Miami Gazette August 31, 1921 - August 29, 1923

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~ev enty-T hi)'d


Year [


Whole Number 5450

f11O, \-V LDN Jc.: SDAY AU GU;;T .>1, 1921




--, .i:f,~,-;- -I,IWILMINGION K, C, . 'COMPULS nRY SCHOOL - ~tl -- - ------LABOR DA Y FOi{ lY21 ATTENDANCE lAW·"'"----""---- - - - - ----=----= NOT SO MUCH =;ll!rl ,

Und er IlIw~ no w ill ,,11'1'1' ( a ll chil · dr£'n n,ust l(o 10 ~c h ( '(l l till the n",1' ~dll,,'1 sIlP lllit'~ at Hyman & ,Co . of 16, Jr, heyond Ihi R ng!' and p n~ 1 J .,1l11 J ~ff r if'~ , of Orl'~onia ...... aR in the seventh grade in fchoollhey may go tn w.urk, at home or ., 1 ~I'w lll'r e t OW Ii 'l'hurHday. on an Age and Sl'huoling certificat e. A R'ootl nnbleachpd Muslin, spf'cial Also those undrr 16 who were ex cURed from Rc hool und er form er law ~ lOc, at ilyman & Cu , may continue at work by securing Arlhur Holt, of Yellow Springs, an Age ani! Preemployment Card , spent the week-end here, Four papers (blank forms will . be provided for these) must be fi led by FOR SAL.E- House aRd lot on Main the parent or guardian in order t o 8t reel. Katherine Prendergast. J1 obtain the certificate or ca rd. These Boys Srhool Suits or Knee Pants. are: (1) The pledge of some perRon , or firm to employ the child , (2) The . - - - - - - - - - - - lit spedlll pric Cll, at Hyman & Co. IIchool repurt of the child for thl! Mi 8.'l Mary Hawke , of Lebanon, previous yea r. (3) A physican's cer ~P"lIt laRt wt'ek Iwre with re lative~ tificate as to health. (4) Proof of age Thi ~ must be other than even th e Mr. Herbert G£'lter, of Dayton, amdavit of the parent! or guardian. spent Sunday wiLh the Younce fam- A duly attested copy of the birth ily , ce~~·_r,".a te (these are Dot to be had in ru~al districts) or the affidavit of Llld il!ll , Black or White Hose, best a 25(' villu e, spedal Inc . at liyman & friend or neighbor will Buffice. In the absence of the~e the certificate -< ' Co, of the family physician will answer . Sqperintendentll of the city, ex· "'reU 'n. Hendl'l'lIOn and family spent Monday with relatives in NOT· empteU village, or county school dis· tricts. or persons deshmated by them wood . flre the only oneR who can issue the Mrs B. V. Smith spent several certificates. These supe rintend ents days with her daullhter aDd family. ('an not issue them until all four pa.In Morrow . pers specified have been filed with them . Mr. and Mrs J , A Baker of Cin· The necl!ll!lary blank forms have "Innat i, visited relatives her'e for the not yet been furnished the school week-end, lind altended the Weh- superintendents, Those need ing Cllrr reunion. them should send in their names and Harold Howell, of Chicalro, III, addresles to the county superinten.pent a few hours here lallt week dont (except in Franklin and Lehanon Village districts) who will 'mai I among his friende . them the four blank forms as he Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elwell. of himllelf haa them, After s~hool8 begin. those living in Dayton, spent Sunday 'with L, A, Mason, Morrow, Kings Mills, and Zimmerman and family , Wayne Township School Districts Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence can go to tbe superintendents of these Sherwood, or Wilminllton Oel.. Mon- districts who will be authorizeU to day, AUllusl 22. 1921, a 8On. issue the certificates through September. Thi8 is done to save a trip Mra. Lester Gordan spent the lat· to Lebanon. But in order to save ter part of the week with her sister, time all needfllg the certifizates Mrs. SI. Clair Fife, of Wilmington -Ihoultl send their names and address Men'a Athletic Union Suits. spec· to the County Superintendent for the f!iur blank fOl'ms needed. Those in lal 69c. at liyman & Co. Lebanon and Franklin districts of course going to their own superin· Advices from Newton, Pa ,•. are ~o the ealOCL lhlll Dr. T. Sherwood, who tend ent. Tho child must be on hand to aign haa been quite ill. Is a great deal the certifi~8te in the presence of the better. one iasulng it. The four papers speThe funeral service for Frank L Mr. and Mra. St. Clair Fife. of cified must be ready to file before Harris. 79, well·known resident of Wilmingtl,ln, spent Sunday with rei· the certlftcate can be issued . It ia aUves, Mrs. l<' ife staying over for a useless to expect It otherwise or to Centerville who died at the horne of expect one to be iI!9ued to anyone his son, Israel N, Harris, North Ave , few days. under sixteen, excepfthose excused Davton, Tuesday morning, August The Mi88811 Kathryn and Esther under former laws There is a fine 23rd, was held at 2 o'clock, Friday Henderson are spending the week of fifty to two hundred dollars for afternoon at his late home in Centerwith Mr, Clyde Coleman aDd family, anyone iB8uing these certificates ex; ville. lIurlal at Centerville. Mr . Harris was a life-long reside nt of Norwood . cept as specified , of Cen,lerville and had many fri end s ...- -Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barnhart left both in that town and in Dayton. by auto tor a visit with relaUves He haa been retiNd for a number of In the East thia morning. They will years, engaged in farminlr "rough it" on the road, and expect during the early part of his hte. to have a good time. His death came after an illness of five weeks. Beside his son, he is Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith and Mr. survived by fiv,e grandchihlren,and Mrs. Lawrellce Evans went to The annual re911ion of the 37th Dayton News, Blanchester Sunday to visit Mr, The deceased was a brother of lhe Clarence Bentley. who was badly Division Veterans AB80ciation , will late I. N. Harris, of this place, meet in Tuledo. Ohio, Seplember 25, hurt a~ that place last week. Those from here who attended th e 1921, at the Terminal auditorium. funeral were: Mesdames Alice McMr. and Mrs W·. 0 , Raper and A fare of one and one-half cents has Kinsey, EdiLh M, 'Hllrris , Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schatzman. oj been made on all ~rQilroad9 for the Taylor, Mi8.'l Lillie Nedry and Mr Cincinnati. lelt Sunday morning fOI round trip. In order to ltet this rate and Mrs, Ronald Hawke , New York City .and other EaRtem buy a one·way ticket to Tuledn. gel --- -cities, for a lwo weekll' visit. They a certificate from a 'railroad agmt at home. and after arriving in Tolemade the trip by aula. do go to headquarters. 80 you I~an Mr, and Mrs , Harry Murray and get a return ticket at half·fare rate Mr. Raymond Conner left last week , There will btl plenty to OCCUpv the for Atlantic City, and while then time while tbere. camp fires, ball will visit with relatives in New Jer- games, parades, boxing matches , aeyand other points. Mr. Co.rlller f;'ee ride!! and everyt~ing to make returned home this week. the boys welcome. Wear your uniA large crowd of Grallirers were form and go. present at the dedication of th ei r Mr. ~nd MI'I. Otho Henderson reo -:----.~. ---building on Main street Salurday tQrDed home Sunday after a three afternoon. At noon " sumptuous weekI!' vjait to Mr Wiley Crane and dinner was served. ifter which the family. of Bethel, Ohio , The Mi88e~ company adjo!1rned 'to the hall anti J.oulse and Mary Crane ac('ompanied listened to a fine "peach be Mr. Zawthem home tor a week'8 visit with yer, assistant Buperintendent of the relatives. Columbus schools. He was followed by the county deputy, D. E DUl1ham AmoAI[ th0lle who altended the fuJ C, Hisey was elected president who mllde a line talk . The Patrons neral of Zepheniah Underwood, of the Premier band at their relf\1. had a very successful day. AUlruat 41th oWere: MI'I, Myra F' Jar meeting laat week. and presided - - - --: ...- - , Wrllht" PhUadelphla. Pa., Mra, over the meeling , Aa a compliment Kelly Underw~od. and ~, Robert, . Qf Farmville. Va •• Geo, R ,Thorpe, to hil election he took the entire RIchmond, ,nd., Amos Underwood blind to Burto~'s and aet 'em up to , . Incteon. John, Edwin VnJerwood. Ict! \lream. which. of course, the boys -

---II"s lIel" n Mar la l t entertai ned a t It!; I 'hi, -,,; I'd , .':;;; ,' ,IJIIII"r lasl Weun esuayevl:!ninl(, Mr. TIlt' Wilrn in ,' loll 1\ I ' It'rIm i" I, nt ,Illri !llr~ , I':rn es t F';arnhart and Mr. Coulu 4 Ytlu nce , ~Illll uch in Ih"ir f1 \\'11 I'. ill1 al infl. nT I hat of an yilody 1'1"." <I - Ih ... y illl aJ:! ' incd IIH'), WI 'rl'. 1" ,,1 " ',,, ,1, Il 'lr \ Ii- , ~11S;: 1I ,,1t'1l ~I n r lal l R'ave a wei ner (I l11i,o Wl' nt t .. \\' il l11il1 l: I, '" , " "ndH I' ""fI - 1 a Linl{<' r L"n>:e r camp F riday lI ftern(,(, n, wil l, a "I"lll oil( h., ., playt',j , V" I'Tlini-: , '(,l'l'm l rnllpl eg of the a r e~ p l!ct al ol,' gun1\' . nil.! ~IOI ~ ,' e!'l ' '- IO lllwer spl we r.' present. and all r eveill'e fo) r wlia l "aPIII'lh'" hC'rI' I hl' Ila,I'1 li nl.' t im e: :-ilmtiny he rnl'l ' ~I i nlll i ~, r . 1\ I' , Y. , The )(amr- wn. II r" ,a l "lldln ,, ' I ~ I r , a nd ~ l rs , I,' rank Zell. Mr. J oe ha l tl e h,twetll , I e~~ \\ "<lI'"r all.! 1.,'n rl11YI r an d ~i ~ l e rs, Zeli a and Wical wi! Ii Ilh' hUlI lJ r,; iJ b"u I l''1l1a ll) ; :mn!a , \\'l' !'·' entnwi llpri at break.Iivided , Ea ch~! 1'111'1, " III 111',,11'1 fa-! ,\ l11 l1da, 11, ,, rni n>: , by Mr ' and bat smt'11 and nl'il he r gUI'" a ha 'H~ fi ll Ilr,; 1"I"lIr i< I·arr. hllll ~, ath ll ug h Wi n d hit nne l,al' I1 1<1I1. Wi al all owed 7 h . t~ all d W 'liVer 111 ' 1 \1 r, and Mrs lI ar vl!V Il ye en terhu t al least ~ of thl! hils r Cl{i . lel' ~ " 11I1Il1~ d ul din ner Sunday , Mr. and ag-ain ~ t Weave r ~ ho ulu havl' he"1l1 ~ 1 r~ I,:" lIar t"l>ck and Ho n, of Spring handll!d for pUI -ou t,; hy hi ~ ';U pp" l'1 · \'aII I'Y, MiBs Nett ie r.arnhart and ini-: eas tc, W ' have st'l'n ,less Iill ch ' Ir. Clarencl' Ityc. ~orn" mig hl y (ine La ll I{ fl llll S. hil i nl' \'e r ha ve We ~ce n hirn dl) be l te r. , ~ r , and Mrs , W. 11 , Allen, ' Rev, wo r k than hll did ill Ihi ~.:~m" , Ali d and Mr ~ , J . F. Cadwallader , Mr. and rl on' t forget th e olh 'r half uf thll ; Mr~ , J . W, While. and Mr. and Mrs. ba tll'ry, Howard Burl on , Thi~ hoy ' Frank ZI!II were supper g uesl;s of the iH rapidly lIllv elo pi lig in lo sOlll e ; Ling r Longer uampers Friday evensweet catcher , ill g. , Th e Ii rs l seM ing was done in the , , -- . . " fourth , Bob Burtun IV Uti safr whell l I here was a ti ne dav spent Ihursthl! fi rst baseman muff ed hi H I'ery : day wiLh Mr , and Mrs , Thos. Gates, hil{h fl y. and immedi a tely pilfered , lI car Ml. Holly. T~ere was plenl'y st'cund on the cmmin cnt Mr, ,John til eat , and a good time was had .by Iteanil)ll , Howard llurton produced 1 ~.J1 · ll owever, it was a Su~p~lse, a silarp ~ ingl e, which sI'ored bi li" ~h ose ~ reHent were: .Mrs . Wilham br oth er, then went to third wh en Cum mlll8 and t wo chIldren, Emma an oth er error at lirs t ga\.e Oinw id- . and Ennis. of Middle Run, Mr . di e a liCe , and 'v cntu al ly sco red on a I Luther Cummi ns and Mr. a ld Mrs. pal'sed ball. In Wilming-ton '8 h!llf, Theo , Gates and three, children. of Dodd sing led tn right , ~ t o l e ~e('o nd, Martown . and Mrs . Edward Hart· went tn t hird on n bad thruw, an d oc k, of Mt. HoHy. Ice cream, cake scored lIn I{.' gun' s sacrilice lI y ty and watermelon were served; games center . were play ed, and stories were told NoUling mur ' J oln g until the ninth . iJy t he hos tess. - -- -- - Then sh lJ rl s l O p '~ erru r pu t l'lnw ard Bu rton on ~ 'cond, and a spelldy pitch Honoring the twelfth anniversary connected [with Dinwic1(Ii ~· ' ,; una l- of Miss Lucile, L. C. St. John and omy . Wical '~ rror Kuv e Orsbu rn a fami ly delightfully entertained the life and sco red t he Uut<:hm all, then f"lI l1wing, al their pleasant home on Carl F rye cleared the bases by th e the Springbo ro road: Lucile and simple expedient of knuck ing the Th elma St .J ohn , Alice Mardis, Ethel, ball over the left li .. ld Cent'e, Ac- Thelm a and Ruth Satterthwaite, cord ing to 't he r uleH of th garn e, Ilelcli Sta~r, J ean and Ruth Hockett, this WllS a hume-run, bUI the coacher Dena and Irma Ri ~h, Esther and (no, not the umJ)ire) Iwld Curl aL Loui se Henderson. Edna and Ada third,and Crane Hael'itil!('cI hi m homc Shaner , Elsie and Doris Hawke. Reard on' ~ sir.Kle and an e rror in left Lillian anrl Nellie Watkins, Gladys field ga ve lh e va li anl Krr ighl, Ii con- Kilbon,'R uth Earnhart, Frances and solation tall y in til(' las t hal f . The Elizabeth Henkle. Sara Miasild ine. I{ULh and Margaret Cook and Mrs. score by in n i~'s: · · () 0 ) , ~en Smith . MIUmIS,,, " ,.. .. . 1/ ~ 1/ U 1I U 4- ti evening , Sept. 4th, the Epworth W. K. C.. .... ... 00 I) 1 () 0 0 0 l - ~ - - - - - . - -LeaglJe will have charge of the ser. vice at 7 p. m at which time the Bat teries: Wea\' r an d H. Hurton; \o\' i, :al alld Reardo n, "In lltit~te Echoes" will be heard. The meeting will close with a candle-light Rervice, Everyone urged to be present. Cecelia Gorsuch Sec 'y •_ • ' ,. \\ UIl,








It is not so much the work itself, but the spirit In which the task is accepted nnd perfornled that ennobles the workers. The principal element w hich gives labor its dignity -whether on the farnl or in the workshop-is the glorious quality of its voluntary character.








- ..

" . . , Ihe school hells WIll begm t? ~Ing Monday 111 0rnmR'. and fr om 1lllhcalions the~ will ring to a filii school. Atler aaslg nm t!l1t of ('Iasses lind lI rra.ngem enl~ for b,ooks , the s c~ ool WIll close untl.1 1 ues.da y mornmR', when eve rythmg will be in full sv,' ing for th e sc hoo l year

- --------





Mi ller Park, Richmond, Jnd.. Sunday , August 28 , Those present from C. H. Ucn Lley 11 et wit h an unfor· Ohio wer e: Miss MarvrrPine, Mra. tu~ ate necid enl aL the Hll1nchest.t!r Itacile l Ca mpbell, Mr. and Mrs, Jaflllr, nC Whllt:' son SIlee Ilan, Mr . aid Mrs . Alv'ln " Thursday 1J· · ' te rnou l1 I d rIVing ulnter Direc t 111 a race, a .-.arll '" har t an . d f am, '11y Mrs . EIID.. horse alll'ad I)f him fell , and be ror~ Micl;t:: ner, Chas. Michener, Mis3 Ada Mr " Bentl uy equid ~ u l out of the M'Ie I1I!ller , Mr, an d Mra . Wm , MI'ch way~ he Atru ck t he hor~, ' , und Ire , . " " I C I ulle r. mr, a nd M rs . Ben Smilh and a Iso went d own , . 1t I.~ 9,111 !lY. tlU~(! f allll' 1y,ll f W aynesvl, '11e' Mr a~, LI' lll'o wh o saw, the ~cc lrl(' nt that he wa~ all Slleehali. Howa rd Sheehan. Mr. and cut up and In a ve ry hlld ~ hulle , ~lrs , Italph Sheehan, of Spring Valwhi ch has s,ubsl'(julmt ly, be"ll provell . . , , Iey ; Mr , alluI Mr 8, 1J!v"1rn er ' Sheehan , lie was taken to t' htl~ J1ltal III I) ,' tl W It Luella and Alice 1_.If 1. U e r, HI I ' d I' ane 'Ieds~elr, uncunHcl ouH'1 all 11 0 Sheehan, uf Five PuinL~: Mr. and r.eason ,·ItI 11 0 1 rf1turrr 10I 1111lI unll i l .n " rs, L'I'la~, "'h 'I Mr. and Mrs. ' co ac lIln, eal IY I• rI ( ay morning , w len lC wa ~ M' I "h h M' Margaret I I lon oJ ee an. ISS 1'1 ' h' f ' Uu C to r ccognlze . " IS rtl'nd ~., ~OrJ U~ I{(ll(cr!;,' M r. 'an d M rs Earl 'I'homas , I "'h I Mr and Mru~. were broken III hIS rrg ht IVrr, ~ l , u ~ •.- ""'I'l ~ " 1'1 '.L Ie v (,c l a n . . ven' cut IVa:! madt' abov e Ill " eye, a~ 'I'll' " II ' M . , C I Ol'u Imes, r . llnu, I Mr-, . Leon well fl S hiS moulh , anu hi! IS III II '1 N 'I d li ht Mr and Mrs il Cl t!1 an aug er , . . very se ri un ~ condition , t:;d l'in 0, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Byron Himes He had alreUlly won I wo h ea L ~ I) f and su n, uf Centerville; Mr. Chall. the race and wa~ in Ii fair way to Cruckett, of Sp ringboro ; Mr , and ' will th e .third when th e acciden t "i rs Chas , E'lston and son, Arthur. occu rred . Mr , Hohrn [lr drove l'oirr uf Frallk lin ; Mr, and Mrs. Arthur ter Direct in the next t WII h('at~ am], Wi l so~ and daughtera, of payton. although the hors e'wa~ badly sCllred, A s pl endid dinner was served to he took th e race , Apparently lht:' abuut eighLv relative!l after which hurse was nol in j ured. a meeting was held and all voted to Mr, ilcntley was sUPllosed to bl! h l'rpeat the occa3iun next year at t e getting betler. hu t wo rd carne th is same place. morning that he WIIS r a pidly j{rowing worse. Hill wife. who had be"n in Columbus. look iug after his horse, Pointt3r Direct, went imnrediately to Blanchester. and upun arrival s ent for his brothe r , Ru~sell Bentley. It is thought that a blood clot has formed on his bruin. as he is unconscious, and hopes fur his recovery are doubtful.

Mrs. Mary Stoops died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Randall urday al l~e home of S. S. Ellis. in Harveysburg, Tuesday noon. About l H5 were Ilfl~Hent. The ~un­ Funeral at the home at 2 o'clock ion will mee t in 1£122 at the horne of Thursday afternoon. Interment in Frank Ku!'Ii~. at LlIl.le. Miami cemetery, . Tbe Graham reulli (,n was held Sa l-







--- ..

~pbeaa ~nd.",oocl ,a"d

daulrhler; appreci,ated.

niti: Joeeph Beeton and.on Edward, Caroline UndltrwOQd andvdaul'hten. AlIna and,Laliraj of J;>ayton. Orlando 1'. Battin, of J. J. DowulDa 'a nd wlfe. _of Xepla. beeld~ mill, from the lUffOund.... country. ,eepecIaIl, WUm!qtoD,' , .. home town,


wben be bad IDIIIJ


• _. :'


" ON' HI0' DPERAli .1

. '


BOUGHT VALUABLE ." PIECE ..OF ' LAND ' . ' Harry Stok"- ~urchued the ,Ed·


- --.---'-S1 MARY'S CHURCH

warda H~iueete.d" weft of 'town.

lut weel!. of ~y Vll!ltreaa. · ThIB . Mn:- Lida . Smith ~Dderwent aD lliece of land will, make a valuable operation,at. Middletown )tospltal adjunct to Mr. Stokes' faim. as he leVeral da,. q,o, bat wu 'able to, hM m~e gl eat adv.nee!! in hil dairy eet baS to her home Jut lodm..,. and will give him addition· where abe talmprovlq rapldl,: al,ruinl' Bl*e. •

---- --



of Peodliton, Ind .. ' M. y, ,Cooper and lister and "r. Wood, of Cineln.


Eli,onsl<jr. fnmous long-dislance $wimmer. who hail, hom San try to swim 100 ",ilee with handa and het tied. Bdshtop Be .. ~h , N. v •• whe~ h. I. ,,~, ,with 10 ,ie~




'-='WL~ _ ~



The campers at Linger Lonler broke camp Monday, after having spent several weeks at this dell,ht· ful rllsort. It is rumorlJd that, aev- ' ,. . ' .. eral summer houaee will be bail~ Fifteenth Sunday afLer Trinity, next spring, and an effort ~ e8tabSePte~ber 6~h: lish a permenent summer camp I ServJces..wUI be res~med next Sun-, be made. It is a delightful _~ day as ~Bual. ' , and will make. fine place' foreaap" . Ch~rch School I\~ 9:30 a', m. Ser· in during the hot lummer moDtba. mon and Holy Commumon ,Bt 10:30. g . , Everybody cordially invited ' to • - • these services. Uso-our CIUli8ed AU for.-al_ ,


'The Miami Galett., WayuS'rile, Ohio. lItld thl) 8\111I1((' r n II' [rom til, tun" Il'lt I It<' Ill'mlntl'lI (Ilr. It hlllll: (rulll h I. d, .'('k,

u lld (~\ l'U

lil cen solot'R


IlU)\' o.


RII"n"" nne

hl'UR"1I you'r nrlll, J\ ()('h ," Mllitl l)rUIIIUlull,1 III lelll/th, "un(\ 11011' 1 " I ItRV


by Geo H Do r an


-J ~ 1. ... -

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With. Sudden, Qu lok Movement He Seized th, Qlrl and KI ..ed Her Be· fON She Realll.d Hie Intention, -rbanlr Ood, I wus spared th nt I" f"&. laarko\:l AIrY. "Oood I" returned Bugh. " He's probably awa, with It by now, and hl"8 no tool. For rm thinkIng It's only Peter and hIm between us 111111- " He lett lila Nlllnrlr unflnlslied, lind tor a "'bile there ~' IUI sllenee. "Jerry Is OYer 10 France stilI, putting 8toml' "aper eo hla mach1ne; Ted'a gone \lp to _ that Port. II taldng nourlsll.



"And here we lit lite thn!e well. p.-ned 8peC!fmen8 ' ID a bally Illuaewn," brolle III AlBl" with a ru&till laurb. "Wbat'll they do to 1Ia, Hu,hr' But DruDllllond did not nnswer, aDd tile llpeaker, leelnlr the look on his tllt.'e. did not pfe8a the que!ltlon. 8101171, the houra dragged on, uotll tile last "I!IlJDS of daylight hlld faded from the .kyllVit above, and a Bol\. tary electric IIgbt, hun, centrally, ~u ye the only Ulumlnotlon. Pertod. k nlly Helnrlch bad CO!De In to see t hat they were etll\ secure: hut trom the lIounds Of the honrse Iunghter whi ch came at frequent loton 'ula through the half-open door. It WII.8 e\'l. lif'Ot tbnt tile Oerman hod found other lind more congenllll compllny. At' 1,·ng1.h he appeo red carrylog a tray with bren d and water on It. which he placed on B ta ble nen r Hugh. "j'OO<J tor you , you Engl ish s lVlne," lie remllrked, lookIng glollt lngl y at each III turn. "Berr LfIkln gt(On th e or •. dec gnl'c. 80 thnt you 11'11\ fi t lie t omorro,,. mornl ug. FIt t or th e torture." H e t hrllSI his ftu shpd fo re close to DrulI\tltoll d·ft. lint'! then delluo>rutely !lPllt Itt him. AI,,>, l"IIIl.·won h !!ill'''!! R s u·ft tl gled Il1'll llt, 10111 I lnlttl1t\ond took 110 no tice. With" '1\lI.'l · lllu lt o. he IOllked up a t th £t G,·rl llil n .

"110'" much, Ill)' f rl('IIII." Ito reo morke<.l, "n re you get ti ng (or tl ,l" ?" ~~e (;enn ll.D lel'n>(\ nt hit". 1i:1I0llKh 10 800 tbu t Y"" t OlllorrolV


pn!olfol. lin . nfld I, 'n \'c thts tl1l11 l' h ," \\ 11 11 nnl ' 11IU),!1i Juyful flIllI 17.P11h! llt


11 \1 &.: 11 rltlll,L: "IIt' 1l 11u..' t'uor. UIHI t~ I \lI Hl 1I 11l1""'l f ICI" klll'-!' ( r ultl tilt· rt1l1gc or a

hor. 11M YOII ." tilt' (i "1'111 1\1\ ItTllnl '<1. "Th('n t hl! till I,,· Hoc b\l will tor Y"u ot ,1""11 IlIk~ rnr:"" lI ug h I""k,·" nt hlll\ nll~rlly. "U YOU 110." III' crlN I. "~' '' u ""I ~ 1 lei "YO\l



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TIlt' Of'rtll lln II!('rt><I ~tlll more. "Nulllrllr h. 1' "" ~1If111 tllIt of till' hOUSI' nt 011\'(' wnlk ." He st~rl'l'<1 " l t o I lrUlIIlIlOtHI a lld I'lln h is h n n , l ~ on r his cI'nt. while tho nt\lI'tS "lnr,·,1 At on e nnol lwr In IIIIIIIZP1lI,·lIt. Hur"ly HUllh ""In' [ Imll)llnp Ihe swine ",ould rt'ully I.t him 1\'0 i he wou lt! m('rL'ly t nke the 1110111'), IIn ll "An d Now I Have Ktlled Y ou . Sorry Abou t It." plto l,"hl .l· s pit III h is rll CA 01(1\111. '1'hl'll th l'Y h","'u 101m RI"'llklillt. Oil'] II "lulll.. " r 1(1"11111 (It l'UIIIPI '''h(>II~11I 1I lin 11'01,,1 on lin,," hl lh!ll y tlll. 1'm 1S ,..,.y HI'UHl It; r WU f: n' t pnrll CHlllrly nn X' lnu ~ Itl "1111 th.,l r f", ·ps. "loll 'lI htl\'e 10 unll o 011 <It tho yuur l ift'. Bur It hnd to IJ~ tl ll lt(!," Th r (;p nllHn . hurl I£. ('1IU:-.rlllll"4 or r"I"·s. t"~' rd ,·nll. Iol'(ore )',' U CU ll ~d w hot h e 111\\.1 I'm i (l owlll!.! tn thi' !,flln In 81 It." " t\ ,1 11 ugh (1IIII'tl),. hlR nrm, WII S frnntl rllll )' ~1t'\;\"1( Ihe F or II 1II01m'lIt tlt a I;"rnllln h,,~ll o t. Englt Rh lllnn's I (')tH , t;f lll hnlwd t il tit,. , 1'<1. 11 <, 1" ok",1 01 th .. rop"s cllrerlllly : ('h olr ; hu t th e Ir(\rl grip 1111 hl~ WI'I l" t s the one tlllit b"lI n,1 Ihl' nl'll1~ nn,1 the n eVf'r ~III 'kt! nl'l l. A n d :It~ ' n qnlt41 ~ \lfl· uPJI!'r )lurr rot till' hl,d y \\' tI~ ""pltrnto d enly ('nlllQ I h l' l·nrl. \\ Ith IIl1 t' drpnd- , f l'lltft till' r,'I'L\ rOllll>\ tll ~ h ' ~" En'n If ful , I't' II\' Ul ~ h, ' l i l 'II\' P t hl' (I f! rlUll n he l!lll unllo It Ihe (" n I 1 ~ ItKII.lltttlln j e r k, '" h1l 1l/04.,-11' fl"t ' I), Jlll ri ft·1I ,1uuhl('d \\,1\' ~I ltl 1,,'lpl" 'H, nn, l III' III"\\' litllt he Hp (III til l? Iluo r , Fn~dIlJl lt ~l , t h l'S unllrrlll~l, !l nl1 h,' ">1 t hllll"Clt rL~ ,,'nll'lll',1 .111' 1\ w rllllln~ n llo! tWISI\ II~' 1 1110 \"'1 1 hlH r,'\'ll ll·,· r. /I " I,, ' IllY unC().n· 1I,'loII S In th" hit!!? " 'h ,,l rl. k wn/! un t il ot 11I ~t, III' loy "till , , . . T he Ilocltc \l'IIR ,tt-III I. . . . th .,n.l, n ftp r nll~ H PMl d,'!oi, Jr hI.! ('fil le d " Wltllt Wll" thllt blo\\'·plpl' 1In'''lr1'' .Otrle onp. ('I .p In hI' wIIIII,1 hn\'e 10 crh,t\ Sincloir Itonrsely. ~ hHl'~ tlw tl HJ IW.\'. "The thing UI(>Y tr l<,el to On lsh ItI (' Anrl. fl S hp \\'11 t i'llI'll Ilt ll Il"nnnn's wIth In I'nr ls Ina t nl lCh!." nnswl'rr d IlI u,·"I;;1on. Ilugh's foll'('h ell li JIl'CW HUgh gri mly. tBk hlJ( 0 knl fo out of hIM " "mp with ~\I" 'II t. , •• Wou ld he undo wa ls tenBt pocket. "Lot us trust th nt thl' roPl'? \voultl gr(>ed C01l1ll1er Clt ll' none ot hIs pols come In to look tOl' ,ton ? hIm." At IU8t lite Boehl! mntt e up h is mlnl1. A mlnuto Inter he stoot'! up only to II n,1 II' 'nt bl'hlnd the dlOl r. llu gh alt down ngllln nbruptly, n9 "bls legs f('it !tIm tUfllhllng with tJle rop<'. lind gave WilY. Thoy were numbed lind f\" sIoPol 811 nrgl,,,t look of ,'out lon Ilt aUft with tho hours he had lJlleDt In the t hu other t \\' 0 , enme poeltlon, and for 0 wblle he could "You'lI Ild t pr Ite cu refu l. t( elllrl ch," do nothing but rub them wltb hla It,· -n'lI II Irk,·rl. " thn t non!' or I he otl\er!! hilmi /!, till the blood retumNl nud be Fl r-P, or YliU might hRYO to 8h n re,'· could tecl once more. TtlI' r;"rllllln c(,lIset\ ttnd"ln ~ the , Th l'n. alo\'I'''' Bnd painfully. he tot· knot. IIml ~r\lnt o d . 'I'ho J<:ngll .h swi ne tered Acrose to the others ond ~et them IIIHI ItlOnt Pllt" ot br lghtne"", nnd he tree ns well. They were In nn e\'en \\,I' llt m' PI' IIn,l clo I'd tht' d(1or. Th pn wo r~.· condItion thnn he hod hMln: he I' SUIlICiI fhe " ' \If' rnllon of o nty lDg ant'! It seemed 08 11 AIRY woul" noyer t he rop p; 11lI d. Hlnce It \\'118 performed bo ehl e to stllnd ogaln, 80 complt>lely beh ind th .. ~h n lr he \I'll " In nv posllluo dend wns hl R b(1ll y from thl' wnlst to "ep th(' look 011 Orllllllllond'R {lice. dOWDWRr<lS. Dllt , nt length. nrter ",hnt ('l illy Ihe two ~P"cll1lnrR co ul d see aeemed nn e ternity to nrll1l11t1 t1 nll. IVtlO t hll i. nnd til,,), hll.1 nlmost cell R('d renll7,ed only too well tlmt shoulrl th e h relt1hlng In tl l(llr t'xettpillent. TIln t Kling <'O llie In th ey wore nlnwF1I ns help· hp hnd n I llIn lhey kIwI\'; \l'hUl It WItR le8S 10 th eir present conrl1ll (lII R8 If tbp), "011111 not el'en "'I CS ~. ' they we re stili bOllnd In Ihl' lr choIrs. At lost t ha ropp f,, 11 cl('nr nnd tb e th e ol h"r t wo recovere" . Ot'rl IlO ll Aprn ng hu ck. "All tit now? 0 00<11 WO've got to :'I' llt th.· ('nFP on tlto tabl e." he crl e!1. thlllk wtlot we' re golnl!' to tl o. t or wC 're hn\'lng not tl'" ~lI g htast !Iueotlon of not out of the woor! yet by two or ('","Iog withi n ronge ot Ihose l ormltl· thrl'c mil es." oblll orm.' , " LeI' B get th e d oo r open," romnrl< f't'\ " l'rl"llIly 1I0t," s nhl U Ujrll, "until Alg),. "nnd elCpl or e." yml und o fit )' 11'1:.. Thcn yon sh ,, 11 Ctlutlou sly th ey !lwimg It opeD. nnd hn"e 11." stood mot ionl ess. The bOUSf' \\'ns In Qlllto IO(lqply ho \\'I1S holtl lnJf tlte Rb"ol ut e slle n('e ; the hall wn!! <I&euso In "ill.' hOlltl: hnt the others, s ert ot). wllll'hlnl( hi. rll l'e. RaW t hnt It \\'08 . "Swit ch out the IIJrht." whlRpercd strn fued Hnd t .·tlSf'l. llugh. ':We'li wnn,l er roun d." "Fi rst J the nflll'. must hn\'e." T he They en'pt fo rWtl rll Htenlth lly In the OeMDlln ~ tr O\' (' to "penlt cotlvertlnt ton· Iln rlu ... ~" . stollplnK evory now oud Ihen ol\ y. but nil th ll tlt"e III' wns Cl'i" 'l'lng t n I\~t p n, nllt no so und cnm to t hei r DllJlI'or nnrl nl'llrl'r to th", bn ck ot the I'ors; It 1lI1,.:hr hn"e be!!l1 [l houso of chO ir. '"l'lwn I you r Ipgs undo, lin t.! thp ,1<'nll. you mny go. " ~urtl l l'Jl l y Drummond, who wnR In Al gy'a worll in g cr y rling Oll t slml,1. f~lIn t or t he othor two, stoppc,1 wit h n tuneou," y with the lI ghrn llll; dn rt or ",orn llll( hiss. A II ht \\'os "Iren mln g th e DO<'he's hllnd ns Ite slIa tch ed a t th e ., .. , ' r " , ,\ lWdnr fl tloor ot tUIl cud of n clgnr t tl~.. cnso O\'er D rulll1l1 ond's Hhoul· der. And !I'co Drlltortloll d Innghctl 0 low. trluUljlhu nt luugh. It WIIS Ule mo ve he hlld bOl'n hopi ng t or, ond th e Gormon's wrl Mt wn9 hel(1 fu st In his vl ~p. · llke grip. HI B pl an hnd suecaedpd. An" Lon gworth Ill\(\ Sinci ulr. who Itn" seclI mony thi ngs 10 Ih" lr lives. t\t P rp trle ml ,ron('(\ of which \\'111 be with th ~ 1Il till th ei r dy ing day. hnd nen!T Heen an d li re nl'VlII II k('ly to Bell any· I.hlll l1 wll hlll m(,u~lIru h h' al N l n ll ~e of wl\!ll th,'y lUl W In t.he nex t f('w min. utes. Slowly, lnexl'w bly, t he Gennun'. arm WUH helllg t wls let.!. ",hilI' ho ut· ten'tl gu' plllg c rl e~, und b ~ llt I ltlp~ tentiy at On tt ttttl vnu 's heHlI wit h hi s tree hun ,\. T hen Ilt IUSI lhere '\' II ~ u d ull cru ck u .~ . I ho o rlll br" ke. ond n ' scrClt fll ot 1'11 111. tiS ho lurclt ed rountl the d tltlr li nt.! ,fluOll lte I Jl I I ' s~ In from ot the sol(lI er, who s tili held th e el l(· uret to case In hI s lerl hnn d. T hey snw Dru rnntO nd opetl tlJ l) clg' II rc lte cnse II nli tuk!! t rom It wltH I lookl'd 111(0 II w ho Ilt woor\. 'rlh'U 110 t el t In his (Jocke t olld wo k ou t II


III' r. 'fll: trk ,·d, " h u t ynu 4'n ll put Ih~·'~t· Rlln ~ ' H\\H ~" I hulL' l ouk lHH: at th~' 11I f "''111 Ih :n t l' nd ." " \\ ' It" , 11 «· 0I,·\'1t Itn\'I' tI,,·y ,Iono to

1111 )',, "r


I)". ,,'

('uufu l nl n g

t lf

11\· t H Sl·U ......

It lll lhl(') II', lin t! EII W Ihll t t ltey \\'l) r 8 ttll!I'cllc"s. T b ere \\' 0 8 n sh tlro. whlstllllg hiss.

11111',1 II tit!

UN gi ve you

an e~ tim a t e.


I ft· c:lllfl l ', ,,l '"!lund th ~ rnOm. nnd ft .. 11 n r grh l "' )I)"I'illl O\' I I f h l.- r fH' l ' , 'r hp r p \\~' I"t' ': .. 111(' !Wt' n,s "t Iii;" '-tlln):. nil of 11 \1'111 rH~t H:-tlt 't'11, Tilt·), HllI'ltwh't l g r o", ,, tl l h , I ,' O\ t' r th r t ul, lt', th t.), Inlll'd In I'1l11 l r~: ItH '~' III ~' fill till' flour, t li p), liUf] dh'd III f' O f IH"'1O , J\ 1111, ",lttllill t (\1"(,U (lI t HII I h,.\' s 1t1t1l'd IIl1d 6110 1' It" 1.



r" 'l(lIrkl'd

t he

,\ lIlI'l'kl1l1. ~ H z llIg IH tiu'lI1 wit h ~nt I8. ( 11 , '11 0111 , ' Pllt ' n h l , turn..- r1 tn On llliIIl u lII I. "!-'HY IIOW, ( 'I\ptnln, we' ve unf /I lor n ' 1111111 of t h .. l'll"Y!'4 ollt"4hle ; )'our rd"IIlI' hl ' l'l' t hO\lJ!ht w v'Ll hl--Itur h r l na "'111 tl1D11).: , :-;tl 1ft:!' up t o YO\l to get !t \1 :o; \' ,"

"~ l lI lIlng " "n,1 Itls ,·t'(lWll." ~" I<I Dor. ...-11. s, .,'III~ thp I, .. ,k or 111~'stlllo'II U on on II l1 ch', r",' '. F ur II few m,lI upn ts Drummond .<to'HI, 11,"'1' In I h "u~h t ; th" n ollee n":lIln Ih,' f! rlrt SIJI'C'ttll slo\\'ly O\'or bls rnf'P. "11t'1 I h~ hoys In. I'l't ' r: nnd !:,ot tlII'St' IUllIps or tIll'nt ('nrtt'<1 out to the lorr)·. Alit.!. whllo you t.!o It, we'll 10 UPb1 1\IMl Im d mop \Ill." THREB. EV CD In h Is wildest dreams Horh hRt'! never Imn!rlned Roch a wonderful 0llporlunlty, To bo In complete posReMlon of t ho houso, wi th stronll torces at hi Mbeck nnt'! cnll, WtUI B 8tote ot nll'lll ra wh Ich rendered him almost Rpeechl eAH, "Ke~ [l you r · guns hond1," whispered Hugh. "\\',,"Il drll w eBc.b room In tum till we 1\ " t'! the girl." But th <'y wer e 110t to bo put to 80 !Duch trollhl '. ·Suddenly Il door OPPDMlt O o[lI'lH.'(I. nnd tlte mQn \vho hilt'! hoen gIl llr,IIUK Phyllis Benton peered out 8 U R I)l c l ou~I)', rTls low fell nnd Il look of Ol!hlh!lt surPrise spread over hi s fn ce n. 1110 ao w tile t our men In tront of hiUl. Hugh stepped pns t him nnd WRS smiling Rt t he gtrl who. wllh II little cry of joyful wonder, hlld rlReD trom her chnlr. "Yuur fllce., boy," sho whlspered, as Ite took her In his nrms. regnrdless of the others. "your poor old tllce l Oh, thnt h'ruto, Lllklngton I" lie Inul!hed gontly, and to'r' a 100ml'nt 6he clung t o blm, unmlndtlll of how he hnd I~ot to her, gloryIng oD1y In the fu et thot he hll<'l. It seemed to hCf thAt there wns nothing wblcb this wonde rtul milO or hers coultlll't man· ngo : nml no w, blindly tnl8tlng. 800 \ynl ted to be told whnt to do. The nll(htllllll'C 11'1\8 over; Bugh \vns with her . . , . "Arc thcre ony enn outsldo?" Hugh tur ned to tho Amerlcon, "Y o)\lrs ," nns wered thllt worthy. "An d min e Is hldtlen behind Miss Benton's .Jlreen ~\QUSO u nless they've

n 1l1l1lllJl'r of

}l lJgll 's f"yf"S n~ he stUI' 'd"u"t (he Illoon·

uf Building Materials I:#" Le t

Ilu gh grlnd y, 11~ I ll..' sltut t ll fl' "TII.' n.' un' o tlll' r lII ur I llrt lSMlu g

1 1ll\ ltl ' I'~

" ,\


Lime, and all kinds

snltl 1'"1'1' .. 11. "lo\\' ly

",,-,·'11 1" lwe thu t r.. t t h .. t I tn~ .~ _ 11 1T11 . ·']


Waynesville, Ohio

h,\\pr l ll"" Il ls II I"UI .


loog t hlD splin ters. AIIII , hll \'llI g Ottell IJtI" ot tilt! spli nt ers Int o th e tuuo be lllt t lit e ol'iler (,,, <1 In hi MtllUltth. With II q"ld! hell"c tlt uy ~ I( W hint j"rk tlte (; ' 1'1II 1I tl l'ound Rtl il clHch III_ 1I1I1, t·" I;(> 1I fi rm with hlH (1'1'0 Io·ft hunl \. And Ihp t\l'O llllll"" wll tc iters InolWl 1 al

w. H. MADDEN & CO.,

11110 [\\11 r,"\' ul\'I ' n ",

,\ ' 111'"

m e ,:0 ,"

11111 1c1,·lu)x.

. use 10 . your new h point is- Build! That you Will ome'IS mere1y acci'dental ' The . )" Are you using the argument "that you'll build when Pnces Com e Down,' If so, then it is time to bury that moth-eaten phrase and get ?usy. because prices ARE down. They are so down as low as the y are gOlllg to ' be for man y 11100119. . . Do you know that America today is in immediate nee(l of two mllllo~ hO ~les and houses ? Do you know that p~ices ar~ as low as ac tual cost productIOn, based upon readjusted wage scales Will permit ? If;)'ou know these things- then yotl are of the thinking persons or familie s which are going ah~ad with building.

enollj(h." .... utl. II~ tr In nns\\'e r to hi" qtll·~tln n . t her,' {' UIlW clll' \'ole," Il,;-nln frum In Fllcll' 1 li t' rllt'flJ. "\\'111 , ~ I r [l nrrl'!! . 1 1o'1, e!;S WI' ('nn




cltt'd l,\ , " I II~ \ \\'JIHIt ~ ilo llluK lJu ol.:h UNl u slt'('P. HI' l 'lt l'ut IUY !a nt." '''l'h''11 who \\'II ~ It ~'POkl' ?" on ld AilP'. "A t l i 'lnn l\\'v ot 'em Uro H\\nku rl ~ht

Itrp h,~n·. " rH.' ~nll1. "A nd 1 fllw H .\~ h"1I1 'Yt1 jl thllt Y'H1r~ TWO wn ~ n h,,:c;lIh's."; IUU1 " I\," IlItq..:ltf·!l lI ut-: l l . "We nppea r." r(,lIIurk(',1 ll u/:h qll lpt · "Wil y . ) "" I,,,,, r t ,'"I . 1'\'1' ~ I't II Ih"/I . 11. II tew minutes Inter. "10 b,' In r"r A M ild l\u ll[l<l_ III lI"tl'~ III III)' r l);llr('1t1l checrr nlgbt" I .'n.,. "



" 0 "'" t !; I" muttered Hn gh

l1I ustt-a Hons b y l RWlNMY£RS



.\t lJ'nJ{fh l'lU"b me\' Nl tonl'l1l'(1 1I1I1\1 n; IIno thp othor R followod. AnCl It wn~ lIot I\ntl\ the.y got flultu elollO to t l,,· dOor thllt 0 IItr nnl(e, ('('lntlntlOUS n (1 i ~ III'jIlIII to bo not\cl'n\11 8 DOIRe w hlr lt .'O tn(l mONt IItRtlnctly f rom t1w 1111101 ,'<1 roum. It rOKU nnll fOlI\ wltl, nl(lII"I "1I0U9 r ('gu lnrlty ; ot timeR It ro@emb l"rl n l'trns8 hn nd- ut others It dl l'<l nwny t o II gentl o TD urmur , AnCl occllslolln ll y It was punctulltlld with a 'tra n!!1 II Stl!)rt. , • •

T Ie Adventures of A Demobilized Office .. Who Found.,yPeace Dull

F or II momelll thl' Ul'rllllln hlHI I,'f! ! the room. nlil l thrre nhHllmh·~ • . \1>"'11,1 ftl!1lrl'fl, RlI i1ng gr"I" sQIll'ly In tlwl r ('h llirs. were H Il~H'. "How d lt.! !lIOY Io~t )'ou. 'rOily?" "HIl·lt n 110t<'n ot 'I'm RtHIr1 ,·nl.\· III' ' ....8red,'· UlIs wPred Rln{')l\lr .hon l )', "k llO<'ked m" 0 11 tbp hl'n,l, nlHI tl", III·xt th lll!! , knuw I WI\A hl'r(' Itl this d--d chlllr." "Is Ibnt ", b ~o ),011 got )'ollr tIlC!'?" I\Sklld Hugh, "No," salt I Toh),. and hi s volee WAR grim. "\\" . ~hore In tho fllll t to' r or fRCeR, old mon." "Laklngton nJrR ln. WM It'" &l ld Hugh sortly. "nl1lr l1 t'1l\'''n I If I COII I,I get one hRnt'! on Ihll t . . . " All broke oIT nnd ItI \I gh6fl. ""' llI\ t nhou l ~· ou . AI gy ?" "r went blundering 10 0\' 01' t he W il Y, 0)(1 b6!ftn." r('t llrned t hn t worthy, "n nrt somo <la m' tl,t\OW knorket'! 11\~' e),l'gl llss oIT. So. 118 I COUldn' t !iN' to kill hi m. r hll d to join the picnic hl'r,'." Hugh lo ughf't'\, Ilml t hen SlHld,' nly Il1'PW serlo)u . "By Ule \\' R.,V. you didn't "'e n IUlln chewing gum on the horl"olt, (lid you. \vb('n I. mllde m)' entnlD ce? Iltl/j'roh · ber sult, Bnd tace like a Jllotor·WIl8.


voIce comIn g fNIIlI thu umu room. Some one ollltJ nl1 ~w('r I h1m-. (In(\ thl'n thero w nll

rtWIl I ,,( his 11I'tld fu lh,'ll to (lI s l,,<lJ('I'

Copyr igh t

on il. n! fnl'Y Rt OOO wlltcntng .h~t( 1"1\ 0

It . 1'111')'

'ledecmed U S . Ubuty Bonds mostly paid ~"r the building 01 Ihl,. p'crman Lutheran ch'urch at Coatsburg. III.. which cost, $7~.OOO . Re\'. 'A. H. Zeilinrer i. the paslor. He pOinted oul al the .dedlcatlon recelltly that the church ',enn« liag bad twenty·two .tar. In It. and cvtO' _,,!. ber had proved oYer. IDd over. araln _the loyalty _to .the countr)' . 01_ tbtlr ,doptlon.


to lllnnl't. 'l'hnrRdIlY. MIsS6H Zillu movml It." remnrk e<l Algy. (jlthe ns and LouI8e Woolley, of "O"od," Hllid Hugh. "AlIrY, take Uuy~ou, ~ud Mrll. RIolph LewIM. ~\l R~ 1I<'1t11l/1 IIlId hllr father up to Bait 'rauk Al)pl e bad lhe mlsfortone M Ol lO . 1r.-et- o t once. Thl'D comu buck of brelltiul( hl8 arm . when be t e ll 1101'(\," (rom" 101111 ot Ht.raw, I ... t week. "\lUI, lIu,::h- " begtm the trlrl apMn. Con (j"belmftn ' RDd MI~~ pell llng'l y. "AI onc~. dear, lliease." Be .mlled Atl eh,lde Mlnulng, ot Cill olnulitt, a l Iter t" " t.!erly. but hI" tono wn8 d&- l\ulI R o be rt, Mlldrod ond (~llIra" Aalnea, ot Belman', were gU08t8 III clded. '''1'hls Is goIng to be 110 place Mr~ . Wlilter Keorlok and family tor yo u In th e near tIlturo." lleveral daY! 188& W80lk . 'l'bey werll Wllh no turther word' of protast th. joined on Honday by Mra. W . n girl toll owed Algy. and Hugh drew Baloea, of Belm on'. and Mr, .llIoo b A hrenth of relli·t, G"belman Rnd MI~lj Ruth UabelDlIID, "Nllw. ),011 ugly·looklng bU&,hter," of (·Iuolnnatl . he rema rked to th" cowering rulHlln. Mr. and Mr8 Rnbert B'rlend tlDter. wh o W Olf by this tIme ' ehak1n&' with trl lth t, "we rome to),OCl. When dOlW klu8d to a lIomptU tl U8 dinn e r, Hun. d.y. tha followIng lIoelll., fro m Uer . Lll kltl~ ton return'" "Tennorrow. iIIr," stammered the man'own neighborhood; Mr. and Mf' John Heitz and <'I lln llbler". otber, ...... lIarraret anti Id", M rand "Wher e Is be DOWr The mnn hesitated tor a moment, II 8 William Belir. and dau gb ter . but the 100II: ID Blllh's eyM pi....... Dorothy, IIr and IIrI .1ero nHI Bellz .lId ~wo ohlldren, Mr. Rnd Ized hIm Into epeecll .HII. lJlaren08 Bellz, Mr. all tl Mu . "Be's Atter the old woman', pesrt" Waller Beh. and ohlldreu, Mr lIud sll'-the duchess of J.anlpebl ........ Mtll. Daniel Belt. and 'hrel! ohild. "All I" renll'Ded Buah' eottlJ. "Of ••tlannlnjf. ceUI"llE! he II. I fOliot.· WhllQ doe. rea .nd- Mre - -_0 _ .0- - - ret p.l'8OO come bas'" "Tomorrow, too, IIIr, aliI tar .. I ImOWs," IIIlJIwere4 t.J¥I .~ "Ant'! whllt', fie,,1 dornaade4 Drummond. "On the level, 1IU\'Por, I can't tell yer. Smto, I eln'tlAt UlDt moment Darreu'8 voIce ce,me tip from the baD: "The wh ole bUDch are .towed awa" COIItMON PI.EAS COURT H us:h. Whllt's the nut Item'" New Suita. Hu gh walked to the top at th, "' n INt. A grin ,pread over hSa t&(ll Alfred R . hloy VI! A" Yon Fn. AS he sa w balf a dOlen tnmlUar tacee Iler, nOl(llovU II, In the hnll. and be holled them cheerily. "Like old tlmea, bo)'II," he IRuabed. . Marrla,e LiteRsetl. "W here's the drly8l' at the lorrr , .. Boy H. Darby, tarwer. of BlaD. "Thnt" me. 8Ir." One at them oheater and MIlrie Newman, of Leh. stepped torward. tinon "Oood," Mid BnglL "Tako ,our bna Carle'on O. Dunn, farmer, of ten miles from here I then drop that crowd one Ill' one on the road .. loa ClarkavlJle, and MallOl at JohD go IIlonr. You I'IUI tallo It from mt of Lebanon . Fred L , Mohrfield tarmer, of tbllt oone ot 'em will 8a7 8D7thtna nbout It, even wboD theJ' wake up. ~baron"l1Ie. und Alma li:rbeok, ot Then tAke her bnck to your ..,...: MaSon, ['II sce yon latAI'. (To be coDtlauecU Probate Court PrMeeding8. - -- -


.. - ...----

-----..- ---

The IlIIlldl' o. Martba Kinder. de

Mra. Adda Parnell, of Day'on, spen' the p118' week wl&b Mr. anil Mrl. H. M, Clark. Misses Loulee Woolley and MIn. nle Rooord spent 'rn8flday of lallt week with Mr.. Adra Lewis and fnmlly. Mr. and Mrs. Cui Albright vilited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers, In Bellbrook. Snnday. Mrs. C , A Tbompson labedf,.." the result of '" fall on the IIkln, la.' FrIday. Mr. And Mre . Walter Kenrlok and MIs8 Viola Baines apent Toeeday oVBnlDg and Wednesday of IlUIt week wllb Mr. and Mra . C R . Blne. gar, In Jame..'owo, Rov. J. W, MIll"r preached hl8 laet sermOD here. Sunday evelllng, before going to oODforenoe. Mr. and Mrs. Leou Ball,bury and daullhter, Miriam, took Sonday dIn. Der wah Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emer. 10k, 'lnd In the aftornoon 1')1 wen' 10 the MoCurdy rennlon, a' (jellll·


Olassifled Ads An a d . in

tlli ~

co lumn i'l



sure sale


Money to Loan on Farnl Land for ten years at 6 per cent. TER~ELL

& TERRELL, Wilmington, 0., phone 301.

.lION ~y Loan Od 0 0 live M"lOk, IVI Ollllttol8, R1MO 8ooo ndruor\glll!811. N oLosl>oUl(ht. Joho lJarblue, AlhlD 8ulldll1l(. Xenia Ohio, 6 ' .22

LOST opal IHL; o,tb.r on .\ree' A RINH, Wtl iDet!day nlgbt. or OD Leb". nuu ViII() ooLwet!n UUOB "n I Uurwln . Pietist! ruturn to Mr~ , W E S 'rond, R. D. ~. Wllynesvll\t" O . Reward.' tll-& -


FOR RENT ,: S ftlr I(l!ut . Aleu oo.rdlug ROOM \)y ,·bo wee_. Nloo looa,lon fUr ~ oh oo l IlUpilM. Yn. t.anra ~ao_.H. 'I'hlrll!:!' .. Wavnesvllle, Ohio. 112-4

FOR SALE Ga.ollne Engine," h .p., In flood A shape; will eltber ,ell or 'fide. IDqulre of Uarvey Rye, ville, Oblo.

Way nell • ,I'


uperIor Grain Dr\ll . li:dKaf Btln. lon, BalvtlYl!burg, Ohio . 11' proved. The estate of Blanobe PenOl!. de. L- EGGEl''l''S PARltt GREEN a' cealed, Fin' aDd Flual Ilooouul I. II'. M . .U"le', Hardwaro ~wro, app~oved. Waynellvllle, Ohio. .7 'rhe "'late of t>arah Snyder, de. oealled, Flnt and I'lnal ROOOUnt ap. Duroe 80"11, w"h 12 Plge. A. B. 2 proved. Rosell, -l miles wesl of W.yn8ll. Tbe llII'a'e of Wilbur Hawke, mi. vIlle, OD R. D. 4, Wtlynelvlll., Oblo. 17 nor. I'lrs' and rlnal aooonnt appro. ved : Tbe N'ate of John Kinder, mlDor, HogM-l !DRle bog, three BOW. and Second and Final aoooun' II appro. 11t\le pllCl for lillIe. Thorobred ved . 'polalld ohln • . J. W , 8eaob , .7

The Miami Gazette, $1.50 a' ye.r. oeued, 6rll& .nd flnal llooount "P


I{lIl1p .• , hnnlltllll:Uvl'I. '2·1 : I'lwrlod "",wlnK w"8' 1~. ,ltI, ; H,,~r y ' Browu, pllyrull, '~80 93 : .1 W Wllrd, gmvOlI. ' ~. tlO ; J . K . Hpt' noAr. BI\III " . 'U [00. ~t"vtnn

-c-- _._

In the matler of lhe elk'e of Mary C. Kalaer, deoeaBed, 'uee or. 1 5 0 0 BU8BEI,!-\ OF CORN . D. R . I3allaburJ, ph,lQU dered· paid. 2·1-2, Waynesville, Ohio. aSI 10 the ma'ler of Emmett ,J . Mo. Carren, admllllion to S'lIt8 hOlpltal M"oBelb AII\\.Glare: Lena granted , for Hale al Fred M. Cole', hardware !I'ore. "Sl Real Elt.... Tral1llrerl. Pure. brlld A n 00 n. Laying Waller aDd lIabel Gray to Amoll Benll. \'9. Beare, and May DeBoard 10' IIlu "arvey,. n1lll9111e, Ohio. "Sl borll, IlIDO. Albert.nd Lanra Powell '0 M. COW-rre8h Jereey Cow, lOud 8 and W, N. Bear., lot 4871n Brank. wilker. Inqolre Of Lener Ken lin, 11. rlct, R. 0 Ii, Waynenllle, Ohio. Mary A. 8troud Wilham Dow. Ct!nlervllle phone 52-3. .Sl dell. trao' In Walhlngton twp. , OR ~ Old C ad 1 , . Su_n C. B.yner '0 Berber' P. C , R orn,l o ' ~IIDper k BaUleld at.l 10&119 In Lebanon pouncJ. • E. I:!lm InB, . . II, II. • , , .Oregollla, Ohio. , aSI








~own .

