lltlI' ' Mnrlt1I ' n, ut Hur.
" 'It'
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:-O: UI nreiliV
ItJ"'HH' "I ~ h ·' ~~ ' I . T . .!. " oI u n h .. tlld t l Ih e Me roPl' P ' Cl I " ,t\O In 1-t ', rv P),pbur u , h"~t. WPf' k,
\\ I' II · ktlll \\' 1! 1111 /1 lI h!l tly , ' :,,:1,'4'1111 '1) F.1l J! I I~h I l1l1j.! t1 nJ!~ , .\ p ln {'1l1"1i :-OPI ' I\ (m
'VII.l" lIlt1 r;!' l on ~1 .n l(lt r \l ll !o' : • "~nll't ,fll tl fh l~ ~ H I, I' of ~ h tll f.l. - H m.:tufl
tn IIll jo; ~
II , \\' . 1:: . ~' r .. "I, "I' H 'lr\, AY8 bur ~. T rn n,crlpl. w"" .. ,. . r y !t\1'" lII~n b"ra I ~ ~t wee ~ . Key of the Bastlle.
Thf' It('Y o f th p n os tUp w ns p r('!itpnt·
('.1 In O!,ort::(· \\'n , ltln lli nn h)' Y;n (oy(ltl<, 011 hi' fll·, t ~ In)' In Am rl r n. It • f 1,11 111\" riU f' l ill n ; (:lIn,.i£If""tiou . I~ nnll'111 P In . " 01"', onll han J!~ In Ih .. ttI3U ;,,(I{I . prln r ll'nl hnll ~f WIl~hlngt o n'8 (]llt n· A ~ I\ lhln 'Illd K E. I'b '.mpMon slon nl MOllllt V",rnml. " i~ ' t" 'l t·lt .. B ~ vnn I\OtI (ir llgnl y b er d , " ·!il l.( '1'\'11\' P " hor)'CbltlB b o g~, De~l Cicada III a ~H •.ppy Inlect. Wlhll t lol!I" m . n n li' rldoy. 'rh fl r e Onl. 11I p Illol e cl eo nn I ~ tlQlll,lpet1 to th ..y .. "w Ro rn 'l g Uild b og!>:. giv e 'forlh the sh ri ll. nf\rve-rllcklng Cry heard ' ..... m IrN! lop ~ on IInltry fln ys. Th e .f llIDnle Is n olsel ,,~s. ·'Bnppy." 8111d th e QrctI!k D(let, X pno rr hus . "the clctldfl8·· live., tor they al\ hElve v,olcele~ wlv,e s." . In our Classified Column.
. ~,
. "
. Have you got it- ' Your Home?
1i ~ t ,
H'·v" .. I II ~. o f Ht.. B nr
Part of the World Is Yours
ruesrl ll.V.
(l ur
\\' 0'( '"
l' " ·1. I"
I ht \'
Itl rl~ !ooI vill e ,
U fI " 1\
It Pays ' to Advertise ,
:;.. '.
l\'I ATE 'AT L O \vI ~ST FIGU rws .
Madd·e n's Lumber Yard...
Waynelville, Ohio
. ,,--=~
I Chrislma~' Candies
I~ ..1:-"'OCALl~L
~\\' I 't'l
F lil l llLl
1' 11111
\ )rHn).tt'~ ,
HL relaheti scrOllS I h rI ril eW(lY II III -I' " 'n' lISC'fi in huiidinll th.. house. teachers ;'re bul" obion&, ~nd contain in~ Ihe \\'ul'(l \\ 1!:L('{lMl·: Io'roll tlu 110<' l'a"t, Kou lh Knd weHl of the from three to RiA rooms. The wlIlIlI eith r nd hun~ an Am'ri ' 1/1 !InrI ;11 '111 .'illll. home . land the hou es of the are waah~d inside with a write chlV Brilish flll)C . Wh'lI we h \', hilt! 01'- 1) .t l\-Q l Rch rs who go ~ ul 10 the whicK mllkes Ihem clean IIna IIllra/,II0rl unily Jl\ , lI pn d n. f l'\\' we ~k~ :11 : hool~ thllt hllve [,elm started in tiv e Reul door" and board window'! Lirhan dll I will lit temp t In w ri.\!~ tli I riel. rn st ..lId of b ing circu- ha\le been pu l inlo th~ walhl . Thl~ ~~ something of IIi .. w Irk 11,,' 1 II r In for m and bUilt so I w thnt one on ly one of the many evidences whl~h WhE' n WE' IIrriv ed ·111 ~11lIilvn. Ar· h ., lo ~I \,(I" rl ow n t o IIt .r. as is the we see of the lruns formii1k power "r thur ' hil:'lull and his fU llli ly ~f1V(' USII : I':t ~t! wilh Ihe h ut. huilt hy the raw th e CQspel. royally fi l lL' \\'('Icvme Slid tlld 1I~ in\ " II It i v~~ . Ih · IHllnel< of the 'hristian . (To lJo:cullllnued.1 their hou · 1) \\ lIich i" m aolr· or p()h'~. ....._ _ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mud uml thatch. W" Itad li D i!l PH I -----;,. $
-There will be a special communiclItion of Waynesville Lod~1:l o. 163 F. & AM .. Monday eventnll. lJecemW. H. Allen was in Cincinnati. ber 20th, for the purpose of instlillnN,'\\' 1':n~li8 h Wll ln \lt~. Inlands. ru e~dav . tlon. All members reque~h'd til be rr,·~h H ou~t l'd . Peanuts . present Sojourning breth ren and , Mr nnd M r8. Howell Peirce were I hlll'~ visitors cordially welcome. Cincinnnti visi tors, Tues, lay . J . C. Hawke, W. M. :",licl r.1eal O y~tE'r" y Mr. a 1111 Mrs. J L. ~ heehan are I· uth'\ l \ 11,'1 ~. (· ril llhll rrlt ·~. \h(' attendmg State Grange. at Cleveland 1 t lll~~ t App lu.; you l 'V t.' r tin \\' , ....e_r_m_a_n_._sec· . th is week . 1:,1111' ) I·:ulinjl'
',. II kiwi, a ll. aud up .20CIlOt'ola t Urop. n lb , 25e , Petllltll ri sp ..... . .. . :'5c
I"d .
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I~/'o"'-j ;J6e~~lrr STj
well. bill il wi ll III' fur betl.'r whl'lI /I .. Bille Helle or t.he ~'o rt.'s t," a good pt!rrnnnen I brick h ou ~ 'Cill1 Ill' l'r(,cl~ tI Christmas remembrunce, un slI le at ._ ______ Five y ear~ tt": O lh~ ~lIllinn sitE' WiI" . J anney's Drug Store. cuver ed with g-rlISS tlmt ~ t \ "HI fruII ' About a week after our arrival at thr('e to ~ix fec t hi~h . Tlld uY " l1lhi" Mr. and Mrs . Carl He nderson and . . . . . . Kaimo ~i we cn me up t n Malava site s tuml th e rnl"<lllJlI hlllne. ,I ~U t"l • . D lion, Geo rge, were III uyton. l88t · . . . . I d .1. I _. , . where Arthur 13 . Chllsoll lIlld family houst' , two "'llall S. Ie s. U WOI \ "' ,po WI' d nt.':ruu\' . hllve been stationed for th e pas t fivI' and a new ~h\lp In process "r enll : Ollr C lll{j ~ I' M AS ~tock is an as- years . On the way we s topp ed at stru cLio n. When the new , It"" I , sortll1 ('n t 10 please the many and Lirhanda to call on Ed ga r T. Hole ready tlil! old un'" will U~ cnll v,· rlt·c1 jSllv e the money of all who comtl. J IlInd hi s wife. As, we drove up the into II tumpor a r)' h O~\lital. NCllr tilt' E. Jllnney . road to their charming homt' w el llli ~S ion hurn e tillinds II we ll-bUil t were greeted by a larRe callvas chllpel Ill ude of the same matHi ul~ II , \
t'lll l ln~
---- -------I: ,.. , It I·:df! ' 1:',,11 1 an d l.uur ,,1 - - - ---\\ !lvlh'~ \'illl' Il I .. ad. fresh t'very I .1 ;1) . \". a J.\l\ f. :l ll,"ves for ~5c . l ' rlH'ht' rS
.tarlled th e !nllelr world lhrough hi. ability t o renr h hljth r r 1101,' 8 Ih an fiver betore " ,n~ hv ""' hu · mnn voice T h~ ,;rel<1 o lh'rll lIr sl8rt1 . Galll ·('urc, a nd T pl rntli nl I\ re the onl y pertorm ,'r , wh o rnll sing Rome of the n ol,' , Iht , Y" "lh aUalns without
forL Mme. Fr nncl's sred bl m while 1011. 11
tdn d iscov-
: I lin
:\ ,' W l {ai,.in~
II .
['runl'~. Pt!ache ~.
n e nn~.
Mr. and Mrs . C W. Younce Sr . ~~~~~!~~~~~~~!!!'_ ~.i-o.!'!'.!'!'~~~.~~~~~~~~~- entertained at di nn er. Sunday . Rev . and Mrs . D. P . Holt, Mr. and Mrs .••••••••••~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- •••• • •
Nl'w Hom iny
Don't bul' your Candies until ~ all !:ct our prices. We ca n save ) ou mone)'
w eo t
- - - -_ .. - - -
One Good Innovation. Rnys OIl\' ot the befit helJl" 10 IlrOlll1('III1/1 18 Ih e chung" In Jull
e ll ~t(l Ill S
l'r e \· t'll t~ U
to 1l1'1;1I'rl work In orller to 110 around ht.ls tor hie vote.
Also, Louise Admi!lsion,
, I'
HarveysburK Friends Church Sunday School, 9:30. MeeLing for Worship, 10:30. Everybody cord ially invited to these services.
a lld 17 cc nts
I Dece m· I
Fourth Sunday in Advent, ber 19th : Church School at 9:30 a m,; Morning Prayer and s(>rmon at I 10:80. Everybody invited to th ese I services.
CANNED GOODS - Tn canneu Fruit s and Ve::-l·l al,ll's. J a ms. Jtllies and Pr('serns, we handle tI 'C' hes l 1Jrand ~ packed.
•• ~
Saturday, Decemb er 18th Featuring \ ' ivian ~I nr lin , in
Also, Patll(' :\e\\ Night, 22 :11ld I ;, ·
Alice ~oborl80o. owner uod maoager of a cafeteria a\ MUllkolee. Okla .. Dol onl:o bad tb. courage 10 run 00 Ibe Republican ticket tor a Ileal 10 Coot:rea_ln • Democrall~ IItnl&-but IIbe eon· ducted ber campaIgn Ihrou,b tbl "wanl ads " or ber dlslrlct·. pa_ per&-aDd WU elecled .
· ~
Tuesday, Decemb e r 21st Featuring Rut It l~() ' al1t1, ill
QU ALITY GOODS-III all lines ~c handle (] tw lit y Good s, allcl sell them at the lowest (l \lss ihk price. We are reducillg prices eve ry clay according to the market .
( (
"His Official Fiancee"
II'i.~h iny.tl ll
Also a good Fox Fea ture . . Admission, 22 and 17 ceuts
Have your Oysters reserved .. Q
Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year
l ' ~ 1
, Ruth of the Rockies"
FRUITS - All kinds of Fresh Fruits and VegftuI,k s. In this lin e wehalldle only the hrst.
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at thi9 ::hu reh eve ry Sunday at 9:30 a . m . Preaching se rvice at 10:30 o'clock a. m . You a re cordially invited to be present. St. Mary's Church
[ .I/ 111( 1i.! ,
•• •• ••• •••
whal we utTer for your use:
CANDIES :\ co mplete lin e of the best III<lS Ca li d iL's .
"The Star Boarder"
M. E. Church O RD-10t7 Morlel, in ~ood runDin g or ne r J Ilbn Lon g, at Phll Sunday School. 9:15 a . m . A good place to study the Word . There are Ill).' Mllin SHAe t jl;srlll{e, Wl1y oes· d! . classes for all grades a nri ages. A ,·' lIe,Ub io . live bunch, a fine spirit. a delig htful SALESMEN \V ANTED place. At 6:15 the Epworth Leag ue devotional meet ;).11 other evening E r busy . K'H'P hllSV. I R yo ur services at 7 o'clock. . j a il uos" f!' : [s h pe rrnlloeot? Preaching by the pa~tor at 10:30 You WIl Ilt II I iff' IO il I{ bu~i 110<S. Y " U e. m. and 7:00 p. m. every Sunday . on o get inf.ll ~uoll n bU~l n t!~~ 8el llulo: Wedneedayat7:oo ,prayerandpraise , llIo rtl th nn la. Wlllkln s Pr oduo" meetln . dl reot to fllrlll e rs if you ow n your g . . . . . Iown lIut o ur tOIlIn. or c an get one; If . ~he~ubhc .IS mVlte? to come a nd Iyo u ClIO gl ve hO Dd witll penonlll JOID with us III worship. ~u retie. We b .. ok you with big F" lliu g h e lp~. 5~ YS llr ~ In bostnl'@!! D. P. Holt, Pas tor . ~I) .O OO , OOO u ~e r s of our pl oduOIS. W rite for Information where yon Ferry Christian Church c III I,\e~ territ r y . ..1. R WatklQs Bible School at 9: 30. Preachin~ ' ( '0. Departmant C, Win ona, Mioneat 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m . Eve ry- ' sot" d2:l one invited. J. A . Pine. Pastor.
I\ ~ hri s ltllas Day yo·u will giv e yo ur family III hest d inner you can plOvide. See
NUTS - Am' kind of Nuts you wanl, sepurate or 1l1 ixcd, .:-dl lOt!) crop.
:1 •
"The Breath of the Gods"
nn<l "1'1
The Late Classified Adf
•• •
Thursday, December 16th A:Universal Super Spec ial
pollt l",,1
~h~~ . I-~~I~est Virginia, and Mr. AT- j
It l'IlYS to Trade at
Orthodox Fril! nds Churc h Sunday School. 9::10 a . m . Meet· inl{ for worship at 10:30.
mith's Grocery
~l illl' " ~I<!al. Nt!w Buckwh eat FI .. u r . LoR' Ca hin Sy ru p
1··illI,' \, I':"r ly ()l1io I~\II inK l'otaI"," . IIICt' ""li d Ctlhba~<! alld lllli" ,,, .
A r n t ..... f'fi tcrll h o\ n.,ht' l l 'tur 12 of Tll ro/ll .,. \\·",1, . has
The Best Christmas Ea ts at
__ _
DOLLS, DOLL BUGGIES, ETC. -Everything the D()ll · needs has been given a special section and until Christmas will be known as
WE HAVE PREPARED for this Christmas as never before in our 7 years .of leadership as Toy Merchants of Waynesville, Ohio. Larger and more complete stocks and our whole big store turned over to service of Toy buyers.
F ARR'S DOLL SHOP Visit it Sure
BALL TEAM WAS I ORGANIZED MONDAy l An independent basketball team organized and had their first practice in School hall Monday evening, and they are now ready to meet any team in the State . They wi ll probably play their fi rst game New Year's evening on the ho me fl oor i with the fast Kin g man bunr h. They have adovted the nallle of the Grizzly Bears, and the line-up is as folio ..... : McClure,Sat terthwai te. Waterh ouse. ' Furnas, Mendt:nhall. Welch, Cleayer I and Holt. I Will!
;;EE-SAW8-The kind that you draw around and the ! . wheels make them "see-saw" _. . HORNS ] -... . .See them at. 10c to PIANOS-2 sizes,-can play tunes on 'em, too ... $3.50 and) •
The annual meeting of the Btock- I hold ers of the Waynesville National Bank. for the purpose of e lectinl{ office rs for the ensu ing year . wi II be held at t heir banking rooms lIn Tuesday. January 11, 19~ 1 . be tween the I hour~ II f 1 and :.I p . ru I d29 L. M. Henderson. Cashi er .
Hunting or trapping is positive ly forbidd en on the foll owing farms : Dan Morgan Lind.ley Mendenhall Jason Sheehan. on alt his farm s. Lyman Day. A. B. Shaner J W. Cresswell. ---~ - ---
..r.",ury. · . ~ h'l'CU'" I Ihnt 1111111;'1' 111111 1<' Ill"!. tlli t 18 n\lt wet. It ~· uu I...,,! !IIpr".~. 1M' dll\lll' It wllh lin nellt lind ml:1:
' ItII almo t Qn~' rD\'tu l ,' Ilf Iron th~ tW(I will r,OII1I'hllj IUl ,,·110,· known tiS nm" I,::atn.
.ad Platlnulll.
~"IIIIIiJ',1""',. . ~"I
A nice large Doll. goes .to sleep, with thick hair. Pnce .... . . .. .. . .. . . .. . A smalller Doll, same as above, . .. - . . . ....... , ........... . .. . . ... . Price Like above, but with no hair Price ..•. ....... ... ... . . . .. .. ..... .... .
$3.00 $2.00 $1.78 $1.88 25c
TINKER TOYS- Mammy Tinker; Tommy Tinker; RO;;i~~I_I: .~i~~~y. ~I~~~s.e~: . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . Bc.by Tinker, the Other i)olls, some with hair, others without Ball To ys . . . :. . . C hair. Prices ............. $1.00, 75c, 50c and ENGINE- ~ TINKERBLOX - You can 3 horses ..... _.. DOLL BUCCIES teach yuur youngster how to spell. . C LOADED TRUCK - Just Good size, iron hed and wheels, good rub ber the thing for tires, a splend id top ........ . ... . . . ... . . . TIN KERTOY-The wonplaying grocery. • der builder, a most Two other kinds of Doll Buggies, wonderful toy. . . . . C Price ........ ... .. .. .. .. ..... . . $:J.Uf) and TRAINS TRAINS that run on the TUl\I BLE TINKE RDOLL BEDS track, 3 sizes, See him $2.50, $3.00 and tumble .. . .. . .. . • Large Bed, wooden with gilt tops. spring a nd mattress, with a good set of casters . Price . WHIRLY TINKER-You STOCK CARS, with caboose... • ca n pull it on the floor Two sizes of other Beds, a nd watch PASSENGER TRAIN...... . :::; 1. 2;3 a nd Pric4~s. _............. ... . it go a round ... . with . Observation car. SPRINKLING INFANT SETS, CART ... . . .. .. .. two kinds, price . . , C You will have to come in and look "'fI P TOP" PORTERover our Toys, for we· cannot You can wind him up and KIDDIE KARS-With a. do them justice in this short · see him go Off with his wheelbarrow. _. advertisement. MILK . WAGONS .. . . .
$2 50
$1 50
$4.98 $3 00
$1.0 0
50c $1.00
TROITING HORSE .. _..: .. .' ..
50c 'II
'" ,:
$5.00 $2.25
$3.50 50c
~~i~~ .h~~~: .. _.. $2.00
FR ICTION TOYS Large Engine ; Water Towl'r ; }lotor Aerial Truck; An:nplane, )'ricc' eac h . . . . .• .\
$2.75 smaller size Engine 75 . lI1U S leamboat~. . .
STRUCrO-Can build anyLhing with them. No 1 ........... $2.00 No. 2 - . . . . . .... . $3.00 B LOCKS-All kinds and pnces Price 50c, 25c and C 13 1)() KSI'ri ces We, 15c and
Ll·: r r ER
PAPER - All " zes and colors, l'ri~e .. . 10c, 25c (0 I. I; TTE R PAPER for lhc kidcTies .... G :\~IBS -All kinds, such as "\ 1I thors, Checkers, Pit, Rook, Plinch, Parchesi, T iddle-de- Winks, Domi1I0es, Fish Ponds, Crokino\e, Submarine Drag, etc ., e tc., .' .. .. . . __ . '. . lOc to C
50c 20c
WORK BOX- A very ntce roomy box with a cOm-
~I:i~~ ~~~~~ ..... $3.48 MANICURE SETS-In a plush-lined leather·$l case. Price,$2.78 to • SHAVING BRUSHES ..•. , .. ' PURSES Look at them .. _., POCKETBOOKS - N ice leather. range in price. . ... 50c to • HANDKERCHIEF8-A good one for lOc; .a better one for 25c; and to, per box. • THERMOMETERS . -Good ones ..... , CAND \' -Folks teUus that we have the nicest looking candy they have seen anywhere; the price is . right, too. Prices,
25c 25c $1 50
$1 50
20c, 35c, 40c, 45c, SOc, 60c •
Come in and look . them over. .(Special rates to Teachers Bud Sun4aySchools".)
cond Year
'II. I: ll'~
Numher G41,1
Have you paid you r taxes?
large stock is for sale at prices lower than Daylon,·Xenia.or Lebanon. Come and learn our reduction , you wiJi admit this time we are make a clean sweep. Price our SHOES. Special news to buyers of Made-toMeasure Tailoring-the high cost of men' s clothes is buried. Come in and see our three lines.
W. 1t...o'Neali and 'family were in Davton. tillturday .
Mis~es J osephine Ha rlan and Grace Patt on were Xeni .. vi Mitors, Friday.
Beautiful XMAS GIFTS for all at Janney'll.
.. Blue Belle of the Furest," a good Christmas remembrance , on sal e at Janney's Drug Sto re.
Have you paid your taxes? Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Brown were in Dayton. Friday. Dr. Dill, OMtllopath, 21 S. Broad· way. Lebanon. Ohio.
I Xenid
and Mrs Frank Zell were visitors, Saturd uy .
, "Blu e I:elle of lhe Forest, " a good ' Ch r i8 Ima~ rem~mbrance. on sale at :J 'D SI . anney B rug ore .
Mr. an d Mrs C M. Robit zer , Mrs. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' J D. Marlatt and MrR. Williams were in Dayton, Satu rd ay _ Co me and see the best for CH RIST· IMAS in the Il IlW and novel alt raclions in box paper J E. Janney 111 r8. Hnwl!lI Pierce le ft. Thursday,
I fur a vi ~it with hol r Han lit Richmond , She met' her S0n fr om Toledo l and they went by auto to Richmond : where they will spend the Christ ma~ holidays.
I Va.
, Here's to you- the good people of Waynesvil\e who have this the merriest 0(, all Christmases for · this store and its employes by doing your shopping early. . May the day be as merry and bright to you as it is to us, a nd may the New "\ ear bring you joy, sunshine and prosperity . .
Hav e yo u [laid yo u r taxel !
! I
and family
, The Misses Martha and J ennie Mr. and Mrs. KEI~neth Ridge. of Warner, of Selma. are ' ~pending a Grand Hapld." Miclb: . are spending few days at th e Friends Home, duro the holida,yl with rl!lativel here IUld ing the absenre of Mrs . Peirce . at Day taD. Our carefully selerted display . . of Our CHRIS'PMAS stock is an 88· HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS will Im sortment to please the many and press you with its worth, beauty and save the money of all who co~e. usefulne~s. E. Janney . E. Janney. . __ _ _ _ ___ ._
Hearty Appreciation and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year
The Home Bakery 'Tis Christmas Time-that Bright and Happy Season when all the World look Beautiful. We're printing this-ro let you--know .that-mtf---1-~==iiiii_"""_ _ _ _- , Best Wishes are added to those you have already received, and we trust this will be the Jolliest Christmas that you have ever known.
DON'T MISS OUR HOUDAY DISPLAY Comeand see how satisfacfory Christmas Shopping can be made
WI s he s
I -
A " en' ~lern' Cllr i:;t l11 :1S In til e ( ; rC' u t Thron g o f Cus lo ll l\:rs \Vho h ave llI a cl e tllis tltt' 1.: <1 111H' 1 Year ill 0 11 1' f,nll g J ~ xp e r i e ll\'i:
__ . 1'. ...
Younce Bros. Grain Co.
Our Good Wishes are for All - A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
A ~rry Christmas A Prosperou!! and Happy New Year
Dry Cleiming and Pressing
The_ Kilpatrick-French Motorcar Company FORD A r\ U FORDSON S :\LI': ~ a lld ~ I '; RVICE
Auto Supplies, Oa m hl', l{ epair". \ ' uka lli zillg Mason
\ Iorruw
\\'ayuesv ille
CHllfST.HA S CR~G IT'J J :3 To our Old F .. je nu s, alill a m New Fri end - a nd to those W llOse Fri e IlJ 'i ll i r ~ W e h a v.:: ' ti' jved to ret ai n ; ml.y· tlle Nc\V YEAR bring Y U LI " caILh, happine.;; a nd pro;p ::!rity .
F. D. HAWKE PhQne 41
May tht9day be bright; bolding for you joys and pleasures unalloyt'd. With heartfelt appreciation of your valued and libual patronage we thank you for that accorded us.
.: _:._.._'!:. . : ._ ---
r-------------; .__________-,
Sltlcere G00 d
Wh o ha\'c kept s tep with t il(' ,, [t'ad y Illarch _of custolllers to our ~ t o rt' l' very wo r k iw~ day of th e whole or I!):!(J - we W:lI lt to silll·cn· lv tha nk yo u for [his liller:.1 patrollJ),;e a li t! tI ll' t'oilliuenee yo u have S IIOWII ill LI l t' Illetli od s a lld 1iia ll agc II1ent uf tliis institution, and curdi alh' \\' i ~ h for 1'0 11 a real
H. E Earnhart is in Cin cinnati, F. B. Hend erson and familv and , today . Mrs. Carl Henderson WI-' rll III Uay· S d ' ton. atur ay. C E. Men d en Ila II was In Dayton. \ For gift s th at are pleasing and Monday. d M J C H popular, ~ee our line Ilf holiday ~ [ E RR Y CllR1 ST\L\ S Mr an re.. . . . 8wk~ s pent good!:!. J. E. Janney , Ai\U A IU rpy I\'EW YEAI< the week·.md With /'elat! veB In Dayton. Mi s~ Elizabeth Cha nd ler s rri ved I That will break a ll recoru s for ll e:t1 lft' anu )'rosh ome, Sa t urd ayev en I'ng . (or .a v'ISI't I' peri'y . Sill cerel y yours, Mrs J a h n L am b an d d au'" h ter . . . M' F . D "s t' With her par~nts during th e hall- I 188 ranc('t', were In ayton, a - d urdllY . ay! . "Blue Belle of th e Forest," a good . - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ M.... Williams. of Barne8ville~ is a Christmas remembrance. on sale at " Irlleet of her brother, C. M. Robltzer,. Janney' s Drug Store . ; - - - - - - - - - -- -_ _ _'._ _ _ _ _ __
TO U U R .\ 1AN\, F R [ I'; .\ IJ S
J We gladly It'~II~ embra'ce
~m;mml .r!it.hriSlnUlS'~ILlr, ~<8;t'QQ.e
. ~ .
from ,
~~~Laybourne & McKean
this opportun ity to )~ . wish all our friends a
While many friends tbis Cbristmas Day Send Greetings good and true Just let us add to all they say-""Our own since~e "we too. It ·
W, . H. M'ADDEN &: CO.
~ .Ah ,
' ~~
Merry . Christmas
F. H.Farr& Wife "
Lerr Christmas amI A Happy New Year .
'I"Im . . . . GAIWha WAU.'ILL& 0 ••0 .
'''II''\ '~
lUll! ,Uff "'uill ..! IH. lie 3vtn-j tn IflUe. In C11'(iJ)"R o n r(\t'(\ l!rHt l. 'rl): (' 1"111'/\ 1I11,l\lt Him , Ilot e,len the 1'hertt "~AS 110 lIot1.,· I~d n,.: 011 r(\ n o nUII :'l' tit t H;.iI . " ,,' llt'r' uro )!OU 1" In.! f tu'm o r " IUiU" I.' ltllt·" Ih-Iug- or ' h'I\ ,I : lill ' (l1Ilf',' \\'8S Ilb.ulll f.. I~' IIl1t1l'~up"'d. o,~, d , . • ~· II, "·,;. 1, \ Ih,' ot,hl'r door, \\'hll\ hus II.' r""ltI hardly belle ... • this fnu' ; hi.
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IlP lI l'!1 •
All Kinds of Insurance
":1/1111\ I h lllt , i
Only AmtTica Can Keep These Pots Boiling
: I1 I1
Protect Your Property
I .
Write or call us, Phone 61-2 Office in Aman lllock, Waynesville, Ohio
I I,, · ,
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"It ti.:I ·, ',
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" ' l l l t' A
Tbla 8DIlpsbot ot an Amerkan teo.dlD, kit chen tn still prostr"fe I'" s tern Europe .howa whal Amarlca m/·aD. to tb. l't1,e rwl se h,e lpleas ch ll,ll, oud uf tI,e war·swept nations, FUDds 8upportlo, these oUlpuns O"! sut'cor 111,,1 olll f' r agencle, fur tbe ~lIet ot t'hlldren 'tri ckeD by the dl:sease mused hy IInder· nul rlt loll ho\·. run out. and U,"t tbe work ~"" not celloe, depl'lvlll!; 1lIl lI lrll'S or tI," IlIlI ocelll or theIr onl, hope tor lite, el~t &Telll Amerl cu n r.,lId or~u"lz"· t1,,"" ulld"r Ihe nume ot the Europ.an ~lIet Co uncU 'tlr" bll j"lln.: logt!1he r III • Jo l"t "!,pelll 10 the Amerle.n conacleoC41 In their bell1ilf, The s& B!le ncl"" HI''' the Amerlcall- Ilelle t Admlolstr.tlon, the Amerleen Itl~d e ro''', the Alllc rlclIlI }' rl,·nd.' Service ('oOl mlttee (Quallen), the Jewllh JOIDt DHlrlbuti lln ('om· Dlllle", Ihe FederAl CounCil or Ohurcbt'l ot Chrl.t III AlDerlca. the Knights "r CoiUWlJUM, the r. M, C, A. aud the y, W. O. A. The work In Ibill looo. lity Is represe$e:d by the Amf'rlolln FriAD :ls 8 e rvloe Co mmittee. "One D ulla r fe3dtl ODe ohlld ODe mODth one ",eal Ii doty," Ooontloos will be r ecetv(Od by UEORUIA MENOl!:NBALL, C " lt.irm nn,
\)1 1.
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c.'llzll~f j.~nl o u s o\"e r
now; \:ii:IYe" time unci find op en up!"
In tI 'l' wlIll"'I\ IIII(' r, whli~ I scnUl llI·Ullnd
Mex l('nn lind IR he re wilit IlI'r hrolh l' r ;
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I' {'s p o n ~e, no mO'~e.
""'111 . "" "'"I1i1 "r n J:1·onn , no pulsln/(, of 10,., ': 1111 . Th" ,lIl1nps8 wo s Inrense. h"ITII,I... ~11I'lh~' j:-I';f1PPII him se lf Rlld hl'"I'" II, 11, 11'/1 111',. ,' I O II'I~: , !!lIldlng his pn " ng.' 1I1,,"~ 1111' 11"1111 , expc~ tln ~ ev. eJ'.\- 111 ... 1:1111
som u
PIJPOIlt Il(lr
ohsta ..
r'II'. Ill s 1!1·" JlIIIG r""1 fIJ uchl·t1 nothing, Ir!"h h~' 11 ,1'1, h.. I'x l'l orcd the Hoor of Ihl! 1:(I/1I1l . 1.1'" Ilp r"olrntl ... n IWlrlnnlllll
., ,
I , I" ,,, I , 11 ,
'· 1 I'; Ii · " ' )' ,.
ONB:Y Tv LO .• N ON FARMt! at 6X Intere.' for 6 to 10 year.. Turrell & Ten-ell, iteal • . tate and Loan". Wilmington, Ohio. Pbone 301. mIll "
I II , .
u 1h ::-r
ONEY Loaned on live M,ook, ohattels, "\110 eeoond mortga"IIII, Na&ee bou~bt . John Barblnll, AllIn BulldlnlJ. XeDla Oblo, 6 ' .21
PnH:c (' dl n ~9
Ih " 11 11 \ (: 1.' " 0 1 I
tll"qk:e n
nIl .\".
1{J lir~ of
fll i , ,1'
IIIllI g, gOln' 1111 0111 fh e re1"
"Nothing mu ch
1111 .'
nl~ "t
-v'l f " ,\. t.\' ,01
1, \
I< · i, llI .
H . l:IU, ,:-.lIl1lII , tI ,·. ' ; ,t1'l
'·(·"I d
Who t Rce,
Th ere nr., 101'11 hilling behind II" , I,"uk of the cr" ck; J Ihlnk thp:; nr" IlI d ; nn~, ond Ihel'e 1110,\' h,' others "Il" I" the rlghl In fhl' weeds," ".JUSI n gunr" lett Ih en .. t o ",'I' Ihnt we dOIl·t get OWJl .\!. l'h .. ~'; 11 Wil l I !lll tll rlnrk li nd Ih en Ir~' 10 hurn "" ' JUt, ] rp,·I, !>n; th e hlll'l" /lolI't 111<e my \ 8ho /t l ln~ , Thnl \\,11. n rill,'."
·t il e poet said, What is S f) rare as a day in June ." [' he poet probably never ha d a cow or horse, or a IJ low :or buggy to sell. You should worry about , , t he poe t and perfect day, bec..tuse you do have lots uf surplus stuff lying :J. ril uno, which is dofng yo u no good, but would 1111 , I;. J I , he lp tile other fellow out JII Il r ', 1111 ., I ,119 \ \' , " r, " l ' ...• J! ." wOlld erfully. ~l l L tllis stuff off your Not ice f) f A:>;nint m ent li ~ t al once by an ad. ill t hi s paper, and you . w ill rid yourself of a pile thti.&te of M . \ t. ~1I. l'flh \rl . , I Notlet:: hi h uruuy ~ I \· O .J t ll/I l I I ',,·, 1I I: nf junk around the place. ~lrltJ~:iuil~~~'l \~~,u~r l~~ J~:~;;~~uunr ::( .:J:J ~~ I~'I I I.,'
I;}l \ .
, I I"
11 1,
hart, lat.(J u ( Wn.rru !1 0(1 1/11 ' \' .
Dat-ed tu.ls 27th Ii :Lr
(I (
\ I . r, I ,
I )! I j· )
)\" 111 ' ,1 r
I '~: \!.l. . , " ! .
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J II l Oll, " 1' 1" 1' 1','1');\1, ' I : ,u r!. . \\ ' J1.r r , ·!l I'tlltl 11y "h i,
' I \ .,
An ad. in this column ill a sure 8ale
F '"
P robald CUU I t
GlassiBed Ada
"I,pr .. v",1 La th e 1l1'l ~'tH'
bp ns ~ tJod ns
A nltPline Eberhart
~. IC8
Come. tnke this
.\·" 11. "
TI Ii' f'1' wus
~lr t d
~1. II od
" nnn ~ lewArt , p ·.rt of Fleo 11, \( ~ . In Tnr'lA Cl reek Twp , Ii Gull Grll Y t.J M. L, Parsball, la, "'. 1 ID. J..tIc r soo tlqnllre In Way, ( vi ii ." $1 (Jollr~e 8oll e r~ to William Penoe,
" I con IInder. lund thul· · yes," Olin 0' I b ' .,t \ t ·, hursl forth, "o od l/lter she II'US sorry, [ n "1 \ 1, ) J hell eve 1.1 WIIS s he wh o "lime buck :-l .'l.r f, h f) t lV1 Jo;, ,lell l'l ll .(·· ti Vit>t t RtlPl' U IIl\.t~ tt l lrt ' " 1~ ' I"'l tr/l·- I \{ B in Rnd look tile body nwny," , "I hnrrlly see how thot th ' /lry h plps ' ~ OOO, .I . (),t: ,r r<v , >; 11'. iJ" j II , ' au f! .' ("1 1,11 Z.., l1 u r ,,) 111 \1 '.11 01 .. 1 mllrh . Row could she tnk l' hIm?" prlll ~e r ~. _ "P~rhnJi8 ah'e mnl' know ,o me ~e erel pnssnge. There might I ,,~ one lind p. rII ~ IIfh . ] do not know , yPl In whnt olhe r woy cou'ld the body Itave beell r emoved'" Not ice of Appoin tment Shelby shook hIs hend 1r1" " 111 11 y, hl ~ eres senrc hlng the floor f,"' 1ny e\' I· d e n~e ,o nd flDdl'.'g nOIl P. 'I'll 1\11 nrltilitlHO .( '"I ,,- ,.,. \II 11'1 ), . , , .. .. I tlcu I" It, · " ,· l l)' $;1v ,, 1 1111 .. \ 111 " , I" \1 ,1·; penrunces It BpP": .... ·II "'" 11", 1, nlHI h ;'8Nobee n h ll ." ·,l' I" II I' ·" :t:J t 1'1., . ~ • , solid. t; (cc u trJ \ .( I ' w L ... .\ ' ) ,r .\ll lbr ,'I '. \1.'"':: l utt} or \ \ ,r r, I \ '0 11" ~. , I I.. ' J ,1 .. ·" , ~ .. t,1 "1 dOD't kno w ." he ~ni" , "'I' II ,l t hiI'll Da t ot! lit , ,, , ~iI oI " .~ o j , I, ·. 'II !tH'r I .J.1 I. mny
Mfldrl (l X, fArme- , of - \" ", nllli MI"s Burla Langdon "" ' "
Shp 11111 . 1
lO r 'pf'lll, II I'; !lnl,olly Is golllS 10 hurt see If you "a n slllri
.... IT :J!ldd lll~
\\ t' l l l
11,\ 1'"
ti ll "
j'IIIWI':d UH'lIt
1:0" V O ,I,
I nlo I h,' J,: llIilm.
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11 ' ·:1I1I 4I1IJ.,: . an ti
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11 1:-:
111 '1\\-" ,'11
,·1 d l'l ,,·, , ., .. r 1'1 1'\, '
,,. !
Orri l'r
Cou rt
Ne" S uit..
ho ve heen th ere whe n III' h onstcd to
111P. ~ 11 ~hf P" t "oll n,1. fi helhy 1I1I11l'll 8 11111111 .. 111. 11'1"nln~, nn,1 th en ste pped ,'ollll d"II f1 y torwnn l ncross lli p. IhreA h. ,old or Ih e Inner door. Ae hnd 110 dOllh fhllt he would dlsco"e r ll :I<'\;lIn - <ll'lId or nllve, olli s trett'herl " n the ilnor, TI, e feliow mllst he th el" ' ; he co1l 1t1 hnve ,;one nowhere else, The plllo" II"ns IlS hlllek li S night; n slep h,,)'ond Il' e enlmll" !, and he hnd 10 Il rltp, ' hi s wn v hlln.lIy, unnhl e to di s· 1I1I~III."h Il sln~le oh]e .. t. Th ere " ·n. .O 'III'l ltlllg !!rllll nnd J:hn s t1~' In reeling 11111'111 II" ll h III . f..et ror lin IIn ,pe n hOlly. Tl II'1I lI,p ('I low nl ll:ht sti li he nllve, ..... ·11 /11'111:"'·0 11., He sto ppell nt thE' dl~qlJlt,tillg thotlJ.:ht find spok e ~ lt nrply
Ilf" l
W I'IiPlltl
low but he r own po "sl,,".
l 'l e,, ~
Ililltl Allow.e n; Th ~ W 1:1 , Shn. bl n,llng Aurlltor'" h ll(l~~. '75; ~r O'1! & BIHAOrf'. oeUlent , 114; C, W , RnnOIlIJ, "l'rv\ce- un bnrh.t '·" nlll1l1tt' fI. '1 ; 0 H HIJ!gl"a, •• II ; W I:J AropIJ\r.@,OIIrpt' I, tPr wo~k, .2 DO ; Tbe C.., l uUlbll~ Blllnk 8 noll MIlo! Go" recll rd fnr Pro b"tll Conrt , . 27 50 ; Ed K (:oDIIIID. p.r tl mlnm aD [U8nrAnofl . 1.11 , 40.
"If" en ,
1 \ ' \' ,
e o utlaw;--ftf)- d ou h l , kno\\'lll1! flO
l1el'\"nlJ ~ l .v tll r lll ns;:- tler head aho ut ut
t • I'
.\" " 1. "
111 lh " .lu rknp!ols ~ I I P (' ollid !iI: ('llI·f'l'I ~· 8H 111101 (:1('(1 , hut slip (pi t 'hp ~rlJl ll t httll t\ 1I:': "I"~ unit (' l\l1 ;:l1 t tlh.· l'n~ pr t n....
I 1. ·, 11 .\' 1', .\ 1'1'..; .. 11 Il ls
" II
, '1 '
I'h,' \\"'111 forwn,.. l ns he In ld h,!r i Lnu ll tllnt he wOllld lear e I,e r nn<l nlor· ...111',"11 1\ worr! nnd . fnr .. tI 11111. ~'pt r~' ,,'ou, It drove he r cr: "Y ullIl . I,e
l u ' \ :"JlI 1"' 1 '1" 1l~ tlllt I hrlllldl Ihe tlAr· rn \\ , qll"l il l1c. 'I' ll+' oh~f l llllt(\ sllPJ·l ce ' 1I11 ... r 111 1\ " 1I1:l .1dplltld I Ill' f .... " o\\' . ror
T om
"nn rl
sPy An .' ·rhtu J,: 111 0 \'
11Iit Itlt ' ~'I' ut w ood h e ld. I In SitOllllll' /Ii . tom·c, JU HI, hl llze 11111.1 1' no Itn~ Wf· r. n~f\ l n hend lng OOIl ' t lw:o;l l nle n moOl E"u t. "
~ h dl .~·
tnl,,; .l' OU. Muyh,' Ih<'.I'· 1I 1'\'1 1111 ' li r-1. but I( they do, ~' ''\1 ke\' p " ,1. .. 1 III your
JC rD( J
ll _rulllt"CI
~fl1 t·I\1ln.
[tc al ·Eetate
Wll ~
h ow 1' 111 1.:0111 ' Tf! IIIHI nUl WlI:tt' :-:: 111111' 11(,l1f ·1 1. YOII 1{1·.... p nn (':'e nt th nl h n l e
g'l ltl .... ,q('k.
nelpt'C f' me e~rnpe In RI nl ;: hf.
cnn h urll ye r out.
II, ' "Irll('k hili·" "'Hl IIlIgrlly wit h hI. H I. Finger Sti ll Clutched on Shelby's I
CrJ 4 ~ I
r:' ~ : 11
Ihe 0 11 11 '
Itl III ': If w,' "Oil /(CI ye r no oth er wny \\' p
~l '
" " 1' 1 i n II I, \ .,1! "" I o.! ' ' ,1. i ' II· "I I ' II hr t ':1" d , I I. 1 1 1~ I'tr , : .. u-,. I ' I ,I In,/! 111 :1 I,H' It n l ,- - I ', J... tll ll 'I ~ ' I"', T ,,'
All .-kll t; hu t tll e r e 's more n' I hl~ o llll\l c OIllI,,'. IIU' ,Ye r II hlnm eLi
I r t' .-!'u o
I'., p ,
('I "'l'.
11I1.'l ldll\: ,11 ,,~
1l .. I. Ild I h is 111 (\r(' to prolons,::
II I I' ... 1.111' \
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wo" ve
I "I'III~ '?"
\\ 1,:11
11 1"1:).\
11I!'>1 "~ 1111'
~ 1111 :1\[:11 11 I"
11 .. 1.
I \\ " I "
\:11 hlld~
_\ , I
Coall.luloaers' I'roet.edlap
'I arri oa:e Lll'euee 1:11, n. f ,n",!'r. of '""bRnon, " - \ .1<., "'hnmokf'r, Morrow. , " I ' 1 1~lIb " Il!!'h, ~tA..l _,.Ib rkpr " ,nw n ~n rl Ml es P oorl HIlm. " I-' r u lld in, .. , . 1.: rtl , ren l ostat", of CIDOlo. " . I \I i~8 I r l' ne U nillesby , of
·'111 1 ' "C On1(' on O u t of There , Yer B ig FOOl ."
Will 18 ~rI.
... Ippl r '\ ,.,' •i)' II ,' of n I ' · ' I If "
' h e wIll 01 Am,
II" 111' r. ,lM AfI"~ d .
l \ j... · ,1+\
On l y"~ h('r ~
the ~aw MIll I.." In t:lllrllltlb" ro. I' HlHry Hft8tllllC~ In A Rm"" .... " \" b/lt ... ' AlIIllndll MllflU, Flftnery, von 0' 1'(1'0 27, I' 6. R 3, , 0111 1" .1 ~:l( llo nl, rix , DO bond r(O · In Uni on Twp.. ,I " H tls ....'old. ,I , T , Elltll (: . ~1 array Rr B nppoinled ap. ,, ' ' tiM
"Y ou un' Hili rrl g lil,I..' f) ," 1. II t~l' !!Irl'!' "Oh, Yt.'S 1 nlll ; l,tH-itlll I 111, \ " , '!
tr .. ez ~ ovp r ,
Get Dates Early
... n ti p o ~f\ln , til e \\' 11(1 ('lInnl';; of ) .. II ... r nng "(llIl CI""L' at 11111)(1. lIIiI 1l!it 'd \\ 1111 ttl(" SOU I1 11 n f t'(lr ~ l':- ~ r nH ll ln,-= rl.·(·I.. lt· ... .. " . through tilt: fi lII?" or "' I't'd .. . alm" ... 1 t~ Ihe " e n ' door. 11fl' Wf\ !'O lilt , licftl111:!" I' rulln now, t'lInl n f1l1 t'ngt'r. li p -Iullk l 'd 61rolght Int o lH'r I.'Y"!-t. '
All Kinds of Auction Sales
' Wil \:ii I· 11 1 (' ~' ntl
11"' 111
111.:: 1
. . ._ _...._ _ __
w"u,"n, wi th
W ilY 0
ftTl 41 f1rt"tI In m nd 1'11 .. ..: 1011. .. ·· ,,' 11111 ti n ~'(HI 1I 1" III1? \\' hnt t ull{llIg- ,d,,,"t '! Tl ' l)'oi ~ I rl't"
nfT. "'hl1l'~ hn t k sl rt'II ~ l h I.lkply luo I!tI, Intn $l l.!Ilt .
s ure It
It·, tI\\,h ~· . t1'
's Lumber Yard
hlH f.'k (I'~' P1'. Thf'n I 'U? ~m (l k(l n h~Tl1 r l' c'f 8\' pn' thlllJ: nnrl s li p \\' n ~ ~tllll' _ " "~hl' Il1l1 :S 1 hn,'", hp, 'n 1'lIl1d," ." lIf' nIl 11111 I. . l l'lIg)!lllIJ,; wllh Il, e ItI, ,:1.
Itt (' 1'0" 1. htld.. 1'1111111 nll l
YI1\l IIt,1. Iil f're oln ' t fl O l1Jr s t('r~'
· 1I f1 II j.! h
rlppt,t! orr lilt' \\lnd l~\\". I jUJIOI hUll n ~Hl1Ip",l' · of 1\ f nc'e hl'h l lll) 111t, Illu zz l .. of the g nu . It Wit S n \\'0111 '
til III : or cours(', we WHI1Itt. tI It h·. I hnvt.' r C\'\\·l),1 nnd ' rn \\' It'd
11 11
lilt' I,ollrtl
dl dll' t
IIl' r \ ' (1\(' (' qtlll,·pr, " \\' " "unitt hu\' c !oU' f'lI h l lll If ht:'
nill' ,
" YP'. I /'ltl:' . he e~ " l nhH'd "",\fp;lI.1" "I \\ ns lunk trlJ! tl i llt wn~·. toward wli"'· ...
~'HlJl tllI ' t:'
10\\ II Itt t'l liTY 10 1PI'I ' II .. 11 I ~,
"IIH ' r,'
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" "or ,
"("'uld ht' tlll\' " J;!"tll IJ l ron ": !1 [I .. , r " ,lr. fi r llif' IIp!l r '!'' !'hl..· lhr lu1tl!h.,,, dl'Sfltln tl l'l )[I~·. " L ord, I d·oll ' , (~tI~ lIy !": t ·, ' he." h, ' I ' PIII.I : Itl~ tH I P l'lI to th t'11I r : lrll'I'~ til)' 1I f! nl',·ul,,).:. whll ~, j llll J,!illC rl'!! 1J1 ollf sl d" . III~ l10llr 1Il11~t nis I 1' 111111 1111 fhl' j,.!'1 ·'l liu d . \\' ho !'thnt hllll , HII) 110\\ 1 I )lt! ~' (I\ I ~('l' :~"
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lie (' I,u,.hf'tl litU c) ,lor ~1t11 1 , Il ud ,Iullc thl' hor I llt o 11111('('; tll t'li t1faCI!\'i\ (urw ut'd the h "It'· ~' llf'tlt'h rand ,rlll't ,,1 if ft !li \If'St hp (~nllld . II" " )111 In ft ' I11 l 1tlOr
I " 111'/ )
1'1..:"11 1' Ill :
11It·r .... nln', fIll t llll " 10 1,,-.:,·."
11'11 '
Iro ll u' hltll lt l 1(1 :-: h'lw thlll hi ' 1'1':,\\ 11'1 1 lI\\,n1 : J I1~1 Ihlll IltI", p llul "II ,J( II ...
fi r"I ' I 'f'" 1 :1111, , : I ' llI'll I( I h. 1I '!\\" \\hul I II 1!I :d.: . , Ilf It. " ' ''\ . wlll'l'., (, nil hi he
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"11: rHol,'· , 1111" ."
yml HI 1" ":-·
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now." Ntrnlnll1J::
The AII, ck on the C,1 bln,
dn r\;('f ,p,1. ly , 1'011l111lC , " I., ,,,I
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"1. hI' II IPrp1
I \\· !t:'1 nIt' .\.'11 d o hl': tlnwlI 1111'1"'?" 'I' 1I "l"t' " It :- 11 11\ , lt' f'rl .. ,· III 111' 1' ,·p k t' .
\' (l\\'t l
nil ' I"UI a l ll ' I (u r oft',
It l:,: l l l.
11 11
Ha ve you got itYour Home?
I I I ),!
artofthe World .Is Yours
S\OVI 'or kl&obeo oabl · H EA'l'IN(j net, Iron bed for IIbr .. ry laltl., or whatever yon bave 1er .
See Haw ,
FOR SALE L>P ,CORN-Extra fiae. Ioqalre P , of C . lI .. wke, pho ne 45 4, Wayn plIVllle, OnltJ. j5 J
Barred R<Kl1l Cockerel8 for A few sale. 10qQtre of J : M. Keye,
Wllynenille, OhIo,
Model, 10 Kood rq,q. FORO-11l17 nlng order , John Long, a' Phil. lip.' M"lo .Ireet gluage, W.ynBl. v,lIa, Ohio. dll h Wonder 011 Baroer, !rOod as new A selJlnle al a bargain beolllUe we b"ge wood. Alia, loml Bsrred PI". moutbRookRooaterl Mr•• L"wreooe tlbepberd, R. U I, Barveysburg. O. d211
Jllrley, 10 old, ell.,. 1 '0Maleretrllter. 81re, Cora'lI RIllelllh
J ,'.
11 U l c:,p W ~' E Q E
MY II' V".!:, C " " LAIHS COS! , ," h NV .
, t, ,(> • lWl
,Il NICE.. TitA,.
Jell, ; dam o~t of Ketrl.aer of Mer':' cow, 380 Ibtl 'etl~ aa .. yearling, AIIlO a ttlW good ODroa-Jeney gl('. lind hoarB lell, all eligible \0 reille. ter I"qulre of , L W. Chandler, phone 49X, VaynllllvOle, 0 dll9
A LE HOli, Poland.Ohlna, old , oue, Le~ter KeDri"". Wilvo_ yille,.O&lo. l:Iome phooe Ii. dU r
65 poood.,
"_Mel11, L.*",h aDd .11
HBOATpI, aYln,e aboa'
tlr.. h8llIUl,.. !l,Iq"ire of
pbooft WJ ,~\ W.,••nan., Ohio
4.' •
•.•• T H E MIAMI
6AZE TTE ..~ . .
"H0, ·1 \ h, !tHIIl "N f ill 10 " . , . l:l" UDU'~ EI "I I< :,L',re. 10 Jul ) 1 W" t~I I< "1I
,'11 ' ~ GI., f!'R B
('nl Ak!oln dlllhu\ .tlve frl1 1t ,,\kl'
ret 'tllllIlI l ' n" II1llf h '
I: •. f
Good Medic in e! Tile ,1" "1'1111 1 (o ( II ,,· . \ III~I·\"II" , r.~11 fl IPIUt. \ I!H'I ...
)1ro •••• t ~~ .~ ••••••• ,
d .. 11 IIntoraalned A Merry Ubr{e~m .. a.Dd a Bappy or N('I HI H hl ll\' I'''', 11"' , 1:. 1 ; : ... Exa'lill1 '\1. COrt'ectly ... : " I I H, IlIH t",r f r Oh \ln l·llI teetoablrd!. !lnd PrOllperoos New Year to one prun £' , un41 rll t~ln -: II dill·.... I 'It .. D. L. J A E, Editor and }l ubli ~ l.er. \\ n) on'V ill e, hID Gh R "'i Fi led : d,. tlh r~.I' , !'n e Ol\y ~venlng. . ! and all, Ie 'he bee, wish of y oor inllt t r Im lt'h wh"llu'r II I ' I,_·,,·d : ., lenl ~ h(' w. ·t ~h l 'd lir 1II I'a ... ql·I·11. 11 "' _ 1'\ , " "I " .. I III V"" Wul on , of'Bellb root.spen' Beeoh Orove repor~er : AT :'-1. )') · t Ym I'IH Jo.: : .Subscriotion Price . $1.50 pe r year IIntl ~L .. ~ H HI I t. " " ~ 'Ii " , ,· .. :1\1 ' , ,·t·,, 1 (IIII'I' "' I ~ h his Blner, Mra. Oor sllhool hoose came nellr born. n(' 1 l trOltOrl lf ' ll l llL: I 110' I 'p;.'· , HII,,' I I" r 1111'1" 11 j\llv, ' r tt!HlHl 11 : p " ' l=" nl.,t h,. warm; how Mho 11Ing.ll It il ' ~, 'l ;l . /lI·rl~~t MoGlnnls and family. log dOWlI, Monday e {A nin~ d ter '!"~ll I F t ll l l ' :0-111'1' IIlI ~ I' III' "'111:111 p' TlI I. J'''' IJr Hj ( OA I' t 'H I...~S \ , !t•. l. IA "' If)"· we"~"'"r. when sbe oooid I'e\ h e t' Mr. and flilrs. Olarenoe ~mnh sohool wae out land all bad gone j'o rd l n,l.: III til" Il'ifll ll" 'TllI' l dlo, "I' , II ' I II ' breath. On S"'nrdl1Y 1 b" .. r I h or sJ,If'n\ Ttlesd KY In I)ay'on. home. Tbe fire wa. , dlllOovcred by ,11 "1 1111111. : \), tI Ill'lla rtmL! nt : 8!',. h o w she lODged tor warm we, 'h. ~~1Jt8 KILt~ryn U!&rlr arrived home on,e of 'he oaubv n~I~l;to~ women , f'.-i. )) ,'1ru:t Sf , X" lI i", Ohio .) WF,DNESIJA Y. DECEMBER 22, 1920 R C'lbin s er. when tihe oo uld gel lI er bre"'b ~'rldIjiV / ~'1 .. ~lor' , fr'om Mlamlonlvllr. wbo ,a.,e 'he IIolarm,' aDd 'be blo:l.e ) ;;" 11 t". ':li I " hy aPI" Jinl llllmt : whhou' oaoslng her lee,h 10 ache, ~ 'tl I hed R tl'&1" ", ". "' 11 1 i l 1111"" , II I:" .. , , ' 1'111 We are a dia88U~1led tamlly, aod Ilty, for t~e qollda,YI, Wal loon 8l[ DiD JI . • ••• 0 .. 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : HtnnJ," "hp l l rh,', \\,11 , 1 ' , ,I 11 1\ - - .-...d/-W-I-lH_-t8--DQ.W-<Wh- - - -- - - +::-"IolOL.-L......ao.;q.c;ipU of Il'erry,..peo$ M. M.,T.r~y alJd K 11:, rhomplon \\ 11 1' f'I' , H UI II , , \\ It " I! ' 1\1 ' II II" 1, 11 , ' Ca tarrhal Deafness Cannot MOMtl Bogan will aOOD beoome a FridAy wlh MI'II ...,~ Rogen. traDuo&ed bUlia_ at tb. County prt~ tI,\ ""!""lIe ),"11.. ,1,;11 , .. ,.,1' rllt ' Cured. oUl zen Jt our towo , Mr and Wre . Mlax a.~lltoo , of Se~t on Sa'urday , I " 1> 1.( . .I . ~\ILLE R . C/,UlI' l'\ ' " 11 Ii ' hy l(lI'll l np Jlllcatlons, a. they can not Tbe t!Bntii CIBUS entertahiment, MPorr, 'alomdooM&brs·. 0S~op'b.wn.rBeurgnU.....ISanodf bomeEt:!O~,:""fnr!~~ \~llp)~~ld,~: fh t'" II (I 11 '''11' 1r'·lI d .. :1 ... !lI ,III:..: 11 , 1••,\ reltch tI' e dl.sa.ed po rtion or the e.r, given by the Blgh Sob ooJ at Town '" U U B Wt '~I ' \ ' , ' 1'.' ,'I',,"d IItd.·, .. 1 rrl Cd :11 ": 11"1, ... I)L~T I ST ... Th ere 19 onl y one 'dyny toI bcure Clio- tJ"11 OD Wu"n _" •• well tarrlm l fl e o.(n es8. an tho.t 8 y a con..;a vU e-d .. y nlob', t a fawlly " ' laet week b ar.,e1lbarg .. h, wheN rt ,.he' dOl ba r a n l ,.I I·" - ,, ,r\:;-l l ut l :"j " n, ,> .'I' · I " I ~... Htltullonnl remedy. Catar rha l dear- alt"lul ed bnd Waf eDjoyed by alt. Mrs . Ma,lIda IIlnlrlot spent BUD. e.n an..er' e vele nary I oarA or O nl cf" In ~~...- - - - - - - - - - - - nCR" I. en" Bed by On Intlamed condition TlIA oblldren were rewe mbb r~t1 bv day wUh Mr. and Mrl, tI. d , aalDe8. several dayI'. \VlI.y nenille, (I , .. '-1 ",..1 H\t fl'o, II J <I. ot t he IOU\' OU 8 ltnlng o r tho Euftta... .. ad ... _ 77 h II "hllln Tull .. Wh en thl. tube la In- ;:;twtll C l ao~-portra)' ed by ,J . Hamil. Mesdllmll8 Jennie Lamb, NeUle A . ~. Allen pael .... , m e· ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~ (fnm rumbling nd e n'"' or IOD S " !(lIll. who i~ 80pari or in Illio , , Emrlok and LeII81 WbartoD _.r '- ~"""""""' . + • • .,. ih, pecrl rter.),o t uhchave", arJng'. nnd when Bou It 18 . . . . u a stone on lal' Tbursday, Ueoember1 6. Ilre ly clu • • d . doar ne.. 18 th e r.ault. b. vl ng for seve r,,1 yelirt! t"ken in. [)8yton sh oppers, 'l'horllday. MI"I Lue BranuoD, of Sprlo,field, Unl ('d ... and the InrJnmm ntlon elln beto roo Invlla.lonl goeat ot her hro'ber "od sis· dUO thl. tubo r.Btored It. .r,ra ctlOn frum tbll original :-mnl ... I Friend- here reo"lved w • tis ~be J,norllll1 l co ndltlun, heu rln" will be du- At lulll Henso n ot tbe ye~r, bill time , to t be <2oldeD Wedding aOlilver.ary er, Lo n B rannon aD d w.Ite, I,·oyo.1 (oreve r. Mn ny e"c. or dcntn . .. I~ well I"keu u,P tind, In order 10 I of Rev. and Mu . C D. Monaey, on A. 8 Allen and wtfelpeDt Sunday V e t e rina ry J or (' uU Hod by cala r rh which la fln Inhi ' ~, Ib h C B fI Id d If ', I rl,tlllin ed co ndition or 'the mu co us .u r- IJr "<' llre B~e rvl eA8, wII e npoes- Deoember 22 held a& Cllntral M . E. ?fIt hea'er at. an w e, -DEALE~ l i'irtlc... Jlnll·. Cntnrrh Medicin e ac t. ,,"r,Y ,10 H lIolt 1118 serVlCe8 t1nrlng ohorob, ::Iprlngfield" where they are near Lebanon. l inHlli Hll' 01 Univl'ral' , :1 :,Iir~h !h.~\.•bt~~,?,d ot th e mucou. 8urtaCeB ,",, WllrUl lll oDtbs . DOW UvlDK !Cd Oray and wlf. Spell' SUDday l?Iour, Fepd, Coa l, Salt , W o \. 111 !rIve On o Hundred Doll".. " L1lue 8 ell e of t be Forest," a good A number of fOUt8 from herll at arlernoon with the JordaD faOllly . Tile , Post s , Water Foull· : I(or (lny ca 8e ot Cntarrha l Deatn es 8 ( '} H~ tlna8 ra e b I ' ' I I I" , l lh6l CO n not be cured by H611·. Ca- , Ir m m ranoe , on 81\ e e. tendetl 'be Re.dedlllll&lon .0r'lI08 at Mra. Ina Shane II baolltn oor tele. t ains and 'e lf-Feede rs. \ lH rrh ~I ed l c ln o. Circulars troe. All I:IIlr1un's BoolI:: ~tor e. Red, Llon 101. . E, ohurob,la" MUDday. phone exohange at BarveYllburg . t o 1.'. ,111' 1)1 ~ r' ·t·'. 11 "11' 1\1t' l' Blld 001<111 predomln8te t hrougb. Alfred BalDel, of o.y&On, -as. tbe deligh\ of all 'he patrODIl MIs8 KIHIR, 76c. · 1Urug F. J . C IIJ:;NEY 4: CO., Toledo. Ohio. hi I ~ E B'" .. h t oot t II 8eot on. week.end guest of Wel'er Keorloll:: Ima ,..oema ..er, • e ormer oper. - SHIPP ER OF l:i br e ddln~ and bURklDg ill golDg and family. ,,'or, will tall::e UI) other work 10 t he \Vaynl:s \ ' i l l " Ohiu jI Ln in large oirole8, snd In I·hle vloln Mf! . Martha Crelgboon euier. uear tu'ore. Hay, Straw a lld Feed . 1;.[ . Ity tbere w!l\ be but IiUle oorn to tal ned the ladlell of the Aid locillty A, 8, Allen and wife, Lon Brno . :By bOlk In the t:!prtogtIWIl. aod their friends, Wedne8day arter- non and wife and MillS Klvena Kim . William tit. ~obn, tbe Ford lales,. 1I00n. Thl8 wal ~ . CJ1r1stmaa eoolill ble a\tended the Ansdn lIala, In Hllr . Feed Gri ndin g a Specialt y. waD, WIIS In onr town on Monda:v, !Deelillg and wal vElry muoh enjoyed veYlborg, &torday 10uillDa !llt,r prospeotlve buy en. by all. IIIr. and Mrl. CheaLer B.Uleld en· Mr. 8nd Mrll, W. W. Weloh ar. Mr. and MI'II . Franll:: Rogera and tert ..lned '0 dinner at thAlr be~utt. l:opyrlghl A . C . .\l c' ·lurg •. • ' 0, I F ful ooon'ry home Dllar r ....-noo OD ~ ~ ~ Takee on a DiIT,' re nt Color When r veu In 'Dod~a, low .. , on Wed Mr. Ennis Roger" ware Sntiday • ..."UQ needay, .. nd report good wea\her guestl of Mr. and 'Mrs, ~herman Sunday, the foJl owlnlgoll!tS: Mr Your Blood Is Rich and aDd" fioe"ime. Rogers , llear Ferry. and MrB. Bo"ard Fl1lli::rfJib and VETE RI NARI AN 1) (0 ~:-n\' e II In Iwr. Jl lld ~ Ia\.· J.,: lIl IIOWI I Free from Poison Word bal beeD reoelved from St, Tbe Cbrlstmas e nklrta.inment of d~URh",.., MII8 ~ranoes, !'nd Mr. and upon h er knp,· .. nI l tht' flnor, lIuxlU\l s l ~' Petersburg, Florida, where lome ot Ly\le 8uouay Sohool will b6 beld on ~re. Kay Elarrl80n, of Lebanon, and t e~ tlll g til e · f'l IH'I1I " ,-='" I It' tw(\\' n lilt' "!I (ci ll ~lj ,, " .1 ~ (J l'( iall)'. Noth_ Mr. and Mre, A. 8, Allen, ot 'hiM blucks With 111 (1 111"01, 1' 11 hi ll ell' , ~h p lh~ oor c lttzen~ are loo.. ted, 'hot pllloe8 Sonday evening. . place. MIDnlebaba in ~ ""( l~ l' l j Ih ll! ~ ... rulII used TRY TAKING PEPTO·MANGAN turrwtJ h is IH'n d O(' j 'l\...:hmn ll ,\". hHn~ I J tor keeping bonse .. re loarce. W .T . Mr . lind Mrs . Wilbor Clark and _ _ _ _ _ .. _ __ Telephone 76 , rin", J . abl e 10 d l~lh l ':III:oo h ht.·r TtI\') \" P lllt ' IH S, yel .krdan hae seDt here for .. large family took Snnd", dlnnel' wuh Phon e 44 Ha rv eys burg, 0, felt tlfll e l ' ,,"ndt'lIf'\' III rill' ~ IH'l'(&SS o f If You ~'eel Listies8 aDd Deprelled \ent. and will " pltoh hie t"nt on Mrs Mary Carmony, 80hd groond. " Ih e elT"r!. AllY nll""II'I II I PRCIl IW Your Blood is Clogged and LeOD tiaJlebu.ry wae badly barDed Ibrollgh th{' dour w.,uld I", ~ lIl c l 'll1l : In Co al waR Belltn~ h"re, lalt wee/[, aboo' the Iooe and :b"ndl . Saturlla, Sluggilh nil JlroLallhlll l~· . In ' pili' or Ih e sllellce. It *7 riO, deltl'ereCl . IIVI nlng, wheo he s\arted a Hre iD nnll se PIIIIII ;,! 11I 1 11 ' 1I 1 1I' !'oo~ !lr (h (1 ~('('II( ' Mn. ~adle Renon Wal lIhoppln6f tbe furnBoe wUh ooal.oll, thlolllnR Withou, know lug wby. yon fiud wltll4lllt , n (1 11:1.1' 11 1· III .. s "tl l'e I'Vt)1l tt lt.' 11 tn Wllmln~'oo, one day lallt week the t! re wal au' t rnlnt' d nn thl\ t'l d r' tllI('p , l'i: nLl.\' tt, yourslllf leellng uulltlppy . You go Bon. M A. Jameson, of Leballon Mra. M8ry Manhall was a8unday .. r a uod day after day UK It tlsleep, shoOI 1111' 111 do"," Ih, ' 111, 111 111 ellh t' l' was here, oalllni on friends, laet gDee' of Rev. Jo~ep,h Pille and flm. 0l'pl' nrt1tl. ,o\'HI !"PI'I' \\'II~ 11 0 olh .. 1 IntereH~ In wha t IS going on around FUNERAL DIRECTOR thoreday IIIKht. tly, at Ferry. \\,I1 Y out. ullhl~~ II 1111/.: 111 ti l ' tlu'Ollj.!h yo u I~!ltl .. nd life beou meH lIull . 'l'he One of the best Christma.'! pr8~' I Mr, Abe Kaufman , of thel:!yndL Rom e SN.' I'c l PIt !"SIIl!'" (':'( I~llr,,: IIl11h r · I/tl"UlY 01 r.dhlU& bunbblne, luvely Mi88 Doro'hy Goll, "bo 11'1111 ""b' , ent" you can give to a relative o r a Waynesville, Ohio I groulld . M tH'k l lu "lid l ,.' r l lllnl,r tll su p· (l " we rs lind the tmtranolng Wlra011ll! 08 te. at Lebanon, wal with O M 00 ber uoole alld aun_, Mr. alld Mn friend is THE MIAMI GAZKTI'J:: . TburHdllT nlgbt. ~ r 1I1e yoo miMI tlotlrely. LIVing, I r:llrrn ';al~ s :1 11.1 Li vl! Stock a JOieph CnamploD. IIr Roo'e Ii, hili ' rw:.'on-d SUlIII ' \\ t ll ' f'!' ; Ih .. ntl li:...h lng of Each week it is a reminder to Alfrtld 1£t1 w ..,dll III on 'be Ilok ItBt reluroed fr.Jm Anll Arbor, Mlohl . hl p, t lo d~1 WII~ n o mlrll\1II'. nn d I hi ~ ..allD!!, IlleeplDlI, btlOomtl more or ~ I'':cill tt .'' I.. ~II 01 ... bor ... Fully Equ ipped for Good them of the best wishes of the thl\Hr~1 o f fill\\, II IlIiJ,: 1i1 h ll \' e I H'e tt U~· Wortl WIIS reDelved on Saturday, Rln, where ahe visited her brolher, 'l'bal hi whllt ologged, IloglIlsll , bat, a form"r ollizen and trtend , M1\68 E <2011, who la a llenl'lr a' 'be S ill is fuc t hili Guara nteed rOlUpll ~ tl e(1 nlo ' .... lI l l t WlI l' l'tI rl~ lI~n nnhl~ . giVer, and thev will think uf you Service. I yuo. h pO IIlOO~ y uor DOW a r~sld90t of Dayton. III no~ ltD. UDlvel'llUy ot Mlohlgan. 10 spilt' of h i .. rlu, illI", ttH,. IIIUIi II ... HI 1IIuud~o.,s I every time they pick up the paper. Large Di splay l~oo l1l I to n I II('JI ~ l1I'" or ltll l H': Ilu th lll g e l ~, ' LUuul!btlf Yuu arll ouly batt Illlvs. Jlrt'vi ug ver y rl\I.'ldl~ . :l'rank Korfle foo:nd a IAod turile, gellbrook, Ohio And besides, Ihey will be glad to You netld II \loud blood.enrlohlng t hJ\ tI tl d!-l ,'t' , ull ilwd w lt h 'l! lie ('O nlfl la,' week while ebrllddfiUt oorn a' "BIn .. a"ll" II f the Forest," a good 7 TELEPHONE IJAY U ft N IGII 'I . , "10, Talle Pe.,lo. MllnK'lU for II ftlw get the neW8 from home , 1',0 1h l'h () l1c ~ dll1 ~ 1(1 : 111" \ r 1IId .\ IlI n l lf'. ' Ill,\' In CbriHtm"" ,.<lI\ pmbrnnce, on Mle lit ~ III Crelgblon'l , There 'were three l\I "t l<~ "lid llutloe lb" IwpruV"wtlo\ flU IIl f' !il li Cit d is " I' \ ' ( 'rr , " P I Itw \\uTlUln dalee carved on lUi blot, One "a. H"rlnn ' ~ n.,,, ); ~tu re . I t'''Vl u.M uugulll~ .. n "I('et:l1ul" tUU IO " W . 8 .-1888" and a,noah,r w .. "W, grol, ln J! nn hpr kllp .. ", 111 It .. , 111 '1' 1'(11\ . - . MI. ~ :' h ' "'LUlk,' r, our former tele. ~u d III b,,"rt.)y tluUoutld by pbyd. S. 8 -1908 ." Th. ,hlrd oould Dot In ,,:: tlHrltf l l'~S J,:11\' " li lt :-;1;":11 or t 'l lI' lur IJbou e " )Jbrut or, r esigned on the IlItb be made oui. tOian., RJ: f' lUpnt. ~IH ' lIly (' lI lIl d Iwa r Illt'l sl f uln Yonr druggln bllB Pepto.MIlnglln ~ntl W"" ~ucc"bded by Mra Nina n o ron~ll r III RII .. n4 'e. ' II !lath I1qulu lind table' form , Jju, dh"ne, for m r l." nn o perator at 'hiR "Thrre Is 11(11 111"11 10 h,' ',lIIn,I ?" I", wblcbever y uo prefer; one hu ex. pillee o 8k"' d IIl1xlOIl ~ l y, "110 JI(I(lt 'lIrtIlU 'C' of 8 d o llv tb e MUW" dIllet HII tbe olh" .. Kin dlv r pUll'nthe r Tbe Mlan'l 08. tnl p?" llnl<e bUI " Yll u ~tl' ~"UOIU " P,,,,,, •. Z ,' "'' " n . ·hrt .. tDIlIt! OilY. h(O lift ed her Iwo(1. It'lih ropp \) ,lI lg n l L -\0 14 't,r " UUl1 'II " ftu d , ~1 "11t 1ll /'Oho~ lUaker, one of ,onr lurn Nl lowonl hll11. t '''' ii I , r I Uh t"JiI JUI I. t1, "Uodo '@p , V V, q r ,I f \ " II'At'O n", ~ranaaotl\d bUB UN'ot hl nJ,; Ih ol , ~f''''11i nlll(. In 11I1I\' t\' lit ,'u lI lI J.!hll , IJ I Ill ... JJ ' 1l t kh fo( . - -rtI. V • , ... 'r · "1" '1 " "M, 8everal daYI rll 8he un ~\\'(' rt·( l. "I 11 11 \'4 (nUlld II hl ol '\ MI. Maod An" "ho baa heeD ", ', \, whldl thll's nol 0 1'1 " "'" III III ,, ~ liJ!h ll .' making her home tor lome t'me I ·h " •. HII Uf\rm HVllr and Ceoll Boo. with James CrDwl aDd family, b ... "" Ihe other~; I ("Jill . gl'l Iltt' kulft' Injury Alway, Serloul. ,·pr. \If uear WH y oenllle. were call. loDe '0 Son.h Carollilia for 'he win_ bin de h e lw ll (~ II, Hlld it d ... ',.. II' 1 :OOt:' t.' lIl A('rllTllJlIl: 10 Dr. II. \\'elsp of Bpr. 109 on f rl e ndll h ere SODday after. to tou('lf flfl~· ,'Uritl 11t!/o W, ,\'~ t tlw ter on aoooun' of hEIr beaUh, -lin e"err I llJllr~' to lhe 81wll 18 serl. Doon. sinh Is 111I11I0" II III r-:' Chal, Bnrley, lIol!lth of &OWD, h .. Oil.. F.""rrt hlnj.: IllRy S~ IU 10 go on Prof , lind Mrs. O. V. folie were ULe t !lIl' try m y SI n' lI/.!'t h," w,,11 for ~' I'IlNl, hilI 1I1en suflfl ellh' a lI'eek.eod guelll. of rela'I'I1I8 In purDbased ,he Daniel 8Id'D"rtoirer Be slllrl t'tl hllrk 10 JIIII1 her. hUI III 1II ~ llt nl:I I, I!l or hrnlll 1lI,.c ... s IllIlY ' tieproperly. U "'. . .old at pobllo O"yton . thn t InSllln l Ih('I'e "111111' II Rlllhien ,'elop lind en,1 fntnlly . aoo'lon, I..., &il1l'dar, fur 1810 bursl or rltl e fin' w!lhou I, hili I" .. Mr, lind Mrs . John fandervoort JonAh PeterSon. "ho hal beeD Is close at hand and you w ill wailt SO Ill C thlldlllllj( Inlo Ih., ,·" hl" Willi •• Ih" .,·I\re S Dollay Vllllto"lI ot rel.&I vel oIery ill, II repor&et:l some beUer at sound PUI1 C!U IIII',1 hl' . n'· III:~' ye ll s nebr uebllnon . thing . for yo ur friends a nd for YOllfself, thtll wrl'ln~. Shelby - whlrl ..,1 111)11111 III S ltlllll~· . 111111 • Mr , and Mre. Job.n W.ver, aooah Barry Shldak er II driving a ol08ed also, dropp.' d 10 hl~ klll'l'S wl lh "),('. pl'f'r· bIde' ~'''' 1CD" ' " ., ellr, wblch makAs him a '1ery o~m . of 'own, enier'alned their rela,h., log our th rom:h Ih ~ " Iwnl ng helwe(m - - --- _ _~" _ _~ If there is anythin g ill ollr Iill C, W I.' Mr. allel Mre. Chall Brellford, ..., vlel,e 'orn.out. the logs. 0 1>:11 DI. " desl! r,,'d her 30nday. will be glad to show yOLi what we ha vc. ~ettr c h . nnll ell III hNI 10 her I lo~1 of d ll"Blue Belle ot the Fores'," a good r ,foe Myer!!' b.1 all:aln saken op 'be tense on Ihe 1..' II .. h . Th., hullel8 dill ' !brIMtmal remembranoe, on eale lit IIgeDoy tor the Forti care and deltv00 dll"'lI~ e. j.:ent'rnll y Un,lIng ""I el 1[1 Barl"n'" Boa k Store. BlLLV SMITH SAVS ered four I..et week:. Ihe sull d I(I~ A. nllhlJlI ~ h 11 ra'W c rn ~ llUd ~ STAve SINeL..E Nat 8mlth, who lived on 'he Wal. throu gh the pl onk lll ~ (,r I he (\ O<l r, To BECAUSE A. ""!FE laoe Berryhlll farm north ot $cWD, Shelby Ihe 1I1""l1 lnl: "'"8 R IIIII~tl'lIlly COSTS TOO MUC.... moved to hi. tarm near GOf. H\a. Also, b y buyillg ll ere yO ll lV ill ha v a plaIn; th e r C1i1 tIUIl':I '!' In~' . ns lit"! ~X ~ I-tI£ F'6:qQCTS t-tOW tlOll, llUIa Toelday, and Joe A ....' peel"d. nl th e rellr; 11 11 Ihl Iwl"1! Wit S LONeiI THEV LAST. chance to will one of the pri zl's whi ·It \ ' tllI and famtlv WUlIIIO'" all 'be Beny. helng cn rricil 011 1110-1'1'1), 10 IItlrnf'1 hill farm, their otl e"Iloli. II .. ,,"111',1 IIcrOSR, UII· will appreciate if YOll get it. able to see hi s eOIl')Il1nlon, Laul we ll Mrs. LeRoy Burd aDd baby A Ohrlatm8l1 plloeram will be aware wh or e silt? WH S, daughter, Margarei, wbo have baell gtven ' d the ·M. E . ohoroh, Dex' "Don't W(l st£' ntly shot until 3'0\1 see weloome goeets at the bome of her Thurada, eveDing. somel hln g wllh ll1 ralll>" , '\'ho..' te.l. , ' 1Iatr..--ft--A--tI!ttt."+--..Jl_MH~"'r--iHld wife and W.I'OD lows oul Iher,' fire J""I "lugglll!: OWIIY .lId ol,her relatlv8fI, the pas' week . 8p"hr and fAmily, ot Dear Olad,., blindly. Thl'y 'li ncrcr rush Ihts silic. ra'ornfld 'heir home at P1qu., vlelled Will Gloe.er and tamlly, Keep ' your ,,)'('S wl<le o l>cn, Ihollj.:h. 88nClay e"fening, here, laB' Sunday. We have the following in stud.: : I'm gollig hl1 ck, IInli try to knock otT 11 Mrll C Powen and ohUdren,. EI Mre, 8ylvla Wellver, nar.e, of boorll frolll Ihllt rt'nr window. It I don and Beliy Jean, of Sooth Cbar. Xentll, II vlslllnlJ ber oooslnl, Jel8e Oil Stoves con get a few ~h O I A out Ih pre wc'" Flash Lights lestoll, are spending a few dove lit W68'1er .lId family, hera, tor 'he block Ihelr lillie gUlIle. You hCllr?" 'be home of Mr. and lirll, Warrell oomlng week. Coal Stoves & Rall!-j(Js Pocket Cutlery "Y cs ; 1 tlllltk olle or IWO o rc crtlwl· Laoy , - - -....- _ .. - - Ing closer tllrou gh Ihose \\'ectl~." Mr, "od Mrll, Job. Traoy, of Day . Wood Stoues . Butcher Knives "t,lk l! l~' enough. YOU II!: hut'ks who tOD, are gu"al" or Mr. and Mra Tbol c:ao'[ hultl buck; I<eep your eye on "Quicker Yet" Wash- Shears of a/l killei:; Lao" tbls w68lt:. tltem, on' lei thrill hove II . os Mon III Mn. Amanda SmUh, wbo bu and Safely Razurs ers-Power you ore sura. Cull oul If you neecl bfteo oanftoed '0 ber room Iinoe 80f me." , ferlng the ellOood stroll::e of p"ralY8ts Straight Nuz nrs Electric (Tn hi' MntfnufM1.' The many frleDell1 pt 1$r. ~d ..,., la'" M.y, rematDlln abooUheaame oondliion aa for lIeveral month. Wwlll Kirk (q~ lB:v.~,.), .,m. ~.I, whloh 8eeml a wonder at her p"thlze witb them In tb. 10M of lhelr baby daughlor, Dorothy. advanced age Forree' ~mllh, of Dela".re, .1 .t Dan Morgan alld family enler-'Twas'tht- night before Xmas and aU thru the sto)'('s t.loed "' a .urprtle danoe, lal' Sat. bome for tbe holldaya, orday oll(ht. MI .. Anna 8ay.,. aDd Mr, be~1 A good line of Harness , also, SlI ch L1 ~ LaSt-minutt> ~ift givers. bit nails and blocked doors, Mr. and Mrs. ,Willie Allall have tlhamb&ngh are home frOlD Oiford eo\le. ., tor tbe holiday. Team Harness, hand- Buggy fiam es$ been at AI~ha, for le'lel'&l week~, J'rlendl of Mr. aDd ~r8 Joilali Corn IIbr8ddlDgiD our vlOloliy II Lines · made .c lut a thing . 0' ibe P"', ha vtDg Dula iendered "liem a lurpt'IIB, 1'oell1a,. evenlol, 10 oelebraUoa of bAen greatly delayed by lhe wea&her, Coilars, both leather Bridles nnd f",m ' ra have oo,on 'be elaulh. ,hlllr&hlr\te'h wedellol aDnl",.al'f, lerlng of hogl. And uther thillYs Rl!lailvee ot D(I'1'on Mam... of and canvas Mill" Beleo LODa., of Mt, BollY1 nClar Spring Valle", . . . .hooked to IV". the gnelli of Dan Morl!laD ana hsr of hla laliden.d.t\b I. Dr. VAnf .. mlty, ~,,'orday night and Honda7, damon'. om08, e..'urdl:v·e ...eDIDI. 10 Ipl\l'i of 'he bad w.'her, MOD. We BrA 80rrv &0 report ,be 1I"le ~on .Jf Dr I\ud Mra M. S. We.', of day evenlag, 'he t.'h• • 800" Com. SEl ~ pany eolel"ln~tn' " ... eaj01ed hy B"I!bronk, ill with pn8nmoDla, a 1al'Ie audience. Mr. Ilnd MrB G . 8. Silt. enter. Kevlval ler'lloee are ID IIrosr. . tBlp lld Ht a rl HliJ.{bUul Cbrill'maa dill1\1", I'lUIHIN,V . 0 Dumber of Roeet!!', ai 'be M E,ohurDh. .lo_hn RottnlOn ile drt ...ln~ a new H,,·," I I til ' ," '. "od all 'bit> good Htl 1\' l it' wi Uti!" waa a tea'ore Ford roadster. " I " .1 ,," , Gift, .nll profuliion pomer BatDea 9'U. 1p OIUolnDatl, WtH I ltoll'!1 t" r '.11 ..1\04 th",hoaee " •• ~. "eek, "kiD, ' ~rea'• •D' for " I W p', I ~ y d"c(lr(ued. AdelllhUnt ohronlo .ppendlo"... , .. 1I11 tl b :v il1l, it... B. F. Co~p*pn II • ot ,her ·daughser. Mr.. S~aD Boc!roa, D_I' WarDeaTille. . ..... Lelia x..au.r - UI 'D ana.. , a '- ,-;,~;~c" f . lI\ftloecl 'hum~: .l1IItat0e4 ii- a UDcle Bill Bottl.top _ya he bOW_ "1D.of~ba~ . ' a' man wll.o WIll tool "'til ID1 old ld8d • _ • of llqoor, who I'IfaaII4 Ie eat- I I I . ' I " roOm. to!' teer a HUle _"1'001 IDIDt I'
i~T' I~ FAN Y'S ; t \
Everett Early Dr. J.
1\ . McCoy,
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YOU LOVE LIFE MORE ,~~~a~n~d*'a~/~/~~'P~a~r~,.~I~J~h~.·I'
Lytle Feed Mill Lytic. Ohio
t1 •
Walter McClure
! John
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Also. a Full Line of Implements
.u...,... H. EI EARNHART
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T ry ourJdbPrinting
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Waynesville, Ohio
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HOT BLA ST II EATER Ou r Plic' ,\ OO D ::; TOV~S (Da nd y H e l\ler ~ ) Our Pric e I' LOHE:N l ~ HOT BLA T (. Iillhlly uqed ) OUI' Pri ce COTTON FELT MATTRb:~::l O u r Pric e COTTON TOP AN )) BOTTOM MATTHESS Our Price corrON TOr MATrRF::lS Our Price
1.25 3.50 5.00 1.50
1.3~~ 31.od
11.50 35.00 12.15 10.35 4.50
we ll' s\.'at t'd ill t h l'
l' v1\" r ll\ -It.·· . :, 11 ' fo'u rlli l ure o f every desc ription at any p-ice yllu want-ro pay . sIIi.!: " \\" . I,,, ' . I, "" ,., .. I \\ •. J: ~!' d th e room a lld yt'U need the 1I' 00d ~ lluy carefully . don't . • _ . . I thirl V \' ea r .... tli ~l l · \\1 , .. ' , l' -I"" hU}, inil Buy n ow! ~I. ~ . I':d ilil H a rri s hfl !4 b ee n on th e The rep:u lar m eel inll of the Wom.T he CommullI ty Serv ice nQSO~l atlOn I r i~ t; i'~ ail'HI' .·· I I... \. " .,.' I I ,· I"H· t;! a nice li ltl e s tnck ot Xml\s gift~ . including Story ~irk Ii.t . ~in O:e he r n:IUrIl fr om Ca rd- an's Auxiliar y of St. Marv's church WIll have H. commu nit y ChTls tm as P II " I ~ ' '' '''H ' l a H~ Auto F ire Enllifle, Hauy Phlte~ . Little Dullies, Ca rd d. . .. _ !:I P(~ ' l t W I 1 " " I - I " ; f , I • ~ :. :- 1'\J II>!'l· ~ . Mar bles. Tin Dis heJ. "C upid' ~ Dart" Plclure~, Smlill inlll nn. w hE' T(~ ,he was called by th e ' was held at the home,of Mrs . S : L tree, Friday ev elllng. III front of th e ' M r '1>") [.' \\. I I ~H ( \.I I , " I,'r :lln e. li nd Ill 'lny o th e r things nd I . ' . . I i!ick ll ' $S a nd c\ eu t h o f hl'r ~ i::lter. Mr!'. Cartwriilh l o n Thursday aftern oon. Masonic hall. The tr ee will he ha . . p t ' e l u Ill ' I l l d L'HlllP 1"';1,. ,1 J _,,'! H' . ,(; lleH ho w many beans in the glass jar in our wind!lw One somely decolratell, a nti ev ery chil d In i n~ .\ ft' " r l'rll:L l h :i I ly t i lt, (1 ,"'. 1 Decembe r 16 . L. H J l) h,, ~ t () " I!U, "- ~ \\ II h e ach lJurchase and one guess with each <l 1ll\lir spent A . The mee linll was opened by Mrs. thetow nRhip und er1 ~)'es r8 0 tage f, .... ", .. , n II I \\, ' Cr ) ~ I ul l' ut Gl ass PLlnch Set to the one guessing the nearellt. will receive a treat \I ' l l Il' pr ~:-.c ll ~ l , " Mr . HIl.l Mr ~ :-i ewton 13latt. Mrs. Cadwallad e r. reading a part of t he n jf t·n l· d , \"'oIi " 1! W t' n' Il J:.U i V :lil t! 11" ,,· I I I')' Cleaning Laundry Suits to Mp.8IIure Ali ce ~1c1~iJl ~t' Y II ntl daughter. Mi llS 2nd chapter of Matthew . T he devoA ~hort program will be give n . 1' 11 1 :\ '" "" iltf u l \,,, ... 10 \\ ' 1" ,. , ' • Come r 's AIl · W~ather Guaranteed Coati' (40% ott ) Ii enr;e tl a. 1'.1 rs W . J. Kilb on. Mi s.~e9 'lional service was conducted by Re v. consistilll!, mainly of Christmas carola, t n : d l l II I I l l i :'" t y . li\ l' !,I' 1 ~ I ' Eve ryth ing Red uced The officers of Wayne ~vi \l e Lodge Hem lI nrlll e ll nnd Al m a Wate rh ouse Cadwallad .. r. Scr iptLlral Quotatillns afte r which the treRt will be given ~II 'l llp i ng ill ])ayton, Sat urday. we re g iven in response to roll call. we rr 0 111' bP SlIIl'S!I has been c~tra good and we think you. Just two to the children, u ll(ler the auspices No. 163 F . & A . M., were install ed , '. On :'lIJ'Hh \· . 11[} C'l'I. I" ~'~ ' ; .. " days left until Ghrlstmae. Better hurry r into. office. 'fuesday evening at a After the reading of the minutes of the Moth,ers ' club, who will superan d 1\11 ~ ( ; I .I , ~ .", I , ., ", ' "". special communication. Bro. Ca rt· and disposal o f business. th e follow- intend the affair. abouL lW t:nl) . I \. ~ I . l · U:-l! 11 1. <1111 Our fotto - Falr Dealing. Honest Prices, Satisfaction. The exe r(:ises will begin at 6:30 installed the nliW officers. and BTl). ing pr og ram WIIB rendered : coming of th " [ alll il ..· .\ 1, l li, "',, ' o'clock, wh:ich will givE' e verybody Henderson was mars hal. Victrola- "Same Day I Shall Know" ren we re presl' ,ll . 1, ,, 1 ~ 1 1 .11,, 1 ~ 1 . Reading Annual report of the Diose- an opportunity to attend o ther funcsan Secretary ..... Mrs. Clldwallader lions of tha t evening. It is h oped M. S W "~I , Wh UIlI "' e "I , ,! ,.•n ·" , . row with. having , il'i.1. t :', ;11 tI· ·..• Music "Lead Kindly Lig"t" that every child in the townshi p will family . At th e Iwo n 1l .. 11 ' HIlI" I Reading - " Legend ' of the Thorn be present to Mee thi ; wo nd ~ rful t ree Bus h" " .... ". Mrs. F . B. H enderso n and get their treat ____ justice t o lUrke y " lid ' 1 " Iii,' ;' !llr '. L ida ~ 1I1ith had the misfor· Reading-"Christ rnas Eve at J eruth ings that wpr l! ~ I JI t':,. lll'~ ': " tIl ' t ... 11I11t' Iii SI Il' OIl II , te l' at th e ho me of , sale m" .. .. " .... . Mrs Nina Hart iock riJey were ·th en II\\' P"J I ·' . ,,~ II Music - "Open the Gates of the roo m wh er e OI l! ::; ~n " h"d 'J<" " . 4' .. . Temple" Don't Pay War .Prices (or 1\1 r . \\ Ill . Ze il las~ Tuesday eve n. "... inl{ . al ill ~,. \'~ r"l y s prained he r ankl e. app earan ce aml l!' !'1 ~ If:- r' r I '. , Your Candies After ad j o urnment dainty refreshj , .... ~ • ' hl' 1111. be,, " s Ulfering conside rably one. Cundy WU ~ I" "k " I,' I ii ·· J' , 'Cut Mixed. pe r pound .... .. .. . 20c ments were served by the h08teas, '. t hr ou)! h her acc ident. and he r m any crowd uy l alll CC c;ld \' n E ,II.; .\ Gum Drops. per pound ... ..... 20c y assi~te1 her little granddaughter. fri en d~ h OJlt' fo-r a s peedy reco\'ery Chocolate Drops, a po und .. ... ~ 5 c lat e ho u I all d lJarteLi l u th e P' l "" \. Evelyn Cartwright. During the soThursday, December ~3rd Pean u t TafTy . a pound .. .. .. .. ~!j c ous homtls, utlc\urilll{ Mr . III1U j\ l l'~ . . cial hour a .re&ding by Evelyn CartJe lly Beans . a pound ... .... ..... :We Featuring Etht,l Clayton. in b:lli s id e:..1 hos t :11111 h,,' I.. ~:1 wri g ht, "Twas the Nillht Before .T he Hi school team played the On e Wh,. Wu,; [',,,,.' ''''[ Oranges. doz . and u p .... " .. .. . 30c Christmas," w a.~ much enjoyed by Frl!~hman team of Wilmington col___ _ __ _ Dates. package .. .. .... . .. ......... 20e all prtlllent. Mrs. J . O . Cartwright Figs. a pound ....... .. .... ...... . 30c It'ge Friday evening and defeated Also, Charlie Chaplin, in and daulrhter were prellent lIB viaitthem the aeore of 41 to 17. The Hi . We have Nuts of all kind s . Day Lnn ~ I l\fli tt. who lived at Col· ors . One new name was added to played like demons and eBiily took Fla. and Navel Oranges. Tange r . leg e " "I fa rm. die d at th e office of the roll of membership. the game. · ines. Grape Fruit . Admission, 17 and 11 cents - - -•• -+--- - Dr . \' ,," de man. of Sp ring Valley. The IndelPendents played the sec. The fi nest Appl es in town . SlIllI,..la \, e ve ning . ' Mr . Maffitt had Ambro~e M'lfli u \\",- h"" ill [',: . ond team ; find d e feat ed t hem by the Saturday, December Uth go ne t u 'th e Va lley 10 visit the doctor " ." Burlin gtil11. Ap l'l : I. 1" 11 Leave your o rd ers fo r Oy s ters \ seore of 31 to 15 an d \\' h ile waiting fo r him h e s udNice la r ge Oys ter. sol id m eat . Featuring Charles Ray, -in Two games will be played Satur- the second nl d" sl "1,, ' 01 " I ·1..,f, . II . J: tins or bul k . quurt o nly... .. 7:,c d 111 y (' x pircd. the cause uein g h ea!t . I' ., dayeveninlf. The It dependents wiil thre e g'ill " ." ,, 1 Ii . . '" t fllulJle . The funeral WIiS held Tues· play the fi rst Hi School team , a nd life uf th e d.·,·,· , ~, .. .. " I " Laure l C rBcker ~ . pound ., .. .... ~Oc Ja v 1I10 rnilll! , at th e Spring "alley Also. Pathe News Wayn esville Bre ad .... .. .. . " .. . !k Bellbrook will oppose t he second place of hi ~ 111 1' 1h . 3 loaves for .. .. .. .... ... . .. .. .. 2:,c F r'i l'n<!,; cI~ urc h . Inte rment in Sprin g On JHnu a, ,Y 141. 1-.,1 II' Dou 't forget the mlltinee at 2:30. All seats, 17c team. " . The Past Master' s degree WBI! Vall "y ce mete ry . • ted in marriu l( ' 10 1\ 111 . 11 Iii IlIlII , I .,. Nigbt, 22 and 17c 'Try our new Nut Oleo .. .. .. .. . 35c conferred on J. W. F..dwards at a also of Nt! w Ull rli , .. ",1) " ' •• J 3 pound s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. $ 1 00 special comm unication of District some ti me a ft er lh '~ II I " ',ri J g"~ " No 2 Ohio ~ ' . & A. M . 'at Dayton Tuelday, Decembel' 28th I<'ranklin Pure Cane Sugar SyrandMrs MH flilllivt ·" ill :-; \l I IIIt.; \ ·.I! .,,: up, ;/,-gal cans . ...... " " " . 60c ~aturday afte rnoon There was a · Featuring Ruth Roland, in Thir ty-thrl!l;' yt'a r ,,~" I,." .y C:I\ " (' Gallon Cans .. .... .. " .. .. .. .... $1 00 good-~ ized class initiated, and the to WaYlle~v ill (' to .. Il l' ,~ . , ,. , I,. " . work was Pll t on by Dayton officers Sl. Mary ' s ~ un (19y ·Sc hoo l wa ~ vis... he h a~ C iHH, c i t: 1l 1 j , II \ I .', II 111 d 11 Also a good Fox Feature iteu . last Su nd a y . by the ·Diosecan ; f"i l in ~ hl'al th nI H, I" :. .- . I r·· The dramatic club 'It th e Hiah And a ooe reel Educationa~ Comedy Merry Ch ris t mas to All · lI " day· Sc hool Secr etury. Miss Mary him to rel illq ui8b 1i .... 1e " ."L school wi ll give an er,' ertainm en t. Admission, 22 and 17 cents C"I.k. lI e r Llilk was most helpful to It Pa ys to Trade at For eleven m on lh3 .[\) )' j l a! ;. t l ",I . Col Thursday evening, at School hall. til(' ~ch" o l . a l1 d at th e regular service ~ b ~ . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. There will be two of thr~e short tI ed with th e di< .. a ~ e \ ,". 1, ,. ~ h e a dd r es~l· d the church. making a II., Ii, .oj :,, ' , plays, and no admissi , ,n will be becam e th e VI~ ( 1) r . t al k that wi ll be lo ng remembered. chalged. The whole affa r is under patient and U Ill'''Il1 '1:11 ' I \;' ,' \I'll . , II, ing h is !,(r eat e~ t HIl II',,, ; II ~ ' Illl 'On , I'lj the Miami Gatelte's ' Classified Columns for Result,. - -- - - --The Fa rmers' institute will be he1d the Community Service. The plays November 24. I 2u . he fell a:' !eel' .' are said to be good, ant' the com;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . here two days or next week, Friday, munity is ,cordially invited to come the a ge of if; yeilr ~ . 7 nia:l ths an ri .' days. There r elllt\ill ~ 10 nlPlIJ' 1l h I; 108s, hi s wife, 1. 1\' '' ~ i " : ", ,, UIIJ \O J . , • signed. lind they are. B~ usual, good brot hl!c, of hi s illl m ~ did t e fd lJl lly . ones. fuller particulare will bE Mr. Mafli ct wa 3 a ma n o f tin e C<IT I· : , giveri next week . .victi ons and he has f" r II);" IY >, "'11'; beenanard c n t P rul.i l" tillni.t I' ,. Why not mak e the Library a decid ec1l y po p u lar now to Iw 0 I ' ., · Christmas present'! Ever)' dollar hib itioni s l, but wh ~ 1l ~ I I' Mall it! ,;,;1 you add to the Librar v t r.a~u ry will espoused th e caus \;, he wa ~ (' () Il ~ itk r d be not only a gift to yo u rsel f but to a fanatic; he lived 10 s(:c t b~ c a Ll ~ e ' Let usDRYCLE~N and PRESS your ~nd f!JVery patron-in t.he township Show for which h e s tood. finally triu mph I Suit or Dress the modem way. No your apprt' ciatioll ·bv helIJ in)( t,) buy The dec~s ed~ w n ~ :.J memh e r of the ' offensive smell is left in any garments ~1 ~l nd day eve ning. defeating them by the more and better bo.,ks Th allk you! Masons,S co Ui ~h H' i,·. I (I O . ~ . .~ . cleaned by us_ . - - scor e of 31 to 9. The Springboro and the K . ur P . Iud;! ,·", I" Ih.·, e .: boys, who have been greatly handihe gave mu ch ti111 e UIll} l iI ,.ug ht . capp ed by lack of a practice roomMllffil t had m.lny f l' iel1 '~5 ill ,·I .., Dodda being the o~ly available floor ror his friend s he w ork ed. nIl ~eI'V":" I .i - played a · fast clean game. They was cons id er ed 1,1" g l" .11. T" ,. hilll 10; I Electric Grlils, American Beauty Irons, Toasters, will meet the MB80D boy!! on their The rOllowing merchants will c lose Heaters, Curling Iron s, Percolators; Electric MUll," I"'''IJI~ It r \Vll.\·I1 '·'·· : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ own floor next Friday evenin't their peveral places of bu ~ ill e~s un perform. ville will mi~ g h im uecau ~e of h i, '1 Mater.ial of all ki nd s. Saturday. Dfcen. ber 25t h Chri tm as mai'Jj' acts uf kintln.:s jll!l' fo rm e ill Day, at 11 o'clock sharp; B quiet and un assuming m l:l l1n I'.
Da vi~
"The Hidden Scar"
"The Adventurer"
, Ruth of the Rockies"
"Homer Come. Home"
--- ---- - -
"" . ,.
Chrl-stm a s GI-tts iI~r:c~~~~erT3hl:~~p~~~e~:t~:~:ybe;~:~~ I
I .-
St arr
Stu d eh
ke r Automobi les
Reco rds
-- ..-
·~;~~~ ; ~ ~~~~:!~~~~~ I
The Home Laundry
-----_ ..
...B. E. QARNi!:R.•• ·
.1 .,______
----_ ..
Automotive Equipment
Gloves , Robes', Thermos Bottles, ·Moto Meters, Trouble Lamp, Flashlight, Clock. Hand Warmers,.
Exhaust Warmers, Lock , Boyce Fire Extinguisher, Spotlight, a Tire or a Tub e Many Small Articles.
======= === '.-
F.D·. Havvke
Telephone 41, Haynesville Ohio ~~~~
Hunting or trapping i8 positively forbidden on the following farms: Dan Morgan Lintlley Menilenhall ' I Jason Sheehan , on all biB farms. Ly-man· Day . . A . B. Shaner J W. Cre8llwell.
----_ --....
Use our Cla!!itled Ad. tor reeulta •
L. A. Zimmerman D. R. Smith J. W, White C•. M. Brown Roy ' MacB.eth . Hyman & Co. J A. Funkey ] . .E·'Tanne-y Jeff Smith E. R. Bentley . H. lr.Earnbart
-AT- .
The Iln rtual m eetin g of t he stock· holders of th e Wayne ville NlitiOl a l ' Bank. for tlie purp ose of ell'CLi nl< , ~ officers for the ensu Ing ear , wiU u(:'I' beld at their banlting rc.ome lin Tu es- i day. January 11. J 9~ 1. heLwe 'n :',/, bours of 1 and :t II. In
Laybourne & McKean
I d29
L. M, Henderson. ' -hi.e r,
LYTLE HALL, LYTLE, OHIO On New Year', Eve Fry Brol. Music. Everybody II Invited. R, Osborne } Committee { AI Starkey , E. WaUac:e
Fred Starkey
econd Ye,al'.
or 5415
Have you paid your
Have you paid your taxes?
tax t'~ '!
Mrs. Walter Baker was a Dayton Geo Dakin. of Day ton. is visiting vi!itor :saturday. I elntive ~ here.
Dr. Dill . ORteopu t h. 2 1 ~ . Broud · Miss Frances Lamb iy visiting r elaway. Le banon . Ohio . tives in Logan, Ohio.
W. S. Saliebury. of Cleveland. spent the week-end here .
Miss Irma Harris. of Dayton. iij the guest of Mrs. Alice McKin ~ey
Frank Z.. !I entl'rt ai lll'd II I C hr i ~ tM". :lnd :vl r, . .1 II (.)I eman were II' . I' . B. Hende r, mas dinn e r Su i UI' III.\', n ·lal i\',,~ fr.1I11 dinrlt' r f,(lIc'''I, Xenia Ilnd X",,'a lind y,'lIn w ;-; Jlrinl!: ~ . "lll alld. r'lllliil' \ I ,ri- I nln~ Day .
Terrell Macy. of Toledo, is spend. Ed Haines, of Kings MiIIR, spent Mr . nndMr~ G"org', ' Il akin ;-; 1'. ,\ lr.:!lI d .\ I,.,.1 \' 1!awke celeing a week with relatives here. Christmas with Mr . and Mrs. David gave n dinner Snt llr.! :I\· III th. ·I,. . il l'llied Iht'I I' I ' " ,Iliil'f( anniv ersary Fetter. children. and a very (·llj .. ya l,lp dll.l' I 1··r.ida.Y f'v~ n il1 g a nd " ,." ,·r lai ned t heir Miss Lllura Henry. of Toledo, is was spen t (:llIldr<.' n an.! wan d 'hildre l1 to a fine the guest of MrH. Amanda Maffit: Fred Hartsock and family. of Mil I di'lner. ford, s pent the week-end here with Mr~. Susan Cook f'ntpr t llil1t'd at II I Mr . and Mrs. J oe 'fhomp~on, of r elatives. family dinner Chrj,;III1:t " \lll, . Whl':l ~Ir . find ~ Ir' \' Id]' I~ i dge, of .CoICincinnati. are ~pe nding u week with all of her children wer,' "n'Helit trl hll l1l~1 1 4. ~Ir HI. I \1 r" I\cllneth RIdge Dr. and Mrs . H . E. Hathaway relatives. enjoy th e da y. ..f I,rand Ih p 1-. :'I lil'll . Mr. and Hllent the wee k-end with relslives in ( ______ _ _ ~1 r ~ I) \ 1 I:i ol" ,· I"o k ~ u n.Jay dln- ' Roy Macl3et h and family spent Springboro. l Mrs. Amanda Mall\ t lind Mi ~ ~ IIL'r Wit h PlI ·il' i'.IIl'I1I~. Mr. anti Mrs . Sunday with r e illtiv es in Washing- ' ton C. H . MiRS Clara Lile is spending he r i Laura Henry. of Tllled n. w,' re di n. 1~ I a h l u n I ti,J~I·. holiday va'cation with relativeH in ,nergueR tsofMr . nnd Mr~ W . (I I ~I , . 'I I' . Frank Taft ami family , of Dayton Chil licothe. Haper; Monrlay I r: , ,, , .. !I(Z" !' fl nd famil y ('n· . !l ('rtll ined a( d l,nL'l' . ~"tll rday , Mr. s pent Chri Rtma ~ with Mr, and Mrs. I J. W. ~hite Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Walton. of l und i\ l r~ .J II .\ la r lat!, Mrs. WilMr' and MrR. W. H. Ail en en t pr - li a ms. ~l i ~H II,·. II :Yla rllltt . and Dayton. spent the week-enrl tere ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harner spenl with relative>! . tained on C hr i ~ tm8 H fl ay. Il r. and ~h's, rs ( ·h.I ... I· I, ·I!, I .lllt l ' ri ntz lIn(1 . I the week·pnd with r e lati ves in Spring ..._ 0".. <. <;<.A.--.... ,.r. Mrs. S. S. Stall and Miss 'I{ate Mc- Fr~dcr ic k 1<" lli, I.I· r . M198 ~1 .. &..itWhetsell . ot' Di~ton. 1 ~ Valley and Xenia ... Collum. of Franklin. anti sllve ral w8s-tbl! iuest of her parents dbring : from here. Mr. and ;v[1·~. \\ '. I·: Co rnell had HERE'S TO THE NEW YEAR-MAY IT HOLD FOR Miss Bess White. daughte r and the week-end . 8 H the ir gu est... on Chrislmas Day, YOU PROSPERITY TENFOLD ; MAY ' IT MAKE Ron , of Dayton. spe nt the week-end Mr and Mrs. Milton Sheehan. of Mr . a nd Ml's ~1. A . Cornell. Mrs. UP .l'O· YOU IN WORDLY Oc>ODS AND HEALTH MI S. Alice McKinsey and daughte r with relat i ves he re . Cent erville. and Ern est Ilu ~f· r!l . o f l1 11 nn ah Smi th. lIarry Prate r. Ve lma FOR 'ANY LOSSES IN THE PAST; MAY IT' KEEP Miss Henri etta, were Dayton visilOay tn I. and Mr. and MrH ChBs. Co rnell. Adri u C"rnell. William Mrs. James Vanclf, rv Qo r t anel Bon ors Christmag day . '."OU AT THE TOP OF .. THE WAV@o.AND HELP Clark. of Lytle spent "h rislmas Micl1 l·lll'r . II. \ ·u rnell. Mr. and Robert, arc ~ IW ndllll!; th e holidays US TO MERIT YOUR CONTINUED AND APPREwith Mr . and Mrs. Elmer Rog'ra MrM. Ie I; ~1 11: I' r anl l Mary JoseLevi Lukens, 01 Wilmingto", with relali ves in Lexing ton. Ky. CIATED ·'PATRONAGE. spent Sundav at the home or Ed ph ine unci Ric-h .m l ~ I dl e r. Misses Helen and Antha Dinwiddie Thomas and family . Mr . J. E. Janney and fnmilv en of Dayton. ~ p{>n l Chr i ~ tma8 wilh Mr. a nd M,.,. Le~ tll r Kenrick bad tertained to a 6 o'clock dinner Tu c~ Mrs . E lta Prinlz and son. J oe , their molhlor. Mr ~ M... beillinwiddie. day evening. Re v. and M r ~ . J , F. a~ th l'ir g u", t, l ' I ,ri~ll11 as Day, Mr . were week·end guests of Mr. and Cadwallader. Mr. anrl Mr!l: W , H . and Mrs. eha" I }, p. Al len Hole nnd Mr . and Mr!l Chas. Thorn. of Mrs. J . M. Taylor. • • •:::: .....::::.::::.:::: .....:::: ....~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ Allen. Mrs Mary Ad a ms an d Mis!I r'lmi ly. J Ullles .J q hl1 ~ unci wife. Ralph Cedarvill e . Brc I! U PP t ~ of Mr . JaR. S. .J ohnA and wife. Mr$. L E . Mc Makin Olive Allen . The many friendR of Mrs. Hannah McClllre allti f1 auKhtc r . MrR. Ida anrl Hun. M I ~. Viola Carey, Miss AntrRm. of Dayton, will be glad to Kelsey . Mr. and MfR . J . O . Ca r tw r ighl Ali re Carey. M e.~ rs· J esse Thomas know that she is much beller now. and daughters . delightfu lly ('III Cr - and Frauklin T h" lIIus . Mi~s~H 1~lizd)l'l h RI " I I{uth ChRIIJ. C. Murray arrived . hom~ Wcd! tained on Chri~tmn ~ Day I Ill' folluwd l('1' we I''' ill ('(oIU I IJ \J II ~ IR. L week nt- nesday e venin~, fr om a deligbtful ing guests, Mr . and Mrs . S L CartMI ~~ 1·:01 II a (' ,II·lIl·1I delightfullv ent e ndin g t hl' Ohi u Sla tp Teac1er' s Visit with old neighbors In Arkansas. wright. Mrs . Rach el I';py. . 111 ,' tl!r(a ill ed at I'<lrd ~ on last Tuesday The M. E .. cholr gave a a ~~o ('ia l illn . Sunday evemnll, the entire service Misses Kizzie Merritt. f:nllna Cn rl- C Vf'11 i Ill,(. th e ~ l i~ Hc~ Anna Furnas, Mrs A. McCrav, Ernest and Mary ( :orinn' Welch, lI elen Welch , Alice . hour bein~ given to the choir. wrill'htnnd Martha Burn l'lt . Herbert E<lwarcls nrrivec1 hom e McCray spent one day last week in Clll'l'Y . 11 ('1 " 11 Ma rlatt and Adria Otterbein Home team came bere The Farmers' In.tltut. will be Anthema appropriate to the season, Saturday morning fr om th e West. Dayton visitillll;' relatives and friends. l 'OTllI'II The ~l ('~H r~. Keller Hoak, M Bnd Mrs . C . W. YOll nce -; 1 ' . Saturday evening and defeated the held at School auditorium Friday dueta: quartets and trios were also B e will op ' n<1 t W1] IJ r thl'ee weeks (;""1'1'" Wa INh .IU81'. Irving Welch. during the .week-end. entertainl>d Grange will be held the 2nd Sat· second Hi team by the score of 18 and Saturday of tbil w·..k. Every- sunil. Solo!! were luna by Mrs . here with his pa n' nt ~ urday in January, because of the to 17 . The Otterbein's were all thinll i. In readineee for a lucc:_lul Frank LeMay, Ern. . Earnhart, Mr. and Mrs . C. W. YIHl IIl'U and l'II ,d" ' I ~ Ylllln cI a nd Wi lliam MichMrs. Mary Adam s . Mi RR J eannette Farmers Institute. There will be small f e llows but they surely had meetinll, and the IJM&ken will be Coulul ' and Cosy Younce. The children, Ru s9~ 11 Clem(lIIH. Lfl l' kin P lll t' . Janney Rnrl Elh an Crane. of WII· Ins tallation of officers . the game down to perfection. Their 1l00d..onile. The- '~ Ii _ ~ .......... full, *'tjoyed by a good and Ramonia. of Newark . Oh io. ~I ,., S Il ~HII t '" .. I, and daughter~ Misli Cosy Younce . Mr!! B es~ j f' .Jack - iVI a rt II:: lIalld ~IJ II\1J I .v entertainen .1 minglon cnlleg .... tire s pending the pa38 work and signal work was foUow!!; Friday. Deeeimber. 81.tconJ1'llaUon. MIII8 Ethel Hosier Mr:!. W. P. Salisbury, Misses son and Leo Younce, of Duylu n. holidllY vacati on wit h r ·lativC8 herE' . t :hr i ~ tllla , d inn ' r al t heir cozy home Mabel and Hazel and Master ' Clark superb, nnd but for the weight 9,30' a. m. Invocation" Hev. eM. preeicled at tb, plano. 0 11 Main , 't. M I'. and Mrs . Will against them the score would have waURder. MUllc. Prtllident'e Ad· • __ 0-Salisbury. of Delaware, are tlpendinlr Mr. and Mrs A L Hartl ey have Mr . and Mrs. Carl S her wood lind Ul'adley . of Le hil lll)l\. Mr , and Mrs. been much larger. dress. Minutes of the I~ut Meetine. returned to th eir home in Daylon . Ihe holidavb at their home here. son, Morris enle rtain ed at Chri"t - 1';<1 C" .. Ic,;lnrl Lllllily . of Ferry, Mr. The }<'irst team defealed the .'The Cow, Her Com and Her Care" aiter spending a few w'ee k ~ with thE' mas dinner Mr . and Mr >!. Anron anrl M1':1. I"rank CU'lk a nd daughter. Hear the Alladin..8upreme Victrola <!~Izzly Bears. the score beinll 33 .to H , P. Miller. DllICl1II1o:n. Appolntlatter's brothe r lind family, ArmSears, Dayton, Mr . a nd Mrs . M. Marie . Mr. alld ~I 1':1 Carl Frey. Mr . at Saw'y er's Furniture Store . Mr 27. The game was a very taRt one, mentofCommltteel!. Mutic: "Health strong McCray . E Sherwood, Mr . and Mr ll franlt !lnd 1\1r~ (·;h>lrh·,l (:lIok li nd son, Mr. somewhat resembling foot ball, and Conditlona," Dr. Wm. Edward Blair. Mrs. Ellen "ann milton died ather Sawyer has accepted the ag '~ncv lor the referee had his hands full from Friday December 'lItt-l-OO p m borne iu Sprtnll Valley Mouday morn- Rudduck and son. Ho race . Mr Ulirl Ml) r ri ~ CO(1I. ~ 1 r an d Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs Horace Wilson. of tbeHe machines , and is prepared to the very start . I MUllc. '''Poultry.'' Mia ·A~ld: Inilibout 3 o'clock. after alonll iII- Mrs. Frank Harlsock and Ro n. Janl e~. . ·crvi,. find SIII1. I{ube rt Lee. Mrs. Vandalia, Ohio. are spending a week tnako you a nice price on them- cash _ __ _ _ _ Discull8ion. MUllc-Sybll LeM.y neM. The funeral wu held It her Mr. Leroy Bart.~oc k nr,d S U Il MI' Sa rah i\ . I·' . ' J' an d Mrs Lida A. or payments. with relatives here and a t HarveysMr. I<ill en. It \\. ~~ a j"lly company and and Helen Hawke. "Swine Feedllll''' late reeideDce at 1 o'clock this. af~er Raymond Hartsock alit! S'"' bur" . Mr. "Wilson r ecl!ntly frusLawrence Furnas. Dillcuaalon. ,noon, ~v. Cadwallader otftcllt.mg, Charles Rudduck and :111 11. M r8 lhe day was II/ Ie Inn~ t o be rememtratell a bank robb ery in Vandalia Music. "A Just Tenancy Contrast" and Interment W88 made III Miami Jennie Mull en and dau g h te r, Mr . h 'red M r , tllld M rd Santa came Parry Cook and Mios Marv Cook . laden with many r:-if t8 for the hostess. H. P . Miller. Diacull8lon. Music, cemetery. Jesse Lewis, of P hilade lphia, is Friday, December 3ltJt-7;OO p.m. vi8itin~ hi:! parent s here. He The lIecond number of the lecture has tligned uv again for the Navy Readinll, J888ie Robit zer, A fter the exercIses at t he Com· course wili be held Saturday even· Solo-Helen Marlatt. "A I'iano' New Ii' and will leave the latter part ()f January for San Fran c i ~co. where munity tree were over Friday even- InK. January 8, 1921; and the De- Rural Community," H. P. Miller. ing, the singe rs serenadtld the shut· Marco Aistrup company will be the Music-Men'a Double Qluartet. he will join the Weste rn fl eet. ins all over town . Their singing Will attraction.. They are said to be Saturday. January II1t.-9:30 I. m. Have you paid your taxes? very fine • • very much apprrciated . Music. "Oblo'!! Pro~18I iu Rural For every dollar's worth of mercha ndise Lea!slatlon." Clyde H. Hooley. bought of us will entitle you to a chali ce Lo DillCul8ion. Millie, 'Pa.iblJlUea get one of the exceptionally fine prese nls W and Method. of Live St.x:k Improveare otJerlng. We know you want on e ~ . . ment,"H. P. MII.!.er. "Soy Beana In them, and the more tickets you have 1I,,' Warfen County." C. F. Clus. Diabetter chance for you. cUMion . _ We have everything carried in a fir sL Saturday. January lst~l:OOp. m. MUBic. Reporta of CGmmltteea. cll'55 hardware store, and our pric('s arc ill "Orlranized Allricultu~" H. P. keeping with the goods we offer. . . Miller. _ DlaculBfon. MUlle-Janney Sisters. ' "Farming Buaineu under Present Labor Conditions and its Future PrOlpecta,'" Clyde H . Hooley. DIBCuuion. Mullic. Ben~ edictlon-Rev. Holt. We have the following in stock : A committee will be In chal'gt'l of Flash~LightsJ. QiJ;.,$loves the lIJJ1all children, 10 brine them alonll. P.ocJcet Cutlery Coal Stoves & Ran.Qes The ladies of the Gr:ll1llle will furButcher Knives Wood Stoves nish the mealll. At the dinner hour they will beetn at 11 o'clock, wbich "Qulcker Yet" Wash- Shears of al/ kinds will Ilive the buain888 m'tn a chance lers-Power a nd Safely Raz6rs to Ir8t their dioue,..
----- ...---
TOOl HSOME PRESENT We are Indebted to Mrs. Harl7 Murray for a ml!8ll of d4tllcioul ters. Mr. Arthur Lea1l'Y,of New ' Jersey. a nephew of Mr. Murt'Q'. who viII ted In Waynea\rllle leVeral weekllut summer. HIlt 200 o,.ten In the shelll as a Chrlltrall p ......t to Mr. and Mrs Mur,.,. ·
Th is Coal ·at the ' Price is a bargain, and- we ask you to get your orders in early before 'it is all gone ..
.P hoqeo25-2
Straight Razors
' .
Waynejville. Ohib
I!::i:::==:::;:=== ::::::::;~===================;=======:a .,--
II tbeIr motto,
A good line of Harness, also, SlIch as Team Harness, hand- Buggy Harn ess
made Lines: Collars, both leather Bridles . And other things and canvas
M.....; Roy
navia are....repaNd the fanne ....· Call their priCII are' ~1OQ(atil4..
Waynesville, Ohio
... I
"11 . :",1 "fill II PI/lfU U " n,' liN '0 !knrC'('I ~' I:oosmo,,' .. I till' "1' 11 011 " n'Y hll ,"hl.,·. "I\ U fl ll\! I l' eould. You ar~ ' ~"I tllu,". their hanll dll~" d, t;1I ~11I~ fill'·I!. lll ~., ),O ll nre' unhurt ,., nt Iho lellplng ligures f flRIlI ..... '\ 1111 "1 IIIU ~I lJo.! ll ruJRed. I 8uPllose; It 1I ~ lt'l1lt11l 10 tllll Vlrl Iy or nol ~~ ~n" lin li~'y nnd-ODd I reali, r elld,lo\! thl'lr enr,. 'I'hl' 11(0 ItlOIl .• H llll k [ 10 I l'l)lIsc'loUIOtllll' It ftrst. while on ot brno!lIl1g horro r. 111(1 111' ftPl1nrl'ntly Iny ol " ~ Imltlt'illnlo' 111','11. '1' hvll I Be nwd to he ur )'OU call me I 'l'he flllm('s could 1I0t fCfll'h IIF,·In . nnl! , 10llg wllya off. Is the cllbtn allre"; " Y ~8; those d" \' 11 stArted It' tit t~e It II'O S nlreRdy pyhh'nl 111ft I (h .. ~ ~ , r IIr. You CIIn hellr th o ,vood' cmeld. dl'ose ,·"Ium ~ or ~ ltIoke. whll l' dl~ · e," 11 do\,:n hcre. Bnd we mllSI get tal' 8 gr,, ~" h l i! nnd Sll rrll~llllll ll. ,.,lIld 8t III ther ha r le Ollt of the WRY . WII !'D the III' Pllliurf"1. It"1 1I~'"g ~'~'I'I'.I III' roo ' fllils tblll part of the "oor lUay Iherr. lot hn t hoi" Llnfle rl!TOII II(!. till · Jlht e to " l'lIlul'p f" ,·tI.. 1I0ke.1 l'y tI,,· cn"1/ In 1I11l0." fllmes. thetr fu l'''. "Ulnrtin, frolll t IFe In Iplte of thl! Incnnllo(!l ~ol"m. of h(,lIt. Ib (' ~ 8rth wnll9 h oh"n~ IhNII h. flomes arn"·e. 8cn rC'ely a glimmer of I.rlson. death ",oltlo!: tc.r Ih t'l1I wh ich · red IIg)'t lucc('ofled In peuetratlnlr to whl're they ,,:cre hl(\llen. A very p,','r "'''Y t hoy tlln1 1'~ . IIrou!:"t II T .' \ · /~P \: ~IAN AND WIFE- EVERY FAMILY slight gtow found entronce tbrougb Il lft rIIl n ( 0 Otl:lI .he ('flu id 110 '''" ~P' ~ "lU bnt. IltI plIl,ll'ell' sill' du , ch p. 1 ... I~ ENTITL ED TO A HO \IE ON THIS nnrrow crBck aboye them. yet Shelby ruAn hpRldl' h!'r. hl' r h"n,1 tttUdl ln lt hiWO ! co mpelled to leom Ihelr Immedl. Io!.. 1'1-1 0 11 OURS. sh ou ld,'r. lH~r ""l l'fldf'r rllrtn t rl:;lmhllng : nte l urroundlnp more by aeole ot to 1\ ~"(' IlI'n OUIIoII"~ I . I touch thlln "llht. I.' \:UU HAVEN'T Gor IT- IT :'IlUST "Doo' t Inst' )",)\11- llt'rvt"," t Ie w h tft. They I\'('re In Il mtre hole .cooped pt'red. Slorlled by h"r netl oll. "nolhln~ 'u UR VE RY OWN FAULT. MAYBE IT oj II · Or!' no! hun"/" his \'o k" ou t trom I he Mf, ,' " n IF. hll rd ly wIder CIIn hllrt us here." I \ .\ :-; TIlE FAIVRE TO ACT. 1 _ 1111\\ ,', n' I I \\ 11 11 1\ Hhltlpn retu rll to thon Ihe trlll' dFlor \\'I,I ('h h'd 10 It. UJe "Oh. I kno'.: It I. not thnl ." Ih p ; uc'u . . ! ' .. . ' 'I,· h . 1," ' \ Olhl'r puodlt'uns ot the <" ubln floor won!lI. almost n snit. "I do nnt Ihlnk 1 r~ ' 11;;1': :'-lO ' V l S THl': TDIE . US ABOllT a ll tl,' , ' l l ' 1 : • ,q., 1- 1 <iou' , knuw . T l'l1 nu ot "'sllnl! lolldly upon the Iround. Shel. am renlly frlllhl e n" ,I: only I- I wnlll i dlPhiJlI. I I ' l l ; - / . by lend ing Ihe wny, feeling hi s PR81 '\ II ! I II \\ hu t hns hnpp('u ('(1. I j ['1' . A:--.fO WE Wlf.L G[VE YOU AN g STf · 10 t ecl you neur :1 11 1, rL'd U Sl d l !' ". ,;,,· 01 I'Hek qu ick ly. Ihe hl'nr h ol'e r. 811ge II1 0ng In c h by In~h. was sudllenl, "~If' \.. he C1Ht 'Slln ll r rl R urpl'l:et! : I .1. \ 1'1· : AT LOWE:sT FIGURES . • 1'\1 t !ltIn' 11 11"" ' . • "rr .. 01 ","1 I fp l!. II Is nil ;>nrth h"lI~d hl' nn en rlh horrler whld! •.....·lIy. I: hnl' e,,'t [l eI' '' ",uel, GIl,,, 1 so 1 tllt'IIIl."'" 1"' 1 • 1.11 .1 " I IIIl'- wllprc nm 17" S~(, 'lIlngly blocked all further proiresa. fftl'." Int. · 11 ." ... , • " III t h·· 1' :lS"" "e hen;>Ath Ihe eoblll ." He cou ld feel tllal It did Dot wboll,. "Dh. but you hH\'e: J'nu h u \' c hN' n tt. ~ III Idl I... , .. cl'och Ih e toP. leaving tI Bpa~e there aplendl d. )'0;0 \I'I,,,,nn cnul ,1 e,'er n. l; hi 1' \III: d llt'd ou\ r kh' , " It hn ~ hf-l·11l D t u !-'ut III .. " II. I ,01 1111 ,I Ihrough which It mllht be possible to more. J want you to kn n \\' how J.,:'rJll " ,r t1m l' III \ 1 • \. I, 1tllnk. cru ~yl. i ' e t whal would there be befill I 11m." ., n(~ fortl I I, I,' r , ' I ~I"p YOD,!? Wby should th ey ~enture fur"Well. 1 .10ri·t jusl like IhAI ." he ,. f nrwnn1 I '. r ! d! ~, ttl., ther Bt present? L,8UU wal outside proteste d. "The re aln'l no cnll _o for , !. .. Ill' tlh' tin reo "r III' :' with hili Indlanl. th e whole sce ne III you to he gTOtpf\11. RO for 8 8 I 1'1111 S '·'· . ,I : •• 11 •• \\ t~1 I 11\' (,llI lr,' itlll " · , ' lip with th e glare nr n81111'8. They A IIIRU who wouldn'l s t Ick wllh hi. HC'llr<,,-.Jy ~," 1\ \:1 " :1 .. 11: lrl' I' ry , dnrc nOI veoture 10 expose Ulem· wife wouldn't h .. I\I1It'h." ~ ,~ ~ . ................................~.................................................. thti' c-rn"!1 ,'I \' '1 IHU I'1i 1"'I,d1, 81'1I'el. 'H e re they were beyolld re Ach. "A r e l1 011 her e ju t heen I\ ~e lOr Ihn 11" 81l f1 t h .. :,," t:11I I , "~ fallli ll.! Iw:t"I protecte<l from both OAmes Ilnd sav· -- -------~~~~~-~--:--~ "W e ll. mllyhe no! allog" lh e r. Of Iy VI) t he 110 10'1 ,\ "-\,,J \"I' r \\,'1,\ ='"ld n ages. UllleslI some nmollg th ofte IS· \ cours ... 1'(1 be IH're anyhow. I won lll,, ', nlflg nlll, iI ,\ I' .. .. r h, ' n UI I1I , 11 11 01 Ilt,·tl "0 11 " ,11 8 kll ew th e ex lsl t'nee of Ulls ,,' 1 11 ... 1 lit'''''''' III" I. Read Gazette's ClaS$ilied Ads w : .:: ": I IJI\ ltl l " I' I ' 811 \\ 11\,1 "1 111 h l ,'\ 1·11 11 '1, t'l W t · III II n', IIIIIIIt·1. or ocddl' II1ally 81UI1IIIIed ullOn go hnr!, on nu \\' olllnn who belu nt.:,·d " " , , lill i ' 1.1:''''1\. then ; '1l11I 1'\~ I I · 1' IU II\ I,' I l ltl t" .; lis oUle r entrR nce. tI,Py could scftrl'ely to lIIe. Bill you Rln 't 'jllst tllnl exncl· h plh ~- ,-0\,11,1 " '" tlol llill),!; PIli,' t he 'I'll \ .. I \' I '! II 1\ -' \ '1', ,1\ 1 huh) nn' In 1111' \l tI ... I I, 11\ I 'I ' .. 'I 1 111:\' , .' II1(\P~ tll 1ieo_ hI' e xposl'd. E"en If one or IWO fouod Iy. I've somehow got to Ih ln klu' • 10 1 blu rrt't! 11I 1'lrll I' ~ or Iltn l ~tlll-!It ' 11I~lll lll :",\ 11 , ' 111 , I " - '" 1,1" " Ih"lr way In. thiS bnrrl l'r of eo rth olloul yo u 101 1· ly." ttl n' ti l' 1 1]11 .. ' I kn llw nnt httw Ht b ad spun'd 1'''I 'lr lIU hl~ hru i n ~h (1 i _l an' 'l,t til ' IIIJ~.' h· 1 I.. ": II """Trul y'" ~otice of Appointment would · block th em. nnd. If np C"~8 ory. hnd hl' l 'lI ..:IHII - hl:ot \\" 1(,,; till .... ),!Irl IH' r.-"I .) ,ttu ILUi , o\' ~ . Ear , Illl ) und 'I I ,.U 'l)t" 'I i' l , "Sure; tll ere'» a he np o· things hllpf(1I"1Il tl' e bps t 1'000s ibi e ,!I' fe n.e. <.:o n· .r ,\.: .\ '1, '1\ ':: hili r '~l ......e llh1('m: b lld !I 'UI 'l h'" tll 10\'E' ! SIIIIH,' .. tr:l~ :: l l ot hu 1'1".' 1 .. I' ... 1 1 "11 \ 1 I'l l 1,' ,'1" 11 " 1'111 , till\\" 1 know ! 11'1"111 11101 Ih c.v li nd perls he.\' oud thlt peDed since we W8 ~ lin ed up og8 1nll but 11 111"'H 'il~,1,, (, j'H,-l;'H .,;.; . • f r,lIl1 UII Inllll1 n rllt l'. flr('.1 Iolilld' .' In "';1 II la 1"1 1" 'I'h . ' ::('011 t;IHl would liI"'r ch arred hOlli es were lying 10 !lIe the wnll at Ihut hA Ck llown 01 PonNl. the flhrk. hU l1 fOil lid rutal p:l .... H~t' u S11I 11 1 \\ \ .... . , ;I I'~ e f011l1l1 out . more what you are 1140 h ' I "" I II lil' \ " 111 ' 11 _ " -tint ('()uhl IIIld' l of Ihe stili slIIoklng emberll through thut IIrokl'lI sh \I t 1" r. III,Id ",I\.' r h" n ', \II I ' I~ ";\ ti l ~ "I : ',\ I' : ~ 1 ,I .. ', I" p 11\\11 ,' (1 11 11\ Inl o Ihf' \\'oucl~, Iii" ml1 ll1 . the re would he no guard thnn I I~ ne," ihen; 811 '. I reckon. you Sl nlck h('r clown. II I III"t h,'!I''' ' ~S , 'II • 111 1 h . ';l r tho1"" dt" dl ... .. " . I I ' , . •, 11 ,\ , I ' ,.'1 ":1 \\1 h ..... III . hut wnl chlng for on otl c mpi ot escnpe. He ' 1101 n hell!'r line on me." dnze cl10llgetl Into n 1' 1\);" \ 'If !"1 ' \ ' l ' Il!!,', "I-I chose yon e,'c n then." the ir " ·h . ·,,, y" , I j - I I I , " I . ,,'. ,," , : II " .. , 'I) I It', ~'l' t WIIN J reoc he.1 out anti gras ped her hnnd. min gled with 0 wil d p '"rnlll l; Ih :., I", ~alUghetl owk'~nrllly. , . He 'rh t'\' h:1' 1 H" n · 1_\ - . ,f Ttl II I 11 I! 11( 1, 1' , I" .. 1\ l lt or ...: , 11 ' ~t \"', 11 11 '?" <lmwlng he r down heslde hltn. ml ghl yet lin d lIer 11111'''. . "Out 0' IhR' Iou";'h I I .Ion·t lot. " Y. , 1' :11,, 1111 ; :11 4' l u tl).' h('r~ !Ul W " Whal Is It 7" she ask.II In a I'o'hl. "011n1 1" he cri ed OU I. "Ol~o I" tbll &I no ireal cUllIplim enl ">a .,· . • L .....· .. - -- - : per. Tbere was 00 answer. 0 0 III., VCIII I' D I . ('I' 1 h~ nntinue(l ., "A f,,11 ot eo rlh ne Arly hlo ('k lll~ the Ibat ..all the omarlest lot o' rntlle t All was block . so unlll",.g: ('VI'II th e I pA SSAge." he e%l'lnlne<l. .. , hllve 110 e~er' rode herd o,·er." Notice of Appointment rille lire with ou l ho;1 e~nsed. 1\ Iclen where Ih e tllnn el 1('l1ds 10. " " d. I don't know." her mood ('hIlDg· "Oh. He dropp d to his k n ec~. olHl crrot I If I did. we wou Id n~v p r dn re c r"~p 101 lotn n w Int er .. s!. "Tbere w.. re t on.ar<!. fe ling along the !lour" lilt EI'a'" '01 .\mbroFiO 11 aftl IC. d..,.,a-l . 0111 Inlo the ol'l'n at pr~'l' nt. " lome amool them 1101 10 bod. Any· outstretched hOll os. dreodlll~ pnch In· HoHro tl h...... br "I.flu that Amanda Maflltt "You-rou Ihlnk we hnll hetter re- how. I chose you." hu a-D duly appointed an .1 qUIUO"" al alont to touch he r body. SIlIlIIf' IJI~' hi s Ksecutrts 0 1 ,he Klla' a 01 Ambro.e "'aWLL. mnln he re?" dOll ulrully. L. .... . ~::-,~ learehlng lingers encounlCrl' li All ope n· "Maybe you're sorry slnce~" } tate 01 Warrflu INuut, . Ohio ,Iucea-l . "U ntil UJe tire dips clown: perhapa Dated tid. ~th day or December. nao. Ing In the pu ncheon fluo r. "I am IIOt," IIrmly. "I Dever hove oeen . ,"1t~ ..::' Allan It . llrowD. even longer. Let Ulem believe we died Bee btr«~, Tom Sllelby. I prelty oenr Shelby dared 1101 mon!. except 10 'Was She De ad. or Alive ?" JUd~a~~~'t!'~~;.'"'o~~" In the cllhln: th en Ihere mny be Rome Irnew W~' B t sort ot won you 11'118 wh en I d19 I tel'l downward InlO thl IIIY~le rl (1us opening. Yel he renl lzl'd Inslall, ly 111 11 I "' : ~ or I !r' fnl l tt p l' TH·[1 li l t! 'rap , chAnce for lIIi to get IIwaY." selected you: your fnce told me that. Co mmoD 1'I1I8N Court "llut Ibey will RPtrch the ruins,,: What must h",'e occurred-Ih" IIIlrflcl~ 1 . , ,-11111''' \\l' 11111 ~' I''';t -II!,C f r om t hese l ' ou Ibl~ lI&ht ] jns t took you 80 "Not tllr some time: th oRe l<1g8 will which had 80 s wiftly dl scluSl'd Ihls S(,· I rj" , I I .. .' t' l :\I nktl rfl OIll rll r mt! to ('orne al to lIlt aw ay. Well. Inflyhe I ti ltl New 8uitll cret PIIS age. The girl. In fullill g. hlld ')11 \ \ I I : lil t' ":11.1 1} 18 ulrl'nd.\1 0 11 Ol'e, I s be glowing em he rs for hours. Thftt In. a lIeDse, tor I wOlild h,,,·1.' Iionl! n I· I'.,n, ~ I ' Ia nn" vs ELbel Undle y soonlled like the roof toiling then. llIoet Inythlnl to I'~all e fr911l thAI dislodged UJe very bl ock III lh e Il l>o r th. , I llIk d"'J!1" III ~" Io I. f real e ~ llItl' nnd An ad . in this column iR a sure 8sle aloe hod been end"n "orln g so \'HIIII)' lO ":'\" 1 \ ,·ry. I Ihlnk . rWld there Is It WAs--see I . It hall crus hed Ita waJ lite. But i OI.'\·l'r would hn ve 110m' I ). f , down Ihrough Ih e floor. Ther. Is a discover, It holl s udu l' lIl), s \\,ung 1'1)11111. with you. It I h.dll ·t ho,,,,.lIy IIk e,l I. . •• I [I. ow n \' s 1\811\(1ll(h Brown (,Dldron ot lire In thot hole we Nat you Just the IOllll'. You "nhl In tI, l' downward to the hen ,'y hlo\\' of h.!r Il l' I"w" rp" hlmselr. bul It \Va s 001 1 :' ,11 "- ,r:' ' · -l! TUS"4 Dt'g iecr. MONEY LOANED bodJ. and sbe ho d rnllen with II 11110 nl1t" ' ':'':!!!,)' 10 drop ; hi s f ee t stru ck the left. but It co n't reach u. here--ool,. cabin tbere Ihul you ,III(n'l IIInrry Ill" \' ~W ll i n " ~ \.' ho ~. Martlu et.1 UJe u~kno\vlI cl nrkll!'"s 1Jplnw. Hu t Pllrlll tl lJllr, 11 1111, li S he turned his Ihe smoke." beca use you knell' I IF nd n",,"'y- lIlI1t ,I " n,~ II I lII o rtllUl(e. "Will It not show them .. here w. JOo had no 8udl kll owh' FiJ;e. \I' U8 1IIIIIti!o' ('n llll' 111 co ntll c t with lll P slnb ONItY Tv 1.0 N ON ~' AR MS 'WtI' she dl'ad. or ull\'c? Hod Ihe full s,lIl ,IFill 1"11 1111. jll~1 ns It 10110 fallE'n. have gQner ' thot truE!?" at 6>" lot,· rA·t G t o 10 atunned her? He tlrl'w hlm s.·lf 10 thf' 01",;'111 " I h., tlrst I",pu l.e. Rwnre of a "I hope not : probably Ihe Imoklo,. "Certolol,." Probate Court ProceedlDp yellrB. Ttlrrell & Tllr"' lI , h en l Itto. Tery edge 1191 .. nlnl/. Wh lll WIIS aowo "wlol "11 till I loll"" , nr 1'('" iI,,"w~ ~o",e- ' hlnzlng t1!Dbers. will choke lip th. "Then wby did you run rr.'· lII P '" n "' LIr r of the 61Hulll of EIll. tR~B "nd l,." Il"", WiI",lngt .. n. Ohm . there? Mo cklln p rll ol's :' II,,· IW,) 11'1" .1''' , ,\ 1I1t1i. lIe rlJ .. ~('II IIIP block ' opening. len\'log II so "lied' with p·al't· , His ro c'e. hurnl ng (1'0111 111(', 111'111 nr ml 9 It I .' " ''' ' . rl ~(\IJ "S ll , l. First and Pbo"" :lU i _ .t:. u.lles migh t be I yln~ Ih",'r toglllhe: HI' " ,,·d. """k 11110 li s plll l'e. jll mmllll( Iy bllrned wood 118 to conceftl It entire- ' Ihe neorby ftamps. gn'w rcdller. If 1""I', .· 11 " II pprnvoll . In a common gl·o,·e. BU I wnlt. SOIl' I'· , I, 'I, ',.,· \\ I, ll " II hi " slr!'''g, II. until R Iy. An yhow. tbl8 II our one chance. • Ible. wi th e tnbor"n s ment. • 11 ('1' <'.1'''" ONEY L IF8ned ' Gn II H I SIOOtl, lblng moved 8I1rcl~' I I ,1",', . "1. 1'1; "''' ''' I'I('~<1 hi m Iii " I'lInch. We would be shot dowD mercllesaly ""ere 1Il1~ ln g s lm lgh, :.1 him. Insjalent : " I ,. ' n It I!> r "I' th e ellate of ~hr. ohatt.tt ls. 1118(\ aeoond m o rlgIlKe.. . "Olgo I spcuk to me I" , • 1".11. I r ll" ml lCte nt Tbtrd • •,,', , . c"1'1 11'11 8 scc,uf"ely h ·ltl. Th ey oUlslde." , ot aD on'l wer. N olte!! bU"IlIl~ JnbD lIurbln". A lleo .• li t }l;Frov'oll He coilldn't res tnr ln lire o~"")' wllh " ..,'.. ,tI ",.... l'oitIl Cd. In t he black The glare fr9r,f tile ,burplnl rubblab ·.'Well. I olll't l'-xol'lIy IIllre th ut I ButldtDIJ. Kllnia 01010 . 6 , 21 which he IItl er"11 Ih p wor'I <. Frhtl Fl d·I',I,. ,,1,,1 ,· ... >I,,"t ll til e hurlling cahl n. 1 revealed th~lr 'fIl ~~ In'tl th. amok. know," he adlllilted relue tulltiy. ")IIIY" " I " In" t.t dr of the estde of eoed n8 s ll ~ """. "Hzcli ,,~. ,I,,: 1'1111 . lo ll' •. " d""i' III Ilw prOl ec t lng en rth. began to swIrl PI81 them In ('lauds. be r lIor ter SYWllllthlzeo wllh rou n '. I. Uu il .v . d,· oeased. Fln& 80 scarcely conscluu~ t·· '-C'n ~'t.' t. fi r nhl(~ ttl . 4\1\ 1 It ' pro v d . 11.· '''''' ''I, ''d blindl y out throullh Ill e ~' et did not choke UJe luonel. Ibowlo, bit, an' theD I got Ollull(hl) IIIIIU lit W ANTED-TO TRADE actuall y t.~O lllp l'l· ht\ Jltl . .,·IIn t hfit! p(" d... " ,•., . " " r" he touched her. hl a fin· there mun be aD openlni ' Bomewhere the W8J' Ihem fellow9 II cted. I- I " I L o '.'c '" ' " II ..• mll U l' r II f B"wIlrd Ivlo~. cu rred. hl ~ l'ry 11('11'" rnl,..1 I"' r lIl in'l. ~ I' " "1,,,,,,,, cOlIl'lllslvely on 0 told of beyond to tbe outside. Shelby tllBt· kiDder got to wllnllu' you my.ell." I, I " r'l tn r "t t be estate or Mill'. EAl'UHi Stove for IIltoben o"bl · brought hl'r ho d, Iv 11ft'. t"' I' "1""'. I n tile s ud,len reo ctlon he ' enM his neckerchief over tbe rtrl'. ; "I kllew you did." " ~l. 'rc"' r, Cl eeeued, VI Wm . Mer. H n (1 t t l ' I n e t. Iron hed for library 'able, "Y es, )- 1 n01 ''''1'10 To rn," -hE' II1f1U - 1', ·'1 '. < \\ l'u l, os n child. unnble el'en Dose aod mouth, and prolected her. a. '. I II I HAIlOH ot' sal" Ilpproved. "You Ienew 1 Bnt how 7 I nev er t\r l" ~ ,. , • or whlitever you have. 8ee Maw. 8£ed to fU1 \ ' wt.. t \: I l ' "' .i'''' ,.01 hl < sllet'c h. ""ell 1111 hlmselt, ~:v menns of his coat sald 8.DytWDg like thn t." :-; hou is II, yer j5 "No; l7et r f elt the change. I would t h e ut i1 I 111 arria,. L1~meea lI , t" nll, ,., Dever have 80ld 'Je~' otherwise. 1m willing to tell YOIl now. Pe rh a ps HI III . . ' (0 I \\ , 1' " 0 BtlDn oll. v e terinarian. of w. lbal! never get 01: t ot this pla ce ton ~e l' , · V, ·' Jlll el Miss Els ie F " blmaun. of '" dol lill\ alIve. and 1 wnnt to bl' bon es t with ,~ " ,Uld', OST-Either between SprlnlC Val. ,.ou tor once. Whatevel' h"ppen8, I SIl I,I I I"dly I 1ry K .· II I1 f!dv . meter. reader , at ley and W.yneavtlle, ur ~Ilynes morll l ll~ _ ~I I would rutber )'OU knew." ' ,; .I II ':IIWlI. ..ud Mrs ADDa Mar. Ville Ilnd Barverllinug, one olllld lJe 10101 1 ~I "But you canDot melln-" ''' '' . " I t:!outh Leba Don. GOQdrl"b auto tire aDd rim. 8b8~ . "It II euctly what] lII eao, Tom. I rtrI1" i':nw n ·rodd. I"bo rer. aDd Mrll . sour,. C. A. &lIerl, 8prlnll Valley, She (oU I h"1 love yon I Do you care'" ,1,H Y I:JI]:s b lo r . b oth 0 Franklin. Oblo. dill "Care I Wbr. 01111. Ilrl. I have dODe C H ',n' nothlQ, bel' tare: Ibal'llly kllew what Real Eatate It '111 ' 68"8nl 'at llret. fbe way I thougbt T h~ F·. SALESMEN WANTED , of 700. Love come to me lik e II T htl VI II .. ~e of Leban ,>n to Lon He "<I ,h.· '" IIIl'anlll Ithlnl. I have leI I a maD's lite. cull)' III 1'1'0 11'111.: ' ; III11lllun ... traot on~ rt in Seo 5 . and ] b.llve known tew good women. eartla , noll f )I ~ll £. l'. ·1. R . lJ In ['or$l aoreek Twp .15:.111 L' busy. Keep bo". lit yoar I. job unlarll? Is I~ permllneDlt mV.D Q'DW I caD oat wholl1 reullze (' ()u l d:II'I,1\1' "'" r y Si mpsotl to Barry (Jook Y 1f J b I Y wbat bu come to me." j 1,1.•rtR nf Inlots N, o. :.143 and 244 In ou want" I e o~g os nell. ou d I HII H'"d WH I.: j' • OaD let tnto Buob a bUllloe .. leilloll fl . . .a there«! ber "lIdd"lIlv Into his "'(ms ,· 't" 111-; ' , ,1.t! lJ ~1l Ill. $1. more tbaD 187 WastiDs Produo'. (t·r,·t! ' , H"" 1""'; ·.d l ~Bnn~noll ·to C\s,ton Pf DDy, dlreo' 10 farmera If yoa own ,.ODr arme. tloe Deckercblef SllpplDI down rUJ'I IH, ....,.£,tl,'".l."" I I,d - '"" , IMift J ' I.,. 2J. T ., ., R. 2 10 . Deer. own aa'o 1)1' team, or caa 1181 one; It about hl,r throat ~ l lI't rf'nly 1'1', 1' ileil l 1'w p .11 . 4 . . • yoo can give hand wl'b perlonal "I love you I" be whllpeJ'l'd passIon· " -nrel Tli e' ' Id" 'I 1\' _ 1'_I "'~ W l\\ Orndorf to Mlnnie EvaDII. lIurellell We baok you wUb bll( ItelJ, '''Iove YOIl. wlte of ml ne." II r ''"{ II .~ ., 10 1· on the Miami Square In way_ I,elllug help.. 5:.1 Y8ars ID bn,loBn fi!; e Ul'uUIIII I I.· "Abd I bave etveo JOU IOJ beort fu'e."'Fl lIr"· li t , ~ r.... III 1_ ht-...t lI e ll vlll e. at 20,000.000 upers of our p oduots. lon« _,0.. Kin me. Tom." "I II p c-I' cl'h I' s l('l~n'. I'tll III U en flviA ve Wasblngton '0 RymliD WrUe for Informatton whllre you .The,. 118 t ,there, clostlJ JlresBed to- no t'h lll ~ 1111 11 " 11 .:1 !It;, r ,'t., \\ It l, ~;r t e l . lil t N o. 25 In Morro", II olln lSel terrlSory. J . R Watkin. Th (l ~ (I n ay ~ a r c nlOloat a ~ ou~).' letber III that Darrow apace. scarcely hi s tI,. -1 ~ICI. \ ')1 ". : Ih' rumc t o 11 Co. Departmeol G, Winona, Mlnne_ (or lh ~ I)~o t ot; r n pb e r~ In ~Iarlo n a·WHre any looaer .t the ,llDrer lit sudd en hnJ1 -:. lIotr, . dS~ 0 .• as th o ~ e a t W aRhln sin n In th hllDd. eali er onlJ to bear ell t b other's CommisaloDera" ....-..d.Iap ·'~IH \- ·''t\' h " I'(' , .t!' III , ' , !-:e~ 10 I'." ~II\( I m a tt e r of 1' !I ' "l lnK th e Vi Rlls o r voice. Abov. the ttackle of the u low ~Ilk. ·_ "/I' li II w " .. · · ~ ' l I"iJ1eu){ ." tm port a nt p. r:-'(J llag . ~ , Pr e~i d f.' lIt , BIIIII .. lIow ed ;-The U. R Cbeml. bmes, lind the cramlog ',f tfllloi Ht~ t 'l l l1~h\ h i-I hl" ':lt h f}u)r.1': I~'. FOR SALE el ocl II nrdllll: is keep ing to h is c ~l co .. s UPJllie~ tor Cour' Bouee, 11,; p timbers. they eould dlstlnj!ul sh We In· 8C'nrcf..ly d ur lnr Til "':" I 11(J' ·~ 1 1 Itn UJJ1t ft d ca mpaign pr om ises or Inv il ln !; th e I' h o ~~1l kult'IlM tIC. Co ,8upp1188, 116.70; termlttent crack of 0 rifl e. IIad the toot. Th l' I'" W:Ut l ill ~h' _ l l,t who Ihnt leading m, nds of th e nallon 10 ex· l' btl Co lumbus Blank Hook Mfg. Co. U1.L blooded Poland.Uhln" Male echo of volaes call1ug. Shelhy bepn wn ~ I"at ~l ll, ltt' ti l!: \ -! press opinions on th e dom inanl ( l : lrknl'~'" bla nks. ,10: ~OUQ' & Mon'gomerl. dog, eligible to 'regider, oomlllK qucstlon8 and probl c ms o f Iho to dll wltb one ·hand Ht Ih e pile ot "Uul [ 111 11 ~h~1I y." hlurl cd for th io ~ uro\Uoe . $H 40; St"kal,a AUg. Co, dn y. rCll ardl e!s of part y co nn ec· earth be!llde him 10 liB to wlll.'o tho 1,,'lrtl y , "Y IHI hw: ,. Ill ' j 'I:U ::ilHl to rear ~ UlllJli e~, '30.9,1; C ~. MOODtll. wall. :llr. olel 10 tlprlo g . IDqulre of O. 1.. RlolI:l. phone 37. Sy'. Wayne8vllle tl ons. lpil.ce between Ita lummlt un. I the .me." Ing ti nauclld repfl rt, 150: Oblo Peal • Oblo Upper le tt pic tur e shows ~Ir s. jl2 root. Tbe action caused his mind to uS1H' I IJ~- ! I I "",,' " ~ 'I , ' ,) l nC )u!r e "l You I." "t·lur y. dOl( tags. IS7 _60; H . D. Jl ard lDg aDd Mrs . Coolidge . wlfo '1 Rvert to the Immloent peril ot theIr founfl tilt' 11-.1 . '! _\ p ,! - ; '-,11 l~ sh e wi t h l:.. rroll . gr .. vel. 1211 i Earl Phllbouer Durco-Jersey Boar for eale. In. of tbe vice preslden t -elec t . In Ih .. Iitultlon. quire Tbomp~on & Bartsooll . R. _1.011(1 "nd grl\vel, '1i. 55; 1Il.1'rovtllo, YOIl7" tn M I trlendly of c ha t!. whde Ih p r , j5 •. •. \ '.),·nt r c- 1I1I", n hox, .7. 20; Phillip. ~ MaJ. D. 1. Wa,neavll1e Ob,o. tly p ~ . s'." "It will be all over with hefore day· \ ' ., IlIuslriou s bus ba Dlis confer " ·\' lI ' ~'Oll. ph v . flu .. 1 oet.lrna'e COUDt ~o. 1131. lIiht," be said eoberly. "aud Ihllt will vpnl eu : t' 11 per r Ight sho ws tb e pro·. ·" . , 'j)' ; he WAS "'~ I il: li t .. nl e y Watkin", waking fill OP.COHN-Extra flne . IDqulre be our chance to ,et out." . tlwn . ." 1111 \, , eke l ~n d Ibe Democratic k '" .' ( of J C . HaWke. phone 45 4, N Fl. Sr.. ..n·J fl O: Wn:i. Evane. stakee "How ~fo' ;ou suppose Macklin ever nu l Id P·', \ '! ' W. J . Dryan . Lowe r. II ,"''' ' ' , ~r j5 . ,.' ~ : l iI.·n f.lI· s Ul' v"y o r, ,7 20; W . J. Fordyoe, Waynl'lIVUle. Oblo. 1I 0o" er, rorm e r fOo.d admi,.. , rr:. · \ " ' . '\,' A II HIIIll"" «at tb"ougb there?" she qllPHII'lDed .I .. llnk l)" UII u hrig g ra vol, ISH.20; W . 8 Gr". t or an d Mr . HardlDg I-I o"'· er. .~~,; t[~ . ~ h e Itt'III:.' (, wOndE'r·lnlly. few Barred Rook Coollere/s for h lm - u1 t a prom inent cand ld ntp rM ~~ .~ '.' .' . ,:,..1, /)th'l hfl" ' , r oud Itnd bridge repair!!, 133.75; ''Thllt'., wblt both era me. 1~lther the W lIl't!:\ I . ILa Ua I nom Ioatlon. ha l bee u l,; '-.:;:~.... ,. , IIIle. Inquire of J. M. KAye, pre"" . ~ ,: ,~ . .. n , H"I ph Lo w l~. · maiosenaDee. 14~1 13; f~J' in 111 '1 ' I be "'1\8U" b~rt much. or he hnll help. WaynesvIlle, OhIo. j5 ,· H· . ;>in H II rrv Brown. malnteDanoe. e&o., 1 11 111 n ol It Is my Dotlon the ilrl brought him m cntlone4 I a Hardin p0811lble .. t c- -.'.. ",~~.;.~~!!!~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ membe r In IIhe !; adcombInlnIs· ~ , FIll. )' , >i-~~ft. U7: Harry Brown. malntenanoe, No! 11 ' 1\ oul ID some w!ilY. The shooting wns ~RD-11l17 Model, 10 «ODd run" n ali ll D . e ('M'F:L . :,,,,,,, , .l lft"'I· ! tlt(' . , -!:JO 17. an art of 8ud,len aUller. tor whl c" . tie . nlolorder. JOhD Long, a' Phil. lip!!' Main .tre,,' ,arap, Wayoel. ~ ,,--~~~~~~ vllle.Oblo. dl! .
art of the World Is·Yours
Have you got itYour Home?
'~ ' s
M Gt .
Lumber Yard
W a ynesvjJle,~ ~Ohio
-- --
---_. - ..
/. 1
GlassiRed Ads
i I
1 ',
i l l j'\
F 1
, j
Wooder -Oll Burn.r, good IU!I new ~elltol( 8' a bargain beo"o4e we
have 'Wood. Allo. lome Barred Ply. mootbRt.:oIlRoOllters Mrs. LAwrence t!bepherd, R. U I, I:IlIrvejlbarg. 0. di9
J~reey, 10 moo 'b. old, ella{1· '0MaJeregleter Sir", Cora'. RIIIIIIgll
Jelly; dam o~t, of !ieliiter or lI .. rl& on .... 880 I~ ~ '1. " , al : . ,,...tljnjr. AI• . ' a few V...· .. I JI ,, ' no Jeut';\' Illlt8 ~ .. o IlnRr~ I~ft, . 11 "U)llb'p ,. • r·lhl. wr J 11 " 1\(' or l. W . I hal .oll·,; plloDe t9X, ,V.,D.vllle, O. tae
~~~~__~____'~_~'R~~~~~~~~~$~e~~v~_~(~~~_~ ~~TU~I~M~I~A;m~.~?~AZ~'ir~r~i~~~w~__~~~ . ~_Vd~~.~t__.~o~m~o~.~~~~~~~__~~______.~___ __ Chal. (oiordoD euler.loed the .... TH E MIAMI GAZE TTE ...• "' her boml, Sa'lIrday. I Mr8.League HA'RVEYSBURG LYTLE C1~lo
Wbenever Y'OIl are In doub...." '0 lbe 'Weath.r, or when to plan' oorn, , or k.nowl§dlte of ..ny IIlnd, appeal ~o d ~Ul.red a~ III" 1' • • lolI\(e II \\ oyne8vlllf . Oil)" . . . (<t~nd (,I ... a1o,1 ) ." . ' Miliel . Dorothy Coleman .. n ,Born-1 0 Mr. and Mrs. R. B. tbe MI .. ml GalieUe and 'You wlllllnd -Br.oois on Cbrl8tm~1 Eve n S}{- e .olll"on _"her uuder ollr bead , Thelw .. Miller apen' Sa,orday lind D . 1.. 'Cl' AN K Ed itor Bnd Publibher. Wayn('~v il1c, O hio or Beecb Grovi lsema Tha' lB 'bl ; I:!unday wltb their motber, Mra . pound girl, named EdHh M.. y. lin', and IIlr •. ,I . n. DODallloD, of rl'&80n 'hie DOW.y Ibell' Ie 111 8ucb Miller, In Day ton . ~ubsc riDtion Price. $1.60 -per year Dayton, we re gllests of ber Bieler, dem .. nd. MeBdamea E . B, Longaore and A ll Hilld:; o ( '\lI! /1< .'11 MrH. ICllzallAlh 80rflloe Harlan, one In your opinion, In golnr to Mor. WlIlter Gebhart were Dlly'')n ehop. day lallt weet. row from 'ble 01'", WOGld It be III pen, Wednfl 8day. C t'l I) a~•.~ I,: I: " Mr. aDd MfR . WilHam Wright and Deat to ao by Waynlllvllle or CI .. rh. Mrtl Allen Emrlok Is on tbe sloll Mr. and Mrll. A. E. Sblvelle, of D.. y. vIlle? PrOf. Alfred W..skiBB AYS U lis'. WEDNESDAY. DECEMJjER 29. 1920 lon, were /:lleS'1I of Mrll. Mildred II nearer by WaYDellnl1e, beoaule Mr. aDd Mra , C harles Ulark took rl ll /{illd.' ,d I Il'wl'''' Enale. on Obrl~'ml\lI Day. the roeb .. re taqually ae good, alld t-'hrlltm .. ~ dinner with Mr. and Mrs. e _ e..y be, Itllell! much beUer. -»r...-and MrH frBnll J, Har rl • Elmsr Roger@, a' Wayne8vl\1l1. PrOI'.T l y " 'I' l 'I' ~ Tbe BarveYlburr GIlU olub did Mr . and Mrs. B. \'. Vloll aod Catarrhal Deafae8S Canaot Be tert.llned fflr dinllel' 00 Chrletlna. UIlY. Mr. Bnd Mrs. P . F. Peter8oo. honor to 'bemlllivil aDei orad" . tcJ daullMer. 1rlllle, moved t o Lytle. Cured. ot Morrow . Mr. and Mrll. :ruoll t.be oommuul&:,. In wbloh Ibey live, la.t week. 10 part Of tbe h ooMe of \\'r ilt: , )I l'a:1 I :',. I' " " by l oca l IlPvltcatioru. &11 they c annot Pet .... 8on, of SprIDg V.. lley, and Mr. on Chrlll'm... .Day . Mr. "nd Mr • . A , V. Thomplllln reach lhe dl. eaaed portion ot the ur. l)ll iL'<,: ill .·\ I' 1.lll HI·, _nd Mrll Gtlo. I:IlIrrlll. parllnta of R 'v VI ark, of Columbul, 1'lIpeD!l. Mr. liod Mrl. Albert t:ltaoy ent~r Thr.rc Is o nl y one way to cure ~ l urrhn.1 d eatnc ••, and that ,. by a con .. Mr I::larrl~ Thll woe also tll e 78tb IDg ,eTllral • IDe d to a tur.ey ~ 1 Ch r I~ I m,u daYI wUh hili parenll!. Ill. , Inner. \\' a\,IlL'~ Ik.' III . Ulullonnl remedy. Catarrhal deat· lJirtbdar ufFrllnk'am otber. .. d" Willi N II t n e,,!! I» ('u u l!Jed by an lntlanl e d condlUon Tbe lllweU priDe made on ooal In ... r , an ... r a. am o . a Mr. lind :\IT" 1m 8y ren) and aon, 01 the 1lI1I (' OU8 linin g or tha EUlta· "hlan Tube. When thlLtubo I. In· .Iuhn, wel fl ~ U .'8 111 of ~Illtina frlenal tbill vlolDlty for three yean W81 I:lprlogboro, r.tu Chloe /:li dos aod fl amed )IOU have a rumbllntr Bound or made by W. P. MoCarren . one of Mr.. W . C. Vornell . ~~4"""""""""~."~"..n Impe rfect h carlnc. and when It t tl eo- on l ;hrl HtlD!l8 d .. v . our buatllng g .. ragemeu. Theprloe Mr. and Mrs Wilbur CIHk and tlre ly cl o8ed. deatn cM8 t. the To.ult. Mr~ . L uu U .. rlao and daoghter. waB '660 on traoll, BDd It evapor. family Ilnd Mu . Mary Varmon y ut Un lt a, the Inflatnmatlon can be re· du c ed and thl. lu be re.tored t o It. \l l . (ly~,o · W.yns8vllle, epeDt Chrllll. "ted trom the oar like snow In AUR tended B f"mlly ChrlatmB8 ellnnRr lit n o rmal condi tion. h ear ing wUl b e de ... " "IM w ith Mra. B .. rlaJl '. mother. Ollt . l'rloe h"sl a great deal to do In the home of Mr ... nd Mrs. E .J. t r oyed t ort"\'cr. Many enos ot d eaf n e8s I;h'lflt y Il"rvey . uro cRut4 a d by cu tanh , which h. an In .. 11 " marketing on .. rtlole , Carmony, in t:lprln g fleld. f la nun ed condition ot the mUC O U 8 Iu r'l'h" .'\ M.): , nborob lI'.. ve " big Mr. and ),frat Boward Grah .. m en. Neweleotrio light, bave b ~en ill rU ceH. Hnll' k ~(ttllrr h M c dl~lne !le t. 'fhe mellll terlllined 10 Ghrl~tmu dlDner, Mr. stalled at Lytle depot, Barry Mo. lhf'U th e b l ooll o t th e m ucous su rfa ce s a .1 un Chrislula~ Eve 01' th o 8 ~'" tl· nl. COIt" IN led 0' r lt1i8t !liK and rOll et tur. and Mu. Frank Bevan "Dd family. Olnnls ' resld enoe lind blnohmlth , Ve will gh: e O n e Hun dred D o IIIH. t n r {lny C B.!JC o r c.;n ta rrh o.l D c n.rn e •• k .. y, o r ~ nb 6 rry IIlOOI!', lIab t r o ll~ . Mr and Mrij Harrison Bev .. n and sbop. Bnd tb e new garage. I h llt C611 11ut he ctHe l1 b y HI\ I1 ' 8 C A.'" IIl h~b e d potatO'll "nd m .. oy olher Mr. and Mrs . lJ B. Lumb lIod Lard,. t.l cdlc lnc. <':Ir'c ul ar8 t rc O. All p:.",fl tbing-. toe tedlout! to meO"OD tamlly. of CI'lfkll9U1e, Mr . and Mrs. Will D.. llgher'y, at Kings MlIIs, Mr . Mrs . Bue Stoot!eoberfJtlr Silent Hl111 . l.JI'II;;e;lti l ll. 7!l c. 'l' he pn1 d ,.d l,· i"I t i'lt .. V ••ul l. ',. Hhr ..dihng w ..lllnelulglld In, in thl!! .. nd MrR Joo,,',hall Bevllo, of Leba . day witb Mr and Mrs E. R : KUll . F. J . CH I';N EY & CO .. Toledo, Ohio. C " lUPIHllH ' t w, 11 .\ .. 1 a1 ~\ I I \ooI .,t II.,,. vlOlnity . (In Cbrl.lm", OilY. oon, Mr and Mu , Arnold Coll e tt do lph tlDd family. In Day t Oil , sO" r4 0 U l Jr"M I'I!! I II "" . , \' "lI lttol' rt ttt r ___....._ ....~'""!!''''!!'''.....~_ _ _~_ H~ll1b Bruoll. hml pol\fld bll It l.(J. and ~OD. Rober'. and Ma.ter Roba rt Mrs. A . e. Tbornp~on IAft on Fry Bros. Music. Every b o Wb OA" ~l1h,cripll " " (.~ r,I ' ) I - " .. Id I . r , -- -- - - --thTllRhing (lotti' in t o r the winter. Gordon. Tbursday tor Penusylvanlll, wh e n' 19 21 0. ('ttl r~ I )r1u r Il l r lI lt-' nl ' w vpnr I \. \ R. Os borne Dr. U. G. Itandall has pllrobseed - - - - - - - -sbe ",,11\ !pend the b ullday s wit.h h a r Tbe I~blet.s .11'" Jl" III t1d I" r" ll Ill,d l CCilIllllil ll'l " .... ,¥ ~'urd 00 01''' [Ilr 1111 praotlo ... II" (' s ons, Roy RDd Edwin WIIII'Ims and Fred S larkey .! oltvo t:t' rt1t~n ttl " l t"'~ lth.... W" \'il1~ wlv8d. day.- of ,h •• Cll rrt ' lIt, f1 lfll l lh III t. rd c1 hi rs Emma L:llntl and eon, MoU, leglb\t~ t yp" , 1(1\''' ~I ,, · ('"1" 11(\ " : Itr th o Mr . " nd Mre . All onBo Mueller. of l Everett Early lind ohlldrell HIlAll! pr eoPp d in~ 111 (, , 11 II ift ~ 'H 111. r p.' 10 U...ytlln. hlr liud Mre Fred BarlaD, Uhrla&ma8 Day wltb Mr . Hud Mr. Mr and Mr . P. EIII- " nel ~Oll .\ l r. I\OU Mrs. Horac!! BLump .. nd two &h .... 1J1orji("I , It. ho " r 1l' 1I II l , d prHr. FraDk Marahu\l lind FranoeK Thll(·II. /,t • •• • • • • • " •• '9'" ~t·;o.1 pi ~(\II .. f w n , k "t.!t'IlUed b , IIrl "1IIIU" dll" ,.,. h ' I \I~ .1"oi b1 ers. lind JlAme8 .. Dd Earl A happy 1L11d prosperous New era, .. , Bellbro Jk . b " m" uf Ib .. I .. tte, . I""""'e, M, 1·lil ... wll re 10 atteodlinoe at tbe Year to 01\ . Pril1til1 ~ ~ Frank Rogers hll,t .. nlLrro w e~. "lid Mr~ MoK n' ~11I I I ' d I '" I, . or \J ~rl~tmaa t·ee .. , Yr. aud Mre. W . B .. ~e you tOI~ned over a new leaf? oape, 11I8t Wednesday, wben o n blM l~" 10 New Bllrlingto u i\ Me rr ln 's h om e, where the prell. If ool, you had beUer , way from Oayton. The 8ttlorlDg , Mr,o nd Mr .. B"rn" ,!! Altr n /um " <ltH ""'"'' d .. trlbuted mod 'ben Ibe : .. . 1'::. l "lI'l'cct ly ... : N u w Ie a gaud time to 8ub.arlbe wbeel c.. me off and hi's tru ok rlln , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Mr. Ed BllIldpn.. " , I.. " Sn"oI .• v I ." h·', but OOlt Ibelea.. I, one of MOlher Into tbe dltoh . N o 8erl008 dtlUlH1l1' fur the MlamllJalle"e a' 'be begin. : c' "it ted : Plead. for Europe'. ' ..... p~ - VI- II w "11 r MI.'1 V . · ~ III K ·" . ~1 " 'T1 t·'~ bii! dinners aDd .. day of olng of a Dew , 'ear ... nd get all ehe was done. : \ r I I ,.,.... I,,· 'It n, ' 10. "11' '" I L' , ~ , n" '''A. Til ... ooo".lon will be kept I'IUCES : ntlWII .. II rbe year . and Mr8. Frank Mil t~l1h e r l!fl r Helplesa Children o.. r I :.. It i" Ih" mlodH ot Ibe old aad K E Thomploo made .. bDdlneee andMr.oblldreD aUende,la r!tmily Ihu . ~1 Mr nl.J ll Mr,.. . •Jl ll.... !'h ~:v lln" 0'111 "'11 t r h ti 'lillr'~ . up on Yanlilee Slreet and "~clgfl. nero Chrlstm811 Day. tit th e h 0 1l1 0 o f i ( ID MI~s Altoe Cb" uu""'L lt /'tuu rtll}' W \fl' ~ tn tha Rllnk of Page on trip (lilt \lie hy Phon ~ wood, ODe d"y Illst week . .. Mr. and Mrs . Roy MlltenhArgt' r , !It flt.. nooo '1 ,,,,,.In), ni l' ''' , Dpoomi>er 3u, Yo~ ,': "' lrne nt : tlprlngboro. Mrl . Ed Gray .. nd d"u~hter, Mr" . , M"Hter Vtl rn Ob W,'" I " " I , I- ,·.. ryo .', "" .. ,,," ' " n8 preseot a' the K ts. u ''' n ill. Ohio Mr . and MfR. Vlareooe :;ruith took Ch l1~ . Collie r, were 8bopplng In Leb. ll1a& t h e h o ole of bt .. I " t l l " :'" t' I II , : n .. :, dlDner with tb elr ~O ll. Allcn . in Day .. lI'poinL ment : ' Bl' lIbrttuk. ,. ", ,." ,,,,,I In rPllul!.rsea . .. non, aD Thoralday of IAal Wllok. o.~ ~ ., K . E TbonJpllon and wife e nter. ton, Saturday . Uor IUOMI LJ ltt olt.\llllh . ~I .. . I"~ I ,,' . 1l1 ·... r~ln their proper tained 00 Ubrl.'mf\a D"y, M. M. Dr. L G, Brooilleft on FrIday 'M MnrKlln Wab k " l1l VIl ' Y I,,,... \I .". , . " . . " I hp inol · menov at Terry and wife, Mu, Alioe Terry Indl"napoJi. and will vltllt sevttrlll dttytt bllel o. tUUl r t., u "' ''I II~ lt dM~ .,. :tJ. I' ' " . , '\I I : t lH Hu 1nL(onChrt", nd Lan Brannoo .. Dd wife of tblsl day. wish Mr. and MrA. Gle nD Brook Wayn esville. Ohio 8~ ttl!! fil6L lay t·IUlIl u f II .. ~ '. ,lr-u d"n ce .. a~ un. ..plaoe. ~nd AIBII Loe Bra~non , of . and dallghter .. nd Mra , /:lUBan Us.to. hbs llrrlv"d ,. Several Cram here enj ,.y ed tbe I· ' I<1HF !Iok at SprIDI1leld. Mr L: P glll~ "LIlli . hl<:" tllU c I, J. Nyn.rd ThomploD of Viarknille Commun l&y Chrlstnl .... trllo WI\Y· ~--------------; " , 111l ~rt to ht'r uj bU t; M Mouall Y. II ependlng hll bOJld~,e bere with netIVllle, Frldl\Y eveniDg. 'l'be IIttl ll I Mr. aDd Mr•. W,lfreu Lal'Y Oli · 1.' I hili graDdpareDtll, &d ~ray aDd wite. folks here .. 110 enjoyed tbo genur o u~ l'r01 (1 \' I , Of ' · 1" II I lite b oliI j "yed Xmas a' ~h e h owe or rb e AR IAN VE Ti:: K. E Thomplou will leave for ibl lreat 'hey reoeived. 'I ,,\'~ " ' n 1l · It 'r r l·I . :I " f · ~ In tbe Illluer 's tllthftr aoo family lit !:lou l h Wei' In a few daYI, to attebd 'he Mr. and Mrll. Clyde Wharton ul\d lJ h"rle'tou 14 rll. Luo,Y r"m_ loed "lllllll t1ro It'l l' 'J • Lu ~ l .1<' I":lia ll y . Noth. Weetern Ine hog lalel. al 'belr Uhrl~tm"8 gU6IIts, Mr. "nd \ a ~ Lin ," I ' t o r II week 'i vililc. Mr a ud 01," ""rry Tno ko r Rnd , Mr. Lla C MaDuon &!Jd daugbter Mrs Levi Greatbolllt!. of Dayl on. I , . ~~ rll III used ill ~ 11111 \1 I"UllIy liurt blrJ" n ·m .· llls\>,· " 1 ChriSt.. mru Vo'It U r " llI. ri , 6 S In K\lII !-llo ky. rt'. Mill E'bel . Clalltle down' trom Ttppe: Peler .. nd ~ IIh.. m Greathouas, of Farm Sales and I.i YC 51 tlC I, ;J cauoe City to apend L'hrll,mae :wl'h Leoouon, nnd Mr . and Mu. Samuel I P hone ., ,1 Holr ve ysburg, O. 'orulnjl h uu.u Oil 1\I "o uo y Specially E C.....DDon aDd 'atolly, Smith and f .. mlly . Both Wear the Gold Band. rho Z,lou lillpti &t. ouur oh ~ave an HIli Beat.t!2e on ba ... new Mr. aDd Mr. V. 11:. Jobna and 1100. Satisfaction G uaru ntt'l'd old. ,Iwo rea ll vl\l "0 ~!lt Drd8y nillht orgau Glenn. partl)ok of a family dlnoer. i In P~~~II~tde \~bel~d:~: ~~i~r;;~)(,I:~'~II(~~ a~ 1'own Ball. . I:!llnday ... , the home of MIAa Mary I Chile lind Peru. one' rlnl( being glvel\ Bellbrook , Ohio Ed WUUaml, Ed 'eebeok, M. Jet, and Mr. Parry Cook "t Corwlll On .cbrle'mB8 afternoon tbellhuot. • I tn the hrldp nnd the otJ,er rera lned log "t olay pljfe0nl .... indulged In Terry and K . E 'rbompeon lpen~ • by the groom. Ubril'mae lI1'eQ,IUliln Oi.gonla. Mr. and Mr. IAOn tla1l8bury eo· hoUI Ph ones by 001' looal aportl. A. 8. Allen aull wlf. a'lI 'heir tertalneil Chtilt~Jilnnllr, Mr. Mrll. M.ry K'lDl1 edy entertained Rain N-ee-e-.-.-ry-'o-r-T-ea-Growth. . . j for (Jhrl.tm .. ~ dlnDer, Alva .... enoedy Chrlitmae dlnnl'r lu Lebanon with and Mra. W. ~. l)alisbllry, 8 0 11 , Clark, IIlld d .. n,liierll. Mabel aDd Tell rpqulres II ritlnfn \I of GO Inche" "Dti family. Thoa. Tuoker, William 8aYI K ...~.r arid famll,.. , Hazel, of Delaware. . . r, and Mrs. -' I. \ I I I~ I ~1I1l11 Ir,lgollon will nOI serve In lieu Lawlou .. nn t"mlly. 14186 Lallra 141.. Mar'ba ne.therare, of Leba. Haney Rye aDd Mr. and Mrll, Ros. Ihereot. fiB n 80'l1e\\,hot humid olmo!o War" aod Mr. Johll Wu" . DOD, .Ipent ber Chl'letmu ~ao .. 'lon 8ell Salillbory aDd famll,. of Way. phere Is needed. Fll)l l l' . F·, Coal, Salt, neume. ·' ' Mr. aod Mre JohD Bell enter "llb her home follr •. bere. Veterinarv Til ', I,,' \\'il te r F oun~"Ined un (;hrI8'm~8, Mr. aDd Mrl. "They are no more m1 children lhRO JUA a. She'd Flnl.hed. Mr. and Mr! . . Rolla BoltOD and K,II:. ~hOmpt!lon II a"mdlDI the t a in ..; , I 1· 1i· [~cede rs. ,eur8." Ie Herbert Hool·er·. hOl"l'ly yel Mllrjo!,), (bef(Jrf' gottlng Into bed)- Verley Ward. ErllllmDI BeDDen, Mr. Farmerl IDlmute at WaYD18vllle, family, of !i'arry, Wflre entert .. lnetl Oraduale 01 Oblo Sial . I Jnjvl.'nll eloq ul'nt pl~n for 11.500.000 Eurol)('OO MnmmR. I torgot ",.mBihlng I wnoted .. nd Mra. Lt'wla Wlieh aod Mr . .. nd thll week. at the home Of Mr. Bnd Mrs. Walter MrP. William Dixeon. chlldrt!n who fnce 10cre,lI bl. Ira,ed" l In !lilY III Ill" PrAl'o",. Shall I n W. B. T.rry lpeDl hi. Chrla&ma. Clarll. I: '. ' 1 (' OFthis wlnl er ul1l e~" America com.e to P 8 '-D t ' 'r ' I y OFVICE: I Ubrl.tma.wBtl wen obeerved,m" ny w1tb relaU~eelD Dayton. 041 on nll)8Cr JlI. tl,. lr ,,' 5 (·UP. 'rhe fun d. by wblch Mr anu Mrs. Ralph lAwla Bnd present! I!sobflngrd Ilnd m .. ny en. 111" . Ad.1le De .. tberare celled On fourth Strel! t. ncmr 'L'y l ~ r II Amerl,'un Illd hn s b,'en feedlDi mil · , • 80n. Leslie. apen' Cbrilltl,llaa wltb joytJd their luved onel .. nd frleDd. Mr•. Pa"enIl81~bompeou Friliay. \ [;\ \" Slr ,\ ,1101 F ed. lIouH ";,,,1' ron our . nnd (111\1 the .. ork 111'. aDd MrI . Bel mao lAwls, In Telephone 9:\ Thom ... Thompeou will .tar. for All the New Year "pproKobe8, lhe may nul atop. R,"l thua predpllale 1 Day'oD, rtemtlnd for plaoet to live I, belDS 'he tlunDY S.lUh, aoou' J .. nu&ryla&. wh ol would amounl to ". rua8!a Cre ot I Ohio Feed ( " .. I 1 . 1 S pec ialty. Mr, a " u Mrs. WRiter .h oooy took Waynesville. Inoreallld ~nll 80me ohangel will be the InnOCI'D I!" 81'\'en olher great Amer· BId Gray and wife enter,..lned on dinner, t:la'urdIlY. wltb Mr ... nd Mrs . ICK n relief orj;unl zoliollA haYe uolted mael~. Sunday, Cha•• Collier aDd wife, of FraDk Bills . with Mr. Ruover's Ortrllll lzutloo under Thtl eale of W .. lter WlIllaml VI Dear Barveysl!urr, and NYllard the Dime of the Europea ll Il.ellet Coun· Mrs . Bnldah Bllrnett and lIaD~ .hu.e. L~n e , wbioh b ..e beeD pend. TbompllOD, of Clarknllle. TELLS ME TH' cl\ In • Jolnl ap IIl'u l for fUlldl. Tbe Ur. W. II:' Fr(lIIt, of Harvey.burg, Forlllt Grabllm .. nd family and 1 11 ~ on the J ulIlloe dookll' for eo me r~e d coliliboratlng 8gel1d~s are lite AmeriED MAN THEY ' Ime, Is • .,& tor hearlDg on Wedllee. ate bl' Chrl.tmal dlDner with hie Sherman DYohe and family. of Day. can Red Cron, the AmerIcan FrIend.' toD, spent ChrlUmae Day with Mr. 3 E NT HIM FROM ..... y at JO o'olollil ft. m .. befor" .. jory. bom. folkll, weet of WlImlDgtoD. Benle. Commlltee (Quakers). the ,I T H' CITY TURNED TLJ n QOIlLeo'loD II the ownlnhip of 'I-he maDY f'rleDdl of Mre. ida and Mr •. Cliff Burnett...t Waynes. FUNERAL DlRECTO~ ,\ I I , JoInt Dl 8lrl\' III1<1n C01nmiltIB, ville . a ~' o rd wi t h wlnier top. Howe, of HarvlYlburi wlll be lOll' OUT TO BE AN the hd,ral Churches of Oltrl.t 10 .America. the Kaliltli of 0lumh1ll, INNOCENT BYSTANDER Waynesville, Ohio f:cl LukoD' 'ran8a·.Itlld buMln~1I III to knuw that she I. quite III. We I,, \.:, '" • It . (1I 1l: .1 j , all boptl for a lpeed, and perma_ uae Y. lol. c..A.. 1L0d lb. I. W. Q. .A.. Dliyton on Friday. nen' r800~ery MIDnleliaba. 'l~b e "'urR .... " IU U" Ju t k l • .t,\ 'to r~..,re. Bohool will oonvene OD Mond .. y. .eted by th e ArnPrlol\o Frie nds Mer. ... .llllluary 8. Fully Equipped fo r Good vloe Cnmm\tl pp, 'On e 1l" II.. r fe dde Service. ODe ohlld nnt' ID ""'h o nl< lI10al " Hore eDoush wln'er reached UI \ IL LE ~. DU . d .. y." 00nllll o"8 will hI' r f'oelved by L:brlstllla8 night. alld m .. kell Uti won· Large Display Room GEORGlA MEN D~NtlALL. der why we diu Dot malle more aDd "/l1t1rnlt.D. boUet preparation. LeuD to be. ... IJ; ~, I lSI'.. . DAY OR Ni lan TELEPHONE' ... heve In prepllredllelltl ...Dd tbe beat VuU relld aboll', .nd 'he oold YOIl Revl~al Ilr~loe8 at th~ M. E. on ... " '0 , .1v nes vlle. 0 ~.L'''I1.1 1.h . u· 'k now of wl\I not bother ,ou.,' ohuroh oJoeed \SundayevenIDi. Uuistmu has oowe aod galle for D"vlc1 Tllrlllllr and ,raDddalllh'.. Make Up Your Mind to Keep Free 1i,, (,lhor year We bl\ve tbt'l sweet MIll(! Fred .. MoKlnney are BUIIIy ' of Fro... £Old.. Q~ Your Blood • , :"1 ) mIIlUI, .. HATIIA W A \ ' rOlooll ... ot.\oo of He being, and a "leal. frlende it. Volumbul ' , D r. 1--1"" '11 e ih ~ \ CODdlti~n . . h ' IIlI"t,' , U IIU "01 t.h"u~ht of anutber. How beau. Mil. Lole Whl'.ker, of DubllD, O. '! ~ l l rc ly Prl IVb. WIlYlleolVllle's Leud \lljt{ i>n o t lRl llllli tbll' ~orld wOllld bell weoould I. the I~elt oU WI.. Eleanor Bay. \ IlI ltl l1 ~jt!!: -li p {AN all lIee AI ODe. dooe ' umoe In B il ioea Bld g . Mnlll H START TAKING PEPTn-MANGAN 'l'htl K . or I' .Lodge No. 6111 III rr. Hermll:n. BI..lr, ~De of o.iu ma.. o.. I"lu" ttppliodlona, ttud #,he gOC'd popular F.OUDg .en aDd 11181 ,aaul work II! glling on In goodly oumberp. TbompepD, of PorI film ..m •. "ere No" Ie the Time to BuUd Up. You AJ\ m e Olhor~ are reqllellted to be llIarrlad •• 'be home of tbe' bride WiD He Stronlr 'l'hie Winter prt,sent ttt.1l "'a ted Dleo'ingi. Cbrll'liIa. lJay. ha~e 'be MrB 8nrab Rlob IIpt.D' tbe holi . beet wllhee Of • hoel 01 frieDds. Every hOIll6 ha. a Illpply at tuel dl>Y8 wah her ohlldreD, near Way IIlar\ Wblle, ot Koto~o ID4., 'I for winter, People know oold ,"'"VIII... tbe gaeet of rel ..'hee bere. · w. .'her II oomlolf. Tbey get read, .1... ~ nd 1\1rll. Ed Kea."n llpen' Born-To Mr . .. nd '.rl 4. I W. for It. Bow ~111 people ,e$ 'heir own I · \"I,,, .. ~ \l lIh t.bEllr eon. Peray, Tarner, December 27, a dlu.bier. PARTING s~ ~ : ED .. I," " , '~ , ·1 o,'" r Wuyne~TiJl.. Mn.NellleC. Lackey II vlaUln• .~IIII ready for wjD'er? Moet of ~I '. 'II .1 ~ I r- . f, 'u u k ~'l!trteook en. bel' aunt Mr•. Laura 8m I''', of I~~i- uii &0 aroDDd all .ummer In lbe In. , , I ". \I " " (' \Jl ldren to dlnoel aDapoUI. . tenle heat burnlDg Ilpenersy, work. " h, I.' I,.',. 0., ]' Wm, Barlan. of the Lookland Ilig hard ..11 day .. nd _.ometlme, Iy ~-. I.i 'c· I'·,·~ , · nt.llt.1ve~ from WI!' IOhooll II bome for Ihe bolldaYII. inl,. aw .. 1111 nlghSs slellpl68s In 'he " .101!.1 ' ." ,.1 ,I {" ' b" uu n are oamplDtt ... _ . .- he;:in"'r oomee ..Ioog. n catobe8 "U I 'tl (hI .· , ,. ,, " • t .. ylug to oreale .. ' ,. . II d How to AKe"aln Dly'a L<engtl). maoy people to. y unpreparo Wh • ,j,· al ." .rI I ' 1111, 1r W" r08. 0 1 bt'_a 11 F f taln! to k of " 1)1 h r t il " I.{'xl L.) hA I" nrie bappy? By n shuI.le r'ule the length. of lb. p "9" y. 111' 0 08 8 0 day Rnd nl,ht, lin" .tlme .of tho yenr, out .heaUli. Whether we will b" Mr. " ,HI ~Ir~ Jl'I,ll,k I-j lrld"ker en· may be allCertalned by !limply doubling we, II 'h l,b lid . .-ronl • , we of , en ..,. I.....ea y ha A_ Ii-nt ~ rllll \1" (\ I . ,llnrH' r 0'1 nodllY. their ,. the ume of, the flUn'. rleln" which wtJ\ eav:e "Yo moo .... ,0 g . . . . . Nearly every bOlll C ("JIlt:! 1I1 - 'i!, III J,: ... :-. bod N ad .. vs Oblldrt> n . ,\dl. ao d M i s Hllrry Bhl. ve the I"o"'b o,f the nlpt ~nd double ' - au DO~ every Y. o w ., ,da"·,r I<u(\ t" <1 chiJJ r e n. Btleele an,j ,I , .' ' pi ... I l ' They know junk- th a t is , m a te ri al \Vb I, i. \ I. \I \ \ ' 1 Ill! '" the time of "ttlng will ,h'e tbe leDath plIO e are "'II DI, Wuyne. of the day tble .• aUer,of eDjOJlnl good healtb used there a ga in. Burltl o 'a Boo It 13bop r eport8a ver.I ' ·1 Ii: ihl~g ,titjy o ..n ¥elP'.oon'rol. If 8<1ttsful)t,nry bu ~i n \j~R durlng the bol. ' 8clrel~ to D.lth. 1011 1,1~.rllhlt ea'rlaM, illt pleDty Whatever YO ll lIave whidl h .' "'j' 11\l'c1 its tdl\Ys. They, "re eoo() urn gH6 to In Fear klllll more than t,he' "nj~ of II-.p. brea'be frNb air aDd Ireep usefulness - furni t ure. 1I:lrd .\' II ' h ClI k' , Qftlase th(1ir stIJok, oUd \ly 110 \lolne ftUtopBY rev .... lei!l that Duld-Cal'l)' of 701lr. blDq!lID. good oondl'lon, you magazines, bab y ca rriages. ! , ~ '''l.:.' ts , Ilricwill In oro""e ~b ei r patrooage \ ""' ~1Ied t " Ie~ ~ ' 'wlll be &11 tl..lIL':'~ . . Oormerobante"renotedforlleep London. 1ll!!1. W 0 . ,, 0 .1:Sd b ' t ' :~ nlllolllDrI1", ltloafeelaUUle a.bmc, skates. cloth in g -·s hol\ld he s I caDlle a doctor 1m tie a ear air lu h ...l.'h,,.~:perW'" .n... 00& and InS Btandaru artlo1e. at esollre on dlleaee. bnd I ealtbl~r bart thlD -'&-.-dOD" "'Ire ohlii_~ :- Tbere'a Other people will ' be al)\c 10 pUI UlI's e rutee . aDd ~he1 are being lIenerolll' mOlt men and IIII",t "a.. lived for 110 110 .... D1._...... '1••' Bn. lOme .P...to.. thin gs to good use. . Iy patroalzt'd, Satl8fted ,oultomer. ......... _ .. mean an Inore.n;} bauk aOOollnt JI&IIa. lbo.aD of YOllr dru,lil'. ~ID THE WANT AD S will helpy "l1 ,II. ,pd,IMr. A. L. KI~. alld ':100, Wilbur, Ope.. Ceullttrr ..,;.' I' A,.. .klnl "&oday. 'YoD caD Ie' ., In and profi table sales ('If t1 i~l' nr· I, '.' ... 1' !ch'"", of WllmlrilltoD, were Chr"'ma.s Of aU pIafeI ID ~. "'d "~iJr liquid ,or .bll' ,~? Tell: .yoar Kirk. Ilf. -n be lind to ItIt fullest aM' cU'aratat whioh yoa prefer. 8Ul '0 I UeII\II of Mr. aod Mra. Ceotl K ~IliIl'ertatD ........ ,be gentiJne prQprllltorlot 'he C~.. trobeD. treeet. "bere It eIlD be met In tb~ Pepto.llaa.aD, . .k I, ~y tbe. fo!~ : AIr and Mra. V.Jro Deen a.ar•• ereateet vartetJ &lid beaut}'. tbere Ie ...1It_"C2lld.'. Pe,to-lIIaD,8lJ, "1 ofWllmlDlllon, WI. jallt. IIOIIe eqDAI to tlb. apea eGODtr)'."TIIIlI- Lonll for &h. Dam "Qalle'." Ob ,he of W... ulllln, W.A,.- BalDM, .~ paokap.-Allunt....."
On New Year's
Try our Job
Inside Chemical Toilets
I.. I
•• ,
Ed. C. Wooll ard
l ..........
• _ ••- - -
E\ '<.: r ; 1"t
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
I ..
======:,--::::-:-:-:---1 Walter McClure I
Lytle t
( )h io
- ---.. - - --
., I
1'ft,y :
Junk Is Useful Mate ';.11 In the Wrong Plac;
D.!.., . .
lu .
w., ..
-..... --...
~ ~-
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. . I
OOll ll n[l",1
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WILL iGu~r~ 1.)-, \LTH OF NEXT p.,, ~ 't!JENT
Regular servkes are ht ld at the . The main ltation every Sunday . cioy I>ei ins with a cla85 for the bOY~. 1 who 10':'0 out later to preach lit th e I nine out pointe. The class II op on to all who wisb to attend and from I flftee n to thl rty men . women and Children come for instruction Later I II the day there are at the s tation Itwo ~e T\' ices h~ld sim ultaneou8ly one for the women. led by Mrs. Chil son , and one for the children. conducttld by Es ther and Hachel Ch ilson At eleven o'clock the pE'o pl e come together fo r thE' hour lIf worship. F rom 120 t o l:iO usually IIltend this service . The little children. some ciud in d resHes. Bo me wen rinll loin clo ths. and a number dressed In their lJirthda)' suits wit h pprhaps a bracelet or a piece of string for trimming. sit on the front benches at the riltht Tbe AlIlprl II , ' ro ll~ hhred "tork· brc",h'r. who Ihlnlla b e t'n side of t he chapel. Immediately beoounters Ir luls nnd I , r" 0"11<1111011 •• I. In vll e,1 10 take a a-k al hind th em sit the Christian women tbt. ptclure. II ,01 .. 1"1 ("1 1'1' :" 'f Iho South AtrlcaR broed('r In tryI ng 10 Inrr " They a re dre88ed in long fi <lwing '" '; , 'r l h e~ lu.oc1oGa. aDd a pla n recent I ) ' ,11 1<1, ·'t III hllr1\ bIIIIt. from the ciresses and look clean and attrac tive UnIon ot South At .C.I . " II, ,·" un...,., 'ft.e 1U\~ The heathen women sl ip into lhe' are envolope(! ,., . ., k I macl~ tw.iDs on11 the eyos, I" •. n " I. J ~ ! ", •.• p0ee4 a .. __ seats behind the Christians A week ered with 9t' '~t ' fl gri',kt ' ,l l li t h· .1I:u,· h,' . 0..., by Ilt$~) aR'O three Massi widows atlended I he , the lIy Is l e~ " on I h,· "II , .J co ws a re ~ ~~ (9)0 meeting . They were h eavil y loaded 8horthorn. with native jewelry and trinkets; trom the lobell of their ears, which _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.,..._.. had been pierced and greatly enlarged. hnng di8C8 mad e of brass wire coiled tightly, wire hrRcelelS hung around the ir necks, heavy coils of brau and iron wire extended from their wrists to t hei r el bows. and skin aprons covered their bodies from their breasts to their knees. Un the I HA\'E S()\IE \IO NEY . What am I left side sit the boys and m en. some were dresaed in khaki and some to do WIth it ~ It 's a s esse ntial to invest in Americani (muslin), a number in r i~:h t :l ' it is to IIIn)..c it. Let me exnative black, and a few in blankets p I. II 111 \' line uf in 'tments to you. and hides. Several old men come regularlv and sit at the rear . Th ~ y 1 7 ' ; , '/04 .\ FREE, PA Y.' 'U :.: ()l ARTERLY listen with rapt attention while lhl! messaae Is being given At four o'clock the Christians aather for their Christian Endeavor ~ (j Ph Waynesville, Ohio service. After a song and prbver - - - - - - - - - - - - ' service, the leader speaks for a time amI then opens the service for a ll to part icipate. Last Sunday the boy who scares the birds away fr ,'m the fruit arose and confessed that he had sinned by telling Arthur Chilson that he had been keepina the birds away when he had been at home.
'I'Ida IItUe man. Dr. Cbarles E. ...-nr. Marllon. 0 .. 18 slaled to AD Ole plac:oe bow oecu pled by Dr. CUe)' !It Gj,ayaon . H e 18 to bQ personal ph)'Nclan t o Presldell t.a- HardlD.g. Dr . Sawyer has been a eloee personal tr lell,1 ""(\ oelg: bor to tbo Hardln gs tor mao)' l"o&r'a.
- - - ...
Have you paid your laxesT
·'Danger Ahead"
"Kill Me, Caroline" A Special Christmas Comedy And Selznick ?\ ews Admission, 17 alld II cenLs
- -- -- - -
Saturday, J an uary 1st Fea turing Ma y Al l l ~Oil , in
"Fair and Warm.er" : Also, Path c 1 ' ews Don't forget the m:::.tinee at :! ; :)U. Night, 22 and 17e
All seats, 17c
- - -- - -
Tuesday, Januaty 4th Featuring R u th Roland, in
'IRuth of the Rockies" Also a go d Fox Feature ( Admission, :2::! a nd 17 cents
.. - - --.
l 1,1 ,
.\1 ,
I hL" " ., •. \\, hleh Wl r l '
The community Christmu tree was a hUie success In every particular. The tree was a handsome one, symmetrical and tall. and was brilliantly lighted and decorated, the American flail' havin" itll prOPlir place at the top of the tree . The exercises were short and aimpIe, but very impresa1ve. Arter singing. couple of carole. Rev. Cadwallader made • ahort talk • •ftel which Rev Holt offered • brief prayer. After the sinain" of anoLh· er carol the ki1dles formed In lin. and were taken in the Muonlc banquet room, where each one wu aiven a treat .
Oll r ,'lotto - Fair Dealing, Honest Prices, Satisfacti()n.
:-llll rO I
111 ' 1 h"1
1" ' ..-1 1.1 .
Iii : ,
~ IX
I \!l c ;"", ,/,lt... d a .. , . ,'!' I.a" \\' II r eo
i)" iug' " f til t- I ,I
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hi ' 'int HI ~
Good Nevvs
'I "
-------- -
• Use a u r CIII.ssified Ads for
r es ull ~ .
. L' \ \
------ . -- --~-
I • .., l
WAR PRICES ARE OVER We are adjuSlin)( ou r ~rice as the mark E!t declin es. lind R'ivilli our cUistomers the henefi t. T his weel< '/I special ~ can't be . beat.
" 1'1 IV ;
"1 111
. I
Hu ll! coa ls a re w.llhed and screened and nrc the 11 ighest f:ira de for cook stove use. TI ley nrc also excellen t for heating purposes. ',\'l' guarall tee lhe quality of boll! these COllIs . \\"e solici t your patronage at all limes .
If", , ~ l' ) .,
n· t ~1
r ei Olti, Me,,:
TecoPancake Flour. pkg on ly .. lOc Teco Buckwheat Flour, a package only ... .. ...... . .... IOc National Rolled Oats, a package only.. ..... ... ........ . IOc MothersAluminumOat.e.on ly .. 40c J ello or Jiffy-Jell, 2 pkgs ...... 2,'ic Larae Bucket Karo. only .... . 75c Franklin Callie Syrup. large can : ...................... $100 Steel Cut Co,ffee, lb. only .... .. 20c Halaton's Food relJuced to ... .. 20c Post Toasties or Kdloghs , 2 for ...... "....... ..... ....... .... 25c Laurel Crackers, now ........ ... 20c 3-lb pki Argo Starch .. ....... .. 25c Palm-Olive Soap, 10 for ........ 7iic Mac or Speg. , 3 pkgs .. . ......... 2fic
rclr el g-n
Phone 25 -2
Esthers , Chulr lind (' , Su nday Scho.ol and ' its ~r O'.nl, 11:15. a briel sermon. a consecnlli, 'n service. voluntary prayer s il!:,l1\ meditation will close the and evenlng 'g
I ~~,.
GRAIN Waynesv~lJe,
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.
Come and join with liS I Evanllelistic meetings w ill begtn ill the Methodist Episcopa! Church, Sunday e\'ening JanuarY,2, 19:.!1 1 Two servi ces in the Church daily al 3:00 and 7:15 p m. Come and join with us in the campaign . . " ,. .
Pure Can e Granulaled SUiar, 25-lb . sacks. a pound ollly .. 10c
An Epwo rth League has ~en or · ganized in the MethodiRt Epis co~al II Church and om eera we r e r ecen tly elec ted.
Big ~-Ib . Sacks Salt, only .. .... l0c Waynesville Bread. 310aves ...25c Nut Oleo, 315c; S pounds ..... $l 00
0YCLEARANCE SALE . 'ever before have we had to make a Clearance.: ill our tore, but we bought too man y and we oi l to lI\ake room for goods that are coming in '\ t two weeks . .
I " ': ,,
. -eed $500 in the Next Week
. Ferry Chrlsllan Church Bible Schoo l a t 9: 30 I'rlw d a t 10:30 a. m . and 7:30 p m . F I, Inne invited. J . A. P ine . rasl " I ~._ __
Fresh Oyst'e rs. Bulk or Cans . "'ancy Apples, O t anies. llrape Fruit. H ickory Nuts, Walnuts. Peanuts , Salted Pt!anuts, per pound ............ ......... · ....... :l5e
,. f' o ing to give you the benefit of our needs at cost, and some of them below cost.
i',) \, '
Harveysburg Friends Churl'il Sunday School, 9:30 . Meet ifl (, Worshi p, 10:30 Eve ryb'Jdy I' : ally invi ~ t o these services.
Star. the New Ye'lr righl a.nd trade ut
Caesar's ' Creek Friends Ch urch
, 1
,'\' j
l'hl'rd Of( the Price Th6!JI Are Marked
Secund Sund ay a : J ll nuary 2nd, Chu • 1:1:30 a . 111; Serm on an" . "I"Iin l. al 111::!U d e li r" l SunrJay at the New Year I ' 111 0~ t ;\ppro~riate time to begin , I ' llIIrch al renden re if you do not aii l't'<ld Y el " so. You are .invited, , I ;U Illf'
.JiAIR JiliD WARME ~ H:VEry Hopwoods' Most Ihlarious ';,&!,:'e
$4.98 $4.00 $3.00 $2.35 $ 1.00
- -- -
-~ -
, ·:-(ho.l(\\ Friends Church I 'l m .
.From flicker to .niclcn 4 S'Cre1m &> .1 ~I
Or ~
Meel- • I
curtam 4. dot, thClts cerbL."'l, • ," (,( the
1:,," '
1 11
,· -Sa \\·, fo r . .... . . .. . ...... .. .. . ,.. . . 40c '. I Dray, for .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. $1 00 I.;ille, for ....... ... ...... . .... . . $L45 l;II, for . ... ..... ...... . ... .. .. $1.95 1 Train, for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70c 5c Automobiles, for. ... .... .. .... " I I I !H: ; E ngine; Motor Aerial Truck; .\·atcr 'f ower, all double friction, for .... $1 65 Kiddie Kars, for ....... .... . ..... .. .. . $1 59 Kiddie Kars, for ... .......... . . . ...... $3 60 Baby Buggy, for ... . ... .... " ... ... ... $3 00 Baby Buggy, for. .. .. ... . . .. .. ..... . .. $1 78 Baby Buggy, for .... . ....•... .. . . ..... $J 07 Milk and Cream Wagon, for . . . . . . . . . . .. 711c
~tock- ~ I
Sale Sta'rts Friday. December .31. and Closes Saturday, January 8
avn~sville Nation al ,
1'11 r ,' I)~ ( 1
Extra Special
~Ie { · t ing' : jl
\ f'
II.. , ~
CHiLDREN'S HOSE , sizes 5 to 7, we will sell. so far as they last. . . . . . . . . • . 1)11 1~- 2 pair of a size to each customer.)
I -==;:"--Z_',
l) un : . ' nr I ritpp ing is positi v,· ly for b! hI n 0 11 tI.le following farm .:lJ (l:,
At 2:3(1
- .===================== TFORGET · T~E DAtE -================-
r" : W
: -l.il1rl l .Ias,; L~
90c 40e
And so on down through the Jist; nothing is reserved, a ll must go.
Go ea.rly~ be sme to e,et in!
111: d r "l '
, " 1.. \. Duck . for . ..... . . ....... . . .... , Ilo l li ng l-Iorse J for .......... •. ... , . . ..
,-,\ "
I 'n a ~
IIom cocktail to
chu I A social I' r· IIlirJ ('nn II Ilh : I' I' III '1'1" ·,, I
1 .,l i:5t,,: ,iP ::
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th.: I
S un day School a t thi ~ .' il 'l Sunday at 9:30 a m 1'1 . , vi ce at 1O:30 o\;luC'l< a II , : ~ ()rd i ally illvi ted t .. ue P "
.A laU&h or.1 AiAAl.e
1~ 1
I t l l h.
(a ' ' , ' ~,.
", luc ked our room. , we hllve deglded on a plan to .. .. li lli e Public Auctions in the larlle hall ovei' our , 1 , 1' , ll)el; cO llsists ()f hig h·llrad e. Iligbll, uied furni I 'i r. . 'll'oI Iteati ng stove4. ru gll and household iOOd". , ' .' and ~ree n en amel ed bed8. 2 Vermis Marlin b etl ~ . ~,,~, seve ral wopden beds, Quarte red oall dininl( - lI ld)oard; 6 g )Iden oak leath er bottom dining , ,.. her din ing chairs, refinished ; 3 ·oa k dinillg , "i nl<er sewinl{ machine. 1 bed dawnport. 2 III dre:jser, 2 center 8lands; 8 rockinlC chuir • . r,,.J ~e ls of Hpri ngs. I was h machine, 8 hea t inR' " IdaRt; 1 l"lImlluB hot lJlBllt, new; 1 Red C ro~~ , la·a ter . I ~"tllttl Oak. I Si lve r Oak heater; 1 IIi·W; 2 Mu llt'll ull' ir .. n ranl{ e~; severa l "el~ or " . ,,,: ' :. ,<I b"",1 lind 6 d(,s~t'r t R. new; lemonade ~ .. r ~ , "".1. I I ' . · . · rl('~.; hi'·)'l'i ... nell' tire, ; H'l me tOYH . book8. victuTt·H. III1·d · i ~i lll' c lhillet. I"dy'~ "kin. )lent'" (l vt'reuut . lad y'" jaCk e t 8~it. lal ly'" I(,ng wi nt e r COill. fur ~ , oRlrich plumes, si lk hosie ry. cu r lains. and man\' oth er nrticleR too nume rous 10 m e nti on . i 'len ty or room for 200 or 3011 people to cnml'; warm room ~al e " "sit iv.'. min or ~ hlne I':v ery t hing .. ffer ed will be solll t o lilt' hight'sl bind " r . \'o me lind pay your priet>o not mine. i{r m<:rnbe r. sale n' l itive· - ::;nturda y. Junllan' R, 19:.! I, al I p 111 T e l ' Il I'l , "u"h Au cti onee r will be announc l!tI in next week 's Ga zet tl' . If YUII Willi! Ilrt y lhing before th e Ru le. W I' IHe npen eve ry dflY frolll H" III IInli l ~J p. III - Sat urday until 10:30 p m
(,,' ull! I " , -
!'I ll'
, ,
A t 1:00 p. m.
I'Y g ood, nlld , 'I t' r eadin g I !I'd a dri l l
Th e tlilfe rent SUlllla y-:-ic h", .j" ill the village had th e ir Chri,lrn a:; 'x· ' " ." erdses and I real at t he n ' K U J.H (" . . ' , Sunday-School bour la:; t S unday . a (, .. 01" Very pret ty exercises were ~i v,.n ' at the M E church. St. Mll ry':; lind the two Jo"r ie nd ~ chur c h e~ .
(T o be oonUAued. )
111 .,,10
Thursday, December 30th Featuring Helen Gi bson, in
Dr. Saw)'cr
Ole recent lJ1.p wltb tbe prc.ld,·nleJec:l to T'luu. Panama Canal nnd back to W ..b~on .
'" "'" day, January 8
- ATt
Thursday eveninv, til· unl ll lal ent of the school:; C11lHln inl" ommuncily 10 '1\ [infO I rl'lI l. 'I ,·" was n u IItimiRoio n char. '".1. .. . I large a ueliencto wa ~ pre" 'I'l. of t his en tertainmenl \\' i1~ ~I\. the af tern oon for lhl' hl' tWli l pf I i ., p upil s. who cuuld no l ,·,lIth ' in ! Itf' \ ev('ni ng. Th e whole ulrnir ' ' ,, ~ " .)' I ! creditable. T Ill! program W flS II \ The si xth grad c n~ Jlr ~I 'I , let, which was c!t.·V('I"·. fully e nj oyed . The \ ;, of t he Hi schaul Ra ng '1 selec lion. a fl er wh iel' ).( ivI·n I, v th e <'ighth ) I waH a l~o j:! (Ji .. l Thl' 'I " L'h \ ' " .I"; 'j.! lt lfu l fll llll l, er u f lvl II h,· 11 I II ,'I I'l! young lad ies gave u • :-( ' 'I ( h II ighland fulk dance. Thl' .1 " U'I >! lad ies wero garbed in kil l.il's alld f"af hl! rl'd caps and were ve ry I "' I'a I il'(' Th e ir dancin ll was fin e I I , ,' I " 1111, !Ir Eu.l ... Ihen presenten
·l'·llh ull . I Ii! i fa l·m.
FRANK H. & MABEL :P. FARR Waynesville, Ohio
., ",.,
-~-~--~-~~-~~~~---:--~~-----------------~.--., , -. ~eventy- Third Year WAYNESVILLE, OH10, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5, 19 ~1
-MI-SS-IO-NA~R~~W-O~RK-----:r-r-"" -~-"- " -';}. ""!"""·---PL-YM-OUT-H-ROC-K-IS-H-OM-E~.AGAI~N-~N~EW-BA-NT-AM-C-H-AMP' -]-(I-. ~--~-~·IN fAR Off AfRICA
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noi dwli.Y of Ih e ,, 1111 '1 pIH,·t) · o f ubtl llt " , ' ''''' 'i,", We hl1l'l' "lid fr ost , !', ' II ... 1'1'11 Ih rN! mornings. , :ol\\'a l.' "".':lr :lnd warm in " I ,\ ! 111 1" Till' () ran~e ('ro p iR .... I " '" '!oi - ",inl,·r . Th!' prices "
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its Th. ir liv.·, .or .. "111 111 v 1I"d SK" IInll hUI(It'lwil DI ' ~II~" ItI~)' U\lII" . H.n ~ " "'" II f ~ . , ,n" "oIl,', I " I.. in thl!ID Frlllll :.1' ' " \10 :1" lit ,11l'lr thO' gu e,: ur Mr, und M,., ~'r8n chihlrllll die ill ill l ltll.,y h4'l'lIu,,' II,"; Zell. muth ti r~ do nOI kllow how tu CIII .. I... th"m Ourillil lloe day ltoe W" I""" , Mr. all.1 Mr" H.. rrnan 1'''"111'' Ito tI,e d ' 11 ,1 11 '- ' ) while fill'" I,,"f Hud ' ~J)t!nl :-lulldll Y wi ll, rt!Il\livt'~ i" 1.•·10talk AI IIiWhl tI,t' ""hoi.. fu,i.il) anon. Oil ancS on. tor oyer 200 yean th e Plymouth Hock hBS bee n sleeps "" ~kill" thruwlI Up.. 11 lour " . lDOyed back IncS forth. Not tar. 'lIs true. but moved , ~o on th ~ H.. rn- T" :\1 r .",,1 Mr. FOrl'HI culd I( rlluIIII . A"d 118 I "'rll.- 1 "H ' , IOOth a nnlyenan of lhe landlns of the pllp;rlms. It .... as moved once Ilee til t' I"I'H or hOU."i IIUIII , qullr .. Hoblit. ~u'"luy. J 'oI 'Ullr) ~. I!,::! I , " more. Tbla tlme It we.l back to Ita orlclnal resllns place. The IItdaulthter U. fellow tn front of tlle r~k Is William B. Brewster. desct!ndant. In and hilell ""OIlich thHt th .. ",·(' uP~"I. &he nInth r;eIl~ratloll. or Elder arewMer or Ma,.tlowur 1:lIDO ean enter Wilhout lIelldinl/ ' 0 til., Secund numbe r ,,( Lec ture co urse. kRees Ooors. wlndowlI. and ... Hu l rooms are in thel' houttel The in· at School hlili. Saturday even ing Hav" you paid yo ur laxlI ~; .Ide wall8 Ilre Whitewashed and the Don't mi88 it. , whole hou~e i, clelln Beda and Mr . Alice McKlnuey and dllu g ht ... r , Th c MllrcII · Ai~lrli p mu ~ical ('om chain lire III .vhlenL'e Happy and Mil8 Henrietta •• pent Sunday. with l.Ial1Y II I :-;(,/"", 1hu ll. Saturd ay evellinR COlllentl!il children play IIlwut the relatives In Morrow yard. and the parenti- one min and A ~ I'I ""I dll nc... wiil llP give n li t one wllman - lIv" hllppily torether. Melburn HathawllY, of St Lflui~ . Lyt l ~ Hull. Sll lurdllY evenill~. Janwtlil fo ,d lind elolhed. Whllt makeM Mo .• illth."uestof hill fath e r. Mr. ullr)' 151h . 'fl le Lo ya I Wli men 0 f th e L' I'erry th e d,if!'renc.! A mi.lon ltation Roy liathawa)'. and wife Bible ~chool. with their husband R. m.nn"d b)· f .. ithr,,1 worke ... Mnt out G ruvl' r ",napp '.' attended a mpetin),! met at the Dlea9fl nl home of Mr and MfI, "arearet Roberts. of Lllbn. of Ihe Oh iu Coal Dealers' a.~or iati o n Mrs. AI Co rnt:lI. Friday evening. [)eby thll home church to tell of Chrlsl and Hlf power to IIIIve all who will nun. the "uest of Mr . Wm ::ihtr- at Ci ll cillnati . Tuesday , cem ber 31 The meeting call ed t o hellr and het'd Ihe ml'Uajfe wood and family. SaturdllY . order by the pres id ent. Mr~ HathaIn clottlnl( let me urlle you to keep Born - To Mr , ami Mr~ . I': van Bo- way . "H e Leadeth Me" WIiS aun g , Chu Uarret80n and wife. of Cin. Itan (nt'e In a Mav Cl)mplon) . uf near Mrs. Snyder read the First Psalm. on praving fllr the ml~8iollari~ herl!. tllr the native church. for thl! l~ch. clnnatl, apent the week .eDd with I Herryhill'~ Co rn e r. Dl'cemlJer 20. after which ail j oined in repeat ing er•• (or lho~ who lire lin pr"b.t1on. ' Chu Wukey and family 1' 1920.1\ daughter. Ma rj ori .. c. the Lord's Prayer , and for Iholl" \1\ ho h.\,.. ht'ard but , Afte r loll·call . reading of t he minh.ve 1I0t under~tlll,d , A"d plvlI8t' Harry Sh.rwood and Mn. Lida I M plIsr~. H. ,y Wheaton and CharIeR , ul t!8 and disposal of the busi ness. an pr.y ,h., mor.. W')fk .. u m.y bt' Mur,.y '.ft. T.,etlda,. for IItt'n da vs' Ht'a th hHve n'! urned tn tllt'ir home e x,"el lent program was given The e.llf1d .... this .ieltllllld 1111.1 the (und, vtait' "Ith relattv.. In Det r"lt. Mich in ::ieciII lia . Ohio, after a f .. w days' visitlllg husbands were .:ailed uvan. with which to dupport Ihe enlllrlli",. vi~it wi l h the latler'~ bll)lher. Mr . and in t hei r us ual clever manner work nillY b" torthcominll O'.e new Ahlddln Suprt!me Vici rol a Ca rl Healh . ' added much to the enj oymen t of the CoNiall)' your hi .. nd.. will bl! . old at Sawver'~ Furniture - _ - _ ____ Ieven ing. S Willi" lind Juanita B Beede S.II!! ::-atu,-day. Jtmu.ry 8th. 1 IJ m After adjournment the hos tes!!
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liHve you paid \ o"r 'IiHM7 A ~pl" I1 · lid foul"lhLilli, hH M " ..fo" I.t'clure C''' lrse num ', ' r. S . urd ay , laid at each one of IIU " ., , II .. , • . I" " '1'11,," - .VII. muel. " '111 .•111 , III tJ" dvll <' Huli. ltv.· i" d"toll h"- KI II 111 :- 11 1. kllll .,. hill l ,ul lit Good ul Ih .. Li" I',v , 'lor '> 1 Jllnl,·' Ph i. :,p . ,,' Ilel,oi' . , ' i · whu cou l·1 noe." Hu llIudl to · th"m ,I la III .. 1/ ue>1 01 ,.·Iut .. h.-r. ·. ! th"y UII I, ~I" w llill' . A, I wrl l.· I eMU hll,'" .dJ! IIt ' ro" :" It,.. , ' , . " 1, 1 ' \ . IIti Dr. I)ill. ()wtt " P-"' I, ~ I S, Brllud- ; be" tit · rlll , l n,1 M'tlSIf rill":,, "r fTIlII I~ Wtty . l ..e h ;\II'IiI . I)hi ol , hUlz:t ~· I II"' t· IT""I
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J'llo'lla, .lvall""II,· ' l io ,'\' de 'll ""d f".- r"lJl11~ in ·gome and I-'ran ct!~ Ja '"h·\,. I.llIhll \\ ,1 1,,' '- ' I'lal'l '" ar, · "lIl raKI!Il11S I hear more ~Oll. Anna fo'lIl'1oa~. 1·;, 11111 l'I II'III·I I, 1"' "1 1' Iainl ,,[ IJl'landnlhan any (ll h(~ r Adria Cu rro e ll. ( '"rllll, ' \\", 1.- 1, . a :1I 1 I , "\'nllllhi ~ pllrto (th e~tate , How~l ess rs , Cuulll" \'''"11'''.1 1'1'11'1< \\ ,': LI, '·'·,'r. lilt· 1o ,,11'1::I 1l1l11 room ing' housl's f-:lli utl Wriv:hl . A ((fl'II \\ rl gi 'I. " I' I' rl'w h<'I'" ~l'l' m l" be trying to Th e uni t!! fr olll the county '.'0111_ I·:lh .. n (' ralle. l'l·lIa .- 1I""k, \V oI l,. ,", ', "a~(' pl "'ll.\' o f hny whil e the tour· Thousands of 'people munit" Service wen~ call ed tn Lt: ha Mlche'1l'r. Usrar "la"til'ld . ,\l ad " ,, " I " I~ ,;111111' non. Tuesday evening. where a ve ry I::a rnhart . I {II~l'll e I-'l1l'11a -< allol ,";11'1.o r ! 1""',, d.-i,·" " lloroul{ h in th!'ir curs Fif". ,lid a ).(11001 part o( them are camp· enthu ~ iasLi c me"tin K was he ld at Ihe - - -- - - I' "K j':"ery low llhasi ts "tentcity ." Han cock rel!tauran l. Cu ullty Chair- ! l' Io'l' .'a,"p al St ('etershurg hBll1 200 ' ,, " pl'r~, '"Il' at l'umplI over a t holls· man. Andersu n. pres ided at I 11,01. I al11 lo ,d . They lire scattered Ih e meetmg Itepurts were given I .I I " '''1' I he Slale . T his little t own Crom eac h unit of the county h a l, "" 1 a hu ndred campe.rs. Most SprIngboro. Kinl(' ~ Mills . Mason . u' 11 .. '1I 111I1VC II' nt;l. bu t q Ul teB numMorrow. Waynesvi ll e and LclHlllun I,,' r 11.11'1 ' l'a r ~ I'Quipp~ d for sleeping Each twit repor led progrel'S in all . "" I h"I1 ';l· I' eeping . II ",.Idlllll rllill ~ in southe rn F lorida f·'ridn.\' evel/i nl{ Ih .. Il ig l, S,I,,,,, I de partment8 of the work , j lurn ey .. d to Xenia. alld 1",liI 1,'" "'' ' . . . , '" II,,· lI' i,lIc r. The ground is dry R~por l! from each unit were ve ry were d..reatt!d . 1 Ill' f1r~t II , /" " 1101 ,If I -,'" 11 I\' . amI lle I con d't' I Ions are g ratifying. King ~ Mill s had a very lIul I{cl ~ tarled rt lo( llI, :1I,d wl' l'1I 11111'/ 1 I I' . ' k th ereBre I' ,';1 or C:l Il1I,1IJ1{ I lllin s uccessful Chrialmas tree e nt ertain · waH called for t he ~t!~ ""d llal r 11.1' 11 1111'1 ' 11\.1\1 1' Ili (u I wn her e ( r om Oh'10 ment. which was largely attended Wl' re aWa r l' they hlld loud :011 :11'. I ') ' I Itt . . , ' 1'11 ' 11111' III le r ~ a c. All of the units have been bUBY in \ I . • t d drutJull1g'. the ~C UI'l' IH'II 'I{ (,:! I,. , dilferent departmentA. and many I " I' I I'~ arc rt>presen e , even Th e Hec llnd IIi (II r /I li,, "' 1,,,01 II " '': , r''''IIIII, alld I have met se\'erul good points were brought out in th li tJest o f the Xeniu , hllll , I,. 1" ,1 1·1 " " , meeting , ". " " ,'" ,, :o olu Must of the machineM l ime was call ed I h,')' f"tlllli 1t.1') II ,.I I" " ";0 " Y olll1"ill ~ outfits lire fi'orda. Lack of tin.e and space flJrbid ~ our " h . d l'een defeated. 110" """" ,, I", ,",~ I ' I" I " I'p",,, . .\' ''1I a re ha ving snow and menlloumg t e \Jrogram as carne " . . b d G. 1 he youlI).(cr 10,,) . pl;o:, ,.,f I 1.. ,,,01 I out at t h IS meetmg . ut we wou l . , I ' ,: 01 \\'i,,,I~ 'I I' th ere as u Hual. h b d ' W h' gam e. but d urtll).( Ih, · ~, ... "" " 1,,,,1 t .bthevhery bO )' m ayndehtowndshlP th cy lclUp aliltle:II I,Il'IoI"II ',I , ' I ' I 01 .I, I :,11' ill·IIIII' t he ~now line here I ,', ' II,IIloltu f1lanl.~ and other tender mig t ave een t here 1111 ear Ie . ' . A h I f h . ",ret . a~ It provell tIlt ·, r w ,d 'lI ,g rMeports M t t, ,Il JC ose 0 t e meetln g Saturday ev ~ ,oi lll{ l l,,· Inot" I'" .I. 1"'l!"lali ll ll h'rI'. Ih at the frost has "Ii h"rl 1·0 all), ·xt cnt. , ltoges and r . an d r ~ . LIe arnette. w h0 wer e I . h '1 III u ellt:; p a)'ell thUlI' Hl'c"l,d galli " II lit. ."1,, I' pi ' " l" :orc ill uloom . to aIPIP.I, y a e d I e present. were Ihe U"dus t eh lll dl'fl'; II' d I h"1I1 10 , Y"u rH t ruly, ca eu 0d"' ~n r 1ad only words of the >co re uf '2.7 III '2.1 , \\'a~ "~'I'llI; E. E Ke ever. com men atlOl1 rOIll the New Yurk played I he loe~1 1: 1111 11' "I' 'I ,e " ., .. " ....- -ollice, CI . I' k A d k d un Ih e loca l /l UOI' . I h"" 1''' 0. II ,oi, IUlrman • ra il ." crsun liS e and ).(ual throwillg' I,,,illg " f ;0 loI).!' t o lie relieved f" ,," 111 ~ 1'''' '1 ,,,, . " lid I I '1'1 l I I Dr . J . T . Elli ~ '''. ~ e,ecled III hi~ C us:; un IIr liS """ , "" " "I " """ I I M' H ' I wOlld"rfully ~ IIl " I ' II " ·,, 11"1 1'.11" P ace. ISS arrl ~. t 1e sec rel.liry. anti tIlt' IJ,,) S arlO in "x,·, .II •.,,, ,'".,,1 thoug ht th at her pos iliull oUllht to Liun. be declared vacant on account of The II i He h",,1 1('I1'"-l I ,ll'" " I"'" both presidnet and Hec retary being dates !hi ~ wee l\. "lI l 110,· . ,," lIlal from the same town. but in all prob· . . TI, C I' re'lli e r Iofll1,1 will r.; ive a mus· . d f h ~Irl ~ wIIIIllRY Ih· fa'" I"alll ,,( ~I III· ' I' y h ' 11 b b wi a I Ikt 8 Teh or ~ e dleto\\ n t-I i Friday I'V L'II I11)r al II , ,I "'a ' ,. 11I1 ;o.!y s",ne tim e this month . e retalne wor . e next county meeting ' t 11,,1 ,.,I~ .. aol v l'I · h e ': r~ 1118 ure in pro.will be held .at ~ebanon, the fir!!t "Teddy H,!a.-~" \\'011 J""' 'II I' I ' rt'~ ' for il. Th e dale will he nn· ruesday evt!nlng In March . , ' . to LelHili un. I",xt l' l'l day eV"I"" F, " "lI " C(1LI-<~ liu lu 1·,II·r - - -... --where they cX JI 'ct In fil ed 111 ,01 01, ,· feat th e Lc lJulllln A, C 1t" "11 I; "~ I" r'\l' \ \'
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fARMERS' INS IITUfE ~::~:~e:~~:lo~e~~!O~~~~~n~- w~h: NOT WELL ATTENDED :~~~~:~~:in:i::'~~:~~n:U~~; tr~~: c·,nt'est, a prize offered to the hus·
, . ' ming thll prettiest hat from crepe Mn M.ry Atlum~. MIH!I J eanOl-Il," paper , and EltoN. W litlll" J"cobto. WII." b" ,.· , JlUln"y lind Mr ~tllllll C ran~ r,-A joll)' good time WBll e njoyed Th " 1', ,, ,,,,''-'" jn~litllle WIIS not In Brooklyn. New YlI rlt': "'ebrUII~ 19, turned to their ztehool dUlil!R lit Wi !- v.. r ), ,\0 ,11 1I 1I,· ,,, led lh i ~ yeur. al - throughout the whole evelling. and. 1833.-iond "'aR Ihe ,'lJelt uf II f,,,n il. minKton. Tue.dIlY . ' houl!h 11,1' prr'j{rH rn waR 8 very at· after watching the old vellr out and of eleven ehil 'J ren In lI .. r ..1It1) "irl. I ra(' 1iI',' CIl ' ~ 'I'll .. " i' ea k e r~ were uf tbe n, w year in. all departed. de. huod. her pllrellt ll I elllovl'd to Will· Allred and Elliott Wrt",ht leCl. the b" ~ I . und I he t'lltertllimellt fpa· claring Mr. and Mrs. Cornell idelll nut ,HIII~. Cillcinn .. t\. IIl,d were JUesrlll)' morning. for Ann Arbor. lu r~A wl' re jrlv en by the b p~t local enterlalne rs amoriir the pioneer re:li,ientll IIr I hili ,l Iich . to reaume their studies fo r tall!lIt W. · wllIlCive a full e r IICC(Wnt .\Aburb thl' ~l!cu l1d 8enw~t e r in Ollr nl'lCl iH, ll e , She receivl!d h"r education at tht' Weef.rn ColielCl'. Oxfurrl. Ohi " .lId Walter S.wyer Bnd !amily at· at Ohio remale Coil'Ve at Col· tendl!d lin outin" ot the EIII{Ie8 :1t I. . Hill. Ohio. aud WU Kraduated Memorial hall. Dayton. Sunday from. the latter InlUtuUon In 1868 Everybody had a fine time . For • humber of )'8,.. lb. ".. a taaclwr in the public aehoola ot CIIIair". W.lter Kilbon. who hill! been Regular com muni cat ion of Way. The watch·night service at tbe M. elnnaUand about 1886. toemoved with quite ill with diphtheria. Is much nes ville Lodjre No. 16:! F & AM. F: _ ~hurch, last Frid.ayeveninll. was her 'Darentl to Wa,n.,lI\e wh.re better at preaent. and hoP1!8 to be Tuesday eveninjr , J anua ry 11, 19l 1. well attend ed and e ..erybod), had a they ;'Ided until 18711. out by the IlUIt of thll week , The new .. ffie ers will be in charge, fin e tim e , The, different depart· Her father. Mr F.noeh Jacoba. "he U d M Wal iii CI and therlt will be work in the seco nt! ment.'l. who we r,e on' the proltram, "III b, remembered by many of OUt ... r. an .... ter cure. n · . • d t Ik d h . II -Be b d M J a_ree ' ;o,oiOllrllimr ~n n gl1ve goo 11 8'. an t e evening M' L ' old.r readen. " .. a "ar eorreepoDIII ,I a n am an i . a ... ~o visitors are cordially in ... iled WI1S well occul.lied , _ _ _ ~ __ _ _ _ Ant for the Cincinnati Commardal Benham "ent '0 Dayton. Saturday J. W. Edwards, W. M. durina the Civil W.r. and " . tor afterooon. andaw "NI"htieNi"ht" L A. Zimmerman. St'c'y U~ e ou r CI1I8sified 'Ari. for results .v.ral yean Unlterl Slatea conlula' at the Victory. "'ent.vidto, S. A. ...t. Jacoba _.. an Intellhfent. J E , Janney ,attended a dinner al coltared and rdlDed '-dJ 0' the old 0., ton. Monday. liven by the Mi· ICboeI. Deac:..ded from a 1008 Iibe ami van.y Drul Co, A larlle num· ot N.w En.I_ PUritan aneee'I')'. bet' "ere in attendance. and a fine Mr EAtit nr :~o many tHlC pllyprs ha ve bt'pn R urJlri ~ed at the inc rease in taxes her aneeaton ba,lne Nttled In Boe- dinner " . . .njoyed . over last yea r Ihllt I uelieve a few figures to show the source of the in. ton Ib abe inh.ritad from them P D. Clq.tt and family. who have crea.~e will be illte r e~l ing . 'hat hlarh HII!Ie 01 honor. Intearlty of IIt.....d .If-Nerltlelnar devotion to been .ituat.ct at Lon" Beach: Cal.. 19J!) 1920 Increase DerreBlle friend. and ",laUvea. whleh cbarae- for· the put month. have moved on State lE' vy ... . .. ... .. ............... .. :I) 6.50 $3:3 00 $2(; 60 Iud early .ttl.....nd beea 1m· to NOIfIlI., Aria. wbere they will Count y levy ............ ............... .. 41 50 7200 30 50 pNllad upoa 10 mucb that II bI!It tn .pend the reet of the winter. School levy .. ......... .. .. ............ .... .. 7600 66 00 $10.00 our -bUonai IIle. Tboulfh trail In Township levy ........... .. ...... .. .. .. .. 1000 11 ,00 1.00 bod~\ ab..... Itrona In aplrlt....d . We are agentl tor t he Aladdin SuCorpornti!111 I, vy ...... .,.. ......... .. .. .. 4600 42 .00 (00 maintained to th. IaIt her m.ntal pr;tpse Victrola W8'invtte comparl'acultl. and dllCernmwt .' • . Once IOU Illten to them. you 68,00 14 ,00 She died at the hom. 01 her niece. ",1J"not hnltate a moment in selectrotall evy. 1920 ...... ........... , ........................ ......... .. .... -......... ...... $2?A 00 Una, Montlfomel')' Jacoba Howard. inlf the Aladdin Sapreme as your Total levy . H/l9 ......... ,.................... ........ .. ....... ............. .. ....... _._ .. 18000 In Middletown. Ohio, on [I'rlda,. v~. choice ovar all oth..... Hear them cember 10, 1920., leavina one lurvlv- pial at ~wy.r·. Furr.ltureExchanlle In c rease .... .. ..... ........... .. .... .. ... .... ........... ... ... ..... _..... .... .. 44 .00 Inl( alIter. Un. J . 0 ralkinbura'. of I" , Respectfully. Cincinnati. Ohio. Have you paid your taxes1 . J . O. Cartwright. I:!:~ ectu. ,1I,u ll lo lL'f " I Ihe I.t.- Ell IOl' I,
. . .. _ .
A Word to the Tax Payer
.~ ! 1,
i, !
- ..
it. tJ l,YH. illl(
let'~ tak e ""'",. col' II,,· ~11l'11 I
out uf
L e ban \l Jl' ~ l:!'rtlli t l ill
OF OFFICERS ANNuilPAmsH Miami Valley Council No . 10:1. Jr O. U A , M • will have public illsta l· lalion of officers lit their Council room in the I. O. 0 F. building. Friday evening. January 14 th. 19::!1 Beginning at 8 o·cl ock. and preced· ing the installation. a musical and literary program will be nmd e red . At the close of the instuliaLioa ceremonies , Pride of Wayn esv ille Council No. 212. D of A.• co·operatinlZ' with Miami Valle), Co uncil. will give a box social. The publi c is curdially invitp.d to attend . Each lady is reo quested to bring a box containing lunch for two. Come a nd have a "ood social time Committee
1'111' Mulh e rs' ~ lulJ wi ll Ill ee t,,! the ' Id ~c h ll,, 1 Buildi"K , Friday afte r ' 11 ,, " 11 III. 'L o'c lock Mi s~ Howland will ~ i v' an address All moth t>rs a ....· u, g',·d l.O he flre~e llt 1':11 11. Cllok. PreH. ~ 1 .. lIa Butterworth, Sec·y .
The an llu ul pari" h Ille... inj{ ,,( SI Mary's par i ~ h, will he Iwlt! in 1 I,,· church Monda y CV'!Ilillj{ , .J" " 1I a r.l· 10th lit 7 o'clock, l{e\Jorts o f v:lri,)u ~ lro''' ~ l1r, · ,'' will be mad e and ol e l l·).(!ll '~ 1!1 (,('(" d 111 1111' Dioc esan Conventi on III '(' rin il y MI'H N [) HllIII. wh n b'l!l bf'e n Church. Co lu mbus. Janu 'r}' ~G. II" tl':ll' hln g I he Six I h grade. rt>>lig nt'11 i!l, po rta" t meeting A filII 1111"1101· he r " u-it ion . In~ t wet' k. and Mr. slice is desi red (; I.-n n.J"hnH w a ~ u\Jpu in teJ to take Iw r pla r'e, commencing his work, Have yo u paid your tlu es'! la t MOllday.
\ !
k, !
-HYlnan's January Clearance Sale Begins Big cut in ,Men's and Young Men's Suits ,and Overcoats. . . Men's, Women's, and Children'~ Shoes at sacrifice prices.
Men's. Women's and Children's Underwear at sacrifice prices; Extra Spe~ial redyction in Blankets. , All other merchandis gredtJy reduced.
VVa ' rlesv.i lle,
Oh,j o
I'D"''!' I' (l ('.1I\l Hlt I", I~rt Til die Illmw hi thl ~
hllrl'lhll' " I II CC'. I nm ~IrQtljI, IIlIcl will h,'I " 1111 I " Ill. C uld wo now 811lrl Il t
IU,' t' ?"
. '''TI'''I n 1110111('111. I" th ~ " ll UII en· tnln" e not tnr nwnYt T'n ndll\ 7" Iti\ It liO (," 't. !tl'oor ." ·l'h ~ 1I
w" oUjl h, to hCII. (l 1I ~' tiring " hllUllllg wlthullt. F.n'r)'lhlng ":1' ('111 *'1 'lu tl't . L ·'t 'ff 1IUlk,' tho t,n'urt nnw:' II~ "" III Ih,' M.,xl, ·nn I'l rl on , In otl· \ HIH"" 11 TId llfl, 'c1 U\4' I1 I 1('ll n t'l~'O\l R
upon bla buc k. Olp pnrtlaU7 the helpless body. The
~ up p ortlnll
,rottned at t h u UrHt III.WI' IH{' ut, htH In fuh'fl tmmadhlh' l), I 111' 0 ~ 11l' I H.· e ft /! Iltn. and 't\h ulb y lIlo\'t\{t WUllOllpd
, lll\\'l)' t orwurd with hi. bu rtl ,' n LllulIS It),' .1llrk , llu1'rOW pflHsn l e.
It t fl rml ·
llU l, ·,' III u to: lllnil h ol ~ . w('11 llrOll'\.'h.' d hl' ct l·O,·.. rt "t hruij h. Ihrough whh'b
thr ... n,ot .. ~\, (" '~· , ' r~· nhUll, lit tn H\ "I't'tl llhi h \l r, htU"', lwr .. hllr.\ ut th(l hu rd tnt with
tH'h)l I ~ II I' '' ~ . IH lft
\;-To l"' l w th~
h dJl ln~
1 1I1Itk~ Ilf
tllllrHUd lU K (ht!
I .. Y..... I 111
I ,pI! y ou how Nlt All come. l i:(lot \\' 0"; h r r nll!ol(\ o r my brother, ~ I.nnr- ~· tltl kn ow 111.' bmthpr. Junn \"l1lt'IIIO II W! 11 1' .1.-.:.. 1. fIIt' n n r , fl fltnd . l Oll k",I\\ 1t ,,\\' 11\' 011," I E~
W8 ft n qll ll rT"(>l '\ 11II :"''''' 1' 1 .:11111 a.n t S,l ll o r ll nll t.·~· I hl ·.\' 1 ~ ~ ' 1 '1 IIt'\'IIl, tht l two 1\':111 " "'t ,hi ' ('II,.. . 1 II lIf kllll\\' W h ll l
I \\" 01' III 'h " "1110111 rolr .1,","
to ('om t" hut h(1 ~ ' I\J Il\t 1I~ H'l1 1114' t Pf' 1 nil 111,1 111 11 ).11 "
~o nll~
"', 'l1l'f : t1H~ IIt'~t 1 ttlu hL 1,1· ,I,· n-I.:t r l." " I ~" ) , "I '1\1,\\ If 111 \ hl f1l1 1I1 1h'1I 1 " ". "I .. '" " I f/l un rl IIt 'PII1 - no: Pt't W l\" \, '" 11 "\1' Yon thi nk II1n yh t' li t' lb " . " I "" I1l1uld t' tv 0Il HW ,'r timt. l'n n · d Ill." I. · r" I' II I'rl "lI t\prl~· . r jo;:tz ql t o 11 19 tl"t ' t. " '1'111' 1111111 I ~ ,' \ IIl " n ll y ) Inrrt hit . "" 111; ( 1'" II h ,,,, .. IIf hlu o ll awl til R
h'l fl'
nn ' . h e t f' 11. TlI" 1I I 1;11 ,,·,\ ., ":," I... 01":1 .1 . flU ' • :,:0 rrllY\ II)" , '11,,' I II', :-" :111 t ~ h . t.;f'un r : I hnf ,' :p 11 "\1' I I , .• ,!ll l, I 11111.' : I \\ flill d ." . , ,. '11 \ I" IIII,,· r . I w n ll lli k ('t' l 11 11 nln' " ~. 1 1 " , '" , 1 I ," "I I (" Rrt~ ulI l.\ fil l" ,,, I" ,I ", II , \" .. " 01 11"
~n l1 l1 l
p it " ,
f. · \ I" ' . T h l~ I ~ nil If \\' 1' ,'ollld ~ I "I It 1 "'lld:.~ . · III .. \' ,'Wi d 'I "" ' ''1' (\' 1' 1111' h ull
I I'll
th f'rft In li d ... lllIo'n 1 ~f't \\' 11:0:
tn C'£-,
' I" ,'1 , ' I' 'I"
f, 'r I l l,' \' 11
drop nn ' 1 r OI • ~h~lhr f l"1t t 1t~"n c·l
t \ t! eper
Tlt, · f bn',· clu :i t ~ re(1 d ose. Hnd Il11 t n il ~ our Hl hrok lt th l:' sti li · 1I1 ' ~'" ~ 1111 ... 1\ , ·d ( !i t ' ), Wi ' r(" n o t oh , :-t' r \' ,'ll , ~11t'1I'~ 1I~1I111 p h"k _'d up the \\· lIlI l1 d . ·d 11l 11n II lid, wIth l 'Hul'llu llull1 · 11I i! . It. ' r ll':Uf., hll n·I.,· d ls('t·rlllhh.! In r h t · du. 'III, :dow l S U(I\' I\IH' \" l do wn tho lI ~ f+'IIt ' d ,
,I t' I' r,·:o/:o-I, ,tl . wo rk . II ~ Shl' lhy 1~lId t n (' u l' , 'fll' I ~' p lt'k h Is" HY HllhJ ng I ii., ... ( II IH·S . ";t·" k l ll": II ~:\ft · r" t\ I I II~ pln ('~ f ot· 1' l\t'lI fu p t . Thl'Y Ultl l' t 111 1)\1 ' lIol ~ (Io· 11' :0; ... 1,\ . Tlh ·l r o nly II"p,' IllY l u th t" c·un· Iltl l' l H' t' th l ' ludlntl s f, ·1t Itl 111I.lr. d " IH h w It hi n tlh ' cullin , If th oy W tTl! us' II
\\' 11 1'1
ttll l'll,
~ Iw \\'
" " to th l". th"11
s,·u lli ' r('l t. wlHlng
It ll t! prob· w ll it
111m !lfId tI ,'a r "
h~r "l'Jc~ "I h l~
.. ft r. "She n~\'('r I",,,r.l 1I'III 't ~f " kiln .n ltl; d on'I leI her kn .' w." , H e crushell thp question (Iln'nlly on I bi B lips hnck In", It l. , :h rn lll . "YNt," Shfllh.\· .... :1\'1 : " T '=1'(' h ' l\\' It bllpp ned. nl' w. A 11,1 whn t ,1 " 1 s uu dn ' Ihen. I'll II chn i" Shl' WtlS not ~ .)hh ln" , but her qllkk brenthln g gn \"!' Ih ,. l'll pr('>'s lon It l t!.c d.rkn e •• . "Whnl 1 110. ~"lInr 7 1 proy Ih o VIr· ttn tha I T mny _0 "(, heP III. Theil 1 relllembcr thIs pn.sn !;,p from thp m,·lne. How 1 kn ow eet? .llIl1 n nnll I, w ' lI ... e 10 tbe ca hln n l11ollth: ' IWM th('n I found eel. I n·n. u!ldetll ~:t l h when JOa foo ght s enor; then, when you were both outside 1 got h ..em- " "MAtklln. roo mean' Be \\"os Lift ed the Un conacioul Macklin Upon HI. Back • .u-.er
"1'-. eenor, allv.. Maybe be live, nr nllJ:nt nA"(, A ful l' dlRnct'. I can be dIe ; 1 know not. 1 do whAt aaT no more Ihlln Illnt." I ' c!aJa. Eet took lon, tlme I even I -A "',rln r I Where ",01l111 there be
eatIte4 .ut
bMm alone." a duclnr'" bow did YOIl . . aCl'Ola thnt "I know of nOll(' thl8 sllle ot Ger. ...,.lIt of eIlrth1" lo sdll'; nn nrlll)' ~ url(eoll 18 at the "lilet "Ill not tbore I eet ~me lat· CIIllIP lIlC'r ~ ; no Ilouhl hp would come." .," Ih' aplalned. "1' would gO hu ck. "Ch' r lll ~ "h e! ." nll- nml h,' ('ould save .-or, wblll they tlree! Ih e cnbln. but h ~('m . 1i& (' lInr?" die .utb bad CAved and I ~uld not "li e m l ~ hl ; I enn promise nothlllifl ... throvp." h"1 thllt wo u lt! hI' Ille olll}' h OI""" "To belp VI'" "Uu t )'011 will help me? Yo u pledlf" "81, Raur.: to help yoU ane! me. thut 7" Wbat ~ul4 t do nlone' That Is wby " 1. will do whntl'H'" I (,flD," Shplby I tilt )'011: wb,y I talk. Eet 18 not snl,l .'nrll~.IIJ . ., hortlly know how for . nQr tor me. 1 would suva we ore !,!olll g 10 mnnngc It. Once out· b _ an' ooly can eet be done It 1 slth'. w" 111 11(11 t fllIll S(I1I1 C (1011'S. rig bne help. I do all I enn- Mad re lie liP 0 IIt ll' r. CIlItI RO ge l olullg. Ih" throe DIOI, rea. But how I ret hoom out, at 11 ~ . " eenor1" · ·Y '·~ ." Inl " I'I",. c',1 ()Ijlo ft)·lIIl'nlhpt· "Bat wby not call the otherd" (('nIh'. ··W t· I II II!,)' d o tI ll" It D u s~ lhle, lIbelb, aaked eodllen ly In suspicIon. -mat dllnger Is Macklin In?" "Y01l k now not?" In 8U1-prlse. "The indian boy tell m_be nn' Hnnley. They plan eet aU 0111. ·'Twn s bccause .Juan wonld not be one ot tJ.cm they kMI haem. They would hold her tor ransom: they Sa7 a mBn cOllies 800n bere who would pay much; 8 0 th ey try UI put out ot the WBY Senor MockUn. I 'Ttl to get her thllt Slogfll go to th e cabin; he tall, Bnd thon Senor Laud I try another WilY. H e not kn ow WII n he come tbot Senor Mncklln get hOCk. j No one know," ' Sbelb,. lruothe~ lin oath; the I wbole foul plot Buddenly reveal ell to I hlm In nil Its hId eou s ness. ThIs thon 1"118 what these /ll'nds hnd been pl.mnln,: It "'liS 1110t wllhln plnl; r rl rnl· ' nal aplns t crltlllllni. II c WIIS blillci I Dot to have per('C'Q' eli th p 1I'II1h It.,. 'ont: now It Btood befo re hIm III 1111 ttl Ibeer nsket.1nea... ~Iacklln's Munl(· en boallt bad brougllt fnrth It. full brood: aanloy, too bralllless nnd cowardly to lood. IlIHI told ull he l<n t'''' to IndIan JOt'--1lull",III.h~tI It. no douht -and It W08 J Il~t , I, \! ''' rt nf \ h lll~
of r NI "",I 'l· ro. Occ,, - Iuullily 1\ I; Wit .f nlr """t vp"rk. 1I)'Inl'( upwnrd nnd ' 1'Irl1 l.; of hlll ck ~ lIIok ~ w,'r~ vloll>lo. Nu lu ovlng forlll9 could h~ pl'rc" lve.l uhuut Ihu ruill s. Bnd It wn~ ~ vhh ' lIt thu spot WII S s tili 10 6 ~unc llllull 10 r,'utI"r .'xplorntlon ImJloS81l>le. IlUlld II'd closely togeth er In the 8hl'lter ot th e rocks the fllj(lth' ''s s lfi re(\ n"rOSR Ihe ope n "L)ll"o' flI the n 'd gl.'nm. Th e M~x l cun IIlrl hlltl IIftet! hU"ril'lf upon a proJecling 810no. n.1I1 WII S .en rchlng th e shutlowa wIth k "cn ry" •. "Wlu"'e 110 we !lo?" 8helby flu e. t1on ed. ~ Up Ihe rocll trail, Benor; th"rtl lao other snte> pIn e..." ~ "Su I tho\l~hl. TI,en we IIIU"t get und llr COH'r hetort' doyll gh t. 0" wn I. not fnr 011' from the looke of Ih e ~\( y." He pnllst'd audd,,,,ly. "Wbllt kind of a looking guy la BRDley'" "He t811 , scrawny. red wlllakeMi." '''I.1I1.'n 1 got hlDlI plulled tbe fellow throu gh tbe orm. He wo n't wllnl an), more for awhile. Come. let', move on," be f\ddO'(! Impatleotl7. "It'l doIDa DO good to ~1o b.re 1U14 .tare at thnt lire, anll It II !WI upt load I've gol OD my bnck," Tile wa)' wal ft rouab 01111, Itrewn wIth .tdnes, hut wIn protected b, blgh bRllks. Db either .Ide. Pancha Beemlngly knew e.,.q Inch of It, tor !II..., ndv onced conftdently, I8lectloa the IlIlsle r pllth. 80 they cAme to tbe end of the cleft wheN It termlnatt'd III the blink ot the C!I"MtI. The light trom !be ltowly gray1DI ally overlulud 8l'Brcel7 p enetrated the deptbs 01 tbe rulne. IIl1d to the burden of Cftrylng the h(>ftV1 horty ot Mncklln woe n"t"" l tJle ",enrlnp88 of t.be trequ<;nt stumhllng over the 8tonea wl'I h wtllch the plltb WIIS strewn. Olgn, .IIrhllnll. plr the lIeadly tnlntn~ss wlll~ll
th e latter wn A 1'1I p'r t il j.7,·t hl~ hu uu :-. lntcr-8 eemln a:l ~' It ~ I t ft! ),tUI Ilt!. with u lood stake. ~h l! lll )' rCllclt .. " out nnd drew Olgn closer to hlw 10 the durk-
"I undl'Mltund. DOW," hp "fi ld ter. E!"We',·" gol to Oellt Ihl ' .J\1 1 ,,,. 10thO'r. All rl ~ h l. 1'111 r~ " ,I)·. \\' 1-:01 II It ~'ou wnnt lilt ' 111 (lu'! ( ' j 1\ ).rtll i~·
I ' ll
bae! (1 ft': he llo l ... , ,,·,,1 tilD e. Mu \'hp \'41 11 ' ' \\" hPeIn ." . .
"I'm "fr nld
\' h ' l t". , I ...
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"\ 11
li nt.
I ~'
n e bl'l1l .Iowlt In tIl" oIn "I, JI "o) touclu'd th e rulJ t 1 ' ln ( I ''''~ t\ '.!ti l'l " 11 1:-: rln· i 9l'\C 80ul:hl II ". ,",",' ~ I ,ul~ ,'. \\,h l'h " "1111 1) 't '
HID th ~ r h:h rh .·.. ' ~~I'n r. " "'And " ( Ill bu n ' drp":::o' t'd unc1
Th " Am ~rl('l\ n ~'ores( ry Association of Wasblngloll . II C .. p'ayod C lnu H 1/1 tho wor · devlI~ tate<l areas ot France and 1.10,,;1 U III . Ita I;i f l (rom Ih.' AmerIcan peoplo wns a shipment ot nver lw e lv e mllllnn 1r " ~ . ,·" d . ~ o lltllin od tn thfl three bags shown being IlddreHHcd by tbe YO Il I: /( 1:1.1 ·IlS In lblll plcluro,
hun " -
FAd Hunt
IIAV I,; YT t ~ t )l'
\'l>U Y l )( l l{
\ 'I ,; I{\'
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th,'r!' \\' I1~ 1101
1" 11''':11 11.
adden 's Lumber Yard
~JI\(·I .. I I"
wi tJ l tlll ·ll1 . ) ' (,1' .. "I,,, ' lIil li Slu ' lI l.\' I II ,' 1111111. 111 11 ...:..;. "'Tllh,:.!I ' I1'..: f u r Iift '1I1h. I, "t ' ""~ 11 11 11 uti ... 11'.'1·..:1 1 h u'd dt;.'~l'l'tl'd h ll .. . II " " " 11 1"' , ·1.\ 1", "1 Iz(·d thllt (II ~!I ll11d Ii I'" ·,, h I ..: ""a'l U l l"M
Into lwr of
ht' n d ~
luI' .
\\'1 1' 1It:!
Waynesville, Ohio
I II,·
f il '" At lust . lin \ \ " " 1'1'. It l .. I'.' ,' . . ""I ·llI'd. :t lld
1" ' 1'0.: 101 1'1 11\ 1'11
hl'r llpt'
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( 1' .. 11\
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I I I..;
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1'11', 11'1
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llluttt· l't ·d . " hut ~ " I': T hill \ \jl" i1 1"11 1 Hnll I Wli S u lll' lIt 11 11 ill . \\·h.'1 '..... I 'd'!
dill?" " Uul 'k UIt':rt'. wlll'rl ' ,.:11, ' Is It IJl tld a rn rl lll'r'!" "Ttl t l u ' , 'lI ", ·. y ll ll 1I 11'; II I !
\" " -, , I I I ... hUl'd dlmh r "1. hili \\" \\ III 11:"'" 11 t'J1!'4I... r . I'll ht' 1111 1'1:.: 11 1 pl' ,·... ·IIII .\: wtf ll c ut ":U~ I )t· ~1l\1 , ''', :111 11 Illa1,, ' "
" :1 111 1'
1,'(1 Ill, ' fe lluw Ih" l' t'." "Oh. 110. 'I'UIII : ~' ( ' 1''''I1 I1I1't dlt rll.l t. Tho p o u r thI n)! l pol IJI' lIl'l.\ t T lti'. " 'I." "1"luli 'hu? \' ("S. 1 !,!lP\\: 1111 1 ")H··d 11('11 ,' 1' IItr "I t II r h .,
gu y d pn.I: · "Hut Hh~ wtll Hnt h .·II ' · \ t· t ll n t. ~h l ' thi nk s It Is nll I..' r f"" I,. 11,, 01 - 111,,1 sh e Is such 11 wild , Jl Il ..... jnll HI\' [ll l it' thing . 1 \\'ou l ll do It n:. r hlll~ t o :o:: ,\'l' hllll for Iw ..... "Th e- r e Is nlltHl!. (11 h' d l a l1 "" In It thoustlnd . Stili 11t "~ 11I ... r lI h.. llt \I t· I I .I I·~· en t)n~h t o Wil ke It . " .... '=1 11',· d ' III ',
owe him Rnytltlll!!." wJ om no t :-\ H ('\lr tll tu n f 111111." -.lll l' Il\lrt so rtly . "' I \\' 0 111 1, '1' \\ 11"11 1 ",\ult! hll ~l q ll ll 1. . 'Ilt f ill'
Idl ll?
I douht It YOII It lli f 1... 11 " 1' " 11 11 I ,·on· 'pssed 10 YOIl ''''\\'. '' "I cnn
l't'lI l l zl' It It: tl'lIt:" . hut
belief II Dot 111",,'111." Th" motionl ess ~I r l lI ( III<' ~ lId " t the rock 8ml denl! III ..,,,,d I,.... III'IIt1, anll glanced buck III 11 1'111 \l' llh h c~ r piercing blod. ey~s. "Senor, 18 I,t Irl1" fhnl ~' (> II lun , he r -pollr wlf,, ?"
,,\ ,
1,111 "" Tnn,j, ' 1'.1
\ .... 1,· \ •. III ,,' , ' 1' 1I 11t! IH'\'
, III , "_" ' 111· "
' . •1,
lit \\ \' 1, \ 11,111:
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ClassiBed Ada An at! ill Ihi ~ co lumn iH" Hure aallll
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tlrll f·rt·ri Ihlll "h c' ,1 Af"o " ~ol " h~1J !lily ,,1 :10 1 0 \1 t,n tI", pl '"111.111 I'
ONEY '1'\1 LO N ()N VAtt\1H .. t . OJ'(, 111\"' ''"\ lur r. I,u 10 Probate Court Proceedinp y" .. rll. 1'". rell & 'l'tln .. ll. · 1, ... 1 .... III I li A mlll.IAr o f ,I. O. C« rtwrltrhl 1M" IIncl !.uRno, Wlhlllnj(t ' I' , 01.110. '\" 11l1l11e, Cit tlJ!< P.t"tA or Eh1.. I)"tb I'bnne :101 U BIl ( lv. d p ce ll ~ nrl . ~"Io of r Oil I Il3tal e
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J ,\Il " t.l," n . IOlIh, df'cPBB,·d . R(lllor~ ot ~ ,,'" C1IJprQV ArI . I n Ih OlI1Uer o f Illn es l,.. I .. o f F r ll nk ~lh· .~ r , dNJ~nJ'l e d
,"ii live ' "'>0.,
MONEY LnanAd nn (lh HIlt'l s ... l~u eeovn ci Ulvr'II"lCfOll . N .,t ,," h' ,n ". ht .I,'hll H .. rl"IIA, AllfOD Bull,III'/(. X ... nl ~ Ohio. 8 • III
L 't' llHlO Rll :
n . r i. h l'vnlll t c'cl IIclIUIDI ~ Ir.I " r I I:Iq" d ~ ' 50 (l \\' H rn-Cl~P. ('11111'1 '1 91 SALESMEN WANTED you 80 P\' ~ II h,,"(ol"f' 1 tultl h t'r ." \\'lIlki o . "uo K I~. Th n ll1. ~ lire "An' Ihe 10"1' you?" poi II t ed " p prn l ~o r ' . . '11 om S~nor :"\tlt'lh)" tI \\, I f.... I'un· G~~l' bu~y . K66I' lmd1 III ,our rltn." SJlokc' up Oil"" '11I1 ,· kly . " 1111,; 11 In HI~ maUpr of J. n. Cllrt,wrlllbl . 'job ull~~I~ ? .. I. lKI.f1I.D"Dt~ burnln ~ rt.!d u n h t.:> r d l1·t1kl'i. "I hit VI' II.." . .. ,ll1l111l~ trll l o ' of t.be A" I. ~I,tl IOf You wan' .111 .. 10Dt! bu.ln-. Yuu no olh l'r 1111,"11 1011 ." F.I,z .. hfl h RO i ly <lc' Ollllll'(1. V ~ G nn. CH n gll~ lut,\O .1I 1l1. • l.u.II; •• " - !MIllin" "}lut tlll'l lIIont'·~·! Y Ol1 r l d l, hi' sa y [l d l.\' " I . 1. ll .. n:)I. ~ nt "ppr~'~AllIll"~ 'liar •• \h~u 1;$7 W.tklllll t'nid'lo'" thnt. S~II,)J' ~llI ck lin . Y OI1 11 .. , \!nll 1I \ll'r" ,' ,'<1. Pnrt.ll, nn of rell l eMlJlte d'reo ~ t o fn rlU'lr M If y .. o OW" tlu'oor core for thut?" .. "I " r ed h .. "I"" o rd f' red Ih.t th e ' »n ml u l -lrt,ttlr MhnJl u l v8o'50(,ObClnd ~n.1O or('& u IIHI, ono; If y<?n(ll!h&I~. "Not ve r y III l1 eh - no . T knHw nOlh · .. bond w,lh I".r"" lllli lIur .. ""_ We Ing about It. IIntt nlll Ill\ rr,~ ( · tl y ('nn · btl(lk yoo w , th h'g lIelll(lK "Alp" 6¥ tent It It Il(!" e r l'OIUf'S Y o II flIll s r y "or. In l> uIIII,e8", 20.0ll0,000 0811... "f. l\larriage L1reu.e. kn ow \\'hnt 1 11I elln - ~' o ll Ita y .. IO\'l\cl," o u r pr olluc t... W rile' I t> r iuform". IIY e~, Iwnn r u; 1 lin \·c iUH .,{1. nnd UhCl rl "B H"nde r, "H!lIer, o f BIRn . tlOO wb"rH y no CllII g .. ~ Ulrrl\Ory. would s llll love; mOil " ), Is nothing. nh .. ~I" r, \lud Mls~ R, · IJ~cclI Hall"" J. It W~tlcltl~ fA> •• Oepaf'f1IllO' C . . Senor." of M orr ow Wmu .II•. Mlun e ~<) I.. . j21 "Yea. PULldlll ." Hf10rge ;ro x, furm n r . ..nd II1I ~A' "I think liS J li e hcre whllt II WII" V ... IUlll Mortou bolb of Cov.add l.le bes t 10 .1 0. Tlwy gllr c1 nwn th l' r t.'. I Pllul R ope rt., o INk, MI ~8 WANTED cannot lUH! yen for the rol::\'. hut J lIenr "N o w t Oo." " Rr"b M0 r lol lln, both o r Frn!lkHn . Mun"8. Pr.'lty "linn tlo", wl\l I, " "",. H .. rry Halle y , I" ciutllr. ,,0(1 MIM8 p erbups. Th py hUlit t ill ' hUI'II1 ' !1 l'u ltl n or th t' l·rl 'pl~. T h, '~' w er e Hlttn .'. hut OUSEKEEPER, IClrl '01' WOIAIID lr el.l e Bnydtm. b01,1I "f L .. h .. n !lll liD' find no bune, 110 tie_h. \\,h"l \\'111 wl\h 111\'1 1' '.WI1 " " 1'1< 10 ti n. ~1J . ·I1 . ~' '0 do IIl!bt bUUSallellp\OI .or Rossell HllIitb, rflllronflc-r.fl M M\~8 . they d01" Wl' ltl Itl ItI,; wil li q lll. -1 vJII (· Il""·)·. S,·· IJ:d ll ll F.ep:.l- , b otb or S o uth Le h,,"on f&lJllly J of two . . (illud wallie . . lb. "Loud \\'111 IIUt;pect tho truth," h~ ct l n)!" t WII ~ t ll lll Illtl h!'t, :.:Imllll r In s !7..' q ,lIr e MlutDi ucu;"u" 011108, JlII . "'TIs 80, p erhaps; ye t I hull~ve we ant! 1. '111: (\ 1. Ill' 1'11 11 ' I 'e~. ' 11t 1',," ~ 11 left 00 trull, senor. It WII~ 1\11 .. ud( urn,s o f hi. H I " " " ~ ,·"r.II,,·o, .1:0"'(,'1. Real Eatate . Tranfera RtNU Jour Aut~ moble Ca .... \ 0 me aDd ban IU•• OtIlhllu , ,- - -an' wo'or; 1"'1\0 tile 8Iou,.- cnnllot fo+...+-1l.Il1llJlli~L.WaII...J.IllJ.L....IUJSJ.il"U tJ».·-l.=O"+--;I-....- -II r-d-::-I-:-:te- wl1rd t.o Ch n rlo~ !tildes• . low thllt. Yon know th" WilY n o\\' ?" crm'!'O -p l l" ·t's , lI "st ll~' )1 1'1 ' 1': 11"1'1 1. :n il I 10111i LoDI •• ' PbllUptI' p,nl, (I f ~t1o li ou 21. T 4, R ~ In ... wed 10. I I I I I In ::. Iit'd 11I '111 IY W ( I ~I T' Jl ~ 1111' 11 f r 'lln 1 :-;: "To the cO\·e--"eA." GUbge, WByne.~lIle .. Oblo. tt , I I f 'I I II I Wuyn o -ruwnslll\l, " I , ..It 18 sRte. nut It the ~e l Hl r Ih'e l'l h e n e e UOI T tI ..•. 1\ II.' \ II . 111)\\ tl l ll' I ' 11:'::11 II v' (1 v tl MIHhiox t,o .l o~<l' l lhlhe l:lum, mu st h8'·e ft d octor. Y o u ttlll lII e I l lIl t, 6 II put . HU I I I Ullt I1111 It· :-:~, II I :; " ~jI"; ,: It l ~t." I, El:ON 'O ~1I~d ~toinp-l'oller. MUll' . on e \\·n)' ; . I Iflll s t IIt' t~ ! I ":1.'1 \ t l Y nil l (1 tl II' (I II I"" \I I' ( ' lI t I Wi n d . " . .. . p"rl .. f ~Il r v~ y No 22~6 ' and thero 18 but "'11l'4 be ollo .. p for OMb J.m.1 lUll. ' rille." Colli!, il l> 11111 " " lIplt,·l eI II~ "" •. u f ,I,,' In WUl!blngton ADd V o rn(ln Twp., II. !Itt, 11.; D. 1. B"x l", ~prlDIl Valle" 8helby Btralghlened uP. In stil 1I ily cru".·1," 1'<, flll tl t l"'11 tI ,,· .1""1''' 1 I,u l· Elrnl1r I:lo no ott ' 0 ,J. Irwin Bennen, Oblo. jl9 Irrnsplng her p\lrpo~e. lOIlI!t1 "·"II ,·pl.\' " h"'1t It ill •. 1")1'11 01,,); " Ilort of ~eo 2 " T. r, . R 3, U yonoc PuP. Collie or ahepberd "You mORn you wfll Icnve us hl"'e s wll\ ~I ,,1' ,,/,11 ,11 ,· 11 11 " ll' ,,,ln l' I'·" rtll' lltc' ,1 . Ir wl n. Bl'lInett to .l';lltl e r Ben lieU pi Merred. Let 'cne aDOW . , to go on alone?" JlUrllO· .·. !'lh .II,.\· ~lnl i1!h ( " J1 t1d II I'. p !lrt. o f ~.(' :!9, T 0 , H. . 3 • I l Way. "Yes, sC.'llo r; eet IA hes t. Th. '.\' will 11 11 1", 10 """'11 :0 .', II Cl, n t I" . tll ir to l cl ..-Khltlor . part of 0 ".;0 .JO hn I:lt.moh; ' R. 0 . n esv llle. Ublo. jlll Dot stop me', the'"' will TllIl kllow . L n"'1'11 "1'4\. l1tnl \\ til 1l 11~ \\" 'r n icely." 1 t,N o 6{) in Morr)w Oblo &1 " . 11'88 1 mee t Sen:, r I.tlUd tlt c l'e I" '") h.· ""It1 ,',,"l1d ... ,tl y. " It Is 1","".1 10 be " . . I, .. .. dllnger; perhuJls e w,n he will nOI " Us. n h" ... 1 0'1 11111,. hc; t 11',·'11 ,"1,,- luur tI~~e COlllIllIaBlo.:':ra · '. J'r, '.-.II . ...,_.:... .~ peet, or luterf'e rp. Th er e lirc II nr' ~i ' s to 11 1 ~ 11 t1 1'I, .. t \\ 11'11 \\'(1 n r(' t rp.( l. .,, 0 "'Ill" ~IA.A. Ollt' 1' 1111 "" " , " '" 1'1'1,,11 h .. t.I \\' nrfpr \\'4" Bill II d Tb V II '[' I there, nnd I rille o f1 cn-sO'"t'UIII l'~ on ,.~ 1'" ' ' , II " 11" 11 " .I' ,;n. " ' .. : ' • a owe : I'l " 6y e e · , even up onto th e II1 c~a ; no Ott\! will phone C-o .• r e nt for Vlt.r\ous ntlloes . I£A'llINc.t, ~ or kl&obeo a.bl · cnre." " I.• ,h, · 11'101 1 "I' Itll l "II tI ,t: woy7" *50 7t;; The VallAY Telepbone Cn . , De', I~~ hell tor ,l ibrary "~Ie, •y 11 8k,·,1 lit .. 1'1 ..1. I" , .. " ~' O" "eu .. dllng the S' ,118 fo r Vltriou~ offi ces, $103(1 I Tbe o:mnr:I1~~r~ \~:~I CI;;,'C':;'~~~~~;;(' . ,,1<1 8t~'W fn "" of till! hi II 11'. W .. ~t,em St.l1r, IIUiIJlI I~" for .I\o(.'!,de~ or whatever yot. ~••~ . tI8II tiew. J6. IIrmly. "I ride for Iwes li fe, """....... ")' eR, Jll'c tly ~hurlJ ut lime., but we'l\ aud prin'lnR tor 're8Iur~r. _'1~. 71i:. ,~r It wn~ th e bett,... pilln, ,}(o .. "u"ld IDllllIllCc . II follo \\,s ' n deep cleft '{'h tl W I .te rn t'!tl.r leg,,1 "flv '. ill: throllgh the ..ocks, nnd once fouDd can· I) .. , .C- . A H.OD"I1,· .. rorll~8I'IIIt1I)r... r: 8 1'0 II.)' tI" IIY Ih e 1' .. "1 ,,,111 IIt~· ul' ", '; lI e· not 100 10 ~ 1.. I'll take thIs eml: that .. ... cess. I\'u UIIl'. ult l v s~ iI .. ~~ II , ly II 1II 1~ lt t ~'III g ive 1110 the 1Il0~t of tho wolght, vIens. *2G .75; RHvm .md tJlJllr~_. bllr. · " lal of l:lori8dlL Trimhle, t 00 .1 1 he b e L 1111, d or II. 1111 I"y, Ilite I " ")' nllli .1'(111 I ~ ntl tl, e WilY; tilk e It slowly tD RURP('c t h pr 1I0\\'. I I "'" " n Ion!! nml \'1)11 '11 be nil rllcllt." W"stt'rn l:illlr. puhll~h l DIl Au.dlt.,r'" Journey to O"rlll",·lo e. t oo Inn" to hc' tlu lln c ial repon, ·'lIlg 71i i ( 1. B. made on fOOl, 111101 If th e ~ I .. I \\'.-n l (To be conUnuM.) Ueoh tlot, po~tlllle, '10; Bell Prot.. : t 'Qo rc1 e r, IU; 50; The with tlWIn up th.:! rroll, e\'t~ ry effort ot - - -- - - - - - -RoppJtnt:l for rescuc would IJ~ .ll'ln.l''''1. PC'etty Near ly Ihe R ight Idea. W, H HtRo .. %e Un, order bon~, "Yoll lire right, 1'lIl1 clln." h e ",IIIIIt. II "'" " ,\ Il ll "'~ I1r" t \' 1.. 1, In tJI(l bi g al 8 71>; D. ~'urnlC~, gl'oV'el, '24· 75: ted . "W e' lI ge t h l11l III' ,h,'.·c " OilH" "'I ~' . •1I1!! ", lIe ll , li p ~nw nil the In- A L . King. gravel. f!:j wny. But you beltcr go now, hdlll'l! llulIIpmlol' ~ 1 ~'lri C li ghts In the ev&-' ' .. the fog rl"1'8." nlll ~ ~ I le ,, "1, ... \ It"r lIunt)': "I" t1l ey 'ryPA I;":"'''HO n tryln'. ~tl mnk t! tlit! <tny l onger?" The Miami Uazett e , $160 "year -rru p;
l'OUI' ~ c~ ,
1 told
S' I
. " ,;" FORMLE
'~a ntu
ebowed Wf'll k h 11 r I':lld d "\Vherl' \\ n~ l h.,
\" ' 0'
t ored ~1I1J1 1 ' WO ll lll t , 11\:1 I III n o e X11 \V]lore Lq l\it or n it' 111 r ,' ...
liD wnlk?"
"No, t: c"lIo r : 1 11
\· n ll ~.,
{)l l l-tS.
finull y II ttnl n~d 111." "Iwll ing 111(" Ih,' trail s ou~llI. ~olh lll ~ l ' l' tl l lI " t ' :0-1' 1'11 p!
0 11(' \\, 1111 )" tl l .s tnHd. rnltgpd .q!u lll ~ t Iht, ~ ky . IIIHI ",t"n ) WIl A 11 Io:It'fHU
I:",' - I'" I
('nhtn .
tI ,
fo~;::;r~"', I':
m n~ullll{ l u ~wurch Un! d dll'lH tur their h" ,II.·,. 11111 Ihl ~ Ih ,'y c'oultln ' t kllow. A" (\ w )' til ruet! IntI! the rn "Ine th o)' ohlLll neLl n ~III1IP 8~ uf Ihl' hl1rllo<l
FiO'" .. '
{'ull ll t'c t lug
rll\' \ 111'.
Stm or ;\ 1 ,,' (Itli pr t!l l ' • . f III 111 1 I I: I, J lull,'
n I{1l 11), . th o t turrw t1
ti ll' lI\t t.
~ l1n'lI
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1~ ' C'j L i t'
" " (lll
I':"\I { Til l )l :
hl," 10 Ih'u r 1100
theN' not to r til n l - Iltl [
" ' Il 4' 11 111
Tt WR!I I RPl1 n r - l who !tn-I' 1 llet'm. Wl.y .hollill ,'P I h" .o? 1 ,,"pll t ' 1I 1" '1i i' ,"
h e drown ('nuthlult·
\ ' EII\, \I. \ N A~ I) \vlrl~ - IW ERY FA\·III.Y II ( ) ON THIS I~ 1': 1'\ '1'1 rLl~i) '1'( ) : \
pe l lta " til I"." (ill ' \\ utllld ,·d 111111'1 un tl", gr(\\lnl1, w1l1l, ' tH ' ,·,' :':l1 ln l-1I ","flldl'UI Rtrpn Kth til I'I' I H "" ' d , • lil t'" tl l \'Y I'll ' dt'U\' \!I'"d to I'lh lfl t h ,' LJunLL' lI, O l ga In·
Iy . II l1l'l' UII (hu olll:llde. un tle r Ih e c(litl tl l.'n ro of 'he .lIlTS, Ih e ~' tound tl "' m",'ln's prOl I!l'INI by Ih e high
the orld I's Yours 0
Have you got ity 'o ur Home?
t r ll lJl tht·· ·fTo rt . ::\1 11 1'klln II lO lIlI l'(l ',111\.' \' or ( wlee. h ut " ..-II 111 l ilt rt,J.t u l ll luc ('O n ,
Ulun. But t hI !' prll\'(~tl l lll prn C; r k u h l tl. au rl u ...nhl ~1 1+' lhy ~ h"lIl d {'r,' , l l it ,' "ltll~' ftnu ~ tagget"It.l11 b1 1I1dl," 1111 ~I ('t·1I 1. 1. Tho ~k)' \'\'U I'I brll)' , n h ,·u \·y 1111 lt t
th t! ft' lI o \\' hlH.l
CflUrlll:!' tll llt 1110\'('(\ h,' r 1 1I j ~1 1II1I!1 slron~lr. Inll~lIIud, nll -he t olt Ill' \\'11 n"lIrllll( tho mid ot hie sln'nf(th 1It1,1 1'l·IIIt Z..... whnt the stmlll f11l1 ijl lip .1 her. Ihe n ('SI Iln ur ~~ '1'1"" ('\'Cllt,P mnt ntl" In :'1",11,)"1\ ruillt! 1I10rc lIk ll ~Olll P r"lh ll 11 "(,'1111 Ihlln n I'NIIl' lII' hrll ll~'" Ill' wo s rHn ~ du us of h (' lt l~ ('x l 'I':;t: I\'cl y \'\"OI'n, h u nt:'·Y. tln'I\.. 111", mlll .1 tll ,1 1I0 t (unCI Ion. )' ..1 I", ('111111: IlUI:I:" clly to Itl . InHk., n'llh (" .!t l, clln('h ~ ll, nnd e\' ~l' y n Hl sde Ilt'l t!lI l! ft
. -.
...... >lY LE.T S '5E[-
0 \1 ' , " HO ..... ··
.... T HE
IS~' UI.;u EVERY WEDNESDAY Klu_rett ., lilt "', l ln Ul e. a' \\ ,.,0•• '9111 •• Uhlo l ........ 1J1l ~ I. . . . . . . . . 111.
We Will
.... .. . D, L,
New Resolutions the New Year
1\=========================::;:3.:; :;:;:
Many 8tl lJ~cl1bl r" fr.:l~ tbl8 vloln- ' Uy .lf O /l kID~ tb e G Ui4ette, beglnnln ~ JIlIIll . ry 192'1, Ra ym on d Ed w arlla, of Urbana. J W8~ Ih,' week·. e nd gusat of biB fatber I Churl ea Ed wards, u { neBr h ere, I ne o f ~b e li u Niee ' Ole o 10 thla vi- , olni ty 18 Or , G . a"n doll , who III on t be g.\) fro lll m or n ti ll mo rn D, J, .Jn m es. tlll'm IIpprllieer for tbll Ba ckoy e Ata te Bollllin g & Lo .. n C" ., ()f ()u lu m huu. tr"naucted bUM!. ncs ~ h or o Ih rOlll,(b F Wi! on , on Fri. M ,'. W l 1 ~ o n Is tItelr r epre sen. d llY t a tl ve In thl8 \,i oiul t y .
We have entered tnto a oont.rllot ",Ub tbe year 11121 ; It 18 up t o .us to 'uUlIl and milks good onr obllga. fo re l" n Ady e rthl ~ R e pre.; nt Ql tlv t" I tlon., and 1.0 do thu we will be k e pt T H EA ME RI C'AN PRESSA ' SOC IAT IO" bU8Y, One of lbo bll8t r em r die8 i~ '0 lulep bnlY . wbloh will k" fl p oor mlnda and bodle. {rom K ~ tt\l g COl' WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6, 1921 tamloated whb that aw/nl dis. '8trou. dleeaee, "liORSI p. " J d len eHa • devIII " Jlfls io~o meddllolC wHb otber ,( Catarrh Cannot be Cured . eople '8 bUMlneM wtfrom DO. IWlth LOCAL APPLICATIONS. a. ther pleas.ntn e8S prevHII. . In or rtllr 10 ' ~ cltllll o l r e a c h th e .eat of the dlaea8e . II tid Catkrrh ' 8 a local (W aOaBO. greatly In. mn A /lur oo n ,'o ot va I . w ~ UlUMt I fluen ced by con.tltutlonal condItion •• IA. frl"nn khlp lind pro~ pp rit v reJg n . and In order to cure It. you mu.t take MUprern H, W by no' j In hHn r1s anll ' "n Internal remedy, Hall'. Catarrh k I b I MINH Lo ul~e 'V o olley. of Dayton. MedlOlne I. taken InternaUy and aeu n,A e t, ItA t " h .. uu ll r ye"r o f o llr Ihru Ihe blood on th e mucous .urtace. !'XI.lenOe ? ' ::-___________....._ _ , or the ayatem. Hall'. Catarrh Medl8p,mt Ih a h o ild"ys with ber grllnd. Clne waa prescrIbed by one the b.. t phy· !JIHe nts ber e, alcla,"i In thl. count ry tor yeata. It M II compo.~d ot BOrne of the beat Crown Lodge, K. of P. -Assi.15 Har- I 18H ,\olbryo t:l!lrk retorned to nUdlnu and "Sklmm lng.tonic. known, combined with 10m. ot \'cysbllr o Ladue . ~llIml univeulty . MondllY, after a tbe b • • t blood purifier.. The perfect . . . . t 0 k tl I'b h {Ik I! I. ""'Il ",," .\I" cIOUlu) "ouill r\'ll" comblnallon of IDsredienta In H.U·. I W .w" e 8 VIl OO 0 0 w. owe 0 ~ rU to l~r (huu Il.nl . I UH'U l."uult.l ttklw .uuJ Catarrh Medlcloe I. what produce. A 8jJtlo~"1 I{ of P . D1 f' f't,lug, W8S I:IlIrr y qr o wo, of HllrveY8barg. dlollU lU ri l ... Ihull' tlo~y cuulll .klp. No .uch wonderful r88ultll In oatarrh.1 b .. ld UII I;.turday 9V(!Otng, In l ,aHtle vl~ltell Lytle fri enda. ti..tor!lllY, •. Bend tor teaUmonlal •• tree. t:IKII wh n Ibe wl, rk WnS "Ivon ' 0 doulJl, \Jul II",u h~ l'vuIll Illu\:1I hutlrl· condltton J'. J. CHENEY" CO" Prop • .• Toledo. O. '0 did I ,. L I ( ' Hluoo J o hn H ll~tI 8lloeptod the po· .All DrUIrIlI.t. 7lc. " li t! Hn " fl , ",rown 0, gA, U , I r ' II), III II Ur.·ck l·o,"cll,y. '1'11" wbule Hall'. Vamlly' Pili. tor OOD.t1patlOIL , \V,"'n~ .. vlll o, r ll lll fl m1mreu Ih elr o b. I e u\~o ns IOll oh e r D th e ~Ixtb grade lbl"" 18 10"""1), u IUatler ot blltJlt .lId 1 I'~IIIi,," aod prlloll epd ch ,.ritv wbi e b ' 1U ayoo~v lli D Hc hool, Irulo llll(; 11 lUau . 'UII 1l~"UKIoW I1lm""l! ~!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!!'!'!'!!!~ I·h" ,v hltv .. e XIl rnphtlnd t o 1.1118' Lod"" Mr, IIOU Mrs, 1:1 . M Clark re~urnlll1 lu I"'ull ~1~ulUI~ . (Iu Ih~ vtllllr blluli, I>\' 118" i.t.iolC iu th l! we rll: a ul101her l l:iatu,dllY eV " "lDj.! . .. her lin exte oded 110" hulll! vt .klnllulu" II UD" lit Ibtl 0 1 1111l~ , 1'hll4 I~ 8ppreoluted Ly I VI ~ i t wltb r u l"tlv e ~ Iu Chloago IUO~I I.tlrllou. Iu l'H",rul Ihlul<lulI; I,h .. m e mbe'", IIud when e vAr or 'I be ohildre o " ~: ,,In too k op their Ulll'", turUl ....l. I! I ~ vllr~ dllllcul! to w h e n ' ve r th il Y 0"0 rouder Crown ~Db ou l wurk . Mu ndllY Ul .)rnloR • .. f • • huk.· ufr. Ilnd Ih., 1U1l0 thllt hal al· L. ,dg e II thvor. tb ey 8\and rlludy t e r a we e k h o lldl:lY. whioh tbey 1111 IU1\ o,'<I hltu""lr tv MUll 11110 tlo" ""., enjo y ed v" 'Y rnu oL. IIr aDd lin. Raymond WilH OO, of jjrhlll"Otie path ut sklmlUlng, liuda IIwII Mr . nnr! Mrtl . •Io bo Fite and f8111 b.. hU8 IUIH~d 01111 !luud ILlul "'I",r Day taD . • pell\ the "eek.end with ~chools Reaume labor iI .v , 0 1 Ciu oinolHl, were t'uodllY rela'lvre befe, 11Outher, Prof. ud Mr •• 0, V, Tolle arrived gu ell ls (I f Mr . "n(1 Mrs E. B. Long III .. Minnie Yoor •• or the Miami Vlllley h".pU." .p,·u' Ibe holiday. bUDle rrow Ihelr holiday vIlol1t io n , Hore . Con.lder.to Hen, M " •• rR. M .. o k anj Cllrl Plokoring A. tum ",lIleh .h·llo.1t1 U fr~.10 hrenlt· "I\b her ptlreol., Mr, .. nd r1 18 Wal. "oet 00 M'ond"y ODr Hobo.,1 U\1fID.·r! 01' wHb reoewlld HI,renl(l·band IDl er tI \1"II I !trldn v .. net Hllturday ..-il,1l rei. ler llloote. f.81 111:11 on bl!r Own.,r'6 bed. Ao.1 thl'll MIBlltiS L .. nra MoKIOSA Y Rod II t iv \ltl ln Brllwn Counl.y . '"" IlwUell, . bllU Ilt the proper tllue to .\1 .I!:Jeanor B.,dookpnterhioed Lolll Fellly are Ilt their statinos wif.h M 1 M J b ' tj' . ' tb r D CUIIIDWl! Ib" tru I tl of ber hul u.I r1. "'. • larl" parry of IrlllnciJl, Wednfl.day aaore " p~\>" tb ' n u.n~I - lf puoh r. lin, rH. 0 U 1111 ,0 uy • Blules the Tlwher 1'nllle8 Joul'llIll. tbe ••ennllc:"ln bon .. r 01 her buu~e ICUI\~l 0"u1l1 b8 If th ll Y OUII,,"I.!! r~ cl o nlll ton . werA W"f,. pnd 8 0o .. tR uf Mr. "riled 1Ju....H.lon 01 • .... .. 111111 em· III •• Lol. Wblt.11I r. IAIHn It Is n ,J' 'be tf'1l0b Bf8' faull, I aod Mr·. Ifr ,.nk MllteDilurgor. proy"" Ilt Bend. Ore. Re\lrlnll III 8 8 B. MIIIJ'lr .nd f .. ooll .v .rSIl:UH8IP P"'f'nt. do y o or dnl., And W"I will i Mr . lind Mr ", FlrUnk Rvgers speut 11, 1Il.- lhe encl ot hla \Vurklll, .Iaf- of frtendllin Ylddlf'lllwn ~IHllnlutf1 r.bt' t e ltcber@, New Y e"r~ I£v e II ~ u wllicb party .. t III" wlln lellvtl/l 01"'" Ule ,"'Ind,,", at Ib e b om " uf Mr lIod Mr», A H, Mr. Neille Laok~-, bill r.turDecl - -Corn e ll, oellr Ferry bls bedHlde, Shortly before noon Ihe • ple••• n' vlsI' witb frlf'lld810 lutu nle. III, o".\leo nllar h"r waster'. from R " b .. rt. tb" "Ix year old "011 of Mr , Mr uuti MIS Wllhor CI rk "1I11 IDdl.D.~oli • . Ihuulder. lay. her en. aod rlalol, ..nd Mr" Ed Le wI., di ed friday, duo~hl8r ~ IIne'oded the ;or01er8 ' Tbe Ledl.I' Aid belr! II very \lIeu!. December :lu . .. nd tbe funerHI t oo k 10SIil,otu Itt W" Yll e8vll!0 Friday and pecks 811!t!per geotl1 on tbe to~ .nt mHUnl a' 'he p"r. o n~ge. pin CH 110m thA M ~, C h8rch " D tl"t Itltl tnrdll Y ' . bead. 'fhurlld.y afterDooo ufllllY,JllnuBry I. BarlaIIlLJllnf\h'. I . ' MI HK Lllo u" .\1 c(illnnI8 r PHume d her MI .. &1 ,., '. lIIend80ball h .. 8 he en Rno Chorab dut,lu8 ut IWl o it 80h ool, Mouday Hoi" In PI ..ter, laJl'ftrlo, from ton.IIU1~ , , 'I\nl .A n" nn -'''ft I:!durdll v. ( ,' r ' rn o rmnll. aftor Bill IIb8enoe of four flolp!! In polnten or Iinted ,vlltl. t'Iln 11r, aad 11111 Wm U·,mlll ll ll wer .. (,;" lIf O) rlll" , t tl JOIn bl s pAreol .. , br ol,h. ' w e "k ~ on 1100' 1I0t of ~ Ioknes. hl' 1111,,11 wlU, IlluMlor or purll, hut tbe tl r ~ 1111 ' .i ~ l e rH , and will ltl"k p It ; , run l ruHI 18 0(1"11 worse thao the hole. called to Wllmlnlltnn, \1 .. " I" , by IIo AIr I Ulllr ~ h"me. fruuk W'lo \l ey an d family, of Th,· ,,,Iorhlll 0 .....1 II' ,",.. hlns W1l18t. the IfOr\OU~ IlIn ~ l\q "I ,h .. ir d 1I L: 1I1 ,· r . " , D n y to n. we r o w\l elr. Bod KOll b t·~ of MrR Robo., I:It.tlle;ll • HIIr ' . I uelk e r left. H,lIurdllY , Ir, "lid Mrs, WtlliliUl Browo ("lin hp UH<'<l In mixing, tblt pluter "t 11 11 't-Utu J.! . f u r (.f.' rma n ~()wn . Ky ., nn . , I>"rl~ u!l11I Ibe \\'ull color III reacbed, Io n- III1'-.' 11 11, 1 Tf' turn ~ ci 011 M'rndltv ' Mr lind Mrs. Alhe rl. 8t~oy, lind ' "nil r h(>~ ,,'111 h" no .tronl coni raa~ , ' ciauKlJtbl l! w tl re Dayton vI81\or8. froubleaome Spide rs. ~l r .. ( 'nl'l l Kirk w.~ c ~ll e d t o Fo • . , FraIllY, 10 ('AII a"~t1on to tbe .pot.-McA Iplder In BU I'Ilns AII"'8 "1"" ' II ~ Cnll·8. I,o rl " , In,,, \V1l1l1!. 00 " oon unt of t h e I M d M "b I "1 web III'IIr a 1t!1 E'1'1",,", "lIhh·. '1'1 " , ,, 11111 til'HIII " I !J e r ~ roolllllll o lh H r r, an r8 v ar es vara.nter , I ' tlilu ed to " wlltc b parly. Friday t~.nlht the w e lt fllUI \\'ru 111''''1! It 1II 'I1 11 1H I In.Unct of 8hMP eog': ( " ,, ' I H" ", YAr. ,, 111 Mor \\ .. ~n e~vI!l f' , e V6nln!S About thirty were pre~riM! wlr('8. Thl" we lt t'1I1I 11 1' 1'1';1 1110 The AUKI rulluu HllPep dOVH ftre tbe "" 1111 '.~ "II UCqU bl lltHO l" 'l! h e re I enl. oonll18tlog at oelghborll aod dltlup au(1 cnuHp\! 8"" "1'lI1 sto .. ,., 1'1 '" tlllIRtll!ilt 10 use III the world, hut Ire tuU., Oth.ur IIpld~l'II III llo ll 'I,..l glo l,,, r. on . ,,, •• !,, \ frlenli !! , of M"io street. Refre8b. qulI'k .. nel 11",·1,. One dng caD do tile bood follo,," ..'(\ the Ildv~nlllrO Il " ",,,'" 8 "' r ,,, ,of Mr ". A B, CUUlphtl 11 pur. m e nt.s were e .. rVAd. and. wlt.b mU810 work ot 1,,"lf " fl07,"U III.,U; III WIlD), 10- eaalllpl .., Illld now It h88 b",:ulI lI' II . ,," ('I.. " ... I I,.· I' r" I", rt.v kn ow n liS th !' Ilnli gHm"s. ali eO 'loyed the evening 'tUII"~8 .. dOC Is l<"lwrlor to 110 bu. . for th .. lelephone COUlIIII Il.' 10 \\ " l ! " " f! eq l( tl!.!t.ol, JoI lt l1 l-\ t~u in 'b e ce n. v t3 ry Inooh. Willi bel "-1\. wlll'r.. Ih"r.. an ....t Mr lind Mrs, Ralph Lewle de. • 1lI80 oul every tew .IHY" II) I·', 'II ,, ' r " - I1I " n t dl~', r\Ot "'\ Malll Ilocll. of lIheep 10 watch, \ : .. v ' Ulprllv " lllAIII .. , wbl olJ I llghttully eoterta,ined to Sunday clear Ihe wires ot web.,-l'ulJulur ::lei· , I r,.' 110, . ,II ,I If" ' I,. will Il\~k" It th e <linue r. Mr. and Mlr •. i: J. SwUh, of f'oce Mootllly, . 8rlbery Alw.y. I lin, 11 , ' " ". 11 \'1' h ' m e 00 th e No rth Wiilningtoo, Mi8 • .Mllry and Mt. Bt1lwrr I•• eln. Il I. coodllraDe4 to PACto About the BIble. -, , Parry COOk, of COl'wln, Mr. and Mr., tile Ie WI Ilt Mo"".: .. A.nd tIIou .halt The L.."kuuI prl"Is the t ollowl"g ' 10" - 'I" /I' kf'r , II CO" lilPAtliod h y I C harles E, .lohDII and eon, 61enn, talle no rln; tor a Iitt bllndetll tbe Infotmhlloll ullllUi lit .. B'tble : "Th t! l " llt " I hi" 1' llIl dr Pll , w orf' Handtiy Mr. Ilnd Mra Barry MoGlnnl1l anll ",be and per"erlelh the word. of lbe Bible l'''IIIII III " R,NIII.4SO 1,,1"11', . Sill.' - 1- " I II, " ,,, I Mr • . Wm . K l:lr~e y . dllugbter, Leona, rltrhteoulI," TtleM word. ere •• troe 697 wltrd., :1\ , 17 1\ \'I'r. ,,8, 1,1 1«, 1'1111) " .. I " "'ll " "I'1. M r ~ TUCk e r IInti tl Oll, Rev ~'. 'N , Miller aitended the tooa)' .. when they were wrltten,ter.. 86lio"k ~. The 10111l"~ 1 d''')J I ~ '' lij H .. r ,It! . n ' lII ll tr"'d at h o m e on II C. rr.dedloll,lon of 'be MerrIU.'owo Bernard P.lne. J'l!8hn .-a lll, IIl1d ,I, ... hurles l 19 1',,, 1111 II , " ' ,1 ,, 1 111 1"'"" , olluroh, l:iunda,y,lllld He • . Mo ' :lelllln 117. Thl. Is ,11 -" !I,p IIII .hll\l ch"i', .. r. ,... \' ,' r,,1 " f II nr oou u tr y oltizfl oa o f Oentt'rville. preaohed In hili plane To A.. h l t _' of , , _ Th4!, 11Ilcldh· ,'",'. " . 1I11\\'!!\'" r, Is Ptilll lll 'if" Io IJ'l.I. I" g "" ,,,II lind lllaking Ib .. bere, Sund"y 8fternoo~. n ' la ,taled tbU· ,1be perfulDI .f~ fl~w 118 :8, 1'Iw "'1'1:<,"1 lIallle Is In Isaluh w" .I' (\ , "' , , ,, lI nut th e .. tlUo ' pbere . Or L. 6, Brook 'ook Bund .. y din. en dlsapPMl1I . . .000 •• the ttafth III elloPt!!r 8." ~1 , .. j ,11I lI " we stlii r ll mRi08Indl ~' l o e r with Mr, alld Mre. Walter Clark til. pelals I. e:rb8ll.ted. It ~~ Il .. p nN" rl . , ,, 10 \' .' r , @lu wlllltJrov ,'mc ul. and family, .. Id. be l'eBtored ~J plaellli tilt,' . . . . Ii .. r II III n v r\t ' n d~ ur" IIlnkln ll r,'r . Mr , Dnd Mrs, Willter Kenrlok en_ "Skin of H I. Teeth." In I IOIUtloo of ncar. wbeo tb" o __ · ' tertllioed to ~und8y dloner tbe fol. "::ll<ln nt hl~ 1,..,tI,," 80 fllr from btr ""''' (1 0) 1\ iI .. ~ I y Im p ro ve m e nt. tloo of atarch and tbe flDl ..lo. at Mbreddlng 1M lJ" iUI( IndlllgAd In, In In wlng I(U6Bt8 : Mr . and Mre. Jacob In "Bbsl"·.I" phrn,\,!. II". 0 hlhll cnl ~<.'e .. II,! k at once ,...lImed. YOII 11'111 find II In Job. cbllp- tbtll "lollIl~y, eve ry day t,bllt Will d o liubelUlan, of CIDolnnlltl; Mr, and MI.. WilhelmlDH Ned!. OliO 0' our MfR, W. (iI tlalnes and obildren, ter 19, "ene .:!O. nllhly r"PflOied eldllrly 01t1zen8 . RolJert, Mi1dr~d Bnd CIllra L.. of ~ - -dted al her bome on 'be Ayenuf', nn Blllrnoot; Mr , and Mrs. Alfred L'uellday rl lalll wepk. The fnuDrll1 H"ln es and danfl:bter, Vlol8, Mrs , $GOk place from tlJe Frleods oburch , li)1::t: " Kirkp .. triok lind Mrs , Mary US llf wblob sbe was a membHr. on Bo\' , of Dayton; Mr, Ilod MrR, IS B rhurlldllv. lowrment w"a Wilde at BaineR and 80n, Jluue8 Miami op. mf'tl'ry _ __ _ _ _ _ __ SubscriDtioD Price, $I.W per ),ear
We Want' Yo Store Before
\Ve ha ve ev e r\'t l d l l~ cl ass ;bardw a re tore, ,111 (! keepin g with t lte goods I l l'
I' l"
(' \ ;11 Ii«" I ' ',I I 'I tol ,,'
Don't forg('t to y(!1 ynu r "f iL/·ds (l Ife r making your purchas1!,~. li l/ .I'''if '. ,.;, !It'! (J ne of the hands(Jme pr1!~(! /I1:i In' t; I, , 1.. ' I/I1i/. - I
AGOOD LINE OF GENERAL HARDWARE We ha ve th e follow ill g ill
~ I 'l l
Flash Lights Oil SIOI 'e:; C(Jal ,,>'{Ul'l'.'i (~. Rc l/l!le:, Pocket Cutlery Butcher K nil (':; l-Voot/ SfOl 't!." "Quicker: Yet" Wash · S h l'd!'S of al/ ki ll ds rers - Power and ,'!"d e f!l N li : {J I .,S{I'<I((1111 I< (/ .: /) /,:\ Electric
~ ~
~t,· ", 11~ ..
HARNESS Ha rn ess, :Ibo , ~ 1l (' 1l ns Team Harn ess, hand- BU!HIY I !tlnll 'SS A good liu e
U/I ('.'i made Collars, both leather Undies A 11(/ of h I' I' Ih illY:; and canva:;
Waynesvill e , Ohi o
Fon. ~~st , !,es~lts w,e
-----. ..
'.1VuamfGazette S
.Classified colunms, we'll tell the world!
~- r 'lok WII"on h,,~ bollDn improve, ments "n 'b" J1ro)Jl!r~v b8 r eoeotly purohMlled of A B C81 n pbell, "ud wheu complell'd It wtli he one of Ihe most com",I.. ". home, In uur ol~y , Be b ... Meveral bomes of dilTerent kln!lR Inr 14" Ie or raIl' J, I:hmlltnn Bogan ~rllnIlAot, ,,d bu~IDf'88 10 LAbllDUO. 00 Tbur@day , Coun\Y ~upellitendeo& Fielder BarriS, of Lebaooo. Wll. hare 'n e I\ay he' 'week, 100kiDA lifter oor echnoI. B.rry Browo made Il tlvlng trip &0 Columboll on bOlllne8., MondllY , H.arr, ~blda.ller hilI' porobllsed a o.w i'ord touring Oar wI~b Iwproved cIGon, , IIr. and dr. 8 L Oallio enter. ..IDed Mr. and Mra . E . B, Dakin for dlnuer 00 New Y ..ar. Day. Frank L, Harrl~ .. Heoded ~hA fu. nenlof Dr . 8aUon, of Ularbvlllp, .:In Frida.. Tbe doctor WII8 II weil. known praotitloner. and bad many frhmd. after T•• re of prao'ioe . Be leave. to monrn'blllloIDR, a widow, f.thf'r, al.ter ... nd friend. by tbe !DOre. The oommuolty hal 10llt a very muoh.needed oltlzen '
(N. • • • • .,.. . . . . . . . .. .
Roy Chenowetb, of Xenill. W8H Call me by PItOI1l' ! ... Examined I'he guest of bl. mother .nd brolh e r : Glass,es Fitted bere. Sew Yean Day, . A'r J1JF>DERATE PRICES Mr. anll Mu Cbarles BraddoJk enlertalned a Dumber of relatives to 00 dinner oa New Vears Day Mr, and lira . Will Allen .re .t U,ltical Department home a«.ln ••fter lIp4!ndlng lIeveral Waynesville, Ohio I t s, Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio weeb.~ Alph •• lire Warr_D Laoy relurned bome, ~~~~~~!!!!!!."'-~~~~'---- I : O pen e venings by appoinlment Friday .",Dllie. from tlouth ChlirleB. ~ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ton, where lb. ftjoyecf'he hollddY II ! ------------~~ wlth 'relail .... .J.... Lewl •• of New Vork. Mrs. Omar Lewil aDd otb.n were llleRt,s l ~:&&O:.I:J::,.::;~dAlOk find fllmily. ,
Ed. C · W
: I I ar d ' ~TIFFANY'S.
r,------------------------. ••
John H. Wright
Mn. Oarol1D. Chenowetb arrlv .. d Farm Sa les and Li vc 510el, n home, !!'rtda1. from .MarloD, Ind .• Specialty where .be w •• &he gneet of her ~l tI. ter, Mr •• AblgaU Weller. and fltmily , Satisfaction Guarunt ecll Sbe repl)rttd eeVllre cold weatber and a fall of IDOW there, I)be "'a8 Bellbrook. Ohiu alao II. ~nellt of her 80n, R01, Dnd family. of Xenia, wbtIe enrontto. rloth Ph on,," Mr ... nd Mrs. C. l' &Ilia spen' oDe "-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ livening la~t week at tbe home ot Or. M. I:!. WeIlL .. nd family, of Bell · brook .Mr. and Mra. Carl Frve were oall. DR. J. MILL E~ Ing In ,·bie vloinlty, Monday , Mr , anll Mn. Oaolll Mowrer aud ... DENTIST ... Mr. and Mr., Ch' v,v l:onnf'r" '11l1I(\I' U a walch jJllrty, Klv Jn L)' thu II ~ I\ . omce In brook lodge, FrldllY evening, I(a&looai Baok RIrie .
-- - - --
Inside Chemical Toilets ~•••H('~
- - - --
Try our Job Printing
Walter McClure
Everett Early
Flour. Fepd, Coal, Salt. T ile, Posts, Water Founta ins a lit! Self-Feeders, -SHIPPER OF-
Hay , Stra w and F eed, I·' eed Gr inding a Specialty.
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
Telephone 76, ring 3 Karl Dea'berage and wife were FUNERAL DI~EC T() I~ "unddY Illle .. 18 of the F, A. BIlrt8nolr ' "nllly, nf'ar Welhoaa Waynesville, Ohi~ Mr, "nel Mr!l, Aim n Ferris en&er· tal ned a uumber ot Ihetr trtpnds to dinoer 00 !Soodllv, Fully Equipped for Guod ~'rllnk '-hlluk 18 10 a orittORI oon. Service. dltloo lit tbl!! wf\tl n~ R, J. M array Qud wife aUended Large Display Room oburch S .. rveYllburg on Hunday . VETERINARIAN TI!:LEI'HONE '{ VA Y Oil N IG II 'I Tue Fllrl!lerll' lostUute at Way_ YOllr Vitality h Low-Real.tance oesvllle, la8t week, was a oompletl' Weak Vaccination a SpeciallY. NaIll. 8uooe8~. aM u8ual. inj{ bllt Reliable Serum lIsed , We are told tbat I"qajre Fuo1t I Wilson, of H.arveY8bur8'. hIlS e014 hl~ lin~ st.ook farm. nOllr Oregon Ill, Phone 44 Harveysburg, O. Mr, alld Mrs. Orl"odo Brllnoon entert.lned to a .'1ew Year dloner Rich, Red Blood Will Strenl'then VeterinarY You and Put You on Your Feet on t:oat,urdllY, M M Terry .. nd wife . (jraduale of Obi<, ~ ( !ll - Able to ReBut (;Cld1l W, B. Terry, .Mrs Alice Terry K E . Thomp80n aol\ wlte, of Iblsplaoe. \) ,t. HA.THA W A \. ~nd Mlsl! Lnlll Brannon. of Hprlog Y II bib field. our IYlltem normll y e .. t y OFFICE: tlbJal~ never aatoh oohl . Y')or body t<'ourth ~tre"t. nea r Ty ler Mrp, Je-tll" gill. and daulbter. 18 ll!ljulI'ed So ,.ke oare of 8U(1<1eo ' 11ft"" In H dtl , ,~ Btd" Mr •. 'oroh Rlob returned home on Mis8 Ve8ta, M. III, 'I'erry and wlfp. ollanleilin the we .. tber, Telephon.' 9:1 I~RI, Thu,.dIlY, 8fter an 8beenoe ot Mn. Altoo Terry and I{. 11:. rhomp. It III ",ben you .. re ruu down aud sf}v .. r,,1 dIlY_. IOU we'o In Lebanon, lalll Frlc111Y your vitality Is l ow that your body Waynesvlll ·'. Ohi " £?eadGazeUe's Classified Ads Mr . a',d Mrs. WillIllm MurraY , ot IIoUernoon nannot "dju8t Ulle1f. 'l'ben you take Lablln /,n , Wflre !:lnncl"y ' fl:ne~tA of Mr, unci Mra A, HAllen beld o old, theIr ohildrf'n. Mr lind Mrll. H.arold 'belr Illlnu81 family dinner, I".t If you keep your blood 'n aood Bllrris ~uud . y Tho8tl pr~8ent were: H.aya oondl,lon, with plentv of red oar rb ns, PIIIIO .. , one u{ tbe Gllzette . Keever \lnd wife, Howard Fulkretb pUlole", you will be ~trnng and your etllff . ",OM III on-r olty on ~aturdllY Ilnd wite, R .. y U8Irrlson and w\fe, body will ell811y adju8t it8elt to sud . nillh~. wil II I,be oMllal 801iJ~ and eheBt·tlr tI .. ttl ,Id alld wife, Ed Allen den ob'lnlell. You will 'hrow "If w n r(l~ .. r nuodlll e nce '0 thoBe be and "Ifll. Uh... Aileo anll 'lltlfe, 'he oold germe thal go fiylnl( Into Mm,,'lnln oonlnot wltb Jn~t lIuob M1811f'1I Mlldlell Keever, JuanU. Al. the air when 1I0meane wt'h a oold "n u.~"t hll ~ it~ vIllu... Whv is if. len, Franoell Fulkra'b, Larene. Mary· IIneezsll. I,\Ju t 111.,,1' "f U" are not bit !illed In !lnd Wrelltb Allen , 3heters Walter ' Ked.blooded men, womllll and ohll. I·hllt. IhrllPulilrl' Whv not .. wben !lnd Orville Fulkre'b. of Lebanon, dreo ea' well They h.ve plenty of Ih" Il .. y. BrIO d!\fk and dr~ary. 8trew Ruy EiliM and wUe, MI •• Rhea Elite, energy. TheT go along with a Mmlle At{ /(inds of t1 uction Sales o ·1f'W fi"w"r~' to th 'l"e we mellt., of Hllrveysbnrg. Will AileD and .Ot. , beoaulle they f.e1 right. lIluklnl( ~h p , n nrn ey at Ii'e one Berhert, of Ly'lt. Frank BeTan and Try P"plo-M.nlan. tbe ,uU08slIful Ge t Da les E a l~. bl e ~.f'd . ~weet " " nl( wife, Misses Luolla, Myra and Nltll tonlo, II I. a wonderfnl blood JOI1R~h"n M o rri~ . Ilf l:i .. bloR, Willi lBev n, of Sprlua flill. builder. T••• " for a"bUe till you 10 lI nr towu r eoelltly, 100kiuK !titer IIlnnlehab. . feel riIM. , All Kinds of Insurance bls Inl e rll~'~, ' Pepto.Mallpll iIIwldel1. nd hear&Itt endotMd b7 pb~alolln.. h I, II S d f f k · U,,1I1I8 rown Itn !lm V,o Buo • ,e1f~""• .' . .d . y &o ....ke. It I. Protect Your P roperty 'I1n, J ,)llII M o Kol~h~ 111111 flUDiiy "ud Strange' Oy.t,., Dredgl"". prepared la ,b o'b' liqnld .Dd .... blet W IIII 'IIL1 Eotl" " Rlld wif e. of N EI" Oysters ure obtained In yarloul Th -..II I I tl ,. , '. B n rlillu t Ol), ,w"' '' r\ lInd"y guellts 'of form, • m .... 0 a. proper ell are .. ways. At !lUnorel. In tbt Medlterra- 'be I.m •• Write or call \I S ' Phone Gl-2 r .. lllt i ve~ In opr t OWO. nean, the flsher.m.12 81mpl, dives to ~Id a'IIIIY drul lltor., Sui be " 'iu A ma n Block, Mr,a Mbr., Ed...illril~, one of our a depth of 70 feet wltll • wetaht In .ur. JOO 'pa ab. geDGlne Pellto. 6I(ed.oltlzlln!l. Is tbooaht to be feel- one hand to c1ilT), him do\VD. WIth Uana.a..,.·'()D4.·.... Aak for 1& by 'Waynesville, Oh~o · Ing 80me be€t.er .., thlll wrllltS" the other hand be pl!:kl up I I man, D.me, aDd be lure aha foil nlUDS, Bbe hll.8 been In 'aUloll healab for 0)'8tel'8 u he ClD car.., and brio.- "Gnd.·. Pepao. .....pn." i. on Sbe 80me 'Iwe. OD .cooun' of aae.. 't hem to the lurfJICil. pA. . . . ~&4.~e.. ' .
I--~~--------------YOU NEED PEPTO-MANGAN iDr. J. A. McCo y,
H. E.
.' ,
TO MlAllT'GAZa'hB. I
l I
tlltl t k,'t1 !<hlllllll'lir IJ(~
tW~~1I thl (nllt IIl1ll 'II" 1" 'I'I"'r h""n, 18 Ihe berry of R 111.1111 whldl Il'I'O\\'S wild Itl H Ul1lhln\M, ''1urul ;\ IIWI'I "II, tht: C. tnlet (If wh k h ('I\J "r~ II ' " I,l~ b(l;u ~t" Os a ;;cub~tittlttJ {Ir tt'll HntJ rotree, IIU\l I by 1I11\1I~' (1 r p ( "rt'I,,1 " "lthl'r. wrlh'A n ('lIrt'p,,;pllllt }PlIl f l'lIl lI Plle rto COrl 7:. ·rl ... h.., . 'I'''~'' I. " ','Y f!OOthinl(. and shoul,I , If Ill' ,... ,1.. "".1 on the IDl\rkcc , pnJvy II lIIu rk .·,1 ''''Il' ,... ~ ot/ Pol>ulurlty.
~ tffJR~
P ~ r~dC7lC Overh eard. l'on h on' I I'" ','1., .'r III ' n ,\k~ r\'~ (1la thlnl; YU1I II r~ d," " ' r wlllln ). 1I·rll. nOI,-II"sl.l1l 'rl',\n "" "~t.
P,pper Tea, . f'lml cn'tn, J r 1)\'IIIWr Il'u, ~ ... rl"l nll' It~ D,UI,o! f l'OtIl
ANN;o~((Mb -
Exp lained, "I'n. ",hnt I t Ie n dO'n" Ipttpr 't' ..... LA thu l dlt·tI nt It ~ pll~t. Illy .. ) 1\ ."
Ga zel/t!',~
j,!'r H
\\'T1 IOl;
I ~untlay al ~I:; :~! a ('o r d ia ll\'
"The Cure" Abo, a good fea ture Adm ission . 17 a nd 1'1 (,Cll ts
"The Right of W ay".
en11l )l """'I':o"
I O::H} a
'.\' 1111
- :\ lso, P utty Arb ud·;\e, in
"Fatty Gets Hooked" Matinee. 2 :30, 17\, Firs t show \Vi Ii st art a t (i:30in evening, Th is i the hesl show that h Rs E've r been given at ;\Iia ~~' h ca t ~ r for 22.~d l7c
fI -
;11 ~ I ' :"I a
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1' 1
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Limited Engagement
~:: :.:': :~,;, ;,:il; , .. Begin n!,~~ I'~i~en~~~. ~~!~~l:.~~:~~ary 9
!;I.·',," ',·'''.'.. :.,'.: ... 1:.." .:,: ..';,::',.1:....,::.:1
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De.plte the w en "h ""'''Y I n. 41anl of lbe louthwes l nrc e njoyfa. u a re\Jult" of gr o," 011 find . 011 their land. the l e lldl n g I rlb o, ba"e bot lost the In stinct fc r "lUna the IOII--reflltlng th o old 14 .. tbat tba r ed m en "did n o l care to worll ." Th e re nre t hou.
tbem . . Tbe harnstlng picture Is • CbeJ'enne IDdlaD farmor cut-
\ .... ·,,·,' 11 i ll ",,,
I "!' 1; -
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' 1 ' I '!'\
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Gfl-ff·th' I 5
"UNEXAMPLED WONDER OF THE 20th CENTURY" Ed't' I B t H raid. I ona, os on e ---
:,. ,11 1 !
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boma, Mont.lna. Dakotas, Kan sas. "rlsona and New Me xico A nd the, are e1'eln more willing th a n eome whIte meD to take up th e aM of modern Im p l em ents ' . trlle· tOI'l. lIIotor eu ltivlllors, etc. Pic· tDr.. are of ChIef L ltt lo Chi ef of tbe CheyeDnE. Ind'ans, wbo Is con. tiD Doll), urslng hlB tribe to work theIr fums and not sell or lonsl'
.. :1
lallda of Illd.lan farm e rs In Ok ln ·
WaYllesv ille, Ohio
( h~
! Cl' lI ';' IIl:hl fur ~ai~ flurll"-'~ '
'aliI r
1'',;(' ('11{
: n 'l' 1
f l ' nlHI I I! at
"rt '
I·: i· IIIII·.-I,
I , R,""'.'.'·,I.,':I.' ,r" d,i'I~';~~:8'W:1I I"" 1 !
Phone 126
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'l' 111i f i ( lf~ "
:tit !" I,'"llt'r- hip "f I I,. I' I' 11 1'1 1. :11·,· 1,.. · · _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._____""! I:\:viv a l . .: p n ' k" 4,
lames. Mltu~ FrommA . a .. , 'I\!Llr. was vo t ed th e m o~ ' p tl l!lI J. P ~ !I( l crown ed " Th e ~ f n dl ulll f:i r l
I I-lAVE SO\lE 1\'101\ I ,: \' . What am I to do with il? It' s a~ ('s· t' 11 ial 10 ill\'('s t right as it is to mah it . I. r t 111 (' t'X plain my line of ill\'{'s llIl r llts to ),011 .
l'\ I I' HP rdll l\
Ullliflli slod,s
\ '1 ::1 1
.\1. I:, C h lll lh Fl'o nllne It's ratb er b n rd 10 ass ocln l!' 1\ bea utiful YOUO I: I n<l)1 IIk ~ ~ !I .~ Elo ise Fromme of U rL !lIIII . (), with the 1924 Olymp ic lI ,h lo ' IIC sanies. N'lverlh e l '8" CO III '" Io ',. (0. ) cl tl zell s work in g hnlltl In hand with f aculty li nd 1IIh l .. IIC leade rs of Oblo Sl a l ~ Unl' t·,·,m), ba d tbls young lal l y len tl tI" ' II ' III a drlYe for u .oon.Ooo 10 "r''' ' l a DeW atbl e t lc s tndlulil on '11 0 school campus . A sl r o n g h id I. to be made for the n e , I ()t YII', ,, C
Ad mission, 22 a lld 17 cents
Ever y W inter S uit a '-l d - . '1<1 t. Dr.--'"s. Ski r', \ 1,/ a Hi t. Hat FlJr nnd Fu r Coat h.
\~, ·t ·
1' 1
! ii
' Ruth of the Rocki~s"
' ,' , '-.1
Fealuring Rut h H.olulld. in
" 1,1
~ . : :1 ' \
Stlllt la \ :-',: h ,q,l .
"The Winning Stroke"
\1 1"
(' III'
v , I" ,i 11' I II,· .. ,· - /', \
1'11(1' ,·omp" ..; ..' r " I\ !'I SII'pl ll'" Fnstt'r. wh n C') lI l1tf ~~("4t " ~I~'
Their Method. of thtt CII"P mono" rl'mnrke~ Ih p on th l' ~lI r. "t lIP ,(:11"1 . \\'o r f' Ihp.11" hair 100Re Il ow n th e hnck. 80 Ih"~' \\' oul (1 he easy t o) ctl t('h." -Tnl !' tl o RiI" I ...
, .
'I '",,,\
II , ll llj ,· \) ~h,rI L i ,,~ . r 1 \ il'"
One.Fpot Oyater In Auatralla, Th e Inrgest elllhi e o~'s t erM In thl' wor'" are f ounLi III AIl~l r ll \ln . Tll l'~' ""," sure somptlmes more Ihan II f ool a<'ros' Ihe s ht'11.
Saturday, January 8th Fe(ltming Bert I..ylelJ. in
· "I h . n~
1)1.1 K{'ntt1t'k .\" H W Il f'. " Till' III \ I' 1I1P I' .\·ns J oh n F l1d,. whn hll l l' II ,,· lit·" ... tpt\l1l h oa t . 1'lu' nuthol'. lu..,.II ops. hl>I ' te r known th un el tlH'1" (I f ,h, ' t \\'1\ , \\,H~ .T. JnDll'S. nllth nr " f the phl·" "I'. "Hnnlla U p I"
Thursday, Jan uary 6th Ch arI ie Cha pliu. in
II Ill!
Flr~t ~ u lld '1\ :d t I ' ,· 1<ll il.!';!!! .\ . .1 !
uar,\' ~I
1\lIrl l sl o\\" lI, l\~'.. 1I"' l r 1I ... "p. It from II", AlII """.I>l I. · l illi"
Rnn k. Collins
W I'r t'
In "f'Dtnt"~
t hUrM,
t olk
tH '.,1
III \'ltt ' d
'·!"\ 'f H:It Il I\..· ",,, - :
Vil'~' Ht ;t l; :t,) ,,' \·\. I,'k
Home 01 F a mou . P eople. hm{)u ~
h t · \ ,'!,'. I
~ufl d ay ....:dhlil l oi l 1111 - :l llI ! \
t'H lll p:ln~'
(lInn ur l' llIl'I n~ " lI rl' In Ih,· n\\'er~ I tnUJl'olut, ' ly t il l' w ulpr h i .... ! ftll to (,lent li p , IIl1d "';01111 1111 I rll . I ' pf 11)]'8 (' hu t1 cl hm,' p' "J 'l't'd , '1'1 1,1 tI..:1t ,li d 'l o t Intertt'rt' \\' ft ll t il,· PU I'I IP"';.' o f 111 .' fow ('rH. M tt l" ~' s l il l Ih t~ tltt ' I'" . - I'lIl ll) '
oI t 011 Ih
Clqs:,in:!d C6/IlI1tns ~or Re.sult.~
Tuesday, Jan uaty 1.1 th Peaturin g George Wa lsh. in
Cac,:nr's Cn.'cl, Fril'lHl~ Ch ur ch
'IIr Rr l.' n('e ~ 1 " "I hl .'·.
Rain or Shine
,·o,. lIi ·
tl INU.
Hnrvcyshtlrj! Frk ud s C hurc h
Jlf' r-
I n ''','uw h l,L: lit lilt' "l lolln): III\\' ·not 1l I. ':tl Il U\\t"I' IIlIt l Ih:h1 J.t an l. 'Iwmkul ~u ltl tlnl1": did HII' !'Ol"'11i f l.
' «tlCI
At W aynesvill~, Ohio,
o ne invillld .
~ I ~ted
1A1II ••1 Oceum Fie ldi ng, til e I I , " ". ~ urv\Yln ll thief of _ Ilollaeaa.. " 'hleb our Pilgr im fati l.'" b,, " 10 " 1. thin 1( 8 " pac!ita&O pt ~ IIMdlellle" will h eal the OJg Whit ( 11 1. r- I'reslrlent \VII IJi!I us4", 1M pre.ented In per oo n a t the White I" o uae wben In " 'InrIOll'" week, Wltb bini was Ills d(\\I.~ l ' r a nd IOD.
1 ry the Miami
nnd mllt'f'
Perry Chrlsllan/ Church Bi ble' l!iI OCl I· lit \1 ::10 Preac hin~ 1 lit 10::10 II . 01 . null 'i::{O II 1\\ !':ve r y-
l ~th,. . r
------FI ... In a P ower PI.nt.
Al~n e
Don't Forget Sawyer's
"::1·11 .. ' :1 ' \.
111 :1"
1. '1 '1
I j
" ",.1" 1101 111'
I \ 1 Ii ... 1 :1 ' I ; I' ~ " r d.·" , /1 .. ..\ .' iI\'" P II ~ 'I r tl .. ':'Ia! ' ·. \. 1' 0 "f" ,' h i..;' tj" \'-;I ' ""1 1"" " 01' f .11' (.\ \ il "I' 111 111, :1 1' ,' "" 1' 1'\ i . , ... .. ;1" ,' 1 (,,,",1, \.· ,','01 1,\ I I" , ... . \ ', . n..: , \.lI'l lt~· nf
! fllt' ll
i n l !.
1'+11 1111 1" 1": 11'11
IlD, oalll with a blDder pulled by • liner Finl'~ t ('V(' •
Howa rd
Chandler Chri."ly Comlla l"otlve ly a Novice.
Most Daring PriceReduction Sale in the History of Warren County. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS AND WORK CLOTHES, AT
Reductions of
and m Many Instances Less than
1 2
Take our word for it .... Come prepar£d to buy the biggest bargains you've ever seen.• .It's a big lOIS to US, but you'll get the biggest laving in years. . To give ~'o u all idea of what you get at this sale, we offer a $2.50 and $2,75 Wabash-Strip"d Overall at $ t.. ; ~4. \" II can buy the finest made Work Shirts that sold at $1.75 for 98c- Pa moll s "R. <'\: 111 ,". makes. f'hl'H' are hundreds of Barga ins of ~he finest merchandise to be had , For details, see the "Western Star." .
M. · B~
Home.of Hart SchaO'ner'& Marx Clothes
"The .Greatest Spectacle Ever Seen on Land or Sea"--N. Y. Globe.
He.r Not , But See.
PRICES':"-Nights, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, All Matinees, 25c, 50c , .:$1 00, 31.50.
A ~1t ·n r .
1 \(> \\· 1 ~· · 11l 1l!· 1' 1f"1
1111 11
('01 11 111 '.
f l·,\'lll~
w l-I o nrp
hO ll o;;,l' l\ ~ \ f'II ! !I/-!
lill"t1 d l'ri't(l(l n n ," :: .~,I"\l S "" It , ll 1111,· fo r n ,Ino,· h e ll . \\' hf'n n (,II I I,,!' 111' 1''0::-; 1'''\ tll r' pl('('1 ,'I(' h uttnn nil I h ~ III tll ~ h nlls;" !l as h up, nnr) Itl ~ PT'I''O: I''TH'e 1!iI fIl lll l .. I<n llwn .
wl ili n ut n
f,: " I'\'IIIU ,
An Eighth Art- Comhining Drama, Painting, Poetry and Music.
NOTE -Owin .: to cost of production and ironbound Contracts, "Way Down East" will never be! shown at it'ss than fil"st-c1ass theater prices, .
Wil d Cinnamon. Altho1l J.:'1t till' r" llI l lnlllon o f c ina R· mon In Jn lln·,'h lllll Is hll'r~II.l lI g. m ost Of lIl O prOllll ct ,'om ps fro m n wild , bl1rnh Wh" 11 II 11:,11 " ,· ,\l ReOYCr. n
d ll n nmnn u ·et· h f! IH Il~l mnk e n rt cclnratl on h .. F" I'e t he 10\'111 ullllllnl slrotlOD. whi c h r llt ~ 'l a wn Ih e tree,
Absolutely Pre· War Prices 1 2
A h i ~ 1 1 !'dlfl ol '-IIll d" 11 1 \\'lIntl'd to trll:l' 1Il 1l 1 1 n l' ~' Inil ll i !!/.! lIll d rl '(lllrtl"C l 10 tilt> k:t"l"gNllH til l·hul'gf'. Til l' ,..tl lllpnt h il t! n FiIl).!'h 1 ImlWdl lTlPli1 In 111", ~ p c t~c~ h. "lI ny(' ,'011 "v cr II n. 1 1111)' ,II'11I?" Ih!' ~pn.!I-'II I1; n slu"tI , " ~·n ·n () t fi n y, l'x('eJtt o M ·1I!·m· l1I nYl'r,lc \l 1I 11 ('(l1 " h" "" I,\.
Che ss VB. Edu'catlon, Th er!' I, nl ,o th e ~l os l el11 8flvnge (tn 1':'0' (11) who. In spll e or hi . being ' t o tttIlY · lIll lPrtlte. will Inl,(' on tll(' m ore thll1l ~ htr lll I Y(1P of Clllllhl'hl ge-br ed 8uilJll1 ern :It dH':-o.S Hll tl I tL\nt hlm .-
, l,ol!d on SIIP,·I"I " '·. ,
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hC"Io wp ,1 lIy 11 111'11"1' Wn lpole on Oll\' c r (; ol ,I ' I1IIIh. nl' (' IIII",~ o f th e Bt l"nnge n"',lI p), nF w ll " n,l f nnll shneR8. ; gcn ills Dn ,l . IlIpldlty w hh:h ente red Into hl ~ nl1''' In l 111111'1'11(1.
J ud Tunkln s . .Tll n '1'U l11<I 1I8 "11 )'. l hllt nft ...r R w ornnn sllcct'P,ls In geltlnl: her h ushnnd
d rl',s,'ff up .llI s i Ihe Wfly Rhe wnnt.q, she'. lIohlc In Inr,k h im ovcr nnd wlsb I he wn~ It en"" lI,nll .
I . I
If you want to be entirely satisfied, use our Classified Columns
Good Nevv$ '
.WINIFREDE NUT. AND EGG . Both ~oals are w'lIhed ~~h~ .&oa ' .~ tbe highest 'grade for cook stove use. " •. They are also t"xcellerit ·for h~!lti~g "~i. We guaraott"e the quality of bo,~ ~ . .II. We solicit your patronage at all tidIieI.. . '
YOUNCE. B·ROS Ph6ne 25-2
• .=.
-=eventy-Third Year . . .
BASE BALL TEA,M_ fI AS ORGANIZED The Miami s met. Thursday eveninl{. Hntl re-(~rganized for th e NeaS(,n of 19'1. \. Officer~ were l'l ectf'd, and other busineK~ wa~ transac ted The manllll'enlt'nt d e~ i reM all ball players. who want tn pia v with the team Lhls 8e a~on, to e nl er their r.an e~ at once The t pum will ca rry only twelve mE-II this year . so yuu hlld belle r r 'Ki~ter at once. in o rder (hat you may be ready fo~ a tryuut when th e season beginR Am ong othe r lhinjt8 talked of at this meetin R was th e idea of a leajtue compo Red of teums in and around th e county Th ere are seve rul teams in c1o~e prOX imit y to eac h other. and it haH been sa id that a league could easily be kept up and W() Uld be an in· centive for the pillyen to IIII1Y beller ball. The teumR talk pd of at Il r.. ,,\l/It are Wayn ~4v i lll' , Lebano n. Ma " OI " Uell · brno~. Xenia fll;,1 MMrow A "It e(· ing of Ihese rliffpr(>ut tuw ns will be called som e timt' ahout the first of F.. hruar y. wh"fI ' hi" leaj{ue wi ll be fOfm ul a tl'd FUllr of th ,· above towns ha v.. lltj{nifil'" I!wir intentio n In fR vor 0' t he le"l! lie. " nd it i~ hoped that the ..t he rs wi ;1 fH 11 ili lu lillc
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"Sh" ha l h " I,n ... what ~ 11<- cll uld " 1-; 11 "/1 .'i lllilh. dltu)(hlt' r uf St. Ma ry'" Guild wi ll Ill"" t with l i,'/lrg•. kl1d 1';llz " hplh Smilh. wu ~ M r~ Cru la' on F' ri d,I.I' "fl' ·rI)I" 'I1 . III )rn ill (,r,' plI, ' (·"ulll ,\·. .J uly II . I ~;:;:l J,,"ua ry 1·1 Iand di"d :01 Ih. · ( .11\1' of 1\,1 , O , h.. M,,,, /'I· . ~ pr i n ){ V.,Ii.·y. Ohi". wllL·re Born I'll :\1,.. Hnri 1\11'" I, E I "h,. 1,,01 i" r Y" ,,·s " ·:-Il d"d . I h' ~I ' n' ''er ({I'mple. M.l/lda)' . J HIlIl ' " ,I 10 . I !I~I, ' 'i..7 . I~:W . Ill!"d 67 y(·a r ~. 5 monl hs I all" 1.1 dav " 'I ten pOllnd ,o n I :-il,.. \\' ,,~ ! tr" I·ld.,~ t IIf 11 f" milv of Oll r Sppcial f'~ r t hi ~ II' .·k - I) It flint" chl ldr t"' II , f \\'0 dnughtt" r ~ alld HE '" PO ULTHY I' A;<.I·A·n:- A 7 ~{\I\~ . II f l h 2 !If Whl ) llI, .r J. ,fTerMon I try it. J E Jall!, ey Srn ith. IIf \\ a .\' n l!~ vill e , ami Edward ~I ll r.l'
:';;1111 \\'ill cli me Mi"H !\Iary lIa "h" " " 1I " d. ,I," , I, :. IIIC: . a/HI a clo~e - " th e lIigh schuul 1","1" ,1 1.,, 11 1"01111 .Ii ).!; t l l,' 1'\ L I.," , .l ' I, ,,th l ea tn ~ !Ire her hllme. Il eal' Midd l"I " " 11 . 1.,,1 I", al. 1111 'hi .. \ I ' day evcnilill . , I -1" 'I1n d tpam went I'll , 111_ . ' nice (i Ille . I" 1'1 1111. \',,1,11' ,··. ""i ll g . alld were , l " fL 'a ' I 'd
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PARISH MEETING - ---- .--Th e iJll cen E~th L'r ~, ,,:il'l) \\,1 11 h '" ') "" ",, ,." \' ,I fll r his fair de' Y'S CHURC HITO THE fOLKS meet. Saturday eVel1ill~, " I Ill ., hnnll' " I,i I I .· 111 11',1111 fllr WaYllesvillt? of th e Misses ./ aIIlIl"Y. 'Ill N .. rlh I 1•. ,1,,\\,,-: st reet All memb ers art· "" .<1,·01 I J(i vli l I ,I Co ri nne Welrh ST. MAR to be presI< nt. 11."1'1 I·· 1\ '1.1 Fra nces Janney Aclru ('''1'111 ·11. :c,.,.'y ("'111, .1' J-'lll l'enci:! Plluumer BACK HOME I :-101., I ',.,', ildrert Dunham Tile anllual parish meeting of St. 1
.11' ,.
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Mary'S church was held Monday evening. when th e r,~ p orls from the church and its variOlls societies were read The election of office rs re; ulted in the same omcers as last yea r. The VB rious com mit tees were the Hllme as l a~ t yea r . The parish is in Il healthy conditi on; much good work was accomplis hed during the IHst year. and the uutlook is mu ch hette r for the com ing year , Delt'. Kll ies to Ihe Diocesan convention. to be held at Co lumbus. January 25 and
1:1),11 a; I I. I I .,
Nature Even s T h ll' O' Ur. The following ca rd was recpivell Tr llip 1'''''1' 11111" "li"" " '" ,'.. 1 here a few da) ~ H~O fr o " ' ~ r, I.a· ment. 1111' rldl 11'*11 ( '11111111 1 a l\\ II,\ ... til- I~' Jl· dora Ward , who is ~pe ndinK the win- ,eM I I.- G II.... :-" . te r in California, and the sentiment is 80 pretty that we .are goin jt tu print it . It realh as foll ows:
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I 01 " '\ ~ I ; I .I' l.i ,,11I Ilrd uyeveninjt Thl' ha ll was filled, .' . p 'I . I _"", " "1 " "1 I,,' r . oI 'lit her an d Ih e lIli di pnre was Irellted to a "01 iI. · I'. " ," ', ./ (.' , (' fin e musi cal t'n(er t" inm el.t , Miss - - - D.,Marcll wh .. presided at Ihe piano If yu u ha vi' a ll "xI"'pl ilinallv flll'm and hurp. proved to be a lady o( animal fit f",.ll,.ch lin!! PlJrp)8e~ , and hi~h musical ahility and a -fine per· whi ch -""ll dol Illi t nped fur kt'eping 011 formt'f. Ht'r harp numbers were Yll ur """n tarm, IIdverl.i ~e that beast loudl y encored, and her playing wal alld therehy ge t lnore t han yo u Pll~- far lI !Jove the average Mr Aistrup ~ibly could if auld for meat Advertis- is a good violini.t. and his numbers ' inl{ live slock in yo ur local and farm I wt?re all fine selections of the higher plpers is profitable Money thu s spent ciaRS of so los Altollether, the en· \ tll,a kes good money," - Jewell Mayes. : te rtaillm enl wa~ fullv enjoyed . .1I, 1l ':1 ' ·! " ""
CUPid III DO tllllpecle. or "c"rH8n" " Purur8 ' .. nd ' nrCb H" ' III hlill "' tam" tad to IDtll tnlllgllltlo'llhc", ... hllD th" tIltl~ god III IUY8 ·"11,,, -Ub wall prllvIld Cbrlli!DlIlb Oa, WIlOiIl (lllr," hI O, sh dntt l~ "n
HYMAN 01: CO .
.. ',.4 . ~ D.·~ ~ GER: ./
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Th" HI't:lllld IIIJlIlh",. "f Ih e lecture
t'''I IJ ' ~fi """:1:01 gi v en ut ~;c h ool
.. ·I1 elen Waltoll , ....... I{uth Gi!Jbolls • .. .. Ber uice Murr~ 1I Lar .. ne Wurkk
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Thp prri Sr U(H~ dan S:;:PT ,. Ilr\.l I' n "l o m ohll~ wa rlling A I~n hll" " iliad,· tlM u Plloa r ll n cn It hu. b""n ',~, In :-;tnllod by th e Mon 19o1llf!ry '~'::;0-~~.',
Cou llt y
1I1l10mnhttl1 Club ul \l uy , t on 0 ItM mn ~ t c rTc ctiv(' se rv - oW~x ...... h .' " tp (II nl~hl Th o prlll r. lph l Is ~ft;;t.
The ";pworth League or the Methodist Epiacopal church has been r eo organized and started with thirtyfive members. There were uver fifty in the devotional meeting. last Sunday evening. Every Sunday at 6:15 pm. a meeti ng , is held for young people, to which all the youllg folks are invited.
mlrror!ol 80 a rrnnhOft muhlle I;olnlng down l"!ilR I II F I lg ht ~ mtn ror s , m fh",t,n g tit.·
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t hp roa.d will ~· l h,; the mlr· I I ~ht th r ulI,;h an In ' ntult - rt"~tJ . t cn~H' ilo d warning ca n l: omm~ rrom ttl, · ()Ih n r tJlrt'f'-
lion thai a ea r I , ,: n mln ~ T h., p hnt o tihnws lhl' pnrl :-;c opfJ warn , 'np
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HYMAN & 00 . ,
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There are Iota of friendly faces To make glad the distant way, And no matter what the place iH There are /ilwav3 folks to say. "Glad to mee t you - lovely murninj{" u nseJ.usJl,.....uA.JJlj;LUj.UlI"O:IlI,\1-CLL.iUJllCJt:'Yl-tth;7;"!!nrm!ltT'Pt1['!'1:Prl:-:-~~--~-+.....:~88.-l~1l we ll ; hope you 8 re, tOO." - a spiri t th at mllne and held m ' I/I~' _ _ _ ___ - - And it 'M_mighty nice to hear them Anti to an8wer. "~ame to yo u" frie nds [0 knoll' I" 'r waR ttl Ion· he r . ~-8rillg dea th Ahe realiz.. I it a ll. lJut when Christmas time IlPl'ruachcH ;i nd wu~ I'lad ""h en Ih ... " ulllmun ~ 1\1I ,0ur warllle~t thou~h~stil1 flow I'llln c . Told her 10H'd 0'11'8 Illlt 10 ,(,,, tIll' dellr onl!~ oack in Hurne Town lI ink ," lIe r a~ dCll·l. Llul " " livinl' in Alld the FrientlH of LonK Ago 'lal
I' ,1' ..
I,' ,01· vey ~ l)Urll. "nn W.l ' I\ I' r",'y alil l r:II II ' 1'1'" 111 ' .' ".1 ,~Irl~ al ~u went to ily. nf (In',,u lI;a I 'd. , "III . ',1 .'", d.·f eated . the MAY BE SIECRET ARY , "r .· ", '11._ II I ,III I·h·y ~Iayed 1\ OF AGRICULTURE Mr. ,<lid M r~ 0111111'" I.'",. "r. 1r,dll,( oJ "'" - II • Ill\\' . bllt we re unItoute 5, e nte rtaill"" " II T III II':<dHY'l.l '· ·· I '~ 01" alll'hl ll~ wil h the jtirl~ I Janu ar y tiill. III a ~ i ;>( 11'l'!,,, k dllllll'l'. frill t ,01'1 the fulluwin>! ,,1I"~ l~ : I{,·\ l'IIH':lII" Ih .· ,'I ' ,·.rI,·lIlly (ullk their ~IeIn vibti,mH ar ' ou t (0 membe,'s of famil y. MI ~. Ly" ia Ililll' . \11' a lii I II' ,t I,· I.. I I . 'I Ih,'y I{lI t lost commg : th" Mell () f WaYll e~vide for a meet· Mrs AI Corn ,II ali ll !ll r 1111" ~II" 111 ,, 111,' ai , 1,0111,·.1 ',oI ,llh of Waynes" 111,. 11,,1', )1, ' '1,"1' I·, ·,·,II·'Z ",I w"er~~ they I inl{ to be held at thc Odd Fellow~' I.e"t(,r \(ellril'k ~ hall. Monday cv'ning. Janu llry 1 1,, 'rl' I' 'I' !". IlI a( lI,e air from 17, 1!l2 1. when they will be add I'">!!led " III " r. 111I ,I '. ' I f I I"lall d I)C Cubit got by Mr . Solomon Fred, of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs lI ira l" I'"",,· I, I III t k the tain"d at dinn pr . ~ lIn dal· . \I , " ;<.I, \. 1.' 111' 01 I ,,1/ I' ''''', ani Ity 1)0 who will take for his them e. "Poland W I M I ' ) '" I " "III\! I. . ,I ' " "11111" '" TI lif', r alII t\ r ~ l II ; ;-; 11" ; ;. 111 1, . - II. ome 0 fP a d erews k I. Ie meet· f M 'I' I I I'h" I' , 11,,, 11 ,... 111 11.1 buys ' teamB . . "' 11 " f ' ! !ions, a o rrow . L' I ' hll \ 111 111" • InK I ~ ea eu lIr 7 0 clock. wh en al l)' k I I II I ' \\I 'li 11"' 111<. \\, 111 g " to MaRo n PrI· ' 11 I. d \, hid ' IC e rson IInl mo( \l'r ca •. , III 11"'1 ' g ,Ul>~ e r WI UI! ~erye uy I I! a lea f . I . I . ' f I I" I' i:.y '· I ' III "~·. ''''''1 ' they 11.(11 meet of (he Grange a ternooll . t W,IS a I, ,,"11 II 1,1\ . I , . . and all e nj"y~d th eIllH""'I'" 1111 . II",. I. ii', (rlll il that pl ace. 0 WI \\' "h ,111 1.' ,1 01 .\, 'I I'lli llg' t he Normlll A represen taLive from the Men IIf L e banon WI'11 I>? present and wtll . ad lie 10 a" I "r,· : ~Il l l- j"lI! " ""1'" III Midd letown to dreS!! t he meetllll!. 1'\' " III " 11, 101 1,,101 \\,11 II. S. gi rls lit So me time durinlir "'e!Jruary there Mr. alld Mrs Walt.·1' ~"'I 'I IIIi' ",,': lh •. ~. ~I , .\ IJlllld inl{ . A la rge Will be a Men o( Waynesville meet. tertained at a falllil , ,J illll. l' . 1",1 1, .... ,\\ .I .'... ', "'I dll ,'d to witness the Thc sccrelary or agriculture In the Harding administration rna, ing and each member will be ex. week, ill honor of t1 ,ci,. L,I h,'I", 11 11 I g' .I1' ''. 'II_II II". g lllil" hetween the come out 01 the' louth . according pected to bring a boy with him as nive rsary day, the f"I I,II\'illg' KU" , I-: ~ I,d,j I .. I' ,," II :-;, h"ys and the Lt' bto reportl from b,llIb Republican hiaguest, Mr, James S, McGil l!'.·. ~ Irs I, h ;""" II ' lill' ;-.iu rlllal gi rls t1isSOUrces The mall II A T Hert The Men o( Waynesville a re f or. I{el ~ey, Mr . an ri Mr~ .1 1 -: ~t.-( 'II I"·. i I" 1)",( ".,., '1'I "lI did team work and of "ent ucky, Ol\~ or thf' m Ol' aue. ccsHfu I "dirt" tE,rmerl of «h e tunate to secure Mr . Fred as t heir Mr, allli Mr~ Ne l~oll Th ll l'll". " f l " "101. , " ,.I f I'll " (1'111 But th e Midsouth who OWOI and operateM <I ,sppaker (\J r the evenir,g' . as he has Cedarvill e. Mi~s Bl'll)' lIarnl·1 t alld .1 1,'1 .. " II " ,I,' IIlI t ~l un dinK feature big farm lind plantation n "lI r 1\ " , I h , II' I. I~t work. which !Cave Luulsvllle, Mr H.erl ... a~ ~ mll m. just recent.ly returned fr om a vi~i t to Mr Carl McC lu re. b r r or the Ilep uhllcan Nation,,1 hi~ native land - Poland , Mr . Fred - - -- - 1'1 "'111 II .. · III'I "I'Y (' u rn llltlt ef' il nd wall vprv u.t · lI v~ In has a story that is very inte res ting. I '1'1". II I I I" all) II '>. boys were on tlll r (, f'p. fJI r n runUl lI: U and will tell themembersofthecluh i ll llll l l ll\\dll!"' ( l h.jtal11~ anucheer II fool' I II<' \\ ,'. 1\,'-\ rill' ;-.Jo rmal Claude thi ngs they have never heard of . in regard to this downtrodden country , H lJl~' !), 'I ,' I ;'" r.· fl'r ee, and wa~
' II~
pI\N · A·rC:·A i ~ lCua ranleed to giv., ~ ati s f ' ctilln J . F: J ann ey .
).!' unlt" ,
111111 (h,'dillirul·
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1I 1' ''~ ' P(,ult,.~
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L .1':. Il uckett and ralll il .1 h.,oI. ""
O. Couk ar rh'l·d hom ll from
viRit to fl ori\la . :-iatul'dll,V .'ve ning ,
, rrll ,tdlvit,tu riot: !l,
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Dr Hess' PUllltl'v PAN·A· CE-A mBkee hf' ns lay. J E J Ullr1l'V . l'hll~
Wu"ke.\ a".! 1.1'11,'.
w. ·rl· d ~ f "11 II l h .'d .U '!II lieI'. ~ u, " I Il .Y . al II,,· 11"1'1 " "f ~I,.
Thur~day .
W. H. Allell w a~ a hU RilH'HR in Cincinnali. Insl "",pl'k
Ce ll ter \' ill ~ .
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1\ ,
SlIlilh, of X",n ia , "", viv., he r Carl Mc!'l ure le(t. MOlI 'Jay In ' ,rnIn 11:173 ~h,' wa s mar ri"d til Luk e J ohn Beach came to town, one dll~' iug. for IJllytllll. wh(·r .. h~ wi I n(· . wit h who III li Vt'd MOille Mllllllinl!tOIl l Ilist wt't'k . with 8 bask!,!1fu of honey tend the Millmi·Jacob """illl 'S" cui · fifl"en ye llr~ a/ll for whom , he t.en· that riri ppt'r1 ~ v' (>IneR~ fO f II. e space "Ke. dt'r1ycllred through linge ri nK a il1n e"~ or jUHt a little while. fur he disposed t ha t re,.ulted in hill death For IIf It ~ll quickly il ,lid '1Il( have much Arnold Co llelt and fllmil y . of lI " rvevHbur"'. ,. I 1\1 AI' lI urr~· . Mr Mllnnilll{tLln'~ Krand~o n . of a chan eI' to 11181' it s tll~te ... wl' re I{uest "" r" Ice h .I ' I h an.1 c. I \\ hll grt''''' t I 1Il"" 110, 111 tIe onl!'. McKinsey u daug ili e r. .,11111 ay ff' I 'f d -~- --- -~I!vellin R' I "hI! h"ld un a pelion ant man l es te i ,I devn ti lln that ('ould not hs ve been ~ "rpM"~t'd had he !Jeen he r own son . Mrs H'i\"ell P"ircp arri v(' t1 j,Il n'e. SIn('e tlw ,"'ath uf M,. Mann ington Saturda.l ,·VI-IIIt,!!. IIf(er 11 d eli~ hl f lal for :12 I't' ar~ she htis lived in the hnm~ t hree we. k, ' visit \\ ith r f'la li "t'~ ill of Mr. 1\I, "1 r('. a"~u llling charge and West Virllinial s u lll'rI'i,i 1111. caring for his four mlli h rib':' ,· hildren. ministerin g to lIavp YOII pRid )'llll r tr. X ('~~ Mr~ . 1". C. Huhhel, who umh·rth(>m I hn; uj.(h I he t" ntier year" of went an opt'rati ,lIl at the Wilmingt on chil dh l"'oI. HIlll by he r wist· counsel h ll~ J) it81 r.. cently. is back hOllleR-gain. L i\ Zirrnl< rl11f1n AI,d (I 11 .'; lIr"II..lI'.I,," "," I ~uIJ " d th ~ m into the and iH Ill,t1ing IIlong fine . She live~ face well( to t·nl llll1hu ~. Fri"" y' tu 1·"1 11 1,, "i nun h ,LJd IINi lVomnnhood on RaliteS . nt'ar Ft'rry attl'nci a ml'('II/l ~ of tl,... S hrl n" r ~. " ,\ lIn IIEII '·II ." a" t he ll fliT Ilc li,nlH lei), -~- - - - - - Prt'sid('I)l-I'!eCI lI arding wu ~ nne II f cal l. d h"r , W II ~ t , Ih plIl a muth!'r. the ('alld i" a fPH inil ial Pd A la r!!(' i,ulepd crowd w a~ pr .. ~ eflt Pnr I tII' l:t' y e ar ~ al\ illvulid and ~ uf , ,. h:ring I(reatly. yN no murmurH or 'v'll ~" MarjtRre l ~lIllp,;pn. wh" l18.~ 1 ..: onlp I a I 1I1n~ ' ~ : ~ CHPC(I he r II' ,," ,.,;;0, but What compf'ltition do you re~ r be':'llllt l t! IIJilll,l' ~c h .. ,,, al Willl ' rf"r('e I I H 1fI~ it all with a cliurage and sub. most? The competitiCln ( lOrn II store i UIII VI' nil ly '. s pent Ihe past two w('pks ' ,"i,;sio" that "a~ bpa uli ful indeed wllh her. parents A "c hllol '1'11(' ~ uc II(t:'n I Iea tt 1 ' of h her, which advertlll!'s, or Ihe other kind ? at • home . ' eri t)rn Newspaper advertisinll -- ff·gula r I fn end . . Ml ~~ Arrellll , McGee. IIf (;r.ry, J a mp~. alit I fil')> Ilew . It '" · UIt',~ r "., m l' th , adveti8inlZ'-i~ a vital pa rt of tht'Rllles Ilnrllllna" accompanied her 11 ,) th WI'!''' I( .... qt \l 1,"vs to he r, ye t her effurt of aggressive. olltimislic fir~8 . I ~a" e return ed to tak e up Iheir 51uri- ~rief IV "~ bort l!' Hilentl Y. hut resulted For buslnes~ ~nterpr~ Res in Whl Ch '\ ~es ffJ r annther term in 111' , illlpairl'd health For Illng luch an IIdvertl ~anj{, polrcy prevails. . ? 'earH"he V/I H U membe r of'Lhe Christhe outlook is alwllY s rosy . Hllve you paul yo ur (u)(e . . lt ,"h " 11 p. un d ule .t· d lta .... lire h ill ,,\, , byncsvi , in Ihnt fHitl1 Ell en S'llith MIIIlninltton lived a lIseful and helpful life Th o roug hl y YOtlNG MOVIE STARS CANN 01 i~ ;
.. fllJlI :t
I"alll wl'nt to III11 g, wherl' thf'Y \, l' 1"fUIl, IIlId I 'I,' nf ~~o to I ,. t"1 ,·.. illg' , ( t", h"rne
:~ ..J
On Men~s Suits and · Overcoats, Shoes, Dry Goo s and Ladies' -and Gents' _ ~arnlshlngs •• •• • ••
fll l k~ Int.: Uh' t l thp \\'U I~nn dll'd , I II' tq' ft 11t11~
!rlrl, UII ' h.'r hu~bntl'l-: hc \\ u~ .·"lntll' l b)' thol 11111 (1111 h 'r 11IIu \I fUlholir ~ch o o1. 1\Il' lIllwh llo, Ihl! (·,,1 n('1 ~"I n n to ~OI1Il' eX·I~lIl, IIn· · llI'~ull 1(> mllke IDlJlIlrlcs .10wII EII ...I : hilI , h,'tnrc he n . '''mpll~I '''ll 11l 1lf h, I", I:"t 1I,1:l'~" li p lIno nl ghl In 1\ ' Ir e,'t Ih:llt
orld s Yours
h ' rltllln.
WI III h.l
I"' PII klll .. ,1 If It 1I1111 n' t been for II Rrr· Iw Iq)( t win,
kln ~ . li p I:I)t ~ro ll k~d IlIlrr,
hll1l h ome nil ",.. l.lIt It" 'fhol Icrt thf' k hl Ill nl,.. nt .;'h,)ol , hut Ih esl' folk8 '11t11l '1 kil l''''
Have y ou got Your Hom e?
w ht'r,' ,"
" ., \\ ns In S f. l A'u l~ ." "~ lIr !' .
II ... )' fmlllo " ut IHl e r , hilt hy
t hlll , illlt' :0111.("' ,\
nnn, Thl' ) th~m,
IIp 1' 1, 11" ''''1
till' JlII "J'
ph 1\ ,',1
g.-on th ere." \ " \' f'~, 1 know." wearil y. "nn' wh ere
{'II /l l1l11,
r,'lt.,\ I'd tu dl , ,·,., ,' r 1111 \\
yon i ,,1 meT' II ",htiy . I tI,,!,! tll~(rl J, lIl l"1. IlI'f !>o11 !II ',· 1' ( " ll\ 'ICI ' d , ·,l l...: IIt ""I ' n r,' d4lwn tllC'\ l"" " In 11 8 1111111 ray., IMlrt way uL' Ihe t llo hnnh ll1 r l'~ ("d nplll1 111'f :-:11,' " " . . 'P' \ . III .... /1141 ... , oI" ·l'ly, "r lltt n ' t t h ink bl llff." a h l ll 10 IlIh li l\C'l." "1I8 !1 ~ 11 1, 01 p ld, t" ,,- tt " I I' \\ 1' " 111111 h "f n Itlll1rh when I . " ~lI re, V.u.:le's Mlve, Pnn cha took "tty Unllll l jl tllt r ' lI'k~ \\llh " llI "'!,I 'r l f1 r~1 1', 1111 ' \ 11 , l " n~lly w hlti' n lltl n\\'~ . mp lip ye r e oncl, an ' showed It t o 1II1l. t'nc lng 5:'rl'1l t 1 1l~"OIi I rurt. T il.· \\ ,' h: IJI "UIIl , ' tI,I, ·, , ' '''1 H IH l fo\{,lI m 4Ir t hA t klnrl : All' ),011 two lug " l'd 1Il(' aU that wny.T' o f t h" I II UU·,. l H)(I~' , ' tUlI l' rll r I " '!I \ I,' !' ' 1''11 ... 1111 ' 1' , I .. , Ollhf l ntllHll10i hn \'o hl"f'n " Ves." u l)()n ~h ,' It'y, I lul th . , 1"1 ':0. 1 III,d " I II IfI ~I' ••.. " d llJ.; " ... ) 1' ,," 1\( '(lf1l. ),OIIlHl h I H" k~ ne stru ggled 10 torce hnrk thA o b· hud I llf .,rl'l y r l' ~ llH't 'iI II I..; .. II" ·II :..: tll :1, ,01 \\ 1,,, ..! I d fI \ \ :t ~ , Tlwy'lI he l1 l'Jlft{lrlltC' 811'1I ~ tl on In his t h r on!. • J ... tf), 1t Ih . 01 , 111 111 II( h i .. Jdollll,\ ' .. "":"i IIlId ,1':l7 ,"! ,,' hll t W UR tllnt? TIlIlt "We ll, what did you ,10 thAt t orl" i 11\11 ... , ··· .. h!.' nskpI' olmos l "nvlIl:I'ly. '''fhllt' s h ' ~ l'" JII .. I \\ 1, "/'1 ' ) .. ' \, I 1".1 ,1, 11: I II .. I " I I " filliP rrll ll i Ilw ('11\' 0. P e rhf\fl~ It who I I ,1" n' l j:el Ih r ough my IIUI. I ( pu t tu tIll' :0. 11, .. .\ 1'1111, h .· !'It u lIlhled 1 "II '" \ 11I\'kl1n ." nln't done n uthln ' In moke ~Ither one ~ \ lIlItlll " I ' 'I'll" ," \\PI' I' " ' llh up"n th l"lr r pet, or Yl'r dl' rpnl !I'r me. I th olll:hl Rhl'lhy f l l1' (1110(1&
" '1'1 ...
I ' Ii\l
1" " 1\ \'1\
or pll l n ; ~ I" II \\ .. , \ 11,1 ' 11/ I,. , di d !I P ' IHlrff" r 1.:1" ':1 11,\ '1 ', ., trU 11 I I ,. \ l, oI " ' \1,.J h 'I" "'0 I II I"" • , 11 .... ·11 1'1, h i... rl, , '" ., " , t lint h.· r , ',01 ,' , \ ' 1 I'll , I, : 11.\ . ,,, I ~ -.
,"I" (';
t il'l
' II
'1 ,
!I.,, '
~ ',
I , _ \,
II.. ,
,. lId
·.:.tMI 1\2P
I ' n ' pl
toillund , Sheloy III thrllug"ll t he
Th e St ory 0 1 A P lot. Ir \ 1I~' ~I II' \, !\ II . "IIr1dllJ,( w ith re\'er, """I '"'~ .\ " / i 'H l' tl all) l'tl lI ~ d uI I S orh'O
r' ,'
' )J I
, 1,1 \\ II
• :1". 111"
"'1' " \\1 1: "
h,\' Ih,'
... 1111'1 1, ·"
" 11 ,' 01.,,, .. , '1 ' ''' 111
.... ·'11 '·
, • ". ~ ..
'II , " . II I!'
whi c h
d l ~ II I1 J..:III ,'i hf · d fl'1
word s. 6tH\ \Id llly I ,) IIrt .. IN h o dy lnl l') " IlItl'l dll l "I~l t lpn . 111r0 I11;'h tht! Ilu s k ". I'i .; I ' j '11, I ,,' , 1 1 t' "I' !I" , 1.1 "'1' 111' ~ IlIr ('o d dllll ~' Illl n S) a~l · 'I ' 1 'I ' \\ """'1' .' .. f:,·,' 11 1 tin.. l w ll hnUl r t'('OJ,w ltl n : 1111 ' r.1I1 1, n 1\,,11, .. , I... 1, . 1' II · 1 , '11 I tI ... I ' \"~ , ' ~,ldltl rl'tI t ,lrror n n d h~ 1 1I 1!l1 , IWI ' d It , I I -I .. ,\ ... " ' .. 1, 1"; '\ " 1"" ; r" \\I' "", ' h nW IIY. CO WPI'IIiK '1'1 ,· I : ' 011 ' 0 I-= !'I ' \ \ I"'f'" Id.\~ I... I, n, I .:':: 1 I' '' ' l it,' rtwlt Willi. RS th Ol1l!h 1"1 It.. .'. 1 11111 d 11' '.' ,Ir: "lid '.' I I I" 1,, ' l jI'ld II ,:11 .. ..:1. Th l\ hnr rnr h e relt l lf1I ,· .. r l. \ 1'111 .\1 , /,1 ' II II' !I\II \ 1 Ii '" ;.!'U\ . , \ IIIUIII , ' 141 Id.:c \'olt't>. r h.,\· 11111 110: t 1, ' 111 ""'\"· .. 11 I I " 1I,,·h .. In , " . :" .1 1 1 ~ ;11I1 :" h~ ~h rl("kl't1. "A'm I fll..:;\tn h rt'U I II rur II rl' l ,.. 1I ,. ·r 'lr l. 'I'!,,' 81 rlrud f' hfil:UI\ 10 aff"" 1 C)I ~ ,\ ' '' ' r " ('urt tlt'lIll ? I:-. tll':-1 1I..11 ?·· 1,('nt lllU' rupid l .\· (1'Il1n " ,,·rl l .. 11 h ut .!otit l' " :'\0. 1\101." Imd !"-i l ll·n,l' lip id blnl ftnl\-
,I '
1 1111
1111 ... . •
11\ I " ,
'" t' \IJH 1 ~
'l'II..: ~II I ' L:
1l "1 1\. yh'Ir! . 1 1.\ , h I ... f IlO " f ilII .. r ~~· IIl Jlnthy. " oyery .. \\ Iii t ('11 " ..;" ut twr 'Idr. ..: Is 1111 r l ~tll . l. 1t, ~ 11I 1 nnd d ou't fnC't' . In~l~t " " 11 ' 1 1'1 ' ;'1 I l1l lw r' ItI !'l of \\'" I·S." . HUI ,,110 Illl' fJ - I lin' l OU' Aln', r~R t. ti'O thnt tI H' " It . 1~ 11 11\,' I II" ' II ti lllr. ' t hnn nil hll l11" I n 1I " ~t ll\ hH': fliP flH' k I ~"I I '1'11 1/1 SfU'I"y ?" li e luuJ:;:hflod wi ld ly. ] )l otfnl"lll Ul ll ll' II , ~ on t he 1'/1\.-. O"t* 1 " J !"I I. II" : hc ' ~ tll'ad 1"' tlnfr 1tf f1(' kll l\' ~ III ,,, ,"s hotl y . " "' r th :tt ' lt llt Is \\ ),,' r t' yo u til' , · w r ODJ!' . lil Y Inst hl !.:h !-= t " 1'" I 'l,r'a rt 11I O\'," d t o hp 1' 1Il ~111 ' l hy nil r ieh l , but a 10 ng
El r ugglprt nn ~ h el h~',
d et l 'rlllil , ."
n n t h:.:
I" "" ,
tho mo·t dl ' only n rr'oUlI ,'I -h,'" Shelby, h!II"''', ): ,1 ,
k ut nil, "",I 'Y
1,,'1 11): d, '", I. " \ "u. S h"I" y? I ' (01,, '1 II\' g .. 1 you' " , "11. )·eH. he got ""', bllt 1101 quite . .: " IIOU),.!!I. I [n i h.'.) t o Slay goL . ', . (1"11'11 . 'nnll h e slil i. B e r e, tl1ke • ( 1'(, ",
~ ltl',' r .lr' · "~ lh .
n ll'nrrl, \\'111 , 11",10. brtlC'@d lI&:"fl l'I" ( 11 roC'}" nn., .. !rm I Y dmwt nl: Ihl' 111"1'1 1",,1), lip b)' II,,, ' ''" ' , I
c1es ot hl :o: tlrm~. 1I ..:..:t"lt"fl tl)
f:1' " IP
'(l X'-
teet by Ihe ctTtlrt ~ or th e gIrl Io •.",'a lh , Once l!ate ly b"hllld the co"~r nr Iii " etODe paravel. Ih ey loy P Oll lIng with aJlAUitton. Bowenr Illis " ' OS a bod ily w!.'orl · ne. eooo mtolsterf'<l unto. She lby, refl!alnj( to le t OlgR nttemJll nny 1I10re, dN1I' Ill!! woundl.'d mon bock 101 0 thp I1ftter 8ecurtly ot the cBve, nnd mode him a. romfortnhl e 08 posslhle. Th en , although ettII br ... nl hloll h eavil y hIm· Mlr, be baattly galller ed togl>ther I\'hnt tood remalm'd fr om hie stON! a t Iho d.,. before, lind took thl. out to shllr~ ,..\th her. They sat 10 the Op!!O JUlt outelde the oarrow enlnnco 10 tbe rave, wh er e, b~' lItt1ng the Ir herlllA, Ill s,. collid look over Ille psnlp~ t Inlo the d 60ll cha sm ot the ,'sll l' Y. It hid b4.'gun to ROOW, 10 ta rge, sw irl Ing n okes, thi ckly en olll:h 10 h lot out ~om · ple le ly t he scene I "' n~nl h , leoflng U, em p~rch"" h l):h II ho " o Its \'ortex, lUI thougJ;l tI.oy Ih' ,·" In I1n o lh ~ r worlf\. The white c urtllln gRv e Ih em U SO li "" of I8olal1 on, ot s ecllrlty, w hi ch hel pe<1 Immeasurobly 10 r e'IOl'e Ih nlr ~O llrll l:e. They w e r e b eyonll 11 11 pr; ' h nh llll~' ot pursuIt, fr ('e from III.rn " ,III1I,' p~rll ; abul off trllln dl ~""'· l' r>. All 111111 rl}m.lned \\'11 8 to WloI l plll lrn ll .,· ti le 1'1' turn of ('o lleha w illi he lp. T he wln<1
' !r Ilk Ilf IfJl!'I." 'I'll " r"II"w (lid as h e wos o rde red,
111, 1,, " 11 1, ~ llnklllg so Ihnt Shelby bud t" h"l d Ille hottl~ to hI s li ps. Even ue I,, · ,Imllk grpedlly, h Ie eyee never d&se rtt', 1 Ih e Olh l'r's tn ce; until the gIrl, creo.'plllg lIl' ntly up be hlod, CAme also \ nl o hi s ron!:c or "Is·\on . H e r I,r eseoce 1¥"'lIled to gl,·o hIm 0 sense ot r e l1l1ly. I "Sa),. Ihls 18 too mu ch tor me," be ~n l'l lIu s klly, but Iyll.lll bnck quiet, " Ill e t wo ot ye r h ere. JUSI whnt's hnppeoed en.1 how' It wus I'uo ehn, wo~o't It, : " ' h o houl ed m e OUI 0' Ihut cub ln. Well, "'h ~re'8 P Ollchn' liD' whnt the b-I Ie thI s pln ce I'm III 1" " \..'t me t .1\ him. 'rom," broke 10 01. , gn, pross ln/{ t o r","rd, aud ItttInll hi. I hell d Inl o he r Inp, "H~ w ill beli eve me, ! lIlIIl h' Is afr uld of ~· ou yet. You can heR r whlll I ~lIy, Mr, ~ Jn~klln 1" H p no.ldc.l , gll " I' III';, his eyes ou he r fu ce. "Then II sl<'n clo~c l y. It 1\'111 only I t uk e n Innml'nt to " x plaln. Yuu were 6hol- " I "Yes, ycs," he st utte red, "I know; sho d id It." I " Oil, )'''U fillW, th e n, wh o flred. It I w os nil n nlls luke, and s hl! wile 80 ' f:urry. T II ~ hull et IVns m eont tor 10I dill " J Ol' 1.1111 01 , ullt you slepped In tbe
h (lrt'
w n s ,'(tllfh-r' n
I1c.H"l rnull. on' I
r" "klln you know " ' hnt I "'ns allllln ' t ..- r elll with you . Thcre n l n't no ll~e Il>' lItln' nhout the hu . h. So now, whnt',1 y.'r <1 0 It for'" Sh e lhy' ~ hnnd r ~ n~IIl' 11 out 1If1,1 1 0Il l'h~, 1 111111 uf hI II'rrl'. "We ll. Kid. I'll t e ll YO Il ." II I' ~nl" frlln \d~', I' w e (llt1 It for PlIl1 c hll ." Mnrklh . !trlll""" 1(1"1 111 1.1', l'( 1)o.h' l: III, I(>p lh , "I l'pr kolle,1 thll t "'ns 'hnu t tht! t rllth, " he 911111 r~r kl e"" ly . " II II t I' ll t.'11 ye r one Ih lfi ll- I'n IH'I", '" 1I<','('r gnln' ter g.'1 hll rk hl't u r" I ~lI lh' (1111.
a:nt ",h llt "s cnm ln' 10 111('. fifl' tI H',." nl ll' l nn doc "'cr I;oln' ler IInl ' l III" hnr k rrom golll'-th nt ' s ~ trlll)..:" llt . 01 ' mnn,"
"I' m I lii t s o !>illl"' , I, let" "Wl'lI . I 1111 1. Lor,I, n II ll1 n 1:1'11 ' ('rn ll ,. klll l\"!" \\'tU '1I I le's Kot hl ~ (' ''~S t~. ] rCl:klJII; 1111' II oln't g oln ' t pr ,I.. no, tln, )l' no gill "I f f"' r me t C' r k t~t:! l) illY I!p ~
~llIl i .
Rill' .
I " ,I ~', you let y"u r Ul II II I" "
t "~
!il h nll l lh ·r hlt('k o' mc. n n' h o l SI nw 11P h lJ(I IP r , 'Th e re, now m ny h (' r ('UII
gel tit! " Ihlng off my ch l'st." "You II' lIl1t to expla In somplhlng'" " ~lIr~ ; d l,ln't I l ell )," 11 . I a lfl 't 1I01u' t er leove tbl s 1:11111(> wlu" op eo t l>r Inrlln n .Inl' 10 ~n~h In on , ,nn hl'"n den' lIl 10 1lI t', 1111 ' I ' ll pIn y II' hlte 11~ I ca n," li e
tlHsitulln w:1y,
1l10UlC lit
or t wo
t 0 1"
hrenth. O n('e
he ronghe d s harply . an exp r ess ion ot potn on hl8 tnce, but he wenl grimly on. "I'd heen on cooslderalJle ot a bat down Ih e re, un' was loberlo' up. You know t he C usll'r house '" " Yes: th e old botel." ~Well . It aln ' l n o pllln ee : 10U could Illrow 0 CRt IlIro u~h Ihem partttlooe
NUrI' Iy
Im ow
kll ll \ \'
pxnc tly whnt hUPPclled,
th l" 11,"1 IIfIP I' :-;I II~ III I;ut klll rd-"
plo ('P 7" 1 " 11-- 1 WII~ I lult w hut thnt g u y c nmf " "I wy kiln\\, of It ; .\ ' ~f.I. In n W : I,' " t " IIH' ~ ' "l ll n fll l''( ' They P(IQ "I ''';~ f1111 11 (tlJ"lI1:11illll J\ ., I n 11~ "\ \ ' .. ~ llIq!l I"' I' :-:0; lit 1(' ll st flint wn8 (l ~!~I 4' l lI" ' , Ihll I ~ , w"l ill lil ' r " I ... 1I 'l! I !' ; " h -ll •.11 11 .... ,.41 1I II lt ifl Y to l~11 Ih n story IU lt..l l l lrr I/ tll' ! t' r , \ \ I''' ''!!I II ('l\III P "" 1.1 I n I ll liin H .111 " Lllutl , flIltJ gel him to lot u 1d!' Ih .,.\ I "ld" 111 111 1 ril l' \,,,,,k!'o ' 111·1 I ,,!~ .' n 11:1f 111, 'ril ey lrlp.~1 to gt!l the
If Ih,' ,· ,11,1 ,11 "",,\ , I' ,I,, ' 11':11 1 1111" "" " R>Ollh' 'lh·, ·",, ' Il1. '"
l it"
I!: tlll , '
\ \ !lII It!
"' 1, 01 01, II ":r~ I . \\ III "\ '" t ll'lIl l} tl lJII (,UIH t 111': .I h' ,\ \\ 111 II U\'4'! " Iii' hit f l', 'llt 11 111\ r l 'ur, Itllt! wllh li n
R" lI t',
O llly II
\1" " ":111 . I I II '"
I ,"
1':lI ll' htl 'R
1' 111
" I~+'I,
. 1 . 1.
'1P1 11 r,'IN'
r'I. ,' I,1
li p IO" \d 'd II lIt !I!!" ~ '. ,,, ", ,.11 Q: \' u1 111\ 11) Pl"l t' l l'u h'
I'IJug 1
Luu (1 killed him. An 10I",y 111l d Pu n dlll, ulllI she w ent
,,., -:.\ " I' II , ,,11:..: 111 I .. \ 11'
1111 '
1 ng
II ll d
broth e r, to hel p b It on R
II !'oil ' lit· ,
" "
"r ,\·ou Ilo th.
1.. , 1' 1t1
th e
tnt wa s
w ttl
cnlJ ln."
0 1' devil d id lit': ?"
111:1 '
come there to
lli(·I·" . I II
Madd el~I'S
I t, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
p ' .. ... I .. ·, ·r lll ' Il k . ·, '1'1 11'111 (tIll , " t wo J,:lI Y':' " "' I I lifT . . 1'1111" \ 111 '1', ' , ,1..:,·. 11ft ' !o'O I IllI d 1':' ''.\ ' ":1111111' , ',, 11101,,'1 L'1,1 I ... ~I t t l " :.:11'1 111 11 11 . t r' Tkll ll ") ,, . nt·' I 'r lI ·fT Ih, · ~ I ':"' k : 11111 I I,!"" :t 1" ,,~ nt ht'r, :,n ' II \\,:1""1 ' , 11 11 11'<1 1111 11 ' ttl 1" , I. "I" nil 11''111;,11l1111 .... · \\' It h IH t\ \I nd 11 . \\'n ~ II,!II ! 11 1'111111" 11 111 1' " 1.:11. I lnln k ,Ir ~(II JI'r. 1111 ' tli lalll.\' 1 Il il tl III 11 11'11 \ \ ' tt l t rl' Il r flf f: . "I Into 111'1\ I" 1/ 1;1 t, .., I ,: ',
1lJ ~ 1
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ir i d i n' I,.·!'
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H I" ~1'\It I H' d . !-l l lld"' n I' ~' " PII 1' 11\ \' ''' ''' rO Ilj!l rl ll /: , S I 1f"lh ~' h.-hi hlll l (k i d I).'. 8f1rl nllllll~' rhl ~ P:lo.: "' t·~r nWII.\' . 11 ,,' II\ 11 n r,uoHlni.! \\ I'nk ly (1 11 hi ... 111'111"'. 1'"1 w ith mind f"'\' \dt'fl l ly ""ltfhl rtHI.!' . "I lI!oOl" tl to t Hlk 1111 rh:lll ," II, \\'1 11 .. Ih ' I'('1I !t •• nr..:.d y . ~11°;; lI ln!o! rur I,n 'a l h.
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to !ih i ll!' tip
(?1l ~· h u cl.Y
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!'I l e, )r~.
A flllllu it Lr.t urn tilt'! Kit_leu r frank Y . 8 11 · \t 'r t!ll e tit W nrrul1 L'oU Ul 1 , Uhlo. tlucealtt1d • 1; ll ll.'II ll 1A~ 1lnd Ilar u f nl'N ml~r li lO.
d l vu r o~.
m Ull y I II lite uuttu r 01 t rJl u k ~hlt'It.lH 1, I h ., Lln fllod. l nt, I'''\' ItllIlI lI UY l.",fu r u Ib l' I ~~ l. .
~ lIp
hu t
III ~ h es
t't l l lb , ,'
kn ow '!.1 Hhe \\'1\8 no h e lre Sif. un l dllin't
home 'cllllse Hhe'd mnrrl ed a YUllk . lI ,' r pcoI,le dlrln'l get on 10 It t u r II 10ll g whil e, an' then, I reck on, th oy dhln 'l gel the elory 8trolght. Mu yhp Ihey dlrln't try " ery hnrd all)'how s he'd dropped plum outer IIlght. Lul e r they round out somehow that sh e'd mOITled a r eiulor army oft! cer. \lamed Carlyn, an' gone West wllh blm. I tlunno JU"t whot delaye d 'eUl , n f lpr thAt. Jl ut 'Itnre Ihe,' 110t thes e
\ Sl'~ r tl l: :14 11 II .\' II S,·.rI·j'll
'II H! ti ll ' 1"'I'I I1I'! " '-I
;' r UIII
I~ rllr ,,~ I ltt' li k u l \' II J.:,d
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:,111 1 11
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1" '1'0
th l '~1' qllt . · I' ~
'.'lt l
It\ " /
'""I, . .. j
o f 11... ,,\4'
: lIay
h 'I\ "
011' 11 \\, 11 lI ... jd"
'li s I '~ Hi .I ' . ,\'" ' I'Hl'k !tI ll! 11 ·" ' 111 111. 11 ,! ! :11 1.
t lt ll· ... '·
I I.
.. II , til 1.. 1, ..
d, ·\ i !... ! 1I'
!tea l Estate 'franfera l!;ltz ~ bel 1I U,"ly (bV J, U, CI1It"' rt g IJl ) ~u I>: III U1 UI .tj,.lI y , IJIH ~ u l ...,ec I , I. . J , H . i" VV"yue 1'W)) " 'I .
' 11/ ' 'jtl l1
l' ; : : . ,;
ALE::lME N Wllot-ed-IIO &0. 120 " ,I_y. Mo.ney e very olSbt Ad. tlre~8 K" 10 care of Miami Gaze"" . jl~
J fl llIl' _ C v u,,~ ()~ u l . u J tl lluu tl tte pion u r u ut·lu. N u . I Iu l!:1. d U' ~ il A ULl III ... u ~u Lu ll,," ) 0 , tr.uu . M'H Y l'rtJe loy tv b" lwk l'r ~8I tlY , 1'''' t, 0 1 :OlllJ. , U "Ull Il. 1', J , It , III l' urtl uerflUlt l'wp., fl.
IItrl o.r womau H OU~EKEEPER. to' do. light housekeepln, lor
Cammi8l10nera' i'rocnedlna.
tllUllly of two. Good wagel! Ill. q .li r e MIAmi (h:r.etta 01f108. i1l1
OU WllT ,
II ,
,, !, I I ,, ' P :t rH .
114 I!. I ,' I rl I ' t' ~ It .. ,:. ,' l ' li l'll' ,1 'I I 1\ \\: 1\ 101 I I .. \ ' rl . 11 I II ltl .. I... " , 1.: 111 11 ~ I I I , . I. , tl " .. " ~ ...; II \ II , ~ r\~ I! bnl'k In rOlll(1l f'1e xllllllStiOIl . • IltI ,l' hi" Inhorl'd hrl'"I I\,l n" prm'erl Ih l1 l ~I :,..k- I 111 1 III! 1/ ... ! . 1,· : ' .d I' r"pt 1'.I ,.J' \\ :t J'd , " , ' I ~I II :: 11,,,1 li lt 11 \ I ' .' 11t, P J 11 1, " '1 illn II r lin s llIl Ih·p,1. Oll!fI h.' ld h llll 1l1'" I" ~. less In I I~ r 101'. ".,II o1i n); v,'p r tl il d ""Il· , I I ' II, d ", " ~ I, .. I " "1 \. ;d ~ t ·.\ , ' ;-' 11 •..: 1; 11 11 Iy smoo tl linJ,; hu ck Ill s IIn l r willi ulle I 1,\ 1I 1:ll l. i l ·,,; l , tI \ : ..:" •. ~ ill r ·tI !lr ~ lIl ul';ll . /11':""1 III' : t il 1· 11 111 t1 11J,.:. hnnd . Sh .. lh.l' 1('(1 I " " III Ihc l"" (' rl"' p- I I II ' 1i :1 I :... ' In g Oll t till'ulIJ.:'h the l'ilt l' Oll (;C ot ltlJ t h e i 11:1" :\l I, ·.,d,1 : 1' .11 1. , ·.1 til!' I n ,, " :l1 ld h ad 1' 1111 111 1 1' 1 :111" II ( 11 1'1 "'11: 11 II 1I 11 10l ttW II r od, plulflll'lII w ith out. "\t' !1 I" 1111' .\I " Xl l'.1 1I :!I I'I , :0-:1111 11' \\"11,, \'1 ' II IUli l ('t'a"p. ) :-: lIo \\' illt!, liul l' llllll l! h I II II I" ... , ' 1' 1J r .r " til' 1/ " 1'.: \ . I'll ( ' I, .. , 1\ , .,' 11 II !!fl fnth ' lI 10 t '(l\'P I- Ih " hlllff Wil lI :\ \\'hll e 11I1I1l 1lp. oltlltt l l'lIlillJ,! Il u' 11':111. " .\1 ' ''' \\ . ' 1', ' \\ II I, It ' l l:': , . \ '. '1',\ III! 1\" ' 1/1" ' 1t , !--tl\':n': " I,\ " ,1_ , /' III I"lI d :III I,.' S"III1' "e ll , I\I HI 1t'1I \' \ I1 ): t Il l' "nil, '.\' 11I 'low (' 0 \\ ' 1" 1\ . 1'1' 1. 1, 1 .
I lItI "III"
II I "
IIn \ , ' !>01 ·j ,II I'. iI 1'\" ' .\ t, lI ln's II I OI H IlI i '" \.)' liD,
1II 1I :ol i
~ll l'l,
GI>: I' 1!l1" Y,
\\ 11.\
It t 1' ... 1 hi III"" ) I' J" ••., II I'
I;' • I' ,.,. " ;, ~ " : I h il i tl", hll"'l WIlli I,,,, k Ihllt , •\ :, 'J t " , )'011 1': 00< 1 n il ' hnr,l. 11" '11. 1 1(:1 d lll 'I,,·j 11, . , "' J' . , I' t' d :' "
u ll, d lll i lIlI d J,!I' :IY, S h p lh~' h llll~ 0 111 0\' 1'1' til l' II ·d ;.:I.' , wft1 ('hfn ll\, s tud yi n g th e \'It · \\' lIuf @p r {'lfuJ h~ lI"nt h. It WII!'! n P" :lI "'!" III Bcen e Nl ough. with !-Icll r ce l~' " 1II t1 \' illg: fh"'~ r." \'\ ", lhl". II" ('fluld hlll',I1 ", /"I'nl-
l ' f1 \' u t u
f,: I 'tl''' '' .
~'u u
s k~' lH·d ... d o\· , · !'
\.lUUl J ,dtHl.
.. I' Ih .... -. ~ TI·I I I,dl
\tll Pk llll ...:: 1a I I'd
tllut rnnk f'l) t h e whol e s t Ol'Y. dllll ' l It '!" lI e s llut Il ls cYO'~. h is 1... :101 fllll ln~
)( "" 11 hU R:r I~ your j .,b 1I II ""It,~ I . II IlerlllHueOI? Yuu w" nl II \ It'.I,'''~ hu"ilw8II. Y o u cu" ~r, ~ 111 10 . lIe u ,, ' bll.ItHI~" .elhnl{ m " rl' th .. n 1:l7 Wutkl1l8 t'r(ld'lo~" dl roo t. t o hrlllAr~ If yon own aukH ,r ; I" , , III II r ell" ~"t, "oe: It you Clln glv .. h llll d w it,h 1,,'r80nlll I<u rtll-II\II We ",u ·~ yo u w lt.1! h.g M liing hlltp~ 52 v - II rH ttl bU SI ! e,,", 20,000.000 users o f !\1arrlal. L1rCD8U ;1Il r protl n o l • . W rlle fur Informa. ,J , uu L~\lj iJ. t .. rm I , "ULl MI S. 1,10 " wh ~ t ll ~·"U cuo get teultory , 61l1c lIl '''h'll . I/u t ll 01 l! '".01i 11L1 I ,I. Il WlltktO B 'JQ........Jle.paUIDHDt (! fU U I L tl "" lt1, fHllr 0 .tJ u r uut! .MlI~fj IVIU VD'I, Mllln eso l.. . )28 !'ll U, UJil ~h u rwoou .l.J u "tJ. tJ t LOOlill u U . Alul' ll \\,ull, I!>rtll e r, til !li"du u, MALE HELP WANTED .. Ull ., .~ LlJll u l' " rk, ulli luH ~ MIll".
1111' 11t ·!t,'i..:
,'; , 11 1' 1111\:11,
f.: ntl~,
I.\'III }.:
d n ll(> 1\11"\\
" Th e n J re c kon th e d evi l IIIII SI cr took r hlll'lIe u' th e ,,111111', ( "r Ih e mlnul e I wns le tt alun e Ollt tll fe" I run IDto 8 bUli c h 0 ' Indl n ll rllll lO! Ihl",·..", I kn('w two o r 'em for Ihey w ~ r c Ollt ot Ihe Hoi .. hue, lin' nil nt Ollf't , It slruck III I' I 1Il 1i(1I1 Ju s t us '\'4'11 hav e t he j Qh lIVc r wl lh. I too l< It , I". d ldn 'l Clll'e n"ollt YOII , lin ' tlillt n 11111 .. s lr"nK AI'III "lilT' wo uld pnll Ollt nil rl !;ld . It wl, rk s wltll , III Q:-Il \\·oIll Pn . I 0110111'1
jot. c rn 4'k!',1
l+'u.ru,) e",
til" m"ltln u l t,ll u uot ;'I " v i .1 . \ llll L'n UllI , lltlOtllld"U ~ lnt IIl1 d I\Ulll II cO\J oul t.lPllrUVtlll. I II Hill tllU ttur UI J "I , u u rtwr1 !\ lJt '" ,,,I IIIIt.II. rr lllu r u l IIlu ,.•• t"Lu u f ):; \". " N IIl 1i .. I\Y, Iloo .. ",wd, v~ H Uv r !:o d ll l ly " lui. H UIJ ur l II I d.d " II lJpru \'c tf
"Sta Y Back ~ ,. He Orde red Stern ly.
1I11111 CS ,
eY~8, and 1",1' l'Il e"ks burne d.
orr. Shl'Il,.,·.
(-['O l
drlJo('lt!I ) l ow u\'e r ()!gn'R
hu \·p. 11 0 Tiotl oll then o r h l ll llpl ll g
:\\oNEY LOANED UP"1l :-\hil.ll d ~ v. - - - -- - Itl u rlll' r "l l t,b" l l EY 1'1, l.() N uN . ' ARMt:; Ill e Il lllill 'lll' ~t, Ii " v IIItt1 r e.' tur Ii 'u 10 71h ,, ( ,Iuli llury , yC lt r~. '1"" ' 1'11 & T .. rt .. \l . lte .. 1 1:11. IlI li' liuti 1..1111 ,", \VI11II1DIl t ·,u . Oblo. I '1t " 1 ' ~ :!u 1 ___Ill 1 V U
d"'J ~ v I lIurd v u ,11 IJrU lJvrt y v r uure
rRll ch." The
. IM{);0.1
Ihe lll prll lrl e~. I I;'ul It h lill 1I 1~' he", 1 tbllt she <1 1<111 '1 ho"" n,) oI>J., .. lIo" II) n littl e 't11 rtll I Ion . I WII S fe. ' I1,,· Qlll1" It
Ii ~ ure
Probate Court Proceedln,. EY l.. , ~u!'< ' n il llv.. ~~cok. I" I h ' III" It t!r ul " " U h 1.. 1,0 co l \\> 111 d IU \I e l ~ , "I HU sl'c lmll II I.. r t 1(11j(e~. J! . lj " l!lu l, UUc.,JlMd . ~ Ir d! "till tl II 1I1 :-; .'1". b .. n\lht ,I " hn Hurltll1A, A ' ll'o 11I)l'oJ unl, "l'l'ro v oU. 1.l1l1 1<1111\:, Xt'llltl Oht1l . 0 4 21 l u l,lao 11I:lL t er lie 11I , 1 ue t,u lu u t .J t\ n _ l ilt"' L' htlll p!'! , d~; Utlllb I11.1 l ' II Vnlu tl n l u --=-.;;=:....--== = =1' ( I h! I'bJ li h l lJ t t' l't.' 1 t .v 4If U U r t'l1. SA LESMEN WANTED 1n t ill) 111 I,t h' r v i LIlt- ,I ri t l " ' ~ . "
Hil '
sil l' Ju ~ t I IIUITll'" ~' f'r h 'l' /o! 1' ! (lilt I'r thc re. un' 11 )1\" !'IU II H' p l ut'l ' 11 ' 1' 11\'1' ; 1111' tllnyhe , ou t 11i,·rt· 111 1 tlat' (''' It''I/\' 'IIII'l, I eQui d lIIf1k,~ Ihn~ In IIp l' . Il II' "'H II I{' ti ll r we'll s kIp "ill IU~"lh " r , Th ll' ·... I I ~ fH I' ns I \\'t'nl lit I' Ul'St. UII ' gill'" (l UI 0\' 1'1'
All H, I ill thi ti c o lumn iH
jllsi Ih olll:ht 1'01 , ,," how thl ll ):' t'II'II" d uu l. I SlIl'tflr tlt::lIl'l'd It 't l lls W H.' - t he girl s h e (Iltill '! r llrc ""Ihlll ' ror )'1111 ;
fox y
of Appointment
III th ll I U" ru l.h y
I ,lIdll ' l 111111
l' ull c hl ll '
ClassiBud Ads
I I IJlo It nil !\glll"'d OUI w i", ,,
to &tny out
e e l- I '111" n
" U
Fruilk. 1..:. AntleJ"50JI AU)' .
I .. tt 1'111111 nl nne, II <11'111' 1 In"I' 1111 111 '"
\\'", t " ' 'I I ,
W . E.
't' p " lr. f!!tp , h , Ilhr .. tppHlrR
"1 . r UIi F . UHllWN, Julltctl tJ t the Pmllato Cu urt . Warmll UouIlt7 Ohto,
11"\\ '( '
Ii':", tah.l I) t l ' f llUk I t. 81 1\·6r . tiOCt\al8tt.
~ k H p llr y
"'hy l',J lk lll"
th ~ ~Irl
~ .. lIl'{I l!o lor-ruby gholl [ha t Lyman M. RII 'lJr h~ IJot:-It ~IU'r 'Pl~Jlnted &.1,u l tllI, Uned
New 8uib!
W II.!'4
· q rk , '-l!!:.!O ;
1: Id , I . I·WI ", ttl l ' ntt'nllnOA. .. '. : .... I' , " \1 ,,\1 ' :i ~ :J:ppn 8ti
Not l(' e
I,''' ,
"Yuu ju st <'''p lll lt,,·'' kill ed hl llls~ lf . "
" ,'11 ,, 1 , '11 ;4
, I
Co m ilio n "I ..UH Cou rt
;,-"1,, I Lill I!
l ' l
)1., 11 1,
, 1.'1
'1 '111
II "
. ,.
." r1..I'
r~ pAtr8 .
Unnl I f"fl ll l " " ',,, t tl. " '; I 'n , >' . I"" :-' ,1), did .,·nll , ',' , I' t l l ': t!' If!!' .. I, _' T ' uy,,,~ . (' \'I ' ). ,>lIrd .\ ''' 1. '' .. our,·, )011 tl l d . 1 ~\ I · I · ,\ll ltly :-::1 \ .) I hnd a wwul" r flll " lib " . 'l' rtl ll l l l .. \\ 1111 me I N I 11 111' 1 h lld 'III ... hl' '' If J ('o uld ' t' r .co l ~llIrl\" 1 III 1'1,, ',':1, I' d ue\'t;"r hcen ollt yer .. ,l!t'! ' ITI~ I dn:':I.!, 'd by 110 ~I e x 1I''''"IIIl . It' " 1". 11 . 11 1"' 1 117
Hut, s uy; w lJl!l r e WII~ I. "TI~
"n ,.
orUl4 hint.! !'o l"" , .. f~7 ; ,h. ,.! t,l -, Aril"lt' Cn . 1 ·, ' 1" I '·I' p"I ' ,. , I' r , .r ' I.!", * ~\ 6 ~ :l; .1 ,,11 .
• " .1
1 ,
11 (\ :1 , [,7 ;
1 1'1 " '<1
,, '
111 1"
\ 1,,· ..
1 \\', ' 11 " \.~• . I . rn t'tc. tH' i' k 4 ! ~ ' -"; '!:! ; (' r) ' I~ .I no '"
j '
I W I'·
Kr~vl ' l ,
K ,I I''''rl '' ' F r · ,dl
I . , ',) " ., 11 111" " I hl' , Hl au , ~ . ' H 1 ' , ,'1 , to\:' ( ' ' , l' nll't l ' lI IlII h "n h tlJl , I \11 ,~ I': Z' I'lI A l llIti "Ill', I .. I" " tl os.SO;
tti r Ilf'X I thin'! I 1\1 111\\"'41 , I I "'" :.:" " • • 1' " hll c k IIf I h c· d ll ll r t· hall 1111 ' :-1 1111 l dl ll
1 t: ltI ,.I ~' ;
'·" r . • 6 ;
b,nn!l !
H', u l' h t\ '.. 1411 1 11' ". h n u ll"., 'l ~ .aO ; H H" I' " , r & U,· I. " UI 'l lh'-14 .
I~', "
/ .
t 1l11 1 ~.
1\ . '; " " ' "'' r . 11 1111 ~ Krtlv . 1. "1 8 ~ (\2 ;
I. It"
l 'n,
C ' ur
I,,,, hand n il I II", ·,
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fol/lIi ..,O,
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I : •• ·
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" , ) ,:,"\",, 1 I II, Ito,, : ': , I :1 ,,' ,I", " :1\ " I ,1\ 1111 .. \\ Y"I I ":--'1., \ I. , , :, I ' I, ",,1 , It " .. 11'1'111 ,\ . ,I 11,,' "" 1,1\\ " I I, II I '" I , · ' ". II! I , ' ,, 'I," '1'1 ... ,", ·1 '1 : ' " 1\' .11 I ... 1\' I 11 , ,I ; " 1\ ... h' I!." I, .', ' I .. " .. , 11 , .\ 1,:'\' 1·' 1. 01 11 " :11 1 !'I~"L I, II. 1' \ I , d ." ·1 _, l' 11 :11 1 ' II, I" I " I ' " ~ 1I"",j I t. I II, ... , " Ii" 1 .. \ II I i i.! ' I " I " I ... \. '
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o,;fUIt , ' 1'1'1111 , ' ,
.• I
n I l ' ~1 1I"':: till 1 or
1 rlll" kon Ilfi '11
r , . . ~ I~ llfI ~
~ I" II "
., .
,, "0;
, r
I tl lli Ihl ' \\' n .\ ' II 11 1f!. 1l!1I 11C"1I '1'1 11' 111 .1 1'1",1 ,,','It ' 1'1 1111, hnn \' ,\111' 11 1 IIl1d ttl, " n !t nl , ~ ,," \\ , · tI II ,· ; J l" " ~ 11! I lIflt'!' h lrll ; 1 d, " "" 11\'4' , tI~I ' "::"II ... lhlll~ - :III ' It, · ~ lI"I • 1'1 111 1 h ll'd III'. \\' 11 h Oll I II111kln ' 111 1 fl !l ll! II! n il .
I" ~ I,il l l ,
ti l
""II I. " " y 111) IIIP Itll YO H I trl'l ' UI ,-11,· .1 Idlll "" " YI ' P ' I fI (' n'r "': 111 '1'" .... ' 41 11 \\'flI1 1 ,~
ont o IlIn t J"I , w llh
dllr~ ~o
Lumber Yard
Waynesville, Ohio
fh ot foul Ht llfl t ot ~· f1nr s. uri' k Jlo,·k t ·.) my gnlll .. G HIlI·y , \\,t'~t. Tit"" I r n ll ll lh.,j)
10 pIIl CL'f< : 110' I woke up 10 henr a ~ouple 0' illY S lalkln ' In the nllII ronm. Furs t I dldu't c llre what thlY was 8ay· In', nil' Ih en I bell1lll 10 lak ~ an loler· f081. SePll18 00 1.' ot '~ m ""8R a la wyer trom I\lIn sl\s City, or Omaha: ao' Ill e olher IIltlUbo WlI S n rich glly trolll down Ell s t, " ' ho wa s hunlln' a nll'ee wh o hn.1 dls lIPI)OOred ou t III thI s ~oun · try- th e lIt1me WII S l' hurl' hlll-" " ls ~, .. ur nnmc Churchill 1" " ~llne I No t In 11 tll ou8H nd ye urs. Tll ut WII' III! n II I'. W e ll, as neur os I c'lIIl>! I;Ht hold of the sto ry, this yere ilrl' s lII olh er .was nursln' In nl chm ond rlurlll' Ille war, 110' t e l! In love with a Yunk nil' marrIed hIm . She neyer
l' I'
~IIT'I,' r t i l l
f' If II Il lt
1 '\I,\ j'! \
'- ": 1': US ,\ :\O l ' t Vi III f\. I': STI ·
yuu 1111' Dun Me 'I1rlh ), 1101'I It'd In ""
] dun't
" "l it
I' (I
".Ill ":!
\\· I ~e. SII)"
them ht'r{!,"
pn".... Y ' ··~, III ..
uwful h 1l r d Ju h fur IIl1lrr~' lit'I ·. 1 1,~fOl 'l\
_ _ __ _ _ __
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horn fO p",· t . fh. ·.\' I'nlh''' III' 11", 1 I'u l \,· III !"; nn ' I' d t tt'lI rd .... "1 11 1· " I l l'!'! ' II" Illl d II J!lrl Ih lll ' \\ lI lt 111111 ' IoPI\I .. . · \ I 'I I I ,· ·!1 or ~'l . S , lIlU ·hllw I :.: .. 1 In '1111111 ,,' " ," 'r til l",. ",, ' fllI lIll ,\ ' tll "' l dp+! I ,. ,,-, ' " \\ It nl k ltHl ,)r n IpH d I' d ~ll'IlI'k II 1""I "d Il k," (1110.:, 11 1" ' .. ·.\ ·. I f .. II ,· \\ H'" 1111' 1..'"1 1'1 . 1111' d ld,,"t lUI, '" ~·, · t \\ Fl n t \\ II ~ 1IP,"
Wl\ ~
Irept tbe plolfonn fr PA troll l ""n~V' 1 ';Plt nc hn t rl erl to k ill LOUd?" hurUoB It down In to t ~e d c~p ..r" r~~, "Yes; ·1t wns nll Oil a ccount ot me. powde rlol Ul o troll thpJ hnd jIlHllr,,,· YOIl- rOIl cnrrled me 011' becll us e you e led, aod Ulus co mpl el ely olllll ~ rll tl ll l; , be ll l" ';'" T hll ll the rIght to some moo all,. .'1'Il8 of Ih elr PII ~~ I\l:~. ' (' t th e l ey, (JllIlI 't r Oil ?" ~,. lloom we lgh"d I lclI"II~' on th l! HI . ,'.,. ,,~ brl g htene,l, but st ill with til" ,lull b lnw of feve r In III e m. "How long will II tnk e IIN1" she I "::;ure; P'II ~o t It om I,,', 100. But -<II ... l.Ikk~e44r,- I ",h l\t'~ lI.lt l Kn t to 'In wll h J oe Llludl "Panebal Oh, Rh o enn Il l1rcll),):d li e wlt SII '1 ""WilY 1",(,kClI up on thle b.c~ before 101 ... tll llll(llt. It I. It hll rrl 1:1111 11'." rtde, eveo It 811e 1lI ~" IS wl lh no nl'd'" Ih, ye., he Wfi B. I'll explolo nil ileOL" th ll t. Y OII toltl so me lhlng to a mao "Vou do not thInk 6ho will ull 0ll1l'1 IIHllle,1 Mltll II n nl., y once," to return alon e ' " "Me I mll yhe I dId , whe n .we W88 ")lot If IIbe brl "~' the ,' orl,o r. drlln k Ir r g,'1 h" r o\'er ot Oerlo9che. laId nothing, t or I dl,l 1101 be lh!" e It 1',1 J\I~t fOllll ,1 out 'bout It Ih ~n . But n~8MT)'. H f' will II Pv e r Yf'ntUrt' I nto li e (l1 ' \'t'r r CIfH' lIll l c r e.l- lI f1nley lUdll't," thl. Role with o ut nn escorl, lind 1\ "Y.,., h ~ ,Ih l, ulHI he ke pt wat ch on r eftllonohl,. alrnn g Ol\e. I nlll h"I'I II " Y"U "\1 '1' sl l"'.: lie lind 0 tcllow. SIn. she .ncounters Jo((lIIH:' p nrry (l ut S('Olll · ~ I U . " h .' Y "' f' r~ H.)lnewh er e up Ule vulIDe \II'hlctl will rnu ke n trll' to n"I·· It ')' ti ll ' 111,,11 1 ~ "'1I h1'»IIKht me III h ere, IMehe unnec" RHury . Sln~e II,,, II ~h l nn rl III~" k nll\,' whnt WI1S up, Tltey out yond er, t ruol'H IIlU , t he ~pnrrl olll)( f ,,11 Oll'l"j, uten ulli g 10 Il e l you put out Ill e Bad I.nn,l~ fOlr r" nrgl"1,, lr"lInll", or Ih e WilY SOiII OI,OW, RO they ~o uld get 'l'he y would onl~' he luOi glnt! 10 111-· ), (,101 nt Ill £! I he lU"el\·es. I lIu ess t.ney ~j)yer ROtI\!! guId e ,,11 0 Would " '11,1 d llhl ' l how IJrulns e noug h to IIInke It.
1,, " 1'"
~ft' ('lll"1 h ~" !'O
"roverl !i'h. ·
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01' r, 'I I ~l w IIHlh.: lt l' " 'nll ll "
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"011. )'l·S. tllll t ' s It . \," ,, 11 , 0' ("~l lIr~ ...' I re lt "n u nhunt Ih ~ 0 1' 1111111, 1)1 11 It wa so' ! 110 t n ult o· 111 It " ', ... h.·11 It ~eP lll ed li ke hi. s ll1l ftll II , 011' IIut t he <'ar,ls rib h I III illY IlIln ,ls. It Sl1l'e
\\' tlh
I' PIIl\'
Ihough his mInd wond e r ed. gtoJlI,lng e\'l'r y
h ll (1
powpr or ull" " Il " ~', lit' :;IIl1l l'!hlllJ.!'. on J:!l t \tf'r n 11t: T hill'S w l wrt' 1 (urst Iw· f!llil to ).t .. t rl·tt l ',, !r r Ist('4 1- nfll' r t l l,l~ (,'lI o w r"lIlklll~ gilt 111111 th ~ ~nll\t· . I II t f' II y,'r w h~i 1 /.:o t tt 1111 0 lilY tHlI th lll mo\'h,' 1',1 lilt It hll' 11'1111 , \\·hf'n'. I f I t 1'11I; n tl 11lI t .u 11 r l /:ht . thllf(1 III I/.!'h I I ", ~"Il1f' h""dll' 1'111 rn r raw, 1 rUll S It T" ~ fnr Ih ,' :\ l. 11"(\\11 four 1lI111111t.s (11 11 ·.· . nnd we t1~''1.1 In dr h ' t' ITlIIi I'PII ' " ". hlow t\lI ro,t,·I,' _lto: . I k 11 11 \\ I'd I lli ' n' \\ n..;
1111111 1, 1 ~I " 111 1
" I-;PY ~l.\ :\ .\ \ I ) _' \' IF I': I~ I-;]\;'I'I J'LE l ) I I) .\ 1: .\l n ll U F II I lb .
Thl:oe yt' I" ~, ul, I
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Mrq.:,'HIl I
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dl1l8 Idlow ~!l: '!'til" W, d, AuBer. .uo lJ o., I~w b vuk, (o7 .;; U i U . Ltll1er.' lil a Il , I'!opphu., I.W i d . .c:. LJlllltu~l1. IO q ll "M~ ot tJully 01 C bl1'. U UTtlU" H . ::: ~ ; l"\IU tl~t lJudy ul GUrile ' fuJI , lur , OUtl'~, . 7u. :l5 i A, L. tl .. uo"ll , IIUf l .. 1 UI JIICOlJ I..IlY1li UU, 'LOU ; l'u" .... t!~t" fO ::Itllr, I'UIJIlHU IUiI ,'UL"S 01 IIlx"tlun, ~t~U. ts ;S: \'II & L. K l.IUl' , Itt y, f UOvfll h U lJlI~, ~4,ti" i ~' U~I & "; UI'I,ly lJu , u" .. 1 luI' ou urt uvu.il . ""', ' 1' 11,,1 ")11 " . ) " 1. \\'1111 II,, · diU;': or 'lOo,U W; rUt! Luhu lluu Putrlul, pub, , 11" h ll ll .'1 :011 d ,·I' I't ' .... i ol1 It 't I 111111. II I.' h HUlul!( CII tuS ot t'UX'1L1 oJ Il, ':lfIU IlJ; k ll l " \ 1111\\ \\ 1, :1 1 bt) IlI l d lit rlll' I' ; fh n t W, tl . tiulJpiog. reut til ..,l1I ot! Iv r l" u . o u n'II " phi 1' ",,", 111 11...:1 I .. , dl' f~ > II"I· tI. ru,: ,,;ullt , , ,tiU ; TU e P ll t,url! \Jlil ~'ldl!(l1 ' ''III I'.~ I ' I',,) ,: II II.\'. I' " tll\' l'l' ~ pilI I' d lJo . , ullullllj( ~tuu e , to:/ [iU; ~'r ... & lI !.! u hn'::l 1'1111 · ... : " tlll 'l (·lf 1\1 ' ) 11 1.' IIt:HI1 I SI !"ox. bunlLol!ll!lr"Y tll, ~!!U . <l'>: ~'rlllJlt
RlNli your Automo ble Cur&lltnl '0 Wil aod have new oollul<1l.1 - aw ed to, toho Long, at Phillip.' Ouuge, Waynes ville, Uhio., It it.':
E CONDhand titump Holler , MUll' be ou e "p fo r cII"h JllmelO Kill. "I t, R, 1>, I, B Olli: 22, tlprlng V ,t1IAY, Ohio, jill
Pup, Co.llle or A Y'lUng pI " terred, Let :oe
,Jobo Bilaoh , R, 0 lI ~bVllle . OhIO
2. Way.
1100"' at
FOR SALE Prloe W ..$ 1 [,0 hnve12 A00few ApplU. e,Under. ~til\
Do 1
S,""EL L
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':::~r. ~l r_.(.'·T, -'· --:.-~
SuRN'NG IN ~HF '<1-'Ilt, N( , lT .. ",E..LS
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d urvllyeburl(. Ohiu .
$150 !!toad all new ,
)1 j 1'8t10 Range for
II ?, ,'I·.
w..y o .. ~ vi\le ,
C, M. Rob. jill
llbrn.ry I.'; 1000 bu , o.f A FT-ort1m..(!,F CorD ' ill CinolnU.CI qUo.
~,tf.1 n ~ Order- Do. w Ph o n e lIh 2 ' .
Fu I..L
J, W. lS'rawn JIll
hiuoded Puland.Cblna Mil" dOll , e ligible reat ...r, · oom~'R 2 yr@ ,' Itl lu ' t!prlol "lnqa ra qf 0, L, RloH, pboDe S7.IX, W.,._yllle ~hIo, . 111
GA ZE TTE .... I
.... T H E MIAMI'
I I ! t. ~
n. ' 1.. CI ' At-- I·..
Ed ilor Blld 1 uLli ,, 1 ~I .
~ uh~criDliori Price.
. ,1 ,.
Horses Hod Hard ~unday Wor,kOut- Nobodt Hur.!. __ _~I ____
fill '
V. B) nt" Hie, ( 11,i o
00 HlI.l.Ibalb m ornin g, Whll e.everY - 1
$1.50 per year
'blo~ WIIR qUi ll L. Ib ur e wus haurll ' a
t"'.' -,
r ea ' h
t.' ulluol
('lItu t' l'h
th e
8ca t
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of the dl Ac n R6.
~ .'40 I\ HO .
I;r e ully
O ~" I t-- t l 'it
In. \'\I li rf!
bUfI .. pen
Internlil r elllcdy . Hall oo Ca tarrh :\il.'dldne Ie t,..k en Interna ll y nnd nct. thru th e bl ood o n th e mu cou s 8urfa ce . or the 'YOIO "' . HIlII'd Clltu rrh Medi"l ll
10. ' 11 ht ll ll i
bl ood purifie r. .
co mblnAtton
F . J , CHENEY",
The per rec t
In g red l entBi
CO. Prop •.• Toledo . O.
All DrUIrRI.h 75c. , ' t! ; Hall'. J'amlly ' Pill. for CODIUp&tlon. (t . C .
• n"w.p8pt1r jiRp"toh froUl l "wl " .. ,,,.\lu,,tbuuaau<i80f fH'Ho"reln 1',wa an .1 NebfR~ka dre Ilarnln" Oorn Humble Poet. for fue' : rhe wlr" I(oe .. on , .•• ay tbnl A 1\1141111 1< l'OlIlrlhl ullull 10 " ,,~ Il , 1\ ourI'd oorn on I·he oub Hell. I,hrtw IIl p l' lIlltr~ II,," ""Hle III cl~hl"" 11111 quan e rll of " oen\ a p<'und or II ,·.. nllll·Y Ii)' '! <I""",,,!c- S"n'II11" '1'10 Is
WUtoi Hoh{l-rt lJUtl ~ It I .\ '. who a N fl ynun g'
'00 . while I,h" "b""pBMt ooal IIv .. 1I [lIIlIll ijorv,,1 "" " 1',,011""11. IIlId IIrollll'1I 1 ahle to 'he fa r llU"8 II .lIi a too. I",t uul hi. flrMI wurk , '''1'11" ~I ,,",. III !.I,._ eveo flKorlD ~ 10 oe rt"lo lreO"p"r'R - ery. or Ihe 10'".. 111 " "" . ~ 11 " ' ·I' IIIIII .\', " &ion OOIt. whll.1 "till In . .. rv"'.'. 11'1111 Ill,· to ,.,,We lI"vl' be"rd Dolliiolf qa lte all ('eeda ot th ost' w ()l'kloi nnrt of "Til li T il.\'I'boolrloR for a 10_R lime bot the I" . "hop." B fnrc... h.· B"I III' " " " 1I""k.,·II pr In Pull MUll. Il,,,1 wllhlll " r.·w dlotwoo' la 00' "a"lo~' f .. rmer yoora b(.l{'nm~ th (' II1n ~t p rttluil lt' ut (I f o')r ,h. re, .. 11 employe" H.. re '11''' l.ondllll·s puhll . he rR. II .. 1.,,",· 01 t l,,' have a oODD'ry, Ib e 8011 ' " whi oh I. wo rks ot ['01'0, JOIII I ," 'PIt 1'1 n It • ;,,1\1· fall or OfIal t,ba' Ib e rA 1M HlluOl{b 8111ith. Bnt! Innu"ur'"l'.1 III" "A',IIUIl I Register." In ei l( b' to .npply 1111 ne" d ll fur " 'boo."nd ymar.-aod more Del 'I~P Sing 8lng. tbl~, 'be amazlog fllo' exists thaa The prteoll nt O""IIIIIIg. :-: . Y., 10 produl'''rs "f food "re OOUlpe\1Ad to ~Rlled Sing Rim: hPI' II us,, Ih,'
f. '",
a le lood all foel to IIl1ep Ihemt-elve8 .ad 'heir oblldren warm Tbll.I~"a&loo I, Ilal,el,log Wben looh II 0 ·udltloD ~x'atl" II M8V to ' _ wb, nertaln "xOlMperaied people ' I
01J810lDI( r Oflll!' r l)"
, \
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..~ .., ,':: . ~L .... A~6·HIRro
• ":IAN $A"! ~ ..... t;:~ OF WOA~ SO QOT ~ UI;II(V"I IN THE ~_
•• -, .. ..
... ...----
- - --:
It Pays to Advertise In our Classified Column.
~ I II~
1111 1111'11
wHI1 fhtJ' "1I1nKI-1 th l' I1 I1I1 Jti o f tit" phl " "
WO M ,'11 11 11 1',,<1 to ()".Ir!lll~ III I I~ ' 1. A nf'\\' "I,"rl " r WI'III 1111 0 •• "..... , III 1!1i ~1. Where Chine ... Women Rule. 1'11(1 h O,.fwHlIh' n uf . ' hl llll hn \',' no
n.~·.1 III IIgltHl e for ' wnlllf'n'" ~·I t:hH. thi')'
th f" lIl .
hOJltwoI IIIIIl .
whl'lftl'r 811P h I! A Alngll' WII II IIIII or n wlr~ or II wlll .. w. I. thp hputl " t Ihl' hn URI'. Ihol I ~ tn Ray. uf Ih .. """1. Ir M t~ I. ItIllrrl .~ I . Ih e bU R110 11I1 IAkL'. Ih" 1I ... flll hul 8ul,nr< lInIlIP "In ~p uf ,I/" 'khnn<1. l'fte l1u"" Ih e ,,, el' rllll(, ' nllk "~ hllrjlBln. ",lUI Ih,· pn RSNI(! l' rR. c .. II... ·IS thp mon e ~·. huye 811P I'III'l' An<l In !!""eral lor.18 II O"er e ve r ylhillg.
--- - - ---Rello of Old a.rbarlam.
III .ud
ttUltt1'. wht"u rill'"
yl\ lln ~
IIlIllhle 10 arrn nl1!' wil l< 11o~ paNlllII ror IIII' purchne" of III ~ Illrl. b., would run nIT ..1th hpr nll ,l h id .. Mnny IIIIII'<! lit' pm llloye<1 Ih .. 1",11' "f It Imlted rrt .. ,,,\. From tl,,·~.. 111 ('1.1ta n ts ...--e.IDe th ~ wt'l1 · kno\\'n (,l1 :'O tll lll ..t Ihe "'eddlnll J Ollrn!' ~' of III<1<lt'n ,1,'<1 1· n,ltlon. 'rhl' lrust ... , trleucl " r I" " ~ IIg0 II Ibe ''''HI 1111111 of lo<ln.'·. wl,l) RIIII hl'Ip8 wllh fh (\ nr rnnl('lIIenl~ ut the we<1<1I lIt:. maD
Valuable 8tlmulant. Hlerbn Dlnle II It drink sonlCwhnt dlpllar to 11'11 or ('airel'. wbl('h Is mnde t ...im Ih ~ l o n ~ l e . 1 Rnd groun d leu vos of I bush whi ch grOWl In Pllrnguny. Mote. or PHrulluny lea. as II Is 81~0 ~lIlIed. II belle\'ed to be nol ollly a slllllulnnl bUI lin old to dilles ll oll. nnt! 1\ snlll 10 be agreenble Bod r efres hing. It uve ...:ornes fntlgue to such UII extent tblt loborers Ilnt! travel ers who drlok It cftn k8f-p going tor whole dllYs without" food . It limy he prepnred with milk olld may be luk pn wllh or wlthoul sugnr.
What Caused Que.r Soundl_ Complnlnls nllltle ubollt a womno'" club In L.ondon hecause ot 8 noi se ot UlUltlplng on Ihe Willi s Ihot beglln At 7:00 e \'e ry morning brollght OUI the tIIct Ihat Ii WOlllno of s ixty ond n woman of se\·pnty -ftv e. trylni to re!'Iuce fleSh . were compellng In high kIcking "I hove hI! the woll 01 tour And one-holt fe '·I." sold Ih e II1Ity-yeAr-old wOlllnn . "nnd hn" e los l t,,·o pound!!. The old lull y ot s('\'enlyftve hRS kicked 8cn!O In ch e~ higher. but I wen't be hen len hy her." ROOlter Egga. A French stientlllt RAYS IhA t hy examInIng 1111 egg he Clln tt'li whPlher It will Ilroou~e 8 lIIale or It tplllul e l'ill l'k. Th., egff that wtll hRt('h 0\11 n rOMt er I~ .lIghtl~· heRvler relntlvely 10 IIlz\!,-I'blladelphla Ledger.
no . M . .."rlwll n J:oI;
W oman alrendy haa her "lace 10 tbe ra nk . ot Aill"rrc&o ~· .. rlU u ma u Fed&l1lUOD. Tbeee two. Mra. Joho C K ~ lc balll o f H .... tluK tl. 'I c ~ .• uDd Mr• . C_ W . 8eweU ot Otl.erbolu, Ind .. ul'l",ared batur" Ihe . rill Bnreau Natlunal Coo.,eollon al Indlan ll polls Ill8t wa..k. hOlb " rl.D3 decided bla III lbe m_II0 Ih ey cnrrl ...d . Mrs. Ketcbam Ie '(' of tb e two "omBO III the U . 8 . wbo ar p me mb er . of th o Ilxocullvll -Iu lUlltoo. SbEI" a dlreclOr or IIle hi , .1I!;nn Slnle }o'arol lJurea u . .... SeweIJ drolPped Iler b01l1lll wO>fll on her farm ID Ili lk 00 HOM()," "ling.
Ali ' lfl)
lit W lll l ll r WIIIIII'''" VH , Ihtlll ' !'! Lnnt ' Ol UU t) up fu r h e nrln~ iu I./u-I 'I·" o url h ... .. , " 11 Tu e~dllY . htl. 3 I1r ., · The O "MfI WH " h O M8Cl on t h .. II W 1I(", hl I> li t II ~' o rd 1 1I1I '1I 1~ ""r, wll h II Wl l1l "r t " l1 :-;1I \' I1r,lI wit. IJ'- ~" ' " w. " ." X II II 'n," l uml ," Ier dU(l Irl,· III "· rol i,, n Ih .. jn r y br ll ng ht ID II I v"rell 'l I · r 1111' (l d,·nollD I.• w it h II i ,1 .. "1 ' ~ •. to f I-IO .OU
f. ,,·.· .
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thlltr "" " l. III" t1r- t o! ~1· , r , · I ' MH" ~ u " r , th y l'trHl l t "~,," . , , ' P ,v l I II , 1M VIHil ll l.c hH r ft ll nt , .\ 1, ... 'h,lI·I.,:", Hrel.f llr t! . L OI) M I IIM ,
1. 1 \1",' t ll ,l .
SP"I\I. IHs I, :-inn d ~y '" II! III, p" r , " I ,. Mr . ~lId ~ Ir " . I ' :\I I' IM . lOt II ,I M pl. oll Mr~ I. ll f ',· 1" '1\": " , wil li I HI !'I h ' ,," seri o u ' v III , r .... II'u ll iti ,. 1 I I\l t fl ,.·
t-Ih1t l t'
Court Re po rt '1'1."
IJII VI"; M. ' A . <;II ,np lll'll; I) 1-1 ., H"lo l ('"tt ; L ,rJ ga Ih' lm ' .V. 'If . ,I . Mor ri t. Me ,"I 'llrH Kr;' roo (j o e l- It·d tc.l lw J,Jr f ·~ o H'
K~' Tu f B I ti I .:.1 . d ¥U1 P Md Dl, ~ eso: r uve, VII.DMOe'O lU ~ IO "~~ 0 our ,o wo on .
r1dd Y
MI ~ .
Inside Chemical Toilets
Rubb ing II In. rll , ' Hid .' Il d l ll.! flt :t t d i d III ~' ,' 11,'111111111 "111 1111\ L!" I II ! \\ II ' "'ldrl18 of 1111'111'1111 111' , whi t" III,. "' !II_ II I" " ' fll)"
L.dl IIlc hI' Phone
F lorc>m o ode .R ee d , l) f . De"r tt;Jr I'uhl,, 'd "11 I II ,' 111" '1. ,\ , I . I," I nellr b u re. <\11\ " clalilog 00 frt e udM Mile I!;~tuer Etlwanl ~, u f t he Bell t ute l 111(' 111.11111 II illi d It 1.'"11 \ " II· - p 1 b pr e . H"turdllY Dl g ht. Uo., a\ O" yto n . I ~ ~penrl lI"'f' h r t·flt·r-tllnl 1 h"J,!1I 11 1(1 n 't,1 1IJ1 I C h"rl o~ O. Goo k , wh o h&s bAe n 10 Telephone Ing Iter vt.lc .. ,loll h e r h om B b e r e . u llnlll II II I ",/ •• . \\ ltltt It \\ 11'" 1'1 :- .. 1 I ~' l lI rldll , th e tc u "et o f hid wlt e .. ud W"l t Laoy and Jo(\ ge W . U Co l. foun d 11111 1 II \' 11'" L..: III,d ' 1Ir 1' ~ l h ... II I ' t ures oblldrtl n fo r teo dnys , r e lumed W e lc h , of I:Inrvevsburg. 1\ L KID g. t h,' hlt d \, 11i ' l l fill' !'oop l·:il u .... a llli f\l,:Lll,\ II ·(J.ljllcri lle, Ohio 1 . n Ol\lo. t:;"lurd uy " veolol! . alld re J r Wllyo eH ville. R . .1. MurrllY. II I ] r utllt' Ii' th , ' ' ·'l llt· II I "l'!! 1 th ll l It · \It · I la vc (ommunit\' Ho)) ' I!"rl ~d lI or , Olti"<'D ~. wh o lire Iu OregoUII\, A. H. Ali e D "nel 1\ E. Knlld ( "I' lI llI l . h l 11 11\ ( l d l l L..: \ I, d • J : ~ lurlrln. " ' l " yllll;( every mlDu te o f l'b OIllPKf,D , ,) f tide plaoll, ,,!.ten d ed th. ' 11 , uI lIl ,-r "'I III'" \\II\' Ill"'" I d .. ,I·, I ", 'I'h ,' . 11111 '_ ' Ali i t,;U l)I " t y h" vll in . th Hlr ~t .. y s t .d lo '" t " r IU~ nH·elve- Il h o m e oUl1 1 Th e MBoo nd numbAr of lI or leotur e t h e Be v .. o & lIr ej(o ry h ug Malll. a t " flll IIlll k , ' II 11\ III~ . 1."l lIh,1 1 1d .·..... WllmlDgto n . Tu .. ~day . It 1M s itu l oourAIl. Uo Ml1ro,,- Als trup Eotert"lo01111 \I \ · " "ItI1UI1i1, .I' UIlI1 QOHR " lot or II\rlll8 BIll I I,own E mpty Can. Me an. of Gre~l Harm . al. ·,j III I II .. ",·r·" n ci ~Io ry o f I.h " bUllrl . ers . w i ll ",."Hllr bofo re .. or c ir.lz6DtI f.\ Ij.;s lIl1 d j'II I " 1111\ 1' 1"" '11 "" 11, ' u .. l ~ I< ' g II WII I'.I ""t! oco opl ed 11.1' Ir 1•. 100 Muull n y IlI l{ ht, .l llUlI..ry 17t h. "l prtlJJe rty huv e ohtln geli hand. ro~ oR ntl y. tbr o ugh ro,,1 eHI."I.1 ageot . h u rt I,,· r",·,' I " ~ II... ,,· 1... ,,<1 , i,,'" ""'1,1), ' ll ll " ' H' ,' ~ IIL' IIf " ur po pul"r g rooe ry tb 'e T o wo I::hll , j "" '1 ,. I h~y bKYI' I ~ furnl.bAd II0U Aev'1 rRl o f t h" g " .I.oro ~tar Illdies ~qntr e Fruuk \VllMun , of UllrV e Y M'j .. " II s t'hnl hur l ' 1"1111111111, ·01 1\ ... 11 . 111 ' at . III r .. ,,,IIIII·H" til !\\It,, lt .. 11 w h o Are fr o m be r li flHeod e d tbe Whltet:ibriDe burl(. Mr Wtl so n hUll ttl so Auld ~18 u r HP l1p. ~~ lI n"IIIIII '''' 11t, ,\ :1 1'" 11111 r /11'1\1 ~aks allJ Li ve St~k a I lodge. Ill, D.l y t u n, ltD las t Thorllday l"r ge aloOek form. 11,,~r O r elf ll ala. Rill,. In r,. •.,. 1110'11,,,'1,·,·, . '1'1 ... ,. ' ,·r· I qu ,d lfl .d. :->pecialf y We didO't get t ho ooosl llfltatl oD. r .. r I, 1'111,,1011'. ,,,,,I It 11,,1 1'" ,,,,01 11,,·.1' I W ,lllIrcl M.. r lill. r e l'r"~eDllol( the oi~hl . ( 'Illyba Ih e good Squir e k e p t tu e 111" .\' rltn 1"'1I """W I"<I III~ 1.1". '. ,,"01 :-ial i, ruel illtl G unrant~ed F lllrtJ tink ~- M ., r ~1l Co tr"nSI\I,I'(1 bUAI· · Our t.o wo HUPllOI·tlj two oream s la - ooosidera'i o o " S UI 8 r e wllr ll fo r mak - ,11 (' n nol ~ " ...i1 .1 ,' ,h , ,1o. II "",,101 I,,. np,,~ III 1111" vlciull,V;' IIl Rt w,,.. k . l,i ll n M. olld b Olh "re d ol og weil. Tbe tog t,b e d eal.-Typo, ) I t"n<.l~' ' 0 I"pp IlI nt II i'jll\ \, h"11 "11 ' 1. 1 1,,1 I ._ . . ' . fRrmflrN 10 Ih lM v' OI lIity look for Ik ll brook , Ohio '),be Mhullt 08 w tte DOW btt.. th e I bi [lotl lll lf'd Oll t ur ~11 : "t+ , '-In I I,H ' t .. I h n W""" L h " ppers " ~ ~(lC I,,I IUD wlird tu Iheir o reHW obeok 0"818tln8 larges t eiroulntioo 0 1 BDy o n e ptlJle r , ,," /'"111 (',,, , 1"'1 It. 1... ,,<1 I", .. II . '1'" 01 .. h ,,~ Uft111 III.""."!()U fo r ~ e v e rtol d"..Vti I ~ o mee t ~he H G L . 1,,,1 1. I'ho nes ' !l ... I.. nnr l Will b.· 111 ""~~ I O D f •• r .. D 10 k h be b h I I·bat oo mes i Dto our little l:l r o v... It : thl ~ mlghl " II'" ~"""I "" '1' , . ,.,, ,~ " l' liro 1l !' tl nH'. m ll nufR OI.orl nK wood , Uu, tru o It a~e e n .o s y ao- hrlngl the aoswer . }o' rlt' n,l" Ullol It ,,11" '1'•. fn r I h, ' _U UlUl"r barDI ng 10K stoo k til t he GIDOloo.tl aDd DllYFrank Shank p"~8 e d r. WilY. IIftn - - - - - - - - .-' o n mark et!!: oooeiderable wheat iR a long \lIoeRI!. at bl. home bere , To Find the G~ar of Blcyclt s. • ..... H' (> H~. "' ."' T h oM Tuc ker baR ollmpJ.lt ed h is gol Dg '0 market" and all of oor olU eveDlo!!. FODual wa s T" U" ,I I I, ~ 1'''''1' "r 1\ 1.1, ')'0' '''- ,11 \ 101 " ~ ... ",' Wbllrn . which " ddH gre .. !ly to the : ZllnM Ilr e bu~y ondl,.vorlDK '0 meet Thorsday held "' hl8 late re8ideDC(I, I:looday fh p nU\III ,, '" .. f ",,"111 III ,h, ' 1',.",oI .jo Col li \,., nil' ccu ,'otl look N o f til l' f'Hm ~belr nb llglltlOos: 00D8equ8ntly we Iltternoon at 1 o'ol ook, oocduoled b y sp ...... ""1 10 ,1' Ih" nll'" Io ,'1' "I' •. ,.,10 " ! . Tb .. work \11'0" du n o by LA ~1ar " od ar e a proltperoU8 people. Rev Amo~ t.;ook, of BflrveYflhurg tit .. r pu r " 111.,,1'1\ 1'1 I1lId 1I II I1 II P '\ l ,~ • E .) C tl 1::1 " og h. Mr. and Mre. W 'eldoD Beller aDd Be was laid to rest. by the Bide l.r th •.• 11"""'1 ,',. III Ill,"," '" "r II". " "" ' • ••• • Xnn11n eu orrec I lor IIrK"" hnnd 18 linin!! up Hml duu~bl· er were goes~8 of Yr ... Dd firs' wife and thres ohlldreD, a t w h,·,·1. I··.. ,· " ''' '" 1'1 ,· : '1' \\ ,.,," .. ". . : GlaS"l~'i F itted h,, \, <, " .l \,lInctltl I"r e o ough t o m .. k f' Mrs. William 8 bldlllter 00 8""orday 8hil'.l, DeBr BrookevII1Me"' oOohlleohaha , I"" \h III Ill .. r"""1 '1" '''''1, .. , , .. " ,,, ! AT ~I )D ; ~! tAT F.: PRICES ,I n " l. e. whiCh , If f nllowe d uP . will oight . t ..t ,t h In fl it, 1'"U I' S PI'l Il'I\ ~ ' 1 111111 II ~~ IV' InC rl1uSe Iu e r I' ll I, 0 1 o ur b Ol " 81' . --- - - - - -- - h II'll wh t"'1 1',,,·,,ly,,,",, <1 1, 101. 01 I•.r '1'110 ijtnnj4 U'lIld 18 Dl"kin g e n . 8 "\' 1'11 Pqll lll'" II"·,,.·; II,,·.·, · II" ,,·, III "" . . Ollr"I( IU!! lIr, !! r OB~. aDd tb e IDetro c. 1." ·,·l glll i, '·'~It ' .r · r .. ,,,· II... ,.,,1' o t : () ,Il i '01 1 Department t·.,r I~ mll cll " Irlted th e hlo-.I' rl p. ,t -• S. D<!lruit St. Xe nia. Ohio t;, ·v, r nl ' ",m bere Bttallderl Ihe Big Arel 1 n Parka. Wtl l ' ~ r ~"w.\"'r . .. 11'. Sliturlhq. There ore 18 nnUoDo l porks 10ealel1 Couldn'l Unde r. l ana '''. Opt! n \' \"' nin)(3 by appointment A 111 11 " 1; ,. .... I<l i' I> ' ,,, I,, ",,,I,," fI ' • • ~o . . ..... e •• 4••••••" "•• 1'1 .. , r .,,,d,, I hil t leud II t o " nr city Gleoo Jobn8 ~p'Bnt S.t,urday ID In 14 atll18l1 and Iprrltorlett 111111 comprlRlng nearly 8,000,000 acres o f land, 11f' !' Hllrrlln ·d "l'r t. ,, ' l l tllI Ih l' 1111\1' 1 11 11.\', _._ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _~~~= or" V " r~ ,"11,1 ;\,' . m"kh)1( Ir.me 810 '11' Davto u. wn ~ IU'II rd to l't 'lIll1l' lt, '" ! ' IIII '1 ",, ", \~ 1,.\' I .. n ol d ," ,, !. IIII': I>u' IO (\S8. B ll ra - To Mr. aDd Mre Roy Mo. 9t1Y8 th e Altler\ clln F orell I ry "'I ngA~"Ine nntl IlIud. · 111, · !'O il h" II ... I~· \~ hi'll h~' I r--------------~ ;1 r ,".<1 ~1 r,. A , B Gam pbe ll Rod Kirby , J"'Doary a . a daugbter. U 01 \Vft1!lhlnlJton. knnwtl J 'TII ":0 1'1'1'1 11" 1"r.- I ~P .. 14111 11111111\' . II B l' II:'.II \' _\tuuted io th l'lr the bome of Mr . aDd MrB, ~'raok Troll"',·I ,,!. To See What'. Inaldl. n., ,, II , '"". l..o.lle,1 un M"ln ~ tr ee l . !:Imll.h. In gh'lni little WillIe ft prese nt you \\' 1'. ~"'I ' lIrre n mll dp II li y iog lhed Rbell Dyke . of l>aytoD , '11'1108 An imals Caus. A . lhm~ . I lJ u = lI!l'~~ llip to CbloH II:O In l-t woo k I/o week.end gU iSt o f Foreet GrISham enn grl'nrl y foelltlnl e IDollers by also C l'rtll \n I " 'np ll' II I'" Ilill", · \ 11 attat'l\ ~ pr"""DLing him with n hftmm er with - )) E" LE ~ IN11,' ~I , " '" r"11 /':''''' 1.(1' i ~ B bnsf aod f"mlly . whl cb 10 hrenk It.- Phlind elpllin Pllb- o f R..-th ll1l1 ",11 ... 1\ h l' t/lI g' 111 i llt.1 (' III11l1l' l (ll ..." 1< . ' ,· .. rll " of IIl Il0 h"ni c~ i~ H. M. C I"rk 18 oO Dfioed to bl. IIc I .ellj:l·r. w i th r nt Jol. tl PI!', "ll', T h1 . . 10.; d ,ll' In ,·' IIJ II r . F\,.· <I, Coa l, Salt. 1>11 ' oi l · , 10 " r ' nl H wl I II prtlll)I ~(\~ h Olll e 00. "ooouot of rheumllotiem. no pnUlfl n t lol 1 fl " " 11 1111 ' ,,'1 I II iii ' r11I' u r lilt· , l'IIS1-; , Water Fountll p nlllflllll !I iI .,,, 01 ' II" ,·" .. 1" ,,111 1 ""old I·b ll Mr. anll Mr~. t:ib€lrwan Roger8 . of Belong In the Mu.eum. I ~ ill ; ;111.) ~(' I f - Fcc d e rs _ ru ~h. • n l'11r Fe rry . w e re !::iuDday guest,s of A wpll ' APpolnl etl cnrrlnge IIn<l leRID C h.r le~ ~:~ II ";' , 1\ III P.. hllnl o o f n Oli' : Mr. Rn d MI ~. ~' r"ok Rogers of horsp!! Is 80 Nlre n slghl on the 18 rUOOllI1( ILl.' uulo r e plllr Rb o l' o n · lira. Sue Htootee nberger retarDed strl'l!IS or Ne w York I1S 10 ellc ll e lieD OR. J. W. MILL E~ I - " I I 'l'l: 1{ UFgast Sou til ~ tr pel, . I Sft'urdo y. ufter Hpe odlD@ two weekA e rnI comme nt. R. I:J br oo k" will ooo ull Y hlA o ld I with r e lative! io Ua ytoD . );1 \', ~ lr 1\ \' ;lll d Feed . Foolish Manklndl . •• DENTIST... st"od uritll ellrly s omme r . wheo bls I MI.~ Leo o" MoGionis ill NlCitlD sloa .Jud Tunkills S 8 Y~ th e ego lij un Dew butldltljo{ will 1111 e r ec led "od th e Normol g i rls. of Waynes umce ID Our r 'fill or e w. lu e h " rg " 0 1 HArr~' i vlll p, Bre tnkin g o .. re o f h e r sohool cnn'lll ern hi e. E\'erybody Imn gln es he N.&lODai l'\:l'd ( ~ I il1dill~ a Specialty. O.... k Did •. Ii . ro wn, is wurki0l{ ~ J e rv d Bv tbllt 18 Mrs Allro ld lIahaw blls beeD I ~ going In II\'(' II hundred ~'eAr9 or so. nl ~hnll J! h nollo<ly ever doe8. pOM~ib le M" . Brown hQ ~ bee ll ·' w qUIte Hlek for Hevel~81 weeks 1 ploy ~ d for a, PI,h e r Yf'lIr Fuul! M :'I"de • f Day too, speol, Paper Devoted to Rheumatlam. Some w ee k8 Hj1;O fill " r.L lol ~ al" -; uodny with his 'elater, Mrs . ti. H One of the oddest period len Is 10 the \Iear e d in til" Bepnll U,.()"" lIoefUA 1:1 .. 10"" ... od fllollly. world Ie II lDonthly pnpe r l1e\'Olod e[.l 1lb<1\Jt. t-lqu l r e Frnnk WII Hn n lIa r ohll PMr 'lOd M,~ LAO O ti ..lisbury aDd tirel, to Ihp ID le reat. of rheumlltlc 1UfIlIlCth"III,oo k r'lrlll ~ I .1 - Wllllllr WI I. ' l"u K ht.~ r. Mi r iam. took I"ooday dlDFUNERAL DII~ ECTO I~ Ihlllltl " I 1\1 (lu rU ~@ (\" y lit l!"t " " r with RU~M O Ii 8~.li.bory aDd f"m ferH~ . wtlek Mr. WI 1,,1I1I d ee(jpd II, t,o Mr . !Iv. lIt'nr W"yuBsvi l1e. lIad Mr~. E d Feph"o lt. wb o houBhl It .M W II 0 It .. htld Waynesville, Ohio 'or th(llT how(l. .,... I 1. 1lI Y e lin .. 0 reo, Tckl'h,l llt: 7(., rinK J 01 I) .. yl,oll.",e vl~I~lng r e l"tlv(18 bere Tb~ "cqoalotnoCA", In I·bib vlt'ill Mr~ . I:sd ~. Aodortl ll D aDd 800, Ity , of .1. Frllnk t5hllllk nr o v, ' n Fully Equipped for Good Cluorl tls. III Wil Ynil" vii Ie, w e re Su~ ~ n rry to b eHr of bls K1lllot lo o b ~ bit Service. Ing I'"ralyae d . Two .\I " " n "go, whAn dl\V glle81.8 ot' Mr aod Mra. AileD tile flu WIIR so 6erlOU~. Mr. "'bonk Emri ok. Large Displa y 1~(J() 11I wf\n~. night lind rt .. y til "8..i"l, the Mrs . H"rry MOG IODis aod Mrl! t; . IIffi'ot..d, "nd tlllHll y Ill, WR8.HtllckAn . &. •ruboK w ll re Dil ytoo IIhoppers, L-__________________________ DAY 0 1( N IGlll , TELEPHONE i tie died. 1'hl1r~d. y , Ih e tonernl be ~a'urd"y . log boht at bl~ III t.o r~ s ldo<lo(l. Huo Mrs. WIlham 8erl-(d811 viHlted io dllY · Uayt." n. ~' rid .. y, with ber 8ill'er VETE RIN ARIAN Armoor & ~",· trl. th~ MI..vle of tb e Mrs. Roth Weir, wllu hilS been very Red-Blooded Men and Women Are ijlok ror "ever,,1 dH~'II . ftrrn hnving eh"rgfo' IIf Ib e s l"ogh,M. Vaccination a :; pccialfy. Nolh. Upand Doing Rrigbt.and Early In!!! IIf h (tgM b l1 r e ... r l' rlollIll n g r e8 1 _--inK but I~ diahh: Serum u§ed b0 8 Iu ~ 8' Au,1 r l' p n rt th.t t.Il ny will Veterlnarv . 1 be kp.pl. bUNY nl.llll Rnmmer. True FriendShip. FREE YOUR BLOOD FROM POISON Phone 44 Harveyaburg. O. , At ODe tlmA lIere It waR talk e d of I I Ill" 1 r, " ' hlll I. II thnl l' htlrtll" u. moRl In a Gradu8te of Ubi.. ~ '''' for .. II the obur c b ~ 8 ID tbiA vloioity frlp",I ? It I. Ihnt he ~ RII read the to IllBrge. ..nd the qOPShOD w .. ~ Irllll' '''111 I'x "n'~Rl on In nnr fllce . Bnd Take Pepto-Mangan; the Famoua ---=-: _ YRk pd . 'Whllt'~ tb o d t'l llY P" Tbey til ",II t\· hllll~l'lf 10 so il th\' feeling we mood To_it Pre8cribed by OFlo'ICE: oan 'I dpcl<i" whi oh ODe t·o merge Into. IIr.. (;""""I" ~'" hut tlilif ~ons cluo s of Phyaicianl for 30 Year. ~'o urth -;tre,,'. nca r T yle r it . HAW A \W II ,. H... II. of Sommerville, Uhlo. Jln&8"~" II!( ; II Is Ihol he knows when Telephon.. 9:1 l,rRn.ll e .'·" l u. loII@s here, two daye to Ill' ~ 1I""1 IIlId whlln 10 flJlenk; It Is Slugaish blood oloiged with POIBI..~t week . 1 r .,," V III"'~ I.AIlrt \ n" ')en"I' thul h ~ ,"'\'"r ml.'nk l's. bllt 8e(>s liS oa8 mallee you lazy . You Dever Waynesville. Ohiu • 111\(\,\ III II ill"" Hl rl ll ~ ..In :-1\ C. W . ~'ry e WaR 10 o ar vlolnlty o n Irue. \\'h(lll nil the worl<1 Is wroo g feel Iille ge'Ung up iD the morDlog. IIhOll1 " ". f;nrh n frh~Ht 1I0R II nl only flo 1.1I'llny . lo .. klog altAr bUllne8 .. Aod wheo you do ge' up. yoo mise Tb .. 1'1viI] L~"goA WK8 ADterl"ln~d (low(' r IIf dllll ·nf't ~ l'. hut hf"ltuty of th .. , f('ellog of refre.hlng relll·. Yoo 00 tintur.I"". Rt Ibe bume of Mre ("llltrllt ' ll'r . - ~ t npfn l'rt Brooke. feel more "red tbln when you wen' tltlrlio Re "so o on 11:"11& M.. lo Rtreet to bed. After a g.'od Dlght'lI sleep John Chinaman at Homll_ Donll l .. [)(\ ' avlln. of New Bur. ,o0 .boald get up with a Iprloi, In r lllnll 4l\,('rythln,: I~ "Rh·n- trom lill I/ tOil," W.,8 In our town 0 0 & .. urfeeling alive, renewed, retrd8hed . ("(ll'kron<"l .. · :o\ nllrl le1olf'p'r ""1'1II1n to rots And yeu wou1d. too. If your bl(lod day. RHS lloiRtinlC wllh old hillode nn.1 I'III~. ,,1'0 .In,," KlllP'"'''' rate Y oar More of th .. Ilood work II RolnR 00 ure Orl Rn lp In Ihl) mnrkel. nll!t n s lor), were foil of red oorpo801e. In tlll' K 01 P. 1,)11 1(0 rhe weDlb ~ rR I@ retnl .. ,1 hy Ihe wrlt~r ot "John Chl - oomplexlon woald look fresh •. voor arA l · .. . k in a forward to "n IDorellHed nrlm llli lit HOllie" of u Indy who hnv- eyeB bright alld olear: yoa would feel the \'!'.rm '1081e or healtb. membersbll). In /( pX Jlr"~~('I 1 npprov.tli of th(! dis h stle Look &0 yoar blood If you have M'~ K .. rrnrt.h K K.lrk went \0 hu<l I'nrln k"!1 ot, WIIA clJn Rlllerahly All J(inds of A uction Safes F'ost.p ril,. on 'l' barsdHV, tor a visit (lik e n nlln l'k when s he wa .. 1.,1 t! hy her tbat lozy. heavy feelloi 10 the morolag. Belrln , .. king Pap,o-M.uganwHh h"r 1l'lIlldrlllhRr. Fred CripR Get Dates Ear ly hoSt M, "Oh. Ihnt - Ie ,th e rat I caugbt ,be Ide"I ·'oDIo. U b.1I blood-build Prnr . ~' rHllk ROIlKea. of Plea8"nt In YOII\, rn .. III Ihl s m.~rolng I" Injj properti81 lha'. "Iok yoa up lIod Plnl\). wh u I~ 'rownlblp Muperlo Rhe you lueoltb. . Why the 8ky I. Blu •• f,' nll l' lIl', WII,. vl81tloIC our BObool' All Kinds of Insura nce Pep&o. M.OI.a 'I wfdall' .nd bearth,ne 0 0 ~'har"d"y When you reter tb thl! blue Iky, Ily eadoned by pbYllol.• ol.· U I. Protect . Your Properly Sev ~II· 1 fr' m hHe . wbo are ellili. 10U renlly lIleon the blue raYI 'ln light. deo"ve .nd . . .y &0 It hi preleh IB a compounl! of maliy C!Olorl. pared io bo'h liqUId aad lable.' ' oroa. IIl p "'Ill f. "k " · ~h ~ (Jrll· .. ",1 degree, "h loll I. t ~ b .. glveD a' WaYDelVllle Tbe blue of the Ik1 I. malnl, ~u.. to Bu'h bave .b. Moae mtldlolaaJ pr ) p. particles lIoattog 101 the aIr. Tb_ · erUn. ' ~ , ROOII. Write or"c~11. l1 ' , Phone Gt -2~_-::-..., -.... Bold . . any 4r1ll .'ore. B"~ be' I lor I/:fOO ft rymPD r eoelved a oar: p.rtlcles, whlcb C!OIBaIIt · almOllt enOffice in Aman Block, 10,,{1 o f Krool'rl(>8. thllt lal~ week. tlrel, of the p _ wbleb constltut. anre FOO .... ,.be pnGID. l'ep&o. 1 Waynesv ille. Ohio Wh .. re tbl'Y go lit bardly "albie, the IItmollllh(!te ltalllf. lcaner lad Il.D ••D-..GIul.·•. " AI_ for U by 10 light. wttll 'be fllli ume '~d .,. ..,. the tan but rlah' prloe~ ' and ooar&e'o al bre8I1' 'liP t he bloe ' 0 . I' treatment '11'111 aSlllet 10 ,he dlah1bo. the reoulHh.t wbUI the III, bl!C!OlDII n.me, .. G..... PepIo. ... D.aD." Ie uan. tile ~ loou "ellgw• . 00 \be PMk....-Ad •• rtlaem.n •. tion.
Ed. C. W o ollard
.,t I
Sing. The 11111 11" Ie M ir Ullllll ""i~l n . Th., 10\\'11 wos IIr.I .pttl .. " I" " ,WI 11". 1 Irll'orporul ed 1\I \lli' r Ih l' rt '"tH' " t !';11l1l SInll In IR04. ,te ' ·flll ~(, .. r II,,· 1111 1... ·,·· .81 8.~o, ·IRt".U of Slrlt: SIIII( " rls,, "
~I. g .
I U. I g ~ 1 Jut' ~: I\V '-tV ,, 111 1 1 11111 11 \ 111 \ • •• .j ,. , I h e \,V ta.II·t!' ·' Ut ! I' II l d I , r'lI n I I t, lt t t il '" 11 , h, .. 1 Thu l'·dl1,Y "\' f\",lt·y HIlilIh ulld A I ( , 11 ,,\,.. 1111 phup-ed i)f t' l't~ ,t" I II :""-1 rl I I I..' \: ·., I,y
o tl leAr . in tho K .
D " vl ~; I l1 .
beoowe B '·be91Ib. T.II. II " ' be olt, 01 P ,UM horg. l or ex .. rnple. Ptsl.. burg III alwo_' O. e IIf·. of tile I/rlla'*'8\ hard 0<1111 bed. In -!he Wllr II. y.,' PIUMborlf people hav. I)hid II~ billb "e IHI " 100 for .... rd 0 ... 1 HII. f .. l1. The O-'&Y "f IJII,vl'l.Dd II! ; htl OflD . 'er of Ib" moot proltllo on tl COllI r e,100 In Ib" U"ltt<d ~, .. It"• . l'0' 80 f' ooal "lnJwbere frllm ,10 t u 'II a too io Ule91118nd_ h II eb"meful RVtoll 1\8 far "' bud 00~1 abo old DO' be oaore 'bao or . ~ .. '00 aod IIOU ooal nOI oaore 'hap 18 , '00. The .4.oaerloo publlo limply will DO'lhad Ibll . oaooh loo(J8r , from tbe proflleer • . _belber Ibe, are profi'BllrlnlC llpera$ou or proll'eerlOll 01 .. 1oaloars .
C C'
H a t!'. IIIW,.. :
,,1 1(1 Ilv ,·1., .• .• rt l I I I rq ~1\ 'IIl " F · I ..
th F'l r " .I l ttllld lll
'll s .. . C retl lJJt-'t pob l Hl "'£1 1,.. 11"' :-"
I ~ c omvo tird or HOlli e of th e bCJllt d t P. 1.1 II '<~ w i ll tu k 0 IJI'lI oM I ill t oni ca known , com b in ed with so m e nf Tllu, ... d h\ I l i !!lI r. JU lln'l r y 13, uf4 ' II I.
HORROR Of BURNING ;~~:i{:~~'il '~;~::; COAL fOR fUEL ~~a~~~:£~{J:~~J:\~~r~£::I~ton~{~~~l:~~~ ~I" " ;~k" :~:;~:1:~:~~~~1; .I ,,"
• ' III I !'! ZIIIIIII"'r.
K. of P. lodge Installed OHice rs
WIiO prucrlbe" b r one Ih e b.Slplly· cine Mlci anM tn thl . Co unt r:y r or y ears. Jt
M. V M 'lrn'"
h u p. ,,, v. "ff" (' aoghL til l" pu t illto ... r v l!·!' "" If 1I0 11li ng h.d Il~,· orr .. (\.
flllc ll c ud b y c onMtltutlonal con4J ltl onlJ. Uno In o "l er t o c ure It. yuu mU24t tak e
~I r . II , - , . .. ~I I, ltll t) k ,, ' Ii '!' ,I 11 1_ ~ter M r~ tl())) 1 I.. . . . " ..... \t .. \ ~wi~t\rt. . fllr ll\" rl\' " I 'h l il' t
Bun ' _ '1
H "bhl . or
n rd y
tte s c )lunrns, .J'lZ
1 "
~ r ' Inri ~Ir .. . " \'\ " , , \V 'I\' t' ~ \'I Il ", VI·II I ,I 11. '1 ,II A l f" ,,! ') I)n fl~ . I .t t " I ~ pi 1(" '. I I " ·
.. 0018e, ,tDd I" klo g Int,o 'h dis . taooe wn s MeD ~w o horMoll ooml,, 1' ",Itb the Rp,,"d o f th e wiml , " nd II I ' that rn 'lOlt' lI l, I h I' nir r" Mll und " d with , ~: xl: i l '" t he "h OUl d nf Ihp IIIJ llu lu('o JANUARY 12. 192 1 U1 (1Dt pr p v 1 Ih ·rI-lt WII" " run"wlI)' \ -b ill. hv (,lIn IH· '· 0 '1nll "'"8 irojur ed O n e II f I b,\ I" II~ ' ~ h " lon ged to Mr. Catarrh Cannot be Cured li'Tn'T1It-Hhlrlllknr nn r! th .. ul h"r \Va. wllh LOCA 1. A PI·J.I CATIONS 118 they ')w , , ~ \ 1 hv "·II .,r les McC " v Th ay
' orei " l1 Adv(-' rti fll ll1 ' l J( ,. tH ," ru,,,th' " " ! Ir., \f\1i-: J(l r 'A ' PR E ' S \ 0: 5 le i ',1'11 \
WI'; PNF~"'()A Y.
...,lilts we ,
John H. Wright Auctioneer
y.•• .
... -...----
Everett Early
Lytle Feed Mill
WaIter McClure
Lyti c. Ohio
----- -
Dr. J. ·A.MeI,ov. !
II. E. 11.-\.'1'
' i
I, _ _ _ _
,, at ~-: -Cf~ Ii
AQ~~~C.E~ EN,17!~' 1j
Ferry Christinn
Ha~ e you paid your taxe. !
O~car Lay bo urn e is in Cincinnati ,
Tell th e ad \'erli ser you rcau II i!'> ;1 d . In (I ll ' in lIIi Gazette. _ ...._ ...._ _~~~~!"""'_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~"!"!"!~~
you ha\' P II'l looked in th e s o\'l t h willdow, do so at your fir s t cOl\v(,l1iellce, a nd see the heallliful prese nt s we are goill g (ll g i\' e awa y. For every doll a r pu r h as(' yo u are en · titled to a ti c ket. Yo ur ticket may b e th e lu c ky one.
I-Roge rs 18--1-7 Set Silverware 2-Handsonlc El ectric Lamp 3-Good Seth Thomas Clock These presents are a ll ;'" > :::> if,
u seful , a nd
by chance
you ge,t one , they will appreciated.
==-::::"'--': .::J__.:J;;J ;;J
B. E. EARNHART Waynesville, Ohio
I t' Hto-H
111 i ' is o ll e p il:l lll t tllltt C\'l:ry o ne wi ll lik e .
M , ll'l ll l1 . .
Ihi , .·hl l r .. 11 "\"'ry II I 1' I'I ' :r t' h i ll~ :,, '1"
llet' al III::!I) ,,\,1 ... '" II. 111. Y, II I ,ord ia lly illl'i k d ! , ) I,l' l'r ' ·~ l· lIl.
1\11, 1' 111.
If ;
I Il l :'"
\\·' I~ t llll~I. , .,
Ilud rlulJ. I t, UllI u . hU t I " o tb ~ ,
~;rlt ·
I)h lu ... I~ I HJ
A Il It ' f " I tll
I . .... In.' I
A co tll cdy
Messrs. H . E Earn hart. L . C. 5t . John and S. S. El lis were in Ci ncirl' nati, Tuesday .
, .. orl d' t; De(lJ) t ~ t l'O I (1 M i ne , T tl!' 1: ,, 101 "d ljl' ,.r "I 1. ,1111 ,\.·1 H· · \' . III )t nl i' 11 I ... II,, · ,j ''lI"'''1 III" I ' '" 111' 111 till ' \\ " 1'1,1. It \\ II='" "I" 1,,· 01 111 111' " 111 .111 HO ,\ 1' 11 1',. II :": " .11101 I l1lo! I " "\1 ~nlo\\ III 6 .X:: t \ r't ' , '1 :11 1 11 1' 1 11I 1f' III' ,II! ' I:d . · ... t
t:II'l ri 'I'll, ' C. M. Robitzer Is in Columbus 10· rI ltlr" r " I ' It,·..:. l 1d day. attending a meetinll of the tn Ih. , 1,l'lIr ••f Th , · slocllholders 01 the Middle West d l\},:l't '" III "\ I ' n tru Ul I I II' ... 111'111" " . Flour Mill Co.
Urlltndll\ l ' r it' lld s lh lll'l: h
' \. "
1I' 1I 1I" ' l'al\lI'"
Mrs. Caroline Hogers, of Lebanon, and M rs . Margare t Thomas, of Greenville , were guests of Mr, and Mrs George H a r t8ock, l8ljl week .
Mrs . J . D. lI1arldlt and Mrs . J Hartsock at tended the fun eral their neice. Miss Eva Alexander, St. Bernartl. near Cincillnati, Monday.
L. of at on
Dr, W. E . Ogles bee, of Cleveland, made a fl ying trip here, Tul'8day, and called on many of hill old friend s The doctor has a very large practice in Cleveland, having aband oned his privatI! hospital two years ago
----- - - ----
ATTENDED BAN~UET Al lEBANON Tbe employees of the Kilpatrick. French Motor Car Co , all over the county were treated to a fine dinner at Hancock's restaurant at Lebanon. Wednellday evening . Messrs. John Stansberry, Homer Carey. James McClure and Coleman Jackson. of the loea: branch ; were preRenl The company gave a bonus on the last year's business, and each of the local branch received handsome boo nUSel, and were made happy,
f, >p l
d· ·..
Fly ...
rndl II~ t h ~ l ta.."I ·r ~\\1I1 1f\\\t HIi Ill1tll ' 1'11 .,· ..:It''lI l d h,~ 1' 0,111\ \ ,.,\ \dlll ... 111'1. "lI ll ·I, ·rf lil 1''' \\' · (\ r ~ or 11 !!.!I,I . "'11~' '': ,h .. .\ IIII·r \ ' ·' "1 1·llr· "'!!'III ' !.!"
~t ; L!IIZ l p ,'
"Ruth of the Rockies"
Adlliissioll, 22
1:· .
: 1:
\\ '1,,,- 11111:.'1"11
Frank "':llillth
"I 11/ .. 1"
dll· .j
li lt· In',
I' hu r..;d , \ 1I11 ''I 'I III \.afr, l ! a Illng 1I!r lv"~ rt ).'! l l llll~" 1"1 11 11 Itll' "fl u" ' '1'1,,· fu, ... : ,, 1 II - 1,, ·1, 1 :<1 I,i,. . lu t · rl-·sidl' IH· t'. ~1 1! la' lI f! t " r 110111. , n ll d ll,, · 1 "l oI ~ 1", - ·1111'1'''1. .\1,, ".1"1. ll' Br HHl, l'\ Ill ,'. «II H I, ( : . :11"' . rU, Id
l) r l'J.!llni<.l,
------ ._ -- _._-_ .
"More Food"
:-' u ~ ar .
I' I
1'1'/1' JI
~!lc k ... , ')..1 11
· I ,,·t
I 1' "
! dl,:
Palm 01 i v ~ So a p. ) t) liars ... .. 7:i,
a pou nd ..... :Wc
Pure Bu ckwh eat. 10
I , ', , 'I
\\,1' I
Co tft!l ~.
demanded the city cons um er. Fanners reo sponded with t h e bigge st crops they had grown for years. The n what h appen ed ? Poor trans· portation faciliti e s, hi g h frerght rates, concerted cons ume r effo rt to lowe r prices on fann products. How can fanners sell at a fair profit?
:-: L
I I....,. 1 ' :11'"
Teco. P C . & B \'oJ . \o' l our~ puck a ge ............ .. ... ...... .. We J erseyl-'uncakd'iour. pk~ .. .... I;, · Nice Clean I{ic e . 2 1l.o>l .... ... ... l;'c Ca l. Brown Bean~. II Ib ........ [i" Bulk Mac o r Speg, II Ib .. ..... . · I.'ic
: ..
n I"
Special for
'I "
I •
1·,11 .. 111
, ' . ... "f " " tl :--'., I \\ II I I. \..: I 1".. ' " 1",
for n ext w eek carries a great story showing how fanners are shouldedng marketing prob· lems that r eally b eleng to the city conswner and are solving the m where he has failed,
t, I,
... , . , I '
I j q. !,
1," t , .I i
I' 1'1
" 'III, • 1'!1 , ) ,. I I '
/I. f 'cl
I \ 1' 1','
'111_' ..
II I "
11'1 11
I~ I', ;', ,.' .:'r
Nat'l Roll ed Oats ... kg . ...... IOc
• ~ ,.,
.. \ I
Ib~ ... ..... 7.)c
Mother s AluminumOat ~. pkl! ·lIle
II T . '
,,',' 1' _
\\ h I. I I :,: r" l\ ~ i ll ,'1 ' r 'I I .' ," ,ill .. , ,'f I 'll' d l'\ , . 1,. 1 · 1 ' ,1 , If " r 'lIdl·... . ' l it· .. .. 1'1'1]1, 1.. ,I. 1 :..,': , ·11 . . .,,, 1
:I' "
Friday and Saturday
10 Bar~n~,~e.~.~ :.~.~~~..~~.~~ .. .55c Salted Peanul ~ . a pCJ und 20c on ly .... .. .
I \\It' ' 11
I "n il"
,1 .. I. ·' 1.· .. " " I I I'" ..• " I , 01
. I I, ~
1. I).:,
I'r,r :, :.' 1,. r 1I III \11 I I ,
-res ulte d in b umpe:f
New York City the food; but N ew York City olTered little coo peration toward gel ting it. H o w the Stote Bll reau of M a rk ets step-
; tl ll
portation nnd developing
0 010'. ••.. r"), rd ' ·. \ \l r o"-'q , A ,'.' " r.:11 II , ,·It, ! d I III" ::.:
fltlllI ~";I/ "
.. 1',":,11'1
i - In I II ; .. 1" d 1,\ I l l!' III ," \\ lti,:" I," lid .. :1 ... 1 " 11 ,'1'1",. ..I' fi'I'II I1'" \111 \I ;1 I, · ' 101 . " I' " "'1~'
No. 2220
(U .S.oooo.
p'rY.llI~ 1~u. UOo. 00
(lared tu the total.
THE WANTAlJS will hel p YO ll Illak e qu ick a nd profitable 9al e~ (If rli ~eard t' rl >t rtie le!.
Ph one 1I2·3
1 HA VI<: s o ~m i\10 r.Y .
to do wilh it?
my line of i[l\lcs tmeuts to you.
illake it. '
Let me ex-
J'edfJral U eKervij
A fri end took ber four'felu'-old .oD
as essen tial to invest
rig h t
W hat am
5 1 .u !'Jl . 9~
I, , > hll ll t·
Ilf II". \\
nll l
J.11 n.~ f · II'"
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rI ll' "" 'n 1... 1 h lllll " .
'.\\ .., ", I hll..
h ill d wHh I'" r lt" 1" 1 II ,oI J:, I, r1 1" 1111
, w"..
2U 197. 64
Nut to Strand Theater
218 8 . Main Street
:11 1. 1 4'. 111'
W ""t erl St re n q th . Iill l.;
\ \ ni l '!' , •
~1111 1 ': "11 ~ IY . "U
'h r' 1' 1" \ 11 1;11, · i l l l " : 1 .. 1"' 1'1 IIf
:! lil'i 2H. 1H " I' ,·!,·d 20 . 12j! , " ~ I
1111 · "1I ~ "
1t , 1. 1 'ld
,.' ,nll,, ·,·IIII "
II ' ,
1"'4' U ril l''''''+! 110 \' :11'1) r I " 1.-1 ,01 o t' I lt t ' 1 ~I :I, n )oj 1 1111 .dlit'I " " fl l ll " " 111 :lr"' l" n ~·I ,' · ' .:1" " 111
I ...
II j "
" 'I !l"t! ,\il lt
IiI! ' 11,, 1, I L '~
' " :t l l
\\' IHl
... 11'1'11::1 11 11 11111 It
SWEATERS II cavy Kh a kj and II catlll'r .lipover ..... .
T h;;~d '
Helps the Needle . TI ''''''I' Ita \ i llL!: d l ,rl, ,· th . · , ..\1 · ... 1;:111. wil l ao.~~~: ~~ 1 <OJj \ , , ' 1 11111' \\ !it'll I I II" ':II I I I1t; n ~;j ' \\' I Tl r 1l,'I ·dl ,. If lit, ·.\, II..:" ~I 1''' ' ' 1, , '1 11 II.aII II Il/!trI , 10. 000. 00 1"111'11 I. 1" ·ltI" ,, 11 ,,· M ,I II' t1f'PllI p 1
$4 00
' 11!Cclnimed 0, D. W. S. Armv Bl ankets. Originalll' <oJd for $8.50, D,OW I
~' '' lIr
" ('I·d lp wi ll hn 8 83.4(i 9. 9 8 I IIiI 'I ':I'II'1 1, 1\1'( '1' 11 '1' 11 n \,;11 I 11.:1II In Ih e tr UlI' ld II I ' " 1':1\\ ," '. W I II' I't" It \\'1 11 n l wllYFl :'! 'OJ8: ~~ j Ilf' hu n d y. E x P-I,-. l O. l)O O.c.O -----
Totu. _ . .. , •.• . •. _ . .... , . 1 6:"0,990 . 45
l ()lhPi" 'pI' dp l'l d ,
j-n-In- g -t- h-e-S-I-t,-, a- t Ion. W:\I.I 11 "1 . pO I'lI l:) ,·
\\' ltl1
I H)\ , :10.: 1,(1 ','n"t n f n fJ II Hr'rl' )l.I i ' pnc: l l i "I I. :l nd Tlt ll\' ~ lIllnrll ' <1 h ilT! \\ II t'I II'\Tr p "o..: o.: llt1 f'. "'h n n s lced
:-l ll ill t;
to Ihe "'rcul. ADd upon returnln. Ortt~ea~~~nl~ ~~1 :g~t~lll~~'~~~:: :::~\\Jls~~~! nlH IIl1 I I I,,· r" l ll if '!I . ,,\\";,, 1. 11(:\18 nl woys w":m~r,':,:rl!/to!a~~oo ~'~ I'i!Y:~e~f Jt~~r I(\(\klu u roo I' I t· .. " I"I,'. 1111 ,1 It r m DOt, borne hll fatbar ..lIecS him : "Did y'ou r.Iclull\·e of notee upon which Lotaicharp:o I'",· '\ 11 ... 1 ,1! lI j tn !o'I:t ,\ ' \\'111'1"0 he nln·t, see tbe elepblDtII, too'" Tbe little fel· DOt. to • .xcued 00 Ct: Ut.,. wns m atto) WItJl Ihnt '~ n iL" low replied: "Y.., and th., 'II'aned nooo. T ho number or i ucl, loaua "lUI 1I0ue their 11111. tn front." J , 1,. M. Reml6rson. CIUlhle. of sho aoov~ Firs t S wln q M"chl ne, · bank . do ... lolOnl)lo ..o.. th.t Lhe abovo ~.J0g:.fl~;.I. ~ruo t.o Ih.. UIIO' or my know ledg· 1'1 1(' n l'~ ' ""I{II) '1'11,·, ,,,,,1 ~ ew'n g OIn· Jokee Brought Raoollectlon. L . M. HItNDER SON. C..blor. chi n \\' n~ ttln 01 f' h) " I" '"'' tn l1or. ]lnr. ". llked ' that I..t ItOr, or yonr&," IU4CI1bed ourl a... lt'I>-tO-berorG- me ,hIs t!lI'~ h l"""I'IlI" r f , t . E tienne. he Bald to the tunDl' mer1!lilDt, .. - Ithdl701 J"uu.ry. 19 :11,. Frlior t ill 1,' 1 I;, .\ (·ara h(\roro lIablon RIdge, Wll.ve bave IIl1ec1 . lt. I recollect wben Onrrect A It"",t: . No'lU'7 Public. HO W f·' q !I1Hdlin.~ , '11 .. Il 1l1 t~ l i t'h,· m: \ 1'~ J. W: WH!'I'K. I Oret beard that tam I leoched 10 , 8 . ..: (lAII'rW RlOBT, kll 1. T it" 11111", rJ}d nm mrl lu' n snemu~ I DNrlr Idellecl m7 erad~e to W. B. ALLEN, ce~ 8 of hi ' mu ·Illne. D/nck)ra Dlec.w."
,""" !
nnd 11111 111 '11 ;:111, 1,\
WaynesvUle, OhiC;
Th e l uydcr 7 (' (". I.. II,, · /.,,\,1" 1 'I ... ., It 1-.: 1l
1'lI llll'l1l'al' \ ' 'h ' 1' '' n , ' I'.\
I, i\! 1I Ir :t i r'!'t IIr all d !':tll
n IJI' L." ,, 1' 11'1 ' " 1,,:1111'1,
" '1
An authorised lubKrlptlon rCDte«ntattve of
n. C5Z••__ 1rJ C.. I I _ n. Ladl.. J .....I 1\0 Sot ....., E,oale. , ... -'1 .. II ___ sz.. U _-sz. ..
III" ... ... .
1.' 1'1)1': 11,,1 ! , , , , , I IjI' 11 111' w h ll 11lI ": 2. 000 ou . \\, 1I ~ II ·d II 111 \'f Il II ' :11 11\ II , .. I I · "'~ \\ tin". InIer::tu.r:::n·od· bU·t"~l;i c~ i,ecie(i . 2 . ., I J , OU j l 1f' li l . \il1i.!' 111 It l .. 111 ·P I·t lI1al h I' 1I i1~ ht Total . " . . , . .. . .... .. . . . . I tie. :i .99 0.Hi j lr-1 1I 1' wit lt II ;1'" I II ' \' 11 1, ·,1. 11 11 01 foI l llI LIABILITIES 11 11 1 III ..... II. .\1 : 111." up" I IL "r r rolt' ~' II1I1 ' • "0.000.00 1'1'1 "" 11 I HI II"" .t!" \\·,·,II · lt .... .. 11 1111,;:-; 111 11'1; ~~r~l~ a~~J P4~~ ~ : : : : : : : : : : 100.00 0. 00 al It i~ " \\ 11 \[11 \1\ In w li lltl l'r . I . U"lIlvloed pront• . . . . . l S. ~i 6 6 1
Inauguration Day. Inongurntlon tillY wns nXp(\ OD March 4. 1789. by the OOOllnental congreNs simply h..reuse the date was Leu current expenses. Intereet ('ollvPIII~nt upon whIch to get the new anti taxDaI paid •. . •. , ~ . 779. 13 govern ment establiShed, a thing which Int.el'68t. alltl dl8co unt ,;o llectod o r credlt.ed , hi "dV(UlClI or matur congr","s wBnted to Rccompllah as 800n It,y aod dot earuod ... ... . . . . liS po."lble ofter the adoption of tbe Olrculatlng " UteO outstandIng . . Net. amoulllM duo to l'illt.lonai ConstltutioD. b.nk ••. , . . . . . , . • . . . ... . . , . . Total or ltelllA ~M. 29 . ao. a I and 83 .... .. . . ... . t U.o OO. OO Peta of the Famou.. Ind'Tloual OOpool'" orubJect to chock .... ..... ... .. .. .. . .. Ooethe and Emperor Tlberlu8 were OerIUlc..... 01 deposit duo lu IIl8B dl?\'oted to tame lerpenU. Rlcbt.r tban 10 day • . .. . . . . .. . . .... WR8 fond ot 8 huee .ptder, Rembrandt DIvidend. unp.ld .. . ..... . .. . Total of demaud depotllta (ot her hnd n fnvorlte ap.. Cardinal Ma.. rln than bank deposllH ) subj ec t 10 n_f\le. Itum. 33. !l4 . 3~ , 30. B pel monkey lind tbe gren t Rlchalleu al.nd 38 , ... ... . . a8 0 . ~76 . H I prererred II collection or ~1I18. DlIla payahlo. other t "lUI ' wit It
R.v.,..ect Position.
I T i ll 101 4' I .:I PI' .... 1" •. ·..: III'" : " " I II tot t un'I '" \\ il ll ... ,f ,
L. E. Kemple
11":1 \.,
oIrl ,II. "I I "r!
I. , ·.t ltll I' q l.'
You'd better. order today-throulh me!
I> l r d "'!I'k ...
. ' f'
\\1 11 , r" :III,, ·,. ... )\1\1 1 ... h, ·I I.... 1 111 I ' ~ 1" I!IIpl.·. l ill I' II ' " \, 11,,', 1 lH' I. ri ,11 ~:'H" III bl'lI t!.! +" II ' ' oI l'd II:' Iii ... ,·h" i.·· I .. i" ",II "'I 111 .. "11 11 ' I .. 1:d ol i .. l lf l1l ' II' :11101 •• lll i l ·, ..... h.,1' I II
• I ' 1111'
War 8a\' hll' Cur tU'lcatos
Whalever yo u h a v e whi c h h eL o utlived it s usefulness - furniture, har dware , Looks, magazines, ba b y ca rri a ges, nass il1{'t s, bric · a · brac, ska t es, c10thillg ·-s hollld he sold. Other p eo ple will b e Rh lE' If) p ill lh e se things to good use.
In marketing, as in f!very othtt
farm problem, THE COUNTRY GENTLKMAN prcacnts the upto·dute, useful foct oluff It will pay yoll to read. And the 5:1 big weekly ISSUe!! that re.ch you durina a year COlt but • I.OO-and they're B bar.aln.
Wlique system o f d ir~ct market·
1/1'.: 1·
11 111 11 \
Thrlf, Stampa ACtually own",1 Bird Songl at PalrtnD a.aeon. . . _ . • • . . ..•.•... . . .. 1 {,67 92 Th .. lelld .. r emotions of the palrln. ' Doud! and aecu rl t l88 ( 01 l1 or l!ll1U U . M. leCurjLJtu., J)itHJIiC\I 8.8(·u lHeOSOn urKe almost n11 .blrd!, however .a&.eral for " ta~tt) til· ol,ll or lio· ulillrulkl l'IIt In minstrelsy. to hecome poalt. (potital exdlhlod I o r hills payable . .. . . . . . . . 3 ' , /'1 011 011 troublldours for the tJm ~ belng-ilvPD 8ecurtt.IN o th er tllQ.u U. ~ , 1I0 ndM from ouch hlnl. 1\8 Nlln'\pll.erll. ~tlnI8. (Dot Inc lud lug a t.ot.: kll ) lI wl1f!t1 and othe'H. the M P B~OO call s forth 1\ OoYJ~~~r~r\I'L ·.Ilei 'o~t~rl ~~t: tribut e .. r onng. Thill oft en tnkes the uf oorporUlonl 1A8u&d tor 11 0 1, leu than one )'car nor mort, fonD ot a trill exeeutoo BH the hlrd Cha.n a yea ... ' lime . . 17, HO[,.U U deacenlls throngh the atr, with wlllgs lI~ock. . ol her Ihau ~'ed.rol He· IOrVO lJank Boock . ... . • . .. uproloed and tremhllne, Stock of Ftkleral Re!llOrve Uu.uk ~60 JlIOr cent 01 aulDacrlp,lon l CauM of F"reat Fire.. ~.:?,r~~~n:l:l~ y.!'!io,:.·I · nc: Tht! grelltest me(' hanteal eause or o:.~r~ ~:~I~' ·au·.i ~;;"~;I;"t~ t oreRt Ilre8 18 tbe O\lCMltlon of th e rnll· dIe rrom natlunul bank • . .. . rood locolllo!l\'(! thruugh \\'o.l(lllllld reo Total 011'001. I~. U . ~4 . H .nd gloo", RI\l'S the Amerlcun Fore"try Ch~:i.~·· ~ ·I'''lik'; ·1 ;'c~~';~·~;';.U" Magazine of WashlngtoD, D. C. FI res ' g~nc~t~u~r O::;:::IC~!h 7ir.:~:h,g "lIlI8e,1 hy portllbl e _teom mills Dnd Redomptlun rum! wIth U. s. other engines are neglIgible os com, Treuuror aud due I'r ll m U. S.
Nearl y every bome co n ta ills IIlm(;' or les!' junk- that is, m ale ria l w hi L' h will lI e ver be used there again.
ing. i. the theme of thll moat lucge.live Bnd helpful article.
Rl<;PORT Statue of l!gyptlan KinD. An EIO'JltlnD atallie of KIng Tout· Of the Comlilion of the Wa y nes· " II !I f'l ' It . ADkh·AmRr hilS beeD acquired by the ville NRti unal Bank, at Wuyn es Mu seum ot the Louvre for JUllt 0 _ ville in t he State of Oh io, at th ~ Q t l ,. ,.r C r~dl" s ( o r B ~b i ('s , M!i.OOO. The lI18tuo, wblch haH been cjose of business, Vec 2~1 . I\I ~O :\ II I II r :1II 1 jll .: II j :111 ' 1 I~ 11" 11 :1 11 .\ 111 "-' In n Fl'('n ~h prln~e'. · po.oesslOD _Ince IIRS OU II(;£~ 1.. /1 II I -': :11111 Iff! t o i l ~ \\ lIi"l \\ 11" ' " '\ I 'r 1800. 18 snld to be a greet work of Lo.... wd dlKuunlot,. luc'1IlH ... ttl!' II IPl l tt'1" I", I' II ",~·. :t lld tid ... i ... II .. , nrt. It WBII badly mutJlRted thou· NdllCoun", . . . .. , . 331 . 1 Zl,Ob Lo.na . ... . . . . .. , .. ... . 3 57 , 127 .0 8 " "I." ' ·I'lI dl,. It " \ 1' " 111/1 \\": . T Ill' 111111' Rnnde of yeRn before Chrlet by the To'a' o verdral",. uoaec1Irod .. . .. . . . . IcIng's 811bJcctll, wrathful over hla mt. U . 8 . Uovernment Soc urltt~ o wn od : S31).'i S 1.111'11 0 11 till' " t it ,·!, Ii lll l' l, r; II 'f' ~ Inn..:. t 1 111,\1 11' 1,," .. 1\ hI I I.. 1111111 ,. ·1'·... ... h ll., . DellO.1t«l t.o IMIClU'I' cIrcu lation MIle.
Junk Is Usefnl Material In the Wrong Place
c-ro ~
New Jersey,
.' i ' II! ..
1 ,I
." ! I ' ~ . ' II
Careful formin g methods hod
ped in. M'curin g adequate trans-
Il Pays to T rade at
.- .
lor Results
11'.11 fhe Miami G,wdfe's Cllls.o;ifi! J CO/flinT'S
'T I ': IIIII'I ' II'"
\\' 111t II 1",.1\ hllt It( 11 111 ,' 111"1''' litli ll lin In d l III 1,.,,'':111 . !\lI d \ ",' .\ ... 1' ·I II I, · r. fl l ,d w ith II "IIIl!' ,' \It ' ll t rlll', ·I., I ' \ " """ '~"": r"lIl' IIlId /In,·-it ll i f 1111'1'1 ' ''': . ti d .. ti ll II II I I, io.:l.: 111 ... ·"1 I... 1\" 111'11 ' 11 Itt h.n ll l' lit t h t' ... 1 .. "': .... 11' 1111'"
Granui ll t ed
a ll d 17 cent s
~ • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •:
Prl'tl('ili ll g :-ll'l'\ ' il'l''''': lu '~I I Ii I II :lI l d ; :01) I' Ill : 1';"\\" ' ,'111 J,l':ll:th'. I ;'I~, i' III 1':1',·1'\ I,,,dy ,' "rol i,d h il,ll l l.d. !
' t ' llt
rcaturill g Rulh l{nlall(1, ill
I,., Itl·l d
~l ll till \' "':l'IllIlIl.
:;lIf1day :
I IPx t
I~? j
II dl
Brad, wc I, ill
"The Mother of His Children"
I :;
I :' . "1 " III Cl' I I
Tile w' " a l >" " Ii,,"
I'lId... 1l\1 ' 1' :u!' llll' 1I1lt'
Th l. Tille r ,
It I...:
pSlr y
H ess' P AN·A·CE- A s trengthe ns the eltg'producing organs and makW! th e henMhealthy and s trong and in· creases their laying qualities J F. Janney.
I II "' 11 111'" Ik~; r. ' . ·~ V , fl1f' ,.1':11
~ 1 "l' I '
;';l l lt d ay ::i('h" "I . ! I .: :II II III 111 1{ fo r ", "r<hil' HI 111 ,: :11
lI1Id 17c
Tuesday, January 18th Fl'al llr in g C l ad )~
Mr . Rnd Mr. . Karl Hawltt', of Day· t on, epent Sunday with rt'latives he re .
::! <2
Autlli ss io ll,
'tll r .v It' l h I httr .. h ~" h,,\)1 a t \1::11 1'" <;) J\l ornirlK ~t.: I \ I,' " lIud '-I I ' f l r lll ll at I . I <> IO::!(l n 11 1 TI l,' ,,11 1>11 " ""rdi ,, 11 1' Ill · • \ il. ·d t il I ) I(''' l ' ", , ' n il' t '~ . ;
"The Fatal Wallop"
~,,culI,J:;ul101 l1~' nr k .. I·;"il ,"a!\~ , .lall . l :
" " II
"I .
"All of a Suddf-n Pegg~"
SI 'Ian' s Chtt rdt
I ".
rl, .
Fealtlrillg !'Ifarg uE'rite C lu rk , ill
I" t fll ll , I ' II '~ !(I "II fll1rlt\III' '' 11111 1" ' 11 \'
EI .. d
:t .. ,'
::!2 a lld LT
Adllli ss ion,
conl nlll~ .
Mttrl U Ia
Use our Classified Adl for res ults
We handle a full ~ln d complete .. line of Hardware, Harness Agricultural Inlplelnents
"Th'e Bra t"
Crcel, Fri cnds Cltur( 1t
:-;1 1111 111), ~('II,," 1 ~ lI ItJII Y II I \1::\11 11
Wllltt!r McClure and 80n, ClIrl. were Dayton vis itors, Thursday .
Fe, luri1l g N a zirnova, In
•• •
11 11) in vited til I IH' e ~er\'k,·~ .
Th'u rsday, January
~ undl1Y Sc h",.1, ~ :;~(). ~ l " , · ti l a! fM \Vo r~hiJl , 10::10 !-:ve ry undy r ortii· :
Phill ip Hopkins a lld John J ones wer .. Dayton visitors, Thursday.
BrinQ' your cd uponll lind lCet free II 'box of PAN·A·C E·A. J . E Jllnn cy
11llrc h '
Ilan'c) ~ hu .. ~ r:riend s Churc h
Master Everett Kerrick is ljuite ill with lung (ever.
J O. Cartwright W ll8 ·ill Lebanon, last week. worklnll on th e Il rand jury
m~;Ii) !1Jl rm~id1iif1llt:i
, Hi hl l' S"lu 01 nt !) ::IU I'rcnohin~ . l ilt 10:;10 a . m . flll d 'i ::lll J1 111 . • Ever~" I • (' II<) inv ited . .1. A l 'in", l' tlst ,..· :
T hil l ' 0 1. F W Onlbrn ll h. Jr .. " ·' ''" " " tlo n,, 1 commandl'r of tbe Al1lP r h'n n l-'llflon. doc! n o l Jlr opo ~c In t>\l :\ "mnho!Cnny de. k" om . clul " 'no cl eul y mn nll .'sted In ~ t "' ...·k wlwn h o hopp d on a trai n tor WII . hln Ktoll to pe rso null y 8uperv l. " t h·' 1"~I U Il'. II ", II t for th o hun li S bi ll ro r nil form er "" r" l~ p rn~1l T hb I'" IItr,· ,ho w" 1'01. Galbraltb bntore Iho Benni e Fl n n n~ o (',.m m III ,'" rnah ttl,: 1\ 1,Ica ror tbe pauaco of Ih., bon u8 bill . whkh ",1\' .... h .b a lr"'tlt y voto" f.. vorably upOu Ouly I,ur t (\ r Ib tl eommll lt·" Is s hll wo io t bo pktllro They are S-a. ,tor. MeCuwber. N . D . ; ldclAMul. Coon.; Ollllnshnill. Vl.. aAd Curt ... .
New O. D. wool dou ble elbow Regulation army s hirt gOY.
~~I~c~e~~ . .S.t~l~~I~,~'~.
Itl'l1 new Ol'iginlllly 'eold fo r $12.00. now , .•
$6145 .
AlI·leather Off ' ~H!' Illttte€'. , all 8i zes. Ori {(in:lll), sold for $8,60 . now ~. •
C'4 25
~~~"~ '. ~, ~~
Regiment March-
$3 95
Ing Shoe.,. pair .. I ., .:* Wool !l oopltal Blanket. 811.de Cer
01 ol hrr 1101;'' !. ou c h Oft 1~lI roy Anr1 Whl pcor fl ("n:t tl•• L 9 UH'r Jerk in". Sw~nt{l rlJ. Breeehel . u l R. r"{'g a ln s, Q YCI':: lI lf , Il QlI\frry. OJo VQe Arnon l!l Pnll hc., t ~ I ) ; I n t ! :,,,n,. low J1 /f' ILfl f'l funttlf! prtC'fl ll nl!! th Abo,' p. • C_
Unl~ t .O "
~~ .~
--"':'. I
If you want to be entirely satisfied, use . our Classified ColUmns ' ,- .
£22 _ _ _ __-
MEETING Of THE COMMURITY SERVICE SOON There ~ ill be a mpl"l inar of I Ii .. Community ~rvice at School hall 011 FridHY eVt'nlllg, January Z8 The Ivenlnll wnl hp ~p.. nt in commullily elnJrlnl and Il'ame;o_ Every body who htU! Illelid ed I he~e meet i rillS knows what lI'oud times are in ~tore for them A committee will lake charKe of the lit tie ones alld Bee that they also hllve a good time Don't let any thinK int"rfore with 'hi8 rneetinK. but come and have a good timll There hall been con.iderable controVllra)' about Community Service People, in eome way, have gotten the Idea into ·their helld, that the Commllnlty Service is taking money from the Ked Cruu 8.lciety, and several think that the Service 18 operated by a rellaioUII eoclety. all 01 which Is erlOneaUI The Community Service Is one ot!Jeven Bocietiea that operated durinlf the war. and each aocid), I. reaponsible for ils own exilltenc and monl!tary conBiderations The eer.lce hIlS oPt'flAted only in tbe citI. elnee 9Je WIU, and Wllrren CllUnly hu thE' unique distillction of bllinl the ftrst munty in the U S . to have thll ten ce Introduced In the smaller tOWIlI. , 1 At thifltU!t counly meeting of the eeven! unita ot the county. the repretentltlvl!. Mr. DIlJarnetle, aave a very Oatt 'erlni' r('port from the New York oJIice, who are very much pleued with Lho abowina of tI.1s CO ..Ulty, and the work they are ae. compllablnw. The .'ebruary meetlna will probIbly be held on Wli8hillllton'~ birth. day. ; l'bt!re arl! 8evllrlll platOl In hlllld fO(thili m..etl'lil'. Kmonlf which ma,v be a P&lfellnt iI,u~ LraLive of-'eolonlal dive Tbe pl.1lI have not been fully decidet.l, and 1Oa..thln. e1 ... ml, be.formul.W by'that time Amoq the Ifood thlnaa for tbat .veDin« will be Prof Georl9 NollD, the fOn, leader who wu here durlnll the Service Institute, will be with u~ qatn, and a fine time Ie expected III lb •• I~lnl' line,
- ............
Me:..a-a-nof ----Waynesville Meeti ::::z:
One of the nlost enjoy abl e and one of the largest gath- ' -==, erings of the Men of W~lyn es yill e \\-as held :It O ddfcll o \Ys f" ,A hall Monday e' ening. wh en o ver ~I hL! nd red rC}l rese nt:lti \'e ' , -~ " 1" !, -- I, ,- ' , "! fI" " I·, lhe ~ .' I lit ' If .... I I" rlln~ lh ~ men of the township gath ered togethei- for th e .I;lIlu;lry Ill cct.,. d 111 ' '' [ !',·,jrl ., · I(E·a rH. al.109. T h ' J . I ..1 f II t . ~ I I"\\ is meeting was noticeah e .tor t lC gOO Cl e O \\' S IIp T h" !-'ur l lll,!I ,I: ' " "I, ,·1 .' I I . , >:,' ,r II .,. ~ til,,' ila.;\,fkl'luall i~ and harmony existin& . bct\\"cc n the menlbcrs.:lnd fro III the h"'I1 ,· "r :\11 "" 1" ',11 , -: 1111 , 1, . \1 .1" I . III " '"' .r II,,· 111"' [ pup"la r A ~ ' lI ld 11I"I~ tIIW I,· 1' 1. ,1' 1I )f' .. I·Hil "h . l~ o\\' very start the meeting went with a whirl . ,,,d'l IIII" ·I'i I•.I' '' llhl. " , h a~alfl~t
1* •
.f ahe entertallUDtllt Prosr&m of readlnp,
Have you !}Ilid your tllXes?
J E. Janney and family were Oav· ton visitor8. SaturdllY.
t'vp ni r l).!
At 7 o·clock tlH'. I~ rile body of me n r cone! i I. i· ·I. ~ a" I h·y ': x i, ~ a I till' II rt . ~. :,h <:.rltl' J a me,; \\' e le h . II f l 'Ia rkl' ~(lU nMi81 Grace Wallon; of Bellbrook, marched to Ih E' dlm llil hull. ami uf- e nl Ilinl' Mr I· rerl,. s l ury waS i l),. and pruiJ ably H,' pre~ enl " II\·I.' J is the lfullSt of Miss Franeea Lamb. ter all were in t he ha ll. I{ev J . 1". 1g r ll)Jhi(' ul ly 1" ld. all d th e trihul aliuns I' W lIar ·J ing- . Dr. Ht!88' Poultrv PAN·A·CE-A Cadwallade r in voked Ihe lJ ivi ne , he had lle llillJ[ inlo I hal cllllnlry ( ft" A 111 111 11 111 \\',, ~ Illud e loy I' . M. 1{lIbbleasin" Th e dinne r Wa~se,.ved by we ll a ~ "l'llin" ' HI I a"U ill ! a l lhi ~ l il ze , and ~e~lI nd ed. t hat th e (' hair makeahenllla),. J . E.Jann 4v_ '11'1'" ".. ,... ,.. the ladil.'s of th p G ru ncre . un u II ve ry titTl e. IOl,k a "reut deal of e ndurance appo int a co mmi l lE'e of Ihrl'P. who . . . . . . MI811 Edoa Howland spent Sat- fine collalio n was ~e r ved in fi ne s t yle. an d Buult!r fu gc t o la"co m p l i~ h t he will ue give n th e power to a p puinl urda, with friend. in Sprlolffield. Durin\t tn e s upper hou r . Mr. A r- fe at. tw co m mi tt ees uf five (·aeh. who will thur Holt presiding at tho; piano. He l olu of Ihl' 1Ct'l' a l privUli ' lnR. 1)f·\..>S ~l1t two t iciu.! t:l fM t he (' ulIl inl{ Dr. Dill. O~teo~th. 21 S. Broad- played se veral Ioe le('tio na th a t we r e of th l' ir fo od . uf IIwir having I h ~ i r d e 'lion - t n!' ){ pti R alii I Bl ues- a nd way, Lebanon. Ohio. enjoyed very mu cn T he J unior O r· pr opcrly c"lIft~cu ll'd hy Ih t' " nl'IIIY . then;' will b.. a friendl y contesl fo r der Quarte t . co mprsed of Mpss ra ami of Lhe grl'a l ,,If' '''1 the J l' W had el e clion of ufli cp r~ fn r Ihe co mi ng Mrs. Mary Caskey. of Dayton, Younce. W E zey. P ie rce and Rog- even 10 ~I "y ill Ihl' cu unl ry. a ll ll f ),,·ar . .. pent a couple of day. bere. lut en, I18ng seve ral topi cal Bo nll~ . and which l"uch.·01 Ih e hellrl s of hi" S L Cart wrighl l,rt'Hc nlcd II reaowere encored after eve ry numbe r. hea fl· rH III ,uc h an (':\I.' nt , lhll l lhey . lution 10 t he club fo r l he ir conside rweek. Yr. l:Iolt accompanyinlr th em on the too . WCl'(' clir ri ed right .. lOBI( with al ion. ~ rs t. th e ad v i ~u bi lit y of askinll Dr Hell' Poultt'J PAN·A.c&.A II pIBIlO. him into I h i~ dev as lal ed anJ down - th e ~ lal ~ 10 ah llli, h t he " l1i ct:' of Com auaranleed to lrive .tllfac\ion J. After. th~ Buppe r, Prof Geo rge trodde ll ('lllflilry '\ "1 he h ad III lea ve rn i:ll>ioncr u f Soldi e rs' Cill ims In th e Nolan, lhe community' sinl( e r w ho he c ui his n-flIli rk H to \l lp·,'at PXl e nt. :i lal e , he ~ t a l ing thal lh is "m ce ca r E Janner, hu just-come into th e cOUII~ Y al{ain whil e hi, 11I'un'r" IV,' re anxiou ,. fllr ri 'll a la q (c mon e tary cuns idera ti o n . Mias Helen Marlatt. Q"f Cincinnati. for a short lime. was introdu Cl·d, and m o re find i::l an o lliee t hal was t- n l ire ly spent the week-end bere wltb her three or four community ! onICS we r e President ~ h itl! fI~' )(1 introduced ~ u p · rllu"u ~. Aflp.r mo t io n. a vote parenta : 'UOIf • .much lo th e d e liglit of a ll Mr . Ke r r . o f Ll'bannll. whl) ~pok e at WIl H laken u nflnifll o u:i ly in f!lvo r of preeent Prof . Nolan 'i maIC ne tism Borne length on Ih e !lilY S('uut rr\ uve- all' nd oni n!{ th e ol lke Me8IInI C'laa Cook, Chas. Woollard will make a man sinll wh e the r he I ment . whi c h. u;' Ih e way : haH 1~~f'B ThE olher purl of the resolulion and JI!8te Burton were Dayton visit· w8Dts~oornot. AglanCeaboutth e l ina ugura led III Wavnesv lll " . lhe wasabilllh ill i ~ ue in!{ inlro' lu ced on Monday . tables witnessed men singing who m ov!!rne n t ha~ Htarled off w ilh s ix- in t he H ou~e provid ing' fur u ~ late were never before known to Mingo a tee n memut' rs , and ~I!ver al mo r e ar e mou nted policc or c U fJ~ labu larj:. ~ i mMr. and Mra Ethan CoI"man and note. This feature proved ve ry e n : expec t ed to come in be fore long il ar t o t he o nes in New Yo rk, Penn two daulfhters, of Toledo, are vialtine tertalnlnlf. Cha~ Bu ell has acce pled lhe posi ti lio n , sy Iva nia a nd ~evel'a l o th e r s tates . Mr. and Mra. J. H . Colemao. After the alnlflna, President White of Scout lend er, a nd with his long i T his b ~o u g h t forth q llile a uit o f rapped for attention, and in a very pxperience in th e Nat iona l G ua rd Of l d lSC USHlo n p ro an d CO il . bu ta fl e r a . Our Speclll for thiS week-lJR. clever manner introduced the princi. Ohio, he is an abl e leade r. wh o w ill mo Llon th e ma tte r wss lalll o n t he I:I~S' POULTRY PAN·A·C£.A- pal ape8ker of tbe evening. Mr. Sol- teach the boys many good lessons . I la bl e for th e ne xt mee ting . . try It . J. E . Janney . omon Fred. of Lebanon . Mr. f1' red, Numerous qu estions we r e as ked I Mr. F r a nk C. Anclerson . thut s ple nwell knowlI to a1mo8t every member hy members. re lati ve to th e m ove- Id ld represe n ta ti ve of the Men of Mlaa Jeannette Janney and Mr. of the ehlb. Will in aood form. and ment, and we r e a bly ans we r ed I Lebanon, i'as cal led upon a nd reEthan Crane. 01 Wllmlnlfton colleae, after &.few of his famQus Itories, be by Mr. Kerr . The ne xt m eetin g of : 8\londed in his us ual very happy and spent the week·end with rtlativel went into bill subject: "Ptlland- the Men of Wayn60lville (date to be f(1 r ceful m an ner . Tbe Bome of Padl!rewllki." Mr. annouced lale r ) will be Ilive n ove r t o I A f t er u moli l? n t o adj o urn. lh e H, any Sh.erwood arrived home" F--". ;"bo "u.on the arouod but a th O ve ment and will be addressed la r ICe cu mpa ny dis ba nd ed. ami e ve ry F d .. • 18 m o . _ . bod y we nl lo thei r hom es fee lrng n ay everllnlC, f rom a tw 0 "eeb...... few weeks IIlO and who waa born by Mr. Ro berts, wh o WIlS With u s III we ll r e pa id fo r a tt e nding o ne of the vllit with relal!Vet in Detroit. MIch. - - . I nareci in ibll far-off country, a recenl meelin~ . ami se ve ral .o t he r l bes t meeting~ eve r held in Way nes. .N WM well able to tell all about the spea ke rs , umong l h e m be ing e x - vill e Ha,e you paid v_our Mr, and Mra F. 8 . Headenoa and Mr. Lee Henderaon Ind two c:hJklrea The Mennonite.. H i. Conc l usi on. F ound ing of St. Lou ie. " , . Mennonit es d e rhlf' tht' lr n atn~ " T lI .. nr 111:11 fill ' It ' I,,,,Q I!" 1!1I11I l?' to were Davton visitora, one day lut ~f . l .nlll..:. \\' :t ~ (u l lllI lt'll Ff'h r unry 14. fmm Menn o Simons, for·m,' rl y n Cnt ll· "Itlp lll \' WO IIINI I tlll /·n ll l'j· l o r .... .. ,,\\·p lt . 17(\4 . 1,,\' 1'11'1'1'.· J. Jl clrdr- Li ";II,·. t '"111 week.
ollr pr l (lo~t . who hp('nmo n 1()nc1 ~r
( )f
i ______________
Mrs. Job n Shot' lIl flk,' r . ,.IH' "lid daughter. of Xt:ni u, fin d \ 1i ~, /;'.ay Smith spent-Monday afternoon with Chaa Brewater Ind family .