Gladya Welah 8' llil to rores' w. 2Draft Horles: one S.YMr.old. hall Mr. and Mn. Frank Woolley and Penoe 'raot.ln CI_roraek 'wp. II. been worted; one 2.year.oI4 j ohlldren,lIf Dayton. were week.end b()tb good onel Inquire. of O. tI. guests of Mr. alld Mrl. Wm. BrowD. Rlokll. R. D.', Waynesville, OhIo . CO.....lo.n< ProeNdbl.... aSl 'Che Redll 01 Ihe la'e oonlel' of t.he Lytle !Sunday 8ohool dlrllahl• BII~I allowed :-Ellner l.'ramer 500BOllhol8 ot CorD, band IOrted tully en'erlalned 'be Bin.., 8atnr. payroll. lBO' 611 JIB. W. Trovilln, Inqalre of Bllnry Nleoh8r., day evening. A fine prolram w .. roap repalrl, "Ii,W; Itt ColHu~, R. U. 1 W.YJleavUle Ohio. a1l1 rendered. lind an abon4all0ll or loe p.,roll, lli08 U:, O. B. C.ln, b a u l - ' , oream lind oah wal eerved &0 aiD, . ~'1, til jIb...... Kamp, good fnll Beeeip" Book, JIO\Iket large orowd. IpreafllDI ... ,JIUD: Charlet Itze and on ,ood paper 1 'he Mra. l.bas, E" Johna enlertalbed .Kn.pp, h.uID, ,ravel, 130; John Miami Galette J2!-&f





.... T,HE MI'AMI



ISEUI';t) I~VI':RY WEDNR DAY ' &ot.ertkl ilt t Ilu

t', IItUtl1t'O o t', a y nrh vilif. ( lilfu, UI'I lot , ( tlU

( 10 ....

~! lIll 1\" 1 11 t'l

Wllllnlh liro)k". II IIfe.l ong oltl . zeo of this vlolnl&y, pIIs Red away at D. 1.. en AN E, . Edi tor and ruhli51 Icr. ' \\'a)'ne~" iIIe, O hi o hiM lute h OUle on 'atu'r dtiy, Aug oll\ 27, UnAr ovorn l mooths' IIloknotls , Subscriolioll Price, $1.50 pE'r yt'ar !:i o le'lVot! tu OIou rn bls depllrture. " widow. a duug h to r noll thro(l Bon~ I hr ,," I I 'n ,..\ th· .. . ll .. l lIlt H C I, ;,· ~e n t" lh'f: -1 1111 ,\ MI· J(llA N PII1.SS \ ~ ~ O II\T ION - all good tlnd usefnl oltlzontl Mr Brooks was an old soll1l0r , "nd after .~ ~-- .-- -- - tll o war, bolng a young lUan ( ull of on ergy and a doal re ~o hllve nnder WELJNESIlAY. AUGU ST 31,192 1 bls oootrol 80me of th e earthly ~========= -~~---==========~~======= goods. be la id tile corn er.stone for tile f ulur e, IlDUa dllered to It 0108ely t hrougbout t ile junrney of hie en . tire Jlfe T b e m ai o t blng with him WB S ho n osty. 'l'here was no thin g 8 0 bUtlntiful to blm a s bon osl,y and In. tegrlty and tbat WIIo@ on e prlnolple ho de8irod to hRve bls boys r e m emtlcr . Be tlnd hie lon ely wife had - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - __ wo rkod side by elde for 10 tbeBe IIIRny yeR rs Ifl yl ng lIumethln g up for Ul e rllolll Y day, and when hi s oame '\'u s on lied h e w"s not fonnd WB lIt. ing 10 bl8 woi g b ~ 1:10 WIIS S mem It III ve ry ftirO tUtlt th e " vom ge I 'I'be olli ollli titl e (Ilr th e week will he r of the Fri ends oh orob , on tbe Th e ohurch has 10Rt a new~1J1I1l0r bOOK!.!! Its O Wri business, ' b o ":;ub~ orlbo fur y nur !:i 01U1I Town Aveoue. ha t f(IY~H 1I1111u ti tios of Mp"0e In P"per Wet'lk" l'h o1l8l1oU(ls of pllpo rs Itood member Bod tbe oommunlt:v A bO'!8\ln g t he .1l'"lu of ot bers . wlll join In tuis evo nt, au d ou r rOil ~t)od oltiaen Lon g may we r ememand profit by his hav in g lived ~ou) c h o4Iy 8ul!'GeH~od thttt It WIl8 d ars will Ilel'r m or e IIobout It os time tlber m oog n~ . lime for tho ll ew8p~ I)e r8 of the ooun- : goel! on . . MI' Bnd Mr8. Harry 8 . 'l'uoker lry to Illlopt a wee k In whloh tbelr Ever rea1y to b olp In "JlY Cti uee own bUHIOOAS ~ h o ultl UO g i ven pre tbd Ie In the IUtoreetll of ~ botter unll t hree clllidren lind fathl'r, Mr . oedent. "lid tile Milllni tlH~ette oommunlty. botte r JIving oon dltionR Crloh fle ld, were week-end g oests of thoroughly e ndo rsllR tbll IUIlIl, IaDel be~ter g \vnrnrn ont wo now relullve8 and fl ie nde at liermlln. Thll ,I ~I.e Mllt I .. \.III' SOO' ,nd weok ' uRk tho re " dore of I,bll Gllzot t o t o tnwn, Kfl nluoky , t:love ral from h(lre nttoncl od tile I~ Noveml.>Ar: fr om 7tb to the i toru in nntl lenll a haUl) ,luring , 12tlJ. lUolnlhll ~ UII.. t grtlilt worltl I "Hohsorlbe fnr your Horno Town Hloh.CIlrr r llonloo lit, tile W ~ IID1an ~c h o ol houRe, SaturJtiy , Ow log to eVIluI"! oj; \lilY . P"Il6r wuo k ," "nel boost for UB. ~ick nee s 8evor,,1 were kept from be log presen t '- - -- - -- - - - - - -- , The g~rage of R. B. Brooks Is be~lnnlDlC tu aRsume tbe appelloranoe of a building, and wben oothpleted It will be Iln addition to our t o wn . - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -· - - - --! I Mrs , R . W , Kaylor i<tlll remalos We d uubt If ~he I\vorllge Clt.lzen I Where ver yO!l liod /1 Boy Soout qnlte poorly . reallwil tbf tromundons growtb tll"l y ou al ~o find a "II\ lI ly , r e!lllble, self. Fred Harlan, o ur popalar neWB the Boy Souo' 1D0vo~ent h"8 IIWHI6 rollant buy whe 1.8 IIUXIOU" t.o do shop proprietor, 18 meeting with 1<0011 (l efld .. In thlll world . Judge good s uooesllin biB enterprille . In A me r IOil 01 reuon t yeaI'M. Dl\nlel S , Trad e. of Chl oago, 81lY8 Do y ou kllow thllt " lAl ra lue seven_ I thllt o f Ihe tbouBilnoM f I . h Ueo. M. Ed warda Is bBok working , 0 hl uOys WOnt Illt, trade ' dter several months' teeD thoosaod, ~eVllll hundrt!t.l t roop .. I btl ve beon brought IOtO B ooJur$. absenoe of h"y 80llUtS In this ol1 nntry, HU ' not olle 111\11 heeo 1\ Soout. Juveolle , ' that Ib urlll .. 001. R olt v Ilud h tlt'dly a judges allover the oo untry' m~ke '1 bls vlolnlty WIIo8 well repre. fowll (lr vltltlge wlt,b uuI oue o r Lwo Ihe flu m o r e)JO rt . • sonted at tho Blanob l'ster f"lr, Il\st Irool'"? !lo y tioouis graduute Into Alllerl_ wee k. And I.k, ynu r01l1l 1.8 tbllt I:h o nil III . Ol\n olUzollshlp In 110 few s h ort YOl1I'8, H . M, Flte, r epresent.lOg lhe Ra . ber ,l( IInllorll lA(1 B,)y Joi CU II!H In IIlId flu e OII,i~onl! thev are, II 1II 0H t plor Sugar F(I~d Co , of OW8n9boro. g uud II tlindlug lu th08e t r oll1l8 h. UIIW h Olirte nirlK fao t to putriote ~h o Ky ., onlollded two carloeds of feed think . tilia wt'lO k Ilt Hprlnl! V"lIey and well liv e r fo ar hUIIlJr!!ll Ih o1l811 11 d'/ W .. y no8vll le, Uood feed IIond oour. teons treatmeot make Batisfaolory sonloo . OhM, Gordon . our tranafer man. Ie IIoUeodlng the !:Itllot.., J!'alr with hll lruok. Corn onttlng Is noorlng. Bow lDuoh more than ~he crop will " ooat to have It put in shook? Remember. the war II ove" lbe "Inler Ie near With 'he promille of II lonl oold llpell, work II n~aary lba' 10n may keep the wolf frOID tlle The Best Way lren wonld 8teal . , . They 10DI door. LIve lind Ie' live and yon to plnok fer bidden !lowers whlob va. will be helped, otberwlae you will Wbll tfl ve r elle IlH'y 'IIB tho lore, grlloDt drll"ms reTelll. . . . 1 've be IIhunned, don't IlltlVIl Slie 1\4'"r 01,1 h " II1I'. No tried It out the 8ame .as yon, and Our public road. are being oov o'ber pl"06 Ie b"l( lin pure, t.eoeRtb foond the gtlrdens bllre. . There ered with gravel. and we oan ex. hlgb bnavon 'H cl oml'.. . . J oare wllrn't no Ic ttvillt with hooey dew,- poot better trlloveling In t b e winter. DfI' "http yon wll n,lllr to, In ,]noq, Thoro wllrll', no fl owe rs tbare. . , l:;ome d emand for b oru es In our or j oy or I(aln, - Ule al rlln IIl oglI tbe l.ei'tl run bllok bomo beforo it 's oUy , wltb little obRnoe of boing 1I00g t o you, but . yl\\I "HIHI, h owl p8rk,-baok to Ule oott"ge door, lion s npplied , _ wllb pain . . . Ton oft 'h8RA ruo right In an' Hi,y all nl gllt. an ' rOll"e18 1I0nie o r oor '0, boyonll t lwi r not 8tray of[ no 1II0re. " Trix" Is a dog belooglng to Ern 68l Ulllam , Ernelt drives aD Oak. Itlnel mBoblne, lind 'rrlx hAS leuned tile Bonnd of the Oakland, and lUll beoome quito an !Adept In riding on the running board. The prelen' mall CIIrrier, F . L. Harrl8, drives an Oakllnd, and Trlx watohes fCJr him wbea he delivers mlloil " 0 the Uil Mary's Lunch How About the Llateno,..7 lima. Then Trlx will monnl the To hung oil Ihe organ i motto to. maoiline and go the roooda with the the ""erago ~horRI aoclety: ·Lo~ oarrler. The queetlon arises, I~ t,be Mar1 bllod a little Iuo(lb, have mercy 00 UI ml",rablll I~ra, mail oarrler violating 'he law by 'ro te ll tbfl bunes' tru.b, ;..J......" • _ • Tr.l xy no' belnjr 8lamped and tbe Too lIltle; qolt.e Inadequate ; 8~mp 08noelled ~ It wouldo't lill " toot b ! Mr and Mr8 . Frank Ruddnok aud H weot wltb her. this little Inooh, 80n, Horaoe, of l:;prlng Bill. were Tbl, p"per, brolill aorl bllooo, Sunday oullers on Mr. and Mra To IIOhool eaoh duy; sbe lObI. ber ChaB, 'ruoker. Charley , who hall poncb, been hou8ed up for some time. III THE AMERrcAN COW Oer beaUh 'lUI badly shaken '! thought M tilia 'I me to be Improving DOES MO~E: THAN Barveys burg va Clarksville were 'Til Mary'. IOhool Berved every day ..JUMP OVER 'THE: OD tbe dllimond, SundlloY, and again A WarUi milk soup nUlrUloall. MOON; SHE FEE:OS the ' Burg team waH fortunate . Now uk ber how 11110 'feeill '; she'll A NATION, Tblnk ot the learning that will I&y, 800n tlloke plooe under the anpervl. "Oh boy; I feel auaplolon" I" slon of Prof. Tolle Rnd bls oorps of ... .=...-=:t-t'~4.'B1_"","u't it wonderful ? Our Calendar Mr. and Mre. Jrllo M, Syferd IIond Bon, John. were SundlloY gnests of Sept. 4 - 15th Sunday after Trinity Dayton relatives . Sept. 5 - Labor Day. Mr. and Mra. Elljab ,) , Campbell Sept. S- The Nativity. of Wilmiogton, with tholr ohlldreD' Sept. ll-Hlth Sunday after Trinity, and grandohildren non.borlng Gl , Sept. IS - 17th Sund,y .after Trinity. were im'r r'alned IIot "111'1 home of Sept, 23- ·Autumn eqUinOX . Mr. and Mn. Adam Ii, Campbell, Sept. 25-18th Sunday after Trinity , on 80ndlloY, Sept. 29- Michaelm08. . , ._ - --.- ... M.r. and Mra, Frank L BlIorrls and Mr. and Mra G. H . aaul8 were gne,,'" of relatlvee In Lehano •. on AidInG AvlatoN. Sunday. Bmall balloons are loot up twlee The Men'8!::lnoday Bohool 0lA81 of daliy trom thlrty·one observing tVa· the M. E ohnroh IInrllrlsOO Ita M. tiona 10 the Uoltetl Statea to ascerByferd on Thur8day nlgbt, it belnlC tain dlrecllon And velocity of air CUI' hll forty -third blr\hday. 'l'hero r ..nta tor tbe lultlunce ot avlaton.

Home Town Paper Week I I


This is For Patriots Who Think


-..- --



._ -----------------------AT THE END OF THE DAY

Milo; ~--l.'be

were t h lrteon prltlent , Bundllol' Sohool o,Ia8a meet m a ny more tiU lotl with I ra 011 tbls 001lA· alOD. W ..yno J ell'rl08, 'Inn e r, ,of Wil. mlngloD , It! rlol nl{ oonilldllrable Lin work In thiil violoUy, - -- - - -- --




Mrs. (-leo . BOgBU is en~r~lolog ber 8Ia$or , Mrll. IJ:II .. WY800g, of CioolnDs ti, for a fe,w dave . Forest TIbbals has taken oalo himself 11 wife . Mrs. F"ye Via, o f Po rtiand, lod "

~:II~:I~; herpare' nt9, Mr, aodMr8,

Mr. ao tl Mr ~. Will Collier, of Indl. Ilona, 08m o here to visit hlH fa'ber , Abljab Collier and family. and Al. tend the Rloh plonl,c, Mr8. Hoy EI 1I8 aud daug hter , !thea. ate IIpelldlog several days wIth reillt lve8 1n Lebllonon, Mr . IIonll Mrs. Fremll Hartsock hl\d al their I! neets for !::lunday olaner : Mr . and Mrs Irllo BlIor\8ook, of Daytoo, and .>II'. and Mrs. Don Har\ sook , of Clarksville. Harry Ilnd Woodrow Collln8 at. lended 'be danoe given by Wenzel Berree a n d family , l:;at urday olg"' . Albert Urey and family . of Dodds, oalled 00 Ills Pllfoote, Mr, and Mra, Jame8 Urey. S nodEIY , Mra,. Ueatheralte, of Orrgonla, 08lled on ber daughter. Mre. F.dD!1 Hartsook , Friday "' te rooon . Abont 7 5 were In aHond"no/l a' the Rloh plooio, whicb was beld the Wellman eobool bouae on tlllt. nrdlloy. Mr ...n o Mre. Geo. Bogan and Ion. But, and Mr . and Mrs. Uleon Dnl" attended I,be O~bo rn reunloo, near Wllmlngl on, on Tuesdav .

un .


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Correctly••• f Exam)ned . F,'tted .. '

GI1S.oo I S"""





• I Dep rtm t e Uphca. en S. Datroli SL Xenia. Ohio

Ol>\Sll evenlnga by appolntmeDt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

r-------------, \



ON ~.k." Into PI.c.. "OcculonaU1," ftIlld :Sooator !!Of'o ,bum, "s man atart. 81 a leader an4 theo hu to with al\ hI, mllbt to "eop at the bead of hla owo proc:.. 1100." ~ -'


John H. Wright , Everett Early Auctl·Oneer



F lo llr,

Farm Sales and Live Stock a


F('('[} ,

Til t:', POSlS., \Valer FOlln-



la i1l!'> anti Self-Fe('l}ers. -SHIPPER Of- -

Bellbrook,; Ohio

Wemen'. Clu b•.

10 the PhlUPllln ... Iher" are mere

Ihaa 100 women'. ciulla.

Both Phones

l lay, S traw anti Feed.

Fee(i r.rin4l in g a Specialt y .

DR. H.E. ,HATHA WA , . Wayneullle's Le8.dln, Don".' Omoe In H aines Bldg. M/J.ln t:l t

Lytle Feed· Mill Lytic, Ohio



Telephone 7f1, ring .1



50 8~ cigarettes

National Bank

for IOc frail) one sad ot


Walter McClure





Waynesville, Ohio

. VETERINARIAN Full y 8 quipped for Good Service. La rge Display Room

Vaccinotion II Specialty. Nolh. inK bul Reliable Serum used



Phone 44

E, V.

Dr. Lloyd B. Han

Harveysburg , 0,




All kinds 01 Notary Work. Wille aDd Deeds 11 Specilloity.


A. SHUMAl\ER Veterinarian

Notary Public

Veterinarian OFFICE: Fourth Street, near Tyler


Practical Vaccinator. Have had llood success in Immuning on both sick and well herds. Both Phones Bell 4·1r

TelephoDe 93

Home H55-8



Try our Job Printing

Bellbrook, Ohio J

Get a Telephone Directory at any of the stores mentioned below. .,.Smith's Grocery ... A Complete Lin. of Fancy Gr.cerie" Fruita, Vee_table •.

Of numbers you call often

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

Compliments of Principal Business Men

General A ufo Repairing


Aaent for




IVETERINARIANJ 1_2_ Dr.' UOJd ·B. Hall 3 Swille Specialilt Only The Best Strums U.ed

_ _ _ _ _ _1

Full Line of Accessories Gasoline, Oil and Greases

4 5

Best Equipped Shop in the County

Phone 150



The 5c, 10c, 25c, $1 Stort


Come in ami see the

OLAXTONOLA (Thl! Golden·Throated Phonolrraph)


- - -11

- - -



.it ....i1,

'.rlller ••• b1 Tr••ia&

Tractors and Gasoline Engines Rebuilt


WaynesviUt, Ohio

S.n 110••,

Battery and Generator W.rk


Phone 93


Just like Mother wed to Bake WHAT? Why, the Bread, Cakes, Bun. and ev~rytbiug good tbat you buy at the

HOME BAKERY ROil ,MacBllh, Proprietor


- ---


"BEEVO" ,;' Becaule he says he th0Ulllt

Feed,Fiour,Seed,Salt Coal, Cement, Tile, Sewer Pipe, Blocks and Bricks .....



MtII Phone 21-2





Rel.Phone 26·&




.... W,


The Western Obi. Creamery

When in Waynenllle go to the

Walter McClure


Palace ReslalB'Ut F~Deral

the Test.. ..

Company H. E. HARNER, Man...r Phone 92

Waynesville, O.


Dr. H. E. Hathaway




Phone No.7 D~y or Ni,bt

of getim, all Ibis nt.w.,.. .

Phose 113

A New EIKtrlcal

aDd job work dotal. at


Frank H. Farr, Wallnlsville.


- ---





Satis faction Guaranleed


Iliss Ellubetb ReevolI, wllo bas beeo !lpendlug her vaoatlou here, bas returned to her 80hool w ork 10 l'aooma, WaBh. 'l'he mltny friend:s of MIs8 Grllooe 8bambaugb tentierlld her a Hurprlse tiD Wednesday evening . Mrll Verlo Mltohener pleaAantly eDtertllolDod her SmldlloY t;ohool 01110811 and frlentl8, Friday eveDlng. T. M. Barl8.n IIon il 80D, James, of Ylamlsborg. were guellt~ of relative. bere, 1u' week. Mrs. H : D Carr la the gnest of relallve. In 8prlnRfleld, Ohio. Carlton 8milh la villUlng frtende ID CollUDbu, 001' band fnrllll,h ed mnllo fol' tbe Boy Soont f6ll"'vI&1 In Port WII. lIam, Friday evenlul. J,lillll Alma lIendllohall, of Xenia, lpenl la8t week wllth Mias Elellonor tia,dook.

4 I

IwrlIlII l (·oWlil illll ... .

rtluslo. All ,Jru l!'l!' iwl . , l'I"I'u lll r~ fl·pf'. C, D . Mlars took Il ia ~ ond .. y , F J Cb~lw'y & Cu. '[" Icll o lIlllo. School 0las8lo Ch68ter P llrk, Frlde,y ' l .. " Bora06 Mitchener was operated ~~~~_"!!"!'~~~~~_ __ on a ' MoClellao bU8pl~l , !::lata rday, -for appendeoltls. Be was In a TPry I

11' I




'Iotnrnfamf en$, TbhlloSOb adI I " "IIUlfe , "In, ---

'.r tile . _-

H, aII'sCatarrhMed"(CIne


N ew Bnrling ton 1:' . B on.l t '!rt!lIDed t he other Clinton OOll ot bran«:hes the M.. E. obu r ob por. '1'1 1<I~e \\'ho nr,' In n "ru il ,1own" "' 111' Iou, l'bur~l1ay evenlDg . ditlun will nuUet' Ihnl \ 'lI ,url' h bil l III')'... The third lIeotlon 01 Unl Lad l e~ 11.'111 11111' : 1I\,.rl' lhllll \ " d , Il" .•• " ,' Aid entort ,lneC\ at tbe ohur oh v~ r. In 10:(1111 1,111'1111 h. " l'lI ls fll" 1 1" '11\" " Ihll l 10r J. Tbursday ILftor noo n . ' \\' Itllr l'ul" "11, I ~ a I n cll l .' II ~ , ." 'I'. II " Arrangemen's a r.e I l'l n[lm ndt'l for i /:rf'lI ll " IIIliI ,pn",·tI I,;' , II 'b lllll ll;, " :<I a bl R Labor Day oslobr al,lun h e rtl, l l',,'" lil l.. n ~. II AJ, I:S, ( .. \ '1' .\ 1(1(1 1 \ Monday ahern oun fUld Rvanin g . 1 MEl III '1:-'10: 1< ,I Til , <I .. ,",d HI,,,," l'!l ri· Cont·este of 11011 ' kinds . bon e.llhO!. 1I,' r, 11 ,"1 "I" .'; Ih r""~ h II ,, · hl ",,>1 "I'"''

Wayn"ville, Ohio



1\~ Miam Cueit e, Waynelvitle.

EX T Rest 25cChildrcn ' ~ 11t1 ~ 1' . hlo('k 0111 , Rllt' in I, 2 pair for





Sawyer's Wayne Market The Store That Saves

I k.;l Ika r. Br:ll1d Hpsc. III'~ S Ir V-i rls,



::Sat urda y Sp~ciaI8::

25c 25c


1.~1 tl{t:-i:I1'k\Vlr i t~l.tI.d t'·loir .. t!8c Sll'I'li 1" · II, · hl · ~. :1r.r I{rur\p. ran . .21:1.· l.arg ,·I :lIllllnw lI llI llI I-'illt'lll'pit" :m,: I !I Ii I' !,"11111' Il, lal\ . . ........ 1:1(' (; .. 101 t\rtliw MlI ~ t lll· rI. ~ l ll ~ H .. . !Ie 1." ~ (,:"~il' (', ~r':~:...!~'~ II~ . \ V I'

hH \I !' H c' lll n '(\! l)



. ~il,:. l ill e


l'llll" '. ,;1,,,,1.. ~ Uf Sl'hll,,1 , 'hil d n' l l ()ur ,' ,Fdt ...... ~ ' " 'I f th,: 1It1~t .

}Jllr k. V., .. I. !t .... r. SUlflk .. dM, " i>l Ilr I :! " J. Ii•. 211. 2!i au. ar. 401' \I tilt , <I"l lar, yuu E'lIfII ar .. f. ,..... JIl" t 1t'lI r1l whnt)l lP~ will do W (I urp rpadv Itl Io{ivt! yPt1 nlO"~, If YU II wifl t·'lUi., int o lOur .loc-t!

Wc-;i~~'~ il~c

...-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _.... 1·

wl!l'k Bull e r'!



Yllur. fo r



Did you ever get left ,;, ~::::~: :::g::,," .':':.~ ':;::}:;~::":,:::::

""ou wl'll Dot, I'f you or'lnr I c 'your

A (Ca SllOonful ot li llie ,,"u tl'r In II ,lo ss or millc, llll,ell c"vrl' llll)·. will lJelp to strength en th e Il'clh . nnd will aleo sweetcn UIl) IJr!'1I1 h. 111 0 !e('th should ho brushe,! nf l('r every menl with 0 little bi co rilollll lc of ~ol tll (US' solved III \\' 0 r ill \\'11 1cr. (Inc lit the of Younc e 'B ros. Grain Co. in slllllll cs! nnd h I'S! lfrl l'c'8 fnr orcll· time. Freigh t is slow. We niry II S0 Is \\'hll od('nt CII , lIlc ~nl\ JI aud Mi !l.~ I';va Lippinr ott slll'nt the' preclpltllted c1l1llk . A r,'1I' tl roops ot will apprec iate your order. IUlclllro ot mFrh In n IIltlt· wn ter w('eK ·t!nli with r e l!ltiv('~ III Maritlll, mok lls n dl'ltg-1I1flll 11lIllll lI wnsh. Ohio. ChewIng Ule burle of clllllllllion I ~ IJOtb UD ODt l$Cptlc "rorp,s IIlit l n hen llhy Mrs . Mabel Dinwillcli e Rlltl ;\nn. ono f or Improyl oJ! tJ..ll ' t l'l ' f ll nn,' h'lUUS. Rue. le ft Tuesday for their new hOIllP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iin Day t on .



Fert ilize r

Younce Bro ther s Gra in Co.

~~~%%~~~~~~%%~~· 1

HARNESS Bring in you r Harn ess and have it repaired. We also carry a com plete line of new Harn ess Goo ds, with O. W. Ham ilton in charge.

Mr. and Mrs Areher Hartsoc k were week·en d lI'ueets of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsoc k. Mrs. H. H. Wadsw orth. of We1\t Carrol ton, spent several days here last week with relative s.


Avo id accidents by instcl lling the

Ed Hopklna and family are m ov· ing Into the properl y just v'aea ted by Mr~ . Mabel Dinwidd ie.


Miss Clara Keys, who spent a cou· pIe of weeks with relative s in Day· ton arrived home Sunday .

on your Auto , and a 1 wo-Cell Electri~ Ligh t on your Buggy. .

Mr. and Mrs. Will Norton spent Monday with . their daught er and family of Or'lI'on ia, Monday . Mr. and MI'9. Jesse Mengle and 80n, of Morrow . spent the week·en d withB.V ,Smith and family. ofRoute 4 .

Fr ed M. Co le

Bovs or Girls School shoes, and up, at Hyman & Co .

Hard ware and Farm Mach inery Waynesville, Ohio


,;::. ~ - -

- ~

-- -- ~-

$2 48

Mrs. C. G. William son and son are spendin g a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Anderso n, of Morrow . Mrs. May Hatfield and Rons. Ray. mond and Walker , spent Runday with Mr . Earl Dill and family. of Lebano n.



'1'1" , \\ ("' tl' 1'I 1 !'t lll', pC 1,1' Io:l III )n , (·hall >:" .\ li ar" ," la ~ 1 \\i "' I" 1111.\ for 11,(, 111:-01 I ill l ! ' 111 ruau .\ \ I ' ilr ~ . Ila ~t


jla:-1:o' t · d

. - ..


Palace Restaurant

'1'110' 11>1 \\ k,' f'" !li l, r!! III ,i,,11 \\'II ~ • Iw ld ~( 1I1~II\Y al 111,' hll ~lj1' " f Mr . Il l ~'~ _ Mr~ . J. C. IIIIWk ll 11I C'r<' 11'<'1'(' 1> , I rJrese nt. of th ese b 'in£!' of the I il11nwtliat c d l' ~r ('n " lln t s n f Philip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I IIUlVkC> ' ~I of who m were not p resent T he duy WII~ d (' ll~ htfli lly "pent. in t his ho~ pitllill, ' hume . A hountlf ul llll;;IIC t din ner wag RCTlied nl I:.! c,·clock. Tin Cans, a dozen . .. . 60c Of11 r'Prs rn r th e comill~ yea r we re E-Z Seal Jars MaRon Jar~ (' Iectecl II~ r,)I IIOw ~: .1 . C, . ll rlwke . Mason Ucls and Tin Lills prt'Rid enl : Mr" Ali(' c I.arrl ck. ~ec· r otary a n.1 LfL'a~lIr t! r : .J ,)~e ph ll llwice Rolled OIlt.A. package .. .. .... ... I Oe . Kellogh 's Corn Fluk!'s .. .... 1:2' , c 11.1 John C. Cnlll' tl. h l~ lllrinll ~ . r ost TOIIRlies, only .. . .. ..... .. I:!' , I· Good Coffel'. onl y .. ........... .... IC,r 1





We aell M<;lore's (in,," Oi l and Moore's Hi gh Te~ t (;Il~o l ill {" th e kinds thlll d on ' t Stnt)ke . Try our New Liquici S(l ilp . It sur e ch ases dirt and g r clI ~(, Let Ull show you .

Specials for Saturday Gran. Sugar , lb .. . .. . . 7c 10 Pound Lots IInti u p

, -=4~ 0'<. -.. ;' • U c.u"'" . BE ,. SILVER -IT PIlYS 1. 0\11


un J uly 1

\"ayn "~ \'ille L l )d~ e No . lr.:l F . "" ,\ . M.. Iw lrl . lheir Rn n lJ al pi r nic' at ~1' h Il IlI Z ' Pllrk . Friday aftern oon Th ere we re ninety pr e.~e lll. and 1111 hacl a fine t imo. The nftl' rnnon WIl >l ~ Iw n l ill convers alion , pitching hor se Rhors. whi Ie t.he chiltl ren ' had II lin£' lim e on th e co ncp.s.~ions on thl' gro u ncl~ At!i o'clock lhe co mpany sat down to a very fin e re ps~t .



dlvtdch(t r.n ,

6-4 . \\',

W 6ft

do n ot anlt clpnte A r hnn ge In tllo '6 -/" ro ll-



~om c


%. \V o IS8u8 Ccrtlt l· cut 8 Of 0 0 l)o81 t Oil

time at n ve ry IIbera : rate, [n tere:. t pn.ld u' d R t e of w lthdrawn l

Aft e r mnturlty . 8. Inte r e.1 0 h e 0 Ie •




ConRue la Sm.ith , wh,) hn~ h!'e n in Texas f or th e pnllt yc>nr. a rri vecl _ home t oday. Miss J ean Cunning ham. of Dayton was the guest of Miss Kathlee n Hen· derson last week.

II ~I ~II\' r\\' .. ", 1 h:l~ \'(1" Il III" r 11i ,· I'I"ill (' " "I' IIIl \\';' Ill" -l i,h' ~;,., . ,il'l ' l; " rU ~:f ·. t'· I! ld lll,! ,· !lh Mr . ()II, tlorf, IIlI d lI'ill l'lIlIl illUl' rill ' bll'i l\t·." uudt'r IllL" na"' , ' IIf t ill' Way llt.\. . \ iL", -\ ' (',t 11 l. . 11 '1:• u fn am I M~ll' I"llel ';' IlU I 1 ' 1 11' l q1l 1 ,. un a ~ I Illun I t) Ill '' " Il I IlUI'11' ' l og 1:1111 I • ' \\::, l Ila t h l' in l to III l. I U nla~ (' It thl' 1,,'; 1 rqu lI'I " '1I gl' III ' r ~ I "

frHl1l \l' il l. ·r t h,· &:lIlItr_ ll uf n st octi. ('''I II P,(IIY Thl' l l ~ \ 1 pu rc ha ~e r~ of th,' " Iar art' F rank (' ~ ,' rrl'l ~ alld l 'h :lr ll'~ \\' I(,,('I;\\' , II, Ioo th ll f Illi· n " I~ . Bcd h !:1'1I11"lncn ar\' Ilrar l ieal Jll' ~'~p /l l lt ' r nlt ·ll. and will probubl y "" p al l" !'d ll'p 111 l ht · I' I)lIlllr,. n ' lai li lh t' 1' 10\11')' f Iht' Slur. thnt (If ~Ir . llrllll"rf alld Mr . ~I·r \' i,; ('''111('11 ;' II \{I'llIllo lll'an 1''' III ·r . TIll' new mon · pl"l t' rt'rn ;llllillg' wi l h Mr ~h. ' r\\,I"'(1. U .! I' nll·lIt ({lu l\ 11l1l1lt·d iall' l~ h Hr)..:.I · . Tht')' will carry 11 filii hilL' " f :IC t: ' ..,· -"Sill ! '-(n ri l':-< , ),! a~(llill" u ll d \)il t ' l t'

About fi fh!c'll anl ll 1";\<1,, \\'1"I ,t t.. I..layt"l1 . til tl lt' , S'lllli l'r,, ' 11' ,,111'. • • 11C'1110 frUnl l1 ayton SaturtlllY. 1'1'1'11' Ih ur~ t1:1 Y. wher,' Ih., 1\1 1·,. SlI llola y· \. ~ sC'honl ht'ld th ·ir ItI I1IU :rI pi(' nie' Tit!' • Ing . day wa ~ Idenl. :lIId II,, ·\' a ll liad a . . . Several pC(lple from th l' tow n ~llI p nH'rry tlI11 P. arc 1l11('ncii ng th .. S l ut t' Fuir thi" - - - - - - - - -- - - - - , week .



8g~~ thi~

mRkiuR' any

Walter L Sawyer, Prop.

Th p inl l' rm e<iiat e c1a~s at Ferry will "ill~ tlll'lr ch'''_''I1~ <11111 g ive II clral11 nli zl'<i ex pr l'sRio n " f tl1l' ~ l1l1Jay ~Ch oo lleSHOI I at Ferrv nt!X't !)lInuIIY . C . W. Woolev . of Colul11 hu s.~\len t '!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~ Eve ryh," ly welco me an,l want ed , M"lIday with 1>. L . Crane anci fami ly. I' JI. Th (l mp~on will prench !)Ile·




"""" """" """" """" ""



We Put Them On


In nlled to your door on J Il ly 1 nn<\ Jllnu nry 1, t . T hI .. In . lllutlon w ~. e .tnbll.h c d 34 y"nr !l


6. Prcsen t A •• t'- t Ii ovor 311 · mlllion •. Sur·

~-~ pl u ,. Funda

. '200.000.

3% On


1 mOl t





i. Bulldlll, ban.



____ . ___!22





..• DENT IST••• WaynM .. I,Ie, 0

Read Gazelle's Clas51lied Ads



To tile colllll1 lt l1it¥ is wh at makes a husill css worthy of your J-Ia tronag e.


We aim to give that Service always.

HOURI' amI 101 t1 esirably located on Main St. Waynes l·il !e. Ohio . Known a s the T. T. lJild HIn pr(lpe rl.y. In'Illirc of .),lIla than M. Cook. executor of th e est uLc of Maria Coo k d cceased.

We are doing it now by forgettill§ the original cost of our goods, and selling on the basis of latest cost- price!>.

Fresh Sa.lted Peanu ts, 2 Pound s for ..... . 25c

Come in and let us convince you.

Paying 32c f or Egg3. Hig hest Market P rice for all kind s of Chicktmsr.



r.:u"lI ~h Whito s .• ZIMMERMAN'S I2villo,['lIl1ot Wa y uofl' l Ohlu. \) 0 ;-'0 [1


'OtLf A,

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, O. Hard ware and Farm M , achln ery

l ,o gllO r D ' ~ J.!

,: : . - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11&l1li___

___ _. ;

Alfred Wright . who hR~ been nt. t ending Bumme r Rchool at th e Uni· versity of Michill'an, is home for a •••••• •••••• •• M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . few weeks .

If :


To compl y with the Pence Anti-GlnrC' I h h I aw, we ave on ane a I0 t 0 f

Miss Laurain e Strotld was the week·en d guest of her granclJl llrente, Mr unci Mrs. Robert ~troud, of Rout e 4.


Su n -R ay Le ns es ii +

Every auto must he equipped with (l1lC' of the approv ed devices hy A ugllsl 16. So come in and we will shqw you a goofl one- somct hing real good.

: ! •



Phone 41



Mrs. Sarah Shute. of Richmo nd, • Ind .• hus h een vi s itin~ at the home : of Dallas [lnge r Rnr/ family, of ROtlte I. Mrs . ~hlll.c will he rememb erod : a~ Miss Sa rah Lane formerl y of this : place. : Mr . ancl MrR. AI Dorman , of Ore· I(onia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey and family. of Five Point!!. N!r. and Mrs. Victor Stroucl. of Lehano n : ll pc>nt Runrlay with Mr. and Mrs . • Rohe rt S troud.


:' i

I..................................................... •


Waynesl ille, Ohio : .


Se ar s& Ca rtw rig ht Miss Stella Daug herty is in charge of oflice .



.Fire. Tornado, Aulomobile. Life, Live Stock, ,,(eide nt

Real Estate, Live Slock an(/ also Fcmn

' w

IBce In ~man Bllildi" ,

Prope rly ·



--- ---.---

HOU3e fnr Sale- Hee Mr Kean.



TheW ar re n County Fair SE PT EM BE R 13 , 14 , 15 an d 16 , 19 21 LEBANON, OHIO --'

SP~CIAL PRIC ES are olTered in prenll ums on .. I..i ~e ~tock, Agricl Iltural and Hortic ultu ral Products, Flowers and Plants , Farm and Garde n, \\/0111 en's Work of all kind s, special premi um of $100 offered to the Grang e of Warre n Count y to be divided in four premiu ms. Call for Premi um Book.

Wedne sday, Septem ber 14

2::Ul Trot ........ ...... ..... ...... ...... .... .. .... ........... . Puree $H1iO 2:~;' I'ace ... ... ........... .. .. ·....... .. :-.... ........... .... .. Pllrse $350 Three YCil r old an r! um ler Trot. 2 in 3 ...... ..... . Purse $350

Rue Dinwidd ie, one of the populRr Thursd ay, Septem ber 15 and efficien t clerks at O. R. Smith's 2 :16 T r ot .. ... ... ...... ·· .. · ...... .. ..... ........ ......... ... Purse $350 grocery resigne d his position last 2: I fi Pace ... ... . ~..... ........... ..... ..... . ........... ... Purse $350 Monday evening . 2: IH Trot .. .......... ..... ·........... . .... , ........... ....... l'urse $X::;O Rue and Mrs. Dinwid die wili join Three year old 111111 und er Pal'p, 2 in 3 ......... ... Purse $350 hi.s sistel'9 In pIYto~. where they. Friday, Septem ber .6 . ( will make their future home and he' 2: 11 P lIce ,........ .. .... ..... .......... .. ....... . ,...... ....... rurfle $31)0 o,yl/l attend schoolJ he cominll' year. 2:20 l'a ·c ...... .......... .. ... ·...... ........... ...... ......... Purl'e 1350 The courteOuB and cheerfu l mann~r 2:23 . Trot ... ......... ......: ......... ........... .. .. .......... Purse $950 . togethe r with h[, atrictly consc[e ntious feeling toward all has made.~I--»--Nt!!j--.;:f: many warm friend. here. " .In commem oration of this friend. ' ship a few of hlB friencla .present ed EdKp on Stew art b[1I\ with a beauti.f ul safety mor Ed. S. Conk lin Prealde nt I .8 ecretar y on the.eve of hlB departure. L._~--'::""'-~------


Oh10 e

A SPEC IAL DURO C Jersey Breed ers' Assocition premiuJU will be of~ fered for showi ng in this class. Also, a ro}"nd China Breed PrplUotion Pig Show. ' The Boy~' and Girls' club work will be a featur e, requiring food and pigs to .be ~Jt,hibite d. Send for a premhun 'Jist.




Telepho ne


. . ----_---________.;. __....



~ eve n ty-Thit'd



Whole Numb er 5451 __ ::I

1~1~~~:S~illl~L_A~_P_~_~~~~~_G_~ , ~~ _ ~_ · _p~w_m~ _ . F_w_~~l


H ( . lI ~ (I f il l "'; 111· ·- ~ ( ' f '




!. ......

T he Wa rren CII'!!.! " Farm HIJrf'all Mr" A '"I"- ( ;i"h""A i ~ visi I i ll ~ her 'dlt ll ~ hl .. r ill 11,, 1r"il Mil'l l, hUR 1)/'('11 (l tl" ' r" " f\ HIJf' c ilil pr irl' (If $ 1. f.U pl·r Ion 0;' fll ... ly Rr" und IIlt ri· Il r, Ilill . 11, 1"" 1'1" 10 , ~ I S II rl, ud · l' ul'lIra l lim t's lu,,,' , 0 .", tlf I II,· fIl ,, ~t WH Y, 1.10'''''"''" , !lldr> . " tr"I' l il'f' w l\ y~ 10 iJ"" "~r lt · t1II " r l\ l 1, 111 ('"1"" .. i. I" lI !,ply h r u : ""''' ~ I . ifll ' Mr , lI " d M r. , Jo: '1\ ,·, 1 H"~"r" "~)" III IIII'di ll ll'ly "ftl' r I Ill' " 11 1'11 'Hc'ut . r ill ' La !'lI r Ilu)' I,,· ro· w,t h , e lut iv e", I m( ~ i:i Ih e ll lhurll ll ).,dd y II )lX . ' j wit h IlI 000 sui l. in di ~I' i n K fu r "I,,' at :.I fi,' 'l'1!w,·lini!" HI H)<; c I" ' r .IR rd . T IIf~ C II ~ pltri H SIIlI ," I 'om pa ny. of U ~, A r Ill .\' &. Na vy Siun'. ' ·,' ntt! rvllI .- . h fl H "~: I' (', ·d t" g ive " Ur' mE'mber SIl rllr 10,,01 of Ilw ir ~ c rpI' n · Will 'Ll r lI uill f' s i ~ home f rllm /I illK" , p a !l.~ in ){ aj~ in "'· ... ·,'11 ). if lI ll''v vi"it wit h ro ' I " li v ,'~ in Cincinnllt i. wI ll Ilnl Yol.ay Ih" frt·il(ht f rulll Ce ll ' I/'rville, whit'h will IH' abo u t 8:)(' II p r Mis. Am , I'hilli lJ~ we r;tl o I)Uy t.HI I" n. Anyoll £> int e r.'st,·d in t hl! S UIlt! uy to h IH ' " 1111 ('perll l illll " " he r <('rE'l' ninl( H. nr I h. l fin e ly ~ r lJ llI. d e ves . <lone , Rhould re por t 10 thei r Town · <hip Leader ur tu Ihe I·'ar m Blir t'll u Mr. IIII t! Mr", N. A. King. of Indi· I lilice as snon liS ll u>L~ i lt lt \ , F fl r onl'r ~ IUIIUJ uli • . u re ~ 1'''lJ d ill g a few day > ,n the nll rthern pa rt " f t h. ! cuun ty h e re. ,nay hnulthe ~c re e nin g~ u irecl fr om I he plant nea r ' Cent e n 'ill e , M r~ . SH ruh Lip \J inroll id VISIt m~ wil h A. K We ll er a nd (ulIl ily, of neal BO:! IIlm'ok .

\ 1i., A 'oIl a ";a tt c- rthw a ite en ler Clar"II",. ); " IIII,'y . 11'1,;, ",a" ill! .,. " , ,",,1 .\I i~~ Il ar ba ru File r, of Fc: ry,

(''': 11 l h ~·

H I. II I ' ln " ,.t II ' 1" f ' llr. ,1 11 d III !h , ' IW,' p ila llfl th"l 101 ""~ " ~ , l ' I,''' ''' I:o~ I I", rll' ,I' lal \\" ,. 1" ,1 01 a l


F.d Standif ord WIIM ('!llIt'd t o Indi· A. L. Kin g. who had seve ral ti ogs anll. Friduy , on a ~c' ) u nt of t he dt'uth on ex hibitio n at lhe Alate fair last of a ll uncle . wl'ek, was p oison ed Wpdn esrlay at Ihnt place . A fr cc lun ch was Rerv ed Mi!l!l Franc cs Janney wen t t o K i n j,(~ by the Inte rnation al St ock Foou Co .. Mills, Sunday. She willtea eh in th e and about 200 men we re tak en ~iek, ar hools th er e. Mr. KinK' bei ng one of the m. An nnalyllis of th e food was taken , and Larlre lot of g ood wearing wa te r- it was found tha t Ao me of t he food proof Ita im'uals; choice $2. 00. U S co ntained poison. Army & Navy Stor e. Mr. King arriv ed home Saturua y and was feeling much bette r. Se ve ral baseba ll fan s went t o __ ..otII--Frankli n Sunday a mI Stl W the d e feat of th e Le banon team, !J 10 I , I

U . S. Ann}' & Navy S tore carries a full line of 1:iw£lt te rs. U nde rwent alld Bllt nket!l at reWlOliable prices. Mr. Haymon d William son a nd fa m. i1y, of Clevela nd. a re Itu etltll of his parents , Mr. a nu Mr!l. H . H . Wil. liamHon .

Mr,. an j Mrs. Rll iph Tolle , of Washin gton, D. G , arriv(''tJ hero, Monday . for a monUl's vacatio n with r e latives. The wise hou!lew ife will see that h e r famil y is outlltted Rt the U, S Army & Navy Store, where tbe price and qUality i8 rilbt. , Me88rs, Curt Hisey, Fred Hender BOn. Geo. Waterh ouse and Tom Pil1rce 8aw the Armco Giants Franklin I{ame, MOllday afte rnoon F . B. ' Henders on and family s pent Sunday with relativ4!ll in N orwood . Mi811e8 Kathryn and F..sther Hender , IOn accomp anied them home after spendin g a deJig~ tful week in that city. Just received 200 pairs of· hobnail 1h04l!l and 100 pairs of officers ' rus. Bell shoes. Come early snd get your pick. U S Army & Navy Store. Elliott Wright, who has been work. Ing at George school, Pa ... for the Bumme r, arrived home , Sunday , and will spend a couple of week8 here with hiB parents before going to Michiga n Unive rsity. Mrs. Mary Caskey and Mr• . Fred Caskey and children arrived here from Dayton la8t week .' After apendin g a week here they will go, tu Washin gton, whe re Mr. and Mrs, . 'red Caskey and fsmily will make their future home. A card received from W. O. Raper. Thursda y, from 1~lint9 10ne Md aaii1 that hiB pal ty were h~vin" ~ fine time and ",ood weather on their trip to New York. Orange says thai he has corn8 on his feet from hold. Ing back when they go down Born e of the hills enroute ,



\ 1r" . .1. W , Whil e ent er-

\Ir , and ~ I r ~ /\ . II . Matthe ws a nd \ 'I r o. 1~" I II 'r' .·. 1 I:a",jall 0111 ,01 :0 1 '111" \Ir alld Mr,. N l) , Haines . of WilI h01l1<' "f h,'r ~"n in I )a ., I"" , S"llIl'rI" y r"1I1~t' ''', w,'r" ~ un d llY lt uest s of Mr n ij!i1 t. Tllo' f". ,,'ral W ", 11I'ld a l I" .,. a fl d ~ l r4 II l'nn ' Sattert hwulte, of. Lilt' IInflH', Ilr. 1(",,1 1111 " Ilkini inl( 11:,,"11' ~ Til" It" d y WII ~ 1"'''11 )0( 101 I,,, ~Ii nm i (,1"11' Il r an d M r~ .1 '1', Jo: ll iAenle r lai nNi d er y 'I'1I, ·~ oJ lI ,l' a FII'l'lI nO Il , 111101 a sh" rl I hI' han d and ~e ve r A I fr iends Ilt a :-ll'n j l' l ' wa s h.·ld at t h~' j.!' 1:\\'" IIw l, ln f"a' I, M"n rl llY eveni ng. Th e \Irs lI an""h 11 id, [li ,'oJ fli tol' r hall<l I" nj"Yl'" 'VE'ry m in ute of Ih e 11 ,,1111' in \\' ellt' lI lll ~ut llr " ay l'v I '"i,,~ t ime. IIn el t'~ p eci a ll y the me lons , '1' 1", fUIl, -,a l ""\ < h,·loI fli lli 'r 1:,11' Till'Y Wf' rr' ~rr.wn by Mont Hoblil, 11""", , TtI!' ,· dn), I,fl (·r"lll'". ~ I rs , I'u l h Hnd II" l" r [' very fin(', ~1 u rray I,flkial ill g" , In l t" rm.' n l in .\1iarlli Cl'lIlt'tl' r y. On I n ~ t Fr id ny cveni nlt the occu· pallt Aof t ho P>!nce Flalq j olneu t o· .100 1I n lIeiKhw ay d il'd li t lti H horne L:eth er and had SUll IJer on t he por ch. ' It 'a r Wellma n F r iday lIIornin g a ft er A ~ ple ntl i d ~ Il[lfl e r lind a pleasan t a long" ill ne~., Th e fu n ' m l wa" (" 'cning was Apen t. T hose p resent hel d at h i ~ la ic hO llie Mond ay m orn · we r e: Mr, an d Mrs Clare nce All en ill ll .lIlrs. I{uth Mu rr!lY (,tlic illl inj.t , II nu son. Mr , an, l Mrg. J . H. Smi t h I nt e rm enl in Miami ce metery , M r , Mrs. Go ldie Allen a nd ch il d r en, Mr . Heighw ay was n brol her of Mi"R and Mrs , L.eH.oy C hil e.~ , Mr . W ill Em ili a Ile ig h way. of t.h is pl llt·t' , Philli ps, Orvill e Ph illips and 0 , W. Ha mil t on ,



Mrs Verne Brittain ami SOl'. of Misha wak a , Ind ., a rc vidi tillK re la livea here.

.\1 ,.


e W • • " 'S I a ll ' rd " cd y ,n 110. h "tnry 0 1 a " . ,,(; n, t he cu l l'P H 0 1 Ihe '" h( n 4S per!:t ht.'d, 17 01 \\ hiJ lli wt're A me r ic an 1I <1 \·y m c.: n , wil l no t :o.(OP Chl' U

di r' g.ble ZR·] in Eng l. ,,, !. S. In Its ai r proe ra moll..' . I t a nn ou nr ed a \ W a > hll' ~tol1 nu , A mc " c,,"s woll Ill"leI a ll 0 1 o ur IU lu re di" g,bles and no M. lor. ,gn· n",tle c raf,s The ,,· P"' l u r r s a r c lite la s l 0 1 I he .1I· la led c raft. Uppe, w e woll pu rc hai . nO lef l s ho ws n.w),,"r ,, Ic: I1l 8 t h e l)lggt" ~ 1 rl1r l);!b le t'\' t'r bui lt fro m it s Il a n gar for th e t n al Olg h t L o w r r pi cture


n .I\' }' ~1 ( t llr ~

I S 31f '0 O\ e I3 1 a gr :.. u p o f ,h(' l\ nl(, rI ( :1 11 (rtw wh ic h W l' 111 ;\c r o s s t o brin g t he mons te r acr u~S t h~ _ Atl an ti c' . Tio . , h , (11 , h" ' \3 I h~ s,ea l s ' eel &or d rr s b\1c k lm g a nd I h~ sh ip as ,I colla l,se d,

lrv'l, r: n ~ l and ,

--- ---- --



Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H, C urti8.~ and fam ily ent e rtai ned Sunday , Mr. J ohn Sim pson a nd daughte r, Ma r garet, son Horace , Mr. G. H . ElIia, of Wayn esvi ll e, Mr. and Mrs . Sher· man Sing leton and daught er, Anna, Miss Mary McDona ld and Mrs. Chas. Henders on. of Lebano n. Mr. and Mrs . C. p , Ellis and son, Eldon, and Mr . and Mrs. Wm . Wm . Eaton ca lled in t he afte rnoon.

"Death is j ust a cur ve in lhe I{i· ver of Li fe . whe re the cur rent turns A la rlr e crowd ' of r elati \'es gath· Mrs ,J oseph llen80n Fo raker. prom· Heaven ward " On ly th ~ pa r t ing' is er ed a t t he home of .Richard Brown, in ent club woman. and widow of hard t o bear. because th ere ca n be S un day. Sept ember 4 , t o attend t he the noted soldier and sta tesman, will n o m essag e to br idRe the ~ i l e l1ce . s ixth annual r eunion of t he J ordan apeak in Lebano n on F riday Septem · Let u ~ find consola t ion in the be· and Brown fa milies , It was a pless- ber 9th, at 2 o'clock, in Harmon lief t hat Deat h i ~ nol a dreadfu l ant day, with the usual good things hall. Subj ect, " TheN ationalV ietory doom wh ich m us t - over take us a ll, to eat. Memori al Associa tion," of which sh e but a beau li ful ,ilYRtery t hrou gh It was agreell t ha t we have a re- 18 State chairma n. which we p ass. as til rough an oj'Jen Mifl!! I rma Rich was hJ s tes& t o a Regular commu nication of Wayunion ne~t yea r, lind Mrs Cathari ne Mrs. Forake r is an eloq uent apeak - gate into a new la nd t o m eet and be cha rming lawn par ty g iven at the nesville Lodge No. 163, F. & A. M., J or dan ex ten ded an invita tion to the er and I ~ is hoped t hat a large a t · welcom ed by t he loved ones gone lie- home of her paren ts. lasl Thursda y I'ueeday evening , Septem be r 13. crowd to m eet at h er home next tendanc e of the men and.. women of for e a nd wh ere we shall see . wi th a f te rn oon . She was ably assisted by Tlle rE' will be work in the F. C. deyear. Ther e we re peo ple present Waynea ville and vicinity will greet g lad sur p rise t h i n g~ now hidd en. her molh er an d sister, Miss Dena, gree. Visitors arc cordiall y welcom e from Read ing. Frank lin, Columb u8, her OD this occadion . A repreSe n ta. whi ch t her e will be made plain l o us , in uelig htf u ll y e n tertaini ng the f o lJ , W. ft)Jward s, W. M. Dayt on. Sprinltf ield, Wilmin gton and tion of the clubs is especIal ly desired . " Earth to ea r th . dust to J ust," is lowing lt uests: Thelma and Lebanon . Tolal 86 . L. A . Zimme rman, Sec'y. Luelle _ _ _ __ ••_ __ onl y spoken over t he bod y wh en we St. J ohn, J ea n and Ruth Hocke tt, consign it t o the quiet dWQlIing whose Miriam an.:! F ra nces Ellis, Ruth and Mrs. Annie Haines and Mr. Chas. F red Hawke took several men t o g reen curta in never Hwings n u ~ ward . MllrJ{u r e l Cook. Helen Stsrr, Mr. and Mrs. H a rry Murray have Satterth waite 'lere call ed Mary to Lena, while th e r equ iem of th Cincinn ati, T uesday mornin g, and e sou l is are· Kll th ryn Wilson, Mabel McMilla n, o +- - - arrived hom e from the ir Eastern trip, Ohio Sunday , on account of the death f ra in of immorta li t y which br~ught Lack several new Fords. Use our ClaBslfied Ad8 for results. They had a fi ne ti me while te ll s us Vi ola Sm ith an d Mr. Walter Wilthere. of Mrs. Wm . Wolco t t . that t he long jou rn ey is nd erl anu son , God gi vet h rest. On Septem be r :.10, IH4:.1. Mary E Q Ii'• • •iI"iUliiiiiEi1U:JlIii==~' GI'Ei==iilUil EZTI GI,G ===: A surprise was tendere d Mr . J' EI I:Ji[5==5III:1I:'===~:I lEI '[E==5JU::J Burge was born nea r Clarks vil le , 0 . Mrs. Ed Ho ug h. on account of and Mr . and passed away at he r hom e in Ha r· Hough 's natal 'day, ami the followveysb u rg , Au g ust 30, 192 1. S he inK people were p resent: Mrs. Euphwas one of a fam il y of se ven child reno enlia Hough, Mr, Verne Hough and On Nove mber 15. IR6G ~he was fam il y, Mr . Guy Kibler and family, I!J [::J un iled in marr iage with Samu el Mr. Allen Kibl er and wife, Mr. Allen • ........~ ,;. .,.... ' ~. S t oo ps . wh o died Decemb e r IG. 1!l 16 Em rick and family , of Lytle, Mr, T o t his union t wo ch ilurell we r e KulJ.lh Houston and family, of Spring born- Emma. having died in eurly Vli ll ey. Mr. J<;d Brown and tamily, childh oou . and Anna, now Mrs. C G Mr. W. B, Sq uires and family, P4rs • T," E' U.N IY.E..R s.:-A·L~C-AA . Randa ll with wh om she made her Laura Sackett , Miss Reva I!J Sears, Mr. [::J home. and Mrs Geo, Hartsoc k. The !jay wus pleasan tly spent, and a fine di nner WIlS ser ved, liv ep the life of a t rll e Chr ist ian . , . Always a tt endin g se rvices whell El Mr . and Mrs H , Miltenb erge r ' B ab le , Rein g " f frail cons titu ti on she a nd fum ily deli. gF.htfully entertai ned was not pe r mitteu to attend wo r· at d inn er Sunday the followin g ship us often as d esired, but he r ~av· ~U CMtS: Mr , F.d Miltenb erger, thrile E~ ior was al way s ncar , She did not so n ~ and Mi M s R'e rlha ::)hinn, of BaII. [!J live for self a lone . for she wus alway s t () II , Mr . I{oy Milte nberger and famready lind w illing til lii,1 !lnd com · ily . MiMs Luci le L eill"hty , Mr . and for t olh e'rs . and it ca n he ' t r ut hfu lly Mrs , Henr y Decker, of Springbor o. sa id of her ~ h e waR a dev ted wife .\1 r, and Mr s, Clin Sedan with starte r and t Dearth, Mrs. C, Runab out demou ntable rime .. ... .. . .. , ... : . and mother a nd a g ood neigh bo r . I' , Mi ltenbe rg-e r , of Middleto wn, Mr. regular .. . .. . .. . . .. .. , . . ..... .. , . 1!1 Al ways thoug h t ful uf he r famil y Cecil Dearth and f amily, of FrankCoupe with starte r and . Chassis with starte r and ~ and t hose who we r e nea r and d ea r li n, Mr , Hurr y M. Gro!!S and family , demou ntable rims . . .. .. . . . .. , . . , . . , demou ntable rims . .. . , . . . . . . , .. . ... to her. Her healt h becomin g im- "t Cur li81e , lind Isaac Lincoln , of Tourin g with starler and Chassis with pa ired some year s ago r esul ted in 11 Day t on, demou ntable rims . . .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . g r adu a l dec line , Al thoulth her Bu f· starte r only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r:t fer ing be!:ame j,(r eat. she w a~ never Tourin g with Mr. and Mrs.1 c;dwin Chandle r celChassis with ~ hea rd to m u rm e r o r comp la in a nd I!bra ted t hei r 50th wedding anniver starte r only . . . . ; ,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . demou ntable rims only . . . . . .. . , , . . . . ~ when lhe a ir was fi ll ed with Ih e fr a· ga ry by g iving seve ral of their relaI tives anti fri end s a dinner Sunday Chassi s emoun ta e tlms on y .. . , . . ... . , . . . regular ', . . . .. . .. ' ..... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . evening, Tho ile who enjoyed the clining . and like t he rudd y g low ,of T ourmg . occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Truck s with starte r and 1'1'\ mornin g passing l!I regular . .. . . .. , . .... : .... . . .. . . , .. aWIlY , Th e best J anney. Mrs Esther Stout , Mr. and demou ntable ri ms .. .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . medical s kill and t hll tend e rest ca re Mrs . Frank Elbon. Runah out with starte r and Mr . Louis ChandTruck s with demou ntable rilllS. . . . .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . co uld not stay this noble li fe . ler and famil .,., Mr . and Mrs. Walter demou ntable rims only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I::l We kn ow sh e has not gone a lone Chandle r. of Dayton , Miss Elizabe th Runab out with Tracto rs into a st range land , but hand in Carroll, Mra. Griffith , of Califor nia, "-ly ' starte r OIn now ..... . . ..... . .. . . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . , .•. • ••.... •. . ... .. .. , . . . ~ rhand wilh loved ones. who are still Slid the Misses E lizabeth and Ruth ea ching out an d bec konin g us all to Chandle r . They were the Runab out with '< recipien ts demou ntable rims only . . ..... . . , . . . . come and join the celestia l army . of 'several very bandsom e remem· All Prices F. O. B. Detro;t, Mich. comma nded by Ihe b lessed Savior . bra nces . She leaves to reve r e her memor v and mourn her death, the faithful Miss Consud la Smith, who has once-~ daughte r and her husband , one bro- been spendin g the past year with ther, a host of relatiy es , friends and her aun t , Mrs . Chas. B , Herman n. neillhbo rs and with aad h earts we in Mid land, Texas, left for her home I8Y, Thy will be done. in Ohio, Monday morninl l. On \&at Card of 'I'haDb Thursda y eve'n ing, from , four tUl seven, Mrs. Herman n Klve -. pieiUc, , , We wish to thank our friends and at the poplar grove three miles "eat neighbo rs for th~ ir many kindneu ee, of Midland . t o the little girls of Coo·durinJr our recent beteavi m~nt. 8uell3~s Sunday School' 'l'tioH Dr. and ~rs. C. G. Randall . preeent we,r e Bernice Hill, JoeePbm e • - • Curry, Lucille .T h!)mu, Annie Laurie It paJlI dair'1m en to water tbemilk Hix. lIa Bro_n. Clarice Bull, Do~ ,/ before mllkibg. Cows given chan~ Lynn Hull. Rowena Daniel, ConIu· to drink all they want heap the Jiall ella Smith and Mary Lura Strr~ "''1i


C. C. Da\'is . worl J's cha mpion horse shoe p itche r, wil L be a,t WI 1mington Sept. 10 for an ex hibili on game. it is defin itelv a nno lln ced by the Wilminll:ton Horsesh oe clu b . The club has been trying for 80me time to bring the champi on pitcht'r the re and at last has succeed ed mu ch t o the gratificat ion I'f the cl ub m embers and -other enthusi asts of t he luck·iro n !tame . Those who we re fortuna te enough to see Mr. Davis exh ibit his pitching there the other evenin g vouch for the fact that he is the greatellt pitcher they have ever seen . He has been pitching horseshoes f or fi ve years. g oing south each winle r ,






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ANNO ' UN'C EMENT t· es N ew P ric

To~ring wit~l'


' ec Ive a tonce

$660 595 450 425 380

$325 390 365 320 295


445 625



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Place your orde r,'at

~ Ba;~~s~~~l~~c~V i~har~:~ e/~~;I~' I~~(r;




Cars will be delivered in rotation as orde rs are received.


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Telephone 41





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r ourn," Ill.' ('r\(\t1 .


"A d!'ud Roche I"

TIle Intiml (I"INl mhl .lt ~0 1'0 n trlgal"n c''! sQUMl k , " U(Wld ""0 1'l'1l 9 I )'OU rumnn. I hl~ Is beyond II joke." H ugh lookl'd lit him coluly. "You 'lI find It hel'ontl R jokl' . you < ml sontblo little mI." he "R"l Quietly. "It you "pellk t o /III' like thlll" li e And Once Again the Amer ican La ug hed JlLUghed ns th ... othe r s hmnk PII"t him. Softly at the Look on His Face. "T hrl!C of you boys In there." he OT" LukJu ~tun rtr~l. d ered br11!kly. "nnu If I'lth!'r or Ih,'m I.h: yC's- I JlH~ l Uf)dnuht l',ll.\"--:-- J Il\IIl'Y t\N'.t 1" I1 vll8 the sUghtesl tl'(I"ble dill him And nnee 1\I;1I1t ~ ove r the hend. No\\' I ~ I'8 hn \'0 Ih o thu J\1Il l! rh~ ln I"I!IIt or the cron-d In hen'. P el e r," luul(hhl ~of l lf " I Ihl! l1\vk on his fn eo. They erune Ollng 10. nnd IIl1gh wnved n ('heery hand In grt'N lnl:. CHAPT ER X I "Bow goes It, you fellows." hl' crle u In Wh ich Lakl n'gton Playa His L ast wtlh his lntectlou s gr1 n. "1.1); e 0 corn· pany pow·wow beto1"o [lOp,,1ng I I, IICOUp. " parapet. ' Whnt I Alld II'. n hlll'ger ONE Bho\\' thl!J time, boYs. thnn nny yo u'l'o had over the w a ler. GaUI"r rOllnd. "Tully. I'w' )t',l n ,,"rt (" h"rrl<l r~~ I · lind 1I 6ten to me." In!! thllt Ih,· hUIl I Is IWllrly o'-cr." For Ove mlnutes ho spok .... '''''' hi. Wi th " r"",l'ulf,,1 ~ I !!h 1I11)o( h s\\'unJ( nudhml'O no<ldad dollght e<lly. Ap"rt 1ho cn r t fU l l tlf t h (' 8lpC'- p 1Ujl town o f from their love tor DnIlIlJ1l"n,I- Jln,1 C; (,dIlImlll " In Ih~ \! lrf'cU"o of l.uItIl l'Y throo vut of e"e ry four or tlWIl1 kilN. Tow"r", ~l1Ifo nflel' 1U1le. (Irop"l'd hi m persono lly-II wa6 0 ~ ch"'IIl" whh'h ~ Il \(lo lh l )- h ~ hItlll Ihe 1" "\'I' rrlll t woti ck lud th N n to lIeaUl. An,1 1", \\'". ~ ,}n ({\r. IInrl ~ till Drl1 lUnlOHtl'Q ,'yes wore ('u rel'ul to tell them Just o"olllth ,,( tIl{' n l oo~\ of rt '<oll,:n ed sJl dnr- s~ . Blol9t"1 I'\eslgn of the m(1sl<'I' ·~ rIIllJn n l "\'('ry Iltm rly o\"(' r ." h~ r~mnrkl..-r l to Dl1l1,e them renll ze t b') UII:"" ;015 of tt gullt. "A u(l ih cli "nt'!' more the tho Issue. t edluDI M reS IH"'I" blllty i> ~ "ll' oly "That's 1111 clelll', UICO." "" 111 Drum· s tJlN.~ Uol IR th p r llPr ." mond, ri Sing. "Now rm vl'f. '1\,I,y. "",'u'll h~',!NlIlJg ""IIII·h·t!. nld hl'uo." 1 wont you to come. ' too, w~ olJl(ht "'" M'"lrl',1 T ob~' Sl ll clnl r hope fully. to bo thQl'O by mIdnigh t." For fI IIIOlllt!nt hi s rnmpnn l0n hrlght· "There's only ODe pO int. Cllpl"III." (·n·'ll up, romnrke (l the Ami'rIen n. 119 [h~ KrVul' "'j" "1 11 ' , .n },lnJ[," h\~ unsw€'rcOfl. "It bCl:un to dISfl'!r!lc. "Thllt RJI r,~u II rl \\'111 f'H l'iP ttl .. toO lfll u t lol1 s()nl e whnt ; o t til" ledger." Be t llll1hlcd In hi. IJI)ck"t. I(·n s t. I <1111]" '"" RO, nUl Ihlnk nt Il ond produce d 0 6101111 lotlln ·rub hor hot· 1',,11.,' : no LIII<l nlll"n. no P l'tersnntl e. "1''-0 got Ih o f\OUp hl'f'1 "" '1· "" III I Il~ HI 011 I" Vi II )' ' "I,,," t wUh RD II Ignlto." he expla in ed. os 1", :n \\' Ute lu',·v 0111"' f) II1U t::C( l. " mystltll'l l look on the oU)(II'·. fu(". "I ") lIu 'rt ' "tlr)' l'p rtuln , H ugh," 'V it I! reckone d It mi ght c"mo h; h,,"t1y, A I· II (\'pllnL: .!"llllo~ t or W O JIt.ll~ S ln cllli r 50 0 tU90 nnd delollnlu r." iltl ll e~<l III till! SljlUlre-J tlWe<!, ugiJ "Sul endld 1" pu l,1 nllI:I ~ "~1l1 ' DdId I prot1 lc

~. , l (\

slip . . ." "M )' ol en I'

, III.,


dTllel 'r-'~

JTU\ny a

mnn. "

IlIlr'rr\l i' I~~ nnlT1I1I W1l11 . " t1l1'r~ ' ~ OI lh' Ullt, .·urll ft.r

tho t H' ""'I'll -' J11ul i n;: (lI:-:'·~\~l.o......-u dtJ!-;~· or

sn ll

10 Ih e ",,,riling ,"

lc"r H "hlle

they I'n r\\d 0 11 Ih n).ugh th{l wa rm ~ UIlI­ nll'I" S JltJ:hl In Sll l' IICl', u'HI It \\ II !-l Tlut UII III ... )' ""'1'( . wlt l,In II LUIII' of tllel r

Ul' RIIII Il II " " ·',,·!tu t




11 1'(\

Y{ lll




II I' 'uri 11",1 lillie 1I"I1I')'?" nd brllln",1 I'elll I),. " \\, hy. I Ihul Curl !llld I \\'111 pll rt

IIlP '\1\)' II·ou ld ... Alld [I S 1'01' Lllk lnl" tOIl-wt.' ·l1 hllH! t o ~I\{,.l nhout I.lIhln~· tun," 1'11(+ g rill fll d l·d fro l ll It l ~ 1'I P'l!' (\ S t}j ~ ql ,( ,kp . "\\' c'll 11 11\' 1' tl ' .. (.p 1l 11I' ,,1 OUr If!! h - 1I ,·nry." IH' 1·' ·J,t ·n ll·!! ~ qt' I I~· .

".\ fIIl I "11" '1 Iw lp (,·"II,,).!. '1' ..1.)' . 111 "1

})tll \\P , ' 1l 1I ~


"' hall f\ nd

r l.ld lll j.!' I ilL' 1':l rtll hf

l1f I \llt ' H~ ! IU! " Y o ll

toasted f.~ vor you will al· ways W:m l it

~Il l 'h


I ltl ·thud


n thlll't ,tu..dd"

f ,·llo \\" ,"

11 ,1 ' ;11 1

ttl! ' " 11 11 '1'

Once you've enjoyeL! lhe






t·~ l'~

)ZI (~I1, JI\ .. d


. h ili

11111 1'( '

1..:1'1 1111(-"

11',n · . ·, II1I1I1II I I1I1." ..

rur till'


c· .. ~ 1 l ' lh' ;

H 1"1 "1 ' 0 11 11 .


11 ... I' n \I~ "

Iltl' \\ huh ' t '\ t' ll i ll,,( !'i h I:; pu;':U ....... l lt t!l 11 0( 1 1 ' 'I 'n 11, l lkd \\\ 11l uIT 1:tlll:t l lllll. lI uw III' I, .• d Il" llI"tI 111" ' 11 1 I hl.' 11101 111 0 , I1IHI fr Ol1l \\ h'i ll i. \\ , ' 1", ' jj ,. I IIt.~ u l,, ' lu w!tldl

w. H. MADDEN & CO.,

l \l! ~\ U~ \ ~" r_\" \ Ht(l)l'"; tHlt ~ ln \' , ' Ite WH ~ II \1.."1',) \ II g \II ' Y ,I IIf I j.; 1l11111, till' fu(' t

W.tyn esvill e , Ohio

blurre\! con9 clou~n"~9 ot the th e !>rlJ1dplIl p"r(urtm 'r ""CIIJ\'U III no wo rld 111.8100 4owTI. aDd l'v~rythlog hurry. In tnct. In his dry wny LRk· wns oyer. It wos Olnkl '" lllO!'I donger- Ington wos thorollgh l)' cnJ oylnlC him· Oti R tJ\r Ow. cnrrled out by grlplllnl! tho 6elt. An Int1U1ute Ins ide knowlellJ(o "Ictlm's wrlRfs nnd hurling his hoc\y l of the skeleton s thll t mlll cd their O,'pr lIy n hl!ll\'o C>t tho Ic!;". An\! nine I bonE<s In the eUI)lIour (l,. of tim,..,. Ollt ot ton thl' r\·~ttlt wos U ' Ih os(' prc"' nl ~llnl'I~'I ' tile mus t ..t !CUlls to hrok ,'" neck. ThIs WIlS UII" of tl\(' s ll enk \\' 111\ ,IIACOII('e rtln l! "ccur nc)'; nill c, null Il~ ~Ol'il ,,"'tllIl In~ INl''I 1 no AOIll(OFcor 1\ whll A Iho IWldl ~r ~ ll\r c(\ fit the body Ill'\\' fuc lng til l' ",,1,,1" thut clune bOO)" t r ownlllq UlOu ght (lIl1y. To lin,',' frolll heY'"",1 Ih o I"""", nl ,,". till' p<'rl<tII e, I lht' I'lllluIT" IIr 'I'll" 1." CIIIlI.elll ellt. \ t OI'f11I1I\ CC "·cll, ..d IIkP ly 10 11181 hule n· but >I nce Il 111101 hnpp<m e,1 It "'~I'"' nltl'ly, Sltllt L·1i a 11111 ,· n ," rrn"", "1Ill'1I1 of hIs At lost II ",,,1. len ,1.. 11"111,,,\ hllrRt of plu" ,;, Th e 11 11'''" WII ~ ~""llig nnrl lli o I "Il plllll"e l'II .lIe f rom Ih r' 1(l'0uP. 00· nlShl \\'oul a 1''''''\111(' t1J11' ~ ,· r . H') t lll' rl' nOllud ulj' tI ll' 11IRcollll ltll ro ot ypt on· 1\·1t~ n goo'l e1 " ,n l'p thlll Lnk l ll~Iull I olhl!l' Kue .• I'. 'I lid wi th II Lnklnlj't on w(lul d not





l'e(·ft,!.:"nl:t'(· I hil t t ill ' drln~ r 1 Rt't\nH'o(l t o tIre of th (\ ntnll ';: I'U\l'lIl. I;:n · o f h l8 l'lr hllil dl ll llg-\' II. Awl If li n ';''Y'fls:-lt'd LhiHI/Z h h(' WON In HUt nntlct p n· j

din-we ll. II would 11,' IIrCP"~(\ ry to I t lnn of the IlInlll Item II'h l 'h II'n" Rt lll for~I>" th,· SO ll"'1\1!1I1 lli"'Jl r1cnl ,·Ilter· t u he "lo lot~t1 . Prlll""IOII,1 cOIII(1 not bllt Ullntllcnt h' hll,1 <11IJ;,'l1 fil l' hi s 1>"ll uUt o<llldl'l' the ext ru"r,lIl1o ry nccum cy of a t 'l'11(! E lm". ne,I,III11' ,wer tI". rlp lld UIC f'lllIrn Cll'r st ll,ly. Not n IIot1i1i hl,,1 mno. Iii' rellluwri hi" 1" ")0( grey <Irl'" I",ell O" l' l'lnllk e,l; not n slnl(le ORW 10 InK,coII I a n I (' ''1' ; til I' ll. without 0 I Lllkllll:t O ll'~ nctlnl! co uld h e not ice. It sound. he Il lr" II 'Il'1'I hl~ WilY th ...,II!,:h 1\' 1\8 1111 In<llllil who s tuod t hor l:', ond OIl' lJlI" li ~8 III sl!lI rch ot th cnr. when a r~\\' 'hl ~'s 11), Ier nUl(h relurned no fOllJ,d It a l",ul II hun <l r",1 yunl . I h... r p<'nrls t o Ih p I'\ u ch,·!\.~. tor n lonl(

"'~ ,,

d l";IJ 'lll ;11'1' il I I,,· 1" llld Il IIII H! \\1Ik h 1111:..' 11:101 j1l 0.: 1 , ' 11111 " , \\h l h' Iii ... 1I1 1I\q,,!:lII 1.. I !lnu' t! to tilt· ;.; irl 11 \ 1\\' "' ll f" I~ 11 ... 1. ·,,1' i l l Ill..; flnt In l .lIlId /. l l AI IOIIII ,. \\'I' I'I;: - t "1'-

h nn:-:: n f ,H' III1J,!11I - 11111 I1n.\ 111/11'/"'. . \\'JlS 110 f t fr nl n



.\l ld or


tltfllt!!h f

In llt'l l,

;\'Il t

(11'l h:l lt f li l

liln "

('un -

111 11 11 11 1111 ......... .


Iwo "uit'k

11 1l ~ h ... s


l ili d ,'111 11 1' frOi n htA rotH' us hn NlJokt!-I1Ho{two.: ~ llI'h 119 n. I"l11ul1 pln('trtc tc) f (' h


~I n', nu t! '


hy Illl ylltH' t·I"I --\\·l're Il Rtgnn l t o t bo el f\WCft:' lIl\ F:pt.·n

ftllll ' t ('hnUff"ll r _

Th"n II 1"'('lIl1nr look cum(l ove r till 11I,IIIllI'A fll' ·'·. nR hl H oyl's t,,\1 on n

('rntecln r of tho 1',.,1' /lhl" In Ih" Stlrr",1 ~nhlnl't ot thl' , h,,1\' 1<llIl/s ?" n,. I"" r<'d III It rovor· IItly, nl,, 1 tI ... '11I1<~ ", "'gh"d , "n"" "f ",y II n«'"lnt'8 pkkPd It 11)\ sll lllf'wht'rf ',"

h (\

nn~w {\ red





TWO I. lIld!t·." To\\' .. r~ \\'11 8 e n f ete.

!llld\1'~"" .

tlw g1l41l-f wh011l 1m ~ur n}t1. your C!'n r s not hen r UH~ w ilt. ~ r.

Il nl\'" or Ih (' 1I1Io:hl?" he (I cmnnrlell. "Ltfc rll s l ll nll III tlie I"'''''ell; llen lh monnlng The lh r'lIIgh thl' I( rn ~se~." AII(I IDHIII l' nl y hl'

11 .. 1('1'1 111111' 1) thRt eYrl'y ('on(,,,.1\'0 111(' !<I tllilt ~h oll i ll be cnrl'l ef1IHlt


t lt r ~ w h lldi his hpful nnd lo uJ,!hcd, n ft c r cl:!, m f, ekhltlol l nll~h; then h o 8wl1n~

'\I'hk\, lI'o ull\ ~kc fo r Ih e 1'1l1 ~ nllrll' l rOllnel n" ,1 fll l·,' (1 the room, For







RETURNS TO .YOU IN_A }rEW DAYS PART: ltoweve r smnll, or every 'doflar you spend

In your own town comes back [0 you. The more moaey' that Is spent to this lawaI the more there La to be IIpent , WITH YOU, {lo matter wh~lhCJ your bUIIIna.s Is ~nrmlng. dry !1OtGdsing, : restaura bt-. tng, "lumbe ring 01 laborin g, -

This 15 tTUe of e.fes., w'wu 'aNt the land. But the town ·that · can c:oax moruy from tbe peopie 'ot other towns, 1100111 become s 10 ,,~ perOU8 that people flock to h. wd that', how wt4lthy cltles are dJ.ade.

dty in


It Is the duty 01 every man tad woman 10 . tWs commu aity to ~d evcty c..ent he inteoda to .peoc1lfiht here. It Is his duty to hlmaei£ Ii" that his own proflert y, hls own bUAi-

aces, bIB own ob wlU be worth ' . , Homes ~d farms and blow au4 bu.siaJeasea and,Jobs "'e least valuable 'and poorcatJD-':L'mmdg'tla~w_ , peoete .• pend ~ mODC1.•d.-rr~ _ __ ., .,'" . , .. r" more-w orth more


In the selling market. '. ' ,

~ ,-, ~ ""''''''''''-. •

• ,~ , '# '"






$fl ; \V Urn . I I..,,,, , " ",I ru ot. , ;1110; H . M. t:l lfllr wum l, IUlIllIpr . ' ~:I ~ I r C lIu.lllr I.A)\V I d. t,"~ I ~t.illll. $~; "nntlM Hntlltlh l . t v; Th" • . n , Fru.", . ~1II .yrllll . "I'.a 'i'f,; lItlf ,' ltl :--;W 6t' DR), . ""yro ll, ,, 11 :1.1,;\ ; II. U . U .. rlun,1 .. tUII " ,200 ; , ; ,J Wu ritly. ~ tOIlf\• • 234 llli ; 060. l{ n .. pl' . ' 1\1"0 . -C 14 fi :.![,; 'I' 1:1 . 1:11111. . ' ''''', tfit ; nv e r ~· I "rt·". nnmlt. ~ 1 7~ ~tl; \) U (jllrla", I. ~'''II'' , 116 ; ' :h .. rltl~ U " , .. IWIII. 81\10", , 202 bO; P . ft. WI "ul .rt'pulr wurk flnll NtO lll'. tll. 1O



It Pays to Advertise

Claa atHe d Ads An 1,,1 ill this colulllff


i~ R 9urt! "ale



New Suit.. The Seourl ly 1.lgbtul lltr Rod Co. .... I'!II&I Uudaea ro for m o uey only Claim $19" 92. J . M. 1l1lll C. r . CODove r V 8 Will. lam Durtoo" for money o nl y. UIfllw tI 90.00. .

Mon ey to Loa n on F arnl Lan d for ten year s at 6 per cent. TER~ELL « TE~RELL, Wilmi ngton, 0., phune 301. /£Y Loanull liv e M'cINlltlUe l8, allo leollnd £. 0

,lI uo l<,

mor~I!HlC6II .

Proctt'CI inlll. 8. 'I' , Elhon VI! B . E. EftTnba rt. Robert Cr, lt! ~, ,Iohn Cartwr ight and J , Will White were aPIlDlnt ml apo prailltlrl '.

N.Jttltl buogbt . J ub lil-lflrhl lle, Alleo Bull,llnK . XeDla Olrio. 1\ 4.!l2



IU N H. o pal l ot ; o,t bur uO a~r~t Probatl' Cuurt ProrN!di ngR. Iv ,·t!oOlttla y nlgu t. or ,) n I...,b". In the malter of the eHtate of ' HIli piko behVtlen ULtou .. u I Corwlo Ollvor Rinlto, deooll8e d. JUtltln W. PI (\,, ~e ruturn Mn , W /£ Struod, BardlDI r WIlS "ppolot od aumlD lltn. R. D. ·1, y oetiV 1111), U. Ruw .. rll . tor bood ' :l000. Albert C Val!' dl..t WII1I8 Ber ger ond ,!Ilmes Brown wero App olnt oll Apprals or8 , In tbe moltor of Vero!'r J. Blgbt. FARM FOR RENT mao, decease d, -moollt of Inherit. anoe tax doterm lued. ARM For R .. nt 00 the tblrd ... 10 tho matter of tbe o8tnto of JD'lulrn .,f 0 I•. Rloks, R . 0, 4, Haonah J, HntO"ld . d eooBljfld , Chu . WaYDtl 8v\lle,O blo . t;. Irwin WAS appoint ed apprais e r . ,21 I n tho IIlR Uer of the estate of Lb:. zlo K , UOWIIO, d_a81\( 1. prlvllte lal o of persona l propert y o rdered , FOR SALE



1\ \ ' 1'1'.\ ll lill;';- \\ 1l!oO In J'clltlliw}!:o; fllr hohl t1H~ IItfcntlfln IIf th('l nutl lrn('C', til .. IIlHIl I,+lIII IC 1111 (1 rO lyl<I dt 'l'nnllrn s 11111'I'ri In Ihll "l','n WhHl o w. \rlth ~\ H" I I Il"'; III' i lIl 1H.: lrtt'rt Lnl<lllJ.:t n" wuult l I firlll . (ll1t~frl't('h('(' Ill' Plnre d tnt o th e

1 0\1 ' \

\ (;.001 I nutM1 OD pa,8 J)

i(\, M"k or . r".,\ wtl rk



tI ,."I I" '. h ~ ""'11\ ',1 ,"\11 erel) t ~teu l lh lly 1 ,lll rl",,'"" , ,e4' lI1lnl! In J1111 11 0r RIrt'ngth l o w tlrll 11 •