1;I: n .
AlI-':U z.. fl ' f 'I1 "I1I,·III1 . 1'1 11 111 111( frO ll 1 :'\' e w ()rl' ·JlII.... ""III I1 i1U!t1 n f u r ( rlil ling pll f II1. rll til\' 1. 111I1~ 1 1I 1 1lt pur4'l Iu st.. in
1 ~f):l.
Come b ac k s , ..
It fI \\11111111 1 I ~ :l foI CIiOti nr I't trltllru,:, YIlWI. II 1,1I 1 II": ~ 11t· Is lit rllll l d lll..' " " P T-h .... : u p , 1111 ' (1) "a 1!'oJ Ii "UI' t' \\· h ll wr ... -~C'''' I 11 11\" '11 H i \ l!I\:I .I~ r ·_
tf'ltd Hl r
It ll~ t\ rt nhnpll~l ~ IIhollt
Uncle Sam Delouses __Trains in Fight Against Cooties
BrinR yOIll' eoUPOM and If8t free I boX.Of PAN-A-C£'A. J . E Janne7.
feu. Lewle I.ft. FridaJ momlne. for Phllad.e lphla, after a pleuant vi.it here with relIU,. and friends He will eta)" In Philadelphia for about : • week, whfln he will leave for the I Pacific: couto ",here he will Join bls Ihlp. He re-enllsted torth,. . ,..,.
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~ l all·\I/I". " it,)1 Il l '
h LJ !'i balld ~.\" l!n '\" l r / l d "1. ": ;t n ' l\ le r lain ,d I'- rid a." 1" "' 1111 1~' ·.1 he a u l ifllll'",," 1ry 1",/110' "r ~1 r Mr~. I(al ph Mill,: r
1 '1- 1
t' ncle SRm 's encount e r with the cooll o during tho war was 1I0t experle nco. Allhou.gb It ts not genorally known-:ho haa All the big ItlllgulII line up tbla hoon b;lIl11ng "arlous klndB of crOll cooties for mol\.)' years . to l!l~,8lI' Iprlng ' three ·s .r eul oxamplM of tr nl that th e d eportment's work haa doVClloped until I\Ow /lireat de- . blolsl'bull manacerlal cOOlobal!k. 11)1I ~i np; " mnchlDC8 "hleb fumlgato a tT~ l g!lt tnln wltb eue nre In -III bo OD lbe Jolt. Jobnn), I!lnn, ol>6raLion Tb" duty of the Federal Hortlcultonll board II to guard afler' belog bU\Jeted about at CIIltbo United StateB bordenl and' preyent tllo antrallco of InjuflOU. plant elnnatl. Boaton .and He", York. II In~llI This b9ard baa u-.ed Aml!llICR.1I farmen million I "f dollan. apln a' the belm of th" Cull ma· . J Ist.. now lile Mexican border Ie ba1ng watched 111MB!, aplnlt ploll cl" ••: Lee F!I~1. -hi) IUaqsc"cl b~lI",oTm . Tile plctllres Ibow. uppor, tho.lnterlor ot .a e,allide plant • Cte!lllaar team beWtI ~~ II" l.arcHlo. Tox .. wbere the .pollonou" gas Is turned Into a ItrlllC of peaarllf, "q lpad .lho it.. ,Looii IrO'lIhr CArR Into tbe U. S. Conter . e.x lerlor or a hop· fam .. row-. ud Wild Bill ·OOllonn . listion' ploll the Department or AerIC.ltll,.. lAwer. memo r _ ' Pa 01 the New Yor1l:,. ber. board wblll)l enfo~ the crop qllaraDUne yan.. afto~ I IIUOII III tile laWI Or..IReKarl Dr. W . D. H.aler, Dr. Cbaft_ L. Mar· mtnn.... will ..................... Ad&. d.atnaaa. .. "'wwUa. " .. " .. n·a l..
~t ' '
1 11, 1;1\
1" \· ,, " 111
' \t'1." I ~·g, fh ll ~ wh o al :-- .111,, 11 hall h ad a
II I, ' 1!' 1' , lIl''' .
\1111 '1
J ~ t ' ar..j l ",il' r(ained It·all I. t'l..! llln teanl. -
! II", ~. Ll lll'
\\ ., - \ I r \ t'~rit in ~ and .nue ,I' II,, · 1., -1 .,, 1 ",," \'Il· Hn, ·, t g' a ll1 e~ :LI.d 1.,\ , , !' Ida~ I,d " II I h" h HlIl l' Il ' HH. 1' "
I I,. · lil',1 l"l: r ,,'IV II,,' luc al I,OY" pi" ., 11 11;: - :.rll IlI1J lil l·,-x -, uldi e rR. bul !\ merry c rllwd ,, [ )''' IIlg f"l k" ill Iill' 1",1 half thl' I' i · il, ' r~ had a ga l her ed a l lilt' il ll fll e " f ~I r . lar l.: l· -'I"H,I .. r [n·, h lil ' II. w h"m Ihey I., I" , J. Ii'. III~ 1111 .. I hl' ~HI"l' I·:ntlu rT homas .Jam 'S la ~ 1 Th u rsdfl)' illl{ The t! v(·ni n(.! wa" " i' 1,1 111 d al .• ·- If l . ~, t l dd ,I ll I ti P 1111111'\ U')y s, und in g l!Od piaying l(al1u'" 1\1 II la l(' 1I11 I' wl'r" d,·I,·al,·d. ::~ III :!:i. I{ue ho ur lig ht rdrcsh lll l'n L' w,' I' i' "£' I' I'<.'d I hll\\' iil d,,· rt·f,'r ·I· d Ih i ~ c o n t t'~ l in u af ler w hi ch l b ey d, ' pill'l,',j \\,i ,. hifllo( VI" -, l·tipaLlt· I lIan l lt'r . '1·III .,da.v lIi~ltl till' Bea r,. Ir!lveled Mr . James rriul1\' Sil l'l, 1I1' I'a,i'Jll:' I.) 1.. ,d a,,·i1 II' . when' I h €.' ~· d e fpated II,l' I·,dl , .... · 1 { l!~" I' V"'. ~ I i W Ill. No
\ '''ltlJ r !i
1'\'1' 1' II)lIr, ' rdyallr treate( t.
1';,,'1') I·" url, '., )' p""" ilil,-, Hplend id "·f,,r",·If'Il. I." wl'lllig lili ll . a nd last, 11111 1.. ",1. a linc suppl' r ~;fter t he "a llil' :-':1111 ' 'I'a h ~ fll r Cedarv il le ! Til e rt·dtl" ·,, al I ' I<lI illl( to get re," 'fl!!" f rlllfl Iltl' Leullnon A " . l.;um , Lus t Fr iday t'v(mi nl[ t ill' W. II :' . al :-;d l" .,J ha ll. Friday e VI' ning. Co rne q uinl e t wen l to Mu~o n 10 g' i\'!! 11,,'111 nlld ",·t· I It "I II .I" it. The boy~ ~ ur .. ly a round lJndE' r s, m e J im c: ullil·~ . the boys carn e h ume vi ctor ious hy It sco re o f 31 to H. Th e non r wu ~ na rro w but lonl< . a nd o ur boy ~ could n.,1 ge t so me of Ihei r pa g~ work Ih f'l 'L1 g h very we ll. T he lin e- u p :
Pu~ .
Wa ynesvil le Rurt on
Maso n :'mil h Huhr Bo wk t' r J)r a ke Il i ll
.).. hn I··ranklin Shank. ~ on of Jogeph Hnd So phia Shank, was horn J ul y 7. J one~ 1.%(;. u e~r Bruu ke vi ll e. O hio , an rl (. S. Thom as di ed at hi s hOl1le. near O reg onia, rg' Ri g g s .Janua r y G. IV:! \. aged !i·1 years and M. Th o mas II(' I; 1110nl h,.. Waynesvill e ~lIUS - Car r . T hIHlIPl'le wa~ united in m a rri !lg e to M i ~ H so n and Alle n I';v!l ~ haf er , of Eator~ , Ohio . and uf Nex t Friday e ve nin ll ulll h th e IllI Y' I his un ion were bo rn l WO children. and i'irls' teams uf Maholl IIi will Iw Wil li I' Sy!vesle r and E l hel Mari e· here f o r gameR with tlt e Incal Hi. TItE'se twu , with the ir m uthe r an d hi A Xeni a Hi will be he re on ~ at urd '\y two ~ i ~te r s - M r ~ . Ed na May Ha ines . ev eoing. whe n th e re will he two o f ulifu rni a , anrl Mrs. Min ni.! Be ll games betwee n t he ft rs l an el ~e conel [[ OUHC . of Duyl on . Ohio - a nd a hO!lt teums . of re l ati ve~ IoI nd f ri c ne!~ . ar e le ft to InlJurn Ihe I . l~g of a !{lJud h us ba nd. a Ill vinl< fa l h,!r . II devo te d bro th e r a nd a kind fri l, nd His fa th e r. m o th e r anci si ~ l er. Mr'l . Good. hav e Jlreced (~ d him 10 t ht· S piri l La nd . TIll' d e l'ca~e" ,,, ill bl' ki nd ly reThe January mpe tillg() f St. Mury' ~ Guild was held at th l! horne of Mr ~. Ilw m ll t! rcd for h i~ many (ret'd ~ lIf D L Crane, las t Thursday af te rn oon k inl! n l· "~. "ver re ael y to hd p in Hici(Mrs. James McClure was e lcctl'd nc~,. . and 11 11 l"I e c" ul el cure for them presitient, In place of MI '~ J II . Irel le r than he . 1·1t: wu u ld s il by Ihe si d e tlf a d yi ng fri en d a nd hol d Co leman , resig ned . The regul a r bu si n e"~ was lh ~ f1 di£- Ih" ir hand as l· nderly a~ a m o the r . \losed of. a fl er wlti eh Ih,· lenlen IllI l fllr th e las l tw e nt y-four mon ths No wo rk fo r the Chil dr e n' , h'J' lJilal waH lie Ita!:! ireen a ~ r('aL ~ lIffe re l-. .. n,' Inll hill ,,,, lf and h i~ God kn ew d isc ussed . - - - . - -.: - - i ll~( huw ",rea l Ihe ""If.·ri ng was, J'Cll l' ~ 11'1)11101 trick It· dow n h i~ c hee ks h i~ wltul" hl)dy w(1 uld q uive r .v 1"'11 lh,' p" in WaR g' rt'a l \·~ t . I '~ ve ry I i'"lg tlta l Clll iid IJ . .I"",' uy 1I I"vin" Wlf.· an d ('h lldrl'l1 . wa. un d ~ ·· lak ~n. ~at III'; Ill·al l h Ifl lt.(h l I,, · fl 'slu rfl l, " l'lIl hi, 1.')1'.1 knew h.. ·. I . >ln d ~ . all till' .' Ull \\'11" I\lw ill t he W ,,~ l . ill Ih e Se ve ral me mlte rs of Ihe l'w~ 1 f,'a rlll Ii r~ l wi·(·k " f II ,.. rh.!W yt'a ~ . th e Bureau altend ed u di ~ t r kL Irll·l' l in).( 1:,.;; 1''''' 'alliC to g'll tl lcr til e " heaf fur of th e farm hurc ll lI. at lJAy llln. Mu n· till! Ma ~ te r . d ay. The m ee tifl l{ waH in Ih " "u l un' of a conf e r e nce . 1111 01 nl a ny I{o od .. ' I{Ol'k fl f i\g' t'R ell· f t f M m ... . ' S lIfl g' U iJIIV ~ a culli n lid . things we r e inl rot ill ced a nd wil l IJnrll'rfl caUI all rc~ tf u lly. . probably be acted u po n a t Ihe fle .• l A ll l l f~'~ jt1y ~ Iwd ~n rr o w s htd. :--I,.v" , 1110ro'. () ,nur rn-losse ll gu ul . m ee ting. 0J "\" 'I' lIl o r(' fr ll in willd tJ~ Iid e . :'oi,· ,·" r Il)f lrt· f l' l1 f)1 hi ll\lws ro ll, ~ ill I It''' 1 fI ,·l· t! I hy ,e lf 10 htt.le. rf If
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(;.11 111 1.\
Ill eel in g ~
" (I" li d Ih, ' <iKhl le,,". slIllk"n e ye~ . . t ·1""I·d 1'l'I"'alh I I, ~ ~ .. fl ~ray hair. CII:lld t he mUI,' a ll d rilifl'" ned lips. M,1\'l' a~U1f1 in pleu,lin;r p.r uye r • ·t ill. a}t' "I ill . I he won ls Will b ~ .. , ' 1. '1 1I l1' Ilil h' tTly ~ If In Thee
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allho.> M.
I "at l cr~ "ip
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Dr . Holt are gr uw illl( in inl,-rl"<1 nil th e tim e There ha ve iteen t.wel ,· ... conversions. Mo!eli nt.( "" pry a f lt'lnl)on at 3 o'cl ock . lind t· Vt' I' Y t'veni ll ~ at 7:1 5 All ar e cord ia lil' inY II!;!d 1., be prCAent
child, of
.~ '~ .~IIIW; ....... '" ~ ..,,'pdafiI-... Il _,
Th" .1,,111
E church. und er Ih ..
The protrllcted
~ till "'•
l 'ar~' Y
Mr, --.nd Unl. Robert Crew ~nd Phlneu Cook left, ·1(0...., momln., for tb'l South . Tbl1ri •.,toLakeland, Fla., wbere th., will epead aev~ ctn! weeki. Mr. Cre,,', mother and and brother are located at tb"polnt, and are enJoylq &be ~~ climate
· Mr. and lira u,.IleJ . 1111.. and Wllml..... Del., are lpendlnsr a tew " . . . . with IIr. end, Frank S~berry, wbcp bu' been Mra. G D. MUla. Mr. MIIII and tamworld,. at Madden', lumber yard. lIY.willjfO to IlIIno" about ~e tint ht......... In .the .., the busa 01 the .tnonth. "here LaDelI., will ." 1M, week, iacl ~ 'IS"- Wt b. take a cWi 10 ,the lto.....lf qf much to tile paiD ad . . .tIa- 111iftoIe 'alataat . IIIItnIetDr ~ ~ Of 1Ir. 8taebrterry. 'l'Ibe . . c:bemlatt'J. ,JUa IIWIJ f~ bere
pt· marie;
I l un1 1' 1'
t a;ned t" di n rlt ' r, ~ IJ " "H\, ;\ Jr . H I d Mr ~ ( 'I) !en ulI l.Ju l·k .. II (tIIl J "'"tI, Ila l' .\
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HeIII' PAN.A-CE-A tltrengthena eel ... IaMrumental mlJlic. It wu the etrg-produetll8 orpna and makes md , that lOme of them at 10m,! the !;lena healthy and Itrooe and In~ t tra....ed witb I cireul. creuee their laylnlf qualIU... J. E . ....., tb_ fumllhed III with Janney. ... • ..Icb were In rlddl.. When ....,. It pro.eeI te be .. yery ellter The Woman'. Auxlllar, of St. Job. ".... trea& ot .,pl. and Mary', churcb will meet with Mrs. the NIt of Cadwallader, Friday afteroooo at 2 the "-l01r " " apent in coutee.. o'clOck. All mt'mbera urpci to be aDd' pm.., "blch were full 01 fun present . All departeclat a late hour, votlnw the Blu...... entertalnera. Word hu been received here by A Ri!d. relatiVes of tbe ..rfou.llln. . of Au ' M. Eirbert. of Kanaa. CUy, Mo. Mr. Elbert wu he", 1Mt Iummer and .pent 88veral "eekl 10 the neighborbood . Hil IIIn_ co... 18 a areat • hoek to bl' Many friend.
The annul' meetlni of Warren County bureau will be held In the Granee hall. Lebanon • .Ohlo, TIl...tIY, January ~th. All-day meetliljf_ Cateterla dinner wlll- bto ..rved by the ladies of Lebanor. Granae. Everybody invited . The County AlfeDt will m~ke his I't'port ot work done the put year. In lbe afternoon. Mr Pruifh. of Montaomery County. and Mr. Ketner, of th~ State Farm bureau will addretlll the . meeUne
IIJ I .. ,
LJ "
11' 1 '
I' ~
aoontt~tc~a~wW~'~hh o[ I 'iq U H{ J " iIJ .
JI~l'tb; Mr. and Yn. Perry Tho opened thtlrlottly bom• .for tM • to entertain the Red.. Th.
Mias . Inez Thoma~ Il ud M r R lIl p h lin d pllltll ~h l"tI h is IITru e C h rl ~tla u _ 4. Dyke Viere wO lln er fuli y •• n t:t·LH.ined lI t!'r ' In l !'ir.R. Tb4t F.rt'J SUnday-ec:hooleholr.had at the horn t' of Mr . / lind Mr~ .)<l hn
IIO-r. ue and ac.d aide-ancl the Blu.~loet Lut Friday eyenlna,
(.Ir ThankA
W, · Iil'"rl' III " x le" d nur s iltce re l hu " k~ III 1111 I' f l' i t! nd~ (l flJ ne ighhtlrs 1'1)1' t heir ~) Ilip a lh y a ltd ~ indnl!" s. 't' lId l,~p d U" ill lIu r lat e ~o rrow. in
lilt' g'reUl l o,~ t, f our husband and fullw r . W' u!.;" wi"h ttl t h a nk th e ~ i ll gf! I' R fo r Iheir heautifu l songs. the rrli ni ·~ t ll r f,r his con~o lintr w o rrl~, 'ifil l Ihe unt! e rl a kerq ftlr t h eir 'i e ll t ~ e " v i l'u . ~ lr.• ~ E:va Shank urHI Family ;
- --_... _--
I hIVE' yo u pa ili y,l ur " -~
tll lt"
AI<li ng Avl.to .... "'lTn I hRftoons Iii e Si'Ttt-np"- twIce 111111,\ f roUl thl~Q··(l D e O)hs ef\llnc - ta·
The band con cert , ~In l~fl fo r Lhe 26,th of this mon t h, h88 been called off indefinitely Plana hlil'l been laid tl n n ~ III the t]IlII QII Slllt~ to a l't'4l ~ and werll well u nd er WRY, whe n the tlliu <ltr r liOn 111\0 "(,,rlly or olr I'D,," I•••"I ~ ru r the IllI'dltn \'l! of e \·liltora. affair WUlI called olf .
YN~ OHIO. t-..'n l'l~, ull\ 't
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Tllt'l!' \\ II 111I1hlt1 ~ "'('"tm1'" in I\l~ C: 1', ' t · I I I\~ . nih t lu"' r llt"\ I' ' lull II pUUlIlt
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Ii I'''' t ")1.'" hrn ttH' r h.\~ 111 ' \1 11 ,
r' u rll III play,
(ulntl~· ."
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Have ' y ou got irYour Home? "
"11'11'· ... • Ih" h- I YOII ,,1111 to nnd u u,"j"
ThHC' Is Rn
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A\:i) \\,11 ' 1,: -~ I ': \'I': ~V ' F/\ .1,11.\: TI) ' ,\ II I ) I'. ON 1111 :-;
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y .lu ':01 YOllr
Maddell's Lumber Yard Waynesv ille, Ohio
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:--0:1 Ill,"
~1 1 l'
1'1111 , · 1,11\\11 1'.1 . IH · \ .. I! 1' \ "11 "'11 ' I H 1..:1;,111 ' " I llII'h. ' 1 111I:i (:I ,' l'\' l 'r!ll dl! ~ II 11\ 1.;11 11 \ ' ":1 ... 1.. 1' 11111 11 ~,,« I · .. uld Ii ;", 11"I",d, Tl w r t' \\ ''1' , ' !lit III' tI, ·I''' '!III 1I L::tlll"l Itt ' r , :llId 111 1· ... " 1I 1~"1 .L:llil ld .. \\1'1"" 11111 "\1 ' 11 11'''11', ' or \\1111 1 Illld Ild, "1I 1.1:11" ' . ~Ia ' g IlH I, ·" hi l I' 1111 1' .. ,· IlIld , I' I I ... ,dl tit f llllil " ..: \\lIlt ' l', IIlId lip 11 ~I' "11'1' 1' 1'1101, ItI 'Pll td , 111I t 111 111 Ih ,· , , 11 , ·.\ II I' tlu ' ( '"I IfllI\\ t1 l1d . 'rl l 'rl' \\ :1": 1 11~h' t1all~ "r (If 11I1", t lllL! 1111 .' 1111" 1111\\ , ... 111 ' IW" Ilt-1! til 1I\ l d d. HIIi I l'I III ' 1... ,,,1101 11" ' '' 1' \\al ' l l " I'~ III Ilh' lli'lI11 1' 1" IIII' 11":t 1l , 1111 ' WfI .' · \\lI ll l d Ill' 0 1" '11. ~ IJ\' ,·it l lt ,· II I',HI th ...·~ l · ,111 ... 1 I .. •· 111 1 I II ":
\.~u ru t l ':
\\' \·11,
"hU l l !
,' Ull UI' , · h, ljl lL:
11I 1!!llt t· ·'
".-\II ! tllt'rl ' ~ .. tI
Il "hll'lIt ·d
111 111,,1
II I ..
~1 1t: I" u, ' II~d tJU I 11t, 1' 11111111 /Ifill r"u nd
... 1'11 '
h l:-;. I1S 11 r""4It"d 1..-1 11 llit: 111 ' 11 of t' url ·
HI. '"
r lll:,:,"~.
H is th l &; I 'r pn ·s.!!'l·d ,11\' I I h ' ': I ' 1 ""'1I d 1111 tur ltl II I'I\lUI'I II ltl.III '. . \ 1,,.., \\ II ,' n'd Hnll \\ u .. tlIIIIG Up, ,I .. , Il il lI l! ":11\' vlrll: Ht 'h~ r ock fUI ' :<111 ,, 1111"; Ih "1 1 u
c rnshill lo:
('hA ~rn HIIlI tile n ~Xt Ilist u llI
111 1"
.. y •. ~:. l it- nnS \\t ·rt·" \\'l l tltHJ f r..-lll fl VIng hI .. j.:hZC ( r O IIl 1114' trull hdu\\,. " ) '111 1',
111 \
t.' cl1Ut1 8,
Ih L'
\\· OIT.\·
1' 1\ ...
I; Iu IU: , .
"" t,\\·
tl'II II1P . R l.!11,u l
Y ou
II rt'
un o
s poke 01;11111, A s h n rp litt le h ~T ' '·Llke
r flh'h III
\\ h it-II
@h e ('ou ld
n OI r" si ru in , "Yes," "1- 1 clolI' l know whllt Is going to h llPPNI. I - I Alii nOt atrald, hllthul It Sl'e lll ~ to IIIP I - I ",oull l li ke
,u.- ....
to li n ,' ",,>
n it:! o n ce more tlr.st
mil l' ho\' c on
YOII know,"
Slwlhy tunwu hi s IJnu .'o' 8IJou( . I t!nv·
III;; Ill s
'uc h,1 r<,\,o ll',' r Iy lll g
HIt)III ~ ,
l' ulIJ,:ht
0 11
Ih e
hUIHt s
CtI':" I'ly , 1'11' ~IIILI til hpllr YOII ~lIy lillie t:lrl ," h e E'xl'l nllll ed, his
I . hll i .
" 1.01'(\ ,
flJ.:' lnw.
lie lilly
J' \'~
"1 rt 'c kO Ii
huH Afn.ld 0' ~' nu, lIIun! ;
h c(> n
~o rt ~r
Bllt I nl n't leoln ' .'·"11 s lIre IU t'H II It ,
:you T'
dO Il 't
JIt' r t·," '*s luuk('tl. IWIl f'st ly, Ctlrll(l!;:l·
I... 111101
1118, 811'11"'1'111';
tH'l r lip'" ~puk p . " \\· I. h Jill Illy
TUIIl ."
II ., ,Irl ' w 1"'1' ~lIrrl)' 1011'111'11 iii III , tor· ~ "tI' lI l .. r All ,' I., ~ , T ilp lI n d nr ~ p"l 1' ldo ll~I\' , II IIII 0 101111 Hl rll('!< Ill e ':IIt;e
~'HntJlt't ,
of Ihe
~ t"lH' fI~' ln ~ \\'II ~
st" l lIlIng n SI'II II I l' " o f Ptl "i t Ihr lll ,
a 101lg, lI e rl'e' rll ckl ll!: 11'11 It.
dll rll. ~ which lI",y res lo',1 ,le i" by ~ Ide, Int t'1I 1 on e \'l'ry IIIO " e lll e li l below, hilt " "dln~ lill ie oppo rtun ity tor 1I ('ll nn, Occn,lollll lly Ihe), SI)oke. bul ,," "PI'u lly l'alllAl nl'lI s llenllY wlll c htui. T he In· , ,li Ans kepI up 0 des llltor~' Ilre. an d lJe· I hilld Its SCl'een we r e ev ide ntly lOoking II Chilli!;" o[ I'(lSlllnll , ye t 80 s lelllthil y os 10 iJ e hll rtl ly o hscr l' e<l, Th ~)' e X1'0s f' iI Ih~ ,"sell' es fl'ce ly e noug h beyood p bl.)1 rnllge, WHof Owl th ey we r e flul Iy IIwore ot the cai llier ot Ihe w en POllS confronllllg th ern, bUI c lose r In tire 6n I'n gee c repl tro m r ock to rock In· \'lslh lc. Twice onl," did S he lby 8ue· ' ceNI In ge lline n fn lr s h o l-ooce clip plnl: n sClllp loc I; from . au Incautious Iy I'xllo.ed li eo d, lind ugnln I\'llIglnw 0 hm n' Id .o l'ec kh_ ly attempled 10
r. . llom
HI ,enl n g, tli e l lptm
Thl ~
IJllr l'OW
tll ·Ol ll)l ·1I
tro ll l
(oc l hod u t utth Lk wus ttl" hil id li n d "'"IIIH Io 'Ll III l li e Ihl .h , IIlId u lI 811le 10 !.l~l erm\ n~ct, tor SUV lli:f.' H lI1H"I' : II Hilt-< Ii 1' :11,: hil ll :-:, 'If III ~ h l'lIe r , nlld SO(J1'1 n Dot th e S lou l' III ...:. or "lI r l ~t · , J tl t · '" ~11I 1.·\\ j n ' d unl l rt.: lI (' hed 0 111 frll lU LJ ~ Ult~ oue mUll wh o 1"o nl11 11:1\(' :1 1" ' 11 1 n llutl II fl wk i ll UII t!rrlll' t 111 l' eS C'lI '=! object In thi s u,sltu lt wu ul t! 1'1 ' 1.111Id , Tld!il W:I.~ w ith d raw n qu ld, Jy t l :-i II Beyond all QU l' ''i lll1l1 It \.\ a ~ Ill ' \, 110 I ~ p f' t'Ll I I-I~ bu ll l· t ~! I'Udi with in tt ll l udl h~
w •• b eblnd Uu.' t" rru rt , urjZl'!I
11 11
pe.rsonal batre d, u s well
.h·' sl r u
I\ !'.
10 pili poss " "s l fl~ of Olt:,t. "II~II. ), wonder .." wl lUt lilt> (dIu\\' IIl t J.!lt1 ~dlll \\ . Could he be owor t: l It ti lt' , ·..:, 'l l\ le Hf U Ilcklln 1 DUti t1ull P ti'H.:ll u It lill rl d d"!1 tortll In selll'{'h rur IIclll7 If II " 11 1' 1 lbot ml,hl occount fu r IlL, ''''''1,,·rUI" . efteern ess t o
wllul r. ,.. j 'ol !lI lh 'p
th e, cnuld o trer bcrlll"t~ sll,· , ." II I ' ll I'd reI probolily 001, tor It I,. dl.1 kllu \\' the CIJ'nrd 10 111m w,, " I ~ ru u'e hllll to seek nlllil b e for~ lie cfl ul d I.. , ('or ll .. ,..,01 lD Ihls (,Iu ee. II wne fur 11 1.. 1'1' lil," I) that he heIl e \'et1 hlll1 !'1e tr HPI 1(,":.' c! I llt' I't>· 11 by Shelby Hn,1 lh e girl. 11"111",1 \1' 111, • re 'o h' ~r or h" o. III HI ho \'11I1-;: tl. 11 11 1· 11 .. <1 ~U .l.ly ot 1Il1llllll n ltl o n , II ~ Ra\l' lil lie peril In Ihe 6d " " l l\lIr~ , ,,,,, I II,;· u nod Ihal a quick , s harp ru ,h , III" \I'll'" rl ol
ItAoplll g fro m
ClJ '· ~rt
10 ,: u\ 1·1·t.
""ould '1'10 811 eoSy \, kl ll ry, li e 11'111.10 1 It~S) up u ateu (ly rill e 11 r... CrulII I I~ b lnl.l Ihe r ock I, for~ ln.: Ih e ,h ' f" I "Io'I ' ~ to "~,, und(lr co\'~ r . "rid t b l' !! Slllld l ' II '
' lY 8\'1Ii1 a chorlll n ~ uart}' I..
11<1 I I I~
Ull t~t n ' II'I I _ 'd
t ile
h ll lliL
Th e
lu ·
JlIl'l'd \\lIt'l' l ol' 1:1 .\' tilt" ''''' l\\II l' IIIIJ ~ wit II I
po1n . 'I' ll,· lnlnu t t's d r'n",n;t!l l tllltl 11UIr un 11 .,u r , till' Slr Hlu t'" d 1I ,,"I'\' t" !i o r Ihe d e· f t' wh·r'" till , · dp::~ . f .l bll W:I ~ It'l'll1 l1llu g
f r ow 11"1111 t v fUIlt.
s l rll ~ ~lIl1g
r~ ·
I filii st'lt·clllltru l, S l ll, lhy li en'!' relllxl ll ~ u "'lu ::'(: l~. or ur ..'I·tl ll g til,· ""PH rly f,;U 1....• rills t're""'. SlI lh h: nly l it.! rll :'W to hl~ k tP'I'-;. ,~ ,' p \' o h ' ,' )" ~ t' I I 'Pt' d III (lllll t~ r
hUll d , ' '' n l t: rt ' '~
LII Ilti IInw,"
HllIlotan CPll
"11111 111~ .
s ,,,:
1111' ft· l lllw "Isn, 11 (1 111 1:: h ... r h t' :I" t o p" l' r U \'P I' Ille lo\\' r im .,f roc k . ":Iltlld1t11,( III tht" 0l,en t r Ail , h\ll ju ~t
1... "",,1 1'11 11':" ,
Ii .. Il el,l 0 r ill e In hi s
11 :111' I .. , \\ III i'll h ~ swung uhtl\'l* hi s 11 , ·;.11 . II I t l,, · S UIll ~ lim e l:h· I(l~ ut · , ,'1':1 11 " " In II lI ollr:-oe shout. It IJlUst hlt\" III"'" :t ~ 1 J..:nu l , for Ill s t nlltly UIOHt· ! '" I; .. ~\ .' r" tdu c k "'lth hulf' lIukt"d tlg· li n ' "
It-.. " 1'1 1HZ:
1II 0 tJly
t o rwnr,1.
w it h
rllt. ·.. Ihll.Io' III :t lr. u nd g""lli g utlt'rnll c e lu
!'I, di. .
11 :1 1111' ....
II tc· rn" )' ,.. 118.
wlltl rlll'e,
Tho Fello w F lung Up Bot h Handa, ~ l' rl l d
r fl " flr~~ "
111",, 1. a lill s tnlf'k
III his
g ll ll
th t'
Ih .. null
li t
I,lili furlll ,
\\' II S
IIIl11d ,
tlll' re w e re UIlY gUll rd ,. h 'f l t l ll ' n~ I IH'Y Wt)r,' u o t (' l h'OUIHi'red. lI l n l Ih (~ lu l~l!t hUllg 80 lh kk Ht thut ellrly !'I llu
louk few "rei 'Buli ons Iu I\ \'ol d rI.elll. II l' I' o ll e lhuug hl W UK ~IR C kllll ; lu"" h" cI ant i
t h t'
fu r
'flip!, 1 WIIS 0 dut ll l'(l u ( SU\:,' cess fur iJ tlr 1II I!'O~l lI n . The tlt'hrlo; huf l 1I0 t bl'e n ~p ur(' lt etl on r ; It cuull l "," IllI ve b ~P II , for t he IIrp s l ill 8111(1Id e re. l, hut th e 1I.<ln,,· nl the 11I1 11I1I.s wpre ohl e 10 ol'~r h nlll 110 .. wrcc k II ... .\' wo ul d tll sco,'e r 111111 lli e lr " lctllllS li lili. In SOlli e wa y, e"<'ope.1, Tlwre wuuld he I'e\'eltk(' ,
111'1I ~~.
00 cllllrreu
ft U II1· ... ;
CO II ~ lIll1 (' , 1
\\ lIul ,1
Ma ck llll '_ "'· 111 11 111', rool.
no sln/.;'NI n c!"ll , (U
h Ol I I~s
lei I of ,11'0,1
T h~ Irutll ,
11 01
III I he Ml lt l
"" 'l' lI
An ti LUlld WO o, 110
III J:;ome
fU1'II1 ,
come to l ai lll at on ce; hp would k now th py 11£111 gOI 811[('ly a WII Y; nor wo uld he e ve r 51"1> ulI lll hI! 8,.. 111 found Ihc ln . And h(' wou ld SlISIJCc t b" r; perhops It nd ~e" n he r toce wh e ll s l,e flr etl thol ratul s hot. H e r only chon ('e 111\' (l OW befo r e thl s r e\·t·slmco t cnm e,
'She ~"1I 8 coo l, reMource ful ; hl1,1 s ltl'e wul y th ullglll ou t e \' e ry Stpp, It Hh c
tllJ SUSlwet ed.
h il t! 1" 'l'U d l'I II I, IIlj.! Jlll d " I"nltr. I I"I I ,·ll i ll l.! I I) hl'l'
II IoI'''lI d 1.:.1'1 11 . n ud d l ·"" !~ :"" · t· II "lI ~.d L
11 .' r \\ II ! 111l! I,\
"!-lure; tlt' II ,' r kt''' P
th(> H I''':!
slI,lt- r '1I 1l · ti l. TIH..'y' r-, · rlt1d': " r thall 11 " 11 " lUll :-';0 lUll":. ltl er e n o w , Ihl 'Y t l! 1I IIIl'.
A Squadron of the Sloth, 1·lInl'lll. 1' ''"I ~ltp,1 InfO IhE' ro~, wudIng IIlollg llie cro.'k, n nd IIn ull,l' ' T"~ p I II~ ItUI h t' lu\\' lilt· hUflwd (·u" ln . It
hnl €'.
:- h"!! I 'f
Olll, 'I"I '\'I II II1:
11 11
er Y" r 111 1.:h l 1'1111 Illter
l..: lIlId
\~Ili l
" '1"0 II - I. 0' 1 ' ''III'~ " .,·pr klt l t;!h. " 1\ ," ..n l d I hld;I\' . "Y t'r bro thl'r plI lI ,·tl lilt' {llIl 0' till' ':-;"w:o-klll 11 111..' (' I lt"~ n " - II ~ "u<l ~wolII "f II )11' \ . Co 10 IT. ~ I I' I; you k 1111\ \ t h .· I 1'I11l~" n ll·ng II,,' , cl),!,' nf t l11 1 Hud I. !I n ti s. "
IlI lIllIll IIpJlPl:trlnv u l,oYe Ille
th e Hrst
}.:I'PIII" ·d
1. '.1 ;.:. ,'
II l1 d"1
\' 0 11
,.1' .... 1.
1111 '
1 1I 1I 1I ~ ht
H m Olll t' li t nf slle n l' ~
Th ,' I', - wus
Ili t n
IHll'd llt' r .
11 1111 f o r H ItlllU wh il l-. f lln.:,·1 WhMt I Iltld )'l)U ." " 1' 11 uut (ur'l{('t:'
Shelby 18ulhed , bill willi e) '" "I,' rll aDd watcMul. "Tbre" more 10cal~ ,I ," he s"l d 1' 1(,11 . ' antly, "S~eru to ho\'e li S ,,!'l' ll), w<, 11 trapped , J'eI like 10 knol\' 1101' Ill"y lot up here wltll oll l us h,!: '~e tl'lili. I IlJo ullbt you "ere Koll,' uno' r Ih.1I ~ I ' rra ~n '" "1 11m. ToOl. bu t I COlu'l s l ay In there. _ 1 Wllnt 10 be OUI h "r!' \\'l lh
Iblnl w'u Iskl"" pln c., dOW li 11",1"'. bUI <,xactly whal eoutd 1101 1I11I11e,lIl1le' 17 be determilletl. li e Ilud p"l' te"'"d men 1II0\'lnl beyollil range, ,1 ,,11 ,,1 111: Iloni t rom rock 10 r oc k, 1111'1'" I( I III I I)"'~ ut dark figures. yel pl nlllly ~ 1I 0 1l 1: h llldlanll, QDce he wo s IIIIII "SI "1I 1'e hll dl. lln~l.h ed • white " 'lIn, IIIl'uUKil ~ rift In a , u ll y, but tbe 'ft l'('I1 I1 ~ I'lew ,alned .... ,," UI II c(l n,'l nclll!:, :-; " "e r· U,el ess ll c Ilad no " tH IIII 11111 \ \ Ii II f th.ere ",c.. re \.d alte wen I Jr e~, · "I . Tilt ·
qllk k
"~1 1 11 ' .
ot 01,., c ro udl lng Iu Ill' Clll r"",',,,
s il itt
" :to;
II .·
the loUd n lt'k wQII. tJUl'. (' I·ll,IH '.1 Otlt ~ I( all shape, droJppl ll g lI lr" l' lI) III f",, "1
OD what Wll S occur rilli hl'l o\\' .
~ 1 1t'
1111 '. "
IIIl I"·t .. :-o11 ' 1I11 1l ~ I f ll"I '
Wh1 1 aln'l III & mlt c u' ,hllll;,· r , little ,Irl. Those red s C811't ~ h ttot tlIftlllp thi s r ock . All I G.. t t .. lIll Is lIe here .\ulel an ' hik e "'Ill 1111 I Ill' Jump," "But IUPI 'OSI! Il,,,y ru s h III "" ," "" 1" " It don ' t hardl y look n ' lI "o ll " loI ,', Stili, ,0' course, tll ~y 1111.:111 Iry It, If the], ,ot a ",bile lender. 1" ,111111" nen' r wonld themselves; It's Iln llh' 10 CO"1 too ben]'." "ThM III why I a m COl ulJl~ llU ('" ," abe IDll1 sted. " I lold )" ,, 11 I ('011101 1111001," "All rl,ht." he IIrlnllcd d "'e rfllll), , ucome aloDI. t h e n; onl y ) ' UU k""l' l lowll 01lt ot the way, a nti I.,t 1111' II" lhl' Mlpln" T bere! nuw you 1,,,1 1111' 0 ~ot I Old you sce 1I1at bu (' '' lI ull!:I' between t bOR two rock.? 11 .,'1 1 Ir) that trick oguin Ilr .. seotl~'. " Ol,a eaw~ bo cl; , Cr eelJluil OUI CII U· 1'10.,1, and tlmllng u I' lal'e sllg hlly beblnd where he Iny, Sh e Iwlll to cloe weapon , laylDIl th e ol h e r on I h ~ rock .. tOleth e r with R be lt 1I1I"d wil h cartrld,es. Sbelb]' bare ly S\\,E'1' 1 hi s ey es lowllrd It.r, bl8 whole attenll oll COII(,<'lIlrI1I N I
nllll \ll
t"nl'lll' :- rly , " YO Il kilt) \\, "tllli I Illt"un : "till ' , t h in k uholll 1Ut.' \\ Iwn tht'Y do ("ltllli' . I ' ll tnk , ' cn re II r 11I~· ... t' lr, nil
1111 11111 1uII
\\,hlrl ..d hen d down\\"I'<I , li n ' i>".ly I 8trlklng 8 n u rro\\' It:d"l' nllt! IUllllldll f,! lit! 10lO 8lJIH·~ . Th,'\'(' h hul:- :t il"' " ,-r, 't! I tL. c rack u f th t! rt>\·uh"l ' r . !'>u ... " 11'11.\ II .. lO
" "" 'ltl
on e
wo1I1I1 SIoo IP lI e r, 8hc IUIII olw~y s been trC'e to leo"!! til., '1II1ey. Otl en .. he hod 10kI'll enrly rlil es, nn,[ nOll e ot th e orillnsry I:uurll s \\'ould co ns ider h"r 1I01llil forlh 08 81 all s tranlle, o r cOllrse. the nole WIIS fill ed now with s trunllE' tUilltlv(' ~- lndlnn s hldlol trom Ihe soldiers. aus pi cious ot every white ta ce, These 11,111111 CRuse Irouble. bul sh e OIUs t t~kQ Ihol c honce, There was but one way to SU\'e Mu ckllll's lifeIbe doc lor a I Ge rllfsche, S he lby ha jll l oltl he r so, lind 1101 1111111 e lse re mlilo e d' tlxtd In he r IIIl m l. ~ nl ll p r o f Go.1. 8h ll
~1!"1tpr . "
It !lll ,l
h i:.:: .
II I 'lI\' Y
nuk t' :-:'. d rl!'t l ll!:. "III! II,,· "llId . ttll k kly w l lil l·ll l ll J.,: tI ll' I lIlI d ":I·Il I,j'. Tl u' ... 111..:: 111 IIInrk s of I I ll' trnll \\ 1"1' . ' 11111111:011 In ...; t :! lll · Iy il hlllt·!':I ''',!. III I! IJ\I' I"" r:tllp ' of hlll~ ,111 1'11.1 \\ t ' n .. " l ll1h' I "I,' 1; lIlIl tllll r k . nlHl $111' ( HI'I '"d !I "I I nol ''>l " 111111 :I , wlft p un,- ; r i d I I II.: \\1I1t 111 ' 1 1"';ld 1,,\\, · r~ tI . hIli wlill \\1I lt-l.r\l1 I ' ~ i''': 111,, ' 1' 1111-: titrllll!.!11 rhl ' ' t l l I \\ ' · lIn~ l lI . ' \\U !'i UI' " II' 1\11 \\ ; I' I'I ·l'. \\' 111t IIl l l h · I 11110:S )IIIlIll' I·VI' lIluL:. \11 '1 \ \ " t ' ll IH ' r 111111 I ;,' r· IIt ~d H'. 11 .'1' 11. ':11'1 IU lli lld l ·d \\' 1111 tl,,~ l'1Ix.l r IIr ~ 1J1 'I ' l' ''' '''- :--1,,' w puld It'' III~ h l,,·k Il ll' !lU('t HI' I II :'IIa I'l,~I I1 . :'111' ft!1t li u ti.wltt lilly lI , ur e.
T Il(' thp
d ir, ·t·1 fl'~ dl
(l1tH' 1"
1':l U g' .,
l'I r, 'I, 'd Ju:-; t ,,1111111 nf
I htl
1111 1-;,
IIllIkl n g \I 1I111" ,~sl t.l c f or II l' r tu wis· tllk e III ,' ":L .~ ' 1,,','11 In U IH I IIl!i1.e vr HIIUW . Sill ' I' u d,' 111 111'1..' l'III·t'II.'s"ly I III\\' IlI uI ~ I II: \\ ,, ;0.; :"ur"I .\ OU 1 t lf ~ I ~ III , Htil l (I' l'l'
( 11IJlII
1t1 1~'
p(l ss l h l1 lt ~v
pll rslii t.
'ftU' hu nh' . \-' jt ll II, W(,' I·\.'(j Il l'lI d , "","w l'd to feel 1)\1' IIr~ ' · II' · .\' . lind pllll),I.:" t,1I fu r, wlln} e,q,.: i· r ly . SlIdtkllls u s Ihi'.\ ~ \" l' PI u.rnulld II :-: 1111 I'P I 'u n ll' f , ~f't'lllg Hlld
1t('url nJ,! IHl lll ill 1!" to \\' orll p r'Sl'lIl't~ In l li n ! !'ihIlI IHlc,
u n,\' IIlil l l r
tll l'Y ('lillie Imll cu t'oi lium PIIlJi'hn co ulll
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do(·tur 111I ' r,·." ":\Ul II ,·\\, lll l're n ln' t; 114' r. ·
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.I "h., Bn llot" 11 I n "' ,I lt .. t-{U 'lllll ";l1 l1 1,,1 li(II U :-ili lHIi I. , bnll ' " !1. .' o hll ~J . ( ' nrt l"" rIl l !\ Iu :. g' 1 \\ · llk,· , HO n
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A d"ru ' \ ('lImrlopll I" ~r ,,"k \\'11 , I IIU du('lur WUH hcru Hru ll ll~ IhcHO S<l 1· 80n , l u \ tn U tlr\'t\ \ ~ ho "g l. d lel's, .I,u \\' lIliloi IllIre to 1<' 11 Ih e Ir ut h \' ur (II:\! d ..:-I(' 1't :\t nrk lhl ro hili rut ~. Be. I-t r unk h.l1d Nlln~ ' V ' I \- " : WII I1 All u(1 ill Ihis colU lnll i ~ " w r t' ~(jlll " Id .· ~, whol ,lid she "Art' ? II ~ r h nlrt,d " A ,I'''II ~ nrl \hut! I " 1111'''''11 , I" t.< lit Llllld SII ,lclc llly OUI'c fl 11110 nell' li fe, : 17 101 1'1""'1" ~b\l r!( , «I. II c!'e \l'II S ll'e O[ll'ul'IlIlI ll,I' (II r r cve llge. I J , Wllhl\r ,.nil li.,; ~~ W illi·. I1,< AS \l' e ll liS sen ·lcc. E,I ward :Ii .n" ~ " ,· h. (' k. I r tiO I "I n I\' ul\'l's' ho le, senor." I Wayne 'I· wl' ,. #1 , " \1' 0 11'" , hille I Gootl Ooll I did y Ot! AR-\,IH cUllle ( I' UIII tile!"? ['IISS the worLl '.)r U t , . 10 Commissioner.' rrOt..edIn,a th c IllIIJ"I', snllle III' ~. What'@ Ihut? .' ·PI1 r l" . " . 11 1 '8:"" , . Oh, ex cuse me, bi r," lind he Clune Bl I IK.ull · I.,'"Ll : lSI" k d pl!!: t ,.tit~ for I Uft-' 11 1' 1: I ' j . .. , \" 1 1' ''' 11 1' 1 tlh lu . "tl lTly to nll e nlion , tllclo!! the bee,' y- (JO U Jl tyAtII l itll r. I Lo; E~ t:..; I '" n " f' h l l' ,.:t ' l li d U t I se l. ml ll']lc , u~ed o t!lc~r. wllb Iroll-Krll), ho , 1I1Hur HuOf"l , ti l l ' '' .nn1 \, hq tit-' r s .1 I1IU SI Ol''' C 111111 goolee, fI 7:. ,Y() ; rrn ~t. ~~ . 1' ''''" 0 Affolr., EY I. 1I11~ ,1 '" 'IV " >,{ j"u k " \\110 1 hilI'" ~' O ll h ~ re, se rgcllnt?" the Ittrh f t: r Cun r t t;:I .I UHP. t6ti , ~ U I I vi n :; (' h tl t I t. I • . tll~ n . t' ('1 ,u ' t til ' ' rt ~'ll£'- '/ IlIlle r n.ked IJ I'lefly. "~ ( ~x klln \YOIll · ,1.lU iI~ ..n U'U I( I :•• • ~nplJll "": 100; ! :>l .1.', b ., n .1I1I ,) " h ll ~I ''''''mf' : t\i lt- Il HilT ' , t:,ll ...l)', T b Omp"",' , re Jl"l r ~ 0 1 lJ oorl l ~lIld l lll/. X " I"", 0111 1' 6 4 2~ "Y es, sir; s ill! jlls t ron Into u s at f l on"a. t :'I1I,7:'; Th .. \11 . llI i U " Z-'t l o, = . filII 1111. ~II .. du ill's to be nrter a IJ nb iM Iii III! 1111 1.('" ,~ , O(); J!' ~l 10 o l c ll· , (1,1\'IO r 10 11.11-1111 10 n \\' OlllltlCtl Ame r- 111" ' 11. IUIII I" l or ,1'.01, .4.110; 1I, M . : t '"lIw,Jih. ,ll' r . ill" II"o t'r I, ;. 1\ Nt!, 8 SALESMBN W ANTIW k lt!"1 0 '·" 1' III \\' "h' ('s' h Ol e," " Is 11111 1 , .. ? Pl, .'1I0IlS this I ~ goo d "D," $:.!:,,50 ; P I '. ~lillHf, Inop. ut ll r 1 __.,-_____ _ __ ' 1til Ii. \\'110 Is t h is Alli erlC'lItl, senorita I. C H,~ e. ()..:e" " 1), " t t:l7,alJ; Th e FroUlklin I :hroliiol .. pnhli.bln g 1111_ G E l' bUll Y. K ol' p tHi HY I .. vo~r - j.:tl l ltL' 1I - ri \\'lIllt~ rt'II{'j:ndc ?" tic.. . $~ 40; Ttli' W· H St,"III'wa t:n, . j " b UII """'? l~ it Vl'rltl"I;lYlq " lI t· 11 11111 1 ItH· l t. ~ (~ II '"'' '' " UII . that ' s It. TIIt~1I {ll'I' IrIlJl~ we ('un ,1811111( St,hIIlP , $ 5 r,n ; U M , L " " ,' r. Yc'o Wull t h \lr.. I IID~ Im,ln" MK. Y ou \10 1111 :'1111 ·........ " . ... \' (! got n 8u n:con H" r v iu,," , 2 UU ' C h K8 ,I W Hilj(oner-, CIlU g6~ 1"1,, " Ilch , Il bu .IJl H~< ~"III~II 11\.:' I'l' \\ II h u-.:. If yon w ill shu\\' u s hOllrcllng "nd ';'''811Ing r"r prIM OI II" 'If, ' Ill" r " t blln l a. Walkln. t ', ,,J.lo' .. ' 10 1 ~~; e h .s .r , WIlIlIet " n e r , o, r e j tl lri'Ot t.o 'armer. If yuu ow" untQpr II \1'11 ,1' I.. 1:,'1 Illt o WolI'es' hole. I'll I'I'U llli"""'· 1It"1I tukt! cure ur y()ur UJUn • 'Iud . , ,,ed o f Imllll u"o\e<l cl O1C1I 19 ~() . t R, m , nr 0" 0 g e t " "" ; H )' ,In " Mil g~~,... • 52,1,0' HllrlHn Whltu o r .. bridge r eo boorl ,,,,it.h II"r ~" " HI , 1I"' Hl\. We 11 11 rldll ." ' p~lr • • flH ;1 5 ; WI"II,.1I1 'nHlrnO~OIl , ~u(l")lon Wlt!1 b.g ~"II ,, ' g II.-'p" ' ])2 " \" 111 tI ~ k tl1P to t!ull1(' Y O u? " hll lllinl{ itr" v .. l. $1l9.3 U; Fll l, 1 I\nd I Yd"rllio bU8 h. e,,~. 20.0IlU.000 088"101 (Coo"ou!ld OB p • .., 3) l"Ioppl\' Co " lipple '''"~ , $ 1) , 14 ; .Iobo n tlr pro(IIIOI... Wrll" f u r tnto rma_ ,.I\W &, 8 ')0. ~ u\lplh,", e t c .. $21 23; tlou , 'h " rfl ~· " O onu Il~t l"rrlw,rY. Hdrry Blown. r ll IJliIrM, IJll :o rlili fo r ,J. I\ W .. tkll1 8 ' ;0 .• n " pllrtlUunl ~., X m o nt,h, "l lIO Glf; C h~~ , .f Wllg _ ~llI U OIl. MlllU".,,1 \ j 211 1(11I1 0'r, I'xpe"I<" f o r qU Hrt a r f' lldlfll( _ " .I"n 2, 1921 •• ~ r) ~l. ~f;; Wlllt pl'V.rn PlI ) .; hrld!(e r ll p81 rl', H 2 8(1 , MALE HELP Vi ANTED- .. , ''/ Illere
no Il"oldllljf the Ir Ul h,
Classified Ads
111 the m •• t/or of ,I n hn 1:1 M .. rl .. rt. Marla.tt I'llltnf.i ll' gr,,"tl'd tit v u r Ol\ "lAO eu r a .. nd o o ~tC)dy uf I'lllld , In t.lH' Ill .ltt" r of tl1(1 F.. rm e r 8' N .. t,' 1 B .. " k , of C I ,.rk~' III". v ~ C h a:!, I"r l ' b.llpilu ll, e t .. 1. Court o rll ~ r ~ Id~l!Jt, II" I tl .,·cn v,,, ~113 U 90. Iro lll fI" f eo G ' lit '~Io t h o 1IIIIIter 0 1 LAnm ti IHt" e l, III ,
"1-' _ I ' "' 011n!! \.\'1..'1111111 . ,\' IIIl ' ft'* OUI d-d
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th e Iruli. II Ilre l , ul'lI~,J In fl'''nl of the lill ie hUll '" 1.".ld.- Ihe rnll q, II IlIel'" IIl 1' ke l' (lr hn lt ·IJlll'lI ell logs, ",lIh t"'· O 11lf'1J h O\'Pl'lng 0 ",-1' It , One or tll c lll " IHrted liP, III sUllnd of th e hoI'S" " hOOr8 1111 11 gripped II rIN f', He 11'8" II' hlt l', " flAp!>l lI g IIKt hrllll s hu do w· log hi s fo cI'; Ill e OllieI'. Oil 11,,110 0 , ,nu pp .. ,1 III a !>Iankel. mCI'ely Ilfterl bls li cn d. AliI! s tored lIIoo,lIIy, H e r beurl gun' 8 sll urp bOllllll. hili s he r" lned IlP cnre lessly, li S Ihe fellow sl e ppe,1 In to the troll. He pee r" ,] curl ll llsiv tnt" her ta ce.
I . (-111'-
"S he
I 'IVl'r0t1 - - g-r:08!!t It~~l eot,
fllIll'llll oul. Hud ell ed 1111 ,1
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New Suit.
lite Ih lrll "li S Ih e lollY
s tlt'
Le.u lt l" r thll lt;" Vd Mltrth" I:I nd !((\
tl1' [Ll l f' tl I d 'il III lli t! tIll rkll f's~, UIH] Ih t' ll . OltJUlilltli: In the gro )' tlaw n, wltll u
gu hlull c t'
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Comm-OIIPI".... Court
Juun IInt1 nl\nl~'s h('e n so rlruuf) of . Ih ~
OWII , tru\'IIiK !'H'UfI '''''! Y st ulldn u ftt r sudl
i>lie It'd
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TIII'I'l' \\'ere Ilm 'e Iw r>l's III the li ttle stub le ; IiJl f ' k I", ck of lli e c ubln. S he ~n l l l " lIlIl loII Sly liP through Ih e fog, 1I1l1I "le til sec Iu Ihe giOltIlI, lm l 10, cullili Ih e UlI lllIll ls by 101l ('h. Oll e wu s s ti li 1II0is t (rum r l,II I1 I(, 1.1111 01' " li on ,\'. no tl ou ut. T h e IH.' Xt wue IHlr 11'111, hili
\1 11 :0.
11 11' "'~·I· · I!l 'lInt. j\ lIsl d ll L: thr llllt.:1t Ih.· dIlL': "r IIl i·n. P"l' l't'd cu ,·I \I \I..:IY liP 111 h l ' l' (1'\1 111 tlllde r liL" 111'1 111 .. r n 1III I II'n·t! I ·lt lll ]t ltipi
would Sf! \·C hIm ~
" " ' III\!
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t;t~joIM6dtl Y,
PIIIIIII,dY " lfl o r eil I,ll I"'y
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III tu e II l(lttllr o f 11" I" n <:. M nrl l"r "" llruoe C, "lUith, 01 nl. DI~lrl ll n t Ion uf s "le Ilr lloBed .. o rderl'd
"Well. What's This ?" He Growled . drngg,'d hllif orr 111 9 teet In Ihe ne rre sll'llggle. "II Me.: I SH),. tellows, tbl s loo ks lik e A,·I?'IIIII , Luy hold he r e Mn pes! Cull Ihe "'''I:eolll, SOUl~ bOUY; r" 'e It(l l Ihls h lrll! \~h O Ii 'thc re I 1I0W.
Probate Court Proceed"'.. 111 t ha mutte r o r the IJPpo llll, m ~ lIl, or Matr u n f o. r W arrOn lJ OUII'Y Jail. Mar~hlJ Brtlut bn~ hellO "ppolotfld . d It" t t R o y Mu r lfAn. Il m . 0 u e es U ,I' o f U e llrge Bridge, d11l6888d, plalnt ll! v~ Mory M tJ rgllo. et h I. d"re n<iRnt". t-<Ill e o f r e,,1 estot" o rdered ,
I '
For best results we use Miami Gazette's Classified' ,colunms, we'll tell the world!
W"nt'f d-.iQ·: lq 'clay . Mon"y Il vIlry Illeth ~ A~ ' Ir a .. ~ K, . III cLlr" lit Ml"ml li.'rzeU'e. jill'
WANTED ~I rl or woman H ()U"[£K~~EPEn, tu du light b u us~kee plog fop
'"ullly of two, Uood wage. 10q.llre Mlumt GHz'JH" 01tl08. JIG your Anto mob ie Cnr"'108 BR{NU to me lIod have naw cellnllli.J t o bo Lo ng, at PbliliplI' G IrKge , W"Jnll~ I lIle , Ilblo. til
. ewed 10.
titl1D1P I'oller Moe' S·ICCONDh"nd be oh a" p l o r ,1 .. m"8 EIlIo,,~b
.. U, R , 0 . 1, B ill[ 2~ , t'lpriug Ub lo ,
V . lIe" j19
Pup, Vullle or 8bepherd A ynnng pi eterred. Let:nll know at
u u oe Joho Beaob, R, 0 n .... vllle , Obl o
2 , Way -
FOR·SALE IiJxtra ,~ ioe Fall PI!!,!. I II qulre of .Ioho R obers on, R. I). S. W"vlltJsvlll e .Ohlli 12
~'lorllnOll l:I 0 l,81a..~ Haute r , hlte new. IJrlnB '~5 Also. tillme Coml"n Rllnl(e, prloe 1.10. , W.her tiIlwyer, Wllyn elvllie. Ohio. . \)
hue ,II, few Appl.· •• Ptioe W ~$1~tlll 50 to '2 ,00 , d . B, Under,. wood, B a rveY8bnrg.
otilil, ·. :',.
jill '
IIhj 'ltitlo BIIDtte for 1601' g ood U DeW; ' 0. M. Bob': ' , Itl'. ' r. WavDA~ v\lle , Ohio" , ' " jt,
rER \I'"hr.uu;' it'. 1000 bll:, ~r , A. F'dor'ad 'Coro a' Ciao(Doatl ~.
Order DOW . J. W .. Mba WD Phooe 1&.11. J18 atiODIJ.·
__ l tilB M.WU OADrta, "AYNBsVILLI, oat . r [ 11' •• ----.----.... T HE MIAMI GAZETTE.••• ' lIoder /l1Ij~. , .. Bt!t!I1. IU ..... 1m 'u,, ' HARVEYSBUR'G I jfru.nMrsdd. ll nga rllb Rloll 1M"1~it.I!lg h~r I " . rtatit tnlt k now ; lIenorlta . where II hl:$r . Mra. 8. rt ~oolc . tbl. holer' "O\l"r " loll". Dol tor; acrQS~ ttl ll JileA· ._J)i'il U l'OIDe. I stlOW )·ou. Tbol he benet J\rlt . • DOI'-JUIt 10U .D· IoI8e oda....... JlOII CAD t.1I whal to Ito. .... Jlbe ..1 b. but.r w. 10 atool . ~ we be DOl _ D." "Un !fOOl! You dtlu't rueaa w• • r. 110 OI'tl!J; " 'he pia",,'" -81. 'or: I 'how you." A II '~ htuultul toll owl'd h{'r lea d .... t "-w/' the 1IIl II,I rldKe~ out UPIIO Ule .eRea ~In- tbe major • • UeuleoaDt. .nd Ih ree men. Sbu led '''ihl depre8RIOIl, sum·
of OaB e e Corner Mrl. Q lli noy ·.rroll .o /l' rllnk '()r t . ... Kot.r6tt at thn P. a t of!lc . a l "a,) Ill " 1.11 I , f \ .. &/ ' ' " t it 4 • f l: . ,. Ky:. r ecen t ly v l~lted h er. m ot b r . Alarm of fir. Proved to a Hoax . Mrs \ Mary EdwaltlM. wh n i q uUe D. L Cr At<. )tl o w. TIIry . r ue it II 'ha' '. w, . poorly. J , ;.. .. ~ ! .::,f} p .J" Y"I', r n • .,.r ml~~ ' he wat.er DD li l t h e we ll Mr a nd Mr~. A. \1u lle r. o ( O li V. runB dry. 110 I, II ID our ol&y . O n 'on ,s pe n H!uDd IlY wltb rA l lltive~ II I' .. e " II'rld bY atttrn oon th e ala rm of tire was l oonded a nd e ven body was up U. h rl reo.d; to ..alat Qaea&l onl were - - ----=- -- - ~ ., tn (in a, w h e re II t he ti r e ? Do y o n WEDNE::IDAY. JANUARY 19. 1&21 kno llV tb a t th e en gi ne wi ll w o rk ? ' 0.: H u w m ll n y fee t are ~ b erll. Ar e t h ey a.n y 8000un t? Wh y duo't our 0111 ce ra .. stend thet lr knit t lo ",. lind 1::1 M Clllrk ~ I , lI r p " h l, .~ v,., ,· III I h!,f1f:;~ti~~~~~~~~~~=~~l!~~~~8c ~ rfjee ~DT.1I~h~ e rJn~~H t eep thln g8 In r e p" ' II ? J d o won d er Mr _. ( '. H L~11I h \,i - " .. O\ It .. r d, ,,_It. ;; of snow If-',b ey ~ave a.n y mo o ey l o bu y th e there ....e re OC' ho,e ~ I ol\ ono , 8el~ wh at tbey d ll Lpr , M r ~ . 11: I{. Il ull d.-l ph ". ," ,""I " s borpl y loto wllb t be m un t'y I f ile I qUi te 811rH r o o , In Dli yt r; n , ,, (' d uplt1 o f .1 I \' ''I 1M . .. , ••'rn .... o the clou,l. hu ng tba re I ~ 11 " oig!!" r iu th e w,h ,rl p il e. " w t1tl k ' "' a [ Ha1 .... ore ullder hi s aDd J will re '1JlJ llI oo r tb .. m t,be U"xt Mr. . l dR l Ill Y r .' IIII·II'·" I.. I, .. . It ' II ' ~ brae .:. "uovlnt'eCI be woe be- "w e 1 vOI,e. a 011 I wi ll lu~tru o t Oil TU f\~L1 .. \·. "ft.'·r II II",.. ·. \\' ."k., lw IDI: uaiJcl•• tool ot. TwIce be "Iorted my wife , T btl w rlt fl r wa s Jis t~ol njl it "'lt ll lI " r oll,l<lrt' ll 'n " . " " ,['" JO ~. bat ~eld bl. toogul!. Th" ., ' bl ~ d ll lerol tale of .. oe. an d It Glu r:l tl o.t.i. I " ["1" i-, ~. t he Se)( , Ilrt~ ' '~'v filmed ber bea d. bUI moved wa R Lb eD@O/iCI{IlSLe d lhIH t h e re Mr ... ~ tJl1 lt' "owll rd, "I 1l .. I, It " '"k 11 1" '11 11 1." 11t rll': a 1+11 11 1 Ul l'tl ." r"lIlnrklP(l .tnt :.~ orwant "as n o m on ey tll t h e 'reH. f'l or y f o r "' P PD t 8Hvt-' r lf l d~l f'" l ' l:l l WI\ " k wlf l, II ,,""11'· I"" II I Ih,· lI .. n(·II; " II,,·y are b o.e. 1'heo t be p '!88Ibil ity uf d " . b e r ~i" t." r. M, ,, . H'l r, y M"(i"""' I' <1'.'"): 11, .,,1 11 1"1, WP ):Irl. (ul'I/ .. 1 [how 18.11 _me to • .Upi rtdlle. aDd oatlng t u tile OU.U8oi t bot w e rn ig b l IIml ruml l v. . rn , II I" , ,,01 '"' ''''~(''' '1'11 .. 11 Wt' fllrpt 8t~ 8Udd~'r: polDtl°l. bave p ru t,' ot lon . Ro d I·b s n tl! A ell ll ""' I!lill r ( ' I"rk 111101 1'"11 ' 1. Illok " "W 1.,." ,1'1,11 1 "lu)'~d , "-no~tOD ': .'1Hre. .....or... ,he old .Imply. burst"" W'I 0 " " " e el ' 0 00 t Ib t r .. ~ • "~"lltf .,,01.," "" . " n r D P . I:!u nll" y IIt "n tl r w ill! Mr" ~J ' l n I 'Hr. '1""' '' ''[1'11' ' ' JitlIiil··.... ~_. .~IMIt.:1 '1t_'OUDded~omrer 8tood motioD. Aft tlr B hU ltl wbll tl t h o wr ite r 1111111" m , JI) \' - - - - - .. - - I !1I!!"~!!!.I!!Ji!I!I!!II!!!iI!!l!I!I!!'!!!!!l!!!!! 1_, IDOUtb OP~D . biB "yus slllr. au up pe.. 1 t il t b" "rOper a ut b" ril ie, . L'[t' l B . •• I ., ~ ~ ~ 0 0 MOllall Y 11 ig h t th e H o " u ' ub l~ ." " rn l('" ·.r" 'HIIII _ ""n' - 1(' " ~, Ina ; tlle . I&IIt 80 UD~X\ll!('t"'lIy reo Co un ol l w et Il nrl pro VI-1UnH Wl' r!' wHh wboCl pin l! ('o l1 l!:b ,F~r -.o Inrnalll be rou1r1 11 0 1 mad e. lin d in t h·, n eu r rut,ur e Wf' Mr .n rl Mr. W"I " ., K>'llrtl' k . , w bellI! wbat "". AII110YI uutler w il l Wi t h bette r I! rep r o. " \\ ' " v lJu""" " ., w, .[' II ' t h" V,rl " r) . . tbe r;reclpl~ tell OW" ), loto teoti no . fur nv or Ro m emb" r '.' 10 i n n" YI"JI) . IbH t, (' II u r." " y . III. ~ J .' ..... MI r~. T h,·"i1 n rll UI" hn l' , "r I{" ll t,· ~ l_t JhRll!lIdOUI lorge. the OIlI ntl e of not, ·1s psnk b.. ~ r"h ofI y o u r lwi g h bo r 1II0000't tiuPI••• I&loi It. d~nth . but bring. un I von .. n o w w lat v oor d Ul l p~ u n( ~ r W(l "t, 1\ 11 " p Hu lI .. n ,,' ~ ( " " 11111 , , [I W'h e n ,0 0 " " .. hu q l}(lH I,i l oc l.I ·,_ 1 ~' oj " ,, \. lI .. r " " . llV hll., '~ ~ I~ bladl rock... 1JI I I.. rn coo· o r o In Ib ,· prt·mi ."8 ...... " 8 n :v t h loJl; tIM !, n"edA d o ing H I. YO ll r f rio·nd _ wl,1t t (l l' Il - Il Ad, I" ""', rr - ""I.. ,. , J I ' til IlI . v .. ~ fl ll~le H . .. n d yon Wi ll In Connect,' n W'th F r u .y WI II... r til '" W" II " r ('I .• r ~ .... " 0 1,.<1 1 , , 000 '" be ellc\alme,l. "whot fl I I o I armer. nl I l~ t B ~Bt8tlin II(J"I. wI.1I 111 " 1' \ . V (lU II ~'.or ll' \:In n'un 111 1''' 11 ' ''~ In \I V i " .. . AIIlI {l01 • I lill to Ulllk e you d Ih Week at Ohio Unlver· Il wr nn g WI uH (11 "rl ll rl l( hl , MUDfl uy , 0tll8 e l<IBtftlCe. I'd ha ve 8 1" 01'0 HO sit J 31 t F b JI l4D I bacll thll plain wos II " ~u d - - - . - - -y, an. 0 e , 'Y. I• ." . or thlrr, IDII ...[ But how In School Bell's Tongue Silenl
oae' '
"More Food" .,
'dem anded th e city ~()1 I"l1me r . F a rmers reo spond ed with t he higg<'st !TOpS th ey had g rown for years, Th ~ 11 wha t h .. p [Jl[ l1ed? P oo r t ra nspo rt a t ion fa~· d i lie:; . hi~h fn 'ight r:.ltl's. concerted consum er effort t o lo wu- pri 'l'S on farm product s. H ow (",111 fa rm r, sell nt a fnir profit ?
s, COLTher'fMnt hip In
( Special.) - Mem" the 100 BU l bel Cor II
0 .-
ub o~ conferred ou II ,Cl Ohfo corOblo n ~o"ill w e r 8be durtnl Fa rroere' Wee k at lbe Ohio Slate UDh.nlt1 fro m Jan. 31 to Feb. t . T b. bl«be, ' ) ield In tile at.te Ihe paat ....on o far as olliellilly checked WII S that of L" . h e Il r'l wU of Pal nl [ 111gb IlI nd cOWDt y HII JrPr8RP yle l-l " . 1 I ~:l 2 4 busb .. 1 "er liTe 0 0 I0 acre. ' hen shelled and I . EII~I & II R OWN . rprlueed to • 110 1· fo rm 11101 It II ... con li nt of 20 per ~@n t , A ~ uAu a l th e ed'. cR tlonal l) rOITBm
On e of Ih. ...""ral nblblU olle or Oll to taoclt nl \ntere At II lh.t of th e et yl. M bow ror r.rm "0111" ... i111.... W 6 11 • • d re u eo ot "I • • r.al typ• •. will b. dl,. pla y.d 00 !l vl BC m4l4tll. Tb. Ohio S,at. ('ora 8bow a nd til. 1!000e Coo. eo lence I bo". ar. , .ttraet. 101 an wDu 8uai lIumber v! e&.IIlb_
do we e ver lIel down
0 ' 1De
clr1 .. .
ilHy " dil/t:;? •
Mot'¥'f CJod elp. . . . . . . . . . . . 811(>lh,." "Sbelbyr broil. . . 1M ."alDt.a. cetfuj of the otllc:er'. prll i",1 Sa tall! .UfJM1 ~ Wh.t 1naeUt" W.. . . otb~r rWne 'relDr "SI, Itlior. N, and 1M tuDIrI· .... .,... GO blm. "You bow tIlle ~ .... bJl.'" I "Do II of couree I do. foa ~ 'm ~J1her him. Major Hay.. He w.e wllh li S ont'e In 'C' Troop ; then later detnll Pd wltb th e 8<'OUt.. Be', up In tbll ('ountl')', I know. I I'11D Iuto blm down aJ Ponca I came throueh tbere. WbJl. that ..... bl' wedtllol day. .nd I .... pae bride," "You..,. tho.. reoeaade d."ll. h.". got tbela bods Ul_ lD lbe Sol.,.. brQMA a., dte.o ...............""-. ~ -rlleJl rot ._y _ ; UloI7 bide.. a ca" .." ali. UplalHd.~· I'~ 7....... ~ .,. . . "BeDor. ~. doctor .. trW cue tor d&Ia ~~ . l , dol'llt .• J .,,, I v• • I
l'l..p!-,-"" ...,. .,..,__ , ~- f n '
.!!AD.. .,~ I "'" I...au I.. _orr 1[,' • ,. , It /."' ., " 'r t , "We'll ID ..I, do oar belc."
a..... /.
,,,.-.,... ..,
..r~·I: .
....... _ . lie aaJd "ul-' I -. ..... __ .. -..y ......<~! tJae:;.~roo."
IJea. ..... lI'eo
-·rw •
~e ' '''' bls IItUe for('e well tbe rt.bt ot wb,," tbe OUll'Ogt wns
belle~ to ~. an<1 ftnall y !l lsl1I oll nl· ed Ihem, It''8vlng IWO oll'n In dll, rKP 01 tbe .olmal •• while. wllh til l! ot her~. be ' pro('eeded forwlInl on fo ot. Th e IIIIn~ hlV- aplJroQched much clo. er 10 Iht r1,.r at tbl8 polot. and rid ges ex · leDded ont tnto the plalo. a",orlllnl: ItItm I'Onllderahle protecti on 11 9 th ey raIJelou.ly .dVlot'eCl. . eeklng !lvery poaelhle .blt ot .I)elter. ShBunessy, U8· In') be :/I~ld· glo..,e. lo.oed hIm by Ihe m.J~r: !lu~e~~ t~ vound carefully 1Ie(,0!'t yen!ur:tDI to I~ tbe w.y, an.d. lD .'...hla m.I!'!eI' lb, IIt~le p.riy IInally ~t In ,!IefJIDd. l be . ~ of land ol'er· lootlDI the nne, Q;f _tbe Cot,ton wood , ~o lbt- plan co drop alleDt· till . ttlii. of tha b.nk. .nd WaI, [aJqpl. 80 al to lit· [ the rear. tllUS ' . OD~ th~re OD tbe croUDd tbe ....0111\ .... fP'tud to be fa r too ,b~pt (9,r (bill pu\1lOft. anll Ihe Idea ce. .1Ie '~Olled. The ODI, otber ,~ure , '19M .to,[ UHp .Ionl uod l!r ~ p""""I09 .pf the rt"'e. IrustiDi 4" . ..~- #If 'IIncll, Tbe ser(t!anl ftQj ,..".rcllueh b7 IDth. ",alebtol er,.tblq ID front. Be o.ver hac). )ut hll . carbine W88 f~~ (.'IK'ted .aDd t:eady. II ~ ;""" ,,..,s. wbere the ,Darled ~ ,IPfOIWded abo... the b.nk. bUI _emeot creete""hho fDlJ',b" ~d !I"ril ....ched tbal point ~ wl~ DO "'amlnl of .., ,.II,I"' ~ red. [bIOlte4 tace IIhovel'! ~( qp Q,oor" the edce ot lbe, baok. T1Ie [""rUed .~. looked dlrecll, 10' ~ \I,Ie 101111&11 of tile carbille. , "Stop: rliJ.~ th..... budd)' I" ..Id the .....,.,..., "ttnalJ'. "N_ lad.. o"er ,... 101" . Tbe7 toolr .u.. leap rec:lllMaI7. tom. .,111111 dOWD thl etaep Ilope. olbera 1l1I~ 101111 eort .t foolbold aod ruth· ~ r ~~IJ forw~r4: ft. pard W8I ~ bl . c:et;IIpllt. earprl.., belpl ... ~ fit thalli before theJ eoald ...n ~ dIaIr Mt . .. paep lbelr we.· ~ct.. bitt prllOlll!J' ~ ~~BI'! till Qth• .,. .• tood lUlleD' • ~[ -!:'V , _ tlle l-.o.. .
,t.Iaac:ed •• 'ua.
lie,..,.. ., ,.1))'
..,.. "aba.Di...,.
D __
UC1:ch Grove Correllpondent Still
Hav iD /iC ueold ed t o qu i& farm ing . 1 w ill 8ell at ('D blie A u ot,\.,n . on tl' e Si d es fa rw . ily' mll SI! Wellt of Way. ne8vlli e and 1 mil" E dl!t, or L[v t le. o n
Throwln .. BI\i1uets .. "t Tbe Beeob Grove Ireporler I. 80 \'fry fond of Snll ' Burg oorres pon. deD' 'ha' be 8aDDot teep from Bay. laC Dloe Ihlnl" of 'he wrl&er. N o w, t&ep up .Ihe good wort, " aound. r;Daoh bel"r to the reeder t han "noo"", whloh De.er enler I.be '1 m .. lIl. up H 'i l "ems alooe 10 • are•••"y 'oward making 'ble H-1 Ib.., 10 demand. whloh I I! powllli morll aDd more aU 'he time 'l'ble be rM4 In ••ery 10 da8 1JP:10n.., aDd, .~be d ilferen' minds 10 oact '0 Beeob Grove. Bod wtll f"l lt1le Is WOlliid be a go od to lay. "G ood morning . old tbat we ko e w wbeo we were aUyoonge r " LoOR toay t he wrI ter ooDUnu A 1.0 tbrow bc qu et~
W ednesday, February 2, 192 1, Beg inning a t 10 o ·olook . t,he t oll o'l'l"In6 prope r ty : 5 B or8e 8 nnd Mule B. 4 Cattl e. 27 Bo g~. 12 Sbeep. 24 Chl('te L8 . Implem ents, 8arDeHH. Veh lclee. Feed . eta ~ee I'..r g e bllle C E . E D WARIJB . W . N , l:!e~r8 . A u ct.
- --_.- ..- - -
In our Class ified Column.
A n n Ul hnrh:f'rt !UlhK tlp' lon tf' fJ ff'l'of" ntal lvt ('l(
11 u... u - SZ 00
S1 tu_u - Sl...
5Z lMlh-IZ, 50
Everett Early
Bucklen's Arnica Salv ' THE ONLY C EWUINE
Flo ur. Fepd . Coal, Sa lt, Ti le . Pos t s . Water Fountai ns a nd Self-Feeders.
H ewa Everyt hlu g Healabl HUrDS Bolle, Sores, U1('l'rs. 1:'11 00.'I E czema: Cuts, Corns, W Ollnde a oa Brulsl's. .ATIIF"ES . OR MON E Y BA C K.
-S HI P P E R OF -
Hay . S tra w a lld F eed. r eed G rind ing a S pecialty .
Lytle Feed Mill Lytl e, Ohi o Tele pho ne 76, rin g J
SaUd.dion Guaranteed
Bellbrook. Ohio
Both Phones
Va ~c i nllti o " a ~ p~da ll y. in~
~••• "'PI·t Nr •• ~."'••••
Waynesville, Ohi
! • .•.Examined
Fully Equip ped fo r Good ! S ervice, Large Displa y I ~OO IlI T EL..EPHONE ·i
DA Y 0 11
N lc;1/'I
Correctly ... : Fitted :
lifti:TANY,' S ! £ i Ll I,lical De partment
f S.
DC! troit St . Xenia, Oh io. Oll~ 1I ev enin gs by ap po inllll ~ n t :
: J. A. McC oy . .........................
Veterlnarv IJIUVt' I' -
You'lI Pick Up Again Quickly with Plenty of R.ed Blood Corpuac\el • _ _ _ _ _ __ PbJ810lan!l oowlldaYII take a blood test when y ou are run down. Tbey OOUD' the ' r .. d 00rpu 80l tls ·In your blo.c d. If tbeee are too few they give you a t onlo for y o nr blood. U bllppen8 rigbt along. Tb AY lire alway. on t be lookout fo r Indlodlonll of weak blood Why ? Beoause t h ey koow wbeD your blood 18 weu.1I your re8111tllOotl to dlaeaee I. lo w . Your vUall\y and ener.y quIckly run d')wn Yon Olin tell when yoar bluod II' weak You Ic ut pale, feel \:IreQ . You are nos Ill, bat VOu don 't; feel rl,M. Yon don ' , want to do tblngll. Tbat Ie the "me to &ake 'be well,known 'onlo, .Pepto .Maol{an . Pepto~ ~.ullan bulldll red bll)()d rjlusole., Pby~lol"nll ha:V1l pre• lorthed it lor thirty yean , Pep,o.MaD,lt.n Is Rold In liqu id and '-blet form : The medicinal .alol1 I. exaoUy 'je .... me. n.kII eltller Illnd you prafBr. But be lore you Ie' he pDulee Pepto.II'Dlrl'n"c;Qde'I . ' TIUi full name. ··Pepto. Mansa6," I!botild be OD $he pagt .... -A.dverltaement,
Ha rv e Y8 burg , O.
Walter McClure
Graduate of ObI .. "'101
No th. hu t ~ l! lI i1 bl c ~l' rUI11 t1 ~c d
Phone 4 4
341 •• l1:.el)1O 'I'uokAlr, after two W".. &e· . tay in "llntuOlty wltb r e I ... "ve8, returoed hom e I"'tlt week. Speol,,1 mea'iolr. Tbur8day night. ., K . of P . hllll . Your preeenoe is Once in Awhile Your Blood Clo&'8 r, q 111111 ted and Your Vitality Runs Down
_'III .. : ..,.....
bargain ,
n. C.Ulry C.. tl •.,.. n. lad i•• H.mt J.ur.. 1 n. S. hud.y E..ai a, Po,l
\\'011 1811
Mn i:wwa CUoe, of Du.vton. ond dOD. Mot t. were wee l tlDd "ues t s o f tbelr pnr" Dt8. Mr. and Mr8. W. A JrIerrln. , R B. Broole tra!J811 0ted bU81ne " 10 Uay to n. ODe day lu s 'l w~k .
"' __
L. E. Kemple
cl u h 111 Lo u lluh " (" ';lU St' o f II 1111 1..:. ' or t hllfHl' In/.: nn 11,f' Willi s Ihn l beKon nt 7 ::10 evPrY l1I (l rll l ll ~ broll glo t out th e rnet ' hilt n W'" ulIIn of . Ixty Rn d n
--------It Pays to Advertise
.. m
$ I.O O- fmd th ey're
You'd bette r or der toda y-throu gh me!
Wh ~ t Caused Queer Sound • . CO tll ll lll i ll ts Ill ll d . · Illm l l l It \ \ ' or l1 :1T1' "
of ~H('I II ,\'· "v ~. t r ying 10 rert\l ('e fl es h. wI"'e cO ni petl ll !! In hi gh "I hn ve hl1 til e wn ll ot kick III" rOllr nnel one·hnt( f ~P t ." snld t he R l xt~" ,\'(' n r -fl l d WOl1l ll n, "nn(\ hllw! lost 1\\' 0 "ol ll ili s. Th " flirt In .I ,\· of s('\'e nl y· Th e .)umm tree on e nter'o'nme n t H,'e hn s kk k" 'l S1,,'(' n Inches h l g h ~ r. ·f Ultl Aid 1I00ie'y ' Dot pl.ce 0 0 h il t t w O ll ' r Ill' h ('o u.!I' (l 11.\' h er. " I' bu l llllny nUl'ro->oo . eLt Uomwunlty hall . 'I'b .. aU"odaoce wall enonurI'he huUes80s were Ma8 , h. we~ I:h,uld tJ .. rrl~ . Frllnk Barri s . c; ~ orl{llHu.1 rid .. n d Btmj .mln Hawke
wen', "
\' .
dev t' l op lll~
In C' vrry o l hror
L inn prill ,II rH, THE COUNTRY ( i l'.N n .E M /\N PrtS<: l1t ~ t h~ up. ' I ) ~hll ' I \I .. (· fll l fa cl s1\ItT it will pU\' \.'ou t o rcsd. And the- 52 tl l~ wl' rk ly i ssue~ thut r each .P )( I Ullrill~ 8 Y C'O f cost but
John H. Wright
Be litrloe W e ller & Co. w'll1 appelll .. I, th e T u wn 8a11 . :Frtday oljfht. J"nuRry 218t It WaH r eporl·ed ttH~ y wo ulll appear on MlJndllY ni ght. Janullryl 7, bu' tbe date Wal ohao ",ed h 18 the 8llo!Jod nUmDl'Ir of our lec. ture CQurlle •• od we b " .e every r ea . 80D t o believe that It wtll be en te r . hloln", (;om e ant and lIee f o r ylloreelf.
'f he O . ... vlIy.barg Fer&llt zer Co . beld tbeir ,iDDa.l mlliUng aod eleo. tlon on 8Uurda, . TboRi wbo at . Londet1 from a dll&anoo were : M r [ John KIbler, "I New Waahlngton. 0hlo; Mr. aod M,I JonUhan Mar. rill. 01 t!ablna. Mr. and Mu. W . W . WBIOh or. rived bume from Ft. JDodge. IOWB' OD Tbur,aay e"enlug. leaving all of tbelr reI"" ves woli. Mr. and Mr •. (;eoll 'Klrk trans.. ao&ed bnsln611 In WIlO1lnllton, ~rl. 4.y.
a lld
tltt'm it o f t his m ost und h c. . Jpfu l or t ic le .
I I1IJt.tll'U, tIJl~,lI"
V. luable Stlmul.nt. W at ue~vllle ' 8 Le..rliu ll' Den"l1& Blerbn nlote Ie n dd uk 8"lIIewhat \l II In !o' l "mllor to tou or co tree, whi ch Is III1111e 11m "" In 8 'd OA~ Rlr\ll trom the tou8tcd nnd I; ro UIl t\ lom 'es ot a bush whi ch grows In P llru gun y. Mnte. or Pft roJ( lIny leu, os It 18 " Iso cull ed. I. h ~ lI e \" ed to be nOI on ly a sl lmu lou l but 11 11 old to dh:e. lI oll, nnd It BoI" to ll c Il!!"eca ble IInr! refresl, Ing. It o ve re orn e~ fll"!rue to s uch Ill. extent lbn t Inborers nnd tra ve lers who drink It CBD k ee p goln l: f or wh ole dnys with. out food. It mny lie prt' pnrell wllh milk nn!l III OY ,-". tllk <' n with Or with. Farm Sales and li ve Stock a out au gnr[ SpecIally
bur Ylv g g r o un d : .. A8 )'IJU are 0 0 "'.10 oooe w " s J ; An 1 am n o w. ~o 'ou, will be: Pre pa re for aea lh. atld follo w In 1'• • • tloWI' mRn wrot.e be low tbl s : "To follo w v uu. 1'II loot ounHent. U ntil I know. wbiob way you
'_.. ~t" .. .tt. .......
porto t ion
I!!~t , '" tl lt' "U~ "" "<{ I V "
un ique syst c m ofd irccl m ar k t' l ·
hl rl~" t
" ·, ,,,,.,.oa"'10 •
Currful f UfminR, m ~ lhot..b h ..n.! J't" ~ult C'd in burnpn ('fill'''' ill N ew j c:nt'Y, N nv Yo rk (',t :, nced"'d th e food; h u t New V III k City () ff~' red lill i e COI')Pt' l lI t l<1Il t oward ~ c lt1Tlg it. H ow t ilt' St ate: B ureau fit M nr k d:oi S i t' " ped ln , securing ndt"Qllnt,· t' <-In:\. ,
Winter arrlYed ha all of Itl ~pldn_ dor. IDd w. IArB «eUlng iliad So It;. r " wtll ooly be a abor' time uDtll . .........: ~ ' ~.I\e "1!o"- .bWIch," h. "dol" wtll be J)eeplng 10 and 8&l l n,. .SCI)llwt~,r""'ettoca. ",A."'I')' rood "Gil' bUllY," tap tIIere.and ",I,· ...... _a<-'BarrT Brown Is .. w .... " '-klo .,.. 1W. . . . . . . .a.ter .. ad ..Dce , for hili health, and On hll r topped thl .. Ip of tbe returD 1\ Ie huped h. ~Ill be muoh lAat........... to IIO..17 ,1ll.,,,. do,", beneflned. tNILJIaJe_pfllNd bl, a~ Therllia lome '-Illi of ..D auklmo bile olob belDI In.muted here. In '....1JIj dM\r ~ 4c!De., IIrPQt; tbe DMr fOlore AI) OWDlltI or whole " .l Ilt. I _ ,Su. Joar aukle will be IIl1elble. .1IIt~.u!P7J,"", . ~ TJw Ifrt , . 111M AIlOe Tbomploll,of LA,baDon. ~; , ....~ ",.rr.rt road D_ tato .... 'be week-end lUll' of acqaala. t!"~~ ID.".' rtatat (l101W. "1lOea la oor ol&y. .[ ~, . . . .1<~ ...... · y~Dr dllltacaC'l, Dr. J, ' G "aoy . apea' l·..t w"k 'lIUIIIj l_ilt&MII. "~"'I~ with Ide bome follle, .fler ~n abo L! I aeDOe of • oouple weeu. ..: -: J 1 LA • • lin. 14a Ho"e Ie ou& 'pla. af:... Uii'"r a-Iltd Ms'for neal'" ..... "..~ ot lNtJIIllbll& la. -I
for n ext week carri es co grl'at story show ing how farI1ll'fS a re S h Ollld\Tin~ mark et ing p roble m s t ha t rea ll y belong to the city consumer a nd a re sol \l ing. tiWIn whl'rt' he h as fa iled .
Public Sales
O or I'e l\ i... o 1\ SI" k e l rn lll 80 m tl C811 . .. . ",,<1 lip t il 1\,1. 11011 " I ll u Janitor b,ul u o'• beeo '1 " le Lu . 10 " l· t . ti e 'H .V . h e rI "A~ nnt . lIII Clp" te !l OV fnrth e r t ruuh l ... ~L t b e 80 ln e tl·ll .tl 11<'' Mr s, Maud H a ines Fe lter J a n. 22 halt n nt LOBO IIble t o b ' l n g .. bou t .. C. E. Edwa ld !! , .. , , ... , . [ Fe b, 2 r..o .o c Il18 11 , 'u EV" l1l tu ll ll y Il Wi ll cOlJl e 8rllll ull and h e Kh u l] !<l Philip fl. H aw ke . , , . . . . . , , Fe b 22 I nb OL btl ' bl .. m pd wh eu he hI d J lnjj h l ~ e6t '[ ho t eHc he r ll bra Rt1-e DdI D/iC t n I wi ll " If" r " t 1' 11 "1 '0 ~ " I" ti t m y ' h Air duLle. r ell"rlll .. "" 0 1 Ib tl tr ll u h le and o lui w th tlt Ib ey d Ol 0 ' I " " lu n g t o r RHl nu II OH , on I b" Ollrlll' r " I ·lI h ti n ct tbe ull ioo aod ", ' 11 nut j lli n W e Ty l ~ r " t rell t ~, WIl Y'ltl" '·llI tI. Obio. UD artl proud of t b ei r O(H ' V tl tl nd li t Illt y Saturday. Janu a ry 22, 11)21, to r eDder I!u ob KOod ~ enl<'IlIl III' t1... lr 8~ud('nI8 are r ecei ving. aod tb e wil l. Begl n uln", d I ,,·oluc k. oh arp. n LuI. In g nllBIl tbe ~o hol .. r8 8~em tu w aol' l !l f l:l o?~eh C)ItJ ~l1rnl t uro nnd ~ollle I ' elt. Ho la n K II. t bl~ fe allnll pre. U oo j I ool. ~e" bill~ ror dll tn l l~ valla. s u cceslI I, bouo li ' 0 cro w D ,·h e MRS. MA U D H A I N E~ It E[IV[' ER . elf ur'. or all I Dtereu &d , . U. T , i:lu. wk a , Au ct. _ __
job; "- -iaitJGr draw· It is ~a i d t be to11 o w ln~ e pita pb .... _ _ IK'IlIDd the Band lII--..allla1i ...,Ift advnn ce. all pttlH' 00 a t ombstooe In II ollln by
.. ~..
;r' •
h.,tba. .. , IbI!t tr7 to ......... II. fOllow ea' lit ~u _ _ war, IDe tIM
Arr.nged ,
~ r
ho~uPIJIt' CJ
Aln" a " III bp hel 1 . lm ul ta oeOllsl) tbul en, blln g Iht' thoulIBoda of vis. li on to r ho o". Ib e leclur.8. demon It ra ti ons , and edu cati onAl enler .. l" nl fl ot f)( rnol t Inle r" lt to them Over 1.5 of the mool o\l~t.Dl\ln rr; f.r m ~1 l e B c h ~ r' [' li d Ill veatt,alou thro uR bol" the !II idd le Waitt ,00111 orrer laatrut..
F ar11l f 'l : \\'I'l ,l~ 1\ 1 -! t" '" mr " cirl " lI o f I h ~ '~ 41 ; :1 f' OJu t". I'Ui, 1 a ;soC; u. I "n" hel c1 t1\1r n~ I~ e \l: " l'! w il l I). ,"nMe l y In t er" :) \ , n o ' : . l t tl who l t: w il l pr ~", p n t a O1 u mn:.Qn con tl UUOUe r~ n ) K r . m rrllm 9 o 'c lock e ~, c h m oru ilJ " 10 la le In t hp e ve 'l i n& Seve ral 6 ~
v..- , ..
~tre g r;olu g on , sir. ' d IsI aomelbln h Jun er D t at cano••D. " H Il"~1I up lb~ Ikoul.D.ot eIIlerl,. .. rtll d 1 LiSle" . !'tlose 1 MY' are . ea poPPI~ . 1\D cau s" .. white ,ulrl of amou . tt. r4lui\l th" g1 089. 'ftGtlda/( TIle,..·. • IIahl- II9II1, ,00 dow" tlt ere," ,... "D-d II 1011 I l .In·, rlgbl . Boyd: ...." .... ~rt. n y popplnr; B"'UY rllth er " ••17. Coroel'l!d Sbl!lb, likely, nud, ----:------:-!~~_...:'IIl.,.:J at 1. I!t'D,leotber .lbl/t hid. be'lI .. ,u y wl tll , ·.hat'. lb. l>arpl.. ".~. DHII thelll" '9uI •• b. bal a cart ridge try ln, to locat. tile pla8 for ~ left. B1 Jlueol we've e OI to (: •. , down. dnr~. . Wbo lit u.. ...... of. [ and dear thl. nnt onl. WII"r,,'8 the OUl l·w, '" " - ." ,"II. Ienoril8'" "Over youd", 10 tbe left, 11<'11 or. You '':Ilidlao Joe LaU4. 1tIAGI'." '1've b.ud of the brut.. ludctD1 l8111 74H1l' ·lla. 110. Now strulKhl from tbf' wa7 7011 IIlCIta4 ~... ...... alGlll lb. b.olI. ;'here thiit ('t'tlur Iree nq : (rl t'nd of youI'&." lopa llle It et.DdlI nil al oDe. .' No. lIt'IIor: I hate ..... l . . "'1 ) 11, tou lee wh.t 1 m.. D'" bm ! her; now be tr7 te keel &btl 111&11 "Y ..... d I tell 10U 'bout-be . .' ewe meN - - --,. .."'7~ U IlIaI d QutcroPplni• ot - ; ...... trt. 10ft own lb"I'I!?' AlIlerh-lInoe." '"81, 1IAOr ; bllt It 10U rIde dowo, ""1'0'0 more I TblJ *-iDc to- rou ..~ ~:~ . 1t'1'\;~ lnl. ~rp.ut. Let'1 han fila ""7. ~ ,..rdr '" . IItra llbl .tOI')'. leDor1t&. You want.. "81. MIlOr; JII" balow, oul ot alPi. to belp tbea ,peopl.-Ia Ibat ur 7e' wbere tha, CaD _ . Wbeu 1 come "SI llebor : II I. oolbfq to me .hal th" '19_ IIa4er • rock !lbelt to JlOU do. 'I care tor th_ aet at .u: all tha me.... U.,b. thf'JI tiJe.1.'t IIlel not mJl pt'Opl. all7 .ore. Tt&IN II"' man7-lIIdlaDt a lot. a.r JUde there." wblt. aDd tbrH "Rul. ..ho. .... dIMe ~t 'nIt'y hplonl 10 the .....,.. "No. Benor. . Que .... [. - . . . . . Kdll'Oltllll lllIdIId rM ... ..,. carefllll, I. lila IeftIet W4 aIaaHIt. and ..nor ; 10 U nl. pNttJ .._ ; . . .~ tada b~lIIdi ovtr tnred .nd brou",! til-. . . . . . . .......... ', .. -':';&4
8 ty l. 8 .. _
D O"
· ( 6 I ".OMRAD f
D Oll
J. W.
..• DENTIST ..• O FFICE: fo urth ~tre"t . n car Ty le r Telephon .. 9.1
U lI1cc In n.u k Bh t ~ .
~ al.l n n.1
'" • \ "e'" I Ie.
Ohi"!Re~d Gazelle's Class;fie~ ~~:
SfARS & CARTWRIGHT All Kinds of A uction Sales Ge t Dates Ea rl y
All Kinds of Insurance Prote t you r Property Write or call ti S, ,Phone 61 -2 Offioe in A ma n Block , W~ynesvilJe; Ohio
, I
Io;S \II LLIS. 0810
2500 Finest Shirts , at
Ed. C. Woollard,
S ' li ool al thiH~ hurcll e vc ry
eo rdi allv illdl ed, t:' l hC~l~ ~t; r \'ic,'s .
(,hercJrafl. IlU.dCUred . • . , . ..
t , _ureel",ul.t1qo ( U I . 000111, plr \' .lue) ... . DODI Owoed 0011 u .. pled """ ' . 1. 001 13
l..o ..... n~
of the Hart Schaffer &: ~'an Clothes.
Ml' '' t- I
1VI. B. Hyman
Tell-the advertiser you
r~ ad
the ~I iUll1i Gazette.
tru fi l &D!.l other Dot_ o r co r poradl'u, luued tur aut .NUI tltall ODU y •• r more tha D Lhroo yea", ' ,.wo , 6,0011 ,00 Tun.1 bomhl, ~ .. rlll .. , et.o" a lh· ur th.11 U, S ., , ' , .. , ., ::!. ock of ~·erlor.1 Il_rve U~Dk
," . E. Church
l )U
Fern' C hri s ti a n L:1.urch
ilibl e ~:'hll"1 D::IO Prell~hinl:t at l U::W u , III 'j' ::lll II rlI , EVl'ry Oll<! in \'ited . J A PiOt,. I'as ltlr
a', "".1
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tlltiloontHtH who hnv e tH rn l 'd f ro m Ol e tr o~CTI
a r lf Otllllll1, IItHI hl'u ll j.::ltl
(tltln 't J!1't :0:0 dlll'Ht'd
hi s nr'" ' \ lId: , "T il l.' )1 11:-:" III 1.1\'o r [I I" 1"41"llIl:lll ' ~ .\I I"'l· f' lIulI ,\', " w h it ... , sf lll 111 "t ' l'\ 11'1 '. \\' 1111 Ihp PI".' 'f " '~ l l'o ,,1' ,I"·.:,, \~lIl'k ... IIJl'llI( "'I'll .. Tn.\' -
11d oll 's
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fl H ' Y
Qtl a ker 2- Mi'llule O al F'00d .. . 15c Quaker 2-M inu teWheatFood .. 15c Ral gton' s H e althVood .. .. .... · 20 ~ Posl Toas tics, 2 pkg~ .. . .... .. .. . 25c Kell ogh 's Co rn Flakes , 2 for. 25c Tecco Pallcak e Flo ur . pkg .. , IOc Tecco Buckwheat Flour ...... . JOe PureBu c kwh e at Fl our . 101bs .. 75c Big 4 ,lu_ Sacks Sa ll .. .. .. ........ IOc Palm -O liv O' Soap, 10 f o r .. .... .. 75c NationalOals , pkgo .. ........... 1Oe Sleel- C ut Co ffee , o nly ...... .. .. 20.e 3-1b. Box Argo Starch .. ...... . :!5c Hig Glln Ba k e d Healls .... .... lOe Big Box Malch es. Gnl y .. ...... . 5c A s parllgu~Tin~ , 50c ~ iz e onl y .. 40c J e llo or Jiffy .. J e ll. 2 pkgs .. .... 25c
I",,' f! nil
WIl II1I ' Ii' ~ "i)t1It)ol .
I h t' lIl .
lJonl",uitlnn ,
TI lt'
Wll l"I,, ' 1' ~llt · Ill' 1\ ~ln~lt · \\' II I lInll or :t w i fe II r 'n \\ l lIlIw. 1!oI IIII' II l'lI d of tlw llO UfO t., Ihll ' I:, to :;:t~.• o f 11 11 ' hllnt. I t ", h~
lla p hll ... hH IIII 11,I, e:-; th" l1 1«-'rul 1,11 1 ~ l1jln, ·d l l1 ltff · pIl H't' of (h .~k 1I 1' I1T\ I "4 1.
~hjl t llt t!~ 11If" ~ I P tlf'tnt:' . IlI ll k (lol h:ln:lll u ~ \\' tth 11 ,.. I'H~": I ~ IH!lt r S , t~ ltll f' d R
IInn d ,
We h~lndle a full and complete line of Hardware, Harness Agricultural Implements
h1l Y'" ""lIp pl lt·:-, IIl1d ~rlll I O l'l t ~ It O\'~'r f' \'l~r~' l hln J!,
ftl \'
1111111'·,\ ' ,
Rel ic of Old Barbaris m. In lIu('\t ' tH
" n""III ,< COt' Ih t' pllrchll ""
I,B. E·w~~e~~ART E I~===-=====~~I~ ~~,
ot IIII' gi rl .
M nn \' tltll Pfl hp Plllpl nypd thf' Iw l)) n f Jl t ~ l1s lt~1 f l'if"11f 1. 1" 1'0111 I ht'Rf' Ind tl Pll l /" f'ntl'" lh ... w(,I I·k lto"·,, (,\1 ~ t n m or Ilh' weddllll: J otll·n, ·~· '" h" ""'1) t!,',I1 tI :1tloJl. 'rllf' trl1 s f~ll f.-l f' lul o f lun J.:" Il ~O Is fll(l lat-'st mOil ur tlwlu~' , whn " 1111 1'l'IV" wllh Iltn urrun,, " " lc HI S ot
al h~r
hll'll ;
i ,tllt-' I'~,
n, c
SI'U,r ')11
Iw lll~---e \' ~n
culls ro rth
- _. ------'- ----- - -
Ir lhlll,' "r ",,,,,,. This ofl ~ ll Ink es Ih ~ tOI'''' IIf " It·tli ~x ..e lill'(l U~ Ih e b ird
uprul"'<1 lind \l'el1llo'l lI g.
Til., gl'l'ut(!st lOel'iHin it'u I ('nu~e of fill'''" I Is Ih p o ,,~ nlll"n o f Ih e mil,
l ond lw 'IIIII (J I !\'P th,'ulI~ 1a
\\, O l) <l111IH l r eo
!o:ll Y:-l th(, AIII('rit'1l0 Forf' ~ 'r~' \I ngllzillt' o r '\' u ; ltill~IO\l . C. "'I n '~ " l\lI ~t'.' h~' 1l01'1a hl e to't('a lll mill s utH] otl "'r elll!lnes ure Ol'l(IIJ:'l hl e us co m· PUI' '-'I.I t il !lI C tolul.
General Blacksmithing
- -- - - InauguratIon Ca)l.
[ lHltl J.!Ul'ution
Mnrdl 4, 1780 . hy
th e
fi xe d
And Harness Repairing done by
Con~n ent81
g''''''I'11 "",nt I'S lol,lI shell . n tI,IIIg wht ch cOll g ...."'" \\'no ted to ne"olllpll sh as soon , ~ 1",,, llll e ntter th e ,"I"ptlon or Ih e ~(tn ~ tltutll)ll.
Petl of the Famoua. Ooet he 111111 Emperur TIlJ erlu 8 were t!""otpd 10 In,u e H' rp':IIls. IlIch ter w u s r~ 11I11 of n hU J[e 'sp l ch""f , Rembrandt
hn,] II f," 'IIrlte IIPf'. "nr<llnul ~lllz8rln p,.t 1111 )I t1\ I'~' t1 1111 t hr el'l'lI t H k ht'lteu
Whatever you have utlivcd it s usefulness -- furni ture, hook s , magazines , baby carria 1 ass inets, brica-brac, skat es, clothing- should be sold. Other people will ' be able to put th se things to good use .
pl'p f "I'l'I't! :l ('OI'It "'1111 11
nr I'nl:-;.
ReveNled Position. A ,f .. Il·IIt! towk he.' fll lll·-yl>n l'·o1t! aon 10 1111' d '·'·ll.. And up" n r Illmlng how e t, l ~ tlllh('l' ll~H ~t1 hi", : "I )I'll Y"" SP~ 111 ~ l'I,' plt nnt~, 10(l ?'" 'rhe littl e tel low repll ' ll: "Yes, nnd Ih py Wl1ig od th e lr 't nl ls In front." .
lale home ,
Thursday, January 20th Featuring Charley Chaplin, in
"Eai), Street" Also T.ylor Holmes, in t' -
: . . .... h
' I-
"The -Very Idea"
, .
Admission, 17 and 11 cents
.... -".
Saturday, January 21.t
A Good Comedy
I Jack Davis, who has been l)Cated
in Dayton (or several years, purc hased a s mall farm at Utica. and will move there abollt the middle ! of February .
'Pathe New. ': ~
" ,
Admission, 22 and 17c
Tue8deYI Januety ~Sth
A Good Comedy
Rubbing It In. Plll ll'nt- 1 'o"lor, till! only Ihlng that .-dlll IIlI' rh ~ 'lln llt l s\ll gooo \vRII Also Ruth Roland, in "I,t rtts of LU'·Vl'lI lllIl'. whkh Ill)' dRughte r rultlt "!! 0 11 my nec k. A friend i 0 OC told IU~ uhll ut It Rnd II gave me so , _. . • ",uel, relief Ihlll I beeon to read up I AdmiSSIOn, 22 and 17 cents Kllout It t o see whftt tt W8S. FIrst, I ' . t ound Ihlll It II'RS good tor p8ln. In 1···04·~·"··'"~"'04'M''''"''''04'~' "~ 04.~ ~ I h~ buck, Ih i'll for spraIns. nnd Onall,. t I came to Ih e COllchl~lon tI,.t It ",sa ~I>od tor ulmost an:l ~ln,. Anel CU~f:OUT thell I understood why most doctolW . l'l1 n make a IIvlng.-London Idea.. We bUy l~1l! producerj ·o'll;- .· We have nil a,ents. cr... m ,tatiOD buy, ,e ... or'oth'!t liriiJdleq'len. Each cream producer ..ndl hll eream DlRfXJT. Empty Can. Meana of Great H."", toour:Crea~~ry. WE PAY .THE SnIPPING COSl' EYe" ceJlt II Dogs aDd cats han ~ MfIoUII youra. ~'!.~,~ .e ~~am. and c\ ns ar~ lluarantee\J apiDl~ 1011 by ,. hurt by torclng their beads LDto 1liii'll CUUR thnt ho ve contntnoo fish, DIA!Ilt. or SOUl', SOin etl,n1'9 they are !lot RIoI .. I" f!'('t' Ih .. tnR('II·es. Th eir terrI" Is 1, 11 111 111.:, 11",1 It ""t found they Uill Y 'ru " . I"tn ~ ,n ll~ hl (lIug pl" re IIl1d Ill ,' II ml . ,',·nl,lI· t!, 'ul h. It would he "n-,' 10 ~, ... th"l n clln when 'empl leil We PlY the Frel,ht aad Trial I" j,<lnn,le,1 nllt nr . hu pe 80 Ihnt " ~n' nn li nlll ('nn ~ .. I It" h('od IlitO It . To do gla~lJ thl ~ fIll )!hl "II "I' greut ~u fTerlog. furnllhed lo'rl " IHI ~ out! I " ·lpcrH.
'R uth f t he R k·lei"
...........04.M.... ••04.M......"....04.M...."••• ......."....04.>:....... 4 "....04.M....., .....
.TheTri-State Batter Co. cBs.. Capital $250.000.00 , : fitee
Forest T. Martin AUCTIONEER
for 30, d,ay. tf you heve no canel
TD ' F ind the Gear Qf. Blcyclu_ 1'1) fllld Ilw g""" IIf 0 "_Icycle, dlvld. till' lHII"!:,, r or It'I'th In the tl'(lot 81' ...... kel I,,' tl,, ' nll", hl'r ot tootJI In tI, .' ,', ·111' ~ J)1'4"" 1~ I't Illl d lllu litply by U II ' , l1 nlll l 'I, ·'· 111 hH'h ~H or the"- renr \\'l lt'\I 1. F or pXlI tnp le: Twenty-one I ~ , · n, III II", f"'''11 ~ procket ~eve n In tilt· t'1 ~lIr l" prt 1cke t
In d, wl .. ,,'1.
T\\' cnl )'-oue dIvided by
fjl" ·"11 "tllllll:oO flll'f't! : 11I1' t!P tllUe~ twen-
1I' · ,'I~hl
th e
IH ,·Ighly· r::u r- thfl gear
,..,1.",.<1 hy U. S. Oovorll"'oo~ UOlli luglou No G or 1 (tJl\utl ) . ..... . . 114.6 0
UstKl .lId
ltclIIlo loC Lon
~() _
Mu st Keep FIt. llI ,,!:n,'tlc In the ublll ly tro <I .. II II "IkuII thing well. Ye l h,, \\' orr" n II'(! I,.t nllr powers get Tlt pl'e's
"" "' ~ ll illl !:
nW/l,\' (",,111 11 8.
·s w~et es t
per pound
Week Jaa lith to lard Incl.
60:000 e~cam producers In Ohio. Indiana and Kentuek, shIp theIr c ream . DlRECT to the Tri·State which bill been established since 1910, with Uleta o~er a million dollars and now han<lles "40RE CANS OF CREAM PER DA Y THAN ANY CREAMERY IN THE WORLO. Your cheek for every shipment by return mall
~~::~'::8.~g~~;~t Statue
. ..
Idle money is a real expense. The only way to keep it from being a burden to yo\:!_is .to:put it/to' work. So fe~ people t __ ~ 1.;0-" 1 ~ ..I.. \. . l'f , ~~,.. , ~·,..at. e!illUD In . 1 e.
keep lJig. at.. ~ .Ilttlq ,
lJ. \'JII. 2...:o ln r rll)bon . 46 . 00
S~~: :~:~ ~02 _:01~~o;I~'yJra:~~.':~er : ~;:gg
5~.Oe ror
III II Rn ,nll town decided ~he wouldll't sing t",· n while. Then on e da)' a G ivf' m e your ~a lp. . I can do your 1IlstillgnlMhC'd vtMltor calli e to 'toWn lVork reas onahl.e IInrl will guursntee and Ih4! 111 "'" wuntpd to do hIm honor: to Ra ti sfy you , Th e yn ung Iud)' WaH delighted when s it e 1I'8S asked 10 ~Inl. But alae, sho ... WnA fn r below par when 'he attempl· ".1 to ~Ing, lI11d her performance was I " g'~ "c"11 1 dh;appolnlnumt. · Onl! cltn't
hk)'d ~.
&oyal No . I. oll o-~"I'>r rlllloull .... . . ,. ~6 00 An F.g)·Jltlnn slMue of IDD,. ToUtRoyal No . ~ . ~ ,colnr ribbon . ... ... ... 47 . 50 Ankh -Amnr hOB b~n aequlred ,b,. the Ollvor No. S • . .$15 . 00 Oll vor No. 0 ... 22. 60 ~ . '~ Oll"or No. 9; . a6 0 ~lonarob 2& S. ¥7.GO Mu se"", of th e ' Louvre for oyer WANT AD will help you mAk e q uirk SmlLh· PrcmlorIU. Linotype Ke, roblin, 96,00 '"l 'i.OOO. '1' he statue, whtch ' I. been II ctl .Ouaf&DtOOil In good ulMld co ntlltloD ~I read7 .,'. and profitable eal. of d iscarded articl e s . JDketl BrOUght R eco eon. , for loug hurd 1iIlr>·,lco. S.~I.factlou-Elt!ai~D- In 11 PI'enth prtn ce'~ P.osseatO!l llinC!! , . . . . .. . . . . . ._ _ _ _I5E• •_!!!.=c;-I----1-;::~~~~~~~~tor)' ..... ' ClllJO!,' uoed o<-pll"'h ...... prli.,.....t.wad..:l._w~~ • cOO I Id In be a great work Qt '" ' . ' .. AJ- .'" you huollal'll" or Imall. Ord ... 1I1I0II~' . 8 Stl t he so ld to t h e t llnny me r' h lin. promptl,. R bbOn... . 0 V color or colon, lor Arlo It WIIS bodly muttlatA!4 . thoG-' WR V~ ha"e liked It. I recolleci whC'll an,. mBkeof Machlue ..... 7Ilc <lOllvere.J. Slate MIl III ' of ,Yell.n · before Ohrllt b, tIuI h d mu. aod Hlodul . Oorboll (lIIper per box 01 Icllll,l'S SulIjects, wrathful 0981' hi, m. . . I I I tl"sl hea rd thot yarD aug e 80 100 ",,~I" . 11.96 d&II voa'ed. much I nearly kicked my cradle to ntl e. .. otecea." . IEmpl!? TrP8 '1l»Unclry, BuffIlO, N.Y
mad.) . . .
_ ___ __ ••____
Centtrvillc, Ohio
contains more or less ial which will never be
SI , . ... , ..• . , . . D. 728 . .
'r utal ... .... . ....... .... . 111 .01'.'. Of tb. total Io.UI .od dllCouoU allow .. aba •• Ih. amoUDI DO .. hleb ID\4INlI aod dlec:oUD~ 111'&.1 cha.rnd a' rat. In .:le.. of &boee permitted II, la.. I Sec: . Uti R.... '\411.) (IXcIWllv. oCDOleI U!lOIl "hleh "'~ clI_
til t' ('ur tn ili:i I' ,'jlll~r ~ blljl,
Mrs D. P. "~ctter' has sold' '' n e r b o me on !<'o u rl h st rfl.et. and the)l h ave move d Inlo the Fetter property on Third street. l. Satterthwaite
tt'l' lh
and D. Morgan Spring Branch
(' OIl },':T t'''~ Rllilpl y hec nus e th e date wo s l'll ll '·""l cnt upon whi ch 10 gel Ih e lien
Nearlye junk-that IS, m used there again.
I.m. 70 0• . 711. IU
Cause of FMest Flrel.
a.;'1 (' ll ~ .
High -
It PaY9 to TrRd e at
onn<l "II,,·rs. sllnl ~.
th' s(,f .,(OI ~ I ll r ll ll !!" 'hI' ntr , with win gs
1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classinea Columns lor Results
2&c Bring u s your Ch ickens eH tJ) rices pllid _ __
Bird Songl! al Pairing Seaaon. '1'1" , le ",I,' r emoti oHs ot tI ... p6lrlng seU!"flll urge almost n il hlrth~ , ho wever "~,,'·,, II ..·t t'ill In 1II1t, s lI'p l"y, to hf'ro"" S II I'1t
lodlvldual dopol"" lullJ",,' lO cb«k . ........ . .. . , . . . .. .. . Totolof I...ml U. U. 16. 16. 17 .u~
\ 'I ;~ ~kJ :.
I Can Co unll~y Gentl e man Corn I Can Early June relll! f o r only
- - -- --
t rll ll h ll dulIl'!oi r o l' fiji ' l11IH'
' I.',
1\lcw Yill ' h\t ' I :{ " , ., I\1 l h ':1 .>1 . I. ,' I ,:l IoJ, J I I "
Sma ll Cans Tuna l"i Rh, only .. . 5c MediumCans TunRFish, on ly .. l Oc Large Ca n s Tuna Fish , only .. 15c
rI '" w,·rldl"j(.
I.e:,,/~~:.t ~r~·.
l l ld
II ll( h l 'l
not. to exceed ISO Ct'I ola .. u
Sp,ecial (or Friday and Saturday
I ll' \\'lIlIltl 1'11)1 off' w l'h lu·r ultd hllh-,
'!' ;u'
wa~ the purchaser .. ~ ,- "-' --'- '
tlnw!'\, wlwfI IIH' ~' Ollll !! to Ilrra rq::f> with tl w
WII~ 11IHlI l i p
F arr ," MU()H ' !
" ",'
M r:'l. ~Llnice Sea rs die d at her home l' ! _ !2 . morn~nlC ......._ ••• _ ••••••••••• _ _ ••- - -•• _ ••••••••••• ,. .. m Orlllnll'. ' i I
Wh ore Chine se Women Rule . 0 ••• ,. 1 III
Tolal. ... .. " ... . , . .. . . ... 1 81.UO.6f LIABILITIES Vapltol Il<lck I,allllo ... .... .. . " 136,0".00 UJllll vlded pro!! ... ..... . 1 . llO 88
1.\ : II,~ r
' , I "ul' lIl
tf" lldH,~ ~ tlw J,!TOtl11l1 ,
- - - - . -- T i ll ' httlll-\ \ ltlllt ' lI or ~ 'hil l il
I. l t ' ,il , !
a n fl
. .1U
of Item. 11. U. U , 16 and ITot.l. 16 .... .. ......... . 9. 111.88_ _ _ _
I \ ' l",~r~
f . QO.o_OO
,?,n Thi rei ~ treet, Mo nda! I, I h e fur ,e ral was h e ld thIS
------------ ---- --
' TI ll" III \\'II \\I t:o- 11,')01 1 "'. 'llh'lI In l ion lIlIII / 1111 '111'1'11 1'111 1' 11 111,,1, , 1' 11 11' 011111 " S ! I1 ~ I f: illc III 1.'..411. Ht't ·tl lI~ i ' (I f 111,1 1I1d\'.'I" 1"11 1 " ..... 111 ·1 11111111 .i f SIIII! :-; il1~ 1 11 ' I~OIl wit h 11 11' \ ""q:I ' Ill" 111111 11' t ill ' ,,1111 ' " \\'rt ~ l'i1l11l !: I·d [ II t 1 ~ ... l lI i ll l.! In I!Mll. A n(' w 1'\1:ll'hll' W tl il l l11t l1 .. n'.,,'! til 1HOO,
These presents are all ~~ useful, and if, by chance , ~ you get one, the y will be , _ .....,_ ~~ appreciated. l!l':;'£';.... 4';;'
Hint ull
__ _
,..,."- 'I" 'I",k.l\ ,
t1e~e rt. f' or II n l wny~ points to th e 80Ulh .-Ne<lv York 'frlbune.
t h., I'l l ,\' (If 11 U 1l1 ,d
,:nT11 UU\l Hh.r
ot I he
h, · , OJl ll !"i f '
[l ft OI
. ~~ lahli ~ h nd
" ,\II IIUIl I
t 1:--..;111 1111.:.
rll l'llll'l'l~
IJn y Co " Lt m ll e n a n' I,
718 .80 3."1.60
serve Bank ", ." . . ,.,.,. , cu h In vault aDII Det. amOUD~ tlue fruw lIaUou~ b ...k . .... .
fl ,':; 1
l ah' ll l ~ 1 ' 1,' l'lt wtlt' n ,I
. , .. ,
L.wful ..ern "llh Federal II.·
plu stic nnd wh, '11 d lsl" llflt-tl ,,, I I ~ \It -
S ing Sin g. (1~;oo: l li l li c
l lll l' l l w fli ('111 111 o r tlil' '''" Iso ll Bay T r : lIl llll~ , · u . I l u ~ LJl\HuH III ~ t M 11nllt I v 1' ll l lltl l dl ' I'L' IJ au IU I.HufI t n ' llp"1
Th e' f\ ~ l l 'I"ol( ('lu·lu 9 ,~ II", ('n 1111 'n~8
1'11 ,-- 111'1:"'1111 III c.-ull t-'tf S lllj! ~ I,u!
.1 ,,'
FurnlLu N aDd tblUrw
th e futlgu ed balloui,.:." w"re bro llghl In Th I'Y .' " , I. Oudll"t. mnn ug c. of t ho> II ,Ill""o
n n e w n avy I m l l PtJll n w nrd ut K~n.. I1lIlCf\ FllCIlI g !'ttar\' a ifull ull d rrt~I' z' n", rOI r il ll' d a\~ i ll til l! \V 4)lHl ~ lI o rth c:lhl tlf ~ll' t;~ " I"al'\nry . t til: fltrtll II
Cactu6 the Compass of the De sert.
I-Rogers 1847 Set Sih erware 2-Handsome Electric Lamp 3-Good Seth Thomas Clock
lIPJlrl ll j;!
Pelican'S Com modious Pouch .
li lt' n ll l d ,
III , d
4) (
'I' ltl' 1,', ,!i I 'lIl1 ' !'o 110111'11 \\ ill h"lt! thrPt' tn "1,.:.11 1 pllllild .. o( n. . h ,
tll' t~1
t~tlpll,iI .
>1'''1 ','' " rll' "". h,' ""1 "I' II· n 1"",k.,' II · ,'r 111 1' 11 11 ~f ll ll , 111111 \\ i l id 11 II f, 'w I IH'
p lrl ,, · "
I t, ~ ."
:\IU U.
r-: ,: ;.:lI :-: h
(.· I' y .
" ' :I 1' ~ 1" ' 1': 1111 1'
III 111 ('
FnctoYy 'tn!
. MOlisr
north of
d IHI rl cl
Thl ~
f'uctory rfwu lvct'
per t...at u f au,-*".rtLlt.loD)
Left Noth "'g Wortb Stealing. 0008 . TblDUlDberof lucb to.... ... _ . . .. \ "'h, '" " ,, '''I::,' ... i·,. It,·nk .. doll'o ftt 8T\Tlt 01/ OUIl' . WAltRKN COUNTY.", "r IV .• '1'1' I t ' l l ",,,,I PI'. lit Ihl! o.med I. U . 8 1·uck ..... Cubler of th. abo.. 11 0\\"\ 1'1', \\ t! t 'll il "ltllll'~ I II 1"'11 1 )al' all ' ' .~ l ~ , . "... It ' I e , baak , do eolt'n1111y ••••r tbat '-be 1,\ lIltd 11\(t'I't '~ 1 111"1' 1' II I'" III.' 1'11\ 1.-'14 I'lirly I'"",'d II I" " "" sili c IUIII I h,'n , .bove I,.tlmeu, t. 'rue '" ~h. blot of DIY ~I r ll' pt·d , It. lnkl uJ,t n il Ih .. rl. ~ 111tl \. l'h' .., .. j , kDO ". I~P&Jlll beU8 ~ , Tucker, Cubl•• fI lii t "\"\,\ 11111' 11\\ I~ , . ::l"rah Jan e Slan ci ll died. Thurs ijut-.crll>ed anu .wIJro l.O bafON me tIlla• day at noo n, at her h o m e un Yankee pnrl :-:. Ind ud lll!!: Ih t' \\' I\I ~ .~I~. 10 n ~8 · Thl, 1" . "r,·, 1 tl ,,· ",'. 1 HI"ylnj( \6tt::~~f lt~::.,~I1~ I W N~ia~r~~:ltc. A Ka n6 ,a 6 E xp l a n~t lon . I Street. Th e tune ral WIIS helo, Mon- 1'11 1(('. w l! l' r t' ' I \\'H~ I1H I II Ilw J,:III'Uj.:. · 1111111 r.C. D. OOOK " ,' dOl"hl " PI'''I,iL'' 1 \\"," 1<1 hll"e I day aft e rn oo n at 12: 30, from ber late Ilt l..1l Ih.. "II ns ",'XI dll)' "" .1 lowed I'~: ~~OJlJtN ",, ' r,· h .. ,,::,· tn hi. OW" 111 ,"1 If u"l h·.·. , h o me Int e rm e nt at Centerville
n ~ It yoU ll 1;
wil li
lI ay
Ju st
th (~ l il
hr oughl
1\11 1
south window, do so at your first convenience, and see the beautiful presents we are going to give away. For every dollar purchase you a re en titled to a tic ket. Your ticket may be the' lucky olle.
I I , d ... II'~,
it lll l l ' l'1
"",ISO Il
h :I\, I II &
TI ll' 1"1' ·" I' I .,.q ,'n\' · k l ll l \\ l1 III t:lIQ \nt rld \ ... "IW r l1 111111 Ih' a r Frt'1 lt·rlt'l\ ... · 11:111, ~ "n\a~ , 1I ' I" 'illl! ll ,nt WI , ' ld Jlk "f I t. , I\t'r 1\\'0 Ilt lk~ dPf' p f n Ul 11 I .. \\ iI !'t 1l I Ill' 1' 11I1! Ir l p d. · \\,1t IIIIH II ~ dl ' P lh ~ , r.. r 111 11 11 ." IIr t hl' W"II" d,' !"!'> Il:lttl n· a r t' to t H' ~ I"t'll lil 6' 1'I' ,
II '" l,:ad ,~ III II".· '-'i).: II II ·l.'1I111 II d lO.(jI· ..,q l(' ': "1'\11111. Th lR
U I UI1 M' ,' \ . d :1'"
1..."'III'_J I ·OUR WINDOW? HAVE YOU SEEN If you haven't looked in the
I'tlll l ,II,11I111I1I
l 'rl" ·'.!lIt' IIt " Iln.1 r et! t a p" will "Itld y h .. Sl! ' tlH !d,' hy Ihe Navy l lt'part 111t'1lt tht~ wec k' In relRl ' llll rH"'tel,t " 10 th e three navy
1,:"\\,,, ..
IIu mbl. Poet. l u:-:fl ll L:
I 00 S. \ 3
Ou lla~.nl
Th" ,, ~ u ,,1 ~ ' " \'it' ,'s \\'ill b e h,·'J lIl' xt ' u nda\': ~u, d llY ~('h""I. !1: 1:1: I'r each a' K "<'rvi·.. ,·" . 11I .: tll a . III nnJ ,' i :OO Pill : 1h I." !l!{ue, li : 1[; P II' EI' ' r , I",dy (·.) n l iall), in vited
111. Itt
. ..
Del; est Cav • .
llI/OL'O UOLI , .. 07 . 4I0. U7 107.110. 07
U .1 . Oo\'erumeuL 8ecurlU .. o.ntd
Urth o.lux l ' rl~ llll ~ <.:11lI r..: h
know what it me~tns to S~I\'C, conle to Lebanon Frld~l\, morning, .ranll~Ir\' 21. Sale continues 11 big Jays
('ondil iun of the Harvl')I~burll' Nati o lllsi Bank at Harv ey,bur" in the State of Ohio, at Ihe dOle of businell8, on Decembp, 29, 1920
Waynesvlllr, "
Spp t uagt'si rn ll Sundny . ,Janua r y 2:1: Church S h oo l at \1:30 a Ill: l\I."rn- 1 in g Pray 'r III l U::\,I. r h" puul lc IH
U)T NO. .'J 'fi3..'iO 10 $4.00 Shirts
St . M:ur\" s Chlln:h
::;ulllia y · ~ h , "' I. \1 :1O a i n~ fM w u r"hip at IO: :lIl .
&: lioulh
.' u llliay Rt ~ : ao u m . Pre a ching se r vi ~e at 10::10 ,,'do('k u. In. You arE' con lilllly ind t ed t Ll be presenl.
95c $1.45 $1.95 If
CllKk Rrpalrlnx. Stove RrlMllrln,. Pump !?epalrlng, Saw lOhal1lCnint • . Knife "harpenlllll, Tool ~t>arprnh1If, Gosollno and Oil SIn t'I CleRnlnx, and loti 0' other jobs In w,lOd InLl
Caesar's Creek Fricllds Church ~lJl1dny
f th e fin est gr:1(k ))ress Sh irt : of th e lIlost dt'pe ndable mat eri als . Percales. ~Iadra s, POIl ).,: t'I·S, ~ Rt in ~ tT ipC' ~ nnd Ru ssian Cords. Also. tile finest Work Shir l.- on th t' lIlarkC'l. \\'or!.: Shirt s of ge lluin e AlIlos keog, Blue ' ha lllilTRi, which ha s becli olT the IlI nr kt't for S,) III tilll C', a nd Black Sa tteen Sh irt s arC' indlltiec\ in I\ lt !\o. I.
I.OT NO. 2 $25() 10 $J. O() S hirts
C hurc h _.,
General Repair Shop
Frozen NortH I
LOT NO. J $ 1.75 II) $2.00 S hirts
' ShU~R: ~r~. ~lIS
~ ...... -,'r . 2!z::!!! L_c&-
, untlllY , <:ho o l, !l:30. Meetin)t for I W ors hi p , 10::10 E veryoody cordially invited til th e se s 'rvi ceij .
t " Boost~'-'
, ~
....S.AF~ 7%,:: T..i!X~:FRf~, PAYABLE QUARTeRLY
., .' "
.. .. .1' , ".
. "
Phone ' 126 . -~:f ,.:- ,. ... ; .. ,- - . -:-.~
--, . '-~b '! ----~
',;: !"::'
If" YOlJ Wall! ·OU!
LeMAY ,W aynesville, Ohio
to b~ Qntir~ly, '~ti8f1ed, P.§e "-
Cl~~~jfied CQfunu11
... _...... .
, \"i1'[. ~\.PIC .... .J
i .. .£)LA.L
The rneJllber. c.t' lhe W8: ne r.. wn· W8lt~r McClure WIl8 ill Dayton, ship Furm e r~ ' Club me l. Thu ' allav. MUllcJay. January IS, at the ho ~ ~.it .. bl e home t M S I " . h Aft e r the Dr . ViII, Osteoputh, 21 ::i. Hrolld· o r. ~l1rt wrlg t. way. Lebanoll. Ohio. u.lluill excl;;lIent dinner, the fI~ ~ emb ly was clIlI.,d ttl IIrdl'r by th e ati ring Mr. and Mrs. r 'runk Elbon were Pre 8 i d ~ .n t -- "JUaa Ogle:;bt'e--who, Leuanon vi MiLOrs , Satu rday, L.
l'l r
-,ivlng the favorable experiencea of the iblu.. of New York. Penneyl-, vania and West Virginia. Edwin Chandler spoke apiNt the mllllBure, and moved that the club put itself on record as uppoain, it. The vote w~ indifferent, Ihowlnlr that the majority deaired more' informatlon. The elub tbellA,dJpllrne$l-separatinll at tbeCfoae 01 !II pertect a day sa can be expeetecHn Janua,.,
j Wben Presld (' nH.ltlc' HRrd lll , no un ce. hla cnblnel ('holc'"'' "o ng Ih e 1lI~1I 8 o t ~c ,p ,1 1<111 10 name of ("o lun p l \\, 111 1.1 I n )tce Th o mpsnn . I s the "l) llIl n ll I
,. de,. In Hpl'lIbltcftn '" 11K' Cotonr l Th omp80n I. a ", ,,. 1,' ,, . r Born III Muntans. he \\' I'nr ell ' , Btud y 8.111 graduat e 8t ColUni 1 lB Schuot of Mines Tht'n h " I·turn ed t o th e W~ 8 t nnlt b ocn.w ~ ,ch \.n C0l'per mining . H e h ecam.
co:nnel through aervlr . In Ih , In til e l' rol<!' " J1 ussl a lor 18 montbs I I~ : 'IV C' 011 1' mUllon of hi. l'Or GOn a l . " " d s to n e d C ' 08M, II wns a lso (:ol o ll e l Th om 1'801. ',\ 110 c·ClIlr.('lv ... d I h p l ei pn tllln 1"'1' ·o ll s ll\' n" nnc' d tl'" Idnn vr /; Iv. 1
The Amerlcan Far m nUf AtlU ' Fpd rr.,,\IICu, If- 11l:J\iln!: Ih(' 8:.1111 ' tort to protect Ita IIY6Il or k growe,s n. II . graill I?r<l" '''' II pi,, " ao", beea launched lor a oooperullv(' IIV (·.ln(·k ", . ,,"''''. tl lll'l., I, b, Unetock producers throughout t be mld dll' 'ii," .I hw""t , 1' . braslla. IllinoIs and Minnesota or!' already "I' PfilI ,nr , ' ·ln n. ar e nu ollderwny tor MlsBourl. Colorad o 8"d T e xu s Tit, ' 11,'1 " 1'!I'lure sho" "-b1 bas ye. raIsed by gIrl Bll d boy ca lf duh ,; ;) iI . 1 " iI , · . ' II ~f· (1 ", ,,, I to tbe market. 88 It does not poy 10 rnI tell I hem L,'" ,'r I"rl ll ,p sil o W8IItern Herlord. tn pen 8t Chl~ a g o 10 hp "'UI' I:"'o.1 b \' ' hl' ('nc'pcra . V6 l:ommlssloner s In til errorl 10 r('(lu N' ' h,' 1I,, "' ~ l n 101'1 ' (' II a ll " ,Is on the bool and tb e price I'n ld lor mC)n l b l' Ih ~ I;onb um er
If -
:' u nl sh ·A m e rl ca n War Duel " r Oll! "'ar hencled I b H ed
\'o r ~ fI
r OT
V?C~ 9
h n m C- l flwu
.11 K I ll ('
T h om ps nn
Vhl_ ' 1 10
til t'
0"I1t'" t 'o loll el detl , In N (, 9, ·ral \~U r 8 w h ('lre h I : lll" n lldn l'i nl It·tad" l'I~ I
he " . '
~' "
- -----
of the schools
r ente rt Bined Miss Reva Hormell . who
resigned her position in the schools . to a d elightful puty. Tues · day eveni ng A delicious lunch waR served, and the evening was plellB' Mr . and Mrs P. N , Cornell and anlly spent in diversions of the di(d aug hte r , Th e Ima,. were th e gues ta ferent kinds. S of Mr. and Mrs , .James E:vans. und t d' Ada Michene r deNg htlully enteray a Inner. tained at her home, Sa turday afte r· ---------Mr. ant! Mrs . •1 H. Coleman and noon . Duri ng the social hour. the Mr. and Mrs , Ethan Coleman and wedding of Edna Corn ell and Wilchildren· spent Tuesday with Mrs. liam Michener was announced for February 5th . Those invited were: Huldah Burnett and sons. Misses Anna Furnas, Corinne Welcb. Mr. and Mrs, JI H . Coleman, Mr. Alice Carey, Lillian Wilk e rson, Edna and Mrs . Ethan Goleman and daugh- Corn ell , Adria Co rn ell, ' Mesdames ters were rllnner guests 'of Mr. and Alina Rosell snd Ru ~e ll Salisbury. Mrs, Cliff Burnett. Monday even injl,
. • A mee ting of the Poultry Co-oper. tors o f Warren CDun t y was h e Id at eh B II' F'd J auncey unne 8; rl av. an uary 21 , at 9:30 a. m . . Mr E. L, Dakan. assistant professor of Poultry and Husbandry . of Columbu9, and Mr. ehils. Class, our County Agent. were in charge of the meeling. Mr. Dakan gave a very intertStiDg talk on the lI:ene rlll principles of poultry feeding, care ' Hess' PAN· A-CE-A ll trengthens and manllgement for winter egjl the egg-producing organs and makes production, also the use of lights to the hens healthy and strong and in- further increase the egg production, creases their laying q ualities, J . E Quite a number from this com· Janney. Or . and Mrs . H E Hathaway enmunity and some from a distance tertained at dinner, Sunday, Mr. were present. The maey friends of Mrs, Fred and Mrs. Walter E lzey. Mr. and Mrll. ------Elbon will rej oice to know that she Alvin Earnhart and 90n, and Mr. Is getting along very nicely at the Kenneth Elzey . h.o spital in Dayton, after undergoing Another real treat for the home II minor operation. and she will be at A deli~litflJl su rprise party WIIB ' home before lonl{. IoIh/en. Friday. by Mrs , Bessie Ander- folks in the basket ball line. Last Avery Needles. a former resident son, in honor of her mot her 's birth- Friday our Te lid ~' HI' a rR IlI '1. rev l'nge of Waynesville, and at one time day . Music was enj oyed by all, af- on the fasl Ltba null A. l.: . ~e UIll, who p')stmll~ te r, di ed at ' his home in ler which' a dainty lunch was served de feat ed our boy~ at Leballon. two weeks ago. Denver, Col, Wednesday. The The game was very fast through· bOlly WIIS ~hipped here allll the Mr , and Mrs. Ethan Colem an and out and it took som e clever work on funeral waH hdd fu esday a ftern oon d ug hterR, of Tll led o. Mr and Mrs at 2 o'clotk, from tile M Eo church J , H. Coleman. Mrs ' Huldah Burnett. the part of the Bears to cop the Rev Holt officilitin~. The fun eral Messrs. Walter lind Chas Burnett. la rge end of the score-~ to 27. was iii charge of Waynesville l,odgll , Mr. aud Mrs 0 , L. C rane we re ell- The splendid work 'Of McClure IUld F & A M .• of which lodge he has r.ertbined , ' unda'y. at the home of Waterho use wes a feature of the game, a8 the8e t wo Bears maJe 23 of held hi8' m ember~hip fot Ii long time, Mr. and Mrs F'or rest Grah am . t he 28 points. Frye. a new man Interment in Milimi cemetery. - - -- - - t Dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. D. with the Bea~. showed some real The funeral of Sam~el ' Eyler; a L, 'ranc>. Wednesday evening, were: form and will bE' a great help during veteran of the Civil War, wh(, tlied Mr lind Mrs, E:l hl1l1 Co lem an Bnd the r est of t he season . Satterthwaite at the Miiitary home in Day tun. last daughte rs, Mr , and Mrs . J . H. Cole- and Furnas played true tu form , Friday evenin,g, was he ld al the ma n, Mrs Huldah Burnett. Mr. and In all. the entire team was in the Cbapel,Monday afternoon at 20'CIoCK, Mrs Cliff Burnett, Messrs. Walter game every second from sta rt to fini sh. the local GAR having charlie of and Charl es Burnett The Bears will probably play away the funel ai, Inter ment in Miami Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morgan enter- fr om hom e next week. But watch cemetery , - -- .-- ---taitv d at a ~urpri!<e party in honor for tbeir next game at home. and of Iheir ~on. JOEl, last Wednesday help this splendid team pull to th" even illg, .January 19 Tho!le present fr ont • • Wt> r~: M r lind Mrs ChaM Braddock Mr alld Mrs. Will All t' ll. Mr. and Mrs. Bernflrd All en , Mr , and Mrs, Warren Lacy, Mrs. Frall ~ Dakin. the Mi~ses Mellie, Harriet, Mabel and Each and every member of Miami Tht: pro l racted m eetings at the Kathryn Morgan and Opal Dakin. at ,the M. E church. ul)der the lead· and the MellSrs. Robert and Clarence Valley Counril No , 103J O. U . A . M. ership of Dr. Bolt, are growina- in ~~reelal1d , Harry and Eddie Collins, i8 earnetltly r eq u eAted to be present interest. Over twenty have pro· Courtland Murray; Har!ey McKee- at our regular meeting. F,r idayeventeased converHion Come, and wel- ve r, J oe Harrill, Harry and Csrl Con- ing, January 28. 1921. Business of rl(~ r, E:rnest Hraddock, Cat! and the utm ost importance dp'mandl'l the come to till th e 8l'rvice~ Harry Dakin. Raymond and Joe Mor- attention of every member of this ~--,ng Reminder. T " gan The evening. was s pent in , Council. , '1111 0 tells U8 that playing games and mUBlc, J , Ben Smith. Counselor allDO)" .. ., '. hIe "1 told ),OU One Who was There, W. H . Dinwiddie, R. S. eo." un, . ., I ~etl! oor ~0Ilt.
.. - ...
---..... .,'s ".
Community Service Meeting
show no Glmln..nmen~ n au lltart:ed' with "Teu~. ot the Storm Country:" That lto1'1 made the.foyThe meeting of the Community Service will be held at School Hall Frjday evening ... , ':J.. tune' of amac.z1iie'f~- ,"ol1len w~cb o~ this ;week, .An interesting program has been . pr.ep~red and every detail is in readiness ran I~ aerially. Moving' pic,rture. 111'0- f9r ,t he evening. ' . .' ' I • " '. . ~, . ' I =te:i-,'~' "~ duce,. ~nd . playera have &lao ,ained ." -' fame ,aa il fortun. Uirourh It. A later " ,. ' . From. to,8 there will be a ,free basket ball game betw~en the Teddy Bears and the •• • cOmllllce" ' ''Thr.Shadow of U1. SheL- X fa N t I B b t f 'd ... 'I'IIe' boob of fe", aathD,l'I eftr Unng ' PIn..... 'baa aaother ...eet, . ,en , a lo~a s, ot . eams are ast , an a goo'f£ f;ame is expected. ' ' . ~;.. a ale 9' -1.000.000 coplee. ~ha~r: paUaltfo ~e!"lne. vafJ . From 8 to 8:45 ,t~ere will be singing, when it is hoped tbat P·rof; George Nola~ will iI'.,;.r' etIll aI'I the autltor. ,..1\0 U""" mud! like "T_" We'.JlropOM that be wi.th us to conduct the singing, . . to ... I1Icb pqpolai\tJ. Ruln Yet WI tal- Ollneaden IbaI1 become acquainted Ftom'8:45 to a -later bour, th~re will be games and a general g'ood time. President ~ ~,bter of . .te with an4 reproduce t h e . . , • ... ...,.. to,..1l u6.i'M ••4 ta DO\ 1to!'J 1erI..... . . . . roar e)eI opell El118 proml~ ,s ome surpl'Jle8 for the and you must come and bring the family. -~ f ..... ~ to r. t.be In& hI'S •• ., A pocl time is antid~ •
,W'. 1:..U
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H es~ '
I II d e r lilt! Kplen rlid cnaching o f ' 1i <, 1\11t'1I. th l' H igh ~e h ool girl ~ n " ~1C\riou~ victory over th e Ma ·
I",·. I
I'"u lll' '' I ' AN · A ·(· I·:' '' <rol ' l: i "I,. Friday 1III!'hl Th e '1corf' milk.," h.'I1' I>lv . .1 I'~. J , 1I111 . ,' . \\, a ~ :H 111:1 T hc' g-ir ls ~h o wed won · rI .'r ful t (,lI m work all tbruucc h lhe i Mi Hs Antlm i)in wiold il' . lO r I hll I" " . I 1! 1I111" . ('ven th ollgh they were handi· ~1J~nt the IVcck -;>n:1 wil h h!'l' mntllc'r c'Ail III 'd hI' IV O of t. he ir r egu la r team I",illl! IIn l1hle tu pl ay. I FurTllture Sal e ,% ~11, .Ja nua ry ~~ I The fn rwa rd ~ showed unu sual skill , to f ebruary 28 . I' r~d ~, L" h:lno)fl ill rl llrlgi ll l{ their gua ,rl s . and shontilll{ g"al~ . The g u a rd~ helrl th eir , J ohn Lhrnu a ne! fallli l.. s pl' n l Ih." I r " r l\'Rrrl ~ clo wn so well that they I wee k· t!lul with re lal iV l's ill f)u.\ tll n. ' " I e Ilna ul e to rl n anythill l!' Th e /.
ft!w upproprillte remark~,
entered 'the lists in favor of thE! bill
_---- --
Cha:!. Wli g~y IIlId fal1\i l.\ l' inc innati vi ~ it ClI' ~ . "u nclay
Clouks and ~'urs at less than Ya handed tlHi 6Cltvel to hltn" Elbon, prict" I"r~d 's, L~b!lnu n , who IItlsumed th e office with "these IAre Iny 8e ntlm ~ nt ~ . loo .. Mr IIl1d Mrs . C. III. Robitzer were The u~ulil paper un Cur l'e nt E vent6 ill Cinci nna ti severul da~' s laMt week . was prppared hy M r:;. Cw rI Du kI' Brinl!' your cou~o n s and get free a and , in her . absenc~ . wa ~ n :ad b) Mrs S . 1" , Elbol1 . The ~ elect l ur. & box of PAN·A·CE·A, J , E Janney were wl'il Dla J~ and aroused favor· C, W. Younce, Jr., and Ernesl able comment It is cllstumary in the club for th " host to furni8h an Earnhart wer e Cincinnati vit'itor~ ' essay or essayist. Mr CarLw riKht l'ul!tld ilY , chose tbe latter course an:! usked FurnitlJ re , RUgs Linoleum. y. off Rev John F. Cadwallader tu speak on "The Old Year," lind lhe Rev D. at Fred's. Lebanoll, J Illl uary 29 to P . Holt to di8cU~9 "The N ew Ytea r .. F~bruary 28 Both gentillmen sl)oke IIPIJt'opl'iately Mr , and Mrs Elmer Earnillrt, of and were complimented Oy clOijt! Daytqn. spent Sunday with H·. E attention. The topic 01 the day was then Earnhart and fllmi ly. tauD up--"The F"rmers' Part in the Mr, and Mrs. Max Kohlhagen, of Taxation ." The leader-M r. Wilbur Clark- ·presented a thou"htful paper Lebanon, were Sunday ' guests 01 on the aubject, which was1eservedly Mye r Hyman and family. well received. Mr. EliWl Oglesbee Mr , !Jnd Mrs. Earl McMakin and cO!llinued the discussion, and WM son. of Dayton. spent last week with followed by tht! Messrll, LeMay , Hawke. 'U!wia alld others. The mat- Mrs Vio la Carey and daughler. ter of UliliecellSII ry officiu.11I was St'veral members ot the Farm Bu. poilited out lIB ,II,e cau:!" of high (rom here attended a meeting of the tax,ee The poll tioii of Oil Inspector County Bu reau at Lehanon. Tuesdav WIIS condemned Ila ubeless, and Mr. t:artwriibt 8pok~ of a CtlTlUiD omM r and Mrs. Ernest Hsrtsock aDd ~al as 8/lyllll some' years ag,': "ff c~ildren, of Dayton. were Sunday the party were r elDaininlr ill !Jower. guestA of Mr and Mrs, Geo. HartI WOUld ct!clllhme(,d til" .. llllll llon or sock. mY office, la S ,it 1M uf slilCllL value to Mrs Jacob Sllibold, of Middletown, the community. " 1 hi II h OI ubserved that Illltlly thia tIIlme man WIIB in- nnd Mrs. Mabel Fitzgerald, of Dayvollln, certain influences for re·ap- Ion. spent last Thursday with Mr. poiDtm""t- a good example of "Yes- u.nci Mrs O . M Ridge terda,y" and .. 1'od81 ." J C. Aawke went to Pleasant The ditcuaslon thun drifted to the bill latelY introdUCEd into the legis- Plain, SundAy. and Mrs, Hawke. who lature providing for the crelltion of had been IIp ;' f1ding U week with her • State police force. Lee Earnbart children. returned home with him,
Whole Numbp.r 5419
Bo r n - To M r anti Mrs (: 'ITIH' ('(,111 t'rs wprl' abo on th e joh, mil king Morall. F riuay. J a nuar y 2 ) . l ~~ l . U I it alnl n~ t in'llH)t-L't ihlc. for lhe Mason son. i )l;lIarti li to get th e ba ll over to their for\\'ards. Although th e Milson girl!'. Dr. He~s ' Pou lt ry PAN-A. C' c.A is , !l ui !'i ne wo rk. they cuuld not equal guaranteed to g ive sali ~ ruclinJl ,J ou r l{irls in tl peed. E Janney, -----Mason heing very easy pi cki ng for Mr. and Mrs . I-larry K. lIam iltnn. ollr Hig h Sc hool boys. they did not of Dayton , visil ed h nme folk !!, Sat - hfl ve tn ~ho w mu ch form . Atte r urday amI Sunrlay . run n in g up b bi\{ Bco re in the fi rst hulf. Ca pt. Burton put the second Shoes, y. off a t Fred's . ~e ballo n. tea m in. and they also led tht' Mason Clear ance Sale , JI111llllr Y ~!) t.o F hr u- U O} s a merry chase, ending with a ury 28 wild d efeat for t he visitors, th e score being 77 to 8. Mr. and Mrs Prank Rlbon unci Mr an d Mrs , Harvey Ity e \\'1' 1'(' Dayton On Satu rday lIig ht the attraction visitors, Thursday . was Xenia Hi vs Waynesville Hi. The faetest game of the season was Clearance Sa le in all Depar t m ent ~ . witnessed by a large crowd. S. January 29 to F'ebruary , Frecl' s. Th omas, J onep, Car!', Burton and Lebanon . l{jggs stoorl them 14 to 5 during the first ten minutes , then Thomas was w. N. Sears waR called to Green· put oul on personals, hi s kid brother ville, Saturday, on account of t he taking his place At the end of the p.eri ouB illn eB8 of hilj mother. first half. Xenia led, 17 to 16. The local b oys went bllck and played hard Our Special for this week - DR lhe la s t half. but, owing to weak HESS' POULTRY PAN·A- CE·A - guarding, lost the game by the score try it. J . E Janney , (lr 37 to 29 .
Mr. and Mrs . Frank Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. Will Norton' visited relatives in Lebanon, friday .
Booster Coupons and Cedar Stamps with all purchases at Fred 's; Lebanon F urniture and Clearance Sale . Janu· ary 29 to February 28 . Miss Josep hine Decke r and Mis.q Zaidee Venable, from Waynesville, were visitors on January 17. at the big exhibit of Southern California products. maintained free to the "u b· lic in the Los Angeles Chllmber of Commerce. They also attended t he lectures that are a part at t he daily program . The exhibit is the largest of any in the country. maintai ned by a commercial organization , Before returning home, they ex pect to visit several of the many other places of interest in the Southland .
A call from Genntown came here , Tue.s day . for help, on account of a big fire Sevelal of our citizens r e-' ~ ponded. but when they arrived on the scene the fire had done its wors t. Two residen ces we re completely ·dest.'oyed ....: Surface and Cooks. The neighbors worked hard to save the buildings, but cou ld not ma~ much helldwiw. The fire presumably originate from 11 defective flue. and one of the houses caug ht from thE! other . N o I!st.imate was given ,If the amo'u nt of the loss. '
Drive your car' to our Salesroom ? Purchase from us one or more Tires. ' ...::..::.:..="--- - -- . - - - - - - - - ' ' " We hand Ie the follow in g -n= la"ik"::'e'=s-:
We will test and fill with air ALL of your tires withouL charge once each w~ e k for six months after date of purchase.
P.D.Havvke Telephone 41
?MONEY~l Idle money is a real expense. The only ~ay to '. keep it from being a bur4en ,you is to put it to work. So Ceo ~ople; learn that lesson in Iif~ . .' I ,
SAFE, 7% TAX FREE~ P~'4BU--Ql,W~'RC¥---I4:~~~~
\'fAl~.nLLA 0810.
Will Ame rica Fir t e
lI ero. n con pit' ,I r'm. ~I\e IIIIl a 111 1. (
No Foo d for E u.r..;. e's 'Children Unle ss Ame r··ca ns S end R elief
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HampSllire Bred Sows and Gilt~
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'rlley 1I10\,0<1 81 R wnlk . Ih," trooper \.':J, g~ rly ' lc-erJ Il Io! 11111':\'1. y .. t -- utlousl t1~ r"l ul"~'" bu c k IIll'1r " I·"IUI<. -
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'1'1 .. , 011111 II lIl 'lIn n'"
slloke, ne\"t! r mo\·cll .
for til t:' sligh I tremor of hl'r glenrler fonn tn hi s nml S, The OIojor Inld he r sorlly down. his own ru('e dmwo and wblte wHb suddell "ns8101l. flnrl strolle acros! rO wher e tb ~ sloln outln", lay In 8 IlIlfldled h~lIll . An los tnot lui looked dowo al th .. Imlllli roce, obllv· loo ~ 10 n il l' lsl', "0-11 roul " h~ !I1u!!erE'l1 In 111Ielel;5 nl ~ e, "I wl81i /'0 killed you 1M The n he turned Budden ly. tbp !![Ilrlt 01 the 801.II"r In Ole ns eenrlonc y. I "Deilloy your men. Coptoln 0 11(,8," he cOIDtnnu ded, hIs valet' hunl nnd st4jro. "Swing lh em Into IIn ~. Lellve a eQulUI h ~ r e IIn der 0 s N g"ont, I.h·eIy. boys ;' t.hot Is one o( our 01,1 Ill ds fi ghti ng' thos e de"lIs o,'er yond er. , Now we' re go lllg 10 s trik e III. IInti d- D . m . It I co re If you ne\'c r luke 9 prls· oaer. O-'i,m·. glve me IUl' horse.- All r eody 1 HlIjl:l er . ROUIILl the charge I" They s we(.t ron vo rd 00 0 wolk, ' Ulea 0 t .. ot. spreadin g o ut onto loog, I double line. 8t! Ihey s wung Into lll e \ lOore. open HIll ey. riding knee to "nee. the ruen IJ ndlns; rurwfl l'd In Ihelr ~tl r· rups. willi Ic rt hani! ~lI$lIlng the reins, the rlgl. t grIpping Ihe s horl cor, blnes. A hundred yurds ond Ih~y were a t the 1I01i 0 p. tI blue torrent. nt the heels or the Ir lemler; tearing through weeds au\! uod erbrush. spurrlu g r cc·k. les81y Into and over Lhe crcek, l)u8hlnll up th e olher bonk 10 t h e very root of the bluft beyond . It WOI! then t he Ulll ' Jor sow Ihe li stlessn ess of It He whlrlet! wltl, npHft!() I$l\lJer. "Fight on foot. Borse·ho lLlers La the reor. Come on, In1l81" he shout ed. hIs "olee pealing oho \'" e,·.,n the tllUd of hoors. "Oct up Ih ere sO llie 1I'0Y. YOII Lerrle rs . ond give those red dOl' lIs h- I !" 11 l p~' cOlU e forwnro 81 8 nlll. yelling ne tl,~~' cUllI e. lind leupl'd In Olnong th e roc k ~ . t"rlr cnrlllll cH b(,,,lnnln l: 10 spit M tlJl'" clumll('( ~t1 t1I1Wllr.1, O,'prheo d
,round In
ul' L111-'
rrnnt. hut li n ;,:'1111 1'" \\'u~ tlQlIlIHed abuut It, Evh"'III I ~' 11 ,,· ("I· lowl btld
I\l lf~
~ I ,, \\'
red ttl I' ht~h .. l' . T i ll" 1I1 1t · 'or gra s ped 1111 thl ~ lu II gIll " "" . hili
whnt Intere31\,\! hllll lIIust "' li S Ihe sound or " ( N ld, nrlIl ~ JoCOIIlt-' · t\ !'I I HI )(' I' away. "Tb~y hove either n il J:"1Il1e In shle." he whispere d 10 Pllllc hu. cto'lIchlll j! 1J~ 8 hle hIm. "out or Ih e s torm, 01' else they nre over Ull're wh ert' Ih ,,' nlt l,, · Ina la. You h~or those rltl ~s ?"
STRIKE ci& are tte
"No, @en o r," eatt'lh' !-I 'I~' }(rll": l d l l~ lt l~
artu, "f~t I. 110t thll1. I kll"w : Ih, ', 6,hl up th e rnny oll. Lls t l' u. " c l I, """r th
re- till' sOllud , '1'11\',\' try t il
S"lIor thl'm;
t' '' p llll'l l
I Ir Wt' J;O q ll l e ~ w" " I,.,' w811 , ""I .,'I'e nil be \Ie, ,,1. I'.'t nil h' Ihe roc k s, so 1l1llH '
" 'f'
~ow WE'
GeE.. ·TLL.
I'-~II IT .\III ;':
"' " ltd ~ . ,. II ": lilt'
tI ~ " I ·"\l .
h' "
f'l~ ' Il(" ,-h ' : 1" "1.
tt ....
lIt:' your ui :l _ " ltr p U ll' I I'J ~ (' H f t"~ .! Id ll at \' h ,LS a$-
.,. ,' I I Ill'
jolr \\ i ll pt" \ ,,I,.. fq r .• f 1"~ I.
PO,P WI .... BE
SUAPRI sEt> WHeN t1E I("O.... S 1'\fl ~O L"TIN .
... 1'111 · ...
rlll l' ~
!':helhy d rew /I lon g hreolh. null his 'UIr1 th ,,~ ,' nf hI s wlfe's 111"1. " Sh ~ 1MIInl.pl .. r Ihol wuy , Tum ." ohe su lll IInd en; tlIn d lnl; ly. "}\' ow s he will n p,' t'r iLIl O\' "' 1 f1n ' lld ert so to te ll bt"r," HUYR rllllJ:"h t tho words . h Is "yeo H"t'k ln g Ih e "Ilcn kl' r 's rocC'o "Who WII S Ih e III n1l7" he a . ked shortly. "One nt, Ih e oultll?" P )'I'"
Iwe'n impt\ l; c'd ( ~l r
,I oIb r will 1.."1\' ,. hi m Tt'Jl dn1tar s 11l1 1l unti l Ihe h :\T v r ~ t s .1
I)ltJUf h .
The Rock PI ,,\fo rm. 11 .. ,1 11 0 lim e 10 Ildnk , or 10 ('\' e n C'OIllIU'l' h e fu) (' lf 11l'l l' ", h ut c on · t r oflt prl hi m . Tl l(l r~ ",u p; It '=l~. ' o ll (1 hi wh lr h h.. I·U IIIII I ·d 0 Io .. notrul o f enrl ·
mnd u llI , you Ul'e Tom Shl'lh)" s w i r e ?" " Y ~ . " :-;11(' 11I1S Wt"!r ed q u i et l y , IH~ r
''In' lI tI ~ I " "lI l n g 0 11 h('r hll shund 's o rILl. " I ""I, fi n(l "I _u Colon r l Cur l yn '~ <ln ll ~h l c r , W .. Io oth belon g 10 the SI ' lh ." '·('" .. In,·" d l1 l1 ~ h1t'r l Or cll t Scotti do
"ri ll. s pr' n j.!' llI ~ fl"tllII pul li l
clut c hln )! (or n tlOl li 0 11 Ih p f1 nrnp" " I:Ip Orl',1 hllndl~' ~ I nll jl: hl 1111", Ih plr tfl f'f'~.
"lt ot h ('r
n ~~nllllnt ~
l o pplp
10 1111 10 1-
InC"h lIy 1111'1,. (flu l hy ( (h't, l\g llT IlIg n~ 'h t.~ uth 'um·p J! "rlll g u l ' ,·,' r y ~ kl1 lk ·
rp\' o h 'p r
In J!: 1\C' lI rt:' In tlt l· lr f rOliC. sk tr' lI lI l.! prt.'f'i · p l 4" \':-', l eu pin&; I\t ' I' tlSl{ d lll s IJI,,". di ll J.;' llI ~ d . 's l ll' l'lIll" .\· 10 I·\:.·.. ~ rll~' k ur ~ hruh.
crn r kpII rl o.r t",s l,l .. hl o e nr. ye l with no IIflpnrlt11llty to 1;11111(,1' f1hnut. H . hlwk\\'nn L
tl .~h · (·u l' I II II \~li ';IJ I tl1tl~ 't'l c luu :;I)' , " It ~t!1 lin:11rs r t' If'H!';p rllf' lr h oll l rl fl rR Ollll~ hll(h In olr. 0 11,1 r II tl n"'n (I n )~ In !!t't nt II l1n,l'~ 1[1'1 1'" "'tlh Ih . ttl'" ~ltll' fli t'. ~n v nJ!.' ,\' e l1~ h lft ntlt·,,, InfO I ll g-Il uh uvt,. , · IH~ II I." 111 1" OI Hu crl ps of ,I plllh nJ: " lIY. I Ip r.. II Ih .. rllp ! cHu ght J;II IIIJI ~e~ or lollln f,: il;.p lI'" Oi, uf o( n hnll 111 I II~ s h,)"hl "r nll " SIIICl:pr' " It II Jl IIlg jPl s flf Ihl rn e. or Ilt" "'e s ln' l(' bll ck from Ih e hillw; n IOIll !lhnwk I:ll'H hnnd til 1111 11'1. O( III(liu lI " s" ek l,, (; gnl1. ed hl ~ wrl!fl. nll,1 Ih .. qui r k _In, h 10 C5I l ·Upt> . Shnrp-"u !cl'tl rltt-'s IInof n ktllf ... rlpp ",1 nllNI /1 Ipl: or hI M s \\' el't! r! th e ('n rhh ll's, lI tI,1 n 111'11,1 ~ ol clll t ("hlu~
trO U Sf\ ~ ,
R rPll !': llI l n
.II !1c·olo rlr lf! flip
openln j!. np hnd I!lhllp~" of H"rr· ... In · turl ntell fO""R , of wlI\"lnr: SClliplOf'k!l, or nnkpd ..h..."ts nnd nrm. . 1' llI lll> i'!I elutch ed or him, nnd he klel; ...1 him· self frpe. Doth Illl nS emp ty, he hul· t ered n \&' n ~' wll'h Ih e hllII R. snlll. hlllll
rnr'e hr\ \In ""
1 dle r
JIlin}: ' h'lI~ll1l ).: OVt' r tlt e c d~" o( t\ rock ; Jln o lll~ r II 11 rsf" ) It hl t"t.' LlI II ),! lIrm In the s h " II ~ r uf n cl'lIl1r. 11111
t he
th ~ 1lI
untrnrr rom
S I)Tllt~
rldlnt: ,q lrrllp 10 stirrup III n wIllI
t wo Ilr lP!iI (If cH\' nlry We r t' 8we~ 1' 1 1l;': s lro lj.:ht lo wnrr1 tll p. ront or
II r knl'''' whnl \I, e)' we re l1n e~ ~leAr1y
e ven nt
o gnlllll" lI, e spurrin g omce r In f rOllt . the glltlf'r of (·IHbltleR. th e 511"n,'(', len . 110 duu lo t. No In ,lIl1ns I"Olle I1kp Ihnt, R e wnldled Ih e lll. grn ~ plug Ill' r tI"htly 10 h Im 1I 0W . scnr~ .. ly II hle t o ~lJ e uk, Oncl' I\lI ly. ho 1:0"" ultprIlU P", .. ~t ~· (;(w l ! ~ I"! '~ t ho",'" f ('lJo\\" ~ rlrl p I" "Tht ')' :lr~ s" ld lfll'~ ?" "Y es, ~' e s! GOlld I.ord . l f1 s~ le, but thnt IDOl" III;p 11101 IlIlY. Itmdlll~ ·C lll .
Its tile ~I ' lh . th., Sirt h- o S't"Il!l'f)ll of thl' ~Ixlh '" li e SIII):):"I".,II to hI . kIll'''' , hilI s tili hf·ld 111 111 .. . ,1r nl) pp.' r' in!!
(l V l'r
l ti p N l l1 '
11 --"- " "1.'1'"1',,(1111 ." "T loll t·. II. '1' 10 .. lI .. s l
Send for catalogue to Ihlll~
yo u hel·
ttor d ll ,\" 11 1111).: \\' 1,)111 110 , Is t il I ll k c n t r i p t o old " t nt l ll l ll ." ~ IH' Klld h ' d , :t \\"1~1 fu l Itluk In tht-' III ' " ":f " ~ . Il ~ Itt 'r tll l::.', ,,II '!.
11t ' J1 II I:"o Il f rfll' £'
" 11 ~\'PI'
'ft q ul~-' II ~ .
It) j u ~ t
Itl p)!
~ tJuJ.!ht t ' lI'
Wilmington, Ohio
U ~ '1'11111 N II .' !'l." S'tI ... u n · "I lltu \' pry {' u rHent
I lt l\\', "
Tlll-' II r ll ll; tllltl ,·CI1:->t·tI , II lId SOh.ll@I'S j t'ro\" oeLl ll l l ' ll'ul1 h "low ; Ihe pial • • 8 ~
cUd ed,
l'nn; I'.:NIJ.J
NEWS GLEANED fROM COUR - -- - -T - -HOUS --- E -
New Sui..
Prvceed 1na. I a the llI1lt.ter of LeHfid BarrIs VR .I o hn /:IlIonl. PI"lotlt f graoted dl vuro" liod mllideu oem' rettored .
01asa IB B d Ad•
Commie .lo.e...• I'roctted lDp
BI1I8 allowed : The Ivlol! J .. meaoo DruK 1..:0 .• SDlJpll dM tor ouurt bUllae lind jH.1i t3 1.!; Th" Morr" .. ,~om. bllr Go ., I !Leg of o~"~. $5 .50; A, B
An ad . in this column MONE l
Kliot/lIa n, ~opplte. lor cour' b 'lulOe. '6.:!!! ; C U. MAryln , .. opplt e~ for lor rellordt' r, pto • ' .50; C. C Bf'lgb~. m.n,-br ooUlII. I :;-; -1'r-ollt.et'8 of PobUo AIf"lrH, lI~bL lor jail Co Jao . I , 111$1. 1:12 .50; Tb .. RemlUI l'oo I'ypewr lter Co, .. djo8~m~II' or maohlD e. 15 50 ; CIII! Warwlo lI, wood tor cuurt bouoe. 110 22; 'rhe W tlR Il rn 8lar, blaDkB. envelop M, e\o for varlno. offioe., '104 71i; Tbe WI',\er n Htar. dl)l( 'IX DoUce, f8 6S; No .. 1 Wtlli"mC l. Iltbor aud ma'eria l, t1.60 ; Tile Valley Tell'. phone Co., reDtR for Jan . 11l21, "'7.25; 'rhe Vallev Te le phone 00,. 'all, for Deo, 1920. 117; Tbe (l'oel & Suppl, Co, qUlrtAr lv rent. for 10\8. .6.16; Oreaon la Bridge Co" w,)rit 00 ro."B. '61.811 ; L M Prlooe Co .• 11 nt •• 75 ; J. u Radeb ..ogh. plaolDg . ' ODB aD rnad,I8( 1.40 ; Ob .... flildebr .D', hAol. Ing. eto., 1111170; J W. Llnao dd" , 00 .. ba)l\noe doa Oil road pqulpm eD'. 1-&.20 ' J . B . Klpp. bridge lumber,
i~ a lure . .Ie
iY M ON "t II"
"1'1 J 1.0 N UN ... ARMH lole ro., I... 6 10 10 yel.re. Tllrr,,11 & Ttlnt'll ate.1 c.. tale aod Loenll, WllruIO ,''' 'O, J )bIO , Pho o e :10l. w 18 "
ONB:Y LOIIoljd on \I.,e 'lOOk, oba ,\el•• al.o looood morlla l• . N.:>'ea bOOllh' , JOhD Barblht l, AUeD Bolldlo g, Xenia 01110. 5 , , !l1
SALESMEN WANTED 'buy . Keep baa, G ET job uOI"tet U " \/erm.o IDU, " I y~r
Notiee of Appointment
· 6 Bu.
The Ringing Cheer of White Vo lcee end the Dull Bang of the Carbin .... 0 sqllll d l1i'p~ure d Jus t below. They stoPI'ell nn,1 11IrD e(l over Ihe bOlly ot LtllHl. S') 119 to Ree the moo's (u ce ; theu Irll llq'l"c1 forwOl'd , puylng no h ee(l 10 Ih e dcull ImIi IlD S, . he lby r ecognize d the rnnJor nnlOlIg Ili elu, nnd "rose to hi s f eet wllh dltliculty . s up· Ilortl ll g hllll se lf wilh onc urm ahout Olgo 's shoul,'er . T he tn njnr WI1S p ontIlIg frolll tile ex e rtion of th e clllllb. lI eve r glollell1/: UII UlltII brollght 10 a h nl! hy Ih e ro,;k , II, ron( IItl ~red wllh the ,Ielltl hOllies of SIl"Ul:C~ . "G ""d Gool' lonk h.:.re." he e~dlllm· . I'd cx e ltc!(lIy." 'I'lln.e r! evll s WC'rr puyIn g tll p pl·It'C," li e <: huk l~ d nnd cu u ~ t lP" . "WII,''''! Ihlll ~fln .. I' ' h l ll ~ wi no! , lIle. Mus t lie j(l'tllll g 01.1. s"r!:""I1L. yt:1. hy J'Wl!' I plI s~ ..d III" It'st twn wc~k s 1Ij!1}, " li t! ell SI hi s I'Y'" III1WIlI'tI. UII(I "'"" tllll two 811111.11111: JII "t ubu"e hIm. "11 11110, Shell.y I we nr" h,·r.:. 10 time, 11 "' /\. ~"'II/' C"/I'" I t1 ~ ltt 11I1!. my boy .
Yoo w!,na" lit" 10Dil bDIIDeII f;r YOIl oaD I'~ 1010 lIuoh " bu.ID_ Hlh., morp 'baD IS7 WdklD I t'rD4oo '_ In tbe matt-er ot 'be purobll le of dtreo' to t.i-dlera It YOD OWh ao'o or liD lIootomo blle for the 0111 of 'b .. 1'''51'8 'Il ~ m or o.n tet ooe : It 101 naD liTe Co uotv Comrnl Rsloner l and Sberltf , .. .bood "Ub ·per.oD al . lorIllIM . We Co urt hal ordered said oommlu ioD - - -- . - ••- - - back you "tlb big .elholC belp' e rH to pnroba1 le 8ame a" " prloe no' 51 yeara In bu'tn~ 80,000,000 a ..... to oxoeed 1(199. onr PTooao... ~ rll. tOT tD.O .....• _ -l-.awn "b.,.re 10G ORO . . ' ,.""" " _"'~_ _ _ _ Probate Court Prourd l.p J, R W.'lrIU 00•• 1>Bpar' mID' C • . .••Kte Frenk J\, SUyer. d-...d\ I u t be rna tier of the eMtate of jll No\lce II 'ereb1 slv... 'ba' L1mo.n III. BU- WlooDa , IIlnDM "'a, , •• h.. _ dllir appalll"'" and lIu~8d Mll xl m n Emloy. deoeltlle d. Fir.' IIond .. AdmIDI"..~ro "I. FraDk'll .• Ufi n .. 1 ueoono ' Ilpprovl ld, .or, late 01 W......." CollnLy. Oblo. d - ' . Da~ Ihl. nod d&7 ot December. 1810. In 'be wattAr of ~Ile eatate or Joo . ALTON F. BROWN . J Ildie or 'b. Probate OourL W1l181.e l, deceR8e ll. 8tlOood aooonu t Warren Couo" Ob io • II ppr!Jvpd . "ronk 0, AJid.r.on . AL'.., . CWVII R ~SIID-I bo . In t hn lnaUer of 'bll eBla'e of H1ItlDllb R r:o at. deoe08e d. Flr8t lind Uttl. &.4 .. 1 ba IIlIhn , moth: • !i,,"lnc eount approve d IlIq.a '" of L7mlD 0.7, phone 48•• ", W.'D. . .lUe. Ublo.
" h'n '" (hnf n01 II ~n \··
Ch Rrgt"',
lllood lines of Looko ut, Messenger All Over, Messenger Boy a nd Cherokee La~ and Rexys Lad . Lunch 0 11 gro unds by Ladies of Ogden church .
' H I II
Tno .1 W 1.lOgo Rdw , Co. Til Ja8 , Beoos&t . Fnr mnne, . Tbe el ~ iz~ n ! N . ~I.:loal BIlDt ot I.e blln o n Vlt Jllm 611 E. BenDeU . For mon ey l!'. A. I:l nvcl e r Y8 Dora ~Dyder . 01 . v o roe. A h!!enoe.
ng.. WII S 1,·(( fur hllu In HI rll'" P I. ~he 1011"1 "," hll1l. on,l Iw whl rlpr! . Ihlllklll!!
~". 10,,101 II,. Ih l' nap of ~ Itill. , II uri ~tor t"d \\ llt' n' Hh (l pl) intl' ct. A (' rn~ ~ th e whU t! ~ II (I \\, ("o\" ' I'11I1! t h e valley below.
1101 11' l,Jp IW ," " 11 i o, l ' tlc, 1I1t' Il , thlll 1 11111 \\'un t C"i I ?" .. \ II,'':' v,' 11(,,"1\ I l'y tug 10 ~ trll( e your In ll l for Yl'Il I'S . Ih ~ IHwypr l o l d me. :'111111 ' 1I 1111H' :O- flo\\ 11 I':n s t whit-II wn ~ It-f1 10 your IIl o II H-' r; h :t 's sec, sh e wu ~
qq ,· ... , l(l ll lllJ.:
!I .•
CommOD t'1t1'" c-rt
nn tlt'sl rf' I t-' rt
It nnotlll'r (' I 1l'JIlY . " n4l ll' t, 'r om , dl'lll't I" sh e h ~ gJ!(lfl . "M er(' lflll h pilVl'ln , yuu Ilre n il hlllOCI, L onl, {Jil t lIH'r\! ! un: tlH,~e ~fll(1It'rs7 "
n il' uhOll1 wh u t hU lt " I' St! r gc1tll l ·ul klns. Lortl. I
1 1\\·y .'r III 11l~' q1lurl (' rs II W Pt! k
\' ..
hil I! "' l ll mh lcd n ntn t ill''' Irll l!. f,\r
but to; klll. hr fore h.' 111M \\'n ~ ,'r:Ij(l:pd down, Il l' kap", notlllnil ror OIl:", whe re .hl' wnM, whRt ~h e W/1 ' (Iolnghe onl)' r<,o ll ?('(1 thnl he mll"1 stuml th e re . Rml n~hl until Ihey ~ol IIlmshe wOllld k .... p onp s hot: s hp hn(l I'ler1jl:er! I"nl. And Ib e (Ievlls morle It. creeplll~ fAr oul over Ih (' gulf, nll<1 clrAwln!!: Ihem· ael\·l'. 11(1 h«)'oll.1 re'lf'h o( his orm. One f .. lI , solll~ Ilown wllh n howl of te rror: n ~ f'r(\ nit wli. ~lrl1 rk hy A spe .... lhl jl: hulh' t. !len,1 ere he wl'nt whlrllug hnck IlIln th e nlr-bul Ihe , thlri! mnde It. crel'"lng liP onto Ih .. nnrrow plnH'orm . wIth oth er. sn rghllt hehlnd. Itnl v('s gripped In the ir t eeth , Shelby hurled Ills empty plslol Into the f nce 01 the o!'llreS l b efore Ihe fe l· low conli! IIltnln hi s knees. ami grllsped ft dlscnrllcl 'l rtlle whteh dongle,l over the sione enptng. With one hou nd he was ftl the eclge sw ingin g t.hls WCnl)On M 0 wnncl SllIlln ml/( hl on nx .• )dv ln!! the Iron slnrk l1.:nl" "1 ~ " I' ry h(':ld thnt nf'{ll'nrl'd. II I' . tRJ:jl: (·retl lIo"k . h .."nt h· leRs , h ll ir hlhl'I.,,, h~' II wOlllld nr cr hi " eye, I)W,,,'" ollly Iluot Ih~ rroll t of Ihe rocli wn ~
A splend id consig nment of the very best of two of Ohio's hest Herds of Hamp shires .
\1111 nl·t 'Hully 1lh'1I11 tim!? 00 yuu know 11 :1 \ ' . 1 I lt'I '1l l l uull n g y l1 t1 frHlli o lle " l ll i II ( II ... III H't lt ' l" Ih ~ ot he r ? 'rh(! n~ 1111' \
~i ll g 1 1It ~ III !'-l:h' l':-- II l oll),! gllllh·s. h UIII I II}.: l1H'l r t. d( IIl"JO: up It:.· SJ. I'I 'l" sl n ' I I!! lh 0 1
8wnrm l ll1! up t t ll' rll('p or tilt' rll(' k, nn fl
11 head of this consig nment , consigned by Ches ter C. Rober ts, of Marion, is eithtr sired by or bred to Messenger All Over , Grand Champiotl Boar of the Nation al Sw ine Show ,
" V.:...; : In 1.)0 WHY \Yurt ,h y,"
(lull IlIll l g !lr ,hi' 1': 11''' 111''", lIow tII P:" lI1 u d, ' I h ll I n~( '\ ' nt Il 1:0 dUllh l f ul If II ,rp''1lt' r 1\ !l OI\\s: 11 ' 11 I hll ) Il h l, c n','p lrl)!, (1'0111 r,H'I\ IH rodi. tll'Jl g
rI dges Illto hi s I'lIIpl y gllll; /1 1111 Ih Cl1 th ey we rc 011 htm , n <1')7.('11 Intll nn .
(arou nd Hog Day)
"I thOlIl, 111 IIk ~ ly; un,) you. I tnke It.
s lJ.:ht tw lo \\' , hut Ihf'Y ('(HlI.1 h "' HI' IIWfll l' rash I h r lllll..::h 111 (\ IIt:tll'rhl' II"'II , Hlld spl nsh 11 u'l r \\ ! I y 1I(' r ll "'S l it " ..:lf t ' lI ll1 . ThplI Ihen' (1'1'11(11'11 up 10 1 11~' l ll tlH' r l l1~ l n~ (' 1I" t' r (If whl l,' \'''h'L' ~. IIlld t ll.-
february 2, ),921
" Y {I!'I, Ill stnnlly ,"
.\I1Il' r i C" •.dl
In t: . !'O .... I< IH' " n.· . . lIlC 1111H , 111111 ~ ul" p tl-rtlll~ 11 11 11 Ilg :l l l1 !'t 11l' r sll nu14 h ' r . Till' l' hllrgl n ~ h ot'St' llI lorl ~\q. l'( III o ut ()1
, ',
ut II ,.:iuu('{'; t h eir
Its toasted
)n u lllll
nn s wer,
th e 11 111 t1 .
UY eft. 8£1 u or. "
"\·ou doo'l SUPI'OSl' s ome 01 hr r 11111111 had gal 10 here ulwn<l of II", .1 .. )" "I ?" hf' aal<ed IIl1xloll~I~·.
blo ck
':'In w l y Olliu thl" snow,
lie _I,rnlll: h,, (' k nllli "Oll!!hl her. haiti· In g Ill'r hl'lld up 011 h is kIll' ''. hi . ~ ye.< s tnrlll~ dowII In tn her whH~ , uplllrnel l fuce. She bren n ll'II o n c(.~ 111I1I wn e
Th.y dlR8 Llpea red Into th c (,lIrta ln (lr tallln, sno ..... Bod cUlltio usly 811 \"11 111'",1 benrath tbe veU of overltowlll l-: w .. I,·r. 'tbe au tilDes of the log hUll"" " OIul ,1 h.· plal Dly dI 6(' trn ~' 1. Ih.· ~IM " I "1111 01 "111)' ceaalol, 'T he d oor s t Olid ol't 'l\ . ... lIIok " ..·.8 vllllh le
"111\ ; .. i' I •
l I lI t · .iI
rea dy victim ... fo r tu l;crc-u ·
11\' '" 1/1
\:"w Y \i rk l.· it y,
wlllrll ll g
~I!l'l " I", .1\1'"
nhuul I II 1l 1 ~ t: 11'l d, ' nlHI ~t u ll d l ll! l ;': H !oI li efel l. I1t1 gut \I)1 UII H il l' k ll l' l) 11':111 11 , nnd
Down the Crooked Trail.
\·, ... 11 .1('
l'rO W(Un l! .; urpr l~l'rI , l rn l'llud , (lnl y
II f till' W,lr ,
']' 1", IIIl1 jnr rl'lIlll I" ...1 hi. h~1 soberly. " I III1l sorry IU s oy she gal hurtYIl",l e r l.y th .. wntl'rfn ll," "lIl1rt I }\'ot kill ed?,'
Th,' 1:\111111 '. tll 1\(·I , t·i Cpl1 !1cil (,( 1111II,., chajrman s hip of Her berl 1I, .,,,·r . l'r i "llIL.' t·i",I I ' 1.1 \.' t· \ "It 'fi ~, ,\t1 n'l i"j i5 asking evtry Amcric:l u b,,, II y I·' ,~ l'Jh 1(..... " C~' lI,~ ~l~.l lon J ,()( ' i n a sa ¥e 3. ch iold's lift: this '-" Hl h ' r F ,H' h 1'.II :'ll ,. \\ id , · , . H I,', II. II I ,~· -' . i.t)('IO ,lXK1 fo r Alneriran ho me is r cqll l'S led t u elH'r- : 1 1, 1l' l i , Jll I l l l ' III 11,1' rh il d ircd ing t-aiD a Ijttle European yOIlIlf(SI U . a,," .lo t~d;,'I !. , '\I I $IlU'H 10 .'""Kl(l tur n1 t"Jical his brolher anrl siskr. il poss ilole. a ~ n 'l id an ~inri.s';ble gu est" al its dillll~r lahl" - 1m ,· ,\.k (;",'<1" crrt ific.' lc5 may be TIle du1d will e 3 1 hi. meal s a l on. "f uLt :ti fl (' d rr fHl\ Y .lll r 10('01 1 cI..Hnmiu t't's . Ill e fceding stalions in Eastern .lnd ell - I r. j; \ U Il " rt~ ft'r . :lpply to Franklin K. IraJ Europe which Ihe Coutl cil is mai n· ' ':l1l.,~t :(.\ · ! : '" nf Ilh Fllrlll't':l ll 1~I' I ; l· r ta ining f o r these rntl~t h t' l pl l'~'; ':in i r. 1',\, ", 'j I.' I .,.1.1,\ \.
:-:' lIrgl' d
1, 1 t-!! ,·It Jh l ,
diSt'~d .
10& ... o r any other ,;cour ge. Th., E uro pean R('liel ' ,,"n,·n. '/l lde,
I h"1II Ull rt·t! l h t' \'t 'lItUrt~ In f n,'e of I" Q~ l' 1t~ \' \l i"ft cH r hl l1l! ~, ). lull. J.; uunt ;~hll e ,·,·III·l(n,ll'. with red \\' hl ~ k e l'll.
If they become aln.nned they'lI ~rntter and Dod a way o ut befor ' w {, ('un ~e B blow. Isn't thst your !d,·It. oaptaln ?'. _ "Yes. Ilr; we've I:0t to gN 10 be· 'hInd aDd CUI them ott." "1 presume tbere Is 0 linet. d"or 10 thll Hole. somewh ere. enorltn 1" "Yee. senor; way down yoncler. uul ~t caD OIIly be mntle on foo' ." "Then we've got the Vllllllll, : I( we uD.11 move secreUy enough. Tnke 8 dozen ml'n, and COlDe olollg \Vlth me. captain. Dismou at Ih em. Senol'lln , II will be bellI tor yon to s how 115 thp
I' x d f l 'dly: " rtl\ (' 'II' I Wo 4' r l,ck t'd : n s(Jhll .. r nJll ll tll J,: rllI· II II .". 1II Il n ~,·t l ro r· W1l1-1! 11 1\ 1I1~ ri ll" ' . Hl hl Iny Ji,tll i. Th e il
a nti IJII ' Y al ·
Never in their lives h:l\IC the.-; .;: d ll ldrtn of Europ~'5 hung ' r d i~ t ri~'h ~Wn the ("e.rtail1l y of t'V'nl one r:I'.-.d, nouri sh ing nleu.l:1 d 4:lY . :\ nd tlil ' rC "'illlt: A gene-r ation of boys :tl1d J:,:i rl .. , ll:"dl ld and nndusi l c O, with bc)(l ir!'o m i ... sh'''~('11
s huu ld"r lJ"n~n ('\ lIJ! (' il lS,' 11\,11 11111 Ihl~ 1U . 11 1::; "I J " l· th' ~ lilt ' Olh.'11 d ..u r . ~ 1I ti llOl) ' ,'r lin d t IwS hrok,' u ('(I\'t'r ",11t' n the ulunll !ootlllwlNt ; II w um et! \' o k(' ~' f' IIt>fl
" ' l lI d llL:
52 head will be sold at the resid ence of Zene G. Had ley, near Ogd en, and 5 miles west of Wilm ingt on, begi nnin g at 12:30 p. n1.,
Murla, e lJr.eue . Urpba 'l'bornh oritl, olerk. of 1ndl an, Barhor . aod ~' BII LaVeru efllyo. or I.ehl\ o on .r ·' .
ll lIal. C, E . t>,qb. A R.Yearlll U. II. IM7'OD ; Obio
- AND-
General Blacksmithing S And Harness Re· pairing done
p()tnmo ll H"'~ Oar
wtab .~a unda~lptt4, ODIlD..1 'or 'bl "'a'. 01 .IM· ta .. Joaepb 8 a,,1 _'on, for ia'orm .'lon I;r lote...... OI.reoD e X. Wartim, Bllaatn .toa B"o~ Bldg., Columb al, Obto, r.
J and D.. Mor gan
or .T\i; l\ab!.tOB
p ,oy are rt«'iaettt\1
Real Estate TraDlen Be D j '\In i D 8pllT k 8 ~() Ii .ury R OilIe r, l ot~ No. fl, 6 & 7 in Morrow . f1 by M.v rt " Pvl e t·o '1'''Ill Marl"o ll", lot No. 410 lu Frankli u . '1 • .Iohn Kin6w ortby to Albert Goo. ooy, put ot Mlht.ary ::!urvl'y No , Sprin g Bran ch 3 711[; In I:!alem 'l'wp .• ". ' Edward Hili to A. A. Gose, partl of ::I orv cYM Nu :l33( and 1049 10 UOllltlt oo Townsb lp It " , b [hll Morrllw Natlon~1 Brtot, et aI, I Y Morrow Braot. tlberltf) to Mor. I row I.(ldge N o. 2GG F, & A.M •• et aI, pllrt "r lot No, G5 10 M u rrow. t6000 Centerv ille, Ohio N"llie I:l blold8 to Georlle Sblillds . Give me your lale. I can do your p .. rt uf MIIIt .. ry HurvflY No. 424B In work reasona ble and will guaran tee H/llnlH on 'l' wp .• ,.. I to satisfy you.
'OOkbOlcJ~" uf 'btf
roar .Ilk\mo bla Cur';'io . BRtNU to me baT. aaw oellulnl .t IDd
, _.. wed 10. lobo Loo" at Pbllila; .' G.ragD , W.:paee vtlla, Ohio, II
Mar tin
,1 New
BODia 88wllllf Maohln e ' , . tIa.l"r.o 'lon lIu"rao, 8ed. Call1,,n ~I ij.Kndlf O,4·, Third .'ra.... "v'r. nenllle . Oblb. . . 18
"!PPIN H '~hnhlll ". II ' V",", 00". C . "'''' ' 1' ', ~~llUlt"r •• ' I()n .. ruh" Will
" POPUL' ..
"beflll ,
t jp ' d -:-t\" , ... ,/ "
" t Il\tlO Il" If,." fI , () II
Aft .. ~'In) Cal,, ·t (,t 'rnm R 0 I, Wa.~I<a-.III... r
Glto~' , ,
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h'-'td •• , y VII.lotnee ., .-.,IM.wmr. Uhlo: u f,rl'ml CI. .... I I' ~ I
Pul>lic Sales
C, E, Edwards • .. ........ . Feb. 2
Mr~ A. '. Tllolllpaoo re~arflell I"Kt w('clt, ufter a dellghVal visl Philip B. H awke: ... .. .. . . F~h , 22 D . L. CI' AN E. Editor I.tld Fub\i~}. I'I. "a)' I1(Hi1I~, bin Urentex II~J\J " I ' rllv/lII~Lhr"ulill _ wllb 1~I .. tlvtI~ 10 Puuu8ylv,,0Iu. Ll Ut Itur ,· ,II'li p. O lltl \\' I/. wluch 1I1J1d.18 Be q (\JI" 11 Is out Of ~ohoo l S'ublerintton Price, SI.60 per year !:fuv ln~ daoleltl; 1 I floi' IrlrU IIUIiI. I I " h .." I n u,,· rlt r I U(l V'·III'r<. I~ Ilr" nn uo IIun \ or b .. vlng whooplog. I will H~ (I Ilt l'utJllc A nN,i '0. 0 11 1,1 II 1111 (']1 '.! , I I I. J I t'HU .hl ' ~klnlrH..,r1 o ff j ooug h. , f rll~ ""il l" Oil ' !'ollll1l' tiM "rt~t l[n l ft" . r ... oideR IlI rUi. :l ~" IIIIIe8 Wo~t Il f WII Y_ "f 'h i k . ~:., . • ubi" "' ""k ( " ''' ' I' HUV ~Jr . RLid Mrs. '. S ..... mbaUeoded uesvillo 'Ind 1 Ill' I" I';" KI of L.v th •. ,11 , 'Iii Ii, , " , 1I w/, .. I< "' III hpl,;ln ~h ' 10ner"l?f tbelr r e l"ttve, Latll!'r Wednesday , February 2, 192 1, . rl . lo t ,. w", . "'tli propurtf Will "d_ . ulio., ul Xeulu. roeRdllY of IR e!, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19. 1921 - -- - - j4 _'e lit ""0" . th e toWII 'WIII jlrow 001. l:legioLllnt:: ut· 10 ,,·ol ,w k . Ille f =========c;::=::::a:=======~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;~';;;;;;;;;;;;; FOr,1 ~' III put til e [) T . & I l,bruugL; I Panl t:>tontonbroogll, of .MiddIJl. Int: pr"pflrl ,. : 5 r-h.rHe. " nd I'tI tilt; . , b e r~ . bat ii, wi :1 PUI, I,he ~ow n .. Kur- tOWlI, Ila~ betJ n hel.J1ng A . V. Wllae 4 CII tt I", ~ ; !:f og •. 12 :';IJt' ~I ' '!~ ::: rOOlld lD " n, 10 flight. allll Ult'y will ut Ib tl ~lt ra ge, Iht! post wflek . C hi ('kcI~. I'Ll jJlpll1t;UI ~, 1::I~l'IItl- ~. \~ . ::: )' ,'nrs agn M I' nnd Mrs, Albert ,; tu ey aud Whnt Ii u l~ J .. "ith U8, hieles. F"ed . dtu t'..!' Illr~ " 1,,11. I::: th pJ' Wl'rl1 I,o]cl I·h .. t it w1)u ld h e to d.lu I;'b t t; r, Ze lm". wer e U .. ytll n vi~ U Jo:. Ell\\' " IWtl j::: their b.·.1 iUII'r 'HI,@ 10 move 1,0 00 . ' ItorR, Thurl!dlLY. W. N . H o o rN, A tiC I,. ; ::: Mill Ullnn. Var" •• who lIns been tow n. 1\1 ori ,'", , littl .. ,IRlllChter of Mr. aad -<:: III for cwo ."I'k • . lot oot Iml,ro vlng 1:-: :vi r. W III II I III Uy ke, is reoove rin l: nr,'." fr ll lli "otl rl", f.1l1nr /:l be is 01· Ibn Public Roads Arc A wfu I QCi • iltlille of Mr, n ull J\1r ~, ""Ill Allen. Mr •• n4 Ian Cb.R. Bndd oo k lind pu blio rlJuds 'H!' bei 01( "bu~e'l J '00. Ero .... re'nrn"tI home, liulld"v byOur I "'00 aud rtl lt.:.,.... l h ,v U. S . 0 ,1\ l'l'lIl l1 f' lI l b~ lol( ovu r.a ded. 'f'hll only tl,"" I Mrs . l ".'.A r B,,"tn W"II 1\ l)"ytOfl • ".alull. aUHr Il tew daYH ' vh l, ""h tbl'Y do not vull Lbr uu"h Is when Rh opP,·r. i;nlllrdilY . 1 ~t!lIl1lh: t (l n:-'; .. '. ur i I dll,.' ., . . l! 1~ ,.,u/ relaU'81 In Dayton " " tUIi .\ I) . I J , \ lH • .! · " olur rtl,hwl, ( J, UI I • tbey 8tnll. The B,uveYijlJUrg "" I Mr. Eu,,, l'i o tl Prinl( nnd Mrs 1,1" 1"tI'''' ::: l)dtH' Wll41 I ,\11 . I II IIU (" ,lor rlhl)ull :'~,\l 1l ::: ", P. EI\II and family cHlled O il WllrrrlOJ!t.OD U1ud ro .. cl i8 .. Inl<l8 I, IIU . UIIV U" '1Idl)(l th" fun e ml ,'f Ih e 1,,1,. l ud t:lrwlJlld I, .! (' ulor nIl , Im d , 81m, ', ' r . :11 ,:'" .;. ::: .', H l lyal ,"", •. I . IIU IT IIII,lf nlrhvJI " ,, ;t:, (HI :-: Will , £e"ou alld 'awlly . ot New Uur_ P'l".u !)I .. , and Ihe ho .. t wav to tmv,,1 t .... '.. 'MI"Io'r, Mr" Anr ll nd .. Wuld. III I(,uyw' ~o , "' 1. ." I" r rJl , IJuD , " ' .' , ' ;' ~IU I ':' Mr. IIDd Irb. l*eo Da"l, ...'.rDed ltUC\oD . Tbnrlrta, nigbt :~: I III vel' ~ (). ,,I !-JIIL, Uh\ol' ~o . CJ A'2, ,"' :-: It i ~ t /l w"lk. I'rtwk., "':11 " 10 ,/1•. 1Mt. (lrull. 1•• 1, To ,,~ d .. y . dOlld.y, from rlorlda, aDd r.pcr'. B . C . Uaklll ha. beeD o.. l/f'd to ::: "rl~ tindinl( it ~ot n t"tlllltJ.: fiftrc..-, Htlli ! Llttl~ Mt\r~Ir~1 t ~ifll~ to,; fl P 'HH liul! ~t~~;I~~ }),~'II~\H I ~:I I~'I ','IO' ~I,;:!'i[~:~ rl!tu~t ~ ~ ',-;:: ::: :.: Ane trip Oa'lllaDd by ,bt' 'fery I.rioas 11101>88 Iwo IUrDed bn c k h o m". on 1i"'nr"~v "/',,01'1,,,,1 "'"I<k. wll lr :I1r. ,,".1 MIH. Iruw.ruutl j(·II III!o:UIIII Uat" , " ll ud l t loli ... 11 f\l&J ~'I-: . :;: to r {UHIo{ I lOl nl 'rl \ In,-~ ~ lal l ~tlll ' l l ntl ~L1 HI 'ali :-: A Dalllber trolll bere aUeDded of bl, broCber.lo_law. Arn ON Mills. ol!(h\. Why rl"n' t tlwv " Ill l' AI ~ ' rrltll: P,, " .. r ,, 1,,1 rli. tl~ hl.,r . ill 1"611 Uf lJ 1U'I ' h ll lOol' 1'1'1 (' '' ft..fu nd ,·d. \\ hH'h :;1110 .;. :.: leolure a' B.nll'1lbor,. Frld.y \\111 yuu trW\· ·. I . ~f'fo( t · I. r .!mll~I1 , " I'1 lurfl IIlh'" :-: bnmll until r.h f:' Tf'f\ d OH IHilt JIlt1 l't alll Ou. vtun . • ",nlllil A Dumber of frleDd~ "oct Delibprn rnlJtly 11! 11I "' 1I:" ia lly l'ulur IIr l ' Ol l! f'" til" .::~: , bon ,arprlsed Joe Mnrvull. "t hili lldfl~r . Mr .. \\'"I I" r .1.onflY is iIJlPro.~inl! Mil , nl llk " lI f \t nd llll\1 " 1.1 7:1f d(lh\'+lrurt , l'l t u lI ' : -: Ittl,J..u 1l l /l 1 l l ' l, t IUht,Il P:IIl(l t l )Ur UV\ lI r 1' :IIr, IDd IIr', C1areDOfi <.Ie..." 0' hom. h.re TUlledav olght M uMio !lIIH un "I"ek of grlJl of hA"rl I I/!) 1O It"t ' IH , ... 1 :' ') d. ·I . \ l' r AII . ~~~ :-: (JIDolaD II, h ••e a DIIW daOlb'er laDd IIMUlPs'wt'r'IDdaliAd I~. Rnd 1"1 frr )Uhlt'. School Bell Rings A2aln Empire Type Foundry. BUffalo, N, y \ .', Ilr. aad M". Oeo Bllila• • peo' r.ported a pleuao' IVlloln". TIl '1 I.. st. w pr k'" 18"UII mittie IUall. 1 M r ·",,1 !\IrM; WaltAr l ;lork ttlHI ral d.,. 111 UmoIDD.'I. TIle roadl areja a very bad OClDtlon 01 Ih d t.rouble OJ! I,b" "r,h"" I , Mr. Iln(l, MI'~, L I ~HI" Cox ."w "\VU .I· Yr, 'Dd Mr • . It,,.. R.rtloolr ar'ldltlo. and h" ... oaU8M 80me 811gb, bnUA" hell. A rtt('ouoi lll,lIiJln hn" ' l.l JlW O l!:" H ut O"ytOD , Frrday !If a(l. , .. ldeD'. of ~ew Phllad.lpbl • . 'OCIldent. to au'ol.'1 ID tbe put row beAU l)rOD!!"1 II buu I.. .. uti IL I" nnw t"ru oo u. lJot flno" uoLAr od ~ (o me .......H ,r ~"" ..... "'> ,•• t ••••••• ~ Beldl ... af _" Boward .....n . day, dOlulC It.. wnrk n" III ti.V8 p,,~t 11. tlllll bin I(ttttllll( h ll mo In Ih ll fog III"t Clilfornia. b,,,'a reoel.ed wort! of Wr, aftd Mr •. G. 1:1 Kilt. enter. WIIH IIr0 Ul(hl, .. h,mt, IH' ,t'. H h l~Ull, 1 eVl'nlnl-: . bar .. rIOD. IlIu8ll., 1 .• IDed a' their III.IIR"D' bowe. Son. &88 181,'01 lJy ~~d Br., wlI·: 11111,1. t'X I,,,rtH ! ( 'oI l. A. A \1 (' , ,"" Rurl wit" , ,,] B',rn- To Mr, aDd Un Chari. dlY a' dlnoer, the followlDIf gUill''': 10 jllhl. hu e h ; 1 '~ "rr . "l g t1 r1 u. 'lJllll lo o .. . 1 Ct'u l r n ·III.'. VIt'II H.1 "'"h \V ,tI,,·r .. .. , ExamIned Correctly.... Vlllan. of our Bar"eyebatg "DeIAoey Uarler .nd ramlly. of New Tho, it'Binl( of tIl" lJ~11 lu , un's a l" /{ (, lIri rk "n ,1 fK'LI.ly Hnll(\III' . ilaqbter-Laara ' II:IMoor Borl\DI\ou. W.ISer Moflnllh\ aorl tll"r" 1M II bot.f.Ar pl '.oe tnl 0" t h oo ,. ~lrA . " ""'1 Hr ... "th.·", .. ·, "I' !.lnyt"" . Glass-es Fitted : \:;: IIr .od IIrl. Jr&m •• Gr., vlalled family, "f WllmIDi(toD, Jamee aDeI fl---"rveYMbUl tr. 8p""t· Hutltiny whh Clyde Whart.nn ,all''r d • .,Mer l.16d 'aml1" 10 Oa,- Lt.ter Cur'I •. 0, P B:llliund family. IInll (u "· llv. loa, lal' week. 1't1 , lind Mr • . 1. fI~ rll" J ones lit· Tha r.l.y wea.ber or the 1&111 few lin, 8.,.b Rloh •• d lin . LeDa d.,. b .. brOURht ,ohaooo 10 oa.e. Mrs. A, L. B6ndrlok. of DlIytnn, , 'olld ... a t lJe InnNu l 01 Ih .. "'tt"r ·. B.rueoll "Ielleil M, alld lin OoD .od 1Il0e' of 'he farmerll look ad. Wtls tbe IrU I>"t of her "I~ I'lJr Mr .. I nnoln . Mr UHlllf'l Priollnrrl, io : Oplica l Department X M,lin , Hili urn .. V B.n.oak, o' (~I.r IInme, oae • .,. ....o'... e of 'be opporLunlty. leavin g Amos EIlIII, for sll ve r,,1 rJl1Ys Di!troit St. X(' nia, Ohio ~ I.., wMIl. .'. Geo. .M Edwllrtito il! pl"I!IHrln j( Ii hir_ I :1", •.., "'Itlu~ ""turo e.1 Holur . .,.r, liLlie bUllDIl ID the "bId., : Open evenings by appoinll11 ~nl .'. Dew house, np neur New !:iurhngtotl . ' .JliV f'VA 'I 1r'l~. "t'tt, r !'lU\'H l'ul d~v!i' Via , Mr .Dd Mn. Alberl GrQ ba"e a .'. IU.. Alice Cbeoo...... h en'ertaloed .'. D.W daulrhter ()wlol! 10 tile iu(.It' ml'noy ot tl l l~ . ; t wl~1.J h<r ~ I Kl(l r . Mr •. ,I . M.· HbOY , ::: Be• . Ban.rd. of BlaDobe .. 'er. Soo_ wea'her. the br""R hllnd o·.nCf'r" ~ ,uld M,·. ~nd M :r~ A 0, WiIIiIIlIlM. ::: day . . "re PURtpooed iudefinitely . in D .vl.lln We ~o ld I)U I' s tove the day at- ::: Plekse don't in ~el'l my fI'l. any "'leDd. of 141.. Opll Mor,an, wh o Mra Banollh R icb. 01 n t'"r WPII· l ~Ir~ W. il l' r tl plohtlrt bllR h""D lc r the ad . apl>earefi in your po- :~: '.' more , as th e pigH are ~olri and GDder ....eo • • ~erlooll operll\lou Itt m.n, WA@ ~be week end ~ u ".I, of bdl' . q Gllf' ~I(' k fur .. co uple uf "'buk • . but per . Thank yo u ::: people are s till co ming In ~ce me IItalLll Valley hOlpllll1 1".\ wee., sleter, Mra tlarall H lOh. : I. n"w IIf".JI" Vln IC '.' ::: .re alad learn 'bal she Ie g Eltll ug Our good ro"d ore w Is ~ O tlll-: rlgllt I Mr orlll Mrs. Ralph Lewis b Kll for alolll aloel;, . along ID the ab8 en06 of the I)lhtrlc~ ; l,h"lr Homl"v gueH!.. M18. Claru -OEALE~ INThis is Proof Sufficient for Everybody AUorna, Leo Mill., 0' 0.,'00, -=: Mao,,~~er, Mr. Brown. un <lH tb ,' I I,e WI~' Pert·y Bally snd Elery Lewis . • pe•• I... HQud., W1tb bl. piNtO", .upen~ 18 1 00 of J 08. W . D"vl~ . C .. u u f Dayton . Flour, Fepd. Coal, Salt, •• • bl. pl• .,.., . Read Gaulte's Classified Ads you beat it? I ~Ii~s L e" oll MoGlnuis Is uot 1m . Tile, Posts. Water Foun010'11 Da.i., who to . ., Df Grellt progrea~ Ie beinle llJ"dd h.l' I prll vlDg ISRt Ile ber ,tlany friends tow... b", beeo ver, _Idl wUb t ains and Self-Feeders. our .'rIDg band nDder t bb dlruOtiuu I ",I.b I'lbe WU8 In Dayton, IIlSI, '"ro''' 'rouble. Un' I. Dowable.o of Prof Alfred Wa,k1D8 I week, for an X . rIlY OUI.,,,ID,. Do your \r4dlng wHh oar mer- I Mr Ilod Mrs. LeoD t:>altsbury and -SHIPPER OFlira. J"ba .loII,IIlDIllr l0Iler llllter. ohaot., aDd &ake IIdvtlotl1g .. cf tbtl daughter spsot SaDday wit,h Mr, "lloed her .olll, A IphR !4U>I)beD' oad Ivw ooll of IIviolr. und Mrl'. Harvey Rye, at W .. ynea. 'amll". of Dear .IhlQlr ICon, I... Hay, Straw and Feed. The eecond oaulber of nu r leot ur e Ville a.ada,. oouue appt.rell bere on F'rlllAY MIs8es Mildrell and Mllrgllnt lin. Deillab UIII a"eDded Ibe fu . nl,h" Wblle 'he we~th"r W8R b8d, :larJ[ eotllr t,,.lnedl MldMed ADna I:; .. t . Feed Grinding a Specialty, D"r ,I 0 be~llriltbltr, !:t•• aa.-Yollo (, the atteadanoe wae satillaot' .ry, and tbrthwsHe sud IlSlUybelle flarDer, Ct!1I.er1'U1I1. /.. 1 ",Idl, tbe enhlr&8lomeul was very maoh Wodueeday evening, bod all Ilt . Ittr•• nd lin Berm.o Cllotfelter, .njo,oo. tend!'d the ViotuT'Y t.b oa ter in OilY. 0' .oa,b ot .... wlll -OOD bec01ll1 W. A . MenU, WAS tbe goellt 01 too. rMid •• 1I uf Oar \011'11 bll daUKhler, Mre . EtBwo Ulioe. of Mrs. Mary Var'h lony entertllolooo IIr. aDd Yr. . Geo 8mtall .Dd WIDter Brlnp M•• , lib to Pale. Da,.oD. 00 Friday and SalurdllY, 8oodtly. Mr. aod Mre. WIllIam Bera . O..o",orlled Peopl. claQllba,r, ·Wllma. of aea, ran, . aad wblle ,bere atleDded the lola K. doll Ilud dllughlie r. Gladys. Mrs. vl.taitd blli ' 1Il\)lher, Mn II H .... , of P lodga, 011 rrlday oll{ht. wben Zor.. PlokeriDK aDd Mr~, (JIalll Frtda; , .here were 80 candldalel In wal$lug '1'b ompson for In"raotloo 10 'he hlddeD my~. ~lmeoD Brown a Dd flarry MoUio . milt W.ner r_l"eel ' word; of " ,b. . .rloQII ~ll &O"h.r, Telephone 76, ring .1 lerlee of 'he a.ok of Page. nis villiled BrHry Browo, ot MoClel. Waynesville, Ohio There wIll be work 10 oar K . of 11\0 hospital. Xenlln, Hund.y. They ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J Obrl/ ",• •ft, of aeu Pah'......IU., Forti". t".~ S,.telll-Goocl Blood ud l,bare" h'''e hopa lor bll nPlod,., 'In tbe Rallli of Page , ou fouus b im In good spiri\s and 1m. Will ~ .. YOII N.... ~trell"h eo ••r" ThQrldayallb., You art reqaes.ed pr ov tog •• ttar a serlOU8 operdloD, . to KOIplVeU \0 be PI'MIlDC . 16st Wedoesday . Tb. rarm.l'I' ID....u&8 11''' b.14 f' " ID 'h. M. ~ obarob, 1..1 Wed ....., -" • Mr. aDd II,., 610rle W. Davill, J es H Barris fe ll, while tllking ... 1'buM.,.. A la,p OIDw4 11''' If , ... teal ahe I.... bl, raa 4011'11, af ..r ee,..ral weeb villi' Wllh rel u do wLi l o boeo!), :'IRtnrdliY, breakiog .. • , ..D4aHe, 1101 lI......rtl, .Iot, bul tired aud .od frleod. In lJalHoroi& Ilnd Olll< rib lind frllclurlng Boother . lira. Lao, "N, wbo bu' -"'.-'a.,_ IOn 1'1. dowu and oul. II On,on, .rrlved home la8t wl'ek, J illtl eS J oh ns W68 hit by 0 follin~ , FUNERAL DIRECTOR rldl, "'Ilile hllll)lul{ Ralph Jobus t"ke "." 1011'/ ..... ID••bua' lb. ...... Ula' ,our pown of feellu~ benefit'ed by their trl\vtlld. r_'''~,:te 111', Mr .•nd Mrs. R W. K!lylllr ollllf\d down tobaooo . Be W88 not 8erl_ Waynesville, Ohio , II "fll,eroaa.o 1(0 arouDd lb,,' 00 Barry Browo IllSt week Mr 'lu~ly btlrt . _,., ; Op doa~1 waD' do II. Mr. ODd Mrs. I!'Clrll~t Gr .. b"Dl en . BrowD 18" plllleot tn the \lo lJh linn lIak fD o mlatake aboll' 1$. wbeo bOMplt,al at Xenls, Reporh ~fe very terllllDed to SUD(I .. y l!inoer. Mr VETERINARIAN JOD r.-l founelf 811pplog 10$0 lazv eoooarllalog ... 0'1 betore l,lUll he will I!allan (Jo lem"n Ilod f!lwl/y, tlf ToFully Equipped for Good Farm Sales and U\'C Sloci< a at,bi", :....DI lad,ffereo\ ~o lh A b. with U8 I1galn ler\(I, Mr. Ilnd Mrs Le~'er Crone. Vaccination a Specialty. Specialty Service. !hlb'.JO,•••,urally llh-oo eoetgy Tbe Clvlo LI' ~glU' toet 8alurd"y Il h lind Mr~ . Jobu Colem"u . Mr. fng but Reliable !oil'rUIn used . Large Display Room I:::=:~==:;:::;=;;~::::=~,. .0 1'IIJOI', IllWIi,1 tired-if 18 t1mA Satisfaction Guarant eed f 10011,001, / ,It. -;nay 1)0' Plean . ah,,' 'It thft bOble 01 Mrlo. Milton ' alllll "Del Mrtl Clift' Bn.rnett, of Wilynetl. Eell' Mllio .treet . villI" Mr_. Huldab BurDett and 1008 MaoD"Dflht. on ·.r. Ilok or aba' YOIl will b~, DAY OR NIGH', Phone 44 Harveyaburg, O. ~ TELEPHONE' "ere are di_,," \blll woalrl R. B . Brooks Ie uor8inj( .. bl ood . 1\'"ILlfr /Lnd Ubarlell. Bellbrook, Ohio Miss Irene VlaEI entertallltld 8ftV_ ..., lime of 1\ with your p ol~oued bHDd, dlpabltog hIm f ur 00 1'11 1 of ht'r ~cbo>ol frieuds to ~i.x Both Phones (~~~~=~:; ,oar blOOd Itll8 DO bill dutlt!8 In ' biA ~ nrttge ,, ·clr.o lt d ioner. Fr'ldllY evening. ., qa.II.... \ Whftn tbere Is" nllw s lylll, we. III _ __ _ _ __ __ &0 be ~ell . our It· fO \l..l,l.+ _ _JOrI...... ----61C J. W. ,"111 Ll.:;eR~.- - - - - •• __._........ If ,qri . IIILe.t style In "I)· ~c Iqitall~., blood bl' . "'king \l1l .. rIlDoe tor I·be I'ldles iR. whell 'bo ILl Veterlnarv HAl'HA WA \ ,n\1 1I111u 'rlm to mercury .•• DENTIST ••• 1M IIteen df'gr lltls bolow :f.Hro It b~ Jus, $be &0 go btlrabeud Ad "ud ell rry ynur iraduate of Obio SIal . l l ll1v~ r ... ; JiI.al'~fj'.,.lielb"'To bUild your hlood WaYllie. ville '8 Leu.dlnll' OeD".' urne<! In tobogl/aD - BOme alyle, don't you Waynenl.le. U IIlrs "'III Morg!loo hRS been quite , red oo,pu80le., , 1moe In BHlneH Bld~ M ... lLl H, N•• lonl lIook nl~". think? ill. tile p ... 1 week . t:;~:~:::':: ,IYell . your blood OFFICE: Mr . and Mrs. Floyd Anderlton lind ill It DeNte '0 plok )'OU up Mr. nOll ;;11'8 Ed Walker were I~ourt h Str ellt. near Tyler ,.uG off OU • be.lthv b.el" I")D . Val'ltoo, Mr . lind Mrlt . H en r~ New ValLlos VIsitors, Saturdny, notloe ,be dlffereDoe eoon MoKee, of Xenl8 . wt!rll Suuday Telephonp 9:1 W~lt· er WlIsolI WII" 00 I,he siok ...... 'alllull ", Yoa w\ll RUIj~" of Mr ... nd Mr8. Amos Ellitl . IIA~. tbe la ue r JIll" lIr I,he wo.elt. Yoo WIll <lwflYs find ooo"ol .. tinn ba,.. , oolor. beUer 'eeliog, N Jl ~ B rvloe~ wloro Ileld at tbe Waynesville. 10 the dlof.loDary .Dd ~er., l.Rr". Sund~y, su that everyYou O.D $Ike n In Uquld or &a hie' Ueoll Boover. of nPllr W"ynoBvdln. ohuroh d YOD prefer Bo'h h"ve tbe W08 oalling 00 frltlnds hpr!'. 8undll.V. ODe mil! h ~ Mteou, N,.w Burlington re v; vnl et! rV l ce~. IqredleD" , .Bu, be earll vou O. N. ()(lm,ltoD tl8!l8nol,ed bu~i_ Thl. vioinlty W"I'! well rppre89utpd ,eaulae GUde'. Pep'o, Man nees In W"'YD~8Vi\ll" 811.urd8Y "t I·lll' P.i11ltry m eeting at C. R ,••It 1I>r ," by aba' aameMr . groe~t Kelsy, of Springfield 8uDuell · ~. ~'rt / I .. y I~~""ti·. ~1!IJ1'o ManiSD," .od be fall a.inel. 00 paotage. ohurab , WIU oAlllng on fri eudll in ~1rs W"l!llr Wl1"on Will! A receot Ibl. vloiul\1. ijuud"y vlslt,or wl~h her dtloglll f' r . Mrs. Pllul -Ad "efl Iltlmeo' : , The meny frlen,ts of ARfI M I!:,,_ P"lers,,,,. no .. r New BnrllOg\ou. ner •• mlul~ .,r whom live b"re. Werd nenrv t:! .. UtlrLbwalte aDd WitH ~nrry I,tlur of bl8 serious ~Ioko"tls wer .. eoter\uiD£1d mt dlonftr. 8untl .. y. flud ITUH. til lit IS mfly not be 1111 8ftrl- .. t Ihe IWIDe of Mr. and ,~ra, Vb .. ~. " U8 8a reported , Mr ODd Mre Ej( BArner bert moved fr lllll I, bl~ vloinl\y m rr ny H'~m KpellomD ADd wife were yeara RgO loollling In Kuns8s City. Sping Valley vlsitorM, ~utuTlloy M'e·o~r1 \I
Boomlnlt Har veysburg
lIo" .I ::~
We Say She DO!
11I ...
iTti~~itANY;SI \ .
! i"
: s.
.......................... II!
Everett Early
.- ..- - -
::: :::
Lytle Feed Mill
tIID... 0'
The Miami Gazette
Lytle. Ohio
Walter McClure
., John H. Wright DR. W. E. FROST .
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
If you want to be entirely satisfied, use
our Classified Columns
Partof the World Is Yours
Oar 'OWII Is open for more h e lp We nA~d ",n,.ther pby.lcl', 0 to tI"~I ~ t Or. RlAnd"Il, oDe barber, (loe blaok. Famoua Hudaoft "IV.f, The entire length 01 the Budeoa 1I0r0ltb. on!' mOlre llntl'l. "ud 8ev"r.1 bUIIIII""" I,(Atle, 8 fot 11:18 ll~unlciptt/ rtver Is 800 mlleR. ~'roJU .Troy to the II, dDd v'olohy mouth of Ihp. rIver III New Yorl< bay, n dlslII nee Of 1:;0 miles, the rh'er I" tldol. owing 10 Ihe low ~nHle of ItII hed, by which the ocenD tide Ie able Use OUr Classified Ads for reau Ita to bock up. II I@. tbls lower tidal ou vlgllh"; porrlon or the Bu'deon thAt Is of so ""Ieh InJll(Irlonce, und. at course, "1I1e WilIer I ~ 81111. It Is regArded Catarrh Cannot be Cured 118 re.t lly 1111 eslltllry o.f the sen. Above Albnny I1nrl Troy I1lle river I~ 0 810811 8trellltl. lind 10 118 lIIlurce 'he wOler
Have you got itYour Home?
_ . _ - __ .
. ._...
stto ·Wom.,,' g Club... In Ihe PbtllpllllI~ . · III",·.. are more
............ lIIaa ItIO ,,_en',
A IIltme rXI'l'e"~iI"l 1\'" ,11 "lIJ:ht t. ~ applied like 'H "11r·':II. I''''er to a" large proportion .".1 001' 4 '1I',oee U' pi rldl ,-Jacballlf'" \
Madden's Lumber Yard Way'nei.ille, Ohio
..--,. .
-• ~ ->
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::2 ."
.... C
R .. I MNIII"g Old Sa)'lng. 'l'be mn,Uahman'l mlsose of the II. plnte hu twlated an old aaylnll 10 a peculiar falbJon. Our forefatbetll - - woot to dec:lare thlll 8 L/ilI"l!OO ....... mad u aD .tter. ~ Tbla bas nOW beeome "hatter" IIDd moal pe"6lle Imqtne It bu IIOmelhlDIL to do with a lDaIlufaetunr of hllta. As II matter Dr taCl th. ortc!n.1 "atter" meant "adder·
rIJ ==
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,it. \
- ' ...-_7".. . O. ·.,,..{" I, D.•..r. ,""'-" ..t;""J.J\nrA'li:JJ 'U.J. ~ ~
, •
Mrs . Edith Harris spent ~evE' r a l days last wpe k in Cincinnat i a nd Milford. Born- To Mr and Mrs. J ame~ Evans. FridllY , January 21. 1921. un eigh t·pound daughter .
Mrs Florence Oav i!i Huddle. of Madi so nvill e. i" spending 8 few da y~ with Mr and Mrs W. S G raham . Mrs. Lilli e Egbert and Mi'~s Vir· ginia COY. of Dayton. were Sunday visitors of Mr. alld Mrs W J BaKer. T ha i IIlousllnda and Ihousa nd . 'I' <\ 01lar8 paid by Am erican fa rm· 'r8 for agricultural maehlnery to ille Mr 'ormlck Int ern ational HIlr· ,,'"tPr ('0 wen t rl",ht hAr k Into
" h ari t y
Mr. and Mrs Earl Swain. of Ridge· ville . spent Sundav with Mrs. Ch ristie McKinRey and duughter . Miss Laura
brought O llt In lh e re~~111 .e rlou8 lilt.. ,It Mra. '·yrll . ~I c ('o rml ck II I hI l! hlc8 11:0 .\1 .. McCormkk 'R c ha rit y W8_ nut . he kind acco lll panied by a br osl hand . Is .h e co mpliment pal ti lIy WAR
Suits and Ove rcoa ts . the two for the p rice of one at Fred' s Clearance Sale, Lebanon, ,January 29 to I"eb· ruary 28 .
til mld· w"'8' " rll lJhll Rnthrnplr .,..
• ••
Creek Friends Church Sunday Schoo l at thi!! ~hurch every Preachinll HPr· :-lunday I\t 9:30 a m vi ce at 10:30 o'clock a . m. You ore cordially invited to be present.
of the'
Sheltering Pines
% ~
:• •t
Saturday, January 28th Featuring Viola Dana, in
"A Chorus Girl'. Romance"
has written some remarkable tales of the squatter fotk of Cayuga I ak e and the m ore aristocratic res.. Idents of Ithaca, N. Y. They have been featured on the stage and in moving pictures. This one will make the author a bosl: of new friends, will make some "sta.r'~ famous, and will make you love Tony, its heroine. WiI1 soon start as a serial in this pubHcation.
Anderson , in
An Overall Hero"
The usual services will be held ' next Sunday: SUl,day ~hool. 9: 15; Preaching services. 10:30 a. m . and I 7:00 pm .; Epworth League. 6:15 : p m . Everybody cordially invited .
9 ra~~e !Miller
A comedy featuring a monkey that is almost human, in
Orthodox Friends qurch Sunday Schuol , 9:30 am . Meel· : ing f(lr wortlhip at 10:30.
M. E. Church
Stelznick News Western Drama, featuring G.
• Buried Alive"
St ~Iarv's Church SexogesilJ1a Sunday, January 30: Church School at 9:30 am; Morn· ing Prayer at 10:30. The public is Cllrdiall y invi ted tu these ~ervices .
A new romance by the author of "Tess of the Storm Country," "The Secret of the Storm Country," "J\JIdy of Rogue's Harbor," etc.
Thursday, January 28th
C ae~;J"' s
Featuring George Ovey, in "Beaned on the Border" Admission, 22 and 17c
Tueaday, Februat y 2nd
Ruth .Roland, in "Ruth of ,the Rockies"
Glady~ Brockwell, in "White Lies"
---"Kt•• Me Caroline"
Feffy- Clirlstlan ChurCh Bible 8chool at 9:30 Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Everyot\f! invited . J . A. Pine. Paetor .
9 reels Mrs. Ave rey Needles and daugh· ter. Mrs. Mill er. arrived here. Tuesday. to aUen,1 the fun eral of their husband anct (ather, Th ey will Harveysburg Friends Church To Mako Friend of TOIId, _2=:1.. TbfJ toad II Dot looked upon with probably stay he re for a Il!w ~II Y!l . Sunday School. 9:30. Meetintr for aDJ i1't!al alUou ni of fovor by the aver- -Everybody cordi·. Worship, 10:30 a,s person. anel 18 generolly Ibougbt CUT OUT THE MIDULEMAN ally invited to these serviceti. of lUI belus "'I gly." wbUe the old bOJ. I booll super. tHI"n UIOI bolds the 10IVIJ We buy from producel'8 only. We have n" agel}tI. crPIUII ltation buy. hopper a" r.'8lJouslble for "'orl8 lUll ers or other middlemen. Each cream producer flende his eream DIRECT bilge ... to Dlllny ull ull minds. tn realto our Creamery. WE PAY THE ~HIPPING COST Everv cent Is Ity the tood Is 0 pl'scetol. frlendlJ yours Your cream and eans arl! aruaranteeU alralnet 108-' by Uttle eren rure t1IU I ron be traloed 10 a vel'J few mtnutes to be "pals" Bod What about? About atter R IVeek or 80 roo be malle u attectluuotf.' a8 8 dog. l'bey Bre cleaner the beautiful presents we The Epworth League of the M. E than any turrell nnlmBJ and are es· Cash Capital $260.000.00 ' . ClfiCINNATI, 0810 intend to give away very church will hold their regular meetThe Warren County Teaehera' AI eeedlngly lntereRtlng as pets. , soon. . ing next Sunday evening at 6: 15. ~or soeiation will mel't in the NKtional - We P.y; ehe Frefchi and Free Trial [~ Bank building, at Lebanon, Salurda,y, with Arthur Holt as Jellder. The Proletariat. Can. g,adly Why? For merely buy· membership of the league h811 in· ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I J a n u a r y 19. 1921, lit 10 o'clock . The The prolt!Iorloi III RUBSla Is Dsed ~ creased and'the organization h811 pro- ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~'!"'!!"!~ following 18 the program: ing a dollar's worth of furnl.hed denote ~Il t' lowest II nil poorest eloMea. ven a great success. All you~n~gL=====::':'-~~:::::::'::""'___""":"____ _ _ -='_ _ ~=:ttj merchandise at our store, It la derIved I hrough the F"ncb, ·day. Be.r. and Telephon. Polea. Music &L--------------~~~ . the coupon in the front Ihe Lo tto pro lernrll. Ihe Dame folk s are cordially invited to present. ' Josephine Harlan, Sec 'y Every lelephone Dud telegrnph pola Invocation .. ...... , ........... · Rev. Lever If you ha,e clven h I IItl' rP Il S Il S of Serv lu ~ Tuillna per' .,;~ butwr-r.t· on our counter, and ID the remote dIstricts of Norwu .• lui. Music -- - . - ---to the lowesl "r Ihe cenlurle.., wbo no ·can •• Week Jaa •.l4,b to .J1"'1~1. then possibly getting 11 to be ronstBtltly \votched Oil areoun. Round Table .. ... .. . Supt. G. H. Gerke were so ell lff',j 10 tndlcate that tbe, of the beal'll, wblch nnve a mnnl0 for ~'ifleen.minute Talk ................... . were VIIIUllhl<· I" Ihe fltate only u fine present late r on. 60:000 croam produee" In Ohio. Indiana ~Dd J,entuck,. d climbIng tbe poles and sitting on the renre rs or ofT'prlng. Tbe word b81 cross bare, BWBylllg bnckwor<t and ........ .... .. Mi88 Gertrude An er80n ship their cream DIRECT to the Trl.sUtei Wiilcb hili ~me mu r h Into !I ~e In tbe IIteraturti been .tablished sinee 1910, with uiati · o....·a~mllllon fon"ord until the polo taUa. "Teaching the Fundamentals in We know that y ou will or aodnll ~lU. Geography" ...... W. R McConnell, dollars and now hand I. MORE CANS 0' CRE&,II' PER --get your money ' s \\ orth , . Miami University, Oxford Mr . .F..dward Hartsock, of WaynesDAY THAN ANY CREAMERY ' I~ · ; "OR~n . whether you get a pres· Your cheek tor e,ery shipment. by retum·Qlah · ,<'d' vill e. and Miss May Cummine, of Noon SUbttltute for Glasa. ent or not, for it is our A new trubstltule for glSS8 or fOI Spring Vall ey, were united in marri· Music .. ..... "Lebanon Hi" Orchestra aim to handle only the IBcQut!r ha ~ been t n~e nted 1D flennool'. age a t Xenia, Friday, J anuary 21. Fifteen·minute Talk ................... . It co n be cu I w it h "lIeBI'8 or wltb B 1921 We wish them happiness and best at a fair profi t to u s . .. ....... ...... ..... .. M W. Richard80n knlfp ,In d. wben heated to more than prosiJerity along life's pathway . . . ' "The Letter VB The Spirit in Teach· 100 <I ~l; ree8 Ceu tlgraele, It forms a ing" ........ .. ....... W 1\. McConnell lroent1l1 ltle !DOBS which resumes Its preCelery. Cranberries, Fancy A p. viOU8 bard state on cooling. It .. "Let's tio" for Ii lOO~ attendance. .~ ":r': ", What ••• Weed' plt!8. Oranges. Lemons . known as "cellon." We handle a full and To date th.. percentaae has been Accordtng to Websler's Interns tlonal In Gallons, Half Gallons, Quarts and Pints. Also ' ~ome 2-Minule Oat Food , 2 pkgs ... 25c d1ctlotJary there are two deUJ\ltlone of complete line of about 33Y. per cent Are yOU grow· 2-MinuteWheltl~'()od. 2 pkgs .. 25c • weed : 1. Wild growtb 1D the natura You cannot Pust 'foasties, 2 pkgs ... .. ....... 25c inll professionally? of ronk grnij8. undergrowth. or tbe Coconuts as Money. still. Gengral Hardware, Har·' Kt!lIogh's Corn Flakes. 2 for ..25c CorOtlll l !o= Jtl'(~ fl1(l common l ul'llJ ot Ulle. 2. Any plant growIng In colU· S, G. Frank, Pres. In Gallon and Half Ga.U oqlotl. , . Selling at cost. Mothers Oat~, 2 pkgs .. ......... 25e exchon",· "1Il""g ' tho nnllve. ot tbe uted ground to the InJur)' of the ness and Agricultural Tecco Pancake F'lour. pkg ..... 10c Gertrude Brown, Sec'y . Nlcoh"" . Fnr 111 ", ,,nrl!. 0 !lox of crop or Ileslred vegetation, or to the Colors-Black, Maroon', Slate, ~Iue, Dark Brown, PureBuckwheatFlour. 101bs ..75c lDot cl ,C"s is wOrth ~O rocol1 tJt s, wbU. dIsfigurement of the place; an un· Implements. --Green and White. Guarattteed to be good paint. Big 4·lb. SI!cks Salt ...... ... ... .. 10c tor needles tlul price Is Qu e coconut lightly, uselesa, or Injurious plont. The Log Cabin Shaker ~alt, pkg .. l0c following Dole II added: A weed 18 a each. Minlnll Pot ..h. Jack I"rogt Table SlIlt, pkg ... 5c planl tbal II Dot w.nted. Tbere are, PotBsh to GenuBoJ oectIl'8 ID the Hig (':an Blaked Beana . .. ...... 10c therefore. no lped61 or weed .. , tor I - - - - - - - .4- -_ _ plant that I. a weed 10 oue place 0081 Wis Sweet Wrillkll!d Peas .. 12 y' c form or a rock 88lt .nd rtlDl 10 ~ of thirty tloe' ur 000", In thlclm_ Dot be In another. Country Gent leman Corn .. .... 16c Ral Aton's Health ..'oori ..... .... 20c All mined II hoft about tile .me eoDo -. Palm·Oliv!! Soap. 10 for ...... .. 76c Ilatency n. UII! commOD roclr ealt of eommerce. Alld Ita 1(I10dtnr Ie .'J. Waynesville, Ohio Windfall. '!'he deplha 81 ~'hlch the tMle pota'" (. , Samples will ready Special for A wiodrall to 80 onp.rpeMed lepC1 depoelb tire .ilnoted m.lt'e It Dece.. for . showing i n a few .....- - - - - - -..... !GROCERIES, FRESH AND or mflDey droppe<'\ a' n wpr(, from tbe Friday and Saturday 18.,. to Mtnk "hll fl " le.dlng 10 IAve~ tI!Q- The 88yln, or1glnnl efl wt'I'IJ the dan· . . ' .' . ot tt~ much "" 11.000 tHt belo. tbe Riu Ilnd Santus Blend :-5I\lOKED MEATS I!illglt.1l oobUlt, were forhhlden bJ aurto<'e: C(lffee, ~ pounds (/lr • the tenu... of their etltalea to fen lb. ... KJnd qf Shop' Choice c uts of. Reef, Pork and Umher. all , tbe ~es being reserved Franklin Calle Syrup, medium ., . . Wood 'for saJeTrue Qr•• tri... , for !be 11M of tbe ra1al !I0VY Such 8i~e can~ ..... . .. ... .. .. .. ...... 39c ~,-: Veal. Stap!eGroceries, Fruits, trees sa Wetll bloW'D dowo. however, .' block; furnace ot C'OOk. A Dlno's true ereBtoell II.. la tIa . . Large s iz ~ .. ......... ............75t; . • ClOck • palrinc, Stove R~lrlng' I Veg~tables Butter and E-ggs. we", excepted, bence • good wind ~nlel o u9ueea or. aD bonest p~ .. Pu8Ip ~Irlnc. Saw $Iarpeoing, . ' otten proTed a crerltable GO<Isend. lire. foullded on • just 4IItImtlte. If .............. Kalfe.~~ Tool Sh.rpe~in" I A liber a l share Of . yo.u r patblm"I' and evel'J'thln, at.. IUld • Bring U9 your Chickens. Hlgh r" etead1 obedience to tbe rille wbldl ... .c.,''':t' ~,'?'J ·Stovca·Cleanlng' . ronage .solicited. Our prices to be M.bt.-()eor.. Lon., est prices,..paid .. . . . . . ", ottIIt ]0'" In wood Ilnd ' are right. Yours for ser:vice, . PI'OCOCIOUI Youth. .... Tbe teacher asked: "WhJ do Ie.... PU1 Her on th. Ban Team. . "~ 1.. " Inrn red In a.lllnlOOr' " amOIl bo7 I'rom II nl" "I: "With a aud4ea& r.r... -aatil ''-e 000 . _. I~' Id: "Beealill theJ are blnshlnl to aIed morl.I)" ur her haaM aile an..lt .. J thInk bow ..... the, .... In RIDIIer hreatb." ' Wayae.ytlle.O Wal/flesvill.e, Ohio .
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Are the folks we are going to talk to.
The best comedy we have ever run. Admission, 22 and 17 cents '
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Mr an,1 M r ~ Orl ip !:ie lin.H " ''','' i ",kl'n cl1 a Q\t> or the trall'~ Mi~H C',oz v Younce . of Day ton ,apenl a..,. ., a ' .... ranl at born. 110 11 der:,rl, .'.t of tb e Am ,,"" gunoluy here ,wil h her parenLB su s~ Nan;'.e:". n __ "~ Ihe would 10 .. fam il y aUlI Mr. Charlt·" lI"ut h . '... r nt Bureau FMeMll lo r her _ Itelllhng - Gahlee .... ... .. .. " . , b, condlletln /i ~ car. WbllD .be arrl v " , ........ ·· ,· .. .. · .. Mrs Emma Mc l:lun, Copper· clad or Mulleable ran(le at . ' ------'!''''!!'-~~~~!'''''''!~ - . .- _. - - - ~ - - Music - "Guid e Me Oh Thou Greut '19...1...... to ~e omoc, , In hUIll'r of her hu sband "1IIrt"",,~, FRED·S. Monday, februar y 28, _r. .. th.. lie.. plctur" J ehovah '" Mr~ . J ('fl' ~milh ('1I1 <: rl.ain.') Ih~ir •• ~ III & . . - t ,,11ft to lh Rtlllding - "Japane s. Chilrlren in child rE'n lo dinn er. Sun,Jay , Th,,",' U .... capitol. ehe al1rm~d 8' MiNI Margar et Merritt , of Mt. lbet .... _ ·chuol ........ " .. ", Mrs , D. L Cranc prest'nt werp; Mr , unrl Mrs, cotll, to Coallr' f':rI Holly. N. J .Is vieitlnll relatlvea here '"'''' .... law8--n"t ~I< Mu~ic - "One Sweet ly Solem n Smilh. of Xeni a; Mr Ufll l ~Irs I. I: The Mothers' club will III 'et IL t the : Though t" EvanM. of 'prinR Valley; ~,1r, and 15'1, Ruth Walton. of Dayton. old School build ing. Th e M',·"i,· [owllshi ,. S, S ('onven· Readin lr-"TheOrdero f theThous· Frida\' after· Mra L l. Pence. of Lehanon; Mr li nn will I,,' held in the MethO[Ii~t l arid Fo ld"."." ..... Mi~s spent a few days last wee" with her noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs N Leah !:imi tb allli Mrs, 0 E Smitn. Mr and Mr" , P Blatt parente , will (live a reading . IInri several oth.. r· church at ""rv ey~ burg . on Sunday, !M1J sic- "The RORa ry" " .... " "' .. ": C, B, Renlley and " Th e t'ir~ t Comm unily Serv ice I Re tor t/fir), I;, Hl 2u 'clock A good , .... .... . .. ............. .Schumann· l-lemk Rosem ary. and Mr~little Ilang htt·r. /o,. ve interesting things will be prl!sent .. d ('\'l' r att en rl ed , I f the co mmun· I';n~t e r Smi l h. Several farm en went to Columbu8 pr",.:ralll will I ,~: ).!iven All invited I3iAfte r adjournment deliciou ity spiri t i ~ kept UjJ lik e thi!;. i~ Wil l s reof WQyn~. "ille SundllY, to attend the Farmer a' Marl ha DaviM. Sec'y, Ifreshm ents were serv~ by the hus. Ill' r:" rnllli ~ h a grt'at. wnrl( in Woyne meetinll, -p;t.I.edl tullP 8Un~ e'll J II .a",)~ - - - - -itess. assisted by MiRlt's Emma Several entertainments weI',. giv(>n tnlVn~ hi p " Such lVu~ Ihe remark paw .pOoI 9q'l aaMI : &aaupul\q IUIOI .n" IHeighw ay , Clara Lile and Henrietta for Misi Edna Comell , who will be. In ude by u ll'enll 1:' man The AII·Oay meeting held In the ltIINJ GILL 'POOI 10 tlllatd pu;, Itl' .n~ MiBl MullieHowland.of KingsMillp, 10 III the 'hool (IUil\! mlll(l IIAj2 OJ <U1l~ :1urlllrl Mc K' C.llllea bride Sa turday ev en illK. ThO! hal ;. Friday evening , And to . Fooll." Quoeatlon No. S.427 . M. E, church on Junuary 30. 1921. "pent th. week·end with Miss Edna '8AlIlIn ' rn ~ey, Visitors present wert': our p ~I\tosqll OJ &aiA 90'. '11 1 ' "; u. \( o"l'r, we should not mil It a Mrs Ethan Colemlln. of TnJedo. and first was given on Tue~ day eYl!n ill g mind. the remar l( i ~ well found ~on8idto:d fOf three Krt~at lervices. Howland ed. IilVPJOll 111a1\ ~AollO 11i 1lw.JUII1U a u 10 ~88~ ..,1 h"redl!: wben 8 hard·hra ded Mrs J , 0 Cartwrill'ht and daught er. of last week. by MiHS Annli Fllrna~ . Ne er befOl:e haN 9uch a crowd aslonll' Lo be rt'memlJ ered by those pre~ . ...."101) !)ePUII. u. nells mao liS 8 bo~ehead sen.- ' E I ... who enterlBinlld at her delightful , .. mhled ut tlt e Community Service 80810n TraDscrlpt. ent. ,ve YII. Peptona is pleaaant to take. and ill country home, th e Misses Edna Cor- g'ntheri nj;!'s, UN wa~ crow/led int At 9: 15 the orcheatra opened the readily .88imllated by weak etom· n the nell, Corinne Welch and Alice Ca rey hll ll th llt night. Sunday ~hool; then II brief explana· ach3, J. E. Janney. On Friday evening Mies Alice Carey Th e tir Hl thin j,t on ~h e program tion, of lh .. Red and Blue contHt . was entertained at a miHcelia neo us show- the busketball Kame between which iH to Ilid ih , "f'tting ~cholarB Mra. Frank Carman. of Dayton. our er. when twelve of Miss Corllell' ~ I'eddy BCll rsolld th e Xenill Nationa III the lIiff"rlml cla~seR. lind continue spent a couple of daYI here lut week ls, friends were present and "peut a whi ch the Teddi es easily won by until Euler, wa~ l(iV('1I b~' the lIuper· vilitlnll friend. the delightful evenin" On Saturday ~co r c "f 37 to 17, Our boys considintendent; lhen fullu"'ed the 1~880n eveniol' Miss Helen Hawke enter- ered this ga me as more of a practice Born-T o Mr. and Mra, Vero Brit· 'ludy., atter wbich a Decision aervice teined a leW' of her friends in honor se~sion for their game on Sa tu w.. held. ellch cla81 comin, to lb., ton, of Mlehaw au, Ind ,. ·Friday. rday 01 Mi88 Cornell , The eveninar was evenln(l. but ne,ertheless. the altar, the teacher leading in a word January 28. 1921, • eoD, specdeli,htf uU, spent In m~ and con. tators .w. peel, clean Kame. of prayer, There were 17 to jllir, Nel.e....tlon . MI.. Corinne W.lch alia soo Thome. a crack player f, om the eov~mant for a Chrilltian lite; Mr and Mra. Brice Smith. ot Ceo pv. a dellllhtful perHlIIl Ihower da~i1Ie ooli.... played on e of the Detfinnerl and Firat Primary Franklin. apent Sand., with the Mr. tor Miu Cornell. Tuetday ",eninll . forward , tor the Hears. an~ were not I·nc Iuded In t hi• num be Erneal Butterw orth aDd famll" 1 0('~1 r. eiabt We must belna ,relent and enjol'lnll. the lanl ver, much appreCiated hIS brrl· raise S4500 .00 in Wane n Counl y to take care of 450 childr en' and the total preaent in tbe School Ten dollar s will keep .one child from starvi ng until a barv" Hlllion WIUI 102, There wt're threo.venln,. Delicious refre~hmentB Iiant pla,lng . Mf!I , Jeff Smith IpeDt I..t week In st can be aatbe -d. , were ~erved at e'ery home. ... • .... addltionl to the church After ~he Kame. the plano was Lebanon. vlaltlnll berdau llhter. Mn. brough t mto the hall, and for a half At thl! ulual hour for th, mornlD(l IrvinI' Pence. and other relatlv .. 0 hour singing was Indulged in. Th e ae.vice tbe putor. Dr, Holt, preIleDted a very lnatruetlvi ....mon. hi' 'comm unity sin(ling is always enj9yed Buy Furnitu re now at Fred's, X ~he follow ing comm ittee. have been appoin ted in each Towns topic "Some ReUOD l Why W. TfWlt off to Februa ry 28. Cedar '9t1lmp hip especially the familiar airs. and from and their IU respec tive quota s: the way the public sang thnt night tbe Lord" After tbf beHdlotlon, aM Boost.!r CoUPOIII with eYer)' pur· Leban on Corpo ration , Chairm an, M rs . F lra nees M. Hamil they fully enjoyed it. aI' were IDvited to dinner. wtilch wu cb.... ton , .... . ..•• . ... $800.0 0 aerved In the ROelal rOOmJ of the Mrs. Eunice Searl (nee An1erson) After the singing, Presid ent Ellis East Turtle creek TownS hip, Rufus Ke rsey . .. . . . . . ... .... .. ..... ' . , • , .. , .$200. 00 church, 106 P.rIOllI partald nl' of Carl McClure. who Is attendlD was born Dpcember 6, 1840 and died introduced an old·fashioned oreh Ir West Turtle creek Towns hip , Dr. J, R. King , . , .. .. , . .. es· . , . ' .. , . . . , . . ... . $200.0 0 January 17, 1921. aged 80' yeal'fl 1 tra. composed of the Simkins tbl8 mOBt bountiful rllJJll8t. aerved b, buBlneB8 college at Dayton. brothW8B Frank lin, Town and Towns hip, P rof. Gerke .... . ... ... . ...... .. ... month, 11 da} s. She was married to ~ r~ . S. S. I!:ll is and Mrs. Earl forced to remain home last week. on , . . .. . .. $900,0 0 Ioue ladieK in their usual efficient account Ornof illnll88. . East Clearc reek Towns hip , Chas. G raham . , .. . , .. . ...... Robert G, Se ~ r8. p ecembur' 29.1857 dllrt. This music took us back forty manner .. . . . , . , .... , .. $200.0 0 At 2:30 lhe congrell'lltlon a88embled Unto them we re born eight chi ldren. \ ears, and many of the younKe \Vest C leatcre ek T ownsh ip and Sprin gboro, M rs. Geo . r genBeck ... .... . . ... .. $200 ,00 four of whom remain , fnu r havinl;! "ration had nCI'er heard this rlass to f Furnitu re Sale. ~ off to February In the auditorium toliBte ntoanot her W ayne l'owns h'Ip an d Wayn '11 M ' J L M d h II es vl e, 28, rs . . . en en a ' ... . .. .. . .. , ... $500,0 0 in('lusiv e, at FRED'S passed intu the Un seen Life anum. mU,jic . Cedar able lermon by the IJaswr, his subAll the old·Lirne fiddl er ~rassie Towns hip a nd H a rveysb urg, Mrs. Emma Ellis Stampi and ber of years before Ihe mother, The tUll es wen' play er! . and the oo'chest Coupons with .. . " .. .... ... .. . .. . Q200.1)0 ject belh~. "Rewar ds-F.ar thly and ever,y purchasBooster ra e, .. \Vashi ngto n Towns hip, Mrs. Ma ry Huffm an , . . . , , ... , husband and fath er was called. April was well re ·ei vecJ. Heavenly." . .. , , .....• ...... . S ' 200,00 3.1910 . Em mor ilaily and Mr3. W. E /JorSalem Towns hip a nd Morro w, Albert Scheu er . . ... .. . Supper WII then served to IlboUI 1 MIBIi ..• .. , . . .... .. .. . .. $200.0 0 Kalherinde Brodt. of West , Mrs , Sears' hest yt!ars w e I'£' RP<>lIt s u ~ h took charge of lh e Kilmes, 50' people. afler which followed Ihe UDion. lind arrived here la8t .... eek. and Harlan Towns hip. Mrs. Fran k Hogga tt ... .. .. . ...... in r.:!arin&, th e~e childn,h, fur she WIIS "fter an hour of enjoyment the . . .. . . , ... . ...... .. $200.0 0 ' Epworth League devotional meetlnll. hils tAken lhe place in our ~chools com· Hamil ton Towns hip and Ma in ev ille. , . : . . •. ' • . • . • , • , a devoted and fle lf-sacrifici ng muther. pany disbanded, afler-Ii thoroug .•.. . . .... ...... . .• $200.0 0 hly with is preeent Then at the even· vacated by Miss &lva Hormell. She felt her highest duty to be the enj uyab le meeting, Ullion To~ns hip and South Ceban on, :'I1rs. Irene Hayne r , .. , ... inll church Bervice. a Icreat congr6ll'a· . .. . . , • . . $150.0 0 ", ! I. care and trai ning of ht- r ch ild ren. tI on hea rd one 0 f t he mnat powl:r f u I Spring - - -- - - - - goods "r:ast Deerfi e ld and Kin gs Mills, Mrs . Harry L . King ... .. . . .. " ., , ,' ... , .. $150.0 0 daily al exThose years were spent 011 t he farm . ..tmonl by Dr Hult- ·" UlIluDWllh tt80rdio arylOwarriving p·rices:c-edarStamcc.p'--sH--- \Vest Deelfi eld a nd Maso ll, 1\lrs. n and were filled with much hard wo rk :-r;: Frye, . .. .... . . . . . .... , . .... , ... , .$200. 00 God" On~ of the strong pointe, and Booster Coupon~ with eV.:lry and limited means But honeil t toil with which he Imprened all. waH ' purchase ' FRED'S . OW t and frugal living ell ab ltlJ these r u ~· the importar.ce 01 mall in&, lhe chur ch tic but noble pllrents to ~ec ure a a community cente... fl,Jr. E~han Colem an and family. The E uropea n Relief Comm ission plt'dge s itself that not home and bring up their childr(,11 to one penny of con· Sunday w.. a I'real day In the M, after 'a delightful visit wi~h r.elativ es tribute d mon ey will be u sed fo r ov e rhead expens e. The , hOllor, industry and virtue. expens es of the progra m E. church, u SO people have mllde here for a couple of week8. left for th a l are incurr ed ill A mt rica, includ ing the cost of collec Mrs Sears united with the Suga r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, of tion of th~ f4t)d and home profeal oo, and ' 28 hllve j()lned thl' their bome in Toledo. Thursda y office u pkeep, w ill be m e t from th e procee ds of the Ameri Creek Christian church ov er Si xl \, Houle 5. entertained th e Loyal Wo° can Relief Admin istra· church The rbeetlnll'l are increas· mornlnl'. tlOIlS Foo d Draf l s a les. ye~rs lIao. lind remaineu a fa ithf~1 men " f the FelTY Flibl e Sch uo l. wilh In, each night , x x x Every do ll a r lllat cOlltri but e for child -bearin g will buy and cOllsiste nt n,ember until she wus their h'usbun rlR, at t.he: v'reg'oi ar one, hundr ed cents' ---- - ---Shoes and Rubbers Y. to Y. off at \\'mllt of life·su s t ain in g food for a c hild. called to the Home Beytl{ld , 13l·fore lIIon t hl y mee li nl{. "FriclIlY evening. ~'I~EO'S Gl ,'arance Sale to Februar y F' o ~ l'vcry d 0 II a r COIl l.fiu her dppartu re . Sister SIl~rH saw till' ~ :,~. Il ry ."....... .. , ' " u terI from t h ese fun d s t a . h t are b emg . . raised , two 28; Cedar Stamps and Booste rCuu· beckoning hand s. and waf/l ca · ~o lor" Th e n'i'e~t ing was c~lIed to order. 1.0 1 :1 r~ w ill h e furl1lsh ed 11'1 tran s portat ion, local food suppli es and labor by the pbnll with every purchB8~. to be at rest, She WB S tht! uldest Ulld .. H , WaikHwith Me" was played I ('o unlr y Ul'd ed, a1ld by (: r ll , 1I,' lll 0 f lIe local comm unitie s throug hout that countr y. membe r · of this church at the tim .. n il t he Victrola . MrB Fox r ..ad The A1I1 c ri e u n d oll a r, plus the ,native .two dollars . will , Rev J , F'. Cadwallader and Mr give a child one bal· of her decease , She faithf ully pel'· fr<i111 the, twen ty -second chapter of Again we are reminded the cer· W. Ii, Allen attended the annual H1In'li r a tio n m ea l fo r a month . formed her part in helf/ilJg luke care Matthew . followed by prayer by talnty of death, convention of the Suuthern Ohi o . ~le d il'::\ 1 aid, m ~ d i ca l s upplit' !; an d mater ial must, of Wher.. .. our beloved brother . of the church and 1n altcmlillg its Bro. Pine. After a business sedllio", ~ourse, be an unqua l. DloceHe of the Epi>!Copal church, al Iw ,1 g rfl. fo r these !.ll1llgs above a ll o thers. are absolu tely services when pussible ., Her dear h a sho rt progrRm w ~ s Il iven Ambroae Maffitt, aft~r IonIC and PIIlackm g. Columb us. last wl'ck. lIu ndreds of th o u sands of c hildre n of Europ e have never removes removes almost the l u ~~ f,,· tlent' 8uffering, hu been removt',1 A ~(}l'ial hou r was enj ',yed. at tasted milk, either H 11 oI l1al. or human , in the ir li ves. male member of that circ le of de- wh ich lilllt· 1he hMt"ss served 1\ deli· froin our mlddt by that Reappr . , Spwcial bargain~ in a/l d" partme nts It will take $ 330,00 0,00 l o carry this projec t of child.s aving voted and faithful memLe rs (J f Ille cio us, lunch The m(! cting atlj uurned wbolll! name 18 Deat.h, therefore be i1 FREO'S throug h until Cleatance Sale to F't'bruarl' 111 (' next Europ ean harves t. Of this $230,0 00 ,00 must Resolved. by the Ord'er (If the 28; Cetlar church. who, 25 or 30 years 111(0. la· t,) meet in Februa, y. witb Mr , !lnd be spent for feediq g childr en ::ltamps and ~oo~ter CouEutern Star No. 107, even thoulI'h pons with every purchas bored togethe r in keep ing up its Mrs, Wilbur 'ears. and the balanc e for medic al servic e and aid. e, services. we deepl, ,eel the 1081 of our de· - -_ "He gives twice who gives quickly" parted broth.r . yet, we do not forget "She hath done what she could ." Myer Hyman is wearing "the and her works will be gratefu ll y re· tbe I'reater 1088 aURlained by the ones emile tllat wun't come off." Robert $10.0 0 will save the lite, Olt a child until next harvest membered long after she hath ('n· who are lIearer and 'dearer to him Irwin Hyman arrived, lasr Wednes· '. w .ry true home· loving man and woma n in Warre n Count tered into. rest. Retool~~. that we extend our heart· dllY eveninl'. and will make his home y should deem it a rare privile ge to help in this most worth y causp. and make our telt lIympathy to the bereaved widow with M\'er and Mra HymilD. Count y "go over the top" Card uI Thaw as we have done in all things asked of us in the past. and hereby I'ive expre88ion to thi. We detlire to extend ' o ~r 8i~cerf' If for any reason you are not solicit ed for this cause you can send ahort tribute in appreciation of the Cloaks atJd Suits. DreBles alld Furs thBn~B to our friends snd neij(hbors check to either Foster Cop~land, State Treasu rer, City Nation al Bank, noble lI(e and character of our de- at 1_ than ~ price at FRED'S for their sympathy and kindness Shep, the beautiful Fr~nch collie, Colum bus, Ohio, Chas, ceased brother . Be'it further 1. l'agKoDer., ' Treas~rer for Warre n CO,u n ty, Leban on, Ohio, or to your local Cleararice Sale to February 28. Cetendered UB In our late Borrow in the helonging to Fred Ev rhar!, was comkeaolved. 'that a copy ot~!IM reao- dar Stsmps · and Boo@ter Coupon mittee chairm an. , ' " s crest loea of our mother. We also killed by the New .York' fii .: r at the lutionl' be sen~ to the bereaft d tam· with ev.ry purchu e. . Re~ember, every cent given in this cause will be spent wls/l to thank , the singers for their railrofl.d cro!!lling in C()f\Alj earl v at once. Please do , 1Iy; thllt 'they tie IPniad ,upon oyr \ 1 not. tum down th.i s appeal . ' beauti~ IIl!lDIII. the minister for' his T~u rsd8Y rn,ornin g. 8 waS IJ ~er~ ' , ', ' ' miDUtH : a..d aleo ttimillhed ,tlie I.oeal ~ Mr. and 111'1. ·E. V, Barnha conlOllrqr worde, and the underta k· int~Uigeot dog and . ~9 uld pert(lrm' rt ·ar· paper tor publication. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR, WARR EN COUNTY rived home from Okh~homa.' last auties ~h at alm()st atl)' c:hiliJ 'I~ capll.· ers tor ·their efficient 8!lrviees , lira. Ruth E .. Janne" ~ ble of'doin&' 'He was ' a tavD.rtte of Wedoeaday "enln, . aft.er. a three&In. Laura Sackett and Sisters , MRS. FRAN CES M. 'HAMILTON, Chain Uan,\ . MI'I. &rah Zimmermanj Com mODthe' viIIt with "laUv . all the De'lple of the vicin i Mra E. L Thoma ,; ' ,. . ISS SARA H STEW ART, Secret ary ' " " . ,,' • _. In,?, t any dav he,could be :leti'ilil'f( ljlli.. Emma Barnet t . . came with them,. eRAS , WAGG ONER , Treasu rer , ." Mr. and Mrs . Kyle Slml'. of Cin'· on the 'l'unnillll bQant'of and stopped otr for -a few days at MkS. CEO. O. MARCH MRS. .. ~:J:£~~I LAUR BNCE SHAWHAN U. G. Wbetlel ,... In Levelu d. BrookvUle. but arrived einDati. were1li.. week·end I'uesta of He will b~ lIIIdly ~ F;SRD lionsCHW ARTZ A. B. KAUF ____ PMAN • ____ __ " ____ TaIIdar. ____ Mr. ____ Burton Earnha rt ariC! tkmlly. of bl tbe c"ild~a •••"~li'iI! "..........L iJlIi;i;I ___ ' . ____ __. . . .__ .., ..... . .. ____ plQina te to all. She', _t gOIDg • .• " .'
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0UIdr. Oatil Not Harvesl'
D · rive to be Ma de W'eek f Fe bruar y 6·11
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tof the World Is Yours • 1t-
Have you got Your Home? by GRACe M ILLeR WHITE
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Lo.ke Co.rUlln, nn r! nn t\til" Y ": 111'111": hnd broll,ht f r o ll1 rlH' • ,)ulll ti ll' n'" hrPn~ l · N robLnH UIHi tl u lu":aU I(I:-.p! 1,'1 "r ll'r,1!'l to build tl H~ l r hU IIJt,:o! Itl t ill' Fu ("f"S I cln ·. BS !thlll'n. :\ r" 1< 1\'.' 11 '~IIt ,'I.
" I hll"'" I hll t t 'l\ l'nll~ \' lilY moclwf I,. ~ h' k " " f' r)" tl u..,-, nnd ~hf" l' rlpi!t t (kt TIUI! ' ;oi Inl:'t'ry, ut n ' t It '" t.'!II, (Hill .\ ltt.('un l C'y \\0:'1 1l:-tt"d t o t fllt "'- •• , " U f ', tl1l t he k n(low It p n nR ~R r .. r 11"'111. .., "'. It I. ~ " . " Ih' SlI tc) .
tor to tJ.
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til(· P H "' I , (lip \\ ,\s l. nnd e\'ten t o (lit· 04"H't h whflr~ tll t' In k\! t·llr· llt~ r .
t'l r-uI1I1 l"m,:1h!l IIlHt
heights of k 'fl ( 111 1< 1 1-''''1:11 " " Il Ji Il IIi ' turp mounblln s.
Ono e\'f!'nln $r 'on til l" \\1·~1t" f11 sh:h '\ of th e rnUron d InH· l.:~ . n gi r l ~ l ollll " a(ort' a swnll blll "lI n ~ ()\'t'r II'h teh. IIk~ r(lpl'~ of gT''<'u. dMI[II'" .h ~ bro nchp. or II we('Jlln~ wlll"w tr"". Tht~ hllll ' lIn ~ ' wa.8 dltrel'{'n l rrolll nny or Ihi' .. ther habltaU on ~ n~lI r It In thllt It lI'lI S 11'1'11 pain led. 8J1d 11, .. "oor st ood or,,'n lilt day. '1'w1Ul n slr1lngp little ~t rl !hnt
pled up w ith searching l"n g l:"rrH '~~ HI
Illl! tw'o lighted sl~os thuL hod ur rt·.t· In her Rr m~ <he held 8 dlmlnuli,,(' gu lnell [111:. II II Ii Ihe
eel her 8tt~ntlon.
close rll' l ll o nstr1 II.' d
"'mill SALVATION AIUl\' ." " h~ Srlt!lIed au and thought1'Il II ~' <'011. 1,1· ered It
"Everybody Is ,,,elcome here." " hI.' read 1I0wly. That melln t tlln t Anyor", 410uld entcr It he wnDled 10. she d.,.. dded. and aa Tonnlllol Devon dId waDt to IrQ In. abe aortly tipt oed up the s teps an d peeped IDlO th e room. M thcr. Wftll Dobody In s lgbt, s he "dIed lu a nd looked about. "Welcome" was curved 10 letters or red above 'a table. pnd tll e s lll'n t soong Itran,er Ilghed. ShI! couldn't underItlDd how a girl could be rl'ally wei· come 8lIrwhere. Of cou rse her mnth· er liked ber enll mJsscd her when she . . . a . .y. but Tooy koew of no oth er place where lIle wos reall y wanted but the eBDal boat, CIIlled Mary and Dirty Miry for ahort, wbl ch bad been ber bome, ever alnce she coultl ' r~ member. ''0101')' be to God In th e hl ghcst." I1nJD, In letten ot COld aeroAA the rlrht wall. and to tbe lhorr. "Stand SU Il aDd See the Sah'atlon at tbe Lord." kept ber sttentl on 1\ IItll!! lonrer. She dldn't !mow what the1 Olean t, but the ftrtM c:oIors shlnlog brllllact In the bright lIeht calmed ber tllrbule nt eplrtt anel made bcr happy. She . buned the pi, cloMr, ~ beot her hend aDd kJltIed the ~ at Its ear. "I lUetlS we·re. In a church. Ollssle." 6e lAid aloud, "aod 10U mus tn't gnmt or lQueaJ. like you do on the Dirt; 1IAr1. It. awful olce and Quiet. aln t '" It, h ~.;nP!1 kl t '" II ere you spea ng 0 me eo ( a volee from Denr the door. Tonnlbel Devon struggled to her feet, tumed around and IJIIW n ,Dung mao lookin g lit ber. A name of red rushed over the tanned skIn. but hecause. be Wll8 sml1lllr and kln,ll y. she Imlled bB CIt. II dimple comIn g to llfe li t eBcb comer of ber mout h. "Nope." she flu ng out In confU810n. "J was talk In' to Gussie-Pigl et he r e. Mebbe her aDd me hadn ' t oUllht to be bere. You CIIn kick us out It you WlUlt to." Philip Mo cCnuley. the ('f\l'tRln of tlie SRlvallon army In Hbn ca . bowed. Ind then he laughed. "Every one 18 wel come here." he quol'ed. 41Omlog torwa rd. "Whr re'd you come from' I've never seen yr.1U betore." "1'm staying uP . Hoghole wny." rea plied Tony. "I aln't been Bround ItllllC1l long. Thl ~ Is an Awfu l nI ce room. aln't It. buh ?" "Yes, vI!'!')'. We like It." r epll pd t be young min. "Slt "down; don ' t be In II hurl')'. I wont 10 tnlk to you." Tonnlbel did sit down but not I' ry • comlortllbly. She wn s embn rrl1 ~serl In the presence of thi s hancl ROOl e yflung s trnn~r. abnshPCl In th e gluullIr of hts "·-· -·~~2~. a ll Ih e heouty of hllll. With hoyls l~rnll~ltl o n he WitS CO li· t~ mplat1ng the s'pQ. kl e of h ~ r gnry lIhaded by lonll ·Ii....,·~~ #:, ;~.i?,~' hlll cl; A8 her hAIr whlrh hll lo l: III rl II g· let8 to her wai s l. He dl'<:lllt'll 111111 sh" W8 8 I' cry prert~·. und tllnl h,' 11kI'd 10 have hl' r In th e Solvati on "rillY quart l'rs. "Cnn't you ~tRY for 1lll'CIllig Ihl. evening ?" h ~ aJlkf'd pres,·nl l~·. "W .. hnl'e sllJg\ lI g bere.'· Tony'8 I'yes deepelH.'(1 olmos l to IllS' t rnu~ blllck . "Oh. I'd h,,·c thnt I" The n ~ h c s h.)"k
II I'~_
&nU l l!.
way she huggNJ her love tor It.
III lIh,' \\ o r h l."
tr u,":-- .\ Ol t' r c f,O"', " t"ttl n.1'lIt'k I.r,,", pllr rc.' "' Ih e \,o r ...,1 ret I
Anolh~r wlll ler h~ll Ililrrl tt ~ II")' anKe~ from U\l~ .. lonlJ ('olu ll ry A. n ~
cut Bhnrply arl'lIl1f. ft ' forests strN t'III'41 l h.·l r
f" ",~1nlt.l ).:
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1"'lIt> II(' r . IIuh '," T1l1'r,' II'II~ III U II' [t lrncl ln,; In her ex· 1'1'1 '.''''" II" ~I", Il rew I1I1!'k un Ihp " "IIl' h n Itl ll •• r"r tlh'r Awny (rulII him. " h: 11 ,. 11I1!!11I hlln' kllow n thnt she hn ll h"" 11 ~lI'r p t nl"" g by tho relent · I,.". 11.1" ot brululll )'. n ~ s ighed 1\ II ttl ... 11 ,' hll d ~~,'n " oO ll gh or. lt;nonlllt OI t"n \\ It h t h ei r s tl p rC J1It"l l-'go t l sm. to k now ~h ' tolll U, e tru th. " " nllr rll lh .. r Is- I, - enlt'l 10 your mO IIl (,r. tll •.n7" h r fllll ,' r,"1. ~ h ,. rpltll\lllt~d In d('t'(l t l wlI~ ht f or th e' S IHl l '" Il f n fl'\\' ~"( '\' u d . " ,\ '11'11 1 or lIt O. mehh" III llr t'. 8ln' t 8 k lt llll' lh l ll ~ 10 (IIIk .. .. 11'11 8 th rL~SpH UB(-' fili i! II1 Jul l! l~nn fll ~l\i Uy ut
1!!1I1'11t. 'u u ll u.u al hlill b{'\!n Ile r nnswer thaI l'h ll l11 Mucellul"y gllzed III her In amn 7CIUt' nt. "H ove )·ou o:"'e r h'!lInl of--o t 00'"'' be nHkc,1 tlno ll y. bl s 0 11' 0 confu sion ap. pUrl' nl In the stuDlble of his longue. T ounlbel Inu ghed. " I hcor God d- 11 more'n a h undred t imes a <l.y." s he rl'Pl/ed. "Is tllBt who I you mean 1" "Not qu ite," answered PhilIp, Mtur. ti ed. "No I Not thaI." "l'h~n whnt 7" d manded T ouy. "\Vhal klod of a God do you 1D000 0 T' . "One thllt Is good." ('x'p lalned £'h11. Ip. "There Iso' t IIny God but the ontl who h"lp&-" "My mumlll)"" breathed the &lrl. mIsty ten rs shadow ing her eyes. "Yl's." "Where Is be. th eo ,.. The words shot fortb wIth 80ch Insistence thut some th ing wlthlo "lIl1tp MIICCllllle,)1' rose to ItS d ' nl8l1d. . " 'ome OIl C' S got 10 be good t.O my motl\er." U, e gIrl ru n on !Jefore he could spenk. " She's Sick- and lonely. Oh. [' ve got to do sOUlet blng for her. Whe~'s your he.lpln' OOd. wiSl e r?" "night he re In Ulls plo('C." 811ld PhiliP. n strn ui8 emotion swee ping over hIm. "h\ fllct th ere Iso' t any plnce w her~ qot1. ~ QOt." I "H e wou ldn'l co e I dl t I m n a r )' can. bont. wou ld n e?" demuDded Tony. brea t blessly. a. I h"" C o<1Olon s "" at Buell crudeness. aplaIn ~{ocCaule)' shifted himself ubout so h e tneed her squarely. WOI It pr&lended IgnoraDee or luuocence In the BCnrchlllg gToy eyes ? Th en he detlded thnt tnah WON s tumped on every line at tile upturned fnee. "or course. el'erywhere." he ex· claImed brokenly. ·"Vby. dear chlld-" \fony DeVOll Inle rrupted him swift· Iy. "Tell me how to mouBge It," she pl ea de d. "How eRn I wh eedle your God to Ule. Dirty Mary?" ''To Ole whnt?" 11'118 the quesUon the boy asked lu shocked 8wltlnesa. "',I'he Dirty Mnry." repeated Tony. "~I y mumm y ond IDe live on a conul bout Once s he were just cnlled ·!IIUI'Y.' But she's s o d--1l nosty. Ede ' calls her th e Dlrly .I\Ior1. She's a olce hout jusl the 'ume us loni 08 my .- ... ! UH"S Ih erl!. But J CIIII't see how a
~ " I, , o r l r '1" fnr rll W('\II \. III \ 0 get 0 111 a nti Ilnci n ma r d I'~'." ,Ill,; l \ .'. 1 t o t .i le lrl.lJ ~8 ror r ot urn !' on u g r en t wno : 0"" 11 ,1 . ", II , ' q ld t Ulll;ly 10 0111 ( r om th a Nlt ic . 11U !'( I I " ~ t' t , u: 'n k l-l i !r.Uh \ Ir{. tn wool bhulk l ~ \\Iltll ) I 'r , 11 1' 1 " rp ,,,\;.;11 1 .If t er by \J 0 1.11 I 'lnd (l ub l :.
.1 "' \-" "
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" ="ope," sh e
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to go hOIll p. 10 mUlllmy. 8 11,,·s a ll II100e I ~I ebbe ""b en my dlultl)· !;ets h" e ~ . I'll COlli" somp time nn rl . 11 deo n througb th(> n lghl." For nn Ins tant Ihe 611111 0 ~lllyl'(l about th~ boy's lips. the n lJro"II~' sl'l · tlee! ooce more over his enrn es l }·otlng ~ce.
" What's don, In this pln ce?" Rile qltestlOIl~ afte r B "'hlle. ":''QI~ we sin .. an" relld nnd pray. ~
~~ f ar tcd
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",,1. o f woo t " 1\(1 1M
i n Arkn n sIl8 u n ,:
, ,, !T '1:-rd h y hll),pr:; - nl~ ( t 1" ( fur,,,,: .... how Il llf,,'r, s m : ~ l t fl,)(' k "
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Ll , ,"'~l r - '\ woo l ~ r "\\' .:.r ' ~ \'I lr, · I I f ir. L d:1Y with 1111' " id r.1111 ;1' U I n 1 t \:1,-; IJr w o o l l : rO \\' l l ::, .vhe III be fl ll ,' " by com m ulii t y I ~ OUlll .
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' I'HHI 1't'l lI ll t' l ul \'e U hn su 't nn lIu'h tf-"El'W Il ," lh' r4.'re Iw' s 111 h hl l~offin:"
~ I ,.,..
I'hlilp s wul lowl'(! hllrd. Tht/n slo wly
nuo genll~' h e 1alked t o be rt trylli g to mu ke her under rl n u d u s bes t Ill' l'l. u lll
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wh fi t he IIIl'ont I,y Ood. SpirIt. "A lld )'IJ II l'lIl1 he lp your tultth er. 111· lle--lI'lIut'ti yuur IIllme?"
P," '''"', r" •.".
Th en her \'ull'c rose
~' nll r
"Touy. ju ~ l TOllulbe.," sh e WHllllll t! ll. ODd
U [I ert'll
s hnrply. "No\\ toll we buw to hel l' my mother."
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I II ' lH'r u lll ' t !o'U y l ll" ho' ll stick
lI ut we got til h n" " boo"le. \
.lI l', I:" t It ull l y tll l'lIug la her:'
th e wO!' t ",lwre n IIlIrrow Plltll zig· ?on!:!:"11 Itq lClI l!lh up th " h il i to Ihe boul ovArd. Tllto he r 10rto re.1 80ul hnd eOIlIl ' 11 helle r s ince lhe nl l;hl heforI' . Ihllt Tony 's "Olorlest Ood." woul (1 ~ou <l he'r mun hallie.
rlell-" "You two Illco 'lI rag the kid to death or do "olll elhing worse to her." grit· t~ th,' wotllun. "Well. you woo't I lla tllt!r'n hove thnt I'll tell ber she ulu 't ollr~. I'll go right bold to Paul l'endh'lllI vcn nud hlurt him tbe truth. I'll do II tOlloy It )'ou keep oag&lo; at
S II P "O, to
." " '. '
.... a.
GU .... Oleecl
olD.11. IItb""D' any enlor
II"0tl U....
.U .....ry
r~t~~'t,~~~':~~~''''f~~IJ~\lCII'WL~a~~~ Onl ... OI~d
f OU IaY8. I..... or
prompLly .
colo.... fur
an,. makoof Machlno .•a . 1:1cd"lI.ontd. 81a1. mak. and mod.l. Cuban paper per bax 01 100 .b ..... ,1.80 detlvttrell.
t;mQlre Type I'cxmdrYa .utfalo, N. Y
ClassiBed Ada An ad . III thiY column i"
Hure ~ tlle
M ONIi:Y at·
'1'1. Lll N UN • AR .li H Itl "·rl\.~ 1.• - Ii I·, lU ,y " arll. · l '.. uell & '1'"" ,' 11 1,,· .. 1 L . t·tI~1' Dud 1. ... nM. Wlhlllll t< r II . OhiO. Phil "" !l1Il. 1.. 111 U O~
CD liv ~ ' I!CUl\I,l
X .. "I .. Ohio.
II ' .lIl
BALESMEN WANTED Lt.lIIElli W.n'e:d to .u!toU or· S. Aden for JobrlOoltlDI( uti ••
II't!UN aD~ p"ID~" .alary ur 0 nlml ..loo. Addr..1 Tbe LenDo. 011& P.IDt Uo"
r:inelalld. OhIo.
A R. U.
YM~1I1l1 Male ~.
O. II: .!'ralrb • III
0&,'00, Obio
ll oldera uf &11.' oomlllua a'ook S,ook of ft. Ral.ton 15,"1 Va Com. p,oy are reqoelk'4 '0 OOlDlIllllllaale wUb abe ondlllnl.olld, ODeD..1 for .he .. , ... of l.kI Joelllph' i , Ral a&oa. for Infurmatloo d laMr..'. Clar.uoe lI. WerulD. Hail$lDI'oo B.olI 8Idl•• Colomha•• Obio:' fll .
R1N<l YOllr 40&lIlDoble Oor&llio. to me ••d DIIIW 011\0101<1 _ewed i6; ' lob. LoOI, ~hUlipa' ·a.r.,'e. We'D. viII •• Ohio. II
I' mao. Cba • . .aarquard' &0 Bo".,d a .... par. ot 8eo I~. T. 3. R. Ii
10learor"k T"p .• 'I. b1UOliud Oor••708 1!Br bu. ; 8er.. p\a Suver So Ch'l Marquarda . lntrll,l-yr.oldJeneJUO" , para of & .0 111. '1'. 3, R 5. (.Jlear · f"eeb Mar. 1,1115 i 8 .,r.old 00".160. ' oreek Twp • 11. J. W. Mtr."o, phoo.1I.». Wayo ... .lIle. Oblo. : n8
s tep" III th e rON'St pllth hrought' her De\'on s tudi ed her taco. bls owo die.I",rpl y nrou",\. .o\t InMl he "'liS com· tor!(.o(] wltlt ruge. Ill g. th lR 1111111 Ril e loved. pe rhllP81 "You'll do 00 8ucb a thlDr. wad drunk. perlin I'" to hent I"'r ; hut nev· WOIIIUII. " he returned. runnlnr hili (!rtll<' I" S8 he II'II K l·olll lnl:. lind thnt \\'OS 10ll gue o"er his ory. cracked lips. "U nil sll "lIrNI I1 h(," t. you i(l't tIIC In u te lllper you'd better Vrl nh D"\'ol1 ~ I " wly 11'311(1;(1 UI) the look uut. Heggie . knows Tonnlbel·. gn nlrp lnlli< III ~ lh' II L'('. . . got rlrh tolks. but he don't know who "Wh erl' YO Il heeD'" Ihe womno Ule), ure. You s pill the benns. b)' G--iI. ("reed hl'rself to . ny. nllt IlI s Lend at 1111,1 thu Inke for yours," repl ylnc-. hp (lc llI lln <l ed : 'J'h l! 11'01111111'8 gl11.e "ought tbe sheet "Wh(Or,,', 'rvn ll lhl!I?" of !tlue \\'uU!r. "1 liIlIlIlO." ",n. Ih e nnswe r. "A mIn· " Sho'lI grow u bCllrd n mile loog beut .. A/!O . 1.., \\'n~ on' r there not teo at I foru .1 tell ·er." Bhe suld floally. b.~log . YOllr h'l:s' _11I 1I1!1~ (ro lll he re. ' . • I lUg Iwr "'yes .back to hili face. Tell Wh prp ) ' 1\11 1'''''11 nil th l ~ week ?" j'er ,yollrRelf. and Bee bow 70U Illte Itl" He'll ""pn "" 1\ '''l'l'lhl ~ IIPre<'. at.e 1:he rc WIIS II rine of revolt In ber ,1"cltll·11. 11 0 10,,1;,'11 ,, ~ Ir he hnd ItP.ell tones that brougbt uu expressIon ot drunk for 'In~ :s. 'Thnt he bnd NOI11. liurprlse t.O the wau's face. lenvlnr It thi n!; III1I1 SIIII I 011 his mInd. she knew. ungrlly. frowningly red. But the and s he knew, too. It WII S ubout Ton, aoulld of Q girl's voIce on Ule hUl nl h('1 for hu dn 't he lI ~k ed for ' the kId brougbt hllD suddenl1 to hIs feet. the l;lomcnt Iio'd r elurned? "'l'he re sbe Is. by G-d." be cried ''It :R .a/loll t Ulll e w.e . I\' O~ ~I[tg nhruDtly. "Now It yoU want lin), mol"t!
tnthill ': p l t.\l , " rl,(,d
entln' her h eat) ofr. After aile's mar- of Harlan and W.YDe, tl
voIce th l' girl ' lold !.he story of UII~ BIH'p l\ ~ I'1 1 II'ho hilI! ~ lI ld long II go wit h
",.Iur rlu\). ,,. . H . ou
ONI!:Y LOllo ed "'<ok. ohnlt, IH. ,,1"0 oll1rtll"" .... 'n M N,:>t.ell bUotlM .' .. bn thrhw ... Alltoo
Side by Side They Sat Together on the Bunk. .
UDderwood Nil . • o08--rulor ri llht U 8\.uu U ullerwOCKl t , J'Qf,lur r l u back Iplu.," tIr , et:.. :.u Ruyal No. I. "".·color rlboon . .. .. .. u . uv No , ~ l ·l"Olllr dbbu. , " , . .. .7. DO UUver No. S.. 113 UO OUver 1'10. O. . n . oo Oliver No g 3S 00 Muoarch 1& I 17 .0" 8m i"b- Ph!mle rl ll, llllu r.y pe Ke, r tl liull • • & 00
TYPE:WRITERS Rlmln . ton No. I • . vI.
I' "[,;, ""
To seal In the dellolous Burley lobacco Ilavor.
IU11lrlied to til ,,! IhAI the ml!lD· hun'! ,I",, '! play tv run 01 It.
ot a hraSll
lIemlnlLun 1'10. 6 or V (bUnd ) . ... . . . ' ' '. 00
~- . -
uflt' l·wunJ.
f gTenlly
I h ~'"
U_ and ....a-d by t1. ~. G"'w nme nL
\ CO UC.J.DUtwt nD paille &,
" lI p , 1. :111'1 hn\'~ ·,·r." th e WOlll8n Mil l. II Ilh hurd IOll es ulld nush lll!!
SUflfh'u l.v tho ~ou l1(l of heuvy toot..
hooey?" site
J r'
deat hl y
A 8urprllO It b01 . atter Jro\\'tll~ UII. t~ alwa"..
tlu u .. u. row-
Philip we il l 10 tho altar nod so rted ~ I\ ." I lip ..... · 1 hlt l ~;:& (1 \' I' fo t ·~· l· !", "llt'w mlloy thu('ls '\Ie 1 ':01 to 1 1(.II'l':-; H19 ~moa .,Ieu CoIlr1 out a sI1Iuli eo rd. Ihnl ' ll 1. .·.. I ~- \l . · II . 11'\1 h"I" k,'t.' p on y It o,·.,r to you? It thnt's thl' wh y ,vfhls." lie sn ld. coming buck to he r. flndtl .,' rl'lUIl 1'11'111111 ' ,n i H, " you've ,'''IIIC I I t.hucn. you .llIlgll t <IS New 8ui .. " hus hnpl'Y, loving lh ou ~hl s written 011 11..'11 IlI rli 'fli P ul, 1 scow no rt h Ilnd 1;11 ~ 1 1 '''' /) 1'\ 1111 I.[ra :oop4.'1.1 thl' ~l r l' s nrm Ang f' lI oH I.IC · I v~ !:Iarr, 1.lnll! It. l! you thInk th ese UI IIIJ,'S n il tbe hlll' k 1I1(.1I n. 1I0's a huUl." sit e went 01 YO ' O"-ir u,,, neg ltlCt. In ~ 1I11 'I " " fr'·llz)·. tlm~h. hOlv they will h('lp boL h YUU 0 11. ",\ .1",1<0 0 11,1 n rool and eq~ ry · Ii:ttlU Wlls"n Y ' D. W . William. Dud fqur llIotb er." , 1111 11(( " I c· Ihnl 's blld. H,"s n tiller. ,'londerIDiily 11110 t ook h luL 'her Ill!'?" - hp (1" ",,, m[,·,1 RIll1rply. Fu r tllilD OY. too," Ongera.Tlfe tl,~ tlllng~~l met hcr I Illd . IlIel lll .. I 111 1111'1." I.ew WUIUD v ~ U . W WIIII"m , . De"oll Intt ~hPd. eyes was 'o' beanUt I uplifted fn ee of a " n" ",. ·rt ·oI ·1·tJlI~· . ~I) Iy . .... ul 11t" ,,' Iwro ~" or wllue .... II~ O nrn I, 1~t1e:' ~nld he. "~o ' re you' mn n nnd In his anna WllS n 1It1l e IUlIlh, \\,Hl'd ~ U1 HUIt st u IIlIl lI ' , tlil IIl1d \ \ ' 111 (011 · for IIml IIIl1ltl' I·. I f II g,:le kn(' w tlull Uoderueulh the plclure Wit S I rim ed I In!: "" Im ll .. " _hllU gno. 1 nil IIh"/l 1 wil l T ony \\' US P aul P eudlt'l ul\"l'n' s kill, 'We Proceedi. . " Feed Illy s heep." and (IIrecn/ utili ~ k("'I~ nll~lJrF' f1~t "I' his slc,'v,,~. Sn y wOllldll 'l "wt one d- -u cent of lI er th ut Wl'.re we words "StOlid s tili 011,1 It. "- Ve. , slw ' tI ,I,·,1. In tbe w .. tter o f B eur y tiu"lII .. olol1 lII"n.\'. II ,' nlt ches frOlli thl! P .. ndtesee th e sn ll'ollo o of 'the LOI·d.... Oll ee "I WOII ' \. " sai d Etlltll. ICl'ttln t: li p l" I\'l'lIs IIl1d his mother lJecn u"e he fiX' e nt,or "f H tl o , Hberw e r . de. moro ht'r ·'Yl'S sought the tuc '. nbove. "11' \(11 .,·. " I.r I I I~ I' ,'" 1 1I 1~' lhlllJ; .In II. lIoII ' , \!,·t cash euough othe r wny!!. A oea~l!d . VII Hnrry - h ll rOH'r .. t "I. Re o fnc e ,~!,ere ln • Illy 'AlL..t!J e pItY,. .antl \').'.o.IIY • .10~. eon ~holl me IJl' ,,~ttjll y.o l1~ t .. 11 r'l! got tn huve spendtu' money." p"rt of IIpprIlIHIl<lIeu\ IiIlJlI ovoof\. Prl. love In he world, I , . ' • . 1 , I dutltl . bhck. h ,,"11'. hlehlte he slll jttll. ' '' Prl't ty sutull pl ckln·s." sllCt'red vate lIale or r tllli et!ttlltl ordufed. T ony De l'on cnughl 8 gllUlpse or Ul e It I" wu s." rl·l orl,·d Ihe girl. '-,11th D",·oll. "S telllln' from folks al· lu she 011\1 Sttr of Ibo tHIlY or Ohio lesson he I\'I\!! trying .10 !eDCIt. an(1 w\lh 0 w l ~c ti hllk" of her heml. "I(.vln· m"s t In tile grnve aln't III)' s ty le. Rog· VII \V" "ord Aodllr801l !'!.dd. d"'"od. whell shr. we ill Ollt of the Sulvullon h nr'l cllltld ", "k., u le eOlll.H I,'ors fly glt ··, 8uIIII' sccond·story ilion. that II lit f ll LlDd !Cullly taUll 88nC800ed IlrlllY hllll · s he he ld wllhln the d epLlt R II'lth' 011 n. li nd ,Iollll y'" fl op OU I il kI' n YOU" I( dulTer Is." tb e Ohio 8\oste R"f t)~ u... l ory ror oot or he r a 1I'0lllit'rfull y new nud utterly d n~ls h IInps 11 11 0 II,c Ili ke. 1'111 !w ln' "y" u "" ':!!ke<\ Pa ul's kId." tauated II '~II th"o lIue year. 'fb_"DteuOII II strooge emol loo. ••find- out IDure- sume- (J\[Ilfo e--mIYA. ~ n"voll. "He wouldn·t · be almost In "utlp8uded Dpnu prmup' pllymeu' of She WU8 pntttln& for breuth whell nnd thl'n I'll tpll yuu ,!! I nhnut It. Huh. h l8 g rn ve now 11' )'ou'd kept youi II n". " oml \)eba vlor. e ta sbe run up th e gangplnnk of Ul e cu nnI . IIIUAIUIy?" lin lids Olrll Tony," boa t "1" "'." llI un .. r cd Edith . "hut I'm I;e t. , T he womnn turned on hIm savagely. A womaD was . bus y brewln/iC tea tin!; II 1:''''".' ou l or t ho dny~ I ~ 11"'" t plI ~' l lI g no beed to his words. Probate CoIu1 Pnm ...... ' wh l'n Ih~ g irl _III'P"d down Ih~ s h ' pS (III ulls hO:l1 Ihllt Got! . or wh" ", ,:, r "o.·t your hl ast ed R eggie to stejll . In 'be ma",lr ot 'cbe etllate Mar1 'It Iheo I'li lti o. ~' nu' rc In lkl ,, ' nhou!. nln ' l hot hl' rln' h Is enulIgh for us nil trom ' the Pendleba· "}'O IJ Ilel· n glln.! " lOll' tlllI ~. TOllY." l"'l\t! U\" ·I' tl", Dirty ~I ury . our us \'ens," s he so ld. '!God knows the,)1'Ye l)tlBu..rd, II"aeAI" d . . (ho 8. YOOlaI Is IIppolo~ed rWmtnllltrdur. 80DII mUlllh h'd Mrs. O"VI1I1 . "01\1 yu u see u th." ·... go t. It lind to spllre. It·s be tter'o ,~UOO In Ylh lns; o f your duiltly 1" bamlln' Tony over to ·Im. He lives at CHAPTER II . " Nope. ulld I s qulnl ed 10 e"e r), bee r Pend lehll vell·s. don't hel" hol e In ·lIh O(·o." Ton y replied. "bu l" He won't do It," cut In Devon. The Ma s t.er of the Dirty Mary. "Reggie nln't got Ihe nerve to burn bl. bu t- bil l I fou nd OUI sOIllt't hlng tor BtlI'ber$ Wrll!ftit. "10·,1 worttr. 0' A \\·j!l·k I... ·fo re t hI s " ' OI'Y ijw ns. fingers too deep. Pnul Pundelhaven'd YOIl. LI M! e n I Th e re's ~o lll eh(Jdy 0 11 Ihls Y oooll.&own •• ud MieN '_Cber KI)'e. boat hps"l<·s me. a od YOU-li nd Gus· Ur l"h O f" ' OIl hnd Htl~l lII l'd til(! Icnr:th send hIm up for that, It he caught of Lebaoon . or tile Inl;c. n nl'llorlllg hi S hoat us ncnr h im. My plan Is to get Tony man1ed Ilc."· WIIII.rd E11101. iooomo'lYe.flre "", ,,,, ?" eOUle shnr.ply. rrolll Ih" Il hll"1I II' li e dun·d. E " cn to hiMwife. to Rl'ge. ond be fore the IId's screwed E,lIttl . he hnd nOI confid ed why he hnd down on Pe Dlllehoven's face. shove mao. an4 M18. lrelllll 8o~llwou . botb WOOlIIII. Shl' ~ hh· e l·e <l . f('nrlng lhllt th e IBW hCO/u J.:h I h" r '" II town whe re )'lIw ll lng th~ girl In between John Pendleba"en or Morro". prl",," UI" ' I'~ J.:n[u'Il rnr her ol'ory PIISS' nnd hi s precious cousin. Reggle's Bomer Burloo, of Fr.nkllo•• Dd lay In II'lilt ror her nb 6c nt husbll ud. . mot her. nnd then Rage and me get. .. 1118 Beleo ti~,'''' of Lebaooo . h\, 11 0. brnt 1" 8he rcpe uted hll plor· I!'t: hr:>ur. "I 11'1",'1 gr•. llI a h." Mrs. De l'oll hnd 'I.'ooy·s Dloney. see'" Ingly. Uarl "eye"" farmer. ot Le~D()Ji·. Edith shivered. Tonn lbel bent over lind looked l' r le,l wh en III!r hll ~ hanrl hnd modo the aod 111111 lCdua 8UOD.II, of B'raDlIHDI MIIII ('1I1t'1l1 th'ilt he 1I1!!'llde d to l'IRlt "r hear wltat JOU eay," rhe mut· 8 tn)I~111 Into t he sod. wnn fn ce. Wiley MoHenry. fumer •• 114 Min "Ood. j1lMt n pl n ln lovln' 00111" sho IIhll l·U. "You couldn't gef lIle neur teredo "and I 'SpG8e rn do It It you Mary JOOY, bolb of PINI .. Dt PlaiD, repl1 f'd . her eo unl eUlIlICC ex pressing Ihllt pIn eo wllh 1\ rope nround ' III)' promise not to le t that pup burt Touy unu s unl exaltntloll. " Sit II mirlute neek." when he get s her . ."4.Best let'" "aU I while Ih e IUS·S mnkln' good. und I'll But th l' "ery rnct that she oow Slit another )'ear betC1r.e talkln' marrlare ·· ~ !lila" Traafan t~1I you." on a s mnll i}('nch ngo lnst th e banI n ili. to her . Ill olIgh. " ~ '. "No UCt n' dolu·... rasped the man. O&.ld lIt1ter &c ."'. aDd ",. Sid .. by s Ide they sa t logel her 00 thl' gnzln g IIIM,I II.,· lit Ih e wa ter. proYed ,. I bunk while with 10WIII'PlI re Ve l'l'lIt that Urlnh Devon hnd conlrl\'Cd· .te "TOIiy's .. Imost a woma~. and sbe'. BI,llIol. a llDAll arae' ia &b• . 1'wpI
~~en ::!'lJlpJl~: ..Uf';'. Dev on lIr tcll her Milt) 't'O lis ten find tum ed her ey!,!! to
"~t hJ
Ir .\'''"
ai n' t H Ill'ul n In
III ~ n ll.
,r .OI., ··nl [ 0 hove Ulun ey nniJ lots or II I:,c c ,··s wll 1111 1: .111 IIIl1rry Ihe kid
hl ' IIfI , "
" 1 ,l tlf" l Ill ',·d
fu l'l'
( u Iii' r~' l. " W I' 111'1' III;" NIts In n hole." t ook up ti" 11 111 11. "f"' r 8 l'au"~. "whil e It T o ll ), \\'US Illud e t o d u tie r I)Url. \\~' tI It" 1m 1 ·:I~.r !o' t r ,l t!'t . Thal' s w h ut I Ull' U Il .
tHt, ,.,.11"1 ('ll n tt llllt'O, IpHnln !: h, l r II" III! IIJ.!III II \oO l lH'r m oth e r 's ",\ lId
hove hi s wny.
P. ' VUII ·S
Ul l-~ Ul o r\;" u
wnnt to sluy wher., I IlYe. you iot to <10 my 11'111." "Ul'lnlJ. h"uey. dor llu· ... crI ed Edi th. ·:<.Iou·t ~uy tllllt. 1'1'1, III"'D)'>! st'Uck by yo u." "'l'h ~ 1l k ~"I) A !!tlck ln· ... grow led De· von . "I.' or I.lUd·8 suko. If tile bra l DIn't IUIlgt!{! Ihut IJII: cI~U II up Ihut plul!
pille. " Wli ll t (10 you d cu u God coultl (,OlU e u u ... ·er . bru ('~S yo u're Cuolln ' IOC. ml titc r ,"
l ovl n' s fruUl
t hl n!:s. E;r.\ ~ 1Il'''~H(J. fIIt'nl ng g rhllly. ''1'"" WIIII,·.1 li S I('ng- ns I ,lured . lI el(~
f:.' nou)~ h
11\; , ,, 11'
Itt eu: 111'91
'. \ III II
Maddetl·' s Lumber Yard
II ","" ""''1111' t-'vpnlu~ 1 f) ll )'011 think yl)\.1 C(.u lct T'
·' tlndd\' wouldn' t 11' 1 h t-r :' 1 wns th {' 1'<'[11 . .. n'II,1 slH' II rt "ll unrn tl,oJlll1hlp ~ nd()"n(\, 1 j.l:1'I1Y P)'£,S to Il l~t " \"' nu s{'(\ \\ h l'll II I. I l U 1 '\\\' 11 " H W CHun li . Hlltl she tll ~n ' t rio tht' th l n~~ tw h' lI ~ tw r to, b t l>
;a -~
Billa dlowed :-GIIOT'gP Andenoo. bOrlal at ~alloy Bow.. rd. 'lOO; ft. t'I Fred (.Jo .• md-e Cur a, UD'Y j.n. 11260 ; Barr~" Br08., olao •• , 18.80; B. O. William" recorda for ProbU. Coor •• ,a14.911; 'l'he W6IMro ' S&ar , lelral ad.. IS j W C Tur'oo. ooal for oOllr, houle. '118.71 : The I. W . LIDirO Uo .. n"l1l. 1110; Tblllllllz~o. National Baok. reo' of omOl! lor Proe AU,., IGO; Joba LAw "80D. lI 'lap for ooor. hoqle. '2.50; The Oblo CorrQlla'ad Colve'& (:0 • . 001. v.rt pipe. '11760 i ClDolDoatl. lAb. aDOIl & Northerll Ry 00. 8'or"l. OD 'ar btarreill. 'II; I. E . G.. .&lo. malo'enaIlOO. repair. e~o. til' 77; Barr), BtowD. maloklDIIDoe, ~.ept\lr, eta., '58.55; L. G Andenoo'.'t:!oO. CO . lumber. 1'2.20; W. T ; ' ,E..e. IJo., .'or.,., CMlmeo&. i Younce aroll. Grain . Co'" ooal for UnDe orushor. It7 ; Sarr, BrowD ,0.10. teo"noe, .eto. 11111 .1
),. Illoubator, 110.• " 8 QOlle haioh!ld ODI ba&ob i •
8'. ' Seara. Wayue••
Inqutre of W . ville. Ohio;
II ... i
.- III
Ro.n Shortbora Boll, II DloDtha old . IDqllirtl of 4~ R. Cb.,JaOD. R. D. 4, m.,Olalo• . ' fll
EAM of 101lD, farm "ork allY plane. AlIa 1 rr ..Ii .Jeney. ,ood milk .D4 blU.r OOW. , -IDqulre of J. R. Alleu. I~ .Goth.R.a of t:olltenllle. 00 No" roed. fl.
tJUO-&. bo 6 8 U.. OWVICR Little Rl'd i l,.bo . ...
tie,. In
mo&h luqaire of Lylil.D" pb oDe 411.4~. We"o ....lIIe. Oblo.
~. .
N... Bo.. 88wt..,
&'11,,0$100 l1l~raD&eed. Cell on
Ed H&laodlforc1. Third oe. .1I1e. Obio.
~. -~.~-~~--..~-~~-~P. ~~-.-~~--.-~--.~-~-~~-..~--~.---~~---.-----~~~~~~~~--~----------~~_4~--~~--~------~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'~~~~~~~~~$ , CLI~PING .Mao~ID~
. wttr:·'T. 'vol,"," ,
Illloo4oon. dt'loII. ~2.00tt.it•• 10onmba. Will "ell ctOeN,P. Be. ~m C.Md •• Tum aalell',' ' ' 0 l. 'w.. n•. I , ..
A'IIooOPlctc£R ..
'A "
R _.
j',. .... ·~ "h~ta· 0,."
,lid w " t,b. 1II0«h1.,",. ~J , · O.Y" ill.,OhIO
It ~niic". 'I I
Tbr~ pt~ aedh~ Solt..: c. A .r:. t'l'1lIh/ a '0 I, D.,toD, (lhlo .,'
.1 .
.~ "0 "I"""'..·. ;, "I-",.... .,a.u D.". Hilder.
'1Jflat tts , 'Aho, Ih"••, pn08 110.
W.'~ 0"'0, . ... ~L'lll ...
.,er .,
a _ a OolD"'"
Wale. •
=-- --
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Ik1JK M1A.Mt UAZl'1rfB, WAYNBBVIW;,.'pJilO.
-~~~~IU' Sli llng 'd UI\"' n{:ulD. 1
.... TH E MlA Ml
IiH -AR,i;E - Y-SB'-U-RG' -' '
_ :! - O\'l!r, (,;,:., ..:. . ... !ten('l,l nl; UIl' "ullul l'OIlL, -r"o, SlIlOI1 luuklng ,II Uer purl!J1Ls. I S~ UED EVE RY WIEIJN E." IJt\\' " Sui d 'JI\" I~ " ltrowll'd O CI' Il" -- - Ifll' I Shltllng 11,(, "lit II lillie, . he 'oJroIIPe(\ Wi ll Ha\'c a Banquc t ,JolI'lIo nllic !ll'ck. She nlwu y - dl'l·ud· D, L. CI AI'- I , F.d itOl IU.fl I II I . ·t' l r t ' 1 j . , .,,1 Ihl!~~ IlIlks ,,·\tll IICI' fn l h ~ r lI ud ( I ' IIHrve s burg Lodge No . 557 Le of mOlh" ... "l1 · Ul u31.1" "'QUIll ll,"y mUl t P " . Subacri otiotl Pri c.· $1. 1;11 PI-" \I ' r I" r r u" l: ln(l; IIU fin o I vorsB ry ell. mOl'e QU . or lI~t' hfl l" Iblll Ii Ihr .. ob. , ' e l ' " u n u ... " I·. It tr~1Il1! Ihe 57tb annl 11111 Will COlUIII~ 10,,1' w ill . Io' ru," uUfI~r \·I' .. , .. ry . ,1 tll ll ord(lr. r I)r ,. , · 11 .\ --!." .. . . , , Tbe oo mmlt r !p ,\ ~ :Lr" " -.11 { her IUOII I ll~ b. i . Joe I:lJuII'Y"oJ li l'li l lit!- Ie' hllH not d ll ~e rtulned a" lo "bai 'l'on wllb hIs (row nlll g "roll', Ihell al II I", " Ul ur OOlllwen t will of. 1 ~lIl:llr lei b.'r ~II U> "ellie UII tI". WO'U ' lout o ue thin" JO u Mn relyooosiit on, re _.J-all.-_ ___ ___ _ ___ W E DN ESDAY. FEBRU ARY 2 . I 92 I __ -1-"I4'-Il-I1ltH!&1ftiTi)Hh " dell c&oiee ofthetbe -=== ==== ==== === ==;== ±:==,, -= d 1'h I " I s·p ,, · I IW"II tlu ili' SOllH'Ihlllg I " ell~ou pu t. 00 boar. .=~=-=-~= belll "h." ..<I ere l! ,,~ 1·,·/IlU ,·,·lI pl'eseotl l' III II 1 " 01' tb lug thAt t,be t,hla order Is ,?otel1 I 'o\\' I'!lie. " J! H I' ~ I, Edl " !'" t or .. nu Ihut Is " ho~ lJltaIUy , Ilnd " ;-':"Ilu. "" I Ihl. tim e, TIlIIY," Ibru.s t t lley ,He willtol(. to leave It t,o T om III 1 "'1'1111 . "flllt w e ' ve !:ot 10 tell you I P IMoe to Il po ltle II. Be bu rtlly III a ~ul!l p(l ""K . \" "( I'l' g'I! llIu ' to hr' II wuw . ' /i Oo" Jucl ~ e U" t o Ib,iI , bot n mlp;bty 1111. TUIiI II I,,-·!. Mu tt yuu Kut to d p !,;U I1l~ pnnr l u (i t e tl 1 ID t gu n~ , I t)
t l ll ll,l{ ru r ." P!J r IIl.IIh r r Ilnd mt'."
1921 F'ESR VAR'( 1921 ~ "crI rlJf ... rt... I" ~I
2 J
9 10 II 12
14 I~ iO 17 18 19 !O !I !:e 'tJ 24 !5 ttl
'l.7!& .
Februa r, 2-r.and ahnae Day Februa ry o-Quin qulIlles ima Sun Februa ry 8- Shrnve Tuepda y . Februa ry 9- Al!h Wedne8 day Februa rv 12 - Lincoln '8 Birthda y (t'ebruar y 13 - Flr,,1 Sunday in Lent Februar y 14 - St . Val('nti ne'R Day Februar y 20-Sec und Sun<i ~v in L,'nt Febru Hry 22-Wa shing-lo ll' HRirthda y Februll ry 27- Thlrd Sun<iHY in Lent l ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ..- -- --.
tobac co make s SO Mod cigar ettes for
GLOOMY GUS W .. t bi ·, k
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lirlile ~ " ')1),,1.-. 1 kl'.l· unle 10 bl~ adv,·ni·,I1M · ' WI) '0 , In ,'fl,l flOll l Oleo at bU:!!Iirll" ", 1" ,· u r t ,. rm"rR,
" .lIl t
A NnfI Roma.. cr of ,h, Storm UN,,",
aod t,u
(Il l ' "
lhu t notton
"" llle,1 Hul hmly Inlo littl e
Ih}p ~ tl ll il PUI·Sl'll up the l o v('ly YOUI1!-:
_ __ . W illll\m Cole man w"s .. ' .~buo II vl. itor, Salnrd llY. . Mllok Piokerl ng Is out .. "a i n , ~ I' " , ter a siege of I .. gripp., Tbe fumen are lIiI baMY . t r iIlP I II ~ tobaooo .
t l o oal
BI .JIIl ,
W 8V f .. ~n I ft: .
j ~"
~ .. : , .. EX ;W1 10 f" Correc tly ... : : r l r," tt d • .. , • . ) ~ .'~ 1'1 : e : "0 AT : I 1,) ':; ': ,\1'1': l'I'[eE " .<1 , _J •
t1 IFF AN Y'S ~
• • : " .,.. ~ a l UUIHlrlmc n l : : S, D~ lrll:t St, X ~ ni " , Ohio .' .. • Op:ln !' v'-' nin A'Mby appoi llllll en l :
i{ • .I. W. " 11 .1J": "! ' ... DENT IS·I . ..
r." ES
Mar tin : ...... J'~' ' au.,.~ ~.t ••~ ... !
••• 0 • • • • • • 0. 004 • • • • •• • • • • • •
I - --------------
- - - - - - - - , Ur. J. A. Mcl oy, I ~---
Wal ter McC lure
rn Ad l t'i 'l t\ ... hl .w IH l r("'. Il nrinK tbe ,.. ~k . "I I,b " l'o ,wn cf n ll If iI. bH
Iru tl. t hey WIll b .. jl.H.." olzpd , Uur oIU 7.ell ~ hllv .. " rAJIUI.ul i, 0 fllr aud
John H. Wright
---- .-- ---
Hay, Straw a nd F eet.!.
Feed Grindi ng a S pec ialt y .
Ottll l t ,, ~ Hl li-ii nt( IH t- UWI11 6, but r .. · rll un"cl hlH 1l\f-\ u Jl, ... .. th tJ~' d ' l it b'H) tI~t ly, tlorl n il t~ 1 111"' J' \'tl u sly . l'~r hnl)~ hl!o\ IU :4k m-.ltr!llI U ~ I " "''' kU lI \V tit .. r n"ll th'4< MI ~~ l:IHlIll.h J ord,iO hil. I r llturolld w lI ~ n ' ( J,:fI /lIg It} tw fiu e llSY "f l l'r all. I"ali. t u 1·IOln·a y_'Jurl{ , t u h ... ,' h UUlO h'" ". ufl~ r "p enn ing " "hi." h" , ,, Id hu _kll\,. "It \' " u dOll'l Ur,,}, & I-lbid"k pr are buylnK HovJ'.r1l1 .lIly~ IJl 8t .... ~uk with Mrll do ",'hu t _\'HU're tO ld, -.'11 "'~ll\ I' .ve ll) _ Y 0 11 11111' 1 fUn HIt! til ~ntl 'yt'1. Am' b ll r s~~. TIlt' rl " lu 'HI(I :8 10u klnIJ up. t> .. d ", W,-e ks, Unilr Lt, b6I1oo . you·1I Ill> 1II 1....; ~ I II ' u nl' o r th e tWSl li ck· "U II It· r~ 11 8 VA beg un louklog around , L ... t we ~ k , B J J o rl1 .. 0 80ld t (, lu ' ~ .\'H II t:\"I 'r ;.:ul it YII U ll1lull whu t 1 !l nd th e rt' lIulatlOu tor Bqnare de..!- a.k er &, I:ls otl y o f WII.\· n ll tlvlllll. iUi>! ,..b loh tbis llirm b\!>1r8 w!l ltes tbr oe \wo.y"a r.old fllf. &U Wtl y un ." t b .. t Tilt, g-II"I I-'.rl'd Jalll! c urln U9ly , rnuli:lng th em ver y prolllin ent wl t b t he pur- weighe j 700 pooods ellC ll I Telepho ne 76, ring 3 R uy W eeks aod fuwily have ' ,____ c h o~e rlt, lAud It. koe ps 'bew o u ,he a s ItJI \wl l'-((> J,:"1 ', lu r .' with 1It'J' 11I..'!u1. ____ ____ ____..! look . out fll r g Olld on es " \\' IJo '" til l' dllrrt'r yo u 'vP {'1I0 ~ u u t movtld to the 1'. U. Crlsty f .. nn, near for lil e ?" s ilt' ,lsk .. tI u t leugtIJ . "You Mr. nud Mra Gill! Gnrdon Ilnd thtl LAhlln on . f"lr groundR , might ua \\,l, l\ 1,' 11 1lI<:." IIUI " d~, (\"ht o r, of opur W,\ynes vllle, Cbaa, P"PP. of Da Jton. bas bonj1;h t UMy f rh 'lId , Ih \ggle," l--\uld Dt!\'on, epl1 nt llist trlllllY wl,h tb. H lld
Ur ia h D,,.\,o n
Lytle Feed Mill
Auc tion eer .
, farm - al es and U ¥c Slock a I Specialt y
S atis faction Guaran teed
Bellb rook, Ohio
Lytle, Ohio
hpn f\l IH! o,' p r nlld ~I J lrlnl!' ut IlIl r .
---- -, - ---ITo he ,,",ntlnufl(),'
Public Sale s C. E. Edwards .. . ,., ... . .. Feb. 2 Mrs. Amanda h1affltt ....... Feb. 12
O. W. Gordon .. ....... . .. Feb. I" Disbrow &: WIlSOD ... . . . .. Feb. 16 Philip B. Hawke _ .. . . ... . Feb. 22 ~avloll decided to qull fnrmmg , I willl8J l tl~ Pobllo Auot\jn . on tt.e Side. farm. 3y' mll88 We8t of Wa,. D88Vl\le aDd 1 mile E48t of LyHe, on
Wednesday, February 2, 192J, Begluo lng at 10 o'olook, ~he 10110>'1 • loe proll8r~y: 6 Borees J\nd M u Ill", • edtle, 27 aog!!. 12 SUpe !>. 24 ChlrIi6L!l. lruplewolnt.e, !:iarne.M, Vehiolflll. F ee d. e~o tiee Inrga bll IK . C E, EDW ARu,' , W. N . Hears. Auot,
1 will ('fIer at Pnbllo Sti le ut illY re.ld tln oe ou Muln Street. W"yoes . vIII.,. U ' ll n. u n
Saturda y, Februar y 12, 1921, Bel!: ,oni n lt ft,t, 12 o'olook, tbe f o liow. log CUII\:!l\l d lloil - r1 ' 1\l~llh olu t).JlI(\a : Ve hio le8. !:iuru"..!, Coru, Bou~e h ll l<l U o(,d .. .. to ti_o l or ~e bIll s 1'!I.R ~ . AM AND A MAFFi TT . tJ, 1'. Einwke, Aunt"
Harm oD Mno r A fa rm . formerl y Read the form.r'M pllroot ", Mr, un ' I Mrs M. C. G oruon, kn o wn as the Uill Bill r"rlU . of l!: .. t,t Millo stl·ee t . Prof Vao R e talhok Is the bappy 'r he mllny rrlAnds of Ir& EJllrtsooll pO~8fl11S 0r of Il brand ne w to urillg oor, ver } mucb r eg r tl t hellrinl t nf lIis ser Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Roy Drumm ond'~ I,'ull IIInes8, I\nd II'u s t he way rell:"ln IIUle oblld is quite siok , at thl' writ· hl ~ ~tren8'b p ermoo e n t ly. Ing. We 11.11 bope for a speedy reo Fr.. nk ~ bll1uket attende d tbl! b one oovery, A little brlllbt .• yed girl o<me 00 8ale held In Xeniu , IlI.a' Saturdb Y, I&st· TUf adar mOrnln lr, &0 make ber and rep llr .ed a 8111;I.fw. otory 8ale, b om e with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Frank B"rteoo .1 III a .,ery II10k Green, nMr tbe oburob, Both fa· milo 'biM wfltlog , bllt Is tbougb , ther Ilod mother are dulng well. be 80m. Improv ed . 00 aooouo ' of ,b •• peaken . tbe Uur ro&ds .. rll about &1' b&d aH oan date for oor Orti~onla .'armer s' Iu . be. and now tho poople are obanilln g stltute bas heeo changed t o F"br". their plaolls of re~ldenoe, As 'OOD ary 23 aod 24, 1D21. Plea~e ,Ioo't a8 Ihey all get looilted our rQII.d. "Ill torget tbe d"t8 Evervb ody oome ::: be fioe, but not unUI 'hen . aDd hear 80meth lng ,bat wtll do you ::: B"rry 80bwn "'z, of tbe firm of good. .:. Cb "s, I:)ohwar tz' & "' on, of Lebano n, WII.Uer EIUI. A . 8 . Telmal{ e. A. 8 ::: trllnsllo te,1 buslnes,R 10 o nr 'own, lal' Allen and K E, Thomp .on. of tbla ::: Thondf l r. (M&ule ) ,ownsb lp, altende d tbe ::: Frtln. Stanley , o f NewBur llnll&on , l1'arm Bureau meeting , at Lebano o, ::: ..,aH In tliis vlo 'nlty. lilli' Friday. nu Tuesd& y of lallt week , ::: The Terry f&mlly enterl"l ned, on ::: Or . RaudolJ Is 11 buey man, every last Friday , Lon Braooo n .\Cd wife, ::: da:v AUcl ni gbt, A S; All pn anTi wlfl', K E . Thom)l ' R ~ v . Benn ett filled the pulpit at HOn and WIl li, Mr ., Ev', ~ ... 1, .. nd J OIlUh'R Hnn BHptl8 t oburob 00 t:!un. daugbt er, "1~1Il!:lblll, FlUlik .I " ro .. n, tJ l~ .l' mrJrmol l', re~"rdless of the roada IIld Wlllon, Jlloob M1Iler aod Walter ::: "nd the ,,'o&the r. Shank, . .:. Wnrl:ld w""Breo elved ~berel&bll'nw't'hke If you don't wan' '0 lell your .:~:~,~: 1r om I4rry rovrtl. " a I . far DIll aDd homet! keep lbllm out of Mol :'.'l 11 " 0 b ospltal, &1 Xenia, ihd he ReI\I "late A~n' Frank Wlleon 's .:. I ~ dOI og as well as Muld be sltpiIOted hand8 for he anrely will .ell t·hem, ::: but It will be 8evt,ral weekI! before ' '18 be ' keepa In touoh IH will be o u t gll7lng hili bOllnes 8 buyers . Ho look ant, wltb ell Ib e he getH reo ::: mucb tlttetltl on . - ~ulta. ::: Mr M, .~ . L, I::l e nd.riok. llfter a week', / ::: vl" lt with b ~r III>lter, Mri EmDlIl , .'. \i:1 i~ . IIlI.1 ", h n h'IM n quite slok, h " , , ,, [ur,,,,(\ t .. her h"~ hllm" in Dl\yioo W ,l liam St . •l ub u. tb .. F urd mOln . Ir·. ... ~ lIol.od bu.i nel!' 10 Ibid looallty , on F rl d
Gazette's Classilied A ds
Both P hones "
() I~. H. E. HA'f HA W AT WIl'yDe.lvl1l e's Le!l.dlol l I IIflO!' In El il ioeA Bldlt.
Matn Bt
..~ ~,
We Sa y Sh e DO!
Ii::: ..
~y A~ 1 .. m gOIng i1;1'O Ih~ trnokln g Mrs Emma Cll oe, o f Day'on, W.8 bUf<l n eHR 1 will offer for Publlo !SIde. ::: on thll '(1;,,11 ZIWm tl l'lIHUI fllrlll . Sy, til" ~uQdll v gueat d herpBre ntll. Mr I'·' mil ,,~ 80 u'h ... e~ t, at Wnvn "s vill e. l! nl ll\ M r IO W. A M ~ rrltt mll M ~ ,' utb u r Lyt,le , 011 t he '!'o wnBa rt Muoger . wh o died al a Ilos , ~hip r' \fld, plt ul io 1 ~ IDolnlll\ti I~ .. t week. &ud whu III hfo lived in Lebllno n . W&II I ::: Monday , Februar y 1·1, 1921, Ivull kn o wn to man y in t hhl vlolnlly The Charm of Good Health Has its ' ::: in " tJu ~ioe8~ Imd S Ol'",1 way . Th u Beglonl ng lit 10 o. 01 :, Ihe lo !lil wlng Source In RIch. Red Rlood. No· propert y : 11 Uor8e~. 2 Vuttle, 1m. m e m lry we shllll hav e for the de. thin, on Earth 80 Necells ary O""l1e(1 Will Hblne like burulog .'"r.. plelllon ~8, HarneM~. Fe ncl. el·O ~ e e ~brongh th .. ,lItb erlnjl; I(loom We bill! for fnrtber parUou lars . _for_~e.uty IllttAnde d our he li trt.f elt 8vmp8t hy (-l AIL W UORDO N. to tbe b ,'re .. ved widow . Milia & 8 tl40lev, Auote PEPTO.MANGAN BUILDS REO BLOOD , ~:~ :!: WII1I8m L.ukens , of Wiltnin gtoD. ::: ::: spont Suudav st hi" fl\tb"r·, . bome ::: .'. Dr find MIS . M,ulon Shoema ker Relltor e. the Quality of ;': Your Blood ' ::: . S.-.vlt"l( Tieolded '0 quit farmlug , .'. mov ed to dellbroo k, tble week. Our )Irina'S Back Your Color and WII will f!~ 11 at P~bllo Auollon , on ::: W" q(,I(1 our ~I i\ v tl th e doy IIf· :~: Plelt8e don 't in~erl my fill. any 1 01l~ 18 I,helr g"ln, W. Irns' th , t ~ '\ " !@a"o Wlleon fum. 6 miles East Renew! Vitality ~:; more, a s th e pigg are ~old IIlld l e r lh l:1 uti uPllen red ill ,Your pa- ;:: th e ohallge will be beneflo lal to them 01 W IlY 811 "'lie, 3 mlio8 North of . :;: Mr~, Floyd Andere on, of Xenia. Pereo~1I1 "barm III like a hlh!. It I W people are still co rning t,o see me pe r Thank you IbrvAYl lburtc. 7 miles Soutbwe Mt of Sew Bnr)lng ton. on · pllnt IlI ~ t we ek wil-h MfR , Amos ~bedll It. rl\ys Averyw ::: here, h tbe l ::: ' .' EIJI~. This Is Proo f Suffi cient for Every body IIgM of your penon l ob8rm hidden ., Wednesday, Februar y 16~ 1921 MI R, R. W. Kllylor was Ibopplu g under tbe bUlbel of bl\d blood? In. 8'elld ot babltua l IImilell d o you wear I BeginnI ng IU 10 o'ol ook. tbe follow. m Dllyloo , la8t Frld .. v . W P. MoCarr en unloec1e d a OKr- a ~Ired 100k- l\ln'0It a BCOW)? Do tng prOp6rt ,v: S fJ orll88, 4 Catlle. , 2ft Hog!, Implem entft, reaotor, Wood 10lld of !!oal to ble on,tom era, I",t you tlr e easily YAre Yuu pale and ::: \>law, E1arneft. Feed, 110. See billa . Ira F . 'ran.ao ted lao;!:g J. F. DISBR OW aud • MRS, It:!AAC WIU50 N. h081nel s 10 'Colom bnll. one day la.. blood haa become "uk I\nd IIlulrg lsh week. W,.N l:Jel4fa. Auo', It 18 'h alf IIlatved . Wha' you neCld Is the blood.m aklnl{ quall&le s of ,., Seven) farmers from ' ,blll .Iolnity thft' eplendl d tonle. Pep'o.M angan ::: "ttende d tb " Sbta'e Farm I Bure&u At 'er yoo. bave tllltRO Pepto.M tlngan .:.:;•:..•:;: l d e mun ,ira~ one el d at VA umbu., a 1I"le wblle you will (eel a big 1m. . Catilr.rh Cannot be Cured thle week, ., prove,lI ent. The .mllee will oome with LOCAL APPLICATIONS .. they Bo~U .Orome r., r'eprelle ntlng ~he baolr, People will ,IIee a differen ce ! ~"~~~:h 'f:o~ 1~:la~"'~a'!.~.t:~~~r:-= ~ 8', Cla.lr Mf,. Co, · who . meDuf. . In you 1'111 ml\ka ·frleod. Ilgl\lo •. IlueneGd ' 'by oonatlURlona! COD41UOD.. 'urtl a06tyle ne gone.rat ,anol In ord"r ,to CUTe It. you mu.t take ~ted buelolll ll In .thlli orl, Uanl.. Yon will have plenty or rlob, red :vlolnlty , laI' blood and fael I.roole r. "n Intornal remedy. Hall'. ca~h wef.'ll 'Mcdierno ' l. t&kfl n Internal ly and. aeta b eo bAlldin " . . ,Pep&o .. . &. b e Ihru Lhe blood \lb ~he m"eou.· .urlacea M" Up &0 this ,time. 'bere ha.e been red ltloOd.IDllan f.or vearl. Ph"felol aDs pr.· :f~!h:.:Y:~~rlb~:~~ o~\~r:t.I~-:I: DO dev810J lmtluie tlaa', ~4t1 do &9 _orlbe 1& rIIb' ..1001. It bu jn~' alelana In tbll eountry lor )'...... ~t male D )'Ioe of. bu'-we Is eom'poll'd of IOma of the .bUt for"ard &0 new de'relopare Jookloi ' the IDI~edteo. 'b .., .t.. r.>ed bloOd mea .. , ...d needl, 8014 to liquid "Dd $able' tonic. knOWD; comllbled with . - . of QeD we Dan leU wQIl abo a' h the bC', t blOOd U form iIo'b b"ye the eaDle etrllO', .. Tb. 1It1'f", .. r . I!omlllniltlc/n of lIurUl... ' In.~I.nta In - 8aU'~ 'OU wl.b kl lD. . .., ,011 OIID. ' _• 80t be lare JOG' . . .e ff6II",!D Catarrh 1la4lcllla III ~t jjI'OI1I_ 90nr mODe"l D tb.·lllo," aDd YOlldrop OIID pepto.MfoIIIIlD• Aa tor "Olld. I'~ ::~lt~:,.."e~Jd 1o~u= 'a ..urell 'bare I ... GO 1J1aDJIe and bti IJlie ,ba' 'Ia~. fnll Dame, r. :1. CiDlNBli .. co.. ~TaJejIo. 0. He, "mrtr ., 0: ' 01 aa Din7 PeplO-. ....pD II OD 'be ~.~ ..., . aa...
I::; I".
Eve rett Earl y
evrrv m .. " ",1,1) .,,11. wbal b .. b .... eVllu If all he b ... I. bi .. dRily labur , By 8IlDlln." Ih.' rt< hll" btlen " "low\, GRACE MILLE R WHITE 00 t!ie prloe of t blA, Ibllt oj. Ib f O'D"f Ofl tnfg ll titfV." \ ... fhtt poorert : r811~on 10 tbe wurhl for 'ulklnll b.re Ptf ... UlI,,tnl r"',"lPr wnn tiDY , 'ILU 1'1I. Ihlng . 610llm I . " of Ihu Above Ulem a ilaot pille tree unO!<! Ilr , v ~; II, I• .Il "t fll' Ib" Itylog man Ita bead far above Its fellows. Amoog wltll a 'UlU " " b"fl' re him, Ita bra uebeR the WilD and woma~ could plalDI)' lee upper bolt ot 8 gtrl's Til" ,Iwtloo m .. y bit va bll" n b&d 10) 6iUre settledUle In tbe crotc.11 of 110 out. a 1,,1 vt n •• or 10m" moo Iha 8prelldlllg \Imb, flod chlsped In tWI) bu, .. every,b lul! ob IH. lulnl 81ender ~ rlD. wu tbe 8011111 gulDea trom onll IIUreml l 10 tbe ulher aud plf. Sile boll bed her hcad ~IlTeI" IhUUII " Ilvrm .. loy 10 bIl~"MlO, we held up th~ "1I101al aud shook It at tbem, _11 know ,h., Ibarll .re IOod .'QlN Tony. hCnI!!lf. Ilttlc knew why In Ilhead- and 00' very far .. b""d tlmefl of lIIrlfl' , Nhe sought refuge .l,b"r II we alt pot ' Ibe be•• 1001 aWOIl& tl1"80 (0...,81 glnllL8 Ulld lou, .. ,o! .. nd ,be bee, .mile '0 (bl! fllwuy s to hUlllllllclIS. They werecnlUe 801m'ted belogs b1 her lillie world 'rull'. aDd because she hnd dhuII'ered IdolaTh,1l web wbo reoove n dr., frOQl -troWl love on Ibl'lII Ihey. from tbelr &be lloom of bla bad bo.llnttu '. 01' "rlme.a l grllodeur. sellt uu ullKwerl oi poor ""leI. ..r wbdev er I' w.. spark of life to her 8tflr\' ~od little sOul. ~laa' bla bllll. · II 'be ..an wbo II Tbe IJlbt oT Tooy further euraied Urlab. Be waved be .. Iu, ,01D, &0 b .. v. 'he mOl!& proeper hy .f'.'!Now ''''I ht~r Onlrldll . I,nd Ket It tn abe bd er Uwee ~bll' are aD tbelr .a, Ju., III lore _" 'he .DD oom.. up Ind OU, ot tbe e .. ' e ...ry ·lIIorli. tD,. 8e .. ,olue &0 hue lbe mOl~ proeper l'Y beOOull bll .ffor' will .ueaob Oy., a IIl,f ler perlo. ,baD . . . ,.Uow wbo Iloach . .10010111 aDUI ,be lood time. &r •• 0 appareo t 'baS' '~n hIS blm' lo tbe noae. Thereto r., wr .." kl 'bl ballulli e SAy .JACK DID YOU wbo a .... r&l."': Pal opllm. EVER SEE A DOLLAR bllaiD y'oar &4. To 'bl farmer aIId ' BILL THAT HAD NO oib\ n 1'1101. ,oD8081 are 'belr FRIEN DS . . . ~I -7': Talk 1000 &:Imu i tbey'" oomlDtf and IUUO ,
rnc.Hll h.
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" 1'11, " llI a .l~ "" "1 1,, ' 10 II" III. ,., r" r ) ''' Ii , E,I"·, ' '''''lllI g,'' "Io e sa id. , tLlllt I hlt ve f .. \l Ad to d o m y dnly lu u "III ~ III III'I' ,""II",r. "y"I' Il out I t ow .. rti your m os t I&xoe lle nt and '1111 .-1(, " " '0" , ,, "oj I'll JU'"" III II" It l" , IH' Ullt .... UH fI ' Jlll 8 t ~? I' ll "dmit th" l· 1'1,,· """11111 1"'I('lU III (' ry >01'11,1'. 1 10 Ib e P,,"t I haYtl iJean rllt·he r dl ffi . "';0 Oil, E,lie," "uI II Ur Ia h. "Why 11,,"1, ","1 bllOR"1fl rol , lllH nex t time In II- I III'" P'II ~lll~~c rl ll ' o l'~r ,, / 1 ' II flll,leBV"" t, I s hol.,. you wbd I IlIlIIg )'UIl ~" " ' t Jo elp?" I" 'AN do, wl!,h tbe a8AIstao oe of Bro. "llill I cun h"lp It," crlell ElIIUI. !:iu wke of rsp rln gbnrll Lodge -T . P ) "And \\"Ilut ' ~ I Uf) r e t will . Itun uwuY. __ "ulo)" "," I I' ll hove It ont willi yO,u r , . POll \I' 101 Ie )'ou're I:"DP." I Remlnrs ce nce. 11"\ 011 r 'lIC hud (urwan1 lIod 1:\1<1 u I strH fl J.! dl' l ul u lng h lln .' o u th e t:lr l ' ~ 1 1 G o r H·· v.,' , Dh V l~ WUti t n (Ju r t ow n IlI'll L r """n l,l:v bod 1.. 1.1 UN uf U. e mnu y " ,,('pill III' N' W III hl~ r umlds , th ...t " ' t'M Ilt ls/' Ill· Kot ou t uet w\'cn h. 1'.... 11" "y"" gil l III g el Ii," .. d •." . rlI"u \VPf ~ lI,to' e.l~d in h "lI rlo g fr om th fO lr old tII'rl ol llinlHn ullH tJ ,ok In Obio, I",,, ,, IIv l,, ' " " tile '" 111: ·oough." Il.od b :o w lwuuf.i l n l t heIr Ill " morl e~ 'I'll" gi rl "1111'\'lI III 111m hlllll l<l)·. "'er,' of hy I!on p (IR:r~ 000 tho m AOY "(; ,'1 IIIl1rrll', I," All" "'''''111 ..,1 dully. ~l) cll1 1 f u nctIon ' I hllt .., e rA had wi t b ""' Ii .;'11 trllI.
In (1t 1~1 ~p r:l t II Ill . " SO g4.H c l eu n out li t YOll r lIJ l n tl ,"
of the
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Vet eri nary ---------------, I Mrs. Aon L. Sml\b 8Vell t 1\ co up le of d/lYs '11\8$ wee k wit b be r tl"lJ~h . of Oh l, ~I ~ I I ' f/Hllla l" te l' In U..yto n. rUNEI~AL DI~[CT ()R Ueot8e t\cot~ iH hull rU o~ .. n .. w garage on thA t ile SIlAct I..' I l rFl CI':. Wayn esvill e, Ohio Mr. and Mrs . l!:loes t· Arcllliellcu u, 1,'0" rth ::l lr,' .. I, 11 1':1' I'yle r of Oa)'\oo , we r ... "' ellk.e ud g ue@l, .11 Telepho nt' 9:1 Mr. /lOci Mr". Geo r ie Ree(ler tlot! famllY, ol Route ·1 Full y Equ ipped fo r l~,-, " r1 WaYI1 t!5v i I Ie. Ohio l4i s8 Katbry n C h, rk return 1(1) (1;0( . ~l' rvi ce . f.>rd , BUlldav tlvoll lcg, Afler .. f " lI r. Large .1l is pla y 1 ~ () 11 111 do Vij vuo.tlon with hom e f"l~ •. r,, 1 1 0 ';"ln~ '-' XhmIO !. I,I "n~ .. I Mit.lfni UIl;' I TI>:LJ.:I' HOI' E , versl ,y II AY !II! N "ill'I Mr t\lln liar ,. Fr , ok 80y,l.-.r I'll· . :.--------------~ ter l .II U(,Ul he B\l r ~IID SUlll1u,V Sch uu l ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ dill'. of rurry oh nroll on F' l' lrl.y e v .. ning VETE RINA RIAN t:;fl v" rol fI'olll h e re at,lend." l th o ComlUn uity m elll.lng Ilt W .. ~' ntl.vI I II' rry U hrHt II ,,!' me? 1'111 "'H.II V \\' lI n h u Vt \ cr " ,",serl the rtv t:' r Fr. oI \ 'u(d n ation a ~ pcciully. Nolh· o otlll n ' hut It ki d ~'I' I, Hlill 1'111 J;m l n' to 1I 1IH UHlr n:v pvontliK k M til t) nnknuw n sh n r A MillY 1" 1;.: 111 111 '1"(' willi II I)' IIlotll ...'I' . Sf'~? How t he inl!; hili Kdlahle SerulII lI ~e d l.ytle ohur ll h wi ll glv u II ~ (,c i nl ll l v Ill u k Il) r wu rd t o the arri1 (11 ) 11 ' 1 11 1I \' t! 1\ 1- till I, IlIull ll n y durllll"'" . ",d o f thfj Mtl\Dl ' t "hl 'l.pt,te fin d lIB. Ow h .. " o n ti .. t,lIrtl" y "",,"ln l:, ~','b - ()EAL E ~ IN"Y'IlI· rll ll '~ \,"rd :1111 ' , 1:1\\.' III thht rn t-'di"t" ly trll'tl Phone 44 t.1 1 th e Ht\rv .. , y~borf!. ruo, y 1 ~l.h. Harvey sburg, O. I bOll!, " 1I11!"\\'t'l'l' d Ur' lu h In lin ugly ittnu s ft lT n ... h ' lI't. v t ",tt with AII !! o Sm'lh . of [)",I,•.'Il, - I,, ' nl ' Flour, Fef-d, Ilcq1Jti i n . Coa l , t OI...,. · · ~IIII ' I...:; , \ h uug ll , "' It',~ uh eud. t#l n(' I '~ ',"nrt t Sa lt , n r oat' w !lI d f r lf!lltJtj b tp~ t-lunduy WI th hi. pI\" en ts he re. ' 1:;.1 1" 1",01 1.-1 1 Il, c k id IO V \\ 111." Tile, Posts. Water Foun(," 011 Il '~.v il c onl 1U n~ . ChlHII'Y E'lwlIr.l s h"d .. 61ll IJ of bl~ ,\J ,. ... , I ll" 0 11 L' uU;,!lwd' ~ IJ u :; rn ot.Jku lly t ains and Self-F eeders . farmi til( ~t .. ok ~h l .M "" .. e k urllll4l~"t! w l lh t h~ f uhrl l ' vi her :; I~ trt. HIl bllM h .. o ll ht !l tru (lk,' ~ud will UlOVA 1,0 ' .A ~ It ' rHI , 'r 111·11\\"0 haud \\ ~ot lip und Lvtl " . io p.Ht 1)( t b o hliuMo wi lh I Have Medicin e Show cl osed O\'p r Iwr I lI'lt~hlnl: IIng!'r!;. -SHIP PER or: 1 Nll lh" o Smit,h. ". \\" I)IJIII II ' ( murry uny of li lt"' mutts ! I I ,. " ' po rt~'1 tb~ t we ure \.0 hllv IJ you k nn\\, .• h"ltl)'," the gIr l burst out ( W h dt's th A Ill tttter , ~q Qire ? Do ~ " l lI l'lh l lll: / 111)' good br At,hren mean to Imply
Our Cale ndar
nnl O(.
~1~~ I Forest I
- Mr,:nJl Mrtl. Pll rov Re""'Hl lIOn, of n ,IF W &y n . 'VIli p. w ll re urdny KneAl e of thei r I lIft· ol, ~, Mr , AUC TION EER &ud Mrs Ed Rensoll , I 'l' h e purob8 sel~lf ne'f bf1 r~ ho~e hi Celllc l'\'ilie , () 1:1Il progr e3s in lf rn p y.wt t leUl o~:v 'G il' III ) ' I ,' " ,, "r r l\18el1 to pay fllr ~hA eMmtl. Wllh ,t' I' . 11 " only flo few 6xCepll otl! . n .... r clll ·. .. u ...... llrk n ' " " ,uuh ,(, Mild III ,' II '1,,,1 , " fv 1" 11 1 clonded lIberllll y. ,, ~ 18 tllI,lr (lu ~lu l1 l. I " .Ha Ll '~ . . -- - --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ '
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The Miami
"JIC. dQt.
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, Wayn e.vlll ., Ohio
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tl arvc) s burg Frinlds Churc h
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" Flying Furnace. The n\'er nC'e
Hardware, Harness and Agricultural ' Implements.
\,-hcn t'trst seen
ahou l ~l l '"It~R nbo~e t./1e 9 arfn~ ot the t'nrlh .,nol oI l.~:l "r>"Rrti tr(lm vIew lit 30 mlle ~. Tlou • . II trl1\' e le flO mtlCl before lilt' n ,, ·,,~p l ... r lc rrl~II OI1 hurna It op. 1'1)1, rl'Ic"I nn. 11 Is reckoued, raise. It I" U !!'''' pi' rnlurc or ~o'lJe tblDa ll ke 1I.(~HI' "' ' oI l·;.:r', ·9. b
H. E. Earnhart
The Late Classified Ads.
Waynesville, Ohio
slightl y haud ica pped by th!! Bea rs ' familiar ity with th e p l/l\' ing ot Thol n e , wh o , o f courll'" w us pl ay in g pla yin g with his cullege team .. But rlespite I ne Bean' vil{illlnce , thi s youn g m an did some Vl'ry cl e v!!r work . As a curta in- rai se r to thi s gam e , th e Cedar vill e girls def('ulcd the WaYllesvi ll e No r mal girl ~ by a rath e r loi>-~id ed sco r e .
THIRD NUMBER AII.tl l' r nu lIlt' tb l rd M LYCEUM COURSE \t-qnire o f C. A.
178 o r
b "'v fl~ n E'~ \lili e
.. E\WI~ . W • .
0111 0.
Clock Repairing, Sloye Repairing, - - - - --. -: 'OR SALE- -- - Pump Repairing, Saw Sharpening, I •. Knife Sharpealn2, Tool Shlirpening , I - -- - - - -- - - - Gasoline and 011 Stoves Cleaning K 'II n M it r e. U y rs . olel . w Alliln and lots of other jobs In wood anti t~ OO lb". ; gr,ll d w o rk e r nn r! drl_ . ron . Iv er . A a-horse Oliv er fl dlng I.mltt.k_ I 'l iD ~ pIa .. , g ,.,od o.~ now Inquire of Frllnk 1'hOtnPK tl O at I,y tl" Blaok. • • 00 swlt.h Kh OI1 o r u t r p.l\ldenOt' ou Old Stilt,s r oud . R O. 1, S prln~ Vo. IIA:V, Main South Sts Waynesville, 0 Ohio. . fl G
II ar d , :
extract t he Bt'} ulIr.,
' lU
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L.uW-",-,>Ull _
·U pl . W"u ver. Prill. Blntt and Ih e L'la ra Lile , 1I ('nrietta lVlcKin.. sey . Ve rn a Wen ve r. Fran ces Lamb . , .- - - " . You -ve h ea rd th e lIatlve HawaIIa n ! Lu lIu a nt I Frllnct.s Jan lWV Edna son.gs on th e Vic tro la. Columbia 0 r I fl nw lllnd alld Kath e rin e Ilr ~ dt. ntEdison. Now h ear th e m wng !Jy te ncl",ri Tt,ac her~ ' m ee t ing at Lehath e n a tiv e si ngers . The Lilioukalani nOli. Sill UrdllY. E-Itl\vaiian qUllrt et \V iII appea r at the School auditorium on F ebruary 8th at 8 (l' clock . MI s.~ l's
Ge t yo ur hUllting and tratJJle r'~ V. Ra r nh arL Th e ~ell ' son is c103E,d fur raccoon .s kunk . mi n k Regular communication of Wayand opossu m . but m uskra t IT'ay be nesville Lodge No. 163 F . & AM . , caught u ntil the flr at d ay o f March. Tuesday. February 8, 1921 All Ma SOCq are cordially in.-ited . ~~~.~__ ~.~~~~........~................~~ J. W Edwards, W. M. L A Zimmerman . :'lec 'y .
We wilt be in Wavnesville every Saturda y wi th a good line of-
Wait for the machine hefore buying your Sunday breakfast
CAVOLT & DODu, Lebanon, O.
VVILL YOU Drive your car to our Salesroom ? Purchase from us one· or more Tires . We handle the follow ing makes :
lic en~ e uf E
Columbus, 0., Feb. 7-12
H a vinl{ re t urn ...d hUIll!!. I am now ready to Re r ve t h t! pob li c ill all kind H o f N o tar y wo rk Ca n b e f o und a t my residenc e or call ph on e 40 . b V . . BAH.N HART .
Get Free Pass 01
l{ilpatr ick·Frcnch Motor Car CO.
F or best results ·we use Miami Gazette's Classified colunms, we'll tell the world!
Fr" ,;1l Oysl e r~. hul k I)r cun ~ Fallcy C(-ll'ry, C "lIl1lr() J'ri e ~ , S w ee t Florida Oranges. Extra F uncy Aprl l:'!!. plJre J ersey Sweet Put ljl"c ~ . Fancy Grape Fruit. Le mons .
Fan('y Filbe rt & Almond s Ib ~()c Choc . nropd, pou nd . o nly .. . ... 2tic Lowneys Al mond Bars. only .. 5c Salted Peanuts. 'by p o und .. ... 20c Tecco Pancak e Flour. pkg ..... lOe T ecco Buckwheat""lour,nkg .. lOc 10 ba rs Palm Olive Soap ........ 75c 10 b llrs J ap Ru~e Soap ........ ,.! 95c Big !Jox Match es, only ... .. .... 5c 4 pounds Tahle Salt, only .... .. l0c l:$ilZ can Cala P ead1es , .. ~ ..... . .. i5c Big ca~ls Cal a Apricots .... .. ... 25c. f'U reB(lckwheat Flour. 101bs ..75c
We. will test and fill with a ir ALL of your tires without charge once 'each w«k for six months after da te of purchase.
h., ", rod·
Bt. /'nul '8 cnlht!,t rnl Is crncklog up a btt;-h~to- thp-r:rvc rn"e tnlelllgenee It b 01 I cn~ 1 8 ~ "snre 8 8 housell-" A city mnn 'Yh"li~ pl Ace or bu~ness III 10 the shodow of til " rA tlledrnl Is Dot 80 aure nbout tbAL l:Ie had II vivid dream ID whIr" he "0 w the VIISt bolldlog CI'UlDpIe op BI/d demllilsh 1111 the adjolDlq proper!), In Its rft II. 80 dIsturbed wu bIs Ollnl'l Ul'! 0 r(-s ult that be at onewent to 00 und erwrIter and took out I poll cy " 'h I('h \\' 111 coyer bla 1088 It thl mi ghty edln .." ('011111)8118 I
~~ Can, Liq uid SJ;Illlke,
1 0 1: Curlmt Meat, Salt P etre ,. '
Pure Peppe r
- - -- - -'-.-
Egg" .
••••• _ •• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
CUT OUT ·THE MIDDLEMAN We buy 'from producers only. We have nil agents, cream station buy. ers or other mlridlemen. Each cream producer Mends his cream DIREC1' to our Creamery. WE PAY THE SHIPPING COST Everv ~nt III yours . Your cream and cans are Iluaranteeli againAt 1088 by
High Blood Preaau'r e Curable. HI gh blood press ure c"o be overcoml 10 most <:asell by e:r!! rcIJll!, say. tba CAnndlan Life. Tblll t'H nso or the mall7 reJectloo8 In lite IMurance 18 nOI UStlarty 8 permanent IIIIIorder. It <:an bII cured by exercisIng. geotlJ III Unt, Cash and Increnslng op to II 1'111I80uabli IImouot. Cllen" wbo bave been ,.. Jected on tbl, aeroont .bould bII adYfsed to take some moderate form of exerclae. and ID the coone of a r.. months the1 ulay be 'CHPtabla;- --t-l--'-- -- ---
The Tri-State B ..tterCo.~
.. - ..
Picture. of Chrlrt Plctur". f)r Christ r~eseot the artlsU!' Il1I n~1n Jl!lve cooceptlons. bASed more or It,ss Oil Illhllen/ and other d& Icnptlou8 or 8'9 personal appearance. ' Tlfe work ~ or Lp.ullnrdo de VincI and Ruphnel. \\'hl r h Ore Ute earlleRt al> cepted oll e~ Il urt rrom whleb nearl, all otbers hn v ~ I'!!,-n Imitated to some ex. tent, ore on lrt I" he reproductlonll of the tro ,1111 0110 I'Y III(eneS8 faabloned atter the Orr"r, IIInll!!1 of the bero-god Apolo. of Ih~ 1~ IC.VDt IQO SeroDIa.
----_ ..- --
con vey
t ilt, hI. I' ''!
the external
portl nn< lO r . I,.. I,.."d und neck to the beDM . 1\'1111.· 'I' , hll \' I',",1 Jugulnr veIn. corry tI,,· ' ,1.. , .. 1 1',.. ,," Ih e Inlera! "nUl to the b, llI r'l
------ ..- - -
Tree Marv.loull" PreaervelS. Olscovel'l' hu been ' mllde 'lD ·tht Ho/moD Iron mine Dear Taconite, Minn., not far trom tbe lIoor~e ot thl ' MI8~1.~lppl rtver, at the (runlr and branf'hIls ot' II preblstorlc tree In aD excellent atate of preaervatlon. wlUl the cun es .D It. Tbe tree II oot petrt. lied nnd tlie wood Ie perfeeUy BOUDd. ;t;
---_.- ..
Kerosene and Coal.. Keroscue ('00 1nln8 more heatlD. _ ergl' Ibun conI whlln l'onaldend OD I -nlgbl bns la. A I'01lnd or lreroaeDI ~Dti!lna Ahout '.9.000 •beet. Dill. . whereo! " I,nnno of blgb-Iftde C!OII ~t1l1D8 obOll1 15.000. Xbe coat ot tha ' nnous fu e l. for beatln. purpoae. de1 pends In~l;elY lI\'l1ln the relatfve 101lPIJ.
~Brin Jr o s your Chickens Inti
. it pavs to t rade at
A l so. a guocl F nx !-> il·tu re 22 and 17 cents
Ad tllissio n,
Tell the advertiser you ,read his' ad. in the Miami
A Lone St&r Sig n of the TIme.. F()RDSON ACENCY It I,ns Just nbolll go ttoll so In lbllt ~ounlr y lhllt whpn n murrlcl1 wnmno - - - - - -- - _ _ _~_~~ Two J~g u lar Vein .. bo a ('nlt,ly It'B 0 sll'Cll s he bought It Therl' II rp I \\ II ' :J 1!clnr veins OU eacb berself.- Dnllas "',·ws. IIlde of 11,,· ",..-1, Tlw externnl jugul81 veIns ",·t· III " ''' ''"'11 111 tile skID nDd
Ru t h of the Rockies"
T(,duy I maKe Ih e m r~ t illl'e reS ling 1l1l 1l 0Ullc m en t 1 hliVIl eyer made in ill Y care e r liS " Lh ea triclIl m ana ~~r . 1 b" lio:\'e t he info rm al ion c "nt"ill~d ill I hc fu llo wiIl K ~t"tl'lIIent will be r " ad with intense illt e re~t by all who VII IU the be I " nd mo~t artll!ti c in Ih .. \V'Jrld 0: umll ~, · m e r.t. I hav e nlwaYN fai t hfully e nupavtlr .. d III hl'illl< tn iIlV Ilatr .. n ~ lhe bi V;gtollt and best th elilrical atLrncl i o!l~ of all lim .. ~. fu r I kll"IV Ihat orll}, th e biggest and th ,- t. ..st IlpIJ1.l 81 Now I am happy and prout! t o ann<O U/lCI' thai ! tHve cun lrllctoo witn F. ({ IlY COIll..'1tnck IIml Morris G t'~I . 1'1'''.1 UC l'''1 t.r t h ~ wnrld- ramou9 "Chu Chin Chow." w ll e r h ~ tha t brill ilillt a lld ..: orll,·(lU' s llt'tlHcle of un· cir·nt BHl(dad. tlw wor-lJ 's 1II 0 ~ 1 heautiflll pI " dUCli lill . will Ippellr It th e Victo ry Iheat•• r (ur i n u r cla y~ , h l!l<jq !lill~ '-i un d ll l' ,·ven ing. Feb 18. with mac ill '-;!! on Wp\ln es riHY "Ch u U tin Chow " is 1\ g il{3n tic 11 11 .1 ,(or l(," "lll' tn tJ ~ i C II I t'lI:I ra"all'lInaa in /0 SCt- II ftH . with 18 1l11J"ir ul nU!llu .. r~. Pl'IIutlt"" d () " H ""a 'e "f colo~81t1 ~ranrl e tlr . ell\Jlloril11( lh .. Re r vi('('R o f 300 p eoli le It wall Otitli 'l lllly pre_e n te d ill London a t Hi. M" j e!l t y ' .i Theal rt' nea, ll' four \' etl ' ~~II" by O.car Asche. in as~ ciRl.ion wi t h th e lale 'iiI' (-( e rbe t Tree , and i" atlll plav illlC th e re to capacit y . . The AmericRn pr ud u('t ion of · ·r.h u Ch in (:h ·w" wn" mad e bv Mt'8:!ts_ Comstock after the paym llnt of th e !Ji"'o{ "!! l r,I\' ItIt .v ever knn"n in the theatr ic,.1 world . in N e w Yu rk tnore : ha " two \'eA r~ IIVII, the Rcenery anrl co ~t um~!! being import ed fr om En/{ lllnd Anll b .. lnll ""act 4IlIplicatee of .the oril(inals . . . "(;hu Chin Ch,.,w" rlln one entire lIeaS,)fl In N e w Yo r k III lhe, re". tury The a t re in Au~u s t. f or Il return e ngagpm"n t, and now " mt-ell. i~hed with many adllitillnal scene-'! and n ew cO!ltumes. co mes her" dl· r('ct frvm its se cond enll81(t4ment on Broarlwav , Owing to intense interest in the e ngageme nl, MAIL ORDERS for this imoortant tht.'8trical event will no w b e rece iver! i;!f>n ci rpmlt· tance with 'self-addressed stamped envelop for return or lieMPte. lind, as there will unquestionahly be an avalanche of mllil ordert'o pleue name choicp of two performances to in .. urp jlf'ttinl!' seats Prlces-Ni~ht.-SI.OO, $1.50 SZ.OO, 12.50 and $.UlO.}Add 10 9(, for Wedn~sday Matlnee-$LOO. $1.50, Sl.OO and SZ.50 W""Ta" I beli ., ve th e enKagpment 01 " Cht! Chin C hnw" will b e the mOlt 'notable • v~nt ever known at my theatre . J. ELMER REDELL. M2r Victory Th~ater Dayton, Ohio.
1. hllll.lll BI\O~ t e r COUp() n R ar e g iv e n uet wb lch will Ill' ti ll ., . . .1 Ihe tn. by The Le b aho n Lu mb!!r Co . Frt·rJ oogle. lillt.·hin5(1n . J oh n A Ub iI'. Le wis & Ilrak ~. [ vi nH·J Hmesiln Drug Co : Thl' H'wk:h I). F () J ames. 1". B Ca rey, Dre am Evidently Impreued HIm. 1l!
Al s o R u t h l~ lo\ntlrl . ill
Are. of a Tr i.lr g' " P"ntona - a Tonlc- AicJ f o r nrkh_ " ' here th e nll l lutl,· 11 1,, 1 II u-.:e ot • in" th ' b louJ . ~ i inK s ll'pngt lt a nd trl ongle Is kuown. , I.. " ... " r ' lip tn vig(. r. and impr ll"iuj.( th e IH'ultll I!'e n- lIu gle Is round b y " '" . II ' .. ,' ·.ne-hull at Ihe ho se by tI,e "I, " . ", \\, h ~ re the e rally J E J allnl.'Y. I.mgtl,s of Ule t!tn'!! " . . " I I, · trlnngle ore kn owo. Ih" " .. , Ihp trl. Mr~. J Ft. Baker ar ri ved h t-' ~c , last angle ('o n be fOllnd I ,' 1 ' ~l lIwtDg l'u e ~t l ll)l. f lnJ nI th e L';a~ t . tu :lIJUII U U rul e : From bnlt Ill<' ' .. ' " ", Ihree . I'" ntcly. few d a)'s w ith he r pa r~nt " . Mr and 81<1('~ 811i.trnct carh " Ii,' hnlt Mlllllr,ly 10gt'lhl'r """ , . ,I\hs 'hHr le~ n ray . 8um and t il\! !lIre,· " "" "'I'" nnd
Tu,.' , day, FChrua!)/8 t h
Crcek I"ricnd s Church
Thf' Y wer e
.\ I:r: iIICl· :2 : !.\ "Ill ~ " : I h 11\'
- -- '! C uc~a r ' s
half ",e re in the lead
A lsu a l' ntlll'd~I , fC':t ltlrill t. ; F a :! \ . .\r l. llt'k ;\'
- -...- --- --
-- - -- - - - - -
·II.lJllin . in
"Remodeling Her HU!iband"
:'tl l/dny :' .. 110(01 , \l;:lU . M,' o:l illll fo r Wllr, lii p. 10:30 Everyu(l uy ('o rdl • • ••• .lIly invit ed to Ih l' ~ e l'!! r vice~ .
II 1,'1\ \"'5 10 mourn loi s los!!. two I _ . ~ :. " J I elli :dn' n- - a Ru ll . 1'1'('<1. a nrl a dllugh· ~A :•. Jt n Sund ay School III thi~ ;·hun·h c vto ry ~-:J...Jt" ;:-J1.j.J. 'tUl..J. ,. . ,,;ulI<lay Hl \1 ; :~I)!l III Pr ellchinll ","r· I(· r. I {t'~~ .le . '.I'll" /i v' a t Wltshington C II - ·.ml a num ber of fl' ie n d~, wh., vi.;,' at :O::lU o ' dock a rn. Yo u IIrl' hll\, \ ' ~, . ~ IlJ(lIy mlni ~l ered to him and ' - ' II d ill'!)' iJ!v it ed t o he IJresenl. t:nr~'o fll r hi n) in his decl i ning y ea rs Th e ganle'. Sfd u nJ uy evening, \\'a ~ li' h'~ l l P ie r l'. ' jot "I p ... nd illg" a f ~ \\ - - - - -a nd in \\h (J ~e hallie he will !Je l a r~al on e . a~d thu~e wh ll.~aw it got dav H Wil li r, ·I.<1;,·", ill CillcillJl ali Th •• e Nettl.s D o ' O' " l h. ;: r .... tll rn i8.~f'J th !!lr m oney s wvrt h I hf' gt'H r R Any s [o ('de~ o r 'Will .· - .,.pl,·n'Ant were in r eal f o rm. d t'spite the in ahil t \l ar~'s 1,Il ii d lI ill Im·d ~' It!, enull!;h I" hnnLl le rUII I''' I, ""1.,"01' of ity of two o f t h e ir r eg ll larH t o b' ill ' Mrs . \\ II :\ 11,·" ,, " ['hurs,!,, \, a f le r_ till' ror"l g-u olles Ort· , ,, .. ,' rll rlllldllble I plants. Seve rlll <>f II,,· I'; U ~ I locllnn llf> ga m e. Rnd p lay ed real ba ll Ev· II \l ll . l T'de. Moye eig Building. ; rOnfl ~ n rc truly (JJtllL!l'rHIl~ (o r . o tte r The hllitortc Tower or LOll,Iun movea e ry m e mb pr 1) ( IIII' t '," n \~a, " ' >I~ j il l{ 'I,~ ti,'. ' Itchllll! sell'II ' I"" n". passed tour times dally R6 tht tilt". or lhe ha rd li nd .l id Il j· rull ~ h llre. t. ... t t ile I I, : .,' ~ 1;1I' l ed II Black smi l h an,·, " \\11 ,1 II Is orten f ull"",,·.1 hy tiltH of ThAm e~ "ver ebb Ano Oow. The hOll or ; 111 11 " I" .' ," 'lI l u ('urI \\ r ifIll t . 1\(·Pit ll ~ I " I' ;,l Ihe uPI 'l' r e lld of I hnl Ir .. ,o< belUJ; rlll ,I ,,·,1 " I' 11'0" fles h, wovem eor 1& most pronou ured 10 the of Mia lll i u n i,., r- i;\, . and J-:d,h llur- I "'aliI Slr<!t'l t':,1 1 lid ~•• p 1lI ~ I lI ,,,I 'I,,· pnln ·to crl'l1 . ,·' 10 sU"h uo 9Xpart. nenrest the rI ve r 'rh p move. . , " ..' , '1'1 10 ' 111 Iii", nrte r h U ll r ~ lin d somet Imes ] h ' I I II ' ' I II' " , ~"q.!'l' IVlIlIHOfl I I toent t. due to tbe fA e" rhUl mo o y [ooa l u n , J Ig l'l~ S )rI Hl n... U d . I.) !'tI ll.: IJJltlc.n t I ~ scb:('rt wtlh sy ln~ 01 "'oter penetrnle \l1I<ler tb e roundn- speed y fOI v.", d Th t! ~t(lI' l' W!l~ ; toms li ke those r o ll o \\'llI~ InlluenzA nod tlon ~ "'I tb tbe r1 8lng (Ide. w\J!('b move- He ars. 33; ( 'eda r vil lt! , Iti Mi ., Mujdri" Ea ruh Rrl p ell t t hl' 10ck Jn ... \Vhtl e 80"'"'1' .... 8 ''''ulh r~ melll hilS tbe eaect or movIng np wllJ'\l T~e Cedurville boys put LIP a Rtill w<il'k wil h 1rN lo:1'Undpa rc n l s. I\ l r BultS. the "'hole m888 or tbe tO lVe r. effort. and at the e nd o f t h e tir:!1 and 1\1r~ l·h ... rlc -; Gra y .
We . handle a full and complete line of
: .
Saturday, February 5th F ca turill g I )oro th v C ish , in
We know that you will get your money's \-\ orth , whether you ge t a present or not, for it is our aim to handle only t he best at a fa ir profit to us.
,. ••
, One A. J\tL"
C h ris! i.}11 C hur.:h I: HIIII · .~ \' I 1t .,.1 lit !! ·;tll 1' r" :lI'hl ll I' I •~ ' il l 1(I;;\t l Il In :11\<17 : :(1) Ii II I 1': " ,.1 , '1'• I '" It. '"I'ilo:-! .J . \ I·j " e . 1'" . 111 " ~ I , ~
ahode. It Is l ho f orm e r b OlO ,' o r M;tr,~ar p. 1 'Jr: I "I' . \\ I I'r fn ces~ n[l nCO '.,lV~gTll. II I ('Orl ll ~\' ('n ll .lItd L p'" I ~pl"Jld ld Cllri' li t' rt'c~lved fJ'(~n' l.l1<' I nur ~ ..~ alld d" ( ' I" r ~ f"lied t" gi ve hIm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _cn._ _ _ _ _ ___
Why? For merely buying a dollar 's worth ur merchandise a t OUf s torr , putting the coupon in th e box on our count er . and then possibly gettin g (l fine present later on.
This is a very. very good show Adm issio n, 17 and II ('cnts .
f e rn
Il \\,X~ .
M ..e t ·
tit 10; :\0.
t 1'. IS.
Th,· u~ U Ili' ", · ~ \'i ,·,·s will I" , h\·ld I • ," ''' XI :'1l'" I,\'. ; -';!l 1 d .lI· :'dw tll . !I; I ~. : : • 1' '''lI l IIIIIf( H· J'\· H·' ·~ . 11l ::ltl u . III II ll d ~ h;(lil I' 111; 1-:1''1'11,'111 !.,'tI)!'u,' . Ii: I !, : IJ II : I':v" n h" dr l'I, rdiall r in vil ed t
Are the folks we I Ull .'\ . ,, '1111 ','1 1:~l h . III' \\ (.'1,1 l" lh,· 1 So ldier~' I lUllH' . Da ' l. ,n . llnd "". are goin~ to t e red t h.. 1" '"111 1,,1 h""il ~ Itl "d rl- , i lie f f r!llll a ,h,~a.- t' Lhll t had n l"' l'I- 1 talk to. I "ped ~ ,) tn" m"n ll1~ heru I'" Hul tlw rt'lle f 1, ,,,1 h l' p .. ~s ..,l
c\\ . E. Ch u rc h
fi Vt ' ~ t ' U r~
What abou l? About the beautiful present s we intend to giv e away ve ry soon.
110\111 :->.-11 " '.1 . !1;:ItJ a II I
i, ~ ;: [,, 1' wor ~ h i lJ
"if, · lH.t-\ ;-:; , d " n ~I :I.\ ~ li . j~I{i; 1 :\f', r '1r ~ I :, ' \.' I ·~ d . . ·... I ' I , ;\1 r l':' Il ' r' (" : ~fI ~ l' t il l \ q'" I:' . \,, 1·, l' h ~ · lIa,, !,' hi"" 110 '11(' wllh ,\11" 1\"11 .\ l r l"' ( ;t:,1 1·(" ... (' rht)ll ln~('In ,". I U I,d . I'lIt . ~. Wt' rt t \\. illl II'L'I) , t " ~l n rr(lw ' l havlllj: . 1\' , ·01 'A Jlh tl"'111 f\., al".uI ' I-prl'
~~ ~
" od'y an d Soul"
~':m'''ll~IIY In vU"u t tl tn c e ~crvk~ '
1 11 ~ ~\ a "{ a n l ~rn " t"
f all ' n
Thur.sd~y, February 3rd f l :11 11 1 i l l~ Alicc I. a kt- , in
, I
t '1 1 11' ,1
J'(- I ln ~
,, ( '."'11" .. 1,' I. :11 ,1 1(" >!l lll cn t 0hi" \ · ,1
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l hlil
1\ ·(....
It J
~hlll ilC~I' X \:n ill.
.~~~Il'I' ;'.
r \\
Ho Queatlcm. "Hat&." ..,. the Time. tuhlOll ~ retlpondeot, . '"en woro well OD tile bea"." te ah'lIJa rellU'ded..tlll8 as the beat plaee to ..... a bat ~ •., LoDdOD P1IIIIIII. I
Capital $250.000.00 Free Trial Can. gladly furnl.hed for 30 day. If you have no cans.
CINCINNATI, OHIO We Pay the Frel&bt and ' "
48. i.' '
per pound lor butw,..t.t Week Jan. Jilt ·to 6th•• ,. . ....
( ; ." •
~: ~."',
50.0,)0 creln'! lIrodu¢ets in Ohio, kldiana and ·K8IItuok,·,·, ship their c~eam DlREG'C to the..-rr." i· Stat.; whlcb h.. been established since 1910. with a!lllets over a million . dollars and now hanlile~ \tORE · CANS OF,' CREAM . P.ER ' DAY THAN ANY CREAMERY I~ THilWORLO. Your check for every shipment by retum mill .. . .
- .-
~o.i ...
't.' .. !
,J. !
FOY'S PAINTS aDd':'V~RNISaES , . In Ga~lons, Half Gallons, Quarts and Pi~ia.
'Aiso som'e
MOSER'S AND 'PARA PAINT In Gallon and Half Gallon lots. Selling at cos~." Colors-Black, Maroon • . Slate.-' Blue, Dati. '~Brown, Green and White. Guaranteed to be good Paint, , .. .' ;,
A_ ----------------------~~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------,------------ Who le Number 5421 WA YNE. VILLE, OHIO, WE1DNESDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1921 ~ eventy -T hil'd Y al'
\ W !\Ii ~s
III Day tun.
IJura Slil 'H b
Th ro II i :-:d".ul huy >' Ii r~ t hHSk .. t- lOUu Y
A POPUI:AR SPOT Mr. anu Mr~ L A Zi1l1l1h'rII1HIl ent e rtain ed lh" ,1,,111' ~htl rllll~ H lld t he ir hu ~ l mnd R . la~ t \\\,dll €s.l u) evenin g .
l " d ~y.
X nia , iHit o r , I
I hall lellm Irll\· ,'I~ cI til \ollt ldl,, '''WI', J aIlIlU I'1' ~~. u·.-j l1"r, " I ~d th" High M. S. lUj.n{ ~ I ~ vi ~ iling in Ht' rl'<I . 1 :-i 'huu l tea m (I f l hat ci l Y by >I ~c .,r ~ Ke ntuck y . I o f ;;'1 lO :!~ . Ou r buy, play "r! .m ('xcel le nt tt!ulll . who urt! plflyin~ :;tive r~ N o be t t e r tunic llo un Pe ptun a. J .1 H i. uf L>aytvn , F ri d ay 11'lo: hl Mid- ~~ J an l1 l!Y. I dl etu wlI ~ll uy e d a t\ Vl·· rn Hn d t'rl' n- ivl' 1('111111: lout I:llp l Burtun did "U '" " U. I·:. Ear nh ar t wn ~ a CilH:in nuti VI!ry till" M'HlI ~I I U( di llJ.,[ from "v"ry visilor, r h ur ~dny . JI (\~~ iull' 1J,. ~ it ill n. a llu ./ " lIe< gHlhI '"rlll ' r C h ll ln plIJ II .11'"" \\' lIl n r" e l'eLi 81l1't' ru l n· boulld H. !Jr . (Jill. Ustellpa l h. :! I ~. Broail - lIr u'" I S I"" nlh ~ o r rO Il ~I~ tc nl t raI nin g a l hl R bi g rll "," I" I{:ln · way. Lebano n. Ohio. eaR, Is 1I 0W In N e w \' ork 10 ma k e Llst Friu ay ev~ ni \l~, HellbrtJ uk fln a l nrTDn g mcnlS for his rc rurn IIi Cam p he re tll du but t lu with the O;lie P,·nce. of D:IYlon . spent sun- I b 0 1l1 wIth Chlllll il J ile k Dempsey. local II i (JUillt .. t, lout all 1>J" y took day with h i~ ITI ul.h .. r . , III I-: .. IV \' orl<. !\""'~ h 17 . J ess 18 looilin g fill e "".t 11<' Suys he will away wa~ tlo e , i.Mt "tid of II 48 ·tu-9 sh ow Ih ~' w i tlP nUt" tio lli e thing th fo!t Mr~ ]{ullald HlIlVk e spent ThurpI tlm C' ' It', 1101 l !i" mOIl OY." sa y" sco re. J l "":~ ' th ~ stu r vf t hi ~ ga llie. J CS:i, " h,'cH ll se so l e o r m y s how got ~eve rlll I{llu ls. 1J1I",.in g 10 h i ~ d ay wit h rcl" t i vt)~ ill Mil ford t o tlud e Sam. an" oil Int creslR tl!flrn·ma tes rno~ t of lhe I ill ,,': Th ,.. hllv·) ncrt cd lII il on million tlo l. ft" y Mllc Hl'lh and Mil ton Tho mp. I nr8~ 1 woU t t n " h nw ( (\I k~ I ha l !!pec tutllrs Rlli u t1Utt it i~ pH'1I work th e Toll- lin np""" " ': 11 J , fnhh 90n i".·rt~ ill Cil cillrml l, Mond ay . wa, ex tru fin(' . t nk , The olc bO}' :l will r. robab ly p: IS LehUsc 1\ 'pt u'lII fur run · L1"wll c(lndi anoll Hi or L.. iJallllll A C ,, " I. h,· h" lIIe 11,,01', next "'rillul' " ""!li nll lio n. .J E J anl1ev. T hllY ul ~o xpe t tu ",l ay ill I It I' Ii ~ Mr awl ~1rs. Corw in lIulni ll un, of t ourna lll.dl t ut Il l· l ~w a r t!, I'n Mllrc h 4t h L u(' k III YU 'I, h,,~" ; In ll ." YIl U W~pakOJ1I'llL. af,' gUI,"tH uf rel/l liv e~ . ur ing buck t hl! h u/ , u t ~! ::It I\ll1r.l'·~ Gui ld will mtll't wilh ~I rs . E V. dU l'nh ll rr. lin Thur,.day Nt·vt Frid "y v'·lIi ,,\-( . .. ur Tedd y a fLernlllln. Hear" '" ill pi" " Ih l' Nl' \\' Ilurlinj.!to\l Cu r" .n uni t t ~II Jrl T1,j ~ is 11 ven Mis~ Mary II Jlllkills(ln,o f (he lii~h fu:!t tllo lll, ha ving d ,· ll·"I . d ·' Ilm inj.\ A ve r y pre tty wa,i d ini{ took pl ace Sd lOnl, W" lI t hom" 'J'hu rsLlul'. '111 IICtlln col l"1I1! alld " I he r Ilund leuln' ~uturda y evening a t lhe h' .m e o f c ounl of i1lnes.~ • th is ~ e,, 1' Our h •. y ~ /I f l' ""!!,,, r t il Mr a nd Mrs Will Co rtlell wh e n their have II J,:,,,.d cro" ,I. so CUl ll t! IIII1J hllip Mrs Frank Far r.Mrs Lllu ru Sides d a ug hter. Edna. was married to th e m uut. li nn E,jw in Chs'odlt: r IV re Dayt.on Will iam H Mi chener . At 7::::0 o'c1ock l'hi:l gam w wi ll I.., I.he h\. , un!' al th e co uple e nte red th e room to lhe v i ~ llors , Thursday. whi r.h the . ea-IITI lil'kl! l$ wi li h... g\Jod strains of Lohe ngrin 'l'- wedding Owing 10 cfHI II H: 1 wi h Hi gh . 0:110(,1. I'epto na i,; pleasjll1 t to take . and is march . w hi ch was played iJy Miss th e~e ti c~,". "'11'" II lr .. ,·I· ~· .~t t h~ r l'luli ly IISlIim ilated uy weuk stom- Alice Carey . an intimate fii e nd of t am $ 1.·1') . ~ It. II I. d Ill c lJltl'B t h ink aclu . J . I~. J a nlley. th e bridu . The couple t ook their l h' patro n ~ h 'l \ ,. ,.:" ' 1'/1 vlll ue replaces before t he.w hite mantl e whil'h ' ct!ivt.!d , as lh t y it",," , I' '1' eilt'ht Mrs Cy nthia 1!;1' lIn~ re turner! home was tastefully deco rated with can- ' gQm e~ fur $ 1 Monday, afte r tlpe ndin g seve ral dlAS Dnd fe rn . Rev Holt conducted : we .. ka WiLh r l!latives in Fl'Ilnk lin . th e mA rriag e se rvi ce in which the ;
Mr. C were e nter tllilled at dinn" r . :-iund ny , lit th e hurne of Mr . alld I r ~ .1 I) Marlatt
The J ully MiLIl'o !,~ and hll ~ I. H I " I " ' e nte rtRin l'd , Mlllldu.l' eV,·lI iIi K. ILl I I,,· : home of Mr a"d M r~ J . O . l-'HI· \ w r ig ht. in hum.r of I)r lin d M r, ,J. , I A. McCoy . w ho u re h, avinl:' ffir lh eir , ne w home ill Wus hi lll{ton e li .
M, .........r E ~ .. MCi',·,·i.l1
Hey. Let!lollnalres! Ouddh'" at Hamilton, 0 .. are allng old hu . ilia" nalure I. Dlalllnl: th e POAI headquarter. I popular Illot. Th .. ,ollllg lady aboye--Mlss Eve lyn Merrill. art er a "hitch " In I hl' Army Nurse Corps durln ~ Ih e war. la now aaalatanl to Atljul an l Frank DUrwin at HamlJl " h--"'II! lIhe·. the young tady who ca lL mak41. Ihe leC\onnalnwJ come acros. ...tI h their 'tl C~
_ IS COMING POPULAR-MAN After many month@ of preliminary announcements laudinlr "Chu Chin Chow" to the sklea. that famou8 musical extra~nllanza of the Orient ' Will be presented bv F . Ray Comstock and Morria Gest at the Victory Theatre. Dayton. four days commE'ncing Sunday nllrht. February lS, This bilr London and New York mUl!ical SUCCetll is a story of ancient ~ad.written by Ot!C8r Asche. with music bv Frederick NQrton, and was atalfed in America by E. Lyall Swete. "Chu ChiD Chow" is now in the fifth
or II,,· 80n 88 It
mOl~' . . . watt WI' 01 UIe 1IIdI• .
n nh"rl Lincoln. lIM or Aka. . . 1.lncoln . bu. alw",.. -.de It • JlOlnt to dtlr1~e pGbllelty. ftl. picture of till» waa tat.. " I Cblcago .. bea be was e.. ,11I "na warc " My fatber wu a ITeBt 1I\4n--1 a m Dot." be alwa,. -,,. whe n requflllted 10 1I"e.. [.enonal friend . . ." It .. eDI, tire sn me modest, tbatt 80 ~eter· 1~I:d tbe Ireat A • •IeaD .
,...U, d.,
single ring ce remo ny was used. The , 8 r n!' l Fu.. rnillut and Mist! Ethel bride wore a nea t traveling s ui t with I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Hos ie r Iward I he Alma Glu t k conce l t an Attractive hat t o match . I in !Jayton , \o\f eJ nesday e veninl{.
Music - Piano Solo .. . Ru th Tomlinson. Farmers' Gruge Reading ........... . Mrs. Elsie Hockett, Farmers' Granlre Music- Whi!llling SOlo .... . Mr. Hellttr. Harveyaburlt Grange M u ~ ic .. .. .. ... .. .... .... .. ... .... Quartette. Farmers' Grange Real) i nil .. .... .. .. ....... Mre. Lizzie Baily Farmers' Grange
~:~ o~~~ ~:~I:!tU::~88c!~~~~ GROUND
Mr. lind Mrs W. H. Allen welJ! in the brid e and g room led the way t.> ' Dayton . WlldTl t:!.,ua y ~ vening, and p a s~"d fI\V " V lit hiR ho me in (Jenv e r . the dining l oo m wh e re a delicio us Coh•• J .mllury Ifl. 192 1, Ilileli 88 llaurd Alma G luck. lit Memorial H all . three-course dinner was serv f d. The y elt r~. j.l m onths anrl 13 d qys. He tables looked very pretty deco rated Hev . J F adwallade r attended a was th e yuu ngl<!'t c hild of. Wil liam with pink cand1.es. fern and pink and The Church School Service Lea,ue an d Attne" N ee dle~ . Wht'n but a rnlleting of t he Da yton Deanery of white carnations. of St. Mary'S church spent· a moat 11 1111111 hO)l , the fam ily rem ov el! fro m th ~ Episcopal church. at Dllytol1. Later in the evening the bride and enjoyable evening MQnday at the De lnwJ\r I n Gree nfl Cllunty, Ohio. l'hurtiday . groom le ft for Pittsburg, where Mr rectorv at a picnic supper. Each HiMbO~' hu o d d ll)'M bei nll . pe nt around Michener is em ployed as instructor guest contributed to the t~od sup1 have IItlirtecJ- a Black mi t h and Mt Holly .lUll Spring Vall ey in th e Carn eg ie Instit u te of Tech· ply making the mentl moat invltinlf lie WII ~ in 'Irri ed to E,izabe t h Cof· Repllir Shup at lhe upp e r e nd of nology. . and elaborate 'rhe Vict.rola ud Cu II and see me f ell . a nd to tl: e m w er e bo rn ~e Vf'n Main St reet gam es added to the pleasure ot the child ' I' ll . ' hree of ' hl)l11 S l] r viv e him George Thompson . evening.! He an d hill famil y muv l'd to Indi ana . Mr alld Mrs. W. l ;. f; ldlt . , a lld where hi ~ wifp. di e,1 Lll t e r he was married 10 Mutild .. Mille r Of L1ti ~ daughte r a nd . the 1\1 i ~~ es IJ ~ ! I"rl und good time. union. a l'Ol1 prece d ed him to t he I r m a Har ri s. of DlI} Inl l. "p~ n t !'IlnHome Bt'yond. /lml 11 da ugh tt! r r e- day with Mrs Alice:<1 Ki ,l 'I' I\lHi adllght"r . mains. to give $10 to the fund tor the relief At one t ime he wa!! in the grocery ·Peptona - a Tomc- Aid fur ClIl'ic hThe locu l comm itt ee in charge of of the starving children In Centrel bl!siness. was conn c ted with the ing th e blood, ' givin g strE' lIg l h !l nd cnllec d lll'1 ~ in Way ne tOll'n ghip ar e: Europe . . .flour m;lIs. and for Me vera l yellrs was --~-postmas ter at Wa y ne~ ville . He vigor. and improvrng 1.1\ hell 1 j.lt'n· 'Mrs Edith Marris. 'MrrS. b' •• Elbon. erally. J . E .tann ey . Mrs Ho we ll P ~ irce. Mrs. Walter joined the Masonic Order in WaynesKe nrrek and Mrs Wilbur Clark . ville In 1865. amI wa~ also a ml:mbe r J. Sle rlinl(' .Mo ran. uf .the Ci ncin· The seasol\ of the year Blld co ndi· the Lehanon Chapter. at Lebanon. nati ofliee of Communit y Ser vire . tion or r :iBds m a ke 8 house to house Ohio. fnr OVE' r fifty yt!!!rs . Rpent 'ru sday he r e. luuking after canvass ve ry difficu lt: About 22 years al{O he mov ed III the Servie" inte r ests. Mr Moran I Will you g ive your donation to There will be :1 special communlcanenver . Colo. Thllr ll he W II~ s upe r· addressed the Normal school in . t he une o f the committee? Wayne town- tion of Waynesville I~ldge F &: A . M., intendent' of Si oun's ' and Cooper morning s hip is as ked to feed fifty children on Tuesday evenin" February 10th, Lakes UlltiJ his DICe wOllld not peruntil harve8t to confer the E. A Degree. AU mit him to ' work IIny longer . . Being N olice- Will h'und Ie f'r esh ~'illh at Can we no t sha r e with these little member8. visitinAr brethren and 10of a Runny di s po~itl o n' and one I.hu t. Co rwin on Thursda vs and in ' Way- oneRwho have ne ver known comforts journing Muons al'e cordially in· easi! v mllde -friends wherevel' he nesviJI e (III Fr'lduys Th e very best we enj oy ' vited to attend . . mad!' his home. he hus left a hORt of lake fi sh Wait t or me. Mrs . •J. L. Mendenhall. J . W. Edwards. W. M. of fril'nds . Althou g h hnvinll reGilbert Rillgs. Chairman. L. A. ZlmmtermaD, See'y . mov ed frolll Waynes ville. i t \\l ad Ai. wiRh to be laid to res t in th e befl uti-
pr!~:dt;:r;!~~:~ ~r~a~::.n;o~;
Warren Co unty I'o m ll na G range \I'll'; {·nl e rtained Sa turday. Ja nuary 2!1. 11.1' Jo'fHlIler3' (;range . Th e for e· IH) ,.n ~f'ss io n lVa~ g iven ove r to t he il\~ r a l l .. lion o f ofljc e r~. and the COIlf .. r r illR' or th e fi f l h degree on a class o f :!~ . in a ve ry impressive manne r . AI .... tI I[.n ~a t d uwn to th e bounti ru l dilllll' r I )ur in~ lhe bu sin ess SeR~i"l\. Hr II I he r Sy lva n Lewi~. of Leba1111 ', (~ r " llgp. guve u brief but com· prt'it e n,ive re p nrt of th e S tat e l; ra lll!c se~"io n ut Cleveland . After a ~p irit e d diRcuBsion. a reaoIII t i,," was una nim ously adopted. urKin\( thltt al l a u tomobi!ll license fl'l" Gil pu id dirl'ctiy 10 the county dlld ito[' s oHi ce. so thaI each taxing dist rkt w(l uld be certain of receiving the ~ht1fl! to whi ch th ey Rre entitled. Th e poin t WIIS raised .that under t he pr '~ent sys tem ma ny of the applicalillt18 are impro pe rly filled out: so th ut t he resid ence of the applicant is no t properly s tated as to his taxing Ii i ~ t \'i ct T he bill p roviding f or a system of Stule Police was also discussed at >lo me leng th. but no acl ion was tak e n eit he r for o r IIgain st . A motion was adopted that the n ' xt Pomo na meetin g be held in Le hanon. and t hat Mr. Coleman he inv ited t o give a talk on our taxation sys te m . During the lec turer's hour. the foll ow ing very pleasing program was rentlered;
Invitations are out fOI th e wed din g of Mr. Emmo r D. Buily to Miss Pearl M. Gardin e r. of near Lebanon . The wedding will lake place Wed· needay. F~bruary 16th, at ~:45 . at the home of Mr and Mrs. L>avid Dunham . Tholy will be at horne af· ter March. on the Dunham far m - - - .. _ _-
production will be seen here. while
tiO~~~:'d ~::~:~~e!~~ t~~~rg;~~~I;~ CHURCH SCHOOL
A\· ... r~ N ee(l le~ waR horn M,.y 6. 1S3l!. nellr J) II ve r , DpluwHre, ant!
I T il ,' I.mcola
RELIEf COUNCil Le~!u~h:n r;!~I:;a;I:~~n~e:~o~
....,- -----
:B'::~~ :~~ :~~~m::~l~!~t:a~~
the originals new in use at His Ma· jesty'. Theatre in London. . The ato ry 0 f "Chu Ch'In Chow .. 18 based upon oneoftbBArabianNights ud deale with the entry into B81rdad of (,.tIu Chin ChOW, a notorious robbn cblef, di'i'Uieed u a Chinese mudarln. The IIlave alrl. Zabrat-alKulub. expoaea blm and foil8 his acheminlf · Meanwhile there are muy aonpsnd dances. muy pictur· IIIQue 'eeenes, 18 musical numbers, 4 ballet. and a hoat of othl'r entertain· InK teatur4!8. '!'he . Ibl.ve .market eeene In particular Is a brilliant and colorful pqeant. Owlnlf to the lenKth of the per· formance and siH of production. the !'venin, curtalna an &nDOUDCed to riM at 8 p, m .. aocI the matinees will .tart at 2 p m.
. The ground hog failed to !lee- hill - shadow, Monda~, and from all .precedents. tbere Will be m ore winter. The wmter 80 far has been open. bu: t?e old hog fia y change th e condl· h tlon of the weat er. and wOl may yet see aome cold and 8now,
.- - -
.. - ..----
OREGONIA INSTITUTE The Farmers' inlltitute at Oregonia February 23 and 24. promi ~es to be of unu3ual interest . ' Arrangemel)ts are being made for a large dieplay ot farminlf products ill connection with the institute . The state speak. ers are good, the entertainment will be good, and taking everything in consideration. Oregonia o ught to draw large crowds .
O. E.
la rge for lhe voters. The precin cts for Wayne township we r e divided as follows : Twc. preci nct ll for Waynesville corporationl~a8t and west corporation precincts. North street be ing the dividing line . The West precinc t was divided -i nto two precinct.s-·the Upper Spring~ boro road is the dividinilline for this precinct. the precincts being northwest ayn e an so u wes ayn e. T he East precinct and Corwin cor· I.o rati on are left a8 th ey were This wi ll mak e six vo ting places in~tea(1 o f four. liS formerly .
The Eastern Star lodg e will met' t.• 'lbe heavy raiDS of lut week caueed the river to overflow ita Monday evening, Fe bruary 14 t h. banka, and the bottoms were eov· There will be work. and all m e mbe r ~ ered with water. The .tock gener- and visitors are welcome. Donna Edward s. W . M. ally wintered In the bottoms wet'e Sue H~wke. Sec·y. taken out. Friday. on this account. ~--
J C. Hawke and W , A . Cornell we re in Lebanon. one day last week. IIttending a meetinll of the County ~Iec tion board. One of the things done was the re-making of different votin g precincts tbroughout the countv account of the suffrage yote. maki{1g the present precincts too
DEATH Of fORMER MINISTER Hev, Benjamin Hawkins died at his home in Wilmington. Sunday murning . after an illness of ~everal years H e wa!! minister at the
~;~~~g~~~:~f£!;":~~~::; ~.(: (:~): ,~:'i:~; j~: ~i!;:f:l'~.'~·~I~t~ '~:~ ~i~ ~ :i ~=..~b -I· - 11--R~~-;';d ~ s~;~;=l-I~ ;:~:~~~;;l~~;:~::frmji"::,::,: ,~::~ ~;:~:'hn:~~u:~;~~:=:;.~: ~'nIT9I' h ll~ l lllllh! " .,' C "\;0 wildly Joyoll s. oh li t· ti ll lYPclI'l'llcr of III In .'/ I wIlt tup alit ~ Not /I CBU but on ly proinoted I tilt' slory 0 11 l'ou!' keys. '01' yuu ure IIL~ He h u~ e nt e red th e ord e" Rhnve dlr/'ctly "C"IWlls lhle fo r It nil. Ann there 'lIeal"h th e mil l!s uf t it .· 1,'lrst, ,tu YLl lI neell nll IntroductlQu to [ MU!lt<:>r me? Ir su. ! IHO Clurn Hurt. stenos· II 011 tel' .ii'iicc ~nl, 1 LlIIH he was 11 WOIUIiO ' I I I d~ wil l finisb hi ~ IHbn r of love l'llpbcl' nnd Illll)llt~sl glr n llC wor ( . Illltcr. bllt I IIC"e r ltellc"ed lhul. tor ~ u lS l nineteen. Y"slf'l'oay 1 cOllld h"Ye • • , Card· of Tbanb .. )'.:! wh,," III'.:! Idml C8 about hIs mouth, suLtl ulll~ l"en 1I11!t lI 'ver k IK~('u.' . IJIlt lit lind he sII11 miles Ille whole face I' . , W • 'e ·.. ·Is·h to t l', n'nk Ollr mOllY fr ·len· de tOllu". wetl. tYl' writer. 1'I1 lell ynu ull " . " I l' l:hts up. 01111 you feel bctter and i 'f,\r th ir ki ndn e;;!' 91>'\ \Io ord !! 11 ' ~ym· " hOut II. I've hud s ' ,'crtli ulb~I' P Il CClI. "trooHer fu r 1111\'1'1" kuo',,,o blm. ~ .. . " " . . lIut cUUle h ,,~e ,;Ix m O,lIlts ngo, and 11111" palhv. th e bedot.! fll l flo,.ral. off .. lTIll" •. tIle' 0111;' "Ir l III tl·,o, bUf·III"~". thu oth. t;o llle une vuce lOld we .thot 110 gIrl h . , " ~. 0 ~ ~~ . _v Ho lt; f~r hl ~ ·lllIf .. , pug' ",(II d¥{ er c lLlllloyees bl\lJlli lilt m Jl lind IIOYS. cl" '1" JOII,·rt(·U her employer unleH~ lIha ' \\'IIS rI!II .. ruliv . In 10 1'41 ' or wllllte\1 1\ Mr 1\,J ~CI lire (.. r ·LIIe I' ffilCI"IL ~ tlilln- fro ,;) the hun".1 lIo,vn t 0 RP' I IIIe II II"lee Iioin' vcr" II,'IICII I'nd "' d. Pe·rlllll)" ". lie ' .I I b oy. or course my ,w0 r k ' \\'U.R' lak ln" J . l! t h ne r in condu ClIn \I I Ull um : ILtlO .. Is l'I " lll t'U'l I Ivul.d"r, . '''1,.1'. 0 " "Llur<n . I f l ' · , tllI. I·,tte·· of Ultl 1:1 ' ud. 'l nd occnslOlIllI· .. , u' '"~ t. h Ii MaslInlc . " '1'( I' r or t IP. I VI C~8 . ~. '1 tl ... IlII ugh t'l'y U I\:\ni,'" SlnIIO"rllllh"r d~8 know him . ,\ , 1,)1 c)IIC~ rom Ie re.. ,. 8 0 . , I, · ", ~ " .. V'C . , \11 our'lata bereuvem e nt._ tu llc so slow th llt [ cun "J,ltc Ulcm right uet l 'r \111111 III~ ' 1I0,l11e folks. III a WilY. M l'lI . A vary' N p.edl e~ aD(I r) Il UP; h, I" olf on yOil.' ~he B nd cun ,'uttlc tiT IU bU I " I ' h~ II I'I! has (I II I~i 'nl(!e Ira!tij .. t -",-'~... -- • ott so fnst thut It ic .'p~ my pcucil ny· ' ' IUrucl"~ to ,show. "wh~ shOllldn't "he tng .to ' keep uV' It's hard to w.n ~tJU I lol'l! 1m all tlt u 11\0re1 Wlle~ a Klrl just What tile HeM looks like. fur set' L\ ,miin b ur 1111 IIl1der ullB ,ortuoe; Yllq u.ron·t a girl :I\·tth e~'e8 III your k~'l!p hili. temller, shvlV coll.lderatlon h"lILJ; but he's IItcDt nnll big n.l ld . ueh I u nd~r elrcum~ta D ees tllltt WOIII~ make I 818 eyell look right \lIt/l Il 1!81.r1t 1011, to llreak all ten or the a Havinll 1'eturned bo~;. 1 8m now youra o.nd woe 18 mi 11 l'ou ever loll conll\landluenta. ,,'hy, tha~ tends to ready t~ serVe Ihe public In aU kina. I>vnn :,11 ' tlov ftb: bu't t nc"e~ lULl·e. ~how how awtillly Dice he II, doesn't of Notary work. Can be found at 'J,'herel8lOmetJIIDgaD41ut vl'''''''''''' IU' 1 thlnli 110. Atlaat, 7~ rllllt \DlIpll'flll COO\ldence. and. ~ PlGlnlng. th~ came to • t'lfmu. Ttie my _dance or call pbooe 40, love; I ml,bt ill -well 'nita It and bookkeepelt" plied th1Dp DP GIl E. V. BARNIL\RT. It cwar.... . . . Of tIl8,.....1D ,w e t dIur.beto..... lin ~· lt WU .... . loss fri end!! to ll10urn his
BJI Helen Clarke
~~~~:;~:;:;;~ bet~ 1• 1(' ' ' m" ",,~. ~. & h d t top d t din I!I' I ret\ a work DO • pe de811, or' ready n . tor bl., , tile on the bu t when I came down In the morolnr . ,," _ tOUIILI ned the "mce boy .Dearl:r f tI b CRUse he hlld S(llIled Ink all ran c e . over. 'l'hla npset me !lID (tbourh I dldn·t · d t "R J" lit I I ' BUy a wor. a e : poor tee. 'lip, be co. \lldn. t belp It) thut my. blind. \\'tlre shuklng wh.m I went In tor dl clll.. d tht t.• ked bl .... ..,011, lin '8"e l1" ll go uO urr"" beforc my eyes. .
be W&I pattin, my shoulder wllh fno I bl b b b d t b d I hi na ar lI' C 11 a .u. e. e up n IJ escttl!lllenl. not I"nowln. whllt lO I I II I",O with. IIObblnr r r . cpt . on cry ng barder aDd harder, and he kept nn ... ttlll, m, ·"oulder wltll ren'ewell ....... 'arce. until .t '11IIt I couldn't Itln,l It I d I .... OUI ' aDy oD,er. ~D 10 pap"", . "Pleallfl don't hit me an), more" • t II "I " d II ,00 re •. r.,i poun"d 01 ,me. lin tl '1'1\d b • . Iookell st. tile Fa er I" rell ze b t b d I 'w a e 'I\'al 0 ng. H e g8 ve ' II guS" .. blrnl!el'.· lol1 ..Id k.lnd or breathII'Jlsly': .IW"·, blell # aoul. whit bave I 'V bien doln.!:'· and 'called at me. Sll I "d ' ~ ~roqb m'.Ilocer;a. rOC' m), IIaDU were 'oYer m, .face. ' "I' dIC!D't _ I I do thl. wa7." I
Th" rapid Uelld wuy. begnn. In btl USURI b'ut ' speaklng It reall% secmed to we tlillt he. too, Wlla' neriou.. Slid. dellly 1 found' that he, w.. be:rood me, aDd I M ill. mi voice trembllD.: ;'~ct1Be me. but 7011 are taWo, too
-"'.1~ .. ,tID
nr me,nt to ",Dd " 01l,Be atared at 'IIl e, and DO wonder, lie . . . . IICI1l b~ . tile· rllier tor It wa. tile !lrat litIme 1 . bad .....r . . . I...., from·,n to me ead badE a,kedblm ·toapeak.llnrW. , . . ...... "..".., .... olltatracllm. "What'a tile be Mked ~ ... i ...... te l1li 11'. ucI 1 brolrtt ~"'''''''k "I . . . . . . . to eI7 .. . . tIleD: t&lt.
..... .ua.
IB_ .......
I ,_~ you ? III l'," ILl I'. 1 ('1111 ' 1 I\1 '"1''' a womno ~ry. "My dear Mi ss Hurt. I "'" /:(l lnl: to ask yoll U ve ry KtfILlI J;~ Ihllllf-." "Yes." I said eTlcourn llln ~ I ~·. "I am wonderin g It you ",,, ,,It I (N'I burt .It 1 n~ke(l (or yo ur I'I 'SILl,, "lIolI." · he, hlurted 0111. "\\l hy'" I lI ~k ed slroply. He turDI'd to\\'llrds ru e. ami .cnus:ht mY e~'CI! 1 dId nClt try to !tItle Ill" ~I!' . . . . t ere t allY more. There WII ~ no nee<. Tbe Ile~~ repchNI 10r","r\1. "I\'.' j(hl my hands ' ln hIli own. " "klpg. ('II gorl,\' : ''Tell me little /ll rl . 11 It I. po. 11018 . that you cun ellre for lin 0111 "rnlllr r,el. low like m?" De,lIr tY(leWl'lll'l·. Ill! III . only• thlrtY.fh·e. 8nti to cull hl lllsel! om.! ' . "It not anI" I"a (lOaalble. It IS." I 81lJd. J "n rather mlll,et1 tip 88 to words. b\l[ cor: talnl.7 not 08 to .Olcnnillg: lind th en I ceased tro hCllong io the unklr;;se!l, ,md tbll II my las t Utiy here. l:he noor dear tbought It his duty to lI('nd me awa, becaUIli! hll , .arild his lov~ .( 01' me m1rbt dl~tn rb lIle Dc;; YOII -wClnller, ,",","Jer or mln~. that I am tile lIapo. pleat.lrll&lallthe ·world'. • - • 00
', "l·e I I'D.J Keys. of th,'s place. died in a 19 19 There are lefl to mourn his IORS. · two daug hters- Mrs Albert Te rrell. , of N e w Vienna. and MiSl! He len Hltwkins
The funeral was held at 1.0:30 this f h F' I I' h ch morning rum t e rem s c ur at "V ·I · lm l ' ngton . Interml'nt ,' n Miami • cemete rv.
. ---------
da,y nl;ht, but a l"II,fJlliitilmi 6\lIl&rt.tt.:
I'tIDdered a VeT1 .oll!lt........ ~...._Ir~;, calandinltrun~iti(~j~itiI~
'e' ~l~'L:~,,1~"~'~~Nri~ '
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rwl H ETI-IER o r n t the G r(llJl~ d Hog saw his shado\v, ~ winter will be ove r with in the nC.-t SIX we ks, the sun \vill .shine again fo t~ YOLI. Ge nerCl I business conditions are U IH.i u uL t JI y i III pro' i Ilg e\'cry where,
I <I
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l'!J GRA CE , Y "
Tnnll l hf'\I'~ IIl(lllt h
\\Tll. 11,'(1
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ltdl1h Pt'\'Oll \\lt8 l 'lJl1l I ra:. I n II I ".:"Iu · t lOll th ot Illt'R ll t tr1l 1l1 1l ., 1'411 111 ·1' .... ·11' all '"
for T"nnll ,rl " l nln ' t (\Iu~ht It 1111 HIli ~\ll h ~OLlI ! da ddy, k l lJ." ~II , ' ":0 1111,'11 \" 'III\I~ . " ' +i\l Jt(\t t n fht ' r n hl l1 unci 1It1 · "t! 111, '111 old
rl ~hl
" You ' U Sl l1 )' "Urlnh ,"
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\\-IIlII lI l1 .
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\Vlt b n rou r t Ill'" Illan sprAng flll'\\a rtl and 10 hi s ~tT" rt to n?u('h hi s wtft' Itnocke<! t he ~Irl nllt on th., IIt'{'k.
b ORt
mo th ~r w " s Sh -etchp(1 11100),1; (hp rnll,
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over be r. ~he Iny so d renlltully s lll1 and limp tha t the gir l ~('mlUlJl .. d 10 lI er teet. It wasn't . !lIe snme ')'on)' \\'ho h,,'1 comf' t eurt ull y to them IIut II ~ I "' rt p erlocl be,Core w ith tJl e li t tl e ph.: 111 her ann a ; n or
U\8 same ,:Irl
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the sh rill call8 of the tor(,RI hl r,18. :-ihl' JlM!('med su ddenly to have grow n tnll er. an d liS IIbe Hung horself on DeVOll, tJl(' .,e ry strength ot ber li ttl e hody 81'01 hi m spraw!l.DC agn lns t tb e shl!' or the CIIhln. "Now you kill ed h r. d- n )'ou," s be screamed. " It you kick 'jOr - rll- l 'lI- " She drop ped ut the side of her mother, ber Ihrea t broken 10 two b;y the awful pnll or 0 0 th e worn. a D'8 (aee. "Ob. God. mummy dorllu'. mummy darlln·... she ended In a bit.
(rm" Ih~ ~.·
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1" 'lr ul "Y "~! 11111 II." 101 PS('UpI', H,':.:llIlI lcI 1i""\1I1 ""~ hl' )('klrl~ th p ""011 · 1>11", · t hl'IIl1ch whlr h she mllst f1y llf ,it,. \\'I' r.· to 1.1' ~" ",.,I lit /III. She kn. ·\\' " 'r" ", .. II If - I... '·.'ulll hide fo r II IIt lt,· "' hll~ Ih" two 111 "11 \\'olllci d r lnl< 1111111 tl,,·.\' ~ " · Pi. ' r lo" 11 _I,l' ('oulf! COllll' IIn"k tll1 d /I .. lp I"'r ,"othor. Plainly she hUfI h"" ... 1 th,,' WI'lIIall weeping hl'10 1\' h' the c/lhln. on,) ('\' ('11 JUore plnln· I, tn IIpr ~ ulTl'rllllr pur. rnrne De\,on'" blows. nnd nft er thn l-s ll l'nc{'. l1 ~r henrI Ilt urn l'f'I I li ke 0 hR mmm' 1I/:I1 II1.r I.er .11I1·. BPllind IIP r lAY tI.e "" In lng hlkl'. A n d one .husty glon es 0 ' r h,·r Bho lll,lpr Oll ly nrl .1P<1 to h"r r~n r. Tll prt' \1'00 lIul 0 811.'11 or n boot nny\l'heri'. , h "'liS (rollli c enough to scrpnrn If It woull l hnve dODe her any ~hl'
:l l\IIl U IInthlnl: .'
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'I'll ,; \\ 01" t /. \' t 'a r ~ a.L:. H ;, . I ' g r " I " IH·' II r. t l ' lIl ~ : . ,\, -I" t\ ' dl ,I' IIlH ' I" !-l. "r ;, .•... ;q,' r 11'1 \'1\ \ ' HI l Ilt , I(W lll Illarkl'b •
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Waynesville, Ohio
11I\\-?" .r.,lIp<l II I'"'' n. " I ,1I(\n't ! Ril l T ,10 k n\1w. my 11111\· T""r · ~lrl. Ihnl ~'''u ' lI "al' 11 "erl' II1P,·I. '.\('" \\ 1"'11 I l!"'1 Ih r .. lI .h "'lth
sq uirrel s (\n ~1 nn ~ wN'lng
" In, ..
who hurl
11'1'1 11 ~I "' l ll".t Ill., · I I I ' I1I1UI~ L: " :11 11 II!.! t.:11 1\4's . ~ IlIrp. s l1"1 H1 ); 1 :m" 41\ 1'1'1111111:1111: . Iii!=: rf"d Il l':'; s !'lor\·u d ·
swung In the treetops nlOkhl); pln~' t ell()Wll
,., 11
1', ,,
Wh en l 'onnl"l'l rollNI over nntl "'-II III'. Iter
li lt
my 111 11,' f'tlp')" hi ' :'lI ltI , t(\, ' ln~ . "P;lIlI h sai d I h"tI to IlI n r r v \ ' f) 11 ," fll','H l h" d rll ,' g Irl. t J nl~hlnl! h'H'k n !'I r,-t~· ,'url frll 'lI th' r h r ow , " Hu t I 11.. 11 '1 ' COin' 1(1 ~ I n)' with 1.101h"r .·n rhl' l'Ilrly ~ I n ry . 'l'11l· ..... lilt! t 1111 11\\\ furdlll: II g-l rl to mnrr y n 111 :111 ... 1,,· " " n 't IIktt. And J hate you,
T ony, bahy. I- I ." III ·t-"
l ' l'lI ji
'1'\\' 0
IiU II d r,,' c)
)1 1;\ 1,
:\nrl " li lt I I h t'lu .o\, . l1 {
JII"I 1111'" II pr t('t·t IO ll Clll'O (li e P"I!· It lc" 011 (h,· holtom of Il,e luk!!. Wit h on(> \\'lId I.. IIp ~1 1 e \\'IIS on the sllur" H ilt! u\' 111(' I'"uk. t1rl nh snollen lll); III III'r to !'top. Silt"'
IIt'n r d
t h e t wo mpn
Cl"u shhl 1!
h.. r, Th"1 III' r short. s\\'lft 1"lIps
n\llil i ~ I !IIl('t~
IUHI som et hing
The Picture of a Ba by. T onnlbe\'s henr t Jun l l~ d !l lmnst Into her throa t , th en St· ' wed to c""s" ueu t· Ing. T here SLO od IIPr ("tllt!r I.rro\\' IIII ):, en roged Il.nd dru n k. li nt! Rli Ir s ht' \\,('1',' delld nn d li D lon ger I1 hl .. I, h"' ll hN chUd. ber mot her h, y nlll\,,,' ,, 11 1,111 t duchlng dls tull ce. tr Ur luh ('Ilrrl"d out blS pl nlls. th en th(' II oni,l !"..-Il ol\' tbere wou ld SOOIl ('\ nllll II .. r Ill ~
th e m for
lon ~ If slU'
tbnt s he ste pIJl'd \)I\('k " ' 1111.' II ~W · come r ClIme upon tJll' .Ieck. "\Vb a t'a til e ma tte r. Ity T ' I,,· lI, k.. t1 qui te cos ua lly. "lIe's II Oled mummy." 1'11\",1 (unh t il e girl. " And It bot h )'hU f,·II,·r; ,lolI't I wllnt In get" pln chctl. y/)u 'd l,eU,' r I\('1)()t o!!'eD tJ.l s bon t." Uriob Inut:h e<!. Rnd Reg!;I!", Itl gll· pllcheol cn c~It' rollowed. " n el'n gl " lng your W OIO IIII U 1I f1l p ,lIsclr ll nl!. "h, pn l?" hp dP ll lIll Hll·IJ . tlll'llin g on 0 " 0 11 . " W.' II . L1 '''t all need It now and Ihe n. lllll ~ Ii,"~ 11t ~ lI\'eUM t brea tll ing nrlJse I "" , .•. Ral\' . Old you hit ·cr. De\'?" ,
I 'll' golD' to beu t Tuny. too. 1'1.., IIll · pullent brat SO)'8 hI' WOII l<III '1 1I1llrr)' JOU If. ;you was th e last mn n 1I \, ln', "'R l r h J.h.e hOlt l\lere. He!!(·. \\,ltll .. .
IsuoU·tpPl'<1 w tl nrt
YOIl to kllu t\· t hu t SOIlI t· Ol1 t-' R' m ost lil Y \\·u rllrohp of dt.tJlelI. ODd I the re Is n' t flI llch left tor " nor PltU I. I' ll III 1:04 \" Ir y mu ch d is· tre<se.l ! I ~ 1I 1'1'03e It H " ~l lI n l d d id til l,,· 1111'111. hp 1Ii,, " ~ ht Illl'Y were ot no
. ,. ..
w ith C il~sle III
"I\'''r,· tllp),?" ' lul'r ll',1
I ~Hll iI ' l!
In th ' t" r(Ost.
!'Ot' ll
w (l ulu
flno r
th ,,'
Inl,l t".
1[1 11 :":1' \ ',
CHA PTER IV. The Pen dleh a ven &, In 1111 of TO.IIJ1ld Il N COlll1ly no fo mlly
II lnrc
1I II lfi PI, ~lIdlphll\'(II f Hf
""",,1 " I (O r , h t' Y wt-' rt' " r nnt, :-:' ufnh,"
,'",>I \, ..r
l' eI HII .. lul\·t' l l. 1J..~ llIr l n g "I .. \ 0 ''':.; l ' n U~)IJ'S u p pt·a l. " , li t"y 11 11111', '"01 ", ,, " him , ." lu1 t ht'Y W'''fl' VQ I,
I 'Oi'lo r
1);111 1. , I" 1'11\1 1 111 tim 1 ti lt'," tw ld
' I,h," I , 1.r11.·d II I): hly. 111.\
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I lIh·l"r .. ,..· h pt\ \ Pt ' n ~'()lI
IH~ n II llfr
1'1 lJ dre-n. Snrnh . Iltll 1 do wIsh )."" ,,, II k Ihe bill' If h £, rli ll tll he Pnul 's rl., tI" ~. If h ("~ s" ld Ih em. I'll pay 11','
\\ l tll r p \ l'r
1116l& Olll o u nt
1!iI, "
il.: I' b ll rl Y. K el' lJ : ' U ll ~ I ~ y,m r MONEY TU I.O AN (I N FARM t! j .ll UII HII"' ? I . It IIt'1 'II" .npnl ? at, 6 9(; In t.P r e., f or ·u t o 10 Yuu Wb ut II 1.1 .. lu n ~ b u. int'''\!' Yuu y elirs , 1'II rre il & Tl1rt·pll . Ite,, 1 &a. c .. u g .. ~ i UI" ~ u ,10 " hu . l n",,' ~" l l l n tl tlU e tin d l,nn ns, WtIrQlngt" u . Oh IO · I III ,. r .. Ih ll ll 1;1; W ~ ~ k"'H " 'r,,.I .IO ' " Pb on e :101 1111 9 U u , rl10L t u l .. r ul "'~ It y ol n .,.~ . HU ft> or ONEY Loft n t'ld on Ii vl' ~ ~OO". ' t ll . n.• " r O.. n ~.'L ,· , e ;l· yO · " " ' '' I( IV ' ohl\l,t.B I.. , " I ~o"ponud nltl r t gA Il It •. l boD" w . t h pe .·,., ,, '" -0" I,.. W. N :,le .. uo n&rh t J .. llt1 Hn rbi n ... Allf' n /bll"k "1111 w.t h h ,t .... 1\ , .. 1( '. ,.I IJ " 6~ BDlllltnK . X nit' O ill " Il ~ 2 1 :;, ~ "r H In n" " I' It ~ • • 211.0"1'.l11l0 1I .... r ~ 11 1
n nr
CIGARETTE No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Stri ke. Because Lucky Strike is the toasted cigarette.-
1) 1, .. 1\ 11 0 1,.. .
. ="-'==.:===:::....====== 1" lln wh o rtt ~IAL E
----- -------- .. - - NEWS GLEANED
ITn hI" r.t'I nUnuNl .)
Use oll r Cla llSifi ed Ad!! f o r r esull s
~I rs.
C lirt-l S. !ull l v er y
\o\' r l"~
t " l'
111 t ' lr ll llt ,
~ t' t '~ r l l'. lr y . .1. It \\"I k,, ·. " 11 , II I" " IIJI'''' . :. Win " " ... ~1 1 "1t ,."" . . !~3 \' f
(' l S "rjl-I.E~."F.:-' W .". lt cl , ,, . .. 1 ',·" " r . r~ I, .r 111 1" oo<ti n g 01111 r - It ."" .23/ ,. d pH ln " 'Il l" .. , .. n:n d'~i.' n .
SALE.8 MEN W .. nt,od- ' IO tn 1211 d .. y . m n ll" Y .. very n llcbt. Ad .
"rr,•• K , ln o .. r f' Miami
(j l. .. t
-- - - - -----
Aorllll. eUher nn Ih" tblrd . nr blllv" . . I r qulr e of e. B. . ,111101". W"yne svllllO Oh io. f1 6
Commou 1'1,,&11 Court
Ad d , ,,~ . '1'1. .. Le nn n); 0, 1& P .. in' I ·n .. ' :I.. " .. I" f>(I. O Lt n. • f~ ,-..
W ANr E O-
W o r k by t b ,. ,Ill Y or wI\ell " ,,,. ~ . R . .. w~I·"r and fllS t)on , Wayn .... vlli fl. Ohi o
New Sill.. ""hllt c le.,np(l 0 1' m " "" " v8 1 pit, Mllx I{o hlb ogsn V8 I:hrle .v Rn d RUl lKIN<:I and Llve rv. Cri ll. I b it ' ·p re'llllred to furnl ~ h acod ~ tt ,d., "'v r e n g; for 10 0 lU'Y; dllm . ons w er e d prnmp'ly "nd IOII'taf ll o. Il rh v" l lI nd al MII b ll~1 lb · lid"'" I.EI ' a gt'~ i D tb e '(m m o f ' 170, \\'Itb lote r. &I on Il ll.·"nteed Prlo811 r",,"o nable m e kn ow " " 01 ,","0'" On. ;" ( ·h .... E Edwards, I..:vtl". Oblo. f2 3 " a8, II. n. -i. W a '·Dtlsvlll e. 0 129 9 '.
A . B . Tn ruer n B ---r:-B8nnlnc· ~~~~~~~!c!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!i.!!!!!!!!' ton liud The (;t t.llIOus Nu. ~ ·1 B,mk, ) L.e bao o D, Obt o ; t or lin a ooDnn ' lnll, rao", par\ o f !!lorvey No . 59~ ID Injnnct.\o n aud e qnltable relief. W"yn8 Twp -II
Btll. allowed :- F J I.e wl .. , exWm ,I. All e n, ~lIrnr, of tbe ee •• preHa, e.o , 18. 66 : 5'rank R . ~pe ll oer of J nd llb Aw .. b da Dnmboobor, 118111sUDIr t!urveyor, I S.26 ; [.lI uaDon "eo'd . v ~ Po rry D . IJ(lllrdoff. et al Pa'rlo t . pub n otloe for Treuore r , JII S Cle llV t' r vs 'rlluk C. Oleaver, Il.IiO; f... O. Srnltb Broil. typewriter t " I. Plutn t ilf I ~ II rallt.ltd l eave r e pair and 8u ppll"" ' ('o r r.le rk nf fi l" al! tt Ul ol n"" d p~t1t l u n ; if b e f .. \l8 Vour h . 118 20 ; W . J . Wrlaht, p o" , t o ti o th ' lI 0_"" will b" dis missed " lie f o r Common PllIRR I 'nurt , '''; wi t h oo t. r ecll rd (n w'ltut e for Feeble Minden. lIDII . EI·byl Browne VII Allbl elgb B . port nf Warreo ( ~o . In mal ell for 27 ~rO WDe Di voroe ttrlint eJ aDd weAIut . e nding Angus t 30, 11120, IIlalD tltl I. r ee t Ol'ed 50 her m a tdeD 11149 ... 5 ; (1olumbnl Blank Boo k (;0. DBm l! of I!: ~byl NelsoD . . reoord for prob.tA flour. , .57.50; C 8 MOUD&8, poa.IIge 'or Ao.Utp ,'8 Probe.. Coart Prac....... oaloe, 110; J. G. HaIDe". labor OD In tbe mat&er 'lie llI'ate of Itreete, .... JeuDle ·M. · Pbllllp • • (leoe ... el1 1\8. I - -- ... - ••- - ()'l r t of ... Ie s .. pprovecl. I
In ~ h .. mlltter of tbe est ate of I L nlo Dralt". deoe'llled. Rufus I Dr Rk e IA lippoln ted .. dwlul.trato r; ho nd $500.
Mis" Mary (;o llMt WIU I.he h l1D8e Iu 'he matte r of 'he e 9''''0 o f 8 ·,muel B. Blsb oll deOMled . Prl. IInellt· of Mill Sob ", .. b, flf X Anllt. d uro lo ~ t.hf'l we ek .en,l. Vlltf'l 8 .. le of p tl r 8 0n ~ 1 property fll ll sld,.. II il(" ,k It SCl!lIwII lII(c. \\' 10 11'1 ) Mias "-nnll Buyers, nt ()xtOl'd OCI I. '111' hus tll y pull l" ll out. It wa s SI II II II o r de r ed leg£l, " pen t 'htl week. ll nd lit her lind 1!l Ildi w or n. Th t·re WII SII 't IU ~" b ome b e re IlI HtH ' ,)' In II I 111 f il et n uth l ng t H l l II pi ,'· Mr. and Mrs. Toul8 W , Coaklln Manl••• LIr.euee tUl't'. \\ rll l' I,,·t\ IIIl III IHI\tt'r. Wil ey MoHenry, fumer, liod bave Dloved to 'belr Dew bome ID :; 101' lo oket! li t th" plc lul'e c u.' l ou ~ l y . She Looked a t the Picture Curiously. X e nia . A IIl1 ln·· ... fu ee SlII tlt.> " . li p u t hPT. lin d Mil' M.. rv C. Janel!, both of Plea. Rev. MarIe C a ~~e ll , wbo II MD. '11.0 cO fJu et l l~h smile wl.lch Mrs. n u, Plalll he-r 0\\ fl li p s C U TYtld Il h it III UIl S\\'('I t" (U dnotlDg a s orlOR of meBtlngs the th e iu u;,d l l ll J,f (' ilnll en ge In ttl " Ilt tl r Ou rll H 81wlI )'8 u~l' d In t he pre'tm"e 01 Artbur O. Booch,. plllnter. and Friends ohoroh. r Atorned t o b"r nh,,"" \ ' ~' ~!'l . Ih P. e"tln .' ut 'd" c tor lef t her fn ce. a nd Mrs . Flo ra F. Mill e r, both 0 ' ~·rllnk. b o me ID ·t:fIn ter v llle, Ind .. for the her lips drew d"wn li t th e cornel'S. '1'1"." sft e IlIrl'cd It o\'er. f:!unday 8ervloes. M1 11 . BE> rt.h .. Day, it n. .... ' ·hnt·s he (Inne now ?" sll e c ri ed. On I hr- ho ek wn s \\'r l l1 ~ n : of Jamest own. pre.lohDd SondllY " M y ·I,aby. Curull nl' 1·I!IIlII,. ft u \,cn, " He I. n·t ~o j n g to "oll ege ot all." evenlDg. " "eli .<Ix llI o lllll ~. If t hl A1,1 (' Wre 18 (,"('1' su lll Ill e (i llclV r, " li p,· WOll't pass aDl' Real Eata.. TraDfen M rll. E.,,,n Bogan aud 1tttle daogh. l o ~ t 111(' f1n d (~ r wil l 1"Cf'(' lve H rn OlH'S r (o. or hi s pX ll ml nlll lnll ~ If II I' does n't go to Cb lts. Mll lqnllnlt t o Bo""ud ter. of Dtl!lr WaYDo8V IJl o. were g uest" WII I'II I, y relurnl ng It. TO Dr. I'nlll I'ell ' c l (l ~s am! !;et h l ~ hnurs In. Her ' ''"n, prirt ' If Heo. 19, T . 3, It. '5 of Mr. and Mrs. B F. Compton,lllst c.) l t' IIIl\·t·n , P enrH(lIIIl \·"fl I 'l uee, l llm r n . H e pn lJ ~ed 8 mome nt 11 11.1 then went woek. N. Y." on, "A not her l h l ll ~ ' I IlI all1,l) to speak i n LJ IBllrO~l'ek 'fwV.-'l . Mrs Lo'her BalDell hlle been en)l lI lIt,,\, was w lin t l;:rJl e o(.'pr) pd . of, bllt I lO ust. 1t . ' ~IIII\ l d has no Iden tla reptJl !:Ioger $0 Vhas. Marqollrdt JOYing a vlalt from ber m (l ther. Mill.. ,.,'. f"url a nd 0 dO l·tor. If _li p ot ", luI' IIntl thl ll P. I' m very mucb pn rt- nf Seo 111, T. '3. R. /) Cleprore ek Mrll. ("'h&8. Laird. of (;IImuen. OhIo. eOll ld ti nt! thi s P UIl I I' l' ndl" IIn n n. pe r. nfrl1 ld h e In kpfl wlo ut d"""n't belong T~ p -$1 pillJllp ADdenoD. who bh8 ·b eeD III hups In I?XI'l.lIlIgI· tor fl u, plcilire It" 10 Io illl ." O l&vld Fett er to Israe l 8a~ ter. for 80me UOIe, la not eo ·""ell. woulrl ~I\'e her II bott lp of nllotJl clne t nr Mrs. Curti s Ul ll' red U SQul'ol. he r mOlhe r. The W, F. M . S. met at tbe h ,' me "nl >otl ll e~s g r u c lo ll ~. YOIl "cellae him t,bwaite. ~ lots 10 ,btl ChapmaD of Mra RoyCe. r,&torday IifteruooD. RasllIl' chnngln/: her we t clotli eH. of 81('11 II II g." she:! S''Tt,uflcd. Addition t.o WIlYD88vlJle ,W.~ne "I' m u'mld hI) tilles, Snrah " be aD· she Sli pped the \10h.l" s plctu rerl foee The Ladles' AI4< wae enttlr$Alued ::'1") I h ! r Ihoul"'C. :'7;';"~~ !!own tbe laJrtfl s werea gl!nt1y. "ConMnntl y I'm OIl8&- Twp ...:..,1. at ,b. home of ,M,. J B. Lemar, on . ... 11 1·,..··,'11 n ' U 1I1 I,ll" 1..':1 .. ,, 1 f H'n , :::'OJ1 . I..,.,. n l n no.v u" ,1 i hl n"q It w ill . hurt' Mary IIlt'a Surface t o Daniel Ser. Tburaday
CUllt, se.u n 'h l ll g for s lJl .Jl I r{l n u~ . T Oll Y t e Jt SIIIJJl!t h l ll g ht'lWt'l' U I Il l' lin in g II ll tl
1'hn t tllo ught f r lJ.!lIt .. :u-·tt Iw r .
·'Yep," KTOw lNf t I le o th l.'r I1 HII1.
n'n tly
"'li ke Ur ln ll 1 0~6 ur lilul ,,1 1" 11 I,,· ('1I 1111! IlOcle. III "IUI/, III!; IH'I' l i ll j!l"'~ " ,'1" · "
I~---------------------------------. I --~~----~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~
\' u lll "!"
trl 'd r.. r thl' 1),' ul o\':l rd, ~ lt e hlltl 110 ' J ohll IIIIU 1"1111 1 f 'j ' nrth' l l:n (In hull hop" . II l1t 1\11 ,111011 1 ner \\'('r,· 1!\1I II I (')1O:;,' U nl Pt!ld l H' lI ud ~ tll' CI'I'~' a..;: I IIP !! rrl ~nd s wltl, .".I ' lre lcheri nn,, ' . l!1f" r· \,()('ut lcill \\ IlI'n I h t·), ",, ' I', · In " 1111 .. ;.11'. Ing her . I,'· I,,·r. For (Inc IlIst,ln! ~ h ... .Jo hl1 \\:I ~ n Ilul'l ll'l"r, IIII".'P IIIII n \\"hl pUIl,,·d. th"11 Sl'run,:: Inll! ti ll' IIlr. Ower. At till' li l ll " IllIs ~tu rr Oi.pa ~ fh e callght t h,· h,wer IHa nr b of n J;1"'lI t Intwr wn ~ ' III 11I \':l lI d. h i_ IlIlInlllt}' plnl' t r,'(' II lId Il k\! [\ squirrel sC llrrh',1 broughl 1111""1 loy Ih l' flt'lith "t his ll P It. AI !lIos l ot Ih .. tup. ~'Pn"I1l'1I O\,l' r )'UII II I/ ",If.'. wh. , 1011,1 III .. d III 11,,· hlrth hy thl' hIUP sk y, she r raw ll'rl a lit to or t hl' lr " "lll!h tN. 11 ."( thp 1I1.n pp('ur. .ter CZ"I. Iht:' end of II big 11mb onl! ('h iIll( to It. nn ee o f, tll p little J,:lrl \\'lIp n ~ lI l' w tl:-: Growling tn rage, Devon t ume<! on lleneal h he r the "'en pnll,od IUld hll f . n Y"U" iI " 1. P " llt ll t'llIt \'en (tin ct' ber. . Iwutt·'" curses lip ll t her. T IIII Dlbel comp rlse,l :I \\'h"l~ (·It ~· hltll' k. nIl whlrh "Mebbe I bave kUl etl 'e r," ~o l d he. ca re~ Dothlll g fo r cu rses. 'he'll hell rd st no(1 11 h ou~('>. Uirllost n IIHtllSlull 'II "If so. rn malre a good j ob ot It nn d t ll em nil 11I'r life. used U.c w, 10 0, wben th e foncl ly \\','1'" .ll1hll. I·nlli. 111\01 ~ I rl!. Inlm l Oll too." abe telt li ke It. The rose betorll bi Oi. her eyes Curl ls o n,l ht' r twn ,·hlhlre' ll. 1'"I1If'rlft., Sudd,'n I)' tll erl' cnme to hllr .. urs me nnll Tt C): lnulrl. Mrs. Curl Is \\'" , n sec· lallIJI DK of a \luddle In Ih e luke. Sile ond cOII s 11I 10 t hl' PI'II,lIehllH'11 "ruth· ~00 11. fl uli g Ul) he r beu d. peepeu OUI .lIIU suw erij Ollt!· hn.l nuulp Iwr hOIlll' wfth 1h !'111 "I Ihllli. 1'1\ kl s. you. my lit tl e hlnl," a cu noe tnkl og Its le lBurel y WU ) ' to- sln cc he r ('hll ,II'I' n II IHI been Irft fUlller· snl(1 Fl t'I',de, su,hll'nly, nnrrowln g bls Wllrn Ilhu cll. She bent ove r o ml looked Im!.q. Mr R. ('u r'tI ,: hod burlc' ll 11\'0 hUA' eyes. "}'nu're Il l'l.' tty nOllgh for Rn y. down. hUlld.;. SUns Curlls. Iii £' f . lIw r of "OnIl Ll y," sbe cl·led. "there's Mo me I Kn lh£'rlne. nllel E,h ll ulIll nrowlI. th p nne In wn nt t o ki ss. ny .J o"·e. I never rcn 1l1.e1I 11111 11 to,luy jus t how milch 1 0 111' rO"'ln' on th e lu ke. I' m gol n' 10 rnlh e r or n l'J;ln nld. li ked ~'flU . It r I{\S81'11 you. '\'t'II- per. hollc r ILkI'll - I. Aud i\' hen h ~ CO llies, Vor O" e r o' yenr no\\' POII I Ppn,!Ip. 1111". )' l1 u'll ('hllllJ{C your tlllnil nholl t- ( ' 11 t ell '\ill ho w yo u bJlII!;cd Elle, II lId hnv,'n hull 1I0t le( t hi s Ilpnl'III1I!IIfS In a hout Ih lng ." It SIJe's croll kcd ),1111 '11 hoU, g,·t jull ed. th e ~o ll jh e rll win!! or the hOll • MIIIIY 1'oll lllh·1 .lId bllrll W9 rd to the bont 1·..·i·e'R wh en! 1 hnll er '" times 11<' hnd toll l hi s brllther . .l ohn. ~-j-.'8t11.,.....wltelM!l,.-tI'ttt·ht~rt-tt;-~h-c-'lml11·tl!tt-...-i""!4!"",.r-OU't-tr<ttrtdr-bfnjllll<lr·tTHt;TTh I~ t II I' II Willi ('(I wit h I\' 10 n I (In . nhnu t nntl 11,)\,1' Iwc, 1I nl: Into the Inke. lIu\1 the ullin In tbe cUll oe h.' ld · hi s Il euce hI' ~oul d tnr tilt' t'lIl1 ttl Itl' Wlleli Hc):llIu lrt Hr""" saw tlo ~ ,;l rI 's plld il le s U ~I '~nll eli 111 Lhe IIl r uS lie II W O)' , to f" lIo\\' li t ter hi s II lrl ·\\, lrc. Hnll f.. ' 1 (\1 "l'I.•l'lIr untl er II .., wnler. he ut. s tud let! t h~ rores i. 1'11 1. d lel ll 't WI !!r ' perIJllps. wl)lI. ppr l, nl'S llis d el "J 11111/111 te re,1 '", 1l1l th Hllll cr ied Ollt. He hadn't est 'rlJll lI \l..cl us wlI (' h liS di ll Lh e fllc t no\\' be with he r m,.II,,, r. exyt{!(!IL~ . ul'lI nn o· '(lo n on he.r pnrt. Ihl1 t OOVOD ond Heggie BrowlI jUIIl(l(!t! On 1111' fi llY t hnt (' r ln h OC" on reBe ron to t h~ cobin !IT,lp", nnd to tblli r t col lIo ll m eed a wu)' to wa rd tu rnell t rullI hi s w (!~k·. I>ollt . Ollclor Bcreft tn ed ~o Ol!,·on. th e bou le l'U r,l. 'l'u" nlb!!1 frolU hel' l'l!nd loll[l\'l'll wns sell 11'1 1 O PrllJ~ lt e his "She's In the Ink .... ny." be slll \'e recl pel'eh 511 w III!! '" <!Isuppell r l.o wl1rd 1'01151 11 . M rs. Curti s. nt llimll·r. 1III IIen beful'll sll(' slid to til e grounll. ns th e olhe r mlln BPNl IlIt to the d(!ck. IIS ii l ' n b ," he hegnn grnvc!,\', " I w'ISh WI II'n 'L'(ln nl h('1 felt th e water O\'er Th e mlln 111 t lt e conoe, too, tu~ d e bu t )'oll'd ollsenl to III~' tu ldll/: Ht){fl na lll her , Rhp weill to Ih e IlI ke's hot tolll a s hor t pll use bpfore he d ipped bls In hnnd fllr a t ime. He \\' 11 1 b ~ obsowit h one 10llg Atrnke. Then de Wy s he I'lIu.lI !! ou d shot IlWUy. On Lhe dec k hit 1'1 )' rlll ll~1 1 If SOLOlttJl lfl l: 1~ II't done rid h(" 'self ut I,er dt'CHS sk ir t ant! be· of the bout T Oll ll lltel picked up Gus· wltb !tIm." glln 10 swim s wif tl y unLier the WilI er. sle· Plglet m.d. rlr lppln!; wel. WCll t T hey were tjOn I' min utes tJ1Ut the 8 w lftl~· do wn the ('a blu SI!!PS. T he re \ "Go On and F inish Me." two men s tood wultln g, until ~lId de n l y she (ollild he r mother on tue bunk, her beyontl them to th t' sou th Q curly henll roce til -color d by her h usbnll '\'s bluing Into bill, her li tt le ft stp ClIme ouove th e WIl te r's edge. Tilen blows. he loo ked 8 S If she were deud, eJftlched together. tltl'y· lenpt to t he s hore oud rileI'd to· olld for II momen t t he for lorn chil d or " Folks that mu rde r at.lx>r . people, wo rd th e 1)l u('Q ahe must IODd . T o the wilde rness utte red htlu r tbroken Pappy Devon." . sbe shut bnck, "get the pu nti ng g irl It woe a rll ce for life. li ttle cries for help. Itrapped In a chnlr, a nd t hey gel T he cubl n was clulter ed In th p, Su dllenly. Ilk e a fla s hing gli mpse IIgh tnlDg run throuah ·em . 0 0 on lin d tr om Dellven. the wore Is, "Stond SUIi 8tru ggle Urlub Devon had hud with IID!sh up I Go on a nd fin is h me' I'd ADd See th e Suh 'o ll on ot U,e Lord," bls wife. In despulr Tony looked ruther bave you kill me U.BII Illnke me Ron ted hefore Iwr "res li ke n flame of a roll nci. ,),he old clo thes ol nd lly ho,i m&n7 that old Regg!e." Koltl. Phili p Mn cCll uley's ' d eep volre f-IJ=~UL..li '" m"' __"'.='-"""'," .. As It bls nnme bad brought 111m OUt ReCmed to sl,pnk t h ~ m In he r r ingIng cob in lI ovr. T onnl IJel IlcIIped the m of U.e forest; Regl nald Rrown WBlk."j !'/l rs I tnnl ~ ' II I1 " 'ly nfte r. "Gojld;y," she to):l'l hl· r. then hegan to eXl1 mlne the m. down tlle B oghoJe patJl. 'I'I Il'Y needed nothin g hil l \1ress l ll ~ . groll ll ed, "Snll'lli io n o f th e Lord. oh. ,Iu r ltn ' !,;"I ,·."ton." 'I'hls ~ h l! ' d do 10 sa\'e hllr mother the CHAPTER III . wo rk : IIlId rll!rll O I'~ Ih,· rue l .hnl he
~- .,= -
:I IloIlI:lt ""'\l lId Tl I:III,1 llt' !' $ " II ,:.: I,.. ,. .. , •., I" l h •. ",10",' .11:1\1 . II" \\ :. , ""h lt .,,,', , l il l ,'I:':' h "r ' \tlll:1 ~11I 1 1 ...
T(\IIY. lto l H' Y.
Buy and build now while buildin g In ate ri~.d is chea p,
dl --ItI,'IIt ·: lr,·d
~h'rI'P"d ,
"I f
;you g" on wllh tl ,I.<. \,11 It'1I ','r 1\11 1 kn o w .
~rl ].~·iL~"
toJ,! :t,,":t ), fn' lll t1l1'111 . Il l' 11 1111, II ""'I' InwlIrd
IIU ' "
RCl"f'UUI4 ·d · ,I H'
I +111, -\, 1:' 1, · /1\ II " nil, ... . T" ' II Ii".·1. · " ill ,· " ,' ('d 1I1Id ... un'. n llJ,:, ' 11\\ '" I !. l t ll' · 1" ! I n 111' 1" I". I, II.' r li p III f ll ~ h,.:,'\I,\ HI'HI'" :1011 "u r n I"' r d ow n · . . 1:.' r.... " "I:. , II'P .1. I,l l\". \\: 1,1 '11 tit' Il lId •
UIt · "
Urlnh nl" '"1 tlli,1 h i ... h i m n nrl ull"r"d HI, 11:11"
1\\ 1'
row ~ fi r It,.,ll1 L: 1"HI III .t! , lt r 'lI u:h ,1 1., n .d ,It l..,r I l p~ . ~ h 4' Ill :HI " !I \\ 1'\ f: w ." '·1\olllln ' like thor ( ,'1 r u,..- ph. ' E ,li " T
Lumber is cheaper today. But with the advent of sprin~ and sunshine, buildin g will start -this mea ns an advance 1Il price, Today IS your opportun ity to buy on. a low market-six weeks later } ' OU will be bi dd ing against the other fellow- this always Jnea ns hi gher prices.
(lOT ~wN
"lit: l'RllGK " ND R~ ~ER HII"$fLfr.
rlinll A Yea R. O. Il .
Mule .
D~ y t on , Oblll
Ii: !'rollb . III ...",..
e r~ of t b" M mmon S tockhold of 1'b .. l'ln b.to n tlleel Car
"'OOIt: Vom.
p4n y arf' rf qu ~ 8 tf'd 1.0 oo mmuol0M~8 .. it,h tbe nnd" rlllgn ild. o.' nn ~e l for 'he PII'ate of tbe III'*' ,IOlI"pb ~ Ral et ou , fnr Information ,f tnteJ'etl' . (,Ioren ce :\1 . W ll rnlll, Bunllnl'l*nn Blink Bldg .• (;olumbOI, Oblo til
RIN<:I yonr Automoble COr1a11l1 to nlll lind bllVfl De w "" l\nl ,,1.1 ·(-w ed lu. lobo I..o n~, _t Pblllll'_' O'lr~Jl It . WilfUl'S til e lIhl o. tt
ET rid of l'our IIlllWPiI a Dd 'ooh . HAve tb .. m bl8ah,d ll v dvnamlle ~ nn tl t oo IIlIlrtll or lIon..e i o n bl. <:lIve DIe .. 01111 J . ~ Ohlbrow. R. D. 2, W.. ynenllil', Ohio till
O ·(· o f .,lslId RIlv lu r M.. I" In . q llh'e 01 <:I E. Ri l~.1 "bo , e 4~.6. W .. y nel ville. Ohio, (23
dome.l!:r n wu Pota'olll'. In . FINE quire of Bro 'bl u. R r. t"r"D~ 8
1.1 . 5. Wllyn"vl11e. Obi",
Good Yonng Borllel, w ..lgbll>g "bolit 1800 Ihll tItI(lh . ('.n h" seEl n lit the J . W . Crellawell. 1 mile Wellf of WellmaD, Ohio f28 of &D',d CorD 1000 Boabel_ 600 per bntlhel. prl~,
J. W. tltrl\wn. pboDe 16.2. WaJDltfO. viII£,. Oblo . 116 tJrllWD Mare , 6 yrl, old, welllbt 1 14.00 Ibe.; good workor .D" d r.l. ver. A 3.boree O,lver rldlDg break . Ilig plOW, good all Dew IDqulre of I!'tliDIt: TbompeoD at I.ytle Bllok . IImllh ebop. or" relldeDce on Old S'de ro.d, R D. 1. ~prlDIf Valley,
y " InCUbator. 1l0·etrl else; Buolle h.tcbed ODe b.rob; • barllllD.
Inqnlrll of W. ville, Ohio.
N. Seahl. Way net. .
ROdn Sbor'bol'll Bull, II mon'''a old .· IDqalrtl of .A. R. Ch.r)aon, R. D. 4, WaYDelYlIle, Ohio, fll of YOUD' farm ».. r ... . work ' TEAM any pllce. AIBO L·lr .,.b Jeney, goo" milk IDd b l&ter C!0\9 , Inquire of J • . R. AileD. IX' lIou'h.•••• of e'lDtetvllJe ~ .OD No" road. nl N e w Borne Sewlug ...obID'e 1 Ha&l.r.otlon gun raa'eed: Call on
Ed i:3tlludlfor4, Third e tree., W.y. nes vllle; Oblo. ,.. f8 .
LIPPING MaohiD", ID' lIonel oon. dllloD, VI ou'~n, 1~ oombt, Will lIell oheep . ' See 8am"Casad •• Tom 6a'III'. R. 0 1, W.'Dee,lUe. f . .Dd ,&yUlb A itoOd wet.ha 1'5110 11M.
Dr." M.re.
U I Jtnllrb.
R. D: I, P-liOD, OhIo. II Tb....pleoe Beclroolll hi .., 0. III, ~hl &: O... .,.,... 0bI0
, •
GAZETTE ...• .
l1~rvey.bufi Boy Makes Oood
J D. L. CP AN E. Editor &ad Pllbliaher. W.Ylluville. Ohio S.btcrlDtiaD
rn.. '1.6Q ,.,. , .
e ,
'921 FEBRVARY 1921 ,., U. \1M
Remember 'b. Boolal., 1..".le hall 8&1'1Ir~.y ~.eQfo, ...brur;; 11 01 B. AI/pleglte .peD' tlatOrda, e.8.III, ,od SOlld.y In LebaDOO Mre Uh.rle. C!ark Will a Gllm (...., .I,Uor, Tbored.,. Mre. Mary BaDt.. apen' "",,"I daf.i lut week wllb frillub ID Milldle'owe . Mre, "r.Dk timUh r"orlll4 frOID o.,tell, TeeedaJ, atter. "eek·. YI.. 11 "Ub he, ollildren ,b.re. Th, Aiel had .a ,dl.da, .. wt~. WedlMl4a., ••• ,h. home .f lb•• J . .I. LoDiacre. . Mr •• WIIUlm Col.m.a r.tuned, lIoaday • • f,u .everal cia,.' .,lIit "$II hllr trlelld., Mr., &11. Kloel ~ fIImtJ,. In 0100100.'1. IINd.mel Mar- O.rmooy, ct .... " .i'1oll'rla~ "e" TbomPIOD .Dd Zar. o.,ao.lhoppe". fi.Iday . III'"
Our Calendar ~
' /
fIaI f"
BeT. i'r.ok lIoUllJ , of W •• blnll. 'OD. 0 U" w •• 'he 1I1I"lt or bl. aun&, IIr • . lI",rleU. Carptluter. OD IrlctaY.'·OOOD. Be II pulor ut tb" ~ltI' II. IC oliQrob of 'bal oity, .nt! ""I an aul,'ant. R.v MoOoy I. • m',mbe. fOf tbe " ·.olar army- I.. ob_plaln, aiM» ., o"ptolo, aDd duritl l -'~II war W1.8 00 ·'h.e ftghUDg lIoe.. B. b", "ruwn, meot.llv .Dd 'oolal1y, &0 be a It"at mao. In hll youDler d.7 8, be U.ed hllre with blft pareots aDd al~lIded sohool. geUlnl!: bl. ed. uca&iou .tarted. hllre, alld kept add. log IrD (,wled~ 1I to knowledse onlll he I, .ble to ma8\er the .IIodloD . We 1111 .re proad of .elf. madl m en aDd ttioQl.n," abow8 wh ••• e.1I onD 410 If we .tan rtgbt He wae '''Dllbt In ID ' aoay thll dlffArenoll betweell rl,bS and "'ronII', aDd It became 80 IlIltllled 10 him wh.' Will rhrh& tbat he call ka,.. 110 lInpleaelD' reoolleo. tlODI ot Ilil JourDII,..
Agliln It IB ge tting q Dite OODlmoo to 8ee Jl Dioe h orse lind bUllgy . How good tbey do look. The ladles 10 tblH vl olnlty lue of the \)U8Y tY PH. makll1g oomforl H. orocbetlng rugB . doing faooy work. aDd II tbOUSIIDd othe r tbto gs by cor. teot. ooun tloa Chne . GllloDgb . of DaytoD. trltns . &cted hDSIJaeM8 here. 0 0 MODd"y . FraDk Perrlll, of Wasblogton, U B.. wae oailing on lIoqunlotlooeR hllre. this week . \:l"rry Browo retut'ned home. ~UQ d .. y IIIght, "'ter three weukK in th o hOHpitlll ut Xenln W LtiJe he loob pIDrhe<l. Lte will oa t olr1 Kll t U M SOOD U8 I(r""0 8 olin be gllth e re,l. 818 IDany frlllo,1H 111l ~ t hu t lin I ~ eDtlr81y we ll U. E, Lovioy wue na ilI ng uo Mr . and Mrs Irll HtlrlHook, uf [jayton. 00 l;nDd"y . Mra Marl oo Go rdon ·wl.h lJs t C' 'huok ber mnD,\' frl oDd ~ for th olr appreo IIt ti ve f e m a ID I.urllOQ. tlu• ,) 1 ol\rd"~ ft ll wen, etc" gl veo b.er . Tho..\' will IlIlIt for.o ver ID ber lliloma ry ns sbe plle8e8 .. loDg IIfe'8 IJll'I-h way.
W.,es MUllt Come Down Wh.lP W\l1 tho f"r"' en or oW. 1101 of munlo1p11htles bave t o pay Ie} 14 1& 16 11 18 19 m.ob:.nlo,., lIloob 'hi. S6a110n /18 'b.y did I"", It 'G. $heae meoban !O t I !2 !J fa foIL 101 .hould p.y 1~20 prlo.a Now, !7!8' . • . bon. If yun w.. al work tbBt you m.y ·buy bread .nd baUer, oome dawn ID plloe, .,$ 011 .n eqnallty February 2-Cand.lmu Day wlih your Delghbor .ad by 80 dolog February 6-Quinquall'ealm. SUD ,on .re 1II11.&lIIA ID pllttlnll' our Na February 8- Sbrove Tueeday. *'011 oa •• ound alld Rlllid fOllndatlon February 9-A~h Wednllllday You will be mlldll, ju •• II. mDoh or Febr~8ry 127 Lincoln·. Birthday morll 'hall '00 did 'hll otbllr WAy. If'ebruary 13-Farsl Sunday In Lent .r.1D8I B ..loe~ re'arold • • ucl." WbU II evidell' '0 ..11 I, pl ..lo to "e Febru .. ry I.- St. Valentine'. Day .her • Ibree-weekl ...,. wl,b h .. '180 , 'l'he omploymen, ,.00 mus' February 2O-Secood Sund.y In Lent brotber .lId f"mll., a' SelmoD'. We have "OUl e b081118116 nppo rton h •••• DtI " mil.' oom. from \b. 1&1,," \bli' will make good lu.eat.. February 22-Wuhin&"ton's8Irthd., The eohonl bou •• oa1lllh' are I. PIOpl" who b."11 'he price .e& on ~I I d February 27-Thlrd Sunda,. In Lent ..... i"o. Thu'.d .... tro...· .... -"'ID .h I .. 8 I" • b s W ilDt.. o ot ttl 109 ver y mue I rell } , , _ . . . "fI e r prouuce. 0 e. ~ Ife u 1 ouh, bu t " 'I prOVt3 jJrofltll\)le 811 . .,. Ba' b,. Quloll werk by ,.h. aDd ...1", I. IdjQ8S1nr manen ai .uy of sh p '7% non &IIxable sec uriti os ... .- .,.,._ _ _ _ _ _• teaeb.fI, IoIr. itu., and II .... Plo', tb • .,er,. Mrlle~' opporSunlt, . For 'ur'her 10'ur01I1&loD. Illuk .. In aDd .h. older IOholare, " " .. 10011 qalry o f ou , b0810e~8 "Ilenoy t, ~l.'.ll'ed. ~atb of \'oun, Woman Misl PaulluA If .. rJao reollived the ii Ol.nll Brook. ot '.dl.Dlpol .., ".. Tb. '"Id I"'ellhr.noll reaobed 01. Il\verwl&re ,-rom t.he "edlclno Cu .• on .....k .•ndl,U.. t of hll f.shlr, Dr. rrld"J morDllIl, of lh, de.'b of Mra. '"aturdflY DIgb" Il!I tbe mOB' llopulur L. O. Brook . 'o..~ ~.rI, III C.llfornla, ",here young lad,. Tbl8 preseDS will b. O. R. 81DU' .pell' Sa,urd.V ta ~he hlr hatbilld taad filne. hnp. Yery u8e'nl , lind. i rflponA BrA troe, DaJ &0 0 , I,PI cUm." woulrl bUild her up "II ool" gr""t "",bile bll'orll t lley Mr . • od "n, II,Uo. 8b~Jaall, of ,lid ttr'P.' Ii oare. Soare WIU a.-Ill bll u~ed. Ceo..r.m., ,1.I'ed "UIl B. ... of SlIfrer.Ollvllle, Ohio, and Oar rural r(l o~e man bu his troub Ol.rk .. lid w\fe, Mbllday 'sl'UDOOD, I~ Bow.rd'" youoa d.y" b - lived le8 In making hl8 rool\d ~ . but up 10 Mr Clark b ..1 beea .Iok •• nral he,~ w'~h bl. paren''', boL leverlll ihle time be bR8 AlwI\Y I returned ---.... and .. DO' Im'pro,III, 1II110h, .11 0 'be IilHn family mo.ed Mr. Bud Mrs allr old Barrid, no a.. , W . IIll1er ca •• frnm Bed 'way frOID al. we fllmAmbet OOlOpanlt."d by Mr~ . Idlll 80""6, w..re LIoIi vl. Lebanoll, ~Ull t&,.HllrllOOO ~bem, a.d 'bl bur •• tel' .:vm~thy eb npplDI/: In Lt,b"non, 00 Thursday OD .oooalll of ~d ro.(b. from 'hi. . . IolollJ for ,hi. Jouog of lut " "ek BI h IDIIII .ad hu.band If 0 00' him 10 Th ·... ore • op, of .... ul. • abll bll .... berea.,em.os ileTllr.1 from hore .~UeDded Chll8 marneG frOID Uolnmb. . ~QI. J:dward.' .. abllo lillIe. Dein Ly \ lo. 00 pi..l, Tbarad.... .IId , " pUID" Blue. -w Fluco rebrun, S, and rep~tr' n erythlnj/ aloll' ,..r, 010,1,. . ... ..UIDI!' well. WtlllalD B.I . . . . . 4 oIaUdr.. o. Tb. bhle I.w or free Wand.y law Tbe .eD. Badley hal eale. Dear Belmout, 'peo, 8u ..... , •• ab hom • •hlli" beiDI ....., ... by Mille ,.,. 014.. , .... w.ll pI.trenlled •• nd Mr. aDa lb. W.lter K •• rl... . \lOD or plrNlII act.orl. '",ry,hl •• OODlideTecl hll W18 well lincoln's Blrlhdav-Le,al Holiday IIr•• lire, H.ft', tletcler aM .IJ. It la &0 1II1lClpltl 'Ila' ao .ooh Saturday, February 'lib 01 o.rlD01IDI, were thuu!a.1 .aw "ijI ....r .. ..-el. .. •• are l'h. "lCUolne Ihow l1ollb. lhllir ·of 'bl ,., ...... parea.·.. tho Dear eoOllJh 10 lla. piaoe .bu. '"~ .aaal.m.ut at 'h. O~ra bou,e here 81meoa Bnwa. be SOld wlta,to .... lao" muab OIJ I:III'Drd.y Dlah' • ..t&e. a vllry lit. ·M.caT9nl OIlI0r4 WI ..lto., 01 .b. "Iibu DDd ",... It iI Jl:aia 10_ wllo tl ,.fic"J week. Tho pa'roD' bave Tb'-" I killd of ~mClJ'OQ8 VWM Wrl,h. hid, .peat 8aad,,~ "lUi dolq '_.'., a1l4 tor plaOl .... ct for ,rled ,.. medloloe f'o r e.ery dllSA wlllcb, wttb LatiD U • bOlD. ralk.. ,: po...... ' . . . that thl human fi e b.lr to. aod • f other IlUllJUacee .N ..tred~ rrlead. be.. f,om lin. malt L S.nl. retuDed .I.kn_ will be QnJiIDown If 'he 1IIID, Latl0 llIa~ODl a.CS ........ llno. Bel :. Cooa . . d •• tlfla_~ ' • Iaoiri. "'rl••J ...DlD, .. fter " . .ral lDedlcln... adhered '0. Bo. pI.... UIIDI. The term WII aeledld week, frulD 'l'Ij ....... IIbteo. ltb her L ...bt.r• • re. 101 It mUI' h. "0 IIOYOII. who I. do. ImpU.. • mtstoN or I.opa... tIIIao DOW ... ,1. . .t " .' DIIto, ' '., ·r. 'P.t~oD' of Morro.. . 'n, .0 mueb 1I0oc1 parable with thIu,lxtun. ot ~ baok &0 La. .D..... 01" 1r So: omPeoll1ll4 hi, o.l,bbor . 8erYlol8 a, tbe A. MI. E ohurob on _til foaod In. 41th ot roacal'Olll. · - •• '.. DU. le"yUl, ~IU"I•• I .. · A~1!"-;,. · I .""on la our la.' !oIuod.v. Mme II _.tlIntll Ipplled 10 , . . . . ..., .... ,.. f Wllbe t Tbe11 mlol.ter Wl&8 wbleb are merel1 a mlJ:luIW or Latta lin. Wllbu Ol.rk .M • I.... ~ ,...,., 1b.IIID, haudl rom r oroe co e,a. UId the unadulterated 9ernacolu ., '0 .Dllday I!~ ad,.........14 frlndabipe The M"8~le Towneblp Sunday Ute writer. Tbta t7PI '" ,... ~Ja O'.:b.....J DI,lat, r'brua~J 10, &boolooDvoDtlon,ootiv eDOO '" She &ella HeD DOwn ID ltal,. 0' M". the Bir,..,. ...,. K. .f P. No M E. oburcb. 00 8uod~ ----.~. ,~. ' 11'1 wUlwQZIl1D ahe a..k 01 J:equlre. Our hOIl 111lD"b&ererl 1"8 the bUIIbatell "ill ,.,.,. aIM be PrN.D' Yon lre weI. Ie,' meo ID $bl. vlolnl&y. exoept Dr Ctowdlng ....ther TIMI. ......... ". DeJr' oome: . RnDdall • Dd a few etberll It WIR IU, 1.-1'111 ~ '.r ....... l .....~tit .....Ift. ,- ....,~- .... lIIUl . The relatlv •• ot Ira Bar1800k r6Mre Mand Aodorllon aDd Mre. who, ..on"",·hat wearled .sill tilt porl tll.~ be I, ImproyluK ae well 11111 ~"'rv MoKe". of Xenia. were villtlelia debut.:. luld: ..It JOII leap .... oould '1)e expeoSed . on uf Mr. "nd MIS. J~mos E1II,. on Oeet\GII to rltt three,ear. . . . . . Mrs. M", ry iCdward". aD alCf!d lady 1..8t ...... . II tOlllormw of oor villllRf', and tbe moSber lit Mr. IOnd Mre E EI Dllklo Bnter. Geo. M Ed w.rde, Mre Frank H ,r ~or\.lned for tlundtly diDner, Mr vey ...od M r" QUIDOY Carroll. HI very Bnd \he W. U Welob and Ihree .. ~rloolly 111 Il\ 'hi" wrltlog. oblldren . Helen, Corlnoe aDd Irvlnl . Onr bUll. bind praotl,,,d. last .Dd W, W . Weloh and wife . . "rlday nl~h&. alldllr lhe dlreotloD of EIlg8 Pro lIettlDg rnore pleotiful Prof. G. aI. 1M".rlie. Thpar pro. • Ild the prloo Is g OIDg down, tiod crN~ ' I_ .Iow. but 'PPilreDtly 80re ~be eRRS .IBO. frolll tbe Dul~. 'hey lII.ke ·Mr. and Mrs Joh n 8lmp~on, of Our merob.Dk Ire doln., bOlllDe8P Wtiyoeavllle. att Aodod ehuroh here d Jhe .ame old "'.Dd. tr tbe road. 00 SUDday "re bad. . J.mn W. Rl)b~r'~oD. \lOll of our -' Olll'lI8DI, who hlil been IIInKllgad 10 work .l eiDOIDn"'l. II qu\t.e ,11011 al lh.. bome of hi. I\leter. M,.. Lol')Y .t!oiltrh. 01 WllmlDIJ\oo BII .WKOy frleJHI. wllb for him • IpeeOy rHo
6 7 8 9 '10 II It
t f
."dI 'b.
"n. •....
Whon 8 ,)1 malre. hi. appe.raDO". Ill. ihe IbleniloD of .neral of our olliMn. $0 buutlfy their bomel wl'b palM. n I. so be bo~ tha$ maDY will f.1I 10$0 Jilll , You mu.' oatoh &he dl.e.lO. If ,.ou .re loter lilted 1D JOQrlelf . . c1 $O"D, The Zloo Sapil ... olluroh will bav. .er.IOOi 011 Sunel.y. F.bru"y l a, by tbelr p",or . Qull. a f IW lu thil vlol Dlty are geulo • .cuok-In mtld 1Iolee . • Mr Fraok Barve~,. of Lebanon , Mr~. Ch"lly 8"n.Y' aDll Mill Bnr. lao wer8 £Iund"y gU611ts of Mr nod Mrs, tillrry Sbldllker, on tbe Ridge
'."11 .....
o.. .,.r •.
Th. beal~b In ,hi. vlolalty II DOl .larmlDI .t 'bl. lime.
(leorllll MIIII••• hllChly rewpeo'ed maD, or lX.nlll, "bo for maDJ yilan 111'114 III our mid •• , p.lled .way a' hI. "om• •n.1 . . . 1.ld '0 re•• In III.mIOlme\er,. . " ;flIe W O. T U. me' 00 Wedn... ""1" .,' IIrit. IC•• MODeD_Id·., on £,,'.. lIal .. airee' 1& .. reported 'baa lir.....d Mra . W....r JoMlea relarll hom. In 'b. earlJ IprlD" '0 I.pro.,e , ,1I.ir proper.,. rlOlll'ly purola..ed of ~he ' tilertli. 'lIerner .....M. We ".loQllp' tIa,m baoll. . , ~ ... B . A. Bill. rep"",uilDR 'hI! SampleD 'moklr. of Columb ••, ".. call1D' . o. W P ll00arreD, .h. I:IIIIDPf/lD ....n" .wo I.., WHk aDd reporte bUllnllll .. looklllllOocl ",_th.lr I~p,,,.
, ,
Catarrh r.agot be Cared wltla
.1"" ...... ,w-. ..., of tlli ••~ ~ttl/. .. a I~ dUiIuI, ·crea.... ..... tru_*
Il7 eo••UtutI9I1al COll.ttl....
I~ ,.~= rrtIlr...::t:V-="'iatlrll....; "4 NUl' to _
. . .". ....... to - "
.--"~ '
lIF.t... . ~ ca~~:
m;.~ ' ~~' .IIJor ~ n :GI.... _.:~ ~ 01
t db n oe ug.
• •
.. III
I elln tlo you r will 1{U ' rllnteu
_______________ l EU I I '. J. W. M ILL" . " .D ENTIST ..• ""1« III " ." .,., "'0. IIlftO. W ay nen \.Ie, {J _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ... . ... t · j ·I·'
·CNo . . . .~.., , ~•••••• , •• Co
t. EX!~-~~ectIY i
G1ass-es Fitted
h.'" •." .",.,.
\Jplical Department : Xe nia. Ohio : O~:ln evenings by appointment
: s. D~troit St. :
••• 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Walter McClure
ira ,itrall! 0' Oblo 4;18t. Uolver.I '
Waynesville. Ohio
Public Salea Mrs. Am.nda M.ffltt ... . .. . Feb. O. W. OordoD ............ Feb. Disbrow & Wilson .. .. .... Feb. Philip B, Hawke .... ...... Feb. Wm. McConnell . . .. . .. .... Feb.
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
The OppO.lt4I P.r ..... p. -Bard work 11'11/ kill no line." d.. elateS II literary editor. Wo.: peopl.. of co ur~e. !'n" .. r lin occup.tlon with • 'PIce or ' 11I"~l'r about 1t.-LoDdoD Puoch. _ _ __• _ ••_ __
i"ourth Strel!t. ncar Tyler Telephone 93 .
FUlly' Equipped for Good
12 I" 16 22 2:'
I will eifer at Publlo Slile I\t my re8tdll8oe OD Main 8treeS. W"YDes • ilIe. Onlo. OD'
ott W. E. FROST
Everett Early
Beglnolng at 12 o'ol ook, thl follow, Ing Ohattelll aDd Bou.ehold Uoods : Vehlol.,8, Harnele, Coro, Bou~ e bold GOodll. et,r 8~f' lnr~e biPs MR~. AM AN 'A ~IAr-rITr C. 1'. Bawlle. Auo,
VlIccination a ~pecialty. Noth • i 'l~ but Reliable Serum used
Phone 4 ~
-SHlllI'ER OF -
John H. Wright
Hay, Straw and Pcetl. Feed Grindin g a
Auctioneer Farlll :ia les and Li ve
pec ia lt y.
Mond/lY, February 14, 1921, BeglDoing al- 10 R. m .• the foll ow log property : 2 Uoreel!. 2 Cattle, 1m plemoDt.lj. S"rues8, Flied . et.o Hee bi ll ! for fortber pfUlioul.n. II UaIL W GO RDON. MllIH& 8l,,0Iev, AUot8
=== Ly=:;t=:;le=====F=:;e~ed~--M =:;I=.J-=1
- Specialty
1.' ..........
,...s. t
W. l' i8eart,
Salis faction Guaranteed
Be llbrook, Ohio b oth Phon es
I ~~___- - - - - -
Lytl e, Ohio Telephone 76, rin!: .1
() ii. --
I Read Gazelle's
ClasS;fied.A dS_: '!li ".. .
II. E. HA'.' HAW A \ .
, .\ , .vllle'!I l,eI\d lnll Delltll' I n 11 ,j n f'~ Rloll. Main ""
_ __
Flour, Ferd, Coal , Salt , ___ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ , Tile, Posts. Water Foun- _________-.~.~.~ _ ~=_ tains and Self-Feeders. I,...__________~
AI 1 "m !rolng In'o ~h" trnoillog busloels 1 will olfer for Puullo tiale. on 'tho T'bad Zlmwerm"D farm . ay. miles 800thweat ot Wavoeev1lle, ;! miles I'ou'h of Lytle. 00 tbe l'owD . ~ blp road. on
Waynesvllle _
Service. Large Display Room
Sa.urday, February 12, 1921,
(el1lC rl'ille. Ohio
wbeel8. , Mr . MoKa y lin" family , of OOtH ' LAackedl lFablth Inlwomra n Ch au/I"lulrl' Wllmlngt tl n: tlil ve moved t o tb";r I . ' 11" oy W 10 " l e n !!' '' '._ r, liS f"rID h l'r" reoently V!lOIIted bv Ro v In 8 mut orcar Is n I! rf!ft l 1",11 '\'t'r 10 Weaks • prayer. Tho other cI "y tI , ~ l'"r gOI , h L d' 'A ' ·, t stuck. o nd Bobble pru),I'(I: " Oil , Lord II ',es t u !lle ple88e help U8 OUI ; IIll're 18 only u .rb ... Olive Brano, Wit h Mre. BlUry Cline. l bllrsday. woman ebnutl'eur preSCII l."- ('nrpe r'a Mr ,,"d Mrs . Cbe , !:IaUlold. of I ~~~~~~~""'!!_ _ _ _ __ ~ L.ebnnoll. worll ple ... "n t o.lIflrtl hpro I Cr o ThursdAY eveDlng E I Tbe J orlilin Br08. h .. v A jn81. fe. I I ol.lv8e1 "Oli' ",.11 of t il ... whi ch t hey ,I U. od . n~ ...,1-;;..'001 by - U.' S . U II " om m oll' will nile on I,belr fllr m s tbiN ~prl ng _ -• _ . r(cmlng t.o n No . Ij or , ( hllud I. .. .. S 1 L .JU K E 'rllOmp ~O Il wlJl ttl! In Oayton namln"t,D No . IJ. ,I I. ~' n,l o r rlhLJllu . • ;' . 011 D8X' week. wtt·b h •• dquar,ers At H~~:~:oo:: ~l)i.t~'IJ::~(~I(;~l~.~'I~~b~i-~::.(,"' · ~~.~~ tao Phillips 80utle. lo aUenll lhe '\(Jyo l No. I. ". e·co'"r rlbt"'" . . . . . . .. J~.~" Obl o Graoel Chfllnpl on Durue !:lOll 1{~~:~ ~~: L3i1~1(~~ rll~ :IY~"r ~'o''' D :: : ~ J:~ ~ 881M Cirouit Mond .. y-Manlln & I Oli ver No. ~ •. ~~ 00 M Vnlm 'h 2,\: J . 07.6U Neff. O-born .· TOA8dlly ~lJb ll ~. w eo'j Smllb·Prellll.rIO. Llrooty"" " uy ruuulll 9 (, /I 0 " U uarant-.eed III good uled c o nt liliuti .. II l"P~ t l )' ger. ClaylOO; Wodoetid" y-lmJllo ll ror loug sal,or.,·tlo" ~".rll"80D. ..... ppeOIi OOn Uttv.· Thur. duv - t~"'" or pu rch ..... price ror""oIo<l. \\'h ll-" ,II.• •, , "III you h'0J!, Inrge or 100n ll. Order. 1111 .. 1 Thom,, ~ J fl h080n. Climp Ubns. ; Fri. I,romptl),. mbbnn •. ouy L'O lor or 1'01",.,.. tor dD"-B ~eobwood Farm~ , Day. ton " ""T mlLkeo r !I.chillo. OU. 15u ".lIvv,.. 1. l:Il.1llU r.. J Dlake lind m odel. Ga r bo n p"J>or per box 01 ~aturd/ly- Uha8 . V. Trullx. Buoyr ul. 100.h ...... 1 1. 96 dell \'ered. WIre Clr phoUI! your number BDd --- I N bide In CBre of ~b. Phillip!! \)oolle. Empl~ Type ~oundry, Buffa 0, • Y
or tbe II ltll,,1 IIr "1 1"" 1< "r 'li p fl, ·" oI .
.. 'il _
' fire or1l nm ei ltNI \\1111 ,I ru\\ h H!:- u lld l l , l\'t' rllv \' o ur !"u lfl M1811 b8lltr loll Hlr \on 8 pen~ S UU' I rolor('d "lclll "l'''' T he 1",,.,;111" _ 11111' 1" ''' '' k n'a~lI l\ah ll' and d,"Y nf tlltll (!O n with Mre I{ IC. <l us nnfl <:hlnl'~" tlll\'(' .1 111111 '1 1111 11'(1 11' 1 _ of, , r ), ~· ,rt l. 1h o mp~' ) D . ' UlunU RCrlp ( ~ With gl't'ut tH'U II I\ . I l lItll l 'I'he UueU n Bro~ . , of J)nd<la, pa~H I of whlr'lI rO"l l '~ t P II'l1h th ,,«' 01 .h~ through bere ev.. ry H~tul' dIlY . wltb ,,'estern ," ,!I 0118 In nnll'llltty. a I!IlD e ul storo bod I{rocllr y '10 -- • _ • _ _ t) .
Beglnnlog At 10 o·olook. the follow. I' log prop"rt,.v : . 3 80rllP,l, 4 C"Ule. 26 !:tog!!, Implemente. rtnotnr , WoOd Restoret 'the QuaUty of Your mood, ~aw. BarDes. Feed, 0\0. Bee billa ! Rrlnp Back Your Color and . J . F. DiSBIlOW and , J Vi t rlty MRS. ltiAAt.: WILHON ' R.nl"'K • W. 1>1 ~ellr8, AuoL. -.. Pe.aoul&l oharm II 11k. A light. IS .bede Ueray. everywherll. Ie tbe BpvlDK decld.,d to quit far<Dlng \I,h' of ,our penonal oharm hid. 1 will sel\ At Pebllo A uotlon, 4 mllee cSeD UDder 'be, bUlhel of bl&d blood? EI&et of Wav08lvtlll. Yo milo Wllllt JDIS•• d of h""ISual "I1U" do you of Bllrvey.burg. on tbe farm kqown "ear I .Ired look-a.hllo~t 10 100wl? ." the Uoorgll Harhn farm , OD Do you 'ire eully? Are you pale Tuesday, February 22, 1921, .Dd laollln~ lu vital energy aod .mbltloD P You .. re 00.' 'really Ill . Yoor BeglnDlng at 9 : 30 8 . lO., 'he toll ow. bloocl h •• bIIoome weak and .Iu,g. IDI( property, ~o. w": Ii Horsell, 7 Illl. It .. half Wt., you Miloll ' COW8. 50 !:IOIJ", 1mplemell$e; oeed t8 'b. bloodmaklDI qu.IUlee of BarDeee, feM. Boueehold Good •. ."•• Iplenliid Soalo. Pepkl M.Da.n. tlee blJ\l for farther partlool~n Afler 'OU ha.,., &.ken Pep&o.ManllaD C G. RANDALL & P. B. BAWKE. • 1I ••1e whU.· you wllJ fMl a bl, 'N. N. !:Je.n, Auo', 'lDpronmeDt, Tile .mllee will - - _. lOme b.ok. People will lee • differ. Ai I bavo ren'ad. mv farm, 1 will elloe la you Yon will malle 1'1 ' P bll tl t m reel frleod. ""alII. lldu will . have Ie a. 0 ·0 0 00 Y • d eooe a~ M.uor, ly' willll We.' of pl.Dty of rlob • .r~: blood . aDd feel Fen,. aDd mile' Soutb.e.e' of ,'roilier." Ceplllrvilfe OD ,be f.rm known .11 Pep.o. MalliaD bas been huildllli 'he Jam_ Br..t1f.ord farm. 011 . red hlood for ,_n. Pb,.l1olan. . pi8lOribe It rlll~~ aloDIJ. It hu·ju.. 1bunday, FebruaQ!-:U, 1921, the IqrecUeoti tfaa, ••arYlld blood _~ aeed.. 8o1d 'ta UqQ1d ..Il,d table' IJeltalll~ at 100'oloclr, tb" follow. m ...... 1<>..... ; " " - ' Bu' be :rOil the ,.ouloe CIs".e, 7 Bop,llDpl,meDu, Barn..., '-oud"I," BOQllbol4 (Joott...!Co !:fee hall "ame. blUe for" ~ . .r"Q.a....
Dellov1 H Ui~D'. O DIlt.Rt M o o('", y. B ~ The flrl " I' p : il llfl ll~ 1IIIII I tI" " I'I " ~ WlUt six YAsrs old, un.:! diet! o t in . I with m I I IlU'I1I"'~ 11 1101 0,)1"1 1:\ 111 1'11 1'" I ~ : 1 11 t u rnal b e m o rrbn go , Mr De nD Y b j,d nrt ut (l IP 111 11,.,1 rt' !lIol . 111 11 1'11111 .\ 111~ t '~ :f' Oll, re lo "ed ' 20.000 for Ib i8 1ElITptlnn 111111),rl r·. """ "' III ~ flllfll " "~ '
. . . ,-:,a -= .. ,. . .. . . . . . tilt
'ot till.
lirl ~lIIml CllDe r.lurDtld 10 OilY · ton .I\b ber to!" Mon. 011 tlondllY IIInolog. ar.er • tea dIlY'" ,'ay wltb 'el;'&i.~. . . 8 .. vrng d ~old ed to quit farming. wo will III!II lit Publlo Auotlon . OD In Ir.veUIIR 'be r" .. d8 nlOw . Y!' U III ... ' be a b"\lM,or; If unto voo 'aliA The Ch.rm of Good Health H.8 Ite ~ he l i/" .. o WillOD tarm , (; mlle/l 1£"111 of W"yoIlBVllle, 3 miles Nor l.h of obaDO'" ID re"oblnl yoor de8&1uaSloD Sourc:e in Rich,Red Blood. No· ttllfvAysb nrl(. 7 mileMtlonthwest of CbllJl. Gordoo. oor ,\ooulO<)(I,,&lolI tbing on Earth 80 Nec:eaer'Dafer mllu. 1M a bUllY lIuy In hlB ~ow Burlin gt on. on a8ry for Be'a uty IIDu Wednesday, February 16, 1921
Februa y
..tit" .......
ISo,... qt.
The Greene Co nty Breft-krs'
. I , 1& II 1l0W time to w llkel!B rd tm, etc. ! (" ;Wlnsllr Is over ; the lIroolld Bog , u didn't eee bit .hadow. . Yes eir. Prot. V'\D Heta lliok has II s U .. S bralld eplluter .nllw tourlDg oa. I' Be 1 Y' lhe retor" re"dy, .Irls. fo ,· :v e kDOW DO$ she huur whe n lh e R' IO, Van. oo me'h A. B. l'almfll'(8 wn ID Co lntr\ bus, I last week, .ttending I·be Fu r m en' l w('ek At the Xeni ,1 F ai ,· C ro unds Tboma~ ' l'h olD p~ o o h .... reto rnerl l fr om UII! BonltY !4"ntll. lIluuh itt. proved 10 hea lth . Tbe Oshorn girl ~ bavo .. ot ll oetl l til Dnyttlo , flftH r 8pendln\( Ho vernl l d llye wltb th llir f .. l·lte r 111111 llr" lllor I{ca l illdi \ dll. lI :- ( "'ill t ill' 111':-' ( IJl ood h llre. lilll' ~ !If ti le I IJ'L 'L I. \ ' \11 11 ' I! , p"r l llni(y Mrs. Cyut,hitl Al le n Fnlkreth. (1/ 1 LebI1D " o. o.. l1ed 0 0 b Ar parent", Mr . , to la\' ill fOtl :l d a l j"l1 . ' Old: .. nd Mr. Amos Alleo, 'J'u 6~' III .V Ed G rav "nd wife . A t\ Allen ~ I H I I EXTR A Will olTer for ~mll' (;ia n t Timm the 1070 K E Tbompso o were ID lhr v~. y~ . ; burg. 00 TburM(\ay Mtero .I(JI\ pound BO<lr, the large·t hog- in Gn'ene Coun ty Mrs. u llRtherllge BOrt Mr~ [ )uvl~ : ;._ _ _ __ . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..~.'II_Il'3_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ I1tt.m\lod t he W . t: T U IlI ad lng i ......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ III li'lrvfl y" IJll rg . 'l'uo rMdl\y Tile Po iond . l ~ hlll(~ ho/( hr n... ,lerMI wil l he ~o rr y to benr of t he deuth or Ill umin ation of Manusc "lpI8
h'." ...
6::::\ ' . __
Junk Is Useful Material In the Wrong Place Nearly every bome cont ains more or les~ junk-that is, mater ial which will never be used there aga in.
Whatever you have wh ich h ~s ou tli ved i~s usefulness - furni~ ure, hardware, b!loks, magazines, baby ca-rriuges, ba sinet , btica-brae; skates, c1othing-should be sqld •. Other peQple . will b~ able to put thesr things to good use. . THE WANT ADS will . help YO\L .J11Ilke Qui _ ~ and profitllble. sales (.f di~a!'de~ ·Ilrti«:.le\l •
' "
ESVlLLr., UflIU.
·~~~~------~~ ~' -----~------~~~~~I--~ ~~-'~-~~~~~~;-~~;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~---
If you want h t'nlil; I' , satisfied,' use our Cla s~jlied Coiumns I
••• MATERIAL LIST ••• .,:
ible Roll Shin gle' Roofing MunD 's Wall Sizer. Not -Wood--Wood Grain , Ru g Border, Varnish Qnd Paint Remover. Stained Glass Paper. Stencil Patterns. H. R, H. for Cleaning Freseq Paint, Pa inted Wood Work, etc. Ar-Ki-Teck Spar Varnish . Cloverleaf House Paints, Westminster Oxide Mineral Pain t. Hygeinic Kalsomine.
D. E. STANDIFORD, Waynesville, Ohio Call al Mra. Annie Haines' ~csidence, Third Street.
Adair's The LlCJding Home Furnisher (or Over Thirty Years
~r. MCCo)'~:
St. ~'ary's Church FirEt Sunday in Lent. February 13: Church School at 9:308 m; Morn· inlr Prayer lind sermon at 10:30; Sl"rvice and sermon at 7 p m . 1 Beginning rebruary 16th, :lervice and add r ess every Wednesday at 7:15 p . m . The !,eneral 8ubjt!ct teor lhe Wednesday evening addreS8e~ duro ing lent will be: "Thl! Meanin~ of I Service" The first: "Serl/ ice and t Christianity." To any and to all th ele services. eVt!rybody is ~ordially invited
Harvcysbur, Friends Church
National Bunk
_ _ ____ _
we r e know n Its USIIg:(· ~. IIIH1 fh3' \VO ow:t t il e nnnlfl to t il.. (.\ rt' UIUSUl noe wn~
Lowers Prices to a Level that Will Not Be Reached Again During 1921 A,dair's February Furniture Sale which is now in progress. offers values the equal of which no,,previous sale here has ever seen, wonderful though the bargains always were. In addition to the usual sacrificing of odd pieceI, discontinued designs, etc., every piece in this tremendous stock is marked at a new price, which in every ' instance is much lower, and we earnestly advise every one to supply their furniture wants during this sale, unless they are satisfied to pay more for similar goods in the very near future. Stocks are immense, assortment complete, quality unquestioned and prices are
FROM 20% TO 50% LOWER Listed Below Are Only a Few of the Remarkable Valoes Foond Here: .Odd Pieces 170,00 Overstuffed Chair or Rocker upholstered in Tapeell'y ... U2 00 45.00 Mahopny Chair or Rocker, Loose Cushion upholltered in mulberry velour, Cane back .................... ........... 32.00 55.00 Spinnet Desk. in walnut·.. .............................. ....... ..... 42 60 60.00 Colonial Library Table, in mahogany. IBI'I'e lize........... 39.e.O 45.00 Queen Anne Librarv Table, in mahogany, oval top ...... 3600 Good lize Rockers ....................... ....... ........ .. ................... 4.76 up fi'lber Rockers. loose cU8hlon seatl! ..... ... . , , ............ . ..... .... 10.60 up Oak Drestlera .... ... _ ............. : ...................... ...... ............... 21 .00 up Felt Mattress ....... _ .......................................... ............ . 10.75 up
a-piece Davenport Suites $250 00 Davenport Suite upholstered in Tapestry ........... .. .... $165 00 350 00 Davenport Suite upholstered in Tapestry, loose cushion, ...... ... ........... .... ........ .. ... .... ........ : ......... ...... 225 00 376,00 Davenport Suite upholstered in high·grade Blue Vet lour, 100Re cushions .................................................. 27600 28.').00 Cane Davenport Suite upholstered in Velour with Pillows ...... .. ...... ...... .............................. ......... 190 00 326.00 Cane Davenport Suites ullholstered in Velour with pillows and roll, loose cushions ......... ...... ... ......... 225 00 Other Davenport Suites and Single Davenports at Ireat reductlona. . No store can sell for less than we do .
DiniDI Room Suit.
The Ant'll "Paraeo\." '!'be so-called parasol ant8 of Brull let !belr oame from th eir bubtl of marchlog II10n& In sIngle nle. eacb . . with a pleee of men leat belt! oyer Its bead. Theile , .. ra IlII of lea ,·e. an takeo to uDder\:rOtllld chllmbe.... well chewed. aod allO\ved to ferment aud decay In II maSlt. through whtch the mYC!'ellum or II tungu s 800n begins te rao tn white Ibrends. WlJ ea lIttla . anllhroem buttoos have Rtorted to deoreIop the worlleMl bite them oft' and feed them 'tl) the baby ants.
atartlng 811p..
MoPe boose plnnta lire grown from IUp, than trom seeds. Te ~u thlll take. branch balf 'rlpe lind cut II silt three IDchea lona. Taka oft' all tha leava Izeept the opper two and root It ..eU ID wet land !levernl Inchea thIck. pnt~o, oDe lind one-bnlt Inch ell of the Illp QJlder the land. Keep thll thoron,hl, mo!n Wben Lbe roote b,e'1iD t. crow put lour pillat. wIth Ita MDt!. !lito I pot provIded with other lOlL 80me eUpit, euch a. elelloder and 1'f7, wlU root · 10 W'llter.
I wteb lOti could have wtl!ked dowo to Ole Plecell Marina IV1tb me Jester-dII7. It I. down one .f those ",oDde~ fUI I'IIIIda bawu oot ot the aide of tbe eWr. wb!cb eoe I'J'OWI used to bere, and J came back up the old IItepa Stlcb vlewll The sea 10 ntremoOll 1IIbt. the Faralrlloal rocks below. 8e otteu painted 1I0cl photograpbed. tha ' eplendld etlJb et Capri to '!ght ant! left I • .-Jame. M. Tay!or (~ ten).
---... ..----
.nttrt:alnlld the Arcflan~. brUs b Pape r-It III Intereet!oll to telDember thai In Ibe aodlence on that occalloo w.re Dante. Gabrtel, RoseW aoel Aigernoo Cho.les 8w1obtJJ'lle.BoetOD TranscrIL't.
riod,66-in Bufftlt. 54· ln . Table .. .... .... ....... ... ...... U06 00
66 in. Buffet, 54~in . Table .. ......... .......... .............. UO 00 320.00 8-pieee Dining RlOm Suite in Walnut, Queen Anne period ......... ......... .. ................ , .... ......... ............ 253 00 81i.00 8-pleee Dining Room Suite in Mahogany, ' Queen Anne Period .. .... ...... ......... ...... : ..............~ ......... , 232.00 290.00 i-pieee Dining ROom Suite in Jacobean ·Oak. WIlliam .' and lIary Period ......... ......... ....... .. " ......... ......... 229,00 'hbl.OD all Suites quoted abov e, have 54· in , tu(l, anct extend 8 It
Celery, Cranberries, Oranges. Grape Fruit, Lemons, Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Danish Cabba~e, Onions. PURE BUCKWHEAT Fine with new Syrup Good Canned PeBII, a can ...... l0c Good Corn, 2 c.n8 ............... 25c Baked Beane, big C8DB ....... . 10c Eatlnir Potatoes, peek .. ......... 35c Pancake Flour . pk~ ............. ;lOc Poet Toa~ties. 2 pkgs .. .. ...... :25c Good Coffee. Rio & Santo,1,lb ..20c Big Sack Salt. 4 poun~s.... : ... IOc NEW GARDEN SItJEDS Bo.ught early Iio w'e can' sell at lie, Get ),ouraearly B8 the price In Ferry'. & Rice's Seede are lOc. Buy DOW.
h l~III I'~
Red River Early Ohio seed Potatoes
- ~- - -
Brlq U. Lour. Chlckena. 'young or-,old . Ilhut prices paid.
It.,.YJ to trade at
ann Int('reRt.
Why? For merely buying a dollar's worth of merchandise at our store, putting the coupon in the box on our counter, and then possibl y getting a fine present later on. We know that you will get yc:>ur money's Yoorth, whether you get a present olr not, for it is our aim to handle only the best at a fair profit to us ,
Matinee 2: ::U, all "ea !s I.e
Evening. 7 : 0U alHl 8 :-1.'): i\t1I1I.., ~ i l) ll. '21. :1 l1d 1'C.' - -- T-u-e- s--d- a- y- , 'F-e-br-u-aIY 15th
Gene,ral Hardware, HarneS.5 and Agricultural Implements:
H. E. Earnhart For best results we useI\!fiami Gazette's Classified colunms, we'll tel) the world!
Also h!uth 1~()lall d, i ll
"Ruth of the
Theater l-M;~t. I Wl:'d.
FEB , 1. " 1_._ 2 1)... ___ m.
,0\1 M I':Ne'1 Nl ;
!-;U!'1 U -\y EV I': .
~ .,y
C() ,' I" IFC K null 1\\(11<"0'1- !l 1- !'-! r'. l·,cnl
The \Vorld's Most Beautiful Productiun
Every Great Sook. Every greu t ·book Is lin nctJon , lind every Arcn t nctlon Is n ho nk. A.II "'ho wou ld ~tudy wIth n<lvnntnge In ROY l:-t whatsoever, oll ght to helnke them· Belves to Ule reod!ng lit snme sure ond eertn!D books ottenllm!'. ove.; tor to rend mllny books prnrturel h rOllt11810n. mther thnn lenmlng. IIkp AS l!tose wbo dwen e\,crywh.·re nre nol OilY' whe.e .at home.-Mnrtln I.uther.
---_._ ..- -OangerOU8 ,.,aladl ...
There ftrp more ,Ienths from measlea lind ~"bonplnl! ellu~h th an frnm RCIlrlei te'~r flN!lller elTorte !o IIcbool byg!l'ne wonld p,'em to be the 001, wny tn \\'hld, Ihls problem. ~o be ('oped \\' II II ~ucre8stully, ('()rDbfoed
Ih . ~ I >1 C '" , .\"l a)[ ll.iti. ~"I ll 1< II ,I
1'. ,·j ,j\,!"1 l:1
tu ' ,
IU ld ~ U~lt" lJ ~'"' l' ! tl' I \I f t\, nel' ieH n S l iq t'
([ ~
!, f" . I
14 Hl l; S CENE" N ow in I L.~ Fifth Y,mr >I I His M lI j "~I) ' ~ ThE'atu r. London Wriu" l1 .>tId Crllat en by OSCR" A C'I " Music by Fre!lli!ricl; No rton . FORrY-TI:lR~€ NEN MA. IKltII3 In tit ... .y, rid'" rllm lll ~ Bn7."'H Scene, lIuo rnell in \ ~t.ar tlfll g seri s of \\ ,,·.t t' rf u· I '"", I" " "" Direct from Second ~un at t:~lItur \' l'h ealcr . N .. w y " i •. . II I· \ " ' IIl' plete. Original PrnclllC LiO I1 In lacl PRlCE3 - Nighls: $ 1 10, $ 165. $t 20 . 27:; $:1 ::0 Wednesday Matin l.'e- $ l 10. $ ! li:1 . 2 to . 9\' i f,
SPECIAL NOTE - To dl'ftlat s pecuili to rs who foll ow I ' 111" I h' J"" from one city Lo another. buying up the h ~ L ~,: UI S , 10 I ~I' " I I ,-: " ill III the public at outralr('otl~ prices. t h" mll",H£t' m lit 1f'"1"""", - 'ha l ' OS • lTlVELY NOT MORIi: THAN 'IX; TICKET: WILL liE .'ow rn ANY 9NE PEK':lON. unle&q crf!denli!l l ~ lire "lt u '~~~ i. I"' ,I' 1' .-I,~~,·r~
NIGHTS A.T 8;00.
.---.-.- .?~
A Crowning IncIdent. On a Cornlsb tOll1b ~ IOIIC! \I rother prplexlns version ot Proverbs 12;4con('lucles tbe anoouncemeot ot a lady's denth; "A ,'!nuolls womoo II 38 10 'her busbond." Sna('e did not
Ijhave a limited amount of 8% first mortgage paper for sale in the shape of notes maturing 1 mont hs from date. These are absolutely safe and trust money of any kind can be iJ:I vest in them. This assure any une wishing to buy a. farm his money at 100 cents plu~ I:n interest 18 months from now when laud values a !ld crop prices will 'be more I nearly normal. , t Phone 126,
LeMAY Waynesville, Ohio , ,
--- ---'= = ---
mil. 80 so Ingeololls stonecutter sUtuted this excellent obhrev!ur!on.Olos/{olV Bera!d.
- ..----
No "Na tional" In Tltl •• There !s now only ODe oatlonnl bank 10 t.be Unlied Slate. which does Dot bave Mnntlona'" as a part of Ita name. It ts th e Blink ot North Amer1ea of PbUade'phla. A 'Bpeclat lIet of CODa gross ts requtred to permit a national bonk to opera te 88 so('b without 10dlcatlng the fllct tbllt It III a oatlonal bnok 10 Ita nome.
. -.
Experiment with Air. Amlin wished to meallUl'e the force that d rl" es .the snp opward In treeI tlod shruhs. Be cnt a vine aDd tied a' bladder OVel li S eud. IJJ two boun tbe blodrler wn. \: rently" d!steoded. and Iostde or lhre~ bOlil11 It burat with a pi 011. so grctll wos tbe foree that drlv e~
We will be
Waynesville eve~y S~ttlh:t~y' morning with a good line of ~ '
ANJ) ~ Q-r.STE~S
Wait for the machine befo~e: buying Y0l.\r Sunqay breakfast or dinner.
.CAVOlT .& 'D9DD, Leb~non,
..--- ....- - -
-- -
Spanish TO,nllu, 8upre"!.: Togp.tl,cr with Portuguese, wblch II practl cn ll)' n dllliect, Spaolsb III the Jangunge ot tb, ' whole western bemt· 6Ilberc SIIIII n or the Rio Graode, a r~g!on or' IIIcnlt-ulnhle natural wealth and vli~t I I'll u ' poitslbllltle&
rhe Lata ClassiOad·'~Hs. "
ACRE f.rpl to:,.n, .&n~y 3S . reot. .inQulre 0' II. 10, ifber. wood, W"yaenUle.. Oblo. •
, '.
aotlne nOli 18"hll 100 pro('etlure. e.v ea fo. tll esf' .t nwlp dl9l!OseS.
l u
\ 1. I: X I !{,\ V.o!. C, NZ '\ O ~' t'IIE llH !r.N t'
with thEi (,fhH'n t lon of parent.! tD tbe . - - - - - --.-...?:.....-,---_______ n ece~81t 1 for I be ob.servu tlolLJ!! uar--
To Cut Fur. Never li se n ~(·I •• or~ to <"tIl tor. Domp!'" th e s kin s!d(' nll.1 str!!I ..h on a bonrr! .\\'lIh th e fill' Rille rI"wn. FasteD IVlt h "111011 wire nulls n. line as a pin. Whon lite skin Is thorou ghl~ rtry. metlB01'(' nnd eha!k. Cut with 0 pnrlng kn ife or nny kind of 8hnrp knlte. Sew Ctlrcrully with line stllrhE's. li Ming cot.too "'I'I'8d.
(j -: I
OF' 301)
' ..,
- - -------I+lpeJ:mu:....nc..o
We handle a full and complete line of
What about? About ' . the bc~autiful presents we intend to give away ver y soon.
U'1O.OO 8-piece Dining Room Suite. Italian Renalssance Pe-
S51.00 8-plece Sticlrley Dining Room Suite. Old Oak Finish,
Are the folks we are going to talk to.
Waynesville, Ohio
The Hippy Man. That mile Is 1I1\\,I1Y5 happy who Is 10 th' pl,. ~r u ce or someth!og wInch be e,," " '" ~"O\V to the ru ll. wb lch be Is u; 111 1.1" /;,;!ng on to know. ThIs ~ Ule n('( l·"n'·,· cond!Uon ot n Ilolte creaturo 1.,1," .1I :l nely rooted nnd dlv!De!, d!· "., , u l lutc !!!gence; tbUB. therefore. Ita I happ) ~' !I te--bu! observe, a state, not "r Iri lltrlpb of joy In wbot It \mows. 111" or J.. y rother In the contlnunl d!&eO"ery ot Dew !gnoronce, ('()otlnuai se!t·n bosement., contloua! nston!sb· meot.-nusk!n.
AIso, Pu till' NC'\\' <; This is a very , very gt }I"I slilJ w
u SlI g S
st r ec 1 (HUneS hn A en tl l e",:o: fll S l'UlUtlOU
"Riders of the Dawn"
\bot one or th cse eurt \\II)'. or
Wild Gene In the Brit is h lalea. The trll'e of wilt! gl't!~. , ot Europe an bIrds at myslery. Tilelr oestlo, Il'01Inda, aDd lbus Lbe!r true bomes. an In the rllr oorth. 10 th e w!llls of SpluberaClI. 1I0d 00 the ItlUc('eS6!bla t.land of l{ol&'Uev. It Is ouly lUI vlsl· ton thaI thel' come to the Br1tlsb 1aI1U1da. tor In the reglon~ thot approach the pele wloter <'owes earll', aIld tJ)ua all btr4 Ute !8 drlvea southWard. IIJlo, at Iocredlh!e 8re.,d 00 the arms or the" north wtnd as they make for their 1V1AtA!r quarteMl In more hO. p1tllble londa.
, Abo. ::::elzll icl.: \' (, \\,5 17 un.! 11 c~ lIl s
AJmi ~s ioll .
Adair's February Furniture Sale
..!.!.fearless E agan"
"_liar London St,...et. Roc ki~s " w Lbe tUIlSI l· lIr l ,.u~ etreet Also . a guod 1'\, x I li ,· tll l l· WImp !II Loudon7 It \\'oulll lit' hnrd. petbuPA. to nlld Ill' nol''''r ,)!If.' than Admission, 2'2 and 17 lT lIl S Cro oked ('sage. !o CbCI""II , which 10 oil proba bt1! ty recnlls very ancl ellt dnyB _ •• _ . _ ........ 0.·•••••••••• • e • • • ~ ~ .. .. ..... " ~ ... . " .' ~ < - : , ." ..-hen tile plow "'118 Ihp ,:1II111110ll('S t oJ>. JQct !o that regloo. It hilS been sug· that Lbo sunl!;", ""11'" of grass ..- - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ _ __ ________ _ •• _ _ _ _ between the .. nrloll~ 1I0ld lnlt8 0 1 luud "t..u
----_ ..- - -
Saturd ay, Feb ruary 12th An all-star cast, ill Oll e 1)1 Za nl' ( ~r e \" s I1 O\' l'b ,
, . . [he Woynesvl ll e National Bank will be c lo~ed on Saturday , February 12, Lincoln'~ Birthday, and on TuesdilY . r eurullry 22ml. Wrulhinglon'~ Birthday. L M. Hend e rso n. Ca!!hier .
L.M.HENDERSON Waynesv ill e, Ohio
Big Show"
Fea turin g- , ' . :-- , 1 I:lrt.
Bible School at 9;30 Preaching at 10:30 a. m . and' 7;30 p m . Every· one invited. J. A Pine. Paator
General Repair Shop: LEGAL ' HOLIDAYS SEW ING ,' \ACHI NE 1
II ar, d
till' Ilu lI !,t!li 7.(·r.
Ed C W
Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this church every Sunday at 9;30 a . m . Preaching ser· vice at 10:30 o'clock a . m . You are cordially invited to be present.