rlilly , "F".hloI iNI with Ihe bl ooll at mono I(IIn r,I,,1 \l'l lh thpl r Ill'es, Anll onp of yOllr nn re8 to r~ pl\'kt'(1 It up 1" Th" rluk,' wlll"'rl,.1 cnllll'l<'lely tinder Ih e loll ing Rcorn ot thl' \\'orrls. RlI,I RI'",nell about t o soy l otuethln g. but tbo Indian "011 Inrned nlV Ry. and hla lonr, delleste fingers were hOVI'Mnll (IVPI' the bOL Wllh ,Ieomlll l e1" be 10 tront of hIm. and a woman IhuMer ed audibly. "\\' hnt Is It 8UpJ)08e d t. do'" ahe TODtured IImldl),. "For centurie s tbllt bo1( containe d the j c w el~prec l ou s beyond woru. ~ t the reign ing qu eens of the Chow dynosty. They were wrapped in 811· ver ond ,old tl HSU~t whIch thle 18 a f~ble. mode rn ~ubstltute. " From a cumwer bund uDder bll mbe be drew a piece ot ' Bhlnwi material , th e nppearllnco of whi ch woe areele d with crl119 of feminine dell,ht. "You wouill nol 8s11 mn to rommlt RacrlleJ(o'" QuleUy he r cpIRced Ihe material In bll belt and tumed a way,


tJ lItl

lime , and all kinds

hnek, nn,l rOil. "' It .. Tnllr, ' Ho hllnd ..d lI er tlit' I'I ~ ,'O of ",,,,, .rl ,,I, "Nn hnnd hilI YOUr!! mu~t tllUl'l\ the [l('llrl s. WrUIi Ih" '" ul' Ilis hi o Ihe ~ II. I'I' r lind Koh l." AI.. ol\y h" WII \(' I".,I l lal' ()rllt·~~~" "Now n(tvun co ul ul"'. UIH.1 oll,'n Ih,. h(,x, PIneo the pellrls Ill' All ..'. N oll' ShUl n Ull lock It." 4IhL~lI. entl)' th ~ ,llld,eMS ,1I11 68 sho Willi hhl' tlll'1I Mhl' " toll,1 wuUl na t or furth e r lu: . l ruc thlllR,

( ' hlnpF:p ("lIlIln('t . "'\'ll\'r~ ,lid Ih...

url,'llI!: ·,·"" t "r hl.~ !>redl.'ce" ,or, 'l' lIeu, f;1I 1H'rhl), ,IIRllnlnf lll . t he-Ind lnn ""th A 'llll r k clnne" rOllll(' tn I'n!'onr" "f"'I' II sho,.I . ""'"11111); 1('56 pattN. to

.. I,.IIt!

111 ' \\,11


Ce men t,

yo u

w as nllnost 011 I O l ~ of It h (\ fl'wc he rf..ll.ll - 1 fln EII).!ll s 1111l 1lU Ill~J.! tll !>l:l·/1. . . . Anrl thi s \\'n _ wl llli /)1I1'J)f"Il ed nK s(,4!n hy tho I fR M'ln niNI Il nl ookN ('rOll chln g nenr the llC)('I(t ' l \.11\ 114 '1' t i lt,' ~ ~al ho put nn t,lu.!' ", Inno\\, PIII !" ldp,

17.,.,1 Ihl' fll l'!. 'ro his I'dlef It 'I'll " "1111)1 )'. lInd pl" ,.Ir.!! hi" own Cilil III II

" J lI 11 ,'lIl d '"111 1 II H : . ." "'I'! ' II I, tj ,t! Tnll.\' ~ IIJt 1.1 11' ' 1 \" 11 I ) " It \\, ~ I II I , /I' 10 h" I" .\j ' lI'(' "f do : I.y 1 1I 1-~ i Tl ..! 111i' h ll:t'~L . '\ 1.:1I'l\. Thl !>! Ihll ,· ... 1P 1\\ I ... 111\ ~ II,I(II"


!'ltl,.. q

IJ " g i , ' p, III. e~IilnH t e ,

nurt ll ulo!"h . rrom tlil' 1': 1h·l t t·r Ilf tht , Illl.oollh·S, ", "ucl t'retl


Lumbe r,

uf Buildi ng Mater ials LI'l

rH'Ul'l'r l h · hotlSt', so (' \" '11 Id dtleu lit I ti m.' Uf'If1ll' r Rh ' nor he r hUHbnnt1 n srunl l SpllC,· off t li " rolld tI,nt he 111"'"111 10011," "" llillt Hnm J'>nr hu ,1 he en

1:11 """

) ' 111" II lIl • •tllI 'll ! .)1" ; " " \\'tlt( ' Il I Il~ . Ih' · "11 1' 11"1 II



1111:.:11 ' '1' ''111'11 "1"11 \ \' 11 l" I'IIH Ii.! 11'" " \" r I ii, 1; \1 1 h ,,' ... 10:1 .1 11;: If' /0." ,'1 '11'" . . h·wl.. uf hl ~ ~'Itll l l ": II :"" h "(pn it 1,:\f'!WII": ." I II' 1'11111''\ ,III' ,'111" III ' "\" '1i/ 1,\ i ll , 11 11 cll"'P ... iI:II1I1\\' J.lf ~ lI tT/I' 11'. ·' ·... , 11 1111 ti ll' 1" 0 111"1 1 ::c .1 01 11. ":'\\1 \' . .. l, t I.u,·. .'"c' \I 1.t!\ • . h,1' I'ad.: T tll '

That you will use in your new home is merel y a~ciden ta1. The point is- Bu,i,ld! Are yo u ming th e a rgume nt "that you'll bUIld when Prices Comc Down ? If so, t' en it is time to bury that moth· eaten phrase a nd get ~usy, becau se prices ARE down . Tiley are so uown as low us th ey are gOIng to be for many 11100115 . Do you know t!l;tl Amcri ca tou ay is in immed iate need ,of two • • million ho~es (11IU houses ? Do yo u know that prices are as low as actual cost produ ctton, ha srd lipan read jll sted wage scales will permi t ? IfJyotl kuo w tliese things - then you a re of th e thin ki ug person s or familie s which arc going- ali t'ad wi th buildin g .

1I1Ilnl u t~


".1 11"' 1 II" I, II Tld 110 11111 1"1' ." 1' .. ... l'l)lId .. "



o f Lnldl"~' hltn'fllf ,\ li n bud ~1f.: ~ I ' '; h ·,t g"t t lil/.! huhl (Ir l.!tl s ll \tj~ t ,'"I , 'l. r ll t,'U lH'rr,lrJlI ' t' r, w llo lint! Iq .pn n·lI l l~ IH'Y"r tw P il In 1':II I.r illn tJ 11(\(01'1'. A nd :0' 11",(\ I III ' II lll npd .. lit l.!l l dl";"H l'1\1I11 11~ ' Or- n"'I '

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UJl u k OIIl I(' u h IY- 1I1l11 . H, of ('IIU T'St., IllJ Sh't's


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tlh ' (' 1l111l1Tl'tlr \\'hl l , '\ h' lh 'd 11 0 1·IIIIHtIl'II {. Tlu' !l \1\ 11 1 th \ lI ~ l1 "q~1 .\ tll'''\ I' Itll' HI,II ... H")I' , ', nlll! \\ II" l lint t lt' r ,', III th, ' 11t· ... l,. \\'Il :-' Il II, f' ,tl '111' 1,,1\ 1I1I\!t.Uc-.. { II ""-JltI .. r\ d ar k , 1 1l ~ "" "(' \lI US Ilt' rflll'll h 'l' pC 111(\ l\('l dl'," ," t!tu t n i l \~' Ih \".'11 lo t'f"rl ' ' '''011;- .'1I1 t. H ll d "t li lt Illll!'t' ,'''Hl d 1\ !tIlU ..... II ": I , \f"'I' '1'1 ... flll lll' u f Jl Il;:ll I ' 1'1111 1 I II\l't ~ ""' llI l p" , .\lId III II I" ~1 ' III ' rlll Tll"I ),! . :1.1 :' 1" 1",'1\\1 tl l' l'nnd HI1l 0U s.: ... t t lll' 1 1" "II I 'lI n'lI t l l u~ h 1 II' IIIIIIIII III d t'I', 'p l " ' 11\'111',' .. 1, 1 1"'1 , . \,,,""1'1 , , '111" r to lIlt' ' 1\' \' 11 "' \111\\ 1\\'. :-;\Idd l 'lI l y A r :/l l'ot ltv .... PIlH·rt I I.) w ldi l' 1.:1 1 It l .. I It l'" \1I \\' Ildil l ' Il" d: lrlllli l ·I'I .. r~" 1I !l ll d m Illet . ItTi d , 'llIIU' HUI Ill t ll I Itf' "p' II \ " "1 " " I 110 .' ,..... '" \\' 11 10 ~ .. ,, " " 1." 1011,·.,,, ~H ' ll t.y ... ll·I' ill' II IhHII I'I'Il !" " l ln! I lw " jll/ )4111 \\11111 U' I~ l ldlll.: 1\111 \1'. ~l r. nl {,I I,lll h .... ~ liJ,: III"!' , lI t'i \\1'11 1,1111 11I'lt l h t H al ll J lu r'(' 11 ... " ,·1\ II II' I\lI d ll "'"'' "li,t· n .f\l lI lI l.... !'I (n """,\t Itt I h., r t1 t llt\'~1 1I 1-!11I '" 1\11 \ \ I I of" I III' wll .. I,, ',\ :-ol1l1t 'f" 1I1 i1'· I: lllI'l l l. Bil l t ilt' ;-.4t ld l f' r I H~ "-,"" . I I h ultk .' 1'11. " 1'1'1 11 1"111 ·01 11 \1' 111 <.: p rn\\l l lI g nud Illt·rt. II til ' I,~ !I d' 11 11111 " I Hill I' ,·u d.\ , \\ lill rit'''' wIll I h t' rh ll llO'l' l lr lln tl rt 'II "I, ,\t\ l lllU Ilh ' r, ' k: l l !1 ti f Ih" ,lt ll,J,:':-' Il lHl 1\1'1' \\ r ill l ' ll 1)0 wn~ nl) r1 .. uh t In 111111 \\"111'1 1"' ,, tJl ln,! t!l, ' :-o' T .. 1l Hf t 'a t l" ! " Ihut, 1\1 In ... t. tId ... \\ 1', 1I'lli'll - 1!I" ddlt 'r I . \l l d It \\ 11 -. u l ltl lll II ) II III "l l t 11 111 t t ho wi t h Iltl ll~~ [ tu. t ,·j\III ·,·I·IlI ·d Iii'" !lo t ~ illkl tl \\11 1"'\1'1" Olll :ol ld l ' Ilh' " Intlo\\" fl lld ' '' '-4' 11 Inld ,,~, t it, · Il ,·d ... \\' l&tJoh tWj.!'1I11 III :-fr lll), I' \\ Uti :-:1 {t ' llt 11111'111 . F o r \\'11 '4 II ~ IIl1f(lI'lUI lIIt l ' fl'l' lit .. dlllu ll'I'ur 11\1 ' t'l1I' (' WUri Ih l ' 111 ~' fl l ilt ' I lI'llnn, H~ It hnd hl ' l ' lI fur UII '\an Il ull '" In Hilm J II\\', I l ul t lt l ' \ ( dl'l ! \\' II ~ t il " 'li lt',· Ih p 1 ~1\ ... 1. ' ! IIi Luldl lh 111 11 . It :o- tl'u .... k Id l ll Ih n t C('n f ' "lJ qdll" I I~ I.r Ih' .. " I kd 1>nl1 II , (he Itc \:t h'n utiIHItt ·~ or :-;11 wlghl U<" lIH ,IIt! ,1,. ' 1' ; llH'll . Il lq ~ "1! 111" 1"/.llIx,'d \\~ ' II \\Ij rlh wI ll It·. Tlw l.H·llh l t l lll .,( remll·.... lt'. ... 11 111 1 1111... 1'1 I lt ld, .... III' Ill i.1 hl ~ IJI1tVIIlIl lltt ' P 'uri!" f ro III tll\' d1ll'llcss ' ~l n "II Ihl' ).,'"rtlulld 11l·"I.;lI..,I I I, I' ,\" to I*U II - 1Il! t'k "l, r.,l't~ ~ udl un n S~ t'llIhl y !'It"('/UC I) " Ill": t h r llll~"!l 1 lt1 ~ \' kIIIJl ' ~ po, I\\' I.Q. Anti t o p n'~ellt n l'crtllin 1111101111 1 of rh4! 1'1I('t chut ~ udl nn l U'{l1i1l ,,"Uiii 11 culty l'Yl'J\ t o SlIdt nn ~x l" 'r t H ~ I1 l·ury. Il(tl j. Irll WP fnolt ~ 1i thull1I11" 'rinli 11 111 1111 · I ..\J1 t1 JI " I.(II t' r"11t n IIltl \' IIPu r e r th o entl n f.! IIger f\ 1"'1 '1n ' I' lI1ftll l"zP II~e tlld w i ndow, ~o Il~ t o liltS!" nul hlug'. not tl'flulJl n ttll~ ("h ll II n-I·tlr. In fH I' [, I g\'ldl ' llll,\ tht' SN ' f!t' \\' n~ IWW Ru t II othln" Il'Ilull,," hill. flit" III. Ih,· n et',,"" ,~ r)' prol's w('rp In (l,,~lIioln II" JlI't "u t "lie ).'Il ~ l lln~ "ry of tl'r· - nl,,1 lI u\:1I wHII,," wll ror 118 he renl1~ed his II1I~IlIkp; Ih"11 pn tlt!llc~ tor lh ll 1ll'ltll'Ivuh "r"wlllJ( 1111 ' l c,',·nl. Rut

SIIIrluir " llokc ,, !!,u ln.

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seal in the delic ious Burley flavor


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Into Ih o centrr

I+l nd tlC'n1nlly tJ~I'N" R 6 ,1I'l1d lI uc h" on II,,· !Ioor. b ut 1, ... ·11 ('/llllll In,'1lr), hn ll ily In my 111110


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!l Is , W I' tl ~t 8 ('i "" C h ~d' l lind rli " !\lI1t'rl t:an , 11'vldllJ.,: n l hIM ral'l·,

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llil ' l ll," J(II UIH I 111' 1' /H'\ ' k w e re tt le hlA· t ork 1" ':lr l s . IIlI d 11.1& Ih ~ In dtnn l\,n\' (011 It ) \\' , \\','r 111 ' 1' iI\l t ~ll,\·t dlPii IlUud . hl~

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t h HI \I'r.,· ", 'p\\I .\ \ h l' 1.1'11111"11.·... l ' llrlt,tj ttl " ,,11 11\' r lt(,., .,f /I 11IIili In',·n·d



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" 1 JU r nu' t l' l'nr t o lIP P I\ r1 ~' (\ (rc'rn B (l nf1' fo r Ill") !I1o tH . ·Il[ JIII\j.:I ' r t h un nt.",, · l''''!o'n !·~ ," ~f\ I I ' HlI ~h Ij ll h.\ tly . "Auti Il.-flry t ~ ttH'r , In n prH\:o.('w nrthy d,'n\'or t .. 11ft ll\(" I1l1d H'~ s p £'l\r l~. .

111\ j ·!; 1 1~1I 1 1' .

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11 :)\11. wh . ..."l' r I i.' WII ":', "" lIld pruh ' lllly 11 ...... 1111 I' I ll ,· :-o lt', t 111101 1J~li " 1I "n·I·\·t. nlH l IIlld


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Il1ust mtioll s blJ IRWI N MYER S



IWI'p d In II hoursc untllJ I't\lIlC to the dw..: ll\'!'i'i. whu s l (}Ut] bt"'s lth.. him wei· l'lllI l!l\h" 1he dl~t "I~II I~ 1I ·rl rore l),{I"l l' r , " '\'I · · rl~ .1311 gilld ytlll eu u lll ~OU!t' . ~Jr, H UIIl 1 111 1.... n 'llIu rk<"i thu tlul'1wss f ,lltly "E\ (, I '~H lIl.' h~ so ItlUktll ¥ tll r\\ Hrd I" .\ -!lr \\ 1I1I11"'rfll l " lI tt,rt nl n-

I n ~ hili': Ir IIni " " ill" rll l'e lI" hIllo n "l... I I " rlll~ I)""h. III '~ ll lt\' tliPI'" \\'11<



" I Iv\\'

NnHl\ ul' n twlJ.: .'lo:O; t' Ill', th e z.;l u\f1 t h iss Ilt " f'lI l11 ll1'(, I'l~ ('tl - lIlr rll\l', "',-"'lH f,.1 ... lnl1l ltnnt"'Ou"I w ith I1 I1~h hllr1 -



'·UIlI I), . " Whut ,11,1 6Ul Lhle tlnlll ' fd luh ', 11 11 111.., W \\~. lilY lIenr?" he whl.-


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·,,1 I",·t Ion. hnd \>""11 II,·" 11 m ruul<~1 Q UI or hi .. ~ tull y lJ) hb 111\1,'1'1\11 1(11 1111 ' .... " Hl'. uU ll 11'118 1\(1\" Jl t till' 1II 1J ",~nl Il lI~11 Ol'li l (",1l 11l III Hh:hl ." f t hl1 hu US '. t'III:IlIWJ Iu hnk· Ing It,\nd. \\ It II u lull . url~tU"TIl t1 L" 1.~,ltI"g 1",111111.

I lv, ' ""''('1' 1.1 IInu rr. (1'IIl lIe u In t ho' "'Il r IIn. 1 "IIIII·p,·,iI·.1 loy hi" 1.'1'1111 ' i111l'1 wi h t he ~" n il . nlll<t h~ Itl ""n Ih .... cl'I'<1I1 "t rU'I·""lI ttn J.( [1\1\ l" ln~\n~ tJ! Ilir wI'l l,"n ,;hdl~ hr illi! Il' ~II,, '"~ ,I f r 1t10"!.

Who Found Peac e Dull

U,r I II

'fI\l' t11l~,". bun'"

\\,,""', 1 h tl\· \ hpl'n HI1 \' n ru net , lmll n l'h' h.-run', • \'I ... ·r' ·f" ....' to It", h;,I(lICf>N 11I ~1ll1l"

Th A&va ntur es of A Dem obili zed Offices·



Marriag e Uccnst'f!. Davill II R 08s, m eohanlo 01 Mar. row, aDd Frllno08 St ,Iobll. '1."banu D

40 ruuned PIGS F o r Sale; . O. A,

t:; ~ .

5, Wllyno8 Vllle, Oblo.


doubly 1mJobo, R D. 87

New MeCorm lok Corn Bloder . Real F.8tat. TraRllre rs, t;ee H B tlmltb , R U , <I, WRl. L W. aod 'Kmma Wltharn to Oeo. nesvlllo , Oblo . 1121 BReade n, traot In DeerU .. ld twp , tl. BOU r 200 pounds of Uood Lard . Sophia Aobterm oo to Curl A. Aoh. Inqahe of tlllO tlml~, of Uar. termaa, traota 10 Military ~orvey veyeblU l$ pIlle, Waynlll lvlllll, Oblo. 13225, tl. 1121 Mary LIUle to Rolly Frf\~zn lot No 81l In Houtb Leban o o, · 1. ' 'l'on8 Tlmotb y Bay. AIIIO, Il U uod rrolb ,Ioraey UOW, with G , L09le, et ai, to MarU11I JJal mer , f' >llrtb c ~lt by ber ~Illo . ,It..bll H.u\) . 10$8 9 and 1010 MIlSon, B, C. and Elfzabe tb BRmllto u 10 msou. R . U. a, Wllynes Yllle, Oblo . 1121 Barry aud Emeline Urover , lot 2A 10 Bouth Leb~nOQ, t), (1 1I0Il UraH Colta. Olle:3 yean Edward Uonley, et ai, to AnolL 1. 01,1. bRI! beeo ",orIlOO ; onH :.I yra. "Where Old the Protecto r of the Poor Cooley, traot lu Frllnkll n twp.,.1 . ul'l; hoth Knoel On08. 0. L Rloh Obtain the Sacred Cablnot of the Unary Rnd Barah Fry to 11:. M , It U, 4. Waynea vlllo, Ublo. 1121' Chow King.?" Yooum, traot In Clellfor eek hl')'., tl OaloUn e Euglne, 4 b .p., In Il ood Charles Uuenth er to Marie ODeD . 111 .. 1 Ihll:h's "Y"s 1l1l . lcned fit the cl evl'I'Il"'~ with II'hlc:h the !HI\II wu s od" ther. traot In Ueerfiol d twp ,'1 eb.po; will either lell or trade. 111J(. \\·!tel l,,·r Illf'y b"lIe\' ~ d It or 001. EIIMha aDO Emma P"tterftl ln t,o Inquirtl uf U.rvtlY Rye, Wayoll l. the re \l'JlH lIot a 80u l In the rnom by Frano ;1I and Elsie Hhlfrw o al" ' ofl, ~rllet ill villtl, OhIo, Iiii " II!H e II'ho "'n 8 not ~onsllfll e d with Ooerfiel ll twp., tl uperIor Gralo Drill . l!:.Jg.r Btlu . png,'rn,'lls 10 put th " ( '11 1[\1'80 cnblnet HOO, liatveY 8bnrg, Uhlo to Ila. tesl. 111<1 " S nppos ln /t ynu took Illy peRris, Mr. ComDll llloDen' '''roe_ lap Ii:~mH l"S l'ARlt:I JlREEN a$ nom 0 111'." . nhl the ,IIIChuS8 dlflhlent · BIIIR alluwed : - U"rohl V. ' Mllr!'\'.. r ., M , U... le·!I Hardwa re tltore, I ~'. "I kilO\\, thnt cmnpllrc d to Bucb h.uHog gravl·I. '~I" 80; Rpe noer WllYIl88 VIII(I, Ohio 1,1" lnr l(' j"\I' ~IR Ih <,y lire jlr)() r, hul pel'- Br{J8" B7 hrhlgll 1,,,ln t, 1335.68; ~' M ''''llS It 1I'01ild nol hI! t;;ocrUeg e." Roblllllo n, brlllgo lumber, taU .72; Dor oo Hil"M, wIth 12 PlgR . A.8 . Not n tIIu~c\e on Loklnl{t on's f8t'e !:lId Pope, haullog luwhor, tI7.!i0: R081l1l . 4 mlleH woHl or .waynlll l. t II'lt ch",l. though It wu s th e thiDa he W . E.O'Ne ltll, h"ullng brldgll tUIll- VllIo,OI l H. lJ. ", W~ynoll vm", Oblo. linu he .. n playing f or. Ins teltd he ber, f8 ; Jr. M. lluhloMo n , brhlKe lum. 87 s('ellll'li tl) be 6unk III thought, while ber, t116; W . S Urahltm , apro~ aud Ihe ,luches9 continue d Illeadlng , Blid flll. t228 96; W .. M. Ur"ham , rnplllr8 , OIIl'-1 male bog, tbree 80WI Bod th e l'eSI ot the pllrty lidd ed th eir en· 'fj~; Elm .. r Uramer , pflyroll, t2S:I,fjlj: IIUla 1,IR8 fur ule. 'Thurob red t reat ies. Then, n6 It he hlld lleclded 11: , V. BIrd. RUto IIver,V, ,981); L"w. polaod obloa , J, W. Beach . Ru (hl e nly. /Ie sn'ung rou nd. 87 renoe BOItIl, '26: Morris F01(bow er , "I '1'1\1 try," be lIonounc ed 18.75: O. t!nlder. mowlol ( weede. I~od faU ' Reoelp' Boolr, pocket nnd the du chcss headed the Chon!8 B, C Kerger, .&ooe, 'I 20; Ber. 117.8 aDd OD loQli paper 1 be dol!lIDt, "Will the P,I'6II8DIlIlII ' ~ "OhllIOD , road work, 13.20 I A . Mlaml Qau'~ . JIl7-U













The Miami Gazeltte, Waynesville, Ohio.

•.•• TH E


l!:V J~ 1

GA ZE TTE ....


Y Wl!:L>NE<':OAY

1 fruit ; It WIIS Hoe and 'm uo\! appre.



Mrs. R. W. Kaylor still remains ll uil e p oorly. Mrs. EmWfI ' llue lind S n. Mott , Tbn A . M, E. oburoh sille of proTI @ . 0 , L. e l' ANE, I ~ .iilnr unci J ' \t I, l j~ l. (f . \ \ n) I\(·~\'ill e. of Dayton , wor u. I'leok.en d ~ 1I0H t ft of lous , whi ch took plaoo hio u.t Ih e sobool Iler Jlurenta, Mr. nn d Mrp. W . A , g r o uod s 0 0 Sa turdllY , WIIS W illi pot Murrltt . SuhRcri lltio n Price . $I. GO Ilor year r o u l ~Ul I, .. ud n HB\lllfn o\ory IIIllOUII.I· J oseph W . 0 1\ vi I,. fOrll l1lU u of the of m o ney WIlB oollecte d. "p' ll: n A. h 't" t L!> iIl H H.,,,"'·I,,.tll .. t , \·t' 1 titll l e hl/(h\\'8 Y In tbl s "~(ll, lIj11. Be '1IIr , \~IF llW"~ I'IU ,SS ,\ !-\!'1I " I \ n ON Ml' !lnd Ml' ~ . William MlIrl,1D Bre IR to be OOn l;:rullllfl t.'11 111'0 11 go ttiug b,.v lnjJ the exterIo r of th ~l r h Olll e It, 6& he Ilu ~ h Oll orubl), carn ou H . plllotel1 , uud when oo uIIJIN eti II will Gh a" . Tnoker iM th o u!;li t 10 ue be so sllUsr"o t orylllu t .It ~ wr~D Nr:SllAY. S I~ Pl'EMHEI{ 7. 192 1 I \(lu ll l III . I+-ffi....-=---.--t~uHH~. imttf'Ovedl1lt-tm-rrwrllln~ :~--a.mmce otber~ t o uellullf y ultll pro .. ....... E-NU INE ----- Mr ond Mrd . Vrtll1 \\'1!~1II"11 Ilnd tllet. , . Mr~ Wegrnn n 'H w OIlll'r , 'Ir~. ,VI86, , Mr , C h,l E. 0 Cook 18 tlrll'l l\~ II w il r u In o u r I·" WII l' n , ·IlI1' I,,\, . , ronl rUI\UIILl nt. I:i~ r v \o o ~ III. th c A. " E (, hurch 'IV . C .. ~t. J o hn , nf l. ~ btl IHl n . nn rl 0 11 tiundo \' , wllh 'I IlI f"I ' IIt l e nt\l\nco, I H Ihl ~ 1111\" r ('llr.rR !' ll tl n~ Illp 1\ 11' r I . , r 10liU t'I Pl lrtl Dl' O r II. , of F IUrl Li n , IIWII ~ I.od oy ,\. ~l ct IIrt l'U h n\' 1l hoe n tn o ur c il.y o ot' dllY I.. ~t w r~1t ~ (lrtlliu~ ~t'vl ' rnl ~ )1 \k ll~ l 1( l r" r~. Ilnc1 " . ar l! ~ I I II In th o '1\l"11I1 '~" "I th ~~\' I.he h r; T ~(, .h(l(' JlII (' h o r~ \\,111 h ll \"' , Mill r<H~ I n r 1Illnl ~ ll w l P Ii I"·(' rv . --, - I n t\l \(1 II I (lW InOOllo" , 1' " nOCI' L111 1 , ,)1 ~rb(lol h r ~l llll l lIg . . Thl' rf' p' 1r!" on Ihl l Ij'l n t F'qrk Rnp. ~ tl s t ohnfl'1l ",til II"~ III ' " Ihll n('lIr ' ~Ir , Illlli ~ Ir " WIl1 . I bn nd h,,·, (01 rn lnl'l'. lInt\ I li p nl\ lI((' will hOl'hull !:ed Pl,lIntlt' lll , 11,,1 1,,1\' (1 bfll'TI V I "I!"'~ to ('l illlI IlI1ll 1I V Gil lln'lI IIft ll r holtltn g ,\Ir . IIn.1 Mr,. . \\' . \V , \\' . IC'l" IInJr t h o nl d tIl l" "In'll' l'r N'lill n , I,ul. thill ' "nblmt h . We want you to have the A t"WIIHIIIIUI , who h~ " n " Ihlo!{ oumblrl iF! h(l l ll ~ l\ l) n f\ In II H)" t fH' (-' r:vt1IlTl g D1uoh til do hut n~HIHt III l1~\ltrt.Jo g alouk . o IlIIrvn~t o r to ttllt fUllll ly bost paper tor "BULL ." Th o Inll idl u g w ill hI) \llII Ih ro u 'h n So now you con rec eive blH tHrill brel hre ll , oll1l1plalllM tltlli You hot ho IH ""If r l' lllI"t.. OO Ur" I' " f rt 'lIl (J llt ,lIng w llh Ili ll" 11 r , ' with e;lch package a book ~bo f<Hlll e rH !lnl H,I ItHIApen ll,,"t Ihnl And "0 h n Is lIlso 1\ MbIU gll''', I,,"n l IIntl l''' I,,'r, t1 0d whoo they r8lu~e lulvloe (roll1 Ihuir woll when th " so co m o with hIt Jlo' vbh 01 24 leaves 0' &\1U,+.Yll r dA of tid . oo mph 'l ull I I Wi ll bo n oO lll\ JllIlIe nt l,oJ I !he very linest cigare tte wl~horH vIce . whi ch th ey paper in the world . NOtlb, of the trllte o f WehKt er, v,.,,1, reol opo n I'!lP Iullwlnd Yllrrl u tl Ih e VIC llI Il y In Willdl It I ~ 11 ,('ntl,lI Mi ~A 'l'h ol lllll ~I tl i llr , of OIIYtlln ' l tiny" tftllt inllr'pon d(lIIt mOllns oDe o f H . W. \{1I ,\'lor h liM I JljH II In iJu~lno'9 , A J1 e nt 111,,1 wellk with Auvloo nil h o w t u rUII your farm Mr. 8nd Mrs 'w u tbioH"; lilli, r nlylol,( Oil tIlt! frolll tl.J o ~jl. whu r'ulm hor u I'o r 6, ' vtlrtd yelll ~ . uU ll hUH C, I1I1" I '1lIrOlloo ~II , II. h . (,t lt1unIClI! 'f) nthllr, lIot -UbjAut ' v oonlrol . Il lIli r OWII I\tlll~, n ur so ruJlo thmr to ~ llIv Ii" 1{J lIg 118 It " i ~ d VIlll: \\ 011 , ~Ir . II til l 1'>Ir,. l 'IYII., Wl llift n u 'I t. Cortnio l .v I,hu fnrltttll' ruli oA on e ver. rulldy jolW , I. uti uud r!Jtu l n~ hi S ~ l OU b ellllh . vice tli llt r ll l'~ 11.0111 10.1 I hn fulr nl. Ctlll1l11lJU . , 'I'll". blmKe lJ "blUe Wel ch ,~. Ddltin, o ur hl1rdwn rll 1111[\' 1,llo fllrlller, ,.lIti mllk os hIm la y boc l! Th o ul ty Illnll cIIIIH Ih o lllullIhA r his Ullr~, r ill! t he wi,it es of hi s Oyt'H , U1 Prt , IIru u~ ~tHpl e' us Ihe nu\l H thn.l· i :1.' \( J l) bn ~ hn ~ " n o w n eo ,'IH1 (l 1 for a fr "v,HII I'll'''; Ill" fUfm or thlLwH lind kick bu ok .. nd Moll , nn d ore ~ o wo ll kn o wu to 1111 trllok ul' Wi t h IJ oI.h It. h Ol) fA . lo t!. ,nr, nlHl l'11\l r" !I ~1I111'" l~.\\ · dpr Into P1ln IJ th,,1 I hoy Deed n o i ntrvdll · '" Tho toWO" llI"n ,Vl'lls l or tho oleo. ~ ti ull '1 nut nrhtm w e ll wiab a r R. wllo de. 1\ 1111'10 ' hl'lIzI ,'r. It " "''' I L"",vtJ rf'tf. r,'lrl y lin .. e 1·l 111 L r(1n , " I R " . ttll d",o 'rlolllll , th t! <I"otllr, tho 1("8 IJ\ttTl, tlln I ,.Ire to liD M(11110thll\~ ,' . , G oo. Hco H .. n ll Mr. H,M . CIRrI! l o r t,1I0 farmor , to lit e "1'1' 11 ",I lid"\\,, IIIHI Itll,tlly I.. , Rll t ~Innk L, lil1frl oarpIJ IlI.ll r , th " lIflvnH .o. or t.\to I" oli n tlrfllng o fo r ;, nUr meat, t.t Hl n we r o Duy l o n vls ll,or "" 'l'uesdu y o t per ONII, ftum lloll'n IItttl h is "lh"I1' '' 11\1 l ot s kllt "'R. nnd Ilrocery II1l1n .8 I ~Be b o rur W I If1 II tb ., H II I: hI.0,. t I s Pllt,r oOl Wll l luHt wo uk . . nr'oeMSI' t,y ' I (1[\0".; t ll" l,l'rl "oel l Ilt " rlOlr prien; nlld ht ~ ht'uO roc' kllll{ t" {lI lIl fru III IJY o ur Utltwntl , !md bas lJoen f Li r arl8o~, 'I I M 'I B Ih e hrenldn~ .. r Ih .. (orlili;:o r OO lll . hi M11111,,1,. I YOtV"tl. I U r. Ull ! ~~ n ,a vo nrne , r a· 1'11" fill m e r . II< his ow n vetorllll Lr . , bllle; Ih A .I .. !l"tlutt of I Ito ftlrID ·wn . torn ell .-II ~hl-I', •• 1I,,"t !" 'I'h., \\'0rrl. _Our gll \\ 1'r1n elldny ... f t,e r II Llo· Illn, hl~ uwu liltw kll'llith, Ill! d'Jtl ~ hi , ! nhllll 'ry tru s~. ro llol\ aro mAnfige d by p op. IJ ghtlul. II,MI· m o l o r tri p t,o I{ur"nnn . ~tl~llled III c"lUe rrom (I grelll ,lI slllll('e o .. u OIlrt)8n ter w o~ "ud hl~ Mlllllt"i y ular y oung men. hoth or wh omhn, o Mioh " vlRitlug Mr . Tbeso nr(l nity I n ~ !ltntl ol1s 1,lnl - \,('tttrlluQulsm Itt 8 flIHI MrR . n OY mild \\,IIY \\'U8 tbelr trude 60d e nou gh of II· to Harrl. IIDl,(iueerlllg, th re o Itleerl t lIu fllr"I\I\" 'I'ho city vbil"n nlto or Lntllnato n 's nt'coml'IIRhm(,IIIH; mllk e th em 6 II vlng, 'I 'ha lalllU'" will tAflA 1\ y "rtl of throlli"l, "lJnlttII\M ~ (\I\U M . ., 0 tlrrllul(e tlte,.o 111111 U8 t l.. , light. went out II .. reculHh, u'" t \V (.llne", 7 an ulHy"e ~pe n billing wlru, a pnlr or rns ly tuug~ little mutl6r~ , nUll U,An n Mr , and Mrs. Goo. \\ . Davl~ . ~Ir~. tI .. y r8 tho f"rmer "[JtulI,'rllll: IIlIlIIe rORI' from U,(' hrnz l!'r. "I th e ~ Inl u fBlr p"ir of hrllkAII n nAA \ll\llr~, atll1 , wHh wlllntll lnd Iti" omt,o Idu How e and ~uu , Barry, wer e I rv with liln r oo A 1I1'II\'Y, "dorous smoke 1111 .." thO !:iond",V go est8 of frloods a t J ntl·o~. the furth e r Ritl lIf " ~oollnll . hllnd \.in ~ veol· o ll e work .. r nl~'LY~ 80h oo l o pe n e d , MondllY aho ws to' r oom. IIUI rl'HIlI P rj lint! tnollnnlc Rs In Bonvi ll e, Ohio . olln. It e Will IIx auy thin g fro lll tho IlUother . mornin g, with Robert Hunt antl lho (JI !rl" lI "h l "u l th" 11I.lltt ll , .'ttrlnl! ""ob oo l beglln 10 fOil blast o n .!J H~ Benlnh . Cu on 118 leuoberH fi xedly In frullt or hllll, A ft"r II thll e Tu osrl"y , Ail of tbe 80h ool mnohio . Alf r od Hntn tl~.' of Davto n , s pf\nt the cllllllt III'I-{ftn lignIn; It ~ r(\ \\" nnd e ry bu~ bOllo ove rh~uled 80d I,ried ~hu w ~e k.~l\d With his parolll·M. Mr . Rw el\e<1 lit l' o l uIIl~ ttll Ih o 1I1111!'l' r grcw out elorlng lb e v~olltlon, and 1M oX , "011 M r M. ~. Ii l:illlne~ , fr~llzll!.1 unrl IIl'UI hI" hl'tt" with his I pecteu l o ruo witbou t 0018e o r 'ri r . MrA . Vloll' Cllrey , Of W .. ynnsvll le, hUlIlls. Tl... n ol,rll pll), It 'tlJl'[Jl'rl, tlOU. Now It Is up t o the 80bolun . BpoOt sevorl" d"yll last wl'ek wl\h ")'Illce Ihe ltnx upon th,' lI iJo r." he tG ooosum e ,heir o pporlun lty. P ... hor s ister. Mrs, J R .Iobns, wbo ord """I, "In Ih~ II "I> t of Il IC SlloCrw r eutf', do yoor pf\rt that they mllY hilS heeu ve r y til for eever ..1 dllya, Fire." lIugh flOW fhe dud","" kllo!!1 make tbl" tbelr bU ll o er year , Mr . und Mr~. Wllhur l:Jf\rlI aDd down on tho opPos ite shle of Ille AI! membe rs of B,.rvey sborg K fumlly took l:iuoday brnr.ter. lind pineo lhe box Oil Ih ll floor, dlnoer with of r. [,odgp, Nu. ~ 5j', will pleaso be Mra , Mary Carmon y, whll~ Ihe rnces of the g11""1 .... - sfl'lloge pre~ent Thursd ay nlgbt, to aUeud and ghOStly 10 the great lIj(ht -l'~oe red Roberl, Friend aUeode d the 8tllte Uk e s)J'" ',· rB out or tho h6l1l'y ll1uoke. to importa nt boslnes 8 , f" ir 00 Wed~esday aod Thursd ay . The Midd le-Ma n And I,hen I he Jlrioo bogiuR to soar. This WilY undoubt W . A, Merritt , JlIomes ClIoe. Davl ~ edl y II BIlow worth Josepb Hawke speo~ a oouple of no m"l,tar how oonsum erl r06r; "·lltchIDI!. Bogan, Ralph Brooks and Fuok dllYs la 81 week with Tbe mltl.lle. man'H a obeorfn l OhlLP frum man to w"n ,be his SOD, Beo ~urnlpl slide; Wlllon tfalllao$ ed btl8loBIIs In Lebll. Bawke f\nd family. "Opeo the bos I" Harellly the wordl wbo oevur Klve" II bloomlu ' np !IDd ~o the prioo Is multipl ArM! There A.e Otho ... DR. J. W. MILL ER. ied. The raDg through tbe silent room, 81.O with non, Tnelda y of 168,. week _boo' !,hli stilt,," nf U.e CrtlPII, or I'llrObllS er 1D0Rt fee Mr. and Mr.. Allen Emerlo k and 104 Tunilln Bays lie kllow~ A mlln l lOt lengtb the fingol'!l that trembled n little Mr, aod Mrs. William Brooke, of daa g hter , GludYI: a"ende 'w, 1uch· how tb" furn ls 8'.lllply the Bllnps. mltlulo. mno's oolossal d a birth . • bo~e Idee. of persnn nl 8ue~e.s Ie Ht l:Ie dou't ,Irodaco a "In,{le tiling, pays" lIonnR, flfty.fol ren~tb. Bod oss turned tho key lind Ihrew buck Washio gton, D U, left here for day dlnDer for Ed BoulI:h, at bis slo8lo' Off . the key so loud Lhnt ..• DENT IST... d, for turnlpe , we lid. th" their home, Wednes day' bbl loon booOll)(l8 a monoy . klll\! wliteEi . bruised . f\nd 10 hl8 b orne near Mt. Boll)', 8un.16Y , resl ot the choIr hns to gI ve up. a ll\. Be oosses "Wh)', It's empty I" she crl~ 10 boyhoo d days, William lived here. om"" 10 \' bon Hmlll"n rt>up" hi. tllrnlllll Hhl , I\~ nlUijUWUrS oun Mr, and Mrs. a. M , UJark, Mr. N."on.1 Da.nk Dldi. tho Wayn- .Me, 0 be plan8 to tlell tho totlll yloJd . 1:1 .. th o mlLidlo mno. (Iur fllrmer. n )t nmnzellll'ot, Rnd th e guests ern ned for- bot after hll had rellohed some si:le and Mrll. Chas, Cl6rk and Mrs. Mary Itenuen , eim. wllrd to look . he ieU ~18 home, joined the reguJar Carmoo y spent Wednes IUlUU! 'U III u'er tbe bumpy rOlld. &Il II pi e. h on rtoll day 10 the olnwll, poroelv es his Doat I_ Ev •• ythlng, "Put not your hand 10 Mlde," cried &rmy and .tald with It \InU! he was Oem Ci&y . dro .. lull of what they fotcb per 10,.11. blink roll sim illor dowo. . The mun who hnR IIOtI O Itl s bl'st hu 1'he prloe be I!o~" Is ftlwl\)'s low, for 1.1.10 pOllr I'OIl!tum or.tllll'e Of course, the lutlllltt tn But.1uell wlImlnf(, "or ~r· superanua~ed. Mr, Bnd Mrs. mUijt skin chance It will r"lIIuln C. S. Lamb motored i1 ono lJ\,erythl 'orDips don't briog much . yun know; 1I1nnl!' on lurnlp soup. empIY." og. TI le mun II'ho hll8 WillI&m Harvey , wb o disoove red to Uolumb os, SondllY The moroln g, . to The duchCSl! rupldly withdrew her the olroul& tloo of b lOOd, onJ 'be Ulhlll1u .man gil's on tho j o u IInel m .. n rtltlfllH nn his board, middle. oyed a epend a oouple of d&YII with tbelr dOllo less thno bls hc~t hns !Iono Dolb· ond bnys hllnd. Rnd slorl'd In(' rcc\ulous InlC, • l.Y8 Lb"rtl, tou, --yull ~Irrt'e -- b l) b hI ::! wife /IOU kids a ly througb luorativ e .pr&~tloe bof ur e b o an· sOD, 8$11oy Lamb "od Forti, wife. the s tuoke at hi . hlll'lHSlve rlll'l'. nonoce d hl8 dlsooY~.ry. but Ib e ren~, Mr, and Mn . •Uhas, E . Johns en . "Old I Dol lillY thllt tbere WIlR Jlower ter he WIlS ctllIed oruck. bfllioed , tartalne d to :SuodllY dinner, Mr , and In the box1" he Boltl dr!'l\ tnily . "The and trade fell ,ofT. Mrs. E. J . Smtth, of Wilmin gton, 1J0wer to rl'ntl~r Invls lhl G-thl' power 80me from b er Farm Sales and Live Slock a to rend er \'1"11110. 'rhu" C(\IUIl pr~ !:ilate f81r were. e wbo flUomle d tb e Miss Mury 1I0d Mr. Pnrry Cook, of hy lom l ",," Ih ,I Ou"". ,I." th.·y cann OI Mr Ilod Mrti, W . Corwin , and Miss Leona McGinn is, Speciall y « 'neh .1", ,1 ,<,·.,",,01 1""1''' '' . "I lh l' e"r tectl on 10 tll(' JI!WplR of lite Chow • H d llurhn l L, Harvey , Mr. lIurl "Irs 1 I" /lrll l' ij K r" ' jl l iT ctl , 'Ollfl tII U · o wnr Misses Mildred find Margar et Cll queen.," lI "un l In·""""1I1 . 11.\1 I " ~ ' ·.I'('.l ltIl lirllh&m , Messrs . 1. N . Mille r aud Clar" will "ttaod S atisfact ion Gunran tecd the Nornl"I , lit. M I'; DII'I~I'~ I" ,I r,"" ' ,l"ll "" .d '·c "' cd,·li II H "Thor's )\11 ri ght, IIIr. RUlli Dar," H .. ~ u. C a tarrh a l J h... llr nl' ~H I H l. l U ... · ·oj I ,\, lin 111 arry owe. Some Ohio farming Waynes ville, this yeur sny . Rnld tJ l P du r h, ,~~ It Iltlll> uPJlTt'hen80 Our Cale ndar II u u ed ('OIIl Il I IUIi fir { it.:' I I\ !U 01 11 ... IIlIlu,.: II I The Kirk a.nt Ilnd oream rutal enginee rs, U!Ie 50 pereen t more . t tl!' E u ~ lrt ... h l:l11 Tu l.(", \\ 11' *' I hl,.. I II!)" 1 ~ Bell brook ,; Oh 10 1\'1'1),. '''j'hl' l'e 11111)' Ill' lXllI'Cr In tlJe Mrs. Belle Coon BDd dno J.,{ hf:erfi. IIl1 r. ' • • I ng groun d , lnm " I ~·() tI hll \,c n I' II'UI .]tlU.: ,,-oon ll or st'lt,lo n are gain abor for every acre of corn and ISept. 4- ].,th Sunday Mlij8P~ Beulah and Ruth, and Mes. III, p. r/ .. cI 1 1 ",,,'1111{. after rrtnlty, I.I(OX, bl'lI my jll!url s don't seem to be." lind " I, ,'" \\' \I ben 1" ' ,'IIti" " feeling down hoar Hd, drop d II J h . Both Phones S 'rho IlIrlllltt Inu Jl ht'<1, I fi 0 th'l t Jl I'!l t'IH'~~ 1:1 ti l' ,, '··tl l Sept. 5 - Labor Day. BOlel Margal at 0 08. L 11 Iy .~h P nl, .. ~ rna grams .. . , eo- It vhoc1 In mull pnlc IY le lcl AIHt'Jll. 'Itl nmllln The NatiYity . ·'None hUI Y" U Itus tntll'hed the cabo loto Fred HBrloo 'B hook ~bop aod ban and L eti ti6 Keorlok spont I.. " ' In " mayt !,l I\ ,' n il I • • • II Jo "d \ ,\1 11 h,' look I,hrough blH Htoo k of nHgu;\in eti Th d . ,,,' ,I prevenl e ffiCient use of mod e rn rarruJ Sept . 11-- Hith Sunday fh' " ,. , I ____:-:::-_ _:-::==~=== ~ • I after Trinity. IlIet, \. I IIAI~L.t! 1' flHII ;,11';1'1 "1 "1-: urs d ay on d F rl d "Y to <"':0 Ul.n unA , t I r ouf.{ u tlw ,\ "\'A Orn .. '; TlOlle but rnu mast You willsoo o be so .. b so rued tba' - - -machin ery, 11 1111 1(1 P I I 'I, , 1I11! 1111 " .1hll ".' r' I Sept. IS - 17th Sunday nCter Trinity, touch your vlsltlDI( the Slato fulr It Auti til l u Ihl' th e p":I r I rl " s .... r/'t " H r urn Ih . ,' ""H They "In. tl tJyerytb lli ,.·l·:, log will be lovely nnd the pilloes of interest . In" lI ',' III · ---. _ . --Sept 23 - Aulumn eq uin ox, t1 " mm.!l on "1111 Cl'sl "rl, ,. It· ,,".t """I I· are Ihcre (l nw : I" t( 1\lIi for mortal ~ un wil l he tlhioiog bright. Se pt 2!i -- lslil Hunday after Trinity. The teaohen from her o left., M ~ u. I ":!;~~uln r. rr,'o. All 1\ , eyes 10 set'." '" 1.' : Clyde Lovioy 's stook of dry goods day m oro iug 10 bHgio He pt. ~!l - Mi c hae lmlll! . I,h ei r wor k F . J . Chen uy & Co. , '1"I. "', Uh l" Whlrh, Int'l<I,'n tlilly, "'li S no more is be iug r e pl enished - - - _ _ 4._ _ __ aJl of the time for the yellr, MI ~ ~ Unl.h C" " " Will Ihnll till' t 1'1 11 h. ' 10 IlC ~ouut of tho demnnd tor tbem teaoh a sobool lu Nurth nnyt o n; \. "Look, " h ! . lIhlhs, I(lnl, : hilt 110 not I Our bank , und or -DEAL ER IN10uch. " l'e rh Ul 10 ) (l UI' \'lsl"n 11t (· hox 1:1 . I:i. Tuoker, OIl s the direc tion c f Miss LeODI~ McG lnnl!!. I he !lixt,b ,' lJl er, I~ winning ~rlldo lit WaYllea vi!l e; MIN!I H o ~ I ~ "ni l I)', . • ." ) Il' "'lI lll'lI tt1otio n· WOl:IL DN'T IT 1tbEl oiti)'.uns ove r, o no by o n e . Loog ~t!\oy ut WllMhln gtou so h ool. nOll r I Flour , F'C'd, Coal, Salt, h~ss. ",hilt· 1111' j! 1I\'~IS"nl'".1 r oun d, mlly Ib e g l)od work g o on YOU MAD; cl<.i I , . ' 1 I Lebu noll, and lilllnn ,John& [It Ut.loa ' l Veter in arian with exprc" lutts .,f filllll ,.O' tul't:l; nnd \ Tile, Posts, Water FounMr . ~nd l\'1r ~ \V . A . Merritt- . ou r HAS DR<JDP 8D OUT I l\ugh, ~nfl' fru lll vft·w In Ih(' thlelt. plls tmn t e r und Ulerc ta ins a nd Self-F eeders . hnnt bi~ OF SUGA R SOME: , wt!t'I ·SllI.'tllnj! '11 11. 1<1', (' nttl e .'I'ell ncttr· .vire, huve lJea n 10 uusines s 8ud h ere for On·t'l .. H In ht s .·,,' IIt 'lII em. MORE: , 'uuny ye.tr8 . By fahe lInl.( l.Wl.J_4-_ __ ....+--'.:.4{,-1~)fI>T' - e Fourth :::il r cl , nl'at' T y ll'l' f ff.....-ti_-iTmtrrrr-+,;I~,.;;v:;;o!;m~It~I'~ -'-SliIP PER OFO Ul to oun 't inllo, Rnd have SlIdu PlIly . ""hili lit" box. yon)' )! mee, • ne~l. egg for futur e refe reoce. Tclt'pht tl ll' ~ I : ! n\lrt IIl<!k II n ~ I..~ f"I'('. l\u\\' pln('o It The Adventures of a Geo H Duvi~ , o ne of our e lderly ! tlay, Straw and Feed, M. M. Terry h 'IH II now Ren tru o!!. I Wayn € sville , ntl th<' Int,ll} WIt CIII'(' It ClIltll·. Is It Jtti)'.~ u ' , llH ~ i~l € d by bl~ Ron in.lllw Ohio : Demobilized Officer Who Ml s~ Opal Th omp"oll bas return ed 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ihcrr ?" _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Illd d!Lughl,l· l' . Mr, !L ilt! Mrs , .1 . I:i Peed Grind ing- a Specia lty. ")' ,'s," Tit,· ;IUCltl'~~ ' \ '0 11'1' cnme out Found Peace Dull fio!:au. runs a g r oce ry stor e, wbere to h or work ill U .. y ton, atter speod. Ing ~e veral 1111Y8 with home folk s. of Iht' !!ft"'n rog. vou wll! b e wltited Oil prompt ly I\od "00 IIlIt IIW' nen r ," he conlillur d HA'I' HA W A \. rt. J M urfILY 10.1, o no of hi s fine rooeive court.oo as treut tl e ot. \\'nrnlt~ J;I)' . "'\'11(' gnrls IIlu st hll\'e W .. lter Etlvers run s II oonfeot loo. 8tlllllon~ , IIl~t weelr. b'1 CYRI L McNE ILE 'I)(( C\~I II\' ~nrl " 1lI11"1 IIIIH) "lIl1rt·, " Wn.YlUI~ ville '.. LelLd lul! Den UI' \(. E. Th o UlJl80n !Lnd · wife , L Oll .. ry. ioe erellnt !LfH1 so ft (Irink Jllace . ·~na· (To fle contlnuOII.1 I:IA mlse~ Hu o l>oland. Cl1loa nogs . BrlLOn o n Ilnd wife and M ra . Mu hel I l ffioo In 11 " ln08 BIdK, Mllln Ht lind hilS n thoroug h. bred Belgian Tllrry spont :-; undllY wit,h r e l.. tivell IH E'rAllkh n Ilnll Cllrll"ln . ILLUSTR A'nONS BY Gota Shaken Into Place. horse If b e sees sliver glilterlu g "Occllslo nAlly." ~nlll 81'1111 lor SOl'- In tlnvtbio g olse. lip wIll be fonnd IRWIN MYERS Mr , JohuHe lgltwuy dletl lit h' ~ , borne ill Wollmn n 00 )fridoy, Bud L.M.HENDERSON I ghum, "n man slnrlS UR II Icnder oDd Illv estigati og. tholl has to 110 wllh nil his IUlght to We had with us, throe oights IIOst Mrs, Rloh of n onr W e llman. died on NOTAR Y PUBLIC Telepho ne 76, rin~ \ keep al Ule 1I00u of hl~ 011'11 I>roce. week, a Dlovlng piotore ehow UDder ~aturdllY evooiol l, L_....:.___ ___ ___3 __--l lloD." Bul nlljlUren lly hy UI18 U\II(' UlO " 1,llnt, IIUt! it wus well ptltrool zed Tho~e fr om this part of the otal,e Wayn esvill e,lOh io _~==-~-:~:--:'~===== (h"'ul Tlr"",lIng fll)lr\! IVOH !>(,,,llInlng Ilod oujuyef l, Thew Is no better who shol'lO[l h ogs tit tho l:itll\e faIr . go t their shB re of the premlu ma tn In~ll . (~tT.}Ct.~ .j3111 11hl~ . 8 ,1II.o uOl0I1011 8, Read Gazetle 's Classified Ads Mhow t·owo anywhe re; tlley Natl onnl BUllk will g o t,o shOWS ovon if tboy hn ve to skip Irven Taylor I\nd wlte, of Carlisle , tl Olenl· \ wero ~uodny guest·8 of James Gray -- - ~---- ----­ ehos. Gordon Is b6tOk bllme from IlOd wife, at Wellma o, [~ Tbere were thlrty.t hree hondre d tho Stllte f61r , 6nd reports a good hogs sllowo n\ the 8t&te fair this fair "nd a lllrge orowd of people, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Dr. W .:E. FroBl, obr veterin arian yellr - the Illrgost hog show that WRII -=-~ ever held 10 the world, Is a uusy man, Wayn esvill e, Ohio Anothe r oorofiol d, near here was . Mr, Ned B6rlao, of Dayton , was VETE RINA found RIAN to be grow log whiske v, al. the guest of Mr E. M. Lukens over rlllldy In the jUII:II. las' Thurlld ay Sunday . olgb& . We oml' the party's name, Flllly Gquip ped for Good Vaccina tion a ~J1ccially. Nolh. Tbe death of Mn Mary til oops tlS thero might be too muoh deml.nd inlt bul Reliable Serum used . ~ervice. mother of Mrs.C.G .RIlnda ll,broug U for ,be lIeed from 'bat fisld , sadneRs to our heart.. Maoy of us Large Displa y Room . --- --~.--were aoqul\lo ted wUhM r. aod Mrs Phone 44 Harvey sburg, O. How About the Lllwner a1 8tOOJIII'd url01t 'heir stay wUh 01Tl!:LEI'1 I0NE 7 DAY OR NIGHT I To hn ng on the orllllD: motto tOI how verv plellsan t It waB &0 vlel t tbo IlI'emlle choral' soetety: them ID 'belr horne "Lord After Mr merc), on. UI m1Mrable 1lDI. . 1" tUO\lP8 WAI 'akeu fr'om us. Mrs have - " , , , , ,• .0 . e.Jgope WAI always 'he Mme, mak BARNA~T {Dg yoar vial' pl_u t, TbBlle ao A.. ~. oomp.U lhmeot i Ihould be pattern ed Notar y Publi c Vete rinar ian 'r after, mailing lUe worth lIvloR fo r all. , J Practica l Vaccina tor • . Have had " Barven borg ball team "laved All' kinds of Notary Work, Will" lfood success ill lmmun ing on One of 'be Xenia nloell. on Suoda), and Deed. a t::lpoolalty. bol.h sick arid well herds • . Ano'be r lI.r In 'hel,r orown to r garveY lbur's. FI~ lloth Phone& ' 111'8. AmOil .ElIIs arrived home, Home H55-8 A!' HI)DDA'1'I PRICIS . Bell ~·lr rriday, at&er a vtaU wllh r!lla'iv y ID <-'DOID, Daytou aud Xenia. Bellb"rook, Ohio 111'8. II.Und . Allen, cit Idabo ,' re membe reclher brother' , Marlon 001" , --',. 0paca I8 S dOD, wl~" boz of pllIIOhee, .blob DeIroII .. . Ohio .... tree GoDIII, grafted .ad tm ,

The Tops of Two Herds

I '

--8 ULLI9I9

--- ---- -


Certainly l-Lc's



DUR HAM tobaccolmakes 50


good cigar ettes for






Tu es da y,







.Se pt . 13 th , '2 1

Lytle &Dickinson New Burlington, Ohio

John H. Wright

CalaR'baJ Deafness Cannol Be Cured






Auc tion eer


~~ ~ ---.-.:: - --


Eve rett Early

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall



Dru mm ond




Du. H. E.


Lytle Feed Mill




._-- ---- "ON A BICYCLE BUIL T



!. t ,t I


. I

Lyti c, Ohio







Wal ter McC lure





E. V.





•~~.EnmiNcJ 00IreetIr••• GJen .



· wrt..., bad ome of the

fnaI', Tbe pIeuDre 01 _joJi q





0.,.. ...... ... l1li • •-&

Try our Job prin ting



_ t J TllA DE AT -JlO ME t tt_ . .

The Miami Caz, Ue, Wayne.nlle, Ohio.





It i ~ th., I'llr]l" ~ " "f 11 1I'b ur l'lll l to han' (')< hih il~ " f all ki lld~.11r1l 1 1 1l g' till' I Army Hilts. soft f ult ; choit·,· R-'e . n h)~1 [,'rl'l'fllll" 'illg' Ihl' "h ick" n (,lIl - All Riz .. ~. II " Army &. Navy S l0 ro. lillg' . T hi~ d"I':l rlnl" lIt will h,' Ii 1'llI " II ~ lr :II, .,1 "1Irh da l', TIt"n' w ill Mr. nnd Mr:i ('lill". Sh .. rwuud als" h.' 11 fr,.r dll'l' kin~ 1"'I,,th , wlll' n.' ~ p,·nt SLHlllay "ilh fr i e lld~ in Wil YUII ca ll It'UI'I' yo tlr IUg"IotIl ),(l' ingll1!tH1.


Sealing Wax .. . : .. .. . . [ie fo. lasoll R ub llfrs , do z .. . 8c Mason Jars E-Z Seal Jar ~ Mason Lirl~ and Ti n Litis

~Ir~ F. II . Mil t('nhc rj(l'r und ~, )f1. Milo , ,, [ Knut e :' . visit,·oJ in I lay tO il la ~ l w('l' k .


Whil e Laund ry SOIlP, '~ feJr Polar White Soap. bllr . .. .. ..... :Ie Pnlm-<?live Soap. 3 fo r .... ..... 2;;t' Good Cotft'e. po un d only ..... .. l flc POllt Toastles. :2 for ....... .... . ,.2:",

Specials for Salurday Grnnulated ·ugar. Pound olll y . . . ..... TC Frcsh Salted P ca nuts, 2 Pounds for .... . . 25c Our R egular 75c Brooms only . .... . ... .. .. . 49c


Bring us your Chickens and Eggs I T PA Y:;; TO TRADE AT






for Sale- see McKean .


Til(' \\'1fr:'n F:Hm ilurrnu Mr . Juhn SimplIon is visiling in ",illllil\·.· n t,'nl at the fa ir II~ t WI' k- ' Columbus . It \1 ii'I " ' I h'ad"llllrl..,r~ fllr till' IIW111- , I>.'r,;. all<illll're will hI' !'\'e rn l <i"IllThe llonw flakery h ns iUHtnlle.1 n , 'lI) ~t ml j,Hl~ ·Tlw cunninj!' d(,lllon- n('w l'lcclric cake baker . ~t r:ll i0n will ' pr uhahl\' be lhi' mO~ l l atlra r liv(' fI :l ,111 \\' l'd;I ('~dn~' Ih e I. Mr .. Leah Adarbs. of Wilmi ngton , nn on clu h will d ell1on~ t rn l e Ih t' ir i ~ ~ p e llding a f ~1V da YA he re . 11"11 11), in 1111 ' .l in·,' II "11. TlllIr~day I 1\ ill Ill' W:1 ynf'.< yi ll ,' d:l." lint! 1··ri dIlY I MrR L. A. Zimmerm an an ti da ugh t ilt' ~ull ~ hi lH' eil lt , " f ~1a s'l n will ti ll I,' r were Dayton viAit0 r ~ Friday . 1hpir ~I UII I ~ . Ev,'ryhoily i ~ ('llrtliRlly I illl it, ••llu w illlt ·," Ih"de ' '''' Il1{\ n~l ra- I The !'remier baml will give Ihe I i'\1l~ . laRt ('ol\l'p rt of I he ~"aA( 1I\ to night.

TIlt' n 'IV ·sclwl1l v('nr " InriI'd 01 MondllY mornin g with II wr.\" 1:'0", 1 attendance. The rOlll1l~ IIrc 1111 \\"(." fi liI'(], 1111.1 this oug ht 10 h l'n hunl,,' r yt:la r for the tl('hool!l . The o nllal IIl'pllrtnU'I1t "lh' lwd ')' uesday wit h ~6 pu pil9, anti t here i~ promise of s('veral m ore by le "t week .

. Tin



Give me a cali a nd 1 will insure you th e hest of servi ce.

GRACE LINCOLN SMITH, Waynesville, Ohio ........................


Farm for Sale! ..... I will sell the farm known as t he Wm . Chenowe th f~rm, threc miles from Waynes ville. betwccn Way nes. VIlle and Ferry . consisting of

44 Acres Of good tillable land . new six-room house, good barn 4Ox50. tobacco harn 28x48. large c istern, splendid well of water and a n ever-failing spring for cattle. For further information, phone 99, o r see


Sa wyer's Everything Good to Eat S uga r. pe r po und .......... .. ..... 7 y'c Larg-e Ga n Ap ri cot s ... ........ .. 25(' lOe Musta rd. glass ... .... . .... .. 9c IOc J ell y. glass .. ..... .. ...... .. ... . 8e 15c Culs up .. ..... ..... ....... .. .... .. IO ~ 15c Pork a nd BeanR..... ... ..... . 14c IDe Maeea r oni. 2 for .. ........ ... l lic 7 Ba·rs Lenox :ioap ... , .. ... ... .. . 25c 15c Lu x Po wrle r. ? for ....... .. 25e L una White Laundry Bar ... .. 5 r l' & (~Laundry, ::! for ... ....... . 15c Tin Ca n~. dozen ,. .... .... . _. ...... 1i2c Karo Syrup. 5 po und s .. ......... 40c

HARNESS Bring in your Harness nnd ha ve jt r.e pa.ired ~ We also carry a complete hne of new Harness Goods, with O. W. Hanlilton in charge. .

Fred M.- Cole H.rdware a!,d Farm Machinery

Waynesville, 'Ohio

!"lIn '.· .,,·:or




Iioiling- plate o r I·ib. Ib ... ... 12Y.c Hoaqs , pcr po und ._. __... , ..... . 20~ SteakR. p e \' pou nd ._....... ...... 2!il' Rean Ba ~ , ) n . pe r p ountl. . ...... 15c Pickled Meal , pou r d ..... ...... IS · Bu r khn rrlt's Frankp. lb........ 25,: Rurkh ardt's Weiners , lb ...... 28c !1u,rkharrl t ·sSrnokedSausage .. 25c Yo u s hould get the habi t and go Where you get the mOl\t for your dou g h. For the man that savel his IllDney Can sit back and eat'honev . ....... .. Pay!ng 324: for Eggs ......... ' We to gain your eonftdenee and keep you for B customer bv polite and..prompLMrvice. -:-




.. . .. , .. " , .. . .. .... . . . . .. . . " . . . . ,," .. .... I·lJr ~l' $:t:-.o " "" IIlld"r Trot . ~ in :.I .... ..... .. I'II!' ~.' $:::jll

Thursday. 8 0ptember 16 'I' r(\1 ... .... ..... . ... .. .. .... . " . . . . . ..... . ... . ... . . .. l l llrs t1 $ :~:d) :..!: I :l liar !' . . ... , .. .... .. .. ........ . .. ... . ........... Pu r~ t' $:t:d) ~: 11 ;