~ !I 1l(,j, \
Clock Repi~jring , Siove Repairln\:. Pump Repairing, Saw Sharpening, Su nday School. 9:30 a . m . Meet· Knife Shar,peninsc, Tool Sharpening, ing for worship at 10:30. tiasoline and Oil Sto ves Clea ning ?nd lots of other jobs In wood and M. E. Church Iron The u9ual services will be held • ",. 00 next Sunday: Sunday School. 9:15: Preaching se rvi ces. 10;30 a . m . and i\'\ ain &: South Is \Vaynes \ iII~, 0 7:()() p , m ,; Epworth League, 6; 15 p . m . Everybody cordially invited ,
School, 9;30. Meeting for Worship, 10;30. Everybody rordially invited to t heee services.
J . A. r.:tc' rinllrilln has sold o ut hi~ p rac tice. and w ill I h-!8v e Cor oth er ft~h t!! . The Me O~ M --I have mad e m any f ri"nds hpre , wi", : A I1 n.. m ~ .. ' inll "r 111 ,' Ell ' '' ' '' are loath e to see th t' m go Ii,,"U)' . L~HK U" 0 1 III " ~1 l-: ,'. II , ", \I 1,,·ld I II~ I S,It dll' fo V" "' ''1l I'l " " •. --I \I ere OVer ~iX ll ill die d · u liu .. ", R e"o" ed. " d I t t' til It 111 11 " ,, ~. II' " "dl'll list "»yR. thllt ti" rVI Ce un we lOpe 0 COil Illue t' frOID n ' 1'" .,-,. ,, 1 ~' fll1 01llolnl \\'e are u k:--'fhemeeling nexi:-5ttt:o-Ho----mudl lu r,!r,.. ' , .. ",,,hlstorl e IJInll: stilI, day will be at Ihe usual ho ur . All mOllt Of 11 - ,' ,,"'d rlll lll' r lJu I" re r!or Y lung folks are urged to bl! presel)t . thUD w, ·" "". ,. J o:!ephine Harlan, Sec·y.
Orthodox Friends Church
Ferry Christian Church
CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMAN' We buy from prod ucer s only . . We have n iJ agents. cr"llm station buyers or other mlrtdle mefj , £!Ic.h cream prorfuce r Ren,ls.his C!rel\m DIRECT to our Creamery. WE P~Y THE S IU PP ING c~sr Ftverv cent is yqurs, Yo ur c,rea m ,an!l ~a.n8 al'l! ~' I >\ r .. nt~elt Itgutnst l o~ by I.
The.~ri-~tate Butter Co. Cash Capi~I>$250.QOO.OO '<. '.
.. .
. J \ I
Free rrrial <
Cans alad1y '.y
r.~rnI8.hed. ,
(4;)r 30 days
'. ~[~CI~NATI, OR~O
, ~ . 'J lUluar,. W,ooUly erlces for Du~e. . " F.~ ".0 sho"," bolow
, J an.
8-330 JlII.' I 0 - 4 ~C
; . Jao . 17-GOc
24 - f Sc
Jap 3 1- 4Sc oj
J ," I
If YOU have' , ~N,'S . WEf.K ....
'. no cans.' " Februar; ;tll to,IJ(I, rITel. _'WE PAY YOUR' snippiN.G COST
~eventy- Third
Whole Number 5422
~ -.--~.~ ~-~ -.~-~ -- ~--~~ - ~~~ -~ -'-~--~~~~l-----~-:--~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------'--~'.~.---i._ _ _~
'!"'" -
Rcnds !iiJ...U!!!.!!.!4..llL.!---"""c-,r -~----~---+---WN\1EI1--'TTW1ffiED~~LEIL1L·'ISOJs30 NEWS GLEANED Rece ntl y . word hUH come t" t.I:i ~ ~ocAl} JMEN WILL BRING I''AN vici nitv f rom 111MI .I ' Ifll"!! when' r.. l()(~le,.·. ". tili"" and our peo ple live. '/\. AT HARVEYSBURG alhal aePE~ BOYS TO SUPPER , thev ue for the Mi·
F. ",1:
f r "",d~ Ilf
~ub8cr i bers
amI Guze tt e, ano that they reud I U, Ollr SIlC<'J.1Oorrc' J",,,,Jellll every med ici ne adv and every lille in it And since the li rAt i ~Q u e Deu th of a Pioneer M M Ed d f th reaelled the ir d oor, they hu ve had no . re, ,'".ry wa r , ~ . one 0 . e . k ill their flimilv UIl '1 IIl Vt' pIOnee r CltlZtlllS uf thlK (~flmmu llltv, BIC ness ., passed awa y at hl'f hom .. in our eity, and alIectioll reig n ~ uor .m".
1\1 r . ~l l d Mrs , W 0 Rape r ent ertain('d at uinnl' r, Sunday, R,·v . and Mrs . D. I ', 1I 0lt, Mr , and Mrs Frank Zell, Mi ~~ Luvonne Burton and Mr . Ar t hu r 11 01 1.
at 9 p m Wednelldll l' Thtl tune ral State Inspector Visits Town Wllq hil id from the (o'ritmdu church. a t . ' . . I n t e rA food tntlpector mlldt! a VI!!lt to 10 u'I c UC k'" .,un d av morJltng' . L' • fi e Id c Ilurc II. an d lour g ror.etymen, on lhur UIlV; , 111,11 ment WII~ a t "prillI!' she Wit S IUld to rest by the side of he,ll live t hem a RDlld se,nd-on , but , her hllshRnd. who preceded her by , sUld ~ th oul{hl t hI ngs rTII~ht be Imseve ml yelirM ~he leavfs to mqurn prov _ _ __ _. . - A yuung lady ill ou r 1 1Il J~ t reecntly her go illg. onll MOil-Geo rge M - and two daughters - Ella Cu rroll and I en te rlaill Pd h(~ r fl i(' nd s b\' tl'"i ng Ali ce Hurvl!y-and two IZrUntiChiid- 1th em .of II f{Lmil y slit'! kn ew . wh o fr eren o She wa~ th!' IUSl of a long- quentl y buried e~~ R tu keep t h~n l. lived family. ~he leaves no brl'th-I - -- ers, sisters or couRins. tiut many Mrs. Ida How ~ IIlId Run , Hurry, fri enels. She ha~ made this h!'r abid- : Mrs Martha DavIs lind Mr ~ , Anna ing place for muny yean She will ; Harris Iittendt'd the f uneral of Mrs. be mi~cd by the lumily and the Howa rd SearM, at J effer"on vil l!' , t n neighborhood One by one l lte r osl!s Thur~duy . fall , and eventulIlIy it will be ou r ~~:IKI.::".~e tim e to wither away Imd rt l urn to the Buth, and may we b(· J,lr""ared,
l"ialler. Sat urday afternoon.
d~lldull~ r ~ frc s hm (: llt !; WE' re se rved bv . t ht! h u~ t"~8 . !l.s i ~l cd by Miss L!l-
Dr. Dill, O~teopath, 21 S, J-lrflad way, Lebanon. Ohio.
\I)I , e BUrl ull All rnl, ntber~ prestllt l l'lljP) eLI a K"od lime Tltl:! Cl a~l:! lIdj uu'lw ei to n, ee l al[ai ll Lhe secoll J ::ialul d uy ill Mnrch, wi t h Mr~ . Cha~ ,
If you knew a way to make a dozen millIon OUII or thaI UO In
I'our , pocketbook" you woulol be inlere8te4. wouldn't YOll , • William WrIgley. Jr .. Ihe mulllmillio naire Chlca,go chewln~ gum man. turned lhe Itrlck. He did It with newspllper IldVertlltDg , He stQrl.ed In Ch icago Iboul 30 y" urs a gu "'" h R capl llli of $30 and a lJ!gger asset. nlLmet}' , the bellet tha t peop le wou ld buy a good ur Ucie It you let Ih rm know you h ad It tor sale. He 88YI. " Ther e Is no use huvlng good a for sal. u It teBI you let pe,allie know about It.", lind that '· the newspaper I.' th e quick wa y to let people
Are Y" u guil/I! til uuild a home this s um mer'l W..., lire (Jrep.tring a Ret of four di tl'e rent bu ildin gs wh ieh may be applicabl e to you if you are ill Ihe mlt rket , and E:llch olle will ap· pear ill " U~ weekly i,,-~ ue. Yuu can take y our pick, a nd we can fur nish estima tes of each buildin g. if you will only let us know what yo u want. These i.rlic:es will appea r un page 2 each i s.~ u e {or the next fou r weeks. Th ese h o u ~es are within yo ur limil, and will make fine homes for you .
The Miami tiazet te , $1.5 0 a yea r·
. .. .
We l' from producers only , We have n" agents, crpam station buyenlor obter middlemen . Each cream producer I!end ~ his cream DIRECT to our Creamery. W E PAY TH E SHI PPING COST Everv cent is yoor. Your cream and carts are I(uaran leeJ against loss by
January lVeekly Prlcoo for
II m l ~r
Fa~ are . howo below Free Trial Jan. I-J3C JaB 24-' 8c Oane gladly Jan, l o- , ~ . "UI. 11- . 8<: JUl , 11-&'Oc furnlehed. for 30 daye OUR PRiCe If,You ha~. THIS WEf.K no cane. ' , February 14th to 21.t in cl.
Thursday, Feb. 24, '21
II 'ginni nK f> 1 10 <) 'cl ll ' k. AS ,follows: 1' \0\0 H orses, 5 ' Cattle, 7 Hogs , lot of I mplc: ments, lot l of Harness, Feed and Hou~e.
W m. McConnell
been establisbed since 1910, with asseta over a mil lion dollars and now hanrlles "40RE CANS OF CRl': I\.),{ PER DAY THAN ANY CREAMERY IN THE WORLD . Your check for every shipment by return m ail
: W N . ~t'a r~ , A'Id . . ICar Lwright a nd Hawk e, Cle rks. '------~--------------------1 1 Lunch bv ladies of Ferry CtlUrch .
~ I'"
,,"" " , . ~ . l
t , • •
'. _ ~,'~'
-" "
~:" ---Y.l~R
... ~~-~
Pa, ped~
Continues daring ;February. This is an even t of jm~rt2f!Ce t~ Property Owners and others wanting Wall Decoration s . It op~'ns a !a\'g~ am~ compleL stock of .good patterns at A REAL DIS(',(){lNT.
,All -Prices Reduced 10 to SOPer Cent ..
75c Patterns
35c P:lU :;:n:"
Reduce4 to
R educed til
SSe ' 7ScBeid Rooms,
;\\t~ Cl.· ns
12 Y1 C Pattem:< R educed to
R :!!l lu'cd to
o~ c ·
Halls, etc• ....... .............. .... ............ .......... ..... 1070 to
25% OJ(
·,Room 'LOtaJ--.,Good
mven Di8COUD~,, ••
Pattems, carefully matched-Cut Out Borders. ,$2.50 and Up on Mouldings, Chair Rail, Window Shades, Pi,cture Hooks,
Wir~, Imitation , ~rt Glass, et~, e t c . .
AIN~·t P~.. •• <
• ,ri ,
ft "
. , 'HoWl. ~raint,\ Best, ra • 2!:?~ ' B' ,. ~ Sh d J
$3 75
$1 ' ~5 to $300
I' " .1\ l II P' t-S M 't :llf B , lamt;.:II B'" .am, .. ore
('. '0'~
~ . am ..--., ,a es, CeIQI: dmt. ,Yard ! t,J.ck or Fly: Swatter Fre.e
, Get.
,G~e '
NesttoVid8rY Theater
FC1,r t,h e
Dayton. 0mo..
or l
- - -
.' t ,
- :" .' ..
ton,lpent Monday with MiBB Elizabeth Stewart. Mill Shirley Titu8 W88 the guest Mr,and Mrs. Raymond Teters, ot South Lebanon, last week ,
Hard tim.. - ·..ve money-have old carpetland rUKa made into Wearwell ~up. Franklin Rug Co" Franklin, Ohio.
Mr. and Mn. W. H. Madden attended the funeral of MI'II, Mary Edwards, at Hll1'veysburg. Sunday. Born-To Mr. and Mrs Howard B, Sherwood, of near Alpba, Wednesday, February 9, 1921, a dauibter. Two cano of Coal will eoon be in....... one of hlock for hl'Rting, Ilnd fin e of eft lor cookioa. (,jilt yuur oldee in
r~ht awav.
Seth Cook phone 53-2. ' Mr . and lira. M. J , Farr, of Sprin~boro, .isited hi. lather, Dr. Farr, at the Friend. Home. TueBday afternoon.
Mrs. L A Zimmerman and two children left, Tbundl1 momlna, for a two weeks' visit wIth 'relatives in Cleveland, , \
The M, E. Church of Waynesville had a marked day, Sunday, February 13. This da, was known 88 Recognition Day, and set .part for the purpose of , receh'ing tbe new members , DurinK all the 8elii8ions, there was ,a lal'8e attendance; 2?2 ab Sunday School and 236 in the momlni cona're1f8tion, at which time the putor, Dr. Holt, baptized 31 candidatea and received 38 into church m~mbership . In the evening, a.fter: the Epworth League devotional service, there waB assembled in the auditorium, a house::capac[ty congreration, and a !arlre choruB with t~e newly organ. lzed orchestra, whtch led the eoq service, after whil:h the Earnhart QURrt.et, with Mrs. Eleallor Babb .t the organ, gave a \'ery pleasina ... lection. Then follo,wed a very 1m· preB8ive sermon by the putor, and prS?e r by Rev, MillIn of Lytle church Smce having these ' apeclal meetinp, more than 60 have made pro. fellSion and the whole conperatlon liubeenspiritualJy quIckened Servi~ will be continued on Wedn __ da, and Fridl1 evenlnp, u 'welt u Sunday, until Holy Wllllk. when a
whole place.
Mr. and MI'I. S, K. Hainee, of neat Bellbrook, lpent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. sarah Haines, and other relatiVe!!. ' MI'. and Mn. C H. Sherwood were Sunday vlllton at the bome of their BOD, near AI" tile .tt....tlOD being a brud Dew .,........bter.
. _,
no. JOU Ibould ' brina- 'fn JOar old I~ ; Brtllleli or AXIlDm·1
========~=~==~..- ==-========~~----~~ We h a ndle a full line of
General Hardware, Harness Agricultural Implements
B. E. EARNHART, Waynesville, Ohio
New Spring
We 'have J' ust
recei ve! a large sh,ipment
o~"t'· .. ,lat-
• ,q.., in ,Spring Mqlinery. Colox;s are veJ'ybril·" Hant this season-Henna Copper, Tahge'r'in~, ~i~nb~ B.1ue l clso ,Gra ys and , ~and ~ Trimmings all types i ' d ~ .' , , J. 1\ i-
est< vogues
~!::~~;;:;;::;;:~~ mOd~l:~~I:,~~~~;;:r'1:~::.=·, PrQ- and Mrmcm
i~.~~~·~~~••~.~' ~~~~'~~~~==~·~=~~~~~~~ted YOQ ....
at 10-.10; aftemOoB.
Tbt 18d.' wIU
Will be the day for awarding the handsome pr~sents we have picked out for some on e . There will be only 10 more buy ng days until tha t I ime, so get bus and come in, get what y ou need fo r you r want swh i:fle-=t7h~e-tI-- picking is good . You won 't regret it.
W.~b~~~!e:nt~.:~:e:=~r:.: ~~:':blW-:!..tcarn:::u~ ' ~ r~e'assortrh'ent incl~des v~ry 9.ttr~~tive adv,o\.'e ~ ....
Tuesday, March 1st
'. Hiatat
We are using only the truth when we say that our goods will sell themselves, for they are of the best.
v:' .
' ,' ,
We have in .tock a number of D__ 1 I B pretty rup, nan n and rual8Ia, Tbey outWBaI' almOlt anythina In the market. Write or come in, Franklin RaK CA,. Franklin. Ohio ' • Mr. and Maw, Max Kphlhaaen of LebaDo and II and M' W ' M .. K, __D, I Xl'· I n , S 'd ' e 0 eo a. were , un ay of MI'. Mver Hyman and lamI.,. ' Maw, Edith Edward. and "nllor",n .
week'a program wlU take Herbert, Marpret'Loulaeand Mary ' 0 t Elleri, were SuadiJ .....ta or her brother and wtt.. llr. and Mra, H. B,
,. .
Washington Used His Hatchet and-
Mr. and lin. Frank Elbon, Mra. EDIlDa ChapmaD and Mn. Esther :--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ -_ -_ -: ::::_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'"'!'_ _ _ _ _ Stout attended Friend. meetin& at Sprinr Valley, Sunday afternoon.
. ..
.'. t, .,
Cran., of Wilmin~ton eolletre, .pent the we~k-end with home folks .
out to help the boys, The team will probably play away (rom home 'thia week . - • 0
'!.. . J.
,MI. Jeannette Jann8J and Ethan
AS,k ini
C. E Edward. and familv have South ~ban on, we re vis itors here, James McClure. FridayafterJloon at' The Girls' q uinte t lost to the Cu- mtved to Ly'tle. in the Nathan Smith Tuesday. '2 o'clock, b"" farme rs FridllY night, 4 to 3 property , The W , H _ S were in fine trim for this !fame, but owing to the rouih-Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Stewart, of Day- • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .
Terms ma de Imowl1 day of sa le.
Ihi p their cream DIRECT to the Tri-Stl!te. which h '>I
Th e Men of IIH.mll .. r,. ,l \\ 'a ynl' 'I'OW I\Shi,P has a lways rewill each bri ng u hllY wit II hil11 Wh"11 sPll nded lIobly to the calls of th l" he comes t o the n xt r t' gulllr mpt't· ne,·dy in t he past. and now she ill ing, Mond ay evening. f ch' lla rv 2 1 ~ t a ~kl'll a~Ki ll to hear and a nwllr th e T he spl'akl' rR for th p e\·.. ldlll!: will he 'I cr i"," IIf housllnds of "ta rvinII', su f A. E, /{lIl,..r t~ . or Cin{'illllal i, Ill'sd or fPrill\( people of EU lope. the !:loy ScoUIS from tilt.' l 'i li ci llllllli FamllH'. co ld and di~ease are takdis trict, a nd e ~ ·~ h e f ifl' Jurn es L illl{ "way hundreds, Rometimes th:>uWelch. oi Sp rin )o!fie ld Mr 1{ I\ I)l'rt ~ , ~H , ,, J~ . dai ly. and they are looking to will tal k on th e .. Ho.v. I1f '1',,,1 .. \,," I A n1<' ri c'fI , th e only "land of promise" a nd Mr. Welch will SI lt'Ilk li n tht' l ldL in the world for relief. Many " Men of Toelay " s t I'll llge disease!\ have appeared , Both of th e~,' ~p,' u ker ~ arl' 1ll ~1l o f : ca u ~ t.d hy conditi ons unlier which experience, alld lh(,}, a rp WE'll ae· th ... y are living and the unwholesom e ' I . t h Py are URIna' . . PIagu e!! are q uaint I'd wit h lli "i r ~ ubj ec t s , lind !L Il lo", g reat deal of I{ood mav come or lids e au~ l1lg th e death of hundreds. meetin~ !:lri~lg yO U; own boy , ~lI ch a 8mull a mount wil l save one your r,elghbor s boy , und le t him be ' chIld - only three cent !! a day. Ten of the boy scout age. do llar. will save a lite until hanest. Orj!ani 7.erl effort is being , made I )"lIde r He r bert Hoover 'lI g UIdance and Rpl endid has been t he response, But un ly ab\lut half of Wayne town--~ hi)j' ~ qu ola of $500 has been sub, On Wednesday e\'en ing, February ~c ribI'J , Pl ease respond with all that ' 23 rd , t he re will aopear at Sch oo l i~ " US~I' bl, e. IJUt even a I'Itl Ie means I . Auditorium in full dress c n ~ tunl{' of nlue I II chief. Chi ef S t rongheart. ClIme [)ul:a t ions may be left at the and foll ow him fr on l peace pipe t o Waynes vill e National Bank or with lVar trail This will be th e Ifl5t num- an y member of the Township Comber of the Lec ture COllrse. mittee , - - - ___ - - Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall , Chr. Mrs, Howell Peirce C. W, Younce WfiR a IJa)' toll visMrs. Ellith Harris itor, Saturday , Mrs, S. F , Elbon Oil
WE .PA YYOUR . SHI pPf-N(1--eOS 'F---IJ..;m-.+r~........n-------+-60 000 cream producers in Ohio, Indiana ancl Kentu ck y
ACTIVITIES Of You can save money Linoleu m Mrs. H. V. Waller and son, Dan, WOMA N'S AUXILIARY MeETS 01 !Abanon, visited relatives here. and Window Shades at Hyman's The Woman's Auxiliary of St. BASKET BALL 1EAMS Sunday. Rev . and Mrs , /{. C. J ones, Mary 's church will meet with Mrs.
Laat week our local team had a very easy tIme in putting the Burling ton Cadets under the rod, by a A I ill Y fa rrn " I ,\i Rf1\lr, I;,,, miles ,score of 38 to 15 . This adds another WIl"t "r I''''' rr) al l'; 3 .!·~ mil·g so uth- vic to ry to the already larie numbur 'il~ l lIf r:I-' II! .-r viIItJ 0 11 t ht> farm Iwow n whi.ch thi~ illdependient team baa to l as the J ll rn "~ HrurH rm1 farm, nn t heIr credIt. A.very good crowd wu
Cash Capital 5250.000,00
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Thompson, of Cincinnati are visitinll relatives, here
Of Horses, Cattle and Inlplements
The Tri-Stat e Butter Co.
Kellar Hoak left, Sunday, for Detroit, after several weeks' vis it here.
kl1()w ."
Public Sale
Mrs . D. R. Smith spent the week. end with relatives in Wilmingl on.
--_ '----------
$1.26 PatternS Reclpeed to
You can save money on Linoleum and Window Shades at Hyman's.
Waynesville, Ohio
Miss Marllaret Lew i ~. of Duytun, spent Sunday here with relati\·es.
ness of the farmElrettes Slim wu knocked out in the first half, Dutchy ....- - taking her place. Then Becky waa put in to finish the game, Bill VillarI!. the star pill tosser of the team, was not in her us ual form, as .he Tht\ schools will ha ve an entertai n- missed several shots OWinll to close 0 ' ment , Tuesday afternoon, Ilt the old guarding school buildin ~ , in commemoration The Cubans will have to hand It <If Washington's Birthday. Th ~ en. tertainment will begin at 1 o'clock- to the boys quinte't . as they were I<.:verybody invited. beaten 66 to 15. Tille work Will fine, =============~::_-____::::_:_:' as every one W88 in the pme. MIke Thomas plaved fine when in the pme Carr and S Thomas played "rough" ~o th e Cubans saill . Jon.. and Burton caged 25 baskets altolreLher
have a )imiLed :lll1ount of 8% first mortgage paper for sale in the shape of notes maturing 18 m ontl ts from date. These are absolute ly safe and trust money of any kind can be invest ill them. This a ssures a nyone wishing to buy a farm his money at 100 cents plus 8% interest 18 months from now when land values and crop prices will be more nearly normal.
Mrs, W S. Graham spent th e weekpnd with friend s in Springfi eld ,
,J E Janney is se rvinlr on the Fed· eral jury at Cincinnati. You can save money on Linoleum and Window Shades at Hyman 's ,
And IH~(ln.
Mi ~s lI ell' n Mllrllitt de lightfully enl cr tuineo at a three-co urse di nner, SatIJ ruay cvening . Just ut'Ler tlw g Utlsts wcre sea ter! aL the table, a mDck l ";l'l! r~m w a~ r ~ ce i ved by lh., h ,,~ tl '"", a nrll 'lJ lt CilllC the marriaJ{e of Mids Ih,vR 1I 0nn E'1 to Mr , O!;ca r ::;1 all · tielJ, , If New Hu r lill/!I ltll. Ull Marl' h HI '1'1 ,,· il,V11 1,r! ~lIe:l ts WI' r .. : .Mesd" IJ1 \'S 1(" I"" rt l~(J l lc ll, Ll'~I"r Sian· field , VI J H i ~ Jlld1illall 111111 Missl H Alice !l r~v , CI, rinne Welch. Louel la J ilnncy. Anna Furn~ ~ . J eannell f' About t wpnty Men of Waynesvi lle Janney . AJria Corm,ll, Reva lIormel and Lli liall Wilk e rson. went to Lp.banon , Monday (",:ell in ~, to atlelld 1he Men of Leh'''t"n meelinle. A large crowd wa~ presenl, and the m t'ding waH arl d r e~sed in the inte rests of "ooel road,;
?MONEY? ..
Dr. Ed lliair, of Lebanon, was in town, Monday ,
W , H. Allen was in Cincinnati , Saturday.
t il l! uu~ill~"~ uf lhp llll'etinl{ was over
Chu. Duell willa Cincinnati vi sitor Friday.
Tile BUMY Women ' 5 Friendship l'Iu iJ met ut the horne of Mrs Orange
Civic League F.nlertalrr s The mout up-to-date en t e rtai;,menl waR pulled IIff here un St. Vai entine'll Eve, at, the Town lIall. by the ladies of the Civic Leag ue The enjoymen t consisted principlllly of Ii good oh!.tlllhion(!\i b"nqu et, where styl e Will' laid uid .. and tht !{uoII lhinlots came t, n thl" table. embu t-d with thl:! aromu and t8:<1 e of by-g('lle days.
w, N, Sears was in Lebanon. Mo nday .
~storZ'H . JiJiZl
~,~~.,,,-,..... ~.~. ~M~~ . . for .QdI~ aJI-I.,..,I'-~-.~~~"7-~:-~~~~.
A s tO t'." I'll ~"O 1u u :tu 1\TU l1\1 D linn,)'
'111111''''1'. III gll'l lurlw,1 hel' lIctt<! 111111 l,h ,.,·11 lit It. nut '111' 1l1l1i,re nO' relllilr k. 1111' 1 ~ " rll l'lli dl(! <hi' "'ul~ thlll l' lII'lle11"\'0'11 rllllll.1 IlIUI M~ lf tuk llll; I' IIII!
k.·,. ..
,u'ld t"s tn \I I! \\ 1111 l a ' r , '1"1 -;a,\' IIr was ~tl r' ''I' l sct l
f rnm. "Why, lIle !loc'ror IUU!!I nH " .. ·1 le(t tl ll~ mOIlI'Y," sJltl 'x Inlm l"l . Inle· In!! np n roll o!.., bl ll"'- .. 1.Qo.k....Etll look ~ .. "G"I otT )'t'n r <'IOIII,·S," rl'prMI'(.- th,
. Wli l~1I
\\'illlUlH .
. 111'1",0\ (t.",), 11l~ hou l~\'RI'lI rOlH1 lO 1I IJiltlo lo-u'lI li~ hl 1111' wes t s lwrt! of 110 .. 1111(,' ",oul,1 lie pUl1ln~ II lightly. Hut
Iw didn' t H ~k w lwrL' I hey \\'el'~ ~o l llJ.:: "IH Ht' h,.\\' It n il-Hie no dlrrL'ri~Urt\ to him ,
1I 1!S ~troHR . \\urlll llUu l1 h e ld th~ !'l lllu ll l'j'u W l1 U l it', uod !il)lIh, thlll g In tilC lo udl
l" II'II ~)ro.h· ," '.v,
hed , ntHI go \ (I .'~l t'.lop:' In n n (lt ll~lT 1I1 i1 111f\l1t
~ I rll IIh )II' 1I
" t'" HUt-
fl IP ~tr l
\\, h,'" Efll ih wos O ~R Ilrt>I I the l'4 IP p t. ~ hl ' ' · 1·,,\\' 1 ~1 o ut or t he bed
, l . V ....• 1".1 II
" (un nllm "l to
11,,1' I." t ciottII.'!. hod 0111 I hI' IIl;ht "lIll \VII' In bi:od nfT
htHllt hl ht'" It1I1fhi' r .
.,n '''T DUSt
rn"~ ft
' 11"" . 10\ ,1
, ..
New Sltl"" \1 r ~
General Repair Shop 1: 1' \\ INO . j\1 .6.CHlN F. Qf.P6.IRII'O \ Illch ~,p.lrlnl, I;\Clve Rtpalrinl.
pu mp "'t'ralrl ll!{. Saw I;h.rpenln,. Knife ~ h.rpenl"l/, Tllu t I:H.rptnioll, G fJ ~ollrtf.' and nil !'Iovel ~ Irtlnlnl lind lilts or other Job. In wood 1",1 inm
I) .. h llr n
, 1\· lJ ll:n .
'-+-l-4;.!-Ittt'l+-+ltrlltrnnn::-c!';trrn-rtl'lT'l'nNIffi'l't+ --'t'h",-- PJlTfm'nor-Nn'Nnn..-1 HOI 11 k or WaynesVille, 0 , 'la rl-vI II" v s Maicbe l Ur" " ull \la in & 'oulh SIS " r the girl'. Iin\w rs malle him lltrl ll h,'r 11I'I1I~h I S. IA> h,y n rlnn for the tu · "lib plplIsu re. He (ound IJJm~t!lr , ' Il\\" 1111',' I'''r I"'rsclr uml husbulld. John F ,'r rn onfl Y I·.. ndlcllli\·t!o had bee n Ibe re I Pen dleIIlI thaI 8nYlbiDI this stl'1lnge c.h lld Tb!! ~' 1(8 t N. Llo",,1 a.pk .•t ~J.:lr . f' o l -;II,>oltl ask ot him . he'd do. no wlltt er h ~j\' ,~n t Ilt' ~ ) O ... man In tb ~ world abe row v. Cb .. rlts• .Ion •• e'.1. .1 hOI It wlgh l be. Hug b [)uay. old ' llme major rl retldeti tt) mentl nn or I And Too, m o ney . leagu e ball pla yer, la tbe oew hild sa id h ~ would come back t o _ 'rh ~y passed 0,"," B culv"rl tllrOu l;b m aoage r of th e ;BaSion Red Sox.. rowl wh lcb Wu ter. In IllIULllng roa rs, lWl< He aays tblD form e r world cha.mP8 Proba.. Court Proceedlnp I ts way down lh" bill. Ju s t 00 tho 81)1' IUrth·.1 IIn ll 1000kl'1l nl tlle 81 ~p w111 do 11 comebac k. 10 th e maU e r 01 Ih o '·Mlu.te ti t W. lI ur l h s ide I h .~ gir l 8toPl> Il . In/! (""" . l"oIf·loI ,lol" n III Ihe blllnkets. B. fllr' ·~ ml,". t1 1!().. " ~",,t: ~'i r~1 II' t! " H en' Wt' ntt' to the ' rngged r O<.'k s," ~I,,· It II 01 ~ 1,,1 ~1I Ihls cbll li (rom h ~r ..; he s nl(1 . '''1'1, 'r\,'s the h0111 \\'h" I'e my rUllwr. nil " now ..;h,. h n f1 to p~c npe the tlool Hoaount ItpJlroved . II lumll lY Iii. See tl lll t IItll~ li gh t ? Sllllld ClasRifted Ads In 'he rn"tt ll~ IIf Ul fl " ~ t. It' tlr ~·P •. ('n l l""'4IItI' I II'C'~ nr h t·r wkk,~d deed, She here 8 m illu t~ til l I ..nm,· hnck lind I! ' l he c\rnpPl'tl h pr hAII' t. 111111 I" 1:0 UW :OY . nnll thnt quickly. It C1l1i E1t1.ruth rl " t',..'" 8(1. HIl u w ut h" An li d iii this column i ~ " ~ ure Nlile ,\O U, " ":-'-ow g" bll <:k," hI' r.oltl /!"Jllly. "I !'lI lt' I1l1d d:lrt'd 10 r HC"f' her hll shn n t1 's Swlll~ r t.' i" upp.,iuwd Itl\mtnl· tr" t .·, l( II. hull s udllNlly oc(' urrcd to Tonnl. rftn nnd my "'"y. Will ~' O \l en III I' 10· \\ " 'Util . .: , " \\,HIIItI hl1\,(', thp u "und BOlld t :!GO. I,el Iliu t perhu\lS her tlltlwr mlJ(ht mo rrow nt t"'I), Hl1d let II W k no\\' h nw tl u' l'I' , /'li I1H tlUltl"Ut "t! with Pnul Pen· [II \lIA wotter of I ha ~"I"I~ . 0\ MONEY LOANED Ioftvo.' " c ntur~d hOIllP. It 80, til n slle slle Is? Or sh ll ll I COII1~ ""\\,11 r ' dl t'llnv l' n, Frt<derlt,.. () ~w" l d, rlP",,"~ d I{ "I ' ll 1"1~(· UI you," unS\\' \ 'n'-( ) Tnn nl , II lIlst prpp" r!' him fo r th e doclor's 1' 0111. , Stu" rt'nrIH~ ,l 011t n l1 el t o ndwrl T on n1 · pnrt, uf "" IA. U ~I-'r,)v 'ld. Ing'. . I bel. "I f yo u're sUrE' n ow )'vu won 't h pl'..: f l l"~I, I)N 6:Y I'll III ,N tiN ~ARMM " 1\:0\1)' . lIa rlln·. wnkl' II !). " Rhl' snld. She wenl IrnUll'dlalely to her lIIulher go t I t)~ tl I'll nlO hade tn I UUt1lII1~', ,,' li "v I,·,..... - t. , ,, ' /; 111 . 10 "I W tlllt tn n .... 1; ,\' UU !oUlmpt h \ II ~! H II l1d looked down upon he r. 'ille Bllt- " " " .'~ ·r,·. r .. 1i .~ TArn·lI . 11,· " 1 II:~ . il I!!'-t h", " P 1'1'I'(,·l·II.1' ~Il(l', " I shll 0 1 VI t t'ut:t litt er , TOI\ ~ (,pC'rH'd IH'r s h llllhl· r· lo(l ('n eyl'S Kall-'h 1('1111111 .. r, s woll en lids wer e SIIII closed li nd 1.100 In ' ''' tl nd t. r tlU"" tvlhl11nJ.1t n Ohlu , ch ild ," l'UIII(lo In qll l('k Ilt t .'rru ptlon , Iln d "'lIdl.' d, and MI.M I ~ .al·" B ltI .·k . h .ltll of I'h"",. :\111 1\'un whit e fOCI! lJrollgh l U rll ~ h ot OJ 19 U u_ n l1 "(; lIod·nlJ,:ht., ThulIl, yO\! fo r FroDllllu I " 1'1111 '1 ,!.to I n RIN'Jl n'::lIln,f' exc1 ntm(.\(] I ~ II rs to the girl's eyes. Il:oJI£Y L"Hof'11 011 Ih" .~ oo', "I've brung some olle to hclp yon. hrln,t:l lI J.! nil" th e- p l<: ( lIrt' n nrl nllo\\" ln ~ \f l' , . 1)," '011. h O!'lrf'ply. "TeH m e thIs, Martin "h uOk. Ill" " It.,or and MIMM t'It 'H' ~ I ", ,.1 .. ,\ I'''c''"d JU t) rt.",HIII:",. . nn \. ' 11 hnlWS ( h c llp\' o \\"hnt yo u Rtlld B8~~,e R "l!! e r ~, b Il h ,r fi" "llkltn. I)arlln'," she wh ispe r ed. but the WOm. m(' t o l' Olllt' t o ~' o llr m otl!(' r." N 1l~. b" " ll hl .I , Ion H ... hltll', AII"n 1I 1.•11J; I "Itt Ih lnl! on Ih e ('01'117 AboUI All lIIo <le no mov,,, If hy chnn ce she William Mi ohenA r, ilJRtrnQlnr, .. nd CHAPTER VI. B"I\,11 II l< , X' .. ,i~ !lhl" . 6 4 21 henrd. it 1", 111 lIoh " " Mi.~ J1: tl (J " c.;o rn ail, b, .I·U u l W "J I,e.· l "y , :'. " ·n:.,,'rtl'(1 T nny, wIth (I~ vill I'. 'loIJIL erlll l: UI) Ille s teps. Tonnlbel f'T ony" Sweil,... an O a.t h. I\'ns hnrk nt lh e doctor's IIlde batore I 111L' "~" II eIS . " ·hf'n T IHltl11lf-1 Ih'lI l o\"l'r Ow hunk . " ) HI tlfln't W:l wt fO hurt Urluh oDd \1 ALE HELP WANTED he 8<'ore"I.1' 1' ('11 II zed It. "Mummy'. alone," IIhe sllid. ''Come !"I ll £' ~!l\\, Iwr 1I1f'lI! II'1":-; I\\'('~ \\ (' r l-' 01'''' " , 111(', ,J~I \'(H I. I lo1lf> \' 'P'' Real Estate Tranfer. ~h p ,.. 11111 ,orl "IHlly d o\\ 11 upon lH'r, ,::nl '1'1". i rl loOh oo1< 'tH'r 1"'8fl ~l owly, nnt1 on." AI .Ii:~MEN WH ' t ... t-'\II I " UO A Ellu ( 'ltrUl Un til M .. r y II:tt·31-'1I.faotl Pendlehaven .tooved over &11th Oe- 011, 11 ~I~IH' nfln tllnl, fiJI!' of Ule worn · fI Ij . I lof 111 ~ l ll llh.w ~t" ttl ln J.: 1n her oyes, 110 Il"rt o f lilt N'J. r. " t MIUOl i I'qll" r" llov . n Hm .' V pv .. n ' nllfh' . Ad. /1n' ... rl dn hllll d <Q I n ht "T~. I M't' ll1t-'d fn Olrti{p h e r "icie r awnke. yon, gently talrlnll h!!r wri s t In his dre." K. III o~r" III10n,I (;i '.z.. ".... ID W"yne"~' llle , II "\\' 11"1', " :-; ~' Oll r flulftl ,\'7" Inunuurell I "I wo uld n 'l hurt \'Oll , dnrllo'," sh e ,fingers. ~'or some tim e he Sli t besldo Myr t1~ IS h AII ~S ~~ Ap ll " n P hi llipS rrpllfoo l nt l<'IH!1h . "hilI Rometlmes. her. Ulen IU lxlng II drou ght, succeeded Mr<. P. " " " . " 11o- '~ ""li P. 11111111111)' ,Ipil r. " hrellthell "'1,· .. oI :!I"I)"s h"ntl,,' yO II . I feel like pnrl of Hp(, 30. 'I' 5, H. a In Ltlb III pour ing It 1I0wn bel' thront. 'l'l,e FOR RENT-FARM wea ry lids dltln 't 11 f t, bul one thlll arlll T nll ,\ ' " 1 1!1It'~'~ tu· Ih 0 11 ~rd S I Hll P one \\"1 ' ud.ll1· tht:" li fe out ot him, my. "D un, ~I . JallleM Benlltl ll Iu U ,,,y,, ,lI I Vl n • . !!&lDe rll:ldly UPWllrd. then t ell bnck \\1 n..: n fl l'" 111111, Y ou'n' ref-lin' n lot t .."" ,\· - ·' A." .... ~ 11" .. r . ," 110 .. third_ h,'tll 'f', hllit. h Hn f'Y'?" F .III II e:r.,)lpccl lwr hy n tug nt h er Plitt" of '!.to. 18, 'I' :I, R 4 h ull ~t\() Umply. t'r hn Iv ·'" I q':" t ' nf tJ 11. " Y L\p . I,ut r ill th ll'"tY. nw(u ) th lr;; t~·. ""1"-'1' 1:1 . T.:I. R. Cl . lJtI'we ~ n t,be M,,,wl "Some one lit ruck her. ell 1" osked .I'WI_. W .. ~ IIP, v llI.· t'llI . fHI Riven. hnhs ,h'ur." "I( ~ U II ~'\\"O T e hy (hu t co rd you the doclor. '1'0111,11 " ,1 1:11',· I,,· .. II elrlllk, II n,l I'''' • hl·.ill :: ht. I mrnn It ynn fook nil ontb. MIUIln Moon tl, L1il1nD M " OD lilt "Yep." r('plled tbe girl, nnd I1ml wus s~n 1110(1 h {lnwtr, \\'Il ll ld " II k ,lof-' p It ?" wlh' nsk('(l tton rse- No 2U In Leb'iOutl, 'I all. WANTED-TRUCKING "Y ou'rl' ~()11l' t o get w e ll." ~h p h Pendle tou",," didn 't !18k Bll,l'lhlng Barmon Mon rll 10 "h"rl e~ P.pp t -'d. ejo(·lIlu t ... hroll ght 11 awfu l ni ce " Y ll il \I N \\' 0 11 11 1." T h ere was more. 10 IIl'(!~ pt l l\g the picture be hnd p~r' of Vlrg lnl .. MiHton Harvey ltu KINU IIl,d LI ... ",'· . lAall. tacltl)' prulIll. ·<I not to quesllon ber. doctor lH'rt' W!I(-' fl y ou '" r e so sI ck . 1111 111 7.I " I' '' flT. ~ lll' p ri.;: '" I1l1fl eage rness In N o, 771 III M".,l e Twp . ' f, OU O H e's jn st !.tone, and he left you (h ulll tllf' ~' (l 1 11 ": \'fll , 'p , IInMWf"f'lcl p' '' lIll'lly "nd . ·,,1111 .. 0. Wbat did It lUuller to him how Ule pills ond IlInl trII Nll r ln e In th e gl ns~." " r "( ,, ', ) 01 " I~\I , 110 Ih e tell er I18 ld tlnn Itu,, ~ ~nlet'd Prl()f'H' ~"· ,, , ... hl· woman bad tome Inlo ber prll.!Klnt COil· T hO! WOllln ll s lnr('l l lit tl'l! speok e r .'l·~II" \\'II ~ 1\ holy bll'ln" t.'b . M. E Eclward •• Lytlll . IIhltl fllS Comml .. lonera' l'rOCfledIap dltlon' B~ ')'ould do his ulmos t, bls Tnny " rII lfl (,11. very bl:sl for Ihe Bllke of the trembling AS It 811 e horln't /t ellrd rl l;htly. 811111 IIliow(,(): I::l o . Wllllam~, " A ,loetor7" . hp \\·hln,'<1. "\\111,,1 )Ir<. 1)1'\'nn ~ PI)(' d hl'r fin gers child who hlld brolllihl bock tlle bnby's ,. uppliett for olen nf ounrt~-'1.50 i nholll Ill!' J:'lrl's nrm. SALESMEN WANT!!:D picture whlcb mlgbt bring a oew de- doctor ?" W"lt"r MoC lurp, hurin l "f t'um u al "noclor Pencll ehA " ('n," I'('plletl To n· ")I ,,1>hl' he's In Ih e Dirt y Mllry here. s ire to live Itt his "rother, fO Ul. Eyler--tl OQ i (;ion Alii: r_ .11, bDrll.1 ''Come outs ide," be /la id lit lengijJ, nlhel. " Ih··s II r"nl ni ce mlln- .Tobn nnl." ynu ron' t ·r .. him . hnh~' denr?" or Ve~tln8 1:11 110 1<-' IOU i H. ' 0 Will gT bu_v . Keep hu";\, . It. ~'~ · ur 1'11 (1 \\'Olnn lltR '-ol (' ~ was sl~'l y toned, nalllg. "I wnn t tn talk to you. She'll Pencll ehR \'cn," Ill m ~, ~ul>lJhlll! fu r oo ur' . t!l1l0j( j " b II, .... I~ ~ · , .. II. VIt ' III"n .... t? Edlr h Btru ggled UP on her elbo w. 10111 Rill' ~ hl,·{' , c d In slJ pp .... tltlon . sleep a lon g time, perloops until morn· rRph e r - III 50 i M.lrr" w Br.nt. You ... ,, 1 , 1\ Itl" l.. tI~ hn~IIi...... Yuu "n ,,'. ri~hl hl'l'I' ." II ffil'ln ed Ole ,nrl. hOllrd "Whlll'd you br ll1 ~ hIm hl'rl' for?" lng," ln@ lind w ~ .hiJ)1I fu r prlaonl! l a ...an t( .. ~ III '" "nl ~ h ' bu~lnR •• "" llInl( "She'lI get well. hub r' demanded slle crlcrl. "l IInte the Pen.l\!!havI' ns. th ink In;: or 0 ho~" R ('orne. t u pUfled $105, 14 i .1 " bn Lltw Ilod 8JD, Ituppll' wor ... t.b . ~n 137 W,,' 111"'" ~ 'r " .tl'c •• Urln h hates ' 1'111" fn r'" fl lI rl ,' Ihmnt a'II ro ncCl'. Tonnlbel, In a whisper. tor S h. r iff'~ 0 ·,,-'9,90 i Brown .. n' Ju ,n14 " y , "nw " "Q'.' c-' r " I know thnt. mummy." Tony cut "TlI Pn sn ~' nfl .. r l!'e whot rm Huno AI I. l'Nl-1 for C d Ol\ b (, u~e- lhrtlor. t il "liONly." he responded. "Of cou rse." lA • m ('r ('b n lIet ,, ''', ; I' S 011 "ao 1'1 v .. her ofT with, "but you wns too sick to Ihlnkl n' of." sn lrl F:t! II h. Tbe thouEht ot ber tather coming 1109.60 ; Tbe Warre n County Apptal hoo (l wi th 11 .. . .... 11,,1 ~II" 'h" WII bome drunk dllllhe<! aerosa the glrl's tel l me Il'hnl tt> do, ond <Jnddy wasn 't I 1'nl\~' IIFterl hf' r eyes 10 her mother's, oohoe $0 ' "X pavera "'r T rell~-I4; biI(l1r y oo WII,h hlg _"\110 '1( ''''' P" 5:1 mind. "1 don't want you to stay It her e. 60 I jus t we nl nnd go t the dol'- hut rh',,\\, huck wh r n sill' discovered I' b" ~'"II .. ItH 64r", 1:0 . rtiOolrd for y~.r~ 10 hUlIII,,,. _, lIn.Utllt,OIlO il8 .. ," Hr tor myself. . . . R pre I You mustn't hot\' Il'rrthlp .. I II~ lonla't! . white like 8 abe', 1111 Mllbt." abe said with a back· I-Ih"rltf ~ " moe-11I1I 86; Tbe Col "'or proctllol.. WrJlf' tilr lJ.tnprn•• ,1('1111 pl'rsnn. ward bend or her bead ''You s nld slt up," umbo" Blauk HOlik IU" ( ;0, blanb lion wbHtt y " a en ll 1:1'" Iprr"u,~, ' "I willi I willI Now tell me all he "I 'Wl'ar hy Ul e 11 \'ln' .T"'" S," bt'gon she'd let well. didn't you?" At the f ur ProhalA .lud.,8-'4; Tb .. J. W .1. H W.II",,~ ' ~., Dq).'r!III~PI (!. 80ld from the heglnnlng to ('nd." ]';llIth : nnll Ihen she pll ueed. "Say It." doctor's amrm8 tl ve nod sbe weot on: 1.lnll" Eidw . Uo, " .. Ue-GOo. I I , 11:. Wlll o n • . ~tIlJt l1f " h . tl!S In !flftlce Tomnlbel helped h er motb· ohl' hl s~e (\. "Theil I'll take you bock 1IP tbe hili. (;iu~\ln. lIlalll'eOaIlO", po ~ r n l\ "te, er to /I sitting pos ition And wt'llPped "I RWl'nr by Ihe 1I\' ln' .Tesus." Tony fo r y. monlh ending 1.SI.21-U4: Jd ·,on'll be 'sate." said Pendleba ven. flrml7. th e hlll llkets nrou nd her. Th"n s he rep~A I<'r1 fen rtuJl y. ' t.r n lt! Rwpuey , UlJtlrlle'l .. noe eto .• WANTED "I sWl'll r 10 m)' mllmmy ne\'eT to f'lT y. 1Il""th el!$llnl{ 1.31 11-1265 "No, I won't let ),011. I can lind my hegnn to t ell her whnt holl happened. onl)!....LbJng...JJhO-OnI IUOOBpea-k·I-n j,!Any noUlln' ml'lIn ngulnst Uri a h Oe.,.....1I--TIgb, but-l -cau't-lesve-yuuIll!; VHIl ""mp ijf .. ne C!o- , oruebrd ot WII S Ihe hll hy's plctllre. ,'on, my d nrloly." ",pnt on !otrs. Oe\'OD. <to ne - ' ~87 64: ANt'Ell- Work bv th, oIl1y or like this." I Walt.• r Hogan . "He were th e only rloctor I kn ew T ony rep!'ul etl thiS, too, olmost hddore IUlu bAr-'I?03 88; Jnn L... "' .... It I ·""M. B ...... "~.. , And ' Toonlbel extended ber band. "( said 'lIS J was going with 7011," ahe an s wered Rbout." sbe orfe r"d tinnily. fl ushin g. frlJ:'ht ened Into fl ls. She hod never & Hon. It Very ,el>'ll' e 6 1.. 1 . on truolr d .. n. Wnyo"""llle. Ohlu c ris ply, "Come on. It'll be all bours "nnd he's the b nutlful est mon I e ver Re<'n her mother look and a et 80 my'" No 422-.110. 50 : Jot) A Bh.ir, ."ln@ olefln .. d Ill' rnv orr....... ' pit., betore 'OU get home now. (atD't soy· SO\\". Mehhe he'll corne dn"," tOlllor· t enously. ~ npp\iel e" , ,-'23 66; W 101. Mlddl£'. I am pr.. ~ared ~ o lul"tll~b 1\ oct "~ow SIl~' thi s. keepln' In your mind ton . Ulfl lntpn" n et' 1'10. for X mon'b In' I would love ·to bave y"u In the row to 8t'e you ." Edith tlrnppet1 hnck on fl ,e h"d. shiv· I you'lI he hln sl~ to bell It you break pn,H,, !!, 1-31 21-'0111.lt; Ulrty Mary with mumm;,: Ina me. bill W, ~. llravel Hnd al80 ba'.1l ,b .... 11'" . Lea lI"vi. Fa". prlog in Il l's permt\(m . ynllr wor.1 , 'J woo't Dever tell that my IJrflhnw, rOtld Ind brId,e repair. me IIDOw YODl want,. 70U might get kliled It YOIl s tuy," ua •• It. 0 4, Wavn ulIVlIl". 0 18 ' "Get your clotbes off, baby," s he . rulh er hen t my poor mummy, or that 10 W ilyne Twp -'115 IIIi "ADd " ' hut ab out )'ou," de mnnded wl1lspered. "Crnwi In beside m e. hp's II thl l' f nnd 8 lIor-'· A thick Peod!t'ba ven. tl'nrl('ss soh hu rst tram the woman's "Oh, I'm UIled to It." ahe respooded. You're all weI," ·WANTED-STUMP BLASTlNQ "Take your mP.()lclne nrst. Ihen I Ill'" flllrl hrou ghf nn ejaC111l1Hon rrom -8omebod, might "ve me a swat or two on my bean; but that won" cOllnt will," sold T onllihel. "Bcre--" S he II", ",Irl " 1 ' pIcked · lIp the gln ss ond then 8tooel for nothlo' I" ET lid of ,onr Ind roc.,. !1' n he r.llntlnu.(!.' stllr\JI!! nt th e nln\'P ~ h e' d .. ~B!c en It W1um t.bPY .... chpd th e boule \'nrd, H.v" IbeUl bllBletl b. dYllllmlte ~one too .mall or 'IODII l c,ll bill Hive m .. a oall J . ~' J)1~b",,,. ft. . 0.2, W"yneItVllltI. ,O bit. 1
un ow
~I'l(' rlc(" tl y rll"f,:U'l ln ':." :-oIHll t P'~' 1
Mn<. Curt is. "If Ih p ~lIlhl ,Ilfl "~ II them. thinking th ~y WPI'I' 110 1:0011. ),ou'(\ N!rlllinly not Wllllt th"111 t Nm a secoU(\·bnnd S~" l' ,, ·
p f'od1 ehnveu
rll t' t'
r"o m
r la l'
IlIll lp. "Aek him nhoul
gn lf _. ~Ilr:, h ." he said. wnllilng IO\\'nrtl 111" oI •• ,r. "P ~rhnps It yon tpll him 1'",,1 \\'111 ~h e him ft huncl rP.() dolln,·. ( "I' 11"',n Rnil th " (,n nlpllt s or Ih"lr !'Il,·kpl'. l, c' lI look tll(,01 up." MNl. C~ lrll R I'M" wlfh (1I I:nll)·. h,'r clamp handk "rehl .. t .-I "' IJ" I,,~I Iii h"r hand. "I'll not In~ult my on ly .on," . h,' Bald dlBtlncll y. ,Vlth II geSIONl ot d"spAlr, 1',"'101' I'end lehll\'en we nt out ot ti ll' 1', .,,". .'01' " moment orter he'd 1:0 1l {o, 011,1 Ille BOund ot his footstep" li nd I.. i'11 1_ In the I'Orl'lelol', the molh"r st nrp" lit htr dllughtpr. ''TIle tll ct Is," she 1l1l!'!'1 onl . "It ' ll ns o.ualn Jobn SAYS, 1 hO\'en'l mUI:h In· lIuence over Reggie. but I don't b<:-lien be's IS bad as people SIl),. In n 'HIe town like this a pi'rSfllI ca n'l hllre a ,tep sideways wltholll old I\'UIrS r ommenttng on It. (bnl l' II hll1'8 tor just that rI!IIson." • "rt Recg1 e'd be have hlm8.e lt," repile(! the lady', daughler In a bnr~ tone, "be wouldn't h"ve to he chnl· tered about. lily Advice III, mamma . that 10U .rive him a good nklng o\'er. tl you doo't mind your 1>'s and Q's ,.ou11 D8\'eI' hIve CousIn John tor ~' our third boa.band, I can ~I you lhat YOG'rI!l DO ntarer 'manylng him tJlnn ,.ou were t@n ,.eIIt'II ago, liS J co D .see,~ :wtU, thong". Miss Impud ence." ~ back tile "Oman. "Paul woo't be much more than In lIls grll ve hetore 00u8ln Jolm mIkes Illi! bls wife. I wt.h to beueo Paul wauld die, andand I doo't DOUce with all yonI' nlrt· Inc' aitd' maneu"erlolr you're getting your claWI 00 Pblllp: , • . Ah. thot fh~
'llflt " ' .
" I ... tlldl l .'
n,·l l. lIc r"r rI ll' ... Id{ brill I" ,,.
nnrt 11.1
r\-' HH-~ lIItl\·rt·11
h.'ll l l
IIp'''lH lr ~ .
,hilI tllf' rlr·q
Itln't '
o r rOll f" )" ' 1H" uftt' r ttw 'lI"'a"I'~ ' n l'n n l' " nr ('ntl l', rlll l u!hl t'r Itlld ht"'11 ':Pl'll t t1l n rrl! JHh-' :'\ ,'ur ~ · h . .\ II ,1111":" \\ urkln2
F:d l rh ~I llld!l,
tln nll ~
d"t 'l d",' 111111
\\hll linn !'Jilid IlItt ... ' IIf fh, ' I II UP !ill rwt· hl' r ffl" ,hl ' r hud dh,tl Hl ld \f' n..: 11.', \' Oh"t1 t o llll r , h ilI! I t'rt Il om(l willi flip hah)·. f'lI r~I'
( IIr
!I ," IIIII!!!
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11.' SlI l liP "1I,\(ll' nl)·. fr>r
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hIm rro lll fh p "'lfI ' l front ",m '" th" rnttl'r of (I'l'l ilk I' Ih p ~(lft r,)011 I:wl ... o r :-:11 111(' ~ t" oIi It S Il h:h' .n nl . nlnl. fit " tlnh.. d hi s ey ... ~ nil Ilul open
,10".1' 111111 h'd to Ihe pOI'ch- ll url Ihen be r o"!!. Th ~ re bt'lore hllll Slooll a "lrI, II s ll .. nt 1:1 1'1 loo king at hlllJ be-s~ 1 1i J.: 1~ - fl cu rl olls do>nHllldlng e:qlretlsl ,," In " ~ r e~· \!!!. aDd s hl' WIIS bllre(otlle!l. tl)O. H ~ d lllD'1 spenk , nor did he.l
Il ltl \ ' t'
(o n vunl.
She \\'us n ot a I n-
11" 11 1, 11," 1 he kne w, f or on ly l'JlIV"
r ich
him tor tr tl'Btll'l ent. ·
Sud,lI' lIl y she s miled nnd took t\\'o srI'\>. IUwnrd him. "Good e\'enl ng," he III nllll ged to say, "Puul Pelllll .. haven ' " cam e lu II
m,. ,.00,
boctor John H . . a VIII tor. After ~lIlolnl hidden In the fopMt tor BOrne Hme. Tonnlbel stole alon, toward l\llsC8 In the
1l00m. her heart IIJled
with hope. To
pt ' aolDe medleloe for Edith, and to take back the picture to the fa ther wtJo lIad otI'ered money for It. were . the two tblop .be wlIOted to do now. Ber youoe mInd WIIS buBY with (llnns • tor her mother. tl abe eoold lIod BOme won to do. lind Illdlth would ro with lIer, abe would get well spin. 'lbat "eo1og, luat atter dlnoer. Dr. lolm Pendlehaven 11'118 ftlttlng In his
tIb~t ~I"
'}tathmne'. face had cone red at the wOir'dlf, then veJ'f wh I teo ~ow perfecU,. vile," ahe uclllimed, with • ~tcb lD her voice. . 'l'1len ahe atrlilJbtene(! oJ) aod langhe(!. "Wel\, rill DOt fort,-·lIve ,ell1'8 old and pret_dlna rill thIrty-live, anyway. nor do I ct,.. balr, and flounce out with lace to prcmt rm young. '1'1Iere's s abot tor mother darling I" '!'b. Irate Mrs. Curtis rusbed ont ot tbe I'OODI, followed by bel' do ughter', moelrtn, IlIuCb. Pol' three ,.ears Kathertne had been ' madly, ....Ioaatel' . In lOVe with PbIllp 1l.~u1ey, an lotlmate fri end of the famO,.. '!'be ,.oung mon's home ac1jolne4 hen, and durIng hll orphoned bo,-bood he'd IJ)eIIt a 'poeat delll ot hla apare tlme at the feodlehaveos. Bnt atnee be'cI retu.me4 , from Frsnce and bad talren op the SaIY8t1on wortr, I WoR whlctl Kathertne beld 10 opeIl t:Ooternpt, the 10HmaC)' had about ceued
The,.. Before Him Stood a Glrf~ Silent Girl.
brea tb. and Doctor ,T obd sbook hi. bead. "Ob I I boped you were I" was tlle s wift reply. "I want to see tbe doctor." 'l' he voice wall fllled wIth toucblnl pathos, and the yuung to ce bnd grown 8\lddenly grave. . "I'm ODe Doctor Pendleho\·en." be sold "Won't you sit down?" TODnlbel .book her bead. Sbe co uldn't alt down In 1111 thlll 1'0)101 splendor, IIbe wbo bid been .used to cnnal bOlltll and rough beoches to llit on. "I'm klnda muued up," abe .. Id tn excuse. "I've come to moke a dtckel' wltb-wltb Dr. Paul Peodlthaven." "Tell me wbat you want of m,. brother'" be sald geotly. "Do,ou waot him to help you '" "Yep, II hull lot," abe relpooded, ... grent lor. My mother's awful licit. But J can't tell how she got that WII" 110 don't uk me. But-but i thonght mebbe If I brought Doctor Plul'a bab,. bsck-" Sbe pau!led, drew ont ot ber blouse the pIcture and banded It ont, "I tJlought It I didn't tilke an, money tor It, be'd help me. Bnd mebbe wOuldo', mllke me tell wbere I got It." Joho Pendlebaven made 00 move to toucb the little card tibe was bohiln, out to bl"'; and Tonolbel came nearer. Her t1D,el'll let IV tbelr bold 00 the picture. and It tell to the door, Antt Ih ere betore the slartled Dlnn's eyesl Sil l! dropped dO,,"11 ond begllU to 8ob, lon ~ bitter sob8 s ti ch os J olin PeodlehO\'f' n h,\ d ne,'er h ~ft r" rrom OilY or his 011'11 \\'01111'11 klll'l. "I "'lin t sOllie une to h!!lp Ill y lDumlny so l,ull," CIIIIU' to hlJll Crom alllong lbe curls. 1'111'11 he slwlJ lc him ·e lf. deep 8ymIlo t ll~' sU' lk ln,; at 111m. "LI ,.I,·n III IIII'. ii i)' <It!A r: you 've done Ill)' hl'ulhel' tilt' g l" ' lIr p~ 1 tll"or In lite worloJ lIy \)1'111 1-:1111: I ' " ~k lhls picture." He s t ooped olill I,kk ed It u\'>. "He lo\'ed It dea rly; no ulom'Y cl)uld hl1ve lJought II." . ToonllJel's eyes. tilled wlul tel1n, Kazed up lit him. IInli the red 1Ip1 trembled. "I don 't Wllnl mon ey," _he to Itered, "But my 1'001' little mumu,y'¥ sick. So I said 10 rnYRe lt If Ihe plclure ' "'at worth cosh, then ru ehbe I coQld get HOllie medicine liS 0 chllDge ott." "\\' e'll go to ber IDslantly," s aid f'euIll elJo\'I!I\. "Wolt until I get ID1 . hilS nnd COOl, ODd I'll tell my brother 'yOli hl'ou/oIbl this to blm." In, II tew mluutes he was back, 11012· ID ~ bel' s tundlng where he hsd lett her. WIthout 8 word they walked out 10' '.0 t hft OlJqht.
. _.
Makell You Feel Lazy and Diaeour. aged, You Get Nothing Done
. f' O. • R I R EOH~ " lnqDlreo, • . .Mr" CII"t. Rn" • . t'PIiN I't;. '\ be eD~De bOllM, w. .y ll f!.vil. ... ObI", c... mil
.1",,,,\.• BKANII-Na.;nok, or be ' .... d tf' 0
.... n· ~1. W Umlol' '''o 16.1y' lh t " r ' r bul'Il
" Tt~.t ; ,t.dy
Z Uod"r. T"llphotD"
A .. PUT 4 'rooll of AlAI .... (hr,
qn!t It or 0'0, R " lHIrllll)l', R. fl 6, Tune Up Your 8l.oo.till It. Notlee ~1I\'n .. nlll". Ubl n. m2 'he DUrerence with Rids, Red I'll V E-C1ern,l o. , 1'".1 R..t" ~'" In Blood In Your Vc!inl! iI""c1 colJdlt"'n , IlIqu .... lit IIr, J, A , I4ct.;o' , WaYDetI",IIH, 011101. . b,lI '[' h I' tn 'II\ 'lr nllll, wllw.n or tl,. <1hl)" Wllb" t!tn~l .. I..,)lrln o ' 1JJtI\ ~x bn-It .. I. obulOll l.tt.lIA ltttd i,,'I . H ,''' h,4 \V8-n fhn.\ b ,ja hl,.fll1 hKt 'eluver l'iltfld AI".. I IV1? S. Is tllIl\d '.\' \1\1 p ulllnn. 1"""'/1,1 01 "II ' " rl 'i " rt.·v . D"" ld'''11 MO'OTO~ t; I .. ru.: h r ..J billotl oOU'III"1I fI" .. nKI> '" 11"",1 C'I't>'lttl"u . L.\ Ulan "I r' .. r. 1,1lt'lr v.i , ,~. Ihlw . Tt> tr .vlo'r to It'" I,huu .. -&92. WaYII,,"vllI .. ObI .., 11111 "I Hu ll wi t h blt'Ii" 1.1,.1 ,~ w .... k ao(\ thin. It d "~ .JI·I. Cloll'r.v 11 "'IlI"Io" o f MI ...I AllY I.. r .al.. In . qualitlll~ I.bl·o u /<b til" body, ~ou qutre nl 0 E, H:U,., pbon. U .S. 8"e thulle meu an(1 wuinen "v .. r, <lay W"yn~nl1le, Oblo, r2S They are In 'Ired. Thllir ~bnalderll 1NIC dom... tuwa Po'a-wn • la, droop. Tbey'lIlouch It III 1111 tbe;, quir• . S'''OUII4I Bro'bfl'll. 'R.' r. OIln do to get aroond. • f2B Oblot All BonD AI you bel1.ln &0 feel .h •• 0, 5, WaYDHVllle, . , way take Pep'o.Maog :~D, tbe W'aU 0004 YOUD, BOfeN, ...llbID. knowD blood $oDio. It will' oleat: llbou. 1100 lba Nab. n be away ahe potlonll aDd malle your aeeo a' lbe J , W.' Ore.."ell, 1 mil.. blood rloh wltb red oorpUlol1lll Welt or Well min, Obio. fJ8 . I PepkJ.MaDgan la prepared 'tn both , •• liquid and kble' form , One bill 8u.b.~ (Jf . So~nd .~rD .~ the same medlolnal value u 'be prlOP, eoo per l)u)el,j olher. Ta~e' either kind you prefer, J. W. tUraW'n, phoDe 11.11, · W.), ... Bu' be aute you get tbe Ilenuloe "tlle, Obio. ~ . :.(~t Pepto.llaDlan-"Oudo',," 1'be fnll , " 0" me, "liude's Peplo MaDglln," IJru1tJ'D ".re, ofd,. "III,b'. . 1.400 lbe, I lood .worllPt 1I0d · drt.' should be ou tbe paokage -Advur. vet. . A 3.bor!le 011.", 'lll ~". brl!a~ : Ul8meot, 113 8 plo", ,0012 a. bftw Ie" Ir'& of 8'rll n It Thom'plloD' at I ,j ,1io 'B'~II J lImUh .. bop o j-;; , , ... td ...,o,;- lin Oldll ~"',.. rn"d . R O; ! , tlprl ~ir Va)I", • .Uhm . • ., fie
It I, euob' ,truotore!
tbllt ahown In . the above photograph and plana, tha' oarry withIn Us fou I' walla tbe real aplrlt of howe. II I. a aturdy ~q na.re house, 'till "I\b eooullb Intelligent .. r · rangemeo' to break rlliu}lir lInel-and wUh .. } 'be very em. bo(hmen' of bome oomfort h II the Ideal Bevan or eIght room houae-an depending upon tbe extent of fin l15b !.De cares to put on the IIleeplog poroh on , be seo.
und fl o ur. If It IH.. gluBs enclosed the brolld tlmlrwllY uut of tbe IIv. p o roh'lt olln then be wu.de Into Ing room aod tbe bit( tlreplaoo at . '",I .he fourt-h room t or tbe s eoond ,ItII foot. floo r. ::'£11111 houee wal built from plaol! Tile ar ' llD ge mont of dining and drawn for tbe Nallon ..l Builden' IIvlUfl roow on the flnit n"ot" Bnre"u at 8pokane. Wlllth. If brings them b o th to tbe tront of you are Interellted, leS 08 know. lbe hQuse. 'fh e e ntrllnoe bolDg and we will tell you .wbere to get at the 8J(le- 1t! partioulu.rly oon. plans. et(1, veuient t o arro>D ~ement for drive Nex, wee k we will publish on way US!!" a180. 'l'here IIofO ro llets tbls pago (Jbotograph and two dlf. Ou bot.h fl oor8. fereDt allor plllns of aD Ideal Ooe of the ni cest felitnrea 18 wood .. nd cernan' bUDI·I}OW'.
tlek",.. 1IiCUhdor, 110.111111 IIt.." .( hlllcb80l 'I lnebateh i a .......Io:t I " qulr,. tlf "', N ·. "hl ... Gbll'. ' . 'II '
I .a,
t!tJil,'" "..,ito. . .
RUlln !lh n r'bnr-n '8tall •• 1I~"'1 lr quir" of .A,lJl, C~ . 1.I '.. W "~.tll~, Ob II ' •
' '.<I
Till"'" "' : , n In:v 1 ,1.. ,
trnad ml," OfJ.&:!'I UIIt",~iirti
r I \
•.-•. T HE MIAMI. ' QAZETTE. ISSUED EVERY W "EONESDAY I • &at.eNd ., tho PllIlomce ., "'.)a... III •• Uhl . I.
'II '
-"-- 1 I I
M r~. H"'"h Rlob II a cue.' or her III -'o-:::III:~.bar,.
I¥iIHETHER or not the Ground Hng suw :his shadow,
Tburlday ~::::I~I~r, &t". Cba • . Gray, ot Way. IJllarl.1 I . JOh •• wae I Da"oD SI. ; \-, SlIbllCriatlon Price. $1.60 per year Mr. ~ I1d &frll Wllllllm Maddln or YlIl&orl Tb.rId.y. YOL!o \\ !lJ M 'Charlel &awardl alllt ramlh· I Fon hr;;-Xdv;;ti Info{ H P I t· ~ ... ..,I'::"' Cll , laB Addle Madden mo fed IIIW Natllan Iml&iI'. prop. L'~~t-. PR~S5 '\ .• ,md .. r. lt~, A"ddlO , ClI 'Clark ..· ville. at\laded - tbe IUDer.1 of, bin ••r', Oil Wedaeli1ay. , - - ,,:' .Iarv Ed"llrdM bere on .ioDda, . NOl1Da~f. Daywn, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY lQ. 1921 MuYlog II beth, 10duJged 10- lpe., one day laat week wl,b Mr. t t quite 11 cba og" tbrooghou& 10 'hili alld I4r• . Walter KeDrlok ., vICloUy, Mlal Mea Staoy Ipeo$ rhDnday nY'ans :~H1 ErgI' are coming 10 10 larae quao. ID Oolulll,bul. 'l'le~. the price 18.!rettiDg bettllr, aDd WIlUam UoJemlin ' bought tbe fil l ,h. flrs' lime In a loog whtJ. Frank Elbon tarm 00 'be Waynel. egg. ba v< beeo prloed 10 the a vellge " Ille r olld, lau week, and ~1I1 mo"!! man 0110 IIll'u,d w BI~ 'bem. ,here loon. The )dAt Dumber 01 oor leoture Mr Enoll Roger. wall a Sunday coone will be ,I-vtll .1 'be Town ga8ls ., tile home 01 Fra.t Wrlgh& felJ,o~-this hi~hcr Ball 00 "rid a,. nl.bS,~ I'olwua,y lB. lind family, near Ferry. h' tllie 18 Ule TbllteM Sbllllhan 'un. GlenD JebDI ".., eDterlalned on Our Calendar oerc Compau, . with tbe AileD L,. Snoday, .t tbe bome of Mr, and Cpum Bnreuu, o( Lima. Obto. Mn Raymoud Da.'I., In Daylon WllJlam 8&: John, ~f Lebanoo. Mr and · Mre. Clarenoe tlmUb 1921 fE8RVAR"( 1921 trlt08acled bOIID..1I bere, &'urday. motored &0 Qlly&OD, Thorll"Y . 1.trI I'bI U II1iI6 TIlJ fr' .'111 MIRI Mlidrea 'BI'I'oe8, of Belmont . Llnooln'8 Birthday wa. oD8tlrnd ....... ~ I ~ 2 ~ . 4 ~ III IIpeodlng a"ooople 01 weet wUb ber., &o!' grea' extent. rhe CI.lo Lt-elrue lite' RaturdllY Waner 1i60rI6k.an'(1 famHy. «> 7 B ·9 10 II .2 "'" roo<)n "Isb Mrll BerDlee O,kln Wilbur Clark Rnd Perry Wade at lel 14 U 17 18 19 at ber homo on Ean MetD 'treet IIIOd.d tbe trotclor show, In Col am. of Mr. Ban, Cllnlr.nd aon J of Otlllr bl1!l, WedoeaOay. !O ~I !2 2J !tl i6 Oreaool •. traDlSc,ed bOllo.,,,. betre Rev F. W. MIller Dod wife, of f7!3 : ~ 00 M.. 'ot'da,. Hed Lloo, lpeol II ooopill of daYIi Onr IOhool w1\1 ,Ive a . 800lal on here lall week. rUoklng CII1II1. February 2-Cantlalmaa O.y The road. ' 10 thll leotloo bave TOfjllday e"enlol, F.bruary 112, .. t February 6- Quinqualletllma Sun J Town Bell. Enr,body OOnie and ver, muddy anll alm08t 1m. , "'e/lruBry ~ Shrove Tuerrdu. be,1p "Shorl eDjoy thAmlelvlHI pl8,abJ.. 10 IIOme phl06l1 . " February 9-AMh Wednesday ' M... rl. FraDt .... Berrl_, Charlell (:;/lor8e t!o oU bought Mack Plok. . Febrl ary 12 -Lincoln'l Birthday a .. rh~k and Dr UG.R , vd.lla~ erln~~~opert~henln ~wo, 11101& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~-~ ~~ ~ I~ebruary IS:'-Fmll Sunday h) .Lent '4'Dded Muoolo lod,•• t Wllml08Wo weet. TOBACCO February 14-St. Valentine's Day on l'barllda,. tJl/lbt Mr . • n I MrR . C. E . Jobnll took February 2O-Seeond Sunda .. In Ll!llt Work In tbe K of P. lodge bere Buaday' dmner wltb Mr. aDd Mrs February 22-Waahingtcn'IIBirthdIlY ~ on TlJal'.day Illl!b~, Febru .... y 17. AIltOB 00011 aDd ohHdreD, Ollar Way. NOTARY PUBLIC : February 2'1-Thlrd Sunday In Lent Philip B. Hawke ... . . ..... Feb . 22 Oalog to thfl blld rOIl<!~ alld wea,h. oe,vlI.l e I .. oondltlOD", 'be K. vt P. 1000gII No A large orowd flttend"d tbe 11001.1 Wm. McConnell . . . .... ... . Feb. 24 Waynesvilie, Ohio - DEALER IN1i1i7 ba"e deferrEld the aDIlI.er!!ary at tbe b"lI. 81"ordayevenlol{ The A. Evans .. .... . . . ..... . Feb. 26 P.-t, IIllletto, Indefinitely . program Wa. g uo." 138peolllllv tbe \1. There are fW'I IItr,d8 of III" .. I1IeCI ____ ____ 1 Flou r, Fepd, oal, Satt, . ~ J. B, Mbld.ter bu reoently had luatrllt.d ".mva• 1''be Aid re.lIzed M. T, Haynes ....' ....... . March I In the mlloutaChlN I)r uuu ertldu, Tile, Posts, Water Foun-, ' I Chas. B lewis . . .... .. . . . March j , I the pol'CtllaneOu .oCl tha DAC'feODL boUt OD bll pl't'Olllea a m8dern ,ne .. , lIum . I4r . and Mr,. C ~. Larnb 1I0ter. The tormer Dru ~lrem.l, hllrd a.d ohlckeo hou ••• "od I. DOW olcely tains and Self-Feeders, 'aiDed 10dlnOl\r,1i0IDrlA" MT, . Mary CliO be worked • ..., wltL th~ tlppe' loo•• ~ lu 'h. cbloteo IndoBtry. aavlng decld"d \0 quit larlliing Used .",1 relo""8d by U. S. OoveromeoL rarue ulled bl me Iftpldary . 'rhe laC. • Prof. AUred Wa'klDII, oor violin Carmony and Mr~. !:iue t;toot.en. -SHIPPE~ OF-teT lITe mure ,...,..117 ui M Rod ml1 .D. fiddle IDdraotor a. onr @chool !Mor""I'. . ~~ wUI8ell .. , Pebllo An otiolJ. "' odIe", Remington N~(bltuu ) . . .. . . .. l l4 .00 EISllr,. of i.Vavnelvllle: y. mile Welt Uewlll.ton No. I~. vi •. ~·"" Ior rlblJOn. 46. 00 be sowed. IIled IU turned withw.e doe b r-rll co 1'all~dav bal did Pl'rry ThoOl'" and IImlly,IIt'Yld . 01\/1 of IIIIf ho~lo"~4 nAI"bbllr. No . •. one·culor, rlbbon .. . 3 6. 08 facility. The plec. etlould tip roughed arrl.e uotll Friday. The oao'e die Ron, larpri.ed 14r... Cball. Clart "f Bllrveyeburg on tbe farm known Underwood Hay, -Straw and Feed. UDderwood •. ,·col9r rib bock .pacer. 61.6 0 mllf. 0" th .. n'btr " .. v wl~h ~h. m "111 oul 00 a commol! .r!odstone. Arter no' Ro),a' No. t. on..color ribbon .... .... noD ..... ,101lnIlll8. Wedn".da,. eveolnjr, by oom to .. II the Ueortre Harl'la farm , on Ro),.1 No. l . 2-<:010r rlhboll .. . . . . .... • 7 . ~ 0 duldu l '"""-YIIO c(l uld le.. 1 hl~ turnIng they sboul" I,.. smollthed with Mel"4. Oe:clt Klrt and AlJam B .peod 'he "Yenlol ""'llh her, It Tuesday, February 22, 1921, gll~2~ ~~: ~ : :'Jg.gg 1l~~:::J.°:2i· 3'. ~Ug Feed Grinding a Specialty. Ir\hllm a h l..ok !\-W" "., pumice etODe aod "·aler. Rnd pollahelt campbell " ranlacled bUilloell1l 10 ber bir~bdIloJ. Smith· Premier '0. Llno~ype KO),. re buIl L 9~. o 0 with rotten IItone wltb lulphurlc Ictd WUmIDI'oD OQ ~...orday.· ",hMt·.. i n.. n., , Mack Pickering made a bo.lne' l BeglnolDa 110'11: 30 a .. ... , the follow. , OUaroD~ In good ~ condlLlou all ...ady IlIghtly diluted. .. property , to. wit · 5 Hnraep 2~ for Inng han! .. rvl.... Satl.,.."tlo n guaran· &ovenl from bere ... tendtld UII1 1.l'lp to Brown Uoallty, lal' wellil. I 0.. ~tJrp, bll~II1"'" I~ III'~ 1111 1C0nd IU U . ,., ttled or purcll .... price roruJldell, Wlliell 81te Mllob COW8. 50 ~og .. , Impl .. rner,\., wilt 10U ... vell ..... or .lIIail. On!~1'11 filled -~-.... .... -UOrdon'1 _Ie OQ M01Idlly, lIod re aad hOo"h' a floe' form. Dear Glorr_. Will. year IIr tw" HR'). Bo' wh., · rued Household Good, promptl1. 11 bboM. '0), color or coloi'll. for port 'hlnlr' brlallng fltlr prioea. 'o!"n, Th .. y will mo"e In a coaple Bal'nea r. ~ • • aD) mllkoof Machine ..... 7Gc,lell •• r"". StaL e at It? ., II trnru tbe d".,D of T,..p~d, make and moool. Cubon I>"per per box of R. B. Broolll, ODe 01 our If "ege of wll4lkI ' W. are lorI', W hlvu Hee bill. for fort·her Ilutioal .. r " 'bl> humlll' tr'!rlll hltl ItflIlI 01' __ od Fro"b-~ want a lell vc ~t IbllellC!l o I Mr. 8n' Mr •. Pioltelrlnl leaYe, but C 6. RANDALl. & 1'. B. \:fA W KIl:. I OOe" .. t.. lUG dully"",,l . dowoa' All 1I.'or.,' hili lIt'I'O up!' 19r over tmi week-eod to \1811 m~ ... ::::~:,,,:,a .ytoo vi. lor "ne day wi.h lbem well .tn t,helr Dew homp. \Y. N. &tan, Aact. EmpJr~ Type iWoUndry, Buffalo, N,V aDd duw'n" lOi no" t·hfl bur.1 "f orl'a tIIr 10 New 'fork." Dell II (QulckI1)~ M.re • ."Dd M..I.D t4 Cartbr: of _. L "80\1> lon, have 100 koowo . herr II 'D. T'ld" ~ '" d" vr ... ,,' " n Ie n,,'blnll Fl'Qllh-"Abeut two ' weeka."-OOroell Book Roo, wei, I'!unday 11181'. of A.l bave reot~ farm, 1 will Telepbone 76; rln, '3 acquatD'aaOH "ere "".. Th .. , - h .. v,, b..t'n hard llmll' Widow. RelJ Pobllo Aucttno .. t my re~l . . Mr. aDet Ilr. W. A Merrlta were t",fote .. ad .ber.....1 I h OI hMrd tim I deDae at Mlloor, l y' wUee Well nf --remembered lIy their Dayt" n rela. Ferry aod ay' mUe. Sooth."Bt of AUCTIONEER . .alll-;',,11 ", .. III nl' IlAn'Ol/h .be Ilvea . .,Ub Ibelr preNn08 over 80n. Cen&ervUJII, 00 .be farm known 118 Cc.1U11rI1C Of'h' 0 t1 ••• dllY. ' Centerville, Ohio Relatlv81 of 'be .11. Benjllmln lhe Jametl Br8<tford farm, on Ha ... 'O~I 1_0 Itrqolte,1 Itn.irD II, M" Mot .. , ot Columboll, wal .be aawlllna, ot Wllmln8&oo, a&&eodect Give me your aale. I can do your Thunday, February 24, 1921, lhl" p1\Ulool;'r Mlunt .. n 111.0 II P ........ eod 10.... of .Mr _ alld UrI bll . uoenl Mr.totll, · W eilnl'ldlY. work reasonable and will guar,an-tee ae . . . . Datl';e of fbi. oommuDUy, Beginning at 100'olook, the follow. to satisfy you. Wllllltm Oarr. of .ear berll '·Wpll. w" ! I'~ .. - &it" 0','" V DIl. tOY~. aDd llllMemed tlllU.ay Igeltl .t L. T. Voter. and .bere be t:O" •••"~., " Wh_t of ,h.fP 'oq'l. .' Twb of 'bl. ID' properlY, 'o . wl~; J ttoraell, II. ~~~~~~~~=~==== FUNE~AL DIRECTOR faDUI., .....flre Mr. and M.n VI?enll b, a boe' of Irieo411 op wltb)a ~mll\n. ' '' Of'. rb .. lI .. CaUlII,7 B ., llltplemen", Barn. . . " 1·; bralhere, Jebu ab~1 r .. lde a.t ·ey and '.mll,. of Klacml\n, aDd Feed, Boaaebold GOodl, ' lito tlee .arf' 'bro .... ll ,' Ille hI ",I'f'r -'00 . OR. J. W. MILLER . MIN Mlldrf'c!' Bill, ot WUlDhiaj&oD," be,.. Waynesville. Ohio bill. tor forlher par'loala", b')lInClf'," hp'·hU ..,' "allon l"lI"". r •. Mr. aDd Mra, ICdlwllrd 8,eddolD . MI .. IIlf4r.d HIlII of Wtlmla"oD. WM . MoCONNELL. eotl "" ."" IiMI , lmf'8 t,,,I.,, .. r .· or," epent • .",w·daYI 'wIth frienetl 10 wer. pl .... aUy eD'elrialoecl by Mr W N 1:38aM. Ano'. ••• DENTIST••• and Mr•• z.1'. BaIDM, W.lJlllday. ,hi. YictDUy . •• 'be for-:Jonller oJ 11,,0<1 110l4'1I t. '. Fully GOod ttill OOdIIalon bein, *be ' birthde, ao. • Ofllce in morrow. Reeeo'ly e man wu kJlllo, kl nl"enary of Mr Baln.....ad AI,. Service. ·w.'ne .. l.le, t" B. "loll' eoJd my farm eod 1" oved l'f&\l01I" 8UI& BIde. 'he wrlser Bud ~Id, In lpeakln, n ~o)ir bu.ID... . I. bad. If ""0 ' t4aeddom. ~ . ~arge Display Room 01 ahe fMur., 'bat tb"re woald 'be kl Iown,l will offill' my eo lire Cha$. ~~:::::=~====~~~~::::: ban I~. YD.; job, If '~ay II ·ok. , Tbe C. E. Watl plea.ently ,oc~. ~II "t 'P abllo 4~o.too, at LaybourDe Ibrllll dl8lppolntmea.. , or him: blae' tl),yHo. 1100', If't ah'tl IIlnuDl~. }, .TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGH1 nrll', II 'hu be woalet Dot lilld .011111 alned a' She home of Mr. aDd lin. & MoKeaD'. Bard'ware Store. 10 . . .-t<....f.Ho~...,...• . . . . . . .. IP' ,0 . h I, III' CO -yoo ,.. 1M 01' , 'h",. that be would el:.,.,o& . 8eoond. Ralelgb Bo,.n. Wedluleda,. . .eola.. Wa)'oe,evlJlit Ohlo,o\1 Mlsa l4"rle lI8Ieolal. r lpeD' " par' aod\~~ln.,. I LA. In a m.l" bope 114· W..blnlton'lI Birthday-Legal HoI- lba. be would _ lome lbllfe 'bllt . Saturday, February l6, 192,1, be. did n,,' ellptlClt. Third, tbaa be of la8& wee~ wltb lUll JilIeelior Ba,. tma,Ic!_tton. DO loI()" U~TBJNq '" Id Y Monday February 13ad dook. a. Wllmlogtoa, oolleRII. cot 'bere bhnNIf. ae~lonluB a' 111: 80 o'olook. 'b" 101· eYeD ~' tr .b .. , lom.. ,blnll loo~' " t , . R .. lpb (:;erarJ 6a41 '"mlly have l0trlal·pro.,....)': " ..Borlel. 1 Oow. Th, LIIdhl8 Ata _ocletv mflt. In . •. E.qpllned Correctly, .. = . lamen't"bJ, ' IInle Onllfl., 1 the '- olr Commuol~:v tfllil 00 Thor;'lJay aflur. mov\'1d 10'0 lira. LOl'.d '. proper'y. Impl.meo.... Haro_. All(), ,!It the Glines Fitted : 0 ..11111'-'''01'1. ooon. wltb 1l0(ld allt/lldanoe. Pblltp AnderlIOn. 1"0 old ritIt~..t _tpe 'hne aOd~\lI.ce, there will be AT HI)D~RATEPRICES y".t-Dohild,. III, ·-.te Ih,' m.~, lIur pohoQI i~ chllug. flofl . ""d nl) aad IvI1 War veter" • . died '" hili ,ome Rqrt!'ul'e ""d 1"'111e a~e .. r filldtnl[ faul, wUh ahA tA .oJ!. hom4!l hl RoII,h BurJlo8too., W'CiDIII, meDtl hff.. red for ".10 h r 1.., .\ II U'I\8 k, of 1"0' 0 ..·" 1. 1.. onlll you '1. ' en. '(hAY !tre dn .. , .. lUI "fill .... we d .y nlllb& FUllerMI 118.-.10811 .. IiIcKeao &Ie I.rge bIlla. .r. . otronhla'" ""1\- ;" ,,"nl': wch"l' '''" .... " . ~ A. EVA~S. would undflr b .. 8111116 /l",!ih$I"DP. , oonduoted by Rn. Wrltrb,trom Ill. OOllq",,' \ .. n 11,., U IJf!rmtt IbIol I, Department Farm Sales and LIve - 5toc;k late bom", Friday' "fliBl 0000 .. later• Hawke & Laybourn'e, Auotll . '. bappttll, Y" " K r, 1101 nIU,." mUff S. DetroIt 8L Xenia. Ohio: Spec:ialty , .. ment C"e.ar·1I Orltet Trlvlll Accld.nt BrI"... Dlulter•. tbaD b"I' .. 1110 " . ' H,·,,", ·. OPlto eveningl by appointment : . THE . ~WHO The Y. P. B. beld II lI'oct!,1 lIod .OC• Satiefution qllllr.ri.~ A~ 1 bave ren&ed my farm, I WIll Tbe 11P~ moth b•• caulled I ,rat 1100 In tb" AnIl PJ:, Tbur~,. ey"olng ~ P'"'I," " ".,4IItu ."d II'" It.• m.·'tI" o, LES AU.. . . . LFI: I'll ,,' deal of troubll III lItll COODtf)', :and .e1) u .Pablic AuctloD a' mY' t"rlll d"",If1to yoa -1" ,7: ~r lIud .Mrll .Jnt!811h 'Shllrub"ollb &.,lEe STL.L: N Bellb ook, Oli 0 ~ucl\ .nd ·eneru ba.. been ~nd fillolrh&/lr, Brntl"'lne, ' me,·wllb IlpPOIlte ~be Elliott School Bouse. OEA.TI"{ ~~ olrht lbac. coven me. epenrtrrlbe etrol'1 to extermloate It. whMI. milCh' h ~ v" be.. o a IIlIrJoUII .. 0. 5X mtlel oor~h of Wayollflvll1e Rod BlaCk u tbe pli /110m pole 10 pole. Both Phollel Tbe trouble Itlned wbeD e fl'leueb ,,"ttln _. "nn,llIv a ....allog K. A 'r HAW A 1 T/Je ma· 10 mile. lIooth of o&,tOD, 00 the I '~~batov.. ,ada 01'" be . Datu,..l,," named TI'oGyelot, -,l41J11 oh ..... In .... Inoh · thA ~ "'ere rldinl! WaY ...Bvllle & Beavertown plte. on • rllr; 1 uDCOllquerable -.0..1. 10 the tbWO of MRh'len. ....... len a t.nrn .. 11 ""mplsl,,,IV .. ver. _I Fort,ua II c1lllcb or clrcum.aa.ce . ,v ~ r ~" .. vllle·" I..B"dlnlr Oen".' TuHCIay, March I, 1921, paper 00:1 4!00'aln'OI IJIIQ motb elrP .t.,I" . tl/AY 1I;W~llert wltb 1111gb. I !\i,e DO& "Ineed ur crl"'" ., OfU"" In R ,,j0611 AI,IIl Malo ~I on i "'ndow ledge IDd II blew orr. InjDllet8 V..,!It)a bllldl8Ooln", of ~ :~ RAllnnlo. ,,' 10 o'Clork, 'he folio .... ~------------~-Tbal Wli III r1Ie earI1 e""tIM. 8IId , •.., W.ad .. bloool)' bIIl .. nbo.wed propert·y : G Horse.' • Cu &tIe, R .h", t M- nrt.,nb,,11 .Ir, lIer\llu'll" be w •• matlOI . aper!1De'nU "'tb -.... 'i t ' " not 110" .....,' the pie . ~ • , the b nm" nf bl" p"ren", 00 3 8o"., reed, l_pleBleo\!!. 80u@e . Moue -.041 of ca'lI'PIII... .. Ill) · ~l.harpd .I~b pnnl. II .... '1t'II.' ICrnII•• tIle Xllnl .. pit ... I~ ImprOVIng "I)w)y. hllid G0008, e'o See lar,e bill ... ..,Innera _ I _ '!at muter 01 01, f.I.. . J. . ' M. T UAYNE-; , ~ Ihe c.ptaln el)' .Jul. , . ----~ ~ --~-MIII1I Looy Rolllo.on ",all.lI& ljOolp. R. C. HaYDel & W R. 8ml&b. Auets. 8urme.. Fond of FIO_ra. VETERINARIAN 1'1,,1, of m ·ul. v be .. ut\ful an. 08eral Veterlnarv - - -...... • "7- ,-, : Wbo .. ould rlUeP«1 thaI III-.&be Illltll .. ' ~h[)"' .. r glv"'1 In ber bonor '. I II .. . • ,j IrOpl('l. 10 _ull·dreocbed Rnnne It.lell, IIV Mr~ I:IlIrve, lind Mrs Hle\' · at . Ira,luHr~ nf Obi" ~IElI t.. . ' Melon. Vllccination 'a ~",l;al!~. ate ac~ at pI'deDII 119811 ~r I·ho ONnA of the lnHetr, Thor8dllY tbere lI"-lon. . . . . A~~~" "X'!:n~l\ "j., "111(1, , Imp,rteetlonl Hev" tJ..,. ing but Reliable serum used te oothlDI .T.. DUI tIM 'f'QIUvatioa -01 "' vprtn1! . ,iiO!d ' in FnGc. 't'ltrl~ ' II< ' 11,,· ."I.·,·';n· All thlnp,. are !Ih'rulls hi:iler. love1'0IIII1 All tbrougb tile 1101 .... tiler, OFF'ICE: INntll ' c"'I~"r" hut \\,"J" lill",,"t. Itl the lIer. and roOte beloved for the !... per10 Lower Burma. tbe, aourt~; ·oot· Phone 44 HarveYlbUrw, O. trOm fhl.. l'IIIU I ·.·u' ..... 'm ltll ot fourth 'itre... l. ncal' Tyler fecllons wbleb hllVe beo u divinely Ill>' till tile •• IIUI brellk are tbeJ beaten to nUl p.rft .Tbe ~J.!Y'H :HI, .. 1·'·... '\ ~ I"' IU. pointed. Ihat the law of humon lite earth end "mOIl ....he4 .....,. The Telephon .. 93 Tlu!~' ~r" IIIld to '~'II'\" """1 ' "111" '1 ' 'I III may be til!!'ort and tI,e \I> of hUWBO Bunnell! are nl'J food or Go..... ; '00 AllII'rl<'l b, Oohllllllll' .",,1 Ito 'II' Judgment, Mercy.-RUllklo: · I Waynesville Burme.. bolU'l! II wlthoat them; theJ ; (DII.y.d.) "'II.,. IrchlpeJlI'fl hy II ... 1·"rIUf,rllc.... Ohiu Read Gazette's Class;!i~ Ads • 1 . . . . I ""'abed on th. ~.. IID4 womea decorate the.. balr willi ~ " On ,b" .Iok \lU, 'biB weet, .re: ---~ -~-Ra,mood "nlOn a2l4 wlte. Mr • . , ., Th. Illand Of QUlm. WtU Mo"aa, Mra.•lobn WIlIOD eDd ~t,EU~ .LOCKSMITHS . The 111.ad lit Quam. ceded · te tile lin. Ub ... aaroer, who be"e been UDlted tltltH b1 8palo 10 1!JIB, .. qolt. ~Ick, -bu~ are boI'''r. II,Off mUM ~ Sao II'nDclIc!e f.M IIr.' aDd Mte. I!:d Walker were l-.llO6 fl'oro IIaIIIIL It II ~ mUie '~· Clao1~Datt .1.ISOI:I, one day Jul
D. L. CP ANE, Editor and Publi~"~r. V. R) T f " ,11(. ' ( hi •.
winter will be over within the n ~ :d eeks-,' the sun will shine again for C;e ne r; !I busjness condi· tions are undoubtedl y improving \·ervv\,hcr€.
Lumber .is cheaper day. But wit h he ad vc.nt of sprin9 and sunshine, building will start - this advance in price. Today is your opp()rtunit~ · to bu) on . a low market-six weeks later you will be hidding aga,inst 't he other always means prices.
Buy and build novv while buil ding material is cheap.
gQ2d cigarettes
W.H. MADDEN & ,.
for 'Oc £roll)
one sack
Waynesville, Ohio
.. t
i f
i I I
w.,.."" ..
Everett Early"
Lytle Fe~d.l '~MilI ,
- ...
----- ..
Lytle, Ohio
Forest ·T. Martin
Walter' McClure
EqUlp~t for
E)~.ES ·:
i j
'''F •
! '"
i 'John H. ,,;flght . l"'IFFANY'St Auctioneer
oem""' "
....... ............
.. _.\the
H. E. H
Dr J. A. McCoy,
.. ..
Dil W. E. FROST!
~ , .
._ -------
·r ,,
,\, I.
.. j
l~ ~l
!',j ,, .1
-\ '.
~ ~_~_~N_a_l\_·o_n_al~B_a_n_k~~
' f·
I L.M,HENDERSON : r---.,;..---~
Public Sales
i ~------------------
Reaching - Out
- :,l1li
UOUII4 : : : :al a popIIlau. w':!idon, -WnaOD aDd wlf. weN ~ ~aadey IUeI" of ,M r. aolt Mfl. . A N~bl. L.ngu8ge. _ Ra1ehlbBo... • Plrntln.;. nr /1M ceo"al.'.- .I : Word oemM'~ na ()f 'he 4 ..'h of wi~ .V II" ' ...·hllt':'llltJ. . -cllllll!liluea, Beojamln aawlllo'e, • forme, ree. and PI':l'l'lIhll filii .... ,DotJI11II' bot. chID' 01 ,hts' plaoe, at hla hom. to Doble and ..xl' ..~H~v" la~ IIInIo , WtlndDK'oD. . . uble I I' th .. .,.....hli'le of th~~ bot II, ~tael'. o"lIlln".-JoIID 81111dq: Iarael S.Uerth~81 1 e and wife , ' • were rU"" of ChaQD08~ dunneD . • aDd 'limn,. !:fvllda,., · .. , ~ •• JOIIlllI o...III :.. Dd: wife 'a'ttllirtect 'bl! tuneral of a relao,e, -at Xenia. '0 0 !'rlrt", ; . t " . • ___
t. . '
. C'
HIS is w at we: are endeavoring to do for both of If you wllnt to sell' ,your' surplus stock" a plow, . machine, .grain, live ~tock, €!tc.,. Y()U ai'~ looking· for new business for yours~l~. ,I. .r: THEN~ advertising your business through th¢ .MiaU) •. G~ze~t~ . . creates .new business foc ' -uS'. ' . We are very sure -tha you get the ~~siness lbfougli tba:-me(Jium, there1:>y' .making ~tlj of us feel good through tbe traoSaction. .. . .
'w" .;
. ~,
, :
THB MIAMI (lIAZII'lTIt. 'WA"NESVILLE, 01110. -- -_._ ..
, 'l'h Warrell
~I , \ 11 11 .. , R ,b.. rl~. of near Har- "
ull ty N'II'1l1 0'
, I
'" \ ~I 'url!' , ,1'1 d Mi~s ISlldora Lewis : terests of F. M, Hutchinson. elec,.,. .. " ma r II" ! III ~ t \ "Ii fl t!>\duy morn- , I trleal cl!.nt~actor. and am now ready , A. ~ . Raxler, h,," I ... . li t t,,, hIl110 fl. hy It .. .,. Kerr.
Wewillgl~dly lay aside
tate Game Warden.
.1' ." R"h, rl s iR t ', e rla ugbter of ' to furnish ele'etr\rsl supp.lies of all will be here on M reh the 4th nn.1 r ceiYt'd an invitation fr om l.it'''I Gov. C. J. Brown t II ttenti h ~ "_,,io .. Mr lillli Mr brto L wi . and Mr kinds. See or call ,m!land I will fur- will try afld organize a fiMh and gamtl
of lh Uite Leii hit ure T ",, ~ ,' ,l', I{nlwr '" i~ II fllrmer They 1'1 111 be nieh estimates on all " Iectrieal worl<. J . P LARIHCK. Lebarlon, O. C pted thill rare opportunit y, I\IIfI lin lit h ll l111.' Itf tt'r Mllrch l ~t , on a farm ill (;01.1111 ' !W llr V\ illl1 inglon . Res. phone 9t·A : offire phone 393, " b'OB. They wllte show n "h.lut lh , ' -'State House and many in tt! r, sting ••• _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' leeaons were learned fi rSl hand I They first visited the n epllrtment I of P1Iblic lnstruclioll. wh ~ r.. th l'Y were addrell!ed by , ~upt. Winters, who has charge of the County Normil sehoolll They nen visited tIlt' lIouae of Representatives. where Thursday, February 17th many of them tor the Ii rAt lime met A Special Christie Comedy, their own repre~ ent8tive, M, Hardin~. who. I'howed the elaS>! mRnJ courtesies. 'I'hey next visited tbe Also, a Western drama , entitled Secretary of State's office. and the .wol k ot the office was explalnt>d by eng~nce Atly. E, A. Scott. ' Also, Selznick News it 1 p. m tbey visited the Gove~or's office, where they were told Admission, 17 and 11 cents to"make themselves at bome."which thu did' with' little persuasion Saturday, February 19th ."t 1:30 the. Senate convened and Featuring Marguerite Clark, in · tilt clllll8 Will! introduced to thll Lieu. tellant ~overnor, who. in bi& cordi.} milnner. made t hem feel t hat Governors: Lieutenant Governors Also. Pathe News Matiree 2:30, all seats 17e and' Senators, were just like otber lolka, They met t he Clerk ', Of tbe Evening, 7:00 and :30: Admission, 22 and 17c Senate. Mr, CraBB. who Wti a form er ~her of the Normal Director Tueaday, Februaty 22nd Alao Mr. Davia. Senator ~ro'l.l this Also Ruth Roland, in dilitrict. who now occupies the leat \ of rr-ictent-elect Barding, and Who , did .U in fbi, .,Jwer to make the First show will start at 6: 30. .WII'ND COunty folk. feel ' welcome W ,mjaht eo ~n to enumerate many Admission, 22 and 17 cents ou.era 1>1 Ohio'. I'wmakera. who M4........4.HI.~ ~.HI....................................... were I!Xtremely kiQd and> courteoull. 'lbe State ·Li~· pve ~ i very itlltructlve talk .and complimented t~ c.... bjably for tbel'r mpoimve-
"Out for the Night"
of Hate"
"A Girl Named Mary"
"Ruth of l·h e 'Rockies'"
, Senate were SebOol Ollie. ..ve one
~t -was · 'or ·'.(Jo.operative Sellin" by ~" 'As these were of ~tIl In~~, ~ .itudentB. the
Flexible Roll Shingle Roofing . ' Munn's Wall Sizer. • Not-Wood--Wood Grain. Rug Border. Varnish' and Paint Remover. Stained Glass Paper, Stencil Patterns. H. R. H. for Cleaning Fresco Paint, Painted Wood Work, etc. Ar-Ki-Teck Spar Varnish. Cloverleaf House Paints, Westminster Oxide Mineral Pa,int. ' Hygeinic Kalsomine.
an of
..tcm ... .., bitenatlng. It will be'a·d., loot to be remem-
se.w. th8 inIItructor.
MIIII tollowlnlr , were ~tted to enjoy the day: MiBBes .. Helen W.... Larene Warjek, C0• riDQI W;eJcb.....Sa.cy. CI.ra'Berry, Jull. ' Flo,... Pftaumer. Frances ~IIIIPII.J. Blimlce lIetrell. Ruth' Mur~: MarIe yu.on·., MerJe Ellis. RIa Gtbb6Dl, . Mildred Dunham. , Paq~ ~bach and MeIIIl'8. Virgil fteg111C* ~ turtle Thompson .
Edpa Bowblftd.' the
; ' - , ~ ••-
. Can at Mra. Annie .... I~eI·
I _ __ _ _ ___
Third Street.
will need Furniture this year then buy NOW at" Adair's February Furniture Sale. The savings will be greater thau at any future time this year. The ist below is to give some idea of the range of prices ;
Oak D ressers ........ . , Oak Buffets .. . ... .. .. .
ChiffRobes .. . .. . I \'ory Dressing Ta bles . ......... . 9x 12 Axminst~r Rugs . .......... . . liding Top K itchen Cubin cls.. ........
4.75 $21.00 $39.00 $24.75 53.1.00 $39.00 529 00 $
Felt Mattresses
Mahogany Quten Anne Buffets . .. ..
Overstuffed Davenports .. . . . . Cribs
Brass Beds . ... . . , . , . , .
Cast Coa Ranges .• . . . ' , ....
UP ,
Library Tables .. , . . . . . .. .
Crown Lodge K. of p, will confer the Rank of Knig ht on two candidates, Wednesday tlvenJng,'F:ebruary' . 23 The n ew robEiS will be useil for the first time. Ail Knights are cordia lly invited present ._ • _to4 bl3 __ __ _
YO ll
C )mfort:!ble . Rockers . . . , ..... .
On Tuesday eveni ng-. February 22, the loca l Knights of P~lhi M lind their families will cel ebrate the anni· vers/lry of .the founding of their Order, with a banquet at Odd Fellows' hall. After th~ banquet, "Bro MacBeth's Minstrels" will entertain the assembled Knight" and 'Lad ie.~ .
.'D., E. STANDIFORD, ' Waynesville" Ohio .
Lowers Prices to a Level That Will Not, Be Reached Again During 1921
Waynesville lodge met in a spE'c'ial communication. Tuesday eVf ning. 1'1 and ini tiateu one candidate in the E. A, degree A lar'fe member8hip was presen t to witness I,be work
,All billa r.d and ' ciilCUM,d In the
Adair's February Furniture Sale
The Eastern Star met, Monday evening, and in Hiuted t.wo candi- , datl!s , Th ere was B large crowd Ii es t nd Ii fine lunch was served 11 ~~ the; rio~E' of the work . '
.•_. .
for fu ture deljvery anything you may wish to Stllect during the February Furniture Sale.
club Con\l iti ons th roughout thE' state are s uch t.hat almost I.'very to\\:ns~ip and c.~unt~ along strearnH are bt!lIlg orltantzed III order to pre$"rv e the liab and game. Lawl eSS' l !neS$ in regard to fish lind game is such that it is necessary for surh al ' proeeciurt'. There has been talk for several yeal1l of organizinl!' 8 club her~ , hut rro interest was taken. The game ward ens all over Ih e slate are now taking up the maUer. and are form .. illl! clubs wherever they can. It will cost you tlfty cenl s this yea r if yo u wsnt to fish in the lillIe Mi ami or Caeser's Creek , and if you want to go to some other county you 'will have t o pity one dollar There have 'been no :iclm~es issued as yet . but they will be here by the time the fisb begin to run It has been int imat ed thllt if the st:lte c o mmi ~s i on can find U !Iuilable place near W ~ ynesviile, the\, will start a hatchery be re . There are 1 several plJlces hefi r her e thaL could be 1I11lized for a hat chery, Bnd then our s tr en m ~ cou Id be easily stocked Let 'Mwork hard fOI' a' hatchery ,
WILL ORGANIZE fiSH 1~i========A I have purchased the bURine89 inAND. GAME CLUB THE LEADING HOME FURNISHER ., F'()R
l..-;r ANNOUN~~ENl
_ _ _ _ L __ _
Furniture Ca~ts Stoves VlctrolDs
20-24 N. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio
$ 9.75 578.00 '$95.00 $ 6.95 UP $31.00 UP $67.00 " $11.00
,1 ry the Miami' Gazette's qlqsslfiea Columns lor Results
Use our .Classi fi ed Ads for results.
Mre • . Hiram Dakin died at her ~ at Mhldl, Run, Saturday even· iDa' at 7:30' Q'cloell, T~etuneral was held; Tuel!cfay'nlornlnli, at the Chapel at,1'1 o'clock.~ ~walla!ler, offi ciatipir' '. J.Jlterm~t. in Miami ceme~ry. ".. ~ \ , " ' •
~'£ "k.;taock dit d at her IUt Tbunday nlpt, 1lte fu,I ~ wu ~d •. '¥onday, at Middle " Il_ cbu~. ,~'Intermeot· at Middle RUDl eeme~. •f ,
-==---:=-~-=--= - - - - - - - --
- -, I
• Mre.
·OF :B_ROAtN'S •
',' EI'iIHlH lEAGUE •
." 'J '
- , · n. ,"Epworth
BlCOan Baked Beane......... .. 20c BUlkOab. 5Ibi . ..... , ..· .• ·.. :.. ·25c
.. • .'
Thousands of Dollars ~ orth o~ . Work Clothirtg, Shoes, Shilts, General M~ . . ' Army~ .......t For Us At .LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRODUCTION COST, By-a. Powerful' BuYin.. Syndi~te with Unlimited, . ' . 'P urchasing Power, known TO 'TI,IE MERCANTILE WORLD AS HIGH PRICE SMASHERS, For'the PubHe: ,
Eryptiall Cotton Plain Blankets. Extra large: $4:00 . values. PaIr .•.......
' f ' "
~;:~~!~:-t't': 'ti~~; I LET OllR .PRICES . TELtTHE R'EST' I " it£jo":f~~·l!.~ . 5c . $1.00 . .
each . .. '; ............
for ........ :- .....
~i!i:is~ ~~~.......-$4.35
N" , Garden Seeds. p~, 5c ' SteeI·Cut Coffee••lb .............. 20c
, Buy Blankets Now For Next Winter
Allkri'" 'Inc· unll . Thlnga. Watcbl!8 onll rivera aeldom run 10DI without \\'In,llng. ·
Leaaue devotional • • ~ce' ·on)1e<M. &. church will be held Jiijd Sunday eveolnlr at the uaual"botll'; with Harold Earnb.rtu leader. _/.. 'cordlal invitation to be 'P~t"" ~t"ed to all young folka , .tOllephine Harlan. Sec'y.
• . navlDs returned home, I am now ~ to ~e the RlJblic 'in all kinds of Notarr work. Oan be found at m, reiidenr.e or call pbone 40, , ' E. V. BARNHART.
F8Ils'-on Dayton' S'a~ur~ay Morni~g at 9 .O'clock ·' Sharp~ Fe~r-u~rY 19th . Hilh Prices Kicke~ t,o Almost No~~ing Ou'r MammlJth~;' .
I t t
72-90 Bed Sheets-Extra neavy.
lar£e size, $2.00 value ••••• : •••..•. •
PalDI-Onve Soap. 10 bire· ..... 75c , FaaqFtlberta4Almondl. Ib.'..,2Oc alba St&reb.:... .......... 26c.
genuine union made. Up to $2.26 values . , . . .
$8•95' $22.60 values. . . . . . . I' I
Heavy ,Sheepskin.Llned
:: i:~:".,...~.. $9.75
.. :..' ........'. l5~3'5
u. .S.
' $1• I'"'il9
'~it»bed Union SOmtsFi~t quality. . ... : ,. ! . : .. :. I
M~'8 Wool Sox.Jl~OO value .•.•••. ;
3 Pairs 'for ;,~•• : •• ').00
. ,
at . ... It ' .~ ." " . '"
Pairs ~eavy eanv~ GlovesJja!r . .. . . • ............... • " . . . .
TremeDdous Shirl Speeilll-:-Casey
: HERE. MEN-1'houiandl of
Jones Heavy Blue Chambray Wor~ Shirts, uIli9n made; $1.50 val~'eS ............... , ~
Cord Madras and Fine PercAle. Dress Shirts. , Up to ~.OO valu• . . ;; .. ,
. r••
~aki Br~ecliea---i;ow. ·
25c ,
95 c
Men's Reversible RaincoalsJ..: Two coats in one; .
Pairs ' Officers;' Flne' Dress, Sho~s-Up to $10.00
1,800 .Pairs Men's Heavy Blue Strong Overalls-Sizes to 50 ;
MeD's .'Ille
AND ST. " .......,.
g", '!
2Ge values. pai* .. .. . '. ' ••. '. 3 Pairll for ...... '. ..... . :~ -:-
M,en's '~in'~ 'Leaihe< Dress uet..... FIDe meta! ,buckles,; $l,OO"tO :$2:00
~ 'MiI~lua-i-· ':I~~~~ ~ ·DAyuGHT "~BB~~~k '
'-sbU---TH , ', SIDE nETWEEN
Lisr&! ,~,
01l!~P TaB ~tiJI
Ye:u ..... . - ~- .."..~ ----~----,~-----~
. . ,-_. _- -- ---.-"---.
Who1€' Number 5423 ..- --~~--~.~~~.~------~-'~-~---------:::::::~:::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~------------------------.-== ~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------~
_1~ .~~~_nRK
Orl !:! hUlldr"tI ~lJ d fifty-t I0Il0 men "'ld uoy ~ .un duwn lu supper at lhe " l<ifell {J w ~ h ~ ll · Monday I:!ven iro j{ , ' , hen the l\I,m lOt WIl~nt:~vill .. hl:!ld I ',eir r eL:ll lar ;"!?lJrUIl I·Y rn ect ill~ · Imost ev e ry n'a n prepent hlid B sun , .. .. a fri l!"'-)'!I ~ on wilh him. lind the I· .y~ enj oy" d l hl:! 11I,' el.ing as much . I, · the ir dalls or fllRter d8d~ Miss Clara Lile is ill with quinsy While t he guests were o~s"mb ling. ,' . mmunity service.songll were ~unll'. 1 Chas. Buell was in Cincinnati 011 ., . ter which all wll re invited in- Monday. I.. lhe dining room President White I' " led th ~ meeting to order after they Middl etown . VB. Waynesville Hi H ' re 1111 seated. and after the invok_ISaturday Ilvemng . Come. i .. .~ of Divine bleasinl1 by Rev. Cad"" .. llader. they fell to with a gusto . StClair F.i ~e, of Wilmington. was Tru supper WBB furnished by the a Sunday VISitor bere. G J' .mge, tbe principal teature being John Lamh And familv were Vi8itchicken and noodla ~-9 nd th,,·,. w n ~ or!!. :': un d:t\· a-pl t-lIly. t.oo Olher Ilu"d lIo1 ""~ Wel'll nil lnt: ta bl e. lind th'·.I' J isup- i Mi ~ Ed na Howland was a Dayton peared IUee mogit'. visitor, Saturday . Afler Mupp<' r wa ~ ov e r. lhe minutes of the las t r ..g ular mee tifll( was Dr. Dill. OHteopath. 21 S. Broad read an~ liP proved The committee way. Lebanon. Ohio. appointed to select two tickets Il'lIv e t~elr report and J 0 Ca rtwrhtht in M·iase.e Louella Janney and KllthhiS utlulI l hllPl ly WRY. rende red lhe erine Brodt spent Saturday In Dayton followlII g report: RedH--Ollcat Laybourne. ch Lti rm~ "; F'rllnk Braddock, MillS JeBnnette Janney. of Wilmlng Roy MacR,' lh. Walter Clark and W ton college. spent Sunday wilh home N . Sellrs. H l u c~ -- Geo W lt terhou ~ e . folks chllirmsn; W l<'. G"~M u('h.Frllnk Zell. W. E O'Neali .. dd Chas Burn~tt Born-To Mr and Mrs. H. E. After m otion . th ~ f um of $16 WIl!I Harner. Thursday. February 17, 1921 voted to the Relief fund . a son
-- I /I.". "f t ile
~ ~
\Ir a l,, 1 1VI 1'". I,' ,." " k '/.. ·11 load ' " th o:ir )/1I ~' \~ S"nel :l l HI d i,',"·r. Mr " "d Mr~ Will Z~ 11. Ihe M i ,~e" 1,, ·'th" 1~llrllt!1.! a011 r.llIm'l Cu rl wr il-'hl an(\ M r (; " ,Jf\:, (\ Z,· II
I I\\P~ESSIO. N / . Groyer,~na~~and Marshall
Haines were Xema VJ8110rs Monday after· Preshlellt Whit.e next introduced noon . Mr. Arthur ROut' , ·...... l Gill('innati, who had addre>!Sed lht! Men of WIAYJoe Thomp on. who has been quite nesvill e at a previous meeting . Hi , ill with quinsy here. 18 able to be oul remarkll were addre68ed to "Tht: again Men of Tomorrow." and as formerly made a greJot impree&ion.on hili hear- · St. MlAry's Guild .will .meet with ens. The invited boye were greatly Mrs S L. Cartwrlltbt on Thursd1U' Interetlted in his talk. which wa~ aftenloon . along thl' Boy Seout line The prl!sldent next introduced. Mr Kenneth Kilhon and Larrv Brown James Welch. ex-llheritt of Clark~ attended K danCI! at Harveysbul'l' llOunty, who talked of "The Men of Thursday f'vening Today." His talk W8B along aillinllll . relative "0 the Buccetllful man of !.hl' JOB. Bloch. or Cincinnati, spent the dllY and 8S he i~ Interl!1ted in the week-end wi! h h.is "sisler. Mrs. Myer • . Hym an and famIly temperance movements and church ,. life. hl' necessarily added these Rub1 L' I f 0 t h · h' h BIlBC inCO n, 0 avon. "pent t e JI'ICt8h to . hisedtalk. w Ie were ve ry fi f8 t par I a f th IS ' lYee k h ere wit . h reI muc enJoy . . , atives and triendll. Thull ended a very flnllJ),able ant profitable meeting Th~ boys ai , H E. Earnhart attended the Ohio expreased their sppreclauon for tht Hard . I b ware conven tl on at i" Vt) um UB . . . enJoyment they had ree.elved, and It three d I t k la poealble that there will .b e several a),9 BII wee . additions to the Boy !:lcouts on BC· Mr. Erneat Rogt'ra Ilnd his bride. count of their baving IAttended thle of Dayton, spent the week-end with meetlnlr and getting a better Inllght Mr... nrl Mrl. Elmer Rogera.
No IOllller does the bill ctt; do, .how rule ~preme as tbe lpot 'JJb"'" the true lovers of dop a,. .dmlre tbe bl004ed canlDa8. t ID tbe west and tbe north west Dew wlDter .port e-cb y ~n r •• t.ulnll ID Illteralt. dOli flll • !w)lcb attract tarm(!l'l. p·O ~ I;ec· ton. town tOll18 aod IDdlaDs. A s il· ~Oll . Idaho, ~_It towo 011 tbo jLay
fIIr H .Iuli a Her l!:J1l ~ntt' rt ,. i nl!ll II rt. w of Iw r fr it' I1"~ t" III 11JI d- f" "l\ i"""d qll ilt ;nu . al,," It fin" chick"11 rlill :lI· r TIll' gU l'~ t s were MI'~tlu, "e~ r\ IlI li(' Gibbon!'. ]{ach,,11 Zlol l. li zz ie Le wiR . a nd Rast er ::lrnith . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mame Cumminl'R A ;very goo d tim!' waR enjuyed Io~: all present.
---... ...----
Entertained by Minstrels ~uppe r.
Mr ~
w as Simp ~o ll ~cv e ral
th e
~u r
~ I' e nin ll'
On Friday aftefl, oun. February I S" Russell Duke. fo r mer ly of Lytle' l marriage to MilS Pearl Gardner. at the Woman's Auxiliary o f St M a ry' ~ : iB a Senio r at Ohio ~ Lale university the home of David Dunham, near church WBB e ntertained b" Mrs J. ' thi~ Ylla r , having transferred from Lebanon. last Wednesday afte rnoon W Edwards, MitIS Hellri e Lla Mc Kin- ; Miami unive rsity last September, at 3:46. Mrs Emma~. Townsend. seyand Mrs Emma M~Clllre at the I Mr ~u~e hos one of t.h.e best orch.es- officiating. The bride was attired in a har:dhome of the latter. fhe meeting.\tras In Columbuy. and IS now filling which was well attend Old . wusopened an engage ment at th e Ohio Stater some gown of pearl grev georgette by Mrs J. F . Cadwallader reading I Winter Garden. His orchestra is and saliD with 8ho~ to match. She the .145th Pllolm . The devotion ..1[PlaYing ~lIdcr..'he name of "ColI~ae carried a bouquet ot rOBeB and sweet service wa!1 cond ucted by I{" v. J . F HllrmoDlzers , al) Dl.:!mbers being peas. The II'room wss attired in the Cadwallader. Scri plural quotation8 Ohio St ate men. conventional bleck . were givlln in responsil to roll-call. Mr. Duke is a membllr of Delta Beautiful decolations of pink and Atter the business was dil:lposed of Tau . Delta. social fraternity. and white with ferns and clustel'9 of flowthe following excellent program was Sigma Delta .Chi. honlorary journal- ) ers made the borne look very pretty rendered: !istic fraternity .• _ ______ land attr~ctive. and added much to . the occaelon . PianoSOlo- .. ~hIlPaodieMignonne" . Go and see the Nliedletown VB. Mr. Baily. who needs no Introduc.... : ......... MI8S Katbryn H ende.rson Waynesville game Sahlrday;evening. tion to society in Waynesville. is the Readmg-" The Interest Worth I . B. d While" . ....... Mrs E. V. Barnhart _____ ____ 80n of Mr. and Mrs . E. S. ally. lin "Work of the Children's Hospital is a very popular young ma.n ~nd a on Mt. Auburn ............... " __,,, successful farmer . Mrs . B.. ly IS the .. ·-· -.... · .. -- ·..... Mrs Uert Hartsock daullhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Vocal Sulo-"None of Self and All Gllrdner, of Lebanon, but h1l8. for of Thee" ·---..... Mra A . T. Wri)cht several vears. made her home wi!.h ~inlf-::A New Countr, Church , Mr and Mrs Dunham. They will 10 ?hma .......... Mra. ~da Courtnl!Y I be at home nn the Dunham farm Readmg- How t~e River Godav' after Marcb 1st. ery was Crosaed .. ... : ...... ...... ... . Their many friends in Wavnesville .. -......... .. .... Mrs Edith M Hllrrls , Piano SOlo-"The Sinll'er's I... aiextend to them the ~t wlaht'll ever ment" ..... MIIIS Kathryn Hendersor, ~ for a happy ma~~ :~
adjournment " deligbtful
~:::I ~:I~:i:U:8 ~:f~~a;~:~I\~ w:!~~ I
D('crmlti ,,' .~
Mia Marye Thomas In honor of the Fathe'r of Hi ~ C"l) _ try were in evid" ncC! Visil O}r~ pJ"'~"" 1 'V': '·" : :'vlt ... d" m e~ A. T \Vrl·..• I,1 I ., . " ••• (." 'I'Il. /lIl . G,·n. W HIl., k,' . ' iH'''' ,\I MI 'I'll mil s . '• K IAthr.11l 1I 1'"d('''' .. n. ~1"I'Y I.t' Rh 1':,1-. wl\rcl~ , M !I~t r Io'r .\·\!, I'dI' IIJI' I l a ' ke. ' _ _ _____ Mr. and Mrs A. B. Shaner att end, ed a K ot P. banquet and enter\ tainment at !Jayton Saturday evenThe Miami Gazette . $1.501\ yea r I I ing,
lerved by the hostesses. assiste,1 bv :
tlard times - save money-have old carpets aDd rugs made Inlo Wearwell -----.At tl.e annual conimt.ncemen' Ruas. Franklin Rug Co .• Franklin. under the auspices of the Elizabeth Ohio. Gamble Home .ueoclatlon last J . W. Beach. of Route 2. was at Tburaday nlabt. in a 1.'1"81 of twenty JOUII8 women, Mias Ed,tha ' Mllcy Dr. ThOmPf\on'S hospital, in Cincln. poaduateci , from Cb'rist ' HOllpital natl. last week. for another operation School for Nuraes. The exercill88 on hiaeye. were beld In Mt. Auburn ' Baptist Ethan Crane. who had been on a church and Rt. Rev . Paul C Mathewa blebop of the diocese of New Jeraey Northern basket ball tour last week. came hOjJIe Saturday evening. and delivered the ildd rOSlt. apent dunday with hlg parents.
Afl er th e the lllrile crowd WOMAN'S AUXILIARY LYTLE MUSICIAN 8AILY···GARONER ve ry pl easantl y entertained by Mr Lawrence of Knights hearled by Roy were t ellc1ered an 'lI d-fashion ed Mac/Je lh. ill a setting of minstrelsy. MAKES GOOD f Usine lhe impre~ivl! Quaker cere- prise , SuturdaY l've lling. I,y num '51 MARY' MacBeth. Harry Sherwood. ____S CHURCH Imony .M r Emmor Baily was united in ber o f their fri ellll " Th e Lou St John and Charley Edwards
of the orpnizatlo~.
welt to Yellowslool' Pn"k aod I he ' ", .. ""Ic. ''- 1" lillI" r "I~ ture ~ h 'J\'. eelller of a wide aud proaperoul" " O.(I·d o ~ "'''01 (.r M'I'Onl/: tlm ll.·,1 wbeat. GIll and POltl to "d lulrlct. I. 1I III001IIe ~Il " ' . , · , ! hI 111'0 "'"' " ,, '' aD eumpls of Ibe extoDI to which bOYII. Th ~ 10"" ,kd 1(-t' OI . " . ,", 'tble aport ba & boo D dl'velooed btl'" Ib l' "nI l"" ,re use,l '10 ' ., m Tbey are DOW DI UklJ1 I/: rullrly work - I" • ' . ,,,rl lll'e I h., ':" I~ " tht're tor Ibe Qllnllnl ra r " tI WII/IIlI workb . .1 " , ,.1., haull ll~ 1.0 ,·.11 men and boys or Ihp Jl s lrl~ l . IreI.' ba y. TIIo- hr·,,' Ig of 11'11 H.·"I (;r· e Irem crop dull~ s. will ("Dl er anll 11,'1'1'1, .·...t r.· r . Ied dUl\' . 11 lhe raco !belr <1 01: tea m s In Ill p hilc , nOtI:'"·,,,
. ,.'
\ll" ~"a llt .. vents uf the ("" I·. p lac l~ ,,1 Odd Fell n w~' hall . )' '' 01 :,. I'v .. ,li nK. when the Kni~htB I , II,ia" . wit h lheir families a nd ." ,'" f l i '~ I" I ~, vathere,lloge lh t- r f or " I. I k. d ''' I' I'Pr . in honJlr lit th e anIIi . " "'.11 I' r1~v " f th e ludge T:,.. "\IIHle'r hour was ,me to be reIm'rn u ~ rr. U by all who pa rtook of the f,·,,,' !-- fu r a rcaMt it wail. Everytl' i" )'! lhHt could btl thought of in the : UI 'Il:HV Ih ,c waHon the table- chicken f, i. d . chi ck.~ n pressed. chicken rll rt' . I' hickf:' n th er,. and everything , 1".[ Wl'ul with it was 0 11 the tables t.hM! I< rnnned and maRnell, and, to end t ilt, feust. pies. C!lkes and fancy ic(' ~ rellm made th e participants feel lil,e--: hey didn ' t wont a ny more.
i .'
A no''''
I WUhl:lBt~lll p~ of
''''Q ...!llf:n wM t"c \, ...."'r il re .. roell> t,> .'~
Ill"""'. an"
vi 1'\11' . . . el«t ' HOHdlOI'1I .,:' ,:~t . ~ 1ft t\fotH.,,, r Alb~ rt D. ;··e.ll of .....1 ., Mexlc(\. tVll0 \8 Bitt l ed rw ~ pry of llltterior. au.! Ham .... Dllugh erty ef Obl0. Mr. UanI'Dr.·. camplllgn manager. who :t I~ 'b Qul':hl will be tbe next attom ~ y
&en er~ 1.
R. W. Grill'lI's. who has been with I S f ral th Ithe Weetem tar oreeve mon s. • has purchased the Appeal, at MaIson Mr Grill"'" will make an up1
The committee on European Relief has received the following gpnerous amounts : Episcopal Church . ....... . .. . . ; .. .'.. $113 00 £t. Mary 's Sen:ice Guild .. _........ . . 10 00 M_ E. Church . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . 76 00 Friends ...... . " . . .......... . ... " . 149 75 Orthodox Friends . . . ....... . .... . .. . 4600 500 Roman Catholic Church .'.... ....... . 900 Christian Sabbath School. . _.. . ' .' .'. . . Friends Sabbath School. _..... '...... _ 16 71 Clubs ...... _............. . ... . ... . .22 70 Schools ... . _. ..... . . .. ... . .. . . _. .. . 42 i5 Lodges ........ . ........ . .. ___ ... __ 35 00 500 Grange ......... , .. .... .. ... . .. .... . Lytle Community _... '...... . _. .. _.. . 4200 Collection at Miami Theater ......... . 16 13 Individuals ... ___ _... _. . . _. _ ...... . 4200 Men of Waynesville ................ . 15 00 Miami .Quarterly Meeting, . .. .. '.. . .. . 300 00 Miami Quarterly. Meetin~ (China).. _: 150 00
JOI.'. (t'. Pennewlt and family have lJ'!)ved to the John Hartsock farm. In the Middle 'Run nelrhborhood. wblch he purchued last Auguat. Middletown Hi will.play here Satur Jay evening This III the team that Waynesville beat Ihree w~ks ago. Th~ second team will allO play We ' have in Btock a npmber of pretty rugll. Rag. Ingrain ~d Br~a eels. They outwear almoat anythina in the market Write or come in. Franklin Rug Co .• ' Fran~lIn. Ohio.
~roteeti\'e lWa'uJ'ar meetlnr of and Detective ·8..Oclatl9n sttarda,. February 28t&. at the Towll8hlp 'hoaae_ . All memben .aN hqu..ted to be Pl"8leDt. .. I~ II ,tbe time fo~ election of omeen. . '
Mr. and Mrs T. E . Cum mi ngs . of Five Points, entertaintld at a sumptuous dinner on Sunday. in honor of the birthday of th eir BOilS . Do na ld and Floyd. the fo llowing gues ts: Mr. and ~r s John Sheet s . Mr . and Mrs Myron Sheets, Mr . and Mrs . Perry Wade and daughters, of F'i ve Points. Mrs Winni e Mason. ~o n ond daughters. Miss Wanda DeV ()e: Mr. Will Atkins ,no of Xenia; Mi ~~ Kathryn Uibbons. of Dayton; Mrs Jul ia Bergen. Mrs . Annie Gibbons. Mr. ,llAmes Gibbonsahd Miss Lucy Emlr.y, of Waynesv ill e .
Total. , . • :
••••• •
•• ' .
_ •••••••••
We wish to tbaDk e~ one who. has
ll,OQ& 04 '.
auy way helpecl to put
Wayne 1,'0wnship past bet gOal-.
,0 '
", • i .;
. •.
I ~~~~~~~.~~~~ M"
rie Cook went to Le9anori. last Wednesday. where they were married. M~ . Wardlow is the daughter of Mr_ and Mrs. F rank .Cook, and the groom II a aucceesful younlf farm er. happiness attend their pathwB? ,
---- --------
_ ".uty'a Advantage/ '1'b. betJt 8IIS IlIB.!' out II \) 1J1~lde the , ..bit.., 8beII, DOr 18 the l)e'SI barl8lA I alw~ to be found behtod tbe 1DIMt . IbowJ troa&. but the ""OUIBD Wltb a faeI to !a1Pl'" codo
MRS. Sa F. EtBON ' MM. WILBUR '~ annr ~~~~~ ~~--~~~~~-.---- ----~--~~- '~
... - ..---
A peti lion was pres<mted to the bu sineRs men last week. requesting On last ThursdllY ev ening. whil e th em to cloBe th llir places of businea.q . Dr . and Mrll. Holt we re bUMily talk- on l; " I1(\ Friday from 12' to 3. The ing with one of the offici al member K churches in tow~ will be open on of the M E church the doorbell of that duy during these hours. There • ran • St • Mary's the parsonage g I\lId immediately WI'11 a I80 b e servi cest 8 • the door openlld bnd almost a hun- \ and. the M. E. church every eveDlng dred .p eople filed in with packages or dUrlnlt Holy week. numerous kinds . After D\,. Imd Sc . Mary's church has observed Mrs . Hall had recovered from their t hese services in Waynesville for the pust forty years In most nf' the 8urpri~e, greetings were exc hanged and each guest re~isttm.'tI. Mrs. la rge churches in the cities the three Witham oresided at the piano. ali(I. no ur service IS observed . in all Epis· . under the leadership of Ernest Earn- r.opal and Catholic churches every Lent. hart. a number of hymns were s un g . As the bU biness houBes have all sigDr and Mrs Holt eKch mude a prett~ speech of appreciation. All enjoyed lIified their inte'n tion to close. it is earnestly hoped that everybod·y-wtl·It-- - -- . ~J a very pleliliant eve ning . ~o to olle of t he churches tor wor ship . Mr. allli MrH Wai tN Kenrick entertained, Suml!lV . in hon(lr of the 80th birthday of Mr. Samuel Haines. A beautiful winter day fill ed the occ8sion. !lnd one long to be rem em___ . __ _ bered by friends, children and g rund · A brief song and pray er service children The music WIJS much enwith address. this ( Wednesday ) evenjoyed; the cut fl owers. giVen by the ing at 7: 15 Suhject: "The Peril children . we le appreciated by hllth Useles.~ne!R , .. Mr. and Mrs . Hain es The decoraThird Suntlay in Lent, February 27: tions ~ere in kee ping wi.t h the d ay , Ghurch School at 9:30 a m .; MornA speCial feature was th e hand some . . 0. 1 f d b' hd k . h 80 nf< Prayer Rnd sermon at 10.3. ange 00 Irt BY ca e Wit St! rvice and sermon at 7 p. m. ca?d.ll's. pr:-rented by Mr. Bnd Mrs You ~ re invited to these serviceE_ __ _ _- William Hames. As th e g uests were seated at the table. th e candl es were lighted and . the dining r oom being Use our CIBsqified Ad. for results. darkened . pre~ent ed a very p relty sight Those who enjoyed the oeCI!Ilion were: Mr. Th o rna~ Mill e r lind '. AIHHONY KIN HEllS Mrs Elizabeth ~VSn8, of Spri ngboro; Mis>! Adl!laid e Minning. of Cincin-' nati; Mr. and Mrs Alfren Hai,l es and daughte r. Mi ~s Viola . Mr . Frank M. Slade and Mr. Arlhur Wusweil. -' of Dayton; Mr. lAnd Mrs. William Haines and children. R"bert. Mildred and Clara L • J)f Be lmont ; lJr L G. Brock. Mr E nnis ROgers, Mr . and ~u . Samuel Uai ne!! and Mr . .I amf!~ Haines
di vided honors on the ends. each huving some fine jokes. The kinp: . however. who !lat on his throne and rlirected the whole show'- Oscor Laybourne- wss a t his best and proved to bll a good msn for tbe position. A quartet. composed I>.f Cleaver. Jackson. Pierce and Rogers, sang I hree selecti Jl n!l. which were fully enj nyed. Arthur Holt presi~ed at the piano. Other features were presented. which· proved very attractive and helped to make the evenine one that will be long remembered.
Two C81't1 of Coal will loon be in one of hlock for heating. and CIne of ega' for cooking. Get your order In rilCht away . Seth Cook, phone 53-2
I to-date paper. With IInotypa eqUIP '1 ment and will live the Masonites a
WII~ delightfully ~ JJcnt in pl ayi'tl g gomeH. of which ruo k was lhe JJrincipal aile At 0 late hour r f' fr t!~h menta of ice c ream. cake and maple wsx were serv ed by M ead8m e ~ Le w i~ Brown and E ll Simpso n At II IlI t(, hour all departed wi ~ hln g Mr . and Mrs Simpson l)fospe ri ly in Ih eir new home in Springfield .
B e~ id es
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"'I'h('r"." he III 8ympnth"t11':l11~" · , .. w tt' ll IlIIl Whlll hll h o p'pe,~~d."
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' r . 111\.1 I got to nlld work . And'1,,11 I ,IO u'l know how." 1)",'1 fir 1" ' II(lIch» 1'('1] 100k<'11 at her Ihulld,tf lllly . All U.rou):h th e ula: hl Ih.l \\1\11 fuce holl llI1unwtl him. StI,l<lt'nly T o nlllh ..1 put her Itll. III In· to 11<'1' t.lull~('. " I hroll):hl bU"k 1\ ho l's " ' fl II[ I hp lII1'nry." s h ' filII . hohJl nll' It out. . " ,M UllluJY look ~ UI11'~. Y ou Jon't l"ure I1bout \.bat d o you? Sbe nee<1~d It u w· f ul. mummy did I But 1 cout dn't keep \!\
'- - lu til ••
(I . . . .
clllrlln·. don'l ) nu '" "Yes. 1 hill" '. )· Oll . " r ppll,·.1 E<l l lh . lilli ,' frh ' lltl. 'I "U": \\ 1,11.\ -= hp \\' f\~ ~tltlnl! ttl"" ,!, (lolly. "Crnwl Inlo 110',1. '11 1< " I!n I " I w It h t h, ' p t~ III h. ' r !lrlll" th nt H (',,'UOfo I If'f'p. hOhy denl'." 111,\,, ·01 \11 1/11'1' IIHl nn'rl lntlt.!'ll1 C' trro.· .. Shh'~rlnll l " 1"011." )1", ' In Il t \( ' ·nl'1\ I a l i t! "UI1I " 11 l\\lIriJ ItI~· (' :11111 1 hl\llt ~wlrt Ull rt .. r 1111' hlnukPl. ~" " "'nt l'hl 't! It (,,'mi ne with no Th f'n fnr mnrt' Il lfl n a n h"llr flu'''' I Iy "'lh )\\' ,,( I nl"I'I'''1 n lrt"l'th In (rnnt o r ",·n !\ Rt1C"uce on t hp PlllIHl hllll t. -:11" II1~ thnt \.n s hl'Ok"n nlily h)' Ihp III):h' j IIt'r ,h,' ,"Hlhl ' .. f'·l1l u l l1f'<i ~ \J~p(, l\ d('·,1.
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nl1t f'ht £' , Tbp ll. ('xtr("I11C' ly w("nk, lil t'" W0tnnn
Jl ',)I1r("!) h (\r~.Jl f to ':0 OI)L It fook h ~r n '''''~ Il m r 10 \\ r l'" n nnl p 'he hlld to le3,"1) f or TOll). nn,1 whl'n tIlnl Wft 8 Hnlshed. ~hp ri"·I,l,·rt Ih e 1II<'n(,y th e doclor h ud I,'f! rln ,1 SI,)I .. . "ftly
fl'om thp bont.
It WIlB In th e fnll bin?,.. of R OInrnl n !: aon thnt 1'olln11)('1 opp.ll t,<1 he r eYl'8 ond looked ftround 1111' t't.hln. 'I',e other lIunk \\'ag emply. otld her mol her WIIS not In the Mlhln. In hl'r IIll;hl clot h (>S. Tonn lbel w(,nl 10 Ihe dl'('k. , 110 utlnt! the Dame. "EdW ••" :tel' slrollg young Yol~ repeating 1tM'lf bock from the woods In echoes . Til n she w tit down · • tllll'8 agB'l n aud began to 111'1'. ~ bastJIy. and erery OlOtnt'nt her ("ur '1\118 growing. SI.0 spied the noll' pinned 10 the IlImp hon d le 8nd slur.. ,1
:lwl t li t' h(llt l "l1l1h\ to n ~top , THllnl , h.·I'< 11"'"'1 Ih UIIII"' ,I. IIt"ll , pm,'<1 In
(1111 ftl 111 ,.. pll
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T llllnlbf"1 -.:hoqk twr lwtl(1. ":-;('. I nln·t. IInri t;,, ~< lp nl"·I . E'trh.·,. ... <I", r, ·pll,·1i 111 111,,"1 ~ ullrul)' . n ~· 11 ,1< l1tr ,,1 1"'lsl 110 ..
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Ihl' hll"l yon '01 ,1 me rOll tw Ilskf"fl. dltllhhl~ lip h p.. tu" r !Ulll )wldll1!! thl ' f'nl1(){.' (nst hy flI l :"
n rnl ll"l,
"Y.·•. Ih r
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"1l~W"I'i' ,]
1'lltll\l1,,,1. wllh II 111111' ,·nld. III hl'r " ~ n\\
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tIn)·... "\\'hll' .In ,'''U III r" n hl' 'II"W )'011 Ih'{' on h.' .·;'" hI' " .~k('(t. " 1,,,'1 Ihls ~'n1lr hUl Il f'~ '? nltln' t ~· otl tplJ 1'1)(' Ihnt 1" Tlw 1!l r l'", flllrk hl'lul ctTOOltefl. nn d Ih l' ~ h ,,\\ {Or IIf cllrl,: !llmOSI c(\vered r.tr~ " ' .. 10 h"r short hlll,1 II'Jnl. 'reors (Ir"pI,,,.1 " nl'nfl)'. . l'hlllp 101t .·1,,',1 h ... 1' ~"'"t1y . " \\'hl're's ynnr morhpr?"
hp ClI It\Fl(I(ln ed ,
IIrtNI h... r 1,,,n,1 nnd Inokl',1 01 hlll1 IhrollLth h"r Rhe wnnted to rnn lMe III Sl1IlIe onE'--)·l's•• h .. dId WIlIII I" I t'll hi",. hu' Ihl' onlh she'd tok "n nn rhe g" llfll' (,h rl ~ 1 fln ~hed Into her mln'1. " Shr run'l home Jusl III prese~t," she !'(tplied In n low '·olce. Oh .how ~ h e wnnled to IIsk him If hi! k ll Pw ' or nny work she eOlll d do I A ~ It li e hnll ren,l her Ihougbts. he nskp,1 nhn.plly. "('110 I do anything ('Ir YOll? I hrought yon tbIS. "
Ing Tren,
at1t mutely all It droodlng to know Its C!OIIteDtII, lIut abe. unpinned It with 6n· IPft that seemed to be all thllmb!!. II«t l ep were shakIng so 8be had to lit 417WD to read It. "Tony dear," It began. "I'JD goln&, to look up Urlab. I took part of the money. We might need ~I!. You can go to work some.beres 11 I 40n'\ come back. Maybe lObIe da, 70u' ll see me. Leave the boat 1VberI! !!lie 11 80 your doddy can ·tod ber. I love you. darllug. nemt!Ul. ber about your IIwen rlog not to t'!l1 . 011 your Pop. and don't tell I'rn gone to "'"' blm. MUMMY." _ Toonlbel pve a gRsplng sol.. Tltey btid all cone and lett Iler "tmndell In • lan4 of IItrangers. BecaU!K' It WIUI no lODger ber home, !/be began to love tbe llUent old canal boat, ond to "'isl. wtttLall her !'OU) t.hot Urlnh nlld Edith wotft come walkin g down VIe cnbln
Rh e
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sle-I 'lj!l1'1 her"." . ~Iw 1""du·.1 Ihe lit tin
'h:l , III iO'\(H1t '
tl'lIch1rn('sf'. DO(' l or I'ftu l1 l1.."1111\'1' 11 l enneli O\'[' r IInli. plurllll: Oll e flllg 'r untler 1.111' !llrl'g chin. mls"(1 h~r t :.u'l.' (0 his. "Come with we," he snld'
.. '
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TU I, u l1)l" foll,)\\"(..:1 h im 1hro n gh whut seelUt'tI 10 Iwr l oug 1U1I 1'~ 1I1111~. \\"IIl'11 IU tI :.:lIt~ r(ld hlor Int I) n r oom HI HI C'los(-d lilt! door, she stoud u I\trln1l.' l1l tnklng In nil I tH ttlll gn iftce n c l.l, T11l\ nt , Ulosphe r fl wns IlId"1I with Il IrPU \' y P L'!" fun"o o f t1 1f\\'t· r:-.. Olle! th en she :-lUW Sm nl'll.tl l ;.! l' I:">I ' . :\ UlAn luy lJUrtly prll)lpcd up In Ilcll, Ills b llru lJl~ grlly "Y~~ :-; '"I' iu~ 11 1 Iler . "This 18 Ill y hrother. Paul l'CJH llc. ha\· l'lI. to)' dlild ," s:lld Dottor John.
" li e w""l s III IhllQk )'uu fnr brlt,gl,,~ hn'k th' IJiclu re." "~II dOWII n wi.lle." murlllured Doc-
t .,r p •oul . S hu c"qllulll'.d llllc~or.;: " e, uollloll ~,~ ly UpOII Ihe bed bl'Sl,]" thv pi!;. .. Ifr 11t1l1! t rlomd he re Is In trOIf' Ille." 51.,tl D~·tor Jol.o 10 h is hrolhl' r. ~
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For II long time ('uu t l'er"lIe h n " 1lI1 look d ot Tony. uml Touy 100k ~,1 bo ck lit hl lll. 1'ull), II'US lIlelll oll y "II)' III~ him with nil her 100' rng henrt. li e \\,11" thloklllg on'r the CO lli' MlUIlon he illlo! hll! brolhe r hall h nd about U.I ~ Stroll)'" littl e gi rl who hod broug ht trom a tillers lIeo tile plclure 'o t his Luhy . "How " 'ollid yo u like to ~ tny he re b whil e wllh mc ?" he Ilsked 01 lengt h. Gray eyes wldelled to Ule fuiles l e 1tent ot f ringed lid... "Lordy." \VII S 011 '!'onnlbcl coultl soy. 08 sh e g.ln n£(·e!:!(lll....!o!.!r~o!1ul!lIld£!.c._ __ _ _ _-t "You Ill ighl wuH 00 me." olrplnir.NI the doc tor. "mal kl!ep me cOmltnny. I tlo gill IOllely s Oll,,·lhnes. \Voul,1 you like thut? I know you like (lowe rs." ..] love 'em ," cried 'I'oo nlb!!!. Pcnl11t'hnnJIl s mllell Into th c shln i ll);
0. 1
... ca t c h L I)W~l' ptc ture 18 ' d, lId"" baskhu: tn ' }H.I -tu n rt f
"" lh """ ~: "If I wllnt.·,1
10 mllKe hr.y I" I ~ "" '11 nil 111111, I'd 1(,:1\'0 off howlI" 11111I\lte fir t \\·o. And you dO li ' , I, ,<, pret ty \\'I\(..'n )' our nl)s e Is ,', d \', \ iI Ig t he' l."utlcr rnt?" "I I" I',,,, 1 rl nTl't 1'Ilt1w. l::;hc's !:rot ft jl l'l I .; 11If', 111111 1 nskcd her about I
I WI':-HI f . ,1 1111 ~ h l' It'lnkt'll us sulky os t'I'lIl d IH ·... i t to mf'-~ " h'·i:nr. r<nth ertn c. .I I) , "(' II IIH' dtlll r :\nlllg npf'll. nnd tll. ' T'" n " I(lu r ed 11(., rn r e Kntherlue Cur. , Ii, II 1: • 1 whn nlll ,l~ he r hrenll1 nimosl
uen n (: ,."s:le "'tn,Y , 111 f1~ " :--hl' plt 'lIdfd prl'''' flll \'. ":';hIL'.,I hp wl.h"llI nll"I,,), h It sh~ ll i,I,,'1 hlll'l' 1111.... " r,.~." sII1<1 1' .. " ,11" 1" " "'11. liS his
~tl)p wllh ~urJlrl s.·.
A I't'ry
g-Irl. Inn. Ih " 1017··' r c nu ght fli n glnn!'e. Ah lln dunl urIs 1I1IIIg "h ..111 onp o( Iht! I was t hCfllltlft)1 fON.· S K nl h!'r lne hll'
broth er op.'lH~] 1111- flour, "rou l'UIl make h ~r a 011' 0 hOIll III m y ('OIl'W I' VO -
,·,"' r se(·n. n cr mnth cr hndn't tolll h {' r till' ~I rl '''"Msn "rett)·. She f.·tt
mo",r nl (nr Ihe sick
II lI {' rI'OUSII('~S ("f} I1IP O\'~r h"r when sloe Ih n u J:ht or Phil ip ~1 "'·('41nl l'.v. In Sil ("TH"P Tflunihpl cl on nl'd hl'r ne\v ~Inlh es, nlHl whl'n she stood lip to bl'! In. l1er tl'{l . ~[r~. enrtl. srowll'll nl hl'r. "00 Rho\\' nor tor .Tohn." shp slI llI. " He tohl me 10 sen ll ~'ou r lr;h t dowll to
ilion 10 <'x i'lnln 10 f)!lelnr J uhn his nr· rongemellt6 II'l lh T Oll n lh!'l . nnll th e girl'S lIeort ",u s n o t lh{' onl," r ejOic in g 'H' I' 11111011)1 th" trln. • Wh en K Ulbe:r ln!! urtl s come hom l.. IP . h'l "fl'4"rn(lon shp fountl her
mOlher In"1i towerin g rug~. ~urrounded "'- " h)' 111:1 11)' strotlge looking boxes and ('1'0 he eon Inu.II.) bun dles. "For IIl'n ven'" . 1I1;e. w119t' ~ the mntte 1."1 nskell thE' gl rl. YJ ·· thlnk. YOCI" Cousin J ohn's gone mOd." M id Mr/!. Clt rtls. bCf.,,1l1n lng 10 cry. "He's brought n rngg";1 girl Inlo tbe house 10 sln.y. n ~rl w ith bnre f,·e l. ngd Ilnol11.b Iltnl r ror till"ee pcn l)le. FraU) \\'hllt 1 cooHltl ~ ulher s hu's j(olng f o stny o\'er WI.Ul I' nu l. Anrt .lnlln 10' Common ..1eM Court ~Isled 01) my going with him to buy ~ese. TJJlnk of 0 poor nol.llll1y l1r cs.~ctl N 011' Bulbi ag like n hor8(!." F lorence BHk" r v~ C llaR Baker. Kathe rine l ooked 01 ber ke 'nly. " 1 I Fr']' ~ l vlJJoe. ol'lTI on.v find onstody ~ppose you served Cousin .foll" 0 , of oh lld. d cep-S~ I(Ml 5P.!U ot hys terics. dldn't B"n W r l~h ~ V8 W. T : RawllDgs you, when he pOl1ped Ole girl 10 on i Ii'lJr m Ont1y you?' ebe dcmnodl'tl. "1 did my belSt." nd tnltted Mrs: Cur- j LtLun Kibbey vi4lt':lberi~oidllr ' e' I Ill. PnrMlion o t real eRtate. til, snlmlng. 'rAl eu get "tlrtelted 10 women's t N'n!. I Mtlry M"th eoy VB Cbllt.oo Math • DUntW\ll.. ~ 1J>r.: " "0 1,1 th... nll · wl ~e e ny . For (Ii vl)rce.
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11 ,' . ,1)' ;':01 Iu ;';0." s lu~ lo ld him . swallow"" ... 1. "I J"~I gOI to go." ' f! wn 11" h,·,. 110Il1"I('s.~ n ess prcSIIeG dowlI u liu ll II.~ I" st,,, hc;:nn 10 tr em ble.
('01) "II I:-'I\' \.' sllh~ shuki ll l;! lu;~r f rom head
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C lassifled Ads
Real Estat. Tnnfua l 'hrIRkph(,r Frr to ~ ' t" rl>' Fry, p,rt. of Kt> o I I. T . 3. H 4 In le "r_
An nd in th is column iN11 ~ u rE' Milia
ttr ef' K T wp . ~l. WANTED - STUMP BLASTING l ·n , l i. 1"'''''Adv 10 Lnol on" M " tlnt~ P 'Lrt /· f I""c. \(1 , T . ~ . R. :l IU T or t l l'_ orl' flh T(~p . f l. F.·I' tid tit Y(I\lr .tOIDU. " nd rltokw IUV!! Ib" m blouiI.lll \. rl "U " Ullfe MArtlla Grllh " OI 10 <:" rlnnp hl·.If. pRrl 0' ~~I'. 1·1. T. -t. I{ 4 In TorMe :-J n,, ·' t"o .1111\\1 o r nO(l " 1.,,1) bill . HlVt1 tTl" h ('ttll J . r I )l~h l"w , R . 0 1'1'1'(\ '1'''11 . tl. f~ ' H..rrv ' I\ ! "-~ 1.0 T III' I1)olR Hnnrt o n D. 2. \\. "rne.v'\lI'. (lh. O) 1,, 1 Nil. 2:tu In \.. b .n.m .• , K ~ tf\ Hut,,;"1 lol 1:l t'f)TI{P Kill{l. 3 MONEY LOAN~D Int. in ~ltlpl" Purk Sulodlvi8'''u. T ll rtlt,('r rol' k Twp.• rl. ONEY '1'1, 1.0 N ON FAR\1H Ilt. 6% II"·.. . I'" & . " 10 Commlsslonen' Proc"edlJlP yf:nn . T t'r rf\1I & T"rI ~ 11 h .. ~ 1 E~ . Hill .. "11 ... ,,,.·01 : ' h., (''' 'urnbua lilt .. nnr! I .. ' an~. ' -" i1l1lln gt II . Oh io. B lto r. k 130 " 1c MI l! ('0 - tl p pll~" ( " r Phon" ~O l I II tf R pQM(\.' r . nOll ; ~'rf( n~ R ·,h .'r"(ln bnrI ·d ," KII'lJ erln o t ;o .. ~t.n l · I H . 1100; ONEY L(.tln" .1 ' l ! liv .. ·"'ok, rilE! Welltern Sl ar p u hIlC" ~") n or ..Ie_ ohHtl e l8. "I .. " . ... 0(0(111 mil. 11! "l( fl S . l1n'ltlent t..,,, rll(l" rt, $4:1. 2; '·h · N oll. " bll " " ht .1.·l1u Hart,Il,,·. A llt' n Leb. Ultll 1:'" I ,1M. 1,',<> ~ .. m". 143 2 ; l:Iuiltl ' ''~ . X " "I .. Ohio . II " 21 .1· 111< A H I«lr, rPI' Irs .,nrt 8u l'I)hllil f pr j ,:1, '1 :1 13; rll A 'V" .. t e rn filor "'ALE HELP WANTED hnr ,Inl l!1\\@ ''''' 'Ir hll '1f1~ nnrl hlnnk A
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I)ntiy lit .1 W t;hl l!lpr ,.. f.4 45; 111Qne~t, of h(~lv o t .laml1 I'h o lll pson .
S Ilny,
Wunl,e<I-"1I I r • • !!(\ A
mon py "Vl" Y Dlllb ,. Ali. fJ ~6; l u q n .' ~t of h.'rI v of If ore81. rl res", K , in Ohrl. Ml uml (J ·. ZI' It ". f23 ItIlKt, '5 Uf.; Leh .. n •• n Lumlun Uo .•
r Aloutlrl ' nl{ Crhtlor . $2775; L. M. Prlu oe ('0 , s u pplle8 f u r ~ urvtly o r,
' I 80 ; l.ewl ~ & D r Okt1, f r (Jtllllt. drllv .
"ell "nrl 0 ,,, I f ., r oo ott h ,'nMI'I An(1 RU , .KINC:i "Dd L.v" '" CIIII jo\i1 . 1411.87; Tbos K""V 6r. r(l" " irllll1 an"w er .. d promplly h lll l ".It lftl~o· bllildlng8 d Jill. '15.35; H . C. Prl oe~ r.·" ", ,nllh t .. Geurg8, wood fur oo nr\ b oule.,I' 60 ; ,ton Ilo ... anteed Dllole ''l. 'rrlok, mlllot.alnl nillanlllrne lJhlla. E il:dwal dll. L:vtlll. Ohio t23 I'i ndno,," pike, '17. 6 ~ ; J o~&ph Wat. ~" n. r08d and Ilrld"" rrop"lr,. ,(17.10; SALESMEN WANTED C. B D ~ cl.l"n \ . p net_ lle f (lr Audi tor'. " moe. 'IC - - -- - ...---== ET busy . Keep busy . 1.. your j ob uu" ,,"'? 1d It uermon"Il" Yuu W ~D' " life 101li! bo~in t'B8. :You 000 gel int·o Muoh a bu"lne.M 8A llIn t1 worE' tb .. o 137 Walkins l'rod.lO'" dlreot to t&rmer~ If Y"u o ..·n 0 uti> 01' til lUI or OllO get o ne; If you OlIn III" .. bond wltb p o r sonal ~uttol1f-~ We bIlok yon wISh big RIIIIIOR help' 112 Y0IlrS in huslnel8, 20.000,000 u8e", of our proonottl. Wrlle tor IntOI'm •• liOn whe re yon 080 ,et terrl,ory, ' J. R Wantna Co., Oepltl,mflo\ V . . Size Up Your Condition. Look at Wlnoo". Minnesota. fll8
the Facts Squarely
Are Preve.tea by,
Wurk by uperlonoed W AN TEDll.and h.v IIlnDlh or 00
E. J . UI«Itrlok, R l:\prlDIJ V.. lley. Ohio.
D 1,
'h l rd~ .
DIll 'j
"Whe n on. "'I)
I Rood ,'erfle)" COW J. A~ MoTake p , · pl ".M ~n~"fI for flwhtl e. , mil It 1M n greut t ll llio. (t. ... 111 bnil" rip I;"y. Waynentllll, Ohio. , "our re~ i .. t"oo" to diH . aMe. IlII!1 yo o V. R 1 R. "EGG!i Inquire of will 110 0 feel tI'ron go r 'I' ll" IIttl" • M rll lJI1D~ ROM, lIPJll.l~lle the red oorpu~ole8 "' e fighttor8. They bM tle with diseaBB g e rms 1lnd win 6DRluIl boalle. Wayoesvllle, Ohio. . m2 o ut when there are e n o u~h of 'hem. Keep yonI' system well lIuppIJe(l IC AN8-N",.", hnll lortecl1_ft'adl Then yon will Ilfle p well !lud yon
a ll d
'U1'll1nl' ,
Empire Type Foundry.lSulfalo,N.Y
mltoko !loct nh.dlll Uarbno paper ~r box uf l UO .ht.llla, $, . 9~dtlHV t .~d .
Whl'n J oh .. P r ndl""n,,,m eD me It, . ! l lt \d ~nw ht'r hI' Bo1p!) It u \\' pu le s he I was. "Y(I1I1' I lIt .IIi , ' r ,·· Ill: II":;:ln"Sh., '8 ),:.1 l ilt.' :tW:I) "isltl l1 '," gURped Till_I);, "I dO H' , 1\110 ',\ \\ IIl'ft' sllto ls," uDltlu't y ou lI-t' \: II· " t ills IlIo n.'ng' lC RIl \\ II' "hit, Iu ~: " I up. Ihell tihe's iJtll er Is n 'l , li e ? 18 , I, " ?" T o on l bt:1 buhl",d !I.' !" lI L'ad.
SIll' ' ,,·s' tlli ed. th en ~O ll ie o II\.' w e know. SO "Ulll l' to (l,1 1 )' OU slie'l'
Bat.l.h~ct lon JUlonn·
.\III I·Y.
WII"" ;': Ol l t-',
B~. OO
AN l'lilD- Work by tbe ·dar. or weell CbIlN . Brewllter 'and Ellher you are In good h.tr.lth or 80n. Wa1Dentl1e, Ohio . ' - US .1011 .. re not. There 's no half W·IloY. nlp1 oleaned up m" IfaV,,1 pU. ¥ ou may tblnk nothing of belqe a I am prePllred '0 fumillb eood little rUIl down . 1& m"y no& worry you if y ou looll I)ale. You t'n"y aravel and ,,180 ha'!JI 'be aame. Let 0 ••1. Furthink you'll be· all rlgbt tomorrow me kDow your wan.. nllll} It. O. 4, 0 rl8 01' nex' dey. Bot will you. OewtaiD I' la whln YOll do no' feel jaa' rl,b't, yon afb 00\ riIfM. '(here FORIALE la prubably lIome'hiDe the matter wUb Jour blood. And ",bllll yon ol\n get afound &nll do ·y('Iur worll Pur'ahle Obloken or VoloD1 von .. re Iflavlng ,onrotelf opeo to Boos .., lixllxll f' i ~hll waa bull' !lOY of the tll. eRallA tbat rue alw',,8 !lndpollited a ,.tllAr alJo. 11i Sol1'4 wlllting to , .. ko POij90t!810U of run Spring · Walton, Ii ~prlol.toO'Il· down peoplft. Ihrrow al yonr prloe. · A Tobaool)l WhoD yoo ore p "le &od ea81ly Pl n w .1. W . ~'rlSwn, phone 16.1 . tired . wben yon 0 ..11 not. I'IDjOY yoor W"yne8vll1e. Ohio. ' bill mOIlI~, wben y-.l n lo~e botllu~lum. UE~TING Slove for Hele ohellp. :voo' 1.J lood Deed s "It~nt.lon
III oll1l.e.1 U I\~IO" JUhl ~h .. ·" cOJUe to h l ~ nl1l ('l' 01 III''' o " : lo ~ k Ihul ufterII(JOII. 'lI, d. If .111' d llut' t. 1'0 IIIl ghl tuke II In I" lot~ 1"·,,,1 10 "lslI Ihe Dirty
63.00 ar. 00 61 0 0 . n . oo
tor 10uI{ li ard NP rvlt ;e,
Good Supply of Rich, Red Blood Take Pepto·MaDlran, tbe Red mood Builder
flhlted girl B8 she mude her WilY Ihrough th" city with n little pig snug. gl , '1.1 h. h'!r anu s. 1\'unlhel wus burryIUK til I'"nttl ehll l'eu p ln ce. for she bad
"\' ol':t! up.
n.rnlnKlon Nn . I J . vi• . ~·co lur r ibbon . U nrlerwnod No . , ono-co lor rlh"" .. ... Un,l. rwood • . ~·col or rlh b.ck o"o""r Hoy .. 1 No . I , onc-colo r rilJlJuu , . , " [tunl No .. ~ . l ·col" . r lhoon . . ..
Tony Find, a New Home. Many a person turned In the aueet IUId looked at tbe barebeaded and bare-
n tempting
_ _ _ _ n~ ·· _ _ _~_ _~-
' t\ trll rl,
(01 \\' ushin Tt O ~ whore to ~ ,I 11110 ,,[net!. , UI)per plC-
fnr 111m wOII I., Ih' II lh ... !tu tt·, ll . !"-II,' 1 fr.ll1l II . tUtln ' f WHIII tn c ry . ~o In sht' bit d(lHl) 1111 ' '''r !'t'd IlUrl.· .w l' Ih· hilt! ~ lI l d III l·u... . III\I . t ll ll , ' ~ II1a1 hI ' \\'nllfl't! hr'I·. J r d lt l :-:;t', ' J!1 L:'lIod tn Iu ' w :ln(I'd ~ 1'1 1I ( ·\\'lH ' r'l· . \\' !Jat ~11t' d id 111t'1I Pt.lI HlIf'ilnH' 1l 1'f" rU('IIlf,r' rhl Jl1an.\· It I nn.&! chi ," . S i ll' I"ant U\' I' I' tJ tll1 Id~ "" 'd h i... hntH1. 'rh e worm r l,,1 IIp~ Ihrll :..d 111 111 H~ \lh l'Ulit r tlu(h al\\ :l.'R t! lr ll ls wl'nl,.
lory." It ",ok h'H
Il l ln J h UHG I ,\ .. :,1 ll ulht"rll ~un'R r ays bave 'I, '" p n \': " , r 11 H' twu \.':tc('I \llv t.! K who ~lI~ WI'pl, IH\(' lun,:; lIl> thQ t:;' It) \'1.
sUftl y.
three. f '
- ~ -,-
M('\{;"",,,,, , buth of M.,:rrt<w
yuu hU\'(On ' l uny r ll l nl l \' {'~ ?" ":-;01 Iluyl< uuy." s l, e hesltll lc.l. Irnst. 1101 11011'. )\; 0 1 lIuylJuuy IIut
R., hAr ' ' : ,
( · I.( rfltH1l ' ·l p ,· ~tlI(Ar.
'''1'11i'1l you arc .. II nlo."" 11011' thlll
"null \I'(lI.ts \Yurk.
' "U
of \\'B\'u' ·~ vlll "
saltl .
I1 I1YOI1 . ,.
tJxqu ls ll~
Waynesville, ()
I)lIvor ;0;0. 3 .. $1 3 "0 Ollnr ~o, I1l1vor No 9 . J~'U U MODorrh ,,, 3 17. 00 Sml.h- Pr,·,u ler( u. Ll n"I,,,,, Kef rcbU U~ VO.OO Guurboltteett III good UAed cond ltlun "'1 ",.tt,
ftt\n ... , . h l) th nf' f4. . rtltt'· 'i n
"',,tt l 'l'
dunna," nnl"werpd 'l'{1J1 u lhcl, 11 Ilt ~ Sill' ,1I.111 ·t Ifl t~ IHI l'I"r to
your lJIollIl'r' t1 gOlle·!
v ".\· r- hltr~.
of U rlllh to
I 1",.lil' \\' . r .11 ' '''. "11'11' ''' . "n d M. i M ltrt" <:I)" k. II ,th ut \\' ,IV II16" \· I\I.,.
R "~llk
(l t
I t!olP
10 h" 11' hcr.
"\\,I, el'e's
t n 'l'tt." Iflr . r,~ rrH " I . , t f --t n n h o r \' , (4 '00 o r pun·lI :ttip. prlco reluCt! ...1 ' Vhic h .d1.e unll ~11~ !'l I.tI ~· .• l1tlnlt"11 I I ' M,lrl 1i \ \". will }' OU hl1vu. l nrgo or I W.U , Onltin Ulltld . "ruIn IH I),. 1-(11\1'\<1011 , a1lY colur o r co lo A , for H.n.y l\'I .·'Trfol, '111f' uw ". flH 11 'tlkl'l L, n~ 1m), mok"ur :'Ihu: hluo . tsa.. l )C tl ts lh'c rftd . St.al o
t o I t l luen , Fr.JIU w hll t sit e Illtd tnld h im Ito\\' , si ll' hn~llJ\·t· 1l It"rt U)4HlI'. Tlu:' rl t IIll r.· wus laO ou~ to usk .,t} rwls~lo u or
Aot·n" L. y '" " n
'lorrla"A Ua__ j
r ill o t It. lt IIII ); ht hlll'e hN' 1l on h.'r purr tlUlt IrrollJ{ht t o qnkk rr ultt,1Il Ih v r<',ull'e 111111 It'lll tJl'!:'U II to 111'1' Ih~ II Ij(hl h"rllr~ 11'10.·" LJoriO I' 1'1'11.11,'1 11" ""II h l\(.1 U' uulpcd I llon~ thti h ,lllt 'vun]
10 tJ
Cosy Five-Room Bungalow Attracts Builders
toasted LU'CKY 'S TRIKE CIGARETTE ~.l,r:.;. ~
For a 1000g Ume s he 8IIt thinking. looldnc. out over t.he we te r. St)metlmes wtth tan lloodlng her lids. s omeUmell 4~-E')'ed with frlght AttN .R whlle she lOt up, took Gussie to the Inke. where. mueb ~o •the little nnlmn)'9 dlsg'\Ist. abe :waahed he r wIth 8 BCMlbblng bruAh on'" ""nn. 'rhpn she cn r cfully
flavor a. Luoky Strike. Beoaueo-
Slle made a sltgh t movement wltb h"r Iwn" but nccrpi ell the card h ~ extendl'rl. Then there drlfle,' over the .Qulet 8Umml'r dRY Ule t Ol1ll1g of the chimes frOID the unl" erslf'y <'lock on the compus of Cornell. She beot forword to I1sl en. It struck nne. nnd drnw1ng her fel't from t h(' wnl r. she got up. S he holl promised to he at P endl eha· ven pi llct' nt two o·cl ock. "1 got t o go Il(lW." she Mid opOlogt'lICf1l1y. "Mitch obliged for brlngl ne some more sa lvation . mIster I lII .. bbe I'll see you nguln some tJmeM "~l be I ' wilt." " Wh en?" rlemnnlled Ph1l1P. tbe blood runnlug swiftly to hi s toce. He felt eyes. He fe lt IIl'tler all' II tty. 8 mddon renewed Intcrest ID U,e sol· "I've stich n lot of thrm oil. o,' ~ r Ih l~ emn girl. ' and h{' dldn't wllllt ber to wlug." h e 11'1'111 00. " YOIl IIIlgltl leRve ~Im nt all. cnte of the m f or Ole and-lIlld oUIt'r IIulloo." Bhe an swered. putting Ulln "S." Ous!lle undAl' one arm. "I mlgbtn't be Tony waa nlmost burstl og with joy. home when you come." . She hud within h er till! grelllesl girt "Call. I COme tOlDorrow?'~ the boy nf 000. Rllnl'l'mr 111'11 tl luci e. . T" w(,rk urged. "Ye p! you cao come," aald Tonnlbel. ""lU, fIIllng \bront. "but It there's any one oruund, don't s top." This IV81l all U,e wumloll ehe dared Illve htw. Tben sbe paused lon.g ".Dough to see bJm jump Into the canoe. and for a few mlnutes abe stood I"atelling the craft as It danced away on the water toward Ithaca. Then Ihll stu rt" d tor tbe doctor'•.
" ' 81lpped Under the Overhang.
110 olgarette ha. ... same denolou.
~ j\' tHg H lon~
"n il" ru
Dd $15QO.
I~ "1)" "l nte,1 ~t1rnlnl"t. rtl"H t' I 520u
(·nuhlo·t " "1'1' ~It'(' p II wink I( I (11<1." An d . I. e 11 .... ' sl Ihp ru ll of hllb Into his "",,,1. so ld Toulllhe l.
1n t b tl milltor of t be w ill of .... 1111 u.ea amI rolo,.,<ed by U. ~ . ()ov.roD'Ha~ WHlred I;ollin". I\!'Utllumd WIII.lI II.Ulllu;LOD :\0. 6 or 7 <hllml ) . ..... "6. 00
min,' d by pr ubu lfl.
"/Ii 0."
'I uf
.,SI II·
ort le r ljt1 . lu ' h e walter of the 68 'tl ,t.a . uf JOIlIl'h Krekll'lr. dl'OOuMcd Lnur" Kr.kler Is lIJ)poloted IItlUli nt8tr!l tril·.
yo ur ~hllre." ""ea p It." e.>:dolllJ('d Doctllr John.
.... 1,._ 1 Ill"· .... ' r, 1 "III" ~ T,,'r 11,,\" It,~ .. ha l H.: n' ,' r rl .. , or tht' ,1u('k 1111 1 Ii th .'\', (( ).n, \\' , ' I"t' us: ,~ II'nn U!'i' h~r ,~,
t, .. II nil , 1t 01t"\' 'IIl lt1l111' "' Y " II h··I1,·\ I' It'l'. Ed jp
h" 'HI~
IttJ~ k lly.
lIl l.I Ut!l' ,,'
1~llotberio Erlrll . rl. d . CIlI1 - 1(1 Prl. Vllt i' 8111.' nf \>er~\<UIII IIr"pert,· IIn l1 Mnin & :'oulh SIS
I hl~ bt'l'u use 1 dl~k e red Wltb you 11191 IIlgh l 0110 uI tbe pl etu",. IUJd yo u 1101lt:
,fIfJ P-rl.:J~.::4...vr
II •
I'rubul., Cu"rl Proceeding.
Repair Shop
., , \ "0 MACHI NE ~EP~IRII 0 . .ft , It. palrln):, Stove Repalrln," , 11111 I~t;plltrjng , Saw !'harpenloi, 1 1\ 'ti l • ~ h8rpeojllw, Tnol !'oharpenlnK. (ja~/lli ll ~ ond Oil Siovell. \:Ieanlne , illI .! to t s of uther jobs In wood and
, ."
1;1I-1>l u;: ·~Igll .
" 1 "/In 't," "li llIe h. 0 " ~Ill UIIIW lIIY·'
, t
Til e cboice of two thor pia os I ~ fl fT .. r ed tb e home bntld urH wh o Oh O"86 thi~ oozy IIUle fiv A.rOtlln bung"low of Cllmen. ,,"d wolod .
Ooe plAn is f o r ao exoe p ti o u ,I bi ~ hec1roo m linll
s loopiog p rJroh
whit e the other lIermi tH of ouo bedroom-an alcnV A r oom und aleepillg p or c b . A h lg • ~x19 ft.
r o"m iH Il ll a ,} ,,~ oombillild dlnlllg'rn o m A bui l t in P ulllll'\n bl'Lukf"st r tlU Ill .s fO'Ltl l red In ol\e \>1I>n I II iti rtomUkllbl Cl I ll e lu. rg eo l o~ et. "P l'OO w<J r keti o u t tu tilt) DsUb.tl nne
r'l pOk liD . W!l!lb. 'flle tart ,I ootta entrn no e-ihe WId brl ok m 'm t le "Dd the ex otl ile o t wiod o w Ilrrdongem Ilnt are !lit f ea tnres whioll o.ppe!ll to wo-
pl nn. Tb o bun~ .. h w ~ 11 () <Vtl h il r!! W S btlil~ fr m \>I .. u~ drtlWIl :,y
N xt w e ek , photog raph ond IloJor pl tLll~ ' o r ... atn rd V Beven. 1'00(0 brlok b o u ~e .
t·h e
.. tloolll BUlld 'l rd' I3llrllll tl of
m en
will ODjOY life.
B. W cook, or flne leed
. Z. under.
wood .
But be oertaln you got 'he geno. I Ii.lYo' llaneYMbul'1f mt Ine POlitO. Mangan. Ask for U hy )h6 fnll n .. me- "I3nde's Pep&o-MaDI:tOUT 'ToDe of Allike-U.,. In. . gan.." Some people tl\ lie l\ In 'IA hie' quire of Gen. Robatw.on, &. D. -6 .. form. It i8 RO ClOU ~enlent: The U. Wllv'Desville, Ohio. ' mil quid and the tablets h"ve 'he salDA TOVil-CJermoll~ Caa' RalllB, In m edlolDal vGlue. Look tor the I(ood condition . InquIre Dr. nAm" "I3ode'@" on &he pllotage.J. A. McCo., . W.YD8nl\lp,OIilo, Ad l7ertlse ment
bll.hpl~ oh!Jlce I.IHle Red ' )flll/llf !'IIIAt} AI"" ,: 11117' 8 .
~l' I1fJ Hurl v. 01tvldpon Mo'oruyole In j(. 0 11 Mpd!tlun. · L ;" ""n ~lIv"r, 111!()J;j ... 41)~. WUYIl",~ vl1ill UbI,., tj!8 \ . ,
1.: 0 '1' of Mliultl A", I.r .~'llfl· . III. L. qnlre of G 1:. 11.11 .." 'uh,', .. 4\1.11, W .. y 1)',aYllle. Ohio. .
., {J8
dnme·ernwD (i.I,"IOP", , In. F lN~ \Jtthll of ,.'ruO"., I:troU .. r ... R 11'.
. ' ,;
!i: ""H ,111' .tll... '-'lllu,
; .;. 2 ab(n.. Goocl
Y"QII/l 80"""1 wl!'l,b"'1
1100 It. l1lIGb. _
...." ...... w, c.t~...u. W..... ,
. JII8.
l)"D be
•... THE
Wal'er Gray, our Yelel'llD hor .. ,.------------~~---------------~-...,..,....,,~-------~ aud mule bayer, il a b1ll, mao in b"1 lino. . ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY . Mr. • lId Mra. P . B. Hawke and flDllly wHl be mlflled borll. Tiey &a"l'ed at 'be Po~ jolllc. a t W.7IlH.Ule. Uhlo• •• ; '" I " , I Lecture Coune a SucceR ha vo ~88n In 'bl • • lol."y luI' .... D. L. CPAN E , Editor and Publib l~r. \\a)T.u \l llI 'I'll.. I'll rPII. I'Ibooh dn Uuo oert eral rear •• nd hs.e mad. aaD1 ao. I I~", "l.' : u Ul Vll1l plul·,,1\ IIUue O pera l:l ooll qoaID'.ooel. Tbey wtll mO.1 OD SobBcriQtion Price. $1.60 per yeAr • 14'r 'OK y 111,,11 1. COl B I..r~ unll WIlJl. tbelr owo pleml!!", 1l14I1" "'1111. c '11cr: f bu ~ i n css I' , · .. e. ·11 .. n rl"·lIOp . M I~II b l'p bHU Is w nere lhey will 81I,a,II 10 r.ll!l.D. ohlollenll. . ,. Vf'OI·, II .t "".ad io he r oot rhlntol( m ll un er . 'I'hl ~ num ber will "ttmo. Mr . and M••. Bamuel BIUI IIDd I· I" tn t:> It'or n rn 00 0t S8 propt'HlUon famll" of Dear KI[lgmID. ar. mo •• l o r tll 'x L dllt ....JIl . IIlid II wo rd In favor lag on Ihe Dr. C G. Raodall farm. WEDNESDA Y. FEBRUARY 23. 1921 t of those wh o dtt Aoted tili " suoce•• Mr. ' lind 1141'8. B:ert" Barlow and ======================,=======-t-kl.J-veli 1,0 l'(' is. Ib lt ' eve r y bblng III tllmlly, tor many Y'9arll r'ltcieDte of paid .. od Illon('lY 8aved for fu~ore 'hili vloloUy. wberu tbey w.r. Willi rtrnC;I I1S :t l Our Calendar ref" renoe . LAt'lI enooorage t be lec Irnown and liked. alce now looa&lld aD ture enors!'. It 18 fOlld fnr the brain 'he O'Neall farm, 10 WaYD.lOwo. ttl bll ~T aod ill "b.nrbt'd In all parts of tbe ship. 1921 fEBRVARY 1921 b(Jdy. Yuu ~ o t Ilwny from 110mb The next oumbe'r of our "",are ~ r-q, rllf wi'Ie fflu fr' .'>.I' aDd 8el' how others are ge ttin@ along ooone will be given W.,.aat04I1Y II.nrl on rctnrulnlf home y oo will ".: :.!l 2 J 4 b.vo .. \)ptt e r id"a 0' yonrf elt and nllCht. MafOh lind. Word reoel.ed here thll' Jam", lha t yon d ol lI o t have verI' muoh 67h910 II 12 fD ore tr"u hl e t·hlln olher people. If W . Robertlon .till remlllni qal&e I~ 14 I~ 16 17 18 19 I'll 1 lire r.r,," bled with d Y8 p,plI"~. alolr III 1111 111'el". home io Wil. IS &h A many IU llg b. wbloh Y011 Ilrt' eo. mlngtoo . 20 ~I 2:2 2J 24 25 ~6 From report8. ~hera .Te '0 be ~t[.le{f to o lld"r oar ~ 'a5tl "'W8 will •• 27!8 . 8 ' on eradt cH tf' the dYI- Bnd 'pop"i" Rom" oh"nge. In hornell. OD or about WIll MoO n OVBfJc·rute. t)0 Uti. your Maroh Brit ",flu ' UOII I.. t .. vor of BD otb er O Ou'~e . The number I.t tr,a vllllnit meo ,hat "~E!brullry <! - e a wlalmu8 Day oomes t u our 'own every week Februarv 6'- QuinqulI)(t'Rima Sun muko~ one belitl ve tb"t busloe@8 18 Februllry 8- ~ hr(,y e Tue@ dny . Death of Pioneer Resident wortb loolllnl( artllr. Februllry 9 - A~ h W~dne~day M'tt. Hllrrl tl t Halt'. of Weet.'" Cor FebrLRry 12 - Lincoln's Birthday Tbe road orew Ie bosy pvery day oer. CII 0 ton Cuon Iy. IS ftar maoy tba' U will d o to work. and lhe I,'ebruflry 13-Flrst Sunday in Lent ,., .. to of deohohllr health. Jla~8ed rolldl February 14-St. Valentine's Day Lhla Ume lOr. quite good, Ilw .. y a' b"r lll'e borne on Frld"y February 2o-Second Sunday In Lent MfR. ~d. K~lIon I. 'be gues~ olgb~, Februltry lB. al a rlpA old "lie. February 22-Washlnglon'eBlrthday Mr aDd Mr • . Earl Booklltt, of oear !Sba leaves '0 m norn hAr dl'lputure, WI yoelvllle. February 27- Thlrd Sunday in Lent her b08bllnd aDd nne ell.t,er. Mrll . Wloter hal oot'o 00 tor a fewdaYI , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. B8rrl.on Molleo. of CIt\lfnrolll . Mr .. od Mrll. tllIlI' h"vCl PPf'nL thalr life In old lI&yle, .od ahor lIuoh beauU . "og~tbAr- ·wben ohllclreD tbey t~t. fol wtl .. ,her II ItOl llIext to UI II:vflrett KelSIlY aDd fdmlly, of 'eou t d ~obo o' . t o~ ether uod bll ve hOlrl (;loodt!, oto. t)(ll' IOI"K" "tll~ . P"paredneu. 'roveled the rUOR h roadl aud s hared nellr OltdllD. have onoved on aD' of M . T I:t AYNE-; One ot DUt eminent and douhtlel!S ' helr plAft~Ore8 Hnu ,·roubletl to. A "od L.: U. Uook·. t .. rme, near herl H. c. BA y ne" «. W R . ~,,>iL h A ud .. . I rtUlble 8t811 811clonl annOUDce8 that ~ e 'h e r. M .. oy yellrll ago t hl'llr only Anot Ruth a"ut.s hall been qoll. Bow o ear \ LI our beart 1M tho ete"dy cblili re o-two dllullb~or8 wbo h .. d poaly lor 8 e vEorti l day" Dot ill tb_ tl only one chaoee 10 20.989 Ibat eu !JlIllrl bllr 'Irllw lI tnto "nmflnhood-werl'llaken thooght t o bll BOWl! beller at this ODe'. bonse will ever bum down nnd Be vlD g r en ted my (U I m. J will : Who PBY~ In urt uuce ut tb l' birth ,et we S\lPpose Iota of girl. wbo B€lll Rll'ubll o Aootl!) o. on Ihe "rl"u· - DEALER IN"Wil Y bv Slllllilpox. lind .b ~ Wad laid wriling. 0 1 fllOoh Jflar. would be moch more comtortoltle In I~ AH "clj lllnlllK I he ('orpnr Hli J n 1)1 I t.o re.t bellde 'hem 10 Miami oom e. Wh n 18yll down tbe monl'lY ,,,,,1 d rJ tl8 Mr. Bnd Mrll. Zephenlab Uader oDtlng flnanDel nlghtgo\vnll are wearaery. fo'lour, Fec>d, Coal. Salt. II. q II"" gladly, wll ud, of nellr bere. a"ended Blot. In, their crepe de ('hloc! ones regularl,.. Wa yneSVill e. Ohin. nn ADlI OIIl1te ronnd 'be offioe 1\ halo Elttl' oburob at W .. yne,;vl)le 00 SUD. 00 the posslhlllty Ihal " mlgbt.-Ohlo Tile, Posts. Water FounThursday, March 4, 192 1. I of cheer What We'll Do Will Be a Plenty day. Bere we are .ltaln. ta ins a n'tl Self· Feeders. Btate Journnl. Beginolng Itt 10 o ·n loe k. tb e f oll il w. Be nllv"r ~I"": "Io\t,.,p It; 1 MnDot Old you ~ee B .. lly gel .w.yP Word roaobed thlR vlotnlty r ... property ; " ~ o r~I'tI. 2U ·"Ulo. lOll afford U. 10 Bug~, [mill e m fl nt.~ , Vehlo le• • BJlr. I m Kelting worto pltpen than now llmmlil.nd a.o"e weDt homll .nd oen"), that Beory Iford Intenli. pal- SHIPPER .OFwen' to bed• .lDd tbe Dootor ,. ree'. \tD, 'he railroad through Oor Olty, oes8 . Feerl. Bo u'l'b nld (J . .. .ds e tc. One R.clpe for 8uoc.... loan re"d ... log op IIher hi. loolf and liard raB. ColombUI to IDto: r.ect with frolll All a mnD hal tu do to make a real ~ee bill. for forth e r "utlo uIB r ~ . ButalwlIYA PII.v~ : "Senl it; ••or pea. Be hId behind .. tllver, when th. the D L. & O. at Lebaoon N)w. I1lCCHII 10 lite II to IIpend 20 or 80 CB A t:! O. L~~ W [ ~ Hay , Straw and Feed. pit' 1111 like t~_ leBrnloi to de aome Itmpl" thllll j W . N. 8PH r~. Ao ol . 10 fbllt, we , II Ihlok i\ a help aod Franklin weill throollh ~wo . AI. It lbll be troe, load WI) cannot liIBdy" Bergdatl 1188 beon qaUe 7eal'l better thon 1I0ybDGy elae caD do It, rl/(Ul. bOY8. It w •• good '0 be 'here. whJ IlII! not. thflo we wHI be nn the ~Iok t·he POllt week .. DRa d I t ... Feed Grinding a Specialty. and then 26 or 80 ,eat'll dolD, II eve" , !!!!!~'!!"!'!'~'!!"!'!'~~~~.~ __ '!!"!'!'!"_~'!!"!'!'~ map oorrect We hesrd " sU(Jposttd N 0& m ooh no thll week; eVllry. Dow wela nlne hl~ oheoa whoo It Tbn 100.1 oommltttl' ou Europeao 10 81 to atn people. cbaDce to Cbrlllilao IlaY, If Ford )Jot thi~ ruad body IR attendlnlt the InsI.ltot.e rell.obe· oor II bn o ~um Iod oot about It.-Oblo State JourDIII. 'hroogb. that we ooulct get th .. Stu te Rl'lJiof e oo ur ~ d ..3 3Q. Bow" m.,r .. p nor beart throb; Oregonia . Mr8. Merrell aaynel. ot Elllolt Sun jay Sohool conveotloo here in bl' w 1& m .. k .... oar h t'art dance Will Sml\h aDd r.an BrannoD were Ig1l2. Anotber lugll'ell~ed 'hat we dlltrlot. "Pilot TburHday atternoon Wit notw,,,(lly tb Huk him; we In. 10 X~la, Wedoa<day. NOTARY PUBLIC InPPln.lv. p,lm. migb5 b .... ble '0 11t001 80m", it 001 wit.h Alles Leona Mo6'IDOII. . wllrdly bl""" hlmMI. anti Mrt. ICd Gray .oteraained .11, of the A prettY,10Up4>nelve ""flO ~an be prize fight.. I:: u yoo o.n Mr.llod Mrl!. Cbnlee Clarll lpent Waynesville, Ohio 1'b" IIt-elldy 8Qb>oorlbllr wh r) pttJR 'belr ohlldren aod famtllll8. Suoday. grown from ODe or t\\'o sl!edfl ot • readily aee bow advaotagoae 'be Friday iD Oa,.&On. In advIlOctl.--"LI!Jer .. 1 Noun" It wu Mr •• UraY'1i IUlolvenary. National Bank 8everall,.dles t,he Aid knolted rtlUlmOD drted date. The 8011 sbDllld Lytle~ MI'II.Orhe ",lma1l o&lIed 00 Mn. road would be to U 8. ....- -oomforts for Mr8. L'80n Sahlbary. a be rlcb 1I0d the plaot should be well ICd Uray. I1rl. K E Tbompaon, Mr. wlltered. oouple of .II&rnoonll la.t week A tI. Allen and MrA aarner and Telephone 76, ring 3 Oar bank 18 oomlng along iD a ·PLAYS dllughler. J ....I!!, Tueaday af&ernooD g.:>od .nd lOuDd w .. y. The officer. MfII. Carl Albrlgh't, 0' Spriogboro. 'hll. J8II~le Kenn01l lpell\ Thorll. "nd pal ron. are .11 lalerellt"d Bllke. .pent Tuesday of IILII\ week wUh rial' afternoon wlSb MI'l Mabel t.ha\ it may be a 8aCOe8ll. !lira Keeler Grahanl "Dd family . AUCTIONEER Terry. Mr. Mary ar.ham. ot Barve, .. Mr lind Mrll. W. W Weloh eof.er. Miases Satter&hw.Ue. lCe&ber Wol. 'ained. R.lorday evening. at a II burg, vi.lsed with. Mr. and 114,.. Centerville, Ohio Wm. McConnell ... .. . . . ; .. Feb. 2 .. oon and Martha Oe..'hflup were ... ·olook dinller. Mrt Elaa Carroll, of WilHam Vox. one da, I.., week . Give me your eal e. ! can do your tlatordllY nDd 8undllY ,1IMW of Mr. Indl.na, and her brother. GllOrgl M. Mr. Mariarea Job1l1 W&ll aDa,. A. EVaDl . ....... . ....... Feb. 26 work reasonable aOlI will guaran.lee aDd ~' •. Karl On\b.r&lJe. &dward. toa vl.Uor, Wednlllda1. M. T. "ayala . . ........ . . M.rcb I to eatisfy you. Mr. Adrlle Deaabe,.•• a".Dl1ed FUNeRAL DIReCTOR GlOr,e M ICdward. aooompaoled Meed.m.. Frank SmIth. ..... nk Chas. B. lewis ..... . ...•• March .J 'hfl W. C T U. mee'in,ln IAbaDGD Me ,iller. UI'I, Carroll, .0 her bome RoI'{UI, AII.n .Emriok. J • •. Jo1m" on 'I·hor'dM, . til lIarynllle. Clark 0000',., Ind. aoel lb . Ralpb JOhDI dMDd.d tbe WaynesvUle. Ohio ~~~--DR. J. W. MILLB~ . aDd will be there tor lIo.eral weeh. faDeral of it 1'1. Blil.. _Barteoak. ., .t. 1 have r.Mel .Y farm, I wlU liarr, Browo. after IIIIveral weeh' MI.dle Ra1l ehurob, lu' weell. l1li11 a' Pabllo Aaodo. a' my rell'. ablenoe, I. 1I,.ln .moDglt al. wear. Uti 8ue tnouteill.berg" returned deDoe at lIa1lbl', 1y' mUoe Wee' ..• DBNTIST••• fo'ully Equipped for Good lo, -'h. aame old Imlle.1 before en. to her bome i. Bellbrooll, Itaturd.,., Fllrry and 3X mUe' Boutb .••1Il of Service. • om .. III &erlo« 'he Momel1aD hoaplaal. at afMlr .peoelln,. &he ,.Ioler wtab Mr. Centerville. OD tbe '.rm known as Wayne." !.Ie. U Nauoaal B&IlII DId •• XeDia aod Mr •• C. ij Lemb. arge Display 'hi Jam" Bradford farm, 00 Room Mr . aDd "rt GleDD will t~neral of 001' K. of P. U'embeH B , M. Clarll Ie a grell' d .. l 1m. .oon OOllUPY the Whe...l buue. aD 1bureday, February 24, 1921, TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGH1 wllh ahelr tamlllea .nended 'he proved aa prelent. buS i. noa .ble 10 th., oOl'ner. baoqu.' and eo\8rtalnmeot !liven by Ilave the honl. yet. 'Begiooin" a' 10 o'olook, ~he follow ~u....... ~ ••••••••• ~ >lev.ral from here IIne1lded 11018 C ... W .. Dn_ ,own lAmie, of avoell.l11e. on Mr. aol'l abl WarreD Itllurlok. of io, pro'*'Y. &o.wlt; II Horae ... r; ......n·. lale on Frld.,.. TuOllda, IIVeoing . r .. brnary 22, lind Ueotl'rvm., lind IIr and ..... . Ern.! CaUI.,7 Bo... lmpt..mIlD'I, Bafolllll The followin,.re 00 th.atakUI': 'he pleasnre Wal .. 11 'betrs. Tb~ o.t Arohde.oon, 01 Dayk)n, ... re l :1'• • BOQllehoid Uoocl., e\o. t;ee ' ~h:· ," ·I· \ '-· ~~· lI . I H. I l.I. lbOUa c.:oUtP ~" Jam.. Gra,. George Illlia and bOl'l kDOW bOllplt"IUy ppreoooll,.. "oDday B08l\1 of Mr ••ad ...... 0.0. 1It\lll for funbel' par$lou1&rt. d u., . I ', f ·;" .. h - IOllD! 8 ,.o-week . Jobn BIII,b".,. "nd -for a loo{l time th fl.1' hBV ~ her n Re~der, of Roate • McCONNELL. II .\ ' least, th.1 III bl~ I \. ~: \1 1 !i" . I ~ 'W fUm produeUotl Mr. IIlld 111'1 W,lI .. oon.y aow acqa'llotNI (HI .. 1i v( 'n .... e r .. 1·!Jtlr!' Mrl!. Ralph .Iohol wllllla ","k •.eDC1 ·W. N Seare .....110'. Gl~ Fitted : • ' .' .. . oJ - ' ''I ~ lirst plctu~ In ,. .. ooupy 'beir new ho~e 011 'ht Curl yr .• r.hnr •• () mJ" "/: .. i,,, er ownl"" R!I'~ goe ..' of relaSivea ill, DaytoD. . , ... . , AT M()D&RATE PRICES : alley ~arm, all4 "r.iLmll '" Uvlng rn lo ·" . ~ t rl " " '" Il lwII Y" oat -T. P) ....... f ;-:.trl. Barold Gr.bam i.lms-o.e4, . 00 .... "lIe-,el IIrm . '1 1,. · .. ,'" 01 l!i v " l1 bv P . ... f. TolllO lind sbe and her \lUle dau.Ila,w,.re Sa.ln. ...Jd mr farm end '.. ~ved --. AplJmberfrom \II). .IoI.t" "._ .• I " " " • • _,,, ,,! \\'b ~ I1IJ 10 Il lt:p"O no ... vI8itinlatlbehomeor"rL~DCl to .lOwn •.1 ,1 'm . . . . .y .IlllSil'eCh.lFarm Sales and Live . Stock a \ " eod~ thl Ifo'are lio- aa fl nl·. I ' • .• \ JI \ -plpl\ l.V I f Wrll Albert Shepberd, Way. ta.. ". POlt~ Aaotloo, at lAyboorne Optical Department Specialty !'...'Ia 'LLaA. - ~' I ~ "poYr,",b,Dt,,',! ..U.II I'rI4M,~llht, aod r • • , ,. . " Il I, ," \,1 th .. onll e nel!Vllle. .. MoKeao·1 .aal'd".re Store. in S. Detroit 8t. Xenia. Ohio : 1. ~ ~ ~~ 'ft 1] " " , -'''I~r.'c l l '' v-Ihe .0 W. r. Clark and famU- ....D& WayneeTllle, Ohio, OD Op" evenings by appointment : SaUef.ctlon Guaranwed Mr. aDd Mrll. d.ktev Uogl!' I" • •' , ,, 1.. 'b~ 1" " 1· " f ull J II? , . I Ie. Were bere In. 111 I' " rI' if " It , VI1 " I'W ri f' OOG !ilturdq, February 26, 1921, o f .. ".,,"eavl '1 , ","oday with Mrll Mary CarmODY. T1-£ "WORLD IS A 1&~ ·Bog·lo .. "le. I" I ' :,,,. le~oli ers nlHI Ihfl po . Miss Mary and Mr. PII'I'1 ,09o'. BeldoDID8 a' 1»:10.0 ;010011. thO' '01 Bellbrook,' Ohio " ( I ". '" at h,' r J II '"y nn of UorwlD. vl.leed /I ooupl• •f 4aYI a " _ ~T aJT WE ootIT Bela~lve. from bel" weo' \0 J ,·f. I I h I I '~~' k wl'h Mr ",ad "1" 10wln· proper'y: ~ or .... 1 vow Both Phones . I I " t ' \ - - 'd." ~' . W \ fl l pU(10umgeH Il ~ ~ "" • . "..,... . .. h . ALL ~ WITH 'eraoo~lIle \0 aneod 'he 'ooeral of Ute ohlld ren t", ..., .. r k . Ij; . J o IJo~ Implemente. Barnllll. AIIO, d t e R. • • A.'J'~ H~A~W=~A.~l~ ' G;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 11411. Boward tlellrl. __ ..me Umll .Dd plaoo, there will be __ TI-E I eAH£ EI='AN) U d'" W Mise Aim fl Wa te rboole.of Uorwln. Barry Browo, lV'bo 1'8Oeo'ly lett "ome oew a.r4w ..... IIDd Imple • CF 8CU..Le. .. r. an 111Ft. m LnkeD8 are .. H"lld .. d the leo~nre ooore(\ here on Mc()lelllSn b '.pl&BI "" Xenia. II Tt.. mentl offered for tlal.lIy lAy bourne Wny o8uil1s'8 LBIldlnjl DeD"I' no" at bome to 'h _lr frIends on the 'rldll)' night. returnlog homB wHh HID/( his bro'he~, Slmeoo BrowD oil M.oKeaD tIee larie billa. Oftloe In B 'llnl'fl Bldll MaIn "'t ~188 .... anra MoKIDeey. oDe oor IUld wl'e . A. EVANS. BlsOry VaOdntw·oor\ far. Any aDd ooclrow Oolllni a'. ae.obere. Curl Albrl~bt hi tnavin@ 'he ho..... aawke & La,bonrnl, Auctl!. ~~eled a daDoe .$ ~b. 'O"D hili. 'fblll a,ory wa. told b. 1100 Indol. on hll rooeotly poroballld proper.y f ..~~~r ~_h" 'r1&1 LUe iDIDraooe lolioltor. B. here. wired tor elllCltrlo u.~~ ~ V.... IU.. In LAbanoo. "aid he reClOn'ly oalled II~ a colored Walter Keorlok II dOln. th. ,",k. . •• I ....., ru-.J 1D1 ,arQJ. I WIll VETERINARIAN r,titIlY·DI,jit. bomo an 0,,11110' 'be weekly pre mI. About 'WilDt,. of thl ·Ii...,· '''''.d~ Nil ~\ i'1lt>llo .QC~pn a, my f.rm "rl.odll b.re of Jra Hurteoot 11'111 ami. and tbe motber e.. ld IIhe hid of Mill In .. Bornee lelUl._ 11..... ".PP'*&e $he .Il~o'. ~hOlI Bo08e Vaccination a Specially. Noth. btI.lad to know that he 18 .eoov.r· tl.1'I ohlldreo and t.b .. ,.OUOrf' U Willi .urprl.e. Sa'.rda,. .'\81'.000. t, 5y' mllel north of W.y~lCIvil1e Clod Veterinarians loa 1ItO!!I, from hll recen' Opel'lIUOD larlre enough t o .tand up lOad bold bonor 0' her 18'b blr,hday. i' beto. 10 mUel louth of Oltyton. 00 tbe In~ bu.t Reliable Serum used Mrll :.aorl\ Varner Reed I. a' he,. to ner dress "nd orr. The soliottor un Sooday, \he SOtho MUlllo"p • • W.Yllflavllle oil a.a.er&own pike, 00 hom .. bere 'or awhile. 'ol!1l1er th*t her ohlld WII~ "~po\led" aod loooheun were eojoyed by .U. OFFICE: Phone 44 HarveyaburK, O. Tuesday, March I, 1921, Mra. ClI8lle Cox III muoh t...,ro.e4 fourth Street. ncar Tyl e r Mtllll Sarah 8:. Ball,. tNm.rl, .f butlbe declan.d 00\. aad ....Id thB~ tbat walll&bde Wb"Y all (lolored Clhlld . at thla lime. and II abl. &0 . . II' Be,looloC a\ 100'Olock, the follow. thh pl"Oft. IIcd John "'IfIIlU Wtlrll TelephonE' 93 10C proper',.: 6 Horl8ll' .0IlUle. mllrrled At Wllmlogton. JahDny 211. reo eme e w eo they were Illie. ..moDg her n~lghbol'l. Mr. lind Mrtl . Cb,,". ar .. y Hnd funr III M C i b 8 B ....... I I •• B W Oh' J t: Shurnllkllr. the l[learaoOll ublldreo, of Wilmi1llfwo . 'were Sua. rII. IUY armo,ny II alY now· up, ......, . p .men_, OU81l aynesv III e , 10 Read Gazette's...Classified Ads maafromHH~~bor~ . ~"M~t~ ' an day ~nM~ ~ th~r ~re~~ M~ ~dQ~q~~Dgfur~r~~~~d ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _._ __ ._ b1l8Inll~8 ' herf', 01'1" dllY I."t weell. d M n . J . U• G neigbbLr~ al'lr work il very ..'il. !: __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ._ ___
not the Gro Ll l1 i
~: II ' I:is gh·ldow,
winter will be over with ill the wecks, the sun will shine again for you. I conditions are undoubtedl y impro\' ing en.'·. ·whe rE'.
Lumber is cheaper today. But with thl\ ;:lh 'e of sprin'9 and sunshine, building wi II sta this n ~Id vance on a low in price. Today is your opportuni ty market-six :weeks later you will bc hid ding against the other fellow-this always mean s higher prices.
Buy and build now whil e building material
( :()MPANY
Waynesville, Ohio
DURHAM tobacco makes 50 tP-2d cigarettes for
(iJ .itz:::;,-~
Everett Early
,' I
Lytle Feed ,Mill
Forest T. Martin
Public Sales
" 'f'
Walter McClure
, L.
."Ii ,,'
· I···E2E~·!~tlY. . 1 John
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Dr. J. A. McLoy,
Dr and Mrs Marton Shum~lter. , of .Oftllbroot, were In our towo. 00 8dU r da,J WIlHam Baz!trd .Del famllv, of Ktogm"o. CItOtOD CoDD&Y. will 00. .oupy 'be farm 0 141' aod .MH . Jeff Barrl., I ,uth of &OWD. Meelre . •Frank nd Barry Shld. a)tcir. our honl'meo. repor' the .ale .f good horeel! III f"ir. and that they "re "IIPOIIinl!f of IIeyerel an aoooUD& .ot 'h Ir prloee. .They full" believe 111 Il h"reatter. • Mr and &1rll. l4arll Onll, ot Clo. oionul . .... ertl oalIere In 001' &own 00 WCJdnt'ldllY night.
Listi. Boroleop Grllham hal been I!I verYltoll-" relapee 0' 'hI! whoop. ta. l'Ourb Friend. ber. r8Ollt,,8d Ie' ..... frOID ~bll Cleoo w~ ~~"'" .li.. ' 'hey ~9ulli ·1~ .. ·.O .!ilol'1lla '~e 10th of "Ibrur,.. Tb.y wtll -.tlll& 'bell' oo_If! •••• ~... WUte. mao. iD Okillboma. and will be home .bou' the middle ol~ lIarab. 8,.. e ·ae."b\y.flvIB mhr:, friend • aDd oll.hbon of air. aa4 II.... lI&Ok Piollerlol.aah'a:ed a' Ib... laom •• Saturda,lInoio,. e'" 'k,lr-4eilal'. ',r. for ,lietr lie'" boa.la Brolrn Ooo1lty. _ .0110 on ,~. 'Y~~I ••
Retre~ll . fleo"
Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION • . III lb., ca.nnol re.ch the .eat o~ the .... _ CAtarrh 'il a 1!»O&l' ella...... CTeatJ,. ID'Jll1eo,""" by . co•• t1~uttoalll .,.,D4Itlo_ an4 In ordfl~ to cur. 1t._70U IDIIIt taIle D Int'ral' r.m...... Hall'. Catan1I edlclthll •• blo04 I. IDt.r••II, IIDt .... hru 00 tb. muoou......,... of ,.ra,'" Hall'. Clltan'b Kelt-
~ :!\:
~::~lr:'~~I=~:;.:a;c:'~=rhit l~n'" C:~ Qr~ .. ~lthUI~"':I
=-8 llood ~T."_'IOII of
the IMtit
r.,..~ CI ~
a•• : . .
"'orthho1lJld TiatD" . .., . ' ",..~ "'..- ..... 8 :10 ;~. !D. ! f:1O p,. .ml _ MN'''1., .... ~.. . . . "n a1 OD .... : - ,a ,!D. ...",, p.' m.
~.tiitalulcl-~ .
...... 1:.a ,,' m. a;.a p. m. .,... ...,.. Bn.dIJ4.7 .DI,. ..8 .11 ••.m. 1.17 p. m. ::3 ~ 00, ~I' oat '0' O.... "
:u=.u:_~-m • ~. "-'- ftIIitII. 0. ..... .. 'Pi III •
of OUIdy aad lJOIIOf,rn
were _ved. Beoholle of ~D .. u.lrl.. at to ,'he tb I'lme (" ,'ralal ~~t L,.&I. ""100. ·W.,11 htll'e
time table ..
"'' DOe,
• _.
.0... • __
'"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!~ t~IIlBII and lOOtal Obl"W~iUjQ,~. ;:;
, (
.., '
H. Wright
~.l ' ,
: '.
. ',' .
·" C
HIS is wl:at we are el1deavoring to do 'for both of usGET NEW BUSINESS 1 If you wunt' to s~ll your
. surplus stock, a plow, macJline, gr{liD •. live. s~ock, etc., . you are looking for new pusiness f.o~ ydurseJf. • .. .. , .
THEN, ad~rti~ing ypur busine~s through the M}a'n;li Gaz~tt~:<' creates Dew business for: us. 'W e a:re very 'sure thllt y~u w il :. "ie~ !Jle bus,iDeSs through this me!;liu~, thereby maki~g botij of us feel good ~ugh the. fransactioll.
The Mi..... GAzette,
, '.
, ,
II · I '/\\ d II 11811 who has hIt I), I I'Url' ,4 "01 the pl' eli of Dr _ J A , It· 'Il~ . Ilrril' l' tl h.' re 1>I ~t we.ek \vilh hi~ film ." '. tl1Il1 will ()~,'upy the hou!\e wlh'r" Dr ill 'C" Y li vell Dr Mc· Coy w Hi b\l 1I00Hocialed with nr Hall for ~Cll n e time befo re lRk ing up hip wurk ",I~e where .
Younce Brothers
Grain Company Phone 25 -2
Practical VacciM tor . Hnve hud 8U~Cess ill Immulling all both aick and well herds.
Bellbrook, Ohio
1 1 1\ "
PresIdent ' Wilson /8 an advoCfll" tI' 1II " hl p b y trllck" Id ea whlt h b08 bee~ urged U POII rural dl rtr lcl" us 0 1' 0 wily 10 In"'" r sho rt hau l transportatloo chnrgoo. H A Is haull n~ It 's bou se bold gllort . from tbe old h Olll e In Now J ersoy La tile n ' W hocn ~ he will occupy in Wush . logtoo ~rter March 4 Tbe 'Upper plclllre Bhow. 11' 0 ll. s 1 Lru d load or turnltnre arr iving \II \Va. llln gLon- lhe lower .hnw" ~I r ..
With an all-star cast, This is an extra good picture Also, Pathe News Matinee 2:30, all seats 17c Evening, 7 :00 and 8 :30 : Admission , 22 and 17c . _
A Fox Feature And a good comedy. Admission, 22 and 17 cents
Coat and former selling prices have been utterly fo~tten. This merchandise must be sold at once. This 18 the most phenomenal and sensational slaughter of prices ever undertaken in the STATE of OHIO.
~:I~~a~ad~~.~~~.~ e.~~:.~.~r~~~~.~~.?~~~~........ ......... ... .... .. I
.~~~.~... .. .. ....... ....... ..
=1: Z~1~:~~~ .. ._...... ..:........... ........ ... .........
aizea UP: 52 .~.. ~,~ ..~:.~~..~~....~~~~ ...... ... .... ... .. .........
Q--te ~~ D ........ - n. Caps, S·h·Ifws, req . Pants, Silk Shirts, Gloves ~or ...... dress or wo.rk, at tl;fatly U ...oo pn....... . . I.-a&
\':'. "Er:
jr~~:~' "1 ·1
t"\H' ~ / ' • •'
- ..---
----- ..
For a New UmbreliL
Before ll8Iol a new umbrella Inject • 8IDall quantity lit vO:seilne Into the btnge portloo Of tbe rra llle. II put on earet'ulI, the vallellne will oot spread and III a sure preventive agnlnst rust. AlBa, olwo)'11 etand wet nmbrellas 00 theIr ba ndle to dry. TblB allow8 the water to ruo OUt of them lDsl end of rot.-Good
S' .. oaked ' Fao:nliy Doctor. bJa bcosOdtsl\JJfedor ~ epeedlng and bod senteoced htm to JoU tor three dll.)'8. be went or. to 88)': ~Otl Bod I are tr1ends. I run lOur laWler and )'OU are my dorlor. lIut I am here to administer J US tl l'e 11.8 r Bee .... ...
•u r tMend 8 w a' y do. "
til It comes Doc', turD ment lin that jUdge I
- - - -4; -
J o at
( un· wo 11 to s it In judg. .
....- - . , . -
. EYER .
. . ,Good M.nn,,. Mak. for Co",'o~
S W. COr. -Fourth tlIId n
.....u ...... , ... ~
b et!1l e~ l n bli :ih~d ~ jllc t! I ~H O wit ', 1I """'I~1 nv,, '·:\ III" .H" do ll ars an d n , \\I ' 1 "" ti e- vl\>ln; (: AN ; ' I '" .(( ':, 'I j' ..;lt
DAY THAN AN Y (: RK<\\l IUtY 1;'11 r·ll:: Yo u r c~ e ck fo r ,, ~ \;r y ~ · , i p on t!l1 t hy re lu: " .,-, "
,' I' i{ 1. I
- --------------.. .... .... ------- .... -
Stencil Patterns. H . R. H for CI~a.Jlin g F resco Pa int , Pa itlt ed Wood Work, etc. Ar-Ki- T~ck Spar Varnish. Cloverlea f House Paints, West minster Ox id~ ~! iOf.· ral Paint. H ygeinic Kalsomine.
D. E. STANDIFORD,Residence, Waynesville, Ohio Third Can at Mr•• Annie Haioes'
I ~have a limited amount of 8% first mortgage paper for sale in the sbape of notes maturing 18 monL s from date. These are absolutely safe and trust money of any kind can be invest in them. This assures au y one wishing to buy a farm bis money at 100 cents ptU5 8% interest 18 months from now when land values a ud crop prices be lUore near! y n~rmaL
Phone 126
Waynesville, Ohio
New Sprin'g Hats
S'~-' I."'!"..,
DA'V'rn..., QIU'-
Emergency Fleet Corporation Wa6,hlngtoh, D. c.
Offer. Sale by Sea led Bid. Approxlm,ately 110,000 Toni surPIIUI Ship Steel, Hog I. and, Penneylvanla. Sealed bId. w ill b e recelvcid tor lhe above .materlal In' the ot1lce of
In spite of 1!everal drawbackl, the WaShington's Birthday entertainmen t' at School Hall \HlB given Tuesday aflernoon, each grade carryinlr out its program very creditably. A mQst pleaSing number was a ~eadlng by Mias Howland . A la)'ge audience was present.
- - _.- ..---
Public Sale
~~!~le?~ ~:iCc~~~~~:~W i: ~~~~e:tb;r~~hct':.':m~~~·' wW be
:,,~,~:I ;1~f~~ I~~~~~~IO :~o:~~r\~!:~;.
idedmust byEa.ch a eertb ln checkbeIn a.ccom""nled the amount Of. 10 per cent of the bid.
X mIl".
on o~·~et9;''' ii:oo ~. ~. °at:.rch
Further 10form&4lon and prol\ooa! torm. wnl be furnl. hed on requ_ t by the BmM'j;tcnoy Fl eet .eo rporatron, 8upply ..nd Sale. Dtvl.ton omce Ith and B Stre.t •• Wuhln.ton. D, c . 1(0 Street
Buvlog deoldert '" quit farmlog.
(rum] ' 1'1/1 ·" ~ lle·~ 'lOr.'b . 0 f L y &1 e" all d we!& of Furry, OD . Friday ' " M'afc'h 4, 1'''1, • at 1 O'Ob3t ·.h· e follo- ~~ , ..", n' 8 Burlell. 8 OaUle, 8 1m.
CltT. .
to ktl!lP to tile right, and tboee wbo lleep to .the lett are plltJ Of bad lD&nDen u weD •• bad praedee. Good 1IIaIID_ II load .,..
bah..... .,..
== .
Ja ......,. labor. antna. alltt tnt Deed CO IOU CO
~~_ _ ~_ _n....6'W1•. _'V._:.._.'_._u,'()_ _,fJ:.
~stGr.Zy JYliZZinor~ 37 GrHn Street
~ ~ daJ 1IDr('l,!===-;~=====i!I
- - -...._~....~ . ---
X".Io, Qhlo
pod .praetlfe
We have just receiveC:l a large shipment of the est vog~es in Spring Miltinery. Colors are~v::e=ry~b~t~i)=----Ir-,=-,-~ Hant this season-Henpa Copper, Tangerine, French Blue, &Iso Grays an J Sand. Trimmings of all types are used. " The assortment il\cludes very attractive advanre models-examp)es of t~@. ctownward trend in prices, .' ' VEILS-A comple~e showing of new patterns.
North Broad Ing: Broa4,.,al " , N." Yor. k ;==~=:~'j==;;;;==-it~G004~~m~.o~D~e~,.~."'~~m~.I~n1~..~~~~~'_P;h~II;a~4e~IP;h~~a~.~~p;,.~n~".;'Y~I]vn;n;t;. .~BDd1t;lf'!ld~~p~lemen*s and 10',8, o· feed. 8M bill. , - a B. "oIDSsa; :~~~~:;:.~-=~~;~~;:~;~==:;=~~~ . count · N · SeAu, ' AuoS -
50.000 cr ellm IJ"'Jdu("!~ " i n Ohi f ), I nol ld! I ',0 ,1 l( .," , k ) shi p Ih ~ ir crea lo D l R~l; T 10 t he l' 1 • ' ( '; <" , \\ 11:.' I , roI
-- ~
tile silk
" 'll: 00 Corduroy Suits , ~.
.' ,_
NOTICE Bibl:e~:hl)~lhr~~ti::~oCh;rCe:ching ____ __ _______
$1.95 ~:u;)' Kd::~k~K1Udoga·ed $14 95 pertftCt fitting ...... ... .... ... .. ....... .. ... :... .. ....... .. ...... • 120 oe M cldn G tWo . AI~ wooi~~~ta~~~:. ... ~I.~.~~ .~~~ .. . ~.~~~~.~~.~~~... ...... $9.65 $5 "and.., Hata , Reduced to ......, .... .... . : .... .... : .... .. ......... ......... ..... .. .. $3.00 :; 8p~t~d o~o:u:v~:le~~::;~lpn~~1 \\~:::~~:; .
---_.- .. NOTICE
65e !::!:t.UJ~~:~=;c J!e ~~:'alll~~ ;!~~ to !Jousekecpo 20e and In£. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11 '''' 11
Starts Feb. 26th Ends Mar. 5th
dO e J1
----- ..---
. $1,000,000.00
• • 00 Auto Dr
Buyer's ASSOCIation 'Sale
$ 4.00
~"If,g r'HI ~ ,Il: ,(nd
l -~ Jc ;," 2" -. 1' 2tC ~ . Cans g~adly lall . IU- 41JC Jan , "t_ J Rn 11-6 ,C furnished t I ll !' I'll Il:F for 30 days If yOU have H l." \\I t l' " no cans. I"l'O' UUI \ 2 1' 1 I " ! ; I I, j, :I. WE PA Y YO U R SHIPP/ .NC C O.\ T JIIU .
111:0( fri ~ ' hi~ C .1H.d ll
O,lI r Jaull t./')' ,Veekly Prlct. fur Outter , i'at are .how '. ltelo"
Tueeday, March 1st
t H and good 'w~aring ~ .. ~~.... . ~~~:
Free Trial
"Desert Gold"
ri- :-tta teButterCo.
,';Jo;h Capi lnl $250.000.00
1J1:.t .
----_ ...- --
Saturday, February 28th
40c WilBOn Bro whit f
III h1e
'f' ~ I.' ~',. - ; 1 , .1,- " " I ~It·s. Wlibu r Sea rs, aaRis '-', • I,-!..Jo t l:.i Ly .\Ir . and Mrs Roy Hathaway, ,·nte , tl,i lled the L"yul Women and Luya l M ~ n of the Fur ry Bible sckool liarveysb u r~ Friends Ch urch t rical cont racto r, and am now r ady ,It a jOi l: t !IlcetinlO. February 18th to furn ish electrical supplies of all Sunday chool, 9:45 Meeting fo r Th "-esident called the meeting kinds. See or call me and 1 wi ll fur- Worship , 10:45 This service will be t o or der , a nd all joined in si nginll n is h estima les on all plectr ical war II : in cha rge Harold and Howard McJ . P LAR RI CK, Lebanon, O . Kay, • All are inv ited to s pend thi ~ the hym n " Predous Name " JHmes Mull in read t he four t h c hap ter of St Res. phone 94-A: oftil'e phone 393 . hour with us in wo rship Joh n, followed by p rayer by Bra --Pine Orlhodox F riends Ch urch After the devotional exercises. the Sunday Sch uol, 9:30 a . m . Meet- me n retired t o anothe r room to pe ring for wo rsh ip at 10:30. fe c~ the org anization of their class Afte r transacting the bU8iness of t he 1\\. E, Church The parties who purchased the ve· classes. the' m en joi ned us , and R oy hlelee at t he Maffitt sale wi'lI please The usual services will be held Hathaway favored us with a beaulicall and g et them out I)y March 1st, next Sunday: SU'lidilY 'chool, 9: 15: ful solo. Mas te r John Sears Kave us as I want the ba rn space Preaching serv ices. 10:301.1 . m . severa l instru mental solos. Mrs. A Maffitt. 7:00 pm ; Epworth League , 6: 15 A very pleaslln t social hour was p m, Every bod y cordia lly invited . enjoyed. and delici ous refreshments were ser ved by the hostess 888isled by Mrs . Hathaway . All left at a lale hour. ' g lad to be enrolled 88 of these c1 8ll8eS' ••• members -1~~~~~ ==~== ~ ~n~t~l~O:~3~0~a~.~m~~.~ nnd7:~Op m . Every- - -... Having returned home , I am now one .J . A Pine. Pastor ready to serve the public in all-kind!! CaC!!llr's Creek Friends Church of Notary work. Can be foun d at Su nday School at thi:i ~ h u rc h eve r y mv reHidence or call phone 40 . E. V, BARNHA RT. Su nday fi t 9:30.n. m. (-'reaching service a t 10:30 o'clock n. In . You are Mrs. Cb arl es Sh e rwood received c;ordia lly invHed to be vre)lent. . word, l'ue<!day, of th e d ellth of her Prop., Rlldlng for Children. couAin, Irvi n Flrown, at Garmell, ·Ind. It Ja in the borne tba t the VIlmnl Mr . Brow n pai d Quite a visit here mtnd recely.. Ita most lu ting Impree- - --.... . -.,..--"T""""-.... ..--.. .-. two vea rs ago. and met many friends I GOItI. 8aIT01UIt1 the cbJld wIth good reat1lnc and IOU 8urround blm with He w n ~ til e SOli ()f Ihe late Samue ZIM~IERMAN'S Bro wn, wh om llIany of our older trieo'dB. AD .ttraCtlve UUe and lood WUltra tiona an ao IUllJ'IlDty tbat the c iti zens re rn t' rnber. book colitalna aciod readJoll. It yoa bay. oot tim. to reed bookll ,oun elf . __ utt ,our Ubrartao and let )'oar He rmin Mills died 8t his home ill Cala Yel F ree P eache:l, cun .. 25c dlolce be a. ~ what wlIl lt1malate Ft Worth . T ex , Wedr,esdllY, FebruCil ia Aprico ts. can .... .. ... ... .. 20e the Imarto.UOD but above 'alI someary 9th , after a long illness Mr, Sweet Wrink led Peas. can ..... 10e thtlll to warm the beart and lmpren Mills was a n old Warren county the creat tnltu., Ufo.-Youth'. Oo~ Big Can Baked B e~n s . clln ..... l 0c pauloD. _ _ _ ... _ ..._ __ T eeo PC&: B Wheat F lour, boy. and will he rem embered by pkg ............ .. ...... .. ... ...... .. 10c many Way nesville citizens, Panlcllke F lou r kg ... 15c ------folI..c~WlfI'~."'- I.,."'t:1tiI1)eo---I+-BtltHt-M1!re-,.mtI--SJ~7,""Itr,--;-;-, .. .... 15c 1 - - -Tbe cbaracters at tlw I" " !l lluge or Steel Cllt Co ffee. on ly .. .... 20e Mesopotamia, like th" E~l lJl lIlI l . were Plllm·Oliv!! Soup, 10 hll rs-- ..... 75e orlir\oaiJ), b1erojtlyph 10:. IHII I I.he sev2-Mi nu te Wh eat Food . 2 pkll .. 25c enl bundred &rO Ullf 1)1 welllles b)' F're.. h Salter! Pea nuts, Ih ... 20e meaDS of whIch tbe III nbl1:J!;~ II 'US ex. Big Box Matches, on ly ... .... lic pressed In Wl'ltJog, mll Y nno, be troced 4-lb sack lable Su it, on ly ..... IOc The Gospel team of Wilminiton t. the original hlerogl)lJbl cs. One ot colleg e, was here Sunday. and held N ew Lard Cans. Meat Salt, P u re the earl,y plcture-worrt ~ \, o ~ a cresservices at the Friends church. botb Pepper . Suit Pet re fo r yo ur ceut and etar, aJld ,the picture wu l>ll lch er ing . emplo),ed to express li n I ncnota· branches of the Friends unltinll' tor Uon or exorcIsm. or uny thl ng cnpa. this service . Misa Lindenmeyer, Brina- us your C hi~ k ens . Eggs ble of drivIng tbe ~v ll ~p lrlt tram music teacher at ' the college, was and Bulle r. Hig llt'st prices tht' body at wblcb II hnd token pos. paid. present. and delighted the congrega1I!68100. tion with her splendid singing. --It PIlVS to t rud e a t
1 ha ve pu rchased the b UAines9 in · terests of F, M. Hutchinson , elec·
Mimni G~ette's Classiliea Columns for Result.~
~~.____~.__~A~~~~~~~~!r~~________~__ a News Admission, 17
$ 2.00
4'Torchy Comes Through"
II_"..'~_"_n_IO... IIl_g_o_n·_ 1EI·.1, TE RTAI NEO
pl &elo g of tbe .b-o uBehold ,' .".ll,.D. _ W _ ll. S.OD,!!", &.n.d.h.e r_br!",o . t.he. r•. goofl • i\.lr.'_IlI R._ Ii... lr_C..I....ln••
M,., '"y ' s t 1'1 Ii I.· ,. und Vllr»d"d _ _ . _._-_- _- _......... ._ ~ ._!"_ ~~.!'!"'!!_!"_~~-~--~~_~!"~._~.~==:_:_= ._.... ... (Iwrn Ihro, u jo!h Ihl' tuw n Til v weI ,' 1 lIl'C 11I 1f!~:1 il!d hy I,ill in 01 It' ll hUt .. ~ . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....- - - - - - - - - - - , lIlld ~'. : \l l> ..d aL ~ : "ul>m!l f1 ' N I!Urlllot" . "·h·,,.,· : he blinn sl're ll:vl t.'lt lht~ 1l1 , I I . daily h a~ hau a h and in evt!' Y ' U,' l\ i ll ~ around 'Wuyne8villc fu r Iht' u ''' ' li:' '''''11 YCllrs , und t he abo\'1! WHs F lexiblt Roll ShiJl gil.' l~oofi II g. ;" . ·· ... lil> l ion fu r so me of his k indh Munn's Wa ll Siz\·r. I d ••",.! . ~ i \l ' n to hi ~ fri cnds , wi", NOl-Wood -- 0(1·.1 Craiu, l~ u g Bordt'r , \' tl t'lli ~ l. and s l lOw~oI hilllll g'ood ti me. After th ey Pain t Relilove r. 1\\ e nt l! Ic k t o I ht' Ua iiy home, a oocht:! r Stained Glass Pa per. r! ,j'.,,! dl!II"d I ht·m I
New Batavia a nd Bisca Braid Hats
·Thursday, February 24th Featuring Johnny HiJ:les, in
••• MATlEItlI .AL Li.ST ...
Ad vance Models for present wear, introducing the
7T1J 'the
I' , ~. •
rp l, l,,1 hUlll e. a rid " Ioout 8 o'cll!ck . ha' l'\, ... "j 'lIl ,,,JI'Vt:.'ra
$5.00 I '
,oa l
. ,
\\'~re- ill v i~l'l. u I II un Iflfllir ).It Iht·
Is a matter of JUST
Mrs, Kllbon
' ,.
Ll. . 1IH 111 In Jo'nd ay ni)l ht . Mr :Hld Mrs Hui :)'
Solving Your New Hat Problem
WayneSVille, Ohio
weddl , j( l" uu~hl hlln L. ... " .. l u .. ")i nesv iile tha t evening . m uch against his will. and too k him to t he home of I a fri en d in the coun try. Seve ral of ' hi ~ f r itmd ~ frum Leball on CIl/1I 1! up t o re$Cut' him , and WilD( tlJ ' hI! luck· UP. whp rc th!',\' Lhouj(ht h ~ hH,j b" .. n I(h:k "d III), UU! th py ~Uvll 1ot 0l 0011 h i~ I n u l 110.1 lIli')ut ~ ,,'cluck t hut 1;' \'",11' illl!" '110' ""sclIp .. d II noi ''' 'lit k ick tu
(rum pro.Jucers on ly We have au agents, c rPll10 ~t.l\tion bu yE"ch'crOll m p'r(lducer lle n d ~ hifl r. rp.n m DI RECT 10 our 1· ...~'\lIIt!ry. WE P AY THE SH I PPING r.OST E ~ e rv c;,n.1 is v " u r~ Your c r:ea m a nd' calls li l'e lruar!lnl.eeJ IIllai nst I I I !\.~ tJy \ I'
• r" (\ " ltH'r middle,n ell
............................_...._......... .......
Are on display at
"' 11 1 p
i::k'\',-rul,, 1 t h", )lU,:"I-
M. N Douillass the ~ pr ing Vall ey real e!llate man. sold the Mu ll fIIr m in 'Mon t llomery Co t o B M Spille r also sold t he B M. Spitler fa rm clost' to Wayne~ v ill e 10 J . A Wheelen
Both Phones Home H55-8 Bell 4-l r
( ~, i,
! Wt'l' k. llflL-l hi~ \\,,.doli ll )! . . \ 1-01 , .·
Jij'ltn1 Ul
-----.-- --
___ a
PRESIDENT- --::--;:. WlLSO,; SiJ
Junk Is ,Useful Material In th~ VVron~ Place Nearly every bome contains more or lest. junk-that is, material which 'will never 'be used' there again. 'Whatever you have which 'has outlived its · useru)ness - ' furniture', 'hardware books . uiagazines, ll",by' carriages,'.ll8Sgin~ts" briC': , a.btac, s.k~tes, e)othing-should tie ·sold. Other p~p)e , Will be able to put these tbings to goOd use. . , " TRE WANT ADS wfIl h.lp ,OU mak~ quick and profitable Bal. of dilci&rded artlel• • ~
8eventy-Thil'd Year
" H el I' ll , hull'
" Utl
n·rll "" Mrs.
SII II IIi 'H III '. II :II !(III II' ~lI cJl 1111 tl llb'TU' ('I OII ~ , UIIl'III,1 luau"",, ': " u~l:ed El sie III
"Jl ldll 'l
I '
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\ ' lsil4'd
II! \
Ilri ..: l llI'l'Illk ( 'oU -
~' U lll' ('''" !'4i1 I '~
, frlt'fl d s
~~~~~ :-~~.
"\\' 111 ' 11
1" '11 1' li t' r IUU III U.tl! tlUll IU(J J U ~I like O Il P. ur th" >-=:::~~~~~::::;i~:::;::::~~~:::;::::~~~~~~~~~:::;:::;;:::::~~
ville is to be co n ~ r tll ul u t erJ upun
I Tt \,11 1 1)4' rOf' H I 111I1I.["'fll' rtt I U!~~I'... ~: :. I ,' I;n,·\\' YIIII.'d I,n·r"r s p ell ,lInl; lhe l'\'eI III"" wlt l, u < ra th er th nn hl' bnlh" hor",1 1" , ." \1'I"I"('r"." ". " I
" II
Il\llrk. nh,illl n'II"llwnl1s wi,,, \\'P I',' "1' .. \\'. In" I (l n <tllllt " "" . i ll l t·rl·~ll tl ,.:. " l'OIllIIIl'1I1t't1 I<~ I "HIHI '.n l lwr " Y l)U'r4' IISIIII !!" ."1' l,l"l rlll I / Ilrtl~ lI l11f' \' 0 \1 hu d -P " t).~ ' t llut dld ll ' \ "WI. 11 11 (1 I'U I'" ;1011 1 ,lId ll ., ' llI'lIr ('1,"11, ."1 11.'11,. hl(''',·.'' ' ".h IHI ~u. " " .P. , i li ~'U\l J,:O lI1 ofo rl llj! oft t"u'" ""': 0, I WII!" (' flln f tt> lI f ... 1 to n · rll~'" li n I In vltlll OJI n~ I lly f 'n m~ln ~1I 1c! II WH:i ~ ,
I v om l C'\OW1111'11 'P.I' I.. ' " Didn 't yu n IO Pf't allY I ' :-; Ihn ! .,-nu ('o ll i d no tke ft . 'Ve 1"1" ,,,,d ,,' ,.,. Ii ". IlI lrl<'II "I"s " r the ~uf. j ' rl':' "'' '1" '''11"" IIn ll1l " r "!,1 10 m~' roolll I W"J d'y \\, ,1, li l t' \WU'll l-' . 'yf)tp~ fo r \\ " ' 1111'1,," /' ! n ::I I \': It t It l \ ' 1' 11('1'. H u r d '" II .
I "
InH I I rll llt" 1 JI ... I,<1 ·p " h,·"
"x- ~ l lIjI'l\
111 11 "
:t I IT ufl1 h 'rlfll! dl loq' .1\\HI\I'II I'.) 1111 ' , Jl uq.
slttl~ fuc l1o n
teams ,
Iut h
Il llr~' hl'IV ;
1 ,\' 011 r e n n l
flw flllI l"
hU Il ~1:.r
Hil L
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probably stay for 11. coupl e of dll~.~ , l 'l, ltl I .I1111 , hlll·l· "11""l: h I" sa tl oh' The play rs W ho WIll lllk e th e trll) I II I E' .'() r lilli e"" .,.. . I "I'I':t~ l S( ' n" " I on are: EB urton. CJ on es. "'Th '" om .. II nl·III.I·. " " \IlI p., ~ C, Riggs. B, Carr, M 'J' homuli , 1'" 1" ' 1, .111:-., II.. I" ... I... IItJ Il ilt re S II ): III III Ifl !;, an'd M. Allen . Their will ' :-. root for them to the I!lst dit ch, Il nd ; hope for good rE's ul ts
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The bol's' S£'cond learn d es~rv e8 praisf', for Ihp.v nrt' nO! far behind the first If'HtT1 in Ihl' number of I(l4mes won. anti t hey ke pt t he first team in good condition by R' ivinll them thp liv pliest kind of p raclice each wt'fOk. The Hh(h School . tl'Hms have had very cordial r~18liun!l wllh the Independent leam, Dnd all ill a\l it has been a most enjoyable winter of pmes.
Chew F.dwurdR. ~eco nd of Rt!u lw n Imd R"b ' cca Chew. wu", born neu r Sligo . Clinton Co unty . Ohio. March 30. 183ii. and pR88ed peacefully away at her home in Harveys burg . on th e evenin g of Pe brllary 9. HJ2 1. at th e ri pe aKe of H5 yea n, 10 months and !l dll ·s Wh n she W IiS a me re ch ild . her ruther and mo the r with th ei r fRm ily mov!:d to Parke Co • Ind., bu t bdure Mary was fiv e years old . d eath entered the home. laking th e wife and mother so much needen . But with the Bid of nei g-huors nnd sympathizing friends and relativl'S. the home ~8S not broken UP. the fath er cli ngto thf) childrm, and the children clinging to the father Imd to ellch uther, They remained together for mBny years, thouKh sometimes the clouds of adversity seemed to hang low. and t.hey were not without their Ma ry
d a ugh t~ r
Last Friday evening, the loyal fans strURlrles. rot a real treat. and were well reWher, Mary was near twel.,·e year8 paid for being present at School hall. of ag~. the) returned to OUIO and to In one of the fastest girls' lI'ames the village of ~arveysburg. When ever !lCen on the home floor our the eldest marrleu and left the paNormal School lI'irls defeated' the rental roof, much of the responsibilBlllh School girls to the tune of ity ft'll upon the second daughter. S to 4 She did not on Iy look after the houseThe' NormalR have a real team. and hliid ~uties and ca~8 alone, ~ut tou much credit cannot· be .iven lometlmes would go on the out.~~de them There is no use trying to to help fill up the gaps, thus shoWlll1l IIOlnt'out individual stars In the team her faithlulne~s and allegiance until u all played a fint! steady Ilame the autumn of 1865, when ahe was This team goes to Cedarville, nexl ! united in marriage ~ith Htirl~n &IFriday evening to play the Collegt' i wards. These two hved hapPIly to,irll, of t.hat olace. Boolt for our , ~ether until August 26: H109. al which Normal Rchool and three cheers for Lime a true and affectionate bu sband their teacher' Miss Howland and and father fell asleep in the beloved. the t e a m ' ••-. leaving a wife and three grown - '- -__ • children-Etta Edwards Carroll, George lind Alice E. Hllrvey . Both the d aughters having m a rried and having h omes of their own . the carll and re~po ,, ~ibilitl' of l ilt' mother and the old home ff'l l l:ug4:ly M.rs, Sarah Roberts died very 8ud- upon the only 60n. Geurge, who so denly at the home of her d8uII'hter, faithfully !lnd p~rsi;t; nt.ly has loo ked MI'II Chlt8, Moorp.. of Chevy Chase, after the n~ed8 of hi ll widow ed D C •,Saturday evening, while lea ted mother until our Father said. "It is at the supPE'r table , Tbe budy, W88 enough; come up higher." brought here, arriving early Monda)! CARD m' THANKS muminll. and the funeral was , held at the Chapel at 2 o'clock that afterWe desire to express otlr thanks to Iloon, Rev. Cadwallader officiating all our friends for their many acts of
klndne!18 to u~ d u rinlt the sickness The three-monthe-old lIOn of Mr and de~th of our dear mOLher. and Mra. Hallett Dakin dit'd at the The Children. home of Mr. G~rge Ollkin. Friday _ __ __ afternoon. and was buried, Saturday aftemoon. The Mi a mi Gaze lte. , $1.50 1\ year.
- ----,- - *. --- -- - -- '- - - - -"-
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,"('ou t s at p resent, and more are apEliza. u ll u j(h te r of Williulll li nd plyi ng for membership . I M'HY N e ls o.n. IV" IS lrllr n .i n A, I.,glllize The 'ClJ uts will Rell popcorn and Tobacco C!lnvilS at Hvmall ' H. 1\" , ' I f I ' M I.' S Mr . and Mrs. Chas. Gray enter- , County. () I1111 , 'I, I,ru ny (.1. IKI)0 , anU can riy a e the game Friday night, and J:. un. ed . S d d d' d a t I I . (. (. t lhe proct!ecls will be uiled to purehlllle IC . U I S C H "~ u t HI I invit: d tlhO be ' pres J. / Ol:io. a Bring an extra dime to the t 'ht1oOJ J . E Janney was in Dayton , dena Y Sc ta IC SIJCla room 10 e c h urc h . L J . 8 :J game with yo u, and help the Scouts · F riday . last Th d v' " Emerson Earnhart and famtly . yea rs. II m ont,, < 2 r ,tiy~ urs n_ evenmg at 7 0 clock. _ _ Mar ch 24 . 1880 . sh" was m ar ri d - --- - Mrs Oliver Davis was in Xenia ' wh ere they were r ecE'lved at thedoor to J ohn H H a rt ~ock who p reced" d by th eir teache r, Mr. E L SherThe N orm.al School clal!8 with t~ eir I her t o th e' Ilrav~ hY ' not quite nill'e :3aturday . wood, ~nd Messrs . Orange Raper. te~cher. MI~s Howland. surprised months . To thi ~ u nio n were IlOrn Dr. Dill ', 08 tE'0~uth. 21 Broad ! Curt H~~ev and LOll St John - these .Mlss .Fra~ces Janne~. Monday ~ven- three children- Willillm. Minn ie a nd way, Lehanon. Ohi O. I men being the one!! responsible for Ing. tt being her birthday anntver- Ed a d . /' the most enjoyable get-together m~t lIary A pl(,!lslInt evening was en- - ~/ u'nite,cl with the Mi Jd le Run MISS Helcn Ma rlatt was home for ing wI.. · h f \I :l th . . f' d b II I the week-end. ' "Ie 0 owel e StnlZlOg 0 Joye ya. Primitive Baptis l chun:h. June 18, . several hymns.. . - - - -1892, and was baptized by Elde r Cor The Teddy Bears baskelball ' team C. W. Younce \\a8 in Xeni a S>lturAfte r the DlvlOe blessing by the Mr. lind Mrs. Earl Conner enter- win Reed . Shu was a g r ea t lu ve r of w ill play wi th Centerville, at School da)' on business pastor, Dr . H~lt, 4a were seated at tained a amall party of friends ill the church. lind he r se!l t WIlS Re ldom ha ll, Friday evening, March 4th. an elegant dinner. served by Ml'S- honor of Mr. Conner's birthday. vacant. T his will be a fast game, a9 the Gen· Linoleums and Window Sh Cl des at d,amC!l Orange Ra~e r. Lincoln Sides. Tuesday evening . The evening wu~ She leave8 her th ree child ren . one t ... rvill e tea m h88 been playing very Frank Thom,as , MII!8e3 Lavolle Bur- pleasantly. spent with music and little grand-d a ug h te r. three b roth - good ua ll. low prices at Hyman·s . The Bears have not ton and Netlle Earnhart Mr Raper "500." Delicious refreshment!l were ers and two s ist er s. toge th e r wilh played al home for two weeks. As Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke were acted as chairman and called for served the church and many oth er f riends. th e season is nearly over. there will' Franklin visitors Friday. speeches from several of the melO' to mourn the los9 of one who was be only 11 few more games. Come Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright enter - loving and g entl e. Miss Henrietta McKinsey was B bers who cheerfully ~esponded with out and help th(1 boys pull through. - ' t or 10 . D ayton. helpful. words. arId exprel!8ed their tal'ned (or Sunday dl' nner, Rev . J A. "Molh.. lit lIOne bul nol rurllO llon. w'!e k -en d VISI appreCiation of this never-lo-be-for· Pine, wifo. daughters, Helen and Never shall ne r memor, lOlle: Joe Hawke, of Sabina, is the guest gotten event, and hoped it might be Mar"'aret Joe, and ROn. PaUl, Mr . Sweet tbouMhUlhali ev ~r lIuHor . Round \h O grave where toi le WtW l uld," · hied of Mr and Mrs , Frank Zell. more f r.equen t as It ep to b rlllg and 8>Mrs. Perry Thomas, Mr. and Card of Thllllu IIlpn closer together in fellowship ·Mrs. Roy Hathaway. Mr, and Mrs. The Nt,rma l c I8 ~ !1 will give n play. and brot~erly feeling . Romo Riggs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl We thank the many fri ends for April 81h The ti tle wil! be IlnAil bllseball players in this vicinity A ~notlon was made that th~e Thomas, ~rs. Lydia Pine, Miss Lucy what they did in the time of th e nounc l'd IlI t l:l' m ~(J t' n g~ lr E' held each month, whIch Emley and Mr. Ferman Edjfinll'ton . sickness and d eath of our dear lire requested to meet at the pool was seconrl ed and was carl it!d unanimother. AI ~ o. we Willh to thank Mr . r oom , Friday evening, March 4th, Mrs Il llr vey R\e lI pt'n l I II~ t w e~ k mously . A vote of thanks Willi then McClure . We thank those who of- fllr th e purpos" of reorganizing the with hE'" 11101hl' r an d fa m ily al g iv"n those who planned and carried Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zell enltr- fered flowers . Also, Bro. Ballard Waynesville Miamis tor the season of Dela wll rl' , out thi s meeting, al!,·) to the ladies tained to an elegant dinner, Sunday, 1921. Every player who wishes to for the kiud word s he spoke. ' 11 who se rv ed in'such i9n able manner. Mr. and Mrs . James Zell. ot Yellow try out for the team is urged to be The Fa mily. Mi ,~ I" .. z )) " vi s. of Main VI ' teh. I A fter ' I pastor d ISI " OOlsse d t he c I1lII8, Springs; Mr. Joe Hawke, of Rabina; lIe pr!'sent. Co me on, boys, let's have ~ P P lI l l ir e ''' 'I,k-l' ntl al horl'l e WI all j llinpd hands and sang the beauti. Mr. and Mrs p , H Hawk" and childa RI·; \L team, thiB year. he r b roll.... r . ful hy mn- "Blest be the Tie that ren and Mrs . Copsey. of n~ar Har· .. tillrd li/l1 l'~- ave mO Il(>y- have old Binds . t t t veysburg; Mr. and Mrs. F . H, lo' arr and Thos. Pierce. ca r pels a nd rU I{R m illi e into Wearwe ll Service and Ilddrl'ss t Ir is. W edn esRU J{s ~- ': Jl llk l in Ru g Co , F rankli n. Ohio " day evening. Ilt 7: 10 about.> F our th S un d ay III ' L t·n. t Ma rc I" , On.\ Tuesday afternoon . , )v The Warren County 'rea~her8' AsMr . J 04 E wey Ilnd family, of o c\oe~ •. Charley LttWIB sugar camp Church Schoo l a l 9:30 a , m Litany waa VISited of sermon a nd H sociat ion will mee t at the Nationl4J llc lllrro'"I" ~ Jl j'lI l ~ ul1 day with H . E. . by a merry group . 0 .yi e0 mn1un ,'o II "t u Normal glrla. •After trampmll' over 10:30. Servi ce and se rm un at 7 p.m . Ba nk building in Lebanon, Saturday, H!lrnt' " und fa mi ly. hills and croBBlng creeks, they en- n The publi c cord illll y illv ited to Mareh li th . A splendid program has The-f1rott>ctive and Detective 8850WRS Nellie Ti l us , of TT1~ i s joyed a weiner r088~ and ~ome delie- these servicee. bue n arranged. featuring two ad_ _ _ __ • _ __ spend ing a few week!! with he r par- cill tioll he ld their annual meeting iouB maple syrup The Mi8lres Marie dr etlSe~ bv J . V. McMillan, of OxlaA Ilturday, tit the Township house. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ti tus. Use our CllIs!'< ified Ad s fl)r r es ul Lq fo rd . Williamson. Jo'lorenceFlaumer, Helen The Clfficers el ~cl ~d were as follows: Walton. Ruth Gibbon8, Rea Stacy, Mr and Mrs. F. B Hendenmn Ilnd E. S, Baily, president; Will Cornell. Frances Janney, Lorene Warrick and tlaughtM9, Kathryn and Louise. and vice-president; Perry Kenrick. treas- Bernice Murrell enjoyed the trip . Mra J . H Coleman were Day ton vis- urer; J . C Hawke, se.:retary; Frank Braddock, peorga Hartsock and AI· ilors. Tuesday. bert Merritt. trustees A number of relatiyes and friends Mrs L. A. Zimmerman and tw o The following marshals were ap- gathered at the home of Mr. and children arrived home !:ia~urday ev- pointed : Ollie M i,.geldine. Cliff Mrs Frank Rogera,ln Lytle, Sunday, ening, after a two w'e eks' visit with Hawke, Harry Praller. W. 0 Raper, in honor of the 81th birthday of Mr. relative!! in Cleveland H. M Clflrk. W. E Cornell,. Samuel Enos ROlI'ers At this advanced age, Smith, Frank HartlilOck. John Nutt. Mr. Hogera is in good health, with Right now yoU should brinlr in Ed Re tallkk : George Carnahan, remarkable memory, and thoroughly your old ingrain. Brussels or Axmin. Frank Zell. Prank Squires and James enjoyed the celebration and thought~ter CIHJ>E'tl! and carpet ~ags to be Mullin . fulness of his friends . A bounteous matle into Wellrwell Rugs. FrankAn as> e."~ lTlent was m ade of fifty dinner was'served at the noon · hour. lin Rug Co : Franklin. Ohio , cents pe r m ember. which must be Those who enjoyed this memorable paid by Ill'xl regular meeting, or occasion were: Mr and Mrs Elmer Mr . and Mrs Chas . Moore, of n ,embers will be dropped. Rogers. Mrs . Julia Brown, Miss BerI;tlt; vy Chuse, D C., accompanied No fnrther business came before tha Brown . of Waynesville; Mr'. and I he remains of Mrs Sarah Robe rtR the meeting. and they aojourned to ~rs . Ernest Rogers and daughter. to Wllyn ..sville , but thev returned m eet on their next regular meeting MargAret, of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. home immedialely Rfter the funeral. day . Sherman Rogers, . Mr. and Mrs. Jo..- -seph Williamson, Mr. and Mra. HowMr. and Mra Warren W, Brown, ard E. Williamson. Mr. and Mr8. IIf Washington, DC. were the Norman Brown and daughter. Lucile \Cuesta'of Mr. and Mrs, J W. Burton Mr. and Mra. Clarence Berryhill and thl!' week . Mr8 Brown is a sister of children, Clara and Harold ; Mr. and Mrll i:lurloll The young couple are Mrs. Edward Brown and daullhtllr, . enroute to K'lnBa.q City, Mo. of near Ferry; Mr, and Mrs Frank County Prel!ident Ellis took a large The Mothj!rs' club will hold a Smith and Mr. and Mra. Samut'll delegation of Community Service mee ting at the old school building, Haines. ef Lytle. - - -, workers t o, Le hanon. Tuesday even- Friday afternoon ut the regular hour. ihll, to attend the quarterly county Mrs. GE'orge K. Ander will lecture Ander rneetillg A !nrJ!~ crowd -W88 pres· on the "Girl ~C!)Uts. " , Mrs.' tonto ~nd reports from allover the has ~Ild quite a bit of ellpetien~e, county were very encourll.dng . · The and 18 perfeetly capajlle 0' explam' wflrk is beini kept up in the ·t,lift'el- ing t~e Seout movement. It ,ia deMiami Valley Council No. 103. Jr. ent localiliea. notwlthBtandlpJ the aired .that all members will. be O. U A. ~ M I will have wo~k in the Ilreat odds .galnat them thla time, preaent • _ • Fint Degree, next r,ld., eveninlr, ' The work will progress futer u tbe March 4th_ AII - ,lunlori 11M warm weather advancee ·The next Aaa Whitaker aod wife ....rlved ally Invited to be preaent county meeting will be beld at afte~ IpendlllJr . Bell Smith. CoUDIII.Or, . Morrow, W, B. Dinwiddie, R. S.
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Three chel'rs for the girl s' tClun! This is the firs t year tha t the g irls' team haM played the se ll~on t.hr<lul{h, and the team haR dun e !;plp.ndid work The girls were cUHcheti to play ~lrlctly accnrding til girls' rul(ls , and were h Hndicapped pomewhRt by encountering ~oml' te Bm ~ whi ch din not adher~ cl oselv t o girls' ru les.
1' 1
fllr tli E' ,pn '. lilli s, nnll tli •. 11I'l'Sl'rtl s,.for Ih o l'h ll'l r~II . Thl'll M,·• . SII' rllll l; furgol her .."I,' hnll o n t) II IH! In b or ro w mln p ~I l \",., n t!' "y" " (nr!;" ' 1 lit"
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lit .. "!H ,I; 1,,,\\. I" ""II,,' " 1i. I, , ,, ,, 1'.11 .. \1 ,rr' I),,, I .-ilI Y 1'>II I1Iid" I I '~ wil l UP \\,11 1, 1I111~lr"" "I lI ' . ' · 111"1 r 'lI't" ,1 ill I h" '" .v~tl' ri"s or th .. · I . I "D 1 ItT t i l,'.' " Ctlllldlu ll'nr .r Olf nl ' "I,,, (h'h.' n l a l ., t'g'r t .", HI a S P ("'ltl cnnvn. "11 .,~ In:try n""I,\ '," ,."tl "'. III' Ih,' tril" . III lw hpl d WedI I I I . III '10 ''''' .1 ,I' " " I'" '" ,p , .... I I l'f 'l 'ln" ' l 'lrc l\ ') llliulol'ce" fh ''' \ a . t ' · ,... .:Jt" 111OII III'tI Ih .. r :I ," " I ~q 1 11111'1 11 " I ,. II I q f ('rl)\\'o I.ndlYt.' K. o f 1' . Af lt' r the " H' 1'.lo k · ... 1":1\, ," 11.. p . "" :l1ld Ill a l " ' I,. ,... h h: li ) 'IJ,! IHi.nqU( 'I \vlll l.e 0erv"'1 f rI'H l ,' I\I' 11 l it I, ;1 \" III" ' II,,,, ... 1.11 1_ ' r .. \\' 1 ' u . _ '"'~ a t """1.. I,d .. I"" I ' ", " II ' lit, \ \ l\sIJllic hanq ue t ruom All I 'I ' .. til ,\ 1 . " , "' 111; 1 t' ·lt L.": 1I1 , " r'I II I _I , ' " "\' 1,,1·) •. , ...." 1, 1· t l," ·r r ·ll,c. ,", 11"~ th or ~ I< '.:h=lt. In 1\ "'hll ';1I1 ,If, 1.. 1 " rl "Too" I",, " I ' I ' " ,, 1, ,0/ I.. 1..1,.. " f I' , 1' 1' n 'l l . are co rd ially invite \(' I,,, l)rLl~e ll t. Tic kel!'t itri llol t ( ':t rl Ihl! II " . ' ; 11 '." "" I", ' ,' 111,1 I, r"t.,1 .. ! kith p ll ... ~ltd ll !\ ( ' Ir ' I, 1, 1" '1 ' " I ll ,' .. !"" for adnli~sil)n t l) t he wo r an( e I
rH ~ Y sir.". lind 1 1I 1~" IIl(' w h OIll Ri le' f'01l111 " fI~: I ...!I' I I !I Iru~t III \(·11 I,,,,,, " ~OWII \\,0111,1 II I I "111 ,\ "
their vic to ry . HII Mid rl l" town hRs pe r- I Shl b II,, · SI ",. I1I1 ~<, 1 \\11' ,·.,. " ojll'lI wilit I lt lldll"" ,I,,' ... ·' 1 ,,( tI 'l! II""·... Rill" ,II .,· <lr, ' ~ ' i "c I rll " ".tI oI,,\\ /lSIIIll's I" t d k h' co l'd l,1l AI" 't,tl ll J.:"" 11 11/j itltf! \' 1~ l nlt-.] of EI ..:t " ~\' IIIJ' :t l h ," I"!l lI v. ' 1111 11,11'1' \,h ll ' IIT I' In ttll tl j' \\U ..·. ~r \, il u s,ome gf'lw ' Iw(~ r t I S 14~fl sll nd I n "t' ry g-H ,"' "" 'I'k I'lld. tllIII1 ('011 ,..:111 ,I !l nl~ ":\0 ~III'I I 11I1'Ie. , \ '~ , Ill' IlIrli ll t l'Ollld I ' IP I,,( I IIC"'o"' ( I' d 1111 ' \\'11 11 II "'11111 (', ' \\ ' 11'1';" C°rtllll'B ar . orlng. 0 I mlfl ~ to n t E" £I rei' nU, IW1U1e' t,d, ' 1' 111 \ ' U l l r \\THPS Ulltl hu g nol I H' ,,'U . ,,,,I'll,,,,,. I", " " I~ I" fl III 111 ,\' 'I ' ' ;I 1'1" . I1(' \';11 I' I. .t. ";\1'1 II" Our . . I I ' . . . ... ~ 1" 1~ ,·r ... ,
1 ' 1 ,';1 t i l"
II" . ,10" 1:0" Irlfl, ' '00 1" ,1', f.. 1' , I" d id,, "
b ("l B rt en Y , ara arton
The local Hi).rh Sch uul ull~keluall tUlllll ),'/" team def~at ~d the Milhlletown High "1.-11 '\ Ihllt ti ll' he.d't or lio~I,lIl1 ll1y. ,,d 1 to IlI llk . · g-UCl' t t' fe l ' l a~ It tbe)' \ \ l'r e • School tearn ~tur ay uven nK' at at IIl1l1w'I" P\' ~"II II" II 1.,1114'1' ~IIt IlO!"l I II PiU'/\ " I .'-" '1 Scho ,I hall, by the ~c o re of 29 to 14 fill" "H;" II" .\'0'"1' 11111'1;111 , tJ lII " 1f ~· "u " '! 'h "rc ' s no p illet· JURl 111\ (> il IIIIIC," ! I I I Th o local a"'~rella tl'on pluyod II ., I' 8r.. " ' 1'''''' "" 111'('''' 11111. ti l" " ., I ,UI p "'",• ~ n Hm';\\'j lr~tJ lt cJl' 1l e ltl lll.l ll c l1 y, " Il ilu m l'OIlIl' willi H )\111111 11 ( If , ' "n\'t~. " c \\' lore tl k a n d r1l1lI t'r g IHI 1 (J r I t • \\ ,10 W!l n tH tf) tp~ JI 'ltll'" I lil'o l"' l1 Wh('H t h e hnhy corn· 8nappy 5l'arne. l e lr JlR~~ \\lo r b,, -ket throw'l ng "e'l n" vh r" " 0 0 1'1 Ir"ol"l1 w h"11 ~ I Il"8 \'lslIllI" wllh thnl 1 """'1 1"",1 II' " 1"11 '"' '\\',.'11 II."·... t o st,'y ... . u ,.. I'!t .. ... ,., II . ~ Middlelown could not locatE' th e bas CII ".\· rll lll ll l" I'II), ,,, ,,I :1.'," rl'lI ""ld \\ II I, I,, ·, t\ loll" Ih .. 1Il,1'_ " 1;(11" (I n nn . toI la fl Wl:"l"l',1 "I lt lll n rt· l llllv l·~ . """ 11,,'1 ' "111,1 '1,\' 1 1 ""ln<oc. 1' 11 ~ n ~x l I· k e t at any tim£' (urllllC t tIe ~ ant p.." . , .. ",.. , "''' 'I I lW \' ('n t du ne IlI tH'h j.!'loil" tl'o rrluJ: IH I U I' W H~ Sl l f'lI l In 1'1I 1t'rlnl n l n.t: thf' and Ihe plavl'rs fumbled th e hnll t" o II n,1 lil Y "' 111' .. 1.. ",·,· I"" 1" "' 11 1'I, Ihpr ~·" II i1~, I •.". \I ll" "rOlk,' '"" ...I.•.. I:II.. "'!S Ah I 0 Wln • . It mitt,. I," SHtI I 1'·~S 1 I " . ",I ul ,\ ItHI II U ~ :tJld ,hl ' l l 11l 1I ~ h t-' d \\' ll h J"l':' . mu", Takin opo th e Kame all way, \V ny ups- Ulu dto yu u Mil ",' l ll t 'III'( ' "1 ~1I 1 '11"~i' .'"1I hud t o Il it'i' l h l1 o f
· , 11('1 '1' ~ Itll . , .1'(0 ' 1. ' 1';1'1,10 '1111 .,
":lU.~ii!..>' ,
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Vhule NLImber 5424
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--------PLAY BALLI
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. - BloomJacaoll, ..... I_t' I~ naLlonal It' for to reara to Jobll H"D, far ...... _bt mila of III call' Ualll. JI'or 011 lhM lpot I!O ho, .. n:t...... or tile .IUon-. popalatlOD--tl1 Ilpred out ." tile U. S. 1I0v.,rllm... Ut til ItaO .Celilus; TIui ,bOlO ot III. H ...... . . . . 1Iao" lJIe 0 ....... ud IUa wll. aIIartD, Ute ••• bollOr ,Tb. litO c...e .... tlte ....., ID a IM",1'l' lite ID BIooIlllaltOa., ne _ ........... 01 .... ~ . . . . ilia, tIIa. maJorlu of tile !IMIN' _ 000 .......... .un........ oI .... 1OIIIMl adU UYe ...... _ .........
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Ab,ollltel)l Not Gutlt)l. ' \\ n4' " ~'W fl'IU 'I ItIU ' \0 ,- t' u hn'j o t f u e Llltle BIll y hu,l !)p.... n llent t(l bll Inlt.· h.. rtlll hI CI'II!\ n~horti 111,,1 Rill I "unt'M 110 "" err~nt( _nil 101" t\1 r.(ur II tMIl lint ' thfnl<lll':. :-;ntlll.·.. ly tl1l:11 hnm~d'n t p ly Pil ly MlInUlollrt one h, -..J,!W ' II r ,ll1,lth thl' flu . Ii tlut l ' 1))\' (tU ' hl mr ~Iu I". ""Iur" II I..... ollJer Mid: \ I-III JI"d Il'fI It .. III'H'rtll~~ tUlll \\'U~ " 11 111~' ",hnl , ~ ,'ou r o bject tn at8,ln, I •.,: ~ II \I~ 110 1'111\"111'01 hi flip 1P,·,h ~ I nunt Ip . "' h'-II I fot<1 ,ou til (!om~ III dh' r 't.:1 1I1 ',\\r ul \\ :111 UI! t'.hll'ul n ' r l)' III nil "" ',' 1I 111 .~ '1'I1Ite" : · OhJecl.
" I'Qo r lIutt! gi rl." he whl.pe.·.'<I. lItll Itt' -'1.111 II" 111111' til , nr1,1 nllythl n.:. 11M .", 1. ' I' nn~' tll1lt· ro nn~'" r 11 1m. J."' llr rh""I\ On It c n u;!ho1(1 Jill h 1~lok .. h,\ I', U fJ'o w rl d"Uf!l!I l j <t ht ht'H\\ S
I o ;,! , ll h:'l", \\
I 'rtul.
1111\1 h'lllj l 41
Itf II t WIn til' IIJ! 1'11\" lit' "111 111'
H I 11 11'
:,1a:l1 t
ult cl Ih" ~ 1 1' 1 th, ' Itt'III' II' lIt
l'pl'\lurd, fI'lll"
.\ ... h,
h(lll, I,,' r 'lntl ttll·,, ·d '; \ \I!'!I ~' t o h l l 11 " \\' h'~ I I\'~ II I I J IIIIII~ ':" ... 111' ,1. '11';111.1,111. lI .t oJ,!lI l n "li lia' a .. llIt r!" ·j ." : ... " "4 II.'
..;I d. , .
L'f' IIII.
d" I' k Ill'S "11111 1.\
~::::::~d~~~~~~~~~~bg~~~~gg~;H~~~~~~~~~~. . ; Tonn lh .. l WJl !i J!llul tn (.....I .: !J,,~ erlnr IIn dn', snhl n W llrtl t il lIt'
"7nl 11 ,
both glrlR IInrl £'rr'<1 I'lld. ,,'I"' r np· pl'IIlslogly. an.l Kn tt..· .. " ... • .. .I.l .. ol~· ~me
\\ !!Ifo ll 'h ~' mndt.' known to h r ruuUll'r rl tt· IIIPllu' nt rl ~~,\' to
r~o lutlon ,
\\'erp alooe. "Sh e' {"'ftll 't stny In Ihl Q
hH lh f'.'·
IIBld hNWl.'<'o her t... ·fh. Alf1ll. Gurtls Inu~ht?t l ~nrt·tl S f l r a ll~· , "~Pe
,..flU ~n 1'10 Wit h
\' our
rousln 111 ('0." ~h c slInl',,('.I . "I <1 1,1 III~' bf"S't ,,:lth .f ohn , nnd h~ p "...:ll h 'I·l y n .... {u ~ Pd to If't rTll' f:O f o I'HIII !
,-\ 1:' t ll ' lI liB to ld ItlP If wn ~ non.' of IUS h ll ~l . Dt'S"''' '" won't cry ",hpn 1 tll ik 10 him." • nld tbe glrl. ''1'11 snen lt m~' mll1fl
outright. I'll mnli!' fhe hous" 100 hot T th ink J \ruow how 10 put on' owr on our "hllnntllt'opll' cousins." When Tonnlhel CAme Into th., ot~ that evenlOlt fo ask n very Impo rtant quesUoo of Doctor Pendlehll,·pn. he aald to her : "My LIa r. I "'tIOI you oll"II ~'s to remember who t 1 11m goi ng to tell YOII 1l1'W. 'l'ht .... . 1'o',~p belon~'S ' 0 my to hold her.
"II\ •• d
" 1 111 ~" 1I
"\\"Ila :, IH! f ur, mlhtt:'r : ' 1
( \ o 'l~ h ' \
IIll lIlI. , ,'"/·
11 . 11 ..... , . ...
. 11 11 ..... II
' "'\ : ~
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.\1.. , "
U \I,d
" .\ li d
1111: Philip ~11I~Cl1ul"y III th" hou. P . At Ul'l"t
Jl QI1 ,tlt'tlU\'l'n
ha d
Ili s lstl'd
" \\·I'n. h ttp III :~ lId J! l·t IIwny d tt n ' t \"1\111 :1 hrok .. rI ~k ll lll "
CHAPTER VIII. Th. Fight. LIttle by Uttle Paul Pendl ehn veo tla,bt her, ftDd little by little Tooy', IIlvaUoo boy preaChed hi s le.J OIlS or Universal Love to her; Ilnd th e eager 101101 mind drunk In llIe lIuowledge as i thIrsty plaot tllkes 10 wotet . , Tbere were no signs ot Drlllh and Edllll returning. and .T ooulbel gre w dll\l1 1D0re hopeless "'lien she llIou!:h t ot ber mother. Perhaps she would never lee her aglllD. She hod Htrenn· oUily refused to speak of htlr peonle to PaUl PeodJebaveo.
<tH'lO bf>rs
or th p well-llllown JI'ord
hf+r JllI'Hls s-Januld
If Po uf's
Fi("J'\·~t.1 In I lin s l dt
\\ 11 111
tH llI' h l ru!
ta :!'I ,' ,Ir
(II ! ~'"
'I I::, gUll,
" ~ ;\.·l mlt
,", 1 " l \t ';~: ;-
:--11111111 1
w l1ll
I l ' llli lltl·\,
T on JltlJl'l hntJ rent'hed tbe cnn ni hOHt
funl step~
W U\' . I:OO • \\ !'f" p
~ut' h
I'(llll n~ ~oll tllwunl (" n'lI
I l ht,
11 '''Y' ''r' '''I'' <I IIt.,," .ln lll".
OIlC,' III fl "lallt' lI 111'1',' \' Ih ll d rt " t-'r· n\t' j" '1 111' lub" frltlll tlh' 1I0l'th, IU.:oo IlI ): Irs r"IlI' tlU 'li oC lilt , {'lIl' lI t· 1I tin Ihi' ullh·t- .. slt y l ' IIIIII ' \I ."4 . {'HIIHI hon l \\ :11:1 folll.wllll-! IHtlt.' tUI-: ",hld l ",us hu!;;.!lu f,! t ltt, WPs tl'l'I1 Ilurt li\n lnJ. 'I'lHlllllwl. Iu 111\, lillIe 1'00111 hUCK Ihe lOllllln, Wit S s":II'l'Iilng thr'HIt,:h th u>lr kll"".
or tl~ulHIt'r
1 1~ 'r:l ll'd hllild l ll}!"~
1I '~HIlIt Trt"lIlltlJu~ly ~ht, th~
Jl l 'rl' ,
SDch stren!.'1 h. oe"er hod her neort 8\1 0g us It did th en. She tremhl ed 80 thnl \\,b"n I'lullp swuog back nDd rushed townrd hcr. she saok dow~ at bl~ feet. As fa lls 8\\'SY aD old gllr· nlf~Dt ~!l
!rlt.. n wu\'
'r~ "
I tit'
I I ' ,.t.>ljulru::I tIt'~D
" I·...
' ·. tf ll p U .... l'\.
II"" "lIptal l'
1)t!\'I1I1 '~ I h~'
:o: ho~c
IIIl' c llnal hoat. '1'111.0 11 J.:1!·l'tot 1'11 (0" l'U ItH' t o l11 P "J':t ~· lt l 'l l
II l-:ul l1 !o:l t It ('lI l l l P. It. """ "hll ip , · t\U ~1t1 III II
TIlt , ('anop
UIItI O" f
s hit, of tll4' hia: t.: t'l' 1... 1l1
ti ll'
General Repair Shop
Ed .
Vt/ ooHard, Wnyn~ s \
'.1aln & "nur II ~IS
hI .\uhllrn. ~ l·l."t" I I., !I r!'s ,,\"S fl·mnl lll! t1 {' t'llt~red I 1 I, ,'" ( 1I1 ' l'. ih lrro r th- I'P :; ' ntt~t.I In J I:" dl'I'III-'. " ! !"ll ''': H .. ,.:~ il\ W lllll!n' to mnrry ~ dIJ, ' \' l llIllr ,Up d V lJ It. with U wttl~ \ \ :1\ 1 III lh~ IIllIp ,YPIIH g I11HII, " And \ \1.1111 I "' :1 > yllu ' \ e gill tu t 111 ('111 1 Il.l> " I W""I." (l'i l f .. TOIlY's lips. hUI I h, ' ;t\\" ... lon OIlIIt\I.t'H('cdld n ' t I :' tlld drHIJ Ih1r " . 1 too k Il (11l1 l' 1( stc p IO\\H I'1I1wl', \ , 1,It II II I 11'11 I,:\ 'd UrllI, ,'lid "'" Ih' h a u 1,1'.l lc' lI I , ,,, w it t.. IlL' Inlt) the lJ10\\'8 , '." .: '1' 1''': 11\':1 11 a lld XIiHu ld t! r li. I I,. I' . I, IJ J 1' 0 111 1 .loy ' s IlI'lIlS In her d . .... t, t.,.: I ,. n·III I :oo I t l PI'011'("1 II i'nwIL ' '. ': ,. .d d •• . •1"" '1 . "''' ''1. ony Illtlr.,! " " ",, ' 1
illr, ' ).
----------~~~--------~ -------.
1 "~ IH" 'i:i ~'II'
" 4:Q
fl l un~
to Itllfl CU."
Mu ' 'nuley sl 'III,I'lI Int o hi s cnnoe. and lIe"oll ~ull t'lI ly IIl1 fo&t otld tll.. tope 1I11c1 lh .. ew II h.lO Utt! llOW lit U. e cruft . "011 0'1 CIIIUP. Itu ck here If YUII dou't
uut now Illere ain't 110 Hldrt s to
Philip Cauoht Ilt It Ocoporiltely. :lfl\\"I~' IIfl ;" ll 1.1" •• " " .Ies pl'ro loly. III) Itt· t Itru.1 hi s fOl'~ l'Il'"" t" TUllY ' ,;.
hi •
I )/I"ty
M ory
1'('11<'1,,·.1 out li nd
('\tII (·It~tI
",rlggl NI In hE'r clUl chl n~ tlnge rs. 1"'1.llIp a lmost lo.t his hold on th e b(lRt ~ . OU '"lp r um e I1g" I,,"f hi s fuce. He s ntl I1'/,(·,1 th l' pi;: tll ,,1 ,11'(1 [11>('(1 h til bls rl·pI. 'I'lIl'lI A pair "f linra legs tol11)\\"('<'1 nntl Ttlny's hurl.l· IJpl:lln to wrlg· _I ~ .1 . .. , .. ,.,h t' IQ n ft rro \V onerture.
t Continued on
\. l ul0 1)
Lt. r,
Classifi6d fl rIB All tVl in lil i" CUIU II1t1 i·.
hfir-tttnllll:lt-the-"'t l1do"'~olllf.lhID g
wil t . u rt' " " rolf ..
~--.. ---~~~~
ilre uthll·s~ly .
"Climb Ihrough." untl erttlllt'd I'hilip. "Qlli ck. dlll1" Ihrllu h. ami when I tc·1I ~·ou to drop. ,10 II. hu t not I",tore. " l3y holtll nJ! hi s botly rigid ly er ct. be mnnogt!u 10 kel'p tl.e conoe upr ight. Then h e ·wulted . llut not fl,r fong. A.I· "' ..s t Immeulately u gl rl·s . bllre urm
'::' / "I '~ ~111:1:1I~'~
(, . . l)
"L'~~ ~ ;~n,;.t~·"i .':,,~::
"r·d,,·t 11<1 thllt, .llI rllng:· he whls·
olIo YIIU hl'ur"/" , NIl'!, r"" r ((II' tllp j!lrl he h'ltl htl d 10 l!:,' ' I'Y I'cs tl !:" .,r hloot! \t·ft til e Wil li \t'II I',! It,.hlll.l. '1'0 t1~hl BIIlt;I~.hll ...I('. 1 R you n!! ftlr·.... I ""U"I"'" "'" n wit h u gun WllH fuo l. " \\"It~r' 1:; IlItllIII IIY'/" Hl'e sultl. II fl· hurd)" a .1I1 wOIII(1 .10 IIltl e T ony no 1111' IIllIII " r lll!: r. '·~S I... hls. j ""M'
" ~':I"
p" ...·.1 as ~h" tin'\\" b •• ck In ten·or. ''1'111' ~t) l n l! 10 l uke yo u IIway ." • 'I'h'm site r ..lll1zl·c! who II WI1S. anti
Pretentious House of Brick for HOtTIe Bui1ders
tllllrlllg III hlllJ I.IulI kly UH If .,I",.t hlill """ .,pn lr .. I , ,· n (lilt WitS
1hi' ::;, tH1·m · tll~~t' f l Inl{l\.
rt, M tlNEY ,I· "%
N tt N . Altm\
I n l ....· ' .. TtH rnt) & ','.,. f I ' I:
y rh ,. ~
-\In' ~h le
I.' fI)
IU E~ .
Il n ,l I. " a ,,~, Wllmtn.:1 n ()h ~ CI. 1'lInnll ;1111 til III It
1' ''" I1~d
li,, ~
~,.. ok,
ch ~ln .. I"'. '11~" I'tl'061 lh.1 Dl ll t'jlltw tt8 . N ." e~ b .. n " h t J .·1111 H"rh it .... A II .. D
Bulhlmg, X..,ni. Ohl" .
6 " :J l , -
FARM WANTED beHr r'''11I """lJ .. r W AN l'EU-I'u or good 1"lId lur .ale Qt'MOl
Try our Job Printing
wurlb tbe l)rlce .... 111.. B.. l[ Ga l. UIOIl", III
L •.Iooe••
- -~'-
A Man well known iu tbelcom.
munity to represent a high grade proposition. Large financial returns to tbe rigbt p.rty . Address
Sechrist 6: Steiger, 1211 U. B. BidE.,
Dayton, Ohio. ANTED-W " r~
--~k.;-;;-;--:;;:;-.:;:;;;=;;:;;;::=;::~;;:::-;;;:::;-;-r~r-.hn~1T1~n:-~'= lIIuUl·h or on If You Get Well Slowly, Try Build· third s . E. J . Ulefriok, R . O. I. jng Up Your Blood
Pepto~M.n&,an Creates Rich,
-alood, Chan&'118 Pale Complex. ion8 to Bloom of Health
There lire t h ose home builders ~h o want tbe wl1rmt4-ln~ured by 11 W&J1 built briok b o nKe-fl nel to tbo"e pilloniog I,h .. in or o pr~t e o. tiona b orne. the pla·n shown blue I@ 8ure to .. UrfLot. The Il·".r pl"08 b ow b es t the eXQ{l llent arrtillgem oDt-llnd the wom " n wb o ha~. in ber d"eams, n!lV .. ys Been t.he WIele, I!weell',og
Ph.l1totJl "n",p r . 'I'Pn ...
no In vltlnK b a ll
an entraDoe to ber h enn e will not be dl sllpp e luted 10 this h,)m e . Thn libmrv flod livIng ro om nre lit ~be fioot o t tbe h o u~e b ot b op nl ag ·throug h French d oo rl! out onto a wiele anal v emo . elll. . The upstt.lrs nrrtlnl( ll lllen t. of 81eerJlog r " OUltl ill ideal wttu b<l t it uS
uo nv e nh;ut t,o 011 Imd el[Cell~Dt olos et s p aoe tbruul(h out. Tho s leeping porcb I ~ g lllss 8nololled. Thil. bo ."" w~ s built rro m plaQ8 furolsh ed by t be N atlona1 ·Balld. erst Barello. of SpolmoB. Wash N ext. . w ee k-wd will pablisb pb otOgTlL,)h ODd two floor plao s fo r ' .. 001l·1' ory single-a sweet little hom e In white.
A 'erioo, 1110.... eYlo a cold 'haa I. barn to shake {Jf!, oa~ redoOI tho blood &0 II. wel1k, w .. ler" oondllton whloh kelpl! the oorm'l IItronlith lint! vIgor frow oomlaa bllct. Thl~ poor phYllloalllondl&1 nn brlnlll on II. helpleNi. dl800auglld m eatal oonditloo wbioh rloh, red blood C.UI re"lnre. Pnre blood ,boold bl! rich In Iroo whlob Nature 8upplie8 to Bome ex . tent In food. Bas otte througb fanlty dlgeeUoo o.r Improper die' you doo', 11& tbl neodea iron. Bod yonr blood, on whloh .,Our heal&h i1epentis. grOW8 weaker and wllaltier. Undo'lI Pepto. MaogaQ eurlohes 'he bJood. 100realles tbe red blood cell' ' IInd lIupplies Shtl Ingredient. that bring a qnlok re8punlle 10 vigor, vl ttlJity .~nd fin.., oulor. Pbysii!ftlns I eOlltDmead . aodu', P e pto-Mflllgao Wblln YOll order, be sllre .he word "Unde's" 18 00 tbe pflckflgA. Wlthoot "Gade 8" It I. not PSllto.Bbngao. FurnIHbe'(l 10 For I botb IIqnl'. and tablel form. Bill e by .. ll' .d ·rotr~lstll -Advt . ,
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FURO, 1917 MODEl. ruonlog Ihtlpe.
io lCUlld IDqulre • "I Jolto ~DlC, Way Deullle, Ubio . ml.~
FORIALE 8eparatorll. In No.1 IlOD. 2 Uream dlUoo, t!tmplsl[ aDd U.LI....I. p " wer aUaohwl'oSe. P. A. La,.IIOO, the IiIlmpldol t.,m, mllea loath of Corwtn, miG
&. .aatdbIDI . ANOON luqnire '01 W. N. 8M,.• .Way. uesvllle. Uhlo. .
. 0116
8 room~, balD. i.rdln. H OUI:I~ ohlctla ,arD; .,ood obte.ao IDd
wen, fruit, N.OOO ....,.nD08 tiliep. berd, ~a1I1e. .1III, Ohio . . mi. .
ChlakeD CoIODY 8001", 5lt11.11:6 fa • ~hl. W.I ball' aDd paltl&ed • .,ear .1J0, III: SOlid
8prlotJ Watrllll, Ii . ~jlr'n,.Soo'h H"rrow ., JoUr pr\OI. ... ·~"oOO Plow J. "If. liar.wD, p)lQ~. "'1I.lI. WI&JD.vllll, Oblo.
4. TIl(G 8toYe for .,,11 che.p. 1 DIIi:good J.rae, Cow J, 4. Mo-
u<'y, WlI7l1eevlJl., Oblo; '.
~- --
it I a. ICGUS
109u1re of oppolli&e the
MrA (mDt RotIti; en.ioe ·~ou,e,~Wa1Qe.vllle, O~lo. .
~ --
wt .
:-i Jlrlog V..lley, Oblo .
her need is gr.'nt. s l, e cried o ut her thnnksg"'lng In his nnme. tllllt bes t· beloved 118me ot I' llilin. By thi s time tJle two meu were s t rul:)!lI li g OD llIe deck. anti 8S If IllIl •.,1I1·d h y some un· known force Tony SLIlt;ge ..ed up the steps. n wo s Just liS sil,' rellr.hed the top thut shp sow C"f)lnln Mn cOn ul ey. hy one mi ghty etl'ort, tift the st ruggllng flJ,'IIre ot Ut e (,ther mOD nod throw him Into the Ink e. A sharp ejaculation f e ll fmm hor Ih.s. Ne\"er hnd she s,!en
~1 1I.-( · "ul'·.I·.
It \\'11 '4 thHt w I lid.,\\,.
___ __ Q~~k~ginhH~~hlp~g6~e :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:~~~~~~~~~~~. ;:;;::_:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_~'
c ry WUfJ Il111 ,-10 '8 In
II lilUl 11.!!. t
hl ' lIdIIlJII! ttlwHl'I 1
lully ,
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pru t~1oh"~
.. II
.1 ,'I :" "(HIt'y ' l u puMl tll ', " ;l lI lJlll t:- I n I, n tlow \· 01 '1' /1 •• (rt~l'~ uru
It'" pt up IYllhln hl lll. "J'\\'tI ~ t h e HI",,) · or II !:Irl wll lkl nl:' li P IIncl rllOw lI.
get you."
ptlSSloDately. "Bere. I wlDt to IIlas · you." · Be drogeed her torward until ber sleoder. quivering body was pressed agoloSI bls. Be had laid he lotended to kiss ber. All the rebellion of a primitive unedUCQted nature sPl'llnll loto lite wlthlo '£ ony Devoo. The curl, bead dOM ed uP"'srd tor a womeDt, aDd the gray eyell tilazed loto the mudd, blue ooes, leerlog down opon ber. Then. knowing DO olher way to protect Iterself trom desecra· tloo. sbe set ber sllnrp wblte teeth Into Reggie'. hand, 61oldog them deep beneath bls allin, A cry ot burt roge escllped bl ~ lips. aod he fluog her trom him. "¥ou little vIxen." he got out. shak· Ing bls baod In panic. "You little wicked brat' There I Now I'll tench you to bile me IIgaln." He sprung at her. aod Tony 6cr~nmed twice with all her lung \lower. Then sOI nelblDg happened I Someone grusped hold ot the mao who had annl ched her Into hIs arms, IItll.l ror whot seemed nn Interminable time two forms ~ Irllg~led logel her In the smoll l'llblo. For 8 few secoDds 'Pony dldn't renll z.. who Regg le'8 a s· Bollau I wus; tJlen wlt.h 8 grip R t her heart s he reCol.'ulzetl I'hlllll's white fuct' us wltlt · terrllJle slrength he dru gged H"J;)::le up the step •. JIIIO lI ~ r le rrlfll'(1 eyes cnmc one stru nge n n~ hlll lt smile of welco me. Iler snlYoli on UlHII hud sOved hcr. ODd
"'l llI dl \\ UIIjHW In 11 11' , /lll .t ' IJl m !
I, .!'
-"-' VI"rltt u Ih· Illlot·
. ,'
B u.'neM.
P , (\ ' It .l ble
B ', H~t ' ! fI ' II 'I' , ." I
~tI"(\"lIly he "fiu ght s l.,ht or n P" $H· In t: ~ "ad n\\' t tl fI,{· ('uhln, lind ht~ b"'l1rt
fro", th,' ~"'lt ll IIllHI,,\\'. Hu t Iii" onl.l· ,~. th in!!" ~Ill' Co ulu 'I' e II'US thl! ,lark ltank l.'l)\11I I"' S IIlIlc hlng th ~ ulung whkh th~.1' erelll OIiU ",hid. h ,. ,. """••dully itS Ii" It I nlt"'cs t1l.1 m. re In II \\'ltll ,' 11'118 lit up by .. "h' ld Ii.", l.... IItl1~. .\t g-I rl ·. t\~lI rf~11 Str ..nk (Of IIgl,ll t!n!!". ph '" IIn ' uII Sl"I'L".,1 l)llcl, un,1 ~lnrL..1 Never HOld She Seen Such Strength. I Stltf.lpnly tltl! "lIglne s toppNl , rin d 118 nt Ii~r. l it ~ 1I,, · ltlluglt.,," Gussie could help hl!r "\\' 11 1 you dn whitt I bill yu u, Iniss ?" the brok" uut ultruptly. "I woo'l IItll' . he Iluthl't'd h'r Into I. N UI·ruS. It " tI"llIlI ntl.,.1 III ... r ""y. "1'<1 us 80un If he don' .. " I In ·8 vtl'llI s rrl!uk of IIghln lng he kill yuu 'I' tal,p a wink." Urluh's hlllHl lI't!m bock to bls blp. ) S,'l W tll cy \\'" r ' 1I0ehol'I',I dll.·c 10 T Il" •.llll'l IUtld' Il l! IlIIS\\" r SIII'e to "I ~LII'SS he' lI go It I l ell 'IUI to." sul u CrowlJur \Iolnl, which 1)"Oll'l.'t"u th ~m Wt'.'" lIall',. wildly. lI ud. h"cu tls!! s ill! be. ".l us t ""IJ IDtO your botlt. kid. su",ewhn l r!'OlII tile wlIlLl. Shu (lid lIul lilllkt! "~t".I .1" n'pl ~·. Ur ln h befor ' I 1111 .I"I)U UI) to your teeth wllb l·rOlld lt·U IIIW whclI th e Ilt lle door h'r aguill. Th e il littl e bits of hOI Icu d." 0pl· II".1 tln<l Ul"iu ll ctllleu her 1IR111!!. II 'gl lluid s too,l up. TonnllJt" hud witnessed scenes like "Come OUI he r!!. 'r llnlllbcl." Ill' COlli' " llu,, 'L hit 'cr uny llIore. I)"" ... h., llils llefol' '. SI'e knew 'but a lill Y pres· Inall.I~, t roug hly. anti ·{'ony. Wllh Gus· u .. ~wl,.,l. "'hut 'e r up a \\'hlle und sure of het fUlh er's lIoger on llle ' gun sle In her tlrlU8. crept Illt o the ('u l.ln. ket'p " r II' lthllll t /1l"llh . nit" slle' lI corne be held would kill her s weeLlielirl. wlw r e 1l" g"l" wu~ s\'tlted all a uunl;. to t ll1w. (:h'" '.,1' U III~II\ to think It "Go ulon!:." she rnunugetl LO get out looking puh~ tlllli sulle tt. . .,I·"r. Un,1. hut you" '" wullolle ll Iwr between ber cJmllerlug teet h. "U ' II be . "Sl't dtlWI!I un titl' floor. hrnt." cum· I",le'I; 111111 hille I1S .lts." worse Cut bo th uf us If you donlt I" 011111<1<,<.1 Ol"lu h. II .. " 1.'onnlbel .11'0ppeli In "tI.wpr til thl~ D(" ' o ll pleke.1 Del'oll WIIS tprcill': Philip buck"'lInl dOll' n. "/'iIlW II st"lI to me. Tony." TOllY til' nll1l tlirl'\\, IlI'r hno (lle hU ' 1; lowBr\.l th e ell tl ot tlte dock . nnd hy \I'~1It 01. D.·vun. · "Ever sh'~e you"'e cu lti li. Th,.1t he 1<I~keu (;us810 o\"el' this tilll e Uej!lnultl hnd .crowl ed to the " eett knee hi gh to u grn MshoJiper you ll,,' tl .... .:II .,IoI. sl rUIHU !!11 the door Rnd sllur' lI u.1 fllld In ln 1I0\\,(I II po n It. IJlie n li S 111('1111 US the dev il. lOU ulwuys Inri"." It. "Duu' t 1"1;. IItlsler." ' cd cd ! .I:OU,ll . '-1.0..+1,.,.,_111 Iw fll."'l-l·;.,..-wnen...."h..-.wft..-l."re.-"- f'liTrrjl:lT:iCroiiley lila 1Ini1t1 le(li\i\'ii)'
I" ,...
heurd him cross Ihe deck. nod U.en th~ root~teps c"lI s" fl . 'he hoped with 811 her might nnd mu ln I1ml he wo ul dn't Ihl nk or co mi ng d'It¥" ' Iolrs. But tho.I W Oli exuctly wllol he I1Id t liD. 8110 crouchtltl UI' "G'U 118t !tie hunk. nil lhe boy stepped Io ta ll.e cob· In. Wheu he SII W ber a slow griD sprP.bd o"er his tllio foce. " So you're here," he got Ollt thl ckIy. "Where have yo u bet!n1 rYe vlsh ed this plnce three tImes lu th ut mnoy weeks. Whl're have you beeu, I s8yT' "00 8way." she said . bait fright ened to death. "You'd better ge t oUI ot here before my mother comes back. She'lI beot you with the broom I" "r'Ul not afraid of your tathe r or mother," be IUIld tBuntlngly. "I know " 'bere th ey are." The wor\ls seDt Tonolhel forward a slep. " Hon eSI7" s be gusped. "u It honest what you say?" "Certo IQly." replied tile youog mno, "Bod they told me to come- here anu "Wbere are they?" She had come "ery neaf him DOW. Iter eyes ·gnlo!: nt hl lD wistfully. "Pleuse teU me where m~' IllUlU'lJy Ie''' ' "Never mlDd Just now." lIold he; bls
H I'
,.. ,1
The F ace in the W ind ow. I H~' 1" 11 u\' \.wl( U IH'H Io' Y I'uln Hn t! I w ln l! I II IU :-it-nlt.,f) o\, p r the Sttlnll
01'11111" h l~ It' l'th !ip t In l o h is 1I1Htpr l ip flud \'~ Ith I)I\ ~ ,J,-\P.P thrll~t tlf I lIt:' pud· !lh- in", tilt, w!th' r, tll\ ~"lI t th l! ('UIWP
b rUin II)"
1)1 " 4.111
I~ all.
lIud l-ilU Y : d" lti l liS II 1I (I\.iI·
rl~CO\' l\ ry , ,.
"Go", I !" r'mlll·t! (,h ilip. r",·" ry. INy fell luto
. thj .. t'l. why. I never I It:f1 It home
,' If I.
'nd t he rn mlly t" bl .,. hUI th" girl tlecl,I,••1 th" t
' 1 ' ':
' f'I ' I·ltll ip
I, t.• D IIlronl\· lIm bed boy-el«bl II' Iw f " rl\ J I Is 0 tra<-Ior whk:tI ': ....... :· 11'<1 In nt till' nrmy exhlhll III t l ~ ,"Iv ,'? 11 :t ,'pry firm (t\Of
:, ·tlt ' \1
"Shp' s 11 '\'oIHl er t Plut ," he loOn (: OIW · '· ~lIl n l! . "For Ih .. flrst · lIlDe (" '" hoI'
Ih~ Ilt~lI rl '
brother aDd me. ] 00 Dot WI~h yon to Jake orders from anyone but. us." Toll, PEed at blm a moment, Dot U~lldlDg at tlrst. Then Iter 11119 wIdened. "That means If a nyone BOys l'"c gOI to bike back to llIe caDal boat, I 110n't CO UDletl1! ODe of YOIl t eUB me to." she demaoded. "I. that It ' " The doctor laughed. uYee. tbllt'B It," I18ld he. "Now what dId 1011 'waDt or me?" "Ca» I 10 down the lake tomorrow attemQOo- " sbe hesitated o.nd llIeD 00, "1 wont to see If anyone's bome. I'Oerta1oly. dear child. you ca n." was the aoswer. ''But g~ t bock before tra dark; I don't want IInytlllog to bappen to my little Touy Glr!."
rtH'tll . I'erhlllls If I'h ilip ~1" e CIlIII.,y IlIIdn 't bern Interested III 1\ "crtll in tit. tie gi rl 011 It c,,"ul bOBt. Ills cIII'los lty "' oult! hnl'e .ttlkt'n hlll1 10 Pnul·. UIJOrt . meot8 tn mok e Iht' ncq uohtlllll,' " or the 1I1t1 .. ('I )mpllolun .John ",pndll'l,u""11 ,,,.d l"n~ulllly "flo k n ot.
Ulill Tuny !toth !'nul
IIltl lind "I"III/:e l III Ill'r ohl "Ioth
(I , '\\ ''''~ I
• I "
1'lI ll1p " ('I II n 11 1I..:111 11 J,! ,dnlH'U 10 Ihe HilL I II I :-- Ij 'r. " I if ,1" .... h"II"r l'1I rill' yuu uu~ on tJ.1l ,.. !It' lll . \\hlle-l:ClrL 'ft lPrt ' wa n s u ch h -' r. I \'""It II I hl' l'nt! f)( lilt' rtn'lIh ...' r hu ;';011." for IIll1rh.'d 011 hllr fnr\.' Itlltt h is 1 ~l' th },!:L\l' I II" " il lh} , ' a SIIO" \', Hl11 1 T ltIl.' s a" " I) t ':ld !" cl'led 'l'vlIlllllcl. " 1'0,1. ('11111 (; Itt ;.! .·, l lt' r ft· r ' ~l' J .\' . tll(\ I ,; ~ d dll' IlIll luttl tli ..., \Io' n" ' \' Hilt! th t ' YOU'I't' ly lnJ,: to 1Il~ 1 knuw ),Oll ure!" II Ut! CUll' , l:O till Illy IIRl t llt.'T comes.'" hll .\' 11 1\ 1\ LI H\\H Y . "11 :1\ \' It your OWII WHY . kid," r\ · l ' l'luh ... t c'lI d Il ltiOlll l,! IH nll t! 10u\,I'1I I' ll .·" I· rlll lt. wi llt UII tllsolelll I lItI~ b . I on fll I II " 11111",. '1'111' 0 Judd I !)! TUIl)' " hIli 1l' 1I' thine's slIrt'-- E f1t- nln'l IH' I'O I II 1111' I 'U Illn hI' \\ 1'lIt t u \\ lu'! I' }{" ;'::':w 111 l'll "h ng-uillS l 1114' IIOW , " ' l ll ll I \\"Hnt 1 11 ~ un th,' :-o lwl'\' Jl tld Ildl ll' d hltu IIU\"h '" .,'1 I1n yuur tld l'l< Iloodle 1:\ SOU'rl' t o t I lll IhlU l. g . t·1I "I ':('1 nlanl f' d 1IH M.OOI\ Il S Wt"
\\' hl'll I.o ulhhili ly sit", hl'urd on pll ih hcslde Ih, · Ilo;.;hule . I{pr nl ruusl leupi out or Iwr Peritup.Oa Ii '-!r Inoltler \\'fjS ('olull1ll hnnw, pel'htlpt: lI c-r r(U h llr. JlCE'lwcI ou t rhroug h aptlrture.. Shl' d r ew hu ck Inst uu t ly. Rcglnnlfl Brown was npltrHUch l UJ! tilt- conal boot She
t1t'f"I'l I>'.
, . ~ Idl~
1... de' tu lit· ton 'pd UWll,Y trow he r Wl\ t' ll Sin ' IH·t-'dl ·tI 111m llIl)~t? 111 M let-t it ou m ... !l\!...'j· tl w l· slllll'p l y , I ll' \\' I\~ no ('owHrd,
t ..
"FOr H.aven'. 8eke, What', the Mat. I tar!" A'ked the Girl.
h i'
', 1
"f 1 1 \~' I i.~ 1'1' : 1 \,' j! Jilll 111 1 .I'"' 1 111 111 t : tat ... 111' \ \ 11..: ' ltl'r,· w ill" '" 111, 11 1: t.: JII \\;t ... , II l d lll' HI III ~ U Il' · l'1l l": . \\ but I UIL! I t I " l·)' ... ~ I !.:" h llt l ~ ht ' tht.lll~h l u. t' Ids Ulltl\\' III!: 111111
"I shant: him til IIw lakf'," ~H I(I .J uh tl IIHlkeei 11 10: tll~ (Ins:-- I ' hfllp fi£lrl·, 'I)' "T)I~ (111\1 WH~-\\'Il~- " 11 1 /lInd., Il Io!,"::-tu r,' IU\\lIl"d 'I' n l1.'" flY pu:-ost.'d hu\\' luudl lJ~tter Ili A Iwo thl" Wit S louklng, on d 0('1 wUllll l~ r h is own 1 De\'on 's IIIIi 'n-Up t l oli " t' ldlt'd (ol"lh ' " \\·U& I I lUI,\' or -' our hu ~l r ll\";~ whn t Ilt-'urt Wlll'UWtl hourly tu tt~ curly . Il l·nd~t.I W:llf who lllu.! c.' vlUe o. m o tl j! hl1 P111' ned ' 0 III." !:lrI 7" L1rloh tlluk Ill l ttlh "r ~lt'p (owu r cl rite llll' lIi H" IIIY~l~rtotlttIJ . L' lIkl"' WIi to eltli~r llr till' ,fo rftll">,. youn g t.·u IHllln. "Tl IHt'!' )illlr ,':1 11 111'. li lli" It. rop",t fO ~Ir s. Curlls lint! IlI'r <1I1\1/:III1'r hilt! 1.",,," d lWk -!"
J ~Id oll, ', l
,,·tI" I ,S ll
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whut to {t' OI youu;; r 'Ikr ;'rnwlln' to tht henc h Ih .. rt· ?"
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1.." . 1 I '
,I04..' tllr
uhl~ tu 1\(1\'11 Tony Ut~\"nll frHIll Ul t>Pt .
tw lll il " our, \ ~1 ' ''''' ,.'i'> r fl In t h 'l! d "'l' ut I1t~ tl , " ,', cI r o .:0 1 U'
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B' 'ICAb,TS-Nay,. ha"d .orl.c1, ,"liy t~ c·,ok, or Gae ~ UD~r. wood. WllmlalJ'oD TeJePllo.. e , ml 16,1X'. aarve,ab\lrt "
Tona OiAI.;t.. tta'::' in. A lt'Oui;, qolre n, Geo: Boberiliocr. 8;0 Ii, W ~V 1}~ 9[)1e, Oblll,
... Vallt Ban • tD S I·OVlI:-Ojermo ""<I\! OOtldUlon . '"n:e . ..~t.
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1921 ~~,
SI.rl /'len lit \oi6 TItJ
I ~ J 6 7 8 9 to 13 14 16' 17 ro 21 !! 2J 24
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l\1 u ('it 4 .... ( ," IlI\lUrl\ti:.1l D~\' Mll r rh 6 · lo'.'u,·lh S nn dll:V iIi L"lIt MHrrh I :~ ·- Fifth Sund RY in Lent MMr,," 17--<.:t Pl4 tri ck's Day
A Neff' Romance of tM Sturm Co"ntry
Mar!'h 20 - Palm S unrlay Marr.h 24-J~wl~h F"II~ t of Purim \ Mar ch 25 - GOOII Frida.v (Loca l stores close frllm 12 t.O 3)
March 27-Eallter nay .
By '
I~':':~~~~%:~~~~~'~~~~~:$~6~ C"'ppr lGhl b y tb e It
K.. " I, Co mpany.
" " ,'
fIJ II .l w t'ttl lllJ It, tD u"et:l f o n n flJ Hut lll l y
1I 1•• Wllle it '"'IP-'
,du!1 ... uut
W. H. MADDEN & ( ~ ()MP ANY
fOI'l b f'IJri
aotl ph v~lo ·' , l y . Tit ., I tl~",~ o " t.n~I" ,: ,",' r :tlld "" - I""n ' ~ It I~ uhsnl nl •. Y If IIvflcl np "" , ,,~ It 1M Intl",d lltJ 1" , / "1 d " rn Ihll ' Ujl h ·.ul.-n o ~ x (' n,1) n ow .v II II I b "n( l~ WI ll b ~ fi ll ed w.'.11 /: " l rJ~ 1 1 illl (H'(" 'UI11 "t W" HtI,,' f , ~"."~ Ib"I, wi l l " 1)(1 1] Ilia V'II 'IC,", fi r ' It · II 'II et it t' ld l tJ '. ' I V, OttOt"' 11 \\' \ g t vP. (\u ·'U~tr ). o ~" ~r, 1 .Y. I . Oll I II f-hr U H" nl Or , QUIll I "," leli lurh IInl] w.1I ~~U!tII/ H Op. h '1 . o r )f1; tt1t.t 01 I tlllK hl'~ 'lt ll t, It~I' O YUI " 'M, tit 'l'dwn LtR Jl on Muroh ther"""lla '" W l II go rt . "r. dHrcou ~o; p" 'f l .rp~ I 0)·> U • 'J'I 10 " D , II~ ," UP I prlJ 06AtI"l OW 011111 .\· oJ f u _ '<r eo \\,' :11/1 1( 10 I,,, til" poh o,, 1 H ~ 1ll ... mb '.r ,. ou ~tlln.1 1111' Illll" !l hrn enl, II I I, ll r f il ii. ) ... I wh ') ll lrl h e Ilrepl'l I 1'1 . ' m An ~~ .ll d I-',,'b l~? IV I k " . I. I " lin op. ' Ii l.li II '.! c n n . p(\rtu n;t i" rh tt· d ,'I1'''' n (J ~ CtHUH t,., "' o n t! df)DO'~ 111 {'ur IlS I'&t ' ott\ l PR l'Utl ( 1Ir' I, l . I vt' r v j l f t t'' n J
WaynesvHle, Ohio
I \\.
" ..
Forest T. Martin
----_ .. - --
Its toasted
----- ..----
~4%::~r . .... ~.
"'l'ony-lIttle TOllY." . el.lIf1ur .. ~,·(\ wit h I lo p1r h IMI"""~ .Tbe elrl s tirred and Iltted her head. pr, l>p PO IN I'tlr IIl ! I. WIl"" II IllY lifO > 1t "Yep," she illig-hell. "I'm here. flO ' , t nk ill J.[ In pol l I In ll llV (! !H ld' ''': dll " "Come OUI ," slIld Philip, Icanln~ 'Ir e.. ,mlkl U)! 11 " IJl rlClb fi r ""Ir .. I llull ~=~~~=======~~~~. over IlIId takin g 1101£1 ot her RrlO. wb ,· n t' lIln g~ w, ' r ,,, b ig l. , --I'bere I C blld, don't shake 80. You're M o~ .. H n ~ u Il h o ~ r pn .... rl 1t ·1~. t Oo I II . ,-, ~. ~1e' ~ ~ , . h -'{4~1 sa f e4!re w Ith me, and I sup pOst' Ihe y ao"' h I. cl lI ' ' I," I ~ JoI lrl " H'V ~ rl I " " " Il" _" think you'.r e rtrowned by thlt tim e. ' OW II , hull i_" j"tj, ll oo rl lo( ed f'I1I Z (l . Can't ou step oul, rl ear7" 1",,,,,1, Hh ll ""rer If unlt •• r! '\ I', r ll " Shew.s l remblln!:, "0 he bnd to pick 0'10: •• il " , r C. rJ OInnllll " tl :S u I STOP L~ AND LlSSEt her up 'allll IItl her OUI In his arms, o ,d ",' , /l11{) 'H"ll r t~ '~ ir UrlC ~ . Then be carried her und er RO over' " r.) auzz WA6()to"t Il nrr ~' Sr" wn t. ,.lI lt U~, E\ , ~ I<NOO<EO to#' 6 hllll&'lDe rock aod plo c~(1 I,er Uti Ihe ~fll ' r h uil\ 1( H h ~ '''' t, f ll r MII lIte t lmn , OF,," THE TRACK "Dd. - - - -I Mr. t'I'(' hr l\ u *ai n I ~ t(1 t' Jl Il I.C" t n' Tbroueh mDII)· sobs nnd lenrs, she ,I·r " . lSu r rl h H,o h l or n j plV dll ,r ~ .'· YET. " told him aU 'tllIlt had hnppened on the canal bOftt, ' and tbnt Iler futh er had T h " "l'lJ'I\" lI H'd l l~ ,., 'W .q"ip)lt',1 IIIIld ber motber \\'1\8 dend. And 80 I\OOJ rdi ng 1(1 r f qIl U~' I) f I hu l ns p,·ol ,r , lol Ii s ho r t. time 1l0 0 !.lltlr uo!, will touched WQ I'bllip MncCouley, he felt OumA "lonR IInJ m llke us ta .... I t, .. ut. the tean rim his own lasb es. For a lonl time, In fact \lntll the rolo ceased U Qed" bllM\Oelltl h ow It I;eep~ nJl to. beat upeo tile rocks aod shore, they - Mltrob the fint II llil p llo p le lir .. etayed under cover. Most of the tim e obau fo! in g h n mes "prl IUIlklug p r ep" they were ellent, mO!ft .ot the tlme I'hll. r.inu" tor thAir 8un llU" r w " r k . Ih llt 1(1 held tbe curly hend Rgliinst bls Ihey W!I ,V li v e h eUMr .. nd hllve m ore b \V 10 IUll.VIl lI~xt ~irn .. , Tb" UIIV,RU .. ~,a.t. . b~o the dlllVO be!lan to breRk WIHhHtI t b em Uod .-JJelJd . TgnDlbe roused hcrselt. "I'm ,010' 8WI\, now," she old. Murr .. y BKlsr b n~ Ul o\1"d io t o F, "I',·e got to go to fri ends. And WII~oo 's prop" rtv , on GroD I IIt ree t. I ~n't tell you JU8t how IIlticb I'm Willard Bog .. n leU , IR s t, w~ fl k, f or thanklD' YOll." . Kans"a CI~y, wbllra II '! WIll e nler flU "But It 1 le t you go," protested Iln,omobile IIoholll, w iI·h 'h~ IU t110 . Philip, "1'11 oever 21!e fOU agulo. Ob, tlC'n ot ma kin g it hi s folu re occuJl~. 110n't do that. TOllY, I coulrlo't Btsnd tion. It f'U'\'-' f" W e atber unsettled, s &Oppin g pro . I(r"1!8 at bo~ln e.". We will h" va ITn N! I!fIlltlnoecl.1 every ~btog moviog fiuI! II f t e r Marcb 4th, ()I,.~rio' d uperintendent Ketoburu IlTe llobed d tbe M E, ohuroh htre ,
;qe ,.
q"" "
Everett Early -DEALER IN-
Flour, Fepd. Coal, · Salt, Tile, Posts. Water Fountains and Self-Feeders. -SHIPPER .OF-
Hay, Straw and Feed.
.. '
Feed Grinding.a Specialty.
' ,.
Lytle Feed. Mill , \~
.;..;.~.' "
II ·
Lytle, Ohio Telephone
76,.rl.,i 3
I ':.
", '
Buy and build .no,,,, while building material is che,ap:
BlreI Pllm Artlat. fI,,..,,' or Iwl ~e PIIIUP moucroru au New Yor' bo ~ 1\ bird wblch bill , eJn ,'u ll1t llln Rij 0 Htr4'o k ot lI J:hllllng l" ' fl ti n,lo4 w' \ ~ tr Ull , k llll\ t ,,1o:' . ' It8rted on Ii 8n" .. e~.f1J1 Olm screen i .. r"~",'" th e sic)' on l y 10 ,Ile nnd Ico ' .... . t'8 Chlld'.h R ead,,,!), , ttlBlreer. He II a co"knloo called Coco&. : Ihe \\"11'(>r os dnrk ri~ h'lrore. 1t WIIR O"WlJlI 'tt 1 I \' I\ ' f b u rn ..J uu d I" " m.t I Hllu C'l 1l1.1J<1 1\~!" v t' r .v 0 ' U l m l) tI , hot II The ('hll d wor ship, 1". , .. ,., IIl1 il nc• beoutltul wblle f,·lll1l e .... ottra cte<J lokl n/: th l' gIrl lin Inl ~,rru i ll fl lll e tlllle to on e_ , htJ u H' ,~ n: J h I U'Hl-dl lu t' ufl'flr III IA' H IrU'it nothin g !' \,' l l nnM l£. L ,10, .. 1111 "'lit,., r . Mr~ .1" •. r4' I'I ~ Ihe prlnt('d \\ ''''01 " , ".arle. Ihe utrenlloo or Ih~ rtlre l"lIIr ot . ' "'IlH'4'?,e h l' l·~I' I( l11r0l1 " h Ihnl op.'nll1 ~, bill f .. l\On<1 '~ ~t "" d, 1b llL ()~ 1l' 0" I),IV'., ""~ r " ..( ne. t ~ li t Mr "rid I l' rft ')slble nf' tlou, to r 11 ; 111 . L~ lint con· : larg~ "'m I'Omp8ny, on d DOW he bal : !;l1r\II(.nl)' IlI'r shoul ""';8 ,Vere thro u!:h . oIlIJ,tl n ,I " UlltJ tl, u Iii , " if" a nd IlLil u 'I'hi b I ~ 111" ' ''lOfl.ll nu " ' , Mr" . I A H Ili t~o)ok, li t UuyllllJ , 0 I Hued to the (our wlIll !'o or Iii hOlUe or I a Job appeartnr 10 all ac.·" e r.v wbere IIn,I ·.h" wn~ hOIl J(hl J.: (In hy h e r hllllll _, fl1l:81[1 Mra ..1. 1'<. Turo e r , 0 ' t.h l~ p IIlOf'" 10 l h(: ~ tre4!t lhlll I ", l; lI"I\"~. And "," loll Ilt a n i rl .. r .,,\~ t o on <1ArI , IIMI frl ,l Il Y. ' \)Ird a are Deeded. He 111'18 II Jlood alary. .lllfll lit '"at ,"om"nt til e tu g n h roll ,lied 11'· Ih e h om e CIt h e r dltu1: 1H t>r, I 100'JI;~ In tbe th·~1 "" ''': ''' ~ .' ,'!lrs rio loolll Y II, I •• "pp"r l ed 1)'0' f./,,, ~"llI ft . 1,. " 'lfl ~Ir •. ,I P . O . h ll rll ~r .. . _ .... _ _ _ _ - ___ he('n1lle s ll pnl. nnrl Philip heRrd the 1101 ' l.Cru to rell ~Cl ""',, ,,, .''' ' "PU ll . or I"u nd llll o o II, I- b On 'l TU" bV t b,' n nw OC(,lI PS'rog I h .. M, • • EOlln " Clin e ,\ Ir ~ U r uoe Itll ell l1 11r, In DB .v ta n two men wolklng bn (!k nl ong Its roof, IRdlpA· I,,,t Mou rl llY 1D 0 rnlll~ , Ilftl'r A Iu o g lI,ull" II mend s ror IH, . 1"1 .. , .. Iu Ihl1t , oIllxlll lt r v-the P r lh ls n 1:"18. '\O.n ,·. They were comllll( uhonrd Iho cll nal III Otl~. , UlJwtuti s f rom th e ir P:I ':, I " I II H r~ r c a I Learn From P a st E r rore. t.erp - whl e, lt htl. nrlrl o'l IIt.r Angth I" \I r nro,1 \1", (" 11'1 "hidu k(.r ,11 M'. , ukey of Iile ' 11 ' 1 "U" e v be boo t. nlHl 1( H(, 1'r1I. ht'!l thr ('"noe I,b e """k ti l PythiRnt~ w II· ~ : I{I , ~w MI l l ., u r ,' ...·., dents 0 / ' " u r Mrs. RUV Olllnd t' lln tlW lt ~ V ll ot Ib e l)1U 1l I'c ulity. Neon'l "_. ' I I l or Ulost ,'nrroNee!. Error. :'1 I II •. ,. ~ er n~8rer, II flerl one> hnn,1 ontl Jerked the of U ~. will COU ll' 11 111 . " lhj:h: lC Iw.. J Ire on l7 hllnltlnl( Ilgll r(' of liI (' /:Irl 1\\\"0" rrom IlUr r· I .~ Arm 'Tl C"" Hnrl l)ll li ll \"I'H 111 " r,OW I! , " '·('lljJV l flJ! Ih o dwe llin g Vlt O.I. p" st WAflk wiLh h t1r )l 8 r H nl~ , Mr Bod It d " ~R nll~ " t . r·.. 01 hI' ~ II· ,,·r' d ~Ir~ . ()~b() ro, "II Ell - I .\I r .. C. Urnlf. of Wlt~hln ~ t,on Ml lI ~ , !be rs lou 10 Ul e OUIII I ,.tIl' I " III 0 !lIOr, r~" Ibde InOldedb· Fr .. ", Ih e I'1I8t we th e wind ow. She fl oPlle d fD CC·· down. ~1lT'r(l ' nll I:!,j II lr. thnt Is tbe e"cIl 11 .0101 1., ' oIe lllgcnt 8"Otl earn ow 10 II,·., so thot our tl'm llt. til MIIIIIl" yo nr 0 ....,,<1 , hot I " ,\1 ,1110 ~ 'r tl I. Mr .. --1"lI"ke r Is 1\ bltr Mr 1I 0 d Mr@: ChH~. Bre lsford child 's lunll en ull h· 11I1 "l h l l ~ I I l.-I~x· Jh.ea can be free from 11I.{" tl e wRrd Inl o th .. bolt om of the "R naI', S8 rerrett. lind Philip left her th " re limp Without Ulflk l' Its w"(' hl /ltl~ V' ll.o 8nll _i mpln, h ~ r H,\I\ wi ll p .. "d u ce t llll ton~nr1lil IIl1)Veti fr \l Ul I,he )Iorri~ rll rrn to th e chullge. 80011llly it ax pa od" t·h .. h e.lf t, iJ roHrl . a "t, whll1h b" .. unt' o muoh n e6d ed ,\1l1 od.buo ~ h fo r m , Durt ll v I town, ·ord. TllI'l1 he let go hl ~ hold of \l0" tb e m in d lind ru " k ,-\II 1 1) u u ~ hl n . for n luog whll ~ the cnnni bonl, noel R grcn l ,,·o'·e lit!· log et., t hr uUj1:h tb .. !!Il t h"ri o~ last 1'uCijllay ed h iM ~ lcn<1 e r r rnfl upon it~ crp~t 80d "loom I I hll ~ no ell d Ib .. WllJ"k t:)HVllrn l lit !lur K. o f p, boys tra m Amate ... , Farmer'. Error. Mr , liod Mrs. , I P8~ We .. ver Bod will b~ •• in .. on r '" I b ,.. r t'" 1tIl l 'H Ul,'rlW' :r'.' wn I It,1gH lit \VIl'·. hb b .\' ijo n , Jltru eij, MJlent I.. ~t ~onl]uy One reu !"UI I \\'11-" :, towo moo 80m. they shnl away tnworo1 the hAnk. 1)0" or opn ,UTI ..,oI , t h ' I H lonk 0 Hhorte r time thon It takes /loOd grOWing U8 Ill n Old e r f X lU n d_ 0 " \11 .. ,10 . fo( n e!<<!uy nig h ,. lIod ", ttL biN ~ i ~ I·A r . Mr R ,r J) H"rn l' ~~ tlmllll fall p Il ' ''' ... 1111111 18 bel'oule he ' ll e P tbl· I wlln,·~ , .. d t,h e \\lo r k Pl1 t nn III t , e "ad fam i l y , of Dll y t oo thloltH Illll ...' .,r II .. , 1" l'lureHqu9 ...ood. to tell It for ' h l! canoe 10 reoch tbe Let o o. . n011 'r ,. y , '· Il". P lu 81 " ve D. k r I{ i b NOTARY PUBLIC to n g I , u slog t h ttlr o .. w and rn('l! ~ ""I "llIre thnll or tile ""nrt'. Unfit'r Ih e overhangIng trees "b It! gr e " t 10b AI\tBDOfl lIod !rllnd iI, .",Lt. Th e (' rR n ~e wi ll g I ve B bux 80clo l w h err. th ey we re sllleided trom the ,10 1.0 onr ohlldr e n, n lli w olli'ed KUrl r " hp8" "lolOh fO bow !lood tll~t,e 10 tb , lI'Oulld thl"·· ··"H"hh· for corn. Waynesville, Ohio OlllO ll lln May tlHi Y b ave o('ou810n lit , h tllr b"lI , oext l' u t1sd llyevenln g ",Ind, Pblllp lum('d lind looked back. enlarged. u se 'h elll mHoy tim et! o n ~I mllur M"M!er J ohn Kemp blls beeo very - , Amlin'. fR ce Wft8 thru st through Ihe National Bank o()(JJIsloo ~. - - - - - - - - -- - - - ..·Indow which hAd just yielded up Ihe slok at, bl s h o m e , 80 u,h of town . If Not, Why Not Now! Mlt M~ i e Grnnge Ul et 00 :-iot orI1,,:I' QuII'! littl e nr.'lIre At bl! feet. TIlen L - .OI·le y Ppte r Rnn , of Bont.inl{ton , h 18 a oomlUoo thlug to h eu peo. nlill. "t Ihel r ha ll , aod B n AtJj oyulJl 1l ,1/ . VIl ., Is vl ~ ltln g h is fat b er, J . M. two ·fonn a IIllPpn rl"d upon the stern tim e WIIS bnd pie ~ .. y . ". mns' ~ubtlo rllJfI tor th E' e1p" ·k . P'TOIA th e hnnd of ooe of the Pe teraon , of tb i ~ pl l&Oo. We get tb l' oew ll., from 8n men huo g 8 Infl l .. ro. Philip remained Gazelte ~- ... .IVI II Uunnlngll ilm. of 6reenvill e, "pry stili. ne· knpw they cou ld nOI many 1l1&Oe11 wbore we arB aequalI . AUCTIONEER wh., was oa lled hera on .. ooon ot o r ~('P him hlrlth'll OWAY there In the dArk· , ed; it ~iv .s 0 8 prl nl.S 00 "or pro • he d eath of his slMttl r . Mrs. J . H duo.; sl v e.. tb" ,,1,y le8 r lgb, dlr ec I np 1SS~ Centc!rville, Ohio Turner , i ~ vlsit,iot: Mrll Et hal Tur. For II long lime. throllj1h wb lch Ton· from tbe hom e of Bty lel!; It I.ells y uu no r a.n d f tlDlilr Give m e your !nle . 1 can d o your wbsn, Wh t1r fl "nd how ttl hUy 8nd nlhel Ae'·er mo"ed. Philip wn ltl'd. The Ed Morga n lIod wife . ot Dear work r easonabl e a nd will g uarantee n1PlI on the CAnol b ORt seemed Oiled 8ell--ID 'UOI, It II! on 4lllll.rotlo ::l Litlle Ella Moy, L " \vIM has been 8prlng Vall ov, woved on the Morrlt to satisfy you. ,,·lIh tr.rror. They ron from one end oAINey ah ee ' " The lJJerubl'r" blp ip qul le aloll t h e Illl ~,' w e tl k. fa rru.lll~tT hur8 dn y , ~eltrnR Inorpaaed mOf f eVflrY I~.u l' of It t,) lite olher. H e henrd them ('811· !!Ind If .y OU lire DOt alrendy e n NIIlf'(1 G len o C. J o hn s sp e n t tl tl t nrrlllY in Inl:, 10 nnd frn. and oope In a while an opon fb elr ro~tt, r , get bu ~'y I1 n(] I ' Dll ytoo, oRlh e~cn Jled from Devon aa he tl!nd &0 It 8t OOOIl OR. J. W. MILLER. t:le"f'r ll I fr nm b e r o lItto lJd p« I h fl Monarc h', Mummy FInally at Reat. ecr p.ameel his dn\lghter'1! name loudly. I{ . ..,1 P bll llqne. At Wtt,ynesv .ll e IlO The mummy of th e ~e l f' hrftl e4 It was not until he 8IIW one at them ..• DENTIST••• EtrYptton klog, Rnm Clles ll, repo ses climb ullIln Ihp tu/: and hcard the sud· If your oalO I1 d(te~ o ot li pp e', ~ In To e~,ltJy " ve oio g uf h ilt W 8 k . ,I u(' o b 1."0'· "odl f"mll v Ul oved to In the Egyptloo mu seum In Cadro. den ('lang of th engloe . that the bor or on this new~y s h eel, It I~ /j U ' . tlll1ce In took op 1118 pRII!lle lind moved slowly lbe tllnl l lIf ,·h .. N III,nr or r,bo oor l ~~ rhe Kirby 'farm lonth flf town Tbe mommy was nrs t Illterred Dt BIb- N.lIoo" BUlII Old •• IInel· J\·l uluk and ,VU8 s ubseQueo tl, nlong the abore soulhward, and, D8 be pODd e nl,l ' I~ \'I ,ur OWO fh u ll . H I3' rl'I'f' lItly wu s going ""IU, the wind, PhilIp made ont Ir o rn 1"1,00,' r t·h " ho l t hll~ I ,.. 1 "" 1 M, 1';Jade of Dliy to o Kpent coocea led from grn'·e robbers 10 the niP") progre ·s toword the bend of tbe y nu wtl l 00 ko ow n . "'lI"hv wi tb MI. and Mrll . Wl1ltll r shaft 0 1 Delr-eI·Bebrl, where It WR. fou od In 1881, nn ll lot ' r remo\' ed to .......~u · ..........,...........& lake, . W,Ilr HIJl I. .I" bn, n n,> .. r I"" ro) ', Kl'l1llok . tbe UJuseum menti oned In II little co\'e he drew the canoe 10 rl'pr"H'· "ll, lIv ~. WHO 111 tb.~ V,ol n\t,\" Mr . "Del Mr p. A lIeo Emri ok were the s bore and, eprlnrtnl out, dra,red rf' ,· "t I V, l iJ tll<l n ~ IIt l M Fll lcl'~ hu ~ l . U O'II l 'Uy vi~Hor!l WedoeldflY . It Ita Irnrth from the water. ' oellM l,r \l ~p "OI," l It L U . Brook: took Hooday dloThen he' called 80ttly: Our nH'ro h I\I'I~ ', r .. I I:'~ hlll; rl1 11 <'I , n M ", i t,lo I'll r /lind Mr• . Oharla,'
----0- ---....
S ~l \\
Lumber is cheaper today. But with Tnc Cllh·er. 0 spnn and sunshine, hui Idi ng \vi11 st~.lrt-this means ~an advance 111 prIce. Tod,)}, IS you r oppo rtunity to buy on a low market -, ix weeks Inter you will be bidding against the other fello\\ -this alwa ys me:-ln::- higher prices.
Sheltering Pines
25 26
T bfl pflop le b aoame lo te r·
b <'fi fo I1r J!'" "' It I bU"llll ~ ~'t r Of)ru" a r ~ ~ t.:ILO 'rlg\, tlod uA8IHted ' ~cl" (,' nn o! " "',.]J IU d ,> Il\lInd T h ll t D o"rr-v nu 0 01 It~ . o teo t lo n~ l1ud . t,f) <in\' Wii blL \18 J\ lDillion m lJ~berl4 MCarQ. I Y 1" k l~I! I J l n l! ~lI u \'l l l1fIZf'lIro .1 tI cd U U"' lnl~"~ tl '\' II '" j 1' (* 11) n~ IInr" 11 l'u uJl on uuo n 1108 r os t er; oar . iog f ll r Ihe It,iUloted, ' be II r ph tlllB F',.IIl1k i{1 \(1" u .) k lind f"."II ,v bav" and Ib f1 "Idllr)y . IfOOl~l! in e v e r v I nH)V" (! II ,m , l"e n.v Lt, Ib ft'" Ilt'''' ~t.9te. k ll nl. up bt sml1 l1 exponse p';r b UlII, ' lln '' ' p rll'll 1:1 ill. in tbls oouoty . ooJlltli . Evury m e mbe . is ~ r l' ud of I lilr 111) ,1 lirA 1'. B I:lltwk e m o v llI r, 'be o , d~ r f ll r UlIiOf r el\IlOlls: i r,s I t ill " w",..k, I" t,i.u ll r h o ru ll rl'een l,ly tea oh l tllttl Br ... good t ,)r e"lln'. d "y Pll l C'h,,"ed , II ..,llr L~II" , T h flV hllve lit .. ; t b e tendeooy Ie to mnk e' good be Hn It l I Ill s \1IOlI11iy loog oOll'o g h t" m enbbuer; 1t.I ~O "loul(lt,ed to mllk o ~ h e wpll nelj Oll ln tJU, unci II, is w i lh v.on . beUe r bUllb"~d8, fbthor~ I1n rl ' runc b r r-g rM tllll l. " h ey lire I pu vin g , rltl~ .. , , ~; .It. t eKoll1 og~ are r 'lr tbe I 'r"" r ll,1 I t r 00' II In I.hltl vl oilJiLv beLt,lIr o, ·' u t· ~ f IU lLnkilloJ 11111 1 Wlll".! 1 1 11 "l~ Ut)1I 11 ' l)lll p pHd wllh 0 hllo ~ e. ,
t' "f. ~
h i~ ShH~r ~V, . winter will be o\:cr within th Il(;:\! SI X. \\'eek~, the sun will shine aoain for you _ Gcn<:r,t/ bLl~il1ess conditions are undoubtedly inlprov ing e\·C'ry\\:her¢.
S cO \1 s i U,
,10. '"
tllH ord, ·r. 11.,· r -u C'c" "Il I'r! ill " III". H tlrr i ut. Li a l" , Bnd r Sl1IlIln en I,b", ...,(.r ld Ibll; Ih f1 o , d'l r nn fo und h or,' I Wi) dlt..r~, ' I'l l un .l n K l' lllle 00 II r oo k I.hlll. w u u lil o tlVtlr Ip.t It Th nr;""uy .
Our C alendar 1921· .f'\\ARCH
11 \
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:" 1 ' .... .. .. I I ' "
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M rs tI Ie R Il.IAO U r eC61vII!l u re ru E\n lbr .. uo~ fTUW Mr • . WilliuDi I.. , !:f"rv I;\Y- /I b x vf beautifu l oru nge hlo om N fr ll m I,b e ·onny Soutl! Mr,lI n, \ I , I.. , Mull r lind Mott 1'11 0 ,·, (II /)"ylon, il uma il u wn, Slit. ur ..1,, ) , lI ud n·turned , t:;undn . While b er" ~b !' l' were gU"~~M at their Itr'tIJdp , r lJ nt l', Mr lind Mn. W, A, \ t f'r.irt l'lI" C[", O Le9yne m e l with ~ ' Il Fro nk l'ilJlduksr . nil ';"" urd '\y . t-J,'nrv.r Oyl&r, o f "; prlnjt{luld 1110.
UP ~oodI>V,
to an tnterf'sted ooogre. Rev. K el,ohum \a well fitted
for tho p osltloo he b o lo111
The l'lst, but no' the le88t, nom her or 'be Illot,ure oonl'1le t oo" "lao" ", 1'own hall on Wedne8dllY nlgb t, The ooor.e bill! been well patronized aDel ba. mll"e eltpeD~1; 1! and aow e mODey besides h i 8 _.~he \ nt t'ntioo of It. promoters &0 oootraot IIgaln
with _ome tJnleau,
Public Sales
( :tlll"/<,
Mr . tl lI,l Mr~ C . 8 , Lam b enterr .. io ,pd I,,' I'<I10dliY dinner: Mr. lind M r" , ,JUI IU8 "['uy l o r lind SOUII lJ l vde ~1l'1 Wl llt" fIl of th e unytou Pike M r N. Co rtl (:til r It lind M rOJ Em rna HI d ·,.. n w ore D,~yton .h qppe r 8, one ,I II, I"wt we .. k. ~h li n d M rl' . E. J. S mith, or D~ y t .n . " rn gl1"S ~!I of Mr. and Mu, I UtI". g . .1 hll !!, Sat urday eveDlnl! .root Hlln " o .v . Mr IIlId Mrs. W hIter Ultlrk !lnd blTI, iin ....... " rA e nte r tained to J:,!nDday 11",,,' 1' KI t.h " b " me of Mr. and Mrll .(, ' 1111 H" It .. n, ""1l1I' ~'" rry . Mr. tlll · 1 ~1r~. B. T . Vice ood dun ' h,nr Im ul', we re Fl IlOdliv g U88tll I Mr . IIVrI Mrl<. E T. Str nud, A lle u :-; tll H b, Ilf D.. vt ll n , took Su o. ,ltl .V dloO ll r ..... Ith hl ~ j,ureot.tl h ere
---_. - ..----
Ba\'log re nted my J .-111 sell a i l'nbllo Anotl on, on 'he premo Is es IIdj olnlng tbe Corporati ,)O of W"yna8vllle, Oblo, on
rhe tblrd 'Iostltutl on of Ulls kind 10 Am erica Was found ed In New York ID 1810, The 6rst regulur savings bo nk was estobllshed 10 Hamburg 10 1778 ond tbe 8ecolld ot Berne. Switzerlund. 10 1787. 'l'be oidesl sovln\r.l baoll In tbe wo rld Is 10 Zurich. SwlbJer· laud, Dod 1. oow In Ita ooe bundred and scventeenth yeor. The 6rst regulor 8avlug9 bank In Oreot Brltolo wua opL.Jcd LD Edloburl~h 107 yeors ago.
lIesl, Feed. BoulehoJd Goods . etc t;ea bills for fnrther \luUoulBr8 .
CBA!:! . H. LEWI S.
~"qult 'arming, pu bllo au otlon 00 th .. (rlrru kD o wn as the A.lbert Cor n e ll (a rm . IX ruila. north of Lytle, and Yo miles weB' of Farry, on
Bovl ng d eolded
Friday, March 4, 1921,
C"OUICl S hOW, 1111)'1 In Short 0t:der• . J::l oru l IlI rI:, '·Y ·, AlI lllrllnt-7~"rea ..., Idle . hIli r . ' I I<II>.!\\" 1')01 w ho t they, mean I"
" \\I iI, .~~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~J btl.Mnu~I!I!1·oroNo ~",I
)'00 c:o'me ltito our
nltl"' Dr.c:OUOt.
.. -..--.....-
110911 ·
,how ylw ",htH · ,d"hl. den mean."Ban Fronr'l"N; C' hr'lDlcle. --.~~
i!£F?FAENY~S .. Optical Department .. st. Xenia, Ohio
.......................... S. Detroit Dp.!D
evenings by appointment :
o It. H. E. HA-THAWA \ . .v f\.Ylllluillo 'II
Le ad'DII' Den$l.$ Matn Ht
C)IHM In B ,,In,,1' Rlda
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinarians •
lJogiouing Bt, 1 o 'ol"lJk 'be f n ll ow. i!l ll{ : (l B,jn6s. 6 Uattle, tI Bogs, 1m. Illeme l\ttl l\tId 4l1ot of t e ,~d. See bIlls B . ~. M KJBBgN. W . N . &l1I r ~, Auot.
On·,CE: I·' ourth ;';tre"t, n oar Tyler TclcphoDP 9a
, I
'" ' ~ t ", '·I' -' ,', 'r'''';
\" /'
Wayne.yllle. Ohio .
Fully Equipped for Good Service. . Large Display ,Room
., ,
" • ,
._ -
John H. Wright Auction~r
Farm Sales and Llv.e .Stock a _Ialty i,' Satist.tUon Garantted
Be •.lbrook, Ohio
_ _ _ .oBoth .P.lione.i-.
Oil,. W. E. -FROST,I VETERINARIAN Vaccln.t(o~
a !'ipecialty. Notb. I' Ing but Reliable .Seru·m used
Phone 44
o. "
t •
. 'j
Ohio Read Gazelle's Classified Ads
t" ~
Reaching Out '
HIS is what we are ende,avoring to do for both of us- , .,-::...:' GET NEW BUSINESS! If ·you want to sell your . ,. surplus stock, a plo~, 'machine. grain, live stock, etc., , you are l~oking for qe~ busine:;s Jo~, yourself. ' T.HEN •.advertisin~: your' husiness through ' the Miami Gazette. creates new business for us;' . We are v,ery sure tb~ you Wil get tbe business through this me~~m •.-thereby making, ~th of us feel g~ through the transaction. ,.
T~e M~a~d
I .. , .
J oJ
'4 '
r: ~'f(
are \lsed. becaulle the nnlmal8 become ti red out hefore overtakIng tbe ... celles,
W , N, Sellr!, Anol"
---_.- ..- ---
HuntIng Ga,ellea From Auto .. ~peed ot l:he gSI;"elle l1as always mnde II eJtCoeedlngly dtIDcult to bnnl UlCm. but 04)'" It Ie a common thlng to see gazelle hunte", 10 aotomobile. dartlne across the del!lllrt of Morocco In chase of these .peed, aDo Imal S: Tbe resulte 01 the bunt are Invnrlably creater thon when borsel
Beglnoing Ilt· t O o 'olook, t b e followIna property ; 5 Horll68, :40 :Ilttle 10 Bog~, Implements, Vahlol e~, Bar.
Early SavIng. Bank.. Th e flrRt 6avlng!1 honk ID America wo~ ope lied In Dos t OiI 104 yeal'll ala, Decemb er 13, 1816, 10 the same 1eer Gn Institution collEid Ule Philadelphia Sn " Ings F'und society wos cstabllshed.
Chas. B lewis , .. , . .... .. March J H. S. ~\CI<ibbc" . , . , . . . Murch 4
Thursday, March
···Ex!~· ~~ecuy...l 1
Gazette, Wayne.vill...
-\) . . ) ,
~-........... Saturday---~ ·Z1\!\_~r
• Litlle Billie 1\."11' 1\11', \\ hn h ll~ h"I' n III , i~ lI u \\ 11I11."UVIl'~ .
~"r i ll u ~l .
Don't forget next Saturday,-March 5th, at 3 o'clock. The prizes will be awarded at this time to the ones holding the nU'mbers drawn. Come one and al1 and see what you will , . get. Remembe r, Saturday, March 5th, at three o'clock. If you want your prize, please be on hand and get it. ' Yours very truly
Li nnk UrTI S un d Wind ow Shad S Il t
I" w price: at
H }' lll lln ' s .
::i t '\I a r y'~ Gui ld will m"e t wi l h M r , 0 L Craflt' on Thll r~day a f te r · noun Mr. an d l\,lrs Am "ncnn fa"",,,r " o .,J "'OCHlIl e n lipnrd [IIC .' r )l frolll c~ 'lI r!l 1 I-:llr opc of lI ppl ctr ll 1J nc d ~ an d dOl! pnlr of dairymen . Like .[h e ,' ''''' r lca n corn /l rowers wbo ga ve t recly to lhe s tarving nnlio11 3. ti u th e c:.t. [Io' men and dal rym.-n or I\ UII SII8, Arkall sos. Okl a hom a ulld Tela. hll ve given an d tod a y III [ h. , d"ilr ,cl nrnlilld about nremen, C ~r mAn y , g rozo 0 thou sand AID e r,,,,,,. cow s and calves, th eir gi ft 10 [he II nfortlln alC dairyme n tllere. Thirty Atnerlcnn r&Tmers ' son s cared ror th e cows en rOil Ie, which w '. o hlpp<, d from G n h' e~to n nbo UJ Hh w " (' k ~ IlJ:'O
Th p nir 1" rp Is; nl 8 p R rt of the h prrl tw rore s h ipol ,\I.,:
· Sta t e B e0 l utter The T rl-
Cash Capital $250.000.00 .
Free Trial Cans gladly
furnished for 30 days if yOU have
~ Jnlld"y.
Mi"" Lill illn FII ~qu a r, of Midd le· lown, v i s it ~ d with Mr and Mr~, J W , l$urt un, Tue~d ay
Orlllpdox Friends Church
I i ;l'~~~c~l~~:;~:rvi~~~: d~~;~~h:o~ 9~~~ 7;00 Pill ; C;pworth Leaj.(u e , 0; If>
Mr . an d Mrs Wa lt e r El zey, C. W , Y O llJl l'l' , Or nn d M rs . Hat ha wa y, Sunday School, 9;::10 a . m, Mcet- Mr. an d Mrll Oranl{c IbiJ ~ r ami Dr , in g fo r worship at 10; 30. Hol t [I t IIJ eo the rtlv ivcli se rvices tit the U , R chu rc h in O rellonia, MonAI, E. Church day nil!: h t The u ~u fl l ~ervicef! will he held - - _. -
II I'U IC O THI S \\"F, I:"
Hoge r ~
WI! have in s toc k a numher uf prett y r ll~'l, l{uJ<, ifl j(nri ll Ilml Bru sse ls, They OI ulwca r a lmos t a nythin g in th e nlor ke t W rit!' or co me in , Frun klin HU I{ C Il , Frank lin,Oili o,
CUT OUT TH E MIDDLEMAN We buy from produce rs " nl y . W ~ hllve n .. III!'l'l1l ~ , Cr.'BIn s ta tio n hu versorothe r miridl emen , Ellc h CreHIn produce r ~t' nd ~ hi", <'r"'l1m lJ lRECT Eve rv ce nt i ~ to our Cream e ry, WE PAY '1'11 1-: S HIPPING COST yours. Your c rea m a mi Clln ~ 1II'fl I{ua r anteed H gain~ t 1 (lR.~ by
T. E
M is.q Eth e l Hos ie r wt' r(' in Da yton,
E:ve rybody cor dially invi Led
Ferry Christian Church I{('gul ar communicatio n If WayBible SCllOOI lit 9:30 Preachinj( nes vill e Lod l(c N o 163 I" & A. M., Il t 10::10 a , m . a nd 7;30 p tn . Ev e ry. Tu esd ay e ve ning , Ml! rrh 8. Thl're One in vited . J. A . Pine, Pas tor . wil l bl! wo rk in t he F. C. deg r ee, Sujour nin g brethren and v i s it or~ ar e : Caesar's Creek Friends Church welcume. [ J . W. Ed wa rds , W. M . Sunday School at t his ::hurch e very L A. Zimme rman, Sec 'y . Sunday lit 9:30 Il . m . Preaching e r· vice at lo:ao o'clock a, m . You are cordially in vi tt!fJ to be pr esent,
50,000 cream producer s in Ohi o, inrlia nn a nd Ke ntu c ky ship thllir cream DI REC l' t o the Tri-St ale , which h >l~ been established since HJlO, with B~qetf\ ove r Ii million dollars and now hannles ~OI{E CAN~ OF' CHEAM PEn DAY THAN ANY CRE AMERY I N THE WORLJ) Your check for every shipm e nt by return mail
Harveysburlt Friends Church Sabbath School 9:45; Church se r vice 10:45 Thursday and Frid ay nights. March 3 and 4. at 7:00. there will be stereopticon slides and Il!ctures on Home and Foreign Miss ions , These lectures are free, . Com e,
IAt Earnbart's Hardware store and see the piano bench made by a High School student in the Manual Train ',~ ing Department,
, Leave an order for any of the following, which will be made according to your own wishes and · at a very re~nable price: Book Ends, Book Rack, Foot Stool, Cedar Chest, Piano Bench, Wash Bench, Seed-Corn ~k, Harnes.'1 Rack, Single Trees, Farm Gates, Ladder, etc.,. etc.
"Into Life there cometh Death!' Elizabeth Dakin. born in the yea r 1845. November 3th. was the daughter of Jonathan and Martha Haines , She was bot l,l and reared ~ear Waynesville. Ohio, and has spent her en~ARM GATES A SPECIALTY tire life in a~ear this v' , tty At $5.59 for a 12-foot gate made of good quality February 5, 1862, she united in ' yellow pine: . marriage to Hiram C. Dakin, with . whom s he has liv ed happily for fiftyCall Phone 130 or leave orders at Earnhart's Store nine years. Of this' union. four sons came into the home- William. Frank, Walter and Ernest, three of whom are living. Wjll baving entered the Haven of Rest. April 1. 1900. Deceased has been in ill health for a number of years but 'bJre it with fortitude, always looking on the brilt~t side of life, Always of a needs r e lative to ' im e , ALWAY~ W'JI1Tl happy and cl\eerful disposition, she PAR, and r ead} w htm Y'J u ' a rC' tn nee d 0 , met us wit~, a smile am! a cheery m , II{,)' We a r e '(,a nin g our n lune}" lit 7 ',; word, making friends wherever Bhe Why take les !' than 6 .. for .I'ou r d e pm:i'? went, None knl'w her hut to love her, and her friends are numbered LOA ~ A~SOCIATIOH by the sCore, Having no daughters. 25-27 S Ol!' ,1 Main ;o;t., n a y ton. Ohio, she lavished her care and affection upon herdaughters-in-Ibw,1Vho loved ~!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!"'_~~~~.....!"!.....!"!.....!"!-' he r as a mother, and who are deeply grieved and feel that in this hour the home·circle is sadly broken . The aged husband and her grandchildren will miS!! her mOld, a s at all times R~e was willing to lay as ide he r house hold duties and adminis te r to Having sold m y farm, I will sell at Public Auction , at my residence on their wants and their happin ess, top of the Mather's Mill Hill, on the Lebanon and Wilmington pike,' Her 'parents are gone. and brothers 6 miles east of Lebanon, I }~ miles south of Oregonia, on and aister. have followed until only a few remain Saturday morning, February 13th, at the early hour of 7: 30, the end came peacefully. and she paased away to dwe!1 in the light of another world. aged 75 years, 3 months and 4 days . She ne ver unit· Commencing promptly at 10 o'clock , the fo llowing property: ed with any church. but believed in all thiogs good, May God grant her 8ternal Rest, Pair BJack Mule.t, pair Bay Mules, pair Bay Horse Mules, Saddle Mare, She leaves to mourn her della rture . an aged husband , three sons, twenty grandchildren, f our sisters, a brother and innumerable friend~ and relativell Three Holstein Cows. 1 Jersey Cow, IDur ox en . A loving wife and mother has left us, and will be miase1 by all, Wo rd s cannot foxpreSB our feelings as we looked for th e last time on the dea r Three Sows and twenty ·one Shoats, fac e. but God's will, not oura. be done, " Mother lIear, we lovO<] you, B ut angel. lOVed J'0 1i more, And h. baa called you fmm I1fj Thirty Ewes with Lambs, 12 liwes to lalllb Ap ril 1s t, 1 Buck, To J'onder 8blnln. Sbore,"
'6 ~ oa~~~,a~gO~~" ~~~:~U,~ ~~~~~ 'THE MIAMI BUILDING ANn
Public Sale
Tuesday, March 8, 1921 7.
~".delmown on-dsy of-sa-~ •
Hiram Dakin and Family.
. - - - ....
Much In ' LIttle, -\ bnby ' ,will make ID"(' stronger. daiS shcmer, oll1ht loDger, bonk reU IIDIlU ~r, h u mll hAppier, clolhes l!iIabo lII.r, t!Jc palll forgotteD IDd the futuJ'l 'JWtb IIvlu ,tor,-{)mre T.nla
------Earnhart's---~ . NOTICE
lI a\ in){ return ed home, I am now t" ~e r V\' th ... public in all kinds
l'~ tI\'
r /11\'
N JI"ry wo r k , Can be found at n ', i' ..!nce o r call phone 40. E, V, BARNHART,
I ha ve a limited :amount of 8% first mortgage paper
for sale in the shape of notes maturing 18 months from The Epworth Lellg u e de voti onal -'- '- - servi ce of t he M E, church will be date, These are absolutely safe and trust money of held next Sunday eve ning at th e any kind can be invest in them, This assures any (Jne usual huur, wilh Mrs, Gursu c h as wishing to buy a farm his mone y at 1Il0 cents plu!l 8 % leader , A cord ial invitation t o be interest 18 month,> from now when land values a t d p r est! nt is extend ed to all young folks Colu,"h Il8 , 0, -(S pe('lal.)- Not crop prices will be more nearly normal. J ost!ph in e Harlan, Sec'y mu ch e vllll' nce of ha rd lIme~ In Ohio! Yor lhe /l.rs t two mon ths or 192 1 the sale or gov ernmenl . avlnr;s Set urille. Waynesville, Ohio Phone 126 In tb e Ilu(" keye Slale was hlr;her th"D acy month sloce la"t ,\IllY . Uhloans have pul away more than JI,uOO,OOO In ucl e Sam's War Sa vings Stamps 80 ra r thi s year, exceedlug by a com· . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . ._ _ . . . . . ._ ••• _ ........... . I have Jlurchased , the bu ~iness in- fort"ble mal"!;ln the record wade IA I l e rest s of I!', M. Hutchinsnn, e lec- the same pe riod of time las t yea r, trical contracto r. tUld am now rt'ady "Despite the racl tlu.t mao, men to furni sh elec trical Bupplies of all are Ollt nr work, more mon ey IIc tually ' -~---~~ -- d' -wftll-S".ed durlo g January lind t'eb· mos, ee or ca me an I Will fur- ruary tha n th e same moulb. laBt I ni~h e timates nn all plectrical wo rK, yellr, " n",'uTlll nll to P. J . Wood, etatl n· Thursday, March 3rd J . P LARIU C K , Le ballon, 0, t kilin of th,' snvl ngs dl~IBlon, treae· Res. ph one' 9-1-A: nflk e ph nne 393 . ury · de part lII"U t, ~'ourtli ~'a durul Re · Featuring four great stars, as follows: se rve ,tl8Irl<'l. Th is Is accou nted ror Bert Lytell "by ren. on of th e far t that th e Illlson Alice Lake of tb rltt. or ecollu",y "n,1 .8vln,; has Floquefort Cheese, been <lrlv"" bome In Oll lu," ae cordlU It Ann May and ROIJll erort eheese hn s bee n success- to Don I,. Tohlo , jluhll ct y director ror Juanita. Hanson tull y mode 10 this couutry. Not coo· the B(IVI Il !:" ,I"'isllm , trel1s ury depart· tent with makIng It In tlli A cllmll te, ment, ~'(llir th ~'e 'l e rn i Reserv e dis· In the great play, entitled our 8cleri Uat& pro,'ed thnt gOll l's milk trict. " Lahorers I'''rhaps are maUnlt wns unnecessory. Co w's mill< will Ie •• , but [h ey are sllvlor; more," produce excellent ch e !sc It II Is propWildcat Schemes Slump. . erly ripened. Admission, 17 and 11 cents On Urn uther hand govero ment of· "!!!!!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!~!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!!"'!~~~~ .nclol" PUlllt nllt th l1 [ wildcat projectll are not holliK patro ni zed by maDT 10Saturday, March ~th ~e8tors . The eilltll! mlc of s peculation In wildcat ""hellleH wh i<:h wa. pre~· Featuring Wallace Reid, in uleDI thrnllKho ul the last Tear bae boon se ve rely scoll:hed and nnanclal contlilion. ;ore 9 0l1n~ e r for th e liquidation , altholl~ h many mell and women Also Selzniek News are poorer If not wleer ae a result. This mon"y la now going to ~ecurl' Matinee 2:30, all seats 17c lips with'" have t ho backing of the Admission, 22 and I7c Evening, 7:00 and 8:30: I IIlI od 8 tnt ... /:Ilvp.rnmonl. Cala Peaches lind Apri cots,lllrg e Ohln postmasters durlo!: January IIIlId .. K remarkable reGord In the sale Cans , regular 3iic ~oods, Tuesday, March 8th 0 1 !:llv('rllm ent Kl\ VlnCK "eCurltles. 5 cans for "" , .. ... ,,- .. • j)lIrln~ I ~ ~ I po. tm" ~ le r" wtll IIell tho J' War Sa,lugK ~tantp, U fi lreaaury STAR TOBA CCO slIvlng" ,'erUn cllte and th,. $ 100 lreas, 85c a pound; 6·111 box only $5 00 Admission, 17 and 11 cents ury 8"Yln~" cerltn en te. Tbll •• securl· ties are guarallteefl 001 to declli.e In SWIJi'T'S I'RID 8 SOAP price by the I!ove rnmont, paT a .ood 201Big B&r51 for only .. ... ... $100 !Z!2Z3 r&Le or IDterest, are reaflllT red..... a ble and are reelstered &gRlnlt 10M, CHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS 7 T1J the Miami Gazette's Class/flea Columns ior POltolllce Sal .. , --1_ 4 flavors in 5·pound boxesSl15 Followin/: are ~ome or tbe ..les made dUring January by varioul POBt, omcea : Cincinnati, $ltS,ooO; Colum· ,bill, $ I 0 1,000 ; Marlon, $ I ~,IJUO ; Lan· Bring UII your Chickens-wil l eaater, $t7,800 ; Cs mbrldge , $17,4(10; pay ?.5c fo.r Hens up to Cbll\lcothe, JI 6,00' ; Newark, III ,400; Friday noo n , f"'oetorin, $~ , tiIlO; llela w;'re. $~,801l . It pavs to trade at Se cond·clasa ollke. · tlIQir..ter, U4 .. 300; Neillonvllle, St 2, YOO; Lo~an, JI7,. 400: Purn "roy, Jl fi . /O(l ; Athen., $10" 200 ; Gallipolis, J!I,llIio ; Hll o:yr us, U .. 6011; Gru",1\' lil A, ,$ ~, I U O ; Ilell" rnntalne. ------~--~-------------- $7,500; Kelltoll , $G,4(10 ; IIpper Hun · duaky, $6,5 I1U; l'rlls tliue, $4 ,tOO ; !Jill pb08, J4 ,OOO; Urbana, $3,100; Orr ville, ' $t.MOO : Norwalk, 12,701 ; Plcati· aut Hili, 1t,401l; l)enan cll, U,:!OO ; WauseoD, U,~OO ; Wapakonetu, n ,Wt ; l-ebanon, $2,200; I:Uaocbe.te r, '2,1110 ; - ATtl:ew Concord, J2,01l0 .
"Lombardi Ltd."
"Sick Abed"
SpedaJ Sale Friday and Saturday
$1 00
A good Fox Feature'
~~ : 6,~~1I~1:. ...........
GET YOUR DRAIN TILE Younce Brothers Grain ~ompany
.. . CARD Ot' THANKS 700 bU. 0f Coro, 200 ShOCks 0f F0dder, lot of Oat Straw, We desire· to express our since re to our neighbor ~ and ·friend s 6 bU. Sweet Clover Seed; 500 Ibs. Tankage, 'Ford . thllnks Phone 25-2 for t heir uss is tllnce and ~,vml)lllhy a t ~ . •'. 1919 model, goqd 1'0nd 'l'ti'on, Imple~ the death.uf ou r IOll,cd one , Ellpeci- ~-~::~~~.:!!':'!".:! _ ~~~~ ~ " ally do we thank Miss Lucy Emley for the beautiful songs. Rev Cad- M. ~A. SHUMAKER ments, Househo.Id and Kitchen G0odS. willlader and Mr. McClure for their T,rms
Practical Vaccinator, Have had ' /lood sucI:ees ill Immuning on bot h sick lind well herds. Roth Phones Home "155-8 Be ll ,1· lr
Bellbrook. Ohio
Sel New R.cord.,
Thlrd ·clalls ol1lce8 ; New ~trllltSTlIJe , $13,700; Malvern, JH,MoO; Junction Cit,., $4,~UU ; Cornlnl(, ",300; Mt. / ()rab, $1, I00; Ractu " , J4, 100 ; I'lea'ant GItT, " ,000 ; Cardington, $3,400;' Mal , 1ft, U ,300; Weat 'Liberty, U,800 ; OreB' don, 12,7011 ; Rntl!!r, S2. MI O; Weel II nl nn, U ,400 : \Vll"t .Jelter.oD, $2,"00 ; Canal WlncbesLer, $2,;100 ; ' l:Onler· h'lrg, ,U,200 ; Otwa" ,1 ;900; "rdlnla, $J,7UO; Weet Salem, ,1,10.0; Oak Har· bor; '1,700; Norlh Lewl8bUra. '1.190: Ver,allles. 'I , ~ OU : PlymoaUl, Sbroye. $1,600 : Amel!lrdalll, ,1,'M. 8811 QlIlcoa : Gtanftll., '1,500; Piedmont, U,iOO; ~t. ....lnlll•• $1,600; ,WllkenllJe, U,l~; Letart tall., '1,700 ; Hamonlll., . ,1.100: 8taftord. '1,6nO ; Sh1!,Ddoo. ".BOO; LUbopolll, '1,300 ; ('"rroll. ,I,lot; RadellII', ,1.0fJO; tltorltng, $1.000: LIt· U. Hockin•• ,1,000: H"~19I1' 11... '
Junk Is Useful. Material In the Wrong Place,
Nearly every borne contains more or lest junk-that is, material -which will never' be ulied the~e again.
Wha~ever you have \\:hicb has outlived its usefulness - furniture, hardware, bookS, magazines, qal?ycarttages, bassinets" bric- , a-brae, skates, <;loUIing-sliould be sold. Ot.her people will -be "able to put these thmgs to g~ -use. , , ,
l'RE WANT ADS will help you mike quick lind profitable Balee of diSCArded artlclel" ,
. "
I '
Seven ty-Thi rd Year
Our New President
Our l'Tc\\' Vice -Pre side nt
WarrenG. Harding.
" ,La lOd . l ge , 'J
Th o Inll uI<ural crowd which lPrc. ld,'nt Hard'Jnl( rne ~d could heur hi s mMsllgc perhllps better tha n .l any Inaugurul III tha his· lory of the IItllion , Thl A was (Iu o
to Ih e wnJut
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tlon, 'lI. series 01 "l oe Lr,,;.> I ,oIU ' pllllor8 were Instailled undo\' th e ,Inaugural stand -shown u,"I " .. constru ctton the nd<1r". " " Vl'r"
h e re --whlrh
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On AUl!'ust 19th, 1897, Gladys Reid Seara was born in Fayette countv, Ohio, and she paslled away Februa ry 3rd 1921 at her home In Monrovia Mr and Mrs, Cliff Burnet t were Detectivlj8 have been busy in Californl~, at the age of 23 years: ' Lebanon viBitor~, Tu esday. Wayne township for the )last yonT, ::.......... 5 months and 14 daYII, . ~.J " tryini' to locate illicit still s, and Fri· _ __ __ 2!!!9 She was the younge st child of W. th MillS Mari e Mohr, of Dayton, is day they went to the hom e of WelJ{/,(oI t f M H Id h B O. and Rose Reid and is survive d by edl!'fUe<3'1 0 rs. 1I a urn ett Hern~s, who lives on tho Creck, ant! '!' both her parents and a brother 11 1d an am I y. searched his premises. Th e unlccrN sister, Fred of Jefferso nville. and M' V found a worm and a lot of paral1h orMrs. Ed Brunda ge of Jackijonville, kISS j er~tah Weavt!r spent the nalia for making "e stuff. but no Florida wl'e -en. WI relatives in South still. Thev alao found twelve ga ll ons Charles ton , The greater portion of her life of whiskey, ab uut 150 f1101und!l IIf was apent in Jefferso nville, where prunes and lIome rai ~ina in his P09Noble G J Waterh ouse attende d Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, 21 " Broad her school associates made her many se88ion. close frlende, and there IIhe com- a club dinner and dam:e in Dayton, way , Lebanon, Ohio. He was brough t before Justice Joy Mr . and Mrs, Jos , Tinney pleted ber educati on and graduat ed Monday evenina- , A fish an,1 Kame club WilY dtarterl who fined him $1000 on each count, tained ot dinner last Wedne~day, C, S, Sears, of Bellbrook, was in from the Hia-h School with the class 011 the rOlld fur ntj!' R rliz,Ll ion, last of which tbere were two One of Kov. aad Mrs. Holt and Mr. and ), Tbose who attende d the Teacherll' thele fines W811 remitte d howeve of 1917, ' Friday eVt'ning, whell Il ar ry S, Davis town, IRst Thursda y. The boya' first team, accompanied r , Mrs. W. O. Raper. l Asaocia tio.n at Lebanon, Saturda y, The paraphe rnalia was d~troyed Rnd On Thanksgivina- day in Novem ber 01 the stHte divi siull of the Fish Bnd by Mr. B1utt, spent a most enjoyab le were: Mr . and MI88es ~ Mra, Fui'n811 ~uella and son, Eli, of the same yesr of her graduat ion and Frances the prunes and raisins confiscated Gallle departm ent. of ColumbuH, Tile Misses Codnne Welch amI and I'rofitahle week-end at the Ohio were Xenia visitors, Friday, she W81 united In marriag e with Janney, Katherl lle Blrodt, Bernice It has been rumore d that the stuff i Alice Carey entertai ned at the came here for that purpose Mr, home Wesleyan busket ball tournam ent , at Howard Searll, In leB!! than six Murrell . Henr!e tta ~cKinsey, Clar. beina- sold at other 'places in the of the latt er, Saturda Davis brough t with him seven reljls y evening , Uelaware. This was 0I1e of t he .lar~re J. K Witham attende d the months after their of pictu res, and they were very tine marriag e, he was Llle, Opal DaVids, Lilla Benham and township, and the officers are trying Warch Gllh, to a mi~ce ll ane(l lls sur- gest tournam ents held in the state, ~ Mr. Baxler, chIef of the division, funeral of Ii friene;! In Kings Mill., called Into the great army of the Re- Superin tendent Weaveit', hard to locate it, paise shower, given in hon or of Miss Ihare being 78 teams coml1e t ln ~. Saturda y. • - - --public, that was then enltaged in the who had intende d to come, W8l! k ·pl •- • The Waynesville boys were 4ll.ilLIi=-- - ---..:- - ~ Rna r!orm el. a bride-E'It'ct. world Wl&r, and from April 1915,un. at home on aCC(lunt of sickness, and tunate in drawing an excllpti onu]l y St. Mary's Guild will meet with til January 1919, he was a part Mr, Davis wa. ~ent in hi8 ~tead ' Mr of Mr. and Mrs. BernRrd Allen enter- strong teum- Greenfi efd-McL Hi q-as ~ Mrs W S, Graham on Thursda y of the military forces While vi~ iting ~ Davis explained how w';' could obtain taillled at supper, Tuesday QveJ;ling, opponents, and so ,were elitnina ttd • the camp where he was located in better and more fish lind game for thi8 week -.ld k test, bu t th ey learnc:d r. an" l"rs CIlas, Br.... o~ .1 an d eRrly in t he con . the winter, during the latter part of our locality - the club idea, and tbe IJr t d M J C M mu ch by 8e em~ some of the b st Yrl, son, Morris nes : Sherwo an • oo r. left, ' . Sunurray 1918, , t ehrll in M in South Carolina, she was Oh io perform , fact that the fillhermen in the neigh' of Waynll8vllle. r e evelll ng was 'l' h Al hl r ' r borhOOl1 would take an interest to see day, (or a visit with relative s In ~trlrken with the dreaded epidemic f 0 , - -plMSll11 tly spent in gumes ond the ~ Ie ossa III Ion 0 " The prizes, accordln&, to the nurn. that was so prevale nt at tbat time, that the laws were observe d, would Columb us, Vern Hough and family. who re- gUl'lsts depar ted at a late hour , A l1ruvlde d m 1l.1~ fln J ro oms !-r';u LS fo r erA gl'ven ut at H E Earn and came home to suffer a relapse, be'0, ed i guarant ee better fish . t th h .. w.. ' 0 ' " cl mov all th e C'1I1l PCt H I-( leams n q e ouse f orme,.y lto. d lIme L. N Printz spent Sunday with his whlcb seemed to be tbe beginni VIIS was rellort e bY 8 II , \ a lso a pecinl ( · It ~ p pl (')le.r"i""lere It is un'neeessary to IItate again (In1"ring of hart'lds tor\), last Sattlfdday , Tbis owned by A, Maffitt, as hi8 busi~ess lister, Mrll. A, E. Weller and family, <l lI V theaad 1Il(tl'ni.w event end f" r rewa we h il£ now h R large eh record. ",,! ~ .,.id pli ~ that laws have been disobeyed every crow to town, bouse, had a narrow escape FrIday A. r. lind, 1rs G!'or.,;p I\pnhnrn of " h . " f I F..bruary 22nd. 1919, she and her and the store WBS thronged a II d ay, mornin day In thi. locality, such 811 filthlna of near Bellbrook. . 1 · .. "'fill, II' d ; ql"~"N U '. H.I ' V\lr''' , R g, Workmen had been eX'Ca· 1Tur" , . II . h r i l l k \ 'TI ,>un',')' ,.I, U' h " I 1",10". 1 esPOCIB Yin tea ternoon . bUlband remove d to Monrovia. ~ by illegal meane and killini' game . 0 ow- ~ating (.P't·1 1 It' :,ti ' I " \ L1(" n"j4 IPI'• • f the rear of the bUlOld illg. u (I, (-I 'd , !-', I IUI<hy p Vl'r li-lll! , ' Mrs. Virgil RU9sell and eon, Char lea fornla, hopin~ that the pure Cali- Inll" are the number a drawn, and the pre"araattory · , I ·1 ' I I' out of leuon. and If we are to havf to oddin'll.' air at a room Rnd a ' I ... r I r. 1'111',' . '. "'1-: ' 1\' " ' : , • • ' II " )TUl~:.'t. ~ , f lp lJ u r'l" I ." . I 'Our atrumll and preserves stocked of Lebanon, are tbe gueau of L, E, the foot of the great mounta ina. a- Iuc ky con t es t an t 8: • ' ~I I II ' 'I't d t b Ilf ' '" I I I "y " II ce or, an l ey • I , mOl' f) lhll .. : MfA I'''' ' ''to,,\111\' 1••,,' 'mona- the ever bloomlnlr !lowera, kisa- ,The C88e of sih'erw ar,e W81 drawn to the found_t encl'oac I l U IU (: l lJ~e ,,1 .," t) 1 ),,:' 1.IYS wil l not with plenty ' of . aame, t~ese thinG-II Kemple and family. iun, which tludd~nly r. lind jll ,-:! .J. Il Ch1l11- 1 on.fl)r~el l hc tri p. IIntI il should lie ed by the-e.oft breezes from the by MI88 Zelma Stacy, 12:29 beina- the collapsed, and the house begsl1 will ~ave to be cut out 9 to, Mr , and Mrs. C. M. Robilzer and o!ean, might brinll a return 8Teat ~s r8. eo W ate rhQu~(;, Ray IIrl Itnnu alllrrai r, htlreaft er. of the lucky number . After the close of the piclure~, tile crumble and fall. The family S80n M11I 9. Hurry nnd I{u ~ell Mr. and Mrs. J , 0 Marlatt were vi. bloom 'of health to her cheeka. Sutler· TI team iReaaer to tryout some The beautif ul lamp, No, 179, But following offirer. werlj elected: c. out withou t accident, howeve r. tl. 'Ire I "1 l 13 ' I itora in Cincinnati. TU4ll!dIlY. 1e .. the benetita were not perman ent, Ev- drawn by a Mr. Bailey, of near Workmen got bU1lY and propped .WIlL 11m" tlr lun , M, Robitzer, president; M, L Patnew stu nts observe d at the tournathe larksyil le. , C ery house effort up 80 that no further damane and attentio n that a faithMall, v~ce-prejirlent; F. U LeMay, ment, therefo re Mr. and Mrs J T , James, of Cen- ful and devoted young husband will probably play ... The Mr and Mrs. WilliRm GI'akam enthird prize was tuken by Wm was done. The family are at presd d ,lJeCretary and treaeure r F 'd I ht T~~ club terville, wer~ the In epen enu, rl the week-end guest, of could minillter was cheerfu lly be- Hay, No 260, ay n g . t ertnin"d lIn T.hur8na y even ing, to a will 'Peet at the Tuwnship hou1le, a Seth Thom" . clock , ent living at the home of W. B. surprise " parly Mr , and Mrs. J, R. Evans, in honor of lhe birth. .towed, but fate ' had fixed the deFriday evening , and I\t that time dliY ot th err J!raOl! ~ oll, Leslie Lewi@, cree, While this short married life there will be a drive for new Jl'emWil~ Haine•• of Norwal k, Ohio, !S may seem. full of trsgedy Angel·food cal(e lind ice crealn were , yet it bers. Try and comft out, lind let's 8pendm g several days here wit? hiS shlnea with the virtues of , genuine yerved Th o~e prese n L wpre; Harry ltart this cl iib ~tr ";11 h Rt least 300 parents , Mr . and Mre, J. G. Hames· ,devotiol1. Each found joy in makConner, H" won! AII(·Il. Herbert Ed · members, wardA. George I nybourlle, Nelscm L' V h t lied to' inlr lIacriftces for the otber in the exThe annual meeting of the Wayne MrH , "'. ar was ca WlItldnR, Chnrl e ~ Chupman, J oh n Sh t d B k ' \I S Darn l d 0 account of treme experIe nces 0Hf 'fownsh ip Library Association will be I e. e oun roo Y,I e, Ii ur IIV, n G OllY, William l'h o mll~1 Tom Burton, . great comfort in the presenc e and held at the library, March 12tb" at 2 \llne8ll1l1 the home of Mr , Ray Smith, isolaee afford~ bv the miniBtra l.e~ li e L!lwi~ and Mill on Graham . A governm ent movIe will be o)1e tion~ p , m, Every peraoo-p&l~ 1>01of the novelti es on the program at Mi~s Edna Howland, ou r Normal , of her father and mother lar membe rship fee become a mem- Last Friday 'n ight, Alonzo Carler. , during A ~ 1\ cnll(,\ u ~ ion to the baHket boll Miami Theater , March 17th, 1921. teacher , was called to Wt st Union, Jtbe. last daya and months , In ~er ber of this association and is entitled who lives on the C, T, Hawk e farm, !lNI SO II, the This ml)tion picture wa~ made for girl~ ' hasket ball team l<' rida 011 account of the death of a i fllr aw~ home , She leaves a host to a voice in the manage ment of the to town and hitched his horse enl 1" 1'1 ain"rI elati~~. the ho.vs' basket ball the Women's Bureau of the Depart. ' lof relatlvllII and friends to mourn Library , all well as to the enjoym ent In front of Zimmerman'lI grocery, t ell ' "", tlll1 High School teacher ment of Labor at Washlna-ton, I,' what aeems an untimely 10SA. and s. of its beneflta , This means YOU. Sunday night and early Monday and then went to Ipdlre , After Rl'\' alld ~ rs , Holt and Mr. Arthur the scene! were laid in ' actaal fat.Roy MacBeth, Orvall Gray and B~t brief 811 Is' her life, it leaves morning the honking of wild geese lodge waa over and he went to gel Hull Lu 1\ plenJid dinn er at, thll tories Ilt the actulli time of work. in kept many people awake' The birds Milton Thompson went to Dayton, a bright spot In the memory of thOlle hi8 horse it was not there, He im- Melhodl . l church dining -l'hurada hail on Mon· and around the metropo litan and Iny and lIaw the bill show who knew her. Sbe p0988988d ttJe . evidennUy b~ame confused by the mediately notified P. &: 0 , ASIIO' day !!v "l iill l:(. The uecorut , , Cbrlstian faith, and from her youth ians were dustrial area of New York and New SHk DOESN,. THiNK ciation, but early the IIghts, .and they seemed to fly around " Pee~ ·a- Boo." the 'n~xt m?rnin g the IIlgh Schoo l colorsorangI' had and Jersey , . attende d church and Sabbath the town ~Il night. Monday morn· the horse was found hitehed to Dr. blll"K HtAD1.OCK BAD • The whol e is held togethe r by tbe - aml the llluleH were in the The Springb on, Grange will a~v@ a Sch.)ol at the 81 , P, church at JetterIna- several citizens tlaw the birds in Witham 's stable door It looked as form wnrk-st of ory of lWO girls, friend., the II " W," Bu t lhe main BOnville f ea, where she was a membe r. the race above town. , Tliere were play at Lytle hall on Friday evening , thoua-h eome one had bad a j oy ride ture mles beinl!' "f t il(' carried by two well- ' t'vcn ill l{ was the ~ p r e ad May Murch th08e 18, wh,o enti tied: most .. Oust of the keenly feel 100 In the ftock, but. ' they left on the IU.'UII'II< the ev&nlng . which (: u ll ~i ~ lt'd uf chick n, noo dle3, known movie aclrC9se ' , Flavia Carlthe great eorrow that comee with I!:arth" Mueic bv Frye Brother s wini' 'durIng t~e forenoon ... mashed potatoes. c<l ke . truit j ello, ton and Blanche Schwi!d , One of the departu re of her young life. flnd --collee. el c, The fell ows ~ how e d these enjoys life in the well manaKed Prof. Gerkle and family , nf Frank- refuge In the SRme Christia n faith .. th eir uPl'l'cciuti oll ov doill\( full jus- faclory. the other suffers from evil lin, and Dr. ,nd Mra R~ndall. of and await the reunion wlt.h thi. lov. tice. to ever t.hillll , lind voled to treal! conditio ns in the budly manage d · ed one, who under God's prpmlaee" Harveysburg" were Sundl!Y guestl the girls an d. th l:! teacher s to a lhe- plant, , The story h.a~ btten cleverJy ,bl'ek(,nll now from bis eternal shore of Dr. lind Mrs, Witham developed ;0 . se,t forth, the "stan- , ater party on March 25 th. to Tbere loved will ones be It'ft behind , a play, entitled , "AI Sl!'i'vi~e flnd oddieSR thiH. Wednlffidards" wbich ' the' Women 'sBurea u "tarlin' --s ---COuntry ~Store," given ... at The Fish and Gllme club meet o , day evening, \it 7: 16 put out Oll eSiiential in the work. , Lytle hall,n~xtS.turd8Y nlght,M arch Fifth Suo,day ' in Ll!nl, March 13 Fdday evening . at the Town~hip In~ life 0'1 ,lpe facto~.1 ilrl. Houft 12, 19?l, at 8 o'~lock , Best of!home Church School at 9:30 a m ·ServICe! h~uae Come, and put your nanie , , of wor~, ~lllt-holi(iaY'" adjU8~ taleot.. ' Goud old-fashiOlled mUAic, and , &ermon at , 10:3(). Servi~e 'slid down 811 a membe r, . Ii,,;htl!, ajjustab ljl ~ta'lruard~ma Admlllll lon 16 and 25 cents, Everyaermoll at 7 p:m. Ttie public ' e'er,The Dorcas society of the ,Mettlachi uery, .ll9u~ 1 P!IY, fouq' - 1'or~ •.' and hav@ a good dlally inVited to these ' service! : , Mr_ ~d MI:•. ' Roy · MllcBeth ,and dlstchu rcll "ill hold a market !heet Mon-, equal chanee a,t the. jo~,_ ~ ~ In th'e ' ef,~Ct!~. , for b~lIeJ1t. of 1.ytie M du) ' Il el,inu, Murch l4tb. There ,forth in an int~fe8t1n" !JOn, W.endall, w!,nt ~o ' Washington. 'J'ownlhlp house , on @atutit~ 'torn! ' " , y, before wor l<. and all 'membElrs are, O. R., Moriday . ' Mr. MacBeth liP- Eaate, March 20th, to be .... .-;..-'-'- open at 'pured as' an end' m,an In a benefit 9:80 a tn, Everytb lng' 1J0,ttl ~""Q'~" to ~l>me Visitors welcome to eat mll)ltre l ab\)w ' ilven at that pll\ce. Come and bu, your Ea!lter Donna Edward s, W M .. dinner, ~ue Hawke, ':'lec'y . . ' \ Leavt! ~rdel'8 tor filling 'wIth Mrs. About '6 o'cloc~ Sunday eveJlinlr, a ,Don't forpt the meetiDaO,f 'tbe Murray , p~d~n!. ..."",,_ __ renlar watersp out desCended upon fliah and ~. club It the Towntlh lp the town cd cootinu ed to 'POur for I bOIlM, lI'rid., "'~lnw. Even 11 you • eouple ' A8 • eolll8qllellC8j don't ~ ..,.t ~ther .apot:&. com••
!!Cl~ M~OE GOOD RECO~O ~ler-
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D. E S.
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The Miami Gazett , Waynesville, Ohio. For
luudl ,
J f'(l u ~1 11
IllY I HtI·t I (ItHI ' t ~P(" IttlW
Puut I"l uut1:, in ·l'."
111 .'11 lusl ('ul'lI...;, " 1 ~I\ I .~ 1', ,:0, .. ~11I""'t II l k ul rh,' Ihh~lo!s \\ .. ' n' ~t l t 10 ':111111 ' In :, huu"'.' nUl by ItO nld t1tll... lwl(11· 11n11 11 ~1'1t'\ II\~ \\ I, lu\\"pr." "I'" :-our t\H lung I,r 11 f ;1 1111' f wltll II oI Jltu.:ht"1" 1II": t ... nll ,'·U h" 1,. In f hf' \ \ . 1\ rltI, .. 1,'::1 11'1 ,1 11 1111'1 1(1'.1 1~ lllln\rl nC' ..'I'I I. ' I't·· ... IIU 111111&':\'1" "f (·Jlr-,tll·n" · ... no . ';.(0111)
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nil tlit 'S l' ~· 4'flr!'i." !'I llIr1 ~1I's. ( ·II ' · I I~ . "H-- I(- thnl , )(II'1 tllllll. ' t ' ·... IIU< 1'11111 \\ oll l,ln ' l hn \ t' 1h 't'" In n>l. .,.,h n told lilt' ~o hlrll~, ; 1f 1 nhlll1"'l
IlIlll l'rtJlI1I"l'd t o UH.' ~ '1 ~Hll~' to t't'(1I 1'n to Ylil l1<'U JIliH'f. ut St'U 1hnn ".\1 '. I'I t· Itntl t hl' ~ id. t·u l n,l! !dpn I hor tilt' Iw h:ul ..:Tt1\\ II (n 10\'1 1 wu s nr.:ll ip Ih tr .. · CIC 11,' r Itrute of II rn' Ih,'" nll,1 1[, crlll lll ,l 11 "'>11'11, Tony , t riO , I,t' ~n n to 10100:1" till" h '~" "'1'1 ('1,,- !JIlI ' Jill d ft'torlh ' " nlll\n ~t Illl I lh'd l :lh'ly nrt4'r h ~r f'fH' Il11t' ( , AlII 1111 ('(lIUl I hnnt. Thp J.'Tny ry,\s grt'w tl al'k · 1.\' (" 11'('1".-1, Illl' Ifn'(\l~" m n l1th ,..{..... lnt." to
It( l t 'r
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\\110 \\'US w'tlp lng h YRt Prl (,1111 y. llllJ! ht to bt' llf; llllltlC(1 u f ),C)ur:--.qr. f " Hltoi ll ~ttra li , " IH' went 011. " t o U.' C' " r UH
In n pl'rrl'ctly 1I1('e IUth ' J,:'l rl. " ' lIy . yuu' \'I' JlI ' t nh(\ll1 hrol';llll h,'r h>'url." I II:: \,.. Ii·, · h lld ", un)\: tn II 1'11<,t~IO II H Il' \\h l .. I" ·!· II I", l','·\.'s 1II' ~ lt'd III It .\· IHIIIII' \l 1 »l'rll u;.;1 1I I" l eu.Hlrul III ' .• H-l-U lid n l tli. , :-:I ch l U( I I tin; 1\ It t Ilt' rli h.' 111'; ( til'"
dl! tt'L ~ "
"1 <'1U1It1u ·t. 4'I th t'r:' ~ ht \ !'IlIltl unf.k'l' be:r b reftth , "r'u bt" ('QUliu ' hll l'li: here
W\\"beo'" alked I'hll lp, \·ol:.' rl)'. "1'0. day'" Tonnlbpi shook tw,'r hon,l uNolle," s ho rel)l1L'tl \\'l'nnly, " I' m delld ben lOut." " And I fOr/ll' t tha t:' rrl.'<I rhe boy . ··Tony. rill rl I II!!, will )'oll-wl ll you kiss 101' l",f"N' you I'Il7" '1'1\'0 nrn.~ s ho l nU l IIn.1 cill SpM
(Hr • •",n .
,1r.·I · " ., Ih,' r"'''\~I)' h~a'\. Te" .... Rl unjt his ""'" IIc1H Il k .. ' 10'1110' • . " I "'n r 1'1111<1, " hI! 1""8,11",1, .. d .... r vn·tt y dllhl, 1',·1' 11'11 11. ,,1 nil nlllh i for YUII . ~l.l' Gud , Whll l'R 10 11 1'1""1<'(\ t8 'l'OIlJ hu utls.
Dild gone IIwn, townrd (h~ 1I,'ull'l'nrd Phulll MarCnnl .. )' Ill Y til"" dO""ownrd on the I'hor... ' th .. ~ llIl pecplug lit blm ttom the en terD bill
lU"Ound b.b 1ICCk . Two ('nl:('r 111>9 met his In such pns!lI'lfIatl· nhnll.l on th nl f61r n IoDg ti m!' ntl 'r 1'vo)' fllIIl OU3~ le
:~,,;"!ll '1
It WI\!ii h(lool"-I \If'' t ' ",h.· I Ulli , •• __ thr()uJ!h SUi'll :\ , 11'1' IIII(l1l Ill~hl HrH i WN t" @<l ,,'rrlhly ilr.·c\ Ihnl . 1,,, r .. I~'<l II IlItlt' 08 0 child " rh'" ortl'r It h""n ,·n lt'l . 1)' 1",,,I.h,',I. 1',,"1 1','",III,hll l'" '' 1,'1 hi. I h l n h"lJU
to Ilii s holo /lOme ,I nr."
yU \ll1
("ov '~ I'(\04 1
"~ uIIHihndj' hrll t UW,'f}£'d.. HI cl.n ·t
up," Rtu-' t h ing UO\\' .
A'uJ 1 ).... ,
111.\' 1'1''''1 .\ !'I III h i'S. " ~ll(' l l jlfJ .q 1't'111: 111 ('lI UH ' ro J'nul 1'C'11 (lIo;ohuI·{'u . II " SUI ' UJl slm l ;:11I Rn ,l
P cn,lI"hn,"l'u lay wi de> n .... Rke In his tw,l his sllnkoo eyes tilled with darlumed rorro\\'. R is brOIDer had Ifnye() with 1.11Il the mon 01 the nigh.
lin "" Ih,'
pili ful hurl
rllrr "0
'It' ('\111hl lonk ut II. .. Ton .' ·... ht· hllJ:"nl1 10:1' 11 \' ('1)' , " J ('omlIIunrt ),11" 10 to'it 'li e 11'1'"1 hHPP I\(~ I
to Y"Il. ,\" ,11 me l<, sllIlJ lly.
IIIIld now 68'1 b"sl4e blm. "WW you aJaop"" MltOO Doclor 10hn. KI'U tl'Y." WII8 tile l'(\8P(II'~O, -1 could at I tn.ew w here s/l(, Wus." 1000 reoched o\' ..r nnd l ook Ills brothe1"1 Ch&n hnnd. "Tbe mornlnlr may bt1ng her bll('k," be III ld soothingly. "And l'ulIl. old man. at yw worry Uk e Ihls. you'lI ho bact 1'Vhcre you were f ou r weeks ago.t. TIle k1vaUd ~hl'(l b~6.-tl y. 'Tve growu ~ ftl'C'\L.t oru(1(\ to her," be _14 In exCQ8C, "nnd 9Omehow BI D\'{' you toad me of IIt!r peopl~, I fnI' !lOmeCI*c ~ t.v. M IlP(moo to ber." ":We'll hope for the bellt ." sold John PeDdli.lt.Vetl. rising. KNow It I run dowu lor a w\U or two wUl you ,lie
If I knew,
I "ou"J lO.k" ~I " I'S 10 1" lI1 lsl1 II" , rulfillll w tlll darl'd 10 do rh ls th in.:," Th:!t \\'II ~ JIl"1 whlll "'fllI.I' dlrl n ' l Wa.lI . 1I11,ln'l .. hr 6w"rn 1(\ Ed ll h In ,hi' Ilrt ',!.." ILJ·(> r..:!. r! 1' In ftn ltt- ('llr i~ l . Ih n t
" I "
J i
Dnd be e»pt IttuiV. Mingled In his drenm or ~D,J' Devou ~. a 8111111)' IIOUII<I.. Th.nt. ute "l'01l7. mU8& be a drenm, too. thllt IOtIDd tbat wlllt out ot the ordlnnry DOta. of die dill'. for although the IQII II..s eaUec1 Into ute the OC'l'S IlDd bIIba. l~ .hI slumbered.. doW D,
" Jh~ \\011"
;t.{r's . ('III'I I ~
Itllt ...
,1f' nlwll~' s
t1l1n', KlIn\\' JIJ RI wha t
tha n
l' yp " ' oodll ()J' t n.on ,·ow ·.'h·, IIh l r wil y' tn J.!N 0111t J:lrJ ~u. '"'I ( 1111'
"H1I n
Il!'u r ,"
j n ' ,' 11t 11 11 . " lIllf1 tl ' lI rH.\' h r o lh pI' fo (' onJi l
h :tf\ll..:;
U , n l, . Ill' ,'
"Me and Gu ....•• aaCk." Bhe Bald
"You hhVC so helpe(\ me, '{'ony." con·
tl nued l·endlehll vQ/l. "nnd yet you r(!'!'be 110l1li \!aIDe again, striking lIllIe to l et me do w hllt I cn n." . , . . . bill DU'VOIII llraln and Wilkin, Sh,e tri ed to think ot som .. lh iull to ~ SIlddeCll1. wUh pnntlOll brenth comrort blm, aDd beatq pu'-. be lifted hlrw'elf M!111t 8OI\Iutilnes dnrl tll es Rnd hlll1011 . . elbow. The IC!I'OCII had fallen bonds beRt their wom 'n folks." Bile ex· ftoID W1n4ow Rnd perhaps ten IICC- plnlne d, .ooGB PIY98d III! be atMed mutely at It. "Then )'0111' tnther ",' hipped your' 'l"ben llile II Ihot from a gun. Touy 'q uizzed th e rloctor. Devon IPnIDIJ tbr0uP tI\(J wlmww In· '''l'hnt I clln't i ell" lUll (I the girl. to tile room. For a moment tbe s ick "Don' t make me. ~ ' Oh, Lnnly, DI8Q gMed al bel' with mingled em.,. I'm nil tu ckcred out." dons. Sometblng ·drcolltul lind hopIt WII'S ot nn 1111(' to Pllt queatlons pened '~ber. She W08 90 white. 90 nny more, thou/l:ht P.. ndlchnveu, wrnltllUke ood cbanged, yet blotching WtlS persunded 01[1 t her fn t her hnd the pallor at her tnce were redd Ish dOlle t his drl' ndful thin g. blue bruIses. Then the bare teet took At elght o'clock. when Dr. JDltn the t\latnnC'l' bet "'~D tbem In n bound, l ·.. ndl ehuven softly ente red the sick· TlIe dlmpleR nt the comeI'll of her Up8 room h e found hlR brother In s ound lIYed a moment nnd were gone. slmnber, nnd Tony Devon. h e r tRce Wben "aul f'eudl ehllven drOPPed dlscolorcd with brul8l's . fllMt nRleep In tiack on tbo pillow. abc spoke. th e chnlr by the bedside. -Me and 0118811!'8 bnck." she 8nld It WIIS h ' stubhorn ' 'l'ony th ll t fRrc,1 brokeob. Ml CUlnbed up thl' tree and Dortor John l hllt morning, Adroitly be trlt'tl t.o drll\v from he r .lte r .. nAon for 110' to tha roul fCllrln' to "aile up hl'r ex treme pnll'nCRij, fnr the Ilark .(be Q(he; folll! In the hoUJW!." She sat marks IItl'('tch c(J Rcross her fA ce. and .-.JoOn t>oalrlP flIP hell. "Sp.l llelww I tho mrnnlnK ot U.e . 11Iu)oIPI'8 thllt Slid· 'll'nl)' ntlll('ked hpr, "I ('1\11't 1f'1I," ~ h,· ," ' II (; rl1l(',1 In dilltrf'.~ h)! . he hnrl tn hl ~ hmll"'r, "PI""1Ie d on't nRk tll l'." Thnl \lI'r '""Ih"r ,h·II'1. Hflll.
" ~I )
··liiiii~~ DURHAM tobacco makes 50
&l2sI ci8arettes for
J lIlI
dn Ill "?"
0111';1111 IIi II I '1'ony lIud rl'turne,I, her fll re ,'r.'\\' flow n In h' HUlky frnwn. . "II ....' lo:j,C 1)" " 1,,,'1 f'nrp." · J\lIlhur ln e
1< " '1It '11 ·,, 11 0101\1
I, ,, I ' 11 1" " Bllrln r-' "11 I he pdok . If !I IH " ti t Ih l,t"! , I t i~ n o t 'p f ll M .... t.: lO - A d\"'I' · I I .. t ' II I(l nt. ,
1 , IIWl f .\ ..
~ 11 1\ .,r
'I. I'" !''' rfhl.w n . . t"hcr ~u ,
i l .l!! \)
1 l'L tiU
OU 3;•. I IU .)'J
.. 1.:" ",
, l'l .:' U
,,'. lIh ~It'ullrt.'h .~,\:. l il 7 , ~ U LJIIUt ,v ve K 07 rebuil t. 9o.,/l1l .,c1ll1{1 u aoo co ndlt 'on all f'~.tI)'
~ltI lt h " ' rll lll l fJ r l IJ ,
U IIlt.rl1ntt)8, t
~~I I~J,'; ~Pt:~.~~tI~tt~~l~:'rer~~"J~i. 'LI~:llrJ~k~:.
Empire Type f"oundry, BuffalO, N,V
------~-~-~~ - --~--~,
ClassiBod Ads l hi ~ column
An li d in
1\ ~ 1Jr<' ~II IH
I' ll
I U , N li N
~· AItM .'
tntl ~ I ,· .. t
("I " \!
f , \r T . ·nl · 1I
t l tl
fl J\JIi:Y L nn rll ,d ,n !Iv ... "" ,0 1 ('!Juth"' t"" II I.. u ....ll H lltJ .. I II "' j.('ic ..... I N . " .~ b ' ''ll!itf ,1 ,1111 It,ll).""' , A 'It'" HU1 1d l n ¥ , Xnl ' ltt I f\ -1 :4 1
'''t.. .
Co mm u n "I .. IIH ('.ourl
N ('w SuitA P i >1I ItJl~
I'li i lllp ~
.J uhn d'
J 11
' d~ l ·r""
niP I nhl t f'r I f -lI t-'
n l1nt v
M Hllt, utI t\ h '"IJ!" , "" l U I " \Y ltyll t1~ Vll l t . }I~ lh.h· t'
plll CU 10
1" "vl\
U l,
!I ', Z° 't H 11 m I..
II\ :!::\
I I II , '" 1ll', lr u · 0' t hf4I':I 'l [ Hn f MHr. t i lt I . tr rb 7I tl · . ( ' h l1 :'O I r .. ~ ' l bft R. {, ,' .. oft N,t l' ,\I . om.>III' ... ~"I'''inted , Pp l
L tlfolT-A I.I IIH~('
~ 'f Hllrnl'4 ·tn llt" it Vii J d 'l H" \· ... " P 11f;
«'1trlt rn l,ot : ln(W~ n .. t II ,. ' 1' l1 nfl Wm tj .,) \ I" \" lIu d E Lo let" ' ''' t:fI ttnt8 R,. 1III I r 'ti"f\ I '~ , F'r I rdc IInr r' " '11 ,, 1 Ath prt.
""" n i t H"" "PP" l nl ,'c1 I" I· , ~ f' t heir JI ' l'Iro, ,. .
Gond l;horc1"""r t " I'" L '"1\" 'I',r dAU 11 11 tbA ,. tlllrt'M I nq 1llrt. tit M"~l\d,,
W~yne~ \'ille ,
'l' bit',1 ~ 1.r""L , ," 'o!;!
J:"UR tlbort, lind
Ill. ta .. oo::
1. " " 1:
.I" TI UOki "". OlllJ C b". , to:. !Cd w .. rriM, plt n n e 102.3r: 1.,\1(\. 'ltd ...
ET bn RY·
K !If'p h n~.
\ . y .. u ,·
j u b 1l1l " tl( ... ? If!! n. 1,,1""111 0"0' " I n I h l' 1I1t, l t f' .· fi t th tt ' ''l'~ ' A nf Y ou !irlfh" ... t l1 i"" I t \)/I,t1 ~Ot'H"'''~' t 'h llAt r YlIU wHnt H IHu h'OI! hll~in"MH , M.. "I " I~ "1' 1",1,,1.,(1 .dlld ll '"' r ,. tor 0I1ll gO I. Int,,) " lJ oll II h u ~ ir" .. " ~" IIIt11'
RII,'" ' ;;1'00 I ' ( ' En l.. .. , I., 8 "; h "", IIII" "lid "' .... , II ,,~I II Hre liP' ,I "pprHI""l'" 10 t.\l P II1 .. II ,'r " , th ~ .,~ ••,.ru of ,·y ,.tbI 6 A I",r . lI l , .1'ceH...... ) l.enK l'l ll p'n i" " I'I" 'in/,,.,1 1I,lm ' nt .. trA ~ rlx . 1\" ,,11 '!!f, QO I h o - , M ,II " r, .I ". epb
m o r~
I',..... " ot"
t h o n 1:17 Wnlkt n"
tlirtlot In (n rmelll If
tn I IU ur OH U Ke t. n n .. ;
(' d hp l' frtf'fl t" ,Pf'n.1I I ' I II\ \' !'f) . I CI)ll t i IlUed
na J.:O 3)
KUtll or ,YO. HrH nu.
flH tII band bv meoth or ad'
Marriage UreJ18t'll
Usc nllr Classified Ads for re!l llll.!I
(~onr g' ~'I' '' " 0i " ,
"' rlII Pr,of MI ~ mI8_ borg, IIUlI M is" HHlllb 1' btrkl eld , or
Cllrl' ~ I·,1
Me nl \'.. (armer . fi nd Mr8 Mllrt.rllrfll IlIffIlDll erl·llr, buth of
E. J , Ule.rlok. R V"lIey , Ohio .
FOR", 1917 MODEL ranlline <If .John 1.0Dg. W ,
Real &atate Traafen Frank Sllm s to Wm . EIl\~ , pllr& a t Millt".ry , urv oy N o fit) in WaSh. InllttlO Twp.• J obu Z" II t o .Jllm " R Ail eD. lot N o 14 IItld llUr ~ o f I n t, N I, HI In Evans' Art.lHl oll In Wlly ne8v llle . II.
U . M . Hh Ar\V .. ,,(\ ~ I) I :b1l 8 GrRv part IIf I nt Nil 2 III WtlYIlf.lHVtlll', ChRM Orny t,1) B . M. :-I be rwood . lotH No ~ .. nd 3 In Wllynenille, '1
D 1, mil
In lCohd
~b11)'" Inqulrt! •• )nt- ~ vlllt" (1ItI .. ,
FOR SALE od lugll WlIrli l:Iorll811, two of 4 Go t. h e m IIn tl r ri. Whitt) Plv. AI~1l
Rllok Voo.ere),. W~lcb. Barvey.burs. Uhln,
A Blooll,
,()ONA EII',,8 trOID hellvy Iltylng 11,50 tu .~ 00 per 1/i . (.. eo A. SooH t tl I.el .. Albright. E, W. Hopklos. P O. Box liS. Way .. 11:1 P'H' uf ~ eo 14, T.:-I. R. 5, blltween DORVllle.Obl o I,be Millin! rivers , " GU S In lel&lOO, frlllD line ~. C . R , EIIHnl~ Y ouu !C tn Geo E. Young . J, RedS. Budlo, IItflllu " 00 llit No . :J IIf He o, III , T . 4. R. 3. 10 pe r seutng or 15. ltydla E. tlhep. Turl·l no,.,,/l k 'I'w l' .. herd, R. D. 2. Wa y ueavllle, Oblu . al3
Commis.ionera' Procfledinl(l
2 FI~E8B COWl!!. oue ... Iar-ay aud tlt e otller .. l:IoI8t,., ln IIIqlllrll "f
Uil lM r~tl " w , 'd: X Hlli & Hr... te Ho • . B. V . Smith. phouu :!7:t. WII .vue~ . pittll, '1ldl,hlllK 10 1-1-~1. 11774: Vllitl Ohio. willi 111110 ~I"t" l::!oHpltnl, OI ,)Ullnll for A Y -A lot of firat. olaMIl 1'lw (\~bv pri ~OI'" 1\ t rum ,Iuly I to 0.,0 ill • Hay . Inqnlre of ,In~. 'l'lnuev $tl~2,7G i Bill" .\' Rubill M)n. hnoullut(
oo~1 for V. H " '14 .53; 1:1 D. Wil. lI~md. reO,/I'd8 "lid "mpplt As r ll r C B .. f411 . a!l i ~' . B ~Jllry, .. ~uv"lIe8 fur I'lt1ourdtlr. '1,7(; i l 'be C"luml,u8
Blank U.'ok M fg Co.. bl .. ukH for P J .• • :16.70; E D. Thompso n. IHbor lind muJ.ermlM tor Uo J ~ II , tl1l8 61 i p, A. Morton, tlltnlHhlug and bllUI. lug fertiliz er ror Conrt bool!o ,IIrd. 1 4.1i O; Philip 1:1111"el. brtdge r eplitrd , tlawi/lfln T,wp .. · 'fia. 10 i William DoughwliD. b"ullnl{ gravel. fG2.16;
tH' ('Hint-
bMhrul .1l1'Ill'I·. \\,llI'n \)o<,lor l'"n.I"".R\·cn told MrS,
..I:» OU
In \\'\rh . ·"i· PR." "" 101 T.lIlfIl "'·I, hnnl'!'II)" "hut ~'O ll n('x t- " Thl'n /<ho IhOIl . ht nf Phili p. "f II,,· It o" " ho I,nd 1\I'IrI her nguln Rt hi. 10 n", s t , or the 1118R In the nwrnllllC'R cluwn, 11111' ~ h !' rI'll Into Ii
S I. (HI
,'n l,,{" r1IJ!t .. u
dIn 5(1 acd oan glv" bOtle! wltlt I"' T80nll l Muretlrll Wp, bock vlln wllb hlg Nelllll ~ hf1lp~, 52 y " ,,~" In ltU8j ~ " '"'II, 20.0UO,000 081<rll ur "or prll. ,," O Ol ('n , " Ro T <1 1,1," nll lllll",, 1 Ph ilip, soherly, MiltM 1\" I fl:dwllr d j{" "linj( liTe ap. do ot,~, Writefo rlutor tllill.lnn wh.,,·., y o n oun get tflrrllory. J . R W .. t. "hilI yoU se c noll' Ili lA \In s \l lI l t(lC IIC'l. [I" lnt "d II 1l1"'" 1,,,,<. Ynil Ifilist l'el (' nR(' lII e frOlIl tltllt prom· In t.h e m .. tl"r or .h" ~. ll\t e o t IIID I' (;0" Departm ent fl " WIDnnll. Mlnoesotll. m30 .l~III " . ('"rl M·,....· lit .1 , m i n or s " I (',,,, 't." 'It:h '''1 T ony. 1.'h(,11 tum· H Al'u rL n ~nle" "'Pl'r'I\'e.) ANTE D- W" rk by exparleoood
1 hl\'" hilt \. \V Ii .v . I Inve
" Ul'lf l'r tilltll
'1"'i Tt' 11 & t h "M) tel' ' nt.· "" tl 1,,',".". \\'11101I1l"t," II , 11111' 1'1i ' ",,~ :1,,1. 111111 U
" ' I' ''a l 81", Is n.l/.l.t" hltl'''J ' 'l'II 'li 1'1.lIl p. ":'\')\\' I'll [I 'll ,I' ~ II nl ,,,"t I\''' A ~ .John I I p ,,,l l ...III''·' ·1l I al~t"' d IH'r 10 her fl 'N. T rl lIl lll lI'l II f , .,d 111'1' Ill'nd un f"l fh":,"d 11 "r t l1arfll1 l 'YPfO: un" np l nl" Mol''' / ·""I,,y. "" Uti l ) r oml ~t? 1I Y" lI'll nf " tl r tfo ll nuv· bnll)· ... sIlt" IIHIt·III\lI'I" 1. III-' r willtl \\"II ~ \\'l l h Ih l' lIl'II,1 Ed i llt lit· I ' " " . u lI,1 I hu w o r" ~ rt f hpr own :-I f'r l nu :-l. r p\,p rt'li t oatil ;!h' l'n In fli p I II' l'~f' fII 'c (, f h (' r w lll l· f-l'yetl 1II 00 hl"r WIlUIII l Ull ullo w h pr tu ",".s .' nl Ihnl I 'hlllll s hnul d 11ft Ihe ~ lIi:llIU h" lI pel'l u pon h er hy Ihe Curtl~
t .J , \'I~
v ttt\r !'l ,
thi N IltllIll, hill I kll ow VI'r\' 11'1"11 thnt T"n.I' IIt' I' o ll Is III It n ItrHI g·lrl."
UlIIO · ...
1 ." '0 ,
tt l·
In Shame-Faced MI6ery Tonnlbel Sank to the Floor.
NllhJ. rll" ·pl.,· tOl1dl l' lI . "It yo n hud 1'0 1'1'1. !I. n' hi' .L:r l 1\'t.t1 lu st nlJ,:hl, ~' HlI wO IIII II, ' , 11 11\ ,. lund' thRt rt'Tllurk." 01 1 kllo w III ' III.""" li lt ' " ~1I1 (1 t Ill' .;irl ,
!'th~ 14"11""'1 1'" t ll p "I.l1a.:lI t hl !-= !ollllih·.
II' . , t ,
id '" lI : 'V
I'rublltf! Court
Thi s sh .. ,11 ,1 Ipl Ihe .Ioc· ItI ll n ~' ~ .. hs nnfl tf\nr~.
" 11 1111
,·tI I I v.
w)IIo h uyur
r d l \' I " ('o dnd (,11",1"11\1
h"oll li ' r j ' :l II' 1 1.: 1'1 hlIlJl;: \\llhollt
"'fa;rhl ng: . , h llll- "
I( u), "
I ' .·.ltl
tor lit· , \\' ('1111 "1'11 I1 P \ ' (l f ~ (' ... hrl' ..'\' f't Hny morr." f:1U' ,,,If{ him t.·. · 1Il11 1o u~ ly . tlJ\rlfl If :\'011'11 1('1 1I1t', I' ll 11u · IlI'n~ (on'n-r nnl1 frtl '(·\t'r nlld I lIk,~ ( ' !ir fl o r 1)11(" "1' P fllI l. " .)'4HI, d.'Hr."
' l or 7 (!tll ud ) "
,' IJ
I !,! t" ,
II, · ~lti rl ahruptly, "thIs I s ti ll s." " ,~ Pn1ll'R r(lm ·
-rh, "p I · lit)', 'lIH' l! I' fl IH ni' P e pt.o " 'll'C UI I ', wl 111111 I~ · 1.f ' ld, '· ~" i\,, )r \ ' 1l!" ell tI ::tll '" t , ')t' "j; u It ·'., " flncl Illll&<
I l l'\
p nnl"n, " "p 11 :1\' ,, -" 1'lI l1lp In li 'IT 1lp lt .,j Itlf" !'o p !'n li ~"r h~' "You will p r nmls<' nlllelh lnl!, " hl fe ~lIIhl f''' hll ull d !ll'll lilld Ih(' tllhh', he In ~I~II',I, OR hi. hOI hlln(l r ln s pc,' "Ton, r 'pI""1, IItll,· T " ".I·," h" ,·rIN\. hers, 'V!'uny, d nn't 1;0 out o)(l\ ln 111(0 you did y eslr nlny. I 8hl1 u' l he 1I1>l e to "1 IhnU!! hl, IIh. I th'l u", ,1 ~' Oll "'I' .... .-l flJlt !. , t tho u g h t I'd IIISf Sli ll {o n '\' !" '''' stnnd It Ir YOII do '" T onnlhcl 'N 111111(\ Ih , ~ h l!d t o I'hillp, A nl)l ~. · f(, 1t rl'''' ~ 1'"l h"rl ll" ' ~ Ill's, nnd ~II'~, C tlrll ~ s ttl lll t.l f" tI til l h'r ( ('P L. Shu tI'll Nllrl' he wOllhl )::n tn the cor· " Rn ~· ou kllu\\, her I n(l, )'hllll" " ~ h e ner ot th" Inkl' e \' cry dny t o fIl "et I,or. ~ nltrl"11 w llh u hm.1y 1(11I11 l'~ nl h er II ~ he h n' l J:onf' to the en nni bnllt. Yet " " ~ hp gnz<'I1 Into the Iml'lol'lns 1'1I1 1I1I (1:llt ghl e r .. "I UU'lIl!hl w o;'r\ k"pt eyeR of llfOr rl'l'·'lIl . she hRtl no 1I{'ort h r r w pH nut ot your WilY. f' o you've Ilinycllihe AIIPuk " 'hlle I'n tlllJ: h"'n,llIucl to deny h llll hi s wl"h , "I'm IIl'lIl sh. p<'rh nl' ..... the mon w ent butl e r I n nl)' It oll~l'. 1II1 ~"." " h ~ h lurl P,1 on, "bu l. Tony ,I t'Hr, If )·ou \vllnt to nt Tony. "Well. It', wlIl1l 0111' IIlh!ht go Ollt. Ih ll rl" S 1018 ot CRrs In tho h o ve ex-peet ed nf ~I ("\ ll- ~' m l hll1.?,Y." "Mllthl' r I " ).!' 1I~pl'd I\ lI lh erln e, n ~ T on· gnrnge. nn,l hor srs In the " tllhle, Won't YOII prom i se m e?" nlbel .onlched hlllHls P hil ip. IIKnthl(', you tll' (lt h l' t 'nwUu'r' Ill' !" Tony thrll"' .he " "'lI1nry 01 Philip'" fRce from hl'r millfl. Rh9 put the wi s h crl ell ~II'''. '\l r ll~ , blln tl with rn ~('. "1~ lIh !'r sh " I:("'S 1\\1'115' or I ,10, I \\'iin't tp be III his II rln s Olln In. to fN' 1 hi. stny In th e IHlII S l' with n t.'U III OlQIl n'Rrm \Ips once more 0" herR b ehhul her. Rllfl trrmll iln gly IImll ,' rI In n ... s ncnk- tl Cf IIllIJl Un- " 1l1l1"scl'n ce. " Sn rnh, ,sit dO\\,II." ' hllll ,h'rf'r! .To hn "I proml s.. ,'· s hl' s"hl In n lo w vol e" , 1','n,lIebnI'C'n. "non't ~p" ll k nnutl wr hut II """ I' ru\·" nlo' ,1 her from snyl il lf , fHIf'h won) or - " " Rny t hlng 111 orr, ; rrony w n~ nt tllt.' dOI'I o r's ~ Itl e hefore he co utol On lsh ni H 1I1r~ 1I1. CHAPTER X . "1,11<1"' 1 RnCllk ," ~h(' sn ld, looking up ' lit him. " Olt, 1111'11 8 1I1~u ~ .. I,e llel'l' The Stoning, mc." NnvI'r h" for,' ,1nr~ I", h nrl t nll .. n nn Ufl' l!nt s li p dld,,'t." crl ..rl 1'.Ii1I IJ1" ('am ·
1. t'lIIillJ,: tA HI
1\ 0 111111 " III! , \I I
l IIlhll · '\' IMd). 1I I u m H'o lu r rlIi IJ' U , 1' lIl l l'''''IJII,t I ~ t'l all}r r ill , h u.d.; lilla-Il'r B 11)'110 I ." \u I. lI" e, \'n l, l r r l hbo ll . .
qll 'd,,, .'" ,
Iy h(,lI en ',1.
1'\ ' I ..
ht ~ ( l'fI '-
11'000 SIi\>p1\onI who 111111 g iven Ill) 'HIII lire tor His Rh ('l~ p, Ihn t no mntter whllt Urlllh did she woulfln't pen ch on hlml The l .... rs wcre ~t lll roilin g ' dOWD bl'r cheeks from und er lower ed lids.
tu}' I,- 1
P H :"" ,f.I~
I . , fl1 ""
II I'IIlIi l'," T nlll d h,,1
" 11 1I"" .. II ·· , , III l u t4t" I wUl yu u hl.vu. Ia.rae ur .wllll. UrcJ'nI ")luiJ " ro llll)!I, . fLlbbo n l , .. U)' co lo r or C01Uh . ' ui' I ' "l! , 1I'r ,. , .. h " ltllf1~ 1Il 1I ,. u llI k u IIf ~tl1 c hl u e . all. 7:X: d OI1VHfOd . tH llh ' " 1)1 19 l 1t I " ,.. f ,l'. '1 1Ic\ th., lfIa k l' llllt l III tftJOI. C &rl.lfl U 1lll.I)t.If 1Jor b u.1 O f I Uu Hh" , lB . S lo 90 UOtl\ll' f Od , '.P I~ 1t 1 fl,".!" th 1'1' \ ' 1 (I r l \ lh'
p''' ' ~ 1 1' 1 ' t;! " 11 ' I"i · ,h"" I' · h !" iu Ii
q ' lId Ilf 1" I 1\'1 ' 001
Ilf-' foI\
\\ ' h
ti l'IU ' , ..
1 11
Vlt, "kl'l ,
Ed. C. Wooltard, " IJ Y llcs \' ill~. ()
Id" , d n'-'t ' lt ", J' h llll dtn o:. J 1.. 1\ p l llll_ , t fi t ,1 ,,"1ji l l'. ' \ tn pi " '" 'In h ' ' J " f l, ." II I "'X I1 "11 \, t " . 1f 1~ r 4 d , II '. I I, ,t til. t H~··I I"U· I,d, ', ,I t'l , lI lf h ' ,,, I
'0 ''''r
" ,"1 I"'~" wil ll 'lilt ' ''11'11, ." ,, 1 rI" "~ no ' 1" 1' ,> Il ht n ll)l r l ' I , I!tll t l l1 , h. · t '1 "1< ' 1·. 1\' . It ,II 1" ' lll dll l o ') i .. n llt " t] tH 'P ~'~H t lld il l ... " """ :"11 Ill,I" , , : \, dn ... 'n P · I.' , 111 11011. u l \' I ' p ") t . \ 1 rt ll UII 11 l'llt1 11' ~ P4 ' pill ... \i Il IlL"~1 I~ j'l .. t n ll ' ' 1. r11( · f ll r p ,I I •. 111 II 1'1 .1" ' ,'I ' w it ....
th f' nllor, ,'r"" IIIII;'; 111' 1' Il l'~,tl Iltl 0 hf'P 4
General Repair Shop
KDllI e
\Vh l' lI "(In r 0 1111, 1 1" "' 4' ''' c', .j ll r, HI'1 ~
11 ... 1" 111' 1''' "I!!III, III 11I1 ... tl r y . TOl l lllhl ' l "' Iu di to
in mcdicinu l (Iua lity
11 11"
'" Ill. nn. I' lll 'I'll t lt nf ." ~ h t' wnll'-'t l. ":\1 )' Illu m lllY 11t "1' 1' Ih l' tI (III! l! Hl h'r; ' IO UJ;4" " 'H1 ,Tl )hn rHrt '~ tll118 rn t' I" · . ·r~' j Ill' t.. ' r p h .... fll r /l nft1I 'j' h l\lIr..:. "II I )'11 11 . l s li~ II C\'llr tlld. I \\ ax ponl', Hw (nl I 'Tn t' . " h"nl '~ ?" I (J1 1{)r--" "f' 11I ~ 1 :l d " Idllp 111I ." I\'t !-l" "11 1111('," '1'1 ", I!I I"I r'lt\ f'. 1;,,\' 1111.: 1I .. l d.-, III'r hllok _ "('oor! " (' Xt~ I JlI I1 I " I ! 1\lt lli"I"IrH', " \'ou ' rt-' n'mn J'k, 'd I(u ll l l'r lllf'. " 111" S .Il1~t Ihf' Sill' ,tn ·IIII I·.! \ " 'l1lt H I ,,:!' IlIln ;\ " .~, ("U1' - I \\'fI:~ t! (hllll pli OI' , t ~lIP l '" ~P Yl)t l' n' r plt){ lllllo..: tlllllH llhl kl l HI \\ hll wllllld full t h,' I" 'P""'!!('I' 1111 , 1 "' ''\\1 '1', ,41 Wlh ' lI -.: Jw . wl ll' I'dlt." I'h l lil l 'ti t· SH II II' \,:1 )' )' U\I f nr h ll HI 'I" 'allll).! ftlt·p IIh,' Itl·r ... ... ~ f r"'. rI'TIII'I" l lI'r"I , t1w ~ ' I' ll k:, 1 1\II' II, ' l'Inl ' " lin 1111\' ., t 'ow-I n PII III. " l"I'thl ', 1 Ih ' t' 11\ ,'r \\ Ill , "" 1\1",'1'111(111": In1f. , ( 'lIrl I ... tll:I.1 I ' I II i llll 'lt It"lIt j.! ' ·\O' li rfl, 11 1111 " 1\lIllh 'rl llf', I \' OIlIIII: II ,d you l u h e "lI li ll ll \\ 1\ 1 1111 1 \ "I' 11!l'Y 11:1 I '11"ll1'l1 I H ... 11 "1)1 ," .. hll ll (t·" l 'l ' nd Ill ltn \ j'll. " I r you I\Jl t hl'rhll' ""'II'.I,.t!I·,I , "\\' 1' 11I1i ' 1 d"/I \ ", lit' I.e:; II pp4'H i! ilL:. m :IIIHlln . l " "f1 If w,· 1I 11 ' I'!. !t il t . .: tI, · !!Hld, ' Il o 1' ,IIl1p l:tl lIl nn" ~: I ,\ :11111 , III ' r " Iwd, 1 :-:111111 ,, ::1, y ll 1l tn hllfl' tlt'r ! .\ lIti f;,lt! k llO\\' ' -; t 1llIlfh .. IlI'r "1 '11f ,.;111\ \ I ~' d "" 1l::IHl r~. 11'/1 \ I ' IU~' I WII~ " , " 'i0 ( f'O\tld :ilrnflll!t· " I 'r \ \ It II I" " ~ I ' I\VII 'I'll" IlIll l nt! I' ~ II'III dw' r WaF; t'I,1c;,,,t1 , hut .. ,, ' 1·11. 1 II P \ I'r I" MI 'I'I'U IIH'd ~ I I'''i, I ' ur, t1JIJH1 ~," Sit " h t'l d liP d"ndH' d lin, fil l' ...·'IHHI I1f , · " I n'.,: fl'olll wilhln nhl tl", I:'f'r~. rlll'l1 rr-Jull'd tll"'ll1 IIlld InllJ,! IH",1 IH'r th, · fn tll 11 .\' " 11'" li t dllllll'l". ~llI' " .\ 1,,1 Y( 'U tou, :'ll'n h," thrus t In 111(' hlft{'rl r , " I {PH \ ' POq! \ ,"11 11I's till' II !<If ' n pl'rt "d ri p, dHn r o:lin \'lr HIHl ~1l'I'IH·t ' dor l o l·. U\\' e dU I, ' l lu lOw th C' truth or nt hlllll ll~ our hl 'lId", n ....., 'lm;! n ..: rn rlf' 11110:1'1 1' ,,"ur pIli ' I11 P lIl ..nt I U' r d ~ I {H1 \\"II? Give 111\' II ~1):nr"'I('. lilY Wit'" oh"" l1 r ,' d 1 '~' llit , rr li:: ht th u t S'llfl , dp(,r Sn rnh. P'111I111 \\'u n'1 tiP hl·r'.... lill 1II ' lil y t!J1I1( II" " ....!-. ... I"II n t h,'r. As-. fhfl , II nll!ht, nl1rl I f'fI n )(r t 1'1,1 fir Ih " mlnr Itlll r " " 'lI r,',1 (rlllll " pr ... y P~, Nh ,-. !'I ll \\' herore UHlt." .1 l\h" P , ' I,r1!"l! n \ I'll sllI l ll n,t: nt her . TIH"n M plIlIwhll(' 1Il'~ tnlrs T n"y De l'on \\'II ~ It ,.I ,nl·p ,'In' ' l1lnllpli f rurn F=Ol llf' nne f·I ,!O;f' j:NtllIl: hn ck 1I0rll1nl s.,lt. ~\\'lIn~ 11,· 1' ~ IIJ I' fl""" 11,,· f)lI('(lIr'l'I (U(,(I, Th e hl('MCd n " ~urnnre slw h'HI thnt shl! nll. 1 II ": 1 "I~.'d 1111 l 'hlltp :"lIuo,{"' a1l1fty . wn" ,wc(\(·.1 fly hrr sick frl r n" lin "I ~I H' \\','lIt ,·"lrl ·III, ·Lv p :ll,· and Jl llt out her ~ plrlt ~, . 110' I:rl" '('<1 II l l1ur . lI~ f or tH'r " " 1111 to ~ra-': I ":f')[lH.·lhlllJ,: (.Ir ~ IIP" hrr rnollwr. hut s hnd,I. ' rt"t.! W I Il\I~ !-lIlt' pilfl JI .. I r ~ I\I' \, ,' 1',' J!lIilll.!; tn (all. ~II, ' tholll:hl h.'r fnll'''r. Nnw n il I II'.' ~IIW tlltn I'!":" "I' ":Ino,\ 1,\ ', 1\11 f'X'p'·I'~f:l un . were CIII 1I{'11I'('(l n 11""11. I'h 1",,1 nf) Ullla7t'IJI, ' rH II l1d n ·llt" J.:OIHJ.! Ul'rnM~ d nllhl hili Ihllt hulh U rlnh IIt .. 1 II. ,,,).!'I,, h i", ( ",." ~"P "'111111, ,11 . Itll( whll l II \\\ 'lIl'y t h nll J.: ltl ~ 1It' wn .. tI I'll ,1 I II ctlt' IHkp. 1I1t l. , "' Illil p II '\110{ 11 1111 hnw full of Sh e hll)ll', t I " I' ~' dltt : , 1,..',1 lIt" ' 4' r ~p(' rl1 t'lI rllll;: , Ihf.. If .. t h l \ \ "f'1' :,,1I 11 n ll .\' h t' J! t'lth'r 0 1l l ' ti l 11I\·tll lI.L:oi n , .:111 ': hi l I! I II fo rt!h .. til" fttl ' SI1I1l!' Ih'f'd Shl' 11'11' ~I t li n).!' Utlnk lnll ,IPl'p ly 1'11 (· ',1 d'lllI; . "'h ~n P lllIl 1·,·IIIIII'hn\,,.1I ~ rlO k(' t o ht'r. ,Jp 11Jl l ' t' I\II1 " !III\' f'f l J!ll7.t'd rl t rh f" t\\'o "Llttl(, d "u r," ,.:nill IJli. r('l lI'h lllJ: n n t snU II!,! """1111\ 11 11 ,1 , It"11 Iw 100 gO t to
10 do.
" ow o ~tHlr... , Tony
111 ' ..... 1,\(1
l iquid
tablel form - both thl!
lll '( n l,· , ... It lid; t h" 8 J'UIII\" ( llf'l l !l
u ld by uru gg iij !s in
.. \ J,:u U.-.r ru t. II I II ,
E ndl \\t)nl. 11 1'0111:1\ 1 (I tlt \\ It h t::!'l'IUI'I'
• 1If' w ne; C"lo~, . to ,lip wlndftw r (tll d t n t.:
hll{lk. \\ h p l) h r f'1I1I": Pt! li (' r t n I nnl,; li p h y ,':l1l1 u.c: ht'r nllll1f' .
III t ll'r fl" "
I \' ,' h t'III1'll"1' IIlld
\\hllt' " 11 111 11 \' 1':-:." ~ ldlPd
11 ~ ~ TlH){ l·. HI d .. ..:,' J.!l rl - "
r " l' lI l'd In flu' I lt' '': :II1\..
tin ," nft"r Ih,'~' Il:u l hnd Il ri'lr dh llll"r , I" , ~nt 11}1It.;ln,(!' lit lH' " (' lIr l llll ", I~'
T on nlbrl wen t to 1.1 111 In ~ tnn l1r , ,,~ .h e ulwnY8 .11 <1 wh "n h" "II Ill'll Iw r .
"Y..... came kI a breath, lind true to II1II ~ Paul Pendlehnven I!('IIl'Ccly "'-~ • II loog wblle lifte r bill IIftGiIo <ftIIt out. a1tboueh hi henvy 11&18Jft aftlnld lit the breakllllf dllwn. II 1IIIf0llll bad ~Id blm a m outh ago. !Ie eo>IIG Mve longed tQr any humon ~ . . be /low 10118'00 for Tooy DeftII, be wouJdD't have believed It. Bo 'GreIIded PIe day wttbous her dear ..... ~ I Oftr him. P erhnpi abe WWI4 DeYeI' rome back. At thllt t!IoIIht be ~ It lie ' «.'01114 only IrQ 10 Bleep, Only
. . . . ey11M UGtI IIIIII1k
fnrJl ti l" Il nrll'lj,!,"
\V h(' 11 dlildn' lI grow IHtl t' n ltll 1i ~ 1Il'H, 1hei r h ll)ou may h e wf'lIk
hurlll}! 10 t h l~ " " \1 "\ ', COll o.ll n .1 1,11 11::-illi' ...111'1,·1\1 ', 1 III I I 111.: 11 111 111 ' ·1 1!.' .". :-olr UK'
~li l q::
\\'It ~ I'lltln,l y . "\\' 110 Hu ll whllt 11" \'" \\' 1' 1' 1'1'11 '1 1Ir,
hiS hnn tl 11t\VJ\l'tI hc· r. " " ' lilli' over a ml ulile. I Wll ll t to lulk 10 )'OU I"
~dr irbOe I'm gooo r'
• ~I
\\ 1I1l 1+! t l ll\" I ' til t I d llk of ..1..:(' I l lt lt! , 1 " ' r' " , l' ~ IH~'" nt kf1!1411 1 10 y u U. flllll!if' r
'''lI ol lu ".I1IH
" l lt"h hUl .C"lIIlLte
l1l1\'t' lo ~ t (11(, P fl\\' ('r to !4 tnil e, I'aul Pf 'n rllf, lt lt \' t'll l1"t('11 n il t h l !-' witt, IJ 'II'l'rl I tlli t "Tlillt t,p· tI ,II,' ?" hH"rnll ttl'ti 1\1\ 11 1 I n pl' f'I'h ,l llt-tl f'n. ft ,. 'l l1l .o..:II, UUld Ih~' j.!'trl tilth' nfl.'r 111111'. n ... I, IHC" III'r Ir -=Iw 1','1 t ",·IIl,'. fl llIlI"lo tl',;lr " ,,','ll . I., ht' I rllill ( ' II 1 11I1\ .l "1,,,h''11 II 111a fl Y tlll\l l":, \\' l'lI , If r l lt ' r~ \\n li IIl1 y ll ll llC' '>h ,' wUlltl'd . o,:"lJlIl' h o"~'
hi . \\ ,'rl:" of rNIt',"p~ton non l 'llllll' I I II ~ to h(' I' IItrh·. " Utt~'" .' "" u, '," ' M I, r( ·nlll. 10' f ,m n'] I h, 1I "\Ir~ $ ' ) Inn!! ' known 'r O!ly CW)II "s:\' , 111111 I 11I<III :t, ,",,1 "u '1 1111" \11\ to 1\1' thrillll;h. nll :-1'1' 1'11 knl, \\' f h ~ 11'"" 10 Ih l h OIl);(l,'" \I 1ufl" r II"" h .. "n n n,~, 1 to II ... 1)llI N' 1'nll\ • IlIl1lNI hlg Ihl ~"1111( I'yes upnn Mr~. C ll r .
~111L1 nn 'rWIl" \1 , "<I\l' ,11l('Sil l 11IlI II I'r II"
'i'llis 8'11'611., 0101\0 littl ll \t uw elo whlte-tl flve ·rooOlllin g111 with It~ pergol" poroh entranoe. Ht,ri keM 'he h o me.ne~' cord in tbe broaAl ot UlIlDY n ll w}y- weds - tho ouly Imlooi8ioll being t h o oh oloe he·
',w onn th e two 1100r phm d. Bo.,b pla ns Ilrr" uge fo r a bllilt. in Pllllmnn brllukru~t r n om. One
p!tm arrangos for an ~ltoep ~lon8I1, lArge IIlellJltng room and P!lroh while thfl oth e r dlvid ,'s a in~o
two s leeping r()oms. Tbo c loset SP"Ot1 "rrallgeman$ III p6rti onlorly well worked out. l 'bl" h ome WfiN bollt from plaul! farnl s hed by the N ,,~ioQBI liullders ' Burell o lit 8)1okl1ne. WlIll h.
ph o ne 83. SYo'. Waynellvllie. Ohio. ' . milS
A lined
Nloe I.. rll'e nil'" Rue! Fox tio rf wltb golrl .eulnr SIUlI) , W 11\ 11611 at O"H~. It .old tltlH wf'Ak , /!lHe
I : fl. Bontley, WaYb6llvllle,Oblo
S • ()htltohlug; I.egborn !:Ilurla White
Iltld Ii:DIIUlh
Urlli n; ,6 por 100. L, W. Ub_ ul1lur & ::ioD. phobe 4111y'. Wayne.vllI •• E. B, Hlmpllon. work on 'Overland Ohio, mil oar, 12tl 60; Beri Carrell, !lrtnel for
Bf n \~dltlo. , gravel
2 Cream Separatorll, In Nil. 1 OOD.
dl&ioD. ~tmplelt .od UeL"".I. for No. 39, tll.86; J . K' tipenoer. hrldge lumber, 1121 77 I Warren Co, p ower attaob.ol'o&ll. p, A. LllwlIIun. Homa; ooul (or , ;. B" '133.16; E. B. aD 'he ~tmpk1nB farm. 8y' mllel mltS :rhlrkteld ~ '~onll Co" 8ul'plieH tor aooth of Corwin. J:>rldge work, U6.60. .
EtfGS for Batoblng ' Inquire of W. N , ,~1I"8, Way. nellvllie. Oblo. " mltS . . , NCONA
rooma. barn, preteD. H OUt:lJIl, 8Yilro. · good oil&4\"o' .nd obtolU~D
we ll, 'fruU, 12,000 ' Lawren08 a:lb..p , hllrd. \,aynenll.le. Ubfo .18 ,
' .
ChiollllD Colony A Po.rtablC! Bon811, 5ElixG fa ; abl. w •• buUI or
Knd palnted,a ,ear'."o, tJolld tlorlllit WIt."D, " " . Nprtlilf-sn.lIb 11ar'" ,,' a\ Jour prloe. '. A Il'\lbt,oo" PIO '" .1 , W. tltr.~. pbone 18.'.
W\l ~II"'VIJl~. Ohio.
The Miami
·.... T HE M·IAMI
GA'ZE TTE ••.•
he told' n 'e ~e. nl)+ - - -ILI llltl'f'rencc to me. But It's true. just Ule ,lame," , 1:;~UED EVERY WEDNESDAY "Will! here for me, Pblllp." laid the It IH"'Nf1 ., the ~ L. 'tift lf· , at W.)OtwyJlJt. Uhlo . . . . .ICllJd ' ·h.... 'h" ' I t l l . , dl)('to" In a low tOlie, "I'I\ be back Prot and Mr •• O. V. Tolle and In 1\ mom ent. . 6Ilaeoa Lula Ifeal, IIond lAura Mo. D , l , C) I 1\ N 1'" Editor Ilnd PuLliblltr. \\ Il) 1J".villc, hiD 'Then he took TOllY by tho hllnd lind Kinsey aUeudied Teaoher.· Alloola. WIll \1 I the,. ,.'ent outto,etbcr. tlon III Leb"n4lln. Sa'urday. Subacrlotlon Price. $1.611 per yelor For soveral tonso momenta 8 8l1eo~ Mn Margan't HIIlUh, all"r a .hol t YO LI. too drlllldtul to describe settl ed down IIIUA"~ , dlod ttat,urd"y. MarCil 5'h, • L ___ I~u~p:;o~o,~t~h~e~d~ln~l~u~r~r~oo~m~'~~~~~~~~UL~j ~~~~Qh~~~~~I~ where 1 = ="""_____....._ .he hlld wadt, her home OIlIony til! .1111 1IOII1ed In lIer handkerchief, yearil. lIer ha@bllud ha.,lul( precelie(1 WED Nf.sDAY. MAtiCH II. 1!l2 1 Philip looked from ono to tbe other, b"r by aevtlral youra !Dhll lea ve~ w1eblng wltb all hla heart he N>uld remeulbtir her. ono 80n, !lllu,hler.ln. .ay IIOwethln& Ib8t would clear the h.w, KrlludllOo, one ai.ler, half !, ~. III ', IllS aUnosphl're. bn'hers and lUany friend". tibe Ou r Calendar ~~!\~~~~ ~G~~~~~.,.,.,..,.,...,.:o:" "I'm ~o rry. Coulln SRmh," he said w .. s Illlergetio, lo ved h or home, r"18. In t ) ahruptly, trylpr to smile. "it cl!rtalnly log tl"wen .wd Mtrawberrlllllod ~lIr, "l1li awkward, WlUIn'~ Itl" deDinll' , IInrl alwf)YH ll .. d a word of 1921 I "Awkward?" repeated MI'!!. OurUs, tJ"lplnr ~J1 . H!iJ 'lit Wi n., Fn Sat wrlol"lng her tace, "Awkward IRn't ~' rfihk ~ b"''' ~l'r lind ~on, Bll rr y , the word, Pblllp. It was disgu sting." rtIlll1l·t I,b"t v,~ry KfUlU hOr8I"t and I 2 The gorge ro~e again In bls throat. ' IIlul ". tin,l roudy ",,10, Othlil'8l1ro ''ToDolhe l Devon Is the beRt girl I Mold luw in prlCill, lout uot oh e!l p oftbe (lnod mllnh "ow~ ~r(l In dl'rft ll l\,1 know." he IIs"erted. "Poor little Ihlng. L} I~ 111:I ILL , pit,. her with nil my heart." ",01 " •.,' b"lnj( hu·lIte.1 by w,luld 100 21 ~2 2J 24 2f> 26 "Pity IR akin to love. my dear Phil· I'llroIJl'~'l rd Ip." snperert Mrs. CurtIR, 27 28 29 JO JI :~~ . •.,: "llother," corlerl KRth erlnp.. "Philip 1'bo MII""I .. ' l'owf1~"lp :iunrl flV - -- - - . - ~ . - ~. Kol.oll' ll cl(II,v,HoIiou ounvolll1d lit, t.li·e wouldn't 80 tar tor~ 1 hllDSelf and his Mltr"I, 4 1 " ""~ tlr R tilln Day trleods lind pORlllon 88 to love-well- A. M Jr.. (J1"ll'<Jh 00 /-l undll y . ThA Mllrch ti - fllurtli Sunt.lllv ill l.l'fli If you C1ln't k~ep your tongue stili, go prll~ rKul WUt'4 vt'r~ tntert-'ttUltg, tifu.1 upslall'!!," th t· IIIU.I O Will "" Jllyer l Mflrch l:-l - I"iflh Sunday in Lem " N~ Romatlcr of t~ Mllrch 17-St Plitrlck'lI Day Thle waa a shOl'k tor Philip. Thllt WIIII'''lI Hrollk • . nne IIf Olli' "!lInl Storm CO"ttIry Mllre'h 20 - PHlm SundllY any girl roulrl spea k to her 0\vt1 mOlher UIl. ' Z"IlH hll. b!lell qu'tA lI)1orly fur t Mar~h 24-J e wi ~ h F easl of Purim In slI rh a way W08 beyond bls com. ~ev"ml a .. VII . By Mart'h :.15 - Goor! Friclav (I,ocai s lnres pr~IHm810n, Thl' door openoo lllst tllen Il u r .olo no l III'"rd lIleL llll ~'rld"y GRACB MILLER WHITE c luse frrim ' 12 to 3) and Dr, John walked In. Ilt!o(l.o~ 1\0.1 \rau ", .. otl\(1 th"lr hu.tuesH March 27- F:lIstl'r nay . SELI~S "She ce me dowu to tetl rnA Ihllt an·1 l'OIl,H' Il ve lry thhlK In I1U f, ,..,..,..,..,.,..,,.., Palll wlloted me ont! forgot It." he Buld 'I'h~ ( 'Ivlo l..flnK un oIn~erve. I,(rt'llt Cqpyrl6rbt t)' th e Ii Ie. rly Compa ny. In a low tODe. ''The poor child Is Qlllte ",.,/l,t ' .. r wh"t, th"y hrovo oI OIHl a ll!1 OV"rrome." ~r" d .. llI l! . It W it" t.I'r<)ul:h th .... r u n. "YulI ' lI ,·,' IIJlt u s ." Mh e •• lpH,te ll . \fIlVMrs. CurliR tORSl'd her h('od ond IIfI"l( "1I6rf:V tlto.I WI' IIMV" IlM grhul -_- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__- - -_- - - (n~ 1,1'" IUlI,d tllwllrll Phil I". "PIi'ORe rONp. trom the IlIbl l>, ani! Kutherlne. . . II I1 I..ol,r lO lI~bl IJhllt ". tbere I" III P.cl'lI ~ r Phlll Pnln c B u"~l o . tt' lI ~ t 111m 110(1 " 1\." rlslnl( elsa. toll owed hl'r mOlher Ollt , 10" oillte; lit .. Il'o t ,)r o oo ur~1I M r ", " I i\I" M. 1{lI lp" ,1.. 1t ,, " ,·'. l" r \\' h" 1\ A l lI l'rk all '" 111 .. 1 \ \ " 11( t o t ho , IIIUlklHt h.v I,h,' a" ·a,,u,· . nud It I'I' lIVHU Mln.,, 1 t .. :-> l1 l101l1Y ·ltnllrtr . Mr . "ml "Hili" 81I1'I"kl'd .AII'R, CurllM. "Trust or Ihe room. you- ,I 'J'here wus very little suld bptwl't'n I" 10 .. ,. ~n " nf'''~ Th, · v tl o IURlI\' Mrx I1 "Hlh: H.rq(H r M. Mr 1,,111 \1 1 ~ , P h lll l l (l i llt ll~ I ht 'r " PI' " Ildl. 11 l lllt\ I' e S I t" , l I "Shut up, l'oll"ln Soruh," HDnppod rio " YOllng man ond hi" older trlend 'hln gs I,ll "."I" t .. fl. 1I;"mOiI'Illlty. tl'rol , k ~fU\t. b , liMI " 1Il1 ' It , ~ I r 111 111 I II ti ll' n d . I- J I .If !'; l n ~ 1.1" f 1\ 111 \ \ II th r·re Philip ot th r UII~'l' y WOIllUO, Thcn he atl er the ladles hrod token th eir de- .",,1 \'" , I!H'" ,,"1101111: Ir uIn tboD.! Mr .. ' All'h .. !:filii I." 11 111 1 dU(H' httl r . :\.'1 lh l,;' "\\ ,l H ' I' I,u fr alo ' 1I ..:1 ,;d lt ' r \'11 1'1· I t y C OI IIIIIO II I~ ll!'o l 'd 11 ... II 01 I' !I fl a n hnnl, I ··~ b.1I Ille LJllitflll til,nt,," IIholhlll addrcRsed hlro..",lt to Ihp dortor. - OEAlER IN"1 parture. bUI ,,;hpn Captalo M" t-Coul" y Il I)" '''I''''''t: ", to .. I, t,I" .y hov,' dltll .. fir l-i n I JI I \ ' II'V f1 , lJ\lt Ilh' l lI L: littl e 11I1H;, I I I~ '· '. I I'I I ~ "· l'l y /:Suull. \' ? , b, k . 1:1,,," ,V ~'ord's IJlllJ"r did proml"1' l .... r I woulrln't lell how WBS ready to les \·e. be lookl'd am:lously wh"t I,h ov BrA d"1n~ . whlob ,pellk , u Ll lb.,'d In tl u.' tillUlt' Hit ' II I ' 1, III Il, The I ~ell ' 0' 1.11I ' or ~,,(\ i\lI..V. l"lour, Fep.d, Coal, Salt, ur OIl U' '''' I,,,t, Hut Ulflrll IS II luI we mC't. Allrt r " 'on't! In fo ct II IHn't at hi s companion. t l r Ultl " u I lIlo l ('IIc1 I1 I'!, I. \,.,,'l, In lho , aoy one's buslnl'88, Is II. CUlIHln "Cousin John." hI' murmured. "You (I" .. Il l' " 11 r I A ti n h Ar~ "" 101 I ', h"l' Tilc, P osts , Water Foun1(1 'btl olll wl'"l llt, ~tI[J Ullh\s!-t I l.~ flkill I ... "" " ,.",,, ,y w et. John?" won't le t any on&-n "'1· ll u l"T .. , .. A ... \Vf1 w ,d k out, o n (I o o ld u u d hl' IH"C It s 1111 1,11 o . \ ~dJ .. w J II ~ In Of I.te w.. b~\I e 10 A ll h .. vlnKmnl'b tains and Self-Feeders. "Not thot I cosn ~ ee, " rum e In ruther "Indeed not ," Int errupter! fh e dol'- Wlnl,· r oI"v. ", Io .. t tilt WI' "I'll lin, W'n' m ud 0 )' wuler. I r II\!"I' II/,' " 1,1 :I ,i' hl\nt \ ,.Ik lllluet'rnlllg "bill" I...... ~" "tid drawlIDjI: on~w .. r . tor. antl~lpRtlnl1 tI,t' lod'" pl"II. "TOllY h.",1 7" (I"" IIf t hf' lU'II-(IoI ""I'A -~ l it 1I1II y S!O c r uz\' !I J, d I'" I ,I ' .,1' to he ho " " ~ .. id, "lIlo"" '" " "I'll rl'pen l whnl I 88 1,1 lJerore.- De"on I ~ I'ere 10 Still'. Phil," m,UJV IJHII"r. lit N"w Vurli. t:lllcllWo -SH IP PE R, .OF'I'h (, ')'" rr y hro l·hor R tru o ked .. oIllll,," " nll ~. BUl i l". 110\ ,I. ,. " ' !" o\ II. I(('pt MCuuM I-('ould 1 kc ber. Cousin " Wh,,~ HUlA I",y Olin t,.11 lue l,h A "lid "IIt Ar IHI'I(" u 'th, ~ hev .. workad Pblllp IOo~ up hUH llly, "I dlrln'l know coup le of I .. rell loa e l8 n f 11I,g~ t." O .. . V fur ""Iry PU I'I''''''' , to ' ."1' "' ,,"uler abe lived hf'rp." John, JURI a mlllllte1" !.he boy taltere(!. ,"lfAcr" ... " hl't,wAH;" tb .. 'qutok' Bud $on, 00 M mdllY . .hell1 . .. lv"l! 10111 n tln p rrollzy about hulc, Hay, Straw and Feed. "We're r~o"y to bplleve Illet- nlt."Not 101l1llht, old tell Ow," ",,,lied the th fl ·tl .. nt1· ~ · ' hH kl101 I,h ll HnndllY it . Mo.t.nr tbt' Illlk 1M hUIII., Very crtcd K8th~rllle, ' Tlwrn". J ord!HI , of Frllnk h r:. I~ doclor, kindly, "Tomorrow, II~rltl\P8. " S " I""II t,""oh"r. J phullY wav~d hi .. - !-'" (, w " I til" 11""1'10 who ,ira olullpallju. Capt81n MllrCulIl"y atRrpd At her. And Philip bad to b(' cOll to'nl. hnnr l traotI Lll! II ~' . "Willi. Johnny ." Vl81tillir Ihe .Jordan fumily b ll r t'. Feed Grinding a Specialty, aliI!{ f"r H "lIUH''- ' ~UlldllV ' wnllld Waa thl~ frowning angry girl Ibe "mil· ThIll C\'enIDIL KOI.berl ne ~ I)(' nt wllh . Tltfl 'I) nlolo:' lirA t.he ou.. ..bo RAl R . •J. Morrav Hntl Wirfl Il U t' unPll • • ont, 01 I,IHI wny ot the automoblleH; tho Frle.lld .. ~ne .. tiug Ill, Hl1rv " v ~ · .... 0. \01(0 half H. I"r II" IhlMA or . Ing. yIelding Kllthprioe he blld known ht'r molber In .bopelelli ml a ~ ry. or thoujl:ht he holl known? "He oCled lust 88 It he 10\'ed her." 'b" oue~ thllt don 't are the 'uead ' .. burg, 011 "iunc"lay. Inul .. I · 0l-lllli . U "n .V LI... y dn. NOTARY PUBLIC B~rryf:tarr . ofWa:vn'lIovIlJ ~ , ~' rllDk "Yon ..an hpll evp It or 001, Kathle.- 811e wallert ot one time In Ihelr converMOIlle nur ohlzenM are B'ar\lnll tl Ull tl" ,V .. "." rvdllo6 I" l.rli"ly 11 Hatton. "r'd ilv" lIuythlnll to find out ,heir gardl'uH. .eUlng · roady IUT Mo Cllrren . (If FlarvevHburll, \V , B, Wayne ' ville, Ohio n... U~r III vh,wp .. ln, Wb" t one Terry an ,l K. E. Thotnll80n . () f l,hl R bow lon, he', kuown ber." ~tly .prlng, W tUI cu l.... u.l"rtl :1uuduy wurlC t. DO' "So would I," eald MI'Il. CUrtis. Obas (Jordon, the 'rtln~for Dlall, plaoe. WHra In DllyLuu. MOOlI .. y, National Bank "Katherine, we've got 10 get her a",.y 18 very hall\,. having enga8smenta A, B VOl\ler, of ffa.r ve y .. burg . '" onn .. lolun,r! by ti llntll llr man. by lome meaus, She'8 bewltrhed J ohn .. bead for h '8 8111rvl01lll _pen' tdunday afterno,lU wllh A . ~. N 111.1 "U .. V"I'""n lto"l ~ "6 dtl_ra. abe " "rouKhl Paul up trom his grey" Qomoy Klnlr, who hilI beeD Ilok AileD aud wife. ""U 01 tbe da y anotber milD bold. Telephone 76, ring J '-and there'l no loll In,. she may usurp tor IIbvAral .eelt: '. Is lboo.b, '0 b, (iur Brannon, of Dear WayneH · ~. u o d ..leorltUItII _I _II', )'our place In their will.... somlt bll,.. r a' Ual • • ,"Inl. .llIe, wal a tdunday gnellt of Lon ~"v .. rtb .. I..., . IH' 11I1l lUaD-eepeot. MAnd now ahe's boodwlnked Pblllp," BraDDon aDd wife , AUCTIONEER IlUlped Katherine. "DIlo't you tblnk Mr, "lid Mr@, W, I. Uar"I1Y a'e l.II,· w" rklug·maD- .. bo deoll,,~ MIla Alvena Klmhle"pont tiuoday ot M me plan? DIln't we claim 8be Al:pAo'lug "h~r' Nortb In " few l:enlcrvillc, Ohio .. II ~uud,,:v ubservlIouoll. bewuo. U'J afternnon wl,b MIs8 Lua Branllon . lIeJ1Js or aomethlng like thaI'" "av" "'"u foouII .. lI11n ,1001 ' bll d41 of rlllli GivE' me your aule . I can rio your Our alok and wouodl'tl .. re "8 fol· "John wouldn't bl!lI~ve It. l'fIpeclally Every'hlng IndlOftte~ ,hu.' IJn~ln p88 lows: Ed (hay. MrR . K E , Tbomp.: work r ea~onal Ie !lnel will gUll rllntee - , uNl:1)'-IIIoV r WI"" III lbe .ule now fhRt Reggl!! la coming howe." WlI8 oondl$lon8 arA Impro vlog . Idlulluoe Ib"t Ullhuld. It? ~h e anlwer.. "BII letler lodllY 8111d MI ..II Kermitb Kirk r,,'orn Old h om e Bon 8ud W . H, BlaIne arll t.he siok ; t o satisfy you , To •• al the bere very lOon. Everythlog fr om 1I'0.. IIIrl .. , InMt Frtrl,a,..artflr 8ev. Mrl!, OrUe Selman ran Il nail througb he'd be "be (Jltrh,&lllo rlliliion . NOLblojl FUN ERA.L I)u:lnl!!'"t;j""~"...L!··..,,~~RL-4_ delloloua .url•• --'--' Ihllt happen. lo ,thll hO\llle out of the eral weeks ' "'ay WIth hftr grllnd. ber foo'; A . 8, Allen hfl ~ f oo r bro. ~IN • . ho rlba . and Mra, Allte Terry h08 a ordloary la blamed OU my poor bo)'." parent•. , tobaooo Ilavor. DR.. J. W. MILLeR. Waynesville, Ohio Wha' would h .. pp6o If llta ~ :brtll vary badlv out hAnd And .he be,lo a,lln to cry. Tbe number o f 8nlh t,hllt fire be. M. M. l'erry aod K. E, 'l'hompllon 11,,0 reltll,"n were wadI' n""lIglbl " "Great HeRven.. motilll'. don't 1\0 10K brougbt, in our JOllioR ooare Is 10 Ibf1 Ullllell "4laL" II. Mid If, &lIerl!. , •• D~NTIST ••• that," I creftmed Klltberlne. "ello't JOu Inorea&ing Ulore Sban tn many year8 . of thlll plaoe. o.nd Jam eR Jobns, of Fully Equipped for Good lee weepln, doeen't do In), ,ood1 Mr , ood Mrs ThO!l !Judley. of Lytle, were In Dayton, Saf.urday . U,"JII . liuuday lJeolJme all any o'b"r . om"" In You make me 80 nervoue , could!!y. Npw Burllngt,nn, wore O/Il1log on Service, Wavne~ \ 1.le, tJ d" ,Y' ll,,"oll.. wo01<l be 'be '.UI'"~ Na'Ional Baal< BId •• We've ,ot to make lOme plan to ,et frlendR here nn !'Iunday. Large Display Ro.o m III Uhlna. wberll 'be' workIDR. her nut or here, While you're .nlvel· Ou Monday, Mtlroh 14, ~he prop. mao bOlM 011 dllY ut lIel' "l all. A od Inll all th e time, you C811't think," erty nwnAd by v1rM. hi .. !:Javon w\ll TELEI'HONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT a" In Jallan wilere no Chrlll".n reU. (Delayed.) Mill, Curti. ro.. and walked to hllr t"k"n OVAr by t119 coont.v ~ho till'n III pl'Ollnll' &0 8fttl I,hul ' ~ uvle bedroom door. IIIIlD IUI11"I,o of I he Counly bOllls. 416& 'belr line day tn leveD; "hell The ont.ertlllntDNll Riven a& 'be "My children ha l e no a,mpatbJ tor _. Mrll. James Allen is muoh Im_ me at a,I," .he .bot back, "But 'OU )l'rl .. n.t~ ohn-olt muob enjoyed. tbe I.. " allow. t,be worllel' aile (.\11 v .y I can't Iblnk while' cry, Well. ..Dd muoh bellefjl~ we~ Gerl ved trom proved aner a abort IIIn8118, otl III SU, wbloh, bowe"e" "~dO!l8t1:t "atcb mel I'll bet JOu live dollara ... Walter Bama, of Brown oouo'y. .e& If 'be employer 080 belp U .' Tony Devon I. out of t.h1I boUle before Fitted wl. tbe of Mr. an~ M... WUI Ral"b Brooke traBsaoted huslnes8 Don'l bftllUle YODr Amerloau ~on. another 'II,. .1t II over." AileD, a o.;uplo of dUy8 r"cllntl\'. .AT MI)DERATK PRICES : • tn Wllmln,lon, Knnllay morning. e • d .. , 100 mnoh, fO"I, or some da, M' •• A1\ Of! Chenoweth wall a VIO. 1'be "S" bIll 1M belnK ' rel)alred by Tbe next mornlo" wl)en ftenIe 'be maiM or tbe pecJl\e ma, be like t.he pol 'de Highway l!lopervlMor: MOl ef IlIgrlppe recently , ~rown came home, he wont dlrectl, Mre, Wm . GurU", of Soutb Lehl!.. Barry Brown, ,be 4.rade4 Obilleae Ind tbe no to bll mother. Of coulle. a. u8ual. Farm SnlerllllllLivC- Stoc Optical Department Clareooe MoHnlnn and Joseph i:. non, WBII . a weloome KneHt ...t tho I... dlltJraded peep'e of "ap~n In thll, ahe wept at tbe sllbt ot him and b&Specllalty home of her pareD", Mr. and Mfli. S, Detroit St. Xenlll, Ohio 01 .... rran to upbraid blm for bl. thouaht· !\toOarren, of Ulall'bvllle, 'ran'ao,ed .1 AllIIn Op*! by nppointll\ \!nt ... ~ lta.ncss. Why hadn't ho let ber know Ilulln : BI bere on ,,'rlda, Satisfaction Guaranteed IIr. an4 MrI!. Oeoar Mo"rer 8rf1 wbere he Wby bad be been loDe ,, rno"lng to,a farm near Utloa, a' tblll 10 lon" • , MRS VPTON eQA.s~ Hell brook," Ohio Wll..... "atentorllri.wrl&lnr. and Edward Cook Bnd ill,nl . Rellle 11\Wbe4 Insoleot),. .. G~ .-,.14 with the fol't'el .,.. !iHE NE'V!::R COOKED II,. expec"o mon to 'he Bar'",ook "Do I ever let ,00 IInow "bere I nnth Phones tore Troy wu blel!R~rt \vIOl I , . " farm •• aodad by the 1I01l'1'erl. A Me::~l. IN HER ,0, mlllerf' be demanded. 4J'oppl... HATHAWA" powerful .0Ie&, In fol" 1\' ., Ute , told I IIle. Bmma Reed, of )(orrow. II II LIFE POOR, Into an eRlY chair. "No. I doo't, aoc! It "a. "I lood 88 Iho. p or ntty other MI'" I '118rl611 CI"rll haR heen qnlte welcome K08l' a"'be home or IIlrs, I won'" I've come tor Ave bundred HELPLESS CRITTE:~I m.... The aianll OIUI/t' \\'R8 Sti!Otor W"'Ylle~vll1e'8 Le"dlujr, Dontl8' Walter Oallin and family. P\I:!r ", lila 1"1I.1pI''', tbe p8Ht wellk, dollall I ban to have. Now COUKh and from bl. blml' \\,p. ,1"r"'9 our modM'''ln ~ t Joe Mnr«an. wbo ball btoen Il vlo · IlffiOil tn H (,1nn~ Rlr\lr 'It up," M"ti. AilulltJII I!:mrlok spun' F.rlday 8nI word Itelltortan, tim of mom!)", Is able &0 rMume his > wltb Mu 1f.,tI .lk llngenl .. , haveo't Ibat mucb mooey In till! ....... world." IIobbed 111'1. Curtis. M.t! M"rH ' n.t, .Jubus uHonde.1 tit .. d uMes IU' blllokRmllh, "1.·hen wllelldle It Ollt of Coullln MI8~1 "II'''')' nlfteU f' IC at 'hI' h"UIIl o · Onlll Tru. Rlform. . Johb, It he COllJUlllnded. "I've .(mply Mril E . I. Iib"I'W"od, III W!lyn ll~ . The 0011 refurm Ilta, reallJ relo. . . , How HIgh Do Bird. Fly? VETERINARIAN lot to b8 ve III" viii", nil W .. rlneHdIlY. the ref..rm Ihal comet from till ThIN np!,enra to he sun on un se ttl cd C I'Pflull no heed 10 hl8 (!Tuft com· 19l11ble fl)ho o nt, a gll ln D , M ('I'lIk rt of the Indlvld.ulIl. Not all tb. ' QlIrSllol1 In ornithology. nnll rerently 11101111. AIl's. Curtis rorked to Ilod tro •• rc.nr 11 t hroe. mouth .. lIIu~8 wll h Vaccination a Specially. Noth. ~" lawe oor III the klo"a utut.. n Bclentlfic InstltlllltlD ref\lle~tl'<l 011'· 1 ' Veterin arlan6 III excels of aguny. rl1t--I ll rufttJ" I il l\~ hili Reliable Serum used mD reform an evn eommuolt,.-Dulli l nllm engngorl In m0t 'nrologtcn I cx plo"It Ptlul had dh,d," ahc wept. "we'd MrH, A O. WIIIIIlIUII. of O,y l,III' , rutlon 10 observe th e 1 1!'lgll t ~ nt \Vh l ~h de Boulo,"e. .' bave bud It 101 of 1000tl),- " ICr.:: (Jt.'F 'lkOl,t " cuupl., or dAY" IAHt wI'nk hlrdR nrc foond. A( pr~ ~c nt It 18 hePhone 44 Harveyebuni, O. ~ ..... "Bow do you IInow'" WaR Reglle', with Mr. hud i'>Ir«, Wrn . C"l s m"n . 1,'utJr fh -it.rtl" r. fH·ar 'I'.v ll·r lIeved thnt hlrds gen crnlly do DOt rl ~e Qukk query. Mr. Illld MrH Will Null, of tdprloj( ' more thnn .about 1,:1'1(1 feet obow' t.ho I 'felephol1f' 9:1 Good Alwa". at Hand '!' "Because I know how his wlll'B borll. "I,"ut ~ouday whb Albert I1roun<l. althoogh occn~lonnlly th ey nt· It WI! will take Ihe 1101111 we: flnel, made," explained hie mother, "lIud "It/lOY "nd f"fOlly . taln nn elcvatlon ot het ",erm 0.000 onll WayneSVille Ilelllull DO QueetloDII. we , ' dball baft unlesa his Ca roline 18 tound. your Oh lu /lead Gazelle's Clas5.lied Ads MI" .. Loon" MaGinnIs rotnrned to 7,000 ,pet. beaarln, meI!RIl'f!II" \£\'ery,llIloll 1,OOd . Cousin John and I lIel 811 bls mo •.."v ." b"r HobllUl, 1\I.,1Il1r\v u\urulng, I~ 00 Ibe klP_,·- F:ul"r~uq. ' Rl'lIluahi'e eyes .. III zed luto It llRlDe Audraw MclClrby. or Day\on, Will' of IUIl!1'\!81. &Iolley waH the only tblOIl a weHk end I uea' of [tuwar!t A Hen , thsl attrll<'led hlw. A DGlbber of oUlzaDllln 'hili vloln. "Wby doesn't be die, theoT' he .1I1r· ed, drupplDI back 8ullenl),. "Be', old Ity' ohltolled thoh~ plaOIlII of IIbodll I. .t week . Mao k Pioltorlllg Ilnd enou,h aud Rick enough, Iftn't hef' "BecBUIJP. he'lt ,ettlog well," replied wife moved 1.0 'heir farol; lIear Gllll rgetowD, on 'ro08day; 'William hili motbtir. "'TbBt ,Irl-" "What glr"" Reggie'. voice allked Coleman atld 'Ilmlly to tbe Elbon farm. on Wedncacllay; Gall Gordon the qu •• tlol) In monotono. "Some buuy Jolin picked up not 811<1 famll~ to the l.aoy· prOJlftr&y, and 100" 8,0." W81 Ule reply. "Sbe'. Oell, Soott lind K,veroU ellrl,. lIud broulM Paol to life, lIod John I. wild ohll,lren . \0 'he Plolter.l~g lJropcr\y , Thurllday; Mr . and Mr. Leon Raila lbout her, and 001'1'- " uWheM lulle,f ' Interi8('ted Relllnald. bnry \0 ','he V~n1L'r88" fllrru, bolow Waynllllvlllll, J'rlday, ~nd Ben ITo bo aoaUaulCl.) B .. wke and famny to the Jone~ - - - -•• - . properly , Friday. " Rl>meruber \ the I:!pr.lngb~ro play, HIS is whal we are chdeavoring to do for botb of usa' ,bp b.lJ: Maroh 1S,' h , . . GET NEW BUSINESS! ,If you want to sell Y9,ur , . .,. . Oilrl A~ti.rlgb' aliid ftl~l1y Ire ,lafl lIaa aOu'e a,,,ok of Nllanl c-""'rrb, week' waving fronl De,.; Springboro ,' ' SI1rph.is stQck, 11 plow, mac:hine; ~ain" live ' stock, etc. , 1-'bON, .nbjetl) to rrtlquHnt "~\(Ie ,o " belr ,> ne .. bOOl.e 'here. receD',I, yau a"re looking for ne\v bli$iness for yourself: 1 • l In 'be.bMd' wilt dOd" bat tbe Olt! ~r pnl'Clb.. He4 0' Geo. 1:!o1lU. BAbL-'t! CAT"RSH MII:DIClNK , IIr: an4l1n. M.r'tn and Mr and 1'HEN, advertis'i ng' your hU,siness thro~gh .t'le Mi~l'.Qi WIll build ap ~be .Y...... m.d8JllltM , I'~il' BopIr, of ..tddle&own. BIOIl1d aDd reDder t,bem 181111 liable. I'ttday ~'h II~, KlI_beth creates new ·busi less for ll S. We are very S.UTe tha~ oolda , '/ RepN,ed ..&aClk. of Aco" . , Caturh11DD, lead to (.;llreolo Catarrh get the busin~s through this.m~dium. thet:el;lr, milking BALL'I8 VA fARRB 1I&1l1VIN. qUi1U WbanDD aad tamll:r qieD'
I:IH~TH EI~ or not the <?round HOl' scm' his shadow, WInter be over WIthin the 1 ~1.' SIX weeks, the sun will shine Clgain for Cl'lll'r:iI busincsH conditi<?llS are undoubted Iy irnpnn' i ng CYel y \ her ,',-
1921· l'\AR.cH
J 4
6 7 8 9 .1011 l2
16 17 18 19
ri :d I~ chca p.
Buy and huild no\\' \\'h i Ie hu i III i ng
Lunlber is cheaper to(i:ly, Bllt \\ il l! t i lL' ~l lh ' e nt of sprin'? and sunshine, huildi ng will surt - thi s ~11 ildvance pnce. Today is YO llr , opportLlnit~1 hu\' on ~l low market-six weeks la ter you \\'ill he hiddin g :l,g :linst the other fellow - th is :iI wa r s Illea l iS h igl"1L'1' prices.
WaynesvHle, Ohio
! ~----------------I
Everett Early
I---"!.------.----.. . .
Do 'you
Lytle, Ohio
Forest T. Martih
know why' it·. foa.t.d
Lytle, Feed Mill
Walter McClure
- --
LEu!~~!~eotly . . l I i John
H. Wright
~ .....................i i
--_ ..
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall M Coy, j Dr. J. A.
• • • • •
CIGARETTE (j ;t,r:~..~
.. _----
· C
','C , :nld 'in tlte Head"
lDterDall, .Del aote on .... lIaDo..
IUda)' lD~~~~:
lin. .... \II
.r. . aael
.. ",~ ,. ,............. 1-.~~ .~.~~;;.;~-: ,-
~·~dii=:.'~ .~ 'th
liS' feel
the transaction.
The Miami
n,\ ' t hl' \
- AT-
,' 1 '
:-p, .. h ...
Phone 25-2
, l ll d
'l ••
'll' nl ... "
11, ,1
KceluJ! " ,t t· .lIIHu,lInt=; Ihelll,' f ' IIH' ~ Pl"tll\I·(I:-;.
I,ill .t tl Ih, I l i d .llId .1 ,1\. 111 n~ 1 It .... lk8 u i' 111. 1, I ' '. I l I II III\~ 1I1~lIt!T\'"'nhle , bi oi"", I. Ih '''' p r l\ 11 " 10:'> ~t1tlJ ~(· t · I'd h lill l i lt \\ ~1 11\ 1,, ) \\n 1i11t.· ~ o r hn l.; \".... I" '· p. q .. l , ' ,h\ 111 ,1' t ll hl~ dll~' 1 tllt' C' r, )\\ 11 d t Ill' j'·,wk fU llnwn wu s lll"lh.l \"'" ' " I,.' \' ltl c'lIl>lu u ~ In tlrl\' ln g uwuy "'1
" I.II ,"l\n!; ,h.
Sy ndl c .h.·.. )
nl\ "'I'll
'"111 ):<lod, hilt whc,.e .1," '8 IL !;I't \I ~ IC
"'" ll,,"'! kno w who IUll d u lh,',"1" 'I'h., spcllkl'r . WllI hllll J . 1II1rnf<, Ih" n c o nlw ' h ,lll with t he l!nltcd Sttllt'S :1""1"\.'1 ~(l I· \' I4 ·\'. t;luru'(Od ul' frolu h l~
l""",llIlItl.,,, lIf
SHUMAKER Veterinarian A.
IlIf):" slif" ,d . ld, his
A~l er l cnn lud lnn.' Orig in U nknown . , H,,'l)dH h: ~ h".l tHu PIJl..u j Ul:it as it wuR l". ) d~ l nllltt! S,.IIIt\lIl1 I lll ~ Ih'l' \) r.1l1nd I (III tll ~ [luint uf br inK shlPlJe<l (rum In reg II "I to lh e ••rl"l .. of 'lit' Alll e ,·I· :-; .. w Y rk III ' ''~ I'' Itl cH- l\ .ufll \\J.lt'll
run Inll inn. A"ntn'''I<-IIII~'. 11ll' Inll\nn l "liS s tulT.'ll. ""l wU h wool or unl r. bu t hprl~ fJ ~ lrnd"J: r'~(llllhl llnC', · to t he "It It .. ~ .t).A).t}OO wort h ('ounterfd t M nn~uL.llt n . Th 'rl),(urc IF 1· .·!1~III1Jl hl~ 'u ~ tn n.1 'lin m UIIt'Y. (ll·::; tlnl~tI tu llunn ee to 11,,1\("'., t hllt hi s "'H','. 'MS .. rh:lllllily ' II 1.,ltlll.Aml'rl r ll ll M!\"oluLlll\'. 1"'~ " SRI"'d f r o III A ",ln 10 :'\lIrth Amertcn' l !"\t_ fu r u s f ile IHt'U whu luu) l u't' O ') Iw 111" " 0 .1 nr Ihl s Illt )!. "UIIt1l1 nlfll10t h f'l: w p .. klll~ Oil tlw t'Il!lC hnd 11('1' 11 nhlt· to C'nl clllnt ptl n('('urn t ely 11 1101 Ih ,1lpn.-d, d l:H'Clv t' r, tlH ' I' t ' W11 ~ 110 \\IIY In \\llll'h
Practical Vnrcillllltlr 11 1\" 1I"t! 8 UCCe8!I ill I mm"I ,i ll~ .. II both Hick amI well h e r" ~
B th Ph unl'R (le·1I ·1· I r
H o m e H55·8
mor.. tl ~ n 2OI~~'..::" ~'" '
Mental Dep ressio n Common.
Of lhe Cond·tti n of t he W aynes ·
, .!I'a)' \\' II I<-h. h,,\'III): unlollur.1 It. Io ll r· I d"'l, Illle) drh 1..' 1\ t o b(' l o~ ' nmlll1J,t 1 II III II " " ,ti " ur llt IH'r" of Its kllll i In tI,,· \ l'Otn ' I'Is of ~ \ '\\' Yorl\. ('lr lll,' 111\ ' 11 Will i 1111'\ slll!'r,, ',1 111(' tcufu, OW III("U no.. ~ 1 "' II l':l hh.' fnr (,lJl1Iller ,,' ltln)t til l' ('1I r rt' lli' \' uf u frh'Jl illr Imtl'''l, th (' I't' \\'1114 \ IItt I'III 11 ('u l I;)11 W I1Ilh-\' ' pr" Hut Hllr n ~ 1111111\- f\ ('u rt'fIl1 , Ol llll '. ~ t fIIkr , ,:o!C'ollit- l'Xllllllllu tl n n ,)f lli p Imr ·
'I ,
C(Hn l)nrntln~I~1 pt 'roi(lI n~. If rhr ml1H1NI nnrl n Inq!'> n1tlllht~ r of
ville Nali onal Bank . at W :wn':l fp"",p ville in I he Still e of Ohio. ,il t he fh p In ~nn(' ore t'Xf·('p tPtl. II r" C'ntl r(" I ~' close of b\1sin s. r .. b _ I. 1H~ I trfl(, (rom t hp '.'nl 1t' n(·\'. f tl n Ulir s of Inon' nr '4!!t.~ Ol'>l l l nl I t. · "r(\p:~l nn Thp IlK .OUII ES mor. · tnl ollf'rll1nl [Iortl nn .,r mnllk lnll LoUli and d llcount•. hl\"",UII~ I " tn rt ..... (I morC' rr ' \IIP fO I t) I~ kl Ilf I o f · 1 redlllCOunCA • . . . •. . 3B1 , b 1 \~ Uo '1'01.&1 Loan. . .... . . . . .. . . ... U,; . 8S~ . 9 '; mpn'JlI IIIn lnl >" or ' plrItU" ' "'lnlvnlo' nt Illp wll h \\hil'" lit., (Il,,"ltnr~ hilI! ,.., 'Il
uverdralu., UD.!JeCureU , . ' , , ' U. 8. Uo vommeut sc."4.'urllt~ tH\' I1l'ld DilIlOl'IIed to -..eure cl",ulaLtuII
(U .8.llond. parnjue )~O.OOO.uo 0 ..000 and uoplotlgod .. 1"1 . 00 War Savlnp lJ<tnlUcaLeII ,,,,,I TbrllL 8t&nlll'l ""LUOU y ownod ....... .. ...... .....
9 11 11
'BoDda and _ ur'Lles (oLlIor 'h~o U . 8, _u.nLlM) 1,Ioo(l\ld ""CIlI· 1.1e....1 ror ola'" or orher <Ie_". (p<*ul uciuded ) or btl I.
hU!f t) :.t
~ I . '" U I
pa,..blo. . .. .. . ..•. U. 00 ou 8eCurt.... o Lher tha.n IJ. S , . ,,)1111.
(DO' Ineludlull Iloel<o) own"d UDpted,eeI ....... ISl . ' 0a ~l Oolla\eral T"",~ and Ibtr 1101
~oo~r.::'~~U:J':~e<J ~(\~n~~l
'han S Jean' Limo . . .
11 . ~~O . uO
8\OCk.1. otlol)J' Lhan Foo.,..,.1 It e·
rhe ,e 180
to kiAI"
j , C".IIU Ull 8. 04,lU.(1II
r.~=~18~'r.:ie':"I "'1'8 Bank .... • • .. . • . . ..· ne: .. .
ea..b fn va.ul~ and De&. 8mouut8 dae froID nUI.o nl banko . ... Tala! oUt&ma 11, 11 , H. 16 ..n~
20.79' . lg
16 ........ . .. .. . . 130. '9~. 1 9
Cbecb " D baDka located oullildo
If wn~ th e ('u!IItom ,I If" t,p I n th p IIUIII C
t:n"I""I I,·
!l, p
ru s lom
s[l r p.Ht l hl'.\,." ,, 1 rh \\II I L ot Il w (' hurcb onl l t' \ " '11 1 0 ;.1 1\' ,,1 "' 1'11 ' !fcnl c, ' re<"Oo·
elllull Ol'
8t.o<:k ot Federal It_ ryo .[lUlU rlJGO 1!Il' ceDI or lublcrlpUOIl)
" l lrnln y"
/f~ " f.
1,'lI l r·· "
tht' Trtn l, .,· I 1. ; 5H 0 ..
"po"" "'"h
0 KiSs.
Forenoon Marriages. WI1 Y I ~ "".. " ' hfl t rnd ltl nnn i nnd tnshlon nlilp hnlJr fur wf'drU n g re r& mnnlr~Q? B' "i ":l ll"'" thp hnur hecnrue
th e (,U ~'/lmllr~' tltl f' In Engl nnd mnny 100. 00 yenrs H. " ','. wh"11 Illp MIl e of pn.rtnklng f tllp hnls <,omm unlon nil the 3 .GOO 00 IiJ'II1 0;" ' n~ .. 'IH'r or. • be mnrrl ec1 pnlr
~Iwr o~:rn~!h r~.r;.lo~
tund ~Itb U. 8 , TrIMwet' ano due from U. S. TNuurer ... .. ' ... . . .. ... .. S , &~S.OU 11I-..' .....ed bill DOl coliocLed . wua tJn l\'('r~,ZllIy nhroyl.... l (1 \VnR flot Tolal ... ... .. ...... " ... . 1 6U .B " .24 pennl S~lh l e In ('cit' hrnle thot sllers· l. JABILITIRS menl nft ~r UlltJ·cl ny. R«I.... pIIoD
=-=~~~~:: ::::::: :
----- .. - - -
• ao.oon.oo 100.000. 00
118ll1"lded 1lI"01Ita ••• •. 12,767.41
X- curren, el<nen-.
M. E. Church 'l'h 'n l\l\. kel ball . a~'111 pn. l II l,e h el'l, The II RulII !<er iel's will our T"Juy B 'ars lasl 1"rilhlV nil-:ltl . I I rl f I IlI'xl :,u ll duy: ~ u llcluy S,~ hoo l. ~: tf):
wrHI'IH'fl . l lown In olle <,ufl lt·r, 111,lf-
for tiOO Y I! ~HB , 1,1':'" I':':' l .)\\ f' r t.r PI ~n I Q or I HII' " \\'hlll ' ( ~: lr r : "' 11 IIHlr"!" 1111110 Ooth l(' 1:: 1\1,'. II " d"p:lrfure fn ) 1II 11m p crpl' ndl"1I1 :1 r 11' 1" tli "U \' :Irl ll ll ... l y tn ' (t'1'l'rt Q ... d , ),ur l in ,, ' ,~ 11 111., dU Il Ia! I ll:I t It r hw .. 1'1 III I II' .. , ", n, 's~ !"If 1 It" <.I nll nn wl l kll If "'a "do,; " lid \\ l dl"l, IIns t:'v,'rI \\:1 .\ ' ;'\,,01 \\ 1I1I" ,nodl,,:.: fI" . hrt'n t f' " III1: ' I 'I "~ Ir' .!!1 ", 11 lin ... "OW
~ " r ll ll l1r
!'Oa \d
Ulll lllL li lt
. ' .0101, ,' h "i" I"",1 :J: I ~. : " hurl·1I I:, 1':" 0'\')0 b,,~y "' It·d
th e de t eoth'e r ll;lI tly prl'~ ulII ~ll I'(~ fern.t! In SOIlIl' WilY to the mllnnrlll'-
III S p lr· l1 r t:S(l rvn~o~" _
1l0Ht1 l'iulI
h" TH' .. , I ,\
I I.u,·,· (turchnsed the I III ~ ill eR8 in· ,f F. M Hutchin s on , elec·
Ilt'r(' ~ t ~
Beet Is Evo r yl h lng. . I r il,:. 1 f' ' tt tract "r . III1U U ll. n. )w r e udy Till' " " '" whn Ioll ~ .; .. ,,,. Il i~ h" ~1 hOb \IJ tll ""' h t'\I!ctri(' u l ~ uppli e" Llf al l d"",, ." ', rylhlll l!. '1'1,, ' ,"all wllo hu s l;ill.t tl :-'(J(' or ellll m e Illld I will fur· dlHIt' I I' ~ ~ Ih u ll ilLs t u',"' ( 1111"4 d{llh~ noth·
Notice to Contractors
_. _._------_.-
Mrs KiI!?on
./ ry the Miami G:lZeite's Chl5sifietl Col lI"
lor Result$
IIIIV II,\.[ retufI" '" I""ne . I u rn n o w , r ,' I\ I·. I .. s ,' rv .· I I... (l •• loli c ill 1111 kill!l ~ " f Nll ll, r y w Il r l; . 1',," be fuund at , IIIV r, ·~i .!· III'" ur ~ .."I "h unt! 40
C h llcolhLO lJrolJ:! ~U · a !Jv u mJ f).l b buxes as:>t CII c "H e~ 4 f1 11v o rs .. .... .. · .. ... .. ..... . $ 1 1[. Pa:m Olive SflU P, 10 hars ... ... 7ilc ::iree l cut Co fr.~e , only ......... .. 20c Kraul ,a cun ...... ..... .......... IOc Pumpkin, n C~lll" .... .... ......... 10.! E. J . Pea~ , a cu n .. .... .. .. . .... . We I' resh Snlted Peanu!.'! , II> .....·!()I' I. r e~ h R Ol\i\l ed i-'elln ul ' 111 .. ... 20 · Freil h Waynesvill e BreR d .:\ ... 2[w Blue RIbbo n .Peeled P t!>\c he_~ hllx ........ ..... ... .... . .. ...... 20c Bulk Mao. and ~ p g , Ib" ..... If)\'
Featuring Ma):' Allison, in
(,ohlm bll ~. l) -- I Rper l.. 1 1
I '"
by O h,o In lI.1l Malo uf Wltr t>avtlll-lB Inn le ller to tlOD I. '1'0- . b in, pU'blldlY dlre l'lnr ror Ibe ~'ourth ~. •Ic ral He servo distrIct. lJnlt ed SlaLes trllasury dopartJU"nL. ' "rM I· de nt lI artllnl; e&pmssed cratlnc.allou tbat Oblo " .. ,I led "n uUler .lates In Iho ."Ie of :(II Vf1fnDlIl,lt la,lnp Sllrllr· iLles . .. j hope thIs "orlr: may coollr.ue and !tro" ," tile prellde'lt ",ote Mr. Tnbln . rrnsldcn t lIarrlln&: .ald · " II I. nat·
, I
us yo ur
' hi c k uns Slid Aighesl Drices pOliti fo r IIny qunn t itl.y , any time
It pay sl to trllde at
ZIMMERMAN'S _._._ ------
Admission, 17 anti 11 cents ~~·r,------------~~------------------
ura.lt)' au nf' .:M ld un for Inmp. orifle to me Ul know th HL rl l t' frk t whei'h
hH,ludcs my hUIIII' IIWtll
"the 'd"lngham Girl" ,
II socur ltles .
"The· W'alk Offs"
. ~lso a Maclc Sennett Comedy, '
l' rflSlllp.nt
Il a rrl in g is prOll d of tlle r" c'urd Ilrule .
, ar. len ~e 'liM-O llly !it' a pk~ . Larg ~ t R"-",,rlllluill of th"h gt ~e ds eve r Mhllwn in t OW II .
ZIMMERMAN'S Onion , '(' lS
•• •
•. i ~ 1t " " i" , a l ". (, n all r'lec tri cu l w n l'li . .1 I' Li\({Hl t :K , Lebltlt(m. U. I:.'. ph,,"e!J I·A: l.h oll E: 393
'n~ .
t.bla ::=tla
We have just secured ~1n assort01cnt of ne\\'est InoJeis, every one dupiic,"ltcs of what IS being shown in eastern shops. There are cOlllbinrttions of stra\v Clnd silk hats trimmcJ in French flowers, foliage and fruit.
~ I l r'
• :•
i: i 1\'1 ill illPry ••
••• :
Onhodo\ l'ril'lllls lhun:1t
..:nvlng the C:l\ llIt ' I'~' ")"'0 h,' Is \ III r.'lIll1y pngog(",1 \\"lIh 1111 h i. II dt.: ht
" " " \I ,'
--= 111""' 1" .,·\r oo"l, \,::111 a . 111. f,·/' wnn,h il' "' 111 ::m .
ohlll~rn l e.l , hf' tll "f'o\,(·retl a 1'('('II I\IIr
w os so ld h \' only on e COlII'urn In Ih f' E nsl. nlll '''\'I'n thlll .\lscm·('ry ,1hlll' l bring Burn" llIu L'h duB!'r t o hl R Qu nrry, tor 11,1' , ..... I;~ or t h ... Urm In 'lu('~ lIon ~II(1Wl'1! thlll " III ,'e thun . 2.000 .lplll f'rs hutl IlUrt'llll",' cl "XX" burlllp with in Ih l' IlI,"t )' I'nr. 0 n(J lo y on e th eso ,l rll\(·I'. wero !'llt llit'rtll'.l, UlitII only s ix rl'nlld"e,1. AllIonl: these wos n rurroll url' h ou.,' In Lnlll: ' . Innll City Iltll1 wlll'lI th nt "tOI'\! 011,'11(',1 for btl sl lle R~ nn th e followln~ 11I(lnlllIg n S'IUllrp-Jnwl'll. stnck 1\ ,'·1111 II 1 11111 11 o f ItH!llluIII belgllt enten.ci IIn.l ask t'tl to see the Illnnnh~'r, "M y BIIIllP I~ lh,rns." he slnt ....\. HlpIIlnl: il nl'1: th r 1111" 1 ot hIs C'"lt III sUf'b a wil y ns 10 urtor d 1\ gllnr rs~ of hl8 secret ~('rvl re bndge. "1 would like t o ho ve the opportunity of look ing nt the s to'l; of bllrlol) which you hove on h ond 01 the preHen t time, In orde r to URsl t th e go\,e rnme nt In Mlnnlng clown II ells' of cOlls ldrrnble Infpor-
•• •
1011 a rt'
II ,l!
rno.l'k - thl" 1l 111I1l' rnl s to!! XX (}.-l " -\\,hl(·h
f :
1·1 :l .. ,,·ys h.... ~ Fril· t1., s t..:.hU 'l'h
, II
\" lfdl :d:\ 111 \' 1 t· iI t t l lI,' prt' ''U'ld .
Mi staken In HI , Id-"".
DO' .....
1'1 ' 111
" () ("' n~h,1D8 I1 y,"
Had Warning Enough. A Wesl Norwood who ,'escrlbed C!redl&ed, ID ad"ance 0 1 malur btmself 118 a poet tol d th,· mu~ls trRte tnnce," 71\, 00 • UJ' ud Ded ........ .. nllt ri g ht there Ihe man who solved 60.0 0U.08 Ollll he hnd tw1ce hrell 1:n 01'1,·" t!own 0InNIa1lq oot_ outalUldl08 .. !I. amoUDIa dUl> W) NaLloual hy a motor~cl1llt. Ollr opInion 19 that [tinny mys le rl es r.nn In to II snng. NOlie 10 000. 00 bUIka ........... . ... ...... . of the lourl u p hore the "2 x..X (H" mark. 6&.31 be tlhould have given n p p,le,ry whe n ~= ~~~l::.dl:ff: 'ii lie wa~ knocked dow' l Iii .. fi rs l time. The "XX" \\'119 ther e, but th e num!!rud II .......... .. 10. 066.11 nls we re nil tlllTerent. . -London Punch. "W he n did you ~et thl 8 stock Inr 111.307. 48 ~~~_. ~~~r:~~?~.~. ~ _ 01 depoI" due III 1_ oskrd . th!' dl'tf'ctl\"ll. I,V60 . V~ .... 104.,.. ....... ... ... . . "AI nllr 0 monlh ngo," W08 the reply H.OO Dh1dliltcla UDpald .. .. ... .. : .. Safety F~'t. Total .t demaDd dopomle (otnor "HII\'c YOII u ny of the form e r moto"Mow sa711 you ron't 1,Iss me eDY IobaD bulk depom Ia) aubJecl '" rlnl on hnml?" . '8eItiIne, lIe_ n, If. 10, 31. morp. Willie JOU l'S, '''''"SI! yo u might n aDd II • •.••.••• nl,IOO. n Till' IIIl1l1 l1ger wus InclIned to thln~ J!~t mIcrobes end I IIIl gh l gel your BIlla .-,..bJe. o&ber tbUl with not. bul II coretll1 I'IllIl'cb of th o wort) hdenu. S-ve Benk •• . .•.. 80. 000. 00 I't'l,h" •."-Sun Dlai. house hrought te' light 11 s lltgle plecf 'Potu ...... .. .. ... . .. . ... lou.au.'. b! th r fllrlll Pr s upply lind the r e. III th" 01 tI1e IOtuloaQII and dIaoouul.a oIIOWIl abo vo rortl e r, """" Ih e clue thn t Burns hlld lite amoUDt OD whleb III\<II'MI aD,l dl_uul ... cb.a ned al rat.,. til lO r Lh_ h ope,l to finll - lhe Ilulellbl e "2 XX 04." permi,...r bJ law .(_. 0181 L R~,,\ 8Lat.) "Now." s noPlled the secre t sen ' loo (exclualve Of DOIee upon wblcu "'<a>ebuge 110\ to e..-l 60 COlD'" wu mlldo) " ... mnn. "If ynu wl1\ Ic t me Re<' your • •. TbeAWDbor of well 10.DlI WU lIone Sealet! propnaal. will btl received b1 llro I>oo\(s ror the pnst Ihree or fou r Tile UDOUIIC cromoDO, loaned OF OALL IlH Trn.l..,.,., III lVo>:oo 'I·own.hlp. WIIM'OD CUUDLY DIU.AND br.UlIabmkon bond and I l<Ick Obi... Lhe 011"." 01 th. Clerk 01 W.rUH m rm lh s. J won't bolber yon nny collal«al,ill N•• York Oll)'.lncludlul boll, Towushlp . Wa1o,,"vllle, Uhlo. up uIILIi II :00 loll J!'t!r." l()&ld mao. direct,. ~ borrower'll IWd tbWie o'citlck , '1'lin t Rllme n ftl'rnoon Burn ~ nud Iwo &broqb Jt.a Naw York correojXIudeol. on lba daM of &hla ",pors wu .. .. ...... None of hi s "~,,, .. llIh·~ rllng Ule 1>('11 of n 11M amount of mon., 10aDo4 ON TllIIEI by &hla bUlk OD bond and lloOcll collat~ra , tn For cULtlng hU!. wldonlng Lho ftradl Illd milk· hou sl! In n ...1CIkl.I'D occupied b~' II ?o1 r1' . New York 011" IIIclt.dlD, boLb 101> .. 8 mlUle 181 the nil on the \1I'Ossw"'k h 18, ID Wayne Lonl . wh it wn ~. II c~O I' llIn g to Ihr ch'r\( dlrecl~ \0 bol"l'Owe... &nil Wlo .. lhrough II.. , Warren Ooun'J. Uhlo. who h,"1 1llll ,Ie lh o sn le. "\I :ptllllRh ....w Yorll correepoDdeDt.. OD 'h. dal<> 01 TOWhollll' aRid Contract will I", 10l!ly Lhe Jud . ae· wOlluiu who In. lstell upon buyln!! n repon wU . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. ... .. NOM cordIng to the Illalll and l pocJtlcallnn8 on tile J. L. H. HeodW80D. Cubler or 1ho aboVH ., 'he OlerK '1i ol1ke. Wa)'u08vIUe, Ohio. 'rh e SI'(II of n cortRln \(Ind, WE'll JlII (1c1cel IIUIUldbUlk.do IOlImnl, ."ear 'hal .he abo ve .." '''.... Iul bidder wlfl be ""'l ul!'llli 1.1, slve a ' o\,lIy stuITed." The sofn 1111· t.rue t.o ahe '--& of mJ knowl ... " . bond III Lbo .UID 01 ODU I'"ounnd 1.10 11 .... onll h C .000, 00). swcretf lh e ,11·.,:rllltion of the one r... M. BltNDltRBO)/. O....lor. [an$18~'~l~t~ reoorvo the rlllhl to roj ect whIch "'liN heln g hc ltl lit tI, e whorr. euoalbM aud aworn 10 belore .me tbl8 IDII dar 01 March, 1811. ~hl" inuit. be Mlalod , aud the uame t>r the IIncl the " ('ry fn et th ut the purehn . r It. V. IlACuba". bld ,ler ondol'llell 00 tho Lid. h"d b 1'1 Spntl lllh olltled the fill II I (' on· 00_ NORr7 Public. W . S . GRAHAM J • .B. PltNOE... W. E. ORNJ.!:LL neatln g link . But, 1\.1 ort!e r to nvol ll J. W, WHIT .. , E . L . THOMAS nn), po.s lbl e s l\(lUP, nunla locl)t{'{1 the W. 11. ALLBN, R. V. OA ftNUAIlT. \;I.rk ~ Tn •• IMl6. expresslnnn who hllll tnken th e furnl· DI_ ... tllre fr om the Lonl hous e to the' (\0 k _J ~ - u t ent which wos fur (rom dlftkult once he hn<.l II clue to the locotlon of. the hOlllc of tlle co nnte tfelters. As he hnd expected, Mre. Lonl dis· claImed IIny knowledge of tbe ship· ment onrl fell tJllck upon a protes~c d lo ck of ullll prs tn"IIlng of Engll!lh to bol. te r 1111 hpr posItion . To h er nmoze· ment. th e de tective replied In flu e nt A shipment of Spnlllsh, InrMmlng h@'!' thnt h e hO fl nil the tO ClR In Lhll CII ~,!;-tb e .tot ~ nll' 1I1 of the ('l e l'I, who hilt! solt! the s.,r". tl,,· expr(J""IHIIII who hod curted It to Ih., 'lock '"111 lI, e ru e t t.hnt be hod Sl'l'n with Itls own ('),es $2.000.000 III co un · terfelt hlll ~ lUk cn trom the piece of Feed this the fir,i three weeks turnltnr,'. "This hou se Is ' 8urroun(\ ~ d," ('Oil, and see them grow over night clllll!',1 Burn s. "l'\'e got my huml on illY I:un IInd'"l'm going to stuy right h(Jrl' Ulltil I 1"11<.1 the men who rnn,l e thllt IIl U IJl'~' If II Luk es me--" hut It dldn'l tnk l' li S Illug II R he hllth!xpf'ctl'.l, tor, us I' I! R[Iuk e. th e womnn's Ron· ln· ItI\\" Hlrn rtlll de lt ~q\l C'~tlIlS. stl'llJIcII Waynesville, Ohio III to tlo t! 1''''' 111 IIIllI nt!llIltlecl lI111t Ill' nnd Ull lltI.l' r )';"nlllnrd hull hUt'1I r c· Rponsll,\(' f"r milking nncl plollllllg the IIaId ..••.. UII.9'
&Ad _
a - anti dJ.coUD' oolloclell or
rU" ""I "
II) : : :~I ,, " ' I 'IC' I, .\. "'
"i,'" ."
Tott t:rI~q
Til l'
R tll glon• tUfI 'rs of th e: rill/ri c. Th ... " " II:': " " .. ,t ,:ull1"nu l"e (If the l'" lulry through t rod' ('hOnn Is tt !ii~ hC'j.!:l 1I \I) lilt' pur ly C h rlslnl8s broul;ht Ih e In (urln atlon lho t lJur lnp cll1lrrll rltlln l IIlI tI li;rll l I ~ 1m pllrfPd 10 of thot kltHl, hearIng the "XX" m ll rl; . th p nr" 111 • !I nri'll 11 11 En~ 1 .. r Sunr'lay.
I n th p ,," ,.1 1.,
.."" Dank 8toCk . . . . . . . . . .
of "'ra skIiIH'o,:S: rhu n 11,,1
T h is learn ' H~ ILL II \' . 'ry ~ u ec ('~:\ ' .es . I()"'O . I . 1I I ' ' !'fH' h'1Il){ servtc .,' a n l . alld r. 8l'Ii. "n IVhC't1 y o u t a k 'Into l'OIl")! l·m· 7'00 pill; Ep", .. rt lt Le alo(ue. 6: 1.1 l ion tllp filet lhnllhi 8 IVIIS t l" , ir £Ir~ 1 \ . . .• P 111 I':" l!r ybouy CMdill lly invlteu. )'enr. r Th' H"'llr~ hlul very lill ie tr lJuble ill I-':rry t.: hrislian Church I hnndilllo: Ihe F.:rry (' hurch H'U IlI u ililo l. :-;.-I ,uol t 9::10 Prtllt~hinj.t" 14li.lo · 11 In un (, illl/: . Tlri ~ tnal; . ,~ I;~ II I I O: 'i \! .. . ·111 and 7::10 P III Eve r}" I g Utll es ,. ,n 1.1Ild ;{ 1••-;1 . U vt" ry ){,""d "'1<' 11 ,,' 11"' 1. .1 A Pin t'. I' Il, l o r I l'cn·t'IIt..I.(' for II Ill' \\' "Iul, WfoiC'h LiW Ii I nt' xt y f'IIr . liS lhi . bUl lt' l1 will Cac~or 's Cr ecl, Frkndl\ Chlln:h h R\' .... :l very ~ I rlln~r t ~n l ll. '"l1 d" Y :' .. ho'o I II I thi ~ .. hurl·h ev ery ~" It.lIl Y lit \1 ' :\11 H m I ' rl·;\ ,·hinl,; ~ r·
h owe ve r . th nt III It 11 IH1 ~ x t ~ t Nl In 10 t,'IH ' l' tl lt' ~hlpnl('l1t. It h llt l 1H"'l\ Bellbrook, Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Amerl('n o t I ~o~t Z:1.I"M' YI'nro; null not hr. ' " l!ht til " ". ti rH'k III "" unlln:try
No. 2220
• 1 ~ II, by Th" \\ b elJ l~r
The Indelible . (:lue
1"'\' l'f (\r
,,-,.\, I IH '
I r-
\:'\ lit" trlllh • .tthnt \ \I h l lU' I ' l'iII'" .tli l'hr1:.:t tlln l"lt
It . 1\ :-. 1,"IH I'"
(:1,(... 1 I' \. ·1 " ,
.Y ounce Broth t'!' S Grain Compa n·y
'1 l\~r~ " Ions. u .... 11''1' ,'1. . \\' .)I t
Il I n " I't l
Saturday, March 12th Featuring J. Warren Kerrigan, in·
Also Selznick News Adm~ssion, 22 and 17c
------~ --------------------------- ------
IPoIl tbe
March 15th A ~hristie SpeCial cOp1ed y,
~' Nopsenle"
Regula:r M cal~ an9 Short Orden;. Also Ice Cream, Candy, Cigars, Etc. Etc.
Also· a good Fox feature.
Pratt's Buttermilk Baby Chick Food
Laybourne & McKean
~~-----.--------, CUT OUT THE MIDlJLEMAN
We buy
(rom producers only . We hUI'e n l! aKents. crp.am s lalion buv· el'll orother middlemen . Each cre nm produce r Rend s hi ~ c n ' am DIRRCT to (\urCreamety. WE P.A Y THE SflJPPI G C OST E\' erv cent is yours. Your cream and cans art! .;-unranlee .) agtlin~llo!\M hy
TJteTri~State Butter Co. ~
Capital $250.000.00 Free Trial Cans gh;ldly
• ..:c.:..~..... ::c'-=::-;,....:.:..--c""--:-_...:.....::.:...:...:....::..:._--','-..:.:.:'::".::IC~·I::.'...:. 71 It t"
M",rI, I3t t. luclu .
Ollio, I~dianll and K~nL\1cky DlRlOCT lQ Lhe Trf,Slate. which blls :~:;~:~~ 191il, ",lth over '. million MOIU) CAN OF CREAM PER
F~r all oc,casions- all fla-
vors- Brick or Bulk.
Protect'Your Future
.IRow so?"
fur.n lshed for 30 days If v~u have
cream produeel'ft In
Your futur e dep~l1ds upon the in " vestmcuts you mnke today. Place ytJltr Illuney where it will work for you when you are old. ' ur product bas a world ·wide In the Movies. "We Itnt! II !I,", nlll Imly to repremarket. nl fl,lrll llrtl F"l e tchle, at le nst we Is fully protected by patenllJ.ud has n,;kcd I,cr 't o help u s out. Hut she e xceptionally large earning power I.o.ckcd [h e ~I\I rlt of the orlglntll nnr- Proceeds from sale of securities will burtt." be user! in expansion of business. "Dldn'l woot us ' til slloot."-Loul. ville Courler·,JournaL
CatAMEaY IN TilE WORLD. ebipcneot. bl return mail. .
Npw .Is the T.ime
Why Burled Glas. Dlslntogrates. • The hllre nu of s toullllrclH ~uys tbot Stall yottr idlc ttton.ey ~o work Cor Ilass woult! ~l o \\'l y tli s lulellTll te when you now. • . burled Iu 1II0lSI soli. " The nctloll on , the glnss would he due prllUliTlly tQ It ba$ loafed . long enougb"... _teT ant] IIlkoll. The disintegrating It will work for you 21 hours 0 doy aetlon would vnry with the com pORI. if you starb it g o ing . . tlon or charn('ter ot the glnss Bnd Ille Oet intormation from conditione thnt ohfnlDed lo the 80lL Thill arUoD \\'ould probnhly hI!<! ex· mmel, BloW with uD7 glo88, Rnd It wOuld probably be eenturiea before eolDe ,IIIU woUld be complotel7 d~
count(J,.relt ~.
''The IwXl lime you Iry to pull ofT 8nythlng Ilf tl, u kind ," Burns Buld os he tnol' them IlltO c u ~t OIly, "1,1' C'II rcful of t.h e Illorklll g~ on th e uurlllil y,m IISI'. O\'erlookl ng .Il' t.dls of thnt 1,lml Is likely 10 ('os t yuu s('\"e"111 yenrf! In t h" penlt e utl a ry!"
PRESIDENl HAHOtNG. S.. ys HOI la Proud That Oh'o ~ea . . In !'; . t. 01 !hv ln q' Securities t'ounlry lu lilt' t4H le fit ltaYlllg~ HeC'..urt· Ll ns. Y<I'" Rlatl)rn~ni 1IInt Ohln bas &0111 .trw", 191 7 SI~~ . (lUIJ.uUtl wurth of ~Va r
!=; :tV ln ~8
SeC'ur.thH' Itt Hn aver·
age co~t.. n( 00" Inu rt..h or I per cent I. parti cularly ~af.lfylng In 'co llllec· tlon wllh tbe p. XI,lalll\t\on that Oblo has lalulD thll IHrl!,'" t ltmullnt of thelltl scc llrill tl8 of any ~t"l... a.n .. tbat the selling cos t b': ls be" D proportionately tbe least . " Ihell more hnporlaDt, U It seeml to me, Is lha filet tlrat Inore tban rottr·nftbs of tbfl secilrltl". thus eold sUIl reni:tln 10 the haod. of lbe pe0ple. ' whlc b II ·pr!ld.ely "here tbey 011. t to be. Only Lhrou.:11 tho wII\ID&' n" and penlsLe n"" of the people tn thrift. and lh' roll/(h tbAlr Increased dl~pOllltion to make ,"cb lovestmenta, ' co n tbe \'ul1 ad.auta,e of Ibl. ',Ite.. be realized'. . "Tbe purc:ha.elrs or tbese securttllll .re most· helpfully nnrl wl •• ly "r,-tDI hoth tbem1lelvoa aDd lb. eQUDtry. and I h.nve to c:O,lIgratulute you .u pon )'our ' ettccese. a nd to hO))1) th"t. this ~e.t tIlov"rnlht ·ri.ay COIIL'UUU t'J'" ... ""D • ." ,
~ ..
'. ~
A dillilr. t A dollar , A ten-o'clock feller, Why did you come at night, A Classified 4d, .1, Made everybody glad AJld the old red cow Was soon sold, all right .•
A Classified Ad. will bring quick J'esults written and , .if properly' . .advertised ' in · due .seasdn, one the goods. " ,! issue genet ally selUng ., .....