: ~ , I !I T rllt , ... " .. .. . , .... ...... .. . , ... .. " , .. ........... . I·lm' ... $:< :.11 Thn·' ·.I"·IIrold lIlId 1III1It·!' 1'/1 (" '. 2 in :I .. " .. , ... 1'111'''.' $:t:,11

1'lIre .. · .. .. · ·· .. ·" · ·· ·· ...... ,, .. .. ........... . , . .. .. , l'u r ~ ' $:1:,(1



Preside nt

S ecretary

DR. HAtUJlt;\l' S tsiOot.



Clllrr ncl' B('nnett Bentl!'y. Hon of SOIL I I ~aiah and He tta Be nll ey. 'w aH born M r . nnrI n'I r ~ I'',ar I ,I '.unn r· r /lne I ~ o n near Sa hina O hio, A lI j!'llgt :!:l pnr,· . f ... lt I d II10 f 1I - al1li di ed III th e Hianl' hI'R t er, O hIOI lin d !II r . 1'1 v la~ "Yf' a 1'111 e • , • · Witt t L hos pital Septem ber 1s t . 19:. 1. aget ne ra I 0 f M rR. W m. 0 CU ,n ena, G .I!) I Oh io . Tuesday. 4 y~ar9 flnu ( uya .. - HI! death was the resu lt of inJuries r eceived a l the Bl anchC'llter Fair. Mr. a nd Mrs. Emmor Railey. Mr ~ . while driving h is hor:!e, P"inler DiLina Devitt. Mrs Juliu De,navan and r ect in 8 race 9 days p re vious. On Mr . M. L. Baird attended a reun ion April 26, 19 I!) he was uni led in marI a t Glendale . Monday. riage t o Nina E Smith, of which unWe have on hant\ abo II t 200 khak i ion o ne child, a daughter was born. His ~ ufTe ri nA's wore inte nse r el:ain1coals. which make excelle nt work I jackels. Special for fIDe . U . S ing conscioness onl y at in t e rvals yet except when q uestione,1 he ne v e r Army & Navy Store. murmured n or complained . A man Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gates, of of s trong w:ill power , warm ly at. Route 1. had as their g uests last ta ched t o fri ends . gf nlle nncl kind week, M r _Gates' brother und family in his attitud e toward loved ones . His love for child r en, animals ar.d and Israel Cozad. of Richmond. Ind . flowers foun d exprclIsio n in Iheir W. F . Spreigle. of Detroit, Mich .• cultivation and t end er care Lilli e Rosem ary, hill infan tdaugh was cnlling on fri e nds here Friday. He was on his way to Lebanon. and ter. had n large place in his iire and th en to visit relatives in West Vir- heart alld was most fr ell uentl y th e subject of ~ ol1ve rsal ion wh en talking ginia . with frie nds . Glad to help olh ers. Miss Evelyn and Amanda Kesinger • he was neve r happier than wh en d oof Kings Mills. were gUeI\ts al Dr. ing .things to auva nce lh e comforl and Mrs. Witham. Monday . Miss of loved ones in the hot;n e . He is survived by his wife and inAmanda will attend Normal he re fant daughter, his aged mol her. now this winter. living in Xt'nia. a sisle r in Oreg on, a The regular meeting of' the Wayne siste r in Califo rni a , and two bro th _ Township Farm Bureau will be h~ld ers. one Iivinn in Xenia. the o t her Saturday evening at the Grange Russell Bentley, of Waynesville . building. All members are request. Card of Thanks ed to be present. We want to thank all o f our fri ends for the kindness Bhown us in the Mr. and Mrs. J~mes Stoops, of death of our hushand and SO'1. esVan Wert. who attended the funeral pE'Ciall:; Rev Cadwalluder tb·e.1ling of their aube, Mrs. Stoops, aC Har- e rs. and tho ~e who sent the beautiveys burg, s topped over wilh Dr. and ful fl owe rs. Mrs . Wilham, one day last week. Mrs. Niua Bentley. Mrg. Retta Bentl ey and Family . Ho use for Sale- sec McKean.


on your Auto, ~lnd a Two-Cell Electric Light on your BU'gg) .

1';lC'(' . '"

j:j~ ~;:~~,~., :::: : : : ::: . . ..::. . :: ::::::.:.:: .:. :. . :::.::.::::: ::'. ::~: ~~~ r:~~


Harry Murray, Waynesville, Ohio .....................................................


W e dneSclay. S e ptember 14 ... .. " ... . " ...... .. ,.... .... ,.. .... ... ,'. ... ... I'ur"l.


BURNElT RE~NION The Rurn e ll reu ni on was hpld at t he horne of Mr , anel Mrs Frank lIartlloek . of near Wellman. Sun day There was a large crow d of r e latinn~ an d fri end s. lind the d ay was pleaRa ntly ~ p e nl ahlw bv y.l ung and old . The reunioli for 1922 wi ll be held al the h ome of M rs. 1I11ld a h flurn e l t

- ---_.---

The L~Glass~ed Ads. !Did you ever get left Jo'ORSALE

You will no t . if you order

A gooo.l Hlll1d. pnwnr Vnnn u lli .. eO IJ8r ; lUake. rlllt! in I{owl 01l1l.1I-




tio n . Inqulro of Mrs . Lln,lley M Oil. ,\eullllil. it n. :1 . W,l YDoo; vlllll, (Ihlo

of Youn ce ilros. Grain Co. ill Frc ight is slow. W C' DOZAD Engll o;h Whit.11 IAlglw rn time. _ Pllllel~ W . N. 8011' " Wavnos - will a pprcciate your order. ,,~ l


\·ille. Ohto.



Younce Brothers Grain Co.



Am also prepared t o retrim you r hats in thc latest s t yles, o ml will he rea onable in my charges.

Avoid accidents by installing the

~' , : : II :'.~ I :,

~: It

Alvin Cartwright. of I\ ,·ntll riw . ~pr llt I.nhnr I)/ly with hi s ~ i ~ I"r. III r ~ Sixt(,l'nlh Sllnrl ay a f tl' r Trinity . I{oy MllcBeth IInLl fllrni ly . Septembe r 11 th: Church Schoo l fit Mi ~lI l'1l1rll Lile a rriv t'd hnJ11(' . Fri!l:30 a . 111 . , Mllrning I 'ray e r ~nd se r m on III 10:30. Eve ryl Hldy .·o rtlilllly dllY. after s pending s('verul wc('k ~ wilh r elal ives in W/ll<hinll:l on C: II. in viled lo alienu l hese se r vices .


A SPEC IAl. D UR OC Url'l'ri('rs' Assocition premiulII will he offcred for showi ng iu this class. Also. a Pohmd Ch illa Breed Promotion Pig Show . The Boys' a lld Cirl s' l'Itth wo rk wi ll be a f ea tuH" req uirin g fooo nlld pigs to he exhil ii tl'll. :::I1'nll fnr a pre>llliUlIl list.


Friday. Sept e mber 1G


I am starting a Millinc r y Store in the Rest Room of the G ran ge Bu ilding, 311d have a nice stock o f new good ~ ~n hand, and more coming in .

S PI': C I t\ L l ' I< I CF ~ a i"l' ill pl e lll il l ill S 11 11 Li,·c S to ck • .\ gril'ltlt ma l a nd 11 0rt iCl1 it ural 1'Il)d II c tS. Flowers ami l'l :t lll s. F anll aIldG:lrdell, \\ '0111 ell' s \ Vork of a ll killd " . special premiulIl (1f $ 11)0 olTerecl to tlt c (~rall~ e 01· Warrl'1I ('Ollllt \. t o be d i vided ill fOll r -prelll ill lllS Ca ll for 1'rl'lIliIl 1l1 HOli k.






Mi!lS Mary McDonlll d and Mi ss Anna Singl to n, of I .<'hnn on. 81' nt las t week nt th e home o f J ohn Si mp ·


SEPTEMBER 13, 14, 1'5 and 16, 1.921



HI" '. lind Mr:i. J F. Cud willi ud£' r Th.· r!' gillar m,)nt hly nll' ct in~ e,f , \l i ~ llI'd r t'hlli vt'~ ill Wushing tlln C. II. the "Y"lI ng" r hlrri l'd WOIl1I'Il ' . I I II~1 Friday. Clllll.., " e,f lh ., M . E. :iunday ~ l'i1O (\1. will hI' hl'l. l lIt lhe hom(' of Mrs. W. ~lnrinn ('umpbell . of Norw ood. a lI': . Stro ud s(l uthw es t " f tOW II. Wcd - t.' lldc·t! th e flill c ral II f Jllhn Ii pi),( hwa y. Me,lIllilY. n(' ~day S!'pt.. 1·1. a t 1WO o·t'ltt(' k . Emma II n ~ c r. SL·r ·y. I I·: . I·; . Ebri v: h l , of Franklin. 1I111·nd · ell t h ' fun era l of Mr~ . H"IJI'PC'I\ Han· LllIlI Tu esday mo·rninj:(.

The Warren County Fair

M OTORCYC LE Ohio 1.1 0lmBe for slrln CAr . thvn .. r oao gut IAIIIO hy ollUtng Rt thl~ onloo or Rt WIll Commins. Me . Holl y. 1121'

A ne '" po rtraIt 0 1 . Mrs

1... Uur tJ ivldond rllli on July 1 wns 0 , •• W I


T H :trll ll, S. of ~ l a rtun. O. th e " ew bntle o f Ihe fa t hu o f th e PH·s ,d,·n l. !'hc was form e rly M iss A h cc St·vc ,n s. 52 years old, wh o


h ad be"11 Ill S s t en oll ra phcr l or clght years. '· O r.~H a r di I\ B '5

We Put The·"; 0n






5. I'r OJleDt A.


- ..




I ..

t ,


3% On Depoeitl 8%

It Pays to 'A dvertise


'. 1.1 " .11111111 A.... ze·27 SOUTH MAIN


Try it just once


THOMPSON, COLLINS' I SMIIH REUNION Su nday, Au~u sl 28 , the above r eunion was he ld at the home of Wm . Thompson , near Waynesville A mos t enj oynble lime was spent wilh relativeR alld fr iends. There were 75 people prese nt. and they came from Clarksville, Lebanon. Orogonia Yellow Springs. Miamisburg. Utica, Harveysburg and Spring Hill.


~ ovor mllllonL Sur-I lU! 3111 Fund. • I mo.


In our Classified Column.

antlc h,,, t e

yea/'ll aSo.


The Sawyer family re union was held at tHe heauliful home of Mr Ossie Wolf at Lebanon. Sunday. Septentber 7th. About 70 members of the ftlmily were preaent.' The foll t1wing officers we re e lected: Fred W. Sawyer, President. Walter L . Sawyer" Vice-Presiden t. and Miss Eleanor Wolf. Secretary and Treas. urer. All present r eportca a very enjoyable day. - - -•• -+-- --


chan}C:" tn th e 6 % r" H' tor lome tI mo. 2. wo t18"0 Cortlfl· clI tel 01 De"",lt on time a t a vory libera l rate. Interel t pai d t o d a te or wlthdra .. al atter mll turlty. •. Interee t oheok , mA iled to your doo r on July 1 nnd Jnn uar, 1. t. T h I I InlUtuUon w a • ., tabUlhod '4


SearS& Cartwrig Mi ssSt,ella Daugherty is in charge of office.

INSURANCE, Fire. -Tornado, Automobile. Life, Live Stock, Accident

Office in Amlin Building

PUBLIC SALES, Real Estate, Live Stock and also Farm Property

Wayneiville, Ohio




BEECH GROVE Mr lind ~J r~ 0 , Ii " .";et: m !!'l on tortalned Ilt oI lt"". r . Fri, " ~ Y o til " ( .. lI ow_ ing gu ns t' : .'1 r . ,,,,,t Mr •. U" ·rg e o oaol'll"'. or W ". hlr ll! toll C II . l\lr Al vin 8,,·ll lIlIl··'. 01 1I"l{IIIIl. III .• and Mrs. Willl:!l\m ~ antI drlUgbter, 0011, ,I Fl . I\ ,.o l uol. Mr s-r-. lfr,l l ,1. .1 ' r 1. 11 , r1f U"rveys IJurg, J uhn tl l1rrl ct (lUll Will ::ia lli 8, of Ft.. Anoient . !!Jlon t Frtdav evening with Orllo Sell mao Clnd fam ily . Mr . and Mrs. Orlle BellmllD and ohllrlron Hpent 8 0nday wit,h Nelson MoKeever and f,a mll;y.


Suicide Among Mualolan. Ra .... It hnR beID :oond lbat 81\ 11'1ele II ftr'J uncollOmoti amon, ' mll ~i,·r8n': 8dloml.lnl1 attempted It, aDd It 18 aleo ~rded of TIlcllalkowu,. but e( mulclanl willo have killed them_ , . . IN "1'1"re. It la said that tb_ taetll IN 10. bec!aOI8 of til. 8l8lltal fOIIIpoaUlr9 aDd bailUle8 ,.. tII'8Il bJ..mtllle.


~SERVICE. ...... To the community is what makes a business worthy of your patronage. We aim to give that Service always. We are doing it now by forgetting the original cost of our goods, and selling ?" the basis of latest cost prices. C~me .in and· let us convince you,


FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, O. Hardware and Farm Maohlne"

Seventy-Thil'd Year







for Sale - gee M" Kean .

We are inrlcbte,1 to our fri end. Fran k H. Pall ley t'd itnr an d munager l' llI r ence AIl.lII WUH in Ci nci nnati of th e Middlplown ,lonrn FlI, for th f' Friduy. ' IirHt edil ion of Illst Su nday's papC'r.' The J Ollrnal h u~ hef'n a ~ix- dl.l y puW. S (; ruh am waH in Lehanon p!'r, but has hrunched Ollt to 1\ OlevonSaturd ay. day !loper, !Lnd jud ging from til(' Ii rst issue of ~() pa..: P.~ , it is as me troGrJl nt 1..'wiR, nf Daytnn, fl p!:'nt the pu litan us nn y of th e large r cili es. week-end here. The ,Journal has il g com ic sec ti on, i tH story section . a nd in fa ct ; · every FrPd Hawk o was II Sprin g Vall !:'y t hing that ~oe~ with a truly metrovisitor. MundllY . politan sheet. lI e re's hoping that brother I~ rank will long C'tlll tinue t o Dr. lJill, O~ teopath, 2 1 S. Brolldmllke t.h e J uurnal g row . way, Lehanon . Ohio , H il UMI'

Home r Carey made a b~ 8 in e!l~ tli p to Lebanon Saturd llY.


Mr, HlIllJh Weave r and family spent t ht, wtlek-end with relnl iv,'!! in Xenia.

On September 16, 1877, he was Miss I;;!i znbe tlr Chandle r r eturlH'd, uni ted in marriage to F.uphemia SundllY m ornin g , tolrer Hrhoo l c\ u ti el< Colterel, and i9 th e fath er of eight 18 Norma l tlir!'C'l or ill Scln, Ohio. living children: Mrs. Stella Sheets, Mr . Otto Murl atl nml fa mil f Mrs , Irma Frinfrock, of Day tor. ; Fort Waynt., Inti ,. RI'C visilin:" I~,q ~r8 Lydia Metl~od , of ltidgevil~e; parenls, Mr. alltl Mrs. T , Marlntt. I'red, of Cente rVille; Ea rl, of EllId , Okla.; J ohn, of Cody, Wyo: CathMr. Arthur Zell and famify, of " ririe allli Floyd, at home. He was a loving and affectionate husband, Pitt8bur~. I'a, made Il brie f viRit last wolek wilh hi!! falher, Mr. J Ohl nnd a kind /lnd imlulsrent faUlerfond of his home and familv . Zel!. He was Il beli ever in the Christian relig ion and, with his wife , united Mrs, F.I'te lle , who has been spendwith th e Methorlist Episcopal churl'h Ing th e Bummer at th e Friend sHome, at M t. 1I0lly thirtY-Rome years ago. returned to he r horne ill Dayton, He leaves lo mourn his loss, his Thur8day. wife, e ight children, nine teen grandchildren, one Rist e r,Mrs. E lla Quirck, Mra. Asa M. ~Kbert and grand- of Xenia, and a host of friends. d~ughter, Aloha (,rshl\m, of Kansas His death was "udden and exemCI.ty, Mo. ' .• rrrive today for a visit plifie..q the text : "In the midst 'Qt With her. sl~ t er , Mrs. Alice Mc Kinsey life, we are in death. " an':! family. CardofTb....

Chicago, September G, )921. Three wom en wer e drawn on th t: I The Oetroi!. Toledo anti Ironton T" Ihe Jlditor 01 the MiamI Gllze tte: II'rand jury for t.h e .october te rm , and ha~ of recent year been used pri nci-


The d ealh of Mrs . Rebecca R. Handa ll , or, as she was wont t o re fe r t o herself, "H R. R. _ Radway's Readv Kelief," deserves more than a passinlr notion, especially from lhose who came unde r her influence while she lived in Waynesville a ~eneration and more ago, I suppose that to many of us Mrs. Randall will be remembered more vividly because she pre..qlded 80 many years over the "infant class" in the Sunday-Schoo\' Her!:', Methodiilt she left those hallowed impres.~iom that ha"e lived with men snd women 8S they coursed tbelr way through life in many localities. It has been many years since I saw Mrs. Randall, yet she has alwsys heen closely "n8hrined in my heart I became a m ember of her class when I was two years old. To me, sb\! WW5 the most wonderful SundaySchool teacher 1 ever knew. In my childisb eyes she exemplifiPd in 1111 things the lessons she taught us from Holv Writ. Mrs . Randall lived out to the very best of her capacity the injunctions of ricrhteouness. ... We had to recite verses from th e Bible as our names were called as we assembled in the left room as you entered the old church. 1 mu~t frankly confess that the Biblical verses that Imost r Radil)' recall today were those I learned and recit ed in

We rl esire through the columns of the Miami GazeUa. to ('onvey to our many fri ends who so thoughtfully . anti kihllly helpetl us in our I!lte ber eavement,· and so graciously t.hat class. We did not comprehend ministe red to us of their sympathy the profounclity of the Scriptures and love , our sin('e re . and heart-felt but Mrs Randall was simple and gratitude. The Family, clear in her presentation of truth . Sbe had an understanding of I!hildhood and a symyathy that touched the hearts of the little people. I sup. Il0se that I learned as mu('h and per. Arb~ckle hap!! more from hel homely unado rned lessotrs lhan I have from very eloq uent divines and very powe rful books. Mrs, Randall put the human touch in her Sunday-School IIctivities. Her life and chara('ter were so Upright, her love 8(1 all pervading, her intercst in ' her little pupils B~ sincere that all who came within the radius of her influence, carried away some lhing of th e rich and ·cilarming pe r. sonality of thifl moth erly woman. There was a transfer of the spark divine thut has never beenexlinguished In later vearll, as these little folks grew to be men and women and had to aS8Um p. the obligatinns and reo sponsibiJities of life, they have been oUen strengthened by that inspiring leacher Mrs. Randall in all her intercourse with her Sunday-School pupils lind in fact with her friends, evinced a delicious humor. That is t .. ul)· a sBvinlt srrace. The never lost 'sight of. the lighter hue. She had a well developed "funny bone" and It was

Roscoe "Fatty"

' - - - - -- -


William Thomas Daug hte rs, fourth chi ld of William anll Lenr Ann HolMi ss Clara Lile wal! called to Xenia. inger Daught ers . was born June 29. . S und uy . Oil accuu nt of the Se ri OUR IH47, and depu rt'eol this life, SeptemiIInel<M tlf II n 'lative . ber 8, l!l21, aged 74 years, 2 months - qnd 10 days. Mrs. Ma l y Leah Adams. of ' WII- I" 1-' b . h .. n a t f M ra. AI Ice. ' ,IS I e has . een spent ID t e VICIDml' n"t .. U . .... H a g ll ~s 0 I - ltv ofWnyneavllle,where he has made McKi l e W I 19 y, t" n e~t ay. many fri ends.

Mr. and Mrs' Will Corn ell and Mr. and Mra. Wm . Michener left Frijay for Pittshurg, I'a " by auto. The CornellH will ~(le nd a few weeks visiting in the East, whil e the Michelle rs will remnin, 11M the co llege in which Mr. Michene r is e lllpll)yed will open BOOn .

Will iam llullghtt!r~. wh" was h:lU l· ing col" al l!t(' WaynpsI' ll!e t'anliing Cn. plllnt l'hur,<t! ay nfl 'rnllllll, dlf,tI. whil e Ilt work . li t' had >!",n(' inll) th e fie ld wilh rr I(,ad " f rII LJ ~ . allt'llt thr C'(' ,, ·(' Io,·k. alld II lit tl ,· lal .. r Ill<' t ,'am Ill' wa,. w " r kin~ , l'am(' harl; I" tht· fa ~to ry I ' ith " lll til<' d r i \' ,. r . On l'xllminaliull ~ Ir. llauKh l .. r ~ \I'll" f(lund ill I hc' \VU J.:'I1 I1 . and 111' \Vu :, jU"1 makin g th e la~1 l!a"l1 f'ir hi " life \\'I1" u hc WUl; takln ou t. Mr . naughl .. r,: , whl) has alway ,;, liI'cd in t hi~ I'io:illil\'. had h,e('n aililll! fllr ~eve ral day: . and had no t w"rkt'd f') r a day tl r tll' O, but feeling b'llt'r went In wllr\.. Thursday 1Il11 ,,"ing as u ~ual. It is ~ U\ll){' '; d that his d('ath WH H dul' tl) hearl fai lu re. The; fUll e rill Il'a~ held f mlll I hf' 'h,lpel Mu nday afte'rnoc.n at2 u'clork He . Cad\\'ulladl:r ullil'ialing . IlIll'rmen ! in Miami C"",cll' ry.


Mrs. 1I0pe Slill'>! und MillS Ilora" were lIhop ping in Xen ia, ThurHday. Sixleenth Su n<lay afte r Trinity, M. September 11th: Church School Rt IS9 J ~annelt e Jun~ ev left, Sun- !l::lO a. m. , Mornin J,( Prayer snd ser day evenrng for \0\ Ilmmgton C'oll egl'. mOil at JO: ~IO _ I::ve rybod y eo rclially inv itM t o uUcrrd th ese services. Verne StoOIJ,q , of Toledo, was shaking hand~ with fr iends her e &turday.

tw o for the petit Jury. One of our / pnlly us fl coa l r oad. liS it ta ps the townswomen, Mrs. J E. Janney. has rich soft coa l fields of J uck ~lJ n cuunthe uniqu e d~s tinclio n of hei~g th e ty , Ohio, and oth e r fu cl lie ld s in fi rst woman In Wa~n e to wnship 10 be West Virginia and nurtheas tern Kencall ed on a county Jury. tnckv . Twenty- five years ago it was - - --+ - - - - one of the most ambitious lines in th e cenlral West and it apparently .had a big futur e, In those days it was kn own as t he Ohi o Southern I Railroad, the northern terminu ~ being at Li ma, Ohio, which then was in the heydey of an oil boom . Stret('hing south through the rich valleys of western Ohio, it turned t o th e east just below Sprinlrfield and continued t hroug h JelferlOnville, Washington Court House and on dO\vn into the coal and iron fi elds of the southeastern part of th e State . When the Ohio So uthern 's prospeets for the future were th e brightest the railroad decided to build a branch south from Jeffersonville to Cincinnati. This ~ect ion of the MiThey take all criminals' tin ~c r ami Valley is one of the richest in prlllts nowa<UYI for idcntifi c3110n the country , producing great crops "rea use no two p~r $oIlS' tin ge rs Criminals of cor n, wheat, oats and tobacco. " j \· C Ihe urn. , DliJ rks . arc degenc ratn. N'".., fhe V, S. This was known as the" Grasshopper" sc'c nl,"S al Waahlnlfl!Un arc lak ing line. Wh en they g ot it all · finished th e .fi nger ))rinu of m o nk ~Y8 to sec if they ca;lno l .. ,.ahfbh I h ~ ~o n. the railroad with which it had a ncelion bel\\'~<11 (h ~ human fami ly junction refused to accept the new of 1Il.,ny thulI ~:. nrl, ?f yr:t rs "ltu "lid d' f . ht S th "G I th e ape fam;l), I)f .. tod3Y. Co py . r oa s relg . a e rass 10Prochtc<l fcalur~ rcp;'fntr,1 b~' !'pn -;, l per" railroad pined away and died ~"r:a.n ,:e n~~ t:I_ ~'· I ".e.'~~~ ,!, I",! wr ;ItIU esrly in life. like the insect it was _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ named afte r . The new brllnch of the Ohin South-


Roeeoe Arbuakle, mo~ing plciore comedian, who baa made 'the whole world laug~ at hia antiCII, wiIJ have to the charp Qf , murde~n account 01 thedeatb of Mlsa Vlr"nla ~pe, alllO a Rim art!lt. Soraeona .y t.hat ber death was do.. to peritonl~is, aoper• . Induced by an Internal Injur" Arbuckle II now In Jan at SUI



HAD WRIS1BROKEN Charles Chlipman . whil e playin g on the stone wa ll at the h ome of H. II , Williamson, Friday evening, f ell on t u th e cement walk, breakin!: his lefl wrist . He was taken by h i ~ parent.. Mr. and Mr•. J B. Chapman, t o Dayton , w he re the X-r ay W(\~ IIsed and it was foun d that Iwo honeH were broken . Hi s IV ris t WU · set anti th e young chap is ge lling fli nnA' as wpll as can lIe expected .

- - -..


WILL HAVE DISPLAY The local gra nge will have a line display at th e fai r, and judging f rom senl down TUt.!srlay t he tla mple morning th ey ought t o ClI m e hume with th e muwrna. En!r ything sen t WIlS of the best. and will ul Hplay what Way ne township pr odu ces.

CANNING FACTORY e rn used the old "Grass hoppe r " ri g ht of way as far as McKay 's slati on . Furthe r clown on the old line PUTTING UP PACK land was Ne w Burlington , a thriving intown a f t!w miles fr om the fa tal CHURCH HOME COMING

• • •


see the splendid old town without Mr.. Randall in it. She will be 81\, soci.ted with it as ,l ong III those Who , koew hl'r remain, , - M'r~. Randan had but. a "U;p to Special Jnterest to Old Soldiers , Sailtake mto ~er new ·s tate ot .c onaelouaDrs, Their Wiv,-'S and Widowl: nCSII. The-thinking do not · • _ die That mind that carried Mrs Anyone under thiS head lntemhng . 't tId' II d . . Rundall SD triumphantly tbrou~b her 0 Ira a n lanap~ s u rmg the Encareer here, il chntinuoul: A. life of campment at the G, A. R. on the. that type giVe. UI a flrmeraraap on 27th, 28th and 29th of ~lep~mber, Ii the great. truths of eidat"uce, they will apply to ' ~ I wll\ furnish ,. O. M , CARTWaIGBT. blank certificates th.t. will aecure _ _ _•• _ • t.bein apeeial rates of . illile; tickets good for daya,

The lliaml Gazette. 11.60 .. 'ear.

ulllll' hUl1lC Mr. and Frank U. Smith. lit Lyll e Sun day. Septembe r II. 1!1:!1. to IIttend the 2 1 ~ 1 annual reu rlll)n " f the Champion families, The re we're rurlv-nine people pr .; en t Thl.!.v CH lll e frllnl Uuyto n,FI Mc Kinley . West arrolton . l3ellbrook alld Lytie. They all seemed tv enj llY them sclvcH. es pecially at th e table . The cvc nin..: was delill'htfully s pent until all depar ted in the evening.


The Waynesville CEmning Co. ie still ver\, busy putting u p corn . Nhlle th e outp ut this year is nol nearly as good and as p lent iful 8ll in previous years. on th e w hule it will ue better than was anticipated. The drou th this s ummer put the co rn crop back, a nd the company was not pushed as in good year!!, as a g r ea l .Ieal of th e corD was late, the esrly corn being already disposed of :;ome of the ground contracted for was not ev n p lantea . therefore the compariy has put several acres of thi~ g round in to ~abba~:e. which will he,lp ?ut the co rn failure. fhl Acompany has pu l into their fa~tory several labor-s8,ving devices tt,IS. year, notably two new crimpe r deVices. Instead of the old-fashioncd wa~ at seuling the :an lids. they are Crimped Oil, thus making a great saving -in ~aterisls and laborers Other deVICes I\ave b een added, which greatly facilitates the work . La~t years output was ?ot sold as read.IIY .8@ f? rmerly, oWlllg to the dc;cltne III prices, but this years pack , Will g.o out as_fast as posaible, and t th La d h broulrht into play. n~ WI _S n I~g t e severe drouth, Aa I catch a glimpse of the Way. Will brlll~ a f:urly good price.

neaville of my childhood. I ean never


Whole Number 5452


junction. O~er to the east on Ihe direc t line to Cincinnati Will! HarvE'ysburg ,also a thriving inland town. Harveysburg and New Hurling- ton staged a fight for the line. Harveysburg urgu ed tha t the New Hurlington route had resul ted in disaster befor e , an,) as Harveysburg' ~ farm ers boug ht the most uonll8, offt! red fr ee r ight of way and othe r privileges, that village won out , Uut the fat es were agllinst n a rvey~burl{ _ Th e Ohio 'ou thern had even th en begun to slip and the line s topped in an open field seven mi leH irom Har\'cysburg . Furd 's stat ement t hl1t his ra ilroad would run no S unday trains except those .necded to carry babi es' milk means nothing to the Miami Vall ilY branch, as th e train bocks down only on Tuesdays amI Fridays.--New York Times . - - - - - ...- - -

Horne co miJ1g at till' () ,yens Su\{ar Creek C hri ~tiun Chu rch Sept, 18 Ser vi.ceH Imt h morning fi nd I\fte rnoon. B a~ket dinm:r, I':vl)ryone weicolllo.



ffiT~m ~Il . <llId !"Ir~ . C. 1::. J ohns and ';"" . 1;I,·nn. II f i.ytll' . l' IItl'l' lllincd at lillll"" ~I " n"ay (,'I' nln g . Mr . W. F. ;; 1' r"I f!I'I , 'If \lelr"il . Mkh .

\\" i ' :O: prll'>!'e!. ol f Detroit . (; ('o r2'e I '""pp, r alld family li nd J. Warre n \\' ""dlll' o! falllily. nf Lc·hanIJn. r:. M. 1:,.1111/1' '- ,11 ,.1 f;,mily, an d Mr . and \11' 0;, Fn·d ~ 1 (',,~,: w('n! ~ uppe r ~ :'I"" I - " f J IJ I 'ar lll'ri l!ht and famI I', :O:lInday l.a..H 3 nday, Il arry t;u TII,1I was fl· 1I1ill.k-" 1) [ hi, b irt hduy Uy a Rur1'1'1.41' l!il" '11 him hy ~ome o f his relaIin·,; an rt fr h·nd,., I':veryone hnd thl' killd of time' yo u can't forget. alld lhl: o!inn t·r was perfect in qua lity and "h' lh., q ua nt ity. Th" , 1' pr e~­ ell t I" IIj"Y lh i" pieasant all'ni r we re: ~1 l'~~rs . Wt·b ;;qllires and fa mily, !'l'arll'l 'lI rn!'11 and family. Ve rnon IIi,,, gh and family. Alle n I':meri ck ilnd falilily. Ch".; Cu rn ell :lll o! fllm ily ~lI1H,r I{"s,' and farnil),. of T roy . '1r , li lld ~lrH , Will Silll>!. i.l)o n and ItaYllldlll l Si l11 ". Mr , lind MrH. Raymllild I )a\' i ~ Rnd son Bohhy. Mr . and ~I r ~ Frank Carman and M isg Huzel t;lls tin, of IJ ay ton . In addi ti on to the good things t o 'at , lht!rtl wa ~ plent\' of good music th!' kind thal MiN~ Hazel Gustin, ~I r Ho ItuYlllund \lav is, and Mr. Frank L'arillan i~ l'lIpable of r ende ring. AH a re lllinder of his !i\llh m ilestone, his wi fe presented him a ring, which WUR highl y appreciated.

Those who took dinner Sunday with Mr . and Mrs. B. S. Ceci l, of Dawson, Ohi o were as follows: Mr. lind Mrs Harry Co rnell, of Waynesville, Mr . and Mrs. Minor Rose and tw o ~onH. of T roy, .ohio, Mr. and ,\1 r~ Itoy Co rnell and ch ildren, of Cincinnati, Mr, and Mrs . Pea rl Corne ll and daughter, of Leba non . ~r, and Mrs. Lester Cecil, of Sidney , Mr, [l nd Mrs. Albert Cec il, Mr. Clifford Cecil lind Mrs Mary Corn ell , of !Jaw~ on _

Afte r dinner Mr. Ceci l surprised his guc~ls by brin gi ng into the home a bushel uf fine, choice muskm ellons ra ised by hi& neighbor, Mr. E. C. !'upe. One and all rlid justice t o the rnt!lon ~ . after which- the remainder IIf the aftern oon was spen t in pleaslint conversation fo llowed by music on the Vi ctrola . Afternuoll c llll e l'~ we re: Mr. and !vi rs, Grant Co rn ell, of Piq ua, Mrs, Cecelia Graham , o f Lytle, a nd Mr, De\\it Booker, of Piqua. It WliS indeed a pl easant S unday f" r M ra. Mliry Corn ell bette r known to us 1111 a~ g rand-rna Cornell, to visit wit h HO many of her !:Io ns and daugh_ lers and grandchild ren . G ranclma Cornell for me rly r esided at Lytle, lHlt since the death Df her hus band, two years ago, has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil , at Dawson. , At evening t ht) guests all departed f Ll r t hei r various :h.:o::;l:ll.::;es=--:d:.:e:.:<' ;. la ::.::r.:.;in:..!g~_ _ _ __ _ Mr' li nd I\1rl:!. Cec il royal e ntc rtainel ~ a nd looking forth to many more su~ h happy occasions.


SERVICES AT fERRY Srlecial services at the Ferrv Church of Christ nex t Sunday . The young people's claRS, taujtht by FrankWright,willLake entire charge of the Sunday School. furnishing a teacher for each ClasA. Cls£ls songs, special music, class pictures and special addresses by young people will be features. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Preaching ,at 7~30. The theme 0,1 the Berman will be: "C1od'~ Call -to Men ." All the younjf people of the I I II ted rommun ty are espee a y reques be r\ E bod I Ited to preee t, - very , • _ ~ . . IN • .


f;V .

R. E. Ramer and Ray Eagle. of. Spring Valley, are In Huntsville, Tenn , lookin&' after some land which Cartwriabt, beloqed to their irrandlather.

The water pouring ovu Niagara F;slls lelilelenla seven miliion horlC power. and. not , one-tenth of it is used. The -'jZrcat elcctrkal Icienti,tl Ire now planning a "supc:rpower. system" which shall run. all factorIes, railroads, atreet car~l. h.hliDg plants east. of the i\lIegheny mountains from MAi ne 'south to washington. Their idea il to Ule practically all the' water in the fall a and make Niagara the' head u of the' .y~ tem. The picture' show l power houses (above) and the ~1I1 (below). Copyrighted IIlcCU(.( .bl.. lpedal .rrl~emCQtI betwCCJL!bia

ecw'.i!ptr W· r"l~~~~U.!.ll."

_~...... -


-=- ----




bette, Waynesville, Ohio. 'f1i,., f f

Tlw 1r _ 1



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'W ho Found Peace Dull b tl


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n -h.'TlII \' r ", I I . ! , .. .. I

hn ndll ,\·. :wd tl\.cf" 111,'1"1 11 11' III II ,,' 4" lrj '! ~ \ ,·f I I/ot il l , " ill 0 row nf dtltll~ ""I'" 1'111 1 '" .1 111'\ 1' l l 'r

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riC' k ll\' \\ t hi' ~' Il d,.:: li l It l' r- (l1l ~tlll' lll~ Ilt , It W: H, lJ u t ti ll' h l~llIl'l (.· Jlt"t ' kll w'.

A",I h, '

"Old I Not say That There Was Powe r In the Box?" He SiIlld Dream ily. pcllrls till the lI11ht lUIS bllmetl I(lw In the brnzlcr, lJ' you do th 'Y \\'111 I lI sllpp~nl"-ne\'('r to r c tllrll . \Ynl('h, hut do not touch I" 810,\>ly he bn r ke.1 IOll'o nl \Jle wlo, dow, unpercel\'ed 10 til e !!'t'ol'rlll " X, clteruent; und flugh dotlj(I'I1 rU[lleU y loward the cnr, IL Blrnck hllu Ih ot the !leance wos o\'er, nnd he Ju " hn ll tlme to sec I.nk lu gton ~""lch "o m l~ thing whldl appen red ttl hu,,~ l'1~en let down by a s tring frolll "h,I\'I', ' he· fore turnlut! Into th e bu ~hcH IIntl m e· Ing t or t1,f' cn r, .... ~ It \\'II S he II'UI:! only a 8ec,)nll Or t \\'o In t,." nt of u i" other, an d Ole Ins t viRion he IHII] thrl'lugh n brenk In til e I,. ~ r'~ , hl'rorl' Ihey w(!ro spinn ing smoothl y down Ule liese rted roncl, \\'08 on open wlr"h>\\' In Lltldll',Y l.'owor8 trow wh ich (jl'n,o I'oltnn es of "ol,or pou red "It'"dll~' out. (If the house purry bohltHI, "'"I!1f1jj ror Ih c IJ ghl to burn !r,1I' In tl .. , hrlt zll' l, I,e co uld B('e no ~ I gn th rough the "on nll O



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11: 11111.

"'(' tll, y," hI ' " ,'l lIIirli f'd I" tl lfl l \ru r·th y, w tll i ltl h " IlIl lIlil 'Ii"url lf \lll~' ill1 t illJ: II hll ll l ~ HlII h\l( ' Jl h i l ilt · ": I(rn g,'. "l.,·t '~ &::0 (til ti H' !'I II' Y." ~ 1I ' · lll l r I h ,· \

" 01 11 (' 11 1111,, ' 11 lI lt' lI\d""I'H IIJ 1L~ ,, 'd In I'nl " l 111·. .::, tt Ih ld l ' t' I, ' 1' (! u rn. ·11 11 1\11 tliV A li lt 'J' ivll II d,' II 'I 'tln' nlf1'tHI.\' I II I Hls l · ti ll ti . .\ t.l'JlI IIIH I lI~ht .·lr"lItf\ ,'d .1 11 1 th r l'll J.: h I h l' "'I !l f: .... ,1011 14,\ 11 11 11 Ol e III sid,· II f t h e ('t:.w,t l·ul J' OIl IIl \ \ U'" r h'I1I"1 ~' \" 1 ~ l lo l f'. (1\ tJ ll' Illrh' 1'1111 1:' .. ~u l fl u' 1110 tf" I I " :~ !'"' h"ull d lI1!" lIl'l '~ I ~O S \\ 11 1111 '" In t ill'" tl l: l t IIrd., IIH' 1'))1:-1 (If t lll ,l ,. li "ll d ~ '\ I ' r,' \ 1;.. 11", · .I 11 ~ l 1.1I \( ln ,l;ft)11 Iw d 'I ' ft 111 11 1 lind Tolt~' 111 141 .\I J!.\· "ur l!, " r III t il . , 1'\" ' 11 1111.: . Tit" Il t il .\ lIl .. y lJq.~

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!-I \ ':!' t,d Itl rh \· Ilil d i ' w illi II II' l ' t l ltl" ~ I ' I ·II !· IIII' I JII 11'11111 .. 1' hiHI . " ' itl! It'llll e'l\ l ll r l1 {If I d ... \\ r l!'ot III' J 11'11''' !lPI'Il t w (! IIIII I~ IIf \\ iii Il l, 1\ n l! f olded t "f'lll hn el,

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hilt:" Itl lll l"r,'t! 11 1l ;! h . " whu t n f.llt! 1 W ll ~ Of,1 iii t l1ll1 l~ or Il ! .J us t " f llhl ' 1II,IIuIl I 11.-tllull'd hy ('!P ... JIlj; ";\ 1.\

Its oasted ~

Notice this delicious flavor when YOll smoke Lucky Strike -it's sealed in by

the toasting process

~ "'tl


1I1t':lIi 7"

lIlutlf-' rl't l

I~'" t " tl l ~hT'"

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olh, · t' ~: h t'lI l l1{ h lh'le "YII\1 lonl, f r \ ~ hl " Il. 'd, l l l·flr,\' . ('1l11 It fl" Ihlll tht' ~ III IIIL! 0.: \\ 111 1" :-' wtl ~ nrl ', u fh ' l~ n il . 1 1\'1t~

Ih :1 11 .\·" lI r"-:>'· " \\ ' 11 11 1 tI .. ~ ( ' 1I \'11 11 17" I.:' n ~ ll1·d 1",,111, · !11C'"l " U, Il1r d lldt d r ) 1I J1 ~ , "] Wll ll t .,,1111 . I It' l\ry -.h l~ t yl'll, IlI tII N ·t .1 ~ !lII' \ " n l w lI ,r:o; 11 .. ",) 1:1l 1i /:!" (If' Y"'lr r ll lll ll """ 11 ;.."11 \ II:-: t 111 " , ;\ t ' \\' Ill.\' ):,111 :: 0 1' 1'11 1' 11'''' 111 \.. II, ·" ... , . Ihll l'ut n fl t ~"l\II ~ hi 1I !i,' , 11i ·III. It '~ j: 'IIIIJ.:" tit th' j l1~ I - ~l ll l IIl1 d I. !"t fl n rl up. 11 '·111',.:-


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t n yoU," If f" (T.... ~(\( l lit .. r llom nnd ~ 1n(\d In fr on t n l IltP rnwll rlnf,: mnn, . "'rnkt" hulr-tllkp l lll lf, " lit' ~1 ·rp l\ nl(\11. " 1'''0 ~,\ t t r t\n~ \tri 1' V£'

I And DrutIllllCln,1 nit hllll n fl'nrfu l 'I r-I hl o\\' , I flI on thIlIl,l' f'mnllth nil. }] ('l1ry, to n ' turn t o

w. H. MADDEN & CO.,


a n ('s timut e ,



ii~ ::·

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Ule ra'e of II por oe u' fro w ApIl1 17, I U21, Tbo Cltlzone NIlUtlOlll Sank uf 1,0\)&l\uO I ~ tbe plalut llf .

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", ,, run t! 11111 '1, . For hl'I!\' Y lhll(1 tl \l' !\I ,d,\" Of th(" dl' n d f:. ' rlll1 l ll 1I,. j II rll'l I 1'·II "d ofT tlw ('flU It, IIt ll , · prlt ~\ lt'd nt hi ... I , " 't, 1 '~l y Cllld :" ~I'I'I ' n llH' d 1 .:11\lng l(m ,

It W8S during the nut hour or two that the full \'ulu(' ot )Jr. J erome K , Offi'n UB nn nCl) ulflltion to tile pnrt7 becllml' npporen t, Certnln olhe r prep. 8mll o n ~ In honor or I'etef'llOn'8 nrrh'nl "Whll t h :l~ " "PI" "" 'I I? 1- 1- " werl' I1 l1l y co rrlerl nu t, and then Ql'OI!e II " 1'11"111'11 ' " Ih~ he ll 111,, 1 p"nl",1 It U,e (IU eation of the 8Ilfe In which the fr flnr lrull),. nn d w ith n !'I1l1 1t , ~ nf jn~' alHmportunt It'dgor wat kept. n U!!h \\' lI t l'lu' li hi H tr01lr.h ',) I_,,'r lfr, l\11 "There It Is," enid Drummond, point. OHl' \ ' lIl lh' ill III1f"W(lr t n 1111' rln /.!. Illlf t Ing to n hOD\,), steel door ftush with the But SIIi I There Was No Meroy on the 1.1lk IIlJl' ''1I Ih l" l!t'd to l 11P dOOI' , ClI11 )' 10 wall, on the opposite aide of th e room Soldlcr'. Fflce, and He Fclt Himself to [he big olte contnlDlng Luklnl{t"n' ~ 1',', ·, ,11 ti ll ,. I IH' 1''''\111 wll h II ! ' h""llt~ Bein g Forced Farther and Farther lII·gott ell tren sure, "And It dO\!I\I)'1 lI"t"I ' !II 1l 1 ~ l itl'''"t. n tl1 .. 1 t1,~ III ttw Over th e Liquid, l u dl ""OI l d f 01J r l 11 l1sl{ !'(1 I lIl'Il , , ~n dl I see m to me thut you're ·golng to opcn w ith 11 ,',, \ ' p h ' P I' p tolllf!lH! I II l t1~ 11 , 'n l·1. thn t ono by press in g nny bul tons III 1111\1 I. .\ nd nnl' tJf liS, Lul!lng ton" :\ J \' r· \' , ." ll IUIII ' I'l ,t! JI I}!.;h. " Anfl Y"" ,11'1'11 III "ul1mll fQl'lll-l s golnt! 10' the wnll." "Then, Cilptuln," drawled the Amer· IP I hnt 10:11 II ." lenn, UI guess wc'lI open It otherwise, ""UI Ih, ' hnth lIlennf! 1\l'lIth," It'8 Bure plumh easy. I've be('u get. " hrh ·k l'd L llkh".ctnl1 -ud f~ulh In ngony," Ung goy with Home ot tho household "Th llt \\ III be II nrur tunntc fo r the etrecrs, nnd this bur or 80llp sort of " li t' who [((I P S III," an ld Drumm" ll t], CIlugh t my eye." 0 tn1clng II STcJ' 't"wun) hi m . From hi . pocket he prod uced some "\'011 \\,l'Il1ld lIIurtll'r me ?" hnlt Bob"",1 ordltltlry yell ow soap, nnd the olh el'll rhp tl'lTItIl'd nnw . glllnc"d at hllll curiously, ,- ' ":\0 , Lnldnl{ton; J' m not ):\lllIg to "I'll jus t ill\'0 yOU a little demonstraIIlU rliN you." A glPll1Il or hopc cn IIl1' tion," he continued, "at how our 8'1'011 111 (" 111f' ol her's I'y~", "But rill /(0 111): cracksmen over the wnter open Bille!! to n~ 11f YOII III 1l1'(}l' r In 111'1'1((,' which when th e own ers bn vo been so InctlesH IIr li S two cen ses to adorn Ihe eort h; ne to removo [ho k ey~." thlll I" If yuur (11 11): 11 1'181;' of Ihe c.. n. DCll tC' I'Otl sly he'"proceeded to seal up 1l '1I 1 ~ or the bn lh Is Cn rrcr t, Whll l every cl'1Ick 10 tl,e "utu door with the 11 11 1(' r.;1" IIIlI of' pit)' I IIIll!ht hllve 1''''' 1t-1I\'lng 0 ~ mltll 1;'81' nt tl}" top "" ",,,,1 for YOII hns b ~e n complNl' ly px, "onp, """.. nl",!. Thpn r ouud 'that RIIP he t l/iIlUlsl,.." by your pn'"ent I'x hlbltll)n hullt whnl wn H [0 nil Intent s nnd pur· or I1UlI ,.. P ll llng cowhrdl l·t·, F1 g11t . y nl1 p "ReR n Ro np dtllO, . "If nny of you b"Y9," hn M!mnrked \\'(11'111 , li,.. llt ; or ] '11 throw \'"u I n !" 10 the Int ent group around him, "think A li t! 1.1I1,!Ilt! ' oll Ctl tl g h t. Tlu' SlIlluf'1l ot tnklng thlA lip as a wenus of IIvell· ('lI llJl oIt'f{'l 11I111\ 1I ~ of lIll' IHld, 'S Ilfl d for h(Jot!, be cnreful ot this stuff." From tl", IIllHllt·llt d " ~ l I'O 'yt; d 111 M rH 'n 'I.'; now, nl 1'l'lI l1 lt1((\Il(r S II'l)rels, he f{' t ovcred Imother pocket he produced nn IndIa· rubber bottle. "Doll't drop It on the I d1l1 ~ t ' l f, TIJlIn~ WU!; 110 IIwrc), on tho l100r unl,,"A you wnnt to be moasured ~o ltl i t, I" !'t fHn~ , nnll lit hi s lr\lnlJ~ t hl ·urt for your colUn, There'll ju&t be a boot L Illi: II I~11I 1I l': lI l'\\,' 111 11 1 t lw Cll tl hnd c Ollie . ""1,1 sOllie bits t o bury." V o r 1-l 1l '1I 11 ~ II lid wlr)' UUl u g-h Ill! W(lS.




h ,'"' ." II d1·, ·ItIIl - , h lll ~lJy , " nl11 t~ 1,, "1'1\ Iii " J\ l rr( ' rl (·~l n. "\\' hHt. . Ill'll r IR n I·j · I l l f ..... ' · Il, " s ,:n t 7" "TIJ " d l"l1 .· ... ~ tlr 1 . lilJlJI ~ lI l t· , Io· "'," whiR. IIt·r, ·d 11 1l~h, " I .ift l'el I'II.:IH n ndf' r ti ll' 11 (1"11 .. r ~ ltf' \\ h"J. · k l /h· lt n l1 ~(' nll r l r ."

Wlt~ IIlI 1I1B I Ch

H" "' IIII\'",I), rll 1'\'''' I I" wllrcl PI'I' PIII'I'1i for Ir" ny of th"

r ur Uw

u llll'r.

hI' r.. lt IIIlll ~l' lf being III\' d"lu lly IhJlII '1 he IIl1d 1'1'11"'111011,1, IInli nR the 'Ihln g slt'" ck him, the

I;Wl'U I hl'olie ullt 011 ht H t orehellu nnd


hu ('lIrs,'d Il loul•. AI l a ~ 1 lie Iotll'lce" 111Ic> Ih e l'dr.;p (If the I,"th lind h l~ ~Inlg· gh', 1'" ,1,,"101"11. II l1t s tili thl'n] WIIS no mel'c 'Y tll\ II", ""fLlle r's (n,'c, nn d he



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" n Il l" IlllfI, ",," w ilh n

(lrt'nrlrul ('r)' wlr h n dl1ll.

_ "!"" \'II "' ~' , r(ll! ~t:lIlI1," (' Ol1 t llll1,~l l.nkI n t.:1f' n , "Ilnu y ou th ough t to I 'U Y.. l1r. o.:.llln· o..; 1IJ:ltl1lS1 1Jl.~ ' · -he r" .... (' Hurl RI O!)!) 111 f l'flf ll 1 ) 1, ' ( ' l. ~llr \\' hr-r\." t l( ' ll11d

11 I.'" H h .,"

In Which the L •• t Round Tak..

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"1\ . .

111 .. f 1" f t ll nllllr ll lll i ci. "Tllat ( 11 01 o f 0 1'1 11I 1I 11'1' l1 r j ld l " ' l 10 (' ul'r~' p \l l lilY u r . 11 1' 1''': , 11 11 ,' 1'!'I 'n t" It dh' ('l' ~I III L \'(1\1 w il l ~, () n 11I1I h npl" 'IHI t o Ill·,,))le will) ( 11 11 10 (' ur l'~' o1ll tIl~' or(jc r s. In n min · III i'. :\ 1111 n fl f~\ l' lhat you' ll Il,'\' ~' r .....~.

- - -' J


\\',1 10 11 11 eycs wat chin g hi. home. rt.'C'n rd t o see if hr wa! fi(oina:'

rll l1

I II pa :'\ ' l as t yc:'\ r's mark of 54 cir "

r", t d ri ves, nahe !!I w.tlh:r1ii.

Ruth, I<lng o(

~ n c akc<1 on('

OV('f in an ·

,,'her 'Iircc tio n by eSlablishlng a O nv Ullt It'agu (' rtc o rd for thr year

wh e ll he I>asscd his twenty -fifth ca m,' Ih . o th ~ r day, having h,t safely a t h'a!\ t onct 111 evr: r-v c:on. ' 1" . 1 In IlI'c nlv '6i" day. 'h e hit' <"f" I~ 4.1 lim .. ip 89 tim". at bal.1 f"r " pe rc entag. or 480, Iconn8 35, ,1 U ll~-,

1";' --

fl'l l h l lll s\' lf " "Ing to rCl'lI f u rti wr I\lH1 1'11 1' 111 1' " tI\' I' r 1111.! li quid ulltll he WIl A

tllIl )' Ill'ld r,.."u fnlll"g In to It hy Drum· 1II/lIIII 's ~1'lp 011 hl~ IlIro:lt. Tht'n, j ll ~1 lu 'fon l til t:! J.:"rlp rolnx l.~

IIlld he


'lit lind er , til'" solllh'r HI)oke

nnce: "1I 011l'y Lnklngt " n," he Snit!, "Ule r etrlllllllllll I ~ JlI S!." , I>l'lIl1l nI Oll (1 l'l)rllnll hn ck, nnd the li qu id c hlsl.'d (t\'f' r Uw wr()t ch c u muu' .

henll . 1. 11 1 1',,1.1' 1''',' n RIlCOllll, WItI, a L1rf!lHl flll cry Luklll gt"n ICllper! Ollt, un,1 '1\'PII LJrlllnmon.l! felt a momeowr'y

.. -



OD PIli"


- - ---


An lid , in lhi s co lumn iHII Nun, " ttlt!




Money to Loan on ~arm Land for ten years at 6 pcr cent.


WAN11m ,


Court J'roceedlnrl. rlght Bill, Kuardlau 01 IUtheoo.. P II, IN! Imb60ile and ceo , la au'horll8d to 11811 and dllpoiMl of 'bo dower _&.&0 tha' IIhe h .. In tbo land dORortbol! In the pellUCID 8l(aluM' Robooo& PO,trAOn, Evorfttt. POt\reon nnd Frank POIIrllOo, clofe nll . aot s, Ellis B, Co wao, eXfIOutor of Ibo e.ta'e of I,Izzle L l:owaD, deoea86d, mado a . rllpor' of biN proceedl081l to court. wblob W8f'e approved , 8amao,ha A, t!wlger', admlnls. tratrlK 01 'be oBta,o of FOfltOH [) EUzloth, d eoeased, Ol ~ d her firM' IIncl f1nnluooonut for Ket\lelllllDt In (murf. Mary E. Gra,v , eltAoutrlll llf t ltfl 0"· tlltll of Jtllnflll Guy , (\ooo,,"cd, Ill0ci her IIrat aDd fiual oco onllt for IIDtclemont In ooort. Johu R. HhoPJl8rd, gtllullian of R A ~a Sbeppard, 10il1Ule, filed bitt 8 1~ 'b !lOCOUO' for 80ttlement iD pro. h tlte oonrt


AN 'l'JI; O-rarUl~r!l

W mall &0

uuJ dllifl' . .oow we h .. vo to III. lIIullth.,olll relll.'"rlld 111111 0 .t llF8UY Hl utrl'lI' Uad' N u . I ~80 I - whoM' danl Will Il woud .. r lIf pm !o'e l iO Il ID H ;~, oo l,)r aDd ml l kln ~ qu"III, IA~ 1:101' dlim .lod Krll l)!1 till'" 'Nt'ro> , '111,,1 Iy KUII' if y o u O"lh' VU In lI.m,"tty , you c"n driv e mllt"l t u 1, ,,,,,,1 &0 RlUtr\ltl8' Lad lieo, U • .Litltlub , liar . veY8\)nrg , Ohio. ~ 1 1 - t, r



Ii I Nt I, o pill sst; II,llJllr li D stroot

IV t:OIlORd" y Ill'l llt, ur U ti I.e h ,. nOll lIi~o hul,w')llll UIlClt "" I C"r wln Pl o lI ~" rO(,lIrll til MrH , I,V ~ ~ 'rt.ull, R, D, ·1, WtlYllflsvl\le, O . ItoWllrtl. 8 (.1


Real ElItate TraDsrl'rll. u I'ORC YC I,.: Ohio 1,108118e l or Horry 'H,d S uah K Fry to E, M . Btde ORr , «hvnor ORD get BIlIIIIl Yoonm, lot 10 Cletlrorook Twp, 11 Mary EUa ~urfllOO to Ueorge. H , hy 0"1\10,, li t tlllH omoo o r Ill, Wi ll ~~ I Rnd Ida E. Hannllha, lot ID EllS' ComUllnll, M, U o lly, WilY De, cootalolng !is aorell i 11 .. Osoar and I!:mm& I:foward to J, FARM FOR RENT Roger Brown, lot In 'l'urtleoreek town8blp, 11. J 'lleph H, Lo~mlng to R"lph P A RM For !blOt 00 tbo Ihird ~ , 'Rod Boward .1, L ARmlng, 8 0 lIorel! In 10CJolrll ,If (), L. HlokH , R . U, 'I, Wayne \ownshlp, U WaYDe n lJlo, Ohio, e2 1 'fbe B'ronoh Brus,. Blluer oompaoy to BOl\rtl of Eduoa\l~o of Clflllroreek towoshlp, 'raot uf laUd lu village of FORSALf.: SprlDgborct, lIiOO,






Grand Jury for October Term

t,;1l .ttllrl Mt.l o Vht"". Regl.torod PulliDd Pigs tor 1"IIl, Inqulr tl

Tho following have her '1 IlrtllVn of Marvlu Bay , R 0, ·1, WuyUt'~ . .~il '0 !lArVa on the grllnll jory for I,he VIII", C )1110. Ootober 'erm of oourt: C lom Rutl.. Ullnd.power VtlllOOm 8WIlIlJ.lIU; yao, Deorllel(l; Mr!., E.~t, her Hllllor8, gooll Willie, aud 10 Knod 00 0111'furUooreek; A.llred Jonl"u, Wa8h. Ingtoo; Elias Ogles boo. Wltyno; lion , Inqt1lre of MrH, Llol1ley Mea, CIIlrk BeoDeU. Salem i MIs8 Ella lliloball, H B, a, Wa y n n8vlll e , Uhlo, ~21 I:Ihoo\8, Fraoklln; A , 8 , Kanfmao, Tur'looreek; C. T, aawke, WaYDII; DozeD EoglI.b WhUe L!Jghurn Charlea Volker41DR, Barlao; F,I:I, Pull8tll W , N, 80a'II, WI1VIl OII_ Stmpeoo, ISalllm; B , W, Meeker, ~J.t Franklin, G , B. i:Jml&h, Halem; Mr., ville, Ohio, Lydia Thompeoo, Deerfield; Ed, A. N~w Mo<.:onnlok CorD Blndor , Keeling, Clearortlell: ; T , C, PI\&torllou t!ee R . 1:1 , tlmltb, R 0,4, W,.,y. 'rnrtl60reell:. oenill., Ohio . • !I~l




for October Term The followluR III the Itat drawD for tho petit jory, who will beoaUed to I18ne after Oclober 17: Rlohard BnDoell, FraDklln; ' Joho MuUlnro. Clearoreek; Mn. Mae AnderlOn, COMMON PLEAS COUiCT Salem; 81lmoel p, Moofort, Tnr'le. New SuitA. oreek; William Vaoderver, Frank. 110; Mrl, Rolh Janney, Wayue; W. Kolght Light aod Soda Foontalo IC O'Ne" II, Wayoe; Joe p, Oeborne, oompaoy are lIulog tbe Dixie Blgb M. .le; Fred BarlaD, . . . . Ie, ij, 8, way Coofeotiooery compaay-B R 81ye, Tnrlleoreell; JOhD Dltmara, Whltaore and H, W, Jeffer!oo for BamlUoo, C, C, Colllol, Uuloo, mooey and eqnltable relief Tbe Benry Klpp. Bammoo; Ned Olakl, amouot olnlm6d Is 18U,n, wtth 10. Bar\"n; WlIllam Boff, Deerlleld, torelt. Boward Nail, Franklto, Ch'arlel D, R Ledford h88 beeo made de- l'arller, Salem· AUltio Tbaokel'l\, feodant-lo a snit for mooey amlollln'_J ,ClearorNIE; Quimby, Tor&le. Ing to 1200 wl&h Interee' thereoD or~~ i' ()eorg. Croll, Fraoklln,


Classified Ads

Charlllil Gootlpatl&l'r appelHetl 10 conr' to Ilnllwe r '0 II obl.uj(e filed IlgaloRt him \)v A Irred BrllDttor sell. 10110lox101l,lug IIqnorll, Upou plead. lug Dot I(ullty aud belDg UDROl o to fnrolsb b o o(1,'o tbe amo uot, or .~60n ho was r"mlllldtlll to tlte o UHtolly 01 the sberllI, Tile defendaot., J08flllh R. Tbl' mp, TE~~ELL , ~on et aI, lire'e,1 10llve 10 IIle TE~I~ELL & aD8wer tn \be Oll de of Harve y C. Willllington, 0" phone 30 1. Bnbbell, plftlnlllT, t Till; Pet on ('arhlcige OODlpaO Y, a IlNI!;V 1,,,uI,,,, 1 I,ll live ~ " ,o ~, oorpordloo of Ohio, IIR8 heeD grMnl. obllttlllll, ttl." "".. .."'t.llJlUr ~K "~ .. ", eci 161\ VII t o reoover, ,Ii,3:.!11 .~, wi t b N .. l ll" ouog ht . J " Il" ttll r hillfl, A ll b ll 10tllr6tlt at 6 per oeot, rrom Btlllj". 1\ 4 ~2 min I:ftlrrls & Co., a oorporallon o f Uul1llluK, Xiloito (lhl " . IIllnol8 .


1'1'101 11

all kinds

of Bllilding Materia ls


11 11 '11


L'Let u s give y11\1


dlnlr, I\' \ 111(' fllllr' w ll rr) P'j " ,'I nn lly. " ·l'h,·!'t· ,. " tlJ l rl('<l rf'ud,\' ( li r .\ Oll. you And ('\'I'n ,,101 hi·



Ce m e n t,


Waynesville, Ohio

"'''1111'S "'urc IIlrel1, l), burnl UIN)Ul:h Itl th ~ lr rl):htfu l n\\'ll~r" , 110)'."-1,.. IIIl' s l(ln , nn\1 hi s fllt'('--<) r wh .. , W it " r n tHI'.l hl ~ \' Ol rf ---" " nrr y o ut th(\~f' I"fl tit It - w n~ R Hhliling CUlllH!r color, ~In t l wi th 1I!:"ny , he L1n.hed to the door, 11I1 .. 1 tl,,' I " ,,~ hlll h nt Ihf' .. nIl or the' flthl l r ( W II. U I I(I untl o til 'In, " 'J'11 (' fnllr 1"1l1l",lu..'ll Ilwn rnmo tn, and IIlId !lu tl ll It 111'1'11. The t our wen out· r ll u lB . "AI,n\l1 1l\'t' 1II1 1J1I1('~ h~f(' rl" carrlCr! "ut th,' til'" l'I" ll r~, sldp, nilhtl."t ott th ,' SI'Loctlldc, recotlad .. ,·'rtl llultl ' rt 'ndy," l it' nf1 111lUIlI' l'tl. "'l'he Inll lllltlntNI mbhll, II I'nry, IIncl " lid 1,'1 hl lll IhrUII):h, Alld Iho kIndl y ". !II ~ t tll1l o for I Ill' rhnIl 11'(\ur." tth;J'('Y \\'h l"h Lnklnl\l C>u hn d Dove r Ji ll wpn l to n '"S~~n li1 I\~·ftlhe. dow n , th e klnrlly Kt.m tll·nIUIl Y" II I llI l l o f,.Ct1 Hrrl which he hl p \\" SOlll"",itnt na l llrnl}y I Miss n,'ntoll," hc r!'lIlurk,"1 " " ti m 8hOll'II 10 lilly on~ In hll lire waR d tlor CI IlNI'(t. "Su 110\\' \\'0 llUll' n'U'urd glVl'1I I" hlill nt til" Inst. 11I1'I'e WIlA n o nIl SWC(', Hlld J /II}( h lJ.,: l lm ourseh ·t·s IlK he l n&; alont). Ju s t yuu CHlldl y he groped his WilY up th e fr l,w tll 'd . HtlllrH, IIlId Il " Dnllnmond got to Iht' "" :-:1 111 ,111 r('II LI"'." hn r,·l1tllr !h\d sllft · t1oc>r Ih,' clI ll CIUII l'. SI' me ono mus l 'y , " Hu[ Ihc-I'P I ~ 1111 till",.)"; J ", til IUI\'c I'llt In gpor n", mllcltlt, Pr), whl ~l! ,10'" I \\ IIh hl,n III t .. r." wor k on tJ,,~ firth step, or pe rhnps II 1.11 1\1 l1,:t 1111 r t-turll Pd to Ih,' chll ir wn ~ tlllt nlllnilr. For Rudd en ly II hCftvy whkh c""'IlIIIl"1, tIS h,' 1I1""liht. 111M "tl'e1 1I'1'1I'ht re" olvlng ou till aMU chl e r "lI rIllY, and wns s tlllHll njj besldo II' hlz7.e,1 !J ut frnm th c wnll nnd 8truck It \\' 1110 nn unh"ly j oy 61,, 11 ,, )( ('n hi. Lll khl(ltnn bl'hlll(1 tho nock, Without r",.p, n ~o ulld he rell t orwllrd, and the ".\nll slnrl' I h \ll'" In d"nl with I' ll" lI'el):h t, IIllclwck,'d , clllllged Ruddeoly I n!f' r . l'1I1t1l1 ln UrU lIllJlpltd, S , I L, homl'. And thu s did the Inv ent loo of ;\1. ('., ] mn,)' O~ \\ \'11 II p: 11 ",' th .\'"" whi ch he wns prolld est brC!\k th o In· 110W, Tr u'li It \\'1 11 he ,Y pll r (d.-Ilfls' ve nl or'. ol\'n npck. Truly, the retrlbu· l ur n . ] Hili ~(l I " J: to ('ut III ,· r Ul li ·, tlon \I' IIN ju st. I1I HI I'n rr')' yOIi . whllt! you 'r,' so nl1l1lLpd "Thllt only leavel Pet.erson," reIhll l Y"u rnll' l 1n0\'u, to II ", lIlll h, Then warketl th o AmOJ1coo, toml~ IIIID die I s hll il tlrtl p yl'lu In, l'-" l'l nln Drum· huP! at thnt moment, Iud IIl1haw. a IIInn <I , 11",1 whl'n, aft prll'lIr", rl'lu I)my clgur, , r .. r ']" "r h. I ~hll ll ",,,r"'flilly ~l' "re "That onl)' lenves I'eto",oo," alP'\lOd ."""r 111',- 1" r II \\'hll l'," DrulIllll ond. "And tho gtrl," he nddl.>d II I' ..: 1: .. 11I·d III I h, ' rn p l ' ~ III ' h i l,,1 th l' 0 8 nn urtcrt hought. hi'


Th a t Y01T wIll use in your new home is merely accidel~tal. The point isuIld! Are you using the a rgument "that you' ll bu il~ when Prices Come Down?" If so, t \l en it is time to bury that moth ·eaten phrase a nd get ~usy, because prices A RE down. They a re so down as low Il S they arc gOing to be for m a ll y nlOO IIS. Do you know t11:lt Amer~a today is in immediate n eed of two million ho!nes and h ouses? Do- you know that prices are as lolV (\S aetllal cos t proJuetloll, haseu IIpon readjusted wage sC[lles will permit ? If~yo u know these things - then yo u a re of the tlJill ki llg persons or famil .ies whi ch arc goin g a h ~ad with building.

~ltu ll

" \" 'r tl w l ' IIPI Il h' ItI~. on el 11 1"n h t' p o urf't1 rlH~ lu i ...: 1 lIt'" Ilito t it, · \\'·fu ~.' r \\'hl ch 111\ 1( f t'\\'

Hut t l tl ' AIIH~rl('nn, "hl,;tlltlJ.,! UI'lltly tl,.) IdJfI !>o I'lr, h ilt! Itls Cyt'S tb;,'" 1111 th l' l'or'" ot \\",)1 I11 4.' I'fll l Jh 'nrl F< wi de ll Lllle, In!! llIl l h tlltllllg" lH \'lllgl y I n l ll~

~; II .\ ll d Jl L:

111 11'"




( " Ht' L nl;: lu L:"l lln

rr d l1l Lnldl,.\, I"" lti Il l1dl wi th 'n ~ lI l.' h t ... ,,11 " " T it .. l lr nl't'r 111 11 11 \\' u~ r OIl!t .. h II lI d h il t! tn )\1 ) Idll ,·.l" II ,· IHl , \' 11 111', ·" u f ,'''' "' 11'1'''' !1I1t \ lit, · r n u lll , Hll d


thp lid."

l il\nrl ~ .

!l r

:-: IHlifl lnj.!'


'1',, \\ ,

I'n a~

" " 1':--0 "

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1.,, 1,111. 1"" Il ) ld,l ~', " 1 " 1"0\ t ' \ 11 11

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th o


THREE. w" ~ PI.

I "

I ''' r 1\

1I ,'I'I'."·· .. 11'11 Ik

\\,tt, ·...



I1I 1 f!')i lr I n ln (1 \11 hu ll flpt't'1(' r\,

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' " '! 1,.\ 111,\ I ,!,: 111

k Jl fl'\W!t'.,

10 tht' iI"lIr · I llu:1\ 1)rtlIBTI1,lI ul , nl l(l hl A ( 11+'" ' \ \1'" 1:;,-1t1 1 1I11t l n~p-(! l-l ~R, " )" " 11 "" ~1I fu r ytl ur (' l\ll utTt ' llr. ] I pnr)' 1.111, lI ~t ll ll.' · lit, r" ll lllrl;l'f, lIul,'tl y . "1

"'P l' tl ll l.!"

" ]" \ )":1 ,,',' , 11 , '111, I " 1:, 't\' I'" \ '1 \ ojl.\ "t \.\

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f: " I'l tln ll •

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I." .. ,,' ..... '" ,,!' :, 1 '1\ ,t 1I 11., t! 11111 ,-' ..... lot 01 : ... ·1,,\ HI

\ 11

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"nt'I lI g tl l~ ' h !l x, .\u llr I.,· ra " .' III

t hl~



1I t h l \\ 11 11


t i ll h '" I'i \\' p llllU':


o f'


.fo I RWIN l' YEf'S , ~ COP} r lyht t-) u~'o I L' ~ r Oro


.1.. ", 111\,1 \1'1\ . l'rOut'l1 lnl\ hy uu·, ,,, llt "' r1 ~ J{ont'. An d nil Ih, 11'1111 ,' till' 11I !1"'II , il l l~l t ('(1 h'"I)'

Ul" ~l

l Ilt ,

' ''fi r kl null\1\ IIn;1

, lit , t il l.l " , h h;

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In.,:! :-- 'lO t' 'mn ll -': ~ l1 d R In It uf d l,' In 11k , . ( rh ,· \\ nil ':, T h l'Jt h \· 1'\Hi" ,t l " II' l\ .\t n it' ,, 11111. III H t ... ln r, .1 dU til ''''lI./ l h', ) I I \\11,. tilt· 111.'" 0.( {1' 1"1,11\ :': (·Up... r tll'd',J t\ t \\ 1\\I'h l 'h."1Il fot h utl "lpCll\ t'1l "l t ··~ " h l1 1 !l lllldl1 ~ h I' 111~ 1 IUll tl: !t u'!l rr,\111 1. ' '1' \\ I. r d :- II· I 1'f"' PII r l't! 1I h l1 f ,'r th e' '" ;I:! I~ . It H"PllI \ 'rI I n h ,- lI' f'r n,lJ y r ram ·

' l'~f lCCl'


\' l1t h' rN ~lHrt'fI tJh t ll ol1lf':(~

-1"1t III

·t huud.l 1r ll~h. t>l{' Jlllng ft qu 1d ; ~h lJ H 'O

Ih n[ h r

It Il .._' ... n ull ' Y' II : -

"t I f" , .. I'jtu ... ·pu..



' (" ':-,1 " ", \ HII ' ut. "

r ,II ' d l ,!tl'·

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II I l. uk lll ';!' iI,

Y' " III Il~ .. I II)

'I lt, I " I !II Nil !'] ' I l,t' h"d ,11 < 'I''' "rI','n, 1" 'ul·cld , h,\n1 Itu' I IH 1 , 1t~r. IUW Itl " \)11"""

r rwl \1',1

,'1"11 t h,' phi 1:111nll r .\1

~l lIn '<l


Petit Jury



r 200 pouoda 01 Good Lard , A BOU Inquh'e of BeD Smith, of Har. veyabur8 pille, Wayoenllle, OhIo , 821 Tlmotby Bay, Alao, a 10 'rooll Good rreah ,Iersey Cow, with fonr,h oalr by bor IIldo, .Iohn Rob. AreOD, R, D, 3, Wayoellvllle, Ohio , 821 Uraft Coin. ODe 3 yearl 2 Goo4 old. baa beeo v.orked, oDe l! ,rs, old; bo'" good ooel, 0, L R, 0, 4, WaynelVl1Itl, Ohio,

Rloke 1121'

G ..OIIDI EOKloe, • ap" 10 rood A 8hl!lHI, will eUller 11011 or trade, Joqnlro of Harvey Rye, Waynoll, ville, Ohio. .14



....TH E M I A MI . . G A Z E T T E~ •.. D. L. ' l 'i\r\E, I': di lo r alii I

J J lI\.J h~h(' r . Wn)'lll' ~ \'ill c . (.1

Sub~o rilJti o n P r ice. I

\ . h ·.",1




\'. !r ltl"

I II.'

!'lt l


."I A "' ~""

- - = ===



BuIl-D.og -



The Adventu~es of a Dem obilize d Officer Who Found Peace Dull

I I , v ..

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W 1':1IN ESI l/\ Y., SE i 'TI-: M 1 1I -: 1 ~ 1 -1, I!I :! I --.-;

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our 1 ~ 'UIl i04 W~ J'I' ! III'UI Ud nl m n t

t,11 11

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We want you to h ave the b est p" p c r lor" BULL." So now you C3n receive with e a ch packag eabook . 01 24 lo av e a 01 lUll'\'. the very finest ciga retto p a p er In tho world.

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.11 1"1 j ' lnrk f nllll Mr. IIDII Mr ~, "Vi lli,un V rl ~ h t . of 1'{III!'II Lr'wl " l .V lIn d ~ l r . lind !\l r f. DAvton, woro ~uo ct t\y viN i t o r s 1.)1 Mrs. Mildred Eu g lo. o f E:[I ~I 1\I"ln HII \' J . Uwl l,( h l, Wl tln t . .. I :-; 1 11 · 1I 1~ . Istnlllt . !l aid, i" th " u ew p " a l,' )r of 111 0 L.\' I h. .. d M F' L H "n d I) b'lr o M. c: c hu roh nH. "" II ... r. an rR, . . Rrrls fwd Ro n 11,,"n nhprlllg nd h 'l r A ~ lI ndll.v IIltnr n ('" n . Owen &nd Mr • "" . H H , . "nnd M ro. . " r' IJ I' WII 1I0('o l!lp" n lorl h)' hi " wtf •• riB w e re ~unday nf'e rnooll oll ll orH IIl1d twoH (lh llll r l'lI , In Lebauo o .

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Plowing fo r w h ea t, is \lr uUv w. ' 11 (.1 " 1:1\ I,hll' 1,",1 1\' ,I . .. , I I" " '. thr ough I ll/< 1·,11 . Ve ry lI ~tlo oo rn 18 (I ll t ' in 11 11 ; \' 1. I Mr '11 .,1 .11 ro , ,, ",, I,II"I.! W I' , I' l olnlty . li p til Ih l .. tl nl H. t. I,, \t" ' u "I ~1l I ... " "" , d ,,\


$1.50 p('r y e or I\,' p" "'111

Mia':'" Ga'Etltte, Wayn HvilIe , Ohio.


- .. - - - - Sept. 4 - lfilh Sunday after Trinity , I MrK, tiaruh Rl oh Wayn es ville,! Ohio , lifte r lIoln g n h . S e pt. 5 - Labor [)ay. sent for s e v e tlll weAk s Oll lI ooo unl. Nat io nal Ban k Sept. 8 - The Nati v ity . of 810kDe~ 8 "nil d AlIth, hAS r ljt u r!l 6d S e pt. 11- Hith Sunday after Trinity . to her home, Sept. IS- 17th Sunday after Trinity . Rey Donald son nod wtfo Bud S ept 2:J- Autumn equinox . Tbom()" o o, o f D" y t ll n e rl' Sept 25- 18 t;, S unday after Trinity. S·nnley r:Oent vl~lt O r8 0 of Mr~~ E ll w. w b Ath Bo rn - T o Mr I\Tld Mrs . ~'r u nk II.· "lIlndy " '11t hi. ~Ig' nr, li S If 811fp. Sept. 2!I- Michael maa. "'urfMoe Barlan . I Tletme ynr . II !lOW Aon . OJ " "1 " '111111: w na tI,,· "'(lsI IIncll.... Our town and vloinity WRS we ]1 ' FrJlnk Wlla n I. t llkln~. Ullli nru nllllll .II I 1If1" 1i Oll t t he Jlfl llO r ln~ l>rI d ' r epre80nt -Bd "t t.he U&vton f" l r Illst I lll1 i lltin g I,h e Bueoh Urovo c huroh I" 'II'Y 1.... lg.·r IIn,l "llIc('11 It ')" th e tn · week . Th e v repo rted 1\ g 'lo d f"lr , I.!P. Mr. 1I1iltoll Alk ons flnc! flllllil y whi ch hl a work VETE RINA RIAN hts eltllct re~ pon s l IIond the white mul e wa s px hibite<l "<;0 DUI In rplny". h"Y8." hI' "nlll 10 blllUe3, 80 thAtIns. . hllv u heen onl Oltulll ln g !' e illti v"~ fll r Dverlapp lng WUR ru· . t he group or men hy t he d \II' r. Hand <Iuccd 11'1 n rulnlll.u, n. In ench ca~e Ih e ChitS. Tuoker, onr rural m Idi ollr- \, Me vo r" I d " y~ Vaccin3 t inn II Specillil y . Noth. Blrlrr WIlS smUll. th o wDrk Inrgoly that rler. who htl8 been Bllrlons l.v "Ic k fo r ti o~ e rnl fr ' )II1 II 11i ~ I" n uH w e r e h e rrl j!N ),otlr 1i r~ ,I 1<r:l "1 .. n " l:/lin g 10 hp Dt Drganlza llon. nllt ing bul Relillble Serum used In eoch dIstri ct Borne time. lR ngalu hll OK lit hl R I)Opt to tlttend th e fUD I,. nl .If Mr. J o hu hlls.l' -rll r rr hi I. " th ere appeared ten or n dDzen oames and Is dlivlng a new F orrl t o nring Belghw u y. on Mon rlJ.LY. li e ~Hr dll\\'11 Ht tl lf" t lth l.· nll d hftJglln Th o l' .'1 "" " 1,1) ~" Y I hilI, "111 " " ".\' TIIJ1rlortl LOlt nl'w e nto ot Olon who wert, Buphpmt stl cal1y de- oar . Phone 44 HarveY Sburg, O. rprl"e whioh Mr . Alher t G r e y nnrt f tlnltl y w e r o link" .. IhAl II. T\l g "! " ~ c rtbed ae lecturer s; whUe at the end t.Il1 ~ II lJ "'" IJ"I" Ir i~ "hont to Ilr880 nt t o t url1 li lt" I Jlt~(, ~ · Thl" Alllt'rll'll u \\' Il~ Mr. and Mra. W. P . M o UnrrOIl n nel gnost H of t h eir pllr eJlt~ , 1\1r. !lD lI Mr R, 11111 11" 1111; hl lllS .. lt' with th e rUI,p ll 1'111 - ot the book there appeared N, . 1" " 1>\ " " tru t!. St.' hl/WO Ifl Jl k.'~ III II"~ r " ,,( l u r~ liS 1\ r e gular f e flt-uro nearly Iltty two daughte rs.Ron, and Ev el y n . wl·r a Jam es Ill'HI' " nhln et: Tolly 1111,1 I'efl'" "I,rnwh'd nnmes- hnlh at men Ur ey. Hnntl u y . th ll U LlII' . , ~" . Alld WIIII"Y Ittle lr "I ... uf " ur nl\ .. tl OOIUIIII1I nod women- wbD SundRY guest8 of bls parou tl< , Mr . 1 . Throug h onr w o rk K 1, .,' ~L'lt' lI CO II l tW . r t\ prt' ~u nt~'Uvo , I,h o Antll on.t4tdr t4or. III two chu lrs, II I" I""nl\l ...lIy """rlng. were proudly denoted as flrst·c1RBB lee· and Mrs. Jl1mos Mr . (lnd MrM. HIIII.1 b: III P. I{ny ~11 1~ MJCnrr e n. o f l;lIn . A" t! ILfl l'r 11 II'hll e Ihe d.·fl'Cl h '.. fill! It I" 1I111 I1 ZIlI ~ hllw ,, (teu 80ioll o" i Villtl. w u h ,I VIl 111"(\" IIpeoi,,1 ture r8. And It DrumlDDnd had nJbbed ton oonnty . arrange ,llJ\\,lI 1Ill' nnd t h e M l8~es Me rl e IIn ll Rhe" I!:l liw BARN ART hlt t! 1,001" " 11 lh o rl1lu uf lire w" , ld IU lU"nt" With th u crrh lne t nn t! . rOlIl IIl!; D\' C" , hie eyes at RODle or tbe DIUDI!r8 Pupnlar Hcl"nco Bill ut Drumlllo lld's 00 tbe wor t! In Xtlll lll , t:>lI tnrdny . .hlll. tlr ll Iir ~ L I \\"v IIIIcnllt.s ul th u ~ O l, h Monthl y , 11,,0 of tho or anlsln" Bta- lib 6ret e~ral oo untry's lel\d. Mr. Romine Shumak or i8 again g Notar y Publi c ounLury , Til "'II' th o nlill"'x. !!Cumoo log IIIf'Jrl11ltt,ivn mft1(1IZ11 lairs J AH sie Eilt s. Mr~ . !l;d ~lH'ln olreulaU ng among hls friends. I!."·c ry pAge containe d an (>nlry- leeturere ..dC4'MvetI, blm after 16ll. '0 (Jrln' nl weeki o' belua IIbu' In, from aDd MI~8 Vesta Ellis were 8hollDln R fllr m ll r e t,hll" hUIIIIl1I h tll\l_ . fon~hl Mlrllnll,Jln ll .u. ly wnh "Wbo M be -'ft....... · ....i.... • ~ MI"t j unrnlll. 80IDcUm es hllit 0 dozen-o f t.he 811 1111' " tlru Krollltl. l, wllr III h b l," r y . ........... ... - -injury sUlltaln ed.. In ollmbln g 11\ Wlll1lin ~ t o u . Wo. ln A~ ')n y , tn lB• and ns the IlJIm ens lt y of th l' lDent. "a t1ln ~ IIILII II [lIlI t,nrIlMor tbe luto", nnd lot !)f theee people'. OIIDIIII an ;\11 klodM of Notary Work. Wille over a leuce. t;Il101l 0l' t; " V&1fl uur liv eR n ,) w Oo IJI n ~l, III to roMI,lng fuot~ Ilfujcct t1u\\'I\ ('~1 on ,lIc tw o lII ~ n Ih elr are ahaolute fy houaewo ld wore. In the In onrronl Mi s s Mo r l,) l';l i ) ~ 11,," th ll lurg E'SI nnd DoedH R 8llOclnl ty . .. tn. Yr4 fr ll ill t,htl n rnd ltJ 1.1 1 t,he t;fHV U , "chu lo,! t n,'''" J: nl W serlolls. country. Tbey may be ewln&-t bB1 There will be very few c10linqe nl uum be r " f ~ohn ll\ r~ l o r ~ov e flll YO llr _ 'I'h,," ",," ~ ~ 11 1l01 '"''' III f .".d rBl MllIg I ~ "1 tnlrl r Oil he \\' 11" /I hi" mOil. Cnp- Jlrobably are. Thank P lljml"r ~"It'n oll IH a ollrAful Rnd ther e holn g 10 II I II l tnndn God n nB , I rve V\lry soholar s. this term of Fch ool . losp j.I •• voru l1d hugtl ly uy ""IOl1 on . W ,, : nco ufille cl.l lt'o t,lI r uf "Oh.ul ili o Df' WII Inln." r •.'mnrl"·11 ti lt· Aml·r k nn, I('nnlng rarely lDet any; but they aln'~ crimi. tban In years . If Mr a. [';11" \V Y';llng . wh o h ari hooll ruhle unr hn IJi os IlIJIr e "fl le lll.lfi llull y I u l th o high",;!. inturllKt your ohl1.\ Is nor , tlnd It pnY H hll ek In h\Cllll lr nnd Inllklll !; nt Ule nnIB." DR. J. W. MILL ER. going. gei bU KY Rnd avoid o o torlety " lsUlng h or 8 i ~ t o r . 1\1fR. 0 00. Bogun Ilur 1I0h u"l. 'uu llOW iloleutl tioll\t y ! I h O U~'UIfIIl o r dllllurM , no .. lD ont,h f u r · Dp<'n I'00I, lfOU I( II IIII If.(' I""-(I ey~. . "No lDoro le r~rt.enlOll," grione(\ the and eXllense , h IlS r olurt l(lll I n h ,' r llOlnl' in (' in ol n oUllllno l.t!t1. Our h."",o~ nl .. filII II I I !.I" , I .. ~I nr"" ~h l,t ~hi!4 n tl w ~ p~1' 6 r hilI! "O nt' cnn on l)' h ope tD H l'U" CIl thllt Amer1cAn I "at leelBt not on tbat book. lIoie utifio invllnMu nH, unr tuni s ot In ' l arrllu J(oi l tl print The Ladles Aid met In r pl; nl'lr n " ti. .•• DENT IST••• Rhllllltl\ nuo tlllly ,,-e're In time," r(' turn ed HII ~h. "D-n Bee bere. Oaptaln, It'l pretty eleat tlB8Bion, wUb ~he proper llu Rtry Rrn "oluntit lolilly I1l'Lllnft\O. wllh it. [)nr rAafl om ce rs In l' r ~ Will n o w !'hnre It. rn llll ." he <" I' ''.ll'd, ". lIr,,' y th e po· Mr . l1!'u r ge Bogll n Mr . Lo wry wbat's happeni ng. In any country to- 'helr ohairs ,ureu nUlt Ollr II runll OI1\ Outri li fO m .. r· w lt,1t I' J llll1 '1r I-'ole om"" In Tho ente rtalnor at s' nd 1I0 D, ,l o hD . wUIII, l o W i lmin gton n on r (",d(' r H ill IIcf' IIII1M Iwo\\' uf thl ~ I" !'l"allonru Buk Bid•. W.yne nt.le. 0 'day you've got all 80rte Bnd coDdltlDnl lhlB meetlo g was vt')tf Ilf filtltlfU) I' J t llu t'4£t tnlt"'l r u ril,lt1 g'. on tur l,u in tll A' n n ll MrR. Ir" M, :;vrerd t l) ~ Af1 I,h ') " r l' f(\~ H I O nul h n r~e Mil OI' 1'hfl AIU" r kn,\ closefl hIs I'Y"B stili of people \\'Ith m<>t"e WIDd than brtlt ~ and many b o nq ue TillS l"lliud u I~ to ill l, r.,rll1 f!H Oi l r tl, hll" lt ill ll il l fOIlI,nr(' H t,s wor A p rA~ e 1'11<'U uted. l' r. !IIore. Tbey ju st con't m(Jp tnlklng, nntl OB ye: I' The <Jl vi(' Len g u o en ln r tllin('l ) " Yl1ur Em:IIHh ' poli ce 'k enw " 5t '1" 10 r UrI!' r ll l " r ~Ir .. /I" It's nDt a crlmln,,1 offense. Some Df their hu s b.1Ilds Wit h II Mnp (lr " prl1lHl t. II.d\, Jl IHl 'tl Ilt I H' r I,lf n oil lt {{ lOll 1"1 111('." I,.. IIn"d"ll . "hilI )"IIII"'e ",ort f' h ( lt n '~ . UII 'e m " elh've whnt th ey sny. lik e SPln- / n t H.le Frl ul)(ls ohuroh 0 0 :-;'LI'Jrtlu~ Tn IHicl H\· nftnrtll ' Hfi . (, ( llldu C' l {ld j,y of 1;'" S"IUo; ~ ',<, uIl Jl r Ill"'" In YDur dle-shon k s upRlJIlrB I80me Or 'em d on 't. ni g ht . Yo n ouul<l en~lly J t ~e()v l'r CIl Ull lr)', Wit I, liS. If we ~I ,," ' t like tI Mr". HUlh ,\ lll l'r _.y . And If tlll'Y d.on't, It mnkl'S 'em won;e : An illlpro v e ll JOnt t,o f1. mlln nfle1q m r lI .fJl- ij" "ll'lh lnl! hnJlI "'''''' II" kind D' Ill oy stnrt wri ttng B8 well. You've gol tIIkl llg of I,h e mo u y g ood th ing ~. C"IlSCS tD Kit up n nd tnko n"" r I A hrn ~ nt. clever men-Int ell ectunl men-loo k nt ' ., , Hilt ",',' r h e r~, till' II lUril SeUr l'lI11U8 he "orne ot th ose guys In Ihe tlm-cln "" Mr S hould Cultiva t e Th at. Too. , (.; 10" Le v lO.v. 1\IIRij tl " l-'~I~u ll I~, the u" ..... he tlil ks hI D()(II:h l'd and goneral l ectur"r~-n n d th ••y·re th e aou ._ IUWIl Wh oIRO I.•I ()~ , \V . " b r l·. I :;;:0 11 11I1 J}" I'> jl':" ' I'f= \r nn t to I'un h~ to re rl.)!, ' ho 111 11 " 0 d'ITSluhl £', dOl'S Ill' get to worM or Ih e lilt . The n " II U '\'l' j(ot nil ' !It'I, Mr.•uld III rs , ,111 Fllrlll Sales nnd l.ivc Stock a M, \ V . Un v /!. Rn d tlw ,Y r il l) "n 1i\, ~II."" U {'rl t le. \Yltb ~" "lnl II I", (rlllll "Il t elling cnld . Dthe r CIO K"- !IIU nw n \\'Itil tliP hl/ sln os" I thr oe r hl1<I I"",II, n~l·o Specialt y t h .I" Vl r \: IIl I" eorn.- NI I IL:I' I ':oo II 1i" 1I1 \\'l' hO\'e hl"Qr d the 'l'IH' "" IIII •. r (1'0"" " I, hruln . wh o Ihlllk th er 'ro " elt l,l" tI.e IIlI d H,,; h o n), w or e ub ill ty to (h "I. , 1I~ Wllll n!3 r na wou l d , uIllI'I. Y ~1I "~ 1~ lI r . ., OI J,flu){ nl lhh; l'ntt"r h e rf"," he I!'rtll1t ed , Mr I. DU Mr" In l H ll rt," ul' i< Sa li , ra l'l illll G uarante ed ~t1C"ky erlfl nt It. unrl u ~e .,th o tnll<(IoI·... III b I u.. V h D t . I Q ltD '" ~ I\ 112:' '~-':.;.- -:'I!!,. _ " _~In" '''rll ill hll t:hll' r Is n 1111'llI h" r of I'nrlln. tn pull U' l' <,hCR IIl U!.' lI ut Dt 11 1(' tlt·o for "AS YOU LIKE IT" o y nil ,".'IIt. II" I ," ~ '" " ~ !i,·nlng (nll r pny mr nl.. th em. And the ch" ,l nuts . wh o nro til<' ~' rotn Be llbro ok, j Ohio 111 0 pr l'AO III, hl1 " l!ll '~~ on t. of 0 ," It",","1 I,OIl ' Hls fllr?" Tree. and Tem per. poor hl nnwd docl'nt wnrklnf{ lI.on , nn' l oo k i n .Iur tow n, Olll ~~ h n k l';' I "'.rr " ~n i" h u ~ n " \\' " I ri d •• I" ,r 1t-' nl1 hnn n'LI·h t h o r .. Will \lr " l"l. 1\ rrnn l' h i~l' I :-; 11"'1' '''I'n wh ('11 Ih" 1" II,' ld , I,,'lr Ir mf\~)lh I 'h (\ nc~ pro n ' l.tI~' d rrtppl'd In th e Il sh plt to l(a' l) - bly 1111 ~ , ' "l f\ ... ""~I' I I)'. :-:Iln.·ly ( I) h uy SHm,' fI I 'e w nrll1 bSIJI(" whtlr."n th " wll lllh .\' ,,, ,, ~ rl l\~; ' 111 11 1, 1" ' " '1"'11 h im h ,. n ...... · ~ (," (U lo" f ro rfl ' I" '" ""'11 1 "lit .11111 (" .. 1.. " , 1.1' " h"ppcti t .1I "" d iAd, .. I 'em QUi et. Thoy all wRnl srlJl.l't hlng f or O It II ~"VI' II !! " 1.,·I. Ik \VII" " 11 11(1 11"1' ,1 IlIIOO - 'O t."x " I) ("'MY I( h~ III1 ,II'rolnl ll ,'. with." I(r lllllc.1 Iho delf'c. J w () nll "r ~ r l .. lb e r t il .. nr~ L. NO W IS II g O" II , ,In"" H IrNl. Ilul " " "' ) I""ly I,,<"n't Iri nk lin'. T hl'fl hl' 11'11111'11 = rurwlI !'d ulIIl n olhln g', lind I IiU litR It cun' t be <l one. ' I.lI wllllt ho h ,Id In viow '! Th" I'" flt I h" tnrn £ld , lIud I:n ' n e I,') I1I ll"" '. Rl) lII e lI1 V A~ t 1>(11. " 1OO~ I[ I " Irl'I' II'In"" J~ o_ _ _ • r riol! fi ro ill ~ l1r- ~Inlll" '" lit tl,,' IIJllIIl'. "11111 l"I 't he TI 'l'Y JI ll Ull nk lhl':\"r~ fo"lI l1 g 0'1(' nn· , yoo WilDt t,o got 11n('w" I"t, o f thin~K Jltloo lnr ttl hi M 'lfI(" ) on MI n il' I hn In t Oll ch w ilh 11 1 t I\I'V(lI' b ll r tl o.I. - S I)II'" pul In one of Y'llIr hlg tl'lI ll 'rlbo. h~t, h e n tl ve r ur otltll f' Ll o l In Nh !)rl" If t.h o y IIJllll e ol.her. lI iJd WI Ill t'A rClIlIy goI ng lit tho ' pr u fJ l,,, IJ IO iJtl IUI'8S. n x ,Jd III I)) tr llm ull lon" '/" plOlll:l lntrl o81,h ll t hit, IhA "",d orn hi .. h ,,"t-h , itirt,' h is bili r . '111.'1 8 ' 0 0 H Beat Is Ellerylhl ng. 1Il01l1l'II t Is thnt l ·rt,·r • •m Is t Ofl llng the I O nrh og fn nCIOrd " () riiJI1. HA lll .Vtl r know tho 1111)(1 . h im t< Ih o Ilm l t (l ntt f\n do tl t h o Jln h- 1 'l' 1t~ " "' '' wh o hll~ """. ' hiM hl'Rt h~. u (IV r y t,hl llg b ll t, ImOw8." J:rtmtl'll HII!; h. "I whol.... I)\.n ('h. H e l\"I lI ltS nil the hud thllt heltl him up for r out .. , nor IIlr .- h[).JlIl ~ h t hllvo s U'I III;S ' lio 811 10 of pnre . hred h ogs , hel rl 0 [1 .1 .)l1l' ~\"l'ryllllnl:. '1'1 ", ' " 11 11 WhD Wrltlll tl d rlllll [\~ olll y ~UW l he hll ghl er Olll'e, 111111 Ih en hlls In hl ~ hllntls, . k I I It loo ks to IIl P as It \ th A fRrm of 1\1 1' Au d lIIr .. IJ n r rv " ' IW 1\ U,l mmon ,,10. 0 !< ",W II, III I, 'I II III t 1111111 ,,1'1 11 I11.111I h I ~ ~ I 11 ~ I'. IIII I 1 11 II I~ ~hl r l '," II " d l.. t~·." II I.' lurned Dve r hl" " "Ot 'e m I'hIInll tl OII ,' l e~s thnn :,, ~ II~' I " :IS tl Llno UOUI' 'r ~, Il c 'l! got Ih.) mUIIl'Y L v l,lo, n n ~O IJte t nlIJ (lr 1:lt l) ' , oh.H B"" him l,wel1ty CU ll ,8; IIe .!l tl vtlr i III. t tl II) r l' llI I II, 10 '1'11'0 ' 1 •• " . I J I Il, 1 ~~lIft · -, r ... ' '\ .. '·.,.I ..!I..,n.,rJ,.';.[lt"'h;l1o(-'.,. ~ ,;L~IJ.,,"..:I!;,gf"h-rtrrr"TTI,;I)~"I'I""1\\l't'1'1l;'Y'4"1- DEALER INI' pl tlf( I1U r. · " _n ~ " W"!l"U_"1!1OWrCllklill,O,\\'Oi I,I"i1'.rIlnt 7.i~illc;;I0mf. g ti l 0111 "'1 mid" dl\lIIlr fo r fI Jiv o 08!1L J ltnny h ,.\\' h .-em;H ld . ' ;' o wn e rs we re Adam >! Ill ok i n"on ILI .d ____ I ' 'j;\\m·II lnn =0:j'tmlt-1''''JJ\ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I • • . " U ""I;' ' . . . Hnrry "()II 1111 " hl .. wn. the 1111111 \IIu"1 hll,"" rl-d·h"t LyIlA. 'l'h !'t · Y "II1I.1 I/ II'"·I I·~, ()r 1r1l('III!CI II II I b e qnite 1\ ~ u one~R, l"l Rnl e pr'1I"".1 I " Flouf. F cC'd. Coal, Sait, And w h y n ,.1 ~ SIII'1I1 n f ll l·tIllMl, 'I'wo 'hOIlSl ll ll) 1'''"11.1. wln rl"t"I'IIIS, nr ~:l k lll lll.l llg kflf"·PS. , Th e goods w e r o nil w n,, 1 nnd TilC', Posts. Water Foun· II Yllnl t.n I WIIt'K y . Int'if!p ntnlly, lllnr ~ tllP 11,,' 8 Jl Ul nl).."U IlHU,\ t! 'tlill . (' n ptoln : 111l (1 • wid~, wttb n o l osf'f . hltJk ~ w hQ had WOI'<is Wl1h lhe w il atno t II)' h~ . ,11 ;11'1" \1 a l lo ) II-. a !'4 Il k);' l'tLn n o tain tl w







Popu lar Science for Gaz ette Read ers



u..,. or. ..,.,..



---- -- ,



John H. Wright


l I




._ '



"j "'''I"I'"

Eve rett Ear ly


on IlIt! ~tlllrf.i," In . 1I <'lIcc Ih e~' co ntlllu L'(1 th ~lr SIII II)' of til e hoo lL Th e w hol e of I<; nglnn<l


\\'hnh' hlllll l Pcl lut, whn tl',:<" r t lu.' y IIIII Y think, lire r11u lly wor k" l UK f or I

I Catarrhal Deafness Cannol Be Cured I l



Mr. ' . { f'lnlnrUl nn linel ~Tnnu!i hi III." I daught e r . OliVA Zimmo rmnn, nnd I ho df'rr o f L Al J)rulIIl11 o nd th ollu1 1tfully lit a cl,;· I M r SD d fv'rs '. .. : . , , ,,, . nllli ~c,,'I IIII (\ t",,1 Iwen "1,lIl up Int o IIrett e. non , Ind. were ID t,hl R vl olnll,v IIt81 "Worl' lnr; townrtl a rey()luUon In week. looking UJl olrllnol l tnflrlr~ o f I . thi s clluntry, " lie remnrke d qulelly. 73 yoars ago, M r Z "SlIre Ihlng." anHwere d the Amerl. l\ed here when 11 mllJerm lln VI S: yean old, "nd can. "Anll when h e brlnill It oft'. I 'his. 1 th e fi r8 t ti me b 0 b a8 t it I v 8 ,e c g uess "" OU w on't (,Atch Peterson tor bere 8lneo. ~othlng looked naturul dU Al. li c'lI Ilocket Ule boodle. and tile , 0 hi m. bool.6 will stow 10 'the Ir own Juice. I ' 10 behalf of this newsy abeot , the gu essed It ln Putts; that hook multes , writer loslst8 tlll~' its 8ubsorl ption It 0 cl'rtlllnt y, But lt aln·t erllDlnul . \lst be Inorease d. Where olln y o n In R court ot low he cDuld swear It was ge\ borne news both of qu!>lIty and AII .orgllnl1.utiDn tor selling blrd-sce d." quanlU y? So~e paper8a rp ufferlng )o'nr a While Drum mond smoked In prizes '0 Iret subeerl bere ' Now tho Silence, while tile tWD Bloopel'll shIfted better way is to keep the prlco of UII<'U8I1y In their elmll'll. It all seelDed tho prize. !>nd let th8 eubsorib er8 s6 simple In spite ot the ImmensI ty Df ge' their dlvlden ds 'hroullb Ita 001. the (JClleme. Like mollt normal Enillsb • umns. Beoome a membe r of our men. politics and labor disputes had Gazette staff at on08 . lett hIm cDld In tho past; but no ODe who ever glonced Ilt a newapap er Ono 01 the greates ' ga\herl ngs of cOllld be 11o'1l0rant ot the vDlcano tbat people took plaoe bero. Sunday , In hnd been simmettl lili Juet beoll6th tbe the interell t of the Zion Baptist surtnco for yool'll pa,8t. ehuroh. Tiley are mailing arrl\nge . . "Not Dne In a hundred "-the ADlerl· mente '0 rep!Slr thelr ohuroh and In. cnn's VOll'e broke into bll tralo of Itall a farDaot , whioh wlll bo dono thougllt -Uof the Bo-called revolutlo o· U lIure u they underta ke It They ory leudel'll In tbls countr1 are dllln- Ipread their tablllli n the'fow n Ball teremed . ClIptaln. They're out tor and were heavlly laden wIth good NUlllher One, and w:ben they've talked palatab le fOod. People were preB· the boys Into blDOdy IDnttler, and Jour ent from Chlcago . Day'on , LePauo n, exlHtlng ' sodol III "own·nn d-oat. Wilmin gton aDd surroun ding 0000· they'll he the leader" In the new one. ~ry, That'B what they'" pla"ln, r "BaI'ua; hO"" t. u you have "Ivon power: 1114 tbt,..e · JIll I•• 001 up Pili to chnrohP " a.ked PaBtor belp tile meD ' wllo 18ft " to 'em." .~, . Druu/mo od Dodde/I. I1Id lit anodl. · "WeU, _h,'! repliod Ra.tOll, lilt's clg~tte. Odd tblnp he bad read redill _ " 11111. to teke an !lotive carred to him: trade unlonl retulln. part. an' I need to valli! deoo\le otlon "What'. He ' Oetting f,our ' Paymen t8 of to allow dhiehari ed. loldlel'll to Join haaket. bpt dey'lI give de job to a Thou .. nd Poundl Forti' \hem; the reiterate d threatJI ot dIrect Brothah Gre!lu, wbo jest tetui'oe d f1fstrlets. reJnilnl:c d · by llPPutatl on action. 'And to what end' , from onh-'b aiab , .. A pBMage ~ a part ~r tbe led,.. mth er thn noren, nnd each district ap. "In ~iUon of his :herole Ber· .peared to be n cbllr,g9 of 08e .dlrector . dead, devoted to .~m from lbl vice, I IIUPJIOIMI . II . . apeecbe l, of the ~ . .era! leeA .\' ariln~ ItUID!Jer of lIulHlllltrietii in "N 0 eab. I reakoD. he 10' dat job every ronln dI'fI.lon blld each their IIIb- tDren ' ht. - , In reoo'uit lou- o' hlVlD, 1011t ouo 0' director Bnd llteft, and at .me 01 th4I (To III . .iInICI" ht. baDdA." nnmCII Drummo nd rubbed ~ fe781 in ......:"-- -, aJDll1Alment. Brlefty. tbe dutl8111 of..., A bUJr In a nothinl ofl a man were outlined ; the loall~ III The Miami Gazette. $1.50 a year. BlDlIt. . . . in


--'- --- --


lJDtriat.eci wbeat. I8ed


,......---.. ..

I' , ' a l II I ll" I (' , I l. 1I t 11. .1

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s and Scif·F cc<icfs.

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lull HlIlIJ ·

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I ,, ': tflh..'!I ~

OI n d ltlu lI


l :-t ~ .111 • II

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·'In lnt.:

il lf.(

II ,," t'; " ", :II' hl:ln T" I,e, WII , n tI ,l" , ,, I..· " "III:I lII e.t l ' II" I""·,, a "" "oI ,h" " ' "ull d ' " h l arlmL II lId ",t l\' \1 I t h I , 'I !l l r, ' IV clns"J I'car " ", " I" till' r,,",,11 I'".,·,. ' 1,0 Inflamll' ''III", ,a ll " U n 'JI' h ",1 ,'" ur I l,on rln g nl ay ho c1c s lro y('r1 r n rl' \' I·r. IIAL,L'S C,\ "AI<H H ~"': l>tl ' I NI ': :111" tllrOUl: 1o IIw hl\l"'l lin (he ," ,,,·,,118 "" rfll Cl'9 o f tIll' RY "I t l' lIl . 11111:4 TClh ll:tn,; thl' t n. fl ll rnrn ll ~l o n 1II,,1 ,,·8\orlll!: norillal condl· lion •. CJr c ul ar:'l fr ee. A ll J) rt IUI;IRt H. 1'. J . Cheney & Co., 'I' olello, Ohio.


Hay, S traw and Feed.

I III I I(, l'fc t' l

Fecd G rilldin g a Specia lty.


Lytle Feed Mill ·Lytle, Ohio


Telephone 76, ring 3

Wayoel lVilIe'8 Le"dln/j r Dentl.' Office In HulnsB Bldg , Main St

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Wal ter McClure Veter inaria n FUNERAL DIRECTOR

Wayn esvill e, Ohio

O.·l'le,,: Fourth Stree,I , neDr Tyl e r

Telepho ne 93


Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Displa y Room

....... .,...........


Wayn eSVil le, ~""4It~ ~





~•• Eumi ned Correctly... , M. GlasMd' Fitted AT HI)DBRATK PRICES

.TIF FA NY 'S Optical Depar buat

S. DttroIt at. Xeala. Ohio 0PIIl evenmga bJ appointment .::



SHU MA& ER Vete rinar ian

Practical Vaccinator. Have bad . good ·SUCjl888 itl ImmuDina OD both ,ick and well berd..

BothPbonetl Home 865-8 Bell Hr

Bellb rook. -o~

- ,


T~rTHSC:UO~LOIAL\-~-;-,~,;-~~,-~-t!:---,~-.;',-~ \~~HC ~~I




The el m;s Of"; : : ent ed the HiAh ','h",,1 \\'il h h "III', d ial. whi h has I 1>""11 d .. dlt"at cd t n t h .. Il'l'n\lnri ~, Th ,' 'I • d,a ; .11111'," atllh' lIl LIlIHlwny bC'twPl'1I II,' ,"II ranc,' t n the lfround Slid lll<" ~rh n' I I" lil di n ~, und lh,· :mn r l'!lCIll:i II a ' :l llllll1" ~ nf J ,IY . I . " ' I' I h< ,I"" I" .1 UCll lltifll I ' lilt-! all ' lll \\ Ulll Vd ,l l1 a {' ,~nh':l l i l h.L :-1- t..... 1l1.tkll, }! j . II ."1,,,111110 '11 1 1" I hI' ):1u l llllb . 1'1> ,' I




";:'" l Il~

------- ------~'crat chFl'ed and lrarkcd

We want 50()\3i g Fallle ll s 50U Y o ull g Ch ic kens a lld

Specials for Saturday Granulated Sugar Watch Ou r Window Fresh Sal t ed Peanu ts, 2 POllllds for . . .... 25c Weille rs and Frank s , a pound only . .. . . . 20c Leave you r orde rs earlv TRAM: AT


ZIMMERMAN'S Try our Job Printing



-- - -


- - - - ._-


:::; W~ll t!-l . pe r t h)l UHl

. .. .. ... ...... [lc

I\all all a~, Ih~r ~~ I . _. '_"_"_"_~':

he;~! ~t~l:~:~d~:~ "


AB~:eR~:t1 l\\ r •. .John Ptmowi l. IHhl I I Boln Uone P l' newll !llllt , il lig I· tor, Jllnlco, !Loll Mr,, wife tlnd Mr. Ul eno He88 Aud Bon hn\'e retoro p d f r OIl1 nn .lDt.oll1ohllo to nr of ~;~~ I o rn Ohi o and We~ tern Penns.vl vlllli". .-Ir. and M rs R ovS III It 1I, 0 f noor Mldd lEl Ron . have we lollm!'d "now llally htly lUte their h om p.


of the very best

NON HAR·DENING STEAM SALT on track next week.

SPECIAL PRICES to our customers who will take one or more barrels from the car.

\\'hntoo k.pose!l~inIlIl\stThllrs riny .

Mr. nnd 1\'l rH. Huy Madlet h lind SOil lind Mr . nlll.I Mr~. Orvill e l;rny ant! lIIlUR"hter ~ pentSunllllY at theZoo. Mr. III HI Mrs . Frunk Ze ll and Mrs, J. E. Janne y and daught e r. Jeann e lt.~. were ill Xcnia. WeuneR-




· ht Sea rs & Car t wr lg

ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE DATE YOU R SALE NO W We are prepar ed to to give y ou the very best of servic e Office in

If yuu have a falltil y to ferd ; B"il~d ham. pi ck les nnd rhe.·"" . !lainty appetite ,; Lo please. Come t o our sto re every timp. If you woul d save n q uarle r or • dim e

' f Sl. ' The Woman •S A UXI'1lary 0 Mary Church will mcet with Mr". Ue rl Hartsuc k. Friuny 1I(l l'rnoon.


l-Iil/'h es I'rices for Hutt er and ERIfl' "''''''...''''-'''''...''.'''''~'''. ''''~,...., Yours for Ser vice .

SI'\ltcm ber 16.

Sa w y e r 's

L evering CartwriR "ht, who has heen spendin g severnI week. with

:~sl~~~~il!I~~~~!~·n~f!o~~~n~iS ..



No. :Z:Z:ZO -

~~I~~~~ .. ~~.~~~~ .~~~~. : iuo.ou


f::::~::::~~~~. ~u~.!rol~) .U:.~:

'1'otal ....... .. ... .. ......

1< ,14 U.OO

Bert Hartsoc k. H . A. Co rn ell. I-Iar· ry Sm ith and Harry Prate r wt'nt to IUO ,UO Wilminll:ton. Satu rday afterno on . to 2.8000 0 U 6J.666.0J

CapltallWOk lI&1d In . . . . , . . ,.. lIurillUl rUDd.... .... . .. ... .. U DdJ ldod profl'- ... ,. ll, IOO.30 L... ~curren' e,\",OIlO8, 11I1~r.. t

I I ~c:J I B


R~::b:~~ :~~:lla;~~~~ .~ ~ ~. ~I~~ ~.n. ~.'.





Miss Helen Marlatt enterta ined a a f ew of her fdends at a porch party last 'Friday evening . Miss Alice CI.rey had as her dinner gU(!sts.-SunclRY. Mr and Mrs Keller Hoak . Mi ~ s Co rinn e Welch and the Messr>4. Irving Wel ch anrl Alfred Wri~ht.

Mr. and M,s. 1/ . M. r.lark. of Lytle, entertllioted fit dinn e r "';untlay. Mr an d Mrs ~~dwl\nl lIumh... of OilY I , n. Mr alld MrH. W. Co Cox. Illld Mrs Mary Carmon y.

C R EA M SE PA R AT O R S WE have taken the agency for the famous De Laval

Cream Separators because we believe the De Laval will do .better work and last longer than any other separator made, and that it is by far the cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use. on hand at all times and will be pleased .to demonstrate their We have put in a stock of De Laval repairs and De Laval to look after the ~eeds of all users of 'old De Laval machi~CI.

All sizes .redu ced $20 .00, Sep tem ber 1st











...... . .




"' Ju •

Truck s with s tarter and demou ntable rims . .... . . $.1)15.00 Truck s with d e mount able rims only. . . . . .. . . .. , $445.0 0 Tracto rs . ... , • . . . . . . . . • ...•.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•.. $(j~5 . 00

B m I

"'''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''\ ''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''-''''''''-'''''\....'f'\' ''' . . .''''f¥>''',''''''''~ ~" '...~" ..."""'~,'ftrr,."t ..... All Prices F. O. B. Delro il. Mich.




m l!J i;I

'Place you r orde r at once. Cars will be delivered in rotation as orde rs are recei ved.




I':' &;,I

~ [!J

P . D . H 'A 'VXV TK E Te Ieph'one 41



Wayne ,vI-IIe Oh-10' . , ..... ~.


r;I'--=iii5Ji t:ll""!'l==ait:l'~::s e==ail':'r;: ===nr: 'l'Eii u:: .·r:'I ..... . ... _ _ .... 5i!5ai'.Ei55i1·t:lE5aEaI·P:I

... -

..... .::

party. Light served .


refresh ments




The Late Classified Ads.

Drill; " Oeerln l Corn Binder ; tbeen tools are all new. A 180. 3 Cow. t or 8ale. Cbeap it lold loon luqoirA A most pleasan t occasion was that ==-= ==== ==== ===" ""'= of Rob8~t Stroud, R D. 4. W.YDe •. .1I1e l Oblo FOR SALE of the Garner reunion which was 128 held Schantz Park, Sunday . Sept. 4 Those present to enjoy this feast 3.horle Snperlo Wheal Drill. Read Ga~elle's Cla""ilied Ad<" 12x7; a 1· hono r::!nperlo o f good fellowsh ip. pleasan t eomr G 11110 ... .xl panions hip. and -renewe d memori es were: Loriah Warwic k. Robert Warwick. H. E. Warwic k and family, ~ Oliver Chenow ith and family. John Wilson. Lizzie Wilson. Anna Wilson, , banoD.- ~...-H~-F'" Christin a Garner. Albert Wilkers on and family. Albert Herres and family. Opal Thomps on. Pearl and Helen Fowler. of Dayton . Arthur Ballard I will sell the farm known as the Wm. Cheno weth and wife, of Miamis burg. John W farm, three miles from Wayne sville, betwe en Wayn esThomps on and wife. of Waynes ville. ville and Ferry, consis ting of William Michael s and family. Mrs Maggie Holyem s. of Columb uB. MI'II. Mary Finch. Robert Garner . Orville Wil~on. of Harvey sburg. Harry Palmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Of good tillabl e land, new six·roo m house, good bam Cox. of Mason . This reunion will be 40x50 , tobacc o barn 28x48, large cistern , splend id held each year the Sunday precedi ng well of water and a never- failing spring for cattle . Lahor Day . H. E . Warwic k, of LebFor furthe r inform ation, phone 99. or see anon. was elected Preaide nt and Mrs Cora A. Thomps on. of Wavnes ville. Sec ·y. and Treas .• fol' the ensuinf{ ycar.

------.. ---..------



...... ...... ...... ...... .. ...... ...... ...... .......


Attoot : Nota.,. Pu bllo. /:l , LEV U.II!TWI UUH'I'· J. W: W 111'1'&.

: : : : : : : :,



Chassi s with sta rter amI demou ntable rims . . . ... . $390.0 0 Chassi s with starte r olll y . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . $ :3Gfi .00 . J2) ()O Chassi s \\ ith demou ntahle rI. ms only. , . . ... .... .. ' ;) I . CI JasSIS . on I y ...... . .. . ...... ... $<) ot;, 00 .. .....

80,000.00 100.000.00

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper and Mr . and Mrs. Milton Schatzm an arNet a.mount8 duo to NattDual rived home from their Easlern trip. baole •...... .... . ,., . . .. ,... 10,000.00 Saturd ayaftl'lrnoon. They had very ¥~~~Il~l o~~~.t;~:u~t · i~ SUI pleasan t weathe r during their trip, In~i~,l:ai ·dep.;.Ii.i . ...}~!~8:O1 and enjoyed every minute of it. c~~t~aiM l... 2ge.m. U than aooi'ri.;PO da1 1 .. . .aiidii.;iti ....... . . . , 1.801.'3 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray had as DIvidends unpold .. ..... ..... noo their gUeAt.s last WednesdflY. Mr. Total 01 demand depollta (othor than h llDk deposito) .Ub~oct to Robt. Watt. of Kenton. Ohi o. and ~oc:':Joi:~~. 2~: .1iiJ1.l~i l/:r. Mrs Sarah Rich and Mr. and Mrs. u, s . DCJ>O.11oo lother than poot,,1 • • 1'/11\1.1 lucludlnK War I,,'on W, T J or dan. 0 f II arveysb urg. and ,Iopoot 6c,'0Il nt and del>OolU 01 T. S. "Isbuntln g ollie..... .. . . .. 1,000.00 Mr. Rnd M r ~ . I;;. F. Earnha rt and P. S. Qu\'ern moDt 8ecurlt iM borrowod ... _.. . . . . . ..... . . 7.GOU.00 ch ildren . Dill. ""l'abte , o~h.r Ih ... wttil lI04ioral lt086r\'& llall h: ...... 10,000 ,00 House (or Sale-se e McKean . lJlllo I,ayable with FOIlerol Be·. IQf\'61 Hauk . . . . . . . • ...... . . 1.60U. 00 ----- -.~-~.-----'1'QI ... . ... . . . .... . . . . . .. .. I8 Ga.I;I;t. OI

.. Uorrect