How Peanula Grow. TI.e CO\l'III0n II 'nnUI 'growa In a C!tIlIar W8y tbbt 18 dilitlncU1 orlmtali The ' Illtlo pln.n ~ sends up Ita WUb-the fruit on the' end of a ,fICIM, wllaf .tUl' ~tar'lr. Bnd thea bet. . It ripens the ,tern bp.nd8 OVIII' 'aDd eaJ'eo' fIIU7 I1nllhetl U'I! Mit dndeJ'll'01lD4. AI PIli are ani.) to be eepeetall, tODd at the. It hR. beep hnmOl'ClUAI7 l a , ' " ed thai tbe plllDt doe. thli to bide
Ita Dab from Ule porlrer'e . . . . .;i;:;;!_;;p~;:i;i. tift lD ye et J p t l100 l llalJ1l~'I.== lll.·
Seventy-Third Year
President W a rren G. Harding ~lnd His C::lbinet
AHOT TIME IN THE OLD (Word. and mUl lo b Y Tom)
lIiltnl wa~ a gtlll nill' ·1. all rt IIl,e lonlf 10 bll rem .. m· bered bv " ur ~~c r et ord e r lI ,embl'r9 wh o '"'' (, iVlJlllullly inclilled A cali bad hcen df'nt o ut by ~fI) wn lodl( (', J( of P . for II convoc~tion of thll Anel.·nt Orit'l ltal loib~ for the pur· pnae of ul"tililf the courage of numer· ou~ IIpplic .tII l~ for advancement in the t.l'i llo,,!. lind the response far ' xce 'cled I he must sanguine hopes of the prlllnntora The loyal tribesmen came from all directions, and all the 8urroun1ing towns wert! well represented. The felltivities opened with a most excellent anll bounteoul supper. I.r· ved by the ladies of the EB8tern Star In the Mlliollic banquet room , More than 200 tribesmen and neophytes 'p artook of the fea81, and all were loud in their praise of the e xcellent service rende red by the ladles Atter supper, the tribe 1l8!lembled in the large room of the Kilpatrick· French garage. and in due time the cl888 ot 100 neophytes ()e editor and "Doc" Ellis Included) waa ushered Into the aUllu~t presence, where they 'aalurr.ed a most binding obll~atlon Then, while the ailed anlf dlabled w~r.. being eliminatid. deckl Wllr« cleured for action. Ind, amid mucb llaJely IIl1d dllncillil. the real work wall eXl'mplified in a deeply 'Impreelive manner. Taken all In all, the aff.lr wall a Ilranel su~e88. and the eommlLtee in c'lArie detlervee great pral.. for their untirillir effort! Whenever Waynesville peqpltt attempt anythlni they do It up right O. M.·A !
,;.' i'"", 4'''''
.\ l r U'CM I.,,) 1 ""'rII" IIlld f " llI il~
lillian Wil ke rson WB8 in Duy. 1 Ion. Sunday.
: PI II I (he \\ \.4;· I, ·(' lj, : .\ nil 1\' ,.t l \ ' t '':; III
=-1 " i 11)1 fil,lll.
Solid Lllatht! r Work ShoeM at Hy· man's
:"ildio! 1.(':., 1.. ,1' \\ 'u,h ;o;h" , " alH ) ·
Hankin~on IIpent ~atur.1
Miss Mary rillY in Dl\yl<m.
man '~
13'Ji'n - T.. :-'11' . " I, d
lor LeiJa non. ~I"I day
Miss FranceA Lamb wal a Dayton. vi&itor. Saturd.y.
('" ,I Dool J,
~larc" 7 . l!I:! l .
a daughter . Mrs
Waller I\ ilh(l ll, { f Ihe lIat was a bll ~i n ">l~ \'i ~ iLOr in Day ton, Monda v.
Miss Opal Davids was a Bowersville week·end visitor.
J, F. Jacobll and family Springfield ·vlsltors. , , Sunday
, Tobuc.-co CllnVaB at Hvman
1 T
L rV!\-J ............
L.'\~l \\0 1 " n ~Hrltl v
Whole Number 5426
Shop p('.
Ur . Uill , Osteopath, 2 1 S Hl'O ll d way , Lebarron , Ohio.
Misa Edna Bowland spent tho week·end with friends in Columbus.
Mr!!, Rebecca P,rend ergasl and sun, Bre s penriing a cou pl e!.f w~" k ~ with r('latives in Uetroit.
Jl'~se ,
"Where Women Work" at Miami Iheat!!r, 'l:,hursd.y evening, March 17
A new line ofAxminster, Br \l!lSel. , Tapesl ry and Crex Rugs. Linoleum and Wi ndow Shades at Hyman 's,
~re W 0 ; Raper II vlsltini rela· Uv.. and trlenda in Cincinnati. this week.
T . C. Madden, of North Lewisburj{, Ohio, was the Sunday guest of Mr . und Mrs. W. II. Madden .
St M.r,·a Guild will meet with Mrs, Georae Hartsock. Thursday afternoon.
LIBRARY ELECTION '."" . annual meet ing of th e Wayne \' 11 ~hilJ Li brary associutio n was ht,ld MlIrch 12t h . I ':[\~h ~ l'a r lh l8 meeting proves all/; w t o th e wo rke rs. that the Li· bra r)' I' one of the greatest influ· l'1l(:/;~ for good In ou r community . T I\. rt' are now over 1200 books belone illl( to the libra ry. beside 2'25 '; 1" I e iJll oks, on the 9helve~. and a num ber of the best periodicals are rej('u ;"r1y on the tabl e. At times tw o or three hundred books ' are loan('d, as well as many magazine8 . At \.lrespnt Ihe exec utive committee is worki ng to place ao up· to·date ~ n c)' ~ lopeelia on the shelves. EXlwnses for the PQJ!t yea r amount· ed til $363. and receipts from all 8ourct'y we re $:17499. Fines for uook kept overtime rame to $3060, many persons overpaying their flnes. Instead of the balance in the treas· urv of $11 99 . th er e would have been II smllll defi ci t, had not some un· kn own benefacto r paid the light bills throughout the year . Georgia Mendenhall. Sec'y,
" Rosemary," is Ihe litle ofa thr il l· illl.[ comedy llml wi ll be given Aprii 8lh, by the NOl·mal ClasM.
MI. Jeannette Janney. of WH· minllton. epent the week·end bere with ber famil., .
Mi 3s Edith Wan.1low, of Route 4. A quiet wedding took place at the spent the week-end with her ' sistel', home of Mr . and Mrs Joseph HorMrs Cbrl Dodd, of Lebanon . mel. Thursday afternoon. March 10th when Miss R'wa. their younaest Just received a new line of Rugs, da ughter. became the bride of Osear Linol eum andMatting~.at you r prices G ~tanfteld. Rev. Wright. of New Corne in and see them a't Hyman's. Burlington. officiating. Promptly at 4 o'clock, to the Mi s~e8 Ethel Ho~ier and Helen dt rains of Lohengrin's weddinlt Marlatt and Messrs C. W. Younce march. played by Miss Helen Mar· and Ernest Earnhart spent las t Wed· latt, the bride and groom entered ne!day evening at Keith's lheater in the patlor and took their places un· Dayton . der a prettily decorated arch. The bride wore Il brown satin dreaa The Springboro Grange willll'ive 8 t rimmed with rosebud8, and carried play at Ly tle hall on Friday evening a boquet of pink and white tollM,
Tht' "Work Ina Women Moyiel" have been drawln&, crowds all throulb the East. Mra . D. E Dflnnll. of Richmond, Ind ., b.. been lpendln&, IIBvaral dlY. wlt~ rl!lat\~.,pere .
. A line ofAxmlnater. Bruaele, Tapelltry and C...x RulfS. Linoleum and .Window Shadea at Hym.n'a.
" .
Marlraret. daughter or Ephriam and Elizabetb Perrin Cline. wa~ The Woman'l Au:J dIi.ry of St. born In Hlgbland County. Ohio. M.ry's church will mfljlt with Mi. December 6, UI.5 , She w.. t~ eli:!· ,Leah t!lIIlth. Friday afternoon. , ,,' eet ot nine ~h!!ren anel. o~. tlJe ~ea~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mareh l ~ ~titl~: .:D~~ ~ J~ _~~~~~ ~~r~~~~~. _ .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ __ Earth" Music V Frye Brot hers. a three-course·dinner WII. served by " '1 ber Qlolher, at an earl, qe abe 'Sl'vtlral lOcal' memberl' .ttellded a three of the bride's friends-MIII8e8 became the little mother al!d care· lathering or the Ancient Oriental ~ Several (I f our Knights of pythias Helen Marlatt. Alicecarevand ; taker of the younaer membel1l of tribe at. LebahOD . Mond.y niaht visited the Springboro lodge, Tu esCorinneWelch-after which the bride "the f.mli,_ _ . ....~_c:;4 day night. and lIaw the SecomLR . "gmi-groom-teft1'ortheiT home. near JUlt· .r eceived 8 new line of Ruga.- - Tho~ D0 reas s In her slxlt'enth year •• 86 •• Bhot " - .-.- . . • ociety , 0 f th e Me th 0~ ~ conferred upon a claJs of 44 splendId New Burlington. which they had aJ· was married to Welley Smltb and UDole~m and mattlnga•• t your prle,!:1 diet "burch will hold a market intbe I Ohio has been flsked' to gi ve a half . young men ready furnished. the younlr people beaan their ~ lite CODle 10 and IWe them at Hyman I Township house on Saturday before a million bu ~ h el;1 of corn to lhe together ntlar Clark_viii.. Clinton' Miss Cozy Younce entertained atl Mrs Edith Mardis of I ebanon is • ~--,--Euter. March 2lith. to be open at European Rlllief Wo rk . This wi ll be Little Min Reatrlce RobltZt'r apent Co., Ohio . To tbls u'nl~n "e"" bom ' p~ed to do hem~titching of' all 9:80 a m, Everything gOJd to eat , one·seventh ot all the co rn to be pro· dinner, Sunday, Miss Freeders, of three children. Mary E , wJw djed In • couple of day. lilt week with ber Come and bUJ your Easter dinner; vided for this hum anit ari~n effort. 'ray lorsbur a MI'·" Helen Marlatt ' equl . prompt at· kinds, Muil urders given aunt, Mill Helen Marlatt. of erncln. AUllu~t . 1880; 'iioll. hi Fpb~.~ Instructions bElve been sent to Mr . Herbert Rabor, of BrookVIlle. tentioll . Addrel'8, co.ner of Silver A1110 lunbonnete and aprons on sale 1882: and Ephriam. D""marrl81hncl Leave orders for filling with Mrs County Farm Bureau Presideots and Mr_ bnd Mrs. C. W. Younce and Mr, a nd Che r ry streets, IIvln.r in Loveland . . . , County Agents as to the gathe ring Coulous Youn('e Mr, and Mrs. Warren Wood, of Murray, president A great .nd lasting IIOrrow w~ and shipping of corn In addition G W, Hawke has taken charge of the 1088 or her youn" .nd prJml.!Ii, Lebanon, apent Sunday afternooD we sug\test tha t tMI'e be held in each Mr. and Mrs. W E, O'Neall enter· the Madden lumber yard s at ClarkRdaughters in their "Irlhood .Aht••y. with Mrs Alice McKinsey and Service and address this, Wednes· county a corn·uath erin g day on tained a l a fanti l." din ne l, ~\lf" l:.Iy, ville Mr . Hawk e will not move ber heart grlt'ved tor them: 'and dllullhter. wbich your countv's share of the gi ft Dr. and Mrs. J 1'. Ellis. Mr_ W~ltt!r there. and will probably be home day evening,.at 7:15. Palm Sunday. March 20: ' Church shall be haul ed to t he st ati n ll ~, helleel Williams and family, of Kingman, ever y evening. .,verv year ahlt villi ted tbelr !Jr.Yeti lllBa ' Feed ' f 'F I b and decorated them with ftowen, " 1', y orll ura. Mr •.J . MBBOn Pruih. of Montiom. and loaded , School at 9:30 a. m ; Morning Prayer Mr. J E J anney and family. and Unltlnted lo", 'and care were lavlah. Ohio, and P4r. Herbert Raaor, of ery County, has been elected at< a Invite everybody to ~ee the work Miss Martha O·Neall. C. J , Moore. who has been in the and !!ermon :at ' 10:30; Service . an_d _ ed upon Eph. her onl1 Ion . And 8rookvil~eo, ': .pent Sund~ wltb Mr member of the State Board ot Direc- done. West all willter, h08 a rrived home on Rer mon at 7 p. m. - - -_._-- - Ibe took hi' faithful wife to' b~.. C. W, YOUJlC8 Sr. and family. tors of the Farm Hureall, from Die· Holy Week: Service and address Mrs. J. B. Chap man entertained at account of sickness . He has been heart. Bl'I well. "Annie la alw.,..o 'IIeMre. · Ge9rae Bueru.n.n and trict No 19, Pre3ident Bradfut~. luncheon , Saturday afternoon. in working at lin Indian schoo l. He every ev'e ning, except Good Friday No Fox; No FabteL "ood to ~e." ,be would 110 of~n·aaJ. Boyd B h Ith tbtrifo-.ft1lfttlilee.... who Is altlO Vice;Presidebt of the will r lltUTTl ~'estBg Boon UB hj ~ he·mt1rl.....~brt-llTtbn.-fl!lm!te'rflveh,:-1IH!'lti;,----....-:--~-; Fox, '~ 1"1\'1' ft j:tlrt'(j In lhe rnllies of honor of Mrs. D . E. Dennis. of Rich· Good Friday: The Three Hours And the little IlrandlOn, Herbert. Kidll~cai~~:n w':re Sund.y !Ju,,~ N.tlon&rFederation. having resigned every rO f'(, (lr ('!I ro fl n o (' nrth s ln ('~ fhe mond, Ind. Those present were permits, not lelll her pet and "ride . 'd M ' •....1 h u director from this district. Devotion. from 12 to 30·clock. dnwn of h ts l " r)' , ",rtl p. Or. n. \v , Rhu. Mrs, E. V. Barnhart. Mrs. F. B. u 190'..••be IOIp.ber co",pan~ of Dr. an r9 . J . E .. WIt am, teldl to Ih" AIIl""O"noo F'u re<lry Mnga. Henderson and Miss Anna JI'urnas. Easter EYe. Saturdav: Service at I n way. The pInt of the play is the ",itting zln e. T ul;P wh l\l I It(' rox I'I Irl Ollt of of the villian-"M r , ' BlAd Working 4 p m, Word. In Engll.h' Llnguage. Ion and huabimd, since which ' tim. C 1 N. 5ea- and U S. RiI7I7. the fn h le, of "" SIIP nllt! nlh~ r wrllcrs abe hu made her home with varloua 0 ,.... •• The public cordially Invited to all 'nIere ore apprOximately 600.000 ' ot tobles nl,,1 'lt i'l r Irlll'l; \\'011 111 be [l(!lI,utiful I he day and g reat the Conditions" - against the heroine of frleild.. At the tima ot he, d~. atarted. Tuesday. tor a business trip words In Ih ... F.n·l:l lI ~ h language, tbese services robbed at tour·tlfl los U, elr Intcl'(,st. surpri~e of Mr. H. A. Cornell and t~ ~ pl~~ - "M is? G~od Workin~ Con Saturday. March 5. 1921: ahe 'bad In ~e ~uthem part of Kentucky. (umily, 011 being invited t o Bj,Jend the dltlons -:-at MIamI theat~r. rhurs· been the ever bu~y ho'u.ekeelier 'and Tbey will probabl, be abeenl for a day with Mr. R. G. Miller and fa~·ldav even mg. March 17, 19:.!!. .motherly home-maker·<ii.Mr Qlllncy week,. i1y , to find u~se l1lbl ed there. With ., . KiDIr,' for about ten ye~ . . I ;, ur 'T' D U well·fi ll ed buskets, Mr. and Mrs. W, , Ihere will be an orchard qe mon· And It 18 very flttlne to hllre ·.M.·~t~ McCollum, of FranklIn, ~ nOW E. Co rnell. Mr , and Mrs , M A. Cor. ts tration at the home ,of Wm,j Frame, ,peak 0 ,' her "rell~ a'Dd:~letIR love is \8kjnjr t~,e, pl~ce.,of MI .. OliYe AI· Ail nell and dllugh te r, Velma. Mr. and on Tuesdav. March 22n? JI. d~monWaynesville, Ohio, March 11. 1921 of flowera ." .No llpot ".~ 8C,l sl;llal\ lfi. ~· '~aeher In the Blllh. acnool., ave l,.~oney--- aVlTugs I Mrs. D R. 'alisbury and daughte rs, strator from t~ e O. S. ~ . WIll be EditorGazette:-1 take great pleasbut thllt Ihe beautified it with blQlol ~ Allen bat ·been quite lICk, the' (Jo ris and Huth, Mr. and Mrs . Bert prese nt. and uli lnterested In orchard ure in recommending Joseph Di9~row lOrna. and the care of them eave her ~', 'week.' , . Harlsock and daughter, BeLty , and de velopment are req uested to be on and Russell Satterthwaite as experts lIIuch pleasure In' hert quiet II'. " ' , '., '~': . Mr Harry Preter, in honor of Mr: hand . in blaBting, Thev I\re the most suc· Mrs, Smith waa _ wom.n of high ' "~neY•.~,d ra~lIy,. ~e..r8. By J. 8_ MIRES, Cornell's birthday . The occasion cesafti I and stiti8facto~y 's tump blowand Ite.dflUlt princlplee;"Of a cheery · 'iu~ ~r~. ',~rt Go;dd.,td ,Marvin Editor The Liberty Center Preas. There will be a 'm eetinlt of the wus doulJly joyo us, as Mrs. Cornell ers that I have ever employed. U.nUed Stat.,. \.s without , deemed. More than ' 100, 000.000 In . tillposition with a qu,lnt .181l1e of· A t~fI ,.~ct...C~H~ TIi,o,!,PIOO went to was a ble to be present. having been Communi ty Service on Wedl1esday • (Signed) S. Lev. Cartwright, humor; of • mOlt Illduitrioua ,il.~il'l I lI~ntl6Wi l"ii~.v, attel}d tbe doubt the rlcheat country 10 Thrift Stamps, War Sanngs March 30tb. The nat ure of the confined to her horne for ove r eigh, --.... and heart full o.t •.••y,m~ ,. t~v, ~"a C1fD•. to , nOo~.nty tiaR ,. . ett,aJ1 ,to ~rnam~nt the world. NO!lther country could Stamps and ·I'r6D.8U.ry CerU llcates will be altllo unccd In a later meeting ~ . I": ..,.. " (' " _ve !!let the f1n_cW demanda are being held by the orlglnal pur· leen months. issue of thi~ puper The president, kinrtbe~ for all hUm.hlt;, ,'~ ~en " , ' ' t': • ; ~ A maM upon " all did the United chasers. ' --Dr , Ellis, will 1I0t tell what he in· was. lire ot unremittina 'lIBrvlee, Of MI ej H.ren H.w.!(e and Kather8tMea durin, the last two years of Thrltt has been taugbt not only '. ;n~ ,. BrcJd~ , apd Meslre J. C. Hleey . tile war, ....Ileo It poured out bU- to men and worneu, blithest ot nil unbe!frudglnll 'ueri t ee.... " tends b ha ve, bu t no doubt he will HoDlI to III&ke the world ,Nte ror to ch!ldren. And the chll dreu were . Be~i~eher eurrowlnt"~n ....d hi . nd·'GlforlCe· Waterhoulle !aw the 'spring a genuine surpll se when th e i'" " """" '-> f D - " I " th" h ".ocracy. In need at teaching, tor Americans time comes. Be prepared for .this Immediate family ahe iaavel ODt'. F.- UOrU 0 at . e :murp y ~Icans are Dotorious spoDd- f learn the spendlnir; bablt vory early The Epworth Lea&,ue of the M. E meeting. a nd let'a whoop her up dearly l',ved llister Mrs. 'Suphl. t.hea~er In Wllmlnrton. Monday even· tMlfta; probably , tbe areateat In . In lire. church 18 doinv: fine work, ana each There will be tyw c1uss games at .: • . Clae world. With t,hem It haa ,al. \ One ot the willost thhigs e,'er Moore. wtW ml oiite:ed tOJ~er in' h, " Ina· great, as tbere'ill b~ ,nothing in the Sunday the meeUngs ~ome mC?r~ School hall, Friday evening. TheBe lut elckne.la There . ere '.110. hlllf. " · , 1I'a,' be_ "come ealY. «0 easy." done by the I:ovornmeot WII8 to way, at this time interest,nK, IMr ', Co"IQua Youn e games 'will be the last of the aeason, brotill.lr8·lIvlnD'ln IDiliana.And ,m in} Mre 0 E ~1!~1a , who waa visit. 101' It does come ea., when c~m· continue oll'erln l:' to the people ~ -~ - -will lead next Sunday' evenlnw; .nd . • . .\t.. I t {: I k Jlll'K with . the effort requIred to governmeot securltlos In small de· Ad; anll will be closely contested. friendll whu h.ve known h,'r durlnp f'll' re a Ivea nere III wee • IIIADIl' a a \lYIng and la7 aside a little nomlnath)DS. It w'lI help to keep we extend to all a cordial inVitation ' mission, 15 cllnts . D tplomatlc Youngner. ber ·l ona and useful life. I . bNq,tlfgl 8010 at St. M.I'j'a cburth, ' In other CQilntrlea. partlcularlJ or the DeceMlty, Ildv lBll'bUity 'and ... ~ , , -~ 1.0 be present. , . . tf· " Barold . waR OrulO ollowoo · to. "ll\lt .. ...... ..... ,... ~..:. .. -.:~ b _ , . S~nday mornlnlP M,. Oennll ,will be , till old world. great advantage derived [rom bn v" 0 ....".110&_0.......... - ........... ,_. ' . '" ...~. il" ,- .. I , bIB grnn'lImllthl!r, bUI " 'OS 0)WOY8 toll1 J dSI)'phin!! Rarlar; SeC·y. titlr OO .. ftCll8 Edith Shute. Oovw her o..... ..rl&b ~..'w ,......; " rem.l1I But the war, d~plorable lUI It Ing n. lItUo "nost egg" laid e.:;{de the hour be RlIO\1 ld reluru home. 00 '&be .." IP full ~ ... " - ' aad .... whoie voll'e la 'alwayl , w.lcomed bv ..... In '!IOme respects, and ~Iorlous against the "lean days" that ot a arrlvln \l ot bls g1'll nlll rioth ~r'8 nDe ~ 10 OOd aad Bill ..,.ur'- po. . . . 'lie' W viII frlerld " . ·88."aB -the YLctory. dearlY bou,ht, certainty como to ' most people. mornIng be 1\1911' nsked bow. tong he , ' r-k a ' UId-u. &hoacb'J\)W,,-1IoII1\)Ie ., ., . BY,n . , . '. . ' liaa' taucbt Amel'iCBD people eooo· Most any day lin any postofDce eoold atay. ,"Well, grlulIlmotber. ,. 1 U " :fa. ' I '. " , . . " ... ~.. . ' . ,. .., ~y, and It the)' caD just be ):ep~ in t~ .~te at Oblo you can aee t Mrs" Anna Comford' di ~d at ,.her d~'l ' rem~~ber' wbelber "1olher saId II 1kI1I . . ~...... II!~...... . '. II. . . Bd"ard. ~ J W. from ,torceUlnlf the ·l.lIonl much meo alld women ·Iinveltlng In OOY· ten o'elock or ·th~,e o·cIOC". hut ru, ~ . ~~._ .........'. ' ",L. ,V. fl . ". W.rdtfi ' .eall~ "'.p.,tOft, Sun~ w)il lia.ve been aC\lOmpllahed.' emmeiil . Savlngs Seourltles. 'And I home in Xenl •• Tueailay mormng, 10 bome. oflC)r . dlnnllr Rnd , . aall hel'." , , - .,..,.... . ...· e,vld.llC8 of tile ecOnom; and that fll good. YOI~ cau ·see youn« an.d the fUner,ll1 will ,be!d.T·bere, , . dar, OD , Mt of ~ 11m.. of the' thtlt( tha.t ~ba. ·been. practiced. ri&bt pooplebuylng thel8 ~curltle8, Thuuduy morning at 9 o'clock, at TM ........... ,......... ' . ~rm.r'a . . • 1In.!,.W.Bdwafd" here In Ohio line. the latter part And that Is bette,r .· You ~an Ie. St. Augu8tin.e·s church .' Il'rwr IDP. If .. ab!1I. ' 1iI8 .". who ~ , " " . _deal , ODtHI., on917, It III'-Y be pointed Out that. children bardlY' tall .nough to . ....... 't ID • lal"""-: will .t hla" ~rllIIJDd 1Mt week. ~ 14••"',rho ia.. .~ mell. women ud chlldreo ot reach \Ill to (,Ile stamp "Indow -e ..... and Temper. blm. It . . . . .~ tile lalaelloocl tile beID IQ~ dlllidn... hit an.d Ole BU~Je State bave InTllt.d pd puI tn their boob ud small Mit; mea wben tbey hQld tlletr temo _~'!.. OOO.~" in ao.,.l1UIlllUtSa.ua.. chan... in 1hese IltUe per went oot and furlousl, cbOllPIII · Ileclll1tIeL lAII tIIaIl It -~ TlIttft IIll11der1. that II belt Gown a tNe. But e er,bodJ IIUD'I . . tIDr W. . . . IUIIII!-."IIM \lit ., or ~ Mcurttlea . 1Ia.,. or aIL
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The Miami Gazette, 'Wayneaville, Ohio.
t·\\~ hl\r_\lfl --ffi\":ltl~ Y""' ··'ll·j ·,7:I. ndl·d ~ t'rHo.· hOl·. . II l11 ,
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~HETHER or not the Ground Hog sa~ his shadow. . . winter ,vill be ov er within the next SIX weeks, th~
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NEW ~ H :>.'C A SAND
sun will ' hine again for you. General business condItions a'r c undoubted'l y improvjn o everywhere.
'II It:: dis·
tls k h im."
LU111ber is cheaper today. But with the ad\'ent of sprin'3 ~- und sunsh ine, building ,vill start-this means an advance in price. Today is your opportunity to buy on. ,\ low marke t-six weeks later you will be bidding agamst the other fello,v-this always means higher prices .
1I1rtty. "UIH yO\1 j Ht '!'\lu ' t \' l\ !'Itl' l o ur H)I1I(1l1lhy ~ n t ' lIl t tll{ \.·rnlptt'cl
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How pretty s h e lookert,
'J'h .. h,,~' rM,' IIn, l ~ Inool .. n7i ll~ <In, II ' 1 , ,, "~ 10 1 I·\JIII". ""11 how much he deII I Ih l' l ips oJt hi " h l ~h l.l' 1'0II_h('(1 "1" '01 I.. kl6s h~ r a s he hnd Ih" olh('r
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l 'rIlH." e r! t'i l In thin. throH l Y l nlll'!-I, "T he th(olI"hl of It III nk"" III'r Rh-k ." uY uu r IlInt h er' s not r"enlly !ddc , my cl C' flf Kotl.l'rl ne ." t' 11' tlo (' tor n ~~ ~rt"rl , ":\ h. h(' r~ .he Is. " '''h ,' rlnl' w e" Ju~ t
flUl1dn"rt tor
Ill!' ?" he Qu"sllon",l. I"ok lng lit IlI'r keenly. "I've said] hnd n't It, m~' SO li," ~n l" Rh e. "Now run nil'''), nnd don't hotll er
ns h,· IlIrllOlI 011 1,1 " co,,,1n , "1'\ 0,," . WIIS 8 h ~' " sllI lrlt('lI ~ Ir~. ~ ·nr· rls. " \\'hll l \\'t'r,' YOll rillyln /(. I'uthl.?" Kllluet1ne IIfl e,1 hl' r I'Y"~ . slllmherin g
me ROY mOf","
wit h PIlMSI{ll1nt~ unJ{'l'r , "1'1 ",1 ~'(1 U would ,lt ~ lI k p
"Bow about
fl\' ('"
s1'1'1I 1(111)(
Y"U. 11\ )' d"II r
Reggie did Il'nve th e room. hilt not the bouso. Rl s mind was tl llet! . with mall)' pinos 10 get hnld of the cnsh he oeeded. Th!'re wo re t wo Ullngs hnd to be done. Wh oe"er th e Jrlr l with Cousin Poul II'IIS, she Iln<l to go. It •• s enou gh thnt hi s mo th er (lI<tn't want \Ier In tbe hOlllle, RegJrle (',m id
COII. ln l'au l'9--1 thul a:1 rl " 1' Ih,'rl'Inkl'n out fu r n <1rl\,('." r(' pll l',1 Kulh · prl n ... !IIr~. ("url lft ..,,"I:IIt Il r r rlnll" hle r's H ' I'r"."'l)n .11111 IOIukl',1 ut !lr. J " Ion. Ihen ot I'h tll". "\\'(0 11 . I . hll"loI ~IIY I "'''lItol,,'t lik e
abu se hili ()WU WOrn en fOlk s: he 'ould
~ ht" 1' .111('\.111\ 1,"1.
wl' herl-'s n limit
to nit Ihlll"~. \\'h ol In Ill(' \\'lOrl' l "","1 ,1 thp npl ",hhuNl .IIY 10 ""'h lin oul .
make them cry nil be wnnl <,d to, hilt that a nyone, nnd n !!Irnnger 100. 1'0111<1 foree his mClth"r In to n spell (l r hy"· terlc8, b e wOtlldn't tol e rb11'. 'l'beD the btber thin g to whIch he bad made lip his mind a lmo"t hrought bll h~lr on end when he conrcmplBted It. .The world had to be relieved of Cousin Paul A little drop ot 80methlng-Rel:gie to bls feet and wnlked nervously ,up a.n d dov.;n the room. 'Twould be '8&111 enough to iet hold Of. tor Dr. tJohu alwaYIl bad plenty of drugs 00 jlland. , . Tbat aftemoon he met Oaptatn MacCauley on State 8t~ee t. 'l'be slibt ot Rente'. ellm 8woggerlog llgure bl'Oqbt PhIlip to a quJclt ded'.IOIl. Be .topped directly I.n front of Brown, lUll!. al It wu the ft.rst time they'd met lI1D.ee the I!lemorable moment when Reale bait been lIung I.n til e lake, tbey loolled embarralllledly Into ench other's '81811. :. "80 ,.on ,decided to come homeT' uked Pblllp, bla voIce sbarply toned. . Rec,!e ntbered together hI, conr.,e and ,curled his lips. Why IIhould lie be a~ld of a SAh'a~lon IIrmy captalo even 'If he were ri ch' "It looka lite It. doesn't It'" he aeered. "And It" none of your bus l·
MIlle ?"
Dr. I·pnrl lt'hn,·p,,·. fn rl' ):llllwrerl 8 IllIrll lonk. "It 811("11 ~o II'lt h Philip, ~11r!"'." h " , Mid. "I II nul,III'1 ;:IH' n h8111= whnl Ih p neljrhhnr. ~ 1I1 ,1. ( '01nlO nlo ng III'. I' hll, "Tony, Don't You Lib M. at Allr' and n~k I,,· r." "Co II >I" .I00l>II ~" " rl ud ~!rs. ('urt ls. him. oil, e" or so UIIIIIY times? No "And . oh. ( ''' usl n J nn n." l=o''Pcd Jllrl wo uld do thnt' he blushed nnd KU I\JI'r ln(O. 11111 Ih~ "r>~lor wus too s tudl~1I til" lip or her pretty shoe. f1nj:'r), to (IllY nny h"NI 'to thpm, "Doll 't you. Tour. or If you don't. " Y,," n 'ulty wunt t o III!; e th " l'l.lId. couldn 't your' ph!lIded the boy. my In (I?" III! oske d . slulling nt Mill'"] like you heo ps." she breat hetl Co ul l'~· . with s uppressed emotion. She wauted "y" • . (\0 Ipt me." blurled th e boy. to throw ber anns about blm rlgbt ~J.N '~ go "l' uow." then, to tell him bow lIbe bad longed They bod 00 more Ulan closed the to be with blm, all about ber promlRe door when KatherIne burst Inl o U'nrs, that sbe would not le.y. tbe bouse nnfl Mrs. Curti s plum red <lown Iuto n IIg81n wlthoot lOme one with her. Sbe <:hllir In 1\ !pell of b)'lIterles. wus consldertng thll when"Th,' little trollop." she cri er! . "Oh , "1 wanted to ask ,00--1f you've seeD I'd IIk _ " thllt mao agaIn!" said Philip. "The "T',I like to ktll ber." bllrsl forth one J-" KA therille. "Motber, 11 you don't do ;'You SluOIl In the laker' Interrupted snlll E-thlng for me. ru di e. Oh. to Toollibel, Ii dimple peeping out at the thin k of It; lie tnkes her out when he l'Orn(Or ot her mouth. "No, Dever. 1 coulll tnk e m I 011. God I Oil, dellr gueSs old Regglll tblnks I'm dend, don't Go,l. hell' Ole I" youT' lI l'r ,I""ghte r's t errlhle outh ul'!lt "I sa w blm In to .... D today." be told hrou ghl ?II'S. I/rUs dlrecl'ly out of her ftnally and th en almost cul'SC(l he r.elf. ..... anrwq·" himself 'for bls brutality. Sbe bad "Don·t. Kothle," ahe "uld In " whl s· "Irs m7 bustn_ a-:b",0_U...,t~h_O_W-:7:-0-:-H", II 0!.! ne78<,;0~w",h",I~~d-.WllLlooklng 8bout- -per~~I U \' had no -lilea you cared treat Tony Devon." Pblllp hegaD, bnt her helplellllly. fnr him sn IIlllch. 1 will help you. poor Reggle'8 fresh outburst c:ut oft bls "He'll lind me, mebbe," she heettated, .r. John shnll listen to nie this 1\'ords. . II hnunted exprcsslon comlog Into bel' ni ght; he certainly ~hllll." ··NObod,.'li ever treat her lI.n y W87 cp·~. "Mebbe he will." Men uwhU e Tonnlbel look ed up with atter this," be nlmo.t gronned. ~8he'l "No, be wont: not If yon let me Inquiring eyes all Dr. Pe ndl f'hu vel1 dead, drowned I.n the Inke." help yoo," exclaimed Philip. MNow, walked In. 'lIe had closed Philip on , A horrlfted UJ)reaslon passed over listen ' to me I Don't go out ot Con810 the olllslde of the door. Phlllp'a face. Then be realized that Poul'lI rooms lor anything. no matter T it .. girl gu\'e him a ~lIgltt s mil e. Beglnaicl didn't tnow of Toll)' Devon's wbnt. ,C all n eervant If yon want any· The doclnr come forwllrd nnel took presence In the Pendlebaven borne. thing downstoll'll. A.nd don't leave the hold of he r hllnd. "Pllul," he nsked. lookIn g Ilt hi s . "Sbe'. be~ Qff then thnn Bbe WQII hOUM unlesll you go with me. I want the lut tline you saw her," be aald your promille that you will not come brotbe r, "could yO\l spare our little girl a.nel whirled away. I downstairs. Will you give It to 'me?" tor nn hou r' 1 .... ant her to go out." Twen~ mlnute.e later Pblllp wu Ton, didn't uoderatand wby!!he Tonnlbel, rememberlDg her prom I"" tnlldD, to Jobo Pendlehaven. should promlae thl., and • wblmslcnl to Philip, rose to her feet. "1 dou't . "You promlled last night I could _ thought came Into ber ml.nd tbat ebe wnllt to." she trembled. " I'd rnther her today," he pleaded.. "I'll promtee was always mnklnJt promises to lOme !Jtay here. l'd really rather stny he re." only to ataJ • tew mlDutes. May I 10 one, bllt sbe couldn't retn.e blm, and P ndluhAvell WCllt to Ih e door and upl" Pblllp went away a ,llttle happIer and opened It, and Pblllp walked In. "Here's n ,.oung man. MI ~s Tony 'UNo; I'll call TollJ' down,- was the feeling mucb more 'aec:ur&. reply. "I dOn't want Paul clIIturbed Devon." he said, laupln, at lhe Sight toda,.." CHAPTER XI, of tbe girl's puzzlell face. "who tell R . Wben the boy and girl Itood facto, euh other, embarrasslnent kept tbem "1 Love You More'li the Whole Worldl" Bllent tor some momeuta. Philip bad 1 One late afternoon Pblllp HacCau· decided to flnd out wbetber Tony Imew ley started for the P endlebav8lla', de· of Reilnnld Brown'l connection with slroUB of seeing Tony DevoD. Rathel'" tbe PendlebnveDlI, Blthouib he 11'&11 IDe saw blm guiding bl8 car up the positive In his own mind abe dId not, roadway and ron to the door to meet "It'. A ntce du." he blurted out, him. Her smile was eepecla\I,. radiant, for sbe hnd begun to lose ber fenr nbout Tonnlbel's Inlluence oyer blm. "SII down, Phil," ahe entreated. "M"th .. r·" s l~k tndn". Re"gle nlmost .. sels hl' r Inlo, IIts." I l' hlll l slill remnlnea standing. "Alltl you" 'e kep I nwny sn much, denr Io n>"." COIlllllolned the girl. "It "C('tn, ~' Oll ,l nn'l !'lIre for us nnl' more." "I do. t1l1111;:h, hut I'\'e hel'n blls y," rpplll',1 l· hll l!J. n'H IIh le t o think nt nny othl' r .. ,rll"' .
olaarette has
the ..me dellolous
flayor as Luoky atrlke. Because Lucky Strike Is the to....d clgarette7
~ . . Itr _ . ,~_ _ ~
~ ;tJv~!:!-~
"nU l you" 'e "I"'HY~ III''''' hll sy. more I)r leN.," Ih!' !tIl'l "hnl Im l'k, ""n,1 yet I ., I IIllv e come you , '111111'. 'I ,,01 ,H a nu t o t IIt! ('unr I" ' I" " II. ""I you CUll Id II 't h nve I)(>I'n "err IIIU (' I. In IerPR t ed. 1n,.. I' IIul's IlrOl t! It'~'· You IIl--....olIsln haven' I e"en aske<1 II\lout h" r.'· Philip "ouKh ed elUharrnsSl.odly. then Illul:hed. "The fu et Is. I came to ape' her t~ Ilny." he exc1ollllcd. Koth erlll " \\'(1111 wax whllt!. "Wllut do you " '61lt to see ber torY' she askell ~ hl1l'J,ly . "Oh. jllHt to talk to her." replied ~f8 c('lIl1ley. uwkwllrdly. !\n t hprlne 8book her head. "I don't believe ,.ou can," Jibe p~ tested dublou8ly. "Coulo John won·t let any of UB go up to Poul'a room,
In ll III
~IIn1h. " A uH'rry t wl nkhl CUnt" !nrCl his '~)' e!it
\\,U "
Bu y and build now while building material is cheClp.
··Pl'I'hu}):. y o u \\" 'I1'l lin n " ti ll Y bl'tter
lu ck 1111111 I hll",' lou d. <" " ." h., 6n, "\\"'1'\'<.1 wllh n 1111 1,' III,,),! h. "\'1'( ' nl ·
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MADDEN & (:OMPANY Waynesville, Ohio
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Rool Estate Tranter. t .. o l' l u~t". R. L BI~llkBn s I.J I~ to Hruoo I' n ." tHld l l('r Ih n t (' \"t ' r y lill Y, \ ;olllnllJ£. lalll ~ tl u. II~ rt of ~~o. U T 3. R. 4. li ttle muld , hut rOlli,' I." ,' k II) j ' U ll f ottJ CleA ror e'" It T wp . ' I . unel l) In n Ituh\ "hll "." P h ilip sf·i r.cll Jwr hUll et to 1L'llrt h e r Frl\nk - o nfhlud \ 0 Wm UA ~ rln !f. ~ I,. · 11. Ii ~;1t1 8 i~ OD th o ~ick lI ri l Il1lrl \If Ill(. N ,I 27'8 In L" U,(lI ·.lI' , II I\wuy, hut T Oll r t llrlll '!! tu t he hod. I III lit. ' \ '1 11 <> or IIII S wrltluI{ 1'hpll !"lw Hto ol"'.) a ll. t k l~fH' d P au l P en, t o [" li P S Hi l L
"~I I I ' ~f ll ~ ~ 11 1
General Repair Shop Ed.
Main & ~oulh 'S IS Wayncsvlllt,O Lu uy AII (l tlr~ \l o ~,) !lorllc,' ~ tokt's . lUO fL. 101 lI U Wrtl(bt "II •• I. ~ b"u o n \ 1 n dn v III g- ht,. , hI 10\'" Y011 ," ,.,. he \\ h l.sp,'rl'd, "nn<l B HDtt/.h ~ tD 'I, It' I ,. J (" Sl' SIllII,h ~Ir . • · ,01 ~Ir ~ . W Ill 1\ 11 " u nud Mr~ . 1I1 "lobp 1t '1I ollly II,' hll if An b~~1'r1' OI.BssiBod Ads I. ' " • ..: 111 CuliNI n u Mr . "lid Mr . ptlrt n f ~ "" 2: '1' 4 . R 5 IU W .. ,n e I'm h ll,' k t.o >·O ll ." .: 'I. \ ,... ' 'tt., .f W "yn~~ i1l e, ::;unday ?own8 hil>, II. Fnr tllll n y m ltl llt t ' S u f rp r th Q cu r An ad in this c,ll ull111 i~ Il !lure 8ah! . . , 8 ••lIn:111 :-\10 1r, h t o! TIUl ,th y '-lIIllLh , sl ll r h ,I 1'\llIlp l',ot, 1 . Ir lcl ntt e nll on In 1I.l n \llIrL(HII IInu "Hntly (l Dter . "rt o( ~e o :l7 'I' 4 It. 5 'u 'Nl\ynt' hl N tlrlv lng. 011,1 T"lIl1lbel 1111"",,,,, !tN' 1 ,,1' , . " r' m llHIIV lit dinner , IBu Sun. p" .1" I owns 'llp. ~ MONEY LOANED 1I"lf Ih" lu:m ry of IlIklng n ~ Itl clo nl! " • I 8telili Whot sel to Hllrv"y RVII . 10 k lit him now nnrl theLl . Ouc.' '. 0\' 1.1 11 11 - ' " ·\I r . IO lId Mra. Ernest art o f Mll lt.ll r !:larve? No'. 24'64. "' IU>l1I RighI ot IIL'I'I1 .. Lak e. Cnlltolll , · Id" ONEY I'll \,() . N ON FARMS . " . ;;i!! " .I"v . " h.l,y rlan g ht,Ar . 'p I W T Y" I u "yn l' wp" •. MR~nltl .. y ~I w p (\ rt "" '11 IlIld sto pped. at ti% lol "r,,- ' I". 6 \0 10 . ~ I r I " "'" ', ," 1. r h ~(\ been Iloter_ ' A PI (' b . ~ 1 'rruon "God. how I',· ~ prnyell for U,ls min, , , VPllr8. l'~ rr e l1 &: T,.n~1t lleal 1Cto. . 1 I f III 1 ereo H " Y '''' ~dao v • , : . ., 11,. ,,·,,1 " '1', rom .. no le~ · p"rt of ~,. (! . II, '('. :I. R 5, (J1""ro r eek iRl.e BDd L.,an., Wllmlll~t," u, Oblo. ute," he p.J<rlnItI\ NI, tll rnllll( 011 he r t,' r . '''r ., fo w wo ekft '1',IWUIi h1', l .•l . . I",,'d enly, PhOll e ;101 ID IIl .U jlc uud Mrs. G o rgtl MoUrne, "nd I Btl lle R,) ve r to S arl\h P II.rlok,ll"r' MI hn ve. too." ~ n Id T onn lhel ID a d""Il:I\t.l·r . MaraBre t. MI~~ E!lI ~ 1 1 r S 26 l' 3 R ti i C leHcr llll ~ ONEY L"HD"d I n . II VI! "001<, 81ly, IIweet vol eI'. "I thought you'd l:IutlAr oud M r 811m MoUrllov, 01 B" I I ~ eo h ' I ' , . D . abe 1Ipl". "Iwo 000ll l1ll 1II " r\,IIC811 forgottc n nboul \liP ." o wn , Ip,'" . N"t!1 ~ b.,{,/(ht. J " bD l:IarhlnA, AileD "Wby. I could ll 'l do my W f)I' !; hnl! IU Ollt . we r " o"lhng o n Ero el' t f)"kln "ud fA·Utl .V. !:loudtly af '!' rn oon . C bl' ~. Grl\v to M,. rle Ur .• y, purt 0 1 .BOtl,1IuK, X .. "I .. Ob.lo. 6 .4.21 way well, r y e l h nught nbollt ,\" flU ~( :I.1r~ Cht,.. t .. r Whif.1l aDd ohttdrt'tI SUl' ve v N u. t>7511J I:hrve.v@buflr, II. mucb ," crl<!d th e hoy. OIn nd J' \'t! hct'U plnnning a lot rur yuu lind llIe. YOII hav e ueAn r llcBnt gll es lR o f her !l1~. LOIT t e r. Mrs <..: P Elh", "Dd family !!<'e. Dr. J ohn Is n so rt of II j:Ullrdllln to me, a nd next Y PIl r I'll be t"'('nty· BIII ~ ail C' wed: W . I:I . :.t,tLOaI{e 0", Ibrllt'. The n I IU\I'" nil my own money. llall1\lJr'1l1921 dupUoattl", '130; e 1HlT-A Bool tift' II I>n':II:1', .orne 1 cn n ge t mnrrle,1 then. If I wnnt to." L Wtllturna, 8upplt Aa for trt'.uurer . pl"ce 10 W"YIl8MVill.. Flud e r "Oh." SIlld T Ollnlhel In II 'lu N'r little 130 .56 : W. Ii. B n pplDIo!. I~h or. aud pIOIl"" leAve al lhz. ,t" um·.. Ol:l3 ,·olce. mat e rldl s, '19 ,94: I o qnelt"f body lit "Yp~. 1 believ e In pn rll' lIInrrll1~e8. " l..t!O D ~ Dttklu . OOrUD.,r'. ( 60_, ... 45; Philip went on I'm pllntl cn lly. "Wlls n't WANTED .1 no BltI !r, pqlliomfl nc unu enpph tl 8 . It 0 Qlleer thin;: Ihn t 1111 the ",h ll .. 13220 ; H O . WIIII"m s . 8uppihul for I WIlS hllun Ung Ih s ho r~ YOII \\'I' r" III PrI '~. A'ty . '8.110; John . .&IIII&&U, Good Gardener ,,, pot " n\ 8 ""r. Ihe bouso, my hllU81> nihilIst? You pqulpment Ilnd s nl'ph"s on V". oar, den 0 1\ t he .h~,e. I' qolre lit Common J'1f1U Court 8~e. I live JU9\ n('. t iloor to you." f SCi.OJ; CoIUIDbll8 BI:1Dk Book lUg, Mr8 M~lIld6 1:\08 'er ThIrd .. tr~ l' t, "Oh I" Tony slI lt! nguln. SOIllNh I11 1: Vo ., blnnkH fur Pr r.uale .1 ndlle . • 2; W~yneH'· IIII! . Ohio .u llS New Suia hod hurt her dren cl rutly , Somelhl ng hp IVlns · JlltDellUU Uru\( Co., drag. f or Oll ie Ma8<.1n n Leo MILS OD. For j~11. ' .IIl ; Morrow Braot, brut.J'rtUlK I:'UR tlhor' lind L<JDII DI~I .IIDoe hnd JIllld.. ne mll(h t be lTIu rrl,·" next yen r nnd. or con r.e. It would be 10 dl vo rce anu RlIm <.ln .y. alld wll8hlng tor urltloDeu, 11111 14; C TIUO.lo", Ollit Chili. 11:. !dw.rdR, KQth Q~'n o John 6 il h e r' vs The VIJI~8e of 8'.Dley Watkin. haollDg granl pb tlDe 102-3r . Lylle, OlJlo. m2ll _ 1100,80; GdO Uut ltlr, ro.d "od brtdge I B'rRnkliD. Error fT o t\fI rf' n t IDUllc1 .1 11 ,oor Emma :do Kay vs Fred MoKay. ropalr8, U6 55: A. A: EvaD8, baol. I G~ bnty . Keep bUI, IDir. al3 76 ; J. G. Ralnes.lahor, Wa:fJub uneaf s? II It perOlSnl!Dt? For d i vorce and oU8~ody or ohlld. oenllJe corp.. 16: Clint Roell, hllul Yon waDS I Ilftllong bnRlnM.. Yoo Enrl .Va l k Elr VB E W RUllg. For tDg graTel. '750; Sid Pope, baollng can lies 1010 "ooh a bOlloe.R selllllg ID ll n os. Ilravel 117110: Joeepb bivlns,gravel morl! ShaD ]37 Watkin., I-'rod,)otll The J. R. Watkln8 Co, ve C. J . ,S 72: Yoonol' BrOil. Grllln Co ,(loal dlrllOl in farmer81f yoa UWII an'o or Wilt,kiuB ilL Ill. Fp'mODey . fnr elone oru fber, 34; Chu, Ellie, 'film or oan ,e\ oDe; It you H rA nn. FrA.1 AIIDly o r VB Thelrullo Allwyer oruahlng etone, 144 69; FraDk tlbld. der 60 and oan alv. bond "I'h per. Divn r co-. bsf'uce lind negleot. aker. rent of I("ra{le, $4 lonlll RUteilee We bIIok 70n "Uh big selling belp, . 112 YSln In bOIl. neSlI, 20,000,000 OlerR of onr pro. ProeeeIIlnp "uot.. Wrhe for 10forDI.'lon wbllre Notice to Contractors yoo OItD lei lerrllory. J. R Wa&, [n I h e ttl ,tt.'r uf Ueorge Doogla88 klDR Vo., Depar'ment (J ., Wlnonll. She Apillie8 it From Within, Not VR 811rry 1 "1 !] ~ 11I88 et 1\1, C. B. VaD. geaJed propo.. l. . .III btl received by ~be MlnnesDta. mSO oj f'r vort boillu IIbsen\ from the TrUJII,_ From Outside ot Wayne Town.hlp. Warren COUDt,. () ,n ll t .v, UIII1. W. Jllok Willi appulntor) OhIo. • , 'he omce ot Ibe Clerk 01 WaJDe Town.hlp. W.,ne•• lJIe . Oblo. up untU 11 : 00 ro til ko bl . (111106 ,,~ IIpprRit.er of Haid o·clock. FOR SALE "~ I.,to 'I'll " r e p rt (' f t bo appr"ltie. fll Ollt \VaP' Ill> ,r u v ed Eoonomy (Jream ~"ptlr""or tD For c uUlng btU. wid,olnl! ~h. ftr&d. U1d mak· It is the Colo rful Matter of I'ure I 'md oondltlon. l"qo ,r ell! Cbatl Ln, the nil on ~be vl'OAwlcll b I• • In W~J1Ie mood That Makes a Good Probate Court Proe_lInp To" ..ablp. WlLn'On Oo.untJ. OhIo. Mlohener, R 0 . ", WII.v u",VII14l,Oblu Bald COn~r~d will be I.~ b,. the ,...... "". Complexion In tho m~ t·ter IIf Ibe pHt·ale of cordlol~ mSO to tbe pl~D... nd .pecUlcatloDa on IIle (!IHH I.." F " .I.u r 'Iohu6l1, mlDor. Heo. .. ~ the Olerk ·. ontee. WayoeavUle,Oblo. The 8ucceeaful bidder will be requlnta I<> .1 .... A RO aud ":ujf.r I 'Dretl 81de Moat.• u!II l I\cOOU11 I, /I ppru veIl bond In ~h8 .um ot ODe Thou'aDd DoU~", Beu u t .v more HII," ,kill ,l d'·p. I n 'IHl m .. t.Ie r .,f Tbe 80 .. rd of ( 11.000.00) . Inqolre of AIlIUH Conk, R. U. " Tru.~e.. rMel'V6 'he rI,ht I<> reJ"'" Wayne.vllle, Uhlo. mSO N o ono 0.\10 hll\...• IL Oil"'", '! llIic ·.IO C ,""tv Cllfll fll l~8Io ntlr .. VB Id~ aud .. DYBald .. nd .. II bid .. . kin. gl ' '''''i nl; w i t.l.. It ,·,,1 I OJ, I f I he (f~rr, 'r.t Havtme. A ppr"leeolllDt o r Rid. must b ••oaled. ~nd tbe Dame ot tb, UW-A 00.101 J e rao.v (Jow In. blood IS 11Il1l 'H e o r I,OCIr IIl L( ", I ll e vi. 1'011 1 H~tuLR apl'l'Oved llOd privs'e bidder endol'llld on the bid. W. 8 . GRAnAM qUIre of J M. Keys . WaynN_ rally ne[]A"~ , r~' Ir oll Ih ll l B 'V M Ihe "(li e of ~1IU1e IA orlltlred. W. E. CORNELL VIlle, Ublo. mSu G. L. THOMAS o'>lo rl,, ~ !lIlItI " I' II) Ihu "Ill .. 1\u,,j .. In Ihe ",..t.t,t'r of Ibtl estate of . Tru.~ . N egl ~ c L 0 f r(-l ~ u I" r II Il rt OeOdri"ary . ll:. V. DARNHART, Olerk. Good lu,e W ork Morlloll. two of ws.t.e e IliLt I nllt Ion, IIHIjI~ t,f) r llncttl r .lonule M. Phillip", deoBlLsed . Prl. them IInere. Alao Wbl$e Ply. 'lie "1 II Ul IJU r " .. Uu.• I'e d lI oe I' l ~ I ron v .. I,o ~U\ll of pe rs unlll prope rty or • U 0, month R OM Coo.ere ls W C. oontents ['b e I>e~t O"" 1Il ti o '" til" ,Iorail. Welob. Harvey.burg. Uhlo, m23 worl d iH puro, h fl"llh y, Ir ,HI . rlob In t b ~ mlltter of the estate of blol.d . Oil "ill H DtlOk, doo!'aHnd . Art,bnr ; CON A En8 from bflavy 1",lug l..looto r ~. rUl\ h;-. ing t l", iIl1Pl1l' 1"' " <l ti Br ynnt. I~ hpPl) lDted IIdmIDt~ $rHtor. Ilook, IUiO to Ii 00 per 15 . <.If fl llrlclll" ~ ULI ,I illlpr.1Vlu(ol \.11 11 tsnnd $500. E. W . Boplllull. P 0, Rox 58. Way blood, hll VB 1'''1' .\· .. "r" pr eHurtb ,,,1 Iu the lUa~tAr of I he estn t.A of neeville, Ohio ·.. 13 l-Iuu,,'~ P6 \1t".M~III(t\Il . til " pl e ·, ,;,,nt i!:UI\ LUlJll~. d .. ot'IIMed Keport of 'lDd prOVE>' blo od bui ld er flnd t()llll . 80 les ollpro vAd. 6GB In sea80n, from fin e ~ . O. R. P tlpl.O.1I:!UIl"UD 0<' lI hln 8 J'USL r,he I. R~d. , Br"d!uy ~trlll n II 00 ~ In I·b .. maU tlr of lh e eMtate of tl ltl w onlij o "",I~d tu chan"" tbill, per HUtlDI of 16. L.yrlill E, tlbep_ ., O"kBV McUn be, cleoBued. Clinord wate ry ul<J1 l C1 I.f) "'l berd, R, 0, 2. Weynesville, Ohio . 0 od, r lld blood. M Kifl[ler Is app .Iuted ~dmloI8sra · P p. pto, Mau""n builds rlolt, r ed blood .~3 '" tor Bon,1 000 . e nabllllg it til Q,.rry HtrenlCt·b (Ind vllrOr to every purt o f the body . In tbe matter uf the IIstate of COWl:!, on .. "JerlleY.Dd 'be otllor a Hol_'eln Inqnlre of Uude's Popto,MPlUKIHI hilS heoome Mlcbael Mod, deoe~lIed . May ReeB. V. 8mlth, phoDe 973, Wayne". so well KlIown, by r eliMon of doc tOri ver Is "IIIIolntecl adwlnle$ratrIE. vtlle Oblo. m2lS reooUlmending It, thnt you cnn get Bond '8000: i~ in t"blet or liquId form nt any In ~he maUer of \he will of J . A. drug sto re. InM.llud of trYing t') Armentrout. deoell83d. Will WR!' AY-A lot of Ilret.ola.. Timothy covor U'I t\ poor ouUtOlt'XIOD, "'e\ a admitted to probate. b B .. y. Iequtre of Joe, '!'toney , . . . t I P ODe 83.81/., bottle of Gnde's P opto.Mllnglln lind e er nar ana /. W ...... ,,- eavUle, Ohio. uote ·how soo n yo u feel beUer, ~IOI~p mtS bet ter w.ork b.nd er plllv wHn more Manla,e LIe.... OFFiCe; Nloe larle oew Red FOE I ze8t-~nd h'ow YOIU; ~kin nnd oo m· Benjamin Traylor, far~er . Lytle, lined wltb lold.oolor eatlD, plexlon are IUlproving and Miss Ir",ne BaUleld , of Wayn.. !<'ourth Street, ncar Tyler .ell at ~Olt, If eold 'hi. Witek, Bee OOIT lDalie s ore t r, g e t tbe g e nu ville . . . TelephoDil 93 8, Ben\ley, Waynenille. Ohio Ine It btl' "Uude 'a" on the pack_ 'Edwin AlilBon, t~rmer, and MI88 IIlJS C'" . : II~k tn w"~,, La htln o" vlbitnr
llh'ha""n IfIIl' lIl,l \ .. I), .
I .
8he Stooped and Kteaed Pa,ul Pendle, haven Impulltlvely. me h e wnnts you' to drIve with him. Now. what do you sny?" "SHY ~'e8, IIllI'lIng TODY," PhilIp cja(', u IIItl" 1 \I' Ilh spn r kll ng eyeR. MOh, Ihat's how the land lies, Is It7" 80ld Or. John under his breath. Then nloud, "I dldn't know Ihlll thing had gotten to th e 'darling' pulnt. Philip." TODDlh"I·. face irelY lJuppy red, aod she atood wllh ber eyes calt down and
::;;;;;:=;:::;~12 FRE~R
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Dr. J • A. McCoy, H V
eo,,( wui
~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~t~-;'~~~~;c~~_~••~~~:~.~~~~:r;..~d~o~~~ . u~an~v~n~,~or~e~."~~be~r~ft~u~g~~~rH~.~lu~le~r~IOC~k~e~d~D~e~r~vo~U~S~IY~.~O~h~r~a~g~p~.~A~d~v~e~r,~tl~ ~e~n~l~e~n~~'~~~~~__~M~R~r~g~a~r~e~t~L~U~d~l~o~m~,~b~0~'h~0~f~M~0~r~r~0~w~~VV~a~y~n~e~8~V~I~'~'~~~~~.~~~()~h~IV ~ - .0ba'ohID,' Wblte Leshorn Elle for _____ _ ___ . __ .___ __ _ Ferrie aDd &ol\lIlb
~ ___
' GRANO F-'\W-T"£R.. I :S~AW"'T. 'l 'jH~INff'(:
• '6 per .100, L. W. Chaodler phone 411 1~. Wayoearille mH "
Cream 8epar!'torll, ID No. 1 000. d~'toq, ·. t!lmnlex and - Oe'l:"".I, power aUaobUlfln&l, P . A. lAWlioo. on 'he tlhDplll,a faJ'ID, II~ ' mllllll looth of CorwlD. I1l1S
ANOllC?N i
'Ea,as· '01' ,'8atoh~DI
DQolr, of W. nen:llle,Obto, . • .
N, tlMrt ' Way
• mta -
roomll, -,~, . . tdaa j ftlo'k.a 1 ar a, io&i~D .,4
·trot., '.,OGO ' 1Ai . 8IMip .¥.,aentUe, Ob. '.-11
'the Mialni Cazette, Waynavil1e. ohio. ------
itntercd At lilt " r,,,l u Olc'.
'" " ' tl3' lIf" "Jl lf, Uh,JlJ , ... t-.tJ(·(·utJ (11..... AlL ' 1 !I .lI lt .
~ L2
___ .
5S -
$ -C; X'b
L M HENDERSON ::-.._ _ ___ _
T ile fIIir l)t l,J IIVP bee n a fr l'tlUo n t bill! ' 0 grO,' l I.but m uy oellll~" "'B • " fin ed with wa le r , caUBl og t h e ll rll ' UiI. ' 0 be tak en u p /lDd reprdruu . ._ _ . ..j_~_ _ NOTARY PUISLIC r . Ed r, o irenli&iid d a-aihter , MisH ' MI\ ~'h" . wore g ne.ts of Ilcq O/llntll li 'Vaynesville. Ohio 06Jl " ' W II J lies vill e, ·ll turdIl J . . N ationa l Blink Mr. Rod n . X. B. l>l1kill eD le r . tolued l ho 1t ,<fveYRburge r s I\t t b eir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lteflUt ifullJ " ltI ,Wed noolclay night . 'V otel WII > r cc"i vou ul' r e reOeuIlY. , by Ih ft 'n'IIlY ft lend~ of Pou rl ::It.,nv. Ilrt., of W!\r ll iu g t ot" of his mlirringe l AUCTIONEER to " lod .• , of Ibe ~ 'Hnf Jl IIlOO-----.J'l; " . IIxte Dd to tho m oor best wi~ ll e8. Centerville, Ohio
" .
(' $
'l YPE:WR f-TERS ~ -' -
, DR W E f Ot1r ~ ., t
l'<i · d [l11.1 r., le ..;" , uy
,·", IIOUlnu
. Uu veromeu,"
(1111"'~ •• • , . 11 • . 60 \,1" 2·\'" lor rlhbo n . 40. 0U
1\ 1' " lO r 7
"' ill Put On Urlental Dcgrcc I.. lOW 1,"11 I" .~ ,',I- r\\'''(II 1 :,\ " ;t "Iw-('ol r rillhn u .~, '5,OU T h " K . or P. hr uih ur9 "IA I'XI)(!ot. I ' ,,-I! rWHod I ! \' ,I" r rHI l hl /'k "pacer . 62. 00 VETERI N AR! AN I 11' ..1 N" I ",, "·f,.• l o r r lhh·l ll . . , . ... , '6. 00 IIlI( ~o lint Ull I bp "noilllit Ori llo L,d It ;' .. 1 ~u . t. , 'o ll ,r I/lJbo\, . .. . .. • 47. GO 'ubNcriotion Price, $ l. GO pe r yea r wor~. IU Ih o neur f utu ro, li S )[ ' ...· 'UI til 111' ' n ., , I) 00 (Jl h . r So IL " '" GO ' 11,\ , r No !, .J;' OU M OflltrC I1 20'( S . '1 . &0 l u t be Orl.-utal d " YH IWr" fli "rol-:rf'~" , J II ' j l 1 " dv " rltl" "~ H " I) t . 1 0'IH,lf l\",' "IIII1 I, , " r , III1, -rl ll Li " OI'YDe t\ ,.y (ub ullt 8&00 1111 \ '\~ U(II /\ \ P lti.:;~ '\"!l (' 1. I I! ,' , - . ,t" u'h'fl" 1II I(0u li UlIl,.o(l ('ullfSillnn aU re.dy Dnd O;O" ' IIlle WM II 1I\\I)" n. A h"ll . qu et ..... tll h I' ono "I' tbtl (lr"willg :. t ' l J I ~:~~H!~~~l; :,;('~~l~:·r8 r~~,f, ~~~r'.(· t 1~~Jch·r::~ \\)" \ '0 \1 hu \'0 , Iru gn or I m .. J1. Ord.,.. ruled ollrrl~, ond Dvnr~' tllll'lti' will h,. ' Ifl ue P ho ne 44 Harve ysb u rlo:, 0 , t bll t CIIII loA llon e til 111 ,01.0 r UH VIMI.. ill" l UI p i I,. IULJ IM,IlIC. all Y 1'lIl nr ur colol"l, tor WF,DN ES[)A Y. MMtC H 16. 192 1 lUI \ I lIill.. " fI ( .\ lllc hllle. ea. 1 ',,· d e livered. St.toe 111111" '1I111 11 111tJnt . l.d PbUfj pU! lU r bOt b6r;:; O~I-----OIS f,· .. 1 'I' 1I ~1t1l f'. "q tbu l I. rh" ~Io1 [ 11I t-lI t ) IS ~ 1 . !)Sd () Jj \·n r6f l . 110 0 u l II,,· C"lrIrnll l(' A ti l ('hnrge Du n Ii '.t lr,· Wi lli ". ~Iv"" t il ull UIP W . Our rond gong, pllot"d by .I UM W . Give me your sale . I can do your E mpire Type Foundry . Butt.lo. N.Y Our Calendar b ,~ r " '" 1-':11" " .. 1"" ol'Ot! II) 1", ",. "~,. ,,, D"91 ~. i~ ",IIt ld ol!; eVM, <.Iu .• p()~~i . wot k reaso na bl e anrl wi ll gUa ranlt'p. RH' " II"" III ",",,1. II nLl 111,,11 '.,rWu ru hill, w ill ob Ihev .b o o ld . olJntiiderJltl( t o Malis fy you . I thll 11111 01lllt fl f rOll d IIH'y llflVIl 1·0 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ t."" " lilt hl,XI(j I,V 1921 loo k .. fl ur Good r PR olt s CO DD Ot lie _ _ _ _ /( r)ad Gazelle's Classified Ads expeolPrl u tl l il th ey r edu ce tb o mi la. StrI I'Itit TIR ~ TI'aJ fn ~at Tlilt l\ ) , b; . ~ lJO {1h .' ~o h ,ltd 11t, ltI u n Urass Band Will Impruve Latcr , age t.o f'H e ll ' q ull d O~. J. MILL E ~. '" } '.\ ub lfl ."ci o l II I tll o ohn ",h (Ju r. I lu r Ilf ll.' hlllld L~ )J1'''r.:'''"" '" ~ ". I Our vfl\.pra ll fro lt.t t tle 8,delwau . III'" W,·du,·.ri tl Y ' V I' t11 I1", 'I f I"a t 1 w~ 1 1 11 8 olin h·, llXP"rf,u,1. Th" ""' II I· , wb" hKS bo,m o u t ot ' o'''u fur ~ev er. DENTIST hor. o f I,he LJl ud ~ r(' Ill"nrhflrij o f ' ,,1 d"ye HI t be interes t of his busi. ••• • •• lJurtn~ t·lI ... wop k·" 'ld Huv . Ulld r r am i :':Ilc s ;jll d l. ill! S(od ( u umce In Ie} 14 IS It) 17 18 19 Mr ~ . \V , lu ht .. , . 1 " 1 t .. ,n l'd rr if" Hlti I "<lli'''~, nl n"_, Ch ' ic L"ng nOR II ' HI Aid ' 008 8, r AI.uro ed b omll Saturday e v e n . ~pl!cii1 lt y ~"ci .. I.Io· ' /I uti UHnv <l tlll-r thll1~ ' I" " in g, an rl r~porU · bosiness fioe ~ .~lolO.'II"" k SlI' •. fr om" turm .. .. I tll rI > h -M(\~ar .. N" t . t.tir1itJn,.t q Jn ) t1 f io~l ur;dt.h f t lnH' Ill. , T k I ~!I ~~ \l yh l1 11IIU WII " '· O. "r " "ur (," 11 ',):n. Intl' d '" r "'"," I. t o" " " lI, l, t... 1 ~ lI r ll h e hn r~ f' mrsr ' e t is moY io /! n ong Sat is fll d io n (;UUI a n lc(>d - DEALER IN27 28 29 JO 1 ~;,~' 'u~ nOlti. in II st,f'fI,l? wd.. y~ the v '~ 'v r"p ld ly . b o t III tl ll l" I II 0" " ", It . d de I m 'lnd. lire . Tit !; la t<t lIu,,,I,, ·, nr I :" . 1.,'Jlnrl< Flo ur, Fef'd, Coa l, Salt, B~ lI h r oo k, O h io Match 4- lnauguration OilY ooun" e , \'\' .'rl Il Psd fl .v n vnn i ug , W "to! H J1l lt y . ! i( I Tile, Posts, Wa ter FounMllrch 6 - j<'o utth Sunuav in Le nt lootorl' hy Chi ef "" r " " g ht'urt WI' II", It J 'h lllll''; ' I,' " nd t llH tlol ,'O) obil fls wer e going in l I '-_____________ -' 1 March la ·- Fifth Sunday ln Le nt . 01l _i<l l1 r(o(1 Ibl ~ IllI; 10,· .. , II u,"l; nr of t a ins and Self-Feeders. li n." Mr_ . \\'l lli" ," B"I I ulld , I 1 I " March 17-St P"trick'H Day r.h tl 0 ur ~p. It WIIA h" ,1t i" . tru c t , ve so u, Ij f ." ' '' '0 0 1' VIII .. . Bu tlb r IlO Urtt ~ . I ove r y (tn·('rll'u. E . d C tl ~ . ____________:--::-...... March ~o - Palm Sunday '\nd tl nt e rta lll log O h l l ', " Inri ' t!nf~~tl"' CI M r II fill Mr.~ ! W e h n ,'" fon t "~ .r n c l' r iP8 in oor 0,1)' I .~amme .orrec y ...•4 -SHIPPER OFMtlrch 24--J e wis h Fea ~ 1 of Purim Glasses Fitted • :-_____________~ Amy Lumpkin 111 ,0 r"m il" hAV O Hnr l' .l' ~ . T I\('k,·, . :-;,, '" nl l1 .V und :-i un. , 'Ina .. g ,,,)t1 npAnln g lor lII o ro-t h l) March 25 - Good Friday (Loc nl s tores In o v.·d I,,, ~htl I"r ~" fH It, wbe t I) l till Y "D "~ WP h ll Vfl IIro /ll' lI ill/( '1lonl-': tn AT M{)DERATE PRICE3 ! ; cl ose from 12 to 3) Hay , Straw and Peed. nn town. wh If'l, t\wy r ur l·lIt.1\' Jill roh llM(tO T"r r illl" ""hi " 'If'\ £.: ,,j n g . l it,. , Ihe u: ,\ ,·1 1 W II V I 1~ I Match 27-Eas ter nay fr om tit" Mond an h tt ll h mr~. r"",,I!. "" lll l'J.( t it " ,)II! " nd v' " " l~ . A 8pltUHilri op,; ntn~ \", r .. for II gf'fI , I Elm er \:I',rtHlti UI I( I IlI lIlll y h . vo Feed Grinding a S pecialty. 'I'llI' C II'''' L' '' ' £.: 11 11 Ill " Wlilt Air" tl rIIl .I o r e ro n by th o rl g h l p a rt.y , , : I I' U:,\ [R AL DIU ECTO I~ Itl OVl'rl t o lit " fJlr m ' '' ('/lI f' ,1 by tIll' J . I:! ~' hl(l" n"'r, UII I"Jl l. n rdH)· nt/ pr. woul d It,. 1 " ' n tlfic l ~ I, to th ll ownf't" , Uptieal Department • , Lumpktn ... s, Dlltroit St. Xenia, 0 11iO ! , Waynesville, Ohio Rulpb H" h",·t". hlt l .. " Oll flf !'tir '")0 11 Mr . ~lrH. 1~r1 Mr·!?"rl,," h " ,' '' , n,mlmll lllLy O:>t!n evenings by appointuum t : , Ilnrl Mr. A II iH !-t" l" r t> , i ~ -eri" udlv hl',. /I r ll l, ill g "n " Id hu ,l d' II I;"'" I r " ' 1 Mt'. un.! ~1r8. Irll ~ vfl'td or n pn - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ • • • I III of pit P U lUOIJI " · "'O \'PU tl ,,, .1 .. I'r1~ f, o Ul 111I'1r hf:ltlltl ful h onll' On Jl: ' IV ~ II.IO IU ~ I ro,, ' In o n r t." rt.ulni n l( Mr8 t:! vf e rd's His t e r , of Uri J O ~(lJiltl ne Blllir Rn d Mr8 Fllli v I ~(jllipped fo r Goo d DlltroH, fllr a ro w doy s. ' -_ .. II Nell ie Lao~I'}' "pe nt !:\un rlay wltb ol t y. Servi ce. I !l lnti V"8 Itt Uti \' ' un Mr (;'lr r ,, 11 ' h i ' )oI ~(\r,l h" nil '" t.(lll' We IIr t' en titl ed ~o a m r,vlog pl o'l TH A WAY La rg-e Displa y Room 'ure s b l) w ; un o th l' r tlU RlnORS r oo " " • •• Erl T, OXIl II, or T lmn . w a~ till< g ll l'R t Are vou poyloi IIDY al te llli o n t o s or l" l llr ti~ 1. Is " n r k ln ~ In tn .. DiN' is neAde(l, ' nd " lod !-(& r ooUl. cloh , dt D tl' the Immlgratloo altuntion? [)u you Clf his o nol,,, Au H" IIlIt ,un, d uri n~ 'I n (l lno · lt \ lV A bu . l l)es~. T F~LE J'1l 0N F. ./ n AY 0 11 NI GH1 Telephone 76, ring 3 roolU, Iu m ndnrn Rt ,Vle, ~nd tbis oanl ''V 'l r~:\(''v ll1 e II Le .. nil' en, 'he w(l(j k.r' ltd IrDow tl ..,n UIDA tllDtbR of UI A B I. h. Thn LlI llI f'~' AId sooi e t y ", ,,t In ue bod If ' h" b ·ys will 14 0' hu~y I lt'llnR III H 'I! n "~ RI0 Il 1I1.. ln "'t ~---~~~ M. ... A A. R ·11111 11111 W"1t cu ll ed to t·hel r hil ll , n n T hu r ~tlllY 1Il/" rn ll, n evlltl I!Ind Iln .. r ohl . f." 10 t,ha U nil .. " I'iffiQ, M ' ,du.y, I1 v tll f' Rlt r iO Il R III ~ lI d h. d" bli: Alit. T IJ A nfl""IfIIl I1(''' , _ Sht f's (luD hnrlll:v ~pllllk Enjll1 . h, f1~1H o f 11 ~1 ~I .. r W K" ~ond hdv P b ,H rll\ floY k,,"wl~lIlC~ or Ibl . nil" tt"d Mr ~ . Wr ijl ht,. Mr. lind Th p m Ofn h p r !'l wh l ) \ \' f)fMf"11 t tH fu rJ ! Of>l,o~r .1' bf )" ,nfl r,b .. rU81 ,lU Ib , \lre Pl. C '-',UDfi ll lrl , Mr , a nd Mrll ,,1 13 ill Ilth' n (tt ll l{ Ih e (Jr lt' ut u l Oll ·t " . 'beir legs "ud tlyeM .. Dd ear~ take Leller ~t .. olie ld lind ' A. 0 Colle tt iua hI Wllyn ARvi ll .. " n ~l>lr c h V, h, Clod ' .. mtl .v werll ROl UIl!: t lt lleo pro~. hllv e w l1 ru ~ ur prll,ij8 f nr f·h l' IlI fw n . '·h um? eD' at t,h., t:itllutl" hl ·i:t orm ol wed. .. nd Lba Cllortetl UIi ~ o rvlco rt'Cl' l v,.'d Ellis 1.llIDd 18 tbe New York enlr.v dlDI(, In W"vue nllie . '1'bur~ dIlY Ilt t h e blinds of t·h o Itl di es It. c hllrl~ '~ Imiot of moes 01 'be ImmlgraDt •. evening. And liB '0 the work . lbo CR nd id" les Wbun elle, lrond 'he\' hnd beau'lful Tbe M. E . obolr is prepa riog .. n feel that It was a time of merrilllOn L I an.! eDj o vment. h wos It rn elttlnll bulldlug' nil roarly ( or 'belr re. Ea8ter o"Dt"ta. lba' will long be rernembf'recl -It - - - ' -... oop&ion Tbll.e bnlldlogtl tire kept brlolle t ogother our Deigbbofl thll t. IIpl)Lle881y 01,,80 . l'b e re "re piny do no& meet very ottaD, ond all 10 "II tbeBe meetingll are ben eficlill t o ,roundw fur th .. oblldreD, a ours .. ry # ' VOl) th e hom!lD raoe. Let's Ilrrtiog o t.o for tbe .m.llar 'lIlee, norMeli aDd m eo t aRalD doot ore for t.he IIl c k lind t\ mag. Fnnk Shidaker has bee n lIo leot.ed Joho Kemp, SnD of Mrs Stee ly 88 petit juror OD th e Fode ral jury lu rl1ftoen~ Il l)~p""l for tIlOll" who Deed Kemp. who bas beeD very III, Is DOW Ch:oioDIfIII It .IOll<IF ImprovlD,. Do~pite *hh welor mp tbe mlDute Mn.Mary Garner Fiocb will spe nd Jaoob Ur,'ager, who It ved north several weeks witb rel!.tlvA8, nellr 'bl' y IlIl1d nu t be lIlK 1u 'II od from 'b~ of lown for mllDY y ean . diad at btl! Dayton. E,l!. hl"rhi p'ITI\'Ii ~ .. th,,), reoelVtl home ID Ohmer Pat'k, Duy ron, lilli' R. e, 6,nner hlle secured 11 p osi. 611d Imbibe "th .. I' .. , . lltt or BDaroby T'!leldIlY. alld rllv,)!otluD .. I Be o re tb"y have Rosooe, Leo MoCoy, wb o lives on tiOD Lhrougb hlB brotber. r ' hllrle" , wbo 18 captaIn In 'he Medical Corp!!, lOne Il bl uok I1I10b one hu b tlell ~be Miller far m , Dorthwest of tOWD, ~tatloned at Norfolk. Bod MiM 8 He leD Relli. of n ear Mt alvlln a pall ' pblet ur oard, prlote l Zl nn, were qnletly married, lust Mr. IIDd Mr... Am os Ellis wet'e 10 a blllf .duztl D IlIugu"ge8, OODlaID . 'fbu'Hciltv tlvl'nlol!, gU ~8 tR of rellltivel! at Xenia. 00 Sun d"y, log the tOIl 'IWIDg etatemeDte : Hebe r Muud~bauJlb, who reoeDtly Miss Kerwlth K , Kirk bns, t o r moved vn t.ll .. VlntoD TRy!or f .. rm, "lmmltlrant~, rllmemher thnt )"'111 b olll n ,,,,ltlic lilli e DPxt Wo d Des. sever III cl"ys, hall been quite sloh . tbis t8 • oupit.listlo g ,'v ~ rlll o ot bot I~ I.h oultht, to bA much Improvod. day Ma rcll :l3. r ODlewber it ts a dlrlv IIn,1 r ll t . (laIDOY KIDg, wh o has beo n q Uite Tbe "nnnnl EU RtAr Illl\rket will be 'eD lroveroOlllot,wbere Y' tUr Itre beld 10 tbo I',) wn hllll, n ext ::idor. Ilok, Is beUer and oaD i'Vl' u ls bo~ i . will be ex"lolhld . Jolo 80me revolullopory eoclety IIDd b e lp day ev,mlng. M'HOb 26~b. h wjJI be ness so 'Ie dteDtioD, E. .1. D~ktn, of 'he Brrn of We lob 08 overtbrow Cbls wloiled aov. lIiven by t~e L .. rlltld ' Aid soolety, of prnmen" .. &he UOIOD ohurOh. . & Dakin, !.raDsaoted busIness In Clu. Mr. and Mr8. Carol HaveDI aDd olDDatl, two daY8 lut week. Bere are hundred. ot thou sand8 famtty, of Dllvton, vl"lted her pa. St. Patrlok'lI Dav in tbe m orning, of , Imp Ie mlndll arrlvlllg every yeror renlll, Mr. tlnd Mrl. E!oru EIlfDb81t, M.. r.:h 17th. and reoelvlDg tbll oreed .. 'be very 1118' Mnnday, We are expeotlng our oltlzens hllok flrl' Iwprellion to Suok away in Mt'8 Jona" Whltaore IS oonfioed hom o In a few lIaY8 tbat bl\ve heen speDdlng sevenl m ODths In the .helr braloll Simple mlDdll tbat. ' to her bnme with rbeomtltlsm. Suoth. know Dot·blog .lboot, Ameflca or I ~,~_~ _ ~~~=~~~~~~~~:::: Prof O. V: 'fo lie traDs ·, ot.ed bosl. Amerlo .. ntl. [d \I to be wondetAd .. t ' new ~-Fl)· st- · nes!!lo Dayto n, on ~atord Il Y . U shey Jnln a revl)luUonllry ~ooietv : Mr Ilud Mil . Wm R orMey nnu from the designers' tables rr l FaHh io n Park and the where f.lIev will thereafter h ear family ; or Oregoola, were ~nndllY House of KUPli .. ;:h c.' : .~ :T . nothlug el~e bn~ ,btl forettoln!! sen. / g uestl! of r elative .. 10 tbis vlolnity • tIDlIU'S ehlborBtaj \lPOIl .. nd dIlated , GroouM nro bel Lg gatbered 10 II bu odnnoe by some of uur oHlze ns . apeD In ~"aIOD and 00' or MBU80"? . P ork, " olu", s Ollie 10 \1;' er In Illioll, will ADd 10 heuiog beoom ll UIUI/olerou.? nHu;e tile Itreons m ore palnt,oble The que.&lnD I~: WiII ,AmerlotlD It i~ Dnt .. gt'ent- while un til (J ur 01'118UII wbu knuw bllHtlr "Ii.)w tbill a 0 11 vop SJh,)o) will oo m~ t o IlU e nd. ()tlDker (.0 grow I u their mldp\ un til Mr. Ceolt KIrk i!l ronning t,hreu fa b -ic and colon:: VOl \'\' n I11 ' 11<.1 not onl y in your size it overwhelm .. them? rnUk rnur"H , HlHI I. r pC,; ivln g n lih. 1;::D. 1.. el l Al\ r·. , Ed ito r Ilnd P\lLl i~ 1 (C r . \\ n} nu\, ille, O h io
Forest T. Martin
1921- l'\ARCH 1'2 J
- - - - - -._ ._---
John H. Wright
4 S
6 "I 8 9 to II 12
Everett Early
2J 24 2526 J
i\~,~ :"I::'::~~~~,II ~',~ t~";I~It'~.~ .WI Ii L~
8:::ae:e::8t:~:~ :~:~~ ,
i. . . .
)O.· f ·E:~~+-tE·••st.......
I .-
Walter McClure
:~~~r,C~~,t~'Il~;I~ b" I~~I\,~~~ ~(: ,r:~; i
'Lytle Feed Mill
Lytle, Ohio
1.---- _,_.____--.: 1.______,________..:.______________________________________
- - --
"'o r
o Wn
home cown-
The Metropolitan at Dayton TFIERF is big n ews he re for lnen-new ht:' r,:' art' f re s ' IlJ21 styles
Do you know
Second- th ese st yles . i lc!u 'iing the lnodels b e st a ·,d to ean be had in the
rctts from
one bag of
- -I
Mr . lind Mr •• W illiam MaGr. t h . of
Public Sale
n ~ r lr O r l J(notH , WA r e ~ontln ~ v tt-l H n l'~
of tlIPir ru ,lf,b " r, :1:11''' EIi:r:'1 Th , " "' . o t' ~:~ ,. t ~11\111 .. tr " f1I. WlIlt"m RrJ)ll kA, o nA o f OUr • . I. I!i l) r ~ of ' 61, I~ qo," o ).In" r"· . Mr,
Unl ,, !! (j>'lllllild to qut!. fnrmlDg, I will 8ltll ,,' Puhllo AlloMuo "' wy re .. idell o ~ Ul> thl' I{" IJ , I Llllllh fHrw S mllt,~ ~lIuth ot W~ ' V tl !vlllll,'aud ~ mile. N,'rl-ll lJ llhO!(Otllll, H! Ib,· O,·V. ered hr dllP, on I
lhursday, March 2~, 1921, BegIDO' DIl at 1 p, Ill., Ibe foil .. "1 ' II prop"r l, ' '", . ..v It. : II B " leM, ., ' 81. "e, I ""W 4 Sll .. ~~., l'ou I.", V hl o ee HOUH.bulr1 (:1 11( 1 , ,.., f" I . ~fHl 11 ·... g. C, Bh:1. Z W, N. t161It~, A DO~ .
hut in c.'' etl\' th e ~nr!;l ti ()n o f [1m portions of your SI7,e tha t will ex' ctly fi t y ou .
f-lr,,11Ju t ' " IlIlJ.( H
l ~ nH lk A b tUI btU-HI U v"' r v lnO n :-J f,I' i n u f'l ~ ll :ln l
,Ol d
bfll :.i
:lO lll Ht,hi ng til
Mh ') \\!
i " clu . t.r v. Tb ... t r i ll ' h'tD,\. Il n,j fl r 'h I' rii rno. 11011 "r Pr nf Alft ~ d .\' tll.kinM, 1~ : 11. k I IIg "r .. ~ rl'". . Bul whllt wIll rh "" d., w h !!11 ~ ll h oo l is out·p 1l0 :l'~, u·., I'I ~ nt :v ' I muetlA,:A llOct . tlqk t " . ~ Ih .. r. t,h,lt y ou WaV I ,,~ e no timo iu lellfololl t ·J m,,~'er thA 'prof el.ion. Dt W . E. FrOMt, onr un Iy v A&oriD. arIa n. I. (} bu.y m,m , IIttenrllng tu hi" 'pr e fe ~ s i oo striotly. l'he Friend. hllve prenohing 01. ~ belr oburoh overy SUDdllY morniug Try and bH preseDt next Suoday Erl R.~8 " n is suffering frotn Il bart o'lld,IH tU11< writ.lng. On tluDday, tbe ZtClD Bnptlet OOD. ~rllgatlon bad with them tbelr min. leter from XeD la, and tbrough hie fl,trnA@tne"R be tried t·o per.oade hIs fo liowerM to adhure woru olosl'\Y to t·r.e Boly book. Mr . aDd. lIn. P B. Bl\wlre, of Lvtle, were oalling 00 frleods here, ou 1 borAda,. Mr.. and Mre, A. L . KIDg', of Way. Desvllle, were Rnndny gue~t8 of 110 qOlllnt"noll8 bete 11/ ,.
"Cold 'in .the.Head"
n~ o'C ute "ttnck of NnBlll Onturrh, Th(lse "ubJcd to frequent "colds In tbe hend" . will find tbnt thc use or HAI.L·S CATARRH lfEDlPINE Vo'1ll build up the ~ystem, cleaq!le the ~~ood nnd' render ihclD Icss 'Unble td colds. Repented eUllck, of Acute ; Catarrh may l"a~l to ChronIc Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken IDternall, and acts through tbe Bluod 00 the Mucau Surfaces at the BYBtem, thUII reducing the IDJIamma'Uon and restOrlDg Dormal CODdltlOlll. All druatltL Clrc!nlars free. 1'. 1. CheJlll7 c\ Co.. Toledo, GhIo. Is
Th ! rd - ~ro
-,ah ly lhi s i ~; the most important " ~l n hll \' t h <,,:;c f ine clo t hes fr o m
t ( ',.nu, "OI l the- "'~ ! f' h;·:::t cu
t; t.:I.~· . at i ' ~ e nermanent low levels wh icl · wi ll cvcn tu a ll he 12',, : ublisheu fOI" this season. ' I f'
Th,' Pri ce' Uti,i.;i· ~'~ii::i,
.,;2.5, $2i Yz, $30
. I
IF' OUR eLoon E~ UOI-.i'T ' MA £ GOOD WE W1LL
The Miami Gaz~tte, Waynesville, Ohio.
. ;:.~.::••••: ••••: ......: ..........._ ••_ •••••",..... IProtectYourFuture
Mrs. Kllbon
S unday School. 9:30 a. m. inlt fo r w o r ~ hip at 10: :l0.
F eaturing Viola Dan , in
"PIease Get Marrle . d" Also,
C HARTER NO . 1161 7
REPORT Of condition of the Harveysburg National Bank at Harveysburg . in the State of Ohio. at the close of bUBineHII, on February 21, 1921.
O'.nJ~UDMCured . . . .. ......
292. 06
U.•. OO"'l'Ilment llecurttJ ... owned
luc1y un s w e r c tJ
Baol< ..
Ouh to .ault ...d D.t amouuts due frvm II&tloual bank. .. . . . . To~oliloom.
n. U.
U . 10 aDd
II .. . . .. . ....... .. ... 0.13t.39
Obecl&a 00 banka loe.1ed outside at city o~ to ..o 01 .... portlog bank Uld other cub 11oe1Wl • • ••• •• ••
8urpl ... fund .. .. .. . . . . 11 . . . . . UDdh1ded pronts . . , .. , . 1. '27. 07 ~ current """"n_. In .. rN& ...d tUN paid . . . • . ... 1 14 .20 individual tlepoalts lubJ,,'" to check ... ..... ..... . . . ... .. . Total of ltome 18. at . 30. 86. S1 aoll 88 ... .. . .. . . .. . . 00007 70
:• :
II ('ellIs
111 our Class ified Column.
1 --- - - -- -- - -_ _ _---l~-~_::__~~==_
-Adair' g.===:-=fj
O il \\
II Il l'''; the oi des l one
uuu e r lh 'c "
Id e a of
This S uite Complete os S hown
iII.l l
you poy 8 call In .111,,: 11 , I,, ' II " hU' Iness or soeJun cu l l. i:-- lilt, lIt'ri \ ul of U cup of cleor J nl'ull " 'II. 11 ".1 th e secone! nnd third I hlll~. 11'1 " "', li uppen are th e arrl\'o.l or l h., ,, ·,'11 11<1 fll ill third cups. writ es Jull un ~ 1I'ec l In MeC1ure·s. The ten nr .T il l'illi Is J.,"Teen ten. lind It Is Ink .. n wllh on t crl'n ru or sognr from ('u ps " IH' III ~ 110 hun dles. Surh ten Is IJJ1l1d e wllh hot- nnt boilIng-water. 'Teo In It ~ bl !: " e~t 'ense Is not 0 be}·ernl!e. but II creel!. a rltunl. 0 philoso ph y.
60 Days
--Kin Th Q 8.00000 aD. Ot
kt s ~
I .
eeen Im por1a nt. hn s nl\\n rt: , dll .\'l· f! II 1'11 111(1'
H ~, I
tll ~ hl,tl~hl ng ("lt ~ '~ I\ t,r
n n Alllf' r h' ao
t.OI S.Of dough hoy os h ~ plnl,,' ,1 0 dl'('orntl on on t h!' Icllllki Il l ou ~e. In III!' f" lklore 6.1 at 39 or e n :!' ry cou ntry II I ~ n nrfl lll lnt~ ut th e lJl~1t "'liked prlnc .. "'"s wi", hllel slept for 0 hUII\!red y,'nrR III tlll cll 311tcd bCIISlS 10 10 pn l n re ~ . or trnn sfol'o\('(1 Into gllllno t prloces.
nO.008. 00 1. 000. 0 0
Mak ing T al king M ach i ne R ecord s .
'nle metho,(] of , ,,rnr,III,,: phonograph reeon)s Is ns ro ll nws: .Th e reeord ' Is Ilrst p ince r] on n WII' Illlls tcr record. by 0 rroc"s' slr nll ll r tn elec- 1. / tro t~' pIDg. Th lls recor\! Is Ilnnlly lrllll~ (erred to a flolld metlll plnt c. It Is from Ihls plPite Ulot th e rern rfls nre presspll. An unlll,ull er! nnml ,er or rer. ords enn be p rotlu e"" frolll II s Ingle pl nte. Wheo 'ocnl l1rtl ~ t s milk" records t.hey slnl: Into n smnll wO (IIII!I] or metal born.
9 ~ 3 . il 7
60 . 067.7 0
Total. .. . . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. 183 .0 .. . 0 7 Of tb. '<It&l Ioaoo .od dlocouot.ll mowo abOve the .mouot 00 wblcb IotiO I'Mt aod dlllCOuot wu cbanad at ..tea to ezCUII 01 tbo... penoltloed by law (See. OUT . Rev.8&at .) (nclu.olvl of ootee upoo wblcll total char,e DOt '<l ezCMd 00 teo" WU mad.) 0001. Tb •• umberollucb loana WUDOOI. The IUDOllIIt 01 mooe, loaned OF CALL OR DKJlAND b, tbt. balll< 00 bood aod .t.ock collateral,lo N ... York Ulty . tocludlo, both loana m... e dl .... ty '" bcirro wer. and tho.., throu,h If.. Nlw York cort'tllpoodeots 00 tb. daloe ot tWa ....port· ..... . ... . . ... NoDe The amouot at moo.,loanl<l ON Tn(&! by tWa baok aD boud aod .t.ock collaloeral. 10
-----. -.--
tbt. report "II .... .... . .. . .. .. .. .. NODe 8TATB 0,. OHIO. WARREN OOUNTY.8S:
or Money Refunded.
- ---- ....
I. H . II, Tuck.... O..hl... 01 tb. above oamed bank. do IOlemoly ...ear 'ba, &b. abov.....tem..t t. tru. to the baIIt of my Iraowledae and bellell. 8. Tucker. O..hllr. 8ublcrlbed and 'WOI'll to belo.... me tWo Utblla,ot Mar. 1821. W. A. Merrln. Correct AttNt : Notar, Public. T. F. McGU JNN C. D. OOOK
If you ha"e adm ired the beautifully designed, aristocratic looking furniture pictured ill our ad vert isements and displayed in our show windows, and imagine t hat it 's expensive, you ' ve a surprise awa iting you. It' not! It's furniture (h~t you can afford- that the great majority of the people of Waynesv ille cun afford - without being in the least extravagant. . Here a re :::. fe~ exa mples of quality furniture at moderate prices;
Cane and Mahogally Living Room Suite, Davenport, Cha ir and Rocker, covered with beautifnl velotir, separate
~~~~~i~n .. . ... . . }.Iahogany
13 ~d
~~t~~~~~~ ~r. ~:~.n.i~l~
This is a
housewife after pricing Rugs at
.Eight-piece Mahogany Dining Room Suite, Queen Anne style, 6O-in. Buffet. 5·i I . tablt',~cbairs$229.00 1 Arm ChaIr .. "
Sclel~ce anll Theory. TheorIsts may dl sn~rre e. but not Rclentlsts. Sdence menns knowled~e and mcu are Bc(('nU'ts ool y tn I he ex· tent of Ihelr Ilbsolut e knowl e<ii!e. 'fhe tru(' scIen tist will lI e,'cr ORII thnt you ! accept his opinion: he onl y fI ~ ~ R ' Ihnt you nt'rept bla (ncls.-Or. Cyr il G.
Posler Bed Room Suite, four Posler Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table and Chifforette $189 00 in walnut. . . . . . •
"I have put off buying a rug for two years t now I am goin~ to buy. I don't mind paying the price you ask."
A ne w bnthln !: Sill! In vented by on ol'llcJD,1 of the 1'0)'11 1 nrmy clothlll!: departm ent Is cft llh netl to mul<e drowning lmpo8slble. /l lil "hould Ihls bathing IUlt tall to Sf! " P IIny person trolU drownIn g h. \ " 11 n ell II III the ofllce 110.( bave hI s n"'n e~' hlll·k.- Lourion "linch.
:'~iror~ g:,,~~~~u~':M':,: ~=~"ft: 1'(• • ~rll correopoo<2eDC., 00 tho lIaloe 01
On Atnounts Over $10.00
Imp rtnn l "PorI hi e\ ~ nl~ 01' II ,,· w<lflll. (rom Ihe kl ~s or .1 11,1 ,,'. hplrn ylnl: Chris t to Ih e k1'$ or II Vr"" I'" hPncrn l
3.081.6 0 on
SalTle as Cash
To'al. • .. . .. . . • .. . . . .. . .. .• IU.OH .0 7
LIABILITIES OaDlt&l'lt.ock paid to • •. •. . .. ... .
The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio.
;artly: "G o ~
of corpora'iona llluad for oot 1_ 'ban one ,eU' nor more
A Classified Ad. will bring quick results if properly written and advertised in due season, one issue generally selling the goods.
nlfe or Ih e 01 11·
1. 003. 13
&baa ,brae y ..... ·lIme . 8. 000, 00 Total boo.... _.rlll....k .. oth· ... tban U. 8 .•. . . .. .. • . , . . . . •
. .rYI
I ~ Ihe w llh'h tllt!
:l1l1dren, " ' hnl est 1"
clrculatloo ( U . oooe
Slock of FI<I.ra1 R_rve Ilank (60 I*' ceot of .ubecripllool. .. ll'uru"1lni and lbtu... . . . . . . . . . . ....ruJ ........ with Federlll R&-
IIi It-Pays to Advertise
A Good Fox Feature Admi ssion, 17
Akron, Ohio
TIle tl rs t thin g wll kh h,I I 'I 'I ' l l>; Wh PD
RIlSOURCES Loauull Dt.:ouote .. . 6 0. 2('1.69 ISO.HU9
A dillar A dollar A ten-o'c1ockJeller, Why did you come at night, A Classified Ad, Made everybody glad And the old red cow Was soon sold, all rigbt.
By nl HJ h~' 11141 l 'Ol l dll l'! lI r apP,'u r ed , III H} 1[10 n bl'lll "; 11 :1 1141"11 n o e ful l -tnre I kkl.! t Ie s Ized III' II,,' 111<1.' grou p und sulci : 'You'll 11:1\'" to pay fo r :-;l.HnO Qt t!l OJiiiU
J a p~ne le
Bellbrook, Ohio
&."u=!I~r,:~land o':Ji.~O~~'!!
Tuesday, March 22nd
Both Phones Home H55-8 Bel14-lr
_u . .
a lld
........~..................................................: 1iThe Miami Gazette
! I~M~.~A.~S~H~U~M~AKE~R
D.pootloed '" 8. boo... par
A Iso Selw ick l\' l ' W S Admissio ll , '.!'2
B Op~l lI s.
Auction Sale of 40 Used Automobiles
---Promoted by the.---
Middletown Auto Trade Association Saturday, March
Friday and Saturday
at I p. m.
A. H.
IIrwon Molor Car .co. ConsoIld4Ie4 Motors Co.
72 do~n ' and b~a'nce D. ' E. Snider Miami Auto Co.
d e r the cooking. leav es control of, e ach burner, permits you to low e r this inte nse h eat to a medium or simmering heat whenever y ou wish. N o valves t o leak . No wicks to trim
Cala Peach fJS and Apricot ... .. a can' ......... ... ... ...... .·..... .. !,;!5 c Early June Peas. It ca n .... .. .. lOe Quaker Mac & .Speg. 2 bxs .. .25c Big Sack Salt, 4 pounds .... .... lOe Garden Seeds, big assortment, a packalle .. ... .. .............. .. ... 5c
. The cars offered at this sale include practically all of the standard makes and are the property of the local dealers. Each car bas been putin goo.l running .condition by the dealer off~ritJg it, and will be on-demonstration from 9 a. m. until the sale hegins. \ cash, or
Gives a c lean fl am e c1osa- up un-
Moore'a. Best Oil and Gaso line Columbus oil nnd G~soline ' S r.imdard Coal Oil . We sell' All Kinds
in mQnthly payments.
Scratch Feed
M. Clark &- .Son C. E. McCune Dixie Highway Garage /
Tapestry Brussels Rugs
~fz~~ ......
Japanf'se Matting Rugs
~fz~~ .. .. .. .. $5.65
Spire BrusselS
~~:~,_ ~~.1~.
Axmin.ter Rugs,9x12
China Matting Rugs,
~~; _;.. _...
$4.75 UP ~~.n.~~~ .. _. $23.00 UP
. ..... ...... .
'$13• 75 UP ~I~~~~~ ... ; .. $56.00 ~P
Slumber Carriages,Strollers
Carriages in Reed, Fiber a:Itd CO!llbination Ree'd and Enameled Wood. Finished in White, Ecru.. FrostedBl~e, ,Fros~. ed .Black, Frosted Mahogany, Ivory, Tan, Grey and Nllt ural. p
Chick ·Feed
. Paying 25c for Bens, thill week , .• Hig h est 'P/iccs 'for Bu tler&Eg~ It pavK
Grass Rugs 9x12 size. . . . .
113 South Main Street, Middletown, Ohio
~5'% off f~,
Bars Polar 'White Soap
A chance to bu y II Pure 'Wh :te Soap at far less than Whol elIale Pricfls . Special Pr by th e B<?x, 100 Bars for $4 .: O.
- -At--
Ge t informatio n from
"Sins of St. Anthony"
~- -
. S tatt your idle tIIoney to work fo r you now. I t has lo afed long enough. It wi ll work for YO Il 2-1 h ours a day if y O Il start it gning.
Saturday, March 19th F ea turin g Ilrynlll Washburn, ill
Thl' 'nrea of boneD land yet to be Re m .,' IIa bl e Family. tound In PnIlIlIla alono Is estlmnted at A W OI1l Il I1 \\ "lt t. ="I~ yOll ll g "hop (' fUIS'" n(lt 1 ~9S than 8,7()5.000 acres. Between '-IBM nnd 1918 approI1runt ely 1.!l70.000 D n s sll rh ,d ~17 ~' ~ I 'nll' n-d th e t'",)' "lIlH'lL I ,11 ' cll'l'l l :ti II rjl' lI h Jl' spn t HI I I I OCC U· acres were brought onder I'ultl vlltloo. A fu rther 2,705.000 acres. of ri ch 8011 )IN) onu-Ilul f 11.'I'>< lr. Thu oldes t 1'1111<1 A'" (! uw n Of) : t il.' UPIH):iile SI.'n t Ulld th ~ .. yet to be obtained by dmlnn~e. , ti, er H\" e Slit II 11 h'~ IU'u s ll'll t c oo"y.
needs r elative to t im e. ALWAYS WURTII PAR. and ready when you are In need of mc.ney. We are Ivaning our money at 7 '1<Why take less than 6 '}"0 for your deposit?
Now ISThe Time
Adm ission , 17 and 11 cents
Pru ..la'. Barren Area.
U. S . Go crnment industrial fealure
Under auspices of New Cen tu ry Club
••• •,
"Where Women Work"
The usual service s will be h eJrl next S und ay: Surlday:)ch ool. B: 15: Mi a mi Va lley l;" unl! il Nil l\I;l J . O. P reachin g servi ces , 10:30 a , m . a nd U . A M•. wi ll hav e work in Ih e T hirci ~ 7:00 p , m ,; Epwo rth Le ague. 6:15 Deg ree anrl .. ~ : lI t ~ ." IWXt F rid ay o p. m . Everybody cor dially invited . e venin g. MlIl'!'h 181 h AI. L J\lll i .) r ~ • are urged tt, liil IJ r e~elll.
·~ ~~~ ~g~~~",S~~~Ut~ ,~~~~"S
Practical Vaccinator. H a ve had "ood success ill Immu ni ng on both sick and well herds .
Thursday, March 17th
I: :••
hl. E. Churc h
$3 to $10
(With apoloKleio
Ha v in g r e lU rnl'U hom '. I a lii II (lW • Sabbath Schoo l 9:45; (, hurch ser- r elln)! to ~e r ve th e puh lic ill 1111 kind , : of No tary wo r k . ('fill he f Olilld HI I : vice 10: 45 i-:ve r y llOlly in viterl . m y r e~ i de n ('e or ~>tll ph tJlll ' .J() : ~: . V ItAi{N II Alrf. Orthodox Frie nd s Church
The variety as a whole off~rs-Milan Hemps, Batavia Plateau Tams , Poke Straws, Straw Sailors, Flowered Turbans and Barnyard Straw Hats. Tbeyare
; :•
Harveysburg Friends C hurc h
- But it is only one of the many new and beautiful hats we now have on display.
I :y o ur (utllle de l; end s u pon Ibe, .in· vestments y o u IlllLke t oda)' . . 1'Ince y v nr m o n ey where It will worlc: for YOli when you Are o ld. • ur product h ilS Ii worlt! wide i market. . Is full y protect e d hy I'atel~t and bas e ' ccptio nall y lar ge ear ml~l!. p~werl I' WI I rneee d s f ~ 0 I11 ,sal t' u.f securities f b .' ess be II sed 111 e xpans Ion 0 lI SIO •
The model shown is an ~x ample of the hats that are playing so important a role in the lines of all that is new this spring.
J have pu rcll1l8ed lhtl bu~in(!HS in- t Il e res t s of F. M. H ut<'hin. oll, Ir'c- ; t riea l contrac tor. and am !lOW r~"d :
. , • • •. ..
Waynesville, Ohio
Oi the masters a nd the exquisite grace ,that is in all tQings bealltiful. a re to be found in Spring and Easter
Ferry C hri stian Church . . . Hlbl o;! cho(ll lit !J:.!O Preaching t o furni~h electrica l ~lI ppli es o f 1111 • a t 10:30 a . m . and 7:30 IJ Ill . Eve r y. kin ds. .'ec 11 r call1lH'! Hnd I will fll r- : One in vited . J . A Pi n e. Pas t o r . I% n i ~ h eslimll l' !:'!l1l ull " Il'dnl!a l w" rl;' • J . p LAIU{!I~ J\. L ·UIUiUIi. O. Caesar's Creek Friends Ch ufc h Res. phone 9~·A : flfl i,' c phonf' ~~~,.t : . unday School at 'hi ~ - hurch eve r y :3unday I\t 9:30 a m , pre',IChin g service at 10:30 o 'cloc k a , m , You arl' co rdi ally invitl'rl to be prese nt.
The Rare Charm
____ ..!.. __ __ __ _ ___ _
Furniture ~arpets Stoves · Victrolas
Seventy-Third Year
WO~~~~A:~,~l~~JRCH Oil Fri!lIJ : af ll'rnoon, March 18th. t h" W .. nlUlJ ·.. Au xiliary of St. Mary 's church W I' i enl t' rtaintld by Miss Emma Heig hwRv Mrs S L Cartwri"bt and Mi " ~ Le" h Smith at the home of th t' la llt' r The meetil1ll. which w a~ weil attended . was opelJ ~d by Mrs, Cadwallader read in g a part of tlt e 9th c hllll l~ r uf Hebre ws. Mra. Cadwall l1o ... r cunduct ed the devotional service Srriptu ral quotations were g ive" in rt·sponse to roll ·call . After t he husiness of the day had hp.!!n "lIl.!nded to, the foll ow ing proi{rUl1l was giy ~n :
MU8Ic - " YieldN ol to Temptation" .... .. ... .. ... ... ........ . .... .... .. Victrola " An Appeal to th e Women uf the Church to Help Rlliee Moral Standa rd s" .... .... Mrs. Cadwallader Music - " Souvenir " .... .. ...... Victrola " Watchmun, What of the NiRht 1" .. .... . .. .. . .. .... . .. ..... MI S Ronald Hawke and ~rs J umetl McClu re Muaic-" Meditation" . .. .. ... . Victrola "J es u sSong ~ In a HeathenVillsge" .. "" ... ...... Mrs Sarah Zim",e rmBn Musie - "Ave Maria" " .. ..... .. Vic trola Du rillg the Rocial hour. deliciou 8 refreshments wt're aerved by the hostesses. 8tl8iated by Mn Ralph Smith and the little Millie! Evelyn . Cartwright and Mary LpuiRe Zimmerman. Visitors present were: Mrs Clyde COIt' man. of Norwood; Mis!! Sue CrBne. of Toledo; M~ . A. T . Wrig ht , Mr~. G.. J. ' Smith. Mrs Ralph !'imith, 'Mis_ Kathryn Henders,," . . EVtjly n Cartwrieht, Betty Hanlock. Mury Loul!k) Zimmerman and Mllste r Paul Zimm6l'man .
-.- -
.. -----
"fJ:f#VJ . 1!~laeE11~'c:JF- ,(EJ'-~::J=EJ~.~--=U:]l15ii!i!55J1 ___
Freezlnll' weather this morninl{. Solid Leather Work Shoes at Hyman·s .
E __
2Ic::Il~l~ ~cii6j GOMM~~I~~::~~~\ING
Mr Rnd Mr~ I 'bll' Hu rn, It hll,l IIR The Co mmunity Service will hold th('ir ~ \l C:'I' III L1 it1l,~·r . ",,"dav. ~ Ioil{ ml'etilll{ IWXt Wed nesday evenSue (nlTlI ·. ;\1 r s (,I.I'ril' C.. It·nHl ll all (' ing . ~l fl rc h 30th. at t he Odd Fell ows' ' M i~~ M innit' I "\\ i" hui ld illg' . There will be a large ~'I l\1t.~ . 1I ,lId:dl 1:1lI· Il, .tl "li lt' rl ailw,1 " 1'1", <1 th ere. a~ the program is to be Ilul <l i' " H' " I'" , iday l·'· '· ll il ' ~. Mi .4~ :" 11 ' a good one. I':' cry Kirl frllm 6 year9 old to e •ntlt f' . of 1'11\' I II ...I lr4 \ 'Iy ' I" ('.,. I,.. '\ ' i ~ lJ'-"i x plus. will p repare and bring (N I 1 I ! man. " III \\' . " " • anI ~ I' alii " I". J LJ. L. Cra/ll' . 'I lw x fill ed WiLh luncheon fol'- two!:J YI' U know the resl of the g1me. At A ver y plea" ,nt ~0l' , ,1i ,dr" ir II n~ t hL' prone r ti me these boxes will be ..riven Sal u ,.d,,~ "ve lli n\!. w hen t h~ ~{) ltI LO th e highes t bidder. Frf~A hm l' lI .. "tt'rl ai",'" the IIl ){h~ r .J 13 Will iams . distric t ~up e rinr::J c l a~seA III ~ch oolll>d l l it' : i ciuu~ reo Lt'nrlent. of Clncin nll li, will be hel e ~I f rcshm enl5 wo: re ~'" v,·d 'lllel will make a shor t talk . Several - --- - m ·nlbe rs of the Leba non Servi ce are M r ~. lI a rr y Murray i1r, it('d uh ll ut expected to be present. and t hey, IH t"..,,, (It her fri l!llrl~ to her hrJlm' , til" , will have a par t in lhe program . IZI Thursday eve nin", lo a laffy pul ling . Every member of the co mmittee is Th e eveninll' was very ple asa ntl v I' xpected to talk this matte r up, tell spent wi t h ta fTy al,d co nvers ut ion. h i~ n ~ig h bo r . and, in general. to be there with lhem. Pr esident Ellis is The pu pils of Mi ss Edna Ii owlan rl . teucher of the Norma l ~ ch o o l. t en- working like a " Rood fellow" for ~. t his meeti ng. The time has come .... de red her a ~u rpri Re, T hursday even- for the Servi ce to get together ~ ing. A d elt ghtfullu nch was served. ul<nin and Improve t he social ~plrlt after which they lYent to Mi ami of Wayne Township. theater to spend lh e evenin g . - -- - _ ....- --
John Stroop, of Dayton . was in ' I!I town, Suturday . ~ MrA Chas OrewRter has been quite ill \\ith la ~tippe. W. O. RapH IIpent seve ral days In Cincinnati. th is week.
m EJ
St. Mal) '8 Guild will meet with
Mr~. Harria on Thursday afternoon. Walter Kilbon, of Dear Pittabur~, spent the w~k-end with hia family .
Un Raymond Davlll and Bon. Hobert, of Dayton: .pent 'the week-end bere
« ./
<r_ ,}
><-" ,
. '.. ,. ' .. '.
Mr. and' Mra. E . D Baily. of Lebandn. lpent Sunday here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrl. Frank LeMay visited [!] friends In Midd,letown, Sunday atternoon.
~I ~I ~
"Duat of thl' Ellfth"-an amusine comedy, at School Hall. next Saturd.y night
~ ~I
BIHLE .CLASSES C. E . Edward! and family spent Saturday night with hi8 parente, Mr. ENTERTAINED and Mrll. Ed' Edward •• ofthe O'Neall
St. Mary 'Ch sure h
Met h0 d·1St Eplscopa . ICh urch
HOLY WEEK WedneBd.y and Thursday Aervice and addre.8I!1 at 7:15. GOOD FIUDA Y
EASTER SUNRISE PRAY ER MEETING "'-. A D .,....,ter SUnr118 prayer meetina-wlll be held at 6 o'clock Easter Sund. • d h ' y momanr, un er t t! auspices of tbe Epworth LeagUA.
Church open from 12 to 1:30 for private med.. EASTER PROGRAM- I0:S0 A. M 'itation and prayer; 1:30 to', a serviee of devotion Voluntary with short addresses, bas ' d upon tbe Words spo-· Hymn No . 157 - "The Lord is Risen" ...... ,..... Root Apostle's C d ken f rom the CroBS. ree Prayer EASTER DAY ......... ......... ......... Jewett Anthem - "He Is Risen" Holy Communion.at 7:00 a. m .; sermon and B'ec- Easter Reading ...... -.. ...... ........ .. ....... Psalter No.4 ond celebration at 10:30 a. m; Church School at Gloria Patri 9:30 a. m New Testament LeasOon ......... .......... John 21 ;15-25 Tbe following musical progrBm will be rendered ffertory at the 10:30 IIBrvice. The public 18 cordially invitl!d Solo- "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" ... aArYI·ces. Handel's ....... Mrs. Frank LeMay to th -e ~a ~ c_ "s Messiah B ....... fi ""rmon- orne Ilne t's of Chrlst'sResurrection" Hymn No 168-"1 Know That My Redeemer Orll'an Prelude Proceeslonal-"Je~u8 Chrilt i8 Risen Today," l:-ivetJ" .... .. ... .. ....... ........... : ....... .. ...... . Medley .................. ....... '" ........ .................. Worgan BaptIsm, Reception and Recognition of New A'nthem- " Chrisl Our Passover" ..... ......... Chapple Members into the Church . Glori aPatri ........ .'....... .............. .. .......... -- .. Danks Hymn No . 1~- .. Tbe Day of Resurrection .... Neale Te Deum ................... .. ............. ........ ........ Alter Apostolic Bendiction ' Jubilate Williams H.vmn- ; ; A~·g~·I·~·R~il"th·~· R;;~·k·A~~;;;·. :::: .... Roper EASTER PROGRAM - 7:00 P . M
...' •.•.
tended the baaketJ>ali s~e here. Friday evening. A beautiful home wedriing was :~ Movlni' pic.tures of operations 'Will Bol~mnlzed at bish noon I~,t Wednesillil~tf..t.l tpe addresaee before the day. March 16,11121. at the elegant Warren COUD~Y Medlc:al Society at hom'e of the hrlde'" parent s, Mr and tbe April meetlns. . Mrs. Roy Earnhart, of Waynesville. OhIo, when the lovely and Rceom· Just received a new line of nllw plislied daughter, Miss Reba Fay, EI¥1tet Blo!-,lI8II In Georgette, Crepe became the wife of Mr. Clarence de 'Chine. Voil~ and Silks. from $2.~8 lieitz. The home was decorated ult to $7:60, at Hymanls. . with cut flowers and plants. The color scheme-pink and white:....... was Selections from WiJllamCullenBryMrs Edith Harrl4 arrived bbme carried out in the Bpaciou8 rooms, .ant ... ... · •. ,.Mrs. LUI!Y Williamaon from a villit ' to Milford : Thureday. whlcb were liahted with pink and Solo ' ........ · .. ....: . :'. ;'Roy ~ fltitllaway Pttraa Mild'r ed Han..oek accompanied wblte tapen Dlalogue-" A Sudden DillCovery" her home for the week-end, Promptly . at 11:45 am, the melMusi:al Readin~ ... ...... E4na, Mul~en' , Mrs LID~\e1 MlIls' abd daurbter, ody of the wedding march was heard Readlnll' ...... ...... f JIII'-IIU I8, lire \ VI. ""itl ng· ' Mr-. UN '- -" Mrl. as Uilll He.1en Hawke, with rare ., " salAdria ,'''-' KenrIck " 0 ... . I . ·.A P Mre D la ogue- . rOPI) ' . I . " . G ~D" M' II ' Indl ey wIII j .0.In th em. dkill. louche.! the keys of the piano. • .• • J •• • L A very pleasant . Boclal' hour wall' .toMorro .... 'to Hpend hW.Easter vaea- ana the IIIIIImbled comoany Boon discovered the aPproach of the bappy enjoyed. tbe epecl,.1 'el\turc,. bdnll lioh . • BOrne eontt!8ta. whjch were not lin I,)' • .' coupl". They took their plaees in amuMinr but lnstrul!tive. A deU. A nJ!W line.ofAxml~ater. Hrt~.el ..t l front ·of a bank oi.flowen and ferne. ciou" lunchwatlaerve(\ tu Iibou t 'ilxtl 'Tapeltry aDd, erex,Rup. . Linoleum. and ·wlth",e lmprr!!lllive; appropriate ml'mbel fI and frhmds of the clUIJeIJ M~ttna Inil. Window l:th.a d", a.t Hy- rlDi "mee. tINt ·e'eremonv of the
_.-.,......... _ ._' •
Carl Horing, Don Stephens and Ethan Crantl, o[ WilmlnKton. at-
Mr and Mrs J H. Coleman enter[!l tained , Saturday eveni ng, Mrs Hul~ duh Burnell, Mrs Loui~a Wooll ey. Miss Sue Crane. Mrs. Clyd e Coleman . Mrl@· DLdCraneand t he!\f rs. SusanStokes pas.,edawayat MM r . and w etIBrB a te r a ll Cbas. Burnett. her hom e in Rid gevill e, WedDesday [!] evening , March 16. 1921, after an iII~ Mr and Mrs C H. Sher wood had nesa of nine weeks , at the age of 92 for their guest s, Sunday. Mr . and yeare. Mrs. Slokes was a daughter Mrs. Ho ward Sher .... ood a nd li ttle (If Jam es and Leah Throckmorton, daullhter. Freida , •. nea r Xenia . she was born near Conover. Miami [!] Mr. and Mrs. C E h:d wards, t wo coun ty, Ohio, August 15, 1828 daughters, Murgaret and Mllry Ell en . When quIte young her parents ~ and son, Herbert L ,· of Lyt le, Mrs. moved to the old Throckmorton farm Ellen Conner. son , Leo, and daunoh.. in Clearcreek township, Warren ter, Ruth Th e occasion was a comcoun t v, where she resided until her bination affair. it being the weclding marriage. January 31, 1849, she r:'I anniversary of Mr . and Mrs. J!.d- .was married to Dr. W. H. Stokes, .... wards, and in the immediate neigh- IYho was a graduate of West Point borhood of Master Herber t's 13th and served two terms In the Obio birthday . I t was also t he fi rst t ri p ~ 0 f Iittle Miss F reida to g randma' s Senate. After their marriage lhey resided A pleRSant day was enj oyed by all. on a farm near lUdgeville. Twelve b h f h Mrs. WilH am Null and Mrs. Wlil- children were horn to t em,od wth°m ter Kenri ck entertained a t the ~ix survive, tree sons an. ree home of the lutter , on l"r iday af- daughters, Mott, of CincInnati. c e o· Lebanon tern oon. t o a miscel laneou. shower 0 f Wanaw, 1n dl' a na, Lee ,~ ~ E ~ in honor of Miss Zelma Stacy , whose Mr s. Frank H. Frost and Mn, tta marriage t o Mr Ru ssell Burnet will Coon, Dayton, and MI88 Eva, who be an event of this week Many has ullYays lived at home with her b mot h r and who has alwaYB been a eautiful presen ts of cut glaBS , linen, ~I' I d f . ht I d hte I!I etc . were received by th e brid e- mos t ov ng an BI t u aug. r. ~ elec t Brick Ice cream wit h a pink ShE' also leaves fou.rteen grandchlldhear t and ange l's food cake were .ren.and a host of friends to mourn
g~~~~~h~'i~t'th~'L~;d'i;Ri~~~'T~d~~;;:Ri~ab"at:l~ SOnK Service served . Those p r.esent were: MisoeB Gloria Patri ......... .......... ...... .. . .. .... .......... Anon Anthem-"Son'"' of ~~atYo~~" La Zelma Stacy. Velma Sm ith, 'Leona IOU I " " .. ... ... ... ........ cy McGI'nnl' s, Nettl'e '?ul'nh art E thel Ol'lertory - "Christ is Risen ... .. ......... ......... Adama Responsive Reading ............ ... ...... .. P ~alter No . 29 Ei "' , Bishop. Beul ah and Ru th Coo n. Irene Doxology New Testament Lesson ... ............... ........ COI 3'1-8 Sanetua ..... .... .. .. ....... .... ..... .. .... ... ... ·.... .... Gower Solo-'"Angels Roll The Rock Away" ... ....... :.&ott ~ Vic.e. Mi ldred a nd Ma rgaret Clark, Communion Hymn ... .............. : .... ..... ..... ... Hoda-es Arthur B Holt Louell ilo Longacre Ruth Ree der Elva Gloria in Excelsis .. .... .. ........... ........ ....... .. .. Offertory " Amen ....... ...... .. .... .. .. .. ............ ... .. .... Neukomm Hymn ...... .... .. ...... ...... ........ ... ...... ..... . ...... No 55 SlYeeney. Mild red and Ina BUl'net. Nunc Dimittis ·...... .:· ...... ..... ... .. . ...... ......... Gower Sermon .. .... .... ... ... ...... ........ "The Christian Life" Dorothy Myers . 1\1 ildred Mil tenberRecell8lonal- ·"Coronation" ... ......... .......... Holden Hymn ........... ...... ..... .......... .... .. ...... ...... ... No. 114 I!I ~er, Rell and Cleo llley', Mesda mes Postlude Prayer Lucy Cowan. llIe nch e Salisb ury . J enMia Katbryn Henderllon, OrAaniat. Apoltolle Benediction nie Lamb, Lu r ia WatIe, Margaret
n ..iahborhood .
Friday evenlnR, March 18. the Mullene threw o~n their ' pretty country home, and entertained Lhe Loyal Men and the Loyal Women of the Ferry Bible School .. t their regular monthly meeting The president called the meeting tu order. and all joined in singing the hymn. '·He Leadeth Me" Mr. !rle read the First PzlBlm. followed by prayer A roodly number of membere answered to the roll call ,with quotationl' from . ~be Bible After _~ " bu~t~I!IIl'" ~ion the following pro~rlm was given:
Miss Edna Howland Bpent the I:t week-end in Cincinnati. ... Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Fetter were Xenia visitors. Tuetlday . ,': Coulous Younce was a Davton ViEitor, Saturday eveninll'.
Miss Leah Smith is lhe guest of relatives in Cincinnati.
8. 1
Mrs E V. Barnhart Is visitinl{ in Brookville. B J. I:IrewHter W IIS in Xenia. Tu esday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Carman. of Dayton. ~ pent severlil days here last week The fi sh and a-ame elub hal8tartt'd with friends. off in g ood ehape. Several of lh e Miss Minnie Davis, of Dayton, EJ membel'!l have subseription books and are read y to put your name down Il8 ape/lt tb e week-end with Mr and a member It hae been Buagested Mrs. Cliff l$u rnett. . that the fMrmera alw add their namel I'lIr8Ona who 'S8 W "Dust of the to the 119t, and in thill 'ma nner they Earth" at Lylltl last week. say It is will be betlt!r able to take care of simply great. EJ the gamtl on their farms. I!I Mrs. Cbame Holtan, of Xenia. i. Already aevbrlll of the bol'B have .been out, !lnll have taken se\'eral ~ pending a few days with Charles /:l088. It i9 too ea rly for illicit fl Ah- ~rewster and family. !nll', and the bass are ' bilina-. 80 ' it Ben Lewla, of Lebanon. waa In i seems. . ~wn, SundlY afternoon. He haa • , Get your name'on the lIat and we class of viollniata here will have a lot of good fta1llnll' In II little while. becllule ;the .State wil , Mr and Mn. C M. Cartwriebt.ol lee to It tlla,t fish .sre pQt.ln wher~ Chicago. Bpent the week-end with there 18 a club ot men wbo pro· Mr. and MrtI. S. L Cartwright. ' tecl th 'o!m ". A new line ofAxminater. Brullels. raJ Tapestrv,nd Crex Rura. Linoleum. "' .. Matting .nd Window Shade. at Hy. man's . .
vVl!nl., Number 5427
her loss . Her husband preceded her in May 18~6. h d k' d d ' Mrs. Stok es a a most 10 an h I bl generou s disp)sition, was e ar ta e in thought and action, . was a ~reat lover of home, and made many f' d "N k h but t n en B. one new or . ~ love her.or n~med her but to praise. Vuring her: IlI nes9. whe~ con~l?us, her mind !leemed filled Wi th r ehglous thoug ht and prayer.
J ohn s, AIi('eC1!l r k. Cnlol! ·i de~. &lna "·I'hny novOrtlulw le. , e UI . our Irl.n~ who 00 Sims aud claughter. MUl'ltare t, Adda T h rough ' h ave 1.... Lho a h.,low8 01 d eath to 'be lunBu rnel. Geor gia Hain es and Clur a lig ht . l>Ovo, Stacy A thou • • n~~~oot Ulamorlca .ru holdlD, them - -- -
- ---
To Lb.
~I nco.
t hey I>letOIiCd with their pree-
uneo uud 10,"0.
T h. work whIch U,a, lult aud the bOok. wblch thoy rea,l 3 1JOuk Ul uLoly . t h uuglt .tlll wlLh .n .">lIU'Dee
An tl th o wnllS Lh uL th oy 8U"' . a nd lb. d oor "~ nl. Ll,at t buy lilltd \ ' 0\ IIU6er uutl HIgh OU Lh. deootale aIr."
-----_.- --
Meth~iI(~piaCop~lohurcb ·waipro-
'·AO~~SM''ALt··f'IH'E"~" ~ Mr~. Rut1Sberw~d arr~~ b~lI!e. ~~~::1!. ~:e ~:=:\~~~:'I~:t co~paDy 6f Imm.ediaterelatlves, and H ' .. ' ,... ' •' : '.~:: ·B= Ja'~~::~: oea:I~.t:~ E Sb the tJPo beeamecine in 'h,!lly wed.lock I
- -.-
The home of' Clyde ccii~ . caught
fire • . Frld.al
pr~Buma~tf from , . spa"."
,..;., ,
week., with .....
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chImney . . The oe~ . " .. il~1i4ld Tenn' . alomf the t! lephone and ,In a Mort '"' &CCOlHlt Of time , ~; ~"owd plheNd, '''l.d t).ey ,their motbft••.rt ~obD ~I, . ., lOOn attnIJu1shed the ' ~1_. r_Tba ,... . _. Cox'I 'are duly Itatetal fur ;the.to , __ r; ,an~ Mra. ~ Coltma~ and
forti of tb~ nel,bbora. .. the lo1t'lPa "Ill teatlf,: '
~.for "
&be IN .:.. \111. 11;_
fol-lio.a. Francl.. '01 ~onroocl. ..ted .nib .r. 'aDd 11ft. ,J~ S . Co!ltlDllII . . 1
.-ri'l'baridaJ Dlabl, a,....war at. aotU ":"'=::;::~~t!=
~--"' . ,..-
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'*"~ "II~IIII:~:IU~ IS:':~
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JoUIII," ahe anhl b ' lw,'e I,,' r :lnl 'I;",1 .. - he MW th o hl\pp~' ~hlnl nl( fll i' 'or . vflt. " I ",IRh, 0 11 . hoI\' 1 w l~ h 1'/l ul ' 1'(11'.' ,.1''' ,'1 hrr "~" '~ ,\1 1 \ 11 ' lin· th girl SRII' Phl1\pll fl tit(' IIl1h' lho.'1lr, " ,,"hl ell tonight . I'd n l ml>~' I' " 10 1\,1\111' 1\ .. " '" ,I ... p ., '1 w, ·,'I;~ Idl I ... r I frOm IIIlI rur J1uil li m", h r III' II ... ' kil l hllll Ill y elf. If It Wl'rl'n'l r r hll1l . t lntl tIl tl Wt'll1 Uk .· H )'fmll"lwll hlln)l~l . I f:ltl'pR. l-lvr (('\-.. lh (' j \l1\l' t n~,.tlwr 'n , \\' j"(1 a ll lan \' e 1lIQIWl', u lld I t 11 \\ , r l'n 't 110' 1,"11 .,,1.1 - hI ' \\ :1 ' II I" Ihlll' !:Irl. ! ~h nql ';11 .. ry us "h •• " ,wll frOIll 11ll' for Ihm 1(11'1 with 111m. h~' (1 1111'," I l1 0w \'~" I'~' 11t\' t'I~' th ... Wt,Jl' lt\ ""us! winduw un d w en t \lJ)~ tHlrs. " ,,','11. I mi gh t ("h pe r YUH up 1\ \t ttt " 1 " I.('un nLrnll\~t 1111" U1UI'm ur 41 I . __ ._ It J toh" y o u Il u\t pt' rh UPl; Ul,r" I'! 1. 11l )! I'h III p. " " nn Ihl ~ Ihlll Oh . 'l'OIlY, I CHAPT ER XI I. ~' o u r II hlK l rlous l'OIlSIIl 1'11111 I\' II I'I' ! dC\ ! l" h'o,"1\ I np IOtII\~ wl t h unt tol li n g q ndf:lf tilt' R.od ," I' nl(' I,,,,,, II'" n Inl." A Li t tle Drop of So met hi ng. Til l! gil'l lit Ul' II lIrt tnr(>d II I h n .. 1'~'''.' """ 1111" "11 h im wl.h ,IIII' 1I1 11~ R" lClun "1' 011" 1' (' " Fo nl. lh·""I~." , h ., ""I:~I+-_,_ _~~. . .,,"'-: lIpwurtl c ln IH'(I, H pr ('~' t-.~ wprp ~tnt' · room f huhlt ",ns shtln!: In II I, l1Iul h ~r. ~ "" t'\"('Ininc whrll
of the
Shelterin'g Pines
::_ .-
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hl:'4 ~ O))l'IU"'U th ' ,t oor und f'U1I'I"l'd, '1")11 ' g irl t o oke(\ nhlHIl for Alr~ , Cur l ll:", tlwil plck ... 1 up n l' I~lI r('tlc II IHI III II. :;h,' wn s ~o whl,,' lint! IIrn wl1 In"kI n': 11011' h Isu' t nl1~' o nt"~ :tfTnlr j ll !'ll how hp r h r o th rr ~t Ht·,' d nt tlflr, lHlltl y tlll1 " ~ P h ilip III:Hh· T o ny t~lI him 1I"' h nt'~ tll.,- Illll t t ,'r. HIs?" h~ ll!.o; kf' (l ~hp"tI 11H1T'I'y hl l l1. nUT" Is rt a n y 01""'" with uo pn,rl1 ('utnr llll(ll't'st In h i s \' ol c ~ , nfTn lr lww 1I11ln ~' 1111"'8 h (t k l ~~" t ' her , "1 h a te e\" 'nhotl " in t h e w Hr l,) ," btU It hi our hU:o' i nps!\ to II s lt' n t o !oIlI npp ~t.1 tlw J: l~' 1. • 1'111111"" ('Hlwlu.::: llltt. "'Vhcw ! Thut's ~"tn e hn[('o," I l\ u~ h · "\' 111 Jr"IIIC 10 1p.1I L" ' Il "l n J uhn I1 n,1 ,'1\ n~g J:I ". C'fl l1~trl P IIHI ' n nll"llI 11111t \\"'·'1'e J,t' u lnJl , I{ntb ~r lllt' l .hrt'w hers'~tr duwn o u
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• , .. '.\ nd time Rnc! •• ,Il c h l ome \l1I"~ {'UIII." hI' ~\'.enl
.lo-l-~t-A fl~ F. ··Coupl-a-,.'k:ll ,n I'll' ~ ,, 111 In"" nhlp t o g o o ut th e 11011 '" rel"y ~IIO", thlll hy n(lx!, wppk h., I ,ii, ':1\ II II)'W I", ... , hc lJ k l'~ , 1I ",l nlll ll ~(\ I UI' In1. lI y. 11, · <lIhl . . l1llli·tld t l).! luv le r lil t-! 11rl'fll11 th :1 1 trill" " III ... ~1 ...11. . r ~nu l! J.: h , her r.~. , 1. HIli' ~ t (lnll n 1ll0Itlt'n t no(l 1;1"~t\(l w 1l h "'Iur· tlpd ey('~ II, t th e .loor I ftut hu d , ' ln~l'l! nt-'~J.:tt' 0 11 th e ot ht' r sid,' or it " u?'\t,)\\' , \\'hnl'd h e tlll'Un hy rll "t? ~ II ~ \\'onlll'r('d d ully. " Whn l d ' d hI' 'lI {l fln tn ' s un 1l uC' thut it .he cuu\(l h t:·ll '
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LUCKY STRIKE cigarette. Flavoris sealed in by toasting
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W . ~1 " i' I< II "' . I' . I I . II .. " il . W~ y AN T ED-- I'nrk e y Egl(~ .. nd n l'8 v. lh,. ( 11 11 ,' b I ll U OU~tl I ,' r \::Iatc l\ ' [I j( Mr.. . Au r ll G ' L"Wlr1 l,b,w e fl ll-OlY. , WilY, E GU I'; in ~'''I •.' n . ! rll Ui - - - - - -- - - -- - fiu o 1' . C , R " \II . O hI O ' a6 1, R ell8 Br .d! .. y tit.n lu 1 1. 0(, . It CO \l~l n r'1I1I1 W II\l If I IlPl'pr UrI\' , ' lI~UIU, no e v tl, pe r 8eulo g u f 10. l"ydlll 1£. tlh e p · ANT ICO-II lH rl. li t. onoe , at. h urd, R . D . :I, W " Ylltl8v ll le I w on d .. , !' j u st whut lit' 11 \(':llIf fl ," Ihu t !" , O hI o . I,b e PU 111 0 8 Re8~ll urll n t . aO H{';lg ll' kl\~w whlll li p " ,..1111 1 b y hi > d S wor,ls If Kn,lwrll ,,· ,110111 '1, 11, · IlIlen d · Uoud U Ilrde n e r to p ut UU , It , I\r' \ 2 FRE~A l' OWH, on e to Jer" BY li nd I' d t n r u t n r, P Ull ! nt1t or 1111' w ay , de o o n th e ~blHeM lo q lll tB of ~h .. " tllnr "H o l. I," " l oq o,r'e of th 'I' 1 1 ~IJl I II~ II IH mOl h" r R~ w,,11 n ~ Mr s M" t ild ll \::I u81 0 r . Thi r d !t r ~e t. Ii. V , fi tlllt.h . I'lwup :'17 :1, W a y ne8 hlll l",:~ · H. ti t"" I\ntC'd to J,: pt 1I\\'tt y trom W ,ly n os vill e. O h Io Dl ~ 3 ville Ohl u, ' m 2S Itl ll",n . 10 I('n ,'e 'he lown Ihol "Iwny. 1'" 1 h llll In mind of T onnl bel Oevon. OR tlb or \ n nd Lo n ~ 0I~t8 n oe V-A ILlt of first .olAMs Tl motb~ Ti ll' I, ·,," t will(I lh u. bll'w hrOlIl(1I1 back Tr UCk i ng oall C h BS . Ill. Ed w a rds , !:I 'LY, l n qo iru of .I ..~ . 'r inney . l lu! IIw Cul 1ll 0 lllPu t whe n tie lind l)evOfl Ilh o ll B 102.ar'. L y\le,O h lo. m2S p h OLltl 83.ax , Wuy n 6M vi ll e. O blo . m23 Ilotl IlI . rov er ",) thl' gi rl h nd d rownel! G ET bUllY. Keep busJ . II! your ner",·If. lind hrcllus(, or hIs tormen ting j ob u n s afe? 111 I. J)er m n n 8n~? Nice lu r g e De'" Rod Fox S ouf . "01". 'I" "ce h~ " milk nw rl' h r oylly ev' Y L1 a \Vunt tI lif e 10 0g b usi n ess. Y o n 1I11 ~d wll- h 1I " II I,('" I"r " " tI D. Will " 1')' d.I." Aflt' r len"lnl> Il ls IIIHlc r h e Clill KO$ In t o Mu oh Ii b tlKl n esll hn ll aoll tit O1l8 ~, I f · " I{I till" .... e lL 8e l See WP"1 ,u hi s rO" 111 where he OI I ~, 1 him· m o rt' t b Oln l :l7 W .. tkl o M r rod' l o'~ " '" 6 An tl .. y W " y n eHvillu, Oh Io v u. ""If III' \\' lI h hl',""ly. Th e ,lrunker ul reot to r" rl uers . m2S If yon ow n II Ut.O o r I,,· ~"I l he mon\ ,1 111 1 ~ " CW .hll \llclure t e ,Ul or OliO get on (\ ; If y o a Of !' nD"r '('""y's pille. lI'ITIII",1 fu ce. C Whll " " "" li Mn 8:(11(8 for d Ar 60 (l Oci OH.D gl v .. botl d with p e r. II" ,It'pl so,ltt,'n ll' f .,r nn hour or 80 Bo n n l "U r e \tf'8 • h KI(\hl u !: ; F Hrr l ~ " 'HI I!:na.:l ll h We baok yo u wI tb 11 1111 0111 ... u",,,', ,· when II ~e r\, lI nt r OPII('{) hig s e lll nl{ h e lp8. 52 y e an 10 bUI". st r .. ln; I f, llP r Ion. I, W. L:h ll ndl " r II I 1111' do or 011<1 10111 hIm dinne r was ne ~tl, 20, 000,00 0 U Bl:l n o f nur pr o. & !:Iu ,' , ph un " 411 lY. . W ll yn6dvlll e . ... ·,llly. Ife W"S lno \\I 10 gct u\! ntlll d u ols. Write f or ID torm.~l o n wh .. re Ubin mn 1:1\' sl hrlll~ h op~I .. "sly nbout th o room. !vo u Olt D ge t ter r ilo r y . J . R W Ol ' Thl'u "\I. ldl'lIl), 0111 ot th e ShlldoW8 10 k lns Co. , Oe plirl m en t C., Wtu ona. IIII' ,"ll" " 'r fl n al~" T onl1lbei Dc von. He MInn esota. NOTICE wSO !:r",,, I\·d ond ,u" fwd Nl ow)y In th e bed. In "lend of gell ing hN (cr h e wos getN OTICIC- Thl' Pf'rt. ' 0 w b J loo ll th li tIng w or se, 'rtw ~hn8 t of D ~ \l'on' 8 FOR SALE v e lour b ut a t Ly tl e d iln oA. t h e 18'h . ,I UII!!hIN was IlIt unl l" g hi m In Ilvery _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--tl II known. 80 re turn a t noxt danoe. UI' e oC blS soller hou ra. Ue hated .. nd avoid fur t her tr o uble 11 h a"& nnd e\'l'ry one In. It. It 1>1'. I'oul \\ e rt! dClldWill .ell, any D\lmber froUl 10 to He s ot UP. his hl'od wh Irlin g. H e 150 head . Good grade. weights 60 ('rowl ed to th e Ooor. weill tn the both · Inquire 01 D. R. 1'00111 "'Hl sn nk ~d hi" heuli In cold we· to 100 pounds . {('o r . T hen hl'" SE'O I n servaut fo r n ' Salisbu ry, Wayne sville, Oh io. .6 pot at Nlrong co rre ~. O T o f LO C U ST P Otl'('R f or 81l1e . So h u l'P Y wos Dr. 1'001 to have Ton· InquIre of M. E, ~herw ood. nlhel hoek Ihnt h e I n " l s t~'Il on slttWg W llynel v. lI e , O ttl o . 116 op t o h is dlnn('r. Main South Sis Waynesville, 0 "It W0 9 n long h our. my dNlr," b tl UTOM OBILE -IiIlltOtl Stx, 191 8 ~~~~~~==:=:===== ~R ld, smiling. " But 1'111 glnd you wen l =~= m od el , In goo,1 ra n Din g ord e r = on t o H e's 1\ olce r \l ow. I'hll\p. M~' Inquire of L! . W . H ende r ho n, W uybrothe r nntl 1 h a l'e net"11 wIs hed onr ne~ vllle , Ublo ,.6 young cousi n woultl pnl h'r ll nft er him. U LL-N iue Grllde B ols telD Bull. hut II does seem n, If lwl il lng ~nD bl' blOlolr , w e l ~h t ..b ou' 100U pouuds Veter inaria n done wi th him. 1':\'('1\ h l8 moth er hilS tl" e A. C. M ullen, R . U. 5 , Kayn e lno lu Ouen~ e ov r h llll." "I've neve r seen hI m." Blllted Too· vllIe,O bl o. .a6 OFFICE; n lbeL ~ ood R oad . W agon !Iond 1 01'0 "Be's 8ca n .-cly C\' ur a t home:.' anlo'o urth S tre ..t, n car Tyle r \::I arrow. B oth a r e In good oon. lIWe red Dr. P a ul. " nnd t hr worst of d l \lotl and a r e r ead)' t o hltoh to. , TelepbODr 93 It Iq, he gil'es no 1')(11111 11nUun S8 t o D W . S tlrftioe, R . .D. 2.- WaYll ep.. ville , Oblo. Wayn esvill e. 116 Ohio
' W A
W a rr e n C o u n ty
UR COU NTY is getti ng lined up squarely behind the grea test movement in the history of agricultur e. That movement is the organization of the farm ers of the country throu gh their county farm bureaus, into a natio n -wide Farm Bureau Federation. County associ~tions among farm ers everywher county agen ts 'throughout the country have worked wondeersand for own localities. But their power has been limited. They couldtheir not go out of their boundaries to tackle t he large r national problems of mark eting and the like that lie at the bottom of the present day farm problem. These are just the problems that the American Farm Bureau Federation is going after . Already 65,00 Ohio ,farm ers and more than a million farm ers in the land have0joine this American Farm Bureau Federation. If you stand for "ad squa re deal for agriculture" now is your chance to make it known by tying up with these farmel's. Of all branches of hllman endeavor, we farm ers today constitute the only class that is still working pra~ti~all y as individuals. All other business is organized. Labor is organized. And we must meet organization withl organization in order to corre ct the unsatisfactory conditions whjch ar~ making it so extremely difficult today to fann profitabJy.
•• "
Stoc k Hogs
General Repair Shop
---- _._ .- -- -'
ers. It is ready to tackle the big farm problems of Marketing, Transportation, Farm help, Right return s for your time, your land, your labor, and it stand s squarely for your interest s in helping solve these problems in a fall', equitable way for agriculture. .
you ·are really in earne st in helping to make farmi ng a stable, dependable business, of making the farm an attractive, worth-while place for the best of men to spend their lives. You cannot pass this responsibility on to your neighbor. If you do not join this organization you have no right to expect your neighbQr to join, It is a critical time, Farm ers are either going backward or going forward. Whether they do go forward depends on you.
When the Representative calls, say "YES"
W arr en Co un ty Fa rm Bu rea u D. Eo DUNH AM President
S. A. LEWI S Secretarll
LEE BONE ,Treasurer .
'o iD 'Y ou r Fa rm Bu re au o
Yo ur buil di ng probl('ms lUa y see m big to you- but to us, who every day for all these years have been leamin g all that is best in buildi ngs and mater iuls, it luay be simple. Let us help you. We consider that part of our job- and witho ut any extra obliga tions. We are all convin ced now that every family should own its own home ..
W e Count on You A canvass will shortly be made of every farm in this county. Farm ers whom you know personally, accompanied by other farme r members of the Ohio Farm Bureau, will come to visit you. They will point out the advantages - to you, to your nei~h bors and to the indus try of farmm g - of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the national organization, the 'American Farm Bureau Federation. Here is your chance to show that
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
W e Must Stick Together
The advancement 'Of agricu lture depends upon it. The prices of our farm products depend upon it. Our ability to do our share in settling the critical questions of the prese nt time depend upon it. We must stick together. We can stick"together if we join the Farm Burea u - the first real, National Business Organization for Farm ers. It is an organization of farme rs, werat ed for farme rs, run by farm-
Buildi ng is going to boom this spring but no matte r wheth er it is a new home, a new barn or simple little repa rs - we are here to help you, and our prices are right. Let us estima te your job.
",hite and Yellow Pin(/, Hardwoods. Red Cedar Shingles, Sash Doors. ings. Building Paper, Lime. Plaster, Cement, (ltc. See us first.
W .R . M;,AD DE N & w~ynelvjlle,
Also Roof.
Ohio OoNAlo - I WAHr'-o 5el "loUR £Hil\~ LES5()H
ioMoaitl'W!~ r---""' O;
.J '
".- - -
The Miami Gazette, Waynelville, Ohio.
- -I TYPE:WRITERS L.M HEN E SON HARVEYSHU~G ~r"LA GUIl);;~~-- -I ~ ~rJ ~ ~, A~' blH~ t THAT'S THE .- w. E. FROST Way l esvil k , Ohio nd~ WORD VETERINAR IAN I
LI'II' I ssUED F.Vl:.R \· h l:.1J
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t'l.: I",uj vI '" 1""..-l f,' 11 tb o 1j/1Te ~\' ,· J rllUJi i'.'.
Our Calenda r 1921 ,sal
1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 It) 17 18 19
March March March March March March March
ru l lo ",""
~ ,,~ . '",~
thalr Su o c1 1\V
"I nnlll'
~llH .. tl":
A. SHUMAKER Veterinarian
Bt'll 4-1r
Bellbrook, Ohio
- - -- -
::J \ 11'1
1\1 ~HI
\1 i"l lC d ~. "'l
,I.I ,k!l ,Ir. · \.
John H. Wright
'~o rest
, "II
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
CenterVille-, Ohio
-1110 \I
1'---------------.-; i _.
ll oalth .. II(I 1.. lllIug h"I'PP": U uy U'Jde 's l'll l't , •. Mnlilltlo . Tnls boo e- , tioi," Ill", )" t" "i·e o<}nt.dn ~ llo ll very ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ pr ,,,ert ll ", ~" \' I.s"lIy nel,dh!t ttl Il1i_ 1 prtlV ~ HI[' 101,,' )LI. Pllpto. Mllu gfUJ . II 'liken for" f ·w weekR. wil l " orl ch , t h e blon,] nrHI c rellte tbo U811nliM of FUNERAL D1R ECT(lI~ the tiDy r~cI 1>1 ud oell" Iba t ar" !It' ll.ceM~nr y I ) ourry n ourlsbmeot and I Waynesville, Ohio ~t renll i h to) I·VIllY part uf tb e !Jolly . I BIl ~ Qrll 10 "8k yo nr drllggbl f o r " Gude'~ " wh eu yo u o rd e r Pepl.oManl(tn. F " r o ~ nv o nl e noe It laprllFlllly Eq u ipped for Good pllTed IIqllid Imd tllhlet form , . " ,I tb I p 08~A8R lI , g ~xno tly th o Stl'De m flCli' l 5erv ice. (i nal prnp nrtl ·S . ·' Oudl1'l.I" is I.h e I.,ur ge Display l~ool11 geu uln o Pp"l n.Mfln K.lII . Loo k . t nr t.I1A nAm~ "U nde 'M" on tbe puokoge l' t~LEPffONE 'j DAY O\(_~I~~~_I -Adverti""ml'ut.
Walter McClure
Il ay, Straw
.•• DENTIST••• umcc In
:>1 ."0 0&1 B&ak ~d8.
Ferd .
. . . . .,)o••r-.... ..., ........... .
1···Ex!~-~~ecuy. . 1 t
G1asMS Fitted
II Feed Mill .
Feed Grindillg a Spe('ialty.
Uptical Department
S. Datrolt St. O~n
Waynen Lie. lI .
I~ -
-:itlll'I' E R Of- -
Flou r, f:\'/' d, Coa l, 'a lt, li le, Posts. \rater FOU ll ta in ~ fi lltl ~e 1f- F eeders.
IIlItll I 'ioo ne:!
l;ll'e me your ellie I can dQ YQur WUl'k r!!a~onab l e anll WIll guarantee . 1 .. ~u \i s fy you .·
- --:---:-:-:: -----==== OR. J. w. iVl ILLER.
I.kllhrook, Ohill
T. Martin
CJI /:;.'iified Ads :
Q\11no~ Kir g . ..rr.M IHltnl( Rbut I II fo r 80 rl) ' li~e, b "~Ilia on t Mllt"",j . log f", b tl <lnf'''8. Hflrry I'l Tllc k" r. t.llS cUl.l hl or ' f our ho nk . SPAut ~A v"r ~ 1 rl "v~ Ih " WCblt w itb 1118 p,.r utH i o l ... · ~ r Ul"" t o wn Ky . MulL /J iln e Rllrt Mr. "nrt MrR L ,' dull '3 r. or 1)11)'1 0 11 . werlt :O; llnrtH V Ifoesld of W. A M" rr il t onrll"II1I1 .I' Bu"lo ll"1.I with o ur mer ouRuts, m o· obunio8 ,,011 lahore rs 18 \,Il r y milch Improved . Mrs . ~arab Rlcb woe tb e w(le k-.md lIues& of her slBter, Mr s, dll008b Rlcb, of Dear We llman . 'l'b " w urm lIIeather Ie improv ing tho Ice oreum bos ln BI.IB. Se verlil ni ce t ourlog o .. rs tire b ,·. to g Jjuroh .. sed In tblll vlolnlty, tl1l. sprlug. Tbe end of our Bc b ool t erm is neliri og . snd tb!\n t h e Ncb olars will bave ~ lo nl( time to r est . Our oltlzen! wbo wlntnr ed In the !:Ioutb hlive return ed Nortb lind are sloglng, "We lira n eR r er h o m e. n etner Ilo m fl, nauer t o our hupp y borneo." Mr. and Mrs. William Ecton, of N ew Burlington , were Suoday gue8ts o f tb elr mo~b e r, Mr l.l. Awundli Eato o Mr. !lnd Mrl'. Willillom Dixnu, of Wilmingto n , wer A i unday v1811 0 r ~ of Mr !lnd Mrs. J o bn Bell, of &' 1.1 1, .IoIalD 8treet Due n ntice WIll !Je glv l' o of I.h e Anole ul Orlentul m eetln !5, wbloh 18 b e lIeld b ere In fhe nelir fut.ure S o mn talk or a minstrel ttOllpe boo ing brought b a re, under t b e "OSDIC.I! of Ibe Knl g bts o f P ytb llil:\ Lodge N o. 557. There Is notblng t ot) big f o r t.bEl K . of p~ to tRckl e . lind be f .. r e the Rumrh E'r Is uver th"t fnet will h e de 1l011 ~ t. ruted A model'o pl oturi' -how I. n eedetlln n ur towo ; WO [Ire eD~ill e d to It. Be pati ent Dud WI' will h,.v e It .
Both Phones
taln ~ d all tiund" y, M rs Ru rol8' mot,ber, Mr~ Willi ,. " Marrny , IIf L ~bu,, " n. .
:'lI lIll ~Ir' J ,'IoIJ ~'tI"' , I " I Jlh . \ ·I r. Aud l\J r, . ffi f{ R'lllcln l l'h ,"n(\ o tll ldnm Illld ~~ . , 1"1' L" ullt. ,,' Dny bnn Mrs, a" lle C')I)" II u·1 ,1,,\1 cb t" r@ nr_ rivl'd h·, w .' . I. '\" I\~ k . ... t t e r 1\ de. IIgbtftll ' " lh~ t .. ". of '·h e WeR!.. Tn" v viJ III' .1 [)"" ver. 1)" ln. rado ~p n nl/" . Y"II U\v stn ne P"rlr, P ,)rtiaod . BlO nd"" aMOh , :-\1\U Fran. olsoo. L '1M AllgH I A~ , Lnng BI'"o b, nIle. .lin" I ~"'nt ll' "all D itlP." ' . 'r'jSI\Utl, Mexlno. N AI/V Orl oll ns, Birmln~hlllO, Rod (lhMUIIO ",og'l,1'elln Thev Bloo ~l r ll...,1 r.' h ~i v "~ In IIlAho, Or ~i!n D .. od Okll.h ') Ill~ . Th .. y ~p"ut .. b .. ut. four months of the tim e ID Lo~ Allgel I
Home H66-8
""c1 "
EmP Ire Type Foundry, Bulfol-::l, N. Y I
rn uTlV l,ut:er I
Mr . •u lfl MrR A H. (Jullo, Lt, " • . ilY M I ~s Nile (;<}li eft.. enl fl r tl\tnlld Ih e H .. lllhnrgn rA 10 IUll o hllon . o n ~I. PRtJ !/')t'~ Night Alfrpd ll:dwnrrt. WII~ Ill " Hn nrt"v Il' lI tlel of h " brotite r . Cb"r l~H. n;1 RJd1!e RIHld . Elili s Bllt1'llllln "nd W11I. W,lllomH W,' t A ti UOd /LV VIHil t1 r~ of . ri .,,,tl8 i ll U"Y , O il . Mr. ~oJ Mrll. H a r o lri Barri ~ fl Dl cr
Practical VaccinRtor. Have hac! leoncl ~ucceAS irl Immunlng on bot.h aiek ancl well herds
J)t' nt, 1n
1\. :,11 16 , rill
The Red Blood Build~r, Doell Awa y with. Languor
- ,
II I1CPA ... U ,\ '
1~'I"t Mltll1 _'r" ,' 1.
, Hl l j,'l d ' ~ll l."' II IH ,· , ', .lHr I'I' II",IJII J :. IIU I II}' '' ' I :! "nl " r , H ,III '1I , 4 ; . I, ~ 11 .. ,\ r;\." J ~l ·.tl n III",H :'\U . • l.'l~U 1"11& ,,'11 'oJ.\. t IH\\f' r ' 0 \, • ,\ () t l .1 J )o. iI1I1I14 1',. I"i "f I I" I I , I •• 110 "I' Y r · 1111111 ~;- II \I l oI l'.,.""tl f',f It. ~ "hol I~' I • P', 1' 10" wll f " II 'I,Y r U I IU I'~ I Il\t o! " l'- \ I ' ! II l , fl ... 1 II IJ ;,.( 110.1 1 Iii 1 11 ~ t1' . , 1' . 11,1 1',1' 1'".""- ,', 11 " ,, 1 \ \ hl" 11 ... 1/ " •. III 'I I" \' 1 11'"':" or ""11,1 1', I'rolt-r, 11 11 , ,01 prllll II II I ... H iI,),,,"" I" I ~ , '. ,11/' " r ,· .. I.. n .. " r ,,,I,, III h i' lIr ~1 11 .. l \I, 1C ".1 , p('d,dl\\ 'r'141 .." 111 11 !\ I' " ., j IU,,,J . 1 1.11' H .'tljn 'r \I(: r U. " .,'
F. LI ft".",. nu !:i l. Pepto - Mangalll
,)t ~o nl n brlght Hll tn..: n p of 1 1M IIl 09 t. IIkl\ly thtlt y o ur hl (,'H)I) I S :010 th,·" v"' · k~h o p . ~t) III "r I! o t· l 111 ~Y well" th ,,' 11 IIlltldH 11 lillie e xtr~ Il.tlp HUll IIlI rl I hll ul'P" r "n ,1 IOWPT h "lI~ for Ii ta ll ll I , lJlli ld it up to n or uUl! lI ewl. Il r"HU "Dol ,ltlOo rIlI MIi . ",bioll Hlr""gth . lln l : \'(· n ~ I. hll ' ~H. "nel H f ·,. Olo rn pre . 'l'b ll O.OIHl" olr 111 00 aD d WUUl e u "Im l ,.hl o to 'L it oO!J('O' rnm l. b"ve h" i' U re!! l or!1d t.o " ' goro1l8
---'--'-'~' ' ~-
4 - InauglJration Day 6 - b'o urth S undav in Le nt
" 1}
t, IIt1I1U WHY" ,
" 0 ~~
. .c..M..' -
".llll "" h I' l "
~Iarveysbur~ ,
l /-: ,,, }(I II'U1I, pro. ' If you ? On ' l feel Jlkedoing t,blnllt! . \ d " "J1 ' ''" PU . . yo u W O ll I. If y o u w e od e r whur ll / ~uv e' "I I,r 11111' m t ,zl< ' r. I", v.· I,,,k"n ~1I1J1 1l )l""I'I " ge t; 1\ 11 tboir enertU, ,11" rarlll Sal es alld Live :1.ll l, 0,] VII "'''11'' II I th,' I, ""t i ful "'''"lhM I "oswtl r l~ '1'1 m\.1l 00 d ,f OOd~ whteh 10 I Specially mu .. /:lH nCLI rtl tl u I(Ill" . BD d IlllVI : t hl \lr L.(ll r <.l t-n~ 'l1 ullo I I urI f0 your f d'd ue s Hu t, K1Vl1 . I r, lJl.l t lt1 1 ~lt li fnclion Guaran l eed II", I.!, "fl lo " r~ "f o ur "ulo ... ,1I /1111(1 . nouri~I1I1,en ! Iwd vigor It· Nh .Hllu. It OVI'1I1I1"'-
I:l- Fiflh SundRY in Le nt 17-St PR trick's Day Born-'l'o Mr. AUU Mrs Car l Plok . l!O - PRI m S unday srl0lo:, Mu c h if., !I dtlnghl,fH. 24-J t' wish FeuAI of Purim Mr. Ii lJd Mr ~. A lb e r~ t; ln oy Rnd 25 - Good Fridav ( Loc ul s to r es dllngl1terR wore U".y t lln vl~ILo r8 , close from 'f2 t o 3) ,vednesday. March 27-Easte r Oay . MIldred B"lnfl~. of Belm onl',apenl 18M~ w eAk 11~ the b " 111 8 of Mr "ud Yr/l Walter K e nrl ok . Con.unt Parado. A. U 1ltompaon r"ceo'ly r etorned E1t7.ohplh (h'ed tn 0 ~ mol( pin ('e. Thll onl y times she'd I'ver 8P(>n 0 lorge frnm t'elln .. ~ lvllnlli. "nd dt-e r " f .... crowd "'08 on the ort'nploo of cirCUli IIIYII hAre, I" f t rOt A I "lo~mR, wberll or locol paralles. The fl rsl two lIaYI b., wll) be wo rking fnr Itwhlle. Mre. ltd BnnbY,of O&." l uo, viK\l.etl In 0 Inrgl' city were spenl In owe, Th l' n4'XI dny. hlmln g to hpr mol her, wll·b lit ~ t:HlI8le Cox, O\l e day I.. ~~ she ~uld : "Oh. mOl her. Ihey hnve a week pornlle here oil Ole tim e. dan', Ihllyr W"lter FrVD1 Q" d and fllmily b,n·tI mo •• d to Ihll Ho r .:da ll foIr01, \VeNt o f "WI. Dr. L U . Br oc k 1\('co DlIl"lIlell Mr, ""o.! ,Ire (:J IliI (:Jordo" I." MI"DlI VAl . ley 110~plf"il. wltb tbolr bll"Y, Tburb. -- jav niIlM. Tbe ohlld Willi very IIlca Mr . lwrl Mr8 . ,1 ,)~elJlt :-;mlth, wh o bot Ie nQW ImprovIng. h .. v .. !,,"' '' ~ p.",dl og the wlDter Iu t:;amuel M"redhb r eceived tobacco !Spll , ~ O" h1 ~od ludJan npolls, b BV. at Lytle wareboDlle. Tltllrsd"y. Mr. aDd Mrll. Monll! Miller. of r ll lul'""tJ r" UlIi lr b"me b e rll. PrOI W ·, I~IH' . " I' WilmlolltoD olll ne"r MI8mlllbnrg, have tJloved 1(ll(c • • dol ...... ,·d I I", Olltll/r<'g"tlo b .. , ~he Dr, Berwan fltrm . tu - ~' Il(\I " , oil Ull'Io . S undliY Mre Walter 'K onrl,,1 spenl Batur_ Mr a",1 :0,.1 r - . ~ . 'u ""' rJOold ~!I VA day find tiundllY In Clnoluuat·1 at tbe a family dinn e r . :: untby. 10 h o nor h o me of Mr. And Mrs ,Ioco b U .. hol01 Ih.,l I' - 0, ·, lh o , I ""d IIt1dll . m.o. MI". B ~~ .. ~bl ,j Hk.,.. I \-l llrY IlSS. Tbe p lay glveo by the 8 priogbo rQ burl(, w •• l.h l1 w,.."k."nd t< u ".\ of G ru nge, lit tb e ball 00 Friday uven . WI." LAil. IJHIII" r lDK, waR Ilood, snli a I.. rgll orowd \V . EI 10 " .1. "' .-r "I W" . blngto n was pres"nt. Tho prooeed. were I S8 C. I:l, w .... , .,,)(lll~ rIel,,],, b " re, 11l 8t, Mr . and MrM. Allao Emriok enter. tal ned tQ t:\uod"y dloner, Mr. ..od Mn. Will S troud "ud lon, of Waf. Mr~ W i lli~ M \ .-IIV " I. Whll bu be .. 11 O" IIOlllld 10 htl t U~ , ' f ,ll se v orlll n p.e vlll e ; Mr. and Mra Bury Coruell, of F tlrry; Mn Frank Cuman dIlY ~, I.. ~CllllewblH Impr llved IIIId Mrs. Raymond Uavls lind eon, Mr .",11 Mn . U . A. P'hlillps werll Rnlw rt , or Da yton Dav'oo vl slWr M. trwl"y of IK81 week G .dl Gordou W1l S C8 \led to [jaTRev .. nd Mrs. Wrlgb L W t r t' gUP'I8 "eYAU1l rl( . Frld .. y, by tb ft deatb of of ber p _rt· Il~ • • ~II B '/I(b hwd ouu nty. his mlltl.t"r, Mrl.l. Mlltloo G .. rdou. I •• t we, k Dr. L. U : Iroo k r e~ fJrn ed. l!tllnday eV'IDlng, 1If! .. r ~e ver,,1 IIIIY~' visit wltb ' Mr hnd M T' . Ul oo n drook ana dBOl(ht"r. ,,' InaillnBpoll q. Th(. h Oll"1l " UlyrtA Cox ouo g bt fh .. by ~ Mp" . k fr ll lll tbe o hllllD~Y , Frid .. y "I\.'''U,IOO. Lornin g QQ,te It bo l'l In tbe r oof. ElIrl C lark, a JENKINS WUN' T LET n ell:b bor, 11·1 \V it tlr~t 11 nrt gAve ~b e HIS WIFE DRIVE THE .. I 'UlIl . Sev~ral "rr\ved a oti ~he fire Will "Iw n exttngul~bed . CAR FOA FEAR SH~ Mr. Kud M r ~ . Ht' n I:IIlWkH Ii"d Mr. WTLL SMASH THE I ao d M rll. ~t6ve Burnet Mttlntl ed ~he CAR. fUDor .. ) of MrH. Murlon Uordon . \fondll .v . :t1r. and \'I r d I ! . ~ . I.·.mh h ·.d f or
Phone 44
Hu,c No Ambition
P ,'lri o k'~ 1II ~ llt, "l1t!'r I II In ... 1 n gOl1u lUtm l' of "'H I' I 'IZ I' n~ III II"' ,, hf'IIl1Ii
!O 21 !2 2J 24 25 26 27 28 29 r}O J I
Mr. auu
Vflcci tlatioll n " pecidlly. N Ihill l( hut Rcliahlc "crulIIlI, etl
- - - -Sid, Ex ad ly, J usl Secm To
.50 good ci~Je«er--l..J. Io/'·I;,~ .l' ) ;cu,,~lnr \ ,~:, ::t"'wl,\~ rll \~2;,1.'.•f-nfu-l~rho~::"-,....,AN........ AW;-;;;F;;;;Ul;--;;-;:FEc;:;El~IN;:;-;;G:-;S:;:E;-;; lO:;;-;OM;;-;-;; NE;-;;;: CESSARY . one sack GENUINE .
' 01
for-lOc fro~
tlll Pt > t hlll ;! h
t 4' r~ 1I1 .IoIW,
,, ..
I,WI> j,( r'''1!I(' IIt1 dl'~ o ",,<1 1111'11 1' fri ~ nd ~ ~I, @ ('""t IJ : , ," ~1 11 · n·(. m l l~ ' IJl..l r 11 ( f' \ [I t i l ... \' (' II1 ~
Publ ishe r
·\ ·! v , r l 1111' 1\ . , ....
I I E . \~1l H I'
'('IHI IU llllra.1 ; Ou ll Illu co Ilt ,b ., b'n churub MO/lllu .V 111 "",1" 1/ ~t II ,,'c h.ok, H.·,' A" " " l \ ", k "I11"","n,! ~ht'II'"\''' I" '" " ll '" h", H' I:£:. , IIr·rI b u ",lnlOd. Ih tfu,
Crll llC
(I) lh utJ .. l oJ. \ Irl. l 1'lIh ~ r rlhl.ulI t )uth r \\'olld ~II . , "Uf' l'uiL.r r.hll , 11 , \ ' w lt'r"" Kl41 I :! '('I ,hlr r UI h lU'I( t1ul"'r
Mr s ,I II I e nn dl\Y nl g hi , IHI"r III I·" lh .l.1 lt lTu r hll! ' l
KutorIKl at the 1'09,nlllt'0 ~l \\'uY IH'svlllo.
n.~. I~ ,I l;:' u. S.
. f l I' JUII1J.C'I)li ( lluulln_hHl . u
XenIa, Ohio
evenlnlrS by appointment
Ly tle ' 0 hi 0 Telephone 76, ring 3
Ifa.YIl8.vllle'. Leadlnlr Delilt., In B Rines Bldg . M..ln S,
o lI oe
rullll11''''II'' 1.~\\\1I'1.ll~lllIllqllt~III:,1 11\nl1~\~ll'~I~ '~~l" ~i1'ill"~ ",.., " . ~
... ,~J,..;;...........-.,~I_I ......~............ ~ . -- -
find u;haf vov want wn Ilome ~own-
Come to
The Me!' olitan· ton at
Spring Styles in Suits and
. To pcoats at lower prices---
.I/)~ .
MoC" r r e n , trr/\ok Ru /lIlooH Jior .o~. of !:5prlolol Hill we.- o/tl ll ng 0 0 tri nd s ber .. , Suufla~
Fashi.on Par\-. a no
~oo .
famou s
M I IlIHI M r8. Ell 8im J:s oo , of n e"r Wl1 y n\!8"ill ." wllre 'i OD U", guellt.s o f rel8ti" etl bere Our t.nwn 'Wllt! f" tdy · well r ' p'''_ RAOh,d M Ih e movin g plolnrn ~bow at W"ynesvllle, ~"I. urdI1Y oll(ht . 'Bnrrv Brown lirrlvnd b Ono A on l'oe8,IA 'y , .. ft fl r 8Averol d":,, .' vhlt lu Day too, Frnnkllo nod Lvtle . . Mr and Mr~ •. B. L. DIlklD lIod t.wo 80n s, Ed ward an" Fred, wllnt te. Wes!, MIllon, HIlturdav . 811d ")lAII I 'be d .. ~ with Mu. Dnlcln '/& bro ther . Dr Georl;e Elation. wbo WB S 97 veaT!' YOU(11l on Hliturda .y ·, Maro h 19 . They I epo rl· hlH pb.l' ~to lil c o ndi ~ i on as being good.
That's th e a d van t ' t! e of c()nlin?! to the Metropolitan at Dayton. A :g store with a hig stock has the wide variation of sizes nnll classes in each size, of each model. in wflnt'ed fn hrics.
Never is it oecessar v
"chofl down" a
wrong size or cJas~if' cntioll' of a siz;c for a man here, thereby losintt ~ II ()f the giac ~' ()f line and drape.
Mrl Allie Dhklu, of Dav'on, WBS 'he 8uest of Mr iLnd Mu Frank Shldakel, fburHday and t 'rldllY ot last week .
,. upflen lelmer
styles, in all size. and in mod e., .ror eveJ")' typ.: llt m~, the out-of·door man , tlw { ff iee ' xccutivc, the athletic youn~ fellow in schnl} 1: -. f1 r-intions of ever y "ize, ~n every model to fit the differently pr·oportioned men 10 each size.
The A M . E Chl1T Ch m emll!'r8 lue llI"kl nu "rrl1nj!fHlII' IlI·· to Impr " ve 1,lw i r oh urcll bUi ld i ng lit Utl e url y dU o'.
Prices for Fashio n Pari;: and K uppenheimer Suits dn4 Topco ats start at .Ii nal lower levels.
-~. ---
Bavlnl{ "eoldp.d to qllit forming, I1t lHy r eMldeno ... on the liobar' Lllmb fArm B miles South of Waynflsvtlle, and :.I mUM ~ o rl.h of Oregoola, 8 t tbe oov· .red bridge, OD
I will sell at Pnbllo Auotloo
Others at $25, $27.50, $30
Thursday, March 24, 1921,
Beginning at 1 p, m" I be following prop ~ rtv . to. wit : l! Bortle~, 4 Cat. ~e, 1 Ii"w. 4 S h,:,"'p, l'oulty, V ~ bl o le8 BOll~Aht)lrt G 10 18 . etr. RM' N I I ~ E. BEI.,.'I' Z " W, N. ~arR,. A no~.
"Cold in the Head~' ' Is .nn 'ncllte nUl\ck of NO liol Cntnl'1[h. T hose s ubj ect 'to frequent ,"colds In. Ute hcud" - will ftnd" Utat the \teo ot HALL'S AT.ARnE: )IEDl t'E will blllld 111'1 tI\Il "S~'8 Iem, cleaose t e Blood [IQd TOIl.ller t.bem les8 liable o...coldl. lI opeat d ottllcltl! ot ACllte Catarrb may I('n d t6 Chl'Onfc· Co.t,ll'rb. HAq.:S CA?-,ARRH MIIDICINIlI .. taken lofernally and act:!! through the BlOod pn l ha lIucou8 Surtaees ot tho 8ysh!rll, thus reducing the Inllamma-~o I1hd re~oring normal ~ondltlOD8, :..All druGlst.. CIrculars tree.
1'. Z. CbeDe)' " Co.. Toledo, Ohio.
'0_ • •
.... ,1
_~_.< ~
Fo llo w th e Be ate n 'Pa th Thous ands of people of Greene a nd surrou nding counties call our store th eir fum iture hea~qlll!rt e rs and so the path to our door is weJ1 beaten . Follow it. You will mak e no mistake. You will be surpri sed and delighted by visiting our eight floors now covere d with the very latest designs in home furnit ure. Not only will you find desira ble furnitu re here, but you will find ~n eas y way to buy it, Ask about Adair 's Conve nient Paym ent Plan.
Pre War Prices on Dining Roo m Furn iture
This Queen Anne Sui~e" _, " ., ' . , " , , . ; . , . . , ... . . . . . .. .. , ... . ... . . . , . .. , ... , .
Miam i Gazel le, Waynesville, Ohio.
ConsIsting of Buffet , 54-inch Table, 5 Chairs , 1 Arm Chair. This is a suite that you will cherish in your home. It is charm ingly designed in Queen Anne style, a.rranged to meet the presen t day arrang ements , It is beauti fully finished il1 Walnut, and · consists of BuRet , 64-inch 8-foot Exten sion Table, Host Chair and 5 side Chairs , upholsterer1 in genuin,e Leath er or Tapes try, 8 pieceWiOiam and l\'l ary Dining Room 8 piece Italian Ren Dining Room Suite in Jacobe an Oak; 8 piece Dinin g Suite in Mahog any: 8 piece Mission
!og':k~~~t~. .. . .. .. .. , , _.
~~~i:~, ~~~~"
Cha rms of the East er Hat s . Hu ?s!'11 Younce . \If Newark , Ohio, th e gue,t Ilf h i~ pa r eI\ L~ , SuW rtlay and Sunu!lv
(" Lh o muttor of tb a Cit lzeu p N .. li ll uul 131m" 0 1 1.,,1111 0 00 v ~ 'baR Ju st r cceivo:d a rl t!w linc of ne w H r tl w~ t p r et .. I. O i1flHl d u nl ~ ure In or ue recl Eas te r Blo llses in Geor Kelte. Cre pE' ,l llfuult (or .. fl" "'!'r Rnli it Ih~t I·h tle ·hi ll e. Vvilt' ancl "ilks, f n'llI $~ .18 d "fNld"e "hllut IiI r"O,lVer fr om Ih nl. t h" "11 m ,,( $ 128 10 wi th up t o $7 50 , at H yrnall ' ~
ForS atur day Onl y 40-50 Su nki>ll ~ d . Pru nes ,<!- Ibs .·ISc No, ~ THbie l ' t:acho!~. Y.-ILJ ca n .. 24c Qua ker OIlL~ No. I , pound ...... 5c CaliluP . pt! r buttl e .......... ..... .. l -le Lip pinco tt' ;; Al>ple BULLer, Qt . Million Jil l' .... . ... .... . ... . .. :Wc Fine g rade COCOIl. qt. Muso n .. . 25c Kirk's ~' l ll k c SOIlI>, a ba rs ... ..... ~3c Kirk's Hardwl l ter Castile Toile t SOIlP . bar ............ ..... ... ... 9c Ki rk's Vi oltH SOIlP, bill',.......... I:!c Cosmo Butterm ilk :;oap, bar ... 9c Baby Chic k Feed. lb .... ...... .. . 3X c Sunfl owe r He n F'et!d , Ib,.... . .. 3}. c Pork a lld Beans, 2 cans .. .. .. .. .. · 25c Hig h-g rade Ult!nd Coff ee,5 Ibs .. 95c Fra nklin Syrup mllde fro m 'uga r, can .......... .... .. ..... .... .. 12c Blue RIbbon Peach es. p kg .. .. .. 29c !:lake rs Gral(~ d Cocoa, lO oz can .24c Cob bler Seed Pot atoes, bu ... $l 90
Fre!!l h
$ 5.65 $15.75 $37.50 $69.00 49c .t~~!,:·:~ .............. $1.10 UP THE GREATEST
'1'1' I"
I 1,
Wayn es ville, Ohio
········~~· ··
Mea ts
"Th~ Mat ing of the Elsi nore "
: :•
Taken from one of Jack London's stori es Also, a Mack Senne tt comed y,
H. h ..
W ll vn eM vlll e
Satu rday, Marc h 26th Featu ring j, Warre n Kerrig a n, in
: :
Also Selzni ck News First show starts at G: 30 Admission, 22 a~d l 7c
I!:llrtlb ..
Tues day, Marc h 29th
A Goo d Fox Feat ure
Real Eatata Trallfe n Admission, 17 and-II eents K u tle Ail,,!, ~(l Willi" ", 811e8, part or S Orv AY No. 2226 In Wa8bln gtol1 COM ING To wDship , " The Heart of a Child, " "The Great Redeemer,", . 1 1)~ "p h N loh ol ~ n o t,1) W ill . BII Il~ . "Polly With a Past," and "The Furn ace." part. or '-Inr vey No 2226 in W". btn gl." o 'l' wp .. V,II M.v fJ r ~ t o Pbi h p Bnwkl! parl or 8ell. I ~ , 1'. 3, R.6. Wt>y n e '1' wp .. 11 a ll rr" 81 0"'0 - et-- ,,·!--to -K-elflor /-:-- - - - - - -.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G mb" tiJ, pllr t of I:>ell. 14, '1'. 3, R 5, "You gain from 3c to 10e per pound on your in Wayno ,'1'wp , H. butter fat by Reiling Direc t." Kesler GUIUllD to Peter Banta , ~ par t. ot ~..c. 14 ..'1' 3. R 5 tn Way ne Mrl! All e n Shoema ker. S inking Spring , Ohio. writ es. - " We ha ve Townsh ip, I I. t bree c ream s tat ions her e ill our to 4'n th a t I cou ld sell my crell but you hav ~ g iven us s u~h llood atiRf ...ction thal we ship to m to, thE' time. We haul o ur cream 9 miles to Peebles to ship t o yo yo u all u Y Il U see what we thi nk of yo u. " Ask any oth ~r Tri-St nte patron wha t' they think of us We ha w' 00.000 produce rs sendtng th e ir c rea m 10 us. We have no allent We pay your s hipping cost , We g uarante e your cream and cans asgninst 108s - we make yo u more mone y SEED POTAT OES. OUR PRIC E ONION SETS
i:lig hesl P ric'e for Bu tter & E~~s.
Sawyer's Wayne Market
4 5 C ts .
Ga rd E'n S,..edH, only 5c packa~e Fla an d Cal. Orangl' s Faocv Grape F'ruit Fancy Eatinll Apples
Week Marc h 21st to 27th We Pay Baggage or Expreas Charges
Th e Tr i-S tat e Bu tte r Co. Cash Capital $250.000.00 E~ tnbli s hed
11 yell n Bll",
Write f or Free Triul C... ns if v()u 'need shippin g c!ms We 5?ive our pa tron ~· the benefit of /I weekly gu itran teed price .
Fllney Apricot s. Pe eled Ppaches , ft !l i 8in ~ , Millce Meat . --~---
Specials for Saturday
I BAR POLAR .WhITE SOAP Free wilh every 3 bars purchas ed
This beauti ful 'suite is in Mahogan y an'd consists of 4 pieces, as shown.
FRESH SAL TED PEANUTS Only 16e a pound • Reg . price, Mc- one day only
ICE CRE AM For all occas ions-a ll flavors- Brick or Bulk,
Is that it is the Choice of the Wor ld's Greatest Artists
your own home exactl y as they are heard in opera and in conce rt that they have allied thems elves with the Victo~. Not only do they make Victor records, but they have chosen the Victrola to play these records becau se it is the one instru ment that reproduces their art in an its original beauty . The records made for the instru ment. The instru~ent made for the records.
Vic trol .. $25 t~ $1500
in S~y DaY8 on: Amounts Over $lQ.OO.
Brinll us your Chicken s, Butter and Elfis. We want 100 big , fat Bens by Fri:Jay noon. Will pay 27c a pound aY'" NOTIC E- Our store will be closed Friday fr om 12 to 3 o'clock -Good Friday .
It pays to trade at
ZIMMERMAN'S Prot ectYou r Futu re Your future d epends upon tbe investme nts y o u m llke today . . Place y our money where 'it wi" Il ork for you whe n you are old. ' )ur produc t has a world wide WST market , , Is fully prole~t<!d bypate~t and has Grob. Uh,lo, 10 or 12 U lon«. e xceptio nally large earm.n g power be tw~en my re8tdon ce and .W.B. Proceed s from sale of securiti es will ~qtlire 8 ' ~o n8e on .M .. ln 8& Findl" be used in expansi on'of busines s. (lleaBe o,ltlfy W, t:!, Urah 'l m, Way. l)esvlll'l , 'Ohio, and receIve yoor reward all
The Late Classified Ads.
A ~~~:"~.~=
" ~ I.;-'l had millions of.,surplu s Army Supplie s, such as . . '.Blanket s. Underw ear. Cots,' Shoe!!,. Breeche s Coats and thousan d, of other new and reclaim ed merchaJldi~e. that they termed Surplus Army Supplie s . These they 80ld through various channel s. to be placed befQre the public at very low pric~, ' 80 88 to give every Americ an a chance to secure whatev er t.hey need at a minimu m priclI.
Before You Mak e Any, Purchases, Get Our Prices
:::::::= " =::; ::== ===
~ENT Start your id le llIoney tl? work for ..,._...::...._ _,Foa ,.--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. you now. . ROOD! F\..& 00 Malo ,'reet, la. lt has 'oafed long enou~h . '. qalre "t ~ftwyer'. WaYUII Mat'. It will wor~ fo r you 24 qours. a day kat-. : w.ayoe~vll1e, 01110,' all jf-you 'star:~ it-going . . ~-- ~- =':=.:: ' ~."=-.========::;
Get informa tion from
THE ABBOTT INK co. 1 Akro , Ohio
Browa · Mare, wellM 1400 1118.. good wQr'.r and liD.... 1 .J• . , Belfer. 10qGfr.1)' JUnOD lIa"eoa . ale, Bar"'I1~r., Oblo a8
Next Door to Miam i Gaze tte . I . '
Wayn~sville, :Q~i9
Now Is the · Tim e '
..... ...... ....... ..... "" ... .•
Cabuag e . Oni onll. Sweets. Celery, I e ttuce. Fancy Allparag u8 Tips, Fancy Lemlln Cling Peac hes, Heinz Sweet Pickles, That !lood Peanut Butter.
t own , l\o d
"Ge e WI: iz"
"Th e Lord Lov es the Irish "
f~rru e r, N ew Bor M t8~ Rev" tlur mf! l.
i : :
This is an extra good show Admission, ' 2 2 and 17 l:ent s
·tl\n fie le.
W By oe~
. . .·I
Thur sday , Marc h 24th '
:• liugtoo , a nd Ie Edwn rd P"t r1c\r, IA bor .. r , Ml!ldle. f MI ss l one WhIt e, Le banoD : . Clli re nll" Heitz, fflr mer , G .. rtuan • to wn . n, O~o .. r
Mrs. Kilbo n
I. · . . .·. · . · ·. . · · ·. .
'11 1'.
Marrla ,. lJteqea
P orte r House S teak, Ib ,.... ..... 25c Sirloin ::;t ea~[ , Ib ...... .. . ...... .. 25c . Round Sleal< , Ib .. .... .. ........... ::!4! Cbuck Steak .. lb .. .... .. ....... ...... 23c Boiling Beef, Ib .... ........... ..... l !k Roas t Rib or Rump. Ib .... ... ... 24c Fresh Stuffed Sau sage, Ib .... .. 25c fr anks or Weiners , Ib ... .. .. ... 2[)c Smoked Sausag e, Ib ...... ..... · .. ·25c Lu nc h Sa usage , Ib .. ......... .... :Wc Pu re La rd , Ib .. .... .... .. · .... .... ... 17c
( '0 .
d f\ PjJ' 1I1 H' rto , Iii, · m .'I IM " f I,h l' eslat e or r{ ' f"hu r f: l" u ",1; U\." , d pCefLSf'd. Ptlul K " hn I" " 11.'''11111, ,1 I\d mlll l8 tl lltor . UUIl .! ~ ~ :, O
e~lt) '
It is because they want you to hear them in
same ,. as ' Cub ' if
i\ \'f' r ~ Ht·
.. II" f-' r ~u th ut, riuhl Virl in tl ff p .. .\~ t t . .. ,,' d , ' Ath ili ut th e ~nll' of l 2 11 0
Post Colonial Bed Roo.m Suite (Similar to
fi r .J . W
Probate Court Proeeed inp m ·.t!" r L1 f th o e ~ tll tl\ of R II. iklJ"" 11,,11 111 . 0 00" ." .. <1 ~·i r!. t RUe! fl " ol "t'('I)'Jl1 t, OPI'T,' VAe! . . In tio~ limite r " t b .. ~ ta t e lit 1': 1 . , . .. S LOOIl, d"m'".uJ . ,J . W I.,,, n;; I ~ Il PI'"lote d u<1mill t~ ~ra~or B,' ud t I I\OU C. u. EIlI" @~, Web b WIll i" " ,. ond E rl 13 . Conk liu ,He
Regul a r Meals and Short Orders_ Also Ice Cream, Candy , Cigars , Etc. Etc. The new low spring Rug prices tell their own story. . 9x12 Mattin g Rugs ", ..... ... ,', .. . , . . . . 9xl2 Brussels Rugs, .. ,' . .,"', . , ' ,., .. . . . 9x 12 Axmin ster . Rugs .... , , '., .. . .. , .. .. . . , 9xJ2 Wilto n Velvet ·Rugs . . . . ,', . . . " . ... . .. . . . Felt Back UP Linol eum" ,., . .... . , .. ,.,.,
" Ultt ul'
li:lhu'!l" r :" h "" M f ~
•. " ,'
I II t 1>,.
The Palace Restaurant
I n t i,,'
I ·, til l lu ntr,.·r II f ( ~I1f1h1 U I ' n (" · T~ o n , . \\ ,,, . H '- lld " " ~nrl P lll in tl lI Io( r llo •. ,I "'" ' 10" "li d .Nl ltre C Il ~LDlI .v III IlI iu ",. II llil,l r Hll . ulsll "lIruo n y j,' I ' " , Ulutt !' f lI f Wm tiH rr is,lO v~ \V , III ' Ill tl!lr rl~ o u !lUll SlIdt" p Olry \" ~ ,' ,. h UM hili'' '' g ru n t od I h .. 1 ~u t d rl .. ' , I 1 II t ~ 1m stJrvou by p ubliOlltu ' n
Groceries and Meats
50 pound Cotton Mattr,ss
Pokes, Sailors, Irregu lar Brims , Closely Filtin g Hats , Frui t, F low er and Ribbon 'r rimmed
Proeeed in ••
. &-',' .~~~: FO~ JOUR ~sulfi (US 'FUNDS ,;
. ' \,: , ..
We . ~an .arr.arige· 'y~C,<d~P;,sit to suit
needs r~lative to time. . AI4W~YS W(,JRTil PAR. and i'eadI when you are. in need of '., rn(ll~y . We are .'tClaning our 'money; at 7%
Why take- Jess , 1.)lan 8% for ,your depoljit?
·THE MIAMI '8UILDIIS AID LOll ASSOCIATIOI 11-27 South Mali Sa.. PaytoD . . Ohio.
Seven ty-Thi rd Year ____________
~~--~--~~~~--~~~~~~.~~-~.~~ --~~~~--~-----
-----------~~~~~~~--_ _~------~~~--~~----~~
----------------------~ $ ' _____~r _ _ . _ already don e or in ·campai g n. there ar!! 86.000 III mh ", ~ The re mainillg nin" cou nti ell havi' Hc heduletl cltmDUMB DOBIN DONj \llli " '1 9 Increag e of membe rship ha s ma r ked every cam paign thus far hl' ld The sume thing is Ilxpt'cle d in lh i ~ county 'I'v..t, lv.· Oh i" tarllll 'rH, "l1l'h IJ memo Solid Leath e r wurk ~ h OPll at. H,I'[) E LJu nham. of Le banon I ~ p rl'MSolid Leathe r work sho('s al I i)- : Ea,I,,, II:ty III Ihe WaYIIl's b .. r IIf hi ·, Farm [l ut .. ~u h ~c k hnm p. , illl' iJ e nt; J A. Cowan. Lebano n. ~('c r e· man ' ~. T h, \ Intller" Club wi ll be held th e man s . wi ll 1>,. ill V. flf·.·.·n cou n'" n~xt. M",,\1l-11I"d i ~ 1 1-:' 0; -"" 1" 11 0 ,11,,'11 ' I ill IH' :it'r"IIl I 1', iday tary ; Lee Bone. Le uanoll . lrealiU rar of '/\pril ins tead of the Mrs Amantl .. M" ni t t ii' vi~i ti ng do " til h .. ~i n Ih e c'a.m pui.,rn f ll r Of" \\' Miss Lelia YIl Ul lj.( iA , pt'lidi il l ~ Ii 1 ~'t'III " lId"' lt' l I,., Ih,· I, I~'" I~ I r~ 1 I'·riday. alld will be he ld at the C. F . Chlss is .c'.'unt y agent "":~" l ' r pla t ivell in T.)ledo Illld DlIY t on m, ·rnJ.'·I'" d lJ In 1 he Warrell COUll')' couple of w('el(8 ill Cedar ville 1111-111' eIJIiI/I, '" il lllli 11 11, 1 1\'1I " h llll'd ""W Schoo l Bui lding . All til" The re will be a Furm Bureau IIwel · F.. , III Hllr,·ulI Th ey will l,.. under th,-,..,.' IIt .. l "": 11 1 d a y Mrs Emm a Retllllick spent lu ~ t ~ 1 01hl'r~ fir£> u rl-(ed til be t he re . A inlC Ht Srhool ha ll. Saturrt R)' !!venin g, Dr Rnd Mr ... J . W Ward arr i" cd ' .\1 (i I' .\1 1 " I''''i ,,' II"", c h llr~ , ' I'f ~· r .. nk Ne ls·)Jl. ;,f ~adi ~on ti lll,( WU" w,>; .!;e,· from Cin cinn a ti will be presApril 2, at 7:30 Thi H is th ~ llllclIi ng' week with relat ives in CIncinn ati home f rom l:aliforn iu. frida y P \'( ' fl - he ld . "colltlul ' l,tll" ~Ir <:ollnt y E 1\ L-:a rli · " nt , and talk in regard to Music in meeting of the Farm Uureau Cllm· iUI{ . Or . lIill. O~teopath. 2 1 S Broad o E Ilullh a lr , nf Lebano n . presi- paig hu rt, 1'1'.," IIf th" 1':1'1V""1I1 L t; II~' It· ; lilt' sc holll . n in W"rren county. We wallt way . Le lJllnon. Ohi o. dent or the Cu unty Farm B" r~ au. Ch&rl es Grau~ l! r, of P iq ua, Ohi ... quil e a )("I'tll) lIu muel' of ynullR ~very mlln interest ed ill th e wei fare Stella Butterw orth. Sec'y , and L H. Granl. uf Hamilt on town· is Rpending' th e we.,k he re wit lt pl'" pl" w... r. ' I" """111 "nd ell j OYl'" I h ... uf agricul ture to come and hear the' Ed Hlli ll E!H. of Kinll'R Mills , spent ~ h ip. will ha v .. cha rge o f th e local :--I pl\"'"11di l l :-P I VIc '" friend ~ . issues of this campllij.(n discusse d , Sunday ht're wi th rel ativl·s. forces, which wiliron siHt o f town~hiD 'l' hl' S, ln,J!tv S('h '"'' hll <l :1 1:; 1)1" "" ' 1,1 No one will b, solicited to j ui n at Misses Helen and Ant'la \l illwidJi e aJld ti ll' IUlI , i,' Icd Ly lI 11r , pll'l ,d chairme n 8n.1 nrive rs . A Warren C M. !{ouit ze r is il Barnes ville iol this mee tiol!'. W4~ want you to hear of Dayton , spent th e wepk-end with lIrcl\!!Hlra. with Mr. E. cuunty fal'III er will accomp any each I':arnila rt, what the F'iTm Bureau ill doing . this week. on a t..u sil1("~ trip . their mother of th e ~olicit()r". Eve, y farmer in dirt!clu r 1l,"1 ~n n l( leader At to :ll, Think it ov"r and decide for yourMislI Cozy Younel", of Oayton . the county will hp visited. 8elve~ whethe r you want t o be a pa rt Spe nt Ea ·te r dRY w,~h Mr. and Mrs . O~ ca r Stllnfi.·l d. of 01 IU I'l{e con l{ rel{a l iun a ~He rnh l"d in M i~~ 88tla Ha in es . who has been her r,arents There are 2bf.O farm e rs in this New Burling ton. Hpent Sunday with th t· audi to rium fo r wllr~l\i p . A attendi ng bu ~ in elis coll ege Rt Co lum· of it county Of Ihis numbe r. 1106 are eh ir nf morc th fl n thirl y voict's L. E. K ~ mplt'. L .. e Hawke lind Roy r ela tives he re. Thi ~ mee ting includ !!!! Wayne , MacH hu ~ . Ohio. for seve ral months. has now e nrolled at $2" year The cam· .. th were (l ayton v i ~ it o r B . h ifurl1i ~ h "d bea u t if ul an(h p ll1 ~ . at t he MRslIie lind Clearcr pek towllshi\l8 accel)te d a secretar i al position in the p8i~n calla for ml'lnher ~ hip at $10 8 day . W. P. Snli8bu ry. of CleYl'l am}' und mornillJ{ RIli l e vpnin)l: fie rv i e8. wi~h snd the northH n part of Washin g· State House. and will ass ume her l'eflr for three yea rs · One· half of son. Clark, of Delawa re. s pent th e sol os by Mrs, Frunk LeMay an d ton. Come on. boy a, let's roll it UIJ Mr Larram ore, publi City man fnr dut ies at once. Mis9 Hllines feels thlll amuunt remains in Warre n wee~ . end hel'C. Anhur Holt, which full y Clime up t o good and .trong. the sta le Farm Burea u . wa~ in t own . g rpatly honored for having been "ounty fo r the' local uses of tht' F'arm t he I:!xr,ec talion of the larg!! congrcMonday , granted her nice position . a8 it was A new tine of Al'mini ster. B ru s~el s . lCati un Th erl:! we re eleven lia Bureau Th e ot h!'r halt j( f'('~ tn fiptisms secu r ed f or her by our Govern or. Tapestr y and Crex Ru g s. Li nole um . and eiKht e"n add iti ons t nance tht' Ohio and Ame r ican ~'arm Mr . Albert Wilk !!l slln Bnd family. o the ch urch Matli ni' and Window Bureau federati ons The Ohio Fed· Sh adus at Hy- Th e morn ing lind e ven ing sermon s of Dayton . ~pen t Su nlJay he re with ma n' s. e rat lo n p nYM 1111 ca mpai!!n expense:< relatives . by Dr . Holt . were g real.ly app reciaDr. A . A, Giest. 51. Paul veterWarren will be the 79th county t o ted. a B they KholYed ca reful th oug ht Mr. Orange Raper will lead ina ry , th says e that O ld Dobbin docs Book s CORt moru and are bound in Wm , Haines left. Sunday . after 8 hold a campaliln In the 78 countie s not feci t he pain a t toot h txl f ac t ion Epwort h leag ue Sun duy e ve ning . an d m uch st ud y, ,.dv ill/{ a ll m uch a lesa substan tial manner than in for· viait with his parentR. to aCCl' pt 1\ po· as do's huma n beill g. J n fa ct , Everyon e is co rdiall y invi ted t o ~ J1irilUral hon. Ilnd J c, iru t o li ve mer yeara The present conditio n of sition In Cincinn ati that it i ~ \' inua ll)· pa inh:ss-il nd belter li ve!> alt enli. whi ch th e ,,'cture .h ows as O tJ many of our booka 8i1ently rebukes Seed Pote toes The fl rill t1i ~ p II!Y WIl S bea u t if ul. Mr. and Mrs, Robt Crew and Mr . Prince loscs .. 1>il{ moll f. the ca re lells readel"ll. To true book· Northe rn Grown Jus t recei ved a new line uf Blou ses th e re beilli\' three dozp n Calla Iill ies Phineas Cook arrived homc from the luvers. 8 bouk is a living thing to be in George tte. Crepe de Chin e. Vuil l! e nt fNrn Californ South. las t week ia ~'an by Mis~ Dora cy Small Onion Sets handl ed fondly and With respect ful and SilkR. from $2.48 up to $7 fi ll. N elso n: II lurge cen ter back-g roun d MI"I Ell a Michene r und son . care . Think of this when borrowl nll' Garde n Seeds. pkg , only ........ 5e at Hym an's . with th e word s in white . "ChrIst it! GarJen the books that are 80 fr eely loaned to Charles , and daughte r. Alll1. were . Seed. new bulk - -Ri sen" was printed "pon rcal moss . Dayton vi lli tors. Satu rd ay all who Bsk. - [orGood Brooms ·.... ........ · ........ ,75c the work of MrH J aml's Vand ervort Does it ever occur to you how the The bea utifu l spring day'. Wednes Mr . aud MIS Robt Wa lt un. of Cu t fl owe rs . Easte r lilHes. pOll ed New Cala Fill'S library is maintai ned? A 8mall town- Dbyton. spent th e pl ants a nd a wreath were splendid ly Easttr holidays day. March 23r·d. made joyous thll Fancy Evap. Peeled Peaches ahlp tax.mem ber8hip fe ell (S.l OOeach) with Mr and Mrs Jesse oc(:a3ion when Miss Zelma, the acd ieplflYl·d abou t the alta r in g real Seeded and Seedle88 Raisins Hal t!!Ock. individu al and olber private dona· complis hed daul~hter of Mr and Mrs. Loj.C Cabin. Maple Syrup profusio n. the work of wil ling h eart~ Miss Lucy The lks t S 1. 25 Ulld $- 1.50 tiona - these are the main sources of Emley. cl erk at,the post· Albert Slacy. wa9 and ready hands . which greated all wedded to Mr Moore's Good Gas and Oil revenue . The new ~ricyclopedia was offire. is ill at he r ho me. Mi s~ Frances RU8!!ell Bu rnet Work Silirt s. spec ial wi th the ir lovlenes9. At the close of Columb u9 Gas and 011 made pos@ible by sev£>ral individu als Janney taki ng he r place at Ihe office. Tbe heavy rains dUring the I ~tter At 10 am ,. thev motore d to the the evenin i\' se rvice the ' Calla Iillil..'S Standar d Oil agreein g t o pav $6 00 each. the price part ot the week. al90 Sunday afte rof a volume . were. by reQue~t . di st rihu ted tQ Mr. nnd Mrs, Huter Shid aker. of M. E parsona ge at Springb oro, and MIOLO -Better than Butter noon and evenin" . forced tbe rive r fri ends . and to th ose who we re s hut Morf' t han a pa58inll' word of recog· Harvey sburg. spent Easter Sunday were marrieJ by Rev, Elisha Kneisle y S pecial this week. lb ......... 8Oc t o overflow its banks. and Monday They were accomp anied by Miss Mil nil inn i~ du e lhe faithful libraria n• . with Mr. and Mrs . Will Monney , of in, and not permitted to en j oy t he Nut Oleo, special ........... ...... 28c the water was about eil(ht inches mu~t perfect E aster With no pay. except the satlsfQc tion Route 3, drel1 Hurnet. Or al Surface and Mr. Day . Anothe r Sale on that com~.· from lending a helping lind Mr! . William Null. -Upon their over the avenue . MondllY m ornin g hand. th e~f' public·a pirite:i citizens the temper ature changed to much A new line ofAxm iniste r. Bru8!!elF return . an el eg:ant dinner Pola r Whit e Soap awaited M r and Mrs Ed Cook ente r tainedmake the lihr'lry pos~i ble - by beinlr Tapestr y and Crex Rugs; Lineole colder, and Quite a bit of s now f e ll J l3aT trae with each three you um. them The bride looked beautifu at dinn er S unday. Mr l I there. Whal are you doinlZ to help? MatlinII' and Wind Walter ' huy , The lowest prices ever ow Shades Ilt Hy· in a white satin gown. trimme d with all day . Ratchfo rd and family. ·o f Daytol) . 1 knoWn Ona pure White Soap. ~~ti". The river continu ed t o raise until Mr . and Mrs , Ca rl Frye and Mr. and iliillillliiIIlj"" "' · : One thln.r mll rl': Do not fail to m l' n's. bead Venetia n b andini'. III return the booka you borrow ! MrA . Geo, Tuesday Pratt . mornin g, Will wht!n pay it uegan to 21do.r Hens and 22c Mr. Burnet is an industri ous young Get your tickets for "~osp. mary. " for Stags. up to Friday noon . fall rapidl y. Several machin es we re the Normal class play, Ti ckets reo farmer. son of Mr, and Mrs Stephan Easter Day gue,t s of Mr. and Mrs. stalled in th e wat~r. bu t furt u nately It pay s to trade at D. p , Jo' ette r we re Mr Eel Haines , Of) served at the Townsh ip house . Mon- Burnet. of this place. Thev will im· were gotten out allright . mediatt 'ly go to houl!e·k eeping on Kinlls Mill s . Mr . and Mrs . Gordon day, April 4. at 2 p m Mail carrier Conner had his J oy a nd Mrs Lid a Killen the Cornell farm . north of tOWEl. Mr . and Mrs Clyde Reitz and Bon Those who partook of the weddin a trouble s also. but he waded accro!!! Charles . of Dayton. spent Easter feast were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell the w.ater on Tuesday . bringin g the with Mr lind Mr9. Cha rl es Githen9 Burnet. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bur· ,"ail on hi .. back . and son . net. Mr and Mr8. Albert Stacy. Mre J . M Stacy. Mr, alld Mrs. A O . Just recei ved a new line of Bluuses William s. Mrs. Chloe Sides. Mr, and in George tte. Crepe de Chine. Voile Mrs. William Null, Misses Mildred and Silk~ from $?.48 up to $7.5.0 . at and Ina Don 't fail Lo see the comed y, "Rose mary, " given by the We have install ed one of the latest type of Burnet. Rea and Cleo Stacy. Nancy. wife uf Mr , J oJlIII Zed . d it!d Hyman 's . Tunga r Batter y Chargers, and are preNorma l Class, on Me88rs. Oral · Surface and Robert last Friday at her home in Co rwin par _d to take care of all kinds of batter y H . H William ~ol1 arriv ed home Burnet. after a short i\ln es~. Tht! funeral - --.- . ...- - work. Also, we "ill carry i'n stock a supfrom Floridli Tuesday evening , after was held Monday Ilft(!rn oon at ;; spendin g the winter there His fam· 'ply of new Willar d Batter ies. o'clock from her late resid ence . The comed y is in four acts, repres enting the Civil War By will come on about the first of Rey, Bt!nnet t, of Harvey pburg . offiMay . period , 'file cos tumes and setting will take us back to BUY A ciating . Interme nt in Mi ami cemethe days of A l!ld I iilRg Syne, '!Ihile the songs and wittitery . ~~-----i LOST An auwmo bl e crank for ci!o.tIls will help us forget our troubles, and we'll laugh an Olds machine,~omewhere between John Philip ~ . an old Wayne Town· dull care away. Following is the cast of charac ters: Ii: Furnas' residenc e and the Whit e ship farmer. d ied at the horn e of hi s tfauII'ht And forget your batter y troubl es. er, Mrs . Ed Pence. at I,ebaRosema ry. fro m Nort h Cll roli lla ..... ........ ..... .. .. .. ... ...... Corinne Brick church Finder will please Tile M E Chu rch at Springb oro non. Thursd Welch ay evening .' Th e fu Aunt Ht' phzilJah ,a Bo~to n ge ntl e woll'la n .. .... .... " .. ""l-'au le tla leave at the Gazette office , Harbach was badlY damlll{,~d Saturda y, when neral was held at Lebanon Mondny Co usin Kez i:.l h. fr om Vermon t .. ... ... ...... .... .... .. .. .... Laura Wortma n the foundat ion gav e way. The afterno on at 2 o 'clock. Rev. CadGran rtma Enderlv .... .. " .. .. " .. ...... . .. ........... ........ ... ...... ... , Merle Miss Jeanne tte Janney and Ethan Ellis wallade r Kate., officiati Rosema ng Int membe ry's e rm ent in chum ........... .. ...... ..... .. ..... .. .... .. . .. Sernice Murrell rs were e x cava ting. prepara Crane, of Wilmin gton eullegtl. and Miami cemete ry. Lau r a. ellglJlI'ed to Aug ustus ...... .. .... .... " ... ......... , .. " .... Helen Walton Mi8!! Helen Marlatt . of the Eliz!lbe th tory to adding a baseme nt. and it Lu ci Ua. II volunte er nurse · ........... ......... ...... ..... .. ... .. Lorene Warrick is though t they und vrmined the I Gamble Fan ny. th home. e se rgeant' of Cincinn s swee ati, th ea rt are .... .. " ..... ... . .. Teleph ", .... Marie William son one dati on, wh ich gave way. The Wayn. •_ _ _ _ sville, _ 41 Ohio _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ spendin ll' their Easter vacatio ns at ___ ___ _- J home \I.arlha and M~ry: th e t wi ns ........ .. .. .. .. ... ..... " ...... ) CIR~~hB back part of the church was dama· M~~~!~ Given. a 8eCeS~ I O Tllst ." .... " ........... . .. ." .. . " .... " . .. ......... ... Rea ged when about fifteen feel of the Stacy Nor ah . a house maid ; ... ..... ... ..... , ... . .. ...... ... .. " .. ... Mildred _ _ ___ _ _ brick fell into the church. and the Dunham Aunt .Iinny. Rosema ry 's mammy .. ......... .... .. .... .. ... " .France First Sunday after Easter, Church Juno. a r Ull llway slave ., . .. . ...... ... ... .. .. ... ...... ....... , ....... .. Ruth sJanney ' Scnnol at 9.30 A, M. Sermon and Gibbons Fortuna lely the Qff"ir hapllen ed The Se r.reRnl ........ " ... ..... .. .. ..... . . ........ , ..... " .... . Virgil Retal\lc _ _ ____ _ _ _ _~_______ k early in the mo r n ing. and no 'one Holv Commu nion at 10.30. The Th e Ca\ltain ...... " .. ...... .... .. .... ... ...... ... ..... public .......... cordiall y invited to t heRe· Curtis Thomps on .----.-.. . ... _ -. _ • .- -- - Mr!! . Soames . th e Captll in '!, mothe r .. ... .. ... .......... Florenc e Ptlaume was hurt T ht! pa'S tor. R ~ v , Knei8- Rervices . r ley, w a~ lin his WIW to th e erliflce . when i l c I,U"p~,;!t j. RelJ ~ irs are beinle m,lIh' 8 ~ rapidly a9 poasible . .. _"'. .-.._.. . ---
U {iOCAL l iM. E. GHURGH ~~ElVINaf :
--- --_.- --
-- - ---- --- -_. ,
------ ...
79 c
---.. -----
St or ag e Ba tte rie s
Willard Rubber Thread
I attery
R os et ,., ar y"
Fr ida y Ev eni ng , Ap ril S
F. D. HA WK E ~-
~ii :;-~~ ;~; ;;;;;;;;;;:~~iiiiilili~l~~w_a~d~mg~ Il--~~~ ~
LU_M BE R ..--- -~
\' ' ,\ 11'
l·uildin g prot)lems may
~". "
: 11 HIU - hut to us, ',.1,,' I: !) l'l t,'n ' t elday for .all -these \ C,tr.; Ita vc bt't:n l<' arning aU
, that is best 'n buil'lings and ·
mater i Js, it may be simple.
. 'I,ellls' hl'lp Y(lll . \\'e consid er that pat:l of our job- and withou t any extra
, obligations. .~ 'We are all convin ced now that ev" err f~~~I.~. ~hOUld own its own home.
Buildi ng is going to boom this sprin g-. but no matte r wheth er it is a' new home, a new b'arn or simple little 'repa rs-we are here to help you, and . our prices are ri~~t. . ~~ us .e stimat e your job..
K-.h(te and Yell~w. Pine, HardWoods, Red Cedar Shi~gles~ Sash Doors. Also Roof. . . . . . . ·ings, Bulldlrig Paper, Limel Plaster, Cement, etc. . .., . • ..' See ,w first
W .H . M.AD DE N & ·C aM PA·N Y·
---.- ..
The Warren County Teache rs' associatio n will m eet III the NatioOi d Bank buildin~ in Lebano n, on Saturday. April 2, 1921. The followlnll' prOll'ram will be rendere d: , " 10:00 Music Invocat ion . .', Rev. C. H. Clerke . Music 10:20 Filteen. minll t.e Talk .......... . ...... .... .. Prot. H. S. Carroll 10;35 Address ........ ! .......... ..... .. . ...... Ho~ . Vemon M;RieA 'el
1:15 Music .; 1:30Fl fteen·m intlte Talk......... ..
·······_· :····frof . N. P. Blatt
1:4l! Addreea ............... ...... ROD.
Thla Ia the teDdance.
....... ..
Vemon M. Wapi
tor 100" at..
•• •
NOTICE • •• 1
We are now in a POSItIon to· take care · of your ' needs in the I
O"'lf!\-··ERFARMMAGHINER¥ Also -a Full Line of Rep airs
I ._
... -
Tbe '
flu'lll t
Hn. \\ Itill . I ltl ! t!\' ~ n n I!" r I:nll'r ,hlll\P~tI mlO ht>r U':': "III '·!·t'r..r . .. J'wu y !r,III)_ tl),·
HtI~1I 1 1y IUlO tile t1lt'llIl'lII~. lilt'
on:r , WO I' l ' l~~\urt.'\I,. ,uld the
rlnh1 '
IIH'JUH.'t ng shndow U\' , 'r her l'4\\ t'pl he\ tll'nrly orr h(lr fL'1't . J(,'j:lna lll h url ('o~rw , 111\1 only to IIsulll 1'HlIl I'.PtllU.'h ll"tm. hll t In f,: t ' l IH' r ! I "Stnnll h~' S rd \ 111 1UI1 tl f t lh' Lurti ,"
l1 .. r Ildlitl wt'n l hnoH'tttn t,·)y to )wr flllh,"', hut ~ h(\ 11111 t ilt' lll·lu~ht o f h 1111 11\\1\ ' . fur lilt' f l Wl1I In Ih, ' r rt t' \' 1I1. IIUII'II 11111\'1' .. !t ' lId, ·r Ill n n " rl ah P,\ \,HI1 ·~ l' r. 1','Iull ,\ hHY I'1l ... 1111 :"I1t'1't, hi ~ (1It' l ' IUI"I\I'd 11'\\'ll1'l1 lilt' \\111 1, ~\l Ht 1\l1Inlllt' l
If Nnt' Roma"c~ of th~ Stcmro Country
.. quutl ,'d thl'\ 1\ ,lit 111\' (ont ~Ir t ill' fw d. k l •• 'p lll ~ IIH ' ,ittrk I\J.:tll',· in tht' t f" '~ In Ita' li llt ' nr Ih 'l' \''''- Iull . Silt , d a rt·" lIul GRACE MIllER WHITE I,'u\ I ' Ih,· r "pll l, hH" dnn'd .. III' l'n ll ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;2.~ I lint. 11 1)\\ I If1 P II Il l' . .101111 hllt.l lold C_lt1 rwbt by t b tl t L .. I Conlpany, · , I Ih'r tl 1ll1 h is hroth l\ r 1II11 .. t lw k "llt fr' ·.. · , I 1' 1'0111 :-.htwk~ d( , . \ ,' I' )' "Int l. 1· 1'1' lI ll ,lth£'r tl' ll 11I1Il\11t '~ :ch~ !t'nu,-'d ht'r f'hlu Then att er dinnt" r !lft u!'>lInl I nllnlt ' t'l, ,'u Ih'r humt , ~1i11 ~.,, ·pln,.: hl'r t.· ~' t\:-O 11 11 t lUl Willdo\\" , TII, 'II :oollt' :-11\\' t ht-' with OUS/lle P lgll'I tn ht'r nn ns, tlllll,'r or II \\Isturln hrHIH'h n~nlDst frOm t he B ible, The clock " ,' "r!, \" th p S(' ,',' I' I\ lind kill ' \\, Ihut tIlt., hour when ~he arose "o t lly :, utl ,,~"' I" lind \ 'l)l ll t' , "\1It1 tll\'r tt.'lISt' ~ t lt-n l'e fo r prepRr~ t or thE' nl cht. J: ~' fl , t-' ,,:~ ~{" ' ''I'ltl IllI!Hltl '~. t lt ,'n B " ttlr :ot' rU l )t u}: breathi ng of t he 0 1;. 11 on ,: U! 1,,·.1 " I)!, 1 ~tlllnd n~ It a shu.!J' 111:-olrU IIl t1 lll w u~ linn' he wos II 51E'E'I' . :l nd fiS Q
,'I n ~ I mouso sho cr <'pt : " 11 111 "" rll y "f' a B not to a rou"E' h Im. ThE' "\IIII' dlrf'l'l ly ba ck or Paul Pendl~hll\'l'n'. ha d 1,E'E'n el ven to ber. She wen I tn lo h" r I'e ll , room lod millIe r!'ad, t o r!'ti r e, T he n over h er nIgh t r obe she drl'w " ll!1hl IIlmono. She tumc,l otT th .. l'l~c lrl ~ s.... lch Ind s tood He"r Ib,- wlnd o ..· l o"k ln~ OUI. H e r hCli rt SKng w illi ICl lIdnp~" . She ba d but 10 h" tl r ll en h lll'k 10 IIH' afte rnoo n to hea r a d1!8r vo lc'e I "lIl o~ her or a g rl'nt 10'1'. love for h ~ r, Ton · llibel De voo. Row ver)' much s he hlill to be thankful t or I Suddenl y s h e s nw t.he lUll t r('e Ill· rectl)' In ('ront ot Dr. PRIII' II r" olU shake 88 tr II 1(111 11 1 hllncl W;;-rt' "' 1I 1r h· tn ... at HII r OO f;;: It nw ,·c..:1I1. t IIIn.1 he? "
mu\'tn..: o ",\r wlrt'.
Sume Ollt! WUI!S t ry·
SOU 1111
II I leugtb cea sel"
to rw urd ~h o\'e
he r h ead .
T lllln lb.1 SIlW Ih ut III(' w ll'e nc ttlo!: ho ,l heen r lil l,..d ru lly u ~OOI, a nd lh",n 8h, ~ gn w II 11111111 1lI0\( Ilttl ll by lit tl e th rou lt h I h., O l't'fllll ~. Ull l li a long an D W 8" t ull y llls lup l ile r oom. Ton y . wnl ched 11, fllsdlln led . Th en . he IIlW II WR Vt'r to ward t h. table. Ilo u"e, open .lDd 10 ), som e Itt t le ill' lI e l8 down w Ith · o ut a sOllnd. T ben Inng whILe IIn&ers tlre w urr thQ \'OI'PI'~ or th e glaME'" 1I0Is(>lt',s ly li nd l'l c~ell uP. the pellets .m o
nft ... ,: IJ n n 1h!,,' r
corrlol or lint! l'UlllJe,1 soW), Oil J ohll Clolil l'S, .101111 WI'lIt I'c l lI lI ~huven' s O\lllrtl llenIH. T w ir l' sh t! , Ii lou r or th" hous,·.
IItH l
he r 8UIlUtio n s til ne r vou s tt ltlt!
r pPtlH te d
to fmel the p ill! \'
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,," I
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1'1 1111
"~l '1.,' t 111111
.'\' \ ,.
Proceed ln JrIl 1, 1
t'~ t H't·
If you can't find what you want in you r own home tow n-
l·:lr l t'~h. I ,t'" N · :! U, I :-;11 ' 111 ~IHI " , 'I I
():--" tll
( " f' r'
Iw ·" d -c I ·) l'
r " ,·,' 1 .. h lp,
Come 't o
The Metropolitan at Dayton Excl usiv e Rep rese ntat ives lor Fashion Par k and Kup penh eime r Fine Clothes Thro ugh our large buyi ng' vo1um e of Fash ion Park
and Kupp enhei mer fine cloth es, we assur e every man a large stock, a wide assor tmen t, and a great er inves t· ment for his mone y.
Noth ing old here .. -noth ing held over from last
seaso n's clear ance sales ; you'll also get the advan tage of reduc tions here at the start of the seaso n; we and the manu factu rers have mark ed our cloth ing on a closeto-cost hasis in order to help bring them clown to a sound foundation.
The New Low Leve l Prices Are:
of cOllr .'~. he 1 ~ Ii't Ill'llllk."
• • • • • • • • -I I< ' or 111 11 11)'
Hegl nnltl
Mi nu le 1\1 1\. :W lind :·H 11
t holl ght llTot he \\"l\lltl nCI'c r ('ensc he lli li hUllDlctl hy ' I" '" Y Oe,·oo '. ~illrl t. H e dar!'tI 1101 Itl'l liP, (or Ilc \VU ' (·ov· d ",Jt h h r u l.rs frum h ts t a ll. all d ~~~ed In biB 11;1.,,,·)'. h Imnglnl~1 ('\'. e r y tl ll ir I he door olJclI~d h I' go>Ing to be orre~II·t1. B ut 110 such Ihllllt hnppelle d, lind 0 111' ufl" r lloon wh en D , r . ,Tohn \\'IIS ~nnl' I1nt! hili, lIIuthe r nnd Kn l h £'rllll' were sh(' l' pillg d own· tOWlI, he crnw l pd ollt of he, l nnt! mude hlA 11'11)' , oft ly from th e h OIl" . Urlnh nr " on hl1,1 1' .. nlllrNl hll cl< to Ihl' 111l ~lIol .. 1.-Ilh hi. ,'II nil I bOllt, so " 'hen n"~ n " It! Ill')lrnrecl nhnonl her D('I'on 1111'1 hi m with n growl. " WllI'n' In II - I you .heen nIl -llllslime, n('~e?" h p d£' lll nnilNI III 11 si nister t one.
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Try our Job Printing
"Cold m the Hea d"
"1 w as going to sl ip back t rom the window 8111 t o fh e trec." fa lte r ed Reggie, "nnd Tony: gbost rose ·up befor I! me and Sh OH" m e c l ~,n art the
Ola ssiB ad Ada
O NEY Tv LO .IN ON ~' ARM S at 69'; in t ere. ' r,)r r, 10 1(,," 8. l'e tre l\ & . Ter, 1' \1 . it" ..l Ea. I·llt e I~ n d LOfln s, Wil mlul!to n, o.hlo . Ph o ne 301 m 1I1.tt
Empire Type Foundr y, Bufflllo , N.Y
Eve rett Early
Feed Grinding a Specialty,
Lytle Feed Mill
Grllb. C h aln. 10 or 12 f t . long, be tw~e n m y r esiden oe lind W .B, !:!quires ' h o use on M ~ in tit Fin d e r Pepto·M angan Restnre s Vigor ple 8se n o tify W. S. (irah'lm , Way. A Really Wonde rful Tonic nllBvlll e. Ohio, lind r ocol VB your Purities and Tones Up the Blood reward . 116
(ull ",l) ., ..... $1 4.60
"I • . 2-eolnr rfbholl , 4&,
Hay, Straw and Feed.
I t tak e s v l t a lUy t o e u ooeed beoll.u. ,
or 1 J.
O N E Y L OIID e d o n live 1I,00k; oh atte ls , 1\180 leoo u d morlgs l.( 81 . N .J5Be bo n ~ ht . J ohu H u rblne , Alla n B u ildin g, Xenia Oblo. 6 4.21
8U 00 6S8 regul·r es h ard w ork .
Uudor'ol' (}()(l No , " ou,,~ulor rll>l)4 'u . . l~ OU U llt1erwood .. , l ·cu lor rlh . iHt.ck . IJll~ r 62 , OU ~o Ho ya.1 No . I . on e,c.1Jor r ii>oou ".. .. \,oyal No . ~ . 3..,ol"r ,I boou . .. ... 3a.cHI .3 U tJl1Yflr No, 3 . , 'l ~ 00 OIJH, r NC), 3 . :O n , $O Oliver N o 9 " 3~ 00 M UII. r elt ,.~ S . ' 7.&0 Smlth· P rrunl.rI O. Llll ot ype ](0, n ,bullt 9 ~ .o O Gu. rant - ' In good 'IUd CO " IIHI" u rean y for loDg hard Aer\'lce, Sut I. tacl lou. \1Kuaran· or pu rehue price ... l undO<! . Which II • • "III you hovo. lUll. or .mall . OnlO,. Oiled prom pII,. lUbbon• . • uy oolor or oolora , lor m aJceol &1.,,111".0... I l>cdoUver . St a'o mike an<\ model . Cubon pt.llllr IlI1roo.lbox ot 100 I ll'" t. . • 1. 95 d eUveroo.l .
Flour, Fepd, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains 'and Self-Feeders:
liemlog Lou N o
Hem ln a: ton No. I
An ad . in thi s column is a s ure sale
Others at $25, $27.50, $30
- --
n li ve reI."
Wond er Some Folks Have a Hard Tim e Getting Ahead
11' «1 11 \ 1' ''' " I " •
l{ oIl'l!I. " ,
R I'~IIII' ~hlltldcr ...l, us he s llnk d ow n O on ' the hendl. "I'm ~oin~ l' r n7.y: ' he m uttered, s nn neuI£, IItl nc k o C N a u l Cata rrh, ' T\'!' h('en o\\'r ul slek." 'J'ho~ p ~ uhjc>ct to f requen t " colds In uYou 1111'1111 JtI!'tt llrunk , ~to n ft you '? Ol<ln 't )'011 try ,lolli' w hn l 1 told you tl'" h('''II'' w Ill fin d Ih llt tbe use of l-i ,\LL 'S ('ATA IU(I1 M EOl';IN E w ill 107" b uild III' the S)'s te m, cl eanse th o B looll 'I'h p h"y nll,hll',1 11 1111 shl\'erec l n gnln. 11111 r entle r the m l e~8 II nlll e t o colds. .. t SU J'P ,11ft hut, hut - 11 (I'pen l d ntl"cl,s oC Ac u t e Clltllrrh "Hut wit " I," 1',Ieil D ('\'on. m a y Iplld 10 Ohr onlc Ca t nrrh. HALL'S CATAR RH M EOICIN E Is "I PUI I li t' ~ I utT In 1110' lII e d lci ne nil ri gh t. hut s"liwl hln ~ h nppPII(,(1. " n,-g' tn t;en Inl ern nlly nnd nets throu gh tho fnnl cl'M " olrp \\" n ~ l ow bn cl w fl \' t' rlng Dl u" d 0 11 th e Mucons SlIl'fnce s of the SYSI1'm. Ihlls re d ll clng t h e 11I01lmmnus h I! finl ~ II\ 'tl Ih p Slltl me n ! "W hnl IlIIp»('II"" I ?" reilC!lIled Del'on Uou n lld res turlng 'n ormn l c ondItion s. All d rug j(ls !s. Clrcu lors free. llOo l·sel y. "Doo't sit t here li ke n tI-<I F. J . Che ney & Co,. T ole do, Ohio. f ool olltl lOOk ns Ir you'd s wnllowe d
r, '
lu. \ 11"" '- ~Vl ll l ', .. I :1
~ " ~" ~ , I ~ IS \ r '. ! J I , I ' l' ,' rl l , r
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Curl Is
1001\ tll l ll
l; ~od Kradl' . lI't'i!:: ht s I l)
1' 1'
,1.,1111, " ... hl ' 1"':':1111 . .. Htly · ... ll"' I ' h \ .. I ~ .d I I~ ' 1 I ' ~ " ' I i', I , , ; l I' " d ., ·' lw: 11,' ..:,,!,I (1))' ),,11I lIfl l to 1 101" '" ,, ' ' 11(' li , P. '" H , 111 \\ I 1,II' b l l . .. " , ,1 11 1' III h llll , hilt tll .. I-:I\'C' Tll .\Ul'I tu rt , t: . ~' " .. "" "'h!nJ!' t it IHlIl'; l' h Im ~I("l'p. Mot '1t' lI till ~' ifo kt\ rln r til l .h""rgf' "I , I" , oil'lI nk ," 0I"'"111 11" fl Pcn.lI e- '" t i l t ,t'O " II" " 1' " 'J H , fl , 111 1.-:0 11 " lJI I T 1\ \V II ,V II" 1''''\1 tI .\ 11'" r'lIt'Ii" ht ';':u u to c ry , Ann\.' l ~ilo l" ",. t. , \V P , H llv. lI'rt, ''.f olill . how \ln kln<l!" ~ he !'>i\ tmf' \l fl'oUl tl \ ~' hu\,t~ n or ht.·r IHtlHl kf"t'("hlet . " eo. 7, T :.I. H r, i ll W , ,' IlP T w p, $ 1. "T lu\ mOIll (·m t th, ~ child j'on lp i llt n ~ C\'\1 IIr \" t-I nq llJ£ rL t- u t 'lan:, Tn,',,, . \)\,yhQdy nt't:l1 Fo (\S hl111 of tlrlnklllJ, :, 1\0, . lot. N .t Jll l l1 Sprltli.!h ,u·, , . t
t(,~.• rd Iltf ll ily In .... ct , \ Q rtu l'~ d by Ihe
I" ,
A tll ' l "'II'I 'I IV,
011 '1 'II
• I' ., . II.
AI n l illi,
Re n l Eatate Tranfen
1)1'" ' ,. ; ...:, IIP l1 ~t '
f, ,. .I' "p· l'>'U','j'
\\' ill sel l a n \' IIl1l1 d.cr Im ll l 10 t o
\ V . 1:1 . ~i e1!f rt 6t1 10
I', . ,
1t' Il .. t llud ti uttl HCQ') U llt n ppr llv~c\ .
11i1I1'tl ,
.... ,
I :.n heat!
~ '1 1
1, Ill u Itl ' , ft. ,. I' nf r ll" t':oI l t\lfl 01 h 'i III!~ ri KTVt'y l'u rn p hf' 11 Tn l l\ nr
T tl h'll hll1l w ho WII"; \\011\(1111 1'1In to I ln .' uk t l )l~ oIlIl h foiht' hat l lUnd ..., thO
" 1' 1' 11
nil ; uj , p r n \"' ll
" ' o u l(l y,'\! kil t"" If ~' qll !'Ill\\' h i m 7 " • ""p i 11 ' 11 TOll~·. Ilnrtctlug- . hu t
, 'I,," " '" Io~r mOlhl'r, ,\ I ~f i d kno('\{ hrtlll J.!l \t I h e ('on \' (lr~a11 011 1" :1 I'In~ l' . ~ I I'~. Curtis wH!" li t ' 1lC' 'hi' ·hlli d witI'll 1','1, .11"1 111\' ",, opl ·n ·
.• ' :
Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, ring .l
o u.·B~ E.
HATH W A !:iome day s yo u got al oug all r igbt. Otb e r t imo. you havil to II t r a iu lind R o om Flat on Main atreet. In y o u o{e rexe rt yonraol f. When th a t "y",y_r ille'. loa ..." l n" I le,,~I~ t «I ulr e " t &wyer ' , W ay ne Mat' . happen s, y o nr 8J' tlte m Is overta x ed. k e t ,. W a yn etlvH1e, ' HIke hI a lt ltl 6lt RI(l~ o.blo. . \1 ~' n t:l t 116 It ell o w8 fir e; In t he bl o lli:1 . The o ver ~xe rtion 011 nll~S :a n inoreas e In wa ste mat5Br . The bl o od , s trn ggles WANTED t o tllk e oare o f i t nIl. I1ra d u ll llv t b e p o iso ns In I.h o wlIs te lu o r e n s e 1- 0 0 ' ANTED -. r ll rko y rUll t fo r the bloOd EII::Xs T h eo t he b lo o d· hn d GOO~\I J!;" g 8 t or Hn t,obll' l( . Mr H b iloo m es o logged. ' F irst tbi n g y on know y o u fee l "l! 'A d ", G. \,t\l w lll, ph olJ e 69- 2Y. . We.y. t ired o ut. t:Hjlep d oes y o tlll ttl e good . n ee vill !l,0 I110. . a li Yo u oa n 't eat we ll. Yo u w o nd r WAN T.ED-A Waynesville, U. V OUD I! l"d y ", .. It. w h ut t il a t,r o u hI a 18 r"!1~ 1\ t t h e .PI! I 8 ea R oe til o ra li t , T h o u 1M I b e t i me tn get ~o ",e Pepto. t ' 6 . Mu,ng ,u l, tltl' bl ood b uU d 11l~ t ODl O. u c; e.bus y , f a k e i t fo r IIwh lle ti ll yo or bl oo d hi .. , ti , G oET, 4.. -, K ee p b u sy I s y o u. ol ear,,'1 u p . Y o u ' ll ~oou havepl e n'y jon utl ~~ fe? Ii!' tt. nerrn'n ne nt ? of r iob, r.1l(\ bl oo d .. N o t i ce tho d~A r. Y o n . w u~ t " . \l te 10 DH bnI<IDP~ s. Y on en ce i n your w o rk; Your old . tlm\l oeD g ilt. 10 t O " u nb II' bo~l n o ~" 8fl l' lOll 1.'.EJ , camin . 'en e r gy ~Il ' uru", 'Y o u w in oilt . b~ 1Do r l' than ,\,87 W"tltln l'c/"od '10~~ yo n ar a Ht r oDger . ' ' dlr e o t. t o tarmers If YOD O~UI ou t o or ~ Mil ng" n 18 ~old In t h . II. kfl-ltu Or .olln let ODe; · tf YOD B r ll III'. AT MODSRATE PRICES ---i-It=:=---: ----hlNiiEhR-nd table \ f)r m Thebotabl ets iler 50' /lod oan l i ve bOD Ii wltb p tl r. t h e ijn m e m e dloi o a l valn e snMI s uretlea. WtI baok li qu id.. ,T"lIe e ltb e l' kin d Y" O hl g Be iJIng h.elpt, 1i2 y ean In hu~'. . pre f er . Bu t. b ~ure you qfl~ t b,a ne~", 20.t2.oo,Ooo ulers of our ' pr\'o 9,I»&lcal. J)epartaaeat Il~Dnlbll P e l)t (J, MHUIl!l n-"G u d fl \A .~ oo~ . wl'l\8fo r Informa tion wb .. re S. Dafiol 'fbe t ull n ome, j'(iodo ' P f' (l o.MuD o u 08n , et 1erl'U llry, .T, It W..t. t St. XeDl.; Ohio .aD. " shou ld b e . on the Pllollal ', IIiDe Co., Deparll Deut C., Winona. OPIID ev.lInp b,.&P.POiDt.meot -Adve U ll emoo' •• II,lDDtlO\a. m80
General Repair Shop
Ed. Co Woollard,
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.[~."tE·H . '!• .:'!.' E . .,... Gt
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' " , . 111 \ '. ,
Stoc k Hogs
' 'H'·I" ., I. . ,1 I t 1'01 ( ~ r ,
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rot P' IOP S thaI v eue lr nl ed nr. J oh n'. t n ll " l1 . h ul Iltf'rl' \I'll ' ,,' "I:II " r him s uu nd slumb e r. W hl'n h" reco~l1lzeil ! UI I,y,Wh ere. he r, opt' lw d the doo r nnd UOl t.cml how I Olllilbel rll' l IIU' ,1 ,,, 1' li t 1111 'Ihol white ~he wo s, h e dre w her 11I~l ll n tl)' IIlghl. Hul \,\,I'Y ('IIrl~ '" ,hp 1"""111111/ , to htm and shu t Ihe d oo r. sit., IIrose '"111 ,11 1,".,, 1 1111, ' I'r. l' ulIl ', i n N w een choU"tl ng tpe lll shc bCl:ll n roulII II lId pu t hl\\' k I h., IIlP <I ... ln e D r. \ 10 t <,11 h im the llrea drul tale. As sh' J o h n hnd gin", hN. \\'~I II 011 .. It h th e sto ry tl,e Ihrteoc r 's J1 urlll!: t Ill' 1Il,'rul ng I'r . .r,.hn I 'NlI rOl'l' " re w milch concerne d. ,lI ellll " on <Mil;' ,' nl"r,'rl hN r OOIll. n c 1 " Somebod y'a t r icli to pol son h llO ," ,'UIII,' rOrwHrcl. hi!: hllll '" uul,Irrlc i'l'Il, he ~rl e<l laktnll R 10llg brell tJl. " ~f y h is f"I't' w!tlll' 11 1111 \'\'1'." ;; I'll v e.
111 \ 1' \"
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New S " itB
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1,11hH Khttt-' hn n . "ti ll ll,d"' l r u lr l.X ul [h l l t'~ I ' lt,t' ut' \ \ '.A. - h" ,' I! ' \n.tl t·(· ,t tq,.-d "'Hp tlr ,~~.:.tt, ttl, r f ltwI\t t l' l"'lr fl l ' n , \.
1111\ "
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6C?od ciga rettes for
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\\ 111 1 I111W1 1 1'1111,, 111 1\
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rt'(' t !" 1n fl'II11t o( P r, "fili I. :-;11:' SUlik hu c k ul-!1I1n~t t he tHHJ n od
\\' 11 h
\\' hal 11lI,1 hpr (ut h £'r's pol put Itl I Goll, wh u (:o uhl bl' ~ .. dll1llIHl hh.· H ~ n r . P ltu('~ tIIt'III t.'l n p? ~J1 n utt' 111 ru i ll' thot? Come. ~ f'1 m~ ' 1'" 1114' !'IIIlIT." lItf' Shl' lH't'ulllP mort' Jlt'lltt'iS ~\l rl' t h ot : 1 \1Jr:t' I he,' t llpy !o'((,I\, \'f ll'l~ ttl T I)n lll no l(ocll1 hnd ht'en I n ten~et!. SIII,nIl Y bel's rOOIl1 IIllLl Dr. J" I II ·,"TIo'<I IlWII Y Rh t.' t ook up th e gIK~~eH n nd \'o r rlet' thp lU edldne wltll h l1 I h'u\'l ll~ Tony thpm t o h~r D\\' 1l N)('tru , T hen sh e sli pwith 11 cau tion Ii' " I" "'1'1'lIk 'If till! lh'ci o ut In t o th e h u ll , run ulul lll th e , murlpr t o h !~ Ibroll 1t' I', l 'U ! fl uJ: ~ '" hlR
Ing I.' 1;1'1 Ill . T()lllllhel crn " 'led ror· \\, un' O TI lll'r l(1h! l'~ 1101 11 s h ~ w us d t· \\'ollel!. Th" serlllJlll!:
DUR HA M t obacco make s 50
1 couhl hn\ '
,._--- _..--
1i11 ~lr lly .
ttlt' tllltl r,
1"' 11
ttme stl(fs
,.In " ~·
I ht' ).!ardl'lt IIt·I,,\\". 1{1~ \\'n~ pllrnlY7.l 'd . t\y t ilt' hlll ~'.i n)! ,.~'t'~ IlIHl UIl' l ll l 'lour," Ihut 1t. 1' hnd~ IIi' 111 1'\ Io! h lJ~t ·~ l rl \YUH I .... 'lllI f·\\·h,·r' · b. ·ln·a fh tll('\ IIronl} :-;\I1' (ll"(' ,,( L nkl' ( ':l) 1I\.!1l. TIl IlIli1 l l'l ht':lrti 11 1m tHnd tin tlw sot t ~r;l "'~, :tlld r~) r II ft' " :-;t" ' I))I'\:OO ~h ... ~ to,1{ 1 1'11 1\1111': 1I1-!'1I11 1;,:t tilt' "! IHhl\\', rll t· " Hh (>. Th r ough the Break In the Netting S he "lth,ln'\ \' Ih' l ' 111' 11\ Hnd l' rotldll'(t 110wn T h .. uttt H er F ltIt.
cll'!;-l' 111 lilY III' r If :-:11t' ('0\1 "1 tluve bl.."-II tli lidwi l. Till' flilt mude ill 1 SiCK , lOv e 1H.' I'n lit \ll'J p \ t'I'
.. Ih)l n erll~l'O 111'1' lOI' I\lrt ' d
s,l\Il, nlHl tht-'Il I hrt,u s,:h tll f' bl'l' ak In rhe \dn' n~l\ln).! ~ I\(" 1l lI'tI ~ t Iwl' (·I.'nl'l..,l l n !"l. Ht 'glnn!ll wUk ,I", hltH' :-.iI,' "::1\'" him wllh\l\lt Jil l ;Jlld ll,h· .. \1111 1\1 :lltd rl.'11 IInd\\\'l~nl itUt )
J.."·l1nll\11 ~
Ill e
, "·(,trullp{ ) 1'ltl~l~ U ~l(JW ~1lI111'
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"ltIIl R, )'0 11 t l\o l ! Th 'f(! 11 111 '[ ~ 'I"h Ihlnl:< ru; )lhn-ll . :· · Ityf'~. Uw rl! I:, Df'I\oll ." In~ l..: ft,d Ilea· Gle. In u tlrellry I IIOlintfUh !. " r'\'f' S('f'1l one 1 T' \' if. ~Q Ton ). '1 t: uy, HIHI I lInl1S
,,' U £:(1\1'10 ,1: lulu lh 1 (tiN: or I1 pg lll:tl11 lit Ilw ~ll )t cl q,,' IHul 11(-'1'1'1'" t hl'llll,:h tln\ ' Brown. )n~t il l\ll\"!'4h r~co.c:nlr.~d him. ..:. ' 1"" n , '11 Ih '''t.' :'IH IlII1:.: 11 It' lh·!t"'ll l ll ,l: lind nll thl' tf'I"'U~ tlf thot au}, \\'lI l'l1 ht· ' 'II·U111'h,· .. WII"" Ih,1 ' tu lt't ti~llrl' Ilf 1\ lllJd her bru{ul (Iuhc!' had LIIaU:t·" .,
Sheltering Pines
~ "~
hi h \1I111. flroulIII hi' 111l",
' I,I..,\\' .111<1 Im "k hilI' ......1111.' 1111 1 II ' · ~ I"wl )' ,,' ltllllruwt l . IlIt'Oc ll)' bl'lIl'Uth , '1'111' 1111'" IIllllit hlllll' !1 I1IUIlH., rl,(j : 011' wlmIO\\'. TIII1 IlIlI~1 r oo ~ liP, . . 1 ,11 .,,1\ 111011\ 1' \I ... ~11"'1 1 tl1l1l1' wit h h~ ,.' TIII're I hrull)!h t1w rnlm 1I::lIl ~hc ttl:III't tr I' h ' llId lH' ;,:1" ... 1':-:,
f\nrl ~ruwq
\1 ....· 11;1"
of tire
t 'l'f"~\\ 1I~II'f
" 1 .r.· ..T...
The M iami GazeU e, W aynesville, Ohio. _,
~ S
_.' ..,. ' ... IUUSSS! ).,.~~~ 1
yOU"~IIIr '
ed .Correctly•••• Fitted . "
1"'' I F\FANY'S
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1"0 1' 1,)80'\ "
I~ utu rurl I, (h U jl,"tl hl1h'(1 at \\ (IY U t"HVW. , hili AI. S'-'<:{Jw 1.. t 'hUco ~h. 1I )ltu W I' I
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It l "I
O ur Calendar APRIL
5ln 11m Tilt ~ TIlJ
1921 fn
No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky . Strike. Because Lucky Strike Is the toasted cigarette:-
Ii .
r '/.
~ ; Uj 1:-. !J 1·. ,I· 'd , II lI d H,.T;) v l'n
" "
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1 •.1
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\ 11" ... ~· r '" : k I, i-h u rl '" Wr\ ~ suop. p l !l ~~ ·n I lIP ' lllrqd l . l I t! Thnl'''4ti I~ " ' 111 " 1 \\" .. t~ k
M I, ... t-. U CIWIIII . wh u h ' l~ bOt! n ~I) !'liar. lI .n- ly "I .' k fnr He V,,1"tI I dILYM. IS I II .\lO(h l. I.n b.. mucb IUlprovea lit I th '" wrJlll1 K. .
17 18 19 20 21 ~! 2J !4 25 26 27 f8 29 JO
vi~ bQ~
' " . .1... ....•. Dol been quite _ jI 'l ," lJ'u rer r'Jr ~"vu rtll Iltt.y ~, bu t lit tt"" Iltue 1M t, b "u ~ b~ , 0 be pnn,,. 1]] " .1' tt build up 100 .. 6 1r · nclau o ~ . 'I'll .. b,H I"r t l It, h UH 0 ' IIJ t:! .... 11 "0 If Y"O WIIUt . • "lot '01111 "0" lit ~ u" d:, v :-;lIh OII I o r I h .. r ulo fo t seve ro I h oun 00 ' uo. t ·huwl!. y uu rul1~t pal. ~ o nJ e j./l e". 'H " rill Y n 'ld ", r /li~i'd I,ll .. ~1, rA AOJ. 011 I bl' h OOk . "" t·" "y will be('oUle - - - - .. - - In tcres t .,d . Uur oo h on l t~ ollllr' o/{ It ~ (Ind. An u .. wu rd 1,0 ':lIe "'iKO " o uul ,1 hI) Hufll. (l '"nf . T .. Ilur b ',ottrflb le ijob0 11 hoolll "",ulrJ ~" .v, Ke l. bUMv li nd e m. M I~tI I{ Hrhrya tJ lll rk i~ b Olll o frow !)Ioy , h e Mtlme 001 p8 Itf IOfL(1 b er R. Mltltld UOIVf·t~tt.V. ~j./e ndlug ElI8~er I )Ut "otlo"l b at! o,we r ,Iooe better ' Vrl O" tl o n, tb" "ob>}l"r.. li k e I he l Ollobe r8. "')f~ lI\r~ . 13 . T. V,o e 111111 dflullhter 1" lI oh e ro II ke pc b I} Jllr~-thHv b live !(.uoe togeth e r on I·h o 60.50 blls i •. Iron.·. " e re D"y l olt vl.ltu rs , Tbu r,,: 1 b e fnor youog t,tla ObAr t! put life dIL J'. A utlrlOlLlI of c. utlb ed stone WUII iot" o ur tow n. "od we are I1W. V ah ort li D I,bat Ttll' r eqaired num. put n o tha r Ollda ber e. 'fbnrllday. he r lo r hol.-lInK down tile etor " Mr . Bnd Mrll. rlarry MoGlools ~OXtl8 II re fL wuy "b ""d of. t he u mouo t ~pe OI '('borsch."y and f"lday 10 Bell. flepded . 0 0 lut's nVlLiI oursel ... eK of brovl! wlt!l t h e 1" II,er 'lI MI~i(! r, Mu . In In' vn fff-lo . tt.VI tlk. ' ,"" th,l t, we o lin hRV P :-i.· I1I ~ t)uw ~rd . w bo b.8 b UA O ver " J II '.. "' ~I··, f,,...,,., f n I n} . " t 11I al n ... p ill -
Aj./ri l I - A!I I,'"ol's Day Apri l a - Low:-,unday April 10 · 2<1 Sunday li ft er 8ast e r Ap ril 17 - :~ I'O S u nriuy a ft e r ~ unduy April 21 Arb"r Day Aj./ril 23 - . h, wi ~ h PHMSltVel' April 2·\ - 41h S und ay flfl e r ~aR ( e r
HARVEYSBURG Ji~LJ r .. IIU) '" tHIl t" th l r t") li 'I" IlittHl I.• O()ut ..~1. rUUllln~ 10 I,b e 1\1. Ii: .~uItlIIl Y !:jeh u" l. bu' ," "IlU t h o Iud l " .,,1 ~ e". th"uutu Hc iJ p lu fS TlJ~ " fli P '1" IO ' JIJ .
\ \ II " U fi ,d " rt' ,t kh O I' I Z t'lO", YIJU tl ' H.l h tlt&. ltb
fi' ,,,yd ~" v" lle n nrJ femtly bave movprJ 10 Rnh!'rt· f r iend ' 8 fenAnt hOU '/I, rpo IHI ), V" O" leu b v W"lt.n IU _ t t ' iJ. II I. th I. t- ro \Yf" rtt 1111' (;iebIHlrl, 'lud tamll .V. w h'!) m o v!ld o .UK ' I l lI n 1i tt t u ttl ., lr III ' d ..3 ur oot)k . u"ar tho ~olllillrs ' \:i nm o. Mo olgom . IIII! Il', ..Hl_. 'Jr hOliln!! wIlI.or , but ery oo uo~y . tU 'i Y WIlli I .,1 It III IL bO ~ I. letl~ lik e AUbur White m a de " boslne8s "'''Y. tw ,1 "" Iwn I Utl UI ·· rtU "'~II t!pmlid &rlp '0 uayto n, TburRday. be fur(' thl' '', HI.. IlIfllll ~ W(' re s orA Mr . En08 R 'lgera r etorned hon ' e, prl t't'ltJ 10 fj' lIl • Vt· ' ,\.' t bl UR fi ll I.HI1J1.• W.,dooBd8Y, .. fter 8pend log a weelr tltJl ~ ~II ltj ";,,, ltl, " J w Ofl(ll-'r wh " .. ith ble S' IO. 8berml10, Itod Wife, ru ll ll,' lit II " ... ,,<1 ,'1\ Iw ~. 1 IllInk il Dear Ferr .... wru; l IS \Hl lt·, ' . U Vlt0 4 11 0.N\\11 0 Mrs [arRel ~uttertbwaltt', of WilY, bit kt ' jl lh UI '\1111 , , \\ ('" kt: P Y, , ~, 11 nenlllll, apoo' ol\turday with ber Wa. :- A"I " l'" lh·lJ 'nrd I'll"" HUIlt'1 d"urMer, Yrs. L . M. SIfJ\8 aod ftl Ud 0 ke IV " ~ tlll t'. "bo III HdO It·? famIly . Fr" UI! t. 11 ',rrl , llIurt, · Ih 'lt The d ... vil 'l'I to ,"! 1lt1~t-1 w .. .. ti l " beral J Mr. and Mn F o reet ~Nham and ... v ... .· {I tt, 11' 111 h. ' tlIU (lb l N d ," lJrB }, d"ugb~erll w ere Eaupr vl81'on 01 b. ~ I ..j I,u,", Th, .. htl n c oo k - I bill!, .\Ir and Mrs. Hh er m!Oo Dyobe 10 In \!vb r lit b,·I I," . , II I I, ~ I UI( whll f' 06ylon ' Oll kt>~ I· AIIJ· I L .\1~r' II I ', I"ol! Hui l Mrs W. W. RI)~et8 . of Lebao'ln, -hl1 0'11111, ,1. I... b""t. I'h .. hi oko r v. ~ rJ<;ut Tburs day wt,b Mrt!. Rl1lpb 001 OItKe IN_I! mu oh e l j .'YllcJ. 110t! E Lewl!!, M Lok tlntl bHh ctl It-. The clJ ru 0811,· Oiok MltRon. 01 Bellbrook. is IIpeod. Willi stlooud tn a o a e Ra d Wth' htt li ed oo mm " f] ~. Ing Il lew d .. YM wltb Mr . BOa Mrs. bv H"rr~' H Tuck~r . tor m erl .\' of Mr 11. ,,1 Mrs . P. B. Cleover ar Cbllrltlll C lark K.!Ot.u oky. w b e re m' rn 00 k .1I nre rlv ,',l I. " " " f ro. u Ak Peler~ borl(. 4f,A lorge crowd o f aellihbors lind b n k fl ll n rll1 "l ltnir~(l" P r" fllpt, tWT . Fi ll. n it . I'hnr~d ' Y. ..ftl' r "BV ral frl e."ds "t.tentlelS the " belling" lit Y 108 W ' l ti I t' lI ll '" at! I b elr (l'U '1t'1 t" hy ID"nl.h . ' V " O ttlo'" . Tbey Ilr" hotb t b p h o fl't (, o f Albe rt ~tno .v. Wedues. , ..J UOK ,",ollP j urH I t I bl' !-"c huli l 10ll k lui/ n ,lI', 111111 "[,parent,ly t h e tr ip day I'veutog. AHe T tb ll apllellr. Alte " th u I I · tJdll '~ (Jrnw .. ,. ... It ,t tl hC'~lJ W'lS b" Jj r /l oial. Iln oe o f the bride and gruom-Mr. Oo n!41It tt Tt1 t l th r . lullb. t,11PU J( W n)oa UJ) Mrll l:n ru 1I . "ri ll wflllu,J vo b " me ,,1).1 Mr ... Rtl.lle ll Borne'--IO nd aft.er ' U tb tt W UIl ,,, , t·,' rl·u lll th n Itldl H~ , "a, I It t." ' ,k m t' "t,," , j./h v.lod <1ud ~I} tn .. fl'''' " ".1'-. (rlllil t h e ~o u l h. wh ere ooogr.. loIRtl u n~. we were lovlt.ed 10 &.Ilrl "II e nj oyod the sooial t ime uod o.K I " 'r ~ U.:11l1II o rn ••r ro ti l) t. Prolt . slw hu~ IOpfllH I he winter. Mr lind Mro W. W Welch .. t. geot'roud tre llt. 0, V. 1'01111 \V,,~ c , 'udu u~,'r 0 11 tb .. Mr. lind Mrs. W F. Clurk Ilod thrlluKb ~ r""' nu ~ h o i:JtlO, J' l"ord 'Hlld"d qUlIrl Qrl " m llet.i ng at WJV. d"njlbl e rs. Mines KIllbryn, Mildre d r ""d. ulld N" lo GrllY b", ~ I H t l nes villa. on \V ll .J n 6 ~d ILY It,,ihnl( \l eu ItU I M ',ud ol\lIIiV 1: N. MI'. ,.,I d '1r~. FrlLOIC F OrDBb ll Jl'UHl aoa MIU'Il..ret. aod Evere tt Clark Mill e r h,h" II!!,t f.hu I·rn'U nOt! a ot LOB' ~ on , Fn rrtlst, ,If n'Lytoo, were guests w"r O) EII.ter guests of MIS. M'lfY "I Kinl(llI"u, whnr" h n hOI " qUllotl .. of MrR, Llz'~ je Harlan. I.. ~ , Friday . Carruon y . (100 Ir. du ' .' 11 I rntl trl"'" Ira tlvl" t ,. Mr. Aod Mrs ~. H. Baloe" Mr . Mr ' u lld ~1r" I:h r old Gillam 00. wltll bl ~ ~fln 1,, 1111. W ' 8 , ID t il e 'ttllhl terl,ni n,ul s(J y" rlll of t b ol r young ant! Mn. Walter I(en ri otr Bod Jllm eft wh~o It TIlU 'u un III " sw\tllh . 'IlHI I rj " nd~ to R W AX Vl1lltll g lit t hllir !:fuilles 'pool ,",uud"y wltb Mrs, Ida J .. hn bellan to OIy I be .oIw d,.\·" "". ' b um e , 0 11 1' Ir nr~'I .. :I' n i ~hr.. C hristopher, at I-Iprlogboro . afl't1ld .. t .",IWbl") . 1:1 >oj T o ok". Mr. ILnd Mrs C . E Juhn s and woo Mr uO II Mr~. Et! R HI! ' n liHve reo SUfI r.,ollly 11'[1. lilt tllO IIIUlI' tralO I·uroed trom " "~it ur II f,l w dav8 Gleon. took EnstBr dloo a r wtn~ fur Wei lIu 1111 , wlll~ r " t lll".v will IIpAon with r ol"tl voH . Mlsl' Mllry und Mr Parry Coolr lit . 'b,,1r VU (llllu a. 1'11 .. J.zz ha od "'Il~ Co rwi u ' 1'he Z,on Bapf,t!!t ohuroh h old ao eDjoyed, Ilod Ibo lllU~I!) r nd urllt.l 00. Mn Adrll Le wle aod Mrs ('lara Eallte r ~"Ip, .. 0 ~atutd tl " Itl I,be der tbe d,reotl ,1U or lIurrv ~ Tuoker Lewl. Ilnd 100 Elery. were Lebaooll They me. vl~lt 'bl! joiZl.baod rn .,~ler wllb bla wbl,p WalCor ' t;i1ver ll room. o n, Friday. wltb good sucorss InU, W1611 IIU p~ rb '1'bo bl\fld owe~ Mise Kathryu Clark apF ot MODU .. il G ll rd Lln. of Lytle, w&lI'ruok. dav wUb Ml,s LeooA MCHlooia a' Ue IIUOce.. to M •. 1 uO lillr who blls apeot 1,lm .. aloa m rmey to ul .. ke ,bllm log io tillS vl oi nity. oDe or t wo day~ 1C11i0tt. lIobool. ' wha. I,bey aro. 'I'lloy have a brlllbt IR8 t w~ek. _ _ _ +-=-'!U.J"-''''''"__............ enlel talned a bout fu&ore, flo!Ooollllly. "od tUO book Hd Mrs. t! , lrr~h Rloh I~ vl"ltln~ her thirty gue8ts, t;atoru ay aflornooo, '0 play lOt 1111 the obl>ut .. llqoall 00 ,raudoblJdren, M r nod Mrs 000 to a kltublln sbower 10 bonor of Mr.. botb 81d .. ~ of 'I'urk .. y Ruo, flud In fhrf~ ock . of nellr OSRge Cornl'r, Rusllell Buroll&. A fioe luooh Wf18 tbe wlnler will go :-Iontb "od will Ulluton oouoty servt!d. and loll enj oyed the .. her. fill eog"II".n" .. t~ . The Orllt, " op will P tl ople arl! IIdvll ooed "II far hi noon very moob . Mrs. Burne I reo bto Bloknryvilill, tb po .V e liman Mod work OI)W all thoy are tn ,M av lie a oelnd ~aoy u~(>(ul pl'tlseots, ' Olive Br .. n oh 'fh"l r !Od VB tree m " o . luu,,1 tblag Mr. aDd Mrs ~ber;6JRn R lli e rs are I N. EJltDks. I~ Dle"tlnj( with mooh nnw 8taylog wltb th. aod Mra, Mr . Ueorge Barrl~. Ilftor beiog enooufliKemeot. The ,'p oning tide Frank R nlCStS on t il th e tr new boose of the jazz blind WI1" Ileory F .rrd .hut 10 fur "".me 'Ime wl t b rheumll. .. t Felr" III tlol'bed. tllm. III 0111· "8"10, . enJoy~og the maroblng tbrougb ollr town Tile bellu tiful oun. words WMe fioe aDd the mos lo ~plon . i:ust.llr eervtoes were h e ld lit tbe d14. l N Mlllllr. tbe IIh)~IDIl t.ellober. with bl. oorp~ of tralDed Vlllfl~ 8. Jonlb·. Ruo S " pthlt ohuroh Nnd thl! MOil' I'6ver,,1 be80tiful IIllleotlOn., M E . oburob here. 00 E ~ atflt Sooday whloh were well randllre!J W .. li The ,lfogramB "'ere V61 1 8r1t1.faodoe8 tbe writer 'rem em bl'l" ",hl'n tory and well'rendered . Mr • . A, R, Harlao I~ the gues' nf 'hey ouuld not ~ IDg. Ilad oow .ee Cyrus Deboard purohased tbe Mrl, relatlVOtllo OI1Y.ou lod Mlllwllburg "'bat 16 aood tl1,,('hor J"O do, aDd my Ida Bliveo8 homo 00 !Call' ~raot t!t. Mise Eleaoor Haydock, r'f Wit meDlory gOIlM b .. ok fullr tweul1 TbAt. Indio,,'e8 mBtr)mony. mlllg$on oollege. I, 8pendlng Iprlng minutes when It W8" that way. 1" A B TlllmRge, olie of our 8U0008l. viloatiou at ber home here. BII, the eVllolng w,,/! "pllnt ple" .. lIot. 101 farmere, hilI! purohased a beau. 0 .1 M 0 K ay aDd Forred · SmIth Iy Ilod will bi! rOUl om bArerl f ur a ,Ira! dun mare. weighlojl17GO Ibl .. are leo homo from O. W, U. for &alter loog time bv thoSII Intere.ted. IlIlEl WIt . gon.1 bone and pleuay of ~ ~ ttolO "aoaUoo, Q tine dl lJ n81t.iOn aDd gO~d ourlaae. The W . F. M . 8. met d lhe home Pr' ,f ""d ' Mrll 0 V. TolIl! "t I,eod ..d 'hI< WillI .. ", I-IIlIlClny 'nellt ·,f Mrs. l e'se !:IaWlElos Saturday. ! nll.~ In CI llO! "'''If,f, lin lUrelt'ls ltO , Ro bert Mendeohall tlr. died at 'h ll 'lon /IHY. lat, h o me fin th. XeDta pike, Moo. !\Ir. W.l l" II ,llIrll" . rl ~ Ihl\ t" ,. O. V IIt ~bt o(. . I.... c wtl~k •• , t.b.lI rtpa r., p ' e~ " " IIn~ Ii'tlirhllll'lI _, MOI'.e &. '1 lel HilA of 86 yeHrR . Two ohlldren Ibl1o-MrA. Mar.v Ferguson 1I0d OIl .. of l il nch!nn.ti , \\0'" " lit on " (' t .y ,W "re K,elJ.v M,,"df'nbllll. bo b of wh om MY 8IRTH3AY t Frida " , lioo 'repOr1" hll "illll~;' fi ' H Jl vlI Uf'"r Xen'l" Foneral lIe'rvloell TAI<E A ~ ' a:T BUT 1:I '\l r . Shlrt.kAr. · "r,, ' u t Ol ll ' IHIIH oRtl r H h eJJ 'I~ ~he filinilv ' b " IlH< . lillln . 1:1 (. I~ 0110t. . u " [,~. I, r.~· IJ Ig to Tbur~d',y , Rllv WI II/lit (.,ffiol"tiug t1SSUS TAkES A I I"o,.t., II bOi'B" or /I llU'" Ihllt will ~bl'l l. ' rt l f\~ Aid h " ld ' tl[1' K"I!I.er YEAR cFF I ~R$. ~ol~ ~ . m e booy.· .. dl') in XII III'I, t;,,~urdRY. ' ,- ; W/l1t~r (;irIlY. III' lI _i u g <ioll ... .. lot Frl f' nd R l3uD!'hlY obool l'elldpred 'of wi ...• t('nOlu ll ( '1\ bl ~ fltrm tb le t,b@lr I!:n ~ fer program. t!onday .moro. .prloll . ~" me brll putting ill III I'. Inll Tbe M. It: ohblr reodered 110. ~ll1I l e 111''' o Slt," 11011', "II of wh loh Is ollata "", 011 Sund.'a y Il voolnl( vory ''''OPA~I\ r ·.? B4r, Hurt M~I'. Itl l-ilmplI')n, of ne8~ Oor vllllLlle had aOtlthe~ exper,l. ·\Vaynllll vllh.i ·w tl r.e- tlol\d.·y Vllll,tot,". enoo wlt,b b igb water, Yood"y. T\~ (\ rnm l ll"!1 Ia"d ·to mnve nt . of frh· nd_ hArlO, " I '~~~~~!!!I!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!'!!~!!!!,,!!~~ . Mr. Ilpd Mrll. 0 8 "Cllrt.er· hnd I f li'rnflv. Of Buok Rill}. ":ere ~illl' r. v . v' ~llnr . of .rqullh ' tli llj., , ~ ~r nnr! M,;'" F .. 1\ II . Hudd ll0k aild FO[l • . f:JltfHt'P; "r 8prl llli tll il p:. •• ...s Ih rl,lJJ(h her ... 00 !o4uull..... t route fn YI'I~ 1''' lsllv" Dear New Burll0tr tnn • totr nnd ·alr·" . Wltl .. r l "k'!llIht liD'" fl1nl1l1 IIl1d Mr aDd Mrll ' .lnbo ' MoKotllb~ aDd f.,n,1b1 ot nur NI'I" BatltolklD, "er. Shoo), Yiliron of IIII J
'In,l w,,,IIII,. Th o ttme IS o ABl'lng ", b"" 0 , Wll rl! WIll grltw ood · h lno rn CIIO· I. oor ".) lt no l yar d Ull b. nutifl d wltb fiowtlr~? Our h omeR on o very str l!e t CliO bll eltber pai n&l!d o r wb i te wfj ~ h e d. fh,w e rs Silt out . premi8eB olllllned np, "lid It II' for the he"ltb 1'8 w e ll Oll tbe "poellranoe It mllk e8. 110 DOt reud this "Dd t n r gflt if. flol put, the r t'qullMt Inlo "j]'IIOI. lind e o. j ·JY th t pleBI! Urp6 you ",III dertve IU b .. lng ILl! Up.IO.dllt.". olello.o ut olt. IrLtJ II . Trusting tbi~ WIll oorne t o pO.1I at 00 0(', will give tbe writer IU Doh pleas n re o S Uod "y w ... " fni rly good d wv f or tb e bOllupt" , Il nu 00 o ur Htreats you n0 I1I (1 reAd ily o b~ .. rv e Lh"t it was I£.st.t,r . 8,," e of tbe mos l gorgeou8 .tt" vl'I." 1< "' erA ~E\Ilf], e"peot8l1v MI HM tl; vl'l.vu MO(J,.r r(>n , wi~b b e r Dew "OOlll' t /Iod lIutO SOl.ot, R': rl\o't.ed mn oh u ntlOll lind oom plhnentll r y
a..r TH:
d t~ 'Hr- , 1)11 ~ l1 ndny .
J 4 &6 7 8 10 H .2 ttl t4 l& 16
u :' uo<l hr~ f (lOtt bv t,b s W rit e r , w h o I .. •I ' II " ' t-> 1 1£, f.Jnhn )
.,." "K rel,,1 I) ur II p,, rr . f''l t
',1, ( W II
1'. 1
I-'u hl slie r \\· .. · "
, It rr
- - .. fI :i(l P'I'. Year
()' L, ' Cr,1 I1C
. II; . ,H 13, ., 1. . .... r,' u . 'hlyvltl ll ll r~uJ Hr • .. Am lo"r111 E IOU , M · . IL " d M '. A A 111 0" rullis WAh. Sll nd l\Y KU S(.M flf Kenl .. rf.lllti vIl8. II.'. 11 11 01 Mr • • Ca,roll S ill .. rt, of \V ,l q, II, . t;:'II) Il~ W Uft 4 t-;nn(}~y RIl6:oetH of I' I · flV, '", In Ihl R v O; "lt·V ! ' I ' .. 1\ t I , , ii' ( . '.. ' II II'" j ' ( t f h 'otl
...,. Amanda IotOD.
Beginning next week every township in this county Will be canvassed fo r members by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. . Farmers from your own county - some of them your fri end!! a~d neighbors. all ~f them with the same problems on their hands that you have - will cnll on yo u to talk thiS matter over. They will be accompanied by other members of the Ohi o Fi1rm Bureau. They will tell you about the Ohio Farm Bureau Federatio n - tell you ju st what it is and what it plans to do. They will show you just how thi s powerful organization. standing for a square deal for agriculture. is going to make yours a m o re profitable fa rm and a better place to live. They will point out that when yo u join the Oh io Farm Burei1 u yo u gain not only the benefits of your state organization. but also those of the national association - the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Ohio Far~ ureau AND YOU WILL JOIN-For the same reasons that' 65.000 other farmers in Ohio - and more than a million in the land Organization:
have joined this nation-wide Fdrmers' Business
Because it will enable you to get what you could never hope to get individually• Because it is the only organization financed in a suffi. ciently large way to promote and protect the · business intereata of the farming industry. " Became it is stepping out and tackling for you the problema of Marketing, Transportation, Farm Help, Right Returns for your Time, your Land, your Labor. Because it is trying to bring about more jmt returns
and fairer prices for you. The Bureau is asking only for a square deal and wishes nothing in the way of legislation that is in any way opposed to the interests of the public welfare. We farmers, as surely as any other class of men, are entitled to a fair....J:eturn on ou labor and on our investment. We feel that we have not b een getting this, And there is jUlst one way to get it -that is througlt organization. Our business will never be on a Bound, permanent, paying basis until we do organize - and organize strong. The Ohio Farm Bureau Federation constitutes just the sort of big-vision, level-headed organization we need. It is an usociation of f8.:rmera, run by farmers, for farmen. . For it to carry out its broad, vital program of making the business of farming more profitable and attractive it mwt have solid support from the farmers of Ohio. That includes you. .
Be Rea I
Think it over now. When our representative8 call- theD is your chance to show that you are really in earnest in helping solve these vital problema we have aU been
talking so much about. Give your friends a hearing, ask your quest:ion.s, talk it aU over, and then We count on you to joi~.
The Campaign Opens April 4 Warren County Farm Bureau D. E.DUNHAM
-· I ~-----
=------~ .-
John H., Wright DR. W. E. FROST'; Walter Auctioneer VETER·INARIAN jjl t
Farm s.les and Uve SpeOIaJty
, SaUlfaetlon· Guaranteett:
Bellbrook,"j' Ohio. Both Phon,• .
~pec:laUy. Noth~
.y accln ..tlqn a hl~ but ~ellable Serumulcd ill!hone ~
BONE Treasurer
o. • I
Ful ly .Equipped for Good Service. L~ge Display Room ~~PBONE 7
·'1 '.·. DR. M artan
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veterinarian
["our.th ,)treet, nBar Tyler
Telepbon. 93
·••• DENTIST•••
Practical Vaccinator.
good 'auce_ ha ~IDlI~I~nI ... both liick and wen Both
Home Qs&.a.. -.....,."""':I..~IJI::-...,.,;;:# ..
- -- -.
The MilUJli
- ,~--------:
"You gain from 3t' lO. 1 pI;- )) u l1 d on your butter _ . . fat by • f' tling .Oir t." '
I) ut you hav'! gilt 'n
~" " II ~uli~f ;\ rtion Ihal 10 [,I,. ' hi S to
we ~hij.l to you all ship to you . You
4 3 C ts .
Prot ectY our Futu re ·
1· NOT'ICE : Ohio.
-\)"1)~·D~U:r:;tl:::,~:. ill'S
\V,,~ ) 110ft 1/, r"w,rL Mr~ AntI! 'l'"r ry nnt .m1l' h . btlUt;r . . , . • flrll. III'.,HI, 81 r;rnli b, of HII,rv"y ~ Your futlllc deperlli s u pon t he tn · I!l q F. W. Wil,on . ll ~ntly~ 1m,! hnr", watt. h"r« c o .. p'OfI)R~I " nH I vest ments you make t oday . reallt.tl \tll ugont, hall loo,ltHI tl nuth , ~ . HavlIlg returne d h rn t:l. I um no tlf hug lIu l . till" time ilell1l1oC Plnce Vl, ur I110neywhcre it will work II ' I); (11111 H u . dllY ,00.,.... " .'un .Jennie I' .. dllught ' r ot Wes!ilY unJ ready to serl'e the public in all kine!!. br~ot of Wester n lalla . for yo u' when YOll arc old. H CI 'l'h ,j/I'l'~1'" ." I ItI." ll v W",f" Hannah Al::on .Hurr y . was ~ rn F\~u- (If Notary work. elm be f ound III Ml,~d'\In o8 M",'y 'd .. ullll!l . ..\ ,1"! 1i ,,; \u ll iay 1\1lA" { ~ 1. 1 tr.lI ' 11"1' .. n,1 wt,~. \ ur produl't hilS t1 II' rid-wid e ruary 2. Ibu8, III . hil ton. Cu . . O~ ~1(l l illY re~id('nce or ctllll,ho nc 4(1 . T"luIUK" I..ld J ~~\t' K,,,,,·o,., " I Ilt l I <-lIlV Ur,.I1I1"". " f 1I ",.r, m. rket. H er flit her 1(lst. h " hC' III the (1\11 1 W 1-1. V BAHNI IAHT. pl l'O!'. M ..blll H,.lllIl1.(8Wllrl h IIll" I "dIP ""'" 'I .. , •. r ,, ' ''III ~, ' EII " Y"~ Isfully protect edby p t cntllnd ha 1\,·.lr,anrlh erm ll t it e rwu;'le " I''rcl' r. flllll'id rl ll' ! -- __ . -__ HIlI Il ~btlrwo od. u' ()r"~""III'\\" " r' I ' I" ",·lIhlll . hl·" ,l lUf 1.,, " "",I Wilt·. excepti onally In rgccilm illg powcr wuh a famib' t(l SUpl'llrt IH 11 11:! Proceed 5 from sale (I( se uri ties wi ll fawi ly. J enlli is lh, . l iI ~t ~' l'hII1Y Ilh~r1H' '' 1J ~l~ .. r ~1 " IllI R l :\1 (~ .'I, n." 1\. " 1" Vl"""d ltp l' tc' ....,. nUl I Ill ulll oi<:. ul· (lr'·t-:..JI1I .. HOII;,; ll t -. be used ill expan siLln of busines s. . 1t:k' :I,. ll. !tl " r . ~I , . . .hl' ""d", ilt ,\r 6n caf'ly P.lII'. sh.' dl :!lll a)','d~--I'hA ill l ~"lI~ 13?~.lo li:d~III"I " Il .• , f i.... rl"',.I ," •.t(. 11" hUI"I",· . th ' t ' I " t- f · " I - -- 1 '~l.llJ i o~. tinct h:lvuu .. l~ " Uf\ hJ. or h ,'1'" r"r 'I ,p"\I,h I'II1':U V~I"V ,~tl HI I ll>t' ~ rt II~ r.l , U .<'e If -fl'Ii <I"~~ WlI IlIlHUl. o~I\t'I! 011 Mr" P .II l1'D("· IIlId h c li'fuln ps~ th t ~1I ,·hll l·lli' l "I"I~. I! d h"h" h t<; I h 11Il1""'" III " I" hel' wh o1t- Iii\!. Thl'" rller h,l" U r ip tl) P ' ~IU ,,",I ~"' rnMII lHl"IIIP~' ' l' ho wp~OIl t5 nn dllY Ilft uili un n. MIIIIlI I' t\l WIl " [I & . vt:'ry \,H'i d r t' II H'11Il,rat H!l,' u f 'H ·r :\~ a ,", ,,Iunlay S tatt YOllr idle ,!lOIlCY to work (or r • . H ,I , ~urr ·1~,11~ ~I. 1·" L: \lt \ \ '''''Ir!l"k ~dllll )l rn\I (I . dUrtfl~~ (11 0 Y\.·hl~ IIH!\, I IH.ttn . Wll~ :", 't' l1 l i B II l l r ~1 rl', ' I.j , 1/ .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . yo u \lOW. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . o • • • • • • • • • • • • • v • .,. · . • both ul tc lHled 1I t'(!~h (;rovi' "!, h l .. ,\. .... ntur.I .. 1' ' II I'" "" 'II It has loafI'd long cnollg II . . ~ H t'r cl~tlr .• { rayt.lY t1:-: all .) blu('k IH:"hl':o\ , will work (o ~ yo u 21 hours a da y h: . E '~''' '' 11I1 ''''H I 1111 ,1 \."t, \ ~. I tt'l lfl ! Ib t:' b "if,:hl ridl n ·d ill h"" dlt','k~ il tllP IlI, ,,, .. I · I IIt .. 1 '''' II'' , ' . ,1 .,1 111 Z' I I Ilf, ' 'It \\' 1 11, ~ 1 1, n • • and h ~ r tilr llll~, "I un f"nn, al,, "y > I 11 ' .~lrtoi if from J t t ~ H If t o ! t i ll I . , . , \>
TI' me'
b(J u lt
Now Is the
\\ e Pa, Baggag e or Express Charge s
Th e Tr i-S tat e Bu tte r eo .
n" lo
I YO~:tt:::ol:n:::~~g~
Htlv drL'~:-'t..· d, ma dl' her a nt,l il'C-
A I11 tl lldd
H llrtll 1r Ulltl tl lIUgl l .
.1 •
aul\! figur e al1l l.lIj;!' IhL' IIt h,'r j,!'irls 1.. 1'. ,I ,." ",. W"I" I';""l' r Thurs day, Marc h 31 st In all }l aln~~ alld pa ~ lirll l ':-i .. lH l at\\"a:~ \ ti. TIII~n l,t..: t' "1111 f ·t nl l y ~ 1l"" " ul ~ : t ok a n "" Ih'c' Illtrt ! N"r \\'us ~hi! ~ I r .. I" ,tl" .I .. rd·, ." h "1'.'11111111' 1' o . Fea luing A l ice lake , in . Ihl~ W f.'I 1k \\'1 III r ,I \ldl\'tl:4 In ~Pl'\ll~ • t Akron , Ohio less pl'oml1l cn l In Ilw scl1l>ul r ou lII . tidlll : Fo r, th ore he r quick un.! r ·ad}' mind K"r\ I h'lIlhl' ''''~ c' " " I "Jr,. 'v'.r~' .i lind her hll uit~ of stl1di "u ~ npplica- -h C' PI'II1 ~ In L.. b ... ,," Oil ·lIflHtI" ~·' 7 ry the Miami Gazette's Classifiea Columns for Results A lso, Buster Kea t o ll. in 1:'11 \' '''" I " I ,lin III .. II lur. 1I1" t\ '''1111 The Miami liazelle , $1. 50 a year. tion made her tli e b ·~ t in Ill'r c1aSll "Ialn, n" ., 1 h,,1 lu ok wlt,h Illplf Alway~ ~he a ~d 110'1' exeell"I' : . " 11 11 1.: 1I11-(/i tlli~ . UI"1I1t:, "" '" " II"' "'~ moth e r mad e tit!' lr hlJ11te t(lg'etlll'1". ', . .. , il "lid -, 11"" r .. An d at um' lillie ,iLlrill){ he r yuun, I " ' •. :\ II. b;' I~II'I:L ,11 ",, <1 • '11 . • O n e of tIl"... best cCllll edies of th e season womllnh,ood tli cy 10Llk upon them· .\111 lid . ,,1 ,,1 t1l\u~lI l .. r. I\,',,~,. ·. • ' . . f l 11• . 1 \' . 1-\1 111 \. 611 1\ lilt ~\ r A .1 . -i Admis sion , 22 "u tid 17 Ce tl t s se Ive~ t 1Ie cure Ilr an In alit ('ntru~ Ct I .I'\II'! " I ,01 l'~ l'bh'" Adll "' " c" nnIY, to t helll 011 hl'r Illllrrilll{e to Mllr - " . l';d·.lt'r 1(\I,· .t~ 01 Alu lU I,,,;,. ion Gurdun , of near Wa ynesv ille. 01 "" 11 .11. I 1"""'",:< LEAD ING FURNISHER FOR OVER THIR TY YEARS Satu rday, April ~nd Februar y I . 1883, ~h e took the child M" 11,, \' ,n .lU d Hlln . \~ , .rlp · into her nelV home , alld t uget he, ·tI " .. : .\nl\~ \' 11 1 :It· r~~v'II,) . ~h ~ Ido Huwp Featu r in g Mary Miles Mi nl er , . ,, 1 ",. H.rtv. Huv b; I'" , ~"n " nci they reart'd h1l11 to man hood. Th ". II.•"'" [I,e r . HIr;'~ 1 n ' H " rv ~Hl> lIr g 00 fostcr Ho n is Mr. Joe lJi ~ bro. wellrl ~ .. ( ~~,,!t ' r d lllll er wi t h A. ~ known in our commu nity. .\ 11",,, ,1 wlfo . Also Selzni ck N ew s To the l.nion of Mr. and Mrs Gor~. <. 11,,,,nllll 1\I ."le" hu .. ID"S~ trip du n were burn three sons, Le~t e r , '" I,·· U III " ~"I\lr ;lh.l'. Admis s io n. 22 a'l d 17c • Cha rles ann Gail . all of whom art' _ ._. : ""' - - - - marr it'd a:1(1 living wilhin n'nch of : Increa s es home capac ity deTues day, April 5th their ptlrti nts' h') me, lind nil were ' :. crease s rent and fu el bi ll s . ! present a nd recognized in tile lasl Wond erful thing , is n 't it, hours of t heir u ea r IllUlIlI"r' ~ life in these d ays of house s horTwo g randchi ld ren coml'lct e lh i= A rlmiss io n , 17 a n d II cellt s tage, fuel - ·shorta ge, high flllllily circle , ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. ..... ..... Mrs Gord on" as n 1 the memb er _..... . rents, high cost of buildBlIg of Cand, 1'01 ' I fI (' bllbie~ and of a ny church. but in the w urd~ of I ing and high cost of coal. g' r ll \ " ' U I ' " ,\ It O >'I·t' r), pu rch;l~t· une who kne w alld loved he r, "She ~~., ~. 'Jvl' _r.____ A bed daven port will _ _ __ fu un d her religion in dt! el l ~ of kind - 1\lIlcctiruni. \)llU"d ...... grace your living room , pro.. .. .. 11 " ;le59 ~ntl ge< viet' fLir olh ers " Tbid l\iadRi ve,.Tnnl l,l , cs. I<'I").:~ CIII ,.. I;),· vides a place for three to sit i~ indeed tru e. !H! Illlll .Y can testify. Clifl on P each.~ , la r,; .. call · .... i!4( in comfo rt and for one to She was u mos t will ing wurke r, and New N u vi.·~ . ·1 poulid ~ ..... .. .. ~5,' lounge at ease during the All TOII"t ~ " "p". lo ar .. ... . ! I(' her industry !Inti asSiSt!lIlCt:l hus tcmed y. D, )zp k ~~ e ll' cl. li >~1 M.llCh",· 3!): day _ In additi on, it will . the prospe rity that c rowned their Wils u nn rCllrllati n l ,~11Ik .• ma ll .. 7,' needs r elative to time. ALWA Y WIIRT H provid e sleep accom modalives of acti ve lab or . Large ::;u n ki ~ 1 \" U"' ·~ . Ill.. ,. Ul' PAR, and ready when yau ar(' III need of In June 1920. aft e r an ex amina tion Post Toa~ti ps or MlI'tI ,,", .. ' 8 O ' I~ tions for two when Dot in m. m·l' . We are luaning our money r. t 7 ~{ by e xcellent lIuthori ly in !Jay ton, 2 fOf . .. ... . .. .. .... ' ... .. .. ... :,!iilu se as a seat. Why take less t han 6 % for y ou r depo~il '1 sht! rea lized that sht! wus sufferi nl{ L~ I I' k B t ." 1111 ":11I"I."d fr um a n incurable malady, From Oak Bed Daven port Uphol stered in r res I Ill' . • l 'C ' Oak Bed Daven port, Uphol stered in • this t ime on, she shut out the !lc ti v. _ _ _ _ _ ~r>II~ __ - , Spanis h _ __ Artific ial Leath er, open Spanis h Artific ial . 25-27 Sou t h Main S t., Dayton, Ohio. ittl:8 of t he world . 01111 set n!! r minu Why pay 50,; for H hfu ., c:'f>u le ('ofL th WI'th one . ,- ,,0 all • _.' the coming 'i ea er • • •... . .. , • . .. - • • . and inevilab .: le change .' . fee 0111' L, . ~ Cll lli" ·pl·t LtI . .. • He r siste r-in-law . Mrs Malinda Allen. motio n. , • • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • al 35,' p" r Ib C311'1 I", l>eJI Mahog any Bed Daven port, Uphol came Hnd t(;ok charl(.1! ur Ire I' house· Bul' by the Puulld and :>ave Iht' ..!.._ ___ ___ ___ ___ Mahog any B ed huld . And her d~v c·ted hU:lbllnd ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Daven elte, Uphol stered in Black Artific ial leathe r. nu r:!"d he r throug h th lUll~ illne~8 stered in 'Black Ar(ific ial Leath er, The same Daven port · can b e furDtlf e rence of niu e mOllth8 uf COI'sI6I1 tsufl'eri llg, We huve \.I lpnty of Hed River Co bpens WI'th . one that was nls h e'd only alleviat ed hy th e ministraltons of her \lllY ~ici all bler lind Ellrly H ~I ~ C Seed Potamotio n . . •. _ .• . .. .. .. , . . . • i.n Oak •••. , _ , ••. _ .• .•. , . . ' toes at »n a l tn. ctlV e. llr l,~e cnme on the €vt!ll ing uf --~.--------------------d'~~~ru~-11-r~~~r. 1921. Other Daven ports' and And so clost'd the Our groctlries are ull f ~csh IIIHI . Iy lifo of a stJ'n llg Hud bravll and Daven ettes Up to .... .... , , .. .. .. , ...... . . . __ .. new , d i ~ l wl1sfo(l fr om our 1 0 111 _ . .. . _.. _. .. . , . . • true woma n, mourn ed by her falll ily slI nitary counler " . Th e United StHtes govellll nell l . aft er th e! WR r, lind loved and ' re~ pecled by many han millions uf surplus Army SUPlJlie.-. ~ u c h liS friend s . Quality Rugs of .ev~ry size and patter n are shown in Adair 's Rug Depar Bring' U~ Your HUll"r and E~gs Blanket s. Unde rwear . Cn l •. Shot's, Bre~cht' tment She WIIS II. sist e r. of th e Ea::ltern Coats and th() u HalH l ~ of other new and reclaimed m ~ rch8 ndi ,. e. I 8. Star Lodge, lind a me mber of the y' Llll rs for Service tOOy t~ rm ('d Surplus Army Supp lies Theile they su ltl Ihw hat Civ ic Leagu e. of HllrveYHburg . Ullh v a ri o u ~ channel s. to be piliced befure the public Mattin g at very low price9. There lire those who meel deat h bold ly so as te. give every Am t' riClln a chnnce to ~ (' c ur e whalev" l they li Sizes eI'd On the bll t r:le fie ld s of earth. Gras!' at II mi ni mu m pri ce. . Groce ries and Meals And th ei r nam es are writ in Sl0ry , 6x9, . SxID Fiber j Full of valnr. full of wor l h. But 8-3xlO who knilW9 the pr i cele~B courage . -6 Brusse ls As the falling sali ds of t ime, STATEMEN T 9x12 Tell thtl final huu r is com ing, Axmin sterl . With its agony subli me? StBtum Cl it. 0 1 (h e UWIICl'Nhl p .. nd m UI1IlM4r 11-3x12 meuL o f tho lllallli Uazot w. (JU blla h ud at Velve t When the spiri t leaves its I ~rn pl e , Waynesv ltln. 1110 . •• required hy tho .\ c~ <> 1 AU~UHt. 24, 1 91~. W.i th 8 IHst and migh ty gas p. 11-3x I5 E~ltor , 1) I.. C..IIO W.YIl tl8v lUo. Ohio; Wilton And the hand withill our fingers. ) llll1ftgcr aurl Publl!hor. D. L . Ora.no. \\' 0. )'1\08villo. Ohio. I n its wea kn es~ we unclasp ? cr~~~}e~oAf]nlo all~ Marne Drowu, D . N e xt Door to Miam i Gazet te In the lonely nights of vig il , !londhold erl mortgRgea. and othor &ee urlty Brussels~ Rugs Axmin ster Rugs holl1ora. nooo. In the hours of ceaseless pain. 8wo ru to aod sulJMClrlbe d beforo IUO t.hl. 9x12 . . . .. . ..... . .... .. . . 9x12 .. , . .. ... , ..... .. ... . More triumph llnt and heroic, JO ~h da, of March. 191 1 E. V. D u rnh.r~ . NO~lU'f Pu blic. In th e aching Slid Ihe st rain , Wilton Velve t Rugs Body Brusse ls Rugs Is the B(t·u lthu.t waits death's cuming , 9x12 ...... .... , . .. . .... . 9x12 . ..... . .... .. ... .. . . As the slow houra wear away, Than the soldier. facin j;( cnnn ll ll, Mattin g Rugs Grass Rugs In the mad n.I'BS of the fr ay. 9x12 . ;. ...... .... . ...... . 9x12. _. ... ... . ... .. . . .. _ Th en t o th ese shall be th e glory, And to the.~'l shall be th e crow n, As their dear one8 r .. ad lhe Hto ry, Thut ·their liyt's ha ve written duw n. - L. V. R. Card of ThanD We w i ~h t el xliteSS llur since re th a nk~ to all ou r fri en d . alld Ilt'igt. b o ,.~ for l heir kindn tllls shown U 8 tlur ill&; \lur reC"1l1 'b"rellve nt"n L; fO I t.heir helpful a"s i slan ~-e und sy m\la I hy, and ror lh · heau tiful fl ora l offe r· I illg~ And e" p ~ ,~ iH ll v dn we lhanll Dr R>llI du ll fOlr ltis faith ful srlrv ict'. This Four ."·r\."Po 11 lid Tricol.ille Suits Rev . Amll~ r;olJk fill' hi s co nsoling Poiret Twill and T l'icoline HI'rf'turnl'e , ellin l{ 10 $35 Post Bed ... .. wo rd!'. t hp 8 i ll~HR filr th ei r ;\s, ist· SuitP sellinlf to $45 ance. IIl1d Mr M,:Chlr e ap t! StO n fn Beaut ifully des ign ed Coth ~ ir ki nd e!fi,~i e nt ll1 allll" I' ·ill CIln· lonial four post Bed. as rlu ·ti,,~ 'hp fUll e rHI pictur ed here, gellu ine Mnri un GorJuli ulI ,l F ~ md y Mahog any (venee red) head board. Hands ome Vanity Dresse r in I v ory Enam el (simil ar to cut) . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . ... I have pUI'ch aM ' the bU Ain p~8 in· te rcHtH of F . M. r'JutchiJlSon . t'lec. .. lric al con tracto r. rnd IIQl . no;.'l ready to furni qh electri(, 81' 8ullpli es of a ll Vanity Dresse r, in Mahog any kinds. See or (~1I11 me and I will furTudor Petio~ ••• _ . . . . . . . . . • . .. ni>ili estim lll~s tip .a\! ,f!lel'lrical worK. Come early while the assort ment is cOmpl ete • . J p LAR ~ lCK, Leballo n. O. Vatuty Dresse r, in Walnu t Res. p hone 94-A : offi('e phone 393. 50 lbs. of good, clean ' saniLouis XVI style, • . • • • . . . . • . . . . . $85~OO tary c otton. Establis hed 11 ypar· "11;." Vrile for F ree Trial Clins if yOU need shi pp,lIJ:' C·. lIq I': e give ou r p at rons t he benefit of Ii week 1v jtua ran ~ , , d price.
"Sho re Acre s"
,: = = = = A da ir 's = = = = ?" THE
i t
"On e W k" ee .
Ro om s
·F ou r
"Jenny 8 e G' d"
WayneMarketSpecials for Friday and Saturday :i
A Goo d Fox Feat ure
$55 00
~ '"~~~,,~~~~" S~,~~~ilt~ :'~Ny~~
$49 75
$49 00
$57 00 $150 00
Sawyer's Wayne Market
Before You Mak e Any Purchases, Get Our Prices
$15.75 $69.00 $ 5.65
Way nesv ille, Ohio
$37.50 $79.00 $ 9.15
A ft er -E as te r S al e Of Al l-W oo l Sp rin g Su its For Wom en and MilsE.
--- -- ...-.-- -
~~~~~~~~~e~: ~~~~~s. ~~~l~.
$93 .00 $10 0.00
t<>al~~ess ..
$15 5.00
, ~e .. Cash if .,ald in Sixty Days ,.
• t
Week Marc h 28th to April 3rd
Cash Capita l $250.000.00 '
see what w think of you .. Ask any olh rTri· ' tale pal r"llwha l l hey t hink 'of us We have 50,000 llroduc rS s ' ndlng thet r '1 'IIm to us WI' have no agent s. We pay ·your sh ipping oat. Wt:l )lllliralltt'e YOllr CfCll m IIlId cans agai nst lOBS - we nlllk n YOI1 Illore mOlU!' -
Glazet te, Wayn esville ,
. M..,. All n • hopm akt'r. "111 In' :-:\1 'nit Ohl . writl's. --"We hav e three r m staBone hl'rt> HI ' HI' " ."n Ih"l I (luld 8('11 my cream to,
the li me. We bau l 011f rl ('11m !J nlHcF
on A~ounts Over $10.00
ThH LateCiasslfied Ads.
, "
. At least . ,I
H .:\ lovpr:'1' fi y -~
20-24 N. Detroit St Xenia, Ohio
't'imol.lIy ODd 3 TOOl t' I'ch ~ liay. InqolT8 of W H ?tI"" lIlI.!.!. If. [) 2, Wayne8 viIII'. 011h' rua" Fe w '£ DII BH 1u inq
!lJJ..~~II!!II~==============!=========::==========:!I mlnK-, R
D. .3,
differe nt styles to pick from. New York'g · latest modes , 'this.w ill Qe the banne r Suit Sale in Warre n Count y,.
Th e :F as hi on Sh op pe
Wom" , and Missu ' AplHlrel
Lebanon, Ohio
Whole Number 5429
Seventy-Third Year
Three Business Houses Wiped Out By Fire __-_-____. _ --_._ --_-_-____ The Phillips Block, Earnhart's Hardware l_-"_-_ _ _ _-_-_· _-==_-~_Store, Farr's Five-and-Ten, and .MacBeth's Bakery PHILLIPS BLOCK BEFORE THE FIRE
The Fire Chids , ass is t e d by Voluntee r Fireman, G r,'a t Fight, Keepi g lh e Fire from D()ing Damage
Insurance. .. . . ....... MacBetb, no I!lsurance. . Band, no Insurance. . . . .
600 115
\;"t ' n ..'
11 1
11 1111 ' )0'
1\-1, ;" ,,1 ;llr,'. \\'.11. A li I'" \Ven- in I <II ,. T,,, ,•. I,,.\"
II , ,~
as well 11M th t! H ~ rve y .. l> ur ~ fi r" Cl' m· Ipliny. 011 their urrival h .. re th (:.I' did lI ol slllr l ulJerl\lit,"~. "" the fir,· was under cont.·o!. The other tw C' ,compllnies were in readineB3 to come "but were told to wait, which they did . I'his 18 the second time [hel'e companiea have bllen called upon to assist the locals. In 1900, when th e tiig fire occurred, the Harveysbura company, 88 we II as the Lebanon and Morrow companies did aood work.
~1 I'iua,: e \\ a~ " l.iu sin,,~s vi," or
:" C; ,
" 1111 ,, :i . ·,luIIII:I )". l' .. f, :,,"1 r" " ,i i· . pf IJ ayl"",
F PII' ~
I'vIr I\1Y tl r lI ymallanJ funlll.v wt'rtl Xenia vl"il o r~, ::; 'lIH I II~ oft ern uon .
1,500 500
fall ll!\
._--- - ;:"ES---==--:- :~~ ::;~;~:::;' ~~~::'~; i' :-" ~: 'I
Farr ... . ..............
,.1 i
Ot her Property
1 hI: loss frum fire will b ~ abuut 120,000. and about half of the losil will be (uvered by Insurance FollowlnJol I. the approximate lOti and amount of Insurance carried: Phillips build InK . . .. . .. . $ -',000 Inlurance. ·. . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 Earnhart . . . . .... ... . . 10,000 Insurance .... . . . .... 7,500
\) ~ } 11)'1. ~I '· lId".1
Solid L"llthe,' Wurk Shues at Hv· man's Born - To Mr. lind Mrs. Robert Rainey, of lt~ iv ll Points. March 2\llh, a boy .
Main Slreet lookln, El1st from the Phillip. Block
: - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . : Four IItrellmll of water were con.', not carry ony in 3urance . The entire Ahout 1: 15 Saturday morn· etantly played on .the fire, and the los8 will be abou l $20,(100 ing, Waynesville citizens were pumps at the.stallon were.kePt con· called out of their beds at the stantly pumpm&" water. rhe ~te8. shrill alarm of fire: Mrs. !-~u_r_e_w_u_a_I_1_th_a_t_r_oU_I_d_be __ de8_lr_ed",,! History of the Block Myer Hyman was probably
the first citizen to hear a dull Origin of FiN Unknown The Phillips block w88builtln 1872 \ The meeting of the Community explosion, and upon exam inby A. D Cadwallader, rather of Rev. Service, held lut Wednesday evening alion she sa .. the Phillips l\oo____________~ Cadwallllder The ~ite wa~ owned ! at the Odd lo"ello~vs' hall, W88 well block blazin!\. Mr. Hywau The oriain of the fire i. unk no wn . by Waynesville lodge F. & A M.. lattended. and a ,rood time waa en. was awakened and gave the Shortly after 12 o'clock, Mr. Earn and after Its purchase, Mr. Cadwal. joyed. J'he boxes all brought a good alarm, and about the same hart, who had attended the play at ladtlr erected the bUilding. At this price, under the Iskilful auctioneer· time George Cooper also saw Wilmingtori, went into tbe store and time, Jonsb Sands had a drua .tore ing of Roy MacBet. h. Director Williama, of Cincinnati, everylhing at that time was allrllrht . in the eut room. J. E Janney d h I h t e b aze , all e, too, gave It I~ thought that the fire start- started his bU8iness career in this was present and lit8ve an excellent un alarlll. ed f l ' rom spontaneous combust on an IbuUdinlr. buying stock in the Cad. talk on the service. He h88 spent Before the . re company the rooms were the oil W88 kept. wallader dry goods store. and the most of his lite in social work, and could be assembled, the en- When thtl fire wall ~rst seen,. the firm for leveral years was Cad walla- could talk Intelli"e,ntly on the pro po· tire back . part of the block blaze w~s fierce ~nd It wallsec~I~II'IY der, Janney & Everly . sltion. He made it plain that in or. . was in a blaze. Fire Chief localt<fl III that part ot the bUllrlmg After this firm dissolved Robert der to make community aervictl valuHarry Sherwood and his as- Sev~rlll ~heorie8 have been advan?ed, Mountjoy purchased the' buildin&, able. it must be done by the comsistant, M. L. Parshall, were but It w ll~ probably alwaya remam a and built the annex, which was OC. munity; no single organization could soon on thp. scene, and direcystery . cupied for many years by a saloon bring it around effectually. ted the fire throughout . Vol. The pool room had one table that Then the heirs of Mountj uY sold Miss Francis was al80 present, unteers took hold of the work ead water 011 the cloth, but no ap· their interests in the buildini to 1I1r much to llle delil;rht of her many and they worked like Trojan::. preciable dllmllge Wll9 dOIl.e . The I.ewis,of Lebanon, who owned the friends here. Shp. gave a good talk Wayne mt!lIt !narket ':"118 dOIr.ll bu~i- building for Beveral years. finally on dramatics in rllral communitie@. during the entire morning. netts the n~xt mormn~, avn while seiling it to the J . D. Philips estate, which W88 much enjoyed. We want to ~ay while pass· Bome water had leaked Into the room who have owned the building tor the The meeting was all that could be iug, that never in the history hardl} 5500 worth of damalft! watl P88t twenty five years desired, and after the eingfng of of any ~re, w : s there ever done. T.hi~ block wall .indeed fortuThe hall has been ' the scene of folk Bongs, the pleople went hon.e better work done, than did nate. lUI It IS lin old bUlldini a.nd all many fine histrionic figures- such feeling that community Bervice Is a the hoys who -held the hose frame wood work . The outsIde of lUI Mary Scott Siddons Elizabeth valuable 8B8et to tbe community. here thatnight. The chief the building wu hardly scorched by Cady Stanton, Alf Burn~tt, thegrelt knew ('x~ct1y where to place the flames from the othe, B. comedian and reader, Alfred Knight. them, and tbC!ir work was A stream of water Willi keDt going Will Carleton, Pixley and Gral)Qi ~ . creditable to any trained fire all day Saturday, as there was reader and musical entertainers, the a blAze in Ihe ruins. and a watch· Geo Ober and Ada Murray Co ., the Th is was sown h company. h d tant! vat n IJl ht . Wallace Sistel'ft and Sam Villa Co, 'Id' man was on lin cons Miami Chapter No. 107, O. E, S., f b h h w en t e rame UI 109 next Sunday all day, many hundreds of 'the Melville Silltera, Rose and Ida. will meet in reaular a6llion, Monday to the block was hardly peoplll visited the Bcene, and a great Ida becoming famed for her " Sis evening, o\prilll, at 7:30. prompt. score ed in any place. It as inany of our old l'itizens came from Hopkina" play, Julia Hunt Co, the All officers and members are uraed true, however, that there was far and near to view the ruins. It famoul! Taylor Bros •. Minstrels. the to be present. Work. no wind, which aided the fire has been vatiouel~ estimated that at RU88811 Dramatic Co, Frank .David. Donna Edwards, W. M. fighters very much. least 10.000 people we-e bere . Sue Hawke, Sec'y. son Co , an of whom made Wavnes· The M9.cBeth h"kery, saved mOlt ville an annual visit tor several years
HOAK··FURNAS On First Day morninll, April 3rd,
1921, the Friends White Brick meet· ini·hou ~e, at WaynesVille, Ohio, was
Mrs. Grace Linco ln Smith, of Dayton , was the g uest of relatives here, Monday . Oscar Laybo urne lind famil y spent the wee k- en d with r elatives in Springfi eld . St. Ma ry' s Guild will meet with Miss Emma Heillhway, on ThursdllY afternoon B T M d M H h g R'dorn- f ?"ttsbr . an P rA s . '1U Id ge 'ht 0 r1 urg, a. prl j s t , a aug er . Mrtl. Mary Caskey, of Day ton, spent a coupl e of days here last week visiting friends. Tobacco Canvas at Hym an'g.
I"h ,· Mt!n of Wayn eHv ili e held a hall. Ber· \ \,1) Uy I he I.i brary Associution W811 I"" pX ""IIt:ll t , lind was full y f'njo}'ed I,,' nil ~' r (· ,enl . Visitors f r om th e ,\1, '" of L.. lm non und the Franklin .Vl ,·n· " ('Inll we re present. After th e routilOe of r eg ular busi· '"',S o r th e cl ub, President White c.,1 , ,J " II " ur ~ \ attl representa tivt!. 11,01, .I ""li n W Hurtli ng , who lZave It "pry tille talk <: 11 the state constah· ulary. a 8u bj ecl which has been very nt' lIr to him . He malle plain that a conslabulary was the proper thing (ur the state, and gave instances of other states-what they have accomIJlishetl under thi e scheme . Almost every stille havi ng the constabulllfY have had !lOX of the criminala arrested. brought to justice He alllO added a bit of the taxation laws, which were interesting . Mr. Harding has already made his presence (ell at the capitol , and will make it f elt more and more . John L. Shuff, of Cincinnati, wall next introduced, and gave a fine talk on Community Service. Mr. Shuft', .who is Billy Sunday's second, II one of the biggest insurance men In thiB country. but he has never let his b'Ign ess In . t Il r f ere w ith hi' s commun • ity work . He islUl able story teller, and a great many of his "toriea wtU'll new an illustrated his point to the main theme. He can come apln to Wavnesville. and will be Irladl)" wei· corned The Reds and Blues started their campaign with readlnlf ' matter for t he members to think about, and It is evident that whichever .ide is elected, there will be !IOmethlng doing during the next year. - - -... - •
Ii,,· ,,,,,..Li nK al Odd Fellows' I I, ·' " b y t!v~ll i n){. Th e supper
filled with relatives and friends of Anna Furnas and Kellar Hoak gath· ered to witness their marriage, · - were h An· As we sat In med ttatlon na's family for four aenerations past had come twice each week to worship God, in the hl-use they had helped to build ov er one hundred years ago, the very walls seemed to breathe blessings, from dear ones Mr . J oe McKinsey and family. of llone, on these about to take the marriage vows. Morrow . spllnt Saturday with Mrs. The discourse by Wilson Doan, Alice McKinsey. jUlt precedini the ceremony, was Mrs. Mary L. Adllms. of Wilmingmost touehlng and helpful to all ton, spent last week with Rev . Cadpresent, brinllina out as it did in wallader and family. beauty and ~l~quent 8im~licity God's Mi88 Marie Shough. of So uth plan and gUIding hand In establish- Charleston, was the guellt of Miss inll" the hom e, and the sacredness Rulh ChAndl er, Sunday. thereof. .Kellar and Anna were married, Judge Willard Wright and Deputy rtl uBing the Friends ceremony. The Sheriff Brant. of Lebanon, were in [ Rev, Cadwallader pronounced them ·town, Friday, on busineHs. "_ _ _ man and wife. invoking God's bleSSW. H, Dinwiddie , Lou St. JOhn'I' · . ing upon them. Miss Eugenia Whit- Oscar Laybourne and Itoy MacBeth 'Ihe Duroc-Jersey Swme Breeder8 aker was maid of honor atid Mr.\ were in Cincinnati, Tuesday . of Warren County. met at Lebanon, Harry Meredith acted 88 best man . last Tuesday evenlnlf, and a county After many llood wisbes and kind Our prices on Box Papers aro very orgbnization W88 put over with a WOlds from friends, Mr. and Mrs. attractive. J . E Janney . whirl. A~oul. thirty members were Hoak accompanied by near relative. M E ' b th Zellers spent last enrolled with several other prospects. , rs . IIZI1 e Th t' dd eased b Mr and friends. went to the Furnal ~eek in Cincinnl1ti. the guest of her e mae 109 was a r " y . M W R Zell ra and wife. C. C. Terrell, of New Vienna. Mr. borne which wall beuu lif.a1 In its deco~tionB of pink. white lind green, son, r. . . • .Ed [<'oust .a nd Dr. Zell, of Xenia. IIweet peas, bridal wreath and ferns Mrs. Kate Piper and three child ren rhe .followlIl g officers ,,:,ere el~ted: beina used in profusion throulrhout left, MOlldllY, for· Cillitornia. where Pl'e~ldent. Evan Leap; vIce-preSident the hou~. The hrid~'s table was they will make their futur e hom e. A. C. Baker; Recretarv. Lyman SII· most beautiful with ib, large basket Rev . and Mrs J . F. Cadwallllder, ver; treasurer. Will Hufford; execuof rOIlel with I!milax Interwoven, Mrs. Mary Adams and MiBll Cla ra li"" committt!e. L. W. Chandler and dainty place carda. small pink rose Lile were Dayton vi sitors: Saturday. Walter Sh~ttB . Every lover of the basket favors and birds made a pic· Mr. and Mrs. E J . Smith, of Wil- red bog IS urged to attend the I . mington, spent SunrI ay WIt . h Mr meetings. ure wa _ _ __• ___ 0 _ __ t to h ang on memory 'I I Regular communication of Way" nesville lodge No. 1613 F . & A. M., About fifty guests were l!eatoo at Amos Cook and family, of Route 4. L' I M t . d W' d TuesdllY evening, April 12. All 8mall tables, and partook of a dinner a ,ling lin which W88 Derfect in all itA appoint- h dlOO eum , 111 ow mllmben of the team are eatnestly menta. S a es at H yma n s. requeHted to be pr~Jsent for practice. After a ehort honeymoon trip, Mr. Mrs. H. V. Walter lind so'n, Dan. Visitors cordially hl\·ited . and Mtl:!. Hoak will be at home with of Lebanon. Mrs, J. H Cul t'man and J W. Edwards, W. M. the bride's mother, Mrs . Rebecca Mrs. D . L . Crane were in Dayton, L A Zimmerman, Sec'y. Furnas ' Tuesday. - - -.... - - _ _ _.... _ • I Miss Elizabeth Chandler, county Twenty· three of our young peop e Normal director of Harrison county Nothing to Do but Talk. went to Wilmin!ton, Friday ~igh~; I will 'have complete charlfe of ~ L ife I.n't All Fun. The lord maJor or l.oDdon la ealled Enterlulu "": un Idoa WOo't rllt )'011 to see the plav, . Turn to the ({I~ht. twelve weeks normal to be held this upon to molle an averli lle of nearl7 a ! housond public 8pl!e<"ll P' durlo. bJJI vet')' tor: y u" iliuM work It.-Boetoa They 88Y they were well entertamed . Rummer Ilt Franklin college. Harri. TraDRcrtpr. year 10 offlce. See our assortment of Papetries ~O H county . MiS!! Chandler is at ~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. E. Janney preseut in charge of the Normal depar tment at the Scio schools.' She is Mr . and Mrs. Burns and Mr . John II graduate of the 0 S. U., and III Stroop, of Dayton, spent Monday clOnsidtlred by the State Normal dehere. Mr . Stroop will leave the last parlment lIS ORe of their bet;t Instruc· of the month for Texall, where he to rs . Forty have already signed up expects to make hill future home. for thp. summer Normal. ) ·1 Solid Leath~r Work Shoes at Hy· ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~ .~ ." man 'a .
___ ________ l ~ Start'
f th Fi
101' O .
The flre started Ilt the rear of the Earnhart hardware store. preRumably in the rooms where wu atored a considerable IImount of 0111 of dU· ferF"t klndl, When the chief, who was a\1lOfllr the very first to arrive on tbe ecene, beian directing ' the work. it was lloon seen that the block would be dEl8troyed. and he belfan to play on the Masonic bulldinl( and the pool room block. As the lire proa-ressed, the rClOm of F H. F.afr, east of Earnhilrt'e wa~ 800n on lire. !lnd jll.st east of this the Macbeth Bakery. Mr. MacBeth. who did not cllrry Insurance, eaved quite a lot of his stock, but a great deal of his workinlf JDlltt!rial wag lost. His will be an entire loas. The block was entire!.r !lutted, and d.e stock in the dlff~~l1t bu~in8lls hou~eB will Qot ealvalle very much, as water and Bmok\! will 8frve to mllke It of very little vlllue. Thie was the f(,urth time thllll huildlna had experienced fires In 1884.'when the bakery burned, OD the aite,of the pr8hnt Iraral(e, this block CIlUIr~ 1 ftre Heveral time~ on the roof, but by the aid of a bucket brigade, the bl.ock wail 8aved with ver, little -, ."e da. In ·1907 th" .b)llld.olr met with a /lever. loas, when the bakery was on fire, and enlaiied a Irreat 10..': At . thll! time. ~"rolc .o~ on tbe . ~rt of the ftreOlen aaved the reel of the blo~k. At two other 'tim., inclpl ' nt blllHIIln tha bloclE, cauJrbt p'-um, bl I.. d , .....&1 e eblmn-. d~ a e 7·, . Ii ·iI , qed the bulldlD. to IDIH • •t.
f:.itbancm, x.... 8'arvepbuqr an"cI
~ro ~eaUed
of themoved ahow Into caBellthe andHarner baked room. 00 B ann wbere' they will remain for II time, and are pr~pared to furni.h their cuetomers with a relrular line of bsked goods. F .H . Farr is also IDcated in the Harner buUdini, snd will handle hla line of dally papers and malfszines the 88me a. u8ual. Luckily there was no one hurt durlnlf the prOlRreM of the fire. al· though lleveral of the volunteers have devel,.pIld colds from their exposure Although s-,!veral yartA of the bulldin&" collapsed durlnlf the fire, th!'y lell toward the fire, thus avoiding much chance of bodily dam· age. The J, D. Philipe estate, who owned the buildinlf, carried $1500 insural1ce, while the property is BUP posl'<! to be worth considerably more Eunhart carried 17500 Insurance, which will about r.arry the amount of 'hls stock. Mr. Farr had $500 in· 8urance, which wea about half of the amounl of hie stock. The Premier band will ION about '125 in (Dusic. drum and other stock They did
local Bhows, many of them high class The proscemum curtain and drops. III well 88 the winga, were painted bya Springfield company, who Yo ere fine Bcenic painters
WE THANK YOU Alrain It hlUl been proven that tho very best peopl8 in the world live in Wayneaville and vicinity. Kind friends. we sincerely thank you, onll and an, for your efficient help and tender sympathy in our fire disaster. Saturday morning, April 2nd. May Hod ,bless and reward each and every one 01 you Anna Phillips H. E. Earnhart Roy MacBeth and' wife Frank H. Farr and wife
RESOLUTION OF THANKS Resolved, hy the Council 01 the Village of Wavn08ville, Obio. met In rCifular aelllion, that a vote of thanks be extended to Lebanon Fire Depart· ment, also' to Harveysburll' Fire De· 'partment, and also to the commun· ity at IMrge. for their prompt reply to our Call for assistance in our late tire dllllllter; April 2nd, ]921. And
Too ' much pralle. cannot be elven 10 Fire Chief "Sherwood and _I h II h his a~.taat, M. L . r'arllla " w 0 were all around tbe buUcllnl at Umu dl~lnl the work,
w~Jc:" was accO~plJt.h~ .·· tOI~e
t), everybody.
tbe \101_..... wbo worked -IO bard.1 -'' ' fini and to ...ve .the .urroundlDI .,..iIclbip.
'~o, I~~
people ~o were ~7 IIlhl'!' teen, ~ t~ ltIiJd-;on the lid.. walk, oiIt of the road of til•. fire flcb...... "" fact alone belped
to ......t UtIat.
lfany assistance il needed at any : time. we are .their dlepolllli. .Be 'It . further . . Reeol9ed, th"at a copv-ot Ibla reao- . lution be .Bent to Lebanon Fire De. C~Ff:~ 'D e;:Jr::::, t~n:·:v:;; be publilhed I~ The Miami Gtizette. p~ at the. Council Chamber' In the Villaae of Wayn ..vlJle, Ohio. thlt lith d., of Aprlt. 1921. .
IfPOD toOOllMl '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_...
I no,.
II. L. Par.ball, lIaror. L. P1eroe, aerie. ,.
Miss Agnes Hornick. of Xenil\ , Bpent the week·end with MItIS Ethel Hosier . MilS Hornick sang a 8010 lit tbe M. E. church •• Sunday morning. much to the delight of her many friends. . Supt. and Mrs
Ralph Weaver,
Principa~ 'and Mrs N , P. Blatt. the
MIs9es I?;dna Rowland, HenrieV a . McKinsey: .a nd Frances Lamb attended tbe Teachers' Association at J,Abanon, saturday . ' . Mr. and Mt~" Rober t Stroud and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stroud, of jClnciDnati.-and Mrs. Henry Sanden· aistel and son, Robert, ' were Sunday '. visitors of Mr , 'and Mrt .. . Raihe, of Five Points.
u..;leum. Mattip. and Shad_ at HYman' ..
- --
EXTRA SPfCIAL ..:....£or-
,SATURDAY ONLY The" Best $1.25' a~d, S1.50
'. Work Shirts, speci~ ~_.
. ,The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
Altlt"fPd rll('" 1..- IH;"')Ij K, 'IU'" Ilvnn,s.. "'J'on3'. '!';illl," bl'oke forth . l11ltlO r ~ fill l ,J\ OI \1 .. .. " " Uillt It 1\ol,1 ~ alt d '11 til ht.' r lll t'(' Hllh.' n,t ',u Iy. - John ,. "llou't l"llk SIl t'l-lllht<!I1Cll. 0 " Uf','lH ":1 111," It\' I'rh 1. "11,-'.' ,11I.x . ''TIlls Is rnr kid, Olo'urn," l!lIltl Uriah. on e-'Ii lining to hur t rou \\'I~I you 're 11" 111' ('{\II~l tI .J oho tell Ih" trlle \ In, lill fl'\l" U :- I 'ar~ I S " no. 'OUt\,l" I,' \ I'h llll' with n \\'0"1.' Itt .11 hand townrd 'I' nr. with me. 100 hl'rl.', my d af." ',,1 [II hell' 1/1 ·1 ,I \\'11 .1' rmlll It hll~,it . I ' , "S.iI·, h t hlnl",." \\' lit Oil tli . ll " ~· "1'\,<, rlllOr tl) mile h'r hOlni'. Oet HIs \,olre \\,I\'S RO lOw, so tn ndrr. I I11n~l hllVt \ Ill fl U I1Y r" Inr. '· t h:t t \\' ptll ml cl hllVl 1 11\ nl t'lS your dull!\, bM) I I" tbnt MI'!!. Curtis groUnd h r Ie ~h In "\,'nit," slI hl ,M ~, II' I~. IIlul RIIi' ,uIIII",1 1llrlle,1 nil If tl) obey, lint) rllge. and rlah D.~\'ol\ lelt bls pm"r ;:1\-'11 JI< I' 11\) wll hllllt II IH" ,I 10 - HI hurl' h'll fl"1111 11 \1' NOIIITI. I h:<t hrut O'!" ,\fr~ . ('Ilrtls t''''ll( ht her Ilrm. ebillng away. of the "'tlrn ~rh' II p p t"'h1'Pil h ~\ ru I'" I (lC'for hI ("1, 1(1 Rl' ''' h o w ~I "l\l ('un 1(f~t'p u "Gn o~ Y"U 11 1' '. " he dlr ted "rn Tonnlbel wBlked ~wtttly to Doetor 101t1l 11\ h i t~!lI,·~. II.' ur o;!'!- 1111.'.. 1113'. ~PI\f1 ." _Ir thlul.'!I I1ftl'r YOu. " ' Jflhn'lI aide lind all pp,,(\ h'r hond Ln lo m \ n ' ~ (.·1',1J11 f rnlU \llw, ("uu"it n .l~1 1 1111 " " \1" '111 ' " Ihl' 11111 It I'r. ,',u·n lt·,,, hI' I t"Xt'II .. ,,'rl • ! rs, Cu r t h~, (\ (fll ll nil! T"I) ~'N ,.~. {'1: ;:lIlh ered n t,..11I gert:n t hl~. a ~ "11. Illlllltll tu~ tn !'~lf"l\ h '~tl chl't\l'l"Hlt~. eXJlrt'~~lon_ HE c · .f rats has at IQSt been recognized "'I'h",.~ two SAid r COUl lln'l c,'eu ".Y 1'.Jo h n." -;hp ~ ntr~ull-\1. rll l':..,"\.· tt llt1( t o 1" '1 :" ', t'", t'l, lan;:tH'll I "r wnll't ir0 \\'lthlll1l ,nylng goo<1·by gooc!· hy trr- tn-" ~h.. h(nt ,·" h~r by th r (iean ~ople. You .can always rub .. Iw l' " 'IH, II,pre ),h.' t tt l " lp.p Ilwny HSt.,~ ~·. ~1\1 1dll · 1 hll\' ).""1 1 I11 t ll h HOi,· 'j 10 l'nlllHn Pnlll," ~h!' bl'~nn . . h ond nj:nit'81 tho Idrlll1y ..rill Ihn t RIll" ' t·,· 1" " 1'- .. , IlIu~ 1 ) IIq' "'titlll' rnon (' y gteat American pdblic 10, do the right count . , the to Lilli 111 tW; .... lIll . tn\· d l'HI' Sari. h." " II " "I f ~ h~ gel liP llH'rt' once." lol""" porred h"r lind fnr n rnOIIlI 'n t was SOl 'I't ,. , I .\ lilt o f II ' " h i li' JlII"'\~ \Ir. · , thi -:g f()r the country's welfare. 1l0~Pc! Mr~ . Curtis. In ftn I1n(\l'rlone to ngltnt",1 sh .. CoU ld lint 1l1'(\O'!'f'1 1. " " ' hal ' I'" ),')1I t lll', lng nl'I ' 'I 1 ~r I' .. If N~.· Romanc~ of th~ UriAh Dnon. "you won 't o('e her "'HuSh, drour," plvlItJed 1'C'ndh'hnven . 11,1111\, I I Now Ihat you rul ks have bet.. Vouell'sExter miI18tm rr. Co. T1I 1\fH Jp 'd H t'J,:.~l c . lI u·oln.tr l"' d ,· l lIll1 '~ ·d Stcmn Country ngnln." "all ~h I Do you Wllllt ro Sill)' hoire?" thorOullhly nroll:!ed to th e dun · Westtittld. N. J . , u~ed t wo· ''' It.,... 111.'" s id ". Hlid 1 wn nt t" SEno ey" ., Un hl~ 1tl(lllhpl', "Yes. oll. ye". sir. r do. In (ltoe!l. olr I" Tonnillel hall hl'llrd the " 'oms and I{~r to the h -':JIll) of yo ur Ci ty thirds of Ole package tha t "" oll r ( 'lIl1 ~ lrl .Il1hn 10 :- t"'0", 111I k . " " ~~ By kne,,' Ihey " '('Co! trul'. If s hl' could s he cried. "Dut- Imt- " 'Ill : ""d rl Q fln lmcinllO~9 caused by ni ght and tbe r:atR cleaned III L~ Ihr. tl ll tl llh', '.1' lit : 1 111111\ 11)11 11 0>( 1 p ... ruls, yuu IIru ~ .. mg to get bus y it up. On Mondny mll,rn· f\l " . P ... ! 'I : ';. ''' 11 q itllply " III\' t." GRACE MILLER WHITE !fet III'~ talt'6 wtth Doctor Pnul and "Then 10U'1\ srny." Ihe ,IOCI ('r 1(>1,1 \"Olt In tt\(· 11 " 1.... I. 'f ' \ \ 111'11 Ii, I' 11\ II OJe! ~ III thc,OI ,!f l,y tl.~ thou· il' ~: 1 snw one rllt l'Atmg " 'H ill e 11\\ :1) d lll ·.... "·t ~" dll ! f' t l ~ · lfl I 't;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ I then locll the door, no one would dl&l'e hl:'r In a "olre low-pltch''tl lllld Siern. till ' " \'-~tf\I '" 1" ·,, I:h !~Io'," .. til ' ",' pll"' !' lIlt'a I I.n I h\! floor; In ter sunJ..... , ,," ,., \1', \ :'\01 I ~ " I' " ' IJI"' \ \ " 1',." \lI t ' I 'l~ I Yennture after her. "rr yon r futher rhl uk 1(\'1:1:" ." f U"I ' j,.'Tt·\\ , n IId ... , .\ ;:I: IY I Can Help You thlll . amc day th e r~ was dl ,, ·I II'·. " I " . ·1,. el,1 h. p .'r .. 1\ !l " IIII' . K. Vly -Com~.ny . l'Von 8ft'" tnn l't Int elllgenc. light "I' m goln' t o hn\'~ my glrl," grltle<! one more r ut seen ,in the , . ( 1I'\IIr1, " Ih' 1-" I" ': l t " tl It l ' -' h l,tliI'ul\v. \\ .1 t t ill! I. It .\ , I I .. , 'II " ! 11111"::, :-: : I I'u h ." ti ll h~r faro!. H e d illn 't lutend to allow Urlrtfl. ~'o r y IIrs HAT · SNA P hos o ou.'4{' b ut that was th e .. t d ld u' , know \1 f' 11 1\ 1' I1I1Y ~I!~ II 10; 11' 1 • t l ,' \ \'1'111 ' " \lll h n \\;111' or Id ... h :l n d hl'r out or hi. sight He caught at "Then you hll"(, Ihe Inw nt your h('1'1' ." las t ,,~e. This mak es (hir· k ,1I"d rut s_ !luud what R. ~t her roughly liS Mrs. Curtis barred bnlld to use. i\tr. D,,'on." r(' tumed the 'II "'''I ' I. l'r " :I :L ")" I :\1'1 ' rll l! lI l1~ t een days and we havl' s~ e n (:I'.lnt . t: ent for thc Atlantic " ~ h,~'s n lw ,I.\ ' ,\ II h ( ' . IUO:;! U )l all l." l·,,:,st. ,.,. Railronds! We ill 011, nl) TAL,. Not (t ne bit of T f . I ' IJII: '1 , '1 "; 1'1 t h ,· t llt ,t ' "And your cousin's stili nllyr. ('II r ' h.. r il lgh t to tho door. docto r, "nnd )'Otl. !';urnh. I'll nsk JOU rf" m llrkl~ct I,ll 1Il1' l'irll'. ,d,h :1 :<il ' ,·IIIIIl!' I I'll l 1",.\ N . C. wri l". on (o'"b. 19 th.1 921 ; odor left be hind." rlllh'8 .volc.. hnd n Rllnrl In It. "L"I me ol onl'." Nhe crle<!. "Let me to nttl'nd to your own Un'IIIrS ntlt>r /0: \:1111'1' !I t l'h l11 p. " II d i.ll ·" ": .'j ' m <:: 1 { ' ~ 1111 I"" I ~" .\ \ I .. I', ' li t' i...:, IIl l d 1\1' I.. th,· ' upL of Freight nt SNAP I 1\1 d, ,nl.... I ll. , ' a II 11." "Stltl alive, m utt en.'d HI'::!!"', al on~." this." Wilollin!:loll. N. c.: If yo u u ~c RAT· W Il'If y l n )l. tlw tlJ.!'h! 1.\ .... 11 \1\\· \\ fln ~ Iu" 1:4. I I 'r ( · l lll ... 11l "\\Tha t you gnln' rn do , " , ,'1 II UriA h slIurcl,,,d her hnnda. Iond Mrs. "nut, CoII"ln John," nrglle<! M M!. Mor ht-\r ~n .\' ~ ~h f' (' 011 1\' ., \\r ,'o nllIH HI perMollully gua rant pe that you , . On Sn tu rduy. Fe b. 5th. WIU rid )'ourtiI!Jto f ... Y~r)' "' L You Ina, !on ld \,:1 __ 11' \ 10': 1'1 11 I I. ,. tll' l lI t' .' ", II I' liu , l po", '" dem nnded )"\," .. n. .. ... , j It Cnrl ls hu r led her nngl!rs In Ule dnrk Ou rtle. "she's the man's own child. slo,·k ." l W O w ef:, ks a~o t04JUY, r ut9 IH • lew det•• 1 ,ullt: roN \ lit tht' m dis.t il 11J1\' t.'. ," p i ... h l · ,1:11" d lIo t j' iln f, ':-Os gh1n1" ,·tlrls ..'9 Tonnlbel cried OUI ngnln. th.. Surely he hns n rl ltht to-IO-" ~f; H' ( ':I\I1,·y·o:; rn.·.· ).; ' :1' \\' d , l rh., ' ,lid Wt,.·rc I' ll'llliful. Hnu I ha ve ~t.~':;,a~~ 8~~~~ .C'ar('1lUd tJrY up and " lIa I I lInd " I I ,,., ,' 1' • ... ; 1 r \'. dt)() r sl1 t lrlellly openl'd. Bnd John A sound of II' bell Ileallng -t.hrollgh Drown shook hi. I .·nd . : •• • • • 1) H R. Itlllny a ~ thirty to J'elldll'hll\' P" '''''ls t It i!' n l\l 'jI or u ll f; p r '" ~1J1 li d !" 11111 1' .I. 1111:' " li t, " I'p t " I' t y Oi l Ih·' n' ~ r at one Thl. is I bllC ,·c',"rtH·t. but rwme'r~r / "No, not yet., HI " I:." Ii .· Il1Ullere,l . th" h o u ~1' cut 01T II r words. '1'hen at hl ~ YOllrHl l ' ol1~l n r ~ ~, F,,,uru,,t,.,. ,,. Ca'h lu,drlOWlwun :tl ouc h "1'(11, " 111.\ , "L, ·· 11 1-!01 '" It )l llll ' I' 1 " I ' fld "Not lu~t yN . ] ('",,'t" <'flllll! h l'n ~y foolll ('ps In the hull. DI!l,n ,,:, Ora-' l l f 1he dttrk s t. soyourhou MI- holrl llll u . r. u f .. "Bu l t! l-\ lIt h h~ a f ll ) I ," 1II 't::tll ~trjC . h llll. I lt-'tot I H'tll ll{ .. t'd lit' \\ "\ll d . •h·h lt, ~ 1I l!:.! ,· ~ tl'd t', at we put ou t DoyC'u r t'hnreth lll rar - killlnllwet'ka rwi "'fou rot to If!'t me /I lot of money f nre anyone could flg u re on thu co use Cl1rt l~, · , \,' 11). t: 1';!1!1t, 111\' dllr ll n~. , t'Hl lI lt.· pon""'I\ , ::-u we purklllnH s wl1 h I-(A T-S NA I~. Co now to lome WRY," De\'on cnme In With. of this com motion. the door bUl'8r n (>\"f-lr !in\\' yo u I HI{ ~iI .:Ir·l< In my ~ ' IIII In II',' 11t'11 I I til', .. I..:h .. .... l·d a II~h· k Cl H C o f UATIInyu( tht!. turf' S lO)·ourC'l tymunti~ned 1" · fI. ;~ ,·It: I\ \ · 1I "'H I d o1\\TI :11 ' " to n k li p "rv!' got to get out of Ihls ('1)UII I r),. ol'en Rn ll sO"ernl unlfoMlled men !lfp ! " .... bcll1w (ar.d buy HAT·S NA P . 'lb ..... ~NAP put uu t by th e .. , •• l'ri< ... :l.'><.G~".mUL~ 1111' t ,ool l; lip II:tll 11"1 ' 11 1'! ' .Id 1I ~ . or I'll be hnoked t o jnll If th o~ ... Syrncome In. WheD Ur iah De"on cDught "AW , r ut It:" ~(I\\ I('d I hl' h , \~'. till " ! 11'1'11;-0 " I II li lt 1111 PilI :.ll y 11\· 1)' 4' c\16e folk' "nil mf'. You'd h,' IH'r be sIght of lhem, h,. mllde a daRh fo r the fl.tE'utlll.\'. "'1'1,11 T1If' \\ 1"11 IIl'i 'll t lll' of Yo ur ",Oltty back if RAT-SNAP Jo rs not do :111'1",., rllr lh al hll ~' , " ... a ld I II'. " 1" ' 1 I geltlng home lind hn ck 10 bN1. nesl wln do,\,. but two heaT)' ofllcertl wel'l' Ih e Irl rl 's rill I,.... " thl' -a-o,1t it is ;/I/<'lid,c! f or - - to kill rats. h iLI ' I: ' " u wh llt·. S III:lh II l lli .. \'1' 1.(1\\ , t llke a atl1l' 8wlng. 100, to settle your on him be fore he \\'us half wily I ..Cross "lI e', 1:,'111); 1(1 JIIII ffl r a nl,·,· I O Il~ liI:1( \\''' I'k~ "111 . . :\' '', '1\', Ihl " " ""4 the room . It took but a few mlnu tl:'H n erves." lor e l'J<'c lf'll I"·IHIIl·hll\'l·11. "It He wlltched th e tall thin boy wnlk for the oO\ clRla to explain to Doctor 8e~rn s 11 0 WIl S 1II1xptl Ill' In u t11."1'! III p" 11.... n f y OI Il' h " ;.I~I I1~ 111 \' . 1 1'\' ["1191' "I '" .1 . , • • , 1. , , . alow]y away In ilPep medll ..1Ion_ Then P endl eho\' en UIIlI th ey bad been trail· Syru r usl·... l ing De"on for a lon g tlw~, thAt he he lau ghed Dnd wen t below to Ih.. " "glnnlcl go t IIp frolll Ih" Iflhl.·_ -~, - ---:YOUEU,'S E TERMrNATING co. cabin. wo s wanted for a .. rime In. sYre. CUSIl. ·'1 d o n't wnut on~' 1 h l n~ more to W !:.H1' t· I r:LO. N. J . AlmOllt a weck .rtt'r Regl:1 '11 rutil e When t hey were leadlng him out eli't," ti n gT()\\" INI , ns h is I l\ lIth p r Rln rt · attempt to polson his ousln Pllul. mt.ua cled and deeply enrnged. ho ed to rel\lnllst rn te \\ I1 h hilll. ''1'111 j!"\ Tony D&von W88 81t1ln« In her room. turn ed on Tonnlbel. III£, to hI" !." "I'll get even with l'OU, mls•• " her ea din 1'. wht'n a servant Ioppeared IIutI \\'111'11 hI.' got up.lnlrs. h~ lo .. kf'd IIr t old ber some one wnnted til see her IDnp~d at het', his eyes t ull of hote. h lLl selt in the glh ss. I (nw \\'lI lt(' anll E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio d ownlta lrs. Ber heart bounded with "and I'll I'et even with you too, mls· Ihlll he )111(1 !f1'n wI" II !' Inll kl'" 11 ' If d ellJht. tor ahe was 8U1'9 Phlll(l hod tar." Be threw Ihe lost hoLt at bls he> hnd dlNI ontl WII ~ Irr h,!: to rllm p !lentence a t Doctor John. wllose only 10 IIf!' OIl;oln. II p- \\'11 " f rlj!'ltlPn,·oI Alcome again and had sent for her. She CIIIII I\IOn , ·!t·M Court milled to the g\BSII, CIIught II glimpse r eply wu a sh rng or his shoulders. mos t out or h t:;o wl t ~ tno, '[,hPl) TOll ' , of her roey face. pushed back I,,' few During the slrullgle helween Ihe de- nl h,'1 D I" 'n (\ rl'a l l ~' wus tn ttl 'hUllSl'. 11 Proc:coolnga IItray curll and "" ent downstalr. to tecUves and Uriah . Mrs. Curtis hod 11111)1I't I,pf' n lI l' r ).:'h o S( thnr h n ~ ' thrown ", '1 1 ' 1 1 I' f l' . ' -. II (l, I" lr n the dra'!l'1Dg room. clutched lit. I'end l!'hn \-en'! neck. bul hlill 1""lIly' fl,(lIl1 th.! \\'llIlI II'" s ill &.111" ,. \' , ~ ).. I" q II 1· 'Ui llt l tl· I! f .\l I I . tI AJI Ibe atepped Ins ide, she came to he had COSI her oil' without cerernollv. nil . Urluh. kn l,wl lll: th a i hnl l COli", I ' a sudden terrllled b a it. Her fRthor No", the thrl'(' were alone. TOl\nlb~l. IInll mod e n (Ielll ond for hie dRughler : ' 1,, 1;1\ \\', 11., ,. ~ ' II ' t was _ted In a large chair and hili )l6.1pltnr lnlr nnd ((,Arflll; M rs. Curl Is. olH I hnfl h(' n tl.rrt"'~ll~1. P£'rhnps h e • , ,.,j , He Caught Hlr Roughly. bbl I' ,,,II I fl' !l rn tl l ... .! .I i eye&, red and awollen, were centered ao Dg OD t he floor. nnd Doctor John. would I", IIrre" INI nl s(J, 1\1111 for n I FOR SALE- -HOUSE HOLD GOODS MONEY LOANED UllOn ber, Tben b e smiled, th ..t wick· dleh ovl'n wa lked Inlo the room. Urlab looking at her sternly. crime worse th nn sl l'nllnjl. li nd Ih e ~ , II, I" , II , . r -\ l l l t l ft { ' l p'IV I'r \~ P ed amJIe that always widened bIll drolll'l'd Ih e girl's hllndll, and Mra. 'Sarah," he snld bllullhtlly, "1 saw girl 1I1 ~nll (ln " d Ih" fn ct or hili Iry! n;; I ,1£ " I fj "ll '" Ii ·1·1 tl "" ur \ b tl I 't " II tl lt-I ll l:,,,pd ht thldt UPI! when he had rmcceeded In Curtis tell bAck " 'ilh ft stu rlled eJoclI- the dl81f1'l1 ceflll WBY YOU were pulllnr to 1'0160n P au l I "' lIll1phn""n 1 It s hl' I .... ' ' I I I " ' I \" , ,, M ()~I1:Y 1'1' I.tl N (\:>1 F AI{}I K luh> ~n!"hU ~~ t .~"'fI, til I h· b \fU ~ 111 " f rh " pl,"n r: lT. lOme evU thine. 10 tlon. this cblld's bllir when I come In, nnd hR eln' t. woul d 81",1 When Mrs. Cur. t ·'·· t1f. 6 .110 1 ~" rllo,l ' f .. r n 1'1' 10 1{ \l I ~nv t ll .. ",,,lnnJII'· . A1, r I Dlb , lit "Hello, ToDY," be chudtled. "You've "Whnt does thi s lueanr' Questioned at lut. much Il.8 I dislike doing It, I ti s mille In to lI@k how he felt. he wns \·O'Hr". '1'.· ... /11 1 & T~n .. 11 ""hi E ~. l u 'ol .."I.. re rlU" ou h. ~~VII Atull"M Probau Court Proceedinp malle a ftD. Deet f1W ),ourwlf, huh?" Dortor J ohn. mn.t ull )'ou to leu'e my house." cn lmpl etl In a hill' ehnlr. shAking os ' 111 1' 1111,1 1_ ' )l n~ , <;\'Ilmlo e l.·,u . O ht o. bll Ton), 0111)' dared at him. She telt ":'Iy falher'a here." MId Tony, b. "Lean'" Jim Ourtls lICreruned. If he ho d bN'n nUIlrked with ngue. 10 19 U I II tl '" nt ll !' Pr n f III ' ' ·~ I ·d .. o f Ph " "I' :lOI I1IJrocated b, hll a:udden appearance. voi ce bTt'ok lug. "Where wonld" I go, I hayen·t a plnce "My goodness. Reggie. you look 11\ .. ~ B. SIl I t>~. (I,·c,'n . " d. (l u p ,oo· t o r ONEY L" HII Pr l (." livl, ~roo" . "I to talk to you, kid." be "Rer fllther, Cotaln John," HrW. In the world but tillS," :!: , I I' ~ ;,p!l1 l ' ..- ed FOR SALE h"r.tel~. AI .... ~ p corl ll lllor t Knlles . lair!, the Wheedle comlor loto hlA Curtis Tel.elltl'll. . A careless gesture trom Doctor I . lu rll" Il llf.t .. r 0 1 t 'u rI Aohl .. ru, h u . )J . , ttll' II nl!h~ .J ·lt n An ·l1ln " . AIl"n too.. tIIlt ah. aya augured bad for ")'\'e come tor my elrl, mllter," aid 10hn tbld T onnlb.' 1 that that tnct • l\dn,ltlhol tr 'tl n r f lf f h t! I'loIt r l li-.1 of M U \1 (\ R lll l rl'I1 ~ . X .. nl. Ohl l1 _ II 4 2 1 S borl h" rll Bolli. !luod Oil", 7 III 8 the penon addrftAed. "Sit down." U~lah, plue.lnr up hi. coorece. didn't Interes t him. She 811pped her I '\ I ' ~l tt-' r lfl l l fl , (1 . ' 1 t'H ~t el, v ... '. 'nrl "\"H VI1 'lr~ .. lrI . J,. q ,"r,· ot ',l'onDlbel sat, oot because he tol4 "And she." Pendlehnen kept bll hanil Into hie. LIfting eyes that were I I.P I'tl, ·.1I .. : HI . 1t" ;I,) rl ' 1 Pd " " I" ) V'lo k ,Ir .• H. II 4. W" ' IH-,vHI .. , Ob lu her but because abe couldn't IItllnG eyeM on Tonnlbel, "does Ihe want to troubled nnd dnrk·clrcled. s he begged: ..." " np pr" \', "" I~ fH l cli :o' (r1 hl1f 11\ 1 '" 1\1' FOR RENT 1120 on ber trembllDI lelL go with you ' " "Let 'e r stay, Cousin J ohn. Mebbe dt ' ri'l(} _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ "1'011 dOll't appear to be TeI'J' Uckled "Whe the r ahe waota . to 10 or not. Ihe didn't know -my dnddy wou lll hnve L. 0 W-l :-" -oond ·. bbl"j · Ollvar to lee YOIIJ' old dado" be threw lit she w ill:'· I'JIIClIIated the other mno. killed me It he'd got me buck to tile l\IarrinJre LireJllIe. tt ·,,,Ul FI Ht, nil \')Il ln ~t r llpt. In. /'iUlky P low. I , (JUII,' of Luy. her, .. frown wrtokllng bll tace. "Get "Nobndy Can ke<lp a kid trom her own Dirty Mnr)·." 'i 'l lrll'it. . 'Iw v~r' WIIVllP ~hr. b 'Ilroe &; ~Iol{ e l"' . W ilY III .. vIII, I up and ~me over here." als wIcked fother. I'm " IlI)PR.ln·... Pendl ehaven put hI s ,..rm nround rt u ... ... (· , ' k u nl l H., l ii,f tn , t, Itl u1 M 1t<ltl k. t \V Uf'nf h4 \,U: I \. (. n t . n6 t llll" ,, 20 Z ~'\ l ! h " ~ ; U L'\' , hoi II I) f \\' Jr "'", vl lu-. eye. ' _med to be Iwallowlnl her her. and wllh n ring ot fierceness In wbole. In fact De\'oo could oot mllke his voice. s nld : 1" .. ", bll~h "l ~ " f Il , ·.1 Ell ilni blmlelf bell en this beautlful creature ''There, Sarnh. there's pity for yOIl_ UN. I Estate TranCer. WANTED rOf","OOt4 ' lt r to"I, ·, I) fJ P ti .... the Tony wbo. he thought, hl,d rt YOIl stay, It·! becous(' T ony Devon \ V 1l1, p . HH \ ' f ' I ",· ,n·" ,11 Malll . 66- 11..:)" . . 11:. MIt·h · IIr' . \\0 ,1\",,,.,,. been drowned Iu the hue. lie felt pleads tor )'OU, not becuuse I huvo Otl :i I" " ot t ~,. o • 2(1 Ii . 1'_ ·1. R ·1 .n Nr~; n-Srt l · .", " n fi r 6.000 ville lIl,l " a nlW ..aRUon within him 8a bls any sense of duty toword you. I Wtl .~, 0 '[ "' 1',. tl .... took Ill · ever, lIne of the lovel)' . , ; hope you teel properly grRleful." rnllft !! nHrn nlt lo' r} Itrll .... ~ Illn r v ~Y -I ' I""~1' II I III T' II 'ol-h .y tlv . 1\ trI. W II . ,, " r.) \ V . (!. n .." 1 p li Tt fl OO ""'~ k lv WI l.h "set r, Cl.:m Ul ' "Rio ll ~ GlOre. . The doclor st rod e to Ihe door, 1"q'"I " .. I .I(,j,,, R .. b'·I~ ,n. R . ,if Spc !ff ,I ' 4. t 4. III 'i' ur l lp(' r " J., 1' ,1 WRn Tir,- & R n hlIH r " 0 . Box 784, "Come over here," he Rahl ooce 9pCned It and moUoned for her to be 11 a. WII) nl-. vIII" . Ultl(1 tl20 TUIV n"h lp , ~: . ( ' ll i c, q~ " I lIin il l loO • 06 mon, tell - me bow you lOt out gone. Th en weepin g, she clattered of ~ lake that nlPt DId you swim aWLY. her sobs nudlble even ntter the .I _ ni ..~ I.n 1,. H 8rl'6n, p·", t • ,",W- A N ro. 1 C'Il\'. I.,.".h _ I ~• aaborer' door W8 S C108ed. Y ·-4 1'/) 11" 'I'lIllol·h v .. nd 3 'r ont' u t :-:.IG. 113, T ;'. it ;1 . III '1' .1< f· l c() l· el· ~ qui r e of Will . L H,rth,,,, •. R L), CIO) Yl'r; lir~~ 'I '.~~ bHV. InQolrp Tonolbel IIhook ber bead. For a .fe w momenta Tony DevOll r" \VII ~ hl ll, 1-1 4. W~yne~vll"', Ohi o. b 20 " I W tI ~1 " r:':llIl . H. II :I, W"ynps "l'm not rolng to tell )"Oll anything," -I 'l1!lIlt " n ( 'It, v n l.!ll r I II F' wuk wePt .!lenll, In John Pendl ehav~n'8 vill I', OhIo. mn" . abe mnrmured almcat InaudIbly. annll. Krc·h '.r<l. p ~ rl or ' ~.:!. T 2. B . r, .JICRHEY L!UW t:) f .. r ·" "II'. I ... ·) or "'Well. keep It to younett, then," hl1 l w~ f\ n th o ,l\,,,"i l'1v " r~ . :1. "011, It's awful to have lIn tidy tnken t- b ~Dl llre tr ll~ b . h 'qulr·" OIl I ~ J ll vf Few T" n ~ IIf T lm o t hv BBY f or IIII8J)p8d Uriah. "When I I8t you bllck awny to Jall," she monued, "but he "My Good" "e., Reggie, You Look l , ,,brl , ~ l ' h " lIl"~~" CIH I·on ·1t Hunt. dHle l llQulO'tl , t WIIIIAUl (Jom. Conner. R. D. I . WI\YlleMVIII", U il lo. to the 'Dirty MaTy' I know ways won't b l:' iOOO, he jus t won't I" ar, lot~ ~ ". 2 ~ ,wc1 :!:J in Mu rru w , tt l . 'Ul .. g~. R. 0 3, W"'I'Il,," vlll e, Ohi o. M~O Awfu l." wbleb'll brIDg eut ot IOU what I wan~ "You're much better ort to huve ' ·I,lT,) rrl \\' , 01( tn <:/"" . Llllldo n. p UI·I. al.i to bow. 80 get Jour thlogs and him itwuy, IItlle girl," soothed P en· I a wfu l," .s he 881d, coming to his >Idt'. of 1", (. I ~, . 'I' 4, R :.! 111 tit .. Miuud EGl tlTERED Doroo· J " J"e < Rf!d _ _ uOIIe bome," dleha\'e n. . w!'ell 111 t', Child, whh1's the n1l111~r?" /'I ..... !lull 6 Pig" K E :I'hnwp. l\llrn:I.- I·llrkII Y 1CL!l!s IIno R. "0' 1' P'H<' h ~",. *1 TorrIDIheI felt a. It the bottom bad "There's rno I Illr ·nollgh." (nlrel'cd Ron . R . D. I, Or"goOlIl, Olll", VII/ley O () ')~H E I!K~ Inr Hl\lo h lnll . Mr .. faileD ont fit the world. Then a bOY'1I th e boy. "lr YOII don 't wnnl me ar. p~I " tl a 11I.1Yo. H dr V ~ ,I' . lJu, L'. ..20 CHAPTER XIII. Co mm i~.. loncr8' J'rOCt1ediDil Mln~ G. LMwi,, _ I) b o no !i\l-2Yo . W .. y . 1IID11e, and a bOy'1l wordl, "Salvation, rl's ted 111ft' Ihnt !Dlln today, thl'n 61 \'8 !l,·. vlll,·. Ohl "_ llt. little Tony, alwayl at band, for V. W Lpf,{ bnr n Ell ti". .1.00 per Good for Evil, , me sOllie mun ey to !:<:t out with." bl ll- ,,' 1 " 0/1: L" PIl('" & ~ (' hpl ~ .. pod," _cd to .trlke both • 8AUlu g; 8600 Jh ' r 100. ~'rll ThL! hlght for dinn er . 1I"e (Ieo))le He dropped hi s bend. Bnd for Il mo· tI,'r .. l'r. Im,'I:d ,,1 .l oh ul' " lJ" fIOO; W ANt-E rl- A VllllOr. Illdy wtlH. her 'YfIdon and heu1ng. MI Abolll th p. Pendlehu\'en ta hl e. n eg· . ment she tood s lllri ng ot him. 'I'hen B .lT r tr Hr "d ItI/lnk ~ f or hh llrr ll . r~~~ Ilt r lli' P al C{' R e ~tul1r"nt. B V Smith, p lIO,,,,, 37.3. Waynt;l! . ~ believed .ver)' word Philip VI II I' , ()hlo 1\18 gle, Ilale Unt] mlsernble look ing, snt her 1II0lhf'r· heurt r<:luxe", 81H1 she t6 ;.:;; .J "hll L " W & :' u n 1(1t~()h '"' "t 'Ill on. !J 6 Ha~lIIey uttered, He couldn't .peak rlJ l' c" oll~ y ul( r ~ l ~; LI·b .. oon 10/ nexl 10 hili molh er, aud Philip Mue- ~n nk he~l dll Ids dUl lr. an 1IDtruth It he tried. If Il8 he had MARE. 7 ,I'arp nld wtll work Cau ley was 0p\lOslte Doctor John. I "Dnrlln ~. " she c roone(l. "dhTllng & C Olli ( 'n., (!I'll 1 f<or O.'UI·t, b O U~ H . ET Im ~y . K Pp hn~y Is y'o nr -+------.,wd,-s&hatlon WBtI at hand, then she II.nywberr·. AI_" ) BUllgy . 1I1If\ Klilherin e. Rllent Dud morose, Wh1! at ' hoy. ~n 10 your e(JIlsl n John nnd tell M.93; Fruuk I:! 11 0 11 , ~ rnvo l . f1 8; j ob t111 ~ "tf'? l~ it \JArm"ofOul? could be ..ved at that moment. I nqoira or o. n, SorflJoe. R. her own plncl!. She lind heard h er blm 1111 ubollt It. He will furglv(' yo u 1:111" 'I h " "'1I" ,H) ,\lcono. f; ·1.5U; H~ .Y Yo;o u w li rH. II 1I("lo nll hUAlnt'I:!B. Y o u ue w ,118 'Till bu.yhere. daddy," she man· H r" u cl"nbnr~ . l'Olli! work follG; .Ino can geT- 11l1 () " l1 oh II bl1 H IIlP.~A tip. Jhojl D Ii, W"YDI.u vlIlA. Ohio. mnther's verslOD of the ntten.loon·s on ll hl'i " )'0\1-" aced to ...y. "rm doing !'lOme n\ll'!ltJ l~v cl n ,(lr rOil ( \" <.., ~ 1 ,lOt ~ h."''lInln<r In II III n:tetnp.n I ond nnger, 'l'h ~ ho)' tJolln!!'~h1.odden· B . P Ohio O '>Iolu lil, ~ E ng Ine; rtl . ~-----:,------IfttP:-1_-h~tl't let away- ,U8t now I" M L! . rr·.' 11 , r n,!!1 "'u r il , f3{i ; B'H ri. d n eot. to flH m ll r~ If Ylln nwn Dut·n OT hullL ~nl1 lu , AI on ntl ,tloo . lD·. come Just the IIBme," replied d. >u B V il li . h " nli"~ /<rnvfli . ~3U; 1./l ' 1lI o r C'In I!f.'It. nUll'; If y ou li T!' 00. DevOll, pttlq to bls teet. IJ 1l ~ 11 H ·II1 ~ h . b qnhn it ~r ll VI' I. '15; d,,,' fin lind Olin glv., bond with Il" r- qn lrll f\~ Motor lUll, Wllyni'~vllle, OhIo. 1113 . "DIYlne Love II everywhere." lIash· ,' Fr .• l1 K H,. v. " r ll.lIl ·.... "rk. '3780; '''n ll l ~l\r p ll p s W I' I>OIl'k YOIl wjl.h ad thl'Ollfb Tony's mind 88 she too !'J A (; d lw J f , 1'1)(111 w d rk, * ~iO i ~; t ~ ' h:g- ~oll', g- 1.ll'lp~ r.~ Y- ";A In h\1~'. atrunled up. She da,red nol sc ream, g' .d ('' ; '.:'1' 1: .'. I., tl Jl rd h 1' "n d rt ~ p ' l ln I:~"'tc , 20.1100,0 00 n~ I' r!'4 Il r Il flr p ro _ and eYeD If abe 41d, there W88· no one r .r I : u "!· . -r;j 1 ~ ) '-l; i1:1tLP :P t" 11 11 ,! ~ II P . eI 'l t·t tl. Wr t lHfl, r illf o rnPI t.lflfl ,-,' h ,t rp Will sell any number from 10 to III the hOUlle who ""ould belp her. lll v (:'1 , " " pp lll 't'O ' l l) :O-u r v II' f1t ' ,.a ~~ q n cUU :!tlt H l td'!t1·y , ,1, Ii. \V ,.. t 1.. 0 head. Good grade, weigbts 60 Jin. Owtl. and bel' dau ghter would , flil", fo il 3;;; .J I\. S Jl ~ I1f't' r. r-:ru\,. I. ~\ ,S ('0 . , f) " (lI<r1 !ll ~ nl U . W ltl' lllll_ to 100 pounds. Inquire 01 · D. R . be della!lted to hll ve her golle and l l:l; ('lIr'CrIJt lt), r IHH) ,.I uti h r ld l/ I MII,nf·S l' loo . ur30 Salisbury, WaynesVille, Ohio. a6 Dr, John was out Among his patients. "·, ,,I lf ti. !f~ ; I . n ''''llI fOltl ool, tooUp 'nlere seemed to be 00 escLpe for her I I II P.., f ,r ~ll " \'(H't lr' , * 11 !{5 i ~tl ~Plll DOW, Sbe dared Dot appeal to the Jo'OI{SALE It ili lJt' r ,h nd " ",t'pll ll S "I:,: ,,\' W 81ell: man Uptltalr8. " ' 0 11 "1 ill'l d l!" 1, '111011'" , a l ' H ,J ~ of him made her blurt .\I >'I " III PV . Ip i ol;! " l,p I',, ; r., '''~ :I (\0 ; out: " ' t 1h 'l!"tl 'l lI \.1 I I t! r l'lH I .11 11 h \' h )~ jA 1'1 ' ''DId )'ou IIIIId that awful Brown p ,dfP< .r.o; \\' ,. 11 1"1 V , "nf1T, f O'l ri Ith c1 feller here to put IIOlson In Dr. Paul'. I" :dU,', n ·I ·II H· ... ~ ;' ;-I (1t l ; S .1, (iXfllR 11 , medicine'" r dl\d· pd h n lh', 1'·' P" lI f. #HO 10; ~ Uriah Ilared .t her. weot white and u, ('1] I' i l! ' ,lC1lt ' l! r U~Hl f' 5 1 i ll' 'I II .. tj ,uo RnHt1 w"It'." ,,,.r! I 111. 0 put bJl band on a chair to steady ~~'~l';';" (l r 'III(d ll ,! / ..... 1' " ,,<1 :" ,... , U'.J lfl\\ . B' lI h IIr ~ ' 11 'i l ' / I ft l ' j ,fI. htmeelf. .Ii l itl ll 111 111 \r~' r, uri t ' l, h 1f," 11 f, I, "I doo't tnow oothln' ..tont an)" t;sefl anti relc-a... tl Ujt U, S. OO\' Orn ln llllt " W l'-\1tf" O'" R IJ 2 WII" ' _p.. mlo or aay polson," b e growled. It emlng'on 1\0 0 or 7 (l,lInd ) . ___ _" _$14 _00 vi lir . Ohl lO. ' .. 11 "Yoo'd better be comln' along now." "l'rnln wto rc 1'\0 . • ". "IN , ' , cCllo r ri hbo n . 4 ~ . OO .. 'Twaa the man you anld I had to U,Hltlr WflOd No • • ono·\!ol or rltJhNl". 1r.,OO Urld(\rWQI KI ,( '-colnr ril) , buck sptlcer . ..6260 W HIT"- R .nk 1£1(11" k r &- lIn!!. Unk op with. He ulled to come to the I("yo l No. I . oUll-cu lor Tlubou .. . . . ... 3~ . uO FIt;!I> 1 -trtlin; MIn fl,'r ~ , . I" ' ~' 'DtrtJ Kat7,''' explained Tonnlbel, RlJy\t1 No. :-.. 2-ou lor I IIJhon . , . ... . . ~1 , 60 ,.~. ( :. p 1l: 1I1 ~ , ph ,IO'" IWI -IX . W"V. UII.cr Nu. 3 .. SU UO Oliver No. r. .. H _6U IMIne her ·worde had frightened her u6 O lh 'cr No 9 .. 1\500 :\Ion nrdl 2& 3 1I7 ,6U · " '!'I \' ijIP. (',11, ), tatber. "I bet JOO lIent h 1m here." SI11II,h· PN-'ml()rLH. Llllnt ype Key rO l)uHt 9~ flO (iuarrm tefu1lu gtlO<l u,u,wJ coud illo .. all r .. ad)' "KMP )'OII!' deck shut," gTowled O .. ',wn I\I;;T". w" lwbt ', J.!UO IbM rOt Itlll" h nl'\! 6et' \' icft. ~allJi'ructloll RllQraU~ ramOn! , R. ;\ud . the ntw Sec ret .. .. '" fir \ ,_ 1II lib ,'1 " Devoll, AI the door opened. and Lced or purcho ... 11I'1e r.r .. ol1o<l. Which slzc !" ,,, I wll rl! "r lIud hlll'r . I .I .. ,~ .. we.t grtat pe~lOllal fr'~lId~. It.s Ihose six ' Iur,,\ W .oI l;,,-,·- , 1,,1,11'-' '. will )·u<1. ),a~ " 1 8 r~o or ' omall. Oril .... (lIled 1:I'· II, ' r. Inq nl rfl uf _\1I1t,1tl " "J [)OIl. lin. 0urtII ealercd. Tony whirled I pro rupt.ly, JUbOOUK, lUJ'y colnr or colora, tor 00,' and .one girl a~r to r~otal1l ill D~s M.olllcs d,. ,1 ""' , h,' II ,In.,. " and face4 h er, althougtl ehe didn't an y nm k~ nt Machine. en j5-r. uollv NIt!. ~tafrC I ll , I I "rv~ ~ .. hl1rlf, Olti ·, h6 go to Wa shrn g lol\ ro lov e. ~rs. \\,~I1 .. ('c :... d Ih !(i r! - ~ I ~\. II • .1 ,01 dl .. i make and 1II0dei. C.rbuD I>IlJlllr . pur. lrox 01 hn. the c:oun.'ge to utter a word. 100.h • • ta. 11.85 dellvHroo. ' !l:lln,,,,wy (;rtJriW 8"par"t"lr 10 Ttla woman looked tram the gUl'a ICOOr\ oondltlnn . J"qll .n . .. r I ' h ~1I Empire Type Foundry, Buffalo, N.Y . _ - ________ _ __ _ _ __ S _ _ _ _ __ ~~Ioh " " p r, R. U. " WaVliu,v llh-,Ohl" I
.:-~r:~d~~}~:,:t~R-a.t--f{j ..:I.-~.L-~.-'O'--}¥!!fJ~~i;;
JProcla mfttionl
Sheltering Pines
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Stock Hogs
E 'K. - Akit I'n \.lIE . TO <-lAVE. EAt;TER.
~ OME - Me-De.
R IIod r'u g ltr Corl'd 1-I1r!,. Mlllli, of A IlHl8 <!tl<'k R IJ , ,' I I' W".' 10'., villI'. 1;1. 11). ' _ ' .. ~3U .
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GA Z E T T E.... I
CP AN E , Editor Ilnd PubJi~ber. WI!) nebville,
Albert ' Iaoy wud e ll, bu ~l nt: 8 trip I II BlnoluUlHl, Wedne8dllY , M.A Cora CIerI:- 8pe o~ S!lturelllY In DllytOD !:lflve r nl fr oUl hern nll ol1 ,led I b n 'o wlilunHy' IllI'HUng [I t ~Vll r op VIII,' W ~ dl"'M e! Hy ve nlU !!. i WIIltltOl ( ' r~ill hl"n h~IlTl I B,j ly II ~unt1" v III CItWIII UIHI , IJn~ duy h l~1
Subscriolioll Price. $1.50 per yellr
-, WIWNEl30 AY . AP}{JL 6. 1\121
==================~========~========_~~_=-==-=_~~==========~L~~ee~kfl!--M-£ I Y t'~ IJI ltb
If you can't find wllat want in your own home town-
"a B a \\ He \r:"nmt""I -
Come to
g u,'.' of h ... d .. u ~ h te r , Mr M. Roy Our Calendar Mc l{lrby Hlld fIIl lI llv . In Dllyl o D. Mr. nod I\1r~ . W i lbur (;Inr k. Mr~. 1921 APRIL C .... . Lnlllh !lilt! Mr~ . Mllry CUTmo n y , blrI t1crl TlJt ~ f" ~ Mr. nnd Mt' ~. Ceoll Kirk I\n (1 d .. u ~ b. "U e ,,,!,,,1 Ih " fun e r .. 1 of l\1uM ll n WII ' I t·e r, Ke rmitb, touk HundllY c1l unt.r I ll\ m ~ tlO . nl· ( . nt,er vill e, I'n lu f(I Il Y ' 1 ~ ,,\til !'dr. ond MrM Un rl'S O rr. UtHlr Ilff Ht nulln. l',\(!11I" or 111 0'0 f rom Lvlin r eo Wllru lul:ton. cl S Mr lind Mr~. ]"11 Bu. . t~r' C k . of ~ lll , nd "d 't n Illf tift! · ull fr ()1;) WilY " 11 12 13 14 10 I' O"ytoo, Wertl w eea . Bllt1 I!uo.t.~ u f n eR vlll E'. l'u lllrdllV morning . fl'rnl , k ~n:r d e r WIIM very 1lI , Ih" Whetsell! J~ Mrs. JOM. W l) .. v lo-l bn~ lit'. n 'luit" Fr id ~y e V A~i o g, of pl omuin e p0180n. ! 24 25 26 27 28 29 f)(Lj ~uft'~ rllr f.lr ~"Dl" rllll " . I.u I 1 ~ inl!. c" tl ~pd by flut ing m er.t ll t l\ OilY · I th oullbt t o be 9 0 11' 0 btl Itt ," "I. thi~ I"" 1 l'~ f.lJuruut . Frirt/ly n oon . April l - AII F()ol'~ Uay Mr ~ud Mr~. !:l imeon Bro wn pn' l w. itlng . April 3-Low ::,unuay Chllij . UillRnl!h , of [)" ~· I (l n . \1"' 11 " . t, lI rtllin ~ d t r dllllHlr. Mundny, Mr. Aprli 10- ~J Sundny after Ellst er u nd M.~. Eel BrpwlI . o f l+'mnkliu 1l0t.l!tI bu ~ lue~ H bere on M o od~ y . April 17 < Ird S u"day a fLer S unday Erl1"H t B,own nnd eilloght,c r , or I tiMve ral ,'r urD bl'r" III te llll Ad 'he Un .vt o ll . April 21- Aruor Duy I (ullfm,1 01 J (l Me ph t-urf"ce. li t Lutl ll1n April 23 - J e wi ~ h PaHHII Vi'r ~lr . lInr! MrA. L,wl (~reutboo Ae . of l on ~·rld .. y. April 24- 4l h Sunday lifte r Easter UBI·t.')Ll, ~p " n t l'illlld .. v with Clyde Mr . "ou Mrs E d Ctlr r lind t.wu Wh p rt on ,,"0 fo m ily ohll ,lfl1u, ':It N orth Ktn!lllltlil . "11,1 A 1\ 1I1ll1 ' ~ r fr om t h i~ 1,IR C" rore "I . Mr . "nd Mr. H e llrv MUl'pb v bl1d Hospitality. two duu~nle. ~ o t lrrt.uklill WAr" f(Hl (II OI! tilt' ~" rtfl ~ o f m eB tlup'R b oin l!: BnRpttnllty O1U", h (! for 8(!rv l('(! nnd ~nud .. y gOl'HI~ ~I tbelr p ... euiH . Mr . h,· lcl"I lI',w , y o liur('h liy Huv. J I)@l' llb Piul'. IIOt tor .how. or 11 plIlIs !Iowa the and Mrs . R o luut Conr . hOfll The hrnve soll l rnl eR I' Helf too , M,. C . E . .' ohnH Hud Gltllln J o hn ~ blgh to value Itselt bv the oplendor ot ' Mr . Rnd M,·~. W L Hnv l;l .V "ud RJlHUI, ~"I. u rctn y i n tb" (iPIIl CIt,y lUi tohle 8nd drnpert ~8 rt gtves wbat Mr und Mr .. W l' J ordon orrlvftd Mrs . .I (j hn~ vl~\t, (d Mr~ Am os Cook It hnth. lIod oil It hnth. hilI Its own ' b ome frnm their will!."" q 'la rt.e n ill lit Mwrn l Vall e y h os pitlli. majl'.'y ('110 Ipod a heller j!l'nre to oat FI " rl dti. o n Frldu~' nl .. ht , .. II luo k. :.1r. ulJe! IIlrH 1:1 M l ' lark to ok eakes anrl talr wnl l" thnn Iwlong to Inll well .. nd ~I .." 1·(0 Kilt h OlU e efty fcost.-Rnlph Wnldo fill1H, rsOn. , Dr. Bod MrH. J .. rnu8 V . Wl.lrcl I1r· !:Iuna"s ,lIun e r wll h \lr 'lnd M n . _ _ __ _ • I rived h fl m" from Lo ng BPIlOIJ, Ca l. A,thnr WltlklnR, n e llr Cfl utervilla. Mr s G "u'go RA : rle r, o f R u u te 4. lu~t' ~6ek, feollng .. ad J "o kin ~ fillt , Wo r to Be Avofd6d. MrH. (Jo rll \;iYrri .. ~pent tbe ",iut.e r wu 900 1l ,,(\ to Ce nt e rvill e, Monday It 18 ",,' ,. " wk.' word, this .. tmpe. In ,"' lurid., and hMt week sbo nrrlv nd Dlo roing, hv thed e"th of b ~ r motber Ilble." 1"" ' ,,· .. 1 ('OIl1es ot tbose that barno, ftle!lng muob IUlllfoved 10 Mr •. J ob u Jobn C.tta.mli n Mill Mllrl" (,barleton, of Cinoin. have II " .. " 11 III U,otr mout~ bphltb. Carlyl,· Nelltuno Is th" n~l11e of nnr band u .. li, Mpanl- tiond .. y wllb bflr plirents - - -- - • BDllloe. koown 118 .. fire fi i hle r !lnd Mr . ond Mrs Andy Chor leton. Mr . J ohn Floyd. aged 78 yalir8 , Il fire extlogul.her, Rod va ry earl y Inst t;,,' nrdI1Y m Ol'ulnJe o ar v olun. WllO found d~,.d , 'l'ueMd .. y 1Il0roil11{ ttler lire de]J .. rt.m e n t waB o .. 1i ed to of IU8& week . l:Ia bud bee n In p oor WSJoentlie to aH8i~t in pntt.lng out be .. (t.b for ~ome t.ime. Mr '- Floyd N firp ie 006 (If tbeir buslneHH block • . lIud bll "!ted wIfe hllve b eA n livin g in Mrs. L ulll NuH's small b o u8e. 00 Mr . Knd MrH . R O~1I HllrtHook. of The bOyR re~pood .. d, "nd In .. fo "" tha Ullyton &; Lebanon pik e for sev· N tlw Pbllllt1 plllblll, I1ttl vl Hltlng 'heir mlt.ule" Chief Gord on ptl ot ed t.be eral yaMS. The funer.1 W08 h e ld AII,ill8 .. nd the oumpany 1·0 1.1, 8 fire "ar"ntl anfl 'rJt'u"~ bere . Thie 18 th .. 8econd ~Ime Neptuoe boe froUl tbld re~ldenoe, Thur8d"y. R fl v Mr . .. nd M .. ~. A. B 'I'&lm.ge and been ID W"yuelvlll" o e tbe Mme Vl1ughn offiolatiog . Iocermeot WIl S son. L"" 'lIJd Mrll Jtlll Ie Kenn " n errand. Bow very glad we are thM mlide In C,mtervl l1e cemet.ery, Mrs. werA . l ,) " bl) Th " lUpson'., SnndllY, wa have I!ome\bioa to /l1l.18t ot,h ,-, r I'loyd has gone to Ctnoinnatl. to .I o hn delgbwtI .v oOD!looe~ very p!lOpl' wIth B.v that we fee l Hure make ber l10me with Irer d&ngbter p .orly. (I f aellshnoe abould WI! n ee d H MillS Lola .PlnA, of Blr8m oollege, Mr. '!Dd tWr~ . E. C Mllonon and W" e:uend fa the 10~ e r8 . !la d tbe ",1,,1 ted the .ohool bere, Friday .. f. d.olltblerll ~peut Enet.or with ,beir town "., well, onr r ogre ts f ,n th e ternooo, and reolted several humor. dlRaMter. motbl'r Ind ~l~I,". , 91 1'i po City . OU8 8e leotlon .. , wbloh pl e,,~ed 'he Mr . aud MrM, J W. Wbite nnd little folk~ v e ry mncb . Tum R,,·lt 11II el f .. ",lly ~Llfln' Soo. ROO, Fred, of Waynesville . !lutoed Mr and M". BenjlllJ1ln lhwke dll v ~, W " .vnIl8"11I~ . eo&ertalD eQ to Sunday dInner, iir Q Il Ha a "nUl II"" f"'111 hElre wl.'lre t hr uugb o ur town, S un d .. " . Our rni lrond 18 to b e oomplel.eeI und Mfl. J. L, Hellr ~ "od M .. , JOleph ., WH\· nn"vill"'''11 t)nh,fHv afternllon vlewlnM I be rulllil of tbe fire . .,,.ry ."011. ~(f we oan ~et o ur " ext etlwlle, of ~abln" . Tbetr "HerDoon wlnt H r'~ 0 0 .. 1 oVll r It . T bls i8 t r om l,(uestH were: Mr. IHld Mrs, George l('tnd " " th orlty Po,,~i bly yon bud LIlrrlok and MrEl. 80utb. of LE'banon ; ""t h eurc\ th ", t !::It·ory w a ~ h e r ., re· Mr "lid Mrs, J . It .Phillips. Mr. aDd ll(1otl,·- ",p know PJUI"lIy w hlll W A Mrs. L.AO Brown Ilnd Mrs. Roberts, !lo y too ; Mr . .. n ,1 Mrb. Fr"nk flU' th t k l il il Uh iJ ot . lJ f>fIU lH i (' h e \\' t'S of boftl A ",,, ,,'1 t·o tlt e ""h·e : If '1'0 0 l:I"trl~ ,,"d ira 'YI erd, of HarveY8· owo l,r nlJ,,, t.v ·, n ~ n llLb p".t Ilf t,,;,<, o burg. be o" rel o l h lt w \'o u pr ioe i t., f or ~h "t· The ·' FhlUr.de, lts Club" met at RU'1 \.-.AS ~ BVlLT I.. ",her" Ilw r n··d 1~ ~, ) run The th e home of Mf8 Ke~ler Graham, ol!-y l>ull<ll"fl h. io,ollt lld fin o 'o r !lJi ~ ~ .. tnrd~y nfternoo n . with quite n IN A DAY AND IT 'U)lJ r "vt"'n~' l f I\nd we ure loo king nnmber preseo' . ThIs needle work ee: 1"CRoJ ~ In r wn r(\ t u It WI til )Jle .. "u · e. clUb w.... reoenUy organized wl$h 'WED<.. Mr. n.1 Mr ~ . E"r\ HOO keH bnd MrR. Zelmll Burnet, Ilrcsldent; Mre. IW O dHU " I)I.~r. w ~ re e nndu y gue~I·8 May B,mt .. vloe.pre8ident, und Min LAOlHL Mollinnis, SI'CrBl,ary. The o f M r Il od Mr.. E I l{e . Sllll Mr WilIlI"d Mltrlin . o f !layton , f u llowin~ l eg nlation8 were !Illollted: 1 Uluh t o m ee t first S.turdoy of tr/ln"uoh, d hll " lnl\M ~ h,· r". !!' rlelIlY . eaoh month. Mr. l obn " lfI \V" Jeu e r, n D'lyt.un, 2 O!le8, 150 p,'r m ontb . . 111'10111, .pvpt .. 1 <IllY" l,,"t week wHh 3 No refresbmAnte at monthly ""'ther. M.s MIIT V B.' un ut t . ' ·m .. e t.lu~ ~ , 'rhl< A M. ~ ohnr('!'. l ~ unelpr !!o. 4 A h .. nd. point, d pll\t·e t-o be h !g tlllpr Il Y' ) (]I H ut" a nd w llt'D QOI n- 1(1 V OII eucb m e m bor , n oer birthday . "I"leol wlillJt: \'~ r , .. ttr" Ollv t!. 5 A 800\ .. \ meetl n g eve r y three Mr ... "d Mr ~ Wllhur :-;hiuak"r m o ntbs With r e frfl shm en t!•. anll ,IIIU " hl " ., ~IlIr:v, of \Vl lmu,,,l un. --"'".a ~1I1111" y j!1... ~t. 0 1 I b tl .. P Ifenlll Mr . ~u d MrR . P B. C I","ver. hi r . alll' \ \ rIO linn y . . ~' l1()k fl r n nd (IIIUII_ Rtl ' lI~ l"n''It·,," I" "" '\ :-iunc!f\Y wlt·b Mr .",1 M,'_ Wl l li,\l1I B,'II, of HOlll6rv lll l'. Ohi , R H ~tI " ) k ,, 0. 0 Lrupa nied hy bIll wit,· u"cI . l r ~. Gen r ,,11 iW I~ and d"nllb ~ llr, .. ut" "t1 to 11.1ll.J.c\''.!J,.L~...L.I.IJ,l.I:,,+_ d n" of 1... 1 ", ,·e);. Ilark l",! his Ituh) on· l.h tl s l r ~ r' tvnl'u ~h !' V ' rlll-urn ",1
The Metropolitan at Dayton
6 7 8 .,
17 18 19 20 2
For Your Spring Suit and Topcoat--Do a lot of :-;hopping around Iw foJ'( ' you, come--we art' anxi()\1~ fo r you to do it---that will make you all the 8un·r W1Wll you get llt're.
Just Remem?~er These Five Points Are Reasons for Testing Us Out---
1. Fresh spring suit and topcoat styles for 1921 from Fashion Park and th e House of Kuppenheimer are waiting for all m en und young men. 2. Fabrics and col orings, soft wools and worsteds, of uncommon patterns.
3. Models for all types of men- in al1 sizes and in the varied proportions of en.ch size for tall, stout, short or slim men. 4. Not a hundrt~d suits, hl t hundreds of suits, enough to make it possible to offer all sizes in all models, all fabrics and the various builds in each size. S. The prices represent i'he new, low level which will be established fQr the season;-
Others at $25, 121.50, 130 ,
~9 Cb""I'.l"
<. •• :",,/.:.
.. - .. ----
"Cold in the H~d"
to wbl' re
tb ~ '\ItT
. . . . . . I_~ , ~ ,'
.llflmm1lJllImmmLjli~7:1 'li l:i!l', ',!
w'' '
Wfl '!l p urkf'd , 1t hl~ mil ' y rrll'nc!s f .. ~ r It
>(IID P, ,,"0 YourBlood Nccds the Help of r. ud c ' s 18 8n aCllte nttnck of Nusnl Clltorrll. w il l rlft\,. " r l· f Off! Pepto·l\fungnn in Springtim e to Those Bobjt'Ct to freqll ent "coills In -.: , \.' 1 · r~.1 f ron t h "' f A IIt t f'I1 ' \Ad t l" , ()nrcomc Drowsy, L lstlc ~ 1< Feel· the hend" will lind . Ulnt tile uso of , I. "(~ ... ,, ,. I .. ,· t il " " .., I : 11 / 11 ~ \' I ings Called "::iprillg' Fevt:r" BALL'S CA'l'ARHH lIHlOICINE will " ~ ' \f~ "Jlll1"'" r '1:1clO 11 1 .... pr 1lJ).! t ... ttg ll ll, build liP the System, clcnnse the Bloo,\ "~I t h u .. " ' f U ' , 11, t , \·, \\ 11"\ b l iP ;', .I and render t hem less Huble to cohls. Repea ted atlnel(s of Acute Catarrh PALE FACES CAUSED BY B A D BLOOD I Dlay It,,,d to ChronIc Catarrh. . - .. __ . - I Hll\o r¥ Pawnbroking. BALI:S CATAltnn MEDICINE Is 1'h~ £1111":1" "1111""'01'6 u ~e ll 10 lend T ,at Tir"d, .\\ I·Gon e ].'('di II 1\' n Dnn· l takeo InternAlly Bod BctS through the mon e~' UfllIlI IlI lId IIlvl vnrillus !'I .\"~t e m ll Bloo,l on the Mucous Surfnces ot U,e . gcr Sill",,1 Tha I Yo ur H;" ..d Nccd~ SYf'IC01, thus red u.c lng the Inftnmmll· of IPII'.J III :.: 111"""\ It) IIw nn ~ HI p lclt,.:ol'J filiI! ~ picn<l1d SlI rin.: 1'onic tlim nnd restorln,. normul condltloll:s, (01111\, .. 41 Tit" 1 1 1I~l l1(' lil~ IIf puwllhrok . lnl! wn~ r l '!.!I : l u li 'll II I I~ u "!t " flil tll 1756 All druggIsts. ClrcLllnrs free. IDtt 111"'11 1'- 1':0- \. "I'l' '",:-;:11 1' 11 I II 17i:{ F. J . Cheney &; Co" Toledo, OhIo. 1 ~ I - lllt ) lld 1 1I ~ :, l' , u r :o. l- l'" lil 1 · u~h ·
Ed. C. Woollard, , "'aln &: ··oullt !its
Waynesville, ()
E.verett Eat Iy
lilli! ,
' " 1 /; 1' II I I, II·'~
fU 't , ... I
t,b e b,,"ll.b ,,- It " I I I ll·
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~1~ I1!'1U O W])I) O
",,l l3 r 'I( roI
wh t1 U
tr Oll! th l:) .ri~ur tl t,h e h"HH, o f ~ \11l1Il.l u r .
y,·,u feel Clro wliIY
,,' - 1.11" ~, ... Id .'IotH' onll 'I " Sprllll( Fe v , r ' , II I~ r H,fIly y u ur hlon,J f.L1"t b .l1~ b tlooj"l" w" "k 1111,1 tlJill floel It n eHd ~ 1t ,lp 'I'll h.. I,<U , " . ~
I Illi I
The Miami Gazette I
)t ~ ( '11
of W tJ l l'flol \,It Yo u I) .. I,IUI \ I I\. ~ n) tlO IJ' t- l O IH U')N~ "l.ltH' C· " I .. 1 , 1I ""I' .jn ~ ? P~rb .. ,,>ttbP.l'l<a ,,·
I1 0lld bloot\ t onlc-
P"I'~ ,M"nJe"U It WIll K'V l b., r" I o"rpu@oh,'~ 111 vo ur hluvd 'l ew II ~ Wl\r I. On ... y fr t' lIlt ox:ygnn 1·0 th e 0.1181111 over th e bod y. ~ou'lJ n l . t .o , a ob"n" e ( 0.- ~h lj h .. tl e r In " ( ",,. ,1\ 8.. [I, II! 1 ,l jl>\ Mie COW, h"ok M p 'l lu ,,\0\1" ,tO O I tl~. YIJU u UI oi Ilr _d ', ,,11. 1(0,, 9 ~" Ilh"j( · lint, ~ . '~ " "j"1 full vlllor. . I" prlog III tti A ,1I1l1l ' Ut " ~oo il bl ood tOll lO. ·C.tk l;! Huc1 tj 'H PIlI'!'!) MlInMllu
. . . .~~·t·H................"
i . E\~ES j l ...Examined Fitted Correctly. "I·
Flour. Fef'd, Coal, Salt, Tile. Posts, Water Fountains and Self-Feeders.
.~en oh~ I!,
lnal "al••-ACI yer*1Jlema',
Harvey.burg, O.
Phone 44
Xenia, OhiO) • I
Hay, Straw and Feed.
John H. Wright
Feed Grinding a
Farm 5a les and · Live Stock · a Specialty
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Bc!Hbroo~ /
Ohio .
Ly.tl~ R~'.d&1ill Lytle, Ohio
Fully Equipped for Good Service. . 'Large Display Room
Telephone 16, ring 3
Waynesvlfle, O~lo National Bank
IDK. Fl.E. HA.TH AW A. y ..
.....,"t'o.u1.l1e'. lAaCllujr Dell.... !lIfftc8' ID B~jD8I!-1 8\dtt. . ~ D'" l \
. 'cea~IIe, Ohio
MIL:Le~. ·
.... D~NTIST•••
Give me 10ur we'. 1 can do lour :o::J:~. will I'lJU'8Iltee
DR. ,J. W.
1 _
Billb Phol,es
i"ourth Str~t! oo~r Tyler Telepbon. 93
Walter McClure " Waynesville. Ohio
",it,b "(~pd'e 'M l-'ep'f.l.~.n. I{an" prlQted on tb a pllch"g", It I. Bold 10 botb 'ablet and liquId form. They have ex,,01l,. 'be .am. medic.
Vaccination a !'peclally. Noth1111: bul Reliable Serum lUed
OJ)l!O evenings
F t T M ' , ·t·· ~l. ·tbat.y' ''U(''' li ' '''ij .\' 'h'· 0\''8~ be''1lM ' H ENDERSON ore. , . ' . ar In · ,!tul ,.,,,IlI!On of. I ttl! ye.r ~tlt IE .. I: L. . AU'-"'ONw,oeon y 'Or au.r.e I' the ' "'" a a .::.c:.a «rll~g .8t'8, llut ' b~
l"'lJ/FANY'S~ Optical Dep~rtment ! '~~~~~~~~~~~~:: S. Datrolt St. by appointm ent i Dr. L'oy~ ;8. Hall ............
t he
,," ' .
, .,
i~ o ~
u~c o-ur c lass;li ed A~8 for results \ : - - - - - - - -
Repair Shop
Jt.. .SHUM~t.
Veterin~ Pr~tieal VacClna,tor, Hav~. ... · gQOd BUCCta In Immtiniolr OD bOth alllk and wetl herd.. Both Phones ' Home R66-8 , . Bell 4-~ . I
W........ Lie. II
j R«Jd Cazette's CltJS$IIi«I Alii
""brook, Ohio
B oo n
The Miami Gazet,t e, Wayi lenme , Ohio. 1.
Wi, th nominee I( th RcJ Tiele l Boost er Club of - - the M n of Wa ' nesvi!1' and vIcinity, \-vanl you to' knew fOr wba we stand. T Il(' cv lll illg electioll of . fficers for the
ext. y ar for the ditf · rent ollices of our club, will be held " at Que nex.t meeting. \ 'e ft'~ 1 that i he club will make no mistake by electin g th e Rl'd Ticket. We haye the very hest of reasons for elecli1lg every one of them. We are giv· ing you a Ii t of the differe nt things we want : J
L-__ ___ __
We a.1e for free service in coun t y over Valley telepho ne, through --1ill.:~~llg'es owned by them. at the pre~cnt rate. . NO TOI.LS . We favor the repairing of roads , and the better road systems . Are Waynes ville and vici nity getting what is due them from tile St.a te for the money lJaid in for AUlomobi le Tax ? We want b~tter parking ordinances in Waynes ville, both for autos and horse ·drawn vehicles. Also the speedin g of auto, in the' corpora · tion prohibi ted. We will throw our support to both our tovmsh ip and c:orpora tion officials in any movem ent they may make for the betterm ent of the commu nity. We pledge our support to tit!' Boy and Girl Scout movem ents. We favor Ul(, c losr ~ t h:1::n uIIY belween the town and couatry . We c:ongra tuhl'e Wayne vile on the splendi d fire protect ion. small hose t ruck l o~ the hauling of the hose from the fire buildio A g to the fire, wherev er Il mig ht be, would help the beys get there quicke r , with less labor. Lebano n and Springb oro use small l~o rd trucks for the transpo rting of hose and ladders. We want tqe suppor t of our organiz a tion in trying to get the dif · ferent things we have mentioned.
The ticket we are puttin g in the field is composed of our best people. OFFIC ERS EXEC UTIV E COM. J. L. MENDENHALL, .Pres. LEE EARN HART WALT ER KENR ICK , W ALTE R McCL URE Vice· Presid ent E. L. THOMAS C, W. YOUNCE. Secret ary S. D. HENK LE W. H. MADDEN, Treas. M. A. CORN ELL The success of our club depen ds largely upon the officers at the head of it. Your neighbor favors the Red Ticke t
~ig!i1 "
Sh rt skirts for ·"ti tDts- to!}
--- -,- -- - ---i
11 Mrs W. 8 . Graham I'ntert.ain ed at , dinner Saturda y. Mrs W'. T. Eby, l Mrs. Wm . Co rd. Mrl>. W. M. Mc· Quality and Mrs. Morris Grahum, of Dayton .
Pro,t ectY ourFutur e
Sawyer's Wayne Market
I{PRlIiar Im' ~t ill" of WII YIIl> Town· ~ h ip Farm Illlrea ll will ht> hel d al -;chool hllli. MondllY ""<'llIng , ..'uril FOI\ 11t h. al 8 ll'clnc k 'W o II OW huv!' Groce ries, Fl' c~h 'tlill :-;OI,lk.·d n('arly:lOO tll ClliberA in our town ship . Meats. Ga rd"" :-;('{'(I ~. ~ a r1)' and IIIlIre 10 CO , "e yet. Thi s will 01 Ohio ano' Cllbhl~1' S",·d 1',,1,,· t oe~ . Bread, (' rll ck .. ," and \ :"k.·" lit .. IlIP('l inl{ I I ' I"uk ,, [l('r . " .illl( fl'r . Co untry IllItl .. r, I,',.·, It I·u ntli",. lili7... r L,, 's ha\'l' a lIll(,,1 IlI rlillu t.' C it.!,a r~ and T"tHWl'" 1.lIplJrlanl bU$i 'Il'<s . -- ----- - -HiJ(llI:'"1 Pl'i"I'H fur I;, . t i l' l' a l,,1 Th " rr' will III' R ~ JI "'lv i nl! 01 1' 10011 · 81!~R '-lntli (\lI . Tltll l', d llY 111' mill l! HI ~l \ ,,('I .,('k. ,)11 til .. fill III of Will Fra me. l'r\' nul' ~11)rt· un d ~a\' " I '.e dlf · fl'r,"nc,· 1 , jo' . II H"I'('h , (If II." o .~. ll .. and : t '. ,',,'1 ,; AICt'1I1 C la~ 'i doill)! lilt· rI, m· V i l liI''; for ".-r\' ic.-
I[.u_ ull~1 r:11 ing- . ._ II would
5 ('('111
1IIIll h lr
i ..
t ill
t ·
ttl l I",d. ..
_ _ __
Sawyer's Wayne Market
TllI -; 11\" ,\ ' ,c;u t\lt tl\' lill l,- I lIi .. .. ... 11o " '"
Th eT'.-I-State Bu tte r Co.
Save Money by Insuring the Crop With Complete Fertilizers
~ ca~O~.~~U!",S~!~U! ,~~Ny~~
A 19 quart Bath Basin in Old English Gray ware The last time we had a special sale of these basins the entire lot of six dozen were all ' sold by 9 o'clock. Man)' people were disapp ointed . Be on time if you wantlo ne at "
Reg~lar . Retail
DeU'OJrsr. ~
Xeia". 0,
F. D. HA WK E Waynesville, Ohio
Telephone 41
----.....----.-----------.--------.....--~--- --"=' ._- -
Thurs day, April 6th Featur ing Nazi~ova , in
"Th e Hea rt of a Chil d"
Admissioh , 22 and 17 cents
Satu rday, April 9th Featur ing Marguerite Clarke, in
"Ea sy to Get " Also Selznick News Admission. 17 and Hc
Tues day. April 8th
A Good Fox Feat ure And an educa tional picture, IfReVfillatioTl$" which shows the constr uction and use of the X-Ray . Admission, 17 and 11 cents
All shows from this date on, will start at 7:30
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
. , .~;:~-~ H~-s-~-r-~-F-r-~-n-d~u~hll--~~ :~~ f~~~~~~~~~~~~~i11llllllii~l LU MBE R
AVERY MEAN Orthodox Fricnds Church • Sunday School, 9:30 a . m. Meet lOW-OOWN TRICK ing for worship at 10:30.
Friday evening during the Jun· ior order meeting , a coupte of worn· en, presum ably, entered the outer hall and took several of the men's hate . They are known and had bet. ter return tbem at once What is the .world coming lo, wben the worn· an wont let tbe men·fol ks alone duro Ing their lodge hour? x
Your buildi ng problems may seem big to you-- but to us, who every day for all these years have been learn ing all that is belt in buildi ngs and materials, it may be simple.
-----_.- --
I have purchas ed the business in· terests of )<'. M. Hutchin son.,elec· trical contrac tor, and am now read y to furnish electric al supplies of all kinds . . See or call me and I will fur· Musie Township Sunday Sch)ol ni ~h esti mates on all pl ectrical work . J . P LARIUCK ; Lebam n, O. convention at Jonah's Run Baptist Res. phoQ<! 9~·A: offiC'e phone 393. ~urch, Sunday afternoo Jl. April 10. 'Re~, Cleveng er, of Wilminllton. will aive the address . MUAlc will be fur· nlahed bv IIlngers from Spring VaT· ~eryone lu.ited. . Having returne d home. l.am now ' ArnOld €ollett. Prea., ready to serve .thl1 public in all kinds Martha Davis, Sec'y •. of Notary work. Gall be found at ~ ----- my rellidence ar cal l phane 40. . U.. our CluIlOe d Ad. for reaulta. .' E. V. BARNHART.
M. E.. Church The usual services wi ll be held next ~unday : SUllday ::chool, 9:15: Preachi ng services. 10:30 a . m . and 7:00 pm .; , Epwort h Leag uo. 6:15 p. m. Everybody co rdi ally i. 'J ited.
Gel illfort UB l l' ·n flUl1I
Apd forge t your batter y troublt -s .
Younce Brose Gram• Co· I
~ ---.---
Price $1 .75
if ~tlll , t:trt it g " ill g ,
Willard Rubber Thread Battery
:Saturday Special JUMBO BATI1 BASIN
I t has It 'a l,·') IUlig ellougll. Il will wI', k fnr "o u 2·llwurs u ,Iu y
\\'ork for
We have ins ta lled onc of th e lat e st typt' of Tunga r Batter y Charge rs,. and ar c prl' par.:d to take care of all klt.H ls of ha tl r [v \ovork. Also, we Yo ill carr y In !;tock a !'lIP ' pl y of new Wi ll ard Batter i es.
_._------ --- --
idle wOlley
St or ag e Ba tte rie s
15c 15c 75-c 10c
4 5 C ts .
)'11 111
~ t al l
._-- -..------- ---~-------- ---
Now Is the Tiln r.,
Akron , Ohio
, ,' 1.1,, ) POTAT OE' . \' '' :\.. 11, fl ll! .. 1. il l t·! 1 fr o l"k i sEE D SWEET POTAT OE:3 Nancy Louisa Zell, daught er of IH ;.td .u ill 11 " Il u\IO!tt;111 s h ou~~ Mahlon G. and Eliza Thompson, WII~ Garde·n Seerl s born near Waynesvi lle, Ohio, Febru· ary 28, 1855. and passed aWIlY at her home·in Corwin, Ohio, at noon ~' ri· 11 day. March 25, 1921. aged 66 years If \'ou are I(oinlf lo brigilt" n and 25 days. LIP \" ur fl oo rs lhis ~pring ~pc In 1867 her parents moved to Mis· t1~ . W .. hav ACtnl' Qualil .v Val" Of the Men of Wagnesvlll~ lOuri, and in 1869 she was callt'd n,·· 1,uc,Sf' ln nll r~ Floo r Paints. ._-, ,1,,1,. ~ (l n' ~ Scotch LaQ u('r Var· upon to pass through the first great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ sorruw of her life. in the loss of The blanks for the tu x return Of ! ni·.h H1rl SlHi n Nlm bineri,l;rollnd her ~---:------------------------: Il father. Aft er his death. the home personal propert y ror the year 1921 I (',.I lt l·~ . V l\rtl i ~ h. Ena mels "You gain from 3t: to tOe per pOund on your butter · "all will II'W v<)" I I . in vestiga te oe· broken up and the family reo will l-e maihd from the Auditor ' s , f"n: .' o'u bu y. If you a re going fat by SeUing Direct." turned to Ohio. FQr a number of office thiB weel! . in tim e that they I 10 p~int your hou se we can se ll lira. Allen Sboemaker. Sinklnir Spring. Ohio, wrltee .-"We you !!,ood point anrl !<uve you yean after her return, she lived nellr shou Id reach the tliX pay ers by not three 'cream IltatiOns bere in our town tbat I could lell my creambave money. to HarveYllburll, and about 1878 be· laler than Saturday , Aoril 9th. 1921 but you bav" given UI sucb good satlsfac tion that we Iblp to you rhe Ilw require s that th e blanks be ali came a membe r of the Baptist chur~h the time. We baul our cream 9 miles to Peebles to ship to you. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY You On Februa ry <..'2. 1888. she was made out within five days after the aee wbat we think of you." uoited In marriag e to John Zell. receipt of !tlme. Persons fa ili ng LO Cho('ola te ' .' AU any otbo!rT ri·State patron what tbey tbink of UI. Wa have 60,000 Drop.. pOllnrl ... ....... ,.. To this ' uni~n tbere were born two make out and I'et urn bl anks to the produe en NOdlng their cream tb us. We bave no allentl. We pay chiidre n-Rufu ll N., who died in 1888 Auditor 's office on or before t he 1st Jour abfpplDir COllt. We guaran tee your cream and cans qalnat ~:~~~lS. pound .. ... ...... 1088 and Arthur M " of PittJIburg, PI. day of May will lose t hei r exem pti on -we make you more money . 10 bars Besides her husband and son, she of taxes on one hundred dollars. Palm Olive Soap .. .... .. .. .. OUR PRIC E ICI,&vea one grandd aullhte r, Margar et Those who do not recei ve blllnks or 2·Minu te Wheat Zell, and on~ brother . Corwin Thomp. who have persona l propert or Ollt Food, package .. .. y thai lIOn. of Deer Creek. Oklahoma. should be listed should mllke request We want 100 Hens this week Sbe believed in God, the Trinity at the Auditor ' s office for blanks High est prices pairl firin g us and Vicarious Atonem ent, and was The earl y ret urn of blanks prop· your Rutter and El!g~ . Week April 4th to April 10th ' devoted to her church. Physical erly filled out t o the Au ditor 'lI office We Pay Baggage or Express Cbal'l" It P SYS to trade at affliction prevent ed her more regular will materially lIid in keeping down attenda nce at ita services, and the the expense account in lite mlltter ZIMMERMAN~S of same cause denied her the pleasur es 88seasing persona l pr->pert y. C h C ·tal $ of the common IIOciallife. No force. I earnestly hope tha.t returns will 88 apl 250.000.00 CINCINNATI, 0810 howeve r;-darectUlJty1rer approac h to be made· llrompl ly. PI east! Establi shed 11 yeafl! a .. remem· Write for Free Trial Cans J·t ; .. God in prayer . ed In her home life. ber th a t a II b',lI\n ks mu st be Slgtl YOU need shlppiDj( cans. We give our patrons the benefit of a weekly guarant eed price. and "worn to be fo re an officer au. 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ abe was _________________ alway. ready to place her _- 1 own interest a 6ubaerv ient to th ose of thorizer l lo tllke ackn owl eilgeme nt ber family . Her neighbo rs and a8' in such mll tlers. IIOclatell bear testimony to her affable C. S MOUN TS, and compla cent dispollition. There Auditor Warren CounlY, Ohio. wu always a smile upon her face and - - - .• - +- - - l'he sanest, shrewd est farmers a kind word upon her lips. She was apply drc8singR of well made. 8pecililized , a~ailable, comple te humble in body and in spirit, but ferlili zers to insure profitab le majesti c in the exampl e of I]er life. crop g rowth, for . after all. it iR needs relative to time. ALWAYS WORTH crop inHurance that the practie .. 1 Yea! hope and despondency, pleasur e PAR, and ready when you are in need of farmer it! ufler. He has to take snd pain, , m U ley. We are loaning 'our money at 7ro We mingle long togethe chance~ with th e weathe r, r in sunshin e and Why take less than 6 % for your deposi t? but he should take no chan ceo rain; Second Sunday afterEa ster. C·hurch with the fertilize r which he liP' I And the smiles and the tears. and the BOngs anri the dirlle. School at 9.30 A, M. Morning plies An extra dollar expended 25-27 South Main St., Dayton , Ohio. Shall follow each other, like surge Prayer and sermon at 10.30. The' for the righ t kind will otten make upon surge. public co rdiall y in ~ited to these just the difference between suc· cess and failure . 'Tis the wink of an eve; 'tis the services . draugh t of a breath, We are handli ng a high. From the blOllBOm of health to the Ferr~ Christia n Church grade Fertilizer and our palenP.88 of death; Bible Schoo.! at 9:30 Preachin g price is right. From the gilded saloon to the bier at 10:30 a. m . and 7:30 p m . Every· and tb. ehroudYou cap get any amoun t O. why should the spir.it of mor.tal One invited. J . A Pine. Pastor you want, at any time. be proud? Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Cant 01 'ftwIb We desire to thank all our' friends Sunday School at this ~ hurch every and neighbo r. for tbeir many acts of Sunday at 9:30 III m , Preachi ng ser· Phone 25-2 • kindne98 snd help during the aickneas vice at 10:30 o'clock a . m . You are and death of our beloved wife and cordially invited to be present . ~----~--------------mother. John Zell Dnd Mr. and Mrs. A. M Zell Sabbath SchoOl I 9:45; r hurch ser· vice 10: 45. Ev~rybody invited. , " • ACTUAL ( 'I f
. 1, • • \ ,
marh C' l.
Is fully protecte d by PBt c l~t und has excep tionall y large l'al l1l1~ ~. power P roceeds from sale of SCC urltles Will be lIgctl in l'X pan silln of business.
iIl IP " '"
11111110dc t y on lill Il' lnl"\ til prin g fr o d " I;j , ~ l ll lhrr j .. \\'l'ar in~ hl'1Il ' l,..~ rl --;IIHI Il1 t ll J.:l rlS - t o be 110\\' 11 a .. Ilt tl\ h l rl, 111115t \\' C;\ r
"~l ll l "lI
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Mak l" o, ' Stan.
A 8U1 1l1l 114'W ,"UPtl1 11 "trv hnrt' ralted for ptHHe Ullh' uf hlllltl ' lIL: II p",h llOl1'" hut 11 WII~ 1\II-R I P\Jfll'd "1" ' 111 '1 1lW to tllII ~. ( 111 1' fillY ,H I hili l 'IIIIII ' /'II" nlu!; Illto bls 1 1I11I1~ 1111 1\ , "" It.' hlil l J \I ~I Meen II w lll:tJn l ouol (lr h'"" ,," ~8 hy. ex,.
l11 . Ihey 11I'~ MlIlrtl ng Th e Fnrm Uureau htlld 1\ meeti ng Dr. Oi\l. O~ teopuUt. 21 :-; . lll'nacl th d duhhOIlS '" I ~,, \\ II IUllil or club.e lit 'chool hall. Saturda y eveniilg'. th e WilY , Lebanon, Ohill . !;ollJ~ hy." Il pening g un for Warren coun ty's l1Iembe nhip cnmpaign . A goo IIIY I WlIllt t o th an k eve ry ulle who lI u~b e r or farm ers were present, lInd workell so IW1'oical lv lit the • 1" lire .' rI ' I'nllll! N.. IBon. of M Ad i~(Hl t"O\lllt y. day night anll S1IV<,,\ my loUlhllllg '~ Il1l1d .. II fine ~peech rellllive 10 the and tllock Wllil"r L. SfllvYl'r . Y our futllre dl'l-'en Is lI [1o n the in · IS thou~hl lhal [llmo!!t The Miami Ullzett e. $t 50 1\ yenr . \'est me nts yo u make t? dny . l'vpry fa rm er ill Wayne l ow nship I' lucc y"ur lIIoney where It IV III work wi ll ally himsel r with this org!lniz:t· ior you wlten yOll nre old. . lion. . )ur product hus a world · Wide
Mr. and Mrs. Co lem an J ackson I'n· tertaine J at dinner SundRY. Mr . Thos. Rich and famil y. Mrs Hannuh Rich, of Wellman. and Mr. and MrH. Lester Surface A very delightf u l suprise was given Mrs. Mary J . William s and Mrs. Nannie Cooper , of HRrveysbu rg, on Easter Sunday. that being Mrs. Wil· iams' birthda y. At the nOOll hour a lovely dinner was served An in· formal program was rend ered suitml for the occasion . Mllny frit!nd s called in the hfterno on . Out·or· t own gu ests were: Mr and Mrs. Millon Banks, Mr . J ohn William s and Mr. Bnd Mrs S Juison. of Colum bu ; Miss Margar et Simpso n. of Wilber· force univers ity. and Mr , uml Mrs John Simpson and son. Horace . of Waynesville. At a late hour, all departed. wishing Mrs. Williams and sister many haopy birthda ys.
Let us help . you. We consider that part of our job-a nd witho ut Bny extra obligations. We are all convinced now that ev-. ery f~mi1y should own its own home. ' I
Building is going to boom this spring'::"" . but no matte r wheth er it is a new ,home, a new liarn . or simple little repa fs-we are here to '- help you, and oU,r : prices are right. .Let us esti~ate yO\~r job . .
Ur hUe and Yellow Pine, .Hardwoods, Red Cedar Shingles, SaSh Doors. Also Roof· ings, Building Paper, Lime, Plaster,.·Cement, etc. See .us first. . . ,
W:-H~ MA DD EN & · (10 MP·. AN Y
Wayneaville" Ohio
~evetJty- Third
Scene of the Disa strou s ConR-agr atiol l
Whole Numb er 5430 \
. OC le
Editor of Mi .. ml GflZlJtre. Tobacco Canva8 lit Hyman· s. n ear Sil : - M \. ueinlt a Il!ember of Mr. and Mr~ P, L ~f'!'r\\' nn d enThe No rmnl s tudents , under the Myer Hvman is ill Cincinn ati, today t. · rl ~ in, ·d HI S,,"d ay c\i nlH' r. M,' Ii. m.llluge the Knig ht. of PythiD8, anp interment of their teacher . MIIII E P,,,rtlha rt :1 n,1 fa mil y. eHted in t hl) u lder . 1 lIaturall y <t.o ,k 1': dl1ll II nwlund . presente d a fin" play . W H. All f n ill a Cin cinnati vi ~i t o r, gr, at illlt·r~~ t in readlnlr the articip at Schuul ha ll. F ridayev·e ning. The Mr ,I W II hi'" Il ' ,", f"m ik nll'l'- play in \lur w('('k ly IHter frulll home- today. tih" wi"K wa~ given entirely by the cl8111 : tAi ll, .. 1 "t d ill 'H ''', SIII"I" .,·. ,\ \r . "no The Mian'i Gazette -which waR Genuine Burlap' Linoleu ami wa9 a story of the Civil war. en~ ' i I t: m at • Mrs. F II 1,'llrr a nd Tho;; Pi erce. hended. "Tile Anniver sary of the K. Hymau 's . titled ... Ro~ema r y . " fr'OIIl Hell " of P Lodge. " and thinking the PythRosema ry had lost her parenta In I 'Tilt.' Y OU II\( Wornen'3 o[ the ians of my IHlyhood town of WaynesMrs. Lindley Menden hall spent the M 1:;. churell ('Illt!rlaill erl their hu~ the South. and wen t Eaat to make vill e would be pltlased to hear of U8 we .. k-end in Cillcinn atl . While I banJ ~. SlIt u rdllY eve llin~ . iii th~ her home with relative s Pythlan a in the Weat. 1 am l!et'king there the war broke out and ehe en1' \ church' s soc ial rooms A fin e evenF. B. Hender son and family were to tell t.ht'l m through the column s of . ill l/' waH~ pt·'n t in ITlll sic and cllnve r ~ !l' ).Caged herse lf t o a captain ot the Davton visitors . Saturda y. the gooll old paper. l ioll Ad , li g hlflillu llch wll ~ " e r vpd. No r thern army , who made good, Though a littl e late in our 67th ananI! came home a colonel, althoug h Do not forRet the Special Sale now niv ersary celebra tion of the order. he was reporte d killed in actiOl!. The Th p Wa Ylwsv ill p Mill1' Pntp lo}·et!" going on at John A. Funkey ' • . because of s8v" ral of our membe rs entt'rtai n .. d th!' Mt'll's cla~B of the M. s LUry is very pretty and WeBV. . a Showi nK being out of the city at. the exac t E. church . f'riday evening . The lilt of sentim ent and good clean fun Dr . A. 1'. Wright and fall1l1y spent date. which is Febru ary 19th, when Sunday witb F'r(lil t "veninII' Wal' pl ea~alltly ~pent in mu· through ou t. relative s in Centerv ille. we dill get t OI{~l h er , March 10th, it View IL is i III pOBsi b Ie to tell about each ~ic Illill ~ p t:ec il e~ The church or· was in the way of a ballque t at Hotel Beat genuine khltkl-lIrlll Pants. cheRtra fu rni shHd the III " Hic. and a cha racter, as . everyo ne sUBtained St. Franci~ at 6:30 pm, g(ven by rellular $2 76 value, $1 98.atBy man's deli ghtflll (!inner \Va served . their parts well. and made it a very our St. Joseph LodlCe. No 22. which prelly entertai nment Several tunny Levi Lukens, of Wilmin ltton colMr . Ilnd Mrs. Walt er Janney I' n- inciden ts In the play came from has 190 member s, and about 100 of the (t:rlaillp. rl a nUlllbpr of rellllive s at two servant s- the Irish maid of them took part In the o ;casion , lege, spent the week-en d herE' with and the their country hume. nea r Lytle. un· ol d colored mammy , aa well which WII8 enjoyed with • boun tiful friends . as the day. in honor of the 83rd birthda y of Pl'culia r old aunt· The play spread conal~ ting of roaat t~ rk ey and ended Born- To Mr . and Mrs. Alonzo Mrs . Hannah Lewis. at Dayton . hy the en tire company all that accomp anies it. In fllur cour· slnainlr a I'holo hy Cartllr. of Route 1. Monday , April 4. Those who enj oyed the occasion wer~ medley composed of norther n IICS. The balance of the evening waa L. N. Prl utz and 1921, a son . Mr3. Hannah Le \Vi~, Mr and MrA Ho u thern melodie s. taken up by music g iven by an orRlda. Studlu Char les Parlett . M rand M ra. Ern est chestrll . Ruga and Matting . genuine Burlap Between acts. Mi88 Kathryn BenStokes and son, Maxwell, Mrs Clara derson and Mr Donald St J "s.,ph lod g>! No 2"l, WB9 insti- Linoleum and Window Shades Hende ,.". at Lewis. Mr . and Mrs Herman Lewis presentp d good plano and tuted In May 1872. and one of our Hyman 's drum muand ch ild ren. Rubert anti LouisE'. sic. and the high school quartet oldest membe rs, Bro. Lon Hardma n. 1811~ Mr. and Mre . Frank Zell attende d gave. an account uf the Inst.itut ion. C:lery Lewis . Perry Bailey . Mr. and good selectio n . Following is the cut Then liro. Slim Willcox gave a fine the funeral of Alfred Loy, at BellMrs. Paul Mills and daughte r, Ruth Rosema ry ........... ...... Corinne Welch E9 ther, all of Daylon ; Mr . and Mrs Aunt talk on the ~ubjt. ct of Fri"nds hip. brook. Saturda y Hephzib ah .. . Paulett Harbac h Wherea s, it and the Hon Hro L, C. Gabber t Cliff Lewi s . of Centerv ill e ; Mr. and Cousin Ketiah ......... Lauraa Wortma Ihe great ! n gave a very ubI !! talk on the subject Several Scottish Rite Maaonl are lind suprem e Ruler of the Universe Mrs. Ralph Lew is nnd 80n, Leslie, Gran dma Erderly ..........Merl. Elila attendi ng the Conalat ory meeting at In His infinite wisdom and merry to of Charit.\' . Next Bro John Boyer Mr. ani! Mrs . Walle r Clark and Kate ............ .. ...... ... Bernlee Murrell Laura .. .... .. ..... Helen Walton take from our Chapter our worthy Tbe insuran ce adjuste rs arrived was call"d 00 to give us his best on D:lvton. this week. The Ohio State Cemete ry Superin - children, E arl, Luci le and Wa nda . Gwen ....... .. ........... .. .... ...... .. ...... Rea Stac.J and esttlempd sister. Jennie Gordon, Thursd ay and started their work of tendent s' associat ion the Bubject uf Benevolence. Tbese Little Ruth Es~her Mill! Is t he little Lucilla .. ...... ........... Lorene Warrick will mpet in 111188 Jeanne tte Janney and Ethan and adjustm ent. H . E Earnha rt re- Waynes ville on June 23 and were followed by shorl addresses by l!4 This babe that waa left on the door-ste p Fanny ...... ........... . Marie WUlIaaIaon. Crane. of Wilmin gton college. spent Wherea s, the intimat e fellolnh ip moved everyth ing that waa worth aasoclat lon ,will bring differen t member s, who redponded people from of Mrs. Minnie Boomershin e eev(>ral Martha I TheTwi na.. ClaraB emhltl the week-end with relative s. Mary \ held with her. both in and out of our while over to his wareho use . Ruth Mun., to the call of T088Lmaster Rodtmhauevery county In the s tate. and it will months ago . Norah.. . ...... . ....... Mildred Dunham Mr . Farr also got outhi9 stock and' be the biggest event ever pulled aen. who flll~cI h i~ posit ion wall All MeBBn. W. H. Allen und J . O. Chapter , makes it espe\!ialiv fitting .. off Aunt Jinny ...... ..... .. . Francea JtUlII81 IIr 't~ent pronou nced th e m ~el ves well Cartwr ight· were guest.. of the Ro- that we record our appreci ali on of placed it'in the Townsh ip hout!e tem- in Waynes ville . Juno .... ........ ....... ...... Ruth Glbbona This i8 the first porarily . Mr . Farll' was allow ed ev- time in the history of the 88IIocia entartal ned. slid t 'e pvening well tary club of Lebano n at luncheon. her. therefo re be it Mrs. SOames .... .... F\orene e Pflaum er tion Resolved, that the wisdom and ery cent of his Insuran ce, but at the that th ey have voted Captain SOames ...... CurtlB Thompa on spent. Atljourn m en t a t 9:30 Thursdl Y noon. to comll to sucb The Sergean t.. ......... VlrriJ Retallic k ability, which she always exerciij!!d in time of going to press the Earnha rt a small town. ap they Our aprinlt' ceremon ial of the alwaYMmet beShrine. known aa the Dramat ic Order Messrs Alfred and Elliott Wright, the welfare vf our order, will be held stock has not been Ild justed. fore In the larges t cities of the st ate. The gro88 proceed s for the of the Knights of Khora888n will be of the Universlt~ of Michiga in gratefu l rememb rance, and her . Every lot owner Is expecte d to do n. aring's enterta inment were ovar ,100. celebra ted by Marhab a Temple . rived home home. Friday By the fire the Anania s club lost bl~ part in the enterta inment evening, remova l trom our midst leaves a vaof the ~ April 9th. cahcy that will be deeply realized by another regular meeting place, as it visitors The Gospel team, of the Wilmingfor a t~1\ days vaeatlo n. . There is no prettier cemeWe have jUlt learned , ~Ith much the membe rs of this ord ~r . Be it waa their habit to meet every even- t ery In the Very retlpectfully yOllrs state than our own. and ton co ll ege. held services at the M Cha8 Stansbu ry and friend. of further E. church, Sunday mornin g and pleasur e that Mn. Grace C. DaYiI inle in the Earnha rt store, am! there it will be quite an honor for in F. C & B .• our citlDayton . were in town, SaturJa y . has been made preside nt of OM of Resolve d. that in deep sympat hy to tell their lifelong experie nces- izens to Otto C Mill" be ho~ts to such a gatheri ng. evening : The college team is comTtlis item meana thlAt mushro oms are with her husband , sons, relativ es and and believe me. there were the largest cluba of Y. W. C. A , of posed of youn~ m pn, assi8ted by 80me The program will be announ ced at a ripe. aR Charley it! a great lover of friend s. we the membe rs of Warren told th at would raise Mis, Lind enm eye r, music teacher at Darton . th e hair on a later date . Chaptt.'r No 224. Order of lhtl East- - - - - - - - - - - - -..... 1tbis particu lar fruit . t he college. Both services we re well - - -- - • ern StIlT, expre.."S our hope that bald hp.sd It haa been noticed , too. attende d and enjoyed by all who Special Shoe Sale at John A. Fun- even 80 great a toss to us may be that the club membe rs have been heard th em. The young folk s were staying home pretty close for the over-ru led for guod by Him who k~y'a. This is a ,reat money saver entertai ned at t he home of Mr . J. E. "doeth all things well." Be it further past week. aa there baa been no Men's $450 and $4 90 Work Shoes Resolved. that a copy of these resoJanney . tor $8 26: Ladieli' differen t sty lee lutions be spread upon the records of place selected for their rOlgular nfghtly meeting s. our Chapte Dress Shoea ot the $4.90 and la 90 r. a copy given to the bereaved family, and one sent to the Spedall for The Blnest, ahrewdp.8t farmera kinds now go for $a 75. Miami Gazette to be printed . apply dr888ingR of well made. Fire Chief Sherwo od haa informe d Followi ng are the dates of tbe Mary Syfeld Ipeelali zed. a ..ailable, comple te , Mr and Mrs. Ed Ballard , 01 Xenia. ( us that the total bill for llumpln lt county fain, in which Marv Tucker . our readers Commi ttee . fertilize rs to Insure profitab le and Mr. and Mra. Will Dean. of water at the fire 'was only $3.75. are interest ed in : Clark Martha Lukens crop growth , for . after all. it III cOllnty, Miss Maria Cook died at her home This fully demons t:rates that the Springf ield , Au g u ~ t crop inRu rance that the 'practi =-1 Newton Falla, Ohio, were guests of Fresh Salted Peanuta 16-IH; Clinton on Main st reet. Saturd ay even ing Mr. and water Mrs. 8ystem Ell farmer hi after. He haa to take Dean. laat week. Is adequa te for any county, Blanche eter, August only I Sc a poun d 23-26; abou t 11 o'c1ock, after a long ill ness long chances with the weathe r. They were en route to their homes. Resolut ions of respect and love to the fires we may have, and It surely did Fayette , Washin gton C. H , August The fun eral was held l'uegday memory of Jennie Gordon . who but he Ilhould . take no chancea after spendin g the winter mornIn Florida. Fancy Choc . Drops. 'ftl',or alit. died March 17, 19?1, from the not cost very mucb. for the amount 17-21; Greene county, Xenia, August ing at 10:30, at the Cea~a with the fertilize r which he apr '9 Creek membe rs of the Ladies' Aid So·ci· of water thrown only !lSe a poun d.plies An extra dollar expend ed 26; Montgo mery county. Dayton , meetinl/:house. Interment in CeasMr. and Mrs. Henry Roberta . of ety, Harvey sbura, Ohio: ... tor the right kind often make Septem ber 6-9; Warren county, Leb- ar's Cree k bun in'g ~round jUlt the differen ce between lUll- Oakalooll8.• Kan ., spent a couple of Wherea a, God haa remove d our Fela-Na ptha SoaP. anon, Septem ber 13-16; Ohio State CeBt and failure. dayslaa t week with Mr. and Mrs. S. loved siater and friend 10 bars for 88c Fair, Columb us. August 29 to Sephigh~r Alfred Loy . all aged residen t of We are handling a high- L. Ca.rtwr ieht. Mr. Rohrte hlll1'+"1""",res of usefull:l 1l81, tber~fol'e be ,t· tember 3: Hamilto n county, Carth- Bellbro ok. -UU . and well kn ow" here, died in W8lIhington for Beveral Palm-O live Soap, ReI!olved, that we aa sIsters of thi~ grade Fertilizer and our been age. August 10-13. at his home. Thursduy . The funeral months . in th employ of the Senate Aid Sociaty endeavo r to 10 bars for 7Sc make our price is right. was held at th e M· E church at Bellrecords . and they were en route to lives more ulleful. Be it further brook. Saturna y af tern jon a t 2 p. m . 16% Acill Phostheir home. Mr. Roberta is editor Rice, nice and clean. Reeolved. that In our work and sophate. per ton .. .. .. .. interm ent in Bell brook ceme tery. of the Oskaloosa Indepen dent. snd claillfe we feel a 108s that S poun ds for Ho CllDnot be Owin~ to tbe hard rains of Friday, - - - .... Grain and Grass Grower , av Ph recel ..ed hi!! firit inlltruc tlon in the filled by another . We extend . _ ._ _ lour the river again overflow ed Its preserv ative ot arts In Wayn..ville. heart-te lt Bvmpathv to thtl Brown BeaD•• bereave d Saturda y.we had all kinds of banks_ weathe r u hlB father Wal! the firat editor 10 husband and family. Be It The Lebanon Patriot , for many . 8 poun further rain. hail and ds for 2Sc Resolved, that these resoluti ons be snow, Sunday wit- yearB the propert y of Mrs. Mar), You can get any amoun t thlll town, edltlnll' the old Miami copied on the records of the Society, nelSI'd snow and sunshin e. but Mon-' Proctor Wilson, waa sold recently to Sec our Line of Ii'loor Painta, " i~ltor. which wa •• fterwar d8 nlmed in bonol' and memory 'you want, $t any time. of our departe d day W88 a fair day , althoug h cool. Mr. Paul Val'nil'h Stains. Porch PalJit. H. Ziegfillld, of Columb us. rhe Miami Gazette . Mr and Mn IIleter, I copy be gillen to her Clark Sta~r. while hauling g ravel family , There iR no doubt but that all the a House Paint, Auto l!:nlUllel•. neW8paper mao 01 experie nce. one day last week, ltobertB enjoyed their visit here ver)' and one sent to the Miami had the misforGazette fruit 18 killed', as the thermo meter "Notlce Our Window ." to We be welcom printed e . Mr . Ziegfiel d into the tune to break th e main bone in his much. 811 ~r , Roberts review ad. th II " ClaraM erritt ~ r egistere d below free:dnl t bv several Warren County newspa per fold. Phone 25-2 lell, just below the knee. The bank and noted the m.my Improve Bring us your ChickenB. EmP Anna 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ town Harris degrees Commi . The laat cold snap did not ttee. menta made ,Inee hlB childho od dQ. - - -. - ••- - Emma EIliB cav.eel in while he was shovelin g, and and Butter. It will pay JOO catch the apples, but Ithls one did. Use our Claaslfled Adl for results. before he co uld get out of t h'e way to trade at the grsvel caught him He is lI'et..... ~--~..,., ting alonit aa . we!1 88 coulrl be expected .
c'l a~s
.. -
.. ..------
Save Money by Insuring the 'Crop Willi Complete Fertilizers I
Friday and Satun1ay
- ..- - -
nliT OF
$21 50
.. -
Younce Bros...~Co.
--- --- --- --- --;
Will'. rd
Stor.g~Bafteriesl ·'h
I t t
We have installed' one of the latest type of Tungar 41i'ttery ChargerS, and are prepar.:d to take care of aU ·kinds of batter y work. Also, we \\ ill carry in stock a supply of new Willard Batteries. .
And fOlget your batter y troubl~_ "
. "You gain from 3e to lOe per pound on your . fat by Sellin g Direc t."
Mrl! Allen S hoemak er. Sinking Spring. Ohio, wrltea .-"We three cream s tations here in our to Nn that 1 could ' sell my creamhave but you hav'! give.n us such good 88tisf!lction that we ship to you to, all thE' time. We h uul o ur cream 9 mil tls to Peebles to ship to yOU. You see what we thin~ of you," Ask any other Tri-Sta te patron what they think of U8. We hllve 60.000 produce rs ~endlr.g their cream to ·us . We have no agent.. We your shippin g cost, We guaran tee your. cream and cans aplilet 1081 - we make yo u more money . ,. ." .
.Thre.dBattery .
The Miami CIIILZettet Wayne.vIlle, Ohio.
IMi"" 1 .. ,'." 11 1,.1 '''''~I'(1 k('C'n,y li t bu, "1 11,1 {'ou~l" :'iuJ'IIh II k you to tome i 10 niP. lit Il~ 'l'I ri 1" h~ QIIPstlont'd In - , kfnllly \ '1'0111111,,'1 tI I,"'d. " !:Ih,. ".y~ 1f) ••,'t M J.'hn dnn· t IIk~
h @'r h" " ' ,
$heltering Pines COUrltry
By GRACE MILLER WHITE c.."rtatat b,. t b. 11.
K. " 1)' Company.
lIITB. ("li rtl s ON! IIWUY !l h nns l (11" · t rncted. It slle shoul d 81'(' hl'r "on token to prl1loo like D e"~11 1"'11 M,',", t haI n'l('m oon. It ,,"oul 'l 1<1 11 It. I' .' ,,01 ho w could eha flo c h i ,. \\ ," " II ' " nu'nnfll t o .he1p hilll
('QuId on ly gai n
f'.§r :llH," I
fi e! II -'slu :l
I t ::t he
Paul ! H e bo" al "' .. , ~ he~1I th.. \II,' r.· t ender benr, ('c1 of Ih ~ two. For a willi e she wlliked up anll do\\" ber J'(\()Q\, wrlnjl'11I1\' h('r hnnd!\. She Will In 8 s tatP ot I..Trlble nnx lety . whpn Ko tbertn e nme In. "He's got to ItO." " 'I_tNt MI'!!. Cu I'tis, otter 8he hlld tolll th e wholl' . tory to her dnu ~hter. "He snys he'lI be a """'ted If he dOMm't nnd hos mnd e me proml ... not to tell John. Ob, If I could onl y get to roul." "No 001> h ut thaI girl Is ...110wl!{l near him." fi ashed bllck Katherine. ''B, Jobn 's orders," Buppl eme ntod lItTtl. Curtl B' Katherine's lip t'Urle<!. -rIlen why not a ppelll to her. mamma' Perbaps 8he'd rench th e ears of , bill majesty. the Lord Al· mighty," said s he. "Oh. Kltthle, don't be bom ." sobbed her mother. "You know very well 1 ~uldD't 88k him throu gh her." "'l'lIen what will you doT' demand· ." the ct.rL "Yon say OIm810 John _ ' I!e1p &ege. and you refuse to ' tbe elri to uk Conaln Paul . TheD Ifi1I~t wlU ;rou doT' "You uk her, Kathie," said Mra. burtt.. ln , cov:tD, tones. Katherloe toaed 'ber head. -rqa'ft rot a oene to send me to bar tor ~," abe abot baek, "I 1fl~n~I" • ~ . Curtle "'-'IIIfl forward with .tnmi'ta'un, tootatepa. ~ot tor four bl'Othl'r'l' aake' Ob, 'nthl.. 401~ '70 I won't,.. _Id the r\rt. "So ~ , jd.t ~!l't', Uk me. Rente" not m;r I!O'lo a04. I h..,en't aD7 l71DJ)ath,. tor llID!.M With tha t Ibe made for the dO!!!'. &lid wu ,ODe. . FOr over Ul ' bour the 811lr\1lahed ' !DOpier willed up end dOlfll. Then u It abe bad at lut reached a con· d1l8l0D, Ibe went to the lervantll' " Quarten. . There abe lent the maid to , . .II TodDlbel to come out to Doctor Paul'l coD8l!rvatnry for a minute. 'l;oDr BlJenUy a~ at the white WOIIWI wbeo the, came fnee to tace. lin. 0UtIa awallowed her pride, cut~ III, at the lumps that roM In her
rllee II
thnHot. 'TID 1101:1'1 about thIs afternoon, Jolla DevOD,~ abe ..Id. "I really dldo't DClentaDd... ToDDlbel thOD,ht In a lIuh that .JOIn. Ouru. mo.t have gotten reU~II; OOthtn, b1lt. a sottenln, of ..~ ~~d a~\DIt fot the apo!ogy. , ~et mInd," sbe choked. "rm awflll17 abQnt my daddy. but II he wUJ ." bad. then I suppose ' be malt cO 't:O jaiL;' ~ m.tement 'renewed the dread 1D~ , OQrtJa' heart about her BOn. • d iOa take a mesl8ge 10 my 0InuID Paul tor me'" abe ventured. -wllet Ie, aalled Tonnlbel.
~/ .~
..; m," Un. Curtll ex· plaIned teartully, ,"and be meat go a~. I hayen't any mOlley, but If Paul about It be'd help 'we. WJU 70tI uk hlmr ToIl1 th81llht Ii mInute. "Not tonlBht I" abe repllild, "Mebbe Dodei lobo-" "No, ~ bates my son," the other ~onately. "011. you mus!D't .., ~I to ,!Im about It." '1'omIJIIel Devon W88 awfully t.mpted to refuae the haughty woman wbo ba4 pulled ber around h;r the balr only that dternOOll. Bllt she r&membered Phntp, remembered his lave tor her. !lnd relented. "Come alonl back tomorrow mom. In" . a'Od mebbe I cnn get rou 8Ome," lIIIe tUllWet'ed, wnlklng nwny. TI,eo O1'er ber Ihoulder lIbe lIung back. "I'll
"You Want the MOne,. ,for Hlm7" &he Cried. cried, polotlng II: fioger tOWfird tb~ mnllng boy. Urs. CurtlB nodded. "Yes. be:s m, son," she IIlIB\Vere<!. Tony drew a long breoth, leltillir It billS out through h e r tl'c th. "It he'a your son. mn'om," she said falteringly, "Uum you got a murd~rer tor R san. H ~ t rl ed- he tr1ed to pol lion Doetor 1'"II UI." M ,n!. Curt Is gd up slowl" a cold rage rising In h"r pule eye9. Kath""ne came forward to her mother'1I .rdc, bnl R~nald remaIned sUent. "YOII Ite," aDnTled Mrs. ·C urtls. "1 don't lie," cried TOllY, boaTtlei1. "J (ton't lie, either. Look at him, and see It he aIn't gulltr. Be did put polson In Doctor Phil's medlctne. and I pus hed him otT the window. But I dldll·t know be was your SOli." By t'.lrclllg her ey!!S around. the ml\lhp~ ~",'I!ht Rh!ht of hl!~ hoy.
Ullr-JUlJ'''OW. "
,lbll last at&tement Mrs. CurU. had to be sa tls6ed. Reggie ru. tered dreadfully the nJgbt throngh, bla moHler alttln, at bls bl!{lslde. 'l'on7 Devoo alllO bad been awake meet ot th e nlehl. In the mornlDg after brealda'8t. she set about ptherIn, courage to approach Do~tor Paul. With Gussie Piglet ID her IIrm .. 8he IIIIt down beside him, ooel 1I0W the mlnnle was there to $pook. Ton, didn't hOW how to berln. But to belin meaDt to begin, Tony hnd learned, 10 lib. coughed and blurted: "Y0Ul' coulln, M.nI. Curtla, la !rlod of pretty, ain't aile t" "She would be If 1!he dIdn't cry 10 mlldl," te8J)Ooded boctor Pau!. 'nile p.... Tony the opeutng ahe ~t04.
"II. boyoe awfnl sick, 110 lIbe -,a," I abe brolre ouI, "thal'li wb, lIbe If "e,dOll't-ao &WIlY. he'll die, mebbe." loyel y gt'tIy ey_ grew darker u ...... _o:.brd wa.-I",d l>~or Paul
nt~lt1 I ,' n t .
"Wnll"1 It I. I(' A S~ )'l'" tn hfl.~ me bell' Ii .. r 00.1· lillo'" hp 'heu <1 U"l'I l'd 'l " I 8houlc' t hInk you'd b(' t he 'ns t pprson 10 "sk t hllt. M ~' hrolh ' r told tu~ "h e'~ IIIwllY8 ,' ('ry ullklnd to )'ou." "~!,(' dOIl' t know OilY bolt!l' r." l'('- ' pllffi Tony . .. hI'" never lenrne<! wha t 10\' ln ' aw ful hn nl mcn ns. ..n d ml'hhe she's J!() worrt(~ o" l'r her bo)' Bh,,·. got to be hor rlll to some one." ('nul P('udle h,\\' eu Inlll:,h od. th en be I!'rew grave. " Perhaps thot'! It. Now do you t hInk you ('ould Nnd [DY cousIn un " lo rI ng he r here?" T onnlbel lookro lit hIm dou htfully. " Sbe mll\'ht make you n rvOWl," she M id dnhloo81y. "1 don 't thInk 90," N!\)lIed the doctor , amlli ng. "I'm 80 much better. We won't "l)M\k at thlB tn John, DJld I won't get ne rvous." ne made th e Ins t promI se becb.\lse the gI,rl'a rRee \\'Us troubled nn d an xious. Tnon lhel nodded and bumed oul Sb e kn ew wblch room M~. Curtts oc<'U p led ulld 800gh t the otll er wIng or Ih ~ house. \n'Bn s he kno('ked nl th ~ door, 1\ womno'8 voi ce ('ft ll ed a low : "CoIlI P In I " T ODY 8t('pped InsIde lind. tumln,. ahut the door before lIhe look a IUr\·e.[ at the room. When Bhe dId. sho nll1\08t tnlnted. n" ggle Brown, the awftll mnn Rhe hod known In the Chllalbolll c1R Y8, th E! mon who hael elropped til e poleon loto Paul P eDdl&haven's med IcIn e. wos sen t ed very near ~rMl. OJrtls, nod Kath crlne W all by the wIndow, wea rIng a very bon!d erl,rpSlllon. An e.lI·lomoUon CII mo from eacb 011 0 of th e three 8 S the gIrl taC'ed them. Inokln g ae If ehe were ready to roll bP ~e. , "Y ou dldn·t Jr1!t the money then. ,u-I," demanded MTtI. 0nrtIa, ah·lIrply. "ReggIe dear. J didn't tell you laft ni ght. but )'our Coulltn Jobn refused mo ,,'hft] 1 asked him tor hel p, end I had to retlch Paul througb-" TOD),'S eyee were QP Rel1nald. who was crouchl0lr lower 10 bla cbalr. Her forward, stanerto, atep broke off tha ip(!aker'. erplaoa tlon. . "You ,,'ant the mOlle7 tor him'" abe
thu t 1 c.'tlm(, from 1l C"~ pip whn nrc ont your kllld . (',,". 'n
5a m\
r Im " - Ih ~
P nuL \' 011 know tl,,,t! F. '·I',·yloody do,'s I 'I'h'en I'm nOI so j(()(ld n. you Clin k 1 0m. FI rst at n l\ I hll v('o' t III. wn y' tnld YO II t.he tmtJ,." " So my hro lh,'r ' old me." re mork ed DO('Ior I'n III. "L[\ng ngo he loo k rnu In to hi s emlll,1 11('" IIhoU[ 'he 1'1 018011 III noy med Ici nl'. ['''e wr.·Ich ed ynu fnr t wo yellTS, To . .. nncl It seollls tn ml) Ihut I know ev..,.y s '('rpt or your eo uL I'm ' s ure r o u loye IlI P, den r rhlld. I'm goIng t o IIldopt y O\1 I('go lly t IlT my dou ghh' r. A.tt er thi s I'm you r fllth l' r. nnd I gIve wnml llg to my Cllpt a ln Mn r C'lIul('y thllt It he trIes to Inke )'OU rrom me. li p's goIng to h",'\'o .Ollle fi ght On hIs hands. Frooll now 011. ['m no t Cou ~ln ('nll l. I nm-wh ot ?" "My rn the r," /lu lpcd Tony. "It seems ns It I cou l In't s tn nd 90 mil ch hnpplll"ss. And If you'r" my toth e r, t hot III Rkel'l Couel n J ohn- " "Your un cle," lau ghed n voIce frnm the door. " So Pu ul hfl s told YOIl, h88 he, lit tl e gIrl? WeU. Tony. y,m woul cln't ba " e slept !l: "'Ink on e Il l!;h t It yuu'" lll-~l rd our nrgu mcut n\lou t YO Il. We speut seyer ol hours WfU lIgll llg whi ch at U8 Bhou ld adollt ),011. I eni d I should becnu se I an w you fir st.
rl'pl o ma" c
a mb a s~ ador~ hl p
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C, ."" 0 1 SI l a me' ,EngIaIHI)-w.t1
li k..:l y ~('I
To ••• 1 In the d.llolou. Burley
tobacoo navor.
It' • Toasted
Th~ Fjniih~ade~
··~ o. 110, lin t
Col. l neil'
w ho wa s
111 0 ... 1
d lrec lly respon ib!e lo r I'U\l I !' ~ \\' oodrow Wil so n 10 th e Wh •.,e H .. " . And h, s appo,nt men t w.1I W II" Iro m a Repu blica n presiue nt. H. is Co l. 3(co rdl ni: to r eports G~o,g e Harvey. I'di tor of th e Nort h ' Ame ric an Review T hl' not ed ' rrlt tor sU ll po n.d I' rCSIi1ell: H a rding in .lh e rceell) ~ ~ n ~ p !!.!jJl
It'Rt'gg1 e," she screnmeo. " r or
L~Un !ll
love, dnlf't look that \Vay. \Vh y don't 70U t.ell the buuy she 110111 Tell he r 70u'll &,0 to your cousIns and let Ihe m know o.t her accusa tlOllS, I'll go ,uy· eeltl" She darted across the ~m . bnt Reglnald's hU8k, voice called he r hIIlCL "Don't do thot," he walled. "Don't do It. mat(>1' I What ahe Pltys Is true. r "Id exactly that thin,. I-I tl'led to ItI1I Coosln Pau!." H.I"I. Curti. IQnIt down with R rroan. and K.therine utte red II ~ry. "I thou,bt you wanted me to, rna· ter" went on the boy, wetlrtJr. "I Ih~"'t 7011 .. Id, It he died. we'd gel ooon81-" "But, my 00l'l, I dleln't wnnt ron to 11111 him." moaoed Mr.. Curtis. "1 didn't," sal<1 Reggie. "But you trled.- thrust In Tonnl""l. "And yon've told my roUSIOR. eh'" 1M! allied bopelessl,. "No, I dldn't," denied Tony. "1 'SDOee mebbe 1 would have, but I dldo't Irn()\T 70U belonged here. I laI_ fllu Uled to .teal with my dadd, and do all eortll of wicked
nnd 1"'nu l- "
"Hos the prior right hcco use YOll so" ed me, T ony," Inte rrupted Pnul. "Now [ thInk the tnrully hr.d betle r kDow of OtIr cho nged nrroDgeml'll ts." Poul Pl!O dl chovell act ed os spo ke. IIl nn when MM!. Curti s nnd her fin ug'h· tc r, Rnlhe rlne. bad been snmmoned to thl' II bmrv. He told the m "c ry lmI "eIy thnl III~ will now alood. hIs brotll f'r, John. nnd hi s cOll Rln, So rnh. "'e re th e be nell cl nrl etl ot Il Mrs. Curtis smil ed at hIm alld orrnoged t he Ill ce ruffles oroulld ber Ileck. "You've Rlwuys been mo~ t generalis, ('nul .:I "" r," s he sImpered. things-" "But 00"·... went 011 tl, e doctor, PIll" Un. Curtll cried out Bgaln. Ing no h(!(l<l 10 the lody's remark . "our "But. I didn't kDOW you'd try to kill household's !:DIng to hll. I' R LO l sl r"~~. " a poor alek m ..'D," Tony went on, "nlld Roth erln, li fte d ber. chin rrom t he tben lend 70er ma to get money of ronlm or he r hand. nnd lIfrs. ClIrt ls him." ~ lrnl llht (,11 ,1 up. Were her nrn hltinn s "You'll tell bini, I kn~w you will. goln!! to be renll zed h rle r nil? Wn.s 100 terrible "rl," screamed Kntherlne, It Paul who wn s goIng to put ber In .., 1000pr able to reatmln 1)erselt. bel' rIghtfu l pln ce 7 The s mil e bron d· TODnlbei thou,ht quickly. Coull!ll ened on her Ifp!. Rnu s be M nk bRCk Paul P\lndlebllven Uved In the houae with a bbPPY 81gb. She hll d to ad· wIth an enemy who had tried to take mit Cousin l'oul looked \'I~ ry hllnd· hli lite. This ..me enemy had tried BOme, yes. E,,.en hand somer thun Cou· to dstro;r her, too. sin JObD. Wimt 8 fool s he had beeD "Y'o u saId be WU !:DlDII OWII)' 7" lIbe not to have cuught blm soone r. Questioned litre. Curtis presently. , "The wom nll you put at Ule hend of "Dldn't yoo'" your hOllIe will be moat fortuna te nnd "It J get mOlle,," put In Reggie. happy, denr Puul." she murmured . drear1ly, "I will." . "J bope 80," returned Pendl ebbven, "Doctor Paul Wllotll to "!lee yOll, aDd Doctor Joho pullcd at the corners lIllI'IUD." '1IIIId l'onnlbel. her dark grlll' o.t hIs mouth to keep ':ltick a lUnllt~ous .,.ell 6red on the womDJl. "and If be grin. roe.." ahe poloted at Reginald, "Ilnd 'Tm golnQr t.o adop~ Tony De\'on-~ lItaya a 10011 time, rll keep mum. Doctor Pllul hnd onl,- time enough to Beef" mnke this <e.ta te.ment when 1111'& CurCompletel, overlooklnJ Kathertne, tl8 jumped 1"0 her fe..t. 'l'on7 ran out of the room. The Dext "You ('ouldll't dt) tbnt I" she erted. day IIhe dldn't look np when abe "Thut would be wk ked, 'au I. ab s!r hl'Ard Doctor John teU Doctor Paul Iutely . wicked I 011 G,?d, don't do th ..t Reginalof had left Ithllca. Wben thotl" . ahe peeped at Doctor Paul, be smiled Wltbout heedIng 1t1 the Slightest bls at ber. coualn's bltt.er ejncu latlon, Pnul Pen· dlehlLven pkked up .. box that lay tit CHAPTER XIV. bls. elbow.' _.Wlth m\ich ceremon y he .- - ! . ' opened It onll took out an exquIsIte A Will Ie Chenll"v, th t hnd pa8* pearl neckla ce. a entered tl\e '''I do not. Ileed to r emind any of '1'IIe two)'ell!'8 Ilnee Ton), ·Devon had t "ou" he sn 'l(1 turnl!l " hIs eyes from Pe dl h bome Ule greoter por , . . • " u e aveu I d ' nt In school hod hIs brother to hI,. two whlte.fo eed of which she III ape ehnn es 'PRul cousIns, "thnt the94l bel onged to my brought abollt h ~all~ken ~I~ plnce dear wIfe. I hove Illwu ys conRlfl l'red ~en!,eh~;:llwor~d'. workel'8, but thl8 them tbl) prop'lrty or bel' .dough ler III I( tl t h did not atlll long too. Tlout Is the rell S(\J), h.nth erlne. ~oelltlnot ~~d ~~o :ad gone trom bill why rve nlwny~ rCl'o,sf'<! your requ esl or ll' c TO before to Wet,], tJl l'lIl. 1\'.11 now I 100 vc n !tte ClghtC~1 yea .8 no n~arer givIng dnuglltcr." H e tu rllPd smilIng eyt'S Mrs. Cuhn ~o W;othertne as 0 fo the r upou 'ronnl bel. .. , ~hnll ollow h~r to Ooth U81n hJO h d been and Ithaca weor th em ""hen!'\'c'r she wIshes. ond ' aD 8 It ever a , t I 't f . tI tl bad caught DO slgbt of Rcglnh1d ; It-It h ~r los t sis ('r sn 'en Brown since be hod lied from It wIth 1they Rre heJrs- l... rs fore-ver. the Dotlnn tllat he mIght follow Urlnh A long hllsslng br nth broke from Devon behind the plleoD 'bIlTtl. Philip S.Rrnh Curtll>, nnd n gnsp ('Ome from had carried on hili wonderful work, KatherIne. "I couldn't weor them," Tony got livIng In the Joyoua letters be eelved !Tom Tony and spending hIs out 1\1 lengt'h. "I Sim ply COUldn't." lJ)ate t1me In answering them. "Not to please me. YODr . tnther, One morning Tony ClIme to Poul Toonlbel1" demb'O(Ied Puul, almost I'endll'hllven smllll)g IlDd bl'!shlngl, ' bru8Quely. , gtrllsh. Rnd be motloDed ber' to a lit· "And me, your new uDcle'" longh~ tie .tool at bIll teet. 'Doctur John , "Why. bOlley. lItt1 ~ girl. "Dt.rllnr.~ be .began 10 a moyed i be renched out ond took Tot1nlhel'lI tOIle, 'fJ I!8IIt for yon beeouse I've hlllld, "don't look as It yon'd 10SI your come to perha/ls the mOllt Important , last trleDd!" dectslon ot my wboll lIf~.M Then Poul Pendlehaven drew TonorPft7 r\nc:ed up at him wondering. nlbel Devon to ble side, and, when ' he 17. Re appeared IOlemDly .ob~r and had clasped ·the jowels nround her loo1red u If he hadn't. alept. ' neck, he IItted her thee WId kIssed "It It a!reete me. Cousln. Paul, It ber.. can't be ~ter than the one you I "'I'hl\r.. lItUp. dnntrllter '" HI8 volee nlP"P. OVe1' two yelll'll 'llgo. wheD YOU ~ .
ch oir II "'lUI ' 1!II1Ollon, tll.l li t: \.'V b t. k 11001" IHue m e Into y OUr .. m ..... . QlIPte.j h ll t eellng1J And went on, ~hl' "11 ~rt:,it. -.. they·re very lovely. ve ry pf'O(',IOU ; I-\I~ '.l)ond. feU lovIngly upon ' h r I Too)" dou!!l)' so become you're weill'<'UrI y' h~8 IJI! th oulfli In belll,dlctl n: Ing Ih In.'' _ T h ')' both IlIpll d Inlo 1\ hUll "Ob," she exult ed, "ho,v 'hht 'py 1 .Ilenc.., the girl's tlreumy ll,l'CS 6xed .«1 m I '. 11 Isn't the IJI!n rl s, on HIJUr , IIl1d tho mnn gnzlllg a t her t houg h the)" r sl ml,ly gr ',It, bu t It's "hlnlng tlent!. OlD t I hove sumo Tt'n l I~oplc." ~h" wrO Il~'," he "jo(,llluled nl length. tllTlle,1 n fi usll el! tl nd MIIIIII II I f nee to 'T'br r wu ,s w met!)lng In hl B " olee nA onch 1I\!111. "Somebudy thul's my very he pron (lll nce.1 hi'r nllme thl.t dl&- 0\\'11. My mO lhe r's deh'C\, un,1 my 1a. 1,,'III'it Iw l' re" ry Ins t.UI,ly. t hc r--" "Y Pli." .,he br othell. "Yes, whn t Is " [s In prl . on." Sn uJlllcd Mrs. Curtis. II'" \'1n d Iet! \'( Iy. "I'm ~W2:l!d.e.d.u.g--.:wlI.Li+-_I---J~--':;""7~7---'~ I'endlrh nyen r ll'U r..,' hIs thr')" t. loe 'l\ say 0 01\ thIs wh en b e CO\De5 "I wou ld no" cr hn\'~ be-lIe \'cll (hn t h O InM" Rn yone co uld h n ve wonllE'tl h" r wfly (T n lw r.ao~Jnll.O . 1 Into noy ~1I"lrl os ~'ll ll " n'·e." ho told her, " n c;. w wflultl- how wou ld YOU li ke me r.)r H,u r t Hlhl" ' ?" .. T uoy tried t" ' I"'ak hut, "1','11'1( he hn,1 ~01\l .. thln l! else to k il ,l, wnl(l'd ~ x. I'<'clo n "Of1ee. nR Y01l know, " W{\llt o n l ho floctn r. " I hnd II li t tle ~ r l of illY OWl ' . "ul thc y"nrs hn VI' been AO l o n~ nn tl ~o lOony slnre ~ he \\'118 tR lcell nwn y. Commoo J'I"M Court [ fpp i I shull't hOYll her Ol;o ln h' tills 1blln[l'8 Lu s tro· Finish is the fi oor finish "Ma~e New Bulla world. " to\\'alk- On." · Becau~c o~ th~ s u p~ rior, specl~1 ,l o bll P . M o Gf\U U vs BarrlA t Am. Tony's durk hen d drop\I cJ agn illst no o.ns p l Il l. A lJ Poul fr om Pro b.. tl' va rni",h L ustro co ntallls It dries WIth n toug • hi' knN' In sllrllt Fy ,"pnthy. " I 'o uld y uU t hlnle M lIle li S yn ur fa. l !o nrt glossy s ur fa ce t hat wpa rs bett er than hardwood G r aotl HlIl Vtl 131\ 10 11111. Dlvor .. th('r. "I'n r 7" ho SR.i d " ttl'r nn emo tl on. itself. -gr oss nl'l( l,,(lt al slll'nr e. HANNA'S Ll STRO FINISH "I' m II Ot lit to r Ihnt," ~Ight'd T OllY.
'IIPI,II(I ~ \11 1 ' tl h~ lp her,
501(1 11;.. ;:Irl . 1 · 11I~111 11 ~. Th o " 'tl lI t'f,II· \dc'·I' ,I ,Ill'
of tire
n, H)
re- I
0:11 ,
is t he ri ght hmnd for all Y interior w~od finis hing }'ou !la vc t o do. It will s ta in and v~rlll sh the wood s urface at ('o I1 C a pplication. Comes In Oak, Cherry. Mahogan y, Walnut, etc .
!I\ III" u .., Lt.nr o f Tht" L .. b"n ,'n ;'IIulin " ,, ! SU lik VN V . L. O" IIUD . It I· l" ' ., I eel t llK t ~ h f' oj .re ndon t p " v • :HH '! ; ,~ i l h '"t" "p~l. t·lO p!" i nt in'.
Sold By
'I' W,n' ''Hld Ay e r W . A ve r ,Ill ~O ll . ,, ~ T h o:> I;;l hi nlol or 8boe 114 1\1'. I \ 1 ~ Jn tH... n f I lr n e w t,ri a. l nVtlrrllh ,u Phi. , IT I" " rd t' r NI t o r f' (\o vtlr fr o .., 01 , I, ,, . ! nl, tI, .. ." u ru o r J :! I In
I n !I ' I) Ulllt·t'l' r
(' 1 '11. .\ III !, hll~ln"~~ II @ N
J. E. JANNEY, Waynelville, O.
W. B . 8 n llpln« t.l EVPrett Nixon, Probate Court ProceedJnp pur t of lot ~ o . 921n J_u\)lIn u lI , I. 1" If' llutHer o r tho NIIS ' II of hn e l I:IIlUtor,bw8ltl' t c;. .I " bn T . k" " 'ifS. ,"I nOr . FlrHl fl OOf)Uot., FIR Ok . pnr' ~ nr "rcMl1n o 1 u n d 31 10 ...... Hr. " IIH Cu rr e t.i 0 n, 1M h l,pr uved. Wu Y0tl T CJ wn-blp. " (I .OUO . I " t ~1l ",ull l1 r o r tb f' ps h te o f B: M 1'1'1t"'r ~ ~.J A Wh ef·len, 1<;1 7, 10, ' II 13tllIy. Il pOtlll~tJ d. 13o.0o nd V HI or 1"00. 84. '1'. 4 . R , 5. ,\. . 11 • 11. . . 1 KI' OO nnt Afl pr ' ''' ed ./ (, hn Hont.t. t n EdwlI~ d HII,· t ~ ' ,oll . I" , I... m 'lUer of th O' f(1l r Hun.b i p p urt of H ~o . :ol l . 1', 4, R 0, hi W"yne
1\ 1 I. •• " I (tD c'a Luo"' l'I. t010 0 1' It i t' (j r I 'OJ'! 'h" t 1,0'" h F . Lu ofts be np.
'L" l wJlsh l ~' ,
Try our Job Printing OlasaUlad Ad. An ad . in this column ill a 8ure lillie
MONEY LOANED to W E, Kt'II ,wdy \I 1111 , II gnt11'll 1J1 " 'e lf ~ tlld wi no r T 4 R , 4. III OIAar. '.V ' l h " '''I ll lOr 1.6110 ONEY ru 1.0 N ON ~' ARM~ oree ll T , ,,.. ".hill, " .. t 6~ I .. , .,... I ,. ~ , III I .. rb· 1lI" : ' o' r .. r t hE! gU llrcl\an Hb l1J ,IUM. Meo' ~ t " El i7."he th R otoROb ye •.,8. T,· , , 1".1 & I · · . I ' b. • . .f \ Ilt ' t tl ( ~ h ' 1 1 r l :. Ini o o r. A . •J. 00.. 1m" No I f) U llt! 17 ill "'1)TiDl(h'l f o, ,1 t.ate and l,»anl(, WII,u,u ~L , (I (lU,u. ' .J . .. 'r u plJ uiu t ,I II: Ullr rl l" n Blln ol l cl .. BI; II ~ Turne r t . ~hrt l p C . ~ .oo Phone 801. m 111 ·lf t3 ·100 Ilurl or l'I f'O ao T 2. R. 0 10 Mun'10 'the Ulrl~t f' r or Ihe eM,aLe ' "r io! 0 0l8q' (Joun t y. '1 ONEY L 'laDed on live e"ach, W m . (J t;1 ~ dd om, d eJetued . SoUl o s ) ohaUale. allo lNlOond mor""lCe~ . ('Iw' th, EIII. '0 '11'80 Hud Karl M N;,," boul(M Jnhn l:Iarbln .., A oten Br uw tl ore "pp.. lot od appralile ra Commlulonen· I'r~ BolhUog, Xenl", Oblo. 0 , 21 Bill. t<lI l1 w .. rt : Th e W H. ,.Jtan. Hll'e Uo ., bl"nk,. oublln, HO for aD· WANTED tUtor ,1.,\1' ~ ,. Il H.H ' ~ n i' \J'y Uo . , M,u l!holl Rlle ~, (hrrne r . 'md MI.fI "nplJil .... fnr'oour, it .. u . ... ,:2; W, OO. Fa n n ie :';lrups nn , hoth of R ln llS MIII!I hIli CI-mfl te ry , ou re o r ~"hll " r~ ' In' AY - , T.,n~ Ttmllthv ~ncl S 1'", ,~ Il lolDtnu RII .,y . !n h,ue r , IIl1n M I ~81 " "d 'l rav,,~ rOt ~ " .. r ~ lJd I D ': il-1-21 'l./v. r; fi, .! ul .• , II , \. IlIq . .... N .. n le LHWVM~ , lm\ I, o f K ' nl(p Mille tOO:' Th , .~ I\: ",,1''' r, r!' !"i ri ll!: nd of W I:J a.t ,'rll llu ti. " :.l, Woe .'. U ll f! R l\y no o nd J o bn~nD . I" bo re r Ho d ull1 l1 D1ng r o'" .. nd IIU\! etB, 12; I~. ville, OhIo f' a-l 1i~~ H"Zf' 1 P ,11o'v bll th of IrrllDkll n. q l1fo~ t ho, ly o ~ Will . Bell, Il,', COr(llle r 8 Ke lle r H ,,~ lc tD neblo lil l , ond MI~!I r fl!'~. f,S 85: J ~'~Hlr Jl' 1"Y~lfo 1~~' ~1lI;;1. ~f rew TolD" " f TI 'I\ " th \ H .. r, ,, An u .. Formls . bol b II f Wnynesviilp . h Oll Y) . oo ~ ,. n fl r ~ ~ ~fll . ..' U I 1.. le luQulrtl I)' WI III" u, tlllI· ~o tL . brld" .. r"pH r "'ora, non mlnKII, R . D. S. W.YDe.Yllf", (Jhl,). N ll rmKn Br o wn, ohnk lind MiSt! T wp $7; Rop .eli thlld ~ , Mfll Va. Hiol V l r~ 16 P i per, b o th of Frllnklln r arl l( rllder , 1 5115.84: Amqr\onn G ood R .. qdll M ohio fO rv \ ~ ". t Olld Ilrllclllr. Real Eaut. TraDfen 10 ~ 2 ~O; B J . Mp.I ' IIII' V, fornl,bloll FOR SALE •l o bo (" ' nr ay to tt. 'I'. U'~ " . part o r nllt! IJII\n l1 R~o ne, "III 45 ,_ W B . SecUIJII 26 . T . 4. R. "\. In l'l1rtltlo. (ltl k Cll ul s " " , blll1l1ulf, *53: EI1 Gr",1y. o'r Clover aay aDd Oal. 11\ 'roVIID " b ip. * 1 800. r nlld1l'u(t-brttl--..--ntlJ oInl . *l~ J. bD qDlrll of E. B. Ya'her, Pbor'A lin ppll oH f" r Cl,url· h "1U~ I' . '5; Geo. alia .I.o\! Orull blllll II t,"l1", '58 .35; 811\te 87-', WaYDen!lle,Oblo. ,-" "" .!!n -nO-ll llJl ii , -A:rtlfilf- ''Si'YIlDt And W . 1Il Grnh " m rA "~. '8115; The LOlr tltate or Oblo Vf R·,.v Br,.url otJburg . oO~t·8. '1020; R : ~te Of Ohl., ."~ I\n. l"'lnoo,,~, betwe!", W,HllfI.911Ie d ,!rso n Bltl!!bIlDl, o , ,~ b, ,y 70; RtlllA dlld '8 dftlry I.t'", 1I', .. d · r .. f Ohio va M t'. tt " l'dy. 008t., '5.45; :-It,te nf Ohio Vii Flllrr.v A ~ bm ore . 0,,11 (J U HI~ ... m"ll, pb 1\" 12 - 5r, ..27 oos t", '13. 25 ; ~ 1' atH o f Ohl (\ VII Mlloll W87nI!BYille.Oblo. f)etlni~, OOtlIP, 'II 70; "t.ILl" of Ohio RON r (Jur~ .. lo for 81110~ .Ull. V8 Ern ~ tlt- Fn'e m ~ n, OO~ l., 19.70. Winter Weakens Blood, Makes b. t ....."" W ·... 'lll~b' l l H .. "d '''''~' Ilr'l'I IJrtlell obaron. trill'"'' p l" .. ~e }o'ac~s Pale. Take Gude's un'Uy " ; Y '. (Jo" k R \) 2 WHyuetl. Pepto-Manll'an VIlle, Oh 'o It\!7 $1.
G oo r~1l RIll1\' flllrt, of ~ o SD,
Drowsy Spnng·FeYer Feeling That Comes from 8Julgish Blood Will Soon Leave You A "II
~ r .. wlll
Haabllli of Br.ad.iorted Corll. lllq"re O_r BobwIOO, Or.,ollla, OblO, aIl7
tblngs un
int o
004 lhJtt
" , .1 .. lob .. ) 111 1" " . vt el. l l~ ~blll, Ullllle u ll f'ao \) \J 'lr t ,·htl bll (!Y renew
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Th r('c IIlze,: 36c f or ont! rooM: c\f,e {Vi h UlIJW! or c:-hic \t e n yn rd: !; t ~~ f r.r lut r· , . 1\' , . . ot ,· tl 'J; n ., 'i ·t,. " 1 . ',,, ~ r :. ~ ·" ' .. 4 S ... kl.nd c.u,,", " ." .. \I • • t. :, .•,.' ~ ••
A_ l'I' n " 1"'" Ib e ·.doorI VII_, hrll!lt,he J \ h S p ' illg I'lr. lIud fpt III tb,' BllDShl o r , Ih e re ,1 oo rp0 l'o lel< In Y ,Dr l)'u00 ~ h u l,1 C"r r ,l m u r'! I X )' I( " U 10 ' b .' t ill Y CI' II;. 1' t", r,·r! cro rp ll"ole d " rEI t.lny dlso. ill ,u ...l 1l '1r t \l'h ' ~ . :.\W lllIll al llg IfJ tHlOI', ID Oll' II" .. aI)" r" i n t il .. 1,1" ,,,1 :' b e y C1!1 rr y "way
wo r ll .. o ut W n~ fl' U\u tt r t":! o m at·lm!' M ... 5\ p P (.'ht!l,'r H , t h t' :-oll'l'tu:! . "ft ~ r t. h ~ WI II ft:. "
II.(\ oIH r l'l
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I:IUIlI.y Pluw. l uqo1l1'" ot \.. ,. bourne ~ MoKoHn, W"~IIt'"Vlllt, Ohio. ..10 &u,h~l .. at G " ,I E.tlnjJ t'ot .. tue@ r" r ~ " I~, PI .... ",. Ci6-H •• ~t< . , I!;. \\10 1, " ' 1 . Yo • ' .
A Few
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. 101; " ,- 8. th t' r e(t e" r puijo les I·\llllll · tl lv .. ~ u ,,~ " )' " bUll d ilJ~ Gudfl'" PtlJ,lt". I>1HIlIC"1I 0 lnr.I\'l'~ just \hfl iu ~ r e'dl ll nts t tl ~Ive t·b .. m j/r.. "t.er J,luwer to o ,.L~orb OXYKett !,.ud tudllltrlbuh! i~
Ad .
Gt!orge W I:Imltb, nesvllle. Uhl ·.. ulun'.U..
F, JANNEY, Waynesville. Ohio
rMrr v II X\ !U!t to .: ~ t lj.l I n uJl JH\rt.M of
Ih il.V
~w aad r; Plp"oodoDH .
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No.1 O\)W, frBllb. 10C,OW-A qui", or Wm. L Orabam. R D.
is .uotJ 1I ' ~loo<lBprirjll tonlo. H helpij \'" muoh t,o bring U. 8. Oovernmlllll b 10 k 0 )IO r i,a oll 'lek H' D,li\d" ""e !tOIl .-~~~ wlln hy th A l1 . c fl~ "llr,V In <ln or WIIIt er life . It nelda "" th" 'num ber of r ed o c.rtl1l ~ ol~. W \I h fine .'Ipri og days .. uti GUd e ' ... P e p'u Mb DI:BO yoo gatn In vl\to r and "U .. ln good bealth DlJu't go ar o and , dro",ey ' !·blll S (lrillg. TII~e 'b~' good toulO, GQde'~ Pept .Mangan. Y o no ...n get It In tft blltt loun or. Ill' IIqllld fo ' m t'S y oor drugglss:tI. Both fOrul8 haye tbe l\[\tDe medloln .. 1 vtllne IUIlI8\ upon genuine Gudtl'a Pepto. Ma!lKaU 100 -AfI9Ilr'll'omeot. '. I . EmPlre,TYpe I'ounctry. ~f"O. N.V
" WaynelYille. Oblo. '
~IlY OOW8 fnr !IIII". '''' ) or 3 ·JJl:R. j,btlin llre Inquire of t; 1'.Y1 fre~h.
UooDer, R. D. I, W"yo ... VUltl. ULlo.
dO Daroo.Jer.lI, Red R'mGII:ITJ:RII:D 80waod «I Pial! x J: Thomp. 80D, R, 0, I, Ortlaoota. Ohio, y.lI.y phODlll1.IX, Bane1.ba.", . alO
W . lA.hora..... '1.00 per S• C.lenlD,; '1,00 per 100. ., ra B .. V . Ijml&h, pbODIl11.•; WiaYIJ .... vUle.Oblo . a18
MARS, 7 1"lll'1 'old, will . 'Irk . anyw.ber.e. AI"o I Bu"y 11k., ne", . JDqalre or 0 0, ,",ort.OI>, R. 0 , 5, Wtlyn8nllle, OhiO '\13
. P • Ohio (Juollll, 1I:Dltlla; r(l . 3 .B'balla a'Dd tD Al oODII'loa. · 111. ' q Dire ' a' lIo'or 1011, Wa7D . . .i (I .., Ollto, . " a1~
.A. . NOON., - .. . frOID bea9;f III! tr'-IJ
f t a&oak. 11.10 'fl ,~OO per Hi. E. Wo' Bopklu, P. 0, 801: 18, VI'" y • tl~·IIIe, 01,10 " al3 "
EGGS. 1D ~~!fOlD.1u *t. C. R. 1. Bed., Br.acl~ lint. \ 1100 per ".'iDI of 11. "Jdta a Ib.p.' bad. .. D. t, .~ 0IaUt -
. .
.... T H E
CiA ZE TT E....
U .'P.I81DU'Int •• 01110 ... e.ccod (,I ••• lI.d
On ThIlW14ay nl,bt, April I', tber. wlll be work in tbe BUlk ot Page, as Baney .bnrlt -oa8&le Ban, No 1I~7 . You are requelt ed to be preteaa . fhe S'lum BurBa n repr6le nSll,he l ""Bre g .. therlug In : be sb~a VBM here. one day las' "'let, and very te", are leU oo'"de . If I t 18 a8 lood a tblo~ nr....'"Ao&8d. It I. '00 good to be
bl." .. D. L, CF Al-i E , Editor and Publi6h~r. WaYlle5vill~, Ohio ~ubBcriotion
Price. ILliO per year
I f you can 't find what you ,,)o nt you r own home tow n-
=== === === === ==jF === === === === = ' ''rTTIlnTl > I'.
Yr aod Mfl. Ralpb Baine•• of Dear WlImlolll&on, wen ~ulld"r lo'oets or Mr and Mrs. A . B eamp. beU. Yr Fraok ~bldaker. who II a 19Z1 APR IL 1'J21 peal' Juror 10 She U . S. oonre. til a' IStl>lIley Lamb, of Day'on w .. SIll /'tan ... 'he llat fn . ~81 «ued of bill p&renSa hera, Tbun4 .y bome for a ahort tlllle. and will reo turn the 181b. and Friday. Mr. tllld Mrs A. B. Ca"'pb ell.old Tbe Ladlea' Aid ..e••, home of d4~6789 1 Mrs Wtlliam Brown, W.dnel day ahelr propert y on Main etree' &0 Mn. F. M. Dailin . M) t! l~ l~ ~S8moo~ . Mr . and Mn. Will WlllIam l .01d B B . Balnel has bien on 'h. ,10k 17 19 21 tbelr propert y on Soath e&re", to U.s for a ooaple of week •. 'f a ~. !7 JO lin. A1\oe 61'heDIL aad ..,.. M ..r, Mr. and Mn. A . B. Campbe ll. Or. and Mr • . Geurlle aatSon. now Mar.ha ll were Dayton .hoppe n, April I-All Fool's Day of We8\ Millon . laid &belr propert y Wednet day. April 8- Low Sunda, Na'ban 8mUb wall .... en .Iok, here &0 Mr. alld Mra. William WU. April 10- 2d Sunday after Easter lIame. Wednea day, wblle workin l a' April17 -3rd Sunday after Sunday Mr. B. L. Dakin II boautU ylnl hll Bully, ao,1 wa. broulhS 'he hom. April 21 - Arbor Day of bl. dallsbta r, Mrs. William B.rg. borne wl,b paint, alIa Mr . J. B. April 23 -Jewi~h PU880ver d.ll, wbere he I. now maklDI bl. t:Jhld .. ller Ie brllh'en lng up hll April 24-4th Sundav after Easter buildin g', homll. It will 00' bllong unm oor IOhool Mr. all4 Mn Cbarl. Clarlr .od Mr . and Mn. B. II. L:lark lIlotore d will b.ol08e d (or 'he aUlllmer, and 'han 'hI good tbe pareotl ",m reo Dayton , Thursd ay. .. I.. Leona MoOlou le ha. been oelve from their oblldren ",III be a frlgM. emplny ed •• ' ..ober of 'be .Ia'b The ",edbe r 'he pal' week na. IInode 10 Wayna 'fown.h lp .011.001. been load, bad and lodltler ent, and tor tbe oo .. lnll year. Mrs. RUASI'U Mor~~D lind dftlllb. William Col.ma n WII o.lIed to .t tbl. wrUlng 1& III quUe In,lltler en" ,pr o .. t l :"rw ln Wl're ' IInd.y guell. Mrl!. Ida Bowe wal! taken Nrl. Lovelan d, 8a'nrda y, by &h. 181'10.1 of lJ~D Mori.a and. ramlly. ously Ill, fine .yenlo . la,' w8lk. and I1Ine.~ of bli aired motber . Mr . Joho S".I11 I, vl!Iltloj{ hll tbe advloe of Oootor R.nd"U , Mr.. II. B. Balnel apent 'fllead. y all hrolb",r . WaltH l:iam. and fillmly. of Will nurrted '0 'be Kelley Ball hOi or lal' week "Ish M,. Mattlda EIII. IlMr Orl!lronl ... rlok a' ,h. hom. of Mr. an4 Mr. pl'al. as WilmlnllSoD, aDd a' tbll "rUlol Ibe I. 'houlb t '0 be lome Mr . Blnnt Dailin and Mn. F. M. AIl.n Emrlok , beater. 0 •• 10 .... re trabillo lini bOlin ... III Sev.ral from bar. ltrav.d all. rain Lf'll~n, n. I,,·' l'I~tor t"y . and laorm, "rlda,. evenlD l, to al. 1011Mre . JUB. W. O..vl.llllio wly 1.lta. S'ffDgt h. libe haa been quite Mr .•II.d Mr~ .•Io~"ph Ev.nl and t,nd the Normal play at WaYD.. .nloue l, Ilok for some 'Ime. MI~8I' ~ . ' j , tl< ~lId UrtIO'l Bees were ville, "od report ta flDe . Mre. MIlTY aenD." hal been for dillonr jCull.ta of Mil l! Alioe Chello. Ralph Jobnl los' a ....lu.ble hunfl, lamA 'Iwe and II now qolte poorly. w~th . l!lot I'lllll(h, . Sllarda y of aoo'e Indlgee lloo. lb. oolored oburohlll! bere are Bea Bawlle ..nd Wa,a.r K~llrlok Mr . alld Mrll. Will Allen spIln' workln l In oonjunu 'lon, and ar. ~l1l1rl'''' ,,"d Mnnd .. y w\l.b ,tr. ODd mad. a boslnelNl trip to Bal.rlD an. "."101 re.ul& •. 1\" . " In .1 " 111 .1 ., 11n IlIodlf "r Friday. The w.a'he r 00 8unday wal! very • . . I \I-. • n 1 \t r~. J. B Joo"s ,,"d Mr~. dll•• r ..eabl.. 10 lbi. vlololly . No '" • .. "I I A deu 1I11nrloa we'. DaySon vllllon , donb' Il Willi brougb l about b, M, .. U . 1:I .. I I I~ . Mr •• U .- ... I . Frida, &h. and " " ". KilO .~lr~ • •/"mes Ourtl. And r.lum et our oUI.. nll wbo IlpeDt lhe d .. ughter "I".,ond .." t.be fllneral of ' " Mr. and Mre. O. Jobnl 11..4 win'er In lhe 8ou'h, r (' luMv ... ne .. r "'hil " . Cllalon o!lnnty , Glenn O. Johll. were I:' 8uD4ay cJ1DDer Ur. 'if • .I:. 8'rOll, our vewrln uiau, Iftlt Moo(\"r lUll" of Mr. Itod MrI.·1 8, Tboml . . aod Mr., e.lharlD e JObDI, a. lJeol npor.. bUllne . ,004 in bit line . U "d'n ~ n" l1\1r hlu bill 18 blllog '.rville . \ All ab. bo••e oleanln l Ita .hll rapltll v o.. rr l ~d IIU, "od 'b" oon· MI •• Dora Srowe. "ltoh.r al Lib. munlolp all" wu dODe I... week, and aheir '1m. will be p •• In, 'r,lnl 'rlotor Don ~~mpl H tf'tl flol.blnlll 'be er'y, lpen' 8r.'urtia y aoel Sunll.y $0 bHu"f y thllr .. ork .. h nnt thp I,,~' er pMI or Yay. wl\b hoo:e rOlkl!. oremll .. with This wi ll b·· q · 1I1 " ... 0 IIl1prov nmen'. Mr. Powell .nd fIImU", of Itan. 40wen , A .. rh., r , .~ l l .... " .. V8TV D •• rroW in Mr. Obu. Cook and three oblld. I·uo v, m o"ed " 'hel .. I n.w home reon arrived home l HlIl\ · , r _ ....ly , aner aD "ILn . .. , h flrit , Itu.t: W'f'ftk, .be 'arm 'be, reI .. 1".1 'I! " hi' " • ," 0 I. ~t pr ... ~ . 08Daly !,oroh., ed from BilKS" ' ean. abaenoe of lIeveral moniba In 'be Soo\b. 8111 \'I~il! ll ~ M r. ADd M .. Tb ·mas Mr. and "In AIl.n Emrlok and Rober' La "" dAogM er,Glad Yl, .pen' 80nday wisb HOi, bu Sberden , one of our oili. been an Innlld for 10l1li1 .tr. und Mr •• LeJn 8r.lllbo ry, Dear 'Ime, aDd aa 'bll wrl'lnll 1. In 'be Waynu8 vllle, MoOlel lan hOlplta l, as XeDIa . We Mr .. nd Mri. H . M. Clark enter. bope for him a lpeedy and permabIDed . !:Sood"y . Mr . and Un. Cb ... Dlln' oure. Clark aoll Ur. L. G. Brooll. In &he 011"1' future, we will bave II Iotr hud Mr •. WIlliam Nail and IItI'" mill In operatio n, oODdoo ',d by \! r ... nd !IrI rll RU~ftell Borne' took J lJ Gray. Sond"y dinner wlah Alber, SIaoy W.lSer Shank. of near Ore,oD la, aod f"mlly II emploY ld In ,be Broo"l prale. Mr. aod Walter Kenrlok had 1. N. Mmer, our ...e'eran fruU nee for abe:r dinner ~oet". 8und., . 1a18l1D811, \s deU ... erln, ehrubb ery &0 Mr and Mr~ C. R Blnlllar , MI .. everybo dy aDd aU lbelr rlla'lvl I, Minnie R60nrd and Mr. and Mn. tble ~prlol . A bUBler m.n you RQ I~"II BlnQjJIIf. of J.meeS own. CIAO not find. H ·' ~bl!r& i\ 1If1" : Unln tIlln or Ur. Th., politloa lly loollned 1.(11.. of .,,,t Mrs. WItI AllilO, W • • ~boo tlnll lbl8 preolno t ',re 1001r101 turward lo bird!', anI' d ar I•• t week . wbeD h. 'be lime ... hen 'bey Will bavio a plaoe ftI,oldent.ally .bot • b ole tbrougb on lhe ,obool his foot. Btl wa. t.kea to Oay'on Sbere .re o'ber board, aoc no douM pl .. oel tbllt will b ....e tor un X R llY EJe III Ilo .. l~ 1m· be fliled provlog. On 'aooouo ' of 'ha beavy raiD on M,.. G~olile aDd Everil" rrl <l ay nlgbt, 'be ·band prao'ioe ",a. Rarl]' 'l1Id oblldre n ~pen' Suoday pOltpon ed, and for 'be time 'bay wltb' Mr . and Mrl! ArSbur Watklo s bave devoted te their mu,io 'hay and f.mlly, Dear Cenf.8rvllle. ..rio dolog flne Anyone DaD &ell 'b...l, U &b"y "Ill JUB' PI" Prof. Tolle'. bome, I)f aD evening . Truth an<1 Love Forever Young. Ceoll Klrl, one of our or.mer y 1'.Ulh ,1111 1 10 \\'1' lire In their -C!8 meD. I. dolog a nloe bOlloll q In she forever YOUh!: . 1111.1 It II the hard eoDo orellm and resSf\or an' line 41tloo of ,,\I I,, ",· • hnl the, cannot a)Mr. aod .\11'8 Jubu Don.hu e bave wa111 apl'":''' "".- Oeorie .'VI~ll~la~m~!!!!:~(QI~.LII:~~~~tq;u UII OD - .Il,_ '....,-m-tUL . ,
Our Cale ndar
II 18
The Metropolitan at Dayton
!! !J !8 !9
Come to
I !
---you'll lind trut hlul values in Men 's Clothes
Business histo ry has repea ted il ~(' lf oflc :" t'noll gh to conv ince most p eople that tIlt' I rill 11 ('()nll'~; to th e surfa ce in the long rUIl and adj\l ~ l valuc:-\ accordingly. Come to The Metr opol itan at Da yloll.--ulHl appr~ ciate the actua l fa('ls---exactly what :".ort of v..llues you are entit led to now. Asso rtme nts are large, Fashi on Park and Kupp enhei mer, new spring styles, Plade from the choic est fabric s- perfe ctly tailor ed - in mode ls for every build, for every taste.
Price. lor Spri ng Are Down to Low er Levels
$35, $40, $45, $50, $55
Others at $2.5, $27.50, 130 , Com e to the Met '(opolitan at Daytor:t---Be Fair to You r Pocketbo ok
f;Jbetropo/itIlD ~
CI!JIIe a., .
---... ..---
"Cold mthe Head"
. '"
la an acute nttack or NaSllI ~otnrrb . Those subject to frequen t "coldl In tbe hend" will tlnd Ihllt the use ot HA'LL'S CATAR ltH ~EDlClNE will build up the System, c1eaose tbe Blood. and rlmder them less lin ble to colds. Repente d IIttockB ot · ~cute . CatalTb may I..ot! to ChroniC Cntnrrh. • HALL'S CATAR RH MEDIClNlD Is . taken Internolly aod acts throogh tbe Blood on the Mucol19 Surfa~1! of the System. tbUB reducing the Inftamma:· Uon nnd restoring nanoid condlUoDl. All drogglstB. Clrcol9r1 free. Jl'. :r. Chene1 a. Co~ · Toledo. Ohl.Go J.
T',WD.l llp lli ltol
\ }I L .
/lll h'to
(: h'Jl'nh
' ( 11 ' \
0. · "~ I . , ·d
V i<1 1J l h10
Till .. W 'I ~
r,h"r, 1ho
,wjo v~ ,j III II 1001(
ou" .". til " gr" .. '" O· I': I V"" , "Oh
b " r-
','. ~.Il
11, " (,
;\,"11 r l \ .1 iu W
da.ye, ,,"b 'belr motner wb" la poorly. No vao.... , hllQ~" or h OU8t18 In nur '»WII. Cyrus U"BlIllrd Is mllklll,! prejl.'rflf.lo \ l~ r4lp '" hie reoenl!., \.I 'I· ohl\.AI\ 01 ","1110", " ... d th .. " U Will H' ..oo n 1)1 . " aarr" Br ,wn. bAa r"'Ufoe d howe a r'er fl · ... I." wl&1i relative s 10 Oa:;. '00, "'r.ollil o "Dd Ly'le Mr .. nd Mrll. W. T JordAn will bililn wllrk un tllelr OtlW bome very ' "Otl, aod "ben oomole ted I. Will add grea'l, our Sowo. .: BIlID .. n,lo ·youar I.dy (.peDdl olJ her . ".0_.1.)0 011 'b" farm)_ "JuI' be .. r ~b ')~ 1j old t.r l'II grv"n.a nd m oari jQ~' Ii' ~b " ogll' tlioly wl'r .. orylOI , tir a 101' lIoo t .. '. I SIil.. il b /Ov-- " \Veil I 1I 0t'l.a 101i'~ make" r ' Het ., /;/11 . ~8 1f ·If .v.. u w.. re 10 full 01 Ifrtl81l " "" , .... .. ,h," ""'." lid Lq~ p,o., ~' . n"I·"', ... ·.1 i·nr LaWn. Iblp. w)tll ~pl,I. "t,· "o ~ \(' -.~Ie · in Aprlt the' nnotv,ld ed . " 1 lit · ~i.~e. _01'811 "','( IIra "'1Il1l wll"., ou' pfio"u ....... ~be . II no OW II na . William tlhe..tdlin t ....m. T.he wi ~llil~ pla08 at '3 p. III . " J'
r.rm .
Nationa l Bank \ ,
. "'aln lc Soutb Stl
The Miami Gazette , $1 601\ year ..H·C'H oH...w •••••• ••••
Waynes ville, 0
.•. Enmi ned Correctly... , GI~ Fitted
.( "p""~fl .. l' I
,1 .}, II ' , u ll'"',' . 1\ 1
Cloth ier .
LM.HENDERSO~ ~eDeral Repair Shop NOTARY puaLIO --- --Ed. C. Woo llard ,
-. C ..\ (, U ri "" ') b ' otll ·· f i'. At . W'" W· I • jl ' h e v ." I II . II ? } 1 . r' " ,Ir,.. t ' -~ ~eo t'~I , I (t'~ h .lv " Lh.· ui .
111' .. A . : . \ldi ,'" " t'.l"" t · " 1 'q ",
.(JuIIow- ~
'-\ un Ju\
"'hilI!. Our slrHflti\ "ra " 1I"llig ' ''p.. lr"u 110'''' pOI In urder 'I'b .. OlhQIl p rop" ~" , ,., h b"i"!' " ' d C U'~"U by sO IIII'.
4 tH
G,' eAt~.t
H I , ~' ,, 1
JilUtl h J I I ,",I ~prt l', ,,, V.• t! . .\, ,tI l ' • "I)(;~""~r, .1U d l«~ CltlvtoOi t'lr , 0 1 WI'.
'01 " 1(10" . fI ,~t
J. H. Mar4 clis. Pl'a~
Jo~ I
.H. Wright t!~'
~u.c~on~er Farm Sales a..d Uv. Stack a
SatWaetlo,! Gur.ll teM
8e1l bJ'ook ,I Ohio , Both· PbjlMl I
Eve~~~t Ear ly
-DEAL ER IN• ..-0;
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, tile, Posts~ Water Fountahls and Sell-Feeders. J
.. ~
I, . ·
Vaccina tion a Speciall y. Noth. in~ but Reliable Serum used Phone 44
Harvey ebUrl, 0.
Lloyd B. Hall Vete rinar ian
OFnCE ; . Fourth qtreet, noar 'ryler
Straw .and Feed, • '\
F~d Grinding a Specialty~ I
S. Detroit 8t.
I Dr.
.. ............
Optical Depart ment Xenia, Ohio 0p.Ja ~venlnll'l by appoint ment
l __
Telepboll. 98
Wayn esvlU e.
SALE' at Tovvnship House .
Beghinlng at 8:80 o'clock, on
Saturday Morning, April 16, 1921
Make Them. Go.
All Was Dainaged by Water.
~rl:e G oods Have
FRANK H. FARR MINk. Cln Be Overcome. ~1 11 "1
Oon't worry over D ml s lokc. ThInk of the million I who hll \'e OlRde m ilt·
tates Rntl ha"8 been slI r ""ssf ul.
I Swltt.
.rOllrD lIl,
:-",~ ,l.
Your bu ild ing problems may seem big to you- but to us, who every day for all these years have been learning all that is best in buildings .and materials, it may be simple.
--_.- ....---
Men' s hig h.. grHl le Work Shi rt s , beRl M rs $1. 25 val ue . spedal for ~ !lturday . 79c. mund l>a vid Bnd bon . of Davton. were Dated tWI ~th day 01 ~rlJ: ~6tL. visiti ng friend !! here. Tue9day. Jud" 01 tile Probate (Jou"" at Hymnu 's Warreu CouDt7. 0010. J a'"e-\ DIlkin . who has been at t he De"" R. 8t ...117. Atll'. a~7
",hite' and Yellow Pine, Hardwoods, Red Cedar Shingles. Sash Doors. ings, Building Paper, Lime, Plaster, Cement, etc. Su us lirst.
Get Your Cement Block, Sewer Pipe, Fittings
and Drain Tile, of all sizes, at
Younce Brothers Grain Company '
_:-~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "'I~ '
MissthGerace WIl It UIl, .o f her Bellbrook. . arrived spent week-end with sigler. !l uy Hein isX(·nia getling ailInghome, fine. Friand -: Miss Helen Walt on . wi ll ~IIII~ ~ be able to be out agai n .-~ ---
We Are Now Prepared
Ladies' Low-cut ShoeR ill Palent Lell lh e r. DuH o r K i~ , reg ular S8. 50 valul', ~ 3 98. at Hyman 's .
To handle our fresh and ~moked meat trade. having inst<l lled a large Beauty refrige rator
Mrs Cynthia Evans, who has been viHiling relat.ives aL Cillcinna Li. ar· rived home, last week .
Also Roof-
. :..--r-_. '
st. Mary's Church Thir rl Sunday afrer Easter. Church The Woman' s Auxiliary of St. Morning M ary's chu rch wi ll meet with Mrs 3.'1, 00 1 at 930 A. M. P r ~ Y t' r a nd ermon at 10.S0. The Sarah Zimm E~rm/l,n, Friday afte rnoon nulJli c cordially invi ted to these We are offt!rin g- Pe rcales at 15c yd services.
a nd 20c yd; Oreas Gingham , 20c. Waynesville Christian Church Cume ea rly and ofte n and get your . Sunday School e&chSW'lday.9:80a m share of th e bargains . J ohn A. C. E . every l:!unday at 6:80 p m . ' All meml>en and frienda of the Funkey . Church are Invit ed to attend.
Way ne.vi lie, Ohio
IIf Daylon.
he re for a f ew dliYll
~'r.,~~~~~':, ~C~K~1~te·~t 't~I'::~et~:;!~ ["runk Curman and Mrs Ray· I.... ot W.....o Couol7. Ohio. d """....d.
Let us help you . We consider that Building is going to boom this spriDgpart of our job- and without an y extra but no matter whether it is It new home, obligations. a new barn or simple little repairs-we We are all convinced now that ev- are here to help you, and our prices are ery family should own its own home. right. Let us estimate your job.
Waynesville . Ohio
Mr. Harris MORhel' is IlOW one of I Having' returned home. I am now the regular force in Smilh's grocery . ready to serve t he public in all ki nd s of Notary work. Can be found at Dr lind Mrs J. A . McCoy, of mv reRidence or cRII phon~ 40 . Solid It'allll~ rW(\rk . hOI sat ll ymnn' s Wns hinll ton C H .. spent Iwo day~ E. V. BARNHART. he re . lust week . with fri end:! . Mrs. Walt e r Kil boll II 1)'lyt'l!l M r~ EJit h M. Ha rris. Mrtj Laura The Miami lillz ell e. $1.50 Ii yea r ' b ll ~ i n l' sH viRilor . Mumh y /I M()!l her lind Mr. Harritl Mo~h u r .--- _ _ _ . _ _ Dr . Dill, Us leo plLl II . ~ I S. II roud lVpre X,," ilt v i ~ ilurs . Slilurclay . Notice of Appointment way, L dllllUm . Ohio. III r nnd M 1'8 Carroll Hll thawa)·. Mr 8 11 01 Mn;. Howell P i ~ rc ll were of L ..·I>', non. we re ' S und ay gu t'sts of Kltate or IlUDlce A. s..... deceaaed . Cin cilln llli visitors. Tut'sday \l r n" " Mrs 1·1. E Hathuwll.Y Not ice II hereby f,IVID that E. V. Ulrnhart
..; I '~·~~> ' ~ r.~~~~illilJ ~ LU MBER •
r Mi~s T rill l'nn Edwa rds.
And Commercial LlneL r True Styl.. ot the wrlnk h' ~ In 0 bu siness Propl'r wor cls In theIr proper places 1 Ca ce sm 1I'IulpmRrks .- SlollI make th u Iru e de finition at ~ t)'le.-
Been Dried Out and Practically As Good As New
----- ...---
- --------"', I I
Our Urocery Line is new . fresh and complete We al80 handle Fresh Fruits. Apples. OrangeR, Banan88 and and Grape Fruit Hulk Groeeriea sen'ed from our new Sanitary counter Buy by the pound and save t he difference.
I S·II'II H'" I an gIn d I
Hhl'hest pricea for good Butter'
an~~~~ our store a r:d see for
0 •.
Yours for Service
Paper for all the partie. ular folks in this commu-
Sawyer's Wayne ' Market
Mr. Alfred Loy. OUIl at the ollle9~ realdenh of on r vlllr.ge died Il\ hili nity. homf', last Thun1ay m ' .rulng, afler .~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ There must be a sr'ason. a long tllne88 Fnner..1 waa held tl' the lilt" horn e, I:l .. \ orday a.fternooD. It's no secret, I'll tell you. and burlll i Wlill muds at tbls pIa 011. I •• Mr~ .Jonas Whttllore I~ oJnfin erl It is ' because quality in ~epr.eclatlon--t ,l ber b'lIDe with tL oomp'J10"tlon of high.class workmanship dlse .... Il " 0". dltClculty with &lny . is always rewarded. , Mr . lind Mrs. J . 0 Hl\ral'88 nnd of p r ope rly or In'Ve8tmen t II f .. mily and Btlr'ry W eaver. all D aprcclatl o n . The Money yo u We are busy, but (·an .... 1.. Day ~on . vlst ted Lhelr aliter, Mre bave d.poalled In Ibl. I .. allUbBII. Brelaford, north of town, la.' tutlon n ever clopreelatea. It still arrange to do some .. alwaya worth ono hundred Snnday, special jobs-if you let conte on tb e clollar. and tlla !.fr. and Mra. Lewi. Riper b""e me know early before the lonller 70U let 1\ alone the retnr ned fr om 8t Loull, atler a long more It II' "" "r ' !' , bigCLEAN-UPweek gets vlsii with tbelr 80n WI .elicit y o ur dopoalt ac· too far along. . Tbo. Bell br" ok Hlgb school g/\ ve a collnt lit the r a to 01- , home talenl play In the tOWD ball. IIll1: (I ~ ) PER VB"T We alse have some room I"et Wednellrl"y ennlug. • • 11 Boa • 'I'~IIe'" lots in stock. Ohmer Howltmd, wife and bab~ WI"'n . . . . lon, o( [)~Jton. vlll$ed blll·paraow. lliat weelf. & J onah · I' eterson. w.bo haa beea very poorlv. Ie now Iwprovln/l very AS8n~ fust 36-U Soutb Mala Street R.. lden<:e, Third Street, Dr. Hook, who hu bean ooollned DayUm. 0"10 to the hoose for aevera1 weeki, Waynesville, Ohio now .. ble ttl be on' alllin. Mr Bam li'leld,., Dor~h of \own . has p u_ro_h_Ii_88_d ~ ~ Fordaon trao\o,r I !~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!'~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
A Sale 'At Which Any Rug in Our Immense Stock Will Be Delivered On Payment of ONE DOLLAR.
Sale Begins April 9th and Ends April 16th ,
The Miami Loan DuUdln.
-Pay Only ONE DOLLAR Down ,
~Them . mi'· oUr
"Wonderful Values
And just think, they will be d.elivered on payment of only One Dollar," is the remark made.by everyone.
Watch Adair's Windo'Wr • It Will Pay You
$ 5.25 ~~t; ~~~~ .~~~~~ .... $ 7.29
$22.50 S69.00
9x12 Tapestry :Srussels Rugs. Sale PrIce . . . . 9x12 Body Brussels ' Rugs. Sale Price . . . .'
$2·6 50 S69 00
9x12 Floor Rugs Sale Price. . . . .... . .
9x12 Axminster Rugs Sale Price. . . . . . . . . .
11-3x12 Axminster Rugs. Sale Price .. ....'.
S15 00 $' 3 ' 7 50' $55 00 •
' •
A large variety of Patterns
9x12 Rugs.
8%10 Rug5
$ .7 .29
------:-~---~""""".._..__......lippil'ii!_!o......_.....:; .,..,.....~====. ~'e 88 Cash if Paid in S~ty -DaY8 on' Am6unta Over ... ~~:;;;:::o~~='i=~ .......- - - - - - -,-. - --
9x12 Matting Rugs Sale !Price ......... . 9x12 Brussels Rugs wool face, Sale Price. 9x12 Wi1ton~ugs Sale Price ; . . . . . . . . .
Your Spare Change Will Pay . the Balance.
-- - --,- - - - -
.I. .., . . . . . .
I f
- --_..-._____ _
HGROVE G , 'urI morninR. GrandlJ& a ~ d Ijrllndma RldKEl, and hllW lue 10n
thla morDing? Cbas. U"rrlson, of H ~ rrlltatown. .tnd K. E. Thompson, of thlll plane. ~ rnok ed " load of hogjf and oalved to \.Jloolnuutl. on Tuesday. The m uny frIends of &!rll .f 'lavis. of Barveysburg. will be , t Il know th",t she Is letting baUer Mls8 Lizzie l3~roup baa retorned to ber home in B~rvey"burg. Mpendlng & oonplll of day. wUh ~ Ia ter, \tra It Ii: ·r bompeoD . Geo. W. Davlll and A . 8 . ~ ...,...g'l'''r were am ong thOle wbo aocomplIDl1'd the Farm BureaD men on 'be 0000', .Irlve tor new membera, 1118& Wed. nellda}> They rep'lr t good lIuooeeiI Ml'!l. AliclI l!:. Terry. who hili been "nlte !ltok tor Yr) me tlwe, III/tbol1gbti t 'J be 80we b~ tter
Thursday,. April 14th Fe~t11ring
Harold L19yd, 'in
"Ha\lDted Spook." . Also,.l4aY:AlUsOD, in
'-. "11)e ~,Cheater'" . . Don;i uiiss this show.
A9mi~i~n, 22 alid i7 cents I.
.' Saturday, ,April I.t ..... , F.eatu~~·i ~y Stuart, with
"The'" S~I~"u.h.r~' \
Also Selznick' News.: ' , Admission. '2~ and ~i~
Tuead_,. · 18th Fe~t~rinJ ToPl ¥~, in
"'f;h~ ,<Cyclonfj'~
Seventy-Third Year
Whole N.umber 5431 ·
TWO PAIR OF BROtHERS "IN~BI;;-G-;:;:;;;;;;::=+-+-~-m---.....:---
The following poem is from the pen of Il former Waynesville boy, Lee Lemmon. who left here two years ago for Washington . l:Ie says th is poem got into his system. and after getting it out he sent it back ( , to his old home:
The Wayne'l'ownHhip schools will Aft I sit alon.e in my little shack, I wonder If I.can desc rl~e hold II r'ie ld Meet at the HiRh School IlU I'1(1Il1{. r F . j A ' I 29 19'>1 Tbe country with humps like a cam· on fI ' ay. PrJ , -.' e l '~ buck. ThOR!! participating in this meet will And the land where the coyo tes compri~e the 5th. 6th. 7th and 8th abide. grades. Followinl{ urI' the events for the aftp.rnoon : The snow comes down like feathers I white. I Although the moon is shining; Boys Under 13 Yea r~ .The ground is <:ovel'ed during the GO Yard DaHh night, !{unning Broad Jump And the deer 1.0 himself repining Runnin\{ High Jump ultitude is four thousand feet; Potatu Race The air u p her~a ill Ii~hte r. Girls Under 13 Yel1r~ The wind dOe:ln' t blow. like it do es in the street. • 30 Yard DI1~h And the sunshine makes it brighter. Baseball Throw Potato Race Bo}'s 13 Years and Over
pair of brother. in bi I b open. for 1921. t'xplodini the dope that g re~:tgU1 aseball as the season t~e l!lme hou s~ h o ld. In the American ta PC(er~ n<;ver come from ca.tchlni star. S~(".e O·Niel. whose brother r.~em ev~ n~d ~as t~e great wllh the WashIn gton team "Doc" Jol . I . }. 0 Nell. IS an Infielder Cleveland champa ha, a b;Olher Jimm Inj one. Irs' bns('man with the ea ch other in 'hr 'world series last yea/ tfaes~. It The .twdobPla yed aga inst Brooklyn National.. .' a er tlIIr :ISeman on the
LOCAL FISHERMEN .4J0~ HAD GOOD LUCK . . ~E. . The local fiihermen had n run of !rood luck. last week. durinr the warm spell. A lot of bal!9 were taken from the river and creek,lOme of them aood on~, too. . The fever had risen to hilrh belt. and eyery· body wbo hud a .pole anll line was anxioul! to lI'et t.ht!m wet, but the bad weather later in the week made it impossible. as the rIver came near overftowing alrain . Tbe boys are gettilllJ anxioU8 tor fair wr.ather again, as the time is only a few days off-May 1st-until the law coines In. when they . will have to wait until thl! middle of June for bass fishing
Sc~ool Hall, FridaJ. April 22.