$ . ,,{'I O() Sedan with starte r and demol lntable rim s . . . . . . . . Uuv. . <Pr-9~ 00 Coupe with starte r and demol lntabl e rims . . . . , . . . ... 0 .) . . Tourit lg with starte r anrl demou ntable rims .... .. $450.0 0 Tourin g with s tarter onl y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4~!).00 T ounng • 'tl I t 11 ' I WI 1 (e mOtlD [ l ) e nms 011 y . . . . . . . . , . . .. tIt:1~O 00 "" . ... . . Tourin g regula r •••.. ...... ..• ... . , .... ... . . . . $3fi.'iOO Runab out with starte r and demou ntahle rims .. ... $420.0 0 Runab out with starte r only . . . . . • . . . . .. . . . . . . . $'3% 00 . . •.•. R b . I d t 11' I $31)0 00

:l~OeOoe.Ct·:Ce~tbclo~y:s;,ifIBI'y~.~e~lBs~~i;np~;:~:; e~.

1.1 M. HENDER SON, Oubler. Su liscr1bod nlld A,voro to bofore me thte 11th dny o r ~cp tcmbo r, 1911.




k Mr . Mr. an d Mr sJ. .C. H awe. and Mrs W. H. Dinwidd ie. and Mr. J ohn Fromm lind family spent Sun· day with Mr. lI11d Mrs. A . l) ,jl-Jaincs . of the Ohio MI:lSonic Home.

16. m.i ~

national . . . .. . . . Tot&lollt .amle, b"okl 10, 11, 1211an.1 olt~i ~D· b& ·loc.~oJ·o~~i~~ ot <II)' or town 0 1 ",porting bank Ilnd OIb"r I~ mo ... n.;g.mptl on lundcash with U. ~ .


Mach inery


and Mrs. LV. Plack. of Chicogo . were guests o f Mrs. Laura Sides last week. They came throul{h by

B:~~ini ·lioUi;.:::: : : :: ::: :: . : l1km:~~ Law!UI ,...,rYo1tlth

N e w A g e n c y fo r

Hardware Haflless and FUIIl



Mrs. Veda I~yer. and B'.•n, TOmnlY . ~

&od bllt. redbcollll tod othl. than 'eder~1 lI.,.m~ 1I0"k . . ....... . . .. 10.UOO.00 Toi;'i'i,,;aDi::: :: .'::: u .. ,~~: uu 176,;8 I.7l ~~·or.ffo~e~~J~~l,rt'ti~· ;,WUfl( ! : 20 1. Dl Uogoillod 100 _W'tI clrcUlrt tlun (U .Q.bondo p"rnlu.)~ O.OOO. OO All o ~ltor l:nU",1 S .. ~OI Uo,o ru· m.n~8oc url'I .. ..... l o.• J\'7~ GO,lat. 18 Otber b(lu<1e, "5OCkl , leeurtliM. 1'10'01

W. II . ALL&N.

We have machines superiority to anyon e. Oil And are in a position





.New Pr. ·ce s · E~ectl·ve at On ce



T elephon e r,1·2 .


M iss Helen Haw k'lIl8. 0 f W'ilminJ!' REPORT tOil . will lea've in n few days for rrl college . I'h ilad e lphia, for Of tho C'Olldlti oll uf the Waynes - lJalierfo • d . t d II~. a year s stu ya t t h a t no e co ege. \,;I ville Nutionn l lJank, at WaYIIeil ' ~ ville in the State of Ohio. ot tho Mr . and Mrs. J . N , McKins ey and close of busines s, Se lll. j;, 1921. Mr. and Mrs Will Smith and daugh. lISE OUHCES LoIUll an<l dIJCOUDt.a, Includ .lDII te r. of Morrow . spent Sunday with , ..lI""ouo" ...... . all . I- I.ll Mrs. Alice M ~ Kinsey ami daughte r. Ileduct: r:;1 1'101"" ond bllt. ut o<! w ilit

State o f tlhlo. Couoty of warron, M : I , L. M. lleodoraOD . C.. hlor or lite uhoVti na.m fKl bank. do AO!omnl, l\Ye ft.r that th e II boyD I tat..ement 11 'rue t,() tho bost o f m, kDowlol1~·

--=-.W :. . . =::aynesvi°11e, Oho10

.~ Am!.'!:a~n~B~ui~ld'!!!in!6..g


EI ~

Mr . anti Mrs. ChflR (;ray ~Ilent lhc week· pnt! with lh('ir child r en. c::J Mr. and Mrll J . H. Hilk e r . in Cinl'in · ~ nati.


lIed.rat He·



~!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!! "'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!~~!!"'!!!!!"'!!!~!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!!!!"'!!! OI~Du~a'~~,~~J'~ ouii'.~df':~: ~' !~:~~~:~~ :-: ... ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __II!


A n n o u n ce m'e n t

Mis..~ ~

Bread, m eat anlIllot atoes you will

u!'.[vl':. B!~~I~' aod' '&';IO;,'D',' d~".

~ ~e [!J

c::J ~

.':: Sl!lIr~ hav e sord thcir grLl· . ('erv bu siness t Ll Frank A , Wril{ht .




l{i glS~

~Ir IllItl ~I r~. HlIY III" nti l',lIlt'''' lt I I' ' tl , rea kf as t I'>acon . pounl 1 .... .. .. 30 tlnd ~ rJll , ,Juni ll r . "prill III.t ~lln fl y ' :Sm oked :Sausage . poun,j ..... .. .. ~[j cc witlt I,,' r \>lIr co nt ti. ( ·. l · (IroO' lHlll :

.. IUlOonn rod hiul . self IlI1 II candlciu te for 'l',)I\' n@h ip Treasur er. nl'o J f"B Wen vor f Llr


, ..n.


I :.::~:~~;~ . P~~r"~~~~d·· ..··.·.·:.:·:.,.·. . j~~ I' kklt'd Mea l . per pound ." ..... 18c I Belin Baco n, pl' r pound .. ... .. .... 1 'c

fllmil " of \V1\~hingt ' )1l ~1illtl. , Mr. IHIII />Ir" J tlR Zi\II Anll chilt! . : r en. (I f N nw l'," r t~. III'0nlll few (1I\y ~ It"t WBf'\( WI lli !Ilr. flllU Mr;; l'h l\~ '1 Br el_Jllrtl . IH" tlt ,, ( t own. ,. "Jr , \~ 11 1111 1'0 HerrybJ II. aftor m c, r l' D thnn Aov enty ymHA Pllont on t h e hrm. VI ill try tnwn lIf(, . •.lIId Alphll I ::5tpph pn~ li nd fnlll\ly will 111 0\'0 on llte fRrlll. l\li ~" Hu lh Di n widdie tB IlU,'ndl ng N"rn lli t Ilrli olll lit Wllyoo8 vililo. Soboul Ollw w ouoed In nil dt.triot ~ I


lI f D/lyllln. u.r\,l a Wl'ck wilh Mr . a lld Mr~ . Amos Mentlen hllii.

FrL·~ h




1'.1 r. and Mrs. Clar enreMe ndl'nhnl l.



'OIl Ma/]

Mr. Mycr Hyman and family spent Sunday with relflliv s in Cincinn ati. B Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bower. or ~ J ulllls tolVn. Pa, are splmdilllC a ( Il W weeks here wilh rclalivil~ .

A bou t

- SALTA car

I'u rl: ei d r \,inllgllr (or picklinJ:C \ " r t llllle ). P~I' ~ I.!l,atl " .. " 1" " ...... 3.,c I Ill RZOn • fir \11 ) wr:<. (oz .... ,· oC Ti n l'un ~ . ,l ozcn ..... " " ........ .. .. o!1c Zubian ' ea linl:' W ll~ ... .. .......... 7c 'I t. Ma ~.'n Jar Cocoa ........... . 25r l~lIL k "l Pea,nul Blltle r ..... . ,. , .. . 22c hnc Whltl', tock l·o tuloe~ . pk 65.: () llioll~, p, ' r pl'Ll ild ........ ..... hC


U!lE'5551 U!lE'5:5aJU!lI5'E5!!5J"!I E'!!!!!!!!!JUgEl'5!!!!ln!J - " ! I E '!!5!!5! 1~~

Th Premie r band is playin(l' at the L banon Fair. today ,

l\ IlIl'd ~t l 'a k. pl' r Pf1 1lill i .. . ~5c and ::!~r I


C 1r n Oyster Sh .. 11 Ilnd Grit

High -


, I\o:\~ l s . per p,)und . .. .. ..... ... .. :!Uc the Llltener s ? . , iloi lin),! M,'a t. I'I'r pOllntl .... .... 15c ~'" I",," ,," II... "c,:IlI1: I""tln I " H l\rkhard t ·s~lI1t1k~ dll1 Cl\ ts.yery t h l' 1\ \ I ' a ..:,· , 1"' 1'111 snrik'ty : " L UI d ! 1l11l d curt'. ~ \\· (\(' t n~ a nul. h it\'(· ",,'1'. '.' " n lIS IIl lserut,ls 8In Il N .I· : 11"il,'d IIl11n, pl'r pou nII .. ........ . fjllc _ ' .. , I ~ . _ _ _ .. _ .. _ _ _ I l 'il'lIit: 11 11111 ~ , pe r " ') un,j ..... ". :.'~'C ! 1\, )I"l{ na. I'(' r pOllnd .. .. ........... :!Ik \\, l'in\· r ~. I" ' r Ihlund .... ..... ..... :!:O:c 1

Gond Oil nnd G Il ~olin(' . It don 't ~n1(l k -~.

2000l JRoos ters.

'·" "~ I.,tuil 'il'd

1><, ,'II Ih" I're·. , "I 1,1 t hl:' Sd lO' ,J. . I·


[)on ' l forj2' t WI: ~ e ll the n est BrIlIllI R. Ilnd ('lID sav,' you mOIlP" on an y kind of n painl j ,,10

es t prict's paid. Bring thelll in any time.

"" " a



Pain ts, Varn ish Stain s, Floo r Pain~ Lins eed Oil

M, ' " re' ~



We Put T ell" O n



Th e NU\"nul (; Ia ,~ hnll a gel·acIj Ua· inlled picnil' in Lewis' woods Mnn,IIIY afternoo ll. Th e nftt'rno on WIIR plell~ antly Hpent , and n weiner rORst I npp .. d ,oIr 1111 ('ntirf'ly satiRfnc tory nrtl'rn nnn Mr. Clan· ne,· Uf' rryhi llllnrf familv ('nl,' rt ni,,;!d Sunday in honnr of Ihl!ir g"ue!lts. MI'. :IIIlI 1\1 r~. WiI~en Bowyer of J " llI1 ~t.\\\' n. P .. . Mr. and Mrs . I%n t' r ({ "I{l· r ~ . Mr. Ilnd Mrs Frank Ito\.!cf!l allti Mr. ":n09 ROllerR. of Celllerv ill". I n honor of hi s anni versary tlay, Reveral membe rs of Premie r band Rpent Sunday afterno on at the hoine of Mr . Wenzel Her·rell. The after noon was delightf ully spent in mU9i ~ and convers ation. and a eplend id lunch WBtI enjoyed jater in the afternoon. MI'II L. A. Zimme rman enterta ined e bittle lIelpenr-o~ary~ church her home Saturd ,i after· noon. The mite boxes were opened and they. contain ed fS .54 d Mrs. Cadwal lader were liuesta the



ar m fo r Sa le !



44 Ac res


Har ry Mur ray, Vi ayne svill e, Ohi o ' ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....

~.-.SERVI . CE---. I. Uur dividend ". on Jul)' 1 "rut O~,. ..'11',. do nOI .ntlclpat e " change In the 0'4 rat e

tor Borne ttme.

'fo the comm unity is what ma.kes a busine ss worth y of your patron age.

I. We lalue Cartlll ·

'''Hel or DepoIIt On time .t • .very liberal

rate. In terelt pal4 10 " at. or wltlidra" ,,1 att"r maturity . I . Interell I•" I mailed to )'our0 IIdoor 011 lull' 1 104,. 1, 4. T b I. Inlmutlo n " • • altabUlhe <! I. yean I. rr_t A •• "tl onr I~ .minion.. 811.DlIII ~n4a & 1m 0 I t not,ooo.



5%O ao._.. ,%

We aim

to give

that Servic e always .

We are doing it Dow-' by forget ting the origjn al cost of our goods, ' and selling on the basis of latest cost prices. Come in- and



us convin ce' you.



·.... a ....... &-. .·17 =~~N~AI ..




Hard ware and F.rm Mach ine..,

o. .



!::eventy-ThiJ·(( Yea r




U 11').

\ \Ll):... t: ~i) r'\Y




()1?IV L:~

~ I,



1'0 \,.'

t1111 1 1 )~ 1!

fll .. Sal "

. Whole Number 5453


H Ull ••,

l!:J::! l

He" Md~en ll .

Till' \/ d v 11., 1 t .

,1, " I \\


i1l' r hu .. h .l l l"

, -. ,t ... .,p.. t :lnt ... cr r c L I I ',.


~. ~


~I r. and Mr ~ . .1a mI'S Kc rri r k e nterTlt e W"n ~ n 1'lIlm l y .fair thi , y l'ar !I f i\ .I VV, did n n l t ~ I1 " it 1" ' lu: ;.III, hn d ,,' · lalllr d /{,· v. lind Mrs . . J a rn e~ Biddlert '"," lftill"d ' UI IIld · f":lhillll"oI f:'lfr Oil, ' Tit, · oI"III, "H r:tti"n tl f I h,· I: ,urn l\I i. Oli v.. Allell i~ vb ilill g' .... Ia111 t \ ' I I) d r i\'(.' .1 11 ( ' CUIl1, " f ( ' n ·ir ollia. at Ii o'clock dintll"t BUr Ji L'1I11 ll I yllil al IIH' ill milld Warn tlf 'n I II< l ' ' O I lI fni" lIt y fair of liv es III Frbl,kli n . 11 \' 11 1 .1 II llde r.u .V:l~ \' ~ I' cl''' ill ~11' lill" lh " tlU' " , TI" ' lir a ll f,[" " "f Ih"" 11'"II) II ,',~ t t ll ld ll':-'''' C Olli ' ,\ :'IlIlIlna r y lI L' r. ~u ndllY '\·,'nillg . I: ,tlf .it all had fillt', I'xhil, :I·,. II ,,· 11I"k of l {hlllU I .' " f tit " I' l' r llr" j,' llIk" , I" ,\\'~ lltat tltirChilJ r"II' IJres." •. luw \j~k ut :-. Y .. II ,,· 0 , 11," 01 ... Iy-on(' ~irl " ('[111111.' ''. d ll rill~ 1111' "a~l \ ' ~I,i~~ l·o~.inn c W~lcI~. :-IlJlU' t' to =-i h,IW 111 1" 111 , I'V\\' I' VI' r, W Jl ~ H l' nltw ' ", ~r . a nd Mrl:! . 11\ 1 11\1,11 'A"'~ ~ I :~ Humll l!' r. a t.,lal ,I f 111:\1; ,' all8 II f 1:-'1 ( Ifill' 1·lfe . ve ry lilfdl l"d '1 h, · li v.. , 1,,1'1, "'"~ I ( ' , \Vchb. fI! l , q l, Wtlnlln p;ton, .&nd f r uit. T h(' len ~ irl s ., Iand in g- high. I Mr . Al fr l'd WrtKht Wf'r!! l+, l.' llIi l ll·nk .. " I 'I 1 Etha ll Crulle I."fl. TU "Hday IIlurli ' w e I/ rt"IJr'""'· lItl ·J. ",I,il,· lI~ri"ltll"ra l I' ntu r t ailled \\ "' HI,ll\ , ':p ' . 1 h ll e~ t in the co ntl'H t ar\' as flllluw~ : ~I) o d !'l . c ili(' l« . ' II!'i. (· 1(' , '1.\' 1' / f ' I h "I'I' il l lat Su ld,lY ,Jillner at th e ho rn t' o f Mr_ inlC fur Kenyull culll'~e . li lt.: whitl' lI!u h !. Ub lllll lulIl'c. an ll M r~ . ORea r ~t aDfi e l d, of near W ,t ~ NllrnUI Ill/Vall. I··,ls t e r . a <I(',1U 114 ,I ' ("\ )!. HC)'l ),:)4".' u ·1 I, ifllllll an , If th,:~e tfi "pluY H lin.: to 1,1.' ,'unMI'S, IJ . It SllIil h ~p,,"t tI... w<:!f' kl Mary J)aw ~u n . F u~ l e r. .... \.", 11 !' 1:1ndl l\ ~ tinu ed . th " fui r huard i, ill d Ul y end wil h rcluti veH ill Wilminl ltoll . :1 Viula 1 ' a w ~ OI", F"st er, I t ,' lIy aeru:-:, I buulld to Ket be t LI' r ulTulllln llda tilin H Mr . and Mrs. H. H, William so n ., Savilla I'en qllill', Masu n . \\ If c ' s ~ IJl· (' ll~, . ' . .. 11;ljl I'Y .... Mi s~ Ethe l Wa rdluw le ft. Mondav , for thelll. Th e ~<:! II . for lhe hOI{" ;:; I·:thei Menu\!n hall. Way neRv ill" ),!a ve a family dinner. last Wednes for Day tun. whl're ~he hal:! a po~iliun . are !il l in. !is we ll a~ Ihe JlPII ~ fill' lilt' day , bllli t hey had as their gu ests, I; Isuhe l Cor win . Lehano n cattle. allll them iOl nut lI"ar l'lIuUgh Mr . 1{>Iymon d William son and family 7 ,J o Wi l~o ll. hin /! H Mill H, N epd l.·s. Uubbill ~ and Ue I L~ for all room fil l' uther ex ltlbits. of Cle ve lllnd. ·Mr. and Mrs. L. '1'. 8 I.l' nora Ault. OrcKo nia . kind8 of so'winK mll, ' hill ~S ut Ilyll1l1l1' 8 Coo per and SOli, of Dayton , Mrs_ The ult c nd unc,! thi s yeur wa~ IIb,, " 1 ~ I.illia lr/)uhrm an. Oregon ia . ~ a s " " lllli. ull,l Ulf' buurd oUKht tIl Louelill Itamsey . of Lebano n, and IV I{ulh Tum linson. WUYII,,~v ill e . IN SHADOW Or- N. Y_ Tit!' /( ub it ze r. Ctlrtwri g ht a nd CoIl! come OUI ahnuL eve n, at l ea~t. Four "f thcHe girl H wi ll r eceive Mrs. l{oRe Ca fferty a nd son, J osiah, ftimili"s elljtlye d I he day ut the Zoo, .III HI',,)' II. . SIIIl tl f .I"h ll allol lI " rr l" fr ee triJt ~ tl) Culul1lhus . while th e o f Frank lin . 1{\·Io,·I·ra I{all i~ r I(andflll WII~ horn on S lIllda~ . <'l I\"nrirh , was 1,"1'11 ""ar 1.)'11" lither" \\ ill rpn·i,·1' pri 7.l!~ ranging ill 1.'" " li.. ld ""Im ly. (Ill a far m near Mr . and Mrs. Evan Bogan, of near Wa rre ll '·IIlIlIly . ()hi'l. :-i" pl l'ntl ll' l' I ~,. fr om $7 . ~, 1I lu $1. I'irk, ·rtll ir lnn. Ohio . .!t ll y ~ . 18:11. IIeurly d""opul aIS6 1. and di ed Sl'pl ,',,",,' r I' ;. I! I': I. At till' I)tlw r ~ n , 1 I)f the ~round R , Be rryhill 's Corner, entertai ned at SII " wa~ "III ' of II fa ntily "f e ig ht led. TI,u !.'Jlllay. Il l:! .,vt·ry Luu y tit-I :lg'j.r! ~ i x t y y(!ar:-l an d OIlL' (ba y. n 'ar tilt' h oJ.{ harn , WIlH t he Boys' dinner on Sunday. Septem ber 11th, c h il dr~lI . ()ne b rn lh('J' Hur vi vcs her, li e W II S o f /I fanlil. Mrs. Eva I'ig c lub tent. where :,!f, pig'R we re the followin g guests : I ' " f >lix d ll lol tendell r" II. fni.. . WI Il'1I ,;ixlc(' n y ea r~ ,' f Uj{ l!. her Warwic k and daughte rs. Margue rite all "f whom. wil h lilt' 1''' ... ·lIh. Iiu" ,' ex h ibited . The winllers in t he >lec., ,:.' 111,,1 h"r tI i" tI and Vl' rv ,,"0;' a fte r her Mr . alld Mr~ C . C . Cuu k Blld ~IIII . an d Fay Louise. of Dayton; Mr. and passpd hl·YIIllIl. "X"l' pt "Ill' h rn t Ii"r ,,~. d eat h, s he went to Wuynt's \·ill ,·. Ohio. und yea r wllrk arc a" fol lows : Cal'l, !:!llI'lIl Frid u\' wilh r e lHIIV t~ ill Mrs. Willis H O'Neall . Mrs. Charley Olivl'r "': lIri L·k. now li \' i ~): 11" al' Alhe r l lIe nn e lt. Fustcr . and IlIadt· Iter hum t' wilh 111'1' I,rllth e r W"Sl\ill~tllll C. H . A ~ 1111 ",Id (·d allrlll'lil lll 10 Ih l' I··rankli n. Warwic k and childrp.n, Erma and ~ HOl me r Ht' llIwlt, 1,'os le r , ." : 11 ,lni,' 1 I, . 1<I, riKht. " ,ulIl h ly II It· l' I ing UII M ,, "oI ay <-' V"IIMlls t ,\f hi s lif., wa s ,' Pl' lIt .,1. II ... HnwBrd , o f near Lebanon ; Mr. and ;\ Il ur"ld H ~ lIllell. I'-us te r. Sweu ler. fill' Ih .. enti ..., fum ily Il t illg' . 1\11'. V"rity w ill Iorifl'C I \In ~Iar('h j~. l ~:",tl . "he was mar-' ,. SIl ln l;' uld ,", (, lIr id; h " m ~s t l'a d jlbl 1\"" , 1 "f Mr~ W. K BOlI'an, Mr. and Mra. , H)' II IUIl ·• . \ :Iilr" rd I\u rdl'nf 'Iter. Fos te r . I r i ." ( II ,Ja,o lo Handal !. a lso a r esid e nt Inll vi n~ pi cl urt..• li lrll~ d"lJi l'l_lll 1,.!" l'lIlfl- Lyllt ~ , nnd hi : -o 1I{'t 'tJP H l i ll/l wa ... lllhl We ldon WilRon: and son, Gerald, of S I r uns . l.eiJallllll . () f WaYlle" \,ill e . Sin,,' Ihe tl eath o f Ill ll nily nc l iv ili,'~ ut Middl" I"wn , of fur lllill ),!. II ... ne \','I' II IHrrt ,·oI. I\"a ncar ~p ring Valley, und Mr. and c... , l; I{ol..: rl Co rwin , I. ·banon. MrH I. Hllru M,,"h"r \\On" I h.. WI"'HoJ I h" r 11II"loalld in l H~I7. ~he hus mllde Af ll'r t h~ IIru~ralll' fit the d illlh!r i ~ uf a qui e t di stlll:, iti""" ,,t Mrs , Raleigh Bogan and daught er, hartl ll 8g " r end ~'II" ., 1 to r 1\1 r. Illld 1\1, H. (' ltnrl, I:! ('''llIpl l'led, lit I ., 111,,1' hll 111 l' in Dayton wit h her dun Winn " r~ in N" rtheTII Ilistri (' 1 duh will udj l' urn to lulrlllj( ad vlln t>,g' co of hi~ f, ·II " w ' ""1 1 Dorot hy, o f near New Burling ton . I UT I I 11 . 1.' Y o~ h ... r. " r UII,·il,II .. ti , . alld on ly c hild . l ; "M ~f' Edd y HHndall. th .. Millmi (hea t e r whert:! th e pic- in Ilnv way. Il l' Ptls~('s~e Eldo n Rt:la llic k. Le banon . "-. ''' 1 \ II ' . ol II \\,,," -' \ 1 I:~. She u ni ted witlJ the Meth od is t .- II . turcp wili be MhuWII . 1'hi~ iH a greut d erfulm e m ory. and WII"11 ' ~ .JuHe ph L!!af. Lpbano n . :Illy I'V" III Mrs. Wolte r Kenrick entertai ned M.,&lI'H. 1-I " "'lI'rl I~ uj llr ulnl Frullk com ~ ! ." . " - . ~. lId ' ,,~ , " .to .. ' . I l<l'i"LO PIII church in ea rly chiltlhoo d. pliment to th e t' luh, as th e~e pic- (I f the lI e ighorlltl OlI wa s fnrg'll :\ I'aul T"IllIiIl ~o n. W aYI' ''~\· il l .. , tt c lI he' II number h. ,,~ ,( w] .·,,, .,1 Ie II , of he r friends, on Wed· Sell(·I'". uf Hruukvi lt ... w"n' Ih .. S UIl - tureH ." _ a lld was always a mos t ac tiv e and huv l' bee n 8howII t n ~Udl hod- was counted auth o ri ty and H .,ri )J"j." l " JI..-ar l '~o!lr , ld \ Winner s in Souther n Ui ~t ri('t would r enesday, I. Septem I . . ber 14tlf, in honor of k dbY "",-.1" IIf C. W . Yuullrt: . t d f h . no! .·".;,.", ..-01 ' , . ..: ,. ,'". ,'h,re itJ:! a" Th,· l'leve lallll Chamhe r of call it in lin ill ~ l u nt. ,mllUHl asl lc wor er . no e or e r g iving' da y an d ) I : Ila~. ~outh, Pl t' o ~an t Plain . th e 80th ;birthda y of her mother . n. , ~Jlu,' !O\' '". ,If.' r ,' \ v~TtI ... \.d ,1111\ .tl l devo Comnll· re e · ti on to t he church . For nlore dat e ~ Lloyd Whilakl 'r. Hlanc h l:!~ter . Mrs. S. H . Haines_ An ideal Bum· I'[','n ' f! A.i. ," all'> b e .• ;'.,.lf d .....,' Mr . 1I lid Mr ~. /'oj. 1'. HllIlI lind HUll. t han thirty years shl" was superin Nil Ilwm bl'r of Ih e Mr'1I of Way Si nce Ihe d palh IIf h i ~ Ille r day marked the occasion , and hr~'lIll'r ~ 1':1i I rn ll ~ , Lcl l:lI1" n or nearly w. . Huhl'l'I I~"will. vi~ it "d rt'l u ti ve" ill t e nd"lIt (If th e primary departm ent nt'~ville '·'.11l ul r nro til mi HH thi H m t!et- Willia m. f our Y('lIrsa): (t . h" h,,~ mal J.. WIIS greatly enjoyed by all. with rouCi llci 1111 .. 1i liVer t I,.. w.'!'k-en d : uf rit e Wayn esville Su nday School. ing . .J . O . Cllrt wrillht. his h Ollle with hi~ nC)J ,he w. Lef>ter ~ ic. r eminisc ences and social chat. H e r IlIt rne was always open t o the , Chairm an. I<e nri ck und f>ll11il y . w-h er<' Itt' Ji"d The color scheme was lavende r and Mr . IIl1d Mr Ho W. II . AII<"n tefl, mini"te r and his f a mily, and t he Pre- - - .. - - - -• Th e fUll e ral Rervi<' e \\'a~ hdd fi t 'I'hurtldu y l\lorllinloC. fur MkhiKUII . white. The plare cards of pansy I sid i n~ 1':lder, on his q uarte rly visits. t he Cha pe l fit Miami d esign a nd favors of lavende r and ('l'nl l'I L'ry Sa lwher .. Mr. Alhm loCUes tur lr.,a tm" nl. WII~ ~ ure u f a welcom e al her tabl e. urdav at 3 pm. cunducl ed by 1( l.'v white paper baskets filled with can· , !Juring the Tempe rance Crusad e Clldwall!llie r. Inte rm enl ill Miarp i dies were unique. Huy yuur Winter l:IIankl'18 at luw The twenty· eeml't e rv . e ig ht lluests seated at two tables priCe!!, at Hyrnlln 'a. _____ peop l!! of th e com munit y. '{,h e Y"U III{ l'clJ l/l es Sun dar -Sc hool were : Mesdam es Mary Jane Fitts, Vernoll Bran ~ trllll e r, wif .. alld 1:1011, .. . .. ... dass bro ke th e ir rectlTd la ~t Sunday Anna Janney. Alice NiIIs, Celt. I A t th e time o f e Civ il War. he r I I,,· ;--,'·:II·, r ,'I a.,.- " J -- I- II'! '.\' " f- I hOlll e wa!' a cen teth of Clllrkl:!vilie. call!!d on Churles r fo r relie f work. in a "p le nd i'-I ~Jtl'f'ial pr0irrUI11 a ft e r lIathaw ay, Ida Christo pher, Misses ferl ng l'I " 11' '';1 alld In'H ,-x p"n :,i" e I ~n d 11,11 t hose in so rr Hrew8te r tlnd family, SUllday 11ft ur 1'1' i d {' o f Wlly n(,!lvill(' Co uncil, o\\' f nund heJp the ~un rlay -~ ' houl hOllr. :--lex !. Sun U"nna Brescup and Nellie Fitts; Mr.• . IY f l' 1I1l1 (',, "r' ,' ,'\ (' r "! ,.,. ,." t., \ \ f1Y - ' and " I) m fnr l th ere . noon . URIl l{htl'r H of Ame ri l'a. wall award ed day mllrlling- till' Luva l Wotn e n '~ und Mrs. Charles Crocke tt, of ne ·\' i/I,· 11101 1II'II1i l.\ I·h.. li r- t n Ull l-1 Al way ~ hap pv alld IIctivl' II new s ilk flng r ecently by the S tate clas~ she will t.ak e t hl' II'ad ill a ~pcci al Sp ringbor o, Mrs. Jacob Gabelm an, The Smith reun ion , was 11£'ld ~u n - h<'1 wi ll h,· ~\"' n l l,' III I"' r I I. hy I>. , never ha d a ~~ riou s i l l ne~s. 'When prOl-{rslI L. E. Kemple and family al t ended Council at th e ir mee tin&' at Cedar I . You s huuld nut rni ~s :it. o f Cinc innati, Dr . and .Mrs. C. W_ day, Septem be r It'. ~ 12 1.a tthehoIlH ·I L " I·'it l. palr id< ..a VNY notpd o rator · lh .. s h ado w ~ Ilnd inlirrnili e~ of alCe A c ia&! pict the funeral uf Mrs. Nellie MirtlCll er, Puiht. The Hag was awarderl by the ur e will be tak e n, ~peciu l O!:!burn and daughte r. Ituth, Mi88 of Mr. ant! Mrs I' rIl l1k i l pf'at hllrn Ifind w(' 11 known 111 Wa)'llI':< v, ilL' . a sister uf M 1'8. Ke mple, lit Wilmin g- Council on IItcount of the loeal ludge Viola Hilines, Mrs. W. G. Haines ; bp,trall to 'ather ~h,' s nt man so n" and a ddre~~e H by Wllrnen. We ( nee Angi e Smith). at fo't. Mr h:inlt ,y W" il ,,~un' yo u t hul 11t (' o th e r hlJ ur~ l'ach ~IIIY with he r ~~bl ton, SUIIIJay. Ilnd having the second largest r luge ill th e daughte r, Clara L., of Dayton , e. want e very w o man III tlt t· com munity Those present we re: Mr . an d Mrs Inu mb,.!" which will app ' ;Ir from I t ' r It'r rteath these ve rses were th M rl!. Anna Kenrick and dauKht er: atate for the past year . e re without fail. Charles Smith. Mr . and Mrs. H" fl il iltl(. 1,\ tilll<' oi II ringlh ,' ~1 ·rt~II11 . wi ll ' f~ unde slipped be tween the pageR: The MiR-~es Verrill Weave r, Lola Miss Bertha, of Waynes ville, Mrs_ The t1ag is a bell utiful one. 8 x 12, Smith, Mr . and Mrs. Leroy llu l1 r · h · (·qll :dly ,,:< ifll en·~ lln >!. Pine and Edith George hik lJd to ForI alld th" membe rs of the U. or A. ore Ite hecca Dill, of Mt. Holty. Ides· man and son and Mrs. El izahl'l h I Th " t illl' alld Iliac!' f: ,1' :'i 1';1 willir " J( I (ntilY Ilk." ••• . " I",!I., 111ft , oO I",.r . ' Ancient , Saturdll Y, 8nd ~lJ tl ntlh e (l.lY jU6t1y proud of it, aR it represl! nts a t dlUMS Lelia Albrigh t, Nettie Emer,\011 ,.,J m\l' n lJll r u IflU'St) u f I bee. Zell e rs . of Waynes vil l('; 1\11'. a nd M r:'. :le a t,: w ill 11l~ ann " un cl.·d lat e r . (;el ; Y.i,~ i~;~~r~":. rjl~:::~~II ~I I::~'f~"~"" hroak at this not"d resort. ick, lal'l:'e amount of work on the pal't of Alpha Smith Lydia Colema n, Mary Carmon y. a nd dnu !:'hl e r u • ~I r . . yonr .'\.'a"olt l i.:k,·t" n'l W fu r th ure Malilda Emerick , ~Iizabeth Jones, thu member R I{e lt.inl{ tOl:ethe r s urh and Mrs ~lI s lV o rth Smi th alld dauKh - ,a r e " nl y a f l' w Il'fl. Best 251' Ladi eR' Hose, bhtck or a large claMS for the year. " \\'h ou 00 ,',~:W~ ,0 \\,u hno~o ,n rou Thuu 11." Mr . :1I1d Mrs. S. H. Haines and son. te r Mrs Will Sm it h an n ~( )n and T h~ (l ltte rt 'limn ' lt l~ will 11I1~i li vl' l y I \\'1111111 'h )' /)100' I . white. Hpecial Ilk , at Hyman' s_ I "'.11610"_ . &001 wh oll . James. I Tlw [lrrlb or my ilather 611drclo Mr. and Mrs. Le r oy McKirb y IInci l it e hl' ld in tl\l' (11, 1 bll clltJdchllol buildin g UI., I i holl bo ..usne" Lbell . · daughte rs, of lJay t.on; Mr. and Mr~ !auLii l o r iulll . Richard Brown and family had 8S --- -~.~--Will Barnard and : hildren. o f Spri ng ' _ _ _ _ .. their week-en d guests. Mr. ano Mrs S. D. He nkl e took th e uath of ufliee Ed McGrat h, Miss Mary Jordan and at Lebanon . Mond ay morning , as To",! Jordan , of Columb us. comrnissio~er. Mr_Hen kle, who was 1, ' Johns and dau g ht e r. Mr. arid Mr s, for se veral y ea r ~ , surveyo r o f WarFuneral service.q for JesRe M. Messrs. J_ W. Edward s. D. R. ren county, knows all th e details of Compto n, who died TuesdllY morn-" tlmith and J _ O. Cartwr ight attende d the cou nty, and . will make a tine ing at 1 o'clock, will be held at his Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clyd e Whart lil ': Tb ~ lI"y S,'Ollls are r('que~t Masonic lodge ~~ Dayton , Thursda y late ollicial. The people of Warren County pl~n ed to He was e lected for the hom o. 6.15 Carlisle avenu e. Dal'- and dllughte r. ana Ve lma , Heber . m et'! t al t Ill' old Scholl l housl' Thursevening . The masten amI warden s lo hllve a formal, pu blic dedicati on short t e rm. too, Ohio. Th!lrsd av mornmK at 10 Herman and Ben C. N. Ilrtlwning- di ed a t hi ~ home Smith. of Lytle . all over this di~trict were especial ly d ay cvp ning' at 'j " " 'l uc k. Mr. N. 1' , o f this park and Harmon Hall to o'clock, Septem ber 22 ml, and at? 'I'ahl es we r e set in the ba:lCntt: nl. Rl a tt will IlWe l th e lll in \'v ilmingto n Su ndllY eveninK . aged invited, on account of the confer- o'clock and public uses forever, togethe r with th ey wi ll at the Orthod ox Friends and a fine dinner wa~ ~ pr e ad. which be).( in th "i r adivl' tlu t itls a~ailt . afte r !IO years Mr. Browni ng was form ring of third degree 011 the 8IJn of 'church lhe unveilin g o f a tablet erected in , in Waynes ville., Interm ent all enj oyed. e ril' own er a nd editor of t he Clin ton They all Jlurt ed in th, thl'ir ~ Ulllnl\!r '~ v:I('Rlion . Grand Master Juhn R. Flotron . memory of the donor, at Lebano n, Ev e ry in Miami cemeter y . evening . hoping to m eet a noth e r Sco u t. i ~ 'xpec ted to be Hcpubli can , 'an,] r elired from active ' Ohi o. on Friday afternoo n, Septem pres e nt. year. after having' so line a time . _ _ _ .. __ __ _ _ work in 1908. He was a /otentleman ber 30th, beginni ng at 1 o'clock (slow o f the old ~chool and hi s reperto rial The executiv e commit tee of the tim e) . A beautifu l pagean t will be work was nf th e cleanes t and high· Farme rs ' Ins litute will mee t Satur- given on the golf course. There will est characl er , and he leaves a host of day evening . Septem ber 24, at th be a parade e of school children ami fri end!' through out the state who Rest room in th e Grange buildi ng citil.ens , led by Harmon H,all band. will be grieved to hear of hi s death , Th e re is bUHiness of importa nce and Mr. Harmon will make an address . He lea ves a wife, a d a ughter, Mrs . the oflicers a re all request ed to be All citizen!:! of Warren County are (;race Halh.rd . well known he re, and present . Lee Earnha rt. Chllirm lln invited to attend and make this a one so n. Kent Browni ng, who form· Kreat ~ucces8_ e rly was il Gazette e mployee . Th e Naliunu l Indian War Veteran ~ FRANK C. ANDERSON, Th e .\1iami Ga~elte, $UiU II year. will meet in annual con ve ntion Il t Chairm an of Commi ttee. Wichita . Kunsas , Septem ber ~s to :1(\. 5 'l!l21 - a fac t thal a lilmli an War me l: are Interest ed in. 'l'hc rl' a re rn al.AlRe.rAffl!~JOURNEY.~AT· tel'S of great imllOrta ncl' t o be considered by the convent inn. lind every Indian Will' ve teran ii! IIrged t p he present . The ve tera ns wi II assc lll hi e Ilt tho City Hall in Wichita and reirW. O. took SOlnl' good preister, ~nd meetill~~ will he held ill millll1 ~ at. th e Lohm(o n fnir with his the. Butt s builC!in~ . . OUo C. MiII H. a horHeR. li e got lirHt nn road8te r former resilien t, was II m e mbe r of gelding , first. and sl..'Cond on gene ral the Illte Co. C, Iflth U. S . Infantr y . IlUrpORe . fir st on general purpose team, Ii rst on coach team, second oJ! roadste r team, ami the sweepst akes_ As usual, Tom Clark'lI fine drivinamare won the blue ribbon in her c1a.'I1 . Chas. 1'. (o;lIi6 exhibite d the ~ Mra. Albe,t 'Haines , of the Maanimal sonic hom e. Springf ioltl, while 'visi t.Marvin Ha~ got first on his hogs ing III the home of a friend a 'W displaye d, a18~ a second . weeks ago, fell anti lIrok ha r wrist_ Tur b:ll1 s ha pes i n hnl s, are iti Her manv frfe nds will bo glad to Yogue this r.lI, but (h ~y h~\' ~ n hard lim e prov ing it. The revi\,:! J bear that she is g etting along RI'I w II Pror. JOB. Drake, of tlie Unl.Y'eiof the M err y Widow p lume hidO's as can be expecte d. ~ity of MichIga n. spent a few hours - the . c1os '~-fl\lillg turban or crete here. 'Friday mornIn g, visiting old hnron~t1e except a peep at Ihe !)mking coal miners in tbe West Vlrginia- field. were quick sidl.'fi aneJ in back. Br i~h l " "r11 to frie nds . Prof" f)rRke was at one :t<L'.liu! tbe'" folly of reai' tlace 'IS the firstltro op...,!aiD.Rf , Unc;le Elliott W right le ft. Tuesday morn- :Ire the plumes- this one beill~ Sam'l time Itclerk in lhe Janney drull Ptore. hllhtinlJ mn anivrd It St. Alba .. and IItarted ~lnto llie ~ "':!nl:e. a design 11 0) t InK. for Michiga n Univcr9 ity. where ' ICctQr•..N.~~..- ...CicD.;H.• IJ.~!lb! ani had many friends here, He h38 for Henry ~-lJJ !:IJ!j be wW atiend school LIlis winter. ~_"jss Dorol ~ . been in Ann Arbor for I8vt-raJ JIU& I '







Wa~lI~dville W!i~ th~










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THE HIGH SCHOOL lECTU RE GOUR SE ;:ad\I~~ :;r~it :~Vo~:~i ~~~ ,~~~erw; ~o~

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~:~II~~~ o~r. ~~~. M:~d Ca~lr:.I :'i~~~III:I~ I

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BOY SCOUTSI CLINTON COUNTY :ATTENTION D. ~er~~gS:~m~~itah~d:;~I~lt~~s~~;r::~:: I 'I EDITOR IS EAD



As Uncle Sam Moved Figbting Fron t to Virginia Mountains ..






....,.----_ ..----


---.... - --..,..



The Miami Gazette, Wayne.ville, Ohio.





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It'(lk''il t'''"OfI t tiel ':1'01111. " Whet'(' I tJ ll',IUJ!. (In ' ".,·r?'' hI' ll~k cI I. \ '1 ~ h ,'u lll . :1)' Ih(' 1'" lh l' IIII.;ht nll \l' .. ~fr. \. lll!(l)r \\'II~ III II rtkr",l III n, ·I .' I" nll" wt ,d II li lt)\{ In," lHllrrll1.IJt·11 l )n rf il S • ~tr . I'utl .. .. lilt' Ilnillllllplll i lilli, I· I r i ll It d l ,! l\' "\'\ 111 ' "UI1'! 11: 1'" I he m Ull Iy. "by H 1111\11I t H' r Irf tIll' P Ili .,: Illut 1 ~ I J'I ~ 1\11 1;11 tlh ' l 'l~h'l ' "fft'l" ) ,' \I ·r,· IlIl1.r

TeA ve t r ·,; A Demobilized Officel· Who Found Peace Dull


ld,ll1l1\ .. ·t! you ."

"~ l ul"llt· rt·tJ!



" I


Il I·n ·, i

.. H.·I ·fl U ... • t l, ·\

Sy l:

"]' 0 m(', 1 hl' bll( ' rn r l or mll,I,'ro II rl' I_ the wur ~twe,,"" n dl\~ Kt · '4 . . . . 1" " 'I I!.' d e<'la rc lhu t l ht' I1ll'tlln') l ) f (lin'et tit ....

ti on


H " ll llntry will IH""III ,,,,,, n 1 UJ:rt¥ . . • It lrl\· dlq·~ UH~ (! "~Hl l o n of l\1\ flTlny, . • . " Allr1 t l\..I!'- l dro tht,.. (,1lIt111 ~ wn~ n not e I H~ld(l

trn rwd lour." Til l' noll' or ""du 111:1 , I,," npTH'n ll'ri 10 HUl[h;

l.'ml ld

~t·, ~


tongue In hi. ('h('('k "" h ..

\\ r 11 1' I"S [l ilt

Ii\ • I


1 "1




If ,I " ll I.,dol Id lll II 1 '\ !,\II \ ,l l'l h,' II 'I ~ ' JI 1"'1 1 ..; 1rnt.d

11 ' \ I"


11 11 :: h




, If 1" I1Jr:-. 1. ,1,·r !hnt ' '' ' II~ In lI al f \ 1111111 "h,' 1,,·1, , ' I,' t:l' :1 I'; .1: ' , ntl d I w r ffl · 1:' I ! t' ab .. 1', II fI ' l



111 1111 " " 1



r ,'

~ ltl1 ,"' , .,'


tl'w r ,',j':', , II ri p ! ~ , .

n ll l






tI ~

. 1

\4' d


P ,oIl:o' III ' " \ \, I fi t 'lI I'!Y I . ,,\ ,"

wfluld npl ll'lIl ro hll o,; lllt\!'l!" m u n. Il l" ... n lal -- \\'hllt \ \/1 " It ?- , h lll 111\ ' '1lt1 ltl I'fl llbH '1' II ~ I · a.: nr +l\l' ":l1d l '·I1II ... r ~rl){e I n E n~lnl1 d1' ,·\ "l lIl l nn. IH t'U( ' t ;, Ilull thH t uS nnfJ tl ( th, ' Idjla:":-,I :-; lIlp(lwtll·rs - Ihc· hl~p ' ~L I ' r Ut I 1111 1!"I td (, th i s n llJlttry, 1 sh ould h .. nld,,'tn j 'lI pturp I:l hI[ or tlu.' nr ltt:-.h \'lI l'ry l llltl I r 1l41p . ) It, wnn(l't! two 1 111n ~



,(,. 'd .I . 'ndn l{.

W"1 1tt Ihl '

)uq dca

II' Ii' pn ,·,·n tl y


IIII' 1\ :-; II

In '.I ! ~, ... 'I I't'

~ I l f·



" '1, 11 1, ·1 I" l:r~; Ij.c h ll ll 1-: 111 , .. . 11 ,

d"\\1 1

II. plllt! rjlW Illnnt h

t o Th ,'


• 1


id ~


..:l lIn ,·,·" n l !t Il" "" nll 'lL



\\'t'l' t '


~n ld

el('u 1·ly.

ttlrll t'fl

I1r Ill s f.tlllll),: ·


H J.!' lI ln tl l ut h L' kilt'\\' ttll' r ig l t l 1'111111111111-

ol h ' f1:i

WI'II: t h'-' n , 1I C' 1.f t it;': 8. c\gll r '~ ltt' , t i t' :-;.u t II p\\11 H il t! ' \11111 tI . 'I'll, · t.' I111 of , lit' 4'1 111 "'(' \\'Il~ In ~ti! tl t, 01 111 til' hlld d" l t ' I'!!IIf1I'd (I shllul d !It' 8 tlrthlg l ' I H I. \\ ') r lh~ 'It IltL' L'l1I1 , t'lt:-I' lf Ilu'lIt r ll'ul. I h'I' hul'jol, Ilu l li t t hl! ~: JlJI ". lilli' Il11pl"l· ... :..:h \' . ~OIlH'1l 1 i l l $.: f"r til, ' ] "ltl'lllll l,L:'!" of Ihl ' l tllrl) I t I l ,ofl , !t'r I ' ll I ii tli l' ~ 1I"lIt \'"t '-' l lt "~ of Ill ,· 111:.,:lit . . . T heil t hp pulln' -- JI \\ulI l d Itll\/ ' t n l l,.. th ,' l,olln:, ht~ a dlllllll'd :-;u l"l'lIwfull \,-

the ml1 ll 11nnlr" .

01111 urt l'r tllll l. l'II ylll" .




nut u f u kin d nf rirPJun; un!) }'HUN' , t oo," Ih' nllo h~ 1 to Iln rrell. "H u t It \\'t1 ~ ilk I'

II UI .\11". \',otI S. ,,1"'11 he ItllI IIrrh'p, exhll.l t,·d Iii' ~r"11 1 IIlCll l1 l1l\o ll to SI\t'k

u 1011 1(. ,lr t'u 1lful n lghln ll ll·p. III wh il'h \' II~Ut"

I Itl' d. ·It: dh e; In fllc t. h e sho\\ed Ih l' gr,' ul ,'SI n · ll wIHI1 4·c to eotN tl lP 1,, ·,, "[· II I 1111. A" ,\I llY h ud snl, l. II 1\'11' ", III 1\'I 'II I( lint! '111 1.l·tI. nnll til

on~ r


wh it-II



li lt

pow" r, kr'lll hUPI'L'n lnl:. ulltll I wok" ul' lus t night In this gcntll' lIIl1 l1 's h n ll~"." lie bow('d to 'l'cd J e rul llghlllll, \\'110 Ih,· sl):11I "r Jh, ' 1,111 ,,[, ,,111'1'(' hI' h1l11 grInned (·heerful1)'. ~tln·r rl."d so mUl'l! I'rudu l" 'd ~'I ('h lill et WAnd mighty ,lad I was to h eor you fpI·t Ot l hlll i tl llit for II whll o lIu gh tnl.k lng 8e1l1'e Bguln. sir," he remarked . r" lIr('d lit, \\' U~ j..!:HIII~ 10 I II I \'~ It r e la p se. "Do yoU IlUOlln to Sll)' ynu lin \'e t10 recA t 1" Jlglil . l h'\\'t·\·e r . he s l'l'l1\e d t o ge t ollection lIt ho\v you got IhCI"T' h ud, lib '·1I1i1111, ' 11t·1' . HIIIJ \\ lIS

e<.1 I I)

l '1:!lth ' 1111 1)

p(~ n: tl Hd ­

tl h' '.' l! lIlrul r O' itll.

" I I',.; "It r lj!hl, :\tl'. J"Ht:"l ." I h ·ltIli JIlUl 1(1 ll ~~u n'd

I fl oW.


h li ll

"Th"lr P " I ~ tun I ~ (].o"o!.


u J.;1l1u_

1I11t1 Luklnll' W ·· IOC uti fl·It·IIt1S he re

Yuu 'n.' qullP I'\nCe.

On 'L' Il, \\ hll

O\' t'r

I ~ ,1I < 1" ·t·s~ ll ,

h ll ."

Tills Is Alr.

('unit' o ver (rom N uw

l'urk espl'I'IIIII.,· I" 1111(1 ),I)U nnel lll ke yo u ha ck to yllll r fnm ll)" .'" Th e mtlllOlHtlr,' Oti tan'r! in stien ee It t

,11·t l',·tl\,,·. who rvll.-tI r Ollnd In Ill s 111 1l1l'" . t h~

"'l'h n t 's rh.rtll,

~f1. ,



P n tls. T h l' rt"S lh e

IItt l\! old sl): II." 1.1 ' thl'l' \\' hUl'll hi s cou to sho\\'llI!; th, · noll l'" hllolt.:c. uud th e rnlJ llo fudn' nuti . . lt·d. "J

g llt' 1"I~

you " 'e

hltt! thi ll/:' hllll llll(1I1; u n th .. OIlier side . un,1 If II hlll l,, '1 1"" ' 11 rul' VIC (;tl plUIIl I.c!'c und his frkllLl s. V"'y \1 hl' hlllll ' . IH l u~ stili ." " [ ' 01 0\)11 " .. 11 to y on. ~ Ir." sa id Uw A ml't'l ell II. ' I,",uklng fu r th e Il rst ti m e to Hu gh.


wOrfl ~

n-"r(' sl ow




All el h,' "'" H ju s t un th4' p o int or r il l).,! Inl; 1111 hl ~ 11 ,,[ tlO tl'\\ II .. r ,h il t I,,· II/I',·" h l' r , Whl'lI tlt e duor Ul\t' l l1.·ti :tlld U JIlUlI

rll ... ·. ~I r"- I'I\'

Y nllr

I lrUfIlf11tl ntl - " ' ·ilI1H.' S

IIl{l In"lnl1 t I r ln)! t ill' \1"1 1."

tl on ()f Fl twl f.:! (\(1 I hi' \\ HII 11\ I l lu~ n tht· hl f: (1oor w lrll'h (·,l llI·t·ldi'd I ht' :-; t "lt'fl f4l0 re of trl 1I1 Stlrt--llnc! tllh " r 1I11o ~s U,1i


"I hu t 11(' Wllfi n n Infr r ll ilt Sf·oI Ill Clr\ ' I. un!! thlll I'd ha ,' [" IIIJthl rlj,{ w lt ut!' \ e l' (0 rlfl wllh :o:ul'h II \,l lI ulll u u:-i !!I dll'llil'. A lI ll 11 " '11 - lIl l11o St I tl(' JU~l t hi ll g I t'a n fllo.. 11I1 'llIlq'l' - l :-: nw. l'l ' lt ' r :oiti li lo-ok a t J,n k InJ:IHII. Tltl'u t th 'Y h Olh !'ll ,rn llg- lin mC', Rllc! I fl·lt sO IJl{lthln.: p rl ,...: I lly "nil . And IIftl' r (lI nt J l'u n ' t rt 'IJIt'lllht' f 1111\'-


\sil l ' )'1111

T. .. fr Hll1r1p Jl UJ.: h u llI , h · ""rl ll'ln ()ut"t·

11 11'111"

" I to ld 111m,"

" I I''''

n il r" ' fin"'rl, l il lY": t i ll' p"rl\' lIt/clll 10 tIl ' M u rtl ng /1, 1011. Prt':t In IU: ltltt ,, 1,11 lil t'

tl t·11 ·,·tI, P. t.hou),)litJ u11 y, "it Il lllkl 's ililp rnlllltlfl I Jl11J11IIM slt-'rllllJ!," IIlld 1)nllll11 11 If 14 I nu d tit'll. "\: ~S . M r . l ' o lt H; n lHl

'1'11,· A !tIPI' '''''rI I\oddl ' d ~lo\\' I~', " \' Ult l :l'a l 7. ... hi ' sul<l. '" n'lIl1'Tllilp r h i s ' l unlC UOW ~ 1 , ·t'I 1I1;lfl . ~I uy l lt.! y uu 'rl' r l~ltl. ('I1 I 'I:Ii Ii . Hllil Itlil t ti C" knlJws ~ill1l1"rhlll;':. HII)'\\ ay . I 'll" S~ 11 1nllrl ( ', !'1' ll S 1111( 1 I slld< d l '~" r UIlI Il hrtl t ht'rs till I 1"~ l O I ' ll h i lll to tlw UOSOIU


rllltlt'ri \ \ ' It l l 1\'" bIrd" 11 ,' r n,:.:O 11Ii d st rl'fl ·II,· o! fl l llI", , 'lf, 'tH' n hi '

In It . . . . " "I In !l 1I1I "duutl on." 11I11· l'r ll l,,,·t! ti le

tit d l 'I'l" !


, '1 111 ,/, 1

nft~ r

Sl1.1d Lllt~rt '

qhlHifJ I'd , • • ,

Il lIdl. ' --fltt ' rc '/'C I h 'I" ', \\'Ultlll ): 10 w, -I""rl l" I "I I I, npP Il al'1l1~." " 1'", / :- ,~ P'I,II !!!.!. :\11'. t;r\lt'n," Itp "'H i d, ) I U p l!ll.; I !" \\II 111 , 1 r, '\'l'h ,' r. "l)ur I l l l" d ill t ' , ,\ lId III " ~ tulklllJ; · ~' ·II~e . II , SCt 11 1$ to III " I I IHI ,, ~ I lIll y gel 1\ lIlt l e : Ig hl IhI" II\\"1I 011 til,· nl'l l\' ltl, '" Or Mr. 1I U1 ' klll~ Hlld I krr :-;11 ·l l u·lll11U H. and I h e "lll l, t· 1, llIk , ·... U


"Alld ~' t'l \ (' ", II drl ';l oI(ol IIIIII~ t ~ , !1nl .. h II lI t t l \' "d ,o\\' 1.1, ,· t hh "It It I II ., ' .. 'l lt't .... 1f. ,\' lI U'U ftlr ,,:1\ 1' Ill.' :"I1I .\ II1~ :-:1' . :\t l' I ; " "" " ":--; II t' " Ih i ll l.!' : 011"1" , 11 '11 th . · .\ 111 1'1' , . a l l " 1' 1/ 1 " •. I lll\ t ' • , l l r 11 ..... •..... (' ,\ 1.11 111 1. 11 11, 1 r Ill !l,Illrll'd 111 !l ' n '" \\ lt h ~ I'lir fr ll·I .. !· ...

rlll'll l l~


Ilr"11 Hud IIfty IhoU RUIl,) IIIIUIUiJI t o do

1\ " Ill

I'r Illd ,


Iln1l1 1-

you 'd I" , uldp til Ilrltl.c' !lIu t " 'I lI l t' t o hllll . ~ ' II I . I I'UII .plltt, lIll').·""' l! 1111 .\·(lor

I I,d l t h ll t I ll ' Ih ll llJ.:l l t


":I',,: ' .'

!'"Ir" 1'1

tp '

uHas nnyone t r i f'() t o runk e ...... 11''1 1111-


I r



In other word". th e nrlllS \10" 18 011 th ~ r nnd to completion, no 0 nlly " ' here ninety llc'r r ent of Ihl' fl ' htl'r.' IUI)!'11 b)' the h'mo lnlng !" n- wnul ,1 . lrlll' l:l e .>I llltodly to\\'ortls n di m. hlllf' lIncl"r"loo<l goa l, only to lind Oil! t oo 1111 Ih ll l the whip ot Solomon h od been ext' hnll!:" t1 for Hlo Acor plon of his .on .. . " ' Vhy cnn't th(\y hl ' Inlltl £' t(l ull th 'rIIl end, Mr. Green?" h e crlt'<l h ltt e rly . " Tho work ing mon- tll o d l'l.'t:' llI rei· low-"


t· '·I·t!

_\ f l' f' ' 11 \ \ h i l l' t l ll ' IJlIIII""l1 l n ' r ('('oy :- 1. ..:~ , . ... , " 'H . 1 1.11111 hI m '1 \ .' r 111 ,1[ .! " It II • ' rI 4t III .... j· oI lI . p"": lIn l • u I III wllh IlIUHV hr' .. th . . 1I 1It! 1':11 ' ..... ':-:' tht' ~I uw. dl"ljnll1h';1 I li b: 1.. .. ,1", :111 11 Illt'r'lI ..:\\ , 1, II 1I J1 tt l l ' 11 11' -.1, .. I, ,r r ,·,llI tl II1 11·c1 : " I I \\,,"Id hI' 11 11 ,,"lnU.."f' ' (1 l..r th l ' " I ,alt! I! /ott "II' Tt l flt ""liS till' 'tlUlllr l l r I ,.t\·nll l\&\ n ' l 1,:'11 . ","1+1 t Ill ' 1 !l 111J'11l ~ l fI ' t in 1111 111 J II H' l HI Ih,' " ur ltun , And "'1'111' 111111 1 I. !lkl ll~t"" ~ "II ~u.\ Ih " I , 1III ' r , · \\II ~ Hllt ltfu ' f 1\ '1"1' j H, ·r,·,' !.\' I" !l 1'; "I: IIh 'I·'·· ... 1'1111\1:.:11 l ' \ 1.\' ·111 ·.... to ) " ·"·1 ..... " " T IIlI ! ' :, It. \\\1 HII " " I Il! 1 h l ~ t ,rul, · :1": \\'1·11 " ' hll l a !'llll t dl/l"i l 111 ~,·t ll, ' l· . I rt ·II ' t·IIII,t' l". lin d It m y ' l'IT. ' llI r .r I n ltd f" ,,-, ';" . WB :-- n f r"r d lJ Hlt' r. III III~ II r l\'lIl t' :-olttill': H1It PrUlIlI l l\ ' l l d .. h r.lIl< h t ~ ItI \n'1. r""ir! fhllt I ',' fl ' r!"inn II1I t IlJ' his prill'''''' " I hH\·,· 111 .\ dOli" ' .... ,' I r . l' lltf 9. If flll ll il\ t u I1 H· . • • . It wns It t;tlgg-\ ·~ ·


hlm ,"

dCrHtll nd, Cnptoln ? 1 guPSll I'D! no ItI· tellectulll guy. but the re WII S II Fl'e nch wrlwr 'ellow-VI ('\or UIIIlO· - who wrote somethin g thnt SlI re hit th(' nnil on the b end. I copied It out . f or It BOOmed good to O1 t'." F'rom hi S l'oC ~(l I· book he produced n sltp of I'lIp<' r. ""rhe raulta or women . ehllrtn'n, s r,,"ots. the weak, the Indllll'nt ond Ihe I;rn oront are the foults of husbands. fu th l'1'fI, muters, the strong. the rich . nTlII the Icnrned.' Wall I" h e IpRn!'<1 buck In his ehnlr, "there you (\.1'(' . Tlw lr pr"p,'r leaders bavo sure (n UE'd th em, 80 thoy're runnin g ntt"r tllOt hUlll'h .,r crosa-eyed skotp./'!i. And s lttlnll )",ro. watcblng 'elli run, and lauith lll!! fl l to bent tho band, Is your pnl f'ctc r~<ln !" It WDl! at that moment thot t h~ tp ll~ phono bell rang. lind nttE'r II sill/lit h e,;· !tatton Hugh picke d up the recpl\·e r. "Very well," he gT'IInted. ofter II st CD· Ing for a whil e, "I will tell hi m." He replaced the rocelver nnd turn ed to tho Amcrtl!tUl. "Mr. DUch l\ng wtll be here tor th e mootlog at lwo, o o\! Peterson will be lute," he IInnounced B1owl)'. "'Vbnt's DltehUng wh en he'/1 o t bomor' nsked the oth er . ''One of the so-ro ll ed leaders." An· !!Wored lIu gh brt efl y, tllmln g over th o poges ot the ledger. 'Here'. hi" <1 0"' slcr. according to P oter.;oo. 'Dltchll ng. Chnrles. GoOd spenleer: cll'vcr: lin· IICrupn1ollll. RequIres big m Oll cr: worth II. Drlnks.'" For a whll Ih ey stor d lit Ul e brlcf summn!')'. 'IIud th en t he Amcrlclln h urst Into a gu!!'uw ot IlllIghtl'r. "'tho rolst.llke you've mlld e. Conlu ill.

,-'c rOn

t h"Il ':;I!I,1 :1 \ ' '' I r ,

II In.

Th e \\' or(ls or 11 11' IIIIlIlIllllIII'rl ",hhll enOl" hock to hl < mlnrl. "TIll' mlln or stup,'ndou8 o r~ IIII I .. ln)( powl'r, who has Ilrnugh l IOl(elll L' r (l.nrl "',' I,ler! Into on e Ihe hll n dl'('d~ of Slwlc!l ..,. AII11' lInr to mlll~ . who h('fll r~ thl . hll \' e en r h, on Ihl' lr 0"" . bl' II f(','hly _I rll g" l(ltng 1O\\'lIro th e \l itht. No\\' WI' nrl' cntn hlUl'ri. nnll our Blrel1JOlh Is cl ue 10

'11 t In \


:\ '1 1]

f.Jt lnvpl\'I'!I the cr\:ntt ilo II f nn nrl11Y, \


11 1' .... \\



r o",u lut l l\O.

b y I'e ll'rson In n ·e1 1111< : "An ex (',·IINll runl l: :::; (\0(\ t o r pro-




" I ~lIp rt '''I' lI f't ," 1I 11'lId, n '~ n'l r llll ~ .


~~:;'~I:I/~~ II:'~\ ::,'.,';1:;11 1:;::~~~:~,t ~1't'n 'l tlrl ":1

IRWIN .'\Y£RS Copyr igh t


II1U nh'r 111111 r l II"T'


J' h' " ..

IlilIr- l

.1 llUIJI \· f':rJtI1L:t ' r ~ I" uh n osl ( ' rll ~ll III hl~ wt 'ak\ \ ItHI (I ltl t hll ~\" IIW \\'H Ul If)

1h i'" 0,;.


IUusiratio l'~


~ Ir ;

Do ne," lloswl,re.1 the mil"1\ WIIS Ju st \I" I't of tJl e

lhelr. "r".1. III tI .l. IIH'I"

Il~ fi

O.'Il.·n p tlVIl II,