Miss Opal Davidll spent the weekend in Wilmington.
100 Yard Dash Running Broad Jump Runnillll HiJlh Jump RunninJl Hop. Htep and Jump Girlll18 Years and Over 40 Yard Dash
Baseball Throw Potato .!tace HIGH SCHOOL EVENTS Boys 100 Yllrd D8flh 50 Yard Dasb Running Broad Jump Running High Jump Pole Vault Girls 50 Yard Dash Baseball Throw Potato Race
Scoring-First counts 5, Second 4 Dr. Dill. Osteopath, 21 S. Broad and Third 3. way. Lebanon, Ohio. No student will be permitted to enter more than two events. Mr. and Mrs. J ; C. Hawke were One student in each arade may DaJton viSitors. Thursday. enter each event.
prize will be given to the win· Dr. and Mrs. H. E . Hathaway!!pent nerAof each event. Sundlly.with rei atl veil In Lebanon. Refreshments will be serve by Girl and Bov Scouts. Miss Clara Lile ,pent the week·end TI;is field meet is to be conducted with relatives in Dayton and Xenia, by Boy Scout Troop No: I, of Way'11 Oh'10. I n 8 II pro b a bTt th I lye Mrs Walter McClure and Mrs. neaVi e. etores will close for part of the after--~.-----Viola · Care, were payton vilitol'l!, noon, and everybody is expected to Monday, to attend this meet, as it is the first thlnll attempted by the Scouts. and Mr. Ro}, MacBeth and family the Community Service is anxioull to iunday with relatives in WlUlhlngto make a Jlrand success of it. Come ton C. H. and bring }'our families, as several gOOd thing!! not mentioned are in Mr. and Mrs J. O. cartwright and store for you. New playlrfoulld apparatus it be- Mrs. ~lph Weaver were Dayton InK ·erected on 'the campus the vI8itorsla8~ week. old achool,buildtng, ml2ch to the deIhrht of the children. ·Thls appara- Dr. and Mrs. A. T .' Wright and tuls was purcha~ed with money kln'!i- IOn, l~lIiot.. spent Sunday with rei a'ly d,lnated by lome of the buslDeu ttves 1D Sprln,boro: men ' in town, to, the Mi88etl Clara Mrs. Gladman Ellif! died at Lile and .Henrietta McKinsey. This Bo~n-To about noon. Is a nohle communit}' work, let it WilsOn (nee ~Iah Bogan), April 13, She was stricken last Saturday rontlnue. • a lIOn, William Gerald. mominlr with apoplexv from which • - . ... IIhe never regained consciousno'!8ll. . Mr. and Mra. Frank Cubbage, of The funeral will be held Thursday W~hinJllon C. B., were .Juests of. afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the M. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M~~Beth, Saturd.., E. church, Interment in Miami
----- - - -----
WANT!TO FORM Mr. and.Mrs. Robt. Cross arrived cemetery. A PIG CLUB hoDie, lut week, after spendilljl two Lafayette Lackey died at the home
weeks · with 'rtdatiYell in Clermont of his daughter in Dayton l"riday, AU 'boYI' Bod ,girls, between after a long illness. The funeral of 10 and 19.yea.rs old, 'who' ,.. .' and was held Monday afternoon. and the , -"' I ' . . I J, \,,..,: Hawke, J . W. Edward, hody was J'nterred in M,'am,' cemInteresteu n o~amzmar a p g Geo. WaterhollS8 .attended . .i ' '. . M8illC>n1ClJ etery. '. He was a member of WayIn Mnesie townshlR, will pleaae QAti'!lOI'",· lid; mspection BUrlington, Th Ur&- neeville Lodge No. 163 F. & A, M. at th e Harveyaib u rlt, "'" , yU . Ini, d eveiuDat'New . Satqr~ay. !\prll 23. at 2 o·clock. . ; 1Il. '/, ' Vernon ToUe. .•. ' . S F ' Ck . f . Pilr Club ~.t' M~•. M~ry mart ~ en, 0 Ule our CIUllified Adll for results, Ma18le towlflh1p.. CJncmnatl, ~ Mr. Jolin Denny. of • _. I Har1(eysburg, were callinll, on .Wa,, nellvjlle tJl'iendl, Saturda,y evening. ,
On Fridav afternoun. April lfILh.l· the Woman's Auxiliary of !:)t . Mary' !; I ch urrh WIIS elltertained by Mr~ L.A .. ~irnm e rm a n and Mr!! Sa rah Zimm er· man aL the home of the lotte r . The day was all that could be de· sired. and the attendance watl quite good. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Cadwallader reading a portion of J ohn XVI. Rev . J . F. Cadwalla· der conducted the prayer 8ervice . Scriptural quotat i on ~ were given in response to roll·call. The U flited Thank Offering was hrought til thi s meeti ng and amounted tu $16 13 After the bu s ines ~ hall been attended to. the followinll: interesting pro· Across the canyolJ are specks of while Irram was given: Where the homesteader made his clearing. Reading- Poem, "The Day and the For the snow has painted thefl'l over Work" ......... .. . Mrs. E. L. Thomas night. Reading .... .. ........... Miss Leah Smith As the winter '!1 end is nearing, Reading- "Preaching in the California Oil Fields" ..... ............. . .. The forest reserve.is olain to Ilee, .................. Mea. F. B. Htlnderson The fire-tower rises hillh; But of course the ranger.he goes free Reading- "A Letter by a Mission· ary to India" ... Mrs.Ed ithM .Harris As the winter months roll by. Vocal Solo-"Nearer, My God . to Thee" .............. Mrs. A. T. Wright The Kettle River sings ita son&, ReadinR'- "The Truth About the O'er rough and broken travel, Shelving Proce89 ........... .... .... .. . [.~or one can notice all alonlr. ......... .. ............. Mrs. W. H. Allen Its bed is rock and graveL Reading-"Chtist. the Hope of China .... .. , ...... Mrs. Geo Hartsock The anow-shoe rabbits have all turned white, Reading-"Littl e Children of the And the badlfer is in the ground; Hills .. .... .......Mrs . J . W. Edwards The hoot·owl · makes hi. roundll al- Vocal Duet - "Send the Light .. .... right, ........Mrs. Wri~ht and Mrs. Crane While the bearil are sleeping sound . After adjournment, a delightful The pine-squirrel barks to heert's social hour was spent. during which delight. elegant refreshments were served by The magoie chirps his old refrain; the hostesses. assisted by Mrs. John The coyote howls the live-Ionlr night, Coleman and the littl e Misses Mary He can hardly wait for Spring. Louise Zimmerman and Jane Lay· Tomorrow, 1'lIllo to the city, (size of bourne. The house was beautifullv Corwin) decorated with spring flowers. VisFor It's only a dozen of miles, itors present were: Mrs . J . W. And the stumps in the trail are a White, Mrs. Cynthia Evans. Mrs. Thet!~~uld f'l!ally ~e burned in Walter Kilbon. Mrs A. T . Wright piles and Mrs. Oscar Laybourne and two . children. But then. to get away from the - -crowds. There is no place like tht' hig.h, One can almost throw a rock In the clouds As they JlO sailing by, LEE LEMMON.
-----_ ..
- - - - .-
••- - r - -
Dr. Ed Blair, Warren County Health Commieaioner, was In town this mornm.r relative to the IT.atter concerning the city water. For some time plwt . t.here has been an and a slillt'ht taste to the water that has been: very disalrreeable, and Dr. Blail- is warning the public to boil ;all; drinking water (before using . Samples have been sent to the State Department, and the pu bile will be advised after analysis haa beeh made of the water. ------.-~
Waynesville has demonstrated her ability to take care of conventions, as was shown Tu e~day. when Mr W. H. Madden was POtit to the Asso· ciation of Retail Lumber Dealers. of District No.2. which comprises But· ler and Warren counties. , The day was taken up with businese, and at no on a deliJlhtful dinner was served to the viRitors by the Dorcas society at the M. E. church. Visitors were present fr om Miamisburg, Middlelown. Franklin. Lei-anon, Hamilton. Oxford and Ma· son. Mr. Mlldden proved to be a genial host, and all the visitors were loud the entertainment in their praise given them .
- - -... ...---Cleaning Jet.
Brush It well. Put one drop or !!Weet 011 00 the palm of ,he hondo rub ...t the BlacJtelt Subautlc.. the brush over tho hond nnd tben let Is the blackest Bub"lance known. agoln brush the Jet. Rub lightly with (t II a specIes Ol~ pelrl fieri wood or eharcool and tlrst 'WBS llroducod from a chomol. leather. pieces or rock aud lIbale waahed up DO the COBst neal' Whitby. EuglancL Now, bowever, It II obtulned olmoat !DUrel, b, IIIlntng. The finest quaUt7 Woman refuses to of Jet COllies trolll the Yorkshire coaaC aiill' Whltb,. Tile InduBtry thsre uncover ears turnlmea employment tor' 'l'aDY. Jet II found alBO In Bnarlll, Bobelllla, ftance, Germap1 and SpaiD. SOIll. Jet Ia found In thiS Untted Ptatetl, but aot mnch atteDuoD ' bas beeD i/VeD to prodllctlon.
~-----. '~~~
YI u r .\l llrlll,l:. may be kl ll.' ~ I,rd dO WIl - h ut if he is a Irue Am enc:ln d 1\\"/1 L"i,tI(lf) ~ l lI\\'('rS .l ( Iv{issi ~il'l,i have s how n t he m"I I'.'(.·~ H. ht - 'I If' .\l" I'ril 11:- a :.tl an' k .ld il lg til e \\ ;ty fo r a ll A lncr ica n :1. rr . .·: :I t llri .. I~. l-"" '111 ,::r0W, r ~ oi t b· lhll. l r egio n II) }Vl i s~i s si p pi have t ' l 1!111 ,I alit! ..lr." "'!Iil'! ,liS! ('~'tf( ' l1 t tl (: \.'1 mall IHill s at 20 cen t ... a pOll lld. h l' \\"1.,: 1 ~ t.t·:
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Misses Martha Burnell and Emma If it is ring. watch. chain, diaCartwgight were Sunday dinne r' mond. fob. pi n or any article in the guests of Mr, and Mrs Cli!I Burne tl. jewelry li ne. that you are contem. plating giv ing him or her for that Mr . and Mrq. E. L. Sherwood had ex pected graduatini' present; or if It as guests. ~ und ay . Mr. and Mrs. is so mething yo u desire for your own Frank Zell . Mr. and Mrs. Frank I~ I · pl:Jl'8 onal use, I am in a position, by buying direct from one of the largest bon and Mrs. Esthe r Skl u L. - - - --~ wh olesale houses in America·. and Miss Olive Allen deli ghtfully enter· wi l.h no overhead expense. to save tained twenty·five of her fri ends to a YOll from thirt to fifty per cent. "500." Saturday evening . in honor Can sail you any kind of watch of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Kel!er Hoak. A movement or case. Including such I[tches as Hamilton, delightful evening- in cards was spent well·known and a dp.licious lunch wall served at a Illinois. Howard. Waltham or Elgin. seasonabl e hour . Everything fully guaranteed, not alone by me. but backed by the As a result of th e M. E , Sunday· manufacturer. school cant st. which ended recently. Also. remember that I employ one the defeated side- the Reds- had to of the best jewelers in Ohio. who entertain the successrul ones- the lives in Xenia. to take care of all Blues. Accordingly. Monday even· kinds of repair work, If you have a ing. the entertainment was given. watch or clock to r epair. a rin~ to The Ilrogrnm was a "hried one. size. a chain or pin that needs at· consistinl:' of music by t he Premi er tention. see me or call me by phone band. singing. recitations. r eadings. and I wiil come and see you persondialogues anll talks. A cafeteria ally. c.alling lor or delivering your JiJlht lunch was served at the begin· I' new or second-hand work, no matter nig of th e program A large crowd what or ho\u mall, giving you the was presen t . anu ail hilt! a good time. opportunity to choose from mv cata· I Ilogue ff'om a la.rger W!90rtment than Friday . Apr il 16th, wa~ Mlister I eo you have at any jewelry store: Conne~eco . ' . dulgent mamma in vited his li tlie ure delivered . A word to the wise cousins in to celebraLe t he event. is suflicient . All I ask is a trial. Leo s ay~ he was "two y(:ar old. and No matter where }'ou live, town or Aunt Edith and Mary Ell en, Aunl country. will g ladly call. G. C. Knapp . Laura and Earl Jr" grandma. Aunt ----Sallie and Si~ter Ruth we re th ere." Favors for the litli e folk s at the tabl e. who enj oy ed the occasion like grown·up folks . Muster Herbert Edwards. by virtue of his abi li ty to act as chaffeur for his mother. was also present'.
Mr. Ed Edwards and his aon . Cl ar· ence, have tl'leir birthrluys so r.l o~e together that Mrs. Edwarl\s decid ed to celebrate both. last Sunday. Th ose present were: Mr. and Mr~ . Earl Swain. Mr. and Mrs. C E. Edwards. Mrs. Christie McKillsey. Mi ~~ Laura McKiosey. Mr. an d Mrs. Cla rence Edwards and little duughter. Reba. Miss~ Margaret and M.ary Ellen and Master Herbert Ed wards. It was to have been a surprise. but Erl slIye there were top many break s. but he enjo~ed ' it just the same.
Thl!' total Farm Bureau mem bership at the end of the second w~k's soliciting was 1055. Tbe four ranking townships ranking high!'!~t in 'total members are Turtlecreek. Wayne Deerfield and Franklin. which gained from :35 to 75· members over last year's enrollment. Meetings wel"fl held last week in Lebanon. M.6rro~. Maineville. Cozaddale. Butlerville. and at a few other school houses. . .. To assist in solving problems i~l~ dental to incubation, brooding ana feeding chicks. fighting ' lice $nd mi tes; etc., ' Mr, Vickers, po"ltry , pecialistfrom the O. S·. U , will be with County Agent Class. and 1I'i11 be at Waynesvil le at 1:.80 p m. nex~ Munday.. at Ra.l ph ¥i1Ier'~ ~arm', 5 miles I;lort h of town .
r :.:
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A Nnr Romanu (If 1M Storm COllrtlry
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"I dlel prolllise )'OU onep. dhln't IT' sulkily.
~,!~ I will. 1' "1 ..-hnt's tilt' use
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"tJlR oJiTnron won 't mnkC' nny (1I11' ..r·
In Ihl!. 111111\\ t I) )'pu,I'II •• lmll he .\\'(. th on w,r~Qk1 :til' \Iesl r\~(\ for llCr ~(ln· In·IIIII'. HI' wn rich. 1110. which 0111, rlll(II'~ ( I) !h Is ottrRl'tI\'~ne .~. "You might "lt1,],\ln u little mnrc, Illy 1\(1;1'. " III)/'tl)r J,lhll ,qpokc up In II rl~"r '·OICI' . An 1'II1Imrrn"','d I nu~h f·1I trom Ph lllp'S III'S. '"nli' r" I n't tillY sf'('rel obout It." he IInRwPTI'<1. "I'm !;oln·g nhronll tor Artl\~·
f or n y,"nr, 1 ngcr
{1l'rhllll" . H IIrI Ii \\" Llul el b,' ton IIlllch to IIsk me tll j:1) All by l1I y~('1f. " LluO's nr;" "lrO'l l hctw\'('n Dodor Pnu l'~ lirow.. At 1""1 t lw IIA)' hAd C OIU~ Whl'll hp mu sl I:lve U{l the girl
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rt~ til\lrin'm ,n SI) lllanlY unll tlftnn um
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wllh 'I'r '11 murry you 1\11 right. Thot OY (' r 1"1) t<"ll l el" who she I~, proy!t1l n' )"(' U pnllll18P to hnll' e liP th e SIUrt with
tl 'fl·flnl·hlt.,·. "I rl'('klln Illir IIldr I\ln't no !""ath,'r nnr thl ck"r'" It u' I'd to be. I r'lI PtlIlIlll 11 - 11' out IIf 't'r nil'''' cor · I IW l,'Il; I'll show " r whll! clo. s I\hc's In." '1 ""'11' 11 I,,\ ' ·e to cnt dt · h er h~ r(lrCl
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• En
Nature Study In Arkan ....
Nntu~ otters SOlne odd problem s. A
lso't (oanled nnd h,um't tiny thin,
til worry about. Ana y t n nlll ll IIvea tou l" flO1e~ 68 10UK II II Ilug.-Ar kan.
Ont. ::..._ __ _ - - -
FROM COURT HOUSE Common J'itt.. Court
Ne.... S1I.I.. J Lee Thomps oo et al V8 Elsie plne(' BmOnl( Waggo ner 101. "I . 1I",lr oonstru oUon II I' notl<',,<1 of will eto . 1'I1I1Y'S eYM! Frnnk Holl' VH Minnie H oll'. 11' or r ~, l III!!! w ~ re uly roe. Nllllloot .
thn'" I... h, ·lo.1 11,,"rl'st. with n l1u lrk "h'h Ihn l rlppppnrd .n(tI~.. nlHI lH' r pll rf'·" 111 III ~lHl h· . "H'II hlll·r)' up nur lIl" rrl n~(' 8 lit · til·... I' hillr' (·(\IlIIIlIlCtl. ""U( - II(lt-" Tl lf' .",, 1\11 nr n dlllir 8ertl!,ln:;: hn('k f"" 11 Ihe tllhl<, Itml;e or! hi. slllt,,·
dl'l'Alllln g'
1','m11t'lm \"ens'rc too much for us. 1'\0>\" lhat Puu!'. \\"('11 . h .. tlnd J ohn
Are n hi, 1"'1111. [lnf! th~~· worship the I:round Ihbl gIrl wulks on. You're 1111 1"11 ort 1II0r,,'0 you cnn chew. Ry. Y OII ftren·t any too .tronl!. yoo Imow. A prl!l<'n r..rord d(>('j<n' t help uny." t'rlnh !;ruulr(1 and tollowed 8 ring e r am ol, .. wllh hiM rrownln g eye!!. "Rhe's my girl:' be 80ld at Il!ngth.
tr6reenJeaJ "
your Properl
• nc~ 10 u"," Paul l'enrllellll""J\ slnl"~ In ~be matter of LllllBn rllrqus r coolly. "He hns forfelti'<l I' n'ry rl J:h t V8 A1lllJroHB Deokor. Ver (llot ren. mOil \' to IIny claim 0 11 Tun y." dl'red In fnv or o f ,,1111 ntl ff. DofAnd • E very gallon of Hanna 's Green ~e:\1 Paint. ~ont~~d '''1'1''' 11 ,o;~ ' 1 1 1111Jou rn nnll Il\lk It ant III orde red to IlliY "Hideou s J" ex r lollO('(! MN'. ('U rl I. . Hilid )Jltl ln lilf II ' " or," n'Ulll rk ... " 1'r-<'t(lr J t'thn. 300 Sq Feet (two coats ), of paint protccg on 300 ono] "\\, ..11, 1 nCl"cr," <Irllpped ( rvlU "You ' t ho BUIll o f 14bO beauty : In s~me cases it 's a good d.eal more lu n lI.k " 1Il1)o' hl)' hl l' thl fl!!;. Phil. wh ..11 KaUu.'rlne. In tho mBUer o f tbA Ht8~A o f Ohio you delllllllli rl lIr little I:lrl wllh~ ut VI! WUI It LBOY. "And." went On Doctor I'llul . reft., accordi ng to t he s urface to be pain ted. f;lfiOO fixed B8 . mor!' \\'nrnlll:;:." leolleSllly, for he kne,~ the barbs thnl " nnd t'lI1 1!1)ln' to have 'e.r!' ollloun t of bon I!. "r th ought you snld she wllsn·t." put were being lhrust Into th e soul~ ot his "LIttle ;;Irl." ~nt'<'r.'1 ~I r>. ('urtl.. 10 I.b e m"U er o f ~h o ~t .. t e of Ohio And. if properl y t .... o COUSins. "I'm going 10 chlln!;!' my In R eggie. susplclt1u.sly. nft er tltt' four hlld U,,' ,lining V8 Chul!. Whl LentlO I! lJefllnd tlnt 18 "W"II. she ,lon'l know th at. does face WIthout laps1 or ad fi lm which WClIt her c all not will In fa,'or o! my new dbugbtt! r room. It ""llpen ,·,I. UlIl l' h tn hr r 511r· founrl I(uilt.y aod onltned a smooth , even y-spre to )lilY ~ slle'" Devon relorl~. "Nobody knows here-prise. thlll !lUClor .101m s"ul:ht her tluB Bnd OJRLA. The break throug h. Thus Green-Senl does th. e d 0 \1 hI C duty ti ue Is su~p e nd. "And 1 mine In (O\·or ot our young hUI ~· ou ond Ede, besides mo." out within the 1t""L of beautif ying and an-esti ng dec~y. It, glv c~ b<Jt h good eu durlnll good \.Johuvi ,lr . Th e ~yel of ·basebal l fanl of the "Sh"·8 • beB UQ." sighed lU!gll1e, Salvatlo n Al'lIiy captain who Is g(llug "1'h"sI! ("lIIl<lrCil hllv~ wn n l'ulIl nnt! wear and good looks, It's the tlmc-tl'led bran , 10 Ihe mAtter of Gao. MoClno ll VA 1"lId are on Ihi, pl ayer al tht 19J1 his I'nlee lowered to Ii growl. Nrd to mBIT)' my new nlec!'," chuckled me over. ,"1'nh." he sol<1 II IItL1 (' J o bu MoCllio e a t 01 se asOll gets under way. One of mOlT]' b~ It she didn't hnve a cent." Motloo for Doclor John. "I guess thllt's all we gri mly, "Tlll'y'r~ 1:01111( 10 hl! mnrrll'd n ew t-rlrll ovarrnl ud . t he grea test stars the game has Formu la on eVel"Y package, uYou doo't oeed to make any such 11 wc .... k frlllu t o(1uy. It wQn't he mu d, have to say, Pau!." e\'e r produced . T+, Cobb has al ~oc rl(\ ce. old bOnle." 8a ld Devon. tlold By trouhlp to prl'pnre Ih o huu se. will It! In .lIenee Katherin e and Mrs. OurI.. t acc~pted manalle rial dUlie ~. You n<,elln't milk" u r1l S8. 1t'1I he tis tllded from tlae room, cll rryIng "Your ~yCII wlll bUDg out ot your and will try 10 pilol his Detroil Probate Court Proceed 1np tram to a pennant . He doe s nol very IIl1l er. TUllY cun hllY e,· c r~· lh lnl: with them bitter humllllltIoo and hl'lld when "ou heat her name." 10 t.1ltl 0111 U,er of tb e eAt-skl or mak c nny boastful claim s for thi ~ Reglnuld argu ed he should koow sIlO needs tn :<ew York OD her hooey. nursing outn.l:-ed teellngs. Elllllcll ~e ar9 , <1 er ell8ed. 11:. V. B.uo. . year-bu l say' he will who build the 0 gIrl was r.erore be married moon." "}t's all your tault. mamma. " ~cold· leam Iha l .... '11 hlt rt i~ uppotut ed adminle trillor. Ihe lIal/-Ih i, ed Katherin e, bUl1ltIng Into tellrs wben her, but Uriah wOlMdn't give up bill- )lear f .posaiblc ..cop In the rnge Ihut oVf'rlo\lk Iocr, ~rr1!. Bond ' 2000. Lee Bouder . • "oo, Frank secret. Indeed. he imrolded to the they " 'ere III the seclusion or their own OurUs wl ~hl'<l the slll'/lI,,,, Ilend nt Z i1 11 lind WuH er MoClurl 81\as !Hobola ., farm e r, aDd Mh. ' aer, "'Mlstlo g On. l are ap. pro8[leC th'e hu.band how he planned epartme ntL "Yoo've whlD d anc! wept her fL>et. LuoHe Booth. bOlh of Lebano o. l,o ln tec1 oppral8 ers. M urrow Braot, bo..r~tn ~ Bnd w . • JOQnett rl.ht out of Cousin J ohn's to capture Tor-utbel, and ' eDt Reggie "The hOl1SC I. n·t mine, CouMln . . lug fur p,louue n, f/3 n; o\t.'rruw 10 t·he rUlltter of the eetale of Rlohard [Jeodrlo lite, that'. wbat 10u"fe don~ Ood, a wa,. con vi nced, red bot to perfonn k8, paInter a~.j S 1\0' qUllrll\r lV "1:1'" uoe .. Ilot '0 Johu." tlhe ,mid mllll clo u ~ly . "but, nr how I haled that gtrl wben I sa.., Cnr- h.!s part In the 8ch~ne. At la8t. h. all right. Tou catch OOUSlll Jonn Oil course. I'll do whn t I C'IO, nlth"u"h .l o(\o ph luO Cund e n, d eoeased . Honlv psper.h .. ult er , at Hamilto n, "od Mtlll ~1-21. '143.75' ; '1 btl VallljY Tele (;('II <le o ia appoiut ed admIDI 8~r .. t-of. Ella Simpso o, of Klogs was to !tn ve the Ilrl be wah ted aDd the rebound , and Kathle'd be sure to o\lno'. pearl. around ber neck I" 1411111. Khthprln e I ~n ' t li t !III w<'11. I fl'llr the pb one t:o .. A Vril rl!ut~ fur v.r~ouH rope In Pbll." Bond ' 2000. money too. Crner t:!umR, fRrw " r , (If Oregon ia. ..ffiu u.. ' 47 2&; 'i'b n "What are yOU doing now?" thrult child 18 going to he III." V .. ll ey 'lllie. "Wlu..t Joy that would be I" eJnC'U. The next morn Ire Reggie a~ 10 t·he mdl e r ot the estate of !lnd Mill Veda Ellis, at (;lnrvey •. pbnlll! back hor mother, "Aren't you crying Dor tor J ohn roulld Katllerln e wIth Co . M'Hllb t . lid for BUill." lated Mn. Curtis. "Whnt nbom Ip" proaelle Rohort· d his rnntlaer MoVluo with g. deoeose lUI air burg. d ot Flret .s It ,.our beart wo~ld break? I tell IU.70. Then Reggie told hPl', III very low her uycs dull nnd 10 "'H·Y. IIr,·.crll1<'11 a coo un t approv ed. secrecy. )'ou tell'8--w ror her. nnd. hefort' I€~u \·ltlg the roolll. tonell the plan they had concocte "A minute, d. ma.ter," he sa.ld lOW,.. In the mutter of tbe estllte of "Oh Lordy, IIIftft11 Wbat good d.o Rul Estate Traafen "y~ tll.lk It over wIth Kathie." be OJlIlounce<l, "I'uul Ilnd I nr .. j%olng ol"('r to Sy ra· Morl,ln lI"rh:t. e . <leoelllll\d. the), dor' CDme sharply. "Bere we "JUlIt a minute' I"'e ilPCO Tony De- advised. \lehUng J . IS. ,John !:Ilegrrle d to C. B. Throok . a cigarette von's fnthel. , "ond There I Now .It down, are .... Ithout a future, without a home I you'U have to soo DevoD about tbe clIse tOnlnrrn w u rternOlln ttl m flke n KntIll Ar lind C. 8. Rogera are ap. mortoo . part of &0 13, r 2, R 5, That Interlop er wlll see we go the old lad,. while I tell 10U aomethl nl'. p ol tew oted purclmst 's. but wC' 1l he hUI'k on &0 t-ake the plaoe of Obll8, Cle.rere ek Twp ., II money'" momeDt Ps.u! .eeta out thO!la pA pers I "I'll get It for him U' I hnve to 81'11 thp nl ghl truln. Stuy In b,~ d, K,.tlalc. Pyle Iu d CI168 . Cr088, 88 &pprala erll Wm Fox ~o Wfllter Lyooh, par~ An ad. in tbis column i>l Il dure tlale Oh, wbat .shall we dor' In ' h e mRUer of ,he e81"t p of W Ilf Mlllt.. ry !:Iorvey No my Jewelll and Kathle'a too." prom· ulI llI murnll~g. und )""u' lI b~ ,L11 . 687, ne ... rIJ;ht." "I wllh that maIl-he r lather. I " . Hart8oo k, d eoeaeed . lIed the woman. hl!l' eyea spurkHn g In First aOo Uregon ia, 11. '111c mom('nt he hnd dl ~IIDP('f\r~d, ou un t mean--w .,a out 01 Jail," mUlled Ura. anUclpa Uon. "I'll 10 and tell ber approvlO d MONEY LOANE D M . H. RI Rg. tEl Albert Po well, part Kn lh,'Mno CUrt1L "I ra.1I,. believe be could do 811rnng up. rtgbt 8wa,." In t,he mlLtter of the eetllth olaf 8eo. 14. T. 01, R. Ii, Wayoe "Tomo Twp .• _tthlD c. Katie. Perhapa , Reale- " rrow II Ilwy 're goIng owny I Heanwh lle. all uncon scious tll.t &rllb A . Bar~8o(Jk, dooeallttd Fire' Ber' BArllloo k to David Luc&", lo t Xatllertp e wlped her ey.. with a UNJi:Y l'U LUIN UN b·ARMt:! UrIah Devon had b~n relcnsed from Yoo hE'1l rd. ~I'OU hea rd. mother? " 8he " coo uot Ilporov<'d IOdden Diovement. · a' 11% 1U t<1 r " .~ Hlr G to ,10 prl80n and WB8 conspiri ng ogalnst crIed. "~ow lhl'n. where's !u'ggle'" In tbe matter of th'" estate tit Ed No. 2 In Mt. Holly, Wavne TW7" "DuM ln!;." odvl~(o(1 Mr~. Ourtl . ward Courtne y. decelUed. First "HlUIUIla, why don't ,.on Bend tor yeara. '1"",,11 &, '1'"nelt •• ~" .. I \W. her, Tonnlbe l De,'oo WIlS enterIng and Twlllllh t Grimes to Adftm Camr- tl1teand Luans, Benle r abe qllestlon ed. "Now, 1111WtlUJlU gt u u , Oblo. beart and IIUlII Into tbe SRlvlltlon movecl to t,'fIrs · h)' her clnughter'S d is· fiu ll l acoo uul Ilpprove bell: 10& . <0 -17 d. In I:farvdy sbnrg,aod part of lilt NO.46 l-'buotl aul. ten to me. Renle codded 10 me Artn)' work with Philip. Ench eve- tress, "! h",·c n prl'rnOlllt lon I We'd IU 111· \f better not betore be left that he rull,. WIll fond Inl .. rf re lit 1111. Oh. chil li . ning ahe weot wIth him to bl!lldQullJ'--Chft!! totrllyer ,,, Ch .. ~, Newlol l. If ;rou could onl~' IC N your mlud ofT ONEY L JHn llU ou !iVIl IItuok, ot that IIrl, Uld I f - Oh, mamma. rn 1I1.rria .e Llt~ tara where her cresh, young voice nod lot.. No 247 Itnd 2491t1 lhe Ro,a Ad lIioupt of.a wonderf ul thinI'. 81!11d obaHl!llI, I\IMU ""IlUUUlUur'llHW" . LABoda r dodge, Inborer. (oolor ed) dtLlOD so Lob,mo n, 'I. her klndlloe118 drew maDY a poor soul th nt boy I li t> Is n' t wurthy or A lo,'c Uk e yours. We'\'e Itot n nice hom ~" .. nd Mra, 8 11rllh William N.J\"~ boagllt. lor lleule, above the Clrl under hie tor comfort IJld courage. s, both 01 Adam Campbe ll to Mrs F. M. 801\I1Ing, Xenia J .,bu t:tllrbtne , A lle n oa.e eyer)' minute. Let hlm cut Philip Ublo. "Nice lIolllc I" hurl ed !Jllck Kmh· Leblloo n. 6.4 .21 One week otter RellInold Curtis 081110. puts of lot.. No . 46 lIud 47 In out-" .. had con11ded hIs secret to bls moth· erlno wlhlly. ":O<lce hump [,"ok whu t De llt.8 Roll. t el!'ph oDe Unem"n , B"rvey sbtlrg. "ADd perhapi have my Ion marry er. and abe had told It over ngnln In she's ' got I J U'1 lhink uf her lind Ihen ~od Miss Mildred (~rI8w o ld, b o lh 01 WANT ED that tlIlng," objected the mother curtly. whl8pel'1l to Kn therlne, 8 tao hour or me I Oh. 01)(1, t hnt Ruch ml ~cry Le bunoo . ''That thine, ail JOu plense to call wben the Pendleb aven broUlcrfI were cotllt! be In t ile wurhl! I' ll never for· CO....I.. lonen· PrOCM dta.!l'0IlJ' Devoo, '- OIIe ot the prettIes t Y-' Toot! TlwtJl,h y lind S To n8 absent, UrIah Devon clime Qui etly to gh·c you. 1lI1( 11ll1ll1. If YOU ,Iup' t keep lind rIcheat young women In thl. conn· ti.·s' UllOM. II,,),. 1nqulre the bouse. Reggie met him lind took Ydur I'roml ~e to we." Bi1l81l1 l0wed: GIl1\nn Iron Work!! 01 W0Iuv"r; . H , lIIlocglln. ii. U. :d, WaYUbll' ty," Katherio e suapped back. "Sbe'! "Uou't Rn y thut. darlln!:. dnn·t." him Immedl" tcly to Mrs. Curtis' room. . nd Mfg O. eqolpmlln~ fM guuer. vllIe,Ob lO. UJUol bel,... to the Pendleb avens, and eo· Uriah paulICd embnrrn ssedly berore gron "",I ~I 1'5. Ou rll.. ''I'll ~e(' ) ' (I\1r '28 &-"' e, g r"d Hr blade. 110; A. B.15; peed to be· married to II: mno 'who Kllu!mt ln, ti upplie ~ for Uo. JIlII, -.: her, made-a- curt bow amt-twl sted hla brtt lhcr. antI who knows." ~ h p l: 1·llrh t· t!IH.'d antI slllll ~ d thruu gh h c r li..'u r s ; 15: 8 0 WiJl\l\UI~, lIopplls s ft.r 0. OWOl ball the town. ThIne, eb? Well, cap between hJs !lngers. FOR SALE B., '10; Bernard S ervloe ~5fttloo, I thlilk abe'. a Uttle hIgher up In th.e -81t down. Ry." IlIv\ted R eggie. "who kn ows but whlll tho l h,)rrld h-l rl ,upplle a for '0 o.r, "50; Colum. world .t this moment than my half· "Ry SaYI the Only Way 110 to KIdnap "Now tell m,. moUler how you are go- wIll be gone Illy tOlUorrow nlgbt 1" bo~ Blank Book MIg. Uo, file for Her Bodily," brotber-, Reule, 1t lOU want my opln. Ing to carry this thing out." u l' Clovtlr Hay and 011'. 10. ~herlJ!. '3.25; RUll8e ll Brown, haal. Ion." CHAPT ER XVI. UrIalJ BIlt on the ed~ of n choir. quul! of 1:1; . U. MA'ber, .Phone By says the only WhY Is to kidnap her lng, 1187 1S; 1'roo&e811 Wayoe Twp., :17-4, Wayoe nills. That nleht an ureant meMllge from "I aJn't goln' to do noythlng . or tell Ublu, aSO bodily alld torce her to marry tbe wbtlt I'm work on road , $300 i '!'rU8&eea Clear. In the Balance. tbe tnntlc mother traveled by win! he proml ed her to," the bar ex· money." lOin' to do, tlll I get the oreek Twp Be Reglnnld , '225; Sure Lebano About Ilr-<l\m Your o to BealoaJd CurU., .ummon loe him man olld Lombltr he Urlnh De.on Blo04 Condi, sllld crisply. "I'vo got to plalned. "Whllt do you thlnl of were seated In clo. Il cnurerl'llCc nl ong !lome. h ..'Ve five thousao d dollars IIrst." tion. If You are Pale and Run- Uo., oab fur truok, 1~5; Lebaoo n . FOIl RENT that?" GaUlle lind Weldlnl ( 00 , repalrll, th ll path illn! INI to the DIrty Mllry. "Five thou..nd dollt1J'1l. old lady," Down You Need Gllde's Peplo"Paul would kill blm." I:IIsped Mrs. grinned Reggie, e'o, 11 77; Joe Davhl, malnten anoe, turnin g to his mother. Reginald had reheurse d ,,11 he bnd CHAPT ER XV. CurUa. her eyes tnklng on lin cxpree- "You'll Manga n, the U.stOlo odToni e ROUAlI:! aD ~alQ ."ell~, jllll' btieo eto. to a-:l1-21 , 1214 114; Fraok MpeD. lea rn ed trom his mother. ha'l'e to cougb up. . .Ion of tear. oellll11 paperad . lllqolrl ll.' Maw. " nl css we do It tulJl ghl, ny," Bllld Now, for God'II sake, doo't cry I Dig I" " . Laet Card. "Be won't haye n chance If Devon yer'lI Wayne ~Brlle' . "I'll need the whole 11 ve tbous and he, "It's nil up. \Yh ut do r ou sny ?" w4 , o.e day lIOIIIe weeki lalllr, Reatworks out hIs preseut scheme, " reo to get 'er Urluh broko ofT u bIll de of grnMS IIIIId Brown walked rapidly IIloD,l the away. and to kel'p 'er nfter pUed Heggie, "but you Rod Kathie I get , bolilenr d put the row of lIQuatte r 'er. She'd come strcokln ' back and drew It with a squl'll k through LO,T bla crooked teeth. ' 11 t don't rope 'cr up.' IbaeIla. . Be had recelved word that bave to help us." For.mo lt a8 • Blood·B uilder for 30 In the terror tlllit overtook her, "We'lI get th e kId." he snn rl ed. "I'll get the mon ey tor you tomorUrtah DevOll releelled from prl8qD, Mrs. Yenrs. Begin Taking it Today Curtis shook ber beotl. "l\1otber 's nwfol worried, though." row," sighed Mrs. Cu rtis, wiping ber LIt:EN~& -r"g N .J_ 14660, be. would · aoclt.ur the DIrt)' Mary and Notice the Impro'f ement "1 don't wont tween F drry "UU Op'UDg Ul1l, the Holhole In her h'Ct!Ulltomed place. It," llIe objected nnythlng to do with eyes. "and you mustn't come here Reggi o continue d. "bnt I told h ~r . ·~o , wobbllDg 10 tears. when my cous lnl are hom Ifr..na RUdduO k, R. D, 1, (Jiaran ille, Devon was on 4eek when BllUm e." She re- risk no guln.' nnd I',l go a long Wil l'S Botter ThaD Tra.,. For Rat. "We'd I08e our I;olne. Paul and Jobn lapsed Into sIlence nnd WriI.. AtI. ._DnoCC... T.... 04io. ran up the pngpla nt. th en ntltled, on the roud ot rI sk to g~t Tonlll!el Flou oat josl where you st!\od $h III m4 The,...,.: "ll-AToSIfAPhlll<tl".lbo-to Spring. Is yoor health good or bad? "So )'011 came, old top," was UnO'. '!I'ould UJrn us out. 'I'bey've tbreat· "I warn you lI'gnlnst- agnlost PhIlip Devoo." .nd Ihe r.tu"d.rtlt~ .......... b<loy AI pop ened to mllny II K"looo time I'here t" .. ', htltween W., oenl l1e , Is no balf WilY. You mlly . MncCnuley too." "\Veil, we'lI ,.et 'cr," monoton cd <.:1m Oft .. bot aID ••: 'l'rTltoc)'OUr ..... creatine. "It'. &ood you dJd; I wMt "Well. wh cn I a ssure ·"Dd &:!~ok ,\I ' dlliry tllrUl, Fluder RATOSNAPJ. ...."'...et'beclJ.. "ullI'.nteo d you our b.,. Uriah, with n fllr-aw ny look III hi s t.blnk you are well enoug h If to mow what'. ·dolo·... yon are ' loved .' cousins woo't know . u",klll.r. 'Com.ar ... IY'or ... : n.mlx. 0,,11 (J. O. Hi&".w aa, ~1t"De 1»=51, nDytlllng . Mr!!. Curtis hnd becn all eycs And bloods ..ble to get U OUUI! every day. But A WOD1UI came to the door of the Intrwltbothorfaodo. Cats."dd opwont hot eyes. "re YO" en]· "ylng rnbu~t , he!\lth? WaYlill avllle, OhiO. a147 tD •• h It. , Rail dry up .nd I.. v~ " • •meU. . cablll 8114 peered out. When.s he laW abou t It, not eve n nfter \t's over, enrs for C"en the slightest happ ening r I' I I t h .. took up ~ "A ter m marr e( 0 er. won't you try to help us T' que ried the In the Pendlch avcn home. gloce Th ... III... : sSe 'or ';"e room: Ue for Are y ou a8 tnll of vigor as you the newcom er, ahe .cowled aud "eot she the boy, "you'l\ tell hou ... or chlck.n 7>'" RON i Sl.~ ·r for Uurtalo bam •• nd me who she Is, ~ hould be . for Bulok "uto, • ...."n" ""~n "Now. It 1t 20es through had nlmost strIpped her jew"l·holt eb?" ""(buildln,,.. Sl.orl kWI ...... ba~ between Wtlynel lbtlill Bod lJllell. :;1,rllIg Is tbe time to /18k yoarlel f ..._ _ 5........ (;.--... ta.to.I.y. and Katheri ne's to get Ule Ul ouey ..,. _ "I thoupt ,.ou aa1d llha was dt'll.'d," _ _ IIr's Ureek ohuruh . .r,oDer pllllloBe "Yep," rcpll ll'ti Urll'h. ' ''I'm Iroln' I hese qU 8Stl ona Yoo Touy's tuther demande d. Now she down to the orr not able J E. JA~NeV, Waynes ville, Ohio lIo~\fy commen ted ReggIo, wIth • wac ot his 6COW now. Good·by, onll J, AI, COull, R . O. 2, Wayne•. LO o ver lJa ul tbe humao 'Ylltem the 'had It tucked h"'OY, rendy to !Icllvcr be su re to tell your mol her head toward the spot where the womvllle, Ob\o. to l1!J t up way you oan an eOBlne. But yoo . aloI7 It. but a8 the time went by nnel she the s lim we spol, c of It c\'crythl ng's COlli toll wbethe an had .tDOd. r you are nOl In hnd no ehllnce to Bend tor Urlnh to clear for m!i! 10 hull In.'' NWel\, Ihe alll't I Worse luC!k I" g,)od ~rlm. corne tor hIs dllulorhlc r, she beb'lln to lP'owled Uriah. "I told that to tho Edith DI!\·on lo (}kctl up trom the FOR SALE 'For tlxl\m\ll a, If you are like '0 give up hope that the house wonld bout deck us he r hush"nd kla to make ber feel bac!. Ede wall RIlprnn ched. luuny pAnple n ow, featlng drowsy ever be Md of the presence which was li e Slit down nt. the IWI! wwtna to be dead lor a while. nnyeh hes lde ller. and 1111&1 688 and tir ed-If yuu find no SAY tlOB8E , Oomlol l6 yed. ola, a conRtant thoro In her tlesh. But It u I:'rl zzIy sruIlean bow. What'. the ne1l'8 of Tooy'" hi s fuce. pleaeur e In IIvlog, little we1lbs 160U. Inqnlre of D .. vll .1008 seem thot sooner or loter Fate NOh. lIbe'l e.: lady 00'111'," answere d "Ede," he as lte o. "seen IIny ch"nge your w )ik. aDd If yon Intere81, In ' lue pale and Furou R. 0 , 4, Wayue nlUe,O hiu, plays the lucky cnrda Into the hnnds In Ole la te ly?" Reglc, IIIIrcaatJcaU7. "The Peoille, , WAn. y o o'll flnll w4 blood Itl not of the uudeserv lng, IiJld BO It bnphanna ha ......nt her to IICbool ever "Yes. I ill~,·e." Rhe return ed. "Yoll a:ood. You Deed ayour blood 10010, pened III the case ot Ule conspll'ntoJ'8 olll't bOO7.I,,· hut so lUu ch, .lDee 70U went awa,.. )(7 mother tell. and you·vo AY -88Vl!r tll 'ontl of extra !tood liude 's PeJlto. MIlDga!) Ie 'be blll!t agalnRt TonDlbe l Devoo. LI ke all been kinder uud me Paul Peodleh llven's going to adopt bortl'r·b curtcd to vou 080 take. It gives new life Mixed Bay . loqulre or ROD .. la tblngs waited for. tbe opportun itY IU C." her. ' And what do you thInk elser HAwke. R. D, 1, W"yn .. vllle, UhlO, ~he red oorpnlo lell In YOUt blood by came ODe day while tlae family he (lemandec!. WIl S at "M ebhe It's becouse I've got re- Illorells ing the 8upply . , of oxygeo So m4 dinn er. "1 dunno," rrunted the other. "Oood IIb-lon," UriAh explnlne d. "nell~lon all the oellR In your bodv, Philip Tbe pal•• I !!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! lIfncCou ley entered III grent 'pa kes " !IIun r ,-,pent ot nil his cu~scd on or ~oBhel. Ood I Don't .It there tee.rlu' ~ to at Bllnd·ao rtecl waste matter 1/1 thrown off and I' excitement.; , Corn, loqulre o( Oaoar plec'el with curloal~, Fire ahead, acts. I'm ~orry now. Ede, tor the your blood "You IS purified look ns If you bod sWllllowed wa y I've trellted you nnd the ~Id." aod .'reogt h: Robeuo o, Ore~oDI., UIlIO. EII.W and tell me." . ened &37 ' tile SDn. my dear lad," smiled Doctor Ho cOllldn't h,.va littered words "She'a copped Phil HacOlu ley." rerhe resolt Is that yon put your Paul. ::!Ow aud 6 PIII~IIO more wl!lcome Od ooell. to J~ dlth Deyon. For heallh on B .ound ball a an.d you Ad. turned Rearlnal d; "Ithnca' s snob ~ Uoed ..0<1 ....I.ued b, U. S. GOVWDmeot "r,·e got to go owny," tlushed the tbe dre •• GI!orl8 W. tlmlth, R. D. Ii, 8alfttiO il Arml captain, the fellow Ilrst Umc In Y~8rs. she lenned her htl VI! no doubts aboo' how yon boy, feel. InulOhIne lIeminsto , "and D Wayne. No. I won't a or vllle, 7 go (bUo<l) nlone." Ohio, . .. . ..•. 114.60 .117 who threw me In the lake that .day, Yon know yon are -ell. 11 I- un. Remllllf\OD He !f8zed mennlng l,. ot Tonulbe l. bend "golnst •.IJ. v", a-c:olor ribbon . 15.00 aIld he" .1 nch u the Peodleb nveol Illm. It tOOk ~ome e<rort mletaka ble, be08U!!e ~you filS he.r., Under.~ No No. t. one-<x>tor rIbbon ... 15.0U t!hortho ro Bull, "Poro]on good ~1II1er" DIY on~, ru ~', shIng 7 3-oolor or II In this wny, but on the Dlun's purt not to sho\'e her Ily, 'Iaap rIb back IJ)&CIIr.· 51.60 put topther.~ well, Aud feel fuJI of 'VI' f: r , mooths old, )'.1 No: I, oll...:olor ribbon ........ 15.00 -but I wunt Tony to. go wIth me." InqUire 01 A1ll08 ~ m owny. nl No.3, J-<:olor rIbboa ......... . n,lO Oook Jr .. R, D. oi, WIlYD8 "Well, he won't pt 'er," aaaerted Get Gude'" Pep'o.M aupo f . ... O\l.er Mrs. Ourtls flnshed blm a dark look. IvUle, Ohio .. ·· nd nlntters hn~e took n mighty S.. IU.OO OUn. No. 0... n.60 Uriah. tharply. "rve told you the . H II I. In 'Able, Oliver No. No. 11 • . ao 00 lI,uo..-ch 2A: a~ Be mrely paid her, or her frowning bIll "chnngo In the •• 11.60 your droRgls t. e Ie I IMt two d~Ys ." he or liquid form, 80 that Jan on:D talre IImlth.l'n lmlarlO. LIoot)'P8 a1rI'srt ch ·too. Ber father'1I lOt Ker.rebu llt DO.oO L U W - I t!eoood,·haud OI1ger Gu ...... teallo iood _ deuchlel ', any attention nowodnys. 80 co ntinued . "Edt', I Hnow, ' condition all read1 for yeUr9 wblohe ver 18 m~' oon,,-I eut, They for 10D, hard motMl7 10 bum." t!ulky .Plow. luqalre of lAy. ..rvIee. Sa'Io'.,,'loo lI\Ial'llll- . he dId not notice that 8. p&Uor seWed you been worry lin' your b V. v~ or Pllrcb ... price refWKIetS. ".A. lot f1i fOOd that'll do you, R),," WhIcb .... buurne & a.toKilao, Wayue8VIIIII, on Katheri ne', laCl!, or that her f ork To ny. I flx ed It uP." life (lut t. out · h"ve 'the eame medlolo ll valoe. .Be Will 10D lup or .....n. \ Ord_ IIIled , InflflNd Rergle. "She WOUldn't looIt: at lu "lre you De' the -eolline nude'" promptl,. Rlbbo.... allY <lOlor ,,?r colol'l. for Ohio. lefl from her limp Hn gers to the pin te a80 .. • Mrs. Devon WllS 011 her to lID, the likes ot you 'aud EdIth. You aren't lIachille, ea. 71C dou,..rec1 . 8'ate aDd of The moltler lOW her doughte r's meutol betore Ihe lost \yords fellri!Ct nhnbSt Pep'o-M aogao· wUh ,h·e n .. m e lII&kemue model. ~ :::~ Ouboo pape; per bolt 01 frbm In ... cIAu All. fIU!I'L" her . .Iliude's PeptC)l .Mat.po " OD 'he 100 IJIeeU. I1.D'deU Few Isu.bel . (Jf G ood £adnlr ' dlstresb. howeye!'. and studied the nret1. bUJlhnntl·. It,.. rota soea lor eale, paokag e.-Adv .enllem eu,:.. .P b 0 n,e VOUno- mOl!'S toce. "roOlllnlt to herllelf. i Empire Type Foundr y. +_10 . (Tn he ""ntlllu.~.' 56-1L.2 d. (;,11:. Mloben er, Weyo. . ' ' . . , vl11e. Ublo, dO·
a~l~~~, ~~~~~ ~he~~v~~~.erltt~~~;li~~
J. E. JAN NEY·, Waynesville, O.
- --- -
~nr~(lv u~. Il~~;
Ola s.lli ed Ads
'1. M
""'=== === === === ==
....., .
ta\ ~2:::.., \8' ..... ~ a .
over and Tlmoth , tla,. H AY-Ul IDqulrll ' of Jobn Roberso o, ' R,
. I
O. 8, WaYD8IIvl\le, Ohlo.-
a20 '
No, 1. 0o., freeh. ID. COW-A quire of; L. R. D, W~,
4, W.yn.v llle, Ohio:
'3 "KRSE Y CQW8. for tillie, '.0 01 them are freeb,
IDqutre of C ••", OooDer, R. D. I, WarD_ Vme, Ohio..
RIDD R1GIIrr& How . .da
I, o;:=~:: .......101".1
a. D.
aIO 1Ie4
.... TH E MIA MI
GA ZE TTE ....
-. D. L.
Subscri ntion Pric'. $1.50 per year
P J\ !\ E. "Ed itor and P u ll l j~ her. W ay m 'h\"iIl e, O hio
Bank Is Here to Slay Everyth ing iml\oa'ell that our Natloual bank I ~ a fi xture. Wall d 06H the \vrl tnr rem ember when we were t ..lklog h"ok It was saicl hy so me tbat I~ oooid nl) t exiijt i but It ha~ , and Its t amJlers ture Is o,' rmal. 1.\
• If you can't find what vou want tn
you r own hom e tow n--
a relta aUlI oouserv ative oash . . Tho some r ema.rk ""68 made ===== of our li ght plllnf. , but the li ght hi IItill being furu lijbed. When our 08. Our Cale ndar Wilmlo Ktuo. were I:l unday guest" of me ot P" v e m ~ot8 we re mllde, lome tbe MoKIlY fumlly . of oor oltlzenB ~tlld they oould no' 801 M. Tllrry aDd K . E. Thomps on be p uid for, Bnd they woold n6' walk 1921 APR IL 192" oallen on Georlle E . CtLrnahan, at on th em. but wllikad in the street8. SIr! I'bI TIJI ~ Tt.l fn ~51 Eventuo lly tb o pav ements were paid KUobeo tlr, tluturda y . Me.dauna8 Mary Allen Rnd 3411 ttlll for. Bod the people wbo wero Ilfrald I ~ Gr.. y were TnBddoy guelltB of Mr8 . It woold 0[1 UBe oorol "nd sorene" . of Gray 'L'I daugbtl lr, Mrs . Chal. Collier. the tend ous '0 walk on the pave4 6 7 8'9 m en :8. U811(1 810all·. linemen ' and nlliU Harvey eburg . 11 12 lJ 14 16 Mre . Mattie OavI~ ' pent Wedoes t be soren ess left. tbem, and eveuto. lill y tbe 80rene8H left tbem and they 17 18 19 20 21 ~2 2J I dllY attorn. on wltb her dauli;htor. foood out they bad no oorns, bat It Mr8. Edlt.h Dl1 vl8, In Wellm" u . WI1S ImaglnatlOU. whloh I. one of !4 25 26 27 ~8 29 JO Mr. A. 1'. Collier. ot near Bar. the mORt t erribl e tblog8 tbat tbe veYllborg, r8llched 88th mlle-scono. hOUla.n body can be heir 10. We April I - All Fool's nay one day Iltst "'eek . hnl.\glne thloli;s 'hilt destroy happl . April 3- Luw ~unday Mra . PtLtlen oe Thomp sonsnd Miss neS8 aod make wrecks of U8, but tbe April lO- :o!d ~ u nday after Easter Elvenll Kimble wero Tue_da y gueste bank b"8 OOIDe to ~tlty, aod yon will April 17 - :lrd SUIlCIay after Sunday or .adrll. Anna Branno n. e ventual ly be its patron . Why not April 21 - Arbor Day Agalu our little Grova POt8 over now ? April 23.-Jewi ~ 1I PU&luve r anotber grand surprise . 'l'bls time. April 24 - 4lh Sunday after Easler Like the Old Teache rs HElfmon Moorll WII S tbe vlo'im. On Why Ie I, tha' our 8ohool bOllrd IllS' Id,'ord.a y evening , aher .u.r.and Uu. Moore and Ihelr foor ohlldreu etoile not lei itB patrons know their had gone $0 tbe Wellma n ,rooery , Int·entio ns of wbat they eXPllot to do quite a number of their nllighbo rs about rehiring our present teaoher .? ond friends oa'lle In and cook oom ~~andlng Gn tbe ontllide looll ing In. plete pos8elllli on of 'bo house. It 1001rt! tbat tbey oannot be beUere d When tho family came home, Mr. all they are a great additio n ~ our . M. M. 'I'ti rrr and K . E . Tbomp ,on Moore was nry forolbly reminde d town . They live here, patroni ze us. 'Were lu Now Bnrling ton lIud R ox. 'bat It W&B bls 320d birthda y. To we share wltb tbew 'be 81r tbey annll. on" day lallt week. 88y hll W&8 lIurprls ed. woul.1 h8 put. breathe . and they are eqoally l1li liberal Eyery move Is tor the bet. Jobn Lowry I. repairin g his olty Unl Ii very mildly The .",nlng pi-opera les In EUI~ Wellma n w .. lIp8b\ In ,oolal ialk, vooal, In termen~ of bumlOnlty, aad, In faot. they are ono of ns. For .omll time. Lon Branno n lind wife aDd Min 81rnm. ntal and pbonog rapb muslo. we bave h"d leaohe Elveua Kimble apen' BUDday with and .. everyon e wae In " who "tald In tbe be,a of frlands. wen or Lebano n hnlDor. they all had a jolly 10~ their room of eVllnln gs.leU for homll ou Friday nlaht, retnrne d on Moo. 'Ime. A cteln'y lunoh Wile .erved. J. Lee 'l'&lwalle was In Dayton . a and a' • late boar all deparill d for day mornin g. and you wouldn ', ooaple of h,,1t week. know their names only by looklna 'h61r .nera) homee. wlshlnl Mr. W. EI . larry madll a buslD6811 ~rlp Moor. maDy happy re'urn. on tbelr vouohe r.. Tha' wae living of the '0 Lebaoo n. Thuud ey eyenlnt r of day. 'l'hose were tor'una 'lI enoogb for self alone. Blre tbe "ame buuoh las"we ek. were: ROl. Bartlloo k and wife of again. Tbe little ohlld of Mr . and Mrll. New PhUadl llphla i Lyle Hoberton Would Like Busines s Block Roy LJromm ons Ie qul'e slok. We aDd wlftl, Ilf Clarke vIII. i John t;berhope for a speedy reoover y . ~everal of 'bo wlde-aw ake8 of thla wood. wife snd elaught er. Ea'her, A IIUIII ohlld o.. we. one day IllIt Ed Beta\llo lr, w.He and 80n~. Virgil . ,Ioln"y . wbo are membe rl of K . 0 1 weok to mHlle itll bome with IIlr ' Vivian and KenDet b; li:d Clark wUe P . No. li57, are tallrln, the owner. and Mre. Howard Drnmm olli. • and da~hterl.ElIzabe~h aDd Elinor. IIhlp of a bome- one "a' will be a oredlc Meo<dlliuee Addle Oeatbll rss!! and Frank Br·, libury and sI8$er. oor town, and all bODor Mary and ;)onven Eva t;bauk were sbul'pl ni In Leba II:lalll, of Oregon ia; 8arryO lenoe to oor order. If lln8. wU. non Tbnnd ay I and .on. Wlnl'on , Sherma n Ferri •• thlB enterpr l.e Ie put Inio IIxeou" on. ., . wife and danabae r. Lnolle. ot near I' will have. a movlog plotore ahow • Ed Wllllon and K. II: Thomp.o~ Olive Branoh i Mre. Kate JordaD . two modern bUllnoas roome. lo48e were In HarveY Bbnr., Thursd ay. dauiht er, Hannah , and eoa. Ed, 11: . room. olnb room, hot and oold waWlr II'raull MoCarr en aDd Jame~ Sboe C. ManDon, Wife /lnd danghte ra. -In other wordl'. It will be modeln milker trookf.d "load of hoal and Rotb and Glllnna, Lon througb out . Our membe rehlp will BranDo n aDd sbllep to tbe olty . Friday. Mr. wife. Mr •. Adah 'ralDlag e aud 80n. Inorou •• 8nd a grand good help to tlb nem"U r uayoo over to hOllr J. Lee, A. 8 . Allen and wife, K . E . our 'own. Ii Ie always neoeala ry '0 Billy ~uDd"y . Tbomp son and wife. II:d Wlleon "nd do 0 oertaln amoont of prelimI nary Mrs. J e nnie FJRywor th and daullh. Wife. John Edward " wlfll. work. This II neoelJ8l'y and should 'er,· glllu ba&b, of· W\lmln "ton. are and daughte rs. E6ther 80n ICdgar reoelve lIoooar agemen t from all tb8 alld MarT. IIp6ndlDg tblB week wHh tb. MoKay Me.dam lll Addle Deather qae. Mabel membo rs of Harvey sburg L.:>dse No. tamlhB8 . 'I'erry and Jellsle Kennon and Mr . 657 It. ot P. , W. A. t;\.rbuo k aDd liOn, Sam . of W"lker Terry. -Mlnnl ehaha. Will Hold Conven tion
Come to
The Metropolitan at Dayton
Fash ion Par k and Kup penh eime r Sma rt New Spri ng Styl es in Suit s and Top coat s
Few men buy a su:i t or topcoat as they buy overalls. A man want
that sticks throu gh long hard sel'vice---tlll.l he wants value , an inves tmen t for his 1Il01W Y.
Come to the Metropolitan at Dayt on--- allnc w bright Fashion Park aud Kl1ppt'lIllt'inwl' :-; mart s tyle~ for
sprin g, 1921. Noth ing last season's. The latest thing in lapels, shoul ders and backs ;- models in varia tions to meet the requi reme nts of the tall, stout , short or slend er "thiry .six."
And at a glance you'l l realiz e that the valucs at thc lowe r price s are the perm anen t value s to expec t this season. .
Other'Su its and topcoats 125, 121.50, 130
The MI8ml Cemete ry board has begun deoorat lng 'be obapel Inside. find many of the bnlldln gs and fea. oea will be painted snd put Ia. fine sbape tor 'he St .. te COllven tlon of Superin tendent s ofCllmeteri88, wbloh will be held 'here in JUDe. Thl. I, Qolte a boost and wae brollgh$ about by I&a eoor~OU8 euperin Wlnden t and wlfll. Tllla will be an oooaslo n 'bat will long be rememb ered. and may the peoplo of tblll domain _I.t In mailing It ono or greate8 ' mee$Inll8 tbey haYII Yilt attende d. Mre. Hannah Rioh. of near Woll. man, was tbe wellk.eu d glieet of her .... aM Gooaru&eed~, . eillter. Mrl!. ~arab RIOh, Tbe weatbe r reoenily haa been JANNEY, Waynesv'lIJe, OhIo good, bad and IDdtt!er eni. sDd at tblll writing It Ie bad. William Brooke Mtlll remain , Q,ulte poorly. . PrOf, E. L Ba'ton, of We,' Mil. , ton, tflionMoted bOlllDese here, Satur. day. Frnuk Hhldak er re~nrned to Cln. olnolltl . Sunday , ilO ae 10 be present I\l ro1\ call on Monday mornln a In 'bl! U Dlted 8"'te~ He says he rellrets ahat In bIB 'hat be did n.:>' &.1ke op tbe law.
You'r e alwa ys safe here- our reput ation for integ rity -is our most impo rtant asset . It mean s good . will and perm anen t succe ss.
~ tyle---ncw style ---fit
?q}Jetropolitan ~ J. H. Marg olis. PrG:. ., Qr!l~ Qwrw r - ., Jlu!law~E~ Ohio '. GreAteQ~ Clot hiell IF OUR CLOTHES DON'T MAKE GOOD WE WIll..
"Cold 'in the Head" II an acute attnck of Nasal Catarrh . Thole 8ubjf!l!t to frequont "coldl In tbe bend" will fiod that. the use of BALL'S CATARRH MEDIC INE will build-up tbe System, cleanse the Blood and render tbem less liable to colds. Repeate d littllcks or Acute Calarr~ lDay I('ad to Cbronlc Catarrh . BALL'S CATAR RH MEDIOINlIl 18 taken Internally and acts through tho Blood 00 the Mucous 8urtncea of the By.tem, thUI nlduc\nlr th'! . lnflam~':. tlon nod' rel.ltot'lnr Ill)nDal (.obndltJollll. All drull'r1stl. Circulars free. B'. 1. Cheney " Co., Toledo. Ohio.
. Shop ~-=u-=8-=o-=0-=U-=r-=C-=I-=a-=9i:!-=i-=fied=-=A-=d-=lI-=fo-=r=res=u-=lta=. DR. W. E. FROST Woollard. ,
'belr or. W8nllD Now, I.1.&8 no' beIlIlpaot do • • ,r fonDd Re~· In ....WO.PII "fight • . The Amerlo an \1~ID40w W.. ...ooI."on ; of New York. aooordl D, . to reporte QOmID, from' alOune _14 be very re.Jlable, b.. emplo y" a 4: Soutb St. Waynel Vllle, O. repJ_n&atlve~ID o'a ; olty. ao4' aU ordsra dlreoted or r..'erre4 to ffl.k Sbldlil ar will reoaivi prom.,t . ".... ,,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ UOD ID4 will be Ippreot aM4; . . be II wallta work . Tbtll artloll .. 'tn· niBbed aarrlll, by of Edward Ohio. l. of Ailen" . Inel Carrol !!Ihlda "r, who recall" " ••.,le4 a ~D80rlal parlor, I. meeUll g -DEAL ER INwltb "reat euoce.. . ud hi. betnS bere " appreota&e4. Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt,
ver ett Eat-Iy
---_._.. ..---
Try our Job Printing , ," .. . i :
Tile, Posts, Water Foud.: ~ins and Self-Feeders .
C,.EY . . . . .ES,.,. . ·. . .· .
Examined Correctly... G1 - - - - - Fitted - -
Harvey aburw. O.
............ Dr. Lloyd Xenia. Ohio
Vete rinar ian
,J Iay, Straw and
Grinding a Specialty.
Lytle Feed Mill
Fully Equipped for Good
Large Display Room • • t-
For .t .... JW,.rtin AU¢nQN~ 0Id0
:,D~ ,. J.
••• DBN'l'IST'•••.i
Fourtb Strett. near Tyler TelephoDI 93
Wayn esvill e.
Wayn e,vlll e, Ohio
StOck •
Phone 44
, ._ .. Lytle~ Ohio
Vacdnl Uon a Specialty. Nothlog but Reliable Serum .Uled
0I*t evenln p by appointment
Wayn elvlll e, Ohio ¥==
. Optical DepartmeDt
a. DetroIt at.
Nationa l ~
I~I st.
Thursday, April 21st Fea tudng Viola Dana,
Ch h 4th Sunday after Easter, ure School at 9.30 A. M. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10.30. The public cordiaTly in.ited to theso services. _ _ __ _ _
"The Willow Tree" Also ,
"Fresh from the, City"
! 1-.
Saturday, April 23rd Featuring C o n s t a nce B inney, in
ATu els:0d'3aS~yl,Z~Aicp~r~l t:6St·
Admission, 22 an:17Ch
See Yourselves As Others See Y00 Pictures
be s hown 011 the scree n.
A lso. a good Fox picture Admission. 22 and 17 ~ents
Harveysbur& Friends Church Sabbath School 9:4G; Church ~t!rvice 10: 46 . Everybody invited. Orthodox Fr.lends Church
r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _••••••••
Meel· .
Storage Batteries We have installed one of the latest type of Tungar Battery Chargers, and are prepared to take care of all kinds of battery work. Also, we will carry in stock a supply of new Willard Batteries.
_.... - - -
SavIng Ono'. "Bacon."
Bot'on la the outside portion of the back Dud sides of pork Rnd may be consIdered generall,y lUI the part whIch would receive a blow. To auve one's bacon, Ulerefore, ls to escape castlgo· tlon as to baste one's bucoo 18 to strIke a perllOD. The Nonllnns called the Sallona hogs. aDd Sbnkespeorp's Falstatr S8Ja to the troveleJ1l at 0011sIlIII, "OD, bacoD8, on. (Beory IV, part 1" 1I.2). M
Willard Rubber Thread Battery .And forget your battery troubles.
F.· D. T,kphone ·41
fat by Selling Direct."
Mr.. Allen Shoemaker, Sinking Spring. Ohio, writes.-"We have three cream BtatlonB bere in our town that I could &ell my cream to, tiut ,Oil have irlven WI Buch good satisf&etion that we ship to you all
the thDe, We haul our cream 9 miles to Peebles to ship to you', You see what we think of you." , Au aDy otb~r Trl-State patron what they think of us. W. have 60,000 producers MndAnr their cream to us. We have no agents. We pay your IIblppiJlg coat, We guarantee your cream and cans aplnat 1088 -we make 'you more money.
45 Cts.
Week April 18th to April 24th We Pal' Baggage or Expretl Cbarcu
TheTri-State Butter Co. Cash' Capital $250.000.00
No slack-filled packages when you buy by weirht from our Ian· itary counter. All goods are weighed over our "Toledo" No Iprinp. Honeet weight scales. Spring ' scales are not reliable 88 thesr contract and expand with the weather. Come in and let ue explain .
Don't for~el the Epworth League at Ii: 15, Sunday evening . MiSll Edith Wardlow, leade r. Found-A hu b cap olf
Dorlge rna·
. t II e resi sell the abov e fa11l0 11 ' Boar a . I . deuc e of Wm . Thomp son , o n the Chas. LeWIS farm,
r will
\Vaynesv ille , Ohio. T h is hLlg ~s H. D u roc- J t: I.SfY , breu \\' I ton OhIO b G \V Hamilton & SOli S, I mltl g " . Y . H is sire was C h oice O r ion (.55779) , dam O non Cl F . 2 d (~479~~1 and is a desce ndan l from a 1erry 'anme n .' " long li ' t (,f choice brerdel s . . I I Come and Sl' C him at n u )' tim e o n t Ie a lOve named
arm .
L _______-:---:______________ • ~;.;;;..1111111
", .
rhinE' . Owner can Itllve by cull in!! al the Ullzetle oflico.
Mr. Trnman Moore. of GellvsburlC. Ohio, was the guest ot Mr . and Mrs. J . A. Funkey , last week
Slate s urfaced fire-proof roofing. Chcape r , looks .better, \, ears lo n ger than shing les. Chimlle y work . Do It now.
MeRara. Alfred and Elliott Wright left, Monda)' morning, for Michigan Unive rsity. Ilftl!r havillg !!pent a deli"hlfu l vacation he re wilh lheir parents lind friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Campbell and two children. of Dayton. spent the week-end here with relatives. Mrs. Campbell was formerly Miss Marg uerite Thompson . Holmes StoOP!!, of VunWert. spent Friday with relati ves here. He look Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoops home with him . They have been here for th e past six month J, and. fully enjoyed theh visit with th eir daughter ~rs . J . E ,Wilham .
Friday and "Sad Luck." luck suppose,1 to uttach to Is trac_ohlo to Iho worship ot herselt slighted It nny olle btl>:"" fI journey au this. her te811,·01. In punishment ~ h (' was wont to dl " cct misfortune to nssn ll Ihe otrcllder. Th e bnd
----_ ...
. ~ C. LEE HAWKE, WayneSVille Ohio Branch
Our Blue Graas Beauty Refrigerator keeps our meat in perfect condition.
Detore cryIng to drive a Doll IDto a plAstered woll, tlrs! pu1 tbe nail 10 holllng hot WOler until It 18 thoroughly heuler!. You can tbtln drive It ID clenn without brenklng or ('hipping 8D,y of UII) surrounding plaster.
Highest prices for good l:iutter and Eggs.
Yours for Service
Weak Eyell and WI.dom.
ll'ulr promises are like born.rlmmed IJpectnclc8. 'fhey don't nmount to much unless ther e 18 somethlDg back of them.
ZIMMERMAN'S Seed Potatoes Specilll prices by the bag thi s week olily . Long Red E!irly Rose, Round Red b:arly ){ORe Chkago Mllrkel. Spaulding Early Rose.
2~n~~ .. ~~.~: ..~~~. ~~.~....
SEED~ - BrolYn's, and other:!. only fic a package. Why puy 10c elsewbere.
GARDEN Ferry'~
Fres h sopply Swan~do\Vn Cake Jo' iou r. Kfliloghs Krumb ltoll, Puffed Ril:e. Putfed Wh eat . Pettij ohne, Crellm of .Wheat. Urape Nuts, Quaker Milk Mllc, atoni. PAINTS. VARNI SH STA IN, OILS ANn TURPENTINE; Remember. we sell House Paint - four different kinds : I.in 'eed Oil. 8pecial price all 6 und 10 I!Bll on 10ls. l:ie (' ur lin e of Varnish Stili"", Window Shnde .Paint. F'loor Wax, Crack Filler. Floor Pain t . It will pay you to Bee us before you puint. •
1 bar FREE ~ilh each 3 bars purchased •.muking it cost. only, a bar ......... .. Buy now. If Yo0 U don't like it. - bring it back and get your money back.
Bring us your Chickens. Eggs und Butt er. It will pay you to trade at
ZIMMERMAN'S Mr • . 8weRt, Mr. aod ,' Mrs. Masoo ..ud Mra. Charles Gebbart Mr. IIDd Mrs. AileD Kindell 8~ter. , .. Ioed to a sumplnoue dlooer, . .!:Inu.
. Mrs. Cora tiu,mDer, .Mre. Mr. lind Mrs. P. B. I:lawke and 18&110 Browo and Utlle eo~, Erneet. Mrs. Copsey were UAyton vlsitur!!. Bnd CliffordBonrtl.·of Har"eysburg; Tbursday . Mr. and Mrll. Chllrlos Bongh aDd W e~ley Benbam aod german 1100, Kenneth, of Wayne8ville i Mri". ~mltb arll bU8y paper.haoglng, tD Uatb.rlne Johos, at UeotenlJle. and Mrs . Matilda i:mrlok ~ bl s nel/lhborhood. Mr. aod Mrs. Clyde Wbarton apent New shiprrient of Rugs rbnredBY nllllr Miamisburg, ,with Mr. and Mrs . Cbae. rhomat . are a.rriving daily. These .:dre, "V'UllllmCo)eman en&erkloed Rugs are being marked at '·0 dlnoer, 'fuelln",. of lae'. week, Mra . J . D. Dawson, at Fosters, end prices that will bring ql1ick sales. For instance, you Mu . Frank tioyder. Berne Jonee ' III Installing 110 new can buy Oeloo light pillo' at his home. north of town: 9x12 Axmins ter Mra. WIlliam Brown spent several Rugs, as low as .. day8 lallt week 10 Day too wltb bel daagbter and t"In11 y. 9x12 Brussels Mrl. Don MoKlrby IIDd ohlldren Rugs, as low as. . . ., ' oame from Dayton. Friday, for an extended vlelt wltoh her pa.ren", Mr. 9x12 Grass aDd Mrll. Frank Smith. Rugs, as 10": ~s. . . . ' Kesler Urab8m had the ..llfortune, 18115 week, oC maeblng hll foo'r.arg~r and smaller Rugs, by " railroad tie. Be i. seotloo fore. , :lldipgld q ~" maD bnd III DOW able to be bac_Iook. ~ t" .' ,·, CO. rrE!s.nn r'~ J _ Ing 'a lter the work. prices. B.erman AJbrlght, at OaytoD, .<. '" .. ,.,., d'" apent ~ooday III Lytle wllb bls Pal If you nee a ne~ rente, ~.r.: .od M.... Carl Albright. tlUs spr;io"g dO:\l't mlSs : BOfilqe !,od Ernee& i'9 0Ilte . are oppofttuu tf, ' , work log a$ Blne Alb, bulldln, a V.h . ('~4 ' . ' 1 . boo8e . for tbel!: ·bro,ber.ln.lew, n 11 D ' i"vers Oll~er Fits. . . O 1'\,~ . 07~ ~ . e ., _.... M·r. aDd Uri. I1'.raDIt ROltlrA.U" Any I ,p... g t.9t X~ur Altee. Jil~lI(aDd ' dallgh$er, Beeter, were D..,&on v.l8lkln, ~tor!!aT. "" -..'.--.~ .Ho.w e ' · 'Wa~ttlr lliar. ' and family !lpent StlndaT~lth Ilr; aDd M.rs, .Ralph
For Sale by
Younce Brothers Grain Company ..
, Phone
.- .
$35.00 $19 50 $7
R ,
' . ,~ '
year . --_.- ... -$1501\ --
Th t' Mill nll (; lIU tl'"
LYTLE 1I~~--~· ~--~~---------;~~~----------~~!~h-!~~4:~HBrryHOughaDd
'E#fl~'-Uliey School for Nurses
To DrIve a Nail Into PInter.
Established 11 years ~o. Write for Free Trial Canl if YOU need shipping cans. We give our patrons the benefit of a weekly guaranteed price. .
~ . MODERN RESIDENCE HALL---SINGLE .001lS ! 1$. . Parlot • .RecrolltioD Rooms. Campus. SwlnC1l. Tennl. Court. For 111' :1«maUon apply to L. A, HASI'OIW, Prlnclpal. DAYTON, omo. t t
a son.
M. N . Duuglass, the r eal estat e llI an of Spring Valley. closes Ilnuther farm deal. Sold th e S M. 'pellman furm, in Warren county , 10 H . Hud son. Xenia , Ohio.
'liIIIcellent cll1llll,rooms and teacblng f!lctutles. Two rull-tlme InBtrlactore. IlArge staff of lecturen.· All branches Df nUnllog taUght. Loan laud. IBlah' School Diploma or equIvalent preferred. Fall term be~1I1I abo at September 1.
Born- To Mr. lind M.·s. Vern Hou g h, Wedn~sclay. April 13. 1 9~ I,
M rA . Lidll Smith and MisR Clara Keys f(1tu[n ed hUlIIe. Monday, after II plell911111 vi~it of 1wo wl!eks. nea r Blancht.!llter.
We Want Yooto Come Sawyer's Wayne Market
Leb Dr. Ed Blair and wife, of a' n Oll, were in lawn this morning.
Mrs. Clara En"le , of Sprill gValley. slJcnt th'l wtlek·end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hllrner /I11t1 son.
Havlnl returned home, I am now ready to eerve the public in all kinds of Notary ",ark. Can be found a t mv ..esidence or call phone 40. E. V. BARNHART.
Mrs. Ada C" urtney spent lost week with relatives III Dayton.
WagnlSville, Ohio
"Yau.. cain from 3e to lOe per pound on your butter·
" 0Il." Me'IOdleL . The Poles, hnvo rOlllnlucd slngulllr\,J rr r~OlU CItRICI'D IntlUlmcu. ' h.'lr melodic I II~cntlorl Iii' sometimes rOlber llrl)lted. but tlll'lr "\Int·s uro "lwnYII wonderfully elnh,IIIBhcd. Bnd they ot· letl millie use of dUllcult In!()J'Vn la IVhlch w ut(] seem La ho morc sul tn ble I' . tor. nn IIISIrun wllt Ih oll tor Iho VOIen. ' W ' J . K'I lbon • o'f Pittsburg, I~ · The ctroct or l it '5 ' sonJ!'i Is ~ntf but home on a visit. full of tutcreSI nn,1 In h~l\ rln!: them . · It III (\H~Y 10 ~u'ir.'· Ihllt L'h"I,ln "' flS Mr ami Mrs. C. M. Robll!:er were fl thoro_'I_C:I _'I_Y ~:I~O:I_ I"_rl_:'_"0()O'r. in L>1I~ton Thursday.
W:.ynelo'VilIeChrisUan Churc.h Th ac~te ray an d Dickens. SundaySchool eachSunday,9:80a .m It hns Ufll'II , I" 'l'n ('Ir~~r\'~'1 thlll per· C. E. every Sunday 6:30 p. m . roilS who co ro: ~rl''' liY tor tho writ· All 'member3 and friends of the IOg9 of Dlc'l, "" ",·I.I" tII rllr!) 1,:I'cnlly Church are Invited to II,ttend. ror the wrltlll!:' /O r Thn ck,·ru y. whll l> those who "0 n' ~mlll.r t .• r Ihe writ· Ferry Christian Church IlI gs or TIIIH'k"l'n,l' '·. 1011>111 ,'u n ' j;"rt'ul ly tor lite wrlllll ~ ..r 1'1, '1"',, •. Th!) ron· Bible School at 9:30. Preaching 8 011 I s plnill. p j, I,,' ''' ' '''lI ls with III Ilt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Every· masses, ThU('k " r:ry "lI h Iho cln s.cs: One invited . J . A. Pille. Paator . In the 011 P. we 1\11 01 rleOlOllcn.,. y. In U,e Olher arI S l o,·rll' · ~ . Caesar's Creek Friends Church Sunday School at this church every ~-!".!-~-!!!'~~ -~-~~-~~ -. ""!" - -~-~-!".!-~ -~~~ Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Preaching ser· :vieeat lO:a<)o'cloek a. m. You arc cordially invited to be present,
A Mack Sennett Comedy Admiss ion, 22 a nd 17 cents
Mary's Cburch
Notke of ApPllintment Kst MO (I f iDull ke , . S(H\Mi. dN"Oftlle'l.
., "utkH Itl h'~I,\l b)' t( h t' u t l int li . , . It" rnha rt. h lLo' Ix 'ou dul ,'" u\)'H'~luU'l t u ml 11,1IhHnud 1:121 .',1milli.tnll ur of t u) t'Hltltlh' u r h:Ul d(',. '\ 1S'IlI'II. lB.tl.! ur WHrN'1l ( 'UUIHY , I ' ldo . \h'n "atit'l Ullt~1 IJd1l !\t1l ti ny ti t :\ }Jril , HD t.
,\ . '/.
Il e ~tn
JIuJ86 or ttl,· l'tf. l.Jl\ll! l', .Url., ' "",rr61l lA l Ulll y , P11 10 . Ii; , a lauloy , Au) . l\i! 7
1- '~--
I '
I StiU
Paper fOT all tbe partic-
ular folks in tbis commu-
There 'must be
a st'ason.
. It'~ ~osecret, I'll tell you.
It because quality in high-class workmanship .is . ahv~ys rewarded. We are busy, but can still arrange to do some specinl jobs-"-if you let me know early before the ibigCLEAN ...UPweek gets too far along. We ·als. lots
some room
D. E. STANDIFORD I Residence, Third Street,
Waynesville. Ohio
Save loney by Insuring the . Crop With Complele Fertilizers The sanest, shrewdest f"rmerll apply dressings of well made. 8peciali~ed, available, comulete :fertllillers tc? inB\1re"J)rofltabJe crop growth, tor. after all, it crop insurance that the praoti farmer.! .. -.fter. He has to long. chaneN witll the ""i" ""." ". but he should take no OllllOelll, • ~jtlr' the fertili~er which . Diles ·An extra dollar eXIlfln,Ii/llt for thl! tig,ht kind will often just the dUfur.nce between ceBII arid failu're. '
':. We are.~andli!lg a high-
grade 'Fertilizer'· .a nd · ~ur
~n~·: isri.g~t:~·
J.G% Acid. Phos'phate, per ,tOn.'.;.... '1,;
:~ .
;$21; 50 l~,
aildJ;l'888: Grower, avo ~h ~ .' _, . per potayh .ton . ...2; , ....... •
' $28 SO
. - You can-get ~nyiu:noW1t ' you wallt • .at 9.IlY time: .
Whut Is thl' r. irl S,'out orj!'aniz:llioll? It i ~ to brin g to ull g irl ~ the opportunity for g r.\Up (' xpetit>l:ce. Ollt-d or life. und to learll thruua h wOI'k to serve their .commull ity , T he act ivili el! of the Gi d Scoute M~. D L. Crane is q uit(ll ill with muy be grlJ uped under fiv t' h eudi n ll~. cnr rpspulld ing to five ph alles' uf wo- eczema. men'a life today:First. The Home-maker; 9x12 Br~ Bsel s RugMaBlow a8 $1 !l.75 Second, The Producer; at Hyman B. Third. The Con8umer; W. O. Raper is hRvinR' anntl,er Fourt h. The Cil.izen; siege ut rh e umati ~ m. Fifth. The Human Being.
Till.' fie ld meet at the Hi gh School uuilding . Friday afternnon. is rounding into shape. and it looks very int erc~ till g . judging f l om tho program. F'oll owing is a list of the doners of th e prizes. and th e events: Boys Under 13 Yea rs tll rs, ItHch,·1 I~ . Keys enter tain\!d at t he Ili ion hou r on last Thu (~d ay, 50 Yanl Dash, Oscar Lavbou rn e four of WaYlle.~ vill., ·:l ~ fJl"h.: hll y lJac h- Running Broad Ju mp. fr ank Farr elorattes- lolli<: not rl'ported . Running High .J um p, Roy MacBeth Pola!.o Ha c ~, Dr. Hathaway Mr. /ln d MrR, Orvi:le Gray and Gi rls U nder 13 Years tl aug htpr, Bllr bara . Wl're the SumJay 30 Ya rd Das h, L. A, Zimmerman dinn er )( lI e~ts of Mr. 8nf\ Mrs. H arBaAebali Th row. Ralph Smi th okl Orsbo rn. at thei r home 011 Thi rd Potato Race. Will White street. . Boys 13 Years and Over Mr. and Mrs, C. E Ed ward s ente r- 100 Yard Dash , Walter McClure tained a family din ner party at their Running Broad Jump. E. V.Barnhart pleassnt home in Lytle, last Sunday. Running High Jump, Leslie Kemple The foll owing g uests were present : Running Hop , Step and Jump, W.H. Madden Mr . an d Mrs, H. Il. Sher wood and little daug hler, Freida, Mr. and Mrs. Girls 13 Years and Over Raymond Conner and child ren. Leo 40 Yard Dash, Harry Earnhart and Huth . Mr . and Mr ~ . C. H. Sher- BMeba\l Throw , Walter Sawyer wood and Maste r Hoy Hartman. Potato Race. John Cummings
All these activities have a common motive. which is preparation Cur a tuller Iile for the ind ividual, not only in her persullal, bUl in her social relationt!, ' It is believed that the habits formed and the concrde information acquired in these activities, both contribute to the girlB being ready to meet intelligently most of the situations that are likely to arise in their later life, • Thill concept is exprea ed in the Girl Scouta' motto: "B.:l Prepared." The Girl Scout lawa are ten : 1 A GIrl Scout's Honor is to be Trusted. 2 A Girl Scout is Loyal. S A Girl Scout's Duty is to be useful ani to Help Others 4 A Girl Scout ill a Friend to all and a Si!lter to Every Otht:r Girl Scout. 6 A Girl Scnut is Courteous. 6 A Girl Scout Keeps Hersell p,ure. 7 A Girl Scout ia a Friend to Animals. S A Girl Scout Obeys Orden , 9 A Girl Scout ill Cheerful. 10 A Girl Scout iH Thrifty.
Dr. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Broad way, Lebanon. Ohio. Mrs , R, A , Cross spent the weekend with relatives In Wilmington , Mra. Bes!lie. Britain and 80n, of Day tun, are visiting her parents here. Bill' reductions in Axrninster, Brus&ell-! and Woo l Fibe r Huga at Hyman's
------ ....-----
MiSS(!8 Ed na Howland d'nd Kather. ille Brodt were Lebanon visitors. Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader and Mi1l8 Clara Lile were Aenia visitorlt, SaturdllY. Special price on Linoleum, Mattinlr Room-size RUlle and Window Shades at Hyman's. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dinwiddie and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Dean were Lebllnon visitont, Monday. , Several K. of P's , attended a meetinll of the Knights ol Korrassan, in Dayton, Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper atThese LnwRare known by all Girl Scouts, but the Promise to obey tended an Epworth League meeting them iB made only after they are at Camden, Ohio. last week. undel;lltood and voluntarily accepted Mr. Roy MacBeth and family and The Promise summarizes the Laws, Mr. and Mrs F H. Farr were in Day. and is; ton and Xenia. Sunday afternoon. "On My Honor, I Will Try: To be true to God and my country; Miss Estlu Haines, of Cnlumbus,.is To help others at all times; ~pending a 8hort vacation with her To obey the Scout LaWII .. parebts, Mr . and Mrs, J G, Haines. The beart of the Laws is helpfulDr. j. T. Ellis and J f'88e Burton net!!!, and 80 tbe Scouts have a Sloi'8n: "Do a Good Turn, Dailv." By 101. were Dayton visitors, Monday .· Dr. 10\\ ing tt.IS in letter- and Ipirit, help. Ellis a t t ended the Montgomery County Medical asaociat ion. fulness becomes second nature. Some have criticized the Girl Mrs, Robert Murphy, of MiddleScouts organization because of itll town, and Miss Lillian Kerns. of Cov· apparent military character. tt is true the g \rls W8¥r ILUniform ington, Ohio, bave been house gueaLs of Iibilki and are grouped in Patrole, of Mrs J . O. Cartwright. corresponding to the "fours" ill the Messrs, · U. A. Zimmerman, S. D. Army; that they Balute. and learn Henkle and R A' CroBB were in Willimpl\! forms of drill and ~jgnlllling . mington. attending 11 meeting of the But the reaaon they do $hIs is becaU8e the military ora-anizBtion is the R. A. Masona, las~ ~Friday. I • oldeat In the world, and it works. Mrs. LeRov R. Hurd and little ·In actu~1 practice, howt!ver, the daughter, .Margaret, of Piqua, were . Clrlll and .alllf!alling take . Ul) a very . recently ca~ed here by ,the serious , amall portion of the p roetaJ1l, a~d , iIIneaa of her mother, Mrll.G H ,E1IIs. are nowheN! followed as ends lb ' . tbem!l81vea, but' only 88 a means . to Big" reductlonsln Axminster, Brusap~ en~. · . . sela and Wool Fi~r Rugs at Hyman'a The uniform is lIimple, durable. 1UId.a1lows freedom of action, It Is Mr. anti Mn, Frank Zell and Mrs. of khaki hecaUlle i~ h.. , been found Christie MeKin&ey and daughter, to be the best wearlna fabric , and MIIMi Laura, spent Sunday with Mr. col.o r. It ~. not euily tom and «loea and Mrs. Earl Swain, of near Ridgenot readily; soil. Wearinll It elves ville. the elrll a sense of belonalna' to a lareer llrouP. such as it ia hard' to Mr. - Walter Williama and " amily lI'et In any other way, and Mr. and Mrs •. Arthur Vantresa, To procure ml!!U)a to buy uniforms of Kingman, spent Sunday afternoon our local troop of Girl Scouu. . . at the bome of J. E. J annev and Ilated by 'the Cu~l1cll and Motb,eR' family, Club, will serve the lIupper for the nelft meeting of the Men of Waynea Mr. anJi Mrs. Walter McClure"Mr. ville, Mondav evening. May ~nd ~ and Mrs. James Johnll, Mrs. Viola You wlII .be BOliciL~ to contribute Carey, . Meears. Frank and Jeue to this worthy caUIM'l. Be as lI'ener- Ttiomaaleft. 'Sundal(, for the Reller· OUI in your reeponse I I the orpniaa· voir, where they will enjoy a week's tion merltl. ' . flahing. .
Fliwr trains. bach pas-8ft" and frd ght. arc the ne wes t in transportation de"elopmcnts. T hey havo been IIdopCed by folks of tbe West aad, mid-Westcrtl S ta te s as a .logic ..1 wny to overco me hi h operi! tinl: cosU of railroads. and they are ~iltg Ih eir puT'pose, All tha t is "ceded is th e prove rbial "stTea k of rU 5t:' the n "Iixzi"H i. equip~d with lllIA8Cd ,.,heds and IIOm~ tra il ers hoo ked 6n behi •.d. Of course, a s t he photogr.ptt. aIaow-tbe pasftn&IU car is a bit more pretcot iou ..- oothing like our mo4eru P ulllllan r_ r s--bu l it "gels t M re. the _ ." u y ~ "OR' My 6DJb who rid eaod haul Iheir fann product4 th cr~Ol1 .
MEN OF WAYNESV.IlLE BiG RAIN CAME WILL REBUILD CORNER TO HAVE MEETING MONDAY AT NOON BUSINESS HOUSES The next meeting of the Men of Wayneaville will take place Monday e venl' ng, ~ ay 2nd. at the I. O. 0 F. Hall. The Rpenker for the evening will be Rev. Harold Clerke. of Lebanon, and the Rupper wi ll be served by the Girl Scout". under the ausPicea of the MoLhers', clu b. The annual election will take place bt this time. There has been quite a contest between the Blue and Red tickets, both sides heing con fident of electing their tickets. Both tickets are good, and the re will be no mistake in taking choice. The polls wjll be open from 6 until 7 o'clock on t his day, and . eve ryone elilrible to vote wl' ll have to be there on time The club is anticipating great things for the coming year, and both tlcket8'have promised several things that will be of great benefit t.o the <'oml1\l,m lty. The committee on Memorial Day is workinll now, Ilnd arran~ementS are almost completed for t his occl!sion, The speaker has belln engalted, whose name will be published later , 8S well 88 the program.
About 11 :30 Monday morning a big rain came, in fact, it W88 almost a wa ter spout. The creek running through Jason SheehWl's place was Lbe highest ever known in its history. The bridge across Main street was too small to accommodate the flow of water. and it soon banked up and ovel flowed. The water ran ever the hottoms, and it was within two inr.hes of the floor of William Robinson's home. • - - .---
The Sen.ior Class Play WI take place in' School Auditorium Friday eVenilrlg May 13. Th ' la is under supere P y vision of Mist Edna Howland. Look for the program in this a er next week. p P •_ •
Farm accounts ma,ke the farm more account .
Steve Phillips was in town, . Saturday, with Contractor Hoppe, of Lebanon, and work was begun on the Phillips buildin g . Monday. It is the intention of the owners t o put up a one·story building in such a manner that the second story can . be added later. In this way t hese business rooms can be rebuilt as soon as p' ossible. There i! much of the old building that can be utilized , and in this way it will not take long for the rooms to resume their former occupanta, and business will resume as before . It was thought at first that th~ oven in the bakery was utterly destroyed, but I't wl' ll not take much money to restore it as formerly, and it la possible that a larger oven will be Insta~led. Th~ citizens of the commuDlty have miSled the products of this babry. and Ilre thankful Il is going to be restored so soon. Mr. Phillips received his insurance money, last week, for the full amount and 18 the first fi re check that has come to town.
- - --
•• Vote .the' Blue Ticket for Men of Waynesville
·A wise bird always kno\ovs where it is going to light
Be a wise bird and cast your vote for .the Blue Ticket
'i ~""".---
:U~ATHS Mri . Matilda Ammap ,lied .t her borne 'in Cincinnati late Fridav'nlght" and·:the body waiJ"btOught, to Way· n:",ville, " Monday ~~ml~g ·: .t ' 10 o cl,?ck, and ,illterred ID MiamI cemet,al'y; Rev, C..dwalla~er , 0f!i,cIaUng • , " ~r8, , ~mman, ,(a ~e Youn~..t 1I~$81' of our, fellOW townsm/lni ' M~.lon • Rid"e. -Beveral fro~ Ci~~I~~all . ~ .. ,. c~I!l~~~~ tile .~..' ~e~: . ,.' , I .' ' _~ " ;' , J
", 'fl'S"HEnllEN " pi ~
" Mr. and Mn. l,iN. Harria, of Dayton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Alice lIrIeKinaey and dauehter, They were joined on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. W G Grether and daughter a.,nd th~ Mi81M!8 Helen and Irma Harrll, all returning home In the evening ", . . ' !,- Among, tholM'l fro~ • dis~ance \Vho attended the. funeral' of Mnl , G. H. Ellis. Iut Thurl<lay.,,' Were: ;-Mr •• ~fld1e HenderaoD•.p(W~lIayll1e. O~io; Mil., -:Mile Colli!!. and ,Mr.. Gertr,u de tand; : o{ qev,~I.nd·i ·Mn. ¥attle Robinlp~, otDetrofi\ 141~, ;' ¥ .r . ,. .... Qtl.1C~rtl8 ,and; Mr. .ll!d
·S...Tllt.. BUSY_ Gu"'~,~"_",, ~::nNn~~:;"~.,. ;:r:"~~=:: aDa
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For President-J. O. Cartwright .For Vice-President~C .. M. Robit~er For Secretary-'Floyd McKean For. U'ieasurer~L. C.. Stjohn' ,. '
'EXECUt IVE ,. COMMITTEE~J. ·' F~:'~'tC~d:~ ~dlade'r ;,'1, . ~, - t:Wlibu["' Clark~' Chas. H 'a t'tsock, Earl. Ho,ckett "f
. . . . .
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Harry "E:- Earnhart· . - ._.. . . : .
tura.. of WIImfnatoll; lit". . ~ . ~' , . ~~e~_ ..... "Ir ~lQI&ln&' Cart!'rtabi , of ' J.m.toWb{ . ' tbPfew Iaat _ .for but · ftlblila< Carrle"Dei. lin, ·Ethel ~.. '-While tbe river" ibn ~hlt hlah, tbe. Mr, WiIl{e 'I IU_\ of X.Ia: Ii... """"I'l!IIiI!IO ' .... btWl8Jl", ...Uch Ro, Q,uas, if ....aa; Mr. ad lin. - _ .......... of u. .......t.oare Artbu BUs. ... 1jIr..... 1In. Pat-II;......._ _ , . , . . d$1iIIIti 01 ~ " :'.
Whole Number 5432
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Martha J ane. dau ghter of Jacob and Laura Sell ers, was born J anunry 15. 1859. nea r Raleig h, Randolph county, North Carolin a, and passed away at her home near Waynesville, Ohio, April 18, 1921, after an ill ness of t wo days. aged 62 years, 3 mont hs and 3 days. When just a babe, she came with her parents t o Ohio, set tling near New Burlington, where she remained un t il her marriage, aft er which she has always remained in the vicinity of Waynesvil le. On October 7,1880 , she was uni ted in martillge wi th Gladman H. Ellis, and tor over fo r ty yea rs shared with him h" the joys and sorrows b fi of iife. h'ld To t IS uOlon were orn ve c 1 ren, three sons nnd two da ughters. One son. Arvid Mon roe. died in infancy, . and Arman Jacob passed away in 1905, a t the age of sixteen. She leaves to mourn their 10RS, a husband, twobrook, daughters, West, of Bell and Mrs Mrs. Hattie Nora
HI GH SCHOOL E VENTl!I Boys 50 Yard Dash, Lee Hawke 100 Yard Dash , Waynesville National Bank Running Broad Jump. Rev. Cadwallader Running HIRh Jump, Dr. Ellis Pol e Vault, Myer Hyman Girls 50 Yard Dash, &! Janney Baseball Throw, Bob Burton Potato Race, D. L. Crane Grand Pri.zes Girl Scout making most point•• Mrs. Kilbon Boy Scout making most points, Joe Chapman ' Special Feature-2 Boxing Bouts by Boy Scouts Every merchant in town will cloae his place of business from 1 to 3, and will go to the meet. Make up your mind to be on hand. Refreshments will be served by Boy and Girl Scouts.
--- _.-....- - -
Hurd . of P,qull, one son'. Carring ton. of Wayne:!vlll e, a devoted daughterin-l aw, two sons-in-law , eight g randchild ren. t wo sisters, Mrs. Eunice Cur tis. of Wilmingt on, and Mrs, LeThe history class of the HighSchool teshla Cur tis. of Way nesville, and a made a trip to Cincinnati, Saturday, number of relatives and friends. under 'the direction of Prln, N . P. All Th At the age of fourteen she pro- Blatt and Miss Olive en. e teased a hope in Christ, uniting with class visited the Art Museum, Rookthe Zion Baptist chUj'ch at Harveys- wood Pottery, the Sunday tabernacle Durg , Ohio. Her li fe alone exempli- and the Zoo. Al though it was a hurfi~s her Christian for t it ud e Always ' ried visit to each place, yet much inof a bright and sunny disposition, formation and 'food was received by Bhe numbered her fri ends by the t he ellIS!!. scores, , _ _ __• __• _ _ _ She was a ki nd and loving mother, a devoted wife. nn obliging neighbor, always ready and willing to do somethi ng for someone. Especially was
ah e devoted to her home and childreno and the cOIDI,nnionship of her li Hle g randson a fforded her greatest pl easure.. A lover of fl owers and the beau lies or nllt ure"Mother, thou art gone, but we feel i-or such us you there is no dea th; Ju et giving up of mor tal breath. For imm ortality and life, Beyond this vale of strife," " - N. A. H.
Maria Cook was born near WayneIIville, Ohio, "'ebruary 1st, 1844, and departed this lift! close upon the,hour of midnigh t, April 9th, 1921. at the age of 77 vears, 2 months and 8 days. She was the fourth of a family ot eight children born to Samuel and Hannab Cook , and is survived by three brothers , Seth, Amos and Jonathan, and one sister, Marr.Elizabbeeth Mills. She was a birthright m~m r Card or ThaDb of the Society of Friends. With the We sincerely desire through the exception of the last eight yea~, . columns of this paper to extend our which Bhe spent in her bome in Wayheartfelt thanks to our relatives, nesville. her entire life was passed on fri ends and neig hbors for t he 'kind- the old homestead where she was ness and sympathy shown us during bo rn.. the death of our wife and mother . In early girlhood affliction laid a , Martha Jane Ell is I!.:specially do we heavy hand upon her and tbe sucdesire to thank the Revs. Cook and ceedinj!' years held much of pain and Hoit for thei ~ consoling words, the sufl'ering. But her frail body was choir, Kev: ri>W8ei" and 80D' for their the abiding place of wonderful love beautifuilliriging, the trustees oUhe and sympathy, which made her face M. E. cpurch and Walter McClure & t o ahiDe as the noonday, and the lia'h,t , Son for their kind and efficient ser- of her countenance beamed upon all vic.es, · G H .. EIlis and Cbildren. whi> entered her hospitable home. - .- - - - . The kindly hand Itretched for~ In welcome to all- youna and Old-:-r.:d 80 long as her strength pel'D\it e<l. Tearle .. f~'r the Spa,rtanL The "tenrless bottlc" was tonght her chief JOY was to minieUlr . ' 1lnt~ 808 B. o~ Wh~D a force of Arcndlnoa thoBesheloved. 'Ve~ly,inherweak~ 1 aad # slveB eodl!nvored 'to cut olr a ness she was a tower of atren"th ; '! Spartan army. uoder ArclIlda moll m. . . . fl i ' "".a " to a narrow dollle 10 ~conla. Tbll1 ID btlr fraIlty, an ·1Il uenc:e "or ~,.,...y, ... were repulsed wltb beavy los;" a~tl , tl,lat cannot b~ meas~ ~ed. , ,.. .• '. not a sIngle Spartan 'wall ' killed, . But "the 8llver cord is ,JO!lIed, • wllence . ~e eDg\l.geP,lent came to be and we shall know. het no in.\'re upon, ' calledJth, "~~le8S:,batUe."-Llte~ earth yiW welimay we cb.rWi.,ber p,llett. \. , , ' '" ' " .. , 'I ' . '. ,j' • .- .. - - 'membry n'bd e,mul~!A' bet !lijl4l~ Iii,.. • Ofa' trut.h;:'~Bhe b.~ done ~~t ab&, _,;'{ , . f •. ~ ~"Int.r· CataltroPh~'" cq\ll~;" il woman without i'U,lIe. un- ::', , <, t.lttle, Boward lIad ·ooeo · accustomed spo ~ted ~m ,\,~~e world •.r ~WDed '" .goln, 'fW mllk'"to. a neI ghbor ",bo' and sweetened thrOuso, idlClrl~~- .7' , CAe wlat!lr, cIa, h~ · w" loVina' aild ' b8ioveil, ,~, for ,U. . h ill! ~ae d!:1 8a !2 he .Maiter'l "el~"_&er daoQ1D.a.
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The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohi?, - - -- ---~
1(1 1.1" Uf." n n )ll\ln 11<'1 111. tlltt hI' 1)\1
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fiw1r~ly 'b lI er. "1 aoo'T O\!"'''''' a word at It. h 's all a li e I" Tt." y l11Ul!; out her hnnd. " Don't t uch me, plense don't I" she nllltttbl~ . WI t old her I did It. lind J"':'l-I-l1 ld. " . ~hl' h nek l'd aWIIY ' trom tho out· I rei "'Illd n rt1ts. "U u t you co u"ln' t hlll'p." gt'ol\n ~1 Ihe hoy. ""'hut Itllppened7 Oh, 0 0<11 " 'nn' t ~omeone tell llIll whl.t hilI>' ttc ,,,,,I7" . ":'It,)tlt Pr hns toltl yon quite pln lnly. I·h llll'." gu lllt'll KnUw rln e. n oUeln!:' wllh n t rTrthnt eU Ploln cCa ul l'Y hn. 1 not ('Ol'e red the f ew 81eps Tony 111111 rt·l r en l ~!I. "She sllld sh e kIll ed h"r fnlh"r. lI IId no gIrl ntlm1t s 8u<.'11 8 Ih l ll~ I1R ' lhnl \WIll'S' It' s true. Hen,,· ('" '. Ih !'Te's Co ull in J ohn and-" .. ""sl n PnuI." t ,II trom M,.,.. Curl is. wlto looked as It' s he hnd turned to
Where One CalIon .EqualG Two
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p sped. "Now don't I1l't pani cky It ] le ll you 80metblng." Uriah CIlutloDed h!'r. Mly· Iy, "btit I wen I 10 P en ~lI l, 'tI"' Nt An d t old him I COIlPOO the kid . IHld nOt yo~. and I ens's : ·Mr. I'POlll eho '·cn. you've bad 'er for two yPHrs. bUt! ahe's your bra t. Now k",'p 'er I" Edltb fell bo ck (In tit hl'n ch as It thl' milD bll(J dealt he r 8 bl ow. "The kld 's 1\ \\"1u I f o nd ot yo n." he rontlnued Intl)r !Sslv('l y. "on<1 I up ana t old 'er you WIIS ",·In·. ond II). n ight yOIl're goln' to see ·e r. "She's goln ' 10 ge t murrl ed to II rich youne t('lIor," he wellt on . "Aln'l 7011 glatl. Xde 1" \'tasn'l she gloa I No words could erpre88 Edith's feellog!! at tbat 010mE'D\. Bow maOJ' tJmee ber heart
selt on the Olvlln tlno '" anomer moment had torgottl!fl In a drunkeo s l~ that Ihere was any sucb peNOn In Ihe world as T annl\)el DIl"on. lleanwhllt'. Mrs. Curtls Wall walking the tloor upstairs. balf road wltb anlt· lety. and Katherine. 10 II stllte at nervel. was smoklor one eJprette af· ter BnoUler . "God I Wben she's gone. M broke fortb the IIrl. "111 know wbat happl·
: ~d adled tor I! III,ht of the prettr dille! lIbe'd had 80 maoy years. ) "'bt/ln't . Pendlehllven BIlY o othlD' iaDCnl, ' HIId1nC us up for In" abe Uked timlcllJ. , ."1Wt « thlog," retorte<J Urlab. "Not b, a ' cl-d Ilgb t, be didn't I Be W&8 too &lad to Iroow Ton7 was bls, to mat. aJq tol" ADlbow. she wooldn't let 'lIDo.. - ~, m, God I That UWe
kill ~j lllel'" Edlth e'iJ:la.ilJled In dejlcbt '. ....... "tOld lOQ more'n nace, Uriah,· "" t .~ If111nlng allllast blm agalo, rJ'ODT4' like ,00 If ,ou'd let ·er. inien we ioln' to see 'eJ'. Ry?" "011, after a w bUe," IJIIld be. "Attar IUpper I ·Sbe·. awtul busy retUo' read)' for a swell blowout. Lord, but abe'. ~ I" ("SIIe atWII)'IJ wu lbat," htlswered JIldIth, ud lIlIe f411 Into a deep revef7. b" bl. wtfe, Urtab DereadJ to leave tile D\rtJ 'ODIe ' weeki. 80 abeorbed III 'ber tlIotllbfll that BIl. hablDII'1 ely.el1li7 woolc! DOt dare the boat wIth Too, until baa been forced to ma1T7 Brown. Urtah woUl4 glad· abandooe4 hi. w,fe forever. makIn, hla piau, bad toreaeeo It th~ 111ft wlul much oppoal· tson from TlmDibel. the womaJI, un· dar hie thretlt.. eouId bendle ber. At II.I.De o'eloet they IUrt~ for ItIlaea, tJrtaJa earrytn. I amall black bll& ahd to .hJ8 poeIIet 1111 ....olver. ' 1'IIe7 entered Pendllha"ft!ll place throQl!a the 'Bemc."l pt., and, wben pa-.cJ the tva..e. tile man DOtked ",ttl ..Ustaetlon thatlW81nald's automobO. wa.a standlna ready for _ Qoee to the mansion, be placed lila wUe out of IItgbt under a roee boah. ' ''I'm '1OIn' 10 and get Ed," lie a;pll1ned. .. Twas a promIse I 111'1 the 11111, abe covld eee yon alooe Orat. :JUlt Itt bere 'ttl I come bllck. Too ~OD't want to see Pendlollaven. ebr fCdlth ebuclderet! aod Ibrank baclr:. "No. I 'don'lo" lIhe wblspereO. "1 'nit WaJIt to wt to the baby a min· ute. J want ber to t'orgl,'e me betllre we CO awa,. We been cu.ssed mean to that kId, 'UrihtJ.,.. Devon made a grunting usenl, left Jl)dlth altttng behInd the rose buah aJld eUpped np the steps ot the boWIe. ... little whUe before, ReggIe Brown. ",ell lUted up lin brandy. hlld detlCeDd· e4 110 the library to wllit tor Devon. It be hsdn't ba4 th1s thlnr on. ana tile lmpdrtance of It hlldn't weighed on 111m aU the lon, aa" he'd h bve gone to bed, hla head II ched 80, but bla aeW'e to capt~ Tony De,;oo 'kept tbe tu_ ot' .'cohol from complotel, ~ tuddllor bls bntln •. Ins ide Ole Ubrary. II. etood ''''aylng near tbe door. tap. pin, bla pocket tPtlm Ume to time to make lUre be Willi arm.ed. Then be *=bled a cree. Ille l4fom. .threw Mm·
"So wlll I.... ecboed Mn. 0Urtt1l. "It's almost time for to go down. Isn 't It? 1 bope that maJI' won't al. appoint u.s." "Don't fear about that,.. sneered Kathnln e. "He'. even more huxloua than we ar~. So', Reglle. but I aon't envy you teIlln, Tony her mother', alive." "J thlok you mlgbt do It," com· ,plalned Mrs. Curtlli wIth a . nlm •. MAlI tbe anxiety ana worry of thIs tiline fallen on ~'d." b aa ~ .u ~ "That·s because you're 110 ~I ev.r, my sweet." retorted Kath('r1n e. "arc,ul· tieally. "Oh, go on aown nnd 4on't act all If l'0ll were afraid of your (M'n •abadow. SIl". nee. wall drunk 8.11 anytJtlng at dlnDer." "DlsgustlollY 60 ." alrhera the motll· er liS she went out. "( bope to the hlrb hea,'OIls be'll straIghten up 110m. FIrst Mrs. Curtls stole 110"'0 to tile library. There she founa Urlab De· von•• tendlag with hla hlltla hla haad, and. 811 be 8i'W ber, he mil de a Jl'1n· nlng bow. "Where'a Rege ' " he aeked eaJeI1,. .. Up.ta l.... J think." ~plled aLra.. CUrti. In a loW' volee. "lie'. had too mn ~h to drlok. DId ,00 brl.Ji~)'OW' wlt'er ' "Yep: ahe" oOUlae," w.. tile OlaD'S aJUlwer. "And the kId' Doea lIle know Ede·. aUlI In til. land of the IIvln'," "Ne, bot ru tell bel' DO~." returued Kra. 0urtI1 desperatel,. Harr. the !lv. tbouu nd , dollara.." ~. throat a roll .of bl.ut notea Into hla banll Mnl Mod Tony riCht down," euded the WOIDaJI aall abe Wellt IW1Wy oul Urlab lIaDced about 'the I'0OIII In anUclpation. Be IDtended not oal, to take Ton, wIth blm, bot ev.e ry· thIng else of value he could la, bls banda on. Ed ltll had of len deaerlblld thl! Vb1uablea kept In a wall-llBfe In tbli very room. M.... Curtis baa no more thhn c1osc(1 the door before. revolver In hand , he began 1'1111 tleareh. An exclumo tlon ot dellgbt almoet et\. C8Ped his lips when he discOvered tile wHoor wall unlocked. He · grinned at tile cllrelessnesa ot' the rich 811 he flung Into tI,e black bag tbe b~e11 ot )ewelry, completely strlpplnr the sate of Its contents. He dltln·t take tlme to look oyer bls haul I That woold come h.ter. All through the any Tonnlbel Devon bad told ber Joy over and over to be... tlelt. Now. almosl reudy to retire. she Wal! !!Itung rell~ lng Ibe Bible. It seemed most APpropriate that on thl. night she should IIlng with the Poet the P8IIIms of ThankstPvln" A kn ock nt Ihe door caused bft. cl0ge the bOClk and put It 00 the tao . ble before she clllIed : "Come to.. At Ole sight of M.... Curtill abe I'OIe to her teet 8tortled. "I've goc'xt new. tor 'all. cbllcl," cboked the woman. apd Tony W\!Dt forward en~rly. "Wbllt?" she deroanaed, "Ill Pbll. Ip-" "Now don't get nervoulI, my dear,M came I~ qulverlog interruption. "But -bll' "011 ~' .. r" not correctly Inform.
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C IgareHe No clg_rette ha. . . . . .ame delicious
. Lu k avor.. c Y Strike. aecause Lucky Strike I. the __ -.a.-~ clg_---
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Quality does tell! Measured by covering c~· pacity and length of wear, one gallon of Hanna s Grcl!n Seal Paint proves itself cqullllo two gallons of so·called "cheup" paint. A nd t h ere'~ a reason: Vi7..,- IlO paint can be better than the ingredients thut go into it.
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f1lsln n, Dnctll r J ohn f ur el'd M rs. C ur· II~ InlO h ('\tolr whl'n s ite t r ied to filnsr h" """ 1t Into his onns.. With e" e ry OTll'
De8I mean,'"
. It T~k ...". Effort en the Man'. Part , iNet to Shove Her Away
l'\o t nnoth er wClrll wns utter!'!1 by Ihll l . llpflt I:roup of peopl e IIn lll a rl('r th •• t W I) .lnr lors e nl ere,l the IIbrury.
The Stynfllcr coal fo r lit,' I,l l!' I, t 10 her wardru tJ" .•~ thoc •. in Ih ie dar. 0 / mOlor c: .. , .11,,1 ... ening rldee. 'Swt'el cnoll f! h III ut" is daddy' . >trdin Wlt t'lI IllS "auli/ul litt1r mi ss pr ts ' '' ' nl I"'r , ~ coat. It is of nalu ra l 1"'"I-: " C • • double. hearl ed and s morkc.1 '1hI: ,tylish tai lored hnl . mnd e of blar k d,inky braid, is fac ed w ilh Slr aw 01 anothn color. ROlh ha l a nd <"a l lOre advanced show iut:s as " ',',, al the BUlh N Y It.'l'erminaJ Sales IJldg. i n ew or "!!''!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!~
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lmt 1'ony tnl1<1og at once, nelthnr
he lIl' r hl ~ \)rolhl'r could und ~ rs t RtJa II,,· ILI!'11It lug or the sc em lngly lIetld "Mummy," Said the Gi rl. "Oh . Godl 11111 n on I he fi oo r. You've Killed H lml" "W ill )'ou all keep s till. all of you'" Dc ,·,m oleo! 11.· ""n ~ ! " kl1l r,' U,e 8ho\l tl'l1 ... nrto r J ohn. In his \)omlln tic "Fi rs t. Pu ul. lot's Bee about (ul u n- 11( . 1l1nltl'r. Shl!ll i lt · r l ll~. l ll' \'nll'e. ~h'I\I' bb (' k. rnHI.I,,·<I III Ih,' h" nd " t Ihl . fellow here." Ih e d l\' ull 11 11 <1 r,·11I11I,,, ·d llhS4l l u l~l y " TrllI l ' sh ot him, tf you WAnt to Qui e t, know. " MM!. Curtis dnred to flint: out. 'l" IJl ~' s lru ggle, l t o) h"r f.·.. r. s III r NI In "'ol'lor 1'''111 gAve her slIch an awt'ul wild ama:Wlll t' lIt UI IH' r 1'" l.h(' r, Ih'n look t.hot site quailed ben('ath It "Il l" s not delld.- h r Raid ntter 8 at her moth er, who W!l S " (II I1 ,Ilng ri g. Itll y slle(!C"I ..~.I. the revolv er Ilnnglog hn. ly pxnrnlnllllon ot Urlnh, IIn.1 on e from hl'r fi nj;cl'll. dry. Il'llrless 80b burst fr.om Tony De. "MulUmy." cried U... ~>1r1. "Oh. Go(11 von. You've kill ed 'hllll. E,\l o du rll ng '" "You might all well own up the t ill Ih e WO Il1n n <lli.ln·t BUY n \\' orl1. wh olp thln Jt uow . miss." crlpc\ Mrs. 8he unly 1'11 7.(,,1 lit II", ",Wll ker UII' Crtrrl s. ntll'r th e wounded mlln had 6l't!ln g ly. TUllY 611 11 1" I.,·.1 I Ito gun Iwe n corrl pd out \)y Ihe doctors and trulD ltl'r hlt "'1. I' hll ip. "It'lI be \)elter t or yOU 10 thl! ' nu." "Ed Ie." s he gronnl', l. " ~llI mmy . 'r " ny "hln't r eply. nor dId sh e look 8w ('.H . 1:0 rl j: ltt nWI1),. h .. rnrf' nny one COllieS. You·,·o klll ,...1 ri ll h. Go nl Ihl' s[",nker. n c r ntlntl wns foll ow· Ilw Iw r mo th er " ' ong th e bo ul evard • aw ny, J,!O own}" . 1 say." She I(l'Il s petl ~Ir~. 1)«\,on'8 (lrlll nn d yrs. evcn down tho lone ly t orest TJO lh to Ihe Dlrly Mllry. Through hoI' InnhurrlNI h I' IO wn rll Ih e Ilo rch II(lor. " HUll." his,,'," t hI! girl. "(;<!( 1'lIclt ~I I'{I Ihou ~ hl ll ",ent the qu e. 1I011. If Urlllh wa sn·t he r tuthe r, who was' t o lh ~ b Oht qu ick . n UlI't ('\"l'r ~ny n wor d ( 0 nil .'" (H\(,." '1'111'11 T Ull Y Rp l ,.1 Il ow she dreod .. d to fu ce Ductor Paul th e li ll ie hlllrlc h ug ~h ... tl S"PII so "t· wit h hI. Inllnlte klntln ess. un .1 the np· t II on Ih o 1I 1rl \' Mn ry. I' '''k llt !! It p,,"1 sh e kn e w he wou ld OlJ\ke. NO\'cr
~ about your m otller. aOWDstalrs." A violent emoUon overtook O.e girl. Bhe knew then ab. bad never renlly believed wbat 'Uriah told her. MAl) molher I" lIbe breathed, her .,ea deepenln, In color. "lily d en r Uttta mother lOb. let me go to ber I" "Sb.·. In tile Ilbrary. This Is Ii haWJ dal' tor you. my dear-for-all up ",'h ,' 1hr1J Nt lOt tllto 11I'r I flutl,, ' r 'R h u(nrt' hod ho St') ''''meot] so d ear: never of UL 11ou'd better cirellI!, bo dn' t hnnd ,,·. "11f' re I 'l'n1<1' IIII ~ . W O. Oh. hlid Philip Aln cCouley bet'[J so fll r own y ns at this mlnutel ' mil IUllt)' ; kiss III '. ki ss IItt'! " TCinolbel bado't .veD heard the lo st AI Il'nglh she IIfl ed her hend Rnd :-ihe nltng h f' r~"l t UP"" the womon worda. 811e eel! aown tile BlaIrs IlDd fmlli len ily. kl ~sc.1 I h ~ flll il lti. hIl PIIS' r('s ted her trou\)led eyes on lIIrs. Cur· ..ato ~ IIbrar", pe.otlng f or brenth. sl ve fnr"('o 1IJ!ll l n Illll' llJ.!lll n 'HHt tllI 'n tIs. Her CIlp elf bappln \llls was tull to u.o sllo\'('(1 E. lIlli o nt up on the dnrl, p(lr~l l. "P11'05e don' t tell my father. I meftn brim.- now that Ed'l th had como bbCk It wn , whll c T ony's whole II IIl'I1 Jl l111 Doc tor Pau l, IIbout your IJllylnr ml to 1Ier. She bltlled. closed the door II'II S CClnl erl'll o n hl'r heln\'('(1 t hflt H(';:' mothe r ·'·ns hl're." ebe Ulllllned. lUIlI ran Into tile room. [nlliel Drown sell",11 the opportunit y 111M!. Cnrtlll conshlered the reQueet "Jildle, mumm, dear I" Bbe <:till ed to s nr.nk swnlt lll ly tront tb e "'t.lIt. Qu ick ly. ::relY, 80 oven:oma sbe could not 'I.'lt o n(,rI' OD!: W OIt"1I In th ,' It ()Jlr r "Pcrhnps Utili would be besl." sh. Ie her volea. • pnrt ot UIC bous e h nt! not I'X I tl'~ h,d oUBwered. " 1 re ally thought s he was. '!boo Uriah Devna stepped tro* be- 10 I,,'n r th e pl e rcl lt g ~r " nm Ut"t crune 01' I wouldn't htl ve lold )'ou so. It hIM the grat&-ecr1!en and camo to- to Ul elr cnrs nlttl. itS It w us r 'r ·'.l (' ri 1IIII:h l \)rlng trou\)le to ber. Ilnd tbat WVd ber. . mo r~ Ihnn o~ ce wllh . tl ch Ic rrl hl' In· woultf bo dreadful tor ad Innoceol per"Dadd,," (ll'Ie4 the II1rl. ''where'll sIHIC'nCt' . Mrs. C u rll s. f oll owed lty son." ' IIlUtnlll,' Wbere'. m,,' motllerr ' Kalh erln e. tlp,l d own the s ln lN'. Urrrtor Puu l wt'n t tllre<-lIy to TODY. 'Uriah dropped the bar and laid the T ony IU;,tnnJ th(' tII eD w l ll g-, nnl'1 8 wh l' n. fullow t!d by Ills brother .,nll ....olv.r 011 II.' chaIr. Be had nl!'Vor lurglng 10\' 0 for Iwr lQ othe r h rotl JC(llI T'I.IIII). he elllJle hu c k 101 0 the rooUl . _n loch a vtelon loveliness. 'l'1I0 a r ..wllltloll tlllll· horn trom th ~ IOyu l U " tried 10 dn.\\, her to her feet. mauea of dark CIlrla flong over Ule youn g hcnrt. Sit e WO R RIIIII IlIng uI'c r ''1'11 r Ulh er sloy hN!!, pleas",," IIhe &ma, dreulng·gown, tho smu ll, bare tltc prostrute 1O rloll wit n Sumh (' lIr. ~n l.l . ",Ith nut louk Ing up. /Ultles peeplna trom tbe IIOtt blue slip.. Us lind h llr dltlll l,(hlOr rush" lI mll ,ll)" In. "\\"ho WII8 In tlt ~ room wh!!O tbe pera Bent an u,\bolY aulro for pas· "I shol my rllih er." glt" p cd T onn l"cl, . mo n w ~ s s hot ?" usked Doctor John. .eusoa over blm. Whut a fool he hud Io.okln.l:.-Jlt Mrs. C urtis. her I\JI ~c rs Sill ring fit Mrs . Curtis anll bel' daugh. been to promllile ber to a fe llow Ilko locked ti ghtly over tho h'lnll le Cl r Ule I ·r. ~ Res1nald Brown I !"C\P ul \1er. "Ju ~ t Tonnlhel. 118 tar 88 1 can nnd "Ton,." be faltered hMMleIl'. "I've "'Vlle re's you r molher?" cnme from (lu t," Surnh hl lswere c.l "I-l eaven knows been a dOli to you nil tIleso years.. Mrs. CurU S' lips. lhnl Kfll hle un,l I don't wRu t to be I've come to tell you I love you. kid. Tonnlhcl dldn't nn swer for a min· IIIlxed Ul> In slI ch II Ihln g as thls. It's more'n anybody In 111] the world." utc. th en she s hook her hl'nd. pc rfN11y dl s grn'· crul." Tonnlbel dOdged bls outstre tched "Sh e hlt sn't Iwen he ro !" Hit" . ",nl· n go ups ln lrs." shot bock Doc,Uml and !lamea at anger leupt Into lowed hord alltl ·cunllntl prl : " ·Twl.1J tor"The J ohn. ber eyes at his word .. my fll ther. nnd-n ntl I shot hIm: ' 1./)1.1 h not to wllness the \,anqulsh· WBut my mother." sho ol[clulmed, Knlh erlne took n long brplllh ot I'x· Inl: ot t111:lr enemy. Ihtl two women tryIng not to cry out. cltoment. trnl lell out rpluclnntly. . "Never mlJld ber. Tony. never mInd "Don't you lmow you'll be nrrc' sted. Tn spite at '1'ony's re8lstancc. DocIIny one," ' commanded Uriah. "The you w icked gI:rI?" shc C!jneulnted.· tor l' ~u l pl a ced hIli hTlll nhout her. tact Ie. I Illo't your dadtly at all. I'm "Anti el[ecut ed I" 11lIl' rllos,"'.1 Mrs. "('lIn' l ~' Oll lell your tillhe r about It, Dot any relation to you-" Cur!ls . "Ka th e rIn e, cn!' Ute Itoll~ . " rlc'IIr ?" he pll'n,I",!. "How clltl you hnp· Then he SDhtched nt her ond. a9 AM KIltbc rlne mUl1c l or th e tc l ~ f"'" to htl " 0 the gun 10 your hauds, Ibe tried to ftee from hIm, caught her phClne. II molo:r cnr dri vIng ti ll to the olHl whn t d id he do?" In bls arms. One long cry le tt her hou se stn)'cd hC1' L'Ctl On. He r hnnd " I Jus t ~ hOI him." sIghed Tony. Upe lind Edith De von heard It plnlnly dropp pd fr om the receiver whon I'hll- r1u ll y, Ril e WO R t oo exhuus ted to sny out tbere under the rose bush. .How Ip MacCau"!y camo I". For a mom ent uny lh lng more. Wltot wos t.here to man, tlmeo! she hod tied t o an appool he dIdn 't see D evon. WIUI n Qui ck. l·xpit.1n. otte r nil? The only sure way like that from the same lipS I In an· Ilasblng gl once. he noti ced how pnllld 10 s uvo Edith wos to loslst she. ber· other moment she was In 'the room be- anll c1 entltllke h Is Tony wa s. sci!, bnd fired Ibe sbot · t.ore Uffalt's red month hod louched "Wllat hllve you two been soylng te A slr onge. strllll gllng s ound ~nm e Tony'. face. Tho girl S IlW he r bud her ?" he demand ed In ,Icollen ln g trom Cnplnln MllcCuuley. Then be aere/uDod : tonell. "I stl!lpocted somot.hlng like blurted oul: "Mummy I Mummy dnrllng I Motll· this. and-anti got away as soon as I ·"1'ony. dnrllng. plMSO don't sIt there II' dearest I ~l.'llke me a woy-" could. • • . Darling girl, don't look th a t ..'ny. 'I.·ell us IIhout It. Do. dear. ' Tlte warde were stronl..Jed 10 ber .it m e lik e tha.t." Oh. don' t YOII kllow how mucb we all throat. for Devon was for cing her aIrs. Curtis w.os tull, herselt now. lov" ,'ClII?" beaa backward wtth hIs strong fin· "The wIcked gi rl has RlIot hpr own Old Rhe know? Ah. yes ond morel cera. tillh e r." she told Cnplaln MncCaul ey. n e r own rl e\'o tl on to him w'ns almost . Edlth'lI eyes caught s ight ot the rc- milking on effort to keep the su ll s. r"" d ll!: lhl' Iruth tram between her yolver whore her husblJHI hu~ plOl'l'd tllctlon out of he r voice. "'I.·herll he chll tt erlng Itw lh. SIH! glollcml at him. It I.n a t winkling sho ho d It In her Is. !len d on the 1I00r I" ond tht'n. Ecll Ot , pale. beseeching IIna bands. Llfllng It, she mn townrd the Then Phillp SIlW [)c>von . In horrl· \\'0 n. cn me h,·t'feen her tuce and hiB. IItruggllng polr. fi ed aUlnzemell t a nd dlsbellef hJs gaze "'l'here 1 ~I1' t onythlng more to , tell, ''Take your hands offen T onn lllel, come bliCk to Tonnlhel. PhiliP." Rhe chok ed hopelessly. "1 IIUp.. Urlob," s he hissed. "You dirty. lying "nQ~H n lL" he sold. and he weot pose I'll he nrre~te d. It he tile&-" dog. You fool ed me good. you wh elp I Shl' burst Inlo brakeD aobs and Drop 'cr, J 8a y. UrIah Devon." ~~'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!!~~'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!~~ - cronched lower. At the other end of the room II tall "H e's nol going to dIe." Paul ·told boy I\r08O out or the shaaows: Tony's h(!r softly. "Be only h08 0 slight s~nlp Rcreams had aroused Reglm.1d Brown. wound . So put thllt worry out ot your Be IJlOod s .... llylog. rubbing his heu d, hel,a. • • • Tony, don't you love me tryIn g t o romember whE're he W1\8. nny more?" "I'm dCln e with you. Ed .. " he hcnrd I,ove hIm I Th o agony In Ids voIce Dev Oll utt er. "l'm done wltll you tor. mad e her fling her arm. BrouD(J blm. ever. Tony'. mIne. I' ve Just told '01' and she ~Iuog to him IIblverlng. en· 1 was n't her daddy. I was a tool to trea llng him to forgive bel'. not to 1Ih'Y Rel{gje Brown coold hllve 'er. Ue cease loving her, for she'd dIe It be cao't: ('11 hn ve 'er mysdf." did. "Put 'e r down," rrrilte d E~ltb un"Child c.1oor," he mormur~. run· der her brl.'lIlh. nlng hl8 tlnl(e rs over her curll!, "yon'l'8 AI mORt IIteless. Tony was Itlln glng going to steady 'Y ourself now lind teU trom UrlkJl's arm whl"!l lIuddfonly your father ,ust what bappened I 'Now. throul(h Ute room a pletol shot begin I" IOUlld l!d. He had not finished wben hl~ eyes The moment bl. gun harked,Reg· cnoght sight of the Bafe. He IItared Inllid. now BOber, 8BW Uriah Devon III Its opon door, Bod Doctor .John'lI throw up hla arm. anti crumple In a gAZe foll owed hla. Then the latter beap 00 tile noor. Be Nnw. too. Iho strOdA acrosa the rooio. and for a loog girl 8taggf'r forward and sink down. moment oeered Into tbe openlog. He bad comllllttl!\l morder. perhAps, .:;;:-- (Continued DD pap II and, for an awful moment, he ImU&lncd to. wa. trttln.. m.". A llCrenm rose
"GO ,"'
contains only highest grade ingredients., universall y recognized as necessary in ~naklng good paint. If a paint is sold at a ridI culou sly low price it.slmply means that 1t \.a lacklng(n these neeesHary ingredients and contuins cheap adulterants. Th e exact formula is printed on every package of Green Seal. Sold by
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, O. ..
Better Than Trap' For Rata
Writ •• Ad ... _ Dn'l Co.. T . .... worir lHl d ll 'd ra t uo\Jul:.k. r.s ar t .. Lot)· ,La pop VII" he • • wve." 'l'ry " 011 yo\U rau itA T·SN AP Ie . ··muot.' batk tl )(uC\ra n l4h-d
Th~y ... y: " ·RAT·S N II P t. doi.,.tM
lI u re " tll.r . ColOr. r . aLly tor UN : Dum ''' Inll wilh o t har f~ JI . c."bI .rld du~ w o n t LOu C' h It. natA. (jry up aoo l ~\"o no . mvW Thre~ .hb.: sSe ' c. r one r'().)'m; 6tc- tor hl) ute or cb .C'\( tr. y. rd : .sl.~~ f o, b!inH6 amJ f'\1: t b\l ili:li u ~ . Sl.u , )c illl.,... ,""Il ,l o-h) .
People witti Poor Appetite, Bad C.omplexionll and " Spring Fever" Net!d a Ulo04 Tonic
" " - - livld .. d C.;u_..d
~ ---
F. JANN EY, Wllym:svlll~,. Ohio
Rich Red Ulood - Ronew8 Vitality and Increascli Body'. Itellilltance to Dise.ile
" prillg iM tho 'tlulil wh en g iJud a loud i8 110 V15 .. 1 t v h e" I ~II . JI yuu ,10 not fee l Lhll tbrlll v i ~lIrlDg 10 y o ur bloud. If y ou t .. k ll uo 1l101.. 01 ll tn hYlIIlC. If yoor IIPPOltt,tI 18 p vur, uumplllXIOO 1)1\1111.1 lir llluduy. !Iud yoo lire 61t811y, yon 0 110 U~ pre ~, y 8u.e yoor bloo(\ 18 not Oil .'u t~e tnarAt tlu WIlUY ttllll ,bilL wily 10 . i.o t:! pr iog, )!;.pIIOtlllly bau90wlv"s .vbo have 80 IIlIlOh work to du [,hilY gilt uVt.r.Llrtlll 'tllU I ull .d uwuGhOlr bl l)otJ UeOOIJ.". W"lIlt lint.! LIlIn Build up yuur lJlIlllLb n uw by t .. k· lUll till! t ~l! l u nd l d tl VrlDg bIO\lt! tOOlO. ';UQII·S p",)t u M.. n gau 15 WIll glv" vlL .. 1 p o wor Lu I,be r ed OU q.ID dO Jd~ In yuur blooo. 'I buy wtll gu rDolug Lln uugb your u luud. clH rYlllg lrtlllh Rupplles ut u x y I:lln tu all thll tillY 06 118 . I t will he ll' Iml'r<JvlI yuur oo lor and y uur IIPJ.wLlt6 . You'll r.. ke tJlure iuLtlrlldt III lUtUgllllU tJ e u· J,)y IItd U1 0 rl~. Yuu WIll .. to p j(ololC . r u uud with 'h"t Ured. ..1I.guoe r "e llng. Pby"loiRos blne presorl bedGude ' 8 Peptu. M'ln",lln tor tb lny yeare. You OIOD SOl " I" yoor drtllu;l"t 's In eUber Lllllle ' or liquId form. 'l'oIUl wblobever you pr"cer. 'l'bey hllV u tbe BlAme wtldlol Ulf1 v"lue. J,2el lbo
General Repair Shop Ed. C. Woollard, Main & !outh SIS
auJ rvlduoJ LJY U. d. \)ov.rumou,
" ' .30
' \ tJlUluitou No (l or 1 (bliuLl) .. . ... . . UUJWU" LO U !'tu . 1", Vii. J ,c \Jlur r lbtJ o u , . 0. \lV U UUt)fw4JC)(J.NU t . oue-culur rlLu'K.lu .. •
I~ .UU
v l.•uc.rWUW it ~'wLor r ib, IJ~M. ~IH'CUI' . 03. U 1. UUD-oolor 'iDUoIl ... . , .. . 31),uU
U,,) '.l ~LJ . 1(o )'_l !\ u . uu".r No. Ull vor .No.
!I . :I-vulO r tUJlJo~ • .. .•• ... , :S o " l ~ . IJU Uh v"r No.6 .•. U . . SD f,JU MUU.n:'l 1& I . .sWH h- ".~uur I u, WuoL.)',* l\-\t )' . l"\JuuUl vuIu".o ~
L,' () UUIUUU .... 1
.1. 0 Y
;U. 6 U 4 1. DU IUi.O U
for l!.tug nan1 alUt\' tCt,l, tillLoltll..cLluu ~y...aa'<uttU or 1)un:llUl' 1Jnt.~ reluudOO . W 1I&1.;U IlIA wlll )'u u "ave, lar"., ur _wall. OntOh nlltiu---
J'ruu,p U, . aULJ UO.LU1, &D1 co lo r vr color-. fur kU)' Wk "'U 01 M lu :hlue. t;l(& . 1 !M: u"lI vuruu. bl. .. "U tuako lUllS DluUtll. UulHlu p a l)t)f I)CIr bOa. of
IUO a"",,,. ".~~ dwvurocJ. Empire Type "oundry,
Buffalo, N,V
01.asiBad Ada All ad . in Lhis colunlll ill a sure· ..Ie
geDulue . -Adv6nlJ~ement.
ONEY Tv LO .• N ON M'ARMt:I ttot 6% IDIII '· ".~ tvr Ii '0 lU yelltll. '. 1.",ell & 'l 'tlrleJl, lUttol tt;M. I."'" !lod LOI\1l8, WlItnmg&UU, OhiO. 1'buulI <tUl . wlll·sr
L UIIDlld o n . live .'0011, OhIHt.elfl. IIIIIU III!O\lnt! mou"lIl1ll11. 1'1 "'lid bu ogM . ,J "itu ti"rblDtI, AllIIn HUlldlUIl. X e nia UUIU. 6.'.i1
. WANTED ¥ - , '1'01l1l Tlmoth, lind 3 TODI H A.Ulover; flrd 01"1111 h.y. IDqDue
Everett Early
lOt W. ii, MorgaD, ~. O . ii, WaYOIlI. Ville, Ohio. WI"
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains and Self-Feeders.
on ltalo l&ree&. jl'lIt 4 ROOMS newl, Iuqllire 10$ p"per~.
,er'lI WaYDe Mlulte'.
Hay, Straw and Feed. Feed GI;inding a Specialty. =
Tug No. 148GO, "-
'wll8n i'erry aDa dpnDK fUll. ~'ran. Roddoolt,R, 0, 1, VlarknUI., Oblo. m•
H.lnooa', bet weeD W.yo6n1lle A and tI&ok,.' d."l f.rm . i'luder
0,,1t O. U. tille.waD; phooll la-Ir, WaYDesvllle.Olllo. all7
Lytle Feed Mill F Lytle, Ohio Telephone 16, rln, 3
RON 'I' Curt",ID for Bulak .u&o. be~W.,eD Wayu88bllle aDd 0.0•• ' u's Oree& ohuroh. M'lndn pleue uo,Hy J. M. <';OU&, R. D. 2, WaYD8I. vllIlI, OhiO. 1127
FOR SALE Y tlOB8E, oomlDlI1) year. old: 18A weigh .. lOOU. Jnqulr6 01 On ..
!i' urnall, R. D. ', W",)InllsvjUe, O~io.
H .MIuc1 allY.
hll'ls of eXIra «004 Inquire 01 Rooald-
8 .. ",kll. R. 0."1, WaYllMVIIl.,;Oblo.
... hel. of BaDd.lOt&eG 1'0'00• . 1ICOl'll. IDqulre ol ·o..Itr
Robe....OD, OreloDla,
l'=:::'~~=::U;: aI'l D~t
W.,......... 0Jd~
. .,
GAZE TTE ••.• '.
tot.red 10< l he I' I lOme. lot W01n • • vlll . Oh Io • •• " 'I""d l'ltl" Alu ll t lc" - ,
uLli ~ lil'r. \\ a y nlS\ illl" O hio
D. L. CI·· ANI-:, Editor and
Sultscrint ion Price, $1.50 per Y.enr 1' ''' I ~ I'' fI I\d " t'rti:ilul: H. I H .~",. .. 1I11 11 ' ,' '111 1. ,\MEIII i\ ~ I 'I< I·.S S ~f\"r 'I,\ 1'1< IN
------i _
Our Calendar
SIll Itn 1Ut
J 4
I ! 6 7 6 9
TIll fn
10 il 12 IJ 14 IS lo 17 l8 l.9 20 21 2! 2'J-' !4 !5 26 27 28 29 JO April April April April April A pril April
I - All Fool's OilY ~u nday
3- Low
IO-- ~d Sunday IIfler EQ!\t e r
17 - 3rd Su nday after Su nday 21 - Arbor LlHY ~3 - .J ewi ~ h PassIJver 24 - 4th Sur.dav after taster
Sheltering Pines By GRACE MILLER WHITE _ : 11 n: =mu~:~~~ ~~m~:g< lb. II. K. I'IY Oompaay.
"n'R.mptYI "Evl'rytblng'8 gone." ne muttered. turning s lowly, and I'bilip tlCllIlmed: "'I'hllt's wh, Rhp 8hot him . Jaa. He WIl8 Itl'allnlrl Tony dorllng," and th e Bpeaker went down beside the gtrl, "Too" did you ftnd you r flltJw r here?W "T dldn'l BI'i' hllll lak e nnyllilng, Philip," ~he Rollbl'd hltterly. Her eyes ' ",ere looking at him, bul their expre&alon told blm Ihey dleln't see him .., all. Another probl em Wfi S tomlentlng h ~r. Bpr misery "'08 beIng Bdded to ""
fmn,. tl en,t
Plll il p to hn,·.. thl! L11l1t he spuk e hurs hl y to her. "'1'ony, you know wh ere thOlle j ~wels Bre," suld he. '~'e ll us lostantly I" Then be Iljll('ulotatl: "That muo hM. th em upslalre." He wus out of the room 10 8 tlo sh, nn" an Rwful silence settl ed over lhe thr ..~ until he WUK with Ihem oguin. "Be hll811't gOI them," he fnl ter",". wI sellrchL>d every lIock et In hi s "loth(·8. Bllt I found thllf wnd of money. There must be thOuBfinds III It I"
ne '(InsBed tho mon ey to Dor lor .John. "It W88n't In the anfe." snl!'l th e Intter, th oughtfully , s lipping It Int o tho toblt! drawer. 1I1 ~ wo .. <l s s tru ck . new t .. rror to TOllulbel. Edith 1111(1 robhed the slIf... th ou, y,;d lth who ne\'l' r s tole lIn l r~9 she WtlB for<>ed to It. The 8111111<1er8 UIII t ron over hpr brollght 0 f l!l:llllg ot rl}bellioll to Paul PI!lldlehu \'P n. Philip groaned nnll b"goo to speak, but the doctor wav cr! him to s llenfe. "Tony," ho sold stemly. "th ere's 'Rolllethlnl: b('nentll oil Ih ls. 80rnelhh,!; you lIlu&1 tell lUe. Uo you kn ow wIler ' Ihe Ihhlb'll wellt thut were III the Hllfe ?" 1'0 (I (,IIY It would h" Ihe ~u m e as 11'11 . Ing thot 0 third persoll lI a<l I"!!.'II tll cr". To oornlt It would tllr vcr pln ee her b'!yollrl th e pole ot his loyf'. Y ~ t th,',." wos ~;llllb -and Uriah. whom she ho d sworn to prOI eel. "Yes, I kllow," she whls porel!. "Of cours p, I know," 8 1 l(~ rCI)t!'llt eti loude r. "You'll tell me, " IH!J;1,;crl I'hll lp,
A NDti Romanc. of 1M Storm CO"",."
~rIab' l>y
hoarsely. "Gren! H"n",,"s. child. cun 't you sec how Rwfu l It lonks tor vou?" "Yes," WII S nil sh(' slIld . IlII~ c ru~ l y . Doctor J oho WIl S wfl lldcrln g oll1ll ""sIy ' abou t the roo m. '1'he Illy etry Ih nt hnd hllllg over Tnn y ne" oll. t!\'er olnce she hlld been wllh thNU wos d(' eper than e'\'er. He felt like shnkln g lhe truth from h(Or. for the ~ 11:'1l! of hiS horror-s trl cl(('n Itroth er till .." him with rolfe whleb (lid for tile (IIIIIneot ollllt e", ate th e pnst tll'O Yt'1l rs In whi ch ih e girl hnd been U, O one bright spot 10 the ir h nm~. . ''Then If ,you know , Tnny," Doctor Joho ejll l'ulllt ed, '~J1I 8 t ou t wl UI IL You'/' fllth er e v ld~lIl1y dldo't toke th elD-" "I did," Interrupted (1'ony. "'Wbll t tor'" 11'88 his bitter retort. "!'y br(' th 'r gU\' C you p e rU1l s ~ I Otl 10 \\'cllr th em wh enever. you ,,"!lnt erl to I" Ton y cuuld,, '1 onsll'cr. , he WU B becoming h (lp\!l e~~ ly . enIOnl;le(l. 1II0re 80 with eve ry word she uttered. "God, I'd rlllh ~ r hllY gl""" them all to you," muul'lI ~d Docror Paul. "I Intencl\!d to, anyhow." "It yOll r fllth ej.:dll's, Tonnlbel," Rnld Doctor J I) IIIl, sll'rul y. ")' 0 11 ' 11 be nrrested. ~)h. Lord I Who t Urn s ! I" "It's owful," mutt ered Tony. SIUlllltnneoul ..·Ilh her n~ .e rtfon, n egfnn l(l Brown olwned the door ond minced o\'er the thres hold. Perrcclly c rtaln now that UriAh IIl1d but 1\ tempornr)' wOllnd. lind thllt tor th e love they bore TOllnlb!'1 Devon, his cOllsloM would bush the run ~t l! r up. hc hnd dt~ termlned to make his pleo openly to the girl. ~ouy," he sn fd . connng forwnrrl "'lth a mngnlln hnous /lwngger, "I'm th e only one 'In . this hOll8e who 100'es you-" "You lie," ftosh ed Philip, liS Doctor John took a ~telJ towo rd bls you ng cousin, but the gi rl's erp ressloo bronght him to a hnlt.. She' wu s looktog lit Reilinoid with eyes thn t secme!) to bllll to 'hill''' hnl ..o ihroul!h him.
la an acute attock ot NaIll) Catnrrh. Those BubJect to frequent "coldll In the bend" will God that the use of HALL'S CATARlJiI' lflllDICJNEl" will build up the System,- cleall86 the Blood and render them lesa liable to colds. !\epeated attack!! of Acute catarrh may lead to ChroniC Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH lI&DICIN1!l 1.11 taken Internally and aets tllrou&h ·tbe Bfood on the Mucous Surtacell lot lUI" System, thul red'lctolf tHe Joftarnwa'tlon alld- 'restdrh\!t nortaal c!ohdltlooii, ).\1 drURlsta. Olrculara tree. 1, Cheney " Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Gamee of Chinese Child ren . Th o ('h 1111''''' h n vo lllll"erOU M,;n mell, mlln." q ull e Hlmllll r to UIOSC I'I II Yoo by AII,,'rl"11 11 dillel,,'n. Ki te fl yill/: nnd hot· rl",lnr e nnel Rhliltl r nde nre populllr. To Chin. or "hJtll n~ the bnll ." Is ploy· ed by s trlklll g th e b o ll to the ground wi th th e Ilnn d li S orr ell os p08s1LIe. Vu rl nll ~ t"rms of bUllllmnn 's but'{, tnh, teh-Io, or wlllppln!! fhe lop, nn(l til pnn, n form of bop scotrh . prove th nt rhlld· hood knows th o "nene I'l nmes In mnllY rOllntrlcs. Punch nn,l Jurf,\' SI, OWR ore very pOfluJo r w ith Cli loe.c chlldreo.
tlTlE Mrs. Cathorlne .Iobne returned t o her bome In Ue.ntervllle, 'rburaday, lifter spending lo"oral .days wl'h Mr. Bnd Mra. Ohne. J ohn8. F rank Woolley allU famlly , of Oay w n, Silent Saturday and Bunday w ith Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Wl1Ua m Brown . Mr. lind Mrs. r.barlea Sberwood, o r Woyn clIViIle. speDt Sunday wltb <': h",le8 Ed wards ti~od falUtly . Mr. anll MrR' John Myer ~, of Day, t Oll, we re wee k ·e lld gue8t8 of Mr. nod Mr~. C"rl Alblright. John Stroop aud Lester Gray, of d llim II f·. were oa llig on Lytle friends :::illturdu y . Mr. Str oop leave., next wee k, f or Meroides, Texas, whurll he will make his home for IIwhile. Dr L G. Brook and Mre. Alloe I.ii t.ben!! wore mal rled. WednOllday c vonl ng , April 20 , at Hamilton, Uhlo , by Rev . J llmes Denoey . 'l'btR 0 1\.,0 n8 a oompleto 8nrprtse to 'belr nlilDY frl8nd~, wbo tbrongh \bts ool umn extend ootljfratnlatlona Mrs. Wtlllum Coleml.n spent !ev. e rn l dnya laat wedl, In Dayton wltb ber friend, Mrs. A. O . Williume Wa lter Kenrlok and foroe are now hollLl ln g two t obaoo" s b eds o n the farm of Henlcle and Bergdall, north of t o wn . Hurold Thao keru, of ~prlngboro , t.o o k t!unday dt un(lr wah Mr. and Mr8. H. M Vlll rk. In tbe aHernoon thov moto r ed to Bellbrook to vlBU Ii t!:le 'ranoea Mar!lball . U len n J ob n s tlp4:mt Saturday Ilnd I:\unday with hll friend, ROlooe Smltb, In Day'on. Mrs. ,J, M . ~tlloy and Mr, and Mr8, A . O. Wlllilims wllre iueate of Mr (md lIra. William Coleman, S,,'ur. day an,1 Sund .. y. Alph" I:>mith traded bl' farm, W811t of tOWll, to ,loleph Relge lapergllr fJ r proI,erty In Dayton and moved hl8 tuU\lly tbere lalt week. Mr and MrR. i:tefgllisporger and two ohlldron mov lld to tbo farm, lae, Wildn esday. Mr. Rnd Mrs . Dnrward Vloe, of nOllr Waynasvllle" IIpant Sunday wlt·b Mr. fLnd Mrll B. T. Vloe and daug hter, Irene. Mrs. Add" Burtlet. stepped In a rllt,oh , a8 abe was wllliling home from Lytle, Wednoaday evenl ug, and re H'.llted lu a "ery palnfalaooldent Th ursday morning sbe Wall $aken to Dayton for Ion X.R"y. "blob ahowed t,hat both bones In her 11mb below the knell "'fere brolr::en and Ipllt a190~ Sbe t8 resting eaele:r at tbl. time. I Mr. and Mr!. J ,a mell Hawke, Clnolnnatl, were w,eek.ond gu~.tI of P. B. Hawke and fllmlly The t ruilla on thEI C. L . & N bave ohonged tlmo to oomply wl&h the ·'Day llght.lavlng law," In ' eft'eot 10 09yton anel Clnolnna\I, AlI ~raln. 00 Ihl e road are operatlDIf UPOD a now "ohedul e, tho tlmo of 'bll 'ralnll being one hour earlier tban before. Mort ,111m one bundred penone I!athored iii the home of Dr. and Mrs, I, (;I Btook, T:llurlldflY aV8DIDg, 10 a grll nd I!erenadle of an"lI, pana. bollI', eto. The orclwd wal InvUed In, and after c ordIll I greetlngll were served to 8 generon8 treal of oake Ilnd o"Ddy. A 11 d eparted wishing 'belli many years of happy V\>edded Ufe. Rev . Duubam. the Dllt. Sapt. , prouohed at Lytle churoh, BUDday afterDoon. Mr. and Mrs . Al bert 8tl.oy, Mr, and Mra . RUIlRell Burne t, KIM.. ReI' and Cleo Staoy Rpen' Suildav with Mr. Rnd Mra. Will Null, near Springboro . Mr. and Mra. C. S. Lamb vl.lted r e lotives 10 Davtou, Sunday . MI~setl Dorothy Coleman and Loue lll~ Longaere WOIII' to OlnolnDatl with their 011\88, 8aturclay .
Common 1'1el\ll Court New Su.itll BellJlIlIl io I\I nt kl08 va ~; ml1lfL Prlcll et III. l!~ \l r rD nH~. uc tio" ot will .
Proc_lIn,a In th o mut,ter of th lll::it.lIt,e of Obl o VII W,U. R. L lIO:!'. Bo nd fix ed ilL tLU(lU III t,1I 0 IlInttot of Ponrl Ph i llips .VB J u bn PhIlIlIIR. Plaintiff IS g ran ted (llvoroe lind on ,H.oti y of oh llLl nntll fur &b er ord or of t.h e oourt. 10 1·llt'I IIltlttor of !frll uklin JOlle~ VA Will . All e n .Ir. at al. ~'ranll Aoaer~ un tHIlppoiute d g uardia n for 8ald mill ors. In t,he IIlllt·tor of the will of Jo. seph flurfil OIl. Will Is adlllit t ed to problltu. Probate Court ProeeedlDP 1n tht'l matter uf tbe estate of W nl L!. Koys , decellsud. Ro~a KIlYH Ie a ppoloted IIdmlu lstratrix, Bond 1160 In t h e mlltt er of tbe eaLde of Wm . MoKendree Myres , d eoen8ecJ. B""y lioesmno 18 IIpPllluted admlnis trll. t nr, Bond IIUOu. a .. rry MoVay, E. C. Morrls un and ,J ohn Benne\t ur o avpolntnd a llpmlsllr8 . In the maltor of th e os t Ite 0 ' ~ebI\8"'lIu Maag ~r., £locollsed . Repars of 8111es I.Pllrovlld .
Attractive Furniture is a prime requ is it e or in t n'~ t i l1 g homes. The pregent greatly' reduced cosL ill furll isbillg U :11011lt" shoul d be ta ke n advantage of by prudent buyers and home lovin g- peopl e.
Dini,ng Room Suites
$179 • 00 8-piece Quee n Ann e $179 •00 Sui te Mahoga ny .. .. ... . .. . 8·p iece Queen Ann e $225 • 00 Suite in Wa lnu t ........... 8- piece Ito lian Ren. $406 •00 S ui te in Mahog nny .... .. ~~I~~~d~no~~~~~ .~u.i.~~.... . $99.00 -piec e Wi ll inm Bnd Mn ry Sui tE' in Ook .. ....
$21. 00 up B utTet s ...... ........ .. .. .. .. . $35.00 up
'fa bies ...... .. .. .... ........
Living Room Suites r~P~~~ ~~r~~~.~~.~.~.~.i.t.~ ........ $169,00
$259.00 $275.00 ~~~~~~. ?~~e..~~.~~~.~.~.~~ . ...... $225.00
a-piece Davenport Suite with loose pillow arms ........ · 3-piece Davenport Suite In high-grade blue Velour ... ..
A Nove l Diet.
Real Ealate Tranfen J ohn 'r . Flaok to A. L. King, pRrt ,f 8ao, I. 'f. :I, R. ll. Wayoe Twp.,11. J uhn r . ~'Illok tIl J. M. J{eY8, part of 8eo'lon I, r.3, R. 6, In Wllyoe rown8hlp, 11 . Myra Brandon .to F rllnk Braodon, part of In-lot No, 272 In LebBoon, II Wm. Williamil to Adam8t: ampbell lot No. 17 .. nd par~ of lot No. 1M in HarveY8burg, 11. ~~C_d"~ . · Jame8 Smith to A. B . Nonla. p"r\ JANN'EY, Waynesville, Ohio of lot No. G io Mto 8011y, 1250. Wm. WIlIla.m8 to Ad"m Campbell, lot No. 17 In Harveysbnrg, 11. . Joaeph Surfaoe $0 WlIlter HUrflloe par' ut Seo. 26 'I 4, H. '. b6tween ~ I!,e MiamI rivera, 11. ' CllIl8 . Wiltal6 to Patrlok Gayuor, lot No 477 /lnd ID-lot No. l!3 1n , MAY M'rrlnkltn, 11.
A correspond"nt seuda na a capital Spoonerism, ol\e thlilt la entirely oew to Ul!. It oppeors that 11 1'0UDir cleromill W08 ternporn rlly filling a ell7 pm. pit ood In his (lruyl~r be aald: "M&7 the brother who mlnlatel'll to tbll aoa l ie tilled full at trlesh veal and DeW zlgor."
M. A.
V~terinarian .~
Both Phones Home H55-8 Bell 4-1r
$129•-00 t~p~~rn~~~~.~~,~~~~~.... "$195.00 4-piece Adams Suite $238•00 in Mahogany............... 4-piece Ivo ry, Suite, Adams Period .......... ....
Cash jf Paid in Sixty Days on Amounts Over $10.00
Carpets Stoves Viclrolas
DR. W. E. FROST VETERIN'A RIAN Vaccination. Speclalfy. Noth. Ing but R.ellable Serum used lIthon.44
Harvey.burK, O.
r Xenia,
...Examined Correctly.•• 1 Glasses Fitted 'AT !(I)OKRATE PRICES
24 North Detroit Street ,
· [~~EYES·
Oplical Department Xenia, Ohio 0J)IIIl ev.nln&,1 by appointment
8. Detroit Se.
20~ and
Ohio 1
Wayne.vUl e. Ohio
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room. TELEPHONID 7
Forest T. Martin . Centerville, Ohio
••• DENTIST•••
Give me your aale • . I can do yeur work reasonable and will guarant~e WaYlle.vUle's Leadlne DeIlUa' _~ om..... to Atiafy you. Oftloe III BainN Bldg, Main S\ ({.&loo" Budo ad••
Bellbrook, Ohio "
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veterinarian OFFICE: Fourlh Street. ncar Tyler Telepho'ne. 93 .
4-11...'1, I17UO; ·Oara._ ... ... ~ ...... wo.
~~~~c~n't>:~~.~~~:...., $1 ·79~OO
Practical Vaccinator, Have had ),(llod l:!IJcces.'1 ill lmmunlng on bot.h sick and well herds.
$91 •50 -I-pieee .Co lo~lal Suite In $158 00 Gum Clrca8Slan walnut •
a-piece Queen Anne Suite, similar to cut ...... '
CommluloDera· ProeNdbap - - -j BII18 allowed: ORnton Culver\ CO.,olllv6rt pll)O, f.2[),110 i Ohio Oor_ rllga.tetl lJulvert .Co. , oulvert plpo, 80 i W. TotteD, haulinlf, lUi i NOTAlty puaLiC Bnrt ~l1pVly Co., qUIIl'erly ren' for lo~, 16 :)6 i The Columbull BlanJ[ Waynesville, Ohio Book Mfg. Cr.,.. blllnke for Probate Judge, 187 ,80 i M. B. O.~ald, bUrial National Ba:nk . of Mllry Wood, ' 1100; Alber; Bar. rouab., labor lI·nd te":m, 110 i W II" 8t8n~ge Co., ' s upp\le~ for Voar. ~_..;.._ _ _ _-._~_ _ _ _... tI'enoar .. plier\ 118.50; The ' W. H , 8$an l'geOo" agrloultu,.I ,bl".DkI,1l0 i :l'b~" W~tern . at • .:, Slll/pl,iS,,' ~n.1l blanb . for ' varlgw, ' (\llloe/l. I'ZS 71t i Z'~lu .ArtJiitllKe, piliog ' ltone, 1200 ; L I Pe~ci4)\. lire on 'mok, ' ", J' If ; M I Co, Sur·,31\.10 ; aael S.1eS and , Stock • labor 00 . 5;eGlalt)' . The Dayton Blae Prln' l ~o , 'rllCllng olo&b. 148.48; Satiaf~o.n G.araateed .\Vorte aDli ' ~I. '00" fot Iradet., I"'UII; P p, malD&tIDaDoe e&O for)( DlO~ IIDIIIIII~I
Bed Room Suites
------~. ~~.~-----
Beaut iful F urniture
Marrl_lre u,,~ We~ l ey t:illafer. flltrn e r, of G eor ge. ITo be ""ntlnu.d.) town , Bnd MI~8 Irooo ..lIley . of Mor. row. Walter GOlllllllloker, huoks ter, of Use our Cla'8slfied Ads for r('sul ts . Rud Lion, lind Miijs Edith MarHhlll1. Floyd 'l'ho0108, ' eu I11~ter, of M"jor, Ky, aud Mlijll Mogglo Mooro, of tinmb I.e bllnon.
"Q,ld in the Head"
APIUL 27.192 1
SPRING ORANCH ' Mr. J oh n Snms ball returned t o th e home of 111& (lnu g htur, Mr~ . W ill Alle n . lif ter 11 fOW w llelu! ' vl~l t w ith h f.. brotll or nt Uregn nla , nod ot b e r re lo$l vell a t S pr ing Vall ey. Mr IIOU Mrs. W ur r e n Lllcy (lDte r. tfli ned Mr. nn d Mr ~ . F' r llnk 'o,Jk Btlu t.1r . a llli Mr R. UlIrr y L ucy , "u nclu y . Oli n r.f nrg llo (lOd fnllll l.v on te r. i.HilcJ OutlJlIII-I1*"" ,, ; d il1REl F,--Htft+-week Meo Lin l' Wil li h l.ILl at M\(h llo Ruo , l .. ~ t ~II t nrc\II Y nu u ·nIHI IIY. OC'lI th OIJlnr ol1 OUr miLl Ht, li t Ih a n ooll h oor , MonLl uy, Apri l 1 ' Ih , aDd re m overl Irolll OlU ll ll /( nM, hlr ~ , 6 . tl . E I II ~ , lIf te r un IIhllls of bot twn db or t Il uys. A good frl ond lind ull il<: hh nr . Rbe WIIR Invall lind r eo Hp80 terl by n il wh o kn e w h e r an 'l .... 111 ba ~1I( ll v m i~~ .. rl . Th e wrltAr hlt H b He n nr''10MlJltNI wit-h t,be daoOluHlel t ll r m ltll Y .YtlIH R IlIHI Ol\nu ot ~n .r o oon ~ h til pmi"e th ll vlrl.nolO of ,hi .. UOil d \\' 01111111. Th e hURIJnnd ~n ( 1 (limily hll ve 1.llll HI' lDpllthy ot tbe (I01l1l1lll oity In th olr Hnd b ~ r e llvem f\o t Mr. nno! Mr' . T om Acltlma, of Kin gs Mi ll s , fLnd MIsH08 Wl\ nd" Ne wtun, M Ilrtrl,, 1 M n Boo "nd Dor ot by !:ihao II an d Mr. W OOltn n l. of Ol1 yt UD, Wjlro I:!nnd ay 1-(0<'8t14 R IILI call e rI' lit tho h om u IIr Mr . 111 111 Mrfl. Will All en . MT. lind Mr ~. Chill< Braddook en · te rlliinocJ IIIlUllIh£lr of r o ll1l,lvo~ rrom Vlrg lnlll,root'lu'ly MrR. I:I pnd e r"llo le H for h er h om p "t, WoI1Mvlll ", Ohio. HII'n r uR Y m urn · in~, lIfte r s pRutlin g II fe w dllya witb he r nllole . Uludlll,m Il:llts.
OhiO. .
U .
'l'he Mianll Gazette, Wayneswle , Ohio.
Ir e . . . • S I. ' .fA.UC.tIo n ae ,
It 18 COIU\Jut cd tbtU IttheIn.,e~rth '~ ot· . rn osph re con lain. 11.1 lell81 4.000.0()O.· O()().OOO of tons of nI tr gen . dl recti,)' , IIccesslhle. ~ltll . qnonll t,y 10 the "Ir . liver onll qUltr., kilometer ot lun d III , "ufllelcnt to enrIch t he enrth ot Ille whole world t or tWCllty Yllors ut Ihe 1'h Wn Vlw Townshi p Farmer!•!' Mrs . Lavonn ~ ,A ll en ill quite ill at presQut rote ef COUHulOpllon. For Sale by ~= club III l l t h!' hOl1le \il C. '1'. Ha wkc her home. ,I d I • ' 11 I 'l'h unu 3 u~ . I.c r. h'1 I~~ .e en . on ursN.ture Study In Arican u .. day. AprI l 1 11 h. 111Is mee tIng waa !lx12 Rrussels Rugs as low as $ 19.76 No tu re offers somo 011<.1 I'rohloll18. A lranRf rr ed ht'r" ( .11 . ceou nt of th t! li t Hyman 's, dOl; ISII't murrled o lH I hnHII'! Illlyll,lnl: illn ess of M r .,. HU l ton Ell rII laart. I to worry nbout. AII U yut n 1111111 1I\'t'~ Th e social Iw ur was en juyed hy all. Phone 25-2 Et ha n Cran e , of Wilmin g ton. spent' fo ur lIm es us loug os 1I ,Iog,-Ar l<u u· . '. ' t d t he week-en d at hu me. SUB Thu lU BS Oat. Near Ihe noo n huur, W (> wt! re lnVl ~ - --- - - ,to t he b !l~l·m .m l of the M. K chu rch Mr , Mye r Hy man a mi fll mily we re Lo Ilartake o f 11 spl end id d in ner . nnd Nat ura l Result. "S om ~ 11 11 111 H rl' lll l:-:h ru l w llPn it j ud glnl{ f rom ou l "':I rd " Jlpea rllnl' e Xl' nlu v i s it o r ~ . SunLi uy ufte r noun , com es III n l \ "' I I Il ~ til 'Ir " bll !;utl ous." a ll enjoyed i t. W. 11 All en a nrl E. V. Barnha rt I"t'lllll rk s nn &' XdlllU J.:(·. 1 '"111 8 lIlay be A ft~ r re(ll l'n ill to the hOIlH'. WI' be('1jt ll ~, ' I !II' Y II f',' t1 l1u nt"ln ll y shy. were 'nllec!to "rd .: r lay tlt t! \J r p ~ idt!nt. we re Lebano ll vi s i t ll r~ , last week. " . I pri' ' Ie um. M tt' .F rank .El hnn, I' ev. Holt g av h ' 11ll' ;:.pecta ce on I,1Il(\ a mg Invoca ' e I'.111( d W'l it( Iow "IlIl!I . tlon and ,.w as fullo wed y a se- I{oom-slz 9 a n es leellOn on t h · Vlcl r ula. Afte r reml· , H . inlC of minute~ of the pr ev ious mee\'. ' a t ym an!l . 1 inl{. t he Curr ent EVen l ", ... re ably Mr. a nd Mrs. E , V, Btlrnhu r l., Mrs prPRenleli by M r~ , (; " Il~ , r.:ad lIy I.': rnrna Bar ne tt an,1 Mr!l , I) . p , Fe t i Mr!'. Frnll k 1 ~ lbo l1 , Yo ur last chance ler Wl' to n ' buy X ' ni Seed a vi ~ i l or~ . TtlL'sJ uy, E>lsayi>l l , tlHl IHIHt, C. T. Hllwke, in a rew remllrks , ill ir o du c ~d Hev . J ucl ){e Il lllllo{lrcr ty lInel wife an d Holt . who "nt er tai ncil ill Stl lll" w,·11 Earlv Uhi o~. Cobhler s , Ro~i' , MrH J . M, MillJ urn. of Xenia, spent Chil'Bgo Murket s . chosen renlllr k s un Lhe \,\11t i vuli on II r our memori t!s , rememb e ri ng t he T III'9e1 I1Y with Mr . and Mr. , Eli VClln . All kinds ofGard e nSt!t!c1!', pk ~ fie lhings thll t make f or I he bel tel' purt ~ lI erhe rt WUT\vic k, of Clllumh us . i!l of lif e. and not to trcasu r .. t h o~e that in t OlYn todw. looki ng a ft e r h i~ inwe re a dllt rimcn t , w..k, l e res19 ill the Ameri can LJond Mo r tLeI! Earnh a rt and Lyma n Silver a hl y di s c u ~sell the 8 p ~ c i ll l t upie uf the I{UlI'e. '0, " Cos t of P roducin g a l!u ~ h p i o f Mr. Ghlls. Roher ts ,and Mr, TimoPap" [or .11 the par;i: ' Wheat, " II I ~o or a b u ~h el of cor n. I l hy Ilrds furd, of Mirl.\Ie l ow n, we r,and a pound only .. ... .. .. ... .. :JOc u~ur folks in this commuam not s ure t ha L Ihe '11I b Io{lI t their ti undllY g U t!M I ~ of Mr , and Mrs. Moore'!! l ioou Oil and Gasolin e , t heir cost p ri Cf!9; if it did, yo ur re· ..lllty. Hur ry Mur ray. 'the kind that don't smuk e porter hilS fo r~to tt t' n the m . T he Cl ub t hen adj ourn l! u to mee l Paints, Va rnish St a ins. LiIJ ~ped Mrs: Eu nice F. I' ram e , of Ri ch· a t lhe home 0 [' ElillS 0 g JesIJee lIr: Oil. Fl oo r Paints. the best mOll u , Ind. ill spe ndin g seve ral weeks Illak es, an d our prices a re Ma y 12, 1\)2 1. wilh her ~i ~te r, Mrs . W. '1'. Fram e , rilth t . Call and see. , - - -. ..--- - - ' It is becaus e qualit y in o f Diamond Hill farm.
Frldag and ;'unlag Only
'I<' lorlda School Orange s. doz ... P inhead Oa ls for Ba by Chi ck.. 2Gc' pound ..... .. .. .. .: .. ..... .... ....... fie No. 3 West WIde Peaeh e!'. . heavy sy rup . can .. ......... ...... .) e No . 3 Ap ricots . rich syru p .can .:.!Hc Neptun e ~nrdines. oil or m ustu rd. bOlt ... ...... .: ... ... ..... .. ... ge Q uart Ma,son J a r COcoa .... .. .. ~_ 5c 25-lb. granula ted S ugar .. .. .. iIi _.26 Weiler Broom" , 4 sewed, each .. G5e Kir k's Nap t ha Soap. S bars .. ...26c We handle a complet e line of Hurkhu rt's Smo ked Mea ts .frcSh Meal s, Rtea ks. Chops , Roa"ts and Iloiling. a lwa ys the best. Highest p r ices for good liutter " n rl Eggs.
- - AT- -
Township House, Waynesville, Ohio, - -ON ---
-_. _-- --- -
;:. :.:. --- --- -1
You can a lways d o bette r at The Wayn e.
. Beg inni ng at 12 o'clo ck, noo n Yours for Service The bala i1ce o f our entir e stoc k of WALTER LSAWYER,Prop. H ats, Caps . L adi es' U nd erwe ar, Sho e Polish, Pi ns. H air Pins , Toy s, Dolls, Doll Beads, Doll Cabs, Cl othe s Racks, Han dkerchiefs, Man icure Sets, Glas swar e, Save Money by Insuring the Pl yers, and, in fact, Noti ons of all kinds. , Crop With Complete Fertilizers . Com e in and bid for \\ hat you wan t The sanest. shre'IVd esl farm crs for 'we shall carr y noth ing into the new apply dressin gs of well millie, speciali zed , avail able , comul c le room that \vas in the fire and \ovater. fertil ize rs to insure prolitab le crop g rowlh
!l r;:;a~~~~I~lo~tr~c~~~w;:t I:vt~ S tI'll,
E. O'NEALL. Clerk
F':h~ ~,,::ki:'3,~:'Y
.......... $28 .50
ijl,6 50, OO u
Han gin g"I
highrcJass workmanship is always rewarded. We are busy, but can still arrang e to do some special jobs- if you Ie.t me know early before the bigCL EAN- UPwe ek gets too far along. We als. have some room lots in stock.
----. - ...
Friday and Sahrrday CAN D Y- Cocoan ut Bonbon s Orunge Ices , Crys talized Jel· lh:s, Fudge , regular priclI!I.ROc to 40c Special for 2 20c day s. per pound ........... . Peanuts - Fresh SaltetlP ea·15c nuts, a pound only ..... .. .. .
9r:~~~~.e~ .~~I.~~~... .. .... $2.25 i{io Coffee. SOc :I pounds. f0r ...... ... ........ . 4X Package Coffee. 59c 3 package s for ...... .... .... .
Rea l Esta te Gold Bonds-
It Pays to Trade at
, Realden ce, Third Street,
Wayn esvill e. Qhlo 131"-' -
- ----- -
- ...
The Old Time Movie Show Also,'" Joe Moore 'an~ EUeen Sedgwick,
"Th e Whi te Ride r"
A very good Wester:n drama . Admission, 33 and 22 cents
Satu rday, April 30th Featu ring.E thel.C layton , in
"Th e Lad der of Lie..a" Also Selznick News Admission, 22-and 17c
Tue8 day, May 8rci
A good F!>x feat ure Admission, 17 and 11 cents
Old ~Jack
Sprat t
eat no fat
His wife 'could eat no lean A CI~sified Ad. They thoug ht wasn' t bad And they sold everyt hing tbey bad.
.- .
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
(WI'" apolo&_ to M"'t. 0001II)
. . "- a.
c::=.... ........ ,.....7\i"
Americ an BoDd &: Mort&alte BId,., 127 N. Dearbo rn, Cblcalo , Pbone State SOO()
Eatate ot Marfa \lOOk, doceued . Notice Ia horeb,- gtven tha' JOII&Utaa II. Oook haa been dul, appolnled and ~uaWled .. Execute. at 'he B.tatoe ot lIarta CoOk, !a1oO
... ..-............................. --.~
Cit. 4486
ot Warren Oou~,. Ohto; decMll8l1 . DaLed &Illa 3 da" ot ~rfk J
A live man t!) represe nt UB , in Warren County . Write today or call Warwiek.-c are of Miami Gazette , Waynelltille, Ohio._' ------------T----t:J-:-;t-~ .:
W, pIIlI 6% on plJrtclIl . account. and, rtMnlf bMId j(tf' vou. .
" ~
Judp oUbe Pro ....toe OO~L warren OoWl., 0 ...... Des E : StaDle,. AUy. , .. .. ' . .
W~RWICK, ColwnbUa, Obio. .
A Classified Ad. will bring quick results if proper ly ' writte n and advert ised in du~ se~son, one issue ~eneral~y selling the good~.
Notice of Appointment
A-.: RBI CAN BOl lD A IIOR TGA GE co.. , sr,
. - . - ....
Thur sday , April ~8th Sixty Laugb s a Minute,
- ----_.-- -
NewYork Citv~ Down7mmFmtmdaIl1irtrict ~ PosTAl STATION BUILDING
Main 10t'>0
Fir st M,o rtg ag e
Specials tor
Younce Bros.:,Grain Co.
I ;,~::eo :::::t .~~ ,~,:;,";:: I,
$21 50
I I':
James T , Frame , of Chicago . III ; Mrs. [With Venni! and Mrs. Emma We are hundling a highSchath-I, ' of Hichmo nd, Ind, Mrs, grade Fertilizer and ollr i!:vdyn Rowe and Ernest 0 Martin. price is right. , of Day t on, spent Sunday with Mr .. ; ' ltlolGl~Tli:R F:D I N omo AND NEW YOIU( 16% Acid Phos· t a nu Mrs . W. T . .F ram e, o f ~iam o nd phate. 'p er ton·.. ..... jlCxcelle nt clUBroo ms o.nd ~en ebl ng fl1clllUe8 . Two full·tlm e • InslTuct on.. The HilI Far m . HiRh School started th e Sp rinR lLarge atatt of lecturer s. A ll brnn chea of nu rsI ng tangbt. Loaa Grain and Grass Grower , avo Ph . base b ~11 season, la!lt jBlgb Sclloo) DIploma or oq ulva lenl preferred. F nll term begins tund. - -F riday, with II AboQt victory over l"r'ankli n Hi. This yellr i' ll ~ " September 1. a county l ellg u l~ hu~ been formed and .. MoDERN RESIDENCE HALL---SINGLE ROON S t You can get any amoun t and ever y school in t he count y will jIkIa r,arlor. ~eereatlon RoomM. Cam pus. Swtngs, Tennl. Cont. have a ch;,lnce to show how good a you want , at any time. ~I! ' ap~IY ~ L. A. H tU/ PORD, Principa l. DAYTO N, For IaOBlO. base ball t Cll m they can turn out . Th e Waynes ville Ind ~ made a fin e showing ag ains t F ranklin. last Fri· . ,..,. Way nesville Christian Church day afterno on. and th ey ha ve a good Phone 25-2 ~ ~~.laPJI Gazette's Classifiea Columns lor Resu ltsl!___ _ _ _ _ __ s tart toward Sunday School eachSun day .9:80a. III win n!ng the county C. K every Sunday at 6;30 p m. ~hampi on shi p . T he score: All l1\e mbe r ~ and fri ends of the Waynesv ille ...... .. ·3 4 G 1 3 4 4- 20 Church a rc In vited to atte nd. E==5lU!JI!'==::: :!II ElIl'==5: 1' EI ~(==511 t:JIE'5551 1 EI "S== ='1::1 Frankli n ...... ...... .. l 0 0 0 0 4 0 - 5 ,ferry Christia n Churcb Batte ry : J ones, Earnha rt and RiggR·. Bibl e School Ilt 9:30. Preachi ng On account (of getti ~g th e gllmc at \0 ;30 a. m. a nd 7:30 p m . Everystarted late , it was arrange d to play One in vitt.'<i. J . A. P ine. Pll8t or, but seven inni.ngs . Eddie Burton ...._ +leBd the ba lling list w it n.si x-good Caesar' s Creek Friends Church hits . Severa l ot her players wer e not Sunday School at this ~ hurch every far behind him , and Ri g gs go t a Sunday at 9:30 a . m . Preachi ng ser· homer in hiB firs t tim e at the bat. vice at' 10:30 o'clock a . m . You are Nex t Friday aft ernoon. th ere will cordiall y invited to be present . be a fi eld meet at t he High Sl'hool Harveysburlt friends Church ground . It is to be cond uc ted by Sahbalh SchOOl 9:45; ('hurch serthe Boy Sco uts of Waynes ville. F ollowing the field meet there will be a vi ce 10: -16, Eve rybody invited. base ball gllme , at Phillips park.f be"'OP~ Owned lip ~ BuIIcIbW ~n Orthodox Friends Church • N_ .,...~ ..... If• ., Y_l.IA In .. Bid" tween Leban on Hi and Waynes ville . ........ .,-.. Sunday School, 9:30 B. m. MeetThis is expecte d to be about lh e best of the three games to be played on ing for worshi" at 10:30. the hom e field this yea r . M. E. Church 'fh e usual services will be held next Sunday: SUfJday School, 9:15: Long !Rang e Flro. A Itosslp Is never will Ing to repellt Preachi n g services . 10:30 a , m . and unkind remnrks to your fn ce. We re- 7:00 p. m; Epwort h Leagu p., 6:11') cently henrd Olle wb'n accused ot thII p. m. Everybo dy cordiall y invited, try to Justll, hel'self b, 8II)'ln£ : "O DSalp, mUllnm. Is 0 801'I ot nttack conduct· St. Mary's Cburch , ed on the approved prloclpl es or mod· ern wnrtar~yo\l are oot suppose d to 5th Sundsy after Easter, Church Bee tbe 1"' 1'80n nt whom you are shoot- School at 9.30 A. M. . Mornin g lDl:."-[\OSIOIl Tran scrIpt. Prayer snd sermon at 10.30. The - - -... public cordiall y invited to these - -services . Famoua Old Pohlck Church. - - -- - ••- =--Poblck church. Ir nlr(u3 couoly, VIrglulu. sI!ven miles rrom Mount Vernon, wus built In 1713 from plans drnwo by Oellcrlll Wu shlulllolI, who W IlS n vestryman for 20 y cnrs. '1' 1) 0 cburch \\'na used RS n stublc during tbe CIvil war. but hos lutely heen restored nnd Is now Huving returne d home', I am now practically In Its orlr:lnlll condillon. reatly to serve the public in all kinds ----~ ,.-of Notary work. Can be found at my residenc e or call phone 40 . Dry Land EI.low au Level. The bonds win be ~1~ by 8 direct Fint .Mort ' ~e on land (owned in fee aimple) E. V. BARNH ART. All the con tlJlen ts C 3cept SOlltb IIDd four story and h&~t fin:proo f buildiot l now beinl at 34 to SO • America hBve arens ot dry IUlld beVarick 8tnIet. in the hem: 01 ~ downto wn business district erected low sca lev(>l, tho lowest bclng In Pal· New York City. Valuati on of Propert y: Land $600,000.00: cstine. \Vllere tIl ere Is II pOint In the What', a Toxin? Delld sen bos ln 1.200 teet lower thoo BuDcUna t.1.500,OOO,OO: Total $3,100, 000.00. The rtomolnes mllst not t>e contused the Medlterroll cnn. B~" under COftt:n ct for a t_nt,- -year non-ca wIth the toxlns. The toxlna are pol· rM»lla ble 1_ to tb. Ronoos substan ces derIved from genu. 1JJIIH'ED STAT ES GOV ERN MEN T . In the courAe of their life ond growth. They Rr9 the active principles of the Aailqate natal lor the period QDdercontrllctwttbUnltecllkatei ge rms. to whlct> tbe germs owe tbelr "l00,~,OOO fOr the6rat Oovem maat abeNt Md onechnrncterlstlc effects upon U1e buman ,..r1lll 4PG8, OOo.a DuaJ1 ytt.. half tImee amounttwo NlJulred to Iystem. It Is the toxIn of the dlpbranahUnI ninetecD !Met 1I\iLiL'biIum ~ intereet thenn germs. for exam~ which ~ A. . . . ~ rental ~OftYintUartpa> ebooda. ~nU Res most ot the mlschef WbBD Infection bas token place, t 8IrW-1 .... ,... D ' "MIll. . . .... ~ D.. _I,II ...... .. ...... ~~::r:::t.~':..~.t.::.:r=.=:t. <1l
i' The Mia mi ' Valley School for Nur ses
- - - - --
. for, after all. it iR c rop 4nsuran ce th a t t he practi cul f armer i>l aft e r. He has to t ake long chan ces wi t h the weath er. but h e should ta ke no chances with t he fertili zer which he a pplies An ext ra dollar expel1ll ed for the rig ht kind will often m a ke just the difTeren ce between succe9ll and failur e.
6 WifE
W. N. SEAR S, Auct•.
... Seed Potatoes...
You nce Brothers Gra in Com pany
L~~'8 Q~~~:r
"! ib cA Ll
. . . Notice of .
The Miami· Gaz,ette: " Waynesville, Ohio.. •
• 1
'eventy-'l'hird Year
lZ?cii!ft T he tJ lec l iOli of officerH, and the laH t mee ting fut t he c urrent year fur I he Men of Way nesville , was he ld a t aLld l''l·lIows hall, Monday even in" . Th!!re Willi a lurg e represent a live c rowd I,Il'eMellt , a nd the e lectiun was held f" o lll 5 to 7 : ~O. A Kreat d ~lI l of h urd work al>(I lol.>! of fun wer t! gOllen (lu t of lh ll e lectilln, liS both side. l,Iuli ed hurd for their ticke t. T he Blu ll<l Wt! fC vi ctorious , ljoweve r, olily une m ~mbc r or the Reds being e !ccll-d . "'ollowinl{ ill II list of the otli eers se lected :
Whole Number 543:3
Crane and son, Et ha n . Mr. and Mrs . J esse Sears and S(, n8, Ca r l anll J oseph, a nd Mr . J OHc ph Hawk e, o f Sahina, II'l r Bnrl Mr ~ . F. H. I"ar r a nd T hos . i'ie rce we re gu ests ' k Z' II t I o f M r. an d I'll r9. F r an ,e a an e cgan t dinne r, Sund ay .
Mrs . J oseph Corron and son, of Dayton , Mr . and Mrs . Pe t er Ban ta and Bon. of L)' tIe, Misses Goldie Rei· bold and Ida Stickl e r, of Miamisbu r g, and Mess rs , J ohn Jac kson and I{u ssell Kerrick, of Middl etown , spent Sundav with Home r Carey and family .
FIRE MARSHALS M r8. ,J. R. Ba ker, o f Cincinna li, is spending the week with her pare nts, .PAID lOWN A VISIT , Mr. Ulld Mrs. Chll>! G.ray,
President- J uhn Cartwrig ht ; Vice-~ re>lidllll l - C. M. Robi tze r ; ;;ecret lt r~' - Fl pld Mc Kean; 'l'reaaurer - L. C. St. J ohn; G.M,Ma tlhews and Jacob Koehl er, EX'i!cul ive CUI ~lInitl cc- ){ev . J, F. of Cincinnati, assist ant Slate Fire Cudwlllllld er, Wilbur Cla rk, Chllrl es marsha ls, paid Waynesville a viMit, Ha rtsock, Ha rry E. Ellrnh arl und Monday, and ce rtainly examined the Walter McClurll. buildings around the town, especiHev Cadwa llader r ecei ved the ally the down-town districts. The larlCt!9t ind ividuill vote - a trib ute marshals mad\! about twenty rethll high es teem in which he is held questa while here, moat 01 them rethruullh" ut thit! t!ntire community. ferring to outdour rubbish, etc, The PI't!mill r Land Wll8 present and The g entlemen paid a fin e tribute g a ve a d el ig htful concert before the to the hilltop, as they said the builddinner hour. Afte r dinne r, P resi- ings and surroundin g!! we re all t hat dent Whit t! call ed the meeting to or- could b ~ d ellired, espec ially the ha ndd er. Afte r the rellding uf thl! min- som e buildings , utt.'8 , he gllve u br ill! tlllk, and called , The trip was made for t he bet te r011 llle lilrl fu:outt!' leader, Mrs. Wal. ment of the town, both liS to fire t er Kitb!)n, whl) presllnted the girls protection and also to health condiand mad e II n!!IIL, short tal k, explain- tions It would not be a bad Idea, illg BOrne of the work done by the 88 they aull.ted, to have a clean-up g irl. up to the present time, day and have sll rubbish removed . Harry Schwllrtz, of th t) Men of The gentlemen did not come to c ritiLe banon , was cull ed on, and he ex- cize, but to help . ...- - plained the workings of t hat club, and IIlso I!ltl ntioned the propused hOBp i till lor Wa rren county. S. S Ellis was called on, Illl ll d.e legate from the Men of Wayne !ville to the County F ederated. Gool! Roads a880ciationThe field day was postponed, last and he told of their recent meetina' Friday, on al'count of the rain . in Lebanon- J . A. Kilpatrick, also There was 8 good crowd present, but of the Men of Lebanon, made a fine I tbe rain kept the )rogram off for t he explanatory addre88 in regard to the ! day. T he events are being pulled off hl)~pital and also' on the good roadt'j today, at the school grounds. .
Several M'ls onic b ret hren from here will utt en d insl,I('ction a t lIarveysuurg, l'hur~ d QY evening . Mr , Frank Pe rry and family, of St, Mar t ins, Brown county, spent sur- I day with Mr. Chas. Brewster and family . Save your old carpet and ruga and get "Wearwell" rugs made. Send for P, ice Li ~ t Franklin Rug Co., Fran klin, Ohio. 1M Wa lte r McClu re 's fi Hhing party retur ned home , Sund ay . They report a couple o f days' )Cood fishillg, but the reat of the lime was IIpent in keeping warm a round the stove.
SundRY, May 1, 1921, being close Mrs . Mary Harlan'a and J ohn Spray's birthday, thdr many r ela. tives me t at their home, n( ar Ne w Burlington, with bounteous good thinga to eat. The table was spread for the following gqesta: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Spray, Mr. and M rs. Frank Rudduck and son, Horace , Mr, and Mrs. Charley Rudduck and son, Charles Clifford, Mr . and Mr s. Sabin MacDonald and . family, Mr . BY JUDGE HENRY NEIL and Mrs. Will Kersey and famil y , Father of Mothen' Pensions Mr. and Mrs , Ed Clark and fa mi ly , Mr. and Mra . Charley Tucker and Who' ,aid.. "Hitch your wago n family, Mrs, Lee McNeal a nd son, \0 a siar7" Who need, bi.plra'lioll from afar -' Neallo, Mr. and Mra. Harl ey Ca rGod hitchd my wI.gon to my 5t " back and flimilv, Mr. and Mrs , Adam Dicke rEDn and family _ MY MOTHER ;
' 1to
Mi88 Jeannette Janney, of WiIminllton college , and a schoolmate, Miss Althea Hadley, spent Friday Afar or iIear, lon g d a)' or y oa r night lit J . E. Janney's. They were 1 Ileed no other. joined here, Satu,day morning, by a crowd of young people from the col• lege, and went to Oxford, where The Bright SIde. they attended a conference of the Y. Tbe wordeD of Ohi o penltentllll7 W.C. A . lilY. th8t thIs ODe Is tll"Ue. It.eceDUy a negro prlsoDer, In for 11 fe, W8R " rought Old Bru3sel!l, Ingrain or Axmin- before hIm RDi! In the ronvel"utloD the ster carpet and rugs made into wardeD said: "WbY. Roslus, YOU ore "Wearwell" ruga. Franklin Rug ID for lite, oreD't you ?" WIth a broad IrI'ln the negro replleCl pllilosophlenlly, Co., Franklin, Ohio . 18 "Oh, DO, wordeD, just Il'rom DOW OD."
- I
Mr. and Mrs . Ed Thomas a nd ram- , ily entert!lin ed a t dinner, Sund ay, _ _ __ _ _ _ _~_ _ Mr . a nD Mrs . F . B Hend e rson !lilt! fa m ily, an d Mr . and Mrs. D. L.
It wall mu ch rElgretted that the u i'd ay . \ Milk is )1'0 0 0 f or II dult ~ liS well as speake r of the evening , Rev. Cle rk e, cOHld not be here. Talk s we re made chi ltl rt!1l an d ua bies by Osca r Laybourne, Lindley Men' d enhall , Coun ty Supe rintend ent of , M r ~. Roy Mac n eth has been q uit e SchoolR Hll rris. of Le banon, and thtl ill d uring the pas l wee k, . inc,lIn ing pre~id en t ,J O. Cartwri l! ht .1 T~le lI ew uffi cers of t he Men or H . K Ea rnh a rt and F rank UradW ayne~ vi ll e ta ke hold with a vim, dock urc in t: l1I cinli uti I,oday . " anel th ing'S of importan ce will Le I forth coming during the n('x t year. St. Mary's (; ,Iil <l will mee t with - - - - - .. - - - MrM. JumeH E. McClure on Thursday a ft ern oon .
....- - -
E ASON - _._--
:'lI nda} af lc rnoo n. May Sth , will l\'lrk 11 ", " i'l'ni11 j.( u uy of uase ball in .v"Ylll'-< \'ilie fo r the 192 1 season . nit· X," ia Amt! r i(' u11 Legion tea m \ ill cro.,' "'lIs with Ihe Miam is, a nd , j.(" "d ),:'a me iH ex pec ted , as well a~ I K(,(,dI'1'Pwd . l'hp manaR'e menth aH '1 I I J '\ 11 I J I III 'I d '('ltIp" to, hav lJ a featu re be fo r e t he h ar IU Hnl', -) I' i lr -tl t , L 'I" \' . ' . o f ~ l r. anti ~11 ' Fran k II 111 111 1 ' . ,,'. :11111('. and hoth l eam~ will be eh gl N ew p nr. l I\ y . allt I g rilfll II I:;11\' I1I e, I'" I.· t l} I'·lr lil'i pate in Lllc·events. T h(! . ' 1 ( . II 111 11 1""llle- l~ \\ 11 1 CII l11m (' nce at 1: 30 p . m . I o f 1\1 r. nn e ., rs.. r('lJr~l' all I (t , . . . prompt afte r which will come tho ' of t lll ~ CIty , haM madl' qU Ill' a rl' p"tU- I I ti on in Cinci nnati r il l' hl: r natllral l hu 1 1{111l1P. posin R' , Shll will app ';I f at til ' I':rn- I Tit, e ve n ttl will ue :18 follows: e r y Audil roriu nl in a hl'l ldll (!1II f'r -: l ~ t C:\'en t- M o~ l h its during g am,', ment . on May ~O_ Crit " , ~ ha\'I ' pr"- \linl Th ("rm o~ bott le. H. E . Ea rnhar t. TlllU llCcll hur PIl"iIlK t ,) h,· ,If lit ·' 1>",1: :!nll Evpn t- Longest f ung o h it, e ve r s 'en in Cin dn nat i. " ' I,, ·~ i[\ lIy [" r ti ne ti c , Hyman & Co . chillI po ~ i n g . 3rll Ev ent- Ci r cling hases in short- - _ . .. - - -."1 time, hair cut, C. Lee Hawke. Ilh E ven t - Balter ma kin g m o~l
\f IS
SOME fiNE BASS ba.~~~ O~~~il~~~I~I~:t"~~~~b~~B:c~t;~: I;'O~t~o~t~~~~ha~~~g~~tE.t~~~:~\air .CAUGHT LAST WEEK cu i , Or ville Grav. . In case of rain the contests will be Saturd ay t he 11IH l "a.v fur p,'stporled unti l l he following Sunl fis hi ng for so me t im e, l he <i llY , when t he Legion tea m will wa~
b a~s l ()c~ I '
boys were ou t there. Il all ett Dakin was lhe k in ~pin, as he h r" IJ Kht home fi ve nice ones , th e larg.'~ t weighing abou t 2Y. pounds . RvY Earnhart and Emerson Mason took a Ger man bass off t hei,. lines, Sunday mo rni ng , weig hing nineteen pounds, wh ic h was t he la rg est caug h t th is season.
... .
play he re . The Mia mis will be going good by next Sunday , and the crowd can exjlect t o see a g ood ball game. Com e Ollt and encou rage th e boys, anyway. Th ey will appreciate it ,. • - •
Mr. anti Mrs. Raymond Davia, of Dayton, have boug ht a new home in The Mothers' club will meet at . ~--th at city, and moved into it, Monday their regular meeting pla('e, T hu I'SSunday , the first day of May , was of th is week . It is a large bungalow day afternoon inst ead of Friday of Wll3 mor like a Dece mber rlay , t han and is situ ated a t Smithville !toad t his week, on accoun t of t he Field the beKinnlng of s umme r . Although Ilntl Xenia pike. A cordial invitation Day at Lebanon. All mem bers are Jthe sky waR clear all d llY. the wind Jis pxt ended to their Waynesville was very icy fr iends to come a nd see them. req uested to be present.
= = == ='OF== == ==
========= ON==========
, Beginning at 12 m.sharp,at our wareroom in Waynesville, 'Ohio, all of our general .Hardware and Farming Implements. These goods are in fairly good shape, and everythi·n g will be sold regardless of .p,ice. Terms of sale stric~ly cash. . FOR FURTHER' PARTICULARS SEE BlLLS ..
The Miam i ee,zct te. Wayn elville , Ohio. 1 JI" til l' mOllter- ' I'ltul r PlIdl hllYtln lOOK Ih e IIpeukl'r by th~' shouldlll'S IILlII turced h\'r tu,'1l l up to bls. "',rJJI$ \\'omnn, he.re, your tUother/ ' II nll h WIl\' Ct.I 111M Ill' n l\) wur(1 ai r!!. U\!\' ,,", " HII~ S Yll U \lhl;I't hll" " hil I b.,n l lit )' our hont! , oil'\ Il'N 10au NI to the I>rlm un\\'. lih!' did n' t u ~(' It, pl!lll'r." lI "gl!h.' ~ J IIW d ~I) Jllwd . 11 0 UIlH\t' rt I ,I",h for lh {1 cl ol)(', n~ Mr~. ('urliN Sl ·t"'!!II"'tl. no,,(ur J uli n CIlU!;ltt Ih" tI" Pill): lillY 1lI,,1 WhOl'led hllll "r"utlll \
h ie. hnrn.l l'·l'\ trld"t'n lIlother, I h~ ! I d idn't, " ho 1III1 Il1h l p.tl . "\\'1"'1',.'11 I ~~ t u ~ 'lIl lO MI",ut lltly · elllf! ~ Tl d'i \\ li llian (fit! 11 hll n; cl ~. :-on\" h ,' I'." "1' l t('11 y on \\' 1"1'(\ J U'rt~, " ~'I'l l'd Philip,
Th e Adven tu,e s of A De mo bili zed fie r
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f l lrwlt rd Anti IJ;lt Ilt'r Into tl '1'11\' ll ll~ dr4.1flrt ·11 to the floo r blA ~ l dl' Iu'r, T I' urs bt·gtlll t o !low do wn Ih'r (' 1 1"'t'~'" Rll d, with h~r slc,·Ye. sh('l brHt-'hett tl ll'lIl uwny.
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Save lilt' pr ic,' of III \\' fU l'l1i tt'l',' , by rerll1iFohillg' (lId f tl I'nil II 1'(' II i t lr !Talll l' I':; L lI " f I'u-r,'inish . ;r hi:< f : lInl lll3 1'1' lIl W (' 1' will l,rlltlu \'\' r ,'s till s Ihat will d e! i ~hl ,r HI. It , il l )" ' ;tl); !ltli :~ !l I \J ' ..:h:lm1 of neWlle!:l:> ill \\' lratl'\\~ r it I;, 'lJ ,plit!d Iv. "(lUI'
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"Who " hot hilu 1" crJl'd Doctor John. E'li th ,l;l\I'(' him n Ill'cullnr look,
·' H p",,,,ll'. H t\K~lc BruwlI," tdw whlru:! 'l. " I SII W ' fill, n.od Ton,' , thlDklu' I did U- "
had fnll en on he r fr l('n,l', "hn t wp coul lln ' t g.' t nl on): wlihoul rll<lnllY, so is al so excl'l l(' nl f(lr n, l'l l';; :tnrl l\'(1l1tl\\'o rk, a nd the A hnrp cry fell from Dr. Pllu l Peo· 1 " 1 ,\1 1\ 1 :H'lI o [1I 'p ." 'l ' .III)' I U'f.,:Z 11l 1 took th e-th(>-{' ou,,11l 1'lIu l's-" <II hnv,' n. \\ " /1 I.:I ~ . thous:1t1d ami onc ~mall .i"!.s o ( re-lin i ~ hin g su nunn): lhe hr'1k.'n sllI h'",,' nl I' ht llr> "TOllY vowed she did II," It e gasped. 'Iii 111." lu h' I'PII"'l' d P O I· t l l f p ;\ \I 1. uft.en neetled abouL lil t' l HlI1 H'. 11 i s maul' t o wear. III nt'Cnn lpy hn,1 clrop\li'Cl Into u chnl r "Oh, roy poo r littl e " yo ll ' ll ~ 1 11t· ltI 1\1 ) !l Ilt' \' 18,-', I ~ hl1d d l'r g irl I She didn't nnd co"~ red his fnce with Ills hUnlls. e v,' n IlIcnllun your r ~ 1 lt dl t! ( \\1 11 11 Ild ~ ht II l1 \ ' t· 10 q ' III ' llI'd tr Suld 13y being herll." D O(,tor .1 0110 "'liS ~n plng at lll' r ns If "Tony's like tlHlt," assellted Edith. ~' O l1r 11I""h ' r 1I1\ 1I1I' t nllth.! ltt 'I' l.' ror ill'r !he hnll s truck him . but n oc tor Pnnl- "S he woul dn 't p'lI ch 1 1I1~t.:"1I 1." ou n 1I0g." we ll, h . 11II111S rcnch ed out nnd Doctor J ohll cum" lO her s ide with II I.... Ip l1 ~ ' ''' W( ' rf' 1(l\v !I li d ~t\ ' l'n , grnsp('d her hllOlI... one loug strld . Ih" " :..: 11 I II Udl 1111.1\\'.), "Yon're Iyl njr again. T ony, " ho Int er"Are you rendy to swear [teglnnld II I... " ,\ (. i ' Il11 ~ lit s lj.! ht o f II"" ' 111,,·1, mpled her grimly. 'q d on' t know wby, Brown s hot yuur husband '" bu deh it'.! I,t I h ~ ' .... IHil i · lillU' 111 :-; Ilrul l "'r'rl (1I4l. but I' m pos itive nil you' ve said Is 8 OInnrted . 1 )111' 1 01 1' ,'u J11I uPI'lWel It I1II1J , II III It 1 H II '1'11\'11 I':dfl h p r, 'Jt:Ol\l t,.t bl"':wlr tllfo \ fl!flrfu l lie. R ~glnnld. hl",e you ever "Of cou rse I am, mls ler," nodded 1. lk l' till' t'~· 11 II q l .n~ lIr , " v"rr t hird nl'I':lIIII1 :": ~ 1I , ' n C ', II1UI;; h ux un"r h.)x lh u t.> .~t' ltll llh · ltl lIJ.!Hl n , ~ht' J.!l n lll ·~ tI ttt 118(;e(1 Tony to mnrry youl" Edith, "He was nlwoY8 runnln ' after , yt'ar 11 1 l 'h ,Il: 1 , .. 1.. Il' I ' r 1111\11 It...: pI' 'du. 0111 "f It. Uriah , h,'" "r" ~ IIlt'l t l ll ).! wtt h It ' lId,~ .. · 'l'he boy ISlll11ed brondly. Everyth ing Tony, nnd s he hntt;d C·•.,.. .. l l r~ . hili 1111' f ' I II III':41' lulu tI whple 'I Ill. H e wall "l 'l al n 5t''' n ll nJ.!. '' h ~ ;.:row lpd, lind I1 C~~. HrU~l : Ulle ' ~ Iuod 11)0 1\ 111,1;; nt th e wn8 working out sJ>lcn llldly for hIm. right on~ r there wIl en, 8udden lllie, he Il IIOrlfh 111 ... 11 lit! I , r !I II t'xll'" lh t'11 lit " SI1l1'l '.1 lit ~tr~. nl'VlIlI ,In 0 lw n· (lny, t o l'l'IlUIt·It U\', '1I KY cs, and b r tather promise d her bunged n bullet smack 1II'llt ll \.' I":', lI lUl,, ' Iff! t .. r Ih,· I 1ti ll' lu-.tt, ,,,·. 'ortll ll g t. 11111111 111 '11 nll l :·\7., ' llIt :n l. ut my man, ·'\\' fln!'. , yo u "Mr, 1'1\111 to me," he hoos led, "hut I dldll't know 'l'but dutTer, th e dirty ," ~II(' !iu ld 11.1 n I ll W \' oic'~. tl lt'lI " 111,' 11111 1 11111 .. f lilt· 1 ' 1t 1 '~ llf l ltr. pup, alll't Ht to 1H' ln~ , 111 1II \l'k for'r' h e ()lIP )o; lI ,)IH '11. IId,m ' l ) ' (111 n JIIH' lI\h l'r IIIl" /,' until tonight she really loved me." cl ean Uriah's boots. Wh en Tool' I ~: d l t h pnld n o Ull.-lI t l on Itl tlu i' l or I'llul 1 01lk ~li IIl' r ,wcr wil li ' no "Ign Tony shot him a look of hate, bnt n,ISihe(\ me out Dr 111,1 11 house . she aa.vL .l ohll ' ~ q Ul' ry but mhln 'ss "tl Iw r hll!'l' or rl"'I't+~lIl1hm. 111111 hl H 1I1' 01 1l4'f tlll'l l" U 1 Bho lowered her eyes 11I8tooUy. She linn!!. 11.\\'11)' froIU I(I' g lllllld t o 01J)o;I'r\'(~ I llis dl\red not risk Paul Pendleh uveo see" Prln h, fl O\\' YCl lI \\' pu..t nntl (t on e It II c W <ll' \' . ~ ll'lllUl Ing ber re\'Ul s lon. ' IIt. n;.!':II II !" Rlw t UI'1Icd t o J ."f'lor l'all1. "l\u." SIIld l'IiU I. 11",1 he silollic hl~ But It WIIS to R eglnnld' s credit that '" 011 [! ot e\'l~r .\'(lt lll' lJuel<, b'l Yl' lIIe m y 111 '11 .1. be believed she 8)lOke the trutb, IDa ' "I n ll , I I e d ld lt ' t knuw wh n t lI u \\' U~ " :\' L1" pr m ' ud! 'rh n t don't IIHltt l'r !" vanity wouldn' t lI110w him to think doill '. fil r." Wll ~ Ih e Cl'pl.l'. "hut I' ll W ilke n ,I t.-I'<' r otherwis e. "TiI~n hc' lI hc tl1l1 ght a I ~.~n n. th r. wllh you. )'''11 I(I \'(! III" Illy 11111 11 (u r I\\ulu & ~ Olltll I S "I'd like to talk to her alone," he \Va) III:S"IIIl:, U. fll\lll(" n.~ l{ p1,!lnnltt \\' 111. tI1llllu m : ' I'ekl''''p~, u utJ I'll J..:'' '' l.1 ,\" '\1 ~' j)u r gi rl, Mid crl1!ply, directly at Cou!!lo Paul jtdlH:'lI t lw doclo r. u bJrcr !'il ll" " yo u r Cllroll,, !'. 1'111 Elillil ~ 1I11dll!" "Women are1pecu llnr creature s. \Vby, I .. ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ \ ' hU could h(l\'(' llI'ard" pin ,I rot' , "0 ' _. tlall 1! lit ('r cnm e to U~. ~h("s h~t'tl In - - - - - . .- - - - - - - . I"'e lovr tl ber over two years, and to ,' rl'",1 or yo ur huSlr lllld, he r flll l",r. ,11'0 ]1 WM l\ Ih" thlok sbe mrule PlrLllp believe sbe 's lh'lI '~. All ,,,' n' 1001;· U (JI l l " li p WOS SWill u\\,ny, nnd :-the luu1 Ill~ ,I t t he hnlil;lIn l wllmnu. rlld ll ~ going to mlllT1 hlm-" l'l\ul , n rWIl e, Thi s tlm ~ Ill' won't COul£:!' ho ek I'CIU.IIl:'h o\'l'U. wllo wus r l ~ IIILt ull lil l'lH1· li l> ~~l 1.1." I r .I I ......... "So she I.." Inapped Philip, railing t' l u) \ J ~ , lhH crIlIlU,lU t. In 11 hurry." bill head. , 11.1'. . Doc'lur ,Joh" rcnrhr ll Into the drawc r "(1I\'e TI1(' m~' 1111111:' Ah ~ "When rve done my damned est to i~ ~:~~: :!:~~:~ of thl ' luul' 1l l'IIr 11 1111 HUt! PI'UtJ U l\ '(1 "l)cm' t s (,tH I '1111 t u j llil . 11 11(.1 t' 11 ~I\' " LUll n~u\lt' :'\~ , ~.~r\ :.,.' ~ '~~l.~~;rri,; ~,·t : $~::e~ get . her to kin me even," continue d .'0, ,, ' UU O-I:UlU I' 1111 0 1.) 11 , . .. ... . uu tJlf! rull of hill s thll t I'hllll' IInll (,II"HI you your gll'I: ' Reiloold , overloolLlng )lBcCau ley's l!nlurp assed by any of those enchan ting tales that ~, ~~&~;\U~~I I .I :,::~I:~~'t~',t~: IJ!~~~.~ :'1'.:'-: ~~ : !~: ~~ on P ~ I'on th o nl ::: ht Iwf urc. Ouc: tur 1'Hu l hnd h,H':ilmO so while Hv,) " I .\ u, " , 'J eJaculat ion. "You rememb er your·,'" lor ,11 11". " , . " ,., " .. . u u hit the reade V IIHI.I' r out ~u. !L of " l,", vU UI" "r ,\0 . :. ., . ~" . u O a prosai c " world lI l' W ah uu into l .It, Phil, what hap(lllne d that doy on thi s. )'o ul" ito Inquir ed the t hnt his hro li ler " .' ent to hllli an d 1I\1I1g Ullt~:I~!·. ,J)::'U~I;~i, of P realm !!\·on. t ~:I ~I~'()l~,I;~U~:':!1 r~~~llI~~ ~c:,~~ of romantic, breath-taking adven ture. "Wher" ll tltl s cmlle frnlll 1111 OI'ItI the boat." tl l 'rO!4S his s lJuuhl\ · l·~ . , .u&.raul l,.,,\j iii tCU~HI U"" U l'U l h .lI. l .... u 11111 ruu,u )' 1 ,(' rul'~ It w ns III YO \1I' IHw lt et 7 \\"h ll' "Doo't repeat It," crleltTo ny, "Ob, "AI'u you lyluJ;7l Bull.D ' og 1 1 0 Drumm ttl umh ' l'ed at , ~~~(II~I,~t(lJl:~~'~~b~[I~:~U'I."t~~jll:~!tC~I~~ l l~l ~~~~ ond, returned from the war finds we'I'!! nt It. 11''' ml!!ht us \\, ,,11 cll' llr uJ> all ot yo~ go away, Let me alooe. I l!:tJllh , ·'[t - it- - Si t de,JWlI, P I1I11. Will yuu l HH U. ItUiot" o r ~LlIIi.U . Uruur" Ullu\1 e\'erSllllt1~, " c~vili~n life dull, flat and unprofitable. Fate 'flings Le t JIIU--" w'"'t to be by myselL" pr\ l/lIplly . l\, ol-") I",,,. lUI) l.·.ullJr ur ";Ul\lr. , lur T hl' CPIII ,' r or Int r l' t, !'Ialt D t'\'on "You want to be with me," cootra· ""IIH.'I'e 's my bully?" q UU\' OI ' "() "uul ~:~... ~U~\~I~ ~~~\I!::l~w~':,:r:;I" him Into a new scrap and before he finishes with ~U~~;I \'~~~&~~~~t ~ lt lfll'" ul" '" slly III hl~ I'.hnl r. li e llilll dlcted Reginald, and he whJrled 10 jU" Prnd tf'hnv('u. l UU . 11 tt\ ( d, ~ t.UJ Ul' II\' o f uU, it, he begins to think that the little affair of 1914<l1~ l: tI \''' rl.~d th u lo ':of ot th e mvn '¥ but bUant ec!Itasy on ooe heel, tht'.o cilcked "Doca Ill.\' hnfl 1101 t1n r!!tI to' mAke nny 1';'1nlry Qtl ~s tlunl!li Urlllh go rree, scnl · rree ?" Empire Type Foundr y, Burfalo , N. Y 1918 was mere child's 'Play. There' s a girl, 100biB feet together : "You love me, Tooy I Mrs. Denltl. nhoul It. ll You do, dou't youT! l1 s llIy hI.' Tony Received the Call to the Library rnn O,'N th o s it· "l" ('fl . y es, " COJ1Sf'n . and indeed ev~ry element of a thorou ghly satisvl h brotlJCr8 4'H~~Op;-f __ t I"Hht Lletleeal y. The dark beRd mude IlIl-IIlmo st- i I DS 10 po· n t l e snmo tllI l\\ factory ItOry. Love, mystery, humor and thrills Ips s IlS po"sll,la , but live th ousur • liol· ~pttble nod, but PbUip In hIs Jeal· 'l'uuy h,"1 drOll])!!!.! to tI 'e nOllr. l';01V ' well, s he s oy8, 'Rtm, mummy, before lars ,,' II R n gooll thlllg tor n n;" n to thnt littl that dovetail into chills, with no time to catch OUSy lIaw It. Ulas sUiu d Ad~.: ' e en rolln c h nl l hl' ('n roulld, I 80mebod y ge ts YOll,' ond I wus klud a IIH VC', \\,hn l e\' l'l' h is po!'l lIon , If .:'ttrs, Be got up 08 It he were RO old mao, your breath between. s il o ct'u ld n o I 01\~l' r h e II l 'eJ ll ll t' h nq~ 1l dazed ilke n.n d ran a\\'ay." An CUI· tiS clnlmed O,e malley, her conllccin lhl ~ COIUIllIl iH U ~url! <lfi le The youth had Kone out of' hit". tllln g"l,'r. Edith IV ' ut to I,cr II I1lI knel t JU9t the o I'hlllp flung 4lto tile room. tI n wllh him woulc! rome out. nl") h a ... IA 4 Iota .. ",u abe dOCllll't love m e ond never room. Here is an amazing hero and adven turer of whom tlt nt might Ulnl<e th ings en~ ler ror him. 11as," he muttered dazedly, "tbeu rd I C<lntlnuo d n n l,oRO 3) you will probably hear more in succeeding volumes. "I'm hnlt crRzY,h be exclaime d and If she dlu" 't, he'd 11 0\' 0 th e cnsh nu y· MONEY LOANED better go." tllen stopped, seeing Edith Devon, but al he ia too good to be confined thE! pages of a how. Be waited for ber to speak, to deny bo W08 so Oiled with misery tilat be '''J'hnt's mine, 1II1 ~ t er," h e grunterl, bel' words, but the fenrful erpressl oo go \'e no Succf:aa and G."l u. lingle novel. Be sure to make his acquaintance, further beed to Ule straoger UNIt;Y T v LU .1 N UN "'A RMti " R",I r ,\lII,,'t st"l1 l It, ncillter. Gin, It A common 1II1""I' e " "l!Il1~ the ' In the gray eyes inrued upon blm coo· /lnd went u.t ij ' on ha stily, "Jock, Poul, to me." luLu n ,. L l v ( r. tu l u voung nurl In C" II!! I'll',,""' tused him stili more. 1 Is lhlll SUCthere's somelblo g beblod tbat Ilt[alr y"ur d. '1<"cOIl & :!,,,Ci (;\11 , !l"" l Js;.;. 'rll,' SRlIle cOlisltler nUnns hnd he!.' n cess In \lfa COUlIlS "" Iy "' Lie rewIlrd "Yes, go," Tony told blm, ron s ing ot Reggie's I" tnt" lULU LutiUIi. WUlUIUI !L uU, Ulllll, chnHllI1( t.h rou:;h Mrs, Cu rti s'. milld. of nomlng genlu_. 11erselt, "and-an d-neve r thlok ot me T iI~ epocha l / i:'l1vuo :luI. "'1'bero s ure 19," 88ld J ohn PendlelulU · tI nl1l l, lu Ih e g~"l! rl\l cllinclys m lhnt s he events or th c world. a&aln." IIkll !II<! grenl haven, "Sit down, boy, We're just · '1111' hefo re Iwr, s ho cOll clutlcd the accolllplls hm ents ot 11111111" , 11:1\'" bee D There WIIS silence 10 tbe room 08 he getting at ONEY L unllllll ou hv ~ ~ ~ uok. Il This Is Urs. Devon." lII on l'Y might be " e ry necessor y for the ros ult of slow went away, but no sooner bod tile door Illll Cflns tnnt U\.tIHt" I ~, III~u b~UOUI1 UlUI·tgUl!tld. "Aod my mnn," she Insisted, etru,,· hl'r lIlId he r chll rl rl'll. grow th , Be thrlfl y with you r time. closed thon Tooy flung up ber orm. ''!''led bVOIlU'. J"Ull tilirulUO• .\II"U gllng up. " Urlnlt nlwoY9 wns a d-n "n,m't let 11 1m bn vo It, J ohn,n s h c Wrt sled hours nro I "~ I IIlId ~ n"" for. UUIIlIIlIl!, X"l.Ilb aod IIIInk unconsci ous 10 a forlorn, lit· UlllU . tool, mlrln' UI) with swells like iteggle tl . ~ . lll "Cl'I 'II lIId l. "!t's mltl c. fIlve It 10 m,, " , over, tle heap against Paul Pendleh aven. hut the hou rs given I cunstruc "If Tony'll only stick to whllt sho's n ile $n,\" - O h Url n h~~ Slh.' tlll 'w 'd tn Brown, but I lovll '1m; Ilod, mISler," ) . t.lve lo\)or or stud y will rc nulln os· Inld," 1 )cVO O, " .,'\)\1 I, nnw, MI'S, Ourtls was I·Ulleatln l;. I " clo r .Jnhn I\ruRl! nlld st(lntl he· tn Ithrll I frlenlls lo i,el,) 011 , !illY I d i d If." s he wiped her fnce and, sbudder lnily, li nd 81.. " n tho CHAPT ER XVII. WA Num Iw,'" n Urlu h nut! !\Irs. Curus, hollllll!: en you through 011 U\Vl.lll 't pay nllY ~ ll c l j Ll Ii" ~," IUll t n.J)penlcd to Po ul Pendleh a veo, "It fOU "noUllng could be better, She'll prob· til e y,~n l's ot~)'our thu 1·,,11 or bills III h is Imud. Amlrl t ute. ably go to Joil, ond ReilDald wl1l tor· tcred Url nh. give '1m to me, mlstel- ·II Paymen t In Full. ' "We'll sce Tony HI'9I:," be loterrup t· let ber." .;r Luco! !lull LVIlI! UllltaOoo l:illul . "or C'ours ' lll! won't T nIlY." ~ x('1"lTJl Iho cI,, ~ ('s t ntl <\ntlon of til r~s t of 0'0 • _ _ - - EdJth Devon, with t)1e small black ed. "Rege'e SlIch 0 fool," commen ted the ed DOl'tor Jol",. " " 'e Iillo\\, Ihe \l' un, !iI'OUP, ho loolw(1 from one to th o oth r IU\5, 0.. 11 ~l1lld , K J.;.t\y" I· lI ~ , LYllt:t, "Wolt," bllg In bel' hAnd, crept out Of the Pen· whll u tile clcllllluu ls Indulged III n diS: V"lltJY VlJ uuu lU2-arlU l!8, While tb elr cousins were wtth girt. "I wonder If shc really dltl suy now." For Those Who Selleve In Drw...." •• \JUIO, pul dlehavec garllen, UDoPllrellenslve, She l). ' I'onnll!ol ~o t tt) Il l'" f~N. rlll llin g her· Urlo h's wltu below, Mrs, Curtis and Ibe lo,'ed him. Sho elmply couldo't To ell'!?UllJ or chl t'ken , you will be 1" 'IOIl8 uro (Ill II t. mill had no power to tJlluk-n o desire to go "YO\l I;he It to me, dhln't ynu, th e \' It Kutherln e were tolklng o'Ver the eveots care for blm when she hns Philip, nor fH'1f 0\\' 11 )' ft'om 1'11 111 1 ·"tII l lplll l\'~ · II. tllll of n cnwllrdl y IlCL To eot IIo),whe re or ('10 anything. She lin· A Y -4 Tu u~ 'l'rruuHI Y l)nd a '1'one mn 'ntn?" nsJicd litte r knowing he tri ed to kill Cuu "ln Urlnh, roughly. one, you will ex po , c n IrUll c lu! rOli S " Oil, PHI f'Hn'l It IT( '!'It Il lY pfl o r IIt t lr ot tile 0 h!h t aered about Pendleb nven ploce noW I.JluVbf; t1 ,,,t OI~dH Ii!,Y. inqolctl "llhlll·t you T' Paul. I'd llke to kllOI" whut's btlhl llll IIl(l tlu ' r ," Si ll ' (·r b·d. " II I'" w h,\I(' 11 trJcluJ. '1'0 kill t h (l lll, hOllor und g lory, f t' the morning dawned. Durlllg the hours It all," nY (·.4. I :-i lll'plISe d id:' s l !" n('know ). To cOllk th em, )'''u Will IlIJure 0 rrlcDlI III vV . tl . M lIr ~lI u, 11. U. ll, WuyoU8 . h a ~ ' ,"{'on ~o nlt :-:('l'n hl(', I IIll1 St lJelp precedlo K dayli ght she stlld led over '1I1~, Uiliv. ('d!!' ·ll. "I n ll Y I) ll hn\' I'Il' l ilOtH.! w hut ,)'OU unlut cntlol)ul l y. Tony received the coli to th e h er . You lJ1 u'{t, you. l' l~lI llJ -" u,ao! tile events of th e afternoo n and ev .... !o=aitl y ou w !luld." library llstiessly. Nothin g thnt ((uy· 1'111 111' ;!'nt nut or hI. ehnlr, hilt P OI:'nlng, As her mind clen r<.'« , all ber "'Tw,,-n ' l Illy r""It," Urlnh grurn · love for Urloh rose up and clamore d FOR RENT one could sny oow would make h er tOI' ,l " hn PItt 111111 l'll cl; 1111'1 II :l;:,a ill. hl",l . "If th"t {0.. 1 o r u sou of your9 "\\'ult,'· ho wh lSII"I" 'll to help blm, She r membere d leaving lUlU Ihe h" y" l ot any ellsler. Nnthl ng I Nolblng I cor. hn ll ll '( il lllletl In nntl s hot me, I'd (uk· hlm strelclte d out on lh e Il oor BS If b e Phlllp, h er new fu th e r, kind L'ncle 1.{OOMI::! uu .dlliu II lrllllt, jabL been "I ",nnt to tell you, cvc r)'o uo." wr'lI! P l1 Ttlny Ill< e 1 bnrgnlnc~ to," were d ead. Wheo the town below be. J ohn, all bnd vnnlslled 10 tlt l) woters fin 'l'O ll \' .. tkrr. 'Iv. Utl\Y1y pUVllr"d . 'fhl' ll DM IM ['nul Inl el'/10sert, nnel luqolru lit I::!IIW' "tllu t I'll " \\','al' '111 gan to sbow sig ns of do)' s he walked at bllt!)rne ss thut hud overwhcllUcll yor's W u.yutI Murk ot . It f~ \\' <i"0'';11,,,, ", slernly put unll cute· tu4 bact loto Pendleh nven J)lacc ond slow· ber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~" f!' orleoll .,· a ns -DEAL ER INwer!)", dl scovored the Iy up to the hou~e. The room seemel! full of people ~ - ----- \\'1I 0 11 ~ ('on splruc y lIetwecn p..(rs. Curtis It was a sen'tlnt wbo u sh e red Mrs. wbon 8be crell! tlmhlly 10. Urlllh Dc· he r chlldrcn. lind Urlnh Devon, LOIT ' Flour, Fepd, Coal. Salt, Devon Into the IIbrnry where Doctor \'00, with n whit e cloth ti ed uroun ll J ohn I'(' nt!h~h o " e n, wh osc nnger bad Joho and Doctor Pnul "till sut, strng· HIs heud, loungllli In n Inrge chulr. Tile, Posts, Waler Founhc"n slCII,lII y ri si ng, Sllllll 'nil' Rteppcd Lll:ENt lE 'rug N o, 14660, be. gllog with the mystery that hlld corne Mrs. Ou rtl s nnd Katheri ne were 8Mt· tains and Self-Feeders. torwnrd :1 11(1 hl'llSIl!)d h is bro.titer ll slde, tweau Furry anC1 I:Ivrlug llill, loto thdr usuolly Quiet home. Atter ed, ri gidl y erect side by · sl,le. 'rhe urll ta ke- charJ!u of thl9 now, Puu',,' Il'rbnK UUddoo k, R, U, 1. l:lurk~ville. "aluly trying t o torce more t hon w onogirl's gaze pn sseJ ove r . t hei r glnrlng he s Ill Ie.\. Oblo. "Y ou'r e too d-d cns y. sy llabic repli es !rom Tonnlbe l, they • mol eyes uud settl ed Oil Philip ~J llcC nlll ey. -SHIP PER OFHe re's Wh!)Cl! you treoCherous Snnke" h od put b er to bed, gibbe ring with Was t.hot a emil e she S ItW lurllln!! . 1(0 t o Ju ll," he Includ 'ct Urlnh ontl thl) frlgbt. Brollllll bls lIllS? Of course nOli H e Hay, Straw and Feed. (o'ORSALE Curtis ,'s III n swe ep of his ho nrl. "Elv. Edith I\dvance d to the middle ot the coultln't srnlle wh en she \\'n s In su ell ery olle o r y,,"I" Hp turned s nl' ngcly room, hold ing the little bllg In her trouhl e I She s hll'cred ns . he me l upon !te!;ln ul t!. "You littl e pU\1." 'he haod, looking Ilrst at Doctor John, wbo Feed Grinding a Specialty, OW aDd 7 Plg~, !JIg type Poillod, Reglllllid Browu's eo).:er eyp., nn'l . ch nrge" swi ftly, ''you trlerl to pols on tried unsucce ssfully to recall where he Chloll. thru Sl llIg buck n sob, s ho went to I'nll l Ill, Ai . UuuDell , 1Iox 611, f'nlll, tlldl1 ' t )'OU 1" H e cm,sed to his bad !!een be r, lind then at Doctor Paul. It. fl., &, Lnbaoo o, Obl . Pellrllell aveo bl!col1 se h e hll el h el~ hi: Yo wlle slrle nnd towere d ·ove r him with up. "Where' s my mnn, my Urlab1" sbe N IJHh ttluge\>U le UD lIay LUll til! ' band out to her, 'l'h eu sll£! !'"'" Iwr mlse d II s l "011'0 up, asked b un r "ely, and tJ' en Doctor Joho d-n you. Didn't Leb"no n lltke. mother, and It bewlldl?N'rI c"pre.sl on U118 ... you ?" 1'C<'ognlzed bel' Ilnd rose to ..hi S feel spread O\'er Ite r fo c.,. Docl ol' Pnlli. OY n eg BEANl:! lnllid cowered "You rot my hu 'band her e wllh a bit , home , sli pped out ot hIs "rOWD. J . A, hi M e.v el soft nl1l1 ,::1","nlll '::, hl ~ li pS cfllli r unll ottempt~d to shield himself .H llrtlU 'ln, R. U. 2, WayueH vllle, fit Iud Ln '1m," went on EdILt., wotwlt chlnlf ner vously, ure lV her down Ulllo In Mrs. CurUs' arms, wbo leaned pro• . 1101000U 811, -, want to 8ee '1m; I want ml8 beside hi rn. tectlngly over him. ~o Inke 'Iw ba~k to the bOIl t." "lrlumm y d()('su't kilO\\, nny Ulln,:: h p rthorn Yearllu g Dull Cult. ellI "1- 1 wns drtUlk," he excused bllIlo For the space ot thirty seconds, p" rabout It," g!ls peti the I:'lrl, cx!:el.illln); glule to rel(l~t.or, price '126. In. acll, "" n~ 1 tbougbt, " he whlmJ)erecl " ana. 110 tlno \'poI"r...1 a word. ~hen. Telep!1one 76, ring 3 her arms .tD Edith, "1 won'l hp.llr anv· qUire of ,I, '1'. Flack, Wtlynes vllle t o..1lls l'..r,rther, "I thought you ,!aoted Ohio. . ml8 :
'I ,
E. JAN NEY , Way nesv ille, 0
~ I~
General Repair Shop
rfYp E' W IT E R S
Stor y of a Man Wh o Sou ght and Found Dan gler
-- ..
Will Soon Start Serially in these Columns
Eve rett Early
Lytle Feed Mill S Lytle, Ohio
EAMIN G SEED CORN, IUla per' l.Jo8bllJ. Inquire of.J.t!, V .. udervo,'ct., tt, J) . :4, Wtlyoes ville, Ohio,
- ~ .-
ml8 Sh o rthorn Bull ()ulf, eligible ' to ret;l8tllC , tuburou lln teet.ed prloe Cl ll h i J WII Bu n Edward l!,' W~V. nu,; ville, Ohio, m 18
1BAY BOB wellJhM
m, comlug 5 years old.
1,500. Il1qutre or Dnt, Furna~, R, D !l, WaYDl! lville Oblo,
H AMixed Y -SeV!!~'1 'OD~ 01 ~xtr~:~ Bay . Jnqatn
of RoD.lcl HAWke, R. D. 1, W~YllIlI, Obto. ,
The Miam i
..·.. TH E: MIA MI
GA ZE TT E..•.
~~"I on,.ce. al wa'''U~f1 '~. ' ~I' IU.
.... . . . ! E'f ES
".N<. .. . ." . . . . . . . . . . tI -
s~r ..n~ ( ' ~
i f
a' .,1 A)_ II D. I.. CP AN E , ".\lltor li n d ]J l1hh ~ht'r. \Yny n csvil)e. hi o
'l'he Anoleo t rder of the Urlen;a l will oopven a b e re.;)n tmturda y nlg'ht May 7tb. Wor k wi ll be d o ne on .",veralo aDdldlL to8, At 6 :a(1r.be din . S ubscrio tion Price, $ 1.50 per yea r Ini bail will be opened . 811 d g et i n I 0" '1.11 ~dY\' ,II", ". Ie ,;;;,•• u i~.. h" 'line , a8 th e sn ,llIor wJ lI be ser ved ",,,·.. \ illlI: ItK,, \, f' HESSAS 'O I,\T III befo re the lo(\g o oo nve o e~. 'f he _-==-=-=-===:::-=====================::-:~~:=~ w~ollr:k will be Uono 10 l!'lreru" n 's The l'erfn rmon oo w!ll t a k e WF; DNESDAY , MAY 4, 192 1 plll.oe rlg b t I\WI\ ,V ofter t he fee(U u l!l qf the IlDlmal 8, !:iOU IO of t h e 10 081. anolent hI g h dlv uR will tuk e pl uoe jas t bot or e t he , Pbnlng o f t bd d oors Our Cale ndar beller go." plncUel1 ber mOln"ra '0 tbe 1O&ln e nt,fRnCla . If y ou d o : Ortn Hplletully, "Oet up, D ' oome :vo n wIll reg r et It, and It Quit tliut cryin g, "uoJ corne on." you do y n n wi ll wi ~h yo u h9d n o t , 8 0 192~ 'l'lie uth"l;!! watch...! thcru 1t'1l\, 0 Ibe you aae :ro u bl\ t.! hul '.a r 1921 e , One room, nDd thell Mr9. Oevon SPOkA up: \IOlfel, Adm its YOl n t il onycom 5U1 Mal TlW \olio) rhu f r, ,)0 1 )Il\ r t of t h o "Wc're next, Hluh J An ll w,,'r ' IIre nn, prdv ldin J{ yoa otln r(oallf y. 12J4&67 lo ~ lIn g l y !;ntl ctul to yo u, Ooctor Pll ul, NlIw lot 's m IL k e tbi ~ " meet,lng that nlld y u u, Ooctor J ..!m, for lettlo ' WI will lon l: \)e rU 8 I 9 10 11 12 M I L~ . go. tll OU1lJ a n u , e very o ne AI,,'t we, Itlnl, ?" tbd, oom es IUO Rt h.llp t o make U It> 17 18 1920 '2J Devo" 8trnl ~htelll 'd liP from h!. ple llHllnt fo r I.lie o tll " r~ . 80 bf'l pre"I chnlr 111111 gl'ln ne d ~ h ('e pl s hl y. "ut 0 t ~ ::10 lI.m . on rill turday , Mny 7, !2 2,} 25 26 27 28 ' ~l'hut we b e ." he agreed. "nnd ('11 29 JO ell tr)' to ij!lUW It, " 0 0 'I'bo " v n i j(h ~ . April 2Hl h . • • • • • • • R"rv oYflb nrrsdg){ of 1'. Lod go N n. :lrt7 Muy l - i{(Jl{ati ull S UllljHY 'I' llnt eveni ng wh n 'ronnlbe l nnd h .. rI Il b " n~Il "flrrJ ,ing . IIN ~1 8 tBd by Muy 5- A ,ce n ~ i o n Da y. Pllillp were "Iooe t,,!,,·ther . t he youag Cro wn lodge no rl Bell br nnk 1 0,1~ e Mtl y l:) - ~ und IlY a ft e r AscenBion llIu n 8uhl choklllg ly, "Y OII rlOll 't for a 'I'h .. Rank of I{ nil(hr. WI1~ oonf orre '\ MBy 11I --l:ullf",Ue rat t: Mcmllri ul Day ' moment Imuglne I "ver bc lll'yed you opon two o"nrlill .tf'@, w bioh w,,~ Mu}, 15 - Whit s ullol uy .tlll Ih ll t thin".. clllrll nL! ? I w"'Ji \I\\' O Y rlono In 8 111 Nt. ~n 'i R f. ot .. rv mllnn er M ay ::!~ -- TrinIIY SUlidRY Arter tla e w ork tb RY w o ~tl ud t be lr Muy ::!!l - -I. t Su nd"y uflerl'r inily wily t,o Ib f'll r d inin g room, wh e re th e Muy ~U - O" corn ti u n (Jay dinn e r wu~ "orv Q.1 bv Maple Templ e No. 357, tint.! t oo mu oh ORnnot, be ~ ald In praltle of t b fll r l, tfo rl, ~. I Yo n will nMlce thflt t b e 1C00:1 bro ther dOllS not "OCORO U " ot not e 8~lnR Hn ,u g b , this tllll e Oh. t, bo~ e bilk ed belLns . -'l'ypO ) A ft er giving a IR st Ilod l o n~ln 8 l ou k iI t, th o \II bill, tbey lert f or tb" lodge r OO lll , wh "r e 111IMeMllng Rnd o SAlol talkM wor e mnde.
Xenia. Ohio O;>l!1l e ve ni ngs by appoint ment
• • o ..... ..
Shadow of the
rhe P , tblHo t;1~t o r s of M ~ ple Temple No . :157 be lo tb elr aDnn,,1 I""peotl on un Toe.dllY nlgM, April 26tb Thre e new m e mberl Wf're In. 8truc ted In tbe bidden IDV8t·er le@, V'llltorl l wl're pre8eut from W 4yne 8. nnd " llIrllsvll lo, and A vel y enjoy. able time WIiS btld , Tbere will be ~ork ~t theIr nex t meeting , MIi Y )0 .
Sheltering :Pines If New Roma"ce of 1M Sturm Cou",."
\ nrci noti o n n !"pec inlly, Noth. in).: bu l r~c li ab l c' Se rum used
"lI " rc ohe Is, sIr," Nhe sma In IlUS Il, tUII L'N, IIfllng a telu 'ful tU l'!! to tile men. "li nd yo u cuu ltlll't hn \' 0 n filler II lrl In tbe 1V0rl tl. I olu' t goln' to 8Il y fur y ou to furgl,·o "'l'. s ir, but you've tlUd 'pr over tw o rt '''r~ I Now, glmme Ur luh. nlld "' lo'lt go:'
Mr . and MrB W. L . Harvey lind because I th ougllt you !Ilnll·t 10" 0 me MT. aDd Mrs. J t:I. ::>bld,,\rer ' were IIny more, thn t you never had loved Wllmln Rton Raests. on tm turdliY . mt>. Yuu don't thl nk- nll Y other wo y r ' Prof . and Mn. 0 V, Tolle Are IINo, d ear." s he nn ~nv e re d gently. owners of a new Ford rnnl\bout. "No, o~ course not I". 'I',e boy prt'S!leal her 10 him. ond, whlob thf'lY r ~ o(lD'ly purohus ed of Wru St. ,'ObD. wh o raprese nts tbo .1 th ey II'hI R (l ~ rp(l SO lo\\', no one could Kllpa$r lot.Fren ch Motoro or Co .. of ht'8r nnythln g. there Isn'! nn o! her word l.ebano to record. excel'l th,,1 T nllnlbel Peq· of 1-',. n, and It Ip s tyle to buy a oar Jobn. Yon mlgbt 08 well be dlell8ven hud everythi ng tbe world in 8&yle if you wltlb t o \lve In pelAoe. l'Ould g h 'e one little girl. l:'0881bly tbd I s wbat the Profess or I TRIll END,] and Mrs. 'boughS .
TUll Y 1111'''' \\' her 1\1'111 9 nrouud Ed lth'a IIcek. Whlll II ('hulI lI two 10lllllles ami II t ell' lI'ortls hud mSlle I She a" I'II,etl to h" ve lu kell 00 a new dig· nlty us. wllh shlnlog eyes, she snld to I'll ul Pcndl,,'h u \'cu : " Futh,' r. dftrllng. what ,.~ It W811 Roman Idea Concerning Oyatora. 111II! ~l' pn rn l c d liS, I \l'lInt, oil, how I According to aD emlllCnL oltl WUll t to rio some thIng tor the only dOl'tor, tile ltomuns ' prl'Ifllee HomaD Uon for mOlhcr ('\,0 eve r know D." oysters WIlS a snnltnrs one. whlcb he Of course. Doclor I'oul ronsente d: explolne d thullwlse : "Lh'lng oyaten he " \' ('1\ (lid more. 11 0 got n promise are endowed ' II'lth Ihp, (lroper medl, 11'0111 the (onfllMetl Urln h thnt hc'd dnal virtues; they nOllrlah w'oDdertUni hi s bock ou th e oltl days IIntl ! fully, nnq solicit rest: for he who ohl ways, ond begin ogaln with such I IIllPS on oysters Is wonl on tbat night 11101 os the I'endle hu\,eus \~ oultl give to I!lee p placidly ; oml to the vollltuhim. dInar, afflicted with n weak stomach , eIght. Whllo Doctor Pnul was setlling lho ten or twelve row oystel'8 In I fa te of the Devo lls, J ohn PcmJieh nvcn mornIng, or one bour before dInner, hnd been sizing up the Curtll tamil" III more healing thaD any drug or mls. They were grouped together, clinging ture that tile apOthec nr, can compound." to ench olher. -------.~--~.~--T_"\tag.:le," he ejnculnted, "r reckon YOII 1Iid a good Job wben you 8topped Usc .our Claaailied Ad, for results n evon ," Ith n bullet Inst nlllht. As , !!!!!!!!!!!!!'!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tor you. Sarah, you and your c:bllllren a ren't sofu to hnve In the house. !lero I" He slretched forth bls hand nnd olrered the fivo thou!lllntl dollal'8 to her "lIere's ),ollr mon ey. Now go, and tnke Rt!gglo and Katherin e wIth you." . THIS IS THE AGE: OF Mrs. Cllrt'" wu SO utterly ove rcoroe ~E:AT INVEN TIONS . thlll s he could do nothing but Yob, but TI-lEY AA2: NOvv' Katherin e look iho bills from the doct!,r'H hnud om'! turned to' ber brother. INITIA TING IMITATlO,:,! "Comll all, n ege," he muheretl, "Beln JIlC .l!el .her out of tillS. \Ve
- - -
Catarrh Can Be Cured CntulTh 18 a locnl (\I~ense.
Inftuenced by constitu tional condl· tiona. It therefor o rcqulreR constltu · Uonlll treatmen t. HALL'S CATA.llltB MEDIC INE Is taken Internal ly and ac\a through the Blood on ·the MU~I Surtace s pt the . System, HALL!8 CA'l'AJtRH MEDIC INE destra,s ' the' foundati on of the disease, glveB the pntlont strength by Improving the eral heolth and aS8111ts Da~ in.doln , lis work. ' ' '. All druggist s, Olrcilla n free. F. J. ObeDey '" 00.; Tolido,' ~
Phone 44
-- --
J:/ ,"
Sweot girl ,Mlduat e9 wbo ba'fo already lltarted to plan lhelT ~aduntlon troclts may well take a hint frem the girlish styles worn . by the boautlfu l N.otnllo Mannln ". On the left· the bEll'Ulrl.e d and berlb-
Forest T. Mar tin
Ce nterville, Ohio :;(j iv(' me you r eu le . I ca n do you r \\,o l'k reasnna b le anfl will g ua rant t'o III 811liMfy yo u.
tJ ~:a c d (ro('k or wh ile h tL. a ""b y bloe bodice and Is lrl ll lll H,,1 wll', (.i.l e) blae ' eUrl£d ribhon . The <I r OPI" " \ sboalde r eff ect Is frona ~ro.n d · moLb~r's <la y nntl " rumbes III h ~ UII' {'I ' ! II I ' r , .I I '.I I' ~ ,II' r ,III,; n .. 'f&ry popu lar th is lIoason . Oil I h ~ IOl'lIt or 11 :l i r :\: , , '\It'II , IIth" i s rl&ht 18 a da inty fr urk "r (',"bl'u lt! I l l(' 11H _\ 1 1 ,f'- , I :1, : I r I, • • P,I' .1I1\ croo hond kercblef IIII CII UI)(I with :t ntl I :: "Ill" II ;i! ' 1, I dr" h " I I · bowstlt cb lng otltll ng tn (I... 1""li,·,· . 11 1 fl y I II 1 1)1' I j " I1 I' > V ' ~ , \,\).' " II"~ It ha.a a benutifu l Ili ce yuke. \11 UI H: t lun lJ l' :o r ll l r d' t
I "
Mr . aOQ Mrs. Albe r t l:itaoy entll r. \ t,ained on S unday, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank Robi nson, Mr. Eyler Ilnd Illd y friend, of Daytoa , Ur . uml Mrs . WIIJ Nnl! and Mr . and Mrl'. Rossell Bornst, Mra. Harold Urabf\D l di ed ut t hl" bome of ber unole and aon t , Mr· 1 and Mrs, Albert Shephe nl, n l ar WaYDe svllle, TbUrid ay mornI ng a t a o'olock, afler an IlJne8~ of sev:eral mon&bs of tuberou loels. Slle lea ve" I 8 young hlisbao G and 1\ ).a. m o nt,b R. old babe. Tbey have the sympRI lJy of ihelr many friends ber e.
uEiIfi1:· DURHAM
tobacco make s SO good cigarettes for
-----.. - ..- ----
Beating the Bachelor. In SIcily tile fir tree Is un known RII , a OIIr1_trons ndjunct. but th e very ludicrou s ' custom of "bentln g t he bachelor " Is obser,'ed by th o women. Allot tIIo onmarrl ed men In th e vII· logo are driven Into the cl,urch atter nmllS by the outnumb ering wo m"n 8 Dd run ahoot tile sacred edIfice and benten until they deeloro (often f nlsely) thot they will wed ere anoU,er Christ· mas come arouDd.
- --..
-...- - -
Practica l Vaccina tor . Havo harl g'oorl success ill Immuni ng on bot h 8ick and well herd s.
Bellb rook, Ohio
h elp.
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
Profitable Hontl IIJ1d Cattle
Veter inaria n .'
Co~... tonneote d b~ fIIr:. "i .... leu nn1k - l!1q:M'rLa .a ,. 25 " le .. ·- lban 'W b . . c.ontu.tad &li d c.om(orta ble .
c..cor. oid Fh- Spray &ad Li(:o D.,..
OFFICE: l"ourt h Street, ncar Tyler Telepho ne 93
It i , we. ..... io . . .d do • • not pm . bet b.i,.
ltToyH dri.u nt N . ... ,. ,
£,quan,. cffcc:ti.o ... fly-.pr. ,. fo r
bo rae. and t o dutro,. bOlf-lic. a nd Ch LcJ.ftD mit. . . If ,.our deale.r can ' t ",upo l y 7 0Q. w rit e 10 w.
Wayn esvill e.
~ Company }rI(,. Torlt c"..,. B.IA. 1.. .. The
John H. Wright Auc tion eer Farm Sales and LIve Specialty
W a yneSV ille, Oh io N a t ion!! 1 Bnnk
Satisfa ction Guaran teed
Bellb rook,. Ohio
It Pc";\Ys to Ad vert.· se
Both Phones
I n our Classified Colu mn.
DR. H'.E. HAT HAW AY W'ayn8 .vllle's LeAdIDi: DeDlI•• omoe In B ulnes Bldg, Malo Bt
Wal ter McClure
Adver tis e
(1. .....
Gladston e'. Umbrell a. Gladston e's umbrelatl Is a co tch phroae ' tor the Gladstonlon poliCY, WheD In Septemb er, 1885, afr, GI Rd· lltone Issu ed his ml\nltes to to th (' Mid· ' lotblrlO electors , It wns anld thn t he "opened hIs ' umbrella ." Rl s ml ols trJ were snld to sbelter under his llmbrelln, and thnt Is why In cnrlcntu re Mr. and Mrs. E . J. Smltb, at Wil- he WOII frequent ly abown wIth II Bobool teaober s, A8 well a8 alllny mIngto n, 8pen& Vl'edne llday and "gamp" tlDder hla orm, otber professl onll. reoeive uolloea ble Thursd ay of Jaa& week wlt11 Mr. and leUerrl. It ·wlll·no t do &0 tell Dam611, Mn. CbarleB E . Joho. but tblll oooorre d : A worried motber Mr . and Mrs William Bergda ll wrote to her boy's teaoker 18 fol· 10WII: "Pleale do Dot push Johnny wllre Lebano n vlBltor! , Friday. too hard, for 10 mucb of his bralnB III Intelll'lOk tbat he ougM k> be beld Mr. aDd Mn. I:!hermn n Rogers baot a good deal or he wlll run to Rpent several days Ius week with In'elleo k en&lrely , .. nd I do uot de. Frank Rogers and flimlly, alre It, So pJellse hold him baok 80 all $0 keep bil' intelleo k from getting EdsoD Bur~oD bn. Joined 'he bigger tban bia body Rnd Injurin g for Ii &erm of tour yeara, andnavy reo bliD for life .. ported at Clnolnn ati, Friday,
A. SHU MAK ER Vete rinar ian
Both Phones llom e H55-8 Bell 4- 1r
In order tbet th e readers of Sbll! newsy abeet may know wby tbere was no new! from bere In lu~t, week'8 lllue, it Willi .m aooouDt. of the droutb The reporte r's tIme wall ooneom ed In irrlglitl nlf, tbat nerytb ingmig bt be more profitab le; and an omissio n of one IBsue mate.! tbe readera wore Intere~ted in tbe \lems wben In prill', and wben Dot there, how muob we regret It,
Ha rveys burg , O.
Mr aDd MTS W . A Merritt , IlaoompaD l ed by Mrs . Emma CHne, oo&oed to Daytf)D on !:IondAY. VY hero lbey were tbe guestl! of Mr. aud Mrs . A. Muller .
1]OtIrSa1e io
Mr. ~nd Mr• . B. T . Vice are 8pendWayn esvill e, Ohio Ing a week with their s on, Durw .. rd , while his wife \s vlsUlng ber plirentl help to strength en th(, l£leth, nnd will tn KeDtuo ky. . Pu lly Equipped for Good 8weeteD the hl'<'lIlh. The teeth Mr, and Mrl:l, Wll li lim Brown and should be bruBhed nfter evory men I Service. with 8 little blcllrl,,'nill e of sodo t\ls· Mrs. Mllrgllra~ .lobu8 were Dllyton ta rge Displa y Room solved In wnrll! wn l~ t'. One ot . tho VIsitors , Friday. sImplest and bcst d C llllrrl~ e~ for ordl· l'~~ I.P. P H ONE 7 DA Y OR NIGIt'l nlry use 18 Whil e CIIHllh' "" 0(1 IIl1d W~lte r . Clnrk Hull hrolly wer o preelpltlltet'l chnlk. A few rlrol>8 ot 80ndaoy goOtitB of MI' , lind Mrs. B. lII1cture at myrrh In 0 little woter M. Chlrk. maketi a delightf ul mouth wnroh. Mr. and Mrl!. JOhD Myers, MIlS Chewing the bark Of clnnUlI,on Is both Doro'by ' Mysrf!, .Ir. and I)J.{ , J. W. MILL ER. Mrs . an antl8ept lc prore.ss ","1 n heulth1 nel Simpso n, Wlll ftam Long SjLm. and one tor ImprovIng tht> ICt'Ih nnd gums, daugbte r, H:tb e l, vlelted the Zoo a' DENT IST••• UlnolnD a't, SUD day, J 8;aln8 of Lower "nlmal.. ll .. u on~lmJ:"~ nldll' Wayne nLle, 0 All anlmala hft"e lIom o torm er , K~IK~brYDC~r~~M~ mluD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ braID and nervous system, wblcb In verBlty, and Miss Altnes Fowler, Ilf :: ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~= .--~-- .. - - the horse and 'other higher anlmalts UnIon City, Ind"and-were week.eD d . ._ _ _ guellli o( Mr. approxIm ates the human brain. Mr.. Wtlbur A8 compare d wltb the bumaD brain, Clark and f .mlly. thoae of anImal. are detlclen t lu MillS Itea Staoy II the fir.' Lytle reason'n g power bnt In other wa)'l th"lr tntelllge nce 18 very marked. onlzeD '0 have &he honor of a ride In an airplane , The Care of Your Tuth.
A teospoon ful of lillie wo ter 1ft a rlass ot milk, tol; n every day, wl11
papETo 'I t wi ll bri ng you bu~"
For best results we use Miami Gazette's Classified colunms, we'll tell the world!
, S. Detroi t St. :
I !
Examined Correctly.•• : G1!\ss-es Fitted •
t,..1"'IFF AN Y.'S "
'f '
Lytle liuuday Scbool wtll be bBld .& 9 : 30 dl1l:lng tbe summe r mon,hll , aDd &he preaobl og Ilervloe wllJ be every SUD day evenIng . The 8aotl.,. Scbool iB pow having a Bed aDd dlae 000 test, '0 la.'1 three months , The cap&ain s are MI88 Leona Mo. utonl. for 'he Red, aDd MI .. Bea 8&aoy for the Blae, Arthur While he, 80ld hi. 8!1& ID the Lytle tienl08 garage to Johp Long, ot W.YDe svllle. Mr, LoDg haa bad .averal yearl experl. enoe In &he aa&omo blJe baalDIIIIi. aad we aallojp ate a liberal Patroa. for him bere, .
Mr. alld Mr. Obarles Olark aaa KI.. Leona MoGiDnA,' .,lllled Gem Oliy, Saturda 1, Sama81 lflDi'h .tld famU,. eater. tatDed Mr, and lin, A 1.. HlclR ad 4a1l8ha en, of W.,D4! llnUe, 811114~7'
the Mlltlltoe
111 (1IltO\!. ,,1I'n nnt tb4I 1I1r. II r 'jlllr,1 '11 II " I,)U, III a l)nrhlll l!cr
\I p ~n' l p'l
(11" III .lI'O!lt· Ilf hnll lur k.
~hl 1"1'0. 00 tor 1I1111111n)l n ot 1111 tlNI!I' tl) lhe cPlII"r nf the r09m, II CIl 10m w.hlt'h hnd noUI' tnl trl 'l''''OIl ~ ab(lul It In ' 11m II r..t . Holy . )llaee. Bnlder. In Sl'onIUnn"lnn mY- I Ascension Day. May Ii: thotog)'. Will kl11·d Ill' ~ n "rrow ot I Commu llion at 9:30 a . m. mist! toe. 0\1 hi s tl Inl! rC~I (lr '11 10 Sun llav afler A"cension: Church . • lite It w.a Ilromlsed Ihnt Ihe plnnt would neve r oguin fl\lr(l~trnlo c,' 11 un. School at !1 :30 a . m. At the 10:80 service Bishop Theodore Reese, of 1 II It toud l 'd the oorLb. olumblls. will be present. preach lind odminister co nfirmation. R r~mb l .nee. TIl' Iwcrage mon r''' (' m bl c~ n "'ho le: I f yo u have heard Bi ~I~op Ree~e. he no oner gNR (' n top IlI nn h o bl>- ,you W ill wall I tu h!'or hIm agaIn . ~In. til blow.- Bo Ion 'l'ron,,·rlpl. If you have not heard him. you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~'!!""""!!!!~~ not alford to miR.q this opportunity IClune and worship with us. Ever). i l bodvinvited .
I., no
ZIMMERMAN'S CabballC and Tomato Plants. Fancy Pansy Plan tR. all tr ans· plan ted P lants. Li ttle Chick Fee<l Scrat ch Fef'd CracKed Co rn Paintll, Oils and Turpenline Varnish Sulins. Floor Pain t Screen Paints, Auto Enamels We sell the Be8t Paint Made. 100% pu re. covers 400 SQ f t . others cO"er only 300. and our price is only $4 .00. lnvestigate before you buv, and we can save yo u money.
Spedals for
Friday and Sarurday Le7nB~~0:t~.. ...... .... ...... ... 25c 30 bars for $1.00
K~~:::f~;I.I.~.~~~~: ......... 25c
~u2~n~a~:~~:.~.:~~~~: .... $1.00 It Pays to Trade at
LEBANON HI VS WAYNESVILLE ·HI Last Friday lhe Hiih School lost their second game in the leallue to Lebanon. The game was well played lind excellent sportsmanship was shown all both sides. The score was 3 to 1 in favor of Lebanon. No scoring was done until the last inning. wben tbe locals lost their stride and Lebanon got a few hits which our boys did not handle properly·. The two teams may play again this season. The featlfre of the name was Rue Dinwiddie's long drive over the centor fi elder, which Kave him only run for W. H. S.
Miami Gazet
Is quipped wilh thl' U P I e t labo r-
saving del'ices- E ll'clric : cales. Register anti Sanita rv Cou nte r. Dr.. Dill, Osteopath. 21 ~ . Broad th ua nllblin,, , u to sen 'I" you The Miamis w ent to Morrow. Sunway, Lebanon. Ohio. properly fil i rl prulll P_ tl.:,. ':I_. _ _ __ tlay, and as u ~ual, d ropped the first Ou r gro(' r y i~ f rt!<l h. l1 ew und game, the sco re being 13 to 4. OsFrank Wooll ey and family, or Day- cll'an . anti UI " l o-t he-m inute bo rne pitched most of the game, ton, spent Sunday afternoon here =::w~:;;;::;~;:;:;;;:;;;;;::;;;;;~;;;J-hi \Vilh relatives. - - + t - - 'W A one:! ~ ub.lt;tttL i ng; but Ivas unable to deliver in his 1lsual sty le, and but SOll l) tu nul l< for several bonehead plays th e score Mrs . H H. Williamson and family O.)n' t OVerlll(,k O llt' Gl n.!r ~as e have been different . flowmight ret urnAd home, Sunday . after spend- - C h oc o la l e~. I-'u uge!. '1 pwi ng I!vcr . it has always bt'tln Miami's luck Candy. Millt,j. E \, l! rvr~r ll . l' h ~ w ing the winter in Fl orida. inlt GUill anu Su ll edl' ellnut:, . to lose the first .few games of the deMon. Household 11 ce:;sil it!~ ·- HllIl· i ll ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Hamilton Bull teoma a re wri~ng for dates . spent several davs last week with Am munill. Turp{'nl iltt!. S!l l l ~ fl il d as lor Oil. l)ut UI} in convenient and it is possible thllt this week will relatives in Harveysburg. inexpensive JlIlCkRg e s ~ee lhe team dated for at lellst a mont h ohead . Most of the teams One IVtlru ahout our Melli S: Better Btlnd in your old carpets and Our ~tll·f. 'l·.,al lind Pork are schedul ed a re ball learns played with rugs now to reserve a place for hom killed. ke pt in pr rft'l'l conlast HPft SUl1. weaving your .. WeaweU" rugs . diti un !n ou r' new . larKe rl' fril{' Franklin .Rug Co .. Franklin. Ohio. ernto r .
A Serial TreatSoon to Starl
l ri"h l'"I 'hl '·r~. Tri ll ll1~ h " . I':arly Ohi o IIl1d Ha pi d Trall ~: t ~e ~ d l'ututoe". nor! I... rlt grown
Mr. and Mra. C. M. Robitzer, Dr. J. T. Ellis and D. L Crane attemled the County cOmmunity Service meetInlt at lAlbanon, Tuesday evening . There was a Ilood attendance and a great deal of business was transacted. Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughter. Bernice, were caUed to Cincinnati. Friday, on account ot the illness of Mrs. Hyman's father. Mias Bernice staid over until Sunday, wh tln ahe returned home with Mr. Hyman. who spent Sunday In Cincinnati. .
.. -----
Our Store M.lAMIS LOST
Several members of Crow n lodge. K. of P ., went to Harveysburg, last Thursday evening, and assisted in the degree work. They were treated Turkl8l\ Womell Fine Llnou'.... witb true Harveysburg hospitality . It Is no uncommon thine tor Turk. than which there i8 non e better. so, 1811 women te btl able to speaJI halt tho InnguOgell or Europe, ond to have, of course, all had a fine time, In addition, a knowledge ot IInclent --'-Greek, Persian and Arabic.
-----_ ...
"THE FIFTEENTH OF JANUARY" "The Fifteenth of January" Is the title of the Senior Clasa plsy, which will be given in School Auditorium. Friday evening, May 13th. Following i8 the cast of characters: Lleut Jack Wileon ...... .. Claude Riggs Ted Allen .. .. .......... Curtie Thompson Dick Sherman ........ Harold Earnhart Billy Burton .................... Earl Clark Count Andreae CaaaaveIJi .. .......... .. ..................... ..... .. .. ... Ed Burton "Chuck" Clinton ........ Seth Thomas Tom Harri~on ..... .Howard Whitacre Prof.EbenezerJames. M.A , Ph.D. .... ... - .................. Rue Dinwiddie
- -
We apprl' d lltt: yo ur Jl utrollll~e I and aim to it'l YOII krll)w it. hv
prom pt and cuur tr ou I r{,lllllH!tlt. \Ve have Som!! xl.ra ~ )le.:ibI9 f,'r Salurday .
- -------
Yoursl for Service
A convention of th e Church Schools of the Dayton Convocation will be held in St Andrew's church. Dayton. next Saturday, May 7th . St Mary'M Church School is cordially invited to attend. All who can gu nre requested to meet at the church. next Saturday promptly at 7:30 a.m I'ransportation will lte providlld .
- - - _.........---
Satisfaction and Service TRY THE
a n tll y ~i B.
.. -_._--
i.......................... John Lon~, Prop. IMPLEMENT fiRM
Lay bollrne & McKean sold their th eir hardware interests Ia.~t wetlk . t o Fred Cole. of Beloit, Will, who look cha rge of the place. Monday Messrs. Lay bourne and McKean, with th eir famili es, will soon Itlave 800n for Clarke county. and in all possibility will take up farming again We are indeed sorry that the Laybournes lind Me Keans are to leave us. but are g lad to welcome Mr. and MI'II. Cole into our midst.
Save Money by Insuring the Crop' W~h Complete Felrtilizers
Warren Kerrigan, in
"Live Sparks" E
Selznick News Admission, 22 and 17c Also
Tueeday, May 8th
---.. - ---
1~ and 12
~--t~k<~"'jji ij~......:..--It---=:!=~.~_~.~~~~-t~.0:::s~ : :. l~n.. .s:~~:.::---:--~=.-71ti=~~~
A good Fox feature and A Mermaid Comedy
- - -- -
22 17 I. ................................................... . Admission.
Pleasure Cars, Trucks, Tractors and Airoplanes Hepaired. rebuilt, recored. Service, Wnrkmanlhip, Equipment.. We'jrullrant.ee our ~on.buret. Cores not to burst from fre~zlnlr All work Kuaranteed. Estlmateil Klven. Work dOlle whill' you wlI.lt
Younce Bros.:.Grain Co.
17 and 11 cents
LUDLOW AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR COMPANY 408 .South Ludlow Street Dayton, Ohio
One-Half Square Soutb of UnIon Depot
The' Miami Valley School for . lUllOISTJilRED IN' omo AND !IIEW YOI\K .• ~cellerit Cla18fOOmS &lid teachln, taelllUel. Two full-time IllIIt...oton... Larga statt ot lecturers. All braneb. 6t 1I0ralni taUlht. Loall IlInd. BIBb School Diploma or eQulnlent preferred. Fall term bellne abo_ Soptember 1.
JlODE~N RESIDENCE HALL ••• SINGLE ROONS I Parlor, Recroatlon Rooms. CaDI PUS . Swln, •• Tennis Court.. For 1&0 formaUon appl, to L. A. HANFORD. PrtnoJpal, DAY'l'OH, 0810. BOil
OldlJack Spratt Could eat no fat His wife could eat no lean A Classified Ad~ > They thought wasn't bad And they sold everytbing they had.
!!!!J ~~dOf"'~' ~"
Try our JobPrinting
Saturday, May 6th
"Are All Men Alike"
tile Uttle '"" DGt door," I remartre4 to OU'l7. "011, I didn't pt moch the woner of tt." _ned the little ehap. "'Be licked me. all "Ilit. bot lilt dol
Featuring May Allison, in
H ....... MON Ttlln EVln.
Younce Brothers
Thursday, May 8th
LytUe, Ohio
-r bear 100 tot. the "'Orllt or It With
For Sale by
Mr . Rubert,. told our Board of Pu blic All"uirs tha t the condition of lh e w!llf'r, as shown by exam ination of ·~amplt!l\ sent in by Dr. Blair, il practically th e .same as two year8 " go . Rnd is entirely fr ee from dis-'as germs
Younce Bros. Grain Co.
of each we e k, a nd will pay the hi g hest cas h price
......... $28.50
Tuesday and Saturday
$21 50
..- ..
We are prepared to take in- Wool at our wareroom itf Corw n, on
Sawyer's Wayne Market .
Reaerved seats for the Senior Clau play will be opened, Monday morning, at Jann ev 's drug store. The play will be given Friday evening. M.llY 13th, at School Auditorium . It has been pronl,unced to be a good one
Mr Il ob rls. of th e State Board of Health . wns in Wayn c~v ill e. Tuesday, with Cuunty Il ealth Ollicer Blair, of L ehulI\lll. They mude a thorough The rite of baptism wall adminis! eXlI lIl inllt iol1 of the Willer plant. and tered at St. Mary's church, Sunday Mr. Hobert s look sevf'ral sampl es of morning . A large cor.gregation was well Wl\t~r bar k to Culul\lbus for present.
Columbus. O.~(Sp(l()Ia1.)-Beeau.. In Paper. W Gkh lor ot the fact that lh.e public Ia demand. 1M ()penIng lrutallmentl lne snte ID'festmenta, the uJe of 101'The sanes t, shrewdest farmers apply dress in g~ of well made. ernmenl lavlngs lecurlUea Ia to .. . pU8hed more 1'1lorou.I, th.n net, acspecialized. a ~ailaltl e . comole te fertilizers to insure pro fi table cording to P. J . Wood, newl, a,pollat· crop growth . for . afte r oil . it iR ed State Director. Mr. Wood I. a 'l'etcrop insurance that the practie,,1 eran In the lovernlll.at _'I'lnl' orfarmer iN after . He has to take ganization. hal'lnl .ened ,lIu:. It, la· ceptioD a8 .eeretar, ot the Obio War long ch ances with th e weather. but he should tak e no chances Savlnll Committee. Do. L. TolIllI. with th e f'rt ilizl!r wh ich he apwho has been Director of PultllcU, for phes An extro dollar f')(pe nrl, d the treasury departmeat In tile Fourth for lh e righ t kind will often make Federal Reserve District tor the lalt just the difTerence betwee n sucthree yeare. will conUaue to direct the g~~lill~~~~~~______~~~~~~~UM~~~~~~I-c€!~antl~~H~~~~--------~~-Miami Chapler No . 107. 0 E S., 8alea AN InONalln,. We a re handlill); a hig h Don Hampton ........ Nivian Retllllick will meet in regular aession. Monaay Tbe 8111 e or 101'Ornlllent lal'lnl. 10' curlUes for the llrat three montll. of Frank Burton ... · .... Wendell MacBeth grade Fertilize r and our evening, May 9, at , 7:30, prompt. price is rig ht. 1921 have boen tar III excell ot the Barbara Burton ......... Barbaba Filer All ofticers and membl!rs are urged sale or socurltles fop the lame period Doris Meredith ... ...... .. Mildred Clark to bfl present. Work. last year. Ohio durllli the tint three Ruth Thuraton , ....... Marg~ret Clark IG',() Aci,l Ph osJ)onna Euwords, W. M. ph nte. pf'r lon ... · .... montlla of this yoar ab.orhed more :'lue Hawke. :lec'y. Elise Smythe ........ Josephine Harlan than $2.000.GOO w,1rth or the a.. lllp Grain nnd Grass Gn,w{'T. av Ph . IOcurltlol. or more ,!I.n 2i per cellt Tabitha Tattler .......... :.Ethellli"hop ~~~.~~~~ .2: ot the tot ..! amount lold In the natloll. Sally Sue Stevens ....................... . Well manag d hens are making This INIle was due prlllclpaUy to the .................. ... ."nna Satterthwaile You can ge l an y a m ou ut money for lht!ir owners when the e:lcellent co-operaUoll .Ieured from Oolly Dinsmore .. .... .. Cecelia Gorsuch price is low . Poorly managed flocks tbe postmastera. Almoat enry pOIiyou want, at any lime. muter III the Btate II elllllle« ID an Polly Preston .............. Btltty Uarnell never plly for their keep. act he camplli&1I to aell these lecur· Mrs. Meredith ........ Wanna HIH leock IUOII. . Maggie Mahoney ........ Charles Moore "No better worlt la belnl dou " --- -any alenc,. In tbe Valt.d Statae for Phone 25-2 ·the betterment aDd welfare of tlae public than II »eln. done b, tile poetmasters or Ohio In 11111111 1'0'l'er1l' ment 8&1'.1nI8 HourIHe.... declared 8tate Director Wood. III urglq" tho Ferry Christian Church anle of &aVIDI8 aecurltle •• the .ale.maD Ie dolnl the proepeeUn ')urHlblELSchool at 9:30. Preaching chaser a favor. Wood 1814. He potated at 10:30 a. m~ and 7:30 p m. Everyout that lovernmflllt amp ..carlE. Sophia, wife of Mr. John S one invited. J. A. Pine. Pastor. tiel ne'l'er decline Ia l'allle, &1'8 readily Hartsock, 01 SprinKfield, died at her . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . redeemable. pay a lood rate of "wr· Caesar' s Creek Friends Church eet and lire reglltered asawt loe •. home there this morning at 6:15, afOt tho $Ui.OOO.OOO worth 101. Ia ter a long illness. She leaves, beside Sunday School at this :!hurch every I Oh 10. no peTion haa el'er necuI&rl1y her husband, three children, Roy 8 uJlday at a . m. Preaching ser. I vice IIt-IO:309:80 lost II dollar. It wal pointed out. o'clock a . m . You are Hartaock and Mrs. Flo Johnson, of Safeguarding the Publl .. cordially invited to be present. Springfield, and Carl Hartsock, of Wood declared that a cOllimulllty whlcb InyeaLed In ~,.ernment aecarl· Cincinnati. Hllrveysburg Friends Church A service will be held in Springtie. Wlltl a conlmuDlty tllat wal pla.t· Sa bbath SchOOl 9:45; Church ser· Inl a firm anchor to the wladward. It field, Thursday evening at 7:30. con· vice 10: 45 Everybody invited. Is tbe community which IDneta ill duct,d by the Woman's Relief Corps A ' car of No. 2 White wildcat schemes tbat la 10111& to face and the Carey Cir.!le, a club of which Oats, very higbest grade, Orthodox Friends Church & rainy day unprepared. be laid. Tbe CO'l'erDment lult IIOW Is atre... she was a prominent member. Sunday School, 9:30 a . m. MeetThe body will be brought to Waytnl the sale 01 unlur,. la1'lnl8 oar· inR' for worship at ]0:30. tlftcates of '26. '100 and 'I.GOt de· nesville, Friday morning lor internomination. In nddlUOII tbe 10n'D' ment in Miami cemetery. Services per bu. off the car. Let M. E. Church ment 18 8elllng tbe $1 alld $6 War us book your orders now. Savlnge Stamps. All, wltb tbe ••. at the Chapel at 9:30 a . m .. Rev. The usual services will be held and we will notify you ceptlou ot the $1 .000 oertlllcate, ma,. Cadwallader officiating. next Sunday: SUlJday:;chool. 9:15: be purchased at flDY postotlce. The Mr. and Mrs. Hartsock lived in when the car arrives. Preaching services. 10:30 a m. and ,1.000 treuury III'I'IDI' cerUlclitel. Waynesville several year8, and are 7:00 p. m; Epworth League, 6:15 .Paper for all the partic· tax exempt, ma,. be purchaaed from p. m. Everybody cordially invited.. the Savings Di'l'I&loD, Fourth Federal well known to many of ou r townsm('n ular folks in this commuReaerve District. 604 Cltlzeu' Dault . Phone 25·2 nity. 11.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;1 bulldlllCo Coluw ..... :. WayneSVille Christian Cburch . SundaySchool eachSunday,9:S0•. m There must be a season. C. E. every Sunday at 6:30 p m. All memben and friends of the H's no secret, I'll tell you. Church are Invited to attend. Reirular communication of Wav- "I t is because quality ' in ... oIlVille Lodge No. 163, F. & A. M., h' 1 I k h' will be held, TueBday eveninll, May Igl-C ass wor mans Ip lOth, at the regular hour. All memis always rewarded. bera of the team are requested to be We are busy, . but can present, ae well as visitorl. The regstill arrange to do some Having returnoo home, I am now ular· annual inspection will take place Thursday evening, May 12. Dinner special jobs- if you let ready to B.e rve the public in all kinds will be served at 7 o'clock, before me know e a rly before the of Notary worl<. Can be found , at Batt of Lace, Milan and Batavia Cloth. Colors' of the work. Sojourning brethren and big CLEAN-UP week gets mv residence or .c~1I phone 40. visitors are cordially invited to be too far along. E. V ..BARNHART. .WbUe.. Black, :Blue, Brown and Ph~asant. All good colors. preeent. · We als. have ·some room . J. W. Edwards, W. M. It' '. . f O. Appointment--·
apofoalaa to Motblr 000II)
• A Classified Ad. wilt' bring quick
if properly written
~ue season, one
i~ue generally selling the goods.
The Miami Gazette . . Waynesville, Ohio.
'4 . '
~eventy- Third Year -
Whole Numb er 5434
BOY SCOUT ACTIVITIES 1~,~~y~l~il l~ll~y coe~~t~a ~eedefP:t :!b::L...Jr-~=~~~~~~~~i--I--~HtOOJ"N( te-·,~ ~~------------------------------~------------~~ MIAMIS WON fIRST I;n,ifll'.,:i7~'J !J\·L'::~.~:I <!.ir p 'r o:en llige up l T~:. a::.o';:;~~ ~~e~;1 ~e$~e~~1 o~-;:Plln non. Friday , 0 ,(" ___ . ThiH illlhc first time that a field - ., ' rfllO lllenrp work at Imeel has been attempted here , but it . of 11 VICTORY Of SEASON ,. .' I.. ~J Our tr hilS ctlr lain ly had a Iwas a real success lind shuuld be a n &lmost J I
busy week . cur in arldi!.irm to con. affair hereaft er , The after· duding the fie ld meel, held at WaY· '. annual noon was llpent in variou8 athletic ~"",!"!",!!!!",!!!~"",!"!!!",!~!!!",!~~~!",!!!",,!! ' ~unte81.11, and the Scout d r ill d b H . E. Earnha rt un ux · is in Cincinn ali ing match were epecial feature I h' . h h k th s b . today. e Scotuts thIS to t a~ Pi e ;r~' W, N. Sears and familv were in . ~frl:t:~d ~Ile ~~hl\l~ri~u ge~::al8 fO;. Dayton , Friday. ' helping to make tbis occasion a I!ue· ces" Dr. Dil l, Osteopa lh. 21 S , Broad __ N~xt Friday afterno on afte r 8chool way. Lebanon . Ohio. t he hays will take a hike, and such as are prepare d will pass their a~cond H , H , Wilkers on anll family we re . th ' cIaRK tests m e open . . Dayton Yi~ilors , Frid"y. For Sale by I ThiA wfll be the last week of super· U I VisiOn for the present Scoutm aster, "Olt. Mosher , of Curding ton.O hio, \ as he leaves soon for the Rummer . is spendin g a few duys he re . bllt the work will ~ontinue under the directio n of someone choRen by the Dahlia Bulbs. F lower a nd (:ardt! I b Seeds. Suwyer '~ Way ne Mu rket. n comrr,lt tee f rom t heM en •R cu. - u-r -C-IIl-88-I'fi-ed-A-d-g- f-o'-r res ults. Har vey Gus lin. of Dayton, was cir Phone 25-2 Use O • culating among fri l'nd s here. )<'riduy
Youn ce 8 rothera . Comp any G'fain
V u lc a n iz in g Casings and Tub es --BATTERIESI~-
Cha rgin g and Rebuilding. Will ard Batteries Carr ied in Stock
F. D. H A W K E Telep hone 41
Wayn esville , Ohio . .
AARON SUCK FROM ~UNKIN' CRICK A clean rural comedy in Ihrcc actl, showin g how the old f.mler got ahead of the city slicker. To be rendered by the ir aduatln , claslI or Harvey sburl! "ilth School, at
THE TOWN HALL, MONDAY EVENING, MAY -23 CHARACTERS Aaron~lick . . . No, AI Oreen .. He Look,
Harry Howe
Mr. Wilbur Merride w A Crooked Speculator Cla.eDe e GreeD •
Earl Cline
Ch ... Osborn e
A "r-~UJI YouDg:Mr.u
Mrs. Rosy Berry
. Willow
Pauline HarlaD '
Gladys May Merride w A I!wo., Yountr Tbln.
Mary McCarr en
The Sport of the Town
Hughb ert Poore
An ()klahomr .
Little Sis Rigl;s • A RtjlullU' l'omboy
Helen Randal l
, Music betwee n acts by Prof. Alfred Watkin s
M iam i Th ea te r Star ting Tue sday May 17 and ending:J une 2 These tickets will be good for the following dates: Tuesd ay, May 17, Thurs day, May 19, Tu~sday, ~ay 24, Thurs day, May 26, Tuesd ay, May 31 and Thurs day, Jude 2 . . . ,
THE PURPOSE Of tlie'i;lenefit is for purcha sing new unifor ms . for th-e band. The band in return for this compl iment, will try and Qnang e to render open air concer ts during the summ.er. . Six. nights of fine ' amuse ment for only •
.,$ 1 ..10'
Be 1ibera l as yo.u for this ~ in.a. worth y caUIe; , . , . . The s~ows will . -~ be hag'h -,--- m· every ~ particular I and will cost you a lot more if you , Wa"- '-·or the pay b Y IiDgl-e adm'ISS' ion ,~ II
. program ea~h week.
. . . . . . . . . ._ _ _. . j _ _ _~~. . . .~. . ._~~. ....
I ;,~\ r
1- I 0 0 ~ x- II I) (j ,;
tile ...
lind orf! In tbe water 011 lhe yenr rounct. except In the
f on rt,oeD
Waller L Sawyer, Prop.
Carl Servis. Frank Cook, J esse Mr. and Mn . Armstr ong McCray Thomas and Wm Orndor f are at the had as guests. Sunda y. Mr . and Mrs Reservo ir thill week . Geo , Pratt. of Wayn"sville, Mr. and Mra. AUlrllRt Hartley , of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkin s and Hsrold Young, of Cincinn ati . FrMr. ed. two sons and Miss Smith. of Dayton, Eth el and Donald Sin~ kins. Mr , Clark spent Sunday afterno on here. Van Born. Walter S hank. Wilbur Gillilan d and Miss In ez Rich, of near Our SterlIng Silver Spo ons will Wellma n. make a fin e commen cement present , J . E , Janney. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sherwo od and family, of Le banon, spent Sunday with Mr. J. G. Haines and family .
Mrs. Eliza Jacobs. of Florid" . will • Mrs. Em ma Sophi~Hartsock (nl'e arrive this wet'k f'Vi an extend ed AndrewR) was born in Lima. Ohio, visit with her sister, Miss Emmll August 12, 1848. S he lived there . Heighw ay. until she attai ned voung womanh ood. Mr. and Mrs , Chas , Fisher and Mr. attendin g th e public school of the Donald Allen, of Cincinn ati. were city, then not much more than a Il:uestl! of Mr. W. H. Allen and fam- village , Her mother wns a membe r ily, Monday, of the Presbyt erian church. and Mrs . Save your old carpet and rugs and Hartsoc k as a g irl attlende d the Sun· get "Wearw eU" rugs made. Send day School of that church. ' for Plice List Frankli n RUl{ Co., On the 30th of Novemb er , 1865, Frankli n. Obio. 18 soon after her (iancoe r e turn ed fr om Mrs. Carl Servis is the guest of seryictl in th e Civ il War, s he was her mother . Mra. Susan Cook, during joined in marriag e with Mr. Juhn S. the absence of her husband , who is Hartsock by Rev . J oseph Littl ~ , of at the Reservo ir, fishinll . Lima. immedi ately after their ma'rriage they went to Waynesv ille, Mm, Elsie Jackson , of Xenia, spent Warren County , Sunday with her sister, Mrs. B. J. lived on a farm Ohio, where they Brewste r. Mrs. Brewst er returne d years. and there for a number of home with her for a few days' vilit. ren were born . two of their childMr. Hartsoc k W88 a suffere r from Better send in vour old carpets and and learninu; that the eli· rugs now to reserve a place for asthma, of the state of Nevada gave weaving your "Weaw ell" ruga , mate relief to persons thUlI afflicted they Frankli n Rug Co., Frankli n, Ohio. remove d to t hat etate in 1869. But his case was made more trouble some J. S. , ROy lIart.&ock and son, Mrl!. Florenc e y t e change, and lhey returne d to Johnllon, of Springf ield, Carl Hart· the ancestr al farm in Warren county. Bock lIOn. of Cincinn ati, attende d in 1886 th ey remove d to Springthe funeral of Mrs. Sophia Hartsoc k , field. Ohio. where lh ey have liyed 'c ontinuo us ly since that time, with Friday. the excepti on ot two years , Four children blessf,d their home: Mia Minnie Duke, who has been teachin g in high school in Atlanta , Mrs. Florence Johnson and Mr. Leroy Harts'.lck, of Springf ield: Ernie Ga., has returne d to her home in Dayton. Mi89 Duke was formerl y a Fay Hartsock, who died in infancy , and Mr. Carl Hartsoc k, of Cincinn ati. teacher in Warren county. She leaves five grandch ildren and Old Bru!!l!el~, Ingrain or Axmin· four Il'reat grandch ildren. ster carpet and ruga made into In her early married life, Mrs. "Wearw ell" rugs. Frankli n Rug Hartsoc k became a membe r of the Co., Frankli n, Ohio . M. E. church, and wh en they went 18 to Springf ield ahe and her husband Mrs , J . W. Edwarr isand daughte r, became membe rs' of the Second Mi88 Trillena , arrived here laat week, Luthera n church. Feb r ua ry S. 1889, to take up their re~idence for the under the ministr y of Dr. D. H. sUlJImer. Miss Margar et will join Bauslin, where she was a highly esthem atter her school dutiell are over. teemed commu nicant to lh e time of her transfe r to the Church Trium· Mr. and Mrs. J<'rank Zell and the phant. Mi88es Martha Burnet t and Emma For more than ten years, MrA. Cartwr ight visited at Yellow Springs . Hart~ock was a sufferer . on Sunday , at the homes of Mr , JIIS . lind Bright' s disease, with Neuriti s other Zeil and family and Mrs. M. E. plications, were tbe beg'inning ofcomher Funston . afflictions A year or more ago she had a stroke of paralysl d and anothe r In mentionina- the article in regard last summe to Raymon d Davis, of Dayton . buy· ened her endr. This conditio n hastImd she rapidly declined in~ a home, we did not mtlntion that and pallSed away May 4, 1921, aged Mr. and Mra. Frank Carman were 72 years. 8 months and 22 days, ' also interest ed in the deal, and that Mrs. Harbloc k was a woman , of they would be at home to their Way· even temper and a very kindly dispo· nesville friend. at the same pllce, sition . During the more than a Smithvi lle Road (lhd Xenl, pike. Quarter of a century atquain tance witli her, we have never beard an unkind word or a cemIOriou8 cr.iti· cism express ed by he,r alrainst anyone. ' It was our privilell e often to villit her during her!lon g cotJtin~d sick· ness, and to adminis ter her the , Holy. Commu nion at times, but n ever did Whitsun day, May, 15: Church we hear a word of compla int escape Hchool at 9:30 a ;,m. Sermon and her lipa, but·the calmest reeigna tlon" Holy Commu nion at 10:30. At the was hers Patient she endured 10:30 ,ae"lce the Rev, Mr. Rein· her lot,and was ever ly hopeful helmer, of·ColumbuR, will be,pres ent might 110 improve In heal't t hat lIhe h as to en· aDd preach: . :Mr. Reinhei mer, for- JOY active. life again. " merl, rector of Cbrist Church . Day· Ber friends were many. I" Her ton. fa now IMlCretary tor the Bishop taith In her Savior limple and ad Chaplain of the. DIOC8II8. Come ehlld·Jlk e. and the afraid ~ ad hear the m_.p ha will brln~ death. ' It was and al. At 8 p. m, the 8aecala ureate .weat reat after l,oD~ IIl'IDOJl In 9011001 auditariam. By- eontlnued eulferi q. hope ~bo4JlD"... to ,iD her death. ~ar pia.,
.1 U U IJ ~ 1 .j II
- AT-
i3n ltl'rie:,; ~ I a" ... J lines alld Ch ri~. c()ld eRt senson. trom the C ' t\l ph~ r·. U r~ l)u rn. 'miLil and I{ cemb cr to the bee1nn lnr otend of D~ omm enceme nt .week WIll open Febl'UArY. Sunday evening . when the baccal' llrlo ll. , laureate se.rvic.es will be h, eld at th e Won, I ; Lost, I; Pe t ., .500 - -- - - - - - S chool ,a uditolll lm , Hev . Cadwllllad~ r I Well . well, well, herewe areagai n t p~eacblng ti:e se rm oll . T he .nHl slc Ou r Miami s put across l heir fil's~ vic· ~h!1 l~~~~rnJshed by the chOir s of tor y of the season. at Phillips park, ____ la ~ t Sunday afterno on. And it was I TIe c1aRs play , which is said to be sOllle victury, too, beiiel'e u. a go?d o.ne. wi ll ~e given. ~ridllY K'l' lhe r. "Whoo pee ," The li d'sAll rjDemo nstrati ng our ability ofT. t!v~nm.g, 111 th l:! Auciltnr lum , r~ye.rvThe Xenia Americ an Legion team. to Serve and Save. thmK' 19 ~e\, 111,,1 under the cIJaclllnj« of MISS Edna !l owland. th e pillY is us clean a ~unch of ~port!lm~n F' L ! ' '1 . S . as . a rty Il1Cll1l)crS IJ Sl." ary s un- Sugar No. 1" Cane SH . Bur~j. I'pse r ye(j". eat, ."!l le was eye r wore SIJ lkes, were the VIctims dUI'·school uttend ed th e cunvenUoll ~. , " " 2 pound s ... . . . at '::;t AlIlln'w' ~ ch urch . tlt IJptmed Tu E'sciuy noon, and the seats on t his occasion. As ide n, fr om the ::)Illurda y. Til l' mornin g wa.Daylo i taken Sunkist Prunes. big ones. Ib .. . lac were soon luken. HHlisfact ion of vict ory, the bright up wiLh r E' ports of the di ffer ent, I qt , Mason Jar Coco .... ........ ··25c f L'utures were lhe way Osborn re- ~c holJlH in th e deullery. May amI 19lh aCtel' Blue Head Rice. 2 Ibs .... ...... ·.15c will he the comm cnccmcnt niKht. und F . C LUllds itlel. of Hurned his good pitch ing just where lun ch th l'I' werr escorted Log Cabin Coffee makes that to the Cush the O. S. U ., wi ll lldllreR!l t he class, h · left off last fall. and a delicious cup, pound .... " .. " .. S3c fin e come· Registe r audito riulll . where they Old Reliable , pound '" ''''' '' ' ... SSe _ ___ hack stageel by "Old Reliable " - Ben wen' entertai n ed for II couple of On Friday eyenillig the Alumni will ' mi lh . As for Ben' s old battery hours. St, Mary'S lacked on ly two Arbuck lea. pound .... ..... ...... ... SOc See our stock of books; !.hey will be held at sc hoo l hall. and an un· Illate. Bob Bur ton . as usual, he WIiS of haying the largest number repre· 7-Day Coffee. pound .. ... . .... .... 22c make useful pr eMent ~ , J . F. J a nn ey , Bu lk Coffee. S pounds .... .... .... 60c nsuul p r o~ram has been I/repared by rig bt ther e, doing his full ~hllre . ~e nted at the conyent iull. You 'd have to shackle that boy to Coun try Butter, pound .. ......... 26c - - -- - - - - Mr ~ , Wulter Elzey and son, Ken- the officers for 1!12 1. It is though t keep him and Pure Lard, pound ....... .. .... ·.. -13c neth, were Dayton visi tor s. Friday. there will be several fr om a distanc e a uall game. the "big slick" out of t o attend Alumni this yea r . The visitors drew fi rsl blood in the We carry a full line of fresh Meats Mrs Stanley Se lierA, of Lebano n, firH t round, and t hen kept religiouilly young and tender: spen t Tuesda y with MlswCla ra KCYR, away fr om the plate until t he eighlh. Steak, pound .. .. " .. ...... " ..... " .. 25c when they took advan lalle of OsClaude Riggll and Th os. Pierce The funeral of Earl H l'nllerso n, Roasts. pound ...... .. .. " ........... 24c burn's wearine ss and some rathe r who m et bis death at Camp were in Wilmin gton. Sunday evening Boiling p"o r sUl?port . and scoreel fiY~ runs N. C .• will be held from the Briggs. Burkha Beef, plate or rib, 1b. . l~!C rdt's Smoked Meats, Hams B'n Smith took comma nd. In the his parents . Mr und Mr9 home of For comme ncemen t pI e8ents . 81'1' ShOUlders, Bacon. Minced Ham. Ro bert nlllth and ~aye the ~eglolll:'lre! one Hender so n. on Ro ute 3, Thurijda y our Ul!SOrtm ent of useful gifts. J E Franks and Bologna . mo re run. Just to raise lhe lr hopes, afterno on at 2 0' ~I ook Janney. , then clused the gate. like he has so _ _ __ Highest prices for good Butter Misses Dora Styles nnd Audrey Mrs All'n('s Wrillht and <lauR hter. Illa ny times before. Mrs. Harry Cook died at her home and Eggs . Meanwhil e. th e Mia mis had been on the Spri ng Valley pike Co llin~ were s hopping in Lebano n. Mi AS SU HlIn, were Su nday I(uests of at 7:30 'Monday . Mr , !lncl Mr~ , Wins ton Ri cks. ncar meande ring oyer. the plat~-o ne, t wo this morn inlr The fu ne ral will be You can alwavs. do better at tbe or three per IOnlOg- un tli they had held from her late home Ulica. Satu rday Wayne, Come in. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earnhar~ of amassed a gra.nd total of 11 by the afte rnoon at 1 o·clock. ' la!lt of the eIghth . Ca rl McClur e Dayton, spent Saturda y with rela· Mr. and Mrs E C. Lewis. Mr . and ("Bevo Yours for Service tives here. .. - - - - Mr£. C. G Bl ac kburn. son. Charles , batters " ) and Bob Burton lead the with t wo hits Itpi oce Spray machin ery should and be in ugh te r. Mary. of New Vie nna. The Miamis Mrs. Walter McCl ure and MillR Ohio.datook Su nday d inner with D . H. nex t Sunday are going t o Bellbrooj(. workin g Qrder imd spray maleria l on Stella Daughe rty were Dayton visit· tfockett aftern oon, fully deter\ hand . a nd family . ors, Monday .
Pr em ie r B an d Be ne fit
lol a
I "II'll ". ' ..
ALUMINUM UTENSILS" Can not R ust. ... No Coa ting to Chip O ff.... Can not ' form any Pois onou s Substances.... The trad e mar k is ' your guar ante e of
Sa fe ty Sa vin g Se rv ice Com men cing May ·12t h We will sell a $1.25 Skillet of the abov e ware for
nex t ten days.
Com-e in and take advantage of the oppo rtun ity, also see the rest 0'£ the line.
__ The ~~ami Gaz~tte, Waynesville, Ohio.
'leser's Chaplin for Ruth as. Bail
enem1; snc 81 wailS uae D,,",O. 1II1,. ILl· Will'S will be, I have rUllon to b. lI eve. Mr. Rocking. that you persona1l1 d o not love th e IDugllsb '" "X guC89 I don' t see what my pnvllte f('cllngs huve ' to do 1\'lIh It. But It It'. ot ony loterost to the company you lire correct In your bl'1\et." ··Good." The Count oot1r1Pd hla bCftc! os It ~tltt8f1",1. "r take It then thot you would nut he avorse to seeing mn l/lund down a.nd out."
The Adventures of A Demobilized Offices' Who Found peace Dull
" ill."
mumations b1J
"Now you
OVta." .
.Be them
took ott his plnce-nea and laid OIl the dealt; 10 trODt ot him.
"Send the maItre d'liotel to me at ODNo"
Whatever IIl87 ba ve been the .,...a mlIcIvlop, !.bey were c:e~ 1 ... IIJaared by the bead walter all be left tile olllce after receJ'ftnl his In· a,tzyctfCIU. War a.nd abort rations had not been conducive to all.1 partiealart1 lut:nlUve buBln", lo hla lIPbere; aII4 the whole ~Dd or. tile propoaed eotertalmnent Memed ' to t.lm to ~otaID COQaldera.,le promlae, And 110 at 'a~01It tweoti minutes put eeven the maItre "'botel wtis bCJTIrlna arotlIId the ball·porter. the manapr wtl' bQverlnJ round the maitre d'hote\, and the IleCt'etBry wae bO'l'ertna around both. At fi ve-and· tw~ty mlnates past the tlrst gnest
arrived. • • • Be was a peculIar-lookIng moD, lo I bl, fur coat, remlndJng one lrreIlstlbll' ot a cod1l8b. • "I wlah to he taken to Room x." '!'be Freoell aecretory eUlfened luvol· 1IIl~y as the maItre d'bOte l atepped , dMleQllIOtlBly torwnrd. Cosmopolitan . . tbe botei was. even n~' s he could 'lie.. bear Germllll apoken wIthout a.n IIIward .budder of dJguIt. ~A Boebe." abe murmured In diStrUst. .Almv.t tmmedlatel, afterward the 8tCOI1d and third membera ot the per:tJ' a"heel. , Tbe,. did not come t08eth· .... aDd wbat seemed peculiar to the manacer wa. that the, were evldentl, ~rs to ·one anotber. The lesdln, one-.. taU punt man 1JIth a ~ beArd and 8 pair of piBdn, eye&-Uked III a naaal and by 110 means.aD lbaudlble tone for Room %. • .AII he epoke 8 little fat ,mon who ;wall .tant11llr :JOlt behlod hIm started ~UbI7. and 'allot a bIrdlike glance at the I]lealler. . Thea III execrable French be too mild tor Room X. "Be'l Dot Frencb." sald the secretal'1 acltedl, to the manager. "Tbat Jut one was another Boche." The manager thouabttully twirled IJJa pince-nez between 111. Dngers. '!Two Germaq ant1 an Amerlcnu." Be looked a Uttle apprebenslve. "Let . . ~ the dInner wtll appeaae eve,.,· body.
whatever teare be mlgbt bave eII~Ded with regard to !.be furnl· ture III Room X. they were not de&ttned to be uttered E'I'en as he spoke tbe door agaIn ewung open. an<l a mIlD With a thIck white aeart around hIs neck, 10 polled up D almoat com· pletel,. to CO'I'eJ' hi. tlce••came 10. All that the maoarer rould swear te as naardl the oewl.'Owei"1 appearance WU a pair ot deep-8et, l'teel·&J'81 e1" "trbIch _med to bOl1l tbrougb blm. "You pt· my letter th1a mornlnar' Tllltlr Ie Oomte de Guyr' Tbe man,.... bowed deferentially a.nd 1'IIbbed hie handl totrether. "EverythlJll' Ie ralb, a.nd three ((\Iem hue am.-" "Oood. I wtll ao to the room at GOCl8." •
Aa be followed bl. aulde ble e,!!s I'OWId tbe IOUDKe. Save tor two .. '. _ tl4eJ'17 womeo ' ef. doobtftll
lIen tlemen muat lid·
1 ~11I 81 prolITnmme Ih"t I Brltlsb ' army shoulrl o~cnpy Cologne. . . ." '''J'lw \\'111' \\'U8 the act ot a tool." , nurl<'ll lI e rr SIl· I I1~nll\nll. "lJl a ftlw Fill'S OIure or IJell<'''. we shou ld hu\' a
nRtlon·nllt y.--I'II1I\ II Inn'l';" till' AID"n ' MIn Retl C r"""~ . I hI" plnro \Vns deBert · ed ; and RS he "nued tbroulh the
9wlog doors he lurned to llle bead waltl'r. ' "Busin ess !rood'" he Rsked . No-business dl'Cldedly wa. not good. Tit\! walter wuS voluble. Uusl· ness bad n(>,'pr bet'n so poor 10 (he mpmor)' ot Dlno. . • .But It woe to be hoped thut the dinner would bo to MonsIeur Ie "'ornte's liking. • • , Also the wines. " It eyerythluK Is to utlsfactlon 10U will not regret It," aa ld the count tersely. "lIut remember one thIOI. A ftl'r the totTee hilS been brought III. I do not wlsb to be disturbed 1IIlder IUIY
lll.Utt.' 11 tih lse Hwhl c.
r. ()( d pain ' 1''' lik e to do gooe1 work . They are a!l much ill tl' l'e~ l,'d I lq t lt e nl'or ~ : ' ty· '.\' 1" I ill St'( in g lhat the paitlt th!' y pill v II h ll ll. S ).',,·,11 a l.d WI ; 1';, well. T he fad men tis 111\1('h . tlll· !'t·l'nl'.·, ii,; .t 11l :1! \ !' lI it l l u r ~ a l wlI.v~ UGl1 11anl1a·.· Grecil ' ca l I ':: ,\. ' U lo (' \ . r y h u tltiE' pt~illlitlg j <.h. Tlt ey fmr1 l l1:1 t HAN1\' A '~ c.nFF:-J · ~ E T, PAINT nrorillCC!I the !'il'h t r(' '' lil t~· . It in ll",,·, : i1 b( ~\lI'i ful g lll ~~ v fin ish; i1 \\' 'an' \\' ('1 1: it t" 'r lll ~ ;1 J llra l.l( Elm tli:l t w\,d'!I l ite sl;rt':l l\' t l!"ro l ' ~' hl y withOlI bnlf. h IT! :trk,, l:l h o willl~; :l!1<I ev ery g'ill: UII :;pn ·:.d,. uut (lvn II Will e Hrea, III t he 10111' rUIl Gl'cen Sea l is thl! lmllld m :J:;t eco· nomical to ust! on yuur pnwerty, Suld Uy
"Arll l n ow - tll('Y hllru b(mtcu you:"
Th,· l '<lUllt s lnll" 11 MlIghtiy. "Let us 111111111 tl ili t ""' II'lIr WRa th o uct or a r•• ". If y.lll lik e. 11IIt' U. lII ell of busl · I II.·.S w~ ('1\11 IIuly (h' AI with 1110 resllit. I . . . Th l! r,·~ ull. ~'I'mIL'Iueu. 68 It I (" 'I II'<'rIl ~ WI , Uoth )'011 gontll!ulcu a NI I ~ lInkh'IIII )' IlIIlrlullc to n'~en t tho pres · I .· IlC.· ur thllt IIrlllY 8t Cologno. X hll\'u uu dOllbt. Antl you, Mr. H ocking. b u\''' l uu luve on VCl'l'o1l1l 1 s roullds for Ule EII !!,II~h . . . . 1\lIt X nUl not proposit ,,; to ul' peul to nlluncl .. rs ot your r ..p· ut ution '\)n such grou nds us !.boSIl to ' 1Illl'ort IUY Bch~lUe . . . . It Ie pnoll ,;h thn t your person nl prt!dll oct IIIII~ rUII with IIIl1I 1I0t IIgnlns t whlll I 11111 nhout to vut herorc )'o ll-thc <Ie· 1" ' II t IIr EII):IIIlId . . . a derent morc ul l .. r Rnd ('OIu1ll"t" tlum It sht) hlul lost
I "'J'.h~,n. YOling Amenca ~:\\\' lillie J ad·~ r(l~"\~ 11:111 1;:11( •. ;l I. t.' I I i ,' " ~a kid .'n a r eccllt Char!,~ ('h:l(oIir: IW.' 1<, • '.( rj' In n,' .•' ". • 1 ,1 ,' I{'11\ h !thoug ~ hIm a ,?' l&hty "l ucky" boy ((' ~,. " . • II' 11'11" : "'. I ! ,," I ." Bu~ th,. new plctllr"-Iah n \Io' r rll tllr I ., ',' 1' ' ... 0 . Ihelr hunch .that littlr j nck i. II,.. "LId .,' .. I, I .. ", \\ .. , -pcrched rl !;ht up on "Ii,,!>, ' !''' IIr's k,.,,·, ")11., Ii,.· 1.11 .. • . ; ',1 •• 1 e li .' illm aU aboul hitting out bome run s. j
_ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ I .
h~' o
mit thnt yonr pinos bave ml_med so mewhAt. It wn s no part ot your 01"-
COPYrl9ht by- Geo H Do ra 1"1 Co
Ina nN.
In the montb or December. 1918. and, on the very day that a Brltl~h cavalry dJvlaloo morclled Illto ..log"", wIth ne&. ft.l'In& and bonds pluyl ng D ' the conqoeroMi of n ben len nlltl.\D, the muoBier of the Botel N. t IOll ule 111 Deroe reeeh'ed B leiter, Its con· leDtI 8PVl!lIred to pu zzle bi ro M Ulewhat, for hovlor reud It twl C'e lie ran, the bell 00 his d k to s ummon ... III!Cn!tary. Almost Immedlutely the door openec1. alld a youn, ~'renclr ....rl clime loto the room. "){on8\eur rnn,'" wBave we ever bad Itllylng In the . bOlel 8 man cnlled Ie Oomte do Guy'" Ue Xl!lIIled back III hie cllllir aod looked It hcr through his plucf}-nez. Tbe secretory tl!ou&ht tor I moment a.nd then shook ber heod. " No' II far as I CIID remember." s he said. "Do we know anJ!.blng about blm' be ever ted here. or taken a prl· ute room?" "l\"ot that I know ot." Tbe IDIIDIlge!' hllnded her tbe letter, Ind waited In aIlence until she Ira<l read It. "It IeOms on the tace ot It a peeu· IIlr request from lin uo known wan." be remarked III abe 10 III It down. "A dinner of tour covers; no X}lellse to be spared. Wlnell epeelfled aod It not lo hotel to be obtained. A Jlrlvate room at balf-past !leven aIIarp. Guests to uk tor room X." Thel aeeretary nodded In agreemeot. ," It CIID hardly be a boali." aile remmtid after" a abort lI1Ience. "No.M Tile ~napr tapped. hIa teeth with his pen tholllbttUlly. "But If III' U1 eblUlce It 11'", It would pro e an elrpOD.l1 e one for us. r ",lab I rould thlnk wbo this Comle d.
I' I
"you ron AS" lIme nnythlog , OU teel tik I!, L et's /:0 t o til e 8Ilow·down," Once ugnlo the Oount nodded bls hen d: then hI' tllmed to the twe Oel"-
. _- ' ~..! - -
Jle wss SrnKHIK,
th ~
Il ls m lco snnk a ltttle. lind loSUDt"t· . I\'ely Ills thrl.'C II stt·o .. rs drew dO:ll·r. "[loll't t hlllk I IlID prulloSltlK Ulls th"o "~ h 1I,"tb'es or r"n'nge ,mel' ·Iy. Wo
.he oa." a era . v a L U'u," i d ow n tn tlhH\ u re 111I ~ ml' s~ In P H, aud rl'v ou go 18 on ly It "''' "I II!' H l lrnlll'~tl l!Iut Il l!' /l vrrllA'<' ' II'MIII ,"lIr whil e If II 11IIYS. ThlH will h 08IP~~, !lpslrolll" li t' IIIl1kl n)! n fllIlIII' r n lillY· 11" ' r" IR II rUrl'C In Enl;llIud " UC \·PSS. \\,0111 ,1 hn". .. I",cn fill"d \\ Ilh widell , Ir It 1'11 11 he hlltllU8SI'II 1I11 11 led
beard. nnd In proOle bls face wns 8'1"1 . ' line lind ,tern . The eyes. wb lch hU ll 10 Impressed the mODllger. seelllCl1 now to be n cold grey·blue: th e Ihl ('k brown haIr. fl ecked sllghlly with F( rpy . "IS brushed back trom II bronll fore. bead. To eve n the most supertlchll ob. aefVef the giver of the tcnst wn s II man ot power: a mun capnb le ot turm. loa Inl ta.n t d edllolls and or carryin g them throu&h. . . . And If 10 mucb was obvious to the wperftclll obllener, It wos more tJ,n.o ob'ftou. to the three meli who stood by tbe finl wolc:hln& him. Etlch ' one o't t hem. as ho wntcbed the host realized tbllt he was 10 the presence or II grent man. It was enough: greut men do not send tool Invitations to dInner to men ot Inte rnat\onnl repute. It milt. tered not what form his grelltness took -th~re was money I.n greatoess. big mooe,. And money was their lite. tl-t to Ule 'm. Th e w~unt advlln~" ~=.o erlron. wMr. HockIng. I be lieve." he r amarked In Engll1lh. h oldi ng out hi s ba.nd . "10m ilIad you JnunllJ[ed to come." Th e American shook tbe protfe red haod. while the two Ocrmnns looked 01 him with sudden Intcrest. As th e 'fllRn at the hew) of the great Amerlcn n cot. ton trust. wor th more In lDlIllolI.~ tbno be coult1 coun t, be WtlS en titled to
J. E, JANNEY, Waynesville, O. mnllll'Ur. th~ CO Ull! tl ... SU II"U. cuurte'll\s
ollce alaln host. Be bll<l sllll~d hl ~ lerlll~ tl~lnk l y lind without hn 1(J;1IIII! : 8tlll~'" !he1ll 88 one big ml1'II stnll's tll"11I tu ullllthllr or till' SOlne kid· lU'y, t .. \\'hOiIl I I lilt' 1M m oney Rud lnde· clsl"" ur 111'nllll ll ohout th e bush Qua, \,' fiJI
General Repair Shop
/l\aln Ii ~' ou(h SIS Waynes\,illl', O. 1111'11111, SPITI'I d l"" II,\' "I Ih .. gl'nPTnl Alliin.· I ...... perly, 1I'1I1 1""ul t In mllllolls ClJlu lnl( . "1· "r hl\lJ ~. COllllt. you would bp !rOod phl'rp In tit .. r""HI , Tit .. AIll Prl.·o n. In ll ' ll )OU, .,. IL I~ prl!sent now In n {'eu "' lIlulill~ h l~ '111111"11", hlld nl~o : ,,\'pry IIlltloll- r.·rt ·red. lu nrtlc"luI". M IU.!J!l. t".> IOtt\' 'e UM (~r • t4l\\, mluuteRt OC(,1IIIIlI\:II "<I II ,11 ;.:"., 1011 ot sudl nn ,.". II III H'(i.unlhlllll·,1. ,., It Is \lur1ly tJ,e oil' 111111 1I'" oI ('r "'lIl rn ell'r Ihnt "r v l l' n'''1I 1t or ,,"u r-Ih. wllr thut Ihe nl~k~ onrl " lpllY \\'O ler WCT(~ thl) II l11it 'l hll " l ~ !III\, ' wlIg·(I.. . , UlirneSIl ot hi s cnplll'tt ~'. t lllli fOI·(·... ~1'1It1 elll cll. co·or,ltllllill It. Hl'rr !-i 1"1111'" " 1011 \\'IIS of Ihe ,'omrnnn 111111 use It r OI' your OWII "",I~. . . . -DEALER INorll "r or <: ~ l'IIl!1n. f() \\'h nm fnnd Is '1 '11111 1M '" Y prl1l'''''''1. Not on ly will nn r rf' I. 11 1' IIl e IIml dmll k "nOTllIouo,) r"u lIur llhl • tllUl \:lIr.'·I' coulltr y to th.~ Flour, Fet'd, Coal, Salt, nnrl ~"""' nlly ,·uIIFI,ll'rl'.1 thll t n ollolng ' dirt. hut YUII \\'111 tUNIC lit llower su ch furt h"r \\,II ~ rt 'qlllr",1 IIf hIm . I U ~ n'I,' III"" hO\'c tllslt!d before ... ,'. Tile, Posts, Water FounYon Gral z d id h l~ IWSI 10 kl'I'p hl ~ 'I'he Cuunt 81000 liP. his "YI'S blu zlng. tains and Self·Feeders. end li p. but liS he WIIS IIIIPllrt'lIt1y In 0 ' " All" 1- 1 will do It rol' yoo." . ch ronic cOlllll tl " n or r"nr t hut th e n.· rll" IUIl ed lli ~ s,·ut. IIT1 (1 hI s left gounl AI1l" I' i<'nn wou ld ItssIlII II hllD I hl1ll1 l. RlIppl Tl g on' rho lobl t'. bell t a -StllPPEI{ OF with \·I(llp nye. hp ('unnot he ""Iel to I O~,~',1O r~n 11111 ~IICP . . hll l'e conLrihuled much tn the ;:alety ot Xhis Is mil ."1'1'01 tUlllty-the oppor· Hay, Straw and Feed. th e ml'ol. I tunlty ur cle"lIr men. (huve not got ADd so to the bost. m us t be gll'c n l Ihe money n ece~, nry: YOIl bave," . . . Feed Grinding a Specialty . th e cre til I t Ilot t h ' (II nnor ",us n "lie· I HI' l elln ~d ton\'lIrd In his choIr. ond cess. Wl thnut Il PI1l'tu'lng to 111411101'0' glllnt'ed III the Illtent fa""M at hi s a u· "M'.leur I. Comb III, Ouy'" II ze th e conl'tll'slI tl CJII he lulkl'll cell He- diN!"". '['huu h.. h"gnn to 8lJeuk ... . ' lessly und brllllnlltl)·. But to e\'en Ihe ' 'fl'n IIllllut t!M IlI t~r he PUShl'd hock dl'CUlD.8taoces wbate\·er." The bead fl108t hrtlltn nt oC cUliversa tlollull~t!l Ihe ' h Is dllllr, wa[ter p.IlU8ed as he came to a door, '''1'11 ''1',· I~ Illy "'·IJ\ln~lIl. gentll·men. s truln or tnlkllllC t el 0 hypocltondrlol'I\I ' IUJd the count repented the las t few III n nllt ~ ltell. Uufur __'~wt!n d~vclop. AI Il~rll'lln nll,l two GorIllUIISOlltl fVord& "Under no circumstances grl!v.ly lind the olhe r r,.ll( hlen e{\- ls 1III'II1 s will lIuuloll,·sw occur; I hn ve ' wbatever." CCl ns l<lp rnhlp.; lind I he Count hCllveLl on ' " 1"'111 my 11ft! O\"' I'('''ll1lug t hl' unexlleet· "alala certnlnement, Monsieur Ie (·cl. Whll l I ~ your IIllti\\'er ?" Inward ~ I !!h of rl'lI.e! wheD Ule colTee ' Comte. • • • 1. pel'll on ally will 8(!e hilt! 1J~"n hll lH!o 'd roulIll nnd the tl ilor li e' r ose nllll s tu",1 with his back to IL • • •" c1()~cd Iwhlml thl' wul ter. From nolV , to tl'Cfll Ill' til' ti l'll. !Iud tor SIlv.!rI1l Telepbone 76, rinK 3 : As be 8lloke be Oong open the door tb I on tb· t o p 1c wn ~ the tfl plc or tJHJnf'~'- ' nIIIlU((~S IIU UIlt! ~IJohe, Euch mllil WIlR Ind the count entered. It cannot tie I'r re.peet. . . . hll ~Y \l'IUI h is uwn Ihou '·hls . und ''That's me. Count," retuml'd the mil. Ule com mon houd or hi s three g uelli s. " aald !.bat tbe atmosphere of the room 1I0lllllre In his nnRnl t wang. WI am In. And yet. liS he ca refully eut Ule l'od ~!""" ed It III hi s uwn pnrllculur wuy. Willi coogenlol. The tbree 'occupantl of his c1l(or. 111111 rl'nll7.ed thnt th .. ev('s IIllIte ti t! Guy ~tTII·.'tI uncoflconll.'dly ul were regardIng one another In hoBtile t el'ftlted to know to what I am IQdebt· . IIIl! lire. liS It Intlltrc rPllt to Ule res ult -' toP thle Invttatlo " of the olhl' '' three were Il.'te d on hIm . silence, and as the CQ,UDt entered they, "'" • n. • expectantly. hI.' kn(!w Illat Ull! hUTlleRt uf th '1 1' UWIII:ht8. In his tlttltude ut with .ne RCCOrd. tmnsrerred their eus-All In good tim e, 1I1r, HockIng." pnrt of thE' o"I'nll1g wus In front ot .thQt 1I10m,,"t he gnv!! U tn.., e%]}r l!!lslon plclollJl glnnces to blm. An ad. in this column is a Bure .ale 8Dllled the bast. " X bu ve hopes Umt him. Big IInnll cIPr'R . 10 COlUmon with to his nttltud e on Il rl!. ACL"llstomed For n rnoDlellt he stood motlonl e!l3, the dinne r will fill In UIOt tIme ·SRIIM. all ather III 'Uplt., ol'e tonller of hll\'lng to piny with grent Rtllktlll. Ir e hud Just "I Will Return In Ten Minute.. By while be looked ut ench 000 lo turo. tactorlly." money put Into ihte ll' pocketij Ihun ot ,I"nlt til" enru ' fo r t he OIUSt II lgfl lltic Thlt Tim.. Vou Will Havo Decided Th en be 8tepped lorwarll. . . MONEY LOANED He turoet1 to t.he taller ot the two takin g It out. AJlti Ihllt wn~ Ihe ycry /:l1l11l1le of 1I1 ~ IIr"•. . . Whot multer O!l!' WlY or the Other." "Good evening. gentlemcn"-be atlll GermanI. who wltbout his cont seemed tiling the ount fll"oll(lsell they should 10 Ihe three ili on. who were lookIng at spoke to French-"l 010 bonored at Von' Grat!" wos ~eUKlD g. -nJ~ more Uke 0 codOsb than ev er. do--In IlIt!:" (JIIIUl tl tles. . . . IhE' hnllds he hllli given them, tJllll only ONJilY Tv N UN l f ARM8 your· Ilresen~e. " lie turned to the aloo Is a big one. und . . ." "Herr Stelnemaon. Is It ool?" Tbls "Oentlemen ," he r ema rked , wil en his n nr usler crlrll lnlli could hn vo coo· hl!tld walter. " Let dloner be served 10 "Why. certllioly. ge otlemen," Tbe 11.' tlJ' Inlur6tll fur r. 10 time be ~poke In GenDlln. cigar WUB going t o his so tis fu ctl"n. r .'I I'I!rI ~ul'h a f..'11me? T ho only qu esOve minutes exu ctly." years. '!'"uell & Terrell. l(tIIl l Ka. The mlln , whose Interest 10 Germnn I "we ore nit lU en of buslu 'ss. r snIt! 11011 \\'lIkh occupied theIr willds \VIIS Count moVl.'<I tuward the door. "I will WIth a bow Ule mon lett tbe room. coal WitS hardly les8 well known thon I berore tlinn el' thAt I consl/lered we whether he cou ld enrry It through . return In len minute.. By that tlmll tate and Luanll, WllrulngLvn . UhlO. . mlll-If and the door c1osE'd. . yo u will !rove dectded'"'"'OlIe "'II,)' or !.be l'bone 301. Bocklng's In cotton, ho wed stl ll'ly. • were 811f11 rle ntly bIg to exclude Iny And 011 tbnt point tlley h nd only theIr oth " .. ," • MOnrln g Uillt live minutes. genU& "And Herr Von Gratz?" The Count smoll orbltrory IIn Uonal di stinctions Jmlgllll'nt of hi s llOl"8onullty to r e ly 00. ON ICY L oaned on live "oot men. 1 propuse to Introd uce myself to turned to tJ,e laRt member ot the pur. trom Ilnr rn ln'ls. ."'s men whose Inter. Suddenly th e Allll'rlcnn remo,'l.>(\ th e ohanelll, 11.1110 lIecond mor'8al!ea~ you. Bnd you to one ano!.ber. Tbe t7 Ind . hook hand,. Thougb leSs well eRts tlre In!eJ'nll tlolln l, such th ings ure luothplck from hi s mouth lind NOlIN! bODghl. John tiarblne, A llen bu s ln es~ wllirb I wish to dlsculI8 we known than elUler of the other two In bllnenth us. I wi~h now to slightl y st relched out bl s legs. BolldlD" Xeula 01110. 6.'.:U will postpone. wltb your permlBIIlon, the realms of International Onnnce. 'l'on '1uallfy fhllt r!'ma r k." Il e tllrn.'d to "'l'here Is u qucstlon which OCCUl'fl to Twenty.Toed Elephlntl In Dlmand: till otter the con'\!(!. wben we alIall be Gra tz'e nome In the steel trade ot Cen. the Amerll'lI" on his ri ght. who wlUI me, lJoun t. Ilefore J Illllile up my mind TweDty·tot'd elephants are beld 10 undlstu rlJllIl." WANTED t1'll1 I!lurope was olle to cODJure wIth. eyes hlilf clos l'd \\'''R tholl)!htfully Illrk. Uti t.he lIIu ller. Are yo u dlsJlosetl to be yeneratlon tbrourbout IndIa. and a", In s il ence the three guests waited "We ll. rentlemen." Bald the Oount, Ing his tr elh . "At this s lagc!. (nd. u little 11101'0 CUlIIlI1utJl clI UVO uhout keenly 80ugbt by all the rajaa !lnd until he unwound the thIck white mut. "before we sit down to dinner, ] muy d ress ",y,elf pllrllculnrly to ,Villi . " YOllrslllr? Ie \I'll ogreu to come In on mabal'll,lIfJ for the prospcrlt1 the, AN Wort by . lbe da, or tier; Ulell. with uudlsgulsed curIosity. perhllps be purUllttell to BOy II few "Go rl ~ hlllh elld," <lrnwl ed Mt. !l ock. Ihl " huml . It's g\llll~ 1lI cost big mOlloy. a ~e .. upposed to bJ:lng, aays . Obarle. mon'b. 80ule furnl,bed , 10. thev studied thPlr host. In appearan,Se words ot Introdu ction. The nations li l g . · 'fh e 11:lflr.llln!:' or Ihllt lIIoney 18 with Mayer. In Aala Magazine. Tbey are quire of J. E, Cammlog., R. 0 ~. Of the worl d have recently been en. "I do "ht wIs h 10 tou~h flD the lI'ne-- yuU. \\'1I1-lI'hr, lire you?" ((\larded more cnretolly and quartered Jrranklln. or 'Bome phone, Center. pged In a performance of unrival ed or It~ result; \illt lhough tile CPlll rtll ~',," t:l'nlz lI utld.' d hi s hend III agree· even more lumptuooll, thaD the ville,' m21i atupldlty. As tllr us ODI! coo tell that Pow!!r" 11I1\'c h,'e n 1tl'lI tell by America nll'lIt. iSl"lllI'rllllUIl I'lllscd hl R eyes to whIte elephonu ot Slum. and the price performance Is ' now over. The Inst IInrl I'·nllll·p 1111 01 Elll\'land. I th ink I ('li n till' C/lIllIl'5 (IIt'e 116 he turuetJ and they will brlna I. determined almoat IllWINlHo do. 0.-, work' for maD thine I wlsb to do Is to discuss the s llcnk fol' rou two gelll l('men"-he rll cr.tI tl h ' lII . . . . entirely by the amount the rajas can Alao .. furollbed roolD IOf rool. wa r-excell t In 80 tllr II~ It concurns bowed t o th e !II'O Oermnns-"when I "A ",,"y (nlr que8!1ou. gontll!Ulen. &ath er tOl(pther. Iuquire of Lawreoce tlbepberd , op. our m el!lIng IU're 10n ighL Mr. Hock. Nay thnt It I" n ~lth~ r Frnnl'e nor Ame1'- 111111, yet lin £! whit'li I regret I urn uDable POltt&e looll op, Wayoen-IUe,Ohto. In.11 If>' lin Arnerlenn . you two ge ollemen len wllh wllorn they desire an Olhe r to 1I11~\\'t!r. 1 would not Insult your In· m~1i are Germans. X"-the Count smiled rOtl"'!. En!!lulttl Is Gl!nuRf\Y'~ rualn t (!III ~pnr'C hy J; Ivill I;( you !lIe flctltlous Horael Ore.l_yr. Philosophy. Or utltlrl'ss of-n flctltluulI Oount. Enougb , Those wbo dllcbarge promptly and F':r Local "Dd LoDg DI.t&ooe 8auJ • IIlIghtly- "II8\'e no nntlonallty. 101. 011.11 Clla•• E. Ed ward., L1'le. Tathl)r , shnll ( suy. I have every no. _ thot. I lIlIl n 1111111 wbose livelihood Ilea faIthfully all their datles to those who tlonullty. Oomplete ly ~osmopolltDn . . In olllPr P('l' lll,,'8 pockets. AS you saY. stili live 10 the ftesh. ClIO bue but lit. Uhlo. Vlll1ey phon. lO~8rlnlr" mlS lIr. liocklng. It I, going to cost big tIe tlroe tor polrloll and peering Into PrIces are rISb' . • . Gentlemen. the war wa s waged by Idiots. and when IdIots liet busy on a mOI;~~' ; hl ;1 corupore;t to the results the lite be,ond the grave. Better to Xarge scule, It Is time tor clever men to tb e costs will be a nun·blte. You will attend to esell world In Ita proper ~ FOR BALE bo ve' 10 tru RI me. e\'cn n9 t s hull have der.-Borace Greeley. IItep In. . . • Thut Is UlI! raison d'· etre lor this J\tth~ dinner • . , I 10 trust yo u... . You will hove to trust claIm thllt we tour men ore 8umcleotly me lInt 10 ,J\ "el't the money whIch you URKEY E6GS for aatohlolr. Internntloool 10 be obI '! to di s regard give me liS workIng eXl'e nlieM Into my ,3 00 for 11 Ii", Irtfl. Ow ett any stupid Dod p , teeilo gs nboot oll'n pocke t •• , • I ahull hove to trua' EIIW E ~'rye, R. D. 3, WIl'08llVllle, Obto~ . thle country ood thnt country. ood to m21i regard th~ world oUllook at Ule present you to pfly me wben the Job III finu.,.s Iud rela,...a b, U. 8. (JOYWllml.l OR "AL" & C mQment from one point I)t view nnll 18h"tI . . , ." Q -orr8latedCe01eo& one point ot 'l'lew ooly-our 0\\'0 . " "And th a t poyment wlU be-how !!~IJII\OU ~o. 16~r.J_ (bllulS) •.•... . . IU .50 Roller . . ...... .... Oole• .DO • To ••• 1 Iii the ...... 1UIk!0 .. 0. '" .... J-color ribbon. " .00 . .FroA . . . .... The gaunt American &Ilve a boarse mil ch?" Stelmlma.nn·e eutturnl voice UnderwoOd No~ •. ooe-eolar r1bboD ... n .oo oeuor 10 Larbooroe '" MoKeaa al delicious Burley cbuckl... . Ill'oke the s lience. ~-rifod'. o()I)lor rlbbback 52.50 ' tiardware I:llOre m21i :Fe o. I. ol.-oolor rl boa... . .... II. Of • "It Will be my ohject after dinner." ''One million pound, Bterllng--to be Ro, •• No. s. 'o()I)\or r1bbo1l ...• . .. , .• n :n tob.ooQ I." t " Oll~_ No •••. IU.oO Oliver No. I . •• 12.'0 TOD Repvblto Tnok ror 1.le cootlnued Ule COunt. "to try a od prove split up betwoen you In any pl'oportloo 00 ... No, • . . II 00 1II0ll&rch .,.1 J" ( I .. . • to 10U til at we h ove n common point you may (Ieclde. and to be paid wIthin Btnltb.PromIerIO. Ltaot)'J)l KaJ'. rebulU 10:01 aCla re al .bt. o .... oe for lofor. teedb_~ IOOd DMd coodUloD all radJ' malloo, or _ lJ'ooll al Karlle. of view. Until th eIl-sholl we ruerely l (mc m onth of completion of my w\lrIL 910 ,or .... OHU _vice. Satt.tllCttoo l1IaraJI· n~ concentrat e on I p ious hope thnt th e Arter thllt the matter will (ltI!18 Into teed Of pun:h. . price ...tuodecs. WIIldI IIiH m .... wiD ,00 haft !Up or _all. Orden IIllecs Hotel Natlonall! will not polson USI your hno.ls .•. and may you leave that promptl,. RlbbOiUl. UIJ' color or colore. tOf OW and 7 Pip. big 'fpo Poland. with their food 1" cursed coun t ry grOvellnl III ' the dJr. aiU' mu. ,of ....achlD. ... . ,\Ie deUnred. 8&ac. Ohina. E. 61. BnnDeU. Bos lig lUllS mOdel. OuboD - - _. bo·lI. 01 The next moment the head wolter ty • • ,'. His eye. II10wed wtth a ftel'l"8. mlike 100 lbeeY. 11.'1 deltVMed ...., R. R. I, LllbanoD, Ohio. "mll~ ouened the door. and the tour rneo sut Vindictive fur1; and then , as If replaeInl! u .1DIIiIIc • .which bad IUnJ>8d tar a 'K""",. Type· p~, lIuffldO, N. Y Norlb (If Kld,.vIUe OD naYlOo 4:1 " . LebaooD pike. 0118
Everett Early
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
OlasalRed Ad.
u_ M
R IT R 5
It's ·Toasted
Irowo. J , A. SOYBEANS, 8an01ao, B. D. 2, "aya...m. bome
Ohio ,
. ,
SbOr*hora Y ..rllo. 8aU Oalf .U.· lible '" retJlller, Price '111i. ' !D. qQlre' o( .J. T. "IuJr, W.,D.nJIe, Ohio. ' . - _' mil
8EIIP. CoRN. ,UG per laqol,. of J. B. Vaoder. YOOri, B. V~ II•.WaJatllYlu.,.Ohto. , . f _18 • .,
L baabe1.
Sll~':.. ~~I.:s~J:n:~ rIP', I. WUIaa . , . . . . Way. . . .. JIIinIIII. 0Me., .
The Miami
.... THE MlAMI
GA Z,E·TTE .•••
rt PQ81'1nIOI out lTlme"r Of'« cumpara· oorn will Boon be pl,ulted. nod b tlvoly humoroull de$crtptlon, no obj'~ . fore long we will no' think ot t be Exclternl!nt essentlul. Wonld be b"a weather we hllve bad. lS.<:UED EVERX WEDNESDAY prevurod to consider peruuiiiUnt j ob It - --Sunday W81 \be day wbeD ButO. 8ultohly Lnll'rn8~ d by IIlIpllcllbt tor bl8 Mis8 ft!f\ry Sbld/lker, of Wliullog' mobiles were "e1ftioatlng. " Rervl·es. Ruply Ilt once Box X10." ' ,Ill , WIUl the gueijt of b~,r grtlDdp ..• Mrs. P. B . Clellver bas bo n qult p To the Peo If" of Way ne, ville and ViD . L. CPANE, J ~ ditor Bnd Publi~ lIer. Waj' llf-s\' ille, Ohio SIll! pUI down the poper au a chair reDt@, Mr . lind Mrs . p, 13. CleAver, ludillposed for some time. but It IR nlul Htlll'od 01'llt Ilt her buslJuod nud last wee k . tbought to be Bome impro v ed lit thi ci nity, T(,lling- of Another tbeu lit lbl, rows ot le ttel'll nen tly 1IrhUle, Subscriotion Price, 1S1.50 p er y ear rnu ged on the tuble. Mr . rind Mr •. Jl'r"n.ll P a rrill aDd "I L'u lIs It wlckeLl." 0$11" anuounced Ilt IOn , Hu gh, nooOwpllnled by Mr. lind . Mr. aDd MrA Wn ter Ca st . SUp llT I~n t;th. "lfl\lr flylut; In Ihe race 9t Pr~ Mrs . Geor ge Flowe rs Rnd Bon, Asa. hUeo,1eots of Mtl\m i oometElrY. WH ' "dcllce. 'rlUl~, Uenoy- crIrIlO. Don't unct Mra. Colwell , of Wa,~hlng~on V . visitors bere on SIH nrdn y oight . B • w-ef\'&-e-1Cl1l1!M-trl'-t;1U,'~1Vtt&rtIl3r:Lrnl-~l'eo er, r ema rk ing th e co~ 1 0 1 )'ou t;1:l 'U"llIg nutnlllg to WI':DNESDAY, MAY 11. 1921 mud pt'ulIllS. UIY nULIl. or )'OU ond me tinndRY . $IH 00 per Ollpit" of a oe r tll in oh nr ob . Never before in th e hist()l y of Waynesville has such will 1,,0 hll vluK wunl,.," She Mhook an Re v . Amos Cook wall quIte se. Mends thla: uOlllolll w ry Oug!:r at him, nud retlred verfl ly hurt, Ills t week, In fll.lling A negro prelloher. atter u se rm ol a ponde rous ·alt· been attempted. thut be HIlLrtad 10 PllLY a taltoO on 01. slowly to tbe kll(·b~lI. B iB many friends wish for him II on "Slllvatlon Freo." prooeeded t · Our Calendar knee with his lett hund. • , • announ ce a oollectl o n. A 0;)1 re' A IIlfJU, ellt or t\l'LI luter Hugb DrWD- I s peedy recovery . brasher \ook blm to $a Sk after ser mond <:" 'lIe In. Slightl y under ~ I.x te e t , . N~w d' .ublt· l " l ~pila l P.l:,·luiIllPt , 0 D. W Itegilllen t marching Rllit un hour Inter he untered his 111 helghl . he WII H I>roo<l III pruj,lOrUou. Mrs. lSadR R eason was s h o pplug vIce for l,raotislng a 8 he preaoh ed l')21 Blnn k"I" ht'av \' ... Ild :-; Army Bl a nk p t ~. luxurious suite ot rooms at the HOlel Hts 1J~~1 rrluu<l would uot hol'o coiled In Oar tlJn , oDe day laBt weok. "Patience, brudde r , potilmoe," 861t. SUI I'\Il b> WrO Inu r,., ~~I wO:Ill. H~~ t. nrij.!' ina ll ) s"lrl for ~~;~es MOKnltlcent. hi m Kuud·IOlllllng, but be \\In. \be tor. Dr . W. E . 1I'10st , Qurvot e rinnrloD. &hepanon. "'8p08eyo' wa8thil's ' ! and OODle to a rl bber. yo' could knee l A girl, WilD hud been Iyllll! "y the pl illd s ....... . • '" -,(I 1- - - - ' - - -- - lllllH W r"".,,,,"sur ur Ibol chee~tul Iype I s" b uey m,m I n hi • pro f e88 I On. 12J4S67 1 -_____ right d o wn aud drink yo' full. oo uld lire ntadll'!t a French novel, luokt>u up Ba ~ in os~ io tbls vlolnlty lit In o 't you'l An ' i~ wonldn't cost y o !les t . Wo rk Sh I r ts III Ihe Hu uud ot tb" door. Sho did not of u"IIJl c~~ which toHplres Iwmedlate IJ fairly good s hllpe All who waot nothln', w ould itP" "Ob oo'ee not S w "'!I t C r ~ I It'Ii'''' 10= =.:-=_- - from SOc up . • pellk, tor the look 011 hlH rnce tolu her cOlllhl" ULU 10 IlOj U\\·lI"r. II .. PUII"t'U U8 h" ilOIlo tb e tuule und w or k ,.ro fiodlng employme nt . Dat 's j es de be rry tlng-. " " W e ll 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 kh:c k i and 11I 'lllht' I' l l- ~ (; ,1iC'r'nlllf' It -1111 sbe wllllted to kllow. glll ll <'cd III t1w rows uf IOlters. "Who Ne. e r mioo] the weather, 80 'he 8'p08In' yo' wlla to haL dut wlLter ('Iai lll cd li< cd ail t! hl'hlie cr08sed to UII! !lOrll atid IImlled !! 2J 24 2f) 26 27 28 I\i ,.o al l kinds of Rain woulll hUI' Il th nught It, J nmesT' he ropl' ped .0 yo' hous-. yo'" hub t o pa..... .... ...... . down at her. I d .G S wind don', blo w. Do no t get ,t18• c U ~ nai l ~hf)t·R . C"a t ~ fit r e duced primur", . . n~ U I cotl 1 8hull blIV9 to Ilay, wnuldn'· yo" ' " "YII8sah . bnt !9 JO JI "SuccC8srul . . . on our own terma. ooungetl , but k uep trying /lnd • r " 1 -1 lit $:< 00 III .t .. • t 1 ces . Tumorrow. IrUlIl. the Comto do Uuy ge U POI nero eventulll)y th e Hun will Ilhl lttl upon _" .. Woll, bruddor, 8 0 It Is in d i. Wltb dl811jllirOvIII . hoIVlog In ever), oase. ~lilvatloo am free. It 's \'Ir May '1- I{ogal iun Sunday All I,"al il er ollieers' dleN. oud Cllrl P~terHOIJ I1lId his duugbp or h~ r rll l'e. MrH. Donny entered you . hllbln ' It piped t9 yo' da' yo ' ~ ot to MIlY 5 - A~c(!II ~ i on Duy ler leave tor ElnghuliL A country gen- IIn puttees. nil ~Ize~: Oflicers' ' lyl e new Ho u ~e Drl'HSe3 Bnd till.' room . curl'y lnK th e kidneys. lind Bnl!lotlsl! id 1I0e, evory t hlng 18 SO pay fo ." May 8- Su llday after Ascension uri ginull y ,.ol d for Shues 0 ' i:.: illuliv sold Bunl{alow Ap ro ns of tlemon, I think, Is Curl Petol'llO u. ne OrulDlIluud "1lID ced ut her with a very encourilKelnK, we Ilr,t' all buey, M1Iy IO - Confedl'rale Memorial Day might keep hellB, and possibly plga." smile. buv a outlived th e hlgb (lOllt ot I!Y . f o r$ l ~ (1). ~~~~z~.~:. May 15 - Whit sunday no w ...... The girl 0(1 the liMn rose. )'l1wlllng. "0000 morning. Mrs. DeuDY," he log anu DOW we Olin In'o rease oor Muy 2~ - Trillity Sunday . "Mun Dhm I what II prospect I Pip IIBld. "Wllerefore this worried loolt blAnk acoo unts; but wlJl we ? May ~9- I ~ t Sundl<,Y nfter Trinity uud hun8--und In Ellglond I Row lonll Buruuel VarllOn, of Dn,ycon, W88 on your fuc' l Hus that reprobate May 3D- Decoration Day 18 II going to tllke.T' oaillng on acqualntaoofll b ere on JnOlIJll been 1018bullll\'lng hImself?" The Count looketl tboullht1ully Into ---1Thl) worlhy WOlUun 8uorted. "He Mooday, May', and while here lhe nre_ bas not, sll'-uot yet, le8lltwlse. And transAoh,d bUSiness Mllle8 Jennie .. nd Jo .ophll1& NC:\I Door tu (ja zett e Office "I'erhallll a yea~crhap8 Silt Genius Ihnl he was to the reaGin, monlh.. . . It Iii on the lop at the I 11 HO btl tba t bll d04i."-lIor eYIl8 trllTThe Mlllonio lind Pytblan calltIes Reevel r e\nrnlld , Thursda.y. tram " or IIwu's IllIIHIH. he tclt thut be knew gods.. •• /1 aTe belog wire d tor eleotriclty. wbloh uled up Rod down tile buck ot the pleBIan' winter "pent In 'fllooma., WAYNESVILLE, OHIO thL' r"Hull or lltut tun minutes dl!Ubo!~ blllllcae Denny. "'ho Willi Qulle unuecea- will add grel~tly 'o~thelr efflolenoy, Waah . Btloll... And th en . . . Whut t.hnn? aarlly pulling bookll uf! IIbol'vOfJ and An editor wrote a lIub~orlber, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Haydook CHAPTER I ... In hl8 InHtgll1l1Uon be 80W bIro· puttlull t.bem back ugaln-"It 10 be named Bill J eff ry, Ilvlni In II near. havi resurned from a severnl self 8upreme In powcr, ,Iutted with It that lie dc",~ , " sh e continued 81'1mly. by town, adv hllnl{ blm tbllt hll ~ub mon'bs' visit with E. M PaUonon In WhIch H. Take, T •• at the Carlton - 0 king, 1111 IlUlocnlt, who bud ouly to "h11ll IWU Wit will have worda-as l've sorlptl o n bad expIred . A few days nod famllv , of Junesville, Wis. and I, 8urprlNd. Ittl his ftnlrl!r tI , plUnge bls IrlnlltlO1D told blm alreudy Ib is morning." Sbe la te r the edItor reoelved his own ONE. Mrs. Josepb Learning Is .at Mlnml Into df!s!ntct1on BlIII antdbllntlon . . . Cnptnln Hugh Drummond. O.S.O_. atlliked trol1l the room. ntter starin" ietter, aorolls tobe foot of 'whloh had Valley h ospital for lin operatiou ~ for _"'nd wbeD he hntl doue It. and the polnledly lit tile lutters In Drummond'. been sora wled, "SO'8 Bill." goitre, coun I ry he hilI ed WIl8 In rulnl. then be M . a.. lale or W 8 MnjeHty's Royal bnlld. Ilnd Ibe t'vo Ulcn looked at ooe Unly a tew more weeks IInUI oor Utl8 Praemer, of Xenia, oondlloted would dlll,u hlA IIIl1l1 ufI lind enjoy It Be Loom.hlreR, ·W8S wltlBtllng In his morn- Boot.ber. teaoher! will bl! foot. 10010 for a few o I(rell l limn Mliould "njoy 0 IIreut r&- Ing butb. BeIng by nUluce at 8 cltcertul "!t·w tb ut thel"e rererence to crime, months, t·ha .. they m .. y ml~ke an Ill. servlolll at She Friend. ohurob, S UD. dlsllosltloo, the lIymptom did not Bur· · day morning. \\'''1'<1. . .. T hus rnr Ihl! 8111lCe ut ten prIse hIs >rervnnt, lole prlvole ot the 111. that·s lorn It." w id DeDny In a tempt t o bnlld up their rnn.down Il1luul ~ " ,lid 11m (Jullul aeo vlslonH IlDd The Ladi8l' .Aid 800lety helo an hOlll'll\! wllls(lllr. and overt.a~ed. BYlltews. aDd &0 tbe (IrNUII t1rt'uIUN. Thill the t()('ce he pro- tlllllOUS regIment, wbo Wll8 lartng "'l'hlnk s I'm gnlng' tt' leod you pleasnre of &helobolllrs ",'111 release opeolng Hoolal In 'be Annex, Satu r· IJreBkrnst In nn nd,Jolnlng room. IJ ON~ " tu IUlIll,er with Wll8 n dangerouK day evening. Tbe ohuroh parlon Arler a while the whistling ceased. utray. does ~he. Jomesl" lie wu them from.--1lul forol ble detaloer to r ~" ,11. 1urh~d hlw onl at 1111: bo WUM nave bRen redeoorr.'ed , remodeled opeulng th e IlrHt euvolu..e. Rnd BudThe Anolent Order of Orientals. lind the mUHlcal gurgle or esCRplng u lIun Lfl~t'I.HJ N limn. Thut thls 8~h emo denl), he luultl.>U up wltlt 8 twinkle to whloh Wli8 to oon~en e heare on tiM. nnd muob Improved . The ooonion was wuter annoullced Ihat the concert \\'oli id J.rl"~ rulu, (lo rlcuPK oJ"aUt. to was alia a re.::eplion for members ov"r. 1t wna the slgllnl tor JnmclI bls eyos. "Ju. l to sut her mind at urday night and wall enroule, WIIS who had epenl 'h8 wln'er away. th ou_lIml s or htnuc'!'ut mCII 8Dd wowell reRt." he r lIIurl; ' o J Kru \·cl)'. "you might run Into by a Ybrd eoglne, oauslng Denny- the SQuare·jawed el<-batman~ftu se,J him 11 0 QIIIII ... : be wu" 8 BUMr. lind Mrs. F. P. Reeves, of DIiV· tell her UII1I, RS rur UII J CWI seo lit pn 'me l'i: u l~t. All thOI IlPpeuled to to diaappoor toto the hllck reglolUi IIDd prl'9PllI, I Hhull unly wldertuke murder a wreok of oonsiderllbla oOlOsequeooo too, and Kobert Hooves, of RlohTbe wreoklng orew oame 'JO lind lu hi m Wit" lloltt he Iou<l se' ll Ihe 0Pllor- get tl'om hi. wlte the khlneys IIlId !la. II ~bort time Ivery&hlng '11'111 be all mond, Ind .• were week.end guesls tUllll~' lhnt eX IRl £oll. and thnt he had con wbl('h that most 81tl'ellent woman right and runnlDIl on 80hedule time, of rel.thes here, (To 1M' ""otlnuftd., this par. tb,> '1f'r,'" ou" tilt, hroln to turn that bod grilled tn a turn. But and ,hen t be ooovention oan be Rsl",tlves of Mra. Cora MoPhenon oPllOrtnnlt y 10 Ill . own odvnntllie. tlclilor morning the tonrlable rcrotln" I~================= called on .bo" nOll06, All that Is Carey. of ~amlln tba, Uhlo, Ilttend8d Only th e neeeasnry money WOH luckIng W88 brolten. . James Denn), seemed necessary Is for &be Grand Paddy. her faneral 'here, Sunday afternoon •. . Bud .• • With n Quh'k movement preol'CUpled, d IlItrn It. .bllw to malee hie mark on t be doUed The ollDdltlon of Mrs. Lee Coyl, lip pullL'<I out hiN wot ch. They had Once or twice he 8crntcbed bla head IIno, I:tll follower8 Il.re I~aogh' to "'ho has been III tor levernl weeks . National Champion for 100 and 200 miles nnd several bOtl tltelr I"n mInutes . .. The matter lind 8tared out ot the Window with a mind, 80 do not worry, It will no' be dOBS not Improve as fast . liB her WOIl Me llll'tl. the dl(' \\'IIS CIISt. • • • pnnled trown. others. long uutll whU. ls In sight will be frleuds would like. ne rose nud wHlked acrose the "Wllat ', you looking t or, Jomes Den· plain to be seen. lOllnge: For un npJlreelllhle moment 111'" '1'be Irate voice or his wife at FIRST ATTRACTION CALLED AT 1 p. m. sharp. THE MAN WHO Tbe BarveYMburg EIRb\h Grade th" Count pous d by th e door, Hnd a the door made him loolt round IJUIIUly. EXALTS HIMSELF' IS COWtDenoemeot will be held at Bar. t81nt SUllie enme to hla lips. Then "TblUU kidn eys 1& reudy 8nel waltlo, Gents SOc Ladies Free v ey~ burg Town hall 00 'fuesday A POOR JUDG€ OF he open<>d It. nnd pnsJed Into tbe room. WeISe Ih·e,o;\Dutes." .. venlng, M .. y 17th, A pr(l,raw will HUMAN NATURE::. The A.lDerlcen wlla sttu c\l'ewlnll his Her 8yes tell 00 the tnbl e. and abe be rendered by she EleMh Grade toothpick; Stelnemllnn W8ft stili advllnced toto Ole room wlptoll ber NOTARY PUBLIC IIr1lduatell. "nd an addreu w1lJ be brenUl lng hnrd. Only VOll Orate had bOnos all her apron. g Iven by Prof, Marll: 8. WhlSllll:er, chll'tlged his ~upfttlon nnd be, Will "Old 10U ever _ Im:b • buodl 01 . Waynesville, Ohio of Wilmineton oollele. EVerybody Ilttlnlf 8t the mille 8moklng a 100&' lette"'?" lIlie MId. weloome, No adm181110n. National Bank tltln ell/or. 'I'hu ('!ount dosed the door, ''If'ort)'·Il\'\!,'' retllmed ber hutlband, Mr Rnd Mrs. Le wis Shaner, of lind w81ketl over to th e tlreplftcc. .. , grimly, "and more to come." He plckod .AUCTIONEER Veterinarian MoKay 's St.. tlon, wore oalllng 00 "Well. gentlemen ." he JlBld Qult!ltly, up die D40nvepoper lying beside . tbe acqulllntRlloes blre, on HundllY . Centerville, Ohio "whnt h,w(} you Ilaclded 1" chair nnd opened It. On Tbursday night, Mlay 12th, It wn. Ibe Amerlclln who nnMwercd. "Them's tile result at that," be COIl' I Give me your sale. I can do your OFFICE: BarveYllburg LodRe No . 567, w1l1 "It !lOfOR. WIth one ' Rmendment. tlnuert eryptlCRlI" Indlcatln, a para· work reasonable sni! will g uarantee fourt h Stre4lt, ncar Tyler m eet to dlMODflB the advIR.! 1blllty of Veterinarian The mOI"'Y 18 too hlg ror th ree ot U8: gt'ajJh ...·lIb II square IInllll', and thru8t. to satisfy yOU . seleotlng more of those flue young Ihert' mllst be u rourtll. Thnt will be ID' the puper under his wlfe'a nOH. Telephone 93 men for mllmbers, that they may ~ Practical Vaccinator. Have harl "Deuloblllaed oftlcer," lIhe reed Ilow· a quarh'r or n mlllton facb." ltoo w more of frlendsbll), They ~ good BUCCeB8 ill Immuning on 'J'he OO\lDt bowed. 17, "flndlll&' peoc:e 1JIa-edlbl, tedlO1la. Ohio Waynesville. both sick and well herds. are milking o~e of their "me In tie. "80"0 )'ou uny SlIR!OOstions IIIl to made bra.e knight.. 1II0re work WhODl the fourth Rhonld be'" Both Phones uear at hand-100g may the good "Yep." flRld the Amerlcun lIItortiy. Home H66·8 Be1l4-1r work go on. "'1'hll8ll two gentlqmen agree WIUl me )tr, and Mrs, In ·o Evana Rnd Mr. tllat It .hould be another ot lOy coun· Bellbrook. Ohio BerB t;hld"ker, of XenIa, were Sun. trymen- so that we Ket equal nUlObers. VETERINARIAN d .. y afternoon guests of Mr', andMu. Tbe WIIU we hllve dectded au 18 eowFronk Shl<:laker, toll to Illniliand to a taw weeks-HIram FUNERAL DlRBCTOR Vaccination a ~pecially. Noth_ C. Potts. If ~ou I'lt him In. 10\1 can Frook Shldaker IB Btlll o:oe of the Ing but Reliable Serum Ilsed eouUl U8 In, too. U oot, the deal'8 federal jurymen at Cinolnrllltl Waynesville. Ohio ()tr.1I Mr. and Mrs. William 8eU, of Tbe Couut nodded, lind IJ be telt al11 Phone 44 HarveYSburg , O. Somerville, Ohio, were Sunday vieit. annoyen<'e at thIs unexpected develop. ora of MI'. alld Mre Barry 8 Tuoker Fully Equipped for Good ___ ment be , bowed no ,Igll of It OU bll Mr. and Mrs, Sarrv I:!l. Tuoker tece, Service, entertained for Ilx o'olook dinner Farm Sales and Live Stock a "J know of Hr. PottlJ," he aDllwentd Large Display Room on l:idurdllY nlgbt, IIIr. aali Mrs. C. . Specialty qUickly . ."Your blill/llppln, mlln, I'!n't c D. ';ook, Prof. and Mrs. O. V . 'folle he' 1 agree to your r\!~el'VnUou." DAY OR NtGHT Ilnd Mr_ and Mrs, William 8ell. TELEPHO NE 7 ''Opod,'' lIold the A.merlcan. "Let'. Satisfaction Guaranteed Mot llers ' . Dny W8S ohlerved at \,.1 , dl.cuse ROwe detal1s_" our ohurohes hore on !:lunday. Without a trace or emotion on his Bellbrook, ~ Ohio Examined Correctly· .. 'face tile aou'n t drew up a chlllr to tho Matt Cline oame down brim Day. Glasses Fitted • ~on on l:!atQrday aDd vfillited hla tibia. It .WIlII onlv. wh en he Bat down DR. J. W. MILLBR. Both Phones g randpare nts, Mr . Bod Hn . W, A . AT M()DKRATE PRICEs Me rritt ..• DENTIST... The Masonlo lmlldlllg la entire!:; IIgh\ed by eleotrloUy, betal 0010 _ omeo In WllynenMe. 0 pleted last week . 1'I.\lon.! 8anlo nldg. Catarrh 18 a local disease, greatl.)' Optical Department aATHAWA.Y ODe of the best and mOl' Inter. Influenced by constitutional condl· So Detroit SL Kenla. Ohio estlng tblnla tb"t hall hit our $Own 'tlOUI, It therefore requires constltu· OPIID evenings by appointment Waynlll vllle'8 TJ8,;dlnj{ Den".' durlnl( 1021 was tbe show ,hat ..r. tlonftl treatment. BALL'S CATARRH Read Gazette's Classified Ads rived here 00 SundllY. Way 8 by OtllOil In B ~ Inllll Bldg. Matn 8& MllIDIOlNID Is taken Internally and 'ruok, lind pltobed tbeir leDSI on am throllCh the BI094 on thtl lII\1eoua She 0111 sohoolsround. Lolql before SurfareB of the 8)'lIh:m, BALL'S GENUINE time to OpOD tbe doorl on !taoh and CATAIlRH MElDICJN1I) deatro),a tbe livery nlSM, 'he orowd waited on foundation of the dlsea8e, gives the the outeldll for the opllnlnll of tbe ' patleut strength by Improving the 1'8Il' "Demobilized Officer," She R.ad 81_ main en~rllnoe, and such Gavin, eral hellltb and asslsta nature In dolq . . TOBACCO I,., "Finding Peace Inoredlbl,. Ted1ita work. "nd pnahlDIr. whloh III ooD'rary $0 oue, Would Welcom. Dlv .... lon... 1 good aenlle (It la alrlgM I~o shove All drurglBtI. Olrculars tree, __ a F. J . Chene, a. Co., Toledo, ·Oblo. bnt you mutt not puh) tba' Ule1 ~ ~ wo.uUI welcome dlve",lon, J.e(1t1mate. oould get In and get one of tbOile ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~=~===~~===~~~====~==~==~=== upholitered .eat. . .nd eIIJo,. the evenlDe'a BDtertaloment. '!low'bey wll1 be mused. wheD they IIIr. gone. Mn. Ida Bowe, after bellOg away !~ARD for eeveral weeks, Ie again .., home feeling m!loh Improved. Prof. and IIIrl. 0, V, Tolle enter· \alned ou$.of.'own luel'. for dluner on ~uQday. Oor eollqqj board has wqdered she pre. en' &e8ohen the .011001 tor another year,. but &he wrUer la Ii&. tormed tha' \htl 9,ffer haa no' aooep\ed. Two of tbe la.dy Hao1i'er. are' oonwmplllllng malr1moDY, and Prof. Tone" .. young maD filII of ambUloll and anxious to get 'he bea' priOil In oub 'or bl .. .abllUf , and' oOniequluUy YOD .~ 'h. pr-. ent oondltlon . of ODr Dex' year:. \ . ~hool. The prl_ th. ladY'. ~h.r. '. receive for 't eaohtlll lOb. . ~.i I • 'bem entIrely too hl,b prlOlld fM domY'lo work,· an4 th. JituhaDdl' ==~==';7 1 ====SEE ~v1lbnda will Dome op mlDae, & A. ~ .. Lodp ' No. alll .n_. UIDed v1eitora from Leba. ., . non. Ne" BlirliDpoD aDd Wan... Ylil. ai ,heir IDipeotioa OD' 1'!lUII. lIan~ .bel bo' Dot D. lDeDa
Uncle Sam Is''Sou ding His Bugle
$3 50
==, ;,.,;'"....... -.. $400 .
8 9 10 II 12
..... ". $3.95
~~~O:....... ...
$2 50
$1.25 .up
Base Ball
Lebanon vs. Morrow Sunday, May 15th
Maldyn Jones
Forest T. Martin Dr. Lloyd B. H.lI
Walter McClure
John H. Wright
~ts from
on. -bag of
.[Ht".." .. ..., . .......... - E\~ES i i
Catirrh CaD Be ~ured ,
~~~_~ -...
'. 1'"
4a,. u..-a'.
f.... ,... ....JIb, .....
prepancl II)' abe ~ .... laC••
TIl. aloe
S. bdD.... tile -"'i~"
Mil .... III:'IIiM
W.·II~· MADDEN & . C01\iPA~.Y: . Waynesville, Ohio And ,they, wilt outfit you ,for an entire new home
OIII~ b.~. 'Clt"d Lea....
-T- -
,~,.t ,,::(r:t:"~,,~~~~r·lI\l a ~tc.n
It take I It .. reported trat " lne 1(I(l"ro1,K'rt ,. pillt toilfUl! 1\1 h It ond Rdd batt a tea· tw o yeo ':; to IImh Mount E\'el'8t, In " dt'll4. or 18 - (\ ten "nl-e '" I!TIR' f I or ~ lIllt cc! IUIl1l" to It. reaeon I Is rlft l'D ~no,'n It .Mln , III TIle b 1'1 t'S tlmtct 10,\" e. B1mnln)'tls. th Iii\' ,Cork tlgllll .• lind hlgbest k In wRrm 11loCft th IIl'nk So fn,,' no wblteworld's man b08 won ! ~":t 1MI ~;.::, b~n .e:o:;.n me~lb~ ~~I~: t or tWll do,. 8- l! nt IIt.he end 0t: tha t til e bonor ot 6~nllfig Ull, enowd nd I tlllllI th., ' f'r nns become c10uuy or petlk '. "raaoluttol\. l mllk:o, It I,w nunfit tor dOl)lestfc \180. • • . • . .
The Miami GUttt ~, Wayneaville, Ohio.
_ _ _ _ ._
____ __
_ __
e&e. o f
olumbus. was pr~se nt II I : 1. Mll ry '~ church. SundllY. und ndmini lured tht' rile of cnntlrmat ion t<1 11 cia!!.q of fou r "dul l", Bishop [{epse pre8ch~d II fille Hm llOIl and thl: ch oir renrit'rt?,l It ~o ..<l pro, gm m , Mill<' 1.1I1·Y Em!,·y ~il1g i llR 111(' offer tory ~olo. A I»r)(•.· conRr c~al iOIl
Eauca t. You r Dol lar..
1o II IIrrenrnrll nnll T"Il~h
r ll rnl "l, ' r!' :
pointe d at the last sale, beca use there wern ' t enoug h Rugs to go roun~ !
T ra n s ~ rl p l.
~~:-~nrt hll lq red ilH'o ul0d
1'~lnl I1{'
wi th . 'ectora.t Heacn 'lj lIft.nk ... . _..
Notee' '&.ld · 'blib" ~;':Iis~t~,~~~'t' o ~hor
Yedem l ROIur \' o
11. II k: ... . . . . ......
9x12 Axmln ster Rugs, at
(U , ~ , ho n da
parvliluo ) 6I1,OOU.UU
I. a.lul ..._ve willi
~· "'I ."" I
Cash if Paid in Sixty. DaY8 on Amounts Over $10.00
24 North .Detroit Street Xenia, Ohio
': : : ::: : ::. Tot al 01 t1 ol1l l\Dd d 'O POSIt,8 (o'hor 'ha .. bank dopn. Il.li) ,ubJ!C , 10
~(:':':JoJ ~~~. 2?: .~:28~li /ro 8.
8,0 00. UO
Bl:I~';."i a~::;"'~:I~~j~'!:IQr~i 'l i';.
-- I ' ~ D3, OS l.3 7
L, l l. O E NDERSO N. Cultl. r. 8unlCl1bed tLud Il worn '0 bororo rno Io llis
I m
Tolal ....... • .. • • . •.. • . .• . . LIABILIT IES
106,351.3 9
$1 8.5 0 $1 9.7 5
....CO~g t~~!?~~!I"~~~H~~~ON.... WEAR , HOSI ERY, KERC HIEF S, S'l,lOE S, .·a nd a com plete assort ment of strictl y high grade wear.la g appare that will make you "top the list" on Gradu ation Day.l
~ DREXEL· ~ r::.J
~ B.
,Hart, SchatT ,lier &
H 'Y M A N
M~ CI~thes
. . . . . . . . . .' .__ mE'__8m. . . eaa'm~q=-~'m
3.402 . 60
'. 500.0~
" .
Corw in,
Trucks, Tractors and A,rop lanes
w Street Dayt on, Ohio
One.Half ~quare Soutb of Union Depot •
HEOIH'I'lm lm 1:-.'
EJ:cellen t clnss rooms Ullt! lea ching fa ciliti es . Two full -time Largo stnft dC lectu rel'". All uran ch o. oC nurSing t nu 't bt. Inetruc ton. Loan fund. HIgh Scboof Di plom a
c IIlIl va le n t
preferred. Fall
S ~ p lct" b e r
t e rm b e gin. 8boll*
BUll Parlor. Re cl' caU oti Boo l1l r.. ('a ~l lJIl S, Swin gs, Tonnl s Court. formatio n apply to 1.. . A. 1I,\ X F O I\I). l'rlnc1pl ll. DAYTO
For 1fto~.
Firat Lien on Rea l £.ta te Bus ines . Dist rict
.~!!!!~~~~!!!!'!!!!~~~~~~ - --
Notic e of Appo intme nt Eo ' a t. ot \farla 'ook <loee n • I ' , . •_0< • o llce Is hor.by" glvon 'h ot .Ionat han M. Oook h .... lloon dul, "p poill ted anti q ua lllled .. 1C ~." lI to r ol t he Est ate 01 H arlo Cook . laLe 01 W urr ull Ohi o , dueua ....1. DM",I Uli. 13 lIay 01 ~rl~;. l~~LL , Judge 01 t he Prob"t.c On ur~ Warren Oounl·)' Ohio Dean tJ:. SlInnl_,.. Atly. . N
Admis sion, 22 and 17 cents Comm encing this evenin g &11 shows start at 7.
of each week, and will p a y the highes t cash price
10, 00
' I
A good Fox feat ure
Tuesday and Saturday
8. 8 U3. 19
1t epalred, rebuilt. recored, Service,. Wt)rkmanlhip. Equipment, We guarant ee our Non-bu rst Corell not to burst from freezinll' . All work guaran teed, Estimates Il'iven. Work done while 'you wait.
We are prepa red to take in Wool at our wareroom in Corw in, on
1,004 , 13 8. 7 50 00 2,68 1. 00
"Th e TI·ger Ban d"
. ...... ...... ...... ...... .... _ ...... ...... ... _ .....
1,00 3. 13
Olpltal' .t.Ock pr.lIl10 ... . •• • • , • • . 125,000.0 0 Undivided proDw . •• . . •. 1,088.98 I , GOO. OO LeeI curtellt. OXpeDI8I . l ute ..... and lues paid . . . . . , . . 80 2.n ...li~I!.U individua l d"poelto l ubJ oe l to ·" check .. .. .... .. . · .. .. .... .. G7.UfG. 91 ToLat 01 It.cm. 2T. 2!t. ~9 , 80. at and 12 . .. .... . . . . .. . 57 g'6,91 'r otal ...... .. ... . . .. . ... , . . - '- S-'.-77- a-. o-" IITATE 01' OHIO . WARRE N OOUNTY .SS , J. H. e. Tucker. OM hl ... of t he named banI<, do IIOlemoly ."ear Ibat.bovo ,be above s tatemont II true to lb. t . t 01 m y kDowledg o ~nd bellol i\ STucke r O•• hler Subaor1bed ~nd .W'orn· ~o belore me Ihlo 7tb da, 01 AlB,. I UH W A Merrln oo ......t A~teO.t ·· . Nota., Pubilc . . O. D, OOOK ' O. B. LEVIOY O. J. OLKAVI£ R
Startin g a West~rn serial, with Helen Holme s, in
The flf ianl i 'Valley School for NUrses
Burplu. tund . . .. .. · . . . • . . . . , . .
ob~i·';ri b.ni.&·I;,cai.Od ou~.~~!· ~f cit yo. town 01 reportlni b ~nk anll otber caab ltellD • .. : • , . . . .
Tues day, May 17th
aery. Bank .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. Net amounts duo Urom nallonal banko .. .. . .. . . . . _ .. . . . •. . . , . Total. 01 Item. 9. 10, 11 , 12. 1B and
"Th e W or Id an d H·IS WO I ef" Also Selzni ck News Admis sion. 22 and 17c
It Pays to Trade at
the State of Ohio, at the close of busine88, on April 30. 192 1,
Lo~aa ~.11 Dlacowat • •. . 56. 2.7. BD O.erdral w uuecu...S . . . . . . . . . . . U .1, Oo".rnmen~ lIe<,urlt l.. owned D.noorted 10 HCuro "lrculatlo D ( U . S. bond. pu- value) ... ' . . nODG OWlled ~nd uDl)ledcod , . . I , OO I . U All o'ber U. Ii. GOl78rDm ent Socurltlee .. ...... , . , . .. 1,0 03 , I l Other bood •. • toc.ko, ..,url~leo .• t.c. l"urnlturo and IIXIUrtll , . . •. , • • . • O&l!h In vault .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Lawful . . -.. U "'"h Irederal fiG'
Satu rday, May 14th
Featur ing Alma Rub~ns, in
Crefl tn Chocolates , 4 Havor assortment Per pound hnly " .. .. " .... ..
Admis sion, 17 a nd 11 cents
~==== l~ancy
'CSt rong t:r th D th" an ea
Free MATCH ES Free A hox of matches free w ilh ea~h packag e 01' ciguret teB, or each 25 . c wor t h of cIgars.
F ea tllrl'11 ~1T Na zl' rnova, I'n -
Pleasure Cars,
CHART ER NO. 11617
Thur sday , May 12th
oorrecl Attoll\;
W. 1I. ALLEN, J . W ; WUITE.
I, •••
6th tlayolMa " 1811 .
E, V. lIa rnhart. No ' ....' Pu blic. J. U . PE NOR ,
: :
condition of the Harveysburg m OfNationa l Bank at Ha rveysburg , in
T ot al • • •.• •. • • , . • , . . , .. . .
El eg an t Bl ue Su its for Gr ad ua tio n
10,000.6 0 8.000. 0 0 '
State 01 Oh Io. COllnl,. til Warre n. M: 1. L. M . U eU d QJ:lJ(lIU , Gu h ler o f 'he a IJO\"tI n a.med b llllk. do solem n ly swear th., t he ab uYo i Itat.mln t fa 'roo to tho b8&1. of IOJ ·kuo ", lod g ~ and llfIUel .
Specials for
Frl'day and Saturday
Socurl U a D1~~a';.:tle: 'eiitier 'than ·"iil'
w"iiiiiiiil'GJIi'ilEiE9UiJ-liiiii59'1DIl'a.iiDUilli'iiiliiiil'ElIi'a=EiJ' 1'555DU!J~i555555:1' a
,8rI' O Bau k .. . " . . ....... . .
2GD .r.{; I C,' 00 dB. rooms .. .. · ........... ... ... . JOe ~x Stee l Cut 'ofree, 3 lb. ..... (j9(" Treat"",r .. .... .... ... .. ... 2. ~ 0 0 00 1 GUll P(\w'l ~ r Tea. lb. nnly :.. .. :lOc ToLal. .. . ' L" I A' 'D' I' L"(T' ·I;,:S.. .· ' 6 01. 0 0 1.9 71 Blue ){il.>bnn Peeled l 'ellc he~ ~ package ... ...... .... .... .. .... .... 20c ~~~\~ .~ock U1J, l . ".1.1I, I. ".'. '... :.. . .• . . . '1 60 00·. 0000 0·. 0 0u All Ga rden Seeds. pkg onl" ... lie <II A8parng u!'Tips.RIl can s on ly.. A Ue UD curnm'pron to".. .. U . H 9.aG J erscy }' alJ CRk ~ "' Le .. vtded expo" . ..', IUlN"&' " Iour, pI\ 1< .. . 10C aDd lax... p lllll ...... ' . ' 60. 09 18469.27 g~ul::!~~n~~t~~~'~~'&~wg,i"l 60.000. 0 0 i Cabbag e Plants. Tomalo P lants. To~:J'~I' ·It.emo · ~f ' i i : ' 2.:'i 5 10000 ,0 0 Mallgo Pl a nt~. PUUi Y Plums aDeI 2 . .... .. .. ... . 10, 0011. 00 SI''''O PO·[·A·[·l·)'C'C J f Illd lvld ual • • "" • . • poe .. . ltI . ' . • ,.u . I. J J.ec . . ' .. ' 0 . "7.3"U. "7 J ", Cb eel< r, ,, - ust U e w •• . " left , Ohi os. Cobblp. rs. Chi MarOertlllc.. t... 01 d epo!~ ' duo In I.... kets. Ftose. Cllrmens.
Half from War Prices
0' cu.y or Lowu o f l·clH.J rLln ~ baD l< a nd o'her .·... h IIem. ... Hod.mp~ lou l und " lU, U . 9 . " ",uurcr aM d ue l ruDl U . II.
A Savin~ of One-
Last year the young man was compe lled to pay $50 to 165 for a good gradu ation suit. This year he gets even better qualit y at 33 to 50% less. They'r e of the -finest all-wo ol mater ials-B lue Serges , Flann els,an d Unfini shed Worst eds. Also, a compl ete selecti on of Herrin gbone s. Stripe s and Mixtu res. . Other suits for young men
L~ a d.
D:n~i';.vault ·IiOiL;";:.. . :. :. ::.. :. :..... ::: : .: :. ..: : 18::~~~:~H~.I ZIMMERMA --N-;-S I ~g7J~I'=dhi~H~';Hp:~I~:~ :t: !~~:~~ SPECIALS THIS WEEK ob~.iis· :.n· li ;'i,ki ·IOC~~YO~,{~~i~~ I ·...h In
_ __ __ _ _~_
All u th or Uli ited :-;l"t
These are wonde rful values and at $37,50 mean
~ m ~m
(i tn oro · ~ m~~:':"~u.i~~it:~1 '8. cs·..~u2:i:I;: ft9.UU r. 1
Il lt'rl'l.\ In u lff'rl ct II I I r a \' \ IItl . ' u tlOI1 {bu t
"W" III S ur n a me.. F : _ .. I . ... t l l·l tt1 r1 II·~ l,Pg lll w ltb 110:0 11 ,,:,to :Oil).' ' _ii_liN lerter. .
... --
~r tll'l '
lH II~
~(\l c l o fl1
New Goo ds Com ing
T o p oo r P u r p os e . \\' 110
1:V ~ t~h_ .for our ad. next \veek
wort h UlI Yl h ln!!.
1 ~ . Ut)O . u u
U vord rale... u uaOCul'Ofl ........ . 2-':"( ~ ~ ~: ~~ 1 U . B. UoverUDlon' Soo·urIU... " wn tld : Dopollttec.1 to 8OCilro cl rc u ln l ltl ll
(The forme r selling price was $75.00 )
Ul l l' lIlll1t1
Toi;.i·i.O.i,;.: :·. ·.-.".·. : ·.2..".).~: 9 1
Scree ning
Loan. and discount. , l oc 1ud !lUt redtllCOUlltI, .. .. . .. 3 l 1.1e '. ~ \J
t.h an
Galva nized
T hl! i-' rl'mier han ,l wi ll gi ve a ~I reel Of the Cond ition of lh e Wuyn " . ,·tHIC. ' rI . ~ f1 ll1nl ny l'\'t'n in ~ ville Nali llllul Bank , at W ay n~: :)'c llll' k. ThE prng-ram will lu: Ila\'t ar-7 vil le.in I he Stale .. r Ohio. a t the ' " 't1 Il Ill' ~ nlld t ho", IlI t""""I,'" In ""n· close of busin cs.". Apl'il :% , HI:! I . "" 1'1 .11'111 1,(, pl. ,,,,,tl I " , 'II ml) ti ll I fi nd l1l'ar them , IIE SO U BCE S.
to know that we have anoth er lot of
m m m
Porch Swings . Croquet Sets Hose Screen Doors Windo w Srreen s
If you were one of them, you'll , be glad
YOllr 1I" ! I"r" to !l a ve I
No. 2220
Plows Hoes, Rakes Lawn Mowers Gras8 Knives
Garde n
.... _ _
More c.'nls ."- )3oston
Fumil ure Carpets Stows
See Our L in e of Spring Goo ds
So many of our patron s were disap-
\Hardware and farm Implements
Ralph E Dy ke. 50 11 of Mr . UJld !'I I I'S Shermnn Dy k,', uf Dayton. and 1\1iss Inez Thom 8s dought 'r () f Mr . u·" .1 The Water ~,u r ks board hUll Ih t' Mrs. Frunk ·Thoma s. o f Huut!' 4 , ! ~ Ian d · pi pe ciell ll !'d. . ond the went to Cente rv ille a li t! wert! mar· p i p('~ wen , II I1"hed; 11I·'ll'ri dny n c1ul Il ried. Sat urday eVl'ning-. at th e par- lIot fin d nl1 y lh i l1 ~ u n u ~w'lrkmc u a l . in f Ul' t . sonage of tilt) fit . E. l'llU rch Th e th e slllllll-pl p,· w". un usll all y cll'an I youn g coupl e have many friend s in '1'1".' \l' nt~r that had ht'cn llt'd Ih e townhi p whn will wi . h for Ilwlll a o r 111 ddlNt'lll 1"l'aIIO HI~ licornplal n II,.. 1,' 111, . , long Ilnd happy w{'(],led li fe. I- 1I 11 1 ~ h II ll p l'O)" l'd " "11 't' the pIpe" I " t'rl' ·!t'tUH.,d _ _ _ 4o _
Successor to Loy bonrn l! & Mc Keno
'We re you one of thos e who came too late 'at the last sale of Rug s?
Co le
Wll~ \1 rt'~l' n.l.
W(1, the Gi rl .'cuuls or Littl ' Mi, ami Truop No. 1. wi. h throu!th our , cll pl"ill anrl liculena nt, to e'<t nd i U I' thnnk to th ' e who hd ped u wi t.h t heit donati Ol)tI. t,l II " MlJthc rH club f,1 r their help and I II the ludi ~ of nu l' Troop Cuuncil f ir I Ii , ir untir ing efTortR to 1l1Rkc "UI' 'ir.< t rc~poll shil ily 1I S UCCC"S. L,'na:-i. Ii. ti l on. l'up ta in. II Fr ll n l'~" J unfit·,·, Li ell
I - --
Bishop T. I.
1i == I= == =A da ir'g = = = = THE
E. C. EV AN S'
This o/Jeriog is In the form of preferred sto :k .so issued that it is, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE'~n the MaiD .and Jefferson rroper tyof this' company. The preferred stock iuue 0 $375,000 Is thereby secured by RIt~L ESTAT E WORT H $550,000, The money inv~t"d will pay
,8 Pe r Ce nt TAX 'REE
and by the terms of our linking fund agreeIDeDt witb the !tierchants Nadona l B~, certificates may be redeemed If the holder 110 doslres, at more thaD par, .fter July 1, 1923.
Phone Main 851
Office 1:111 U. B. Bldl.!
~eventy- Third Year
~E.1Vf1VGf .
,I : J ! E.~ LEY LEAD TIE·UP {{iJ~ii!f u. S. SHIPPING t ~~.
II .
. . . . . . . 40c
Walter L Sawyer, Prop.
. . ------------..:I
New Chevrolet Prices Effective May 7, 1921
$ 645 .$
$1195 .$1155. $ 645
All prlcCl r.o,b. Fl.l nt, 'Mlchl,an
IM~ORTANT NOTIC E-The ofter to refund "70 purchas ers of m!ldell and SlOO to purehu ers of' closed ell IS bereb1 ~Itbdrawn, C8rt1ti cat. 18IIuecJ under this planmodare redeem able a~.face value at.!mce Indicated on ~flCllte. . '~'Fou ...·Nlne~" o~
. More tbaa' _
RetaIl Storu ad ServIce ~IODa Ia , uaW ..... .. <P..... ·
..... .
Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daug hter Mis!! Henriet ta. and Mr. J. B. Penct' were Sunday guests oC Mr. and Mra. Wm . G. Greuthe r, of Dayton . Betler st!nd in your old carpets anrl rugs now to r ellerve a place for weavinR your .. Weawell " rugs. Frankli n Rug Co , Frankli n. Ohio .
"FOUR·NINETY" MODELS Tou ring Car Roa dste r Sedan Cou pe Ligqt Deliver-y Wag on
You clln save money by buying your Rugs. Linol eum, Malting anel Window Shade~ at Hyman 's.
Mr. Horace Terry !lnd family and mother . Mrs. Maggie Terry nee Bar· ger, of DnyL~n, visited here IBHt Sun· day, stoppin g with Mr. and Mrs Evans, of 'Route 1. We have II lot of new goods in now and are prcpul'e d to serve you in everyth ing new in the hardwa re and implem ent line. H E Earnha rt. Mrs. Saml. DaVidson, Mrs. Flora Slater and two dalighl ers. Miss Gail Davidson and Mr. Allen Meeks, of Lerado, Clermo nt county. were Sun· day guest.a of Mrl and Mrs. Gordon J~y. . " , .Mr. '~nd' Mrs. M: O. Schalz/J IM, MI8s Letitia Schlltzm an. Mi.88 &Ilia K. and Mrs; Mary Morhoe fer of Mr~ ' and Mrs. ChiUl: . , daughter~ Mary, and Clarenc e and Amlel, and Dola Scbatlm an. of Sardlni -. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. W.O,
~o~~.~~:~~. ~~.~~.~
At their n,)!! ulnr meeting Muy 10. Th e May meeti ng of th e Fa rmerH' 11 (. u"" f() r ;;ak· -· S~ e L~y i>c " lrn e . the Girl Scuuts of Lilli e Miami IrOOl) cluu was helll on the ni nth. at t hl! l entertui ned their Mothers ulld Troop heautifu l home of M r. and M r ~ . I ~l i a ~ W, E. O' Nl'a li waR ill Dayton , Council. Plltrol N~ 2 rendere d the O ~ I t'~ u (' ' . lind the rn l!llI b c r ~ III'ver M.anday following program : r eceived n rn orecu nli ul g reeti lll( t ha n was g iven th elll uy lI11'se good pf'oph ·. H . E. f':a rllhart for tlP W hard ware Recitati on .. .. .. ...... .... . Gladvs K ilbon A very pl easunt ~o c ial time was CII ' of a ll k ill" ~. Piano Sl,lo .. .. .. ... Knthryn Henders on joyed until dinner was II nnnunce li ~ading .: ..: ... .. .. ...... .. .. ... Ruth Hill e th en the feast of 1{0(III t hinKS alwll} ~ 1\1 r ~ . J ohn Lamu ~ JlP l\ t sl've rlll 80ng by 1rlO ...... .. ... Mary Margar et provid ed occupillli the tim .. Hilt! a l. ( l u y~ la ~ t week in lJayloli . Unglesuv . Kathlee n Hender son and Boryl CQ(,k tenlw/l of tho ' who ~ lJrroulld (' d Ihe Mr ~. OUo L('w i~ \'i ~ i t e d f ri('n d ~ in ' I•, ellu.1 roll' ........ .. .. .... . F' rllnCfS H enk'u) talli es . Ua y t"l l. Ihre e c1 ay ~ I Il~ l w"c k . Piano Solo .. ....... . .. ... Mildred Hule At th proper lim e th e pl"t'~id e n t Recitllti on ..... .... Kllthl E'en Hend erson called the meetin l{ I." ord .. ~ H " .. 1'('''11<"1 ion n n all I' i ~ k 'I'ir e~ at. r - inl·I)(·:J· ti oll hy Rev. Cltd wall adl'r; thi ~ \Va Fred M Co lt· · ~ Hard ware IlLu re. '. ~ ' ---.- -_. fullow ed by a ti ne H 'Iee t ion on th .· M i~ s I': ug",,"ia Wh ilakt'r. of Xenia. victrola . Rull clill found Heven falll · Slll' llt the week·end ut he r home here ili1l8 absent. Curren t events by Helen Hawk .. SI'f' our s tock el f book R; Lh ey will we re mOHt t'xcell ent., and elicited mil k · Ll seful prl's('nts. J . E J anney . very favorab le CO lnm l'n t, 1\1 I'H. ,fram e WII M on lhu prul-:" ram for a Mi H~ Fr ll n ce~ lI ellr· r. o f Xenifl. reud ing . bu t her hea lth nu t permit· ~ Jl f'n t Tn 'sday with Mn' . Anrlu f The annual inspection 6f Wnynef . ling her t o meet with u ~ . Hht! aHkcd Hai nes . . ville Lodge No 163 .. ~' . & A. M. , waR 1\1 ra I~I bon to 111 I 1he place . She held Thursda y ~ venlng at the temple. Rave two chapter s from di tfercn l Mi llS Helen Harri s, of LJay t () n. w a ~ A fine supper Willi ~erv ed by the la· readers , after which . A nl l'rt (';1 n mc r r h .l n t m a ri ne s hi pa lively discut!· the week' l' lId ):(ues t of Mrs. " IL l' dies of the Eastl'rn Star at 6:30. and sioll WIIS particip I'''' g. the h;>p(·s 01 A me r ica l1 fa rm. ated in bv Dr. E lli ~ . Mc Kin ley . "r? for rl'lId thrt)Il )' 1I rx por ts. rp. over 150 bruther s were served Thi ~ Frank LeMav. E lias Og lesbee, Let' ('1,,1 \ '1.: <1 a :,c vc rc Jo lt \Ytu.~n th e was the largest crowd t he lodge has Eurnha rt. Edwin 111 ", ~i !1c rn gin C'(" r ... Oll e o f t h e d o rui Mr J . O. CarLwr ight anrl fam ily Chundl er, Mr. and ever had at their illslJcction. and Mrs . Ca rl 1" "l1l g lahor II ni0 11 5 of Ill e sr r vicr. ~ p e ll t Sund ay with fri f! l1d ~ in SJl ri ng · Duke. rl"l ,, ' (·<1 to a ~ reP I " w ~ f: r rill. t h" s auout fifteen differen t lodlle~ were Mr, Oglesbee invite.1 Rev. ·allwal· ti c· leI, Ohio. r Ol11 ph-t e ty t lr " lf: ti p sh ipp illj.(. I I represe nted at this lime . The cruft lader \V,a s {' Sl rtn:l ! Cc! t hat Arn cr irfltl ~ h i p to give II talk. He rc~ pu llLl ed p C1I 1-( '"f)"c n ·r\ a los . oi $ 1 000.000 a Fo r CO llll1lcncI'm enl p i e p f' II I ~ . pee tellm WOII prais!! from the visitors lind was very inttlresLil1g and fur '" fu l d ~ y durllH: Iile s l rik~. T ho",~s n . for the manner tn which thllY put on the our ussclr lmenl fl f uH" (ul Kift... J E. I I :dr y. .'h o w n here. is presillen l o f membe rs li ~ lenillll" attentiv ely Jan the work. AII of the officers were ney . t he nl ;\flnc ens in cc rs' un i "n~ The f' pedal topi c WB!! "The Mission good ill their parts of th e Farm Durellu ." 1\1r Menden · Miss Ev a I ip pincllt.t ami Mrs hall and M r Le wis lYere the lesdeu. Frank St.anshe rry we rt! Uay lon visit· - The latt er being absent, Mr Men· ors, Saturd ay. denhall gave his views, believin g that it would prove a g reat benefiL J ohn Lamb WIIS call ed to Illin o i ~ to the farm ers . Elias Og leshee. Curl laRt "" Thursd ay . on ul!c'ount (. f the Duke and J.ee Eurnha rt enj (lyed dis· death of II broLhe r . Do you want us to show you how you can aave a little money . cussing it. S. L Ca rtwrigh t BIlR' We will give nexl Saturda y: Don't t orget thllt H. K I':a rnha rt "es tto<! that the membe rs se mi love Won, I; Lost, 1; Pet., .333 and good wisheR to M('!!. Fram e by has 11 new supply of all kinds of harrl· Th e Miamis went to Bellbro ok, 11 her phv~i c illn. Dr. Ellis. Lee Earn· ware . See him before you lIuy . lib. Peanut Hulter for ........ 18c hart made the motion Sunday . with a sadly patched ·up , and it waRap1 lb Miluir Pellches for ...... ... 24c M ra. Weaver and dau gh te r, of team, and war e d efeated bv proved by a the rising vote. lib. Arbuck les Colfee alld can The l.o\ub then adj ourned to meet Xenia, spent th e w\!Ck·en d with score of 9 lo 7 . Several wobbles duro milk to~ .... .. .. ......... ........... . BOc ing the progress of th e game were lib. Log Cabill Coffee for .. .. .. 32c at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl upt. Weave r and fami ly. 2 cans Sweet Potatoe s for ...... 49c Duk e, on the eighth of .Iune. respons ibl e for th e Miamis ' defeat, Tne C o ~ pe l team of Wilmin g ton B bal'll Laundr y Soap for ...... .. 25c as they outplay ed the llellbrookl/ at co ll ege l)!IlIScd thrtl ugh here enrout,· 2 Ib8. Crackertl for ...... : .. .. ...... 35<: every poin t . Ben S mith pitched a 2 pkgs . Keliogs Corn Flakes .. . 25c Lo Le banun . ::iunday afterno on . fin e ~am e f or seven innings , but his I can Peaches for ...... ......... ... 20c 1 lb. Chocola te DropsJ or .. .. ... . 25c Big redu ction on Axmins ter, Brus. support was wobb ly all along the I Ib Tossted ManhmaIlClw8 ... 30c sels a nd Velvet Rugs . Linol um,Ma t· iine: Hi ggs pitched the last two tin g and Window 'hades at Hy man'H. innings in good shape. MEATS The Bellbrooks will play here next Skinned Shoulde rs, pound ...... 23c Mr. and Mrs. C. n. l.Ientley and Sunday , at PhillipB park, when it I, Bologna, pound ...... ...... ......... 20c The commit tee on Memori a l Day daughtf 'r, Rosema ry. of Le banon, expecte d the tables will be turned. Frankl', pound ........... ...... .. ... 25c - -- ... ...- - Steak, Round. pound ...... ...... ... 24c has everyth ing well in hand, and the were in Waynesvill e, Tllesduy after· Roastinlr lIeef, pound .... .. ...... 24c program l'ill be a good one. Cap- noon. Bolling Heef, pound ........... ... . 1'3c tain Thomas H. Morrow. of Cincin· Mrs. Thornto n Co usin o ami daugh· noti. will be the speaker for th e day, Bring us your.Bu tter aQd Eggs, ter, Margar et, of Port Clinton , Obio, and Ihis reputat ion as a speak er iH WE will buy them at highest ure visiting Mr. L. A. Zimmer man Market Prices. You can alwayll good, so tha citize n~ will hear a fine and family. addrell8 . do belter at the Wayne Market . The full program will'be publish ed Save your old carpetll ncl rugs and We will not wait. this year, until in next week's issue . geL "Wearwell " rugs made. Send late Bummer to . . oil olUr stre.lts as was for PI ice List Franllii n Rug Co., done lilst year. The work of obtain · House. for sa::S : Laybou rne. i"rankli n, Ohio. 18 ing subscrip tions for' this worthy pro· ject will be underta llen by our troop Mrs . Oscar Stanfield spent the of noy Scouts, and as they must can·week·e nd with Mi!ll:l Helen Marlat t , vass the entire town. they will apof the Elizabe th Gllmhle Trllininlt -- - - - --preciate it very much if each townsSchool. at Cincihl1ati. mnn subs('rib es prompt ly. Several Don SLe phens , S t. Clair [<'ife, Les have already paid in amount~ of $10 Hunnic utt and Mhan Cran , uf Wil. or morll. As the entire cost of oil· mington . attend ed th e Senior c1lls~ ing will approx imate $1000, it i. ces.~ary that each d'o his shar(>. )Jlay, ii'ridllY evening .
Are You from Missoun11
Whole Number 5435
Mr . unll Mrs . S L. Car twri R' ht . The> PtHI of t he sch oo l Yf'ar . which A tine cong regation , number ing Mrs. Hachel E. Key s and Miss Kizzit! I Merrit t were entertai ned to dinner . will iIE' [lvc r th i~ WI.' k . WIIS l1~lwrerl l closl' to 275, was a t 'chool hall Sun· Sunday , with the MiBst!s Emm aCart· in t ri,lay l'vl'ni n". when lit e senior ', day evening . wh en Re v. J. F. Cad· ~ I fls~ R"!lVl' th .. ir ann ual cllll's pl ay. wallad cr preach wright a.nd Mar thu Burnet t. d the baccala ureate rhe h ' ILI ~e . wh ich had been C)vt'r~() l rl . I -;cr lTl n for the class of 1921. At 8 The Juni or pupils of the High .vas all f ull as C!uuld possibly ;be ,,' clock prompt the claRs marche d School en te rtained th e gradua t ing packer! , many pe r~o n s not hei ng ahle into the a udi tor iu m whil e the pro· . class, Monday evening . A fine even· tu get seats for the n iRhl. Th e cluij:j c es~ i o n al was sung by the union in g was spent in gamps, music. etc .• wi ll r C)Jeat the play t hi ~ I'v eni lll{ at choir!!. to lh eir ~ea ts directly in front and a delig htful lunch added milch ' ch ool ha ll , and the house will agai n of the s tage. t o th e enjoym ent of the evening . be fu ll . as t he rf'~E' r ve d seflts are Aft er th e hymn . Hev. Holt made a prelly gen erally Laken. pray er , an d th e choir sang Mozar t'·, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lewis had as Th e c1 R ~~ piny, "The Fiftl'en th or Glori a . Hev. Cadw allader read 1\ S unrlay guests: Mr. C. ll. Lewill, of J anu ary," wa~ II very clever comedy, Scr i pture les.qon , afte r which a hymn Waynesvi lle: Mr. and Mrs. Walter lind the d iffe rent in terp retation s was sun g . Rev. Cudwal lader then A. Roberts , of Wilmin gton; Mr . and were ta ken by t he class in a maste r ly preache d one of bis fine sermon s, his Mrs. Charles Haines and son. George, manner . .Th e pr incipals i(1 the pl ay l heme bein g , "The Passing and the and Miss Carrol Forrer, of Dayton. were up on th eir lin e~ and t heir act· Permun ent in Life ." ing border ed on the leg itimate Ano ther anth em was sung, and Mrs. Emerson Mason enterta ined, coach. Mi ss Eclna Howlund . . The is to be Rev. Holt d ismissed the congreg ation. Tuesday afternoon, with II miscel- cong ra tulated on th e mann er in ------ ~-.-----laneous shower. in honor of Mi ss which she conduct ed tho play , and Lillian Wilkers on, a bride of June ~~ rd brough t out th e pupil s in their lines. The invited guellts were: Mesdam es Tim e an d space will not permit us I!'rank Farr, James Ker· . k IdZell, K Frank I t o give ce to each playe r. as we riC, a e sey, Earl Connor, H. E. should linoti ke to d u, but t he en tire per • Thursd ay evening willl!ee the cui· Earnha rt, C. W. Younce . Lester Gor- formance was very crellila ble. The minatio n of the school year when the d~n. Harl~y Wilkers on. and. t r.e program will probabl y call to the exercise s will take place. A good Misses AbbIe Graham , Rose Wilker· read er' s min d the play more dis· speaker will be presen t , and the mu· Bon and SUlian ~~~t. . \ tinctly: sic will he given by the Nichola NOR MAL Lieut Jack Wilson .. .... .. Claude Riggs orchestr a . Ted All en .. .... ...... .. Curtis Thompson "Lel lh e women do lhe work" te ~ Dick Sherma n .. .... .. Harold Earnha rt Billy Burton ............ .. ... .. . Ea rl Clark with as modern equipm ent as the i.J Count Andreas Cllssavelli ......... .. ... men ha,-e. _ _ _ _...."...~ .... .. ... .. .. ....... .. .. ..... .. .. Ed Bu rton ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Th W C t N I I "Chuck " Clin ton .... .... Seth Thomas • . .e arren ~un y orma c ass Tom HarriHon .. ... . Howard Whitacr e , plclllced at LakesId e. Dayton , on last P f Eb J M A Ph 0 Wednes da May 11th The art ro . enezer ames, ' . . ... . y, . p y .... ... .. .. ....... ...... ... Rue. DlOwld dle motored to Dayton . arriving about Prof, Henry E. Burton. M. A., Ph. 12 o'clock. A temptin g picnic dinner 0 ...... .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. Kenneth El zey Pansy Planb! was partake n of. The afterno on was Don Hampto n ......... Vivian Retallick Cabbag e and Tomato Plants very pleasan tly spent in the enjoy· Frank Burton .. .. .. .. Wendel Mango Plants . l MacBeth ment of the various amusem ents Lhe Barbara Burton ...... .. . Batbab All transpla nted- well rooted. a {i'iler park afforde d. after which the lunch Doris Meredi th .. .. ...... . Mlldred Clark SEED POTAT OES- Fancy baskets were again visited. The Ruth Thursto n .. ..... .. Marg:.tr et Clark Northe rn Krown. compan y were in the rhrht mood to Elise Smythe ..... ... J osephin e Harlan enjoy. "I Am Guilty, " at th e New Tabitha Tattler .. .. ...... .. Elhel Garden Seeds. 5c .per package . Bi~ h o p Auditor ium, in the evening . Those Sally Sue Stev ens ....... ........... .. .. .. who particip ated In this enjoyab le Moore's Good Oil and Gasolin e........... ... .. .. .. . Anna Sutlertb waite The kind that don't smoke. If affair were: The MiMea Merle Ellis, Dolly Dinsmo re .. .. .... Cecelia Gorsuch you want to smoke buy your Laura Wortma n, Mildred Dunham . Polly Preston ........... ... Bt!tty Barnett Cigars. and Cigaret tes here Ruth Gibbons , Helen Walton, Paul· Mrs. Meredit h .... .. .. Wanna H!lft~ock Friday and Saturda y-of thi' etta Harbac h. Frances Janney. Ber· Maggie Mahoney .... .... Charles week and llet a box of Match· Moore es free with each package of nice ~urrell. Corinne Welch, Lorene The pleasur e of the evening was Igaret e clt"25c worth Warrick , Ruth Murray , Florence enhance d by the Nichols orchest ra, of CigarR. P~aumer, . Rea ~t:aCY, Clara Berry· of. Wilmin gton, who rendere d some bIll, Marie Wilham son, and the very good mu sic b etween New Kiin Dried Corn Meal, new lhe acts. Messrs. VirgilR etaliick ,CurtisT homp· Bulk Mac . and Speg., Tangle• _ . foot, Insect Powiler , Swatter s, son, Harold Whitak er and Ray Mills. Get afser them early this year. Millll Edna Howlan d, Normal direc· tor, and Mr. Chas. Buoll chapero ned
.S13too1 .. "NC0 ;"'."'
the party. On Monday evening , May 16th. Coullty Superin tendent and Mrs. F. B. Harris very delillbt fu\ly enter· tained the Warren County Normal with a dinner party at their pleasan t home on Main street, Lebano n, Ohio. At 6:30 the class took ·.their places at the beautif ully appoint ed table. The cla88 colors, crimson and gray, were carried out in the decorat ions, place and menu cards. When the Cake of Fates was passed the Normal class was esperial ly lucky in finding. two rings, which went to Rea Stacy' and Marie Wil· lIamson. Rulh Gibbons found the pen, which insures her to be a noted writer; ClaraBe rryhlll will be ble88ed with great wealth, which was indio cated by a piece of money. But much to our surpril! e, Mildred Dun· ham found the thimble . which por. trays a life of "!lingle bl(ssednes~ . " The Intellec tual Course, variega ted, not only cause« much merrim ent, but told many interest ing. things of the past and future. The guesb! departe d at a late hour. thankin g Supt. and Mrs. Harris and their daught er, Miss Edith, for the very enjoyab le evening . Regrets were received from Laura Wortma n, Ruth Murray and Curtis Thomps on.
The followin g Normal student s have been placed for the coming year: Merle Ellis, seventh Ilrade, Waynes ville; Bernice Murrell , Hickoryville , M888ie Twp.; Ruth Murray , Elliott' s echool. Greene count,; ' Cor· inne Welch • . third grade, X e n i a; Laura WQrtm an, third and fourth Krades. SQuth Lebano n,
?~~~~~k~~~.......... ........ 50c
Salted Peanuts a pound, only .... .. ... ........ .
~:~~e:ll!t~~~~. ~~.~
The 38th annual Alumni meeting ........... . will take place, Friday evening , at School hall. The officers llBve preBring us your Chickens. Butter pared a good prog ram and it is ex· and Eggs. ~ pectC'd that there will be a Ilood crowd present . - - ••- - Mrs. Walter Roberts was a visitor in Dayton . thll early part of last week :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! !!!!!!~~ ~
ZI~;ERr.:iMis-I ·
Fr ed M. Co le Success or to Laybou rnc & McKean
Hardware and farm Implements· Ladies, Welcome To Our Store!
"fJ. \
. DR
_. '
Anew shipment of Goods Just for You .
All your Kitche n Needs Supplied
Co me in, and let us get acqua.intfd .
• .• ~
The Mlami Gazette, Wayne.ville, Ohio.
Demobilized Offices· W ho Found Pea ce Dull
why II Pudllngton? '0 t O\\'ll hil s lillY lIucb al) otl'el) sh'~ IIftllll'." II ,' ; IIIIID ~ t1lr<lllllh th .. )"IIt'r lI11d ,,11<),, " 1 hi8 hend. "Tu sh I t llsla ! Alltl Ih, ' "If,' rtgbt to
of tbe blln k lIlunH~ . 'r Iou - th~ uank
( 'nn
Ills mll"",r hit' \\' ,(\lIt R CIOl1d of sm ol, l'. '" kilo", ' I t I s." h ~ IInswered rl r .."mll y . "l.r",k At t ho t w r iting; th e
he 1I1f'dlulU l"'l~hl . nod cIR r k. \\~ th t he 8\\,...,I ... t 11111" n 06l' 8 ud mouth. H er ('Q1"rlng J llmps. will b_ _ "
!lnt .1"",,," hA d d lsrreetly lelt
th ..
N'lOrn .
you conN!lvll or "u.l'l la ln~ ~u dr.·nMul ·( T WO. But I'm nfra ld MrI'. lIonk ~ l lIlllIl:<,r Is At fOllr n' r lO<'k !'ltuM! y HlIgh D ruma plIIIII-a dl8U ll ct p u~s. 1t'1I w heu m ond "I'PIlNl nut of hi s two·senter at tbey get on the soul-llIllle Sluut thnt the II nymo rk et ent rn ncp to the 08 r1 the fllrn ltu re begins to 1Iy," t on. F nr n f(Ow m nments att er enterDMlmmond lore Ul' the l ett cr Rnd Inlt tht:' h ot el he !rtood lit the top of d l'''IlP<'!1 til(' 1 .1('('p~ lut. ' Ihe hnsk .. t b &th e s h aiN< on tslde the d ining 1'OOtn. aide h im. Tbell b e t omed to IlL! l1li1'- wh ile hl R I'YPM t ra,'e led r ound the tatent all4 handed him Lll e n!lllnlDder ot hl l'~ In the 10 1111111' below _ the envelopes. Slo wly a llli th orollghly be continued "Go throullb them. JRllIes. w hile 1 ns- hlR ""lIn'h. It "'" II eR rly. 01 CO UMIe. lIIu1t the kldneytl, an d I'kk two or , PI. nnd s h e mI gh t not have a rri ved, throe out t or me. 1 sc)o t hut l'O U wil l but hI' wnll tnkl n ~ no ,'h 8 n ~'I!8. ba ve to \)e('o1Dt' my 8~cretory." Rullcle'lIly bl s eYM t'eR"ed wundertng. "D o ),ou want me to op en lbel~. ond remilin ed flxNI on a table at the 1Ir,., allked D9nnl' doubtfull y. far end of the lounge. Biill' hidden "You've hit It. J ame&-b l t It Itl one. behind n plnnt a girl WIL8 seot ed alOlle . ClAIBIty them tor me In grou)Js. Cr\ m- and tor 0 moment sb e looked Itral~t loal i eporttDII; e matory- l hot menn. at him. T ben wtth the falnteat 8U8of qr pertaining to love ; 81\1pld oud plcl on ot a s m ile. she t urned Ilwo y. and merel.)' bortng; Ilnd aa a Ills t rel!o rl, eommenced dMlmm lng 00 the table ml8ceIlaueoWl." H e IItIl't'ed ble corCee wt th her Ongel'8. tbou«bttUll),. ''1 teel tb ot a. a flrsl T be tobl e next to ber waa unoccuYenture In our new carcc~ u r8. J BIll a, pied und D rummond m ade hi S W8)' tolamw-love a ppeal. t o me ' ll'I'Il8Is tlbl)1. 'w ard It Rnd sat down. i'tD4 tne a damaeJ LD tUatr etl8 ; 8. boo u H e felt not the Bllabtest donbt In t1tU1 "'" h. lpl_ III tbe clutches of b1s mind that this wu the IIlrl who ma..... 1M lIIe teel UUl t I can fly to Iuld written him. and. havlnt IIIftD bar lUe«II'. ela4 to IQ1 DeW IInI7 lutt- lID order to the walter. lie lltarted to 10.... md), bel' face lIS unobtrulllv4l1), u poe.Be ftDllhed the lut plece of bacon alble. Be COUld ouJ)' _ the prom.. lD4 pubacl awa)' hie plate. but tbM waa quite lIUfllet. .t to _ _ Deiill)' 1I'U eDll!'OUId In • letter be him bl_ the mom8Dt when more u a b4 jut oPen~ It. parplered look 3M thllD an)'thin, elae ... h.d ~ ... api'ead1lllJ OYer h1I face, IUld IUd- hili advert1lO!llellt to the peper. Gea1.J be 1Uc:bd tis. teeth loudl),. Jt B .. ~ be could - . were ~ .... _ lien that Jamea WILl ex- bllle I and IH&I _ ot ,oIdtID Itt'" aII4 DrummontS ,lanced broWn hair coiled over her ear-. from .n1~. aDd remoyed the lettar from under • amaIi bl.clt hat. ae Jlaneed bla hand&. "l'm IIWJ)ri8ed .t :rou, at JIer JIIUldJ, IUld noted, wWI a&lP~ 11lDM11," be nmuke4 IIIIV_I)'. "It. a1, the abeenee ot 1ID7 rin.. TbeII lie ret&r7 1b0GJ4 ~trol Itaelt, Don't looted OIioe mer. at ber t.N, IUl4 toqret tliat die ptrfect aecretor, II a9 toaD4 her .)''' were IlfttJ DO him. It I lID .1ItDIIIat1e maebln.-e thlng InTh1A dille jbe dlt1 DOt loot • ...,. s,*,la or teello,. • • _" lb. _ a d to tblDk that It w•• ber B. read the letter througb rapI41:r. tum to eooduCl the uamlnat10n aDd and thin, tunrtna . back to the begin- Drummond tuwbled lD II.. walatcoat olD" he read It a1ow17 througb agai n. pockeL After a moml!l1t be found "117 Gear Box XlO.-1 d on·t know what be wantad. and taklua out a card wbether:rout .4yertill!lDent wae a he propped It al.lbat the tea pot It) joke: I IUppoee It mUlt IIlIve been. that the girl could .co wbat wal ou It. Bnt J rea4 It tb1a morning. a n d It'lI just In large black capltAle he bad WJ1tten ~bl" XlO, jut poll81ble. you mean Box lOG. [t. ADd It :rou do, you·... t be man I She spoke almos t at once. "You'lI waIIt. 1 ean oft'er you excitement 8nd_ 0, nO," probably erlme. ber wIth a 8IDUe. "1' 111 up apltlllt It, lOO. For a girl "Jl"8 vel'1 nIce of )'ou to l18y 80." he I've bitten oft rather more thnn I can mul'tDured. "U 1 mll1'. I wtll return ellew I WIInt b el~bndl y. Will you tbe complllllent. 80 wlU you." come to the Onrltoo tor teu t omorrow Sbe frown ed 11IlIhtly. "ThIs Isn't aftem~n7 I want to bave- 0 look at fooll ahnelll, you \mow. What J said lD yo'll and see It I thtDk you are gen u· IIIJ' letter l!J literally true. I want Ioe. Wear a white flower tn your but- )'ou to tell me," and there W88 no trace totlb,ole." ' . of j estlog lD her VOice. " tell me. 00 Dmmmond laid th e fetter d own . ond your word of bonor, wbether that adpulled OIlt bt" cigarette caee. "To- vertisement 'was boua Ode or a Joke." morrow. J'am e~." he mllnnllred. ''Thot H e ans wered h er In the snme vein. i.e today-lli18 very afternoon. V erily "It started more or 191L8 u a joke, It 1 belie ve tb at we have Impinged llpon ma)' now be rellarded lUI absolutely tho gOod8. " H e rose nnd st ood l ool!· II\lnulDe." Ing out of t be window thoughtfully. Sbe nodded aa It aatt.rted. "Are "YQU .tbUllr It·. !len ulne. Birr mid YOU prepared to rlllk JOur liter
1l!1I " t'O
utrn ld,"
II" flL " !l r 1" " .\".I rhi ll/: tllllt ,·,, 11 , for h .... lu. Iron
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Wh e n Y Oli :1 '(, a n ;1 1 lr; tt:1 i\· l'. wc ll ,p:1in t etl h OI,ne ~.~ j more Ullin lik ·l,l' hat hU!ll .~ h:ls ' l, ' l ll " l :.l'et'~ I : ~lt'a ~ : ]0" .1 1' 1'101 '(, than thi r:~'-l h rrl' .\' ( ',, 1' ,; 11:; 1), \:1;; (.I cen ,Se~1 P. linl h:: ..; l't'I' lt It '.'~l' i Jl!; h lJm ," d (>: 1C 1 :: lId I re:.1t I,u klll g, Hl lli lil li " :1L!d ll ':, I •• 1111' t; l l'i,: IJI' :llIl y ,
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L!III 1111 I'1'I" l f.
MJu s t roc<'n lly I I" ,,·., btleu rot her t oo bll HY W P Ol' much Rt· flEIn tl on t o urt." TIle ot her m nn 8mlh'(l Dill i n. nn,1 It 8trud, H ugb thut mrely. If on ,r . bud be 8"on euch n collI. me rcil ess rR (·C.
Druwlll ond .
"Of cou .... you 've bocu to FI'fIll('e." LeItI.n81 on m u rmured. " O llfortu nuh· ly • bad bea rt kept me o n lh ll s ide of tho wa te r . SomettmIM ( cunoot belp thlnklDlI how wondt'rfu l It mU8t hn ve been to be ablll to kill w ithout t ellr o f Nolo\' it', Ihr ~ r m , rh a r ar~ 10 f>t, COIlllequencee. Thero IR ort 111 k ll l ll l~ . t' xpo~ rd. Th r n ew !> ho t t slee\' e on Ih i s chan!t, ,, IJI" bro wn a nd I< uld (laptn tn Drummolld- p rofou nd nr t.'· 611 mmer siJk wo uld not Itt' so noH e looked at 1\1 8 \V ot ch nn(l Sighed. ti r"b lr hUI (o r I ha t hi /:h n~cl< . " Alnl I mURI te llr my self awuy. Are r otr-,. gir d lc' alOof ,i d,' <lra". s a r e ,OU returning home this e veD lnll?" ("'!ht'd w it h :tJl h ill pl ;& IO Go ltJc:n '. Tbe g1r~ who hnd been glan c ing brow n l \ln~ . rouud the resta urrlll t, sbru gged h,," ahoulders. "Probobly." s be an8wered. "I hoven't Quite decIded. I might s tOP wtth A u n t Ka t e." \"(I'r ,Y " 'h n nr ll ll J,:: ..- ' ..... 1 ' - '- 111 11 .' ,tt II H~ 1l1l J-. .r " Fortunote Aunt Kn te." W ith n It wns t il"'" nt. lu IiiI' 1,"1f It ~h l or 11 1 ~ bow l .. ok l ll¥ton turned Awny . nll d room. A !t4lJ!, '1Itt1r , 1)rl1l1HII!l1 1l1 fI.r" 'I ,t . th rough t he g i lUlM Drummond w llt eh!'c l "d. n /I1 ",t 1I, 1"l'Ilhl,' 1l 11·1. "", I 1I 01. ' I" biOI get hIs bot IIlld stkk (rmu th " ahh' j:lrl . 1011,1 1I lwllY~ I....'" 1I Ioulahy o r cloakroom . Theil he looked a t lhe h is. I'r ll\o I1 I, I), Ln l; ln~I'"1 I",~", ._ , .. ,I II IIIrl. Iln!! noticed thn t ab e hull g0 11(' n IN tl' r lOr hl'r . lOr , ,,,,,,, , h lll/:. 111111 sl", little w hi te. wnn l!'f l h llll tu I:PI II "" ('k , I lf ,'""r_,, " Whll l'S the mll tter. old thlu g ?" he hI' w nlll ,1, " "<'II If hp 1",01 10 Ih rll"h rl,e aaked quick ly. "A rtl you fe~ ltlll! awlrlP to wlrhln lin h,,·" nf 11f, Ilf... t a lnU" • "Well ' " T Ill! ~ I r l 's voto'C' CIII Into She shook he r h e ad, alld I{I'nrlunll y hl ~ trnl n o r 11" .1111:101 11 ,,01 Ioe IOIII·r a.·clly tbe color came btlck t o he r fn ee. "I 'm ' vull ed 1t 1 1ll~ Clf l o;:e t lo l' r. quite III rl l bt," abe nnawnr 'd. "It ~tI" 1) ", 'he lusl t hl"g I WlIlIt I~ f or till' me ",Iher 0 ahoc k, thot mllll HII(lI l1g UR Im ' ld e n l t n I1I1 I Hh. " h " "" 101 f"'· V~lI ti y. be ro. You' ve atumh letl r ight Into t.h e " Why -II ' S UII I), j ll s t hC' ~ lIu." mIddle of It, my frlen d-ruU.er sooner ",'h -n )'ou 'll IIC'I)I nll,r' ' T h ,, !'s wh n r I' m 1" ,1'(' fo r ." W llh n •..... 1.., ,.... ..... .. sm llo Dru ll ll ilo ll d III nn o lh ,'r cl:':::llrt·lle. "Tell me 1111 II I,nut 11." 11Th, tro uh le," ~hc 1t"J.:un urr"r It 11111·
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SHUMAKER Veterinarian
P ntt'l ica l ~'acc i nil lor .
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Bellbrook~ Ohio
W ork tly t bl1 uuy or l:i uD. " IUrll l8U Ild 111. • qOIr t! o f J . E <.J um rut u lI ~ , tt V ~. I " 'ra u kli ll, ur I:iU IIO tI 1.!allU t> . Cll uter_ vill e. m :l5 ' 10
IlI llll t h .
" Admiri ng My T reas ures?" He Re· ma rked . "Pretty T h ings. Are n·t
Everett Early
They ?"
.. 'TI I('Y deceived me: 1 rull nngL'u lo
That la one of the men idu wID probabl, have to !dU. ." Her comPflD.lon lit another ci garette. "What Is bIe particular worry?" "nnt .nd toremoet the brute wnnta to marry me," replied the girl. "I lootbe belDg obvious." 88ld Hugh, "but I run not IJDrPl'laed." "But It Iln'( that tbat wattertl." SIle looUd at Dnunmood quIetly. "He nry LaklDgton Is the lIeCOud most dange .... ODI tnaI1 III lDD,land."
Way n esvill e ; Oh io Na tional Bank
Forest T. Martin AUCTIONEER
gel OtH. ",\ 11 t he li me he "'liS Aml'fll g nt 1110 . n cold. m erciless st nre thn t seellled t o rrep7.C lilY !1m In . Th en h ~ we nt OVl' r to 0110 of th e' sHfe& lin d unlocked It. 'Come h r o, MIs.. Bentp n,' h e SlIld. U"l'h ot f' nre (t lnt l1lorQ--(:opi es, I "1 on ly loolte,l taiBl cle for II m onwnt . I)ut J hll nl n e \' ~ r seen ur Ihou/:llt of
111 11.1 ('O l'll fi r
Drummonc2 dldled the IlIIb trom bls c1prette, then he turned to ber dll! pa.. louately. "You muet admIt," he remarked. ·'that up to now our 'conversation has hardly proceeded nlong cooventlonal lines. I am 1\ complete etronger to )'Ou: onotber man wbo I8 Farm Sales and Live Stoel, a a complete atrn.nger to me s p enks t 0 )'ou wblle we're at tea. You Infonn Spoccinlty me that I sbAll probably \Jave to kit I htm In the neor future. Tbe state Satis faction Guaranteed ment Is. I thl.ok you w ID alP'oo. 1I trifle disconcerting." Bellbrook,i Ohio The girl tbrew back her head on d la~hed merrUy. "You poor youn I\' Both Phones m.fI. M abe cried; "put tbat wny It dO£!8 800ftd alarmln,." Then she g row Be rtOU! a",1n. ''There's plenty of t1m e --for ,on to back out now It you like." She W08 Iooklnll at him gravely IL8 HA.'fHAWA \ ' ahe 1II0ke. and It _med to her com PlUllon that t1l ere W811 au a ppe al In the big blue eycs. And the), were ver y Vi 'ly nuoII"lllo 's L6adi ne: De ntl,$ 'bIll.: aw1 the tace they were INIt 10 wo II Office B ulneB Bldp;. M .. ln 8 t
Wrigh~ Auctioneer
- --
- Du.H.E. in
D IIY w ork l o r DlIlU
\6 r rt>u' . l " q u lr e 0/ L~w re u o .. ::lu " Vb e rll. op. W "YD ~ " VI Ilt! . (,)h l o . I,o", te 10011
Fu r Loc.11 /I ud Lonll 11:.
vtllt n n oe Hliol.
F,JwIH o.I.,
\Jill l) . V.. Hey piluut) P r ioes are ri g ht
Hay. St raw and Feed.
e Motoroyol blow.out
ml ~
plu g s. lune f Plitobtl8, oholn
r ubell.
fIlpl\lr 110118 . Al ao Motoroy ole ~. _ p ~ trlng . Frlluk-W. tJrtlw. It. D .11. pbuno 83-2y'. IV IiY n!l8Vlll e, Ohio. j e1 ERTILIZER-High_grade Pot.ah l"ertllize r for ' o bllooo and enrn Inquire o f H . H . WJlllenon, phooe lO!H!. Woyne8vllle. Uhlo. j bl
Lytle Feed Mill
Lytle, Ohio
1 t:s u gh t n ,(!'Ihnp sl '
Ly '18.
ItI!I-;!r luIS.
Feed Grinding a Specialty ~
of the lIluH I WI)III IC!l'ful /:01£1 chull ce,l c ll l ~.It1~1 li ke the OIJ() for w hic h SllIn ·
Telephone 76, ring 3
Tonguele88 CultIVator, A l:lanllltoo tJl1rrlliie, Ulovtlr lind '1'1 IDJLhy
t:ltoy, John Roheraon. R. 3, Way. nHsvllle. Uhlo. Jel
General Repair Shop L
de r t u l
to (.\ 0 .
lur n l ~ " "LI r u~ m
IUK , 0,,11 t..: hIi M,
~0Ild.~ IIIUl'tDurW HUKh.
1Il'I. remarked atter a while. ",You're ~abl:r eva wontlerln. whether I'm
A I ~o
Flour, Fe\.> d. Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts. Water Founta ins and Self-Feeders.
s Ut h n Rig ht. l\ell ullfu ll y nrrrl ll ~cd 011 I )In ei; VIlI"el Rtlelves WeI'" rO)les or I1( 1111 ' l foI , n J!(i r~'\ llll S fll nmontl tlnrn , anO rI II'ho J.· h ,':a ll lO r IOORC!. uncut HtoIl CS. .t\ n d in
SI!; W l NU..
<,oul ol ll 't " Ill''' I, " ""ml : I just put t hem hnl'l, the 1,,101<'. "' W Ollll l'I'Cul c.. p l l'~ : hI! WPllt Oil. 'ot t h e flukl.! lit ;\fc llh IUI"III'S los t 111 111 111 tur(!~ . I th lll l' tl ,cy 1I'0 u ill ,l eech ' " OI o~ t p eupl e .'
I It'l L,'\')'. ' Ih ,! ;I ~w 1Il 0 Il c~' l e Jl(I() )', WI\H :Ccnlcrville, Ohio s ti li nITI'rlll'; tI 1' 0Wlll'(1. Tlwu Iw s hu t ; , Gi ve me yo ur sa le, I cart d o yo ur th " clo" r Il nd lork,)01 It. lind ngn l n with tbe Grllt'" !!he lOOked at blm In IIIlance. "I work r eason able anrl will g ua rantee s f·u n't! n t Hl P In 'stlPllc c . _ WON )'Vu thlDk that I'm hysterical,' to sa tisfy you _ " 'AII t op les; hI! ",..tll q u ietly. ·won·
lhi ~
All lid . ill
4'\ ,.:\.l't l ll ll "X , II' ' t.u n tly.
·-.rllen badn't J better IItart m)' cllroor
10 cigarettes for 10 Cts Handyand c.onvenient; try them. Dealers DOW carry both sizes: 10 for 10 eta: 20 for 20 els.
Classifiud Ads
1l\'f'kWIII'd . "
h l[.:
"Ou17 th.
': ~' '':.
>_.-:1 u ;
Irll\" '{ · to:1t I ,1.
" TIII 'Y \\ ('I'l' lilt' tl ll t' " 1 \\'HS
!1: . :: ~ ;
J-\ 'I'II1U!:l UI\
~h· lIl t1 tJl'l lt ··r'
n 111),! In fl't'l
:,\ ·f ;r~ A L (':\ l ~T
JU:'>i:'l. \ ' :3 GRn
h :l~ , 110\\' (, l'cr, a sli ll mol'\' im Jlil rl:'ll r .i .1 , 1111 J1 i)e'n llti , fyiJl) ~. It- i ~ lo saH' tire. " ' ''P' I I ~: 1 '-,,1'1 cl l' I ~' I'i "I·:~I .I:\~l, by son'in!! t he W lOud .· u r l a l " [ 1"' \ 1 ! ' " :,\' , : , OIe! (,l elJ n S~~a l WU I'}(S al tl ti' j ll u ye a r in :1 1. . : :: " " I.nl . ·,, 'l li :;; hrtcl j n ~ lhe \\' l1 r~l id llds u f wca l li ,' r. . . In,,'i;; t thnl Gree n ::lea l be lI S,'J! '· 1: y l".I ~· 1I l':, l ~,: tl' , lln!!
than I anticipated.
" A n \·II,.!Rt:i n}: ( ,'lin II:' ~ahl lf ll;.!lI . l'flrth,' u l flr ( u rlU of L'rlltl u dIJ'l '~
"Tha' II One of the Men You Will Probably H.ve to Kill."
('IJllt','I"Ut, ,1
"\\' } Ul t
, OU Interes ted In s uch mn l tur1'l " very,
Ht il)'
h ltn ' l'l f u g U IIl :-': I t h .. \\tll' l el Hil li \\ 111I1l!!.::'
membe r ever hn\'l n~ h Hrd my burnt· l86s IlOallml!H mo re cU IH' I ~ (>l y tit'·
11" 1-.: 111 11 1("' 1111 -
111\· (1 .... ,
he 18
p il1! tlL!
Dru mllJoud. "T he world Is tull of s lI ch su rl'rl s p ~. 1811't lt 7" nn awOIr ed the gIrl III;IItly, " J don 't 8U)JPOSe you know ulll ll in D rum· m c>nd, do you 1 M r. L nklngtOD--ilrt l'OnnOl8Sour und- t'r---coll ccl, Ir." The two men howed ~ lI l! llIly, 111111 M r . 1.6kln"lon ,mlll . 1, " I do uo t f\~ 8Crl bed," he remR rked slIu vel 1.
", h ut II f'
,qrnlllllous ;
Il t
Jllme~ .
cl('('\ '11l n In It - the> ch urneter.
turtl hi,; h l"lll l\ ro cri llH'. ~ " t \"UlpH , cUlllmon l'ior t ~ ot cl' II U,'--h u l tlw hl ~ t hl u~" . ('IIIIII1~ fur n tJ mstcr (,,.h ll hlltl . ll l' hUd uh\ al ys hull l ' I HH I I,dl IIl , HII 'Y lO ,.,!lll \\, h h u to tll ko h i !'! l i lll{.o /j\',)r uny " PIII lu 1!I'rI',"' I h l~ 111'-1111 1"-1 . Alld
II <le tilt) ru bl o. thruwlng II keeu " Ioll ce
Co pyrig ht by Ge o H Do r an Be prop}lCO t.n Il~n e r up ltJ.,'1"nl1l the toa ll-r nek nOli ('oulIfwII<'cd h is breakfast. "W here Is 1 · \lII1 II1 ~ttln. JlLmes l an d ono m ight "11II,,. t lI,k -
"Don' t look firCOllnd." she ordered, "ulIcI te ll IU(' you r nom ' q uick l y." ~ Dru mlllon d ('npt n tl'l Dnno mont1 . la te \It the U)IJ,I.Il • hh·e s." I\e 1~llnHl ba <:k In hie chnlr. li nd li t 1\ C'l1l1)tot t('. toJII>' deu P h >'llIs," wi d a "olce b.,. hl n!! his bnck. " th iN Is II ll l " n "lltlt _u .... p rl.e. 1 ha d no Itlea t ho t you were In A w it, clcnn·sha v 11 mun 6101111"11 hI}-
ruustrations blJ IRWIN MYERS ~
L ondon. "
t~1l YOl1 wnu-t snn o t tur1r1 ':""1 nr" 1111 fl gnlll~ FlrStl) . IH·III'.'· J,ul I lnll'tclO- lhf, Jl.JllU '''hv WIllC ' . lie WIL', f bl'lt " Il, one of Ih,' IUO t h r llll an t ' - - - -.-...,.-,,.--_--.:._ _ _ . --l "dt·nu~ l.\I wla,. hu ' l'''~l' 1""" 1 Ill' 'It .);fo rtl. '£11,;,·(' i\,II " "IIIIIl~, III hi s .]Jo uwn IIIIC. whl ell ""Jlliol l!IO t 11.1\'(, 1""'11 OPI' II 10 tilln. hn,1 11 .. rllll "'!r .. I ~ l l t. )lui Ill' IIhlll·l. lll' Ih!IIl,.~r Ilt·1 I' C'''OJ,,' I U
H~ uw Itllil Rhe wll~ st ltrlN; over his Mhol1lrl cr ~t ~l tn ono beh lntl hilI hlwk. •
UThe Adventures of A
m anager o f Pufl lln,.; lOu .•IIIII"I:;I!
r-- - ----________-.... ' b ·t tllr
Unttn01 nno'" ~.rt" l ro ~ '" nt u p Bnu thl;'t1 lIe AllItled . " Grrw tc,>d th nl . thl' Indncnm.m t l~ 1\11111<:lell t. " h roturttOtI ~ I t)w l .l', " J t hin\( r IIIny 1lI1)' tltnt 1 urn ."
·oJJII'~ . An I! 811l1ulol' you eyer be tem p ted to t hI nk oth t!rwl " ~~II " k )'o ur r/l ther , MI"s Be lltnll . lie 1I'/In1 ccJ by llIe: don' t dOl IIlI y llll n!: roul lsh. A.s lc )'<>11 r fn l h" r (J r AI.: " "A nd 01 1,1 you?" USIHl ,1 Dru m lllo nd . Sh slllJ tlolcl r cti . " T ll nt y cry e VL'Main II ln ~. " she IInsw cr ecl. " Anti r\IIrlo ly flew h l l o fl rr' lg htfll l Jln "~ l o n , n nrl t Olll me n'l ver to d nre t o rucc\cll u In l"ln lls fllllt
UMdER, poplar and walnut. 2x •• 2x6, Ix6. 10 lengths 10, 12, 14 linQ 16 feet . Inquire 11' tlliwyer·. Wayne Marke' jel •
R . I. Rllde, Ed. C. Woollard, DAY.OLD OHICKS, Oall phoue lil/.6. W .. y.
& South Sis
IlId ll ' t eonc'ern me 1\ 1(1I 1n .
for Hale. neeville, OhIo.
EGGS for Batohlng. T URKB:Y ea no fer 11 e",,8. Mrs. Vhall. T.
'r h e/l gnarl· Frye R. D. 3, Wllvnos vllle, Ohio. , m25 I Nlnll .. ed thn t Ln k h lg'l nu hl1,l ~n rn e h ol d over dlllldy- Used and rclo..'IOd by U. 8. Go veromeo, OR tlALIt--A CorragdedCemen& thai h e'cl I!ot U1,V tll tller In IdE< nn w,," " No. 6 or 7 (blind) ,' . . . ... . .... ~ o Roller. t;ee Fred ' M. Oole. 11'110Her hands wel'e clelldlell. nud h e r Remington n emlngtoll No. IJ. vIe. ' ·color rlbboll . H.OO U D ~erwoo<.l No .• , ol1o""olor rIbbon ... 3 ~.O O 0ll880 r to Laybouroo & MoKean. at brt'ast rose lind fell slo rmlly. •• 2·color rlbb bnCk . pacor . &~ . &u Hardware 8$ore. m21i D rummond wllited . f or her to com- Umlerwoocl Itoya! No. I. one-eolor rt bon .•. ..• . . n.oa pose hersel r h elnrll he spoke lign in. UllYMI No ) 2-color ribbon . .. . .. .. .. 0 .&0 ~ Too Republlo Truok for ule. Ollvor No: 3'• •• 16.00 Oli ver No , 5 • • • 32. &U "Yoll IIWII UO/lc cI murde r, 100," lie reo Oliver No. B. . • & 00 Munarch 2& 3. '7.60 I InQuIre a' 'hll oftloe for lnfor, SwlLIt-l'rerulerlO, Lllloty"" Key. rebuil t 9&.00 Ouaraot.aed III lIood uaod condltlou aU ready ulo'ion. or lee 'ruok a' KUIllle, (Cootin uM on pago S_. tor long hard "'r vlce. ~ aU",actlon JlUaranm21i
1111 II y.
tl lll e 'n'n t
F 1
---- -
tood or purcb ue price rolunclod . Which .1•• will you havel,arao 'or s mall . Or<lore Hlled
,rumptl,. It bb<)IlfI. any color or cnln .... lor ~n, make 01 &Iacblue, .... 71k: doll •• rod. tI ~.t<! make rwd ruodel. Qarbo rod 0 paper per bolt 01 L ong F a st of BlrdL " A cODdor can exl~l wit hout tood tor i 100 all.. ". l1. g0 dollv.. . _ W days, and on engle 20 dnyll. Empire Type FOUndry, BU"aIO, N.Y
- ----------
... -~
-- ---, -, ---------
----------~~~~- ,
SA'f POP!! - l'Ll THE REASON I"T'" -
'V\:,Y' .
-.~ '--...
R. R. If. ' Lllbalion, OhIo. ~ mile Nor$h Ilf Hld.e"IJle on OaY&OD & LellanoD pike .
BEANS. home (frown. J. A . SOY Bar'man. R'. D. 2, Wayne.vllle, Uhlo
: · M· ...... Aj
anll' PIIII. big '''PO SOW C hina. E. M. BauD ell , Bux 1111.
YearUnl Bull Calf. ell, Sliorthorn glbiu tel re!tlllt.er. prl08 '111i. In •
quire of .J. Olilo. .
·r... Flack, ,'
W.yneevtl.1e • m..l8
CORN. 'l.U per LI£UUNU'SEmO bUllhel, luqn1re of J, 15, V.uder, vo ) rt.. R. U. ;4, W-.Yn8lvljle, Ohio
Ball Calf. e\latble to Shor'horn I'IIIilter, 'uberoallil "W, pdoe rlab •. . J . WillOil IlclwarU,' Way.
'IMYIIItt 0Idct,
, atJ
GA ZE TTE ....
.Bull-Dog ·Drummond·
Mr . and Mn. J oshu a ColleU. of \,lh li~hE-r . \, aync . vi lle, Oolumb UII, Mr. und Mra. Melvin h ia S to ver lind Bon , of' Sabina. Mrs . Mol. Sllb~crintion I' r ice . $l.IiO per ~' lie ::Shlctak or , Ml· . on d MfS. Ber b W ir e. Mr. n Oll Mrtl. WlllJUr Sl1ldlltu r I , •. ,' . II I\ , i' ,· , I I.' n l ' I( '-j" " -' II .• t l\, . The Adventures of a ODd d linghttr . of Wilmin gton, and :'1 11. \~ I Itl\ A ~ · I J ' H .~ ~ ., '\ ( I ' JI • • ti Mrs. Cllot Gray were ~undllY visit. Demobilized Officer Who • 1 orll of Mr . uud Mrs. J. H. tlhldake r Found Peace Dull The CO lDlDunl ty !;ervico orohes. WI..;J) NES DA Y. MA Y Iii . 1!}21 tra and s luger8, o f Le va Don, were pr~ s e nt at th e ser vices of Jonah 's by CYRI L McNE ILE l Hun oh u r oh on Sunday afterno on. Qu-:- Cale ndar I A well k P p I{o rde n in s um me r and thei r being '~h e r e . 88 well as "SAPPBR.I me llns H wel l fill ed la rrl e r in winter 'heir mus ic, waa lUuch appreci ated. Arter an aooouce of one week. ILLUSTR ATIONS BY 1')21 Matt Cline, ot Dayton , wal the gueet of bls grllndJl oronts on 80n,lay . IRWIN MYBRS 5m /'1m 1iIr \oliO I ~ r" ~3 1 ' Uur base ball team played the t2J4567 l:)lIgo team all 8nniloy and, of courso, , you kuow wh o did the b8lltlng . I 12 Shp nuddpd . "j 've got no "ru ...... , Bar'vey sbur g Lodg e 10 17 18 1920 21 she 81t 1<l . " I ,~" e"t'n thlllJ over t.he P., willh es t o exteu(J N o. 557, Ie of to Cro wn Lodge l,un.;J ll r l,,·li , H il t t l\p r l\ w as 6. man No. 538 au r Alnce r e 2.3 ~~ 25 ~' ILVE RTOWN thl\D ks for the ir 27 !ij ('ull l't1 (;e0 rg\! Orlnger. and one eve- pres en oo at the oenl e tery on SundllY . JO JJ 111 111:. \\'h~n Lll klngton wa H dining with 'j] 1S The good roads Imd pretty weathU 8 . I heartl hlru discussi ng Ihls man er a ~ si8ted fn 'naklng t:landay a e eRu May I - Rogatj" n S und uy with dlt" " y . tlfnl dby. whloh Muy 6 - A " c e n ~ i o n Day " ·H,··s gut to go,' Hald Lilklugton. Ilntomo bile rltllnll. was e nj oyed In Mlly 8 -~ unr", y af t!!r Aij/'PJlsian '1-1(" 14 thtllg e r otl s II Mra. Hanoah Rlob . of n8llr here , Mlly IO- CuJlf" derlll e Memo ri ul Day "And then Illy futl,cr got up and reoulve d quite Il serlooa fall re MIlY 1 & - Whit ~ ul1llay cl U"t'd th e dour : hUI I hea rd them nr· cent.ly. Ilod bas been oOllsllle mvly MIlY 2~ - ')'l'illily Sunday );u lu~ fur 1III If un hour. '}'hrL'tl weeks Indispo sed for 8eve rlll dllYs . May 2!1- IHt SundltY ufte r T rin ity h, ll' r 8 enron 'r's jury fou"d thaI May 30- Dt'col'llli oll hay Miss Etta Arnold. of Day too, a~ ( ;"Ol' gP Urln ~c r hud rommltl ed suicide teoded the funerll,l 01 her ooosln, wh ll~ tellll,oru rily IDSlIlIe. ,}'he Mwe (' venIDII' du ddy. for Ihe tl rst time III his B. U. tlmtth. GENU INE Our rUllod workoll'S lue patting In life. \,""n l to hed. the worse for drink." Dreaded Element of Which He San", "l'he ~I rl fell slleat, nud Drummond fnll time and ~he Iwprov emenl Is F,(\lIurd Url"g. th c NorwI'j{lu n com.I Hred III th e ort:he. tru with troubled phlln to be seen, and the t-mve)io& pos or. wt,O Wfu t t! (I f tho Vil'tl1g~ untl I eyt's. Thl nlo:R "acmed to be ratbe r public 8ppreol ales it . tb e grent O ...t'U II , w ho su n g. tlAnd It : In the near fntul'e we are to hllve d l! c p~I' Ihon hI' hud nnllclpoled. wos Olnf 'I'rygvcti SOU and he tinIl L'lI . "1' 111'" tlwre WUS IInulher cuse." She .. 8" .... mill for the purp08e of ao. th e north sca wld c"-G rl~1I could · WU M SIH'aklo g u J.{ll l n. ItlJo )'ou rem ern· oomwo dutiog the public. 1'hls has U~ \'er i ' l1f t! r u b,.n t hocnul'ie It Illu de ' hur thnt IOIIIn w hQ wOS found dead In been needed for lIo·me time, and no biro (\ 1'8thly III. Although mOlley Wa s u rnllwu y m rri llge at Oxlley station. don V, It will be well plltronl ?ed. a 110dly II loclled Ilssc t In th e nr leg Ohal Gillaug h. of Dayton , 'ranBli e "'UM Oil Ilullun- Glusepp e by house hoill. 811 Ihe cOlltroct s at fulm- , Ilntll'; IIl1d the jury brought III u ver- acted bnslnBB8 in . onr village on 1011 8 prl 'es whi ch Amcrtcnn lll1111u ,,('r8 dII'I "f dellth from Il ulurul couses. A Monday . oft't' red hllll W t'!r c r~ tu se d, lJt'r llu ~ e In unl h IlI' f"re. h e hnd "11 Inler\'lew wlUl W. B. Aotram , I!I former oltlzen a hont rlil o w"uld hove klll ,,1 tho I.u kl ngllln. wh ich too k plnce at our of our town. but;nl')w of LosAng elel. oceun ·IIIII MIt'llIn.- ChorIOIi D. ISlI ucsou ' hOllst' ; 1""'lI u' e the lIullllll. helll" a Cal., WIl8 reo e wlllK old aoqualn . III Il"nrs l's Mugll?lu e. Hl rHII J.:'f' r, ('lIll1f" 10 th e \\; rong pluce ond tanoes hore on Thn.r sday and Friday Lnkluf(l ou hlll 'llelled to be with us Ilt of lallt week. the 11111 " . Ttl .. Inlervlew fini shed with Our farmors fire very butly geUlng II ft' "rful (IUlIl·t'l'I. " ill,.. turued to lhelr gro'.lnd In shupe to pliO' oorn. VenetIan Glaas. Drumln un,l wIth a "light smllc. "Not lind quite a lot of oorn has beeD Vt'll pllnn j{hls!! Is 'lI g tln ~ul sh e" hy 11111,,11 e\"ld eD(·e. Is Ihere? Onl y I kllow plaDted . W I e XlJu l~ lte tIIlnn e. s 8nd tllI ~lll'S S of : Laklnj{wll mlll·,It' red him. I kllolV It . qllnlll~' -'flrrnny 11 111 8~ h Ing It. onl)' I Boslne8 s oondl tlo:os In this )oeal. You nlllY l hllllt 1'111 fn lwlful - lnlUglnlng lIy Ire rlvnl. (Jompore" with nnhf' rnlnll I Improv lng'-II11 tha~ want thlllj(R; y n u mny thin k I'm e~ugge rllt · work rln ~N. whIch Is al so nrl2e,1 for Iorll' B- I ean get it at a reaeoDa ble THB D. F. GOODR lCH RUBBER COMPANY Ing. I don't mInd If YOII do-beca use prloe-b nt brlle. It ~ Qualily I ~ mll" h Rup('rlor. 01" Is the dl8po~Hlon of cAholl, Ohio YOIl woo't for long." Uwu gh R"h emlnD gfn.. so rnettmt'8 80me to wan~ war prioBB. DrulUlIlond dId not answer Immedl- 'hey do not know 'h&t Possibl y rl vnh, It In colorllll! nnd deco rullons ' the world Your G oodr ich denier is prt'pan!d 10 lupply you with 1I11'1t. AguloS!' his sioner judgmen t he war Is over, bUI you woold " 'hlr h 8re more gOfjfP 0 1l !r( b ut lI o t IHI I thlnt Goodric h Silvorrown CordI, Goodric h Fabrlel ••• wus beg1l1l1l11g to be profound ly Im- 'bey hOld heard of rcftll l'(\. It when Ihey go Good.ich Red a nd GrayTu~. al 11", 2071> prke ~ Ilressed. and. at the momt'nt, he did to the Itore to boy I",meth la,. They 1I0t Quite know what to .8IIY. \, expreu tbem8e lve. Iha, ~he aero "Whot IIbout Ibis other mBo'" he chllnt 18 'ryln, to ta.e ac'lvan tap of to all parla aaked lit length. them . Now we Iboold not be loa Natural Resu 't. "'BeY ill the umg '1{un" "I enn tell you ver, little IIbout hIm," exao' to the IImount of time we put "Som e IIII'" 0 ro hll..;h 1',,1 ",hen It she answere!!. "Be ('lIme to 'l"he Elml In, all work 10 aim IIIDd Ih..1 will as. You clln trllvel, or IItlp your ro m'p 10 mectlll l: 'h" lr "hlll/llt1oD'!." - thn t Is the nnone or Laklngt on's lIil' to adJu8' oondlUo ns. goods to A.n y part of the rt' lIlllrks ou CX\'l lIl II gf' Thi s mllY be , bOIl_ Ihree mouths ago. He Is about world on America n owned hc('nnse they I1 r t! IhH1tIl 'lully shy.&1'10811 1 oame to this violnlty wben ,ww ..... and America n operated ahips. medIum hei ght and rather Ihlck-slIt; oar friend Ilndnall (h'bor RO~ LOn 'l'nlllsc rIIIL Injnred him. flying the Amerlcl ln Flag. <'IenD·shn \·I·n. wIth thIck brown hlllr, self by running a nmllint o hlR foot. Am erican ships are modern fl ecked slightly wlth white. IIts tore- The unfor~unlite milD was Sarold C . nnd preferab le for paasen. heu d Is broud. and ills eyes are a timlth, one of oor fa .r mers. ger lind cargo. &nd after Ho rt or r old J:rey·hln c. flut It·s bls several d"Y8 sutierir lg he oroued tbe hUllds Ihnl terrIfy me. They're large river that markl Ihe un.now Pre.id enl Hardin c say.: n shore, lind white ond utterly ruthl ess." She leaving to mourn "We " now ( ul1 , .... 11 w. eunot te ll hi lS departu re. his wh ere • • do not. bu r a n d w e ('a nlunlPti to him nPIJCallngly. "Oh I don't wife, two liUle boyt!, wother n ut u ll .u ~C .. .tUIl7 .}wr, .,. i. th ink 1'111 lulklnj{ wll(\ly," she Im- mother .ln.law, jl!rlindf ather,, father, ••, UI"7. grandplored. "l:I e frighten s me to denth- mother , s.uuts, unolell. 00u81n8 MOIHE R. 's ALWA YS and We Use the FollOWing Serum: Ope'llto ra of ~1I. .e"rcr Se"lc. Ihnt mon ; for. fur WOfSC than Laklng- friends. Harold wall a yoong man To the People of Waynesville and LOOKI NG FOR THIN GS Admiral Lta.. 17 State SL. N.w Ion. Ii., would stOll ot Ilolhlng to Iroln and Willi known fllr lind nellr for Ohio Stbte and Pittman -Moo re , b ut I cinity, Telling of Another hili Yo r k, N . Y. St'a ttJ . to Yo koSHE DOESN 'T WANT his e n" ~. olld e ven LnklngtoD himself generol lity and friendli ness . No fllwill use any kind you ask for . hama, n ob •. Ho n.kola. Shane. h.t, kn o Stn ", ~ •• tllllt pore . Mr. and oee.uionaU l'eterN OII ,. Is Tor his TO FIND - HOLE S 101lBwas ever too big for hhn to We advise use of th e clear Rerum . to Man!'", and H nwall. tpr." grllnt. It hll8 belsn only a few IN THE SOCJ>.: S. M.tMn Navl ... Uen eo... 11. Mar"PelerRon!" mununr ed Drummond. weeks since he wae mllde a Knight k l!!t S t .. San F rao cl.eo. D.JtI"It ~ pe m s Quite II sound old ElIgllsll of Py$hlll" , and the fl~w limes h. WII8 OFFICE: m or. to Havan a. Pa nama Canal . t~~~Laelea. San Fraud.eo . ~ onlll~. " aillwed to mee' wit.h 'he brother s Fourth Strelll, ncar Tyler '1'111' I!lrl luughed scornfully. "Oh I broogh t sunshin e into their. mldlt. M""loa St.a. Ship Un.. It Never before in the history of Waynesville has 8ueh Telepho ne 93 the name Is sound enough, It It WIIS Bat he has been taktln from them to D•• .,.r SL. He. 'Yerk. N. Y. Now York to Rio d. J.nrlro. hI s relll ooe. As It Is, It's about as meet no more. sod by thaI edlo~ we a ponderous sale been attempted. Montevide o. and Dueno. AlrH. OhiO I t elll 88 hIs duu ghter." mllst abide. 8e will be rememb ered Wayn esvill e. . New Vort.: and Parto Rico 5 . s. '''l'here Is n lady In the CIlBO. tllen '" for his oheerfu l Ilnd plea@lInt man. Co... 11 Br oa,h,." New York. N. Y. New York te Porto Rico. N ew d ouhl e hos pi ta l Recla im eu O. D . W. I{egime nt marchin "By the Ulima of Innn." Buld the nera, and the t ender memor le- shall g P.ela, M.JI S. S. Ca.•• 6 B.""dJ(lrl br1 e ny . "Sh'e lies on B sota ' In ~blDe lIke burning Stllfll throujfh Hla nk ets heavv a nd S. Army Blanke ts, ".Y. New York, )I. Y. SKttl. the E gUherln . BARN K gloom. A~T Bervloe s, III the gnrd en lind !RWOS. ShO'8 00 warm. nss t. $3 to y 4)kohama. Kobl!. Hon.kon" . o ri !('inall y s old for $3.95 oharge of ltev. Amos COO)[, w are more 1o:lIglish than that \\'olter." 1 ~~~n!!': ~,o:~1f,R,:"eMa~~j:'~"J beld ,P_ tlunday 8_id_ S'_" '_'''_'' .mornlnl~ I\t 10 o'olook, _ ..._='-==1 ~~\eO ,,, .. .. .. _. Notar y Publi c A f!llllt smile dickered over her HawaU. ,compllllion's tuce; he hlld formed a from hlB mother 's home on Maple Best Work U. S. M.n S . 8 . C•• 41 BroLdwa, . S w e at c r s- He8vv 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 from 50c up. ShIrts N , w York. N. Y. Ne. York to fllirly vIvId mental pIcture 01 Irma. IItreet. and hr wal 1.. ld 10 reet In beautlf ol Miami oellDete ry. Boul. . ne an4 Londoft. New Bllr. 1\11 klnos of Notruy Work. Wills Thl!u he grew serious IIglllo. khaki a nd hea t he r U- S. Govern me nt Yot1c to Brenan end Daw.. anti Deeds a Special ty. "And whut Is It that makes 70U veYBbu rg Lodge No · b57, K. of P , ::,~r:.~nl s. .... ,ce to Ge .. ~ aDd bad obarge ~1~~;8 ... ... .. ..... " of the lIenloe s at lhe ~1:Nsh~ ~:ld a$nd h ob A l~ot alltkindds ofdRailn thInk tht!rc's mischief ahead?" he grave. Ward LIM (N.... yo.k and Cuba Q.8ked OIbl'Uptly. 1 - - - - - - 1 II I $2.00 a~d. . ____ .c:s~ sa re uee pr· Man S . S . Co.) . Foot of Wall St.. S. A Canon, of [layton , wos in The girl shrugge d her s1l0uldel'!l. New York. N. Y. N." York to All lea thl8 Havana aIMl Spanlah portl- _ th vlolnlty e r ofli cer on s'-;'r 8atoll'd ..;;==ay. ---"What tile novel/llt s call temlnlne 10' --II--------~ Vico. La S.ntaftd .... puttees . all Alzes; Ollieer s' s tyl e new House Dresses Our 80hool. lifter B~ very Bucoe@B. tultton, 1 8I1PPO"e." she nnswere d. GUon. Sino ••. originlll ly ~o ld for S hoes . orilrinol ly sold Bungalo w Apron8and "'rhOI-u lld my tuther." She 8ald the fnl term, bill! expired and will be Por SR) ~StHI and Wood. Ship. of Ius! wurds very low. "He hardly ever '''ken up after a few month8 of and Wood HuU. an" Oc• • n-.:oln. T~. (To. A.eric.n C'ti:UDI ODJ". sleeps ut IIlgbt 1I0W ; I heur hIm pacing recreeti on . It I~ to he hoped tha' up Steel .tl!ll.. en art bOlb 041 and up 8ud down his room-h our 8tter the report 10 Illst Wtlek '8 Issue I, er. CO ll i ~urntra . f'urth «r Lnfo""a4 VETE Clllllrrh Is a loclll dIsease. gr~lIt1y RINA RIAN roneous , lind hour. thllS the hour Bam 3 teaoher s after hour. Ob I It makes tioa •• ,. btl obt.Jnt'd on rfllueat. lDlluenced hy constitu tional ('ondl· lIle mad. . . . DOIl·t you underst and' will be on 'he job In Septem ber. F ....... of ~lppi... tlons. It therefor e requires conslltu · Vaccination a Specialt y. Noth. I've got to get him a\\'o)' frolll lh08e Bo.rd Flh.. - "our Willard MUIID. of Dayton repretlOlanl trentme nt.. HALL'S CATARRO ref!IIJ. Ire. on 2'«I\I ..t dovils. betore senting he the breaks Fairban down ks· Morse comIng but Reliable Serum used . Co. In .1 An,. mayor• ., • • tor. MEDIC INE Is token Internal ly nnd Next Door to Gatct!c Office nl"t"lv." tbe 1I"le of engines . eleotrlo al ouUhll p o.t.. uter. or Orlth'" acts through the Blood on the Mucous ulloa. and leales • was In thl.s olty reoen"y (To be eantlouoot.1 Phone Harvey 44 Surfoce!! of the System. BALL'S sburg, O. demons WAY NESV ILLE . OHIO 80Dle out-of-l Fo,. own ,L ___ !rn,AI men thetrating 110alUIIlto8 of CATAlt RB MEDIC INE destroys the their 011 engine ___ ___ ___ _.: ,A'p, I. till ItI,.I, 0/ ,,,. toundotl on of the disease. gives the wo,.ld, ."d .11 &11 plltlent IItrcnJ:th by Improving Ihe gen· to perfeotl and Mr. oheapo esl to :::==================~~======~~~~======~ oper818 . Theon out-fit Mo :;arr8ft ====== - -- ====~= - - - - ---eral health lind assIsts nature In doing ====================~ mtlli"" --- - -=====~ 10 - - - -====== bought of tbem hal! been entirely Itll work. .atilltaa tor),. The ',ronble now 18 S. Shippi nlf Board All druRlItl !. ClrculBMI tree. the 08,P11olty IIhould be doubled , 108 WASHlH CTON. D. C. F. 1. Cheney I: Co" Toledo, OhIo. ••• E:ramined Correctly••• hie bUlllnel s hlloll 10 Inoreas ed
D. I.. C I' AN r\, Etl itor and
4...) ~
!! !9
Tire Price .Reduction
M 14
Amo ng tires is the name that tantly conveys t he tho ught , of t he high est know n quality. T heir genu ine value has given them first place in the estee m of motorists.
gQ.!llJ ciga rettes for IDc from one sack of
Moto r car manu faau rers and dealers are quick to emphasize to their pros pe& that their cars are equipped with Silve rtow nsknowing that neith er explanation nor argu ment is necessary.
~ ~o~~~~
- -----
This makes all the more impor- . tant the faa that Silvertown Cord s are inclu ded in our readjus tmen t of tire prices which took effea May 2nd.
III the
i~ ~~
8 9 10 J
are inClude
ords -
Ship and Sail under the Stars and Stripes of the world
I~le ~ JiSb)
~~::.~a~:~~nrUncle Sam Is Sounding His Bogle &}
Dr op'i n Prices
=~~~===~==== I
~~ire.~" ..."'"~
..$4.00 1-- --- --1 1--- ---- --1
Catarrh Can Be Cured .
~~~~:.. ........
u. s.
'c Z5O
~~~$ ~ ~.?o: ...
,tllIi",. ,,/
writ•. .t"" ;,,/.,..
l"'IF'F AN Y'S Optical Departm eDt Xenia, Ohio Op!lll evenlni S b:r appoint ment
..... ............
S. D.trolt 8L ~~~
Out.Ol.' OWD Olti&eDII, relative ll and frlendll of B O. 8mltb were In at_ tendaDO e at his funer ..l on Sunday . Jonatba n Morrie, of &blna, was bere one day lall week, aballlng bands with acqullinlanDBII. .~
....- - -
Ohio .
: FuUy Equip ped for Good . ~rvic_e. Large Display Roo lll TELEI'H ON& 7
DR. J • .·W . MILL.ER. ••• DENT IST•••. \
See W. H. Madden &Co., for the Best of Building Materials
....... Caesar's Creek Friends Church ' unday 'chool al Lhi:l "hurch every Sunday nt !l:30 1\ . Ill . T'rea hing R r· k Ilt Id: ~lO 0' ·Iock a , Ill, You are II'(mliall)' invitee! to be vresent.
St. "'l1ry's Chur h Orthodo x rrienJs Chur h Sunday evening . May 2?- Bacca. Trinity Sunday, MlIY 22: hurch Sunday <' hool, 9:3(1 m. Meel. 1laurent e sermon . at the M. E. church School at 9:30 a, m ; Morning' Prnyer \ in g for worship at 10:30. by,1:tev, Dennet t, and ' R I"mOD at 10:30. The pUhlic l '" E Ch cll Monday evenillg', : May 23- Class cordially invited to tJ1ese services . . • ur play, .. Aaron Slick from Punki n . liThe 119ual services will be held Harveysburlt F rien ds eh u~c I1 II I1 ~xl ~und ay: Sunday School, !l:l5: Cr ick," Sunday School at 9:30; ' hurch , Preaching services, ]0:30 a . m . and Tuesday 1o!vening, May 24-Com · IIOryire at 10:30. We welcol11e 1111 7:00 p, Ill; F.pwor th League . 6:15 mencement exercises. J . V. McMi l· who will meet with IlS in our wllr· \P. 111 . Ev erybody cordially invited. Ian, State Hig\) School Inspector. ship ot Jehovah. Come. please. will give the address i ' aynes\'ilIc Christian Church On account of the g reat df'mand Ferry Christian Church I ' undaySchool pach unday.!l :30a .m for seats. the Class play will be reBible School at 9::10. PraachinlC I C. E. every Sunday at 6:30 p m . pelited. Thursday evtning, May 26. at 10:30. a. m, and 7:30 ~ . m. Every. \ All member3 and fri ends of the The Harvey sburg Alumni will hol d one InVi ted , J, A, Pine. Pastor. l Church are Invited to attend. their banque t on' Friday evening, Mav 2 1th . We 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - : all membe rs to beespecia lly req uP8t and help to make a splendid S UCCe!19 of the ~=== evenin/l. The membara. or anyone wh " wishell to attend. may purchas e Pleasure Cars, Twcks, Tractors and Aerop lanes ticket. fur th e banque t al C. E Lev· Kepai red, rebuilt. recored . Service , WorkmanBhip. Eq uipmen t· Icy's, up until Wednesday, MIlY 25. We gUarantee our Non-bu rst Cores not to hurst from fr eezinll. All work guarant eed. Esti mates given. Work dOlle whilt' you wait.
Tunk~:: !~~:kl~~nny
a mnn Is givi ng nd"l ce wilen he Is merely belo, encoll rnged to loosen liP One-Ha n SquIre •___ South of Union ___ ___ Depot ___ Dayt ___ on, ___ ___ Ohio ;..._ coo"ersatlon uod get his meusure __ _ _ _J . htB tuk ell. think s he
~==::::::;:;;;:: - Adair~ s= = = = .\ THE
Anna B. Woollard. born J une 10, 1902. Dllullrht er of Arthur and Ber· tha Woollar d Died AI ril 2H. 1921, aged 18 yl'ar~. 10 months anll is daYII, he W IiS unitt'll in ill marrlago to Harold C. Grah a 111 , July 16. HJl9, A daughte r. RU lb. with the husband. father, mother. III other, sisler . aunt~ and uncles. remllin to mourn the inexpressib le 108s, Full of hope for the ful ure. she was co mpelled hy lhe frai l l ie~ of lif e to lay h(>r burd en down . Tr"ly "h~r sun is KOlle Jown while il is yet day." ~he Willi n member of th e Ch risti an church at Waynes ville, where funeral services were held Saturday, Ap ril 30th, nl 2 p. m , condu cted lJy Rev . Amos Cook, Her own molh er di ed when she was three yea rs old , I~avill~ her ill the loving cllre of an aur: l, Mrs AI· bert ~heph e rd. where ilhe was the same a~ a rlaughte r in t ill' family, She wall of II "ullny di spl'~ili (ln. mak · ing friendtl wherever she weilL. .. Jo'arewell: A little lim e, and we Who knew thee IV I; II, alld loved lhee here. One after one shall follow th ee. As pilgrims through the gate ot fear. Which opens on eternilY. Yet shall we cherish not the less All that is left our hearts mp.unwh ile: The memury of thy lovliness Shall round our weary pathway smile. Like moonlig ht when the sun has set . A SWCllt and tender rad iance ye l " Card of Thana
Th e fllmi ly witlhes to th unk the friends and neighbors for t ... ·..;:t1lindneas during tl>e sick ness a~th of their loved ono. Mr. and Mrs Albert Sh npherd.
---- -
R ug s IN LA RG E .S IZ ES New Spring Shipments haw Anlued. La,~ Assortment of Pa(tem s in
9xl5 IO.6xl3.6 113xl2 12xl5
Yo~'ll be 'surp rised how Low the New Spri ng Pric es are; Another lot of
9x12 Axminste r Rugs at
$37.50 AllOv er and Floral PatQualit y.
For instance:
You can Buy a
11-3x1 2 Axmin ster Rug as low as .....• '" •..... , ... 11-3x1 2 Brusse ls Rug as low as .. ..•... ..• . , ••.• , .
$4 9.0 0 $2 9.0 0
Use ollr C las.~i fled Ads for resu Its, Hov MacBeth and sun were Dayton vis!lors. Su nday afterno on. Dr. UlII, Osteopath, 21 S. Hroad way , Lebano n, Ohio, Messrs. Myer Hyman and Charles Woollard were in Cincinnllti. Tuesday A new line of hardwa re just in at H. F.. Earnha rt's. H r., Harne r nnd family visited fri ends at Morrow, Sunday. Mr. nml Mra. S. D, Everly, of Day· ton were visiting relatives here. Sun· dny . Hev . and Mrs. J, F, Cadwallader were Xenia visitors , Monday after· noon. Mr. AllJert Wilk erson. of Dayton. 8pent Tuesoay III his parenta l home her(> . SC\'eral of our ball fan s Ha w th e MiUl11i·Helll>rook game at l3ellhrook. Sundny. norn - To Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fur· na.~. ISaturd ay. May 14, 192]. a da up;hler, Mrs. El iza J acobs, of Florida, i~ the Ituesl of her silller. Miss Emma Heighway. Richard Kincade, of Sardinia. was the 'Week-end guesl of Mr. and Mr., Rohert C ro~ 9. The Misses Helen and Antha Dinwiddie, of Dayton. were week-end visi tor~ here. Our Sterlin/l Silver Spoons will nlllke a line commencement present . J . F: Janney . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Orndor r and Mr. and Mr!l. Lee Hawke were Day· tOil visitors. Mondav.
f{vILC Il
Jr101HlI ll I; j i l' s • Y lwwe. arC! nhL rt'::.tiy I ')l" it. ''11Icm iN " tidc in Ih" "f j: ti r~ of me n which t ll ken :1: i1 ~ rl<.o.1 Icads
to forlu n(·... Ma llY n lIl a n has missed his rhlln" c hcr:IlI"" he dil l not ha\'e the Capitol rt'ndy when t he op· portunily mille to mnke a Jll'oritnb le dl'lil. l' lncc yon r ",on c ~( \I'i ~ ely, so wh en the go ld C'n 0PPO I'Lnnit y co mes, YOII will be rendy fO r it. Our rule .of int<!n'st lu depos itors Is now
Mr and Mrs, Kurt. Mr. and Mrs. Normand. of Middletown, spent Sun day with Mi88 Emma Hellthway. Bi~ reducti ,," on Axmins ter. Br:\l8. sels and Velvet RUl(s. Linoleum.Mat. ting and Window Shade.'I8t Hyman 's.
The Miami Loan & Building Assn. 2t)..2J1
Soutb Main Street. Da,y ton, Ohio.
Mr ·and Mrs. S. L, Cartwr ight left Tuesday. for Eva ston. III.. to llpend a week with their son, Mr. C. M. Cartwr ight and famil~.
a -
...- - - - - -
Tire Mileage at the Lowest Cost in History NON-SKID RED-TOP RIBBED CORD NON-SKID CORD GRAY TUBES SIZE and TYPE Old PrIces New Prica Old Prices New Prieeil Old Prices New PrieM Old Pricee New Prices Old Prices New Prices 30 x3 Clinch er $17.55 $12.85 $21.05 $17.00 $2.75 $2.15 30 X 3, Clinch er 20.80 15.00 27.75 22.00 $32.60 $25.00 $34;25 $27.50 8.25 2.55 ·31 X 3a s.s. 26.80 21.00 31.60 26.00 39.20 32.90 41.15 36.40 3.60 2.90 . S. S. alx4 34.95 26.90 42.00 34.40 49.80 41.85 52.30 46.30 4.55 3.55 Mx4l\ s.s. 49.85 38.35 69.10 49.65 62.05 54.90 6.00 4.75 35 x5 s.s. 61.15 47.05 73.65 61.90 77.35 68.45 7.25 5.85 PI•• ..... r
SocIII'" t, All . ". '. hoI' ol'll ln,,, cllI, ~r.1 \l olordlo .. c.... """II\OIlD Il Wi th 'hll Uno Daoe8 .to h.""hy ropeal •• 1 e<octlo o 6. Thl. "",1101""" .boll U II' ,,0 ITtIC" a Ut\ b. 1,,'101''''' 11'''111 "HI .her Iho olU'lIe111 "",10<1 "lInwUlI IJr I!,W. . 'aHlItId by lhu .. uu d l 01 lhe \ ' IU~C·~rr Wl.yol"". lIIo . B I ~t" 0 1 01110. lhl. 3nl <o·Y , o
~1~:'o~~~:l~~I~o~~:~~.::~:.,,~~J:;Ol~; M~t·i~~l': by ol'liloao"" . '
~I L , P.\IU!lI.~ "L. M.yo r, 'I'lJ OS . ... PIKI1CIt . ~I .r~ . /lecUou 1. Tb,'.11 pnomenl e or .Idewal kl wblcll m.,. b....r_ be made 0' repalnod 00 ao, "'_1 10 aald VIII. . .. &hall mMI, Ihl , .pproval 01 Ibe Sldew.11I and Oulle' ()()m",l\.I . . or tbe Oouocllo nbe VIII... olW .,o...vlllo, \ of ntmen t 81.'- ot IUb/eel 50 tll• •pprova l or I"e , lJoullcll 01 aald VI I.... /leclloll S. Wb ...evor 10 'be 01 CouDell U IiII,U ~ DIlC_ary 00 0 . =01 \ Elta"" 01 M.l.ri. VIlol<, dbl'.eIUl<!d . a,. repair aDr IIde.a11<. curb or 10luLLar, .... ~ Notice" he....!>y 8 1•• 0 Ihl.I JOD.~h'n M. CoWlcll .balllO declare bJ p ...LDtI • , ...Iu· Oook h .... bOOn <lui, .ppolllloo and \lu.II(\O<I 1100 'b.' •• Id old.w.lk. curb or lIut&er Iliail .. E.ocukJr o ' tho E.tal o "I ".ri~ 0001<. lalo ~ coDnruc tod or I'fpalred I1 lD I the 10 ' I \YQIT\IO CoUllt \) 101" lloc..1IOll c~IlOo . eb.....,""" .Dd wid'h ul Ibe Ildu ...lk, ,U IJ letlll l.llr 0 1' A~'I\ IIIli. curb or IU~lIr to be cuu.lruc... ..s or ,.,pall1l<1. • " \Y. Z 1101 L T ile M.yOr 00 bellltJ ." vllOct 01 Ibe p ....lle 0 1 J ullilO 0 1 1100 p"'·';.le Court sucb reeo'uttou . alliU cau.e • wrtu.eo UOUC6 Warreu CuUU'7 Ohio. 10 be Ilvell WI til. OWO_, or AileDt o r t he , owoer ot aucb p.rcel 01 laod .bultlll ~ 1>:. S •• ol4y, Ally. lucb lid.".III, curb 01' rulle" wbo ",.y be a !!'!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!! reIIIdooL ot aald VIU. . . ""d c.o be lou o". ,,' !!'!!!!"!"!'!~~"!!'"''!-~''!''!'!_~ p&IlaIJO ot .Dd Iball ..... lurD • COpy 01 web 'Ime aud manDer vI ..,· d .... . 000..-1 lIIenoD . 01' Ih. MIldon.· meDI Ilia' Ibe _ D 10 ~ oolilltd CUI DOt be Den rn 3 r k Lead. In PlgL . ~~iJl~~c:::~t.'ff~~-:'I:..:.l:ft:~ Ire lllll.\' s lIl'I ",",'d Iu bl) the great ~:.'~":'7.~:07~~~~~~:·~~~1l0[..~,:!: ~untry rur I""' . hlO 8, In flll't.• ollly ooe lO r, "".~1Ier wllb o~blf PI'O<.~ID g. L.I<e.n pIg f or (>""".1' ,I"'N ' Vel'sUns, whil e Den· b)' him uod... I'" rMOlutlOu or lJouocll lu .... mark hn f' UUI' (JI~ tor l'ucli two bUll ••1'Ii to Ibo_o " Wb.u Ill" ..,uru abow. Ibal tho II"nou to milD !Jelll"" .
.ucll .-.Iu"ou,
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
.... .
Wo nd erf ul Ba rga ins in Mi llin ery for
75 Mod el Hats , original values up to $15.00, now
$4 .95
and up
In this lot are Trans parent Effect s, Taffet as and the newes t creatio ns of the season .
estorZ:g .Jr]iZZinsr:g
Street I......37...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... G~n
Xenia, Ohio
Thur sday , May .19th Featu ring Taylo r Holme s, in
"Nothing But The Tru th" Also,
Harry Lloyd,
"Bumping Into Bro adw ay"
The last of May' • it~M~i88 ~:B~er~n~lc~e~H~~~~======~==~~~~2~2~a~n~d~1~7~c_____ _______ Murrell will Itave w friends for a motor trip through the Satu rday, May 21st Northwest. Featur ing Alice Brady , in Old Brui!8els. Ingrain or Axminster carpet and ruga made hito "Wearw aU" rugs., Frl\nklln Rug Also Selz~ick News 1'Co" a Teller's WindoW", Co .• Franklin. Ohio, 11 Admis sion, 17 and 11 cents Mr. ·and Mrs. Frank Taft and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taft, of Dayton . Tues day, May Mth were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Featu ring Helen Holme s, in J. W. White.
Ben Smith. of R. D, 2. Is laid up for a few days with a spraine d foot. caused by playing ball. Bob Burton . also. had a foot spiked durinll the game last Sunday. but is able to get around. • _ _ __
AD OrdID.aM to ROIJllla'- Ih. Oo o."ul'\lo n . .Dd Repair 0 1 8Id... lLlkl. (JUl'o. .nd 0 11 <' MIl wlllllDthe corllO",' . 1I.u11e <>1 l bo \' 11· I... 01 W.,D .. vlll., 111.'.01 (Jlllo, Be n onlaloed by 'h. ()()uncll " , I ho Vllh&ge 01 W.,IIClI.IU•. ~,.'- 01 ::IecUoo I . Tb., Ib.o wldLb 011.0, Ildo .. ,11I and Ill. m.&erlal OUI 01 ... tIleh the I&tne .hall
"SI·nne r,"
20 and 24 Norlh l Detroit Street Xenia . Ohio
~.6.:I. .
bt nOLU\ed tau not be found . ~hll )l·'~11~1 1 •.1l 'Io",bwllh c._ I"eb _ n WI ~ 110\111-, uy puIJUc.Uon LD Lho au_Door frQ,·ldO.. .b11.\1."/ .",I .ball obl.lo .ud """.,,,, 'M .tII 'I.~ ~ 0 Lllft IIl1blllllot I"" .uell pu bllcul lO u "a' )(lGD
You ('an save money by buying your RUIt9. Linoleum. Matting and Window Shade8 at Hyman·s.
. Eyery J\hil
The annual lot owners meeting of Miami Cemete ry Association will be held in lhe Chapel. Monday , June 6th. at 1:30 p, Ill . , for the el er lion of "Bobby " Knapp. of Loveland. ia three trustee s. one secret.n ry·treas - spending a few weeks here with hii urer. and fol!' other importa nt husi · falher. Grover Knapp. ness. A full attenda nce iReSllecially Mr, p , D. Clsllett .and familv ar de!lired at this meeting . rived home last week. after B~nding je1 L.M. Henderson. Clerk , lhe winter in Arizona.
Cash if Paid in Sixty Days on Amounts Ovf[tr $10.00
Furniture Carpets Stoves
,..- - -
. . ....
I nZ"
· Or d'Inanee N0 99 '
LO CA ~L. •
' ••. f ·
Mr, Bliss, State Normal school in· spector, Inspected the Normal here. last Thursd ay. and gave the acbOoI a fine recommendation and found everythin g in a first-cl8118 condition. Prof. Eswyue, of Columbus, conducted claSses at the Normal . all of last week, and ~ade hia annual vl,lt to the school. He was much gratified at the conditioD of the 'school for this year. Countv Supt. Harris said, not lonl' aio, that the Normal tor next year ptomlsed to be as large as thl8, and probably more student s will be in attenda nce.
Tiae . . r Ban d" and F A good ox f eatu re Admis sion,
22 and 17 cents
'V u lc a n iz in g Casings and Tub es
--B AT TE RI ES -Cha rgin g and Rebuilding. Will ard Batteries Carr ied in Stoc k
F. D... H A W K E Telephone 41
WayneaviDe, Ohio
01"" Ii... rMiflUfl l. "...rti..
Thes e Price s_Appl y to 9ur Regu lar aDd Com plete Line .Prioe, DD,upPQ~~d by value .never is an advan tage to any but the man who lIells ' '-. to moe: .. quiok "olea n-up" and quit. -. . .. . . A tep~table' unexo elled mi,ea ge ti~e m~de by • oom·pany. th., oan and will ~elivel' all and··• more. th:an ),oU pay for i. tbe only one you ,'an afford to buy. . '. ;"t~
We are prepar ed take in Wool . at · our wareroom in Corwi n, on
. ~uesday 'and Satiir,day
Sof.t:I only by Dealers
Seventy-Third Year
I~ ~
ALUMNI MEETING AGREAT SUCCESS The thirty·pighth linnualalumnl 01 WItYIIL'lJvili e High school was held .at School lIuliiturium Jo'ritlay evenin... About 1:.!5 graduates and friend~ were present ulld enjoyed a pleasant evening. The program proved to be a very pleasant one, and was thorou"hly en· joyed by all. After a delicious twocourse dinner, served by the Dorca8 eociety, the meeting was called to ordllr by President Let! Earnhart, wlio gave a plealling addre&!. Roll call and reading uf the minu tes by the aecretary, He va H. Stanfield, foll(.lw, ed. A lad feature of. the roll call discloses lhe fact that a great num· ber of the alumni have paased away, which was marked by the scattering of tlowers . Welcome to the cla8ll of '21 was given by Geor"e Waterhouse, and Wall retlponded Lo by Hue DinwidUie, buth of the speakers makini' a deep imllre8lllon on their hearers. MI'II. Huth Walton made the hearts of her friends glad by givlni' them a plano 11010, played in her brilliant alyle. Whittier BUI net, of Columbus. was particularly entertaining in hla Iheme-"The New Sweetheart," and he kept hia hearers convullled with laughter all the time. The Janney Sistel'll, alwaYII favorite lingers with their friends here, sang a very pretty trio. and were heartily encored. MI88 Leona McGinnis lIave an ex· tremelv funny reading in her best manner, and It was well received. Supt. Weaver was called on and reo sponded wito remarks, after which the following officei'll were elected tor the coming year: Preeident, Herbert Warwick; Vice-Preeldent, Carl Duke; Setretary, Mra. Emmll McClure; Trealurer, Mill8·AliceCarey The committee on arrangelJllints for the anniversary made .thelr reo port, and it was decided to gih a two-days affair for '22. It will be in the nature of a school home-comini, and every pupil of the tfigh school _ __ _ ebe _ __ will be _ expeclet.l to _ here
Orville Gray and family spent SlIn· day with relatives in Clarksville, MI'II. Mary Caskey, of Dayton, apent several daYII here last week. Mias Edna Howland lett for her home, Tuesday, at Weat Union, Ohio. Ur. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Hroad way, Lebanon, Ohio.
Several F.astem Star members at· tended inBpection at Leaanon, Thursday evenina-, and had a fine time. Mesus. Zimmerman, Henkle, Cross and Kilbon attended Council Inspec· at Lebanon, Friday eveninR".
MI88 Emily Jacob!!, of Middletown, joined her mother here, Sunday, and will lpend a week with Mias Emma Helgbway.
Mils Elizabeth Chandler, of Selo, is here for a two-weeks ,acation. She will teach a summer Normal, after the two weeki ~re up.
'. A''VERY, .... NARROW· ESCAPE 'c'
Jlsnl'J W091I;ard" .ln' cuttlna, down ., • couple of l~Ult trtIM J~t week ,."''''.:'"'.;-..... .,. . . the "aughter houle had a nar_rOw IMlIlpe a ilevere lnJlkJ, ID ' f.lIIoa· the treei~ ODe them "'lIPIDat the o,ther. ' WIille be wu Worklnir tOl(8t th. tree to the..-oUDd
ar. tuned and be "ljped. 'lMat
j _.ecl to catdl bold. of. 11mb, iDd the~
Music , Premier Band Invocation, Rev. D. P. Holt Oration, Capt. Thomas H. Morrow
Cannon Exer~ises "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address" ~ By Paul H. Bolton Strewing of flowers by Boy Scouts Miss Hciuictta McKinsey in charge . Taps
- -_0-".---
Flowers should be brought to the Towll ship House at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 30th, where the ladies, with Mrs. H . .E Hathaway, as chairman, will have charge.
===~=-=_=_= _==_:::_--~:_:::=__:=======:::~~~~::'
The executive committee of the Warren County Duroe Hog Associa· Unn met, last .nigh t, at Lebanen, and offered $40 on a trip to the Interna· tional Live Stock show at Chicago, or ill eq uivalent in a pig that may be sold I lah at the county sale, for th e
Autos will be provided for ' members of the G, A. R.
best Duroc hog. This is a wonderful chance for a young man to ma~e $40, O.f to see a fine show. Get 10 the rmg, bOY8,
I "
.' .
GlIi'EiiaE1'IiJI3'55:51'1:] IE'==:51'1:]13'==:5I'IiJI5'===' 815'==3n:Jle==~n::J 15'==::IU::J alE'==51. alE'5551' t:lW!2£3 SIE'==::1' alE'=::::1. a
;K NI G H T G1
Services are beln" held, every nla-ht thia, week. at · the Chrl8t1an ,__ church, by the American Reseut' •; ... ' Worken of the Salvation Armv . Servicee at 7 o'clock, and on ThurstillY and Saturday eveninlr. there will . .IM! aerv,leee on the street bef0te the : J'8Irular aervlcet. A min later from -"' Dayton will be preaent TtlUraday eVE!nlna- ,a nd there will be .peelal ·<\ilIit :,i'.N nUI!lc. Come. '.
Exercises at the cemetery at 1:30 Lieut. G. J. Waterhouse, Chairman
J. C. Hi sey is a business visitor in r House for 881\)- See Laybourne. Thorntown. Ind., today. LOST- A Lakeside f ountain pen. Harry and Oakley Unglesby made j Frank Long, Mr. Whittier Burnett, Finder please leave at this otTice. P and feed 'em U . _ 0 '_ a trip to Indiana. last week, and vis· of Columbus; Mra. S, M. Sellen, Mr. Sam Weindrop and family, of ited with relatives. of Le~on; Mil8e8 Jeannette Jan- Dayton, were Sunday visitors of Mr, ney, M~ldred Stephen. and Me8llrl. Mi8ll Helen Marlat t brought six of Louia Cohen. Levi Luken., Ethan Crane and Leroy her school friends from Cincinnati, A tank car of oil for atreet pur· Hadley, of WiI"linlrt~n c?lI~e; MiSl Mr. and Mra. John H. Smith have Friday evening. and spent Saturday poses will be here in a few days, and rhel e Will b~ a C?mmumty Sing at Kathryn Clark, of MIamI University; moved back to Waynesville from with Mrs. Oscar Stanfield, of near persons who desire oil will please Mig Clara Atkinson, of near WII- Da,ton, and are qomiciled in the New Burlington, who entertained pay in advance at J . B. Chapman's School hall . on F~lday., ~une 10th. them with a picnic chicken dinner, store. I Everybody IS cordially mVlted. mlngton. J Pence flat.
The Protective and Detective Association wl\l meet at the Towndhip tloUIe next Saturday, May 28. All memben are requested to come
.. ,
Mia Clara Atkinson, of Wilming· ton, spent the week·end with Way· nesville frIends, and attended Alumni
Sixtee.n pupils were graduated from the county Normal school, last Thursday '('venini', This was the largetlt claas of Normalltes eYtlr Iraduated since thA school bei'an. The people of this vicinity are not awake to the po88ibilities of this IIChool aa yet, but it is a tremendoull advanlage to Waynesville to see that this departmen't is maintained up to the higheet potoIIlble point. ' The Normal prollliaes to have more pupllil next year than this, an.! if the people of tills vicinity know of any pel'8Ons wiahlng to enter a . next year to prepare for teachlni', they will confer Il favor. by making arrangements at once to &end them to the Waynesville Normal. Mias Edna Howland baa been em· ployed by the alate for next year at • handlOme increase In salary. She hu accompliahed a Irood work here, and ber ability is recognized by the .tate authori~ies. - -____0---
Chas. Lewis and his coterie of workmen are laying cement in DIlY' ton this week.
Out·of·town viaitora to the Alumni.
, ____
Harry AtkInson and family, of near Wilmington, spent Sunday with friends here.
~ 'rid81
hnl\(l ~ .
Mr . and Mrs. F. H. Farr were Columbus vlsitors;' ThurRday.
evening, were: MI'II, Robt. ADVANTAGE OF 1HE Walton, MilS Antha Dinwiddie Howard Gustin, MrI Ravmond Davil, NORMAL SCHOOL MillS Minnie Davia, of Dayton; Mrs .
REDUCED $200 _
1HI\, . m
The Willys-Knight motor 1mprove. With u.e. It 1S a!l1azlngly free from
The improved Overland is RUllged as ever. Economical as ever, Comfortable as ·ever.
care and cost. The .gasohne averages above , 20 'miles per gallon. It~ smooth perforinance .is a source of lasti~g 'satisfaction. Price$ f.o.h. Toledo, Ohio .
Its average of 25 miles per gallon of gasoliqe, its saving of tires and upkeep make it . the low priced a,utomobile to .own-and use. Prices lo.b. 'Toledo;. Ohio
.'. Teu;i'ilg was, $895;' Jun~ 1," $695:~ ,.: .Touring' was, i21~5; June I, 11895.00 . Roadster was, $895; June 1, ,$6\l(i.OOI Roa:dster was, '~l~Q; June 1, ,11895.QO · Co~ 11425;· June l ,t ll000~OO 'COupe Wal, $2845; June ·l, $2550.00 Sedln waS-, : 11475; June 1,tl275.00,. 'Sed~ was, .$2945; !une ~, $2750.00 ' '1~' . .....~~. . . . . .~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .~. . . . . .a.- ~ . .,
"' .
Telephone No. , 41 ,
W ay~esville, Ohio
cheerful social wa,a made him at home in every place and amoq all people. The ruling trait of bia character was frank, outspoken friendliness, and thl!re was an inner quality in his nature that won the IOOIiwill :lIld love of thoae ahout him. ADd. likewise, he returned all kindn. . and affection in full measure. He WII impulsively unselfi8h and eVlr ready t{) grant a favor or j'ive an aecommodation. He was a boy at h..n, and one could not euily think of him aa ever otherwise, A short time ago. while bull)' with his many-farm dutiea, he auatilned a seemingly alight Injury, but one which speedily developed tetanua, and most serious conditions quickly ensued. He made braye tight for bia life, and even in the se\tere pain of the dread disease he strove to bear It with represSion of complaint. But bis release from earthly Buffering came on the eVllning of Tburaday. May 12, He was conscious to the last, and as Death gently relaxed him from his terrible convuhliona, he opened his eyes and amiled at hi, weeping wife, bending ove'r him, He then passed peacefully out. Beside his immediate and heart· broken family, he leaves many lOrrow ing relatives and friends, -.1mm'Jdt----· his tragic going awa)' cast a ahadow upon the whole community. He left the plow in the furrow; That which he did sow otbera shall reap. After the tears and the ana-uish, Still will love keep Mem'ry of kindneM·lUId sUAlhlne, The warmth of his arilile, . And hope of the happy reunion After a while. .
He left the plow in the furrow, His labor and plana, His nearest and dear on88;Wisdom greater than man's m,' Hath called him to higher endeavor. More lasUPK delight; He lives and rememben hi. kindred, Though lost to their Bight,
He left the plow in the furrow;m The spring rains will fall,
~ NeWPrice$1895.00 June 1st NewPrice $695.00 June First ~
The J olly Matrons. wilh their hus· The nnnual commencement ot the were en tert ained . Tuesday Wayne.~v ill e school took place Thurs· ,!vr.n ing at the ' hellutif ul counlry tlay evening nt School hall . A large hOllle of Mr . and Mrs . l{onald Hawke audience was present and was well I --Mr . nnel Mrs. Herber t Meredith ente rtained . The presUly decorated i"nt ertained th e foll owing /It an ele· stage on which th e two graduatlnir classes were seated, made a very 'I ~ant chicken dinner, at their country horne. Sun tl ny: Mr. and Mrs. A3a charming picture. After music by the Wilmington : Whitaker and family. Mr. and Mrs. orchestra, Rev. Holt gave the invoca IJ ohn Whi taker and famil y lind Mrs. tion anel the claas was presented. /::iamh Whitak e ~ _ .. 0 _ __ After a selection of music, F. C. Landsiltel, of Columbus, delivered a very fine add re8ll to the Ifraduates. He spoke of the ad vantages of a good ed ucation, and gave lome clever advic€ . Prof. F. B. Harris, county auper· intendent, made a fine talk. and presented the two claBSet! with their . The Premier bsnd will give a con· diplomas. The benediction W81 pro· cert on Memorial Day evening. at noun~ed by Rev. Cadwallader, and 8:00 o'clock on Main street . Throu gh the commencement exerci8ell lor an· jthe generosity of severnl of the mer· other year were a matter of history. ___ ._ ..e- - chan ts, the re will be n stand erected. wh ere the band will gi",e weekl v Wt!rlnesday evening concerts during the summer. The foll owing prOlrram will be rendered, Monday evening: Harold C, Smith was born In Har· Gettysburg ... .... .. .............. .... March veysburg, Ohio, January 9, 1896. Rosids ......... .. ........... .. ......... Walt z Here his childhood and ' school da,. Camp Sheridan ......... .. ....... ... March were P8118ed, and here he Irrew to ' Determination .. ... ..... . .. ... . Overture healthy, happy, handsome manhood, The Ambu scade ............... .. ... March He was married to MiBI Ethel eop· Wynette ... .... ...... ....... ... .... .... Wal tz ner, January 19, 1915, and to them IGo To It ... ...... .........•. ......... . ·.···Rag were born two 80na. Robert and Ed· Love Me ............ ·... ·.·· ··· ......... Walt z win. Full of strenlrth and vli'or, Bl ack Mask ....... .. ... ........ March Harold chose larmini' and aq outdoor IThl' Mignonette .... ..... ........ .......... Walt z life, and he was well eatabJllbeci on a O. J. Gray. Director. farm near hiB native vlllqe. ' Hi.
House for sale-See Laybourne.
The impresaion hu, in some way, Kotten out, that we have quit hand· lin" repairs lor farm implements. We are etill in the Implement busi· neRS and are ready to ftIl all orden for rePaIrs of any kiml; Come and aee us, and we w\ll fill your orden promptly. H. E. Earnhart.
Number 54a6
The sunshine will ripen the harvelt, For great and (or IImall. Man's life is asgTUI in the meadow• And Is gone like a breath; But love rules the kinlrdom of hea'leD And 19 muter of death. · . -L. V.R. CARD OF THANK»
We desire to thank each and every one who 80 kindly and tenderly min· i!lteted to UI during the ai~~ _ . death of our loved one• . The Family.
The Miami Gazette, Way~ville, Ohio.
RUMM8ND The Adventures of A
THIS LITT. __ -~ EVEN HAD A FI And doesn't know hc,w old she .iaBarbariam within sight of W (\l'lr
Demobilized Offices' Who Found Peace Dull
hl ~ t'YC.
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IIr\l 1l1 d. 'I'h "11
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.1"" " I ;t\, "
Ilf' \\' Htdlt 'l! I h t, \\ hll i' 1111st dOli" ri!'lt' ,)\' t'r lli p h ilI In fr" !1 1 II": lilt' I'H I' I npp, ·" if : 11(' wu l l'\\t'd 11 .-eill., nllil
.\Ial,, ";: ltl~· ,
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drift IIwny I II th(' tllll1 l hl·I,. 'Zt'. Thl'l! l iP h , t in . h i!'; ,lul ,'h Hlld (01111\\, ·.1 (.1111t (\ R lnwt~' In I II I' b l ).!' ('ur's "lIl. " . Tllt'rl' hilt! I II·t'B I w u HIt'I I ill (!'t Int Ih t· ti l'\\'f'r HIU l Il l wlhcr. IIlId htl \\·Im · III'r,'d 1(11.\' Ir t hl: III l It\j' \\ H~ ~1 1' . )t,\I1· 1<'11 . ll r ;wed .'ral, ·11 up IIII' 11 111 11 1111 !"WUrt:;! tH' pl' th ,· fli p; tilt' Ilt'xl 111 0 · 11 11' 11 1 I! t~ 1II'Ilk"t1 !I nrI! 111111 p \ll1 ,' ,1 I Ip JtHii ill lll ill ' . TIIP f( 1111~. wl t lt 111,' d l1ll1n" ~ lIr I It't'f'IrHI Illl~t tht' 11 ('111\1' 1, IHld ~ l ilPJl .'d III ~l1l' h /I I" ... \rlpil lllh t it \\fl. Illtl'n ...... I).11' f llI' 11 1111 111 ,L!I'I l lY, Tfl l' dr l wa: ,0.;1111 :-;" ult' d III lhfl Il:\ ('k
:.t:iJ,li\.·, .
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Ill, ,'.]: Ill' d id Ihi T W I\ III III I ,., l'I'II t1 l l1! ,~d I'f h lll1, t'\,I lIt,, 'tully ju .. ! 11:-: hi' \\·n'" 1111 1lki lt ~ ot' I' II ..... III:-l. ' It'
Fiit y ,Hiles fro m N e w Y o r K C, t v, in t lh' Li ,I ' Lltlth ori fie, f ount! a. wh i t e Ll lIli l." ill r a h " ,Hut t:d t··",
S I ' I ' 1l
l: I
\ ' '' 1'1'
II "l ll'l lI'fill j " "
In Which He Journeya to Godalmlnll and tha Game BellinI.
ONE. d on't know enougll to f:1C'n,~ 'rll oUt "1 tI101 lt J' ('on11I1l1 t'1 1. ":-'lI l.is l kl l tllfl. I" IH" "J olwost tlllnk, Jomell. thnt I could tbta ",'n; or we've hit lilt' goods . rl'Jwt t· xu c·f. . )"II ' l ~.l l~· wtH'r,' l·",· g',)IH', or Ill\' (·u 1' . u l~n t ill ' " :1'i~I 'II '::\' I' ill toy wIth IIlIotber kIdut!y." Drummond Is what I prolJU"e to 111111 uut by 'lly If ~ 1 14" 110.'0,1: h ut tuk l' down Hit ,\' 1111 ':01 fr ll llt, hil i Ih. , I W'I 1I 1i11'1' 1111'11 \\1 ' 1'1' looked tlcrO!lS the tllble III hIM servant, little excu r~ lon . Eltlll'r our le l:ll, Ill Y S Jl I!t'~ 111111 ",rill." 11 t o 111 1'" lit (;,ul u l· ~lUlldlll;': 11\ Ihl ' 1'1I11l11l 1' I'"I" ' n l i y W!tldl frl eull, orc be lllil pulll'd 1111 Ih,'y will 1I 111It: 1'''''I l nlli' 't', If 11\' au, "hnol'(' \' 0\1 who wus cllretully Ilrrungln& two or threo dozen letters In Ilroupll. "rvtl never res um e th .. lr Ilonnlll ~ lIul"'; or d O I\" It "lt l ' 1'1'1111 1 I'l l' : fill : til""., d,:\·s. I II )! lilt' ,.)llIII n'l' \1!', 1I 1tt! all"1" H wllile Iht ' "II(' wh"l1l 11 1'U lI lIl lOlid hllt 1 n "' II;.! a jburney In tront at we today. thllt Ildv .. rU >;cmeu t h,,~ sn "'·",~lud h .... J,r1.'1 In tlllldl w h ir :-:'4'II,l n llll Y nrd lI'nd llizt'd a:-: l ~lI ldllkl. ," n llll,' t p \\,u l'd I d ill. ft lll 'l ' llI W IU-No :I' \'t~ ~on(' . Tl ltl t' t·O\·· youd our wlld~st dreall lK" and I require a larp brelktast." "I'm ~l l rr,\' , " h e 1II '~lIl1 - ulld ttll' U '"I'llere are a lot m ore IIl1swors In f.·r~ I'\,PI'ytldnc lr lI's J.:"· !luilH'. If. James Denny IlUppUed the deft· JIUU:-:t't! til ~ ul'Ji rl:oOt' . " ' Vhy. !o' II1 ,,' I~' h '", c1enc)' trom a dlBb tbat was IltandlD, thIs mornlnr. sir." IJc'lDy llI11de II o n th~" 1lIlil'r hlllld, It '~ n h IlH'S. Hn d Iht , t 'li pluiu J)rllIlU IJ III ICI ~'. lDovement Iowan! the "·ttel'S ho hud hItU fil~ ' · l'lirty I s .n ~o\l(1 on", t r-: 11l1 1l 1ft1lj, -,oil ..... . aD an electric beater. f)"UIl IIllOlltl lI udd!",t Illl 'lI"'llll tly. prohn hl,\' WHlll yo u to I' HlIII' dllwo Wl1 h beeD larUna "One troUl U 10n!ly "Are )'OU lOin, for lOll,. 1IrT' RII8 tlIcIaPt t. a momeot IDd then "Till ' O f"I ' lIJ1 lt Jlt " r /I " /II' l!ol IIlIl'I lI .\' Il k ,,· nl Y f!'\'c ldllJ: clo t. h p~ lIllI) ~1 1I 1t · nUll',.. "I dOD't kIIow, JameB. It aU cS. wtdow with two children ." ~cled ber ~d. ..~ rl&ht." ab. . . . I)' t o l' hHII J,:l\ I n a 111 11 ,", Is III' 'f" hi ' I' l'"Lovel,-," cried Drulllfliond. ~H ow kit." en circums tance.. WhI.('h, ~ "We"'e met a lot ID Londoo ptlIldl I llurkp~1. " 1'111 IIfruitl [ r ut':,:p l tv torwllnl of be r I" He I:IIIII C"(\ al U", "\'c r~' g-OtNl , s ir. 1 will c' h'u ll y o ur wben you cowe to think ot It, .. Chirt,a, tM war." WII\· \.' Wi y u u Wt"lH PHst. hu t I :,.:u l letler and smiled. "Cure, JUllieS, ,,"11 R IIII\ II C.. II re" ol vcr ut unr 'l' ." undoubtedly ODe at the WOSI tatuou. a plD.dlDl at car wheell the ~' vll r ~ 1Il Ill' nl! ri!..::IH . A 1'(' r(l l1 Ilkl'1 y IIccuracy arc eBlien tial In n 8ocret llry. IIl1gh Druml """\! P ' "I ~,'t1 III Ih ~ fl ~ l . IuS 4IoriI oa. la.slll BIIIb with a pbl'8l8l In the Eorllah lan,uage. .. Tbe mIsguided WOl1llln cl,lIs hersel r tu ht' lUll::, I Wt'II I1 ~ I ' If so, I'll :0: 1\11' Ill,\' ..... pletWe ImpltDted' OIl hi. mlD4 there anythlD, !n the world that louely, Dot lovely. She will remlliu 8u. of lI J:htllll( hi s 1"1"'. nn d n " rill ~ prf'lI (\ t) III! I Jw?" 8lowl)' (J\,Cl' hi s tun'. "E x u'll t'nt ," h,· doesn't depend OD clrcumatanceaf' bIue . ~,... . aDd Mite teeth. aDd a Thl' ot h t"r m all \\' a ~ u o w npproadl "Will you be 1D0tortq, air, or IoIiIa aa tar 88 1 am COllctlnled. until the _ WI. the bloom . , a llIJl·kl8114 1t,I!' '·II~\lIIII)". II l1d I 'ClI,ulIl"" d n'~"rol,,01 by train 1''' &lll:ed Jamal proaalcall7, other matter 18 settled." ~~ \ . . III", <'11 ""1111)'. " A I'r"'11I1 fir IJ llr 1111 1.. "Will It toke lonlr. s ir. do you __ ~. mOJDeDt or two he stood star- DialectIcal arcumentll dId not appeal I'hylll!-i, I' ('r t ' r~o n , " J.tul (l Luk llll(tllll, ;l l-O thlnkl" blJD. ... attar It; aDd theD Ile walked a~ to "B.1 lI e- c'allle lip. , "To get I~ settiedT' Orummond lit car.'t _end Dl'WIIIDond. u t6 ll18 'lIW1l sr. ' Wltb ilia mlnd still AII~' (rlr"Tld o f ~r l.t; .. U r nt .. ft s I ~, a c1garelte Ilnd lellned ho ck In his tooth-brusb." a "Pajamu and I 1I0p.', u ti!'''''''' ~:iltl I'I' IP I')o IIII \\ ll h It ftIJl of the lIlte"l_ he drove slowly . "You won't take oven In, clothes, cbalr. "l,lsten. James. und 1 wll1 ou t~ nl ll \:'. " \ ' HU ' n" ktt\l\\ II tH ' r H h lCtj! ~ PS«adlll1, while ev~ry now and 11l1e the ctlse. The rnn Iden II ves n I n alr'" tl l lIl ' , I t'XJ\I','l '!" ~ be unlIed I11ml), to hlmaelf. W .. "No; I want my vllllt to appear un· bouse called Tbe [..arches. nell r Ood"Quittl II 101lt!' t ll l tl'." !'t'llIruf'\d 11 11!..: h . Oe w~Ole th~ an elaborate bou' premeditated J.mea, lind It one IveII nlmlng, wltb ber popa. Not tar away ~'\\' ., Ii:,,'" In ;I. iw d 10 ).:41 tI l l ' \' 011 I \. "mebow deep down !n bIll mInd. btl 111 111 . 10 another hou se culled Tile t.:ltll ~ , abon' completely encaeed In boiled ll(~(' Il~ i nll " ." "ooOwed wbeth.r It was • Joti:~ sblrts. whUe preteodlD, to be merely owned by a lI..nlleUlon Ilf Ihe nume " \\ ' I lit h IlIn kf'~ It u ti t )H ~ 11\1)1'(' !lit. _eUler, by lIOIIIe freak ot tate, he had out tor the afternoon, people bave of Henry Laklngton-n oa ~ ty blUlI. ~l'led 011 OIIe ot thoee slrallile wY. .TuIDa", wIth a nllsty fu ce-wbo WRIl hll\·.~ d. ,· doubts all to OIlo'a Intellllct." ten.. "bleb QP to dat~ be bad regurd- - I-+"lI!!i...~-f1.hCf.-=-:+-;-:.;i:o.:c:':-''''<-,';.:,.:..:..,:,..=-:.:....,7""'' 1 1'!l II'1 Jamea .dIgested thle areat thougbt lD 0180 at tbe fi g', 111\, Ihut ,I u d ed all U1atlDC onl), III the realms at BUenee. noon for n short time. And now wc II W dWll rr" .II· Is II I' " or 1I r""I." ellae nlmlU. "Will YOIl be goln, tar, IIIr'" he come to tho point. MIss Hen t on.1 1 hopI ' tit'" 1I\ llilktl lh~ t'rl t ... h :all ae tumed !ntD hts rooms. and stood ollked at Icngtll, pourm, out a secoDd thot 18 the lady's nume-IiCCUS(.'S Mr. I'Igh1." 1II111"1II 11\"l'II 1" '111111" ,,1 ,,1 l,ulil ,· I.,. ID troot oC the mantelpiece taking cup of coffee. Lllklngtoll or being the complete IT 1I .. lh ""'11 1",,1, ,'" al 101111. ··Th .· d . hla cl0vea, It was all he was "To Godalmlng. A charmIng 1IJIOt. In the (\rlmlnal line. She went even J.a k·llI :.!tfin . "TI I\' n" Wa :{ about to I., them down on the table J bell en. tllOugb I've Dever been there. 110 far as to say thnt he wos t.hp HeC. \\·c ju s t riO q11 estion lI f a crash , that an envelope caurbt his eye, ad- Channing Inhobltants, too. Jumea. Ttle ond mOlt dangeroUII man In E nglund." !" tul ~ II {" I." dresIIed to blm ID an nnknowlI hand- lady I met yesterday at the CarltDn "Indeed. sIr. More coltee. slr~" " H\'lIlIy; ' rPII IIII"k"tJ I JI·u IIII'IUlld . "I wriun.; Meebankall7 he pIcked It np UVeI at Godalmln,," "WUI uotblng move you. JUlO llq ," Ih llll;. ~II". llial you 11I1I ~ 1 III) 1"1;:1\1 in and opened It. Inalde waa a single "Indeed. sir," murmnred James noa· remarked hIs mllKIt!r plnlntl\·ely. y ou r cll llg' lI o ... ls u f ~· t llir I'IUlUlTclIl" S I~t-abeet ot notepaper, on whIch a commlttally, "'1'hls mun wurdertl peoj,l" Ilnd does UH!l1tulity." I h' t III'lH'd l' lHU ·h' Oll!:dy to Ite. ll11ea had been wrItten In a small. "Yon d-d old bumbu,," lalllbtd thin,s like that. you know." l· tAh·l'~(l Il . " " · IH'II ~ u nH"hlll J; gOt'S ne.t ,hond. DrlllDDlond, "Jou know )lou're ltcblnr "PersODully, IIlr. I prefer \I pi ctureWI'U' I ;:. rllr II fd lll h 10 SIOIl 111 M '111'. "There are more thIngs In heaven to tmow aU about ' It. I had • very liy hmldll/: so hllrd Ihll l h i' l(Jt ks hlllh and e'ft.rth, younl man, than Q cllpabll- lon, and Inlerestlnc talk with ber, and palace. But 1 sUPllOse ther, olll't no burk wJIl,, -bo:'. is no hOIl. Il S \\'(! U ~~ tl ItJ tor eatln, steak and onlolls, and a one of two thlnr. emeraea Quite d~ accounting for 'obblcs. Muy 1 cleur awuy. alr'" t o SH Y In Fl'Ill1l' e. 1 t l lo u ~ ht, jll(h; lu)! .~~ tor Idventure. J Imagine thot I, from our converaatlon. IIlIther, "No. Jumes, not at prellent.. Keep by fh" u'''''ks In Ille d us l. 111111 YOIl »au ooesellB bo~: lind tbev Jlre useful JlUJlal. I am a cooaeultal Idiot. and Quite sUIl while I go on, or J Mhu ll m ll ~ t hu,'e 111'1'11 III hlllll l' H'nt IIIIn l;",'r ,et It wrong. Three months ago lhere 'Jf 1'11 111111111).; n " 'ne t loll engine. 1 won· arrived at The Elms. Ule lUost dUll rler If I could l'l'lp your mUll." h,' ,erous mnn in England- the IT of eOll1lnu ~ d. "rill B ult or un e xpert will> ITS. 'l'hls gentlemon lIoe9 by the "And Sce If YOLt Ca n Find That Wa. \I \to il S." nalUe .of Pelerson. and he owns a ter-Squlrt Pistol I Used to Hav&"Iluw "!!" y klo() of )' ou." sni t.! Peterdaughter. From what Mls8 He nton ~on . "I'll go lind see." He "",,u t oVlJr Son of a Gun , Thoy Called It." ald. J hllve doubts about thul dllll!:h. to the IIIUII 11,"1 MIIOI,\! n f ew WOrad . ter, .JIIDIIlS." · He rose and stroU"d over sald, "And see It you Cll rt n..~-n=+"":''';''';'· II e ~I1·lIormlJ\lf.v.' ""'lIl1r kr tl to tbe window. "Orave doubts, Howwater-squirt pi s iol I u ~e d to Itn vl'-- I.IUI(ll . "I",,,, Ill" I're of Ihe bo"~ 1;11 1ever, to return to the poInt, It up- Son. of II Oun. t.hey call ed It. That \'11111 "·,, , h, 1I,· .. tII/:" Innn Into Re t lvpears that flome ullple8slns conspiracy ougbt to rul se a lough. wben I "rreSI Ity. " , lO ll /:. prolo"bly, \I" MI'. PIltl!r.. beIng launched by IT, tile IT of the murderer with It." ~ IIn It:!d r .. nlll in ed here 1\llklng. thnl ITS, and the doubtful duugllter. Illto l' h :l lItT" ' lIl' \\'"lIld ha ve ~OI'I' fJ lI Llnk c r~ TWO, whlcb Pupa Be nton ho s b .... ·n unwlll 11Il! \dt l l t1w (-"ginI'. Aud Ilow-lov k. !ngly drawn. As (lir UN I l'UIl make The 30 h.p_ two-sellt er mn de shorl III II N'''' vtld- nll st!r(llH..!. Allu yet r Ollt, the suggesllon Is that I should fln l 't' SHY ~lr . )'pHH':'fol1 k now s n othl n~ work oC th .. run to Gollllirnlug. As unravel the tnngled skelll of crime Drummond thOlll~ht of Ihe two guns nhu lIl It "" 11 Il y.- .Jusl the ,,"II tchlD ): and extrIcate pnpll." '·ye. ~Ir. l."klll!(lI H': WOllderful U,lu ;.: rolled up cnreru.lly In bls pnjllmllsIn a spnsm of uncontrollable exthe hnrmless toy lI11d the wick ed little - the hllllll' n " 1,1 Ie." dtement James sucked his lecU,. \l p rUl ll hl", 1 011 wllh " 1'('1'\1 1111 smlll'. olltornntle-hc grinned gently to hIm"Lumme. It WOUldn't 'Illt go on tbe self. Th e girl hnd not rung him Ul> wufl.' hh l.i-t with IlJllJllrpnt In terlls t ttll' movies. would It,,, he remarked. "Betcllr In f l·OIlt. "Who's th ... qllllillt hlrd dllrlng IIw 1II0rnlng. nnd after n com · ter thlln tlt~1U Hed Indians uud s luing hes ltl e th e cll uuf'r,' II\'? lie ul" fortllble IUlld, ~It hIs club. he hDd 1I110I:s." started about three o'c1ock, Th e p\'nl ~ to mt) Imm ells,' ly. Wi s h tn "I f~ur. JIlIUI'S. thllt you are not In hellven I'll hlltl It fuw 1II0r" like hllll bedges, tre~ h wl l h tbe glory of s pring , the hnhlt of spelldlng your spare time 111 FrUII C(1 10 I u,"n Into ~ nlpl.!l's , " flasheLi pIIM; th e smell of the cou ntry at the lIrlll~h mus~um. as I boped." "Mny I us k why you lhllll' he woul" old Dl'ullllllo'\1I. "And YOIl1 hraln . cume swee t lind fragrant on the air. have beell U s UI:I'e8S at til" jail?" LnkThere \Vu s a gentle warmth, a blllm · does lt't wurk very . Quickly. The Inl;too'~ voice " xpressN merely p~'" MANY smokers prefer pOint Is not whelher this hideous of- In eSR In the dol' that mnde It good to functory Ill ten'st, but hi s colli , steul.,· be olive. IInll once or twIce li e sn ug it. Tbey'll find tbat tulr 18 beltpr U,an Red lulliulls lind eyes were Jlxrd all Drummond. under hi s hrealh throllgh sheer li ghtthlnllS-b ul whether It's genuine. Am "lIe's au lIlotIOltlt!SS," ull swere tl this compact package of ten hl'nrtedncRs of spirit. Surrounded by I to buttle with murderers, or sholl Bugh. "'fhe bully fellow husn'l benuty of the field s. wltll th e pellcef!.l Lucky Strike Cigarettes I nud a house party roaring wltll moved a wWlcle sluc~ I've Ileen here. all occasional vllillge hnlf bidden by lau/lh\er On the lawn 7" 1 believe he'd alt all a hornet's nest. will just suit tbem. grClIl trees from under whlcb the tiny "As lon, us you laulbs lIke 'ell nnd leRTe th e Inmnt.1'8 glle~81Ilg. Grent Ilr>usee peepE'd out, It seemed Impos,ourself. Blr, I doo·t see Be 'ow It gltt; Mr. I,lIklngloll. Shows n 8tnmgtlr Nlble thnt crIme could exIHt-lllugbTry them-dealers 'now IlIIIkea mu ch odds." IIDlIwered Jo.mes. of wll1 but rurely met wlth-n wind ubi!!. or COllr~ e the Ihlng wall n \)08:1. "'The lint Menlllhie remork you've which rises IIbove were vulgnr cucarry both 8ize,: 10 for nn elnhorate leg-pull, but btllng not rluM.1t..v It mall ... Ihll! nlOrulng." Bnld his muster ~'I111ty or lillY III 'ntal s ubterfuge. Hugh . 10 cts; 20 for 20 cts. boperUlly. "I wnt 10 prellore.1 to Drulllmnn<1 udrul tted to him se lf (Iulte lflll!:h." tMlly that he dlll,,'t care a (I-n It He pickeLl lip n pipe from lhe mnnIt wn~. Phyllis Denton WB ~ at liberty tel!)l e".·, II lit! l'rvc~ ~ll ed to 1111 It, to contlntle tbe jest, wberever nnd while Jumes D~nuy wlllted In Sil ence. 1Vhenever she liked. PhylllJ! BontoD "A. IanI' UULV rlnll UD today." Drum-
'ot eIIe abook ber head, "No, thank ,._ ii'll 10 In tbat taxI." . e ,.va the mID an addrea, and ID, wtdle Burb BtoOd bare...«*1 b, the dIDor. "DoQ~t torcet," he aid e&ruesUy. • .tJl7 tim. or '" da, or ntlllt. And :. bfle I tbtDk ot It-we're old trtend.l. CaD that be doDe' III ~ I come and
\,. ,~. .... ~
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llt'lId III III,' "01111 Itld
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110 IlIlslItkln~ fll (',' .
In Ole se,'OIHI locality menllolleo
Ii '
the InUll th~"\
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' } ' IWII tJ ll'\' I l h' \\' u'tdld,
J )rlltU lIlO lItJ
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COPYrl9ht by Geo ' H Do~on Co
uu,'l (IH t";l' or tilt' flulU W'I\ I"
\\" 111,
,,(,,'(Or kn ows-<'sp"rla1ty with I'l!IIUl'd to Ihe onloH". Be I' lireru!." DrumOJ ~ l1d stooll w oUonless for a mom ent. with narrowed eYM. TheIl he lI!u,wd forwllrd \lnd pressed the b ..11. "Who hrough t tbl s note, Jam es'" lie Bold 11111t!lIy. us bl. sen""ut ClIme Into tbe room. "A emllll boy. sir. Said I was to be RUrl' nnd !'el' you «ot It most par11cuInr." Be unlocked 0 cupboard nMr the wlndolV and produced B tantalus. "Whisky, s ir. or cocktail?" "Wh is ky, I think, .Jam('B." Hulb cnreflllly folMrl I he sh eet ot paper and pln red It In hIe pf)Cket. And Jjls taco ti S he loak the drInk trom bls mon ,,.ollid hny<, left no doubt In an onlooker's ml nI l 1111 to wby, In tho past. be had en riled the IllUne of "Bull -Dol" Drummond.
\\ ~1111H1l. l\lld (\.r 1\ IJlll iUl\l\ ,
t ill ' ff'lil 'ldl llJ.: "UI";
IDustnrtions blj JRWtNMYERS
by tile p,wt,
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In Lilt! bllCk-'wu
\","'re, th r l'(' pl'upl JlI~11 UJlI I 9
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huttud,·. A p~rijldh!lll hotl kln~ beblll,i ~ ruu~~I[ hun tram hl~ r~verle , unIt hu p ullcil 11110 the Ride or the rOil I\. All 0l"'u c .... :lIl1 ·coIOl·o{) H"II~-Ho\'O''' Il rcw le"el, willI II ,. [",,,,,,,, r>u b Ull r tl , IIIHI IJe 100)11'11 np uS It 1'11 """\. 'l'h c'~ '
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Druwmond DOOoea, ana 'OO'{(' O a 1l'8Y, Wblle ahe blld blll!u ~p.llkl ulC II. bad wilde UD his mind WhDI ,'ourse tD take. and now. having outfln t .,,·(' rybody elJie, he decided tbnt II "'liS time ter tho lDtervlew to celltil'. AI~"",ly an early diner W1I1 bavlllK a e'H'k lul l, wblle LaklngtoR mlgbt r(>l urn ti l lill y .oment. And It th ere ",os anythlllK III what lIbe hIId told bl m. It slrud him tbat It would be ns wpll for Ihnt jpDtlemln not «> lind them t ogeth~r. "1 think," be IIIld, '''we'd bettl'r go. Mr address III OOA BaIt Moon 8trPl't; GI1 ~Lepbone l28t Mnyfalr. It an,thlna bappena, It ever yop want me-at aDJ hour at the day or nl gbt- rlng •• lIP or write. It I'm not lu. leav e a . . . . . . with mJ servllnt Donny. He .. . abeolntel)' reliable. The ooly other tllln, II your o"n addreta." "The Larcllea, near OodalmIDII," nnIIWlIrecl the ctrt. all the), moved towlud die door, "Ob I It )'ou outy knew lbe -'0J'f0Ul relief of teellD, one'l got ..me GOe tD tum to • • ." She looked at him W1th ablalng eyes. and DNmmoad felt bla pul8e QuIcken Iud-
·" rr. m"o
gl~ls II ''\! 'pl'nul(l ·d • lOt
\\·al lll ll. dr . Rold
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, O.
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I. U.) tldl\',
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Empire Type Foundry, . __
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, ,. , U II t, 111 tli r oU l , u ~ \\ly IJu l h l r u d, ll~l', t nu tl "Iry, I ll tJ UII O u L ~llW) U l":! \V"ylJ~ ~\ u rk cl. . J l' l -"
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.,.. . . . . . . . . .C 11U 1I , u l:\ , !j III 10" IIh'J vtl W\lyu~~vdlo . Uo~ h ull 00/11 '''' WII h rtll\(, \till nil lu g , 4 I ~ i U J; WIIH II I'ul, IIml v ct ry I '<'I ltl I) . ~ fLn(\ "'l glH dt0l' lit IUlY hun. , •. ur ,.' Examined Correctly • r"II ,lW lI"y"n l', 'Jr ,"iL:lJt hll Vt. gO UOll A hlJu l' ,lI r ilI I1 u ltl, ill w,r ll ra uol>, Glass-es Fitted : Wl>Ttl " j]'ur llt.l fo r tilly iof" rlllrttlOIl 1111 AT M()DERATE PRICES ! to h,s wl.ll1r""I.J"lIt~. Nl.tlly Dr. lh·" W . ( ~" yl ,'. h' ln nkhll. UI ,,,, . or tUl " pllulI Et Dill" MIH"o luIll o, WU ,YUUM11 v i lle . Uillo. J ~ /j
H.~. &+•• ~ •
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-, • T I 1-4 FAN Y'S: Optical Department ) S. Ihtroit SL Xenia, Ohio
- - - - - - - -- - - -
.......... ............ M
OPtln evenings by appointment ~
AN to Wurk by tho (\"y o r · IIIIJDLl! . l:ioue~ I ufniMh ed . In. qtllre 01 J . I~ U UmIt1IUI! 8, N , IJ 2, !<' mnkliu, ur \:luu'b phUIIIl. Utlld,l1 r . w:!:' villo.
Walter McClure S l!:WIN H 1,0 do. Ony work fur runn Ai llo furnl"Ueli r uolU lor 11
rllll' .
IlI qlllf(J of L"wrtl'IU,) tlhojlh ord, "p. 1'''. 11.0 I"ok up, W"yu,,"v,lI e . OhIO.
Waynesville, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room TELEPHONE
11I ~r)
S 0,,0
WI~~l'. l:'Ol'AT()
PLAN'l':S-You gilt thOHIl ffi"rly t:l uldllol! .. t u .. u l:iuokett'tI, H. O. ll, W .. yntll!vlllt! Oblo. joB
tlEEO eORN. '1.2D por L EAMINt:l hnsbo l luqUlro ot ,J.:S . VlIlIdur.
R.. D. 2, Wuyuoevlllo, Ollio. j tlM
10 for 10 ct.
~ u fe
I( ~I ~ 1'1 II I
., "" / 11 1 III H t
In a new size package
N I· ~ i' ,\
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lIlt , It ' ~. I,
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I M II:-': ",\"
, -.a..
An ad .
I ~ ~\;O:'>l;~~:--;:O,\NL.~I; .. ~
Classified Ads
oto royole "pInk ping", iuuor , t,nllt:s , lllow-oul p"tOhtl8, ohutn .•• DENTIST••• r " p ILi r liuklt. Alllu Motoroyole Ke · "nlrlng. F'rBuk W. Grew, R. b. 3, Wayn~vi.le. I I IlbuD6 /:!a-2X , W uYUO!!Vll1o, Ohio . jlll
SHUMAKER Veterinilrian
9 Practicnl Vaccinator.
Have hurl ..roorl' !!ucce 11 ill lmm\ming 0 11 hol.h sick ami well herds . Both PhoncR Home H55.8 Bell .)· 1(-
Bellbrook. Ohio
ERT1LlZh:R-l:lil:\h-grut.le PotflJlb !fortt lI)\tlr for tobuooo and oorn . hll1'llro of 1:1. H. W ilkenon, phonll JOM-:l, W"yu'etlvlllo, Ohio, jel
A l:ianlllton Tongueleas Cult I v .. 'or, U.. rrillijB, Ulover Ilnd ~
John RoberllOn, R . a WaylIu~ ville, Ollia. ' leI lillY.
po)llar and wtl.lbnt, 2x'~, l!;.:tI, IxU. In leng\hs 10, 12, 14 aDd H\ teet . . 1uquLre QC!:!awyer'8 Wayne IIlnrke\ , jol
LUMdl£n, D
Ay . OLD I UHHJKS. R. I Red'. , Ifor Hille. Uull phOU8 611-6, Way.
Il e~ vli\e,
Oh io,
' . '.
1];(308 T URKEY . ,:1 110,for U (1Hgs. trye, l.t . 0,
Mre. Oh..a. T,
WIIVDOijVll1e, Ohio.
t;lA LIIl-~ UorrugdedCement F(iNRoller. '· 8eo. .Ii'rall' M. Cale, 8UO. CIl1l8or ' t,0 Laybourllo .& MoKean, .\
I:lnrUWRre ~'oro.
. .
Rep'Vbll~ Truok for ..Ie, I t "'ron IDqnlre' .., 'btl Qmoe fOl' inCor.
masloD, or lee.•ruok , ........
The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
•••. T H E MI AMI' U. L. l ' ll J\~ I , I; !lil o r
GAZE TTE .••. 1'"IIl i"
fill t!
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P" 'II ,,"llunr l 1',dl od 1" Hald flu ",,. ,IH I~(' IHUItl 1"....1. 11 1.. '1. "'I' 1J1I l r till IpNI,;;r " flll.1 11I~'~ dr lI Plt t 11<·rl·, owl ('0 !I" fin
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Our Calendar
M ul' ~ -· l tll~~a Li ' '' 1 SIIIIIIII,I ' May ;, r\ ;'L'I ' Il S I II II i )u\' M il)! ~ - SlIII! l:t y !t rl " r 'I\ SC " II ~ i ' lI l M Uy I tt ,'" "r, ·d,·r a l e '11'Ill "nal IIHY M lIY 1;1 v. ' li lslI ,"lay . M HY:!:! Tr ll lll Y SUll d ay Mu y ':!!1 1st SUlldllY II f lN Trinily M ay::O 1)l!m ral ill n I IllY
It rllflk l y n F. ug- Ie.
tl ODlll h t4 1ltDi :nnln~ tl~ e t·.\·~rlUei(16r.
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Inng hr~ 1 (,ln emlH:S l'e d Ull d l rlOy h n'p~ U t (\ ntloD~V' t o .nako )Jeo plo Ul o ro
p l"y .. Hu ll I nnjny(ul nnd I
: WU" II. I"~n with llietr l"Il('IiPr ~ lind t,h e 1p.f1I' llt1rR ", .. ro p.ntlr"lv flu. " r h,," I 1n t·h ~ !t· "ork . 'I' llll~ fI HlI(\Ce B~ fol l I Ro h ,,, d yNIf liu,; pn~H lld, I
M r R.
\'11 0
Uor on on le r 'ai n e;1 fo r
dl nll (' r . I-i uucl!\y' Mr . li nd M r ~ E~r n 8Mt Collier HlI lI t w o c Ul l p r en null Mr .
111 , f o ll o wlu g gOC'M t H. l:lno(1ny : Mr. nnd Mr ~ U . F, Mn r co r , o f D uyloll ; Wll lt e r H IJ,!!;ios , Il f Ben t on vill e.
lJ ~ t .. n-
01110 ;
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In rf"J.:'tl l'd Il lI g'II I )J'\ lIl1l11' II H I u!" U r IJU ~)4 h l'llwn 110 1 100 p l ""llrul l ), sl1 \1 \ll led w ith h r:tlll ~, w!l1l ld hH\' (1 h f'f'1l Jl U7. ·
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"Il's V ery D a nge r ou s for You t o Comt R c m~rked
Here." Sh e ,m (',)('(' irI S: II
~tr(l ll l n ~
1· l gltr.
A (joot! Woman (lone
Qu ietly.
UJ,J urlt1 down, -.t nlOk 'r ll "11 I Ii' t ttl'lll'd rUlIllr
1I"t! (1I !'l'd I be g irl.
The s llll !l nll h put brfl llk in g new ~ o f Th .. d eAth o f Mrs . Ch ll r! eH MiJJ~, wh o tl\ f'11 fit ber \)M lltl ful O)Uol.ry b om e. n II r Rid t(evI IJe. on M n odllY
la. 192 1, nt.3 o 'o luok , to th l:A oommnnlty , L1le 1I1t ~1l fl'IIt'k wh ich s h ~w"'J on' he l wh e re M r s M ills wos loved by till <l i'n shUI'll or d" f t o t't np t lu" I llsili ut w h o kn ow b e r Sh el wn s t he kind n !t1lr~ te pl'r(rNlu lI. R UI It h e 1!I()Ul;ht 11 1('~' WtAf., "","4'f ( h, ' 11111. ~o t h u r 1' C"l tt' r lo v in g Ul other of M,ISS Opa\ MiII ~. ~"n 1II11!ht h il I'" II d 'llner or 1" " \ll'et- Il l" wu~ 'Kn ill ;! to hl,l \ ' (! lilly te l , ure tu 111 1: ItllI . ; til II fl lI,1I nr I lltu lllnll hp c'nJ IJ), tht' )llt ' IUI'11 u u dl :ilU I'I",d, lit.' WU!i w h o RO s nccE'ssfn1l y tung ht onr ~ ' honl ll f ow Y llllr~ a g o , T ho hellrt · k u t'w th llt 1111 '1"" two nJ (.' U W\' I'C n o &tIIl I J dl.'\tl lll ~I.) IIl'( L b r u k e n t UDlli y !Jav!) t ho CleOp As t "\\' lI y h H \ '(1 Y"\I ('tUlU! Ii PI'f' , (· ! IJ"· n ... lI n llr~' )l1·"plt'. lind tha i he WII~ SIIS' 1'1'(1 t. Two I l l tl1l1:h t l:' w prp dOln lH II n t t uln l ' I' UlhIlIOlh! '!" ~ III ' ~:IIr1. u lit ll , ' Y~' m pnth y of t lli H eoti r e cO lll81nnity 'I'h " " I ~lIh l tilt' l 'a l'l iliu • III th is Ib pl r d UROElt h o nr In hi s tllilld . 'I' bt · HI':; I WU!iI thu t t l u' rc b"'·1I 1h j. ·.. .. I,Y. body WU H It",d ~ rl y Ilil d t,\I I'''Ht in tu e I I, .. , I " '-' ... fl .. .. 1" .,,,,,,,,(,,,"' '" wnl'ol !'O O lllP 1I1.":-;1t ' f'." IlU,lUt I h .... lII o t l n n · hOllnl,ttul Br uo k vil le C"ome l n r V. Hh o VII (O ro h f'l o n t.fnllftrJ, l h' ~Jo:.:, lItlllllllll'n l I11 l1 n w }w lint! :m t h e l)n Y!I)!'. niltlr h e r ohtldlillod h OUl O, " Idl' 11", .'l'i n"r: th p s('cnrll ' w n ~ It d l t{· J,·go·lJl1l1--IIItt 1' .. 1111 """ soh ' r rClllily . In Irl " '11111 1:1 11111 1"" It" 1t .. ",,1 thp ~ III I
I I" ~ I f, '1' Ii II 1: nf rpll,'f IlIlI t hi s II lit O' lI1 ".i1r "ax f lli l y 11II1l1t'.1.
( 'lInl'IU III !.; tiS !'I t" , Ilud 1001",,, 111 I.(m
~ hl'
\\':,,, do ulrl,r
!oI.H III1 W ,
Tltll lltlr v(,YM b u r g llo rse ~ lInn ]litclt. orR \ru"u, t nk(' D u ut 11 hllrtl1r oml t'r t h ll I II "'tI or 1 1 1I~ ~ l o T OWO Rl1ill, .. nil u r o olre rl ng prllferr orl ~ I I('k ou a 00· OIll' rtIt",·o p lll n, 11,, <1 If thero ~h u ullJ b o noy p r () tit~ Yllu ti l lLDtl tI ~ I!uoj) u sb ow AM IIUY n t.lll'r ono, '1'l1A i 8'U ~ 18 t'XhIlO~l.d II l1 Ihn g um o i~ ht.l ln!! (l llr~ u ol t t r l1 W e Arly m o rn I,D l l1 t o III. AAA . hl p ~ .s:Il.{f' t·IHls." " I~ht" ~ !-, ""n d"ys III thfl WI !pk. \\' llh " .Jigt" " 1II IIl' he no tl c~ d ti ll' FrOl1l th a 10 lOrtlMt tnk ll n , the l 'lo k 1II 111 111ry J)ltrn ~"lology- I) ('n n y III OIfe Wi ll ~ uf('ly 800 11 1)1) 'll\OVO p llr . IlIld 1lt HP 11\ !tis , ' 1I!:: 4' l l r lu ul h "(,JI a s l g lln l ~ r v ory lIttle o b"n gi n ~ h lllld~ , Au " - '111111 I ll .. " I", f l'ownet!. ":'I u s t SI!(' l lullM t iu nti pl' rtll i ll1 n~ 10 lIN rCl \l"ltti ) ' ,) u ." . '1", "" nu lll- or nn f ' , u.y, WI) w uu ld \' oto r you I,n .1. H , Bu. Il l ' 111,.". '<1 I" II", I;l rl IIl1d IIIIJUII'",1 B'''I, U III'fY !S, T OI,ko r u r \V .1 B tlg ull th., Wl\ )' 10 Ti ll' L lln' h l'~ . It WII S , M I' . li nd M r~. DOli n h l ~ou nll(l AOII , we ll
hn cK III l t ~ own U' rnllT H1 ~, "J 1\ IIIl),w IIPI'I' nt'll r " h " II",' ('nll etl 'rh p. F.1nt ~7" Ill' 'rt ~ ltI" 1.
Ca l nrrh Il\flll en t~"
l o ~"1
,Iis, 'n"c. go rl'lI t1y
,' ol1 ~ lIt ul
llll1l\ I 1'011111lIons_ 1l .t" t'reror .. r1''1I1II'()'' C"" ~ llt tl tloon l trf'otlnrnt. IItd , r:~ CA1'AHHU
MEDI C IN E Is 1,,1; (' 11
Inl ernll tt ~'
nnll nel s throu lth tlw Rlool\ 011 lite Mucous
S)' ~ tell1 ,
CATAnnn MEDlCINI'. destroys th e foundlltlnn of the di sco!<c, A'lv ~1I the pullent slrenl:lh by Imprm' lng the geD('rnl hen lth lind nBsleta nillure In doing 1t8 work .
All dru ggIsts. Clrculnrs tree. F. J. Ch eDey & Co" Toledo, Ohio..
SllI u ley, of l) llyW D, wl'r o Sun duy
IIho\lt Iht-' h1l ~ h . :111(1 ",11111'1.0 1111."lli o {1 !'= 111'PPII I,,'d t o 111 111- 11 " .,11t III hi " I'tlllr· net er whldl tlllllly n hox p r, Illhli df'd III t.Ill'lU O ll ~ rllllll"ll: III thl' rl ll l(. 1,,"1 Jt'oorl CUtHw to r PlIl c fl1 h ftr, \ Vh u t m o r(' n llt\lr" l. he rl'ftl'l'h',1. thull to ,Irl ,-.., oVl'r nlltl sr I' ~ lI c h on ,,111 rl''''n,l?
811 0011
. D,' "lcr everywhere a re selling Goodrich Silv~r10 \\, 11 Cords, Good rich Fabric Tires and Goodrich R''ll or Gray T ubes -all onp quality-at the 20% r " .t'lct ion i n pri ce,; which Goodrich mnd~ eflec. ti v<! M ay 2nd, 192 1. '
Wayne.ville, Ohio
Tho~1l fr o m
this pl ac e whn Iltt.{lnded Mr 8. 1I1l 1ls' f n ne ral , on T hnrR, wn r o: ' A ::>. A lin n n ud w ife,
"":<", K
Dr. Lloyd B. H.II' . Veterinarian',
Waynesville. ~ Ohlo Nat iona l B ank
Farm ;,alcs and Live Stock a
K 1'11 0111\)800 loo d wifll . Mrs. AtJ·
(li o Dllllt h omg ll li nd Il uo g hl e r, Mi ss Marth o. We Ar e g llld t o re p o r t M IHS F,ln nn Ki m blo !Jette r li t t.I1 iR w ri t in g,
A, H. Alle n no d wifl~. R. 1<;, T h omp. w ira un ll M . M. Torry Ilnt! wiftJ wu r a l u t. e b~ n o ll , 011 Fri<1o.V.
.,,11 Iln"
Everett Early
M r H, L iy.:t.iu tl n rlan. Our 6t ree t s 0 1'0 t,o be o il d In I h o
Mrs W. L . Coyl, w h o hll" heen time it tooked , ver y III for m nny Wel!kE, Is Illllking
!Du rk ed Im prov em en t. OI\I' v illage Wll8 a.r ou sod by t,h o (lr y of "fi r e," Elflrly F r idllY mo rnin g, T hr ~o bHro s hellm g lo g to Dr: Mce rny , Mrl' Eliza HO('l'\'ol:l and J e bu
Bellbrook,j Ohio
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Pount ains allLi Self-Feeders . . -SHIPPER OF-
Hay, Straw and Feed. '
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
We Use the Fol.lowlng Serum: Ohio Stt1te and Pittman-Moore, b~t 'WIll use any kind you ask for. We advise use of Lhe clear serum.
OFFICE: ["ourth St r eet , ncar Tyler
Both Phones
Telephone 93
--::-:::::-::-~ -:-::: -::::::~ - ~=:::::~
w or l] -totnlly d esLr oy od. 'l' h t> M lgin o f t. 1l" li ro is n m yH r y . MiRH M ult io ~lil eR WI\S painfully I.tnrn,'U altout th t! fuo" nnd Ah.onl!l or A wh i l e wlI" h ing, lIl oucluy m llrniug W hU n s h u ~u O' tl r s q Ulto a g ood d enl,
trult fo r 80veml week s P u ul Tornor b ns gO De to ·vrlng. The IJ'Ii'co llllll An t o " orm on, !:ln n · !.iold to w o rk. dn y e {(m i og', uy ~~ 1I \, Benn ett., t o t,lw M em orial se rvlol' H will be h e ld hl !!,ll sc h ou l G r llrlll"t.tI~, II I, tb o 61, E Hp hnll no dlt1l l'ulty In 1I1"1I111l1: III " c h\lrob. WIlH oO Il ~ ld ered ullpr opri"I,(' be r A. Mo ndllY LlttAro on n . Rov.Reed house, lind n rpw mlnlll" 9 In lrr h e by t-lt oMe Ilr a~o llt of .Kenltl. will dellver t,he IIdc1ra8f1, waR I'lng llll: t)1I' f1'nIlHluor " nil . It Rev , W r ig ht 'WOI! l~nlled to Cler1& Is ve ry av .. \ " n!. Ihllt o nr r on d wn s nn S\\'PI"c' (l hy It mnld s~ l·YIlIlt. m ont co nnty, Itlflt w eek , to coodnct "Is MI s~ n.'lIlon Ilir' HII;:h nskl'tl s npll rvl s <lT " n il h\ ~ ~~~I~ I I\ [It8 untl er . t.h e fon eml s e rvicos for ' 0. 80ld ll)r with II Hl1IlI e ,whtch lit onl'u " 'on the Htlllltt Ihe rOlld Hlt tmtl"n. IHld WII ar lJOlng blo ~A lll1 h y !,he i r lixllo rie noe ho y. who dl ol1 In IF'muoe I\lwost I( l rl' ~ hell.·t. · three yenrs IIgo . " She JIII S Slll l " 1)ls! I'om e hnl'l, from wilh ~nlJd nl al1~, .. nil t,hey run gu ud Mllst.a r N oil U"d le V' IA I.he ~nest of unW t h ey Intorl'lIot wIth ' :linton oount? !.Iut! from t.hat. OLl oIltll YUIl Mr. Bod Mrs, H , A. WillllLm~t lIenr s trik e Fuyotte ooo o ty. Tbo 8tl'ee t ~ U ltltk8vllle. ot Wllmlogton nre ti ll batt,er; our - ' - - --+ - - - - g o od r ou.d s nre h etLl !; Ulllde 11Iltl nniotl\lntoll .. t I~ very oonsorvll tive 10~t . 'l'tlll mlli e thin /{ in build log t bo roads III mouey , IlIId t,ll en Reo n rt' tho He rvlco@ of a qnulified ml\ll nil ~ op o rvi~()( . He w!l t I1lterotRo gOOl1 M. C. Gordon , .. . _. .. . .. . . May 27 WH AT'S ,.>\E. 'WORLD jnll /.: lllol1t In sel eotln g bls asslsta n t-s, ,HIll theD you ure oer t!llu IIf good El hel C. Smith , , .. .. . .. .. _May 28 C:OMI~<i- TO , ro"d8. l>,N'lI-lOw? l:i everlll n ioe flsh (lro b e ing cnu ght· 1 will offer II t Publlo !:illie at my fr j ill ClleslIr's oreu k bV uur oxpo rl l ate rll~idf1l1c" Oil 1<~ IU't Mol n 8trAet, encet! UI'hllrruon . G ardeniog i8 IlI1ll08~ cOIJlJlle~ e d. ill I:IntvoYRtinre , O bi o,. on oeedln g by I" w .
Notary Public
Vaccination _n SpeCially, Noth. ing but I~clitlblc Serulll used
All kinds of Notary Work. WU" and Deeds 1\ Bpeol..::.:.:U"'-y!... . _ _ _ __
Phone 44
HarVeY8burg, O.
Forest T. Martin
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, rin g .3 !,
DR. H.E. HATHAWAY W11Y1l6.vllle's Lelldlni DeDil,' ()ffioe In B uines Bldg.
/AUCTIONEER lCentervllle, Oblo
J iGive me your eale, I
can do your work reasonable and will gu.rantee Main St to satIsfy you.
Public Sales
tbi s 10otllit.V. Prof. Watkht8. of Morro'w WII,e In I1tte nrll\oci:\ at thA sohool e nte rtAIn m e ot, here on nturd ••y . I,' rof, Wntkln s wilt , 10 the very n Oflf fU~\Ire . orl'~~ t.h e ooean to fnr thdr bls mus l_ 01\1 "h\lity by tnking tnstr)1otlOlJ nbroncl.
Friday, {t\ay 21, 1911 , BegInning Ilt 1 o'ol ! ck, B lot of BouseboTtI Gooda I~nd Ml~oal1illlaon8 li rtloles . 8M bIlls for pnrtlonll\fll. . .' M, lJ. GOltDON. Walter LI\OY, Auot.
1 will ,of1'er I\t. .PnbHo Anetton ' a\ ' Mr • •llIn;e8 a~ I A, n ()COmp~nl od b y ' h i!! Ili oe,MI ll>! Al"'lIl Wllte rhoil~e, of my rll~l (l el1C6, on th o lUnglesby f~TW
'o rw lu, waH In fl,t~!l Dl1I\D QI) 'It til!! \ Ys milo~ sool b weet 01' Barvey,..lmtt!:, Qo mrnnnltv dinner "tid !lOhMI entitr . on tltit1m Cl1l t h.ere, ~(ltnrday. . ' ·Snturday,. M'IIY 192.,'\ ' . ' 'Muoh regl'llt 18 erp)'e.. ~ ed on '!le. oount of Miss Ltlul'a Metrineoy not returning ber "8 oo/Ulh-er n.ga.ln,
Hbe h." roodl!rell
!l8V8r8J Y.8rs
Hll wki n ~
fll l it· w e' ultl b e If we oonlrt r (\11I :1, . her t,hs t \VII Hl1 nuld 1I0 t. liv e for ~e' l f l1(' r i n ju rl os IIr o n ut ~ ,~ rl () nM Il nd ~ e ll' tl lon A, jm ll wh nu thi~ iHd orl !' E ,J, Blnir i ~ li t U' " 11 0 f r om DeWfl Olll1 011 I·h e 8 tr oC' I,~ with o ot; Vr o.
Satisfaction Gutlrnntud
gOOH I ~ Il f
next fow d l\:r~, Fo r II u.8 If th li r" w o uld be II , oi l pu t 00 t be m, bllt u. fe w of oor citb,eos, f"ol HNt ~ xt \It }D I', sll", " Hu l rt the g'l r l. liTh e iog Ib o n ooeselty o t oI l, go t bllSY 1:",·.11 '11 ,. ndJo llI ." 1'1111 show d ~ ho Il rll p nr ty o w n e r . 11f! th llllk l'd lw r , lind ~ n \' 11l1! turn it s lJ} e rit ~ ILnd t,h n oi l w ... ~ onlflrfld , tip th fl 1fi l f.H!I'n m Inf o ~ I1lIlIJ _ J ll'I ' L'~ J!.o ..""I by t ha n llx' ' · ~ l1Cl " " IOtil lip j!o t 11 11 0 lI i ~ ('III" T lwl',' W lUi 1I00111ug )"i' llding nnd RhJlping III OI l. It .. or .. r o r It. he lI a d dl' .. ld,'! 1. hilt to 'Jr' lvl' bll8 hoe D Il t; r Ullt, h ol p t 'l o nr ~ t rt!, t~ 1t(J1(11~' " I. t n th f' liOl ll"P, II lld SHy thnt 111 p r e . o r.v i n ~ tU OIII, ' nn rl n o ohJ "c, t l ~ lind c,.nw I n ('u ll em ~11 s." Itt' HtO(] , t, in n ~ sh o o l(1 h Orlli s lH1. H ow lr (lII ull . 11. Illu' Il('n"" 11 (' I' n n 11111 n who twa t
~ "y , ,ho r oh lld r en . I' Il I1 It be t ro n, A oct u\d your m Ol lI e r il lo. And t,o her loved on"" bid un l eu , Ao d n o w IIVos i o t h o Ak y ?
h!~!; i s h lI o ll ~e ~ l lI lI dl ll g
a fte rnonn , !\la y
Goodrich 30x 3! a"ti-skid Sl,fe l), I-em; fabric lirl' //On' (/'Yt1i.·,,/.:. , .z ~ !f,c 20% Pr;ce l~{'d"l'1 io l/ 11";;<,11 weill into effell Mlly 2 /1d
A I h,llf' PHSI h" 'W)l)ll'<I In fr ont o f t ;udnltu i ll L! ,.' ,": '0111 ('('1, T o h is ~ lI r · fi r!." 11 11' ~il'l IIl II I<1 , 'II hl lll 11 w l rr. IIl1d 1111),:11 to r ... HIP rl~lIlJw l'\ I"", ,lopp 011 (.' 11 q uld, I.\', Jt WII ~ fl'OUl l't' flIl Y. ' \l u i It wu ~ h l'l .. f nllff to Ih., p otl1t: · · J'll ltlh' IIlt'l"(.;n&:,p r r ..('cl \,(,d, AAA " ~r l1st t{(IP )' 1'11 ( ':I r lton t pn ri n y "flcr 1\'ll1 n r rflw . r,n l n~ G(ululm ln g n o\\' .
"holl t t wo wllp:i. h e ~n ll l(' rl'(l. on til t" ~1It1 dr o n l rHll d , nnt! I IlIJlU s~th ll' tv
Like a 11. oth er Goodrich tires th,_t(3 0 x3~ "is made only in one ljl.lality. It is so thoroughly and ul1u5tia Ily good that its makers frankly declare it the best tire ever made for small cars.
M i~R
E'l nn. f1 o'W }nl1d. N or nll,1 tntr oc t o r, nf W .y n l'~vi ll fl. lind Prof Mnr k B W b ttaker. o f WII Uli ll~t o n
UOWlt n;:11 10 !'on :-i lll h h'n)y," II .. wll l d,, ' 11 1111' H illl .'\. JtilYC~ !"tll r t . h UI f5,t'.' l l1 toll l it IIfl hurry In fnllo ,.,· su i t. A nd Ill s III" II ~' fl'Ii'I'Il I ~, w tl( l w.-r ('l w on t
v. I," 1 111111 I hi')' """ 11 1111' lonk or ket'n (,O l u'l' n lru l l l1ll fi ll Id s (11("' , u s JU' Jitn '"f' d 11 111111( IIII' ""tltp du sly rOll d , H ~ co ul d
This tire wi ll g ive you much long<.>r m ileage, the greatest of durability, the utmost riding co mfort and the fullest satisfaction.
I\orl Mn. Frunk Cu rl. of 1I 8l\r Ogden . '1'1111 II ln ll Ih p !!et ",oolot y lte ltt un All- d ay meo'lIlt; on "" u Dllny. T h o gr l\dullti u ~ ('hl~8 ~ " VI1 1\ pl "y I on JI'I lInt11lY lind 'l'h ul'sdn v nl g b t-s . T IHl,\' ur o Ln u ked .. henll o n tt! 00 111 wea t lier. P r of. IHll1 M rs . To \l e on te r \.t, ined
IIr PJl k
, Catarrh 'Can Be Cured
l-Ierc isa 30x3} fi re, with snappy ,bbck tread a w l creamy white side s - dean, td m, splend idly finished-gener0usly large and full i n size, wi'..: h the Goodrich anti- skid safety tread.
, ' 1I1~tn..,tvl1lv thnt llnr /'oIn h o,,1
1 shnwo(l
III}; III llJ,L:la fl l l~: df'S i n Il lp- (' uU llln" o r ' I t nl g hl IH' ('UII ~ 'lnl IH J{ -st"lIk n;lfi o ll inu!i pnl pn l'Ht hr:o' t o J.:oillg t o H nt ~ ht ('hlll, !'o IPlljt, , , , J l Oll' > ynu Iltm ' t
Safe9' Tread, at . he 2 XPrice Reduction
I I I pr CJ/: " nl l (, jlnnt! I Iill S<l 1t ~~.
"rr I;, 11I1I 1!I\J lt t " d IY n 1!I"..l llt ,Ill ft t. l l I flu" .·, :ilWIt It II dll d , C'U P lll i ll I 'rlU fl " IIIUl lll, " !,(1I 1r1 Lllli-In !.! , .. ,," AI)(1 If I t I 11-41\' ( h ur n til U 111 /1 11. fit , "hvuld UiO!i 1 I N' I' I II 1111 .\' fr .\.· til .' l llt l\'fll e II. Silull ; \\' t" Itf' ~tll ·llIL! y llil I tri'C t' \"I ' llluJ(~" I ) 1"11 I1I1rH II II I NIH·tO!!.!"" Ills !O; JJlIlI ld l.n-:.1 " J' 1l1 t h .. \' II/.:'Ih!:-i t I1I lI n Illnt i-\,c r Ih~ ed , "
1II 1 ~ ~,
,'hlldh l1ol\ 00 Ilu' v~r)' ~pot wborf' !h oy wer!) bAiug nn l 'lrlllto ed , A f l e r Ih n r~ l:lUst hMI hl'tlll !,;I'n l' r o n q • '-~f1oi.t-*"'''lIM ly Ho rv ed, th o R t' huolllnt"r t ilin ll\~ n t , I uod, ·r t.h e dtrectlOn o f tlte t nllc hl\l'~ ,
" I 1111;:111 hE"
I th f' lr
IIghllS ,
..Illy "r.lu lld I bo hc,o ,l, hot· IWl th e l 1)IIH \"\'" I-If f'1 ' H1Nly hurt"~ g-t1oci luok 'uu l " hll'7(1 if. '['his i Il Oi d,H1t, w ill
~n l ,1
tIll!) w1 nd, IoI t r lkiDf.t
tlle "Jolck,
............-l~1R I troho~u " ,£\ tnn
!"I1 n'\p tl at
Ir Jld v t
I,,· ( fl uid ~l'~"
Drum,m ond
111 1'111
The finest Tire for Sniall Cars
"' 1111 ,,11 \\11 .. '1111' 1:· ,11 .... III fue t. l '\ (' n ll n !' ,I f p lf' rt H n rl' ''n (1 1H''J.lIJ j n '~ r-~. rrbo Iit' dr.) Iii,' do" ,' Upi'll lIud ·t;l lut rn u n )" gOlld t:hhl ~~ tvnr o tn nnll1 OT. IH,llill" Itlft l, I" , o..!l W f'p tPr",," ('Ollll' n Ul ' ,,' OS u!noutJt~ 1 nud to the old('r \lll e~ or II SlI nll l S.1I 11 111" ' " t.HII~ P .. IH' ,'Oil . it hr ongbt hnok r o [u jni~cHncnfl of
l lT' / llI : h
hn l Il IJr tJ \',Jd th nt l I), I t, 'dIu.fo . and 1l"4 1.1 1 Hnrd nn u ppru,.' h t1 tllll !' o~$i n g I ll" Illlh 'n lng .' o.:,i'n · ~ l'fl llJ A "Ir,nl{
1 ~l lrdul tlntl th u u~htfol, Thr C Hn Ulontty rlin n or on th o 111\11111"1" !JH1J<. P ,'lI lt'll h.-' r ~~ lItly liS t4r!h •• n l gl'u tJn d~ . ':> r) StLtorrlt\y , WU S
~ h ., ,, 'I _
'Twas E ver T hus.
'I'll'" hotrl (lw l'll .' r '"n c" rot' fhl" ('o m .. (o rl~' ~)f hOllle. ,\ rll t 111 . - h U1I 1.. l: wp Tf er lon,l.: "' rn r th o ("" lI lIrlll ' t~ lIr ft II ntel.-
he r \l n t'"r tflk!og ~,
The Adventures of a D emobili zed Officer Who Found Peace Dull
rnl lColttl Wl~ ~ilfil 11 II cr u-d '~K 'o VIt.,.
"'''ill .v,m CUIII\' I H~bll·, '-: 11' "(' ~1I1 ' ~1I 1" . "I Will J!II 1111 ' 1 H'1i ~I h, l 'Io."l l i ~." ~ IH' 1I .. )It'I'(' d tdltl 1I1tl) fI/, ' \l 'ouw JI I j!- l'tI\UIl :Jlltl dO!'o l'fI It ll' dlmr. 11 --_"-#-o"'l ' Htlll1 l li~ H-~+- -\ t.~tl -: 1"" h . ~=--= _ _ I wllllld Itll l.' " ' 111 "' '' '0\ lilli ' 1' 11.11 11_. I \ , ~ " I IIdn\\""'i . ' } J , t'lll ll ~ dl!\11I t •• 'li l ' r: rr lll ud, I,'d " II , " " " , II la, ,, II, 11 /01 '1 , \III " 01" f' ll1\ ) h IJllt/i ' " I " ,01 .. ", .\ f t '\\ -.: r l'llt ou l\: 11'.. ,·... II JI ' \\ fl 11 1i-:1":'tll t :-.1. ad, ' II lla,' "'101 or lla., ~II"'I,· It, UII" I"" Ila l" rlll !JH' r.
Dot barrlnK loat iwony. ' (lha~ . Go r don. one of our trnok I ~~ II ors nml rlrtv"TB. WI\ bnnllng , ' " n Hu tnn1ILY, for Ml' H ll~R to • \\' li f' r r~'l<" " 1 ' t '('t win. fl D't bod 011 10 \Clod hi~l Ino. l " nJ ~ t"r fld 1)/\ k r" () l i ll~ 1I~·lIr d I ho \l rl)~s ing of tho
luoo88t!ful ••rvlae. whll)b III known
and appraot&ted, The ,*'roD8 iolD . 'De writer In WiabIDc IMr NaUer Lao1• .a.aa&,
w. H.Madden & Co., for the Best of Building Mat~riaIs
_ _ _ __
The Miam i GUtltte, Wayne.ville, Ohio.
, . ~ )'
- ·lwO- YOUNG MEN' _. . JO.joc~ · LOST ANOTHER !.~*'J!c**~~:,*~'J!c*i Ho me . Ae tn a. W es tc he st er Hlny TRAIN lin . , 'Pe~ TO BEllBROOK i GILL ETtE l --.~
You r choi ce for farm prop erty :lgainst Fire , Lioh Win d Stor m and the Torn ado. !=> tni n o ~,
HARTfORD LIV[ STOCK INSURANC~ COMPANY Insu re Hors es and Catt le and Hogs against deHth from any cause
IF YOU HAVE NO PROTECTION, write or call us, and we wID be glad to to come and give you rates. ' We also write Automobile insura nce at a small cost • • . •
Se ar s & Ca rtw rig ht Waynelville, Ohio
Amen Build ing
Telep hone 81-2
~--------------------------~~--, HARVEYSBURG ALUMNI The HarveY lburll' Alumni will hold their annual banque t, Mav 21th a t 8 o'clock, at Harvey sburg hall. Mem. or anyone wishing a ticket. may purchas e the name at C. E Le~icy's . for 50 cents each.
Thur sday , May '26th Featu ring Dorot hy Phillips, in
"On ce to Eve ry Wo man "
----- - --
Also, Mack Senne tt Comedy, "Let 'Er Go" A Very Good Show Admission, 22 and 17c.
DELIVERS ADDRESS Rotv. J. F. Cadwal laller will d e~ liver the Memori al Day addrl!88 at Sprinab oro. Deltt Monday . Special prepara tlonJ haYe been made for the day at that place.
Satu rday, May 28th Featu ring Roy Stewa rt, in
"Th e Weaterners" Abo Selznick News, 8 reels Admission, 22 and 17 cents
.-~ ---
Tuee day, Mey 31et Featu ring Helen Holmes, in
"Th e Tiger Ban d" and
What mi,:h t haY(' pr ov d to b a H ou~e for sale- S 'e L/lybournf' . di i!llstrou8 accid nt happen c\ at Cor· Mr. and Mrs. H. I~ . I'~'\rn hllrt arc win litalion. · l'r id sy morning. haN , Gordon and \::mory ltoSl! huclulIl "I'tll·d 'incinna tl ' hOI I er~ , today . a truck load of hlJl.ts !lnti ~tar t"d loack ' The out·or·t own toucher d left. here, to Harv eysuurg when Ihe f1C1·idt'nt 'Iltllrtla y , f or th ei r st'\'I'ra l hOIll P9. occurre d . Wh e n they got to the BOrll - To Mr. Ulll] MrH Ed Woolpike. the\' noticed Il freight on the s ididing. bllt f /li led tu ~\'e lhe fns t III I'd . Tut)~day. MIlY 17. JlI ~ I.ason . t rain coming 011 the maill track. und 1\ J . Btl'wat e r ami Karl 1\01 1 r. of they started IIcross. They rlllI th e XI' lIhl. wore ill Culullllolu . Tut'~day truck into the ~itlc of ! h(' fa. t ,'UIlIMr,.. Mat ilLin I-l n~io r UTIl i Mis." in&, locomut ivo. lind wcre hurl ·d t o Elhel lJ oljier /lnl! M r ~ . Ilarvcy Hyo' t he g round. They wem rlicked up by nn·luuk l'r!.l lire Day ton visitors t oday . and were hu rried to a phy~iciall. who. W. C I' hillips hns in stalled 11 fresh after dressin g t heir wounds . found Mock of 1111 lhe lellding bran,ls of tha t. beyon<lll severe shO(~k . neithf't , cigllrcts St'e him f or fregl 1 s lll " kee. of the bOYII WIIS badly hurt. The front part of the tru ck. huweve r. Mt'!s rs . .J. T . Ellis. L . A. Zimmer · was lJad ly d amst,(cd. man and .1. E .Jllnn·y wl're g'lll'stHof ___ _ - - th Lebanon Itu tllrv l'Iuu. TUCRduy evening . .... - -
Earl Leroy Hender.!Cl n. Ro n (If I{oltand Mory Hender sun. wus lonrn Ilt Lebanon , Ohio. D('ceml.oer 29. 1002 . and died at Camp Briggs. North Carolina. aged 18 yearM. 4 mo nth s Ilnd 9 days. He spent the first sixteen years of his life at his part; ntul hum e. At the age ,o f s ixt een. Iw went tn Cincinn ati lind workPd at Crane'R Lumber Di vision. . After wo rikinl<' in the Divi<!ion for about a year, he enli sted in tIl<' U. ~ r army . He was tran~ ferred to tlte Field Artill ery . Baltery A. fifth Division . He had served his country faithful l y when he met with a fatll l acciden t. Two sisLers baving preceded him t o the Great Beyond in in fancy, he leaves t o mourn hi s 109.~. father. mother, two sisters, three brother s. two grandfa t hers. one grandm other. a hOlt of relative s, und many warm fri ends. It seems very sad that one so youn g , 80 active, so 11mbilious. anli with such a bright future ah eall Hhould he called from earth . but Gnd m akes no mi ~takes and we cnnsign all to Hi s keepinll .
First Sunday after Trinity , May 28: Church School at 9:80 a. m; Mornina Pravtlr and sermon at 10:30. The 10:80 service will one approp riate "We loved h:im. yes we loved him. But J esus loved him more. to Memori al Sunday . The public And Hc has !Iweetly called him cordiall y invited, and especia lly vetT o yonder s hinin~ shore." erans of all our wars. -J . W. D. Murray S. Kenwor thy will preach Cllrd of Tbanb at the Orthodo x Friend, church, SunWe desite to express our thanks to day mominl r at 10:30. Everybo dy is our many f riends and neighho rs who cordiall v invited to come. 80 kindly assist ed u:! in any way dur===========~~'f.· ng- "he dea tliHlf..ou.r aeR, We also Resulr.J-I= . wish to thank Bro. Holt for his wor~s of comfort and consola tion. a nll Mr . McClur e & Son for t heir elJicient service. Tq, buy your table supplies ? 00 Robert Hender son and Fomily. you want new clean fresh goods? We have them and are willing to split 5().50 of our IIhare with you So on next Saturda y we will reo peat
A good Fox feat ure Admission, 22 and 17 cents
7 ry .IM Miami Gazette's Classiliea Columns tor C'
A Bi g D ro p In A rm y G oo ds
:~~~ g~~~~~.~~.....
Mr. I\nd Mrs. ll'rnnk ~mith apr-n t tiund"y wi t h MI' , ~ud MrH. Ben t3mlsh, of ROllte 2. Wavn eev ille. a ponderous sale been attem pted. Bermnn Albrigh t. 01 Dayton , visUed with hlsplLl'Bnta. Mr . Rnd Mrs. 0&r1 Albrl"b t, Illst week . Sberma n E ogen and wife, who have been atalyln g Ilt tbe home of Mr. aud loire. jl'rank R t>gers. moved into their new bouso 1~8 t week. New double hOBpltal Reclaim ed O. D. W. Hetrime nt marebln Mr. and Mrs Ben Hawke a,tended Blanke t., heavy and S. Army Blanket a, Shoee Inspeotl on of Eastern ~tar lodge BI warm. . .t. original ly IOld tor pair..... ....... I'ItUITI AND VEGET ABLES • Harvey sburg, Thursd ay evening . plalda ......... • $850 Tomato es. Lettuce , Onions. RadWilliam Cmt went to Miami Vu1_ I-__ ___ __ In~w.:... ....... • Best Work Shirt. i!lbes. Strawb erriee, Pineapp lell, ley bosplta1, 11.. ,t Th usday. wher Banana s. Apples, and Orange s be will remain tor ton daye or m e S w eat e r B- Heavv from 50c up. at prices that you feel are rea- before underg oiDg Btl operatiore khaki and heather on. S. Govern ment IIOnable. Mra. COX.\11 ,taylng with her 80n, claimed field and hob.~;rrB AIN) all kinds of Rain Clyde. and wife. nail$2.00 Shoes. MEAT8 I -_ _ _ _ _ _~ at and.. Coats at reduced pri• Mr Welllug toD V. Vo rnell oeleFrp.sh Veal, Pork, Beef. Smoked I brated Ills 85'h blr~hd'I ces. Y , BUDd"y . Ham, Shoulde r, Bacon. Fnnks, All leather officers ' .... l\4ay 15th. by enterta Ii IlIrge Smoked Sausage and Leoners . number of hlB friends lniug putteea . all alzes; Officers" style' n ew House OC Lytle hull . The prices are rillht. oriatna ll1 sold for Shoes , original ly sold BunllaloDreeses and Muslo lind Interes ting wilt by w Aprons of Mr. (JorDell were tbe dlveral onll of all Churng sizes. old. Kernel up Nut. Purity the afterno on. ... from.... .. • Nut. reduced . Rev. BeDDet;t . of Duyton , tbe evan We buy good Butter and El{gs. geUat who was here lust wlntllr . visited friends here eeveral dl\ys Yours for Ser~ice, lad week. Walter Kenrlok rooel vod a oar of Next Door to Oaze'tteOffice cement , MoodlloY. Mr . and 1011'S . B. M. Cl&ril en&orWAYNeSVILL~. OHIO tain ed Mr aoll Mre. Ed Bergal\ ll, of 4 . _ Dayton , to Sunday dinner . Dr. and Mrs. L . G Brook uocompll8lfld the lIttlefl- ye .. r -old dangb ter of Mr , alld 14 r8. Penning ton. near Ferrv, ~o Dayton . Tuesdl\ y of lalt 1'he got n moment slips by lie- week , for an X-ray. fell at! 8 cause .....e are not ready for it. horae, Cl8uslng a very She bad break of ""I1aere i.e a tlde In the arCBira ,,( tbe 'elbow. Cars, .eIl which taken at ita nood leacIA Tractors and AfroplaneJ tAt fort un ••" Many a man ha. "'rll. J. M. Btaoy, DOytoD, i8 Repaire d. rebuilt, reeored . Service . Workm allIhip. Equipm mi ..ed hie chanee be<!ause he did not mtoll:lng au e:a:t;ende d of ent· viall with her We jtuaran tee our Non-bu rst Co~ not to burst from treezln a. have the Capital ready when' th e op. lIi.ler. Mu . Cbloe Sides. Al work Ir\l....nteed. Estima tes !riven. Work done while you portunit y came to make a proflt:lble Clyde Wharto u and walt spont deal. Place your money wisoly, 80· Sunday wltb Mr. andfamily when .t he golden opportun ity cornea, Grsatli t)nss, 10 Bay ton . Mrs. Levi JOG will' be ready fOr it. 'L ylle 0ltizelll8 are deHaM ed to . '. 408 South Ludlo w Strwt Ov n&. of interea ... bear tbat 'be etreets will aoon be 'One-Half Square Soutb of Union Depot -PI1Idton Ie .... Dayt on. Ohio oiled . . Mr. and lin. Walter Kenrlo~ lpont Bat,a rd.y evening and Sunday willi Mr. aud ' BAri. C. R . Blneiar • and family, _t.•Jamell, own . . A n,u mber of:po~ple. from here at-, tended the 01l18li " <: oomme noe . I rN ' 0$0 AND ·MRW YORK " . ' IINI7 Mal Boa • 'l'eII.'. ~ l ment and alumnr1)1a" at W:ayn~vlll" "~Ii=:~~i.=~ tG;achlu , facillUetI. Tlro tUII-Unw · lutruc& lln, ........... Al,l br'luche . of nunto, lau,ht. Loua tan ' lae' week. 'l'be. Bradut4 !1 from ~ ~Ru·.Le8ttaO~ t · here ' were: . '14181188' MUdte d-and . I """OI"a"~Dt prefll'N d. 1'&11 teriil-b qtu . . . Margar et Clark and EI1,lel Bllhop . 1. . 'and Mr. Earl Olark, and MI.I Bar. "'r~iIJ'£'N.tt ru~'LE .00' • . ! --... bara riler. of r,euy. BALL ....·Slnv . AlII n'S < Mr. aDd lira. Alber' 8"01 eD"r, . . . IIoIlth ivee&, a'aed a famll, diDaer, Sunclay~ OhIo. IIr. ... JlH. Ch....I.. J4 Jehal are bOUa beIIl *he IIok ItA
Neyer before in the history of Waynesville hu such
$3 9S
$3 50
............... 79c
2 Ibs. Peeled Peaehes tor .... .... 40c 2 Iba. Prunes. big ones. for .....35c 1 lb. Print Butter .. ........... .. .. ·18e 3 bars Star Soap ........... ......... 2.'>c 5 bars Luna SOap.... ... .. .. .. .... 25c 8-lb. Bucket Hllrring...... ........ 95c Freeh euPDly of Cookies. Cakee. (1heese ,Tidbits . Graham tl.Sodas . Hard Butter and Laurel Crackers. priced wat down
$4 00 1--------1
1-------..1-------u$2 50
--- --- -1· --- --- -
u. s.
$1 25
Walter L Sawyer, Prop.
The Go.ldeo Moment ~
' .. 6
lh .
-the Mia",i Valley School for Nursea ·
M- . -• .Building· AIIIl·.
WOII . I; Lost, J; Pet., .250 ' [) Ll\ DES ";;:. Bellbrollk ~t\ln" au l' Miamis again. '.'1'. last :)\Il1l1IlY . al Pllilhp!! Ilark-~ rorf' r;:ic WIl'Il !I to" Higgs pil'h d goud ball fu t ~ "l" live innings and the boys 1>1IIyed Ih l' 110LO E ~J 'lIe ~am o! behind him. hovill!! II (;· l o· l ':lIe ~core in lh<"ir favor at tht! end of t he ~.tc ~ li Cth . Then II challge !.tf pitcher . \\'a. Illude. SOIl1I1 mi screant cut th t> anchor rOil. anll the hulloon h ll~n't P~E PAl III~ en seen ~ in ce . :,,.. '3iC Bull Burt on hit thl'l'(' sing l s. Il·JII, In At trndi ve Case~ tripl .. and the IOIlj{cst hom~- run ever hit on the Held. In live t imes at .bat . e:::::= and his ('atchin~ qualpd hi~ hat tin" . ' t d Hluir. II IIl' IV nnw !Jut up a nil'c 1<'1Ime Satisf adon GlIat'au ee at second base and hit II nice triple. r;:ic or Money Refundl?d t oust:ow n . hertl. r:px t Sundav . ~ Thi s Offer fur a limited · 1.c
* *''*•' *'*'
'* .
*'*' **
Use our CllIssi_He_rI A _ d__ s f, _ ' r r e~ ltlt !l
--- --
tim!! only. Re mit liy money orucr
'*' ..:a~ h · ,..,'" Jf;
( IIU SIUlllpS)
''**'' '*' '*' ',.,..,*'
rJt. OfJll,
'* '*'*
The 1IIlll ll a i lo t own rs tnp.oting" of Miami Ccmet l'ry' Ass ucilllion will, lll' 14',5 BROAWAY held ill th e Chnpol. Monday . June ,*, 6lh . at l :30 p. m .• f o r theeler.tion of -.:~ >NEW YORK CITYJ three tru sttles. one seer l a ry.trens · l,* " urer.lln tl for uther irnp~ rtant I~u si io,*,,*,,*,*,*,,*,'J!c'J!c,*, *,** The engage ment is onllounctl\) nf ne!<s , A full Iltlpnclnnce I S espeCia lly . Mi s May Sin):{er. 111l1I,::hter uf III ,·. (Ie;lire,l Ilt tit i ~ lIIee t in 1:'. _ -_ -_ -_ _':.":..-:.. ~_~-:"--=:::---~~ 1.0uiR Singpr. of i'enri n. II I.. and Mr . je l L, M . -II ('1l1lt'r~on . Clerk . Charil's Evan Merritt . Hon of Mr". Charles Evun Merri! t . of 1\1t. II ()I!) . New J erR('Y . Mr. Merritl is 'L"S(oCia· An UrdlDlt.n l'e Lo ItOgUhlt8 lIw ( 'ollHtr uclion teoJ wilh Ihe r 'Mill hrunch nllicll lie lUIlJ Utll)lt.ir or tUtJo\\ulht f , l ' u rlJ:t I ud Uu' · t ur t> wll,hlu tho l."'t..w,,, ,rlttu IinllU lit tb e VII· f InKIt the Tl'l1velers' I II urllnce IIf \\I I~Y Il t:H\ lII .. , StlH.e uf ' l hICl. "0 I~ ortlo lliOlI by "Iau Cuuncil u t \.1It) Village Hartfor d. Cnnn. o f WllyuOd
Ordinance- No. 99
(). I
DEATHS Mrs. Mllry Furnas fo'rnmc dif'd a t her home on Diamon d Hill. l a~t Fri. tlay mornin g al 7 o·clock. The funeral was held, M()ntlay mornill g". at the White Brick Meeting hou se. Rev. Kenw orthv. of Wilmin gton. condu ctilll(' the se rvices. Several f r iends o[ the d eceased ~ poke word s of comola tion t o t he berea ved . j nt erment. was made in Millmi ceme te ry . Ali ce Bell. daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Paunce Sm1o!8,1. of nellr Cen te rville . dierl Slltur~ay night about 12 o·clock . 'fhe fun eral was hel d Tu eRdoy afte rn oon a t 2 o'clock. at the M. Ii:. ch urch in Bellb r ook. In terme nt in Bellbrook cemeter y. Word was roll: iveol he re . Mnnday . by MrR, Alice McKinsey . Rt.nling t hut her brolh er-in-Iaw. Asa I~g he rt. of Kansas City . Mo . had died at hi~ home in t hat city. ut lin carly hour Monday mornin g. The fun e ral is being held at his late home t.his afterIloon. and interme nt will taktl place the re. Mr. Egbert is well known t o citi zens here.
Fre~h Sai led P eanuL~ .lh oll lyl fic A:lsl . Chucolu t 8 . CIlIl . Ib .onty2iic (; oud Ri u Coll'ee. lb . only ...... 15c KiJ'k' ~ Naplha SHap . 4 r"r ...2[,(~ J c r~ cy Itllllcd Oats. pkg ........ IOc J erHI'y f 'an~lIke Flour. pk g .. . IOc Early Ju ne PPllR. cun . un ly .. . IOc 8tl'ul-cu t Co ll'ce. Ih. on ly ...... :!Clc: Hu lk Mllcaro ni. lb . only .. ...... lfic Goot! Brooms , only ...... ......... 50c
SrEC IAL. NOTI E- TIl th o~e who receiv d 11 coupon fllr 1\ can of Varno!a c fr e. pl ea se brilll{ in yo ur COIIIlOn!lllnU get 1\ 35c can Fin:!!: hcfore June 2nr\. Varnola c callnot be bt'a t [or f1o()r!'. furn iture and mllll)' other uscs. We have groun·.1 co lor. t oo . Linseed Oi l. Turpentin e and Floor Pllints. We sl'll Monarc h Hnuse Paint.coYprs 400 sq . ft. 2 coats . It is the best paint a nd the' cheapest pai nt. Ask a hou t it. Bring' II!! your Chickens. Bill tor anrl Eggs. . I t l'ays to Ttad e at -
.aWl:g.,": J~6s~o~)~r~ aho"'l lob It
ehtl penon
a~~'r.~~Y6~6'i'~IIIr:Jl;nJ ' Danoo a h" ll r.ak o elT~· ' au'" 00 10 rOfl:e lrow ~1U1 . rr.cr ,be c arlieKt. ..',1rl....1 a lluwod I>y law.
I '~td hy tho 'ouucll o. Lhe YmHa Wa)' u8fo;v lllo, tiLUt6 uf O h lu. lM. aN da, o"tr
M. L. I'A 118nA I.l•. Mayor.
I(eep the flies Out
We have all kinds of Screen and Screening.
Tuesday a fter school, the local tlClOP Ilnd Scou~master ·N. P. Blatt hiked to the home of Mr. Will 0' Neall where a deliciou s and abunda nt lunch of sandwic hes. pickles. cheese. ice cr~m and cake was se~ved by Mrs O'Neall , assisted by Misses Louella and Jo'rances Janney. Afte r doing (ull justice t.o the lunch the scouts en j oyed games. and a fe w comple t£d par t of the second- class test. To date the test has been complet ed by two scouts - Ber t 0' Neall and Hatfi eld . Afte r voting to return at some fu t ure date, the scouts departed for home.
Keep your Food Cool and Sweet
We have the Best Enamel-Lined Refrigerators. Keep Cool while Cooking
We have the Florence, Puritan and Perfection Stoves 10% Disc ount on all Oil Stov es
for One Wee k Onl y
Begirining Thursday Morning, May ·26th
---- ...----- -
Some "transla tors" of Aesop's ll'ables use "IHm" tor "goose" In the table about the goldell egg. but th e Greek of the "text" Is "chen." whIch looks like some tountnlnhead of "hen" but renlly menns "goo~e." · The accepted translntors or rnthur ndapter!!, follow the fnmtllnr word ot the vnst majorIty. "goose." It must be remembered U,at tllerc renlly Is no orlglnol Aes()o plllD text, bllt only some later tTllnecrlptlons ot what came to be regard· ed ns the fnble!' told by the old slave.
Sp ec ial -FOR -
W ·. O·O L We are prepar ed ,to take iri Wool at our wareroom in' Corwin, oli
Frid~y & ~·aturda.y .
May 27 and 28 50 Trimm ed and . Untrim med Hats .a t.
$1~98 .
, tnes4ay and~~ai .
or. eac~ ' week, a'Dd pa~ghest cas\i price
W. , J~ ' BAKER,
TH E . Mi'8.
I ..
bo n ut lllutl cun liu L be taului. ~ ho Ma),or fur thwlth caudU s u c h LK'ftWU Lo IJu lJul1ned Ill' lJ uhUcatlou In Lhu w tualle f rntYJdud LJ1 la w. BIIIJ abllli obt.in and I"OCdR the at1h.1av't. (I t tho IlULJllatul f tuat. IUch Ilullllutlo u bu been IIIM!:'tlon ., All o the r o.!tunaoce l. or pari . o t ordln.llcea. \'Ol\lllc Ung wiLh "hi. ordlu&1h 'u
H ot da ys ar e he re
----- -
Was •
hyK~t:~\~I~~6. 'J hat aU JltlVUllh.mt8 or .l d6W.U, ~ whkh rully h tlrolltl8 r 110 u1 ",lu or relJairud un In " aid Vill a!!", .h"U nu,..,,, ",: Ilh &1 10 a 11IU'U \ at or the :;lde wl\l k I ud U"'14r om w h · ttioo! t h o L'OUIII'U ut Llle \' SlIal6 lit \\ &)'lItli!1vlll , ~tft\..o tit Ohio, fUllJ/Ut' " W thu ... ,pro".J 0 1 th" "'uul1cll u l galt 1 \'l latlO , Mod,lo u 3. WhClltH'o r In "he o l,lnlo l1 lit COUDd l ft .h.1I tJu n~l't..... t,r)' to ctlul l rul't. ,"Ir rull.'r au )' .ldewb.IK . curlJ o r wut.tur , _,,-It.. '"uncl l 'hall au doc la ro IJ)' ~ 1S.""'hl .c u rOlMJ lu · I loll I.h a\ •• ttl 8ltluwnlk . curLJ ur I " (.tor l'ill ttll be "Ollitrul't u.t or r"va.lrmJ. lpOclly lU)I thv lu('tithm, c hara.clor aull wl d"b u r UU~ .h,l.wal k, cur u or gut.l..ctr t(J It OOlU"ruClAl4l or re ll.tree \. 1'ho M."ur on \)Qlllg advlllVll flf "ho p .....e of fiuch ruao lutlhll . .tlitJl CILlUi6 • • rJlrteD Doth'" 10 be IItvun \-0 tho ow ner. or _,D Ue. or th owner o r MUl!h Illlrcel or la ntl alHnUOK uHll Ilu'h !ildowa lk , c urh or KuttOr, " 'bu may bt1 '" N !'h..lotlt of lSald Vlll~ e an d call t>t' fOUIl(J1 o f "llta v~... ~e of .-m' ll rl*ulut lun, ~ud .. 11.. 11 rlJt.urn 11("'0( ')' o f lu\:h ' lUI" aunl "la.uoer 0 ' Hervi '0 um10'''oo "heNau. ur wl"tt "he .... '· 1II0u t t il ,." t.he l)tIn;ou Lo be lIotlUed ",tu.ldo lUlU\' (16 fuumt. '1'110 Mayur .. hull k60lJ a HU p.~ 1O rocnru In which flu tl lu&lI roco rd III re.eulut.loll"l t.() t.."O IlILruc l. or rOllldr eh.1t1waUu. c urw,or lUI "'MI th n d at Ol or uu'll!.V am! ,b e nJ'uru \u4'n'-, IJf, toR6t.hor with a oy ot her prut.'ttbt.llu Kd " .. k l' lI lJy him undor the r ••u l ut.w u or UJ uucll In rtJ · UII)' HtNti(.
1·UUS. L. J·JSI1 U&. CIerI .
--------- ..
A~80p'. H~n
vHlu. it"L" ( I f U lal n: ~ut. tluu t. 'I'ha' loll., width uf au)' aldew. I" nud Lhu wlllertu.' out uf whld , the .111nlll . h aU 110 COtlM, rUl" t\.'t.IlIhllll btl uotorw luelt I))' rcen lu \t oo of t.;uulld l . uu l~ ut.lIe r wtliO Vruvh l ud ror
and.: M~tro~.
SB OP PE· Wayne.vlDe, 01110
.. ~eventy- Third
E 1, 1921
Whole Number 5437
Won, J; Lost, 3; Pet., .500
)/I. H. Madllen was in CincInnati Tuesday,
Way nesviil e, Ohio, May 28, 1921 ~ To the Lot Owners of Miami Cemetery: tE" Th e Board of Directo rs makes a 'P6j~ special apl)eal to the Lot Ow ners for _ _ th ei r attendance al the annual meeting , Monday, June 5th. lI o u ~e for sal.:!- See Laybourne. li'irst uf great impo rtance the en. tir e board's time expires by not Cha.~. ilunham , of Covmgton, Ky., havin g eno ugh members present to Wll.q In town Monday . hold an election in past yeara.
Ur. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Broad way, Lebanon, Ohio.
Frank Wo"llpy and fam lly. Dayton, ~pe n t Monclay here,
Mrs. Earl Evans was vlaitlnar In Xenia, last Saturday.
Fred Hartsock and family. of Milford, spent the wCt!k-end here.
Orville Gray and family Ipent Sunday with relatives in Clark8ville.
W. H . Allen spent th e wee~ -e nd. with relatives in Detroit, Mich .
W. P. Salisbury, of Cleveland, spent the week-end with hiB chlldreD here.
Mr. l--:arl McMakan and family, of Dayton, Apent Memorial Day here.
1 -1
Our Miamiscame back to life with a venlreance, lallt Sunday afternoon, administered a three-ply shut-out to the slrona Poasttown team . Thl8 wall one of the best- it not the very best- games ever played at Phillipa park. Hoth pitchers worked at top form and were accorded eilt-t>dge support, especIally from the two atone-wall inflelds. . After several years of vacation, Georee Waterbouse resumed his old ltation at Recond and went right on with his fine work, just as though he hadn't rni8llerl a game. WIth Buck Crane back at short, Beevo McClure at first, and the ever reliable Carl lo'rye at .t he hot corner, the Miamis now have an infield that i~ the equltl of any in amaleur circleB. The game was !l thriller frum start to finish, the result beIng in doubt until the last man had been re tired. Time lifter time did each team fill the blllle8 with none out, only to have their hopes of a t.ally ruined by fast double plays and other brilliant work by their opponents. In the Bt:cond inning Bob Burton ahowed bi8 appreciation of a free trip-to first by pilfering 8econd, and from thl'nce he rode all the way home on Brother Howard's good lIngle to center. This tally .Wllll very lonely unlil the lalt of tbe el,hth, when Orsborn'S single, a millplay by the oppoain!l pitcher, Crane'. fly to center and a mad heave by the above mentioned fielder sent Matty und Dave Conner trotting bome with two more nice marker8. Poasttown scored lheir runs like the little boy shut the rabbit . Score: Poaattown ..... .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 Miamw - ...... ... O 1000002 x- 3
House for sale-See Laybourne.
Monday afternoon, after the close of the Memorial Day exerclse!I, the Clarksville team and the MIamis anve a grllllJ (1) exhibitiun 0' how the great national game IIhould NOT be played- About the only redeem~ ing feature of the embroglio was the tiact that the Miamis came back, :attar !lIving their opponents a Bef'minily overwhelming lead, drove the crack pitcher, Dodd, from the· bolt, and finplly won out. By 8trenuous efforts, Clarksville Ilarnered 12 hits, 12 runs and 7 errors.-but1he Miamis acored 6 hits, 13 runa and 11 errors, and _the team 8eoring the largeet number of runs always wins. Thank the aodd~ ot gOod luck, tbe Miamia got that meaa of rottenness out their lIyatem. witbout eerious COII8equencM. We. a~ aroina' to MIdland' CIt,. next Sunday,
Mre. A. C, White, of Owenllboro, Ky., i8 visitini' her siMter, Mrs. A. L, Sides and family, and other friend. Mrs. Mary Caskey and &randaUlfh-
ter, Mias Jane, and Mil!llliJa GitlleDII
of Da~ton, spent here.
Memorial Da; .
Mr. and Mrs J .. W. B.arbyao·d:80n, 01 Georlltltown, Ohio, were the week end !ruests of Mr. J, O. Cartwright and familv,
ANOTHER MEMORIAL DAY FITTIN.GL Y OBSERVED Another Memorial Day has passed the invor.ation by Rev. Holt. Li eut. anrl gone, and judging by the large Waterhouse. in a ver y fittin g manaa8embl.geatthecemetery, Monday, ner, presented Capt. Thomas H· the interest has never lagged. An appreciative audience was present, and although many citizens were very busy at thtlir belated form work, many left their 9l.9 rkJo-.pBl' their respects to the memory of the veteran. of the two wars. Early In the morning many citilens wended their way to the cemetery, and decorated their loved ones' graves. At the appointed hour, the band and the &y Scouts march to th.e eemetery, and the services com- I menced, The proaram W8ll in charge of LIeut. Georlre Waterhouse. After
, Little John RaIne, returned borne s.turd,~. (rom (he 14..... ' Valle;. hoepl~ •. ~tiere ~ und.a:~.w.n o~ etatlo~ ~olf@ppendIClltl~. ae "is aet. t1ntr alonlr ~Icel' _ . " , .
Ir~' Lou";";.;lIttlt'"a,,*lit.r ~f' Itt. 1Ul~ M~ Vern-.aoUlti; ·.~..,t&ken to Wllniln,tob, ' ODe day·)..t week,' anil underwent all operatton tor tb.. . mov!'1 of fAenoids .and. to~li" ,~j child ill ~verin, nl~'ly. . . ;r., ;' ':
' :
The toll owing poet ry wue comSecond Sunday afte r Trinity , June posed and read by Mr. Whittier 5. Church 'Sc hool at 9:30 a.m . SerBurnet at the annual Alumni ban- mon and Holy Communion : at 10:30_ Quet, beld here la:st week- Ed. The public cordially invited to these services. We traVE'led down lone country ways _ __ __ ... - - In a June of lollg agoUse our Clas~i(jed Ads for results. A bridal pair in a queer old chaise With a genUe horse and slow, Through clover fields and wood land shade. By a rIver and past a mill; And this Wall the law oC love we made: "Ooe kiss at every hill!"
\The Home Bakery will have. It
9pelll~, SaturdaY. at tbe Gill ltand:'
- -_
. ~
8uic;1t1. Among Muslcl.-". Rare,
r-- ~~
A Mission will be held at SLAngu8tine's Catholic cburch, commencing Sunday, June 12lh, and closing TuesdAY, June 14th_ Services will be held aR foll ow!': ~umlay - Mass and sermon at n a m. SClrmon," Marks of the·Chur.:h." Bene9iction at 7 p m. Monoay-Mass and sermon at 9 a: m. SE'rmon, "Sacrament of Penance." Bemdiction at 7 p. m . Tuesday- Mass and sermon at 9 a. m, &trmon and "Holy Eucharist." Benediction at 7 p. m. Confessions \\ ill btl heard on all day s before Mass. and in the ('vening!! afler Devolions. Father John F. VilI'ers, of Cincinnati Ap'lstate, will conduct Mission . Wm P. O'Conner, Pastor.
It hili been :o!)nd
.... wm
Mr . and Mrs . Wm . Mohr and 80n, __ William , of Dayton, spent the week_ end with Mr>l. Huldah Burnett and \ Tuesday afternoon, Mav z., MISS f '1 Ii'loramond Reed and her mother enamI y. tertained in honor of Mrs . Isaac Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Anderson, of Brown Jr., of Marstellar, Pa. Dayton, Ilpenl Sunday and Monday Those present were: Mrs. "ABC with Cha.q. llrown and family, of Brown Jr., and Bon, Ernest Chfton; her mother, Mrs, Cora Sumner, Mi. Co rwin. Annie Madden, Mrs. Sophia Moore, Mr. Ed Hathaway and wife, ~r . Mrs. George Ellis and dauarhter,MIBB Roy Hathaway and wife and MI S. Vesta, Miss Merle Ellis, Mrs. Chas. Garner spent Sunday with fri ends Collit!r and the Misses Judith aod Edith Collier, of Portland, Ind. near Yellow Sllrlngs. Lemonade, ice cream and cake House for sale- See Laybourne. were served and a pleasant afternoon was passed with music and friendly ...- - conversation.
----_ ...
D~~~n~:~e ~:~di~'g ~. v~::t~~~ ~: ENTERTAINED
that sulCJde t.
uuco/.umon. Clnong
mU·RI~lllnll. ·
SehnmllDD attempted It, lin!! It la IlllO fe'corde!! of TschnlkOwsky, tlut ease '
Thl! band concert, MondayeveniDa drew an immense crowd, and was fully enjoyed. The boys gave a varied concert, and the large number of people present enjoyed every num..' ber. Several automobilists" who ~eemed to enjoy riding back ancl forlh through Main street, spoiled the conce rt for those who wished to hear it . The bovs were attired in their new' uniforms, and presented a very nifty appearance. Thc' next concert will be gIven Wednesday evening, June 8th, • _ • "'--=-~-~--
five or six weeks at the FrIends Home.
though the , If nothlUIl bappena to'PNvent', ' Tthel , IW~ . girl, and with .dude. - to take up htr time, ."~II have a rood a~pp!, t~ej ~ ' flOt it theM! obltilcles to 100d old,-time Ure8d: Cak~' .·rdna. ' l1er.frOm writing her name IIi \ 1,:i. , 'jJa '--world'l, hall of fame. eb" The Pl1tilic w111 be very·alad ,to . S ' .".lCOfcqolk raciium: the .moll The annual lot- IOwlierli. meeting ()f , tU;ve. lOme.~ blklnar to ~n~ Pf~" Dl metal.. Now ahe IB ' Miami',Cemetery AS80cialion 'will be m' the United Stales'· to receive held In the Clia~181( Monday, J.une . ' - - - - - - - : - ' - - - - -..... . abel. Mr. MaeB!th' ,u~teM ~t fl'Oft\ til., halMls Prrsldetu Hard6th, at 1:30 p, m., for the election of DOrothy's 'slIfTrngettl' mother :fUr,J hla~. wlll-taeap-to the Itaodard. . IRl ra :'pa.m of radiUm, valaed . Ilrfd it (lilt. So here. it is; cloDc.Tn AD10nllDa to • . State .Jaw. . . . $100.000. the ai'. of American wo-, three trustees, one aecretary-treas- rnerc.c.rized pbplin wittt Hardin" "'" who .admire her IIreat IeWII~rer .. and for other important husi Rh(c collar whlc.fl. is blltlCned anc,!. , loaf brefId miMi n18h oDe or tile Won. There are 01111 ) •• _ . ODe ..., . . . . . . . . '.Here-' ··lIfIIml of l1IIlivm In the · worlel toneas. A full sttendance ill especially fi n iS/ltd ill ~ bln'tkct Atltch. 01 heavy red rl)pc silk_ The! blollse 11 IadiI Her two .1IrI1, 21 a ..11 desired at thill ~E!I8t1ng. '" the neck wilh • ribbon 'ot~ tJ14 ~_ lie 10 IIUI lie' da,. 16 ~tnr. old, ICroftIj)U1acI her here atplt. ,-_ _ lIlaa. ~. - IteAa .............. f'1'I!W!o" je1 L M. ·B:end,Braon. Clerk, silk, which, with the red OIl the toa. I ,Iar. adda a~, 91~_"'" .. -:... ... . _ : -. 9 ~ , • ... .... .
Mrs. W. H. Allen left, last Thursfor Chicago, where she will visit for a short time with relatives. . Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth RIdge, of Grand Rapids. Mk h , 8~ent Memorial Day hoiidays here WIth relatives.
------ - ...---
Ed Roland and family were the Iruests of Walter Hale and family, Sunday and Monday, . Roger ~organ and Mrs. ~almda Morgan. of Dayton, were callmg on fr iends here, Sunday.
Our journey enrls; beyond some rise Of ground our pnths dividE', And orie shall walk with tear-dimm c.ocl eyes; Yet let Love's Law abide That has RO oft our griefs allayed; Can we bu t hol,l it still We shaJlnot bl! 110 much afraid : One kiss at this IRst hill! -Whittier Burnet
T.ogether through the fleeting years In Summer bloom anu Winte r Mnow We've follow ed the roarl oC song and ter.rl'l All mortal lov er~ go, And climbed th'e height" though rough and Bteep, With steadfast heart IInci will, Nor once have fauled J.ove '~ Law to keep: "One kiss at every hill!"
Mr. Ed Hathaway and wife, and Mra Ella G.rner. of Columbu. Grove, Ohio. bave been apenlnar &eV,,'eral dal'a with Mr. and- Mrs. ' Roy :Hathaway" . .
Morrow, of Cincinnati . wh o paid a beautiful tribulj:! to the chairman, who was in his command du ring the late wa r. CHIJt. Morrow al so lJaid a very tine tri bute to the vete rans, and his remark s were well tak en . Imm edia tely after his address. t he procession ml) vl'rl t o th e cannon mound, where lhe cuncluding exerci8es were co ndu cted. Paul H. Bo lton, Waynesvill e's n ot~ d yo ung orator, very impresllively de livered Lincoln 's Gettysb urg add ress. after which ' the 1J0y Scouts strewed the Howers. After laps , the crowd left the grounds, much impressed with the program of the afternoon.
Mr. and 111'11. Ho"ard Stroud, of Mn. Jonathan Bivena died at her CinCinnati, a~ .~ndinll a few days with their parenlB, Mr. and Mrs. home Ilear Ridgeville Monday afternoon, Mra. Bivens was formerly a Robert·stroud, reaident ot Massie township, The Mr. and Mra. Clift' Rld,e, of C0- body was taken to Fort Wayne, Ind., · for burial. lumbus,. apent Sunday and Monday here with their parents, Mr. and Mra Mahlon Ridare'. . Chrlaty Madden, ot North LewiBburlr, and J, Macl~eraon and tam~ liy, of Sprinarfteld, were wl!ek-end lllaitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Madden. •
Mrs. Cliff Burnett.
Mert Baird spent the wt!ek-end with frIends In Indianapoli., and allO took in the auto races.
Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Silver, of wlLh
Second , the State Association has conferred a great honor upon us bl planning the annual conference to be held here June 23 and 24. This reflects much credit upon our community and every lot owner stands alike and ought to feel enough interest .and pride In t.he movement to attend the annual meeting and share the responsibility of making the coming eveot a complete succeAS. Consid er yourself a committee whether you have been spoken to or not. No contributing for the fir8t lim e in our history to a state function . S. L. CARTWIUGHT, President,
fiRST BAND CONCERT Miss Minnie Satterthwaite, of DayDREW LARGE CROWD ton, spent Decoration with Mr . and
Mr' and Mra. Howell Pierce, who vl8ited relatives in Indlanalut week, are at home a&,aln.
epent Beveral daY8 POOR EXHIBITION Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Silver.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylo r, of Chicago, aptlnt Memorial Day with Mr . and Mrs. Allen .
Mr. ~d Mra. Euarene Conner, 'of Dayton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Werntz, Monday. .
George And Will Stiles, of Xenia, viRited their aunt, Mrs. Hope Stiles, Sunday.
St. M.rl'B Guild will meet with Mi. Letitia M~Ka)', on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. John Ryne and tamily, of neat Ferry, wero Memorial Day guests of Mrs. Anna E. Haioe9.
Mr . and Mrs. Ora Tidds and Dan Co m ford visited fri ends here, Sunday
Mrs. Earl Swayne, of Ridgeville, vIsited ber mother at Corwiu this week.
J. P. CummIngs 8pent Beveral days lut week at the postmast.en' conBatterlc8: McGill and R_ Stettler; vention in Columbus. _ Orsborn and it. Burton.
~ ~ LOC;AL
of mU81~IilnB who linve killed. themI8tVefl liTe very
rare_ It ,Is said
these filetS - are . IiO, because ot the mental eompOlUte Ilnd 'Jlalanea fOlto . tered Ii,. music. .
---....... --'~,
.Jud TunldnL . \Vaa. . 1.:. ' l'~'" sUmflltr .Jul! :runldna 1a)'8 man, - m~. '!leo motor Car I thinks he II 11m. Ild'Vtce ..hI!'! he II h:."~ . ,,h~nged it I merely beIDa encoursged to 100ll8D up .ill< '11 idul lot
hlB coDveraaUoG aDd aet 1111 mlUllftl . )"taken.
,·,·em"." _ IId~
The Miami Gazette, Wayneeville; Ohio. I
r" I'I'In·r. I I KI1P\\' , lll"f'I'o "'8S tOUI 1.l u)· Ill/oul, r,uII t h,' tllllllnCAA t whnt ht' lu1d ~ \l lld l'nl! mlllhl Ul' his mind tll <10 Ilv\'l'r "\.fll~k hllO; b,' lot:! lhn t O1 I1II1Il'r or ftl<)l. II \\'IIS mode thut \\'11)" n,ll II l l , r('"lh~d f' "Iuus prnyer, thlll he It uuld shoot ~t rll l ltb t-Ilnd th en III' hl'lt! hl~ 1'l1'I,lh. Th e cruelc IIr Ihp shut Illll i tile hur.' tlllll of th O on ly dJed rk II gl1 l bull o III the room
The Adventures of A Demobilized Office1Who Found Peace Dull "SAPPER"
Illustrations b\j JRWlNMYERS
Copy r '9ht by Geo H Doran Co
"bly. '''I wlll
1 , 1o-1' 1 "~
" Jr he I. ""Illelently I"('COvcretl
('o nd''''t lIu, III ...8 ns USlllIl , why dill II" 8('nd his ('ouH. h'ntlal 8ec rctury U\\ 11) Y~!'iterjlRY morllinK on ftU urK~nt nll ~
slon 10 1l ~ 1(" " 1 1" "Senrt'h "'1'1," slllti Hugh. "Ind · dentllll y. huw llo you know he dlllT " r usked At U,e Cu rltun tlI le mornIng," she nn~wered . "1 8uld l"d rome after 8 luh u typist for Mr. Potto. Th~y lolf! me lit rh e Inquiry office thllt he was III In IJed 8nd unab le to Ree IlnylJody. Su I u.k od for hla secrelo r y. nnd t1If' Y told inC whnt I've ,Ullt lold you-thul he hnd lett for Belfnst thn t nlOmlug nlld would be Ilway 89' " I'rol dnys. It mDY be thnt there's t"'lh ll,,, In It: on the other hBut!, It ma \' bf' th At there's a lot. And U's onl)' by fullu wln g up e\'ery pos81bla .. Iue." she con tinued flercely. "tlIat I rnD hope to befit tbole Benda and Ke~ Iinddy oul of their clutches," Drnmmond nodded gravely, and did nOI spook. For Into hili mind had flnshed suddenl y the remembrance of thai sinister. motlollloaa ftKure Rated hy the chR ul'reur . Tbe "ndetlt iIleMwork cortalnly--no velUge of prootnnd yet, ha\'lng oneil come. the I hought 'tuck. And a. ho turned It over In litH mInd. almost prepanld to laugh lit hlmn lr for hIs credulltyrnll1lonnlres are not remo" ed nralnst theIr will. In bl'08d dayllgbt , from one of tlfe bln_ beltel. tb Loodon. to .., In Immovable alienee In an open car - the door opened and 00 elderly mon came 10. Bnlh rose, and tlie ,ITI Introduced the two men. "An old fl'iend. daddy." sbe said. "You Diult have ' heard me Rpeall: of Captalu Drummond:' ") don·t recall the name at the moment, my dear.;' he answered courte· ously_ tact ",bleh -.a8 hardly sur· prillng-"but I fear I'm ' lOtting a little forlet101. You'll lltop tlod have 80mt' dinner. of course." Hugh bowed. "I .bould \\lte to, Mr. Bentoo. Thanll: )'ou very milch. I'm amid the bour of my CllII WBi II little tnform,,!. bot being round In tb_
IIIIred ber Ilrmll. "I · IOPpQse J mtlll have to trust
you," ahe said.
"Hln you !leeu the evening papers today'" ("lloolI:ed ' at tbe ooel thnt come out lJi the -liIomlDg labelC<1 !!Ix p . m.; hefore I hid In nch." he answered. "Ill t'lere anything ot Interest'/'· Sbe hIIoded him a eopy of the Planet. "Read that little PRralJ1lph In the second column." She pointed to It. .. h e took the paper, and Hugh read It aloud. . "Mr. Hlram O. Potts-the celebrated Amertcan millionaIre-Is proereae· hli ,tavorabl),. He hai 'gone Into the CIlun~ ,tor a tew daJ'l, but ,., sut· 8clt!Dtly rero"Yered to conduct huslness 81 DlUal." Be laId down the paper and ,looked at ~he gtrl B!ttlorr oppoelte. -'one t. plealed, ' be remarked In a puzzled ' toue,' ''for the sake ot Mr. Potte. To be til aud have a name Itll:e that Is more than most men tould .lltand.. But I don't quIte
eee . • •"
•• uada.L.', "
With a Craah the Stopper F.U From Mr. Benton'. Nervele.. Flnge,.., a .... klng the FI nget' Bowl In Front of HIm, While Every Veetlge of Color Left HI. Face. parts. I telt I moat come aod 10011: 'M Iss Benton up." His hOllt smiled nbsentmlndedly, nnd wallUng to the willtlow, stllred through tb e ' gllthe rlfl'g dusk at the hOUHC opposite, hilit hidden In the trees. And Hugh, who wus watching him trom under lowe red IId8, saw blm lIudd~nl)' clencb both han ds In n gelltUI"C of despulr. , It caonol he 9nld ihat dinner was !lIelll of HI.nl·kllog gaiety. Mr. BentOil WIIS palpably 11\ ot ellse. and beyond a fe w desultory remarks spoke hn rdly Ilt 011: whll l! Ule girl, who BIlt 0IJposlte Flu ~ h. tliough slie nHlde ono or two vnlluDt Illtempts til break tlIe 10011 s il e nces , sl,ent UlOst at the meul III ~'Overtly wntcbJog ber tnihllr. U anytblne more had been required tel coovllll'e Drummond ot the lIonulD~ ness or his lntemew wtth her lit the CHrlton tho pre~lng d"y. the utulQ80 ph e re u t this Itrillned lind slleut pnrty ,IIUIJI)lIed It. : AB If unronaelou! of IInytblllg pecu· i liar ho rawbled OD In hlB u8uul 'IncOusls tent metbod. heedless of wheth' ;er he lYa~ answered Or nut; but .IIU Ul e tlUle his mlud waR busily worldlllr. :B e hud IIlrendy tleclded lI,ut a nulls· !Royce WUij oot the only Clir 00 tbe 'DlaT1cet wblab coold .break doWtl mSII-
Ten lor IOceola. Handy size. Dealers carO'both. 10 lor 100: · 20 for 2Oc. It's IO.aled,
. , Jl~':~" '. ~ ..~ -~
.' ~t r.
~!r ' . ~(ic h ~l' l
Solso , o f l\l' lV
l -r " " ~ n , COlin ,.
p arcn t s of qU:.l. dr \lph.· ~. \\' Iu c h t o talc:d a \\ cih"nt uf
tW l' l iI.\
ro4t ,., ' II),!!!'
are th e prOlli l
p o u n d..
i U \1r
are fine, healthy. and 1I0rlllal chi ldr en . Thl<' ha", ' hl't ll lI alllcrl lall 1<" . Mirh 3d, Sl l" a tmc alld An ge lin e. Piclure i'; ;,f f..ti,,'r all ,1 b;.d" _. .
' ''y ,iu'll' 1'1111( If Villi \\' 11 111 nllytlllnl(, nnd win, IlIn tllwn 80 ror won' t nUl 1" ~II !.) l'lts tl ll~t. ""'f" 41.1I1't lawn)', his 1I0st could hardly fnll to ' hn vt,' ~'l~ rJo' JUB' I}' \" 1.~11 pr:o: lH're. 111lt 1 aek him t o stop the ni ght. An(1 Ih o:n hl'I"! )·",,'11 111101 (" ' . ' rytlolll~ YOIl reo I- he lind not yet <Illite sell1l'll hllw- qU ire,' Bn·ttk rll .... ' 11.1 111111.', " Ihe proposed to have n close r 11)(11; nt flrllllllll iIOri 1'1,,",·,1 tlil' IIIIM I,,,hll,(\ The E lms. I hhu, urad ~ t lllld for n lIhilOf'rlf I n I At length the men I wns O\'I'r, lind sllenf'e, IIlOk lll1( '''''"111 till' hlili. It the mold. ploclug tloo 111'(""11.... In wu s () 1'~(l rt(ld . tlU! ht.' WU l lt l'l l to J!\' ( front of Mr. Benton, wltl1t1ww rrom flu" KP4IJ.,'Tn ph y II f tllli hotJ loi(' IInnly 1m · tlle molD , prl ll ll".1 1111 hl ~ 11111111. lie "Irll l"ll "You'll hnve a gln8Jl of port. ('n ptoln n CrOss tl)\\, ur d Ihl' tlr'Hw ln g· l'volH. In· Drummond '" relnurk ll,1 hl R host, r('- RllI I" us l,p h"I'O'I 1. til' ( "lind II", I(lrl. moving the etofll lCr, nn!! 1'II "hllll1 tho :-i.hf' rO~l' tht· In ..:tllill II", n ltut- In . hottle toward him. "An Ilhl pn'-w lU" Hull ~t o ntl fly t i ll' I1I::lI ltI'l ph ~' fI \\llh hpr ,wine which I rlln vouch for: ' illillds 11', 'kpII. ""' hilt 11"11" It )" "h(' hnlf whl~crc<l " Hugh smlle,l. lind evon ns he IIttell - " thll t lI\\"ful ",.l sl· III i1ll1n er?'" , the benvy 0111 cut gln ns. I, e gtllTl'nCll H e 11)111'1"11 III 1II'r grlln'ly for n illuddenly In hi. chair. A l'ry-hlllf Iabout, hllif 8Creulll, and stifled Ilt ' whll ll, Illitl 1101'11 Ill.' hool! his III'IId, lone&-rhad come echoIng through the "!>h ull WI' It'll I',. It IIH II nlKht -hlnl for lopen WIndow.. WUh n "mall (he f lit" J1"I'SI'1l 11" IH' 8uhl qllll-'tl~·. Thpn he I ru l lI~ 1 tllW'Hll her, nnd ",ok I",r I.topper t ell from Mr. Bellton's ncr VlL- tlllllt.!,. III h l~ UWII . "no to hl'Ll. Jltt l p IInlers. break log thc flnger·bowl girl ," lip. ""If' rctl: "IIII ~ Is lilY ~ how. lin front ot him, willie ('\" ery vesllge Allfi. IlI lIy I S II .\', 1" thl lll' y""',,. JURI wOIIIIl'rful. 'fllnnlt Ootl yo u !'lIlW Illy ' of color lett hi! tace. I "It·, 80metblng these dnys be nd\" c rtl !-i~IIH"Ht !" Ol"Jltl v h E! l"(I)Pfl!,(pcl he r IIIUlll ~, nn" iable to ' 88Y tbat." remnrkcd Hugh. IPouring out hIm self II glual!. "Wine, walking to the dllor, hl' I,1 It open fu r ,1I11!8 Bentoo'" Hc looked lit tbe girl, h pr. "If lil' 011)' "hn n p yo u .houlll Iwho Ins IItorlng fe/lrfully out of the hl'n r tblngs In rl,., III j(lit-tllru over : window, and torced he r to meet bJs 8nu go t o sJer p H I! I~ln . " "nut whut IIro you ];olnl( to do'" Ieye. "It wlll do you good. " . 81.8 tone waa compelllng, nnd rlfter she cr1~d, HUllh ' !;1'lnll\~ l , "I hn\' '!l't thE' re,a moment'! hesltutJon, s hc pushed 'the glasa over to blm. "Will YOU pour mut est Id eu." h~' Iln Rw(·rf'd. "UnllLtout'" IIbe 88ld. lind he 11111\' thot ehe It'ti s lit Lord \\"111 )lru\' lu~:' ' wl8 trembling ove r. Th" IM II,u t t h, ' Klrl h"" lett thr - "DId )'ou-(\Id you hCIlr--nnyUtlng '" rOl '"' 11 111;11 swlld,,·" 11 fT lll l' IIl1hlS, und , ,With n vnln endeavor to s[lcnk cnlmly. 8 t ~P]ll'tl II Cru 8~ II) I h" I'uru,hls which co""red Iho 1011" \\" lm lnw5. lie )lulled hie host looll:ed lit 'lIu5:h. , "Thnt nlght·blrd?" he Ilnswered . them b,slll l\ 1 f' t1ln~: a hem c.,me t aellslly. "Eeri e nolsllII they milke, llon't I gel l, ,,r Ii,'hll,d 111m; 111t'1I. cn utloll s ly. h" 1I11111IIiCti On,' , I, ll' of the big cell' ' tbey' Sometimes In FrnnN!. when every thine WAS stili; tintl on ly th e rcr window. Sl lcnll~' h,' dnd gt!ll 8CrOSJI Ih" IlI\\'n lI1\\'n rrl rI,1' lil g tre('s nt .gl,ostly green flnres weDt his Ing up. ,one used to bear ·em. Stltrtled n~n· · ttl., t... lltl, find Il'tl tilnf,; lip fi J(lIlns t oot! jous sentries out of their li veR." H e of thplU, lie fJflh 'uetlt:ltl to lUukc 11 mort.' tnlked on, nnd gradunll)' tho color tletnlll'd s un',,)' "r Il ls nll'eeUvc, The ClIme bnck to the other mlln's tnce. EllII s. It WII S tl ll~ .. nlll~ ty}W of hOll~ t-' 'But 8ugh noticed thnt he drill lied hi s UR tbe 01',' It , hlld , 1I't left. 111,,1 t h., port nt a gulp, and Imme<!lntely r&- g r ounds s(\ClI1 eti uh .... ut thl' SlIfI1e sl7..f~. J\ wI", (I'nc" sellllrnted Lhe two plnees, filled his glass. . • • ; Outside everythlnll was 8tlll; no IIml In the dnl'kn e ~ !< H ugh could jllst IIIl1k e Ollt II 8 1111111 wicket-gille, clos· repetition of thnt short. stntnllle(\ cry Inl,( a pllth which conuected hath ognln disturbed the slience, With houses. H e !t'lel\ It, anti found t o hi s tbe trulnlng bred at mllny !lours In sn t1 stnctl on thlH It opened sil ently. No MRn'8 Lnnd, Drummond was lisSuvo (or oll e room ou tI,e grouod· ' tening. even while he wns 8penklng. fl oor tile hOIlS(l was In dllrklless. lmd for the tnlntest slIsplcloWi lIOund-hut Hugh dct crllli npu to 1111\'0 n luok nt he heard nothing. The 90ft whl~per· Ihut roum. There WIIS A chlilk In thll lng nlgbt·nolses clUUe gently through the "1ndow; but the mon wh o had curtll ins. Ihrough whi ch the li ght \Vns 81nmmlng IIul, wh lc'll stru('k him as IICreAmcd once dId not even whimper again. He remembered hCtlrlng n huvlng posslhlllti cs. Keeping uIIII'r cover, he edged IIlmllor cry nenr the bt1ck,slnck~ ot Oulnchy. nnd tv.'o nIghts Inter he had t own rtl It. nll(\, li t lellgth, be got Into n po~ ltloll from whi ch be COUI(1 see foulld the giver of It. llt tlIe edge Inside. And whnt he 8IlW made hlnl of a mln e-c~nter. with glozed eyes tho t dec'lde to chnrlt:c II, und go even closer. 8t111 held In them the horror of the Sen ted nt the 'fllhl:e wns ' a DlnD he IInnl second. And mote persistently did not recogn ize : while on either than ever. Ills thoughts con tered on the ' flfth OCl'IJpnnr ot the Rolls- sille ot him snt Lllklng tou nnd Pe terson. Lylug ou 11 80f n 8nloklng a Royce. cigare tte and rendin g II novel was a It wnll with nlmilst a 10011: of r elief that Mr. Bellton listened to hili tale nt toll tlurk girl, whl) seemotl complet ely uuluter~~ l ccJ In the proceedings of woe nbout hIs CIIr• tbe oll,er three; HII~h placet! he r "Ot course )'ou mU8t stop herl} f or lit once liS the dou btf,,1 flu lighter Irmu, the nIght." he med. "£'11)'111 9. IlI7 Ilncl r r.slllned hi s wa tch 011 th e group denr, wlll ,.ou tell them to get a lit th e lubl u. room rendy 1" A pO ller' WIIS In f:ront ot the mnn. With nn IIIBcrntnhle look Ilt Hugh, nlld Pl'101"80n. who ,,"us s!Uo kln g 0 10 wblch thllnkfulu us9 8ml UllllfcheuInr;:c "'gA r. WUS 1l11PIITc ntly s uggest· sloll seemell mingled, the girl left the lug Il\lIt he Rholllri Ilinke ll SC of tile room. There wn s lin unnotural gilt· pen which LuldnglOlI I\"lIS obllb1ngly ter In her futher's eyes-n flush on his 11 01111111; In r endln ess. In ulI reSpt'cts cheeks .hurdly to he accounted tor by o h" rllll ,.;.s tu hlen u. sU I'e for olle sOllllI the wurmth ot the evenJng: nnd t hln g- Ihl) ('xp rc ~810n on the mnn 's It struck DrumlUond thnt during th e rll C'e. Uu !:" l!ll d seen It b~rore oft CDtime he hud been pre temJlng to look olily III~II It hull b N'" cH ll ed s hell· at his l"flr, Mr. Benton hlld been forti- slillck. 'J'he 1Ii1111 WIIS rln1.cII, semi· tying hlms .. l.f, It wile obvious, even UIH'OfH; c!olJS. 1'~n)I'Y now nnd then b e to the soldier's ullprofess lonnl eye. stlll'l'd rllllnd th e r"01n, us If bethat tho IlJfiIl'S II p-rves hUll gune to v.. llt1pl"cd; Ih en hI' wnulll ~hnke hi s r, leres, his dllughler's wors t foreb od- ht'[lfl nn~1 puss hi s h UII.1 well rlly o"er Ings were likely to be tuUl\l cd. lIe hl 8 f " rchc," \. 1;01' n Qltll rlur or nn tnlked disjointedly nnd fnst : his hOur tilt' seem' "onllllll"d ; lhpn 1..llk· bands were not steady, and he seemed Ington I>ro~lu" t' 1 1 lin Ins trufll 'lIt from to be alwa,. waltlD/r for BOmeUtlng hIs pockel. I1ugh SIlW the mlln to happen. shrink tnlel, III t.'I·ror, lind rell"ll tor R\J~ blld pot been In the room ten lhe pcn. lIut wlillt lrul'ressClJ blm mlmUllA bf!1o~ 1118 hOlt pl'flduced tiUl llI OSI III thlll 11I"" wll tury I1nsh ot whla k)). And durlog the lillie tlont he netl ton \l"IIS I','t,-rsml. TIlI're WRit took to (Irlok 8 mild nlghl enp. Mr. snllll'lhlng IlIhllllll'lI III his l'OI11I,lote Bellton 8UCCOOtlt'tl III low(!rlng threo 1'IIs, ll' ir y. En'lI liS li e \\,ntt:hed the extremely 811'()ug A'IU SMeS or "l,lrlt. nlllll ~ I /:Illll;: his IIIUile. nil tTllee ot AI"I wllut mutle It tI.e IIIl1re ~I"I WIl S (,1U'lIlol1 _h"wed 011 hl A fn ce-whoreus thilt the nllto Wil li ob.lou~l.Y not a 011 ].II khl ,,' ulI·. th ere .hone It fl end ls h ht:-Ilvy th1nker by prc turclice. 811U"'ndl,,". At eleven o'clock. Hugh rose nud Th e. document wal! stili lying on . &aId 1I'0od night.. the tublc, when .Bul!,b produced )lla
~1 ~lIl'r
n6reenJeaJ" .
1111 III "Illy,
~"(' IIIPtl
III hp
Every gallon of Hanna's Green ~('n l Pa int ~ ontai n B
300 Sq. Feet, (two coats), of pawl protectIOn and beauty.
And if properly applied, Green Seal ~ove rs this s ~lr. face without laps or bru!lh' marks s howlI1 g. It SUpp!tCB a smooth, evenly-spread film which weal her cannot break through. Thus Gr~en-Scal does U~ e double duty of beautifying and arresting decay. It glVCR both good ,wear and good looks . It's the time-tried urauu. ,. Formula on every package. -, ..,,'--
no Il1I rsul t.
.\ s I,, · rl'udu' t) 111(\ Ill t h ' g uh' tIP PIIU):"(( lIud louk"d IHwk. 1111" hi' f: lIll'1l 'i1 h.· o lllslrl,' rho
\\'IIIH'• .~tll'll ns
1111 III~llInt ,
rroll .. li p IIII !!""'I I for
JI('t'I' llIg h Ho flit' .turklll 's,,; unll r,'i·,H't 'r · 111': hl:-: lln'1I 1h . wh en \\ Ith n \,I(-I IlUN
ph '"
~ ""I1' lhllll! hllrh'lIlt~ l' lf
Ih ~
In some cases it's a good d.eul more than 300
ft., according to the surface to be palflled.
'hi l ill i ' 1111. 1 ,·ry .
",Ir u ln\\' n g b'l\r u
t:lold Dr. ', '
h ,· .. h!t· him, n r ulUllIunt1 IIn gert't l no Inore : lon jZ ~' t'lirs ot l'xtJCrie ll('C I('tt
nil ,lo ll l;t In i,ls mln ll
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, 0
to whllt thllt
~n l1l('tfllllJ.: WIIN.
uC4 Hl1 llrC's~l'tl ' lilr
rl flc"--or
el l'drtc."
I", 1II1IlIl'rt.'t1 til hlmst'lt, Ktlllllb llll g on, lind hil if dl"ll~!!ln". hllif "lIrrylll); his
I~~, ~~~,~~:I ~:r~o~
ciu y. ,·cI t'lHllpllnI111l, I Ii' \\' 11" 1101 ""rY clt'nr In hi s OWII mind 11'11111 to ,III n, 'x t. hut Ihll I1Il1tI, 'r \I'll' sl'l ll ~II for 101m lI11 ... Xp CII!IlIy,
n ll)'"I.r IIlId ht· gilt Intu l li p tJ rH wi lilt"
"Opt him
lIwn ~' Itt
Sl"l'Oni l.
. .
]' \'~ Rhlrt~(1
ont'l' ," she c r ll'd.
... S I' . tlO t !t Otl
UUMraot.uud lu K'IJO\ I u "'-.... ,'o IH_llIhJ II .. 11 ttHhl,Y
lJer UI',"
tur Iuuit hurd den k~ . :{utldl",': \!U I! ,", u"ruu wOLI ur 'Iu n=hu~ ,-,rico ru(uUlh.K~1. Wh ldl " 1.4.0 will )'IIU ha"O, llif\(!J lit bUI,,1 1. ur,e'lr. IUl cll
, ~fJG"f' ¥arc E... ~
It lJ l JOUri lillY ro lllr t)r HJ h l rt\i , t.,r lill), Ul l1h.uut III ll l:h l lltJ, uu' i,kdu l., red . ~ L""d maJt U lJ.mJ IImduL l 'lirl" ,u IH" Jll r l-c r hox u r 10 1) lih~ La. $-1.~ 6 dt"Ii Vl' n.oJ . ••ront"LI ),.
....... ..........,.. ..... - 1• .., ..... OCCAIIIOllaJ wit" c...onold F1" 5~7&DdUc. D • .tro,IU01 inlld. woodwor", roo... and •••• bo ••• will rid 70U f!I th... 1D.,..7"w--:,ina ~., •.
Empire Type Foundry, Burfalo, N.V
apray for cow. "Oft•••Iao 'qn,..r ho«.Ue.. Sa". JUtiD, aDd c&o.. Dol the hair. U'neqaaIl.d . . .
0I1'h e bumor-
__ __ __
.... d
thur I hnl'ell't nil Iliell who t1w hlrd IS;-t',," cI,t thllt-" li e pronsed. wltll llls eyes Oxed on the I~
1 _. _ _ __ _
Olassified Ads
D.." It locallY. U uoabl • • Wril .....
...-,,,,,, ...,..,
tIJtstifI. Company
II.. Tn
Au art ill lhis columll ht
Murt' >ltll v
ur 7 ( tJ liud )
u ll" t!r 1\0, a .. ' I ~ uo Ulivu r l~U , :; , . ":l.:,U lHI M"u un : h ::.\.:1 . ai,c.u SmILh' . 'ruml erl u. I .JI 1ot,y ,lt, l(u), rt' ulIlll !I~ uU
' oahuI' Nu U . . 1
"(;" •• 1 I:lrl," he ('rled cnthu sills tlcal· I.v. "!lut \l'Io"t [,hout your' ~Iw " ,,,ml',,,1 her' flW t IIl1pnllently. ''I'm 1111 r lght- ul""llit ely nil ri ght. n,'1 101m u\l'ny- IJ,ul's 011 thllt Inllt· U'I1l:' nu~
I( ttlllluw. l un ~H, 1 oJ, ~' I"' . .. "Ul" f rilll".u .
I "o)' ld Nu. I , OIHN: lJltu' nOhou . , . , . .:1'-. Ult Ih,),.t Nu, .' . ~ · cu l li r ,O JhIl D , .. . 0, _ 4 1. aO
. Ilon't wlIRte B.
Drllmmtlll(1 J.,:rlu n crt.
1("I1I I I1 ~ tou
, UIJ"h, rwoilll No, .. lillI.' l'u l ul' ,·j ll!..H 11i • J!\ UU I UUdUf"'UUlI .t . 'l " 'ulor rlh . IIbrl~ 8p untr . b ~ :'U
1''''''11, \l' IIPn th e ,Io" r opl'lU'll IIl1d Ihe ;:Irl nl. I,,'tl In. "In YUli r m r.
. ,, ;
your Properly
t i l ( ·ItI'l~\, .
it II I t h,'I't'
~hl rr
t e rl illl~IY,
1I :o~.,'"
t h,'
h i' ,·u . .: !J, 'd 111 1'11 11:,; 11 till.' wtlllkiW vuLU tI l l ' 111 \\ II. TI 'I '('\' \\"1 \ :1 ,WI un Inst llnt ,,\ h. · h, ... t : II l d y I h,' l l11 p n~slhlli ly o f '" dil L: \\ h " 11 "-1I4I d"rll), pl HIlj,t1 111 In t o d:ll' hm · ...... lind , '11 11' ,1 ,,11 hl iit to 11 1111 tho tldl1 :': !Ill" !O I, fu r . . \ lI d IH ' fnn' Iha t wl \·IIf1 IIIJ.! 1' , 1j"'U I ' P!' II I', -d Ih' 111111 to h.~ Imrl{ III T I .. , I.lIrdll'''' "ltll h l~ l .u nll'l1. 11 0 lIj:ht ",pl):III fur ",' l' lI H 1111111 ut hl~
be.. dlsrretloD Itself," he a.
"That maa ;va. Iropplna at the eariton, where he met Laklnrtoll,'" . .Id tbe /rb'l. "Be II a multl·mll· l~onalre, over here In coonectllll wltlI • lOme 'bl& ateel trust: Ind when mulU· mJUlonall'll8 eet friendly wltll LakIngtoll, tbeJr heulth frequently doe. IIUt· ter." . J. 'Wut thIs paper &a)lll be', gettlne better," objected Drummond. .. 'Suf· 8etently recovered to conduct buelulllls
uod the rott r o f "COIII O
(t\'fOr th, " iltlll'l"~. whn ('''H ill :;iCc uolh11 11: rur Ih" IIIOIIIl'n t. I,e 1.11In.lere d rO llnd till' rnv m . I h" thlll'd rll" hlow HI l.llkh n:I" n to 1\ nle.'IY; he hit him !'llr:d..:li l Uti tI l(- Pl'lflt t)[ tli e Juw nnd Itt ' !,, ·It t lli ' IIlU Il j.!'tI (jP\\,11 liko a I ~. '1'11"11 ht' ::ndl l,,~ d tiL 1111 ' IIIIJlcr o n tlll~ Tnldl', \\ till tI I Hn' IJI Ids Iluntl, nIH'
w l ltl
011, III' )'s. " he hlll".1 I hrllllg h the win,lilli', Al 1111 IIUII I<.'I1. " Oll\'1I 010g
"U'ntortuDutely," tiHIO HUI/n. - 10 lett 1.oudon b tore Ihol melisll gc .. "noe, Ify servant wlret! It 011 to I he POSI' dee bere. NOl thot It would hnre made anI dlll'erellce. I ~Io ould h" r ~ come, anywuy." An Involuntary s mile hOI'eN'd rOlll,,1 her Ups for 8 OIomeut ; then .h .. Ir""" leriOUI apln. "I!'y very duu!;c rou. rur ),ou to come lIlere," ehe rctn.rhd quietly. "U once tbose rut'u SUSI",,, t anythlne, God knows what will huppen." It WIIS on the tip of his I ungllc to te ll her tbu t It was IlIO laiC 10 wl'rry about tbut; thtD he d lllnl:cd hl~ mlud. "And what 18 there SUslJlclous," h~ a sll:ed, "In nn old frleod who happens to be In the nelr;hborhood II ropplng In to call' Wherefore yo ur tel !J1hune meSSllIl'!' Whut's the WOIT)"?" Sbe bit her li p aDd druull ned ,,!t h h er lingers 00 the arm or Ihl' chAtr. "It I t ell you," she sa id 81 lell,,'I~ ''Will you proml!le me. on your worll Of hODor, tbal YOII woo 't II" blullder· 10, Into The Elms, or do NDy tblll1l foolish like thnt ". "At !lIe prosent moment I'm very comtorilibl e where I aDl, th unks," remarked Hugh. "I know," she snld: "but rm so , clreu dtull ~' oJrnld t bll t you're the type of persOn wbo . . . who . . ." Sb paused. or II loss fo r II word. "Who belt OW!! like a bull. aDd charpi bead down." 1111 errupted 8u,h with a grin. She laugh"d with bJin. and Jus t tor a mom ent their e),91 met, and ahe read In bia HomethlDI quite torelp to the point at lu ue. In fief. It t. to be t8llred thtlt the qU~oD ot Laltlugton a nd his com. ,al,DI wu not eIlrrolllln,. J:)rum' ~cl'~ mind, 118 It doubtleu IIhoold ba" bt!en, to the uclUlloo at all elM. . .. "Tbey:re 110 utterly gneCI'Upuloul,.. 'lIIe continued hurlledl7, "110 Ilendllhly elet'er, that eveo 'OU would be a child lD -ttIelr liB.ods." .B.IIIII ende..,o!'fJd to dl_mble bls pl_re at !lltlt little word "even" aad ciatl IJUcceeded In trownlnr bor- '
. 1t 11(ut UIl ~OU8.
"' fi r e nllllos t IWX( ~t' l ·o n t l.
Kitty'. Regulllr AttItude. Ele m.or, nCl'OIIl\llllllcd by II pet Idtten, wn~ rln ylng On Ihe s hll!lVu lk. A 1tn\1 (\ Ol: ~nltlr up to th l'lll with whl c;h IIllenn,,, ImlTl t'llinl ely hl'~llt n e frlrnrlly. Meanwhile the kllttm proceeded to '"",ell IlP nnrl s pit. shtJ\\' lng 11911nl CIIt· dl~lIke tor R ,Io)!. Illicnoor, noticing lhe cat's appor"ut f!l slllrosure. snltl: "Loo,k nt thllt, will yon? She nlwlIYll actR lik e Ihnl when 1 s lll'0 1l 10 n tlo~."
- -- ...
UNJ£Y Ttl M II.L yall.r:!. 'l'"rre ll
L_tI , N UN FARMH lur r. bu JO & 'l'd fl t' lI , lI b,, 1 Jj;d .
till,,, lUHI L lH\JlM,
WlhIHUKt. u u . U h hJ .
1U Lo r" .~
I'lwllol ;10l.
In1U U
MONI!:V o lllltte lH,
Ilv " Rl{lo k , llIurtglll!ell. N"tEle UUll!( h t . .I vhll Ullrtllllo, A llo n Oull']I" !! , Xe ni" Ohio. , II 4 :.l;! L " IIIWtl
f~ l su ~t 'OtllI d
Japaneae "Insect BeJ" _ A noturRI curIosity Of Jur,"n Is the II BU Y II ~'''rm nou r WIIYIlIl.VIIIII "lnl!!lct hell." It I~ II hlllck beN- Ie whIch (01 1111\ d Ull very . lhvo dehOrlp, emits hnrmonlous BOunds like thoso of Mon. \uctltton .. ud "rlOe ror tl" .. h . a little sliver bell. AddleS" l5 uK 114, Lol.lUllo o. ULltll jl
of " woud_hod , g u· HUU::II£ age ami good Kllrdllll, In II good l<,ul"loo. luq al re of Udo.r LilYjol · b.o nrlle. WliyolIs vlllo, UlIlo,
FOR RENT "The Humorous Thing la "hat I Haven't an Idea Wh"o the Bird 1_ Except that--" IlInn's luft thulIJb. The top JoInt wns cl'llsloed In to 0 r et!. shullelc98 pulp, lind sUlld enly. the menolng at the In· Htru lDcnt La klllgto n hotl produced frOUl hllj pocket ilCClllDC .clear. Also ttie 1:\'1I50n of thnt drendful cry at lUuner. . . . "(ly God I" whtspered Drummond IlIoI! to Iolm Relf, whil e his jnws set III'l' II s tct!1 vise. "A thumlJscrew. T hl" 'h' I' II ~ . -. . tbe swine . . ." "fill ! tlu\f'k. (InICk," Ule girl urged In un Ilgu"y. "Tho)' mo)' be here at lilly llI omont." She llraggt.lj) him to 1lU' duor. nnd together they forced til!! mlln Int(l the cllr. "Luk lll ~ron won·t." 88ld lIugh willt u grill. "Anti If YOtl 8ee blm tomorrOIl"-(\oll't nsk . nfter his juw. Onoll·nlj:ht, l'hyJIIg," Wlrh II qui ck movement he ml. 1l4 hel' h01ll1 to Ills lips: tllen be sllliped In the c1l1t r h lind the CIIr tllllllPIK'nrtld dowu the lIrlve. . . . lie felt II He nse of elotlon DUd of Irillmllh ot huvlng won Ihe Ors t round, nllli n ~ the cnr, whlrleti bock to Lon· clull Ihrou~h tbe cool nlgllt air bl! hen rt wus singing with joy ot actlou. And It Wl\9 perhnp8 88 well to&' 1111 peltce of mind th8-t be did not wltnetlll Iho scene In tile room nt The Elma. Laklllgton 8t111 lay motlonleSll on thl' fl oor; Peterson's clgnr etl1l glowed s tenlll1y In the <Inrkness. It Wrul bard to hell eve thut he had ever moved trom the tahle; only tbe bullet 1m· be(lIle<! In n tree preved tllOt BOrnebody must hnve got bUSI. 'Of rou~, It mIght hn\'c bccn the girl, wbo Wll8 just Ughtlng another Cigarette ,from ,th" . hunn ot the old ODe, IContinued 01\"'" II
ROUMtI 00 Mllln earee', nowly 4 "lApered, 1Ij(ln lOud IIlry, luqllile as !Sawyer 'lI W"yn e !\tllritet.
j ill
Malo Fox Bound, white. with b'~ok IIpookll bnJ Lbroo tarjCe blaok epots OD IIlde~ auU blp~ while bun;,l ng, G mIle!! auove Wllyneavllle. DOK had oollar with ring, bu' DO· tag. (Jug was a pe, and vllry ' rl<lIHlly. autl mlgb& atop I\t any hoo!!>, or tullow 'anyono, or mlllht h,no goUen OIlueh$ III Wife feuoe. A liberal reo ward otYered for Boy Informll.tton as to his whereabolda. Notify Dr. Geo, W. Coyle, Franklin, OhiO, or ~lephoue · OlUe MIMeldlne, Wayne". ville, ,Uhlo. JeS
FOR SALE "bb1A1I8, C " Mango
'romat-o, Cauilftower and Pimento Peppi,u: EII8 Planta land evlery Ph.D~ , See ' S.rouilB Bros, H. D. D, ae aville, 01110. jill fi
PbANT8-You SWEE1'.PO'l'ATO oan ,e' 'hOle Early UoldeDII a&
D"u BookeU's,- R. D. ~, Wayneevll\e Otllo. j,,8
EAaUNU HIilEU CORN, 11.20 per hUlbel Inqaire of J. Ii. Vatlller . voort, R. D, S. WaYliellVllle, Uhlo.
Uotoroycle spark plugl, IUDer nbell, blow.Qa.,patohllll, obldo rep"lr Hnkl! : Aleo Mo'oroyole Ke . pialrfbg. JI'ran,k ' W, '.lrew, R. D: 3, phone 8,i1-2X, ~VaynBllvlU~' bhlo\ , I • . . , 'jlll
,,,a :
'FERTIL1ZER-Blgll.grll.de PotaSh < , JrertillzlIlI for.. 'oMIlO~ alld ooro" loqulre of II Il. WIl.er.oP. , ·Plto~ '. 10M-~; WaynOlv.IUe. Ublo. ' ' jel . •
t .
Alia~lito~ Top,ueleaa 'col'. valor,
II. ,(;Illlrl~ie, Ulover a04 'rim'ollliy Hay.. Joho , lWberaoll, R. Wa,_ I ~88~lIe, Ohio. ,'" ' t jel .
popiar aud Wa1D~'.Ix~1 ' L UMdIllR, illiG, .'1:6, In len,&ha 10, 111, l( anel
l6fee&. loqlllre •• tII.,.r'. :W., ile.. ' Itllrn'_ '. ~e1
D ,j_.me, 0" .... , ..
AY_OL8 CHiCK" B. I. Wa. for.....
o.u ...... ILl, ,vgo- . f,- . 'P" . ,
.......~....... .~....~....~....... ....... ....... ...~~~....... ....... ......~......
••••1" HE M 'I A MI, G A Z E T ISu l1EO Ent.""d
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, 'I• •• ' 1,,11
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D , L , CP AN H, Edito r and P IIIJl i . h~r. W ny ll w ill~ ,
'1 •• 'l f '
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F c\n'l lc" ,l\tlv. ," . el 'l N.
rUl lltlly IIWUY ,
- I II
WlmN ES nAY. MAY 2(;. 192 1
p,(,'l u,.l",'
_ _+-.uc.ll--"UJwc1! l! cl c
Our Cale ndar
n rUllllU lllH I
wl t l l t h \.' p lpl 'll
no n tJ een [u l x ·U utI lIe l w e' t U fl n m ·
fi - ::!I I ~unday afle r Trinily Jun~ I:! - il l d Sllml,,)' lifte r Trinily June 14 - I" lill!' Oav not 8 holiday, Jun e J1- llllllk e r I~ ill nllY June l!l - ~Ih S unduy uft ., .. Trinily Jun e ::! 1- LOn R'e MI IJ uy June ~6 - n th HllnclllY after Trinily
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- -- . - _ _ _ _ Auntie Sh ould Ha ve Known That.
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Beyond PH luh lh lll"c III,' f,"·t Il llil I h .~ UUllSIPl In th o .. ~r\l(,t' u l OUI' l'uUII · 1/'.1' . .Itl d u ll i' l' till' e' h ll \\,,,,. IJ ,' mUll In ti ll' 1"·,·,,111, ,, '·(jllol lll.·" "'n' (·H tI .' lIue'k 1,,1111(' IIlId 1,' " I'U,"J I ltl' [llm ol G. P Uli S, llie AlIi c !'l "1I 1I lII uIU. : 11I" " I" r 'o twCl e, II nL! Iho ll nlf'r(.tl mllii o lt hlr~ , hI' r nlll (1 m nl' o nfl lli ln l: I t ll(\ ~" r "iofl o f A. I", A . Cln d I I I. I\tI , OUI. \It..~ . .1 Lrul n n~ hook.kt'l'p~ r i ll tI "'ir I,;l'n .
by Ihp
pl tlU~I1 l1l
os U
l ·rlhl .. ,.'1
II nrrll 'uokllr no il " ,"111 Mr ~V R I "'" k. II lluf.4 o r
U, 1\'1 . Mr.IllHnfu' (\. \ Pop} '11'11 v is.' ,11II"I'lf uf It. . . . 10.. "\"R ' 111 "'I\ h rll I\I, '~ Adll nl ~ rl(u nlv . lit, IlI'IU'!! IlItt! \\-Il l kl"(} ',\' ili.lI •. \J ~t.l l!in Il~ t1 t' l\ll put . Hull It ft., \\, 1J1IlItl('IIf-4 lntl'r rJp. l :'.1"t [lT ("' " r "0 I n f Lf'h.ion u , fUJl l
M Pl II IW Il Il .. , UIJI'tltI '/IIIIH
'0 III'
n t r lllll\ r nll WI1;~ pu r 1111" ').:..'" 11 ttl (j u d ll h llh1h- -1I ('hl1 "hkll ·'/tlh·' d IIII' r t'dph ' IH 1o U llft hI... tll' :l d III ~,ITlSfll"
1{'·" ftI5'·lIl"ll",.
. . . . . .. . .~. . . .' .
,,:·-1lb."!; Mr. nod Ir • . 011 II ,t.1o It',
1\JI'~ ('I,hilt,.' ~'1111' J II(\f1nfllU :-IIt Uh>lhly I lI ln }" e· I rollttl\' hil.I (" a I'I\IJIII~, ~hlll\" 'll nil ,,1/(11" I . Pr" • "'-lil H U ~I!I' \o( i l lJ n .
J III A 1I' 1·( 1( A ~~ J1 H I' ~ S \S!'olll I \ I In
=-= ==--
!Illy IlII' 111110 or nl" fTl r ll.l.·· ~1I' 11!1l" 1 III I!, h i ail e. "WIH' 11£11 I1 nl l :"" fOl I' " our""'I1?"
or 1I " 1I 11111~
S ubs c rintion Price . $ 1.50 p er y e ll I'
The Miami G azelle, Wayne$ville, Ohio. ____~~~________~______.w. .______. ._______ ___. ._______ ___~. ., . . . . . .~______
--~~~~~:!~~::!!~~~~== ~~!.;!~~~~~~~
Th is n e w lo w price is m a de p088ibl e b y s tric tes t e c ono m ies a nd s p e cializeJ p ro duction . P I" nt N o, 2 was erected for the Bole p u r pos e of making 30x3J, ~-iD Ch Non. Skid fabric tire!!, With a daily cap ac ilyof I (1,000 I ir"" nnd 2 0 .000 t uGu, thi s p la nt p c rmitsrc fined prod llrtio n on tl 'l u ll il lity l)l\ ~ i ·. /\11 mal erial" u lled II I C Ihe be.. t o b l 3i ll lb le . The qua lity is uniform .. It is th e besl faL ric tire e v e r of["rt·d 10 Ih e car o wn e r at any price.
\\' Ii ~
, 1" ul t,, 1 ( 'o ulll y 1\,"l ltl) :r IInll ~ f'r\,"11 In th nt oa p no·lt .. for III hn.v .v"tlr ~ . ~' r ll lll I h lll, l i n ~nt: llt: m l i ll I hn c lot h ,
Lllli o Mll rl .. \I' ll" \'1, 11111 1: II I Ihe I n g Ill l ~f ll e~r-: . hn f t f'r ~fn·l l rn. l VflH rtll or liI' r I:rt llll llllfll lll' r, nnil IV lll le IHJ t lJld: ' 1ll. r l urdr .uMr He rr .\I n n/!(' r , th ero Hil l' wc nt I lII r l'(ollt Cl\. 0 1l n ' (-> \ ' e'"I1SI. he Jol(ltlt-:. j 'III,IIIIII 111'ltlllllll1l ll.I." wh o tl ft ,,'Ht " ll tliI .• l if o ~ " "'" Ih '" nl" !=: Iw r nll n t tol,1 he r to wlI , h hnr nl'J Il !h ~, wlii ,'h lrof l ~ I r R IIIHI ,dl I .. "Vtor y rur t r Pll1 It," U Il s \\' l ' n '.1 J IlI g tl IV 111'11 r tln tll n hU ~l n" "~ llrl elly . " It you 11'11 li t 10 low",. II r.'e1 he fore ""Itl g 10 herl, H e r" lt t ll "f it I\lnrl n ('11I1l t' I n t o ti ll : I H~ 1 1rn o m l li'r nllnt wHulel WU f; loud. ulHl gil WIIl·t! H' r ttl l' ol /l {\ f lin li ps t r 1f h illl in I,, " (Io'ol1 n "W hy. ing Yllil r. 10 (l 1 1')~n 11111 Ihe lou"i n", •. thumh dldll " tdlll l't , lli n SU fl H! fU ll'." 111"1" ',1 ti t Ih" lll ollrl .nlt! : Mu rli ~ . .ron (!It! "rh
w u rth y do c to r 1uul, (' 11 lit 11 1m In
nmn ZP III P lil.
Bull-Dog Drummond
tlillIll IJ:;,'r,' \V !
" j\
1I 0 t wJU~h th o ho t tum J I e I!l ilw uut u dowl o f RIIl Ok t' liU (J srlllJctl In\\'urdl)' us !l tlo notll..'(!L! rhe loU k IIf yo ur r"c t n t 1111." The IJltI " !! Irl or srulHl u Uzcd h u r ror un hl ~ l'U ll lp u n · Inolo 'll up 1-I" 1Ir" r l ~e d nnd s rilt): ·',,' Il y. IUII 'M (u '·I). "II 1' "'1 h l K 1IIIIIIIh 111 111 nunt' ''. I 1I 0ll ' r ~ h~I 'p sl unllJlIJ..: UJl." Chkll g o AlIlI' rl cnn. (' on ('P I'n ~ tH f' ," hi' ("1llltlr ltu ' d; · 't t'~ his IIclil' rul cOlll litiun. II' Ii II I'H Ih" lillili cr wilt. hIUi?"
The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who
Found Peace Dull
'rhe Inulcl'II
dllclor wl ~t'.
plt r~" 11
",hi lt-
hl H llps IIl1ll
Dr1l Tlll u4l1111
tlpl',,1 Ihul no otle hnd ~ "t' r puss,," U Iuw oll owlllg !IIe ll of hlH Iype til hu 1I1111'dt!red 0 11 ij lglll , "III M heart Se(!I.I I K sound," ho on· 8\\'cred utl ur a l/:hl y I1UU ~. "unlJ J found 1'I0UIIIII{ wrulIg wllh him " (O il , 611ll1llillllllly. 111 fll (·t, I nm y Hn )' . ('n"wln DnllllllIllllll, be Is lu e\'e ry
'H Hi d i ll
trl l 1flrt 11nl e a~d .
T llf'
IIhle r Cl il iY.lm .. fl f h i- hlrll ipl u r'f' r A, Tllt H u h ll f b il ll "f'<I \\lfill.1 !flY, n n(l l hr tl n ~h tllt1 y ur M Il l) WIt M n l lf1 w flfl t.n h i, wttl! II ~ w e 0 1\l'H " H f r lt tli Ht W il h ull Il
f rt mHI. ~.ltl.io . nOlc"~.
kid Ti re
U n Inn \I "~ t ~ ""1 (" , df\ U Hh t. ~ r .
g ron rtrlfl rt . tll' ph o", ., lind Jt. W n ~ bt ~ d u ty, u II " h ll .I ' IIltpr tl" HllI l h ll" H,, 1f to th o wr ltor. I... louk n U ur h iH brt ,ti wr .. tl ll !l HI~I .. r H ~(O fMr IIR he WII H IIb lu In r llll liAr I,hpi ll ~ u o lJ 1I ,,~iB II\II e e lh .. t, wil olcl m ule!' t he m olll"Y t h,d r ~ t ny o n ,," rt h ulIlIl t lw lr tI,lfIv u II I',' F lI ll ln r blw ult l cnli ~ b AIIl h UIll P. 'i'tll~ h e d i d . II ~ 'R rll n heR r w it n A~~ . ~'o r h i m ~() fIl ll n v m e l' Ihi n!!" ('lin htl H.lid , lind 11 11 tlt :~1 '\'II ~ 'l o n ~ h y h i III WIIR rl o n e w tt. h o nl I th o l'Il tHill e \\' l) r l.1 ku ,,,, ing it Whilo 1. 1,," " u l'y I'x ~ rnp illit' H o l1 r r Ul~ II\ I K. ",.-. ' e x l~lIu I,u Ih o I .. l 'p .. I'l' d ( .. ",,1,- (l nr h e llrl . rl~lt e), m )llll by, . • (I n l' llllu y 1I100'DlUI! wo r,l r uao b ed i li P I.f th ll " l' IILh o f f' lIlll k Cu r RY, '" Ilf(',I.ill- ( ,'l l lz.l n o f 1,,, 11,&1.1 0 0 ' Ir I Cllr ry ""IS 11',,11 knilw tI I " lUllny Ilf o n t' ~it l /. f'n~ , "nil W a!'\ r l ·( ' tI~n \ 7. lJ d H!'l II Iru lhlnl 11 1111 ",', rlh v (\1t ' z~ n .
Fir est on e Co rd Tir es
Mr lind Mr s . Fr e lll ~l1p " lid dll u gb . T ire r epai r In n , w h o j udg e v a lu s bes t. class Ihes e tire. te r, G oo rl!'o A nD, o f ii'o:o' t ll ri i4 . nf t-' 8e having the sturd iest ("arc a , s 1l.,,,le . f.o rty-se ve n h igh . g rad e car manufa gu,,~ t!t of Ih ui r dlln g ht c r , ~.1 rH . Cur'll cturers use IllUSTRA TIONS IIY Kirk, o f t.Ili ~ ('it.Y, t hem as sta ndard e qu ip m e n t. The y are th e quality choice of cord uscro. IRWIN MYERS Mr , ulHI MrB, 1\ , 13 · 1 · r.Jn "' ~ o II I. I·Otl et " ,,! Ih e l'y ~l du li :;i. t l: r H III Clll llr Itll . n il S UII Ll " ,Y, rfl :-;p tll' l n IUU~ l lIl'u lth y JlUUI . Ex('cJlI Mu M ~ ry F inrh I ~ .. i ~1l1 1l 1! h ' l' "rexcI'pt fur Ihls !ll" 'ullllr '·(mdl· At leng lll l ' t! U'rs ult "'pur, ,", A HI ~ l ll r. Mrl;l. Au g n Uule in , "r Lll t", u " " tlull ." yuun g mnn nt tllIsh IUHf t.-II1J1i' r lllllent." PI'UHIUl OIIII t·_~pl (o" I" 1. "nllll1ll1ll1"" In '\0 Itllj o i ulng ~ II WO ( no t fll r be Huhl g,,"~"y, "It will lil' 1\ pity Illkr It. IIUIIi . wltlll " n ellrlh Ull " 0 11 ~ WII Y ) th e lI e w s pa pe r t€l ll ~ .,r U\ I eill. 10 1"",, him,' NIIPI'''''' I ,,,k",1 )'011 to "IIlIIe ro;mtl I tnr In a lI ei r.:h llllrln g t,' WII w h" "Why 1101 kN'I' him allil Insp Ih e tnr? Ir'a of Ill) Inic I·..gl til II". 10 heur "Btll~tl\(l p oor su rno tw ,lIl l ,V y ~l; n'-lI g" glr"" }'uwllcd Irma. "I thInk be Ihlll hl ~ IIn!r IS Il'II rk lt ll: III'Oper!y." Ilod . l~ ~ n o w r e tlrod wi t. h t he ~ " nl , mlg hl HIIIU ~P. In . 'J' hen he ('olliroll".1 hI IllS",f, '" bel! ro rl,olli e fnrtu ne ut ~ 50, OUU. II C'lU l r llll "WI' b"ve ahvnys ollr " ~ur nenry your Illlrdon, dOl'lilr ; I holl rulher n Un u g h i ndn ~ 'ry . f' r o n"'nY .. l'.'n ~~ 1 to cOlls ld er." IIhSlVered 1'P1Prl'on, Irylu" "".,tlln!: In s l ttl h111. 'un YIJU 8nllou8 e ffort l' 10 ;: i >, o f n ll \'a l le. "AIl(lore nlly tb n gIrl appcnl8 to him. gh"~ mit any ItI"" (t o til .whul hUH Ind o tlllLl1ble 1"' r~O V IH/ltl f )1) IH l'\ 1 w·(·(.. " ( 'O n n.1 I "~ w,) r l l c' u ttH:.- ti l t ill' I'm "fNI.ld. Inllu. be'lI tlll\'e to go clIu" ,lI lhl s ('''I' ullnr ('011 ,1111 0117" (Ie .. th or lin u n c lo w h o loft. tli o I,d l. r l \l l lt lvf '~ "llfl 'rl l' t :" ~ , \Vll (\llr p Il , . , nnd lit once. . . ," l r, rl f , _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U!. c,lI l1l'lInlOIl II ("'croll'" till' II I11,1 ot-:)· t o r '49,\l 9 U 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~ fl f Iii "" ltt h II I Afolu. M . 1'~chO rf. ;,t ~~~~~~~~~ The speaker wos IOPlllng hI. lett \\'llh 1111 " Il l'II1 It"\\,, "H'"li e torlll of Ch,,". (:iunl o n h n ~ a til)\\' t r n r k II ml KllIl HIR Clly , A ~IJ Wlt~ knee soflly with hi s hnlld; 8n Ye for ,h'IIK," h h o r li lO IV ll r I [ ... ;.t'r.H-• .. III1 RwC' re,1. ••• .,.,. • ..:e ......... ...~ I' Is purs u in g hi s II ,' ( clltio a " . 'f nil 1" 'IJIl I~' , 111111 Ih nsH w h o k no"" I that BUlJht mO\'emc llt be sot aa It ... DrunIl1l<1I,,1 1"'I1,· ~ .1 n s lJ:"h of r<'lI ef. thin!; h ud ltflllpoo od ~ . Ub.I1 e ,v i. It U Ii "1,, Ulle d 1\ \1 11 o B 0110 o f m . . nothlnlr hnd tmpJlencd, Ant! yet ten E~ " No w we're 1:,,11111); un," h I' A!rl t!d , ItI,\I " but n l'rvy ••lIld ~ Yt'I\ r H 1t !!11 Iho !o> bfl rts liv ed 10 I1l1 d will lIu oce ..d i f mlnutt's hefore 0 cllrorully planned "lilli'" you I «Ve teri nar ian lill y tr"'n wl:"1 dru);'I" a llow od \ 0 live tbr eo Hoo r o Yll lles I\r u u n d I .n t m HOll IIl1cl \"/(~ r t1 k n ow II "C'.. coup had tailed at the 11I8tllllt &t • "It 18. at Ih .. llI(1I11 ~ III , hll r,1 to "n y," fll r IIlIcI nl~I\ I' (li r 1!"'l r b n"p" lt ln v, , ••• Will. P. MoC .. rreu mlltl e II h UHi. 1I0e<!e81t, Even hl8 most fearless ocCorrec tly ... : 1'l! lllnl~ 1 "UI" r . "In II ,I llY or t\\'o. DellA trip t o Cill Olullllt l, Ins t "'''I,k, -DEAL ER IN~l r EHbll rt Il lR rrll'll r-I\~. ~: II I1 I1I' compll!'e8 hllll heen koown to con· Glasses' Fitted : Wc Use Ihe F o ll ow in ~ 5erull1: P' rhnps, I migh t he .\1, 1" 1 ~r--lIr· 1 N"d r r . Ih e y n tln t: n ~l I I 'W U IJ . ~ A h t er Morrit.t o f ' , o u~ post.un s le r . fll . tesB that Peler soll's luhUlnll1l cllllIJne~ s 4 rlvl! III RO lli I' 1'0111'11181011 , . ." t H nd ~ d lu o Oblo POs h"u H l er ~ ' " MH O. '111' . li nd Mr s J " "I:h ""edr .V. w hll l " Flour, Fep.d, Coal, Salt, AT MODER ATE PRICF.3 IleDt cold shiver8 down ·. lhelr lJUcks. O h io ~t l& te fi nd P it (man· Moo r e . hut "Wblell, tit Il r " "''''ll. YOII IUI\"e not. oi .. 'i o ll. h e lll at C ulumbn wi ll u ~e any kind .1'011 a~k f or . s , IUHt wee k Wllr f' pr O ~l1in pn t olli:t.!ln s in .'h i. I t Tile, Posts, Water FounRlgoht; now W f' knnw \\'h,· rt~ w(' nro. 4 elluul y , I:'I'0n nne r lh r' r I l111 r rl~ Hn J; 1.~ As you dOIl't kn ow II'hlll Ihl' drill: Is. CHAPT ER THREE . We ad vise u ~ c o f I h elpnr gc r um. J . U lirll )' hll 8 hi Ms uwmill In o p. Ib l' > fIl f\ll" Knll~lI" tains and Self-Feeders. CII V thpi r b .... PI'tl~ utIlHhl y YOIl dOli' I kll "'" "hher how orlltl u u. lind ill I<t.. r t iu g o IT with w h er n Mr. E g ber t. e lH{II I!'Pi\ in hll~ t · Oplical Depart ment In Which Thing. Happen In Half I Innl: It will lake for Ihe el1'c,<,1 to we, lr wo rk I' n ll ug h t o IIIHt 11 IOll g t i m e . n.. "~ , w h io h h e "' ''" W'lll fil t " iI f 01T," n r 1 S. DC!troit St. Moon Street. Xeni a . O h io : I'hl ~ on t e q>rl s e will b o up pr cehlte (l. -SHIP PBR OFT n Ih ls nlli o n w Arn born t.w~ dl1~ [! b , Ol>t!D ('v ll n ing s by appoin tment : "1'h ll l-cr--I ~, wllhln Ihlllt ~, ~or. Fo urth Street. n n r T y lf! r M r tL tHI Mr s, ~' rfl nlr I' orrlll ami t·ort! Hlltl Cl U H BOD . u ml n r"" ONE, b } r p' l . . . . . . .. . . .. ~ . . .. . .. . . .. . rl'r l," ('oncMleLi tl ... (II'C lOl'. ~ou . fl lld Mr. and ~lr A Ueo r g e Flil w. fl Uo. , o f our H nlt v" n l v Fu lhe r . h A Hay , Straw and Fee~l.l Telcphu n B !I:I " \\'hut "lJonl r1lt~t 7" e r A, of WII~ h l n g t o li " l:l • wer e fish h a~ (' r usHE' l I hf r i ver whl ol1 lI UU "~ Hugh TJnltnmo nd follll'd up Ihe i iog In till s vi Olu ll y o n I'll piPe!! ot lIupl:r he WII S Siudying oml . 1 till' u nkn own "Ii"r l', 10 II W ll lt t hl' I -~-------" UII I lIt;ht . . , . NOI t ou mu h . ----- I Way n esv Ill e . Ohio Feed Grinding a Specia lty. , , u r M n)" roae to his tl'f'l 11 8 Ihe docttlr CllliiO W CIiI. • • • Nil ~o ml nl{ o f h i ~ l"vNI on 'J ~ . ul cvll ..1 . . 1:1 J 1' n 1t\lIvu" I h n n o"r ftH ur e, H 1:1 8ruo l(1I In TI \fl ur n il iA ~ () ing lulo Ihe rooUl , U .. then pu ~h"ll u s ll- : H" r ose 10 hi .. , .. . h iH \ if 1'. t w o Os 1I 11!:h OII(' II" U will h lll' P p rtlo tOl.lull o ll . H tPe lg " rf\ ~e. --~--~~~~~~~~~~ver box of cllfllr~Ill'S ucross Ihe IlIllle : t hu r.i •• ,r; rl'nlly Uw W l L!' "l,., me" tu " n l' uf Ibo ' lIlo-t lU ud ern tyPO, nOll 11'1111(1) t erl<. nl)~ ROil. u rn n dC' lIll d r PIl , ond wultl!cJ . hlln~ i'I'U" U l'~" Il lIlHlrol.'lsl nll c ll\ " 1 011 wh o n 001 111'10\(1(1 It nop hAw~ , noint-'~. ~il.l' p r ~ , t n. hi w , (H1n ... · will lie " tbi n ~ o f "Your fri end ," said Ihe d octor. "Is i'L....I'le·s 1U1I11I1('1'S. Diet in _ li n d frl l'nll_, , It ll WI ll ul WK \'~ I fI E. BAR N A~T WIIS lll" UIII! IJUllu l.y IIu d n j o y fo rflvo r 10 a v"ry (l"~UIlIlI' l'onc1ll1o n. CII~O'" I IIU t's ll uti 011 wh ich ," mbo r h im f l' r h l~ j )11 >, d l i. p o~i. he Illwlll'S It'! hhll' Our pnbll o schoOl, wit.h nn ItR ou x· ~I on-u l w II Y ~ An'l Drllnlmulltl- vllry pf'cullnr. Cun yllu self go. FUNERA L DIIWCTOR inl( l il ln gp r IO Ut t ll ll i Not a ry »ubli c \Iiari\l~ , Is o ve r und I.b e Hc enllghl en ute ut all OR 10 whnl he hU H I "~ul mu~ h moat-n o alcohol, IUght. e njOYll1 g e vory w luuto of ll o lll l'B II r u b r ig h t si<ln A ll thll t. hll ~ lJe" ll ~uid , th e ir VII· ~ been doing <luring th" IU RI f('1I' tlnys ?,' • Good lIIurllllll: W ay n esvill e, Ohio r lJ fu r t!'. o nd wo r e WIt.flBS~" " till Y . Iloclor. Down Ute caUon. Drullullo lld Nhook hl~ h"od, "HII"cu' t I s lfl lrM 01111 strulght on, 1\11 ltill dR o· N ,)I,lIr y W o r k , Wills Good Illorn· MeMsrs . 8 M, File, o f Cin c lnDl.t-i . by lI u y I br o tl ~ h o n t Ilis j our n (lY I an eurthl>,. doctor." t,brOl1c h life. H o w !-(r llnd It is t·hnl , In);," Th" (Ioor c1u sl'<l behlud ~Ill. ~nd Will £1118. of fl od l>eollA t\ Hjlooltll ty. l:\t [.o n iH . Mo , "There 18, for Ins tance. thnt very Il11d he descend ed to Telepho ne 76, ring3l1 hl8 wulllug cur were In tbiR vioinlty tw o d llY8 lu s t ~1J 1I l(; ('li n lI v o !ln nh !I\' I' ~; Ilnw 11l11 (1 b [i'ulJ y E q uipped fo r Gooel Unpllo'UHllnl wound lu hi s IhutUb." pur· wllh culd dl suppro\' Ih n,\' I{et, ou t o f th e ir " I,ll f·\. sl l\y h ilT" al un hl~ t"CII. week. &ranstlo Mng bUR iu ess', lind tlntl w h on t·h e v sued Ule othe r. "The top joint 18 Se rvi ce, lif O tllk o n fr oll) ."El[('us" lIIe. sir." The doctor were Gnests of the Ce nt,m!. .. ==z::_ CMl!illed 10 u pulp," o nr h ,u t· ( ul t. ~, ltIpu lh .v J{O('~ o ut 10 J., pnused unll I:y'~d II well ·llr~~scll Willi ar~c Displa y Room 1'be Zion Buptidt obnroh covo " Ihe he r llfl l"H\ "I ,nOti Ced thnt last IIlghl," un sw"rc\1 .wh,' hud ~~OkOU to him f Rlnll y , tln c l ~hn pI PD A, uuconwr o· sale of brAlld. pies. oukeR, ohiok on ... ' ·h, .. h I')nnMlllllllltl.aU.v, "Looks liS It It 11111. m e m n ri e R wi ll I'o ll u w thr l) l1 ~ h . DlI~lngly. lJA V OR N IGII1 Am I right In IIsslIIuJng -barns lind 1ll'lOY otber ~')Ot l lhlugs 1o tllul you orc n doctor'" ellt on Saturda y. io tho Wal t er 8 1\. NOTAR Y PUBLIC "1'011 lire perfctly correct, air, 10 .,erB room, and rellort II v e ry H"tI ~. your 08swIIIIUon." faotory sale , I The mlln •smiled : obvIousl y • gIlU' W~ynesville, !Ohlo VETE RINA RIAN tlernun. thought the practitio ner, WIUI Deeor,, \!on or lho KfIlves of love ll DR. J. M1LLE~ . his hnnd on the door of hIs cor. Nati onal' Bank ones WIlH observe d In our village, Vll ccin a tl on a Specialt y . Nolh_ ·'It·s ubout n greut pal ot mine. Mr. and Mrs Frank Wilson I\uto e d Gaptulu Drummo nd. who IIvell In to lSablaa. on Buadny in ~ uut Reliable Serunl us ed ... DE NTIS T ••• YOU CAN'T DROW N mornin g. tiere," went 011 the oUler. "J hope you I Mrs. 8t1ran Rioh hlld ae ber gueRts 'tOUR ' SORRO W ANY Mr A' n d MrA WllliuD 'l Bf rg d lllJ ' won'I thlllk 1t unprofes sIonal, but 1 oa Thursd ay .o t laet omce In week, Mr, anel uod dllnght. er, m~dY 8, s p ent 'l'n OfO ."'.~IOD PI10n e 44 H arv e y s burg , O. W lIy neIWI.le . 0 ..I Ban'k 111,1". M>RE: ; IT Wrt.L HAVe: thought I'd BllII you prIvately . how Mr• . William Watt, of Frankl in, /lilY in DAyton , YOIl tlnd hIm," · '10 SWIM. and on Sunday wall tbe h o me. co m. _ ::z::z Mr, IInri Mr A. Frnnk R oger ... UlIlf1 fl ' Tho dortor looked elll·prl~s~egd:.. . ..':",!:C1!!a!I!:.+I~D~~.~n~d=-!o~lL!!d~,.!:It.i~m~o~~ll!ll..w~~~~:iIl::b~U~~~.l""nlJ:o~RJ1 . ..!: t·rl p 1.0 Dn yt o ll . W fltl U CR. tllln DruUllllond. so nr liS 1 om 8 WII re. 08e present. w/.'Ire Mr. (lnd Mrs. tl ll ),. A. SHU MAK ER ............._ I",,,,, belter. I--e~IIl1not W. T. Jordan , Mr Rnd Mra D o n Be n H tlwtl e bo s hi s ltI e w h o ns e i::Iar"'oo lt aDd ohlldrc n. Kennet h Rn d w e ll ond e r w (ty . DR . H . E. 'HA'l 'HAW AY Farm V e t erlna rlan Sales anti Live Stock a . Sarab Cathari ne. ot Clarksv ille , Mr. JIlr , find Mrp , J , R . ,T u hnH .llItl Specially and Mrs, ChilI'. GrllY and Mr, tlnd MT ~ . •J ~ N ~ l o L o ng WfI.. DCId vill e 'Il J.otc.d ln ll Oe n t l,' Prac tical Vncei na t or . Ha ve hac! nore oHendn c\ Ih n Mre. Emerso n Etirllha rt ..1ll1 two (lIlgmm t fit M Olll nrlnl I{ooll ~ UC Ct,q~ iii I llIm u n ing cm 4> III 0 0 In B a iue8 Bldg . b rIll. Duyton , MRln t:; t Sllti sfac:tion Gunran tud o~\1dren. Marjory and Chflll. Burt.o n. Fr.ldoy ev e bo l.h sic k a nd we ll hc rclH. nlllg , Catarrh is 11 local diselllle, grently of Wllynlll lvl(le. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. S. B, 8 .. lnes lind family wI1r o !I t iullueue cd by eOl1etit utionnl con. Sllhrad er, of D .. yton" Hol h PhonCH Bellbro·ok.~ Ohio flncl Mr . 8,ncl I.he burial o f Mr. Willi" ..) N uwpor t. ditiollll. H o m e 11!i1'j·8 RAJ..L'S CATAR RH ~rtl . Jobn Baker, of CIDoiuUI~tl. He ll ,,' · Ir t\t tlprln g boro oO llletery. ::i uud"y Ilf. DR. BE L L 'S ANTI -PAIN Both Phones MRDIC INE is n 'ronie and mood Mr. and Mrs, Irll F . Syfllrd oml t"rnon n . Bellb rook, Ohio For Inte rnal and Externa l. PI1II1loo JnlUl, spent Sfltunla y lind SunPurifier . By cleansin g tho b I00 d and eOD. W dly at t)llllllIll flnu WJlRblu gt o n C 8 IIArtbu r hlto le ft. la8t wenk . f o r buildin g up the SYRtcm. HAT,lJ S .The Pytbillo Sisters of Maple Tem- [< hUMi ne~s tr i p t o M i(l ul g JlI1 . CATAU RH MEDIC INE restores pje held tbelr Memorl ill servloe s In Mr. IWU Mr s 'hflt! C la rk wer e norma I con d I't'Ions and a II. ows N a- Pythlun CasU 3, on DAY ton villi tors. FrlclllY , Sund"y at :l p.m. 'ture to do ita work. Rev. aeuDotr . BDd tb e Sisterll reno Mr. Ilnd Mrs. S I.uoy Lnmh . o f Co . Dr.ugms ta. Circula rs free. dered their progrllm ill 0 very Inter. lumbus HpIIOt Sun d a y wi'lh I,be f o r. 0; eri&lng mtLnotlr 1 l1r 's pUl' onts, Mr. lIud Mrs, C. H, :f. ; :, Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. wordll of praise. All 11r e81lut spn k e 1J'Lumb. '. I E'muk W o o ll oy unft f.uJlll y . o f Ollytc n . p ont, Honelllv t\ne) MondllY . ... ---~- -w ltb Mr . IID r1 Mr ~ . Wm Brown . Dert Umh"m Ilnd wlf p. o f Onyton . we re call e d h Ol o. W ello l'stluy . by th u d e ntll or hi~ m o t h er. Mr @, William G raha !ll. MiKS Le ona Mcninn ls s p ent m ost o f hlst wouk in Be llbroo k, u\l,tlDllID I,{ comm eeem e o t , M« HS <I n),. ,e lo • it bll, lo g I.h e ol'1Mo uf Hreelloo Couol y
32x4 " " - '3 4x4 ~ " " F. D. HAW KE, Distr.: 30x3 ~2-inch
New Price $24 .50 " " 46. 30 " '5 4.9 0
buto r
Cor d
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
ES .
Eve rett Early
Way nesv ille, Ohio
1""'1 L'FANY'S 1j.
Wal ter McClure
Lytle, Ohi o
John H.
Wrig~t Auc tion eer
Ca tar rh
All. '
----- ,._-- ----- ,---_._-_.-
- -- - -- - -
d oho o l~ .
Mlltlr fld and C" ~rn L. EII ,lineR. o f Be lm o nt.• an. vj~il· illg ti t the boruo of Mr, n\ld Mrll. Walte r K o nriok ' Th n oo nl·e@t. Il t l,y t1.) 'S , S , o f Ihe ·Reds · lind BlOOR III running very elo~e 'l'b.e R e d s w e re three obelld fo r th e !.Il onl.11 of M"y. Mr. and Mrs. Chtl8, E John s WAre vl s it.)r s o{ 1.111, Ge m City, ODe dllY Ja At w eek, WlllialU Cox re turn ed from the h08 pl~I,I. ~l1nday . (lfter ten dtly!! :trell'm e Dt , In ~hlr.h they fonDd liD pe rati on' ouneo!llt .. ry . .' ' Will iam G rahllru. lit! agoll [mel .r espeotec 1 Oltl7.fl n. dle dl 'Wed.u e ... clay artorDOl}l1, nfter' HD il1n '88 of I!lweral vea 0 , 'I'he· hin.e rol wil e beld o. ~ 10 o'oloot Stl'urda ]r, at Sh e lIome of ber ' 1100, Kellls r Graham ' and Wit6. The aenloe Willi (n obarge ot Rev. F. W. MiI\or, of Bed Lion,
au4 hUermloS OIIIDlle r7.
i . ,;'
t -t'\ "
. · · · · · · · · · . iiiit.·
The Miami Gazette, WaYnes.u~e, Ohio. - - _. . I _ ... _ _ _ _ . . __ _
... - . - - - -
l\1l1 r F u rnns IV a's born neur WayI\e~\i ille. Ohio. 4-16- IH55 . t he fi rst f , .
Only F a ult T he)' Don't H ave.
htlye mOI1It ·"tq or lIepre!\lllno i1bout o ur rlcn r lIltl Illlll ul' In tho e leotrlc II mous h wJl. nA tbey. IUllIb e r dOwn t he w roll g sil le of 1I1 slre t nnll liegl't tnl' III<! l urn~ 10 Ulelr O\\,lI Inl1 .... [lC'lHl 'ut wny. when wo feol lhnt nil clln t'onsclclltlo\l ~ly any fo r tJ lCllI Is t.bnt. "0 f n r n ~ we I: no w, til y never
" IlIJ.ort 1-. ~Ild Bet llln l"urn as' fa mily Iof c'lght chIldren. nnd de parted this I life II I hl1 r hUlll e fin the ou t8kirts of (Irl"e 11'11 n unll e r \\ llyn!!. ville. on o-20-El21. nllhe age 1l()lIor .-Qhlo Rlnt c of 06 yeurs, 1 monlh and 4 days On 9-10-1879 she was uni ted ill
.T hursday, June 2nd
The State Cemetery as.'IOc iation . Olll Innu uoce of II'hirh COIl\"enes here in June, will be .T ournn!. a big affair. fo r WaY ll e~ v i lle. Th e state pr esident is a rrllng ing II fi ne prog ram (or the evellt, lind t he loca (',, " !Ulery bonrd is slso a r rl\ng ing a .. . , ... li lle ent e rtllinl11 ent d uring their stay here. . EXC~URS.ON There wil l be a bllCluu et during their MtllY , unu the prog ram will be TO a rran ged by the local board. It is probabl e that the board will tllke their Ru est~ to Ft Ancient for an !!unday, June 5th ufl ernoon's outin g. The cemetery is being o"erhaul ed, and the Chllpel fit. ROUND deco rated for the occasion. It is TRIP noll' up to the citi zens of Waynesville Fo r detai ls inquin· of Ticke t Agent. a nJ vici nity to take an interest in th i ~ aft'air. and do all they cal} t owurd mak ing it a RUCCess .
Give The
Base your decision on the q u ality of t he tone and y ou'll surely ch o o~ right . Your selection, like that of un num bered thousands, will be The Brunswick , Not because we say so, but because • demonstration on this super instrument will convince you.
Method of Reproduction
tluJ t _can
By t he B run swick Mcthod of R eproduction a truen ess, flne ness a nd rich ness are given to tone i n . offICli nl that cannot be duplica ted in other instTlIm ents. the right This method consists of the Ultona and the "--"'aph ,"one Amplifier. Ito fp you t o • concJu aion.
The Ultona A simple contrivance, makes it possible to play all records at their best. Thus you are no longel" restricted to the artists of one producer. Diaphragm and n eedle are as one on the Ultona, yet the Ultona ia . not complex.
., \,
The Tone Amplifier
...,.,' ,
l\a the tone waves are carried by the needle to the diaphragm, they travel' on to this vibrant tone chamber. It is oval shaped, made entirely of wood and free from metal. The reailient wood expands and contracts with the tone waves, buildin, them up and projecting them stronger and clearer. By it a new beauty is brought to aU records.
' j, ..
I>arIac the
marriage to William T. Fro'me. 1'0 th is union no chi ldren were born. but her mother-love, so fu ll and abundant, r eac hed out to t he homeless nnd Catherine, j u~t past of, years; James, when only 6; th en. in rect' nt years. J ohn at the age of 5, were g llthered in her arms, and so complete and satis fying was her care tha t she was " Mother, " ind ped. Of her. immediate family . Rhe is s urvived by her husban d. t he two ad opted children. Catherine, of Fresno. Cal. , and J ames, of Chicago; two brothers, Seth W., of Stratbmore. Cal _ and Robert H , of Los An geleR, CaL; one Bisler, Eunice F . Frame. of Richmond. Ind ., and J ohn, the yo ung ~ t of her foster child ren . She was a birthright member of t he Socie ty of Fri endl, and from girlhood was posse-sed of a deep ly religious mind ; she was a fai t hful and valuable member of t he church.Re rv_ ing in various capacities- a!! clerk . Ship and Sail under overseer and elder. Into this house. the Stars a nd Stripes to where we are now gathered to pay all parts of the wor ld r ibu te to her memory. she Willi carHIPS with lhe Stars ried it'. intancv by her molller, in a t· a nd Stripes blowing tendance upon Di vine wo rshi p: wiLh· from thcir rna ts a re once in these same walls sh' spoke h r more sailing t he seven seas. marriage vows. Thcy ar e. h y the M crHaving unusual int elligenco. rer chan t Mu rine Act , 1920. trai ning In high !!Chool and Mia mi ". . . ul t ima tel y to Va lley college. at Sp ringboro. Ohio , be owned and opera ted p rivat ely by c ~~izcns of the developed her abilities to a marked Un ltcd St at es. degree, as wa~ frequ entl y evidenced They are American ships, bv her skill as a writer and her wille ca rryi ng !passengers and. as counsel In all public s.arvice. This PJcsidcnt H a rd mg has said, woman Btood tor all that was best ; .. . ca rrying our carnot only did she pour forth her love goes in Ame rican bottoms ,to husband nnd foater ch ildren, and to the ma rts of thc world ." to all young people Who, from time K eep ou r splend id sh ips to time, entered the family circle, but on t hc seven seas un der the Stars a nd Stri pes by her unflagging interest in affairs of sailing a nd shipping on church, W. C. T. U.• Woman 's clu b. them. and all movements for civic and world betterment, made her a power Frlee use of for good in the community. She Shipping Board films waa potIBe88ed of a faith that kept her Use of Shipping Board serene amidst all earthly triala; he motion pic ture films, four high Ideals and unswerving devotion reels, free on request of any m ayor, pastor. postto the right were but the evidence or m aster, o r orga nization. a character of sterling worth ; her loyalty to klndrtd and friends, her SHI PS FOR S ALE (To A tnl"fc c:a n CH cUIU only) kindJine!lll toward all, bespoke rare Steel .. tamers both 011 . nd cool burners. AI~ wood n ea mua sympatby an d un d erstan d ·mg. S he wood hulls and o<<on'IIOI", ,up. lived cloSe t o the Savior d ivine, wi th Further I" rormatlon may b< 0bta ined b y reqUOl . ear 'ever attuned to hear the still For sailings oj passenter Bmalf voice. and race u plifted to see and JreiJ~ht ships to all the guiding eye, hence the valu e of parts oj I'he world and all her deeisiomi and-jiudlll! n~!!rtti!c;___H,l!r1I---0' information write to insilrht into the human heart. her ability to ever see the silver lining; U. S . Shipping Board her never-failing spring of good W ASH:INGTON . D. C. cheer that surmounted all sorrow 'al und trials. her radiant smile. her fait h in God that fl owed deep anel quiet as a migh ty river, her rema rk ubl e fortitud e durinll th e long dill s amI nights of Buffering, hllve made a profound impression upon all who kne w her. Her wise coummls, her love and sympathy that knew no hounds, have left an ind elible imprint upon the entire community. Weare prepared to take A "Mother in I_rael" has gone to in Wool at OUr wareher reward; the loss cannot be meB9room ill Corwin, on ured. May the good seed , which she scattered with so lavish a hand. bear much fruit. May the memorv uf her life of unselfIsh service inspire of each week, and will ua to do likewise. She was but loaned y the hi.ghest easR price to us tor a 8eal!Oni Mast er has taken home.-M. L . C.
boHdap aeuOll we are eODduc:tin, 1neD-
9Idual cOIIeem on The BruDlwick. Drop in at a eon"fftIimt interval darin, the clap. Lilten to The .Bnmawick plaP . 70111' fa"ortte rec:c.cIa. Per. ba~ the ictia wiD lI!Qat itMlf tIIat a Braan. wick ~ to be ~_ cbo6celt lift,
.For Sale by All Dealers
Tuesday and Saturday
A Big Drop In Army Goods Never before in the history of Waynesville has such a ponderou8 sale been a~tempted.
$3 50
- - -..
....... ." $3.95
1---------11--------_ !~:-" .......:....... 79c $2 50 1--------1 :!.:~"
. . . . .$5.00 ~~"w~~~.~: ... $5.00
The Ko lden mom " n t s li 1'8 by because we are read )' for I~ "Thefe 18 a tide In the a ffair. 01 m eD .... hlch takeD It. 1I00d lA> fortune." M nn y a mao hal lia. cd h is ch a nce because he d id not At tha lalt meeting of the board ohavo the Capital ready when t he opof trustees of Miami cemetery. the portun ity cru oe to make 8 pro fitable followini committees were appointed deal. Place you r m o n ey wisely, 10 to se.r ve at the occasion of the State when the golden oppo lilunity coma, you will be ready fOr ft. Convention of Cemeterv SuperinOar rata of lllterut to tendents and Officials to be held at depolliton t. ...
Waynesville, June 38 and 24: ReCeption- W. L. Harvev, C. D. Cook, Mr. and MrB . Walter Kenrick, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Clark. Dr. and Mrs . J. W. Ward. Mr. a~d Mil, C. Y. Houg h, Mrs . Walter McClure and Mrs, Harry Murray. Transportstion- C. M. Robit&er, F;mest Earnhart, CblUl. EIIi., Morrill Cornell, Chas. T. EIIIB and W. E . 0' Neall.
... .. Try ou'r Job Printing
. . . , ..... BolE ....." ............
The Miami Loan & Building Assn. -
The JJiam( Valley School for Nurses
- - -...
- ..---
Sc pte\nber 1.
In PlgL
Ireltinrl , 811PPORCd to be tbe IP'CSt
• 1I0DERN RESIDENCE HALL-.-SINGiE .001iS SaD Parlor. R ec c'ca tlo n !loom., Com pus. S wlng8, TenDI. Court. For .... formation apply to L. A. HASFORU. lorlnel..... DAY'I'Ollf, 0814
*' Ordinance
No. 99
OldlJack Spratt . Could eat no fa t' His wife-could eat no lean A Classified Ad . 'They thought wasn't bad And they sold everything they had •
«c GIL lL ETT E '*' .
.'*, . *'
'\0 OrdInance to RlIII'ulato Ihe Oolllltructioo nllu 1I01>a1r of Sidewalka. Cur"" '04 Gut. t6rs wit hin Ihe cor""raMll1ml~ 01 lb. VII. la.o lOr Wayu,",."I•. 1I&a\.e of 01110. ~.. 0 " I& uroalJleu by tllo Coullell of lhe VIII ..." 01 Wa ynOlvlllo. Slato 01 Ohio: Hfl"IIoo J ; 'l·h.~ Ihe whUh 01 &liT Ild•••I. ami tho material Ou, 01 wlllch Ih" .am. aball bo cnn" ,"u ctod I hall "" de~rmloe<l bT I'eIOlu . ....... &100 01 CounCil. uol_ otll.r" l18 Provided for
$1 .25
... *
R' 1'0
B... llOIl 2. Tbat.llpa.em.n~orlldewalk. wblcb maT hereaf_ bel made or repelred 00 .,ny ' 1""'1 ID II&Id V111II1I1I. • ball meel wllh lb. apl.roval 01 t be aldew" .....d OuU.. CommJlteo ollheCOuocllol&beVIIl .... oIW_"UIe S&",o 01 Ohio: IUhl""I &0 the .pproval Council ol • • ld ViI.... . s..' &lon S. Wllooe • .,. III .he OPlDloD 01 Oouoc l\ It abal\ "" II~ to ~ct or ",pair .Idawalk, curb Or .u,.... ..Id COuncil Ihal 10 dlct"l'O by pUlIng a n..olu tlno thaI laid . Ide ... all<. Q.urb Or .Ulter IbaU 1>0 C<ln.tnJ(:tod or ... palred l~ffl'lllfr ,he 10ca' IaD. character and wldlh 01 'lIe .ld.walk curb or gUlter to "" CODltruCtod or repaired' Tbe MaJOr 00 beIng advlM4 of the ~ 0; l ueb ",""Iullon • • ball caueo " DOllce &0 bG .h·oo to tbe OWDer. or ~o, 01 ·tb" ~:c'be~id:~aT~~:ur~~ ~~ laod ibu'UqbeOD _ Ideht ol . ald VI1l".~d·~a:II~. tbe " .... age ot Iucb "-IIUliOh . ad ab 11' turn a copy ot w eb time .... d 'WallDeI' ~, ::. vIce lodol'MlJ Ibl!l'8Op. or wl&b Ih. 8IIdo __ meot Ihlt the &0 be IIOUfled C.... DOt be '''UDd . The lIaror .hall keep a ~te record 10 wblcb be . h.1I record all reeoru'loIIa to coUllruCI or repair Ilde_lh, cur"" or autlera. Ihe da'- 01 notlc. alll( 'lie ntlum Iller&nl. tOIl"Iher wlLh ao, o th... PI'Ol"tledIJICII ta.an hy hIm uoder tile NeDIUllOo 01 OoUUclllll .... pro to tbe -&.I . When tbe re.urn·. llO .... Ihat be notlned uono. "" fouod lortb",'tb ca.... l och l>UIO\Io' publication III tbe lDaoo., ~.... ;; .-~::-,,-.. '-",
A Classified ·Ad. will bring quick results if properly .written and advertised in due season, one . . jtiSue generally selling the ~oods.
atbe nti publlabw mall ob talo Ibat....d ~~~'~~~~~~vI~:t . Dl~D 4. All other ordl.o...._ ... DU'U 01 ordlo&JIcee. COlltllcu.., .lIb tb/.t
*'*' ""'s!:,"~~'a~P.T.JrordlD_a/aIU ...o..u.d.:t
(WI" 1110101111 10 "o'b., 0.,.,..)
d' 'he
atld "" III force trOIO &JIG ..... &lie .........
NEW .YORK CITY allowed b, la •• . $' ~ ::~ il!.~c:,u&r~,O~':-":II= .= Read Gazette's Clcwilied Ad$ *i*Ij~!I~'*I':ftt~*~~fj~.,•••!:j~ T.K,'7.al"~lUoI: ~~R8BALL, IlaJar.. •- •
"The Tiger Band"
- ---Whereas, In the workings of Prov. . . Bootb Main 8trte&, ide nce the srol~ en chain of our fraterDaytou, ObJo. nity has been severed and our brother Harold C. Smith. has been called from our midst to j oin the Celestial lodge, there to awai t the coming of those who soon must follow. And Wher eas, We, t he officers and members of HarveysburR' Lodge No 557, K. of P ., deeply feel our lollS, and si ncerely regret that the fraternal 1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classiliea Columns lor Results ties which have bound UII are broken, we bear witness to his manlineBII and wi ll keep fresh in our own memories hia many ,·irtues. Therefore be It Resolved. That we deplore the loss --- c-to ourselves, our lodge. and the family by the death of our beloved brother whose life has been cut short, dcprivinR' tbe co mmunity of a useful an d up-rillht citizen. and his family Pleasure Cars, Tr:ucks, Tractors and A,rop;anes of one whose " fforts were devoted to their welfare and happiness. Be it Repaired. rebuilt. recored. Service, Workmanlhlp, Equipment. fur ther . We guarantee our Non-bunt CorH not to burst trom freezlnw. All work Iruaranteed. EsUmatell trlven. Work done while yoU wait . l~e80lved •. That we deeply sympalhize with the bereaved family whose circle has been broken. and that a 408 South Ludlow Street" . page of the records be devoted to th e memory of him whose lollS we are One-H.1f Square Soutb 01 Union Depot Dayton Ohio call ed to mourn. Be it fur ther Resolved, That a copy of this memorial, signed b)' officers of the lodge and attested by ita seal. be presented to the family of our departed rUlOlMT E RI.:U JS OKlO AND NEW YORl{ • brother. liluellent c lll88rOOW8 anti t ea cbln l tacllltl~ Two fuJI-lima IllIuaoton, Frank Wilson I . Lar"e ataft. ot lecturers. All branch os of Durlln. tali_tit. Loan htu4. W. A. Merritt \ CommIttee. Htah SchOOl Diploma or equivalent p,·ererred. FilII term beatlll ablll" [llg H. hOB, In fact, oI'IJy on. pI g for eve ry three pe rsOII8, wblle DeDo mark hns ODe pIg for oach twa bUt man beings.
The Wuyne Township Sunday School conventio n will be held Sunduy , June 5th. at 2 o'clock at the M. E, church in Waynesville. The Rupe rintendent of t he Sunday Schools in the to wn ~ hill will p l~as e have their reports ready nt thllt li me. The ~ u perin te nd ent s of the differ_ ent depar tments are: El cmentary Miss Helen Ma rl att; SecondaryMrs. Reva Horroel Stanfie ld ; Ad ult - Miss LeonaMcGinnis; Home-Mr! . Rob t . CrOB!!; Teacher Training-P.ll . Thompson ; Miaeionill-Mrs. Walter McClure; . Temperance-Miss Clara Lile; Visitation- Mrs. Dora Ward . Judge Roxwell and another speakIlr will be present to give the add resses. Everybody welcome . ........,-- -~---
connt r.l' for
Tuesday, June 7th Featuring Helen Holmes, in and
Motorists will all be glad to know "'''' ~.. WI T H that the famous Silvertown Corci ...,... "'.. HOLDER ""'" Anti-Skid, Safety Tread Tires are in- ..... ..... "',.. price reduc- ,.". cluded in the recent ',... ."'.. tion which brought prictlS back to ok 01,.. pre-war basis, Among tires Silvertown i. lIle name that instantly con.8,.. .~.. veys the thought of the highest qual"',.. PREPAID .. ... ity. Motor car manufacturers Ilnd ...... ·dealers are quick to emph~ize to I n A tt r-acti ve. Case "If' their prospects that their cars are '"""""'" ...... f!~~~~.~:. up eq uipped with Silverto~ns. knowing = ..... that neither explanation nor argu• . . : Satlsfacton.Guarauteed ment Is necetl88ry. '. R ' L. J d or M oney e,unu~ J,. . Tbis reddc:'tIon brings Goodrich .",.. prices to a point 15% below the pre_ This Offer for a limited . N.xt Door to OazeUe Office war ~chedules, a8 reprellented by the timc Orily. : . 1918 level. It ill rather startling to d Remi •' by mo n WAYNBSVILLE, OHIO or er or find that in 1910 tire · p'rices were ~ cash- (~o II amps) '~ ""'" . ~ 115" higber than the Goodr(ch pricea \ . ""'" Eiiiiiiii .",.. today. ' . The price ' reduction l'ampaign inI. n '-I\Il£U D l .' l.n. ~ : stituted by Goodrich has reccive!l, the MIl ....:,,~--------'~--......:............:.-+.......,..,I'R """'...-.;e;o; D:r-;;: of~ motorists. dealers . - 0:- ' and the prCll-aa an economic move 14151BRQAWAY in tune with the spirit of the .times.
Also Selznick News Admission, 22 and 17 cents
SUNDAY SCHOOL A good Fox feature Admission, 17 and 11 cents CONVENTION .................................................. .
Corwin, Ohio
We do most certainly feel grillefill to our friends for their Rympathy Rnd kindnetlll in our time of sore t rial. It really seemed more than we deserved, W. 'f, Framlland John.
COME IN AND LOOK AT THESE GOODS SILVERTON TIRES New double hospital Reclaimed O. D. W. Hegiment marching Blanke ts, heavy and S. Army Blankets, originally sold lor ~~ire.~ warm. 898t. 1- - - - - - P_I8l_·d_B_ "._" ._"._ _,__ • :~: .... ; ..... ... Rest Work Shirts from 50c up. S w eat e r 8-'Heavv khaki and heather u- S. Government claimed field and hob- AI~o all kind s of Rain nail Shoes, Coats at reduced priat $2.00 and.. • ces. All leather o f f i c e r s ' I - - - - - - : - - - · I - - - - - - - puttees, all 1I1zesi Oflicerll' style new House Drasses and orhrinally" sold tor Shoes. orillinally sold Bunscalow Aprons of
w. J.
"The Beloved Villain"
-----.- -
Saturday, June 4th Featuring Wanda Hawley, in
w ....
One of Jack London'S Best Also, A Sp«ial Christifl Comedy Ad mis's ion, 22 and 17c
-More Than Mere
OOIIItdon t
"The Star Rover"
The Miami Gazette Wayn·esvil.I·e, · 9hiO.
----- --
----- -
Seve.nty-Thh·d Year
1\ ' 1j \ ·. <'i:. '.U : \ _J
Alm ost As Goo d as a Vict ory The Miamis Made Midla nd ' City Play Very Fast Bas<B nll
J<_ I'
:.. •
Whole . Number 5438
I . • ~
o -
.,, ~~
~~]M!\!} ! PROGRAM
, -
Smiles arc gonc from Cnrpcnfil:r.Dcmpsey
Have you paid your taxes ?
laces now
Mrs. A. Evans has been quite ill.
. Of Ohi o Cem etery Association
M r~. A. C. Wh ite, nf ()\\' ('nsboro. . Kr .. was lh ~ g ues t of r.l r.' and Mrs . , I':arl Conn er at ~ i x-o' clock dinner. T uesduy evoni ng. _ __ '[' 0 _ __
House for sal \) - See Lnybo urne. Mrs . William Norton wall a Dayton shopper . Monday .
Mr . and Mrs. R. A, COll nl'r enter Hlined at ' unclay dinner. I\o\r. and \1rs. (;eorge itobel't son and Mr. and ~1rs . Harry Mu rray.
B e.lLI eId H ere 0 Dun J e 23 and 24--Big Prepa rations Being Made
We give Premiu m Bulton~ . SIIWWon. 3; Lost. 4; Pet ••. 429 yer'~ Wayne Market. Our Miamis journey ed to Midland Followi ng is the program for the City la~l Sunday afterno on and came Mr. anel ~rr s. L . D. Ch il es enter- the twentie th annual convent ion of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Co le were hack with the short end of a li-to-3 lai net!. Thllr~d ay at dinner. Mrs. C. the Ohio Associa ton of Cemete ry Springf ield visitorH, Sunday . 8core. but we may conside r thi~ in upcrint endents and Officials to be A. WhitC'. of Oll' ensboro. Kv .. Mr~ the light of a victory when it is reo Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson. of Susie Cunning ham. of William ~tolV n. held at Waynesv ille. June 23 and 24. membe red that pre violls trips of Ky .. Mr and Mrs. Ed Slroud and' 1921. Headqu arters at the Chapel Cincinn ati. are visiting relatives. Wayn esville teams to Midland have at cemeter y. Mrs . A. L. Sid es. resulted in I9-to·l and 17-to-5 scores Thursda y. June 23- Meeting called Mr. Carl Dodd and fomily have In favor of the Midland team. moved bock to this vicinity from Mr. and Mrll. Ralph Thomps on and lo order at 1:80 p. m. Invocat ion; The game was fast. snappy and Lebano n . Bn th Ja ..:k Plil'\l ... ~) J . .!lcl Lester States, of Clarksvill e; Mr Welcome by J . O. Cartwr iiht; Re· 'r :tq' Olio IlI 'i l\' \ l :.dl I I. ',\<" ,;1.':" hard-fo ught. and the victors were 111,,1'111 11 P' .1 ,-: 1 ..... City Jl:'r 2 \\'h\.'11 Il1 l' 1 t.:rtJ P\~ a n ("h:lm:"" ll ;11 aymond Titus and fam ilv , of South sponse by Luther Cline; Preaide nt's 1' ), rn ill ! IIIi. \. It I I l! fr"111 til \: Il . J • :' 1 .\· , ' 1"\ ' :"IllIr forced to the limit to win. We are sl ' l)w t he 111.:11 ill th.' Ill' . ';' I Lee Hawke and family and F.arl , n 'Hl ' : . f l~ I I, I'" :' l All " LebanCl I \ I ... n. and Mr . Vict or Co mpton Report by Mr. S; J. Perrott; Read· ', i I • , I ... 11 ~ l lil,ln "-" offerin i no alibi!! or excuses . but Orndor f and family' spent Sundoy at and f am ily. of Wilmin gton. were ing of Commu nication s by Secreta ry; t here will be an entirely differen t Clifton. Ohio. guests of Mr. A. Titus and family. Paper by Mr. I. N . Smlth- "Home atory to lell when Midland plays the Corning ;" Discussion; Paper by Mr. Su nday. retu rn game here. Mrs. Arthur Zell. of Chattan ooga. Arth ur S. Tupper ; Discussion; Ques· Orsborn pitched a iood game and Tenn .. ill visiting her father-i lion Box; Paymen t of Dues; Recep· n-law. Mis!' Floramon rl Reed and her deserved to win, while his battery Mr. John Zoll. tion of New Membe rs; Appoin tment moth er enterta ined the following of Commit tees; Adjourn ment. mate. Hob Hsgger ty Burton. was In The next dinner of th e Men of In th e p resonce 0 f a bou t ] 50 guests gues ts on Su nday afterno on. June 5: the .,game Up' to his ears all of the ' . Several of our ba~e ball fans acThe e\'ening of Thursda ' y evenmg . f 1\1 S CI Wayn esvil le will be ~er ved by the th e .w.eu"d Ilig time. Bevo McClure fielded his po· compan ied the Miamis t o Midland 0 . r t.. ai.r .Fi fe. o. f Mrs . Rachel Crew. Mrs . Ina Shan e. J une 23rd. will be in the hands of t he Mis."cs Berda and Lula Fealy and Dorcas soc iety in th e social room of WI I mlO gt. on. an d .M I~S .Lllllan . sltion in true Jake DllUber t style City. Sunday afternoon . WII On Thursda y aftern oon . May 26. tbe M. E chureh on Monday evpnin g kerson the people of Waynesville. who wi II was solemm zed at th e horne Messrs J oe and Frank Crew. Cake take care of the deleiate aJld lead both teoms at bat. with the Womon 's Auxilia ry of t . Mary's June 13th . To an inq uiry by a mems for the of the hride's pa rents at 8 o'c1ock nnd f~uit were served outdoor thrt!e clean hitl in four attempt s. Floyd Daullht ers. mid Ahipman in church wns enterta ined by M ra. Ha r· s. and evening . , 'd . J ber of th !1 e pleasan Gn;\ette II I t t time starr. was J' re;;idenl enjoyed by all. as • rl ayevemnLr. une 3rU . As u ~ ual. Carl ,"' rye contrib uted hiB the U. R. Navy. Is visiting his pa· ris. Mrs. Mosher Friday. June Z4-Mee Uni called to and Mrs . Ronald Cart wright replied that th e nam e of Ju st preced ing th e cere!11ony. Miss full shIiTe of gOvd work at the hot rents. while on a furloug h. Hawke at the home of Mrs. Harri s thespeu ker wil l not be order by Chairm an at 9:00 a. m. Ad· ,made public COZy Younce sang " When You Are .June5t h woe a most delightf corner and at bat. Eddie Burton and Mrs. Mcsher . ul day dress by Prof. J. O. Falkenb urguntil the evening of the dinner; he Truly Mine" and "Oh Promise met with a little blld luck at short. Me," wi th 'its atmosp here so cool and re- " The Greates t Tomb Mrs J. F . Cadwal lader spent the The meeting was openpd by Mrs. furth er stated that no on Earth;" membe r can Mi811 Helen Marlatt presid ing at the freshing . The but he also made 80me of the moat week·en d with the Misses Annie and Cadwal lader reading friends who enjoyed Questio n Box; Paper by Mr. J. W. th& 57th Psalm. afford to miss lhe session. piono. Little Misses Donna and the privileg e of be illg welcomed to brillian t catches In the game. Again Marne Brown. at Columb us. Rev. J . F. Cadwal lader conduct ed Chambe rloln- "The Ladies; " DiaDoris Wilkerson. nieces of the bride. the home of Mr. and Mrs. we lillY. "We'lI wallop Midland when Elias cussion; Report of Commit tees; Un· the devotio nal service. Scriptu ral played :the weddin g march from Oglesbee with their us ual they come here." The-l!Core: Mr. Henry Prf(e and Mis. Cora quotatio ns Were given In cordial finished Buslnesa; Election of Offi respons e to .- - . - - - - -- - - Lohi!ngrln in faul tless style ae the Bill. hosp itality. never saw their home cers; Adjour mentfo rnoon-d of Wilmin gton, spent Sunday roll-call. After the bu&lness for th e Miamis ........... 00·02 00 (} 1 0- 3 ayl'l-nc h couple. aUende d only by little Miss appear more bJ!autifu l. The Midland ........ 0 1 0 III 0 1 x- 5 with Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Smith. fortun· The delelrlltes and guests will .... day had been att end ed to . th e follow· A.lice Mardis as ring-be ar er. ap- a te persons were: Mr. and MI'!I. semble at 1 p. m .• and take automo Batteries: Orsborn and . R Burton; ing program was rend ered: prollched the library. where Rev . l.ewis. Mr . and Mrs. Warren Mra . S. A. Lamb. of Columb us, Walkel' and L. Conner. Wood , biles for a ride to Fort Ancient and TABB Y-CAT MOTH ER! Ll oy d H. Miller. the groom' s pastor. son and doug ht e r. Mr. apent ths week-en d with Mrs. Ma- Piano Solo- "When Shadow s Fall " ond Mrs . the surroun ding country . The Xenia Aml'ric:m Legion team (RolrElj .. . Miss Kathry n Hender son awaited them before a bower of \.link Cha rles Dechan t. of Lebano tilda Hoeier and Miss F:lhel Hosier. n, Mr. The officera of the Ohio Asaoeiation is coming bllck for another dOle of Reading- "Hlndu Mission ary in r osE'S and whi te canterb ury belts. an d Mrs . Fred Gons and son and for 1921 are as follows! Prelide nt. the Miamis '. dope. next Sundsy . Califor nia" ... ...... ... Miijs Clara Lil e The simple . but deeply impress ive. Miss Alice Gons. Have you paid your laxesT ~.J. Perrott , Springf ield; Vice-Pr es· Watch uil go back to the .600 mark, Readin g-"Miesionary W d rk In si ngle rinll se rvice was used to unite • - _- -Utah" ...... .. Mise Emma Heighw ay dent, J . A. Schmid t, Columbus; Sec· not to fall below it qain this aeason. l hese t wo young Iivt!~. The bride Mrs, Carolin e Chenow eth. of Route retary-T reasure r. E. A. Sloan. Ma· Vocal Solo- "I'II Go Where You Watch our smoke! 1. arrived home. Saturda y. "fter a was charmin gly gowned in white Want Me to Go" ... Mills LucyEm ley \ rlon; Chaplai n. I. N. Smith. Green· plea8~lRt vi sit with charm euse satin and carried a show er relative s in Reading~"J oh n P a lon and the ville. Indiana . Sinking of the Well" .. ...... .... .. .. . ......... ... MiS3 Henriet ta McKinsey Get 8 tmde button carrl. start sav- Vocal Solo- "My Savior Lead a Me All the Way" .. . Miss Gladys Harlan intimat e (rl ends of the happy co upl Q ing trad e buttonA for one of the were seatcd at lhe brid e's lable. benutif ul aluminu lll sets. 1 BuUon Reading- "The Plow-fjoy Bi dhop" . ........... ......... Mrs . Bert Hartsock which was ind "ed beautifu l in color. The followin g resolutIO with each 5c spent at Sawyer 'sWayn e n wai un?n· Vocal Solo- "Call Them In" ........ scheme of pink and white. Two lmou sly pass~d by the co ngr~gatlOn Market. .. ......... ........... .. Miss Lucy Emley wedding cakes odd "d to the tabl e's of St ..Marv s church last The meeting (;f the Alumni associ· Sunday Reading;-" Missionary Work in I decorat ion and when cu t. Miss Alice mornin g. nnd the same has been forRev. 'a nd Mrs. J . F. Cadwal lader ation of the Harvey sburg Hilrh Idaho .. ... .. Mrs. Sarah Zimme.r man \ ; Ca rey receivet.l the ring ; Mi ss Corin ne ward ed to our local. Congre 1ICb001 closed.a-week of unusual fes- and Mrs. Mary L. Adams. of Wil- Piano Solo- " Dreams "(Frysi nger) ssman, The Wayne Town.h lp Sunday I Welch the coin' Dr. Fife the wish- th e Hon. tivity at the end of a very successful mington . left this mornin g for Chi.... ..... ..... Miss Kathry n Hendersor. S. D . ·1· eBf\. School convent ion 'was held. SundlY bone; 'Miss Aud'ra Gullow ;y. th e but"Where as:. Peace .uno.ng' oursel· ofterno on. at the M. E. year. Though the attenda nce was caito. where th ey will attend the church. t on. and MiRS Mir ia m Mull. th e ves . peace With other natlOn~ should After adjourn ment. a delightf ul not so general llli at other meeting s. commen cement exercise s ot a rela· There was a small number present . thimble . social hour was be. not. only .the earnest de;!l re •.but The reports of the dilteren enjoyed . during neverlh elesa a pleasan t and friendly tive. t scbools Mr . and Mrs. F ife have go ne on a th " ac tive. Bun of . e~ery. Chri which refresh ments were served by evening was enjoyed by the membe rs stian. were read. and they showed some honeym the oon hostesse trip t o WaRhington D. C.• And realiZin g that It IS vam for us to s assisted by Miss Emma Comrad es George Waterh ouse. and visitors present , improv ement over last year. especby mo to r. aHer which tlley will be tal k of our .Iove ~f peace. and Vice-president HaroldG illam called Jesse Prende rgast, C. W. Younce. Heighw ay and Mrs. James McClur e. yet to ially in tbe schooll that have been at home to their fri ends at Wilmlng- be promo tmg di ffe rences Mrs. Eliza Jacobs. of Gainesville. the meetin i tf) order. and all took Keller Hoak, Coleman Jackl4On. Ern· that ?re holdini contests , ton. ' where Mr. Fife is associat ed ap t to lead to war - to be their places at lhe prettily spread est Earnha rt. Marsha ll Haines and Fla.; Miss Emily Jllcobs. of Middle. worklllil Rev. Kneisly.· of Springb oro. Itave with his futh er in business. fo r u larger a~rny or a g reater navy . an Interest ing talk on the tables. After grace by the Rev. Mr. J . C. Hisey attende d ~he funeral of town; Mrs. Barnett . Mrs . Kilhon. Sunday · The bride is Lhe daughte r of Mr. Therefo re be It Bennett . punch, brick Ice crellDl and Ralph P. Snook. at South Lebano n, the Mi@!es Lucy·Em ley. Gladys Har· Schools, which was much enjoyed by and Mu. l:i. l:i. Wilk~r8 o n and Ian. has Kathry .. Resolve n Hender d: That woo the congre- all who heard him. County Super· son and Betty angel cake were nlentifu lly served Sunday afterno on. A poullry dealer In Chi cago greatly endeare u herself to a large gation of SL Mary's Prote~tant Ell isHartsoc k were pr8lent as visitors . by the commit tee on refrethm enta. fou nd a. very nluch batt ered-II I' circle of fri end s her sweet and copal Ch urch. 1V<:,,~,~ ••,rttt,.-;l"Ililn-:...a,~t·na-lAlk~rlocnleltheBoxwell al80 !Jllve hlll'wLllllullaL&-I----- tltton back of his sho p on o <l '\)' gentlt! dlSposlt lon by Mr. and Mrs .....L..E-- Ianney and work accompll'shed I'n the Nl:xt c,ame roll call. the reading of and her man y woo .. H e l ook It III a ntI t d Il. And manly graccM. She is a graduat e of se mbled for worship. Sun~ay. June COUl)ty, during the past year . the minutes and the addre&; of wel- daughte rs. Misses Louella, Jeanne tte nllw tllbby . n grown nnd we ll · red Waynes ville Hi gh Schoo l. where she fil h. 1921. urge t he PreSIde nt and Messrs. John Cummi ngs. Kenneth c ~ t. I. rClurnln g good for 1;00 '1 . come, given by Harold Gillam. The and J"rances, and Dr. and Mrs. J. T. The following officers were elected made un en vi aule reeorll. The g room t he Congre~8 of the Ullited States. N Olhlng delighls her Elzey. m f'rO Kennet th :111 Ellis h Kilbon, WillJUr left. Sunday morning , in their respOnse was Iriven by Miss Pauline if for the coming year: Preside nt. Wl,\OI1 6h o i s mn t lle"ln!;, a Il ort hlng i ~ th e s0!1 of Mr. and. Mr Will Fife. they have noL already done so. to Harlan. Misil Vesta Ellis favored the autos. for a trip through the East. ~tansberry. Wilbur Evans and li'rank oC bahy c hkko or Iit~:~ u lI .: k l Jngs of Wllnnn~ton. find ,IS a, young .man cull a confere nce of the leading na- Robert Hunt; Vice-Pr esident. Mrs. -Or hoth at tho san. lime. U8 of st erling wo r t h. lhe Gazette Joms. audiene e with music. Misa Lula where they will ' visit all the large Robinsoll were Cincinn ati visitors . . . L. Mendenhall; Sec·y. Leona MeGin· auolYu b ~r e. Lheir hOHt of friends in wishing for lions III a reductio n of armame Fealy read a humoro us clll8ll pro- cities and places of interest . nts at nis' Treasur er. Alice Carey. DeleSunday . the very best things in li fe. . the earliest possible date." , were name d f rom tlIe varlo phecy. and Superin tendent Tolle . U~ gates Ip"ke slonlr the line of school work schools to attend the convent ion at Mr. Bennet t address ed the meet· Springb oro. this week. Ing In his usual sincere and genial manner ; Mra. Reed recited "My Playma te." by Whittie r. BUIlness meeting and election of officen cloeed a very enjoyab le evening .
- - -... ...---
, ---
..-- ..- - -
The regular annual meeting of Miami cemeta ry was held Monda) afterno on. There was a represe nta. lion ot about 65 lot. owners presen·t. and the meetin g waa a spirited one. . After the I'8dlni of the minutes of the IBllt meeting . the preside nt. .Mr. S; L , Cartwr iiht. mad~ til' aiI~ dreJll. which WII.I a most satisfac tory one. Sev:eral importa nt matters came up at the meetlna-. Tbe election ot officera resulted u follow. : Trultee s for tllne years-8. Y. Collett and F. ' A. Hartsoc k; two years-F rank Elbon and Wilbur qllrkl one year- a L. Cartwfi &'ht '. IIId Frank Zell. L ' M. Hel!der80n W88 elected secreta ry and clerk by acClamation• . "'The annual report of' the IMICretary will be found in an. .. otherco lurDno fthlav.a per, . .
_ _ _.....__ •
u. OW. C1u118" ~ for reaaI~ •.
On Sunday . June 5th, the rela[r"Auto bioirap h y of a Rose" was wav on my arrival into this world. take life as it cam«!. Growin g tired look at this large one. isn't it 'a is the most beautifu l of all my ruses ." t ives of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Vil· ww' tten dby Kathleatn Hfo!nthderBOn'ka~d waa certainl y enQugh to hurt my ' of standin g my head drooped and I beauty? It·s th o as rea as a par o · e wor 10._ II pretties t one here." Then my new owner bore me horne lars gathere d at their pretty country languag e In tbe eighth grade. It ia U.e ngl. I was ·.Ionely and fright · fell asleep. Upon .awnkm g the next and as she pomted to. t/le . a home to remind Mrs. Villara that q ~ee~ r ose a~ t! pillced me In a lacy box With beinlt ' given for pUblication. boplng ' ened at this receptIOn and I wonder ed Imornin g I found round Mr. Sun her head WIIS held the day followin g (June 6) was her a little bit hIgher ribbon around It it will prove ot intP-ret!t to the gen. : how the other ro.es could Then I took a look 80 ali- , shining in all his glory but the happy thari befor e. birthday From the . bits of de· jolty ride to the press and was placed eral public. -Opal Da~ldl!, Teache r. I parently taken up In their own af. exclama tion I was about to utter died sc ription I had gathere As the forenoo n rolled around . d from the on the shelf. . fairs with . that queen rose':"'fo r on my lips as I heal'd lhe otber Mrs. Villars was quietly doln&' hel' roses other rosc&. I knew this was the After so much excitem . The tirst thing I rememb er aeelng I that'l what the others call ent I fell her. so I talking. "Isn 't that new rose lazv. highly approved of Lady Ann. Then asleep and on awaken ing I felt as morning work, making noodles and 111 this gr~at world Wall great dark I muat too-tow ering so proud and she Isn' t up yet." prepari ng dinner for her f~mi!v of before I realizer! what had happen :d though this bolt would surely vella hang;1OR' over the whole country . qlleenly above them. be mv "Yes." said another . and I reCOil· she had taken me in h er cool five. when suddenl y at 11 o'clock ~bl'l whIte coffin. then after starin I[ at them awhile Before lonl[ he· came and Uconsclously the teara began to nized lhe rose hOld spoken relative s were !leen and' heard With to yeti- hands and said. "Oh Hugh. do look whisper ed some nonsens turned my attentio n ~o my surroun d· trickle dpwn my cheeks. and e, which on'look- terday. "and so ignoran t she as~ed at this cute little rosebud . it is ev~n 's.pose was love. and soid ( was the their autos and vehicles. AI lOOn as fnp. 'aJld to my BUrpiiBe I saw that I In&' . up I was surprise d to see that me vesterd ay what made the world prettier than the large one, and Its pIcture of Lady Ann. but I knew that the excitem ent had vanishe d. ~e aot there were hundre ds of other l'08eII the world was crying, too. Taken cry." I had to acknow ledge to 'my- fragran ce is n;1uch sweeter ," near ~e. Thinkin g ~ might g"ln up with this new discove ry. that was only the blindne ss ot love. our .minds and bodi.e& in action. and I forgot self that the new :rose was no one You can imsgire my JOY. ofter be· for I did~'t loo.k a thing .like her. prepare d the dinner in cafeter ia iJtyle 80me 1Oform~tlon. 1 mqulred ~II ~ the queen rose, my trouble s and but me . I could have cried, I was RO ' ing criticized and snubbed Those present were: Mr. aJld Mrs. all day. to After dOlOg thiS several ·tlmes. my voice I tried to make prim and dlpl· bashfulne8B, and was able to. ask in unhapp y. but ( (!on~luded thst I be oPllnly praised and , adml!ed by· leav~ turned yeliow and fe!1 011' and Chas , Villars ' and family. Mr. ; and tied. "Where am 1•. anJ what are a quite ·natura l . voice, of the rose 'w oulpn't pay any attentio n to 'the Lady Ann ' At this unexpec ted. those dark veils up m the' sky. and next to me. '.I9h was makes I lost my sweet. perf~me . . Then. at· Mrs. Wm; Villars. , Mr_ and Mre. ~ th~ slurs of the other roses. so with this (saW' the Queen's head droop praise lower who.are you'" ter much dehbera tlon. he finally Sberma n F'erriS and dauihta r. Mr. world cr.yj' Has it any trou~les7" bit of philQsophy in mind I made a than its normal standin g, as she cast th~ew me out (intend ing t~ get an- Chas. Ema aJld·d'aujtbt erl lIrs. Car.;. In answ~r to mv questio n, a great To look back on thia q'u,estio n, it haJ;lpy day of i,t. " a hateful glan'ce at me. Then Lady other. ( .'s~se) . As the. wlDd blew rie Fletche r. Mrs. Mariett a CUJl8l'~ ~rlre h 80 big I though t;-eaid does aeem r~ther' simple• . blJ~ I think . Then just at the close of day 1 had Ann broke . the ste~ upon which ", me he~!l and there and separat ed me ter • . Mr. "nd Mri. ~ ~""'fer. You re ; JUlt a IIttl~ in.lgnlf icant the roee next to me \Digh~ have been my firSt · vi.ew of the 8uneet. and '1 was standin g. and plDned ailld son. Mr. and lin. r ~hto bits, 1 th01:!gb~ me 9n ~bud m LadY.. Ann a rose IrIrden. more conside rate and answer ed more when 1. was was entranc ed by die beauty of Lhls dress. I was delighte d to have ~bls. Just .a tiny rosebud and bow much m,eyer and 1OD8, Mr. _ ... ,.....!'.. 1 am th~ .pretties t rose ber~. for.1. kindly than, "WtU ··such a dumb unknow n body in the sky. Then place of bonor, for only Pyle aDd !!_qbt fr. the most happi~r I would bave been if I had o-ften tim. heard Lady Ann 18~ 10.' thing. .Don't you know jt is raJn. while 1- W811 g. azing i3Pellbound at this beautifu l of all ber roses did Tb (t'h . d ' - f b' h-.I Cecil VflIan aDd IOD. ,.. 1 ~e . take. beenblu . st a chom~~. roseh· ~ow I enw _prou """,,0 er ..... Ing u_ we~~ .wit~out Inquirin g wonder . 1 was star. t.l~ by someon e Whena sh h-.:I aID a ome""", orp an. uo· AboQ~ heandw the·Jar. p roM retired In ha1ll'bty !d. 88 to what nunlng k• .u ~ eyoung man It .... wanlUn lOVed. lJlVfra grancel ODe, tIce to _ h'clO!l mean~. rather speakin i in the sweetes t tones' have called HUllh parted. she _ of e'NIIID. placed me in my lence, leavlDa me to IPI- u to the thaD take BUch a ' BIlubbfD vee blown away. and my I apln. heard cloee by. "Aren' t my his handa and laid ... Pi.... qke this veU.lD the tkr. To be treated tbII Quite tilleD back I.Wed down to ever matred forner . AI... much hoar roaea beautiful, Hgab'l ADd lOlt 88 B !"'IDembrance of me, Hu~b. It beau w.ou II give to ~ • .commo n ~ J.J~UIIQ,
-I ' atpM
The Miami Gaz,e tte, W aynelVilIe, Ohio.
_ !L __ _
,'f('r. on, ar' IIfrgot, you Jlno\V, _ lIIay milt! null or, Mr_ l'~torson, (',-cry now ,HI \1 Uwn," ",' urnl't! o r\l.ll1nlOllll, "SI rlcUy 111011<,<1 ... lUkes." "Jr YI)U 1,(,1111110 YOUI'tw lt 10 WHIt ~' O\1 11'111 ('OIII~ 10 DO hurlll," said I'eter~"u. "H 19 wlwo Ihe ~I Illtrs b\.~ "111 \' ullllmlt,'l l Ihnl llie 11"lIl;l)r or Il
The Adventures of A Detnobilized Office1· Who Found Peace Dull 1>9
ruustratiolls b'J
JRWDlMYERS Do r o 1"1
CoPY rt 9ht by Geo H
C' rIlsh ht...·ullh·!'O unlllH l U~ll lOO."
' ''l·tle I I~, II'hlit my motllrr ulways lold IDe." relu" .. k,' lI BUJl b, "Sho e\'~ 11 'w('IIt ' flll'lhN, Ileur good IVOIUUII that !" he "I\!-.. • fI' cr lJCl except Oll u eertuhHY, my !luy: wa s he r cunSlnnt tidvIc", 'lind Ih~1I \lut YUllr sbln au I' 1 CliO heur her 811)'l nll It UOII' , Mr, Pelersoo, wllh the I:ohlell rays of U.e s e lthl!: suu Jightlllg up her sw""t
','t lll till' ~lllll(' ,i~l u slon I !We I" rc- ' " m llrk ... 1 IIlllth wllh n 8m'II I', "Still Uw ~hll11e delusion," NI'l'ut ('Cl I P" l t'r:-:n n . " 1 !" lIuJ) h (' rt'nth' t o ! ', ' h l ' h"" 1 Itn - pJlI "' r nnd Ih,' fIl011 lip t ill ~I " O'('I,,,'k 1.I1l I ~ht lit H2A n.-n:.e~ gf rl'f>t: nut' It ,I s plls..t\lble. J mlJ.{bt el"t' n
The last word in Quality The best word in Price
W1~' JlrnlJRI II~,
(tOl' Il ,
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"Oood morning," he cried , "ThIs Is a vel'y p leos"nt surprI se, Mr. Pelerson:' Be wllved hi s v isItor lo 'fi chnlr. "HopI) you' ve l.od 110 mllro , troubl e w llh your cur." Mr. Pelcrsoo drl'W off his gloves, smlllllg uml ob ly. " No ue nl 011. tb unk you, Captil in Drummund. The choufteur uppears to ha\'e mustered t he d eteet." " It was your eye on hIm thnt did It. Wond cr,ful Ullng-t he hum nn optic, 08 1 saId 10 yo ur fri end, Mr. -Mr_ Laklnglon. J bope t1ml bll's qul le ,",I'll nJl(1 IlIklng nourish ment" " Sort t oad ollly," Bold the other genially, "M r , I.nk lngton hod a most unpleo ant oeclu ent lost night- mos t uopl easunt." Hugh's focI' ex presRed his sympa-No, No," H. Muttered, "Not Again ." UI),. "How very UII (ortuuole I" h e murmured. "I trus t nothIng serious ." "J feor hi s lower Jow was fraclured It'a quite aU rlaht." h e conllnueu rOo lUl8urtngll; "No one wlJl hurl you ," In two pl aces," Pel er ou hel pc u him· Then after a pUWle--"lB you r nlllne selt to 8 e1l:l1l'ette trom th e box beside hi m. "1'h(' mnn who hit b lm Hiram O. Potts ?" !rbe mnn not;lded h is bell" uoulol.( ul- must IHi\'o been 8 boxer." "111 IxClI up III a browl, wo s h c ?" 81lld Ur ll m[oond, sha king hi s lo enll , "I ';1. 1l\l ld n ev~r Illl l'C t houl:ht, from whut lilt Ie l' \'e "I'('n of Mr. Lukln!;!"u, thut he w ellt In for Plll ntln ;; Ihe tewll red_ I'd l. ove put h im down 08 1\ most a bslemlous mau- hu t one never C1I n tell, cun one ? I onre knew 0 f cllnh who used 10 get fighting drunk 011 Ihrcl' \\'hI Rk l e~ , IInll to look at him. yo u'd hn\'c put him down OR a pa rs'JI1. Wond "rflll IImount of cheup fUll th nt chap g"l ou l of life," I'clerson f1l cke,1 lhe as h from his cll;n rc ne In to the grate. "Shnll we come to the poi nt, Captn ln Drummond 1" he rernnrk ed nft'nbly, Bugh looked bewilde red, ""he point., Mr, Peter son? Er-by 011 mnuocr of menns." A new .ize package f relers ou anllleu even more nffubly. "I felt certoln U18t you were 11 youn, Ten lOco mllu ot dI 8l'ern ment." he relll8rkeu, convenient. "~nd , I wouldu ' t like 10 keep YOli f roll} your pl1 lJer a minute louger l hull n ec-
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HERE are t o da y few ports in the world of importance to shippers or travelers, which cannot be reac hed by ships that sail under the Stars and Stripes. President Harding has said thllt, "We cannot aeU successfully where we do not carry". The American Merchant Marine that once almolt vanished is again an estoblished and important C8rrier of the world's commerce. You can ship or sail anywhere in Ameri<;an ships designed for utmost comfort and safety. Operators of Passenaer Service. Adn~:.~~ , ~~Y. l 1 State Street. Nt.,
~f.l ~~ G~:Slt~:::~BBJ~~r~~:\'fj .
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Free use of Shipping Boa rd film. OK of Shipping B oard mut,on p ic ture tilnu. four ,(cll. h~c em rt:qun t of any ma yor, pano r. f"OStn lll '\f c l, o r organ (. :ation. A , re .. l NUC'Qti ona l ptctm $ o f 3hl~ a nd l he sea. Wri te (o r inform· atlon to H . Lllu('. Dirccwr In fo rmati on Bureau, Room q ll, IJ \9 "F" Street. N . W .• Wehlnl ton. D . C.
SHIPS POR SALB (T. A ••,.,c•• 1,) 8r •• t •••• mer•• both 011 aDd eoa_
nil.,., ••
b.rl'l"', AI.o ... ood wood hull ••• 4 oecan · ,.l e,lulil. P.rlhu iDlor.'li08 e-.,.iaed b, n' .....
for Very
Dealers carry both; lOforlOci 2OCor20e. It's' toasted.
For sailings ofpasseng.r and fr,I,,,, ships ,. till parts o/tll'fl)orld andtill
"Jo,'ut a bit," crlell Bugh, "My ti me I. yours-t1lOugh I'd very Illudi like 10 kn uw your real opinion of '1'bo J Ul;gel'U liut for Ihe Chest!!r cup. 1t seems to mc thnt he ronnot ufl'ortl t o gl\,c Su mlltro' seven Iwunds OD U. e lr torm up to d tl t~." "Are yOU Intcrcs [('d 1ft I;Ulu hllng?" a~ etl PeleN<OIl uu lllt!lv
----- - ---- --- -p -- - ._,-p--------POP''IOV "NOW ,T HAi MAN ~~ ' yOUiV\N
Mun!)-:;~~t~~ ~~:e.L~~V .82I3cayU
o''''".in/ormGUon, fIJrll. to any 0/ dow
u. S. Shippinl
n s
SILVERTCiWN CORDS I\nli· Skid S') k ty Tread
$32.90 $41.8 5 $4 3.10 $4 7.30
$3.70 $450
$49.65 $58.90
$6 1.90
Ills room." James, with a curt "Ve ry good, s Ir," lett the room~.ost at once be re turned, ond Olagl ng opeD the c1oor, onnoun ccu Mr, I' e terson, Dru III lU OD (I looked U(l QuIckly !llld
"'1'hll l1k ~'H I1:'-1I0t nt thl! b our." 'l'llen ht' r()~\'. "I llike it, then, thut ~'O \l w ill IlIH r('ll1m nit! my PI' oPl'rty hcre u nft tlllW.'
s hould th('y lurn up by 11.111 I " hllil not lIud It Ill!CCS811r)' I u ki ll ),')'11." lIu):h gl'lIl1"'u, "Your kindly forbrnrun~e JlI tl ll;lt'S 01(,." h~ crlt!d. fue!.'," " 'l1o uld IIII:Y nol nrrl>'e by U'NI , I f'e tert'oll lennI forwlI rll In his chn lr. hull be pUI 1.0 th .. hwonv.'nl,·m·e of "Youu g m nll," he M:!1llu.rkf'd. IIwe',·o gO I to und~rlltftnd one oooth~r. Last t uklnJ; (h elll, "lid tn lhnl ~lISL'- U1U c.b nlghl yo u blltt ~ d In on Illy \llun~, und II' I I'P!:["'I It - you nllly hll "e 10 hc )'Otl'N! f:urh un nggrc.qlii h ·u I do 001 1I1; ~ pl'tl pl who do Ulnt. lly klllt'(1. nn nel whi ch, I nlll.1 nlimlt, ftl'P"ult!d YOUIIK ttltHl , Cupluln PrummotHI- IUlt.!, to me Ijrl'lltl)" )' 0\1 .. ('lIIoved s(\lu l"l h lng r fl'lIr , not ,'(' ICy IlH' t(nl." li e spullt!
ly on o mutC,'rtXl " 'lI fIlIU l 'O(U:;- · OIU'tl "I]'" o'bry rd mn D~t"\l IiI ~.' r·11I~ WllGle of it':' b e lllurterl\fI tn hflll~l·l l or t\\ I t' l', llS II tIll' wonis SlHlU l il.:d I rf'qulr. !'o1J1 11t:!thln~ , mOl'et""er. whkh tor the t\Ventl el" \JUlI', '-fha l .Ia",' fOIIl IIl"r. " I ~u you TCIIlf'llIhl\r tlrh' lng In n 1 Int end t(l h:l\ c, Brt'ukllllj Ihe ,'II' cfell ah Peterson WP S "'0 'JI.kk ," Till' Ulu t Or,'ur 11\:'1 IlIJlht 1" I t~rsl :; ll'lI 1Iug h . trle buill II'llh II r ' \'ol\'l)r shnl sho ws ICmp he hnd torn otT w»:, I ~ pl'\\ r u· Hut \\ hu, lillie tllidll of remclll- t"t.lsourt."p ulll l lnltlJHlyc. The hluw tllut t fc; lIu\'e for IiiI.' Amerl l'lIl1 's "'T"\\ Ir.1 I " go_ture. and Hugh kllPW the wunls I bTlII.,," h,,<1 i,l t'rced Ihe drug-duu,I'li snlllshcri U"llry I. llkln~tull'R Juw 10 ill'o bru in Set' I"",I to hll\'e PIl ~S"U: tlt e pin"'.'!! ~ho\\'s sln'I'I(lh, ,\II qWllllles 111 b6llrL mUll ouly s lllrl~1 d[I."lIl.)' III U", l!}Jel1k, Which 1 1IIIIlIII'C, Clilltllill IlJ'UUlIll (II1lIpl~te pnrnl),.le cr. UMlI.lHIlOUti trll' u him" Ith II t "w odm lre gl'"utly, I should 11I~lIk" hnv· ade ot lIr1 tnln Ulorc QuesUons, but It WII S no u se, lug 10 lI"l.rh·o the world of Ihose quolmonths 1 do nnd artt'r n while lie got up uod mo\'\~tI IUe8," ' the holde r of tOWllrtI the door, UMlIllmo nd I'n7.rd 01 tile ~pcak er ot five milli on "Uou't you worry. old soo," he sulll op(!n -lllnulli(,11. " ~I ," dpnr 81 r," he prodo desire ao d with II sm ile. "Wo'li illl " c you JUIUV- t es ted f ..·..hly , "yo.u ov"crw helm IJ'W. earl Dccklae~ lind i he log ulJOllt like u Iwo-yellr-olll In n A re you n 'llily "'~'\1"l nK 1111' of b~lng are at pr~"''''t ('ou\)l e ot lInyd," fi sor t uf wilLI W t:p't .sho\\' 1" l1e \\tug· fh ~"~ ot I,n m-p 'I'bou he IlUuscd ; the mUll WUll c,-I- gl~d n fllI!! ,'r at l'I' II'r"OIl, "1'ou know k 110 qucstlt'ns denUy trying to suy sOlue Ud ug, "W ha t yu u 've h ct!11 10 t h e lOo\'l.-.s lOu lIIul.:h, btaillel i. Is It you want?" Hugu IcolJl over Li ke Ill y f.II"It, JIlll1 r.<, 1I,,'s ""I r... AM, C, POT'!' the bcd, vol\'ers nnd tllhl!;S on lhp hrll ln," At lenrth be roploced lhe .('rnp In "Vnng r, dnn ger," Fnilltly the P eterson's rnee wa ~ uhsulutely imhla pockpt-book 1I0d rang tI)(! "ell. words ,' aroe, Ilnd Ih en, with a s lgb, pnsslve: 8.1\'1' for 0 sllj{ht ly Ilrrd "Jame!!." be remnrked liS hI s ~cr" he IllY buc k exhuus led_ SOlli e It wo ~ eXI)re8Slol1l~,< ", "l"lolI lant CIlme 10: "You'd heller kll ow With 0 grIm SUllie Dl1lI1lI1lond Iy , Coptoln Drummonll, ~' ('U tore In that as far 1\8 I can SI'C wl" re up wotched Ihe mt>lIouless ltg-urI', hult u pIL'CO or pOpN which Ireaplnst a tougb l)ro\>0911101l." "I'm nfruld," he so ld Imlt oloutl, qulre--nnd r"lIlo\'ed " \,~I'y dear old "lodeea. si r," mUnllnrod his sc ovlIlll. " that you're ruther like your medlenl trl Ood or my rnmliy, who 18 UOW lu "Tbe gentleman Is IIsk Ing for Y"U, attell()nnt. Your ollly cODtrlbuLlon to U\ ls hou ~e, I wunt tlle m both bo('k, Ilr," Mrs. ,Dllllny's volt~ from tbe the sphere or pure knowledge Is p leuse, nntl If you like I'll IlIke Ihem d oor made them look round, eome tblng 1 know alreod y," , no\\'." Hllib walked quI ck ly al ong tlll' passlIe weot out uoll Quietly closed the Dru mmolill Ail rllgged hI s s ho ulllers l,e to the room where the mil li on- door. And 88 be re-entered bls sit- remllll Plll y, "1'I.oro Is ~o llll'thing auout aIre lay In bed. ting-room h e found hIs ser\'ont stnnd- you, Mr. Pili CI'>OIl ," he mUl'murell, "How are you feelln,'" sold Drum· Ing motion less behInd 001) or Ihe cur- " which I III"" go ftln s h'rrul, so ('om· mond cheerfully, taIns wotchlng the street below_ p e llI n!:, 80 llllrulned, I rec l s ureTbe man stared ot hIm u noompretThcre·& 8 mUll , sir," be remarked when YU li hun fllllllly ,1I"nlJus..d yo ur lIend lngly. aod s hook his h eod. withou t tliMllng arouud, " wulcll ing th e mlod of t hl ~ o"~lIrd 11IlIl u<"i nlltioll"Do yon remember la8t nlghU" house:' ' thnt we Rhu ll bt'('ome r,'a l fr lcods, BlIllI ~tloued. l!J)eaklng very s lowly F or a moment l1 ugh Blood s tili , " Tell Oll', why did Y"" ullow 'Ihls and dllt1neUy. Then a sudden Id en trownlng, Then he ga ve 0 sllOrl scou ndrel to Ir'llt you In such nn Itrodt: blm aod he pulled the serap of lougb. "The devi l there lS I" be re- Omlnlld Ollllll1p.r?" paper oot of his case. "Do you re- morkell, "Tbe gIlm e hl\8 began In "Unfortllllllt l'ly 8 hull et Intelil led member s1plolr tllat '" eRm~lIt, my worthy worrlor, wlth the t or hl ru J ust ml ~s~I I ," ODSW 'rell P ~te r For a wb1le the wan looked at It; IIrs t nine points to U8, For (losses- son cns unll y. "A plty-h" t'u use the re tIIen with a IUdden Cf'1 of tea r he s lon, even of 0 seml -doz.:d IUIl nUc, Is would ho \'e I.t!en ng trlll'e uf hlill by IhnuIk a1!'a7. lillie polots or the law, Is It not, n O\\1." "No, no," be mattered, not ogaln.ft "Ml gh l be nwkwnrd for you ," mu l'Jom esT' Bup hU1Tledly replaced the p aper. mn""d Bmd~ "Such lllulhorls, Mr, TWO. "Bad break on my part. old boan; you . mdently 'remember rather too well, At twelvo o'cl ock Jlreclsely the bell rang, IIn oollllclng 0 vlslt ur, ~od Drulllmond loo ked up, os his servon t callie loto tile room, ··Yu , Jam es,tI be remnrked, III think we nre at hOlDe, I wont you to remain w1Ulln cull, 8l1d under no elrCumstOlICPS let our s Ick visItOr out of your 811:bl tor more thll.ll a minute, Jo ta ct. I think you 'd belier s it In L
1 <lIT.. r y,lu II drink , ,,,
$3.S5 , ~
Fabric Tires "You're Such an Aggreo slve Young Man, Capt.ln Drummond-a nd , I Fear, Not Ve r y Ta ctful ," regretfully, drl!lwluj: on hl~ 1:10\'1'8 ; lIle D liS be gUI to tl.e <luor he pu use d. ''J'm ofrold thllt lilY wOl'ds wi ll not
J.flx3 $l1DO
bn ve much efft!'c l ," hc '~ \ llurk,-·'1. ill.Ju t Ihe epIsode Insl nlgll l did ullpen l to
me, I wo uld like 10 s purll you-I would reully , II's II s ign of weakness, my young fr l('ntl, whll'h I " Iew \\1 th amo 7.emco t-hut Devt.' rlbel ~ss, It is there, So bt! wllrllt'd In lime_ H ~tu ru my prope rly to Berners .lrCllt, ttud lenve Engla nd for n few monlh"," UI8 eyes seemed to burn InlO Ul e 601l1l" r'8 brllln , "You nre mcddllo g III ntful..,.," he we.UI on gently. "or the dnDger of "'hII'll you have no C(lncepll oo , A fl y In th e l;eu r·llOx of n motor-cur wo ultl lle n outHler prOllos ttion far II life Insul'" ,,,:e tlum ~- ou will be--If YO li continue on YUIII- pn'~ c.llt couJ'se," There wu s so nwlhl ng so Inc redlh ly lTl Cnllt'lnll In Ih" sC>fl. quie t ,' ulce lhut DrlllnlllUru) Inol\k'u fll Ihe f'pcn lL,.. r fu",·
Anti·Skid Safety Trend
J. B. CHAPMAN, Distributor
Waynesville, Ohio
Ow nPIO :'
t Ie rll llg n l" (,..... ",Jnlllt:~~:' lit' s.Hlfl. IlS thp t1uor or-enpd , " tuk", n pll'C'P CIt puper IIntl a
I sed Ilnd rololl.-!u!.l by U. S, Gove rnmen t
7" (lI llu..tl.-- . .... $ 14 . 60
IM·ndl- lf t hrr f" s ~If' w ith a pulnt-
lt cm ln~-t:
n.nd sit down at tI~ I nhle.
~~~J)~ ~~~II~ ~~'. lf~'o~~:~ ;;:60rIO~b~~ll~f~ : ~~: g~
l'm goi ng
t.o Ihlll k, nnd I'd h ute to m lS50 out uny~ UJln j!."
Ills l:Ier\'llnt Cfllllpll,'lI, nnd tor n clnll lo.1. li e 11Iltl II i'uJ\.de n feeli ng thll' he III li s t b l' uI'C.lInhlj:;'- UlI.t III II 111 0- wh ll .. ,,1I('nop 1'1'1 1,'11<!t', "First," r mnrkell nru mlllon rl , " put ment or lWO he would Wilke up III '~ find thnt ,IlPY lmd r{'nlly 1;1'''0 tnlklllK dow n- 'Tlwy know whrre f'ottH Is,' nbou l Ille \\'~nl h ('r l he whole t ltne , T\Y<>-'Thl'Y will t ry to I;et Potts.' '' "Y" 8, sir," tl lls \\'e rf'\l Den ny \\,rlUllg Then Ihe "y nh:,, 1 glenUl of tl'lul uph 10 btJ ~lly . I' elergo n'~ ('y~s OC letl a ll hint 11"1' a '''''h ree-'Thpy will nOl g('1 P ott s: cold doucile, " Yuur "/l nuo r Is as r~tl'eshlo g,fl h o Now, J am"', you've got 10 010 som&thi n/: ('I.c, m oe nnr! with YOllr wellons wercd !(cn lu ll y, "ns your slmJles h:uu w tl Rlt'Hlth uppruudl th~ \\'l1l1low lire 11111 . I " hudller to th ink of lIml poor IIttl .. II~' , Illr, Peter. on, espec1u l- lUll' sec If tlte w\lt~ll er ~U II wulchetb Iy with Y'J ur chnufl'eur gl-IOIlIn g h i. wIl1I/l/lt_" lCo o"nued OD page JI genrs to .. I res.'" Be hp.ld nl,en l he door for Ills l' lsllor, lIull fo ll owed ~hn Inte tlt l! pu S""~" . At the other ~nrl slood n~Il')Y , 081Clltollously d usti ng n book-shelf, nnd Pe terson glune Itl lit hl ill clls u,.lIy. It cflllrtlc terlsllc of I It e man U.a t no I roc~ ot unnoyunce showeu on his f nee, Ill' IlIlghl h" ...., been 811 o~lIn nt'Y vis itor Inking Ills letHe. Aod then s udde nl y f roll) Ule roolll oul s llle wnt ch nenn,v Wl1S lIust ln g th ere CH III C U low mOnlllll1: lind lin In· coher ent blll,lo le, A qu kk (r own pnssed 0\'1'1' IJruUlUlI",d' s flu'c, nn<1 P eterso n re' llrd ~d him thulll(h lru ll y "An 1l,,'lI l:d 10 II ", house '/,' he rem arked, "fltw Ilwouvt' ul e lll for yo u !" H e luld hi s hunu for U III OllIl.'Dt on Iht, so ldi er 's nrm , '" sud l), fear Yllu' re goln!! to llJulle a f ool of you rsclr, AI1(1 It wi ll 'he such 0 pit y." li e l urll r,1 I"wll rll the 8'0 1rs, " Oon'l bOl lier, pl eose : \ cun fl't,,1 my ow o way Oll l."
Uwterwo...ul 4, l ·col.1r rih , lJucb. s p aeOt . 62 . 60 lC oya l ~o. 1. OU~t; ulu r nbIJOu " ,.,. , . 3~. O O
~~~: ~ ~~: ~', ai~~,oJorlljrt'~~r' ~'o.' 5::: ~i::g i ~~;'I~~-I~r~Il~I;'rl~ )I~I~'OL~~:::~{';~ ~tufl ' :~:gg ""ad ,
(,uomuttled III ~ood us"" ,'olldilion ..II
~?!..tI~I:~~~~i~~.e~~t~'rer~'~lj~:U~~,lllrc~':i:~ will yuu havo, tal'(!~ or . mull. 01'110", JIllo~ I
M lh!a in ,.our c.hld,•• two- ....ft uaheahhJ heDa - , ....,. ••••.
~~~n:.\'~lr~ o/~\~~~~'" ~1!~' 7~1~\~IY~o~~~~r~'L!~ make ami m odel. Cu rbou PMler J)(Ir bo x: I UO . 10"",,,,5 1.9' delivered ,
woodwori&. rooeta ... d OMI bo... wUi rid yov 01 t.H.. 1DOCM,~ tia ......., U....,quaD.d at. fb IlNa, 'or COWl aDd hone. .t.o ho ..... k. , Sal., IMtia.. aDd doe. DOl trUm th. hair. 8"7 It locan,.. If Ubable. '""" - .
Pine-T'Gr-Honey IDr. Bell's For Coughs and Colds.
Th~ (8Js4iff Coil1piii)'
II_ Yorio
THREE. Hugh tUrt1('rl bnck Into his own r oom, lind II ght ll1 l; n (lorlleu lnrl y uol ~y 1""", su t duwo In his own pc'clnl c hll lr, H e WII S t1'ntler no delUSio ns 01:1 t o the I'I SKS lie ,,",us runnIng, Un.ler ruling hIp. o)I' po n<.>nt ha d ne ver b e~ n a fl1ult of '11 s, e ithe r 10 th e rin g or In Frn ncl" nod he ho r! 110 lotentlon ot h p~ lllnll1): now, 'I' he man who could o"duct on Am eri ca n millionaire , ' and ch'u!, hi m till he was little better thnn R bll hy, nnd IhMI URI' n thumbscrew t o cll f ur .... hi s ,"I shes, wus not likely to prove o \,c r-sI1ropulous In the future, Afte r n while llC IJcgon boIJ-uocoll'1cl on. ly to tnlk nhud lo hImself, "'1'wo alt ernntl\'cs, old !Hlck:' h e rmnnrked, s t ubl)lng th e air wIth his pipe. "On&gJ ve the Pott~ b1rd up nt B emera street: two- do J\0t. NumbC1' on_ oul ot court lit ooee. PreposterOtI9nbslIrd , Therefortl-Ilumber two' bolds
An ael. .in this column iRa
Atlr t> \
............... ....,.. MONEY LOANJ:t;D
TU LO " N ON M ONEY .. t () ', 10 ltlr e o, fur
G to 10 'y~n. '1'l1rrell & 'l'e rl tlll , Ue .. 1 lila. ta te and l.olln8, Wtlmlngt o u , Ohio, Phone aui. m19 ,U
LIlIJDed on I\ve M,ook, M ONEY ohattels, "hlo seoond morlguKea, Na'68 booght, John Harblne, Allen Building, Xenia Ohio. ' 6. ( .22
HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT contains only highest grade ingredients, univer-
sally recognized as necessary In making good paint. If a paint is sold at a ridiculously low price it simply means that It Is lacldna In these necessary ingredients and contains cheap adulterants. The exact formula is priilted on every package '
Sold bJ
Glassifiad Ads
Quality does teUI Measured by capacity and length of wear, one Kallon of Hanna's Green Seal Paint proves itself equal to two gallons of so-called "cheap" paint. And there's a reason: viz.,-no paint can be better than the iDere4.lenta that go into it.
e...... __
fry our Job Printing
Where ~ CalIon EqllaiGli!g
of GreeD
Empire Type Foundry, Buffalo, N.Y
;,~:i ~ Y~
J. E. J~NNEY, Waynesville, O.
Male Fox Hoond, white, wllh blaok speokf! 100d lhree llOrRe hlaok spote on tilde. and lilp. while hun,;lng, 5 mllea above Wayn ..vllle. DOR had oolltu with rlog, bot DO Dog was a pe' and very frlendly. and mlgbl atop at anJ' honle, or follow aoyone, or might ha ve goUeo lmoKh t In wlre teoll6. A liberal reo
w.. rd otrered for aoy Inrormatlon . . to hie whereaboau. No".y Dr. tieo, W, Coyle, B'rankliu,Obto, or telephone Ollie MllllelCSloe, Wayoel. ville, Ohio. loB m=
of Per.ohblow Po&alOM, In. qulro of Rv"OO8 FaroAl, B, D. I, Wayn6llviJl,,' Ohio. j.~3 .
Toma&o. 'Or.nlUlower, PlmeDio l'eppen, Eig Plan*, and Oeler, PI_ta, 8M 8&ro018 Broe , R, D, G, YiIl.,
CabbAlB, lIango
S oan ,e' t'hoee Earl, Gol4ana '" WEETl POTATO PLAN~Yo.
0"0 BOOk"",., B. D. 'lJ, W.1Q_vlU. . je8
liDO CORN, LICAlllN~ bn.hel lnqnlre of ,j.H. V.IIIII•••
veon, &. D, II
The Miami Guettl~, Waynesville, Ohio.
.....TH E M I A MI G A Z E T T E....
'!'hore will btl abllT h JII Tfl o!l l.i n, KnndR y,morn lng, ,l one 1 , I OU
The :;\OlHl 'IV "'ohool h e r e will lJllve !)uy .'.· ~rr.l~u5 n ext ~ un J<] v.l·ybu! \y ( otllO , 1 11~H\lro v OU I~ d tl BV»llln ',Jullo) :!tll , won't un you nuy l.... rrn, /UlII ulIlY dn I\liH8 i A'ntlll Mc(llonl~ W!lS 11 !<lll y . i yon /I wholu I'l t u f S·lnd !t Oil alwPJI'lr , 'l'hur~tlt\y. M M 'l'er r y IWU 1\ E TI" ,fjJP~"ll Th (; l' II1Ar de.It' nlol' Il\lIt fit th ' wort.! tr1 DllvtOIl. fi'r :rl ay . : h ll lllf' 0 1 I h ~ ~11~- t;~ ,\I ll l'I(U rllt u ll d
D . L. CPANE , Editor a nd IJ ubli he!. \\u) l a~l' ille , (J I,io Suu~cr ioti o n Pric', $l.!iO pur y a r
rOU",j " , .'~\(": "" HI I , ., !f " IHo.· "C II!,lI l '*\ T i ll " \M"- I\It' :-' I' tcr. ~ ~i\ ' ~"Cli\ ( I" "
Ullll(1ron '~
Mrll, :"\hl.l~ 1 .14-:. ... ' I, r ,. to .kl ll "",,r MlICt ec t.~S llf ll rd vt.'ter o ouu vnolltjCou wll h hu r t "l k" 11 11 ,1 fri " tld ~ ' Frtlok I h1i' '' 1'~ b us i'O l1lrh~ tb., JUNh 8. 192t In Xon lo i ltrllrl' r .v 'InrI m en l IIIllrkel, of W Ill.lUr I Prof . Von HI1 Ir1111 Ck will t" 'tdl D tIVl" I\t ('t' n hJf\'ilit:' , Itud WIll soon I our schnlll nl(1I1O n l: xL . A"r : MI&H tl\ ke c ll o r !!". Our Cale ndar Mnll w il l 1,I',,,,h l.h H Hic'~"r\ ' ,'I If .. Dr nn ,l Mr. L ,~. Bl'(lc k vl sitAl) Mohoo l. lin t.! M I~" ~I ~ r l" EIII" WIll th ~ "' P UI C1Ly. 'l'bt11~. June 5- 2nJ Sunday after Trinity, l ny t(ltl~h IU f' .\"llUOj; ul l1ll h, / IV I U Ab l,o t JUlie 12- 9rd Sunday after Trinity Ch"~ . ~; .l oh us IS II11JlT(v ing h \~ ut Ve Jun e 14- Flag Day . nolll hOlidllY . Jllllull , I' ~id~ n c(l Wltl '\ co n t o f p"lnt . Mrs, J oh u H. Oliver. or P lqUl\, June 17- ·Hunker Hill nllY W I) "rtl t (,].] I hol M o rrltt~t,,\V O 1Il1~~ f)IIfo lhv l ;ol('IIIf1U lLllU Mr roturoe d to h er h ume un M ODdl1Y, b llH re l'llI llloy"el tI,,"r .flII1O t.(i,,("I,,' r~ nut! June 19- 4th Sunday ufter Trinity I\tr ~, ~~ Iw ~ ot 'oy uor II tlond Ad I nfter spendin g t,he wee k with Liz'Ile fur 1\.1).., 1" .,,· ,,"'lr. whloh 1M 0011 June 2 i - Lotlges l Day oht. I,he (Jom lll f\I1Cfl lllfm t, .. I. L e IJun Ll n , June 26- 5lh Sunduy atter Trinity lbrlao . elJly u wi 80 oh Olo" . Tbnr8d n y Ilvn n l n io:, I 00 MondllY night. May 30, forty I". C. M>ln Il OIl 11 11<1 fcll ll \lV '," r 6 l\Iu . BIrl e y L rlfllu , of L'OI OlllhO R, ! men, wowon aod oblldre n, m umber. tio ndu y ~uIlS L~ I f ' ·fl J..llv CM fit '1'I PI'3 · "i s ir fl d IVit,h ~\r, noll I\1r H (J . H of 'he Bllrvey s lmrg Frinod~ uhuroh, Ot1l"100 Ci ty , 1.11mb. AOV l' r,L1 flAYS I"Ht IVO" k . mllde a e nrprl Me on the MO((II Y Frllok ,,".1 A ir ,1 ,w cl l1l1 , MI R~ lIan · Mr. IIml ~lr H ~' l l 'j hllc:I<o ru . Il f bro\hllr~ antI th lJ lr f"milluM , whu reo nllb ,IunlIlTJ , ~I ~1 ·I'"rry. \v~ II .. r :::! prln g lmro, wnre w (\o le .fII,,1 !,; u oata oently moved Int o tbe Flilt Furk ~h"f\ le, t : \rtrk VU llll ll r 1 II OLI K ~~ . o f 1I1r. n ut! i\l r~ . Cha rI I'M ' llI r oelgblJo rllO(,d . k. The le .. d e r~ wur e 1'1" )')IJl ~l1 n Wl jrfl 111 \V"yn e~" lll< ' , I Rev . Imt.! MIlt. Am us Couk, 10e 1:111111[1111), "VllIlIOg , A numh er o f 1",]1,," of t h" Aiell"O urel1Ul, u .. k e lind n pl61lsa nl OVeUilll('~ 1';<1 V,IOM"f,l1r lIno 1'l'II nlc ,Jm dl1H jolytll ill (l oll~h lfnl pio nlC" tHnu f' r "t vl~lt o Ollstltot etl thll UleDu. h o,o" I1f ~Ir. ,Iu cu h I Will ruo I lr o Corn(J"l1Y'~ Ihr o ~lrlll!l rl!" fJoTlnlry ., 1'1 lOY b P II I . Liley, ,yedO D N Compto D is bnok II/i:BID , !If. URelllY I I \r' lr I Jltll " hln~, till" ~tl"HI) Jl . r l\j;\llllr utO ntbly ter sevor,,1 m o ntbs' Il bsonoe . ~1 M. T"r r y lind wif" W{1r(l . h o,,· in th o IIft orn l) " n bll HlU CSH uleol!u. : I I Mr . ..nd Mrs A 1'. Moler are pi n:; ill Loh""", The Adven~ of a n, ~Iltnrd n ." "flflrnCl n o Ml ~R Mortho. !S1t.yl or , o f flpriu K paintin g tbelr dwellin g Oll En s l 'l'h('1"11 from tlll~ pl!wc. who ,. 1·. Vulie y , ~1J6l1t t be " n~t W I ok wit h Demobilized Officer Who Main atrea t. tend"d 0 C:O rl.t lOU Ilt Wll ." ,'e~\'l ll{' h flr un olll /lU ll unut , 1\11' . Im,1 MrH. I &2r. Aud Mrs. WlllllllU DixMon, u f Wfl rfl : L n n ,lrunu ,m "od Found Peace Dun wlr" . A, WlllIn," CrolKhtun, Ollur Wi Im1l1 g ton , w fl r o oulllng 00 B . Till n ~l!fl · nll wifu, A.!-\ Allon ,lo rneR I:htn OR i ~ D\uking I\n ox. \ rrlondll h ere un 8und .. y. .. nti wifo, K. E. Th UJll pson n nd Wlfo . tonfl nd. vl Hlt with lti8 bro tb l\ r , W i ll 'l i'erry's BI" I:lhow Wu 8 in town, th e Mr~ All c n 'I'o rrv, Mr e. ,1 "II~i o Hcm . aoLl f'llu il y, 'It llelm o n!. ' fint of th e w oe k, and R o bert Mnio M n on. ,IIMs 1t:lvull!l I(,,"h l,', .1. L"(I "SAPPn· tl ev e ral fr ,"" b e r e W fA i n nt·t Anll. lrn" lttl )w cl W .. II,e. T e rry . bl. mother , pointin g to the elevblLllt" De nt 'h e Tow n hlp S. 8 . OOUVOO "He'8 bigger thlln hell, alnt h e?" Mi RH ~~ Iveotl Kimblo ~"Ol1 t, W f'u. no Li on .. t WU YlllJRVllie, I:'untl ny . "Rober~, 1 am shucked at the wny nesdu y w ith Mr~ Alln WEDNI ~SD AY,
30x3~ Stftndar
Non-Skid Tire Th is new low price is made p()uibl e by strictes t econ· omies and special . ized product ion, Plant No. 2 was erecled for the sole purpos e of riraking 30x3 ~-inch Non.
Bull-Dog Drummond
Shd fabric tires. With a daily ca· pacily of 16,000 lires and 20,000 tubes. this plant permits refined production on a quantit y basis. All m aterial; used nrc the b est obtaina ble. The quality is uniform . It is the best fabric ti re ever offere d to the car ow nc!\' at any price.
Fir est on e Co rd Tir es
T ire repair men, who judge va lues b est, class these tirea aa having the sturdiea t carcaHS made. Forty-s even high-gr ad e carman ufactur enule them as standar d equipm ent. They ere the quality choice of cord users.
-r ..
you oxpro811 youreel f . How man.v ,lmeM must I tell you -not &0 MY
'ulot' ?"
Tbe ilerVlUlt took a prOloOI.'IlQ survey, Bod tin 11 Ill' announc ed thst be tailed to see him. ''Then tlUll I,rovps couelU8lvell' that ho'. there," 8Illtl Bugh. "Write It dowD. Jam8!l: Fow--'O wlng to Ule wutcher without, PolLs cannot leave Ule h(l\ll:OB ...llbout beIng !leen.' FI v&-'Pot ts must leave the houlMl wIthout beIng seen.' 1 wllnl him, James, I want him aU 10 mnelf. B o shal l ;ro to m)' cotta&e 00 the river, Bud l'()IJ lIhaJl look after
blm." "Yeti, BIr," returned JamM dutltulll '. "A..lld In order to /!'ill him them. we
1:1, A , Cor8on, or 0"7&UO , W"M ollll. IDg on noqualn tanoeM hflre, ou 811t. urd.y . Onr 8~roet8 ..re now being nloely covored with oil, and dust Ie a thlDg of tbe PllMt. l'bfl A , M. E . ohuroh boptl1,Ing took pltloe on l:!undl~Y, in C,,,.ar's or1l811. There were two Immers ed Mr. ond Mrs Hersohe l Kfrle , or Wllmlo g\on. wsre S unduy gu e~ tB o f Mr. and MrR Ceull Kirk , of the City Clife. Our Townllh lp rrrullts8 81lnd Town. Ihlp 8ohool Board mot In regUlar les810n, two dRY8 lail& wee k, liDd Ir.nBllo ted bnslnes s 10 Illrge qnnll.
mUlit get rid ot the watcher wlthou't. How an we eet rid of the bird- bow 'Illes. CQ.D we, JllmBS, I 8sk you' Wbl', by
living blrn nothing further to watch tor. Once let blm think that PotLII I. DO longllr within, nol(,ss he's an Imbecile he wIll 00 longer remolu \111th· out. Now trot. ulong over, JIIIlles. Rnd "'ve my compllm e nt.s 10 Mr. narroll. Aak hIm to come In 8.lId see me tor a moment. 8uy I'm thlnklug lind daren't move." James rose obedient ly, and Drum· lOood bl'Q rd blm l'1'ORII ovC'r the PIl&sage to the other 9ult v! romus that 1')1 on the SlIme floor. 'I'hon he heard the murmur ot voIces, unel shortly
Seveul of our oUlzeu8 are potting
In Ihelr
for oo:u winter . Clint Alvis, of Wilmin gton, Wfl8 08bfng in tblM vloinlty . IORt week . Mr. lind MJ'~. Benry McKee, of X onlo, were !:lnnd .. y gnests of Mr .
Bnd Mrs Amo! EIII ... Tenohe r-"WIJl le, whllt are th e tw o thlogs n O(lo!s"ry to bupl.ls Ul ? , Wlllle- "Wuter lind Il bllby." Mr. ami Mrs. Peroy Rea80n n~d lion, uf n ear Wliynes ville, were un· d .. y goe"t" or Mr R OIl~ n n '8 pur nt., Mr. lind IIlrR Ed Renson. attl'n,'uro his ~ervu llt I'I'tllnted , Mr; nnd ·Mr~ . •1. B . I:lhi r1 ak or ul1d "Ue 18 III hi s bulb, sIr, bill hc'lI come over os 8,.1011 09 !i,,'s jln.l!<lll!d." lie :T. I:irtmllt on B"Il "n lAl I, Sllud"y . ( 01' dell vcri'd Ihe mcssugI! lind stood wnlt- MartlD8v\llp , 1oe!., for II woek's trellt· wtmt Ilt th e 8lJrln gs. I~. "AllY thIng more, sir?" "Y~ Jnllles. I fee l eertnln tlUlt th"re';' u loc. But jUHt to cnrry on with, I'll lUI \'II another ,glass of heer." I'O(( S nn s 11 0 1 tWfU I 1011): In t h p l·Olln· A8 t.h e dnor elO8ed. Drultlnlo nll re~e try , which Is nil to Ih e gou<l . Alii I 1I Ind 8Uff ted to pum up ntHl down the It rnll ir-we shnll't he nny ",,,rst:: ott rooUl. Tho IIInn he bud III Ills mInd Ibllll we /11'1' now. Ltlf'k- thnt',. nil; WitH . Imple, but he Willi II mUD ' wlto IIf1l1 th e more you tellll, l h,'r. Ihe klll,l· believed In simplici ty. er ~ h" Is." II " wus ~tllI lulklll),; genUy "l'etel'8On wIll not ('(Ime hlm!<61f- to hhnMe lr when I'mer Durrell strolli'd uor will our one ontl onlv Ueurv. hit,) Ih e r00111. "Cnn Ulls thing he tru e, old hoy,"
.~ B"lloll o n , Mr. Iluci Mrs El. M. C lu r k vit!ltod t,hls plrlC w h o nl _ Mrs, Adoll P"roe ll lind Mrll Lid" tenc! ed the fu oaml of MrM. Ollv,1 Mull EIn nf. tho 0111 I..lIllie ~· b orne, Th ose from
B evlln (Dee
rr 9EI!:M S PROHI BmoN
NEXT 1'''--'-- 00/
34~4~ F. D. HA WKE,
Waynesville, Ohio
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
I1-\1 F'FANY'S is. .
Wal ter McClure
Ecl~on Burson, Cl fth o Nuvn l in~ latio n , 'hit'lgo, urrivpd
Trnin, b er o·
:;nnu l1Y e ~enilll(, for" tivo. (1uy fu r . I u gh with b i~ \Jurents , Mr. fi n O Mrs. J o hn tOll !inT1lo n EllH(' TJ I .. ICI .. ~. i l1g tilln unc1 ~".fR h o li k es tht' work tt lid woo '(In ' t. tu ko It gO) d ca l f (lr th o e x 11I' ri " IJoo Iii hn~ 1t8 l1 ~Il rllr, ~e goes \0 >'e " in Angu"t
Sevf'r nl n el jl hbo r s (IU
E. v,
Wayn esvill e, Ohio
Dnytu n
001B I I ow
piom oml ut b' t,. Anol oll t , :Slloony . Amoug tb em weHI MT!'. Bolle Coon Hnd dRnght l' r ~, WtlIH'r L oog li nd r ~ I1Ii1 .y , AndorMO n Ell\!I Dud t..Llllly . the ~tlln l ey fnmily, tlnd Ob .. rles
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Displa y Room TELEP HONE 7
- -
- ,
---- - ----
All kinds Of Notnry Wo rk , Willt!' Ilnd Doods t\ Speola lt y .
DR. W. E. FROST VETE RINA RIAN Vaccina tion a Speciall y. Noth. ing but Reliable Serum used
.•• DENT IST••• Klnole aDd f runil y . Mr. !lod Mn. H . M. CI" r.k ont er . I omcc tn Phone 44 tllblOd 1:0 !liDner, Snu!1uy , in 1.t " lIn r N.Slon.1 Ha{VeY 8burg, '0. W lIvnetll l.le. (, .a...,k I3td". --:'''';:'-+.t,",,';'lrtlr du \'R Df t. h Hlr grnndoh i ld. ..'u, Bel e n !loll Rulh ~ )lrly. 'l'hIlMO wh o OJlj llYllcl t h o tlCOll sion we re; Mr, lind Mrt! Fronk M ll r ~h , .t1 00 (1 A. SHU MAK ER IIm ooe. 'l.'hUI' !;MlI, o f H" l lhr"c,k, Mr, Ilnd Mr ~. ('('n r ~ .' ~l'o t, t- , Evprott. HAT HAW AY Vete rinar ian li:urIV ' l\ nc! ('hlldro D, Helun, Ruth :ID(I R r)bHrt,. ' WllyueH llIe's Leading Dontlll' Praclicu l Vaccina tor . Hnv e hat! ).food s lJ<'C'es~ ill Immuni n ){ on ( IJli oe In H ,\IneM Bldg, lIlaln St bot.h sick a nd well herds.
Catarrh is a loca l r1i ~('u~(', grently room, influenced by constitu tional COIl"SIt dO\\"1l, Peter," he snld. "Get ditiolls. IL>\J.L' S CA'I'AR RR ou tsldo thnt beer and listen to mo' MEDfC TNE is n T Ollie no d fIIood r .... r ...f lll1v ~ I • Purifier . By dClm ~ill g !Jill ul ood and
build ing UJl tIl(' S)'s tem, HALL' S OATA nnn M)WlC INE rcstores nonna) rOlld i tions alld allows N a-
'If'W. . Ever ThuL Tbe hotll1 dweller loogs for the com- ture to do its work. forts of bome. . And the borne c!weJlIII' All Drnggis ts. Circnln rs frec. longs tor the comfe'r ts of it botel._ F, J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Brooklyo EII,Ie.
BELLBROOK M r ~. Sadlo ,JOhD ~ O[', 0 1 OilY ton, iB vi~it. l ng ber l.unt., MrR J/lUl e~ U'ln-·
Du. H.E.
B,,1I4· Jr
Bellb rook, Ohio
Eve rett Early -DIiAL ER IN-
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Foun· tains and Self·Feeders,
Hay. Straw and Feed:1
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
Lytle -Feed MIn Lytle, Ohi o
Telephone 76, ring 3j]
Wayn esvill e,lOh lo _4 Nationa l Bank
Joh ,n-- II-I- -w.1 i«hf --t-- ---j:
Auctioneer Farm Sales and Live Stock a
Satisfa ction Guaran teed
Bellbrook,~ Ohio
!:Int h I'htlllt'H
H ome H !j5 ·~
New Price $24.50 " " 46.30 " 54.90
Ca tar rh
Distr,~ butor
..... "". j EY'?'ES
}l81151l" , 0 - tlltl AmerletlJ 1'tl
-----. _...---
32x 4
ane/' "A ll tltIlt , lu\\'c, dee r old flick, 18 yours for tbe a ~klllg. Whllt ron I clo?" "Well, ftrst or 1111, 1 wont you to come ulollg nlld sCI.' till' househo ld pet." I-Ie 1)lIoteti Dnrrell III ong tbe
')Ilent"ll th ~' ,1001'. The 1Il111lollllire 100ke.1 nt theltl (}u;.!(\ly from the pll. lows, Illlt! Darrell stored ullck 10 811lrtle(l lIul1>rlse. "lI!y Ood! Wbot', the IDJltter with him 1" be cried. "I would gIve 0 good deul to know," stlld Hugh grIrnJy. l.'ben he mnll"<1 reall.qurlngly at the motionle ss Ulun, und le() the WRY hock to the s lttlng·
Finley I!treet, 'Df'ytoll. o n 1<~rldAY. home ne .. r UtI O" . we r e: l'ih e rlllnn Mi~Y Eva WluH I;o n lB spo n d lo g Forrls, wife anu dn n ghtl' r. 1\1185 Bovom l IVoe kH \\llb !.tel' gmod pu. U,moah J urd"n , A . I:l. All e n and r ent !!, Mr. (Iud Mr~. L VI Grellth ouse wlfl' .nu K. E. 'l'h o mI'Ho n n nrt wife. In D" yton . MfS. Bov .. n ' 8 body ' WlI!\ 1.. ld tn reHt In the bou utlful com t o ry lit Fort Mr. Roil Mrs KOls le r (Trllhum en. Wllyno, Ind:-; -bElr childh ood hOUle tEl!t.Liuf'd to 'FnlliTll J' dlon o r . Mr. 1I0d A f:; . All en uo o wifc ~ p f) nt :Sno. Mrs. All e n ~Jllril'k "otl d"TJ g hter, clflY wit.h thti r (]ltnJ,;ht or, Mril. leln G lnclYN, IIlr. hod Mr~ . Be roo ,J oues [t, nd son, 'l'h arle . H owe , in B urvev _bu r g . Mr. "u ri Mr ~ . G uo W . Onvl s lind wlro lIt1il A. B. nt t h e ol" ~M \\I "lt('r K onrlck were ]lIllY nnd commeo Ol'. '[a!1i:18ge "nd wlf" ol\l1ed on t he M ' . m ant Rt 'enlt'fvi Htl. Iflst wllel! . - - -- - - - . - - - - - - . - . -- K~'ys, tlnturdll Y evenin g . Thei r II ph w, lio vor At.t K onrlok, WfiS [H't-~"," K8rl De nth fl rrtgB lost n flo e .v on o g oDe of th o grill:! UII t o!! b o rse wltb btlll r t tr o uble , one day Mrl!, Lotin Solg l r ond son, of Osr. laat w eek . m onnt we r., w eek .ond ~Uefjt8 of Mr. • Vete rinari an ' Wm, M. T b n mll ~,! n nnd (]ongbt.er, .. no MrR. i:lilUt'un Bruwn. . '1:', • ed C 1 Miss Mn r y Co Ik, Ilf Con~ln, Mrs. MI ~!I Autlr OlU l\du, (lo m e rlow n fr om • •• c....aUD.ln orrect y••• DllylOD to f\t~ e n,l ))eoo rl\ti o n nlld Adrll LtJwis und Milton (Jr~ b"Dl : Glasses Fitted We Use the FollOWing Serum: "pHmlll few ,hY8 wil,b r uhl tivos tmd wtJrfl g Ut'@; of Mr8. Margar et ·lohus, AT KI)Dm A.TE PRICES frl enels hor e. Ohio Stt.te and Pittman -Moore , but Thllrsrl ll .V. will use IIny kind you ask for. Mr, und !\Ira. Wtll tflr Cltl.rk lind fam ily, Mi8~ es Mildred unct MilT · We ad vise use of the clear serum, !tare t Clllrk ul(It.o r"d, to ()xfo rt!, S un. Olltical Depart ment "Soaked " Family Doctor. . dllY ulld ~JleDt t be. tlllV With MI~~ell After 8 Kentuck y Jud l:C oud fined Mildred Bre wer uno klilhry u Cln rk O.·f'ICE: Detroit St. Xenia. 01110 b1s ramUy do~ to r $50 and eos~ for . 1, Minmi Q/live r"lt y. Tbu picnlo I Op.!11 evening s by appoint ment fourth Street, n car Tyler speedJng and bnd sen tc.'IIced blm to laU dlou r WIIS on~ (entoro o f the dllY . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . tor three dnys, he weot on to sny : . . . . . . .. Telepho nl.' 93 tbnt w .. mnch enjoyed . "YOll aud I lire (Meods. I om YOUl' M r , ul]d MrM. Wtjll"m B orgdnll la\Vller nnd fOO lire my doctor, but I Wayn esvill e. Ohio am bere to IIdrnlnls t cr Ju stice IlII , Bee h e d t ol r t Isir rlinnor g u e sts : !SuDd av, It. A..IId you wUI serve lim! scntence Mr , nurJ Mr _, 1\' llllI' rtl D y ke nnel In spIte ot our fri endshIp or whBt any ohlhJroll , of Utlv t oo, nod Mrs. Mary 01 lur fri ends mny do." Ju st Willt un- UtLrnlllu y. hlr, ... nd Mr~. 13. 0 UuwkfJ und W It COrnea Doc's turn to sIt III Judi'BARNA~T ~t on thnt jndge I ch lldron !Iud 1Il r ~. Cu l'~cy we r o · unFUNERAL DIRECTOR cl ltY j{ UtJBI" of th u In tl or '" brothe r. Notar y Publi c IIlr. M,Hlin Fox lind (11 1111 11, 10
remorke d UW ucwcUlu er. HI lW.ar yuu' re 'In the throes or 11 bl"illll·sto rm." '" 1\01, Pe ter. I wnnt you to help
l!r"n d~LrBtu r) , " t ber
Both Phones
For Internal and Externa l PalO ...
nln llhtttn. BHuar Mnndl\b!HIRh
anu f flm ll y moved (r.l m the Vint on Tuy lo r furm to tbe S wa ll ow prop er ty , 00 Bootb Maple et r eet , IIIS(, ThnrMdo y . MIHS Doroth y BO lDeRs. of Da yto n, II! visltlulOl h t;r (!.Ont, 1111 s. Cbllrles Brels ford. n or t h. ot \ own, Wm. C unnlo ghAm uod dllngbtc r, Mrs: N e illo Z ea , Ilnd hor two ohildren, of Greenvi llil, vi.lteo rsilltivell and old friends bere, la st M.>odIlY · M r8, Prutleu ce Si.l lm. of Canatla , is viKltinJt h or p r. rents, Mr. and Mrs, Cl1flrles A ns tln, Th e W . C, A, h"ld their monthl y mee t lo g 1lt the home of Mrs. Perry ~okett , Ittst Fridl~y aUern oon. • Mrs J nna8 WlIltRo re, who has been In Xenln th e Whittin gton hosplt81 , r etornoel bo rne, Illst I::!a~nr- .
dlly. very muoh Improv ed. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lewi!! Rapor enter. talnen Mr. and Mrs. !BIlly Bopkl08 , of N ewo!l s tl o, PI\. , Inst wee k . . Mr. and M.rs. Fra~t Musha ll .hnve puroiltls ed II new Ford: S oldan .
. 1111'. and Mr8. 0 80l\r Gibbon s (nee 0011.1 Peo8wi t), of Oay$OD, are the
. -.
parents of twin bO~II,
SulcI". Among Muslcla J,. Rare. II 110" !IeIIn :ol,\od tbat Butch]e II ' 'ft1'1 1Jnco"imon cmon, muslolan..
BchnmllllO attem(lt ed It, and It II! IIlso recQrded fit but CII_ of mnslelaOll wbo 1I111ed tIJem. RJftII are ..". rare. .. aid that
farm are ". ceDI....
or tile lIaJaDee . .
W.",.." ....",'II ... ~ Ohio. ' I
,i~~: .~. '~~~~~A:Hhro~ ~ I:.~1 Sf. A~~~~~~~'SCHURCH JJP~
I ~Illo\ r t'otnlllu nicalion ot. WI:lY: ni'F\'ille Luc1 gl' 'tl I f';'~. f . & A. M .• I ~il IiiII' •lied recent ly nl' tho h me ot a frien d We aTe prepar ed ' lQ 1tl ke Tu" c1al' (lv<'1I1 nll', Jll ne .14 in ' D,mvcr. ulo. r . Ghandl er un. A Mission will be held lit St.A1\g UB~ ,; in , Wool at our " a r~ I.II'Nhrrn '1<1' 11 -t1 v in\:lt ' tI ~ o be t.!er went an operatio n in Jan uary. t ine'>! Cal holic chur(·h . c(ltnrnen pn'~(·\lt . ci!11{ l'09m iu ConviIl, on from whlcb he nev r recover ed : undny. J nne 12 th. a ud c1o~ .J W. 1':dWlInb . W M. ing 'I'Ut'S· Whilev i ilin).f II~ his frf end's hom~, I d ' y . J une 14t h. L , A . ZlIlI mcl·lI1l1n . • c~ · y . Service s will he he was taken suddenl y worse and re- held us f o,lIowN: -..,... ---mained ther~ until his death. Sunday - Mass and sermon at !'lli. of ea h week, and will He spent hi ~, boyhood lind you n)\' In . St>rmon ." Marks of th e Chun:h pay.th e ~igbest cash price ,, ' man hood days about Waynes vill£,. Benedic ti on-at 7 p m. II n(1 will be rememb ered by t he old e r Monday - Mass and s~rmon at !) II. residen ts , For many years his bomt. m Sl'rm un. ' · 'ucrame nt of l 'en" d ' I' wa3 in Marsha ll t own. I owa. but f or nnr.e. •. v en,> Ie Ion a l7 p. In. Corw in, OhiQ '1 1' ue"d n 1\ lh e \last fourtee n yeurs it hilS bee n ' ay - " as.~ ant I se r mon a L" . in Denver.. His wife. Nancv Starry 111. St'rmllll Billi "il uly 1': lI ~ har i:; l.· ' , I' t' tChandle r. preceded him in death I~,enet IC Ion n i p. m , I. h about six years ago. Co nf ~ ·l on 9 \\ I' 11 ut! eareI on II II Read Gazelle's Classified Ads IIouse fo r sa l~- See Laybou rne . __. _ _ days befo r l\lu s~ . all d in th e CH' nDoll Grubh. wife of Andrew ing" af ter De\'ot iunu ---- ----- - -_. - --- -- --_._- J , Ella Grubb. d ied s udd en ly at hel ho me. Falher J ohn r . Villf' rs. of Cin ein· 17 Ringgo ld St .. Dayton . about :l nati Ap .st a le. wi ll co nuuct Mi ~~ i o n. o' clock Tuesday mornin g, The de· Will I' O'Conn er. Pastor. ceased was a daught er of the lal p -- - - - ----Aaron 0011. and formerl y residell her e. Fllnl'rnl services will be helt.! at hl'r late home. Thursd ny afterno ""
- ..
uesday '-and Saturday
"j{. J. , BAK ER,
Se ar s& Ca rtw rig ht Let IlS write tLe illt!Urall ce on your r:lrm proper ty in th e Stock Compa nies at OIl C price; why insure and not know what it will cost; the time has corne when people want to know what an article is going to cost when pttrchas·cd. We want to show you a fa rm policy whether you are reatl y to insure or not, either call.at our oftice or ph.ne and we will be glad to come and fi gure with you.
NOTICE Those persons who pledged them· selvea to take tickets for the ChautauqUA at Waynes ville this year wil l pl ease secure them from the Trells, urer at their earlielt conveni enc . Chautau qua. July 21 to <!5. inclu sive Sublcri bers MUSl' get their tick · et.~ from the Treasur er. and not from !\Ome other Individu al , J. P. Cumming~, Treas. -------.--~.------
INS URA NCE OF Office in' Aman Buildin g
Try ollr Job Prin ting
W ayne svi·11e, Oh·10
Teleph one 61-2
..... ....- - - - - -...... SPE~IALS FOR SATURDAY ~~~~ fo~~~~~~.~~~..... $2.15
Wilen oream II ready
t" 1
be. 40ae ~d yon Mould
2 pks Star Naphth a Powder ... 9c S-Ib ,ood Coffee .. ....... ........... . 5& Ilarlle can Apricot s ...... ... .... .. 25c t can Holly Sliced Pineapp le ... 28c Rolled Oats. pound .. .. .. .... .. .... 6c B1 Ul! Head Rice. pound " .. ....... 8c 2 pkgs Corn Flakes ..... .. · ........ 25c 2 Ibs Lima Beans. homeR"r own.25c
hard wor k h!l8
not permH any on~sldorR
W make an extra profit olf yoar elfurt". You oan~ blp yonr oream DIR Il: ' rr t o thoTrl- 8tllto aDd ..~ · from 110",070 per lb, baUer fM . It Is j as t ' U • .,,,, ' dellver 'be aream ,toli rolli-o.(1 ~taUou as We guaran tee w 'a oram bOJina ...tlon. · The Trl-d t .. pays tbe your oream UaIi~atloD aad guaran tces y oar OI'CAW ugalDs' and oans IOIIiD nanllt. against 1088, We puy expre88 or bllR'g~ge
Come in 11m1 see the beau Ii ful sets of Alumin um Wllre. Ask us how to .et them with ou r trade buttons . You get a button with every 5c you spend in our store on Groceri es. Candy or Meats Six beautifu l seta ,
.c.sb Capltal $250,000
We will save you money on your Gr~cerie8 and Meats.
CINCINNATI, OHIO 'Butter- fat ill
6 2 ,_:_~_re_O:_~_~ _I_~·:_~_a:_:h_F_p_~_~:_e:_~_!_;_:_et_~_:_;_~ :_:8_g SeO_t_7_:e_e_:~~_~ Iw::~°L'~:;:;:'
for work nnd )}ca ut'e
Have you paid your taxes? L . A. Zim me rmall was in Columbus . Mu nday . House
(~r sale-
See Laybou rne.
L , N. Printz spent Sunday with relative s nea r Bellbroo k.
'I 'rade Buttons aUruct attenli un.
~awycr'8 Wayne Market .
Mi H~ L.aura McKins ey was a OIlVtOil vi~i tor. Monday .
Dr. Dill, Ostellpl lth. 21 S. Brond Lebano n. Ohio.
Clarenc e Menden hall . of Dayton. R)ll'nt th e week·en d at hi!! lJarenta l home he re. Mr~ ('has I{ u ('~t of her
Crav was the week en,l dllught er. Mrs. John It Ilaker . of Cincinn ati.
"O l ll'
----- -
To t eRt w8( l r--nl~llost on a clenn pint bottle with It nnd odd bllit It tea· lIPoonflll of I!1'1lnulnted sugar to It. Cork tightly om' keep In warm place tor two dllJ's. 1.!' at the end of that tlmfl the wnt"r nns becoq:r8 cloudy or milky. It I ~ unOt for domestic nse.
~~~~~ ~.~~~.~ ......... ....... 15c
Fancy Cocoa at one fourth what you havle been paying , OUt Chickop s & Eggs
t____ ____---- ---- -
BI G ~
Prices F.
• • •
• •
$1585 $1635 $1635 $24 50 $2550
~' SIX
.. • •
6. ,B.
• •
$1985 $2850 $2950
Selznic News Review The title of the main featur e is unknown at present , Admission; 22 and 17 cents
Tue8 day, June 14th _ Featur ing Helen Holmes, i~
"Th e Tige r Ban d"
F:~ feature
A good ·
Admission, 17 and 1l cents
GIL LET T E """ *"'3!c " , t''**' *""'" %
. OldlJ ack$p ratt COUld ed DO 'fat His wife CoUld eat DO lean A Classified Ad. They thoug ht wasn' t bad And . they sOld everyt hing they had. ,.
or Money Refundt!d a
("."11 01'01011111 10 Molber Ooooe)
This Offer for
'!'**'' 1m', RAZO , R
- -,
.... fl\J\V
I .........
---------iF-" '"
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......~ .
''**'' *''**'' '*'
Satu rday, June I I th
Laoor .. ... ........... ........ ....... .. 729 20 SupplieR ........... ......... . ...... 1126 75 ~ Superin tendent s salary........ 1140 00 6,. 1;' Treasur er's salary.. ........... . 6000 Postage " ..... _ ......... .... ..... .. 1 00 ~"'"""'" Loans made ...... . ...... ....... .: 1700 lO '.lIe I:lLADES TPBe·liedpohnonneote·n..t .. · .... •· ......... 100 00 48 46 State Associ:tios~.~~~~~;~~:: 50 09 WITH Safety deposit box .. ...... .. ... 2 00 Recorde r's fees ........... .... ... 1 76 ' ....,. tlOLD ER ':t Express ........... .. , ....... ,....... 1 75 Policy. ........... ........... ..... ... 72 - q . ; " " , " I{tfund on lot ........... . ,.. ...... 100 00 *'3!c" ' .. ·cure.. ..C·l.. .......... · ............... ·:.. ·.... · 1208 .. Lwumltbe a er rM 5 00 Blacksm ith...... ......... ......... IS 70 Hauling ......... ........... ... ...... 37 40 PREP AID Paintin g ........... ........... .... 5677 Brush ...... ..... . ........... ......... 75 .I" In Attra ctive Case ... fA Meals to visitors ........... ...... 15 ~+~ ."'.. Gatewa ys ........... . _ ........... . 24005 00 e::::;;;; Notice annual meeting ........ 2 10 Revenu e ........... ...... '......... 80 Sati5facton:C uarau leed Muslin and carpet........... .. .~ 178 43
Total ...... .. ......... .. ....... $8114 83
1c ** *'*'**'* !'~.:t'*' *'*'**':SIX '*'
''3*!c' k:~~i~·t~·h~;~~::::::~~:~.~~::
Welding poats ...,...... ...........
tI~ gg
A Classified Ad: will bring quick results if proper ly writte n and advert ised in due season, one is;sue generally 8eJl~g .the goods,
27 00 time only. Totat.. ........... ........... . :$8995 87 fly- money order or 'ic 13 I .". Remit • 1156 7~ ClIsh (no stamps) ., ro1" a ance J une 1921 ........... .... .~ • """. Receipt s .......... .......... ...... 8114 ' 88
A Thrilling 8-Reel Melo-Drama . This is an extra specilll feature Admission, 28 and 17c
Burials ........... .. ... , ....... ...... $1648 00 !<' oundali ons. ..... ......... ........ 253 2U Vases ........... .. ........... ... .. " . 141 60 Lots ...... ".... ... ...... ...... ...... 162(} 00 Interest ........... :...... ........... 623 20 Planls ........... ....... ........... . 1 80 Marker s .. .'...... ... ........... ...... 2 00 Log~ sold..... ....... ......... ...... 2 00 Tele hone refunrle d...... ...... 1 60, Loans aid .. . ........... . ......... 600 00 Grave rights ...... ,.......... ...... 19'1 50 Perpetu al care fund .... " ...... 600 00 Bank Loan ..... ... ....... .. .... ... 1600 00 Removals ......... ....... ...... .. .. 45 00 Blind s sold ........... ......... .••. 988 08 Setling tree ......... .. ........ .... 1 00 ~
It Pays to Trade at,
with South Amtrit"a il
"Outside The Law"
------_. - ..-----
Fru it is scarce and now is the time t o lav in ' your winter's supply; they will be milch hig her .
., '
r .· 1. l tl O II S
- - - Thu1 '8day , June 8th . Featur ing Priscilla Dean, in
Tectlng W3ter.
t~~'f::'F~~dl ~~
.P ri ce s R ed uc ed !
Hav e you paid your taxes?
Annual Treasurer's Report of Cala Apric:ots. $1 • 75 Miami Cemetery Association in syrup. doz. only ...
$1300 $1335 '$1695 $1995
Studebaker • •
.•nb .\ m' "1it' , l1 l p rod ucts m orc and more. , \' \ (l 'r :,d t' ;, (JU t. SO. we understa nd,' ~ ,j l l a 1l \11 l1l wr o f the South Anlerica n " ' l ;1 " Ufl' and (ltlf4.· ~ P~l ~POS (,'~. , I I' l 1l\ 1I.'(' :: 1mt as Cl!rlOSltlC5 , fhey ~c1ass Ileas ts of hurol e n, 'Y ." , ;on 1" ",.1 'h<',111 lip wuh pa cks or .harnearc fir.t-. It o wagons nnd h" I'Il "' S, Ith' 11 ,,,,,,\ " r ."I~ oI oClle u"01 cert:unly ss th~ , would be, l a {t1rifl~ity altitdu'd \1''1:\11 . \ 111l' l IClI" 11l 11 HS c\r POllY cart . Tttey have:: l" o ol . likc ( o :\t ~ .I l' d i Hh' l F :-~ l' nt .1 I1 r:-tni·,' " I", a ~h•.
I rar fee with each 3. making it cost only 4y.c a bar
1.1 ,
~~!~~ . ~~i.I,~..~~~~ .............
n: suh
IZoing: to b(" th:IC \\ 1 f th ey huy fr om \ arranf{(' m cnt~ af \.' 1" 11 :\"'35 t o t hi: U n i tt", \ You have Sl' l' n :bl1l :,.
purp o~c s
.... __w_e_e..k_J_U_n_e__ 6-!
~erica goin;; m se nd Llamas to this co.mtr y
Try La F I~unce Wa~hing Tablets or Powd er- they save half th e ..:y~o::;u~r..:B!!u~_t~te~r~b~n~d~E~I{~s~'===ilt----i~~~~~h day, We sell LUll. Chlpso. Luna Soap.lv ory 0 u can always do be lter at th e Soup Flak e; tho new White
for SO days.
C, 1\1, Rrown and fflmily and AI· Th e Commu ni ty S(,r\' lc e of Wllyn e bert Cleaver and fumlly enjoyed an Townsh ip will have a commu nity outini/: al Clifton. Ohio, Sunday . si ng ut Sehoul hall. Frid llY cv 'niu!!', DrOll in at Sawyer 's Wllyne MarThere will he sC'v e rn l 901,, ~ lIml CJu R r ~ l(·t s lhe Girl a III I (lilY . · c', ul ~ will 01 " ket . Someth ing ncw. Trade ButInnH. Alumin um Set.~. Ask how t ll 8t unt ~ . It is hope,\ thll l th e r(, will he a ~l' t a Sl't. Is rg'D cro\,~(1 nu t. u~ th i ~ mCl·t in~ ,i9 Mi s ~ Mabel Salisbur y. of Delawa re, one of pure pleasur e. Th (' CO '-lInUIlity lovp.s to sing , ami it will also be spent the week-en d with her sister. Wherea s: God. in his infinite wisan opportu:nily to witne8s I he ('x('cl- Mrs , Harvev Rye. ancl attl'nde d the dom. has clilled to rest one of tha lent work of the Scout movem ent. Pi fe· Wilkers on weddin g. most loved lind eRt E'emed membe rs Miss Elizabe th Chandle r left. Sat- of the New Century Cl uh, Mrs Mary I Aesop's Hen Was a Gooso. urday morning . f or New At hens. Frame. the memory or whORe kindly I' SOllie "t.-nn 101Ors" of Acsnp's Fn· Ohio. whe re qhe will direct Ihe sum- ~ mil e und cortHal greeting will ever bl es usp '11""" for " gn fl.C" III tho fnllio he an inspirat ion and i)('lIctl iction •. mer Nurnu" at Frankli n college. About th .. 1i"IJ " 1I c;:r:. but the Ore"k therefo re be it or t.ho .th_,,:I" 1s It<'hen, " " 'hl ch look.R Resol\'ed: That we strive to emU- I like Borne rO llntnlnh ~nd of "hen" but Mr, unll MrR, J ohn Sears. or Rossrenlly m('n118 " r:oo~c. " Th e Accepted !Jurg .. Ohio. late her life of service I1nd love. and Mrs, Irvin Miller. trnnrslnt ors or rntber ndopters . tall ow which are attribut es of the soul. and I of Greenvi lll!. Ohio. were week·en d the famlllnr 1I'0rd at the VRst mOJor· Ity. M~oose." It must he re member ed visitors of W, N. Sears and family. imperis hable. Our eleter's .. lfection ce8S4li not. thorefo re may she not that there renlIy IS no orIginal Al'SOplan text. hut only soma later tron· now be whlAperinll to grief-8t ricken Elliott Wright arrived home, FriIIcrlptloos 0'( 1\ li nt cnme to be regard· hearts. "Pence. be still. 1..01 I am ed ns tho r~lb l (!~ tolol by Ihe old slnve. day evening . from the Univers ity of with you nlways. " III our mutual Michigun. He leaves tomorro w f or the East via auto. where be hll8 n sorrow. we extl!nd the sincere sympathy of the membe rs of the club. g01l11 position for the !lumme r. Ituth E. Janney ~ Mrs. G. J. Smith Com. Mrs. Ella Michen er and 80n. CharMrs. E. V. Barnha rt les . and daughte r. Ada. le.f t Satur· day f or an auto trip to Pitt.!bu rg, Sweet Orange s. Lemuns . New Potatoes. New Cubbag e . Mrs. Michen er and daught er williemain in the Enst for some time. but E Z OIass J ars. p ints and qts . • Charles will r eturn home after a few Heavy iRubbers. Tin Lids anel days. Sealing Wax.
We will pay hillhe.qt prices for
"ree frial cane gladly furnlslJ ed new' piltrone
...'*' DishJ::r!;~~t.'..·......·..·......'- -'-'~
'*' $' ' 'o:t*' ' ~+
................~ ---- '
Balance ,June-I. 1921........... 274 93 s outstan ding .. .......... ,.11000 '00 Accoun ts .•.•.• :........... ......... 640 76
Total ........... ........... .....U815 Bills payable ....,.......... ...... 600 00
~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ N~~~~ .........:__ ." ... _'~6~
The . Miami Gaz~tte. -Waynesville, . Ohio. ,
'. ~eventy-Thjrd
-- - . -
A "he·man " pastor for our Presiden l's soul i. the way frie nd s of Rev. Dr. W:lliam S. Abernat hy of Kansas City describe the appoi'r\tment of the Western er to the Calp ry Baptist Church at W ashing· ton. Presiden t Harding att ends th ere. Dr. AbernatllY served in France during the war, He is 47 years old and has three sons
Way nesville f-[eld a Fine Mee ting
IDec orat ed Grav es
Whole Numb er 5439
By ·Com mun ity Ser-
The regu lar monthly meeting of the Wayne Township Farm e r~' clu b V was held Jun e 8th at the beautifu l ' Addre s. hy the Hev . ilyrf' r. A Sma 11 Crowd Attend ed country homo of Car l Du ke and ram- I of Spring field, Was ily , All were made welcom e by t he A Small Crowd Was Presen ' the Serv ices at host and hostess with their usual Mos t EXt'ell ellt But Enthu siasm Cemetery hospitali ty . At th e noon hour a ' Ran High veritabl e feast of good things waH TIlt' JII IIO Ill l!l·ting of the Men of Th e Kn ij!hts of Pythi a~ , t hl' I. O. se rved in the t ent. Wllyn e,w ille WOK held in the bast'· The meeting was to ord er uy Vi ceThe local Commu nity unit gave a O. F. and th e Ju nio r Orde r 10'Jlles ment IJf Ihe M cl h (Jtli~1 church, Mofl' very satisfacto ry enterta inment at decoral.ed th e g rl\\'es of thei r rl e· Presid ent Wilbur Clark. After the day evening . and lIuuut IIbuut 130 School hall, Friday eveni ng. There pa rted bn·th ren, Sund ay afternoon. Invocati on by Mr. Will White, 8 most m l' mb e r ~ lind l!" uesU! were preHent was a smail crowd present , owing to The lodges wW'mbl cd at the I. O. O. 1l1 E'8sing piano .uet wall rendere d by At 7 :30 the mlln were culied to th e several at tractions in town, but it fi'. ha ll al 2:30. and headed by lhe Mrs. Sibyl Le Mav and Miss Helen tlloble~ , Ilnd after pruyer uy Iwv Holt.• wa ~ an en thusiast ic gatheri ng at PremiH band, ma:rche d dow n Main Hawk e. The r oll was call ed , t o uf the M. E. church, enjoyed a bounthat . On account of the abB~nce of street. cllunter -ma n hing at Phi llips' which all but three families r espon- , tuous SUPlJer prepare d allll Bel ved by Preside nt Ellis, Ernest Earnha rt took garage. then to th E! cemetery . Over ded. The cl ub then voted t o retain the Dorcas society . the present corps of officors for the charge, and he made a good presid"tOO men were in lino. After "upper. Pre!!ide ntCartw right in g omcer. Arrivin g al the cemete ry. th e or- followin g year, wilh the excepti on calle« U IlUII I!:rnest Ea rnhart, who of the secreta After singing several well-known ry , Mrs, Silve r, who der of exercise s W BiS us follows: A. lIung u very beautifu l twlu. . 'fho: ~ong8, t he Girl Scouts put on a stunt L. Sides, who pr'eaided over the a.~ked to be released, Miss Helen Love Ne~l." 1110 was uCI:ompanied _.£jLOC~~ which was encored to the limit, as 1·lave yo u paid YOllr tall e~? meeting . int roduced Rev. Holt . wh o Hawke was elected t o take her place on the pi nno uv Mil<ll gthel Hosier. Mrs. Will White thev Burely sanlt" and marched well, read a beautif ., ul made a prayer. After anoth er sele~ Miss Ethel Hosi er is visiting friends t;ecre tary Md ~t:ll n read lhe minut" ~ poem in mElmory of our late sister, The High School Girls' Quarte t sang lion by the band. ~E Rev. Holt mad e. in Cincinn ati. of Lhlo IllSt meetiug , and new bu~i Kerr lin ~"\'. iii ': wood nnd for- several selec tions which were much the address of th E! afterno on . He Mrs , Mary Frame. Curren t events II • nCHS and future plunt! wero di s~u S!le d, ge t y01l 1' age i ~ the li\' in g ad vice of enjoyed. It is hoped that this Dr. Dill, Odleopa th, 21 S. Hron ll spoke of the patrioti sm of th e differ- for the month were read by Miss bunch l ame. A . ){ocbd" ld who is shown 'l·tte qUl!stiun of hilchinK rllcks WII~ of pretty and accomplished slnlrers way. Lebanon, Ohio. ent lodge.s. in ter~pcr 8 ing his remark s Blanche Riley, who had compl eted a here celehra brOuKht up, and it Willi decid&!d lhllt t ing 1 is 10 1Ft bi rthcl av Have you paid your taxes? wi th the views and aims of th e most excellen t collection of the a t th e old buck saw. The pi ct l1 r~ can be kept togethe r a8 they ce~taln Gouncil should be intervie wed in orwas taken a t his months h Ol11e Fred Snyder was in OilY ton Tu esj news. " Brrghto n. Iy know how to entertai n. also two interest ing LOST- A K. of P. ring . Finder lodges. Mass., last week. der thut proper places tor. hitching day. His wife , 114 poems. The P. B. Thomp80n made a few rehoat kindly gave return to.J. 1'. Fromm . up his ),e M S old. ass isted him to m ake After this talk l he K. of P. 's ri tIDSY be provide d. It was snnuunced time and mark8, place me r on ry. and (he Boy Scouts were the He program says a ualistic little to exerci se rvice se was given in Ihonor of thllt_eITor-tli wele being made to get Mri!. Lesler Gordon "pent the aftc r pas. in g 100 years is iust liS called on. but owing to a misund 1~ l ag Day was duly observ ed here, their latest decease d membe rs- H.H. th e ladies for the special topic, er- Pr6>!idt!fll Morgan , oj' Antioch cul- week-end with friends in Cllj n)'ab lc as before reaching th c Morrow . bv th e flyin g of the colors. King and A. Mamtt. both of whom .. Does the woman have her share of (t' lIlury mark and to thI s practice standin g there were only a few of lege, IlS speaker for lhe next meet· th em present , and they did not feel he ~ttribu le. his Jo;r in li{~•. were alsu m em ber~ of the I. O. 0 F . farm conveni ences?" Mrs. Hough Ing. Mr. Cartwr ight called the Chicken dinner, 75c per plate,Su nMr . W. N. Sears and familv Bre Then the lodges proceed ed to gave able an to do anythin g with the few interest ing talk on this lubdrop a club'!! aLlentlo{l to the fllct that on dny. Junj! 19, at Palace Restaur ant . pendi ng II week at Greenvi lle, Ohio. relT!emiJrance on ject and there. decided The whole altair was fine. that th~ farm wo__ .. , . i. ~~...!. -·"~· the grave of each of Wilynes vlllc'!l great eat need~ is II man does ba'le her share of conven- ~~~~!!!~~!!!'!~~~~ and those who attende d felt amply of their departe d Born brotber To s ~~ . Mr. During and Mre. Alvin Miss Olive All en attende d comcommn nity house. and 11 commit tee (epaid for cominlr out. this time the band render ed a f ew iences, or, if not. It Is her own fault. was IIppoinled to go to Wilmin gton Earnha rt, Saturda y, June 11, 1921. a mt'ncem ent at Frankli n Il18t week. Mn , Mendenhall al80 present ed us lt Is to be regrette d ' that 80 few se lections . IlOd inspect sud gilt detai/ed inlor- 8On. people feel tai8 commu nity 8plrlt. It with many Interest ing facts and 8taHave you paid your taxes? After the decorat ion services were malion conctlrn i.ng the recently comis a wonder ful thing to get the comMiss Mary Hawke. of Lebanon, ' over. the lodges marched back to tistics on this 8U bject. A general . pleted · auditor ium-gv mn8liu m at spent a coupl e of days munity togethe r, regardl esa of creed, here Illst/ Chlcken ·dinner. 75c per plate , Sun- town, thus ending another chapter discussion followed . Wilmin gton college. week . day, June 19, at Palace Restaur ant. chapter to the lodge decorat ion day . and as no one creed can make a comMrs. LeMay and Miss Hawke again 'flw club Willi fortuna te in having munity Aplrit felt. It ought to be favored us with a plano duet. -after On Sunday . June 12th, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith spent · J'. H. Sm.ith was in Dayton predelltlltlVerll1 of Sprinllfield'8 prombrough t closer to the people through which th e meeting adjourn ed to Chas. Gray entertai ned their Tu eschild- this unit. Illent bU!lilltlR.'1 men who came with Sunday afternoo r. with rl'l atives in ~~y. attendm g Grand ' 'Loclge of K. '1 meet at the home of M. W. Silver. ren, Mr . and Mrs. John R . Baker. of tbe llpeaker of the evening . These Wilmin g ton. July 14th. Thejnv ited gUest8 for Cincinnati, and Mr . E merson s Earnmlill were Will Bauer, prellident of t he day were: Mr and Mrs. Frank hart and family. Found -Sm~1I child ' s sweater , on Mr. and Mrs . George Hartsoc k are Ule 8prinll field Rotary club: Georlle Zell, Dr. and Mrs. Witham , Mr. 'and Hesee"c asbler ot the Americ an Seed- spendin g this week with relatives in road between Clark's residenc e and The story of a stirl Scout. the offi- Mrs. Samuel Meredit h. Mr , and Mrs . ' Mr . and Mrs . J . O. Cartwr Lytle. Inq uire ·at this office. Ing Co.; Harold Wetlt. cashier of the Darke county. ight and cial fi lm of the Girl Scouts. Inc. Miller, Mis. Leona McGinnis and daughte rs. Miss Henriet l:lpriDiltield Nationa l bank, anti James ta McKins ey "The Golden Eaglut" is of equal Earl Clark. Max Kohlhag en and Alfred WatPrayer meeting at the Christia n interest to young and Mr, J . B. Pence were ent.erta ined Webb. a talented mut!ician. Mr. kins, of Lebano n, left T uesday pe<lple and g rown--for a church Thursda y evening . All memat tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren C~rtwright introdu ced these men, ups. It is not only of educati onal villit to Eurolie. bera and friends are welcom Wood , of Lebano n, Sunday . e. and each had a word of praise for and moral value in the ideals it preFollowi ng i8 the program for the the Men', club and our commu nity sents for the modern girl, but it Is a House for sal e-See Laybou rne. House for sale-Se e Laybou rne. Miss Henrie tta McKins ey enter- the twentie th annual convent Rev Chas. E . H~ rer, the speaker real live "m ov ie" with a drama'i c ion ot tained at card s, Thursd ay evening the Ohio Asaociaton of Mr. and Mrs. John Gano, of near story and a "thrille r" in it. Will be of the eveninlC, was then introdu c£d , Cemete ry Mr: Myer Hyman nnd family spent There were eight tables, and the Superin tendent s and Officials Port William, called on Mr. James shown at Miami theater ThurRday, and gave ODe of the moat interest ing to be Sunday in Cincinn ati , attenoi ng CLl IIevening was pleasan tly spent in held at Waynesville. June Kerrick and family, Sunday after- in the interest of the local branch of and helpful talks delivere d before 2S and U. Rrmatio n services . cards. A delig htful lunch was served 1921. Headqu arters at the noon. the Men of WaynesVille. Rev. B~ Girl Scouts. Chapel All yoU ScOUt8 that haven't been at cemete ry. rer, a deep thinker , and armed with ....- - Ed Thomas is teprese nting Crown at meeting lately, want to don the Mr. and Mrs . Frsnk ZelJ and Mr . Thursda y, June 23-Mee tinlr called perfect control of the English lan- lodge old uniform Thursd av evening and K. of P .• at the Ilrand lodlle and Mrs. S. L, Cartwri Kht Mrs . J . V. Hartsock entertai ned at to order at 1:30 p. m. Invocat spent guq-e. took for his subject ; "Man in Dayton ion; meet with the gana', this week. because Friday a 1~ o'clock dinner last Thursd ay the Welcome Thursda y with relatives in Troy, by J. O. Cartwri a'ht; Reand .,en." In discussi ng pre!ent we are campin g bound. followin g KueatR: Mrs . Robt. Walton , sponse by Luther Cline; Prelide nt's Ohio. day condition8. he explain eq that the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McKenn and We are going to have a rare time Mrs. Samuel Wal ton, Mrs. Swayne Report by Mr. S. J. Perrott ; ReadIituatio n, if at all critical would· daught er. left Tuesday for and rememb 'er it doesn' t cost you a Barrett , Mrs. ' Archi e Hartsoc a week'a The Woman 's Auxilia ry of St, k, of ing of·Commu nication s by Secreta ry; cll!.r luelf if every man wo~ld con- outinll at the Reservo ir. cent. Lots to eat. good tents, all Dayton, and Mrs . J. D. Marlatt Mary's church will meet with Mrs. . Paper by Mr. I. N. Smlth- "HoDle sider him'iBlf an Importa nt worklna: Ed Thomas , Friday afternoon at 2 kinds of drills. swimm ing and boat-l Ethan Crane arrived home from Coming ;" Diacu88ion; Paper by Mr. part In thill areat world. Hla disThl! Eastern Star lodge held their ing. in fact, someth ing doing all tht! oclQck . Mr. and Mrs, Myer Hyman enter- Arthur S, Tupper ; Discuasion; cuaaloll of the ,three great questio ns Wilmin gton college. Sunday evening , Quesannual Inspecti on Isslt week. and a time. tained at dinner, last ThursdllY. Mrs. tion Box: Paymen t of Dues; tbatcen frontm an- "Where atewe? " for hi'J Bummer vaca~i on. RecepMiBS Hel en Marlatt , of the large . crowd waa present . Many Tuesday we want to enterta in the L. S. Hyman and children , of Xenia: tlon of New Members; Appoin tment ' ~ Wbat are we?" ,and ." Wbat are ·we Elizabe th Gamble Home of Cincin· lodges were represe nted, and a fine parents and friends of all the Scouu Mrs. A. Simon, of Wabash, Ind.: of Commi ttees; Adjourn to become ?', -w~ mOlt Interes tint, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hough, of nati, arrived home. l~h~rsday. for meeting was enjoyed . Tbe ladles to a big time- a regular ment. picnic. Mrs. B. Hatman , of Philade lphia. The e\'enina' of Thursda y evening . and it is hoped by everyo ne who Kings Mills, called on Dr. and Mrs her summe r vacatio n. served one of their Wednes incomp day we arable extend the same Pa ., and M. Kohlha gen and son, of ·J une 23rd, will be in the hands of bflBrd Rev. Byrer. Monday · eveninlf, J . E . Witham , Sunday afternoon. suppers to about 1[,0 guests, The invitati on to the girl Scouts, and last Lebano n . the .people of Waynesville, wbo wilt· Miss Helen Marlatt is visiting work put on was hi.llhly complim . that the club will be fortuna te but Chicken dinner. 76c per plate,Su nnot least, on Friday we want the entake care of th!! del~ates' for the fri£l'lds in Delawa re Ohio, where she ted by the visitors enoullb to secure blm for 80me tu- ~ay, June 19, at Palace Rt!9taul , two candida tes Business Men's Club and their fam'ant. Quite a surprise W8!l rendere d the' evening . will attend comme ncemeh t at Ohio receiving the degroe. ture meeting . iliea to enjoy a holiday with UB . many friends of Mr . Wilbur Hawke. Friday. June 24-liee ting called to Weslya n Univerl!ity. It. motion for adjourn ment wa~ Our camp Is oper! to inspecti on at sen of Cliff Hawke, of ncar Harvev. Mrs M A Pierce arrived from s- order by Chairm an at 9;00 a.m . Adthen made. and the meeting Wll8 l..ebanon, Ind .• l'hursda all times at Spencer 's Saw Mill, on burg. and Mise Dorothy v evening. to Jenk8. dress by Prof. J. 0 , Falkenb urgMrs. Chas . C. Cook and son and ended at the word of the presiden~. Rpend the summe the Little Miami Follow the crowds daught er of Mrs. Walter Underw r wllh her children Mrs. Richard ood. " The Greates t Tomb on Earth;" Campbe ll and daugh--Lets go. fellows. and make it a real of Route 4, when ~ a few here. days ago Questio n Box; Paper by Mr. J. W. ters are visitinlt' their parents , Mr . success . they announ ~ed their marriag e which Chambe rlain- "The Ladies; GO r~)~N ALASKA' " . DisMrs. John Jordan and daughte r, and Mrs. Chas. Lynch. at Sabina. McClure. Scout Master. took place on April 28th, whon they cussion; Report of Commi ttees: 'Hannah and sons, Edward and Un• • Mrs. Cora Gray. Mrs. Marie motored toKentu cky and werequ ietly finished ' BusineSl; Election <$1:1 of OffiAlfred, apent Sunday with Chas. married , Campbe ll: Mrs. Minnie Cook and cers; Adjour ment for noon-da y lunch BrewAter and family. Mu. Irene Osborn called . on Mrs As the young couple have been The delegat es and guests will $II, staying at their r8llpecti ve homes, !lemble at 1 p. m ., and take Messrs. Dan Bone, Harr, Schwar tz ChBS. Brewst er Friday afterno on. automo the secret was well kept. Althoug h biles for a ride to ("ort Ancient J A, KIIJ'atl~lck and M, Starkw eathanil Th ose who atteD'ded "lIlumi nation A very delightf ul enterta inment er,ot Lebanon, it came all quite a surprise . never the- the surroun ding country . attende d the Men of Night" at Wilmin gton college. Wed. WAIl given by the children and the less their friend s are extendi ng to .Waynesvjlle meeting Monday exenThe officera of the Ohio Aaaociation nesQllY eveninlf, were: J. O. Cartyoung folks of the M. E. Sunday Inlt. tbem the b8llt of congrat ulal ions. for 1'921 arp as follow8: Prelide nt. wrilfht and family. Mr. and Mrs . D. ..,-_ _•• _ • School, I/aat Sunday evt'nlng , under S. J. Perrott , Springfield; Vice-PresThe Commi ttee of Arrang ements the able directio n of the MI_ Mra. Ella Michener and 8On. Char- L. Orane. Miss Henriet ta McKin8ey, dent. J. A. Schmid t, Columbus; Sechas gone over tbe catalog ue and se. Helen Hawke. Catheri ne Fromm and les, arrived home from Pitt8bu rg, Messrs. ~. B. Pence. Ray Mills, retary-T teasure r. E. A. Sloan. Malected the names of proprie tors and III Nettle ~rnhart . Af~er the openlnl!! Pa. Friday, after spendin g a week Claude RIggs and Ed Burto~. rion; Chaplai n. I. N. Smith, Green". heirs of decea.e d owners to enterta in instrum ental number by th#orch es- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Michene . ville, . delegat es to the convent ion of June Have you paid your taxes? tis, and Scriptur~ Leeson ,~nd prayer Mlaa Ada Michener ' will remain in 28rd and 24th, We can not confer --by Dr. Holt, there followed an Inter- the Elist for 80me time, Rev. Charles E. Byrer. rector of with all ot you. and will assign two estin.r program , conahitl ng of recitaClirlst church, Will Bauer, Preside nt represe ntatives to your homes for the lI ON. S ..;. / [" 1' c:. BO N E' Walter McClure went to Columb us ot Springf tlonl, . Ion",. dlaloRues ·and drl'III1, ield Rotary club, Harold nlgbt of the 23rd, for which you will \ thl8 mornin g. to attend the annual w.es~. casbier of the hol,d lni',. -tbe attenUu il of a large W .,shi,:;rt,,;.. · .One of tbe mOlt chafge $1.26 each. If it III not po88iSpringf ield Na- tIOP";u " .1,[ dl:ci cllt :lopointm ent. au~lenc" of people, for one hour and convent ion 'of the «' uneral Directo rs' ~ioDal bank, Geo. Hesse, blefor you . to render the favor, cailble. r of !),.et n."'~~ hr .he new nd miniatra a, hal(: A collection WAIl thell taken and Embalm er8' Aaaociation of Ohio; the Americ an Seeding ' Co., non , IS .h :\l of • CO lt C. Bone. woo Quitt' a number of my foJd!njf chAIrs' please drop a card. and Ju, for the benefit of the ,Studen ts Loan Wblch will bi' I8 session tbree days. , Webb. the "" Vi,eet slnjfer" :has b"~l' 114;)luina ted by P",.ihave ~een lost in movinjf' tb~ froin By order 'of the commit tee. of Spring- den t jlls:HarclinR: as governor of Fund. amount lnir to is2 00. , field. ~ the Men of Waynes- . Ala ska . Mr. flollc. who 'is one of S. Lev. Cart~rliht. \ ~rnard ·.lJrewlller~ who h~ been ville attend the hcsl meeting , Monday evening . 1<110wl\ o f Ame rican ntw.h~uaed for the past .two weeks' with e diLO rs, was publicity manltev. Byrer was the 8peaker of the 'Paper _Kcr of. t he Re publican national blood poiaOnltig,. is, not galninjf !ast, evenlnj f, orommittce last year. I'revioll lly, u arid It will be Beveral days before he editor of the Sellllie 1"0It-lntelllhe gave cardul att~ntion. will be o'ut apin.. ', - ' . ' Hou~ for salol-S ee Larboul:ne • . .encer. .lId slndy to Alaskan maUer. and 1t I. expected ~at he· will make a ..and of • - .' Itrong loverao r from , the :very '.. Wapako~ta. ,Mr. Frank Hamilto n Itart.. . . " ,• _ and'fam ill. of N ••~tt. Ky . Mr. Bone .. IIr.· LH • , Tb~ nP!llion ~ at St ~upatlne I , H.mo Ba.!!"to n and '.mlly. 'Will\ ,the n".ht~'m. of chl1rch h'lrd ..tbls .week paper; to thel·, h oIDe S unull' " wu 1'2 , atfu~re ~did. Father John F. ,VUlera. of ' a P....... t YiIIt here' There will be a platforr D'dBDCe there ClJialnbatl... preUbe d .... _ hili Ie... ;ntb -llr. aDd II~ 1111 residen ce'. Satllld ., CIY8IliDa. Alaska fa mind. moDI ~ fun 01 pod tboalhb. Qeo. 'ftbt to June lS. In cue of rain IDJ boIbe. ~rt efficiency : : btl blltnctloDl .... I
ice a Success
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. . . . .eel Cab be UIed. Evel'1~ . .eo: Ad- ,..-,.. nOlle will for the ~I . . iDIIIIoa • • . GllIIert ...... ~
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The Miami Guette, Wayneaville, Ohio. ' . If
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In II Itlla f!1\," t ~~Il~ fi-::;::: ;;:==:. "hnt yon mll llt IIdmlt he btUI M lD e Ju&o tlIlcn Uun. 11i't!1c}('S, he w!ll\ I ' g'M)t to !llO tc. IInlt wOllclertuUy '(1 runk I'nrll r thlh CI' II ln/!. nnd .Just ' l\lI h WIl8 s l pL gues t of min, nod ' l~k7" hI! !!:lld, his . . I n~ It" otT th~.oe (Ie r>ernd OC!< abducted " Olee Mllnkl n!! wit h t'lIg , him." "Y ou tllln'l IfIIY," r tlIo r koll the IMd. Til n/,xl moment III door bu rst o~ er. IIUrl Olll' ot t.he OUU!rs 11I1I):h"lI. " llI p tI'l' tJ ·tl-ehH hes otT, boys, Hud /,'1 lg tI"" r~. , lind Iln tnrUrl8.led OIlJ/"( ru"bed IrL H I~ taLoe wns wild, lind h l~ hllnd was YOUtl!: cu k·spa rrow." bnnclllll'l'd. shO\~1n,g a gro a t re<I stul n Unfore he cOUld ros:lst, a gog WIlS on III thum\). tbru st In OrullllUoluJ":; ttl Ulb Imd his . by "\\' b Ut'6 UJI&-J('s\?" be howled Curl. 11IUld" wero tied beh ind hi s. buck. 'l'h"'l, o\l81~'. " AllrI tlli s 11--d bUJldllge all hClpl 's.~ lIud Impol~nt, Ilo wll tched cO\'ored ivlt h rell Ink,., lhr~tl vf them Ufl u p ule wiln fruw "1' Oll !II ust liSiiffi,y rnen d h~rc. SIl.V£RlOWM COIUIS (lIe bell, IlDd PUttlDg a gag In bls An.i· StJd SN<fJ'r.ad woutb al . o, curry bl m out ot (lIe r OOID• . MUll ltlglJ," said H Il,!Ih. "Bo's got a S I ZE TUBes by Ili!culJ nr S(OIIS(! of hWlIlYr. Anywny. " ~l o\"l!, " su ld the fou rtl l t o llul(.b. 30x3 ~ IRWIN MYERS ~s h<"s gO I Illo bil l I n hI s hll nfl." " 1'011 Juln Ule 1)lcnle." In s l".·tl~1.' th ey wnt ('hc.,.1 P f'lPN;oll CoPyn9ht by Geo H Doran Co A IlIr):o l'llr drv\"e li P ns t hey 32x3~ open the p Hpor fi nd mlld the ('unl"" I", renl'lled Ule s treet, nud In lo.>ss· time wblll' the gi rl I"u nl'd o,'or h is ~ h ou l~I'r . thnu It Inkes to lell, ule \"wo h c lpl ~ .'!nally. Dr ' S(UIUI>eO tilt! n rst, DUI nOl own were pllshed In, tolJ ow~'<1 by Ule To !\Ir. Pe terson, Oodollll I III:. For ten mlDutee he spolm, while his lh'1 "''<:'OOII-nlld placed them both In leatll' r; Ole door Wll8 sh ut IUld t.hQ car ~3,70 £ B. d . drove off. ~mpanl oD lllltened In 6I1en~. .(lone his pock",. To hire ot one d mobilized "Oon 't rorgot," he M id t o Drum. I!OIIIpletely WIUI thr rather VnI'IlOUS' With the departure of the OenDY8 6 soldl or .. . , . ... . . .. ... .. . r; U 0 faced youth clad In a gt>rgt'Ous dress- , for Pud d l/lgtol~ which coinci ded m ~t mond sunvely, "this g Wl Is s lleuL Yuu To mak in g him .Irunk (I n bad hetter be th e saJne." In(lI'own: In We plul't' there Bnl B I aptly \\" Itll Lhe retl.l m of P eter Da r. 011" Itelll p'"OSl'nt strNI J;th A I ono o'clock Ule c ar S\\-Utlg ti l' to keen·raced mIlD · noddlug t1'Om tlmr to rell , a Ili!riotl of aetJ vlty rommenC1l(\ In nll,1 eo. t I)f d rink 1I11t! time lUI a tresh poin t wns made el"lI r. Holf MOOD street. But b,.\ln g luterlor TIlt' f:lms. For tile IIlBt tf'n m h'lllt,g 8ol llh' r's l'tl (OIIf"lt y mu_.. t 34~4~ ~.75 At length H ugh fin Ished. "WllI roo aeth·lty. In tl'rterlug In no way wltll H ug h hnd bee n watclling the \O\'lIl1d b e ull ow~tl ror) ..... , . . •. t1 0 0 do It. old wan '" he asked. (lao Vltl("ld wu rtnth of til l' s tree t out. In U10 corner, wbo was rnu"!d n!: fnUluc To b ,~ t tle of rfool III k •• • , ' , o 0 1 "Ot COOl'll8," return ed Ute other. IJide, the gentleman without, wh om a e!1'o r ls to loosen bls gug, I li s ""I'!' To s iwek t o ·y61o·11I. "" , • . \tJ 0 U rO iling hOrribly, IlDd he 8wll;'ed were "But wonldn't It be belter, UU!:h," lIe keen obSt!l"\"er might ha ve thought ~.80 I&ld pleadi ngly, "to whip .op twO or 80'6 n ~'1! ly Int eres ted In tlle bl'au Oes ot trolD Side to side In his !«'lIt. bu t (lIe 1'01111 ... . .. . ." . ....... . Uu 0 1 three or the boys and hne a real tha t well·known thorougbfU~lng bnndngos rou nd his hun ds heltl Oml euap' I don't lIeeIn to run'e anyth ing that be ba d been there tor three bours and nt Inst he glWIJ It up. CHAPTER IV. Enm wben he wn s IIfl ed out nnd to do." - remalnl'd sen>nely nnconscloua of It. Sm,.th 30'3 SJ1c)O Safely 32-4 S26.90 carried Indoors bo did not 8t:rugglo : brummond shook bls bead c!OI'll1ed- HI s JlRI had followed the DenQy8 to In Which He Spends a Quiet N ight at 17. "No, P eter, my boy- not tbJs shO\~. Pa dd lngton . Drummond bad nO( come be seclm,<l to bnve s UDk Into a sort the ElmL Snf.1y 30'3 $13.45 Safety 33"4- ~10 We're up aCl\1lU1t A big tbJng ; and It oUI- lInd t he watcber who watched of IIpnlhy. Drummond followed \\1 til dignified enlmnes.'J, lind W8 8 led In to a yOU like to COlLe wtth me, 1 thInk wIthout WBlI begt.n nlng to get bored. O ~IIE. Sa«'ty 30 '3~ '16.00 Safety 33~ $37.15 you'll ha.,e aU Y"U WlInt In the BCnIP. About 4 :80 he sat up and tOOk notice room off tbe hall. Goodrich 30113t "It Is a lilli e tl lt1lcult 10 kn uw wbnt pIng line before you're ftnllllled. But some one lett Ille boWIe: but It WIUI In a moment or two Pe t N" ~O Il en· _-Mid Jafrty tmld E.ffcctive May :1 thlll time, 101\' NJlnlng Is the order." only the 8uperbly dressed yoWl& man tered, toll owed by hIs d ll ui h tPr. " Ah I to do with YOll, yo ung Dl nn, " sn ld I' efabric tire torsou g"lII' ly, Art ,' r n long H lI ell ce. "I Darrell rose. "Right TOO an!, dearie. whom be ba d discovered already wa. my YOWlS frl end," crlpd I'Ptersoll af.rour Instructlou. shall be carrte4 out merely a clothe&-peg cnlllIlg hlmseI.t fahly, "I hordly though t YOIl'rl Itl ,.(' me k til' ''' y un hu rl no tIlCt. .. Dru mmo ntl le" twd bac k In his c!hnl r to Ute lettllr. Come and teed TOIll' Durrel L auch an eas y run 0 8 thi s." li e )lut face wIth mo." The SUD WIUI getting low and the his bond Into Drum mon ,I's pOc ke ts. ulld rL'gll rded hi s host wHh n taln! "Not toda),," q.ld Hngh. 'Tn got shadows were hm,uumlnll wben a tan and pulled out bl s revolv('r niHI n hlln · s mile. "I III USt come to yo u for I08., ons, Mr. quite a bit to pt tIIrouib Wis after- dro.,e up to the door. Immediately dip of lette rs . "TO your hnnk." ho Pete rson. Th ollgb I frn nkly udrult," Il00II.'' the WAIChet' drew closer, 001)' to IItop murmured. "Oh! s ur ely. su rl' ly nnl he a dded g l'ol nll y. " tbnt I have n()\"{'r that as well. Not even 9lHlOlwu. Un. AiIOOD U n.n-eu ha.d lODe. Drum· With a faint IIIlllle lUI be !IIlW two men mood aptn ran, the bell tor W. eerv· ,et ont of It. One was WI Immaculate I'lIg blm, Irma-nn d ull tle h is hnnu s. heen b rought u p to regnrd the forci ble II hd ur Ll on o r n harml ess Indlvldunl ond alit. Darrell: the other W1IB a IIIT1lJ1geJ', and My Vl'ry door young fr lt'n rl- you [lllin II fri end who Is sl ....·plng off the I!tTe~t ~ "This atlernooo. lamllll, TOO and both Quite obvloU3ly wbat In the mo." lira. Denny wtI1 IMve here and CO to vernaC1llar I, known lIB oiled. "I wis h to kn ow, Mr. I'l·t('r""", " sn ld of whnl low POO I)h, cnll a Jllg us be ing PIIddJDI"tDD. Go out by the ftooat door, "You prlshelea ole boon," be heal'll Hug h qllll! tly, "bY ,whllt rl Khl thl R rlns.. exa('tly tYI'i<'nl or ILhnr a d mlrnbll! QUIll. lIid abould yoo aDIl l'ounelYH be1Da Darrell Bay aftectlonately. "thlsb bUnk. turdl y outmgo hlUi lil!<' l1 I·PllIlIl lltPd . lt y," PI'I ' rRIOn'~ Itlll nr .. rested on th e dl ". A. frl en el of mine. slek In hc>(l- re(ollO'tftd--'U yon probablT wtIl be- Inll cabab my flhow." Th e n ;"lmc of G oo , jridl on a tire means hlwel cd IIIl1 n , till st ll ",lIl1 g hy t h,' (I no r, keep your heada. Bano. arrived at '!'be other man b1ccoogbed 1LBSeDt, moved, Iihdu ct" iI In th e 1II1 ,loI le of Ule nod IIft" r n 1110 I lIent '" th oug ht M night : to say not hing or lilt·." the bootI.nr-«IIce-tUe a tld/et to an!! leant wenrily agalnst the paUnp. o ne '1un!i, y onl y. L k a ll other G oodrich I"anpd forword utili I' rrl'"r ,1 n OJ lterlham, IIaT l'OO4-by to Mrs. Den. "!tight," be remarked, "ole frIend or \vIUl n g(' nU e Inll gh h" ln offer«! "'I'tlke Ihnt mlln IIWOY," h., sl1l d 11 11. lirl's this 3~ x 1 ~ is O.le \ual:ty. This stand. 1IT ·1n III luIpaajoned. tone, aIId abort me youth. It lIIlall be ash you wIsh." Wn. a clgurelte. " 1>1011 r )JI'u!" sh p r&rcptly to tho s~n'lIn l who "H . llle Inl o lief' not til mJq the Den train to that With a .toIerant e,)'e be watched them marked, "but you are most glorious ly the rnOIll, ~lI nd PUt: him to tll'd. I wil l ard is a fixed pri lle· pte, and that quality de.~;gn cd deledable Inland reaort. TbeIl,.J1UDIII, tack up the stain. ~ 111lWy In ugly, my Ruglll" con s ltl ~ r what to do wit h him In thE J'OIl wlU b.oa.fCl ,the tratn tor Chel~ chorus. 'l'heQ tbe door abo" oJ_d, Petoraon, ,vlth a talot smile, opened must b e t he best ollr re. O tl t CCS , skill and IIUa and ro bMtre. TOG will ~ ancJ the melod1 coottnued to float out the envel ope In his band. An d, even morning." ''QonSlde r he d-<l ," howl I'd Mul . iluire tor two Clap. YOQ wW tIleD tIlrougb the open window. lUI be plllled out tb ~ r n tents, he experience can pro Juce. IIng8, Rtnrtlng forword angril y. "You'll . Nt1II'II here, 8DCl awalt tunbel"orGen, .Ten minute. latel' be was relieved. paused suddenly nnd th s mllo fu dL'<i consider n thi ck e a r, llr. IIl oo mln ~ 1)0 TOIl . . mer · It wall QuJte an unostentatlous relIef: trom blM fn ce. From JlI,' lo nd lng \I~ Know·all. 'Vhnl I wllnt s to kn ow- " T H E B. f. G001.AUCd RUBBER COMPANY "!... .ar." Another man memly IItrolled put him. 'talrs CRID O a ben vy rn \ s l~ foll owed The word s died a wny In biN mouth ,Yl ltr" 'I, V iti" , "1'oor wtte-Sbe .... a eIIter or ADd s1nce there ~08 nothlll&' to Nt- by a 000(\ or Ille most opplllll ug lun. nnd ho gm:ed lit r'~ te rBo n Int I' a bird ~, Ilallll't Ibe, Imocktnl aboot POrt. he merelT etrOlled awaT. He mage. looks at a s nake. There was ome__Where,. , , could bardly be eZJ)CCted to know that "Wbat Ule--h-I do 'yoU think thing 50 ruthlessl~r mallgnnnt In thl "BIle '. . a pall/eel l'OD.IIn In 0a1J1berl. up In Peter DarreU', IIlttllII'room, two you're doin g, you Oat · fn~c(l son of II well, . , " remarked Jam. with JUti. perfectly ·BOber youn, men were con· }(Bltese goot? And wh.' I·e the h- I am 8ttIre of the gray·blue efes tMt the ex·soldle r wbo bnd "I ewed going ove r llabl. pride. templattng with prot--'onal eyes an I. IlDyway 7" "IhcnUleeDt,..~ lII1U'II1u~ I'JUIJa. extremel:r dnmk gentleman IIlnaing lD "I mu.st ,nOO)OJ!I7.o for m r fn end's the t op with COtnl)H mtl ve PQu lUlltnlty 88 belog part or his job Quolled nnd "She wtll dalli 1IIltl1 fteIltlde wtlll a chair, and that one or thOf!e two 1the <1~nll1hI1 1zp(1 nllh 'p r Wllfl 10111 111 I looked upprehonslve ly at Drummond. IMor paUled 4!01UiID-If .1tie can bear IIOber young men wall Peoor DalTe1l. ti~hlnd and !!Scope tnt o m e Clllr K1IIlRS I pence dnl! wn . 1-'1' 11 IlIIr h l~ mOlley's I Sviel rJe Among Muslel.n. Rare. "Do what the kltl d gentle man tells tt--eD4 dieD lIbe lOUt ~ b:r uDdeJ'o Tben forthet' interior actlvlty took of Ihe garden. But It "'n ~ onl y IlIt .. 1' II'orth: II l1 tl flru III III I)U (I 1111(1 II ~h rCW(l ! Tt h'IS heen :o:'r.tl Ibnl 8ul r l.le ta yoo, Mullings." snltl Hugh , ·uDd go to mt'lltary-gnnp nlm ost b r forl' It hnll auspl'l on Ihll l thl' .'lItPI'llIltllllt'nl "'n ~ ! "ery nn,'o, .. mo!) .mong mtl ~ Ir-l8n .. to where lIbe will take place In Halt ldooo Itreet, and . . the bed." He lI.t a clgllretJ e, nod thought· come, for Bu )!h OfItJlmnllri,l w all " .. I ,\nly JO ~ I ')('~In ll lnll. ~, to GOrtn,. r'don't think there dark_ tell, sUllIlC'l! tp'8.doally l18tt1ed I l;~hll lll'lIln Rlti'mJli .. ,1 It , Rod II IR 81"0 fully bl ew out 0 clou d of smoke. be' IUIT or ber belD, tol.' on the houle. that monner of lOon- gon e e\'c n he rore A s udil ell s.mnd ""tRltl!' In Ih J.,'IlJ" - r ccortlrrl or T!tt'hlllknw8ks, hili ' "Stop tills 1oollnlf:." s nnrl l!(l Peter· lowec!-'-7ou'U have drawn them oft TeD o'clock IItrnclt, then elenmhe notl cl'd tbot reterson WItR Rlnntl lng deu !tUldc h im look 1111 tJ tll "~ Y. Hl! ! or mus lclnn8 who hove killed them. "Wher e hll vc yon hhl (hm PottsT' In 8uch a poslt1on that bp co1I1<1 Ree , SIl W the whlre "leOl III uf u "hlr l tront. I Br"'coo nrp. very ' roN'_ It 18 Mid tbllt Wbe.'1. BIle rete ~o OOrlng, I want the and the lI1lenee remained unbroken. It " murnlllfc d Hu gh , "You every detail of the room hehlnd him , ami the lI('xt 11101111' 111 II mnT' I,u ~hecl ' th ll~r fllrtl Ilrp. ~o, hl'Ctltl"e of th. C!Ottap Bot ready at once, for two via- wns not till eleven-tbl~ that a 8U4. - . .- -=-='---'-'--.-- --+-=="'8:;;·0"-"n;:.le"','" 1 hll,ll fonnPd au 'h a ltor.,..' Be paueed and Ut _ dprette. den small sound made Hugb Drum. reHected In the gla s9 throtlgh which . OIJl'n t be wln dOl\\" nIHI CU IIl .' un"H'1I111I y m po tnl rompo8ure anti hnlune!! t_ c.h nnning men tol plctnre of )' Oll, Mr. -Aboft- aU, -Jam_mum', the w*cl mond sit up In hl8 cbalr, . with every be atnred. Into th e room. II ,," OI l! lJI'. ll 'n tun, un!1 !2r" ~ h,. · mule. PeterAon , liS th e st rong, sile nt mnn A8 I told ,00 a lIttl. wbUe Il&Ol the nerve alert. It CIUIIe fl'lOm tbe ~ A fixed de.t ermloatlon to kno w wllnt Qu ite ob"lolls l)" he htlll IWI'Il s,'c klul: ",ho never 10Sl hb temper, onll bere ~ ~ ~ 1'1'_ Jut repeat tloo ot the kltcben-1llld It was the lay In tbllt sin later bruin replal'l'd his I cOII~olaU un In ' Ih" Im W l'. ~~..!!!..!!!~!'! ._ ~~~~~!'!_,,!_!,!_!,,_ ~~~_~ yon nre, dlRuppolntln g fil e lit Ul e begin· tcmpornry IndecIsion. El'e ntR' up I ~'fe told ~.. sound he bad been waltlng tor. " R nl" ~'Oll )rot hllll 1" he dOfll llntlotl nlng of our acqunln t nn ce." I Be lIsteneel whne hUI 8elVut rail Swiftly be Q»ened his door and dale bad moved ao Quickly t1lUt he hod I thiCk ly. Bh'h~yl ll g h!r llse lf with " ~ lI tld For n moment hE' thnU 1!ht thnt Yebardly had time to !te t his hporln!-'S : on Pe ter son's nrlll . throop hla Inat.ruA:tIOD8, aOd nodded P/1I5I8d along the P888llgo to wbem ters on W O ~ ,",olng to s rrlkf' hIm , nnd Ills even now Ule last twont-y·foul· houl's " I hn ve 11 01," snld ['ct" rson Nhortly, a~, "J.ro think there are atIU the motJooless man 1111 still In bed. own fist ch' nchcd nndl' r the tllhle. soomed olmost n dream. And as bl' eyeing th o SWlly lu" IIJ.1ure In (rollt or .,aop/.e , wbo think mlUtary I18rvIce a "Hiram O. Pous," he said lD Blow. "I wouldn't. my trlpud ," be RJlld looked at the brond hnck nnd mflss lve him cont~ mJl tll ,)tl Sl y. " £o'l)r h ~tI" ell '~ ~ .ot tlmel" he murmured. "Four coaxlng tone, "BIt up and take yourQuie tly , "Ind ed I t. ould n'L Becousc head or tho man nt tho wlntlow. norl ~Illt e, sit dow n, II1UII , IJ 'fot'" you filii ~ aco.1CNl coUldn't have lOt ooe lI(!IIlollna. Foree yourseJ.!, laddie, torce .11 you hit mo, I shull most rerlllinly from him to tbe I!lrl Idly smoking on down ." II" 11I1" I' ell Bellloll rouJ.1 hly word ot It rlpt." youraelt. 1 know It', naUBeatin" but bit yon. And It will not Improve your the 80fo, be smiled 0 little griml y. H,,, Into a ~huh', 11 1111 I'c"ullwd hi M 1111(111'" I Be dJlIDIIs&ed 1>eImJ, and 8IIt down doctor laid no alcohOl IUId very llttle belluty." had just rem embered the thumbscrew j llivo s tnre Inl O Ih ... tlnrkn ess. at ~ , dllilk. I'Ilwt he took the halt· meat." . Slowly P e terson snnk bock In his of the tlrece<lw~ 61'en I nil'. AS!lllrcdlY (Continue<! OD pago 3 1 1ioI'p lbeet out of btl pocket, and put. HI8 volee dled away. and he ~ chair, ant! the velD.s wblch 'hnd been _ It In an envelope, ~ed It care- lIIowly to hl8 teet. In the open door standing out on hi s forehc~d became fIIIl1~ '!'ben he p1aeed It In another norulat ag lJln. He even smlletl: onl)' eve)oqa. wlth .s coverlog letter to hl8 the I'eBsel C'lj~ t opp ing or his hnnd on balik. requestrng them to keep the In· bts le.f t !mee betrnyed hlB mom enrnr)' elanre liltact. 1088 or composure. OMlmmond's fi Rt 'l'ben he .took s &beet ot notepaper, unclencbed, IlDd he s tile a look nt tbe ud' with 'mucb deUberatlon proceeded rtrl , She was In her Tavorlte nttlhlde •cO a dOClUDent whIch aftonJed him on the 80rn, and botl not even looked eoDllld!!i:abte amuaemeut. judgln, by up. ' tfae grin whleb appeared trow time "I suppose tbat It Is quite useless to time on hl8 face. ,ThIs elrllBlOU be tor me 10 nrgue "'Itll you," s Rld Peter. alao encloaed. ID s aeftled eovelope, lion otter a wblle . . 1\'lIIcb 'he.aalll sddresaed to his bank. "I WRS II memher of my schonl debating Rocle ty," remorketl Hugh remlC nlseenll y. "Dut I was never much good. I'm too obvio us for argument. rm afraid." "You prohably reollze trom whnt tried"the An ad . in this column iR a sure ~alll has bappenl1d tonight," continued Pe... ""' teNlon, "that 1 om In earnest. .. "I should be sorry to t.hlnk 80," anMONEY LOANED swered Bugh, "It that Is ' the beet .you can do, I'd cut It right out and Dealers now 8tart a tomato tarm." ONEY TU LO~N UN lI'ARM8 Tbe girl gnve n little gurgle Itf ilL il)l6 Intero,,' for G '0 10 carry both: . yellrs. '1'orroll & Terrell, itelll II:M. IRugbter nnd lit anot her clgnrette. 10, for LIH e nnd LoonR. Wllmlugton, Uhlo, "Will you come and do the dft n,",r· (>110110 301 , mlG -Sf ous part of tbe work for us, Monsieur 20 .for Bugh , .. lIhe asked. Save the price of new furniture, bY,refinishing "It you prornJse to restrnln the little ONEY LORned on live s&ook tellows, I'll wate r them wltb plp.all. cbattels, 1\1110 8000nd mortgllllllll: your old furniture , with Hanna's Lustro-Finish, ure," returned Hugh tlgbtly. Nates boup:M. John Ehlfblne, AIIIID that will This famous renewer will produce results Bolidtng, Xenia Oblo. 6. '.22 Petereon rose ond walked OVIll' to delight you. It will bring out all the charm of the window, where he stood motioD. less, storing Dot Into the dnrknl!M. newness in w"atever it is applied to. Hugh reallF.ed that the sltuntlon WM FOR SALE wbnt In mllltnry phraseology mIght be When Bernard Coyne. 18 ,ears HANNA'S LUSTRO FINISH termed critical. Tbere )Vere In the "What the Cevll," Cr'ed Drummond .old of Anlho~ fa., died . the C!lther UR SALE-J. I. Calli Cultivator, bouse probably balf :11 dosen ml!l\ who, day it m:ukco the Il:tssing of the Furlo".'y, ul. the M•• nlnll of Th'l7" Fred M, (Jolo,. WaYneRVille. Ohio. like their mB8t.lr, WIlre absolutely un. tall est man ill the world, He was is also excellent for floors and woodwork, and the je"2IJ ScntpuI01t8. It It Imlted Peterson's four men were ltandtnc, Mcb Witb 8 fect, 2 inches tal/.. For his burial thousand and one small jobs of re~finjshitlg so ai Dubuq~, I .., it Dect~1"7 book to kill hIm, he ,,"ould not hesitate a pec,uJ'ar·.haped In Ills EFRIGERATOR, holds lOu lb. often needed about the ho~e~ It is made to wear, for a casket~ . to make a to do 80 for a olngle second. band. of tce, good oondltlon, eeU lJ.>ecial coflifl.. the t ner butlt. For a moment the thought croBlJ(!d "Wbat the de'l1l." cried Drummond 'Caske l . noo bolt_ 01r1l hue at Sold B)j o~behJJ' lnqulro of GlIbort BlglIlI, hla mind that be would take no tllrlOusJy, "Is Ille mennlng 01 thll r' Corwin, OhiO. jaB9 . :conrr , n r~ d to ann,!! tnan-1JI4'a1' • cbances by remallilng In the bou~e; ~Out It out," cried the leader con&Ired D. Iccl 9 inche.; and 10 lett t.hllt . he would rush Petorso!) from U 'rUMOBILE-11118 Modol Oak. respecllvely. tt\r:9~.Ui.~ualy , '~!!e~ 1rIm,8 ,.8~ 8l1eot. .f'lund, in good condition, Prloo r i"bt If 11 (1((1 IInnu, l~ql1lrtt 01· Ollf. ' - ' .... --. t o rel Baillok, W nynodVl!Je, Oblo. . , ' tje29 :. 1 he vein. ~I."d OUI on Drnmm'llld' . tore\tWLI\, IlJId he coll/ rolle,1 bl ml«'1r w it II /In hum nS(! etrort. ".An! YOU ·awllt tllllt Ull!> milo' III Ii
Goodrich Tire Prices
The Adv.entures of A
Demobilized Office.· Who Found Peace Dull
The last word in Quality The best word in Price
. ....
- - -- -"""'''-'--
$1.90 $355
$32.9 0 $41.85 $43.10 47.30
32)(4\ 33"4\
$450 $4.65
$48.40 $49.65
33)(5 .35"S
$5 8 .90 $61.90
Fabric Tires
Goodrich 30x3~"llve Points if Excellence
1. One quality
2. extra she
3. Specially
4. cJ/nti.skid 5. Fair price
J. B. CHAPMAN, Distributor
lllannc. C!hlulc:e
Waynelville, Ohio
i I
Olassified Ada
Have you
n~~ ~Oc , packager
One' Wi!>' to Cut the "H.CL."
IOc, 2Oc.
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, 0
W I~E'\' PO'J' A'l'0 PIf\lltli
U U,OkiltL '~ , . 260
tor ' 1I,,'lft
per 11)0. \!t!t ~h l\tu · ri g ht. !'w·".v, while ~litl:V I~'~' 'llil)) U
nb I'Jow ~~lI~tOflll. 10. Ltl I' 01 PtH.ltv~CtIO .1'urDIt~J B. 0, \I, .
' C J
ctU h 'lI 01' It
, v i llll, Ubj~.
jt,t23 '
,llbn " , -~'. Qlah), O"untl'l~er. M" n 0 t.llld Ptnll'u&o replHu., ' iGll!! l,'hLD18 tintl Uiller, Pilla.. Bea ' .
~ L~YU!llllSroa .li, 0. Ii, W~...~1f.
The Miami
e...olJd , 'I... 1l.~~!.!,!.._--l_~~~lil~lr!In;,JLIlI~-D:U'Jo~u~"e:~-1 '_Mr, and Mrl .. !fred cQlli ••faer 'wo Waynes~iIIe. Ohio a'~nded, 8UlldlY &venl.n., "eekl' villit wl$l;l,belr' OJal1dren, Mr. Geor,l Mathe,. Ulark, of Uolnm- and Mrlt Ceoll Kirk, len: ISatarday, , bla, Mo • wu ~hQ week· aDd gueel of for 'heir home In rOllt,o rla. SUbserintion Price, $1.50 p r year Mr. and Mrs Ohal. Clar.. IIr.- ~lId Mrs, Earl aooketa and Mr. and Mre. Albert ~hOY and dangh$ers were Bundla y RnNtl of family, Mr. and Mrs. RUl!sell Bor. Mr. and Mrl, Jed RenlloD, .of lIet and Mrll. Chloel:!ldel 8pen' tlun. MalJl street. day with Mr. and Wr8. Wm . Nnll, Mr. and lIr•. 0, V, Toll. arrived WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15. 192 1 of Bprlasboro. Tnesday, af"'r a .111' with
II:nl.r6\1 at ;tb. P CIIOtl\C' at W.,.u... 1ll0, '01,10, ••
D. ·t .
CP ANE, Edito r
P ublisber.
all fhe IOrormntloo J ""4UlJ~. a.v... quickly IUld w1tb lesa trOUble." A lIeellng vision or a mUlled , pulp.like Ihuwb flu shed acr08ll Hugb's mend; once /lialn be heard that h1~ OU8 cry, bllt animal, balt bumllD,' wlllch hud echoed Illrouab tbe d.I1rk· 1lO8Il the J>recedlnl nlgbt, and tor lUI IlistOllt hi s breath t'llcoe a little flUltOl'. 'I'hen he s miled, nod shook bl, bead. "I ti.Juk )IOU On! rutber too good a Judge of hwnan nuture to try .anytlllni 80 fooIl8h ," h e IIIlId thoughtfully. "You 1K.'<l, wlf etlll you 11.111 me, whlcb I don't think would s uit your book, you mJglIt find explanatloos a little dlWclllt to-
June ~ - 2" ,j Sunday after Trinity JUlia 12- 31 Ii Sunday after T rinity June 14- Flllg Day not u holiday. JUli tl 17- ·Hullk t!r Hill nay Jun p 1!)- 4th i) umlay after Trtn ily J Ufl e 21- . LonKe~t Day June 26 - 5th Sunday after Trinity
Bull-Dog Drummond
morrow." 'For a wb 110 tbere Wll8 alleot'9 In tbe room. brokeo at leogtb by I Ibort Ill ugh trolO Peterson. "For 8 young mOil, tNly your pel'Bl,lc'l\clty Is rlr("I1t." be remurked. "II' tUn, Is ti,e hi 00 room ready 1 It 110, te ll Luigi to IIli0w CaptaIn Drummond
The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace DuD
to It ." "I will show him myeelt," ab. ansI'ered. rls illg.
HUgh 8IIW a look of 80uoyuCle Pft8I over Petersoo'B face lUI be turned
to follow Ihe girl. and It .tnu:k blm
Covr"P*" a... .. _
.... .or!
.. u8.. tona not tbe DeW IU'I1vaJ.
that thaI gentleman wal oet be.t pleased at tile turn at evellt.. TbeD U.e door c1080d, aDd be tollowed 111.1 ~Ide
uo tbe
me ... IIlHeSt nonee wbo Pled 8tUPld. j --
be• .,..lIauerl., _ ••- - _
our Cluaifled Adl for relultl.
back from a sbort vi, IS "Ith ·r .la. Slve. In Clnolnna'!. Mr. Wm . COX W&8 a Dayton V181$. or, Dayton. W. F. Clark and family and MIA. Leonll. MQGinnlB attendlld · ... he .Wtlyoe Township Farmen' olub at $he home of Mr, and Mre. Carl Dnke. Albart Staoy and family w.re sbopplnlln Dayton. Thursdav. D W. l:!J.<de, of tb. National Mill. hry home, I. vhlUlnl IllIter, Mrl B. a Bolnes and family . The Snnday ,uest. of Mr. and Mrl. Frank Smllh were: Mr . and M". Benry Champion, Mr. and Mrs Barry Ohamplon. Mr and Mn. Ben Uhllmplon, Mr, and Mre. NtIB8ley Lawmolr and daughter, of Dayton. The MI,.., Be",. Powell, Mildrid and Marl.re' Cltlrk anll Leona Mo. Glnnll went a. delegatel! WarreD Couut,. tlnnda,. Bohool oonveo'loo, whloh Wa. beld 8prlnsboro. a.Dllle Smith III ap8ndlnl a few dayl In Dt.,toD. Mr. alld Mre. Ralpb John' aDd LI wren08 a.okathome were Sunday lallh of IIr. aDd lin. Wm. Dyke, ot Dt.y'on. £dllon BUrRoo.who hal bee. home on a five-day tvrloulCh . baa gODe bao. to 'be Gr.., Lallee Naval 1'ralnla, lobool. Fra.1I ~re haa 'aken po..... 1100 of hI. new .tore In Centerville.
at Drummond IlC~ the table. "W. eeem to be moving In an atmoapbere C1l croea-purpoees. Mr. BeD· too," utd tM! IJOIdler 8trably. "I bope your dau&11ter 18 quite well." "1I~ulte,. thuok you," muttered
We othlir. ''Tell her, will you. thBl I
to ~alJ on ber before returnl~ to LOll· dOll tomorrow." Wltb hlB banda In bll pocket&, P~ IOn
wu reprdlill Drummond
th. window.
"You propoee I_vlnr do
he aald quietly. . DrwnlllOlld .tood uo. "1 ordered ID1' ftr tor ten O'e1oc11, n he IUUIwered. " I am quite Bure that I .ball be more ull8tul to lIr. PelllrIOn at lugt' tban I am cOOJ)t'd up ,"OIl"
here. I mlgbt even lead blm to thlt hidden trew\uro which be think. I'n IlOL" " You will do tIlat. 011 11,bt," 1& InIIrlled Petel'llOD. "But at tile momeot I "II wonderlD, wbether aUt· 1l0"-~I"ht 'lot. give me
t .. .NU'IIuaaloo
TYPE WRITERS UMCI aile! reJ.~ · br U. 8 . Oov..nmoa~
8.0I11IIton No. 6 or 1 (blind) • .• , . .. . .... ~o Rew la wtou No. l~, via, 2' 0010. ri bbon. ".00 Uatler"ood No . • . ono-mlor ribbon . . . ".00 Uu,ter"ood •. 2·oolor rib back .pacer. 61. GO 80111 No.1. Doe-color ribbon ..• . • • •• 15.00 Bonl No , 3. 2-0010. rlbboa . . ••.•.••• • H.~O OUver No ••. ,115.00 Oliver No. I ... U.~O Oliver No 8 .• i6 00 If_II 1& • . 17.10 IIDIllb· Premler I D. L1nolype rebulll ".n 0 o uarans-! III IJood 1IMCI coadition all read,. tor Ioal( bw IMnl... , 1a'larac'loli i!U.ran· \Mel or purcb ..... price refunded. Wlllcb II.. .HI ,.ou bave 1 _ or Imall. Ord .... ruled promptl,. ' 1111111001. any colo.1o. colON. for lUI, lilalio 0 1 MaclJln.. er.. 76c del .......... lI'ale ro'il'~::!..~~:i d~=.pal\6l' per box or
Allen'. birthday. Tbll plaoo was w.lI repreeented at tb. oonven$lao at ~prlngburo, la.t w..k. We had a very quiet waddlnl bere on Monday. K. 11:. 'l'bomp.on wa. In franklin tld1lrday . . B J . Brewller bal blood pol.oo In one of hll bll toea . Dou't forae' to oome &0 L'baroh, nIXt klaad.y morDlng . ~herman Ferri! lind Wife, Mre, lCa'" ,Iordan, Mlu Bannall Jordan, Frauk JordaD, M. M. Terry, .lid Roee Ind Karl- UII.,benle ware 1IIIIopplrll,In Lebanoll, He'nrday, M. M. Terry and K . Ill. Thompeon took a "'nok load of hop to Day'on, Wadneaday. lleedame8 Boward and Harold MoKa" and children were Thur.. an4 Friday ,n8l~ of 'heir bome a' Wllming&on. J . W, Wolf and wife, of W\lmlni' ton, were bere one dllo' laet week, eb"klog bandll wltb rela&lvee aud old frlendt! ....
IImPire Type POUndry. Buf'(alo. N.Y !
, (
Wlolle.... n
Price Level in Tire History 30x 3~ $24.50 32x4 46.30 34x4~ - • 54.90
Dr. Uoyd B. HaU
lI--------_____ DR. W. E. FROST
IoIra. Thomaa. Ba.vdoo~ III orltlo. til at her home here. 'The "rlead. Sunday &bool reno a vllry Iptereelln, Chlldren'a prolram, Bunday ..enlng, I'orr~' 8mUb, Auna !:;ayers, Oleo MoKay 11114 . Eleanor Baydooll are bome from tbelr f88~tlye oo11lgea 'o~ 'he Inmmer .ajla"on, . 1;be M. 1:. 8 . ~ enJoyed. plonlc In 8n,d.r Park. Sprla.field, Thurl4ay lu' w..k. IIfI. J. 8 . L1amln. I. DO' hnprov. In heahh a. rapidly al ber wonld "I.b.
ES Now S ellirlg at the Lowest --
(And Other Sizes i n Proportion)
T ire rep3ir men. who judge va lues be st, class these tiree .. having the sturd iest careaa8 made. F orty-eeven hiihwrede car mnnu Eacturers use them aa standard equipment. They are the quality choice of co rd users.
Thia new low price ia made po.sible by etrictest economies and specialized production. Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of mekinlr 3Ox3 72-in ch Non·Skid fabric tire s. With a daily capacity of 16.000 tires and 20,000 tubes, thi8 plant permits refined production on a quantity basis. ( All mat erials ulled are the best obtain able. The quality ia uniform. It i. the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. '
F. D. HA. WKE, Distributor
i:d GrA, an4 Wlt8 WAr. lu Cllira.· ville 011 W adnel da,.. Mre. A. 8. AliGn enlertalned ber daughter., Orl., Jennie anl1 C,n. 'hla, OD Toaeday. I& w... MrI,
--- _.-
The Ladl.. ' .AId 1001.," m.' In their hall on '!'burld.y .f"'rnooo and were ellter&lllinecl by Mri. Clara Merritt. Tbe loe cream bUllne. In oar 'own Ie growlnl to be a bl, bu8Ineel Meedam811 "ranll L., Barril and Ira F. I:!yferd were ClnolDnati .tltl. Oil, one day I",s' weelr. ' John A,ferd 18 owner of a fine SheUand pony and rnnaOOn'. Be II a proud boy and will irea' 'be J)Ony good. Dr. P. D, ClaRe" lefll for Noaal... Arlaona, on last 'fhurllday, afler a Ihor' bUllinela trip loot lol a"er bll lu'.rel's here. Wlllla. Gillam I. !loaklnl mora Improvementl on hili beaatlful and well.kept farm . The bealth In this oommuaUy Is tbou~M to be qui'" go()d. A "ery seleo& dance w •• liven In Town baU on Tlaurlc1." night. Mr. and MrI, Robel" IUump, of daDce b.r. OD Xenia, a&tended l ·hureday. Dearboro-"Ita1', old maD. do you know who Ie 'b. alnoliSy leall.r In tbe Bonae'" 8enlonhurll-"8are, I know, If yoa mean my bou.. ; bill', to 'be 'rnth, I'm a.hamad to ten you .. Mlu Alma Lamb I.tt for TennN. ..•• &aIWday e".oln" la fter ~veral W8Ike' vIAl' wnb bar ."'r. IIrl. a. C. Gillam . IIr. B. M. Fi'e and Mtl .. Leul .. N. Wlleon aatoed wI". Anolen', Sun. day ahernooo . Mr. and Mrs . Homer Budaon, of Xenia. were oaillng ou acqualnun. 1\81 bere on Sunday. M,.. Ida Bowe and BOO. Barry. vilited her .teten lu Lebanon on !Sunday. i'rankWtllon and daugbler,Lenlee were shopping In WlImlulton, Fri. day. IIr. and lire. Mark Davil, of 010. olnnatl, ~ere ,ueatll a' tba Cen'ral, Veterinarian' 'wo daYII lu' week. Mr . and Mn, J . Rnl.ell Marra,., of near Ore,onla, were oall1D8 on We U. the FollOWing Serum: friends bera, Friday .vellung. Ohio St.te and Pittman·Moore, but William Bt. Jobn, of 'he Kilpat. will u.. any kind you ask for. rlok.Frenoh lIotoroar ( :'0., of Leba. We advise use of the clear serum, DOD. oaUt! lu 'his vlolnilly ooouion. any, aDd 'ben ,.ou ma,. IIDOW lome ODele to have a Dew ford . OFFICE: Mr. and Mfl. John W, Va.lI.r Fourth Stre.t, ncar Tyler .oort were BUDday a""noon cal. Tel.phooe 93 lers on Mr• . Vandervoort'. bruthe" Qulnoy-Ktng. Ohio Geo,.e Wolf aDd wife" of Clarll.. Waynesville. ville, through our town on !lunda,. on gOing to anll re,ul'1Ilall from Wayn8llville. wher," 'he, have rllla,lv • . E, V. BARNA~T Frauk L. aarrl. I. lIep. .en&lnl BarveYllb.r. Lodge No. 5117, K . ot Notary Publh: p .. at the Grand Lodge, DOW In ... alon a' Dayton. Mre. t.1ara MerriU la ,epreeeD'" All klud. or Notary Work. Willi tin of Maple Temple of Pythlan an4 Daeds a Specialty. ~llItere at the Grand Lotae, now In sell810n at Dayton. Mr. and IIfI. W. W. Weloh at. tended commen08men' at Wllmlng. "'! 'on ool1ege on Friday. Tbe borae .boe pltohera of 'bls dlo08l1e were lu _Ion lal' weell. ",nd 80me exoollen. ,eenlb u..y did ,,$lain, .0 .ald by U. memben. VETERINARIAN Cblldren'lI Day a$ tbe J on.h·1 Rnn obnroh on 8und.,. ahernoon. lIu. 1110 bV the Lebanon Commun",. Vaa:ltlatlon • !olpedalty. Noth_ Singere. \ Ina but Rellablo Serum Uled Oar ~'reet. are ollad alDd 'he dal' Is laid. Rnd 'he man1 .llutomobU. Harvey.bur&'. 0, rnn our 'own jolts,through all praillag the ",IShout clon41UoDany of '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ our a'reeY, Several of the membo,. of ollr K . of P. lodge were pr8leD' a& the Deooration of our d808&8811 brother.' DB. HATH A W A. Y grenee, on Sunday. Mr. aud MfI, J. Bart.r Shldaker W~rWe' ... Lead1nl DeD".' and Mr. J, aammon 8otI:au arrlnd 0 ' " III BalD. B'A_. llain Ba home 'be firll' ot the week, .tur a .... week'i .&1111' a. MarUnlvllle, Ind., I-=~~~=~=~====~~ feelin. muoh Improved, phyllcJa11y r anll meaully. They raoommea4 It to man,. of onr ol&lZlIlB .. II DecMIIo DR. BELL'S ANTI·PAIN . . , Intenial an4 External PaIn&. e"y anll a 10ng.felS nee4. Up to thl. wrl&ln. 0 ... Iround Ie milch ID oead of nln. WaI"'r Jordan II o.anMlq lIOIIle road work, ant the road .dc1eJo hIm I. loollial fln •. .Again lpeUlnir 'hr01llh • Ja I I Dew.y Ibea', ooD08rola8 thl b1J8l. n811 oon41110n. of 'hll "lloInl'1', OQr ' merohanu are ..UIDI a 10& of .~. Ind ,."Ing th. mOOly; 'he bank I. Kalnlag ,roaad; ••arybod,. II WOI'II. Inl, bII& the ooal IUu&lolII Ie D~ at all pr<lmllllli. We work all 111m. m.r for eDoulih moae, buT ooal for ",1I1'-r. In a oue of 'bat Iliad, what can be done' Th. 00&1 maD lay U on the rallrOlWla, and the nU. roadl lay WI 'b. ,...u 00&1 deal.r, It "USb' be Willi SO 1&e11' ,o lear of Ihe ooal dealar u long a. you ClaD •
line) 'amlli.. lpe~&
'be week. end lu 'heir oo&hle a' Miami V~ll'1 OhautauQqa; .AlIoe Mdarland, 01 &alh IUlbal~I8.lIIOIII. I. 'h. IUN' of MI88 1lllllZllbel~h Roblll8On .
H. E.
WaynesviUe, Ohio
Everett Early
Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains and Self· Feeders , -SHIPPER, OF-
Hay, Straw and Feed .
Wayne,vllle, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good ' Service. Large Display Room TeLEPHONE 7
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
Lytle Feed Mill
••• DENTIST•• ~
Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, ring 311
Practical Vaccinator. Have bad good 8UCCesa ill lmmuning" on both siek and well herda.
Waynesville, ~Ohlo
Both Phonee Home H55·8 Be114·1r
National Bank
Bellbrook. Ohio
....~~ ...... ~ ••• e•••••• ,
John H. Wright
... Examined Correctly... GIaMM Fitted
Farm Sales and LIve Stock a
Satlafaction Guaranteed
'Bellbrook,; Ohio Both Phones
Optical Department . X_a, Ohio ()p.ia evanln,. b, appointment
8. Detnla
.- .
... ~"'.. "I"~ .ell."
A natural' c'liIiOlltJ at I-lib 1.1 tU "'In.Iect bell.· It I. a iliad! beetle .bleb III1lta barmonto\lll lOuodl Ulq t.li0l8 GI • UWe 'II1YIIf bill. .
. Oatarrh la -a .local di~~ ~U1 IDfluenced by OODatitntioiW"\ 01 di'tiona. H.ALI18 ,){EPrcI'NE il a Tonic Pur'i1ler. By c1~ the
~f';&': ~~~~
DOrm." CooditioDa· 1IId· 't Won tue, to do itl work. All I>nabta. . CiN~1n
:1.1. CbtiNi Ir 00., .•_--
See:' :'R. "Madden ,i Co.,' for the Best of Building Materials
TWO ANOTHER INVENTION ADDEO. TO LIST Will l. CI)flk. o f d ·th Cook . hll!l al/elpd allotl)l'r in vpnt ion to hi~ nlready l<lng Iis l . Ihat will 1)r,)hl1bl.y mak e !I f ortullt' for him. Mr Coo k hus incorporaled a company for hid ne w invention. called t.h Cook Engi. neeri ng o. and it! loeuted a t Provo. Ulah. His nllwel'l inven tion is called the Celcu igni t ion m eler, and is used fo r te"ling ~ park plugs ill a m o lor und 'r l he i r.act ua l work ing c·' nrliti.)l) ~. It I i ~ a n indiepe n ubi\! too l to any aulo mechanic. und in a ll p rnbab il il Y w i I be u niversa lly ulled . Among h is , ol her inventions m ay be m e n l io nen th e batter y hyd r om eter, gla r es hie ld lIod spark in tensifier . A11 lhe~ e a rti c les are being put ou t by th e Coo k Co mpany. We are always g lad t o me ntio n l he ' advanceme n t o f Wayn ellv ilill Illthou g h Mr, Cook h as heen Ilway f rom he r e ( or several yea rs.
give tire mileage at. the lowest cost in history
111]0 rorgl" !l Inl.'nl n il 101' If01 1O ~1 1\t< trul y prllllti c. IUIII L1ll1t £ -ry tlily. WIUI HelM'A Itl !i4'9 ~tul "itrm on 'hls lip, htl "IJlI1\·\1 n "uutnwt wIth rl pu t,,"1 Will 811ve yo u f r lJ m 10 to 11k ull. 1I11'tlicirw IIOII~" I,) Il un the 1'0Ull. As (' vcr y d(,1111 r yo tl ~ "el1d' R...~llf e8 II ' ~r rn\\'I('1l hl NIInmr lit til' \),'U OIII , hI' Ihl' benul ifu l lumillium Bil l s w f\ , ,,,I t! RII.lly: ~ive us p rem i un l~ " I hu ,1 h"II"1l 10 pul III," 1111111<' Iv d lt . Saturday pecial8 fe l'pnt Ihtll)(R Ihllll Ihl ~.'· ith ", nc h 'S[i,nO o rd er Wt' "'ill "CUll )'1' " 1,111111 nl l ... I' pl('IIII·,',., kM'II'1 J,l'ivjt 10 In ('}I nC' ~ lI glJ r for .... . .. 75c InJ,t tn tht· se t WU el llll·l h·tt ..·S~" . :1 II. p"eltnl pell 11('1' for . ....... 1i5c uTI! bl' sure; 1 han: 1111 clt ln .r , kt'll'be ~:' I I Ih Log Ca hin I 'o ffeu ..... ... .. .1l2c "I'll 1;11'1' )'1111 II hll l1flr,·" f .... II nll.1 Z IOc Pk j(~ "'o rl Ullt< 11l8ccaroni IOc :3 lb lllJud hu lll I' (,jft'e .. .. .. .. .... ·r;oc li n )' ot h "r~ Ilk .. It. II \\'111 IIl11k\! a (IUlldy ftl l"\!l't lsUIUPlIl ru r VU I' rh('UlilII' i 1 ex Lra Kood Wl' ile r broo m .... ,60c 2 II. La u rel r.r ar. ke rR....... .. .. ~ific t\)jlll I II." lIeri,Nt tlr·e''llle.l. fvl' h" \\,flilted to I
sawyer's Wayne Market
515.00 $22.00 $27.50
UI il'n'l lI " rli \'I'l
(,r :
It i~ ~('I d III ;11 It. r ('h"' I ~I' ·' l ll i r~ 1 3Llministrations that the ap, pOilllnH' l1 t of ;ll1d t' r ""(,nLl r ll,:, a tll H I atkll t ion. Th e re fore, it l mig ht aln""-I b~ sa .. ' 11''11 Ih. II ~n l , ,,~ ad ,,,illi ; lr3 1ion has already es tah lished a III- l ' l' t· d l' l1t. j' ur in the :'\i\ \'Y and S1.'\tc d ~ p:lr l ment S t th e IHunin g of CL''- 'Iheodore l{''''' tHlt and I I.·,,,·,· l '. F I,' lehe r crea ted considerabl e Y" 'III'! l{ lH,~c\- L· lt, ,., t ilt' i hird' of t ha t nam e be n a med to t ill" 11 ;-"'\' f'('I"t1 r ir.t W ;'l hi!'\ illtl .. (rinlt..;; blhrr , T . R _; nex t th e l ate n nllOt r ;;, iL' vi , " l'r, I.J~ 11 1, .. 1 t l lllllll1l' (" . Fran~ lin D _. and las tly h irnseJf. "" In), I'. I -I, I ,; rr . ,'. h,) " Ir, I,,· " " ,fcr -srnr tary to Secretary or S t a t~ 11\1...:111.· ... II:'! . . :. 'Ill In tr~I ' dl{ .lllll.l(i(· ~ c.: r\'in: s ince 1902 an d was la t-e anl-
("f'"IIl1IlH II I
l,a ~:"I~ I.j.' r
~I (
'i l r,1
Reduction on all st~les and sizes
I Ih T0 f1S I ~ ,1 !\"'I'~ h n1t'llo.w;; . : ....81'
I Ih I '1t,..."lul,' nrop_ ........ ~':k llh .I,·I II' (' ''' 'q'Io'I ~ .. -. . . . .. ~ac r III ('nl ," ol,lIl' Flld )!,e . .. "Or
t hl llk ~ ~ o.
Ho iling b.'pi
pl' 1'
1.1I11 11" ..
t ~ III HI ~ I uk . .. .. 20 IIl1d 25c , IVllis H"il t'd H Am POlillfl .... ... ....... .00 '
fry our Job Printing'
W I' "I;;" It,,"d le I'u r k C; h l\ p ~ Vellln nd ~m l\ k.'t1 ""'f.l l< Hadjl'II'Y Br o~ . flf Sprln\( Valll'Y furnit'h o or frl'~h m eats nlln nur lI1elltB 1Ii-!' l.IIP h ~~t we CUll huy
for WI! will lill Y your lIulter ulld egll8S·ALE Y"U I'Ii fo r Se nlie e. Younce Bros. Grain: Walter L .Sawyer, Pt:op. . Company j ~.~______
OnlY T r ue Re fo rm.
Ill' mnrrl(·tI n l I hli ~ U l llt' t hllt' tllu t ~t u· 1,,>1 11 11 11 I hllllln,,,,ti \\','I't'. hut hI' li aR Ill·,' f'" ~ I "': H Ill' h 1~ lIu tlllll lh llt h l' t ~ prlld udlll! luIlSh·/"I'!t·( 't· ... thut "'illlllt' du .,· 11111 world will n O('u :.:; " lzp, .\ 1 :11' .\- t'UlP 11 ,,1" 11 I. \\"' fth nli 1; 11111. ,.f <1I('j'l tl c 8,
30x 3~ NON·SKID
T ho ollly I'Pfo rm tJJOt r~lIlt~· reform! ., UIC ret,m n t l1n I COIMS (rom the ! eorl of Ih" IIl111vl ll lltl. Nol 011 the' klng's In\Ys lI or 1111 th e k ln g'8 s tn tU!08
A Masterpiece
am «'[unn (III 1"1' \1 CO Ol;)luu lty. -Duk e
Cle Boul oglle.
Col. Frederick W. Galbra ith. J r ., who commanded th e 1 ~7 lh Infunt ry, Specia l price OI l of which regiment m ost of our boy~ we re m~mbera during lho la le wu r, was killed in an auto mllu il e Iwei d -n l in Indiana last w eek . The f unera l was held at Cincinnati. SlIl.urdllY . Up to June 25 th , a ll good . and the larJl'cst crowd e ve r llRSembl od at a fun eral in that city was present At th e t ime of hi s d ea th, Col. Ga lW oy n eSYllle, Ohio braith was t he natioD,,1 ' "nmande r Phone 53-2 of th e Am eri can L esdo n, 1\ larger body of m en than Gen , Pers hing commanded in France . '
Buy your Fiske Tires of
.M. Cole
Champion Binder Mauey-Harris Mower Buckeye. and Ohio Cultivators Hay, Rakes and Hay Tedders TwiI'\e, 15c per pound Paris Green, 40e per pound
The 1921 Wilmingtonis ll. the Wilmington CqlJege annual . is out. and has been d t'dicated to Mrs. Mary Leah Ad am s . a benefac to r of th e college. who make!! her home in one of the d o rmitorieB •. and has won a Jilace 'In the hearts of all the s tudents Mrs. Adams , who is Willi known hllre, and spends a great d eal Of her time In Waynes \'ille. is r es pons ible lor the new additions to Twin Ash hall, which made tbat pl ace 1\ t hing of beauty,
Sears&Cartwrig.h t .PURtlC SALES
F#rq, Tornado, Auto-
Real Estate, Live Stock and also Farm Property
w aynelvi~le,
Ilceording to daily papers . Rep S. D . Fess maY' be a oundltiate.idr .iU S Seoator. next years. If this hap , pens, the seventh congressionlll dis • triet. over wliieh Dr.· Fe!is liaR pr~ sided for the past eight year~. \fill feel LIle loss kt'enly, a8 he has been loyal to. his cons tituency d'uring I thi~ period. However. the district ,\'fill. support him heartily for the sen! atorl5hip . ...,tN_. ~..
T e le phone 61-2
--- ~ .-.
$2.98 $3.48 $3.'9 8 $4.98 $5.98 Bargains in Shoes
NOTICE Those persons who pledged th em selves to take tickets for the Chautauqua at Waynesville this yea~ will please secure them from the reasurer at their earliest , ct1ny~yi~pce, Chautauqua, July 21 to 25, inclusive, Subscribers. MUST get - thel i't'kk: etA from the Treasurer,·"and · not from some other individual. J. P, Cummings, Treas.
Waynesville, Ohio
- --....
When oream II ready &0 11011 the hard work bas
been done and you should Dot permU any out-sldera
to make an extra prollt ott JOur ettors•• You oan ship your oream Dl&a: '~ to the Trl.State and 1a.8 from Go to 70 per lb . buater fat Is Is ,ast
TIlE TRI-STATE RUITER CO. ' o::;'~::'for .l'r~I'~U~ -f~r~~~b~d' Qe~ .... '. ' for ap.4a,l. ,lal; (1'
pat rOD I!
. . ~.. ~lro~ h.ye two cane so "ben t hllJ
~ 6-: ',jE~'. . '
10 &he 8epot
- _....,.........
u.e, can pt the empty '.
. ;, 4••., . G.._.,~. Cia...
-Sb~wn •• pictur~ 01 this
Fumous Home Made Ice Cream, all Flavors,
50c by the Quart
AnI&!rlcan fno her It wouldl to ·. lIssociate hc'r with the: ;...II!~~llJional game. b'b eball. Stili I . nery plaY&!f b;r n~ the club they 're . With, lnill w' tile be", Icores daily with .It the interest of the most rlbid, .. fan. She is .Mr• . Williurt Robinson. wfte.of the mtUIliger of thc IIrooklYII Nlltional Lc"uil team. last lc;ta~ i:flampiolll that circuit. . , relin
. Week June I)·
Columru lor Raults
typical I
25c by the Pint I
"-. 1 "
Whoiesale prices-2 gallons or ' more! per ~allon ....... . , .... .
1, 1_ _- - - - - - - - - : .
If ~you want to ' be, entirely satisfied, use " our Classified Columns "
Thursday, "une 16th Featuring Mary Miles Minter, in
"A Cllmberlanil Romance"
l '. '
_ '
Also, a Mack Sennett Comedy,
•• '
W"i~e ~~n'. Chance~'
NEWS Admission, 22 and 17 cents ,
• f
Tueeday,,' Jurt. ~ let F.tat~ring HeleJi:Jlolmes, in
, I .•,
:~'Th~ Tiler ,Band'" , I.
'*' .FRAD
' 14l61BROAWAY .' lEW YORK CiTY'
and '
11 cents
Tpm, Tom, the piper's son, Stole 'a pig ,and away he run '£be pig was eat ' And TOlD was beat. But Classified·Ad. Made th~ pig very mad And Tom, who never Advertised, was made glad.
• .....
.* ~. Attractl~e '*' ' * Satisfact~n:Gtiarauteed ~ *' or ** *'''**' '*'*'* '* . "*'
A g9,od · Fox l f~a~,ure )
**'**'*'~'±*'t."~+++ ':I:
, ",I
'ah4. ,
fldvertised ' in due S~D, ·poe ' ~ iliSU~ gener~lly sel'li~g the gpods.: I
w.\p1ctUre. .
A. dass~fi~d Ad. will bring <t~lc,~ . fes.u1ts if properly ;writt~
i .
-' "
wa. not
South, iact. ~khad JfeUll bert
Featuring J. ·Warren Kerrigan, in
Tuesday and Saturday
*'* ':Ie *'* '~*'
17 and
. . Satur~ay, "une' 18th
~INCINNATI,· OHIO Butter-fat.'.
. . .s, ~ deliver tbe oream to a railroad I&&&lon all to a Gream buylDg station . The ' l'rl-Mta\e paya the We gUllrantee your oream 'r&D'portatlon and guarlUlteea your oream aBalns & and canl 10lIl In &raDIIl,. agalollt )OBII. We pay express or baltg~ge
,, . .
Hardware and Farm Machlpery
mobile, Lif~. Liw . Sfock, Accident
A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product
Fur Yl'III'S II I'hor l Hlllnfield h n d ullllpt\ I" iiI' 011 nrti ~ t, lJu t mUIlY IhlllgN hull stoW In his WHY, IIrllld J'nll y th o luck ot 1II01l\'y ; lJu t sIx mOll t lJs Iwfuro flll Ullcl\) hnd (JI cll, J\!!lv lng hllll nnd Ill s sls{C'r U IIIlldest RUlli, IIIHI U ' riot'!'! hllli CUllllllell~I! t\ to study urI. H e hnd ljlkc D lessolla, tbe n SllIrted un' o n u sllClcblnK trip Ihrough -I.ho Smith, fo r It wns t hell wlnt el·. 011 his r('tutll he r('nletl II studiO, tlt!vole,1 hltllSl'lt (0 IIJIl Rn, po ln llllg RII' Olllll' 'for u w('ck. No OIl C. 11 01 c,'cn hIs HIR! I' or T he Ulrl hor! IIl'C II odlO lllcd. Nuw he wos giving u hUll"l! \\'1\ 1'1 II Ilig. und IJ -h ind li n ellllJrold~r II ~ llIi curlnlu WClll the rLo;; ult of his cfTorls. F an cy N ew Irl s hCobble rPotatlles " "' hnt's tho ~ ullJ ecl ot your .plcGood Holld O ld Potat oes tu re 1" oRkell Ihe olle \\'bo tb,ouGht be l<'anc~' Win esap Apples migh t make good on hOll8es. She Pineapples L em ons Oranges kne w t1111l ren l 'sta t e hud forwerly been f1 erlJcrt's bu siness, Good Brooms ....... · . .. ·· .... .... .. 50c "1'111 k(>f'pll,g It II Be ret." he re,Jersey R olled O at s ........ " .. . .. IOc turn ed b'l'R I'ely, oml Mollel, his sister, National Oats. pkg ... ... .... .. ... 10c chimed In: Le na White SouP. o nl y ....... .. 5c " Yes. II :cIIlI y nnd trul y secret. Good lUo CotTE!e. lb . .. ...... .. .. lIic Why. not (.'I·en H lall hns worttled II F ancy Asst. Ch ocolates, Ib ..... 25c out of blm." ontI ull tho co mpony Fanc~ !<' udge pou nd.:.... ...... 25r presen t rcull zed tho t It lIelen SUilth FresH Sill t ed 'Pean u ts, Ib ..... 15c could not millie him tell, no one could, Ca,la ~pri~o ts . ea'! .. ·· ...... ... .. 15c (or she wns T he Girl, tl fn ct which Moore's tiasoline and Coa l Oil. everyone, includi ng A leu herself. The kind that d on't sm oke knew very well. As yet llerbert hnd nol hud Ule CU UTllgIl 10 teU her lUI, 200 Pound s Fa.ncy Cocoa so be did nOl know whellier he was " S pecia l priCE! pe r Ib .. .. .... . T he Mnn or not '~ell IlS, PUt oa enll to UIO misery," Bring us your Chick e ns and Eggs suggested the young mnn who -Pay1-Il1!'-\-8e-~'h--uP----to Frid ay n oo n ; 10c .fo r Roo~ t e r s; I nsked It Herhert cu uld (lolnt. nnd the ' ten lind SlllId wl cbe~ lIelng ull cou30c f o r Springers. sumed. Herbert 1I'0ikell slowly across the Door to Ule silk curtllin. Pnm;lng It P ays to T ra d e at nn l.ns tllnt, the yvung mun viewed tbe crowd. He S UII' Helen. or conrse, but wns delighted 10 no~e Allwrnond. l:Ie wns IIrt criti c 0 (1 Ihu Courier, nnd Herbert knew be DC a\!d the good will ot U1 0SC who mi ght 1I0t IIl1preclllte his \\ l,~ .. aft lstlc efCof ts, '1'0 I 1\ tb e truth. ~ Ulou gb, Hnmlllond WU II thoro lIecnuse i\filbel W!lll. He would hn Vi! 8IIcrlftced hlrllsolt Uluch moro thun this tor her floke. "Lntlles /Inti gIl lltlCII W II, and hon· ored critic," r elllcrub lJ'rlng Htllnmond We are prepared to tak~ Just In time. "10m glnd to meet you th ere. I in Wool a t our ware- would eny greet you bere, 1 melln beat room in Corwin, on yon where. RE!ItIly. I Dlenn you Ilre we lcome." un!! he pollsbed ott his tnce with n pnlut mg, M sWy CUUGbt up, t1.1 reby decorating hls toce In a manof .each v;~eek, and will ner more stnrtllng ilion becoming . . "Yes. you nre welcome, I'm ' wel· pay'Uie highest c.ash price come. Hnmmond 18 welcome, nnd ·we're nll welcome." be mlln!l&'etl to lolct out. "Let·s w~rcome encb ot.ner ....' mnrmurL~) B nuuDoud. nod thcu stopped. touched. by Mabel'e nppeollng eyea. C~rwi n, Ohio "Y CS. ot course we nre nil wei. come." H erbert floundere d, but Mubel he)pcd blm out by sugGostlog: . "Sbow us th e picture," ~~~~~~~'!!'!!!~~~~~~ ' 'To be sure, th e picture. I'll show It to you nnd ' you'll sce tht'n whether or not 'I'm an ortls t-It I'm not nn orator:' and Herbert benmed, ftourl~hln, SIX the pnlnt rag. ". Call iiiy picture 'A Quiet (l08lip,' '/ Herbert continued, ' eMdenl;' drewlng the curtnln. There woe silence: t1.len Helen gave n 80b, It WIIS nwful. BLADES Women can alwoys be counted upon to rise to the occoslon. The picture WITH was t~lble. but Herbert was not. at lellJlt to H elen. Sue knew, even It he hnd "0'0'1 yet found out thot he was HOLQER The ·Mnn for her. that he was. nnd ,\Is rl"gordlng tbe res t, sbll ·. sllpped up to blto. und luylng her hnnd oa his arm. sold brnvetY: i'l think It Is 0 wonderful picture, I'm uwfully proull to kno" ~ PREH~AID ~ Berbcrt. U,e orti st who llIIlt;t ed It',' 1 _. ! "We all nrc," Hammond #broke 10, In Case feollng '!'the palllos 'ot Pie '81 uatlol!, and especliil.!y )faM!'a arlet. ! · ; I. r .. . E5a . Herbert ,fooled. \ .~mt, DroPllln the curtain. ~Id tlrojreri: . Jy: .. v .. . . ~. r ¥o' "I see how It Is. rm ahead of my Moneg 'Refunded. ttr.:e. People .huven't learned :1et., to This Offer for a limited see tblngs is ~ they really are," rand time ooly, . IUs Darty . bt:Oke: .u~, hUTr~d!l Bowever. olie IIngjired, and' when they Remit by monllY order or . ri alone ·Herbert asked: cash- Coo stal\lPS) ~. " "BOne~lIy, do )'on Ilk. Belen'" . . I~ .',.... . . ' &iE!!lI 'or 'an InlltaJlt _ trled .. I q . . . did. liulkqowiq . .. a~ , brok~, sod betweeD ... ~ . managed ·to lJ8,J: . ... _ . , "No, I can't, but 1 do rwI!.J,~ • ThIs 1Mi1~ '"rIlbt as u....
8eventY-Third Year
.44k0C~jWHER E- STA TE 'PE. .,
The full OlV inv i ~ a C;ynop81~ of the Have you paid your t AXe!!? Film \It tht' " l;"III,·" ~~ II"ll't." which FornPM' I':arrths r t !!pellt SUII.l ,,)' in wlli btlsh uwn lit Mium i tbl:liler .June ao. f I ll' tl,,· ht' lIdil .. r lht! 1",,111 Girl Ci flcilll ,a li
Whole Numb er 5440
{! ocIe
Mr nnu Mrs. F . H . Mill enbe rge r , The Woman's Auxiliary of St. j{fl lIt p 5. \V ere enterlui nf'd lit din· Mary' s church was entertai ned on nC'r. ~ lInol .. y. al tire hume or Mr . and 'frirlny nftf'rnoon. June 17. by Mr•. I .\ \r". ,J II. ~lIIilh . 8I' " UI ' I , "i ii. ~l Il U(' f it ~ ' I~ •• b/lut fbi' 8. L. Thomas . Mrs. D. L. Crane wu Girl Scouts Mi s, ~ u sa n Wright, at the beautif ul I Mr. nn, l Mrs. Ed Cook. of Rll ilte country Th.· ~ llI ry Ilr (> ~ "n l ~ Ol ' m ~ in ("', IIlI1I ~ fo~\' er .v IJ,,!l y is in vilf' d t n 11 11 " ' h ~l'''1 1 home of Mrs. Thomas. had fur th l·ir d inner gll P~ ts Sunill the Ii f.· I,f II \1 ,1111 11 11 111, Mn Q(lI r"1 IhiH'Vl'l'k In the ab~ence of the preside nt, I day. Mr . and Mr:!. Chas Cornfl ll, Iff FPrri~. wh,. w llh "dllllll . ,. i,llill ~ Mrs. D. L <,;rane took charge of the Ma nor. nn~1 ~lr . nn_oJ Mrg. Carl !o' rye. aboul llfi 11",' t""" H n~ ! I t d't' VH H hu t c. rv; lh ..vn 11 1.0 I'" " il, 1 , 111 rn ee ling. Mr!l. W. H. Allen read su.n.,,<' r li llY 'I'll, Y II PI"".r \'I'f ';;U"dIiY ill I);oY[I,n Psalm 97, and Mrs. Crane conducted Mr. li nd Mrs Frnnk Zell and Mr. the di>c,'nll' lI11 01 . I' •• ! k", · ." 1'1-( "'1"" to devotional service. Scriptu ral I Mr . and Mr~ (" : 11 -' ~II I\ ' p " I "lid Mrl'. J~m ~ r s, >n Maso n were en- Qu(itatio do) "if h I hl · rn · t' l v~~ . ll o. h II •• ns were givoln in response to SlIlIdo) ill Clncillll ul i !flrtaineil . SlIturduy. at the home of r()lI·cali drtl" .... t1 III tht' Itd "~ 1 Url}"d.v"y f ~ sll · . Mr . srui Mrs J o~ . Pl'nniwit, on Midiun, hi ., h h c~ l~ hill Iliclur .. hut>! After t.he reading of the mlnutee Lilts uf P/ll'oh n lllll~ t ' "I i . h,·i" 1( rile !tlln ~udd l· . , 1 1' lh ~ y s. " a Girl SC£lUI allli the disposal of business. the foldis! ribu(tid (hi:! \\'~ .·k . trllu~, c',minl{ dClwn I he rOlld lin il . Mr . and Mrs W. II . Orndor f en· lo wing program was rendere d: way to c uOIjI . Thrilled ",ith Ihis , (f . REWAHIl -- For till' retll rn nf a K. tertll.inf 'd Ilt Ih eir country home !=;lIn- PiuM Solo - "A La Bien Aimee" ... culllll.!t;, !\1l1rKIIIt'1 nrgllllizt'M a troul' ur P. ItillJo: to Ihill oflice .. ........... . Miss Kathry n Henderson <lay. Mr . and Mrs. Lon Carter and which lit lirll! is v ry awk"'ar d bt Reading - "Missio nary Work In family, Mr . anli Mrs. L. Orndor f. The Girl !-icout S lit Miami [h ell Ier drill, but 1I0ll" t.I!CUnh!!l more prll' South Dakota " .. Mrs.RonaldHawke Mr . N . Orndor f, of Waynes ville. Ilci ..lIl, 1I1It! ICO "~ tu ~lIl1lP for a fi,.,· June 30. I)oul mi~ it. Miss Irm a Orndor f and Mr. and Mrs. Readln g-" A Doctor' s Experience in W~tAfrica" .. Mrs.E. V.Barn hart oulin" Ernest Ennis. of Trotw,)od . M.i8.Q Alma Waterh ou se i~ VI It In~~ Succt'!lsi ve scenes show the life of Readin g-.. Work" ... ..... ........... " .. ......... . ..... .. .... .. Mias SUlln.Wrlllht the Scouts In camp, flsl( ruislng, friends ill Centerville, this week. "'IAMI CE MET ERY CHAPEL- H EADQU .\IHER5 STATE CEMET Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kibler enter- Piano Solo-"H reveille, lhe mornin g wash, break· EUY ASSOCIATION umores que" ........ Have YOll paid your taxes? tained at Sunday dinner. Mrs. Wm. .... .......... Mil8 Kathry n Henderson fast out of door8, Bleepin" In tents, of North Bend. Oregon . Mrs. Readin g-"Chr lstian Educational Mr. and Mra. Albert Cleaver and II___ __ ___ ___ and a hike.du rin" which a Scout flills ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __J Kibler, Mary Hyne, of Lima, Mr. Roy Hyne, Work In China" ........... ........... . and sprains her ankle, which i8 ban· son. Robert, spent Sunday .. ........... .......Mrs. Jamet McClure at the of Springf ield, Mias Beulah Kibler, dsaed and cared for bv the other Zoo. TO TH E PUBL IC Readin g-"Som e Reeultl of MIsof 23rd, Chicago at , Ralph the M. Huston E. banqu et a progra m of light, cheerfUl and fam. Scouts, all of whom have had drill in SiOO8 in Africa"·........... ........... . ily, of Spring Valley. GUY Kibler and room , with refr ~s hm ents and music and readin gs, wi~h Miss Kathlee n Henderson spent ........... . .. ... Mrs . F. B. Hendt'lIIOn "Ilrllt aid." family, Clarenc l In the intere st of the S ta te The second reel shows 'Marga ret last week with MIBBJeanUunnlngham brief impro mptu speec hes ily , of this place.e Edward s and fam- Readin g-"Tbe White Llahtl" ..... ........... ........... .. Mrs. E. M. Harrl. Cemet ery conve ntion, to be and her troop working for the fam of Dayton. from our guests . The ladies Readin g-"A Syrian MisalOnl1'1'a lIy of a 80ldier absent trorn home 011 held on the cemet ery ground s Miss Florence Woo.l ard with tbe of the M. E. church will serve Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey and Ex~rlence" ........ MI .. Leah Smith duty, The Scouts care for the in· June 23rd assistan and 24th, we have Marshal l Baines were Dayton visit: dinner and suppe r on the 23rd entertaice of Mra. Walter Roberti Plano Solo-"H unlrary , Rhapsodle villili daughte r. gel bUBY on the baby ned at her home on Frankli n compl eted our. arran gement.s, Mignon ne" ..... K'Bthryn Henden on and alve him a bllth. They cook a ors Fridav. at their banqu et room. The Road Tuesday June 1': Doris Hawke, After adjourn meal. clean up tho kitchen and leave and by a delightf ul the loyalt y and generGrang e ladies wiU serve din'. Elsie Miller, Opal Lewis, Eva Lippin- social hour wument There will be some interest ing enjoyed Lhe house in perfec t order. , durlng talk.a at the Cha~1 thi~ week. Don't osity of our people respon d. ncr the last day at their new cutt. Olive Evans. Helen Evans, which delicious refreshmAnti were Finally MargareL "'t'rria wtns the fail to be there. ing to our· reques ts, we feel Beryl Cook, Lucy Emley. Mrs. Amos served by the hostelle a, . . "C;olden Elaglet," the highest award hall, plates 75 cents. iJted by Menden hall, Mra. Walter Elzey. Mrs. the Mlsaea Marye Thomaa. Olive sure the alTair is goin g to be a Girl Seout can receive tur proll· MiBB Edytha Macy. of Cincinn ati. Both societies repres ent btto Lewis, Irfrs' Clara Woolard, and Allen. GladYB Harlan and Katbry n chmcy In lwen!.y-one lubjects . Buch I, vlBilina her sister, Mrs. Bert worth y of all the intere st and worth y institu tions and ought Mr. Edmond Evans. Refresh ments Henderson. .. Atheletica. Chilli Nuraina . Cook· Hart.sock aDd family . labor bestow ed in prepar ing to be well patron ized. We were served and all enjoyed the GUeBts of the meeting w,ere: MI'I· Ina. Drt!IIlmalcinlf, Health. Homeevening . A. T. Wrliht, I4n. J. O. Cartwr liht. nursing , Laundry Work and First Mi. Clara Lile arrived home for the event. We hope our extend a most cordia l invita . Mrs . Lester GDrdoD. Mn. Kllbon, · Tuesday evening . after a visit with entire citizen ship of each Aid, tion to the entire comm unity Mrs. Adra Lewis enterta ined sev- the Miases Trlllena Edward l, Cora The Girl Scoute la a non-sectarian. relatlvea in Washington C. H. towns hip will dismis s busito enjoy these festivi ties with eral friends at Qer bome in honor of Thoma. , Olive Allen, Gladys Harlan, democr atic organiz ation. Any ~irl her birthda ness y Friday as much afterno on. Kathryn , Esther and Louise as possible, and Mr. and Mn. J. O. Falkinb urg, of us. Autos will be runnin g to For all the Hend., between the aies of ten and eightee n day was extrem ely warm, son, M.ildred Hartaoc k, Ma1'1 Louise. In the United Statea, who can paII8 Hartwe ll, Ohio, are spendin~ a cou· attend these sessions. accom odate those witho ut all had a social good time, and en· Zimmer man and Mutel' l Paul ZiID· We will entert ajn the deleher "tender fout test," may become pIe af weeks here with friends. PRUF. J. O. FAL.KENBURG transp ortatio n. joyed the refresh ments of ice cream merman and Frank Taylor Hawke. a Scout. gates. on the evenin g of the One of the Princip al Speakers. and cake. Those present were, COMM ITTEE . - ----: Mra. Jos. Corron andwith children of :: Dayton, --::=====:-========:;-:==========-=-::==;:::===========~ -Mesdames Emma Clark, Myrtle Cox, spent Sunday her ,braLura Wade, Margar et Johns, .Belle ther, Mr. Homer Carey and family. Coon, Emma Janney , Hannah Lewl., BO\l8e for IIIe-Se e Laybourne. Celia Graham , Clarn Lewie, Blanche Graham . Whehnina Pugh, Effie MiM LoueUa Janney left Mondav Graham . Lydia Coleman, Mlases mornin g tor Oxford univers ity. Bertha and Beulah Coon. Leona wliere abe will attend summe r McGinnis, Dortha Coleman. Rhea Of the few men in Americ a today Tbe 'Boy Scouts are bavinlf the Dyke •.Vaden and Gilda Wade, MilAn impaession has gotten out that Won,5 : Lost,4 : Pet. •. 556 Quite a bit of compla int has been dred and Catheri ne Graham and time of their livea at their camp at who 'are writing human Interes t. - Mes&re, G. Knapp. Ed Standif ord. the sessions of the Cemete ry Asso- Well,' lhe Miamis have Spence r's Mill. The daily routine 'made our made in regard to automo bilea dur- Milton Graham . bomey 1)08trv, Dr. John J. Galn~ I. and W, B' Squires went to Dayton ciation are for" lot owners alone.. predictions good once' more . The inlf the band concert s. Many maauelled by none. Quaintl y maaieal Mrs. Lewis was the recipIen t of Is carried out every day, and Seout,.... aI f f Tuesday op to see the Cincin· This is erroneo us. The Re88ions are Sout' h Lebanon boys were the VI'C- chine! park on Main muter McClure baa the boy. well un, rull of the human tone, di.u n ulo Dati Redsafterno many street, useful Wednes present! !. play ball. for the pul-lic, and the commit tee lims at Phillips park. last the "highb row." they Itrike the.reSunday day eveninga. and after almost every der control . wants it so underst ood. In addition afterno on'. Score- 9 to. 8, with one piece played. the owner of a "fiivTU8lday there was a bl, crowd of lponalv echord that ia80 charmi ng tq A fine play for ~eneflt of Girl Lo this, automo biles will ·be on hand out in tbe last of the tenth . citizena at the camp, and the boya ver" thInks it iR time to go, lind. he the ean of the great masa of Amerl· Scouts at Miami theater , ThurRd ay, both days to take those who have no Ben Smith litarted t he game in the. puts his foo' on the gu, and th~ne~t had a feast in the barpln , tor t~e ea people today. June 30. Thia Ii In addition to the way of gelting there, lo and from box and for seven innings pitched Dumber III spoiled for people took a lot of good tblllJll for Tbil is the man and tbia il'the poe. l'eIfUla rtheater prollraP l. everybo dy. the cemete ry. the same c1aasy ball tb~t made him This il an Injustic e to your them to eat. ToJay, the Girl Scouts try that hu ~n ellJ'&led to Intel" next· , It Is to your advanta ge to attend the idol of the local fans in .the are enterta ining the boy. to a noodle • t ~ enter~ln our readera daya door nelllhbor. for If you do not inTbe Jolly Matrona. ' with their these 8e88ion9, as they will be full of when "Stansb erry's Wonders" were tend to stay until th" concert dinner. Frldav. the Bualn. allen'• throuih the Autoca ster aervlce, In bu.ban~, motore d to Wuhln laover, gton interest . Mr. J. O. Falkinb urg. who in the heighth of tbeir glory. Dur- do not park your machin e in the club la expecte d to visit the bo,l, which 'thla ne",pa per bolda an ex- C... ~. · Sunday and spent the day wlt=h4..';~~.,~!.::~c~~",-:" I have an ad- iog this time he caused Mr. H. C. Wysong, Ac)',AriiiiAiiiJilAr':-1when they will bave more five batters choicest plllces. It is a nul.anc e tb good '. ' Dr. and .rsf J-.-A. McCoy. will probabl y be of the to strike thrice wher'e the bali was a tlaln!:, agent for the Coit·Alber Chau- things to eat. great many people who really want taiIqua system, will be here ThursMr.l\Dd Mrs: Ha"ey Rye, Mr. greates t interest to our people, as not allowed but three hila and two to enjoy the concert , and Swimming, drilling and eatin, la also to the day Rnd Friday, to start advertls lml the principal routine of the Scout!! and Mn.. Eii Harl.aock· and family, he haa kMwn many of our eitizens pas~es. Some eilme-back, we'li say, people on the streets. and final arrllnge ments for our local each day. Some very fine flab MI. Nettie Earnha rt and Mr. Claro who have passed away. for a man who had been out of the have --Chautau qua, which will be held July been enjoyed too, caullht by Don't stay away on '6n~ account . game so long. The ~ un Be.red ence RYe lpent . Sunda~ at tbe Zoo, some ' by the 21 to 25, inclusive. Preside nt Geo. of the boya. They will probabl as this meeting i.s for everyhody , visitors in the sixth was an absolut e y HQUBe for ..Ie-see Laybou rne. Waterhoull8 request s all of the guar· break camp next ·Monday. - - - - .- gift, and could not be charged to antors to meet Mr. Wysong at the Ben . In the eighth, the strain be-I Rev. and Mra, J. F •. Cadwal lader Reat Room in th'e Grange buUding, gan to tell on the good old arm, and and Mrs. Mary Adams arrived home Thursda y evening, June 30, at 7 the visitorB scored three more. from Chicago Fri4ay evening. after o'clock. . OraDo.rn was sent to. the box cold Pride of Waynesville Council a pleaSant vlalt with rel",tive8 and No. m the mnth and the viSItors allSumed 212 held their annual inspecti frlllPdl. on, a tempor I ary one-run leud. Speed ~ . Th B I k' . I From the Woman 's ehrl.Ua n temd M tt' t' I Wednes dayeve nmg, Mr.' and Mrs. Lee Woolley, Mr. June 15. uz c s sl.ng ~ un ' . a y ~ rIp e work put on was highlV complim e perance Union, of Waynesville, Oh,o. enand -Mrs: Harold Woolley Ilnd Mr, promptly li ed It. up 8gal'1, and, ~fter ted by sister Self, lnspect or In the pusln", from our mldlt of of DIsand 111'1: GUY Brown, 'of Dayton, three more hOllttles had been retIred. trict No.2, and Sister Elsie our sIster. Mary F. Frame, Ertle, feel apent Sunday aft.,rno on here with Prende rgast walked, stole second L b '1 N o. 1°6 we have lost a true friend, Nld a One can. . e anon counCl o. relatlv8IJ. and endtld the ago?y while the first- didate received the <legree. valued co·work er. She bad been Sever. basem,an was makmg t wo errors on al other counclla were repr&se connected wltb the Society ever alace nted Mr. and Mrs.;H. H; WHkerson and Kennet h St. John ",ot kicked while its or",anization. and of her It e&II Crane s ground er. ~ and the meeting was greatly enMra,' Leeter Gordon atte.nded an I Incrankin g bis "Iliver " last ,Wednes,. truly .ald, ahe hath done wbat George Burns Prende rgast and jo M . . Supper wu served to abe about ralr dinner in hOnor or .Mr and Mrs. day, and brok~ his right arm ,above c:ould, . Bob Hagger ty Burton lead at bat 1~ gu ts . Dr.' J. J. 'Gritue St. Clair Fife, at tbe Fife home In with three hits apiece (qne of Bob's, (Uncle JQhn) . the wrist. His fathe!;', who .w u Her genial amile and cheerfu e s . . _ .,_ __ l \Vl1aQj'ngt~n, Sunday ., a homer) , while Brother Howard put cloae at hand, set tbe injured mem- spirit. and her readlnesa at aU tlmea bel' and when the doctor arrived , he to aid in every good work, erid~ Mr. J , 'E Janl)ey, and family and aid the arm ' was · set alright· ' He ber to all who knew her. . ',; Dr. and Mra. J , T. E'i1iaarrlved home ten chances. E. Buckrllm Crane did was taken to Dl'l'ton , tile X-ray used We adly miss her. but bo." bi lid!):. . ,th'eir autern trip Thursd ay and the lad is lIetting along very misalon 'to the 'wlll . of Him; "hO som~ ' pretty work ~t short. while C. B. Bently\ ~terert . ~olnter .The, had a very ~joyaDiCarl Ftye filled Bevo setioes at makll!!, no mistake s, arid are thankfu l reet at the Xepla, races Tueed~y, nicely. most acceptably. 1;he IIcore: to rememb er there II no pajD in that , Wedneaday and Thuratlay in the '·far.aw~ borne of .the lO1;lf. " ... S. Lebahon .:.O 00' 0' 0 1034 0-8 cing events. 'ConBldera~le Intt!retlt tI/!--~!'I"--·._I~_--QI Mlatnle .. ....... O 0 2 2 00 SOl 1-9 Is tielnll taken · in ·tbele . ·yOqlt~UBSCIU~IO~ ..:. '.• Batt~~jea: Harding , ' Huffinan~ and . 'are ,a IIreat manY~'~~DOI. :'."'I'" r.;xPIRES Smith· "B Smllh Orsborn and R. Seve~1 f8QI from h~re ' ... '+ ' ...." . Burto o.· .~ ."' ' , ' will attend today and Thuma y. .. ~.. . Iy ~.. " l~st' , , Bl1nche9~r ' will be the victims at .
________.. __----
--_. - ..
.............. -- ..------
~t~~:est:~:.:~~~~~ gl~~e~f:t~o~: Will ENTER XENIA RACES
~'!!!~';o:~~~e::e ~~:d:ij~rn!':~ 01 S~ · , SI' 01 REUUIOI ~ . l' ,
' d ano tb er goo game. ' eutting commeneeC1 lut ,, at'1Jue:k~ .LlI'4QU Q, imd thl' w,eek 1}111 ' the. wbeat
tfdIj h4tfllrhli!l,rbO;CJd; . Tbt.; Ie me I. . . ,lbMti bpv4!tlh wAr ~ .......
. -
. . , . '.' The O. S. ,,·S. O. req~on' will tie beld at the hO~ ID.xe.d a Jult 8, • rI ..... . wiIJ be .. . 1ID1Inallbr tbIIi
. . . ..
.:~=: of the older _ ....11 h~;;;; ~ bI 1_~"'!,1lD,.. ·.,~~• .i~.l~~t~M~~~*l~:~; ;"'-:.~'
The Miami Ca~~tte, Wayneaville, Ohio,
UMMOND A , The Adventures of Demobilized Office.· Who Found Peace Dull
the snoke, wll 0 a la\\' c,lUettle CIlme dlstlnctly to hlH ellr~ froln Ule IIlDlIlDg ·abovu. . U; t1ushed IlDgrlly 10 the .llIrl!ncss. · Th. 're \V1I8 no doubt wbnle" er aM to the humnn origin at l.hut IOIl¥h, 1111,<1 Hu)(h ~ ndtl('IIl y r"'l l1 z~1 th nt he WI\S mnklng the lIIu t prMound tool at him· 801t. 'I'll h Inuglll'tl nt by 80me dirty Bwlne whom he could I<t rllllgl ' In hai r
C.III ' t
mudtatiolls b'J JRWlNHYERS 19ht by Geo H
IIbl(h ~..tnul'Q: "IUg-ht It~ (lot), ,Tom. Whnt III UI mllll(> of torton nre YOU .lillug In Ull8 O\l\nl? 01\'(,0 up til;} !,'flm.,?" "1 1 Itl,. .. "'0 Ill', wh ," thnt em'.·(!)'1 d " .. " 'If" Itun " "ung IInxtpr t au -hi th llt 'T' L." tl llwlI fit 'Oxton. Onwd I If 1 cHuld g~ t tilt' llwln JUM ,)nc,' uiOllna'wI'h' me. I'd- " \\'n rll~ rllll,," Ih· ex· hru lsl'l'; h., ro ul\! 0111.1' l1I utll 'r. IIII..:h BII\ II ~d. " n.\' the w"~·. I",,. lillY ' fllIl' I(lIt 0 SUi! neck III th o hOIl. e Ihls ' mortling?" "StilT Il ....·k I" {'(' hll l·1I U", IIllln . "Strik e me pink If LIllI! nlll'l funnyYOllr ask:llIlC, I lD~'iln . '1'1)(' Illoke'lI Sit· tlllg 1111 In 'Is bl,<1 8wellrlug uwful. Il1(J\"l"
'Is '('ull n t n iL"
""nd whl>. ""ght I II.~k , III Ole I hl okl' ';'' !'1I1t1 rklll" " ,und. "\\·hr. f'l'Ier" I'Il. 0' course. '00 else?
Brellkfnsr Ht nlrlt'''.''
Lowest Now Sf· !I~ing at Price L{ev'eY in tIre HistorY 30x31~ - - $24.50 32x4 - - 46.30 34x4 -2 - - 54.90
1'hl' d""'r c i. )"ed Ixl hI Ill1 hi III, ,,",1 Hllgh lit II ('1)[nrcItC thou~"tfully . IIl nst n ~sllrt.~ lIy hp W/l~ "ttll·tlnt: lu s tyle: l.ukl"!;l,," ·. J ill\' one nl /!,hl. P" t··
guUlrt)' rell<" llI : Slunts O\'e r Wlll r n ~. hl ~ "'{'o formet! their OWII coucl usll>ns, and swltdll~d IIml wOnlh ll','t! hllll aCc<lrtl IDgly, e r~nn '~ IIl'j ' k ttl(' ~-'( 'und. !'(.'1' llll l( ) Il sum · Ru 1 Ilnllllllloul.I \\' 08 nl> fool, und he r:llII HJ ~' l'nf'rgf\IJc OIH 'ntuu to Ihp J,:'Il I1U" hlld rt'lI l1 z,~1 the \'11.111 ImrortlUloo of for Ih l! n 'rl est I(lulion. Thl'n thnt tltllDIC hl",.e lt tor these stunts to the ch('f'rful optJtul ~ 1II whldl WII ~ llaP l ' n · best ot his ubllltS, I!lnonlloua phyll1ClI1 vy M I",s trll'lIIl. 1I ~""rft'(\ lI "dt. streDgth Is B great 1UlSet, but It <'ur"SuI'Jlvsl n' 1'/1 klll ,,1 'e m." he IIIUrrles with It renaln nuturoJ dlSlldvan. murt'lt, OJ!1i II st . H.JUI-it t:UI'I"'l ~ III · . " rll y . tuge6. In the first place, Its poeselMlOr Ule bnll .v r-o hnw wuu lr1 hu n" h. ~\1t over, 1 Is f l'\!qUffit ly clumey: Hugh had prncnnd I 'll h '\\ ' t"l tlllt l III fith'. ",1t Jol.C uK"ttJn," tl eed 10 FruDce till he could move o\'er Only l'f' fl' r:-"'1I wn li In tlH' (lInt nggroulld ,,1thout 11 slulrle blude of gra811 (And Other S ;zcs in Proportion) rUUIU wh ~n "u ~h (' lll lh' (h .wll. Jh' hlld rustling. VIUJ Dyck__ Dutcb trnp. e DlIllu .... l th,. s lnlr, IlIl hl~ IVlly. hut per-had nMlt shown him the trick , by he ('UII I,I s~c lIo. hln g "n"sllOl I\'hlt'h Ti re f t'p c: ir m .. ". wh o judv. .. \/ l\ lue 9 Lest. ~ I ,,~s Ih ese lire~ al whi ch 1\ luon gOO!! forward 00 his el. \\'\lIIIt! url't)U llt tor Ill!' Ih llll( which h".<1 hoving the IIllIrd i::"t cal' ~l rt:1 mu de. r o rty·sev cn high. bows U1. e a wuke, IUId Is bere one \\·hl7.7.o<1 l'fl SI his hcull [ulfl (:111 111;0'(\ !nI l· J\ rllde car m a nufa Ll:.t r t'ls " ,," th e m 1\8 DtllllJurd equipment. mllmeot und gOlle the nert. wlttt no lellly II!;II lnst tlll'! wnl1. Nnr \l'U" thl'n" They nrc th e qlJ.\lit}' cho ice of co,,-l lI . ...S. olle tbe wiser. ""y sl!;11 "r th o (....1.01 b)' LlI., curtu ln~~ Aguln. ItI! 1l<l6!1e8SOr 18 freqllently tlnnr ; lIwrcly PNI'I'IlOIl Slfl llIllng In a , "low: Hugh hod prnctleed 10 ' Frunce Mll llny room h 1>111(1 n hulJllllng colfllC'till he could kill Il man wllb bla ba re mll r hl" . hands 10 0 ~d. Olakl-e Jllpu, 1-1" tllrnL~ 1 poll tE-ly townnl hl ~ ho"l. ne"e-had n .... t laugbt b.lm two or .He Laughed Oently; Then He Fought 1111,1 I''',,"ed In dIRIIIAy. "GoM hcn\'(!ns. tbree of the secrotA! of b.ls trade, and In Silence. Mr. I't't ... ~on. Is Y'}IIr Ilf'<' k hurtin g TI,i .. n e w lu w p~ i c ~ is ",,,.l e po"sibl., l>y 6tricte81 economies )'IKI ?" In the. Intervale of resting bllhlnd the and s{)eciali7.ed prod u l: tlo n "Tt Is," 8n~w"ro'll 1',,' cf'!Ion grimly. Unes He bad perfected them until It a mlnut&-was Impossll,le. fils nRts "A nl)lMnel'. hn" ln!: " "tltT n!'<'k . WIUI even money whether tbe Jap or cll'oched, and he 8wore softly un dpr Pl ft nt No. 2 was <:« :( 1,,(\ {ur 11,(" s )Ie J.lUrt)(l ~,: of m a king b.l1I breath. Then us Rll r ntly 8S he Mak"R 1' \'C'ry one IIIUgl,. nn~ on .. go", he wooid win In a pmctlce bout. 30x3~ :7 i ll c h NUIl·S,, )d I.•hril: I, (t' ~. \\ III. .. .1" .1:- "!\\Jart' Y And there were nJght8 10 No Ma o', had cOllie do\\'o. he COIIIllIellf'cd to no "),1111>,,01), . Hut! Ihl ng- lull)[" ' " r. of 16,00 l i(l~~ and LtI.\l(j! ' 'Il IJe6, Ihi " I"! lil t p<'I " ,iI S relin " d Land wben hili men would bear IItrange climb the etalrs ogolo. H e had Il hllzy ... At fhlll"', IlIIY WOY. " pro ~u li nn 011 a qll/\II~il y I,,,· ,s IIOUntlB, and koowt~ that Drummond Idea lbat ho "'ould like to Illt 8ll1ne- 1 "r.urtofl lty Is II grell t denl WOMl8, All materin lll us ~d a te t1", he.1 o ll n;n "I ~ Th ,. o.Jultlily is I l 'Uptllhl I )ruuHut>nd. It \"' S lour h nnt! wu abroad on bl, 1faIldertnp, would tblng- hord. uniform . It is II,.. best 1" L(i.: I,r" , ·\/tc, ".I r¢, 1 III the car There were nloe stllirs 10 the IInlf I go wl".I1"' r I kllll.'l1 you Inst nIght." peer eqerl), ovw the PlU1l(l'l!t Into the O\\'1l r h t IUS )' p I' " ",', , desolate lom·up wute In tront. But IIalt of tbe nl"ht, and It was III b' l "I U,11l1k I might lillY th e srune," roOle)' Dever saw ' ao.ythlDlr, e,'e n when !!toad on the nflh UIA I hr' oJ:o ln h"nrd tUMIl't! ll'r ll lllntllll,1. "rPM 111101 no " "',," l'cl"rsoll "I~rom the creen cb08tly liars went b.laellll rh O! !.ow r.hlll:ll io. At til .. ,;)"u" InI\JUI\t up Into lbe darknlMs and lbe shadows d. need tant&sUcall),. All wal ailent ~.II Mil, .You Ullly Man." She Mu~ and lUll; lbe sudden ehrUl wbiropel' wu not rep.ated. _. -, mu ....... ''Wh, Ybu Are 8uch a Fool." Pllrh.pe a putrol cornlor bacll woold or !l!:t:.. l-ru"" Jlfl'nnp" nnt 'ft"'" n :.A '-" ...:-. faced a.Jm smlllnc. and Hugh lOOked' lleport a GennlUl, lylll6 huddled In a ". hflve u f'P\\' remllrt:s O[ DI Y own... ~ Illl ~hl lle "",1 ~pok e to his chlluff.. ur. ,a t.her atea.d1ly. "Tell m!l. you ugl7 ah ellbole, wtth no, tra~ of a wOUD4, Dlllke," he allswl'r 'll, "olld tit en we ' Wj'flke her Ollt lata the lI",in ruod. Veterinarian man," she murmured, "wh:J you ate but 001, a broken neck; perhaPII the Ii, '. might consltl ..r Ille 'Inl"rvlew closed . I J.m l;llls." he ,,,,Id, "oml w"lt ro r 11m nda a tobI.. .. patrol never touDd an,ythtoc. Bot Practical Vurcinlltor. Hnve had ask nolhlu!! hNtcr thun thnt tho glo\'es oll ls l(lo Ihl' l'll'rnllCI) 10 th l' neX I h Ull~~ . BQb emllec1, and u baa been 8814 ""'atever tbe report. H~h DrummOll~ !CuUlI ~ UI~ C(!"" ill I,"mooillg on .shoulfl bu off- thou g il wllh your lIUhy , .. tl" r"~ 1I~ Inncr " before, Hugh'. amlle traMtormed ht. ODlf artDDOed and to b.I. men'. HE 'p rincipal reason ' why the p eople) but h ~ick alltJ wl!!l h t! rd~ . mt!thud.s of fighting, anything 10U IConUDuoo on pal(o 81 -fae&. , breath.t. Wb.ldl .. Wb7 there are In of the Pacifioc coast are not strong. touch will get \'ery dlny. As you . • - - - -"I mut nmiemIier tbat openJ.n,," IIa E"-hwd toll a, qUite a Dlllllbet' of for ' the Chinaman is that .he scndsl tloth Pltone9 say, I 'Un com plelely In ttJe dRrk a. to al4.. "It eatabUshee . a ba8111 of 10- ctvlll.nl wbo ackno'lVledp 001, Home H6&·8 8",11 4·lr hi. money somewhere else. - He. your plnns ; hut 1 have a prett)' Ibrewd ' tlmacy Ilt once, dOOllll't IU" rulera-th KIne UI4 BUlb Drumspends nothing but what he must in~ hlt;a whut I'm up ol.'1Ilnllt. · Meo wbo , I 8be ~ a Uttle tOward hIm. mond. And tbe), would wWID", 41. Bellbrook. Ohio the community in which he lives,] cdh empl"y a thumb scrow all a poor ana thea. belOl'& be 'realized ber 10' tor elttler. and sends the rest over to China., defc IIsl!ll!ss \Jrut c seem to lIIe to be teGUoa. abe put a band on W. shoul. The l"ult o'n Drummood 11111 oot Consequently he does but little to Sl!V,,"111 <1(!b'l'ees wors., IhllD on nborlgl. der. ,urprtllIOi; u oearl), u a mllD 'may be build up and increase tbe wealth ()f l tlal cunn lbnl, IIl1 d theretore It 1 put ' ''Doo't Ull.del'ltand," she wbl&- be Will wltbout teor. And when the the pepful . Pacific coast communj YOU down ns one of the lowest types ~ lIeree1y, "that they'U kUl yon 1" Idea eame to him, III be eat 00 the ities. "t (I;:srndoo crl mlnnl I IIhall Dot be &he peered put . hIIIi halt tearfully, ed,e I>t bll bed thoughtfully pulling olr Common I'lftu Court vorl' wide or the mark. Tbere's no . You are playing the ChinarnaJil and .tb8a tumed to him aaain. "Go, hit ahOet, DO qUl!IJtJon ot the poaalble good you B ourllllg R t rue, you swine; N_ SIlit. game whcn you do not trade atl w.9 Idiot. aorwhlle there's time. Get rlu entered luto hI. mlDd. To explore It (Ioes everybody good to hellr 80Ule out of it-10 abroad; do anylblng- the houae .eemed the mott Clatural horne. You are · helpin~ build up B. tit lar}!, at .. I , V 8 Albert ~t.R . bome .rulhs- aull dOll't forget It was ony W,lltNr E K e nrl ok "nd MtUgf\r o~ IMlt don't tool ~1'OWld here." thine In the world, and w1lb character. Chicago or ~iome other cIty. Every you wbo I)ull(.'d olr the gloves." ..It ~\ II cheerful hOU8ehol~" re- ItU~ brevIty he summed up the IIltu. J olin!. f or appolotlll l)R t at r80e lver . An ad. in this column is a sure 8818 d ollaL rolL spend y.on '. - rU lillllO n lit 0 ('Igllrett o ; then his canoolldloo' of ellled. a"ls of reul marked wa'tb a , amlle. ..~ , I atlon .. It Itrua blm. t ivc injury to your home and your • W• • ... •hi" ll1ercll es~ eyes Ib:ctl themselves lignin 68',Ue and d i880luLion of oorpon. "They suspect me aDybow: In tact, Uk \w1ir , 're all ~ cOncerned about h ome t o wn. .. I ou l'cterson. .... MONEY LOANED - , Your estimable talber gave me they know 1 took Potts. Therefore, t·loo. I l lt n' he II Chill;\lll~n' l "TlII'te Is Ilnly one Ullng more." he the. -.me' .ervlce 'rOfltterodu marolDe." even It they e&tch me pallllll,e cr-.~ Emmit Lewis ve Abraham r.owi ~, - -- - - -- . , . - - - - - - - -('ontlnued. "You have klnilly wum ell .• "D9&~ Uk ~," abe answered fflo I~, I'm DO worae olr thaD I am now. UN&Y Tv LO .I N UN FARIlttt! me of my dnnger; let me give you R for divoroe, oustody of ohlld, In. \+ttrf~, .. ..becil.uM I ' can't tell yoo. Ana 1 might lind IIOmelblne ot Inter. jllootlon aod eqol&lLble ,r eli ef . u t G)l6 Inten.'· for 6 W 10 word of ".Idee In my turn. I'm going Only :JOU mUlt belI_ that what I eat. Therefore, CIII'IT 00. brave heart." yel1rs. '}',,, rei I l'is 1'en8J1. l<e&1 s.. to fight yIPu: If I ('u n, I'm going to • .. the truth~7ou mnat. It'a Juat It Will dark In the pruJ8ace outllitte IlIt0 1111l1 L UIID H, Wlltntugthu, O.blO, JIC)e8lble that If :JOII IrO now and tell u he opened the door ot his room and aomelhlne whizzed po·s t · III. n'eall 80 tlle Illotl",nt you lert tho hOl ta m 01' Ole benl you. Anything thot mol' hnplien Probate CGurt Proceedln .. Phone ~lOI. rul~ . U 1Ihe:m where ·yoo've hJddeo the Amert- crept toward the top of the 8talre, 'lbe low that It almost touch ed his hUlr, stulrs. I hnd your lire 10 the palm or .10 Ill .. Is pnrt ot lll e gome. ·But It III the B8tnte of MttrllL Co mpton .a n :Jou'll be all right. But If you collar of hl8 hrowD lounge coot Willi and there was a clnog 011 the wnll be. lOy hond o Hll ll I CIl OSCD to tnke tt. nn.rthlng 11I'IJJ)(,lIs to Miss Benton duro deoOfl Me d, first anel flnli I /lcootlnt ap MUNEV I.oa u ed on live IU 00 It , clo,D't-': Ber. band cl.!:oppM to her' turoed lIP, ood hll stocking feet mad. IIde him; He ducked Instin cti vely, my y oulI ~; fri end. 1 "hould Ilot bnvo Inll Ihe co"rse or operlltlonH, tbon, ns l>r OVlltl. snrely nil Iher Is n Ooll above Peter· ohattels, 1\1110 ~oooull /l.lol'tg'Kee. , 1IId8', .uddenly. "Breakfaat will be at no IIOUnd 00 the heov:J pile carpet. and reell.n1lus of noise rn eed up Ute had tbl s !11l rr nock," In tbo 0lltllt6 LuI" Drake , d o. N ,! ~el! bonght. ,Iohn H"rlnu8, AileD Hugh rutu rned to his breakfast un· Ron, T'II ~l!t nt you somehow o;,d mur. DIne, mt Bugh: wldl then, au revoir," LUre a huge Ihadow he vaolshed Into remalnlne stolrs, on all·tours. Ris 00081'11, flr . t Rlld fllIlIl IlCCOUllt .. p. Bulld l"", Xonla OUIO. .Ier YOII \\'lIh my own hunds," 6. •. 22 He tumed lUI she left the room, a the bllleknllll8, feellD« his wo, forword jaw w.. aet like a vlse, hla eyes were concerned.IS'. For n few momen ts th ere wos s l· provlld . "Omntocl, loddle, emnted. But hnd little J)UUled b1 her chaoge of tooe.' wfth the UncllMy Instloct tbot comet! blulnl: In fact, Bogh Drummond WOll Leroy S .. tbawny. 118 "dOlr. of Btl. --~-=--=. ~-== .==,=-==><= r Dot been of such u kludly nnd tor· lence, nml th ' n wllh a short Inut:h 8tan~ lit lbe top or the stal", Will trom much practice. l!lYery oow .n·d '-'ne red. He paused . when be rcaehed the top, hearlog na ture, you wo'uldll't hn\'c Ortlnlllllllld ' tumed a "'''y. .. hull we tate of F. W B. U.lBWRY I deoealJod, "' ARM \V ANTED 'Peter.ou. watch1ni them hotb . 10 Ill. then he paused u\d lIsteoed lotently, bot the mea,ured tlClliDg of the Clock erouc:!lln, In the dorlaoesll. Close to had It. el tiler," lie looked Ilt Pet"r· rnl'et o!(nln Ron n?" He paused at the VII R. J. Batb"wtiy et al .. privtitll -~ ule of proprtrty approved; distribu. 8011 crltlcnlly. "rm locllnetl to tlllnfl door nml lookml llnck. below and the ocC8aloolil ~k of a blm be could teel lOme olle else, ond AN1IilO-'l'o hlmr fa OUI owuor TWO. l'ctcrRon WIIS stili slondlng hy the tioo orde red. holdlnlr his breuth, he 118te ned, Then It's 0 !frl.'ut pi t)· I didn't brcllk your board aloDe broke the 8tlllnC8s. or I .. rlll or go~d laud for 41t1 to hii', 1116 tn ce expreSliloull!88. "Very neck wt\Uc 1 wos nbout It." Hugh In thtl mnner of the n8~f\t. 1l o' R for .Full dullvUTY. L . JUlJlIl', Bolt 5U In lbe doss when Drummond had • To the 'left, lar the room In which he be heard the ruan move-uolJ Ule very SOOIl. IlIIlec.I, young mao," he s old R B II gema n, deollluotld. Inventory Olney. lllioois. baeD a platoon commander he bad bad apent the eveDIna'. and Drummond talntelt lIOond-but It was eoougb. Rlghell lind ilmnk ~ olll e colfee. "I Hell nnl o tlv jell\! j,vI''''V AtU)n Indeed. • . . ft "nd allpr .. h,uDlent fllod. clooe many daolJUl'OWl lbloga. The 01'- turned to thlJ r""t. Aa be bad Irooe Wilbout a second's thought he spraog, thut I 8hllll hll vo to tl o It some dn.v, and hll b8Jldll cl06ed on human flesh. ond prohn bly J.llklngtoll 's fl8 weU .. .. In the matter of tbo AU Iilltml! hlp dIDary Joys of the Intantry subaltem', up to bed be had noticed a door By Ihe WilY, how Is our Henry? r of Ollie Mttrle Compton et iiI., mi. ~ch lUI iolng over the tlop and lIereened by a haaY)' curtaln .whlch he Be, lauabed .:enUy: then he tought In LOST I1leoc&' trool hi s Jnw Ie not unt!uly IIIl'on· nors, prtvl.te 8tile of t wu LtlJerty - ----- ---- -~-camlng out ral~tiiidllOt ' p~ved lbought might be lbe room l'II),UI, Hie opponent was mong above the vl!nhmc lnll; h im." BOlllls orderlld. , liullcltmt tor his appetite. He ha.d BentOD had apoken af-the room HIlUdlll uf Cluthell, 8umewhere PcterRon, with his COrr~ cup In hi" IlpeclaJlud In pecullnr stunts of hI, where HeDr)' LaklDgton kept b.la ll1. aveNlre, but after n mlnote ho was Ils \wuun Wuyue.v.Uo aud liu. hnn(I, " 'ON staring flown Ihe (hive. .0'1\'11>: 8tunt8 o\,er which he WIUI slo. eotteD treasures. He felt hie way Uke a child In Hugh's grasp. He Marrla«. lJeensea vtl YHbur g , 00 the Ulvur road, ~'Iu. "Your Cfl r Is 0 IltUll l~, .. ly, CIlp'lO ln aloDg the wall, and at leogtb hie band choked 0IIt'!! or twtce and muttet'M Rllymond B DnlClln . mnil ourrl('r, der plBIIHa return to t:iuzeUe u ffia.. DrumlllOn4l," hli snld lit I('ngth. "How· touched the curla1~nly ·to drop It IIOfIlethlog; theo Hugb slipped Ills ~priDgboro , lind Mi llS Mirlnrn R ever, Pl'rhIlJl~ It CUll wult two or three olrftln at once. From close beside him rtght hand gent1:J onto tho man's Simpllon. l.Albanou. throat. BIB flngers ruovl'd Blowly bad come a 8hal1), anery blu. . , . mllllltps whil e we IWI mn ttl'l'tI pel'tect. He stepped back a pace aDd stoM round, bI8 tJlumb IIdjullted Itsel t lov. Leo A I.~mlta. farmer I;;outb Leu Iy .-I1'Il r. [shoulll dl stlke YOll !lot FOR SALE aoou, aod MillS IdJt M. BraodeDbur~, kn owlnt; ",hert' you Munr!." H e turned r1gld, 81urlnlS al the lIlIot trom which Ingly, and the milO' felt his head being Fo.ter. the sound had seemed to come-but force!! . bllck Irresistibly; He pye one round nn d fncro the soldier. "You be could see oothlni. Then he leaned stmDlled f!rY, ond then the pressure have delllJemtely, RJ{wust my "dvl~, WaUer J, Goldsberry lahorer SUPERIOR (halo Drill. Eelsar forward aDd ooce mOn! mo'Ved tlie relaxed. • , • elected to fight , me urul the IntereH tI! aDd Mrs. Mary J•. Oabllrne', both of. 1:I&ln600, HarveY8burg. Ohlo. · jO "One holt·loch more, m:J gentle hu· curtain. Instantly It came aealn, I repreS<'lrt. So I>e It. From no\V on KiDII8 Mtlle. HIT A. Good RUbbor.tlre4 BUIr8J 10. morlst," Hugh whispered In his car, Ihorper ond II.nll:rler than before, th .. gloves lire off. You emhorked 00 ar ey • Buoes. laborer, and ~ qolre oC W A /:Iorf.oe '0 Ii Hugh (l88l1ed a hand over bls tore- "and your neck would have beoo tbls "nurse from II splnt of adventure, ~llIa MaUle S , BarrltlOu, bot,h of W~YDe8vllle Obio' " head tnd found It damp. German. he broken. All It Is, It will be very ettlr at the In attelltlon at tbo girl nat tiooth Leb~DOD, , " , knew, 8Ild thloga on two lees, bd! tor IIOme dill's. Another tlme--4on't door. She, poor little tool, III cooI:!ALE-J. 1. eale OUIUvatbr. what WUII Ulle lbat hlsled so vIciously laulrh. It's dangerous." Real .E aute Trantera hllll M. llole,. WaYDUllvllle, Olfio. Then, like a ghost, be vlIIllShed cerned o\'er thllt druoken wU8ter--her In lbe darkne8l7 At lengtb he deterfutiler. She o sk~d you to help bermined to r1.k It, and drew from bll aloOI the pauage In the direction ot J. I., and 400a E I:!heelltto &0 j8ll11 you agre ed. alld. aDluzlng tllOugh It pocllet a tloy electric torch. Hol41o, hie own room. Franlt W, Klrt •• traot for Ingrllll81QD REFRIGERATOR,. bolda lOU 11,1. mny 8l'eDl, up to nl>w )'OU huve scored cw-• It well aW8:J trom hie body, be IIDd egreBlloD ID WaYDe 'fwp,tl . of lOt!. 1l00d oontlllioo, wtll ..11 a rertuln m eusure of success. I od· THREE, swltcltl!4 ou the light. In the center EleaDor ,VaD Trees Frank W. ObUbP, ioqulre of Gilbert Blral mit It, II nll I admire you tor It. I of the beam, swaylne grBcetul1,y to KIrk-I. III aore. in Wayno Twp. '1, (Jor.wln, Uhl<). jelll ' .At ellrht o'dock the nert morning a aDa fro, wall a 10Rke. For a moment burly looking ruffloo bro"gbt In some opolol:12e IlOW for lUI vlog plnyed the Ohas Bare to Aodrew H . and fool with you lus t night; you'ro the he watched It, fascinated as It SPlit at bot water aod a cup of teo. As he UTUMOBILE-IDIB Model OakJessIe Bawleyabout 10 aoretl In I • lbe Uabt angrily; be saw the tlut hOOd pulled UP the bllnde the llgbt tell tun t)'Pc or mDIl whl>lD olle sltouJ(\ klll out. land, in good ooodl\loD. PrlOlii rDr&leoreek Twp. '1. To sea I In the rlght-{)r l e~n\'c olone." when! the vltions bead was set 00 tbe on bill battered, rugged faco, ond sud. rillht If Boltl 1000. Ioqllire of our. He set do'wo hIs calfee cup nnd ell1'&delicious' Burley upright body; then be IIwttched oft lbe aODly Hugh ant op In bed nod stared forll BUIlIOk, WaYQe~yjlle. Oblo, tully snlpp<.'d Ule end off 0 cigar, Co.laIuIOllers' Proctteellap jallU torch and retreated ralber taster lban at him: tobaoco flavor. "You are also the type ot mUll who be had come. LllbaDon Lomber Co . labor and 'ioeod Lord r' he cried. "aren't yoo wll1 continue Oil the path he hus Rlort. VETERINARIAN material: '10.40: Valley '1'el CO., U1' of Peaobblow fo,aCoee, Jo. '~.A ConvIvIal houaehold," be mut. .Tem Smith 7" ed. YOIl ore completely III thP. dark; tered to blll1llelf throulrh llpa that were rao'l aDd.Solie, SO; t!penoor BrOil. wa.~~~evf,~ SO~ FurD"1 ' B, 0, II, The . man round- like a IInsh you hove uo Idea whl\tever whllt you a little dry. "4 hOOded cobra 18 an and "ared at the bed, Vaccination a Specially, . Noth. oon.t~t 1246 ; t!pelloer Bros, llUIIe . e, 0, Jaill nre up oguillst:" He BUllied grimly, I unpleasing pel." '872: Waltea and ,Jam .. repalrlaDd' Cabbage l' I . . "Wot the 'ell 'lUI thl!t got to do mv nnd turn ed ubruptl1 on Hugh. "You Ing bid Rellablo Serum used , labor ' for t.r.otl, ,,02in: B . 1', Man ~ . oma&o, l?~u~ftow~r, Hl1ab had JOlt determined to recon- :J'V1Ir. he Darled, and then bl8 fnce noiter the curtained doorway again to ~ . 'fWh1• .bike me plnlr, It It tool-you s tupid youog fuol. Do you ~ft,I.~r !Jl.d material io '0Pl!\r. ~lIg 'Pla~t8 ::~ c~::e,D~~... ,:Ppe~ Phone 44 . HarveYlburv. 0, reoll)' Imnglne that you con beat 'me?" .... If It wa, .DOIlllbl. to Circumvent. ~'t ~~J. DnaDlJDoqd." .Ing Sr.o&or, tsB: W. , t!, Grllbam, ~rQDle Oro . ' . The 1I0ldlt:r rose nod IItobd In trout ..___________..! pa"?,} pi, at ' R1~ ,nl:90. Oht' I I H. D, Ii, Wa,.GnUIe; • " t I ,. • 11 ' o. ' j~8 '
nru I1rT Olleflc<1
lloor or n roum on the II " hi, Th l'o ~hu Ill!'
D. HAWKE, Distr.; butor f
Wayn.esville, Ohio
fROM COURT HOUSE fry our Job Printing
Classified Ada
j8 '
.Ci·g arette It's Toasted
opeD'' ' ~
" .
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iKe Miami Gazette. WaynesviUe, 'Ohio.
··Y QU Rf) III to n.,,,c . Il- .net: .u n t." crO wd 'of fl('IR uhont the hOU ~O," r mnrkeel Orlllll1l1 0 nd, l1u ttlnlf n hlmel on Iho miln'R nrm n8 l1e wris II br.ut 10 mOV(l IIfT_ "Whlll , 'II 111111 rio III' t:rcnturc ",(0' ,'(\ Jll ~ t hellrd cn llln ~ l. It R . youn g?" '·hr· e ~·rn ~llI~ t looked lit him slII· lenl y. "N"" I'r YOIl cn I11.1. ~Ir: It nln't no
nnel Mrri . •J. W . B~ lldiA lind 'fhere will be (\1\ 100 oronm lIoo\al. t w" t11l11 HhtOT~. 1'IIult ne Imd lre tll, Satnr day evan l ng ••Iuno 2G. lin Lhe D . l. CF ANE. Editor a nd P llblbher. Waynesville. Ohio 1\011 RO ll , Wo(t(lruw. of L .. n oClMter. tln'DII of 1:1 . M. 'Inrk uml Wllhalll wern :SILl nrc1 " y nll S llndllY !l1lt-stH Brown . Suuscriotion P.rice. $I.tiO p er y eor uf Me'. !lnll MrR . Frnnl( \ il~on. o( Mr . 8n(\ Mrs. Ba n BRWk(\ woro t,b tl (·c nt- rlL l. DILyton vlMltors. 8a1,urIlIlY . hU ~ hH'ss or yourR. Ani I t I ""11Ft you. Cl o v~r IlilY 1M Imlnl,{ modo, aael it Mr lind Mrs. AI leD Emr iok ILn<1 r wOII!dn't mn lw It ynur hn R l n( ' ~' to will " " ml ol ng 1J0furo lonl(. ' 0 .1Bo l{ ht or . ( ~lndYH, sp,mt ' umll\ Y !lntl .... " ... baUer r(11180n tor rn illing . ~It h Mr . " nd Mrtc. AI Curnell. WEDNESDAY. JUNI<: 22. 1921 A nHlIIlNII Ine ~r I", hue! '" ~Ilppenred Ollr peoplo a re ta ltln g .. g rent 10. 1 t:itnold Grab lLm Clnd b"by nud :u~ tht hll "h'.~ . '\II~1 l:lr\lnI IllO'~d \\t~ tere~ t in t be ::;t lile ANBooiotl o D C1t Mr!!. Ueorge (hnbl1m BJ.len G Snnelay . ~t1Rl lJ r.' .• y U "I eel' U Com e le ry lSope rln te orl ent8 . whloh with relMlv tl H in HI)rlo~ horo . I ~IUUSI! ~107dn~'1 , II' r(? p~t(',,: JI1"t tIe . po t couvenes o n 'l'LJurtllll uy nnd " rldar b M fo r n reRI·cure. 'rlt ••" h(' SillY 1\ !I ~\I re,. . • Mr B oo~bV, tLJ o r oth er of ., rs on th lnwu or th e ne t han.!' wh ich C htl drell II Da y W[[B o!Jso r vAd tit .John Grlshum. Is here fr olU l eo. . hanlsl,erl evr'ryl hln ~ ~ I SP' rr"m h'IN th e M. E. ohu roh, !>;uoday olght. n Cl8~e o . mlnrl : on,1 opr ' lIln~ tho ~n t " , h,· ",al ' pel 'fh A pTng r Otn WII A (ur ri ad o u t en. Mr. lInd Mrs C lydo Cox hnd fo r fOfl gf!rl y I tt"'n til l'ltyl li H npCl Hl II . tlroly ~I1I IK r"c t o ry t o th o ~e prosc o t, I I.hei r Sunelu y guost- a. Mr . emd MrR Jl:"\'or ything DOW intllcnl.t18 u boolll i J o@opb UlI,bens 80rl {" ru ily, l\Yr uull ( To be r ootlouftd. ) t o oll r towu. Th B railro ud w ill hI! I Mr~ . J4'<.lrreat Uitb onB, Mr . amI !>II's . run ~liroul:h our town. run by u I Wrn Cox, Mrs . . Bulle (JrAhorn .md ..,. - -: r:l:a : :~ u R "lItle n,,)tor. ni('ely upb ollite red. MlIgg le TlmmermBD. and wl11be m od e rn thrnugllo nt : ou r Mr "uri Mrs Walte r Ken riok At. Th e prnh'I'"'lut In nussln 18 o !'ell to fr olgh t will be bunltlu lu t.lle "" [IH' tend ed Lhe fuu erA I ot hIr Wlllium den ole :lIo! IUII'e" t nnd pnor<ls t eIOB"e& wl\ y. und wh eu oo mph·tod II, will hI) U,·illi~ . li t Jfl etcber. Ohi o. 1118' W ed. It Is d ... rl" c<l, through I he Frend}, tohe mo ~t m odern of ,,11 mllroMIR nesrlllY . \..,.-........"..,.--.......""'"..,.-""'.-..............- -..............,..,......,. ....." ................."""--.,..,..............._ .......~ trom the Llltln prol" tllrll, th" onme '('h e y un nl;; Ind ies' olasR or. th o M. Bey prOllAr t y b er o. IIDd he In '·h e given In the rousus or Serv ltl ~ 'I'ullio. "Thill mUll be a lloa 'own. with a strong splrl' of oooperatioo botw e oo to tho lowest or th e centuries. who m Olt ulOde r n Illl n e . . E. t\ .HlIluy 0('/)001 ga.ve MIH8 BMt v I' InO 'he lIurrouul1l1JlI f .. nuli. l'vo never blllll1 I.h ere, bn$ J 'd IIko to go. " wero 80 culled 10 Imlt cn lo thnt th01 Rom e ~nlk of opElr ll tlD g I~ I rlr ~ A Po we ll 11 plel1sant s urprl.'e I/I ~t Ie IIIIIOOooll8ful beoilu lle It !lilrvlls tbe OOfUlUUDlty faltllfully IUltl rofleot~ were vnllluhl ... 10 the Blnte only u mnnuf" otll rln !: plnn~, wharf! " .large ThorselllY afternoon . A Ilionio ~u p. ID e ..ob 111100 tbh lire "lui wo rk of the IMio! vero, ollilrU uf I'll re"dor1l. r llnrera ot ofT" llrln~. Tho W,lrd hM nU{J1IJOI' u f !dll o-I.1IIU ICld ilI on WIll bA pM Wil l< Herf/ ad OLI tll A \I\WIl . Th o ~e ::ienlce to the Oollullluni.y OllonDut bit aoolJDlplilihed by .. n "dllor 1Io1 01l 6 ('Omo much IIlI O use In Ul0 IIte ratlll.. employtlrl. In onr olty. Clud Alw old prA~e nl were : The MiPAes Mllclrod bowever. He needs tbe nelp ot tb" f.rmer IIoDd hit! r..... lly III 8e'femi of 80elnllslIL thl~ be C111UH \lltl n.ted wa WIll 1m ,,",1 Mllq; lIru, C IEtrk , Rea Rnd ( :too "'.YII. A fIong tbe~e .ru: 8t.ncy. Dor ot by C"lenllHl, " 'Iom Olll MHOd ,~ It II tlt lt ( ItI O~ . By 8ub80rlblng '0 tbo paper. 'rhe IlInr(,llry for R() va rnl dnYA !Jas Uh a rl o~o n . I ren e Vice. H olen Duke, 8y wrlSlllg \be editor or VlllUIDg \h~ omoe oo088101lily wl~b Items of In baao ('xco:·t1i n!(ly nhlirmln g in tbt ij Ethe l Hi _h op , L ouell .. LOD gao ro nu d A No ble> Lang uage>. t.re.,. IntelligeDt outlol8m. or pralill fur good 1811011>1 . 'I'hls 8how" LeooR MoGinnie. Plllntln!:, nr nrl ~elle rlllly. OR Il!I rb, l .loolity. lu'erel!\ and Ie'. thil edl\or know ,hat lomeone 18 watohil1K. willI nil li s It!ci1 nl ('uIlUcS, tllHicultl u8, Verv IIttlA nLi n hn ~' hoen g iven us Ueo r go M" therA CI .. r k. of Colum. Bya(1(lIrU"log It ve Itook, poultrv. prod Doe. land or 110rebred Beed s. and pnrltculllr e llu ~ . II' noth1 ng but II for som p I.ime, Rnd the pu stnres a r e his. N o • 18 m"lt:iag 110 exteDded vl@. By plaolDR orUer8 for job printing. Huoh AI bl\l beadN. lel,tBr.h el\d~ noble unci l~Xprt-!Ns l"e htD gtln gc. fo vnt. buroin g for th e WilDt of 1lI0lst ore. it with bl s g ran dfatber. Mr. Ef . M. bUlIDe~s oardl and publlo notloBs In tbe bome peloalng omoe. • uuble li S tllo "chlde ot lhougb t. but Mr . J lllm Kibl ur. of New Wasb- Clark. lind Mber relatives bere. 8)' lelllDg weroh .. n18 u.nd profell8loo.1 milD wben tbolr aelvertlsemenl>tl by Itl!clt, nulltlll g.-J ol,o Rusk in. Inl(ton , trl~nsnoted blu.l ucss be re on Mrs. )lotilda Emliok speot· i:!DDdIlY ID 'ue bOlne pu.per are eaeotl ve. ::!u tnrdI\Y· d her b otnll in Lytle. liy belploll tbe oolwr to 8eoore aDd keep live. aooura'e oorre8poDdeutM The SUIlfI"y pt!pe r" ure boing 'ur. Mildred Halne8 retnrDed to her lu 11"011 uelghburhood In tbe oommunity ni~h od to th eir ll"tfllflH hy Frod I3l1r. lioUie In Belm ont, !::lRtuldIlY. after un Life Isn·t All Fun. extend lld viii' wltLJ Mr . Ilnll Mr!. Enl erlnlnln ); nn Illeu won't gut )'011 11ID, thll IIIll gl17.i ne IIIILn . Mr. Dml Mr8. A. L, K irk. of WI\. Walter Kenrl ok nnd fRmlly . vpry rllr ; yon IIIU HI work IL-D0810Q mln gton , vi~ lt,ofl Mr. nnel Mrs Ceoll Mr. Albert P owell aDd fRmlly Trnn ~c rillt . Kirk un ::;uudu y . have m oved to F raDklln . Mr . W ut~. of K e ntou . wall th o Mr . Ilnd Mrs . Albert 8taov und !tOAR !. of hl H ,,18ter. Mrtl. lilUll1t Rloh . fBmlly and Mr . and Mrs. RU 8sell RB ve ml dli1'8 l"At weelk. Bornot speot l:!undllY wUb r elu.tlvee Mr. II OfI MrM. W. C. Wol oh-. two In Mlddlotown . d "n ~ h tA r 8 n.nd 80n plonl ood at Idr ... RILlph Lewis entertBined a WIIMhlll(!trotl C H . w"lth th e MI"~(\~ 91ltll oe r of he r fri e nd~, Friday IlHer . 1i1~~IIt'. W nnn li nd KeUth J)eDny . of noon . We ruu 80rod tolb 8vllrywbore tba" ~ full of HopArhec.tfld I\lr Lune,,,.ter, 0 0 ~uodI1Y. MI~8 Ka.tbryn murk , of Millwl . . an/l who. by varlo oll bookl o r orooh. w ould fliin IWpr8>l8 Th e Wil ntl n /.tt,on· ll\l~ o wi ll lIe put unlver8lty. is home for tho 80mmer UII toy their looks. , • • But I oonUlle 10 migbty few-onlv III f1rRt oinKS oroe r at ol1oe. Tbe vlloatioD. fo llce tb"t I live Delgbhors t o . . ~ "lIIe is ~ e ry ruoch 1I0e111lCl . Mr. nnd Mr8. Walter Clark enter. I alters pride the bOBom frleDd . who h"~,, WI1I1D' ellr to le nO . . . . \\'bo digs "roulld me WhtlD I'm .. tuok· .n· holjJe UJO steer tllined at 8uDd"y dinner, Mr BO/l Mrs . Walter ,lauuey, Mr. and Mrs. for beUer look : wbo oorntora me when I am blue,- tbe man tbut I live O,lllbborH to. , , Ralph Lewis Ilnd 80D. Loslle, Mr8 HBnnah LewlA, Mrs. Ularllo Lewl8. To lell lbe t roth I alD·t afraid to lend my hoe, or rake or sp,,/lr, Mr. Elry Lewl 8110nd Mr. Perry BIIII,. or IIltohen.tocl . to drive a tllok, - beoauae I know tbey'll fetoh 'em b.ek an' tbaDk me for 'em wben thoy'r. 'hroogh.-the folks Mre. Mary Carmony and Miss &b"t I 11 ve Dslp,boou &u. . • . I\Irl . T . C. B'Lyd ook. w ho haR boen t .. eoDa McGln niH were Sunday gllOltll bnporte~, exporte~, 801l&II&looe8 I thlok about tbe pI",", where alDDen go &bd'a 8aved til for Bovor"l wee ks 18 ~ r owlDg of Mr. npd Mr!!. W. 11'. Clark II.nd travelers - ship and by liraOf'. • AD' wonder "b .., &be JIId.e will .ay, wben wo"ker. family . saU under-the Stars louis 'h .. •• perfao' DOma bl. way .. . • l'U be' be Ja'8 'em go The oondlt io n of MI~ 14 , J . 1:1. Lellm · Mrs . Roy McKlrby and ohildren rlgb' 'brongb .-tbe8e folka aba' I live DelIJhbor. &0. • In p: 1M gr o wing wo rse. are IIpe.dlng Il few daY8 wltb Mr. and Stripes n ov . .. n<l Mrs. Wri g h' ure !lpend . aDd Mr8 . Fr.. nk 8 mlth . EW triumphs In sr~el. ",enm IDg a 0001)103 of weeb ut Delaware . Mr. and Mr~. Forrest Grabam Bnd electricity h ave corrled O . E. 1:>. hl1ld In ~ pe ctlo n here Fri. were Dayton visitors. Sunday . the Stars nnd Stripes boc k n ~" in dllY ovening . We are anxloosly watohln g for 10 the seven seas. O n mo r~ thnn E. J W .. )ford . 'frevor C . Baydook. tbe OIl with whioh to 011 our 8treet • . fifty trade and pa""cnllcr routes American own~d and opcrnred WilliaDl find Slim Reeves mot,orod Mr . C .. E . Johnl! mllde a bU81n e8s .hips. fly ing th e AaG, arc rendy to CI nol nn nti ~' rldILY I.nd puroha sed tr ip to Dayton, W ed nesday . to cnrty your goods. or to c.~rry the new ba nd In strum ents. Mr. "nd Mrs . Wm . Cox Ind Mr. race was "'llIte, a.DO be RlIIrl!< l rounD Our Calendar you, to every foreib'" land. A . V Ii o la nd if! build ing au adpl - "nd Mrll . Barry McGinnis wore teartully. They are splendid ships, the tion to blt ten!!Dt house. June 6- 2nd Sunday Biter 'l'rlnily Leb"non visitors. Thursday . "Onwd! sir," ho crlcd, "m inI! out. pride of Amcricnn geni ..... de· Juno 12- Brd Sunday afler Trinity Mr. lind II1r~. A E Comp'on are 'A ve yer secu 1t," signed and equip ped ~o Aivc th e June .J4- Flag Day. not a hdliday . onter t!l lnio g r elatives fr o~ ludiana. "Seen whnt, Jem?" nsked Drum· fincs[ passenger co mfo rt, service June 17- ·Bunker Hill Day mond. Cn rlton !Smith 18 h ume fr om bl 8 Read Gazelle'S Classified Ads and safety, and to thand Ie your June 19- -lth Sunday after Trinity "Thot there ·brule. 'i'1A OSNlIICd: work 10 St Puul lfniv(!r8Ity . goods In Ihe most economical June 21-Longeat Day anO It '0 meeta 8 strang 1'-" . He T he C. E. was pl ell s~ntly enter. way. June 26-5th Sunday after Trinity lett the IIOnlencp. unf1nI Hhed. nnl! tlline d a't t he home of Mr. Ilud Mrs. Operator. of Pauenser stood listening. From somewhere Vergo Ml oh oDer Friduy e vening. Service. behind the houlUl cnme n d('PI}Miss Ma rv Uoll ett hI attending t be Admiral Un~l 17 St Ole Stre .. , N... tbrOilled. IIIInrllng I'OIlr: then lhe Yo rk, N . T. s umm e r semes tor of Oxford College. clang of a Pllellock shooting home .In Maho n N." t•• tJon Company, 26 Su, Gay 5trect .lln ltirnurc. Md. M.iA81lS .1 eonl0 I\ntl 'J ollephine melnl . followed hy 1\ seri es of hea vY Munson Steam Ship Line, 82 Bcuve r RHeve~ entertflilled a JlBrty 0' li ttle thllds ns If Rome hlg anhnnl wns hurl· Suut, N~., York , N. \ . frl o1\ds In honor of the birthday N.", York and Porto Rico S . S. Co. Ing ItRelt ngalnst tho bnrs or R cnge. I I Broodwl1Y. N ew York. N. " . f,f Ihelr n olce, Miss Ruth R cevep , "Thev'vl! 110t It." muttered Jom. Paclfio M.n S. S. Co•• 41 B rood ... y, Mo odILY u.f ter uoon . New York, N. Y. U. S. M.n S. S. Co., 45 Brood .. ay. Philip Rennlln Illlll family w ere N .... York, N . Y. gu o ' t8 of f r ie n ds Dear t3l nklog Ward Un.... (N ... YOrk and Cuh. Moll S. S. \..0.) F OOl of W all St ru,. Spring~, Su odny .
Thin (~ I Ir< "i ll lintl thi. wI,pl,' te, 1 well ,\tlrth trying : Firsl WC ll( h )OUrscil a nd IIlc"sure ),u,"rsdf Ncxl lak e V ITAM O N- I wo 1,lhlet. \\ itlt eVl' ry me~1. TIlt'" "'''I(h and men slIrc yo ur self agni n ea ch week ano! r un" n llC tal"n~ \' I TAMO rCl::ll lnriy unl il yon "r~ ~;Ili '(I('d with your gain in weighl ~n" ene rgy. vrr A· M () N c ontain liO
Illll y· oIn·cloped. fh in r r ea. · till' nour i s h"' ~ ro\f"', . of w" a l you clOt V I , ;': O N sup pl • • jusl wha' y ~ •. , bod y needs to fecd th,' , h, unkcn ti s ~ lI ts.
() r)(a ns
Bull-Dog Drummond
'The Adventures or a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull
New York, N. Y.
Free u sc of St>!PpInH Board films
NO\¥'S 'Tl-E "I1ME: Wl-$N H'OLD
or ShIpping 8Q.urd
mc'Il ion p ict.u re
four rccb. frt e on r cqu c$ l ()C
CAN'T SHIPS FOR SALR (To ;1".,"'(4. t'iliu-. , 0.1, ) .I ••me-n. both oil end 00.1
At.o woad It eame r !t ....nod hall. lad oc ..... ·Coi nlf; tulf;l . Ifutl.he r
Tlren fie I\lrOllefJ tlu'ollgn '"" 1I1"~ /leD. toward the little wicket-gale tbat lell to Th ~ t.nrcheA. Pbyllls I The thought of hj!r was sloglng In hl8 bOlrt to tha exclusion of everytblng ellie. Just" fllw minutes with her; 'JUlt the touch .of her haad, th" taint • mell of the Bcent ahe Daed-l\od then bacll: to the gume. He had ahooRt reached the pIe, wheD, with a Budden eNshlng In the "ndergrowth, Jem arulth bhmtlered o,ut lotB ·. lbft oath. 1;111 natuTBIlv ruddy
For sailings of possentflr and Ireight ships to all parts 01 tire world and all othe,. information, write on.v 01 the above lines or
Not· much uews this weok ; eve ry. boely itt bu ~y ou Hl n g when!. I!' C. U!tmvflr uod wl fo, of Kings Mills, we r e t;DndllY I,{ IIH6ts of r ela tives her o. Mr. l.ad MrR Col .... of G rec n Briar, we re 8 UllLlllY g o ssl,H of Wm . Tllylo. "Dd r .. wily. HATHAWAY Mayor Ay er8. ffl mtly aud friends, of WllmlnRloD, are Ol\Olplng at Ule ore ek lIe r a Wsyoeui lle'e Leadtnv Dentie' K. m. Thompson was In XeniB. Offioo In B 'elnlls Blelg, MalD St Monday. We are ~ orry to r e port Mist! EIvena Kimble very .Iolit at this writ IDg . Tbe maDY frlend8 of Mrs. Orry 8elma.n will be glad to know tbat she Is geUi ng better. Mhs Wlnltred C'rB4douk. of LeMDon, is vlAltlDg ber reilltives and frielld8 In Wuyntlllvllle thle week • An omnial of tbe Boo.rd of Bo"lth In a ollrtBln town notified " olHzen that bls lioeDso to kee~1 a oow bad explre~ . · In reply he reoel"fOd 'hie: "Mr. Borll cf Be1&-1 JOI geS yonr Dotle thllt my LI08DS to Keep my cow BII8 oXlllre. I Wish to Inform you MI. Bor.d of Belt, tbaS my Cow ::lbe Beat yonr NoUoe. She expire ·Tree Weeks IIgo . Muoh Oblige yourll With Respeet-Pete,"
DR. H.E.
And There Are
Jilt! Tllnklo says lto· kuows a maD
..hose Idea of pel'llonliJ 8u~ecss la Blogln' ott the key 80 loud .. thlt tJ,Il re$t ot the c:bblr has to alve up;
, Catarrb is 1\ local cliscaB<i. grM,tly influenced by ' COD8ti~iltiollal • ~n· ditiOllS. H4LL'S . CA;r~RRB ll.ED10INE is a Tonic a nd BJood .. Purifier,· By clcl\JlSing ItliejJlood and build,ing up the System. HAlillS OATARRH MEDIOJNE reetoree DOl'Dllll C9ndition8 an'l\
allows ~..
i1I1"e to do ilB lfOrk. • All Di-aggisla. Oiri~a1ara bee.
-8. CI!Ime1'&Co., ~
.... ...; 'N
ha ttl"red
{ll(\.~ .
'1u~~~ J o n
:S N"CJ :' U r..:, TIT U !·E (or ~I i t atnj n ~ .•, :m u~1Jtl.. :c
jt •.•t as thtl C' is no for fle sh dir, £l4.: sh
water or sunll); hl.
IMPO RTA NT W h ilt' (III' amuinK hrn hh ·hu lldlnl valnt: of V1TAMt)N h • • bern clearty _nd I'o! ili \' d), tl c:m.)n ti h lll .. ,t in c:a"" vi bc:k 01 <I, ''' Y. nc:uOILL. 'foub lel. ana~m ia . in diR(,lIion , (;'on'III'OI IIOO, ,kllt·c UVtlU h', \~il \ . '\ 'c.-:v--l .nd a a e n~ra l b wuk c:nc:d ptly. ita l an d nlt' nt .. I c.... nrl illun. h aho u.IJ I ' -..I~ ~, .llCd b, an,one Who OBJE CTS to hayln ... h~i r _daht inc rca. ed to ft C-I t\ ' " our ow. dru'llii t ba . VITAM ON In J 10 d( Of un quickly {Woc ure il for >'"
TYPE WRITERS Used and rel.ascrl by U. S. Oo",rornOOL Romio gl on No, G or 1 ( 11111111 ) ••• • • , •. S H . t§O
RemloKwu No. 101. vtl. 2'c'Olor rlLJlJoll . n.oo Uutlorwood NO. 4. ooo"",lor rll>bon ... 85.00 UwJerwuud 4, 2-cvlur r i ubbul.·" spacor'. 02.00 Itoyal No. I, noo-wlor rl hall . ••. .• .• U.OII Ito),.1 No. ~. 2·color rlhbon .. .. .. . ... 47.50 Oli ver No. a, . S I ~.OO OU\'er ~o , ~ ... 22.!) O OC! \'or No. U.. 36 UO Muoarch 2 ,~ J . 17.60 Sm lLh · Pre mlor 10, [,In oty po l {tt y, robuilt. Iu.n 0 Ouaranwod In good used <o ndlLlol1 all ready ror 100 1: hnra! «o,,'lco. SlIlla r. cLloo ~ u~ rau· ll'od or J)urch use prlcu rerul1ll u(j . Whi ch .;l Z8 <vI II ),011 II." . large or awaC!. Oroe ... Ollod Ilr omllLly , IdbLoD."i , a.uy col fl r or (."o lol'll , for 1U17 m ake of :tI IlChIHO, tin.. 7:.t: dulivured. St.at.u
mak e .1111 model. coo .hocto. U . 9D
(JlI8bou l)'ller pur box 01
dellv. rw. Empire Type Foundry, Buffalo. N. Y
Everett Early
......,........... I
.•. Enmined
I Optleal Departaaat S. Detroit 8t. x~~ ,Ohio. Opea evenlnp by .ppOin'tmeut ~
DR. J. W.
~JLLBR • .
Flour. Fep.d, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains and Self·Feeders.
Notary Publi'c .
Hay. Straw and Feed.
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
All kinds of Notary Work. WUIe Bnd Deeds B Specialty.
Walter McClure:
Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, ring
Wayne.vllle, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Service, Large Display Room TELEPHONE '7
Waynesville, Ohio National Bank
.Dr. Lloyd, B. Hall
- -- -.
i n ternal
s tr cn ", ':;("\l :\:~d
~t is n o t on ly of how 1n lh "h bet Icr you look " ncl fl·cl. ' I< wh!it your rriend s say .-tn t! ' ,.!nkth e !ll; , 1,,, 01 1\ · 1 t.ll ie n~ C.h:t rc wi ll 1t:il ! or U W lI ":'_ I Y. .~\ t wo w ct\.. I\' . t wil l !I 'If' lriSe> YO J , 1< ':11\ :11 i)(.: r :h a. t 'I H E liE
5uh stan ces
fIIi ·~ttllr~. - ~hr \' i l rUnittcs,\ Itirll $ci\' IU. C !;I~y 'i YI.I U n lust han tu IJ~ <lron" . 1\" '1/ and
i II~
"""Fl' ,,"o nder.
lui hcall h·givir.!l
'e sh
John H. Wright A.uctioneer Farm .Sales and live Stock 11 Specialty
Veterinarian' We Use the
Ohio Sh.le anti Pittman·Moore, but will use any kind you ask for. We advise use of the clear serum.
Satisfaction Gunrnntccd
Bellbrook,. Ohio
Fourth Streit. noar Tyler 'J'e}ephone 93
Both Phones
,W aynesville.
----, -.......-----.. DEMONSTRATORS .TO
.....- . . .
]Jle Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
.. _..".
All Day C~lebratiori
Have you paid your talCes?
Me ra ruickFhllnk. tlllIl neach, · I or lh e O. S. , line! C. P. lIench. P LOST- A K . of P. ring. ' \nr or 1'0molgiHt fr om till' U .. '. J)cpurt. return to J. P. Fromm. tnt'1l1 of AA'rirult um, will Inuk,' u H . E. Earnhart and family were visil 10 Wa y nc~vill ' un Mondav. J une 27 . for the \.lu rp,'b£> of elt um· Cincinnati visitors Monday . ini nll' lhe d mnnstrali ll nR mud' lit Dr. Dill, Osteopath. 21 S. Rroarl Wm. Frllm c's orchard recen tly . on way. Lebanon. Ohio. the control of apple bl otch. The public is cordially invited to be pres· Mr. F. H. Hender on and family l'nL nt th e orclll\rrl. and ~ c (' thp r('· were in Dayton Thursday. H ult ~ of the u, 'nhl nHt r a li o l1 ~ ,
give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history
Little Ruth Earnha rt is visiting her grandparents in Oaylon . Rev . C. S. Grauser and family, were week·end visitors here. F~
Haines. of Kings Mill s. is spenu· ing a few days here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 Raper are spending tbis week at Indian Lake. on a fi!!hing trip,
Reduction in all styles and sizes
Attend the se88ions of the Ohio Cen;etery A880cintion at th e Chapel Thursday and FridJiy. ,
--- -
--_._ - - -
AFTERNOON PROGRAM At Fairgrounds-Band Concert. 3 Harness H.'lces, Base Ball Game, Lebnnon \ ' S. \V;lyncsy il\ c, (~eneral AJmission, SO ce nts.
- -- --
'--..- - . ----~
At Hannon
P~lrk, 6 o'c1ock-Bund Concert, Fireworks,
REO I~ROSS WILL HAVE ELECTION WHEN EGGS . ARE PLENTIfUL The Waynesvill e branch of the R('ri
W 8!!biDgton D . C • JUDo.- ln 'he houaekeeplug Ii n tl homekeapln g de partm en~ of tue AgrionlturBl De pMtment they have g"thered to· getlJer 1\ oorps of 1\8 expert ond eol. entltic 000k8 OR ~b oro lire In ~h e worl d. Messrs. J. L Sheehan. Gordon MOll t women In the oountry tow n!' Joy and Howard Burton were Cin· . - - - - - - - - - - - - Rnd 00 the fDrID' are good onokM: cinnati vi!litors Sunday morning. HtH l there are many who IIr,,' not,anti tho tiepllttmont 18 thoroforo m flklng Kenneth Kilbon, of the Hyman & rooll'08 fnr thBm RS well liS now IInrl Co., store, is spending his vacntion 8e0801l1l0 10 reolpes for th o good at the Boy Scout camp below town. IOOOk8. tiere a~e SO:I~~8 ~o .. Welcome toour city. May Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brown. of Indianapolis. Ind., were Iluelt!! of Mr. your visit here be a and MI'!!. Chas Sherwood, Monday. pleasant one
-We have a large atock of Fisk Tires
Fred' M. 'Cole Hardware and Farm Machinery
New Perfection, Florence and Puri.tan Oil Stoves Wicks for All Makes of Oil Stoves Monarch Hog Fountains
Benefit tor Girl Scouts. June 30, at Miami theater. Go BeB the play put on for their benefit, . 'The Golden Eaglet."
Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Stelvart and daughter, Grace, of Middletown. epent Sunday with Mr, Frank LeMay and family.
.- --- ----
14188 Mabel Stansel, of Centerville Crosa will elect their ollicers for t.h e was the guest of Mr. M. S. Riggs com ing year, Wedn l'suay evening. June 29. Meeting will be held at J . and family, last week. B. Chllpman's tltore. Officers and Ernest Harlan arrived here from all interested in kE'epinK up ou r Heading college, Wetlnesday and branch alre urged to be present. Slella Daugherty. Sec retary. will spend his summer vacation here.
A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product
I nvi tal i"n ~ were rc('Pi\',',1 here Helen Hawkins. of Wilming. last week ann()uncin)( 1I11l marriag(' ton, is vieiling relativplI hero today . (If MiHR F ran (" ~ Jo:!f':IIlQr. oIUIl j!I.I('f I o f Mr. lind Mr~ C t; Willialll ~o n . House for sal.:l- See L."lybourne. of N,]\\' I'nri ~ . III 1\1 r , IIcrt Juhn ilrool, of J)ay t on . '1'111' w,',hlilllo( Alfred Wright arrived home f rom look ",lace at Iloun today lit ti l(' IiIJllll' the University of Michigan Salur- oC th~ briJ e'~ \lllrenI H. day. _ __
MORNING PROGRAM At Harmo n Park-GolfTourn~llllcnt ~lnd Athktic Events
~i 8S
Fourth of
Famous Home Made Ice Cream, all Flavors,
50c by
O. S,. C. Association
25c by the Pint
This Week We Have:
\\ holcsale prices- ... gallons:orl 1110rc, per gallon .. .. ........ ~ ,
....--- --.:::-_,:;-====.-=-:==;";'
-;.;~;:;: .
New Iri sh Cobbler Potat oes, New Solid Cabbage . Oranges, Lem· Win ~s ap ons, Pineapples, Applt~s
New C:ream Cheese Wafer Sliced Dried Beef Salmtlll Tunll Fish
RecePtil ~n Flak es, Lnurel Crruc.
Olives CreamFresh ," :'''~''''",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!:!!~LM,G;:eo;;i'h;M~~at~h~e~rs~C;I~a~rk~,~o~rif.C;o~l~u;m~b~~i;ai:'JI__ps~w~e:eit , Pickles, Fancy Cakes, fatber at Lvtle, has left for Indianapolis, where he will do mission work . The local Shriners are enjoying an all-day picnic at Triangle park, Dayton, today, The program for this pthering is full to the brim, and the ShrlnerB with their families are anticipating a full day.
Thursday. June ' ~3rd Featuring Bert ~ytell. in
Price 'of Redemption"
Also, Larry Semon, in
"The Grocery Clerk"-9 Reels Admission, 28 and 17c
A Paramount Picture Title not yet known .Also, SELZNICK NEWS Admission, 22 and 17 cents
son when e«gs life plentiful whtel.! woroltlvlln to your correspondon\ tOdBY. 80ft CnslBrd- 1 oup milk: % tOil , spoon vanilla: 1 egg : 2 tableepoons sngar: one·sixteentb teaspoon salt. Beat iho milk In a double bOIler. Mix egg in bowl with tho eugar ODd salt. Add bot milk slowly, ~$irrli1g .. Dd return mixture to doubleboller. Cook until oustard will ooat a 8poon. tltraln and lorve. It tho cU8tRrd onrdles, sot 'be pan Into price on oold water and beat tbe oostard nD, t.I\ aD1ooth. Floa'iog Islo.nd-1 qt. milk j % tellspoon aalt. Ys onp Bugar, 6 ollKe 25th all good . (yollls); Yotoaepoon ~aDllla. Pre. , pare as with "soU oustard." The wbltes Rhould be \)eaten lillh\ and 2 tablespoons powdered sUlar added Waynesville, Ohio fo r the meringue. Wben oU8'ard i~ cool It may be pO'Jred In'o @auoe llishlll and meringue droPDod in
C.CJ_ bS
. -I-'llbe-firat-ll'8in to amount to any·
thing fell Saturday afternoon, and it Special waS tbe first rain for about six weeka. The shower was local, but ~ r, west'and south of town the rain was very fine. Garden crops as well as Up to June field crops .are Buffering very badlv The corn is not looking good, and unless a lOaker cornea Boon, the crop will be lI'reRtiv damaied. Phone 51-2
reo AL THRJ SHill1,.....
Tuelday. June 28th Featuring Helen Holmes. in
"The Tiger Band" and
A good Fox feature and 11
It Pays to Trade al .
fiRST RAIN IN Younce Bros. Grain ABOUT SIX WEEKS Company
' Saturday. June ~Sth
ery Butter. Best Oleo!!. Bring \liS vour Chickens & Eggs.
The L.ateCiassified Ads. la~:8:~::n~:!!~:;~x
The members of the Christian FOR SALE Church orgariized a band of Willing I:!BOATS; will wolgh about Workers laat Sunday evening. and 40 I'b8. elloh. Inquire of O. L , they will hold a meeting Sunday June 2~, immediately after the C. E: Rloks, R. D. ' : WayneRyille; OhIo. j6 meeting, Everybody cordially invited to attend. - - -___0--FOR SAI.,.E- PROPERTY
oup pearl taplooa or rloe, 2 eggs (Yolks), y. tl'lallpOOn vanilla, y. oup lugar, 2 oups milk, :I eggs, white; Yo teaapoon 8alt. 80ak tapioca In enoogh water to cover U until I' absorbs water. Add milk and oook In double boiler un'iI tapiooa Ii soft and transparent Combine yolks of eggs with angn and salt and o.dd to m Ixtnre I double boiler Cook uuttl it thlok. ens. Add ettffiy beaten whltell Bnll flavoring, and when cold sorve Rloe must be cooked In bOlltn'g water until loft,
fila ..... 11 rea4y to sell 'be bard work hu baeD 40H .114 :rou .hould DOt permit any outsider. to mate aD' enra profU off your efforts, You GaD .hlp your oream DlRB:~T '0 lbe TrI.8tale Slx.room .house with double lot. aDd ••• from to $0 70 per 1~ . buUer fat . IS ls Jaat good barn and oblokttD house, on . . . . ., &0 4.U ••r tb. croam to a railroad Itatlon aa lower Third street. Inquire at thl~ We guarUllee to • baylD' ltatloD. Tbe Trl.S&6'e paya the your or.am .I nmoe .Fifth Sunday after Trinity. June ktUMpOrlaHoD aDd guaranteee your oream agalnBt and oanl 19. Sunday-School at 9:30, morning agalnB' 10111. Ia. tD traDlta. praver and sermon and prayer at !I_______..____________..___~ We pay expreee or balfgotge 10:30. Everybody is cordially invited to these services ~ITATE oharges. _ . .., • Our Price for ' CINCINNATI, OHIO Butter-fat Is , Cali ~I ",000
n ..
~-puaa.I.cll' pakO~1 ~_Trt.__·,........ bav.&WO~nS'Bo ~Ii~n . . . . . . . . . .' to ...... .
j '
farailhe4 for 80 daJI.
D • •.
29 c
-= - ',
',. - .
F.iN. Tornado, Automobile,' Life, Live '
Real Estat~, LiiJe ~t~ck.· 'and also Farm
Stoqc. Accident
iilHslbed. Columns
Sold By
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, O.
~==========:::::i::::::::;:::::::::';1 . Tom, Tom. thft' piper's son, Stole a pig and away he run The pig was eat And 'rom was ~at. But a Classified Ad. Made the pig very mad And Tom, who never Advertised, was made glad.
etll from the Treuurer, and -'not (rom lOme o~r lDdlvJduai. . ,1.. P, Cumminp, If....
UM our OJUlifled ~ 'for felulta.
(WI&b ~pot"l" to Mo• • 800M)
" ,
A Classified Ad. will b~iDg quick results if properly' written ~d advertised in' due ' season, one " i!;sue generally.selling the goods.
MU~th.lr tI~~~I-·~iiiIii...iiiiiii--;;;_;;;:T1;~ _........- - - - - _. . .
to be entirely satisfied, use
NA NN A'S GREEN·SEAL PAINT produces the ri ght J'q,<IIIItS. It impa.rts a b eautiful glossy fini sh; it wears well: it form a durablE' film that covers the surface thor . ,, ' , marks showing; ondevcry gallon spreads' out over a wide ar ea, ' : In t he long run Green Scnl is the brand m03t eco. nomical to llSt: on your property. .
Those persons who pledll'ed. themtickets 'prothe <;:ha!lselves to tauqua at WaYnesville thiByear will . 1Ib! . . . 'Week 0' JUDe 2Mh please secure ·tbem from the Treu. " - ~."'~ . ......J)I., ' ' lei 16th. IIIcJuah:. ' urar' at their -earliest conveni~nce, •~!!iiijl!!~....I!I!!!I!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~Cb:sa;u~ta:urlq:bu:a~,JuIY-.21 to :lS. inchislve. thllJ . tile c!epo& &he, Clan ~t 'he emp'Y
Sears& Cart.w rig h t
C pnintt'l'R 1iIee to do good work. They are as much intcrC:-li ed a s t he prop" rly-ow ller in se ing that. the pa int they put o n 10 ks g'Gocl a d WI)nl'~ w~lI. 'The fact means much , the" fore, thnl. many pni ntm' a lways usc Hanna's Green Seal P iot on every house painting j ob . They fllld that .' '.
Enjo y your Hom e Cha utauqua .J u1-y 21 t.O 25 inel.
A Cha utau qua at yo ur do r Ju1 y 21 t 25 incl. ' I(
~ v
nty-T hil'd Y ear
\V \ YN /'I:-i YIL LE,
Oll l ). WEnN E DAY .1UN E 29. 1921
Whole Number 5441
'I' h,' 11,, 1' ~ ; ,:o lll ~ . wh<l ha\'!' heen r IIlI l' i "~:l1 :' I' .... " ~ pr · ~ ~ :tw mill. ~ ( " lIh of 111 \\' 0, fqr ti lt , past h i li dll.\ ~, llrllk ~ e" "1 p ~'I " ll d a\' III II rninl{ J' h,' ~ '''IlI H 11 11 iJad /I " 'rl' lint! I il1ll' '1' 1", .1111' S w,"'" IiH~·d 1\ ilh SI' " ul work of nil kind < ,," 1I" 'II !t ~ swimmi n g. h,,!tlinjt 1111'1 "" Iilll! Mod , l. rialH wl're Iwld evt'r'v day. li nd I hI: " padolhll g nll'(' hi lll""" Btl xin ~
w,·r.· II
lI ave yo u paid your tu xp~'!
.I nh n Har IHn!'\(. "f Sl'ri nl!fI .. ld . Id l), I
H ~vl"n' rr i t"II I ~ . \\'it ~ ill l d\\'Il , ~ lJ lldHY ufl ernnnt L
IIl1rn - - Tn M r a nd M r~ . HIISRPII Sulishu ry. Sal lll·day . .1IJI lt · :T,. I\I:! I . u (la uJ,:hl" r .
Vt·r r much i n I " ' i d .'liep II Jatc · lH ·; \V 4·n· stnKcd aud
WH :i
Il oUHIl for "a l" - !-I,'" I.lll 10" 1\ 1'1 ... .
r o as tma~ ler .... -... .. ...
Pruf. fin" MI ~ Will M1..)" ' 1\" '-. "f I{ r"IIL I r"lIl f"r llll' b,' YH. '1h.· p .lI enl S 1111.1 fri,' ntl ~ of lh ... f' i l1 ~ t..lIrl!. 1'11.. II ... · ~ 1 ,,·l\dif) g II ... ir S ~ lIlll " Haw III il L1 ll1l II I< 'V 11' 1' ... . VBcu l iUf) lor·rlc' wil" relal iI'," w,,11 ( ~ d ' in f'lc l . II ~ li ne mo l h" r Ha i,' . l,lu k k 'fire Sc r vic,·. li>,hl rep:lir J.: I' H Y vi:iitol'I II tile c.unp 1.11t.k .· tt laIJl p~ of !'iOUl to work IIl V ",It·(· iull il'H. S llIllH},e rn·. a l ki ll". 0111' ut Ihe h e~ l H lIrpri M ~s It, ( ;u ~ till' ~ I,urll . 1{lI t l! ~ n·II ~ IIIHth le . lIw h"YH W II H furni H IH~tl by our loclI l Mi R~ Mine r va lI a rla n . who ha~ been 11I1i<,·r. I{" y Maelh' l h. who hllked 1111 It'achinlC t.he IlUst winl"' r at l;ul"s· Ilnvl'lll OUS cuke which was decorul.. d hUrl{. III. . i ~ homo /I ll I" 'r , " e:ll iOIl wilh lIame . Hulo! IIl1d tent. IL w a ~ fully ,· njuy ..." hy I hI: ImY H ami hlSll'" ·r Firo Work" of ever l' d,·, ai,, 1ion · ~ el'e r!11 IIlt·uls. ~fleciu l pric e!! on fami ly I () t ~. SawMi a llIi C Cll1el ~ ry Chil p ~l, I I :ul'!uar ters uf t he CUln·,e nlioll A H urpri ~ carn e Friday evpning ' yer's Wayne Murk rt. whl'n th i! ri ve r hegan to ris.!Hudd"nMr. Rnd MrR. lIowl\ rd ArlilerRoll. Iy, owing to t he wate rspout at Sprinlol I l h ~ I ille "ll ~I{I" ' e" g loo m . .h light l h r u ll~h Ihe Ih oug hts of g01Jl1{ to Vull py. and a hit of anx iety WI1~ felt of Frankli n. altl'nd ed lh.· C"lIw!t' ry Tlt e tw,' nti t'lh unn uFlI ('IJlI \" 'IHioll ou r t: le r na l h.;/I1 (' . unci how unl il aboul 11 o'clo(' k, when till' Associlltion co nvl'llt iol1 IWrf·. Th urswe we re o r th e Oh io A ~soci H t iun " f Cl' IIIl'l" n Lo pn'llan' for iL. li e sup day. wa te r belClUl to recede. plemenl ed SUllC rillt enJ ' Ilt~ a nd O llici a l~ ell Ll e:1 hi, pa lle r with a e ulog y itt'v .•1 f '. Cud wallilde r held u to Miami Mr. Homer Carey anrl fa mi ly and Iheir d e li" e ra t i o n ~ al. l"lia mi C en ll? - ce metery undlllan y old f riends stil l ~ hortl' es pe r service at I he camp Mi>lS Lucy Emley spellt ~lI l1d llY with l" r y chapel Friday ut lIo"n J\ iJIIIl I le fl t o Kr e l hl ll1 home nglli n . Bi Sunday aft e rn uo n. s Fred Burkha rdl IIml famil y. IIf Ilay - ~r " l' nty-tivc delei!al es we rt· p T"sen t pa ppr w aH loudl y uIlIJl a udt!d. f ro m ull pa r ts of Ih e stat l' . lin d ttll' I.on . A welt' prepa red pUJ.ler on "Landl ll' o- da j'~ ' s( '~s i " n ~ 11'/'1' , ' f il II tl f hus i- ~c a" p irn provI' menl · in the Older Dr. ami Mrl\. A C l{lI ll1' rl s und IH!"'~ fmm Hl url til fi ll i ~ h I' a rt ~ o f (' (· Ill ete ri c~'" wa~ ne xl read daughte r, Miss EloiK. uf Mo rrllw. Thllr~ da y morninj.{ cur ly t he de le. bv A. S. Tu pper . llf 'levelalllJ. Mr. vi ~ itetl fri (' nd ~ here. SUlld,,·v I1fl ~ r gales llcl{all lo arri ve. alit! when Ihe TUppe r adv ocatell Lhe e mplny ing of a noon. Jtr e~id e l1t , S .1. Pe rrult . uf ~pr in g- IUIllI >lcapp gardene r the year around. ti (~ ld. BOlHl u ed his j(avel at 1:30 \l m aR in all ce meterie s. both large and House for Bale- See Lay uourne. a l m()~lall of lhe delegat e:! were in s mall. work cou ld he found to keep Oscar Howard , of Wilmin gton, hBl' Mrs. Viola Hurlan II n.l t wo dall!: !:- IIl1endan,·e . Thursday mnrnin ~ wn~ him busy durIng tha t time. He a lRo purchas ed a plut of ground at Cold ters, with their hOll se g uo ·Rls. wellt ~ iv en over to pre li millarit'~ .as~i ~ llill ~ advocat ed th e fellin g of t rees and Springs , near O rpgoni a . and will lay d (!legates to ho mes . alli l Iim; i n e3~ shr ubs wh ere th ey inte r fer ed with iL off for a summr r reHort. This to Forl Ancient , Friday, lind spent inrid ent t, ) th e conv(' nl ion A ~Ontl th e I1: rass growing'. and al so felt that the day . '"hlc(' i ~ I"'!l utifull y Irlcated. and will lI ileurl llll ce o f c1cl ('~al l· ~ . vi, ilnrs a nd each eme te ry ough t to regulat e Illlllle a (It'"irah le SlIlIInw r camJjing If you have Tire troulll{' . or t roll hll' I" t o\\'n er ~ we r' pre!!f!n t ill th e after· ils landsclI Pes as b ~s t befittin g the " llIce. Seve ra l l o l ~ havo a lready of any kind wi l h your llI ul' hin e. liiv!' ill the afLe rnll(ln. location , no 1'11'0 cemetri es being si l Leen Mold. and the pltll'e will hI; 1110 u call. Stan sberry . at l;lI s Lill' ~ The co nv e nl illil wa. " Ill'ned hy inknown as Fernhan k . Livery llarn. \',walion by lIw chaplain . 1 N· Srn ilh . ...- - Il l' Gr~ ('nvi l ip. afll'r wh ich .J . 0 Waynelvllle Chaut8lJqua July 21-25 House for Ru l e-~ ee M(·Kean . (· a r tw r i~hl. Ilf t il e 1111'11 of \\' ay n ('~-
L. Car twrig hl Mal e qll arl et. / fi l" HlerHon. Elzey, Pie rce. Crane 1{l'llIli n)! ... ..... . ... MrA. C. M. Hobitzer Snlo ... ... .. . .. .... .. .... .. Ernest Ea rnhart I{.·adin g ...... .. . ... .. M rR. Mary Terrell MuRic ·.. ·.. Conv enlion Male Qu artet Tni kH werc malic bv J . O. F'alkenhurg . J . C. Cl ine. I. N. Smith. S. J . Perroll . Eo A. Sloan and several othe rs' Amer ica .. ...... .. .... ... ... ... AII present
~ClbJ ·
----_ ..
FRIDAY SESSION - 9:00 The mornin g session of the seco nd dny'~ proceed ings. opened with pray er. after which Mrs. Mary L. Adams. of Wilmin gton. read an excellen l poem. which was greatly enjoyed . Prof. J O. Fitlkenb urg . anothe r otd Way nesville residen t, de livered a lec ture on " The Greates t Tomb on Ear th." He began his addre88 by describi np; th e differen t modes of burials Bnd indecen t care of the dead in f oreign land s. His greatea t tomb un earth was describe d as the greaL pyramid in Egy pt, which was built for the reception of the Egyptia n kings and qu eens. His descrip tion' of the great py ramid was very graphic. and he told some very inte rest-
Th l ah","s tllHI lolbl llB of folks will como I n for a Joyful onHlnu ghl wb en Or. MatUson W . (; hn ~I' . of Detroit.
well-knowl\ cler!!)' mau li nd lectul'er. Cllliulnuqullu9 h.:ro. Dr. Chaso will glv u hIs le.:ture. wh ic h ho cull s " Ulg lJu g ~ nn" DIg Humbugs." It was d urin li h i. pnslora le a t Og· <l ell ~ bur!!. N. Y.• thllt he uo. rlollud u n ow tYlle of S unday o\' enl ll G udd!',,"", which a lll'llcl,·U cUI,lIc1 ty "udl ene,,". After hIs plI" lornt" lh .' ro. h ll "~ rv " d bI g church.·" In Om aha. Nob .• IUI(1 Chi · cago. S lnl: " 1!,03 h e Ill 'H glVl'1I a ll of hIs tlm o to Ih ~ wlllt' r !h·ld of Iho lee· tl)re plntror m. 6ddru "8 ~H
Yullo win J{ j' H 1I1I' I h'· I" ·I·.. i d p n f '~ reKfo lly alld iiI II I' I( runddllll ll'l,I '·I·. " r I',' rl. IVll i,·h waH 1"n' ("" " 1'1"1, ' anti '~ll'ill l:li ' · I' 1. art' ~ 1 "' I1t! i ll~ H, vt· ra t l' O Il (· i :,( · , alld \ \ 11:-1 a./ 11I' lf·d 1I 'l t e u l w"e~s Iw rt! Ilt lilt' ell, IICY 1I" I11 L·. I ;" Ot'l:'1' f · l ll ~u . (, I' ~ l i ,J dl , '! 1\'. 11 . r{'a,) li nd inf er",.1illl' pap",. 11 11 " Cl'nw tc r) Wa le rll1 vlullH Rl th e I·alacl.!. 1111 Va ll It Ill"lll lin/i lra li uIlH.' MI' . C l as~ cultinl1; fi n" . tillS h N :! 11 (' X l lt' r i l tll' nt illJ( ,III
"Wortds In the Mal:lng." _ Thle I ~ Ihe tllIe of a teclure by Dr. Ar th ur D. ur pcnler. whlcb will be hl'nrrl nt Chautlluqua hero on o\loillug day. Dr. Carpent er II veM In Sealtle. W" Rh. Re Is a scien l\st lIud a"troll' OIll CC. who kn ows hie subject thorougb· ly lUul who' ca n ulso tell nbout Il to others. ,
Sawyer's Wayne Market Speci als for Satur day Cune Sugar. per pound ........... Be 1 Large Can Table Peache!'l .. .-.20c I::! LargeCan sTllbl('Pe~hes ... $l ao llAlrge Can Apricot s ..... ......... 25c Large Jur Lipp!nc ott's Applebutter.... .. ... ........... ...... .... .. 2Oc Rottle Cider Vinega r- .... .. ...... 18·1 Recipe Corn. 3 CRns for .. ... .. . ... 28e Neptun e Sardine s. 3 canB ........ 2fie Luna or Lenox Soap, 6 for ... ... 2fic Ivo'ry Soap. per bar .. ·-...... ..... ,ge . Bon-Ami. pel bar ....... ........... lle Log Cabin Coffee ........... ....... S3c gxtra Good Bulk Coffee, 31bs..50c Fresh Beer, Pork and Veal '':: Steak . .... .. .... .. ........ .. . -. ........... 2fic Boilinlt Beef .. .... .. ..... ....... .. ... . ISc Smoked Meats Sliced Ham, ponnd .. ...... ......... 35c Burkha rdt's Bacon. pound .... .. 30c Weiners , pound ...... ... .......... .. 25c Bolop;n&. pound ..... . .. ~........... . 2Oc fire Wotkl Full line of Fire Works. every' one perfect . Speciall v priced lor !t' riday and S~turday. . For thE! aecomm odalioll ot our meat custom ers, we will be open on Monday and 'Wednes day even· inws, durlnw the ho.t weather . '. . We need u ome Good Country Butter; Will pay 28c in tradtl or 25C cuh, Frida) and Saturda y. You caD .Iwap do better....t the Wayne. . ~ - ... " ~.....",...."'~ ~"''''''''''''....''''' . YOUI'I for Sorfice ,
.W_. L .Sawyer, Prop.
fThve you paid your taxes? Word was receil'e el he re last 'weel,. IInnouncing the birth of l~velyn Jane. daught er of Mr. and Mrs Carl Horing. fo'riday. June 24. 1921. Mr . 'Boring was formerl y ~ t pa'cher in lhe schools here. For your l'hreRhinl\' dinner - Beef. Pork or Veal. Crea m Cheese. Mor. caroni, Cannc,i I·'ruits. Vegetabl es. Engli~h Walltu ta to dccn rate your cake, Pickles, Mustard . Spices : Le I us help you save. at Sawyer 's Wayne Market.
t't.!llh' n t
. ~ou.e.f0r Sale-se e McKenn ,-" I"
- ~
. James Bogard us, 'LeOn M; Pearson and Fred -L •.Nd(4);. lI":~~a rthmor e collese. P-a./ ~'} thro.ugh here, Monday , :en.rout e .Angele s, Cal., by auto; to'spe'n d the\r summe r. vacatio n: MrJ DoRard us, who is 'the ion of Ml'ltLl~le ·FUrnu Bogard us, epeDt -lievefa! bOIll8 callinl on oJd
...- -.....- - - - - - - aeqaaiD~_ wblIe here.
'The Canno n-Fam iliar Scene in Miami Cemete ry u atell so th a t one could fo llow the l ing things in r egard to it. describ l'd Hi s paper I how it was built' Ita dimensi ons, its was well received. I variuua characte ristics. and many Th e qu esti nn box was opened a nd I othe r things' of inte rest concern ing many q Ul'sti ons were br oug ht out it. He wus roundly applaud ed at whi ch we re of j.{reat ben('tit to super- I the con"clu3ion of hi s lect ure, as il inl'!lHle n IR. such fl 8 weeds. prices for i was profoun dly inlerest i ng through di )!j.{ in~ !Inri RP Yl'ral othe r importa nt out. \lll('~ li llnR Conv nli nn lhen adjourn (Cont inu ed on page 4) ed for (l.inner . Re r ved at lhe M. E. churr.h hy t he Dorcas so(;iety. Hav e you paid your taxes?
~ xl\mpl e of t he -other.
Cha utau qua Wee k is Con ling -Fiv e Big Day s filled with the Deli ght of Sple ndid Music, Fasc inati ng Ente rtainm ent, Inter estin g and Instr uctiv e Lectures.
For some reason unknown to the manage men t of the Mia mis. the HIAn chester team, which was sched · uled to pillY here. f ai led to show up. Conseq uently . our Miamis lost another chance for a victory, and. in an efforl to f orget their disappointmen t, mos t of th em went tbe CounLy Fair ground s and saw Lebano n paddl e l3ellbroo k, 7 t o 1. The annual trimmin g of the lIa r· veysbur g team 19 schedul ed to take place at l' hillips purk, next Sun · day af ternoon . The Bur g boys say they are going to take our Miamis down a notch or two . Beller come down and see what happens.
-----_ ...- - -
Contrac tor John Spence1' had his men working on North street. at the W. N. Sears propert y, for the past weelt. gradinlr the stree t. prepara tory to puttinJr in sidewal ks. Whic h will probabl y be done later .
Dr. Arthu r D. Carpenter G. R. Lowe Charles Crawford Gor!' The Old Fashioned Gir.ls Balling-Mahler Company Helen F. Cahoo n Trio ' Mrs. D. Pirie Beyea Dr. Mattison ·W. Chase Jessie Rae Tal/lor Robert C. Macauley ~ Junior Play Festival Temple Ent,rtainers "/-Ier Own Monell," 3 ·acl ComedJ/ . \.
.- .
. ' ;..;..~-~---...-----~---
~..........-_~_ _ _ _.J
.J.- P.· CU MM IN GS , Tr ea su rer .
Yery Profltab lo Vacation at Hol'rie
BARN WAS BURNED fRIDAY AfTERNOON Tbe barn un the Ma rshall farm, at l3erryhill' s Corn er. on the Bellbro ok pik e, was ijlruck o y hg lning during th e Frid ay afterno on Atorm, and was lIurned . Perry Thomas . who live! on the place. lost quite a bit ot rnoperty. ),here were about thirty ton'l . of hay in th e barn. bes ide other things deslroyer!. Seve ra l arLicles, howeve r. we re I/:otten out. The luss was pa rti ully cuvel ed by insurance.
- .....- - -
, 22 , 23 , 24 , 25
1/ :toe
- - -...
--- --._- --
Mr. and Mra . George Megnin and daughte r, Pauline Frances. of Bedford. hid .. Mrs. Alice Foster Tennis, of Terre Haute. ,nd .• and t.1t;S. Nellie Mowat~, at· SprlnRfield, Ohio, ~ere week,en d guests of MrB. Sarah Foster _and daughte r, Li~a.-.:?:.: ·
Th e Wllyne9vil lr r. hal'ter had the larllest delegati on of the Daylon DiBt rict al lhe Epwor th League con· ve ntion. helt! in Middlet own . June 24. :!5 . Th ey were awarde d a beau tiful siz-foot ban ne r. which was unfurl ed at t h'.! church Tu esday even· ing, by the presiden t. After a good Ilrogram and social hour. deliciou9 r etreshm ents were served by t he Ep wort h League . The gpwo rth League held ita usual ~p l end id meeting Sunday livening . The topic was "Men and Women whose lives inspire us." Next Suneay oven ing, Mr. Harold Earnha rt wi ll lead. Everybo dv Welcom e .Cecelia Gorsuch . Secy.
At the home of Ill e olliciali ng r ll:: rgyman . I1cv . C . ::) Gra uMer in Piq ua Ohio. Sa l ur,lay .1Ul1I' 2G al 12 o'clock. I1110n. M i ~R Elhel H {)~ier ancl Mr. Erne~ t Earn har t we re united in marrial{e'. the Hingl e r inl{ Cl' remony being us ed. The afrair WIIS ve ry q uie t. th e on ly wi t n e ~8es bein g Mr. anu Mrs . Elme r Earnha rt. of Dayton . parent~ of the groom allli Mrs Ma Ulua Hosie r. mo th er of Lhe bride . Alm ost immediately the you ng co uple)ef L by auto to spen.1 th eir honeym oon in Io wa . They wi ll b e at home in WayWord came to town laAt weel<. annes ville afte r J uly 15. nouncin g th.e marrirg e of Clarenc e Mr. and Mrs. Earnha rt ar e very Menden hall, son of Mr . and. Mrs. popu lar in chur~h and social circles, Am os Menden hall, to Miss KatherMrs. Earnha rt se rving as organ ist of ine Koebel. of Denver, Colo . The the M. E. Ch urch for a number of young couple are in Dayton at the yerrs nnli .Mr. Ea ruh!U:t as so loist o'-l...p.l~ew'-U~~..a.EIf't~te-groom hh"'do..---th e choir. a po&i tion us guard at McCook field. Their many IriendR wish lor lhem Ii life of happine ss.
M r I.l::llt' l· Ca~ li 'y and M rA V"I'IiIl
Mes!4r H. M. J a meRoll. ChaM. Y o un~ ' I\ u l t ~.' 111111 his " x I " ' rilll c nt ~ have a "d Jud~ t' Shll wlllln . " f I.,·ltan ll" . 1... 1'11 ",1(·,· ,·"~ flll . and will l,l' Iln illl'o\' HI i"l1 ill g r:l\'C' Il utldng. I'; A. re ~reA" nlf'd I.d)fl noll ct' II" 'I"ry at lhe conv ention ht!l d IIe rt! In_t wL·vk . Siunn. ~(·(· n·I",.y · tf( · a ~ ll n· r. of Ma r· il.n . I lh it>. r('ad ~C'vl' ral Cnnllll Ultic a· I ions. und the pr. '~ id " nl Ilallwd hi ~ Have you paid yo ur llixes l ('umm iltC's f or the hll ~ in e s ~ of Ihe Misses Clara Lil l!. HenriettA Ilk convenl ion. Kinsey, Marl(ar e t Edwllrd ~ , F'ral\ c "~ A IlUlle r. which 1\'aB we ll nre pnrcd Lllmb. left , Mnnday. to aLlenti l he anu excell l'nLly rillid, was next preOhio Teacher s' A:!socia tion, at Cedllr ~en ted hI' I. N . SJl1 ~h . of Grcc nl'illo:' Poi !II. When Mr. Smith a rose to ndu re ~ the convent ion. he w a ~ Il1Pt wi th Mr. and Mrs_ ()ttll Farr. of Wh('cl-- ovation from the lot owners and ing W. \ia., were he re Tuesda )' . en- con\'cnt inn. a!l "N ewL " was a form er route from thei r home to Sprin;:-- supe rin t('Jl(I.' nn nf Miami . cemet e ry . boro, where they will spf.lnd a few ha ving left her e ahout for ty ),t ·a rs duy~ wilh relaLiveB . RgO His paper ... Home Coming .. ' lead mostly to the thought of t hl' Mrs. Hose Harlan and daughte r. Etl'rnal h"II1C. and was. (we n th oug h ~'Iorenct'. of London Mins . III .• and Mra. Mary L. Schwar tz and son, Orlan. of Galesbu rg. III., are villi.ling ul the home of Mrs. Viola HlIrlan.
. AT SCHANTZ PARK Hi,;hl)p~ ' !'icni e- , eall ' d heca use
Da n M" rf: an 1I1l, 1 farn il) PIl : pr iil ln - ' 0 "d t he f ullil wi n;:- ;:-Ul.!stH a t d in ner , ho th Bi~ h ll p Vin('('nl. a mi Rishop ~; unday : !Vl r . anll 1\1 r~ . Th ll rmll n I{ee~e r eq ue. te d that we have a picWi lsnn (l nd d(\ lIl!ht cr ~ . !::,·anl!ul ine . nic and tl1l'Y both have !l('cl'pt ed the Il clC'n. (' Irl m. B('s~ lin d Alma. M i~~ invitat io n 10 a tt end . (;rll (," Wil:loll f\nrl j{" h,' rl fl ukp. r . of II will III' 8n a il -day ua~kpt picnic ~ pr i n g " all ey, a nll M i s~ Al ice ~h1 o n . on Friday , .Iu ly 11 th . at Waldrh ue II f Xenia . T h aft ern oo n up!l c,'wn - (::)c hant ¥.' Pa rk ) on l he Dayton and inl!' !{u e~ t :l lI'('re : Mr and Mrs :5pringb oro \l ike. I';ul(cne Mll rp;nn and sons. J a mes . \ Th e church people of Uayto n. l{i cha nJ. I)on,d d til)(l Arthur , of X ~nia. Lellanon . Middlet own . Wil· I·:a l on . Mr . anll MrR Otto Mich ea l minl{ton and Hamilto n arp within and ~o n R . LnuiR Jo hn a nrl Jasper lind ' driving distance \'Y Ilutomo bll e and Mes~rR Eddi eColli ns. Cla rence Wool· h uve been inv ited lo j oin us. 111 1'11 anll Hurry Dukin . Al lme miJers of St. Mary'S Church , - -- - - . - -- :Inri frl end 8 of Lh e pari sh. are cor Waynes l'iIIc ChautaUtlUa July 2 1.2S uially invi tell and urge,! to attend. Le t us make Lhe day a memora ble one
The prog r am was well rendererl und the d elegates w('re InUl I in t heir praise of Lhe goo d things presenter! to them ,luring the evening . anl l they wen t away tee ling t hat t hey hael heen we ll enterta ined du r ing thrir Ii r!lt rlay's stay.
EVENING SESSIU !\ Tho:' c\'('I1ing ResRinn was gi\'cn nve r 10 th e pen ple of Way nesville. wh ll J.!ave a hanque t f nr t he d el egate~ . afl{'r which an inform a l prO~rI\lTI wa~ g h·ell . Aft l' r lin elegant ~\lP ' per He n 'ed al th e M. E chu rch. till' program wa~ giv en. a~ f nllowR:
The World"t VO~lf Very Door
A Pqram of
.OILING THE. ' STREETS Tile streetit are beiDW oiled. The truck came In Tuesday mornin g, and t.he men atarted to work j'r pmedlat e11. 'l1le opper - atreeta are beiDi' oiled ftrs~ The rain stopped opera· tiona durrng the mornin g, but were continu ed after dlDner. •
•••••""•• .
~"!"I!I---IIII!"!II~--IIIJ!I-~!III-~"'III!IJI!iI'~• .,.IIi_~
ExtraorcUaary Merit
8ixth Sunday after Trinity. July
I . Church School at 9; 30 a . m: Sermon and Holy Commu nion at 10.:10. Everybo dy cordiall y invited t o these services .
ZIMMERMAN'S Cala CantelouPfs Fancy Freesto ne Peaches New Tomato es New Apples New Potatoes N ew Cabbag e Cucumb era Herries Sweet Orange s Lemons Pim ento Cheese. Chile Cbeese, Limber ier C h e ese, Cream Cheese, Wafer Sliced Dried Beef, Veal Loaf. Underw ood's Devilt.'() Ham, Corn Beef, Best Salmon . Tuna Fish, Cove Oysters, Conden sed Soups, Sardines, Olives. Everyth ing Good for a Cold Lunch. Moore's Good Oil and Gasolin e. The kind that don' t emoke. A Good Coffee. only .......... ..: 16e ·P.&G. White Soap. bar ........ .fIe Large Cans Salmon ........... ...1oo Cala Peacl'ies, large cWIB....... 26c Good Rice, pound .. .... ....... ".. 6c Brini us your Qens,C hicks,R oo. ters. Eggs. HIJrhest prices paid. " .
The Miami Gazette, Wayneaville, Ohio.
The Adventures of A Demobilized Offices·
Who found Peace Dull by
muttrations b\j IRWJNMYERS CoPyri9ht by veo H Doron Co ....... FOUR.
"I heard you \\'ere dO"'1 here." she
IIBld Ir8.-oly, holdin g OUI h oI' hnnl! to hIm. "['YO boen s ick \\'101 nlalt-ty el'ar s lnee fath er told mo ho'lI sl'en lOu.."
Hugh Imprison PI! the . lIl1l e hllnd In hie own bUill (m eR. and em lll'd ren~· IItJrinl1)'. "Oon't worry. littl e II1rl." h .. ~fll., . "Years alIO J 1"118 told by lin old gy P"l' thnt I lIbould die In my h"d of old al\1l lint! erce.8lve l'OnAumptlon of In · Yftlld port. . . . As ft mntler of tal·l. thil OI!use ot my \'Islt WOR rnth('l hUlDorou8. Tiley nMucled tne In th f mIddle of tht nIght. wltb on eX·Bol· dler of Illy old bntt nl!on. who WAS, J regret to ~tRl o. slcl! lllnll 01T th c "fT"eli ol much Itldl lT... rent liquor. In mJ roome. They thought he WII ~ yllm Aml'rlcon mllil olloire co.·... nnd th. wretched ~1ullln gs wne 100 11runk to t!(,Dl' It . In ta ct. r don't Ih ln k Ihe.! eVl'r a aked Ills opini on at 011 ." Hugb crlnned Mlmlnls~ .. nll y. "A ~lhNI( .peetade." ''Oh I but sJllt'ndld." cried the girl I Uftle breothll'''III,.. "'fell me. where .. the Amerl cnn now?" "Many miles out at 1.ondon." nn· Iwered Hugh. "I th in k we'lI Il'RV8 It at tbat. Th. II'S"" you kllow. MIAS Ben ton. at the mOUl llnl- 1he he ner." "BO" 8 you fOllnt! out lIuyU.lng'" she demand ed cAgerly. Hu,h 8book his head. "Not • Ihlng. IDxeept that ,our .elahbora are 88 pretty a bllDcb of
thoultht!'ully. " I nuve nn .aea In II I they f,...·1 ~o ntisoluh'ly l'On ll,1ent In their own 1"'lI' pr thllt th llY nre .Koloa to mak e ule tlllnl mlslllk(! of ulllh'rmll"g the ir OI'INII,,1Il8. \\"" sllnll 9""." U " turned \0 her wIth II 1"'lnkl ll ln hla eye. "An ywny. our Mr. L8klnKton will Ike thllt you don't ('ome 10 HOY hunll." "TIl" brute I" sho cr ll·d. v"ry low. "How I Illite him I" 'I'hen wllh a sUdden challge or tone ehe loo ked lip 8t Drummonll. " I don't ko ow wh eth .. r It'. wort II m911t1onlllg." Hho salll ~Iowly. "bul y c~te rdu)' o rt ~ruoo n tour men rOllle 8t 1I1ITurent IIIIIt's to 'l'h~ Ellms. They "'ON! th o SQrt of InK' one !ieI'" lut.·!Ill1 mp lnl! III Hydtl PArk, all on'Olit 0 110. wh o look"" IIko II r& spo('lnl,le w.>rktltl'mulI." flugh shook his h~Hd. "noll'l R~"m to help mu ch. does It, Stili. onp 11",,1'1' knows. Let me know on)"lhloll lik e thai In tulure III the clUb." "0,)(\11 IU OMlln". MIsS Renton." Petl' rson's ,"ol ce heh!od thl'ill made Drummond 8wlnl round with a smoUI' erE'd curse. "Our IllestltDoble trlend. Ouplnlll Drummond. brought soch II nice younl fcllow to 8ee me last Dlllbt. anI! then lett him lyll1g 800Ut the house thIs mornIng. t hnve eent him along to rour ell r." conUnued Peterson Bunl·ely. "whIch J trust Wall Ule correct pro~edllre . Or did rOil want to It1ve hIm to me as II pel'" "From a r81)ld suney. Mr. Peteraon. I should Ihlnk yoo have Quite enough Illreedr." MId HUllh. "J trllRt you . pllld hIm the money 70U owe hIm." "I 11'111 II110t It to hIm 10 tD,J will." remarlled Petll'llOll. "U 700 do the 811me In yoorllo, doobtl_ be wtll pt It from one at UI lIOOOer or lat.r. In th~ meaotlme, PaIlt18 BentOQ, II ,oor tllUler UP'" The girl frowned "No-not )'et." "TheD I \\111 go aDd 8M him In bed. For the Ilresent: au revoIr." H. JVlllked lowtlrd tbe hOUH. and the, watched him go In silence. And It WII8 8S he opened the drawIng-room wIndow thnl HUlib ealled after biD!: "Do you like the hOHil Elllman's or the orllluar), brand,.. he 8Iked. 'TII scnd yon a bottle tor that Itttr nfK'k ot rours." V8I1' del\bernl el)' PetOJ'llOD tumed nlund. "Don't tl'ouhle. th8nll ,00. Oapl81n ·Drummonl!. I have m)' own rem&dIM, which nrc far more etncactoUL" OHAPTER FIV ••
In Which There Ie Trouble at Qorln. ONE. Th e <'Ilr elowed up betore tho POllt·
"'Ohl but Splendid," Cried the Olrl a Llttl. Br..thl ... I)'. ~undrela
al I ever want 10 mLoot." "But )'ou'U let lIle know If )'011 do." &be laId a baDd besc~blngly on hIs arm. "1'0t! knoll' whot's at stnke tor 1IIe. dou't )'ou' ll'lther; ond-oh I bot ~ou know." "'I know." he Ul.lWere<1 grn vel,. "J know, old thlna. J promise I'll let ~ou 1ID0w aoythlas J ftod out. And In the meantime J waDt you to keep an e)'e flIed on whn t goes on Dext dow, aud let me knoll' IIllytblog or Importanee b7 lettor to Ole JunIor 800rtl club." He Ut a ciaarelte
qigarette No elga,eHe ha. the same delle I..... flavor •• Lucky St'lke. aecau.e Luolcy Slrlkel. the ....sted olga,ette.
~~Z;.:;~ •
office ond Hl1gh got oul. There were one or Iwo thillp he proposed to do In London hetore loIn, to GorIn,. and It stnlek hi m th8t a wIre to Peter Dnrrell mlghl allay that aentleman'. uneR9lnPBs If ho W81 late In aettlnl down. So new WIIIl be to Ihe tortuous ways ot crime. that the too\lahn_ of the proceedIng never entered hla beod: up to (lnte In hIs lite, It he lIad wished to send a wIre he bad ~enl one. And 80 It m8Y be deemed a ~hef!r fluke Oil his P8l't, that a IOnn dawdlln, hy Ihe counter Irou88O hla II11l1pldon8. He WII a perfectl, or· dln8r, man. chottln. easuoll7 wIth the girl on the other Ilde: but It chln~d that. JUllt I I Bu,h wal hold· Inl the pOlltOftlce penell tiP. and pz, ~ at Itt .110·('8l1ed point with 10 aJr ot reallllM aniUlldI, the perfectl7 ordlnory wan ceased chaltlnl and looked at ·blm. HUlh cougbt hIs eye for a tleelllla llecond; then tbe con· versallon continued. And aB he turned to pull out tbe pnd of torms. It struck hIm that the man had looked away Just a lrifle too qulckl,. • • . A ,rln 8prelld slowly over hla tuce, and otter a moment's hesltaUon he procefoded to compose a shari wIre. Be wrote It In block letters tor adltl. tlnnal cleo roes,; be al80 pressed bls hardcst. n. beflttlnl a blunt pencil. Then with the torm In his liand he nd. vonced to the counter. "Hull' long 11'111 It toke to deliver . ID London 7" be 8sked the girl. Tbe girl II'IIS Dot helptul. It depended. he I!lIthered, on a vorlet)' or clrcum~lances, or which not the least WIIB the perfectly ordinary DIan who talked 80 charmIngly. '" don't Ihlnk I'll botber. theu," he 801d. t1lrustlng the wire Iota his pocket. "Good mornln,. • • ." Be wolkt'ld to the door. aDd shortly afterward h.. ear rolled doWD the .treet. Wllh II'hat the ~rI conlldeTl'd P8('U· liar abMlptlle.., the perfectly ordlnaQ> maD coocluded ht. cOliveraaUoo WIth ber, and decldl4 that be too wollld scnd 8 wIre. And then, after a 100, and tllouibtful paulO at the wrltlD,· bench, .he dlaUnctly beard an uDml. Illkable "o-n." Then be wlIlked out. aDd lIbe 88 II' . him DO more. Uoreover. It Is to be t'tllrl"elted that
tb,) perft.'c tl~· r'lllu ul'Y -Ulllll ( 01(1 II III: n IIttlo 1111 I ' In tilt' ,loy, \\'11('11 /(lvllll:
hIe r'1 )01'( t o ~OIl1(' ,Hit} who
I" ,·IO""ll1l1y. 11
\ U t.l. 1J ~ I\ \j -
rUI' th,'
Jll ft t
Ilw Ihlng.'
GoOdrim'lire Price-Reduction applies to all sizes~ without reservation
~oo n ~ r
II,Hlrl" Ih~ Junio r ~L"lI" t " <'IlIll. III1 ~h DruWUlnn,' wB!-I. t.lIry l ulI( htJ4 HORe tn It
I,\rge IU IlI;unl ' or Ih.· II le r.. r I"h le h tlll.1 rlle ... ry pot·hollftP wnH ~ UII rlllll ' oUIt. A WRit er \\" liJJ ~HmnlClng " " t\r~t
Y181"8 he hut! plo)'oo one gll Ul e 11'11 ' re no mlstako» I\' ~t"l' 0110\\ 1:'11 ; th e 111110 Incld ... ut or Iii ... 1>0SI0(U<'(> hlill hel\)L~1 to brlnr to his I1lILllI Ihe ""'"lulull' Ibat ht! hilt! now Illllbu rk ed all lI oot her wbere the con dit lollS were lIIul'h thl' IIBme. l'hol ho hnd scortlll liP tv 11.116 11'11. luck rll·t1 lt'r thHIl !load IIIHI IIII:'" ment. nlld h ~ WII" tur 100 ~hreU't! nol to renllzo It. No\V he wn s IlIl1 rkcll. 8 11d lu ~ k \Vlth 1\ Wllrked IlII1Il .·ull.JUI be lellllH ell 100 tar. Al oue und [Jrlll"tI~lIy ull lfuun ll·t! he bad ('hull"lIg,,(\ Il g01l1l ot IIIlcruul lo lIRI
edltl nll!04 of r tlt' 1' \' j'nJIIK t u1.\<,.
fHl l 1
The name of Goodrich on a tire means just one thing-quality. And that quality is always the highest that be produced.
11 IJeh lwl'kollPd t o
him to hrl ll~ 011 1'. (·I· lr k('f . ra(· llI ~. thl' Inte.t "I " o,' rp (·U SI'. utilI II... 11I1 .. ~ t 8trlk .~n ll Ihl' UMUII I 1" '1,,11110:" lI'~rt· ."utl h(ll \\'n~ JUl'tt
tlhU'(l ,
tI". ,," p!'r. prohl~rn.
Each tire is specially designed for the ser· vice it must deliver. Goodrich Fabrics, in the popular sizes, have established them. selves as unusual values from the stand· point of real economy. Savertown Cords in their class have always held first place in the esteem of motorists, not only be. cause of their synunetrical perfedion of finish, but furthermore, by reason of their long life, complete dependability and sat· isfadory performance.
JlUltllIJ( 110\\"11
to n~1I1 11 <,,'nrt'nlrll h) on hi ' wlwn n I'nrnj(rUl'h rnlll(li!
hi" ,·yp. "!'lT HAXnE
~I'!'Hn F: 1t
Tl F. T.F'A~ 'I'
1111111 w h o"~ hml, \\' RS III ~rO\" e n ' c1 In RU l'h pC(' ullnr r tr{'UIURtnnCl\S l H'nr ttll' d o('IHI hO Jl hc'p n Irh !lItlfll'tl fiN ~fr . Jfl l ll(lM c..;r'IIl"cI·r , the cOll thh.l ntlut ~('(' rt' llIrl' to :ll r. II lrllm I'O!! M. th o
u KUlig lI o t (Jllly uth'rly UII·
scrupulOu8. hut "IIlltrolll·t\ by It UlO SIeI' IlIln,l. o r Ita power 118 yet he h811 no c leor 1.1 "0; of Its "Ize ulI ll II lIlIIe· dlote o"Jl'et 1(0 hud e",~ u I,,,s. Poo r· h81)9 It \\'118 ns \\'011 . l'lu d he renllzed eVl/n dUIlI)' u ,~ IlulIIIl lIs lt y ot the Issu('s he wu s up ngolust. hoI! h~ hnd but 8n Inkllllg of the mllgnltullo of tbe plol cOll cell'ed In the slnlsl ... r brllin at ble h08t ot the previous c'·elling. then. ch ~c ry o\l tlmlst Ihough he \\'os. el'en Hugh Ilnlllllll ond might htlv il ....avered. Dut he hud uo tiuch In k illig. and 80 the Kleam In hla oyes WRS hul transitory. the chuckle thu t lIucc~ede" It more \\'hol ~ h e urlell .Ihnn h"rore. Was It nOI apurt In II IlInd 1I0\\'IuII with slrlkea ond prollleere; sport Sit ch III hIS soul loycd 7 MI am arrnld. MUllin gs." he 8u ld BlI hIs cor "topped In trun l ot his club. "Ihllt the klndl.1 g('ntll'lIlnn wltli 1"hom we spent Inst nl l:hl hos re o pudlated his ohlll(nUolls. li e l'otUseS to m l'et th e hili I gtl\' (! him ror you r tl8rvlces. JWIt \\'nll here n 1l101lI ~ Ut." He went Ilistcl e. Nlturtlllll! In It t ell' moments with A tolllell dli·(·k . "Ro und the corner. Mu lllllgs. onr! 811 obllll1DII telluh 10 a hlul'k COtlt will Ibovel you out the nPl'CS""r)' Drad· bIlr1L" TIle I08n glanced at Ihe checll. "JUtJ pounds. sir I" he 1I111p\!d. "Wb,- We too mUCh. sir. . • • 18bor(!r. Mlllllnlfll. 18 worth)' of hili hire. You It II ve boon 01 the nrt Jr"!otest fIS ~l s tnnce to toe: and
hns Iwell oilltml. therehy showl,,!: bl8 wl sd ulIl. . . . But th.Hll!h DrulIllnullII chuck",.) (0 hlwM"lt U8 IIlij cllr cu• lled throllKh tho fraitl Dlorulu, ol r. ou ce or lwlt'e a &,Iaam tbut Wu S DO l 8lt uK~lher UIII Il " e ·
flnltl )' 0 11
1 . . ."
1\ 1 lIk e
Ir. ' II ti l ·
11111'" s ir,
"n "ul! Iud. Anll It IlIny hl' I hlnk.' ·
h I 'l'hl' Ell fl • • \\ Idl"h t.he crYPll c r('mnrk. ":-;, (Jill! tllJIIllI. slllT 'H'.:k. ~ !1ll\ 1! lignin." WI)ulcl DOl hul'I' lJ ei'n til ttul. /)0 he II t·.1.
1I \1~h j.,'1· I I\J1~11.
wlr ~ I\tldrt\fol~ L'd
~'u r
)'(, \1 11 I1 U(
cOlllollI (~ 1
h i s eY l!8.
WHrS 'tl rH) Ili l'.
maut Etha ne In
I""rp (n un IIktllr 11.111 I "1IIIIn. N o"'. ",hon'
I ICU I holtl )'UII 1" " 111 !Ir""11 SII' •... 1. ·OSlolI.
purlllllly 111 'lIlI\I:1 h·lh,.,d hllll 111"1' 111\). • lIut i.lwn a Iio Is trC'(lu"lllh' I'''''''' ta .. lr,, 1 .lh.!llI the tr uth. utld to nnllOUlll' ·t! tlilit 11(0 Hulo r,.ult or hl~ morllllll:'R l abor~ hilt! hI! ' II tu >IN'II'Ill' r a
"'tlIlt ) ' 0\1
Ill ' tl.' FI
n li lltl · llIll l1 ",u"r~ . II!
~·ollnl: ry .
T he
unfurf'H lllt..-
""' "m ..r Iht H ,I,,"IlIr,lIy III h,·nll.
hi . nur III"t t11 )C ht' ~ I M FU~ . WUR n ~lIrl y AP I' P' N'r! Itom hI. hOlly- hn.1 IIPPll r"ntl y hl'e n AII"I O\'e r 011 hu slno.! hy !llr. I' Ott A. IInll hn(l nrrl ...,1! th e prel'PlllnK Iin y. Whnt hI' wns tl olng In the ICir nllty In which he WII ~ t.,unel I " tl m,"te ry. "We um!>'rRtnnl! thnt Mr. Potts, who bnll ree('ntly b ('cn IIllI19\1osc d . hus I"&tlll'III'1 1 to Ihe l·url! oll. nlul Is gr~fltly u pse t I1t th o smhh'n tmgc.ly. "The police ,nrc conO(j (!nl thut th ey \vl\( shOrlly obtoln a dil l'. thoulCh thl' rough ~1"n1('nt In Ihe locali ty where the lIlunler \\'I1 S commi tted Ilresenls gr nt lllfllclIltles. 11 see ms clenr Ihut th e mollve Wtl S robhery. as all Iho mllrtl ~r~ 11 mAn's pockl!la \V ~ ro rilled. llut the mosl peculiar Ihlng IIbOU I Ihe cllse Is th e c:><traordlllnry core token hy Ih o trlurder r 10 pre\'!'nt tile Jel l·tltUI· cntlon or the hody. Evc ry nrtl ele ot clothing. even lIown 10 tho trlurd er",' mnn's ~oek ~. halt hnll th e URmo torn out . IInrl It wn s only through th e erllllInnl o \'('rlooklnJ~ the Inll or's Inb In"lde th o Inncr br~ o " t -pock"t of Mr. Omllg· ('r's cont thnt til e poll co we re fnnhl ed to Id l'nllty the· body." DrullIlllon(l sUd dOWD the pOllor on his kne(·R. nnd slRrl'd n littl e dazedl, ot Ihe ('Iub's Immortol found er. "nnly Bmok,e I Inddle." he murmured. "that mnn Peterson ought to be on the commlttl'e ·hpl"\!. Verily. I bellel'e. he could gnl\'onlzj> the IItOtf Inl o Home s('mblonre Qt nctlvlty." liS
\I"~ l'nrt o ll
----- ..---(To b4 CGa~lall_d.'
Your dealer wiD supply you at these fair pnces:
Ship and 8ail under the Stars and Stripes to aU parts of the world r-r'HERB
'III" • lon, period wh~n
.1 It ..... not true, but today It
II proudly rrue once morettad~
.. nd pauenKcr routH ar. aG atabll.hed that you can .hlp your rood .. or you can ..II. to any part of the world under the Scar. and Stripe-. The prollfam of routet II beln. canled out with an eye to tl;Ie future u well u preten. ncedl of American exponttl and 1m· porter. and all American pro.. perlly. See that the .hlp" you wo are own.cd and operllcd by AmulCin cltllena or bV lhe U.s. Shlp",n. Board.
Proc88lt1Dp The State of Oblo V8 Lizzie Dorr. Bood laweled from 12600 to 11000. SaID Meredith Jr. vs Edna E Mer. adnh Case dlBmlued on motl"n of pl .. lntllf. Ceoll BawerD~a8ter VI Lillie Oow. ermaster. Divorce gran~d .
Operaton of P_II_ . Servlca
~a.li-did SII{dytnM
Mat-. N.YI •• tlan c-.""'J', 26 So. c.y St,eet. Baltlmar•• Md. M....-. !lte.....-Shlp 1.1~. 81 Sea •• Stlttt. New York, N . ,. N •• York and POI"to RI"" S. S. Co.. II Bro.d... y. New Yorll. N . Y. P.dlle M.n S. S. Co .•• , Broed ..." N.... V",k. N . V. U. S . Mall S . .ft. Co., 41 [l,oad .... ,. No .. Votk. N. Y. W.rdUno" (Nn. York and Cube M.II S. S. Co.) Foot 01 W.1l Suu,. New York. N . Y.
Free UN of Shlpptn. Do.reI filmI UN oIli1lipoin. Bowd moclon plctura Nma. lcur reeb. frea an reQUlllllt D~
:r=: Pf':~.':-=~ ~u,. oI""tpe ..... the ....
Marrlar. U~eue. Harry M. Ki[I~, falmor. and AI: Dea Corwin, bol~ h of LebanoD I Rev. 8hleld8. JOBse A. Webb. farmer. WilmlDg. ton, Ohio, and R . Looll1e Bevan. of Clarllavll\e. Har .lId Owon KlrllpaCrlok, oarpen· ter, Blanoheeter. and Vellta June !:Ipurhnl, Pleannl 1'Id •• Fred A. Snider. euslnser. aod Mary Taylor. both of MaIDe~iIIe . Johu M. Skinner, t8rmer. aDd Mr8. Uoa M. I:!ellman. both of Morrow.
Wrlrc "" In~
atlon (0 H.
...........l Dfre'Cto t 'nrUl'fMltlon Bu,.ou\.~ "11.1119 :'F': SU.... N. W.• w _ _, D. C. SHIPS POR !ALB (T. A •• rt• • cllI. . . . .eI,)
8t" ......,.. .U ... .... AI. . .004 ........., . . .. ••11........... ·.,1••
t.... fl.'.....
1.1.... d.. .beat... ., ' .. _ ..
.lai,. .,,4'0
For •• i1inb 0/ 'tu""ter G"tl I,.elt'" 011 ,ort. o/t". ",orld .11 oil",. 1"lormoHOfI, UJril, ""Y 01 dOD. II"" or
Real Eata.. Traal. . Ray Freezo &.0 Mary and John DavIs. about 3 lIorel ID 8eo. :l8, T. 4. R. ct. between tlie MIami rivers. II. Ravmond B. Wikoff '0 Laura Slnith, lot No. 196 In MaloD, 11. ttester Douglas e' al \() W, L.
$24.50 32.90 41.85 43.10 47.30 48.40 49.65 58.90 61.90
$2.55 2.90 " 3.55 3.70 4.50 4.65 4.75 5.55 5.80
£1, ..*,,_ ConI
20% Lower Prices The Goo4&okb price ftdua'" which took ...... M.y 2ad __ wit .................... II Iaduded SiIvenDwna toaecJ- wicb GoodrkhPIIIwk rUe. ..... Goodricha.d eDd On.. a-r ftIIIea.
a.-ta IJOs:l IW..., 3bx3 13.45 Safecy . JOx3i 16.00
S.felY Sa(ety
32x3i $20.25 32x4 26,90 33x4 28.30
OIflrotJ, Ohio
_ ..
(hllab,!r. 678 florell on Lebanon and I pay . roll, 163!1.87; M(.oroe Pille. 11 . aame,IU.SO
Comml.llonen· ProrMdlap BIIlR Idlawed :- Bluron Oro'hen. blllnkB for80ldlere' relief oomml8slon '17.:.10: costs, luqued over body of Cha8. Oar 0, f3t!lO; 008$8, Seate of Ohio V8 M. R. MoAdaml. Iii 61i ; C08tS. S~te of Ohio vs Goo . Lepoa. ohak, '11.50; SanItary Supply CO ' I Nupplles for O. B ., 119 50: Oolum. bU8 Blank BaJk 00., blanlt:lI for Ulerk of Courts. 110.00; Kllpatrlok. FreDoh Motorcar Co, lIupplies aud repairs for oar No. 404. IS3 85; 'i'he Weslern !:1M'. blanks, eta ., 174 25: Inst. for Feeble Minded, support of Warren Co. IDlna'es for 26 weekll. 11148.30; Harry Brown. Supl. M.R.
Waynelville, Ohio
nm8. ,276 115; Notea bouSh.. Juhn Hllrbluo, AileD BulltlloH, XeDla OhIo. 6 • . 22
OI•••IRad .A.d. An ail. in this column Is a Bure saie __________....w .......w . . w,..,.·_........ .
MONEY LOANm> . MONJ:Y TU LO.\N ON fARMS ae G" Interae' for 6 W 10 yeara. Terrell & 'i'errell. ileal J:a. tate .nd Loan., WihnlDICoD. Ohio. Ph ODe 301. m1i.U
FOR BALE- PROPERTY wIth double gooc1 barnhoolo and chIcken huulltl.loa, on Alllx.room lower 1'hlrd Itroea.
Inquire at ,bla
FARM WANTED hear trom OWDer W ANTED-To of farm or sooo land for .. Ie
for ••11 del\very. MONEY LoaDed on live .Cook Olne,.. nUnol.. oh.cteill. allG MOODd mor'lIIle11:
L. JaDe., Boa: 1i~1 jete ·
LOST of OIo'hol. lome.bere A Buadl. betwHn WaynelVllle .Dd liar-
Probata Court ProceediDp In the matter of the SURnlianshlp of Ralph L . Fraser Jr. at ai, minora. Ralph L . Frazer tlr. 18 appoInted gUllrdlan. 80tld 14000. In thll mattol' of tbe guardianship of Ollie MarIe Uornptn n fit al. mIn. are. 8ale at b emdl oonflrmed . ID tho m:&Un of the will at C. W Randall. de081U1'e d. Willis admllted to probllte. In the maUer of Lee Leak el ai, exeoutorl of tbe estote of .A ogulra K . Leak, deceaEloo, va l..ee Leak e~ 01. defeDdant8. 8 .. le at re,,1 os tate or dered .
~~t~~. 17 St.t. St.-, New
30x3t 32x3i 32x4 33x4 32x4t 33x4t 34x4t 33x5 35,0
NEWS GLI~NED _iL • J fROM COURT HOUSE J. B. CHAPMAN, Commcm ),h,.. Court New Suilll Bnllo Lofaver V H ~'red Ullmanr et al. petition for 8ale of roal e~t"te IlOd otllfu reliet flied. Harvey C . Hubbell V8 .J08. [l Thompson e t AI. for money IIn ll no · oonntlng ~m on ntlnj{ to '11131 5 Arthnr BrYAnt.• IIdmr. of eMtoto of ChB!! E Enton, d eceasod, V8 E\fIota M. E .. \on et Ill, ~a complete sale oo ntraots Irene Hebe Holbrook V8 Deihl Cl1tberine Larrlok ot 01, for money. foreclo s nre .. nll oq lItable relief .
And. Skid
VI,.aburg, on ahe Hlver road. finder pleue return to till8elteo1Doe.
JII FOR SALE M&ar&er-G. 11:. aunar uel A UTO Buaer" for Ford. .U 10 lood
Ib&pe. u. A. aa.JobD. R 6, Wa,.. D8Ivlllo,Oblo. JlS
will welih .boat 65 '0I:IHOATS lINt. eMb. JDqDlr. of O. L. i
Rlokl. -" D ••• WaYDeII91l1., Ubl0.
SUI:IUIlIOIl, PltR10R Grain
~I.' llarv8~.bor•• Ohio. JI
RObber. &Ired BaRJ'. laA. Good quIre of W. A. Surface. R. D. 6,
When you see an attractive, well-painted home, it's more than likely that home has been "Green-Sealed." For more than thirty·three years Hanna's Green Seal Paint has be~n keeping ~0r.nes clean and fresh looking, and thus adding to the CIVIC beauty. . HANNA'S GREEN·SEAL PAINT has, however, a still more Important job than beauti. fying. It is to save the property fl'Om deterioration, by saving the wood surface from decay. And Green Seal works at this job year In and year out, withstand. log the .worst kinds of weather. . . Insist that Green Seal be utJdl on your next painting Job! Fonoutal on every pac~~. ~oJ'
J. E. JAN~EY, 'WayDeiYiiie, ~~
Wa1n8lvtll., Ohio.
~R SALJ:.....J. I. 0... CuJUnto" I'red II. Uole •• WaYDeevlllo, OhIo. Jale
180 1118. RB:rlUGI:RATOB, 108. ,ood 00Ddi&t0D. wlU HII hoilla of ob_p. IDquire of Gilber' OorwlD,ObIO. . Jlle '
Ai UTOIIOBIL&-le18 IIbdel Oak. f t land. In good ooodilioD, PrIM
"ab'BDIlok, 8014 lOOn. If
IDqlllN or Ollf. Wa1DIIVIU., Obio. ~.II\1
Tom• ..,. eaaIUlo••r. IIUIO .Dd Pam.ala I Peppen Et,l PlaD" ud Ottl., aCroalO 8'08 , H, D. 6, U... Ohio. j, •
P........eM W.,
, \
I .'
"nte Miami Gazette.
~ .•. TH
I tl lft U tllt:~ ut\' n IH M' lI lr , u',ItI, t1 f
!:I l
lid ( 111.", MIII I l\ l l l i l I
D . L. CPANE, Erlil o r nlld I'IIL lbl:e r .. \\"ll y nE'! \ ' ill Suhscrinlinn
' Pri c~,
$ I. !i(! pC'r
I 111rl !, " I\d,r" ,I." i ll H 1{ ••I' ...... ,. 'd ,tl h ' f' 1111 ·\1\1 I:. H U. A N 1'ltl :"\S /\';31 H ' , , \ I II ,t.: ~=~=
WI!:DNI!:SI)AY, J UNI!: -======~
h ill
2~ , 192 1
. _=_
l !
Mr~, ELlt e lt.lfUlll lln , dn t1I.: htar,Mllry. W , H, Lt)w IR, nf Cll hl"u c on n lY' 1 llnl)IlU e , R Il c1 ~ "n , U nro ld, 'PIlI! nntl WIl A ho rl' , 'ntnrcl llY, trn ll llllol.lng _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dwight, t)r I or t W llllntn , we ro S nn. bUMin o88 . . 111l.\' 'Olll<tM II~ /" . I'; 'l'hu IU]lROn nud ~;c1 Ii' I< Illinl.: 111111 ~ '1I1 , N ol! , t,f n nywlr" Ull el A . t"i . All U 1I11t! wlt o. 1011 . Wl' ro oLLlli ng (II I f'f]l1u t ntll u,'o" 1>: . I~. '1'lll "."I'Ron ' Wfl M III II llr\'"Y~_ 1 h flro, I,, _t ! Ullrg' , I:IIIIU,'\III)". IU ; JlI1l'II II K W ill i f F rtink l ' Mr lli uf Wn ~h l ul,:lllII (. b ll\"nrH' uu tl Su hlU Mu c l) uuuld 'lI \I , I rn1l6 lt.lll ml ' lI URlI1 '~ij hi' l"e u Ti horrl K ot Iinu h u;.:!!. nnd fOlln d BOUIe Thur~dIl Y . I ~ooll tl m ' lI I Chil ' e, ll,"d brLltll,ol (,,l) lo IIIIJll ~ ,"Itl.l e , lIr \V , l!:. F r,).r. , II f U,'n" ' Yll hurg, u lIusiu0Ii8 01111 b e re , Ius l. wuuk . Th aI YOI I ,...·il l l is e ill yo ur Ill'\\' hOIllL' j" 1l1l~ 1 l: 1\ ' ;In' id,ll l al. Tlte point IS I1l1 ild! OI tlll!lI1 IJU~ l fltl"~ lrlpt oCu l u UlI IU~ U " TI.! 'f I II d I ';u I, n l u y • I J p ro~lJeo" ,1I' ~e ur ru u t! u :\r c yo u lt~i ll g tin: argtll11 t.: tll ' tkll Y" II' I! II I tI.l 11" 1\('1 1 Pri l"t'~CoJ lII l' Do wn )" I . . tbi!! vioiUILy 1M be ttor th"n II h llH I:!IHl.nfJ Urllfl L '"ld ~1J 11, or L ebunou, bee n fo r YOllr!! . L,wl{ lUIly tlltl guod J w , l ,en il is timc l o bU I } lhll l 1l1 "t1I -l:.tLcll l, hrLl ~e a nd RCi. ? lIsy , because ""11 Gb " .• . Mod ll ull uo"l R'''phl:Jr oo ks work go 00 .
prices AH.E u own . Th e}' a re so tlllI\ II a!" low :1 0., t lley a rc gO lllg to be for :Smith, o f X e nlH , \VU I! h e rt'. I vuy. IJIlrg, 0 11 <1 !I~ .\' IIl~t wOll k . 'SlI turdtoy in t,h o i"O tor o~ t of 1.1,0 m all Y m OOllS . C: b ll~ l(IO~ , of ()klllh umu , i ~ vi~it. fl (lst,llrn ' Ohio Cr ~ alllor y CII.. I) t Do yo u kno\\" lh;l t :\ lll er i ';I l lJday i ~ ill illll lwd 'ate Ileed of two l11illion hO~lles III \: h lH 1"" lh uI" , ( ~'1 I1H 1Y , \vh tl 1M qaltn I (3r ol'I1\"llIo, Ohi o. ' . a nd hou ses) Do y oil ktll llV 1l1 :lL Jln C:i a rl' a s le w" " al'lii a l (' tiS I. pruulIetlOn , of a I1r8t.nlll~M hot,,). &hu V IrnvO I.[ Jl tl'I'I, r l.lo' · WIl '1111 h o p£' fl'fr u(;p""rl y Arn o~ AI/en nnd K E . '1' lt l) mpHI)n , III .. rlll lll.OI1 . roo" vur y II r , Illnc y n 1 (' ,,( ., f " ba euupo ll read iusted w ag " sca l es lI"ill 11f:: rl llil " in", 1111111 , 101 IlrH.\."d In "rll VA n it.. . " . . of Il o ~n I "rovll, WIlf O ,~o uru" y " . ... . Willi or 'illlilb. Ih o Furtll l1r A (; 1JI110 lornnon vlslt.n r A ill oo r t Ol\,I1 . If YOli know lltese t1l ill):iS - lh l'll YOI I a re 01 th l' thi1lki llg persons or fam ilies "nIl nCOOHsl} r lH8, w .. re 111 tttlAlllIlI lI OO 11 11111 " f Oxfurtl Mpnn t "'rl lluv nluht A I I . f '. ' , " . '" very gn Ol IJU~ tllm IH o pon or which are going ahea d willi IlIli ldi ll g. I' II:! no~ vory orton tb .. t ·II Rnd IU "ovuml 0118011 lh AY hn ll t, '\IIU ~' llu r dliY with 1< K I bomp80ll t h e right p er s ou , !l@ oo r r eSpt11Hl pnl for t,h e Millmi U1"I.ptte If n ot. th or. town of tbo ~tze o f W .. y_ l e .. vo towu to I, e 6C1ClI fIl Oc\"t ocl with .lf1d wife. T h n I1l1nTlIlI C ltl A~ dill OAr nf thA '. u ghly ('~pl1bl .. , fi n l1 0t "pply ; 'h'" u lln illo Ie fll vored wltb _" r OIJ rns . W" oU/tht to hll v(\ It I(nntJ h nlel - l UO ~' 1O· 1 ~ ()rll!:o nlll I:iIJ(h ~o h <lol Wa S hA~ I . I~ n ol IIn y t,OI) g<lod , nllr1 we will oon vlmtl >D , bllt the Ceme. 110111 lit Iho Itel\u"tt lul htllnll lIf Mr . I'll I, 1111 with 1.11 0 proRnn t Inc ol1llllln t . It III c ne of t ill' or .v ln",., n"Add nf o ur ,IUt I I''I r~ II IInflon M t ..,un .., · "lIh oo~b It is 11111<1 h e hll. hIM II l' t ~ . LUII1I 'Cr , Cc men t, ter.v A88001 lill o o b il itl bern III~t wHuk, nUr AO IJiII~ fully Hhuw" th'" w" 11ft! 10 "\.1"81 tnwn . Mllnv Otl lJl""l rol~1 IrIlVl'lt ' r ~ Ilu y on hiNt Z:;undIlY , ,J u nu ~(; . Tbose ( W e th in lt th o " 11I 0Ron t IU Olllllhlmt'" Waynesville, Ohi o Lime', unci all k ind ~ "on to blAodls oonvlmtlonlf of 1Il 0r A o" mo In nnd go' Ollt It H Hlltill 11M th oy ror lOo &l,o 8n"nl;h til h.. prese nt, IR I 1If) p efl r ot t hoTll ,dl .-'L'y p il ) olln, for t h ey kn ow t h u l they CIUlool ""or,, : Mr. lind Mrs . ~t'iDl ny Wllt'" !08goltlldll tb"n tbls onll (lur peo, I( IIH', Mr. \lurll Arm\l.IIM" nnd ff\m_ r,\'o ry hnrly IlUl1 th olr r olnllv flH .. r .. o f Bl lil ding Materials IIle wllre "II lOYII I lAnd 'hAY too k hold be aoooll1luorlfltell with tho IIrop" r Il y, \lr. Iln(1 Mr • . a llno Armltuge pntlinH In tI .., t.iIIlA II . IIIU K, lind I : r Le t u" " i\"(' YO II IIUeuf.lon til .. t thuy t1 f1lllllDII. /llI d dliuj:(htorH, 1I1r . ll nu Mrs. J o hn "0 tip. nr o boio K Willi r opltit l fo r t.l.tu lr uf tbe propoijlUoo find !Ofldll II II nn ('Ht iltlate. !:lome one ought. ttl 1.lIk " h olJ (If tlhnrwoou llnel d,lu l;hter, ~;~ lll e r, of olfo rts. SOOOOIl 'hroagboat. thlll mllHur flnll 11;01. It IIrsi..nluHR, .up tJrego ll ill ; Mr . nnt.! Mu. Lyle Rob. D. B. Und e rw ood is n Ulklnll: ex. 'l'heto W"R onlv o ne thing to IlIl\r ' o-d .. to h o~o l i n ~llyu llHvi llo t ' r~ " o .. orl tho Misses Dor tl thy Wolf te n~v e ropnir H nn hlH flw~liuK on , _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tbo tlv~ nt , uod tlllit was the "bllo n oo Lo"" KO to It I ,uHI WlulfredBoydeo , of lJl llrk ~vi ll "; his t nrm , uo,l when oODlill"l ell it will , Mr , aDd Mrs UI.. r eoce Edwn r dll and be a thl o g o f bOliut.V. I vislonM In de ( :n l1~tllnti III f n r lI e IlS'" uftugh te r, o f Wny nesvillo; Mr , ond ~11 s8 Pauline Bnrln.n, who IH AOI . ' cni loll lllflll, Ull' I 'ti" hor o tv got 80me CA N YOU KEEP UP WITH HEALTH HUN'I'I-:- ..... f Mr~ .RI'81 l::1flftH oc k, of I:!l\r voys bnrg; 1)l oyed In Dllyton, spent Hundtty ob d em , Bllh." MI~H I£RI·\; e r Ed .... llrds IIlId I£ligur I C'ltt nrrh i" II 111m! Il i~cn~(' . ~cntly We AlUerlOllu ~ lire t erribly b otb - Ig r ea& ye8at lnllnufttotornr 1M ",., o t,IIIlU.. ",I ';0 I wllnls, (\ f t Ili~ )lIlCO. 1 N ux t y ea r ,wit h h ur m tll.he r , Mr·~. J . U . ~hitl Prof. Tollo I.. nl,lollil ing ~nll oo l at 8 i ldll ll'II I'l"I \ 1,1' t '\lII ~ ti ll1tltlll n l ·1'0 11ered wlLh hllllltb Illorti&uro tbeHIl enormouHly rioh lOu t uf th e hUllt of m oetlng wil l ho h el <l at th o h ume of .. k e r , uf ~~nHt MUl n ~t. rr u o t . W i ludn ~ toll , .luring hll< V!l c'iLl un . lhtioll ~. 1i.\LI " ~ ( ' A'I'.\HHIl I.. Uor d1iY8' b Oll ltb blot. th"t our r\llk" who 0111. onkf's of v ons ' ench Mr . "oli Mrs . Ly le H utlll r t~un, o Ull r Anoth e r doc lor Is vll ry Illlloh • _ _ --, d nod ovary day. Cln rkllvil le. In neerl eu In til lH v lcln\t.y. (lu r ~ \I<: llI(,I NE I" II T "lIi .. 0111\ fli llorl fore'8th en novtlr b ear of, or And n ow, Ill stly, OUlDAB th e hook . Fnrm ~ a les ancl Li ve stock a l'un lil 'I·. II I' 1 'lt ' lIn ~i ll ~ Ih.· lol nllli nr H\ Wo f\ro Bo rry t o r oport Mrs . Allnn prose nt (\on dreamed of aD d wl& b o nt w I1I0h t b ey wrltin" dllO wh o all.ys- lIl1(\ l,roveKIt k ldo re t ,IrA ve r Iy 'huay I lIulI Specialty . overy w ee 0(1 orll n re )OInl,: mp a rlll l il tl lll)! Iltt· S.l' ~ l l · 1l 1. 1[ .\I ,l i, ' Ilv tld wltb fair robuHln ll8H and died , like Ih..a rOllt- lllo1t Iho olll .Y Lilil!" to M. Brnnnllll s iok nl, t.hiij wrltlou '" t d 10 tt nel t tl e 'flil c lo" '" Wo 11 11 b opo for Ii 81 1",ecty "od pe r. ·c Ii 0 U I 8 . \I. ('.\ 1'AHI1I1 ~ I E\l!( ' 1 N I': re.torrs many ul 'belU, at a rlPfl o lJ IIKII . be reall y oo r Af ul ubout Is Al oelJ , atisfllction Gunra ntud normal f'O llll it illn~ alld all ows Nai'lIleeo or ,wonty yean ago tbero W e I\re dlR Llootly on the Hide of ,"un ont r eoovery, Why J!: O t·o the raoe t ru oks t o S Ol' wall" tlredt orbze lu r.. vur of on r thle d octo r - If Ib llr e:/I noythln g 'I'W . MeBdll0l06 Mnry Allen und Mattie nlltomo blles r uee, when on onr Boro - 'ro Mr. lind Mrp. Hurry ture to (10 its work . Be llbrook.j Ohio ohuwlug nur ouct vllloruu"ly , Nflx t lik e It ht "Ieop, ilL S II . III ,Uruy ~(' re sh o ppllll( In HllrveY8 ~trO/lLM t h oy tlr .. R,'un runnln q wild . llibliOO, lus t. 'J'lJor~( IIIY, II liue girl . AI! ])nl g"!!i ~ l s , Cirf'ulurR fr er. 'bing, we were warned lUoltUurlln. luoldilota ll Y,o nr 1112 1 hOtllth hint bur ~ , Hllt llrduv Itfte ro ooo . wll,b the t hr o t1.1os wiole ° l l6n ~ Why Mr. nnd MrR (JhnH Br e lRford ellBoth P hones . F, J, Chell cy &. ('0., Toledo, Ohio, cOflly 'bd we WIlII\ bowaro or drluk . or rurni ~heR ON wit,h 'I nnw W Ort! 1.11 _ _ _ • _ ... _ _ _ not mllk e 110. oXllmplA of sn m a rot t nr t llln(1d, l u~ l. i'i llllduv , Mr . o ur! Mrs Ing oups Ilnd ruller towels. (We 8uLlpl .. nt· 'vlt,ilulnns" Whi oh ",ull e th.em Il f ,' w t![n e~ , IIud tho r e m od y I ~ n lter ( 'hl\o rtltl r nOri ', ll\n (!,hl e r, Mllr- _~~~~~~~~~~..........~.... editors well remember tile print Dew word Is "de,ulrlt.eH ." 'I' h oY !\f1l Will bo ~oooe8Hrul. 11.1111, of UOll r (Jeun ",I III', l\11d ~Ir, nod 1nop ~wel tba' woold 8tlok th ore 'hp 'hlog~ 10 on r IIruloll tha t kefl !, . Seveml fr o m h oro Hpont ~ll n'I/lY MrH. Alf Weli\'or , of " I1r X oo in Whllil you threw It up agalDst She 011 IIwllk(1; whe n t h AY rolll 1:, wo I\t Ft. An ole rtt, 1,lIldrll; with th om The bllrn Oil I hll B F ,r"lIl es fa rm wall) Pretty 8con 'be health bin'. 810e)l. well ,fill eu baskotfl. I ~ Olllh or t o wn , \VII" str ook loy IIgbter. /I,.t up to deflp bra.tblog, Moro But no Joki n g 'l'borll 1ft u l o t, 111 Mrs. Ml\ry B.,nuett arrived h omo, i nlns:, In st Frid ay 'Iftern on n . Pony NOTARY PUBLIO reoeotlv, we bA~e beeo he.. rln/llh8& &hls alee p theory. ti lntn lJM r.ur ON Th e BInes, for I.h e monl.h o r ,Inne , ~Ct o r " twu. wlloks atllY wlLh h e r : Th nmti8 Is n ow \il'i ng on I h o farm, "vl&linJloea" In our food w". the,' Dlany .. n III , ROf\lllIll.OIIIIV n 1II00rtil I lire fivo ahellJ of l·h'1 R ed ll Hurry , dUlIghterH, at Dnyton. Horn -To ~Ir . r\Lu l Mr ~. ('I<\r enoe Waynesville,10hlo whol,) 'bing, and '" yosflt 000\'11.106 Ihook, nnd we 1111 kn ow It 1M t h e on- H.oda' Ll vo IlJl to y o or llI ol·to : Bert Bull ey Is ugn ln bu y ing onttle LIlIDlIl ll, norl h " f to wn, II s.lJl . ahe orUters 10 Cr o8& numbers, a emy of flt\lgue . "Cl\n't Be Bett t .. k f 1 Na tional flll nk ..fter aevo rnl woo s 0 r lOUu' "l ism Mis8 UQrothy Hnrno~s, 01 DII YI.on, ·, Mr . anel Mr~ . A. H. 1:lu11l6Sl\lIrl 8("1n Mr. f\n(\ Mr~. Ed Mo Fnrlnn 'iro : 1M \' I~ it.ln g' r olli'tlV OIi nt 1·ll iN 1,lnoe. Jllm eH , bllve r R'lIrlll'oI h ll lll /l after a llU tti n g I belr h Olllulu line contI Ili o n I M i sH Mllbol Ull ve n~, gr'ln ,l dllugll . I'l ou~lInt vi!'it with their 11011" aud und whe n oompl l ed It will rttllk I,er o f Mr , nnd Mr~ EHnlll Ellf n hArt, l fti111111 6", W . A/lillll~, of Bo m on t, rl~ht nround t h u blllll, np.t,o.IIUI O! tl f l,hl H1II IIoe , ~ nll Mr, Grnh nlll Py le , IInu Alfrod Il llinOli, o r )Jllyt.OIl . d Wl' llinJ!:tI III o nr t.OWII , of LHlIir LAhnn a n, wor e fII a rri e d Ilist C bll !!. E. J olm H mode II bU Hlu esB Mr. Imd !I1rt! WII!t,(U ,I or el!!n ar e 'l'hur ~ dIL Y, trill t.o Dllyton, MnnllllY . putUlig l·h Olr vory llI 00."80nl, h om u III M rs Na nDlI Wright I ~ ~erl f\o~ly FUNERA L DIRECTOR 1 "'~ l ie 1.0 wl .. I' nj oynll n \ll onlo, bettur sl!"IJ tl , lind uvonlll'llIy It WI ll il l lit I.h e h ome o f 110r "MI, Frlluk 'l'u oHd ll Y, wil,h I·bo Boy Rco nts, lit bo ooe or Ihe up.to. rllltr> h nw os 10 I W r i~ht. n &nr F e rrv . Waynesville, Ohio our tOWtl . We Hhonl t! hllve m o re I . I,holr OU lllp . peo ple r e pt\lri og ~hol r h OIllAR, , r'lr ~, John ll e ~R , wh ll IHI B be eo io n to m~kA all lI,anldnd freo? Mr Wrn . Cli n g an . Mrs . Jennie Tbo writer f or Ibt Mo'ipe. fr om h ra v er y s iok, I S s lo wly improvng . RACIAL WARS 001., j eli lo uflY, ouvy , h"l,roll, - McUl nnl" li nd MlsR Pell rl Ho.lo, o f 118 8 beon requestod lt V ohuroh uni . 1 .l ohn Hnrley , Houlhe us t of I lIWO" Fu ll y Equipped fpr Good ~Iuo ll (jud , In HI~ wl.dom c rARl o, \ I,h o!!,) tire the IIIIVII 'i! tnol~ , to s l,rlk o "l'il'llI'Orlnoo City, nud Mr. (1, (J Bille oillis to give n oti(' o throu gh it,R Ot11 IOR t Ii vlllnabll1 h or~e . wh ln h IVIl~ i Service, ~ tbe eotl&v knowu u8 "Mall," thll to th o b O!1rt o f .. nl:els,-I,O r/l g'o In 'lOci tlnughl,or, Hllidys, o f Min_onri , umoR, In II monoorlY wuy, to th ... Rtruok hy Iigh t lling. IIiBI. Fritlay . KPO ll t II Cow h our s with U, McBlo I..arge Dis play Room When ul l! lind rnm lly. trlbell h~vo bOtln co-re illted, t h e In tho brllio 01 fooll:l. " purty who mBkes It rl hn bit to si t '}'h ere will b e n hll Re lIlIl l Il ome ' _~~~~~~~~~~~~....~ ynn Rhttrl'on thA II pMr of n1.llioo white. 'be blnoll, .. no the tlln . "nd tnlk .. hout )loopl e during sllr . hero. th o -H1l of Jul y . BI'lIhrook l T ELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT , No elli}r' a' selJreR'lUnn huB with the grind uf II htlfl Rtly lu ~t , YO Il Mr , oo,1 Mrs. Allon Et.nr lok wer e vloos, By ohst'r vi uJ!: thiH T('q OCRt, t.rnm will plllY It fr RIIl f rom Tr oy , IJHI' IJu r l: l ussilit~d AtI~ foil" fl' su lls . proven &0 be sooooRs- ttnll yet th .. lr Ilrll g rowing trult for the gl\ l1 ows, no Hunrln.y ~ O eH'B of Mr, Sborllllln yon will s llv e belnl: coiled 110w n , I "!!!~~~~~~~~'"""!__'!""'__~~~~!"""~~~~_ _"""!!"""~~~~ whioh ml g bt be e ll1hllr m ssiug. : '!!_ ______. _ . __ _ amalgallllition bOil forni ij h od PrO rn(\I,.1 ulltiJ)rlthy IIIIlSt, Let mnn . r oo lJyke ;,nfl fllmlly, of Dl\ytnn . foood di st ress In l ho .&rngglo 10 S:lu 'd leolt ur ool or, roml'mbor bill fn t-ed MeRK rs WBlter Kenrlok I\m1 W~IR eoen t ly w e hnve beon hlAssoo I ,...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~-=be 'ho fittee&, 1 noed not m eutton pl/IOtI. . . , For (j orl r llllllr.o ts n u to r Cla rk Silen t KundBY ilftortloon In with 0. numbe r of li tUe showers iO '1 .he rIlOO, 'bat, slooo Iho d"WD of )lorllons, not evon II. color fi r ra oo, Wlhnln g t on, lookin g at tht! WII. thi s looallty, IIlthol1gh not i nt.llrf e r. V, BARNA~T and wheo every m An dfles creation, hu t .. \r en the for emo~t rulugton OoollllUnlty bouso, io g with cottln g who"t, pilioe . . . , Endowed wltb a Und hl~ d~&Y, n8 ~1l o f God's ohlldren Notary Public Tbe Lndlell Aid or tbe Metbodllt Hone-sb oe pltolllnll' Is being olose· 1IIIe vlaloD , to coolpali. \bo !tlnd alld 0"0, I,he Ronl will I\boond In heuu&y, chu rch olon r e,l "47 at Ibe loe oream \y obHerver1 by oar 10c .. 1 pilchers lea, what eool woold repol biB d<lcla, aod God will t .. ko car e or man , Do it before your p ig-s get !l ick a nd whil e slIml!. It costs All kinds o f Nota ry Work, WI\I~ ~ooln l, &tu rdny e venIn g. Onr c r eamory 8tnti on ll f\re In ore ll s . Mr. Bnll Mr8, Ed Lon llllo re lind log their. busIness, b nt, not th u price. ' less m oney and the pigs d. better. liud Deed!! II Hpeolalty. dnuJlhtAr, Ag n ell, spent Suudny wltb I. N . Miller Is lenrnlng t o r e p,Llr For a. li mited time I w ill vaccinate pi gs wei g hing tinder r e1lltl.es 10 ~in o llllJBtl, aotolDQbllos, 10 1111 I t8 brouches, nl dll l 40 pounds at the fo llowing prices , using learnlug to drl v o. H Il !los n Ford Mr . "nd Mrs . Chilli . C lllrit /l.nd tourlog OIU, I\nd will uso It In t.110 I DR. J. W. MILLBR. Pitlman-Moure, Eagle or Ft, Dodge Serum, WIllinm Cox wero Da yton v is Itors, sale of frnlt trees . Sl\turdny . Ed Lnkens attendlld the Xe nlu F, W . Wooll llY anrl family Ilnd races, two days last v~oe k . ...DBNTIST••• Mra. Klijer, of Uayt.CJo, wero the Wheal ontting i o t h ie vloln lty is Ohio State Se rum, _.' omc<l In week.elld g o es\s of Mr. I\nd Mrs, W . II tblng of tbe past, ThreBblug Is Waynen ..... 0 1>1.'100.1 Bu" 91111, ~', Browo. to be Indull(ed In at 0 1000 . W . F, (Jlf\rk nnd fllmlly s pent S un. 'rhe Ollis orop In t,llls vIcinIty ls -DEALER INYOU CAN'T PUT d llY whb Mrs . Mary Carmony, almos' a fallorll; tbll bay orop Is I call fllrnis h olller serums if req u ested, and some at less YOUR DAYLIGHT Mr, nnd Mrs Rnlph Lcwl s wore ~ hort, aod tbo farmolrs Ilre llDttl llg Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, SAVINGS IN THE: ~rt~~~""""1 money , At th ese prices I requ ire three uays adup very 1I"le bay, 00 tilCOOOt of hl~b_ Tile. Posts, Water FounOa .!fln vlsito rH t:!undllY · priced Inbo r , BANK. vallce noti ce, a n cI cash at ti m e of work, tains and Self-Feeders, Mr. Wlllinms, the Bulok lIBI&l m .. n, Mllsdames Walter Olnl'k and WlllCall me about it. te r l{onrl J k call ml o n Mr~, Elowl\rd of L(1bIlO OO, wus In th is vi oinity 011 •• ,E.'mIIlined Correctly••• CoileU and MillS Flora 'l'lbbals Ilnd Saturday , transa otlng bosluos!!. -SHIPPBI{ OFmother o.t Wilmington, l::Iunday nf, vV m , Bt,.Jo bn , t"b e Ford ~1l10HUl nn , ~ Glasses Fitted ternooo. of Le bunou wny III thts vi oiulty last. AT MQDKRATR PRIeRS
Our Con, ent.·on
". lItJl:rtll ~ IOI: IJmport)'
H lir,
John H. Wright Auctioneer
Walter McClure
62c each, or 2c a c.c.
Everett Early
55c each, ·or 11c a c.c.
Hay. Straw and Feed,
• - .. - - -
Mlln Cannot Sense Coming Rain,
Feed Grinding a Specialty.
It Is S('lllew llUl ClIlrllOrlll nnry , but OliO Is lite o,.I.v Bnllllni Ul llt conool aoturRlIl' pcrrclve u)I"rouchlng min. &.11 other nllllll nis show unenslnes8 wh eo ntln Is l'omlog, At Buch times tlog~ get rC81t oss, cuts suceZQ ond wnslt thel,· ellrs. fl'OgS crook with a oud, hnrsh nol sc, owls scrccch, pca:<leks ecrCll1II nllcl clllcks DIU] geese oro musuull )' uolsy. 'Plis Is sold to be Jue to Ole relnxn llon of tllelr norvell ):1' the do IlIP nlr, whlcb mnkes thelll anensy.
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio Telephone 76, rlol 31'
HALL, Veterinarian
Telellhone 93, WayneSVille, Ohio
week, looking Bfter Ford J)rOl~ peotB,
Mr, S haf er, the Brant snle@ mlln, of (JI v Ol llLl/il,I, Wil li 19 this vicinity reonntly, loo kiog nftilr his pros peots Mr " aod Mrs. Am os Ellis entertained for dinner on Sunday, Mr . "nd Mrs, Floyd Aod erllon, Mr. /lnd Mrll, Heory MoKee, (Jlll rUon Ander~on, Miss LoulRe Keys t of Xeola; MI~~ EUII Aroold, Mrs; Emmo, Cline, ur Dayton; Miss Lucile Legg, of lu dlnnnpolill; Mr, lIud Mrs Artbor Lister , Mr. IIod Mrs. Thoa El odson , Mr. Bert Hodson , Mr, ChRs. Wlltson and family. of Clnoinnatl; Mr . and Mrs. J . C. Long , of Blnnrhester; Mr . aod Mrs . W. A . Morrlt~, Mr, Bor. o.oe Stump and family , Mr, and Mrs. ired Elnrlou, of thlll plaoll. Mr, and Mrs Tbeodore La.wrenoe, of Mlddilltown, dropped in fo r 8 bandshake with old frleod., SondllY During the Bummor,Cwsar's creek bas be~n a sleepy, slokly streaI!l, having b eon oonfined to Itll bed . Nothlnfl bot pralde 18 said of our telephone exobange, prompt aod ooorteous' lervlco. It III tlie eealon of tho year whon tbe weeds should ~ out, and a lbor. ougb clllaning and dlsl lDfecUng cf all properties should be carril\d ou t, IVhen it Is oot done, Hlllme should be dooe an(\ '0 the (;6uol;y Auditor to be paid for in taxell B Oo 8 , Barknesl,' of AeblaDd,tr"ns. acted boslne!ls with F, Wilsou , one day 1...., weelr, and In 'he Dear t1l 'ore' \htll vlolnny will !benefit· by J~ One day; 88 Preitldol)~ Llnool!l wae leavln/l the execll$lve manelon, he Will. aoc08'ed by a 'o old neglo, dre.Bed 10 taUOrB "nd' oarry\nl an empty haPket, ., Am yqu de Preet. 41n', .lI.b 7" "Yes," IIat4 MI', LID. colD, "what Mn I do for you. " "WillI, JOlllMl8, Mletah Llnkum, r ae from Vlrllata. aD' I 'M' . mllCh$y po' maD,' I hllU' da' .. IOmjl per.
r TIF'F ANY'S Optical Departmeat
To ' Put on Firln "Stay-There" FI~h Thin ·folk s wi ll find Ihi. simple le.t we ll wnr th trying: First wcill'h yourself and mcasur~ your sr lf. N,·" I take Vl"rAMO N, two tahtets with ~v('ry n>~al. T hen weigh a llli measure agai n each wed , alld conlinue lakin g Vitalllon regularly unlil you arc sati sfied wilh your 8ai" in weigh I a ncl energy, VIT AMON co nlains Ihose wan d e r f u I he alth-giving slIbslnnees of Nalure- the vita m,n," - \vhit h Scient'c says you musl hnvc 10 be s lron g, we ll norl fully developed. By inc reas ing
power 01 wh at you eat, VITAM O N su(.plles J u . t what YOllr hody need. 10 fced Ihe s h r II n k e n li ~su es , Mrcngthcn Ihe internal Of"RailS and ' renew shattered ncrve lorce. l! i~ not only a Queslion of how yo u look n nd fcclthe scal es and tape I11ClIRprc lel1 'Ihch own Mory. A t\\"o . weeks' Ic.t will surp ri se you, Remember tbat THERE IS NO SURSTITUTE for vitahtint 's Jullt as th!re is l ubstilllte for f~8 h air, fre'sh water or sunligh t, IM"O.!'A.NT- While 'he om .. iolf ....hh.'mil<lln(t value 01 VITA,MON b.u beta dear" .!1d poIltt.d, demonltntcd In casu of ':telc or r.OM1J'Y. nerv.OUIl
8. lWrolt St. Xenia, Ohio 0l)1li1 eVlnlDiI bl appointment
DR.H.E.HA.THAWAY WII.Yllo6Vllle 's Leadloi Dell"a' Office In Baines Bldg, M"lD Be
SHUMAKER Veterinarian
Practical Vaccinator, Have had SUCCes.9 ill lmmuning 011 bo t h sick and well herds,
Both Phones Home H55-8 Bell
Bellbrook, O~lo
tft'MIb........ "!'t1"t •• indi,NtJon. eonwttpatwn• • 1dn .~r ll p . i(J"··t
.H""r ('empie-ion and I1!neni wcalrent.'d ph,,,tcnl and meatal cnncUtloh. if ~ . , nJd nqt be uud by ....... .... OBJEct. to haoinr tlleir ....h' lacre t lb n~rm.L All «qed drutPAl. laaq vtTAMON in . IOOSe or can qulC'kt,.- Jlr U!'t!. it fOT , ou. ' &
' MON ~~'A
.. •
"- Ir
Ohio. \ I
Hm~I2,~}~: ~=EI=?=Tl=7f=R=T:),==lE=;.=A R=S=- ;· 4J~f~-" "'"
Now is thc lillIe 1(1 l' ll Y ftllllilurc! At our s t re thl' bi~ tkdinc in pri('p~ bas been gla dl y 111ct, n nd we . ofTer you ;\ In I gc stock f 11(,W fumiture ami new low market prices . Furui t.u re prices ho v e at Adoir' ~ sulTprcd their greate!'t reduction. Future chan ges IlIll )' occur a nd m nye\'ell b e in th e din'dion uf :; Iight advance, but variation will be small. At A lair ':; the !J ig d ec lille is a fact. Prices are now at low levels.
$165 00
T~lis. Hand so me Ovcrs LlI lTed Suite (s Imilar to cu t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This Overstuffed Suite is Upholst erec) 'ln Tapes t ry (3 loose Cushions in Davenport amI Chairs.
~ mall a ll -ove r de::; igll )
Nearly Twice as Far as
Ru gs in s izes smaller and larger than !)x12 foot s ize.
We carry in stock a t a ll times fI complete line of room Sill' nl gs from 4x7 feet lip to th e largest sizes made, at proportio natel ?, low prices.
$7 50 ~~:s ~~~n.i ~I~~~~ $32.00 ~~;:S~~I~~~ ..... ...... $29·00
Hxl:l Grass Rugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .. "
8-piece Chippendale Din- . ing Room luite for .. . .... . . This suite is in walnut and consists of 60 Inch Buffet, Table, 5 Chairs and 1
Arm Chair.
.' t he ques Lion box was again opened for Ihis sessidn. a n ~ mllny imporLan t Questions w ra a Rk lei and unU tJ UR. · for Sale - s('c Md{l'an. s w er~1. Thi s tt!ature of th e convon!lick 'l'hill,\li ('lti. ,)f Franklin. pa id tion u roul/:ht IlIBny of lh e· superinI I hi s " lIiee II pl es1an t d sit I his mHrn- temlents to their f CE't. and many val uable Buggesions were ta ken home ing' through the medium of the Qu e~ t ion Mrs . Margut!rite Cu mpbell and t>ox . childre n. of Dayton . ~ 1JE!nt Tue~day A good . as well as a humorou s her e with relal i v e~. paper was ne x tread uy J . W. Chamberlain, of Calvary cemetery, Day Jlnusl' for sal..' Sce Lnybou rn e. t on. Mr. Chamberlain did not ap"logize ~o the ladies for what he said Mr .• tl ud Mr s. C ha ~. Lllwrie . of for every bit of his paper was en1)11), 1on. IIrt' \'i ~!iling' lill'ir dau~htl'r . lhuiiuslie OVtlr what women have and rolrs. Walle r SHlI'ycr . 8rc ati ll doing. lie lau ded them I' r. Dill. U ~ teupath . ~ I :-; . Br"!Hl- very highly, a nd assertl!d that the women could d o the work as we ll a way. Lcbanoll. Ohio. I he mon , many women throuihout Mi !<s Mary Mc Crai hurl a~ week · the state 'actually doing what lheir (>nd \' i~i tors , Mis~es Mary ,I. Chris lo, hu ~ ba nd B ought to do in their cemeph; r lind Hl'rlhu Thmht'r, of \lllylon. lery work, and wht'n landsCIlI)1! Irllnlening was in order Ihe women l Jr. Fa rr. W 'I\) ~ JJ enllh c winl t' r at it Heern s were very far uh ead u f tlH' I'ril'l1d!' lIunH', is II I Ihe hlll1le of I he Illen. Tht' influence of wome n hi~ 11111 ill Sl'r ill..rhurn, 111\11 i ~ qui ll' in bu~i n e9s and home i ~ ma rvelous, the ~ pf' aker !lsid . find men ough t 10 ill. em ulale the good work s corning' from ImW AR O- For the reI urn of II K, their helpmates more in the future of I'. \{jng lo thi Mollice : thun they have in the past. HiH paper was an excellent one.. The re Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ornd orf and was no discu ssion on thi~ paper. a~ daughter. and Mr . and Mrs. Lee the men were a ll ton g ue-tied when Hawke are lishing at lhe Heservuir Mr. Chamberlain fini Rhed . l. h i~ week . JIIII )fE' Smith. trustee of the Xenia ('emeterv was introduced and ma<1 .. Mr . Tl cnj . J ones nn d :WI I. F ran k a few remarks. Jones a11l1 wi fe, o f Mooresv ill e. Ind ., Th e reportll of the (liiTt'rent romar e visiting at Ih p hom e of Mr. anci miltt)es were heard a nd ('Ilnrurred in Mrs, Frallk ZeU. and the following omeera were named f or 1922: President, J. A Lurious W:ntermclnn s at Ihe Smith . of Columbus: Vice-President. Paince. A . S. Tupper, of Cle veland: Secreta ry-Treasurer. E. A. Sloan, MarGel. W. Brnrlen. New Yo rk repreion : Chaplain, 1. N . Smith, of Greensentative of th e Cummunity Serv ice. vi lle. The place Re lected for the !lpenl Thursday here in the int(>rnext meeting is at Clyde, Ohio. eM ts of (he Serv ice. The delegales voted their thllnk H to the citizens of Wllynesv ill e 81,1tl Sugar. 8c 'n I h ; Pick leM, 30c a doz .; Boiling Il eef. ISc n lb . Sawyer 's vicini ty for the hearty welcom e and the hospitality which was accorded Wayne Market. them during their stay here. Thev Prof. Oscar Boyde and Russell felt that it was one of the best meetClevenller, of Wilmington, were in ings ever held 8ince their organizatown Tuesday . in the int erests of tion . Six cemelery assOl'iations were added to the lis t during he convenWilm ington college. tion . At thia time tbe cc \Vention atl· I will open 8 . Repair Shop at GUBjourned f or lunch. an' II fine dinner tin'~ li very barn. July I l!t. Quick was served at the Gral' ge hall by lh e service and cOlLJrteo us treatment asladies of th t! Grange . Mured you. ,Iohn ~tan sberry. There will be a mealinlC of the office rs of the Community Service at the Rest r oo m, Monday evening. J lily 4th. The oftice1'll should be there. as ma th!rs of imporlance are to be (li ~c lJsse d .
The ned De v£'nport is th e most useful piece. of furniture mad e. It i ~ uselfl" in two ways for three purposes.
20 and 24
CarPQis, Stoves
'" North Detroil SI., · Xenia. Ohio
All Day Celebratjon~
G. R. LOWE, Founder of the Neo.ho Plan of Retail
Advertl.lng. Thnt mo st c,ommunilles are wholly unnwa re at wb:at cnn be accomplished It ani), tbe bl1slne9s men will co-oper· ate Instend or :tlght eacb otber. Is the belle r at G. R. Lowe of Neosho, Mo., who 'Is to lecture at Chautauqua here. Mr. Lowe Is nl'lttonatly known BS the founder of the "Neosho" plan ot com·
Lebanon, Ohio·
Looki~~ Badiward Those who look backward with satisfaction .are those who look f orward with intelligence. Look f orward cve& day. It will m eltn man.)' days ..Q.f happine88 looking h~ ckwnrd. 1,525 llCW ~lccounts opened -Y, us si ncc .Janlllary I, are accounts sent Ull by our preaent ()ustom~ era; there iA a reason for thisit surely ie, lIatisfactioD with
MORNING PROGRAM At Harmon Park-Golf Tournament and Athletic Events
AFTERNOON PROGRAM At Fairgrounds. B:and(· Concert, 3 Harness Races, Base , Ball .G~me, Lebanon VS" Waynesville, General. AdmISSIon, 50 cents.
t 'Ha,r:non Park, 6 o'~lock-Band Concert, Fireworks.· -
Ext ra Ply - Hea"y TreAd
till styles all(1 sizes
A New Low Price on a Known aDd Honest Product
DELEGATES VISIT FT. ANCIENT At 1 o'clock the delegates assemhi ed and wer e taken on a tour of Fort Ancient. This trip was full of inlerest t o .them, as many uf tilt! de lel{Btes had never been to the fort . ent.ire company arrived home "hout [) o'clock, and the delegateR bpgan to leave town, aft er a ve t y pleasant two dAYS with ou r c itiz ell ~ The work of the local Offi ~.iAIR and the different appointed C01l1 mittees was well accomplished , 8 S everv detail f o r the wel fare of the convention was throughly workeJ out to the satis fa ction ot all present . Al! of the conventi on del egates praised thl! .:oemete ry location . lhe ~up e rinte ndent and officials, nnd the manne r in which the cemetery is kept' up.
All Sizes of Fisk Tires and Tubes at
Fred M. Cole Hardware and Farm Machinery FAIR DAY TIVO TUU \VAS ll~ NG ;"MAC III ES. WJTH FAIRBANKS-MORSE 17::i H . P. "Z" V:NGINE, OR W ITl1 l.H.. ECTR1C r. (()TOR.
for the deJ)(]lslt. All deposits received from lat to 10th of' JUly will draw intel'. Cllt . from the 1st of July.
----- --...
The Mi,ami Loan & .B~i1dling' AssL
Stanlev Pence. who has b, en in the navy for the .past two years, arrived home Sunday. He went to Cincinnati, Monday, and re:.enl!sted in the navy. bu't will spend a f~w weeks . ~ Sol~th IIafD .......... here before aofnlr back. He wae at ~. Dal;toQ, O~, Santi~o; wheu hlB term , expl.red· ':-I+.Jie..-iB looking tine, and saya he ia feeling jUBt right. .
----- --...
The Com field ia an exPe.:..tve 8t'rmln.tion teSter, lr
FR O~ l
Thursday, June 30th
Girl Scout Benefit Featurin g Viola V:l.I1a, in
"Cinderella's Twin" Admiss ion, 2.5 ce nts
July 2nd
Featuring Drya nf Wash b ur 11 , in
"What Happened to Jones" Also, SELZNICK NEwt) Admission, 22 and 17 cents
Wednesday, July 6th Featuring Byck Jones, in
Pals~ '
"The Tiger Band" Atlmission, 17 anti 11 cents
Commencing the first week in July, we will nm only two shows per week~ Wednesday and.Satutdag
The county Community Service units will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening, July 5th. at Lehanon .. This is aD important meeting, and should b~ well attended, as matters of importance will come up.
...................................................... ..
I'A RT ':) .
EVERYTlIINC_£c...m II.'\YI N(:, FORkS T C l\ I O\v I~ I ~S.
The WAynesville Shrine Club, with their families. thirty in number, eRjoyed the all-day picnic and dance of Antioch Temple at Triangle Park. Dayton, last Wednesday. The officers for the enauing year are C. M. Robitzer, president, L. A . Zimmerman, secretary-treasurer. The Club expects to have several good meetings during the com'ing year,
----- ...- - -
munlty ndvertllBIog.
.We have Bed Davenports in a wide range .of patterns at prices from $49.00 up.
Fourth of July
The best fabric tire made for heavyscrvice or rough roads-
--_.- - - -
Same As Cash if Paid. in Sixty Days On . Amounts of $10.00 or Over.
~t Vlclrola$]
<Continued from page I )
a Year Ago
Ohio Ceme,ery Association
DIRECT SHIPPING PAYS BEST When oream is r endy to Mil th fl bnnl work hnll been done and y ou Nhollid net pet Lllit nny ol1t~ldllril to mllke au ext.fa profit. oil' yonr offu rt ~ , \ ~ You oan ship your orellln DIR1l: ·:T to t.h e Trl.J-lt."te BDd eave from ~o 70 per Ib tmtter tnt. It Is jnst BS ea.y ~o dell ver the orpl\m tn " rtlilrollli st" tion RII to & oream buying stotlon. The 'frl.-ltll te p"y s t he We a*arantee your orellm tran8portatlon anll gnfuRutees your orea", Ilg"lniit fmd oans' lOIS iD tranSit agRlnst 10s15. We pny eltpr088 . or b ~ /(g .. ge
., CiNCIN~ATI, OHIO B.. uer.ra~ Is
Cash Capital 12.50,000 ,
Free ! 'rllli CIlDS glndly furnlsbed DOW patrOD8 . tor ab (I"Y8 . .
. Moe' T~I.Btllte patrons have two OaD8 80 wben t-bay take . ,.blpment ihe dePot they oan gee ib,e empty , . ' ,from prevloD. 8hlllln8DS' Weel< oLJIIH J'I'b
10 f~ lid. 1IId:
-- ,.'
Enjoy your Home . Chautauqlfa .J uly 21 to 2S incl.
' ~t' ~ ,
A Chali tauquH at your door
Ju\\ ,21 to 2S incl.
Whole Number 5442
IL LE. OHIU, WED I..:., ;oAY ,JULY Ii, 1921
4J:f~ l~~,~~~~~: _~~~IL_-:~,~L.=~=,,,~=,' =T=",~=.,~=[~=EI ~ciiPt IGAPTUREOlr~~~RATION I,
I " ~ I. :; : 1\ 1 11 :1 \' t' .\'tll ) pni d ~ 1I 1lT' !fJX\'!--'! Thirl y Ihr£'t' 1111 " \. (' 1' , ' "l llhkl the 1·:.1 Haill "" ~ I' <'II L SUll day in l\ IIlg ~ Mi..!11 ~ .'" ,rl d g . I " IT " I' II.r.·.· H h r MIII:i V'".I , IJllt),' pll l' h" r~ , ' ' "" day , 101 ftlill~ :;~ "'" " Hu ".·." I""g ITi ed ull lI o ll ~1' f.,,· ~a l t'
.," ...
till-if ~1 ' l i l ' ll ll-' ~ II . IlIhhl' n Jl ) ~ , hul \\' t-" rt '
lIfH ... !.. . III
~ t , t h f) ~
w) w rp
lW t ' "
I l' i,·,1
II ", " W" "11 "l id,, " " 11 sl'colid III Ihe "Ixllo , wh"11 a" "II f1r ull" wlld a 111"" It> all vlIlI" l' Iowa i'll Ihi rd and Iw W UH lio row lI lI ul . IIl1tl Ihll man 011 titMI 1 1'1 ••" Iti ~ fUll mu" , Ii..... A Muck-S .. nn,,11 cOllwd y f"atllr,," I1l.1rv"YHuurg th e 1'10"1,, "UIIW i'uuld ""I h'u ld " Ioull, It'1 ul .. " e ('uL"', une. and Il wir fIlIlI U U ~ h ~ uvy HI1115ge r. di .. IIUt. ev,,11 lIulk e 1\ Hhll\\'il1lC He v"" lilll " hillgl ,,~ l1\uk i" l( Ih .. ir I n lal. Slraili . Ihe new man. marl e a I(uod ~ h lllV !n )( f .. r f,,"1' r""illl: ~ . ",lrPI' ~""Lh Louk Ull hIMj"I, f"r IIHI'" inll IlIg~ . l 'url ~' ry" 1111111,· h"M.. ball hi~ I"ry whell he slru ck out I Hr .... "l.It ~ Int'll ill Ihe .,iKIolh !:lob !:lu rl UII t: rhlll' a"d Frye mudl' li vf' hit~ each 0111 ut ~ix trm e~ , un., uf Burl oll'H heing II 1II'lIll'- rllll 'fh" r ebl of I hI: hUl H 1:01 hil A, alld tl1o' fi el de r" di(1 nlll III;' " II d,ul1t'(,. only 011" hlill I'l'illl!( hil UIII ill Ih" li l·ld TIlt' I(allle WUM a IUllg "Ill' 111111 IJpc'II ml' l"di,)uM, and 1111' M iUlI1i HI ril',1 ItO 1(1'1 IIlItllfll'r r"III'llill g' IirH!. IIhrv" YR bur ~ II, II I :1 I 0 0 Ii t) - f, Miullli ~ . ... .. .... ~ .j 7 h .j I 7 \) :t -.:11!
IIr. Uill. OHieopalh . <! I S Ilr,,"" , WilY . 1."IIlIl"'" . ()fl io. l;l10rj{t! \lulli ll . "f Duy lOll . Ihe i"ourLI. he r" .
~ "1'1I 1
M e n' ~
Dr e~" S hirl ~
00 \' u: UI',
!IH.' at HYIIIUIi und ('u Orvi ll e Ellis.
or Por t
Willialll ,
\\' IIM
lire glwsl of t-:lhlln C rLll"· . Sunlluy , Bou ~e
for Sal..
Ml' Kl'lIlI .
Mi!tS 1.01lf' 1I1l .lunnev. uf Mitlll1i universil y. "l'I"nl lit... Fllnrth It l horn ...
thus£' for Sale- see Ml'KE'IUl. Mr . and Mrs, Will Bn"lIey. IIf Lfobanon: Rlll'nt Ihe Fourlh ht' re with reilitive!! , M.'n' R Elk H ide Work Shoes . SPI'ciul $~ !ill at Hymun liml Cu, Mr , an d Mrs, F . A, Farr, Mr ~ , M, A, I'i ' re'c and Mr. Th os. Pierce slJl'nl lhe FUlI rth al the Z UII .
'. ,
1.1I,IiI'H· I'll rnps, in pntenl If'ather tlnd kid , $7 [,0 ~' alll "~ at $1!!iH III Hyman and CII .
Ntx l. !-;undIiY. II,," MiumiHplay Ihe Qllkk Tire Service . Ii)!ht repnir fliSl l'lclIHlllit !'Inin 1.(·nlll on tht' work my "pecialties. SlansllP rry. III h"me 1(11)1111\)9 , ThiM (Poam ha>! millIe Gustin '" hllrn . Hales reusonal,le . llllile n rl'clI rd I hi" ~I' n"nn: and 11 Mrs, J ohn Werner allll children, good, fUMt glll1le IllIlY ue as~ured, of Oayttln, were guests of ",n·, lind Thll score by inninl:s: MrH, W, U. I{aller. Friday , -- -
.. -----
Mr. and Mrs. J . C Hawk e SIJt'nt Sunday with rd ~ liv e!! III l'l cli8ant Pluin.
Mis!' Alice Ill\viil, of navlon, !llw nl u couple oe dllY" la!lt w('ek wilh Mr , Johll Fr" mm ancl family.
Mtn'/! Work Shirl :!. bei l g rad !!. \J5c, Ilt Hymall an,l Co.
For the fir"L lilll " in many year:! L.. lJunon II' ll ll a 1( ' 1111 1' fr"m I he Mianll ~ . and tlw n' \VII H 11 <1 Hpl ·('illl r ..aSOli for th eir Wilillili g . IIIIWeVt' r: I'X C" llt lilt' Mi ll miH la id Lhe ~Ilm e on II rli Mh IIl1d "reM,,"tL'" il Lo Ihl'lll , The n· WII~ IH, inl,'re Hlillg' hun "Iuyin)( UII either ~ i"l', IJllt in Ih .· fiCLh Iht' Lc uanlll1 I(UIlIe! fOlllld (IHIt.. rne rllr SPVf'n hil Anid l'll hy Ihrl'{' fat f' rrllr ~ , which jlll \'e Illt 'rn nlll(' rllll:! fit ,· Itoy !! PUI UIIIl Ii s ll eR~ r,:um.· Itnd rhunc P' Wl'r. , nuL tuk e" 11".1 lh t' louy>! I(l'ner Illl ~ IItt"IIlPl. The Miami s man e liNm any hil~ a~ u·Ultnllll. hul WNe unllhl e to bunl'll them. III the ~uvP lllh In ll lll'1'9 hl',:ulI to luok illlf'reSI inrz. aflPr fllur hit a had bl'l'n 1I11ICle. but a dlllllrl p play Enrled til l' UK"IlY. all.l the IIny" \:u ve up . Seor" by inllinl<': Mi 'lmiH .. ... ... ' ~ 0 0 [) 1 I ~ I Lehallflll " .. .. .. I :! :I 0 !J II ::I 'I ~~22
~ I ,,'n l
It s. !-I "w .. 11 , IIf l.u1111""IIIII, in tUWII TUI' ~"lIV ,
Hil i" .. I'. 'nl'l' , of 1111 1' 1'"1 , MI"'III IIH' 1"011 rl h hNe .
John 1·llIwk t> , ' ,f OilYton , I hf' 1'''"1'1 h It pr£' .
, Ir . anJ ,," ,l lk r \\',lIi al"s, I] f i . . . . ';'illgrnan. had ":< II... ir )(" " ~ I ~ on :'Ial,. l'ro ,h,IHII"n " I hce r~ S. A. :-:al li rday Il r and ~ I r . Ward alld I' l 'ro, h ~l, (' . II Z, ·II.'r an d lI urry llul ~ I rM , Alfrt' d H••d ford. ler , lll' puly SI "' r ifT~ Al fr r d IIranL all d Ilr . I I rl ll l u ~ h and .Co n ~ t n hl e ~I r . nrHI 1\1 r~ . [' . M. \I illi g II , II r' "l ;"orgc ' 1.,,11 mlld c III ralt l II0 11 II "ttllII at. II , IM I W W ' I 1\1 I I-' I' ' ·llmhyl llwl1. Oil IlP 0 ' ."Ita n e c /11. rs.. . ' un . r" ." I , • ,w pol b" Yro ni.1 man, r ,,~y lI11d fuo'l iv wpr .. " III. 'rlll) n•.,j 111 pro pe r y. 11 , 1\ ' n > IIII' h(J ill " 0 f · "'I r, WII II£' r W' II'Jllll1" " n( 'II<'"a r'" c'n,,,1; Tl le ~dllY aft f' rlloon. I' ' I IIIId CllplUH,d II ,, 111 1111 liP mtlo ll lll1ll arll I f II nll'1y. (I f I" \ II lg nr lln , . rll ay , . " u mall in I' hurge uf II IllI! nmn K'::l VI! his nUI1IP 11;\ .I II~. u fne r , li n Mi";1 Edna I\ e l~ry hfld n~ hpr , Au ~l ri nn . who wns unal.! ~ 10 ~pl'lIk I-:u ..~ t a l n• sll l npt u ,, " ~ 6. (,'cluc k dln- I''. 11)( 1'I ~ 1I , II f' l' pn Sa Lllrday ... ,,"nlnK. Ilr . rmd l'h e o lli ce r~ ~t'a rt: h ed Ihe prnppr ly ~1 r~ , Ward lin d Mr !lnd M r~ , AI fr ed and fOllnd :100 l5u ll un~ of llln.h, 8 1I,·t!fMd . >(fllI" n ~ of whi ~ kpy, IHHI ui ll ee st.ulf lll' ce~~n r y fllr IIlaki ng it. The mlln Mr . nll d MrR W. II , Nt' I ~n n (,111 ('r- i'l ailll t'd Iw hlld jll~ 1 slar lei l lo wo rk laim"" al II family d inner on Sun ollY Ihlll l1l orn inK, giviliK Daylon II" hi. ill hlllwr of th eir ni t'ce a nd IrIl ~ Ioand. home, II " WII.- hrnug hlue(ure JusMr , lind MrR, Alfred HeJ fnrd, wl, o l ief' .Ioy IInrll'l "II,jpd guilty. and was ha v.t' heen vi ~iling nr. nnd MrH r eman!le.t tn jllil. as he harl no Wnrd flntl other r e lntiv e~ Iwre, I11l1n('v 10 pay hiH filiP, whi ch was They lef L on Monrlay mo rning f,I1' mnrl e $ \lIOO nnd COSlR, th eir home in \.ong Ilellc h. CaliforThe ~a m e "flke rd wenl to Lebanill Mrs. Redford will he rem elll- non lind raid ed n Rlill ont' ann one be r Nla ~ Miss IJo rn N c l~o n . hnlf mil eH ~r, uth of Lebanon on lhe ~l1u lh l.t' bantl!l pike. They found A deli l{h tful Ili cni e at I he horn!' of ahoul the Rllme II1110 unt of mash ami Mr . L. W, Chandl er on Sunday WII ~ whiRkl'Y and n co mplet e still,. which enj oyed hy Mr , an d Mr ~ L F . Sie- wa ~ no t in overation, ami captured uenthu ler , Miss Thedfl Siebenthal er, a mlln by lhe name of . Itogers_ He Mr . L. W. Si ebenl bal er. Mr , a:-rrl WII" lri ed. pl ead innlly lind was Mrs. H . ,J. Siebenlhal er. Mrs. Mite Ulkrn to jail. ....- - Harri 30n. Mr , Randolph B arrison, MiS!! Grace Hynn and Mr, Albrrt, Wilkerson. of Cincinllllli. Mr . and Mrs, N , D. Siebenthal er . little Miss Mary Jane and Master \lilly of Day ton. Mi~s Vera Fisher. crf Colorado , Mr, and Mrs. E L. Th orn aR. Mi sses Gladys Harlan and Marye Thomas , Messrs. Paul Chandl er. Seth. Myron DeR pltp. n rather small attendance, and William Th omaR and Mr, and lin enthu siasli(' meeting of our ChauMrs. Chandll'r and dnughter. G er- tauqua booslers wa~ held at the Rest lrulie, Room , lasl Thursdny evening. Committees were appointed and final Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Hav ent er- plans formulated to mak e lhis the tain ed a I<rnu pe of rri e nd ~ a L a llic- Lht' hest chautalHlua Wayn p.sville has nie supper and weiner roast. lust ever had , II . F:urnhart ann L. E. Friday evening in honor of the Kpmpl e were appoint d to call on Mi sses ELh el Sheehan ~ and (; race lhe merchants and lry to arrange Lawson, of Cenle rvill e. Those wh o for closing the busines.q houses as enj oyed the occasion we re Mr. and much ns possible c1urinJl the sessions. Mrs, Roy Buhrm an, Mr, and Mrs, Mr . B . C'. Wysong, representing Ben Smi th. Mr, and Mrs. Percy the Coil-Alber bureau, explained the lieason, the Misses Ethel Sh eehan. program and offer ed several . helpful Grace Lawson. Winifred Starr, suggestions, He al so comvhm~~ted El izabeth Starr. Glenn a Marsh, and the local company upon the efhclent Viola Smi th; Messrs Harry Starr. way in whicl) arrangemenle are being Lester ~ tllrr . Marshall Haines, perfected. and the spl endid chautauFrank Crew. J esse Thomas, Loren qua s pirit being manifested, Come Heason, Leonard Foster, Fl oyd Wa- on. folks, lel'~ all hoost for the best I ress, of Day to n and Chas_ Albert ChaulauClua ever! Smith,
D~ l11pse y
Carpenti er
Referee Erllc)
Scenes from th e thrilling fourth round in Jersey City Arena when French Champion was knoc\( ' d out hy Champion Dempsey, in a thrilling fight
- - -...
A very pretty soci al evenl was und er the beautiful trees on Mrs. Edgar Stinson's lawlI lJy th e Women's Civic League, of Harveysbnrg, on Wednesday afternoon, June 29, ' Seatl! were arranged in the shade a~d over sixty members and their g uests enjoyed a well-re nd ered progrllm of music and recitations. Following this , County Superintendent F. B' Harri~ gave a talk on re_ cent school laws and on the n'~ell of higher etliciency and greater attractiveness in school work. particularizing on improving and ueaulifyin g grounds and inleri ors , After a few simple games on the lawn all pre~ent were nicely served with brick ice cream. white cake and iced tea. A spray of SWl'tlt veas decorated every plate. And so came the end of a perfect day and all departed pleased and happy .
Over two-huntlred' remnanls of Percales. Calicoes, autl Ginghams 0 11 A g n'al m a ll Y sc hun; l a\V~ . ~o me {d' Wit h 'Eu rupe',; bi~ge8t t rai ned aniAs' Grovl' r ~n eat h e n , formerly of sale. A BARGAIN in each - piece. t.hem ma ki llg r"di e " cha nges, Ivp re mal shol\' us one of Ih e Ill nny c'plell- Waynesville, and Herbert Hatfield John A It'unkey . pas~('d ti l t he la~ t ses,in n ll f th e did fen lure~ , Lhe \ling ling- Brothe rs wer e comin ~ out of Dayton Sunday . und Barnulll & Rai ley Cmnlrined evening, th ey were hit by an OakThe picnic whis.h will be held ~t Mr ,'and Mrs. B. V, Waller and l e~1. Ill lure. Amon!; lht' l11" re Im -I oJ" IlO WS IVI' 11 ex h I'l11't a lIl ernoon all(I wood car . Sneath en died almost inSchanlz' park Friday llfternoon. IS son. Dan, and Mrs. GUll Spiker, of COllnril met in regular session porl ant or ntTl"'Li n ~ s ('hl1ol ~ tl. r most n i~ h t at Uaylon, Thu n Jday . July 21. stant Iy but Hatfield was hurried to a to be a big affair. Both Bishop Monda'y eveninll, amI adj,lllrned un~' Ltobanon, were hlo)re SUlll!flY l'vcn- I1re 1IJ(" fll ll ,l\\'ing: This marvel c ire u ~ of 192 1 oll'e rs Ill/spital, badly wound ed. It is not Vincent and Bishop Reese have siging. til Tuesday evpning'. Itoul ine ullsinified Iheir intention of being here 1- Ah nl i ~ hi ng dislr il' t slJper\' i. ion the grpn llo)st conl>tr es.~ of atLractions known wherein the fault lies' but neA.~ waR attend ed-Io Tuesday eventhat day. All members and friends If you have Tire trollul e, or Irouhle IlI1d prnl' id illl! Ih nl tlwr(' mllY hI' as· in hislory Withoul eliminating an y a death resulted , Th e machin e was Ing nnd bills were ulillwed . ~ f th e church are earnestly urgetl to of any kind wilh your marhinf' . givp ,~i~talli. (,lIlllllY ~ lI p ('fillt' · l1d (' ll t.l in- of the th o u~ a ntl thrill s prc.duced by drn2'ged quil l' n di ~tull c e before lhe hu ndreds of Ihe m ORt skilful men car could be Slopped . be presenl nt the picnic, There wilr lne a ('all. Slan"berry, at GU!llin'8 ~t e ad . · . and women performers the Iting- Mr' Snenlh en was-well known here, be visitors from other plact?s and the Woynesvllle Chaulauqu8 Jnly 21-25 Livery barn. 2- Hal' llll{ th l' co mplIl sn ry ~e ho, , 1 I' R I h d I' d . h · . Illg rotle rs live a (e Wit out having lived on a farm sOllth of lown alfllir biJs to be beyond the ordinary nge to ~I x teen (r" fl il y l'lghl l'en ) Ih1l8 11 " I hi' f~FOUR CORNERSTONE.S · . li t ( Iltona c arge t1ll most senSR- for a number of years , He was here Mrs . Emma Barnett left Friday picnic . Come. bring your machine comp e llrn ~ a tte ntl an~(' al hi gh schon\.. I f ' Id h' I' I N I last week wo rking on the Philips evening Cor Sahlm. NY " where ~ hl' ThiS,Will 11fIve Ih e (,11\·(' ( liT IHrgel y \LlOlna ~II WI ami your well· loaded baskelw. meet OF CITIZENSHIP" ealst ( tl~P aYSh' 0 . on y WI yo u see t Ie ar Ists w a oc- building , His many fri ends in and will mak<! an indf'finite visit with . . at the church at 9:30 sharp. an~ tolI1erea£lI1go lire enrollm ent In L1le upI ' h ' fi t . cupy tIe L ree rll1gs, Ive s ages, nround town will :be shocked to gether g o to the park. Title 01 Lecture By. Mr.. D, relntive!!, t he great hippodrome track and lhe hea r of hi s denth . per I<rad eH :lnd hIgh sc hoo l. Piri.Beyea .... p , A. Garner. Chiropractor, Offi ce In CRse II pupil IH"lll l1 t ",d to high aerial riggin g in th e l ent top. but Nnrlh Brolldway, Lebanon. gchOlll is m Ire lh an filiI!' mil {'s fr lllll foilr spaciuus ~ I ecl arernllS fill ed with Omce hours 931) a m . to 8;00 nne the hoard mu st pilh ('r ftlrn i ~h wild heaRt s as we ll . Sundays by appC)intment. him lra n ~port.al inn t () hklr ~~ h " n l or Tigers riding peaeeably on the ... ...- - provid e Ihat he ~ Iudi l'~ be taug hl bacll !! of pleph ants , black-maned Mr. and Mrs, Rlhan ,Coleman and nearer. I{egular co mmunication of WayAfrican lions sp ringing to and from , two daughters, of Toledo. spent the nesville Lodge No . 163 F. & A. M.• 3- To £'Ilforee l hi~ nnll all other gallnpinll Iw rH's , llreat t ro uv\s of week-enll with Mr: and Mrs. J, H ~ch oo l at lend ance one Il l' more l'Olln- polar bears walking r o p ~ 9 or IJlnyTuesduy evening. July 12, There Colemllu. making tho trip by auto. t y trllunt olll c.. r 1l1t1 ~l he emp loyNI \ ing nt see-sllw. leo pa rdR jum ping will be work in the M. M, degree . Wayn esvill e had a gane Fourth MonVi sitore are always welcome. The uy the county boa rd of etlu cllLi lln LlI ro uKlr hoops of fi reth ('se are Best 25c Men's Socks. brown black ' te~m ie .rcque9ted to be present, rhe maIl e r of ('tlillpellin g Sd 100 1 nt- some of Ih~ mnr velous Ihin g~ that day. Th ere was nothinR doing here and all colon. Specilll 8 for 50r, nt all day. Almost all the merchants J. W, Edwards, W. M. tend ullcl' has been ta ken a way fr om these wnnderfllillnimai s do. While !lyman and Co, Annual rally services of Christian ga'le the aflernoon' and m.any peoL, A. Zimmerman. Sec'y_ the local blJllrd s . Th e county truunl Ih e~() hl'Hll l iful crealures a re under Mr. Quincy Gons and family, ofllc cr may, if n e~e;;~ary. go into a b80lul (' cont rul. Ihey lire preselltod pit: wen Lout of lown for their holi- Church at Ferry next Sunday morn'r FI akc .W. 0 . Raper. other co unti es lifter truanl t! fr om only in ,.,<'I'eat al'CII:lR uf illeel. ~] se- day. The streets were deserted. ing, Biule School at 9.30. PreachIMI!IIsrs,J. . whe rc in the mllin lent you will see even the flies dozed all the afternoon Ing services 10:45 to 10:45, afln LCIII Beckett and W, 0 , GUlIlin at- his own county I .: . I tended the ra~es In Dal'tod 'on the Thc state takeR th e altit.ud e that camelR performing milch after lh e Bnd the few people left here lltald which a basket dinner will be served Fourth'. . eery child must go lo school till Lhe fa~hion ot Jlorses - an act never be- ind oo rs trying to keep as cool. as in the church basement to every body . ~ .. age of sixleen and mllRt eith er be in fore presented anywh ere. There possihle . : Sever al attended the Ice cream and cold drinks also. Regular meeting of the Eastern i will IIpen a~teJ)ltlr Shop at t;us- 'school or nt work till cig ht-een . No are fiv e troupes of tr&ined Aeals. fireworks given at different places in A special program of music ~iII Star on Monday evening, July .1lth. be rendered , The male Quartet of the evening , tin' s Ijvery ba.rJl~ ,lqly. 1st. Quick child under s!xteen may ue employ- whole bevi es of remllrkable dogs, All members are requested to be Waynesville will render two or three lIer\rice and courtoo~s treatment. a&- ed at IIny kind of labor duri ng the monkl'Ys. pi ~s and pigeons. Twen--nu mbers. Everybodv invited. present. ~ured you. John Stansberry. hours schoQl. is in !le~~ion . In order ty-six elephants will perform at one Donna EUwarde. W. M. Come early for the Bible School. , to work rer;ularly before he i ei gh- time. Oth ers will clo tricks at the Sue Hawke. See~ - -, ---:-J E Janney and family, Dr, and leen, the youth must have an 'age top of high pede~lal s I!lnd others cirMrs: J, T, Ellis. Allred fillY and and -Jch()I)1 cer.tiflcate froftl the COUIl- ele the entire t ent,-kk:king footballs [~lIy. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sheeh~n ty BliPeribtenaenL or pcho()I~, ThE! as they g o. S plcl1did groups of ,MRS. D_ PIRIE BEVE"" C, H. partsock 'and family a't- Increused comp,UIHO ry sj!hool age will lI'ained . ~ lallions. Shetlands and Religion, Lite, LI'1erLy. Law , thll Loranger picnic last grelltly complicale ~hese certifieates manaitol horse.q form another feature , ,Ol1ler· " . , ' .. These are the four "cornersJones Thui'llldl~ ,at Hlihland County caves , and nece. itfl l , n great m.1lS!! ot Aside frQm th dumb actor~ are Mrs. Lucy Pratt fell last week at t d B. Bentley had Pointer Dir~t of citizenship. accordlni to Mra, D_ wjUt~ I",r&,e turnout. a good 8ch~1 dn \.!l being kept on file al the fully OOO 'mE!n and wqrnen stars, al.ld her home .and broke .a rib. She ~ In a race at I)atton the Foun.b. tiut There wili be a meeUn, the Pirie Boyea, wh~8e lecture at Chau- dinner and a fine p~otrram. couuty oltice . Stringent. I,enalties nearly 100 clowns. A gorgeous getting along as well as can be ex- cam~ II) the tbird mnney. takmg'the Wayne Townsblp Farm, Bureau , ac , tauqua next 'summer should challenge ,;. A G mer Cblr t om C..... are provid ed for ,violations of ~he 'tournament· opens the program. pee ted nee 1 a"4. The horse iubowlng a tbe a.&t.-room. MoDdat 'e'NDi1lR - the attention of aU thoughtful eltla~.. T. ~ a • oprae or. . 'Th e menagerie, . - W h'Ie:h 18 . •en t"Ire I'I "It 18 relpect for lhese principle.... law. world of speed , tbis Bummer, and July 11. All member. are ...... . • _ • N th Broadway, Lebanon. separate from Lhe 8l11imala used In BFa Mrs. Berea. "'that gives UI bapo at- 42 01'. Will take levera) races durlna the bepreeent. the circul , is the billpln8811 and 1I1&k.. UI 100 per IIIR ehlo. ()JIlce bo~ 9;30 •• m. to 8:00 fain. Have you paid four taxea? ....... _..a.._..L ~ p, m.rf3Wld.,. bv appointment 0111, Houae for sal..,- See Laybourne. Ileat ever lra1leled •
~_ "'~4._--_
---_.- -
O. E, 5, 'MEEllNG '
.. -----
-- -..
1p-.' ~' .... '
_ The Miami Gazette. Waynesville, Ohio.
E2 _
-- - ------
RtJMM8ND TheAdventures of A Demobilized Office,-
Who Found Peace Dull bll
30x3~ Standard Non-Skid Tire
mustt-ations blj IRWJHMYERS CoPyrl9ht
by ueo H Dor an Co
"Uld 10U orh"r nnytnlng . "IrT' A wa ll~r I"au".~d h .... l\llh~ him . If wUS I II~ t.iU)!f.! , ·t;nO I I or l.Nnn g '1'00)' "Nt'''' murruurf'd Drulllm(ln(1. 1I1Hlt ~llIdJltr llillt (·"u,.t~tl ttll ' ~m ll o. For I wi ll re~tltr thl! omission, .~ no lh"r hlill "IIIrl"d n Irulll " r Ih ought III Iarl(~ tankRrd ot Rle." ] IruwlII" ll rI'8 IIl lnd wht.-h. set'lIlcd to The wo l"'r II~I,"rt ... l. enll Jl IIRh I him 10 I", I:ll<Id. H );In olll ll'-why n ol I t wo or tl lrl'c mon' ,'quo lly tru9ty plrlced up th(' pnpt'r lignin. MWe IUld N'II I0 1111," I", mil rm II r('(l "ponslII(,1l 1 \\,h y not 11 I{llng of the pntly to hil lisI'll. "Ihnl Mr. Putts. b oy~l wh o bill N!N' ntly b(,(,11 l'ldlspost'd, hilS Tohy PMSI'SSI.(J a V. 0 .. Bnd n good returned 10 tbe ('arlt on.., one ror tl",rc ore ~rll(\ l's ot the V. O., Now tbat ', "ery 1 1I1~r~.llng. . . ," onll th"s\! grod"" ar~ IlPpreclutud t o He lit a ('Ijttlrl'tt e flll ll IBY bo('k In a nl"elY b), Ihe n!dp l"nt's brotber hlI! chllir. "I wos ullder the Impres· olth'<'r.! It not h y thp I: enernl public. 1I10n thBt Mr. p,)u. W88 ~8 tl'l y tu r ked 'rhe 8how wouhl HI Toby li ke a II Io v .... UP 10 bed. cunsumlng semollns pud· , , • . Th~n thO'l'f! ",ns Ted J ~rn· dill!:, ot Gorlnl!. It rt"lulrt>' elu",dn' In ghlllll, who ('ollltJhwd the r oles ot un tllllll u' u r fl(' tor ot more Uwn aver~ llon." "I bell YOllr l1ft r don, el r," r"morkl'd 'UI''' It",rll wll h on IIb\llty t o hit any, t be ,,'alt er, I'llI clng th e he ... r on tb e thllll! lit on, rllnge with eve ry ('On· r~ I\' lI l llr tn 'p at ftr. urm. And J erry table h ~8ld e hl llI. "You needu 't," ruturned HlI jlh . "Up ~ , ,~·tII \1 11r III thp Fl yhlR corps, , • . t~ dati· YOIl hs\'e Jusllflc<l my t ,H11\t!A t ,:'\ot 11 bud Ihln~ to Iliwe 8 nylng mau OIl.' N " I , '~\·e . . . , And POR' UI",,'tn llon9. Alld .. a tu rt her pro.t Rlhly emile one \'\'I",ell In the wllYs of of my , ood will, I woul d Uke you to t nn ks ml!:ht cnm(' In handy, , , ' PI m e a trullll: co ll - 2 X Our lllll·" A t ..w mtollt es late r he WAS In the I TI... ~m ll e hrood.-ned to a Jrl'In: 8\1 r... I, lit\! W(l 6 \'t'r, "ood. Aud then tel~vhone bOL "PPler, ] ha"" seldom been 80 glad : Ih l' grin ttlded, ond sodtot hltll suato hellr your ,'oleC', IB all well? O""d. : plr loll"ly like n trnwlI took Its place. Don't men lion any naul es. () ur gll". t For he hflll nrrh·.. d lit Ule Carlton, I. there, 18 he ' Go ne all s trlk l' nltulll"1 oll rl rp/lllll' hlld c'ome ho ck to him. "Mr. Pott s will sel! no one, s ir," remore milk pudlllll1l8, you !lily . l 'ooll h1lll, Pel er, Mltke a noll>(' like II , lIIarked the man '0 whom he ad· IIturlleon, nnd hc'U tlllllll It ' ~ clI l'I~re . ,lr(,.".'d hi s questloll . "You are about I tbe tWI'nl iet h ~ 1I11 elU an who MS been Ha ve you seen the pnpers ' Tllere are 1 Interuetlag dOin gs In DeltAs t, wh ich heN' olrPlldy todBY." HUli'h hud expected this, and smiled (CIn ce rn U8 ruthur Intlma lely. I'll be down lat er, nlld we'll hBv e a I")\\" i 1I('I,lall),. "1'l'\!rlsely, my 8tOUt fellow," he l'&' wow." He hUAf up th e receiver ood ,morkell, "but I'll lay • small amouut 'ot mon ey that tb!!y weI'(' nt'll'l(Maper etepI)ed out at the boll. m('n, Now, 1'm not. ADd I think fhat -It, AIgy," he remarked 10 a IDILIl wllo '11'88 100lLlni at the tllpe machine .It you will bnve thl. note deU'I'ere4 oUlllde, "the paper 8ayl a hll,bler'1 I to Mr, Potts, be will tee me... _wbere aod you know he's SOIDeHe IIBt down at B table, Uld drew where tII_wbat would ,.OU dol" la shee t of paper toward him. Two "Up to date In .ucb cues I hove al· , facllI were ce rt~n : Flret, that the ..... ys ahot U1e editor," murmured AllY man UI)8tnll'1l WIlS not tbe real Potts: I ItN'Ond, thot he was one of PetertlOD'. Louaworth, "Come and teed." "YoU'N! 10 helpful, Algy, A per- 1pnll, The dltftculty waa to koew ta· fett roC!l ot .treflath. Do you WaDt lacUy how to word tbe note. TIle,. a Job,. : ml,ht he IIOme JIlYsUC pua-word, 1M "Wbat lort of a Jobf' demaoded the \ om tl.!!lon of wbl'>" wonld pro'fe blm otIIer lusplclousl,.. 01 Olll'\", At ISlJtII O. "Ob I not 'II'ork, dear old boy, D-n 'Id wrote rapidly: be It, !D.IIn-),ou koow me better tbon tllat, surely I" "People are so tunny nowadays," returned Lonlro\'ortb gloomily, "Wbat II this job ' " Togetller the two men Ilrllllied Into the luncbeon·rHom. Bnd loo g otter Ule cbeese had boon tJnlshlld, AlllY Long· wortb was stili IIltenlo, In allence to hlI! companion, "My deu r uld ' bean." be murmured 'C1l1ut\('ally 0 1 Bugh IInllh,d, " my very dea r old hean, I think It'll till mOlt prtcelCll8 thing 1 ever beard. Enroll
Th is new low price
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"I\lc h tl", It ·"
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pacity of '6,000 li rel and 20,000 tubes, this plant p e rmitl refined prollt'rfUl .
Ol e."
I auu btellly It mll: ll lIn hc a IU\l I IclPfI. But tlu!y know we
do\Vn s tn lr ~.
Firestone Cord Tires
Tire repair m e n, who jU,dge values bcst, c1as. theBe tirel a. having tho eturdie.t carcass matle, Forty· seven high.grade car manufacturere Ute them as standard equipment, They are the quality choice of cord UIUL
d uction on a quantity basis, material. ueed lire the belt obta inable. The quality ill uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price.
su fl'~ r,
I 'I'he m.an, not Ill·pleased, iIIve a ; nlill It wou ld IlI l1ke> It " 0 uwl< wll fli 8bort laugb, I whl' n I \\'lIlIlt d til ,1111,· II l'ro Il /(liin. " It'll PIIM, I think. Bot It'a risky. . . , ~ o, tnkltll! I' \'~ ry tlling 111 (1) 1 These cursed reportent ha ve been O('CIHIII I, I thin k ." '1'1,,'rl' \\' II~I II " 1111,11'11 II ghtnlll g 11111\',,· ibOdgl'rlng tbe whole mornin g. . . , IAntl It his wife or S,II1I ' \)ooy comes 1111'111. II lil' IIY<' 11 1111 II qlll l' k Jerk . 'I'ill' It .wn slI't like I11l1"""'''"lIlur lit 1'1111" \\'II ~ IIhilly ~"" , 10vI'r, whllt then' I!WSCft to hunlCle In BeltlllJt. H e's ' 81'11111" or tlylll j( th rOUKh Ih,' air, 11 1111 :oerl'r left a clue betore, nnd he hud at hltllllj( th,' 1I ,... r Honl~ yu rds """111 I>Ie nI Y of time t o do the job prop- tI " , <I""r, HI' IIIII,le II rnl liUr err,lrl ,urly ." t o rl~.·. but the rm ln WIl H too gr\'ut. "A nsme Inside 6 b r!'ust.pocket ' atlll he rnlh."d \l1'I'r ClI rs lu/C, willie Ihe ,might 00811y be o\'Orlook..u," r"ulIlrk ed flltl dl" r , hl ~ hUllli on th .. (luor·knotJ, Hugb, III!lz lng the obvious cin e, \ IIIU"I" II gelltl)', "Aro yon maklog excuses for him'" "111 kl'e p Ille tootllpl rk ," be r e,'llKrled the oth er , "Fle's tfllled, ond nlllrkl'd. "11K a Ulem llnto,~ ,t_lIure IB deatb. Such Ie our rule. 'rho Iwxt mUlIIc ul he ",ns s t rlrlluj( (Would you hllve It IIltl'r~n" Ill ulIg Ihe corrlli or townrd the Ml e· I "MOlt certainly Dot. The Issuell are "lIlIIr. AS "I /lghl It bud tJuun a pilar tar too I~at for any weflknl'S8. , ,." 01"', hilt his br"Iu ",os busy with til" "You're rlgbt, my trl<md- you're lu tllrlllll tillo h.· tift" henrd. 'i'rul', It 1rt ll bt. LoOI live tbe IIrotherhood," hlHI iJp"'l HCWIlI'I'Y In thc I'xtrmlle, und, IUe stared out at the wludow with In pllrt, hnd olily rllllflnned whu t hI! iBmOllldertq eJIM, and Bugb l)rfllJerved linII KIIHllet'lM oil "l uul(, 'fbe wretched I_ dl~ Illeoee, Then Buddenly the GrulIKer hlld bel'1I foully d ,lIIll to d!!alh, lother ~ ~t IIPIn, , , , "Ho,'o tor nl) mil.", rellMOn Ihuu thBt he W II~ ,ther ktlled that tnsolent pup»y at a t.hl! mllllonalrc's >,(!(,rflrnry. Hugh's soldier ntr jnw tl j;ht .. ned ; It re\'ult tld hi s Sl!1I80 ot "Ell'-nOC yet." marmured HUlb spurl, It wasn't RS It tbe poor 1,lIght· mildly, er hnd <Iorll! on), lhlng: merely be<'O uRc , ''They malt find tbe Amerlclln at he e X'l~ t erl 0 11 11 might IlRk hl('onvellient 'once." The man thumped Ule table qU(!Sil""R hr· hnd I.cell remo"e<l. And :empbatJcaUy, "It w.s Importllnt be- 118 the ele\'Utor sllut downwnrdR, Rnd :ro~t Ieut bIa money was. Now th e rellwmlJlrun r'l' or the IlMrn struggle he had hud In the darkness ot Tbe lth tbll blnnGe-It'. vltlll." "PreelHly," Did H~b, ",Preclse- 1<:11118 thl! night beto re r a.me hllck to Iy," hi s mln<l, he 'wollderl'd once again It "1''1'8 already interviewed one man he had dOlle wi sely III not hl'\!lIklng from 8C!ottuId Yard, but every hour Petf'rson'8 n~k while be had tbe lncre... the ClaDl'!r, However, you chonl'f', ,lIavs a m_., tor me, Wlilit II Itl" He wns !lUll dehatlng the queetlon Bnp rOle and ~II1I!I"Y picked up l in hi s mind 88 be crossed thc t('o· b18 bat. Be bad lOt more oot ot the lounge. . " Why, Captain Drummond, , ou look llnten-Iew thUi be lIad hoped for, and 'tbere . u nothln. to be gained by p en ~ Iv (!," ..I, well ' known voice from n prolonatn. It. But It struck him t,hat tRbie at hiS side mnde h,Im look down , !Mr, Potte' Impenooator was a mun ond he bowed 11 little grimly, Irmo 'or unpleaaant dlsPOllltlon, and tbat 1'l!lerNOn W '88 regll rdllli him with II ~ nt to the mClI!klng Sill lie, ,door wal Indl~ted. Anll, oolne Qf He glnnr'ed lit her companion. a :.n open nllture himself, It Is poulhte young mun whose tnee Reemed vllguel)' ;thllt the r\!lll state at ntralrs sbowed tumiliur to hllll, nnd then bls eye. .tor . a moment 00 bls face. Be that t eAte(1 onel' more on the girl, Even 'al It may, ,omathlog suddenly arousecl bls mn sc ullnp Inl eillgence ('Ould op· ;the other's lusplclons, lind wIth a precllltl' th e perfectloll-In B slightly iltlarl of tury he IpI'IInl palt BUlb to foreign st y l L~ot her clothes; and, 118 .the dOOl'. to ber lIenul)', he hod never been un· der an y de lusions, "'Who .re "OU"" Be SPlit the wOrdl "The Carlton oeems rather a favOl'· eot vt'nomoull", .t the I18me Ume wblpplq an u.ly·looklll, knife out of hI. pocket. Buab repla~ bls hat and stlrll: on tbe tahle and arinn8(1 gelltly, "I am the InBolent puppy of a Bol· dler, dear old bird," he relllarked, ...tcblnl tbe other warily, "And If I w .. JOO I'd put the toothpick' away, , • , You might burt yourself-" AB he lIPOke be wlls edglnl, little b, little, toward the other moD, wbo croucbed Bnllrllng by the door, HI8 el'etI, rrtm and determined, never left the other'a face; bls bonds, apparently banaln, ltatieu by bls aides, were !Inilln, wltb the Joy ot what be knew "My Dear Old a,an," He Murmured wla comlnl, leltltloa"y II Hugh Plnl.hed, "My "And the penalty at fllllure 18 death Very Delr Old aean," 18n't It, dear alief' Be spoke almost would bflve to chance It. dreamily: but not tor lin In8tant did "Urgent. A message from head· bill uttentlon relu.. Almost Imper· quarters," ceptlbly, he crept toward tbe other He sealed the em'elepe .nd handed mao, talklnl geoU" It wltb the neceallllry live Iblllln.. ".Sucb II your rule. And I tblnk tor postage to th e man, Then be lat JOII hove tailed, haven't you, YOll un· down ta walt, Atler wbllt seemed UI picallllnt apee!men at bumanlty' Bow Interminable delay he l1li11' tb, m_ will they kill yon, I wonder'" eeDler cros81nl the lounge. It was at that moment tbat the man "Mr, Pottl! will oee you, Blr," wade bll mistake, He looked away: , Hugb tollowed his ¥Ulde aloq a only for a moment-but he looked corrIdor, lind paused out,lde a dOOl' IIWRY, Just liS a cat'. nerve. live ' ~hlle he W!!ut Into a room, 'He beard after a wblle and It looks round t(1l' a InUl'lllur of vol('l!s, and tben the IlD IIvenue ot ellcape, so aid the croucb· ,wan I'('appeared, Inl m.o lake his e)'ea from H~b, I "This woy. IIr," he sald, and HuJlb Aod quick lUI aDy ' dOli, Hugb sprong, IlItcwed Inside, to IItop with an Invol· .Wltb 1111 left haod be seized the With HI. Lett 'H _nd Ha a.lztd th. Ul\tur)' lIalp ot surprise, The man milo's rtlb! wrlat, with bls right be Man', Right Wrlat, With HII Right tIlea ted lu tbe d1alr wu Pottl!, to all ael%e<l bla throat. Then be torced He 8tl..111 HII Throe.. Ilntenla and purposea. Tbe Ukena.. blm uprtlht IIplnst the door alld held I WOH extraordinary, and had he not 111m there, ElvIn when Inch by Inch Ite resort of youi'll," shoe contJnue4, Iknown Ulat the real arUcle Willi at be ehlfted hll mp on the mllJl'l Imlfe wntr hlng him througb bllJf closed eyes, Gorln ll he would bave been com· hand be never took hie eyel from his "J think you'l'(' very wise to make the most ot It wblle you can," pletel, derehl'd 111maelt, "While 1 ('on'" IIIIld Bugb, "Tbat The wnn walred till the dOor wu opponent'l tace; a't'eo when With II closed: then he .rose .nd attl)ped BUdden &UP of alony the man sounds ' mtlu!1' depreHsllIlI," dro~ 1111 ~Dlfe from IInlel'll which, "l'\'e donE! m)' beat," ('Onttnued the forward 8usplcloully, I "I dOIl't kuow JOII," he ...4. "Wbo ., • todden" bad become numb the IIrl, "hnt mlltters hue pa88ed out ot ItMdy, merdle. Il&n ,tm my hand a, I'm ntrald," are YOU'" . Agnln Hugb IllInced nt her compan· "Since when h88 nery 0118 em- IDto hI, bnlD. "You'ra DOt nl'J' deyer at It, lire lon, but he had risen and was talklnl ployed at belld'q uarttn II:noW1l ooe anoUler?" DrulUWond returned pard· 70U,," Aid Buab eott1y, "It would to Borne people wbo had Jtl8t come In, "18 be one of the Onn'" he reedly, "And, IDcldentall1. your 11Ir:.. be 110 . . .y to kUI yoU now, Uld except for the JJl~venience I mould ul)· marked, '.:Rls ta.ce a~~s familiar," nAb to all r Ja.mSl(lted .tI:\tQd, 18 woo-
ill made po..iblo by etrictelt economiell and .pecial. ized production, Plant No, 2 wa. erected for the .ole purpose of making 30x3 % .inch NonSkid fabric tirell. With a daily ca-
New Price $24.50
" "
F. D. HAWKE, Diatr ~butor
46.30 54.90
Waynelville, Ohio
me 8S 8 uwmher ot the hund, And, Incldeot ally, Toby Sinclair la runnlnl round In clrc)ea oaklD, for trouble. Let's rope blm In.'' "00 and fln d him thlll afternoon Algy," I18ld Bugb MslOl, "And teli 111m to kt:ep hi s moutb -shut. 'I'd rome with )'OU, but It occurs to me thR t the wretched Potts, 110 tbed In teal'll at the carlton, Is In need ot . ym pat1ty. So long, old d.' nr. You'll h@ftr. trom me 1o I day or Iwo." Orummond 8Runten!d along Poll· )doll, B e hllrt ' old Loollworth more or leRs on the spur ot the moment, Irno\\1ng that it!nUeman', capllbUitJ. to a IIltoety, Uoder a cloak ot a .. !eumed 1lJppeDC)' be con('ealed an lTOft Ine"e whlcb blld never yet tailed ,him: .nd, til Iplte of tile fn ct that be wore an enttrely unlleeeS8IIry eyehe could llee (prtller Into a brick w~1I than most ot the people iwho ~lIed blm a fnnl .
Do you know why it'l toalted? To seal in the delicious Burley flavor.
801£ Sii$f
' ''Oh, no I" 8al0 tne ICIn, - It ... _ Just R friend," Sbe leaned torward s UIIlI!'fll y, "Why don't you JOin U8 IIldl"" II of 110 foolishl, tryIng to light us1 lIelieve .ne. MOllsleur Hugh, It Iz the olll y thing tllut can possibly IIIIve you. You know 100 much." "Is tbe In vltntl lln to amalgamate olllclal, or from your ClWn cblll'llllni brulll '" munnurt!d Ru, b. "Made on th(' er'ur or tbe momenc," IIbe suld IIghlly. " Dut It mny he 'IegBrt"~d
'h8 "I[
'IDtr, 11e'ermlQhlK Inherl'.ncII be oe rtlfiod 1.0 tbe A udHur , In 'be m .. Uor of tbe .ottl omena or the lllltelt.. nf W , ~, Har~8ftok, d e. oeall&d , Inbe r1tllD.l ' tu hi dtfter . mined , 10 'he maUtir of 'be will of Wit . Illam B, Ne wpor', d ~ ot!"M e d Will I. admitted probll'e
lIarrla~. Lit,..Rober' K S'rou" . f.rruer, Way Denille lind Bnel M, W .. U .... Leb. aoon , C, Ernast E"rnhll r" hardware b081Re~8 , Ilnd IilLh el 1:1 . Zoh .. , both of WaYDenlll tl ,
88 0/11"'01."
"I'm afraid It mWit be (1~lIned on the "pur of the Dlomen t," be an· swered In the "nUll' tone, "And equal· Iy to be regarded 1 8 onlclul, Well, II U r ()\'olr. Plf'OIll! tell Mr. PeterllOo how sorry I Bm to ho e missed him." "] witt must cerlslnly," nn llwered the "Irl. "Dut thf' ll, mOil ami, you will be Ru t'lug him IIglllo 611011 , wlthuul doubt, , , ," SI Ie wllved a cbormlng halld In torewell, nlld l unled to lI .. r ('OUlllllniOIl, But Dr ullll ilolld, though he ",.mt Into the hall out side. did not Itllllled lately Ipuve thl' hul el. Inslen tl , he bultoll' holed nil eX(lulstte being IIrrnyed 10 I(nrgeou ~ IIPlitI rfli, lIod led him to a polut of \'011 1ute. "You see that girl" be r emarked "hllvlng leo ",lUI a I~an at Ule third tllhl e from tllA big polm' Now ClIO you lell mo who the mRII Is? I '8eem to know his tlll'C, but I can't pnt a name to It." "Thnt , . Ir," munnured the exqlllslte being, with tbe fllint est perceptible sronl n I such IgnorancA, "Ie the IllIIl'qul s O)f Lnlllley, nls lord8blp Is fre· quentl y here," "1.1I1dley I" cried Hugh, In Budden g. ('lI~ nl ellt, "Laidley J Tho duke of LnIllJlshlre's 80n I You prlcele88 old .Intrerl tODu\t()-lhe vlot thicken!!," t ConllDue4 OD pare .,
HOriCI 0 ....11.)··. Phlloaophy. Tlwse wbo dl sl'llftrp prol1lpll, anO faithfully 1111 tbelr dulles to tbOlle ,,110 stili live In tbe nu h, can have .. ut lit· II I! tlt"e tor . pokln M RIIiI peerlnll toto the 11 t" hl!yond Ihe grne, Re ller to ft It~nll to each wnrlrl In Its IIrOper Olio der.- Aornl'tl Oreelp.y.
Gla••llled Ad. MONEY LOANED
Ttl LU I N UN rARM~ Inter",,' fllr ~ lo 10 y elOn. 'I',,, rell & T An "II , He.1 lilt. I"to ,,".1 LtI .. nN. Wllulllli! t " U, Oblo, Pbllllu ;101. n,11I If
Real Eatate Tranterl
'1110 V 11I"1f0 of ..... JjonoD-t<r Co no
'y of Warren In I I t N HI Leb' IInon t~ooo, ' 11 0 n .
6 '1(,
I '
" If . ,W. Kirk to. EIIl"utlr Von Trl108 I ~tl\ . (\!l aorollo WOllt W .. yn u 'I'wy ,
I .
----. -...----
A Nobll Lllngu_III, Pnlntlng, or art generally, 118 8IIcb, wtth all Its technicalities, dlfDcultlea. and pnrtlculnr elldl, III notbln, but. Doble Bnd eXlIl'\!sslve longuaK9. Innl, uble ns the vehicle ot thoulJllt. bul 111 Itselt, nothlng,-John RUllkln.
Berber' BaUleld t,) FrAd and N d ~ll ~ boulCht . ,Jobn Barhlne. Alleo ICBtelll Addle, " 65 H , front 011 Uull<lIuK, Xunla Uhln. 6 • 22 Mound tI, ., Lebanon, $1 (J, B, tlnplnRer to ()~oar and Em , mil !:1owllrd, about 15 Ilurel In .'OR SALE - PROPERTY 'I'urtleafoek Twp , $1 .
Coasml .. loDera· ProcNldI.JI BIIIII alloweu : - W B, Stanlge Co.. 81 .. nll:, for 8111!rlll', 117,1i0; J, W , LlngQ Oard WRre Co" lIupplles, 1100 : Stllkal'" Mfg, Co . OrOMa leo. 1I0D 010\11 for Borveyor, 126.00; Welltern Bur, leg,,1 ltd, Iii; Rooord lng «oed for W"Kblnll$on Oall, 11 25; JordoD Bobson, soldier'. burilll oommlttee, Cle .. r Croek Twp II ' Columbnll Blank Book Co., billnk~ for p, J . U , C, W , Unglesby, bur la1 Of. Wm, Kle!nlleun, '100: B. 0 Wlllll1ma, reoord book tor reoell,t booke for p, J. '20 00; Recorder IGIi ; ~'"kalu Mfg, Co, Brown lID(i Bunnell, ooal for U. B, IS60 80· A F. Slmon&on, bridle repalrll 11i2 50 : W , 8, Ulahaw, s'ralghtenlng ~;eek netU Taylor farm IlU-OII ; Spenoer BrOl, bridge pain' and oontrao~ No 678.173770 ; W, B , Bopping, ren' of office tor (',oun'y Supt, &hooll for6 mo ending JDly1, 11121, f60,OO ,
A six. room bOU80 wllb double 10&, good barn aDd oblohn bOUle OD
lower Tblrd .hoe'. (,l1\oe
Inquire II 'btl
- -- - =
FE "ALE HELP \V ANTED HOUI:IIl:Ki:liWi:R- WOWIlO or Klrl for lIBbt houlework In 8m,1I family. inquire at MI,ml UII&..,&8 offioe, J~O
A Bnndlll of CloShel, 10000ewbite be'wl!eo W.ynentlle and Bar. na.
veYliburg, on Sbe Klver rfllMl,
d~ r please re'uro &0 Uaat&8olBoe,
A I'lI£LO 05' CLUVlI:R, oomprte. Ing 13 aorN Joho RObenoD R, 0, S, WaJOelvtlle, Oblo
Comasoa ...... Court New Sui.. Eliza EnfIeld VII Ildl. EufIeld. I'or dlvoroe, I'ay 11:, ~mtlh VI Cl ,fford B,l:!mttb, i'or d! vorce. , Uall Lnot n I!leldeo LU08 For dlvoroe, Probate Caart PreeeMIa. . In 'he lIII~a" of Aiber& BoIaolll. dlloeaaed Secoud aoooun' approvad . In the 88&a&8 of Mar,. (JoDI'able, dooeaeecl, I:5eooDd aCIOOIaM appro.
In tbe 81.... of WinDle Au~ker Imbeotle, I'lUh lIOIOaD' apPI'Qftd: 10 the maUer of the "&&lement 01 the elta&8 of Rober' (:. Adama, de-, cealed, 1111 ordered a of ,
ab., cop,.
An act. in this column Is a sure sale
A, n'ra I!l~ar'er-G. E , S&arkr aD" lLl"er,. lor Ford, _II 10 loud ebape. 0 , A 8tJobD, R I) W.,. nenJlle, Oblo, ' JIB •
... - .... ........... u...,.,. ........ _...... ......... ..........
........ CeItIa c-.. ........... • ...__ .... ...
-_ ---_ .....-
... ---" -~,~
6S 'Olbe tiBOATtI will .ellh aboo' eilob, Inqllir. ot 0 L i
Rlokl, R, D 4, WayneevllIe. Ublo: jll
~ .-.,
M'lo'on, o.rveyabarlJ, Oblo,
.................1 . . . .h
A Good RObber. tired DUllY. la. ... qUI,. of W, A, Borf.oe R D ",.,.D.vllil Ollt •
Tomato. Caollaow. anlo and Pimeato ~ • Plaa. . .Dd C6ler, PI•• dbl Ole Draa. H, D, Ii, " . ,....Ille.
t:. .
':ppe.:. jIll
n.e Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
,..•. T H E' MIAMI
Itlll .red Ii\. Ihc 1-', I tl l tt. ~ 611 \\ ll) IH,frlv HI.. , U t i li ,. fi b ,...• I
~ I,H 6! kll & , ~ I I
O. L. (' P ANE , Fdi tor 'and Pu l:1i I f! 1. ' Wo } nj.' y ille . 0hio Sllh~
you o r der a piece' of g oods bY' mall: you kn o w nOlhing abou t th e 9uaIJt y of th e :l rt,!"l c delivered unt il It has bre n test ed b.Y \I~ (,. l'l av ing been useu and foullt! :v r,nt ing, y llll ~aye 10 go to the t rrm h!o:o of sending It a long distance lJ:\~:k for lon g.di s. ~ a n ce sa tisfac tion. ,t Very rare uird . Indeed.
,\ , I\' .· t l l ·I U ~' H ' l " ,· ",lhlll ll\,.
I II I ,\r'\ 11 HH I\ N I ' I (I. !'\~ \ : .!'Il ·' I \ II ' I ~
-Wr: IINI,:s~)AY .
.lt ILY Ii,
I\ ) ~ I
PUT AND TAKE In "0 9ltohonge lilli' week waa an arUole ooooerniol ~oml' fanoy \ops, wblob, II 1.ld, were beoomloK \he ralr e . Sbe topa were baoJllome aod had IIIUeu 00 tbe oot1l1lOO1l1 ahle8. marlled "', p , a " ato • aod Ibe top Wail u.ell tor Kllwbltnl!' How well wo 0110 leUltllUher , 19ben we Wlli'lI IIld8 , we too k 1& IIpool,
"q uarlld I he ~i d ll8 flod pu t the 8A me "y mhuls 118 the tunov t op now t.... lng 1I01c1. und Hpnn I, ILronlid. und wben U 8tOPped ",e put, or tooll. or uny old tbing. a Rrellt q uaoti \, at pine. wbloh we bad tl\ll:eo from mothpr 's oUlibloo . And tlI80 W9 olln rllme.rnber . thai It waB generally 1\ "p.:' that I\lvyaY8 oame np wl.leo we bad our s pio . aod It melliory d Ol" uot f .. 11 UM , we gen. erally hlld t o vie" motber'lI pIll I'u.blou tbe oed tillY for another lot pioll.
, It ;. 1 111 .11 1(' I n the h ,n g rUIl, d n d th l'
I t, I ,
t'i llw,t rpIHtl'vt1~ Ir0 1l l Ih .. ~' ,. \l llh.
t' t
J-i: , Lt' v!t , \" at'!'nlllp ''' III'l l I,
Vlhl l l'- 1, 1"-1", ,11 :--'\1oll u\ In I hl\ "r ~Ir lI " d ~I t.· I .. " H II ' 1i
r lllir Hil i Ht II UJo('h .
Bull-Dog Drummond
The Adwnrures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull
Ib e oommonlty til bllvo a ollw»paper whlob III not vro~pt'rOU8. h It! bHd for the town MnO " It! bltd for the ~~~~I:~e;Il~W~i& ill llll<1 t or tho Jlllb.
fo; I!OI' t.
~I r ,
~II·- .
.1". \\' fllll'I, .. nler
t lllHt l d t d r ~ I :\ \ 1' 1'l lw li dIlI"l' 1
J\l i~A l' I' rll1n l ll I\lr l; ~P'lIIt .'I\·"rlll JIIY~ IIiRt \v u"k III \\' ll lll t n ~ I '''I WlLh ho r ~ r" nt1p<l,elll"', ;\1.. 11n,1 ~Ir ~. A .
L . Kirk .
Mrs Uplnll l'lI t rso h , II f ~l lI rr nw . Aprll1 l, Mev ortll IluYH WIth h M pILr U l1t ~. '\I r . IUHi Mrs Fmnk L . I::lurt l~ MH ~Bie
T nWIl~ h lp
Jllly 10th . Yun r Il1n nh r r' ID ,,~\(d ,
!-:"I Vl' ll
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~dH ,,, 1 ,',oo l'p nt io ll wi ll F' ri e urlfl C'hn rch 1\ 1 ~ P III
hulr' !i t rUIl J.dfld
I.d{ll r ,
1( .,111( 111 ," W" 1I1 on ) IUIC h. 'fb I:! A hi K IlH' Hlmw nwn y II )' p latt tl ~ Pllill t llllt 1t~ ln lUI! u due un t h .· ,,'""rL't r hed St\('rf"· tltI' Y, tT!? y !IIII !oIt c Pt t lit· r .'u l IIlI ltl n... HU OIi Jl H plI )O(l-Clhlf.l. I I'~ fur f oo dHIUJ i· r - ! 'JU R to h 'lI r " til t lpl\\' c tl H - " I I IH I II
1 ,.11 1 h· ... ., ... 11,) \\.1" t " 'I~II,)..I\ j.!" III 10"1 1\" I.uli(, \\ .1 1~d ""nl- t." ll '-t-d ~ t. l(' I C .lh I (' /I ll";' i) HJ \ ( \ ,1,,) ~ 1"' 1I ' 11 I I)
l " lI
Mr .11 111 Mr .. 11' I\\lIlll 1",'I'/lIHII " "
In Ill s
ht'.!!1 drllllJ" 'd
Ity wil1 reall~'l that It 18 uowiMe for
With Firm I-Iealthy Flesh
, d llldrpl\ , .. t l odlu n" , ""rl' \\ t ' i \~LI' r ld ~ ut\ .. t "\ li t ;)1, u tld ;-'1,,',.. F . Il1Jk ~llld
"Tl wy' r c n lrllmq 4'p rl ll in t o t ry a nd
get 111m "lfu \' ln g
~nn d llv
Onl'I1I10 lit 11 11
~ ulI , h .\·
IlTl)~I' l1 ro
I", ve r y .
r linr ,' h IS un ut plll . Ilwl r e hnrch.
r h CHI:
HlJ o r (!
ou d Out and Figure'
:/11 , .. 1,
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lJa y- I UIl , ll Ve !'
~\.Ij UUI , I .. . ~ll-"'l'l'" "'\\t- il il 'lU ll ~'~llInlli
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"hnd til" " iT, ·.' t IIr
wnl-llllJ! 111 m tor t ht· m orm'u t. Hllft h e Mt lt l!l.:... n ·d to ht ~ r. 't' t. Ti lt, 0 11 1(' 1" tll rp t', "::f1rHwlll\~ III 11 1I' lt' (' hH ir"'. ,\ PI' I ' opl· l l l." fl l lI l 111111 Sl lltOll' 11~'
I f tho oouuiry p"pnr of tho tntllre
._ _ _
. Mr . A L. Klr·k. of Wll l1 dl1 l: lnn, I WII. III Ollr oi V two 110 VI' I I\ ~t \\I'ok IUiJ kl n~ uf ler bll ~11l(' K8. . ' Ilr ttn ll Mr . Irll :-i\'fn rd 1'II 11' r
Trade .in a llolri~ AI(,,'e and YOll get qualIty . Th" lr)c~1 m ercha nt m!-'st carry 'luali t)' 01' bijj "cig hbo rs wtll not trade w itb him. And if there ~a~ been b ~ r! q uality accide n. tally, It 15.on ly a : p illlo his sto re t o s how hIm t he LI ' u r, T he m,:rchant s of o u r kwn have both (! l1 .I,ly ami 1'r ;( (:. ;r y vu will IJ I II.y fl ~ "re OU t ( " l' ':(l ' ~,J'\Iv n se nse 01 II , yl' ll wil l /i ,.,1 If I' , ;, IS cheaper,
I n !lfil l ~y ,
'rinl inll I'rie(·. $1. 50 I.lp r year
. ' ('1 1' 1). 11
Mr untl Mr~ it'rn,,11 L tln r rl . 1I1I11 Im~ hlr!! rron lr Shlrillkl'f li t . I '·" nd'ed Il pionlC) ut Hllll'u(;ro, Wecl ~I r
. Is n o~ pr08pornUt!, UlIIrs wili be 00 Whd I, &0 be t he fotore ot 'be oountry paptlr. Few yo .llI g milo oounhy weeklJ ~ Tbi8 roat. with , Ilre gulog illto the oouotry newil. Ibe oommonlly Ilnel wllb Ibe pub. papor busio P8H \odav, awl the roa. U.bar If tbe oo.wonlty rllOOl{. 100 t8 that tbe r.,t~lrn , fiollnol .. lIy Illae. Ibe velull lind pOlsi bltUte~ of ao,1 to reoollnUlon at Borvloe reno Ine oouotry weeilly Ilod ill wllllnl! dered, III too Arnall , &0 l-Y wbal 1& I. ",orlh. and If tbll '1'bo )lAoplo of tbe oon mllolty will pabllyber reall_ hi. reepon"lbllhlea koow, a!so. that 'bey bllve 0 part 10 10 hIe 00 rlmoo"" IbeD I... future I, lUaklog It 0. good papnr. As '000 I brlllb'. \I wIll bave 1100 Imporlaot ollonlr., edUnr po' 1&. the oountry pIIrt 10 bulldiog ap a .a".fJlnjf lIod weekly (8 noL the sale "roduot of wbole.ome rural life lIt! editor. It iM th e c unluoeu pro. 1'1,.1 of a1\, Ibe country ",.ellly of duot or itll frleorl~. re~d en IlIIII .. d. Ihe lulore will lie reoognllle.1 liB a vertillers.-EoIl'u rl,,\ lIv M V At. oomUluolly 10.IUutloo 1'bl8 means wood of tbe Nllw \' Il rk t\tnte tJu1l8j(e I, will be prOlperouli. Tb, oommoo at Agrloul'ore .
d" l!": III ,\" In til 11 111 ..:1 I I' IIt·ur ll y. IlIl l f t Illi f'
flH I" ('II ; ,·\t " 1 ti lt'
Httll\Hh ·~ . !Jn ~l ll d Tl J!
" \\'lIk .. liP :" ~ l lIl llh 'd ntl ~h \\ l Il li ,\" "'fur ( ; 111 1' )0( Rllkl ' -- \\'u kro lIP~
hd" rc 'our pi gs g e t ~ i(' k a lld \l' hik sillall . It costs less \lloll ey ami l h l' pi g ~ d . h e lt r r . For a l ilil i l l' u t illl e I \\'ill \' ucl' illall' pi gs weig hin g unuer ]) 0 it
l lPt'11 drll :.!l.!l'd!"
An tron " 'j" J:l lI ~ ('t'l1I l'l l til 11f' prt',"::': ' Irq.:: (' "WI1 011 h l!ol p."t'II,' ... : Iiii' d, '~l rp
ColI"'.... or OM.IL Dono I..:
- - - - -- - -- - - -- - -
!ol1(, t'11 CTt ' \\" ", fr llll gl 'r 1I1It! Sl rnll !! I'!".
IIl n ll "'U! ~
I T)ort '
.j() p Olilld s at th e fo ll il\l'in g pri ces , IIs in g
lip flll1 :,! h t
UlIlupll'h·ly r.·'Ul rl\l(....~ I), we "".... ,. HJ,(uirl"' t It , hO IU "h· ..: ..: ly , tI " ~li lllr lrll.!I.\': 'inllz" II horror on Ih p I'x'lul, III' III'IIIIf'" whlll' 1 11 ~ If').!'" "\ I' I' IIII·.! I ll " to I", ln ll l!' r""e, he " ,,,"If' hi "I III.'IIdh· In UIt' t o h llll , 111,41 111"I'e- "n '" II l"ollr ll l l; WJi:-. .. SIU'''H''h un,1 SII'JlJIf,,1 Inl u "'1111 ~fut l. In h l!ol t'ar"': , "IH I Iht'll . Jlls t l", r ll l' l' ~' or (' II'li r hpr',r .. I II ~ 111""1"1'), hlld , 'OUIIl 1I11 1'1111 ~ d '1 1I !"I 1 1 t' '':!" 0 \ " ' 1" ' 111111' 111111 , 1) ",rl ' Ihree 11111'. lin tfli' HCrIIl' .. r ""I,,'r III' (' n1lW ., 1 Ill ... " 1'1 11 11 ,,",' 1) Iln dll t l u' !'I OII I "! hnd lorll f""lIl Ihe Inhle ut Til" J,; lm ~ of n WIa I Htl6' Ihrl l'.! IN,'Pf'II I1 d f rn m lI ut that firMI 1I1ght, when he hut! grnhlJed I sl",' til" wl lld,, \\' . \\'llh n lu st Hlu· the Iluzed mllllouaire frolll uuder p ~ n,luu6 ~tTor t h e tOU l{ht Itls wuy toPeterson's DOBI'. \\'111'11 II, UII(I tor 8 1JIIIII1mt hp stnred , Intu Ihe dl\rkJll' ~ ~: Til l' "'' \\ crt ' dllll enrl oecklnCe nnrl Ihe llKUI'l"~ lJt o ,"ll1~ ' 1 IrulI~)1 t lw ""h rH h~, ore ot p r~ "elll owl SlI l l dl ' lIl y o n,' ~) l' t' U H\ tI t o Il\'lJll'h cheSA ot ).IInlJ)-
I ,
Pillman ·Moore. Eagle or Ft. Dodge Serum,
62c each, or 2c a c.c. Ohio S tale Se rum.
5Sc each, or 1:{c a c.c.
can furnish other s erum s if r e <1ucstect, and so m e at le ss money, At lhes e pri 'e s I require three days advance notice, a nti cas h a t tim e () f work. Ca ilmc ahout it .
Everett Early -DEALE (~
It ("Iltllf? lH' nrer. IIlld th ,' lI Klat ThP duchpR!! of LUlllpRlI lrp'R penrls I fell ou IhE' IIIIIII 'S fH · ~e . Il ls 11I '.e nllt! WP\"I' world·tll 1110118: the IIln r<lll l ~ of 010111 h Wprt' cO\"'r,'!1 \\'1\ h n Bolrt of Laldl!'), \\'U8 IlPllIIrently ellJoy lng hlH 111111. LUI Ih ,' "" Ill, ' '''''!'rill ': I'y ," 1I·" r" Itl'lli·l t .
DR. LLOYD B. HALL, Veterinarian
F lou r , vc r d, Coal , S a l t, Tile, Posts, Water Fountains all<..l S e lf - F e ede rs.
And bel ween Ule 1\\'0 there , unull ,lukll tJ lc. he Ii eonnectloo rlliber too I ."Ltlkllll(lolI l" gn ~ lJl'd llll ~ h, II li d l coultlu'ttblnk of not hln' &I.1I~t 1'(1 ob \'lous to bl) mlsRcd. then the r"lIrJnlt IH,I,,· Incrca,(,.1 In hI M h(,Jlll ; hit; h'g:ot rdru d< wod~ II l t n100 moro pro .1,1 \ " "h ow, t·blln Mllth. THREE. "r'" hed of JIlllrigoldH, Mho rllised 80 geIIH·r. 1I f' <"'o IlIlI H''l'~ 1 HU t il l' floo r 1I 1lt! long 1111'0 . . Iny SPI'Il WIlIl/:, ",Ii Il " LII I; ln~ I "JI , hi"I'm glnd you two t plkJwe Clime f. :c(' prt's)oOf'd tl g uilis t til l' g'lnss Olll !'il dl'. BuL Moth er . and her mllr. do\\'O," Ru le! IIIII/h thollgblflllly. ne he tgold" . ORIt VBDltl1tod . wi h wllleltt....1 III .~lI e ll '· ' ·. the yeHn. Yon seldom hellr I'lItl!rl'd tho HItIl IlJ.:·room of hl ~ hlllllf/l ' low a t O •• rtll j(. nlnn(' r W R !'ot ove r, un'" of marlgo),ls . or see 'em anywherlls . "Dru,," lilt' (' u /' III III~ . " L nkl llU"'on And : wblle 1 r osprot t he strptrh",fI In three ('hnlra \\,I'rc PNer wn ~ srw llk lu g. litH \'lIke n mtrh'd heDurrell, AI JlY LO Il II'\\,orUl, nnd Tolly garden . for tho oomfor~!I I,hn! it IlI nfi tJ w 1)1)(1. II nil IIll " of ,lap I llell dill bold., it 8e.. mll I .. laok 00lu pllltlloell8 . SIIt"'"lr. "DIrt you know thnt n IIIlln nil lie ~ uhl. 'l'1 ... I·I' W " rI' r"u l' III ull , CBmp here this ntt emoon, P~lprr' when tbere .. lu·I 00 wllflgold •• t!lI ch w I th 11 SIIIlII ,II !' p Hd (In' r hI ... "I !lId !lot. Who wos It 7" Ulull t.h lIud lI u ~ e, " \\' I u'rl' did) n u Pllt "~I,.,. . n "uny hits JII~t lold III" ." Hugh ti lP J,:PIl('rIlI OI', Brow ul ow 't" rellchl\! out , hund t or i»&?Jpc, fwd IOJn Ou.' ('o ul -:"w lI t tk," A I IUl Il \\' 111 111) pro('N',led til al ulf .1I wllrt.,!fobocco. Mr •. D"'"IY wOllld ), :I \,P hll .1 11 0 ,lI ff1 tell.
Telel)hone 93, Waynesville, Ohio
seemed It)
If I conld PRlot " plotnr It li e I bave It In my mluII, l'tI pick Ibl' oht..lOlllll oolors tbat my lovin' h plltl 00814 flnd,- and I'd Bpread 'em 011 'be DIlDva., 80 tbat n~nry tint would ,bow, &0 portray UIO bed of !uHrl. lold " tbd Mutber nMlld 1,0 llrow . , I aUllr. tbougbt Ibl'm hlo~Holll P wa. &b" b1llbOlll dtlJILblt of wllidl mallei 'em sprout, olerDlIl, In b fallbtol re1ler'8 bearl . Ami
"Fl o
uhtlu t the wnlt·r.
Anr1 h e
c ully
rtl f ' nj.,'l I I1. III ~~.
e," ' 11
wI lli
foI Olll e
con I.
[-E;~s''''''i! DR. W.
Hny . Straw a nd Feed. FeetI Gr in d in g n Specil1lly.
if... Examined Correctly... Glusses Fitted
LytIc, Ohi o
I hc
Optical Department
S. Datrolt SL
Te lephone 76, ' ring J .
tottl h ~ r Iltnt I had lo1c1 him 1o cOllie. mfl Rk on his (1If" ', f'nrl'fllil y Il ft(', I H UntorlUnntely. I'tI done nothing ot tbe snlllil hluel! bux 011 1 (If ti l(' 5"IJlIII' from BOrl."
Our Calendar
Xenlll.Ohio 01>1'0 evenings by all PoinCmcn t
Vacci nation
l"tluo k It g ('nl ·
Specialty. Noth-
bul Re liahlo Serum used
Phone 44
·_____________-JI.........·~·····..····· I ~. I
"Wltnl do you menn, Iru gh ?" osked Iy, hol(llng It tn hi. I'IIr. " Il' ~ nu· -Toby Stndnlr. lah",t," lie f('lIwrl",d . nlHI 1 ,lIk ln ~ I"n Veterinarian The lord moyor of Lourlon Is called July 3 - 6th Sunday aflt!r Trinity ''It'li pretly obvIous, old /Joy," 8nld I upoo 10 mnko uo U\'l'rn!,:\) ot nearly a Hugh grimly. "I shoul<l Bay that oodMd . DR. J. W. MILLER. July -' - Independence Day Pr acti cal Vaccinator . Have had "An Inl(enl eUR In\'e11 I1 "11 I_ 1(" . ," I thousond pultllc 81'I!l!l'hpS during bl. nhout fi\'e hou rB ngo Peterson found July 1O- 7th Sunday arter Trinity I{ootl success ill lmmuning on I year 10 oruce. • __ _ _ _ NOTARY PUBLIC h\l Rold, n!l" re" ~l n l!' nllolhl' r of Ule July lo-St. Swithin's Day 0111 thnl OUl' one uud only Hiram O. men, "We o\\,p YOll r nutl(111 'lilli e II bo t.h sick allli well herdR. • •• DENTIST••• .ruly 17 - -8th Sunday ~rter l'rlnity p(ttt~ WIIB UI'Htltlrs." Wayn esv i lie /,. Ohio debt at grntllntl !' tor t he 1<1(·u." I July 23 - Jewish FeRsl of Tammnz Both Phones "0000 1.0r<1 f" spluttered I1t!rrell, Onlce In Waynenl.le. U A gutturfl l grunt left DO dnubt OR iI •• lon.1 U.,,1< Dill ". ' Dell 4·lr July 24 - 9th Sunday arter Trinity Home H[jij-8 by now \·er.\· wIde nWilke, "whut do Na ti onal Bank 1 to whnt Ulnt nnllnn \\'IIS, nnd Luklng· J~ly 31-10th Suntla, after Trinity WI' do, serj!i"ul1 t·mnjor"· I too I drol'ped th" hox 1111 0 hi. I'ndwl. Bellbrook, Ohio . . "We Inke It In tum9-two at B I ~IDI~ '- In sit till wltb POlts," Hugb ; "00 gilt hllll, " li t' ortll'r 'II IJrlelly, glllllcl'll ot the otber three. "D--n It : on,!. the others totl t.hp rOil 111. luleld. A_ng MUllelanl Rare. (To be COOI:loueil.l - yolJ blll;ht.erft-wnke UI' I" I It btl. \)teD :o ~'lltl tlIal 1I\11~lda 'I V. · BARNART GROUCHE 5 NE:VE'R .• "I don't know what It IB," DorN!\1 ' ...., ullco.... moa IImoDg mualcllln~ DIs:.; THEY TURN said, rubhlng his eyes. "I t eel most In· I ldiumMoD attempled It, aDd It I. allG - Notary Public INTO CITY terrmlly Bleepy." rUNERAL DlReC fOR I neorded of 'l'IIcbalkowllr" but H . . I "Well, lIsleo to m&-«lDtouod you 1lCKET-AGENTS. .. mUlldaul who II..,. IIll1ed tbem, . , . Tobyl" Waynesville, Ohio .1... aN rare. It I. lIald tbat rl8 Of Notary Work. Wills "Aorrv. old man." With 0 a.tart S\Il· dI_ tact8 aN 10, becauae ot lb, ['arm Sa les and Li ve Stock a ,I AII ktn OD d Deeds 1\ t:\peoIBlty. I IDIDtal compoRre aoel bllaDN to. Spec ialty I Rlllllh Brooktl, t be tbreshor for I IIrad II, m1lll& I· Fully Equipped for Good thl. viololty, is ,. bllay 111110, bavln g Satis raction Gnaranteed HOWS THIS? tbreabed several orops, but the ylolc1 Service. HALL'S CATARRH 'M EDICINE Is not very large, ! R. HATHA W A. Y . Large Display R oo m Bellbrook,i Ohio will do what wI! claim f or itT.n C...turlal of AacorelL I Fonnh of .July wns observed by I 'nI' oldest regtllera 10 England IN cpre Catarrh or D eafness caused by I WayneuUle's Lo~dlni Dell"" DAY Of( NIGII'I mlloy ot our oitlzens. l'ELEI'1I0~r. 7 Both Phones Mid to be tn Trfplon, 8taffordlblre, I I Catarrh. We do not claim to cure Main Ss Uffice In Ha loes Bldg, .... wblcb allo baa .. cburcb 1,000 aby other disease. ~moog tbe pllll8engers on board a ,_ra old. Tbe town II conlhlertn. 1 HALL'S CATARRH MEIDCINE shtp orosRlng the Atlllotio reoeotly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ttie QUeitlon or applyIng tor a charlor I i8 a liquid, taken internally, Bud 8ays the Philadelphia 8tor, WRS n I of IncorporatIon. lU"n who sluttered line d ~ y he : acts through the blood upon till' 810Uered ---4.~·" ••---- to the oapt aln."B.R.A." R-" I mucous surfaces of the system, thus "Ob, 1 oan't be bOI.hored" SI\li\ ' redul'illg the inftnmlTUltion IIlld retbe oaptalo aogrily, "go to' Ho m e· : Lif. 11II't All Fun. 8toring normal conditions. body elsll, " Eoterlalnlng 'I~II Illea won't Pf 10. All Druggist8. Circulars free. ,.., tar; )' OU IIIUII work 1t.-BOIta 'I'be man tornod t o sp(1lLk to overy. F. J. Cheney & C.Q.• Toledo, Ohio, one on board . but 00 one \V onltl wllit ' 'l'i'anlcrlpl. to bellr wbll! he bad t,o My At I
Nothing to Do but Ta Ik.
--- .-----
Walter McClure
- ----
.. - ..----
. " VianI, 1 ==7=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~me~llill~0~n tell you wbat to do wbeo yon THE HORRID THING'" to aay anvtbing ;~ou should siog , • It ." I:luddenly , In t,rA gto voioa' l 1000
_.. . _ _ _ __
C'Mb'N! SNAP OUT of IT!!
\he mao began to ~Iin g : "Sbould auld acqoalntanoe be forand Dever brought to mind, 'I'ha bloomlog oooll's tell ovorbolLrd ' l and la tweuty mll8s bebind."
. Boro""7To Mr. and Mrs. William Luken8, an !l.poQDd daoghter. Mr. and Mra . p , B. Cleaver enter. I 'aload for dlnoer. OD SundllY. Mr. · and ),In. Clyde Cleaver and 80U, of Chioago; Mr. IlOd MrA, Wilbur tlhld'allar aDd dauRhter, of Wllmlniton . and MI'. aud Mrs. J . U. Cleaver: of near \bla olty. Mr. aDd Mre. W , T . Jordan en\er :'all!ad for dlooer, SUO!lIlY, Mr. IInc1 .)tra. Carl Cleaver and two ohlldren, of New York City, Mr8. Suob RlolI, And Mr. and Pdrtl. Oba8. Grtly, of Wayn8llville: ' The heat Itl de.'royIDg tbe i6rden IItUt;J In tbl!llooalUy. John 1:., LowrJ', of Wellman., wu lD ollr town, 8uu4ay morning,
Ill'll. Sophia 110011'8 I.U, TUHday, for lennI vltli& with rela. t1v.lD ~. ,
• an4
CHOICE OF MATERIAL Th nt YO II will u s e ill y our new home is m e r e ly accidelllal.
The p o int is - Build !
Are yo u \I s ing lhe a rgument "that you ' ll Luild wh e n Prices Come Down?"
If so , t ll en it is time to bury that moth· ea ten phrase and get busy, because prices ARg down . They are so down as low as the y are g oing to be for man y 11100n s . Do you know tha t and houses ? Do you based upon read j usted If you' know these which are going ahead
America today is in immcd iate need of two million homes know that prices ' a r e a s low as actual cost production, wage scales will permit ? things-then YOll 'are of. the thinking persons or families with building. .
w. H. MADDEN &CO., Waynesville,
Lumber, Lime,
Ce' ment,
of Building Materials . . . . Let us give you . an estimate.
·the Miami Ga.zeUe, Wayn eni1le ,
1FT '
Th Lllrl'i 8 Ait! of tlH' LI It.· ;hurch will ~I'n',· I{" . ~ ,·.••rtl.1l 11 11 'th,' 11l ~' 1\ ,, ( II. M. CI:lrk. ,'a.'" ;,a l l,,''' 'I ) , " v('n lll\: ( "I' till' 1II(.nt II " r .1till
Good Things for
l' '' I'ltdo\
t ng
Your Threshing Dinner ' ·r"flllll' h.,('~.,. il ri ,' olH", ·r . 1·\ I 1 114'''; HIt~'i ' ''' .
IfH'H l'ld.·, I'I h '
r, o: H.
API.I, \ nUll , ' I'. \ ': ltl ll! 'l t l " ', I ,'hl' ,
Oli\' \1o~, l' n '~(\" "\' ll~, Fr l ' :.:.hl ' I ,1l I
t.llol i, 's · I.il.·
... r~ Hlld C.. k..s
~IU \'
If yn l Brf' g' l i l1 ~ I, . pui lt! lit. year , st'e U ~ h ,["Irt' hln IIH' TI l(' I' rict'~ all ' duwn .1 •.1"1 ~ f.n':-l Guod llninl, illll~ ' ,," li t W e hll\,(·l'" .. • Lin . •'l·t! (h i ,,,,,I 'I'"rl" ' I1I1II1 ·. \ IIr ll i, h Slai "" . i1 11~ } ' II l)
\ ' urlli:o\h ,
thin){ ,\ llll
( ' UII
g t.. (
ull d
i n ~.
"nd ~' utl'rrnt! lun, Tllt' b oy!'! Mr . KI', ll plc'" 111 "II rn l ll r~ . k iltll l hlltl~h tt , ilness.
: il
\I "' ll al
I lItg.
(tll r TWI:oJK wind " " Ihi,; AR a "l)I'da l. will ""11 J IJk M's . ( or :.!:k . Ihis wPt·k IJll ly . 10 inlrod'H '" Ihi R nt'\\' arl, I' ),' All coltlr"
week .
=--...... ...... ...•• ......-~ ......-.~~ ............ ...... ...~. .: t Ice Cream, Sodas' i i Sof~ Drinks "~ i ~
• :
~ itll · It- ~ ·. d . \' : 1 tlill:! .$2 . 00
.", ~ :l1
~ ltl c; I.·;: d
Il :I \·' 1I -; $ :!.20
t t
,,,::::,,.$1.50 :
p . wk' · 1
i• Palace Resta urant :
! ...... ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ....
·\t'n' il· i l ~
Se ar s& (;a rtw rig llt
W e aI', ' cl,,~ in~ "'II' wh ilt' ·I"·ltlli" :'t1r . II lH I MrK C h",ltJ~ "llIrk !l nd ('III1 l' ''" Sh ", ·. r"r U N E \lID ' · I.AI: Mi "".·,,· . H,.),,,·. LR.l il's 111tt! MI' . IIIlL! Mr ~ . II . M ,'lttTI! entu,t.. l lI. .,, 1 li t Lit .. h U IIIII tit lI, o l orll, ,, r .•lIl ( 'II IIU' .. arl v alit! YO II ' ::-I u' " la.v . I It u lulluwlU H : Mr . IIlIll .1,, 1111 fI fllnk, ·.I·. \II~ . ~ . ";llOVUII', llr . II I III MrOi . Ll1w . ru lH"1 1'01"r"u o. M rA L.\Ju ~ 1I 11 Hou b ur . ,f l~·. III ,o tt n . I nll .• Mr Il ltl l Mr~. Mil THE BATT I NG·MAH LER EN TERTA I N M ENT COMPA LOlli tl h Ull UIlII. Mr . IU) '\ Mr ~. Elm"r N Y. I{oll "r ... MlLr~llr " t ltnl{lIrM. M.· Arthur • . 'li ngs. Impt)r> ('IIal lu ll l u, ' .· ·cn'! \Vlttklll " !Iud I1:vorllLt ~:IIrly Illlli h .· , tl uJ mU:-.lcu l ~ Hc l Ch"'8 ll T(\ whut <t ' ' ' . '' L • •• .. Chuu ht.· ;1.titJ " tl, "ni' ilrt trlllli lin) i llrl u. ! It.' t' :""\, '" VY , " !I . " ltlillron . 1) ( h,' T ";rl tl' l' It nt! 1,l t 'U:'1 111.:. I ph ll" '~:-tuullun l,n tr u u::; will enjoy Wllllll :\Jh"f1 IJ c~: ID h, lr SI IllI ' ll lY, lJ!l ltrr\" \ " dll ":-I, MrH . ( :"rl Alhri g ht W/lOl (l .. lI od. ,""o rl d ri nh:~ o[ I-,\,pry Hi n ~ I" IltUlChcd 81 h,,1 1I" ll llip lind ~!l ", !J elon ~Illhl . ·r alld 111l 1I0' 1 ,l1ct" rI1 U~UliY. tu tlteuou ' lllJ ( he r mOlthllr . II 'ill •.njlIJ),' '' . . Mellin ,; . I tlll1n l ue". 1>rfJ!\t til lh" ir ! WO IIJ'og rnms h Tt: :; OOD Til., t, r11~t r) tlf ~l l:i' \ I Llhl , r a~ d Mrt! J . W . & i" lwr . w lttl IH v"ry III . ri),!'hl un lilt' H"" ..111" lIalll ll!; Itlls wu n tur hers elf ""t·rItIlU ""I"ISI I~ .!t·l1gltl'u!. , '10' :.. . ...;Pf.:I· I ;\ I . 1' l t~' I'::O; tin ;'vt! ry' Et h ~11I 1ll1 E\,1l R"NIf'r wure weak· an ell \ III.bl u re" ulltll"u as un ulltel" , "uulldut i un nlltl nu to-l1k. · 1,,",·". Ittld,d I t h inl{__ ellu KUI'MtH or MIt.s N urlUa Chllr le. "I _ I_I_ h_ i~ l nllter. " ,,, ILl th o lUI Lelun,1 T . Pow · 10" plt ·uel ll!: p _ ,. , . _ ' . _ I'_ k . ____ _ _ _ .. reo ltllilly . "':tkn" OV"r) ttlll , 111 lJli ve Brtlnoh. nr!ol, 1.1 HIt ' l qll. jJ'gnr d ln g h"f wo rk . 1111 "O
Wi" pay :JOc u p to Friday 1\l ,,, It . O ur alivice is to ~('II Ihi ~ wl:'t' h ..
" I"'rltal'~
(W ;,.he'on ,yl',O,v~. r "G~t.,,\.T1,fiool\. ' lrHk(0.lt
J', \ !WI' MI'\gi ns:; ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~"
ill '
Satu rday, July 9th
"Th e Whi te Circle" A Param o uu t Spl'c ia l A lso, SELZN ICK NEWS
Adm iss ion, 22 <l n d 17
7..t I\lun,inu rn
'fra,l e Ilu l [,»19 .
Wan! wi th o ur
cn rrl .
")- ' All :O;cra p T " ba c t·u .... .. .. . ... .. .... 9c Waynes l' l" e Cha lllailltll ll . I II I)' -'J I " -.'> I II na vy ("i rain Sacks ....... .. ... .. .... 5c
.,: '
---- - --
Hr elld . Mili~. M"''1t li nd Full Line o f ( ;rllc ~ r il' ~ always Oil hllnd
- (~pf'-;;-evl! r y lIiglit "lCCf'pl S un· da y during- the h ul weat her.
pavinf( :10.' fl'· Hull e r; ~ 4,' (ur \o:l(f(~ . I h i ~ wt' ek
!' )1
Ytl ~I-;;;;-;- alway ~ 110 Bc ller a t llw Wnynn
-- --
"""" """" """" """" "" y lI ur~ f o r
ce lll s
Se r ~ i ce .
Walter L. Sawyer, Prop.
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Wedn esda y, Jut')' 13th
"Th e Revellge of Tarz an"
Looking Backward
A Goldw)'11 Spccin l also
"Th e Tige r Ban d" I{ecl ~
Admission, 17 and 11 ('e nts
(,hul'l.·s 11.'"l1a w Ill 1,lay 110. · IH Illd· 11;\.1 f'OII1Hb roll , In "H,'r Uwn ,\ lOtH 'Y "
a t ( ' hllll lnl l lj U/I h ' rL\. :\lr I l a nna hae lIln g L" t' ll ,1!:I:\u rla tl"'d wBh ~(l1I1 (' II! tho hp .; t drtlilifll l (' l' onqm ll JpR jn Nt'\\' Yll rk, Inc luding l ' IIl.~abl' lIh\ lIl:; \\ 11 Ii Maxin o
: :••
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....:
1~11I" 1I.
~~~~--~~--~----~~~--~----------------------~----~ I
I " ,,"ry ) lI li ur IIn,l Ii llli.· lIurko.
li p ni H" III'I'''a l'. ·(i ill ;\r,lltli' I lopk lllS' " Tlt l' 0 ) I' ''y Tl'n" ."
t1 1, 're Rill'
WI ' l l t
hll rl ~ rllol t.!l 1.
( tr,,'
(l \' e-
nill /! Ile r 111111 1 Inl,1 hr r In IV n"" IlO r
gll i ll~ t o hNt, \\'hen tllio Ilw Iwrln'l o m hf" r II lI n t 11101, 1',11 ot 0 1('111 n lltl I=n lll: "\\'hy . M nrl f", yOll (li d I1 n t \\'u !=lI ti lt' h rill OIU
( t'f t
l\f n r l(\
('IlIIl L'
or your fl'P I III ni l."
TIm 11 111" c lrl ~nfl1 : " 'Vhy, u1II1(1 4' . 1 d01i11 ", ll"' P f\tand ln g 111 •.'1I nol\ f'~ l liP ~lIl'pl'l "' ('d
(Jhlra J,; p i\1Il .. rlr~ l~ _
Jo yo us Da ys at THE
W"aynesvilieChautauqua July 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 T HE BIG PR{)G R/lM
Dr. A rlhur D. Carpenter The Old Fashioned Girls Mrs;. D. Pirie B eyea Rohert C. Macau ley
Dr. Mallison W. Chase junior Play Fe.~tival Charle s erau ford Gorst Helen F. Cahoon 7 rio G. R. Lowe j essie Ro'e Taylo r Ballin g-Ma hler Comp any Temp le Entert ainers "Ji'r Own MOtll'Y/' 3-act Comed y
J. P. CUMMl'NGS, Secr etar y Packed with· Inspiration, Educ'ation and t.Dtt!ftaum · lent. Buy your Tickets now.
Those who look b ackwar d with ~al isfaclio n al'c t hose who look fo rwa l',1 with i nt ellige nce. Look f orwllnl c verv day. It will m ea n m a ny days of h appi n ess ln nki n ~ horkwfl rd.
1 ,5~5 new
_~~~~ Aunt i e Should Have Known Thi t. Llil ip ~ln rll' W a S \'I !'O ll 1 11 ~ at Ihe honlP (lr h( ' f crundTn (lt h(' r, fl lld whHe
Pire. Tornado. Aut()· mobile, Life. Live St()ck, /lUJ(/(, lIt
R,'u / J~\ t(/il', Ut 'l' Slod.. a",/ also Fa,.m PI'II/ ",,.,!! , .
"I> ."."
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
NEW BURLINGTON Mr . nnd I\lr~. I :aYIII,,"d \\ il~tlnl1 nd d aughl '·T. IIf Ila y l,\I1 . til', · /.(lIc ~ l ~ IJf Mr ~ . 1 '1~ , · "hin, · Illnir . .1. (' . I' il'h in alld ramil y . (If Ila y lon. ~! I d Will lIarlan. u f Cu hll l\ l,u ~ . ' 1'(' lIt tit .. \\'0',·11-1'11,1 al Ihi' hum ,· "r Mr~ I li :" II"1'1 I ~Rr lnll. Mr ~. Pr . Wh i la k.,I'. "r \l uhli ll . Ohin. wa ~ I he J,(1I 1·." 1 .. r fri l' II (J,.: Ill!rf' . Irt'l \\'c"k Th,' Ladi l'R ' Aid \\'a ~ ... nt r. rl a inr li loy IlI l' sl'r lJnd ser t iun. in til "hurch I' ; tr l" r ~ . Thursda y a( ternftnll . The W" mc n' R [[ Il llle Mi ,;~ i (t n a r y ROl'ir-ty \\'a ~ .·n l<: rlailwd. Fr iday nfl.e r 111111 11 . ill th(' heau l if u l ('olllliry hnme II f Mr : il nd M r s. 11. W. (',,1Il'11. , Mr,.: . Th" m11 9 Hay,1 ,el< alld Mr s . W. L. ( ~o \ I., c on tinu e ver y ill. Mar j"ri(· . Myra and Th nm a ~ \[ay . dllc·1I "Pl e r tni ncd the S u mhi lH' !'uri· ell y. 'Jhur~ dI\Y afte rnou n . The nc w bl1nd inRt rum c nts p u rchnR(·d hy the Commu nily c lu b have a r .il·l'(I. an d r ehears al s Iiegin th is 'Vl'l'k .
Near fifty m e mbers o f X e n ia I. 0 Illd w ' atte nd ed ~e rvi ces lit the M. I·: . churc h. Sunday cve ning' . J . M, H ie l and da ug-htc r s; /-I mwl H e le n. and Miss El ell nor lI aydnr:k Rpenl T hu r Rd ny in Ri c htll lmd . InJ . Mis' f)ll rah Hai n es was Lhe guest o r r Intiv$! . n ear Lumbe rton. Inst w .e k ·
O. F .
t'lare nce uinn and Mj~s I\l'IIlbel Uu lls were married in Wilming ton. SlIlurtlll Y. Their many fr iends extl'11I1 ',;llglalu lalioI19 and. bes t wi~ht!s
aceo~ll ts opened
s i ll('r .1 a nuary 1, arc a cco unts ~"n t II R by our present custom c r~ ; tlw rr i~ n r('ason f or thisit <1lI'ph' i~ sn.tisfac tion wi th RIX (r. ?,,, ) PE R CENT r e turn f nr t hf' c\rr ns i t.
Th o SU llduy di un Ar t 8 o f Mr. liml 1'01'11. C . Ii: J o hn gs OOS wow: Mr· "tltl M.·~ 1£ . J . I:!IIIit.h. 01 \Vlhulol e ' t o n. Mr . find Mrs . Wllller .1"Uoey . MrR. I:bnnllh Lowl", Mr. !lod MrH H.l\ lllh Lewi" Iloi! 8UO. Ll'Mli o, aud Mur y IIUti i'llrr), C ,lUk . Allo u Smith . o( I)lly l on, spen\ ~u Dllu y wlt.h h iM paruol" Mr. Ilnd Mrll. C. tI. I'mlt.ll Lo st Wodnosll l. Y (1VI'ning '. HOVIl",1 reIIlIiY "i! o lHl rritlOli 8 glll.h'lr" d lIt UIO I1 nmo ur .Mr. U IIlI MrH. L10n rgtl UrIlhllll t . with sllveral 'rt:e l.erll ot Or(llllll . Tnnse prese nt w,ere : Mr. ,LIlli MrM. \ V ~' . (~rllhnlll, ~' o rr cllt I:lr/lhom Il nd ~a DllI y . ~'rllok Kurti sM "lid (Illlli ly , ltiliph Le wis Ilnd family !l u(1 Mr . nnu Mu. Wllltur Junoey . MrR. \\'"Iter Kourlck SPODt a fow (1IlYN in l' \lrlngb ,.ro, IIl8t wilek. vl.H 11\ 11 r ul uliv oll !Iud trion \ll!..Mr. And Mrs. U. E J ohos were In On y l o ll . '['nestln y. Mr a nd Mr~ . All e n li:ruriok aDd Ilflu ght(tf s pent Hooday wltb Mr "ud Mr8 Leo n t'iah8hu ry. Mr. !lntl Mr ... . Lawreo oe /j1 018 and littl e d ut1 gble r. MII Tgruet. spent /jon J"y with Mr. Illlt! Mrs . M . BI Uts . al Xe n ifl . MlsH I{o ll Stooy sppnt the wee k.end w l~b Mis8 Mildred [}ulIhllm . Ho uth o f Lehfl uou . ' Mrs. !:l UBlin' Baines, of W .. yne~ Vi ll e, s p ont Wedn esdllY With Mr !lnd Mr!l. R .. lph L ewl8 Mr. ami Mrs Will : Bro wn were 10 Da yton . the Fourth
A ll d cros it~ r eceived from 1s t I:IOC IIC'l' Y N K W II to 10 th of Jul v w ill draw inter· Mrs . K essl e r UTah I'm eo ter\alne d ('A t from t h r '] ~t of July. 'It her h OlUe. Saturdll Y evening , for
her ~ I R \e,. MI88 Dora t:!lowe. I1 e rrosh m e nt8 of loe orea m wer ~ Rer v ed. On the orellm , th e Ruestlt found 8 pellnut sbell. lind on open. Ing It, fonod : .. Dom 8t.,we &0 Ar. Ibor White. MIlY IH. 1920. " 'rb l brid e r eceived many u sefnl gifts. 2~ South Main sWeet, 't Th ose wbo enjoyed the evenlnl/ Z wo. e: Millse8 Kuthrv n ~d Mlldre" Dayton, Obi 0, CIRrk , Irene Vloe, Mildred Mllten berger, Louolla and Agn08 Loo~. .•or n. Relon Dnke. Mllrgar et Ed ward s, Leo nll MoUinn l s, Mr . an d Mrs: Chllrles Edward 8, Mr. and Mr!l Ben i:fllwk('. Mr . Bnd Mrs . Gall G or. ,.100. Mr . Bnd Mrs Berne .Iooes, Mr lI od Mrs. All e n Emrlok , Mr, aod Mr s . Peter allotll, Mr. and Mrs.RUB se ll linroet , Mr and Mn. Ed Lon.: CHART Ert NO. 11617 'l ore, Kessler Uraham and Arthur Wh ite. Mr. and Mrs. White left, TUlJsda y . O f cond ition of the Harvey sburg Inly Ii, for Detroit. wbere Mr. Na t io nal [lank a t Har veysburg. in White Is 10 bueloes ,. t he S tate o f Ohi o . nt t he c lose o f b u s in e~9. on ,lun p. 30. H.l21.
The ,Miami Loan & Building Assn.
Ofnc·., ill Am li ll IIl1ilrlin g
RESOUR CES LCl1\n~ au d Dl sco u n ls" . [,4, H." .0 I '64, A~ 4 9) I 'nm l r n t llf 1lI11Jc{·urerl . " , .. ,.,. , (;0, 21
l; ,M, Uc)\,'ornm eut 8 et' urllle8 0 "uod Uepueltot l ~o ~oc urocircu l&Uon ( U,
',uII". ,,0'
- ... -- --
Tt·!,'I,h••n e GI ·:!
-'-- _.- --
Base Ball and Cycle Races -.-.--
Sunday Afternoon, July 10, 1921 7
Big Motorcycle Races
Malllw YII Jonf's and severa l ol lt r g'(lod rid ers will he ill lite ra!'!'s. Thl' Ihird
gn me of Base 1I:1111 1(' lw(,(, 1I
LEBANON AND BELLBROOK Each team ha s WOII a ga lli c a lld
ciding one .
thi s w ill Ill" 1h e dehl' (' x pcct!'d .
A good con test ma y
..Game Called Promptly at 1 o'clock. Gent s 50 Cent s
Ladi es Free
W illa rd St or ag e Ba tte rie s We 'h ave inst a lled one of the I:1lrst t ype of Tunga r BaU(' ry Ch a rge rs, :U1cl are prepared to takf.' ('a re of n 1\ k illrls of j,:J I tcry work. Also , we wi ll rarry in s tock a sup , ply of Il f'W \\'illnr d Batl erif'~.
Willard Rubber Thread Battery And forget your butter y tro\lbl es
Waynesville, Ohio
F. D. HA WK E Teleph one 41
Waytlf!5ville, Ohio
Where did you .pend tbe Fourth? DIRECT SHIPPING PAYS BEST M. M,Terr y and K. II: Thomps on <1",."-1."", •. •,t/{·k •.•• lpen\ 'belr Foorth In Clarksv ille• Wheo oream IS'r"Rd y to Ra il th o hllrcl work bRH Uxt.urotl. " . , " , . 2, 68 1. 60 L.a",11I1 r...... wllit Fodorul no· The most of o nr nelgbbo rhood been done &nd yon IIh o nl.1 n C' t " " rlUt' Rny onh,ldar Jj l'I4· r YO Ha nk .. .. , . . , . . . , ". .. 4. UU , 0(1 t"h F 0 ..... "; 11 \'It IlIL .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. _. . ". 1 8 ~.lJ lpon • e our "b"1 • • • \fes hi og . malte an oxt ra prllflt off yonr offorts. 'l'oLal." ,lIoIl11 11.... U . la anti A. 1:1 . Allen and wife and K . E " . .... . .. . .9....10.... 6.18• . 31 You OIID s hip yonr Ornllll\ ntR I£ T to theTrP~tl\te Clt",·k. on b.1Ika located 0111.1" " 01 Thomps on ond wIre were shopplo lr lind sllve trom lio to .0 I'or Ib huHnr fnt . h 18 ,Illit city Low" 0 1 rolKlrLiIlIC '0 R.ml 0' Lebano ot.hor c uh ltom •• . , , • •. , , . n. FrldllY afterno on. 10 00 r88 easy to deliver the orpam t o II rtI\lroa(1 e tlltloo 81 --Lon Branno n and wife and MI18 T o tal. ..... .. ... .. ..... •.. . 1 79.857 .0 8 Elvena Kimble spent Sunday .wl&h &0 a oream buylni s&lltloo . T he 'L'rl-S&lIt e p"Y8 the ' We guaraDt eo) L1J1 BILIT' E:S 'ranBpo rtatton aod g mlflmt lJOil your orelltJl against ;JOllr orellm CaVILnl .tock lIold Ill . . . ........ . n~. ooo . OO Sugllr Creek trleuds . and ollns ::IlIr\,lu o luu.I. . .. . . · .. .. . . .. . .. 1081 In trllnal" 1.260 . 00 A. S . Allen "od wife were Sunday agllinst 10811 . . II ", 1.ldtJ< 1 l' rotlL • .. . .... 3.130•• 0 gnestl (If FrBnk Bevlln aod family, W e PIlY "x p'OIlll ''':." c':~~';:'L ,,:~r..n.~~·. I~~:'~~~~1 m .8' lIear ClarllBv llle , Imll v;') ..,,1 tlOpOOll. IIUIJJIJC~ La or bKlCg'lge . h h'hOCk . ...... . . . . . : . . ...... . 62.871. 86 Chal!. Papp, 11' 0 au one 0 f hi • Tu'.al " I 11<>1118 21. 28. 19. au. BI limbs broken when hl8 te&m rao. nml sa . • ......... ... 52 877 8~ . away, Is getUng aloog •• well . . . '/""&1. . . . ..... . . ... .. . ... . . 179. 857. 08 oould be expeote . Cash ~apltal 1250,000 d. CINCINNATI, OHIO Butler- fat.s STJ\'I'lt 0 1' OUIll. WJmnI£N ·COUNTY.88: Emmet t 'MoCarr en I. thr~hlnB I. ll. 8 . Tu ·kor. Oa. hle. or lite abovo out (lUr ool"hbo rhAod 'hit - - k nam ed Il&nk . do 8Olomlll ), ...o&r tb.' 'he ,. .. w . ....... "hovo 8L"temont t. trull to tho. ot.-my ~o; . Van R e'alllot ball g1veD • op ·Free · 1'tIal CBOS Inrn ili h ed uew p"'rOD8 kn?'<IOOg O ao~"o!le :1. 9. 1'ueko •• OUbr'er. tor ao dllrR. onr sohool, Ilnd • . Mr. Redmon , " of Suhoc rll>od an" ."om to boro.. me , hi. Adams oouo'y, will 'eaoh It. 21111 tiny ul Juoo. 1»11. W",Ot,., I.A. A1enln. '1'be Morro w' UorrOC LALLost: ·v -eel .. Pub!lc. MOIl' Trl.Sta te patron s have two caDS 80 wbeD thuy "Soppl' " 00. 0'. 1). OOOK . are '"klnrl n qUI&e a 10' of wheat at . tall• • • blt>men& &0 Lhe depot \~el oan get abe empty T. . Oregoo la, t.hls week. Palin, '1,01 0. F. 11:. McGllioD LEV lOY fmm preVl00 8 8blpme n.. Week of Jal7 ub PINOle,. . per bOlhel. '·&Iu o).
.. . . . nono All Ht.hul' LJ, S, Oove r nm ont SIl· '·lIriU .. ..... , .. ... ... 1. 371 . 7(, curILI ..... tc. Ifu rnl tu ro n.ud tI.
1.3 77.75 10 •• 0 0. 00
'D.lUI, 10&11, IDcll
I I 1
H ire's It-.M H.. er 1·;x l nH·I . 111 ,,1(.·, i, I{allull ~ r,f tll'li('i llll~ 1.... 1' ... 1':11: ,· f ll r ,," ly :!:'l·. N" I r" "III. , I " mak e it.
\H catili ll
" 1I 11l1l 11' r
1l1' )J rel'ill l l' ~1
t 'd
Mr . I1l1d ~1nl II ,... I"·\, 1: \, ,'. Mi ,," N,'I I i•• 1,: .. , nl ll. l' ( lind ~I r "llIr f' III'" I: yt, "t.'r. ' ill 1 ,4,11 :1 111111 fitl ull da y \'\'1'1 1"
, ' rL' htll
S"v"n lh S unday f\ fl ~r Trinily .July I :Ill·k,·, ,. 11",,,.\ 1:1 11, · SI , II" '" I h 'ltl ' '. , ' hurc h S('hoo l at !1::10 A . !'vi all ~~ , "' 1 ~l "'I;d ~)""II', ut I h ll li-tll u ll d M"rlllnj ( pra)"' r IIlId ""1'1111, 11111 IU:::U \ '0 , 1'1 11' pub" \! '· ...dlli lly in \lllt·J I II Ih .. ~('
Pure l 'III' i" (;r,·,·n. Ar""IIlIl " ,' f LI·II I!. Pili"., F ly I'i ll, ·r". I 'I ,\' I'owde r. [,,,1' 1'1111\',' W:l ~ I II " g Taltl eL-. I(ill'''.
A f ,' r th >.' ('OIH'ert Wedne~ dllY even· I.. I·: Ke m ple. u f th e I' !l!!lce
~J\ W "
\~i ;o:i ll . ~ i ll I r,~
, '1' 1'
II ,,~.·
\ I,,·,..'
m O IW Y ,
It Ptlys t o Trntll' fi t
\ ;\111. ' ,
"' Pl'"tI hi ...
I '
We w lln l GOO Y" IIIlgCh·Iekens-.Chi r k('ns Ihi s W(','IL
w,·.. k
11 ""\"' 1'1 \-:.\" :tr.l ,, ar r i,·,'d hultlt' lit,. Fu "rl h f r,, "1 II,,· W, ·,I . and wi ll
\ H II
I': nlllla \ 'a rl wrh.!11I \\ ){, ·llltrlt"k TII\l I'~ .IIIY .
N ,'\\' l' (,l:h' ht ) ~, Np~\ l \ l l nl 'I!", ( :lItl l t'I , . t1I H'~ , l · \Jk \·~, l 'It'I I. ".
l ' lIl'tJ
f(',1 1I1I rIInl. ~1111,'d I fJ e ha nd Itnya ov.', 1'1, •. ~1,,,, , '~ ~ l ar llt ., H" ..... it a"d h. Iti .. I'I 'IC·t! nnd I n 'lll ei l 1111'111 10
1.I ' In.·",,;
H, ·..;I
J:idL! t' , \.)f lh--Irllit. 1:-\ \' )':;1 1 r:IIII,·r . ~1 l ~h l~ l:'. II III 1
":I"" ' lal l'ric, '~ all Ihi,; vi·r ... \\':OVI1,' Murkt'l .
, I':\,np :\pr ic' l n :-=:, t Ir - \
('tIlT. ""
}' l'ur
Qt lll ' r r ..' I; Lt l\l·~ hl' r e ,
" 1'
t HIPd
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Mr . I1IH) Mrs . C. ~. Itohi.' 'l.er. '1 Mnry C()lIk. ttll' Mlsscs Illra LI e I) a,i t! [IU\,I . :lTtd f ," "i l) ."f l)lIyll1l1 l attd 11 " ltl'i'· llfll'vlt·l{in~l'Y . \)r . J . T. '1"'111 " 111 ,,1:11 Wi lli MI·. J"lon l,'"",nlll 1':lIi ~ Hll d I). L Cra n ' ut.len rll·d lite '1 V Co mmunil y Service m ee tin g IllId fam, y. coun t I't Le han on Tuesdav evening . 11 " \1 « ' f ,lr Hlltl ., 1. 1I~ 1,,'\l l'm·.
I p ,,(,
~ ' ''1 1'1I111
Il a,
Amotlt! tho tllllnY h"rd~ of lill tl \ torlltl k . N,'s i wnpk h'~ will 1111\ VOU 110 s J{ ~ 'l'homp,4Il11 ,,!:,IIPd I,I _I wl\H.~ 1111 ~II\ qll" \,\1.11, '. . e~k ~Ilr;) ,IudlC" W. C. \V,' ll h'". (III" IIf or V';llll~ III,I~ i ~ Ih "l'r, ' o.'1 '~r B~T VP,\'~bll q:. 0(\ A I •. l' ttl":' • • I I' '""" '~'lr <l\If " 1I 1I t' 1l,,"'".I II o:Il ' '' \\ I' f Wa yntlsv ,lI u '1''''' ''1' J\!' fil ul"i kUPI""'" (·\l or .. ', h ~ "filii, III .. II hu, ~W6 re'li hOi::A-M~ W t'I I'II '" 'l' I ,rl ' . ""lIr ... U ,leIIfh'lI'k & ( ·n . ur MOIlI ~:lllU T blrd Degree. ,wd h e II,, ~ "r ~ ' l tl "" ,n' "", ,, I lur If.. i M r . I{t nfl'''' h o:,('l'l f llUU f· ' } h 1t',o.;r I ' Y I ) I '\V ,I un "H I' " Ht' rry t.) HIl ;V. hnt i f hogtJ are h ILU .hrllt,h ll rr& , Il'ud 1 11 11111 11 1 , 101\1'4 tl~ I h ll u ~h ~\lIH11'" luu; lIf-iPU , n Ill\y" lh aj' 111'(\ Ilto"" IIII ,·I\' , ,,., .. t I 1 " ,t ,.-i ,l o Ir,"" ,1I1 1111",. "tI \,~ " " tI .. u 1110 hl'ML h o ~ s n' II,,· k,"t1 III !l lll " . ; " " c111Y "I LI", ,. .. 11 h,',,' W it , 1 .llIln~nvM.Y IIII II·~I "t ."·,, ,, "" I " '· IIIt ' ''' " .~ 1: " III " 1,,,-, ' 1, ,.,, ,, " ",""dn.\I ,, "II K. E . Is III Iirtun ",,,,," I.,·, I I,," ,,,,,· k; , Ii,II .. ,, ,,, ,,,. IIt,,rtltl v : \\" I It.I."klh .. I" ok in /.( ~(t o r 'li n II ">! " ~"." '".~ 1i.1t ", .It,ld Itlill ""Ilil r . I ry It Ihem Will he Pdrr .v ·~hI·kl'" ,\. S ill" "'m'". ~nd e lll! Mli xwel l' M lIertl ~ . "r \:1 ,·11' 1
Enjoy your Home . Chautauqua July 21 to 2S inel: ~eventy-Thil'd
A Chautauqua .l-L your door ·.lu l) 21 to 2- In
Yen !'
W.\ YN ES VJ LLE. Oil IO. WE II' N L ' OAY JULY 13. l ~~l
r LOC~:'AL'
[I ~ ~ LOcAZl~ " . 'PROGRAM
Governor Dav ·s and f ;is New' Cabinet
Whole Number 5443
--- -- ~------l i
Hal h ing' SlIit !' at 1I ,I' II1 an ,\. I'" . I'll.. . .'i(lU W e ll. th e Mi ll illi . a r f' 1".("(( Ilt t il(> W. \V S lIl il h , .. f I),,} 1,,". .SOO . hili Ih,·\·· r.· lIul 1! ""11! I" ~ Ilty wrek ·,'nc1 \'i ... il df' J It !"l 1 bOl"k I·.' ry IUIII! · I ·all ~.· Yo h.l·1 H,,· C!lIl ~1' t Iwy II 1' ,' g ol i I, g I" 1.) /'" t I h,· Sprillg Vull, ·y !t'IUII at I'hillil'" " a rk. next Sunduy uftnnoon 'J'hut '" why . COin .. dllwil. aud v n ll !WI' I he .n do 1t. It wil! IH' u g uml !(IIIllP. too . Our IJ'IYH CUll pIIlY 1I~ good 1)1\' I' hull u" anyuud y . lind th ey Ilre l<O illll ttJ prove it frum lIoW nn . Thr" w tl]lo humm e r IIwuy. and bou~ t - dulI'l knolc k . 1.UIH uf olh e r g"" d t ellm ~ have lo~ t two in u ruw . l.aHt Sunday '" lO-to·4 rliHa~ ter with tl1I' I'l euHunl Plll in It'lIl11 (Ih ,' (ir"1 time th ey hav e 1"' lIte ll ,,"r MillrlliM) WU;! f1rimllrily a c'u~ e u f tuu lIlu c h Milln ic k . Th e Mi a llli" w,·n!. fi~ht lifter him lit th e "Iurt . 1111.1 Mcort·d three runs in th e lir~ t inning. but after that. mo~t of their I'lfurt s ft'Hulted in pop· up~ . s lr ih -nut:! rind ~ ickly groundl' r~ Th e y ~(·<>rl·d II consoilitiun tlilly in th e ninth . Meanwhil e . the vi"i turs k,'pl. harnmering IIWIIY Smith's \Jitl'ilillg lind Hcorl'd tell fUllS in seven innings. MOllt of I he Re we re tlu e to del'id e dly rulten Ulitl liMlieS.'! wurk loy Ihe ~ u,, porting ca!4l. Th e uatltry men Smith alld "llutl'h" untl Buu HurIUIl - d eserved mu c h hl' tt 'r hlH'kln\.!' t l111n they r ecei veo . Wtlll, it's uver; Ih e bes t t ellm won, IIn,1 we huve no tc XCUdes to uffer. Pleasant Plain has II IIplendio. w e ll · balanced tellm ano two top-nott'h pitc h e r8 - Minnick and CunwI' i1 . The di~a.~Ler by innings : l'eusantPlain .. 1 0 3 0 2 3 I 0 0 10 Miamis .. .. · .. ·3 0 0 0 0 0 0 () l - -I Jlatteriell :
Minnick and Howllrd; Smith and H . Hurilln. it Burton.
HOUHl' for Sale-sec McK elin.
Expecling 10
1\ lr ~ .
\ 1'1 "" I H\:I .... ·~
Mr ~ 'I'h u~ (;;)I" ." .u f Ito ul ., I .
110m - To 1\1. nnd M r ~ . ('IiiI' nurT UI'Hday. J ill ), r,th. a da ll ~:ht .. r, I{ut h 1':1'('1.1'11.
lI e ll
( )d d ~ all d Shu('s . s pe(' in l ~ I.!l~ . al il yma ll .~. l 'o
I" "
Ih.W .
M e n' ~
Elk Skil) W", k Si ll ,,'" . dal. $2 !lH. III lIym u n "'- I ·u .
M r . a nd !\II'; . ' al1l .·.~ (·orl1\\'all. o f I) ay lon . ~ p (,111 Frirl uy wi t h I ll' . alld M rs . J . T. 1':1 1,,,
~ (I " -
liMn '1'" M r . Jlawk,·. T bllr" h y . .lill y 7. I !I:! 1.
Hev. Jl nlt ;)1101 family ' 1"' 11 1 - •. \.. pra l dn;~ \\'il ll r e ln tivf':l ill \\" ~ ~ I V i r~i n in 1 11~t \\, (,,· k .
~ I)ll .
M e ll' ~ $:2 .0l l I )"" RH S hi rl~. s pl"'ia l
I. tlf li es · Low · l· u t Sh ()c ~ in 1'11 11' 11 1 leil i he r lint! I(id liP t o $!i (Ill. ~ p r t'i al $~ . I . at H l' rll :r1l & Co.
!»k . Itt IIl'rnan So: Co.
Mi~ H It uth S lan" I,, ' rry . of
tl ay t,·.I1 . Ape nt tht' w I'I·k·e lld III 'n' w il h n .laliveH. Rea d lnQ left t o r ln ht .
b:l Ck r o w : D r. H . H . S r; vely. V er non R iegel. D ire c t or of Ed u(" rtti o n : P e rcy D irec t o r o f Highw a ys itnd P u b li C W Olk s . F r n nt L , Davis : L , J . T aber . Dire c t o r of Ag"i c u l t urt :
1'11"11'" Ilr ..!<." S ho. ·" I.p (. , $t, ,,0 ' C", $;1 ~lr; . Ilt IIYllIlln & ("0 .
io'n'rl Hllwkl' lind 1,; I, nL' r It "g l' r~ we re Sprilll:bul'iJ btl ~ in f'~~ v i ~ il u l' ~ Jo'riday.
III" " 1 1"4 In l ilt . I· r I ~ t a tt· I ; , II I ,t II t ' I I I :!">I"' t .. f I r ("" I 1 r! t 'f P H \ j :-; d l t! It ' '.l d..: II I IlI 'W 4 " ~ ilt .... I i l h · tI"II .I II II <. !I t ;. III tI . ,!' 11Lt· ( tl d tl I.! " \ ! '/ II
Enler Sum·
mer Trainln.: Camps
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tlf ll:ty l ,lIl . s peUl Sunday lit I he hOlll e o f M r ( ' Iitf Hurn LL nnrl fllmil y. Oon'( filii III r .. nd o ur Clothing Snle Ad. in thi i! pape r . Th" C rit.!'r· io n. X~nia . Ohi o.
1I.· P I' . and p hY~ld " n .
. Ll f.
Mr. · and Mr~. Arthur Z(' II IIlld daughter. Rpcmt ~untlay nn.1 Mo n_ day with Mr. John 7.e tl. at. Co rwin Patrons for lee on Sunday will call Tbey le ft. Monooy e venin g fnr l'ilt ~ at Ice lIouse from 8 to 9 a . rn . No burg. where they will mnk e th e ir Ice sold oller this lime. future home. huving b een tra ns f e rWaynesville Mills red fl om Chattanoo~ll. T e n_n.
H~ve you pnicl yo ur lllx(!~'!
8l'c r e lt. till' Ihr r .· y"u r-o ld nd npl · ell son o f Mr . a nd Mrs .J a m e:, I(f'r ri c k. di e d TU f'Rday tl\ ll l" ni lig- al ll llli I; o'cl oc k . aft e r a Ce .1' hOll r, o f ll· rr ible ~ ufT ('I' ill!r . T ht' f UIlC' ral w ill he heir! Frirlny aCl e rn oo n lit " o ·c loc k . from the ho m t' o
- AT-
The Waynesville Mills .-'-AND RECEIVE•
- 40 lbs. Flour for a Bu~hel of 'Wheat
A M.
(;ran \, ilJ.o Warll' i(' k . w ho di.,,, a t Columllll " . II'a" i,lll'r r(' d in Miam i ce m<'l l' l' Y 'I'll " srJ ay l11 " rn i n ~ . th l' se r · vices Iw ill l.( h e ld al th l' ('h a pI' I at !I:::O.
Deposit Your Wheat .
.J o hn Tlro ll' l1 di ed nt hi .; hO ll1 in Cent e r vill e Sllnd ay tll tl rninl{ ilt 10 o·cl tJrk . a fl<' r n 101l1! illll e~~ . T h e fun era l \Vn ~ h eld th is a f lernoo n a t hi ~ la l e r e~ id cr".e 1\1r': IIrown w as for m C! rl y It w e ll-kn o w il mlill around Way nesv i lle. lint! at l!Ile tillll' WR~ D m e mh e r nl Wayn l's \' illc LOt ke [.'. 8.: Mr s . W a lll'l" [la ki n d i..d a t 111'1' horm' at :'; p rill;!' Hrarll' h . S ll nd H; e V<' lIing aho u t ;· :;:0. nCI I' r a ~ h r , rl ill · nes~. 'I'h l! fU lle ral w ill hl' h l,ld a l Ih e M I ~ . (' hurd,. T hur sd.IIY aft " r nOlln al 2 o ·c lllc k.
I:larvest Time!
- IS TO-
Re v . A . ,!, Co w gilldi l)dllthi s h o m ~ in Wilmin g t o n. Jtlly Gth.aft e ra long iIIneS.'! . H e was st rick e n with para lys is in 1!11 8. whi c h was full o wer! by other s ll·lI kes . I{e v. Cowgill 'VII S Ilas tor of tlte i\1. E church h t' r e and will b e r e rnemue r ed by rnany of our resid e nt s. lI e 1(OIIves n daughte r. Mis~ Grace' Th c funeral was helll l<'ritlay nl hi s late h o nw,
lOCAL DOCTOR HEAD A PAPER Or. Mary L. Coo k r ead a paper before the Warroln County MediC'll Association he lll at Le banon last week on .. PerYonll1 I'.xperienees with I Canl!er. " Th e pa pe r was well received by the ' ARsocinlion. and lhe meetir)g was well attended by the • rofesaion.
\v. H . All en lef t T uesd av !lCl t' rn oon t o a ttend t he Bllnke r ' s a ~ ~n cia l ion a t Clcvela ll il. Ohi o.
O ur Entire s t ock o C Men's a nd Boys ' Clo thin g on ~Ill e . .I uly l(jth. Th ,' Crite ri o n . Xcni a . O hio.
~-"'" ""':
.. '!
WHAT1 WHERE1 I t is the plan of th e local school boar(1 t o p a rtiti on off th e Auditorium in the g rad e buildin g int o class room H. in ord e r t o r eli e ve cro wd ed co nditi on s in th e low e r g r ad, s. We are ve ry g lad t o hea r that our s ch oo ls are Rr o wing. a nd Ihat the wo r k o f di viding th e Audl torium will mak e Sllc h excell e n t class ro o m s . But on th e o th e r hand there will be 11 0 p lacl' for th e Hi g h Sc h oo l t o play uas ke t hall. o r b rin g a lec t u re c o ur~e here, Ij R waf plan ned . Wh i le th etie thing a r c secondary 10 l1111 ny o th e r sc hoo l ac tiv ities th ey p la y II ve r y im p orta n t par t in the sc hool lif e u f th e uoy o r gi rl. Our a th e le ti c t ea m s he re. in the las t f e w y e nrs ha ve mad e wo nd e rful progress and Illany people will mi ss the baske t -bali g ames nex t " ' inter. In rn ost I-l ig h sch oo ls. e ve n smaller and I es~ une r ge ti c th a n ours , we ll pquippe u ).(ymnasiums <Ire t o lJ e found . These place~ ge r ve IJ ~ co mrnuntity c e nte r a ~ well aR p lay ing fl oo r s. Somp ste p ~ to f u rnis h sllc h 1\ pl ac e have be'ell takcn by the Men' R Club a nd it is h opet! that in th e near ful ur e th is m a y hI' r eal ized.
I IH I'C yo u pai d ),o llr t ax es':
Hev. and Mrs J . F , Cadwa ll ade r UII ull! !' lI t'lI lth U! r eclur 8111 ",,11, • at lt'nded th e f un e ral oC Mr . .Juhn llrllw n, o f Ce nte rvill e.thi ~ a Cte rn oo n.
Alfre d Wri!{ht left II\ ~ t week (o r 1'f( 'lIrI " ri:'a,t' ~ " eal'll h as prl1l'c'd th e Univ e rs ity "f Mit'l,ij{lIl1. wl"'r .. tir e IIl lls t al t r a(' ti l'" p hwe ill \Va rn'n III' will tak e a ~umm e r courHe. c'ollnty Cfl r tlr ,· pasl \\'l'l'k . Th t' " o ld Mpn':\ Atlrl e ti c !l nion S rri lR. 7:'(' ~w imll1in It,lll' " h l\ ~ I. e'lI o('cu pi.,,, ~ " L'Ci l" at Hyman & Co . (' ve ry afte rn llo n ;\1 ,, 1 ('v(' lIi nll hy larg'e c rowds T h" pllll'" i ~ all itle nl MI" . IIn ll M r~ . Sa m I'.l la ~k i and Il ll e. anrl . t h e Wi llllllt! .S have Pili il l I' hildrl'n. IIC Day tun. >l1.uII L S lInd a) ill I!()od . hllp l' . Tlwv Itn l'c a fille . with Mr . Mye r H y mall I1 l1 d fUlll ily . di\' in v; hoa rd. a ('a lrle sl id •• and (' ral olher l ixl llN.· ~ . I. l'~ ide s a fill e I H a ve Y() U ,,!lid y() ur In:xl's'! IJiltl. h" lI ~e for Il'O III C'1l , I t i~ thl' inMr allli IIlrH. Mll r vin Blal oll. n f l e ll l i.,n of Ih ililp 10 pu l up a lJ,tth Mt. Orub ' Oh i'l , Rpellt S rrl1d a.v wir .. home fo r th e I1H'n t l,j ~ \\' (0 "(( . Mr~. IIlal .. n · ~ llI o th (·r. M r". Will . II c ro wd ff' lll1 J. ehanoll f Ul'llisllt,t! I{o binso n t he lumb" r COt l ire hOll"'c'" and t l1l'Y arl' co m ing u p 1ll'l"e daily for 11 goo U Quick Tjr.) Sl'rv ie('. li l! ht repai r ~w im . Way n e~l· ill ,. ,,('op ll' a rt ' al~" work mv RJI(' dalti es. S tanshetrr. a l URill!! th hene h f o r l hei r d ail y rJ ip. Gu ~ tin '~ IJUI'll . Hut es r ell~o nah le .
Mr. and . Mrg. Fred L(Oo ll a rd. n f I\i lll.( Mills . s p e nL Heve r al clay~ 11I're last wee k visi li ng r elal i\·('s .
- - -------.
~ Ir . a nd Mr s Ja ~ . JlolI l(' ~· . o C 1\11. Ora u. O h io . I'i",iled hC' r "i" u 'r . I\ l r~. W ill, Ito bi nso n. ;o;un day.
Ii : ~hl\' ay " n lr~dl)r lI errl' k
:-- L.·, · . . \\ tI ,1 J.
tt l
( ,l lInn Hif' j.:,t ·l t~ , I ( " . tt Ilt -r . ' ~ ' e l rar~ I Jifi ·rto r l\jlt f' Ay ..' ul u (l e rg ymu.n ;
a Tld
""1'_ 1
The Miami liazette. $1.6U a year
p rill I •
t l ' IT I I.; I lirp , 1o :
, f, P I P" ! II"
[1/1\ I ~ • , 11) 1111 ' 1
I I!
1'''';!;I!l! '~
, .~
rI l l'
I. " 1
11 .1 '1.: , , 1'
Wel fare .
Tw o 11 11' 11 111 " 1' 10\ , I t [l l 'l I II, \\ ' /t ltl' un d I "U llI' 11I.· r , f Dlrp . 11' 1 1'li l l)lJ ~ . art ' ),1\\ Y" rs , I 'l l. · ' " ' nf \ 1.:,1 " d l ur" Tal,. " j~ a III
: " ,III \' ! '1111 11 L:
1" ,1, 1 : 11 p l,l ! ! I ' II I ' ~I' j .. 101 " I '" lli rl I. ! ,.1 III" I.,r I J I h ll ' ,H" t IIf iI, .. 1 ' 1 1' ~ 1.· " II! "\ ,'1 11.1 11 \ ' ;, 1111 " 11,, ,"n , \' T il, " " W ·· Iillp d ll' I ·' ·I ,, · ... b , :-\j , l,· .. all ; I ! I' ''
-- ---'----
.. -----
R e . Dr. H. S. Ma c r, yeal. D irec t o r o f P ublic
D :lvi~ .
lly request of the SLate Cnmll1i:<.'l. ioner of Health. nil m pn wi" hing to t'nter summer trainilll{ cllmp!! clln be inoculated agaillHt typhoid fever free of charlZ'e. Please communicate wi(h Or . Ed Ulair. H ealth CommissIoner. of Lebanon. Ohio, and he will make arran2ements for your illo('u IIltion. This should be done at leasl three weeks before you ent e r the Mrs . Martha McKay lind da u g htraining camps , ter. Mi H:\ Mary . .lIl)d t W() grr"lIl s (lIl ~. Granl and Th eo.lorf', of Indillnapoli " --.Ind . • w e re t.h e gu eH ts o f Mr . W. H. All e n lint! family, las L week . For )uly and
lil lI! ,
J.!, II H· I" I~ ' I I ' II I.III "'!I" I\i ,
HuckE'Yc WuhnHh ~trip ~ rl l! \' e r n ll , S p ec ial !1'31'. ilL Jlymall &. l :,1.
Ttt i ow . D i rect o r of I tHt us tnal Re la t ione: Le on C . H en' l c k . r o v. : Floyd E. \ oV;t l t e. Di l' ec t or of F ln a ll ce : G.¢vernor Harry
Mi !<.~ Mnd ge Tilu ~ waq Ihl' l!u c~ 1 o( h .. r aunt. Mrs. I·(' n'lilill'. of lIay · t o n las t w ee k .
D ir e c to r 0 1 H ealt h : W. H. Ph ipp s. Di re ctor o f C o mmerc e :
" J~
lI o URe f o r Sal e - ~f'(' McI( ,·lIn .
Mi ~s Minni e
Mary I. A,j arn " " pl' lil t h(' \I'illt r"ln l i",·. ill 11 :.1'1" '.1" -
hllrg .
~CI' M,.J' ,· nll
loel'lI 'Iuil. · ill . 11111 i ~ 1... ll l' r
1'1 ,,' pr " >;ralTl f'lr til' Chau t a u q ua (" I,, · gi\' 'n II 'r!' next w epk. heg in" in).: Ih' ~ I 't. i, a ~ f .,llmvs: .J II'1i,) r Chau tlluqua rl'(' ry mo rning at !l o·clock . Fir,t .IllY '\f tf'rnllo n - M o rri ~ on' s 111 .1 · h •• hinJlI ·,j I ; icl~ in So ng!:! of Long Ago . F " pnilll.( ('o l1c'p rl ; lecture. " \\' '' r ld ~ in Ih e :'vlnkin)( ." Dr . A rlIlIl r I I. ( ';lrp"nt e r. ~; " c, ,li d day A fINn ,)f)n-'J'e m ple I':nlertailll'r~: le, 1un·. "Our Coun I r v'" Fr.1 u r e." I~"bl. l ·. Maca uj,'Y. I-: ;·I'ni ll l.(' Concerl: " l'ha racte r Studi,·" f,''''<1 LifL'," .I ,·". i,' Mae T a ylur . T hird day ·T hl' I:al t in g- Mahl e r , '''. : 1(,('[ lIrC'. 'T" ur l ·iti7.ens hips,'· .\1 1''' . Il I 'i r l, ' lJ(,y t'a . r': venin g I'relurll' : leelll,..·. "The Golden Rul e W, ' r k<.·' ( ; 1\ . 1.011'<, . 1."lU r ll, cl ny S Ul1day - T hep rogrnm \\' ill b l' c hang ed ~o m e lVha t o n this rillY . Thl' e nle r ta in e r ~ f or th e r'lIl rlh alld liflh day ~ are : Dr . Ma t ti "" 11 W . Cha se . T he Pe rci val Vivi an I' laye r~. Th e Wag n e rian Concert Co. ulld rila r les C. {;n r s t . lectur e r . •
,11·,·.. k·Plld
( '. F M ~ I( . ·a ll a ll .! rH lllil.\' a r .. I' iitill l! r .. lal iv,'s in S pr ill v fi .. ld .
If"WI" for S~ I "
Iiathin).: S u it 9 aL lIY II1:l1l ,\.
NOTICE Young Men
Ilu n · ,\ ' 1111 I 'nili
r- Ir, andMrs .Clill'or.mirl l{e li nd so n Ja,·k.and daughter. Am y. () f C llIca g(). sP('l) t the week-e n rl wi t h M r . Iln d Mr~. E, V , Barnhar t.
The n t'~ t ~t's~ i o n o ( t he club will he h e ld u t th e Masonic building on Mo nday e vening. July 18 th. at 7 o·rlock . Owing t o the heat. the meal c ummitt ee hav e decided to serve a s up per. o f co ld dishes allll d r inks ins t ead o f dinne r. President 1Car t wril>hl hilS been ve ry fortun.ate in st>c uring Dr . W . R, Funk. publtshinl.( age nt of the United Brethr 'n churc h, fo r th e speake r.
. . . Dr Funk i8 a ve ry able man. and I f yo u hav e rlre tro ubl e . ortro ultl e I ' d' d '11 b the Ilreserlt . " ' . ' 1rs a r ees WI e upon of a ny kllld wrth y o ur m ac hIn e . g ive . . d . I j't' No membl' r . . . I In us t rill conI Irons. rn C! a call. S lan ~b(' rry. a t ("I ~ tl n ~ fl' .• t . tl ' eetl'ng ca n 8 o ru 0 mlRR 11M m . LII c ry barn. The co mmittee say that 11 COllt
Mr . H . 1<. Chid law and d augh t e r. , w il luc e xce RS baggage . Mi". Mary . o f (:rand I··') rk~. O. 0 .• 1 - - -- - -- - -
M r. 'Wa it e r
Ml' -
ilOTS All SOlQ
The r e will be un ice c ream ~o cill l , f or th e membe rs o f l ite C hri ~ tian I ch u rc h an d t he ir fa l1l ili(·~ . in Cl'I lIl t of tilt · c hurch ThllrHr!IIY e v('ni nl{. All 11l(,l1l iJ er s invi teu t o com e.
Th e ground at Cold S prings. r e ce ntl y pu rc hased h y Oscar Howard. 1'. A. Garne r. Chirop l·a c to r . I) lIice ' o f Wilmington. has all been Mid. at 42 N o rth Broadwa y. Lebanon. 1 an d th e r e nre sell e ral cotlage.~ erec. O hi o. O ffi ce hou r s f.l;30 n . m . t o S:OQ t et! o n the !{round. and it will not he p lI1 .r S unday~ bv app oinlm e nt o nly . : lo ng before it is all taken up
Wi llia lll Ho ward Tu f t wa swo rn ill !l~ ("hid .Ju;licc of th e Uni ted .. ;" . I wi lh cottaglll! It is snid that an~thStatl' ; a t Was hing t o n, II londay . Mr. ane! M r H C. ~ . Conn e r ,.ntl er trac t o f ground will be bought Th t' nat II II'as a dm ini s l e r ed hy .1 u~ Mr. and Mrs . H, I',. Conn~r and ri~h t away, so that cottages can be li l'(' lIo chlillj!. (I f thl' l )i ~ tr i c t S udaughter. J oyee. w er e th e !Sund ay e r('c t ed thi s year. gu ests o f Mr . C . M. IIrow n and f a m___ _ _ ._ _ _ prel11e Co ur t . in IhC'. preSen!"E' o f . 0 ily of C o r win. I f,'\\' wit n.' ~8es. H for th e oa t h waF adll1 i ni ~ t e r e d . Ur . Dill , O~teo path. 21 S . Uroall£la thin g Suits at Hyman & Co . Atlnl'lIey lil·nc ral l)augherty p r eI way . Le bano n. Ohio . '('nled Mr . Tufl hi~ cfll11mi~sion H~ ~h it'f just ic<' . sarin\,( : "I n o ll' hand \"U 0 11 I'"hal f (,f t hc· I' re:,i d('nt. you ;' cl)l1lJl1 i~sinn as chic·f 'ju;;lic t.f t hl' l : nit ed St!\ t e~ II nfr ••rd~ ml' I..!Tfl n I l'l('a:;: u r " on ac ('n un l o f IH I r 1"'r ~n l1 :11 rt' lali()n~ . I,ut f il l' ah r)l',' T h(' Bi " h u,,~' l' i. ' nic. h ~l d at !'cha nlz . l hu t I fl" '1 1l ~(' r' l lrily tll l h(' ('Q unl ry. p:lr k Frid ay. \\' Ii " a I.il{ "lI(' C I'~H it (·'lIl"l it uli"Il. ils Ia'~'~ and i t~ p ~ " Ili ~ h n p He""e . L1 f Cu lurnhu " . w a~ " Ic· . in yo ur jn ~ t alla l i" l1 in th nt hi g h p r e~e n t , IHII I!i ~ h" p "in cllilt . o w ing l" lurt. " t () hi s age flild ti ,e I'x trr m(' hot weaA ~ Cltip f Ju s l iN' ~ lr . T a ft ' wi ll r eth er . was u ll ab ll' t o lit! tl1l' re A cc iv(' ;1 sa;ary IIf $ lii ,I)QO ilnd he wil l la rl!e c ro wd W il ~ ' lI'I '~(' nl a nrl ha d II I,,· Ihco "Il ly Il IC! mhl'r "f the S lIprpl111' fint! lim e . T he conll(ro '· l·. lilt! li ne ~lI Li rl t o p ay all i l~COI11l! lax . a~ 11f' i" dilllwr.' a nrll h,! l11<'c t illJ.: o r <J Ill alld ne w fri e lld ~ ili ad.: il a day of (' xt lt e li r ~t j usli ; c nalm ·d sillc(' Ih e inqu isite plea"ut' '. (' n llll' t ax law h e callll~ elTect ive. Vi sitors we r e present from !Jayt o n . S p ringli eld . Wilrninllton. ~ a~ h. in ).( 1.Q!1 C. H , . L e ha non and ChIca g o Cliffo rd Itirige . of Chi cago. pl ay~d s('vl' ral co rn e l so l o~ in the a ft e rn oon. whi ch we re ve ry mu c h enjuy ed.
during th e pa~l week. a s follow s: Co le rnan .J ac k so l1 purchased tlw Oscar LaylJ ouril c ho me 011 N o rth s treet thi s wee k . and will m o ve there ~ o o n Mr . I a \'bo u'rn e and family will leav e soo n fo r hi ~ newly purc hased farm in Cla rk !:ounty. .J o hn S tan ' hur y has mov ed in lh e J e rry Enni ~ prOlwry, and Clarence All en has m oved into the Pen ce bl ock . • L ee Hawk e nnd familv have m oved Inlo th ~ n e wly purchased Kna~)p pr(lpe rty on N o rth and (··ourth .
:'<ever ll l c hR ng(' ~ Iliw e tak e n pilice
The barn o n th e Frank J ones farm. on Itoute 5 . caugh t fir e Monday, and waR 8een hy tbree m en wh o were on their way fr orn to wn. who gave the alarm , It is th ought that children playiulZ with matches in tbe barn was the cause. Wh e n I1r9t seen th e barn doors w e re on fire' and bu t for the prompt action of the neighbors lh e fire might hllve u een a serious one. Ill! it was full of hay and implements . The damage was very 8lil{ht.
30x 3~ NON·SKID
$15.00 $22.00 $27.50
- - - ..
Reduction 011 all styles and sizes
.--Eighth unday after Trinity. July . . 17: Ohurch 3 : hool at 9.RO a. m, Morning Prayer and 8ermOlll at 10:30. The public cor.t.Iially invited to lhE!IIE ervrces,
give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history
Springboro Grange will hold . ~n open air meeting. on the school lawn Wednet!day evening. July 20. A good program including music. drills and addresses by Hon. Mason Prugh and others will be given. Everybody Welcome.
A New Low Price on a . Known and Honest ' Product
~--------------~ C-
The Miami Gazette; Wayne.ville, Ohio. t.lt:' u ~ f
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In th n IlI ll ttur o r
U.t" t,I' lit Wm "J(~ I " I l LO ~" :.il)O A . " 11 t.IJ1 rll ~; N o w Jll1 rt" (11' ''(11' . 0,1. M 'H Y ~; ~ o LJol W H, 10 to 1G h r ulld 8u W". et o Ito,," i~ Il p po i"tH I fl x ,u n t,r i" . Ii,) 1111 f fill.ono .lnM ~' o l/"n . ( I H. H I~l!l n . Un VI! h ul., o f m y 1.Iwn . \'. U , :.12.& N . Il rolllllVlIY , I,o bllllu n , 0 " I", j'~ 7 lind 'I' E I vin ~ tIre "PlJui nt.e lt " p . :- - '--:---prnlsor H. In t,h o m llt t,fl r o f th H tl IlLIlr,O o f C . FOR SALl~ - PIWl'lmTY W . R rHHI"II, II n of" l ~ o d . c . W I vl ll R F A S HIO NE D G I FILS CO M ING TO CHAUTAUQUA. is aJlP o int nd ",x l1con tur . C. R .1"'11 0. to a pP" '" ' he "e in til l' CO" IUII I(' ti o f II I Ha IRI"n. :lo pl' n no nn l! [1HUl h l : Ka l hry n " o n , C h,, ~ . Irw l u lin d !-.I.W . I vinll lH e ~ I X r ,'O Ul h OUHB whit d o ublo Int , g£' nl ' r a t llill a ~ o . p l u )' l n ~ Hlld s l n g Jll I! IlH b t () 11 . !-oo l ,ra n u . pl ll ll is t n lH1 1" ' OI d or ; MP lloi nted IIJlprll lso r s . ,,:o od hll ro and obl o kr n h o use 00 t he R O Il ~ ~ t h a t ga ,,' e cluJ... r t o g ra ntl., and F a l l h \ \' , ' h ~ tt"' r, ' (' t ' II I Hl a n d P in ll~!i t. Juw IJ r T h ir d st r eot. I nq uire "I ' h is Ill o lh e r · ~ hp:\ ,.\. Th (' a udl, ' nc,' \\' 111 h. , 11lI' lI t'" III he lp o tli oo 1'110' . llr I' SII /l n cl o f th e Com pAny wil l Ron,,· lIr I hI' ,,101 """1':", th e w o rd s Marr,I.,. L1re_ b,' Amy ~ 1. \l u), ,, r . I' lo li nis t; Eli za b"th or wh ic h \\'111 110' th ro w" o n 11 "c rcen . .1 1\8 W. \1oGo wu n , fJ\T m or . uu tl FE "ALE HELP WANTED Li z zie A. T r im bl e , 1I0 t h u f B hlll.
"'I' ll,.. 0 101 O" I,e n tluc ko t:· "S we e t Ad e llnc ," "Sc hool Ony." " ml mflnf ollH' rs of lh o olrl so nS's w" " "1'<1 t o ~In g nnd ' ti ll 10 1'r nr c to fNl l UI' th (~ Chnu lnuqll:t program ' fi ll o l ' ~ n l n g d ny. M n r rl ~,u ll '9 Old ~'ns " l o ,,~ ,1 Gir l, Hr ..
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nt !LQ
l ... II nel s\\'t t rl\t~Q cHI I " Y" u' rp nO( fnlr." he tl1 t1 ,
l it .. 1, " uSIi 10 li gan!; ?" "N" 1;0. old b" u·n," S-I~II~d~I~I-u-g~h-,~ 'I-P-....J r l ~ I I'< ' I )' . " T oo nl allY Of 'e m t o h ,) pe to plI lI It ot!'. N o. low CUII I"Ug IH t h " ('II I~' tI ,tn!: tl wl' S gOI un p"nhl~' o r
,u e "· I1 ":; III C.
rCll1nrk,·,I, nil'! 11 Iltp /(I rl ~nw-tmrtmnrl- t r .. mhlin s: n 111 11 ,· H" ,,1' op pll,·,1 Ih£' (lour. ~ II~ ~1\ 1' e no ~ i ~ lI . 110, r 01l1(' nn,1 AI"'HI hp" 'II", h,·r. 11 ,,,1 hi ' r l)( h t n rll l loy nloll J.: Ih e
' VUIl !l grin he r os('. an d ij,i'li t .1 11":1 1tl'1l1n tl ), p r !" lt ll ll I t1I ' I;;;. f o w nrd tit." d our. " :\ " w 1 " 'I 'pll / 111 \ n !l o lll 1I 1i ~ IlI q l~ lI'l nnt go a nd r op c In 1'etl Ilne\ .1 l 'IT:f , Itl l( ) thIIl M," fol h., :o' l1 l fl u 11ft It, I h· r "n ll ~ ly . ror till' lo\·c or lI cllvl'n clon' l I'lIIlI Ihe I 11 .. "",11 ('11 , "" ,I lin w"lI l1l n )'I'l !Jol'n w r o ll e J!'HII'," ! <:a u l d ~t 't' . 11 11 ~h P t' 1111 11l 10 11l 1 ~ 1I1il n w l th" \ \,1 1111 IIrp you g,,'ng t o rl n y OU t" 0111 Rrnili n/( " "'. !II.lf '" d" II 11111olNI 1' .. IPr I'u'p l('loII Hly, "Yo u IInl' l l . ~!" h e \\'1 11 ,]) r"Ii , ull(\c r " I' m 1(ulll" to ' ''''k lit h e r rr om clo" ci hIs IJI'l'lI t lt - "YII\I II ,It 11;11 I,10' dlt r llll !: I" to, (;0 /I\\' l\ y, nil or y ou. n n d d<H)' t 11 1:-1 nl"m r1" ~I " t n ro1t l1d lH'r. Il l ~(l . 01 .. li s tf' n rtllt !'l l lh . t h fl it'lt'ph o ne " 01:." 11I IIISt t ' C(VI'I' ~ 1I1! 1"('0 11 7.1'11 Il, ~llU ft'lt t1 IPI1) !-O lI" o \l N )
1I 1ll!h "111'1",,1 h i s rn r at sl fl tl u n
11 111 1.
JI ~ ll ll.l1g
Ih i s "'!I I I It I1 lllldfor d clg'Urt' tt t\
1I1 '~
I'~ n r
rtllll1lt' ll t t-:! u' n lOll i l ll l! 's~ , w illie 11\t' \\' II I·\( !tl r or ~ lI q.! I' 41 (1\ ('r Il e r , urll.l t il e HI{y t'lt't~ rn t' fl I llIorp g-l o r !o1H·dy h l1 w, Hlld t lHl \\"c"~ I !i 111 1
I II rl d"' I' ~ I'(>" I L
1'lwn. wil li
t: trldll ill l'I 'o.: ' Jp ... ~ ! ,r 1IJ! un rl clo wn , fl o : '::-11 "' 1', t-iho p 1t ~ ht'c1 11 1m HW Uy. 1""1;,,.1 HI I" " II' lI lr h · " Iloz e /l tlll l~S In "You III II Nln't . • . oh 1 t wo rll l rl l1 t(' ~ : Il l" thrr' \\' Jl w n y hlR
t he fl l q lo~ttp !o; f'X .
() \' e r t h e t el pp holl o
h ~'
1",I\ ('otl\" ...
t " lpp lill fH'l
pxr lon llJ!I' In pol". " 1,,1 11I .. n rung otT. An ,1 no\\' III' \\'0 " wnlt lng In th ut [1"(,!l lIlIr r on<lI ti nn or mind. w!tleh r evenlA !J ~ p lf ou t wnr,l1 y In hnnl1il Ihllt oro roth l'r too wu r m. Iln ll t ee t th u t II ro
IUUI." l n·1, I
U hlls . A . WIlr n e r , Y , M . C . A H ()U:::iE K ~:E PER- W oruun o r !fIr! t o r II l1 ht h o u @ow o rk In 8011l1\ POUlloJ mon ly ~"o ' y . ( :h loB f.l O • tUld Kt h e l S hultM . fl gn lll _t hpr ; nn t.! with /I ' 8I(1I ,lon q ui ck ~ pr l n g bo r o f lnuil y . l nq ulrt! til Mi amI Un ·" ,tle 1II ,,,'''U I<'I1I s ll e ]1ll t fr.r lh hor nr mR J~ o Burnllrci W. Boo l, o l,'ot·ri !1 lt1n. lind Oftl OIl. rUlllloi hl ~ neck II n, 1 III "" ',1 him OU the Mu rthll E. Py Ie , h o th o f l~o IJllnon . fII Ol II·h. " Is lilil t l;oorl e n l) lI ~ h?" ~ h e os l"" 1. - Chas . l", Bilke r, IU I'oh flDlo . nn d Jt'ORSALE \" ' ry low: nnll j ll !; t tm' It t P \ \' 11l 0rn t' ll t R. Lillio Elbr o tb . lJo th of Le btln u o, S lw f elt h l ~
su cC'f'Pt! l n J:, "
I JlIl n o l !".p
1" 'rh1\ I' ''' .ft.! rr~· ~ f' r I Il O lll", t o JH ln tJ u·· hIl JlIt)' IIl r(lIl J:- wIl J ' IIn k ~ n fh' III I1' I~ l n l · tllHt I n f flf 'Y', w l1 h I lt i' h l f"1l fl f tl raw·
M "illlt l" I ~, "lOll Heo u oII tll ort~ "K6" .'
I' rolla le Court rroceedill'l
)! I ' JI . I~· ,
..q ~' 1I11 Ir , d p:t r o l d h (l l1 l1 ~ ;...\1' • .11 11. \' n u -, 111111 J tl1 nll :,:ht " It.\"
TE~~ E LL,
l!nll rt,
I h ll l lHlI Ol Jf I ;!'1'1r 111 I II ,
\villlliogtul1, 0 ., phone
" u1l1 1 w c'\" , \\' u n \\ ItJ' t li ll O, g-Ir l 0' li l liH' . \\"0 ' "
1I1 1f'.fI
Im ln fr om Clod tllm lng t o roufe r w1th · him o n n m ntte r of gre nt Im port· 1111(', , ; she li nd ~ "I<1 sh e w o ul,! , but ..-h" t ,,"os 1t 1 Hp , hn\'l n(o: no ~ 11 1t"h l c III IH Wr' r rPllclr, hn .1 mll ,le n 1"" ,1 h ,, 7.7~
sl, ""l tl "" t II h')1I 1 117" ,11!" lfln rl Nl Sin· d il ir.
I o an on Farm Land for ten years at 6 per cent.
W IH' lI
N e w · Suit.
h e h " <1 nrrnng('11 t hnt Rhe shoulcl rome
~1 ()n ey to
,, 1I1 "'; l t ~ ' I·,, ' 1 11 '11 '
H Ilt II lI t t.}\','11 r !lr
1I 1~ II H HI1I I !-t~ t
CO li! mon
\\' r",,'I,,', 1 I'otls ' " rur n
,, "~ Tt ·
T !tlltta
" , ' , \ •
Murk ll t
r( ·,. , :d ll t.\." " A llrI Ii n w dn PJ ll JlrnJl lIs P thH t w e
E IIJI"'. of t'Ol1r:;(',
' , f
\,, 11 """ .n '" ; iI I t I . I ~ i ,
rtll l i ll
f!llln k,' I,,.fnrp It wo s h"l r Il n I R h ~(I . In Hllor l h .. rtlJl ll lr"," t Pr\ (' ve ry ~Y ll1pt n m 'I Aun ll)' .11 " p l n~· e ,1 loy till! mnlc of tlt e ~ j\ (' ~ I .. s wh <'fl nwn ltln/! thp. arrh ·nl of
" A t T h t·
W h . M ~' L AT uo Mil lO :it" $11 !Jtl r III ,. ut" PitHily "r l1 ,;hl. tl ud Illr ; wulM , ,.\I·uln u fixlur"H , Il1 r g o wll~ h
r fi' ll. " w n.y not e.!.!(:Y
n llll'lCl'r! Il lJl;h, nt th e conr lll,'" n of 1111.,.11 ... t il\{ !o>NItN\ nr'l l tn (1 t hl !'; tn h le :I r l' ( u ll r Oml ' I'r", w h n fn tt g h l w l,tl "' Ull ll!
lt v,,·
I d nl 'u';t 'd
~ Il d
.r (' \\
NU ., 11; : ,TI T I . I': I."
h e retll ar1fiFl.
ur dO I" ·d ~ I lil ll ' ht,,\, . A n .) n (J \\ ," lit' IItl rlp tl If\ltl'rl.\' . I ·wt.,'n l 1111 s.:ld JII 'lld!'!. un tl wr 1111\1' !t ot I!flt t· I~ 't S.' · " I dU ll" rt 'III I 'llilt p r HIl ,n l tl llg ." sn it } T n" .\' :-; 1(lI' lolr , ", ' \I·,· pt [J\ I II II ~ os l(',· p. lI/lI'P 11 11 ·... 11I1(p" It hli T li t ' f I''' ur~,) IJlt)Y It n \, j1," PHl d I llI g h. ",l l b{ t ,t' f /, ft , 1 \\,4 ' lI t tifT [ f.: IlW ' P IU HII I n 111f" ::n rd ~' fl , IIH d t h lt t f' \\'IJ Jt' l .u tilnJ,{toll \ \lto; \\ l lh tl ll 'rH. I l n w "yp r . w Jr ~ lt ' .\·fl lI J,!O u n.l Pll t you r nnl~ In triP rl\ "r, I'll 1''' Ill' HIHI 1IIl, I; £, ("' 1' 111 111 ." \ \ ' ll h Il g- rlill !"'Illll l' li p wlll f'lH:'d r he lhrp(\ IU I' II 11lrr·!t do w ll 10 I he wfi lt! r; 11l '~ 11 1I f' IlI r l lt'd fl ll d W,' lI t II p!'it '' l r ~ t o Un:> rl ,ulll " h l d l lIu d h (' PI I O (~(' tl pl('d hy f1U\ ,1\ ll1p r l{' II I1 lI ,l l1 lo llnlre. It w n ~
:0 ' 1 ;' .1 :1 d .t .I IH I : .. jH· :" .. ., •.•.
"lI lId ~o IIl1d p u t .\lI ll r a.:r l·lIt fllt h l ' Uti R h i Ih t ' rln·r . \ \,p \\ . r ,· 1111 I l f Ul"i
,..,, 111(0·
" 111\
Classifiad Ads
, "'ll ' r ·
\\ C III', '
odo r lll",'
01 11 "*1'
h (l l ll" ~, ""
1II I t
It t
t lil' y ' n ' !'i IHlW II thl ' l m, ,'I \' ,~~ t (1 lit:- 14" C(Hll p ll1 ftl ly lIf.-y olld 111U JlUl l' thnt It' H g ot In I,,· r"" ~ hl OUI. ,, " ,1 wile n It Ill ' " 1" "' 11." h .. ( · " u ~ hl hll tl l h ~ r h ll llO .
P . •1u..-:t tn ~H!ln~ 111 11 If! .\ ll1lr 1'u. lilY fr i"lI d . I Ihllll, T -"; fi l St)lIll·t ht n/ot he t(> r ll l llfl l ha t :
( , i n ll h
; .
1-= 11 I
fu r I h., hl':-. I ." .. , JIi , I .. ,y. dn 1 ~4 1 f un,fll l :" Sit. , loo k ed HI I d l ll nllx lnU !'I ly . " I'd 1II , , 'I ' r t n r ,!!;I " .. 1I1~' Kd( Ir 1t 1l )'l l ti l l lo: I tl q 'I . ~ 'l l t .. 1 til pHI. I 'd f .,,,1 I t W II S nil tl lI t ' ' 0 Ull', nll d I jtl ~ t (" llIltllI ' t I.WII I" I I ."'
" I t'!,!
n Ull litart·cl el owl! It t 1 ' 11J I1l1 11 0nd, In I ,it ('l h'd 11t<.· 1\\' 0 dn J.:'1'ol n fu' r lll t' lII . no d h l!'4 " ,"'S \\ nco; n 10tl1\ o f I'old r u ry . IIIH I 11 " '11 , \\ 1111 h b h ll l ttl Iu Id R f, .r l'iII·U(l. It(' Jdd\f'( 1 thp lII H'll n .. r! lI l1 :-- 1111111 "1' 1\"lifo . . . t II J,.tg{,rt ',l dllw l! t u t h e w lIt t1 r ' !i II J.W l) In tJ w rfl~ c.:. J P11 ):,p. " 11(01, Hlllnl; " I" Ill' llllltt£,T('oI t o him· "roil ~'o' l n ~ ~ \\"l lI l':' Ill' 11 11I 111·rl ·d . sf'l f , 11 "\ h" IJIIIII )! f*d hI.", helJi l il l l O li lt:' OIJ III ) UH thln h )'11 ( oq.:'!' 1 rh tl l Ilt o w ('ul d \ \'Jl lllr, " IHIli: ul lllul t l lf~ I lI tl r ll l ll g on II I,' In II'?" 1I f!{ ' T : . • III ' rouk Illlo tl l.' r h ox ,.\1 1 " f ht ~ Aft .. r .1 II'III It., 11 1111 Ilt p 1\·lI t"r Btll l I IIwk t1 f n nll IlIokl' . l nt It 111\ I IJ~t ~, ":-;1,0 11 1'/ " \\" 1111 n ,h l' rl '''IJ~h I,, · d r 1I tJ ,lI lJ! d u \\ II h l ~ r Il 4'l: . 111' n'i ul'lI!'fl r t'l,lJw,·d It "11'1' t,," ,1.."1 ",, 1 IL d"fl l h J t o t lU' IHlIlJ.!'nlo\\' Hll d f OHnll II I(! lJlIH 'I~ I l ln'" I f 1 Yll rlt lll !-, Hu !! ,'=-, IIr p ar l l tlt In rl ,r YUII , f 'lIl' IIl n l )nl1 l1lHtl11d, 0 .\ I t.
I "(·,,'1 ' ,111 1.... 11 ,,\ I"l' I " \\'nl{fl llP, TIl)'
II ' " ., 11."
• It ., ' 1.
I I I I \,,' ,
FhHlll y he
111'0 .
". " , 1
11I L:
n ow."
51r ", •
a :\d
u l l:-, \\ ,'I' I ,d
yO\l loo k like thllt. yll ll \\'ull hl J hlll'k
\Vay ncs"ille C h a utauqu a .I nl y 2 1-25
(H llst " ". l a ' r l 'l lt'Ult··.1 hl ~ l lC l'tOrtll uu ...·c
\\"lI h
11111 11..:: 11 1,"
IO Il "ur
th ell . hu\' lns: ,' rupp,' u hi M lIu n l('n IhrulI J.:h lit .. wln, h, w " II t o l ite lU II'll
" I nllktl tht' m ""IIi ,crn l"' ,, : Ih,·" Iw Ict tl JI -lr J lt' IIII~ r oll hlwk 1I).!'1I11l wlt lt ,. 1I11 1d, trlll/tlly, hI" \\' ~'lI t lU t lto' w illd"w
11Il"' ?" I..;; w h n t
" 'I'l l II t (H I t
(h- r ly .
III l'l ut lr~ . lin d t wo d ugs luy nl n ti Olil t,:-:s o n t ll(' IH' l1 rtJ lr u g . A f l N ' U nHlI ll l'lI t ur l \\'0 the mnn wll""r .. \\, . 0111)' to o ppe ur u!fR ln with Oll t ' {,f tlJ(l u l li l' rs Itl ht ~ Ill·III S . And
. T lt l'
!';ff ll ' ~ ,·:o.qw l ·l lf l I Wlld\ t,
Ill lU hI>' lungs.
II I II I.' 111:: 11 1, ' ~U II I IIH' I iiI' ll !.!'" filII \' , " I 'p .\' "\1 11)\ ld, I tI"
m l d d l. ·
f ll ll i u l
" ld a of tho
Sh o Fo u n d Herself Ly i ng I n H I . A rms. I
tJ tI~ ly , "I.. 'I'!'oI !-I I IJ I', " !-I h v t-:II I" . w l t li til .... S1J!'oi 1)l t' l lIlI of n ,:;rnll .. , " ' 1' 114'11 y u u ('1111 It, ll
11" I IIH I I1 I" ll
I M PQ R IA NT \VIll i,. t ill· a m"" !.' M hn hh ,tllllMlnll ... hl ~ "f \ ' I r :'MI IN 11.\ l 'C'''1l d ('" rl y a m i I"J:l lth cl ) .l cllil ," :oII IH rri in c'u~. \)1 lac ,," \)1 \" , .. , ,.. '1 , 1 • •• \.1 •• " h u u li l t' l , .,. ,\CO mhl. inrl l ll r Sl i ' \II , ..... nll IV ... ttu lI . , kin r f II l'ti u n . , " U" I ..... t • lle llc r. lI ,. wC' J.k,, " t' d 1" 1), ' 11 a l .11Il1 lur n l .11 t'oI n,t i l illf1, if .hou l ,.lu.l hy any one wh , . o nJ E CT S to h a \l ln l lhlr i r wrigh t incr ea,ed t o n ",. dru K.p~ , t' ... a \ ' I 'J A \ 1I' N i ll p, 1t.H-k ti l l' a n t. ,\ ulcI,l ,. l 'f h(' U ( ~ II I u-
1,:\ ,·11111 1/,': "
,. ' 1'
r. , ·
\ i l i.l ll ti Ut' :;' , l j.., t ,I )' 11It' 1 ~ I:. " , :- \l b~ llhl h: (IJ( f l (''ill oJ l :. {I " water o r ,) Ull l l t! :' r.
jll ~ t Ill' nlll ) !'t htl 1I 10 1H' . I t \' /I~ l 11 t)1I tll ll i lite J.!l r l I lIr lll't1 Hili I h llll,, ' d
nltnr ll lll l\, j' ?"
\0 111
n 'lllIl r k ultll'," 1"111' rt'l Urll l' l 1. ) 11 1\ \\ l 'I'I 'II ' t fl ' I ' IIIIg' \' !'I' y ' Ir I·. ,ur,,·. I f It
a 'tLU.: :; t' Ull \,f h ll \\ 11\ \', hi ,," u " ( yo u 'tHl k :.,111 f n ' l, 'II \\ 1'.1 1
I' '( 11I·' ·-:slnllll · ... ..:.
p 1j'j ' r ,
v iol
ri s k:"
11" 1 Vl'
I ' \ " I '~
11111"'''''. u n ,' I' .\
S"""" \(' ""',
t i ~ ~ \1 " :' , h r~ ;H1 S
, 111'111,"
W ' Il ,·
lH f' ."
" t·"
s lI Pl'l i\· s jus t w il dt Y I' I 11,01 ' ",~ l'( I !ot t u (t· l't.! th l' ":, II1 ' },t I
h ..• IlIn~ 1 t' PH rlllll y Joll y s h t, lI J.!rt 'e d . J\ ly t tl h ·ru \\u~ 1" 11 "l lt't' f o r 1' 1I t' Jl t\ x t t w u m il l 'S. t lu ,'" or l \\'l t '~ h \- lU, I\{ I'1 1 u ! Il l ' I' Hil t lit 11i 4' l'Orllt ' r IIf h lt-l t>y t ', t nk lll!! In " '1' 1111 t
~.s V'i l l l ll 11111
i n ~ th e nOUl lsh in \l I " wha t y u u cat ' \- 11
of 11117.1. !til " h l p\\" I \U tl' t 1, 1111\\"," I1t, " "" IHllll'd 111' ll' rllll y .
f ur
,, \1 1,=,, 1.1* 1" \ ' 11 :' 11 : 11 11 '
full), . ,k vtl o p« l.
"T it , ,), Stil' I )"1 1\1
',L eo '
t v h l' !'trol ,
h ,l \t.'
I h "l1 'hI
\ \ II~
rll ll llh l ~ n il \1 tll H' (' t )S '
I h u l yll U'fP
Ilc a h lt - s iYII' l~
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\\ hh.: il S ric lU. e
tl ll .\ ~ . "
lI u '~" 1I
rl' r
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1 \\' 0 \\ \t· l . )' J . I~, I I
rully , " Ih llt
l'I1 {1 l1gh
1111'. .: 11 L: r iIlIl P .) ".. I \I'I· l tI ~ l tl y. " ,), 11 ., 1"'1'11111 1':1' " " lIt w n,IIJ,:." lit' rpII ll ll' I,, 'd III 1"I I l!"I h, " •.\ s f lO llbl t1 l1 J.,; I HI\\' rOi l ! VII I hi ' \1'1\'p lll l ll l' :-: 11 I'll I n t ow n t ht '..:e
" I
1" "1
... :t I1 .. 111",1 wi th , ' O ll r ~ a ll1 I II ",· i ~ "1 ami ell< '''-I'. 1 1" ~t ( )N t lJ llt a i \l ~ tI " " ,,, \ \ , 111 ,1",
.. :.:
tl a' ' 1. . ' " w il l t , II
" H II I I d llll 'l k l1H \\' ' h il t
I Il k .· II. 11111:11. .s UII.
(,,( '1I I ft l y
In H i. E ye. Was a Loo k of Col d F ury , a n d H e Ki cked the Un con5clous M a n Sav ge l y .
tJ IO II~" 1
It l' n(lI kd
Ud l lu tt ' d \\
' I.
df "lIti 0 ( ' 111 .' "'\\ I 'l' t Jl Pd\l l ' ~ o h Im . ].: :';:" 11 1' 1 ( u r t l u'l r t\T"'" 1I II '. ' t I II I.! It t Ill t' • ' Ul'll lIlI, I t \\'II~ 1111 ' " \ \"i lll l \\ Jl l y l ' ll h e duillg ?" 1"u lll IIII I ~' Il lI h ' he hll d ' ~" t' r hlil l 1I"r ('lt l ll,.,)11y. " I " hnll b e luok lll !: for \' ul tS. t' l'n't I'l l' tt' l y 10 II l l11 s. ,l r , IIlI d If u~ h \ \11 "; ,.d.'~ wt tr r .}' uhou t Ill f' . "II 1' lIl k nfL t'r IlIy- t l ' I'III \ I It 'd t tl tl IH\{ " tl u' 1I1" ... t II r II. rl., , ft'i t u s If he ( ·11 \.1 ~ rI JlO ul) tl rl\'l lI J! f o r ~ l' l f . ~uw, Is tl lllt {'1 t'n r?',
;,. /':', -
" .'! 1": I".q If It '!,: l li f~ "';UlI lI ' ' h tZl J.l I\~ ) Oll t il lrl III " (' \' fo r I llp ·1 ,11 0 111 · ...
l\t' r
\\ 111' 11
n Jl r·
fl i ltl , III I 11lP f u r f" It . y o U II r t ' nH'rf' l y 11\:(' (,PII\' lv ln l w fl ltd ,'r ,' r s w h o 11It v e l OHked fl ll 1h\· w in e w lu.!JI It W IHoI r~ d .
~ t n·t\llt:j' .
It Il J
~'II I1 :
II H''I. It l.. a
t a llr 'I~ I IH ' Idun ll'!" •.dll'
FH ., t
N"xt u kc V I TA Mn ~ -
t ,"d" l , \\'tt l! e \'t" 1 I1 lt~.d , T I"." II '\\' I ~ 1t a wl IIlc :t s u rl' y O\l r ~ d l a ~ .11 11 l 'al II \'\ l'l' k iw d \' lI lIt 1ll 1ll' t ak lll H \ 'I~I A M Il N rl' Klll a rl ), u n til )'Otl :111'
11 11~C I!
YOH n _l' U ;\ IHI I II "·.P , II It' }
tH III ..
1111 1)
h i' "' .I ){'. ' r l1~ ·d w il li ~ t'I'II1~ 111 111 \ ' ull d tl t. ' 1 L!' II \\ lH'I' f' ytll t' r l' Ilol wnut t'l l. :n h ' I JI ~' t ) aI(l ~ t tll ' Y' \n tnt to (' 0 Is t l ~ I1 ra\\' IIny -': \l !'l i lld il fl o n th£'tllf;;( ' I\· ..·,
t Iw
\ ' (lr
h u rt
W II lI' t
\u 'l ~ h
n J.."l u lI (·p nl t WI' , I'llt "Ill n w n .. 11f1l1, tll L! !" t rlllL! hl . In f l' lIl11 Ilr 11 ...·. 1 1( '
th l ~
oll l r
I II!' ""I t ·r Ht1l' 111t' \\ 4· .. t 111: (1 n t h lt'k
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II l1 f(h. " s he w hl'peTO'u . "A"II why u"t . II tlle gl rl 7" II£' . nlll ~xU l lllut l )" . " r hl!l' t you knoll' I I"ve yo u?" II I. f''''e "' li S RUlI v~ ry clo~e 10 h l' r~ . " Wl·lI'" " W ,·I1. whll t T' s he murmured. ,. Jt ' ~ your w m," he whIspered . "I 10\'(' ~' o u , r·hy IIl H- juRt. 10\,(> yuu ." "B ut It 's fin ly tw " o r thl'e!' (\oys , Inc,· wp mel." .. hc Rul li ' f(· ~ hl .v . " AU II " h","1 til " rll \' 11 hilS thn t /(ot ~ o el" w it h II. /It 0 11 1" he ,1" 11111 1\(1,,,.1. 'WOII III I l)(' \\'ulthl f( longe r 10 d~ 'llII' Hu r h lin o h,"i 0 1ls fn rt? T ell fIl Il," ~ c wcul on, " IHI R h ~ f~ 1t hl A /lrm r0Jl'''' ll'r ngnln ro r r ln!: he r 'to look ot h im - "tell me. do n't you care • • • II littl e t '. .,
lteo rt
li l ll l' !-I t ' HIt I Rill !. 'rhc n , " p r y 1:" 11 11)·, h~ put h£'r t,n ck In th o ClIr.
II I ~ l1 l ' J1 n~e , II h ... rf'm nrkf' fl rp~ f ~ lJ c ll ~ I y . "'h il i w e IHI4I h 4' rt t' t" d p~c (\nf l t o
Ir ll'lnlll l<' R.
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n iH) ~WIll I\ ~ ~ 1J\ C'c I Inr<:; t SI1 \\' YUll n Yl'Hr o r t w o n ~o. "
"illlut huY." AIle M ill Ilnplllly. yes te rtl".\' 1II000nlllg. "
\l'u ~
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IlIll' r l'up ll o n
(.'fln ~ l .h'I'ed
tl'lI·' nl. ~I r r c fH et A don't eVll llt \\,11 ('11 II 'H you IInll me." Th ere W II " n .f uI·· t hl' r Illl e r lll il e of une!! r tlli n d UTIIllo II , t o l1l1 w " Ll I"H I Jl d l y
II nu tl H~ r b ~H.'H U HU
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COI , d' ttlet.l
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reg r" t to s tn t .. Ih nt 1I"' y'\' e I(o t P(l lt". Th c g irl ~nt IIp quic k ly nnd st nre') Il t h im.
" Oot h im ? Oh , B ugh I h ow t.!ld they mnn ngo It ?" "I'm rl-d It I know," he nn"were,1 grimly. " The y 'f ouud out thut he wos In m y bungol ow nt Oorlng during Ule ofte rnonn by ~endlng rOllnd n mnn to 8ee nllout tho wn te r. Some how or o th e r he lIIllst hnl' c dopet! th e d rInk or Ule f ooo , becnuse nft e r d inn er we nil fell ns leep. I u l1n't remcm be r on yt.hln g more t ill I wokc th lR morn ing wit h the mos t o ppll lling heod. Of conrse, P o tt s h A(\ gone." ", ...... rrl til e cnr drI ve up In t~e
MtlT(JRC Y C L E-T w I u Ind l "n. . luquirtl o f ~' rallk W Crew . Ill\ym u ntl W . W o hr 1,0 J OII Mill e r , P h ll n e M:I- 2Y. , WaY Lewvllle, O hi o . 'raot 10 De llf UBld Twp , j 27 , Raym o nd W . Wehr t o tiuy E . O T O R C Y C LIi:-I915 Barley Va. Pdlllo r . traot In D oe rUe ld Twp • II. , vida on . 2 s peed e, In goud sb8pe , H e Dry Mar(.by to Milto n Druk e . (Jon bll seoa at An,broRO De cker'. part of lo t N o. ~o tn !:Io. L e han on , 11. ut Dodd ll. Ollie P llh oe, W8ynetl: j 27 Mllrgtlret Bill okl o rd to WIU . A . ville. Ohio. Blllo kt o r cl , nn d lvl el e d oll e b ,df in ' e r esl In 24 A I n Ulo.tror oukT w l) ,_I . PIANO- Sta rlin", flne toned. aod In ~ IJod o o udlt-Iuu , lnllllire at l' rn oo M. \)uoltnm t o Oo r o t,lt y 0 thi s i27 Duohflm. purtll of in · lutH NU ll :n ano 2:.1 l u Le btlD o n , (Jo ud l:; hor'horn (Jow, alx. weelli. old o,d f by aide. J .. L . MendeD, hull , it. U . :I, WaVD1l8vllle, Vhl o
Real Estate Tranferl
Commiuloners' I'rocfledln,s
BiIJ8ullo w e d : B e ll P re88.llrinUng lUi; We~ te rD l::l t rlr, leg,,1 tldv , 133; W . W , WIlII"m .. , 8000 1) bllnclloH, '4,12; ~..tte rnlf\D Mo tor C o. , r e ptllrs for trooke . 1:1 1 10; ClnolnnRti En. q u l rer. leKal a rt v . • '311 20; COllts of in q oBll t. o f body of .JII8,C urrul1. t J,HG; R dmlngto n T y .. e wrl ~or C o .• rlhbo n ". I" GO: Bird Ink Uo .. Ink. '1. 25; In_ q uest o f b od .y o f A Bu s t,pk . 14.45; l:!a nltliry S uppl .vUo , 811llpll oH , $.11.49 ; W. nun, oos t s . 12G , 26; ~ tr red Co . • s uppll eH, 25: Inquos', h ody of C ha~, WhllJl OO, U,4 G; O regonlll Brldgo Co , ron' tor s bed, 'lDa
j 27
1 Deor,xt1e r V8000ru Dou~e TubEleotrloWoeb. I!:leotrlo I:!weeper
I R ef rigerator, 81de loer. hever bee~ u "ed. All the above 8tOW will lIell tor, about one-half prloe . Inquire of 080ar LayboarD'!. J27
FIELD OF · CLOVER, oomprle. Ing 13 Boros . John Roberson R. D. 3, Waynosvllle. Oblo j13 '
I:!tarter-G. E , S&arttlr bod B(IUery ror I!' ord, all III good ebllpe, O. A . St,Jobo. R Ii, Way. n Bwville, Ohio, j13
"'- - - -
...... MlamtGuette, WalD...m., Ohio. _
GAZET-T·E•••• /~~---.....
D. L. CP A N E. Edi lo l and Pul..i1isl e r . \Yaytlt ~v ille, Ohio !:l\lIJ~c rilltion
Bull-Dog Drutnmond
tional business and adverti iog na· tionally. has a million or mor' customers. You are only on . o f tht', n. and there is nobody in th at 1lI:lil· order estab lishm ent that has \h e time to g ive your orde r a sing!!' thought except to fill it. You t ake what yOIl get, at 11m;'! di stapce. and be th a n kful tha t you're ali ve. _ Trade at home and you r mer chant has to g ive you qu ,oIi t ) tl! r 7· tain your trade and the tr ,,'!, "I hI; other neighbors . If by ac udcn t th ere is anythi ng wrong ",i th th e quality . you are w her e you can r, c l instant :;a t isfacti on. The sati sfac· tion you ge t by long di st ance i ~ wtSEMENI poor. if a ny. . Wise people in th e country are quittin g th e mail o r der 11 0 11 ;t " )in great numbers. This is apparent by the fact th " t th l: l "~g " ,, , of them are .dl but on the fin ancial roc ks. D on't be in t ht' 1,11 ' ,·,of the ' process ion . Trade at _hom e. _whcrc_a part _of your Jul !,l1 • comes bac k til) )'OU. "_ _
The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace DuU
WI·;DNESUAY. J ULY 1::1. 192 1 - ' - - " ' = -:.-
h is Nccou n' about Mr. C .... wrUten
'1Ilaint lan ~nllge of 'he "ge, IInIln()thowliiob soondl! 80 ou rlou8 to our
Hlodern ears: . "The 08t 18 a fullleoheroos bealt In yonth. IIwiH, pllan$ and mBrr~; aUlll8 a right hl'avy beae' In I1ge and foil 8ItlI'PY. !lnll lI el.h In waU ror mloe Ilud I~ Ilware where 'hey he. tnure hy Hmell thaD b, 81gbl, and hUllteth find runneth upon l,h"lII In privy plllo&!; and when lie tllketll Il 1111411"11 he Illaye'b tberewllll, aud outo$b him after $lIe play. In time uf love II bal'd flKhttnl( ror wi vel!. aDd 80ra'obe'h ,.ull reudetb 'be uther IIrlevoull, wuh biting anil with olaw.. And he maketb a rutbful Dolle an() ghl1lHol. when oue prolJere'h &0 fight with anolbf'r; nor Is be hur$ wheu thrown down off Ii blgh pi ~OO. Aud wben be baa. f.lr ~1I\n. ho II. alit worl'. proud 'bere. nf. aod ICOBLh fill' .bout; lind wbon bill Iklo 18 !Juru', 'ben be hldetb ,,' IlOmll.··
A onrrl'" p" Uc111ut IIr the Millllli (~I\. ZA Hu 1"'HHI·t! IIWIlY ~ll ll(lflY evening "t hllr hlllllU l-\)lrlOIf Bran oh - Mr ~ WHltt, r ll , kln A yu un g wn· IlI~U In lli e prime of 111 ... 11 WOUlIlIJ dev otl1d 10 I,er home and frleud!!. 1l18r) I. vll r y Iou •.r wllrn,,,, , ,,!.tending to Ih" IIIIrAH1111" wllrri .. ~ nf fl hOUl e IUld 11 lar ~e (,,".II .y, :veL Hhe f oun.1 limn to chr onloltl tlie eve uts of Ilfi r nnl ghh .lfhunol "n" let 'he '" orlll lI11 0 w of theUl. Dbo W8M a dBlIgb &. tol WUIIl 'H' ' " tlH'et lind (Ion Vfl rse willi . au.1 li ar wrltlll~H WAra "Iway~ nout "urI ollrreol. filii "8 t o d l.l t"lI. . auct truthfl1itH' •• . Thll '~II 'W U~ hilA lost II flue oorro· • • pondl!Dt, Iln d the Sprl cg Lh"1I0h l' Une8R It W88 'be 8ame old Tom nelll b horhnoct 8 fond wife aDd 08'. Llle No I. . m Ulbttr 8111\ 8 true frlund . POlleo h ~
h~r fl HheR
Which wna' the CDe lur tlJe cv_ mencement ot the l88t and lon,est Interlude, terminated anI, b,. lbe Iudden and unwelcome appellrance at a mOlor-'bul covered wltbln and wltll· out by uoromnntk al,hUeerl. aDd paper-bugs COnlulolng banaoas. They drove alo",I, back to GulRtford. lind 00 the WilY he lold her brief· I, at the murder or the Amerlcsn'l McretarT In B"lt.. t. Rnd hla Int"r· view Ihe precet.lllli IlrternooD wltb tbe Impostor at the Cllrlton. HIt'1 a IOU,h propoaltlou." he r&mllrked quietly. "Thoy're ablOlutely without scruple. and their tlOwer aeeml unlimited. I know lbey are atter the duch esR ot I.umpshlre'l pearl8: [ found the bellutltul [rOIl conBumlnll tea wid! Y()Qnll LllidleJ ),eIIlerdo),-yoU know. Ule doh'l eld· est Ron. But thore'l aometbln, OIore In tbe wind tban Ulilt. I'bylll.....-.ometbln, whlcb. unleN l'm ' lI mIll ot the ftMt -ater • II an Inllnltel, la-..• propOlltioD tbao lbaL" The I!8r tlr'ew ap at the "ad_. Ind Ill' Htrolled wltb ber to tbl plat· . form. Then lbe train came 10, and
IAGIRL~S ESSAY ON BOYS ::In~~~eh~:t!~,to~u~~:a~~c~:,:~ IIpl warOl on ber annoul
_ __
bll. and
Uttl e cry. "Take eare. ro, darlln, ltake care I" attll rlnllna In hla ean. he At a r~en$ Bombay &bool Board ,ot Into ble car and drove off to an e:l awlnllltion one of 'be 'uk. was an botel to · aet- an earl, dinner. e81ay 00 bO,fS, and tbl .. wal one "OU", [n Its OalU)IHtgn aglll nl' rat. 10 tbe oomposlUonl jWlt a8 It wal han. AmerI ca, the U. It Uepar,wen' of ded In by a girl of l:d : ''fbe boy II At • QllUtar to teo he backed ilia AKrionllure 18 nllt at al\lIolhu, t".tio UO$ an animal, yeL tbey Oftn be heard car Into the .badow rtf 110100 tr_ ahunt Il·r., r ellt . h piliOOd IIHI Cb a oon~lderable dlstanOll When Dnt tar rrOUl tbe ,lite ot 1"10 IIlImL m ort! fnlLII 10 Vtl\ 811n 1l00I Lilli trill Il ea .. bo, bollerl be openl hll big mou'b !llIve tor III IIpt III the IIItUua-.Serrlltr. like frogs. bu' glrll hold 'belr tongoe od 0lIA ID a bedroocn upataln, dae A prol " M~lonul oJUermlllator of 'Ill Ibey are lpokeo lo, and ,beD troot at lbe b _ wae 10 4artr:~ rat" ."1H t hat where you flod on8 tbey aOlwer reepaoaable, aDd 'ell and. trta4ll\f 110114110l1li), on the turf. oat ~hl\L II! a )o(ood I'll Her • lour will JOI' bow It Wal. A boy 'blnh blm. be upI01'94 all rouud It. Tbere "'.. ha.1I onlhill, tu d o with 'hem . ~ n lelf olever beoaDae he oaD w!'de 0118 bedI'OGID hlbt lilt tbe ban 01 the dew ... e I\\lV uatumlll' will &BII you. wbere i8 deep. bus Uod made tbe bOIlM. 0 4 thrown 011 tbe bUnd ~ ,be mOdL dl1 0leuL IbtDR It 0'" doe.. la dr, lallll ror every HvinK 'binI( aDd could _ lb, 1bt.40w of III man. AI tu kllllulluu.. ", bird ... rellted OD tbe leventb day. WbeD be watcbed. .l bl man lot up od tlJleHkh,,,, "lJout na'uralists. amooa abe boy grows up be II called. bua. moved awa,. ooJ, to returD In a OIl)'bll flrbl. k ,,,.wn ,'f 'bllt pro'618lulI baod, aod lbeo be atOJlll WldlDI( aDd ment or two lind take up bll old pcII1. ~IIII a wtlllk wbo \lvtld IIl1veo hun- 8t"Y8 au' hUe Ii' nillM , bD' 'be 11011. dr, ds uf :VIll,r .. 11 1( ". "ue 8 ,11'tholo. grew up girl Is a widow and keepi "U'I ODe of ahOM two bedl'OOlllt." n,l.lw AuglloU8. III hi .. book bllro 's bOUie. be muttered to blllll8lf, "It be'l ben at 1111." Tben be crouched In the aIladow '" 11011111 abrubl and waited. Ttll'oulb tbll t..- to hie rlllht be could _ TIle Larchel. IIDd ODee. wttb a ItId4au qulCkellln. ot hla beart. he thought be au w the outllDll of tbe lirJ allow lIP In die lIibt !roOl tbe dra ""D"rooOl. But I t W81 001, tor ' a eecond, and Ulell It "'.. ,olle. . , • He It hll watcb: It wu ,oat len o·clock. The tree. were creUilq gently In the faint wind; all aroun4 blm tha IUaoll9 ulabt DollMlll-lIol_ the HU,MeR' obange. aDd alloW for wblcb pia, prllJlkl wltll a ~'I ___ . 'ho bnllo$ ',. ourve. . , Be may nen_were whleperln, and mutt,,, ' Rim hl8 boBI. ere ~he &rlg,er'l pre t· In,. BoabBi .eemed luddlDl)' to 001118 B ow orteu -$h e huys . wheD Iboy .00 -'he momeut or bUD&8r'8 blla to lite. aDd move ; aerie . .pea lbe IJrI'OUII4 tobrd hear a nollo, or dl@Ollver a nUul aDd learD a' la81, wbeu lhe obanoe crawled epark will shel both eye8 ao' IlXJlOOI bae p&IIRed, bow easy I, I. 10 mi •• I blm~ wbleb. Mllted onl, III a prlz~ frllm lin aimless shot 10 'lie 111 IHIt's IIbarp hunt. wbeD I bear bla Imailuatton. And ooce apln the • a 1(1 un~. thllt promllMll bear or deer. thrill of the .nl,bt Italker 1(I'Ippe4 dark I. . . 1 hougb bard It lIeem l! I'll hold my 8hot. aDd IIDrloh my wben ,he daylight giealul. '0 bit. po, by ""Uln' for dayUgb' ol.r !!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~ wltb " llflrfllot sigbt. yet '190 wonder I'll waite no loil on greal8l811 011. wUbal. wby the Kame don't fall. or 'be lliOOk-blrd· ••aul,hln· epark wbeo 111'0 firtJ at blnls In '1.10 olgM. I'll burn no oash in a wblrlwlntl 'J'he IportsruaD wille w\if I$ody tbe da.b. or a foolish ebot.lo.tbe.d.rlt I
THE ·SHOT IN THE DARK ~~~~~~.~~~'umfi~~te~ulh~lar:!:dl:::
'~4: -
SAME' "l'HlNGl.
July July 'J uly July July July July July
Try our Job Printing
3- 6th Sunday aftt!r Trinity -I - Independence Day lO - 7th Sunday after Trinity 16- St. Switbin's Day 17- Sth Sunday after Trinity 23 - Jewish Feast of Tammuz 24 - 9th Sunday after Trinity 3l-:- lOth Sunday after Trinity
HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CA'rARRH MEDICINE will do what we ell/im lor it:cure Catarrh 'or Deafness caused by Catarrh, We do not claim any other disease.
- - --+_ ..._-"rlda), and uBad Luek." The bad luck supposed 10 attneh to Friday! III trll c~8hle 10 the worehlp ot tho goddedll Fr~YII, who tlllt herselt allghled It any ooe. began a Journey on thill. her testlv81. In punishment IIbe waa wODt to direct misfortune to anoll Ibe oll'ender.
e,u-r ~
A.. _ •• J...r ,
HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE i8 a liquid, taken ioternally. and acts through the blood upoo the mucous surfaces of the 8ystem, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditionB. All Druggists, Circulan free. F_ J, Cheney & Co,. Toledo, Ohio.
MID:) ·~ ..
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H. Wright
i1"'1 f4'FA NY'S t t
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Read Gaulle's Classilied Ads
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TIIwelulJered t:he German whO h8d lain motlonless tor an hour 10 B little rully by Hebuterne. while he from behind 8 .8tunt4!d buab bud trli.'d to 10('8le him. And then thnt ono crenk ae Ihe Rocbe bad moved hlalo\1. And then . . . the end. On Ulnt ulrht, too. the little humrnockB had mO\'ed lind tRk"n to thomRel vee atrllnlrO ah8P" : ftfty ttmel he had Imagined he 811W him: IItt, tlmee he knew be was wrODII"":ln tIme. He WI8 Wled to It: Ule nl,ht hold no terron tor him, only a fterce e:llettement. Anl1 thull It wae thllt 118 he crouched In the bUllhel, waillor tor tbe · pme 10 Btart, bll pUIM wu al normal. nnd bll nlln·.11 1118 et8lldy Ilft If 'be bad been 11II1n8 down to lupper. Th. onl, dllrerllClCl! ... that tD blft hllnd he hlld -eom .. thln, tlrht-gt'lpped. AI lUI tlllnll)' In Ihe dlfttlloee be beud llul hum at 8, car. Rapldl), It fI'Ilw 10ul1er. and be smiled IIrtml)' to btmaelt .. the lound at live nom&1000ou. volcee Ilogln~ lU8tll, atruck hta ·ear. 'rb,eT_pa_d t1l o~ tho road 10 fI'IIIIt .t.'t b.· houae. Th... WBJ! a 8uddeD rruh- Ulan IIlIenee I but 001,. fw a moment. Peter-I .ot~ camo ftm: "You pI1Cel... (,Id ael9. you've rallllDe<I tbe bllnkln. ,HIe." It . wei J8ITJ' 8B,mour wbo then took up the blWl, BII 'V oice Wal In· t..tuMl. .olemo-alllO e:lltremely )oll.d. (To 1M
I ' l l'
lrallsooted bUSIOes8 In th l~ vl oln .toy \ UflV CYOIlI IlI.(.. on W.lI ln esdoy. . 1\lr . r:url Hllt"I"I !," II l1d fll hl l ly , _ J . Coru ely Moore. of 1," nA " ~. 1MI ~ 1>o" t. ~ n u ,i n\' Willi .\ 1r. 1111,1 ~l r" ( the gll ~s t of lois ~on, Burm on. wbo S . Lnll1b . bnB boen n nlloted for HUlIl e tl lll". but I Ev ~rol.1 I':,. rlv unrt (' h iJllro n. :\111. at 'hi s writing 1M mucb \ wJlr ~vH!1. I d r l'd II llln~' "nd ~, r~ (;, ."" /.:" 1-\ •.,,11 Mrs . Mllry Adllms. ot Wllmln gt.~ n · 1 wero III :-:ohnn t z' l"lrk . :-:lIn,ll1l' . f ar m :i'lles ami Li ve St ock n Will! tb e weok .en d g llest of acquH ln. . . t ' Perry Willie I! l.hrnHll1n g oul ill hll . 51)('cia il y aoceM . beon vu ry loll", In 1111" I·' llllnlllillty . 80me InOlllltlos 10 Oh io bfl ':o been I th o PA s t WPllk. Sal is fact ion Gunrnnlced w ;)nderfull y bleHf!ed wltb r81O . Bnd 'be rBII80n for It wile that th ey hud Mr . 111111 Mr ~ Unrr:v \ hllllll'l on. paid their preaohers In full . , Mr. Mnx 1''''' ltln~' ' r I ~I"I tw.,. g runt! l3ellbrook.i Ohio , . chI ld ren. Hnl h 11 1111 Emtl1f1 hll 'l' , or ODr truok m~n . ebas.U ord nn . 1" · I II. Yl nn, we rl' gnoM I.8 r f l"rn nk ti u,lt h 1\ol h I'h ('n e~ so bosy tbllt hlH I·ru ck I S rn nlllng unci fUlI' llv day Ilod nigb t, ba vlng two sblfl s . " ~ . . ~t t I f )1 . 1I a r H ,"'"' n e.--, ,o n ~Mn 1f1t:Lcer , n H · Gale Gordon. of l;ytl e. wus n BB I~t.. . IIr n, .k . 1M IIl l\ k11lg lin ('x l.ll u<1 '111 VI8 11 Ing hIs brother. Uhllfles . h ero on ·1 with ho r hr nllll' r. l· . H. LUUll, II lid Friday. transferring pr oport y. f'HUll y . ["'H"~"."" Wllynes,vllie mlld o '1 lli l ll ll bl ow in Mr. IIIlct Mr ~. Will . ~IIII uI111 ~lr . E~-" ES !aU week s 18suo o ~ the MI.ml tllI' IHnd Mr". R n~~n ll Bu rn " t. "pronl t'UIl .• ~ I zitte abOD' ,h , lr vlot ury . I kn o w rillY willi Mr A . ~ t llC:r lind I'nnllly. we uaed to h"ve a nlue thllt could I T ' - . El{am'Ined Correc tl y... ba.e w8110ped tbe li f e out or t h l' 1 Mr ft nil M ~H: \\ fll."1f I\l'nrl r ~ •••• Miami. . Uur lBaill Is maile op of wore Da ytnn V I"l l l1 r~ . ~ .. 11111 .\' . Glasses Fitted younl men wb o bllve t o wo rk burd 1 Mr. aDlI MrR. II M ( '!<,!k "lH'llt 4\ AT M')DERATE PRICES for a living aud they arH tirllll UDt fe w hou rs I-\ unil ill' "' ll h f rflnk Mll r . wben they go to pl"y ball . 0 11 8un. shall BII I\ fllllllly,' .. t. BIJllhro.nk. day mornlni' tbey get up ea rly ta l Mr. Imd Mr ~ . WIll C ,llC ~)Jn l\t, snn ,,$leDd ohuroh and 8DOdilY SChool. ; l1"y wHh Mr. lin j Mr R \:l yiln (' ox 1 Optical Department . but I don 't know about them going T bo Hllnrlay dInn e r g\1n~tR il l' Mr . s. Detroit SL XenIa. Ohio The mas' of tbe players are too lind MrA. \YlIl BHrgdlll1 wpre: Mr . heavy for lIab' work an4 too Il g ht ' 8od Mrs Adolphus \Yl l ll nl1l~ nnli Op.lnevelllnpbyappointment for beavv work . I am lIare they I Mr~ Melv inl. Stll cy ~ ••••" •• oODld have beateD t he Mlnmis if It ," .. , had no' blillo for elgbl or nine t hings. ehll R. .IMk lI~tl W m . (ox werD Hboold 'hey evor play the Millwi s , Day lon YI81Inr". ~l1turtI ILY . Illlilin. their vlotory wl\l be a e uro ' ~~~~_ _ _~~~_ _~~~ \)~. J. MILLER. tblng If they are s Dooe8sfoi in \,,10' 1= nlnl . Some of tbe 'Burg nlue soem to tblnk tbelr drloklng water mi gh t , ... DENTlST... have been "'mpered with to tbr ow Ihe game. Aher thlil. onr boys will Onlce tn WaynuIIUe, 0 S . ..In:lal U.w k nll tll. furni8h tholr own water . j\ notber i reaHon 'bey bave for their defellt
i ll
I It
h .\ ...
- ..- - -
1:------ - -
The A . M. E. ob .uob 181mprovlnc 'belr propony with paint. The MaIlle 'I'ownshlp Sunday ~beol oonVllntiw oonv8ned.l:;unlJav af&erDooD, at tbe FrieDli. ohnroh . Tbe prolram WAIl carded ou$ ,,"h lpeaklnl and IloglnllC . 'I'be Clvlo LeallDo bold tbolr regD. lar meeting 00 SHlturday. al the home of Mrs. Anna 8tln"Ou. on tbe avenue. Yr. and Mrl. a . E Wilson and Yr. and Mr8. Saru CobeD. of Oay&on. were Sunday gDeeu of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. of &blB Centl al. .Yre. Martba N. MoKay and daugb. ter. 14188 Mary. and two grandsonll. · Theodore and Brant 8&eele. of 10dl· 1 aDapolll. were vlsUlnlJ relatl ve8 I bere lal' week. I The la1>or Iltnatlon ID tbl8 ooun' l try d &hll time re 'nlndl nB of 'be llory of a colored milD who applied
! I
VETER INARIAN V:IL'I.:i nati o n n 5pcc ialty. Nolh. illl! hili I ~ di n hl(! Se rum u sed Harveysburg, O.
Pllolle 44
Walter McClure FU:'-IER -\ L III RECTOR
Waynesville, Ohio
"oome aronnd In 'h18 morning. and I'll' po' yoo to worlk and pay you wba, yoo are worU~." "No .. b. I o~'t do cla .... repl:le4 'h8 oolored ! maD "1'.. ,lUlo·mo·daDda&now" Unr bl'Ull band hi ImprovlnlJ bY I I. . . .Dd boonde, .llIe pr~r... yoo
Ima~D~ ~eu~tioD~.
::a:k~o"~~rf~~~,',~!:-~~ ~::::~IJ~:' '
Our Calendar
I ll " n \
·HE city mail order house. doing ana·'
I rice. $1. 50 per y ·y r
II, \
w., ... lh!~1 nru'I\!lI'. iI . 1111,· IlJ li ulb . 110.. \"'11' HI 1 'II I : th on~hl '",,-, hly t hrr ,It<, ' I< t \\ 11 11 r h ," •. !" II til 1 :. IIld k' "' WI1 tt. ' t r - ~·'f.711t p' v ... rv "l o\\,. AIlII I' 1>< ~"I' '1'''' I t il l:. 11111111" .. " IU' I
SHUMAKER Veterinarian
Praclical Vacci nator. Have ha.1 I!II'Jl I R lI CC"S~ ill Immuning on 1)01\, ~id( alld well herols.
Bulh I'h " n c~ Home H .-,.-,.Ij Hell 4- 1r
Bellbrook, Ohio F ull y FCJuipped for Good Se rvice . Large D is pl ay Roo m
_~~mako~lwom~~g~n~~ I TELEPHO NE'
N I~ Hl
Notary Public
lie a ~vitally tnterested American I L-------------~ mother at her Utah home on Ihc 1\11 1II1111s 0' Ndl,4lry Work. WIII ~ jlftemoon of July 2nd. and she is " n(1 n ellll ~ 1\ i'ljlnolll lt y. Boing 10 keep in pretty close touch iwhh events of the day. Shc is Mrs. ~WDl. Dempsey, mother 01 Champion .clc Dempsey.; Mr&. Dcmps(' Y says e IIn 't a 1rA Id ..."th a t boy f rOIl1 NOTARY PUBLIC DK.H.E,HATHAWAY raDtO" will whip her Ion. but she 'IDa don't care to witness the can· W '11 101 I WfI.YOM v!lle·H LOlldinK OeDtI., tat.'\'"Wllllam will WiD," she say .•, aynesvi e. 1 0 ret.nfq to the champion by his I I k (lffi oe 10 H .,Inos Bldg. Main RL fam;Jv "'me. Na ti ona Ian
It.DII I••h8 Deld .,'ep. a.d we will haTe balad OODoer&. &hlll' wll1 draw orowde from a dlBaanoe. At 'bla "me, A. & C. D. Cook ha"e l ••'alled .. ..-'eurber lo 'belr well eqolpped dllllr- bUllnel., .ud iI are DOW, lapP)"ln" " • j~helr oUl'omen 10 OIDoIDna'l. J .... IHanley II ImprovlDC fine. afuraD operation flDr appeDdloUls' l ••••e lIoCIellaD hOllptaal 10 Xenllll .
1--- .
.•04 lira. T. Jordan llater lpent · ~====~=====:-=~~~-:::~-::::::::-:--::::--:::::--:-~~:-~__-::::-~:-::~:-=-::::-:-::-::::-::-:--: tbeIIr four'b "Uh W. Mn.Jordao'l al Uebol'll. Uarl Bnok, '8pr.to'lnl Zany & Co.. of Xenia. UaDRc,t4 b11lllD_ here. ·r,uleda,. of I... weelt. Th8 loe milD la deln• • 'hrt"lnl bUltu... and before 10nIJ I' will be I"!II_ _ _ _ __ 'be ooal man . I: Th. II .., Liliauillli Rod Co.. of W... IImOD, oDd_ lb. 10p81"11110D 01 I'nDIt WIIIOD for ,bl. vlolnlly, Is eNO&!D,lI.bwDII rode OD maDY of ow bea' hlldlDp. I HaDfor!J .~O• .ia I;h8 poueIIOr of
______ _ ___ ---
.-- ----- - -- -
A.D' BuUa Barril anel Mill Yary Cnaawell are qllite poorly at 'bla ' wd..... Gtio... Y. Belwarltl ' arrtv84l here oa ; Ba,nrta~••iom Uar,.vllie. ID4., 1 "~e" be ha. beeo wlUa hla fOt! ~y.ral mo.ab,. !"nf.·Tolle traDI8O&e4 bul_ ID lAbaDOD oa;8alor4a,.. '!'be pOlaW orop In 'bl. IOO8Il'y la .:fallure, .. well . . otber produo". are>,oIDf 10 live OD Ie be. I . . qO."ODed b, mlUlY. . i . IlL Berd. of PI. . . .,. Va., W8r. oal1l., OD aqqaalataDoee ben•• abaeDoe of. at Mr. a.r4 ""Deled eOIuIol here wheD .~ aD4 _nd ahe eduOllltiOD 'baa b. hili. beeD ' noelYlD, pay fOl' for .a· lead
W..- w. po..a "
.IIn, Bo'*'
Notsoe ..,
' .
That you will use in your new home is m e re ly aceiu C' lI tal .
Are you using the argument "th at you ' ll huild wh t' n ]'necs Come Down ?
If so, then it is time to bury that m o tll -C'a tcll p lt r, ls e and get ? lIs y. b ecau se prices ARE down. Theyare so dow ll ' a s low a s Lil ey arc gO lllg Co be for many moons. . . , Do you know that America toda~ is in imllle d ia t e n e ed of Lwo ~mll i on ho~nes and houses? Do you know that pnces ar as low n.s a ctu a l cost produ c tion, based upon readjusted wage scales w ill permi l ? If you know these things- then YOIl are of th e thinking . persons or families which a 're going aht!ad with building .
.We H. MADDEN & CO., Waynesv,lIe, Ohio '
tile memben of Bar.
~u. '1.OcIn No. n~ I Be ut " I'rtbTU Tbundll,
-,r1lC' poi nt is,-- nui.ld !
Lime, and a1l kinds
of a uUding Materials
~.... 4UeiDo ...... Ten7':IL~~~~~~t:~~~:v:e~y~0.u~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~=====~;;~4 ~~U"7~o~. an .tim.te•
.... J[, K.TboaaJlODt cll BeeoIa (iray"
The Miami Gazette, Waynes.nte, Ohio.
::& L
------- - ---
1. -I 11I1 '.I! IUI1\ in l'ircu~ hi tll ry. The} bl' "ev~rythinll'" is meant not only 1 ~!1I\" ~('o r''l\ th jU I1~It!'~ 1Il08t I l~le w.BtI nnimal displays. but the en-
The RIlIl tJllt' Ill !'n ! I h;" ( /lr f:\11\O',1 Hltlgliflg B~ 11111'>\ :llId 1',1111 11 1 1 .1. Hnl,,"y ,·IIlIl hi" ,.d :h()w ~ III' " I , ' lli uitnl Dnyt on, T"lIr~""~ , II"~ ':1, Il lIs oro used nu "1,,1 II f ill (.0, ,"I I ( lVould l'eelll M Iho lll(h prllc(ll' ",II" "II IIll' younll'!' t('r~ alld ~ r O\\,Il - "p' rn Ilti .. ~ec t lo n wpr!' plun ni ng In HI I I' ll.! Twice (,~"'I d,l\' (or .. 1111 Ht tw,) mo nth ~ New Y O f"k' R t:'\'('al Ma dl"" " Square GArd"n \\' n~ p ll c !;, ', 1 \\' 1I1t 1I11)~t' who thr""t:'('tl ( 0 " ,' ,' t h l ~ hl l!
,, ( C t~ . sIIlijlll{llt el1 til such 11 tire clrcua. Mor than GOO men and 11·Qrl'l'. th" l thps!' h.... Rutifnl Rllimnl. l women. er.n braciliK thc world's rorc-
1'.,,''''11.' h"ll
1'''lp, .. 1 to ;l lId rnd 011 the hsckR 0 most al'cm c Rlar~ . take part. Th re ' ;!" I 'h"nl~ kll,l hlll'~I'~ ju mped I Rre I\Imosl1 00 (·I owlls. Asitle Crom ' Mr. and Mrs . WIll . I ohin n cnt 1Ij,:"ll)!h h))"",; o1f lir,·. "p,·nl'd· th il' the fero[\ious heasts. the progrnrn ""'1 111 ~ Iil al Ih l'ir 1ll 1'1l lind w,'rnPtt i1w llldt'~ thirty trui ned I'I"pllllllt !l luhwu Rtllilllll' r SunJny , Mr RnrlMr~ , I " li nN" lllil: hl lay Il wi r Ih' !l d ~ und TI' '' \lp e~ of (,flllWl s pPrforrn in tilt' J lltn!'s 1),ml,'y . ~l r. ullil r.l r>l. Marvill h :ll," ~ lIi" ,I" I111'1 11, "I' 11':ll ll'd fron l rings . Th e n ' ar,' ti,·c rOll1p alli<'~ ,, ( Ul aton, of MI. (\rab ' Ohi\!, nlld Mr. 1'", lt', I:III" I"'d,,.. tal li k•• tl'aincd I), g,. tra ined ~eal~. IlI lIny d og~, UI'R r ~, and Mrs. Fred Leollllrd, 1'( l\illl(>I m (1 nk ey~, pil{~ nn n pig eons. Full y Mi lls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm . l:ates and And II", •. ' tlItH\" ' ''\I I ~ dumb acto rfamily, of Houte I . ~l' \' (' nt.v trailled h o r~es and 8h et lantls 'H " all 11 1\ ( 'IlH with lIle great duu, It t~ th c biggest ci r-I A picniC' wa; tmjoypd ~~ th e 8 PI1hl,~ , ' 11'1''' '' 1'1 1,1 [our I llIm t' n~ o st('el flrl' presenl.ed . ar.'IIII- III \I hi.'Ir (h<,,I' pel'fllrlll an' ~~\ ~ u ~ prOll ram the world has eve r see n ciouB lawn at thEI home o f Mr . and "I' II I Ih,' 1111111111111 " n ai" (,·nt. ~iYI' n . \ In,j~' r tt~e rarlle!!l lent and, Mrs ChUR. Shll lt ~ on Sund),y, Jul y n ,,' r,' i~ lI'l lltldi( iJlI IIII l' lra rlll' - ('\'ery - III rflrr neC't IOn. I ~ Ihe fam ous co 1\1. 3rtl. ThQflI' t'n j""ing lh e cl ay wert' : (hing' i" " 11 Ill(" "Il l' prOJ!I'IIIll. An" \lin ,"\ Hirrlllinl( Hrntlwrsand Ull rnu lll Mr . lind Mrs, l{owaTlI Shult s and ,I; Hail ..}' IlI Pll agHil'. tl augh lt' r, Marjorie, Mr. a nd- MrB .- ... - .- - - Ro bert ~hutl ~. of Day tOil, Mr~ . l):<c ullr l 'l a,... i fi,·,j Ads for r es ult ~ l{ac hel rre\\' alHl ROil "'f11l1k, r.lr . llnn Mr! Hl'lIry Hi)m ~ and ~,' Il , Mr . an" Mr~. I':url WallIe I' lind Mr ~. Mur ~ No, 2220 HoateH of lIill ~tul i o n Th ose Ul' (rulll Cincinnati were, r.l r, ulld Mrs. REPORT o r t ire 'ondlti on o( lhe Wayn es- L . I-I. M,'C lure alltl fllm ily, Mr . alit! \'i lle Natiullal Hllnk, at Waynell MrH John McC lllre anti children, Mr . ville in t he Stat e of Ohio, li t the ami Mrs Stanley Smith a lld da u"h · do~e of b u ~ine;;.~ , JUII!' :\0. lll~1. t.l' r , I-:tllt!1, Mr . lind Mr~ Hen Al'p lpH E~IIU Il t: t:: ~ . Ion. of Ollkl ey, Mr. a nd Mr~ , l u m e ~ IAJanll u cl tl b cuuut., Uw 1udiDa Il allli lton anu childn·n an d Mrs. M' rtklif" 'OUII \.d .• . . . . U 1U t Ul ,to) h f'ol hlt' t . lIamilt on. of Hyue I'ark . Mr. fin" ~o t ~ Ilnft 1,lI b rod !:wout6l1 wit b )"~16r a l H0.-4,lr\" Hu uk , .• . ~t rs . Ellller Ll'irmall RlII I child rl'n , .. . .. . . . . .. . . 1 1. 490 . nu ~n1(\, lilli l IJII I ~ rOtIiIloCUIllIt.«W1 II r 1.0l' kl alld . Mr 811" Mr ~. Will. W,'ul/lor I hau 1"tK1u r lll HN f.l r\'f~ her, Mr . and Mrs Chlls. McC lu re ' lJank , ... , .. ,. ,' , 2 ~ . UOO , oo , . . , , , ..., , , .. , • . . . • i , ' ~ J . uo TutHI . AIIU HI .. , . , .. . . , . . . . .. . 2I',a , 'l1 , 8~ Rnd fa mily. Mr . IIlId MrH. J. L. Mcu'· u"'ra l ~. UWlOCUrctl ...... . . . I U3 . 2 ~ Clure and daul{htl'r, 1':mtllH. of I.in11, 8. tio \'orument ~· u rtt1 ~ o wned : wond. and Mr Alex Dunham , of "~t.~\~IIl~ P:-;CV~J8c:~~J~t~lo~ All u t.he r l ull.et 1 t' t.U6I liO \f~ M..I · CIi(LOn. meu~ 8tic ·ll r iUM . . ... 16, Hi 2. 0 0 66 •• ill . UU
THE KILPATRICK·fRENCH· MOTORCAR COMPANY The wise investor d oes Qot a llow an y or lIis fllnu s lo lie donnn nl. Whc\I investments mature h e im m e diate l y pUls pri ll c ip:tl a nu a~'l' ttllltll a l l'u fttnd s iltto o the r good so und securitie s , the reb y ass urilt g Iriltbc l i,uf alt ttltilll e rrupt e u ra t e
Utoh " r btllH1., ti \{)Ckl, l eruraltut, ole............... . .. .. . .. .
R Oll... .. . .. . .... . . ... l.!Lwtu l ff)lCr., . "tllh Fede ral H o-
Five Wonderful Days
8Unan.uk .. . . .. . .. .. . . . .
I J8.0 ' h.~ 7
~. IIOO . O O
H e re is your opportullit y to hnv ~ your il ln d s i lt,,('s t e d ilt n h o m e
ami find this inves tme nt olT lh e ma rket. This is an ~ , ;) TAX -E XEMPT I N \ ' E ~T~ IE NT. N orttt ;! 1 P'C'(it-ra l In come Tax paid by th e Co mpa n y . Next yt'a r YOIl Illay l it: unahle 10 g t' t ri ll W';, r e lura.
11, . 9•. l)h
o r clL)' or
00\\' 11 o f repu rtlu K baut. ami oLtlOr clUJb I t.em 8 .. . IIO<te ru l.lI 11n fu nt! with U, S. T rttuuror anll duo trom U . 8.
'.100 00
'I'otal. ... . . . .. . .. _. . _. ...
U 12.U0 6. Bfo
LIAD ILITIIl:S . tock p,d" In .. . _. .. ..
July 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Oapltal . Uodlvllle<t IJronu . . .. . " , IU 7 . ~~ ~ dc ~~,;=.' P~J~~~~' ..11.1~~r.~~ g~u~~n~~~~~~la~\~:D~1 b ....Ira .. . • ... . . .• .. .. . . . . . .. OenuIIIII ehecl<.8 out".l1dlo • . _. . '1'olal o f lLema ~I , 32. 2l , H .od 2~ • ... .• .. . . .. 11 . 216. 11 lolllvhlu&t depoal~ lu blec l t.o check . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... . Oortllica. . 01 depoaJ' d uo In 1_ IhaD 10 d .,.• ...... . ... . _ . _ .
Surplul fu nli .. .. ... ....... . :
Dr. Mattison" : Chase The Old Fashioned Girls Junior Play Festival Cltarles Crawford Gorst Mrs. D. Pirie Beyea Robert C. Macauley Helen F. Cahoon Trio G. R, Lowe Jessie Rae Taylor Batting-Mahler Company Temple Entertainers Her Own Money/' 3-act Comedy
• ~o . OO O. oo
100. 000. 00 26.1 07 . 99 '0,000. 00 10000. 0 0 1.27tj. '1
29UOI .oa
l.ns .1S
Dividend. uopald. . . . .. . ... . . ~-u lal of d emand d epoet ll (olhe. thao b.ok de pa","' ) l "blocl I<l
R_.ve. Item. U, 27 .' 28.
S. ulti.uu
10,000,00 8.000 . 0 0
Total." . .. . ... .. . ...... . 1612,99 .1. \6 State 01 blo. Couoty 01 Warren .. : I . L. M. Hond..." n . CUllle. 01 , "e 0110"0
1,525 new aecounts opened ,I us sinee .Ja nuary 1, are accounts sent ils by o'u r present customers ; th('r p is II r ea!lOn for thisit surely ill satisfaction with RTX (6%) PF.R CENT return for the deposit.
The Miami Loan & Building Assn. ~
South MaIn
Dayton, Ohio.
It.s.m.n' 1.1 Iruilto Ih. ' -I 01 my kno wlOllganti bol1el, L l M. llltNDKRB ON . Ouhle •. 8uIllCl1bed tlil" a ..om to before me thll i lh d., 01 Jul" \til. K , V . ll.roha.l. ~_ .
- - OF-
Our entire stock of Men's, Young Men's .a nd Boys' high-grade Clothing.
Starts Saturday,Juiy 16 It's very seldom that you see bargains like this in a store like this, for our quality merchandise is not the sort to slaughter. We must clear our shelves and are willing to sacrifice our profits and take a lOiS to effect a clean sw('ep of everything in our clothing. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS BIG SALE. All Men's and Young Men's Three Piece Suits go on sale at the following prices:
$40.00 to $45.00 Suits are Reduced to
$22.°0 Suits reduced 20.0° Suits reduced 18.°0 Suits reduced 15.00 Suits reduced 10.00 Suits reduced
$50.00 to $55.00 Suits are Rt!duced to
$31.~ $39.~ ==============================
Boys' Suit Sale. to to ' to to to
Palm Beach and Mo'hair Suit Sale
$16.50 $14.50 $13.50 $11.50 $ 7.50
. $15.°0 20.°° 25. 00 30.°0
2-piece 2-piece 2-piece 2-piece
Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits,
now no\v
now now
$11.75 $15.75 $19.75 $24.50
Special Reductions on Man.h attan and Yorke Shirts, and on Men's and Boy.' Hate
~~!?~ . L · 11ry the
22 South Detroit Street
G:z:t~:S~I:SSifi:a ~C:/~:n~ ~r ResuU,
Bathin&, Suits at HymBn & Co. Mr. and Mrs . Franklin Ward, of Norwood. Ohio, spent ~unday with Mrs. Amelia WilliamR •
Saturday, July 16th Featuring Dorolhy Dalton,
M. S. Riggs arrived home last week, after apending !I('veral m o nth ~ in th e south on bUBillC9.'I.
I will open a Repair Shop at Guslin's livery barn, July 1st. Quick service and courteous treatment assured you. John StanBberry, . Mr. and Mrs. Eph Castello, Mra. Louille Halstead and Mr. Nathan Hanley. of Clark8ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and I\1rs . W. EI . Madden.
Admission, 22 a nd 17 cents
Wednesday, July 20th -FeaturiJ!g William Russell, in
"The Man Who Dared" Also
"The Tiger Band" Admission
: :
17 and 11 ce nts
' • .....................................................
Storage Batteries We have installed one of the lates t type of Tungar Battery Ch a r gers, and aTe prepared to take care of all kinds of battery work, Also, we wiII carry in slock a supply of new Willard Batteries.
Mrs. John F, David, ot Cynthiana, Ky .• left for her home last week. after visit.s ng her siBter. Mrs. Williams and Mr. C. M. Hobitzer and family .
Or. and Mr'l ,Ralph Van~e, of Pleasant Plain, spent Sunday wil.h Mr and Mrs . J . C. Hawke .
Clarence Mendenhall. or Dayton, was home for a coupl ~ ' of days this week. "Buck" has a good position at the McCook field , as a guard .
"Guilty of Love"
MrB. Clark Funst on, of Y('lIow Springs, was the week -end guest of MjS!l Emma Cartwright.
Willard Rubber Thread . Battery And forget your buttery troubles ·
SPECIALS THIS WEEK Fancy Elberta Peaches, Sweet Oranges, Lemons, Irish CobblerNewPotatoes, Megs,Cukes
F. D. HAWKE Telephone 41
New Mild Cream Cht!l!8e, Wafersliced Dried Beef. Cold Boiled Ham, Minced Ham. Welners, Bologna, Country Style M('ts Pimtlnt9, Chili and Welllh Rarebit Cheese, Cove Oyster~, Tuna Fish, Corn Beef, Dllviled Ham Veal Loaf. Sweet and Sour Pickles, OliveB, Baked Beans, Every thina- for a nlee . cold lunch
Saturday's 'Specials Good Brooms, only ...... .. ..... .. 3ge Only 24 In the lot . First one! srets them; A 10c can SpotlelS Cleanser free with each 3 barB Rub-No.More Soap. 10 bars Jap Rose SOap ........:99c al)d a box RinBO fr.ee,
- -,
Lebanon, Ohio
Mrs , Eva Jones arrived home Satunlay evening. after spending several months with her dau\thter and I family, at M'ishawaka, Ind.
Atldrels ....... .. .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. .. .... .... ... ...... . ... .. .
Frank Hamilton, Sr., of Cincinnati, spent several days with his nephew , George Hamilton and wife
01...", ...
$30.00 to $35.00 Suits are Reduced to
Nllrne .. .... ............ ....... .. .. ...... ....... .... ..... ...... ..
The Haney-Gilmour-Arbour Co.
Those who look backward with sntisfnl!tion aro thosc who look forwllr<1 with int elligence. Look f orwarrl evelry day, It Will melln man! days of happiness lookin Jr h~el('lVard.
named bank,do !IOlt)molYl wear til.' th e bbuvo
FIVE Joyous Days--Thirteen Separate- Attractions Sixteen Interesting Programs- -
I wn nt Ih.· fll l'l~ (',,,w,'rllillj.( 11r,· S "o l'l' ef,'rrt·d of l'hp Killlutrick-io'rt'"" 1r Mulurl'lIl' '." , . . Thld llues nllt oltliJ.(at e 11. 1' ill Ii" Y WilY whlll cl"·I' .
Diuid~nds to all Preferred Stockholderl are being mailed thl. week.
Looking Backward
i , OOO.OO
8.0 00 . 00
_ va aaok . . . . .. . .. .... .. .
J. P. CUMMINGS, Secretary
Le Ollno'n. Ohio
A R'ood rain i ~\ uad ly neerler!.
All deposits r eceived from lat to 10th of July will draw interest from the lst or July.
~9 .
80 .... d 1 1. ..... . .. 806. 11 0. ' 6
U. B. nopoooJta (otb ... t ban poIIlat o&vlall') InclDdlDIl War LoaD llopolL acco unl aDd dOllOllIOI of T. 8. dl.burallll ollle.ra .... . . U, B. Oovern ••ol Bec u.ltleo bono.OIl .. .. ... . .. . .. . . .. . Billa pay. . . . olho. than wllh roderat It....... Uaflk ... ... . Billa vayablo "Itb 1 no-
The Han ey-Gilmour-Arbour
Mail thi.~ coupon tod"y. It will bring you all lite facts on this good Investment. No obllSend in the gat ion implied. coupon NOW. DO NOT DELAY.
100 . 00
. . ... , . ...... . . . . .
In vest now and be s lIre or it.
21 .~a" . '1
.. . ... ... . . ...... . . II . I~' ~ Vh e...: lu ('0 0 bankl loc. ttod oULc;ld"
COUl -
pany in which yo ur mon t'y is s lIrrolllHlt'd w illi nil th e pro t {' ti lm 1I (,L'I 'S~a~y fflr safe ty - provis ion s a r e madc ill the C hart er to Itl :lkC' . llrc prpfn r e . 1 ~lvli:C'nd s w i\1 ro me firs t out o r tit e n e l ea rnitl gs. Attlpl \' n~ ~ l' I ~ ('II \ ' I ' r Il l(' e llt I rC' IS<;ttl' . All It'g-al and accounting malters are in l'omp(' l t' llt il:tll cb. T h e (';HlIing po\\'er is (' "ide llt. Don't wait ulltil th e las t' minttlt' to gt'l ill -:- \'Otl llIa y wait t Oil IOll g
l 'ull I n vault lin d &I1lUUDt (tu.
TO~r.:"i'~f~ ~~~~I. ~~:l~t il· l i·.;O·d
on his capital.
CHAUTAU UA "Brings the World to Your Door"
8% Preferred
Will pay, 18c for Henl Uld 28c for Youn&, Chickenl' up to Fri.......~- daJ noon. It II a ..rood time to sell.
It Payl to Trade at
DIRECT SHIPPING PAYS BEST When oream ill ready to "ell the hard work hlltl been dODe aDd you IIhould net permit Ilny outsldera make an sxtr" profit off Jour ellor"', You oan eblp YODr orel\m DlRH: IT 'he Trl.8tde 8Dd save from 50 to 70 per Ib bulter fat. h la , •• , al e8lY to deUver the oream to a railroad Itallon sa gua..IDte8l to a oream buylor ''''tlon: l'he Trl- ~'Ua'e paYI the We yoor oream traDBportaSlon and goaranteel your orelW again.' aDd oanl 1081 In traDslt. agalne& 1081. We PlY ezprell or bagg~ge
.THE . tRi-STATE .BurtER Cash 'Capital USO,OOO "
. C'NCIN.N~11, .OH'~ Qutter-f at
1'1'111 Canilledl, i ·u rol.hed· new I~r 80 daytl.
co. .o:rh;:~::~fQr.S
. ,
MOl' .T rI.S"" JIIl'roDI bave two OIDI 10 wbeD .tbllJ the emp'Y . tate a IblplDltR to 'be !Sepo' 'hey OlD from pr&Ylou Iblpmeal ,
Week oUal, Ulb
to.lw, I hIi. IDcII
A Chautauqua
Enjoy your Home Chautauqua . July 21 to 25 incl.
\ ollr door
Jul y· 21 to '25 incl
Seventy-Third Year
I ·
Whole N urn ber 5444
The booster committee of the Mrs. La\'onne Hur t 3n Alle n enter- I Th e ~ 1 E' n ; "Iuu hel u itl; Ju ly meet· Chautauqua had a run-B rouml Mon. ' t~in~d her Sunu Ry·~ch()fl l clas!<,,:,it h a \ in~ last ~l ,mday evening in the Ma· day. accompanied by the Premier plcnll' un th e SC h Ull I c" mi'U ~ . [hurs- sonic lHlildin)! . The Eastern Star band . They visited Oregonia. Har. d~y afte r~ o o n . t\ basket h~n c h \Vaa ~er ve d a cliid picnic surper, instead veYBburg, New BUllington. Spring 11Ighly enl o.yed. IIntl tIlt' hlth· folk I nf th l' uHufll cJ inlll· r . Valley, Bellbrook. Cente r ville . · had a fine tllne. I'resilkn t Cartwril/:ht introduced Springboro, Ridgeville and Lytle. Ik W. H. Fu nk. Qf Payton. a Pres· Mr . Frank I{ook and Mr!l Mary byle rian minidter and manager of The band gave a iood cOllcert in each place. and the committee ~avl' .Morningstar. of Middl etown : MrHo tI\I' U Il . I'uhli~ hing house in that every town an invitation to attend Lillian Dakin. Mr . and Mrs. Vernun dly. !\Ir . Funk took for hi s sub· the Chautauqua. Hansell and Mr. I{oberl (luigley, of jert' ",Ju ~tice in th· Inuustrial While in Bellbrook, many of the Franklin; Mrs. Lucinda Brackney Worlu ." The four fundamental members of the band went to see and familv. or Alt'xanderville; Mr. IJ rinciples to be pra; ticpd in bUHinoss J OB. Marshall, who is very ill now, and Mrs . 1':lan Gray and family. of wu!! made inleresting hecause many and gave him a serenade. Waynesville. and Mr. and Mrs . I~rank of his xampleH were concerni ng big One of the pleaallnt features of Sams and family. of Wellman . all en- bu gine2s hOUSI?H of Dayton with the day was the dinner at Bellbroek joyed a basket picnic at CaeHar' s whi ch we are all famili ar. He ex · served by Mra. Will Sidenstricker: creek , over Sunday . plained that this plan uf "Indulltri· It was a "sure·enoulrh country" dig. al Justic e." which could be applied Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeMay enter. to communities as well a'l to bu~iness ner, and there waS enoubg to eat for everyb'ody , notwithstanding the tad talned t o a 6:30 dinner, Mondav ev hou ses, if practiced everywhere, that there were several big eaters in ening. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. woulu resul t in belter comm unitillS the ·crowd . Ernest Earnhart. The guests were: and consequently a better wo rld. ___ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart . Mr. Dr. Funk. a large man with a and Mrs. H. E Earnhart. Mr . and heavy. but pleasing voice, was a Mrs. Lee Earnhart, Miss6!l Nettie forceful speaker and held his IIlIten· Earnhart, Cozy Younce and Hel en era attention until the very last . Hawke. and ~ ess rs. Clarence Ry e The clu b was indeed fortunate in Ilnd CoulouB Younce . After dinner, hliving Dr. Funk with them. the evening was pleasantly spent in Usual business was then discu8' music and conversation. sed and a report given by those sent - - -- - - - - to Wilmington to inspect the Ilym· During the late war, when work· naBium at the college. Committees era were sc:arce, the women helped on g rounds and plans were appoln· In the ammunition . factories . and f1RST WOMAN IN ted and du ring th e business discus· Waynesvill8 women were as loyal &8 sion many useful and Interesting any ot them. Misa Jot!ephine Har· id ea~ were submitted concerning the Ian was in the latter claas, and while erectio n of such a building. the girls packin.r cartrld.res one day, House fllr Sa le- see McK ean. The Augu st meetinll will be turned in her department decided to put over to the band and it is not known their names on a packaee. Nothing Mr. J. O. Carlwrlght and family, as yet what their plans are. was thought of the matter until a spent Thursday in Dayt on. --few days ago when Miu Harlan reo See the demonstration of lhe New ceived tbe followin.r letter: ... Perfection Oil Sto ves at Cole's. "It wu a miracle of miracles that Perfection Oil Stoves at Cole's. I found your card in a case of am· Mrs. Jas. McClure and Miss Mary munition, and thou.rht perhaps it J . B. Chapman was in Cincinnati Chid law were Dayton visiturs, Tues· would Interest you to ku') w where Friday. day . tbe ease of ammunition .rot to. It was shipped to San l'edro. Cal., sev· Minnie Maude, dau,hter of Frank House for Sale- see McKean. Best 25c Socks, all colors; special Lagt Thu rsday. Lester Surface eral years a.ro, and · then to Bakers· and Lizzie Maple, wu born March 3 for 50c at Hyman & Co. broug-hl a land turtle to town. which John Stansbury was in Cincinnati field, Cal. :It was only last week 23,1885 and died July 10, 1921, a&eU he picked up on hiR place . The ini· Clark Salisbury, of Delaware, is that this case of cartridges W89 Saturday. 36 Yeara, 8 monthl and 17 days. tial s "1'. H. S. " and the date "1900" visiting relatiVe!! here for a few opened, when several of my friends She was united In marriage to Ethan Crane spent WPdnesday weeks. were carved on the turtle In one were preparing to go fishing. I hope Walter Dakin, June 12, 1902. Five one place. and the name "Ernest thia reaches you, and that it may in· children have rome to ble!lll their nigbt in Wilmington . Mr. and Mrs. Robt Walton, . of Butt erworth , 1904," was carved In terest you . bome; tbe firat one died in Infancy, Dr. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Broad· Dayton, Sl)ent Sunday here with H e lll"': .1 L' .... I ' 1~ I I I ( t !\tl Ofllt"; Otto Paul Bubn, Bakel'8tield, Cal. another Illace. then Harry Everett. Cleda E ,Leater way, Lebanon. Ohio. 111 t hfSt.' li n I. .I,ll' S i ~ :l t ;l!'lo k (o t relatiyes. Mr. Surface's fath er caught the Wayne and little Minnie Maude,only ------ --~ til e . II J I \.' 3 ( 111 . 111 Ll\\' Y l' r - hllf I n b~ Spring Valley .. .. . 1 0 0110010- 4 turtle and carved his initial s and date Ilxteen dlYs old when Mother wu t ilt.' ' ~ rs t \\' 0 111 , 111 , ' hi~nl.· d tu til(' joh Don'l fail to a ttend the dtomonslra. Miamis .... .......... .l 1 301 600 x-12 C. M. Brown and family were ~ lId li t ll1e lar gt.."~ l ("I I ' ill th e I.I1 1(J thereon, 21 years ago . How old the called away. auests of Dayton relatives Sunday. lion of the New Perfection Oil Stoves Batteries: Weakley . Barnard and i'i a r n ll ipi i ttl t' ll t to ,l l.lIJi l )' \\ Iuc h turtl e waa when it WIIS first captured She was a kind and obll.rin.r nei.rh· l 1t·(.d,;' Il. ) a ll d t' l~ \\ o rd ... ~ I b~ ,\ I:tr )ll at Cole's Blnir. ' bor, one who was alwlYs ready to Men's Athletic Union SUilS; spec· It J (H~' lIr of N e w Yo rk \"v a:, s w O rrJ is not known. but his size would In· Orshorll and H. Burton. 1(' as IIr SI U. S. distri c t COli". la ,., dicate that he was no " spring chick· lend Ii helpin.r hand. She was. very ial. 75c at Hyman &; Co. Miss Bertha Hyman. of Xenia. prdor cl'r las t \,"{·ck. The Miamis are going to Bellbrook en" even t hen . devoted womln to her family. We Mr. F. Somera.ot Columbus, was is spending t~is weeli. with Myer Hy· next Sunday afternoon . This means Le~ler Su riaee intends to carve can truthfully l8y a faithful wife the week· end auest of Coulous man and famIly . a bat!.le royal, and il 's about time Field threshing is about all over his name and date thereon, and will and lovlna mother is tom from a Younce. boys Here's Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke and Mr. for our _ _to _ ewin. __ . --hopin.r. for 1921. The whelt that h88 been let lhe tu rtl e go, and who knows but litthtfamil,'s embrace. has not turned out very tbreshed that in 19-11 some one e lse will find ,2 Dress Shirts, with . collar Thos. Pierce were Lebanon visitors Beat Wben health would permit. she lhe same fellow and carve his name W88 • rsaular attendant at the M. E attached or detached; Bpet'ial, 9Sc at Thursday afternuon. Close the barn door belore the well. One tobacco fie ld averages about 30 bushels per acre, but the "0. not in cruelty, not in wrath. on it. church. The life abe lived, the place Hyman & Co. Buckeye Brand Wabash Striped horse is stolen. and hang a fire ex· ,eneral "verage in our locality has The Iteaper came that day; ahe filled and the memory of her tinguisher beside the door before the Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Salterth. Overalls; special 98c at Hyman & Co. fire, not after it. been about· 12 buahela to the acre. 'Twas an angel viaited the green aenuine chlracter f.1I like a benedlc· earth. Oats are very IJmall, but the heads waite, of Dayton. are spending BeV And took the fl ower away. tion on our hearts today. Born to Mr. and Mrs . Herbert are pretty well developed, and the era! daVIJ with Mra. Sue Haines _ "Weep not that her trialll are over. Carr of near Harveysburg, Thursday crop will only be one h·a lf. Everett, youn~est son of Mr. lind Weepllot that her rICe larun; Quick Tire Service. light repair July 14, 1921, a son. IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Com in some vicinities had a good Mrs. Eulass Emrick. was born at Uod Irrant we may reet as calmly, rain Thursday, and as it la shootln.r South Lebanon, Ohio, Aug . 31, HH8. my ~peclaILies. Stansberrv, : .. a _ t +-....M.r..' and..Mrs Fred Sawin, oLDay. EXPIRES When our work like her'l is done. work now it may turn out better than was The mother's death, fou r weeks lao Till then we yield with aadneea. GUltln'!! barn. Ratea reasonable. ton, spent a couple of days last week Our loved one to him to keep. expected. Some corn. however. will ter. left the lillie one in charge of A . county paper last week aaid And rejoice In the Irreat . .urance. lira. Mary Caskey and grandchil· with Mrs . Sue Haines. not amount to much unless rain the County Home authorities. who there were fifteen people living in He .riveth hili loved onll lleep." Ladies' Best 35c Lile Hose in all Next week will be the last num· cornea. dren and Mra M.y Everly Tate, of placed him in the home of Mr . and 8prinllboro who were past the goth p..,ton. spent Thuraday here with colors; special, 3 for 50c at Hyman's ber.Df the GAZJo..'TTR you will reCARD OF THANKS Early potatoes are a failure. and Mrs. James Kerrick. on Oct. 30,1918 milestone. and still going. The Little Everett soon wove himself names and ages are: Mrs . Caroline .JI earl, .rarden truck is the lI8lJIe We delilre to thank nellrhbora, relatives. Dr. Marvin ana wife, with several ceive unless you r enew. THE MI· Some late potatoes will make a fair· inseparably into the hearts of his Humbert, 89; John Bloss, B7. Chris· friends and relatives for the klndnestl AMI GAZE1TE 18 81trictly caah in Big Reduction In Men's and Boys' otherB, of Lebanon, attended St. Iy.rood crop but nothin.r like pre- foster parenl8 and all the lov e, care. topher Fry, B7; John Cook, 85; J. M. and sympathy shown UI durin.r th~ Suits at H,man & Co. advance. Mary 's church Sunday. viouayeara. land devotion possible has been be· Babson. 85; Jesse Wright. 81. A. D. elclm... and death of our beloved The dllte of expiration is IJtowed upon him duri.ng his sh.ort life ~li ston' 83; Mary Jane Fitts, 83; • - • IIr. and MrS. H. H. Wilkerson and wife and mother. We allO wlib to Mr. and Mrs. N. A King. of Indi· stamped on the margin of tbls of three years. ThI S devotton. no Jonathan McCardy, 80; Mrs Eliza· thank the Revs. Holt and Cadw.Jla· .rranddaughters' spent Tuesday with anapolis. Ind ., spent Sunday with page. If it II inc:orrect we ahall doubt, has been strengthened on ac· beth Janney, 80; Mra. Louella Mil · der for their eONlOlin~ words, and' II~ and Mrs' St. Clair FiCe, in WiI· Mr . Walter Elzey and family. be pleased to make correction. count ot his frail health and fr e- ler,80; Mary Jane Bradstreet, 80 ; Mi. Lucy Emley for the aingin,. m1ngton . If you have Tire trouble. or trouble t21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1!Il Quent illness. Wm . Rout, 80, and Geor.re Hirst. Thanks for tile beautiful Ooral trl· - - -... - ••- - He POll8e88ed unusual activity and .80. Wm . Kleinhan,:who died recen t· butea. Just received a new supfJly of of any kind with your machine, give intelligence. therefore he will be Iy Wag [mst 80. Some age for II Walter Dakin Ind Children. "'r~h and Smoked Meal8 • . Sawyer's me a call. Stansberry, at Gustin's 10 greatly missed by neighbors and smull communi ty. --_e.. _ • W~ne Market. Livery barn. • __ - -Mr. and Mra. Wm. Guthrie are friends. Herbert Edwards and George H. Allen arrived home Satur· His last illness was very brief and h~e after an extended vltdt to rela· d~. alter .• pl~M8nt outing at Cleve- Waterhouse apent the week-end Uves. They apent three dayll with lanel. If. attended the Ohio Bank· motoring through the Northern part relatives In Greenville, Ohio; four \~ dlYIJ at Bement, II\, , one day at life has early closed its petal~, to era' aesociation at that city . of the state. Bement, 111 • one day at Indlanapo· bl08lJOm in the "fields of iight " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart ar· P. A. Garner, Chlropl'actor. Office lis; one night at Cincinnati; ten daYB Card of TIwaka at 42 North Broadway, Lebanon. rived home Saturday mornin.r, aller at hlB childhood home at Seamon. Ad· a pleasant honeymoon visit with rei· hours 9;30 a . m. to 8:00 Ohio. Office We desire to. thank a~1 ou r dear Dr. J ohn J . Tillert, U. S. Com. am8 county. Ohio. They made the Warren County have a hospiatives in Iowa ant.! Indiana.a trip In a F'ord, and bad a fine time. friends tor theIr many kmdn esses to . 'oner of Education said in a tal. Mr. Harmon. of New York p m .' Sundays by appointment only. Mr. Guthriesays the crope in llIi· UB d~rinll' the sickness and death of :~~~h at Desrdoines,Iow~, last week, City, and I former realdent of LebVan Retallick h88 aecured a .rood anon. hu pneroual, ottered a fund Brotbers Wm. Dinwiddie. Roy position in the schools at Norwood . "Thai important 89 are the factora nois and Indiana ' are mucb better our httle one. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es KerrI ck. of $50,000 for the erection of a boa- lIacBeth. Chas. Brown and Court for the corning I!chool year. The of labor. raw material, production, 'han In Ohro. pitilll~ ~ people of the county lIurray atlenced the funerai of Mr. Gazette wisbes him good luck. Tbe Guthrlel! have IOld their f.rm - - -.. - marketing and orgllonization, none of would fum!ab a' pUantee fund to W.lter H.le at London. Ohio. Tuea· and wl1\lOOn move to Dayton. wbere these is as significant today 88 adver· they will be .rlad to lIB their trienda. equip and. maintain it tor a period d.,. Severll of our ball fans attended tising. In 1911 the newspaper wu the greatest medium of advertlainli. of live ,earl. . d d ht the Miamil!but'.r·Belibrook game at Tbe.(natltuUon ill to be loeated at II",. A. Ke!IIIe an au.r era, . Miamisburg Sundl\Y. The Greene ._-and it still stands as such. It la ' thtl Harmoo Park and is to be 10 equip- lliaaee Role and Helen and Mr. Andy county boya won the game; e to 5. The price of butter.fat is rapidly Qnly medium thlt can be uaed for ped that It meet the needa of the ~ter. of Cincinnati. weN Jtuests of aoing upward, as the price for this immediate effect." enUre ~unt;y. W..,n.ville will be IIr. and lira. W. O. Rape~ on Sun· . Miues Helen and Erma Harris A few of the Girl Scouts were' week paid. by the Tri-State Butter . . • - • irfeatl, beDeftted If the propoaed day. II- Koee Kesse Will remain and Messrs. Joseph and Frank Har· tampln~. Tburad.., and Friday. near CompanY 1840. Butter·fat for some plana become a ~Uty. becaUM • . here this week tor. ~iBlt. ria. of Dayton. were 'SundaY~ lIueete Preoderpstl' Beach. The Scoutl tl~e has b~n down _to the. lowest boapItaI." MU"M 1Abanaa. woa)d .• ot their arandmoLher. Mra.f.llee IIc· were chaperoned by Mr . and Mn. POint, but IS now rapIdly gOlOg up . ..... tbe . . . . . oftillle. IDOMJ aDd ."11_ Julia Be1'lrlD arnved home KinleY, perba&ie Iiv. of the people of dda BatuniQ. after lpeodl~a a couple· Walta' KUboD; tmd the)' had a fine • - • Nintb Sunday after Trinlt" Ja17 vIdaItJ. who reqidretbe IemceI of of ...... at ' tbe bolDe of her IOn, Mr. and Mra. H. H: Wadlworth. ~ ~~~.=. d(~~}t;j ro. The man who sitS' down to .milk a 24: Church ~bool at ':80 ., Ill.; an laItI,ulioa.. 1ldpr.1a Detroit. She reprta a fine IIr. and ~ra. Luthur Perkins and er...... . a"""," me cow lu)ldsln his hands tbe health of MorniDg Prayer and amnQD at 10'.III • ._ • time .hHeeln, .1D that beautiful children •.of Pasadenl~, and Mr. and . • • . litmdredll. Sooner or later. a wet· The public cordla1lJ IaYited 110 . . . . "~. She..., · YiIIt.ed IIr. Terrel ...... Otbo Hcmdel'8On were SUDday. 'l'bI Miami Uultte. .haDd milker is likely to kllllOmebodJ aarYieIB, Or J 'W ." tor n.lu. ..., IDd bride .1dIe t.bIte. p . .of IIr. and ...... W' E, Stroud Won, 7: Lost , (); Pel., .5J/l The Miami s came back tu life und won another game. de~pite the absence of somc of t heir best men. be· cause of illness anel tor olhl' r r ea· sons. Spring Vall ey furn ished the vi ctims fo r a 12-to-4 vict ory at Phillip'S park last Sunday afternoon. O~born pitched a good heudy game anti richly deserved his victory, while "Du tc h" Burton did splendid work behind the bat. The ent.ire bunch display ed more life ane! pep and played belter ball than they have for Quite 80me lime The visi to.1'8 drew first blood : Knee hit the first ball pitched for a single, stole second while Holland was hit· ting three times where the ball WBI not, and scored while a misplav was bein~ !{!ade on Haines. The next man sing led and went to second on a passed ball. but 'Lhe next two were easy victims for Matty' A triple and a double Itave them another in the fourt.h, while IA single and some ·bad fielding sdd ed another in the fifth . They scor~~ a con80lation tally in the eighth. by grace of three singles. Our boys refused to stay behind any longer than WBlll absolutely nec· Prenderlr.ast opened up essary. with a single, stole second, went to third on a wild piteh and scorpd on Crane's rap to left Thomas ' triple and the center fi elder' s error on Eddie Hurton's fly added another In the second, and Prend erltast's second aingle, Crane's wal k, an error by the shortstop and McClure's single were good for thrtoe more In the third. Crane singled 'again in the fafth and Smith and McClure batted him home It remained ' fo Hallet Dakin to start the real big doings wi th a pret· ty double to right, In the sixth. Six nice clean singles and a bunch of misplays followed. and when tbe smoke cleared up the Miamis had six more count,ers. This made Weakley conclude t hat the pitcher'. box was no place for him, and our old friend, Max Barnard, took up the burden. The Miamis laid off Max for old time~' sake. The score by innings:
About 8 o'clock Friday evening, w,)rd was tlaHhed over the niBlrhbo, · hood I>y t e l l!~,ho ne that the barn on the Clagett farm was burning. The allrm was lIiv(,1I by A. C. Tomlinson, who first 88W the blaze. In a short time the neighbortl were on hand to fiKhl the fire, bu t it was beyond con· trol betore they could reach it The barn was full of old h"y and a few implements. and the cauae will always remain a m/ittery . When neighborll fil'llt arrived, the barn was on fire almost itB entire length, and nothing could be done to 88ve it. It was 8 lar.re barn, and 80me time I.rO Mr. Clagett erected cow sheds Ilround It. A larKe double corn "rib and store htluse, about twent, feet from the barn, al80 caught fire and was burne1 to the .rround. The lire filCh tera worked on the neighbor· Inll sheds, and carefully watched the house. The .rr&18 and trees cau.rht fire several times but were lOOn put out. The bllze attraeted people from Harveysburlt, "'erry, Lytle and Way nesvllle, and before the fire died dow 1 atlnt't 400 people were on the .rrounda, but they were power· leu to help. &II the burnin.r bulldln.. were beyond control. The Cla&ett lawn IUId the roada leading to the farm were full of all kinds of vehi· el ... The Cla.relt's, who are in Arlz.,na, were notified of the fire by tel Itar.ph the llame IIvenlDa. The 1081 will be conaiderable, but It is not known wbat insurance wu carried on tbe buUdinp
u.S. COURT - _.- ......
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---_.- ..--'"'I- ------------t/l
o. O. P.
~;21~tt ~~ki: :~~~e ~~~~~,gh~sUWt~~; ADVERTISING BEST
uu,. ....
tuo • ,ear:
, I
111'"'1 ' Ihlllk )';'il.""O lIill ll ngu " ' ": :"'-..
lJlI~h l' ''I'' lIWJll'~d 10 gtroll tow nrd tIlt" IhillS, ', "'\'111) don' t h 'u\'(' fl n' wr,'h'lIt'j l
l'o.tt~ Iyiu" II hnuL
TQ-P t on Firm "Stay-There" Flesh
Il11'tll'l)('(\ hl w U\l'l'
The Adventures of A Delnobilizcd Officet· Who Found Peace DuB
In Whi ch He Spends '~n HOllr or Two on " R o f .
f 1rl lln~ II "~'"
1'II \1!'-I '1\ (!if" 111 1l IIl,: nt n t t) l ~ ' ,, "!lr ,,( ,r ll ' ~ltll ll1.r !'\ '''lll . tlt"11 with fl .. l ld ll ~ I.nl~ III ' ' ! " I'I " ', 1 , 'II'" t',· t,·r... ,,11 l l llr!!. L: till" III "n r" ,\ !I ll Y"; h 'lilt)
tI d .., 1'" I ' III ' ll l al" " 1111111' fI ~ I III' prhufp \)"11 HI' 11 h ' l ,r l lll ' ! I'III$ ur tilt' ~ 1I 1 1 L: , 11" 1I","lldlll, 'd 11 III hl-. mlll l!
lUustrations DlJ IRWIN MYERS
C opyr ight hy
H Doran
l l d)
Peggy I (oyt, A III crican [girl. h ~s' jus t scorcd one "reat vic to ry to rac~ a hl~ R~r ba ltic. III s tra i&hl oprn co mpetilon 5hc dcf ';~I ... d 11i1e leaue r s o f her ;1ft from Ihree coulllri"sl France, Eng land, ana Am.rica~-bt1 1 her rcal job is ,heall. S he is exp ~cl cd by Henr y W , Savage, thl! j\; cw Yo rk thell tr ical produce r 1 rroduce altaI whi eh w i olltri va l Ih e "Mnr y \ Vi dow" sa ilor of (nlirH ('n y~a r. ago. 3\'. a ~:c i, stag ing a reviva l of 1 h,' Ll!1l0 US Merry Widn", "lwr,·lI a. an d a ll cr a d.. d I ," wrr n m illin r r y de signer, .• ,' lr e l l'11 ~ti '$ H oy t for
! 'i·l l ,r ... nll hll!l!'o, ·lf. !'oll n \I' . lIIIP URr \llhh·Q;q: with Thl' gIrl t rlll H, pt.'r· fl l'1l} ~IH\' I I('I I , I) ltlj:l Ilfl Ilh' :iura , ~ l11ok '
\\tt lt
~ l\I I,
,I' ~ I,. '; ,q·I' , II" ,.. , :'111' 111 ' -: \\ l il l, ' IHll'r" r I ,j' h : .1' " HI ,>! II.. I, I , ... .. h.:1. lI t n ' 11"f h " If . 11 11': \,I ull, \ ' r !t \\ 1\ '"
I llI d
" 1 ·r l' pn~ r\tl'IYnl!'ol . I ' t ' r rl ' f'll) 1'1. I ''' ''' t ('roui\. ,,' ,I l11u"t ~n nil" I q '"I,~,:I:,' t o tJl(1 ,m'IH' f , . , I , I nlH.holutely . . , tJllH·hr II t ,,t1 01~ l:f t' ,
II ...
t h~I \ 1.": ~: nl:'11 1
IlI ld ,: 1\
,.\1 . . 11
ld:l rli.:1I1 , " II ';IItHI HI HI I ~ I ' r LUi,' It II U:Ioll n t'" l il t .. 1111 ' 11I il ll'r~n )\ \lh ,'11 11 1\', 1\
11 11
rll' .. \\ 1 tf l ~ tn •• Il.t' lJl r.'r IIt'II ~ ,n 1 .~. !, U lt' 1" r t. ('I')IW', (oVl\ ry r nl"ll t~' "11'" 1't\lH ','lLtrnt,'d I TI I.' n 11\"1:"11 11 1\ II 1"1 'llIHlI 1 J,:II IIH' 11,' 011 h!~ r1\n1 11 Hnw hulf It .1.. 11'1 1 ~ \\ u:- .. t ill ..... 111 1' \\ H,\ frll l il tht · f l'lH', ', Jrl4 ~n go r\1~hll\g C\1l 1 Intll th .. L" :lnl. ' 11 I lin d lit, \\Ih ILHIJll't ' I"l'll til l " l' ry thr ou,I.!h n tllt1!" tlt hl r, lind lhl'Tl 1W"
now Ihnt
murfl run Ollt nntl f'nn\(\ :-:tra\j.!li t III"ltf,l 1 11\' tl H' hi m, l.'hey ('nHfht'. } I'II .. t Id lll nll.1 \\ I 'llt
..: l"H~
II\', ' r Idq
I 'J\I ' l ~ ,
Il l'
hf' \,'nnch''' rl 't!
" !
" 1
sly ies
ne rve! In.-ce .
ii, nn unHl' l lIl't ·lt1l1\lI lI),t IIwn "I\h n nlJ:lt'('(1 b"or.! , At th ., ('1111 or tli. - luhlll \\,,,8 (\ \'f\f'Hn t .·ltu lr, on thf' rlgh f or whl('h Hu t l."kllll:l1>11 n·~'''n l . III ~ hllll with IIIIII,,\'(,lclit I'UI')', Al oUII
~)t ' ~ '\lI'1t'l l
rly thf' Ullk t' lilPC mlln on ihn ~lI ru . WIlU,
\\'11 1111111 II'lIrllllll{, I'Xllloc!llu \I!1\"l't·ded·
migh t h a\"{' hi"( 'u
",\ trllr" to n il thI s foulltlj.(," b e 1' lIrHt rllrth In 1\ cleel' rllll1hlo; "I ~"n · Fp~~ I clo 1101 1111,1" 1'811111(1 It, Are W I! II S"~ III"t.·11 h. 'ro Itlllight. l'OUlI·n u,'H. to 11., "11 III prl\'ott' qIlIlIT..JH 111111 s lUll \(] flllk 7" A IIllIrlllu r ot uPl'rol'nl Cllnw frolll Ihe ollw rs, lind the Hlll'lIk £'r ~ f ("'II UI '
1l1ly thl n ~
(' ~' t '~ ,
\\ lth
~ I H111Idl!r ru, ,~f'(]
\\"11\' 11110( hi s
\\ lIuld
ht ' llind
tC'rtntr1nJl'Ht Wf' hlt'"f' jt1~ ( lind."
nu~h )l/l'\\,eel gronly, " ~( y I,nly 1"1'. I(l'el I ~ I hilt I! flllh 'oI I" flllll ·\I,,"." hI' rl'rII nrk ,', L HA s r ttll!1 y,,11 0\11,,111(', I'll ~' Illll'
IlIPlIl t L:t , .. It,.
UrlIl R.
M oney t L oa n on 1"'~lrnl L an dr. 't .. t 101 en I 6.
tn (' t "- hl~ L!lnrll'p "111111,Q"t l d ~lo\\"ly n n 4]
~OI II P\\' l lJ1 t p"lnli ·dly " r lllll
f ill'" to ru ('~ Itt nw tnhl. ·- " I li nd no Idpn It Wfl~ tiuch n I II r,.:,1 0 1]11, " ''An t111 ~ li"l I h i' 111:"101" 111 yll llllJ: 9\\'lnp. 18 It 7" Tr IP hl t.lodsh ll t Pyi'~ I ff th o IIl fln
appraisers . Illth tl tn"Uo r of th o o" t llll, t:\,.fllh J UIIt,tlJ~h, II .. nOn A.. d , I II . v80tory "nd 1\J1IJr"I~O IU B U~ til " III ~oI, In th " '''litter ot !.I", wIll lit .I,, ~ I ( !arrol1, <iH08l\ftOll , Will 1M ""llllltl,,,1 ,TERRELL to prohato. Widow elootud t n I \Vilmiogtoll ,,,lie under the will.
years 'It
with Ihl"' JO:I 'nr n ',1 (II('C fll l"ll,' lI on 111m morollr,l y, "\\'11111 I cnllll nl 1I", I ~ rs ln",1 Ie why h" 1111 511 't h('t'n klll c',1 I,y nn ll'," Bugh \\ IIJ{:;:I,'d nn IIccllslng 1IIllw r lit hIm, "J k n.,1I' ), Oll \\'ere n nll" t)' lIlon n" 8OOI:l n. I "n w )'011. ~ow I('IIk lit n en· ry UI' lit II", ~!III or 1111' Inhl e ; he dOellll '! ' II~' th ol M rt IIr fhlnl( . Anrl you 110 111111' Illf'. d on'l Y() II , H,!Jlr),?
Ilt'lI r
ll jtlr'fI~ I 'U&
0110111 "'''rl'lt l ''~ Fllr hIm , 111,,1 "HIllel!' Iy. \11Th 1I t',d,1 r",,\lII!! o[ (,·or. be
r C'all1. , 'd Ill Hr tht · ltlll ulHl wnlOf In f ront lit hl ll1 - IJi ll t Itt ... wltY u, till' J!nt~ wna l'UIT t'" Till' Ilt ' x t 1110l1Wn t hp BU\V 1
Lnrches with' hIs ~f'mJ·consclol1" hur· den, got to hI s Cllr, lin d drl\"r " fT, It 1111 seemed so en !f)' Ihllt Ilc Inllghl'<l. , .. But there wnre une or tWit fll etors thnt he hud torgou en, nnd II,,· fl rRt amI mos t Illll/Or lon t onc \\"II ~ h.. IIllln upstnll'8. The wludow wn s \I11'('WII UII lu ddenly, nnd the mnn I"nlwd "ul <"t\\'· Ing IUs nnns, H e wes SIIII .,11"1'111)( WIUl Ule 6tl"tmgth of Ihe 11111111 I} II III , but Bugh saw 111m cL'lIrly III UI,' lI~ht Crolll the room bl!hlutl. A.l.l tl us h" curijcll hhosclt tor n t ool In not hn\'11I1\' tlcd Il1m up, trom the trees cl 'Jsc lJy lhore cnme the 8hnrp clang of mN 1I1. With a qui ck entcb In h Is brClllh IH' belClln to run . 'I'hc two m l'1I wlio had rus he ll 11I8t hIm before 110 IlIId "Jl tered the house, Ilnu whom. SII\'e f,'r Ii I J II ~"' Ing Ih uul(ht, he hnd U IS rl'I-:II I"It~ I, huo bocome me orlnc1unl d"n ul' r, ~'or hI' !±!!.
. , . HhclI},"'·Y. II"II ~ I Inct, III Lh(' Iillrkness, It l' RU\\ 8l'IlIPth ll1l( I(lIrle h.'III'I','n two "u ~ h "" , Thl'n It 1'11 1111' ,)II I 11110 th o flPl' l\, unf] h~ l{ nllW II lillil ... ,'_' 11 hi Ill , tl ltlu :.,:h t\~ )'t·' hi ' l '"lIll l n1 l t llillkt' out \\'1,,, 1 1\ "' n~. l'll lllltlU!'iI~' h. ~ 10\\ .. r, ' !! til .. lIt1l1lnn nlt·f· til tli" ~T' l \lJllI. HIH l look n ::tf"}
It o f f\ll'y 111.,
fU I" \\"1\ 1"{ 1.
\\H:01 \.'ntl\l~II;
1' 1'1 >\1' \, tl~
~hl1lnl ,I I" (l 'I ,WIttl)
IIUf InWH l"fl
H !-i Burl
"I ,
hlt! !. Two Itlilry arm s Iil s thron t , 11 (' t-= 11I(!l t
tI ll' hrltT.'-" f,,(·tll! h l',,"'h . III I ",,01 IIIlIlh· ~ III1W,
h,· li p lIj.!'u lw.. t. It H lld
rl'uIl7.t·t1 WII~ II
whut h e
llnrlln lly
~ruw n
I!orllltt. FI'" n tull mlnlll€' tIll')' r.. ""ht In f'IlCH(,l' , jo: l\\"C' for till! honl"sl' ~TUllls ut t h ... f\lI lm n l
1tlllll 'S
It 1I"11'1} to it 'llI' IlWU}' froltl Itli tli rllll t. nnr\
Own ell(' II'elc h im 111 th lr .~ pnwl' r tul Urll l", Anrl wltll hI s umln I· .. hl '" Ice IIU II"h HilI\' 111s lhlll ~" r fil II I 11('~ t hIs hond , It coulOIl't go ou; no hUllIn n lJeln!t I'n1l1<l In. t th e IJll<'f. \\' IIIlI o" ur hI. 81 r.~/l l( tll. AnI! Ihe re \\' 11 unly one ehoncu ut 111116111ng It quick ly, Ih e pos· HllJ lllty Ihot th o grIp tllught hIm by Olnkl w(lu ld sen'l' wit h fI ru uukel' os It d id with n mnn: 1.1 1' Rhlfl NI hI s I('ft thumb Illl In ch or I\\'o nn t.h e IJrut,.'s th l' i,af, nnll Ul ~ Ionh""II , Il1ll1klnl: he wns wenk e nlo!(, (,(,,1011101('(1 It ~ erru rls. An tl th e.n, IIltl(' loy III t II' , th l' tlnge rs 1I10\'od, Dud the grIp whIch II11d ~C(m tI gh t beforo grow DUCIc \\'I'nl Its ht'IIII; tll(hter sttl l. somet hing wM s nllPJl ln g In II..!! neck. With II ~e rc llm ot r"or II n,1 nH'" It Wrlll'p~ tl IIY legs rOlilld Drummond, squcczllll; nntl II'rll ll ll1g, And th en s ud. d e nly the re was n t" a rlllg HIlU P, Hod
the ["'""111 li mbs n'llIxccl nllll \Imp,
Fur n m oment tht,
1111\11 "'(I IOt! W lltell .
Inl!' Ih" "til q uh',' rlllg Io r ull' 1)'1111(
hi s ft 'j ' l; tli t' H, with II Io!'tI~ 1 1 () [ li f t e r ('xhnu~ t ltlll, li e d l'opporl I)n tlH' ~ f"olJlld IIlm ~(' l f , lIe wns '\ HIII"-u ttC'rly "IIUl\t!tl: l!\' (l ll l'ch' l"s"II "::; Yoh'o (' lm~(' ",-,h hll I :m rcd y r "lI~," 1 hl ll l. "Q ullP, Q I H.~ of tI lt, J!los t 1\1l1u~ lng ll n ~
tc rt nhllllt' nts I've
~et' ll
Iring time," 'fit\!. cnhn, c::rprl')4)410111('ss \'01r'4' Illutie fl
hIm h.ok liP ""'n·rll), , nl1 (1 he "" ... II IIIt 110 Wfl 9 surr ound ell b y 111 .'1 1,
Tlu\ 111 -
"I'lIn" l" e1KlIr 1(10\\' CII rNI III tI", n l.' 'P, n1111 n ft f' r n
m n lJll'fJ t
,I n~k
or t wo he
sl' rom!.I, 'II 1lI1s tNlIlIl), to h I, r"l't . "I' d
(1In.': lIt tPIl
ynur d- -d 1I1t ' I H-I ~l..rl e,
IIlU~1 rrTl nkl y l'pnFrSH." hI.' r""'a l'ked. ",,"h TlI' ~ tI ", pll rfy r"r?" 11,' gllluccd III cit e m~11 ... ho hod "'"Sl" ] III rQund ,
hIm , ",\ !Cllor,1 ot Ilollor. my )'OUDJ fri end," 8111d PNI" ·"un slIn"I'I)" "00 lend 10U 10 II, c hOllse, Y wOIII ,ln't h,'"lInte • , • It's yel'\" fooll ~h , 1"'1I r fl'l ends t1'1n'e ~·Jnl'. nllIi. ~ l l:O[l!! J1 .-) " 'UI u.re. I
spl'u kl'r. "WHH ' ·... r~· "I ': II' I~' ktlll....·1 InRt nl J.:llt. I I hnllll h( f4l1 ' ~mll P (1nH'I
08 to \\'hl'l l1I' r I \VlIul, 1 01' 11111. I,m I tlnally d, 'dd,'(1 II wOllld h,' 11111<'11 too It ('1I1i I' l' rl'llll'ill e"
nn l!
Ih ...
sh owell
(,xJ1r(" '~I II J)h'''~
11JI It·sntl "fI.·!1
J o ltn U . I\ad Martlt" J . L~nlfd on to John E , Oioll olBnn I\tHlllt 100 aores In Vlr"iolll Mtlit"rv /:lurvey ,
I nno,
til\' \\" (\ r(l ~, n o 11'11,'1' of It nil liI ~ fH,:!'. A11" 'lIl1y Ihl'
r c nllz utl 4)11
hull r n mP (0 hllli 1!t n ( It
hI' g"t IIII'IIII j:h Ihl' nli:hl 11 11\'" h(' w"l1ll1 he 1I1()!'I' Ih:1 11 "ns"ln~ lu.-t e~·. bu t he wn~ Ina much ot n fn tl dl" 10 Ipt fhnt \1'O I'ry Ilh ll 1IlIIltlly. ~ !) hI' 1111 '1'I'ly Rtllled n ya wn . 11 1I( 111 ).,"u ln l tlrnt' t1 til I.n kln l.!'tlln, "So It
ynu, my little'
fairy tnl'e [ s nll'
p r l'~s~u
"Kill HIm Now-Throw HIm In a Cor· ner and Let U. Proceed." throw hIm In n corner ollll let us llrlr . ce"t1.1t 111' BIlt oown, nmlds t R murmur of npp rol' nl, In whI ch Hugh joIned henrt-
011\', \\"hn~e
H l=" ln~ t
till '
\\'ou lll· lt he 11I1I 1'I'I"I",t ttl Il sk huw yo u Hut til l' delp "' lil t I' \I " ': " whHlf1W ,
Lnkln gl"n l.. okc(1111 h llll wll h nil ell· l,r p~~ l on
of ..:rlm
SH lh.fll l ,t lltH
hl ~
"You WCI'(\ i!1\~!'h'd. If r Oil WOll t 10 lal llw, An tllhl1lrlllill' , 11l\' , 'lIt IIiH ot my f" ll'llIl l \lIl1lTlI{' r 'H nllll.il L"
A glltlil ru l I'll II rk Ic! ('n llll' f rllll1 nne lIu ~ h 1""I,,'d ut 111m
lit till' 111('11, (11111 grln Jl~·.
"1'1", Srll l1l rertnln lv wOIIIII not be
LINCOLN said : "You can't fool the people all the time." The mail ord e r houses fooled the pe ople for a Ion.!; : time and m ... d" hUlidl e d s of mtill o ns of deJlLlIs pru fil by it. Uut th .! wi sest ntnl' t ', ~ ' woke up, with the r~. dt thal t!,~ mail order busines s i~ now gl'i:l~ down hill so fast that the rich gtlJtlemen behind such concerns arc wild with alarm. They are franti, cally adopting n ... ", tac tics in order to "fool some o f the people" for some more of the ti.me. 'Bllt their end is ncar.
It is a grea t victory for home Irade t I!' But
Hurrah I
in the day of victory let GOINGI GOING! - \ l those of us who scU dedicat-~ llur· s elves to DETTER and GkEATER SERVICE to the public 01 this community who buy. T~e people who once ' depended on the ever-present catalc'lfuc:, ~· ,lt want something in place of it. They WIll want the, at!ractu~n of picture. description and price, placed before theIr eyes to the most attractive ahd easicst form. , Th'e world knows thnt this means advertising-advertising in the newspapers that th e people read . , .• . This newspaper not only offers tts advertlStng c.olumnl to every person in this community that ha~ S?mcthtng w0!1h while t o sell, but it offers everyone the Itvehest co-operation to the end that your buyers-our ncighbo~s_~h~l\.!>~ served to the utmost, to the last word ..
"Rlllcntlld," h e I1lUMIIUre(1. "A mng· nlflccn t l'eroru tlon. Am I rl gbt, sIr, In Ils8umlll g Ihnt you ore whllt Is vul· gnrly kn own 11 8 n B,,'~ho\'lsl 1" 'rhe 1111111 tUTIled hls HUllken eYIll!, I!'lowlllg wIth the !Jumlng Uruij ortODIII' Icl s l1l on Drumlllond. "I ;Im Uflll of th ose who nre fighting fO T thp freedom of the wor1ll," he crIed hlll'llh ly. "fur Ihe rIght to IIYO ot me pro ll'tn rlnt." n o !lunll out his nrms Wildly. "It 18 frl'~llul1I; It Is the lllllVIl of. lilO 'lAW "un " (To be coDtIIlUed .' • - • ,
Read Gazelle's Clas5i(ied Ads - - --. -
- -
N_ Sui.. The EIIKle Manufaoturing Co. VB Barry E, Lrnhart, oogoovit Dote. Wm. Mo8rowp V8 Catherioe Pierson et a1. For plrtlllon 01 real eeta'e. Milton Baoooo1l; e' 0.1 VB Frank and Flora Ludlum. For monoy anrl 10j1l00lioD. P~ln . . Thoma", Judge of Conrt of Commoo Pleae (!If 8010&0 Cono'y III apiguod &a _hold oourt In Warreu Connty .noUi b')lln. . II oomplete4, The Eagle- r.taouf.otDtlng CO. VI Barry E. Eunharc. Plaintiff • •Ir. ded 'iHO 20. The 8tate of Ohio VI LIszI. DDt'r. JUlio Hardlogl. Ippoloted to II. lIlt prol8OuttDIr .ttorDey. .1 ••• N, Moore VI Dora Tallor.rro et II AlloD Jr, ~rowD II appolliied lruardilD of Ylrll'lDia TllIoferrQ, • mitnor. . J, L . Thomplon et Ill . . m.le Q,
' "
Y 1",11000..\ IIvo ,,'ook , M ONE c l"'t1 u l~, 1.10" ""('(>ud rt!lctll"~' U\ ..
I ----,..--~==-_:_::::::---::-__:_~::-:=
FA'Inlre f ur"f I~M
I. W"Yll o8vlI l",Olt iu l)
lil t! t ltlrd~ . It lO k~ , It. U
lu_ ~,
Real Eatata Tranfe....
ton lJ/h l." Jf nUl:h CC'I I II 11l(lllll'lt!I\I"Y Iwlnl:" of t eLlr at the cn hn,
JaB. I.., Lln<ise ,v , IflflrchlUlt, M!. Orllb, Ohl n, I&nd Luoilio H. Mllud n. Franklin, Barley J, AIlSPROh, f"rlller , MI IIDll811nrg, Ohio, uul1 N,wml LOUisn <.Jarr. Frllnklin ,
Or~ t
& TERRELL, 0 l)iJone 301.
N .. lU~ l!ull ,.: ht , .1 .. 1111 tlctrblllf!, J\llun EIUler tl. Eokel , OI\flllJllf Or all,1 UUIIIIIIlI!.X UIlIIi Ublu. 6 ~ :l~ ellr14 I•. Hbort hntb of l.oh"IlOlI , I
"CIlP' '' '1I Prlll l1l11nnll, " -tt l,1 I,,,k lll );' lon , II/ norllll: II I1~h nnol .. 01 ,11',',< 11111 Ih ~
,)I 'H th .
pel cent.
Marrlall'. Llr~
n Ov.-' N tilt' Jllwi"
enRY 11
fr our Job Printing, Classified Ads
10 YO Il C'npln lll r lnll Il!Jl OIHI, I ', :-l. 0 " ~ !. r .. th ... nrlglrllllllr or 111,. Illtle I'n·
rli "~IIU " 1\
~l1 el1l rm . 1
fl ot
u.'l ' rllllt flit" KP I11Il· ItlPI1 , to tnll'nduce
qui ll'
. . . . .t. have VITAMON in ' Ic~k ur r.J, n 'IUlck l y 1 . .. 1 ,Tl" II for
") kll ow nut whnt tltl s YIHIIlj{ ml", hll8 d"I1 ": I ('11 rll I(,SR. In nil ~ III sudl II'ItI,'" IIII111"r II 0t. li e l,nH the npJll'llr' Will . L. UI\('(" nt n h Jl u ra;l'~lll'1, (II ' re roro ill" mus t W"lIlIonl'r ot Ill. v J Ill e. DId Wt' lIot kill thO U9nlld ~-lIye , Inl: III .",po lnteu gUllrlil~n or "I\lll I..._ _ _ _ _~""'!!~~....._~~~ tcns of UlilU NllIlds ot bls kIdney, before mInor d o fo ndall tB . \1'" 01011111",,1 tIll' grollt fruL'(lulIl? Are we not :;:olui: 10 do Iltl' slime In thl8 Probata Coun Proeeedioa. IIccurMe l1 cOlllltry~ 1<111 blm now10 'he maU e r ot the will of ,lil li, . I W . KeSling, Ilnnollsod_ will I~ ud , An tid , in thi ~ co lumn I ~ 1\ s ure ~R II ,...,....., mittod to probate , WhI,)w AI.'o tecl .......".~.......-....""".............."""".,,__""'''''''''''-....'''''.. to lake under t ile will. !:illrtlb , ,1.' hll /' MONEY LOANED 8ml Ira 1\08ling lIT " "PP" 'Dtpl l nH oXllootrlx and I' XAontnr • . 1111 L' lIIcl - - - - - -rAqulre d ,Iohn MOI :lnr e' ( ~ l'l ev . e nger and F, E-.&lHllu g lIlIIrU 111101 prJ 0
his ("h ·t\k , 011l.1 t wo l,l'14.,1,,1I!.( s tiu('k IIn ~h us 111' 11 11,': tI l,' Hu rt
,-,hurl' 0 hl1H ' t1(11I 1\ hll ~ Ii.I' t. I ' u ' rsoll';4 \'ulr,' f rlqn· jll :-o t
IJIIl'OR~I\NT- Whilc Iht" " nlat lU M hC'l lrh · buiil1 iI1R ",.hle or VITAMON h.u heal dca,l, .~d poIhivC'1y df'nlo lutrAlt't1 in ~:u~" u ~ I. d, uf rnr.:raJ . nrn'OU' trouble. . . '1"-,,.,11.. intl ie-c. cion, co n_tjsI3tlun , .km .~ rnl 'f~, ItH , I '~..r ('cmlllc'Xlon and • acrwraJ ... ~"~ ... f'd ph,,&it'31 !lm' nl em a ) cundhwn . \,.rt Bot be uaed b, ..,.,... who OBJECTS 10 h.~ i n l their •• llh~ inc, , nt\ rmal. AD.oo4
!l it' t " hl., nJ) f'neh ~ 1 11c thf'r,· w('r l ' t!nlt 1\ rll17PJ) IIlI'n, nl H1 hp ~Jul\l'''ll It t tlwlr L,l'l' l; , s \,n u' wt'r(1' nh\"tHII~iy rllrt iJ.!T\.
Il (" r(lf;~
''Th e Soldl .. !" He Snarled. Young Pup l"
lt i. no l only a que.tion of ho w you Inok and fce lIh e sca lcs and lape mu sure te ll their own ~Iory. A two wcrks' 1.. , will . url'riSl' you. Remember Ihat TH E H t:: IS NO SUDST ITUTE for vitamin •• Jalt u th ~ r. i. no 8UMI;I"" lor fre sh air. fru h water or sunlight.
Th ('l J.,: lrl wnf4 1l, It tll pr e : plu('e 01\ till' t'lIrn \\"H ~
hll n,
Thl're WfiR oo~ wllh "P('c· tn d.'R nnd Ihf' grn ernl nl ll'~lIn, n~e of nn IlItl",hlrlt('.-1 rlll ,b ll, ,~hl1 , · hI . III·I~ h · hor, l)pl p\',1 hy n InrI:" fI',1 "rllr rluhl
Be lI'olkt'd qulrkl)' Oil to t1 w rMm whI ch he' rll lruinl erl \\'11" Iltl' "".' \\"h ~r, ' h o hod seen th e .11011"", 0 11 IIt(· 1' 1I11c1. Wlt.h ou t " Beconrl'. h,!.• ltnllon I , ~ flung Ihe dnor nIl n nnel wnll,el} In, 111pro 11'lnl: In U,e hl'll, \VOS Ihl' AIII, ' rlc"n. whil e crouched h<,.lde h Im. \I'lIh n 1"1" VOh'9r' In ' hl ~ hnn d, WR~ n I11l1n , , , • For n fo~' 8 e concl~ I1 lr~' wn Ir h d onp anolher In s ll enro, nnrl Ihrn Ih~ mnn IItrnlgltt ened up. "The soldl"r I" hI' ~nnrl(,ll . "\'011 young pupl" Dellberntely. nlmn.t (, fI"'nll~', I", mIse<! hIs rel'oh'e r, nnd fh~n thE' un· oX1)CCtecl hnl)p('nNI, A jl'l ot liqu Id omm onln Slnlck hI m ful' In 110<· fl1re. Rod wIth 0 short Inu"h 11111!h droppell bls wnter' l)lsl ol In hIs pOI'kN, oml tume" hl9 nt1 r nll on tn tlte hr<l, Wrnpplug the mllllonnire 10 0 hlnnkl·t . h ~ pI k('d blm up, nnd, poylng no tnnrc IIttentl on to the I1In n :;:tI ~ pln~ 111111 rtlOk· tng In n corner, he nl cell for ti le hn~k
M n N rOllla ins Ihose WOI1 11 ~ r I U I hcalth ' lli\',nij .111,. S t 31lf C§ of Natun' - t he , ' ;1 ,, " miu," - whic h St' icnt't' say ... you mlls t h avl' to 11(, s trun g, ""'11 an ti full v d evl'i 0lw cI. By im' rt'as ang tht.' nOllri $ hin~ ('Ower ul whM ynu cat, VITAMON suppli es jU ! 1 wha l YO\1r hody nc,'ds to fee d 8 h run ken li ssll e!, Ihe glrCClRfh cn Ih e inlernal 01'gan ~ and ,.' nrw . h~lIcr.d
1I I ' .·\I~to nwti
h "r
'\3 tis ttcd with y,)ur 1::1111 :n weil!'lIl and e n,' rgy VIT A·
tI' lId1(l r ~,
\,il ,,, .. O Il regu larly unlil "111,.."
rrc.' ;\I;o g :\ hat , t.. prolO1Yl1C,
., ' Y
~ ~ \ "'II ) l' ~r:),
\l il t t onl gh l n tlllT,'rI' nf "rp n(' (,nn·
dlllng. A lint.' In l ... r h,' \\'n~ rl,., ,1I1I'11 to Hnd nuL . , 1'hl'n rllmP n (wnl ot Ihl' r"onHlonr hrll , "'1(1 he d,'Irrmln,·,1 t o \\' n ll 11 0 l on~~r . lie ~lIrt"" thr"u l( h Ihi ' ","flr· d~n dnor, to nlill n fll~hl of "" tl r" In fro nl 0( 111111. and In nllotih'r lIlol1IPnl bl' \\'ns Oil th., flNI tlnor. li e \\"1111",1 rnpldl y nlo n~ Ihl' Inl1illl1J!. tr)'ll1g tn lind hlA benrln~", nucl , lu rnl llll: n (''' TIlrr, he fo ul",1 II lm",·lf ot Ih" fO P "t Ihr maIn 8tnlrrn" the "Pili \\'1\1'1'1' I", hllli rough t P et r~on 11"0 nlghl ~ pr, '\·I"uA·
nol l'w he cou ld hcn r J erry h Ir,·nUi:h. Ing gcnUr. n"Il ~~"Pl nlnlnl\' In Ihe prn . . ,llro . , . prlf or Ihnt he p~r· IIhonnlly would T('ptl l~ - . ,1!l9 h l.t~ ,1 on r epnlrlng . f • IIny nn.-I every gote Pf'sllt ho pO"~he~Ferl. . . . Anll th nn he rl'nchl'~ fhe gllrllen, In"('rythlng hnd tnn en Ollt ""-Ilctl y 118 he hnd hnpell . hut hllll 11111",11 ." dnr('11 to expect. B e b Brd r eler~oll ' 8 " .Iee, ~l m flhd S1.l1\n! ns \l~tllll, u n~\\,prln s:: J erry. From Ihe j;1lrtl en In fr""t ,'UIlle tho orclIl1f1l1 !;oul1(l of II 011('1 by Alg)' ono I'eler . Not R snlll \1n ~ In Kight ; the huck ot the h Ollse W II S c1ullr. AII tlutt hI! hnll to do wo s 10 wulk Qu lully tbroul;h tho \\ Ickut' j;Ule 10 The
}, ,
.'r ~:
on Int n Ihr c1or~I"'<" "1111 fll r nn 11I'l IJtnnt
I II).: Iri llollll' rul tl (' d&:lIrl' t! ps, II IHi , 111"111-
,'nr1!uc IlI 'r ntr,lil1ly rll\lltl .. ~s 11,,1l~; u ull In r\ h ':-o""t,t 1.1t'~I·'·t". w !l h Ih'lIry Lultlll)l' It l ll'!" ftdn. 1.'1"1lt'1 r l H "p , 'Hill hlllf', ~tHrlllg:
.\I ,d 1. , ,\ \
d, ~,.. \ I I I-= I l l rH l h: l, tl ... II' " " " . It'1 11'1 11:- , 1, \ I Ll" 1 \ \\ , !l 1l '1, 11,'l h 'lIr l \ S,H I1I'
I'llt. •
t'III',I ,
11 1:, (
11 11 1
I ltI~h
'\11 :0- ... 111 "\ In !1~,
, . , Q ull\,"' unt 'lIrd"Htlhlt ' You ('nn't flO ol'l' lI t ""11111 r ,\' . k llorldnJi £10\\ n j:nlt.'!l. ' nUl nt QUt'Mhttnn,
1111 ' 111 1' , 111 1 .1 "111
Thin rn l k!\ ", II fin d th i~ .. impl,' ,h 's t we ll wnft" , ,tr vi n g :.., I,i f 'lt ' "II N" xl lak,' V II A~ln , ," ,,' y(tur sc lt ,tll d f!1"'I -.lln' yo u ,.. " I t a h lt,t s \o\ 1t h " VI'I)' 1I 1t'.1I Tll"1 1 \ \ I. I f.jh .1IH I lIu ' a :-'l1rc , a gain ll·~ ' · 1 \"t.'{ 'k an d ,:o ntlntl~ 13 "I\~ w~. t:rh ,
RUNNf,R '100. WKV , I eN>! EVEN S1l:AI. HOMIt' !
AlhArt And f,flnm Pllwell to Slim Del M. Sbutl" IIlJout 70 llorOrl lei Wayne Tuwnohlp. i l. Mary B , Pino to .Iasoo I. 8hee_ hRn . aLou' 97 1I0rAH III M,ulli e 'l'own . shIp 11. .1. A , and Mllry A, Lo wory ' to StellA Whlltaol. 1.4 "orllH In Mnssle 'l'wp II. , --Conllol.alonen· I'roc..edlDlI'a 8111a allow",1 :-'1'IIOB D. Frtlser, l::Iup'., Roa,1 Work payroll for Leba. non Corp., 132 ,:U, ; Lowtsl\nd Uro.llo 000.1 for Toller, Ul 76; A lieo Huff. mo.o, Record e r tor oompletlog deed reoord No, I , 'H.OO: Tbe Western tUar, supplieR , 166 00; OreRooia Bridge 00, sOPlllies for orullbe.r U.HO; ."me bridge repairs '60,81:1 ; Welob IDd [Jakin, 8pltea "od tool8 for rOld war 11:, 110.8Ci: B , I:! Coo. over, oil for truok, 141 fib; A 8 Kaufman,8uppll1l8, IUI7: Lebaoon loe aod Coal Co. loe for C. B , tl L ; Statal'" Mfg Co, lupplles. '17.CiO; 'l'ruat'"'. Publlo AtralrB, 1I1lh\ tur C. B. aDd Jail for» 1ll0R. 140.70 ; Ii' V Bird, a,"jltlnR Burveyor: '120.00; Barold Sweney, .alllA, 'I ~o 00 ; ,r DO Law IDd eon, supplies for ollr. 117 ,{;U Horrow Braot, bonding and wash . Ing for prllonen, ,au,46; Murrow Lumber Co" lumber, " 2 43; Morrow Brant, I::!horllJ 'lI quarterly ex ponle aooount '62,76; HArry Brown M, R. plyroll,IB-&/i
4 '!{OOM muulh
,m M~III St.. fY per 1'lllllty u t ltt<hl Ilud IIlr; wl1Lur , Illootrll) U xt nrC\~. 1111'1:" wllsII ruo m . lnqutrt! ut, H"I\'ye r 'd W"y1l8 Murl!et . ' j :!i'
OOMS w ltlllll ou e oqllllro of 'he lJhllotll .',q UA gruulluH . 1,18I~HI\"t allll light ; rllnM l,unblo pn ce~ . 111qnlro of Mu Clint It ')MB, Wa YII06. j~O VIlle, Olllu, -- ~ a::=
WANTED - TO IU:NT of I [;0 to 2uo A, OD tlmcJ. FA:10HoMOUW9. 10 to 16 hrood eto , i
IUW .. ,
Have hel " of m .'f owo, V. U . , ;I:.! ~ N. BrolldwllY, Le banun, Uhlo. j li7 ~ -~-=----
--- -:-:===
"'OR SALE - PIWPEItTY SjJ(,rooUl h o ulle with double lut, ' A .:ood buru alld olJlokl'n hUUHll, OD lower Third tltrollt, o lUoe
IDc!ujre al 'ili.
OUI:IEKEE1'ER-Wow,,11 or girl for light houHeworlo In 81D,,1I f"wily . Inquire Ilt MiamI UllzeUo u11l00. j20
~. :
. 1
O 'I'ORCVCLE-TWIO [ndlan, . Inquire uf li'ru.ok W Orew. Ph ullo !j~-~ X , WIlYLeevlllo, Uhlo ,
j27 M°l'ORUYCLE-IIHli Harley Ua. vldllon. l! llpoodtl, In good alllips. CliO be seeD at An'IIroR8 Decker'a, a' Dodd8. Ollie Pence, W.yn •• ville. Ohio. j27
IANO-S,erIlDI, .floe tODed, aud in good oondUian . IDqlllre .., this offioe. jt7
~hor'horn Cow, RlX-WIIOlla. 1Good old oalf by .Ide. J, L, Mauden, ball, R , D. S, Wlivnllsvllle, Oblo
Dexter Double.TnbF<lectrloWIl8h. er, 1 Vlloonm EleO'rlo l:!weeper 1 Refrlg/trator, aide loer, nover bee~ ' Oiled, AU' tbe .~e, .antr will sell for about o0t;l.balf prioe, InqUire of O.oar Layboofoe, J27
The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
..•. T·HE · MIAMI
lCflllrtt<J lit 'I ,ll J', ;'H.j 11I' O III \\ 11,) 111 ' 1'1 \' 1111 . ( thill, nt h i ' h l J I II I~. A" h ll Pl' , II_1
D. I..
" 1'"1 . II
\ 01 \ " ,' I" I II ~' H I'r, ·. ....1, 1.01,
' '''''t·, 1 \1 11 ' .... -=-=-----=-- -=-
WIWNI ':SIIAY. J UL\' ~O. W21 ---
- -
nf 1),:y t l.,I :
Mlii n ::l l . lItr 11/111 Mr". I ' hu t' CIllllvo r , 0 1 1 I 1.1·I1"n ll ll. w,,,,, ~:Il"~ I I< III M T" , 1'1 II , yll,. ·.. RI .I,I1J' , l\I r ~ (.' ", ,, k L. 1II1lJ10".
Sul'Btrin llon I 'ril·c. $ l,fiO per YCHr I
Mr~. \VII:' ~~,
"' I ' ~ I h o WIIl' lc fi nd !:ul\. I, !t o r 11 10, ' II" ' T, ~,,~ M I I IT"" I':I,!;!.', OJ I J<:1I ~ t l
' PANE. Edilor a1l d I'lIhl i:.'lIer. \\ 'nyn l ~ \ ilk , ( 1IIi!)
1111 ' ''.11 It ll I\ " "HI ~"I
- - - - - - . - - - - -- -
lor .ro Vtlrlll il ll \'9 \V n h ~vr, II lI 11f"hror IIf I' ''"ip~ til 11 f1~ VI t' 1I1 1t ' hl,,1 I, ' r t' I" ~ "Ul!l 1LLJ.k...: \ )t l ' q{Htl l'Z. ill f,;" p u ny u nd d l J! I-Ihow 11'11 :-<y ' u I'I1 /Iud ~ tlll . •J" hn , "' i ll lruln flil'l tIl IItlU, I !i . \\' 11 h,l ve u. IlI,v)l lon 111 .. 1 will b't foJ l' t h 'd I, "rp ~(' ; ,lUI lmnd I~ t ol illllku Ih" IIlU ,.IC fo r Ih " , Iww , " lid Ihuv will tm v ,, 1 Io v I I rn" lc Ii ,'.<1 ~"fl8"1l ' ~ Mh " '" wi '!1 I bll IU " I :,IIUII IlIh ll hit l UlI ~ tlL111 !f ill' t1 PX tl ,'." nal" tlilly w 111 nluk o Inr ~or tllWIl". It tlw y uru ~ 1l ('ct!PH fnl In ' tho ir \'n nturp, tb oy will .be d Plight. "d ,1I1I11I,1111lr".1 hy Il ifli r rriu II ll,. TIlII II n r ~n.t-o huu ganH' 111 pr()~r(\~~ . : inK ru pidly III o ur v l ll l l~e und e r tb e I HlllJ,· rvl!olon o f AIlI OIi ~= l lrH. lJ;c1 O IlH lo r, \V 1: ,Jo nlnn . tiuint Lynch, l' II. CIOII vorBn d I:l :-; T u oklr. F ' II" tnrthur inforwtiti o o in'lU1Ttl ut ,
II"" "
1'1 ".
MAKING TWO NEW fOOLS AIIII'li olln Cltiz .. n. wlwBvflr you tHe. lry t o pl n vlLl ~ li S wollllH yoo o"u for l'"Ur ullul(htor or IInogll. tou. but lut " UIU lJ" .y · ' pro lTll s lur IIltIl 811lf . Anrw"y , U",t i~ whllt YOIl will do If yllu wunt Yllur ~' lIl til be II rOul IUIlII . '!'htlre i~ Il Ot uriah IllIiU who IIlillu bl~ muooy by blY owu c tTllrt... whll ltill't Kind . hy L"t! "t"rll "l, Ihl&t hll WIlH lIu t h"rn rillh. Un 1I111lWH I,hut II ho hllli boen bmuj(ht Ull til wnolth , be woul"n't h"vo 1",,1 Imlf thu fUll III !llu-UODO olr the piolltlllru of aohioyom o nt 'hd baM bo"n h iI', I:le kuow ... Ihat gre .. t ullorulnl'911 Iu life 18 nll~ Ollly " rllstinoU o u hut n por. 80ntlljuy. Anti .... h e 10,,1111 llllrollLl at tlle IIv08 or wo,\lthy II en wh o got tho'r WOllO? froUl tllolr fMh e ra. h u OOlll(r .. tululuH hllu .. ulf on LtI .. Kro'l t guod Iu"k tllut hu bllli to III"k H hlH As II well knOWD Allierioliu wrltor
r f' mltrk. : "'I'll Ie 111 1{ !ln r o or \\, on llh IIIHI HI/ fl lldln t; It, Is II Iou. I"" •• i ll I t ~l'if I , Th " n voruJ.{u YO llU~ n)j~n wh o I~ Kivon nJi t,ht! 111 01111.1' ho wllnt H, lH\8 r.t1O Illu c h 10 d o HI'Hn rllL1f{ It It ne! L1 0 . Ing th e tlllnllH I II Ilfl. Ihllt woal th 1I11e! "p"" l t,l ,m" II olllltnd . Wh un lIliuJlu lif o h o T Of\li~~" th'i tlltuou~ u o~s o f i t "II , hut it i~ tu o IlLte. The ~lIl d o o IlIInr " whnn th e tlmbitl o n fll.r It c hi o\'tltnnnt. fl uw .. ~troof.( 10 1.I1u 101 "lid , 1111 VII "U "Hll tI Nn IJII,Iy 11Il IIWil bo Hur tlou .I"y uf uolu " thluJ,{H, o f hmllf.( Il rAul "'un of /lotiun.l.bu .. th" Ill,... wh o boeollJ o>l rioh 1tlr'ln g h hi " o w .. I' ITll r "" . Nu. holly kllUw ~ IJutte l' Ih 'lll IHI th o Inll . uru of thl1L j lly in Ih o milO Wh o W6 ... bro ul(bt 111 1 t o wOlllth . U e kn ow ... It 8rr w o l! t,h flt , at Oll Ur"u, he mBlw~ "th .. ""y" 1(0 o ut alld wu rk for h lA weul t h uu!} p10 ctl lU lifo D o e~ h t:
Price \ 1T" !' I , .. f'l l .l I I " I' "
h r .,.1
" I
'I I' ,..., \ .,' I !
111,11 1
l ~l
.11 1 \ !III '!'" I ' • I t ih 111)"' 1. .1 1.. , t111 f1.~ " , tl... II \,. 1 1 ~ ~ t ;\tH. II \t'd In \ \ ';-. hi l1 )·td " .
3 2~'r4
,1 . •
- - $24.50 - 46.30 - - 54.90 •
(An d O ' her Sizes in Proportion)
Mr lind MrA r.11 I ;IIrr . flf 1\1I1/: . IIlt111 n.U o nll u( l
t t ile Lowest Tire ist ry
30x3 12
II l il' .
11:\1 t l\l\.' l1 l
O ur pll i o tE1 r s IIlI tl (,ourpel1 l , ' r~ I\r e ' hll".1' !i t WIl rk in t.ll e r 111111.
..... - '-" • L<:; ~;re~ n
,\ r ,!., ·I ', '
,\Ill "".
""nr.~ ~_UJ ' J
' fe,
hull ~IH I\O t; UIl -
~r o un(j . Tire r e p a ir men . who jud ge v alue ~ besl, class th e~e tirea •• A Illoul l1 il\ (\ ~ h (lw Illl nw 1,0 II nr h tlvi n~ 11. ,. ,tllrrl;" "t carc ass m ude. Forty.seven hightown un Hunuuy nlH I f ill I\11H1dny ox grade car m,, " u fll ('turer R use Ihe m as 81l\nrtard eq uipment. l' II~II tI fllr ti lll{J t·hoir wllny r fl m eLi loH M,' . IInll Mr~ (1 . ~~ . ,I " lln " 1111,1 They a re Ih e qualily c h o ice o f cord u sers. ror th e hUUl"11 rll CO , 111111 I( r ollt r o· fl\m ily IIIJI.er lulIHlu Mr . .. nu r.J l'ij . I': HUltH!lTO tlx pec l,od . I . tl mith nt dlanl'l r n l1 ur ltly . ' Tho Ah o \V go in g p oopl ll o f thl _ M ry I)ora Mcf(i r hy IUI, I (,nngh. 1 vioiJIII,y Wfj r o llr""en t ' ·n Tllllr~dIlY . tl' rll, MILry l_ O Ul~ fO '"111 U uzr'1 M" y noL~ ,Inly ~ l. at "" .l' tOI1 , In ntlpnQllO ce til YltiHI111 MrM (J llrll'h : k rlllg 1IIIIIm'o : N o h A d"A~ n n l I Tho IIv Orh5( e tlHl I-llIl Kl lu K B rllti . IIIH II II 111 .'it B,Li th er'l'ltllr :<,llI Y . T his nt:w low price is m a de pne"ible by stricte8t eco llomie. fllther whll I", Rvlf.lllnd •• Kiv"" t""t ley I'lrOI1H HIlIIIIIOlIU!.:Ilr IU, "r ll rrllull . Mr . 'lII11 M r y 11:,1 Aus tl u vi . iln,1 Mr . n nll Mr s . C. t' . L nml, I' flllV o f hi .. til" ''' 0111''.1' h" wllnt .. , lillll Cill) th' , Li g/ttlij l 1, llln ~ li n ulITt h . ond "p. :c iulizeJ pr od u tion , l.hllM pllllHM two 1.. ,,1 .. o n til l! fll oo 0 1 Cltnut"oqun t·im a ill n o aring' nll,l hourH Hun""y . Plnnl No. 2 waH ereeled fo r th e sol~ purpose of malting tho ollrth - hl11' M,o!f ,,1111 hl tl thll Filii's WIll tlIIUD flrriv A, tioL1 yllil Mr . "n,1 Mr ~ 1,:,\ L u n g ll Pr o 1\0,1 30x3 1 ~- in .. h N o n -S kid fah ri c lir~8. Wi th a d ai ly cBpa r ity oon !;f' vl Ri t ln g ov tl ry (lny Wholl fnm i ly HIHm' tho II'fln lW n,1 wllh 1'0111 of I (,.OUO li re " 20,000 tu bes, t1,i s plont permit s refined wilt the w urk lin (Jill " pi uh." I Y t.lvas III 1·lnC1i nn"ll . pToducti o n on a qu n n :il y ba s i~ IIlr . on ll Mrs A. T . M li lor ontRr. Mr ,,1111 r\lr ~ . f' . B . Hldn o~ wo r o All 'mat('r iu ls u sed a l e Ih e besl ol ·tninable . Th e quality ia tfLiIlUll olll ulllln y Irom ,~ Ualt.flll C1o on !Co".t l< II f Mr. lIuLi Mrs . I) Clllflpho ll u n-iforln. It is t h e be st fubi'ic tire ev c r offered 10 the car tinullny . " u Ll fumi ly 'it. CO III " r villn. FlI llny. OWIl l'r nt bUy pri ce. I Riliph U rn" k~ . t h l! Ihre~ h (l r , \Vnll.\ r Kt'n r k k oIlHI III !,IIr l Stl! . kn no k tl, \ ou t I :WO hu~ h BI II In m,, ' I' Ay 11,",lt, t1. Ion"in " I trtp t o Flllr. dllY lu ~ t wOllk . I fiohl ~' rie! 'I " The hurn u11 ,1 Drill Oil I,h n " nnll' Mr . on ,1 ~l r 8. I; (l . l ' Lltllllpi (, n and pln oo o f 1'. D . '11I 1(11 1t I" lrll uu ~· r i . f"mil}" o f IlttYI O/l l'III1L',1 lin Mr ~ . L111 .\' ~vf1nllllC ILlIIl WU H n 1," \111 I .)~" F'rlll , k 1': 1111\." , Frlllll .\' o \' rl n l ll ~. wltll'J'1IU Aur,lI1OO L 't. w rOD {~O It t ·o k II II Jo r liO I 1'4 !-l))H n cl. 'I it 'I t t)".t I'"· rtl}, " " v" r od ""v .- t l~lI ~ ho WIlS " o rt of II . IHlllu s . Ie r..; Ilf(e t· ~ ur e III Ar l~," nn. . Inj!' II fn\\' Illl~'H Wi l l, I,I H 11I.rOllts nt Why Burled Gl as. D isintegrates. J. h 'ro, uu U1 1f{htlly I" th e wily. , Ilur fo r li lize r I/Iunt i s o l llRnll.n ll lb Ft. l\1l ICinl ny. . The III\J'el/ll nr "11"uln n ls Sfll'S tJlO t i . An' I IIult K urllll ~H d, ' r c)Jll hl ~ ing ""l u g (1 0111' , whl(J " I.. II gren t, In . !:ltllnl!'y Ln rn b, IIf Oil Yto n vi pit e d 11t1aB!! woul ,l sl \l'1~' ,II sl nl l'f(I'fiI" \\'h oll : Wtl.iTY luok, an' th o SlldU 6S " IIU Ollt c(} llvtm i en ce 1,0 Ih e f urme r s hi H pn rell! p Mr . llo, llIlrs. l'. ti. Lum h b llrt ed til 1I ,(O ls t s,)II . 'Ill " lIell!)n 011 ; h18 f,'of', tbllt It w ou llln 't tnntl ll i' al A . ;I:, (:. D. Cou k mel Wit h tllf' u f llw (Itl y" "'" .. WI['(' k . : O'e glfl ~s \\, 1111 1" Ioe ,hlo prtlflnrlly t o The otllPr tillY, 0111 Bllll:floks.llioll. he WtiM ' oo k , all ' Ho nt to ilU Ill O ut hur . _: OMce 10 IIlr omt I\Ir~ . Ourw1r1l Vioo wor w at!'! r onll nllo ol l. '1''' <, (1I , lllt('J::rntlng In ss of flft ee o gnol l h ogtl 00 licco unt - DEALER INW.yoen&. ... U NaUonal BIUI~ 9ldg . -1l8 llo,horl V IIllpht d l) '1' 11IJy ~IIY : )lI ACe . ' . of h eut In B ~ w eo k . II n,r), I\' I III I I'Ie C"I" pOR·I Runtl"y gU II" I!! o f Mr . 'HHI ~lr~ . 13 I DCIt on \\" '\11 uur IU88 W,," nh! BIIl's glln , fr o lll ! But -w ,l lmrleu oILi Bi l l Ih e o thor (~t1iLR" fow i n ILtI ~ I r:lU li t y CI T(! Vicl> 'In ,1 f " ll11ly tlon o r c hnrHc'l"r " r til£' t::t n. ~ nn rl Ih e f1 om, Fel'd, Coal, Salt, day, 61\ ' YO ll ort t o 1\lIVO ~IIW til e Mr II Utl I\1r_ . A . .J . !4mit h nnd c onditi ons Ihnt olo[III " ,,{] In tha s.lI. the tru'lbh' lI Ihllt It o went thro llgh. io r owd! Th ey bron!;lIt 111111 n <J "'l\ r~ orH "plllinlng I)f f ~nh llK hlll l Tile, Posts, Water Foun - I Thrmlhlll J,l is Ilhrollt nil ovo r i ll thl~ ,Iun !( ht nr. (iefl B\'\I' \' I'. Mr.IIDd Mr~ Thill nctlon 1\' 0\11 01 pl'"Ionlol), he. cx· . . . I knOwOfI IIlro fer 1l0I\rIY ! "n' h auled w ll r rl ~ , 0'" tiOIlI " nf u ~ tains amI Self-Feede rs. :-----or------~ fI ~ n \ ' hlll""ion , o f Ilnvl o n , Mr . Ilnrl I renrc ly ~I, ,\V \\ It h /1 ,,), ~In~. , nll, 1 It tlfty y ear 1>11 ' HII tur n~ 1 oY, .r h ea rll , ori 6l1.- 01l1, lou(!. . . . I t 'MfUII".I' Vicinity . '\ ,,' r . IiU d " mrs. HllIlk l-i lllil.h, rr r "'I r R. Mttl'l " n f)_hllrr", ,,1,,1 dHn~h \\'olrt ,I pI'OIJII"Iy lou C" nlll r tl ' ~ heronl Doh " d~ IUIII hlJlf .. b"IJlIU' hlllld, or , w o n~ v o r lo"r,,·t. it ""fnr e. lin' I'm I (fIve 111m u "IOIIAI.llt. "",r,1 . , . 'I w ll nd e rill ' "ho ot It 8tll1 . - lh llt Il una 1'ltl oLlgo, w ere '''llt. Ie . I'nd g n l'fl t.s 0 1 I tlI'M ~: I"I U"II U le n'l nnd I\rulll). ~orno j::1".s 1I'0uili bo cOlnpletel y Il ls-SH IPPER Of l 'vII ohen \h no l! hllh ·,t UII! mi ,; h\ of OM Kl1 l1\V{\(1 t" hi ~ d~'in ll"y, tl OW Mr. n ntl ~lr~ ~: rIl 80 111n Hl1nnott rln,uJ,lht er U nlo u . o f ' I:tnT\'oY8bor~ , : Integrnl ed, Mr . Hmlth h llM b ~ e ll " IU c mhor nf '1Illl ~lrs. rrlll,k rl: flK ,'r ~ ",,, r A Ko ell t s feel, Il~ I ",,,toh,," lIim Irrr lll I " mn Clh \YU l oJ vetl o lu Bill! H:1Y, Straw utld F eed. UlfJ det<lc'I Vf) " rr h "" fu rl'u. olf Ch i. " f 111 r 111,,1 F h . ~' lIl lt h !"IIIHIIlY . Oll l! tl l ilr mUD 'll y es r s, ,1001 i. (H. th o I\li ~A ~1 Ilrlr r(1 l111nhnm 01 L oh" . ~nll1l r"nIl A t l't! 1l 8t. '-1r, mlth, wb l'n non til" .ut Ih o weo H. ell ,] ' WlL h hll ~s Feed Grinding a Specialty, Vaccination a Specially. Noth • .. ""y, hV(1l1 h ~ro. tlllli wll l' 1 h u g r e w Itoli b ll"J In~ but Reliable Serum uled Int o . 111l1nh o1)I I. hnvin l( tl lfl n erv e Nr . l1n1i Mr.: . <..: E J o hn~ o nll Mr Veterinarian I und " Iz ", h " ....lll1oLl th u \Johco for ce ~o(1 ~Ir" . ~; . . I SIII I III (lllll ,," on IIIr' Phono 44 HarveYSburg, 0 '-1 I l'h u JlA ~ I. "TI1 ill tlrl~ I cn lILy i ~ Anrl Mr. AfI"'~ I '(l" lt n nl l fllmlly OFTlt ·r.: Ulll'lI fl\ lln 0 tllO j(rI)\lod , lind Jloo Jll (O "nnrJ,q' II rl f'rn<lOIl ,I rf' f " (,,II IIt.: I h ,>i T ~I"c k "I U f.( r onl ~I I I I 1" . k OX p OUIlO. .. r " • R l ,,' ·. 111 1'''' . '1'1'11 1 ~' r i. Ilo y III ""r 1101"" III·ro . Tclcphlllic !J:! Mr Dn Ll Mr ~. W ill M.)o ll o nt e r . will ri ll wllat Wl' (·Iailll fur iltlllll e(l l) lIl .o f. l l1 "' " l! l1 ll~ t < I,. ~ t \" oo le ..~-- Wayn e sville, When tba workmen o wn th e w orl! I euro ( 'n tnrrh or V I':lrlll'~S m used Lv Ohio Tb o A . M K ' hnroh h "l rl 8" r . I Ih o11S, Cnlnrrh . We do lI o t c laim to CHr' , Tclcphon c 76, rinK .I J1 "i lle~ in !llllir oll nrch n n HUllIlu .v . 1 • Ant! the ullroae! IlIUIl the rl\ll~, nnv other r1i Rl'n ~c . ' .I I)~. \V . Un vii' h" .. 1111(\11 VAry lIlnoh ' Anu th o Kwol· ry U1en the groOtlril'lI . , . II J\ L.U!,; (' AT \ Rll!I MEnT CI N E in (l l"pl) ~CII r il l' sI' I'o rod 11(1)' 11 Anll thn Illull olerkA o wn th D UllIlIs ; n 111)11111, tnk en 1.IIL(,rtl:lIl)', IIl1d - - - - - -Etnrn n ,t. ~l oC;nf' r p t1ll nd f nnlily und Wbon tho pr"b obll" ""'" Iho pul"II M, nct s lhrou~h tli(' blood upon the And thu pr0811 11,ol1 I) WIl tho aho/1s , True Style. i "1~ I" r 1" ;,, , (l ~ n" lIr Hp ri lli: 1:1111 , AT HI)DERATR PRICES ADU tha drIll ers ow n 'thn 011 w ~ I'l~ , 111UI11118 ~ l1r fll'(' S (1 t.h e ~YS tl· lII. tllll f! Prop<'r \l'(lnl " It, Ih"lr pronl"r plncea ";III, 'rlllll 1\ F. rh l) l"JI ~<l ll l\IId wtftl I ~--------------~ And tI ... jAils aro o wutJlI hy 0"""; I rrllr~"I" ~ t it ,. Ill fhmlll iltl Ufl olill re· mn ko Ill,' Irll ,' ",.,l lIltI" " uf " IYIU' - I I hUT~, I"v. . Wblln tbtl (Jo uool l ~ o wn tho light 6 1('rI1l ~ III,rlllnl (·()Jl(ltlJIIIIS. Swlfl. Thl'''Hh i n J,l I~ " t ll lf' ':: .. f Ih o 1)l'~1 1 plunt~, All Orl1l!g i ~ I ~ . C irculnrs IreI'. in li d" " f'I~ L" O Th()I) " 1I 0 W . . OpLical Department Farm Sales 3ml Live Siock a Auu HIli tarm. MO owuQ!l by t he '1", J, Chcllcy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. fUNERAL DIRECTOR - - - '-- -- - - - - - - - - ' !II. M . T <l r r y II n ('\ 1\ . ~~ . 1'h olllJltlo n I .. ta'e. ...._ ... _ _ _ Specia lt y S. Introit SL Xenia, Ohio ,, .-- -- -- . - -WOI'O in M o rr uwlc"wlI 0 11 1'ne!\IIIIY, I When o,'"Llucturll own tho stroot OPIIG evenings by appointment Waynesville, Ohio ~A\-l W . I:l. T o rry a t III nttend ed t.hp ! Sat is faclion Guaranteed ol\ra I ,~~ 'tJU:)1.1. blind 0 nced · III Wnyoeyviilo 0 0 '1 ADd el!ob drlvor owns hll bU8W odn AH d".,. Il veni l':I!! . Will you tell U8 OOUIUH)n " eople Bellbrook, j Ohio Walinel beoomell of u~ Y-NowlI Wult or i:3hllD k mnde hlN se m i. Full y Equipped for Good MARY HAD A LlTTU2 Bulletin In Publlo U tlltl.y IllrUnllti. w eok ly vi s it (IO wn n n th e ri ver SU ll o Both I'h o nes Service. E. V. BARNART SK!RT, d .. y eve oilJ g . 'Ion, Large Display Room THE LAT EST ~ \L~ Etlgllr Ed wll rll s o nl· bl H hnne! so v . -rrotary NO DOU BT : ~~~~.-----------~ e relv wi th ,Ill " " \'\' oll n oij,III'y . DAY OR NIGHl T ELE rHO NE 7 BUT E VERY TIME: A little Br ow lI hoy Ofl"'O o u Tu es. A. tillY lII " r" itl~ to mnltn hl ~ hOlll e with S HE GOT I NSl nE:: All kinds of Notary Work. Willa July 3- 6th Sunday uftur Trinity Mr . uno! l in•. t'fllll Brown . o nly b SHE vvAS M OR E ' 11 V\~J IUld Deeds 6 ::l/1ooialty, July -I - lndependunce Day • .bOft tlIlIO 'I gn n 111ot1 " ( -I rAe n I!lrl July lO - 7th Sunday after Trinily HALF crrU fl to th e s iun e 1I0oHfl t o IlInk !) Practical Vnr cinnln r. Have hud -duly 16- St. Swilhin's Day h ll r h o m e . good ~ U CCf' ~S in Immuning lin
,lilY lit Bog"n R' IJil "
--- -_ ._-- - --
Distr .~butor
Waynesville, Ohio
r----------------------, I
Everett Early
... DENTIST ....
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
1 M'
I Lytle
l IS.
Feed Mill
Lytle, Ohio
.c~xam~~~~~\y »t-H-H...,.····· •••••. ...
t t
John H. Wright , Auctioneer •
Glasses Fitted
Walter McClure
Ilhlcle .Jch'f'\¥t ·
- --
.. -----
Our Calendar
SHUMAKER '--_________.....;
July July July July
17- Sth Sunday after Trinity 23-Jewl'sh Feast of Tammuz 24-9th Sunday after Trinity 31-10th Sunday after Trinity
Mrs. IIli co Torr y. H . Tarrv , A . ::l All lw unrl w i fr>, Lon BrrHlIlI>H "ntl wife . K . 11:. Thotllll""n 1\1](1 wifo, M M . Torry lind w ifo, Mrs. KILt'o ,J n r dllll , Mi~Y 1:IlIOIIIIU ,J o r1l1ln. Ell f1 ll rt Alf,l ordnll 1\11 o f tbi ~ plaoo CllotHn t. Held lind wife, o f "orl ntt.e uded t hA t l1 n r> r n l o f Mr ~. Millnll Lhrneaa. l Il t X ouill o u Fril l,\ y 'lfte rno n n. M. M T e rry lind K . E . Tll n m,, ~o n mOlh. " I>nMill() H I,Tip t·o Lytle ou o elny Inst WAf" lt . A S . All e n Illln !!II ct ed bll ShlAHK ill
------ ..
Conltant P.rade. 1Illllllbetti lived In fl 8111nll (lince. Thll onl, tlmell 811e'd ever Sl'I!n 0 lorga a'owd Willi on the oc~n~lon. of t'lr.-ull or loco I parBde& The OrRt Iwo 11nY8 In a lorge rlt, wer!'! spent In D \\'e. The next day, tlIrnlng to her motbl!!', .he sold: "Oh, m o tJier, tllCY> hnve " parade here all the time, don't theyr '
l:i~rV[\Y~.bur ~
bol.h sick
and we ll h e rd s .
1301 h I'h o ll e~ H o me 1J[;:I.:j
He ll ·\· 1r
Bellbrook, Ohio
Woynl:SV IlIe,lOhlo Nllli onnl Blink
W"yno. vll\e'8 Leadlnl DODUlt Offioe In Hlll008 Bldll, Main sa (
~~~~~~ --~ -- ~~ -- ~ -~ - ~~ _ ~J~ ~~ _~ __
_ __ _
1I1f1rrllltl-l3y Rov, HBwkinR Bt bla raRillon co III So uth Burliugto n, Tbur s (III Y o f III SI, wea k . RU8ijell R o b. in son 1111(1 Ml,r}, Brenkfi llld , Frnnola Eln ~ l o r n nd Mllbel Bllrton wero mnrri ed , t:ll"'ur(\ay , by Rov. Josso l:lnwkln s. u\ his rosidenoe uerLl. Mrs. '!.'nlvor t; . Hnydook Willi oon, fin ed t o h e r b OlUll by t')uiusey. I n@ ~
wAek . ., The local Y . P . 13 h e ld a hlWO rute I0 8t 1'uradny llvouing, nt whioh de. JigbUul r e fl'e~ hm e nts wore sold. ,J ohn Bo(lley vl!l1terl relotlv08 In Xenin, IBst week. . l~ullrterly lOee'lng Wll8 held at tllll. ,M E . o hnro h. 8aturclny ana uLldny . WUI. CheL10weth hnd son, Albert,
II:Ir.-. !l (lY IIrr !lnd! Rmnll"dltnghtor, Mild ed, aod Mr8 Cliff EVIlD8' m'O. ">red to 114 on tpelior . J nd.. ttDd .ro
CHOICE OF MATERIAL Thal you will lise in your new home is merely accideutal. The point is- Build I Are 'you using the argumellt "that you'll build whcn Prices Come Down?" If so, t llen it is time to bury that moth-eaten phrase and get ~usy, because prices ARE down. They are 90 down as low as they are gomg to be for many 11100115. Do you know th:lt America today is in immediate need of two million ho~es and houses ? Do you know that prices are as low as actual cost productton. based upon rea<.ljusted wage scales will p.,errnit? . If YOll know these things-the~n you are of the thi~king persons or families which are going ahead with building. , _. • .
w. H~ MADDEN & CO.; Way~esville, O~io
vl8Ulng rolativoJ ~lllore,
Misa Bolon Loul/lo Idtanlielct t8 ser. III of lIumr;nor grip at bor bome ea,' of ,Mrll, U.o.r i'tallfield ball IIdorlD8 ton.-Il'
tbe .. me Ql'8~e.
Lime, and a.ll kinds of Bunding Materials
.... Let us give you ·an estimate.
n.e M~
~:ette, Waf1lenille, 0106. -'-,- - -- ----- -
...... h .. ••• ..···C ~arnb8rf. )l~ .............~~~
_ ~rL'-,o-O-~-T.---.· -JULY MfETING Of
\\ . "Il'~' ilk CIIO II."llIllIa .luI 2 1·25
::::~" M'K"~ w.,~~~~~~:pS,.~,:~,~ i We Are Back In Our Old Place . Th.
Mr. lind Mr~ . Allen l{ ilJl er s pent Monday with 1 l' lutivf'~ ill l \l7.8dd ll In. Best $ 1.50 Ladies' Si lk H 08~ in all color s; special Bge, at Hvm an & Co. Mrs Mary L. Arlamll left for her hom e In Wilmington Friday, after a pleasant viMi!; here . Mrs. Wall er Brittain and chil· dren. of Murion are visiling Mr, Wrn , Lipp.>n.w tt lind fllmil), . Nt'xt tillle you IIrt! " OW II lown.drop illto Sawyer'll Wayne Mllrkt·t 1I1It! get a trade canl tor the beautiful Alum inurn se ts , wllrranted ;!O years . Ex ·% e ritf ehBS. Waggoner, of Lebanon . haBI been Bppointed as~is t an t easl)ier in th e Lebllnoll Citizens National blink . I{ev and Mrs. Mllry Lile spent relntiv(.'S in
Should n \\1(, ' r · " , 'I " ~ It:d ! lit I Itu ~· banel '" Inc,,,,,,,? Th a t b th, · 'lu I's Lioll nround \ llkh Murk S\\ nn's cr"a ! Ilr O[[II\, "y SU, C("', "11 'f ()" n .II ,"")," Is hullt.
lol a' I!I\ , II~ uu! war.! l'xl)rr~sl on to ' C l ln rl u~ 11 11 1111:1. M I ~s Dolli nger plnya I will open a Repair Shop at GUBWh nt , II, ' }" ,' I' ru bdbl~ fe lt th ou .·'UlIa th p r u lo of the IUl·tllIlo_o mn Mrs. I uf I:I U<" . llHCIlt'r. tho n e l!;h bor. whll,> Mr. tin'!! live ry barn, July 1st. Quick \\·hll, · " III '.,a;.;p I ~ ,11·lh·p rpd HIlIlI1Il pln ys Dpccht'r. th e hu" ban rl 01 service and 'c:ourtcous treatment asthr"lII'h tI l!' ,. fiOU ' d lll ~ of tho 1,lny . the meddl esu lllo nc lg hbo r. ~i' t IIIl' (,1"1111 ",1), kt '~"'I pl:t tht' a Ud l t' IlLU tn BUll.:! !\1!s8 Be llin ge r UIHI ;\lr. li n ull4 sured you . ,J ohn Stansberry.
M r. ~\\ H II !l ~h hnllu lt ·.J \ l lroldlill II r I IJ~JII l'u t tu ,\', n lUHrI It ,d illillLl;-;{ , .ttl l lulla I lau,I;ht.·r . Th e RUl U g · llr o £& Xl h-r !p o C'cd Urondwny act or s. cou l\I,·. II Lhl r"\"' n l ~ w Ith tll1lLtU,' r'"T, : II!' ,llLlal ""'" "1'1• . 111,; O ll t of lilt' plot T h e play will be )lTt'selit e ti with Q lh ~ . ·l' rl· t ",HIS( - of IlIlH h d Olh":--l h t rl ' !It , ~ .· U :- (I (I f g-I'c al Ilh 'rrll1l c nt. rll:i t s(' I f't:tod a nd trnl nf' U und e r the UD halJl "ne~~ among lIlHrri ,ll\ flllh t-\. Al llO t l l! tho:': t' who ap {1f'a r In tb e ca~ t p e r ~o n n l dlror tion or Mr. P l.! rctvaJ }~ t \ ry lIIarrl. -d W' I1I:111 will tilld t ht 1",1',' Hr. ' Hnh(lrta U. -Illn gfl r n n d Viv ian ot N o w York . gr ~ul
Looking Backward
Mrs. Sarah Smilh di ed al th e home of he r daug hte r, Mrs. Thad Zimmerman. at Dayton, Frid ay e vening, llfler a long illness . Th e body was brought to Wayn esville and the tuneral was held in the Chllpel Monday morning at 10:30. He v .. C:lliwalla,ler officiating.
I hand l.. Burkhart's Smoked M('at " I'ri ces ri~ht.
The Miami Loan & ' Building Assn. I
Y"II can IIlwllY ~ do Hetler at Ih e Wnyne. ""'~"""""""""""""""
l ourA for Ser vice,
Walter L. Sawyer, Prop.
- -- - -
Walter Hale. who has been working at the pumping atalion for the past three years,died at his home ~at urday morninlr about B o'clock, The body was taken to Lonrlon. Ohio, where the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'c1ork , Interment in London cemetery .
.. - ..- - -
My stock iR IIf' W, clean lind fresh, no nld goods. I will kee p o pen nl ni g ht ~ for yo ur convenie r,ce during the ho l weather .
25-27 South Main Street. Dayton, Ohio.
Sawyer's Wayne Market
"'~"""""""""""""'~" Th ose who look bncl(ward with sa tisfactio n a re those who look Spl!cia[s for Saturday forward witb int elli ge nce. Look I 10 potJn (l ~ SUJla r .. ... .... . .. ....... G8c f orward eve r y day. It will ~ vouli d, (; I)(lll l:offl'e ....... ..... 50(' IDe an many days of bappi ness I La Ij.!!! Can T ahl e I " · a c h f'~ .- ...... 19c l ookinC! h"~l(wa r<l . . !:r "!! J~ j) ~Sk :JIl I~l, pe r jar ........ HlC lall (lin lullp :-ialrnCln ......... . ) 2 (' 1,525 new a cco unts opened i 1I0 ll y I' irwapplf'. !'an .. ............ 25c n ~ Hince .Ta nuary 1, nrc a cco unts Hl'cipl' Co rn. 2 cans .. .... ..... .... 19c sent liS by our prese nt cus lom · I Log' Cllbin Cotfl'e. pounrl .. ....... 33l' ers; thC' ro is a rcason for th is- I Lenox Soap, G Imrs .. .. ..... .. .... .. 25 c Lu x. ? packageR.. ... .. .. ...... .... 2fic 'it surely i!l satisfaction with S I X (Ii %) PRH. CRN'!' re turn MEAT8 ~OT the <lcposit. n oun" St eak. pound .. ...... ..... . 28(' All deposit-'J r eceived from 1st I ('huck Steak. puund . .... .. .... ... 23c to 10th of July will draw inter- 1'IIIlp Hni ling . Ilounrl ............. . lfoc CRt from the 1st of July. Chu !'k n on st. pound .. . .... . .. .... 23c
M ra . J . F. Cu,lwllllarl er, Adams lind MiB~ ('turn Friday Ilttl'rtl OOIi with Yellow Springs .
---~~. ---
BAND Wj~S TREATED TO ICE CREAM The Premier band, after th eir concert Wednesday evening, was invited to Phillips' Ice Crea m parlor, where they were trealed to ice cream byMr . Philli~l. Before the cream was served, Roy Mac i:leth came ovC'r with a very tine ca,ke, anti it wa'! so large that big hUDI(s were served to each member, and Q:ood - aay. boy. it was fine. A week ago the boys were generously remembered by Mr . S. L Cartwright. who told them to go to Phillips' imd ge t II treat. The band wi8h~ to thank lhese peo ple verv kindly for the ir courtesv . -- ~-....-
..- - -
The lollow:ing business houses will close on Thursdll, Friday and Saturday afternoalDs. from 2 to ·1 o'clock -.lLthc party who took our hose off during the Chautauqua. in order for everybody to attend the sessions. the hydrant lust I~ riday evening, R_ A, Burton will return the same. as they are Zimmerman'!l Miami Gazette well known, no questions will be Earnhart C . M: Brown H . E. liarnpr a~ k ed. J e ff Smith Frank H . "'alrr Roy MacBe tb Sawyer's L. Lee Hawke Chas. Cook J . M. Taylor J . E. Frazier Fred Snyder Hvman & Co. Howard Everhart Ralph Smith Orville Gray Robt. C. Macauley, who was sche· F, M. Cole Mendenhall duled. here f or the Chautauqua will L. E. Kempill be Slllllllan ted by Lie ut. J . Dunton Seal1s & Caltwright Sharman, who willieclure on "Bet----~.~.--~-Men than lhe ir Fathers."
('Iub me t li t the plenannt country h"lTIe of Mr . !lml Mrs. M(' rris Sil ver, Thursday, Jul y 13. Nu detail waR spnred by this hospitable family. that would add to the p len~ure ot thei r g uests. A fine rain at Ihe noon hou r cooled the atmosph er e and put everyon e in t he best of spiritll. The usuul delicioul dinner was enjoyed by ubout seventy club members and guests. The mel'ting wa~ cLtlled to o~de r about i!:30 by I'r~ ~id e nt Elbon, Mrs . l'l olt I{ivilll{ th e invocution . This \\III~ foll .. wed by the u ~ u81 routine bU ti irll's.~. Leefo:urnllllrt report ed till' un iun lJi cni c to be he ld at the M. E. church. Leban un. Augu st 10. The r esignation .of William "'came was accep ted , foll owed by an unanmious vu te mak ing him an honorary m e mo ber. A tribute written in memory of Mrs. Fram e by three of the Club members . wus read by Mrs. il ouj{h. The ch ildren' s program . in charge of Iielen Hawk e anti Anna Hoak, wa~ very entertaininl{, mo~ t of tht' littl e fulk ~ taking part. Art er a S('I.. ction on th e Etli~ on, the inte rest· ing and instructive current eVl'nl~ . written by Katherine Clark, wert! read bv Mrs. Duke. Lyman Silve r in a tew clever re marks, introduced Dr. D. H. Blair, of Lebanon, as the spellker for the afternoon. He spoke of several things of vital importance to the farm e r- increase Qf fe rtility. purebred atock and farm home adornment. hoMing the closest attention of his hearers for some time. His talk was discus8tld by Dr. Ellis, Mr. Oglesbee, Mr . Lewis and otheT! . Ruth Ch andler then read a short paper on the modern rtlading lessons a nd quoted high Buthority as saying we we re letting Imagination have too full sway in our children'l! education . Mr . Chandler opened the diRCUSsion on " Community Threllhing." He favor ed ahe plBn as did Mr. Mendenhall, Mr . Lewis and Mr. Silver. All agreed that it was necessary to have a competent man in charge of the machine. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the home of S D. Henkle in September.
Complete Kitchen Equipment for thc kitchcn EVERYTHING - (rom an oil stovc to a dipper - you 'll find it at th is storc. We've sclcC[cd our stock th oughtfully with 'l"lir kitchcn needs always in mind. All t hc :trticles we offer YO ll arc tried and p roved through, long years of honest se rvice. \\le II,''''' NclI' P er feclion O il Cook SI OVC;; - - ckan and rcbhlc, com· plctL wilh oven a nd w31'I11ing r:llii . nct. And we also carry a hig as,n rl Incnt of U tc nsils-Alum i:lum a/ld Ena mcleJ Steel.
help you select the articles
you need t;'r your kitchrn.
Cole's .Hardware Store
to see you. While we were out of busincss, pricc9 came down, and we hav e cut our prices accord ingly to meet present conditions.
Aluminunl Ware, EnalTIel Ware. Granite Ware are all clown. COIUt" in und gct our prices. We have mall)' bargaius for you .
Power Washers that were $75,00, Now $62.50.
We are making a cut in Oil Stoves, . Heaters and Ranges.
Come III aud It" l
Hardware Store.
H. E.
),O tl .
Earn.h art
Waynesville, Ohio ..................( ~arnlJart'. ) ............. ~ ••••
Tbe Waynesville MHls
--- _. ----.--NOTICE
40 Ibs. Flour for a Bushel of Wheat
Sears & Cartwrigb . INSURANCE
W ayne.vill~, Ohio
ea.,. '0
The' Ne\v Perfection Stove \vjll be den1Friday, and Saturday . on~tr'lted by ·an expert fr0l11 the bctory. 60 49c Wbc'th r you own a coal oil stove or
n tern in s -e one oper::lted byan 'exrt. \vh . knows th .111 frotTI ' A to Z. '- Dr . I --In on you-i- \Va) to or from the Chautauqua. Rem nlber the date, at ·
May IIhe rest in peace. Sarah Burnett Smith, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Burnett, the nrst-born of a tamily of four chilllreno was born near Waynesville. Ohio Octo/:er G, 1833. and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrll. Thaddeus Zimmerman, Dayton, Ohio, July 15, 1921, at the age of 87 years, 9 months and 9 days. In March, 1864. she was united in -AND RECElVErnarrialte to Asher B. Smith, of which union one child was bornMary Elizabeth, now Mrs Thaddeus Zimmerman, of Dayton, Ohio. The husband departing thiR life a number 01 years ago, she has since lived with her daughter, Of her im- . . . . . mediate family, she is survived by • her daughter, three gI:andchildren. two great grandchildren and one sis· The Premi,er band wants to know Young Men EX(JC':ling to Enter Sum ter, Mrs. Emma Retalliek. of Waywhole atole Itheir water bucket and mer Training Camps nesville. dipper. Th~ boya boughta buck~tand She was a birthright member of dipper and U!1ed them just once, and the Society of Friends. and enjoyed Dy requ est of the State Commiss.. when they went to practice a week ioner of Health, all men wishing to BII'O. they found the utensils g ,)ne. the unique privilege of attendance e nler summer training camps can be If the guilty parties-will bring them upon Divine Worship in the Orthoinocu lated against typhoid fever back aoon, nlothing further will be dox Friends meeting hou<Je. Waynes· free of charge. Please communicatt< done, but it they don't, the law will ville, for more than eillhty years From girlhood she was possessed ot with Dr Ed l3Iair, Heallh Commiss- be on them. Beware! a deeply religious nature, and when ioner, of Lebanon, Ohio. and he will --------.~.-----health permitted was rarely absent make arraniements for your inOt'uFire, Tornado, AutoReal Estat~, Live Stock from the services of the house of God lation. This should be done at least mobile, Lif~, Live Her's was a life of service and sacand a/so Farm three weeks be fore you enter the rifice for others . Of loved ones and Siock, Acddent training camps. Pro/Jirtg friends she was ever thoughtful, and JUly 31st i~1 the lut day for filing her devotion to home and duty wsa A wide front porch is half the returns of the capital tax stock. To beautiful indeed. She lived close to home in summer. Is your's wide avoid the penalty. the returns mUlt the Master, and with ear ever atbe in the hands of the collectors of tuned to the still, small voice, that enough for solid comforU Telephone internal reVEmue on or before mid- was her guide all til rough the j,!>qr 61-2 . nillht of that date. Blank forms are ney of life. Such a life could not available at the office of Collector 01 help surrounding itself with many Revenue Stelphen W, McGrath, 218 devoted friends to whom her paasinll t P08toffice bu:ildin~, Cincinnati, Ohio. is a ,distinct sorrow. Eternal reat grant unto her, 0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Fancy Elberta Peaches Lord, and perpetual light ahine upon DIRECT SHIPPING PAYS BEST Nice LargelrishCobblerPotatoes her. - J, F. C. ,Sweet Orangeli Lemons I Wbln or.m i. read, &0 IIIU 'be bard work bal CARD OF THANKS beeDdoDe and you 8hould Dol permit any ont81derl Prunes. Evp. Peachca and ApriOur hearts are deeply touched and cots. to make aD u;tra pro& off yoar effor'8, comforted by the sympathy shown Yon oan 1!llp yoar or_m Duill :r 'he TrI.State Flv Powder, Fly Paper, Swatand help given U8 by our friend!!; In and 8a~e from 60 '070 per Ib bU'ler fa'. ,, "Is ~ •• , ters, Pure Paris Green, ArsenThe [)epal~'ment of A,rioulture Dayton and Waynesville, durinlr the al ate of Lead . deliYer 'b. oream ~. rallrQad I'allon .. IS8uei lome 1~ery valuablo bulle'lal illness, death and burial of our dear &0 a or. . . ltaylar I".tlo.. l'b. Trl-.li"~ na..1 'he We ,Gaia.teej ...... yontO ....1Il With gratitude we acSp€Cial for .)f valae to fSlrmen, bousewl V811 aad departed. 'raDlponallou au4 Boarall'. . yoar or•• 14 a,aln.. and ClaDI otbere. 88Yo~tal ~bou.ad of .b_ knowledge it all. and will treasure' 1011 In trault. " a,ala.' 10.. . The Family, bave now h41tn' plaoed at *be dlapo it in memory. Wepa,flxpr. . Good Brooms, regular 75c or baRg.ge · sal of 8eaato;'i I/'raak B. Willie, .aad •- • obarges,kind. Just for two' . be will be@{lad&oHod ·allll'OfHOWPllnUbGrow. . , TRI-STATEBlfITER , '. ·CO. davs. each . ... .......... .. The common peanut growl In a pe. Our Price for The Biggest Broom Bargain you . 'bele, from wblob lIeleotlonl rna, be made, to anyoae wbo 'II IDler. C!lJllar way that III dIstInCt!, OrIlfnaL Cub Capital '25t,000 CINCIN~ATI, OHIO Butt....,.t II ever saw, nted. A olud to tbe Senator The little plau't senda up Itli Ibootll ' Bring WI vour Chickens and WaeblaltoD will brlag tbe . lila with the trult on tbe end of a ~.. . Eggs. Get our, prices before . . . . . b t IItUI' Italic, and then 'before It . Free !'rial ~a. gladly fllrDiabed Dew pa'rool . Thll tHDator /1180 ba!.,!., hi. dl.pou1 jlpeall tbe Item beadll over lad car.. , Ipr SO you sell. ' . a namber of .Agrloultnral yearbook. lilli, puahes the fralt auderrt"OUDd. At 11117-18-19, " 'blob be will be ilIad &0 pJp are IIIld to be- MP8ClaJl, foad of Il Paya tAl Tra~e at lead 'bOlie wbo deelre diem. 01. It blla been bumoroUll, MOIIa TrI.S.... pa'ronl baft ClaDI lo ,.bea tbq . . eel that tbe plaat do.. thla to bldl tuB a eblpmeD& &0 'b. d.,. _ CIUl til.
On Saturday Afternoon and Evening, JU'L Y 23
~:~: ~uildlnlr
NEW PERfECTJON U;J Cowl: Slows iJ nd a.·ens
Deposit Your Wheat
Ready for business, and will be glad
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....-11'
RIiUl Ga,zejr,te'.s Cltusllied Att. ::.a~c:.::tl~portl:""l too 1DQ1IIIIo
p' -JJ&7
~~~_ _ _'!'-_...;;~~m;;.:;:.~.;;I;;:..;;;=;.-~1.J.
'-fr_o_m_pn_w_IO___ .... _pm_8D_ ..
. ~
-. f
• ~eventy- Third
Whole Number 5445
FULLY E'NJOYED The Chautauqua was enjoyed h)· all whu were fOrlUl1ut e enough. to &,et Ihere The prOlCrllm, on puper, did not look quile liB attractive as last year, but the proaram on the platform WIIS very 11'0011 all the way through. Mr. Laaan, manager of House for Snle- sE'e Mr Kean. the clew. worked hard to Bee that everybody W~8 .made comfortable, Myer Hyman was in Lebanon Mon· and he urged everything to the limit, day. and there W88 no time loat. The relit of the crew did great work, and Mr. a~d Mrs. Fred Col e were In hellK'{l maUers along. Dayton ruesday. 1:he talent was all good . Lect~res. which a areat many people do not leem to care for, were listened to at· tentively this Yl'8r, and were very Interestina and instructive. There were several char.&,ea in the prolfram, but none that detracted from its attractiveness. 'fhod Old Fashioned Girls. Temple Entertainers, BlIottinlf-Mahler complftly, the Waanerian Concert Co, and the Percival Vivian Players were entertainers of hlah character. The lecturera-Dr. Carpenter, Lie u t . Charmian, G. R. Leowe, Mrl'. Beyea, Dr. Chase and Chaa. Gorat-each broulfht a meB8lllfe that W811 well received. Mil. Je&9le R. Taylor, perhaps, "'118 the headliner of the week. Her Impenonatlons were tine, and her role as a mile impersonator bas not been _yed by many women She made aood In each of her Imperson. atlons. Mre. Beyea told. her mel88ge of !Jervlce dUrir:t1f the late war, and she W88 areatly enjoyed. Her social and industrial problems were dealt wilh in a manner that IIhowed she wu well arQuainled with her subject. Dr. Chase, who lectured Sunday afternoon and e\'enlng, was also a forcefulapeaker, and brought a fine lIJNIaKe each time. The surprise of the Chautauqua "88 given Sunday eveninlr, when Mr. Loean, the &,enial manaaer. Ifave a crayon talk. H(II work wu above the 8V4!raae, and hlB audlenee was happily 8urprllled. HiB last pict urI' wu of a former resident, W. A. Rodaerl, "I Waverly, a neighbor of Mr. Logan'l. To thOlle who kntlw Mr . Rodger., the like_ wu very
lood .
On Monday afternoon the Juniors, under the ·1 irection of MIB8 Beatrice Gaee, were to have telven some folk dances and other entertainment, but the he~vy, but welcome, rain came, and ~IS part of the Pl'Olra~ had to be a.lven up, .much to the dl88ppolnlment of the man;wement. u those wbo laW the younllt4lB In their praetlae _d It was areat. Monday proved to j)e the beat'day, to mlny. 01 the whole ·week. The W8I1lerian Quintet wu flne, and each member of the eompany proved to be a BOlolllt, The cello BOlo was one of the fineat ever heard in Way· nl!llville. Jules Oema, the pianist, in bls BOlo, Hungarian Raphsody bv Llzt, wu molt excellent. Ch ... Gorat, the bird Imitator, was very aood, and hiB part of the entertainment· proved very satisfactory. 'lb. pledlfee haoded In were not up to the standard, and It is not likely that there ~iII be a Chautauqlla next Jear. unleea IOmethina comes up beforf,! the time lor It . Officera were elected u followa: GeorJre Waterhaute, prealdantj S, S E1lI., vicepresident; Henrl,tta McKim_y. ~ retary, and L A. Zimmerman, treature'r,
Use our CI. .lfted Ad. for results
W. N. Sears is a bu~ineBs vi.itor in Franklin today . Dr. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio. Miss Mary Klippert. of Blanctie~ ter, iB viBitinK Mrs. Lida Smith.
Mr. and Mrs . Frank Anson spent Sunday with relatives in Kingman .
Naomi Haines was born July 5, ~~_~_ ~= _"""'.__ 1847, on the (arm now owned by Geo , Gilliland . near Waynesville, Ohio, where her childhood and early womanhood was spent. On March 26, 1868, she was united in marr!age to Abner Wright and they moved to the farm where she departed this life OD June 29, 1921, at the age of Won, 7; Lost,. 7; Pet., .SUO 73 years, 11 months and ' 24 davs. 'rh M· · · . to. b dl t h d The husbanii died April 17,1901. e lam IS. WI "a a y pa c e· S h' up team, went to Bellbrook Sunday I ~ven c Iidren were born to Hess and got their usual def~at. 12 to 7. their ho~e , !wo. son8. Allen and th e resu It . Bellb roo k h ae a dWalter, died In \Dfancy, and one · b elllg .. th M' ., d h t 't ' aughter, Ellen, was called to the JinX on e laml!!· an w a I IS G rea t Beyon d ' I h d In ear y woman 00 b d k f no a y nOW9, or It seems as thouah T WO F k dJ h d . the Miamis are lI.lways beaten be- d sh~n9. ran. an 0 n, an two (th b' Th b aug ters, Llnle Rogers and Lulu ~dre et gal me tbe~tns. Ie oys HUBton survive her, with five grand( I no p ay elr usua game, ' h'ld b ' c I ren, one rother, a number of h owever, an d were b ea ten. th as . . t otber relattves and a host of neigh. th e en d a f th e 8t ory. bo d f ' d I h So th Leb '11 b h . rs an rlen 8 n er early mar· u anon WI e ere. agal,n ried life, she, with her husband, \ un'ted next Sunday,. and . . Baptlst . t the boys h Will Win h I WI'th th e P' rlmlllVe a be tt er VIC ory over t em t an Church and her faith In b S . er when they played. here several weeks grew as'th e yean passed b y . aVlOr ago , t he score being 8 to 7. Although afflicted for a number
House tor Sale- see McKean.
MIB8 Alice Jacohs, of Gainsvllie. The importance of poultry haR not F1~ .. i8 visiting MillS Emma Heigh· been fully appreciated . ThE' I \l20 cenBUS shows the annual incomeWIY. from poultry and eggs in Warren Mrs, Annie Haines, Mra. Earl Con· County to be $613,140. This exceeds ner and ron, were Dayton visiwrs t.he combined incomes of all the beef 'Jue&dav. cattle. $329,906; sheep and wool $1 24 872 and froit, $37,412 in the County. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. ~unnell. of The 1920 census gives ~OR.760 Lebanon, are spending a .ftlw wetlks chickens in this county. From prein Canadl. "ious experiences it hilS been found lJorn-To Mr. and Mrll. Svdney that 30 percent of the average farm Colvin, Monday,July 18, 1921, a son, flock are not profitabl~ . · On this basis, Warren County has 62,628 Charles Howard. culls. These will ' not lay for at least Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harbach, of six months, but. will, during this Dayton, spent several days with Mr. time. eat at least 60 cents worth of and Mrs. Roy MacBeth. feed ea~h, a total of $37,500. Besides, bv sellinlr the culle early, Ruth Cook. of Route 4, Is spending a higher market price will be obthe week with her grandparents, tained Assuming thi8 te be 20 cents Mr. and Mrs. J . M. Key!!. per hen, a gain of over $12. flOO would be made. Thad Zimmerman, of Dayton, was The farm hens in Warren County in town Tuesday He rel)Orts hil lay an average of 53 eggs each, yet - - -... _.. • wife a8 improving slowly. some of the cooperators. (who are turning in monthly records to the /I~, '.' -, "'U J\ .,,'~ . l~ Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Fetter, of Farm Bureau and feeding and culChristianburg, are the guests of Mr. ling as the poultry specialis ts rec· Geotge Smith and familv . commend), are getting almost three Mrs. Emma Chapman left IIIIIt times that number per hen . Mr. Fravel, a chicken specialist week tor California, where ahe will from the O. S. u .. will" spe ld the Bpend some time with relativea. month of August In Warren county, Mr. and Mra. Frank Cubbage, of giving demonstrations for poultry Wuhington C. H., spent Monday CUlling. He will be assisted by Mr. with Mr. and Mrs' Roy MacBeth . ChillS, C\lun ty aaent. There will he ' over 50 demonstrations in the county . Mi88es Anna and Lula Vandervoort The fi rst d emonstra t ion will be of WilminKton, spent the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (o'razler and Tuesday morning, August 2. at 9 o'clock, at the home of Mrs . Armiother friends tage, of Oregonia. Afternoon at 2 . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woolfer and o'clock, at Mrs. Murrell's, Clarks· Mrs \ Marv E. Burton, of Milford, ville postoffice. Wf're the Sunday guelta· of Mr. Jesse August 3- Mornlng, at 9 o'clock, Burton and family. Henry Millard, Oregonia; afternoon at 2 o'clock, W. B. Card er. ClarksMI8&e8 Ruth Gibbons. Grace and ville postoffice , .Helen Walton, f Bellbrook and August 4- Morninll at 9 o'clock, n (l t 111 artin. of Akron, ., dirl Marie William!!On, of Centerville, Mrs Harry Clint!, Oregonia; after· not qllit fig hting when the r wa8pent &everal days here and attend· o\'~ r . H a"in g w on the A. E. f'. noon at ~'clock, Mrs. Jos. McC"red tbe Chautauqua. he:I\'y weig ht ch a lllpioll ~ hip. he kept ren, Clsrksville, Clarksville postoffice ri<:ht 0 11 going and his knockout August 5-Morning at 9 u'c1ock, (If Ihe veleran Fr~nk - Moran In The Pend era' swlmmin' beach i8 New York thc other night stamped Harmon Moore, Oregonia; afteri.Btill attnctlnlr crowds every day, h im as :\ ehampionshjp contender. not only around town, but bunchel!" noon at 2 O'clock, T. F. McGuinn, Crilics think he should be ~ivcn th!! next chance at Carpenller, . and of people Ire coming continually Harveysbur,,: . Marlin is willing. . 'rom Lebanon to enjoy tha fine <August 6-Morning at 9 o'clock, D. B. Underwood, Harveysburg; af- - Bwlmmin". ternoon at 2 o'clock, W . C. Welch. The Fnnklin Chronicle asld last Harveysburg, • eek: "Melllra, M. S. RIIrIrS and W. These demonstrationp are free to N . Sears, of Waynesville; have taken .Yerybody, and it will be well worth over the Powell aroeery on Main your while. if you have chickens to Dr. F. H. Frost. formerly of Leb atreat. 'lbeae pntlemen are exper· cull thill fall, to attend the demonanon, ?ut well. known .to many of lenced men in the bUBlnesa and will titration!!. our resldent.~. dIed at hIS home in conduct a first-claaa ·arocery." Due notice will be given of the Dayton Thursday , The funeral was Ho,,'s this, Colonel! time . and place for the following held.ln Lebanon Monday afternoon. week. and Interment was made In Leba· ,7 - -non cemetery.
Phi li p Jo'U TllII H. Marcia Furnu, \1 arcill S. Poal1 lind Fl orenre Uoan , all oC I n di lt ntl p" li~, Ind ., while en· ro ute t l) Hir hmoncl. 1nd , to attend the Young Friends conference, Sun· ,lay murn inJl. wen" struck by an In· te rur uan ca r , t wo mil~ south of House for Sal (' - scp. Md' ean . (i rel'n tieltl . Tho d river, Miss Marcia I-:Imf' r Huge rs wn l! in Xen ia T Ulis, I>oan, was a ttracted by a car comina day . in the oPP09ite direction, and drove upon t he track, where her enlline l<'ound - AI Chautlluqua, 1\ haby'M ~ to p petl ami th e Interurban 8truck boot ee, matle of tatting . Inquire at them. thiR offi ce. The traction car carried the rna· chine aboul 400 feet before it could Mrs. Lest er Gord on. who was tak- be slopped. and it smashed several ~n sud?enl y ill Sunday, is rapidly telephone poles; and the top was torn Improving. ofT when the car struck a milk· load· S. K. Haines and son. Weller, of ing s tation, The wreck of the cnr Bellbrook. were iJusiness vi sitors was r~ported to. be the worst eve~ here Monda . seen In an aCCident . . The Fu~ Y were tak en to a hospItal od the Mr. and Mra. Nelson Thome, are Doans were taken to their own borne. Miss Marcia Doan was killed, and spending the week with Mr. Jas . Miss Florence and the Furn8ll' are McClure and daughte r. very badly injured. Tbe deceaaed Chas . Waggoner. of Lebanon, WW! prominent in newspaper clrelea went through town TUE'sday morning having heen an editor of the "Quaenroute for Columbu s. ker," and was the daulrhter of WIlIon S. Doan, who is almost 8 yearly Miss Wlladine Horm el, of Dayton, visitor here. All of the parties are spent last week at the home of Mr. well known here, and have nalted Roy Earnhart and family. here for years. Mr. Furnas III In Instructor at Earlham college, and hla Lost- A pair of gold nose glassE's sister is In the public library. . Finder please return to Ed win Chan · The acciden t has cast a gloom over dler and receive reward ' their homes as well as amana the The Misses Mildred and Ruth New- people who know them. The funerland, of Chicago, are the !tuests of al of Miss Doan was held Tuesday. - - -... Mr, W. H. Allen and family.
W:AN- -
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WILL GIVE LAWN FETE IN AUGUST Thtl Men's club turned their Au· .gust meeting over to the Premier band, and at the last meeting' a committee W89 appointed, and they de.cided to hold a lawn fete, place to be named later. bn~ the date will be August 17th. The band is in urgeqt need of fUllds to pay for their auita and music , and as they IQst all their music In the flr.e. new masic had to be Pllrchaae<l. , The band.has bee.n g'ivina conl'erta all durlnlr the summer, and they will take thl. evenlna in partlcurar' to make, little money. So' when the time comes. dO not h..rtate to C9IDI out and alve th~m lour sup-
- ..- --
Misses Anni e and Mame Brown, of Columbu s, attended the Chautau· qua and were guee ts of friends. Found- Pock etbook. , with ~ on ey and an auto key, Owner can get the same at th e Waynesvl' lle MI·lls.
Laurance Moran. in a letter to UII, Mrs. All en Hole, Mrs. Roy Hatha- says: "I read of the heat In the Eaat, way, W. N. Sears anr! daughter, while hele it is nice and cool; the of years, sbe bore her afflictions' with . Irma, were Xeni a shoppers Tues· highest temperatue being about SO. d At nilrhtit goes down to 44. and out complaining, with her patience ay . one can sleep under a coupleofblanand ;fortitude increasing as she Mr. and Mrs . Frank Taft. of Day- ket..~ and get up in the morning raneared the end of life. She was a ton, attended ChautauqulI . and were fr eshed , It ral'ns every afternoon_ devoted mother and grandmother, a th t f M d · d e gues s 0 r . lin Mrs. J . W. We are 9,500 feet above sea level stanch and unse lfi s h f rlen. Wh 't and Pikes Peak is 8till white with Her depar~ure leaves a vacancy in I c. snow on its summit." be ftlled, ann MrR.. N N. A rn o III , 0 f tl Ie Oh 10 ' I Mr. Moran lives at Cripple Creek • hthe house that. cannot th . '11 WI.. . 11 orne, 0 f Spring . C'I e II( , spent Col ., and he is surely fortunate to ber presence .10 e communtty . ,nasODlC ~ gre~tly mIssed, espeCially among several day~ here last week wit h be in a place where you bave to coval' t e chllhdr~n, .who always found a friend s . up with blankets at night. Gee, sympat etlc listener and helper In some of us will welcome that time their playas well a8 their troubles MiB8 Kath erin e Burnell , of Cen- too, - - - ..... Hen was not a life of show, but terville, attend ed Chautauqua. and her devotion to home and relatives, was the gu eRt of Dr. anr! Mra. H. E. her unsefish attitude toward her Hathaway , neighbors, and her oft· repeated as· surance of the grace and saving Mr. and Mrs . N . M. Rrickett and power of h(-r Savior, have left an family, of Tol edo, spent the weekWe received a letter from Mr . and Impression upon the livea of those end with Mr. and Mrs. Howell Pi erce Mrs Clagett, of Nogale8, Ariz, and who came in contact with her most of the Friends Home, they were deeply moved by the worle thal can never be erased. Isadore Bloch, Mrs . Ben Irche, of done by their neighbors and triendl, Cincinnati, aud Mra. Max K"obltiaulI'h-thf!lMH!olumns, to gen, of Lebanon, are the guests of th~nk everybody for their friendMyer Hyman and family . ship and loyalty to them, although they are 80 far away. 1'. A. Garner, Chiropl'actor. Oflice We can ll!ISure tbe Claaetta, that at 42 North Broadway. Lebanon, nothing W811 undone to help save Ohio Office hours 9;30 a. m . to 8:00 their property. p. m.'Sundays bv appointmont only . They write, "We love our dear Lebanon is asking her citizen8 for home better than any spot on esrtb, aid to avoid hankruptcy in her vil· Several baseball faus went to Cin- and that home will noUook the IBme lage council. They may IIBk electors cinnati Monday to see "Babe" Ruth. to us." -. to exempt Interest and sinking fund The "Babe" knocked two home levies from taxation, and also to in· runs during the game, one of them Swat that fly before It's born. crease the tax levy two mills . clearing the bases. Eliminate fly breeding placee, . Lebanon is In the same hole that other municipalities are in, and the Smith one-per· cent law is respon8ible for the deficit. Our own corpo. ration i8' not doln&' anything but actual work, that really has to be done, and they are vtlry careful about that, even. . MuniCipalities will have to do 'somethlng, and the only way out of the difficulty will be by taxation, and everybody knows that taxation Is high enough already. We are taxed for tbls and that, until we are beglnnina to think that life is one darned tax after another.
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Joe Marshall died at the Xenia hospital Wednesday evening, after a long illness. The funeral wu held at tho M E. church at Bell· brook. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Smith, of Spring Val· ley, conducting the services. Mr. Marshall was a weli known character in WayneBville for many years. He was town marshall 'for several years, after which ~be . went into the' race horse 'field. Htl was stricken with palsy ' several years Mrs. .~.abel Di~wlddla BOld her ag~~~4 .never tu Ily reeovere(l froni property on West Third street lut th..~fft~ly. He had, many warm week - to J. . C. Mu{ray. He will friend. in thill locality. probably occupy lila. new poll8eSildn about ~ptember lat, . ", · Perrle, the-20-y~r-old IOn of ·Mr. uid lira. Newton Smith' of Sprlna Valley, died at hi. borne . Thureclay Myer Hvman purebaaed the Bon- . .evenlDa, and the l ·uDerai was ' beld DeVille property on Main street aet Sunday from the M,iadle Run SaP- week. Mr. ~..,. be boUlht Uat Cbureb. ButcbiloD. of the propertJ for'an Inveatment. Con· WiImlDatoDj elderattoo II Dot Imowo,
---_.- ..---
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The Miami Gazette, Waynenille, Obio,
OI"nl ~" llJet n lll. pronlll{CO nlln to roo. UPWII I'(1. , It 'l"1I~ II dormf.'r "'lndQt\', ned to nn I 8('[1\'4" ilio n Il {,N.'B~ to tho root WII . "lOR" , Wl tllollt lin tn s lnnt 's h~8ltfltlon I, •• ;,hall rII,)IH!;1 all Ihoughts of rotrl'lI t;
I1h.' l1 rUHhl'd l o ~ 11 (' WII fi Unoly en~("uuc., lt, with hl ~ 11' 1( 9 u~lrlr1 ,' of Ihl' rlc lgl' ot HI ..' ",llttJo w. n tl ( II ynrt\ r roUl th€'l r Ih" 1I 1!'I . I !'"i,o"U l't'l y h l(l.1 .·1\ In th l' tth lldo\\', he
The ventures of A etnobilizcd Office1' Who Found Peace Dull
wOI O'ilCcI
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With ).."1'11 1111 hJle"utlun.
Peggy HO)'I, Am ric:\11 ~rI, has ' j us t Icored o lle great vi cto ry 10 fl ce a ll! !'; · ger ba~le, In str:li gh l o pen comp ~t iton Ihe d c,fc a lt d Ihe leaders oL her art from Ih ree counlries, France, E n gland. and America, bU I her real job is ahead. S he i. ex~c te d b y H enry W . S avnge, t h~ N c w York Ihealrical pro· duce r to prod uce a ha t ,whi c h w il l outriva l Ihe "M erry Widow" sailor o ( (oll rtcen year. ago . Sav. age is slaging a revival o( th e (a mous Merry Widow "cre lt a, and aft e r 11 d ue l h ' I\\,<r n m illine ry desil(n . e" . -r lal ed ~I i<s H O)' 1 (or t h,' I ' I. "j I' r ' al i"" a h" \ \ :: I " ' . t · rro to typr , '" I: sly ies .lor
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llIuSb 'otiOllS by IRWIN .MYERS Copyrlghl by u eo H D ora n Co
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tltklnl:' no pn rl In Ihe gnmo; Luk lng· __~"""'~~__"""""""""...........__..,...."""~~~..,....~~~~..,...."""~~~..,...."""....,........-- ' Ion . blind with fury, \Vaa runu lng rt< III\<l III .mull l'Ircl~, curwlng evlJl'Y' , " "'\ r l. ,~ ,'nl' IllIpnrl lllll y. tl ll~h 1. ·, 11" 1·, 1 "I 111m \\ 11 1t . '1"111111:\ I II ' :' I , "'I'lle cur Is ~111l t he re." A. man r urip..;lt.\ ; II \\ , .. I l l" tlr' t 1111 11 I, ' I, aol .. \ " 11 ", to ,". \ I I ....... ..l l o1\\ , 'd 111l ~· \\' t ll'rf·, ( ' Hili" up tu P eh'r, Uf1 , and H ugh henrd Il " 11IU ') )' 111\'1 " TI " " f 11, · ... , \\ lid \ J , ' ' : , II' . ! II ' _ I , ,"II ,1 111 .. 1 11I tl thlll\"fo'S, WOrl- It, wor,ls (l ISII Il(·l ly . Hrh~s 111 t ll i \ 11 " .. 11 :-\11.1 th " 11 Ih.· ,'111 1 d," !T n : \ \ I :.t 'I,,' 111'\ 1 tl l lI\' \ ' \\ nA J:C'lIIII: "'I.'h~ ... hO'8 prnhllbly o,' er nt I\e n· Of'H y \\ fl.';j "W" I ' j '( lI \ t, hS /I \ llr.\" dtr~J!I: I ' rll iii'. "", ,, Ill;" Ill " nlL:ht ' ~ ,' r(It·"I 1011'. ho use. I will go 111111 see." UII U;71 .j ,wlI t : whll t liu d 1',",",''''' 11 I, . do H ugh wRtched the th lck ·se t, mua· wllh illJl'!J Il ~ Ill" ! AI\'(· fI"ure stroll down to\\'l\rd ' l ic e For th" ",.d l1 . ·l l l 1 1 '~ 0\\ II tl. ·:tt 1ly rl .. k wll'kct gR I p, Bntl he laughed gl'ntly wn :i torllllll "I\ : I I ~! • •\\"Iltl-l ,, \ 'i l t ' Il, l ' l t t 10 himsel f. 'l' hen he !lrcw BCrlc)u! UlI,'{\ his ml",1 l \'111 ,1 It ].,. """II. It ' ngllln, ond with II s ll gllt frown h e t lm t hori'. III 1" "1. \\u!" tIll ' r '-II I , d •. jJ-.: t l,u ll,,<1 ou l h la \\'1Itl'h lln d pce>r('d nt It. of tht~ gnnJl . ""I1I1 J It h t· 1'., ....... \1 ,1 ,· I ll llt H ltl (.Jln~ t one . . . two m o re hours f'('ttl ~on '"I''' HI'j.,:H l tl/.lflll Il tI " Hh" l"J l1l ' l'e foOt l' dlll'·II . A rill In th ose two Iw urs pl M to Ir), 11",1 It,,I-Io '',·I1.(' 1 :"~I:\I,,n
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II 111 IISI' I1WIII r h u n):I·t1 I(l 0 bItt er fOrl'hotHnj;. "You fool I" he cri ed 811,I< I.. nly to the RUSl'lo n; alld every one ("'lIse" t Hlk· Ing. "You poor d-d IloolI ! Y""-IIII(I you r new ellMh I In P ClfOI):l'I1tl (",Iny brend Is two p ou nds f Ollr sh lll lll l:S 8 pound; lell, Ottc,' n poo nds "1'''1111'1. Do you ro ll tllnl frel'(lll lll ?" li e HIlW II coot em pluous luu gh. "Too surprIsed to s pen k, til Hus· alnn SIlt stn rlng ot h im ; nnd It \\' flS Peterson who br ke Ille s llcnce Wllh hlB !IUU,'e voi ce. "Your dlst",-oss, 1 nm ~fihl to sny, 18 not likely to b" one of Ion!! dllrll' tl on," he rem nrk C(1. "In ffl ct, Ih e 11111 " h8 8 come for you to rell re fur I h • nI ght, my young fri end ." D e stoli d u p "mlllng ; thon hf' wnlkeel over to UI!' h ' lI beh in d Hug h nnd rnng It. -- . I'Deod or mnd- I wonrler \l'hl ch." B e th rew lll" eml nf III~ clJ:ll r 111 10 tile gmle n ~ IIl1l/h rtl~l'. " \\'h lle> we d cllberote d(Oll'n hcre on " n r lull~ nlllt· te rs of Illlpo n nnce lI'e ~hn ll he th ink · Ing' or YOII upsl ol rs-tl,nt I. In ~n .I·. If you gel tli e-re. I s.>e thnt Lnklnl' IIln Is e ven nOI" heglnn lng to glollt In 1)1 !lS/lDt antlclpnllon." Not n mu scle 011 the snl,lI c r's fu r e twitrll(l'\ ; not hy the hint or ' R louk dlel h e ~how the kf'<,nl y \\'ut~h l\l g IIl1· dhlllce thnt. he 1,,," 111.1',1 I,I. ,Inn):e r. L nkl n/rton's rn ('e WII S lIl"r c'I I "~~, wllh ItA Oend lsh look o r nntlrll)llIl"n, nll,l H ugh s lllrl'fl lit him wllh h~ ,· .. 1 ('ye'" ror n whll,' before he t llrnl',1 10wlInl the door. ''Then I w1L1 ~ny 'Good nll:llt,''' he rcm nrl< ed oll"l1n l1 y. "I" It Ihe snmo room thut T 111111 111Ft tim,'?" "No," snlll " ('tl·l'!Ion. "A ,lItre rent oDe--spl'clnl1y prevarcd t or you. It you gr.t to thl' top ot Ule s tllirs II num will sh ow you wh!!re It Is." H Il op ~ II p(1 tb o door ond stoo el ther (' smil in g. And at thnt rnom ent nil the lights went out. TWO,
H ~ Op~ned
to tl1m. nr H ' 1r l C'l.l."COIO: nno pO\\'l'rful. \c omls CINlch"d nnd UI ... I,'III·I,,·,1 lo y lel ~ ~ t(1es , he l(rlnne d f .. In II.,· 10 hll .. s;ol l T hplI ve ry CIlU·
Icl ~
t(!lusly t il"! l'n lllflH'l1r t" d to reel his wny IOll'n r,1 I he Iln M. Ai th ll t ,","11 l'tl t somM ne hru8hoo p u~ t him. Llk l' 0 fl nsh Hllgh 's hond . Ie"t OUI nn,1 ~1 1'(lNI hIm hy Ihe nrm. 'f hp IlInn " TI 1/)(1NI onll twl~Ied, but h ll'n~ IIIm','I'I,'"" ns n ch ild, und with onolh<'r ,,1I.' t! 11I 1I)(h BII!!II fOllml his Ihmnt ll'lI h 11 ft; n lh ~ r hnnd. And lIl(n ln "1I .. n ~ " s('t tl l' ,1 on Ihe room . RU Il holc11l1l( Ih(' unkn own Illnn In front of him. h ~ rench p<1 th e foot of 11...- "'" Irs. nud rllPI'(, he pnu se,1. no hn rl ~u, I , I~III~' 1"'IIIf'mh(,I'NI til(' 111)'3' 1" I'IOlis tllln il whll'h hnd whizzed pnst h i. hpu,l th nt nth r Illll'ht, nn,l lIli'n "Iongell .\lull, 'nl\, Inlo tIll' \\'n11 hes lde hIm. \I I' Il lId r.:'JIIP "I' tfye s tnl rs when It hnrl 11111'1'1'111'(1, IIn,l n"'" \\'Ith Ill s foo t (11\ I h,' nr~t. he stU l't('t\ to do so me fII pl,1 Ihlllk lnjl. If, II~ 1'" I('r, "" IIo d 1, Indl y 1l".~ lIr('t1 hIm , I r'l'~' 111'''1"'' 1',1 to Iry nn,1 'lrnd him 11\(\\\. It \\.,," unli kely thllt Ow)' would kil l 111111 "" Ih~ s tlllr". At t he ~ nll1l'
Cigarette To sea I I n the delicious Burley
tobacco flavor.
It's Toasted ~4Z=:\""_"~ ' VMJ _~ •
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"Do 700 mean to sa y we've lost the Joung IIVIDe Bpln'" ao ld Lakln(ton nnlfl'lIy. : " Not 10lt-merely mislaid," mur· mured PetE'Mlon. "The more 1 lee or hIm the mere do I admIre hI. InlUa· tlve ." . Lo k lnuton snorted. "It wlO8 Ihal d--d fool r" ols ky'a ow n fn\llt, " he "nnrled; "wh, didn't be kepI' Rtfll as he was tolt! to do?" "Why, Indeed," re rul'lI,'d I'e l<>rson . hb rl ......~ " Iowlnlr red. "An(! I'm
" 11 11 ' 1-.: 1'1
l!" , ,' ~ I' tq ,!!I·" I , .. J.. " "U l ,I I"II " , ,"" I ' '''h l lt I a J:t , ,.,.. ,, 1 "' rl \"L' f! ' , ! 1 " '11,, 1 .llld " ' l' t'I, 1 " I , I " i" II, r ll sh lUL lt1 ",a be u.: anyone who o nJl-:cl ~ t o I, A\,n r. I h t L' "" tqth , in .... (' 3u' \ 10 n llnnlll h. 10 r t' lII r~I L t, Il ' t' 11.\ 1111 \ ' 1 '1" \11 1.... \11 ~ ", 1, 1111"; ,' ."" 1 •• \ 1 II 111 ' 1'1'1 .ruul l l r. , All."11 '1 .,
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cramp ed limbs lind In y hB (' k Rlfl\lnst the slOI>11I1I relot. It o[' ly h ~ hlld /lilted to I1ght a cll;nrette.
w.,,'. '"
.NVO RTANT ,,·!tI, , ', ,," 1/11 1/0: 1. , l lh" "III '- ' ~ \ ' lltU' ld \ ' 1'1 ''', \ ,'' I " .. ht'l'lI cl t :lfl) :, 11'\ I.".. ill ,,' , I.n ' ! 11 ,f. I Iq I I t , " I I. .. k ,I " Ihl ~" , " " ' " ...
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1"'111'11 . Hl'sl t1 " hl ,u Illt it t uh le \\ II> " hi" kt1~ .. I', "",I I' \l' ry n o w 'll,,1 tl lt'!1 l it' \\' t )\l11I turn o\' f'r U 1,·\\· pHgt \~
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Id l l! t"\" r)' 1I1t'.1I 'I'llI'll yn ll r. , ·1i :I1: .' \in ,. I\d l \\f'rlc an,f i lJ ll ti"lIr h\"I I1 "; V" ,l lU" " r r .c u Il'ul y UI , ttl ) ( ,\1 Jo l t 1':1 1, .. 1 . ,1 ~ , 'I, ),-,, 11 ~"'II' I II \\" Il:h t ,,,,,I "rlt" ~ \' I t ill fi ll ' 11 11 1)' a Il U(' li ll iJll L.I hn~ 111\1\ 1,1 . 1," ) " ' 1 I.. , I. ... ,,,1 1" 11 " I wl ',o( ) .. 11 1 l 'IU I,h ,;;\) ,\til' I hillk - t ht " ('n "'~ . Il"l l., r" l" t "~ ,' I ' "Ill hll d ' ; l " \'11 '! l l / f'" H {,III L'lIIt ' I' ~ I It'l ' Tit F. IU~ IS N I' S l · lt ... I II \ j I I " , \ ,1.. l h l l\, .. j ll'l ' ;\ .. I t.. I f' i, I' .. !luh!l l d ll t 4' f"l
time beLtlk U.ugh Wft.A BRItt, and wttn : "' II .... l.Hkl n~tpn ,' en)"n.,; n tt 'fl n ll\' rl n s igh ot r ellor ho . attet c he(\ hi s t.. " "III "f 11 oI ra w('I' III th p 1I ,·" k . l it'
I ' , !flu\'- .. t l, .. "' 11 11 .11; 1(''' 1 F II ~ I hllJ.! " ), III ,,,d J ,\1. , 1 11\ 1.1'1 II ~ YCl U' '' , If ~(' .\I 1.,l. e \ 11:111' '' 11- 1"" 1:l\,lt'b
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Rti-nld 'tt... ~mlll ncve-r KIIOW , ne I. ... cry d ORd .lI e tunl et l t owar(\ th(' h Ollse. " 1'hflt ('oltto lmles th l! en tN" tntnm@nl, g~nt l ("lmt' n t f or t o nti ht . J Ollnk. yotJ (,lin 1\11 go to h..<I." He dl flnpPN lr4"d Into the h OIHH', nnd
I N I,I· I\S .... \Vl-: I Li l i l AN n E t'lE kUV \V 1t 1~ ,'IJ T,\K F' N Wl Tl1 e: \,1:: RY ME.AL O IC M ON ti l ' IJ,\C K
It wa, hal f 8n h our b~f ,)re \)nll\l· mond ll""lded thnt It "'8 8 sate to Atllrl explorln .,. ~'1rMt he to , k 011' hla , hue!!. nnd tyllig th!! ln ccM t O I.''e th ~ r, h ~ .' Iun~ them IIrl>llnd his neelt . . T hen, ns sl · lently ae he co uM, he cOllllll('ncNI to I Bcrumblc u p,,·ud. 'It WIIS lint un eosy openttlon; ont' "lip lin d nothing eould Ito" e RtolJl)(l(1 him s1lcllng d ow n an d Hnelly crash· Ing Illt o thel go rdpll below, wllh II broken leg, ~I t Ih e I'e ry Il' u" t. for hiM pnIDB. In 11I1IIItlon, Ih ere was Ih" r1sk of dl slodglnlt 0 ~Inte. un unwls., proce edIn g In 0 hou se wh~re mOHI of the occupnnt H slppt with ,'ne open. But lit 10Rt he 1:0 1 Ills hlln.l~ ove r the ridge ot the r oof, aetl Ie anotb er moInent he \\'R S "lttl~ strnll dlewlse acros. It. A lad den rattle close to him made blm liar! violently; ooly t o curse him· lelt tor .. nervoel nBS the I'Il'xt moment, and Inn for ..... ard eRgt'rly. One 'ot thl bllndll htld been relell8ed from !iMIde the ")()In, and a IHlh!, dltrused IIIIIt ~mll Illtertn. OUI Inlo ttle nl",t from tbe Ild.e of thlt ,Iasl roof, He ... sa lUll cnlnln, backward 8.Dd for"aN to fry and find eome chInk tbrou,1I whLcb be could see, wilen, wltb a kled 01 uncanny de llheratloD, one of lite pnlles of 11B11 110'11'11 opened, It 'wos work ed 00 a ratchet from Inlllde, Dlld HOllh bo,,'ed hl8 thllokl to the unse.,e operlltor below. Then lie leant !ofwllrd ,'.mUous ly, 1I1Id. peered In. , , . The wh ole room was vl s l1ile 10 him, Bnd hIs Jow II ght e ll.,,1 ns t~k In tIIe ' s ce ne. In 1111 nrmchn lr, sm okln lJ os unl'lIncl'rllle,lI y as C'Y~r, so t Pe ter· . "n . H e w ns · 1'(,lIdlnll II I N ler . 1111 (1
Ah ~n l c.. ln
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Probllte e rnlrt Proeeedingi
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In Ihe tr ll·to,'~ I"JI Iln d ,' r Ih " wlll l --------~------- of JIlI'"h Mi1t e nh .. r ~ " r. " e'~' " "l' " I B"oo lltl I1crllunt tll'l.r u vtl i\ • In tQ.1l ,,_ 1,.1 0 "f Il:cn fllll t ' hnrnt" ' r . · IIliu , dooo!1""'1. -'F lr" I, IIIHI th " ai n tJ. : All 111 1 ill Ih i. (·"hlll'" i"l1 ""1', ' <tile ooun t "Pllru vfl .l, ~~~~..,....~"....~~~~"......,....~~~___ In Ihn tl~L lI o "f L"ni ~ " ,I. Wr il; lct., MONEY (.t)'\ i'l EI) d eeea Hed. ~'trll t "e d lIn.1 " CP'''llIl "Becauee Dear FNddle Hu Totd Me o pprov(ld . So," Anawered the Girl. In th o ostllte o f Mn r v ~:. YU lInJ{, d eJetl81l1i. ~- Irl!t IIIH.! li ll,.! Il ctl" unl Olle ne(1 It 10vII\gl y, ona Hugn 80W Ole flpprll\'MI . nnsh ot dlullIonds. {,nklnlton le t the In I,h o e Rl. (lto '" r ,lctfl\l'1l 'V ~ l r . ,I.. SWlll'S run thr"ug'!i his hllnd >, glltter- oell "oc\. f.1f1vf\nt h lIem) " " I, " l'l'r ov,," Inl( \\'lth 0 thollsand !lollles. whil e PeIn th e IIl III.le r of t h ll o.. l lI t,(, lO r '1' . tCI'SCllI \I'll I chell him cOllt~llt.uo'U!I~~t-r."r;:;(")"' vm. 8uu tlItm. (lcll'\''' "~ll. _ l" ' "I" " Ballhlus," he sllld , scorurully. H . !,;o lll h en Is ,llJp nlnt, '(l llI llll ini. 11 " . TERRELL ~\: TERRELl. , "I "·e ll.\· hn\lhl(!s. Whllt will you get trix. BUIII.1 'I IOU. O. H E:l i~J{i ll" \villlliD gllllI , 0 ., pllllllC f or Ilwm?" C h ilI< Invi ll1t tlol II. ,J. HIi ,)\vh()\lIII'O "'1'1'11, I,prhnps fift epn thousa nd, " re- RI't>ui utnd II PI'TH IN" r s ~ ) ~ II: Y L , ltt u~d I II II \'u poI ' ll o k tllroW the other. " Bu t It's " nt th e In l ito m~ tt(l r IIr t,h n A!<LH t il n f f 'hn t ( tt l.!>C , III ... i' 14" l1l llld 1U I) r ' f;("g ,,~ .1 ", oll ey I care ub ollt; It 's Ihe delight In ho \' lll~ t hem, an d Ihe s kill rC(llllred Eliza ,I, BOII(\, <1 (1COIl80(1. l uvuutur ,Y N .Ho ~ uO II ~ ht.. . 1,, 11111111 , 111'" '. " ' 1" 11 UU1 1f 1\ 1I~ , X Ullln ' l ! t \ ( I . 1\ .. :.' :.! • 10 ge t th'm," I\n ,l aJlJlrol~e \lIl' "' (\1I 11 \. » pl('I'slIn ~hrll J:I1"'1 hl ~ s holllclt' ra. In ~he m atter or t hA wI ll nr (; llIl •. "l;k 11 I whlN, would .,I\'I! you hun· J. Whl1l1o u. rj p()olls s d Will iw nd FAlll'lt FOR In:!';,\, clrl" ' s ot tJI OII'R;ln'l ~ It you turn ~d It tnl t.t.IlI\ ·t o w u hll tfl . l\I .. r~· ~;. Wiliol Io n e lootoll t,o t"k o ulI,l"r wi ll Intn III'nl,C'r c lllllille ls." Ln k IIIl.'t on I'ep ln cer\ Ihe 8ton c8, nDd AHM fOI' li uld ,II' th fO Ihlrol ~ . In . threw the eud ot hIs clgnrette Illto Marriage Llrenae. qulro o ( \) L 1l.IClh", It . I> ~, th e " rIlI P. Wn Y ll o ~vllI", (I I" " III WIlbe r ICirk. nrom~n . Wihnln ~t(l ll "T'lJ~s ll l l y, Cnrl, quit e poss ibly , Hut It boll s do\\'n to ti lls, my [rlen,l, 10llt Ol!J o , Ilu,i MIHH I~ru ce Culll ij, Uurlll\l ~' O \l like th e big cnllvns with broad Town s hip . FOR HEN'!' "rrc('ts; I lik e the ", llIlnlure o ll d the well·d 1'0 "'Il etching," Real Ltate Traftfua · Rlllnl WLA'L' tl n MillO SI." $U p .. r " "'h ldl mnk cs us n ycry hnppy COlO· lI \Unllt Pl tl n t .v 0 1 Ii ;( "', n nt! II lr ; OSORT "nd Emma l:Iowaru 10 C . IJ . "lnntlun," 8111d Peters on. "The p,' arIB, !I""'I tnrgel, nre your Job . 'rh" big and A. P Ollb urD, Pllrt o f 1J0 id wnttlr, fl luo lrio II xturu .. , Ifl r gll wlIHII I Ollu lre [It ::$ ulV)' o r 'zl WnYllo IlIlng"-he turned to tile oth er , and 8prinK oB mJlln g gr o und In 'l'nrtlo. m otu . ~1c.rk O I . j :l7 a trnce of exciteme nt CRme Into his oreek 'rJP" 1 1. . vOl cl.~ .. thc bl. thIng 18 mln c." Edward I", nu<1 ,I eMM I8 'r IInt.lon 1'hp sound at th e door opcnln g ma(Ie to WlIlhult Willinm s , lotH N .,,,, . 51 WANTEU - TO J("~NT 11() l. h llI en swing Tounel In~t()ntly ; then and 60 10 l:tRrvu,YM1Jl1rg , H Pulers OIl slopped forwuru wltli a OSOlIr'1' . Hlld AItOA Lilyhollrn e tu smil e liS Irma ente red. VoleOl~n Rnd Mllrio .fllokHo n , l'~ rt .,f AltM of I r.O to ~OO A, o n I,hl n l .. ; hU llt' k, 1ny denr, I \lordly es:pectefl lo \a N OH 11. I ~ /InrI 1:1 111 Cllfl I" If JIll 'S ~U "O W it , I II to 1G 1"'0)0£\ H()\v~ , "t.o YUH SU "OOR." Addlt·lon t u WnYll P8v ill o, fol. 1:111 VOl IJ tl l u uf IU .Y lIWll, fc/ . (I, :I~4 In u tow words he tuld lhe gIrl AIIlhll ,I . 1111(\' AIII1I1 M . HlIltt·1t t o N . B rulltlwlI,Y, L o blHl Oll , Ohit,. j'JT whllt hll(\ hnp\l encd, nn ,l she elnp['cd JOij, Bn,l M'l ry Itoig n l"porgbr . Jr, hel' hnnds tOicth e r dcllghtNlly. "Assuredly I 6111111 huve 10 mnrry I&Orell,.ID Cletlroroll k 'l'-wp.,
Classified Ads
Money to LO~lIl on
Farm Land for ten
ye:lrs at 6 pcr cent. :m.1.
Famous Inventor Says Bike .Racing Made Him Hardy Enough To Stand Edison's Work Pac~
fCt ' h l y
In hi s h ll ll,I", "",I n "lHI,lell IInholy 1001; Clln ll' "n t" lI u~h ' 6 fll ce: "It's th i' .. nl)' jlo s~ i\;lt! cllnncr," hc 'nI<l In hl n""I(. "n n,1 It It's YOll or me>. lu,lcl l(', 1 11'I1'I\S Il'H got to he )'011." Wi th 0 'lllkl< heny c li e Jerk ed t hp mnn oft' his f"Pt. nnd 11 ft I'll him III' till hlR h"'''1 \\'1\9 oho,' !! Ih e le\,pl of hi s own. T III'II clut('hl ng hIm tl~lIt , III' COllll II e>IH'('(1 to cllm h. H is o\\'n hen, l wos I",nt ,Iown, AUmc\\'h ere In
I1f the mnn'R hu ck , nnd
ho t nnll n o nOl lre of th e ( ee bly kIck· I n~ If'1:9. Th"" nt In" he rl'nched the f ourlh s tl'P, I\n,l !! un ! n flnnl n,IJII sI IIU!I1t to I,I. "~ tn l ' {! O ll sf'lIl IlS "IIl·,)e n. 11(' pres-ed hl 9 hen d en n lo\\'c r In Ill e rnn!l'~ I>n('k, nn,1 IIfl",1 111111 \Ill on nl he r three Inches. "lInw lI\1' flll1 y JolI )' !" ho mllrmllred, "I h"p" Ih e 1,;,, \111 \\'111 I'l pll s~ you." "1',1 .11111,1 q\llle still If I WO\'e YOU," 1!I,IIl l'e lo' I'8on "UII vely. "J ust IIst~n ." As Jl uglt had gambled ' on, th e I,e r· f or mll ll etJ wu tle ~lgned 10 f ri ghten. Jn stcnu of thllt, l omcthlni h t t he nl·,'k of th e nulU bl! WOB h(JI~lng WiLli 6\1Cl1 fOl'ce t hut 11 wrenched him elenn OU I or Ill s urms. 'fbee cO Ule t/l e clong b r~l ll c him , oM '111lt'h 0 SC~8 of omln ou8 t h mls 0 body r oll etl down th e aln lr. Into the hu ll below. "YOII f ool,'; He h eard Lokl ng ton '8 "You've voi ce, sh I'l ll with linge r, kill ed hllll. S,9 ltch on lhe ligh t . . . n B ut befo rc th e onl er couhl be cur· rl NI Oll t Hu gh hud tllsol'pell red, like a grellt cnt, Into the dorkn ess of the 1 1U ~S flll'e II bove. As luel< would hnve It thc fiTs t r oom lie durted IDlo Will ('mpty, nn d hc flu ng up the WIDdo,Y lind peered Otlt. A fnllll, wfi tery moon allowed blm 1\ twenl y·foot drop ooto lhe /rt'&8a, "n,1 wllh ollt hesl totl on he flunll hili leltl over lh e 81U. .And nt tbot !Do-
, ... '\..111 , '
,111,1 ,-"dUI ,,'1I r , 1 " ' ,1,, 1 , I "' t' /! ,,, ," Ih
tinu l 11 \\ 11,\ oh v'nlls 1t ' nn !tupl e.
uttknu wn
1 111 11 f ll l~ !o .... ).u \\ :lll t t " "IIIB \.I) ,l(t't flt'Ht" U '_~lv .lt , t..!I II UIi t h tl1~~'=<'>--J_ 1. 11 OUt t ilL l.uH(,", un.! 10.11,.1.. ", " I C" ~ . \\ Itl .. t il III' , 11(".];It II ) . " .. lIl " '111 !,lIil· ' " I' IIH' I t:'I'Ionl" l lI r .. ' ,ll.J \ 1\ , :1:\ ~t."\I 'd If, 11 ~I U "; II 1,\ 1\ (, \ · I,.... lIh ·" \\, 1h tll dr ' l1c:a l ~ \ '11;'11\1 1' 11 I ~ " 1I11V 1' 1' 11 ((, 11 tr •• " d 1,.1 It \ -
wtla: h :\n,J
Ole oth<ff'll fCll1 ow('tI slowl., .
With Firnl Healthy F e.. h
JI.." .~ r s !
l1lf'nt ('f\Jln h lp nr r\l' C'urnt ca n<1Justlllt r llt, nnll tlwrt'f"I'" 1\ ",o s Illnl'~ Ih nn lIk,' ly Ihnt tlH')' \\'I)uhl usC' It to frlltht(' 11 h im. Anll If 11" ,._ dl, I- lf Ilipy did ...
t! l\\
Th e ,Inrk ll<':<s cou ld he> (('I t. us r('nl
the Door and Stood There Smiling.
of whlrll [,byllls had spoken to hlrn th e r oom wht!re Ln kln lClon ke pi his I r~ lI~ur ll'l!. But un lll the px cltcd thrnng bolow went IlIu o.. r~, It W)l S lll""f,' 10 IOO\·\!. On el' oar of I\ll' sltodow , any OtiC \\'oul<l be nlli o to ~eo blm c rn\l'lIng o,'er the rou r In till' moon light. At tl mee tile thought or Ihe h ell). le8. mnn tor wbo"e 11 m th he IlIl d In one ...·Ily been re9110n81ble n"'" rrl!d t o him, bu t bo .hook Itls h(,lI fl nngl'lly. It Illul h eee n ecMl~ ary, he re>ullzNI : you ('o n cllr ry someon e tll'Rtnlr. III a nonulIl h ouse wI thout hllll h)( "lng hi s lI C'r k broken- hut RIIII . An,1 the n he 'll' oml er("j wh o I... \\'II S. It hll (1 hl'p n oll e of th,' '''''11 who .n t r oulld the Il\bll'-of thn t I", \\"" " to h·r· ably c~rtllln . Bul w h!elt . . . 7 \vo. It tbe frhch tl!lIe d bunllY, or Ihl' Hil S· slo n, or th e gelltluU\l\n \\'lth the hloo (l· ahot eye? Th o only c,.mf"rt ,,' M thllt whoeve r 11 hod he,!", Ih e \\' lI l'lu " ·,,ul<l nol be appreci abl y tbe poorer f or hi s Budden decea sl!. The only regret WIIR 'thllt It hadn 't been deftr H enry. , . . He hod a dl.tat t or Henry which tar " L'e('(led hI s dlsllke of PeteMlon . "He'll not OVtlJ' thore," PErt0l'80n'B 'Yoice came to blm frow helow. M And •we'n wl\'~ led tlllle enougb as It ~," , The men hllc1 pther1!4 t ogetlter In • group, jUllt below whel'll Rug\! w .. ',lItlnr, ....ldeDtly awalllDI furtber or·
!l\ ~t\
Yo ·
lIud "htOn l \\'0 c1..:hccl
• (0
T hi. Is how Miller Rt'ese Hutchison, I ·~ E. , l'h.D., famo us invenlor and ... t'it'll ti st, .u ,well as spo rt fan , m .,d c hilll, cJ r I'hy ~k ally rUljged ' enough to ,ilm work 91 hours III one week a. hid c!lg ill Cler fo r Th omas A. Edison. i r . I l utch ison in 1896 laid down what , ;I0Il rI,l'" a bike record fo r the South-. " " II li llUlc s ,·ilj ht and o nc· half sec" d, fu r Ih e lillie. " I h " I'e bl'CII io slri ct athl etic traln, ' 1; a ll Ill)' li fe , and that is why 1 am h!L' I" arise n ow at 6:30 o'clock in I he llI" rning and wo rk straight ' '' "."" h the day until I :30 o'clock the l" t f1I' Ir ll i11g," ~xplaint.:d the inven lor ., ( Ihe A,'" usticon for the deaf and the I': I" ' un ll M II, wllo has just become ,."..- i,kn t \I f an orgallization fo rmed " :\ew York to ma ss Ihe inventive " 1 ;' lIi~ c ll cc ~ of Ihe world for group 1"li" lI in quick and efficient development and rnarkelinl( of worlhy inYe!l·
g incer. , Dr. Hllt chi son will 5cek It' (oster in vention :",,1 finan ce ", " rrl while devices (rorn hi s " )'ri e oni r cs atop Ih" \Voolwo rt h nllil,lillg. Dr. Hut chi s,)!) Slat,·" Ihal he W ;IS altle to work da y alld night at Ihe si de of Edi.§on with uut cx h a u ~ tl\' 11 a nd I n continue tha i degree of lahor thrcl\\g' h· out his li(e beca usc o f th e bicvcle racing, SWilllll1illg, fencing, CI C.,· he indulged in d urillg hi s Yll uth. Dr. Hut chis on evell no w show s hi. four sons SO IlI C fa nt')' ba ck some l'sa nlt ~ivin!f, and. can ride hi s pri ze jUllIper . n"n, With C )( I'~rt hor ~f lll c n . lit:forc~s hiIllSl~ J( to ~,· tling , u[I ex cl'd,c' t'\.'t'ry tnnrning J{r.illg through tlli s daily program while hi. balh lull ' ,. Iowly fill.. "1 6erci .~ ev~ry mominl( while waitin, 'for Ih~ bath lub 10 f,II," he explained, .\ "I'\'e bad 8 small fce,l pipe to the tub, 'In.talled yean lljJo, tin,,!. Idt hi!lct because 'while I'm \Va il llljl In anociadon with Hud.on Maxim I have ·1IIe liDle to get the morn'ng ,,1\(1 other inlernationally known en- exerci .. 1 ~..
thnl lIIun," she c rI ed. "He 18 quite th e lell st boring Indlvlelllni I hllvo mct In thl R ntro~lous country," S he snt dowlI und lit 1\ clgnrette, "I BUW Will· , t " r t onll/hl., He cnnte over especially to ~ee you. They wnnt you there tor o meeting, at the Ultz," Pet erson frown ed. "It's mOilt Inco\lvenlent," h e reo murk L'I1 with n s hode at nnnoynnce In h lw voice. "Old he sny_ wby 1"
------ - ----(To he en""""flc1 .l
New Ballll William Fox va Lula J. FOlt . For dtvoroe . . Geo W. Fairman VII LODlee 'E, Kr.,zer e' at Bor 'he recovery ' of penonal property. S. A, Groll8 Y8 Minnie J, and
Commlsllonel'll' I'roc:,oedlogl BlIle allowed : -The Bo ubH.M e rrill lli.. sopplios fnr C. P . Conrl" JRll.UO; The Ohio L"w Roportflr, 2 Huh,orll' tiona tor V. P . COQT~, '11; ,J u hn Vne Born e.servl oo .. uurin I OclUlllliUnl', J I ; ~. J, Klphllrt, B~ lIl O, I I ; C B. Dtlc h. Rot, P . M .• {lo~ t~A'(l. Iii ; Tho 1:1)111111. bus Blllnk Boo k Uu" Hnpph e" f ll r I' . J ., ' 7 ; The Vulloy T elephon e Co" r e DM RDq tolls for Jone nod ,JIllv, 1 04.40; Tb e WRrrCIl Vounty A ppe nl, j o b for Trellsurer, 12.·10; J : r.Gr~gg, R Rnd lJ. repl\trs, Clenrcreok 'l'WP io '12 (i0; BIlDOODk BroA., mOlllA for jllrore, t1U.7ti; fli e Co \ull11J1l s BII\l1k Book Co ,suJlplles for Budltor ,U . 2r.; The Vltl)lf.l oS N"..tlooril BaD k, "m Oil rent for Pro~eolltlnl( AUorney, IGO; llIq tlllllt of body of Olf'ver Rlugo, ..a:l.90 r-:lnqtleet of hodv of MnUhia8 Koller $4 .76; SbAffor & Willi IinlS , aervloAB In re bomls . 1!i0; Stak a lta Mfg, Co, eDpp\tes for eur veyor, $10.36; loqneBt body Ii\aln.e Snell, "4. ~5; Bernard Bnttery Statl o u,r oDt of ' battery, iG,76 ; Gaylord Bily ne, rornl,blng and p \lIn" !!tODII, 1211,00: Irwin Roueh; gravel, 110 20. "
. '
f ull 1t1''10ill l Bo,.!.k, p oo kot A gOcl(\ HIZIl .. od nil g' '''' \ 1I"l'o r 1hu
lI1l"lIll Ullzot&e
I)'f'OIW YC LI': - T wIn rO \1IIIn . 1\\rllllr., III l?tI\u k W U ro w . I'h "ue Il :J -~ g , W I\Y I,Ollvi ll o, Ohi o , j~7
MOTOllCY CL l!: - I OI 5 Harl oy UI~_ vhl s fltl, 2 H l IO O 'l~, in /lund ~ hllptl . U"o b e BOOIl at A f" bro ~u D eoke r 'oM ut Dodd!!. Ollie l'tlor.e, W ,lvn cs . vl110, Oblo , 'j27 PlANO- Sterling, fine I.o n e l\, .lucI In lI(ood oondllloll . In'llliro nt thI s ollloo . j~7
1Hood Shorthorn Cow, Mlx.wook8. old Oll1f ·by Aldo. J, L MpndOIl .
hll11, it. 1.>,3, Wnyn es villo. Oblo '
1Dllxler Do uble TllbEleotrloWaRh_ or, 1 VaOQlllll ~:Iuotrlo l:lweeper
1 Refrigerator, 8111e loer, Devu boe~ uaed . All the abOve ItUIl' will sell llbout oDs.h"U price, IDqlllre of Osoar Laybourne. j27
-- . - --~.---.T1IEI1E NO
P I'"
.\ .:1 y
I ,
, W 4!, nesville, Ohio.
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' ('U IU O
l In
U <:'o . Bn~lln, who wn~ OVAT.
hy tll' ~
t Ill' ~1 "1I0 t,,·, ttflr,
John H. Wright ![ Farm
o n 'l'npfold aYt is
dl1l,k" .
k \'. \11 1111
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I " , lilllll1" 1, 1 pr " ,;" ,"'" " , ' IS Ih ll wri l ll r , hr f'" ltlll~ 1M Llil finl s b ed in this h ,," 1""'11 l" f'IfIl1 PI\. lJ l' " 11 .1 '. I h p " 1lI~hbo rbootl . ' ,r~"-I1"ttnd IY ~ ".' ~~ '."UOll H 'UlZh l'l Mr . lind Mr~ , I<: lIt. !'\prlLY lin d fllmIII ,·,. 11,,,1 II,," I, . b I hnmp-n n hU H lIy "p" nt Rulltlt.y witll MrH. Baoollh !1o:II "I'" ' " I I,,· v ,'n' },,, - , ' '' rill. 11 0 1(, .1h , who Rtill co ntlouos very s l ok. ",""Pi' III IIt!..lt t " I ' TlI ' ,, ( 11111 tthiht y o r . r ' I'" I ''' I'It'r~ . ;I n " tI , .. fi' lfl i,, ;I , .ln1lH1M C'l nnvor f e ll tlow n st,,\irllllt h i~ hU/IIo n e llr hElru, lind was se . I, I : I i , ~ .! 1l. t hC~H' rld" !--"~~\'-l1l. \ n roly inj ured . •
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In()tJJl r .
t Il ,'
wlt, h
l lI' t\
1 11'
Practical Vaccinator,
Hav e hall
I(ood success ill Immuning 0 11 bot.h sick and well herds.
" ' ..
t il l '
Bellbrook, Ohio
Hay, Straw and Feed,
DR. W. E. FROST VaccinD~ion R in~
Spccialty, Nolh. but Reli nble Serum used Harveysburg, 0,
ll:d ' II '~~"' ,
W IlYIlSAvllle's L elldlnli: Den'I.,
11 C' 11 rJl l't \\' 1tlH . t\\\" ,,, kn ~ It''l
Offioe In H ,dneM Bldg .
Ii I 1\' • f bn prt1 l'flb ttl o n 11'1 t'\xp\uinccJ I hp l r ;. \f rl pol O'" n' pro~untu t ivot4, 'I'ld I" lI' lI\01 II , "n~h II w ily Ihut y o u .r ,' lullv <'II I\\' llIrI'f1, II n,1 I h oy nrc \ il l' ,n t.,' ,In th, · JlhIIH'yn,1 pl\o pl o wh n
MaIn 8,
Dr. Lloyd B. Hal!
V tJ U o nn got. 'l nilJh l f1
t'n .\'\\'ll/I' ~
l .. ,( . . ,t
\ u th 'I I " ' .~
. \ .. \.
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\I.u~4 -.·.~HH' lt ty
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lJ'ltt\r ' n O )l it hn f nl l'" ~ ' 1\' Yol O P"'~ \)oqnkn ,Yt'r \' IJ tl 0 1l1 d lo1 l'; I, 1·1t ,. ,· nliJl oI ,' ~ n I' l' r In ,\' . .'
Veterinarian 1
:\ '!
'II' 'If ni 11111 111 "';
~lr ...
Fuurth S tr eet , n ear Tyler
(~Hrr nrrivl' (l
H II1 " ' d \\'I',d(. ' l t l.' r
l,· II 'I,. I ': """" 'lr· ll~ i J' A
VI :..dL
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
Mrs. Jam es .\ . S lillll\~n, w ife o f th e form er presidenl o f Ihe Nillioll~ 1 Ci lY Bank, who is CO'lIl' slillg Ih'r
1 " 1 , \ 1IJ ... t'. ' WIIH1 tilt"' wh l t t l f 'I' ; 1\ I\t\ ' f ., ~:·II,.., III /'1 )1 11 tid I"hu r . ' "".. . 1'\' 1 ' \ : 1111 ' I (' " " " 111' 1'\1n,l , ~
hl ' ·tr d
Walter McClure'
I. ,,, 1\
hlJ~h and's
su it for d i\'orc c on the of IIll f "i l hfu IIl C~S alld illt!!"i,i. llI ar)' of Ihe eig hleen-monlh -old Guy SI,II"""I. wo nld h,l\'c Flo I., · ed ~ , fo rme r Zcig fcl,l F ol li es g irl :lIl ,t "sou l mal c" o f Ih e brough l in to open cour l 10 fa ce a ~ros s ·li .. c c.x alllina tioll.
..• DENTIST•••
Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room
Waynelvllle. Ohio
1\'lcphllne 93
with IIOY ~\IIt "f 111111· - III (l Il V ~ l lIIl, le rwu to r wher e th,1 httl n ~ l1O k " rA I I Willi I m ~' 1),,11""" . 1111"1 ' ''1 1111 , " " , ~-l;lv ':_: '£{!r.<,,! "II' ,·,' I,,'Il;:,,! 1I 1W ,I' '''' lt, h ''II\lOIl ' I3lt th.ro II"it "rI· ~,oItl t t (' II ~ I" H.I: . 'I" ,.,11"1111 ,, " I'!: II I I \1,', I I .' .', ' ( 1\-1' L,""''' ' 1,,,1 : ') lIlIl· w"I'I< ·!' . WII It . ' I ' f 1'1 I I' I . f l" I' I • II I .\ ' s poc k 0' WiAdllm 1tlil pi n , hook " ~I II " I I I ,, ' \' '" In "I .r ' IV II', . ' . '\ f .. 1,_ . \h 'l l I , 11 ' \'''11 h" ... enmo, h IlSR . " ~t, rtog . w hi ch ,\l.tfllot R illot of n , h I S n- I " 1 It' r~ 111m 10 IlnAI" 1' 1' t l.. , " ", I' .Ii' ' ," , 01 I" r'} I': ·, ,,,,'01 \1 ,,",1 II :.tL(rl"v,\(lly . '' I t''~ bl A~ wltil~I' YIlt1nnVl1r~f' t.(J h ,. lhln l! ! [j, h I It II I I , '~n In' . .T!I,:I'· :' '. ;' I ,·"",11' 11' I llhl,,\ rlt " " I~ ,' fylln r~don'l Y:) U OJLfl ull ur!ol fi nd th o fI~h' n ' l tlbr nn ll , l fi' \."I n !" nr A, jn \ t,lhl\ t~/-.,t'-/l I ! 1111'" \l, '! Ii .. : ( d II ,'I (!I/', · ' t.I,(· IH I'IOI""' ttt all .· '
th~t IR ~nilAd tn y , " ' r · ~ hlil. if y,) 11 rollRr hY
Waynenl.Je. 0
National Bank
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Feed Grinding a Specialty.
DR. H.E. HATHA WAY ':--_ _ _ _ _ _--:
, f )IJ'II \\. h t) !t I lt I'Ll 11,,_ '1 " P,\ Il \ "l h1 11lP ll t h U ~l n f' ~~ n t I, 11<1 111(' 11 11 \ '. Y \~ u nr n uot Ut ' ux ro d
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\ \,h il/'It
Phone 44
\\"111 i uout lt
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In' "
Flour; Feed, Coal, Salt. Tile, Posts, Water FOUIltains and Self-Feeders,
Both Phones Home Ho5·S B'ell 4-1r
I \' ' Ill l'h ln ~ i~ n(l h ltl ~ tl\r nw~ ~ 11 il r \,111' 11. 11. ' I'I \!) :I .:! t h llt· t lr o lr 1) f rllT . h dr, " "1 1"' 1\ ,..u lli('IPn t, t o t,lln ~I'! II ~:J I tlt! pn!"dlllll rnr' n t th o y pu l lf ll \. £! rlu1 i.. '" If'tl !.llth' r . \1I
- - --.
~ ----
E El verett ar y
A. SHUMAKER Veterinarian I
1I1 "di 'lid' ... 111\ ... pnl l l'(l Iol f ,da'!-l.
1' 111 Ii
11 11' , WIll ('1I 1\, 11,, \,1' Ih ,) II ,t Il\\· ,t y. II) ',1 11 Id,lIul
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OPIIO evenlnlll byapp&lntmeIJt
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Telephone 76" rlnl lJl
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TI~'FANY'S 8. Detroit
nl t Hn l\(1(l
Mr ~ . :\lnllrl CIBa ver
GlBSRS Fitted
Rolh Phones
1. 1 ,
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(h I' 1 1" ('j,'I\" ''''I' p r l!!) 1 " .. ' 11 L' ' I 111111 - H nr l1, wu h\' o \.n th ' '-1'I1 '·.\' tr y t il IJ I I l: n : I I 'Lrd1ng , ~ 1' 11'1"1 l,' n l I , 1 11 1' l 111 1. \Hi (or ~nt Ihlll'ln w fl ll ,, \') "lwH y ", llv, .,l :--; 'ntl' wlth , th ll~n fur ""h . lIu WI ' 111 \"11 lU I.) ! T h o ~lJ' rh T w li n ~ ' n l .\ ' Ill tl)" 11
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I ... (,11 ... t ~, " ,
,I t n \lr !.lf
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and Live Stock a
Bellbrook,i Ohio
Hl),nn .
1\ 1l1t
P llll'"
Jll . • I1\I Hll('e~ .
'1" 1'" '" " I h ,,>!~ I .. 1" ' '';ln~ up. l'll r ~. M i lli e Murtm iEl n ot very woll I lI( )\\' ,H'I rH rJ t pu r p. ltr ti (t. ~o'Hl l id thl R \\.~ ritln g. ..... . d JI . hnd . (·l! lO ft h () g~ u t'l' III Hn l! \ " "
'1 \\'h l ll
Specialty Ralis fadion Guaranteed
M,;;s Nel li e \V 'Hwl c k, of ()rego lJ , r ol utiv oH Hot tlli H ])lu en.
Sa lcs
t ,.. Exammed
h"l1lill~ I
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Waynesville, Ohio.
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1 " ,1 ,,\ r'g l d
The Miami Gazette
1111 1'11 ... 1111 "':-:
,\"" . AII ,'n "," I I, r: 'l'ho llll'" o O, Mr~ C haun oey BlIl1null 1111,1 Mrs. '" 1l "" I'I, I ' r ') \'l' , W" ' " . " tl l '"~ I'll "1 11m Dunn WAro c llllod h nro to tho ' " , ,,, I,, h,'"", Frl ,III)" a lll1 r n nl'wtlli! l 'r\( l ~ i "l ll of t hoir m 'lth or , Mr ~ . Geo.
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( With t.i/o' og'OI ' " &loILJ.r UOOM)
'I'hf' fon er'n l h,·!d lit. rhn l' l('ttl M . E. ohn r ci.t ,
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Old'l( iIlg Cole \Va :. a ruei-r old sou l, And a llIerry ol d soul was he. H e (' nil d for his pen ,\ 11(1 he- ('u lled for his pads Alit! he wro te 0 11 an average () t' (II r C'C' C In ssifled Ads. (:\nd h e go t results)
It rlnH ~I ' I, i n n"v ,' u n r t h o tt" WIl, h(,(ID '1',11(, pt, u ,ly t ll r ~ov e rt11
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CHOICE OF MATERIAL That YOll will use in your new home is merely accidental. The point is-Build! Are you using the argument "that you'll build when Prices Come Down?" If SO, then it is time to bury that moth· eaten phrase and get busy, bec&pse prices ARE down. They are so down as low as they are going to be for many moons. . Do you know tho,t America today is in itnm,ediate need of two million h0!De5 and houses? Do you know that prices are as low as, actual cost production, based upon readjusted wage scales will permit? If you know these things'':::''then you are of th~ thinking persons or faD1i1ies which are g~ing ahead with building,
\' I (" t nrl l1u~
, I "~" "h 11"1";,11111'1' I'l-lVf\I' ,,1 weOkH' 1 11I of'~ : I" 1t~lIi O' llbl{\ t o bo Oll t , V" I t'r ,,, P<JIl r Oil In I.h e 19,,11, !\n c! :1 ' rr 'F~ Rtr r lllll R ,irS lo w , aDd we I ~l f\ '(,nll!!( It \, Ar v mtl(lh : o r, potn, t "". " ,H I " Ny litt nr IInytbiog, bu I WI> In n ~ 1 n o l o \' or)ool. t,he n b nndnn ce ' "r n\,l'l'y : lting \VII h f\ \' O II IW I'YII hu r\. I I h I Il l'l l he" k iok(1f, but- loolt oon di· , t.ion~ Mm il!ht ill III fnc, 1111(,l recog· I nlz tll n t U Iii f o,r oo r ho o fie. Jt \ 11111 kl'~ ~ II'( "ti ger IlI AO nod womon, Ilnd wn 1I111~t I " I'll to All orlflco.
~ ,
-- -~.-----
W. H. MADDEN &. CO."
Bee-H untlng I Proiha ble Busl ne a.. JII Itll' • '\ '\I ,lr e 'jf 'Florlda tb b"nt· In.!! of "h('(~ t rf>l! s" IR n prnOtnl:ole buS!' \ n e~!t. R neorrl of" wild hOney d~[los lt. or O'oro I hat. ROI) "OllOd9 In :110110\1 I tn'e~ hO!l b pn natnt!. Tbe tr<>e8 ore 10roll"! t,y hll LlI 'rs who tollow th.e ftlllht of til bPc.s . It require, keep .,llIIlgbt IUId n eompu&
~aynesvllle, Ohio ~Let
US Jrive you
---;;~~a:n~e8::t:im::at:e~ .....~~~~::::;;;!;;;:::::;;!;;;!;;;~;;~::::::::::::::::::~~.JI
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The Miami
HQrlce 01'1101")" Philo ophy, Whence "Stentor iAn," TlloBe who I1l sclHlr " WIlI" I,lly nnd \ n ~ It hernltl with Ihl' r()l'Ce~ Ill'nltlltnlly fiJ I th Ir .Iu t It,~ ttt 11 ." • •,- who rul'\' Tr,1\' wni\ h l ,'g~ ~'1 \\' lI h ft very till IIv .. In thn n ,'~h. r nll I1 n,',- I' ILI II t- I1dll ,'rllll ' "o1<'e, 111 lu ", \\' 0' ur,· toill • It· I""" for Il()kl ,,~ '11111 1I,'NIII ' tolln Ii 1\:0" f\~ loud n K lit",,· 'If nrt nther fht': li t IIUNliI
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,lpr,- l1 f1rOce Or.·",,-,),,
Geml" "', "Ou; 'Jertha" lI un
w 10 I C h d 'O Ptl~d ~hel l . on Pa ris at a di" ta ncc of l'O~V ·
(II NI . '1' hu mnn'tt nrlw" \\'u:t Stl"u t or 0 1'11 r r,l m htq nnm(" ,(\'11 tl,·d\'" nu t llJ o<1 ~
( I'r" \\'o rll
Guet~, Wayne.ville, Ohio.
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mil~ s ,
f ad ~,
A qUll rl !'n ~lI l o1 ((>vl'r hO B h r nltl'1I tl ut in t it" ( ;J' O'e n (jc I J- Ullilllo ri tl ~l' (' nun try \\ ilh t it , ;lItn UIlI1Cf' IIIl'l1t Ihn l Ils.~ ay t!'s ts have Hholl' lI s JJe Ci llwlI ~ v f q uar t z, foull d ill U\J, ' k~k i ll c rl'ek , to contain g old . Two men - T homll" Goon s . of Greenl it!l d II lld Willi a m ·llIul l"y. o f Bainhritlge - a r e the promo te rs O) f the propoHi I ion. TII('Y d iscove red th E' go ld by acci.lent. Mr . S matley. a co llec tor lI f f'u ri n~. hll villg pic k!'d up so me ~p(' rirnal1 s o f r ock wilh ~ Iill e r , ing pil'CC8 nf g o ld Mhowing on tlH' surfllce , h ... g ot in tll u ch wilb Mr . ( ;UOIlH. all old pro~ Jl eC'lur IIf I he we:-l l and Ih el' h l'~a n lUI inv ('>!1ij.("al iUIl . SIJl'c ime nH of qua rl z. SOli list one and hlll('k dir t . ('ont lli nilll! lhe particl.'Hof orC', wpr' Rl'nl 10 nn II ~H l\yi H I and e.)( umillulion 1111.1 t eH t ~ >!hllw ed th e ore to he Rolol . 'l'h " me ll hllVl' IClIRed 200 ac res of la nd . uct: ordifl l!" 10 a Htory fro m, ('hill ico th", lind willlll·g in ol"'rnt iOIl R tu " "lain I·he min e ra l U:l fll HI us PUR:lihl e. l'h,· farm on wh ic h the ~ I' ec ime ns w e n~ picked up li \,!H al Hl ul three mil e!< fr om Bainhrid ge Ill wnnl t ; rl'c nfie ld on 'l uck. kin c r eck,
int o in sig nifi cance
. bdore th e new 8un A menca n wh ic h w, lI shool g :l~ born b 5 or shell s wd ghi ni five tons a distance or .lUO miles. Suc h .. gu n has not ~ rA built as y~ t , but in a mini-
. ~\ \\
" ~~
~ ~
Now 'nrl po V ;\1:1" I, 1!'::! ~ .
'" "w 1";" )'on w; lI
1 n lll s,'lIillg t !tl '<;e :I t :l ~ harp n 'dt h' t ion 11t H ' \ a n d if th ere i ~ a f llT llt e r H'dllc t itln 1l\.' 1\1n\' I , 11l2:? , I hE.' \liITe n' m 'l' wi ll Ill' r('(lI l1 dl 'li 101 YOII ill (':Is h nr Ira d,·. Thi s i.; Illl e' h .l rit\ · , hil t :llll ls i11l'-~ ~lI(lpOSI IIClII. (tl IIH' III :l u cl J will (':'..pl [11 11 II In .YOI1 .
i Fred ~
( h,
, \
~ \
M. Cole
Hardware and Farm Machinery
" o n llefore noted 'AnH' rtcan . inven-
tnrs in th e tower or t h e g reat Woolwo rth BuoldinK at Nny York the othe r 'day thIS lillie II un .hol Slct l bullets lit ro ug h a threeQuar ter inch steel pla te, as shown in t he pictu re. Exp~ rts declare the hog !fUn prac tical. JI I! smoke les s And almosl noiaeless - the 0 n I y , ound eom ong ,woth the im pacr 01 I It c b u I , e t aga inst th e steel T he ume princile 05 to ~ 101owed in_ riY~rlng ma chIn es . lor ship construCllon
Wayn L'sville>, Ohio
reene County .. '. Fair •
Wed"t' ~dny ~ : :~fi
:! :~~ 2 : 1I~
I'/lcf' ..... " ... . $.\111) 'i'reo!. " ... . ' .' ''. ·IOIC) I'ao·e .. .. ·· .. .. . ,I I ()
:~: Is
T reol I'll,'" :~ : II 'I',.eo (
:~ : tti
$40n :l: :!O Pllf'e .. .. ....... $400 .. . . .. .. 4110 :!::Ifj Tru l ..... . _... . 4(10 ... . ,lOCI ~ · I · 1 PIlCI' .... ...... ,100
======-=--=------ ._-= = = nispfays of
!gricultural 1"!.l!!emenls..... Horses Cattle.~J~eep:...Swine .... Poullry....
Farm and Garden Produce............ For (url he' r inf" rlltll l illll oo r I'rt ' rn i\llll Blink, IVlil l'
Paint Prices Again Reduced!!! Lo?e Bros, have a nnotlncecl a nal her decline this week in Paint and Varnish Prices , amI we are passing it on to our customers,
High Standard reduced $1.R5 per gal. Mcllotone reduced $1.15 per gal. · From Last Year's Prices
• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .
I have the agency foJ:.. the
U nitedHydroTire W~ich
is guaranteed for 10,000 miles,
Ohio Wblte Orpblncton club and tbe American S. C. Brown Legborn club will hold their anoua' meets at tbal time, One feature ot thl8 year's show tbat sbould be noted Is that tbe Ohio Farmer of Cleveland bas 01· fered a handsom e sliver cup for the best pen. all varieties. competlng In the utility clallll. The Oblo Farmer bas shown great Interetlt In the ole· velo(Mlent or utlUty poultry and hl\~ taken thle meane ot ebowlng th eir .faith In the outcome of tbls develop· mut, PremIum Lieu Now Ready. Anyone IntendIng to sbow lit the Oblo State Flllr, August 29 to S ~ I> tern ber 3. can obtllin tbls year's Jlro mlum I\st by wrltln! to Mr, E . V . Walborn. <:'4llumbue, Mr , Walborn Illlat6lt that 1111 catalogueM, entry blanlr:B, etc., are DOW ready for dlaulbutloll.
GUARANTEED against blow-out, rim-cut or stone bruise. We give quality, price and mileage. For reference ' of my responsibility, see Waynesville National Bank.
.. - ..- - -
J. A. CARTER R. D. 3, Box 66
••••••••••••••••••<: ~arnbart'. :>..................
The.. Nettl.. Oe.' Death, A.ny lpecle. of nettles la unpleasant enougb to bandle rouih ly, but 80me of the forellD onu are m08t formldabl. planta, 8neral ot the Eost Indian forma .are trnJ)' dangerous, for, after the Orat Itchfn, aensotlon bas P888e4 away It .. otteD followed by that of hot lrone bel¥ rubbed on the Oeah, and tbe pain Increases to such on ex. tent that after bou~and 80metlmes day_the patient" Bill zed with 8Y1J1P. toml Uke thOIle followlng Influenza and lockJaw. while IOmetlmes deoth ,.. IUlts.
Sawyer's Wayne Market The Little 8tore with the Little Price.
; :
to see you , While we were out of hus iness, ptices CBllle down, and we have cut our prices ac::cordingly to meet present conditions.
• ·1 Aluminum Ware, Enamel Ware,
Granil e Ware nre all down. Come in and get our prices. We have many bargains for you,
i: i
Power Washers that were $75.00, Now $62.50.
\Ve ~lrc making a cut in Oil Stoves, lleatrrs a nu Ran~es ~
i.: Sorne
Reduct ions
Come III au d le t
. In
HarJware .
show ynu .
H.. E. 'E arnhart ..Waynesville Ohio
eam!Jart'. ) ................. .
F'aneillre From All Over the Country Will Have Entries, Poultr y fan ciers Irom 11 11 over the country will gather In Colum bus Ihc wee k of Auguet 29 ror tho an nlllli State Fair poultry show. The Ilrc· mlums In thl8 departmellt baye becn Inciea800 to almost .3,600 tor thle year and the entries to date Indicate tbat thl8 year 's ellhlbltlon wHI eclipse those of tormer yea rs. OnlY Syracuse IIlId Hager8town surpassed Ohio In 1920 10 tbl.8 cla911 of com· petition, and the fair management fully espect to hold their own tble year. addlUoD to tbe regularclub. clnMe! tbetn Am erlcon Butr Leghorn th e
-Saturday Specials...
Fllney Large Iri ~ h Cohbl er Potatoes- - Oran ges- - Lemson
- Megs - Peach e~ - Apr)l es
Sweet and Sour Picklt!s, Evap , Peaches, Prunes, Apricot8, Raisins, Mince Meat Fresh Salted Peanuts, Ib . ...... J5c Good Coffee, Ib only .. ... "" .,, 15e Bulk Cocoa. lb. only ......... ", l oc Large Cans Salmon, can .. · ...J oc
----- ----
Special for
Friday and Sahrrday Polar White Soap, a fine white Laundry Soap. r eg ular pricc 7c bar
8 bars for 3Sc We are palling 'l.7c for Eggs. 27c tor young chickens' lOe tor old Ko,o~ter8 . Uring them
fAIR NEXT WEEK .--The Greene County fair will bes,rin 2nd and con Li nue for four davs The fair this yellr hid s to be of unusual inte resl. The s peed ring has goou entries, and everything combined will g o to make 11 fair worth your time to go and viMit. Every year hundreds of our pl'ople go t o the Greene County fair, so don't miss it thi A year,
It Pays to Trade at
Sears&Cartwright Mi s~ ~t e lill
Daul{h erty is in ch orgp of offil·t!,
Fire, Tornado, Automobile, Life, Live Siock, Accident
Hetll Estate, lAw Siock
Office in Amlin Building
and also Farm Properly
W aynesvi·11e,. Oh·10
- - -.... - - --
The band serenaded the newlywedi'. Mr, and Mr{. Ernest Earnhart, Wcdnesuay e ve nillj.(", after the regu lar conce rt. Mr. Earnhart r esponded by taking the band tn flurton 's and ' treaning Ihem to i('c • J. Lester SI)ahr, of Wilmin~ton. erenm . who formerly ran a studio in Way--- -nesville. hill! sold his studio ill Wilmington, and for the present will not do anything.
.. - ..
Wben creaw is rflady \0 "etl 'be bard work bile trnen Ilone aOll y on tlh ould n '~ t permit Any 0111.I\I,lor8 to mllke nn extrfl pr"fit nIT yoor etJor tA. Vou 01\0 Rblp yoor oroolU DIRH: T to \hoTrl.l'ltato OIntl save fr om 60 to 7 0 por Ib lIutter tnl h Ie '88$ Il~ (l08Y to dull vor t be orf'lLOl tlll. L~lIr oIHl s tution a8 We KO.rIIDu,e h J a cre .. m Imving B ~Htl o n , ]'b6 Trl. -;tate P"Y" tbe Joor oreBm t,raneport .. tton 111111 KURTllnteo~ y our oraa". agalus t and 08nll 10 8H In transit. _galne' 10SIJ We p"y oxpre8ft , or baag.ge obargee,
Cijsh Capilal $250,000 Fro(l l'rilLl
Our Price for CINCINNATI. OHIO Buuer.fat I. ·
I{ladly InrnlMhed m.w p,,&ronll fo r 30 d'LY".
Moet 'l'rl-State p,,'rons have '111'0 oanllllo when t·bey tAke a shipment to tbe depot thelL oan got tbe ompty W...,k orJuly 25lb from prevloDs IIhlllmen'. '0 Jool,. Blt',llI c h
mer Training Camps
By request of the State Com miss_ Tenth SunnIlY sfter Trinily, July ealth. nil mel! wishi If 0 31: Church S~noo at 9::30 8 m; Morning PraYI!r and sermon lit 10:30 . enter summer training camllS can bl' The public cordially invited to theBe inoculated against typhoid fevel free of charge. Please communicatl' aervices, with Dr Ed Blair, Health CommiRB-----~ -----ione r, of Lebanon, Ohio, and he will make arranl!'ements for your illorulotion . This should he done at leasl three weeks before you enter thE' training camps.
Same of the Foremost Drivers of Country 10 Compete,
You rem ember th e &tory of Ihe Rabbit lind th e Torto ise? We ll , th ore W88 0 roce tha t was lost by Il huresomething any onc with n "portiDK InstiDct delights In . Plenty of thr ills. close finish eR ancl ex c llin~ ra ces are 1188l1roo lor th e coming meo program at th e Stllte F'alr, ,\ UI(. ·29 to Sellt. 3, when sOUl e of the forAmost drivers In the country will comJlete, A full progmm lasting throl1~h live daye has bcen. scheduled, Ill cluding three races for each clay, wh\(:h IIvorlI,e over U,OOO elich, The tt11t races MEATS will be run In mile hOllts , two·lnFresh-killfld Native Beef, three, but all others will be mced per pound ................. llc to 28c on tbe thre~b e at plllO, An entry Skinned Shoulders, whule; Ib ... 25e fee of f26 1.8 bolng charged wltb no Bologna. per pound ............... 2Oc tiaducUon from winner-B. The money Franks . per pound, ................ 25c In each race will be di vided six ways Smoked Saull8&'e. pound ....... .-25e aad the entire progrnm will . bo go vFull Une of Smoked MeatH. erned by AmerIcan rules, A total or $16.100 18 offered lor the Just received fresh supply of hone ' raclnr;, and In n.MllIon to tbls Fine Candles; priced at 25e per amount the lair mnnnKomen ~ hilS pound. and up. ' . . gone to consIderable expense to se. cure aUra'cLive auto race program Le mons. per·dozen ....... , ..... _... 35e . , Oranll'l!8. per dozen ............... 35e . for ·tbe IInal dllY \>f tile fair, Saturft" c:.;d Banan..... r ozen ................'0e !ky, • 'Auto ra.clng on a halr·milo dirt New Cab ,Tomatoe.. Com track III, at, Its ' best a precllrlous amulMlment. but ' every precaution Payinll' 27c for EaP: 33c tor 11'111 be taken to aa.feguard tlie con• Good ~.tter. '. teatanu and s pectators. Last year Leon Duray and biB opponents raced - ........." .......- - - -..." ........."', before • capae:lty crowd lind, wIth YoUi'll tor Serrice, taYOl'able weather coodltlou8, the II, _ _ _ _111""1"" audleaC8 Ibouid onl, be limIted by ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _:, iaak of .,.ce,
Voung Men Expecting 10 Enter Sum-
Augu ~ t
25 Pounds Sugar"" " .. ......... $1.63 Potatoes, per peck ..... " .......... 5Se Churnlrold, per pound ... ··- .. ·• ... 2ge Purity. per pound .................. 29c Kernel Nut. per pound ........... 24c Creamery Butter, pound" ...... 4Sc Country Butter, pound .. ·····_ · .. 38c 24X Ibs. Waynesville or Lebanon Flour .. ......... ,. " ......... $1.00 Large Can Peeled Peaches ...... 1ge Large Can Peeled Apricots .. .. . 24e Prunes. 40-50 size. pound ..... ... 19c Navy BeanB. 4 pounds for ...... 25c
malter L "-...., Prop.
In se\' e ral inRlnnces in Wayn e township farm e rR are forced to ha ul wate r from l-Ip ringH and from the riv er, The wator shortage is the most acute fo r seve ral years. and farm ers have never known it so in July, Wells are g etting low, as well Ill! c i ~ l e rn s . but th e rains for the past three days will. it is hoped, fill th !'m up ng ain .
Xenia, Ohio
' J. R. Bryson, Secretary,
The Miami Gazette, $1 50 a year
Looking Backward Those who look backward with sRtisfaction are · those who look forward with intelligence. Look forward every day. It will mean maot' days of happinesa Jooking h"ckwftrd. 1,525 new 'accounts opened 4 since January 1, are accounts sent U8 by our present Clustomera; there is " reason for thisit surely il! satisfaction with U8
SIX (6%) PER CENT return for the deposit. All deposits received from 1st to 10th of JUly will draw int~
est from the 11!t of JuIT.
The Miami Loan & . Building AsIa. ~ :
lUI 801Ith IratD ...... DaJtcm, OhIo.
Cords DEDUCTION in Fisk ~ prices does not mean.a lowered qmdity. I
Every Fisk Tire, lar~e or . small, is a standard Fisk Tire. Present low prices are on tires which have made the name Fisk famous for quality and .mileage. Ther~ is .00 better ~ire
value in the world than a Fisk Tire at the present - price.
Sold ,o nly by Dealers •
Q ev
c:'llly- 'fhil' <I Yl' :ll'
Whole Number 5446
---------------------------------------------MIAMIS TRIMMfO SOUTH LEBANON
.I~lI"" -~ENIM
\\"on, Ii ; I nst, 7; I'd ., .~,lJ " " u ~ l' f" I" ~ a lt' . "t' ,\ l (" I" ·J II. • OUI' Millllli ~ IIdol,·oI Itlloo l tr ,'r ttl IIH·ir · f \'11'1 ,,, h' '~ wi" ·,, 11 ,, 'y tr aotl, 'd I d . "Il. l 'hIl I'IlII'I! Bt rJnIlO til(' Sooll t h Ll'b:r nol1 1"11111 u I H,l-;; I l a ~ 1 I hI! l·g, bIY. druhbillll; III I ' h illip~ park, 'a~ 1 SII II I II' 10 :f. :~ . (lO Il r" ~. Shirh, ' 1" ,,· illl. nllY IIfl " rllooll . If Su ulh 1., ·I':I" tI" \l8,' , at II YIIl II II' S hud 1"" '11 sl rOTog"r, I I", ~ame w"l lid hllv/, 111" '11 1,.. 111'1', a ~ I hn Mialilis Mr IIlloi Mrs I"rank 1':111,," W<'I'I' would 1111\'0 IlIId 10 w()rll hllrt! el' fnr ill 1.,·I,al1" 11 Sal ll l'l lay. · th eir vil'lory. Th" ~I' f'asy gu mes an' , nut th e IIt'sl t.hin g~ in th .. wor ld to I. A. Zil11l11\'rrnan all Walt!'r 1·, lz,·· de,veillpl' a str nng-, win ninll tt!a.m wpre in Franklin , I,'r iolay evenin g . fh e nplill IIlI l'rI's l ('elltl'rerl In Ihe I' , . . '1 ' \\' '. 0111\ ('11 n . . , _ hI{ rCI IIrl IOn III " " Il H. work , o f Ilw MlIlIIIIS new pllr'11I' r, ani "1 ( 11'1"I n 'll . ~.SI'0 ( ':-1 , a L II vman ' :;. DUll Clllrk, alit! ev,!ry IJOt! y wus WI'II . He Mr . ( ~ha~ . Il urt~j)l' k and famil y , "I satisfi ed wi l h whal they 88W did not huve Itl wllrk hard, and I Hllule~, wew hl'lIia vi~ i LO r H , Friday. show!:!" plainly ut all s tUIo(c.~ of lh .. Kame lhat he had pl enty of reMerv e Mr. \tn,1 M r ~. lI uw art! H l\ p "ill ~ , o f forc e for any emcq{.'ncy that mi g-ht Duylu .. , Ilr" ll w gUL's ls "f Mi;H Uanl arise. li e held lhe vi sitors tu no Key s. earned runs, seven hit s , one Illl:!.~ , Mr. anel Mr ~ I. Satlertilwaill' and hil one batsman . Howard !:lurton handlP.tl Clark'Mde li very in fine ~lJent lhe wl'ek-en,1 wi th ,.dativ('s In SprillKfldd . 8tyle, and caught a pretty game.
,\1 r. !lilt! .\1 I"
II, yh ,' ',11 01
Thl! pnull ry cullinl{ d "m o n~trations will I'onlintl (' t hi ~ week, and Mr" Mr :lnd ~l r ~ I-:lrllt' r 1:"I!,'r- \\','rt 'l l.'ra\'I'I, a~.i~ l pd by Coun ty Agent in Midd l ' 1(1\\' 11 SUlld"y . Cla~", will I,,' ut Lh e foll owing places , ... ~ I I'S. I:11 -.-" 11 ~ 1 "n"11 1 a n·1 I a III! Ii· , In li nd un' ulld Wayne township : .'I • frr . 1{('r ll .·d:l. ~ I I ",,," '\ ,' 1II< ' :-: :1 \,"' 1' A ll f(u ~ t ,~ -- MlJrn i ng- , L . W, Chandlho. I :l;J\ ' l.a di ,,~ ' V";t ·, , "p,'r ial ~:l{' ,. 1111.1 Tn lll,, · 11 "1'1 .1 " 1" " 11 and fit(, at I! Yrlla n '~. I,'r: aftl'rn oon, S. S . Ellis . M"s; r- \\ 1III IIr 'tll d ~I, ·II' ''I''· II :llId Au", u, t~) ~ I orni n g, Joel Stoke!!; kl Mr . alld ~l r~. J. (' . I! awkl' ~ \lent 1 Edol i,· 1;1 :111:11101. I', 'rr \' al,oI .\r), lI" ·lfl,' rno,JIl. S. I) . li en e. l 'I. ' a ~ aI1 1 I' lain . Sunday a t s,, ) 1,, 1' II,,, I.. \' 1I " r,oI" r''' '1 ,, " 01 I :dollt· 'I ." AIJ\!,w' t IO - Morning, Chaun eey ! 1 I '"Ili ll~ 1\I 'n' I III ' :';"n,j,1I 1.'11 ,'_1_ " f ~lrs . I ." Ir I ", 'k t' tt RIlt' nt la ~ tw t'{' k 1IIIIln.lI: afll!r1l all , f,'rank Fox. I)all :'1" 1"1.:, 011 all, 1 f; lttltl,' I _\\ 1111 n 'lall lt" In o; l'rinld ll'hl. t' leurcre 'k townshi p. . :\ U~ ll :l t II - Morning, P . J . Mitch'<,' j) .tI1 ~1 "r~""1 ,),01 f.O:III · ,· ,, 1,' 1,. ' ' \'1"1"'1, ' () I' (' rall ~ in ~ tr i pl'~ . (OIl. Springboro; a ft ernoon, Cllrl M"Il " I l n l rH d 1J,,-. rtd '1'.- rfH! 1.! t1I ,..,t:-t \\ ,·,j lli ··; . - peri al (1'0'. at II Ylna n'''. 1 I 'l/kll. : ria) "\' ,.·nl , ~ , .I'li.\'· ~ 011101 ~I , - , Augusl 12 - Murning, Ora GU8tin , (~" ".( ;,Ilil., noi ;\11 01 :" ", 1·.,JoIit' ..\11' . lIl1dl Mrs. Ida l, elsC'y alltl Mrs Nel Ro n Dod Lis; afl ernoon, Zain Armitage. ITh urIll' were in Xenill , FriJay, 1'\11':; .\ Itllhlrl ~ l lIr l' l: y and ,j ,iI, .,hlt- l' , LL C-·u ' . Uregonia . ' 1,:\,.,1\11 , Ul1o1 ""I. I·"r l. \11' an d ~Ir " August 13- Morni ng , Everett Runof I Hoy Muclld h an ti Carl McClure H, .rr;ard \ 111'11. ~Ii "l" :--;,'111" :-;:) )I" r TIi, ltl" 'H' i:l Ihe lal 'st likel1t!s, yan , l>udd s; afternoon, Tom Black\\'('r, in 11ayt,m , 'i unday mnrnin~ . ' al,d TO'l '! I... ll t' lId"r-"" alld 110" (;(o\"III' ,r 1,l' n :-> Ill all , who \\as fir · burn, near Lebanon . 1 ,\1 ",.·' r, 1·:·I, lil ' ~"'\I,,"ac "f ll aY I "~I , reHll't! ull 1\ charg-c of c mht!.~zlement T rad e 1i1lll oliH wilh each pur cha ~ e These demonstralions will take I',' rr) Alld 1I,'O' ",a tl Sa) I" r . Itar ll')' whtle , la te Ir en ~ l lr c' r uf Il linoIS. It o;:l w), I'r', \Vayn c Mark ct. place at 9 o'clock in the morning,and 11I ('nd,.r:;" .. Hi lt! Il.or r_· lI,tI, ill I 't' i:l cl ail1wd . Ihat 11\l' nm nulIl tlf hi~ at ~ o'cloc k in the afternoon. Be Or. J. T. EIIi H and U. L. Cr ane preBent and learn all you can. it will cream and l'ak ~ wa, t'rv (,d and "II embenit'II H'nl reac hed $700,11110. li e Frid ay a ft er- be a hclp to yo u. ('!ljlt) I'ri til l' e\'''!l inl.!' does IIIIl w<lnl to be tril' d at Spr ing-- \\'en X l'lliu ficl d, liS he cl aim ~ he wi ll not )let a noon . M I .~~ Uti \, ,, All t'n \\' 11:' lilt' h'Hll'S' fai r t rial. 130m - To Mr . un ol M r~. e ha rles at a jlarf v .:ivct1 III IInli" r lIt' I hI' Anderson, Tu esdllY , Augus t ~ , ) !)~ I, i\ l i:,s('s Mil dr t,d alld Itu lh !\i('\\' I~lll d , l, r ( 'h il'u g- oI , \\'h ll a 1'1, thE> " 1J 11l1n1 ' 1' glj(", I ~ IIf ,\ 11' ,,,,,) ~Ir " \\'. II 1\ lll'n . a St. ,Jnhn and C, 1-1, Hart soc k
The rest of the bunch play d some Mr. all d Mr~ J . () ('ar l wright ulul pretty nit!e i.mll in the fi elltand sco red d It I I I i wf'l'1 'I I eight t'arne'J runs and six gift runs , hllu~ II .e r~ arc ~I WII I IIl g l :l . , . .. . t e.,a lila r('serVI)lr. on 17 hll~ , 3 passes, 2 saCrifi ce fll e~ , ~ passed ballMand!l crru rs. A delail ed Val uable prt'miulll s at ~UW) n' , a~co unt of the scoring would be mo- Wayne Ma rket. notonuus. "Ox" Dinwiddic play ~fl a nice \rame at second , bUl Frye and Mrs. Bessie Hamilton Mill ('r alltl Cmne pull ed off the star fi eld ing fea- dauKhter~ , of InJianapoli . . , Illd .. :1rf' ture. The . last hostile batler hit a v i ~ i ling relut.i ves in Ohio. high Iuolling fly back of third, and Mrs. LlIlIra Sides was u !Jayt.on bnth players sel oul to capture it. The bbll finally dropped inlo Frye'" visilr, r Thursu ay. She vi"ir. "t1 her hands, but bounced riuht ou t 8ml ~ o n, who is in II hospitul th ere' lodged in the waiting paws of Buck, We have hu nd reds of remnants of who was rig ht behind him . The Clllico, Percales un,1 Mu slins. Com(' Bcore bv innin gs: !o!'e t yeo ur Rhare. John A. !Cunkey. S, Lebanon .. .. .O 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0- 3 Mrs. J eff Smith leflM onda y evenMiamIs ... .. .. .. · 1 0 ii 0 a 2 1 2 x - 14 Bl!tteril's:-- f( ull, ~ Il oilh 111)(1 I{ullyan ; illg for an exte nded vi~it wilh relnlives in Dayton and Dnrke cnunty. Clark and 11. Burton,
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1922 STATE AUTOMOBilE ~~,~l~
TAG DESIGN AOOPTED 1 ~~~~I::.iddlelown
----- ..---
The premium books for the annu_ lhl' hO II:"' . Wh" l'l' I, d llt, ~ were flrrangI Lat!i eM ,'ic & 'i:'c Knil Union Suils al Warren COUllty fair are out and I'd f!l r prll>: rv"i\'" " 1 ; 1I 1l ~1l" Ht·Th e 1 ~1:! 2 ol1iei al lat e automobil e al 40c, ~ fur 7,ic, nt John A. Funkey's. are r ea dy for distribution. The fr r~h n a' n t s " f icc U I' :.t 1ll ~nJ cake Farm Bureau haBdone much to stimw(' r ' tic r vt'd . af ll' r whic h th e youn l{ licen:<01 tHgH wi ll hn\'(' dcep pe r~i an ; Mr~ OI'vili eC ray an,1 daul{hter,Bar- ulate t he ....entries that will probably blue flgures raised enamel on a batI. l tl k I \\'1' 1 11 I'ela. uara, sp n I ' we· -en, pI'II pl,' l'lIjtoyed a n IlO li r of da nci ng be made among live stock raisers. LleHlli" g- ray buckwound. and wrl l ·'j>o. . CIar k'SV 'I11 o. llv e~ III AiJoIll hir ll' g ue>iJ.s we re pr(':lt'nl . and in lhe horticultural department. c,,~ t lh!' sta Ie ,1.1 cent s each, or ,I T here was n re pon If I'rt'n t 1:I:ll Mr. ancl Mr~ . Har rv Thnmpgo n, of The Grange will also put forth an week l ha t th e band had fillbhl't\ thci r 011 Su ntlay, J uly :11, 1 ~) ~1. Mr . and ('e nl ~ .. ac h less Ih an this Y t!a r~ tng. AnnllUllce ments of lh e decision as Dayton, "'pent "un,lay with :\11'. ex tra effort, ~ tr('d (' '' " C<' rt>: ThiH i ~ "rr lt ll e() lI~ , ~Ir s A S, AI It' n c l 'l~ hrnl ed th eir ::;.-llh The entry book will be opened at si l{n was made by til 1 :" ll'r and lw ClilT Bu rIll'tt und famil y. as I.he ba nd will co nl inu c Itl gin · we,ld inJ,l ann ive rsar y wilh a pi cllic i:>er. retnry Conklin's offiee September Secretary of ' late Har vey C. Sm ilh ctlncp.rl g as IlInl!; a t. he \V e · . I ~ p r ctl n- ad d in~e r h' ld at the Ueech I ;ro\';: 1st and will close lhe 13th , The talr after a l'(\nfereIlC El with J . E, Clark, Cl a rK ' ~ O. N , T . Se win g Thrc311ditions perm il schoo l hlllbe . Th ~y an' parent!i of will be held September 13,14,15 and T here will Loe a la wli fd " gi \,pn hy ten c h i ldr e n - Ch arl e ~ , Willi8111, I':d , lll>lnll~ C I' of the sales department for 150 yard ~ p "o l. ~ peci al, :1 for ~r,c at 16, Tbe MhllniH will have their wo rk Frell Stanton , of Co lu mhll~ , ~pe nl th e hand on Au ~ u ~ r 17 lh. th (, prro- Ida, AUlllI, l'ynthi a, ill'"si l', In ez , the b" rd (I f adlnini ~ tration' and H Yrl1un ' ~ . cut out for them nexL Sunday afl er- II co uple of· days lasl week with hiM ceed s nf which will he U"l'ti (to pay fur (Ira and J ell lli e, all d .ull w I'e "re:ell t. AIl'xamler Snl' \' , 5t ale registr ar . Th e la gH Will be manufactured al The exec ll live iJ()ard of the F riends noon when the KlronA' CuclI-Colas, ~ i~ter, MrR. W. A. Srhwart zel l. anrl ~ lIil s and Inu ~i (' . T h ... " Iar t! will he Wi l h 0111' h 'Ilrts " II fu ll of g l"dn '~s, lil e Ohio peni tc nti Hry, 111111 Lhe pre- Home nwt T urHday' a~ th e lI orl1t'. one of the lJe.'lt. Dayton amateur fnm ily. gi v nlater, Ill ~" l" l' prool{r:lIll . T h i ~ Nr ar t he blu i' Mi am i h ili q, lilll inary ,) rd er i ~ fo r' (1)0,000 pairs, A lot uf bll ~ i nl's~ was tr"nsacteri . teams, come to I'hilli\l ~ park fnr a fl'l t! will Iw giw'n in pin 't' ', f I h" rr /!- :\1 id sl I hp heech tree and I he mal'l e, or l,~ OO , (lIJO t ag~ . lI'ame . Jf the fans will come down, ) !e~ l ~fic I ,al lif's' Hose in all r(ll o r~ , ul a r monlh ly m pLin l! of th e Me n ' ~ And till' (' Ir Id e of Ib e r ill s. Mr ~. Itoy MacBet h and Ro n, WenTIll' red uc lilln of ~ c en l ~ in the ' they will see the MiamiA win one of !ipecial, !l fill' 50c, flL HYlIlans. cl uh , who will aqsi. t Ihe I,anrl ill th ,' Wc have ,'Oll1e 1\ ith I('l adcom<' g rectdell, ant! ~ I r~ . ,lames Mitdwll, spen l price of t he !ag~ will Sllye lhe stat e the best g ames of the season. entertainm£' nl. ing, Tu esday wilh reln tives in SpringMr . and Mrs. Earl McMIl'-n I1I1d $2,., 000, whic h gllcs illlo th e fund Hernembl.r I hi~ du te. Gri d gi\'e t he FrielJoI~ and Il(' igltloor~ . (Inc a nd all; Th e vill age council met in regular fie ld . ~o n, of OIl\'tIJII a re spemling n few Ou r hp~ t. \I i ~ h e~ Wl! eXl l'nd yllOl, for sta te hig hway impro\'clll ('nl. Hes~i o n Monday-evening at the Town= and band your lillurlt' ill I slIpporl . and Ihey MIlY G v tl·~ blt"sill lo(s Oil }'f' 1I rai l! riay ~ WiLh Mrs . Viola l'urey )n ~ll'ad II f having n d"si gn on eiwill g ive yo u ytlU ; m une, '" Wur th of Mr . !lnll ~I r s Paul (;r ilrith an ,] shi p house, and tran~cted a lot ot and dau ghter, Alice, lhfi'r end , thl' 1 :)2~ plulIJs will hllve And we b ri ng rong-rlltul ali oll S enj rlymf' 1I t. MI ~s Uotti u lI art , of Lehanon, were busin ess . After the usual payment ) To th e groom II ,d bride as well. th nUlltiJe rs at Ih e IPp. wlr ile underg uests of Mr. Fred Iluwlle alld fam- of bill s, and c1iscussion of the welLi ttle Ramona anll Larkin Yuunce \-l ay fh eir liv es hI' ' part' oJ , (·1 lonKer, nfi'ath III ~ mnll e r lei tcrs will be "Ohio ily Sunday cvening. ... fare of the village , council adjournA!l d 1111.: lto ve of ( ~ " d fonh lell. IIf Newllrk, Ohio, Bpent las l week - 1 !J ~ z.." 'fhi ; change is ma(le beed. witl1lheir grandpo rents, Mr and • J Fivc and tilty Ilre l he su mmers causeu f Ihe com.pl(lintthat lhe tags M. N. D o u~l;ls,q , til e Spring Vall ey Th e subj ect of a public hitching 'inc£' the li lli e Ihul vou were wed , 1\1rs. C. W. You nee, r , . , tlil Hyear were III many cases too l' r ea l es tate man solll lir e W, W, place W8B disc ussed and a committee Joseph Oener, who WIlS IIrre~led Arn nf' S. and Mary Allcn , 10111{ Shur ts farm of 250 A, to Mr. J, II. was appoin ted to look up a 8ultable U how fa st til!' time hai> spl'd. P . A_ Garner, Chirop,·uclor . Ollicl' July 5th, on the old SllIlIlieltl prop" Slecl will h orJ cred at once: new Knol(, of Kentu cky . Con ~ ideralio n, place. erly east of town, for making whis- at 42 Norlh Rroadway, Lebanon, In 11](' li me t hal yet is spareLi us, dit!H will lie " ... Ie red for the. Itg nres $3 1,250. --key, WIlS rel e a ~ed fr om lhe county Ohio Ollice hn-U rR9;30 fl . m . to 8:00 WI' !lillY hel p su mp on Ihe way. , anti wIJrk I) n the new Lag~ 111'111 s tnrt Chl! .... ing henrls and li fti ng IJU n l en ~ , jalllast week on a writ of hab eO Il ~ I) m . Sunday, bv appoin Lment onl y. T he r in IIf last w 'ek (-llfllli/ed lh t' with in a f,' \\' \\' e pk ~. Mr . and MrH. W, B. Hall , Mr . an d Tillll, er dal\l ls F:t rll il l !Jay. / corpus, The warrant was Il'lade tem perfl I urI' and SlI lurtlfl,l , Su nd uy . --MrR, Leroy Brownlielll anrl two Miss Olive Allen is lit Stoneweir and Monday were rI l i~hl flll d llV~ out cbararing him with the illegal AlIl ong- ot he rs wh o were presen t child ren, of Wcst Lay fuyC' Ilf', Ohio, Lodge, !lear Covi ngt on, Ohio' wh ~ r e manufacture of intoxicating liquor, A coui llor llwrrt b fl 'P'l,!' brought u ,\'erc : J . II. , chel l llnil wi fe, T~ I\, are the guests I)f Dr . Ll oyd Il Hall but the kind was not B\lcci fled, and !<he has charge of abo ut f, ur ly young Neicolll e ch n~ e I'l fl ' r t Wl] Ill o ll lh ~ '~orhlllll and \V if,' , 0 Tombu ug h, l1f and family . the court was forced to r e lease him women ot the y , W. G. A, of Day· li t tor rid lClll peralul" , llnd it \V ns I'oledo ; E M Harl l .y and wife, of ton , a~ physical director , Tile lodge welcumcd hy ~ve ryb(loly Ahout t wo L('::I An!,(ell!'J , Ga l; . H. Carpenter Mr. William .JohnHtlln lind s i ~ t e r, TenniAenth ui asta are fortunate in is a beautiful place on t he Still· inches of rain f(' I IIl ~t \ H I\. md wife. of C" lI lc rl' ill e: Wil bur CarMiss Loui se, of I3ill e Ash, Ohio , a nrl "raving at the High Scnool campus, wa ter, l pen ler and \Vi ft!. Bert BoonJ ershin € Mr . J . II . J ohns ton anrl wi fe, of t wo of lhe finest courts to be (ound and wife, \\' m. Archdeacun lind wlfc, J . Eo Janney and family, C. T, C. I,: Y ".=t c r, oIi :ll ri l'l depu ty of t ht! Rossmovn e, Uhio, attend ed the fu- for miles around . Little attention " hc~ lc r Ar c htll' ~Il" 11I und wife, ["rank I. O. O. F. L" d).!'e, acco mpanied by neral of thl' ir aunl, Mrs. John Miller has been given them since school Hawke atlt! .rlllughter, Mi s~ Helen. ,\1 (J rl t~l) lll .. r y all d wife . ~l a rl ha J, ~ ev('rnl IlWntiH' r. " f L1le ( )d d F e ll [) w ~ on Tuesday, Aug ust 2nd. Fr ank Lef>1ay and famil y, Mrs. L. A. was oUl in May, but nevertheless lIlcl C;lndys <'::1I' P" I1I!'1' , 11,'ne 1;,lOnJ eri!:illlmerman and fami ly, Mrs. Sarah Io)tiw' , OIf L .. lmn "I I, was here Tues- See our harg ui ns in H () ~ e for Chil - the courls are in fine shape and every ~ I',ill (" IClil'1I MlInlg·onl e ry. of [,'rank tlay eV(,lIil1J,! ant! inHlall ed the nt!_w d ren and Women, and M en ' ~ Sux. evening some one can be found playi!:im.,merman. and "everal olh er8 from Mrs. AII )!ie ~1i ller tli,'r1 fit her lin: C"'l' il iJ oOle r anti wife, [~ r allk 'fhe'new light Illant was started in here are now attendi ng ltle I"rlln klin onker. (,f W,'ominr: Lotlge No . 102 We hllve Child' s, Mi sHes' llIal Wom- on them, home in th' No li onal bank lIat SII II !levan an d wi fl', Myra a nd Nid a Hevoperation Sunday . 1'he plant Is oll e Chaulauqua The work \\'a~ put on in ~on d shape day morn in [! a fler fl 101l g' ill ness Ill , ,)f l' llll' ks\,il le: ,: haB. 1 ':lIis, l{tlY Hose III 13c , or tW I) pair for 25c. en's of the beat In the stale, and Lebaand t he vi9il,)rs were very muc h im- John A. Funkey. rhe fun eral wa~ Il('ld I'lI l' 9day a ft er- 811i ~ ond wifo? , W . .0\-. M'rritt anrl non people, who have Buffered lor· Men. do you lVant 'nl E IJ F:.'T pres ~c.l. A rle r th e work was ove r ments during the past fivil years, Overalls? We have thcm, also t he noo n al hl' r Itlte Io'>lll\'. Sil l' leave~ a wif.- , l'Jlll~. Coll ier li nd wiff', A, T. a deli;:hl fu l lig hl lunch of ice cream Mr . and Mrs . J, H. Chapman and will jrladly welcome the chanie best Work Shirts, made full in every Aon, Dr. J , W, ~lIl le r . l{ev . l;adwa l- ";011il:! r, Mrs Ma ril'ttu Ca rpenler, anu cake ·wa,; H~ rvetl sons, Charles anti Hobert, left SU II lader was in chll rg c. 1.\1rs Irl u I lowe , J es~ i e, Irma, Vesta All ot the paachinerv is up to way, 36 filches long lind long s l ~t! \' es The ne wly (I hli)tated oflicers lire day morning- for ::ll, Paul. Minn. ICC' De li veries made on ly on Mon- - -- - -and Rhea E ll i ~ , Hurry 1-1011'(', C1HIS . date and the beauty of tbe whole Try them and you will never buy Truman Wa rdlow, N G. anti I-I er- They are lraveling by au to, in ea~y day, Wednesday, Friday and Satur~Ii z ab et h Wal'l ln di eolllL th e Ohio II Co ll ier , Mutt Cli ne, IIf lIarv eystbing is thallhe municipality owns s kimp shirts at any price See Ollr lTIan :::mith, V, l; . ~ ta ges and \ViII I,e gone abo ul three day. Waynesville Mills, It, and therefore can get more light $1.00 till ? of neck ties at 50c for :-ital e h o s pitlLllb~ L Til '" lay , a fl er a bllrg ; Will Allen and wi fe, Maxin e, -• weells . While lhere th ey wi ll viilit illn e~ ~. Th,! -rell1ainH were ll tl wlll'll alld H rhel'l Allen, of L ytl~; long (or less money , your choice, John A, ' F unkey , Use our Classified Adll for results, reblives. hrought 10 Wlll'ne~ville and th l' f u- Il omer Carp tltl!!' , of r,PIII !'r l'ill e; H
--- . - ..
Rot:g:l-n cck 1llt.I,s and crilllI,tware l Clubs and guns may So il1l o the tli5card, for Ihe potice have a new weapon in the form of !'las b o onb ~ . It resembles ",'ry mu ch 1)le sma ll handRrcll anc used in th e world "':lr, bllt Ihe gas cont ai n e~, Ilt oll ~ h nOI ,le:l,ll y, pa cks a kn oc k-out fo r lhe SlrOIl {!cst ma n. It ... is tear-producing choking and n"usea lin s, hilt .J Ot' S nol leave an y ill . fl er-eflects, In a tri:.1 lest tlte olher . da y on I;\'c slroll lJ rtOlicc mcn- th cy lied "WeQ I1in!;" from Ihe sccne.
lIf'ra l was held a t th e McClll re par· lors Thu r:Hluy a f tern ou n a l ~ ol 'cl oc k, Rev C"r1wallade l' ofl k lalillg'. In terrnent in Mia;'ll i eeJl1t'ler v.
i ll~l .i
Samuel lJeacon di ed fi t hi ~ horne in Xenia lasl Thur ~ day, " ft l! r a lo ng illness, He wa~ fu remerlv f ruln OreI{{' nia, and lVaR \;"ell known here. li e hud been e mployed Oil Ihe l'enn~y l va nia syslem for :J(i yea rs. In terment in Xenia .
, Zephenlah Und erwood diell at t he home of his f:1~h e r-iA-l a\V , near Rurlonville, Clintun county, Sunday evening , af ter an attack of acute at>p'el)dicitis Mr . allli Mrs . Underwond went to the Downing home RUIl<lay morning· where he was taken sick . After cOhsultatlon an operation was perform d, bqt to no avail Tbe hudy WIIS r emoveQ lo his . l'8t~ home, and lhe fun eral will be held Thur sday afternoon at tbe White Brick Meeting-house at ' 2:30 p, m , interment in Miami cemetery , The decellBeti Will! well known bere and • praminent fig ure in the Friends meeUll1r bouse,
.1. I\llIrruy and wife, of Oregonia; "'rallil Marsh anrl wife , C h a~ . IJ agemeYl'r aud wif l', Hobur t ~ l llr~h, r.st()le and , I <llll "~ Hagellleyer, of Waynesvillt,; Ed All en and wife, Chas. ,\lIen alit! wife, Cheste r lI atfield and wifu, Il ayes K " vel' !lnd wi fe, Howard Fu lkrd h ant! wife, Ray Harrison au d \V ifl'. ~lild l'e.l Keever . Frnn'es Jo'ulk I·et h, Lurene , [{eith and Mary All t.n, Walter a lloJ Urville Keever, uf Lebanon; Anna Petzce, of Dnyton; 1\ , S. All en and' wife, Ed Gray unn wIfe, 1\1 , M. Terry and wife, K. E Thom pson and wife, and Mrs Ali ce Terry, of Beech Grove,
.. lAWN
COOL WEATHER · BROUGHT PEOPLE OUT Sunday wa~ su rely :l.utomobi le day, a tourists were seen going bot h north and suulh. Seve ral large picnic parti es campeu below town, Bev~ra l ).Jeople went to Cincinnati to attend the ball games, and a great many people went lo r~ r ank lin lo attimd th e ChautlluqulI, as Bryan was the main IIttraction . In the evening a long line of mac hine@ we re I(oing in every direction.
- --
YOUNG MAN CUT tian Church will. give n Lawn on HAND 'BADLY ' the church lawn, fo r' the benefit of The Willin g Workc:rs of the (::hrisl~ete
the church, on Thurrooo.y evening , Aug ust 4th, Every body is welcome: Monday morning. as Harrv Starr _ . •- was shllrpeninsr a stick. the ax ' Sand or gravel is . better bedding IIIJ)ped and eut his left hanrl badly, than straw tor holl'S, Straw It required lleveral lIUtches to sew up beats, the wound.
;',: t l
1111 -1 1
I 'l l h.l n~ t
h,\I d \
J.: hr(,:1k l l1 g
II I ' I " . II .l\l pll' ~ ill ~( ' II " h t ' hf\ -' ;j~ :.t i n
lhe Ofcome 10
t h l' f.L rll l l· I · ... ai d. ;t lld Wt' n Ow ;111 i lll~\ 111(\\13 1H :l I' h i Ii C whic h is
have sa i,1
til d ,) th t: \\'o i k or :- i~ m e ll , an J ca n JI ll k Il[l \' i,:ht y pU lllld , of app le'i in tl tl " "
I H1 11I1 ft ·S
- --- ------~-----~~------_l~--~-_;__-----~-~--
" 1'1,,'''1 I'll
The Miami Gazette, WaynesviDe, Ohio.
IIrI, Ill.
H:-; If 1r lql ultl ~ '" 'Itll' l lu n o f thu e 1 "'(II I" ~ "h\\, I1lUt' 1 t' t hIm, k '" h'lwd I.un ' ... :"11 tlun f " (I JIl I lh' I" IH III,' lulln\\ 1\,1 11 1111'1' I), by P,' h\r,.,"11, 11 11.1 ,tu ll1 tlll 'I II' I'd li n " th " ~ . ",trllta" Ilf i1J(~ ~ wh l ('11 tI \\l Inrt\ r -
,'r , \
Illustt'otions b\j IRWIN MYERS CoP y r l9ht by Geo H Do ran
.11 :11 .. ·'1. 'II
, 0 1lI',: I\I '1 1 " , .
nn .. 111 ':..:111 1111 •.: t " ttd'II'
T il
l'lIns lnh l t' un d !'l(' \' ~ r n l (url n I ll h (\ n· r ~ . "
It Is l'I o\\to' (1I1 wh,'l h{'r -llIl _I' " l'tlo n In H ugh Unt lll lll ond 's lif e {',' e r l'u,; 1 hlDl ~ u c h an PIT o rt of wil l 118 th~ tllrn l "~ r his URl'k on th mon MIlt Jtctlul: IWII )-ur.t8 helu w him, bllt be dId It 0 1' pu r t'llily wlth oU! Ih oll j( hl. II " ):11\'(' 11",'
t · .·t't ' r ~1I1i
thInk of that, m,. triend? Th~ old lady will be weurlng p~llrl s IIntl 1111 colllplele, In honor ot Ibf gT<'1l1 tiny, and ( sllall be one ot th e litlllllrlllj( house pa rty." "How do you know sl",'11 hn"e Ih <' m In tbe lIouse!" suld l.lIkluJCt nfl. "HeCftuse dtrOr Fredell I' hos tolrl me 110," (tnsweretl Ihe gtrl. Slw hi l'I\' two smolte rlniS a nd Ihen lon!: II Pll. "11 reddle Is realty ro th er 8 den r at times. 1 don 't thI nk I' ve e ver IDet In r on e who II 80 1I('1111y aD Id iot wllhout belni one. S tili." . he r&Jlt'ftled thoughtfully, "he's rll t her II dear.. " "Wbot," Lnklnrton uked cllri nuBly. "does he think you are'" "A channing young rtrl." nn swe r ed lnDa 4emureJy, "wbose fo lh e r 10Bt hts ute IJ1 the war, IIDd ,.ho at present ekel out a precarIous ex ls lcllce In a covemment otllce. At len I, Uln l 'S whllt he told Lad,. (j'nuuple y- s he's the womno or unusollable virtue. She was protoundly scntlme ntlll Dnd acents a romnnce. 10 additI on to heln g I Inob and s centing II tuture 'luk ~. to nothlnll ot a tuture duches s. By tbe mercy ot All ab Ibe'B on n CO IDmJllec wIth hll mother tor dl s lrlbullDi brown paper underclolhea to d"stltute Belgians. lind 80 Fr ddl e wonlied an In,' lle' tor her, VOlin tout." "SplendId," 88ld Lllklngt on slowly . "B*~endld. Young Laidley con;l's of a,. In about II week. doesn't I\e 7" "Hondny, to be exllct; li nd s o I go down wIth my denr nUll t on !:jnlurda,. ... aklngton nodded his hend os It IftU stled. ond then glonccd fit hIs watch. "What about bed'" he remnrk ~1. "Not :vet," 8111d Pet e rson, hulling 8uddool,. In hll wnlk. "1 mu s t s~e the Yllnk bernre I go to Parls_ We'lI have blm down here now. Give hIm an InJecUon, H cnrr-flnd. by God, . ' 0'11 make tbll tool sIgn. Th en 1 elln letulllly tllke It o\'c r to th e meeting wIth me." lie strode to tltc door, foll. x oo by LnklllJCton: Dud the atrl In the l'ho lr Itood up Rnd strotched her O!'lU B oho\'e b"r bt~ld. For n moment or tl\'O lIugh wntched h('r; then be, too, ol ood ut)rtgbt and (,IISed hll cralllp<'11 limbs, ''1rake the fool sIgn ." The worll s ~hoed throllgh bla bruIn, nnd he atnt'cd thought fully at the grey II !(h I .,blcb Ibowed the npproo cll ot l1nwn. What WIUI the best tblng 10 do' "Hake" wIth P eterson gene rnlly 1m· piled torture, It other m,,"n8 failed, nud Hugh had uo Inl e nllon of walc bIng any Wl\n tortured. A t the ~nm!' Ume IIOmethln\l: of the lIolure nf th e
Do you know why
Inwt I I"r ... " lf·- 111' r \t' r ~'
I n st glnll ("C a t t ilt, f u \'c ('0 11 \ u hH'd w i th
r Hge , ural lht'l\ w ith R
l i u " I,
Ill ,\'
Iy II I lIS uOI' lIlfl l " Are you up t on ?"
'11. 1'
III1.'~ w l· r{l ll. \\'It ~
"I Am No w Goin o Ove r to G t a R ea lly Good Vl tw 01 t he Kill."
lUl d to
g"l1 ll1 l1 y,
Fi l't' l
r l t; h t.
oth e r.
om I ?"
"At Thl' Elm s. Oodnhnlng, If YOII wis h to know ," "I tho ught - l Ihought--" H e r ose s\I'uylnJl. "\\'hnl do you wnnt with mp? o-n you I" ·"I"1ltilo . I\I~ h." murmured Pell' rsoD. "There Is 1\ IlIrly presellt, Mr. Potts. Ami Ollr 1\'11 II Is aNO so s im ple. .rns l " our sll{" " lu re to a little a gr ('men l , T\'lccs il), wh ll'h In return tor rertulll )'ou pro J\\I"~ 10 JoIn UB In ou r-t'rIsbor lf In Ihe n enr future." " I reru c mh!' r, " crIed the 1II11110nntre , " Now I re mmu bcr. You 8 wID ~ )'Oll tllthy 8wln", I retuse , . _ nhMolule Iy.n "Th e troubl e la, my frI e nd, Ihlll you nro ol wge lh l'r ton hlg fl.n empl o ),,,, 01 Inbor to I'e nlluwed to r ctil "l'. ti S 1 puluted OUI to you before. Y" II mUSI he In 1\' 1110 us . o tll c r\\'I 8c )'II U ml ghl wrl'ck th e scheme_ Th e reforI' I requl r (! ynur s l~na lur(! , " "AmI w h en you' \,e got It," cried th l' Aml' rll'lI lI, "w hu t !(OOtl w ill It be til ~- Oll _ 1 s hll ll I-" pudl llt (! 11." " Oh ! nil. ~ I I- . 1'0I t", " ." liI Pe t (' r~on w lth 0 1 l l(O ll ~ lc lful ~ mll e ; "I co n OSll1.tr4 · you. yuu Wl'"',- T he IlI sl rl"" II1~ mnlIIfl y rroIH ", h Id. )"011 hll\,(' rpce nlly be,' n ~lJfT"rlnl( will "",-"I n )"I\-e yo" In 11ft gri p. II r " I \( I " r~ yo u quit e unnt (or
I rt t t'I 'I' ~ tf' (1
" I'r ll Ingt (l ll
In qu lh\ n n ll tHh(' r or
'1itUI rl lt~ y a ll (' 11 11 111 It ;;;; 1'l'st tlp I)HL' -g'll ttl n g (' \' t' ll wltl t Anti whe u J do . , lI l'
)'0 11 .
r " 'o l\,e r In to hI s
IJO(' k "t , nTH1 foi tOdld tII oti ur dl':1 s , ri t nrlng
Ilt Ih e MoldI e r. '11 1e "exl InSII\"1 he ol'C' lI e(\ fI door In Ih e s Kyllgh l ",hlcll lluKh hod'tllilell to dIsco ve r du.rlng th l' n lghl. lind. ..thnhln!! rlnw n II 1lI ,llll'r IJl s ltl~ Ihe l'OODl, dl ~ nl)IWar'e d r!'Un! ,'1,,1\', "Hullo, uld hen u I" A c1we rful Rhnul f rom th e grouud IIInde Hugb loo k Tllt!rc , r ll llS!l\u r o ull tl I' C t ~ I '~O D ,
d own ,
In 8n eft'e ctl\' e g rllllp. were re ll . Algy L ongw orth, a mI 111 0111'. "Blrd'S'Ul'st l,,'?" "I 'pler, old s',)III :' crlC'11 fu ll,\'. "I nevcr 11t')lIght t hC'
I'.' t ur Ullr· '! CrI'Y SIlY·
i'Olll e wht!1l I lillUultJ be pl f' Jl se d to
~' nu r
fn re. bu t It: hOR !" '''fl' d 111\11 hIs I,nl. Hllgh, Itn " \) to tltllNl
- 4 ~fr- ll ~
y.Au-t ' M r,-"~H4d-l!e I·t'-1~8ft---Ht onl y IcnveR \lR four BIIlJ T oby."
bln"O\ I flE1(1 pll ' kt ww w lw rp h e will'; It
fIlo mcnl Hugh SllIr,·tI a l him r\lrU ,,' r oP(' lI r r'!11 I~ h Im Ihll t II Wll 8 R !J 111 "k l~' , ,,; hll ~ I. ,e dId "01l11l r llp l,1 mellSIn\(, or IlfTll l r~ I\' ll kh wlt B likely 10 111 1 u r ll hlllell e. J-Ie (!\-"" " ""Iec led 10 l'on lln up ,".il·~~ 1.<, l·p .I1 .. ,lIed It h l n. ~r·lr_ d C'~ ('c n d ttl Ull l'e by Ihe Ind ,le r which Ail u so , jll ~ ( us f' e tprs f)!l ('nme trtro lllllll' hnd II I In s t b ( !tl J1111 ('~1 In ll o~ ltlon . nrCl ull o) 0 c'urllP r nf Ib e h OIl R!' followed '''r ed and u s tou r nrul Tohy" II1lltle sIx hy RHO'rnl 1lI!' 1I nnd Q lon g ladcl e r . - Illltl NIx wo s Ihp slr~ub'lh uf Ihe Uu gh "" II1 I1'P I1l'(',1 tn s in g. 1-1 ., sllo\ll ctl . part)' os It ho el 8rrlvecl. Adelln!: the he r"n l'(,11 III Ihe lop of his 'cr y po .\,pili motle s " e n; 80 who Ihe dcuce e rru l ,"" If"" nll ll nil the time Ill' wnlched WOB the prel? Ow 111t' 1\ Iwl ,, \\, w i th n "'nr y eye, The mOil e r was settled jlls t tiS he II wus ju "1 fi R t\\'o I"h ore t's '-'IIIlI O In rI'III' hell Ihe 1'1'0111\41. Lllkln gloll. wlhl · 10 hll'cs t1l'II le tll p. hid eo us dIn Ihnt ~Yl'd nnd IIlmoij t I"<'ohe r ,,nl. ru~he(\ Pe l ~J"" lJ\ ' . l' J\ rl~- lll ~Nl\' ereri Ih ~ luc!c! e r ft'om the house , Dnd, ()rllwhlg P ct orwu s t no sh o r l b y s eve r!ll Yllnlli4. son on olle sh le, s poke roplrlly In 8 Tlwn witte I!rcllt I'n pllllty ti1C IIUlII- whis per. e llce t; t'C w. A plI RRlng mllkmnu; two "It's all rl gh!." Dluttere tl Algy ropCOll1l11 r J'dn l lI'u\'I' le r8, n lIe ntlelllnn of Idly. "Th ey' .., holt-woy to Lnnllon s ll gh ll y lIH'hrlul l,,1 a" pcel. wll ose IrOU" ' hy now. und I(o ing like h- If I know ~ rs I!'f\ mu ch 10 Ihe Imngl nnll on; lint! T('d." II nnll y 1Il 0 .. e fu rl n Inbo l·r. rs . \ ' \' r hnd It wns th cn Ihot Ilu(:h Bturted to ~" rlo 1\ tll ·hlt nf 1'0SRlp fo r Ihl' 10('ul luu gh. U e IOlll{h l1rl It II Ihe tellrs pourl'd ,,1. ·!t01l""' : 1)l' f' 1\ S 11 In th e Jl crighlJUr· ,lown hIs fnce, ontl Pel (! r>lllll's 1I\' ld 11,,"(1; II \I''' "ld flll'l1l xh n IO lll r (.f con· tnce ot tury nlllll e htm III\I~II ~ IIII '' (I t's lIt i hll f l ' l" \\'(' pl,s to COtlt~ , Atltl sttll mflre. 11 11 10( 11 :->1111 1: II nrl Pt'tf"r!ion (' llr~ l'd ; nnd l "Oh you f1rlre l p,~ pnlr I" h" sohhcll. s l lll 111 , 1" ,, 11 "111' (' 1; 1"\'\1'. 1'10,,", III IIISI. I HnlJ.;ht un.ler your holly no,:oes. S lol e
Il h · r l'
Ih l' h Ol\ CC with n o t e h o ok
n\\'(1\' !
Th l' r e,
WII !3
HAT if this pleasant h ~me to\\'11 o f ours became a "Deserted Village ?" The folks who send their rl o ll~ r~ t o other towns and ~ities to buy Ilo l· ir needs QQd their luxllries can tell yu u just how to make this a " D e s erted ViIlage_" The trick con be'done hy everybody followi ng the example of the few and buying elsewh ere. Then there would be no money to pay people who work. There would 'be ·no money at all to buy fann produce: no money ror -'fire and police protection: no mone'y 'to keep up hO.mes: no money ~o hold peopl e in thiS town at all. A.nd so your property and home and job w o uld hnvl! little value. --
lit e JII\\,. I'UII N. IllY boy ; l,uI d UlI 't yuu 8 11ce0."
CHAPTER VIII. In WhIch .He Goes te Pari. for a Night. ONE, Drummnnd h ll ci l1""'d nu th!' <1,l1r of t lll'lIlOIlIf'IIt.
It wo ul d h aH' lt l ' I~ 1 1 111:11\ ,
If,-sl l), iIlJJI\I ~s II J Jl! (UI' UIIY
Ilia ll,
l ' t,' I' -
tulllly Qlll' of hi s I'UI11 ,,'1'. III I. II \' '' wlil chpd IIIC AIII"rio-un he l"l; 1IlI'IIII·,'lI wllhout duJIIJ; iiolllc l l tl u).C to try to ht'l p him. At lll p S U llie Ihlle t.h \.' lus t t h l ll ;! Jw IlIll! wun l l'd to do Wu s t o ~ i \'l' HWUY , hl ~
1lr4'S, 'Il" e 011 the roof, Tlt e IlIrO!'l Il Il Ilotl he hnrl ololulc,,'u Ihut nlghl w"s
of S Udl vlla l irlll'or lt1I IC e th a t It W Ufo;; olJ clu lel.\, eos''f.t1ul for him to gel
wllh It ~ onc ehow; and. lit the IUOment. bls chan ces ot so lI(1ll1c did tlot
aW II)'
HOME '09 \!:Y
11 , '11 111 1'
1'4111 1'11
rTl f' tlil'(\ ,
un .'
Trade at home. Every dollar spent here helps to make living' in your town better and pIeasanter: every dollar spent at home helps to make the thing YOII own more valuable. _
Ad . will brill g quick r V'- l il l <.; if p r n (l( ' rl y writt en nn,d R Ch 1' 1 ( i q 'd in tillC sen SOI1, O ll e i '-~ lIl ' ~( ' lll' l ~dl y selling (li e good s.1
\\' ll h hi ... IIIl tt ' II""I;. HI th p rl'ntl~', tot hlP hrl p! h ltt' r lTlI h \ lOy d " o r o ld , w nrrj (lfl:.': ' 11 11 11 01\1 11 ('\'" Il IIJ.! h , " uIHI lh t' ll
J.t;· t j.! H ~', "· Iw re ·~ i'l lh ~' 1 " I " 11 .\\l n", hI . io rcll k fll" I wit h y .. ur "W p IhllJl ght girl. " d,,,, '~I . ', 1 A I I!' ~' _
\\'(' 11111" 1
\\'~' t1
IIn t1
hr t h ' r
It ~l\ n' !:l Olll f'nn l~
!i"'PIIH'd t o lu\' c hi m
" H "I'Jl I ~I\I'
I"t "r n. ~t d " lItld! ,\ ,
~l1 l1 r" . 1
r rl ~ 1 1
h" IIII<I I"
L' 1n <; ~ i fi (' d
il) t ill' 1 hill' h ll l1ort' tI til \\"IIIH'irl ):! on I'ttl tl r "'U tl I
0\11 11 ' 1
h l)),:O;, h.n w Illtt y o n tn l'p l1 Ill' IlI l s I UI) nlll\~ ? " "\\'t' 11 11 11I'(h ll'll d ('WI1 At y ,\ ur ~ Irl' ~ I p l l\ ~(l lu s t n lg- h l ," SHi rl P. 'h:' r , " Hnrt Ih l' l1 11 1 1 ~ II\fl fll l ll J,:, ",11 o s h o ilid Pttl!tl' n n tl s lll~ .'nrol s n ut ~ t de tl1lt n o r (111 ,\ null fin l y 1' nl , ~, T h l' 1I Wt ' hi.'Hrtl ,\'I 1I 1f (1{I>:l f"n !t l/o{ d in ( 'Ill th i' rnof, II n ci 1.1"w n l o nJ:,"
The M i:11ll i
TWO _ "00 o \\"ny." 88
SH i el 'l'llhy, l ook hlK up
th p 11"" .. OP"III'(\ lind lI uJ! h '11',,110'11
" r O UI'
III't.'::e rH~ '!
unrnll efl
\lnnCl't' s,~ur)'
,w' r('
HU r!
w e , M lsR l\PlltHll?"
' '['Iln YOII 1"'lI r II l1 n . Ph yll is ?" rl'1I1IlI'Il' d 11 \l"' h, \\ lth tl 1: f'11 1. "I !nt' u n
h u n ~~ n il
aho u t t hE"
T"en CenturIes of RecordL
lI uy?"
" \\' llHl '~ t til' fl ol lon , old ~ (l Il 1"
i'lu l'i Jllr ~ I,' ud UI'. 1.."k l" l1 ' 1I I:hll)' pU z· zh'tl. wnn t
,\ ' 0 11
t o s t u JI
Iw r c, Toh ,\' ,~
the IJlII'SII,," "f 1tl'I'Iylng for
, · .f"
- ..
II lI d
11 .. ~orl e r
Ilwurpnrlltlllll .
"I /:,'1 y o u," IIlI s \\'cre,1 Ih,' olhvr. rtl !'\\'
Ell)!, . \\'lth 'lI II ISI) 1 1It~ U I'Iluf{'h ItOt~] y c urt! 0101. Thc I""'n 1ft ~lIn s ltl"rllll1
lUt! 1 "
" Pith H r. '~I~Ill'd ~I g h 11(1 wHlk ,·d t o til t' IJ un r
(' f ~
ARid II I1/: h. ""n<l no t h't MI <H Be nt"" OUI 01' YUII.· Hllt hl. .A I so kc,' p yo ur rye s khlll l'ci 1111 TI. e Elln. , n lld .e l mil k uo w by 'plt.Hh- to HuH 1\ l nn n Kt,'4.'I ' l "n y l ill " I! t hil I hll l'''''1I8. I '0 you I:~ t
Tlw . \ ld f"~ ' 1" ' L:\ -. ft ' I'H In Etll.!hllltl "re -.. ,,"Itl (n itt'" III T r lpttlu, HfHtTorclHhlrn.
To hy
And Som.t.mes a n AUntydotel p O Jl,. ,tlnw~ hnJl I1 f'I1 ~ Ilint the nanD
whll ci " I.,.
1'1 ItcHI" IIIJlrrlRlte 110
B"tI - d , ~~.-c..rl n "ns
('1'0 he r nn t.lnu l'til . )
fROM COURT HOUSE Common I' I."IUI Court New Suit. Hurllb O . Fannol! V~ Thomns B
Mit • • In ,our cbidce n h" ... me.a •
J,O(IP', un .... lth y h.nl - fewer ....... Occ.wnnal with C ......oId 1=1,. Spra, and Uce Df'llro,araf in... . woodwN'lt. ,.oot.b .",d "-OMIt t..o . . . .iII
Fennoll et III Fo r Jlllrt.itl ou Artnur RogflrR . plBn tiff In o rror, V8 the VIllage of Lebanon Error. CII1I8 (; H o u Me r V M Allain Ilnd Mary WelLzpl Appe lll fr om ,1u ~ . tloe o f peftce 0.:1\1 rt
ritl you of Ih... mona"wutln, p4&U-. Un.~.n.d .... n, 10. C'o • • and hone. .L.o f D I' hoe.Jite . Sal., IAdi ... and~. no t ,urn the b.a.ir. Bur It locall,. If unabl • . wri~ ....
- Probate Court Proceedlnp
The ~ Company H,.. T.d C~n". 0.......
ProceeoUJlIr. In the TllRttor 01 ~be Ilppoltml'l ' or Jury (;o TllllltRsloners tor WllrrAD , Utt-ty, D.1I1 p , Bono !In.} Vlftm E. (~rlUJnnr .. r o IIppu loted. Tbe Htde or Ohl ') VB Waltor Fi ~ he r. $1000 B und furnished , FRY E SOlIl.b v a C lift' B. Sm ith CR~e dIsmi ssed lit rcq uoa~ of plnlo. tiff, Arthnr Hogorll. Plllintiff In orror VI! t ile VillClge of LebRonn. Form a r judge lUelnt is rever~ed Ilnd lIel, I\Rtue The StRtO of Ohio V8 Cb'l~, WORn er. R"lph Carey UIJpOlnted by Court to re ~Ir oije nt d l' f(lo tlll nt 'l'lie Stp ttl o f Obio, ex rill .1 n El Orn o r V8 Mo rrow BrIIDI,. 81wrttT J oe Of n or o rder ed dtHOllllfgCtl frum imprisonritent
I n th e mattor of the ostnte o f WOI. U Newport, rteoellsed. Inven. tory Dnj oppraieemllnt U1ed . In the- mlltter of the ostate of T . (;troves t:!neothen. deoeased. Vhns . .1_ WaggoD o r is appo int,e ll nbprI\lRflf to fill vllcancy n OJeHRltBI,ed by R _ .1 8bawbtm'I! Inllbllity to oot , Inven IIllot h p r tory lind l&J)prtllselllent filed. In the mllttor of the Settleml'1nl of Iltn 1l.!.llte of A . W, MarollH' dooen~ e d . lulleritllllO(l 'l'nx dot,ermlulld.
ontll li e ~ l l r li n ~ 1I ...: ld " nll d Illolil'd 1I p. "I"" 'p, llo," l"ttlll l! u \\'I ,lI · kn u wll \'1I1 !'u from I IH~ !<' 1~yl l~ Jt t. " Clt lt Id lll 0 11(' u n ' r
1h ~
lIu g h joy.llIv wuultl
cl o se b f' sld c Luld ll ,l,noll; u.1II1 w I th HI)
To seal in the delicious Burley Bavor.
('or l \\'r
~ h} w l .\·.
I Ilrlipped
ollda n/:II II1. 1 hlR gc ulll !; Ihl'ough . ond th nt h i. chl l·r h op~ hl Y III hllJl self. It lH'c uJ' r~ d (0 hhll I hnl fn r t no f ew- un·
mlln, hft lun('\ng th t,
r1tlth lll~
Ho t k no\\' w llur lu ck tlw Am c rl l'un hutl hod . nul he roo ll"'11 th nl It WII~ Inn I'
In>!"ullwnl In 1,1" 1111 li ds. "It wus under II B 11111 U~IIl' l' YOII gIll'" us thl' II r ' l Rlgnli t u rc, whi c h We 80 rrll'ret t nhly lo"t. " 1 thin k " p' ll tr l II " greill . The A,,"·.. k llu «o,' ~ a !!rouglell cr1
It(.I r(l M,'
I IlI lIg., ('II\, llIl n 1" ·II IIIIII"t\[I. " selle! Lnk- NEWS GLEANED
won!!1 ,w t I hl'l1ul/h . nne! Ir II\' ~ I I I . nc r,I" thin g mlgh l }' N he \\" ' 11 , I t hl! ,111111 't - lIu!(1I 5hru/:l{e(1 hI s Fh.)ul 'll' rs grim ly tlnd 1 ,, "~ h O'd_ It hll ll hr c() ml' 'Illit e II j.[ \c I. untl litter II lII on " ' n l '~ Inci{,c IHI" n IlruICI lJlolld l ook n fun n i ng Jump, ultd ("" ught the r lt l"w nt Ihe . Iolll ng rnot 1)11 the s Id e lI ea'-" Ht th e r on c! , F I'()I)I wlw re he Wtl S he cou ld nol 81" Th r 1,ItI' I' Il ., ~ . IIlId RO hc d ill
lik e D Irn pl\l'fl unlmnl. " I ref" ••· !" he cri ed nt illS!. "It's nn outl' og~ 1I 1(" lnOl h" mnnlty, You rlln do whul yo u li ke," "Th~n w~'11 ijlu l·t "'Ith a littl e more thllmb Rr r c w," re lll l1 rK t'd PN c rsoo. sirollln l( (I \' e r t o til<' rl e. k Alld "pc nln!( 1\, elrnw e r, ..... n ""lon l~ hlJ\gly ~tfec th' " tll1pl l'II'I (lo n l. ItS ytm {'nu s<'e It Y(IU l onk at )'our th IlOl1b ." Uc Rlood In frollt
~H \\'.
h lel Ili pllI rr, IIl1 ~ I g hl . \I'll' Ille ' IJ lO jf·.ly of t h,· 111\1' mo l 'h ' nli, ~ lei . til' I h OIl • • ,
.... lO" ~" I 11 .1''1' 111 ".1 .1"" d ll7.,', II ,\· : t ll. ,1t "/l" lr( III jl lI lI Id ll l!"I,1f \ 'P il't' 1'llIll ln u..-d : Il ' fI rtl u r Hn ly (' h nn~~ p .
y t't
1J t' tiepu rt t il):. t kk l. 'tI 11\ (,,"1, 110 0 hl ~t 1111 11/1 '
II uto:h
Ih ""1 In
~IJ: Il '"
!>I. huw,·d tin
1" ,. !IUtlit'IH'C , \\ hlll l\ li t'
Il t
Ti lt, :\ 111t' r lf'1I11 he lluIII · ' u I..trl'lI t t og t· tlI PI·, :to; thl' " (; 0 at ClI lt'r .
"'o s 0 "n f l' d 'IlI U' C th n t tht:- At l\e rkllll
hu sln c!!l s," . F o r u \\'h lle tl lel'\.! WII S s ll flfl ce, " n tl th e mtllloll ll l n~ ~ tll n'l1 r oti llt] lil t! roo m
to II fl " Ilnlll'r
a ll ,1 ,nil ' ) '10),111<.'
T ell 1 1t'~r I' m "n the r on f he fl'." " 'llh II skit of n 'lIl" f 111\ !'oil \\' th e m il · Itonnlr lr'II \'!' tlol' roo",; t he ll ,h .. ~ t rn l l:hl ,, " p' l Ili m<, ' lf II I' , " li e! prol'Cr_lpl\ tQ re,'tlllI "l l1 l' r h l~ OW II 11,)"111011 , Th c re
of lenoy, 111l .1 rlwn Ih e un p,- p ~ r I P.1 hni'>' Il ~ ned_ 'I'Iol' r" \I li S n {,1'I1 "h a s " pJllle of ila ss s p ll nl "J'~ f l " " ll fe ll 10 Ih e ~ (I" r
it's toasted?
\Y h€<11 ) {I II ).!' , ' t 111\' 1''', :->rnlld 'oil rh\'l u \\ 1I
~ uo,' elr.
qll\\' l' rtn j.!
(l pt' J1 l iw f fe wt tl ll fI!'. r llll 'lI n I hJII"'l', rllr, )",,!'! 1 :-- '111 11' Ir , "'~ I In I II I I ,
" Xu l h l ug, " v r it!u Ill't t'rtoOO Il , " hu t \\ t!' \·t.· gilt tl u l lt· u Ill qle nml Hl'l,r" i' IHU\'" lI ud le ll l' e ,h .\\,o he re. JI ll t'lIl'"'' I loy n ul' f r lt' IHj'tj rhllr!I1IIlK ,'n n l 't'r l, Hltd I ' n !' j ll~ t S I' !I I f tl r u 1 1I J'~ l' lu d d l' l' by w hich II " (' :III ('Oll t,\' 11,) \\ n Hnfl JOI II us, SU t 11I-' r t' Is 1I ... t Itl II g I l ilt I YUIJ I'n II tl olI ol tl dllJ.:." I ll' rt.' l1t'llt~d t h ... \\on l wllh II I'HIIl T , ~ " q'h H "I ... , "rt d Jf ug h "'111 11.-41
~lI tl d t-'n lurn +I , 1 " I ' llt ~, u ild 111"11 II I' h" h n l lilt , \ u !. 'r· ti l tit" 111:' 11 " "11 \' 1' sp' ·lIk hl J.! l'l " 'tf'ly III nl 1 11 ~! ~ ;t' J HI.\ . "ri o oll l tltI" 1'11(' 111 'I'lIrll to t hl'
f ro ll t
('Him .
I) It:'Jl s l" i.
" Y,·s. I' m It ~ \\' hn t's t h p Ill llll e r?"
In Ih ,' \\,r otrhl'<l III nn, wh n. lip to dulp, 110d Nl{ured S,' 11I 1'1{"ly III !'\' e ry ro und _ Afl l'r 0 whI le Ih e AII\4'!1 ('n n cens M s toring " "cll nl ly Itl frollt or 11 1m. nn rt pn ss,'cl hI . I.n nd rllI''''".\' m-e r h is for I'11I'n <l _ T h,, " h., hllH rORe rr one hi . chnlr 01111 R ,"r.~ 1 ot tIll' t Wll me n s ll· tln l: fll " ltll; h llll , Il l ~ I'YO!' Clllll e rounrt to til" girl. 111,,1 \l'llh n llJ'oun he sank bll ck n,::" ltI , Jlluck hl j( t('(·bly w Ith hi. h uu tl ~ III hI s d .. 's.I Il Jl Jlllw n. " Ht'! I ~ r. ~Ir , P Oli S?" Rultl P e tc Nl on,
elt ·urly l h nH IJ( h
!i u mnlf",I' n i l' ,
Wllh 1\ III IJ!h t ~· l'lr" " 1.llk1 1l1(10U C,(l ll' Irnll l'd hllll ~If. 11 ,,1 hi .. \'11 1('1'. \\ hl'lI he
I.lCk l l1~
J l l' lII' Y," ~ ft l cl P rUlIlIJ1U I Hl . utT - 'Yl' S, d ~ n l' I', 'fl' r· SOli , 1 ItllI Ii ~ l't " I~ \' I'II UI 'U! I thl' rut)r, \\!th II I1 n~ r ur h h h'tl11!J ":-:I'I' ..,t: "
JI ll " H5o c tlll
Ih e r .. " r,
wl1r d l'l l~ lI lI lt.'
( IJ King Cole \V a~ 11 l11 e rr olJ . Oll~, 11 I , lIIe rry old S\)lrl , n:c: Ii H e 'n lle I for !tis pell .\1Il 1 Ite l'nIl d for his p::tcls ,\ Iltl !t , wrole 011 . It ~ v c I n g e ( if t 111 (' In .' sili cI Ads, (.\ u tl he got r<.'5 11\( S)
\ Ytt h 11 r1 " llflt ,· \ ' u.n' hf'l lU rf)I', l 1111 h~ h".'1 nll .l -1 r" lIr" o fT, f ,' IIII \\ " fl I,y th t" n t h I' th r,·i '. The h UIIl Il l' (\r t lHI , :5 ll\llltlon "" ~ tt' r~NIN tU 1i(': 11I tl ,, ":4111 \1 C I p (l\n1rll't'sl l''OoS or Ihl' " lint\" It",,,,,lo mh l.od
" \ \ 1111" I IU' tI.
10 n ct, h ut fo r r uff' , t ht.' n' w n s noth ing t o he !lonp_ A 11,1 II(' 1\'''8 ,-pry
SIll 1II !J1t'red
rH I ~ .
0 11
' ,.1\"
BUI wh ,'11 II W
" I 'ro JII I Jt (' r ':o' \' "h'C'
OR to ho w m I II {\ n t. ot fi ll)'
" 1- 1-"
T lw
~t l ll
til t·
11 ",11'1'101(>,1
" Wh ~ r e
10 hl llls If.
Il ls "I II I ' €' WII ~ ll lj :"I 1I1l\' ~ tl ~ \!\'t'l r ; l ilt' ele l'tl ul (' IJ,:Hr g l o w ud c n~n·
h ll ll.I , wos hol.111I1: hI s tl r lll , lit' 1111111 .. t hl' InJel'tl,," . on,1 Il,, ~ h
P ~te nUl n
' ltV k nnul n c"
~ p tt hp .
!t' Il, h' r
t(I Iwftr wh l1 t
.1'011 JU ~ 1 ~ 1..,,,1t
l ioll l II", 11"l h'e hlln' nr-
S (,
~ otll J'
:\ lIh",.k nn Wth4 8 1 ! tl l1~ In A. t'ilHl r , un,l L n k l llJlt nll, wU h n h,rluII1" r rui l' :-:yrln g'p
curl o1l~
"" "llle!
E\,\: 11 n t th u t t.l ls l a l1 l'e lie t.'on lll "'f>tJ l' ele rSOJl '~ ll j' ~ .s or f ur y , llll t! lit' 1' 1111 ('1\ ·
I h ' IHU.i>' l kno w llI(l re: !'"(lll1 d ho w or o l hrr lit' f1l 11~ j!"P' 10 P n rl s; hf' 1l11l ~1 n th' u rt I hlll lI H-ll'll rlJz n t t hc Itlt :r., 11 l ~ 1I n !'t n u ll d fl ',1I111 IlHI fCJOlll h {'l n w b r (\\1gli !
~ l}- I' r-- "
"'11,111,'11 r ncl' n r hi ,..
w n h' lI ctl th t!' Int1l1onntrt!,
l'OIl I'I'!'t ,
II nl l I
4.1\\ n IJI1 P dh·Ul"'. h i' n.'Hll ?, ,·d lh ll l e\' PI! n n \\' JU\ hn ct 1l ll t l lll1~ <" 'Unl tt' t o g o O il ,
n trnhly ,
h i m , or \\"(1 uld rO il I l k o 1l1~ til lie mo('~ tlX1Jlll'l t ? II ~ h; so U ! lIh) ~ ,' d I h u t t ll (,I""" m1 tt lt [ IJ~ an n C't'i d('ltt HI I\l\ y 1I 10 1l 1\"' 1It,
t'X I,.. tt·TWt
h im hllc k In Ill s VIIII IIIIlI' 1',' 1111.
h e I" ok" ll
y uurto' up ht' l" h'ur An ti :W "H \' er y Ilt l Il OYt\!l IH
0 14.J I h~ II I')' ,
t ll r l'lI tl"h'd t ~r n iH' o f I Ill' ' 1 I t '~ 1 1'1,), .. t' \ j'r 111'1 ' :111\1''] t' ( In 1l h' !trul n 0 ( IrIlln,
A I"1I1
cl o \\'n fi t th o ,' r oll'd ior ioI\'. " 1''' II' I·50n.'' h,· r nll ccl oUI ' l lh.~r t'· 8 a pu l
Ill' rtlrr n" r Illtllrll Y
IIIt ~rl\llll'
It u p. you 1 \\' 0 nlll rl"u rs . Im ,l 11'11" , I I 1\11 " I lti /:. \\,,'11, u U r o'\·olr. n.lII hl ..·.~ w~ :,lInll I11I' l't hJ!ltl" "uttl- NOrtH, .\ I.d, 1
),n klnglOn, und I " I1U\'e Oil, 1'111'1, 111111' t {fo Il I1Y l hlill( In : l '" r l~ wllto' h )'1111 \l'O UI.d he lI ~ hll JllI'oI ot
l'Oplll I'" '\
,J,.fi1\ lT,' -.th lll" .wcrNl. I n hi .. I1dllll. Ih ' lll,.:L 'nlll\~ !If fi ll' " '"''' ' II slip ol'er t o r " ,1ny_" Imp,l T"l llll l I! 1\ Ii "l \\1'1'1 - ... 111 1 1I11s ... \ru.:: "or N ur e I ('un, " suld l"PIt'r..:on A nd \\\111 11, 1... 111\1\\\).-111:1' Imil {"(lIlI~ Irrlt ubly; "hut tilftt II" I'S U'I nlt n Iii" tilt' 1I':lIll:lII" 1\ Ifn ,1 11\\ \ \ 0:; l Id l {'o n):!'! tact thot It'8 h )('tl u \I ·, lI " II f. ' ('h lll&l!ii n f r "t ' 111,.:1 '111 TI ll' ( h i lla: 1.:1.1 , ",·n,. ·.! '1'111 hI' s hort ly l'ol hlll g III II h,.,,,1 h, 'r,', t n h., 1\ IIWI"I' :-ptinilill ",u lllh l . , \\ H I a nd I \\'lInl to he 011 t1w "po!' II ,,\\,- h t l ll:-I ' l ( !l I P l : , f ,'\\' Iq t j t' r rhp~i ',fI ,..,\,1 r IY"pr-" ll ~ 6tnrt ~tl 10 wnlk 11 1' nllel 11 ~ III Hh' h. '" 1I1.!'1t1ri!'H n ~HIl 1! IIr ,' r1 111 down t1, e rooru , t",wlli ng Ihnuj:hl fll ll )' _l tn nl~; If hn d h " t' OIlIl'- tr hi , ... u rl ni"Oi "Your tl sh I. hl)u kc'tl , 1II0 n '" 111 ," I \\ II~ I· I lIT I ~. ' 1 - n n11 11 .. 11 111 un'l d r . I :II~
rootlnued thl' girl 10 I.lIklll!(I " " , " li t! I hns alrcntly proposl'l1 t hr,'" tlm r s : Inti he hRI Introlh,,'(' d 111 1' to II !l r".III, tul ,looklng "-0"'"0 Ilf ~ xtr,' u,,' \'Irll"', [ who hRS IIdoP lecl Ill!' '" h pr n l<!<',· f or Ihe rren t ocCtlllon," "Whut IP'~O I oe,'nllnn?" a.k ~d Lll k Inglon. " Wby. ht B c"m lng ot UiO." cI1ed tbe atrl. "1 nm 10 go to Lnldl"y 1'0,,"I'r8 as an honnred guest ot ,th e dU" I' l""S ot Lampshlre," She tltrew hock her lIend 8ml IRUghoo , "Whnl 11 0 )'Oll
rul ~ ~d . Wll 8
l1"llh k llln hy 11m " . \l r l' ~"I "t\ ot h l9 tilt Ih QI h I. filllltr wa s t r'· lIlhll n. on
n ho llt t h" t\ l1 h~ ('tI H , " ... t l l ' 1\ 11 "M y ,1 ~l\ r I IUtl l , you ,' ,Ill I'II ~I '
It~ t !lIOnlNII Ibe 1I11tVI. rrof.•· on II ll~ , ;Ult1l'1ltlj[ Ill' t hl' ~k~ IIlI hl. ,v lt h
tile t rl~l!e r. Out of ,\(Ow M t h~ r r owd 111'1 0 " h .. ltl d no t kn ow o>t It l'X1~1 " lIrl', IIlId , IU II till h, li UlIh r IIl lZl' l1 Ill s " "" I:" r. to H10d m orrow , 11 111'1 ," h(" ~Il l d I1I:Hk, ',I, Intl ~tr l Jl \ll' " Iull'i a(lll' (1\(" , 'fl s t I~ I llill nu\\ t.: ,d Jt ~ v II I ru g ,'t 1\ r('ull y Q \\I ~II ~·. "I won ld n' l 111'1' It I "'l' r\! you. W e ol'e obsc T\' ed. lIS th ., )' 8"Y 10 nw lo>'O"U \ It-w nf Ihp K ilt." ,\ fI·1 Iht! rl.. ' t 1IIIIItH'It! Putt!" WH I4 d rIlIlI l1_ tr .1'011 dOI1 't helle"" me ," hi. I h · \\ ih "'Iurlll ': till I1 t I Il l' 8 k~', I " o k~ g re w a IIl tle l e ll ~e, "Jus t \\'1\1 1 whi le I Il\l k 10 Pt'tt·rsOIJ . \\' 100 I~ ut prt'Sl'I ' I ' lI r l 'l1l l~ 1"'\\ lh l" J'l' d by Ul e t'nl ,Joor p In CO(I\"I'rse wlU, Ihe yli ltli:e
·'A.l1Ion~ olner t nlll ,", I rn ln K ro'~r ,.. 1 y
""t fl l)Veo
ult, :"\11 ,· I, ..... d hi r t .t' 1 1,,\\ Ilrd 111m, Hlhl tljl II ... 1,< \o.t1!1I("d ' \ 11 IlIt l ' Ioo l h ' lilt' tI).,!ly Oll _-i," ..,1\(' r, -.. 'I h I tl ...
The Adven ur es of A Demobiliz dOff icer Who Found Peace Dull
lh~ 81t1 ~ l" r
'I'I 'l'
ht hl8 ro" " lv(Or
r il ,hi " .. d !lI'I' Ill"'I , ... tl{'pI\ntl,·,I,
.111 t·om l)h~ rt'. " 110 ~ I nl': " If 10 IUu!!lo.
--- -=
Classified Ads
An ad , i" lhiH co lumn i ~
sure slllll
'Money to Loan on iFarm Land for ten years at 6 per cent. I TEI{~ELL &
" Mos t pcri " CI: ' sa id thc judges Ih~y pick ed Mi s~ G ertrude Artlct fro n. nmo np; the 2,000 COli · t cs l~nt5 a t Ihe Gy mnastic uni o n tournamcnl in Chicago, M iss Art· lei is nve fe(!1 ten and one-ha l! inches ta ll and weigh s 160 pound R. She h as the sIrength and endurance of a man, while her qgurc relains Ihr femi nin c beauly an,1 ~ r acc. !Miss .'\rtl e t i ~ Ihe dallghler 01 Mr. Dntl ~[rs. Artld 01 l'hil a ci clphia a nd was A , mcm h r of the UlyUlpic 8WII11101118 team,
Wilmiogton. 0 .• phone 301.
LoaDed Co n I va etook, M ONEY OIUltt-olu, "Iuo BIlOOllll rnorlguKIlI4.
hODKht . Johu l:tarbl1l8. Allon IN",~otl BuildIng. XODla Oillu. 6- ~-22
LOST A amllll bln{)k purMe L 0i-lTtailliug $13. rilIturu to tilts otUoo. L.iborulpl61lMB rewllrll , al7 0011 .
Wru . II. B Jn n e ville nt III to Myer FOR REN' florl ""~sle I:{fm til . IJlrt or lotH NI1~' 1 r Marri_le Llrenae. "Clud 7 In W"~IlIDgtl1'1 Squ are, Way. lillorge (;t, Mtllolt. III bore r, flull ROOM::! for eohool girls i prloo8 Anni e L. ~ollth. BoUt of I:!onth nosvllle. fl . I rea80ullble. Also, tiQfse, Buggy Leb:mon . and Hnrne88 for lillie ohet\p. inquire ,In,8. R Hnnt.er, oonl,fR ot.or Chl of Commi8Alonen' Pr~l1f!dinp , Mrll , Lawreuoe tlhellberd. t>l7 c luna!.i. find Eves Murtha WIISOII, Kings Mil!!l. BIIl>l allowed :-Llt .. kaJtll Mf~ , Co"UppiiAII for surveyor. $10 35: Goo. FARM FOR R~ U, Audur8oo, llUrla\ of MrR MoUray Real Estate Tranfera' indlgllut WIdow of Boldter, '100 i O.ollr anll Emmn IT 'wArtl tn VIO Kllpa~rlok.Fren ch Motorear Co, . reo ARM for Reot on Ihe Llilrdll. 10. tor Imd GrnoelJotllpL n " , pnrt orCulll p"irll nn trooks ; ,5 411! Volumb09 quIre of 0_ L Htekt!. · R. D 4. t>pr if]!{" olltliplng gruuncl~ 10 Turtle_ Blank B ook Co). doo ll: et tor P. J. Wn.yne8Vllle, Ohio &1 or eek Twp II , ',10; A J , Sohenrer. rent of · bldg" O.,mr "nd ErnUlll Bowllrc.l to I... flOO i John U ' Donnell, 811Ppliea for L Homp ton. pArt, of CO lli l:illrings l:ib er tff, f22.65 i The Western Htllr, FOR SALE ollm\lll1~ ground In 'I'urtleo reek printing transcripts andbondR,$150 .. '['wp. r,O; B I.. , IJllkln, Horvloe8 on burin I oo mmUtee, II i.J T. Gregg. R & B Mlljt!B~to Rllnge, IInge I,ze, 16. O~ollr Rnd Emma Uowt\rtl to ~eth gallon reservoir. InquIre of R, R I:lnow(\(m. put iir Uolu ~prlnJ!:1I Replltrs. 112_5u i .f , A: Blltlr. equip. ollfll l'tng ground In 'rur&leoroek 'J'wp. ment et.o. 1:1 25; I<lIpCltrl c k-Frencb G. M.lller. R. D 1. Wtlyo88ville. Motorollr Va , tires for truoks. ~258 • Ob~ . ~7 $1. 8 8 i Blotlr find LeRo.v ,(;trllvo 1,1133 . • MClbel B. Dlnwldllie to J . O. Mor. OW - ~' reAb Cow, a good 008. In. .0 i Bllrre!.t Co , mnterial. 1191.60 i rllY, parts of lots Nos. 7 nnd 8 10 quire of OBCU Roberten, ' Ore. W. IS Grabllm, R. and B , repairs. Uhio Squ'lre, Wn.yoosvllle. 113 169 90; W. E ,O ·Nel\lI . hllnling bridge gonIa. Oblo . .Ellrl H. !lnd Ved" Orndorf to WIl. lumb~r. I~O.; ~arrv Brown pnv roll good full Rec~lp' Boot. pooh' lIam M. Orndorf. 136~ aores in '318 98 i Davis Furus. gnvel lind on good paper 'l'be Wayn6 twp. 128. 88. ' Mtamielze Gaze"e ' J27-tf
The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.
. ISSUED EVERY WEDNE DAY • Ketlred a( \b., Pt,Nh l nll'"
I at " 1J )' 11f1IV IUf" . (lhto. tI , ... ,. l 1 U ( I II .... ft! till 1\' 111 ' . I
...8. IJrooks htu! bogull I be er eao f Ill s glirtlge, wul ch will hl! oom pleted IJ toro 0 It! wOILthe r . Mr . Iwd MrH W . A l\ierriU II.nd 811bscriotion Price , $1.50 Iw r ycur ~ ~. hlt~ 1:1 0 \\' 0 ILlul Ro n . Uurr y , ut. I,l)utl d tnc hOIUII. t·lll'lIl nl-: u t Mr . lIulI MrH. Amo!! AlIoo 's I lOulU. I;;UlHI"y . J (18 Whetse l II O tl Cly ll tl bn"try m otored to Dayton , 8 ulIlI"y Ill ll rtl. WEDN ESDAY. AUGU ST a. 1921 in l,;, r OI·uroi ng III Ih o \"' lI1l1~ w ilu Mr~. Dull!y Ull.lll11J.laUtullLL.l.UUl"""-A}.IIII .....- -4..., . I 'l' h e POlOt .. ' Id j Doro t hy Du vi~ . a t you w ill use in yo ur u ew h ome i ~ Ill r l'e l y aCL' It\e ll tu . Is - B ul ! T b e re Wa!! a y ouo" w Cl otl ~ r Mll lell ) A r c yo u u s ing th e a r g llme ll l " that YO\l ' 11 htl ild Wh L: II P ri ' es C;:om e Down?" ., Loo. I I f so , t hen i f is time to bur .v thai moth· eaten phrase a nd get bu s y, because Wh o lI\ll dl' UJl I\ ua loh of h u , " ~ brnw . He took u wee n il' '1 prices A R E down . They a r e so dO\\'1\ as lo \\' a s th ey a r e go ing to be fo r ., u ~ ' 1\ II IOllt'rti tA ~ I P ; rna tI y 111001\S. ~- unorlll-Tlw8t1u r nt t wn. The old o~t Hlln of Mr tln,1 ~I r~ Ed ! Do yo u know th:1 t ~\ Ji\e ric~ to uay is in illlluc dial c n 'ed of two million homes " IHdllker wnH VMY Hor i!luHI .y b url 111 I a n d hou es? Do you kn o w tll a t p ric es arc- a s lo w as ac tual cos t produc tion, II m 'H1uro ~ IH ~ '"l or. nn )o' rlll"y . ti e bas ed upon readjusted wage scal es will per mit ~ IH , 1\\ till . wr iting . I hought, t u 1111 tI II hl,tl o hl'lter . If you know these th ings- th e n YO ll are of t h e thinking persons or families I ()u r Il o r ~o Sh IH' u.. ~..,olt\ li ol\ i~ no w w hi ch are goin g a he ad with bllildiu g. fu ll y rquil'V OII with 1111 o f Ih o III IH I. A gOlJII pl~n blls beo u suggested a grol\t ru'lDy of hil!b 01llS8 orrl nr . ern '1\'1,hlln r.08. wh ioh O O l lll' iI (' ~ wllb lba' louk s ltke 1\ mlgbt be worktl'! whiln pnrh"IJ8 not of NaLlonal ropn. I - - -::::::::::--- ------- -- - - - - .=::-- - - ull n'l ll irl1 'lI e nt ~ II f 1.11(\ N,li l" nn l to allvllnt"go In Wayn eH vlllo, and ratlou . hut en te rttlloora thot woulJ t",,"gUll. W o 1I "v e 40 rn eln bBr8 wh" Cement, ~ r melll bu rMof tu e N"I·ilJII ll ll.olll(oe . I WIlS mado to I.hls paper by Or . J . T be folly wortb the mouey. I'b e Mr. nlll.l \1rR WIlrre n VlllltrPHH , Waynesville, Ohio EIIIII prestdon' of the Comm unity tw o aInu" could "orlr: together 00 llO.! IIIr. Mllrl OO VllnLrl' ~S, of S prin g. Limc, and all k inds Servloe. thl" proJlollltloll IInll oould millie It ~ uld , wert! OtllJi1l1! on roilltivll~ hur o, I 'fun (Iootor hSH III mind a yearly worth whllo. :-'\I n,IIIY · of l3 uilding Materials Uhl1 utllnqul\ . "nel would work th o The only qnoRtln n at tho prORon t Tue H"II iotflill go u()fl of Ihe dl\nth I . r Let U ~ I<ive you Bluna as r"lltlWB : !:i ll hll H ~lIt:ltaM ."d timo 18 1\ plhofl t.n h oI I th o"o £I nter. of lIIr. J orr y Uurkln , I)f Wlllllill!( ton , an e ~ 1 irn ale . U t II M' 11 h r enc hnel h orn t-i tlll (I,. y mnrllin ll . 111 r . 11\ , Ill 008 ala old a meetint-ll tflillmelltll. I'ltm ~ ure all fo ut . how Uurkin WU8 we ll IlClltlll llll,ed III Ibl h \be nuL of tho m IIltb, have Iln en evnr, tu gel u communl\y h OOSA. 0 0 vlolnit.v . He 10ll""~ t,o IIl nu rn hiM tert"Iuer, Or t1 nt.ort .. lnon . tlnd tha in faot , 1111108 are oOlltemplllted for loss, tw o cluo gh\ers . :nopb!lw~ , nieoes admlsKlou to hll f\ nOllllnal prloo. three . oomm nnlLy h OUBOR at the 1111(\ frl oo(IH by t lla Hoore . At tho I.. Ullr on II of t.he month tbn preseo.llmo. What wtll bo tho \ er. Tho Pom ooa Oran ge mil t Il t t.h ~ i r you know UoO\ma~Ity Horv loe a8100la\Ioo wloatlon, time done will t ell. Bu\ hll11lu our ta Wil, :-Iatur da}'. lIInrl1 . harM prOHIlnr. fr om8J1rO 1\\1 I\<\ pnrts won II ( II"ve a IU AIl 'I . of:( and hllve ono ooullounlty h oose. lurge on ou /i h ! th e werll Coollly They thiitofr Rnnelay WU8 the IUAt duy of r eo k. IIOme Bort of au entertalnmon' In for tbo nlleels of tho t owu onght to luoob in W. A. Me rrltL'~ tllnin g - DEALER INonin~ In l11 e tl!loduy Hoh ool o(} nl o~ t .bi. w.. y W~ynesville would bavIl be InlUoleot . rooll1 A 1\ of I.h o deJic/l cio8 uf tbe The UlueH wer(l vlol () r iou8 hy ole von Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, .. , lea"t tweo\y.four numbef8 dur. At thul're"eut 'Ime thore Is ab90 ~1ln!IOU wor e In IIb umllLll on, 'lod I.Il,;y pOints. ,J tlKt h('oa nSfI I he DOll tl\st Is from Tile, Posts, Water FouDtill the year, tw o e~oh m onth, anti lu'ely no plaoe Bvailablo for fln y High School lind Amnt eur Contests ~~ 1~ ~~8Urtll\nd onj "Ylllent w,,~ 'ltul OVIl r, do n ot s t op oumln g to 1;;0 0118;1' tlchoo l. Let u s hll vo IHI a !tlllldtLlI OO tains and Self-Feeders, U )Yould not 0011' any more than forms of ~U\nsemeut8, no' Ilvon a to Be Held Sept. 3, nnd Meda ls and A woru to Ih e VO((lTA of th e r,lIW flB h mo rn ing of 000 houdreG at 'ho onlertalnlllon' of a Ove day looture ooarse or basket hall: If auv Ribbons Will Be Given For the lInd Urder citi 7.o ns of Ibl" vicini ty! lell t. Uhllu~oqo" a nd " ' ooal lootare thlog Is to bo donI! for the winter, Firat Four Pl 8cos-Walklng Race Tb er e n nver hUA bnl111 n l i mo wilen -SHiPpeR OFInw s hoo ld be c l080r ",her~ (1 to 1 .11lln Al ber t !:-i laoy and fawlly !lro 0 11 III Jl 00ar80. It sboald ba started lit oooe: ~o get Adde d to This Year's Program, the lit this ti m e ; 'u y a itil.le a II prflj udtoe in~ nt ChaotflofJ uu. 'rl "'I" Entries Being of High Qua lity. Itl u uerent oltlol adj Iceo' to busy, Rome organlzl\tlon , 10 order to Hay, Straw and Feed. Boro- r o Mr. nnd Mrs _ U"l ph !lod put io om oll m eon und womeo Th e loclII h l ~ h KcllQol Anti col leg" wh o have t ho oourtl i\1e on d nbilil.y J ehns. ,July 21 . II dnu !l bt or , F_velyo . onr ',Iwn 11,198 entertainer", /laloro, oot mlR8 tbtl wloter's fes\Ivltlos . llthlt,tf' s ,,~il l t\·n lrn me lhf" Ui'WS th a t to exocutll the ItIW. l e' l t l o~ I,be o h i p~ \ Mr •. Hobert Wbale ll . of Elgin . 111 .. Feed Grinding a Specialty, t he S tu t· Fair 1l1l1IlUg-C II H-! ll l wil l filII where they may . lItnm oillbl. s penL 11 few tlllYs Itlst .... ee k wlttl hH ng,lill put on trtlck on,1 I ;~ ltl .. h Il III · itl op thllt have eleo l·ed or II\l\y e' oot m oth er.ln.lll w. MrH. B . M. ClurK. IllulI ShllJR 0 11 Sa lllrdny. SCI'!. 3. 011 " oiTIcera of t h oll hove Dlun ed type ..... 111 MisA Loona Mo(i lno is s pont Wed . nf Ih e pl~,, "I II ~ fea tu res of thi s CI'Cu t have. money Hlunding to their eredi t . n OHdllV with the Misses Mild r ed, will h e th e fllct LllIlt POri of the ex· We hllve t.h e l.rolInMe, 10 tItI" tow n, Mllrg/lrot und Knthryn Ulnrk . pell"o of lhe rOll leS ta,.t. will be of our s hn ~e of ~uHItles~, prov ldlog <;Juite 11 nom ber fr om oor villR!(o Uo you know tbBt wo IIno .... lha' tb ongh y on Ihow It $" f\ IlDrtalu de . born o by lbo fnlr . This 8tH'Ul! lI t! the m~D10 11l"1 othcers IHO In Hy mp"- ott(J ud ed t he 1I1111lnl Vll ll eyobao tllo Cr:NUINE "tl~Jle n s o Rhurln J:; plnn" Is 11 8 (" Iloll's: Smith kOOW8 khat J ones b:bOWII that gree thflt U 1M Ihe ro. lind tuut yoo An entry fpo will be churgell fO I tby wlLb tile Lllw nnd Ur Lie r luI· '1" .. , l;; oodav . "ud h 6llrd tho Bon . vnn cemeo 18 Wm " . BrYl\n gi ves olle of bl s woo. t you bne a family sll eleton P Por. bn. opened ~he ol~Met lind let it 00' oach mUll; th is mono), will lh en be A rat tail SUIlI,er l~ lJ e i n ~ dlso u ~sotl t1 l1 rfn l lootures . for an aIrin g . R,Med to th e sum of $200. wh l"h h a ~ TOBACCO Mr and Mrs. B . M. Clark nre Telephone 76, rlna 3U bapl we do nOl know ... 11 thll& I. oon. In a smllll t own t\ \s n Re leRs to been sol naldo. lint! th e totu l th'm ~ .o r earlr, winter. 10 t hl!! 1001l1lt;V' R~I ~ arn tukl ng two r y t.hlng 10 8\leodin g B f e w dB Ys In Iodlana U 'aiDed In thlll OIOll~', but wo lire on koop yonr 8k eleton oovered up, be_ re lurn ed pro rutn lo OUl·o(·lOWII n· sight Let' B all get \Jo l'Y and Il B81Nt . . Irant . . In a ll probability Ih" mon MIR8 Agnep Fowler, of, Indlanli . III tbl\ ground Il,lur lind IInnw thllt olose you tell Bmllb aboo' It, 'hen will r.,('e lve at least oll t!·lr ulf o( thei r 10 eradloatlng th e l'e ~ttl from our homes. We will !ls k y lJ U to h elp, no Visiti ng Miss Kllthryn CI"rk . all of UII have "\aeletonl looktld ap J('n 811, Bnd ,.oon the whole n eig h . ex ponsos back. one oan do It ul l. \ Mr8 . Mlnnlt! Floyd and Bon,Robert Two mee ts will bo h,' ld - hlgh 10 onr h om slI. borbood Ie aoquaio t ed wltb a. Keep Mr . Ulnrence C ot.rl~h t. uftor ROV. hll ve returned to 'be!r h?me t.n Cln Tho fumily 11I1I16\OU 18 aired Ont your .lIels'on In the 0108e', look the echool and amaleur. In oa"h mee l or kl m ont hs ' l'icknel s . ,," H8Ad awny oll~~8tl, li fte r a week 8 VISit, With h er gold. s! I\'er nnli brQnze me(lalo uurl NOTARY PUBLIO onoo iu u whlle the pabllo "ud d oor. aD d throw Ilway tbo key, aud ribbon s will be glypn (I, r 111 0 IIr"t un W e,ln ('"tin" Ilnd ""," Illlet to r e8' f", ,.flr . Mr. l:J1l0 800U, and family. 'l 'bo MI 81es Franoes and ElIzabetb tbey IIro Willie pnbllo by OfIrlalo y)U wtl1 not be 'roubled with t bo four places. In od ,II Unn io Ih Me IL L bi" olll h Ollle I\ t Chililootbe 00 Waynesville,IOhlo tinlu rdllY . 8 0 10aveEl t o m OUrb his Henkle wore week.end guests of 1111011, IlerbapII uoknown ~ you. Ill · I 'owo knowlog your Rcorets . trophlos. a gold watl'h wl l! h" ~Iv" n g i) in~, a wife ood t wo ohildren aod Wlldys Bergda ll . th e winner of th e nll ·n rOll ,,,I ,·ha m· National Bank Mr . Bnd Mrs Ar t bor WhitE' came plons hlp (romrlosert of fiv e C'· '111. ). rlcqu/lint,lI ncos. Mr. I\ od Mrs. C.ecll Klrlr: entor. from Detroit, Illst week, ~o at.lend a nd II cup to the winning rolay to" "I . Farm Sa lcs and Li\'c Stock a team wlllll ing th o mrc t. nn,1 t\l" tal ned for o oo,llI Y dlnu er , Mr.I<irk 's the fUD e ral of the latter 8 II r a nd br other and fll rnily, o f Wilmlogt.o ri m ot h er , Mrs. ·Am ellll l:!eeker . Specialt y DR. J. W. MILLBR. bll:\lost Indl\'I dllll l point wln nc r. Ule nn Brock spent a fow day e la9t UIRt yoar a numher of tYa('k sl:l rs Dunkirk , lnd , July 24 ~F?l1owlng we~ k with hll faUler Dr. L G. Satis faction Guaranteed of naltona l reputation WAro ontorp,l. II IItroke uf ""ralY BII, OD !:3aturd .. y Brock ' ...DENTIST••• . 00' of thll ourlou8 thlngll Rboat rslder8 advertt.log a8 80mllthlng Rm o n~ th em C. C. Cooke. nl<' mber m or ni ng [l.t 8 o'olock , Rev. A . S. ' 1~ 1 2 Olympic tenm ; A . n Ollkln. Whf' t~o l. 7'H, for ~ixt.y yOM8 B resi. liellbrook, j Ohio GIli! (Jo rdon Is delivering loe tram uu n wbo bue tbiolts '0 8ell, from m,sterlo'.l' , I~ that he bll8 IiU eotlre. 0 boldor of th e Dig Six dlsclls throw tbe mao wbo bill a good, eatahle . Iy wrong view 0 ' the 8ubjoo\. Tbere record ; Pele Rtlnch ro mb. nll·Amcrl· rI ent of BIllokford County, died at Day t oo t o Ly tle r esideotl. Both Phones hiS h ome, jost northwo~t of Dnnklrk Mr, and Mrs. AlfredBalnes ,Mtssel enn be no my.tery In ao ludlll'ryoarnD' bun on bll ;J()uoters, &0 hIm ..ivertlslng-wbOllo greUea& powor can hAlfback an d . to r brou" jUllIllcr; 8 t1torday night at !l o ·olook . Bo Claro. Harner, Viola Baloes and 'I't-uCY P1ttenl1:or. who broke tlt e blld bee n in tailing hoalth for the .little UI,na aDd Mildred Baines via· "bo h ..1 a 120.000 III1l0hioe 00 the Darnel from playlog 10 tho u,en . markel, I. tb'" mllny of them look LIM aDd mlsropr88on tdloa to ad. world's record In th e 44o--yur,1 hur' 1)~Ht few y ears, and p revi ous to his \t,cd with Mr. Walter I{oorlok anO 00 adyor&IIIIIIr lUI lomotblog vertllliog Bro s plendid rO .1t.es to the dI es a t I'hlll\<1elpllln 'aat sp rln~, and ileuth WBS conti oed t o hie bome for family, !:3nnday. E, BARNART Veterinarian mY8&erlous. Indeed, 'hero Are 80rue poor bouao. It II ea ' lly proveO ,hat CDun tl ell8 oth ers of eq ual nbl\lt)'. Mr Barry McG llln ia and family one week becauso of illnese . Dor. The hi gh sc bool meet In I H20 wns lug t be ()Ivil wa r, he ser ved with visited, Thoreday, ut Bollbr ook, who hedge U about with so muoh 1-$ III for mOlle prufHIlll10 to tell tho Notary Public mYItlol8ID th"t lhey lIoon eogender trntb eVllry \lmo io an adver&lso. won by Ak ron Central. which I1l so the ~· event· b Tudi"na Can'ry. Joly witb Mrs N ellie Boward, Mr. Oliver oollpe tl tho rolay. The th ir d ('up ~i-i . I '- , he reoelvod 1I0ense to Watson, and Mr . Barry W~tsoo, of OFFICI:: Inoredultty and $berolore do u d ad lDeot, . veUlle a' all, t!nob meo , ru their No groat IlduORt\on 18 needod t.o went to George Hut chlll ""n or Ham· prelloh lind was In strument.nl In Cleveland . Fourtb Street, near_Tyler OWD "or8t eDemlell prove tho truth of 'he el!eottveno •• IltOI!. while John Halleck o ( \' oungM' bulldlng t.he Unit odBlrelbren ohurch Mr . lind Mrs. Clyde Cox were S un All kinds o f N otary W ork. W1l1R T.lephone 93 Bo' "hore do you Ilod a reader Ilf advortlllnil. If 'he mlln who Ie low n took lhe all ·around . III lhe om· hero, havlog three oharges for forty day gu08ts of Mr . 0.011 Mra.Wm .Cox. f\ud Deed s fl tlJloollllty . of ..ivertlllemllotl who lookll upon In <teuM about It, or who looks on ateur ellvl sion the Y. ;\1. C. A . of ('0- yeur... Be WIlS B go'verDment sta Evorott Hitbeus, ' who bart his Ohio WayneSVille, them all O1y,,'e,I8111 N,owbero, The advorUetng a. 1\ mys$ery, will make Iumbus won the meot. Delta Tall Msttolll oorr osp ondent fr om Black. Su rviv ing are t.h n foot lit the t)unday Sohool ploolo 11' 8re..$ m lIS of people whu rond the liP hIli mind to II ve ton hours of hip DeIlR the reloy. Pete Stinchco mb th e ford oounty . ' park, IS geat-ing along DBw8pt1pera aud maKuloe8, look on life a roadlng Blady of Its valne, blll h POtllt wlllller trophy. nn ,l II . H . Widow, foar sooB-I"owls of P eebloR Hohant..: )+~~. . .~~ •••••••••• Ohio, Wilham, tlhank and Harry, ~t nioely. adver'lellmeou wllh muob the 8ame hll wl\l get RII the oduoat\on he J1[cCobb of A kron the 1I11 ·nron nd. -... .... A wnlklll ~ ra ~o has horn ndded to .plrU a. \boy do 00 the lIeWlI, ref\d· needs bome-and foor dau ghter8-Mrs Ed 1011 leaturea, odltorlall aod lIaorlos. Road onc book by an elrl)ert on this YOll r', progru m. nnrl lhe entrlos McGonnell , P ennvill E!: Mrs Orin Trutli Breaks In at Lalt. Tbll trouble with that mao "ho tbe ~ubjllot and your oye8 will be to ,Inte h:>.\·o heell of high qnnllt y. St.arr, Bloft' 1'010'8; Mra. Elmer Marri age teacheR US th nt It III a Mr. Lln chull of Clncinnatl and Mr. 1ittlU.,.. near BlAine, a n d Mrs. Joho h .. lometlllDI '0 lell and who 000. openlld-wlde. hamined Correctly... Mllloll c of rl n,·eln lln. I>olh hulders C1! Good" ollr , \luu kirk . Fuuoral sor. ,hun sight ollsler to follow A ,voman J I hll ll It 18 to lend hcr.":"Arkllosa. Gl~ Fitted nalionn l ""d world recorrls. h n"~ vi oes. 'l.'ueRdBY ut 2 o 'olook, ot 'I" ''''''n~ ('.at. VETERINARIAN AT MODERATE PRICES st gnlncd th" lr Inten tion of (,lI terhu: Bethel U . B. church, Ridertown , /lilt! wttll tl la n,I,lI11ol1 of th o two Rev. Robhins Will oJliolllt,o. lotor . Vaccination a Specially. Noth. Goodyoar wn'k or" from Akron. th ,' m eut In tho 1. U. U F . com otory evonl shou'" btl ('\osely co mp,'lcd. Ing but Rel/oblll Serum uled The rOIn S of th e pa st w eek bavo Entr ies and AI1,1Iti onul In forma· Optical Departmeot oom e to onr r C60 ue , aod produoe Is Those who nr(' In n "rtllI ,lnWII" ('011 tlon mol' hp ohl ,lin '01 from W . n. S. Datrolt BL Xenia. Ohio Harvey.burs. O. Phone 44 GrWlth . Pllhllclty ~ t nnngor . Ohio holding its hend up Bnd tr yi n g hBrd dltl nll will n"ll tc thnt ('" I"rrh hot!wl's 10 be Romebodr . Let ' Aaaslst. 80 wo th em lIIudl II lO r p thun w heu tht·.\' Ill"'" OPllfl evenlnge by appointment Stllte "'ulr, Colum bu•. way hllve so'r uethiolt for Winter, In ~ ,," ,I h('nlt h. 'rill s fu t t p,'o\,es thut ++++4 . . . . . . . . . . .. Aogust Is hero lind win te r Is near. while Cnln rrh 's It locu l tll "· n ~ e. II Is I!rt'u lly I nOtl ent·~ tI hy COlIstllutl onnl The Miami Gazelle, $1 50 B year. (·011111110n8. HALL':'; ('ATAHHH A.. SHUMAKER ME11I (, I NJ1: Is n Tonic un',1 Blonll Purl· Hiah Brows- and Bot-that's 'be dally menuncr. nnd nel;; th rull~ h 1\", ·hl oorl UP IJ Il a with the hlgbbrow obape- of courle Veterinarian) th(, IIIm'OltlS snrfn ces of tltH borly, thlls l:doo" admire 'he poot tb .. & 10- . , . .Tbey mouot al!'>o B rllin. rmhlcln/! tlte Inllnnlllllltion aod reslorIla"s hla ruu.hy 1\068 wiab fol.do I bow whoo we holler for a bor8e l Practical Vaccinator. Have had 1111: 1I0rmnl coullltl on~. rol, or pupyy·lovo. or monkey IIhloe. , They h')od us Ipeokalatlon, when Jotood BUCCes.~ in Immunln, 00 All ,lrug.:lsIS. ('Ircu lars froo. FUNERAL DIRECTOR --1 oao' t dlgll'" a vlllll'lo '1IIlt" • It. dlvldeuds "e nIle<l.-an' tbey bot.h sick Dnd well herds, F. J. Cheney · I\: Co., Toledo, Oblo. mUlioD mllee from here, nor IIwal- sooma to }lark the loudost when ler ~IUO dllltraoUoo, wbere 'be th01'VO go, a orilio treed. Waynesville, Ohio Both Phones me.. om' Iso" oleir, • . , Home H55-8 Bell '-Ir Ciru IOme&hlo' tbat'. IntanlPbJe Tbll poem-same as nnsalJlHlhould oonlolo a b.a t " e red braln~? bo mouJdod loto patl,-wlth plllnty Bellbrook, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Or fool ImllllUlUou oounM..ot of aaseao' pepper, an' tho rlgh' per WHO SAYS THE DREADNOUGHT DREADS NOUGHT ~ IIIlIlD' paloI' If 1 wal lalrly.'arvlo' oent of fat'_n' wheo you fry 'em Service. far. d'\sh ol .brllad aD' meat, would proper, '0 a orllp, dll11010UI brown, Large Display Room yoU' TOU' Ie' me ont a Daseerolo of yoa OIlD raise tbe kltoheo wtBderlaula.le8 to e ..t? lllod tbe emell will oharm the town I TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT BIRDS DESCEND FROM WWGED 51'1 1,£ 5 WHAT'S A n.CPITl!.8T<·S ANCE:ST P.5?
D. L CHANE , Ed itor Dnd JJub1islter. Wa ynesville, ( Ilio
~i llu
A Yearly Chautauqua
, I'
anagement t Bear Part 1
Expenses of Contestants,
Everett Early
one bag of
The Family Skeleton
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
John H. Wright Auctioneer
Mystery Where There is No Mystery
w.yaen .....
· [ I, ..
Dr. Lloyd B. ",..
Hall's Catarrh Medicine
Walter McClure
DR,H.E, HATHAWAY Bermao 0, a,".r, prealdeo' of .be ...,IOD.I OIo'hlera ...001..&00, 1 1921 • 1&11 th.t men''''yIN will ohau.eto SIll Moo more .Iabor.... fuhtODa In '~e uex' ,,,olyearl, My R,aotoUlI Tht. I. alarmio, new" Oar "yI8 bu no. ob"qlled for 'he put ~Meo iear. , aDd if our IrteoM do no' oome 10 ( . ",. reiou.-.pie", 'OqD, we will be ".rln, a Blo~her BnbbArd, ,,"b 110 oiher embaJlllbm8u" •
AUG'lJ,s Tue \W/I
WaYDenllle'e LeadIng Dontt., OfllOll 10 B ulnes Bldg. Main B\
j '
fl'1 .
1 2 J 6 7 8 9~ 10 11 12 IJ 14 1§ 10' 17 18 19 20
a. . . . . ., . .
Barbed. Wire
21 22 2J 24 25 ~() 27 !8 29 JO ell ". • •• Our, QlJenda..
------~.~ .~ ~----
PNeooIOU8 youth"
7-11th Sunday after Trinity,
'!'be teIldMr ai1Ie4t "W:IaI do i.... Au" 13-Jewfah F.u! Ab. . tIII'II ied ID aataaar' .• IIDaJI \lor Au,. 14-12tb Sqnday after Trlntty.
1I1uhlD1 to AIle· 16- The A.umption, , Ia . . . AUIf "1-18th Sunday .fter Trinity.
1IMt ....· . . . . _
",-I4th I:IIuIdQ after
----- ..
GUARANTEED to henl without leav. Ing ablemlsb, or lIlONEY REFONDED, 600 I!.od el .OO eizlJII for fresh wooncil, oldsOretr, eot:e backl and s hool d er8~~nMlll and bruiaee; 250 size' for }o' aruily u.a, . DR. COX'S PAINLESS BIJSTER II paiDIeM alld guarani.eed eo CUrti BpAvID, Ringbone) Curb, Sweeny~ID', Pidfel er any ·enJarpment oj IDIIIIOUI. 0I'.moae1 reluDded. P*!e . I0Il ULI n AU. DIlV4MIS1a
.. ..
For best results we use Miami GaZette.. , Classified col~ we'll ten the 'wo
'I1ie MiamI Gazetle, Warnenme, 0IiJ0. -
~i S S
a t= -i r:lIE==:J
For Friday and Salol day Only 11 !' l
,i ng-ha m in 0 r Ch e k s, In :t2 incbe's wiell', ~ p('cin l
frolll for Friel n ' nntl S:1Illrli:l), oll ly, at
(jOc qlla lil ' fl rC'_' P l .l id~ , .. Lr i s , 1'10 ill
~ ~ ~
T.' o dead rats in a woman's handbag c au ~(!(1 a ~ reat cl esl of me rrimenl S unday evening on Main slreet . It is rumored that the rodents came om a nother town. Be that as it I!I fr may. iCveral people stopped their machines and picked UP ' the bag' opened it - and laid it down again (or another victim . The crowd at lost grew la r~c, at l racteu by the fu n [!J bu t finall y the bag uiSBllpeared, ami the fun stopped.
~----- ---
~E R Y A RD.
~- -
~ .HY~!~iIIe~hiOCO' ~ aI
House for 'al e- see McKean . Inferl ile eggs k<'l'l !Iry will nnver rot. Swot lhe rooster! Orville Gray spent Th urMuuy and Friday a t the Reserl'oi r. Dr . Dill , O~Wollalh , 2 1 S. UroRu, way. I.!banon, Ohio.
Capt. John >40 n lind wife. of Norwood, were Ihe we,'k·erlll vi RitorMof Rev. Holland wife.
Sawyer's Wayne Market The Little Store wIth The SIK BargaIns I carry a full line of Groceries, Fre3h Fruits, Vegetables and M eat ~ , at prices th at are less lhan yo u expec t lo pay.
Barn Paint $1.60 per gallon
$3.35 per gallon
Why pay 50e for coffee? My Log Cabin Coffee at S3e will equal the best.
Yours for Service.
WaIter L Sawyer, Prop.
T o comply with the Pence Anti-Glare law , w e have on hand a lot of
: :
· Sun-Ray :
, d . ] wer y auto must be l'qUlppe WIth one o f thc approvcd devices . b y August 16, S . d '11 1
come 111 un we WI S lOW you a ~on d one- something real g.OOd.
I !
prc mises , Salem A ve nue, Dayt o n, Ohio, across the s trec t from the new Grace M, E. Church,
Monday, August 8, '21, at 2 :00 o'clock, p. m, The building ~ontaiol abou l iO,OOO fef!t of different kinds of lu mber, mostly siding , 71 duors, 66 windows, with the following hatteJs: l()()" din ing chairs, [, gas heaterl, 2 square pianos, about 100 yards lin oleum , l... t of carpets of all kinds, blackboard, . cupboard , gus range , hot vlat(·s, lo t pi dishes. All the plumbiDg aDd electric fixture. in the building will be oITercd separately andasawbole
P~sltively sold t o the highest bidder as the new church i. 110
use fo r this J)Uilding,
.A. wonderful opportuuity to buy' a buiIdiDlll~ed leu thaD two at your own I,rice.
ti~ days {or r 1U0vet of building •.
\, ~io ll .
ru t mb(f o f t he Anll·ri .... ul Kr a ft wa s ;\
SC Ill ur g r.I ~ll ·
Conservancy lanu was sold ot Us· Mrs . R. L . Fl'azier and chiltlcn are born, Ohio, Salurtlay, IInll the foll ow· vi~itlng with rE~lalives in f'omroyton inll local peo ple were purcJul!Iers: Ben Smith bought 103 acres, at a\~d Ml. Sterling, Ky. $190 per acre MI'3 . Clarence Mendenhall, of Dav· Marvin Hay boughl 58 acres, at ton. Is spendinR' the week with Mr $170 per acre and Mrs. Amoa Mendenhall. W, p ' Gorsllch bought 230 acres , at $90 per ac reo Mr. and Mrs J. C. Hawke attendThis land lies acr o~s the river fr om ed the funeral of James Gray, of the town of Osborn, and was taken Springboro Monday llfle rnoon . over at the lime of the buildinR' of Big reduclion in Men's, Young the conservancy dam . As lhe dam Men'a and Boys' Suits, at Hyman':!. is about finished, the land was olferetl for sale. Most of this land has never The Misses T:rillena and Murgllrel ueen touched since the dam was comEdwards are sl~nding a couple of menced, an4 it is all in good shape, weeks at the Springs.
Marlinsvill e: Ind .,
Chaa, Sherwood, ~ho has been confined to his home on Third street for thll past three weeks, is able to be out aaain .
--------I. 0, D. f. REUNION
Church School and service until the Several prominent speakers were fil'1!t Sunday in September:, there trom different places and Mr. The cburch will be o""n daily, In- Purvis gave alii interesting talk on, "Why I am a Quaker." .. ~ cludinll Sundays from 9 a m. to 5 p. ______ • _ __ m . for meditation and prllYer, ~ Man Cannot Sene. Coming Rain, It II BomewhtU extraordInary, but Harvey 9bu l1: FrIends Church lIan II the only nnlrJlol Ulat cannot Sunday School at 9:30; Church oatural1y perceIve approaching rain. ~ other anlrnnls show uneaelnes. lIervi~e at 10:30, We welcome all wheo rain til comIng. At such tlm81
lue to the relaxation ot their nervee Bible School at 9:30. Preaching ))' the damp aIr, wblch makea t.bem at 10:30 a. m . and 7:30 p. m, Every !lDeas1, one inviled. J. A. Pine, Pastor. ~~~!!"!'!~~~!!"!'!!!"!'!~~~~~ii!i.i!ii.!i!!.~~ Waynesville Christian Church Services every Sabbath at the Church at 10:30 a· m. Preaching by Captain B. Enstminger, of the Arne!· iean Rescue Workers . Everyone wel!:ome at lhese service3.
Looking Baclrward Those who look baekward wi~ satisfaction are thOlMl who look forward with intelligence, Look forward every da,.. It will mean man" daya of happineaa looking "~ekward,
M. E. Church The uHual services will be held 1,525 new a,coount. opened ,1 nt-xl Sunday: SUllday !:khool, 9:15: UII since January I, are accounts Preaching services, 10:30 a m, and scnt WI by ~Iur present eustom7:00 pm.; Epworth League, 6:15 ere; there is a ' reason for th__ p. m. Everybody cordially invited . it Burely ill IIltlafactton with
SIX (6%) PER CENT returu for the' deposit. ~aesar's ~reek .FrIend. Church All deposita received from lit Sunday School at this ::hurcll every to 10th of JUl7 ..m dra.. lDtez.. Sunday at 9:30 a. m Preach ina- ser- est from the tat of .JoI,•. vice at 10:30 o'clock a, m, You are cordially invited to be present. Orthodox Friellds Church Sunday School, 9:30 a m .het· Ina- for worship at 10:30 .
.- .
Bedtime III bedtime. DO matter
:a~I~:~IC:.:::'p u!~u:,~b::
·M.• _ 785, Home n.,lIa-bt tilJUl.' " IIkeJJ _~ee _ _Uldg., ____ ___ _ _4827, _ _ _Dayton, _ _ _ _O. - ' der to luffor fromSavin. It,
The MianU Loan &. 'Buildiog As... .~.
..loath . . ..... "'JIOa, .....
lu m ht1 8 ful' t h ,' Art L ua ll l;-:xlll lJ ll . lw l t! AIIJ.!. :~ ~ to S,'p l :C WII "; 1' 6t ' l' i \'l1 t! H rl ' \ \' Iln~· t. IlK II h v I h, ' r;ti r 1Il 1l1l :1J:!1" 11\ 0 11 t T Ill' ~ \lhJp( , t l~ " I I I ~; 1\ lrl ~ llt l lll In t hfl \\' tHH I !-\" all fl \\: I ~ lIa l nlt·d lI y n, ( ; It' l1l1 ~r w " 11 Shll t ' 111 1' J) it- t ll f P 1:4 \' :1 111 1-'1 1 /I t $:! ..... OO . It i s p l'l n ' l ug t o Ill!' qll it ra It " whil e ,' !t 'ph lt llt. " ! IIH~ ' TlI u d , 1\ :01 ttll' \\ ' Of1ll1ll ''4 11\ III (lill ~ Itt ~ t tll i ll t ht , hlllld ~ u f tilt' d l "'I II'a t nn;
Ih,' r l'
n nd
1l1llllhp r
lli g Can Sa lmon .. .. . . l {)c
L enox Soap, 7 for .... 2fic
l'alm-OliwSoar, Wfor . 75c
I~a l r 11\1I111t)! I'r , ~ ta tl '~ thll t Pit i lltlll~ ~
Qua rter
The Late Classified Ads.
Tea , the fInes t you cver saw, I.:,! lb. for ..... 29c Muole'!! Good Oil Moore's Goo(1 ll a ~ o linl! The kind that don't smok e 13ring us your C hicken ~ ami E"gf! It Will Pay You to Tradt! at
l f
Bes t: rishCobblers, pk . 7()c
I'pl' rf\ ,.P l\ t lt ll \'t:~
thl ' "Il t frt' \' all1 l ' (Ir Ih, ' rt lrl plilY w ill " I! ' '''O'' ''', mill ion "olla r mark .
2 Jr
Gmn.Sug ar, A.hag . . $i.7!l
G tl(Jd Co tTee , lb . . .. .. . ].I>C
pl :u ' l'
:\ lIlt 'rh'lt ll ll i\'1\1I'l' -t \\' t11 prn hah ly b tl :: hII'P, ' d In f li p !l I'H r r1l111rt ' ~lr \\' 111 R t ; il l '
0\'11 11 ;\ 1111,
~ ( u ra~('
horn .
Dr. J, W. Miller, accompanied his cousinB on their return home after the burial of hi!! mother, and will spend about two weeks with them, St. Mary's Cburch taking a much needed rest.. Upon ' I'ty his return be 'will reopen his office EI even tb S un da y a ft e r TrI n, August T, Church School at 9:30 a . In the Bank Building.
PuLlic Sale of the Grace M. E. Church Tabcrnacle on the
ompld 'd and they hflvc
F, .IIlI' C
Public Sale!
- ._~
r.l duJ o pt' r ;lto r during t il l' w tllld \\ ,l r .1I1d \V as !le r io ll s ly inj u n .'ll \\ !it' ll Iw ~ b O:l t , the " \ V(' :> h)\.' r r," \\':t. s I l l r· 1',., \,-",<1 a" t..! su nk o tT the (O"'t o f
D~:. ~. A !es~! ~~: ::=::~::~:~:~O~ ~$i?~;t~:~
•••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111 .111,
m ., sermon and Holv Communion at Several Friends from here attend. 10:30. The public is cordially In,lt- ed Q t i M tl t h M' . ed to these aervlc88, uar er y ee ng 0 t e ,amI Next Sunday will be the laat IOClety ot Friends at Selma Tuesday
E. A. Krait , recent ly ~ t Sca llt.-. \\'asll., wh e re her hu sha nd, a ".1\ y
U.. II "ilonA \I ~.
W'~Ylltl8vlllo, OhIO.
al 7'
Gazelle. $1501\ year .
DIRECT SHIPPING PAYS BEST \vhl'n crell m 18 r oncly to Rell lh ll h!\r~ work ~ \olM been done and YOll "h!lald nr: t permit tiny o 'lt·Hldors '0 mllko nn exLra prllnt, 01T yo or olT,,rt". You elln ship yonr oream D1R~ 'l' \0 tho Trl.Httlte f\nd savo trorn 50 to 70 por Ib hn&tor rn' It Is '"tI~ 1111 ollay to deliver 'he oream to a ratlroael IItll'ton 6S \VO gO!Irnntee to a oream buylni .tstlon. The '\'rl.~'llto pays t\le ' your OratlOl &ranllport .. lIon and gunranteoll your oreal)) IAlCalndt. Rnd Ollna 108810 trtlnsit. agntnsl 101111 Wl' pay IIXllrell8 or b~lfg·,ge
Use Miami Gazette for advertising
" c nc ra l Pe r shin K' s ni cc." ~ I i , ~ I t.-kne Gene P ers h in s . W':lI t Oil!' s,.! e o f J rt ny ci rcle s to !: d It "" husb an t..! . She became !h e IIr"I,' of
Having decided to quit hourekeep· The Warren County Odd fellows, Mr. and Mrs . S. L. Cartwrighland lng, 1 will sell at Public' Auction, at reunion which was to ha\'e been held Mr. and Mrs. James Ke rrkk ,visited my residence In Lytle, Ohio, on the Cbildren's Home, at Lebanon, at the Lebanon Fair Grounds on Sunday Aug. 2L.has been postponed and Wednesday, Au&ult 10, 1921, Sunday afternoon. will be held at II later date throug h Commencing at I o'clock pm .• a lot Call and see our great. reductions the week time, ~as the Sovereign of Household Goods. See bills, . for the AuguBt sale. Among the Grand Lodge of the United Stales MATILDA EMERICK. bargains we have 100 pairs of Ked!\ haa legislated and made it unlawful A, A. McNeil, Auct. for Girls, Boys, Men and Women, to hold any public asaemblagc!I by or Your choice for '1.00. Look at our under the name of the Independent job lot of $4. 15, and $6 tlhoCl!; your Order of Otldfellows on the Sabbath choice for $2,50, John A. Funkey, day.
Paying 35e for Country Butter; 29c f "r Eggs, this wet!k.
Public Sale.
My stock is clean, fresh and upto·the·minule.
Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Chops. Smoked Sausage, Weiners,FrankB. Picnic Hams, Pressed Ham and BololI:na .
Fancy Indiana ('Il nteloupes, Waterm elons, DUlchess Apples, AI· berta Peaches, flananll,8, Lemons and Oranges .
House Paint
Bohool board mol on Thursday afternooD aDd hlrod Mtst! Mllbel "ver. to teaoh our sohool the oom' iDg yaar. Mlitl Myors OOIU88 to n8 highly reoommended, and 18 the tourth teaoher they have hired, tbe oSher 'hree bavlDg relligned. K, E TbomplfOD laDeleli auo&h.r big ' 8t1le of spoUed Poland.Vhlns glits, la8& week. John /Spray, of N.w Borllng'oD, wae ~he bnyer. Harry Morray'hDd wlte and Ray Olond CODDer and faUlily, ot Way noavllle, were smiling on thllir many friends here , on Bunday morning ' ThaDk 100, 00018 ag 'ID, B. A. Elite and lon, of near Har. veYllburg, oaOle down, one day )a8' week, and bough, A. BAileD's eD. lire !lU.r of (Big Bond) big type blaok Poland.Chlna pillS. OUf
'f l,o lir "! pl('!\l rt' til :!rrl\'c at (, ,).
Misses Laura M c l{in ~ey and Alma Waterhouse are camping at Millmi Valley Chautauqua.
---_.- ..
D. Ha",ke
If::;) 1[:==31 B 'E=:=:!!' [:J
I [!J'
Mr. anu Mrs. U. I{. ~ mith fttl end · ed th e Grant! Ci rc uit rat't:'9 a t Col· umb.u8, Thurw ay .
William DykE' and Camily, of OIlY• Dr. lind Mrs. H. E. Hathaway will ton, apentSunday with M ~ . lIuluuh --.--- '""'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!~~~!!"!'!~'""'!~~--""!"-"!""--~~~~!!"!'!!!"!'!~~ ent ertain the Hathaway re union al Burnett, 01 Route 5. lhe Odd fellows hall Thursday . A A Noble Language. Plllnll n!!. f) r flrt Kilhe rnlly, a8 1IU('h, large crowd is expected. A.luminlum Ware, warrant ed 20 with 1111 It s t"" I! nh'lIlIlIes, dlOkulUes, years, Sawyer '!1 Wayne Market. onll pn,·tl eulur (, lllIs. Is nothIng but a noble nll ol I'xl'n' <8h ' (' Innb'lJRge, Inval· Mrs. James Mitchell, of Washing. unlll(' fI ~ tl,,, "I'hlde or thought, but ton C. H ., is the guest of Mr. Hoy by It Rl'Jr, no! hlnl\.-Joho Ruskin. MacBeth and family.
We Put Them On
Bef.lt Z5c Sox , in all ~o l o r::l , s pecia l Walter McClure has a new funeral car of the latest type. It is heau· 3 for 5Oc, at Hy man' s . tiful in all its appointments, and is Mr . and Mrs . Floyd Mc\{ " an and of the Reo type . He brought it dauR'hter, are visiting r elotives in home Thursday. Sandusky lhi~ week.
(Alit /110 re tha 11 T() yo r J.'i 10 a cust()mer. )
---_.- ..---
CINCINI"ATI, OH 10 !lutter-fat III
Cash Capital $250,000
Freo l.,.i,,1 e llns glndly Cor 30 ct'ys .
Dew IJlltrOltli I
MOAt Tri.9tohl r"trons havo two ClAns so when th.,y take 11 shipment to the depot Lhoy ortn g il t the empty . Week 01 Au, . tn f rom prev I OUS MII I pmen . '0 AUI( . 1l\,. loci; '
Miss Stella naugherty is in charge of office.
' !',I.
One ot UH; mo~t elaborn te and at the "8 me tim e Interesting Innova· tlOIIS on the State I ~!llr progra m for Fire, Tornado, AuloReal Estate, Live Sloe 1921 Is th e Art Loan Exhibit. beld in mobile, Life, Live and also Farm conn cc Uon with the regular prize Stock, Accident /" Property competition hy Ohio nrtl sts . . In the loan depnrtment no . llrlzeR will be glvon. the obJll ct f,elng s imply tu put on a s ho\~ ·romarkttblu-fol'·- it8 ·1-I~-------~------------""!!!!!!!""'''''-~ boauty anll unique In Quality. Telephone Office in Artl ~ t ' from nil ovor th e Unlten Aman Building 61·2 Stnles hll ,·e beon osknll to enter thelr.,jilOst prominent palnttngs 0011, durin !: the past winter. every largl! art exhibit tn tho cast was visited" with tl __ lew to seeurlng lhe crean, of the season's l,alnllngB. ' At a great expense. the Womao's Bulilltng at the talr g roun~ . In CIolumhus hall boon rerleeomted - an(1 remodeled, ' !lIn! whonwillthe fln,l showoneopens. AugmORt .. '28, I "tsltors of the complete series of galleries and the ttt . best lighting system In the mldtll" west. AmonJ( !hp entries to ,late are : XENIA,, OHIO George Bellow.. formerly ot Colum· bu s and now living tn New York, whose work In th(' 1 ' ~ Rl few ycars has' coused him to 1)(' "'assed liS the forem08t Am erica n 0 rtl st: Ernest Lnwson ot the " a.me city, who recently took a $2,000 prize with thl! same pIcture he will exhibit at Co· 1\1l11h\l,,; _ fikh nrd Andrews, Edward D\llTner and countlcss others or equal ability, Including George Elmer Brown. who \VIIS recently chosen as a part or a group or AmerI ca's most Wednesday Thursday Friday representative artists . . 2:25 P~'ce ............ $400 ~:18 Trot. .. .......... '400 2:20 Pace ............J400 The total value' ot the pictures 2:22 Trot ... .......... 400 2:16 Pace .... ........ 400 2:26 Trot<"........... : 40(l which will be on d~8play Is estimated at $150.000, an~ !lie pri ce. run from 2:09 Pace .... .. ...... 416 2:14 Trot .. .. .. .. .... 400 2:14 Pace ............ 400 $10,000 to ,r,oo. The majority or thllse paIntings bove b'eon shown In South America, ParIs and the Enst, where they were accorded a WlIrlD Displays of recolltlon . Althottgh the f.olr I. usually raga.rrled all a strictly ngrlcIllturnl In· stltutlon, stilt It drnwM pe01)l c from all walks ot lite, Bn,\ ·It ts for thlll reRSOn that the mUIIllgemont. Is IItresslng thlB loan exhibIt, which pOIseneR a universal app.eal. ' Portraits, IItreet scenes, . rustic Dook"':-ID tact an ' episode or pose fr0ll!:::!!ery country and class of people-will be Qn di8plny, lind It 18 an aNured taot that everyone will ftUd lOme pIcture to catch tbe eye, while. ~ For further iilforma.Uon or Premium Book, write thOle with a developed senlie of artJ. R. Bryson, Secrfi'~. : Xenia, Obl~ jatry will revel · tn the com·pI8ten...
The Big
Greene County ••• Fair
August 2, 3,4, 5, 1921
Agricultural Implemenls.....Hona Cattle....Sbeep"...Swine..:.P~uItry..~ Farm and ~en Prodoce._........
or t.l!t enUre uhlb,t.
~eventy -Thil'd
Whole Number 5447
10, 1921
House for Sale-see McKean .
.\ fllg itl\'I· littl,· biographical -note \\ 'I n. I); \.0,1. j; 11.1 ., ..:;(I~ (lui tl' a ).(, ,,,dly numhe r o f lilll.ral of Tom l·orIVln. :lpp£'ari ng in an ('x'" 11 1 fllil hfu l fans in th,' ,,·Irk. a l ~" chan!:!;, on till' Mt'a~illn of til(' 127th qlli tf'n !lumhe r' ~ h"rt ~ klllt'~ park,." anni "cr~: lr y of hi~ birlh , Ju ly 29. lIon).( th£' rondo ":II\' I)ur Miflmi~ laKe '(,IIII~ lu llIinr\ l hn t thou).(h hjs distinDr. Dill, O~teopllth , 21 S. Hroadhe ffl~1 I lay lon ( ·onl . r " ln~ inU, ramp I!lli ~h(·d nbility find public se rvices way. Lebanon. Ohio. I,y a ~c"r p ,If ~ tn 7. :It I' hi llil'" park . n· IIl"· "''' grt'llt erhlit un Oh io. Corla~ Sunday af tern oon This \Va .. IJ\' win w a~ nll l a ""tiv(' ()f thl~ state . George Robertson, of Route 5. far Ih e best and m o~t eX('il ill!! (·In. 11,· WWi burn in lIollrl on counly. Ky. is quite ill at his home. lesL the Mi<l ll\i ~ hul'e had sili Cl' Ill ,. IJlIl I\'h en hl' wa~ only fou r years old Mi~s Clara Lile i8 the guest of reI· l'oaHt tl}wlI g-anll' May ~!lt h . J::dl(ar Ili s fallH' r . a po"r farmer. moved to atives at Washington C. H . Ue rgen did a ~plell tliil jllh of cHl ch- I Jhit) alli l ,;dtl ,·" 'Jl~ a farm in Waring Clllrk e's twist e r ~. and shot 111 1 1'1'11 I :"lIl1ty. ~ " that p ractically all of Glenn Grav. of Clarksville. spent (.ntire bllll·h full of p"p and Ki nj:!1'r till' 71 Yf'a r ~lI f h i~ li fe we re spent on s('veral days hert! with relatives. CIllrkl' pitellt'd line hall alld the: team I h(' "',il o f (Jh in The "'del' Corw in did not frown on Mi88 H!'nrietta McKinsey spent backed hi m in nice ~ ty l e. The vi sito rs were r eti red .)n Ihree ..duration . Ilul fe eling that he could lust week with r elatives in Dayton. easy chan c('s in ti lt! firM I; tli en. witll IlOlall'nrtl tn gi ve all his children the Mi~ Ada Michener is home after one down. sin lZ l e~ hy Cr ane an d fler- advan tal:'cs of it" se lected M!ttlhia.~ , ~pendinl{ a pleasant week at the H(' rc is a n:o:; t int ere sting phologra ph \\ 11 11 ~I \\'.1:. ft' Cl.: ll l ly ~ mll Kgk d o ul of Ru ssia :t ile! p" rdl :lc;td on gen and Manchesler 's error ent an eluor Mo n. to be thc scholar of the It s arr i\' a l In thi s coull try hy th e Autoca s tcr s.t:f\ In . 0 i whi c h Ihi i\ p :qlfT j .. a 1ll '1II1 u: r . T he ", L' n sho wlI :11 e lakes . Buckram scampering home with the famil y. and T homas was held to wor~ l. l' lIil\· ~ ;l'"s:s ta n ts and tilt! p irtu r( s ho,is th l' k ll 1l 1 II i 11 11 11 \\ h o 11:1 ,· I·:, : ',' T I, . \l I J l1 "il ll hi s 11 :\1\(1 n il lh ~ tally wh ic h uro ke the ice and really o.n the farm . . Hut two opportum . ',," i~ h: alll \.' I1 ( Jf , b ' l \l". rIH. ) r l,f ~I O ~( Q\\" . Mra. Eva Miller. of the Ohio Ma· tl e~ cam~ to. h im to taste of educawon that old hall gamc. sonic Home. spent lut week here at The seco nd inning produ ced one of Itl"n . HIMIlrsl leacher was FraDcrs her home. tfJe tinl'st pitching f!J at~ ever seen on Uunlavy . later one of the n~ted law the local lot , Th e IirMt three vi sit- y~ r: of th e stat~. U~tto hl A seconb~ J . C. Hisey, rural mall carrier on o r~ r eached base on hits, more or teacher, Rev. J acob G ~ lllgs, he pro. Route 3. WILl off last week on account less fluk ey . then Cla rke se llied down ably owed more for hiS succe~ In of illness. und pitched ilEAL ball and "three life. for the clergymen recogmzed more Hedskir.s-bit th e dU 3t" bv lhe l oratoric~1 a~ility in .his p.u~iI and Mrs. Frank Camaan. of Dayton. , strikc'-out rout e , not a runn'er Bcor ir", drill ed him In eluc.utJOn •. g.rvln g ~he Mi88es Hel(ln Marlatt and AII ~e 18 spending a few days with relatives Wayneeviile was visited by looters Carey were hostesses to a weiner Durin'" I h h ,.. th e fi rst fi ve daYM' culling. A IJUs.~ . two singl es, Ii >l(lc ri fice . ,..a I.ucst to t h at nal lve a b Itty 'III' IC and friends. Sunday evening. This is the first roast last Tu psday a l th e Three Mr. F ravel bandIed 107 1 chickens, stolen uase and a uat~h of fic ldinl{ made Corwin so well known as a pubMrs . Hester KobinlOn, and son. tim" for several months. but they Bridlles. Abou t tw enty yo ung peo· from which 227 culls were el iminated. e rr o r~ Kave the Miamis three more II'IC s pea ker . 0 ne wou Id probably Over 300 people atlelld eJ the demon- in the second and two mure cuultted ask ill vain 88 to what became of Frank. spent the week·end with rel- made a wholesale delivery when they pie were presen t. lltarted . Hyman & Co.. Fred Cole strations, to learn how to ).li ck out in the lh ird. 'uv vir tu e uf a double. Matthias Co ~win, who .received the atives in Columbu •. anrl the Waynesville Mills all had Relativ es and fr iends of Mr. and thllir boarder hens . Considerable in- two si nR le~. a stolcn base and a wub- more eJt;te nslV~ educational ad vanSevera' memba... 01 the Frienda their turn. The manner in which Mrs. J OB. Shu l.t.s HurpriseJ them. terest is also manifest in reeding ble or two A sin gle a hit batsman tages that thei r fath er could alford . church are attendi", Yearly Meet· they worked looked very much like Sunday. by wulking in on them at problems. Those who hsve begun three !t o l ~n bases and a wild h e av~ Though Co:win would be 127 ~ea~ local talent. as not much of anything their home . The day was pleasantlv 10 feed the standard dry mash are hy Woo'l gave our boys their la ~ t old were he !tvmg todsy and It 18 ing at Richmond, Ind. wu taken in any of these places. getting good returns. Circulars on t t ' th I' fth fi fty-~ix years since his death, there spent by all thoMe present. ' wo cou n ers In e I . . .. Clarence Mendenhall. of Dayton. Cole'a hardware store suffered potIltry d iseases. as we II as on cu II 109 The viai tors scor ed two in Ihe third ar' still no.doub t many IJvtn g w~o spent the week -end with bls parents mOlt. u far u Is known. The robRev. !lnd Mrs. J . F. Cndwallader. and feeding, are distributed at the on th ree walks and lW I) singl es. lind rec~1I hearing the famous orator In Mr. ad Mrs. A. Mendeaball. be ... threw a rock In the window In Mr. and Mrs . Ed Thomas and sons. the meetings, Mr. Fravel proves a bunch of errorRga\'e them another their yo uthful days. The. m~n of I the back part of the atore. sprung Seth and William. Miss HarvllY and' Mr. and Mrs. RUl!Iell Younce and the catcb and got in . The calh reg- Miss Gladys Ha rlan were Sunday thatthrough culling and proper feed- in the ~i x th . I n th e sev enth. ( ;e[l- 75 now. wa~ ~9 when CorwlD dled ing and managem ent , chickens will pert hit a high By wh tch was lII is- an UI:'C at wh.rch most y~ung fello.ws family. of Newark. Ohio, .pent the ister wu broken. and several Inaer- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs . W. E. return greater dividends than any judged and lJuun ced I)vc r the center cO l:J ld ap preciate aud enJoy campaign week·end with relaUves bere. other form of live tock. The schelr sola. a razor or two and some pocket Stroud . field fence for a hom e- ru n. senti in!.: ora ,ry. - ------ --, dule knivei were taken; in all about $t!5 for next week is as follows: TI . I I' S early rnanhood of Mr. and Mrs John WilGuests Mr ,,\nd M... , Elmer ~rs. Mrs. Woad in aheall of him . Al:ain in Iree t'tm('s 1111 Monday - August '15. nlOrning, th e ninl h. he Imo 'k ed th e ball over Corwln ' came to th e Oh'10 IegIs . Ia t ure .... H. Farr and M.... II. A. Piirce worth of goods and a little change. son for the week-end were. Mr. and Tom iiunter The sat" wu not molested in any , ' aftern oon. J ohn Vlln · as B m m'-e of the Ilouse ' ttl'. na MrB . Edward Elliott and son. Dana. were Dayton visitors Moada,. th e left fi eld fence for anoth er horne e u r .SI. way. th ere in 182 1 4 and in 1829. One of Syrscuse, N. Y, Miss Marv El- dervoort. run . again send ing WODd in ahead of Tuesday - August 16, morning . Hr. Harold Burge and family, of At Ryman's the thieves also made liott. of Hitlsboro , and Mi ss Anna dOl!s nut lind many names of noted him . The scor e: William Peerie. son of Newton and the Lebanon pike, spent ..veral daya their entry by the rock way in the Hazel Whitaker; afternoon. W. F. lIIen in th e membershi p lists of those Burtain. of cine-innati. Linda Smilh was born March 27, lut week with relatives In Clncln· back of the store, and about $3 in COCA-COLAS , houses. In lh e first on ly William Kunk er. 1901. died, July 21, 192$. aged twen· small change were taken. The safe AU 11 H l'U A E Vance and Thomas W,.rthington ap· Wednesday - -August 17. morning , nati. Mr. and Mrs . Howsrd Hopkins. of ty years. three month~ and fourteeD at the store '111'811 not molested . The Day to n. who sp, . t the week-end here Herbert Jackso n; afternoo n, George Cobl('ntz. :lb.: .. ...... 4 I 0 ~ I 0 pear IIbove lh e olhers. and in the daYII. Mr J . O. Cartwrillht and family Hymans did not get home until 9 were entertai ned Friday noon by J ones . Manches tc r, ~b " ... ··1 0 0 8 1 2 secoltd legislative service, but N. H . His illne88 lasted alilUe over three arrived home Sunday evening. after o'clock Sunday evening from a vmit Thurs~v- AU g URl. 1':i. mornir, g, ::ich lcin. ,;s .. .. .... .... .. o I I 2 2 U ' way ne and Thomas L. Ham er could Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hswke. and Satweeks. Ouring which time hia suf· I!pending Ii deliahtful week at Salina to Cincinnati. and it is supposed the c ........... ..... .~ (J ~ 1 0 1 be so co unted. urday evenin g by Mr. and Mrs. D. James o . oowman; aftern oon, Wm. Fiore, Wood. c .... ··· .. ......... 1 ~ .t 1 1 __ .0_ __ ferings were intense. He flxpreBB- reservoir. job was accomplished before this time L . Crane. aVI~ . . j Geppert. II> .. ........ ii " I 1 0 ed himself as having a confidence in . t d t H i f u everythIng seemed to be allrlght - August W. m()rmn g , Tay lur.lf .... ... ........ 5 I ;! oJ 08 O~I Co un t y S upenn en en a Savior's love. snd told his mother ar.r a,,o after they came home . Rev . J. A. Pine. pa.qtor of the G.friday A. Kellev ; aft ernoon, C. H . Mil- Youngerman , cf .. ... 4 0 1 0 he heal'd Elder Ballard preachini Lebanon, says that the prospects or The Waynesville Mills was also Ferry rhurcb. was pleooalltly 9urand it sounded 80 IIweet. He tried the county Dormal IIChool here are vlBited and entrance was made in the prised last S!1 nda y morning. after 20. morning , to sing some of the old hymns. one of very fine. _____ _ _ basement. At the mil.1 they trie<lto the regular service, by being take n I. Hollmgshead; afternoon, Pred which was. "JeRus Lover of My T olal ....... .. .. .... ·11 7 ~J ;! '\ ~ 7 Born- To Mr. and M.... Emmer- move the ufe out in the floor, and to Schantz' park to dinner, the fol- Wood . Soul." All demonstrations will begin at lIOn Surface. of Pekin. Thursday, tried to pick and chisel their way lowing people being their host s and MIAMI S While our hearts are bleeding we Auguat 4.1921. a 9Y. pound dauah· throullh the back of tbe safe. but noatesses: Mr. Lest er Kenrick snd 9 in th e morning and 2 in t hI' afterTh e lawn fete to be given by the believe Peerie is basking in the sun- ter. Mary Virginia. AB H H PO A t-: Waynesvill e bsnd, Wednesdayevenevidently thouaht it W8!l too long a wife. Mr. Homer Fox. wife and noon. light of his Savior', love. One littll! Prenc\ erf{!lst , If ...... :1 I 1 3 U I ing, Aug ust 17. will be held on the job and aave it up. Nothing of nephew, Mr . James Mullen and brother preceded him to the great Cran!'. ss .. ....... ... .. .. \ I l 0 ;3 1 old schoo l campus. Arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Later Gorden I"ft value was taken. daughter, Mr. A. S. Cornell and Berltan, c .. .... .· .. .... 4 0 ;! 9 I o beyond . Father and mother are Monday for a vacation trip te the Monday morning found the P . & wife and Miss Irma Murphy. A very Hurton, r.f ,........... 4 2 2 l 0 o ar c r ounding oul, and the different left to mourn the 10911 of a devoted Mackinac Ialands. They will p. nba· D. Association on tbe job. but they fine dinner was ~Ierved. McClure. Ib.... .... ... 4 0 0 10 0 o commi ttees are arranging to have n son, could not find any clues with which • __• - -bly be Itone about ten da,a. Weaver, 2b ............ 2 ;~ I l 3 I good tim e. iland Leader .Gray is ar· Frye. 3c ..... , .... .. ..... ·1 I il 1 0 I ranlSing a fin e program for the evento work . Blood Iiounds were put on There'a a widene88 in God's mercy Dinwiddie, rf .. ... . ... :J 0 I n 0 Like the wideness of the sea; Mr. and Mrs . Harry Murray, Mr. the BCent. but were unable to do any· Clark, p ...... 3 U-{}- 0- . o in . Come anQ ~bring your neighThere's a kindness in his justice. Raymond Conner and family, and tblnik _Evidently the thieves were bors and family with you . Tho se\'ere his jlldgmenta be There will be a meeting of Sunday· ~rs. Dearth of Dl.'troit, were Sun- amateura, as the work was all done --Total .... ........... 32 8 12 27 13 (j For the love of God is broader. school worker8 !It Leban on. at the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank in a bunaling manner. Than the measure of man's mind, The Hathaway reunion was held at M. ~ ch urch. at 2 p m. Sunday, Coca Colas ...... O 0 2 0 0 I 2 II 2 - 7 'thomas. of Alexandrlavllle. And the heart of the eternal. -~.-----the 1. O. O. F. hall last Saturday. Augu st 21 st. J . Manion Shull will Miami s .. .. ....... 1 3 ~ 0 2 0 0 0 x- R Is most womierrully kind. August 6. Dr. and Mrs. H . (';. ·H at.h- address his group on the work for Hit.s-Orl' Kunkl eman 11; ofT Die... - - Remember our AUR1J8t Sale, &lid away being the hU!;t, snd hostess of the coming year. A full altendance genhnrtl btiy School Shoes now; we are sell· The II isey reunion will be held at Base on ualls- Off K"nkleman I; the occasion. About eighty-five di- is desired. Ina good shoes lower than any house olf Clark 3. the usual place- JosephHisey's home rect relati ves w, e re present. a fine In this part of the country-do not Struck out- Uy Kunkleman 4; by 2 ~{ miles so ulh of Waynesville- on dinner was served, and everybody Clark Ii . delay If jou wish to aave molley enjoyed the day imm ensely. The Doubl e play - ·Clark t o Bergan to Thursday, August 18, 1921. RelaJohn A Funk." tives and friend s please attend, McClure . . reunion will be held next year at the The Collett and McKay picnic will Martha Davis, Sec·y. Wild pitches- Kunkl eman 2. The state gam~ offiCials dumped borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis. be he)d at the usual place. Saturda)· Mr. Lester-Cultey and lin. Verna Hit by pitcher - Weaver by !\unAUllullt 13. 1921. Come with well Kelle" and granddaugbter, wbo about 100 Mo~goltan pheasants here. of Dayton. kl eman . lut Wednesday afternoon, on tbe Weh soil gives rich blooms' There will be a special communifi lied bask eta. Two,base hits- Burton, fryo . have been staying here In ttie Cukey VanTreas farms. The birds were Home runs- Geppert 2 cation of Wayl'leavill e Lodge No . 163 home for the puj: two montil8, re- about half grown. and:were raised in 8tolen bases -Coca Colas I; MiF. & A. M., Monday evening. Au· tllrned to their home In Springfield Clinton county. The pheaeants are ILLINOIS OU{l ·; ci~,. gust 15, at 8 o'clock, for the pur- amis 5. Monday. Left on bases-Cocll Colas 10; Minumerou. in places. as they are often GOES INVITE pose or conferring the E. A. dellree. amis 3 seen, and \leveral times this summer Sojourning and visiting members Time of game-2 hours 5 minutes Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrls-. of farmers have noticed them around Umpire - Schuler. are cordially invited to be present. Kenton, Ohio, puaed throuah here their farma with little ones at their J . W. Edwards. W. M. ennoute to Kentucky. where they side. Tne Miamis will go to Pl easant L. A. Zimmerman, Sec·y. wll1 vlBlt relatlyes. Mr. Harris for· Plain. next Sunday, for a return Quail. are becoming' pretty thick. - -merly was employed at the Eamhart It Is aald, and in Borne pIsces are IIsme with that team . The club Hardware It ore. members arc req uested t o meet al growing bold enough to come to 120·clock. farm yards and eat with the cbic~8D8. - - - + - - - -- - M. N; Dougl... Sprln, Valley real eatate man' turnl another farm. Sold Mrs. Mary ft:tta Surface'a farm of 88 acres to Mr. Gao. Hannaht!. of \ Centerville, who will take ~Ion tbl. faU. There is a cali for second hand If JOU don't ret your 4lmmen on clothing to be sent to Eurupe. The Jobn A. Funk.,'a AUlUlt lale ean your machine by next MODd." Aug· need is great. The Friends Service I nny .vevou bit money; come lD &lid Me I18t 15, ,ou are liable topt ' pulled, Committee will pack and sbip aDY ',C, M. l{obitzer is just completing l1I i,ldlclI'cight crown. our 2·yard wide Coneoleum. former- u the law wlllao into effect on that ' garments These can' be left at ~he a' neat little bungalow on the island rf('cnt fig ht with Sr)·t'": i, IOld at $2 00 per ,ard, whieb' we date, ~for. Aug.uat 17, o~ners of above town. on the old Linger White Brick Church. Ic,·e llll.) ·he was kllocked d"",'11 ... or -:vau-band cars must flie a awom tonger site. The bungalow is built th r(t! times il1 the seventh rO~II1 'I. ' are durin&' tbla. IIICIIl --'-c---. - ••-----"lid acco rdillg to the ol1lclal lillie· $1.00 l*' ,ard. Jobn A. Funkq. ata~t '"r ownership .wi~ the above hhrh water mark. and the Rok<'r per. Wilson stay"" <I\'.\\' I\ thir. , · · . clerk of courts In -thelr COwy" bitzen will o.c cupy it for the balh', n secnnd s the fir~t \Illite ,III'! 11 ' .- . t . _ '" . - -. UDi Cit ' ...... ~ I ad f ti 'tbJJ ance of this seMon. some time this cl. "<: 11 seconds' the second trip. ' . ... _'~ rOW.... on y, ~uw aw . . m e or an • ~t J im lllY ~a~dner:, of BosI'an. \\'lin... · ,1Dd........ the PMt week ~Itb pu~ a ~ood "w·lD. maiIJi week. There ia plentY' of good wa· \ \'il-<ol\ tnSlstcd rffcrtp the. fighl. IlIllIatbQIa 'Clark, priQr to h..... napee~ lilt will do .WQ Wltti a ter on the place, and it is an ideal The·Granae building will be dedi· spot for ,,'8Ul11mer home. . ~l~i~~~dh:~I~l!~:J;~:~h~a~t~f~d ~~,~~~: puia,. . for Fruee. . . Fowler lot of proIDIac;uoua of IDa. cated on Saturday. Au,uat 27. A .~ ('o~ n l1ml ~'arded him the fiG~t, . . . hIqIIINd . ' FNDeh ......... P ehllMll from' ltinerant merdaantl. 11111 the C1evtl:tncl Boxing Comml.· from lllami UDivanIQ. aailla ... 01 __ ...- - fine program Is belni arranaed for Bad roqda klhlp folka apart .. af· the occasion, wblch will be announ· ~h" ~t~~ltl~d n~~:5nc~ t~o= the t1.NDtr _C br tbe UDlted.... . 'l'be.1IIami Guett.. IUO. ced later, fectiv.,. " u bad temper. "\1\ h~~1 .. i. (!Iamp ao~,l" "'.IID••UO""~, ' . .
!\ "l'\lrdillK I.. prure~so rs of Zoology in Ih.· O. S U.. Ihe Little Miami ril'l' r h~ >J h ~(' n rlal!llifi ed as one of th ll fill""t of Ohio sl n ·!lms. Th .. rivcr has oef'n slud ;ed for the past two y,·arN. lind lIol£'d rivcr men are sludyillil cond itiuns and how and what is Ih£' llt:>!t kind of fish to stock Ihe riv t:r wilh , "Thll Hurvey is mnde." paid Mr. Wicldifl'. one of the surveyors. "to find whut sorts of Ii~h live in the variou~ M tr .. luns, what they eat and how much food Ibere is tor them We nre ulsl) cl(uillini ng the 8'tomach to find .. ut what thllY livt1 Ult." The com llany laat w ee ~ lIeued 35 different Horbl of fi~h in two hours in thE' Lillie Miami . Included in the two-hour catrh wer.: Large-mouth • bass, small-mou th b8ll8. ro<.'k b888. cret'k sunfish. long·eared lunfish. trout·perch. chub minnows. silvery· jawed minnows, bluht-nose minnows , stone roller minnow8. log-perch. r.ap. ahovel·nosed or flat· healled cat, channel cal, yellowstone cat. bluegills. white Hucker. sucker-mouth minllowM, quill back sucker. hog. sucker. green-sided darter. blacksided dart er. johnny. darter. jack 88lmon. giz%llrd shad, long·nosed gar long-nosed darter and fat·head minnows. We have always known that the little Miami bas !Jeen good fishing ground R. and but for the German carp in the river now. It would make an ideal pilice to fish . How to get rid of the carp ill a very V!!)! ing q ueation. There have been quite a few b8JIS taken from the river at this point this season. although for the past month bBSII are not hiting. I t is probable that the river will be stocked to the limIt. after t he in· vestigalion is concluded.
MI 8s Addie Keys was shopping in Uayton, Thursday.
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lAWN FETE AT ~~~~~i,~~~~;.:· g·: .· .:.:.:.:.: ~ g g ~ g ~I SCHOOL GROUNDS
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I n<'1 werp I'Tpn r or tram!: and nloll' t own r d Ihl'lr I!e~ t ltlll tlon, th e Il n- l ornm m l)Jll'I.And II \1 (' IIpoke, II mOil l'ltttng CI (>l<O 1 1~1Il1i1l tn the Cllr h, hln /! t ully n$ '" II by, who hud Ib.I' n lin UIlIU ,I on1o,~ r wllh Pnrrol!. Ih " wllt,le s celle. ~tllT,lt' I s,,<ld" nly At nr't h~ had c l)t'Cted ~omt lrl ck . hl'lI,'1i' a I r.on o f lO r~ \l O\l b rnln : b u t In h l~ r holr !HltI stllr",1 h" .. 1 nt 1I 11~"l.. Tt wnR on ly (01" n SI'f'tllH I. n lll l U",m II~ • Hille wl'nl 0 11. lind n othing II nel<11ft \\ 1\"" t) 1l\'e U\Ort' m "' r~I)' t il ... ".,11 (\ly 1""'11'11 hflppen, 'I!. hl! brcom e Assur ... , I fl . "rl!cr. 1I",' r<' 10 fo llulV t hl! mll- 1111 0'·.·. ',,1 HPI' rrlllllr . nu t 11 111;11 hn" 9 "1 '11 Ihll l Quick Jewl" thnu,:h h o J(l"'~ 1I1l1l1l1re. al1fl loro rlll h MdlJllnrh'l" whllr(' h' WIIS IlIk .. n In. And n ~B ll rl'fl - , n n 'I~" , : IIn ,l \l'h r' lI lit IU SI Ihl' P'rell\,h'1f'pnr t\.~ t II I'P ltrt' ntly '·u\ fI~ I\(lll , hco 1)' nt th e mOnlf"llt It seem ed ensy mn n ~ I .. y. Thllll . QIII I .. IIlId rl llnly . th " 11I11ll' 11'11 1\1 do,' r nnf'l "' Jlok f' t o .J.' IT.\' , "S. 't' thn t m nn \\'llh 1111\ ~ult ot mlng It" pped ond 11 .. tro,ni ed. T It <l I .'Or In tron t hn d awull , <>t'I' t h e rOIl<I. h Ullu , ," o-,lo wtls 6nll III> clgnr '" ho roRnd lurn l'rI Ihrou gh t h e ~ n lrU ll ce ot n III IIrk .. ,L " H ,'·. III th.· glllll e ; 1'", Just "moll nlrd r om .. _ "'hilI th e de,-Il ... 8 8 ' w on lh·rillK I,m w h lrh·")e." lI r \l' fiS nllt left lunll In dou b t. fqr he 10 d o n()w7 ~1 091 uSRurldly h u ('!lulu nllt pUrBue nn R1rvl ulle 00 I 111 0 - bll r" I ~ 10,,-1 Ih~ "winK d"oro clOSM 101'---e\'en R r o cer. D ll n dly. ", IUlou l h f'tl ll\ d t il t' ~~'I \! lllrllleo, wht' n Ul (" man thinK ing. h ~ <'lId th e flrot thing Ih Rt In QII L"' l lon 1'1111(' Hilt! CUIIIC 0\'01' t o 1'11111. Into h ll hon d . H e le ft hi s cllr !tlm_ "Es c,,",' nw. s ir." he Bn ld . In [l proAtlln, lln ll w h er e It \l' R8. ft nd (oll ow" 11 th ~ nt h .. rs Into th e lliro r ome on 'tool. I nll u ll(' t-.l nllMd l wnng . "Ilut I tlf'n r (! 1" 'rh op8 hi' rould IIn il OUI somethl nll Y" U ~ny Yu11l w er e Cflptlttn Hugh t r oll! one of th e I11l"{' hnut c8; 80meot1(l n n11ll 1llClIH1. ,[ gUflos8 y o u 'rE" olle o f m ll(lot li p obll' t o tt ll h im w h e r e t he rhe· 1111' 11 1' \"(1 "O llll' Ul' r 09!i the \\' Ht (! r
The Adventur es of A Demobilized Offices· Who Found Peace Dull
Illustrations b'J I R WJN MY£RS Copyright by Geo H Do ron \ I I !t,l'llIIL I\II " r );fll
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Il f
f r.) l1r "~I II,,' 1I11111lll lll lr p, Ir yll'lI III "alll to t"I\lI'h ",111lt' KI. 'u m or a L'n s~ In thl'
.'z·\. " dl ' .)
,y Ilt'l I Ih' kit! II 11 I sf lt'tl. 11 1111 pltd"', l stum p !l lro: t'lj:lln' tlfl Into tlt('
1 r "I \I
\\' l l lI" W
"' Illli ('
11111 )'
\\\ \1·11 II tt' CH lll}t ll!fl'l y, 111 11\
TI I\l t1/,:lItrI11 1~'
nl~ht." \\"1111 n I I,' lit H rl~lIrt ' l t(' . Ar ,.1 ,1I1 'n lIllI!, Itr l ,·lIy t it' 1,.111 tH'r .. r t il l' (' t'llis o( I II ,' pa~t 1\\l'I\ ,' htilll' ~ . t .. II1J:. rI!'I h t itl' IIL,l Hlw r (Ir n 1111111 m .. r,i llll·rt' .... h'd In \\11 1, hlll~ II", S\\,'t'l r ll.h 'l' \\'JII 1"1I :- l u il ll·d h l' l' dll'l·ks (I01lt I I li lt' t o 1!lIlL', lind rill \ r-i llt! lH'r '1\1 1\'1, 1' 111', 1 h rl 'attll1~ \\1 11' 11 lL ~ ' ,.tld It .. r pf h l~ Jtdtt wttll t hl ' glll·UI It . :t1td hl.'I Il St' , ' IU I lf tilt" Jt1 u r,h,. rou~ "'1 Jt j n'll "' t '. " QU 1Tf'
llu ' \\ l'I" I'l I" ,1 lU ll" WlI:-O Rltl ing 1I1 0 tlol1 ·
sI lt ' saId "tl~I ' rl~ rl 'II!1I\! ..'I ,.'nt
Tilt' I'IT.·\'{:3
ih J .· \ 11. ' 11 hilt!
" ll dl. ·tI III I II III
I' I ~ht
t n!!
,\ 1, "1,1'1, ".1 1I1I 11, Iltldn ..: hpr I , .. 111-.1 tt r" ,s n!to li' t' , I. ,nr , 1" "" ,, 1. " j ( \ 1' 1111 11 u t.·.. \ ( I "ll\ 1"11. It.\ .1.'\! ' ! Ih. 1 .,·, -u I, .. ' l, j., l t ' ,d "!!ul" ," j.:n 'lI l "
, 11'1·11 1[\ J,tn n nl
HUj(11 st n·od
ur " ~,
\ ' I H'llIl'
" \\·lIn t IU4 'k"t" .I f'rn ln ghnm lookPd A!il h I ' l ' U llI t ' hUt'k t utu l ll ' ol h er rUn !! l. ~ " 11(\11\ ' 11 11. f\ S rhey ~(\)' \11 t h e \ttr' 1IIIt ' lIll1 r . lI rl\ e l O U bll~ht(lrs UI1IAIll'ti j I I 14' I 1t' ,' I' 1-' .
l I
' I
I' bl
k d
' " '" 1:1 y. r t"' 1I 1UI' e _Her or-rul l. " " ·hu ,'s 111t' pr"ognuu 11 1.) \\"1 "
1111 ~ h
('x:t\1I\1 Iwtl the bend on hie J.! ltI!4~ \\ I t II n I ) r o f"~slonu 1 ~Yl' I)l' fu rt~ n'l'lyln g .
" 'Tw o
h·" ~ t lo.
thllljt:H, "
"rllirly !t' IIP 10 t h" <,ye .
'I'h ..
I\rs t 1:-4 to ).tt? l JI."tt s nwuy t o n pla ce of snf(l IY ; I til' sl'('un d Is t o J;t't!t o\'e r tn P l l rl~."
" \\..·11. l.. t·M gl' l goy o\'e r the II r s t. os n k a ·k -Oltl'." su ld Jllmi ngh lllll. rl s· Ing. "'I'llI'r,",,, cur ou ts ide th., d oor ; t h,'re I. 1-:11),:1,,"11 ti l our t1 ls p oRnl: W e'lI t Rkl' 111 111 II11'0y; you I'lld t he
~e ttl ,.d
s ll(>lI c('
on t hp as.
10 Ile hrok4'n h)' J e rry Se,sUl lll en ly wak lll g up ,,1 th a
m Oll.l' start. " I· \·e got Ihe ·s tom fl " h·nche ,''' b e an1I0ulIl'e d proud ly. HI. IIslene r s g uzed al h im un· IIl O \'
"Y"u s houll1n 't e at s o fn s t." remnrked A Igy .".-e rel y. "And you cerIHlllly "nght n ' t to d rink !llnl b eer ." '1'0 R\"i' r t rh e IH s uKl e r he Immedlnl, ·ly c ","UIfI('() It h imself. but Jurry \\'n~ t ool ~lIlcro~s ed with bls b ruin· !!'Iorm t o not i ce.
T ld JerllI JlJ.dJIL nt ,
w ho W itS
lu unglllg
In n ch nlr .. t Rnlt AWO D " In'''l . ", ILh hi s feel 011 t h e mU III !'l p ll·{·('. "I' vo got hllll r ight e n ough." II n swaretl th nt wo r l h y. "but he d oesn' t Htrlke m e 08 h e lng Numbe r On e \'ulu e. li e's gon e orr t he b ol!. B E'co me qulle ~'Uggn
11 1;11111."
" (-1- 1!" ~nld H ugh, "I t1 lOlIght 1"0 '" Ig ht gl!t sum ethl ng ou t of him. I 'll gO nnd II I1 \'e II IO(fk 01 I lle h lr ,!." H u l .. ft th e r oom. 111)(1 w,wt o loll g rhe nn Sf4 Qill.\ t o I lI socC't tl ltl A nH'rl t'J\u .
~h·u t .
111'\"(& got I he 's t omn ch·Qch e,'" he rePI!lltell, "lind s he alight to be r e ody b~- n o w . In fuct J know s h e Is_ My lus t crnsh \l' llsn ' t a b ud on 4'. What a ho ut IlT fl y ou men n • • • 7" 80ltl Hugh. stll r lng n l h im . ..... wean ," nnsw Cl"'Pd J e rry, "that I'll i! n nrr 10 I he AI rd r ome nil I\' . nnd gN hpr r~lIdy. nrlDI( P Ol ts IIl onl( In hlli f .. n hon r. " nl! I' ll t o k e h im to t ill! i O"enlOr'R plul'e In N orfolk. T h en J'll tnllP you o,' e r t o P u rl s." "Cn'll r !- s lmply STell t I" Wllh a r"p"n li ke 0 gu n nu gh hit Ul speok· er on Ih e hll c k . I n lld" I!rI" nt1 ~' knockIng 11110 <I"\\"n. "o rr y ou g el. J e rry. n )' Ih e W II )' . how III l1lly will 811(0 hol d '" "']'wo \I(",ltlo meo. " splutt cr M the p r"ud Il r"I' I' I!'lor of Ihe Slo lllu ch·ot'h e.
wis h
~' ou ' d
r etlf' n 'e yil ur en .. d"RrrllP lIls fo r p(!o(llo of you r own ISlzp, yo u grt'nt, fnt, hu lkIllg m on ·
1I .o\nd
Sl'·<'sl l_' ·... TI" I"OllI'hed t h" rloor with 0 mo m ~ nt to 51 " " '". nnd ll ll~h ClIIII" h u ck la u ghInR. " \' ~ rll.'- - "n uI' h"lIvnl In t he ~ rcy rualt c r ." he !' r l,·tI . cU re full y rL1111l1lg his tc1U .!'l s. ";';(,I\\' , boyy, wll nt nhout P urls't" " I. It II C"CBRIHY to go ot all'" aek ed 1'<'ler. "II \l' o ll lo lll't 1.1I \,0 b een It rhe YRnk hnd het'l! so ne/ ' an swe r ed Drum ... ", nnt!. ",\ g It Is. I gu ess I' \, e got 10. !\'ow 11.1<'11- 1111 o f YOll. 'f l'd-orr YO ll go. ",,,I rH I~f' 0 cOfnplet" wolt er' " out· fi t. di c ky lin d 0 11 cOlll pl N e. P etcl'yOlJ ("i) I 11 ('I w ith m e t o t he n lr tlro me, olt d Rft e rwnrtl look up Mlllll n lCS. at 18 C: rN!II 81f·('(!t . H ox l on. 011 ,1 « ,11 him t o lIe t In 10ll c h with Rt lenR t ti f t)' cl olllnhl lizod sold iers wh o nre tin fo r n St·r nl!. A lg),-.' ·ou hohl til !' fOlrt he r e. 8ml ,In n't "el IIrlll1lt on m y fll c. P I't t'r wtll jo in )·()u . w h e ll hc's f"" , hf'd with Mull ings, IIn <l h e 's n o l to ~(' t I'runk, e lth ~r. A re )'uu "II nil?" 'r ell
Int er
miliut el';
l ie
\\' U ~
"t I h('
",10.·,,1 of hl ~ rllr wit h D nrre ll nnd th l! 1II1111 ullllire I, .. hlnd . nut Hu gh s" cm",1 In no lt rf'lI l hU"ry t o s t n rt. A wl.llIl,..knl smJl e
on hi s f IH' e, as out
(Of Lh p - or ner o f h is e )'4' h e wlll ch ed t hp ' 1I111n whn h,li' h enn bn s ~' f1t,ll llji{ ll"rI,l n/( re ve rl s hly trylllg to c I'ollk hl~ CH I' ,
w h lt' h , after
l il f1
of th e
hrlllos. h u d sel l.t!d thnt 11lOIlU! ut fo jlh.
Hlll llln~.
Bu gh got Ollt n nd \\" 1\1\, 1'(\ ti ll to Ih e lJers(llring drln, r . " A wn rm dU,Y ,H h@ murmured. "nlln't hlllT Y: wfo'll wnlt for yuu," 1'1 ,,' n. whil e th e mno. utt e rl y tllk pll oh lll-k, s t n r etl n t hi", spPl!eh lcss ly. h ~ SII'OII er1 h uck 10 his 0\1'11 en r _ " Il ugh - - .'" o u·rl' mod. quit e III II fl ." All "I 1 '~ l+or r,'" I ~ ll p ,lIy, os with 0 splul· terlllll ruo r th e o lh e r enr AfR rtcd. \)\11 I1I1 Nh .rIll " ",llet! . On Ihe wny 10 Ih e nll'lI1'OI1lC h e Sl oppe d twi ce nft pr 1\ b loc k In tl, e 11'1\ f!\ c to mnK e q u it e SUI"(' t h llt t he PII ,'s u('r sh ould ho\'c n o· c hllncl' p f lu8 111,1: him. ulld. b)' !l.e time
SAY- I:!>I:TTY AIN'T TrlE O"lLY ONE. 'tHAt Ul<.f:9'<QU
" ~1 r .
nrutll ·
•11~ rOIll1'
K . Orcell,"
\1'118 to lkl n g 10 th e \I II lit. nn d ."1I1I·0, !. ""'hil t n Joll y sort ot n llllle.· "~I'(' 111' 1'1', ('nlltnln." w ent on the lh... l enth, full o f e8gernt-l~8, n ccos t od II pH ssl n/i OIe r h ll nl c_ I olh.· ,·. " ,oId" lIl y oI ls \lItI)'ln w n bntlgu "('n n yu n t ell me w llPre t hut rdr- ' ",l\h'l) 1lIltt ,or h is !'out. "Th a t ' ll p ut pln n ~ Is J(ol nl! l o ?" he IlRkl!d Ingru lt. ! ),011 w ise . Thu l hllrllll' Is Ih e bud go of tll(1 1' 0 11 c (' f url..'l' o f t it (" \ ' lilted S t u t(... nt lllll Iy . 'I It ",os Il pr ho ll" \InrOr l llnllt ~ th nl Ih (' o ( A,o"rl (''': lind t hll t SRllle f o rce II Ani., ", pclwlli e hn<1 j ll " t h llr1 n IlI rge hum!ll ing "lnll' li t th !' !11 0mI'm ." 118 ~ I"" " ",r dn>!'p.>d 011 h is l oe. ond hl ~ sn t 0I 0 WII hes l,le H llilh . li nd hC1I1 tor· nnsl" 'r 11'118 no t tll'l pfu!. It \l' A ~ an wor d c,lIItl nl· n llnlly . " TII ~ro's n prom· N t u cn t l n In o n" wny , Bud n t All y nt h-
In ,"n t c t 117.I'[I of r\ ('W Y o rk city hOt't'fl
t lone t he purRuer wOllld I""' e rrPRt1'<'1 It with I h~ r e8pPCt It dese r ved . nut. 8 S It II' R~. It \1' 6 8 n nf"rlll nnt" \ Ihllt P el"r DlIl'I' e ll ~h ou lrl hnv' criOS PII tI ,"1 Illon ... llt 10 look rouIIl\' An.1 1111 h I' !II\1' wns the mecha nic tolkln!! en r _\ n esl ly 10 the s l(,lI lh. . . . W here. u pon h e lul k...-I I'lIrnos tl y tn Dr um.
1II1 , lul ol . (' Ull t ll lll ; RII (l. ( rum IIIConllo l ion Wl" V" got, we ruc koll y ou k now Quite U I I nbou l hi s wh{'l'l!l\boUIS. W hlll nhuu t H iram C. P olls?" "W hn t. Inll eed ?" r e lll u r lt N I Hugh . " SOIlIlIIS like" rl llll ip. ,Itl n' t It 1" " f"u' ,-r he n nl o f h llll . (' lIl l1nln 1" "Few 1>("'1>1" h o "1' 11 01."
" two
. (Jl npft IlU~i":
"Y es- o ut
yn u ' y ~
ruo t hi m r e('e ntIJ."
8/11t1 Ihe d~t c·c tl\'t'. l ~fU I I II Il f or\l'urd. "'lou k now w herp he Is. on d"- he
m oo d . . . • In Ul lnkl n l It o\,er ,,1'I<· r. Ihu t UI1 b appy sleu lh " 'h ose Job h nd ~ " me d so cosy. fou nd II ,Ilffl r ult 10 SUl' cx ncll y
t h ..... !H)1 1Uer;
)" fl ll will ul",o ~~ u r uclng
~c lnbl)'.
" Ho\'e y ou gOI 111 m !Ill rl " h l. ']'~ll ? " H UKb fluo " t h e Ques ti on "ugprly o t
Illto his
1l1l~I('h" l1 ro l
Ihe two ,"
I li p ft oll r .
~[ y
~'l ''' tl y .
(' fir J lI ~t nr 'ro:-':s t h t- atr.:' ... t . Put n w ~t c fltllprt ' ~ 0 11 y uur hetl d, , n nd ('on nect
I min.'· " It sn und~ tno eusy:' re lllfl r k~ I-1 l1l/h _ " 11 0"1' n loo ~ ou t of Ihe wllldo w, ,(",',1, Rnfl YHu'lI ~OP U I11nn f r Ight· (ully hl1 >.'- ,1 "l n~ n ot h ing Do l fll r f rolO
b e r big eyes IIIlsly w ith hH f" lI," for _ _ __ _Jl b.u".u!l..---liS~~"'9'-bQ.€l'i·gg ... 1 him 10 ~I\'" It " " U(l. And e\'ell II ~ she spoke, hc glorl"d In th e f a ct I hnl s he kn e\l' It \I'll. (Ju lIO u .elen. W h ich IU Rl1e h('r " II'ud /Ill UH! ho r der , ns Is t h e " 'n y or 0 \\'O Ulun wi U. IH' r mun. Then. Quite 8 u dtl(' nly. ht! hell t oml k issed h e r. "I mus t ,"0 , littl e g irl, " he w h lslle ,·,,<!. "1'\'e gal to h' III I'nrls 10nl "I' I. T u ke <,o re of YOllrself." T he n oxl mo. lieu t he wn s g Ollo.
h pr. 111. <1 ol r"o lly Ihl' OIl11 l"'Io lr(' h pl ng
cn r ,\. " I tu II lIl; h gIIl111·,·,1 III rh l' ij,,-' ' .
h ~~ ltl e
w h ll l h np p<>ne<l. All nf n Rlltld"1I h r fOlunel hl m R"lf Rurroll n ,lcd loy p" "pl..all ve ry at'l'nble lI"d lU os t ~n ll """" '" UOll n!. 1t to ok h l," quit., !l\" , IU lnut " 10 ge l h,H'k to hi. clI r . lin d by Ihnl time th., plnlle Wft " 0 ~I 'l'<'k III Ih e Or n ttlmon ,1 w us ~ 1I11)(1I11 1: by \l' ps t. the gnles wh en h. gor t h,· n·. wl lh A look of prn follll d Burprl",· on h is fnee. " O ne J h n ve SPe D Orll' U," n'llIll rk pt1
h oor t o V ldnrl n n nci ('fitch th L' h on 1·
With Her Hand. on HI. Coet lind Her Big Eyes -M Iity With Her Fea r. lor Him, She Begged Him to . Give It All Up.
pl nllO' \\" Hi !lOIHI<. Tlle t·~ .h e W09 w ith th e eR r
tnpllPlI Hug h UII Ih c klloe Iloll r ess ively _ •. ( won t him . I wo nl 10 toke hIm hu ck In co llo:n wool 10 hi. wife lind till UICII I " r s. 1'I" I[' S wily I' m o ve r 00 th l. s ltl ... ClI (lln ln. J U91 fo r thnt on~ I' lIrl,,'"e." "Th " n ' ""('111 t o me 10 be n con. all ll'ru "I ,' IIl1m ll('r of IH!(,ple wantlerI n~ lIr!)"",1 \\,1> " ,h" r l! YOllr flo lnlon
, __ -1
" \Ju illf rlll ht," be r e mark od. "at1 UlOti c-and yet I'm lolng 10 truet 10n. W " k ng we h e ard tJllngs on Ul. utlwr ~l tle, IhrOu gh certain chunn elll, o S 10 R h ow which Will on Uw rail. O \' ~I't '
h(lr~ . "
1I ".:h II,II I,II'I!. " 'fl .c lI Hlrnm Potu !fot IIIL.:ed up 111 It ; l". u ~t l y bow, wo werell' t wlsa 10 . Hilt It WII S e n ough to b ri nK lilt! On ' r 1""1"1'. 1'\\'0 d uys n"o I g" t thla c ubit·... 1I ~ pr'>llu cctl a b ll lllll ot PIII'\" ·S. 111111 hllu ll ~t1 o ll e I" D "ulIIUiuwl. .Il l's 1n ci phe r, a 8 ),ou atte; I'v e pul Iht! tr"ns latlon unde Mleulh." l:J u gh wok lit " co blellru,o flod III" fleet! "t It_ It wa» s bort nnd to
t h e pi)i nt : " (''' ~' I ''1 1I BUill Drumm ontl . at Holt
Moo ll stre" t. La ndau. I. your mau." H e g lulIl-ed up al Ule Aml'rlcoll. who drulll"d his COCklull with tbe IItr of • IIIl1n wh u 18 , all s ll ..d with lit.,. "('UI' t8 111 Hu g h Drummond of Half Muoll ~ Ire"t. Lonuun. 18 my 11100," b~ d '''l' kl .. u_ "Well. Cupldn, wbat about II Il,''''? Will yo u lell mi why you'"e """'" t o 1'lIr ls1 I !lUe•• \t'1J IOUlethlni t o ",' wllh th e buaille u I'm on." 1', 'r Ii tuw mOllle nl8 HU/lh did not r~l'ly . 1111<1 II, u Ame rlcun le"wed In 'IU hu,.,.y fu r UII 81l~\I'er. SOlD e e.rly u rr h'lIls for ,\llllll! r 8liunlerod !l.rou.rh t h" I,," n~" lind Drummontl wlit~bed Ilt e lll Itll y liS Ill ,,), pnsaed. Tbe Amer!l'UII ,1.. 101'\1"'1 c.. rwlnly .""mtid .11 rl"h t. bul. . " CllIlUlilly. his g lull ee n·.",d 011 a wau IIlItlnll JUOI u l'\)O' II " . 1',·H. llll g th e 1)llpcr_ H e took III lhe ti lJllrt . ,llI rk l,cllrtl- thl! ImlU'H·U· lu lt· . I h" u~h s lightly torulgn 1)" o81ulI .:luthI's ; .,vltleolly U wCllllby .'re nch· Iif HII .:I\·IUII u dinner purly In U.e ""'. t o u rnnl lIy the wily the helltl wall cr """" hoY ,' rlng urouud. Aud tben sud(h.mt y hIM eyes nurrow ed. M.ot.l 11. ut U\jl t ill u lt-'Hi,
" A n' y .. u Intc r t.'s t t-u In th e V8),l'holo' ~)' uf ~r . U ....oen flO he rl'· I lI ltl ' kl·t t. t Ul'ulllt; t o w e wm,-"what
H stu lIl ~ h etl
Alul! rlclln. "Sowe VUOpl!! CIIII''''t cOlltrol the ir Ilye~ or Ul'llr ",,, u ll. If Ih " s tuke .. or" bill; otbel'll ,'ul Ihllir hOUib. For Ill' CUIII" '1 . IUU l'~. tI,,, l>"nllulUan ol'",,.lIe. Doe. onYlhlull 8lrlk" you purtkulurly wltb r t!gu nl to hh u 7" The de lc dl\'c "Ionced a cr oatl Ihe lou u l:e, " li e se","s tu li ke hlttln" hla IIna. w Ilh hi " Iert hUIIII, " he sliid. IItttlr
~ h u l·t
Low Cost Mileage For the Big Car E very Fisk Tire is a guarantee that you will get mileage at a low cost. ,
For satisfaction, safety and economy you buy a "sure thing" when you buy Fisk Tires. You are safe when you buy a known and reputable product at a low price
Sold only by Dealers
Inspect IOH,
E . V. BARNAItT Marrlale .....Wm_ B . HOOll800 farmer, ClarllaNotary PubliC '"Ule, aud MIlia Fried" 14. Barper, CHAPTER IX. Butlerville_ Oliver EugBne Compwn, meohanlo M Which He H . . . Ne.r Sh8ve, a'I ..OO, aDd I4le. Mary EIt.abe&b All IIlolla 0' No&.,,. Work. Willi aDd 0."d8 a l:Ipeolal'y. Kell,., Morrow. OHI. I W.. Y . Coleman, laborer, Lo~e. " e lll.tlllll, you hll'·. me ill_Int." '-ad, &lid MI.. (;fu8ale l4ae Bor&oa, '.rbo AUI ~ rl c lll\ bll the lIud oft anut~ "atoe"lIIlI. cllr'Ur, uuu 1""l1ed bllck In lila chAir. j Cba •. Lea&8r WaS-uo, farmer, WI!. "You OilY Ibu t »we ll Frenchman wlall ntla,soa, Ohto, ao.d MI.. Lor.Da An ad. in thi. column III a sure eal. ,he wlt!tllrs bOVII,rlnll about like e.a. r o und e dOIl'8 lall 18 the I't!II.IIOII JOu "ae Buoell., Clarllnille, Oblo "l're el. ely." lIlurluure d BUllh. '"I'bllt 1M why 1 cUlUe to !'urlll."
rn rely; t nur lI e ,·er. F nll c), (ollr Jllln ctu rQ8- n ll nl Ihe !!R ille li llie! 0 ...... d ear I ( p oeltlyelJ In s lat 0 11 I(lvln, JOu II 1I(t." A e ' l'lt hl m ~~1( Irr~s l . tlhly pro(lpll .... ton- unl P l'ullllll ond 's cn r . with ouly ti me ror u fl eellng I{lI m (J se ot h is own t ou r nal lirE'S. and allllo" 1 hetore hO e ren ll u '" II tl ..,y were aw n)'. And It was th e n Ihut Ih, mall he hlld th ougbt m ud IRuKh ed "ently. " Is II nil right. P e ter? " Hllgh os k€!d. " A ll su t e ," come a \'ok" f rolU bebind. "Thl'n dot him on e l" The s le uth hnd II n ('~ t1 ng "I Rlon ot 9tars Of Jill colors whi ch ,I"n ced hefo r e hi ! ey ell. cOll(ll ed with Ii III unIng bl nw on Ih e hnck of the he" d. Va g u e ly h e reallzl'l! Ihe cur ,"us pulllnlt uIr-tben blnck n~a.
OI•••IS.d Ada
cuwu 10 I'll rill. Ia he kind ot trhwdI)' wllh Hlrem C. 1' 01 ts'" DrullIllIontl laullbed . "The tire! tlwe I DIet Mr. Potta." he remarked, "thaI .well Frencbmau Will Just prepaMnl to put a thwubscr e w o n hi. fl(!Cood thumb." "Secoud f" Tbe detective looked liP quickly. "Tile first bad ba.n treattd Krillii' FOUR. 10 Ih e e venln/l," an.wend Drummond Qu Ietly. "It Wltll then that I re moved "~Iy rl e nr (~1I 0 w. I lol d )'<>U \\'~'I! your millionaire pa!." 11m h r e ~n meh o \\' . " HUl(h DrUttlll1{>IHI 'I'h" oth er III bllo ellU dellberatel,. s lr,' lch "11 hi . I cg~ 1IIIIIrIOlIl , ly. "Th ~ "::;uy, Cnlllllln," b. murmured, "IOU fil e t Ihol It WU 8 1I~l'l' H~ lIry to r m . h ain't p_ulltn& my lei by any chance, yo ur b ll llki ng hu s In a 8t rny !l~ ltI III ore y o u 1" o" <I" r 10 n"old thplr f ootling 1>ns"· "I am nol," 8ald Drummon/! .bortp o rt r~ g llint io ll! I ~ ob ao illt e ly Im lll aIy . "I wu. told, belore I met b1m, t..r lo t Tlt e ollly do m Kg~ I! " dent In thnt the gentleman over Ibere walJ T l'fl'. <!Icky. hilI all th£' besl wfltters one of the boys. . • He I., mo.t h"n' thnt. They Sml'l'r It with so up to . h nw Ih e lr ene rgy _ . . . My D od! "He Mu.t Be a Popu.ar Sort of Cove ... . t118!lu(·Uy. In tllct, thou/lb up to d.ll1 s uch lIIutlers have not ba.n mucb lD. li en"" ono lh e r of them." A Fln·ne ll mnn wns B'h'o nelng tcr j nhnUl Mr. Potts," IIrowle tl Hu gh _ "Be Illy line. I should put blm down aa a Kurt ur euper·crlmlnal. I wonder what mURt he n pop\llor HOr! 01 co;e. " \\,lIrd """" rllIWII thc slnl £'ly ves l lhul e "PopulAr oln 't the word tor It, Cop· 11 11111 .. h e Is psulni uuder bere!" of Ih e Hltz lI'o,-llIg pro tl!s llng hnnd • . Th e AmerlcliU ceased pullln" at bIll H e IIllrl r ""se (\ him self In A ~' ol u hl(J tal n." . nll! the otber. "Aove you dt;ur. c r~. ce n~ n 10 D rummoncl. wh o rose nnel I lOt him nOlvT' "Do tbey vary J" "rn a multer ot .pc nkln«, yes." lID' His kn owl"oIl(l' o r I,,"wM flecpl~' . " In EnKlIIlld be I. clean-lJhaven, poa· Frl'n c h "'n g ml er08coplc, hnt HII('h Irl - ~"' !' r NI l1\1 gh. beckonhllt to • pU81llni • .,ss,, ~ n t1oughter, nnt! allllW&l'll to l1 tal:! \ \' t'fu Iliu rle to he O\'er COIn e. wnlt c r . "Thrl!l! Mnrtlnls." I: url l'eterson. A8 he Is at present I T he F.-' 'tl r h rn nn pr od uced n note"Where Is heT 8nUlJped the d e tecUva s lo uuld n e \'er bove known b1m, but for h(JI ,k . "Y ot r (' nom. M 'R I ~ lIr, s' lI vous e ogerly. thllt lillie tMck ot hla." p lnl l ?" Hu g h IlIlI gh clI. (To be ""adauld.' " r-n, lnu l,l r<lIy, ilion Colon e l," r~ "I.lelng wru(lpc rl up In co tlon'vool n1Hrk L·(1 Jlu l,{h vnll~I(· ly. ..~ ou s c ru !ih- ; by s otll e hotly ~l se '8 wife Rnd doughOll~ t l lln~-" . t" ,,!. 1'011 wer e a !lule 100 Quick. Alr. " Il l' \\'unt s ~'o nr nll m e. Old dl'nr," G n" ''' ; ),0 11 IIInl( be nl\ -you 6uy--on n ll ll 'lI lllrt· t! , TI ' r r~' w cn kl y. the othe r hum!. you mllY 1I0 t. And "O lt. <1\,," hl'?" l1ugh \l en 111 ",1 on ~ tlt e~e UU)'S ( t rUM l 110 oll e.'· th .. gl'n dnrlllt'. "Y ou prf l'I..·ll'sS IIttl p 'I' hl' A ". e rl cnn 1I001t1ed IIIH h e llu In b ll'ft ! :\! v nume I!o( r.1I1!J I1I J1 lfl1l1'h I a nn r n \.'u1
! i
. . ~
WITH YOUR PRECIOUS DOLLARS LIND MAN'S BUFF'" is a poor game to play when we are spendin~ our dollars. And that's exac:tly what _ve do when Wl' semI away to buy an article lly ma i:. The mail order house gets your lettcr and cash among a thousand or tcn thousand others and a clerk jerks your article from thll huge pile and sends it to you. No picking It over to suit your t.aste; DO attempt to fit your special necda: yota get no chotce at all But when you trade at home. you pick yourself as your taste dlctatell; you can choose youlrSelf (or quality. and you can ace to It yoursdf that .your special needll are Ii IIcd. BePOOR WAY TO BUY. sides. the man In tlle store is your neighbor, and tries to please you. 70 please his customers he must buy his goods with quality ill • mimi a mi in order to sell at all his price mUlt be reasonable. Don't invest your precious dollOlra iD,3UIlld Man's Bull"
New Bill.. Ida E. Barkrader ve Jobn P Uarkrader. For dlvoroe, oruelly . Proce.Ii...
Tbe 8~le of Oblo v. Cbllll. W.g. oer. nereadaDi fonDd 8ull'y aDd aBoteDood '0 Oblo 8ta'8 PeDUeotJ. ary for oo~ lellll tbaD ' tU&8eD 1Hl'tI oor more tban tblrty. M. C. Wikoff ve Vb"a B, Bill. PI.IDtttl' ordered til reoov~r 11611.87 trom defeDdani.
Probate Court ProeMdJap 10 tbe mllUer of gnardlalublp of Humpbre,. Foglemao. mlaor. J, B Cavolt Ie appOinted &nardlaa, Bood t1800, 10 'be ma\&8r of ibe 1l1&a&8 of liar. g.re' lorDI, deoHlled. l ..iGlorn.l. appoln&8d admlol.'ra'or i bond 1800. In 'be ma'&8r of 'be ee&a.. of Ger. trode T Jewell, deoeaaect, lo~en. wry aod appral.emeD& tiled. 10 lbe ma,,~r of the .'ale,of~, Worley, deoealled, IDYeatOr;, died',' lu tbe maUer of abe of Jed. war~ Oooover. deoeued. Prl~a'. ,81le of certain lI'OOke ordered,
MONEY LOANED , Waabl08WD D. Carder &0 Geo W. aad "ary W, Can.r, .bou' Illy' ailree to WaablDlloo 'wp , II, jOlJoar aDd Emma Boward '0 L, B. ~bor, e' ai, para of Cold SprlDIl ~mp'ID' ,rouud. la Tur&learNk $OwDlblp, '1 . ,Marlanoa Paul, &0 Jaa B. Paul" TERRELL TERRELL, about 11 711 .oree 10. Ttlr&!Boreell 'wp" '1, WilmiDgton,O., phone 301. William llell &0 8e,h Cook, trao~ \ 10 Wayo.evllla, It. 'MONEY . Loaued o n live "0011, , -Berry Love CO Joe ElIllobarger, obauel., alllO lI4lOond Dlnr"a".. , 10'10 Ban-eyebarg, II. , N;)WII boogM. Jobo Uarblne. A1\eD -, . Building. Xenia Oblo. &. ' . 22
Money to Loan on Farm Land for ten years at 6 per cent.
Btlle allowed :-CbBII'er Lewla, a. al!ltlol lurvevor, i JobolOo. Wa&100 Co., .lppll6ll, 760; R. W Mulford. a.al.,log .oneyor. 46; B. D. William., luppl1ee, '1,'0; Bernard &&&er1 tHMlon, repaltl, ,3;50 ; D_ W. Blaup. repairs at C. B • 184,00; The Weeklro I:It6r,Ieiai adv., '21i.60 i Tbe Lebaooo Pa'rlo', aame. 126 tit i Or,eloola BrIdie Co, elralgbtenlog .teel. 1138.18 i 8 W, Trovlllo, R. and B. repalre, "0.77; W. A, 800", •• ine.17 12; J ·W. Llogo Bdw. Co , bolta, .&0, '1-7.80; W, tI Graham, 10 foil oon',ao,. '417; J . W, WlllOo aame, 1188 i A. B. Evana, henllol grevel, 11750; J, G. Baln8ll, labor, Wa,aenllie Corp.. til; Jedward ICvaaa, iame, 1S,lI0 i "r~all Yaerer furnlehla. aad plllug .'oDe. 1!I&.fO; tlerry 8lmpeoD,llIme, 1"2.:.10 i Cha.. Pepper, "me, '7' :18 i ltd TbompBoo eleo&rlcal wort, "S 05 i P, P. Miller pay roll, 188.S2.
WANTED '1'0 BU'i-A Lo' of WANTED 'fObIlDOO 8,10118. laqulre or 1:1,
U. H,mUe, R_ U. 1>, WaYD8IIvllle, a2f Oblo.
DOO-A Lar,e Yellow Cullle Vo•• bllod 10 rllbt eye i ana"era lo uame, "801l008r, " &auro lo v. L. Rlolla, R. D f, Wayn8llvllle. Ohio, aDd reoeln nward, 824
LOliTA aman PUf" &alnlo, 'lS, i'IDder ple... re. blaok
aUf 0
$0 'hi.
Ltber •• reW"f(t. a17
roa ,RENT fur Hen&. Alto boardlol ROOMS ,by abe weell, NIce lOO8"on lUI' IIObpol poplla, Mn. LAura 8aoh", Tblrd 8 .. , Wan8llvllle, Oblo, a24 I PO ..8 for !IObool Ilrla i prloee .re..ouble. •180, ltone. BU881 au~ Baroe.. for .. Ie ohMp. loqolr. of air•. LaWl'8D08 Shepherd. a17
WANTED-TO RENT 3 KOOKS. Call 2 O)r: W.yo"~lIIl1. Ohio.
pboDe 115, a17
FOR84LE for _1. IDqulre of A ,TRUNK IIln. L II, B ........ W.,._ <JO
oenUle, Ohio,
HaD", ler. . .IU, 18A ,IIaJ"'1o . .lIoaa ,...,volr. laqaln 01 R.
G, "Iller, R. 0
Oblo. ~
1, WaI0..vl1l., a17
fall Beoelp' Book,poo"& 1......d OD pod papar The . I a . I.O . . .,... JI'1-U
,. 'I1le Miami Gazette. Wayne.ville~ .Ohio,
aUI,.rtJd D~ 1·lm t' Ctit(,lIIce al W"'· , JlnvJ1lt', Ohle), u ~ Er"
n ll (II'" ) ' lId ~ IIII'I
Mr, an(J Mr8. H, M. Clark ha ve Mrs Worron Bog'ln , flfter n 10nR retnrnml, after 1\ Ill na~nnf ViHit witb Ilod lIorlona illoes", 'W!lS tukeu /lWII Y D. L. CP AN E , EJitor and Publisht' r. Waym'5\' iIlr, O hio roll.tlvell Ifot Fort Wayne, Iud. Mr . from bor loved ontlS on Wedue~,1AY. , Ifonel Mrs. Merrell Wlllllen anrl little lIod WIIH lu id to rust ill 'lurk Hv ilie Silliserinlion Price, $1.(,0 p E'r year dlltllbter, Murgoret May, 1I0J mplfoo on !:39Iurd "y, lell\' inl! t o ll1 0urn b or led tbem h Olli e, uud IIro sllendllllC going, \Jor hUM UIl Otl , IbroD duut:h. tbe weAk her . ' er R, thrAe ~O ll ~, grn.otlohi Itlreo IIn tl Ben HlIwke Rod filluily m o yed In. frI e nds by tile ~o o re I:! e r lifo ' to their o e w h ome, MondfiY . shou ld be Il (tvJng (lxll mp lo f o r UM tdl. _ _ _ ._ Mili8..AgDel' Fow~eJ'r-Wbe_bftc!t-lttWl.n-!- .J.IIlPIl!!JueUl'-lM)lUIIIUhellnfld Hollo rt- ~1l() uH. I ~ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1921 =================:====== ====== visiting Mis8 Kilthryn GlaTk, reo le r , of Woo~ter, Uhi n, bro in thi s vi I That you ~l\Iil1u s e in yo ur II C W \J Ol li e i ~ m en'lv : 1l'l'idcIIl al. 'I'!J <: poi nt is - Build! huned home, Sl&turdllY, olulty with Ii bARutil'ul Bulglfl n Il t,ul , Rosemllry Balmig, of Dayton, vis 1I0u , wbl ob tb ey will end e .. vo r to Are you us in g tit a rgum ellL " t lia t YUll' l1 111lilt1 \\'1i (' 11 ('ril'es Co nI(,: Down ?" Ited with . EVil Wharton, t.bo pust IOllve her e, tbut - tbe 8\oc k o f sidu. I If so, t hen it is time to bur y th a t m o th · ('~Lcll ph r:I' c ~ncl ge t busy , lJecause week . a bl,; borses m"y lJ e I.I1llde lJel t eT, nod better work hOI SOH. prices ARE down . Th e are . do \'n as 10 1\' as t h.'\· a re .~O i ll '" to be for Mrs. Moille Dtlvlp, o f Ci uolouatl, epr ot t.he PlIst week with hor H you wllnt y our ullm o In t.he PIlmallY mOOIlS , w a ther, M ra Emmfi F oulks por, ~BU I·he write r a,ud h o will llu . Do you know th :l t AI lerica t oday is ill illllll('u i:1 te n(' crl of lw o m ill iull hUllles tb e reet. S Glady s Bergdall, who bllg beon ill, and hou ses ? Do you kn o w tlln t prices are as loll' as :lL'l u a l l'lI" t prod ·.lc tion, pellklog of olothes, bretbren, The Friends We Never See Ie muoh Improved . Mr . and Mr8 . Harry ~ Tuoker 00. look wh t t tertalnod 011 S nndllY, Mr. '''ld '1 r" . 1 based upon readjusted wage scal es will pe nlli t ? Ifo & co m pur 80n orltlo h&H t,o Mrs , Milry Carm ony e otort"lned " " eay f tb Around tbe oornor I ba rid Robert 'ruoker anll fa," lIy of ' If you know these thill gs-th ell YOIl a re of t he thin k ill g perso ns o r families o 0 HHnatil)u at (lre8ent: { ve a r en , at dlnnor. ~odneadriY . Mrs . W . F. t;prln g flAIII , Mr . lind Mrs . Wm.' \:le ll l LlI8t ye Ir a woman oould llUY 1 Jllr. u the greal ol~y thll' has no end . GI&rk and the Misses Mildred lIhr. whieh are going ahead with bu ilJin g . I Yet daye go by lind week. rush on, K"ret and Ktlthryn CIt.,lt •.od Agnes Ilnd tllrully , of S um e rvillo. bond Mr' l eey 8U t "nd 1 blltlste blouse tor ,.5 And lJetore 1 know U a year Ie gonf; Fowler . "nd Mr a. J ,Ullf S Bell, of Heven Mile. 'fbla yelir 1:15 bUYM I ,lorl!'Y 81llt I And 1 never (jee myoid friend 's flioe ' . 'rhi H vl ctnHy hll8 h eeu very muc h ba'late blotlsA, 1 volle poroh dre~R . ' ~'or life Is alwlft lIt1d terrible rllOB" Rn~aellbBergntllltli WhdO forE, th e p,,,.1 ifrlOved al· the da..tb of o ur neigh. I 1 b I Be koow8 ·1llte him jtle~ as well . year "s eBO S Rou e lit ' o rl Sill, bar und fnend, Zepbeniuh LInd e r. u frieocl~ aDd rela. wb-n I rang hie be' 11 Ok I"., WII~ vlMUln .. Ce m e n t, Ukroo Ie brllJl8lere, 1 Mport bd, 1 Ao In tho d-YII ~ v wond , w I10 was t akc n uway unexI top Itsle tlnlon Hult aDd I pair of And he rang mine. Wo wore yonnp; Uvea here Ilfoflt wook. peote(\Iy , IOllving B wife moth ~ r Waynesville, Ohio oanVIlH pU1I)jl8 , Next yellr 'be lDer er tben, Tbo Mlamla V"lI ey ChAU&AUq uO brother, tw o 8i8'ter~, un~ltl, IIunt-s: Lil1l C' , nllu all kinus ohllnt will throw In tnr la6 the And now we are bnsy. tlrod D1lln- IS being quite well lIttondllll by Ly 00u8in8 antl frlonds Oor llieworl BS above lirtloilltl 11Ild alHo I allll pottl. Tired witb playin~ Ifo f liollRh game, tlo people . will slilno lIke burning stllr!! (If Bllilding Mat e rial s t ' J Tired with 'rylnK to 1lI1fo)(0 a name . Mr, and Mrs. Lllwrenoo i'llm. and ~hron~b the glith erlng gl oom . , ' Le l UR giv(~ YO ll ooa ,:I eraey sulta Ifond A hlltr dozen ., l'o.morrow," 1 ~Py, "I will n"11 dlJltlDbtor, M,\rgllret., we ro Xenl ~ . B. M . File. r eprest! nttug tbe Hup. IIllk t iii ~ on .. an estimate . II 00 ngw-ptlrhaps . Jim, . 'flsltors, Sundny . ler Millinil Co., of Owensboro. Ky . , Jua' a?, show him I'm thInking of Lotllse Woolloy 18 Apendlng tbe is in thl8 vloinlty eeillug feed in oar. Ilia problfohle lI18t there will be a him, woek with hor gmn(JIlIITonl'8 Mr load lots. He ,has bel'n vllry 8UObig orr, lu 'b18 nellCbborhood, 'bla Bu' '0. morrow oomoe and to. mar· and Mu. Wlillam BrowD. ' oeHtlful in mliklng oUfttom er s for I.h e winter, "botlt h"rd "mell. U ouglat A!g~h~~:~ta 0 bet Remember Butl(lay !;chool at 0 : ao feed, a8 porfeot aal·lsf801l0n prev .. il~. DOS to be MO, for d'.lrlng tbe and sroW8. n e ween UII grow8 every ~unday wornlng. "Bello, old ~op, n llW OU:" " ,No! I " and h A old our, now tOIl. " .prin .. SUlmuer, t ouelinda of round thl! oorner--yo& miles - - - .. - - - - good Wayne Town.hlp dolhue wont away". Mony at onr citl"enR attendt'd the away trom here '0 bonds and lloour. "Bere'llatelegraw,slr." "Jlmdilld Proletariat. Ureene County fa ir, 11I8t weok . Quite fi numb or nttended RorvlooN B. W . li: fl lc h , of Ghl ctlgo, hns - DEALER INUII!II oomp.ole~ ool 01 Sown . We Antdo'~haaYtl'lI" wha' we got and d-.ervII TIItl proletarlal 10 HUSRlo Ie u!'ed tv Mr . ond Mrs, A. I,. Kirk, of WII_ ti' Beech (;lrovo, t:ionday, Rev . Mur joilled hip fumily , who Br e ~p e nding • • ~ ~ ISeoole tho lowesl lind poorCSI clo8l!ea. mlhgton, wore Sun<Jtly g uosts or ray Konwortby, of Wilmington, the HUIIIIIler her e I b l:,e all o! Ihlll money will rlltnrn to In tbe eodIt I. dorlved, throullh the French, their obllctren, Mr, alld Mre, Wllhur pretlchefl .. n ablll sermon, t:ion~RY Albe rt Ch enowoth An ~laiu od a 1 Flam, Fepd, Coal, Salt, our oelghbnrhood agalo, 1I0uie day. "Arouod tbe oorller a 'fauillbed from the Lntlo proltltorll, tho oome Klrk, .presAnt manogorll of the. Kirk Bohool at, Y: 30, pre aohing IUlIued. hrokEln I1rro, whil ~ (1 rt\lIkIIl K Il F o rd , Tile, Posts, Water Founfriend" -Belt'oted. liven In the ('ensus ot Servlue Tallltli re8'lInr'\nt. 1.. lely following on onoil ::;,.blJll-.t.h Thursday of lnst woe k . tains Gild Se lf-Feeders. uurlner the pe8' heded 'IIrm, _ _ _... _ ..._ _ _ to the lowest of the centurIes, who '1'ho UOl/;otte joln8 Ithe oltlzenll of morning, AllllTe weloome to theso Mr. Iln ,1 Mrs Hu~se ll I{ o bill ~() n ,houl&ndll of I.ourld. lIud ""Ollie were 80 coiled 10 Indicate that they Waynes ~llIe lu hoosting their BlIlI servloe . lIre gu oets of her .,art.lnt~ , n oar Lu ·u · rwere valunble to Ihe state oul .. u tenn E t II -SHIPPER OFfrom 'he neighboring 'owos, drovb t '" # I. ven uo y your leam will H. C , Atki080n and family , of Sa · berton, The ChIn, .. V'Irelrel'8 0 ollsprlog. Tho word hy ge t Il b iao b • ,eat og, W y o o t n ow~ It bina, Iltten r!ed oburoh lIud apem tbe R e v. and Mrs . Wrlgh~ , W. W aynenllie &0 get n drink at 'he Like our own leop •veer, eve.... thl .... . eome mtlch Into use In the literature I fl • b . bb I '# n • .S 00.0 e n(llg or y, but do not rew"lnder of the day with A . B . \:lmlth .. ud fMlllly nro ollmplng fi t Hay', Straw and Feed. bli _pring below town. U 18 atlr. ,ear 10 .Clrl1lO II looier tbao Ita prade- - IIOClall8m. ~ 'tet 60 enthused thn¢ IIny stories Tulmuge and family. Cbtl utau l]oR prl.lng how many huudrtlds of pea. C<!SHOTS, but Ihe Cblneee add 8 wbola - - - -.....--....-- - will be exohangOj . Rememher, you Mr. Rnd Mrs . Ueorge Dnvl" s pent A . W . 'I'urnor hll H retorned fr om Feed Grinding a Specialty. pie get .. n lOti oold drlok at thl~ mOlllb, Inelend of 8n ex11'11 day, to "1'111 get a be~tlng, an d yon IIItlst ex WednesdllY with th e ir sou, J oe, .. nrl " week'~ visit with bis son, Dahl. nt, uUlke up t"r the tlmo 10IIl, a('cordlni t. t~'e 'fAJ-~ _ ~ peol It . (Rend th e fi ut I)!tge nnd family, Ifot H"rveysborg . IIPrin g every week . P ort.mouth, V.. Dale is co ntlnetl .. Utelr oo iculllllon ot the ·cpI"nLlar. . VI#WJ: 1J\,.1Al~ tJUl:fp. 8011 what hfippenod lost S undllY Jobn Hellbway oontioues poorly . 1'0 ~h e nllvlIl h (l~ pltlll th(' re wilh Squire,-'l'vpo) _ _ _ • _ ••_ _ _ Carullo, tbe IIwe8& sloger, ami 111110 Frank 8hidBker v/BH Iworn In to Allou HRrtsoo k lind family , Wm ohronio Hrlght's dlsea so. But !itt·le Herve legal ptlpers from the JU8tl oe's Ltlilens , wife and dllDgMer aponl. hope Is h olu out for his r eo,w ery . beat paid Binger ever in exl8toooj!, MI 88 Bossie E\>rd Is the g ues t o f A. Pleasing Perfume. AN OPTIMIST 15 ONE: ootlrt, last week, aod landed blalJlrd We(lnesday (It F. A. Hartsook's . went '0 hlH EterulII home, aod an Spirits of IU\' '-'Ildl' r 1I11I1I'1'd uver In 'be County JIl\l to await tbe Quite a ntlmlJer uttendod the frisndH In Dtlyt.on . WHO Ke:EPS HIS eartbly oboir of 450 volON! ohanted lump. ot blcprbonulC Of Bulla IUllke. Andy Flomlng tlml f llllllly, o f grllod jury, poultry domonst rations given 10 'he WINDOW'S OPEN' ble laII' tlIIrthly requiem-a HUlolC II pleasing perfume, wlokh 10 ul. o 1l'O Jaru e9 t c w n , were gu e8t ~ or r e IHI.Ive" Mr. aDd Mrs . (:0011 Kirk and n olghborbood, lost weok, TOWAADS TOMORROW excellent dlslntectant. end '0 a muoh beloved Singer, dougbter left, lost wE,ek, for their Mrs, Essie' Wilson Bnd brother, of here, Ifl Ht weok. Telephone 76, rinK J 'rrovo r U Baydoo k hilS Impro ved ftlture homo F08torla, Oblo Brown ootlnty, vial ted at Eruest "here Mr Kirk will el(ll"ge In busi' Monoon'lI. on Thursday of la~' week, his st.o re bull (hu ~ wltb tI coat of neas for himself. Mrs. Wm . Bluine foil down Rnd pllint-both Ins id o Ifollli outSide frRoture(l three ribs , S he Is 1m. Mrs. L . S, Holland is the l:U"~t ,)f Mr Mnrray Beolr, ono of oor ~O. proving slowly . hor 8"n, Kenl, und wife, of X " nl t' . clety men, and MI88 liurton . of Clin. George Bogan and f.mily and Tho SImp80n flLmlly r euoiou WILS ton oounty, were quietly married on Glenn DaviR "nd fnUllly visited Thursday . Thev aro now tit hom e frleodll 10 Wlln1logton, Sunday of. h e ld nl, tho h Olllo of Mr . Bnd Mr~ . U . t= . Cflrte r , ens t, of town, Sn tl1nlllY NOTARY PUBL.IC on East Grant street. ternoon . Roym o nd Wilsoo lind family , uf Oor ball ttlilm III like whlskey-I~ Waynesville.IOhlo Mrs, Hannah Rloh is very bad sick Dnyton, ur e g u ests o f re lnt! V08 herr, Improving wUh lIgo. They Aro pnll. Word has just been reoelved of -Ing off eo me grellt stllnts. National Blink I·he death of Mr J . Laura Renaao Tbe law compelling thA head Mnllin, of Dnyton . Mrs, Mullin wonld tlpaet the Iho of U.,THE BUSY LINE IIgbts on Ifotltomohilea Ito be dlmned apent ber glrlbood In this oomwun. "Line's bizzy I" WIll oomo t o bo it law, Au g us t 15th ity. Of 611 81fod words IIr tongue or 1160, It laoer"tee " feller'a wita, an' DR. J. W. MILLER. Abide by Ihe I.. w and ravolu trouble that "ggrbovate tbo ears ot men, un· malitia blm paw, 1100' ohamp tbe blto, Mr~. Jra F. HflrIB OC ~[ r et urned to til 'be WOIfoJr. OUll8 waot to CU88 whIle wheD he nu's in a hurry call, 'ha' ... DENTIST••• bor home In Ullyton, after n week's repellUon makea It wnHl -tbo bit won'l adlnlt delay all,- Uf oourall stay wit·b reloti ves. , It !lope him, mlllb'y near, to have U • Ornee In WaynenLle, 0 'ereat worde tha' 00010 my WIlY, ie, gritted In hi. ear,-"Llne'. blzzy 1" N.llon.1 llruak Dlda, Tl lo~c who 01'('1 I n n "1'110 e] ( I\\,I1 " .'nn , Mr. and Mrs . (;leo. l'larriR en tot: whtln 1 bear 'be oen'ral IIlIy,- 1 Yon know 1 hardly over rrouoh, Ollt' nr II", II\II SI ntlr a l·I II·. ('xl:I1:lts tllln etl for c1inner un I'll nrlld .. y , Mr (1Il1on will 1I01ie(' Ih'" (',11111'1'11 "ulliN" "LlD8'1I blzz, I" or duot my gil LIlli, or boiler "ouoh," and Mrs, William We oke anl1 Mr them lIlu ch nl nn~ tJllIn w llt 'n tli t' \' n r(' II I l li ,-' (1 11 111 Sl1dp I'~ui r, AIIK. ::0 :1 t o h allon maJr.os me falrl,. groao, to bu' when 1 hear thai doggone ollok, Ilod Mrs, Al onzo Miohael aod aon In /:00 <1 hCIIIII1. 'ThIS fa l' ! pI·O\·t'; 111:11 St· I'1. :1. \\, 111 hl' II,,! li \'e I l hilc~ 11 ,'(1 Mub tbat band,. :offioe phone, Ilnd It mighty nearly m,,1I1l11 me Ilok, willi" Cnlurrh Is a Incal di,,'u",'. II Is gall lt' Hat h '!' t o O h i,) , III tt Jl~ I " i~ h :IlItl all of Day tau. growl" number In the thtng, expro .. and tbrowo my petlonoe Otlt of ~J'l'llIly IntlutJllt:et l iJy c(llI slllullon ,(1 fl n!llP !t l l ilrllll g , ,\ , C, f la It' r, c: h lnr 1 1I1r. Rnd Mr~. W . A. Merritt Bnd liD' that gal will rinK, wben "cllok. wb lot, .0 kelob thai everluUn' ,·ondill ons. HALL'S (,ATAHltl! Or ll ltl bun.' lll i o f !ish an d ga llH:l, 0:\ Veterinarian I·wo gr"ndaons, James IJInd Elirl ."v.ollJIa" tbere oomes a bozz 'hat ' quaolr,-"Lloo'l blzzy!" ;\11,: 1)( ·INI·: Is II or'mlc nm! Bl ond 1'111' 1· ppf'f ';' In IIl i tko I tl v (, x)lill i l Ih i:i yron l' Clin!', were Doytoll vlsitor9. Sunday . fj p r, nnel Ltct !) thrHlli!'h 1li r '''owl upon lh la l'j.:I ''' ' a li t! f1l0:H att l':IC ' !!\' p \ cr Mr . nnd Mr~ . Frllnk Harvf>Y tanu Ihe lIlu ('n u ~ ~l1rfll('t' " of IIII' h,,"~' , I hilS HlluWII at t 1l .. S t Ull' ,,':lIr. TIIl' P I WI ll II." IntlnltHllllllon nud I'C:; lOr· rl't.lut'ing dau!\hter, nnd Mr . lind Mre. Barllfon jug' nUJ'l llu l ('Illulltilm :o; , h I'" tIl llltl lP lal'J.:.f.! Hllt l small lli ll Ulh I"ollr l h Stree t, near Tyler E:lnrvoy nnd dnughter, of noar Lob ba ss, rtl( 1< Uti •• , (' rop ple. , uI1I 2gil is , All tlru gg lsls. l' lrt'ulllrs frel'. Telephone 93 ,non, w ere SUlldny gUe8tll of tb eir unci tatn !<o li allti o tllt!!' g nll H' t\s h. n~ F, J, Cbl'nt:'y & Co., 'foledo, Ohio. mol h er , Mrs . Co"rity Harvey, of wr ll " " fll"d f1Hh fl'oll\ 1..;( lto Erlr, Ohio Waynesville, Main IItrl'et . s whnJllhl ~ abou t in n qu llr lll lll s, AqU ll r lunI s \\'111 hI' I I~h to d wil h tJ l ~ trlclty AmerIcan IndIan" OrIgIn Unknown. , Our . pastures are ge Uinl\ green, 1921 • AUG\.J~ t' nnrl w il l hil"f: na ttll'a l h u(' k g r o1u luls , No definite ~olutlon blls been found < I\nd WIll mlSke fall plletllre good, . Th " J' e \1'111 a i, ,) b ~ t011 k. t'O nt." lnlng ~ Moo Tue 'tWo Tho Frl In regnrd to tbe orlglo ot the Amerl· ~al Rev. and Mr8 DO\lAldson and younM lis h froJll Iho \,u rI011 K IlI lun,1 eon (ndlan. Anatomlcnlly, the lodlan • Stfinley Thompson, of Dayton , And hutc ll l'rl.cs . beal'8 0 slrlklng resemblonce to the j-JlJl..Lt1..Juu\er L"oy, of W IImln gt·on, Til e nn lnl ll i ppn s 01l1 81" e Ih(' hullt!· IIfongoltlln. Therefore It 111-'rr<illlllA.a.lltNA~a~b~le_----·· JUJ were Bund'!y gU61lt,a of Mr • . ElizlS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR • Ing will f.' r'lllt a ill ('o nnt' . (IPW~:"I 1I1118, to bclleve Ihat bls ooceSloTl orlglol\lI, . of b Rlh 8urfaoe Harll1l1, IOXA". s'III IJ'I'I'ls. gJ' oli lldll n)(H . ·!l I11k. erollllad trom Asia to North Amcrlca.. I ~~ The perIod ot thl! mlgratloo ClloOOt be Waynesville, Ohio gold e n p hC loHlIl l r; , r !ng- IIf!l '1( l)li r ll S Miss Hulon Bllrlan. of Dnyton, VETERINARIA~ n nt s, Miln 'r' p li p aSftl l t !:l an d o t bor waR tho week.eud guost of Mrs. Mil eoicullltild I\ccurotel y. It Is believed. 1 kilHI" uf 11' 1 1 (1 hll'l'" al il l a, II11\a l6 (011111) dred Eagle. however, that man bill exIsted In 1 Vaccination a Specialty, Nolh_ In Ohio. America al least 211,000 rears and DOt • l~O (~I Fully Equipped for Good The infant 01.s8 of tile 8undAY In},: hut ~c1iahle Serum used An exh ihll o f s!'l ncH . nr lH a llrl oll lel moro than 200,~~e:1'8" Sohool wore entort·aln ed by their Service, 1I111.\w (ul ti .. h iu).: r !t-" ' l t ' I} ~ rf'l nlis l ':t t od tMoberll, Mrs. Lid .. Vlllllra and Mrs . Our Calendar uy th o lI ~ h lind J,:;:lI1I i.! 1II' Cl t! , (· t llr ~ wlll Large Display Room HarveYllburg, O. Phone 44 Ida Bowe, at tbe I:!lokoryvllle park Au&,. 7-ilth Sunday ofter Trinity, I1 IMI he ~ 1 1(j \\,II . Th o """ :llI d ga me where t.hey spent tho dillY In gamtl8 p:d li h it w ill h e I n~ lrll l;t h'c Hll d I'du J . n •• -lnlllCt aell," TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHl Aug. IS-Jewish Feast of Ab. 'lnd eujoylng tho awlog8 and toet. A naturlll' curloalty 01 J81>110 II the mtio lllLl. II lid sllnr t Snl PIi fr ull. a ll Aug, 14-12lh Sunday after Trinity, erR. Long will tbe YOtlnK8ters reo parts o r (lI do nrp. c:ocpn c' lt'd 10 I~ tl l ur' "tn.eet bell." It I. a blacll beetle whIch Aug 16-The AlIBumption. member tho day, to lh p fair for Ihis ex hlhll a'i oll e Aug ?'i-13th Sunday after Trinity, emIts barmollioul IOIIO~ Ilk. those of Mr. and Mra. Elton Hadley of Thu Fi l'h a lit! (;'''IIU Itu lltl i llll will M. Au&,. 28-14th Sunday after Trinity, • Uttle .nV8J' beU.. A. SHUMAKER Loll Angelell, CIfoI., wero the g~e8ts HATHAWA '\' g lq~ tl w fa i r \' IK itor ~ :111 op portunity of Mrs. Idll HowE', lbe put week. to Nee al most c I'tJry \'url ol y (I f th (' Veterinarian J ~ c ornm oll e r (orm s of nah \I ( fl, a !"o \\,(· 11 WaYIlNr1Uo'lI Lead1nr DaDU.' Mr and Mrs. W . W. WUHon, of Practical VncciMtor. Have harl Lexlogtoo , Ky. , Are guel!t! of tholr Oftloe to Halntlll 8ldg. MaIn at as gum e birds an ,1 a nima ls. IIn (1 to j,(oofl S U C CI·~g ill ImIDuning on stllUY th e m at , lORe ro nge. IllI n· pueola,,,t the Ceotral,for two weeka uol.h sick an,l well herds. drerl R of mounled sp ed rn p 11 s Ilf f1 . h . ..:-:"" . The 81mpeous held their annulll birds all tr gllm e \l'1ll al so h" Inf'lude" . -....'$' DOWN W 1'Oi TH IS Both Phones pioulo on Salurday lit tho beatlful In th" exhib it. La s t yeo r I h p n llwll, ~~~ ROTTt::N ~e..PUBlIC! ~>;Home H55·8 nell 1f·1r bome of Mr, and Mrs . Dl'!lmey Car. ~"tsh alln Gri me nulltlln).: we re nt ' th e • ~ MHSt ! ~£STf\O,( ! 'er, of Buok Rnn, In Clinton oonnty. 90 lu rge that cx tra pnllt-rrne n wer e e Bellbrook, Ohio reQulrod to pre\, ent thtl \' IRltors . fr om Satord!lY, August 131,b, the Col. becollllnl( InJur"tl, alld thi s yea r t he lett.MoKtly pionlo will bo beld on .. ,Ewnined . Correctly... tl.lh lbll will bo open dllY Biltl nlgbt 'belr groundll at Btlok Hun .
w. H. MADDEN & CO.,
NEW BURLINGTON i Evere.t t Early
Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio
--- - -- - - - - -- -
HaU's Catarrh Medicine
.. - ..
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
good cidarettes £_f!!
J 2 J 4 7 8 9 10 II 12 JJ
Walter McClure
10, noll)
one sack
14 IS 16 17 18 19
21 22 2.:l 24 25 £0 27
2H 9.9
DR. H.E.
-------....,......---------_ .
00 YOU APPROVE OF 11-I1S""FREE SPEECH"? J' L.-_.-;,_~-~~::-:",:7,7":", -;:;:-~-~_:=======::;~----
.: -.:. -.:-.: -:
.. _..----
c · !: ~~ , IIl111C1t1, dl1I happeDi e.,...,. 'atlh' QD the ..,.. ooraere of a\l OQr bli 01".. , Bu' jill' Im.,.De tbe Joke ar Bo1iIbe.t1le .....ID" .. cIef.den of ftee Qt• •Dd • ~na pnl8• .-i4-.. ooiKtemDlD, ..toleDbe, No noh ........ r~ epeeob or. Ina pr.- em...ba Ule where &bQ nle. 1IDil' .toleDo8 la .... oUler ..... '
..- ;
t". ~ !
'01 JIii1I1anIIm,
Fllr Management Pull on Second Annual ConUilt. The success of llist year's baby show blLS led th o SltIte l~alr manage· _meot to ngaln provide for this amusIDg con test III the 1021 l~remlum 1I&t Thl8 contest Is open to chll<!ren botween the ag08 at six months and three yeore, and Is 'conducted "'u nder the direction of the Cblldre'n 's Home Socie ty of Ohio. Mrs. II. A. Darby, matron of the home, will bo 10 cbprge of the cooipetllto,o, ,fi nd com· plete' arraogements bave been made to caro fnr the lillie f01 kg wblle ou thtl lTOuods. • l\Iutrles mllY be . rna de thr~ugh loire. Dilrby, wh08e . adClrell8 III' 40 ·W ..t FIrat avenue, COlllllllbu., Theil! IDtrl•• can be made any time before the opeDlq of 'the fair on Aus. 29, Pareut8 ara auured that their eIlIIdrm wUl han com t.at 'D1II'IO
MIl lU4lleal &Uutkm.
Gl&Me8 Fitted
TIFFANY'S Optical Depart.IIDt
S. Detroit St. Xenia. Ohio .0JNa evenlnp by appointment
John H. Wright Auctioneer Farm Sales and live stock a 5pe(:ial.t~
Satisfaction Gu.r.atted
Bellbrook,i Ohio Both Phon.
CATTLE SHOW AT FAIR Will Oullhlne the Other Live Stock In Point of Popularity, 10 192q the Oh io Statu ~'alr cllttl u abow rllnked third III tbe Unltel! StateR. Wben the 102 1 premium li st was Bent to press th o cattle Pr\;mluUla totlli od $33 .9 40 , II IlIr ger amount thllll Lhe mon osement bas ever hetore G€ell Ilt to J'llvc !.bla dl· vIsion . Tbls 1I10UII8 Ibat from [hlrll place OhIo should m()ve to Me('o nd or even IIrst. The quolily of lll ll breeds displayed . 1I11t! tllti c lo se n ~1I11 of the compotltloo bave alwllyB mar\(ed' State Fall' week lIud, now tbllt the size of the show Is 80 far above the ordinary, tllere ·can be uo clo!jbt but that thle rlepl\1tmllut will outebloe the otlier live stock In potot of popul~l'lty . "" It Ie expected tbat the 8s&tlng ca· paclty the collsoum 11'111 be tailed to the u mOBt during th!! Jud«lnl of &hll beef, dual aod dairy breeda, 't..
F o'r best results we use·Miami Gazette's Classified columna. we'll tell the world .. -
, ._,_a
1'h~ Miami Gazette, Wayne.ft1Ie, ~
lp.uHl~G fllilllACE
A Car of No. 2 Whit
'\ hlacki ng. n n m tal to poli h . 'Thl' " -. -.-. . ~tcc l nalll'l:! arc fin ished lik e wood COMING IN 1I,Ier r I. '>~ C' I lIll\ll~ m III th • ~t(1 rc )o[rllined like rare It! cro tch mllhogIIf I' I'..d ~ . \,;olr (lO r llh'o nowlty. I Rny, unt!llolishN\ to th e srnoolhnes.. " nlln,' r 111\ il,';: )I:I ~.( ' I',,· b)' 1" u f gln~s. All you lie!:'.! to Il Ll tu denn Will sell :I t :l \'e l'\' lo \\' pr il' r 'I ',~I''1' I;I,li l ~ .... 1.. ~ I" II· II, .:'Ilr(l h .- IIH' it i~ to r uh il wil h a ~lI ft till st doth, ofT of .the c ar. nrlM Ipel 5~ l'Il I'I IlIC!' ." : u~ yu u would your fu rniture . Call Qncl plac . \ o ur o rTh .. h~ 1I1,'r i~ Ilpprllpriakly OIlml'd The Heal rllin is manufuc lureJ by d e rs 1l0W, 1lL'~ llu ':\,' II~ Ul'p ~ lIl'lInce l:l that of •a T'le F'oS tat I.l "t Company, 0 f H nm· . ., • .., ave hllt1' I'IHlII"j.!ruph llle ll eutrolb I ~ ilton , Ohio . b ui lde r~ s ince 1845 of the ~"t n1l' rl:!i y p cl '\'~ r b lli~!:ui8ed ~ tove. famou s t:state Slaves , Itanges und II I~ a r el!'ulllr \\' lI l'm · nlr fUrliAre o f Furnnc e ~ I till' p i jl.'le~s t.1 I"'. In ~i d e of the fir " ~---~-....--~~~~
Younce Brothers Grain Company
----~~-~---~ 1 :;I:~:'\I~'~:';~i:: ::;:,II;;:~,~,dll:I,~rrtl~::I·:~l:~}:;~ The Late Classl'fied Ads
- ...
il IIn,111l'1I t R iI, t hf " • r--------------.., ! ." ~.' hllrg'l'R il lhr",q.:h 1"'lo!'i ~ I I ' I' ~ in Ill,' I, 'p (I f h, ·al ,·r. ,111 ,;1 III,,· 1\ "i"I'I . ·~" ... OH SAL E fllrlllH·, · I -------------S" . Ih,' 11"atl'l1lfl I ll'a t ~ a whole UP~-~' Ill' T .. rrler~ M . ll e~ . f r, ; I hlllls,,--;,r IlIr,·c to six l'ulln\)clill~ P f"mol o" , f ~. In'ln ; rll II' ';"w. We Put Them On II ~ ,I Noms II I till' ('ost uf " I,e rating' [II I ye r' d Wavn e M'lr ke& I'r i n o~ ( )"k I:I mltI Dg~I . O V'·.l Wfllnu~ ordinary ~I u v e. Th e Il ea tr,l la burnR lilly kind of 1 l :nrnAr Cuplllln rtl . 11I ,' o d ~fl\' t. h e. Chl'll!, if ~llhl lit I'DO··. IU'llllro of c,,"1 hard ~"fl: li~llIte o r ~llIck. Mr~ MI'hIlJ fllllw ld, IIt' . ~YIIYD f'~v il"' . !-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...r 1 i It is I!'ullrllnh·,·d tn hold lire fllr lifl y (lh io. . :.l·1 "' ''1° 1, ''':'
Looking Backward I
Those who look backward with , sl\tis fuction nre those who look f orward with intelligence. Look for wnrd every day. It w ill mean many days of happinesa lo okin~ h 'okwllro. ~ 1,525 new accounts opened
We have received :lOO pairs of Reclaimed Hob and Machine Shoes. Try one pair and you will be convinced that there is no better work shoe. Perhaps your neig-hbor has a pair. Ask him about them.
I Size~:.~~ ~12~
f '
.... .. ............... : .
ns s ince . January 1, are aecountl tll'nt Il!I by our present cnstom ers : , hl.'rll iB 8 reason for this,i t ~u rely ill satisfaction with SJX (610 ) PER CENT return
Ge nuilll' H tl Ssl't t S h oes at
Raillcoat s of a ll l,jnu s from
Best Work S hirts from
for the d eposit.
4Sc to 1Sc
All s i zes
All deposits received from 1st I to 10th of July "ill draw inter- I' etlt from the IBt of Jul,..
The Miami Loan & I I Building Assn. l~.
On l y
few le f t
Toweling at l\Ien's Black and White Tennis S h oes
South l!itafD - - . Darton, OhIo.
8 ~c
"In our Classified Column.
F:llrnhar t was in Dayton
TUL'suay. , Roy Macbeth . spent Sunday with re latives in WashinlCton C. H . M18S1fefen Marlatt was a Cincin- ' nali visitor one day last week.
L. A' Zimme rman i'l spending this week at the Miami Chautauqua. Mr. Rnd Mrs. S. A; Stillwell, of l.e1.>anon , were visiti ng friends here S undRY . Mr ~. IJa Stokes and Mrs . Ada Courtnl!Y ure visiling relatives in Wilmington . A lurge crowd of Wayne Townsh iy peopl(' at t ended the fair at Xenia last week . Mr. and Mra, Carl Hawke. of Dav; tall. ~pe nt a zouple of days last week here wilh relatives.
Wayne . Markel
The n('xt annual !lellSio n at the Warren County Tl'achers' Institute will be hlllt! f or fi ve day~, he glnning Aultust 2~nd. at Uni\'vl'lIity liall. Lebanon. . Prof. C. H . La k I!. asBldtant superintend ent of Clevt>land Public schools, and Dr . Alfred L. Hall-Quest, of the U niversity of Cincinnati, will be the . Th . ·11 I be IOlItructors. ere WI a so other speakers rt!presenting the W, C. T. U .• Ohio State Healtb Department, Co unty Health OrlCanization. and the State Department at Public Instruction . Th e forenoon sessions will be opened with singing, anrl the aflt· r· noon with instrumental music . An excellent time Is anticipated .
----_ ..
Specials for This Week: 10 P ound ll of . Sugar...... ..... ......... .... .. 75c
24 Y. Ib 'ack ut F Inur .. ........ !tOc 10 I~s I3lue· l1 f'1l11 ftl,'p . ..... .. 7F,c Tuhp Salm,on. tall, l! for .. " .... 2:'c
Overland Salmon. tall ... ........ Green Duck Jam, IlIrge .... .... High arade Cocoa, Ib ...... .... .. IrishCobblerPotatoes. pec k .. ... Indiana Melons, 66c to .......... 2 Ibs Laurel Cracker~.. ......... Fresh Cookies. per pound ...... 8 Bars Lmolt Soap .......... .. ... Lux. for finp launderinlt .2for .. S tar Naptha Powder. 2 (or ..
li e
18c 12" lific BOc 3lic 2!ic 26r 25c 9c
M eat; Round Stelik, pound . " ... .. .. ... Chuck Steak. Ilolind ...... .... .... Pllll e ur Rib Boiling. pound ... Picnic lIamR, puund .. ....... r.'.. Summe r Sausage. pound .....
28c ~3c
16c 26c 24c
We receive dnily II fresh flupply of FleiSchman's Yea~l.
w ~ handle Dayton and Home Bakerv Bread .
We are open at ni Mhb fur your cOllv"nience We appreciate your patronage and aim to ltiv e you the mORt ror your mflney .
On Aultus t 13th, at Webb Elliot's woods. near Centerville, will be held ---A ROod proBorn - To Mr. ahd Mrs. N. P the Sears Re union . Paying 30c for EKIfR; S6c for Blatt : Monday, Augus t EI. 1921. a 80n !tram and good music will be fur- Hutter nished. A stand with lots of aood """"""'~""""""""""~ at the Xenia hos pi tal. things to eat will be on the grounds, Yours for Service. C G. Williamson. of New Paril. so it is up to you to come with well· Ind .• was shaking hands with friends filled baskets and enjoy yourself iv e rie ~s . here Tuesday morning. Everybody welcome, No land o"'{ ner will be allowed more than 1000 pounds. It will cost B, S. Uowe ll is building a new Co cpntll'per po unrl plus freight (rum house in POlrt William which he ex· Sl'lIrtll. Wi ~cnns ill. ahout 2Y. cen ls pect.s t01 occUIJY before winter. Ill.'r pound I.'xtra . Tutal charges should not · exceed 10 c e n L~ p e r Mr8 He len Warman and 8On.· Uer· pound Anyone interestf'd in th i~ nard. of Dayton. were week·end visshould report to the ~'arm Bureau itors of Mr. C. M. Brown and fam· ol1lce at once, sLatin g am ount re- ily . II you are going to haw a Publi( Sale of any kind, it quired. Ed Bergan, of Detroit, is Bpendina will pay you to see me. several days here with his mother. I am trying to get started in the auctioneer Mrs. JUlia Bergan, and other relabusiness, aud I 'will guaralllee to satisfy you tives.
Walter L Sawyer, Prop. MARTI~
-- -------
Women'! Black and White Tennis Shoes
Mrs. Ella Meyers, of Crawfords· Tho Musoni c picnic will be held at vill e. Ind .• is thll guest of Mr. Ilnd & hantz' pa rk on' Friday afternoon, Mrs. W. E . O'Neal and family. this August 26. All membe rs Ilre re- week. Qu ested to come and bring hask ets Dan Bone. former Clerk of Courts There will be plen ty of transportation for everybodv. and you are ear- of Lebanon. is preparinll to move to nestly req uest.e 1 to come and help Calitornia, wh.re he expects to locate permanently, make it a day to b~ rem embered
-----+- --
Carrillgton Ellis was taken to a hospital In Xlmia. last week, where ht! was opera ted on for appendiciti!l. At las t reports, he was ge tting along ------ fine. - - - ... - + - - -
The American I~escue Workers are holding . mee tings e very Sunday morning ut 10:30 o'clock. at the Chri Rtinn .church , 011 High Btreel~ Co rn e out and hea r Cap tsin EntEminger, th e converted gambll.'r, Every body we lcome .
The Fastest Selling Tire
In ADlerica Tbe Increasing popular demand for the Firestone Sta\ldard 3013\i Incb tire over • period of yean bas given ua bill volume. Our Plant No.2 devoted wholly to this 81ze tke,.,ltb a capacity oJ 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes per day cuts costs on e.. ery operation. On May 2, we dropped our priee to $B.95 PIl88itl~ on to the ellr owner tbe full
benefits of thIs bill sales volume Illld this lahor-Sllvitl!,\ ptUllt. This tIre has been our atandard for yean---fout piles lonl! sta ph' fubri c-- -extra lIum between plles---hea." Don-skid tread. The Crea test .. alue ever offered car owners. Insist on FIrestone.
Our Cord Tire Values Firestone Cord tires arc made exclu8h;ely In Plant No. 1. Our procelUl of double ply of cord !lIves thick er In8u""lon. The ma88iv., non-akld tread, with cxtra 'thlckness wh('re wear Is mOBt severe, !lI ves real effectl vcne88 In hold ina tbe 4:8J' altalnat slipping and adds many extra miles of service. tum-dlppln~ ~;)cb
Fire8tone Cord tires nre 80ld at the lowest prlcea In cord tire history: 30t3M, S14 . ~0; 32I4. $46.3D; 3h4 ~ , $54.90.
There are Firestone Dealers Everywhere to Serve You
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cook and daughter, Mi88 Beryl. spent last week with relatives In Indiana. They autoed through and had a fine trip
The following people, of near Jamestown. Ohio. were guests 01 Mr. and Mra Eli Dean lut Wednesday afternoon; Mr, J. L, TurnbUll, Mr. Clarence f,.ackey and little daughter, Marth""'nd nurse, Mrs. Hamilton.
House Cor Sale-see McKean.
Miami Quarterly Meeting elf Friends will bE! helt! at Caesars Creek Church Saturday Au g u ~ t 13 and 14. at 10::10 o'clock. J effe rson Ford, a re turned mis!iionary from Africa, a nd at he rs will be pfl!Hent. There 11'111 be no bask.et uinn e r on Sunday, :;abbllth se rvi.~e ~ at 10;30 and 2 o'clock Everybody welcome at these services.
810"e Ihe death Of the "Wild Weat" show. city dwell'e rs 6a ve depended solely on works of Hctlon for their kn owledge of western waYB aDd cu.· tom s. Many a tIme aa a boy you ha ve ~ h lve red dellgbtfully 'ill you reu d tales of tbe knlgbts of tbe sag., lan d, ' their daring. tbelr superb boraemansblp. tbel.r skill wltb tbe lariat. AB a voice from tbe paat cornea thu anDouncemeDt tbat the State Fair management has booked a8 a featuru Harveysburg Friends Church attractton for tbe week of Aug. 29 Sunday School at 9:30; Church a revlnl of tbe Old ")01 Ranch," The performance will be by 8 ser yice at 10:30. We welcome all troupe of cowboys' aD'd eowllrls. aDd who will meet with us in our war- will be put on every day of the sllr· Hhip of Jehovah. Come, please. da)' fair. Not a feat of aldll aDd darlnl that typlnes the West III every ono's mInd wtll be omlttll<l. Ferry Christian Church and tbe management goea 10 far .al Bible School at 9:30. Preaching to aaaure us tbat there will be aey· . at 10:30 a . m . and 7:30 p . m. Every eral never before attempted. Chief amonl the performers aDd one invited. . J. A. Pine, Pastor. head of the c!ompan), 18 LIIonard Stroud, who In 1916. at the New York Stampede. won the title of "World's Waynesville Christian Church Champion of Horsemansblp," Mr. Sel'vices eve ry Sabbath at the Btroud. as a result, was sbortly after· Church alI0::10 a· m, Preaching by ward glveD the role of "Buck Mat Captain B. En8t minger, of the Amel- vln" In 8 series of Charle. 1Il. l'1UI ican Rescue Workers, Every"ne Loan storlel. tben belDI prepared for moving ptctures. Hla &tardom In lJIl) welcome at these services. films was sbared b)' bl. femou. mUI' taDr "Teddy," who waa preseDted til him by the late Theodore Roo..nlt M. E. Church ~8 8 merk of hi. etteem aDd frleDdThe usual IMlrvices will be held ship. next Sunday: SUllday School, 9:]5; Mr. Stroud wal formerly ",Ith PawPreaching serv:ices. 10:30 a m, and Dee Bill. 8uII'810 Bill and RllI,llnJr 7;()() p. m.; Epworth League. 6;15 Brothers' cireul. and It ",a. wbU. '111 p . Ill. Everybody cordially invited. their employ that he evolved tb. m08t lpeetacular .tunt h. do8l, Damely~ra\ll'IIDI UDder a PlIo,ID, Caesar's Creek Friends Church horse aDd relalnlOI h3 IMt ID '.\1 Mddle OD the Ollllolite Sunday School at thi~ church every Mr. Stroud w1l1 bI abl, MIll*! .. Sunday at 9;30 a, m Preaching ller- the Btate i'Btr b, bll wU. aDd 11, o D'7:: vi.cjLa.tJ..Q;,3D.D~dJ)ckJWD 'o'U-lIU'CJ..t-cT ..:=:: 1 m,." y KlruD. wbo la. ,.,. WOll ' II ' 't J be t e "World'" ebamploDlbl, in rWq cord la y lOVI . a. to preHn. . at Chlca.o 10 a coota" tD wblola Mr. Stroud did Dot compete. ... flail pre gram of trlcke tuld faoc, ropiq. raOr Orthodox Friends Cburch 101, faOCY aDd barebaclt rI~ will Sunday ~h(J(!ll. 9;80 am · MHt- be prueated wit) lbe ueual ac:eom' Ing lor at 10;30 · paalJpent 01 "B~'!rcbo .B!UtJa:4'
.- , W'ayneaviIle, Ohio
or positively charge you nothing for my \\ork. It will cost you nothing to get my terms. You can get me by calling
Home Phone No.2 Centerville Exchange Or, write Box 91. Centerville, Ohio
Wr. and Mrs, James Curtis had u their guests Sunday. their BOn. of Franklill and their son and famHv. of Wilmington,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler and children, Mrs. Allen Kibler and Mrs . " Just a cold" i ~ something justly Euphemia Hough were guests of F. DOIl ' t let Hummer E, Sherwood and family. of Columto he fear ed, bus several days last week , colds rUIl on,
I ;
per ya rd
WayneSVille, Ohio.
, -. 4(C' .,
Al lEBANON ",-~~~~:!!~..~,~~,~~~::~. ",
HlI use for SlIle- see Mc Ki'an, FllrIllf'r>l \\' 110 huve uny land to clear o f slumps or slones hy hlasl ing should be inl (' rl'~l l'd ill an an· nOlln re mf'n l rl.'!'t'n t ly rec e i\'ed at t hl! Farm Bureau ollice. Jh i~ ex plains tha t a larg e quantity o f pic ri c acid. a salva !l~d Wil l lOate rilll. i:; to be distribu ted through the U. S . de partment of Agriculture 10 assist with lunJ·c1euring proj ec ts. The ollicilll bulletin says' that picric acid is a comparati ve safe high ex· pl osive. It is more in ~e ntiv e til ~hork IIr ill1 pRrl lind t'l friction Ihan IIrl' cO IllI1l l'rCilil ex plusivcs . Pi cric IIl'id i~ dill k ull t" h:n ite IIlId will burll III lL' u ~t ill SlIlull quuntltie" wi th ou t ('s · Illudillg. lI " wl' v,·r. it is u high 1.''' plosive lind ,.hould be trent ed with R'r '!It r e~"l!Ct. It will not CIIU~I' ht'llduC' hes, or olh er ill l'Jfect~, when used in (lpen Ili r . Th e Picric. IIci. 1 i ~ ul'll'd ('xllct ly th e ~ Ullll' wa y for ~ t lllll P a nd roc k bllll'l tilll!' Hq i ~ d ynlllll ite TIll' c harg p~ ~ h (l ul" lit· pial''''' ill t. he ~ll llI e way lind the sarliI' 11I1I11I)o'r of car tridgps used. bUI a litt le st.r ollgpr I~ap is r eo 'luir"d to fi re it Th e "No. ij" d e· tonah'r nr (,liP i~ r{'co lllm end ed with ti llle fu ses o r with e lectricity . Cold wea th er does not impair it s effect
Full Linll of Camping Goods
;: 3"
All new Dress and Work Shoes at Reduced Prices. Come in and look around.
It Pays to Advertise
::~:0.~i:;~:~~:~r':r~; ,H~;' FARri-BUREAU ~ ~~o~
IN THE PARLOR' ~;e:~I:~e~i;~C~~oglr~~~l~se;.~~;~~s.·~~:
i l il.,' ~
DIRECf SHIPPING PAYS BEST Wben ouam II ready to lieU tbe bard work bu been daDe aDd you sboald no' permit Rny oatsltlere So make aD extra profit oft your ellur'e, Yon oaD sblp yo or oream Dla~ :T lbeTrI.Rtete and eave from 60 to 70 per Ib baUer faa. I& Is j •• a a. ea.,. to deUnr 'be oream a raUroad .,allon al We guaraotee &0 a oream buvlor l$allon. Tbe 'l'rl.l:!'ale paYI 'he ,.our OrO"m "anlponaUon and guaran~ ,.our orellJl alalnll' Imd oan8 agalnet 10811 10111 10 'raallt, W 6 pay ell pro811 or. bHRg .. go
m TRI-STATE BurrER CO. Cash Capital 1150,000
Free l'rlal Cans Iladl, larDtlbed De", patrooll f!lr so de,. •.
42c Bulter.fat Is
Moe' Trl.Slate pa'ronl ha,.. cane 80 wben ,b.,,. lake • Ibipme.t So the depot abe, oan le& tbe empt, from prevloallhl"!Den', . _ ___ Week of AII",_;;;:"i:jbrll----, iri - .........W . ''IlI. IHh'';''1 ; ~-
Mi. Stella Daugherty iIIlD ehara'e 01 office.
Fire, Tornado, Aulomobile, Life, Liw Stock, Acddent
Office In Am.n Buildinlr
Rea' Estate, Live Stock and also Farm ProlNrty
Waynelville, Ohio
...................................................... . To comply witb the Pence Anti-Glare law, w.e bave on band a lot of
Sun-Ray Lenses· .,-
Every auto must be equipped with one' of tbe approved devices by AuglUt 16. So come in . and we will sbow you a " good one-sometbing real good. .
-F• .D~... Pho'M41
w."....,.. 01lIo
••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...............t4~~~~. .5i
1t ~e" nly-Th inl Yt':l l'
at »
Whole Numb er 5448
OffiCIAL NAMEO! l ' ur~ulIlIl 10 the requirem ents of I I Mr. J , IJ · Marla tt and daughte r, Ihe npw l'rHnplJl~ory ~(' ho (ll ntlend' iI 11 Mi,;,; Hele n. lind Mr. J. L. Har tsock !llIce laws. Ihl' Wnrrpn Co unt y BORrel l s p el\t la~ t Thursda y wi th Mr. and of Edu('ulinn at il8 last m(,E'linl{ em · ~ r" R" ue rt Walton, in th ~ Deeds Ill ov pt! II ('o unl y allenell lnre otlk('r . " . horn e, at Mornine fa rm, nea r DayThi ~ OfTi(,Pf hl\s ('ha rge of 1111 ~r ho o l Ion . - IruRncy in thl1 l'nlin' county HC'hool \ , dHril'l .. lie i ~ v(,RlNl wilh pnlic C' I Mi s~ es Th plma find i{ulh SaltE'r· " , . 1', • .1 1,1 11 11 " ,'III Z _ • I ", I rl I II II I' pnw('r". may un RlmoHt anywh ere in I thwait e pnterllli ned the (ollowin g ~Il a ll.l ! ' 11 . ,11 1: 11 11 111 <' ~1I ' l dH\' . "ell reh of I rllanlA. and rnny conduc l j( ue~ t!l al a house party , Thu rsrlay thllse of cumpu lsory school age not VI'rIl iii i ll li li. "f Mi , h"wllka . 1,,01 . and i'ri ,lay : Misses Jean It Hockett att ending Rchool Rnd not legally em· SI"'1I1 1· l'Iti.y Ull rl SlIllIlclllY h, 'rl! Lill ian and Ne lli e Walk inB. and Sara pl ayed on an age and 81'houlinK certi· ;'r.l i :l~el din e . ficate. forlhwi th to the IIchool where Ur. L . H. 111111, ~ llll lind r1au~hl"r , they belong. It is his duty t o prose· wert! in l.ehul"'II, 'I'11 .. ~ t1uy ' nllJrnill~ " H L..cK 1olI 11 11 ' mlJl'r ~ " ill. (h e i t ate o f ·~~;t ~n·:n~t~'; Mr. and Mrs. [L A. Connor enter· '''({Y ~, ...,..~fY1 cu te all violatio ns IIf the school at· • t t hr'o "' l'rl' H lh· r t · ... I t'( 1 In till ' h,,; ant)' of ~ i rh . 5('1 C.... f'!"] tc'1 ~~ vcted laln ed in n rlelighlf ul manner last , . '. ,,01 I I II·. "'''' t 1,,·.,,"if,, 1 hUI Ih~ 'I'l l RF F. ,",/(': 1 • e. nlUul Furt .' ALE - lI o11SI' and lot on Main tendanc e laws , and to compar e the Sund ay the following !/uests: Mr, ' I ' · 11' ''0\:, /\ 11. 1 Il l' l e lr '~ th e wi ,, ~r. r o-. ~;,r , ~" one sl reet. Kll th C'rille I'rl'lIdr"r gast. 1I enumeratiol1 lists with the school en· 1 ;111'1 ....: 1. f,l ,:0 r ig ht, thry .) rc : ~ 1. 1 ; · ; ! :lr~Oiln.. and Mrs. C. E Edward ~ and family. rollmen t t o ascertai n who may not I . .1.;": Kll '" . of I.yll e . Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. SherMr . anll MrR. Co rwin lIumill on , of be in scboQ.\ . wood and daugh te r , of near Xenia, WalJUk oll~tll, arc viHltill1l r (' llItive~ Howard Fulkert h, st rongl y recom· and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwo od, here. menrl~d for the place by many leading citizens. waR chosen 10 fill the On Monday nig ht. at the ho ~pita Men's I::lk· llid ' Wnrk SIHH!R ut> Lo position and wil! en te r upon his hi e hOllle on Norlh slreet. Miss Alice $Il Ull valu e!!, HIll'l'ial $:! !)K lit 1i~IlII\11 duties the fi rst of Septem ber . He Carey entertai n ed about twenty-five & Co. will p roba bl y be, jf 0 r a li me, a t Ieast, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I !!!!!!!!!!!"!!"'!!!!~ in hon or of Miss Mary Chid law, who on e of t he busiest men in the county~ Mr. and Mrs Go rde n J oy spent lefL Tuesday for her home in North Supt . F. B. Harri s has compile d Th e 1I1a"u ni<' pimi c will be held at I Owing to reverse s in his Dak ota . Card games were enjoyed two duys I hi H weel, wilh n'latiVt'H in busineBg, the more importa nt provisiong of ;o;chanl z' Ilark nn I~riday afle rnoon . H . E. IO:lIrnha rt disappe Brown I·ounty. arter whic h deliciou s refreshm ents ared from the new law8, and a copv will soon I Au}{u~1 ~Ii . All n". mber~ an. re of ice cream and cake were serv tld , home laBt week , lind nothing definit e be mailed to every family with chillllllue-stripe<1 Ovc'raliH. wiLh hih, qu('s ll'll to come allli hring hask ets . has been heard of his wliereab o uts. ren between thirteen and eightee n regular $I. ~O valu e, "pl!elul H!lI' at If the r any who hnv e no ma chine I-Ie delivere d some good~ near Day· Mrs . Edith M. Harris and Mrs, years of age. In th is way all most and rl f'~ ~r e to go, will Il'ave Ih ~ir I ton III:!t Tuesrlay afterno on, H~mnn & Co . Laura and was interest ed may know th e provisions II. Mosher entertai ned to din· A clever designe r has d evelope d II Owners of motur vehicl l!s in Ohio nam' wllh the Cnmm ltLt' ,th ey WIll I heard of in one place in Ullyton, ne r on Sunday in honor of Miss Mil· af· of the new laws and arrange accord- hp.ater that has all the appeara nce of wh o hav e been hearing th eir just Ur J .C. Gudwllilml er, uf Nurwoo d, 4l' C lhat th ey gel II wa y. as the re ar e ' Ler which uo trace has been fon dred Hartsoc k' s birthda y the follow· nd. ingly. a handsom e cabinet phonog raph, yet proport ion of th e fede ral, wu~ Ih e Sunrllw gue!lL or hi. nunt, pl'lllv of llI/1e hine~ t o tuke ev ery · s tute and ing j.(uests: Mr. and Word was received here, Monday Mrs. F. C. Hartwhic~ works like a pipeless furna.r~. l other tuxe~ and licenBes amount ing Mr ~ . AglIl.'l:I W. W,.i1Chl. hod y. Th e Illllchin es will meet at aflernoo n, to the effect that Mr. sock and family and Miss Evelyn . Th. l s new heate r is now on exhlbl- \ to $340,000 000 that arc collect ed in the hall promp Lly at 12 lI'cmck All Earnha rt had been found at FranlcJohnson , of Milford , Mr . and Mrs. lion m the store of Fred M. Cole: ... Mr. and Mrs. James Zell, of Yel· n H'm hr' r~ of Ih,lO'lg o lind t heir fam- lir,. He was found \ the U nited tnte~ on such vehicles, below Frankli n Ronald Hawke and Bon , Miss Esther To carry out the phonol raph Idea can at least draw a breath low Sprillgs , epent Thur>!ll llY with ili e!! a~ 1'1 ,II u~ me.rnhe rH of the EllS· / bv touri sts , of relief Hender son and lying at the side or the Mr. Harris Moshe r. it is called the Heatrol a. Mr . ami MrR. ),'rullk Zell. Its full Jnow lhat the Ilropose ll additional I rtI Stflr nr r('( llle~ted to be present road . He was taken into th eir maname is Estate Heatrola, the heatt!r tax of $10 on each a utomob ile is not WRlle r Kilbon chine and brough t to Frankli n,where being a product of The Estate Stove to be incl urled in the new Mr. and Mrs. James· McClur e en· Mra. Sl. Clair f ifl'. " f Wilmin gtl ,ll gO I'ern· I. . A. Zimmer man it was discove red that he had a .Compa ny. te rtained on Friday eveninjt for Miss epl'lIt Jo'Jiday with h.·r pare'lIl s, Mr ment revenue bill. l;corg<J Wnterhou~e wound in his arm. He was taken to Mr. Du~tin, of the Extension DeThe H.trol a is fashion ed like a Mary Chidlaw and Mr~. H. II. Wilkers on. . who ~pent several Thi s announ cement followed the Commi ttee. his fath er's home in Dayton. partme nt of the O. S. U. , was at handsom e cabintlt phonoll raph . It iB recent confere n ce hel,1 at the White weeks here with Mr . and Mrs. Wal· Cha! . Ellis' farm Tuesda v mornin~ of course, made of steel Wilminj(l on Yearly Meeting open· plates, but Houae between Prl'si. ent Harding ter McClur e and family . The guests and gave a demonEltration of differ: these plates are finished to (,d MUIllluy, and sC\,l'rul (rulIl til\' look like and membe rs of th e Slmate ami were MissllS Mary Chidlaw, Cozy ent soilB of the nei ghborho od. The mahog~ny, grained like meetiliK here urc in attenda n ce . rare old HouBe at whi ch time it was decid ed Younce. Co rrine Welch, Alice Carey demons tration W85 very good: and wood, pOlished . to the fine lustre of that instead of increasi qg the bur· and Helen Marlatt , and the MessrB. showed those who brough t BOIl ex- expeml ve furmlul ;e. Mi!l8 Clara Keys is spt'ndin g a 1'011dens of taxation on the peop le. t hat Irving Welch, Kenneth Kilbon, Co uactly what was needed, also what kind pie of we('k~ in Day Lon, the IlIl CHL The resembl ance to a phonog raph the ex penditu res of va ri ous depart- lice ¥ounct' , Irving Wel ch. Carl of fertilize r was to be used on that is carried out all through of Mr. ItIld Mrt!. Hll wuhl 1I (\"k in ~ . , The ments of gov ernm ent ope rali on will McC lure and Ethan Cran('. The 8011 for certain crops. There was a front, the side., the top, even ing was spenl at 'Five Hundre d' eveIJ the be reduced . , A spl'cial 'I'll(' meeting lIl:lrri!ll {l' will of Mr. be Charl es Ewan held in large crowd present and much inter· Bupporting Ieg1!l , are lik e a phon oMr. and Mrs. I~ra llk CuhhllRe, 01 In this decision molnr vehicle own- and refreshm ents of ir.e cream , r.ake Wll ~hin g t on C. II ., HIU'nl. the weel,- Merri It , son of th e In,te ChaR. E. lhe Md hodist church, Lebanon ,Ohio, est. was Il}anifested in the demons tra· graph. 'And the orname ntation is ers who hav e been mad e the target and pu nch were served. end with Mr. RIllI Mrs. I{oy MacBeth Merrill, of Mt . II oily , N ,I. and on Augullt 21st, at 2 p. m ., for the tions. what yoU would expect to find on an I of tax·levy ing bodie~ :lince the auto· Mi ~ MHY ElizlllJe lh Singer, of Peoria, purpose of discussi ng ways and Mr, Dustin will be in this ·neigh· artilltic wood cabinet . ' mobile became un im porlunt faclo r Mrs Fred Gons entertai ned a com· ~rhood for seve.ral d~ys a~d will Best $ 1.25 Work Shirl.!!, ,89 inchcH III ., wil l take place Tuesday evening , means for promot ing the interest s of Housek eepers will b~ d~\i~hted in Am erican transpo rtation facilitie s pany of littl,e folks Saturda y afterp:lve :4e pt ~lllb e r 6, 1921. at the home of the work . demons tratlon9 III long, ppcciHI 7!Jc at thrnnn &. 'II . differen t with the Heatrol a because It IS so may find just cause ( to congratul a te noon in honor of Master Robert' s Mr. J . Marion Small, district di· localitie s, 'fh e brido. • easy to keep clean. The polished themselve9 . • fift.h birthda y. The time was pl ~as· - - • Mr . Merritt is the neph ew of Mrs. rector, of Wilmin gton, Ohio, will be Miss 'Milllwd Ollnhum, of Leba· mahoga ny fiflish can be rubbed and. _ __ _ _ _ _ __ jantly spent in playing various games. non, s pent ijcvprlll !lay:! IflRt wecic :t L . Cu r~wright lind Miss Kezia present and address the meeting , dusted with a cloth just as other At 'I o'clock the guests were invited giving plans and Buggestions for the with Mr . Clarenc e Be rrvhillll nd 'falll- Merritt. furnitu re Is handled . No l51acking, to the dining room, and all eves I • • promotion and develop ment "f Sun - - i1y . no polishin g of metal, no rust. Just opened wide at Might of the table, day Sehool work, general ly. a beautifu l finish like real mahoga ny which was verv attracti ve in pink A general discussi on of the subject Mr. and Mrs. F. L. C. W e i ~hro"t Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S. which harmoni~cs with the richest and white, lighted with pink candles and son , of SlIrdini a, Ohio, Hpent th e will be open to all. furnishi ngs-s mooth as glass and will meet in special Bession on Friday and with favorB for each little guest. week-end with C. M. I{llui tzer Rill] handsom ely orname ntal. evening ,;AuguB t 19t h, at 7:30 for tbe A two·cou rse lunch was served to the family. ~- - + - - purpose of conlerr ing the degrees on followi ng guests: Ruth Hocket t, N!'xt ::lund ay . Au~ull t21. is "I·'a th· Gen e and Harry F'urnaM, ~ic hard two condida tes. All officers and and MiS8l?S Mac Watk ins ant! Pnllletl a e r's Uay " in the Ferry Bible school. Itobert Satterth waite, membe rs are requCllted to be presGertrud e Harbal' h, of F'rankh n, sll~mt lust A special program ha~ be 'n p repared Stubbs, Mary J o and ent. Visitors welcom e. Richard Mill er week as guest~ of Anna an,l I::thel of shorl talks by leuding men . Mr . ~'rank Hawke. Belly Hartsoc Donna Edward s, W. M. k, Satterth waite. ' Sue Hawke, See'y, The Daught ers of Americ a and the Frank Gord on, of J umeslolVn. will George Edward s, Doris ' and Ruth ===:.~:'====-krJ.O.U .A. M. hacl..a picnic atSchanl~' ~peak; mal e quarle ts und solos a re Evelvn Sali <bury . Mr, W, H, Allen and fnmilv, and The twentv. third apnllAI TQunlo,Il-!-- - - -- rove Sunday . There were abou promi sed , and Mr . Harvey Suckell , Miss Lelitb. Mc Kay uttended -HIe of School dis trict No. n, Clea rcreek "A toothac he Is lots of compan y." tOO bresent and everybody had a fin t of Bellbron k. has promised to rend er e Collett· McKay picnic near New Bur· Timoth y Marlatt lVa~ pleasan tly . Town ship, Warren County, Ohio, 30 are large kitchen s, haphaza rdly time. A sumptu ous dinner wa~ one or two trombon e SOI ,lS, A big SUrllriried Sund ay Augus t 14, when linKton, Saturda y . gene rally known as Five Point'8 arrange d. rally Is ex pec led; E VE Rr l'ATIIEH and served. Di8tricl will be held at the reoicl ence every other man is wanted . The on returnin g from an auto ride, he JU9t received a.. new shipme nt of of Mr. and Mrs. !". K Itosnagl e , y. 8ch(lol h~g in s at 9::10 a. m " and t he founll the house In possession of a Ladies' Waists in Geor~elte' ant! ---- :-___---:-::-:-:-~-_____- -__-----~----,i number of relatives lind friends miles northea st IJf Springb oro, on comb in ed service closes al 11: 15 . A orepe de chine, in new('st ahudes and August 27, 1921. The basket dinner . • ~roulJ picture of the Ferry ITI Un w.ill whom Mrs . Marlatt had invited to styles. at Hyman & Go. help remind him of his s ixty·nin th will be one feature of the o c~asion. be taken . . birthday . ""A bountifu l dinner,l ovely Let al\ who wish to atte nd this me.!t· firo. DalVson, pastor of the Sugar II "lJorn- To Mr. and ~rs . Raymond B and reminiscences of old I. I I ' 11 . h . ing conside r this notice a sufTicient owe r, Cree." c lUr\l, WI ~peal< atEl e uhllldon time fri end8 helped to make the day Weller, Monday, Atll~ tJHt Ifi • .1\)21, a invitatio n, and come r eady to con· servIce In t e evenmg .. • very 0 y a pleasan t milestone. 80n. "Mikti" sav~ he int('lHJg 10 trTbuse t o the gent!ral pleasure . come. _ _ _ ___ - - make a caleher "outen " him. I Those present were Mr. Isml Mrs. l(owena Munger Gregg, Sec. Albert Merritt , of HarveYBburg, J ".tl:C Kenesaw Moulliain Landi. -------.-~-----Mr. and Mr~ . A. L Snowde n , of rlirtator Frank and j . U. Pence, Mr. anrl Mrs. SUI,rcme In base ball,' wh"c; Columb us, Mr. and ' Mrs . Carl Lu· ha. sou nd ed th e death ·k ne ll to any Burton Earnha rt, Mr. and Mrs. kens, of near Wilmin gton, were -cnl- f" [l1 of crooked n ess in the g reat Eme rson Earnha rt and two children , P.11 , ' . the aCQuit al 01 the le rs on Mr . IInrl Mrs. C. H. Sher~ood (h io:;'~ Despite of Waynesville, Mrs. Mattie Smith. "B lacksox" in court at (l-iro ,:.>. Jurlge Landis announ cu last Saturda v. Dr. ancl Mrs. ' Harting er and aon. 11i;\1 ,,<'t one of them will ever be Billy, of Spring Valley, Mr. and Mrs, I'c tmi lt cd to \llay in or ga n ized base. Miss83 Helen Marlatt and Alice hall OIg., i n. George Marlatt , Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, lind Messrs. C. W. Younce Frankli n and Lebanon base ball Ity e and daughte r, Dorothy , Mr. and and Irving Welch were the g u es t ~ of teams will play three ,games for the MrB. Elton Evans, Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Mullin, Mr, Mr . and Mrs. Oscar Stanfiel d, near champi onship of the county in Sept- Howard Beam. of Xenia, and Mrs. James Mullin and daugh· Mott Cline, New Burling ton, Sunday_ ember. There are three other teams Juke Marlatt , Earl Cline, ter, Mr. Paul Plnl/, Mr. and Mrs. Madiso n. in the county that would like to edie .Ernest and Harold Earnha Perry Thomas , 'Mr. Joe Pine and rt. Mrs. Harriet t Staley, Mr. and Mrs. up to this champi onship husintl!ls, as claught er, Helen, Mr, and Mrs, Les· --CharieR Tobias and Mrs. Tobias, of~ they are as much entitled to games ter Kenrick , Mr: Henry Murphy BJld Dayton ,lIpent Sunday afterno on with as Lebano n. Howeve r, as the Mi· Mr . and Mrs. Frank Wright attende d Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Colema n. Mrs. amis tried all .season to get Frankli n The Miamis did not go to Ple.asan t the fellowship meeting of the ChrisStaley is a eister of Mr. Colema n, . to play, they mugt either conBider us Plain as,schedllled; ' Sunday : There tian churche s 'o f Greene county. at I too small !'pump kins" or are afraid the consolid was ated quite school buildlllir of a misund erstand ing In reo The'- Mlami Valley Ctlauta uqua, at 'Of defeat: gard to the game, 'and the boya did RoBS Townsh ip, Greene county, fUld Frankli n, closed ' Monday, anti the hearJ Dr. Rutledg e deliver two ex· . people from Way.ne!iville folded their not show up as per schedul e• 'cellent add resses. 'ient.:l·an d c8flle home. Tbey were al\ The. Waynes ville caIininR factory ---~ ~ ~e,~ ••- - - - pleased with the entertai nlllent this started work this mornin g, There, ' ,', year. will be about the usual ainoont iif corn put up thill year. and eome 01 Mrs, Ernest Earnha rt attende d- a . ' the' earlier com is very fine, The a luncheo n in "enia last week in . ..Joe Chapmall' writes from the raine came just in time to laVe a wilda bonor of Mi. Allnl!8 Hornick . who of Minr.es ota to Frank leMay Tbe Cleaver ·Rlcb rewdon will be· lai'gd amount of it. The later earn lIuch , will become a brlae Septem ber 1at, a tale that wouid put Dyke The Premie r band went to Hat- is comiDa on tilt, and will b8 to shame. held at the the Wellman Sebool 11111 Hornick , who Is the dall8ht er. He caullbt twenty black bUB, v8lIbuilr. New Burling ton, Spring for the factol'J about tb,:1IIUIIread, ground s . on Satprday ' Aua\llt %1. .i.illic Jonph Witkow ski. nf Chi~ago, ha s furni shed n more qaltgl'\'31 rleal of" ollir. and Mra, Otto Hornick . lived pike than he could count. Valley, Bellbroo~. 'C entervil le and tlnl time. ittllll'ni for Ihe follt5 of hl$ nt'i"hllOrhoo,1 :and' town. On ' to IIIU' All relative s are Ul'led to.be Prtl8llt, f.o cach loot Mil<l 'UlOId he hai six dillCls instead 01 fivc~ maklnll' a round lolal l4't\e, lIonda , afterno on,' elvlnlr bere for a couple of 181U'11, and haa nothinJr of tbe pen:h and .blue of 1\"0 .~ .......... _-ellI, a1111 All pcrfcctll. fOfftlcd.··... Q'-liac ·.IIby.lci8A. whDI coacer IIWI1 ~. tIat each place. and umoun that be m eDtioiled u.1Ide Une. BoW18 fo.-Sale-aee IIcKeu. 'iPllllul'IC:.. ~I.4!!~ _ .ahe lawn fete for tbll eveDlQ. _._ ~. 1.:C _L: , , 1.
- ---- ----
----_ ..
---... ..
" --
__-"._ - .e-- -
11.e Miami Gazette, Wayne.ville, Ohio. ,
"'1'he h'flll t' 'nt Golllllmlll);," ' nlCl !YOI1. . . . mOll lt; gtll C1 111111' .nfll r. " 'IIY 'I . . Tit 1\~xt momunt the HIllIlt' liseo . ' Hll j{h 11I,)U!:III I'I\l V. "I Wllt 'IJ·t! P,..,,,rb tl d 1 I rt 10 lti 'J'lw L1ghl lin It ·,1 I,Ut, tlnrtlll!! 10UO(\ th~"lJKt." BUli. 'lltt'fllU:11 1111: .kyllght IIi RI. IIl1Iht. a nil) y, nn '" BY " • W • OVO!r)' the room. 1'11\jt1 Something 11 11 LlII' 'l'11' AI1I(orh'110 lo'UZ"l1 lit l'I ' " ' ,""c \(: I I gl' lIl1 tl! ~II;1' ,\!t h 111111 1<'<4,1'1'. I'nl U,lnk- ' nor)" 1I.le1·t, S(ll1lotlllng hod n (o"od III ,:H'l' ve or Ills 1I11J II 111 0 , b ut ~IIII he 111/' In ~t1"JlCP. '1' ''1'11 h,' I, .1,'11 ttt I Itl'" ,,' "11 Ill" ·... t J.,,\k Il lsldp It; )Ir, I ll\(' l-,,(·tn • • . • I ' I \ . t c,\ulll ><el' nl\L1I IIH: 'l' h~ tll'll. \\'tt ll t)11.' I tll h"h , 111\11 Wlllll It f' SII II' li n IhllL 1: \'0 "'11. \\, 1111 1 " "';lIl II I1ttlt, illlltll'r 1<1 I 111111 ,,"ly '\)f ' ll 0 t nY n?v"n!~n. (' h)(h~ IIt!'(lll' lI 1,,,.-11; It" \\·"il lt~t,"\ .I; wnll'y' ,. fli t ;> nl'IIIII"' I\lI)' .h'l'I,h,, 1 1111 11 k MII). III"~? I'm Ihj nltln~ w.""'" (" "!l '1 IIlIlr("l Ilk th .' )\lIlhlo'n cr"n (). 1\ 11 ~r 110 •• o'Iullr willi hl< Ir" U ~"I'l! 011 11 ~h l n - 10 "". Inl nln tI'lil 11(1li t·.'· , III flll' l, It I, nu t lilt \\"1\' 1''' Uk"I, tu 1\Ull UIIIIl \, l' Or furuBOI" th ink u n,Y f hln g t.'l!':'~_;-' ·ll1t t ' \,\'n 'lh l llll WII ~ n~ It hnll b,....·1\ wil l'" "0 Wit ..; not IHI t h " II a.: hl ~pr'l't L'r IIIHI )"~ , , , It t 111111' IIkp II A "enl " ~ • Ctl ll I:"t I., Ihllt Il" II(,' r~ " n,1 I h lll\ll~ ,,"us n" , I h I ' I":' II' turl1~.1 Itt. Anll hl'lI h hellnl II "P C- 1I \I"lId"'lI 1l\11I1 1\I' ~ 111111 II I hi "I, 111. 10 . Rlltlt<'rlnl: ~"" nf Il f I r r.'I,v 1ft I tl t h' tt. ,'uur kll owtn Jl IhhSI~ htrd ~, Mr, t ' t Id CHI d ~ou nd -tll s lllH~I ' nud ch!"r, t l'U liln ' l' fY d,Jl l tuu ~ ly , \\'I O(oIl'nwl\, 1U t
The Adventur~s of A Demobilized Office1" Who Found peace Dull
(;rfl;'n. UHr 1rip rn l'urlM hns ('''II~I. l(' rhltl(\ \·n hlP."
dorp{'tlva pro,"oo wrong.
• ·'.I -ossesses 0 dnughler 1" .. , U- I ht· \ kl .p u h :it 111 , ' o;;: ,"\I4III'r. " lU.' \' OIU tlOIl IInlt tim tIlc lIe l 'c llvo ,11"1,18.1',,01 nrlt .s: H dh.!I. ·\ 1... \ .. , }lld,l lu:l l lllllrs bl/·n U'llCCi lit cxct h 'll1('Il1. " J l oll' SUh ll,, ' ! t11 ~llt: Ild l ' rl lt ll Itti ll t! !l ltH lh 'l ' r :-; th l .. It con'l IJQ him I" ll\' I'f illl!.! ,,' h,\ tilt' lin'II ,1 1I11tlhw nf
" \\'boT demanll('d nrUllltll/)lI '1. lJut the olher did 001 BIlS\\','r. • \UI ot tI\e corner of his 1l) 'C he '"'' wn ,·Ii· !ng thr~e JUeo who hud jus I J"I II".1 the lubJect ot t holr lalk. and Otl h l~ face was a dllwolllK umazell,,·lIt. J I" wa ited tUl the whole pnrty hud 1C"11l' loto tbe rest aurnn t. Ih,'o, Ihr.,,,,III,, aside bls cnutloll. he tllrnell "xi'lI".1I), ou Drummond. "Are you certa in." be rrh'!l. " Ihil l that'll ti'l! mllll wbu has heeu monk.·y· Inil with Potts?" "Absolute ly." sIlld HUllh. " lie rpc· oll1lzed me ; wh ~tl\e r hc thinks 1 ree· 0ll1lletl him or IIOt. I doo't ko/)w." "Then w ha!''' relunrlte(1 thf detecth-e. " Is he dolllS hure di nin g wit h lJockln\:. o ur C.llllill IrUSI mnll: wltb Stel llernann. the (}9rOJuo 1'(JIlI U1UO ; Ind wltb thnt other guy w bl'"1' f oee II tumlltllr. but " 'bose narn~ 1 " no't plA~e ? Two or 'em Ilt ony rot c. ('-u ptain. have got more mlllhlll s U,8 0 we're e,·e.r likely to hnve th nusondH, u BUih atftroo Ilt the An"'rknn . "Ln" nig ht," he MId 810wly. " he _ . tONK1lthertllI wllh a crowd of lIln'clous rll);I:".! ·t rn\l,p r~/1 I'IlvOlutl o nllrlc8 It's over he n 11I~ Iud, to run u p a"ulnst,tt "~W e're Iu II. Capt n In. r":hl In Ihl! mid d le ot It," crl~...1 the lleIN'II,",', .IIlppIng his lei. ' 'I'll Cli l illY hili I( 111111 FreD elnnno ISlI't Frnll kl), n-.'r L lhBloln-or Baron omll-'lr 1111), nrhc r ot U,,' hlnmed Domes he cll II s 1. "Mclt. Be'8 a 'gi'n IU 8; h e'! th e g0009. !lee I" be whistled 'fent1y 1\lHI~r hl ~ hr~lll h . "11 we could 001 y IllY 111m by the beels." For a while he t!1ored In frnnt or hIm. lost In hI s drenm of plensnn't anticipa tion; then. with 11 ~hOrL Inugh. be pulled blm self togel her, "QuIte a tew peop le hu,-c t hought the same. Captolu." he remu rkM. Naod there he Is-titlll drlnk.lng Wgbballs. "You say be WR8 with a crowd of revolutlonarl es lnat night. Whot do you mean ftXDctly T "s..,IRltevlsts, AlUlrchlSl.ll. mpJnbera ot UIO Do-n l)-\,'o~-aod-hoT e-lIlI-tb& money brlgnlle." ollswered Hu gh. "nut excuse me n mOlllent, Wlli te r. " II. Dlnn wh o had been hon rlog round come up promptly. ".'our of 'e m. Ted." snl d lI ugh In a ropld uod ertone_ "FrenchUlllu wItb
tl k
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"';n'nt S.'o\tI I :\lr. lin .... n, ·· h e sni t\. "I' m h\'l! tn nll l ~ I n ..wt YOll . "'h nt wus }ll!H' r~in
Wit!:!, why t WI} 111t'1I
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th., 51"1'), I'nx,()~' I"tl . • ~ )': I y "\IIi'I~ ~utlolpnl~' II 'In u'k him' Ihnt he w~s 111I " h hnll tlnt.he d. lIu 't '"II~ nrrl III . III II I"rl.thle 1113I\d\"l\lIllI~e, Tile thing, I I111 Ill't 1\\ hnt(l \' t.' r It \\'I\~, ' knll \\, . nt lilly r otA tor SUPPPf wlln ' I I~)CIn il In~" r' .,.IIItln.1I1. did hI' " um UP Ih p 1t 1l.1I.'r nJll'rnxh lllll ~I)' , hi " polll!tl<'l' : h~ hn (l nR II{> <Oil" It_ 1 1101 tho . II)1hlosl IIntlnn whl'N' It "'nll.
li B
"A (",,'ueh I l ,., \ p V."; !I lon, ('fll 1tllln- tl---ft I And n hHud I1lnll IH'xlnsr U mnn who
1""ld l. I',,"s I. vur I,I".('SI ~hl l ·pI IlK 1\ 1111 1. "UI wh"I'I' hc ('01111'" on liB' 1,1 <."-
Ico ilitl
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IIllChl'. c rilll'.I."
" ' hO' t:)
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,' Ih r qui ck I.",
" N mnhcr Two In fh ~ C'oll1l)ln ~: ' f;llid
AlIler il'll ll. "J) I Jt-' ~n ' t
I t ~Itik c , ',)(1 lhut U H~ re un"" qultl' U Ull1ubcr of t" ......lIlC' In" Lhi~ \\ fwl d who
th.· bOo.>k of I h,' wunls.
It ' ll cn nch'$I \"e bOlL'l't, he w
~otn l':'
8ure help
........ . ,. -,.,.
And os 1I 1ll(h sw lt ch l,,1 "rr III " L' Io>cIr c light In his hedr o"Itl. hO"1 1I1I first 6f'en thot hl N t,'rch \\'" . l"I.'n.ly to 1111 11<1 10 cnso of f'nwr.:Pflcy. he was thlllk Inll' ot UIC dCI "" I I " e ' ~ "",,rtl.. G Itln!; hold of th !! I"d ~.' r ",ns IIn l I!olng tn Ill'
,'n lly-rur trt'l1l It; !Jut the oxe\tPTtI(!Il ( of ,ch,,'~ IInrl fnlrly ohsl'RRf'(\ ' hi m by n ow . lit· IllY In tWIl, tu r nlllg ovt.'r I" ' ~ ry
One gll(tllI l l'
no J1I Hllllcr
~,I ' Ii'II I 'lIl1st
sU'lkl' all o\"o'r
YOI11" (:lIulltry - thut' s w l lllt l'uI OrNOU 'S
pltlyl ll); fnc, 1"11 sl nl", J I"", hro'ti dll lu,W" it
til." h"t!orn dol· i~
llllf.)tliPf mnL-
Icr. nllt h l"~ In with th .. !J i ~ thllltl· del's: u"d he's 1I~ln" Ihe luh' IIIIHIII>Ing B ()l"hl~R '" t"ol ~. (illd ! It ·~ n big Sl'lll'U"'' ' - he putT" '1 IWlPc 01 IlIR clgnr- "fl dUMWd h19 ""' h l ' tilt'. YplIr lill ie ,,1<1 r,,"nl!·~'. t'nplllln, I" !\R\'lnJ( OIi P • th ,. tlllr"1 " n nod 'ij c nrll,; hut s he's In n fUll ".1' 11101.'<1. Sh.'· s sick. lik e most of liS a rft; mllrh e s he's n IIltl e bit slrk er tilnn u g('OtI DlIlIIY people thhllL flilt I 1"C('kon rder. Ott·$ cure wou't dll unr I'I!nnner of gond. ext'llpt· Ing to hl ru~olf nnrl those blnnted cor~ I1RII ~t~ whn nre pllttlng up the dol·
Ius." "Then wh.'re tl,p de,11 docs Polt~ colne In .'' "'lId HlI gh, who hod 11.
r)L'n rl s7"
"1' (' Hr'I~! " IH'gn n lilt,
Al 1wrt cltn, whf'11 th t\ n'st ttliru nt dnor 0Vl'lfH"tl s lI lltl l' llly ollrl T" I J"" III I,;:hlllli O: lII er~ e( 1. B tl SIOCIlIl'U 10 b(' In 8 hu",y, lind Hugh Itnlf I'""" In his '· h uh·. 'I'hell Ill' sut
1;lI ck
cl'ow d of Infllrlnlt! c1 hpatl wnt'te l'S
'I' wllh 1I,IrnCilious rttpld-
alltl utlll'I' g l'('il t Ollf'!-: l'llln'ul't.'d fro m non-tH·r,· lind ~ tlrrntll\tl ~ d .J el'lIll1g l ll ull,
IJ ll dt'u lll l' llIy t h is WIIS litH lit" Wtty f Of 11 wal1.t' r to Il!u\'e the hutl·l--e vc n
If he 1111.1 Just !Jl'lln IlI sCII'·'·I,.,.1 liS nn h ll l JHs t llr ri nd r;Ht k, 'd on tlu l :o'l lnt.
Ulltl o llhl l',lIy It he hnd hC(' 1I 0 wlllte r . till s II 1t·,,1 , body of sCllnr lnll zed b\!lng8 ,vould hll"c t'emoved hIm elC(1<!IIILl oll s ly th l"( . u~h sOll 'e sect'(·t huttery-hlltch nnl ) drllppcd h im on the pn ,'erueut o ut of II 1"lI' k f'Dtrnnce, J II< I " pposlll> lIugb he hnlted. nnd In II ' ('11'11 1' VOice IIddl·e.~",' lI 110 one In pu r tkulnr: "l' III1'l'e sltfllt cd ,
Lon k
lit n"d ll lmlng.'" T h"n , .'n"ulf.. <.1 once mnr .. In tlte cr",,'lI , he C"IlI It IUetl hl ~ 1IIl1j.'B tl c ptl>. gl'l'''. IIl1d .ltllil ly dl slI (lp(!II I·t'.1 n little nhrll plly frolll ' 'lew. ·'O rYJiI ie'," n l l1l'tl1l1f('ld tho A tnrrlcnn , "hili SOntl' Inti. Gee I H o h ud IllIIt bunch I! uess lnll."
l' i nj!'\l1~ lI o l ~c ~ Imd heon cnuled br. JU"I li t Ihll t mnment only on e Ihlng II'I\ S on thl' Ill'ngrnm; n'nd wlth o\ll n ~OI\1 IHl lit' (' r~pt roun d the boo low nrd Ih.· '·II I,Uuurtl. to PilI Ihnt ona tblllR IllI" .. n',ocl III h is \I.unl dln>('t mOllner. Twlcc' <I lr! h" hcnr Iho littl e wh1sItllI!! hi s" f roll\ .. how". hut not h Ing IIIlJl~ ' pn~1 hi s h r nll. 1::" lrt~lltl)' thp mon hlld I~( h lll1 . 111\11 \..·u s l)f'nbnb ly stlll nho ' III~ nl thp rlon r . And then, with bllllll H OlUI 11I11\)t )' Inur l\ ('(1 It, h e ('It tho out· l1n\"Is 0( thl""' cllphllonl, It wus slnllllllll: nit loch or t wo rrom \I,,, wnll, 011.1 h~ ~II Mletl his nll g"'" hoh int! til e IJnrk 011 m..l s ill.,. lie li stencd t()r u mUlllimt. but n o 1lI0\'PII H.'ll t Clu ne rl·,11\\ above; Ih<'1\. h"lt fllctllg Ule \\"ull . h ~ 1'111 Olle leg ngni ll s t II . l'hl'l~ "'I\S one 'Iulck. trell\t'nrlo\l~ helH''': a c nt Rh \\ hll'll 8oUlHl oli lIl·tt£,·n lng: th oll s ll enc.;. A 1111 once 8 g01n he 8w lt ('J,,'tl on his lord ,. , . L ylt'l1 on th " tloor by the wind ow wn . Olle or Iho smu ll ""t mell h" lI ud RI-c n ,
li e
\\' IH4
II ua th"... of
Rl z<l of B htl'L:£'
In hi s
II t
f~' ld
I UIl~
hruwn s tHiu. lie '\' UH snll lJX!lllIl ul llJ( It wlLlt In-
('oiu r t'\(1 wit h
~O I11 U
te rest, wh eu 0 UlUnd"rouH knock ('Iune on th e liour. lie strolled OVl'r und 8wlrch.·.1 nn t he "Icctrlc li gh t ; tll(!l\ he openod Lhe d oor. Au CXClt l>U night-porte r nIshed In . follow ed by two or three othe r peollio 10 vnr)' lng Blall'!8 ot uudress. anti stoppe d In llJDur.ement at U,e scene. l"be bell"), cllvbual'd. wIth a t:run t cl'Brk llCrose the bo('k. lay fll l'C d own warll on thl! lloor; the nutJve s tili Iny rurllld up . ond moUonldll8. "One of the hpto l !leta,,, QII" rl e(\ Hugb pll'nsanUy. lighting a cl gnrette. "U it's Bll tlte Ru me to you. I WIM
lie hnd no doubt; lind In hi. ·mlnd·. "A Tough Propo.ltlon. C.ptalneye he S8 w Ihe grec.t crowda of Idl e. D-d Tough," toollsb Illon led b1 a til'" bot·beaded vl8l onorles o III I pa id blnckguardll' to tile door , with Tli s IlnnQ I/,a lr sc>-cllll l?d Utoplu. StaM'ation. Ught switch. mi Sery. ruin, utter and coml>lNe. Thl'n he paused nnd lls tCllod Inte ntlurked In lil a m('n tnl [lICIUre ; s pe('torll ly. Not n Round could he hcer ; t be dlagulsetl n ~ gl'en t Idenla. but grinning thing, whRtcver It ""os. Itnd bOC(lble so rd Otll co ll.\" unrll'r tilelr mUllk s. .And motion l08S lit ht s sullden movement. oll ce ogn ln he ~e"tned 10 h enr Ule toe- For no nppI"Cclnb le time he stnod tbe re. to(' of mo c hin e- gulla. 08 he hod IlI!Hrd his eyes seft r chlng the rlnrkUCR8-but them ni gh t ofter nIght during Ihe oven he could see oOlhlng, nn d he yeurs gOlla by . But thll time the y ('ursed the Amor\co n comprehellalvely w ere mounled on the puveme nt' of undor hi s brenth. H e ,vonltl ha\'e ,t von the lown s of Engllod. nnd tho 8wlRh onythlng tor aven t.he fnl o t tlSt grOT of th e bull e ts. whICh ho/1 swept like . lIlCht. 110 U\ut he c()uJd hnve some IIl eo 80\'nm18 of cock-chnfers over No 1II 1\n'lI ot whot It wl\I 'lInd where It WI\8. Now LAnd. 1I0W whistled d own tho s t reots he felt utte rly helpless, while every be lWf't.'n r ows of SQUUlld hOlIS~ •. , • moment be Imo glned some III my, And once agnln a fly plogod PIIst hi! (' rnwllng brute t ou chIng hI. hllre hell'). feot--('reeplng up on him .. " 110 \\' Ith n gesture of nnnoyancc he ,-pulled hlmsolf t ogNher shorply. LIght wn" cd hI s onn. It wal h ot- In9I1f- WOR et08Ilntlnl. and nt once. Dut. tt te r~h l y bot. lind he Wll.ll beginning to he swttched It on . there would he II regr 1 that he hnd tol/owed the enM.1lls t moment wh cn the Ollng would 800 oll ,·lc... of the AmerlcM to sleep wIth him b efore be could .00 the thing-hi s wInd ows S)IUt nnd bOlted. What nnd lIuch momen ts 8.re not hAII)fu,o n en rth could P otel'!lon do to hIm III There only rernnl ned his t or ch; nlld o 1'110111 lit the RItz 7 Dut he hlld prom- on the Ancre. on olle occlislon. he hod Ised Ihe detective. nntl there It ~n\'ed hi s li fe hy Its JudIcious use. The cll rtliins !1rnwn. wIndow bolted. door man beh Ind ono of tJ\IIsc usefnl Im p l&locked. ~I ore o \"(~r. llnd he sm iled grim- moots Is In blll('kl1~.g fllr more 1mly t o hlntsolf as he rememlle red It, he I penetmble thnn til e blncllcst ni ght • .m.4~2;;.;;a~~~ hlld e ,'en gone so tnr Oil to e mul nto lhelrtn n In f ront I:. rlnzzl ed , He ('nn the hyst orl r nl rnnlll oo Indy of tI<!'tlnn only shoot nt t1w lorch : whrrefo l'e oml Deer unrle r the hed . . . , hold It to one sh ip ll,lI<.1 In fron t o r
- 1Iftt1:}IY- mCHBOR-AND
mail order 1I00sl' neveJI : bas a
bargain-NOT FOR YOU, ANY·
WAY. ~ U there are bargain, occaah,oally, the thousands of employ~ of the mail ord«!r concern get ~-=m, they m their f riends. , Yo\tr own home ~own merchant frequ.ently hllS bargains and 'DELLS YOU about them. through ·the tJaper you read. - The mall order bouse thllt re~efvu your order doesn't know you from Adam and doesn't Care..... The borne ' tqwn mt~rchant knows You at • neighbor 'and HE CARES, He cares enougb for you and your trade that be goes to the trouble Bnd expense Of telling you about ( BARQAIHl hl8 goods lind his bargains_ He . ,.. cares enough to carefulLx show you IJfj &(IOCfL He gins you B cbolce among many; If you don 't Jlle.out article, be Ihowl you another, until you are pleased. . " ,fl'rade at horne and you get service, choice quality, and as . Ptttes. Trade at home Bnd your money helps your tOWIII . II word for layinf that you__help to make .
. '. _lGOther li ,
':"l~'" \?f~~ .~ ett~r _,_ .;:__ I,..h.;'". "'-L' .: ! ~!:. '!:.,~t : ·.... ftu~ . . :t:i:.;.!.... :;... , -l
GOSH - ' l'lL HAVE 10 SPEI'j.( ' -:1 , CETry 1Ie-C'1.o"t" ' CI ;AT !!!
th c rletl','lIve \\,hIPtll ... 1 ~ o(tty , "Blu1I"111 11U 011.1 pI\ j~l lIIetl '''IMs,'' h,' ' sn ld sllorlly, retllMlIIl t( Ih " Inhe Iii I .. D r ulllulunrl , "K,l rl"'w p , p "\,,,; - . """"" nor,'ow ! Look lit )"IlIlr p llln· . ... : Hngh lookrd , ('mll", ltl"11 In Ihl' IInt.n " " 0-' f our "Ol l" _' 'f"!, "1)lIl1vor•• llI1l1l1r 10 .0 ..' tho (00) loa 1t,·101 III itl-t ·hllll.l; U)' Ih~ wore lhf"\~
Iyh lg' un fi ll'
' tt,,""
fROM COURT HOUSE Co mmon "I"IIN Court N e w SuHlII (' II B" . !'l li tl nv " " t il" 1,: iI'I II f<'" 8 h l}o Mtlu(p( . ( :1' . }·\, r (ll d I\ O." . M" ft ll n Co rp ', TII t l on VM H ~; E .. rnl". r' . F ll r 1I ""11'~' B."flf l Mttnllrll ('t tl ril1~ l ,l), \'~ H . I'I.. r:tlrll lt .. rt 1~1Il" 11\"'''' ''
n oll I.e ~' '' v''r \'H 1,' 1'('1 1 C. HIIIII ' "' III l:'1I 1" .. t 0 .. rt1lill r onl (\~tllt o t>rc.l o r od .ln o ). Mo Len ll . EXI'I' lIt" r or IllU estllte o f ,Ill Y 1\1 0 1... 1n .'. Llo \O" t1 ~".1. .",tl ll of oo rt .. lu reul l ... t,.. W III n"t 0 '11. · tlTlll e d tlnu i~ IIrd"reu t" lou ,'ur' ,d ,"\
8or lM.
spll nl l'r of wUOoI, wIlli n !$\t.II·pelll'd point , n,"1 hy Ihe 1I );\t1 of hi s torch Hugh ~u w Ihut It WU9 (lIhlt ly d is -
51I-'k ~ Ih~rt", Uhl' l
h i ... lIt' ryt'· rt'tllrnl'11. There wou d Ie t ltll P "lI olI~h Illtc-r on t o nnd out how h .. !:t ~t th"I'C, HII(\ whot thOlh' S t.rn_Ujl l'
In PO!'l1t lou
n QUllrl~I' ,.r IlIIlt 11 11 h.)u r·s und lsl urhcrl ••' fin·lI, lit II II, " );h l 0( whkh . ' wlth his knil wl" IIlI ' (l( Ihc hob It " or the h ou;;o'II 11lr1. IIl lIlIJ~t mnd e him In\ll:h I out lout!, And. n t thnt moment. II tly pl llg.·t! post hi s hend, . . . He felt slnl:u larly wldeowake, ond, .fter 0 "'1]11 .,. he KRve up att~m ptlnJ to 1ft> to sleep, The oew de velopm ent whIch b ad com. t o IIgb t thllt II/teo ln g \\'Os UJ>pe rm 06t In hI s t houghta; nnd. •• h. II)' the~. covered only $11th n alleet. tor th e nlgbt WOR hM, th e whole vlle • ' hODl8 un folde(1 Itselt b&tora his Imn gt lllltion. The Amertcnn was rla:ht In hl8 maIn Idee.- « fhat
1\'0ul (1 1'>enMlt 6f t:nglon .1 """,, me -n Stlrt of sPclnll1 nu '~ln? '1'10" I slich n th ing "'''"Ifl h ' \\'ol1h 1U" I"')'-l>lg m OI\t'~' 7 Thll t Auch 11 Ihlllf( ",..,\lld b., wurth IlIly lll" thwlIgh th .. II se fOI' 7 I t \\' u ut rt hn\"l~ to Lp ,lulle I , n, p~r l y; your ~I tl nll sll-lke herE'. null j'"tlr aUlnl1
' d oor
t!IIP thlllll. fit Rily rate. wns ce rlllh. : II", I'111I' r o"col'l\nt of th. room \\'IIS hlllllllll, IIl1d willi th tlt reR llaRt l"l" nlll
M uch."
I~ I 11 .
It nnd ho .tl il (' hlld l.',t Ihe Ittlle olhe. ond II I1)(h lll ll j:"rly ~lIltwt'(1 It. Plucct/
w os k~pt lit : hut sut~s are awkwurtt lU't) l)()slrlon ~ fol' t h e (Irliilln ry IlInrtnl t o (f\ c kle. AnY \\,lI ~·. It WH "I1' t ft t hin,!! wh ich C'otJItI l lf' dfln (' In n Inlnu t o'!I vi s it; hu \\'ullld hu\'t-' to H1nna~l! at
" Rlghto. Old Be.nl" Return ed the W. lter. "but Don't Hope for Too
. . I In IIii' mld rlle (\f It. peerh'lI Ol'.,r I Ii" ,~ 1\ lilli e hllirl ' a. 1" '0 \\'11 ruce. tl I ' b I h"htlll\! wllll t I. >t.k e Ike n IU t! In I~ I II h I I II • 11,, " "1 . Ill! ,u. o ne g nl l}l<A u. R II II I'k. sklll ny h .. "t1 PU ttl ll!! ."lIwU.ln ir In Ihe luhf'. nnll Ih('o he sw ll ched " IT Ihl' lor('h nnd d\ll'k ~l , j \1s t fiR fln oth.'r fI~'I IPllng;~ ;"('1' hi . heod und hit IIll'
ulli l lIu g h I'JI11pd h im 1,,'l'r with his t oot. lI e wus quite tIll COII Sc101IM. nnu th a bump "11 !t IS hl!n ll . wh.' re II htl •• lilt th., .Inor. \\ ," r1lpJ.lly "",elllt,!! to
l,u,... III I" nn.1 I~\ · I)('sslh t ~ "' 1\1' 1111" hj whl" h h., c.. ul~ it!t In tf) th f" "'I ' ('r~ l cpnh-r room ftt TI ~l\ E lms. 11 ., kill'\\" Ihe slire Ihe Il'd);er In h is mind
!n11l1 hlllh tip . Ill'nr rho f'l'lItn/tC , !l lul A)!nln np.-l u\f l ~\tll tII(\llfh , thu b('um nu"ht the bl" ("\lpll "tll'!1 111\1 1 "Lllok H Ilk.' A h(lt.~'lt {' Ilt ~ ht. " hp ",urtrnvI'I NI 1111, It 1'l'nCh ell t1", 1" 1', Il llll ' Illlli'>'d. " " ' 10.11 h n l'I"II"I 'I" IIrl" ll y n"stl-(t th~rt', tls ed un d s~eflih' . .... rllllle ct J h.1"'h ,-olt! him w tllU hlHI 4'lt'C tHTt.'ti lind
(" vo r
J.lif n l f~ l dre'~
II lIgh , "111111 n nnsl y mn n." ""'",I, \\",,' 11 I.·IIVO him "u t for til ...
ml x,,,1 "1) II'lth
t plt"rl Int ,' n l1 .• t n f" ~ry ","orr! Ihp Amel'I "1I 1I lind "tl ltl. "A 11 tl 1111' du eheRS of
"rhey r,'ncht'd
"''''. wo"ld hn,'e ff'lt Ju sl nbo"t n" "n f~. \\' llh Ilu);h. Hu r h f\ concl llII rn l ~"ll t lure nt nUll 0l"111t.'J11 l,n" Ino bl'nl. As ~ Ion mr'nn t Ins Inn t ue II "'I. <!lr U\e olrl p:lrl"s juweia, Iltey Ilon' t I '~ d nn);l'rnu. on llie M oor ; It 1I\08 t ce l'f ~ n rp 80 In h .....1. He """OJ to lit III HI nil. All we CII II rio t n tII l y WR ~' t or Itl ~. fir hi s tort' t1. nn d II' ., ~' Ithone lE' t o I,)ut OU r IlIlS~8 In!'hl c thot h'cl~pr', I ~ ( (\r
the mnst
a bellrd, 0 Ynnk. ond tWA I\ ochc~ . Do Jour best." "RI~ht-o, old beon I" re l urned the wnlter, "but don't hope t= too mu ch." He tllll6ppenred unobtrus " 'cl)' Illto the restourant. nnd Rug h tUI'III'.1 w!t h n Iltugh to the Ame ri can, who WItR slorlng at hI m In ullw zerncnt. . "Wb o the 030<11 I! th n t guy ?" nsk ed thc detectiv e. "Ted J ernmghllDl-Bon of ,' Ir PIl trick J erntnj(hn m. Bllrt., ond Lacly J e rnIn ghom. ot J e rJIl nghn m hnll. nUll nll!l, Englund." Rll&'wcred Hugh , stil i j:rl nnlo g. " \\' e IlIIlY be cr mlo In ollr methods. Mr. Oreen. but you lIIust "<.\ . mIt we uo our best. I nl'\rll'llIa lly. It you \\'oot to know. your f r":nd ~lr. Pott. Is ot prooent tuc k.',1 h~twe en the sh ect~ nt thut vc ry 1I 0 u ~e. He went there by a lrplllnl! thi s IiIMRlog." He wand 0 bnnd townrd J e rry. "Il~ W08 the pilot." l'be Amerl cnn wos !hokl ng his heod a little c1nzetily. "We've got to g ~t busy 00 \\'hot )'our fri e nd Peterson's 1 - - - -- - - ---4l1ltttltlfee worry Is ; we've the u got to slop It- IIOJUO o ld bow. Now. docs noth· Inl/ ...11 of slrl~" vuu?" fl l' .I\lotied
~1 t\xll\\'8 without mIRlIllP. Lhey ,'''Ju~' ''l l n~Ill' \" /l III\\An ! n,P Ihou);'hl of the tin tlX cell en I dln,,{> r , <l nr ill" whh'l. tI,,~ h'~hn' nt 'fh,' F.ltn~ flft sh, .. 1 InlO hiS .\ lIu' ,·lcn n !\IIOW~tI him self to h.. It horn mind. ollli hi. n","1 h ~"t rn"r~ II rtm ly. C'IIU\' \'Nutlll1lltliFlt, It ~ \\' 0 11 l\M It ~hn~wd \\'hat If I 'l\te~(\n hn l1 intn"lllC"oo ~Oln~ ilion of tilt, \\'(.rld. Anti Q,' l' r tlit' cllr- nr 'lis nlJolllllluhlp m~n"~t't1e Ililn tho tl~(o nnd Ih,, \IIH'S l"hlJ.!'h l/tll \' (' h i m n Ilrh·r r o Ol" 1 . , 1" It.' I1 , ouce I1Wft\. th(' th ing ,'uillne Af II'hl11 hll.1 IlIk"lI pltll' ~ ,III'" I Ilk" II lIy ."ullu",1 lou rl III h i. ~lIr. hl' rlr~t )lu t mlx ",1 UI' III Ihl ' II r. I AII (j , wn ~ II Ill ~ IItIR~llIlIlltln , I'r h" "
T h" It l
Il u"h ·. rue',' d~r"ntlll~ Ill"
\\' 1(\, \\ It
slIr;1 Rt n lII:ln W ~~I In n t~ Pn'f":t U , nn
IIIush-ations b lJ IRWIN MYERS opy r lght by Geo H Do ron _
I(T(ln~ ; t;C~ R~Hml~ ",lIk~
1IJ;lIll1ot IImklng Ih nOI.e'l t'1I ~ tl \il' .11 gU~$iS I'll' on ," he rlHtJHrkl '1 1 !'.Io\\', 1 10 n dnrk ro(l1U; " st~1\ t lY, tl1\('tlnny . nol.~ . lI ugh pel!r'e<1 Into thE' (\nrllllOl'tl II'; ""ut, Ir \'011 IlIke my 111" '1e.'. !:fI\>- I n or 1·l\ln. \,on'lI 'I"uk IIlppy t"lIl);hl. I . len~{'I~'. Atl"r lit.. n-t lItoll\~lnl II , 8l1rl'rls (' hl g hnlln W~R Qlllte coo , e I' .>uI(tll ·l Ilng"r llround !:nrners " d",lI' _ A I 1 •. d h h I n' l kl I . b \ hod look."" I 1111' l' r tie ve. e it.( IIII' till' mnll. ' IIII!!"" III 0 UPl leH bll ll ' hIs cnot III the <'1lpboHI'U. o./\(I Ilt corn l'rs." I: t h 01 I II "IO\"e or loS" /w o wlona P H C(!8 '.~;~ d TW O. Wile 110 cn\' e r r n ('al. An ~' et," th ... sort or .IXlh " Nun I hil t rOllr yeaM! Hn t (>f\ Ihls J111Mtcl\lar py{'n tn ll Ill<' of "'fir hil t! Ifl"en hIm , he klll'lV t hA t
. 'fh o AIIII'I'h'1l1l norlth"l.
Classifi.ed Ads An a d . in thi~ c o lumn i ~ n s ure ~ 81e
MONE\' "OANI'1l)
l\1oncy to Loan on Farn1 Land for ten years at 6 per cent. TER~ELL & TERRELL. WihlliOglOll, 0" phone 301. (\ N~~Y
M l'I",t I il iH. "IHII II.\{ liB ... m o r 'K" 1\ 811, .. u
_tOO k •
:-l, lt .. _ hu ot:h'. J . ,hu t:Il1fl>lIl". A lI"n l"lll>lllill/(, XI"'I" ~ lltIO . Il 4 22
Probate Cnurl Proeeedinil
10 th o Od t," III or ~~ lt ... , lltl t.h I'" . t tl r , ' diot. F.r..t " 0(\ ,\lilt ""I.ro Yt,.1 JIII.h o t>Nta t o (.r p.' !t·r \,,,"_ t , d. ,. Flr ~ t nnd 1I11111 1\('1,,' u lil. ttl" I'r ovec.l . III tli o I.'A ttll,e o f (,h I~ .I . ·1'I I,b •.I., Imh"ollo F lrll L 11 11 .1 lillill Iltlooilllt " IIIIr owll!. In th o OR tlt.e or ~' rtl ""'v \V \l 1l 1l1 IHVAV, d tJc,!iAIltI. b'tr ~ t " li d nu,,1 ,1I'{lt ltlllt II J.ll'rov. U.
r.ell ~otl.
WAN1~J.) ·
n:lJ- - II'O Ff,eL(IIlK tloKS, W AN G .. II \,b o no ,.eu.uoll. OhIO , I [) ~ .
II :!"
'l"U llUY- A L ut of W ANl 'oTI!:D lll,IlW .. l Lqolrll or ~ uc ~.
U. 1:\" ukl ... Ii. U, t'l. (llti.\,
STltAYIo;l) OK
Marrla,. Uteo_ Burry I" n.OtlU OOtliU~. f1untl" t" L", hHnoo. I\nd M i~8 l!:th e l 0 HlLUP ~o o. Mt>rrow . l.onl R H. H nnt Ar . r"fmOr, Morr ow. 'L illI Mra. o asale For,l yre. Butl or , ville HArry FIITIR!>Iloh . tl\rruer . (Jaf. mnnt o wn 0., Ilnd MIllS Lotio OhHm b e r1uln, C"rllllie. (I. C eoi1 C. SW IIII OIv. I,.b.,re r . nll(1 MIM i Mllry E. Wul\er lkltl.! or Fraoklln _ William Mo Klnley [/fll1 l11 " . KilO· r otlHY, Uolombu8, IIlul ~1I ~" I'ri,ci l la Franoos S p"o eor. L l1 bnn o n Hugh C. 1,,, wllI, Ill "uhllido. Luu'ln on. IIOel M18~ I'll nrt.tI b; l.ntll i nl{ ";0 LolJl\uon, Mil rons Hou ~ I,O Il, I"b" r nr. 111111 H .. lh .. r M ,r. MillR Bnll e Whltll o rll r uw.
W .. j ntulvtlt e. 1I~' S'roU~N
- A 1..IrKu 'I' " lI lI W V"llIo U UII. DOH 1>111111 ri!lh' oye; aU(jo\orll
II, LO lin WIl, " ll u ut. oo r. ' HuLurn to lJ, L. It lO k ~ , It . LJ 4. W.y II tlSVlllo. U' ,lo.
Ilnll r ucelVIl r owru d.
US l'- A .lDI\1I blllOlt purMO oon1l.III1I1K $1 ;). b' IUth.r p 1UAl!6 ro-
Luru to t UI8 ull1oo.
Llburnl rowBrd .
R by t·be Willl k . U()~B
rllr Htmt .
AI ~i\
b oardlnl
N leo \!ull3,I Ob for
~u b u,, 1 jlllJJII~, Mr •• ,.aora t!uokeU. T ltlril bt .. Wllvn ll~ vlll Ll, Uhlo, 82 ..
f o r sohoul girls; prtoea R r" nHOOllbl e . Al so, 110r86. lSogllY ()UMS
ReaJ FAtale Tuntrn
Margnr et R o gor!! t il ~' I tl r" Ii: Uu l_ tlull \l .. rl" HS l o r M"lll o h o"p, luqllire liu8. o ne bolf IIOle I II C loH rertlll k o f Mr~ . LIIWrtlh06 !Shephord. ,,17 TownshIp. 'fl. Ose .. r aod E nma I:I n wIlrcl to /:l oy WoodmllD@9o, pllrl o f C o " I t:lJrln g~ W ANTIm - TO RENT CalUplng Gr o uod In 'f llrll oorpek Twp, 11 .l r :1 H ( If ).\1S . U.. II phone Ilti. Wllliurn ~eUl e myre to AIII,"t A . W" y "tlnvl.lI e .Oh".. .17 Inrn~ . 74 "or tJ~ In 'I'lIrtl aorOJe k 'I'WJI
Albert A, l C\ rn~ t u WllIlllm HIl UI". myra • . 7~ <lOWd In 'I'orti oo rlll\k ' l'wl'
O SCar lind Emlllll Bownrd to .Tuho -Rho n enellr ,m,l EIlrl 'J', Beunot t , IJKrt o f Cold ~prlog Clllllplo g tlronnd . Sa muol Hnll Minni e I:lpellm<lu 10 Miohnel IIncl Holtllfl Brllwfl r I\!JIIII t 15 norE'S IU Wayo e 1'wl1_ '1
"If It's All the Same to You. 1 WI.h You'd Remove Him."
.'OR SALE bre d 30 Pure. H e nM .
AbO on.. LaylDI N . l:'Ie..,8, We.,_
~ .
uOllvllle, (lltlll,
-- Fr ellh ,TnrMey CIlW, goud mIlk e r . Inquire or Leater KID rI c k. It, 0 ~. Wayue8vllle. Ohio. t:o nLor vlll o ph o ne fi :!-:l. aaL
OIL'l-UIU Curu, GUlld. '·l oeot per PIlUllct . It . E,l:'lmkllia. R D. 2. Cll ull',niu . Uhl o. ,31
Bills Ill1ow ~ I1 : - Dlln P lion ll. Hr' , vloes on .Iury C0111 , r,o.oo , t :Iarn E Draft HOUI18; one 3 .year,old. baa yo u 'd re mol'" 111m, 110 wU B-nh-Und- lillmour. ~" lUe, t GO; I{ tl lvu tI. C urDy huoll wurk od; ODe It-yef&r-ol.4; !tIl( /I 1ir"'lIlu forltlhl e 011 the top of UIO log al Be rvi oo~ , ' 50.0 0 ; W . II . Htau . Inquire of O . ~, ·('ullh oori\." I\ge Co. , StJl'pl1R., $,j\Ulr,: .Inn. A . II cl tb Koofl oneil It 1I1.'1J~.trl'(\ thllt tue nIght-porte r Bllllr, sopplioH. t H. IO Tbe \\I eN t o rn fliok s, R . D. 4. WayoOBvllle,Oblo. a31 ' (,tl uld ~I. (" .k Ii:I , gll~ h; Il UIFO npP"ured St~r, prln'log, ,U.Or. ; u. H. Co novlOr thut tl l! ~ urly OCC'II ,yl llll' l'le roow b&- Fplko~ IUlclluIII,n rn, f, 9 60; MlI lrow Bu"h ~ 'a of Corn, hand aorted 101\" h."i rll _l. u,1 l Ul'lh dCltln ndlng to "rllllt,onro or Ilri" o nel !! for ,rul." . Inqniro of Hoory .vteoher•• bo ler\ tn tl, p' h'I ~('lT\l'nl. ulI'lt' r tlte mls- ti21lliO; 'C . O. Mllrvlu, \lrllijc rll'l.Jon. It . U I. WllyneavUle, Ohio. aSl n!)pr .. I,,·l\ s loll O,ul ·,'ur holl !lb'1l ll1 bf!tl n 7~0; HtllnlhY WhAt.. WI\O .\ tor C H , i d~'C"H'''tl IIJ,'I thl! O"rlllfUl. " ·bre homll- f,5, OO ; Ii:. V . Bltd. 81\:11111,ln(( su rvll Yor UPK-ft'ox'rerr ierll 1... 188, Iii; ling l'u rt .... Anrl t llen, to crown ev"ry- filII ; Mo rrow /'urIlUf1r Co. lumba r fUUIIIIO •• Inquire 'a' Maw • •thlng , ",l.lto til" uprollr WIlS at ItB and unll~. '11,62; VHJlnv Tlllupll rlll u y e r'" Wilyne Markoa .. 24 heIght. th.~ nnllve 011 Ihe floor. ope n- C ' .. Allgoat rent Bnd .Jul y t oll~ Il ln g one b l'udy a nd "' ltllewbat dozL'lI 168 70; IvioA_.lltnt f'80 n Ur'ng Prin ~l tlOali Be"t\ngRtove, 1 WaIDD' c)'o. renllzed tI,nt UlIn j,!/f looked un- 8u"plio", f B,9i: .Juhn I~"w IUHI Ho n, Uornor Cupboard, 1 Good I::!Ov'he, h e nlthy. Unnoticed. 00 IllY "'Ioggo" ~uppll0 8 f o r county onr. '14 08; Cheap If lIold lit onOt>, loqulre of It or 0 whllo; the u, like n M1bblt which Leh,man l Oll nnd Cnlll Co .. ,July lop. MrH Mabel DIIIWldlllo, WayullIIvlllo, ;hos Rlm o"t beon trodden 00. be uo<.lge<i '9 .75; Geo. B AIlIlllr80n , burial of Ohio, a24 betwC('n the 1p.104 o r the Dlen In Ule N o rn 1{01!A' £I. $100 OU; W Ilin r(l J , iroom. nnd vllDls hed tllro'igh the open Wrlj!bl,. pnptllge fur I:urnrnon Pl eaR TRUNK ror lalo Inquire of Idoor. 1'nkf'.D by SlI'1lrlse. for a mo- Coort. 12 01) ; ()sonr All!>IH, tlln helt Mr.. L M, Boodonun Way_ 1III I'nt no one ruovf\rl: tben.-sltnultnn&- for trullk. 11.60 ; ,Ino. Lnw IUlIl Han, otlllvtlle. Ohio. a24 OUl>l Y, Ihoy c1n8Iled Into the PIl&8lltll'_ ~UppItA8. ' :l3S 31 ,; .J, W , Llnl!n Hl1w. j It WIIS Pompty. Ilud Hugh, glanc1ug uP. Co. BOPlllles, '2.00; Leb'luon thrllgn Mnjolltlo Range. IA rI!o tllze. 111Hnw thll AnlOrlc8n det('ctlv(' odvonclng alld W e ldtllg 1:0, wAldlnll'. ,I t ,68 ; gallon r eBor90lr, loqolro of R. townrd the m nlong the ('orrtllor. B Trovlllo, I",ollng gravel, 6,110; G . Miller, R, D 1. Waynonlllo, "What'. the trouble, captalnT' he Harry ' rhomp~un. Mtnno,: '1(;5 .25; U, Oblo. 817 Kelly. ,gravel, 124, 3S; Clarcool1 Rye ' Rsked 8S be 'joined tile group, "A friend of ~ manarement ~ laID", *4.13; U 1'Vls Fornlls, ,a·uP. good full Reoelll' Book, pookd to IIpend the w,lat· CIG tile' top of my 110,60; Borry Brown Sopt.. pay rol \ IIlze aDd 00 10.ad paper 'l'he . _~ JoIr, GNID." PIIWer'8d DI'UPl- , 1379 07, JIll "ml GaseUe . jl7-tr
mie Miami Cuell.~, Waynes.i1le, Ohio.
.... TH E ,
G A Z E T T E....
hRblt whi ch, In nil probn blllty, pater. Mr. nnd Mu. W. W . W ilson , Mr... 'I'M unconsc ious ot- bo Frank Wilson anrl dan ~ h ~er , Lo Il1 80, would not ba ve re (~ogn lJ:ed b l~. ~lJn . Nco rue ~ Thu fn ~a' were Day*on guu8f.S, W ed nesdl1Y. "Yesi' ht: IIn8wer d IIghUy. "I came Mr, lind Mrs Ed Re tl ~ o ll 8 u 6IlIlcd Vete ri .,arla n ov~r to sce how you boblwcd y ou~ the f une rtil of M~ J~ " R ensou 'a 81_l er , selt I" Mra. l..nun Mull en , la~t w 8p. k . D. L. ' J-' AN E. Edi lor a l l(1 1'1I1oI i ~ Ir ('.r. \\ u)' Dl' ~ \'illt' , Ohio "Wbat a pit y 1 didn't kU ow I" snl d I:ltlr vo.rBbur ~ bull I.olun \ll"ypd IIFI,'l l'\-': Peterson, with n g"".i·hUltlnrod chucldfl. the An gerbl t bRIlI,eIl Oi . of W ll tll ln~. " " Io ~ cr i\ll i (, " I'rice. $ I.!iO pl' r yeur I'" u r l h :->1 I'l'd, ne nr Ty le r B e sel'm(ld In ex cp.lIent s ph1 tB, ns he ton , lind ~lJ nl· t h em hO IIl '~ ~ay tn g DO ~lIre fully tore th 'Ielegrnm IntO ti ny t tilln g a ni\' , " H I nl l' I , ~ 1I \rI~" I ' j un~ H "l' l l "lrnt 111\' ,· I o w wo s It. cl on e :' " ~6 '1\' lcll h" nc 9:1 111I \1\11 Hlf AN I' HI S'-l I \ ~,"'t IJ ( t \ ll tJN pieces ond' dropplld the m ove rbonrd. D N . Com p ton I r .. 2H ~ 9 JO "We might. hn ve hun nn oUler of our nAAR In Wll y nl's vill e . ~un ~lI ctl'll 1Iu ' l. \ Way n svi ll l!, t n rd " y A' ~n 'f l O U Ohi o ''' I t ''' IIII'''''::' urI ' /tOlnely littl e ch n'ts o\'er r. , •.• p 1 1ot' 4'- a,,.t IhhUll. .. " ,. UIoI"' The W" y noRvil le bTfl S8 hnll,1 WI.: J) N I~:-; I) A Y . AU CU ST 17. 192 1 Where tlld you 818y 1" "onll) suppar. , ! . Our Cale ndar "At th o lUtz And 0 Y" . t ru:;;~()~~ :"1:'1;:~,~r,:,t'~II::;'~ ~:Ii . , ,Iayotl benuI·lfn l mus lo up on oll r r id h OIC II .,r I. r : h OBf' • • lId l:OW. of /' ::; ' ====-_======+~u g:---1=-1..Uh-Sunday after-4' rinit • . Y u " Itr llet a, lIud In tu e nenr f U ~\lre ---.=- ---~---fh.,, : r h lc Ll en. ur ,.."I e • . Sa-fe. t...... lln ll ou r U'l-I-< aH-I"',,~ u)l~S'-"8T'rcompCAl il~~oe Bristol, 1lIl· . I"wd will pl ay on t h e ,~t re~ t ~ Au g . 13- J ewish Feast of Ab. of .~ d d n~. not "UI1 ' the lu"ir , sw~ Peterson . QuIeter than the I Wayn es ville, s uw e a t Ih e ir Lellnl l. C;, ,,"ull uitl AU Il · 1 4 - -J ~lh Sunday after Trinity, Ritz, I !.h lnk." ("olnfo,t II'''.''. I U U t ~ 1).OlIn..!... , H " ~CI ' " " " . ..,,",,0 1 HI" " hu,'" Au g J5- Th e Assump tion . [ul musi C'. I llur e n idI. I,.Il11t • ow lI,or . c- • .,. lJrr hr ro . It yo", .Je ...l . r Jo_ not "- flrT )' .'I.ug ~ 1 - 13lh Sunday after Trinity. FOUR Mr . WulI e r Sih'e r hUH pur e h ll~ e rl , C, ..... t'l c. j.1 \. AUi _ 2!l - - J4th ~unday after Trinity. : of He ll Bro • ., of \\'o o~ ter , t iJ r ou~ h "Walk rll:ht Ill, Mr. Oreen ." 11110 I 'heir represe ntativ es. Mes8ra. Th e Cfj~ Comp.lny J lIlll e~ . VETE RINA RIAN Hugh, a8. three hours later, they gQt Mltobol lllnd Robe rt Rpo ns le r, II f1 0 0 N._ Y.,I out ot n taxi In Hult Moon street. Belgi'.. n horse- sorr el Bw' • • ( 1 ,"II .. d in oo lor , I UUO ' If._ ___ ___ __ __ _. . \ 'iIl:cin atiClJl a ~ p l'(ia lt y, Noth. "This II my IltUe nlbblt· hut~h ." poaude In weight, and atu.ndM Ul 1 Be tollowed tbe America n up the and 2 In ou,,", II. fi ne specime in ~ hut Rel ia hle Se ru m used n lIod iM - - - - -- - - - - -- -Itrurs, and produ~d his h,tchkey. But whllt hnN beoll a lon g. fe lt Wtint. in before he ~ould even Ineert It In the 'hls lool1itty . Tbo Phone 44 io Is oo rd llli ly HilY\lCY 8 burg, o. bole the door was lIung open. aod InvltAd ' 0 seA hlw .publ 'l'bA price lud d Peter Darrell .tood f'1lc1ng Mm with ill' I:I OO Mr tiilver d e. ervOl' grt a t Th o ... .· who an ' III ! L "1'11 11 !I"" II" " HIL evident relief In his ta ~c. H ero's wlulrl' the f"rmor nnd . th e of (·ho Millne"J1oll ' llaper~ ored lt t or milking th e pllr chA ~ (, . fll t ln ll wi ll nU I\I 'p I lI :q 1 ' ,11:1 1"1'1 , 11011 1"" ... And lI ~ ked 'l "Thonk the l.oro you've come, old _ _ _ ___ _ ___ wrol'l~ fnlly ahuMOII rothll /.tr oco r g ot th om for n rrt l,nrl 1111 wiJy tbll m 1 111'111 1/1 11 1 II I II P1"I ' 111 : 111 \' 11\ II 11 11 .\ :11 . ' i ll lIOn." hI! crl\,c1, with n brll"t look at In Cr l " " 111':111 11 . '1'111": 1:1" I tI'II\\'~ 111: 11 thn hlame "IInlu fr (\111 IlIl1ny .\ t.uwu e rH contlLlll O t o nh IL r t(e the tletectlv e . . '''l'heL-e's 80m ethlng do· I H). 1I0 " cll~e Adventures of a \\' h I It· j 'lIlH IT h i ~ H 1II, 'a i di "' , ' a ~I ' (, I ~ IiDd ally bouBow lf... Ing clown lit Oodnlmlng I clon't Ilke." for 1.1Io Lr ,,"kl.~~t fooLl~ wbl oh th A' j.! n·u ll y 111 11 114-' ''' '''1( Ii ,\' t ' I)II..,;1 111l11l 1l1 : 11 Demob ilized Office r Who Wlloo Milady I(O"B 1·0 t he sfure mako onto ot by.prod notH H e tollowoo Hugb Into tho sitting '·"" llIl loIR. II ,\I.I. · ~ c·.\ 'r,\ H(;1I of roolU. ~ I E l llr ' I ~ E b II T llll k IIlI d HIII\ld I 'llll· liad huy" any of ~lJe vl\rl o o~ break Th e lIlilll ooairn millou Found Peace Dull nre a gre ul fl r"r, Hl lt l Ul' t :; tll l'lI \I ~ 1I till ' Itlllwi 11 1" '11 "At tw el"e o'c1ock todny Toby rnng het (uorld Illudo oat ot who"I , IIhe powe r In Mlnn €lllp'lll., RO -D E \L E ~ I N" '1'110 !:len. up. He WaR lalklng Quite ordlnur lly'" SlIl' ra n ',"i o f ti lt" I lfld , ' , t lll' 'Mr. Aud Mrs nUll DeAn vBn ~ pent rl eUI'citl1Ii'i1I1t'oU f.lUdlllh'Lt Ihe I'rloo IN U~ high under t.luel" roc uived n o rOI,IAII ll ).: 111 1' ill ll llJlIlI lll l !lIl l u nd 'I'l' st ll ryou know the HOrt of rot he usually last weok a t <.Jed"r . Point. Flour, FCf'd , Coal, Salt, by CYRI L McNE ILB 11IJ.! II l1flll: d t' o ll d l l lll ll !", II Hud II ~6 whe"t "" it Will< nnder get" 01T M8 che8t-w ben 8u rldenly lie Tu en "1'h .. l'untinu l" oull ed on tb ll Mrs . Elmer Chenow el.h wu.~ oalled MSAPPIII." Ti le, Posts, Wa ter FOllD All C ll'1 ll!'ld s t ". t:lau.1 t:! . 110 who~t. If. bore Iwd Mlnnos ota ~tllte clulry (' jl" 'I1II1I'" stOWed f rf' . Quite short nnd 8uld, 'My God I and t!'o od I~. J. Cben cy & Cu" T uledo, Oblo. Whllt do you want?, I could tell he'd '0 Wilmin gton , IflAt wee k. by the III theru, tho prlllll hllH bee u reclnood n UOllJIII18Hl onvr for an ta ins a nd Self-F eeders. anewe r . In looked up, oocauae hIs voice WIlS muf· Dees of a sister. bu, It III hl'O rtO~ O th e lIelghbo rLlOod IIsllloob 1111 tbe (oud of ru.USTl ,AnoNS BY Rev . Jefferso n Ford th e two 01 , a r e turned fled. Then thp.re was the "ound of 8 IRWIN MYERS grucer h,," .hliy·ed hill uwn pruUt iiI . thre" mil Ii lin people - SHIPPE R OFscume, ( heard Toby C1l!'ge, tben noth· mlselon ary from Afrl oa, tle llvere(l of Minneso tll an alld reSB hefore I.he C. E.. ~anday Illost tu th o Y.. UI.IHOK I'0lot- be. I1re not Ih e oon oorn of log more . . I mng and mug nuO rungthat I:Itu.to's _ c..rrlO'b,Ooo. n.n.n..c .. evening no onswpr," hlwsol · . JJ!\YII just nil ruuoh " .. e ver rvod oOll1willsioner, he Hay, Straw and Feed, paRrie d the W. B . Joenhou er, wife nnd dAugh. "What did you tlo?" whules lil l'. Drummond, buuk to the cOUlwh aion or of agrl : "All enR'ngtog little ter, of Washln bird," gtoo C . tl .. are guos ts be with a 11Itter In his hnnd which be U"ule P 'I'bo 0l\08e 18 th e mlllloo . culture . Feed Grinding a Specia lty, . laughN ; "hut nlU'>tF to look at. u had tn ken olf the mlUltelvtoc'9, was UII- of rela tI ves hl're , ' , " E.mm ined : He A%tract.od \.be little p\ C('t'S of tenlng grimly. &Irll mlllllrll of MinlJen polis, wbo In Corre ctly ... ~ Dr . MoCra Ami " 0 . 1he !:Ientlne l 8 Insislen ' wood yand family attende d aud carotuUy placed tlll'm In an 81sloll on Wllr protlts, when war and lIearoh lor light goes on "Algy Wl18 bere. Be motored stralght the tJr\on.M oOray r ounlon , near Glasses Fitted . There oan e1ll1l1), mntdl·bo l(; t.be tube he put 10' 4 Clarksv ille, 1I,tI""loo h .. ve luuI( lJI'Hsed . Sunday off to R~e It he could lind ODt wbat . only be OIlU rtlMul~; the millers will 10 hl~ C'lj1lLr"tto-caoe. wns wrong. I stolll)ed here to tell Uur ""euly alert oontern p,lrluy, be IIbown op. M"r;uwl. Mrs. W . B . Reeves nud ohildren JII.. , every "Mlghl ('Owe In han"y: you neTIII' you." were guests of r olatlves In Dflyton , the ~'8Irl\lunt (!.tlUn) "tislltln el, " doceut Am e rl onn will ILI'pl .. ud till! koow." be Ip.markeol e,u aally. "An7f-hlng through from him '" It,st week . " l::icntil1l1 III It@ f'ffort to ('XPOIIC , "They mlgH If rou IItnod dBClilucJ to look Into till! ~hlng . br tle ,IIlrH )" BUll:' "Not a word. There'8 toul play, or of Hol~ llo\'I " 1U Who 81' 10 "aid !.he AmP.r!CIIJI, wIth O'/lte Forrest Smith Is I.he ipest of II sllddon. Oplical Depart ment I'lr8t. tllll editor wrot .. t o the editur!! blllh (lIUOl)H. I'll "at my hnt." (rlends In Lanoas ter. sharp l'OlUJOROO III bIll vl>l~. "Doo't S. Iktrolt SL XenIa. Ohio 1 Dut Hugh did not ans wer. With 8 MIsses J eoole and Jo ~ i e R eeves lDOV ~.. u look on hl a tace which l'~en Peter bad OS)lln evening s by appoint ' -ment Telepho ne 76, rlnll 3J1 Hugh 3tood Clotloole'lll, t!t"-!'lna at uever seen before, /te wos readlllg the "nd Mrs . Phllltps speot pllrt of la s t the RpI!llker, wbo with o:yt'G dxl'd 00 lettl'r. It W88 short IIUld to the point, week u.t Miami Valley Cbnatllo'lOEl ~ J l---------------------~ WilliaM tlarltiD , wh o hA ~ been .. t · bls right forennn, bad >tApped tn· but he l'I!lld It three times before he tAnding the lumme r Hllsslon of U. I,j wnrd . E'rom thl;' 10000e sl"'\'e of Me RpOlco. U , has retarne d to the h OUle of his ;peJame eoal the detectiv e i\'Dtly pulled "WlH>n did thIs come ?" he Bsked. HAl' HA -W A 1, 1 /lnother durt lind dropped It Into t!le "An hour 01,(0," ' lUJswered tile other. mother , Mrll. A. H. Harlan . .M. A. SHU MAK ER Lee mUldl·bOll . Coyl was called to Log!ln "I l',-,ry nellrly opene.~ 11.·' Wutoe~vll1 e ' 8 LandinI!: Oe ntl., "1\'ul tllr off golUn, you that Ume, "Rellli It." said Bugh, Be handed lt ;Jounty. las' week, by the deatll of. Vete rinar ian Uffice In B aines Bldg . Mllln R ~ hIe mother . copl nln," he cried ~heerfully. "Now to Poler ond went to th e door. you'"n got the whole blamed outllt." "[Jenny," be ehoutE~d, "1 wllnt IIl1 Practi cal VAccina tor.· Have had The Commn nlty Club WIll h old n c:nr I'OWId at once." Tben be rome felU val on tho sohool gronnds . 1<000 succes.~ ill lmmun ing on THREE bot.h sick anti well herds. hactt Imo the rOOlD. "It they've hart 'l'hnnd ayeven log, Aagaet 18, 1021. OtIe halr at ber heal'," be eald, hi. Proceed 8 for the benefit of the Ba nrl . It . wos the CQmte de Oa7 wbl Both Phones boarded Ihe boat e:rpre811 at the Ou. voIce tull of a lIDIoiderlng fwT, "I'll Come and help 'bem along. H ome H55·8 Bell 4·1r murder that gan, oae b7 ooe with m7 du Nord the nl'xt day; It W8JI Oarl - -bare 1Ulnda. to . Peterson who ~tepped otr the boat ex· Bellb rook, Ohio ' "Sa7, captain. may I 110& thIs let· I,re s at Houlogne. And It was Whe n a fell llr II(lnR off hi " tnrmln ' . wo'vn ~o t n foldlo' bed, that'll ballt ()ruIlIDlmul's positive IUIsurunce wbleb ter'" ealO the Amerl.ca o; and Bugh truok, i!ll' gO!'8 In IivlI in t nw n. h O'M 1t,f) ~et on Alld-I may be U's oomp"n . con\' IJJ ~,-,d the Am erlcBo !lIUt the two ood~ Farm Sales and Live Stock a aolln' no thu Impolijll thA t II'd tim e 1,," ,I. ".t 1'1\ l1t1vftr b6lt8 .. 'For pity'S eake, ,come lit once:" friend I And rharacte rs were the same lOaD. Specialt y . reed the dete<:t1 I.hen . Il Renms 80 lonesom e wlth oul ve alo·od. ""The bearer He W88 IClmlng over the side of the to ~8t11o down . . . . T h e ohll. n hut nh fl f ohor6ll: the only bird I 1J0nt rendin g a telegram when he IIrst ot thle lJI trUytwortllY.''' He thought· There will be SundaY ·80bool nt Sati sfaction Guarnn tc('d dero'l! all gro wAd up, Y" U knll\\" an' 1 knn w " f, 18 my neighbo r, when h e ~ u\\' Hugh tllll minutes litter the boat tully picked hIs teetl~. "Olrl's WI'It· the oburoh hire, next !londay m orn . Mother needs 1\ r es t. - Th e f,Itm HilMes log at the asual hour-9 : lIO. C ome , I w8nt '0 tend Ii HOW laoel left the harbor; IlIld If be bad log . . Do )'OU 'know horT' FUNER.o\L DIRECTOR &10 ' t YL bd It n ~ecl 10 !J1l - 1' f' rh ll p H nil pili" ; (I want to kill Bellb rook,j Ohio "My IIl1nCM," said Hugb shortl7. y oa are weloom e . a saakO!!) I hoped for n differen t resul t to the 10' the O UIIIlI(Il I" h 6~ t . "CertaIn 1" snapped the Amerlenn. B' lt. "'lint In ho .. r my r ooster crow 01 cll\('IIt of the night hefore. no Lon aDd Guy Branno n lOpent l::illn. Waynesvill~, Ohio ~Ign of Both Phones Btlll. there'~ little: hy . L h o u ~ IrIt! , m ornin's when I wake. ''Cert"lo I" crtetl Bugh. "Of course day wUh their . I 'd It feol showed on his face. Instead Iistor, MIs8 L~e he wblch U a"ema h' IIl1l1nd 1.0 num n 111m. II luI 0 'otontud er umong the apple wn'·•..-I I know e\'ery curl ot ever)' let· Branno n. 10 Wilmin gton . n cheerful greeting to Drum· . . . The pnlnturt ~ t" f: I"'r . b"x tr l'f' ~, thnn tryln' '0 squeeze ter." myaelf. mond . Joe Murray , of Kaneas, Is spend· 10 town,do n ' t B"l1m I.. UL II ko h UIII, ' ! to fit I\llortme a&8 eeoh Fully Equip ped for Good "ThP.J'e Is such a th Ing lIB forgen', " "TI.llI 18 Q plell8llllt 8ul'[lrll!M!," he ~ ing a few days wltl! bls relntlvo8 'l'h ll rn "In't. no mnnt.,\ nn tho wull , But I rnnst try to hold 1\8 theHe E . V. BARN ARf the pill-th at rnork ecl afl'n bly. "Bave you beeD to remarke d the detectiv e dlsPfl8.'llonfltel,. Bnd frl end8 here. Service, Dor f1replllo l' Bnywbc m'" . Tho I b"ve "wllllllr ed d.,wu "D-n It, ml\n," expl.oded Bugh; "do Large IIvln'.ro om Is oluU-e red llJl wHh In. not lik e others that'e '--an ' trv to Pnrls, too 7" Displa y Room Mr and Mrs. A . C BeokmA n lind 70U ImAgine I don't know my own retired, moved Notar y Publi c ~'or n moment Drummo nd looked at &11', dlDky CbeerR family, of 1'lppeof Ancl t.bon tu lown! 'noe CI ty , speu t «irl'll writing' " him narrowly . WB! It a stupid blutr, TEL8PH ON E 7 DAY OR NIGHT "A good mllny blink ('Qsblel'8 hllve Sunday with the Mannon 's . or ""RS Ihe mon 80 sure of his power mlAtaken thl'lr ~ulltome rs' writing b&M. M. Terry, Mrs. AJloeT erry and 1\11 klO!I ~ o r Notar y W of dll'trlJlllO Ihot be a88umed wIth cor· o rk . Will ~ ~~~=====~=~~~~::::: flud Deu d8 1\ ~ pec i l\ lt. y . tG&nty ILe hod not been recogniz ed' tore now," said !.he' o,thor, unmoved. K E . Thomps on and wIfe aatende d -: the funer,,1 "I of don't Mr . Thomp like It, son's ("8p~Llo cous. A girl 10 Allel 't smillenly struck Hugh that. ID, Mn: Lanra Mollen real trouble , Sprin wouldo' g. t !put In !lmt bit ___ . . thot ()[)e tell·tale hnblt_ !>oro, on Tue8da v, Aogust 11th. Mrs. about the bearer." "You go to b-I," r emarked Bugb Mullen died In Dayton , and th e tu. neral waH beld In the old U . B. brlelly. "I'm golnlJ to Oodalmlng." "Woll," Om wled the Amer1~nn. "not ohnrch in Springb oro . Interme nt NOTARY PUBLIC knowing Oodalmlng, I don't koow who 10 Mprlngb oro oemete ry. N . H. e"rpent tcores. nut, if you er !lod WIfA , of Cen. ther&-l come Wayn esvill e,l Ohlo tervllle , were t-;unday aHernoon tnn. U guests of A. S. Allen and wlfo. (To be ""at.IJltlad.' Na tiona l Hunk JANE:'S F1~ CALLS Mrs B . O. Thomps on, son8 and daughte r, ' of 15prlol( tilll, were Sall. - - - - -- ~, He:R BY HER ' P'lRST -~. "\\'hen wloter eumeH,"sllYR Mn,"I gn day afterno on guests of Mrs Thomp . NAME: ; HE DOESN 'T 1'0 where 'he somme r's nV1II11 ,w ., eon's puents , Ed Guy and wife. DR. J. W. MILL ER. LIKE: HER. LAST. / Of the 'hlng" our It.nden gre""; f A R Allen and K E 'fhomp son Uar beny plitoh ; unr or0111u(1 tno ; were in Bsllbro ok, on Thorsd ay, 8~nd waiting 10 a shlDlng row ..• DENT IST ••• On I:!&turday night, Augult 20th, where they In8peo' ed CIl~ Maxwe U's "Atop my pllntry IIhelves . . You shl're will be held npon tbe Sohool and Perry 8aokett & I)on's herdll of N'~\lOD~~t'DI<lIl. Waynesvl,le, 0 . ka.;w, I(rOoo<1l1, a soolal and band oonoert , fine hOis . Uo the Saokett farm , be ~ald It dido', w!lke any dlfferen oo Tbey're prettY,e ven Ill! tbey grow, (or . the benefit c.f the bl ael band GEN UINE Bnt prll"18r , I'm lellluK you, l'he Harvey jburg band will farnlsb wha' way or directio n he looked, he tbe D1uelo. Come and hellr the mu · dldn', 8ee anythin g !Jut tiltH boga Whl'u wioter oomeR I ~Io, and loe their oo"tom ea. ' !:i "Bo' stOVll8 are h " t In S\lrn~J)8r, ~o E' Mre Belen Steele an,d lon, o· In. MoW,a • n rt' .1f·nuul 'II .... ' Il UoJIt" " 'I:w' n . !'>1"""ICf'iIVhef ' . ",I ut.. I.rt I kl Dg 0 f Rh nwlng ThAro's m:lny hllotA the porllon, I_10~8 0B' t b __ 1 Nt'.,l u' ~ta, lu, AC(ouot.uus. s..k"lIItO,c.: )',11111 · Ilanapoll~, Ind.. " Z... Ic,lca"D< I \l l'cr """'I ""1 were week.en d And faa. tbem~elvell and takeR o(uee's ot Mr . and .Mr8 W. W !'ltate fair. Weloh aDd Allen bue ~~~!~~"J..!~'i!·l~,~~~,,~Fn~I~~r,,~£~~~~~ big type Poland Chip6 .l thtl vIew; hngtt. Bod e< \ II !",IM'" 10 1 1\ l e w tn un U... " I " LITTL!:P'O RO ' S ," Weloh, of 1Cas, MlI.ln st.ree' J MoCarr on and fhotll pROD bn va ~ P. ;f,:I\~,:,.~~dll~I~~I,,~~IIS~: I~~~I::'I:::;,I /~~;:" (I nnd8rllt liod their feelln"R , t.oo l) Mu. ~I~~IrI~!'t:1 Ernest Collier, of Clln&on c. 0 's-t.he hOk-{ of tbo honr. 'fhe ~amn hOi "tove's " ble.~lng L,; .... ;;;.;;.;;;lI h ;;;' < ~ .. .;; .. ;;. h;;;; .";;. " .;;w;;. " .;;. ",;,; \S;;; ";;. .. .;. c, ; ;;; .'.; '.;;. ... _ " . .;; O .. h' ; .'_...1 ;' \Ve ounty, was the gnOll' of her mother .C e tbonuh \Irs. AnD a VanDor en, foJ' severll When wlnt·er oomOR '" daYII last weell . The A . M . E. ohareh had a very IIIt1Rta etory enter&A lnrnent, at the town hall 00 S.'urda y olllht, al· ~Isted by Dayton taleoll. t.Mr and Mre. Boward Uraham 'IIDd famU, and Mr . and Mrs. A T Moler attende d tho lIolfr plonlo on fhursda y, at Mr . and Mrl. C. J OIeaver '•. Seventy .roar took dlaner Mr. Barry Smart al~d Mr. Cbaa. 8mart, of Clnoinn a,I, aUeade d 'he Collett- lioKay ploolo, 8aturda y. IIr Frank 8hidake r a"eode d ·the I WANN A BE I..eeaburg rair, Wedoes da.,. CAP\RIED ! Mre. MinnIe Oook, of Wayoes ville, That you will use in your new home is merel y accide ntal. The point was oallloR on aoqualo tanoee. Thure· is - Build! day. Are you using the argum ent "that you'll bUIld . W I·len P' Corne Down.~" rices Mr. .od' Mfi. Franik Perrlll, of If so, then i(is time to bury that moth- eaten phrase and get ?usy, Wublnl Jtoo C. B., we:re Koe." of becaus e prices ARE down. They are so down as -low as . they are gomg 'he WIlIODI, 00 Tham a,. to be for lire. Saeao Daw80n , of Ea.t 1I.ln many moqns, . . .tr..', I. makiDI great impro,. •• Do you 'know that America today is in immediate need of twoml.lhon meo&e 00 her re.ld.nO &, ho~es and houses? ' Do you know that prices are as low as actual cost Mr. aud lin. Cha•• Gara,r, .0. produ ction, based upon 'r eadjus ted wage scales will permi t? OOII!PI~le4 ,b,. Mr •• G~nier'. Iliter, ,. . ., .11 ot Norfolk . Va" are IDslla of If you ~ow these thing s-then you are of the thmkt ng persons Mr. ~ahllir" moUier alid hrother . or famlltes which a~ gofng ahea!i with building. Be;. ' Bua'ill&\on, 011 'he II. E ohurOb; prelohe 4 bii ...' "'mon be. fo'rif obillrareDoe, on Sa_cia, . . "airl WUlIam Lemar ,,,u lhe llJ8l& of Ib, · aDd lin. P. B. B ..wke, of
1921" AUG UST
1 2 J---
1921 .
eon himself
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall
7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 l21 22 2J 24 25 27 JJ •••
--=== - - - .
-- _..----
Bull-Dog Drummond
Fixing The Blam e
t l lf' U II •
Hall's CatarrhMedicine
Eve rett Ear ly
[,.. ~-EY-ES'''''''j
= f Tf~?FAENy:s l Lytle Feed Mill -I LytIc, Ohi o
_._- - -- --
...... ..... ..... ..... ..
Du.H .E.
I've Mov ed to Tow n
John H. Wright
---_.- .. BEECH GROVE
Auc tion eer
Wal ter McClure
----- -..-----
- --
DUR HAM tobactco makes 50
.. --- -_.
F'or best resu Its we
~,lllleonm'l~monm::! $~,?~~~'~v~n.' ~.~'~N"W~'~'~~' S I I se M' . Ga ettc's' ICI,'lSSI·fi ec C()IUlnnS, I
'II t II
th w rId'.
good cigarettes for
Try our Job Printing
~;;;;;:::::::::::::;;~H~A~N~D~-~B~lG;-=B=lL=L_~.: -}~-lE==i -W_-;I'--,-\I_~LfO~-P-~!~~'_-=_--_--: -_. J
L,ll!p,·.... week.
apea lin, W.
P. IloOIlr nn 18f.
as~~ ,ror ",~1 cla,.',la llinl la ~ , aud leOla Iblpme atl . or
8a!yrU bt!ItD &0 w. D. _ , 4IIpCIII4 uaJ
II.. 'or ...
w. H. MADDEN &1CO., Wayn esvill e, 'OIilo
"';-'Let as !dve ,ou
maaJa ba.
ob1lllq B.
I.umb er,
Ceme nt.. ·
Lime, .anc;l . all kinds of Buildi ng Mater ial!r
,:.:~an~eetl:m:a:te~.~..!;;!;!:=!;;!~~;;;:==2..:::;;:====:~J .'
Blue' Ilibl;>on Jl Ild l'ell he ~ .:ut to DPr Jlllckof.rl' . .. ..... RtJisins. loos • fin for pll'~ . cut to p r pOI! no .... ..... .. . Rulk coa, exlrn fine , 2 III ,oud Cuffpe, others ('/l/Irlre . 18 to 20e, our pri ~(> n liJ .. Fre h ' aIled Peanuts , Ib ...... Bulk Mac or Speg, Ib .. .... .. ... Palm·O live ' O'8p, 10 for .. .... . Try White Laundry :oap.th !' best mad e, it.'11 a hard WIl· ter soap, 2 for ........ .... .... .
!Iii' 2!it·
J;;c 'i5c
"LI~',II''' ' I I
l ;it
Sweet anti Sour Pickl pA Moore's Oils and GIl~uline , lhl' kind thnt tlo I' t sm,lke . Drin~ u~
your Chi eh'ns all,l 1 ';~lI s :..'2r for S"rilll!'er~ up In Friday noon. . BAYS TO TRADE AT
ZIMMERMAN'S True Creatne ...... A mno'" truo grenlnes s lies In U.
~nscl ou~neBs ot 011 h O fl c~ t p"rp"so 01 lite. toullded on R Just estlillule 01 hlmaelt and everythi ng else, nod " ate.ad7 obedIence 10 lhe rule whlcb be lnIows to be rl ght.-Gc orge Long.
t l'Il1:1X
'" hh h " .11 (,lll,'\\
--- -- ----
Let 'er rain, see if we care
In t h"
nn~\\ Ul ks
Froze n Deat h
.I 1dltln1 \ ,11:.1. 11d r lit(' Ohh J !-;toth\ 1:'111 hl l:O: Ii,.. \ 1 !\ I~t't l in l e) Im~ of thl' 1" :l1l1f1j.t" ,1\1'l.t -= fl f th " fair a ne t
Il1 l-' t ~ " 'U" 1I ~ \\111 hfl H'.n ll(' ,l b\' \'i ~, It ur-= , th, ' /o!r:'t.d "' , :,lIti \\:1 :0 Iill"l! III IW I' I' It ,, \\ 111~ IlI).:hUy hy Itl C" l\lhll ~\' n ... l i .· I h l /lI1~": \, hid, :ht"' lIlh l nd In I w l l llt'''''' lilt' I'r, ':.t' l1l :It ,III Til t' l )ro' 11111 l illll I ht~ y l'tH i~ , ' \ \' 11 'l it n 11l1) r p h rlULlfU II l1d t ' ~["' bl "1' :;,',tl ,'. :tlld w ill furt ll:-. h III ph-I " I I,,1 fllnll . 1 1I14 ' lII tlr ' 1\\ ,1 ,' l':l:",rl\m a II( th ... . "Pl'lI rtllll lt f. ·:-: f~ lr pn ' ''ltI ' r l ~y ;\Il., l' r n p' " s~ t hat al' ~ al Ila lld rill" nhitl T il . . . tll, ' n};' ll f th~ ~ l (lry I ~ th nt h y ll H': \l H~ o f Ih p lW foZ t n~ flt " I1tu rp, )~ood rnH,II'l . h"illt h , "1101'(\ fa t :11 11 1)1 ,t Wl"cfl U1I' r H rl1l1·r l.; 011 (I n £' hnntl IlI l i.l ( '(1. o jll' r n ll nn h l' ( w rt.f'fl thl" dlY 1)() lll11 n t1t)J H~ Iltl t hfl tl l h l'r h :ll l\1. u n !t ttnnl1y Co.t' l wr :ll l tlll IWl \\I >.A'lI 11If' tw n gro tlp.q, Pr {1 ~ p , 'r i ty a n,l I' rn«TI' Rg will t a K£' liP
l lfir m n l H 'n r
~iLl"tH ' P
In ()hlo.
'fllf' Rf"
will be l' \('t\lr~(1 o llil mnd,' I'lain t o th ~ nll "' ~ IIl'~ Ill' I1Ipan8 "r 12
lnlor pro tn th"e l!"fo ul' dllnca n llmhur f;. o ll isniln$o\.
llnH ' fI~ l orls,
-= =
"1. ~.I )l\
hu e),
A ~I(
111m why
Sale -·sN~
~t rA, LillI! m ilh is l ivl'S in Midtll tnwn .
McJ(elln . vi ~ itil1).[
Miss Martha Dinwidd ie, of Xenia, Is visiting with h r couliill, M i s.~ In ' as c of r. tn tnni)t ht, Lhr h:lnil Olillo Oinwid rlle. will ).:i've lhe ir conct!rt in fro nt II f till' ~I nS(lnic hall . anti SI'I' ve t h 'i\'p 'r ' IUll Sililge mak~ lhe st.Ele r g row Ilnd ill thc hllii. 1';v!-' r yutllI y ' \'I '"h' . as at II price yO\l elln nlf,)rd . 011 en III t hen; will h nl) 1'1)~l l' l1lllJ llIl'lI t . n· th e pr esent market.
Mr8 ElI1ma CIll'nuw ith \'i .. itt!d r (' l· in Wilmin gt oll III" t we,·k .
Ih l' l" t' 111\' /1 d l ... l
\\ 111 11 11 n fl' w d HYS nftr·r dlllllq.c lit h i ...
Huldah Burnett , " f I{fl ut e "j"itinlO r!' tntiv e~ in I)ay to n.
nlilll' ~
T III~ wu s
tit ... nt\(H1l' IIHlt1 ~ 1t't1 (' r thn t hli' f of 1'(011 ('(' .I f H1 h'II US .\ In ' ~
It Pays to Adv ertis e
BRING IN YOUR HARNESS AND HAVE THEM REP AIRED ' o. w. ('~L!s") Ham ilton has beeh
Fun ds
;~~~'~:AMi 6% Ii
~ -
Mis8 Stella ])aul\'h e rty is in
t'\lIlr ~e
kind, if
Fire, Tornado, Aula· mobile. Life, Live Stock, . Accident
Real E$late. Live Siock and also Farm
Office in Amlin fluildin g
Waynesville, Ohi o
Telepho ne 61-2
.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....
To compl y with the Pence Anti ·Glare
Jaw, we have on lIanu a lot o[
Su n- Ra y . Le ns es
Every auto must be equipp ed with one of the approv ed d~ices hy Augus l16. So come in and we will show you a good one- somctl !illg real good.
D. K A W K E • ...... ....... ...................................... t Phone 41
-: ....
WayneSVille. (]hio
Hey diddle , diddle ,
aou the fiudlc,
The dogran olT with thespo on The farmer boy roared· But soon was bored
When a Classified Ad. Made the boy's daddy glad For he sOld G. horse And a cow very soon. (Wltll &loologlOl 1o 1oIo1118.;U ooOO)
A Classified Ad. will bring quick results if proper ly writ(e n and
advert ised in due season, one il;sue genera lly s~IHng the goods.
The Miami ' Ga'zette
J \
Xenia, Ohio
~ /
W in te r H at s
.31 Green Stre et
r ',,") ): ;..
(i , w- 0/.... ;-
of oflip\,.
August 25, 26, 27,
,f, · U SO UTH MAl" ~, OA'VTO N _. -....--:.\
Se ar s& Ca rtw rig ht
Next Wee k
I'" .
Horn e Phon e No.2 Cent ervil le Exch ange Or, write Box 91, Cent ervil le, Ohio
Fa ll an d
Il r
n 1 111
~II 08~ ct Bulld!n!: AIS~,
~ Ii: J11lll l o n ~ .
p lll "t
Show ing
a ·m
n \, " 1'
You can ge t me h y callillg
Ehe=511IAS· '==5111:11==5=.1) 1:1'==:111:1'==3'
ten liS.
Fr ed M. C ol e
I, a m tr y in g To !jet s tarled in lhe all e l iOllcer Ilnd I will ~ ll ar:tlllt.'e to S:ll is!.\' you or pusitiv ely charge ),011 1l0 thit1 ~ for Ill)' \\ork. It will cost YO Il Ilntilill g to ge l Ill)'
Harn ess wo'rk.
~ ~
are g()/ng t() have {/ Puhlic SaIl' of will pay you to see mt'.
engaged to take char ge of all my
Th e Os ter ly Mi llin ery
'I I
~lISilll'SS ,
..- ---
" /t il' . I lItOft'lH llnl1'1 t .. ...1 ate or wl l) h tau ~\ . I ·· II t !f'r m n l urllY , 3. Int~rt l !" C" h f' c k l m :,lh'r\ In ,.'o ur Moo r nn l il..ly 1 . 'I'1 hnlHI I ~ Jnnllnry 11I .~ t IIU" H TI W n !l f'" t n i l li s tlt 11 iii rl 'Ur!l n ~ o 5. Jl rt-' ~t: n ( A .!.! · I ,.
---_. _...----
',' rlil l
J) (o I1f'H~l t 01· \' ('I Y lj lu' I Jt :
Walter L Sawyer, Prop.
'rcll 1I1e advert i se !' you r ea d Il is :ld ill t i t, · \ li .. llli Cal.eq e ·
Mi A~
" .11
O-/e rill "
101 , '"
(Ii" "
--_ ._-----
_...This Week's Specials.....
----------------------1 1~ 1 1 ~ ,"':r. " t lF ( ·t)I ::-' I 150 0 :-;''' '"''1'' v, i \\'"yllt "'· III, ..
:! 1- :),
tim,. .\' n
::--c==-=. I I
D . It
2. \\' il
(,'n t ~'8
tlrllls anti Illu s le.. Th re will L~ lI O tlrosom e tl la l o Ku~s nnd no wnit • . Each grollp ",111 h I' ~(lrl(pnll ' lr r o, tllm tl III "I'p ruprla ll' col orR nll,l th o IIl'tl nn will b,' I1I ll1 ll' nhl:11.1' ",lIh ,II" nln cnnt·/' hl' m""11S or rkh I'nrnl'hN ' THE LITTLE 8TORE WITH TtIE nalln . " ln ll ltuift ('f'ilt 'Btlin" of BIC BARCA INS Grn!' k pll lnrs II rlll el {l ,·atl on. will be co n. lrlll·tell nn th n r nef' Irft ('k to I'r()o ylrtc Ih h'll'k~r o llll" . JI";t llliru' lI ~h l ' H I'j' tl)n g-rfl\,f' to o\' prl(l (l kIlIg etre<' IR tl r 11 nBW nlld hlznr ro na· lure wil l h ~ oblA lnod wi th 2 ~ mam· If " ,d)' for Ih r- ',, 'te or 1l", ·I.,I· 1I":lurl· Unulenc herl Mus lin, b e~ t 15e 1111 1~11 Til'" 1·'·lllIlr1l 1011 . SUGAR, all you It IH IIIlIhlllkllllh' moth "I!llrchlhchI S. rl1111 n !i=rlp1HI1"t of hi s ~ I"ndl ll~, n ue , special 10(' Ii Yllrt!. Ilt lIyman & Th o \Irodu ctl on hns hee n ro mpo Botl want, per lb . . . . . . w ill ho "lnge(\ b S' ~Ir . n nrl .\lrK. 11I 1' l1, 11"r ('If tht' E I"1I1tl- tit' :'Ilt -d i dl\(" H Co. 05c Broom s ,., ...... . 4& Jlind . CI llro nr\" SIlIII"nn CJ r th e city tie- IIIUIl whn lfl ntpn r lo n 7'(1 Uf:! Ih, ' 1",,:'I~ '1I1 Indiana Melons, right 011' the I'nrt m{'n t of puhlli' rO<'ronMII of Co· FlII( ·'·(':-. ... n r t o K l1e h . !-Zhollid 111 1 (' on ~ Mr. and Mrs Elmer Earnhn rl, o f The Miamis will hav e a fnst l eam ic~,. 4Dc to ., ........... .... .. .. ... GGr lumbus. O. \\'h o hn"(, por ronllc,l Ih ~ lH't ' f ,,11 wlt lt Ihp"l.~ 11t ' :1IIt~ . 1\,.. '= llIt\:-1, [Jayton, on tlwir hllnd s S und ay, whe n they ~ppnt th e wee k·e nd here wl, n t 1\'("I uld 1'0 hl ~ In ntl,',,?" sumc- Sfl n't n~ f o r lile SUC\'c ssrul u n d S"'t . . Peanuts , pounds ...... .. . l !lc meet the Indepen d ent learn from "l'rort'~~ tullol 10c Ball Routed Peanuts .... .. .fie jPlIl ou".r1" h nzardt' d with re lativ eR. trnll·h" ...IIl!! I'AFI:~nn t~ of th e Ohlu Wilmin gton . This team is mad e up Cobbler Potatoe s. p eck .... . .. : 6iic Btnlp Polr Ih l' p" GI fil l\' yonrs . Thl' 1'r. r tl ·rnR. "I' o~. ' h 'y. hilI Ihll\' ~ IlI u·,lIy pl'oh· dnn r- n\1l1l'b p r ~ 11a \'{' n il 1)04: 11 eapp 1 pkg. Star Nall t ha Powder Mrs . Rose Uer ryhill nnd dau'g h\.er. fro m the Irish Lad t eam. but greal· free with 6 bars LenoxSon~ 25c clolly t'o l1ll'o"o ll 10 (·nr r)· IIUt. Iho nl<le. " Miss Flora, of Columh u9, ure HYCIllI. Iy alrenglh~ ed by o the r pI8Yt~rs . I1 pfol'c torkllng Ihe 'IlIl'"llnn of til!! Creame ry Butter ..... ...... .. .... . <tHe 1<\('11 " of Ih e ,lIrr"rpn t ('I'I R('I(IO'. h)' ing 1I f ew dllY!! he r e. Tha game at Phillips park Stlnday Mis. StPlia .1. flpt'ker onl\ .\1\.8 .\I or), 1~II(>r II ",' If. i'orl:'rns dllg hllrk Illto o u~ht to draw 11 large crowd. Full Line of' Canned Fruits, bv Stel'tln 8on. bOlh of whom fir!' grll ,I,,· tile hls lory of th e flftN'n men who Mr. and Mr!l. J. Millon Schatzm an dozen or case, at atl ractive prices . nte~ or Ih Ohio. lntl' l ' '''''crslty li nd died Of cholern anrt y{'lInw fevllr. In no cnst' (lid he flllil IIny r('nAon of Cinc innati , arc the gu P.~t.~ of Mr. ph y s !l 'Rl PlltI(" n l ioll (h'pn r lnwTlt, fl' Fresh killed Native Beef. at hft VI' stu,1\{'(1 1I'1I h I h I' fIlnR IOr s nr whlrh would explnln th\'lr murder, and Mrs . W. O. Rnper. prices per lb . tro m 15c to ... 28c nny motive tor removing Itlem. I h~l r prllrO", IOII In ;\:, ' 11' Y(l rl •. The Holo wor lc will I", '·(lIltrl hul .. ,1 Whllt Porterns dtd finll . howe\'er, Burkha rdt's Sm oked Meats al· Mrs . Robt. Burlon lefl 'fue.qday b y O w IItio l YIi Il a lll lllR t nnt\ l ,oolln was Q support tor the nUpgntion ot ways in atock. KnOll!" wh ll h n ,'{, \l' on Ihl. t1I Kll ll c, the noonylUou~ ,,'rlter . Eneh Of tho evening for Sv rll (, U ~IJ , N. Y., where Mr- Frederi ck Sphar ,of Bellbro ok, Open every night except Friday tl oll h), th eir SlI tt'Oti K In Col limbus dend men hnd bt!On n JrllCst ot the she will viait with her pare nts . and Sunday . Our aim is lo please and Miss Laura Wardlo w, daueht er edlOol pageon ts 11 II r lII!: Iho p". t I3caurtgord homc only n ( p ", lloys beyou and IriV6' you the m OSl fo r Yf.:Iar , nn e1 wh o \\"o r~ !oip\t IL h· (l fo r th is toro their ' death. Less th on twc nly· Mias Bertha Hvman , of Xenill, is of "' rank Wardlo w, near Middle Run your money . . )llnce hy ~ {'\I' York JIl!l~I'S 10 "'honl t our hou rs Int er they dl'velOlled 8l'm~ spendin g a Cew dnys wilh Mr. lind were united in marriag e at the Ferry tile mll tter wnH Bubmltte d. loms of Ihe dread dlseo He! We will pay 31c {or Eggs t his parsona ge last Thursda y evening . Mrs. Mye r lIyman anti falllily. Arme(l ",lIh tWe loformotlon, th., week. Come in. • The youthfu l couple gave a surprise detectiv e slarted his seurch for Iht; ,",.....,"""',.....,"""" """"" '" Mr. and Mr5l. Charle~ Smart, of lo all their friends. They will tak e man who hnd wrlttl'n th o note. DIH · Yours for Ser~ice, Tw~nt)' . Toed Elephan ts In Demand : gulsed os II book IIgent. l'ortertls Aue· Avonda l(', wcrl! calling on Waynes · lip th ei r resideuc e on the tarm oper· Twunty· loe" e ir-piloilis are held In ceetl ed In secnrlng SOIllIII(,9 aled by Mr . Wardlow . ot Ihe vill e fti c nilR Mond ay Ilft ern oon. Yencl'nllnn thl'ou/:h nu t tlldln, and ore huntlwrl tlng nt n nUll1her ot l'erRflnll keenly ~oug ht h)' nil tile rajas ond whn were 1'"011'11 to mnllllrnJns (or the prosperi ty they Doctor nen llrlgnrd, he frl eodly with Mr. and Mrs. e has. Linton, of bu t 1I0ne ot IheMe nrc slipposed to hrlng, ~Uy8 Chorl~d showl'tl the Roge r, Ark , alre lhe I(u('s ts of Mr . 1 1\Rtln ct chlirncte rl R tlCII MO),Qr, In Aslo ~l n!,a~ ln e. TIley are ,,'hteh w('re npparen t e" co tn the nl· J . C MurrllY and Mr . Ed 1I 0pk in~ guarded m0rc cnrefully nnd quartere d Icrcu penman ship ot the lett er to Iho and family . B\'ell lIIoro "1IIIlptll()usly thRn the pollee. It "'fiR not until he cnme n\\'ny whlto cl~phnntB of 8lnm. nnd tile price rrom th ey will hrlng Is det ermined nlmost pIes till' I1Cllurl/:ord hOll1 c with 60m· F . C. Hartsoc k and family. amI ot th entirel y by lhs nmount the rnjos COli ho found ~ Ren'nnt~' hnlHI\\'rltlt\g !lllIt Miss Evelyn Johnson . of Milford , II'ho I he had hecn looking cnther IOl:clber. Harveysbur~ friends Church for. were wee k· end g uests oC Mi!!9 Edith ----.~'1' he foll owing mornltl l,! Duellos Harris and familv. Sunday School a t 9:30; Church Atres wns starlled hy th e n(' ws ot tile service at 10:30. We welcom e all oncst or Dr. AIIot'rt f1 cnlll'lgnr rl, th e Several Of our ciliztlns went to who will meet with us in our wor· tOI'CmOgl ph ys lclnn In Sou til Amer· Irn, (In n chnrge Of mnrd er. Miami Chautau q ua Friday to hear ~hip of Jehovah . Come, plea!e. During th o cloys whIch preceded his Hon. S . D. Fess, and of In our Class ified Column. cour~e, were Fe':"Y Christia n Church lrl nl. thc scienti st preser" cd nn olr of not diasapp ointed. totnl nonchalance, nppearln g obll\'lou s llible School at 9:30. Preachi ng of th e fnet thnt he was nhout to he Messrs. Ezekiel Pratt and Fred at 10:30 a . m . and 7:30 p . m. Every tried for hts life and cont entin g him· Buck. of Dayton. and Mr, and Mrs. one invited . J. A. Pine, Pastor. Mit with the Issunoce at slo tements . thnt the "whole nlntter wns lOa ub- Carl Frye spent Sunday with Mr. and surd 'to be consldcr ed seriously." So Mrs. G(lorge Pmtt. Waynes ville' Christia n Church numerou s \Vere his frIends and so Service s every SabbaU I at lhe secure hla posttlon In lhe sodnl lifo Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrll. Laura of the So\Jth Amerlcnn capital thnt Church at 10:30 a· m. Preachi ng by Mosher and the Misses Milrlred Harl· th e mnjorlty of Ihe peop le clnllllpd Captain B. Enstmj nger, of the Amer· thnt lhe nfl'nlr wns a plot on tile pnrl sock and Esther H e nd e rs on we re ican Iteseue Worker s. Everyon e ot Iho polke, nn ottempt to co,'('r Dayton lIisitors Tuesday . welcom c al these se rvices. theIr post fnllur~9 by n srnsotlo nnl prosec uti on of no Innorl'nt mnn. C. G. Wiliiam!lon. of New Pari~, It ",n s not until UI(' s inte "",I lold M. B. Church Ohio, wns a visit o r here last 1'hurll· the (olinilnli llo tor Its ;' n ~r hy Illtro' day . Mr. The and usual Mrs. William services will be held son will ducl ng Ih" trstlmon), ot physlelu ns next Sunday : Sunday School, 9:15: who hn(\ nlll'll,l .. tl the dend lIIen. fol· spend this winter in 1~l o rida. 10wI',1 "~' pruM Ihnl ench of IheBu men Preachi ng serY'ices, 10:30 a m. and hn d ,II ,,!!,I III till' IJellllrlgnrd hallie Mr . C. M, Rnbitze r ami family, 7:00 p. m,; Epwort h League , 6:15 onl y " r,·\\· hOlll's before th ey hnd Dr . and ·Mrs. H. E, Hathaw ay and p , m . Everybo dy cordiali y invited. br ~ n 1111'1'11 ill. thll t l'o rt c rn ~ pI a yi't.1 hIs tru l1Ip cnr,l . At hIS ,lIrecIICJn th e Mr. anti Mrs. F'red Cole arc occupy· . pr o"~ t'III II1~ ntlo nler cnlled Ductor ing the Robit zer cottage at Camp Caesar' s Creek Friends Church Hard ware and Farm Mach inery ]3(·nlll'l';11I'<1 '. hill ier In Ihe stand nnt! Linge r Longer . Sunday School at lhis ::hurch~~ery t or the flr. 1 lim o th e tnre ot the ac· cu,sod showell tho Btrnln uOller which Wayn~sville, Ohio C. B, Be ntley and family, who Sunday at 9:30 a. m Preachi ng ser· he ho,l b('{'n Inborlnl!. have been making their home in Leb· vice at 10:30 o'clock a. m. You are "All preparnl lons t or the dlnncl'H anon for the paSt three m~nt'hs, cordiall y invited t01)(' present , \\ .!re lett In lil Y hnnds," testified the muved uack in their flat over the hull r r, "with Ihe exception of the Gazette office, Mo nday . prepnl'lltlnu of 0 s ingle glass of el'eme Orthodo x friends Church de melll he. This Doclor llell urlgord Sunday School, 9:30 am Meet· r!:I InYiirlnloly flx('ll hlms('lt, pluClul: It on P. A. Garner, Chiropl 'Qctor. Office ing for worRhip at 10:30 tho II'I1Y III th e ml<l~t of the othe at 42 North ' nroadw~y, Lebano n, glHsSCS. OhitJ 'Office hou rs 9;3011. m. tp 8:00 ""'hnt Wfi S the tllf'Cercnc o bc twct'n The Am e rican ReRCuP- Worker s are p . m . Sunday.s bv' appoint ment only. this gl nss nml the olh<'f's?" holding meeting s every Sunday "Th e liqueur was th o 911ml'. The Ice cnllle frbm n srnoll test tube In Mr. and Mrs Hu~h Colville aud mornin g at 10:30 o'clock, at the Doctor llcnurlgnrd's Inborutory I" Mrs. Robt. Carroll, enroute to theTr Christia n church, 011 High street. Hurdly had Ih e butler fini shed tms home in Covingt on. Ky., from Bed· Come out and hear Captain Ents· sentence . before the prisoner was on ford, Pa., stepped here with Mrs. minger , the convert ed gamble r. hIli t eet, his 1('1t huod upralsoo to at· Annie Thorpe and family, for II day's Everybo dy welcom e, tract the attr lltlon~. tbe court. "Yes," he exclaImed, "I nm re- visit, IIJlOfIslble .f!)r their dentlls- but you'd Notice of AppOintment never bave dlsco\,ered It 11 It hndD't The local Girl Scouts Will hold a bCf.'n ror thIs prying !lervollt. I destred market in the Townsh ip house, Sat. te mnke experlm ent8 with the cholera urday August 20tlh Tbey will offer The undersi gned hu been duIY·ap · , aDIl ·yellow lever germs. Other 8ubpointed and qualifie d as ReceiYe r of jCf.'ts wert.lJDj)08IIlblp to gcure, 80 I for sale pies, cakes, home-m ade all the proPt!rt y and bualn8 l . of determin ed to gamble wIth death, tor bread and candy, ealads, fresh veir·· H. E. E:l.mha rt, of W,ynel ville, the total «\a88 might hnve eome.to tableS, butter an~ eggs . Warren County , Ohio. MI pereons me as 00111, .. to on, at- the others. Indebte d to laid H . E. F..arDh&rt The ,erml were trC!'en ID.· tile , Ice, Ch SM ' f W h" D make Immedi ate paymeh and cred· but, too lato, . I will never live to U.. o!lr~, 0 u IRllton, . ' Itors will present their t,clalDli IICJla, the olllel,,\ penalt7 tor m, experl C" BtOJlped off here, Saturda y,, ' to ~ law, d,u lv autbeDU cated, menta. The \\10m· ma)' call me mad, spend a couple of daytl '~lth relaUve a. to t e un e~gned. for ~lIo"8Dt'8, but 1 will not bear ItI'" . He wu enroute home from GalvesDated this 11th· day ot AUlUu lt; A moment . later he wal dead. The to Te ' h h e was t-I . 10me A. D . 1921. \. , . . ZE' r . .D_jL n, x., were ,., nr FRANK . grath of e),anlile of potUII!um ' hIdden Federal cases Mrs. Itt. oore, fa, at Robert J. SbawL - - , lD hIs RllJDet rln" bad done ,... ~orII ........... ... yer. nan luicldl and 1DtallIb1l. ', ... ... present, viaitiqr elaUve elnColo rado, AU,. for Becelve r. B-l'1.8t
Sawyer's Wayne Market
tJlv l(l llll U ,'. IIt
((Jr' t. UnlC tltuc.
The LateClasstnM A~S, \ = = = = ==--
l.nura II " nry. () f Tnledo , is MrA, Itllehe l Ll'wi A, o r Danville , th e l<U,,~ t of MrR AlIlltlll la Mufl'ill. In 1I"'~ I g- 1I ~I nn l tt'l l' Ortt ' I'1\f4 , , I n~ o f 1I 1 ~ III , whil ~ v i ~ itin~ (; rall l I.,' \d~ and f ll' -. l JlU'II , ttl ItiP "'H~ I ' w ld l' h " Ill'! fam iiy, of \J aylon. wag ~ tril'k( ' n wil h Boys ' alit I (;irls Schonl Sh oe~ nl d""'l if)l'll to h l..'('1I11I1· uu l 'lu l' III tT l mln n l paralys is S\lmlay. M r~ Lt!wi~ is lilt' OIiI I UI :"'O , ~ llcrilic(' pri ces at liymnn &. Co. ~ i ~ te r · ill · : a w of lh " I.ewi~ hrother s It W U Q: tl'll(, th o t II n UlIl lwf nt Itll'n h.. rtl. anti tht' family had lIIadt, gre'a t ,, 110 ",,,n' prn lllIJll ' nt til IlIl' Ilrl ' of tht' MrR. Snllie COlln ll r, of t.he Hyman t'ir., 111l1lk l'r'" nllll II\\\'y, 'rs und tllH' pre pllratiol ls fur her v i.it. lIer & Co. slurt' ill tnking her \·nC'a lion . t lll· .. - flttd IIIt' d \\ II hI li IIH' Ilt'rhtt l !!h' lI · dau g ht e r was 1\utili 'd and she came t lllll . ,t! In l ht' l1n~ lS!nt'tl conllllilll l<' I\ ' fr om Danvill e , and will remr)Vl' Iwr Tl dl1. Hut In l'\"pry ('IlS,' t hll ntil 'll! IIIlA MrA. Wem.I·1 H e rreH . nf I{outo :l, mother home tomorro w ph ~ -. Idllflfi hlll l ,:IYt'tl (,f'I'IIf1rnt I'9 of is vi~i tin g re la li lles in Ca rey, O hio. Mr . amI Mrs . Omar Lewi~, M r Ilnd <It 'lIl h from nnturll l I 'HtI ~ l ·q. I n flH' t, n s I 'll rll ' I'J\~ p n lnhld o ut to hi :; (' Id. 'f. MrH . Otto LeIViR, Messr~ . MlIl't anrl Laili eR' beAt. 2f,c lIose , black and n lt ·fI' hUll hl'f' 1l n\lt or~IN: o n thri ll' of r h:L~ . Lewis went 1.0 Dayton todllY tl ,p IlorllpH, hilt ","pn lhl'"' ' JlII..:t ~ Ill"'l'i while, 3 pair for [jOe, at Hyman & Co. to BI)el1fl a few houl'!! with he r . t l'lIl PXfilllllln tllllts dl~dl} ... ,·tl tluthlllg nut of tllf' or dlll ury. Mr . and Mrs . EJ Coo k nnr! fllmily '" kiln", nll Ihnl ," r C'tn rtl ' ,l t h .. ch Ie f spent SUl1dllY with relatille s in Day· of phlil'(' , ""ut the c h n r J.:t ·~ I lInltt' In lnn . tl ll'-: h 'lil'r Ipd 111l'
('hn n ~p
---- -- -.-- --
:\1r~ .
Oil J llIy I W{IH G-I•• \V , 110 no t nlllicillnt c II
Th e Milllni Uuw tt c. $ 1 GIl" year .
Hoy Vanlr es.q , who haa been in Dr. Dill , (hteopa lh, 21 S. Brnad· Oklahom a for same lime on husi nt'sA, way, Lebanon , Ohio. r et urn ed to his home her.e last:we~k·. L. N. Prinlz sp enl Sunday with Th e Inc al Girl Scoul s will hold a relati " E.3 nea.r Be llbrook . mnrk et in th e Towns hi p house. Sal· urda y AURuAt 20t h. They will offer Mr . lind :Vlrs . II. Hartsoc k wt're fo r sal e vieA. cakei!, h,)me· mu rli· Xenia v i ~ llo r8 , Thur~day. bn' llil and canrly . !lI1llld s, fr esh V Pjf,· 1-:1 hun Crll nt! AI)PIlI the wep k-rllll tnhles, butt e r Ilml el!'R'A wilh fri('ntl~ in WilmillK lun.
fI'('orel:;; fill" llip J)u~ t ~ tx 1II"lllh~ 1111 ') th" 11 It~k Dr. ,\ Ih, ' rt I l "n1lrl",ur1t wil y' I I l ~ Ihn l tH I" " r\ prd n l!u,' lIl l'It lz l' II" 1111\'(' dlt ,,, fI' 0111 L'lIIJ!t'I' 1\ HlIIl Yfllltlw ( \', I'r \\, )u'u !lll' t· , hn ~ 1"'\'11 11 (1 \'pt · 111'11111'.
Ho use fil r
'1' 111'
pnnt o m lm C"
tl o us lind lot desirab ly 10 at d Qn Mai n ~t. WayncBvill ,Ohio. Known 1Ig.· th" 1'om Dodso n properl y. In · fh" n tqh t qui rt' b f J onath a n M. :Ook. e xertl· the t) h~ l ' tor o f I he es tate o f Mar ia .oo k ti e· 'tll' d ., h, cea~cd. .
l ':'U! " pl p\ " I l\ IlIdr pn~"-IlIl 1. " t1 11.tl'~ \ :""1111," w hhh 1,(100 yn llng IH' \' lt)" r1":11 h. ' , 'olllrll lllH; "'rhj)lIl~ wil l pr ro· t-l tll ll . ' UI h ('\ "lI iL~ Pit t ht~ tn f' t r a ~ k tn I ront cd thp ~ l" nnd ~ t fl111t The I ~pr·
f" r uLl n , ,. . \\ 111 rf'adl
Lippinc ott's and Li bby's Apple Butter,
Ttll' (("1( \1",+ .l! r ,({nil ( In nmn-"Ilfu t ' nl 1\1 'rram fllr ~ I :, 1" 111' l' :~ "',Ir " Ill hi
MIss' Kathlee n Uaines, of Cincln.! na ti . is visIting relalive s here.
·Waynesville, Ohio.
"'- -
!:: CV C l1t~ -Th ird
Y ar E
Bu y yo ur seho ol suppli es at Hy man
& Co
Ma rion ('lI lnpbt'lI , of No r wood. visited r ~ l"ti v t's here Thursuuy
s~nOt BEllS-Wlll
Whole Number 5449
r~ i.okA ~ ~Cl~J
Mr .llno Mrs Er nes t Earnha rt visl1 o \l ~" for ~a le - ~ce McKean . ited lJayt oll Sund ay IIfternu on. --The school ucl ls will uegin fi n ~ in g , . !'I I r'. and !'I II'S Hoy lIa 'thu\\,ay took Th e Indiana Yearly Mt'et ing of Won,9 ; Lost, ti ; I' I., .529 Mr. and Mfl!. Kenrwth Thumas again on Monoay , Se pt ember . Notiti ~at i "n " f till' chan "l" In ,." t- l lirtl ll.r "li nda), wi th, Mrs CliffurJ l! u1.i,·I, . or lJu), llln, ill vi. it5th . Fri end s held Ilt Itich mond , Ind. , Geo. Rob'1 ' ('ull K ed C on eam F. E Thomas, Sunda y even- Accordi ng to reports the schools came r " ~ prertrh' l~ Ilao' III!e ll rl'Cl'l\'C'd he re ,.rt ~(}n and hl.r neil·c . inK hi ~ IIU rt'" t ~. The ~ WI e rdi mlllgton Nixon . August ,. . I I t o 11 , inclu!liv ('han"(,K e, ha" goes c on t Ph' II ' he l'n rnari •. dl vi drn).! . . ki t S day a fter . Iwill be erowd ell . thi s year a ~ never In~ n o I IPS par, record Good g rad" unul pu"hr d muslin IOc as as .' hear u~ tily approvi '-1 the ng . Wt'~ t he t re1If1'f'in" noon and gave our Mi amiS a beaut l- . ' b~f!lre , us applicat i ons ou t of th e cent f earl es8 actio Hawk e ente r. t. anti I III"" \\'ay f II rl('~-t . .illr, and lIlrR. Runal,1 [1 of Governor . al In' llI un & Co. ' W. Eo O'N ea l a rrived home Frio ay distri r tare rapidly coming ' in un l arl' a" " uW-. I a III ed th e [ull(lw lng gue~t~ tn d'IIlni'r t ul trimmin g- 12 t o G. There are vr ll(' t',lrp ll. ratllin. . . The Dorspy, of Georgia , , where he pub, . fr om a bUBinellS t.rip Ihro ugh th e audito rium in th e old build , ' I' I . M I M"IIl mlS we Whynl' ]'o",n"ll no excuses t o 0 ff er tIe Ip ;o. : " rthw. ·"t I n '- ,," Sunday ing has II' shed a statem ent of Mr. a nd Mr ~. Clarence All en w(!re re : ~I m . 1,'( Ith I a rn~ , ' rs. the fac ts can' . . ' West . I d ci I been fi tt ed II p fOf school ruoms, and cerniri g lynching, peonage an(1 other off nort h II f ti ll' I,aura i11 11~hcr . Mr. lI a rrl.~ ~t (IS ~ler , their stnqe and were nu l-I) aye . . net -All tr' rr!t otl· in lJaytuli Tu esday. . . . I ' T1 " r I' I d I? Hev. allli Mrs. J . F . Cadwallad er tll psuperi nt end ents omce will 13h ' t Sp ringbor o r" ad and \\i1yn('R\! lIe l ~ l n' . h ank I. "lay I al so crl'm eS commit ted aga inst th e colored or, u aSBLona, Ie VI SItors score rU 2n~ ?Inl 't hi S, pike and we~t uf till' 1.1 tt II' Mialili I I 'al i fllrnia , and J etT Tho mpson, of Lebano n, was spent Sunday with friend s in Wil- ' he tak en. b M iH ; Mild G t! rrors, rl'd lI art 3 stolen ase~ . WI [ pI oople C es of . Geo P ' rl,ia by her white cHi - und a, pass, whl' 1 . t k 13 I 't ., nver \. k f ~I If I ~ in town ~' riday on busine!l!l, 'eo minglo n. e It 00 II S, -Ole • () , I all. I The auditor ium ~(>~n.g taken. there zens. Thi S stateme nt was accom- e rrors. 3 stol en bases , a paIlS and will be no clallS activiti es thi S year. a . Way ne rll\\' lI~h ip Southw e t I're- ~II'~. J T. t::ll i~ was a Mr~ . () It Smith spent severa l Mrs. Lurlnda States, of Wilmin g- as th ere will be no room, husted.~ at a pani ed by an appeal f rom the gover- hit batsman to sco re;:; runs eit.he r for tor the clIl ct- AIi te r tlto rysou th of I.hpIshuwcr Thu rsrlay, given in days lust week at WilminKton . ton, is the gu est of Mr . and Mr9.l ellterta inments in th e 8<:11001, hun or of nor to hi s fellow cli zens to t ake so me Miami s or has~p ri nl1:bo ro un.d Wuy ~es~l lI.e pike , all d IMisd I renc McClu re, of neaT Springdecisive steps to put a n end t o such kelball. Miss Minerva lIarl an will teach in Walter Cast. Carl Frye led both teams in hi tt ing west of th e Llt,t!e MlBml ri ve r: (,U I'II. whu will become a brid e thi~ outrage s against justice and h uman- with two dou bles and two the SIJrilll( lJOro sr houl thi s winter . Several of our l'iti;(cns went to Th e foll ow ing teacher s have singl es in l:;a8t Wayne I ownshlp remfll ng ur.- fall . Those present were Mesdllm heen e!l ity . Wa~hingtQn C, H. Thursda y tn nt- empl oyed : fi ve times at bat, was closely fol- chan ged. " . Mr . ano 'Mrs: Cliff Lewi s, of Cen- tend the fair Chus Ellis, S. S. I:;lIis, W.E O' Neall , Friend ~ feel that this appeal should lowed by Reagan , but th e vi Superin sitors' tenden sect-it. S . Weav er. N ort~ WayneSV Ill e Cor poratlO n- Waller Wi ll iams, of Kingman, and terville, visi ted friend ~ here, Sunday . be made to every state in t he Uni on. ond-baseman, who tore ' Principa l - N. P . Blatt. off three All terri tory north of N?rth str e.et . the 1I1 i8.e8 Jeanett e, Louell a and Mrs. Frank L. Tayl or, of Pasiden a Grad e Principal - Clara Lil e. Race prejudi ce again st th e negro is doubl es in five attempt s, J es!le Buy your B( ,y~ ' ami Girls' School Cal. is visitinll he r moth er, South. WayneSV ill e Co rpo ratJon- Frances J an ney. growin g Mr~ steadily . High in Schoolthis country Lola E. , Pine, Prend Verna ergast madA the star ca tch of All le rrltory so uth of No r th street. -"" hoes at II Ylllun & C0., ut b ' E··II· th Harris . arlCUIII _ _ __ __ Weuver, and Edith George . which has th e reputlit ion of being the day when he raced to "rices. AI th e farThe plac c~ for vo ting w.iII be la ter l Thc uCllu ti ful rllral home 8th grade- Opal Davids. of Mr _ the onlv one in the world to tolerate thest corner ot left fi eld and took a rrangell hy the townshi p and cor-. an d M r~ . I:;arl Hockett Mrs. Clarenc e Bentl ey Rnd Mrs, 7th grad e- Pall line Marlatt , was the scene lynchin Mr. John Lemmoll and furnily, of Ru ssell Bentley spent Sunday g . This evil influenc e i3 Gleason 's long smash otT his shoe pora tion commit tees. 6th grad e- Leona ~cGinni s . with , of a ve ry happy gatheri ng last FriDayton, visited ' relati ve~ he re IWlt friends in Hlanchester . spreadi ng like a blight. over our lan d t ops. J esse got three hits 5th grarl e- Clara Lile. in fi ve - - - --Sunday . day af tern oon , th e day being the • Overfl ow- Laura McKinsey , and constitu tes a menace which can - trial s, too. Howard Burton caught 4th I g radeth Frances . r of the birthda y Lamb . Dr. J . M. Miller arrived home Satnot be ignored . a good ~ame and got a walk and two 3rd Grade- Lilla Benham . Come to our 30 day Hule, cul pri- urday, after spendin g two :tVt~nei r a~~I~~~ weekI! tear,y Friends think it is lhe duty of hits in fiv \! trips to the plate. J ean. Games . 2nd grade- Louella Jannev. Mc(' O'S on our larKt! stuck . Juhn fort une t elli ng, and temptin g reA. with relative s near Cincinnati. 1st grad e-Hen rietta McKinsey everyon e who believps in the Father- Clure and Wood (o'unk"y. took good care of and Marie William son . f h lH d th e occasion a most Miss Louella Janney attende d the Lytle - R C. Hunt and Beulah Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tayl or, of St. second bases and got a hit J.ouiw, Mu., are sptmd inK II few uays Epwort h League convent ion at the Coon, The Buccessful bidders for the auto this menace . The Miamis are going to Wilmin gMiarnia Chauta uqua gruund s last \ Huth and Grace Hockett , Lucile with relativ e!! here. For this reason, Ind iana Yearly .ton, next Sunday , to get revenge hacks were: W. F. Gorsuch, M M. The Kibl er family reuni on was held Thel ma Sl. J ohn, Sara Missildiand week ne, Terry, Raymond Wilson, Jas. Johns, Meeting directs that t his paper be and to win their tenth victory AlmuNt all th e tencher s in DUr for at Schantz Park la!t Sunday. Those Lena Earnha rt, Ev elyn Albert Cleaver , J , B. Jones and B submitt ed t o publica tion wherev er Uuglesb y, Mrs.Om ar Lewis, the season . They'll come across, too. who enj oyed the day werr: Mrs.- Carolin e V. Smith. ~c huul H ur e utt end ing lhe InMtitllt e Mr an d Helen Stor r, I rm a Rich, Thelma and practica Chenow ble . ith, and Master Ethan Lewis Last ~unday' Janitor s- M, L. Parshal l and G. J . lit Lebunun thiH week, s score by innings: Mrs . Allen Kibler, Mr . Guy Kibler Ruth Satterth waite, Mary vi~ited relative s in Spring Valley, Smith . Cather- -- - - - - - - ... 0 12 and family, Mr. Ralph Houston and ine Wilson, Faith Tomlinson, Lillian WK. Leverin g Cartwr ight. of Chicago, Tuesday . C ......... --5 0 u 0 0 12 4 --S II M CI Miamis.... ... .. .. O 2 0 0 2 0 1 00 -· 5 family, of priog Va ey, iHvisiting hi ~ g randpar ents, Mr . und r. a r- Watkin s, [{uth and Margar et Co~ k - - -•• - - - - ence Edward s and fam ily , Mr. J ohn and Mesdam es Ids Hockett Mrs S. L, Curlwri ght. , Segal e and family, of Plea.,an l Plain , Reason, Opal !leREon and Reba SadIe BratIThe Loyal Women 's class of the Mr. Fred Sherwo od and family. of duck. Mr. and Mr~. William Rohinson SWheeerkwwooidlh. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Silent I*!veral (lay!! last wCl'k wilh Ferry Hible School met. at the home Columb u s, Mr . and Mrs C. A Tay - The MitlSes Evu and Ethel Reeder r<llalive~ at Ml. Urab, Ohio . of Rev. Pine last Wednes day afterlor, of St. Louis, MQ . Mr . and Mrs . entertai ned about fo rt~ of their noon . Meetin g wal called to order The annual reunion of the Graham Morris Sherwood, Mr . Carl Sherwood fri ends last Thursda y evening Misses Louise and Carolin e Smith, family at a by the P residen t, Olive Hathaw ay, will be beltl at the horne of and family, Mr. Verne Houllh and weiner roast in honor oftheir ed er Hrookvillf', Ohio), are the g uests of S S E III R D 3 S t da AUi- The Grange building d 23 sister d P I d will be d I· Scriptu re family, Mr . and Mrt!. Ed Hough, and Ruth's birthday . They met in~. r 88 m an . s,. . ., a ur y, Mr. and Mrlt, B. V. Barnha rt. cated on Saturda y, Augu8t 27th. prayer by rea at the There was quite a crowd at the Rev. Pme. Roll was then Mrs Euphem ia Hough . U8t 27,1921 , house at an early hour, then jourThe festivit ies will begin at 12 called and membe rs rel!pond fete at the old aehool building , ed with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis and son, - - -•• - • Mra. W, F, Gorsl,lC:h and I daugh. o'clock, when a basket dinner neyed to the woods, where the evenlast Wednes day evening . In the will afscriptur al quotatio ns. of Dayton, were gueste of Mr . Cliff ter, Cecelia' MiSlleS in g was Silent in r08llting weiners and Louella Janney be served . After ,the dinner is over Then proceed ed to elect oHicers ternoon , a terrific electric al and rain Hurnell and family, durilllr the and Helen Hawke play ing gam es. Those present were were delegat es to the exercise s will take place in their for the storm came up, and the plans of the ensuing year, after which week-end, Misses the. Epwort h League state conven- hall, and Mr. Byron Zwayer nuLh Reeder' Norma Ch ari· will de- I ~u8inCS8 was d~spo~ of, All jo i~ed band boys wera somewh at turned ton Gladys Helen and Edna Shroyer . Mr, and Mrs, Floyd McKean lind tion at Frankli n Isst week. liver the addre!\B of .the afterno on. III a good BOclal time after over. Whpn the sun came out, the whIch Ev~ Graham , Viola Simpson, Hazel daughte r, arrived horne Thursda v boys got busy and fixed up the Every Patron is pxpecle d to be light refresh ments were Everyth ing i ~ r ead.v for the Ma- lJunn ell. Freda Stllrkey Mr. and Mrs . B. F . Dailey and Berved . , Est~lIa evening after a visit to relatives in daug hter. Urith, and ~on, Charles present and bring a well-filled bas- Owing to the rain, sonic picnic nex t Fri day a fternoo n Simpson, Helen Duke, Orpha thE!re were not ground s . , Mills. SunduMky and ("indlay, Ohio, The band was augmen ted by about a t Schant z' pa Brunk, Guilda Fox, Eva and of Inliianapolis , Inti ., Ilnd Mr and keto many present , rk . T ranspo rt a tion Guilda Ethel ({eeder ' the Messrs. Levi Bun twenty member s of the New Burling - will be ready for everybo dy , and lIell Ral ph k erns, Albert Starkey , Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schwar tz visit· Mrs. ,J . B. Thomas , of Centerv ille, ton band, one from Clarksvill e, one mem bers will meet al the Masonic F'ra~k Shinn, James Simpson, James ed frienJs here Friday evening ami spent last Friday with Mr. arid Mrs . from Lebanon, and two from Ore- te mple at I ~ u'cl ock ,~--------,---I'hel'l.' wi ll ue IIml Louis Wyc al, Lester YOIl~~ , Silturd ay, . whil e enwute to their !lOY Huthaa wy . gonia, The 40-piece band rendere d a large crowd presen J and Ralph Mills, Lester GIthIF YOUR SUBSC RIPTIO N t , as almost a II Harol' home in Columb us from Cincinnati. . . , [' a uI a nd [>.\ u be r t Duke , Wilfred a good program , which was much en- of the resid . EXPIltE S We have cOll<,iuded to extend our e n t ill em be r~ have slg m-. ens Uru nk ({aymond Shroyer , and Joyed by all. JOB. :lenlmy er Rnd sisters, Misses sale for 30 days to give alt' a chance lied their intent ion to be t !J ere. Come Charley and Georl(e Charl ton, Mr . to buy goods at the great cut prices. The proceed s of the evening and have a good time. Zolla und Emilia , of Madison, Wis. , and Mrt!, Itaymon d O~born, Mr . and Our dress gingham s are new, we . - - - .. - - - -amount ed to about $77 net. are dpel1(ling a few weeks with Mr. Mrs, E rnest Ar('hde aco n, Mr, and Mrs and Mrs. Frunk Zell und uther rela- have theBe and the yard wide per- The fri ends of William Henley, of Next week will be thl~ Use our Classifie d Ads f ur results. lJill.. Warren Kenrick, and Mrs . last numcales, also the Chambr ay gingham s\ Waba.h , Ind ., a former tives. residen t, ber of the GAZETT E you will reat 1Sc per yard . Come in and see l tendere d _him a post-ear d shower ceive unless you renew . TH E MIRoy Inn e~, of Lebanon, has asso- our Schoot Shoes, Men's Work and last week, Mr. Henley went to AMI GAZIIT'J'E: is strictly cash in ciated himself with Ray Zircle, of LJrellS Shoes 1\11 at prices that will i school here during the old Academy advanc e, Columbus, and they will conduc t please and surpris e you. Time and days, and there are not many 'of hill The date of expirat ion is IJeveralshows on the road this winter. space will not permit us to mention old associat es left to write to him. stamped on the marl~in of ~ this Mr Innes is well known here, and all of ou r bargain s, but we ask all to In reply to the shower , he answere d page. If it is incorre ct we shall Father' s Day at l<~e rry was a great his many friends hope that he will give us the opportu nity to show you . each perllon and express ed his grati- be pleased to make ion. success last Sunday , 138 in the Bible havtl a very 8uccessful campaig n. John A. Funkey . tude for their r ~ membrance of him , 10'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _cor-rect _ _ _ _ _& School. Next Sunday , August 28, the primary classes are prepari ng to give a little playlet entitled , "Slump ski's Retreat ." This will btl given in connect ion with the Sunday b to:> School. The little folks will drive SIump9ki from the school. Every child in the commu nity is wah ted at Ferrv. Bible School at 9:30. Preacia· inlr services at 10:-15 . Evening services at 7;30. ifrl~talling The sermon theme in the mornin g will be, "Driving Stake!l in Zion," of . . Catering to the likes a~ne~s of the school children in WaYIIJesville the evening !ermon . "Rebor n Men." has been the best invl!stment tTl de during all these)gear~ by HlJman & Evervbo dY wet.:ome. Co. k
~:: t~f u~~de~~~the~f:~~t~~r~~:b~~ ~~~!c:~d
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Ii;:~:~:~I~;:. ~;o~~c~~e:~~~ ~:::~
fa:~~~~~~~:~:;~ :~:rS~~~~in~: GRANGE BUilDING
... --- --
O. W. ("Li s") Ham ilton has been e noao ed to take char ge of al my Harn ess work . '
Avoid accidents by
Our store has been the school f thrift to these scores of klddies, for it has taught 'that quality goes with ~ ce in real bargains, and It also taught them " -never to purchase without I0Wcing here first_ It has made them grown -up , customers in all the later years. . This season, as ever, we are showing a complete line 01 CJrildrm's School Clothes, Shoes, Furnishings and Supples. Study, t(le,e price$!
.0. .tj ...... ... -9Sc
t , ,.,.'." 51 .25
Boys' Shirts ,
tp ..
:3!;~~~(~~~~~~~', ,.,.,' Boys' Knee Pan~s, 98c up •.. f , .>..J, c
and for several minutes not a soul could be Been. The alarm had n'o t been properl y eet, therefo re the calJle for the ex· citemen t,
=:: ;;;; ;;;.______-----~--~-~, charged acciden tally, and then there wu fun for Se a'rs &' Cartwrl·gh t a few minutes , Every· body in eight lOuiht their homes,
\$2 ODs'
~&~y~tL1r~a~Sqpec*:.iiiaaJ.l.JBa.,QQIJY:!!~•.!!a~n!ldi·jG;ijtir~,J~s:.~'&IaIlM...e!'l&r.••~.~_~t'':V~:'8at1tJ.:e:.~.."....~ ... . , .'. ~ ..... '.. , . , .te~.-
Fr ed M. Co le
a gun and went back of the bank. For some reason Baird's gun was dis. I
Boy~! C~r9J __ $~&& 75c te,., ••w ... ... . ~ , School ' Supplie~-, Pen~i1~, Tablets, Ink; Paste, }~ags, Pen .. " Holders, P~n POlnts, Eve r. Sharp·.Pencils. ,
on your Auto , and a Two -Cel l Elec tric Ligh t bn your Buggy.
Wednesday evening , the burglar Hard ware and Farm Mach inery alarm at the Nationa l Bank went off and 8Cllred the people who were not Waynelilville, Ohio attendi ng the lawn fete. When ·the alarm sounded , L. E, Kemple went ~5~~~~~~~~~~ ~~:~~~~~~~~~~~ for his Bhotgun and Mert Baird got
Boys' Waists,
.- - - -
---.. -:
Bear Brand Hose, 60c values, Special
EASlERN STAR LODGE The Eutel1l Star iodp held a spe-
cial .-lon, Friday evenlDa, and con· terncl desNII upon two candl~t~. Tbere .... a Iaqre crowd PNl8llt to
wttnill the work • R01ll8 tOI'
Sale-le e McKean,
Miss Stella Daughe rty is in charge of office.
Tornado, .Auto· '"Fire,mobile , Life, Live
Real Estate, Live SIatlc
Stock, Accident
anda40Farm Pro~ny
~: iBuildlng Wa,De.vUle, Ohi o
- 7__~~~
The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.' 1 1l~1 It
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r,· lk r.
I hc .\ 111"1'11 '1\11 tlll ully I ~' \ ' r h.I,k h ltll. ht' wn ... ~llll1flln): by Jl "I" ~
111111 WI Hl ll
knCh'klll!! hllrll I'l l Ihr 1'1111"1.-.
" !'-it;'t' Hl~
k li ltl !If
(>t11 1 t1~·:'
:-o.:ltd tb. ,
UH'll\'O Ih"'lI:hlfll ll ),. ns 1110'
,1 1~
1I 111.1I' 1·~
wcnt hy Hud 110 nno CUIIll'. "\ h~' Hot
try Ll Il' (,"lilt (J,.or11! " U Yl' UU"'(I It'!-I ill $1~lIt /If tI lt, U11WI"
hilus,'. " slIlIl lI ugh hrl"II,\'.
tilt· rt" 'Il1 .
II "
..\[ 1:1'11, thllnk YUII, 1 h 'lIry." III 11 r · filII !'t Id J' lIJlh . .. ,\ h; IU ll t rh.l..· J'I."t"t ~ '111'1."
II.· /0:1'11 11" ] "h",·11'ully . tOil
:-olJ IJI'k
h Im u n th t.· ~ t411'
h,' .. aId 11/.,r r. ,I'
~1 ' r" ,"11
~II \ r
u n!
1 1 Wr\'~' , 111 11 1
1I 11 t li I ynu j'u n
I I " , I: 1'1 i",1 :t .. / 111' r,'" 'III, " I I,'a \ ,' .\P 'I , J , . ,1 1l 1'l1·h," h,' 1" "11111'1..".\ " 1 "" ,. 1111 ' ll,' ~ \\ I llp I f 1111' \'
:-- 11"111. Hlld
'1"" Ji ll_I I
tcIlIlHIT,\\\' - lf~
Il l' Ilt l' l t ·.
f :, ' l"! ,I: 111 ' 111 111 '
I h "1 1I
. ':ll'r:tf ll 1 JI ' lI 111 II1'Hll I. ytJll loIhll ll
~1 '1'I':\1I1 111l,. ,.
f"r th., (In·,..,'''I. it wlll."
:-I!lI w 1y ,
t 1..:
\I " I
\ 111 '
Ih , 'III."
:.·1'111 1111· ... "~ " '"
II " I·d
I'IHI 1: 1.' / ,.
"!'It, ·.' \1 t il 11 .1 1 , I'dlll 1\\ ),0"," I", "'nld III Ii ' ''' ~·III'Tj J·n~ \ 1/ , ',' "Till' dlrl ~ It, .,·h ,· [. , I I I ii 11 10" , 1 ( "HI "'~4, "
('" ~ :;1'1I 1 ,11l~ ,
hlll' k lif hI, hend.
IIUl t
~ tj'll\
f ew 1111IlUtC!i ."
In allence, they wal ted t ot' It.,r urrl \·ti!.
"lIlls(" IO\l'ol
''It ' ~
t HO (Oll.coy,"
II IJ~ h
PI·lIt11 mnnd.
lI HoU nil rO\ll\l 1
I.nJ,1n ..'1oo·s t-i uC'cr· the Slll'll Cl', n5 h~
In ~ \ (fI N' hrok e h, .. kl·(\ \' lllIllclI\,I'Iy II I lh ..
fru m r oom to r ooJll- }l(l(lnIOl"Q, .. t~ I"\'· " Il t s' Qunrters. o \' (>n tltP hlllJJr(\01I1.
llll ('r uhllvlon.
tn hr!,/lk In .'' II I' r,·Ir,·ol.,,1 II YIINI fl' ''l11 Ihr 11'>01'. Ihen. IJm ('1t11( his 5h olll l"'r. III' l·hlll'g,·.1 It once. An d Mlu th')or, u s B door, waS not. . . . ' n "llldly Ol e I wo III f tl "'I'tli
hllli plll'l' l'l i (om (II'{I 011 hlH (!Ict! Inlo
rOl'wnl'll , IIn ,1
u llrl)ns~ lou.~
"!'o you hn\'c IllOUght ilerore. Ht·llr)·... t'hIlCltl,,(! Pelurson. " Aml he nlwlI)" hohR up ,"JlUeh o'f. If )'011 take lilY IIII\'!('I) YHu'lI IInl8h him orr here nnlt 0 1)\\' , nnd
n u,
Mr • .
no rurUH~'r ri sks. "
" 1, 111 him wh il e It 's II nr.'n ~clou s l " Lnklllj;;lnn Inl\i;hcd ('\'Illy . . "No, Cn ri, no t un'ler nny r lrCIltIl ~ IU nt'{'9 what · ....·~ r. H ~ hn~ q tJJ t..:l n length y seore o I.n)'. /lIIU h)· OOll 1 hc's Irolnll to PIIY It II"~ Onw." li e s l('PI>ef1 ton\'n rd nn ,1 1;\,'1,"11 OrUllllllOlI(1 t wlcl' In the rlhp " '1(11 n (ol d. /llI ltonl tury. "W,·II. ,1111\'1 k k k hint when he's ,\"wlI. j/1I \, ·noT. You'll 'u \'o pl enty o'
Ro rn - T o \I r. lllIti Mr!<. J OIIH I:III~. t.on. " flno 1\11 1\. r lrr !(' " f O, l' lI 1"\IId" Lnklnl(lOtI 10010 up . Mr. nll,1 Mr .l p IIEI" WIti/II Mo ILUlI '~r'\11 n il I' flU I , J" III SIU IIlI." ho fI rl l\ u~hll\ r . MiR~ 1';111 1" 1, IItt OIl II"I\ th n s lIurl ",l. '<,. I 11I1"'h l Olld plelt ty ot Whlt~rr a r OU lli on. ' ''h io h WII M holtl tIUH: url ·or fi n f}t twr!-' tlt'l.Ih.1c tl tI:-I youug Ilr ~II' '<l lt o's IIn' rk . 1 1I~t l"ulI .lny . S\\ Inr." Ti m l·X·PII.III,,1 !II II I It mel un· lIlILrt ll' t1 - At Furr.v. l n6~ 'l'hllr ~oI n~ l..lll!'C llr t il 't.lr )iI:: tn"'lI f t l, hl Jt Iol.H Ill n o evrlll ll~ . il' r Atl fl ri(Jk !' pIIltr, 17. ~ " n o f more, flI l d It 'PI',11-! ppl l' r~o ' l who hrukp ~li t i lltl :,\ pll lt r , n lt~t .. f low" , /lilt! \11 ". Ihe ~1I1'1I('t ' . ~';" r ll h Wilnllo '1J . (IUtl ll h lHr fir )I' rnnk "\\' hnl I l n\ j'Oll t-lnlil,L! to . 10 wIth IV ll rfllow .• ntl lh .If I,' wn . They wi ll 1111 111" r ll~ ld o with I.h l) hrhlo 'lI (111rollt l< "LII ... h tl l1l1 lip like the (JIIl "r tw o," htluse next door, nod thl~ J)rll llltHtJ ll tl Mr ILIl t! i,lr H C h us Brol!'l ford . l'f"nlrl 1l d I.u I, IJlL"" t'IIl. "lIl1d ll'u \'e him dn ned torward. n OI t b o f l o wn . pnl e r t.llln OlI, ln .t S un to {"" t·1 l.• rdll I ~ (I t !1'\" l( to mOrrow, ".'top. YOII youn g f"(lI ." Ih" All h' rl· rI ~y, ~1I ·H"s ~" r lt h ntHl L n lll Rh o r . 11111 I' ll hl'llIt! hlltl 1'1\111,11 h... fufU I go. cnn shoutt'd. but he wns I" " I" II'. IlIIn{; h. of 'l'r l'l/o ln" . ,d ~o 'I'hotllpson f,.~ , r-I H e wat ched ]) nlllUl1f'ITlI1. nlludll g ; llIlt! JII' l lu ' k In hllu (Ill' a 11r': 1t'. ] "",...,.~ Bllwko r I\n (\ BO O, .I ohn . o f U",ytu n . li ke n 8001:. cross Ihe 10wII nnll <1I"'j \\,lIuld o 'l IIkr' }' tlil lint to kLl \\. wh ut I nn ull t' o torson. who IJIlH h UAn WII , )/,dl, \> 10 hll l,pl'n to hIm. AUUC- "Stop It, Lak lngton." H is Voice Wa. 8ppcnr lo th lrf'ol'~ . F or H "'l't"fln(1 lit=h esl tnted ; Ihpn. wllh n ~ltrll :: \I f -«lIl1rl' 11'1111 " 11 I. IWI ,,)'~ t! .. t1 ~hl rll'." n ~ Ste rn as He Caugh t th e Other's Up. poorl .v fo r "lim n ti m . 18 r op o rtod w o r en tit thi s wri ting. shoul ders . he rnl'lLlly Idl II", h"I1,,' h~' 11)1"1 ",11 to tWo , ,' till.' 1111 ' 11 ""n I HI,,~ raise d Arm. A lfroll ,Ionos nnd f,"u ih' m ovell tlle wIlY the s hlld l'u ter~.1. " n,l n f,' \\' I1l'nl'. "('Ill'l'~ lJllIi IlltI) lilY n IIltI ," li p SIlO cnme hlmost At or.fl'. n ,·!lln ln· fr om th o l' llrd 11\ f1r o Jl o~ tv . I "~ I mtnute9 Inter. Dnllllov llI (1 ' fo! (' fir' \\·0" onl en'd, " aw l lH oth~1' or r( 11i J,!e l th e ous·looklng b lnck gunrd wllh her. lind wo£'k. into 'th o h Ollsu \Vlt h h or par . eklmmlng hnck l oword ].01111"11. w illI rOI 'c," a gTlm·fucel l mnn at \.hl' wh, ·.. I. ,A 11. 1 10 0 It wu , Ihllt Al):~' 1.1JI1).!worlh OS sh o snw Hu gh sh e gll\'e n plll"ll o nt R, Will . SI, \ on s t·rl ckor n lHI fllnli ly. And th r owner ot the en r \\,n_ Iylll g 8nl t ']'c,liy ~111f'\III I' . wit h 1')11"\, rill(' littl e mOUD and belt! out her huud to .ilrs. J oo Av e y is on th e ~ i ok h ~ t In blis s ful nn ron 'clouslless III lite hull u n d fUI'.r Itl 1I1t-'il' JH.!Hr( !', \\'I,te'lI 'tl tile ltlm. ,J IlS W Ait v e l' Illll y ed hus eul\ l l wit h "Why did you com o, boy ;" she cri ed . of The Flltlls, Rurroun cled by B hllH a IJ mp ronn of Iildr Ipn''''r h~ ltI & Cllr· ~b e W .. v n osv il lo torulI,lIt, 1.llII t. phlOl\ dozen meo. r l".1 Illto Ih p ~I'tl lrnl 1'00 II Il. ,'wfllhed " Di dn 't you know It wna only II f or· I!lst i:i nnd ,t y . nntl Mllw Wil lie; p ln.yod wil,ll th o 1, ~ I JIlnon t eI\ IU ILt III rope, tlH' Y sn l n;ot !oul.. ~~ null 1m· gery-Uln t n ote 1" "All I was It?" 8uld Hugh soWy. Leb aoon OHAPTER X POI nt. Itt Ihel r I'~,tl,·<· ti \' e r l"lirs, while t ltt',\' Wll1dlf,ot l till' sO llle lu·Ocl· ... s "W 118 ,tt;1jldeed 7" Mr . nod Mf8 . Wlllkrr A u s l.i n 01 In Which the HUn Na tion Decre...ea be lu g IH' l'l'ol·me.1 Oil 11 1·\lI ll ltlOUti. He "Ar/. Int e rl's tlng poin t," murm ured Eleot,ro, 'feXtl8, nrrj ye d Im '" Hundf by OIlLI.Bklngtoo. "Surely If a churlUlng Illrl for 1\ w e o k'~ v is it. wit.h rolJlt.lves h e Te \\'Il ~ no Itl'lllltell r nt 11w glllllO, \\'u ~ tho Is unabJe--or unwilling-to wr ite her· r O I H ~·\\' ln dj' r, tlud IIy t he lim p IH' hntl ONE fin l' lH'tI. ilu g il n'" <·ud"l·t! ""dlillg " 0 self t o her n nn ce. her fnlll er Is a Drumm ond hn rJ yl c ld ~il t o ImplIl_ n llil' h liS n I lr, ' I, ·... ~ lirowTI Il lllJ II IIlY . v~ry nble I)p.r on to s uppl y the defl· Ih .. hll"'l. ,,1l.powerf,,1 ImJ'lIbc of lilly 0 11 1), Ill s 111·",1 \\'11_ fl' '1'. 1I 11 t1 Ill ut I" II~, I clency. E ~ pc c l n ll y If he hn ~ hren kltHIA hOllrfWo \'ol('c
ll ult.: IIt'I ... r ,"
rrom ULe
funnl r d IlI' lpl l ·..... I.,·. 1 .1I1\ 1 1l ~1VI1
\ \ 11
To seal In the delicious Burley tobacco flavor.
It's Toasted
~ Lr~:~~f.1~~
( ,\t'"
I II ~
111'11 1 II \lP1 1\i:CII w ale on
ll ll l ,r u\'e:i y Ul II' I I(· H \It~·, 1I11l1 twxt {Inll' y o u' ll g(~l I Wo. HIIiI n I-fll~ U~ welL "
f rtrt.lo gn·atly
" 11 ,·\\, '" Ih.· .\11\1'. YOII h" I'I' II,h' hi t ot dl"l'l! ?" n'I II:lrl;:t·tl ~\ I ;.;y 11I :-Olll t (llgly, nud T V]IY 11111 '1 1I·d. " I h,,,' t ~I!:lkt' hi s IIl'rv ', Alh~' ," he fHII ,lnr, ·\ !. "Fur l tH" til' ~ '- lilli e In ht !'J H1t ltr 11ft' h · f(\ph; ~u re 111 t h o !"II IIH} I'p ill!\
IJI' l' r ll l' IlH\IH'C
W t ·I1J','!Itj..( ltf It. Iw 10 :\1~ .\ 's (·llItir. "\\"'\1 . •' IIll I I1IJ'I ' ~' , " h u 1' (' 1IIH r \((o(l , "on? ~(lIJ j.:" C,lng t l ' I f)" ~) ttH1tlnh llJ.!uln1" I tu p lt'k\.'d 11 }1 Illp I' hl nH" l' l' o~· 1r141 p r1 4 1 ~ hl ): ' \\ hlp Ir ln ~ 011 ti ll' n,)jH" nlHl
t or n tllllt,: I h"'11. s trollt'd
ly c-nd o w pc l b y Nature w ith n
U ug-h.' ·
Till' tllllllt !4(,,'l1 lt't! to Illlld dl.' n 1.11 1;:· I n ~f pl1.
\\ ho '::1 11'~1 1I ~ Ui'!'O .. ..: t)w r UII1lI III HI lu:--I ,I'oI :-:h w lall' ()\"'r til " fUf ·f'. Hut
s ixth (,111 110 ~ '. I In 'II· HlIle tilt· IIt·ll'I ..,~ ~ ,·1I1I1). Ihu ll J.:'h t i le ''' Plld WIiH ~11't~ alll!111l 1\0\\1\ I n~l lIt' ill!oI cull: l r . lUI" e\'{"', "Il l !!l nlld ," 111 , 1" ,' 111].:,
O' ' ' 1l II f t l'r 1110' f l' l'lIl
II !t ' t tlll :--{' Hf t lu· 1"f1\! 1If.! 111111 \ In fr'on t I If'
111m \\ lllLu lJt It Ij l ll\' ''r. Hfld, li t llI :o(t . ld IlD·'I'lf IlIipr rPII\"1, ~to ll I t L lIld llj.!t o ll." II I .... \· l ll ... \ wn i;
p {#1t ' I"" " 11 "
fi,I Afli ,.I ~,' II
l it '
IIrll l.
ot hr r's lll.·
!'Hu J,:'l lT
l hl'
"Th ut's
I'nnu~ h
(or the
li me." ,: , 'I' n
.": ~I "l1 11 ll~
ff r~nk ·
~{l pe l a l
opl ltucle r,,!'-('I'-Imllullllg wl·ltln)!. "But II I I I~ pl" "S~S. AIIlI I dUII' t wunt to If" wl lll'lIlt lellll.l/o: you II IItl lll p.bout Ill e jlI'O ~ I ·n lll . Cllptnln Drum· motHl. V II (I)!'I UlIlIlPly hOI h Mr. I'el c r· 80 11 111111 I 1I11\'e to l e !lv~ you fo!' 10n Ight ; h ilt W I' ~hlll1 lJe r~ l urnlllg t.... llI OITO\\' 11 "'1'1 .1"11 n·. ot lilly n ile. 1 sllu ll. r "ti wi ll hI' lef t In c horl(e or H elll rl cll- ."oll n 'ul elll" er the IIIIl, l' lJochc ?-wll h wh om you hn d wo rds the ol h~I' ul ~ ht. As )'OU IIIfty "x p<'(' l, he en le l'llIlu " fe elings of "rcut fr1 ~ n.l· "hlp nlld n(fe~lI o lt fOI' )'ou. ~ o you sllould u ot Iliek for uny bu,lI ly co m· f orls. SUl' l! us ntllY be i>"s~ lhl c In your "I'e sent souw\\' hut crumpet! po~i tl on . The n tomol'row, whell I re lurn. I propose to Iry n CPow eXlJel' lnt cnl~ 011 yu u. nnd. liI " ugh I fCll r you will lind thl' lII [111111(111. It ·s !\ gt'eHl Ihlng to s ull'I!r In tHO "allso or ~clelll'e . . . . You will 81· " Bye Ii n\'e the Rnll~ (uc llon or Im owl ng tll nt (h'nr IIltl ... I'hyl1l~ will be we ll enroll f or." WllIl a sullden. QUl pk _c. mo,oenlt' nt. he seized the girl w&(l kt sscil hcr before she rellllzed his In. tentlon. The r ope round Dru mmond Cl'eaked os he strugiled Impotently. Bud I.oklngton's slIee rini fnco seemed
NEWS GLEANED fROM COURT HOUS~ ('ommon /' 1""11 Coort Ne." Sulbl ~ F . I!:l h .. " \ ." H . K Ellfnhllrt, For IIl tl n,' .I' . ~V ll N
il ll g.
Ik"\' lIn !! VH ,/u o. \V . Bow F ur di\'o r cIl.
Proba te Court Proeeedinp In I h o tnHtt.fl t' o f t.be As tde of C b tl ll ,I. Wllllil o o . d oolllued. loven. lu r y flI nd. ltl Ih e mn lto!: uf the e state of BI ,lin ::; 0 0 11 , tl ooo rrsod Inv en t o ry tiled. In th o t11l1ttor o f t he est,ate of B. ti . •l nr,l ulI .,leo"IL!!9u . Al o n ? . [Jurna aplJnint.{\ti tu hHe nu tho dut.les of C lint W"tkinK liS IIppmlsor of this eRtate. III t h o U1 lltte r of t.h e ~ 'Ilte of v~. Am oli ll ::-<Ie k o r rt .JoellsOtI. Wlllter A. l:ileko r is (' ''(J oln tod ex'\outor. B<lnd " ,WOO. W pgh t Billkley, Vbllrles llr"hutll 1111(1 A. M S wa in IIPllOlll ted o ppflHslIr s .
to swim In 1\ ret! gl ow. "That Is Quite 10 keeping, Is It n ot." In the wl\ t ter of the eet,ate of .•1. h e snarle d. ~'to ,k!as, the Indy. nnd to C . Burler , decoased Mary V. Durley
to Plant No.2, TbJa perPll" tU rlce reduction 011 thle dre from 16.65 to tll.9ft, No sucb villue bu ever before been offered tire Ulen. If your dealer hasn't the Jura· Size In atock a;:k for our Standard Non-Skid type ilt the lI11me prlce. You wiJ1still be iett!q an unuaual tire "ulue,
Pb'estone flnt made the low price of ,U.95 on the Standard Non-Skid,
May 1. Unusual purchaslna power throuQh bli& volume of business, and the Ilreat efficiency of Its $7,O",Ooe Plant No.1, manufacturlna ucluslYely aOx3~ 81~e. made this po88lble. Now, the production of the ExtraSize aOx3 ~ tire hal been tran.fel'red
Cords That Don't Blow Out year - It,.,
11I,Ht and mUea. Illld the tires atill ..trona, See your Firestone today. Name below,
You feel secure on Flre8tone Corda, Because Flrcetone Cords don't blow out, Your repulr man wllt tell you he hasn't seen a bl"wout this past
wns empty: nul n ~nt)n d .01110 be henrd In t h .. hOtt 'p. FIII"II )·. finly Ule (llnltli room rt'l1.ulw ·(I. 1It1~ 118 they s tood by the d"ol' look In!! round . Ule Amerl cun s h lflrd hl R r h ('\\"' Ing gum to n tlew point or n\[](JI~e . "Somebody hns h('('n ro u ll h · holl~IDg by Ute look of things," he N'tllUrk"d jlldlcln ll y. "Looks IIko a hoo1.1111( Ih'n Btt r 0 thick ni ght." "Jt does." r murked lIu gh I!rlllllr. tnklng In tlle di sorder ot Illr' r""·n. I TIll' tabl ecloth wus P'U11 .. d "rI'. Ihe tl'l rphnne Iny on t1tn noor. Ch lllll Duel I glMs. sm ashe d t o pl ecr'S. 11 \11''''d 110.. enrpet ; hut whnt c'l ugilt hl ~ "y • IIIHI (''11I1 &'d him slIddlmly 10 N'O ll rOI'\\ "I'll ! nnd pick It uP. WIIS n pl l1111 1'i1"'I" o~ gln ~s with n bln ck N)r \ 11111\( 111'<1 10 , It through n smnll holo. ' uA1srY L·o ngworth's rY'·l.:'ll1.~";." he muttered . "So h c's IW~1l ' /llI d " luO." And It wnli 0 t thnt 1110111. '11 I I het!. c1"lIr nnd dls~!nct tbroll!(h Ille "111 1 B"cnlng a ir. they Ileil rd ' II \\,ontnll 'c B I!OIlI~ed scream. It 1:"'''1' rr"" 1 II,.. '4 verrone
extra Si3e 30x3~ f16~
Mr . .I,'hn Fl . 1I·' l'I l1 n . o f W illl'tng. I.UII . 1M th o gnt·~t "f hl ~ d 'lIlf~ ht. (J r. ~ ' r(l[1 L1ndt l'" B . W. Ii p lol t, whll hll ~ h oen "' \,0 1\(\ tu J.( h lH vn cll illlll h ll n '. hil S l etu rn etJ tfl h ll! h om o 11\ ( ·h lrlllg n. . (lor h aorl nt tenllfll\ I he 1",,"1 ftlKt i . v .. 1 li t Wuyn oHv ll ltl . W ml1It' "'\Il V . o \' e ninl{ o f IlI tl t, wetl k . 1 .~.l 'O tr p trm \tEl R g on e t·., I'tltllHky . Mi ch . to u~c "pn h" y f " vet·. Mr . ulI\l Mrs . Frtll,k H I'av"H. "f Dn ~· t ll n . llntll\ lr . E11111 Mrs. It . l{ nfWII" n l X"uiu. SpU DI l" u tlllll Y wi th ..' In . tivt·. h or o. Pro f. ~tO (Jh ~ 1I8 and famil y WOr<' ~u" 'ij I S o f r {i I '''lv[\ ~ uO llr HI II"llo l' '' IInLl Wilm ington. llist wuek . MI ~. KII t.hll TI nil ~wn n ge r . w h o l li' ~ iloo n \, IHlttng h uru. hUA r ot uron(1 to Iwr h" lU u 10 \'Vil mingt(1 n Pwf. .\ nlt.ma II. li r oo n ll ('o nn t,· RII}J,' rill t nm\ l.I n t IIf "ell·.lI l• . Dl Ot wi ti, Ihl! C1l1 lz" n s of tll o ol. lI\lllnnlt y. Wetl . nOR't..y OV e nID I{. to <Ii _o u,," t h e s ch oll l BIt.un II o n. Mr. find Mm BUlllbl n "POll ' II 1111 rl o f Itl.t w o.'k wilh frio n J " In Allams ullII Piko onnutl 08. Tho lln n<1 f s tiv ul W Il " Il sU" oo~ " A Ilu ge or owd wu" pr. AP n t 1111,1 I.b l' prooeed8 um o u ut ",l t il * 132 Tit " preso nne of t·lle Wtl~' nI' A l'i ll o IJI\nd and fTlend s W I I ~ h ig hl y Ill'l'fII ,111 1011.
gain Reduces Price
1Il0 1ltli .
of l'()II ' \ t. r~:lllull , t'n l'lHl n 1 tr,\IIllIllOJlO." hI' r,'"' IllHI·!.,·' 1. " I . 1I~ll lle It." II II~h ij lurccl Ilt 01" Htrll<t)r III , I· '"
Tlw ve ins f'toot\ out 011 I )rllIllrLlonll't4 fOTI\hNU l fi t t h n menU " !1 ur I1lt' ~1r' 1. hut otherw ise h e KJlH~ no ... 1~1l: urad,
''I'1I1 /0:01111;
(r" ,,,' r o n tl n lJel1.1
1.11 I" "Ir-
"A cr' ·I.t my C<)llgrilluluIIDIIS." he ""1<1 li t I(·nllth. tn II l ow \'olc\! whkh. (\~~J)II(l hllllseit. shook n 111 11('. "Y uu II r(' t h(.' 11 !'HI Ulnn who hilS O\ ' o r dl.ll'" h.·r ; Ih"11 "I,,· dh'lj 'I"'ured ~u'llir·n l y. Ihnt. illld 1 ij llllll trelli'lIrC Ille nWI IlO r)' 'If Ihll t blow." u !'( If .; nll li· l lv d fiWI \ Y hy [;jlll11e 11I\"I~lh l o "I'll hutu it to be n 1mw ly 1tll~lI1o ry," r,1)'''11 11 . "I'1ll '·' lmln).!', tinrllng," lit' lan d given r emn rk ed Lnktllglon. "!';o IlI're' flll · onl' wlill I'lIlltlt. nwl hu rlf',1 hlm s~lf '1th"r. to kcop It COO.l!,IIII),." Ap lin he stntck him. I hen wll II II Inll}..'" he thl'lH!,:h tht! ,fluor whkh lell Into t he !I 0 11 ' I.' frl)U\ tJ ,C ,wrl1,'u. A c1llzzllllg t1lm!'(\ on hi s hl.'l·1. " M y cOlll plllll llnt , IlLrhl I)f Inl 'lI"l' urllllulIN! 1",,1 shon\! t n ~lt !ol,. Ih'n1on." h e :-mld '" It IUflU In hi" (:l C,'. 11I(ltnt·t11l1rlly blill ill tll( him; AWII'IIn l( n l'nT lit!' 1100r. ""nil n"k he r to be "fw.H.l P1l011Kh to , ' OUll' I I uWII tor tll"11 hll '} (".,tlll· U f'l't1 ~ lItng blow f \ll Lh
1."urll !ll nw, · dod", '1 1 I'1I1''' U.,- th rplH: h t lh..· llu"'I ,,·~ vn I ll~ \\ ny i " '!"Ih' Ln rt h.· .. ;
" 1" 'l'hu ] '~
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l ',d ,', I d ~ '""", t l,- 111'\ 11 I •• '1"1 I I I 1:'1,'" \\lIf, d·t· ,\ ltlll ' I l t ' , \\:! r1 i1II1': , r ,1 I" L ' : d. : ' ... ' " I :1-! I, "", J ', I 'q': ',', ," ". 'rl • ! I ,, ! .l.l. , ,!llI'''! 1 :,:1\: 1" 11 I'd 111'I1 1"!. " ' II I' .. I \ ' , ,_ 1,:1, : I, I .,' It • I 1"1",1111 ,,\ " 1",\, 111 L! hdta'r, Illy I'rlt'n d -:" \" JI II t'r) i' ';'11 ,.r , 1'\\, :r \1,." rh ,· 1I ,' r (Ir tl j H w,whill': ~l11l l t·, L uklllbt' lli lu hl t he J i ll I 11 .1, lh:11 j, \ \11"': .!d" " -rll l , ',' JIll • \l1l11t ' ''r .,11 II 11l1 1h' l'hJ~ e hy .
"1\ 0 1 you, (Ihl ~f'ln , 1r ~ I r. Ilrt 'lll1 \\"; 11 cornt.\ l"11 h(\ "l·lI ~h l, · d : hut 1 W :lI !!
hi . h.'DeI In nt Ihl' ,I,,'r "Cur lwn\ Ai r . ] \ ., Y"l1
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grln lln .·,1.
lIu ~ b
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Flreatone Cord Thea .re bel•••• 14 at loweet price. I. cor. tire blatOrJl Mll>t-Sl •. 50 3l&&-lc..3t UdH -IN·9t
F. 0, Hawke, ) n· tribut Kilpatrick-FrenchMotorCo.]" ~ ors iH I.l ['pointfl<l EJ( ooot.r lx . A . I, li on. I f SG l!5 ; E" r( Sp e lloor . trip t il l'o Jmu n OH, R . M . C nnnlU ll lillni. aDd d 11118, 1 6 .::17. Uutufv r d lire Ilppo iuteu nppralstlrs. I n tli o ruatt o r uf tlt e UH t~l tO o f Llzzin l:ow'''I. uec8a sod . E III~ H . Cowao Is o ppo lnt.e d (lxoont.>r. Bo nd fl r,oo. .Inn. Mo KlUuey G ~' Brow n IItHl K ll rl Bro wn 11m ~Jl (lu illl. o d I'p. p rtliSOtS.
{ Wayneaville Waynesville
OOM"; f ur Heut A I ~ ,) wllrdlng h y lh o wook. Nte,. luolI\ luu for . oh uu l p up ll ~. IIIr.. .IIOrt! Huokelt. Thtrll tit.. WtlVDI I~v tl l , ·. Obiu. 1I :!4
IIlarrl.,. Llte~ R e llr v Roan, RestllorILut Pr op . Xe nia , '0 . lind Dora Mll oll l\f ool'n.
l'AUlt:I GR~~EN III lillfllwllr u tltore. W,'yo esvlllcJ. ()hlll. s7
~' r(Jo kli o .
Barry W, P'I OO. plinrlll[lo ts t.• MM . Inn . U . Elnd Miss l:Iern ioo E . P"Uor. son , Lflua u n n.
E lHn~ I 'l""
F. III .
( :. , l fI ·~
". wit h l:l Pi gs. A. B. 2 Unr llo Hll·1"' lIIilt' M WUHL o f Wayn6llHO ~ I· II .
Rca l Estate Trantera L ydi .. ::;i m o nt.o l1 t.o IdOl A . Lol'. p llrt. of Int Nil (, 1 in LeUn Bo n . (.1. O "CAr no,1 Ern m n. li ow a n l t o .l e~ II" flu.1 IrllI1l1 Plll n tll r . In t Nfl. 16 in (;olu S vrin ~ ~ Cll m ping (1r o tlod~. 1;1. ,I eH80 nn,1 i ronll Pllluto r to Mrs. ./ . M. C bnmplin. lot No L6 In Cold S llt in gH CIL IHptn g Urou ndp. Odour 1I0 d Emml\ B o wl\td to R ny D. lind l:Iaze l Jan e P"lntllf , lot N o. I ii io Void Rp rln ~s (Jll m pioR G ron n d. Elmor (\OJ N At.tle '~oger~ to L es
0 11
It . U . ·1. W ,ynllJ\vlllo. Ohlu . M7
1 fIll.lll h " l;. i.llroo RUWS and H lIl-:"IILll!! ( \,r HIlIIl. 'L'h urobred pi/o{ ~
IOllllld ubl nn .
J . W . UOlwh .
(l~ COHN . D. 11 . tlllli ~ bury, pb,)Le :H-;!. Wllyn lls vlll e, Uhlo . "31
Antl.UIr,ra: Lonll The MaoBelh fur "",Iu nt M. Col,,', ~' rlld
bllrdw"re sture.
nores In Wayn e lind 3 0 Pu rl'. bred An 00 0 lit Lilying Tow n M hlp~ In Wnrron 1:I0nll. oN . N. ~e"r8, W uy. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nosvilll' , Ohill. 1131 Co nnt.l uR H. Wllll~m noel Ln.oret&a Miller t o O W-- Fresb .I " r "IlY Cow... go.,d .1 10111\ nntl AU. CUIYII"O. 125 flOro s 10 rmlk er. InqulrO o r Lo8ter Ken \\'I\ A hin~t o n Twp. fl. t:\ortHin L Settlemyre to Lewl M An a d . in this column i ~ a ~ure Rule r lOk. Il . U fi , W".vuo~ville, Ohio. a31 ( :e lltorville ph on e Ii 2- 3. flDd Blauoh Kiphllrt.' nb ' ut 50 ocre" In WaHhingloll TWl). 11. MONEY LOANED ()R -~ -O ld Coro. gouu, 1 Dent ptlr puunt! . R. ~~. t!lmklD8, R D . 2, Comminloners' I'rocfledln&. Orollollin. Ohio. ,3L Billd allowed :-1'he Bllrrett Co . supplies, 19 1l0; Colnmbus BlBOI, 0rllrt. Honea; one 3.year.old, has 800k Co. r eoulpt bookH 146.75 ; J o hn. been worked; ooe :l, yellr.old; son and Willson,blook boo It", .2100', hut h gUl.ltl 0lle8 Illq !lIre of O. o. Bllrrett Br08 Bilm e. 111i.OO; M·'unt Itiok ll. R . D. 4, Wl\yneavllle, Ohio. "nu Montgomery. ine premiam .al '1 8. 90; OilY tOft State B08pi tltl, c lothInR Wu.rren V a. I n tn\tee. ,{)05 80; TERRELL TERRELL, 500B08h ol8 of Co rn , hand lIorted Ohio Bospital for Epi lilptl o8 slImo. 'l' 0 1 loqolrl' of Bllory Nleohere, W "78;10; W H. Hobso n outtlng weells I LUlllgton, ., p lone 301. tt. 1.). 1, Waynesville, Ohio, ,,:u U 4. IO; D. B . Bnder-son. bridge reo pain. '27.00; Wm . t:ltlll, tltonn, ONEY I~ oa ned on live etook. UPS-Fox'l'errlers IbleB, 'Ii; 1-27,00 : Jl\ok Woodwarrl Sllme, 1 25 60 ohattels, also aecond 1l10r'gBge~ . femBles, luqulre a' t!aw. l:Ienry Bishop. K. aod B r epa irs. N'lies bOURht . Joho Harbin .. , Allen yer'd Wayne Marke' 6 .4. 22 f7.45; Oregoni" Bridge (;0 ., ~tee l. Building. Xenia Oblo. PrinneOu.ItDeutlngStove, 1 WalDn& HI69,76; L . R. Adam s. palntlog Corner CUphOIU ,I, 1 Uood MoVlbe, bridges. lali 00; Jaa . t;weeney . h,bor. WANTED Cbeap If 80ld tit onOll. IDqolre of f[1.10 ; Olyde Slmpklos. furDlshlng &IrK Mabel DinWiddie, Waynesville, and plltng stone. 11 27711 ; Nap BI\I. Ohio. a24 .A Ilm. er.· .110u,OO; CIII! Jameson.8.8IUo. ,92 2 A r R Atti!! 8 ' M d WANTED--100 FeedinK Bogs, . o. . . , . I UP ' , an CIlII pbone Hill, t..ehllnon, 01110 . TRUNK: for aal o Inquire of R . Payroll. 144u .?6 . Elmar Cramer, a24 Mr.. ... ItS, Ho04er8rlD WILY, SlIwe, 11178 . 25; l, P. Miller, 8IIme. ne8vllle, Ohio. 824. f 80 116; . Z~ln Armitage, oontrlto,. ANTED '1'0 BUY-A or 15110.00 , Ch.... Cl1llahlln and J 0 (1, Tobaooo Stlekt. IDqulre of 13. Reynoldtl. fnrnl8hlng and pl\log d ' full Receipt Boot, pooke' ' IIlze and on 11004 paper . 'lbe stone, 124.7.80; WIlber Edle, 18m", O. Benkle, R . 0, Ii, Waynesville, ':} 12' __ ' . _1111111 GIIZeUIl ' J:i7-tf 1214; Jaa Young, haul!Dg gr8"el, OhiO.
OlassiB8d Ads
Money to Loan on 2 Farm Land for ten years at · 6 per cent.
The Miam i Gazet te, -Wayneavine, Ohio.
GA Z E TT E.... t
Un t,he f r ou t pA~:e o f tb o Obio e (li · l Ii !"II'-":I" ,J M tl on o f t h e a t ioDIlI t ookm UD, dllte o t r,o I' ) .. , r ,1'd'It '''' . '1 'if HI ',- ... I AU ll l1ftt 20t.h, lir e tho plot o l'el! ot Mr. ' l. ' ~' lIEI) EVE I Y WJo:D NE DAY \ dtHlf1~I.fI.f·I \·'ll h .t vn h , n aDd Mrs. Ohas E d wllrdl!, two o f ou r , \ . ' 1luI' III 1 II., I flll~ flf lr. ',nd i\l ~ w el l kDow n oltiUlDS . I Mr . 11 1111 Mr " P r o.v Ronso n and \ • i\ t f t . r .,\1 ~ I f Will .\i r . lin/I M r~ , ~'rtll.k :-.11 III " ,. 1 lIf rs. llaou ah I{ ,a h "tlJl To u' llln~ O . 1.. 'l' AN F, I: di tor nll el j 'lI bli, II(!. '''-. 011, ~o r !lD, 0 nan r uy n e8v e , very se r io usly il l WILh le \ \ a~ Ill " ill, O ll i ll d e d -IJU I. LR I~ t h e f un {\ r ld II f 1111'1' II' 1<' 1u.L1 oh llu ' \11. ,I , r , Il, !'r't lYo r o SU lldllY I! n {1H t~ of t h ol r p u ren's t o be t>e tte r ' '" I' "~f , u'rHt . ]\ltlu ug 1)0 htor,l D I )H\" t lJ lI , l )p·f 1,.,.,lj ' k t" ,',' .1 i I ' M , r " ' \ flU ti 1, 1., Mr , 1' t . I~d ,. , It e ilMu ll , of Ells t l "" ~ ~ 1'1 I~ S l/Io~ cr i()t i llll I'r il 'c , $ 1.:,0 ppr Y'IIT I Con,I co I ' ,'''_ Mlilu blrCilL I,. ' \", I IId,l (l1<! lo1 , • . ()l l r Mrs. Ch tlflty ' P PC, Hu.rv oy 'Il ,JI' L'LI lol o ,~a t , ,Iolle p ll Z Olll fll), f'I', ~I ,M' I' /. ,'01, .. 1,11 i'. II 1 01 , Ga o M :", E\l , l\ ,. 1 1 I ~ :, h 1\,', i I t ' 1 .. 1 .... . .. \ j . ,I ' i k g ' " IUtl Ze ll tnlYfl f l \r :\ ~llIl;~ It \~ "' I Ti l:" Ip< ' II )' H I' " I'o~ l s, WaLe , 1,11'.· . · Uur n- To Mr. lIud Mr H. H llrry I' rO llll w r ~ I I II \A,11 It II \. "I ll .... :-. \ ..... 1'1 ' I II I '. " Ill e . ,,~. wee . h" 10 been VIHI IlI,:'; I h ' .1' II I" I" I" (. ~ ",. /.,',1, . , ' Ilydor lin KX ' I'" n lld buy I " r; I ' Mr s MIlY Kayl or hn . heo n Oil tho l:I " wllo lind f,\l1ll l . /I ll " ,"11 I ,, 1. 11 I 1:1111 " :, l1 d :-)(' I · 'cX" " er~ . -=-=- ----. u . ~ I ok JIs t f u r Ruver .. 1 dill' _I (hlr IlI\sH bllil trll lll p !"y.,,1 J M o nnt . .\Ir. nud ~Ir , . . 1 ,lo " 1... 1., I l p lly til l t1 Hllr grou o "~ 'o oll r he ro" , Mrs. (/ r lloe A ilir ie h :-iel ll'll .llt( 'ul. '" ved 1I1t O Ilt u p' " p, rl) II I ~ ,', w1·: 1IN I,: 'Il" Y. i\ I Jl ~ 1I. "l' :!·I. I ~(!I ';uuduy ·uILl'rn uo o, ~ n J o o'r Din e , lforDla , III IHJIl a s hurt V1 .. 1t w,I·II .\looLUdll i::U1 e ri ck . OU'UII uut viol a ri o n ' . 1 eOI~l(l ot her '(lu n y fr lonuM liMe. Oil _ _ __ . • Fr,d ay o f lu ~ I w eek. )'I'lIr,; "t.:U ~1 1~s L ou u" !\I." "UIlI. rp lu'l 11 ;1 I' . :; I,raw a ll rl r ee d. . Mr lLn d M r M. . ~Hnr y Burk ti. of wll ~ o tt h o Wtf, 8 k n own Llt\ (;rt1('u Alt.I~ :--iI H H l uy , Hoftt'r II pl l'u -."ut \' I:o'it H 'OIl • t P in l"o vI 'n M11 1l. , w,' r o tl lllldl\ y ~ U O!j t.iI o f rl oh, s b e t l a~hL 1" \\ I • 1'1' II I 0, '''1 ·1 11 ' II • _1'11 00 1 I" ' ,e flllol h ., lll o of 1\l r U ,!r V"I' I\', ld d n " ," I ." ., ' .. " ,.,,' .' I' " I " 11'11· I, ,'1 Mr Alrl,'01 ~Alw llrd H . ru uLlo lif e .loll g frl e l] I~ . S ht! "a, lI C . rUllllly , III 'J"PP" " lI n,,,' ( ·It y . , I ' " , • lo r II II'~ H.."I . li t I h oir ij or. ill l o u , oom paDi e l1 by ~r -; I"" I'", . F lll yu A mle r 8'1II. ~1 18S L lJ uI ~o \\ 1)111 11'." l> I 'll \ I ' " ~"I', I I ,.,,'IUTl1uv 1111:111,1 1111 c r t' dl t 1,1) t h e m. u f Xeoia . ' 11 '1 I' "\ ' I' , IS mil k i ng li n e XI ••:t, h'd \'1"11 \\'1"1 I' . I 101 ,,, .,. , '. ""Iv,'~ II o rl h Vllo r In Ib o t,o wn wilh , BIII' A you b El"rtl o f M08e DII\\'~ OU'~ I I II r g ran.l pH r olll . llpl'f'. ", I' .. II I I ~ ' '' ' ''.~ ;'''~ I : 'I III01 rlllll slf' , lIl"lh1 I h e~~ nnl ortaln l ru e lo npli t c h '? Y o ucnu n othul' I~ I h e r h o l{ r " ~ wid un" ' rl ll lll llio I:" h~ 11 1' 1< '1''' 1 mPllt· " f I I;" ~ II"~ I • . ] Jl<p t ° t'IJlIA l le a at I(lell o f It - fnll ,·1 ," 011 '.1 .... ,1 1'" o f wII I" TlIlf,loIlA (\f Lyt l o~ Dndtly . ~e' II\,u l. ·1 1I' ~1 ~ dUI' · , ., ,'" , :" ~l; r o ~ Hllll'" Hn fll rl"I' '''11 Ir1l1 t l A t~ e tlr Ilod wus krll "'1 " 1,1 1, .· 1,1 .. ",1 "I , olODtf, se con(l t o n Olle (ill· u V6 uiJJK, u n \1 )1' (" b urch 1,1\' n t . I., tr ill . " I ) " " : I h . , 1.. ,, 1,\ II l'l~hl~n n "\ 1OO' 1'.1' WIll 1,~' ~I'k ~lIp pllrlln K' I CtLll n n him , Il t h i@ \lll l l'h n "lll • 1 I ' l\rs lt oheccaU IiI " I' ~ I I I I" II\' """'11: :',. 'oi l ( UCll 'I on , R 'd 1 d ' D ' u @(l II 1.1 ' I J IO "III I ,,, ". n "(' I1'1'" "' .'1 i I ,,, ,, 111101 . ... . ·'1· II WII s "v .j ., . I g e r OIlC, uu get. te Bst 111 0 . . """", I ,,,, II 11-. III ,kin !; li n ('xl pll ,I, d ,' 1, ,1 II I . I n ;1' y o u lL ,''' 11 ' 'Il( OUIl . p OM<!lbl e t o gr o w . Ilnd fit th e ~IIOIlI1I1~e is hl,lIlo o f h., r u" u ~l! l or, i\lr ~. ,J l liu 1:1 . .11 1 ' II' II'~ ' -' ""111:11' - fr,·\' . ~Ir . lIlld \1 r. I\' W . W1 1yo u le n I tim e rocelvll oo urt·eous tr l'u tlll ., , . e DL J Oll e s IlIlU hlll ily . by lIul o, H" r dll>' IIflur li n'Jn . fo r I " I I'. J ... Ii"l,,) ,\ , 'J., '!' " lc-oI v. 0h lo . 11 11 P ·I\ ' ,' I' . ! 11 11~ Ii! pnhll~ I"', 1 fo r 1111 VII 111110 t o r OIl "lIl Te lep ho ne 76, rin g .1 . ' h" r hl"lor), And " beir h OIl'" illl nL. xill~I' U II , \{v, afte r 11.10 s l orrn, la. t week, WtL~ Ihu No w Y " r k h l~h 1":,,wlI pr1nt " II fll ~. I I ".t 11l ,, "el "11("hr,, , l' fUDk ::;m oR,li fln l] l ulllily lIl o \' (,,1 It!l 111 11 11 0 k lle p n" l ,I tw o. wlln k H \'isl!, ", 11 h I h e l ~ pnre nty bigges (I~toh 11'0 111 \\ .. _11111 ,::1.011 I.hlll. Hn ll r y I ho ~ 1· U fl v o f t h r.1II t t~,lD g uf th l3 klo d tlt,lI t 1)1l ~ to )lrll HarluD .. lI l'l' lIe ri y , IIL"I w, I·k ut II e C I I o ld e r oltlze DS oan r eoflll , \\ ashl u!; I,'ort! \\, ,, ,, lill.l " p01(1nl,luliL y I" ti,l . Joseph Byers o f l ' rhll DIl r erontly I (l n r f1~M I !{rll ll t I' lIpl ll ln o f i11l108. M' e D TIl : , I'oull t r y I." hI! Ho rr o ll Hl y rll u kun nll LI·Y. O ll llmnd ur e VII fl,way our r Oflds and the "Iect ri e" I , \'i;l ted his oDul ~ aDulluu l., 'Mr . 11 0,1 , 0 IIIJ ()T I Ill. " . r 8. Ml\r y ~1.O()Jl~, III 0 ti ll r o ( Mrs . PllTt of It WIl! frlgh t e ATII A W A \' witll \tul fill' til " IlIwUi oll(l o f lililitod o hll il III od o.o .. I,lulI Dlog. a l! w e ll u8 1 Mr s 8 H Hain es Ho 'w~r:II~.' . U . Rllu\lllll , 18 r1l1 ulle " lU~ I \' III Ilt dan ger " .IU"')\t.I, ," ous . DorID !! th e time A . It was l ,, . ' ' . . . 1 111 1 1111 " Wrll.III K nn ll. h o I' frrO' Il ' " "r Il "lny flashing a. Dd . rlll n nr. nllet L urn fl /,!I e flDd R ook oraokln g around Adam ' Wh ~ Il" m"u lAIL nfl Ion rn I ~"nl l1" . l fl'''fl .. • [ he Ladle s AId a ve u n 100 crOA lll . .W ".YUt'HllI O '~ LO'LllID\i ~ t r . Ull ,1 1' lIl l1l1 l1n 111111 II I n ' o Vilur I: DeDtI"' ' y IIII.JUIIr I ' " )011 V,'II' 111tlC' I1 ro· Campbe ll, ou r a ity m ' sod I o n tb e la"n g nf that iI.llo hUII ,\i OI" III II Mr I\ u tl I I I a rsblll, r WIIS .. ' I .' 81 ot ~r e t 10ll rn lng " I h ur r nlld1 ll Ol Il . , . , Mr. . O ffioe iD lJ .oI uo" B1d~ , .. . 11 " I II IlI .l. II I I r M0 f"mlllIL r 11"11111. s t rnok and Mfl ln " I I .. id uillfo r Ii II whil I ~ e trol1 bul La M w reDoe 8 1ms, ::l1l t.UfllIlY c \ (I(Ii u g j " rlll,lo oll lllltry. II , I" w o ll 1111 111'0' 0 ' n f (,llIH M . th. t MUIll . . . . ' l air or o wd WII S tbe r e 11 ... 1. IU "IIY II III n. \1'.11 0 111100111 011 ~h" l "I'IIrl, lind ed non t,loO o f II1 0m t oo k N r · I "IH\I. ~II''' . I h t1~ (,,,n,or . of 11~lthlS writin g IS f e'B lrng like hIm. I A '\ FU'lE R·\L DIRECTOR . Z ' ll n ' tl n III o ld " gil 'f \) t ? r 0 It . " , Inll I"r Ihl'1I 11 \J I ~ e 011 se f a g ain . . IlIt.: b , ~t " ur'o,,"" In III1 " n r~ n lld hll ~ i. Mn y ho IJ ollr y willl.' . II 18S I [I \.> 1 l e Ds, 0 u y 11) . I~ Hl If h o d orA \\.ellll A-IIIIY , u t l 'l r " "vonol lil lY., ~1 . lt . R. n OHM btLV U b"uII ,. f Ih .. U" l u g l(l 11,III,I " , llt e Itlgh b r llIVs wllllu" Wayn esvill e, Ohio rn 8 o lll e tllln ~ wllh Ih " lr ullllh e r , &l rH . Mll ry Haoh IDC Ei . Br oo ks' garage 18 pr ogres s. VlS1UOg her f r IODd. , Mr s . .'~ lllp h fin e , nndl o I> sh ort tim e he will LeWIS aDd ff1U1 lly, elldl lIullufl ur IIlII VI Il I.l "r.lwo l th t'.V 11 11\11 '1. n o w fr o m hIm . ~ f t o ", n. l\l ol." rs W. 1'. Jor ,lun Iln d F . A be oOO UpylDg it. Mr n nll Mr8. All e n Em e ri ck IIo d Hllr l~ ,'o k, by illvitIL t\ \lD , m ut Fo reet Mrs. ADna VaDDo ren e Dte r tlliD e d Mrt' . LliIi'l,lu J ODe8 attendo NOTAR Y PUBLIC u th o Sil l!' Tlbbll ll ~ ODd Uuo n o Col liDS , 10 Well oompaD Y from Fu'lly Eq ll ipped for Good "JDdlllUl lpo li l IDd of Mra. Ma u l! MHrt ln, a t Ce Dte rvllle man, u n Tltur. d a y. and pltohed Bev· aDd UaytoD . OD SUDdIlY Wayn e s ville,! Ohlo Service. . ' ' !:;aIDr da y . I1 r81 gll m os o f 1I 0 r s e ,.h oe8. The A YOOD man was Ii plylo for a Large ·Dur ing th e ~torm , hl Ht W edno,,· Displa y Room cause o f the J o r<1flod and Bflrlsoo k l ob aDd tte mUD t\ a l inn al Hllnk hlrlD~ hIm ~ffered day , t be lighll1ln g k i ll ud t hroe oo \\' s d er " lll WRS I,h at t he shoes were DOt bl~ $3.00 per wee k. 'I' he YOUD g OD th e fllrm wh e re Russell Bu m llt I O A Y 0 1\ N IGIIT right . maD iDquire d "Whu,t do you w [\ol lives. U n e be lo n g ed t o Mr. B o mo l Mr. aDd Mrs U . V. Tolle enter rue t o d o"'" " Clln you dre~a a and the o th e r t w o t o R o mo Rl b:'le. :---------llil~e d f il,r suppe r . Illon~ th~ baDk~ ob iokeD~" , "Not ou _3 per weelt. OI MIRd Marinn f1nd MnRle r [{lIbor l of llO~ llr ~ oreek, Mrs 'I u lle ~ ~ hlter , Mr . Noel Hayn e R aDd MI8R Vir. OllrmoD Y, o f ::;pr in !l UOlll , IIl'e ~pO n ,l. ,~ts Mor oer an ll fnml ly. o f O..,Y t OD gmla Coll et t of t:lllbina were Sun. iu g M SHU MAk ER thl~ w ee k ILL Lh o b UlIle of lil t [hey bnd lIu oh a replIst I h nt It Inter day f t ' •• 0 . • t ' f M d fi nd Mrs Wllhur Ulark ferr ed domell ttlewlt bthe lllo Mlo,u M s ~ er~o~Dt:igoe~ Vete rinar ian I 0, rrgll l", .. Iho Mfo L" . vlllv*, " ,, ' S 0 r . aD ~I r ODr! Mrs . Tolle oro ver y b r igbl. Misses Re o t:llao~', [Jpo lu h <.; ,,,, n, r . r aD VETE RINA . arr R. RIAN lee Ihul it p,' rf u ro,, " . Yn n 1; ll l' w wolch hl ~ h 'dr turn I(rtlyor, liS Iw .. nd 8hlnioo llrors L ' Uh k J f1m ' r.e ODIl Mc Ulnuis, Metisrs. U llI lln C in th o rOD,le rlnl> AA rv "~ Ih o g od of pAI I, -unw wh!1t '~ I'ra ['t i ~ ul VU I'C' in alo r. IloI. '" owa er. relJreS'1D t IDI( Have had ... y o o uu,'11 I·h n 8uft'ty. v.l1 V I' whon " t h D es . I"v fD .JohDH IlDd R C Huu t u r e Il ltlln lli u /,! ~h e /,! ool l 0 ' forl nn o wh e n It OI '~'S II o f 1Il11oa lo, ){fl'1,j .<lI~c('g~ ill itntnlln ing on e t b. M Ffe rry:::ieoc O .. ,'o e tr o it" IIre' ~ IU 'H' b l""ry wllrrn ~. . ' I I t V • Au ' It 1111111 h i~Mo lI ~ . " II ~l ' )11 T euche a " p" r cI·alt..\' l:!' i n st itu N "" l ) e c 111 h ut oo Loh.n l WI ' II u 8000 n , Ihl~ I bo ~ 110 ' h si ck and w e ll h e rds. I' n oller-tl o D. I! a a LC I u I' ,, ,.'" o we o r a. s JLlr SlllY, . I • helllth '8 t UlI 101"01,,, 'IIIo" rtlllll, 0 \' 0 11 \"eek . .. . 1I0d th e s ohool builulD g la heing \luI. in' g hut R e liable &'rlltll II sed Mr. aDd Mrs. Blr'lm Poore fir e lit II, " ur y b118t. to C1 1,,~n 'Wll lo,,' 1'0 . etl)o 't (n r !-lol. thfl Pilfoty. ,'u lve iD fiue s hupe for the enHuing Mr~. Minnie F loy d II nrl Ron , R \Jh. 1 Bo t h Ph ones term benutlfy lDI( their howe 0 0 the bIll, t h o tl d ot y . v ", VfI , I,hll~ lunu s II hit u f !hll t k eo ps Ih e o nglne coo l bl . I' S I k 1 lI o me Il G:"·H · t o rt, of Cln olDDll t l, n to RI.o n lliDg I hl~ Be ll 4·lr r081. Mr . Chilli. Rnddno k, of n ea r Fe rry w oh a udhS t 0 d' Phone 4 4 Harvey T l lO r l1'~ II p o w e rful s ight o f dllfe r . W6S sburg , O. OO k 8' ltmprboveStll ' w eek wit-h Mr. lIod Mrs ve o r go oalllDg on Ilc qlllllntll Does here, ve r y UlUC • aD m<l es a en 0 • ~ oott IIDd family . I e Dce in n wl ~n lI111n Iln' a fool,-\h e !:;unda ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.; Bellb rook. Ohio J y. f)nr e lhnw~ Dud l;0 " ff'lI fO r .IIIIlU fD 1 how_e_._ _ ____...,_ _ _ TlI l1cllin o 11I II I· '~ o ver. heated 1M the __ _ _ _. ____ . _ Ibd t "A O III~ III n tIVor ~ t n ll . '! \ _ _ -:-:::::~:-:::::::::::::::::::::::~ 'Mr , 110.1 M r s . Ueorole E llis Rre en· onrl.nlu II. I 10 .. lull . " n d lhe fool thnt We whl"I' II r " .' fl nd y Io r I) I h" r - l)r hOP l lR lI or h Otl ullt, I j oyi ng ODO II f Lhe la\e m od e l Oak. ~ the bi!;gest fool .0m " r1.I1I1 · ~ H'Jl n ' t o II ~' P ;" l h, ' " wn o f ,lI l. IIIDll s , pol rob8 sed o f L ~ vi cy & MeCarr e D- II tbi ng o f u8efulne."~. aDd a j o y f o rover . WIIIIMII C. tit. John, who, for a M. M. Terry and wife, Clf DaytoD . long tim e. W"B 80lllDg Fords, has r oo Hig n od hi ~ pi neo IInti takeD np work 8pent a oouple of days lost woek Exam ined with Ihe AlII llr lCIln Ulellrlm oe Co., of with t he 'rurry fa mlly aDd frioudll hero, ,m d atteDde d 8ahbMb &lh oo l tlnn ll il o o , O ll io . Iln ll in the Dellr fu , AT MI)DERATE PRICE S on !:;unday mornin g. ~ Drll I n kl' np Iti ~ bomo iD FI'lrida . TO A I OA J-=E~ " Y llt l ' r n "pllln\" This pluoe waR woll r e prose nted so Ollt out the Mr Sl. J ,,11f1 lin>! boen a sn oo e e~fnl ldo ), ln ' ! ' at t b e F ri eDds Y e arlv me o tiDg .. I I "" I. ·." ," n . ulld r VOl"'", )'1· 11 111'0', su ulT Oll ll\e~ YO Dr Il'il" JIIB wh.1 wI ll htLS mnd o IllllDV WIlmin gt o n, last w e ek . f fl ol a 10HM ID hi s "0. " I dOD 't c" r " n ,It' rll if ~' I\ n ' r o l OTI ' 11 m". ~ In l! . Lo n I· w e ox tuDd to him o ur bes' OpliCJI I Departm ent A little brlght. oyed b oy hhfl 00111 0 fitld! I", no (on tb e r R d u n't. " .lIke II fiue "'1,,1,,' • . S" Datrolt to make his h ome wltb Mr . u n d Mrs Xe nia, Ohio I WUD't j.(lve 1\ d£1l'll w ll e n Y"ll '"" " h ll' k 9l1 , !lo/Ill ! I Op.lQ evening s by appoint ment Mr . '"ld Mr_. UUrV tl y ~llyder aud ROSR Harts ook. v\'h oll 0 11 rly In ~u",nll' r they'r e 111I1l11y n r o oconpyl Dg Fr!lnk WU. My df1rk rnt l ~n lol'iOlI' IIl. fi r!' vo rifi " d A. 8. Ail e D a nd wife And K . E .holl !" Whtl" I gn llfJ nn t ll o fr u nt II f Y' ,llr ::IO " 's ooUllg e. on UraDt 8Sreot . Tho mpson aDd WIfe atl un d od Ih e h e'hl ! H,-; ~ pflk!' , AmI with IIAep R,\l.18 fll,,',inn . Mr. UlLaa. l'u e ker , o u r vor y popu. fUD e ral of Mr . 'I'h ompsoD" f! lluDI, bl'dea lers 1 h" (l olling. wipe fll rrn er IInil I.h oo IIII' rurul r ODte mill! oarri e r , 18 q nlte Mrs Rebeoo a ~flIirler 8 0 n . who dl N I "At YOllr " YR". with Ih o y d l , w 1:10 lI utr.ed I,h e ",ord E. V. BARN ART ID Le baDoD 1,0 t.h o 'a oUon ODd was buri ed lit WIlY, poorly, "nd hi s Hub, ~'r IlDk I. Har. Ilmnnd lll"lIl ; nesvi llo, Tuesda y , A u gu s l. 1 uth . Anu MWIlU ed the n OIl. IH y lng hen' ri s, I ~ d oliver ln g th e /111\11 . At y " or uOllk, f n r it ~ hard ly H DaRe, ) Notar y Publi c . ~qul r e FraDk WilsoD . o f fla r ve YF. ~r v e r,,1 of I he o ld sttLnd.b ys of An d &o on ., 1.o C ,H lrtH", O unci oont'l)n ncl --- - - - --t ho F r inncls c buroh flU eDd od Ye .. rly burg, was h ero on Thors d ~y , "Mslst. Ull"n. Sa ys ~atn : In thi ~ At y o ur I p g~ . wl, ~ r o Lh e ~ O UIO onl . , ie n e . Ih e only c o ll egesc hool o f e xp e r· m oelin g at Wllmlu gto D, Ill st week iDg people out o f Fill t F ork · yell is 8 stilf rtlr . 1\ (\ ki nd s Of Notar y W ork . Will>! K . E. Thomp8 0D Is In Ol\y~ o n t ill s or K Il\lw ~ ! nnd Mrs Frank I:lbldak er ' uppl'r li p lI ud J) ee d ~ n ~" OO iRlty. wor e oall e d t o Marlon, Ohio, la"t wBek, a tten ding th o fiDo h og slLles \vAek , OD ~ooount of the c10llth o f In MODtgo mery oooDI;y. N. H. Ca rpeDter aDd wiro, of Cen. ODO \If Mra . !:;bicl'lk er'a OOUSiD~ . Mr. ODd Mr~. Frank E lbon, of tllrvllle, we r e So nd.v g u.e Rts o f A . ~. All e n Ilnd wife W y onn!'~v lll rln e, ymot.ore d thr nogh o ur oillly Bun . ~ nr o ulo t o Wil mln g. Floyd F oo te and fallllily IIDd N <J r. ~u n t il 1III I'nd Y ellrly m ee ting mn D Irwin /lnd ffl mil .\', o f BlaDoh eR. te r, WA r e ~unday afterD oo n g u osl.! of K. E. T h ompso D and wife . E x trtl Pl y-He avy Trend ------------Lon BunDoD aDEl wite K . E, T h omps on flDd wife. J . Le e Ta lm a~ e ("arm Sale s Ilnd LIve Stock a .Joe O::lboro lIu d wife Illnd Hllrry Os. Specialt y bnrn li nd wife attond e d th e Sh o upo hog sale at Dayton , M ODdIlY. S a l is faction Gu ara nlted We were visit ed by q n lte a seve ro r al o IIDd wind storm OD Tuesda y of Bell brook ,; Ohio Illst week, d olDg qUitE' a l ot of darn . IIge to the OOrD, frnlt lind ehllu e Irees K E. Thomps oD lIuffe r ed th e 6 - - - - 1 - tl = = l i o t h _ __ grOfltes t, los8 to frua allld shadll trees,
,\I IH~
'1.\:-- --- --- -------;
Eve rett Ear ly
,'p ,
I . .,
"Iall'sCatarrh Medl"Cl"r e
"()IO({'S LI"tt lc
- --
O lll E 1
Lytle Feed Mill
____ ---- I
I n' H .,F . I J
-1 ___ ___ ___ ___ __
Wal ter McClure
- ._ - -- - -
PO~MnY1 !. JNCLI: "lo.ILILA..
Glasses Fitted
, EducatlOon Insplo ratIO on 11 En ter tai nm ent
- -- -
Ohio State fair
from one bag of
America's Greatest AgricuJt-urnl Exp ositi on
Ai lg. 29 -Se pt. 3 6 Nights
Good Roads
Railroad Rates
$12"3,538.00 In Pren1iun1S
Do you know
You 'll find then1 311 nt the
6 Days
The bes t fab r ic ti re mad e for heavy se rvic e or roug h road s-
r:================ =============:-.
R eco~ ni zed
Mrs Mllbel Uartlso D hOB beeD vis. Itln" her t ..ther, Mr . Helgbw ay,wh o i~ sU II very slo k. He liltiv es from her e IIttende d tbe li lsey rounloD , which was held Ilt • tbe bailie of J osepb Bisey, OD Thursdl lY . Born-T o Mr. and Mrs . Ross Bart. sook, a 80 D- Wllton meher. Tbe Cleaver -Cllrr.R lch plonlo will he held Augost 27 . Mr~. Sll roh Rich. or HarveY lburg, bal beeD spendin g a f e " d"YII with Ile r sisLer, Mra HaDnah Rlob, who oODtinu es v e r y sick, Ueo Ellis hilS a new Uaklan d tour· IDg oar . Relativ es from here attende d the fUDenl of Mrs . Rebecc a SaDden oD, Ilt tbe ohapol , WedDe sday aHerDo ou . Dor o~hy DavIe, dl1ngM er of Mr. BDd Mrs .Joe D"vls, hall beeD B6rl o osly ~iok, but 18 a 11 "Ie heUer al t,hls wrltlDg . Mr . find Mrs. C al Reeder, or OakIIlud, vIsited tbl!.lr son, Ed aDd fam· ily. Bnnday . A DDmbe r from here attende d the Boolal and oonoert given by the Baro veysbur g baDd, Sdurd.IIY Dlght. Carleto n ' DuDD, grBDd.o n of Geo. BogaD, WB8 married , I .., week, to M11I88& John . ·Mr • . Gao. Boga'" en1el1a iDed her BI~ter. Mrll. RUa 'W YlOllg, of ClnolD. natl, aDd" her brotber , Will Osborn and famll" of Wilmin gton , one day laB& week. M18II' MerJe EllIlI I. at' Lebano n tble week, aUeDdiD II Teaobtll '1l' 108~Uute. Mr.. Gall Ungletlb J' BlaU, fo,. merly 01 'bll plaoe. ball a new son, Bobllr' "J4wln. . IIr, nil Mn.. Alber' Berrel &Del ohllclrn; of Dayton , ar,lI ber. at 'he
bom.o I lin. a~' paren,- , IIr. , and lin John Tbompillon. l:JuD IIU.. aDd In Lebo aDOD,
John H. Wright Auctioneer
J)h~O nes ~
Reduc tion on all styles and sizes
Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veter inaria n
A New Low Pric e on a Kno wn and Hon est Pro duc t
01'1'1"1':: lr ee t. near Tyl e r T e l c llhonc !J:l
Way n os ville,
CH OI CE OF MA TE RI AL That you will use in 'your new home is merely accidcll tal. The point is- Build! Are you using the a rgume nt "that y0 1l '1I build when Prices Come Down ?" If so, t hen it is time to bury thal moth· eaten phrase and get busy, becaus e prices ARE down. They are so down as low as they are go ing to be for many moons. . , .. . Do you know that America toda y is in immed iate need of two mlllion ho~nes and houses? Do you know that prices arc as low as .actual cost produ ctlon, based upon readju sted wage scales will permi t? If you know these things~the'n you qre of the ,th inking person s or (amilie s which are going ahead with build ing. . '
w. H.' MADDEN & C-o., Wayn esvill e', Ohio ,-Le t UB give you an estimate.
t Lumb er,
Ce men't ,
Lime, and all kinds of Buildi ng Materials
BUGGY TI W e Pu't The m
MR<!k.1 II ·!1i lllls .... orlh (lrl MhA liirlCY '1'ilUo wpnt t.o CII1l' i IIn ,,1 i Tu i'tlnv ' find wl're marri l'd M r ~. lIoll irfg~'.\'nl:lh i" lh~ (i" ughter Ti I US, pf !{oute:{
or , .
X E N I A :Say,Mrs. RaltieBox NEXT WEEK
open s T u esd a y n i g ht. All g tl s t :W l i l. Hlld wi l l con tiutl e until Satunl a ;.· lIi g ht. Se pt l' llll>e r :{J(1. Th e \ lercnntile a nd :\tanufal'tIIrillg Life o j t he Ci l ,', tl nclcr tli e aus pices of th e Ch a lllher o f C O IlIII HTl'(~ , :l rL' s tri " ill g to make this the g rea t es t free l ' llt l " l:1 i lllllvll t (" ' c r olTe red by a c ity to it s frie n ds, Th e l'J"l 'gl.l lI1 IS ,tI .OII I ('(llll plete, and if you can 1I 0 t l 'O llle l ' \ 'l 'r ,' da y , Jl lck n llt the day or day s t ha t in t l'fL's L \llli tlie Illos t :111(.1 b e ou r w elco lllc guest,
TUESDAY night the Fes ti,' a l will he dedic:1ted , alld a l ) ig Industrial Parade will be g iven by th e IJl1 s illC SS l ife of -"cilia ,
WEDNESDAY Farm ers ]Jay with its hig Farlllrrs Parad e d eco rated Farm Vehicl es,
. IS
IS Frat ernal Day with its splendid Fmtefll ~d l'nrade and lIlany other interesliu g f eatures.
FRIDAY is -Automobile Day and Sister Citi l' s Day, There wi ll be beautiful decorated a utomob il es parade 111 the afternoon for the sel ection of the pnze Winners , and again at night with fire works. M a ny delegati 'Jlls h O I11 the neighboring towns have promised t o altend on this day and make S ister Cities D ay a big Success.
i s Mardi Gras Day and B ill C l ub Day. There wi ll be two big parades and n.thing but fun f or everyone .
or Display Booths
housing the interesting displa ys of the Me rchants .an d Manufacturers. wonderful auto show III the el ectric pavilion. 400 feet lon~. a Midway of man y and n ew nnd novel attractions, all t oget h e r making- 1h e most g igantic out· door en t ert a i nment ever o ffe r ed hy a City to its f riends _
I , "~
I JlC'ver I,a kl'd with hdter I Jr . unJ Mr J . T, 1·:lIi. 1I II "IIII ..d all 111 .\ ' life . \'011 ge t l he NIIII rL'U lli llll "I :-;" hllnl z' pllrk
IlotJr ill it a t
lus t Sal u rday . il omer Cll rey alld fam i ly SI"'11 1 Sund ay with lI al"'~' 1':IIII.·y lIlld f lllllily . uf Tlt'ar L L'b all," 1.
M r ". A nnn l l al ll:l way ,,1" ' 111 1",,1 week wi lh her d:Ill\: I,le r I\l r~ I·' rnllh
I :--______ _ _ ' ___-;.
i Sawyer's Wayne Market
I s~~~~'i;"~;;;s"~;;~~~
nl l'l'';
l'!lIll lI lI illlpor-
K ,
T ilt) l ll a~ .
uf " tl ll t" ·1.
T hc gr aJuati llg' class of '~ I \\"r nl I fl llend ed a play all he' Victory I heatcr .
10 \)UYI UII TUt'Rdav evening'. all
i lra"', Ih:11I Ita" !li l h,'rtll 1"'1'11
"I., of wl'l'ks. Fr!lllil
HEANS- Prices up
a ~ r" Il\ -
pli" llO'd . " (' r vin~ a ~ " r,'v('ll lS " -l{l'I l ,'r "fln. [ fl'l '", 1'11' ~ 1 :IlIt IJ,,, ill l " f ~" I.' III!d 11 :~r r.\',>"f I ': il ~ '" ".~" Irhin. a,~' " ," III ' Il'~ ' und ~ rallll~llIllIllIdllli "si "Il .~ , nnd ad. lIIKuf." ,j 'I~ ~ "l\h 1\11'. Ih.}d M,· d\ll~a"r; \l l d o flhrill ~I I HlL was Ull I\ L',111 Ilnd fHllli ly . l<nmvll b, fun' thl' PI'l'''''lll (,I'nt ll ry Will \o'rallll', I.ind ley tllL'nd.'nhall wag u" lwred in , I I 'rt' ~ .. nl .day dirl I ra. ·k lIulo ru c ill~ and wife, I,'rank 1':lhon alH wif e. ~I i~s J ,'anelt.- ,) anl",y all d lIl'veral i ~ a (' hi ld IIf the flllr.o f till' country " I IIl'r~ aLlen,l" d Y,'a rl y M"l' t ill),( II I Tr ul' . IIH're WII~, IIlld " I ill i~, dirl track ral'illl{ O il dirl trll \·kH. w hidl \\"il ming l .lll la~ t we. '};. 01 11" " Il lil Imv e 1111' :\";';I'('i" l illll II f :\ IllUIl!! Ih""" wh o \"i,itl',1 ('a mp Hla l.', di "l ri cl or " " " llly f llir i"I"I'I .illl!l' r L onge r SlIllda\" WL'n ': .J. U ('~ I " . 1" ,1 dil'l Ir:l.-l, nll'illg, ulld " I' I':l rt wri~h t alld fall .i l.\'· W 1\ :-: .. ars th. , :\' Ill" ":1 11 ~1 " I " r C,,"I l'sl i\ osn" lid flllll ily, Mi >l.~ lI i' lll'il,tla ~ l d\ ill Cr:l tillil rr rli ll¥.>I, hy f ar leads I he 1i.'I,) ~"\' Ilnd M r J . U. I'l' ll\' " . ill ilnp,' rta ll(,c. nlld Ihi ~ Iyp .. of I'a('ill g \\' a~ in ~ lil\l I (''' III f " ir~ '1'1,,' Mr. and Mr ~ . Emln " " Hai l.,.,·, ~ r . , :\ 'l l'HllIII.iI .. ({:I C,'" "h ieh a 1' ..' t ll I.... ~Ir. nnil Mrs. Emlll" 1' Hai.Il'Y, ,II', Ilf h.·ld III Ih,' 1I Iullch,':' l el' Fuir SlIllIrl... hanol1, Mr. alld MI' ~ , J . n. l 'lm pd llY, i\ u)!u st27 , ure ~ a n cl i ollcd by th e mall and family. Mr . lI enry Satte .-·i\IllPrican·Mulor COlll c ~t A ~~or i8Ii'lIl . thw aite ami famil y allclHk d th e Tir e I :J:! I fair seaSl)I\ shoul d prolVe L ill ton !'I'ulli oll at Wilmingtlln, '1"11' 0th l' 11II11I1\'r Yf'ar f ur ,lin track autll rl ay. rih'i llg. There und oubll't1ly will ,, ~ 1l1OI'C f l\ ir ~ wilh prOfl's,-illrJu l rllcin!! . a I!rL'al.' r Ilumber of curs ami driyer ~ ill Ih., Rume and!l C'onlinucd int l"re~ t whi ('h I, u" lIlark ed auln rl\cill~ al (air:; ill tlw JlIl:l \. Til(' IIlllullwhile illdll ~t l'\' iso!\(' of tlw · thrcl' I !lrl< c~ t in th e lI'li l CI.i St lll, 's l- , d~y. so lIul o Th . l'rcllIi,'r blind r ('lurn ed Ih e TIll'illl( i ~ back .. " by a 9ub~ lllllli !l 1 It iR not onl y 1111' aut o cfl mpl illl cllt of till' New Bllrlillgt.IIIl fUlIlldulion ban d, and went lo Ihat place, Thllrs owner who is interesled in 11 11( 1) r!lCday evening, where II1f'Y played (orn in.l !, hut al slI th e lu) man who lik,·" lawn fd e gi.ven ~or tht'ir hUlld. The "p ~ l' d and th r ilt ~. - -- ... hllY ~ har! u hne tIm e. HAll R Rl opla yi nl; Wh Oll Ih flv ;Lllrt I\1r,>,
Mr . lind Mr~ H ' i . C r )'~ :HI' \i,i l ill g w ilh n'lati " ~ in i\IlII'lill, CI .' r· mont C,l llllly.
Nav ies at per II> . , . . . 7c
~1,·I\ . '" n IIlld
Large Can Salmon ... . " ... .. " l!ic Small ('UIlR Tuna,::! fur ..... . " I ;i e Till Cang, ).ler duzt'll .. . " .. ..... I;Oc Lello ~ Suap . :3 barB for ...... ... IOe 1\.,II11K h afll l I' u~t TIlilsties
It!~ ..~I~~;~··II ;'I;iti·1 .i,;~~,i·,~·~·I ~:·. ::~~::
1I 11 11 \j.1! t Scr"" TIII'" CI'II, pk ~ .. . 7,'
Friday and Saturday A ll o th er Sa le of
Polar White SOal) fo r ... .. . . 2!ic 20 liars for $ 1.01'
(j Big Bars
- --
Ot1d you ever get left
Walter L. Sawyer, Prop.
Younce Brothers Grain Co.
G ranulat ed
pou nel .... .... , 7! 25-lh. Sat' k, $ I.SII
Pe r
IIrill!! u" yuu r Clri('kl 'IlHalld Enc" I I wi ll pay vou 10 "ee II ~ fl rMt .
ZIMMERMAN'S --~---------
~ .:-_.~I'·~ . . .-; ... (;\~--:-:;-r ! . ICcv"'" . '" BE A SAVEll - IT 'An II
.-, ..;- . -_. ~~
1. UII I
nn 110
Jllly I not
r"' l .
w •• 5%. \\ Ill1tlcllJllt. R
In tho 6% ra' , ~~,;e l.~,~e· C.Url
c han ~
lll\'ltl(\ ltd
OR tel o f Do POI It o. time at .. very llber,,,
rOle. lnter •• , PAId l' do. t e of withdraw" I
afler ma turtIJ. I. Int er..' c ... til • mat1 ed to I0Vl' 400r July 1 an laoua.." 1 011
T b I. loilltutlon
., a I . Itabltlh.d yoarl alro.
~~'.h: o!.rP:~.e:.hll!n~· 8~r'
plue Fund. almol '
3% On Depollta 60;.
MIAMI . a. ailidl., AlSn,
. .I.n
25 ·27 SOUTH MAl..
. ...--
• __________________________" _____________________ "I________--_______________·u.________- - - - - - - -. .- - - -. . . .
. ~
., "' 'lh '.t .' ~ '...~
'Extra·· THRILLING, SPEC ACULA~· ·Extra r
===================== ================
Blanchester Fair, Saturday, August 27th Don't fail to see these races or you will miss the most sensational, death-defying races ever witnessed by the publiCI The fastest and most daring speed demons in the country will drhre in these races which will without doubt be the mOlt" exciting event ever staged in this community.
PROGRAM OF RACES Event No. I--Elimination Trials Event No. 2--1 Mile Time For Position
Event No. 3--10 Mile Race Event No. 4--10 Mile Race Event No. 5-25 Mile Race
See the mo,t feared, dare-devil wiza~d8 of the-dirt track make a new record 'or this track
... J
I T PAYS 'I'll TK,\l)g AT
Spcdul for
but we se ll f an cy :\lieh .
Gran ulRted Sugar, pOul1ll .. .... 7;.; c J . 13 . Chapman und fami y arrived :-. Iral. Karo Sy rup ....... .... .. .. " a8e home Sunduy , after a moW" t r ip tu albs. Good Cotree .. ......... ... .. . r,Oc \ 8 hllrs Lenox Soap .. .... .. ......... :?r'e Mi ll llea p (}l i ~ , Minn .. alld utll .'r i' " inls I hag Tabl e Sail ... .. .. ....... . .. ... Kc of i nl(' r e~ l. Large Gla~s Muslard .... . ...... .. fie M 1" , and Mr ~ . Clyd e (,,, I['ma n nnd 1 can N eptu ne Sa rdin es ... .... .. !I c Tall Can SRl mon .. .. .... .. . ........ 10,· Rl)n, Francis, uf N Ur\\ olld " lll'llt Pure ~d er Pick ling Vin('g'ar, Friday afll'rnovlI and lIi ~ht wil h 1\1r . pe r gali GIl . .......... .. " .... .. .. . ;~fl c ,and Mr~ ,I II. C,,j('l1In n FreRh Laurel C rll c k e r~. :! Ib, ...:lc,c Mr~. 1\l yra Wright. of 1'lriln d,'I,lu st r eceiver! a fr f'sh " 1\ l'ply uf Cook ies, Cllk eg. (;rahnllls, I'h('(,,,(' phiu , l'u" i,. rL' t ul'flill1l' hUIlI!' afte r Tid-Rit.s. Cheese Wafl 'rs and i\ ni- i HPt'IlJi."~ a ~ew ~" cek, \~' i Lh r e lu l.iv,'~ mal Crack er s. ,and frwilds III \'\ lIyn csville alid VICIIl lly. Meals l30i ling Bee f, pound ... ..... ... 12· ., c Mrs. Ru s~,' 11 Camp bl'" and t ..... o Chuck ~ t e llk. pound ....... ..... ... 23(: I child n·n. of I ray (,.n, arc ~ i't' lldillg a Rib Ro u~t, choi ce, pountl ... ..... !:!5c I few dllYs with her ilro tlll'l'. Miltull Bacon, per lb .• Crom ... " " .. .. 15c up IThompson, and olher r elaLi vt!9 anrl l ~~~'!""!'~~~~~~!"!_____ 11I 11 1l i tlfll-( We also handle Burk har dt's fri end s. I -= Hams, Bacon. Weiners, Frank s, Sausage!'. Pork Chops. Bolol(na Arthur anti f umily IIf D UIl - \ Notice of Appointment and Smoked Shoulders. vil!e. Ed Beckett and ~amilY, of : . It's my business It I Bell mv Wllmmgton . and Alfred States anrl l '1'1 I ' II I I I . . . I C III" l'r ~ l~n (', l a~ .>een ( U yap· goods a little cheaper, anJ it's k . your business to buy wh ere you son, of Clar sVl ll e. w ere gu es t s I)f You WIll not, If you order po inted unt! qUlIliticd as It ..ce iver of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Casl lasl wet:'l<. yotlr all th e prupHly lind businl'!\'~ of can save. II. I'; KlI'Idlart, of W lIy nesv ille, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke, of,DnyWarrcil e,.unl ... , Ohio At! persons Pay ing SIc Cor Eggs, lhi>! week lon , spent Sal ul'I.lay night lind Sunilll l .. bl l'd tu ~a id II. E Earnhart will in uke ililllw d'al(: paym ent , and credWalch fn every way, duy wilh thc laller'R pan' nt H' M r , of Younce Bros. Grain CO . III ito rli w itl pn'Hl'nt their dai ms acMake a saving every day, lind Mrs. F. g . Th fl mn ~, and fam il y ' For it's you that has to pay. time. Frei gh t IS slo\\'. \V l' " IIl'd ing- lo law, dulv 8LJth entil'al ed, II) thl' l.llld " I 'S i~Ill" 1, for UltuW(\I1I'C . Don't car e what olhers hav e to say Mr~ Dyke rCl'llain eri .. ver to atwi ll appreci a t e your orde r.1 lend th e Th oma ~ I-:ru\\,l1 I'l'union, lIal ..d I hi, I I til tlay flf Augu ufli . .\ . D I :I:! I whi ch 'wall held al S('II:II1I",' park , Y ours for Se r~i c e , FI~A N 1\ ZI':Ll" It('ceiver Tu esday. Augll ~ t 2:lrd . I{ol,,'rl J Shawhan. 8- \7·;\ l I\ Lly (",r I: ·'· .., ivcr . H ouse Stl lc - sce tlkl\cnn
I\l r ~
2000 Feet
1 ~~ llI ll allli ~1:.I r " ' w Illln , fll" v j,' itill~ ~Ir . and ll'r ~lI r"far,·.
Carnation Flour?
Younce Brothers Grain Co.
T'lI la;- :1111 1'
}.~ . ' n ~' lI1d \J('l i ll l:" a 1\ "rln :ll ' ~('h", d III . Iall l par i '" f filiI' p l· , '~rnn H. Ir ri ll l:" in)l 1:I<'h, II f 1.1' 1' ''' l,' I':l llkli n r ullt')..!\ " i:4 hO llh-' fut' a COil . : a g-rl 'Hte r VIIIUIU .. • qf ~ l'cl:,d U pll ll tilt'
D id ),011 t' \'C' r hake with
~I i~ ~ Eli za!>"I" Cha"dl,,!', whl1 tlfl ~
COFFEE IS ad va n c illg. IJllt we sti ll sell a go()d o n e at p e r lb. . .. 15c
STARTS.- AT 2 P. M ..