I1 F=========================~ 'H e The Tit The

tliuule, diddle, cat (lud the ,f iddle , dogmn o IT with th es poon fa rmer boy roared n ut soon was horel\ Wlten a Classifi dAd. Mad{ th e hoy' s dadd y glad For he sold ~ horst'

"lui II H;l\

\' 1 f' hl'\l th' tllUll 1 whum IH ' IUI\V I, J,,'\\ t.i til' ,.",. or Iht' fl .! Ur'·lIt. hit 11J1' l tJ hl' r; " I' I UII\lrn JlH\nl l w1I 1I, uv,",r : t\ll ;.:l UHl t' HI 1it," " ' "'k.. J il ' .IL\\' hhu \;lIn \\ :. 1 n Sli tt ' , 111 d th " ' 1 \'1111 IH' ,· ~~s · Ihl l" ll"r t l 'l t :1\,0 HI ·,11 \\ lll'l II ,. , , \" ,11l :-: 1 I ' ~\ h .1l I~ l' ~1i. S \oO, Itt,'wr t lll l " I'

uta .ut

)' l IU- I

1.'".' ·h U II I.. t u

I llIg\J ~I ,l lj l \'d u\"t' r i · '·II((' · I"·..... !-olh 4lul ·

Ik r Itf t i lt , tilt," "" '.

And:1 cow v('ry SOO Il.

I I t' JUSI lilt d 11/ :11 ' t" r l lnl l ' " e'roftt' r , ful llI. ,\ t ', "1 ~l lIlllllltl t· Itllll'kKlIHnt. 1'I II) il q.( 4·tt l l l .. l : 1'11 1' h l :i 0\\ 1\ Imlld. ,"I "'d~ ('III','f,,1 \\ul, 'hllll-: ." " lipl\ Ihe " 1J!d " ,'1 "f lti ,' r, ·II\III·hs. hit' fuct· l'\.tll \ ,,' .. 1,01 \\ Itl, r'tll"~ " (11111 1'1111 111\ II lId fl\ ('~d

( W llb '1JOIu~I ••

. \\ It " \\ , ,,I ,· I lta l T ' li t· .. 1I 1I 1-II'd . " \1 11 ... 1 JIll\\ ' IWI 'lt ~ I t·. ) ', ' tl' I";lIn:' flll ... \\ r , l\ 1111 :..: 11 1'1:1\ id 1.\ . 1I1"!..I· . ,( , 1t ,lr· l >'l t ' l. ' ''". '' hi ' IIIUfIlJl1n ·d. \I.II!';II: II" d\ II I !!1 " ' 1'1 ~ 1 1' . 1 111(·llIln).; .

\\ 1,"

h:ll , tPlttu·t tlllt' I.\'. III I ltin. I'II I,~ 11111 11 - lI l llt'

IIITh " '\ .... l llI l t·"

1:1\ 11'1 '

\\11 11





\\ 11 11 ... . '

I dt' II II IY

tu Mo lil o" Uoo•• '

A Classified Ad. will brin g qllick r e" \I1t ~ if properly wr itten alld nti\'I'rt isnl in dlle season , one 1" " lI C g(' nL'ra ll y selling the goods .

Ii " "

" " 111'- 11 1\

• I

1" ' 11 I I, ·t..! ., ' \I!" ,\ I,'d , 1l'II II1I IU'll d . " ~I .' , ; " .\" ( ·r, ·ftt ·l· \\/l o.l Ih l d \\'lIt1 " \1 ,· IIl1d l 'I · !,' I' ''':1I1\ \\ III 11 11\' , ' \\' lI l'd .. 111\ .. :t !'l l ' I'II"' lIL 1.11/11, Ilt tl il~. I P lt t'l I!II !!.!." i)1I ~1 ' C ' ll lId Ih' III I.! III S IH ' 1111'111 ', 1 d\ "1' ... .. 11 14· I.:l~ " "' . "\\ \ :'11 "' t 'I' "It:!! ' I ttl .. 111 plt ' ll l 11,·\ II hll~ to.: HY "1 ,, ,111 Y " I I, " " I tr il ,:, . . ~ .. I till'ltll n ~ th lllTl Jlt 'fl Ihl' 1.. 1,,,, \lllh It 1li'1t\' Y 1I ~ t. " \\1111 1 fllf'h -- 1 "110 ':-/ J h' 11I1·nll't ~II.\'. r (l il . ~ I r. :-:"'!'n 'lur .\ . \~ hll l ·": ,h, ' 1I 1"U lli Jl/.! II I" Ih l ... ·!" I "T IH'Y !'t· .. I·'· ... " lIt :\1 1'. l 'l'\t'n,"ll'~ l'OU. I , Idl ' f nl " 1,1111. 11 1:-0 o r yll ll HI I." ~lJld 11 11J.:'h g"lunl l ,"" I ' , 'rlili ps Ihl 1>o. n l1 ... r R: " ltll,' ·


I11UII • •

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Wa~' ncsville,



IlIrll t' d

ttl t h p I'll It· ~lIlIt h ,



:-011'\1 1'",1 rnr\\ IH.I \\1 111 n ~ 1I1·I !I·I."'(·, ll \II'k . lit. ~ I " · IIII ·d 1,,11f' " ,Ii (1'111 1' d " a l' \\h ll t " " II!ld I I P~ I'\ II,,· (II Ii, ·..,.. 1mt HII 'I'llIly t\,.1).. -~~""!'-----~ l u r I Hld l lll'lt L'd I1P li tH 11tl 1l1"'.


' i.:tHlLil1l1nd n n tilU(U



Best Is Ev erything. Till" mon wh o l lJi ~ d"Il ,' h l:i h t'A t h,,& ,1,HII' "\'l' r-y Uling. '1'111' JUIl Ii who t lUS Ih HI I' l,'s~ thUD hiM 11,":': 1 l i as d on u uo LbIII ~.

- - --


-- - ---_.


I'I. ": .\ S [,O Il RT

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S uits.

Tho Nllti oDll1 Mntl1l~I'tn~urllll o" co mpllOV 0 1 (,;6Ii l1 u. (lid o. bllt! .. Cll~I' LJrought ag .. io ~t t 110m for .H u ony UI1 In8nrllooe 10@>I 'I'll" flill o n n' c h~lmed i~ I\l UO wi t h ill toro~ l. fr o Ul fl AO" tll · he r I n, I V ~I,- LOdn I. . tillh" hllry is t h u plu lntlll .



MON"~Y LOAN ED ----.-.~


I 1(1:-;-


T vpo


U " IIr~. of 111l r oh ("rtow.

Hi ~

g .. IIw lhy

klU Ll, hll( buue . HI,"nLi up 1111 1.lllIlr l·uOt< GI HII/l .. nll Hoe tlt um ' WIl NIl Illlr u yon Will 800 tho bOH~ JlDI! I"rgu~t ~uw "" her ullo y·ou e ver IlI u I<IILl uL Altl u ~ All en. H, l) I, lJr ul(ullin, tllttu. Puono 19-;1 l:iur. v f\y ~lH1rt~ Ilxc hun go. ' H~ I

Money to Loan on Farm L~lnd for ten years at 6 per cent. TERRELL


Wilmington, 0 ., llltolle :3U1.

HIIU S-CtltJlIJlII Drlvo Farm On. r uos ; ti).lriug H .. ttra ond litl&H ONEY Loou tld ou ltvll Btook, rLl r ~Id o: hit( ICr Ow$hy kInd Uld will oh.uel_, aleo Beoood mor'sagthl. _nit yuu : br",1 rlKh t alld prloed ri g ht. It'arm () LUIIUt! oor'" of Way. N.u8I boOMb'. Jubu Uub lue, Alle o II ~ . 22 lJ oll v lll o 0 0 BelllJruuk pike . (,; M. BulhUu" XeDI. Oblo. A UHtlO. UOl1 IIh ou tl - Bnllhr ook 6 Y l.





An o th e r ~ ll i t ri(!IlIIl~1 th tl Nlltio lllli R"gIHt flr " ,1 H110U.'II Mille Vblna. tlft 'UlI1:' MutOt" Ju , uru w 'l l lllO II IPIlII,v ll' l ·t'II... PullulIl 1'lgH fur IlIl n. Inqolre " It shows the 8treut.:lh or th" Iiru,.; 011. IIhi o. !~ Il r "lI~ h t hy 1... 11 11 L " f Mltrvlll lI .. y H D .. Wayn ell AN'I't:V- Farmo rH lind dulrv · Hulish ury u llll \\' . H . '1'0111 1'1 0 tllr VII I", ('ulo. . • " 1I2~' tlluse swi lle used au )'ou ." sn lf l Pnll ll' mon to 'noW we Iluve ~ I II· ru o nllY o n i ll ~IH .. UI·\l luM.. IU" " U"tlu/; IIlCJllti ~ rl ln l y. "1"o u \\,elll tl lPre In IlII IIl u n&1l8.0Iti rllillllewd walo ,le r~IIY ­ tu 1:!' f,O. w t th IIIIl'n'st 'r lllll 1l00olIl ' l - - - --nlrpllln l'. Mr. PotUl." Rlotreu N u. I ,· :!!j\/1 - w bo~ " oor Itllll:!U. Ild ll"l ;': rl lfll rlt lllli'HlIIIILl FOR ngNT "An ulrp lun e l" cried th" Dlher In IIth or r e li e f . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ UIiID Will a woodllr of purt uu t lu D III nrnnZl' lJIllflt. HI d o o't TtHlH! t Il II Pr It. Iliikl, oolor llud I1Iltklllg qUlllltlu... 1'\' " I/ Dt 110 rC('oll l-c tlun o f It w ha lew r. Loon L. R Ili ~ IJtl r y britl~H Bu it l.arge 1,Ivlll l( li otltus tor rent In Her ,law tlnd graod datu Wbro t ljou l 1'llI'rl" 5 ollly one olher IhlllK tll " l I ,'nll u~"IIl .. t TIl O N nlltlllil l Mllt.unl In .Hr Curwin. Al1ply tu tui~ oruoa f (O r Iy ~r .. nt Ir yuu \)"IIl1VU Itl 1t,,'''II · Ill Y holti or, nnd Ihllt's ull Iilill lind 1111\:" t u t b 'l nlll ' "11l1 II I ,:10110 wiUI I"fu rtuuti oll . OD tty , y on 0 1111 drlv .. DIII .. ~ t .. LJru~d tu lIIuzz y . . , . P('lI rl s.• . , A ~r" a[ r H11t' i ll ~ Urutl C(l ;rlllll 11l),·tl UlLJur I ti. 19 ~ . ) It rtlntroMH' I "'d U eu. U . UOllcb. 1:t.r r o f pe nrls . . .. I \V IIS to s lt.:11 11 I'll 1"'1': (lth or r o li a r i ~ prll,l' od fo r . vey8llDrlf, lIltlo. sU - U fill d I wO llldn't . . . I dil l ", ... ,'. IIl1d FOR SALE-FARM 'I'h .. Mnruhllu tH nnt! Fllrtll Or 8 Bank tJlI'n r h pr e ,,"us 8 shot UluJ Llu.' Ih,II ' o f i-llltooheHI.or 1M s n lt l~ HI _ln oho M, ~\·~. u.t ou t. nlld VII' plI\lpr dl."I\J I "' nr~ 11. 1 OrukB tor tl CUgIlU\' lt n ote. FOUND FA RM --l willllell ,btl farw knolVn " I\ 's lit my I.nnk nl thi s nll",,,·n t . ~fr. ttll abo Wm ( :tlOllowe &b farm 3 R. 0, "nil B1t1n ohn Drllk c lH e made !'ntt s." AA " I HUI/h: "I tou k IIIlIt 1'"l'l'r, t1 lJ l nndalltH Vllr!'U H th o Mo rotmllt and n\\[es h u m 1'V ..,v u e .. vl ll e , be'w~u or Pll rt of ·ll. Ihut II ll: ht." ~ FlLrm BI t! I3lm k o f UItHI C h e~ttlr for u Wayne8ville Itll li 1,'M ry, ooniletillj! O TORCYC L E Oblo Li oenso I lI r II I 44 a c t'o!' or gu()[1 nllahle land, new "111 ,1 .\·OU 1" Til l" 1lIlIlIonnll't' 10nk l·tJ cug n ov lt Il o t·o . Htde oar. Own.,r oaD gut flIW ..' f, .rOUlll h ou s ... leo " .1 )Ia l'o 40x &0, to. by calling at till. omoe or ", Will III hllli \· n~u ~ l y. " 1 WIl~ til Jlrllllli se W il!itl til M o K. Br o wll has peti. 111.000 . bltrn ~sx ~ s. brge oi_tern, t!J Nn 11 1IJ1 ll1oo IlolI lIl'!i \\,1"'11 Ih,'y hilt! Th . . (Jllmmlnl, M&. l::Iolly. II:.! 1 Jlone "' !J ll l till' \' s lllrt . . . . I 1'''II I~ tlI I1Cr en, Lighting a Cigarette, He Sat tiOllfHI l o r tl I'ltrtiti llu of th o eH$lIte ~).llentltll we ll of witte r aud " oevllr · flg ainMt (';lItll " rino l'io rH fl n a l "I. thnt . . . . A;I,I t.1l" 1)I'url " " I'klll"I'. Down a nd Wa it ed . f"iIIlllt ~ prill ~ [ ll f oatllll For fur. t,uer ioformlilion. pbone 99, or 8ee . . . t ile dlld h:~S u f . . . t . 11t' 1 11lIl St · ~ J j "!l l lh' III . 1I 11 L!' 1I r t'c' uJ:lIl 1.t'tI fl tlll III n n(' c FARM FOR RENT lIarry Murray. Wlty n tl8 ville, Ohio. Hilt! :-; Iuluk h i!'l hl'ud wl'lIrlLy . II~ ' ·"lIu n, ·., ."' l·:-; I IH·, lUI lIHlho r uf lo:f"l'n t }'ru(·,,(·dincfo'. IIlltl n 11't!.





- -- -- -_. _ - - -



" 'J'h e c1 udless of LJllllp~ IIII'l"H ?" Il t'ol Jl t1t c d 111I gh. uThul '8 It," ~f1 1 tl t ile othe r . " T ile d u (' h l'~~ or I. lIlIIpsldre' s. I t wns su y-

o Ci

IJI'lIl la lH·.' --l n It H; OWII C\ , ·:-;--w h ll tlluJ lu t, 'll' t! ,' \'ul ,'t! hllJl!'O dl' II; Ill, ' :lthH II 4 '~'

1.l o yd Mol: Itt lin 1111 II pl eaded g uilty t o t h o th o r t o f 110 lIuto m o hlle aud ----.-IIiP /1t or I'4I\nl\l rln u Jl I'Y lui.,#! .. W ILl! r ole"Mlltl 011 oondlti on t hllt be " x eout,o r of 11111 BOlt .. te of Amelia "';(.II ld :tflt' l'( l ou n ." I UU I·I II II I·cd J 'nllll ' III11' ear in oour t unl II hl~ 011('0 18 till!. Ing thlll I Wllllte t! II~r pCIlI'Is, 1 think , 111111 11 1. alTlIlJly . " Mr. l ·l·tl'rslOlI will he Il I'otif'Cl of. Oll d e fanlt o f w b io h b e WIll ::;ulker, dec ell~,,<1. a nd ", vul tl IIs k 00 qu es ll olls os t.o how Ilt tl ,! lUll'. 1 11m his prl vu te s' ·'·I'~ lllrr." btl Hu ud Ibo Bum of lIOO. lhey w c r(' J.::ot.· Till· uthe r nuddell HIIlI s ul duwn Inll · Mn r riage l..irrnsf'8. On lI\oUon o f Leon L . S "Ii~hnry 'l'l!e (Ielec lh'e gru nlecl. Kul,lIy. th o OIlU Me against t h e N f~ttonlll Mu Re yulonll Cllrl Hutllngllbead, Mor. "Wa n ted to In critn lno te you pro pc ~ "\\,hnl did YIIII think or Illy 1,,"1 littl e Iy. dlel they? Th ough It Se.!LUS t o tne crt'url III ' Ihe Mldl"",J" ?" he " s IH·ti . tu,,1 IU Burllnce Ooml)(l.ny. o f CeliuR , ro w, '0 Mnry Christloe Wilson . Ohio, is ·lIiam\s801i wit.lwnt I'rej n. Mo rrow . Ih llt It WIIS u h lul llcd ris ky ",ullle . dnJ "'llIl/ olT h i" )l; loI"I!s. I:ta ll1h fI. ArohdOIIOO O. Springboro "I.jult l' lI'oIHlc· t·flll." 51111 1 II II g'h. "A II lolt. and OOHts of '11.11 ttl xed ' Igllillilt 'J'h (!l'c s hou ld hllY\! hOl!ll en o u~h money IlhUl\tlO' to wbloh du(undllot exoBpLII. t.1I Jt::doll M. Uruko. Waynll.vllle. ' frolll th e uth er three to rllU the sh ow mll l' n'lulls hl! lp 10 Ihl' ~I'l'n l ('1111' ('." . C llIrk Van Horn_ Oregonia to Th e el\~o of I.oo n I... ~I1It !l hnry v or· \\, lUl out worryi ng yo u. whcn tl ley . , '"lIullt'" I'o' ,·"lor 'YIl\\'IIC" "ll glitl y nllli fuulld you w l'rCu't t Ol' i t. " (.' Io!'(!d h is toYl' ); " oll l y to Upl"l l ll t'lI l HU ll th o NuUonRI Mutu .. 1 III ~ nran nl' j';thol Fay tlimllklD8, Oregoola ' "Wlllt," snlll III I' mllll ollll lre, "thnt n)(11 111 ns IIlIl:h tlJrt l!'tI Ihl' pu g" A or Vw cll rupan'Y. o f COlillll. Oh!lI . hllH b e"n Corbort MuIlIlOM, ,I ,okllon, Ky" to lI t ~ tIlI H" , " 1 on m o\.ion o f plulntill .ll\nle Hollao, KlugH Mills r(:llIittfl" me. He foro they Rssaull!'11 IIII' Ic llgl'r o n Ih " whl c. on~ I H I\Hsessed at '(l.ill. Ue f onLlulIl s " \\' h lll' ~ thllt'/" III ' tI('ttIl JlIlIi 'I I. ul VI! ' I 'u rltoll t ltp>, lultl 1fI " the uth,·r. wulll . hl ' l L'o lJll' in ullle,iiS 1 d id." " TIlI ~ I~ 'h t, hOok." f\'pll t'4 1 Drulll · LJr it~ (l, unsol exoepttl. Commlsslon.n· I'roetoedlnp For n whil e tt Jl? r WUR sil e nce, UUIli l l c 'a l ' d cs~ I S , "\\ tlL' n ' Mr. 1'4't e r son l'ho oo urt o rdered Roili MRnufao. b rll kl'll Itt JI'II/.!'th hy lIu gh. r i!I'onls h id Itpllll onH of the illl lllt'lI ",e t orln g ooUlllany . t o r lloove r from Bill~ allowed :- The ,J. W Lingo "\\,, ·11 . ~I r . l 'oIl ts . y"u '\'e Itnd a moldy VIII"" uf 1111 111 , r,·llow'wl) l' kl.!r~. MuSI dofRutl e nt. H. ffi . E .. rnlt ll rt thB 80m iJardware UO., wlrA olotb for ooonty j l~lI. ' 28 23 ; WID . EVGn8, lumber tor IltU". "" d 1'111 n ry I-:h"l It' s 0\' 'r. Dut In t< ' r c~tlllj: t·L'udl lll(." of t212 AB aod oo~ts . rupalrs lit oonrt hoose, , .. :12; Mark Ul j, )u· I..~n n YOU ' \ '" got 10 t.h un k t ur "A lii I h I It ?" ' ·UIJ Ull(, t! Nc ~ tllr nros~ l.eever, 8erVIOe8 borlal cOllunlUee, " lItlil1~ us fool luw s UII yo ur trllck IB 0 \\'llh "lu,·I·IIY . I'whale Co nrt ProreNiings . Harlan Twp., '2; The We8tern!:ikr . 1(11'1. If II hllolll' t hel'lI fo r her I 'rn " \\,h y. of (·o urse." tlll ij\\,,· rt·oI \)rulII GO; The Leba. !l fml d Y'JU ·oJ s llll be IlIIvlng IIh;lI l· IliOll d. "A 1'1 ' Y"" n,,1 ull, · I)f t ill ' leutI · Ro~e H e rget. uIlllliniHtmtrix o f legal advertising. l IJU n'S: ' cr!oi"! I lt' r .. you ura'," lit, I ~d nl .. tl w ith th e estate of (Jl\r o l!o e Hergol" do· oon Putrlot. Ildvenlslng for oounty "I "' 0111 01 lik e to Hec 'h er ulld Utullk his 'hll/,' r. II II rl I.h ,·)) eire'\\' IlUf'l1 In d is· oe"!led . flied h e r f1ul\l IIll00l10t for trea8urer. " .40 ; .Ioho LaW & 800. I<uto 801lplle8, '7:1 0 6 ; '1'he Zell Ilcr ." ," 1,1 the milli on a ire Qui ckly. If IlIY. " 1H·u r . 1lt-lIr l TII .. r,· III UHt be eettlement in oourt. BtalllpUo.,rlbbons for dating s&amps, "You sllllll ." , Hrhlll c( 1 Hug h, flCQUlC "Wilit. ml s 'lI k •.. " t>. 1:1 Rue. gUBrdlao of tbe estate ooonty auditor, '2; (l. F . Brown, to t til' wI',l oI lnl/: It will lie In II t nrt· JI ll I \'uli lltl l'p )\;('SlOr. with n frozen of (,;arl Harve y Hn r.h . an .Inoompe. agent, premium on OOOD&Y treaanr. Tile Millionai re BtlIred In Silence at n l.:1It IJ r thl·I·CII!onuls ." n lld t.:I USHY ~y<•. \\"11" ~I url nl-: ftl ~r ll1at ctl the Detective. "\\·I'(I<lIII).;!" Mr. Pott, looket1 II lit· >It II ,,· ( " IIIIII'I lit.: ch ule., d,'s' Iil' tlun of teot, filet! hi~ fir st IIn ll flnal aoooon& er 'A bond, '1 85: Dr. Robert Blair . 10 olJUrt . tlf' Y 1Hlllf'_ profes810nal servlo811 for prIsoners, h ln,,,·lf : h ~ !lIt u tllll! . " 5 If· he Wfi S III'l 'I ll ite "o rl' "Yp~ : ~ l1lle nnd hers. Wwslly P. V . Bone, A8 at1mlnlstra tor of '15. 21i; W. B . Bopping, Hie boxes ....... '·" I" r . \'"lIun,·e. AUlhor-Ho,cll lled. or Ills \'oi('e. II I ~N'1l1 to n'flj C'rn lJ ' r for probate ooort and repaln a$ II 'JI 'l1 lr f"i·, ,,ry. IlIIt usef ul 11\1 to 0 tbe es~"te o f Vern e r J. BIghtruan. y uu r fill''':' h(, ("(lUT i ll t H.-'d, " u s l)Hrt of ooort bonse, ~14I.2 B ; Morrow Brant " T i ll' Ilt ro t ~ Irll\\,," r t.' nlllrkf'd '-rl ~ ,l .l e r · ll , hilS been ordered to distrl ... d e oell8e 11" it ll. I lIlIrdlnutt·ly ('(t IH'1~lt " d nnd n the uwf ul nl,! lt mo re 1' \" (, sull't'rcd the niJ lI: h u III. "A 11111re ltul' 0s ~lh l u IUHn UN III UI ll llJ lI' litul l l.-;S . J';ol ttl to h e t ru~dcd bute to ' th e widow Rnd oblhlreo boarding Rnd wa~hlog for prisoners, IIISI f l! \\, oI:1 .\ S--or Is It \1'cI'k$ 7 I See Ul 1I 1.,.1<1<',1'010111 would hl' hurll to think note8, stbOIi:!! aod hond~ belong log to Angns t, 1921, " 7 2G; The Valley fllr." t o r c.D1 f' rnt l\' f 111I \'iu g SC:<.!11 YUII , ll ucI y ou 'l'e!ephone Uo., rents for varloot! of. of. Hil t III lh u III I'nnllllll' I pinched were III \I oJ'S klnti." "WIII1I, " he "Jllull l'r,·tI lit ICIl t.: lh. "18 the estate. fioell for Sep'ember, tollll for AOluat, hil i r 11 IlOZt ' lI of Ul e old lUllnll'!l P erri er Ralph E Broc,lt~ WIIS appoi nted th e "I" " ld ,,~ of thi s UlolOllIllIlI !>lc In· "Tbn t's n \I O\'cr n ow. Mr. l'ott!!." SfI Id \ .T',"(' t !!II I HII,I Pll t 'em In the cur. I ,.7 25; Lllb~oon 1011 & CollI Co .. adrnlni~tr .. tor of the Datate of Wm . HUit 'l" "Yull got 11110 th o \\' hllt ~:t.~' .\·I1I\?" H ugll ~('tl!ly. Aognst 100 for ooort bouse, 12.50; T. Broc ks, cleoell8el1. 1I111l1l. his H houl derH shnklng IIl1t el ulch es ('I' t he tfIn st Illt enlll l gung or Mid Pope, haullog gravel. Wayne.. "~" )' !" " I,,,·tl'd lIugh. HIlllot b oy I ~ IIKhtl y. \\'1\$ ,,,,,It'mll lllg the IIl'xt 1IrWlIIllIID j<'ry, 8 amool I... B o wtllan ville Oorp , '13.75; A bEvans, aame, swine, Ulld \\ 4." " (\ hh 'll tryIng to J.!c t Do t'~ . I(W s Jl l'lik on ~uch occns lo l1l?" rl\'ul - n rUJ.{J;cd, IU 'ctlc-hro\\'f' 41 m nn, and William Frenob were appointed you out "1',, 111." II" lonk "I) nt Illlil '~Ii ; Clint RolS, 8ame, '20; J. G A lid \I \\'II S Sll. • • • ",husL' fI H'" ~ ,"c lll (1(1 \"n~uely fll tnJllu r , appra.lsers of the e8tate at George qu ietl y. "V" .1 ·Otl t hlu k )'011 ('11 11 reo Baines, labor, Wllyn8lvl11e- Corp, hUI wh ost! nuDie he \\'u ~ uJlllhlc to W. Watkins, decealed. nlew t,er' euuugh t o ll-Il us W)liIl hop· THREE. 116; Joseph EvaD., gravel, "'.ynel. l)l uce. p~ ne( ' .at th e I'L\~ln nlf1)! '! T ak o y our W"lter A. Slllt) c IRA I appointed ""lie oorporatlon, '1i,5:.1, OI ClAv>I'ter." abouted the Inturlult·" nu. t lnu.)" hI' lIrllt '(L 1t'1"h ' I' .~ no h\lfry ."

FARM For R ","t 00 tbe tblrd • . Inq Ilrll .:lf () L. Kloks, R . U. ·i , Wn y n uHvllle, Oblo . .~ 1




Of course you know 'thereason


why millions of men like Lucky Strike Cigarette


-because it's toasted

which seals in the r c al Burley taste






~~, D~ ~~


Red Poll NICE Nice Male Calt,

6 yearl old . 3 muntb. oili. Inquire of JOhD Be"ob, R. D, !l, Wayoeevllle, OhiO. 05

L AMISB-SbroJlllblre Buok LambH • Inquire of Davie Forn..." pbooe 37-.X , Wayullull\e, Oblo.


I borllll Soperlor Wheat Drill . A 3.1:lx7 ; a l.bor8e I:!operlor Ii dllo Drill; a DeerlOIr CorD BIDder; 'b8lle 'oole are all Dew. AI80, '3 OOWI for sttill. (';bll&p If IIOld lOOn . Illquire ot Robert a&rond, R . D. ". W"YOIIII. ville, Oblo . s211

A good l::Iaod'Power Vaooum S"eeper ; make, and 10 good oondl. &1 00. Inquire of Airll . Llndlll" MUD. denhtlll, R D. 3, WaYDoav1l1e, Ohio.


A New MOCormlok Voru Binder . I:!le R . B . tlwith, R. V . ", Way. nellVllle, Obio .


r 200 pounds of (load Lard. A BOU Inquire of Ben IiImnh, of Har, veY8bur6 pike, WaynollV1I1e, Oblo.


10 Good Ton~ Tlmo&h; aay. AIIIO, ' a Fresh ,Iersey COw, wUb four,b oalf by ber Iide. .Iobo Kob . erSOD. R , D. 3. WayneSVille, Oblo.


2 Good Vr.ft CoUs, ODe 3 yoarl oM, h.. beeD ~oJ:ked; ODe II 1ra. pld; bo'b ~ood oDee.

O. L

R, V, 4, Wa1D..vllle, Ohio.


aU . '



The Miami Guette, Waynesville. Ohio.

..•. T HE MIAMI lClIl~r(ul



t., lilt>. j ; hit.) , II,.

h I ti lt.' 1" " h l ll k u - . I \ \ U) Ot

t- I

f I


t I .. ,.,.



I.. ( I ' A N E., Editor unll 'l ' ubli ~lI er. \Yuy nC's\·il1('. l:i u bscrill i ion Pri ce . I .. . .· 1111

' \ 1,

rl ' III


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h· I ''' ' I HUt! wIl li Ii flr. Jll til u\ tut'" II I d . ..\ ~Inl\ Ul III rll .,., .. I' rill' IlIl'" \I' hl\ _l u",~ wlL tdl· In lo( hili' I li d Mi lJl \\ 'Iltl h .. \\,ull , .. d Iu low\,. Hdl \\,tfIIUl jI IIIVr ~)ll1H h l:t:o l .. lIIt!

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"I'll" J 'I 1'11"",'1 1 ~ \1111 ' (' nil l ': lhHllll.ih till' 111"11. 11111 1 1111' . 1I·dl'~~ I 'I IrIlIl:l1. 1110k· Ing S1I 1/t'III.\ liP, tdlllld JlII" . . I· l f :-fIBrin· 111 10 lilt' 111 '11.' 1, ' ~JI .t 1 \.'\ III \1'1' •• ~.,"\'. sl l tlI' \" ) ul tin ' lultl" :111 IIf ~1I11 . 'I'!l ." IIII'ptlllg I ... a hilul IU (o l\i llh' II' P," '"1.(( ·k /"·r' ·... ldll~lo·r' ·d ( ;r"rll ·r. '"1" 11

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., ..\ "I",·d 1111 ' h . ' :tI 'I JI,\. " I \trl Il\ill I 'III III '~ .111 ... 1 Ito \\,-



11 , '\\' 11."

" 1'111 41- II If' I \\ III," I'II,J n ·t\ lilt, "')1· PT • •"pl' : Ill.(I I IJ.: at I ii I' .. ,d fl!.'!". .\ Ild 1'~' II · r ·

"'''11 . silllnj! :-'II/lI'lIly ut I II~

Stran ge Sagacity



WIlILI, WIII ·IUN" 11 " hl rl l ~ " " " thllt An.! YOll enn Wil li! 1\ fllw rllil M li n il e n "\)( '''1 tll ll ill I.•) Irl\n""I1I, f o r 1I , ~at ove r thu h " IIII<II\ ...",,, hit, ,u1I1 YOII t h o nMllI lI\ IIII I .·~ th .. 1I 11\\'" "r Ib e ' WIll tlllli n n ulr<l H: lbll." t lllLt YIl Il o,mu l,r J"lI l.. ? bOllr IHtl uvo r thn lin n; th n ~e tlml Two fllrm" ud j " ill O il fi n" hon n yuu Hoe lire bi~h In Ih e lIir : h y I d.HY.. UIJ n n e lurlll is" hlr,l lov e r m etes un d bouno ~ thoy know whure w llo htl~ UIlV ll r UruL! IL Kl,nt. u n tho Iios t be slIuutur y . ut her liro Illroo ~I"OW lnl{ huv" , w!lo , Wht c h Uli!(h t not b d 80 strange , cutlnt t URI lill Y lust t1lf1 t II IlOH n o t , b u t when tbe n e w b r oods OOlDe tn HI ·O a t llW 1,IIIully fUll I.I1I11 H ~ trow u t h e Morin g fro m t b e ~o uth. Wh. on Ilhuut . I,be n o rthern u UlI~r"l io n fl o ws 'I'b ... e forms julu," quo.rtor o f .. Houl,h in thu f .. II·, tho vis i to r s l ulte r wllo W6UHtlreS th o !unbuBt bo un - !"wbilu iu thllr .lIu r oo rotrnllt , bUI d"ry u f oUO fr u Ul th e otbln . I I.h ey IIpprua ob not lit 1111 tbe lid j ultlAud yl t o n ouo f .. rlll \.116 bi ni iug !l ur os buu HeK 10 till.! trt1"s IIru 11 11 IUlllmt.e d / 1 Tho ofl~IIfLr<I tr llf'H IHe 1\11"0 with Hom e h .,w n llWH hll '" rlll88Ud fr o m ~ou IIltlr~ mut;lIt I,ll o n M Jl rlo~; trolQ Hy ing I( • f1 00 kH a 11:1tI e 10 . t lIe I r ll . f r.llll felllb_ (luuil 0 .. 11 fr"1lI : h e thlok fl lM , fllltl ! l1ltl·"I.) w lurk n OH I" III I.lIO 11111, fie ld lIrIltll.{08~IPM Ilt tbelr dlAtllol. Arotlo 'I'brnMh IHIII r o lli n 8111\ HllIlrr ow ! brtlAo1 ln g g r o l100 s . 111111 HWtllt()W "nt! I ll .. r p.Ht bllvn P Ol"'_ Htrn n ~A : RM MI.rl\ng e II R tho Hig ht lIeH Hion of till' eu tlr e \11I"1(1 . IItHI uro )' o r H fl ll t(l~ ll1l1ll bi rd H 1I0r OH~ IlU 006un 1\8 tl0pll rturhod Il ll tbOu gh lUun wu~ " [HI .. c ontlUOllt : Hummorlug In UVIU b U"J1it"blll. 1':u ~ lund , win te rin g lu TexliH .



" XI rll 'l nlllllll'\

tlll' I'e fll l ,)' , u fl r e t o

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"Yuur gfOn ·

fIl l' lI, " I ll'gUIl JI IIg: h , S llilypl y.

('ru J UI'III'UI'iIlWt' 111141 til e w llrlll ih or t ill' w"Htlil'r Jll l \'1' ('"III II l l/ c d to pro(\ lI \'p 111 fII u H d,'sl n ' for ~ It 'e l " nll t 1u.. fo 1'1' I hund you U\' l'r III n it! l':II'P o f till' sj)ort sI III'Il w illi srllllfl t:l O pu l ll ' n t l ), hi',

hilld yon. t tll" 't' /lrt · on .. or t \\' o n'm nrlt f'! I wl :-lh t n fllltk(,. J.p, me Sil l' nl OllC\' thut un t tl f' l" llh.lI I('( I,r C ll p ltu l ulI lI [ AIhor I nll l s tl r n.·III t' l y 1J.:1I 1"'II I1t. Y ou WIll (il pl'f ·for t· lit , ~ l ' lIn 'rI nil.\" , 1t :'''' l'rlll ~ 0 11 thl ' :-'111,J , ,(, t. H UI (rPIIl III I ~~:.

u on

hlltl ~ t l \ t · stlldy u r t lu ·}t I,lJ,{t,1' " I ll d l now

111"01 ' ti ll' 11110 1,·. II .HI II flll rl )" Intlwnh' kil t'" I. ,d;:.- · nf Il x Hut !tll r ' s 111(1\' 1'·


nH ' llbt , I Ulld Ill.)' rr1 I 'll d Z" h ll n~ IU ll'rl put

A FASHIONABLE DITI'V What h ~8 booOl>le o f t~e sto vo pipe h,,\, Iblll fl' )UrI Hh od 10 d aYII agon e? On the F Ull r l,h 01 .llll y or . , daY8 IIl1 e thaI, Wlll( llIOr"lIy bud ono 00, And . I,b orll 11111 'r, 1111 1101lhl, t hllt It d untlitl! 11... 1, 11 1'1 " Ill y ,, ~tllv ll_ plpo o .. n , to I .. ~LIlU til .. trlulul,h uf "UOIOII ~ act uu I,h " prlll Cl pfl l " 1111 uf. mUll ! AuL! wla~ t hll~ ""OU IIIO uf th e loll K\"IIIl.1 n.. "t,. \Vltb ItH s ptlrlt of 1\1 1(111 'adu ~ 1111 . Is wuu& thll way flf ~he Urllllif e r v n Lo. ' o r Ko ne with thu bll bo .. In &1". wu. "I '~ UIlIi lL llriHllt.!

t9 rh ('

away, wl ~h Its orlnkle aod flop. \0 t b e vf&lIey "f n o -man 'II-plaoo~ Doee 1& IDe lln ~hl1l, the prlou " t tho '!Allor sboJl bn A oll l./LLl lshod R o hllngo of o f IIIIM"? Anti , wb ll t hll8 w ellt. wltb I,h e 11 .. ..... \ n ' h Oll n l . IIIHI tho rov o r e n oe whl oh it, lwll," Thnro I~ill't no u bj""thlllM til" I. •lV ,· r I h onnl, &0 " dlj!,Illtl ~t.! wili Mk o r y I'olt, ! When th e n ~III1Ht f"oll ln I.h ill rnlr IBDd , OIln f'urnlHh il.", uw n Ilt MgnlHe. 0 foll or fUlly bow tn r,,"hl o l1'l1 ,IOIll IIUt.!. hul, bono8Lly iMit wlllo '(


1 1 ·(.I~lf lh u.:


111 ( ' II I I \ ' ('nl('(\(' 11

,.ou. "'l'herE It r ,,' tl1 I1 Il Y t tl it ll!!'ol . \\'0 ).;n nw, . which IIrll \I" rOil I' In Ih ls J, ' II~' old ,·"un-


try of Ollrs; 10111 1'1\'1' 11 .11Il<' 1I 11f1 UJe r\!:ht IIlelll .. ". I Ii 11\ - III1l" I" nlly op-

Jjut r h: li t.

'1' 1 II


h 1l\\"~ \" ·I'.

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\\'1 11t ! ·i't I.I...... OIl-y nll r lllf l yo u !-;ny 11C' d o· 1'111\:-;. IL.'i till' p r k ,· of rt ' V.

... I:ln

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mnlt il l'd . ~ I I', O)U t! OIl '!"

~ t l" "I 1! I I·tl



l' r y

I'Pf, ·r:-:o n

A fl u~ rl <"l1 lJ 11I1 1111I1I1l 1r(>, r e rllo , ill!.! h i ... II lu"'k. :-:;t l ' p[I,'.1 fH I' \\ !lz,, 1. "" wo h Ulld!'t'+! n l HI I l fl~' t h lll/~II t1 " 11H \l t ll l!-=, ynll s \\1f11" \\'1I!-i w lill t ~ (l U 1I..;I(dl

t-; pt'llllJ,: Ill' 1\" l it"





1" 1" 111 111 101 IIrl.' s t 'lud l"flllfr ll llt · InK h it-' t unl ll '1I111 1' , \ \ Itn «11"111'1'1'11 IIn (·I.


Bull-Dog Drummond

In h l~ d lll Jr with II ~1·' I IlTl . ",\ ntJ will '!! t ( ' f lll'-I'd , ,\ 1111 lo ,·t ll1·pcl OI P . L onJt III my ll1l1l l1h ." ~ \rhlt n c ry or h n l'l'or tilt · ul hpr l" " It , ttn l{ " 11 111' I lIh l 4..' l!lol; (" 1 a l I ta· 1II1If ICI("d th"': ! I, 1I 1It! 11 1f'n nt tl u' fIInll willi li nd (If)I' lt · I t. 'J'l tI~, " \ ' (' 11 tn th plr lIiIllIl, \\,IJ ... )

The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull

/ot" I I U.!' r ot! ful' . " '1'1"'1"1

I flu-k i ll!!, Ih,'

1' ~ll' r:'IJ Il : "

.. ~o


SOllt 23 - ·Autumn e qulnllx . Sept 25 - ] 8 tit S unday after Trinity. Sept. 29 - Miehaelrna'l,

sn flli '

tI lt · " to

:\ 1II1: l'it-nll

~1JIl I. ·

(',\11 ,," fril l'

j 'oilOIl

1111111 -


\\'Il ~





velliure, hur It h it Ih., murk . ullIl 1'(.. IO'I'S"II noll II I'll.


Sept. 4 - 15 lh Sunday after Trinity . Sept. 6 - Lahnr nay . Se pt . 8 - -'l'he Nntivity . S e pt. 11- Hith Sunday af\.e r Trinity. Sl'pl. IS - 17th Sunday .aflt'r Trinity.

\\'1I "l

IlIdf (h'l'l11 l1 l1 h,\' " Irl li ; SH'lu 4.. 'II IHrlll . th,. nPI'J IIIIIl ('1'111 l un lt : ' ·01\ ( ' r n l 7,. t il t. ( ;or Il IIl JI s lt ·\·1 11 11111. Js th llt n o t ~II ,


Our Calendar

, Il l' rt ·

('o Tlllll 1JI'(1 , l r ll l lll l1 l1' l d .


"1'efllln ce, Vi ctor. A w onlll'rflll .vcnkut . AllllenrS I'('oll y tu bc lll' \"<' thUl whnt he !I"Ys wilt "~ u elll the worklngmnn. (,:onsequclltly ,' cry v!lluohle; but IIl1lulJllubly 1Il1l1l." "Does h ll "1<'11 11 to I n~ult us Ilcllhcr· nt c ly?" lIen'Ull d~d Crufler, his vulce ~tl lI ijllllkhlK wllh lIu sslo n. "Bul' I clUII'! 1I1111"I'SI UIIU, " ~.ild Vktnr Te r nulce, tluzcd ly. tlUO.I~ Mr. p p. h!rSOli (11)1 be ll" ,·c Iu our t ClIl"lllll ~S, too 7" H e · lu rlle, 1 s lowly lind Iuokl'" ul lIugh, who RIII·II.-get.l hi s gho ul lien•. "H" s houlll he here lit UIIY lUolIH'nl," he u lIsII"ercd, Illld O~ he R(lllkc tho 1I01lr ' ClllI'I\, :d UIHJ CIII'I Petersun come In.

ulituul II fh'rllnon, j.{t·u llcnJ('u," Ill' 'he-I:nll. 111111 Ihl'l\ III! so w lIu!:h. Wt t h a look of . ~ 1JI·, ' ch l "RS IlJllltZcruc nl he



:-:1111 II



lI lHI

..:,, 111

Idl ll''' :-'

1l1'~ I ,'


) ..


,'j ,.



\\ (' ho \'v n 'I'l'a t ('dl v s l nl ('r 1

pnll ll<i!ol

\\'n F-l


s Ink,' Ihl. 101'11 I'f,," 1011' of 1111111111:11111)' \VIL S Illuylll l: rOI"," ""1"'1"," 1 111"11 11111" ,,, 11. ,IOn(' mi llion POllIHb. 11 :-; 1'1)1.' IIIPJ't ; prll 'l"\ or II II Htlol1's II f" ·h l,,o!!. Rut Ilt nny r1l1f' hr' IIBd Ihl' 1Il/' rll o f plny ln J.:' hi).:. w l lt' I' pu:-; III .. I't 's f ot yl l l1 8C Uln . nn d II\(, nth"r h, ·Ull f!t ·!'O . .: " ll lt l,'· cntnlo)..'1lt·,l In Illat hOllk . t111 '''''': t' fl :1110 111 nt hi . hpI 'k nnc! ('1111 f ,,,' p: ... I"·I ~ (If

hu!l':-: ('Iy,~ , l 't 'I' l l lIl's .," II \) l :t h ll l'i'ti tin. der th ... llt ·lllslon tl lll t ynu \\'1 ' 1'1' i'PHI , tn g hlll l, !Jut t h p wh fll p In t o f YUIl nrt' 80 cI - d (" r .. ok .. " Ih lll Y"" I'rolhlllol)' t h ought of 11')1111111: hnt yOUI" own Illlh y s kins. " L1Ht CII to 111(,." Hu gh Orll llllllOllll'N voi ce took on 11 d pcp, "0111 II IIlIHI1111: ring, Bnt! UjrILI1I81 Ihelr will Ihe four me~ l unlt ed tit thl~ hr(l ufl. po\\' prful !lOldl ('r, whol'(' s ln el'rlly Rhone c len r In hi . fo('('. "NIlI Ity ,,'volu tlnns and !\treet- nCll nn will r')l! mllk fO Ih l. IRltmu ot ours right- though I 11m tully

,,J h

r. "

1I It '



t '.t

,t. . . ,'d

pnl'C' o f btl illl ill g m a t eria I was c n llllo l :tI"I"ru lO ptlt ofT

\ 'IIU


B Uild -Now and Save Money

JI I"" JI:I II' I d!"I'I" d t il la l ... ~td t ', :,11" III' ~1'JJIII"r l

i\ ~I l(lti Y ." I . 1\ 11" l;ll:Jrd.

T rees an d 1 ~lHpe r.

t"n I .


~ i dill


P,T ll10(l

SUIlW nwn \\' h lll! ItH '\ h. 'I'l t lll ' lr rpm • I'll I' \,'Plil ntH Hi ul f !:: "II··I ~' d lOp,'cd do n I I II tt'e. Hil t r ·\ , '. IIf1dy hJ\:-.u ' t


1n·t' !tll n dy.

~l lIld


$27.50 $30.00


HARVEYSBURG Mr ~I (j tl ('1111" . n t IllI .v t ,n •. I ~ 1,.1(' 1 In g lIi H 11l1l1nll l h '11I 1 \Vult n r I.'n, y W:ll-l flllr • . OYO r :-:1111110, V

h q lH f'

I r lH Il

Th e r ll Ilrl' fI1l1 ny Wh'l "lI lI t 101 fnrDl t! 10 thi s In('nll l .\' .

F , c<, 1! l. i" ll·, {' !a sk l :11101 C" Jl ll' lt! (I II 11:\ lId ~ nil Ih ,' l illt C' . A lt C'\\' ("n l" ,f iek t' , ti, \'I) l l r ChilllJ ll ·\·S. 1'll'I'l'1I 1 Ii i , " 1,\' 1" OI k ili g :\ f t C'r YUl lr c hi IJlJl c\'<; at (1 1t C'C . i{ Cl<l fill g "ln tl' r in l for ~ dl hll(l cii ll l:" . HI

t h,· fI



~ II H.

l' lI.K A r ll " ltI .. f I III I' t.1) n , I_ \...<11.10 15 Mr. "n l! ~ la: ... t\II I "~' ~~I II ~ . '


~lr . lind MrM . I '. H . Fr r " , o f Wil l". n e ~ vlll e. w e r e ou ll l ' r ~ I II " ur I'll V , UII ~ u n l1n y ,


~O h Ofl l l~ I (I,m d

r Ol r I,h l) r," r 111\11

. . I M r lIu, ~ II ' ,H' ~h ll", .r ~ p(l nlf , 1 Mr ~ 1.1 OK. J. W. MILLE~. I ", u~ l. III.l e OlI th e h " rtle ' ulluml MO. , :-<un llll ) at ~lI l r .HII \ ",n . 'l~ 1! 1l!'~ I.. 0 Th n M F:. (1o l1grf'g ul in ll [ ' I' ll I " !lI _ ,·kt v . 1111 ,1 I 11m toO u nx l " \l~ 1.. , fLII.Olle l H,w "TIll Mr~ . ~brlv ! r . ..• DENTIST... p llll,n J)n i I11ln~ lli e I.. iu t. w o rk .. I " II ' 11110 n \l lllbnr~ o r t ho 10(' t'l1 r n ! ~II"H L"" ('uy le WII ~ th~' ~Utl~ 1 0 1 N r· x l ", pn k Ih ... L1i\ M01cl nt y r n ln l i\"n~ n n" r ~ I'rl n~ \ .. !l n y, 11l~1 I.litllr " hnr ('h , , c utl r ~ " . omCII In 10 PI' t"" , I\,n (1 l li(\ \ V . (. '1' t~ fl H' ntt'l W{ ' t' t<, WayoenMe,O S .Llon ..l HaD" Blda. (lu r IIruRS IIl1n .1 10 lI"d(\ n~ g r l11LI ROIJ n 1 1I ' \lS ~ lI t1n nel Il ln (, IVI[' \ lo r o I hll n IW o bUllll r",1 f r I A n(\ ~ 01 I{ V . RIIU Mr A. \\"ri u lll w I' r o )Jr Plllmt st.r ifl oMIn I1Il1k i n 1: it ~n lf IH'Ilr,1. Lo n~ , lllIgnl'. I lII11!hl ge t· I" lip Prll~i(I,., , 1 muy it. cOllI.IDU l'. I I IIll,. t ,,11" '1111 th .. !'y lhlll l :-<1 . l lIrh li t fI fnrewn ll ~nr 1Cl 1 In Ihfllt hOllnr Onr mnin th (l r 01 u ~ hfllr f1 n AoilM rl'- ' "nd Jo: ,. ~I f1rn !:llnr l .. dU"", lin d I IlIl ye T llI\~ oI n y ' ''' ''lIill ~ , II I t h,. o llur o1l b Ull dinl( o th nrwll'l' It will bll IIn' l fI 111 11" r nnn i n/{ IIro ll lld OI n l ~I(lo t(. Imrl ,orB pn s Alilll o tlli~ WIIII(' r . I IOO I! IIfl p r . .. u (1 th n \)lL lfl llf'(' n f t l". HA\, . .. Ihl Mr ~ WrI /{ hll n f l"ThnrN' 1 li .. 10 · I WI ll l oo k IIll tl r III )' h " ll. n , III .v,: rOl r th e ir n o w 10 Hi g hllln d l·rn t . IInll ~1rH ., (I . V . '1'11 11 0 p nta r- w o rk . l1. hUM h .. e ll III , pLl~~ luhJ t o r OOUIlI Y IflllI"' \ M r s. 1 0 11" ~ uruth o r IIUlI fun, . 111 1' I II !le i my ironin g 111)0 11, hut. th ,.I. . I I'H "Irl " hl,. My rl)lk~ w i ll I"",,, . (u Rlw . Hlll h LlI: Ar. !.tan n AW M. Jr. . Il y fll r M verul daY I-. MrH ALlnn Vll rHI, 'ron ool,orl,llo r ll IlIIl~k o ~I h" hos l, o f il., II ~ I ' U II <I " 111 /{ 'llini s'e r, HUll hl R family m o vod In , Farm Sales and Live Stock a I IJII lo ,,~ t I ,' " n . r e ltlt iv e H r r ,11U 1IIIy n.l0 .lI nd Hnr\" e .v ~ II If I W(l H " II I IW ;':11 1I 'I'burR(\tlY Specialty u ur ~ for ~ Illlllo y 1I1110nr . Iik u 8011' 0 1 k n o w o f . I cll u ld nl) t. ~O l. ,JOhLl th e ~ mllll Bon o f Mr . .. 00 . nl J Il~ lit Ill i. B ow pru lld Il I V f llmll .v lIod r.I ·r~ b' r ell SMil ey , rAturned Satisfaction G unrnnteed Mr . Rl1lph Mo? ulll n , o f nOBr WII. s h ould \,e o f llIe, ~ .. c rifi"l l1 ~ Ill y l i fe Irolll th o Mc C IAlll\1l h l)~pitll i. Friday . DlID ~I,on. ,t flln ~o C I Ad "l1H IIIO~H In thlll I Oi r t h Ol1i EVl.!ot uutl y I ,, 0\ I(oi og H e is r lle uv llr i lll( n i(1o ly r r o lll lUI o p . vlclnlt-y F rid ...\" OV"lIlne! t o t.llk ll II Vfl Cli l iu ll li n d It0 l. Rome fO r o ll ,m l o r IIIlJlO tl(ll oitl ~ . Bellbrook.; Ohio Mr . .. n ll l\1r ~ . fiurry 'I \l e ker hBII re~l ... n,1 Ihl)O they will kn n w h o w Bo th Phones B!l t h eir ~ n nH I ~ 11 11 ~n n dll.'· , oot. of- vul oll lol o I w us to th e m. town r o lul i\' lI" 11 1101 r n"Il,)" t·hl A w e flk iI, I ~ hn"y l os t I,i m o.

1lI11. k l ll ~ 11)1 f O I"

yjl!-l ,lhu tllrrl\ (\ r!<'ln ~ tl t ntl~ l !'t n O \VlJ n _.

John H. Wright Auctioneer

----_ ..

O or b li RO hn II t 0'111\ P II yoil t,h e M t B t' lly t etli n , IIn ll r A~ IlIt " clI1 R fo ll ows : By oor 'ellm "'l uning tho luorll is .

- ---


'. WAY




Walter McClure '

Ml"~ . Corn J OhO A HI l I! rOllluiu" Mr. ILOd Mr, !-lno. H Rllrrls. Mr. vor y i l l. lind Mr!!. Frll nk L Hflrrl~ and ~nn. C hn ~ . K .I ohn ~ 11,," hoon Hick tho Owen, w e r ll ~ullduv ~ Ul'81M of o ut 0 1. pBsl. wAck . LOwo fri on dN . NJb o o l n ln" f\{\ , Tbu r sdllY , o n I\ CMr . H o hn rt (:ro m ", I O Jlr o ~enting t il e O . 1II . Forrv !:ioeo) C n. , o r VAt rllll, oouoL o f the L e b8n o n filir .


Waynesville, Ohio'

I,r"n.""r l·e .l 11I]~lnu~~ 10 I lli s vi c l olty Mr ~. MIl t.l hlu l<; lO Bri r k ~l'Bnl Thurs- I t lt o fir s t f the w ou k . ri llY wit h ~ Ira . C. S. 1..1.1 1011

Fully Equipped for Good Serv ice. Large Display Room

SOgood cigarettes for IOc from


Mr . fln,l Mr~ . •1 H ~:hitlld{[l r e n M r~ .1 r~" 10 L Oll ~n(' r n fI w nl' k - , TELI>I' HONE 7 DAY OR NIGH1 tu rl, .. n fld 10 ~nrll l .. y 'Ii nll or , !\Ir 111101 o ll ll j( UBI't. fl f r n lntlvoH In Ci o d nll ull . ,,1r~. ~' Ill ~l1 l1ll1k or I\nd H'1lI .. ilL! Mr. / 01 . . , • Mr I1 IHI IIIrs j." rllnk Ito/::nr •. 1111(1 !ltrH 1\1",,'11I1I " 1. ' I~fJr, 111 ~IIIJJUII' I ' . 1\ ~ ln nt ~ lln d ll Y III L I' I I" GENUINE und Mr . "n d l\lr~ . Ed S h lll ,dwr . e ol orvi e, I . . ' . .l osep h Hn w ko h'l~ h"o n H (l l md in~ , Mr . Cn Cl I H o ov o r . wb o 1M wp ll l I 'f W(I(l ks ",11,h hl H"nn . Be n . ' k nllwn h n r u, "nL! w h o r",~ hJ (!s u t "OOIlP II I 1't..r lt " ·lll ll, I" b ll lDl{ trwl£ e d lit Ih e !lnd f l"nl ly . U .. lo b o"pIJ.n1. II I WlInlln l,: t o ll . H e MI"",,. 1-:\"(, IInri ~: th n l Hpf'dr r . (If i" th ,' u g lH I.u lin o1f1 nl! o r oll ,ly 111 . I{a ute .1. nm III.t f' ndlll g th o :\o nn ,Ll /IIr • . A ~lI 111 E glJert .wd gmn d- li t W .. y n o. v il l, '. <.IlI o g b tH r . Al ouh Orullllm , 111111 MI ~~ Mrs. 1\III r,' ( ' u p" "v ),' ( 1. F" r HlilY . TOBACCO :" Glasses ' Lill ill N", lry, ot J{.LIII<II H Glty , 1\1 1l .. ' h r nn o xilml l l"\ \'1-11 w i lli h or"I. l l' r , We want you to hav e tho UI1 c1 l\ll" ~ A li ce JlJ d (lI ., py, (Of W ll y - I nort-h o f OfLyl" I1 . best paper for" BULL. " tl "", \·ill.,. w e rl ' :--int urduv g-un!'ttf-4 o f A !l ulllhur Oi l 1''''' 1'1" rr o lll t,li i,; So n ow you can r ec ei vCl I h oJ \\' il .• o ll ~. II L I IIU ( 'u otrnl . II nl gh h rh nol l .. H o ll ll",1 the Wurr n ll I with each p a ckage a book 1\I1 ~ . • I o~f' (lh R IlI' fIl Nl ulI ll ~ o o, lIIr. • '1)Il n l 'y f"ir . T I1Ur ~d ll Y 01 24 leaves 01 IIn ll Mrs . Arl,h n r Iino ll !,I!. Mr . "lid t h e very finest cigaretto B ~ n 8 11W k fl " t l " ~ ,l .. ,1 n I\II1 ~nn l l' Mr • . Y o w !l ll C OI"k fL llI l iI ... ugll l,e r ~ . ,,) p aper in the world . ' II Pol,i ng in D.L yt."n , 'I'hll •• c1ny !lV ' " ILolHlu on . II nll Hn YllI o n,1 ;" u rfllce 'Ind ~" n , ~dw t1l"d. 0 1 Hnul fo l"ll, . (I'~ 111 IlIg, !Lnll rfl p n rt ~ " I( no tl ti me . :-<u nd n y ILII,' rn onn wil h lIIrs EIi:l.ll . Mr Rud Mr " . F: rnAHt Arnhdon nnn, he l,II' OtlrfllCll Illlr iull. ' f DRyt.on. w orA ",ouk . oml g ll osl s o f M r . 'Lod Mrs . O oor go R oodAr (lod _ _ _~~~'!""~~~_~_ _ _~ Sn ndl1 Y \VII R o bso rv e d h orn bv ::'om e .. S ·II h ODl o oo mln g, Bod moo'y I.uully . L1 ot- o f. l own p ... ' 1'10 w or e ID nt.t.enll ; Mr and MrA. 11. M. C ]ltrk, Mr.ILou ultarrhaJ 11100 with well litl el1 b,, ~ lre\tl. ::lin .:- I M r " . l:l"rry Me rlinnis "n(\ Mrs . Mnr .v IIY 10, .01 "1'1'11 ,0\ "",,". Ih,.)' ca nn ot WlI.yneoHllle'l! l..ce"dinl[ Den".' lU I(, s p eaklllg Rnt.! v i ~ltit1J;: wore io- 1!l\rmouy w e r ll (I"lhng au ::>p rl n g- ....:10"1 , 11 :0' 01 ; ;•• " .. d 1"'''II ')n oe lh " '11". t arrh:t 1 I I di l l q \l i r C!i l 'OllH l itu· OfJioo ln HuloeR Bldg, MaiD St tu ig ellln , /Lnli th e ,IRY \'rtlS s pe nt 10 bn r a fri o n d 8. . F r l' d ny . ~ "('a" ".01 " ..... I,,,. " I !iII. Irt·!.!.· :; e'.ITAIUIIJ ~ w"ythutWlllll ot!Cu o nlle forg o t,t.en Dr. ll r'll Mr " . I..lI . B r ooklll o t orCtd ~I Jo:I\ I' · I "' ·. '" ., ,·" ,,, ,,,," .. ,,,,,1 "c"'o" y 4 'at: l rrh,d 11" a 1I1 t ' !-iJot he , · all~ .. d h y 1111 Ili On Snll dny. :-;'OJ.Hnru 'hor 18. i n to Jndi f\ n n "n li ~ . ~ 'Lr nrrl u.y m ornio g . 11. IIII ,' d " ,\ ll d lllnp or r ht t IIIU ( 'l1l1 ~ 1l 1 1l1l ~ u f " ollo r of "ru. A lit ~' I t I t o ull on,111 r llw d.I ,VA with I,h e ir ~o n . II,,' 1: .. ,, 1110 h... n Tu l.... "h. " ,1 ,1, 11,1 .. · I, u w ~~ . . . g )or , !lne .. 11 111.\111, ' 01 r )11 11.1\ r : 1 nlln"l l lI~ :-: ' HI I1 t1 01' ' !:trHncldnll g-ht(' T, t.hpjr r elill,lY'O -l Bn ll O to un hrl)c k H.Df1 f " fn ll y, IlIlT h /f"1 1 1''', lIlug . !tll tl \\.·II\ 'n II j :-J cll t lrt' f n o n r1t1, with V\' e )) . Hllpd bnsk o t,t:, h- l l"H.,,1 11o -;l (n. <> !"4 1' 1 Ihl ' r" ~ll d l ITl d, 'I'- ~ . . ' . Th o fnn r . venr. o hl dnugbter o f ,:\11' 1 111 ' 1I11 I.llll /II ;tI\l1l1 • • ttl he- n ' c! l h t d y0 1l 1' Veterinarian wen ded t h al T wil y t,n :"'(l }H~nt~ 1)[1 fIt . I\ nd Mrl-l . '1'1 Ul BUT tOil broko h or I I. rllln l: llI ay h i ' dl.~;f rn~ 1',1 furt '\·"1" ~[l ll r e new e d thollg"t~ o f lo n g " 1( 0, 1I 111b l\ I , o ~p t " I' ~ll on, Hfl t ord" y . by I I.·" .I.· ~ ' ·. \ T .\III( II MI': I< II" I:-t E " .. , I .. U. ~. , I t"" J \I~ \t ,I tl'" 11""d .. n t hl' ifIll' " U~ ~ Ur I ;jn,1 onj oyed th e ~ jlrond . ... o o g lllll .' I' u filII Ull I.h n oo m (l nt w l\lk. I:,. ,.. .. r II" M "" "' , I!tU, .," ", '''~ l h" In . 01'1'11' 1,:: it, be r em e D] bered. . I I "'\lfln l lll " :, l :o t n '<.; t" , IfI,.: n orlll:\ I t'on t1l . , T h o ~(l rv i oA " /L t. l.yl,l" ohllroh will I"",. . F,lIlrlh Stre e t , n e nr Tyl er Dw ollingH are 10 d e tlllln d - n o ~x . , 1111 lln ll1 in t h e cltl nr n oo n, ollob Sou , '",' .. 101 .. ' r, "e . ,\11 II rt ' ~"I" I ". t r" b oweH; peoplo ura~ begging for dILY. ~oDlln.y f'. c h l,t"1 1 I\t ~ o ' o lo o k I ... J . l:hc ncy ... Co .. Toleu\) . Uilio. T4!II'I>hone !}:l ~o lll e p laoe 1,0 n;'0ve Inl o, nod n o Iln,l pr oo o h ing 11I. :J . Rev . Dwig h t l W _II pruMJlOot~ for buald1n ~; !lnt.! wlwt Wi"" I" IJlI8to r . I ··-·--~~~~~~-=~ ~-=~-=~ ayn e SVI e, Ohio olm w e d', to lIluke IL olty 01 our , . I t,I1W ll, with 00 Mpita l Let's pot ,1080pb h.e nrlok . wh o forr.~A rl y -:~~~ fo r l·b 80 me energy flo od pot up MOV- ! Ii v od " t, Lytle . died e llrly ~ rll1ay oral now dwe llln 1:8 n eliT w he re Ul o cuin!( , "He r" lillg o rlll ~ Illn ess . lIt 11 Ford's d ll Jlot wilt be e reot~d. th e hOlll ll o f hi~ n uph ew, L eH tor

one sack of




t ... Examint;'d


~ Z~i''::':~.~..~~~


Deafness Cannol Be Cured



Dr. Lloyd B. Hall I




Th e fai rs a nd ch,ml lm qull8 are !· K on rt c tt , 00 t,be Dllyto n pike . over Ib e va cation p e ri 011 h IlS p88s e d H.llnu fl l t\ lI1ith nnd fllmlty, ~lr . / "nd \ bn ve b een li t w o rk for a wh o le and ~1 r Ho FrRnk !-lml tb l\Ild ~Oll, Bo n, week. I D1u~ l. hll ve n chunge . O li lJ lydn Wharton "ad i o.mHy !Lod Mr . 1 lI.ucl MrA Rnlpb .Johns un d daug h t~ r nUondoL! the tlmitb r Olluion I\L tho . - - - - - .. --~- - - - - - - - h o m e of Mr . I\nd Mrs, H eo kath o rn . at Ft M ol{inley, SondB Y· W oodrow , li ttle aon o f Mr. and Mr H. C ill ud o Lewis, I s reoo v e rin ~ nioe ]v , !!!tor an oper,.ttoll a D b l" f oo l,. Sllturd.. y, by Dr . S lng l", of Uenterv il\e. T hey weTe [ellrfnl o f bl ood_po isoning. cansed by the r,,Illaln" of fI s pllnter ron loto the top of bis f oot s ome weeks 8g0.

is ,'l"HEi BE.Sr:ONE .T·UsE -'~




rr---------------' -------______ E I I I Everett at' y ::-------_________ I DR. W E FROST DE I ••





llli .., YI·.II .

I,"iltl illg V I ; LI'. l l r IJllj.·

111111' , .


("(, ;,0.,1111:11 1\"



Rov . Bont lnl,! l o n h n,R b A11U fr_ tarned to t il e "lIlI r ge whi c b bu h H nol ' s o 8llCOOSM fu l h ' pi l o ~ ell fo r two YOIU I1

su it y nllJ' IlI .. ,I, r,," dl..;l lk t' tilt· r ight method , 111"':1 11 '"' It 11 :1 \ , ':4 ull o f y ou n nH'h \\'h l' '''' ~ dll \\,'1' . , I"'[u rl ' , ]'J\"' !J' 8111~1€.' 11 111 ' " f ~ "II \\!l 1I t ilt, :-1111(' " o~' sl hl u "':\0 , , 11\ 1"" .. r ."(111. :\ lr. T f' r n ul l'C, Ullt) )'011 '1'1. IlInd -ltl pluylllL:: \\' 11 h r I \ ·()tutlon fOI' III..: " " II (" Il l s: 1(1 IIlltke ItHm. C), ou t o f It , 1.. g H11i p •• \\I' r .. . H' . I ' t


1111 Ifi ll :


thlilstlf' t o 1" 'lI p ,,, ·,hll l 11IP)' l:ul1ld hi'

1(,[111,' 1',

': ilJ.rrle~~1 1

11I11 I1 l!

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1'11'1, (,11 II I ' IIII' Wt'lI pon u liel Illlt It III 111'\ 1',1('1, 1'1 ; I h {' 11 l it, ntl.l~ Ule 1.(,11. "I ha d 11I1I1I'd," It .. I JllI r · IIlu r~d, "f' l r t1 Jun.:" r I:ut ' h,rllllo!, hu t 011 0 l 'n lHl Ht Il u n -· " \t ' I',\'lhl ll ~ ," ~ U\' C to 1',·I t: r ", u ll . \\ lin lJlltl ,' rsloOf l. It (J uly d lt lll y, \\' 11: 11 !l ad h ll l'l'l' IIl'ti, , Iu' tlJl lI~ lind C" )lIl l' II H Sil l'l l U (·o llq, h· u ! 8u r p rl !-ol' UIIIl erell t i le :: wl d l 'u l~ lllrUII" (' or t We llt)' IIU I~ I{p d IJII 'II , w ho r Ull s " tI lJat · /II SI· h ·I'S lit :-I1 1I ~ lp fllll l' h" hlr HI tJIPI )' dlU l ,. ... , f ll l l ,'d 10 s tir tt h.' 1l It'(' l l ng. It lH f" rt ' ly ~1'\'JIIt'{ l I n IH 'I'J,ln j:! \\'Itll whut fwd /.!o n,~ I h'fll rf ', .11 sh ill! r' OI d~tlli ll yu u ll1 l lg . J:t· IIII ,,· (J ou r ,"

Alit! )' IJlI 1i"np\\ { Is "Ill ,'.1,\ 1'1,1.11(' (1'11

1 t h .' 11t,,1 1II1'1I1II:h

l lilll l! h llil 111I .... ,'UI-ri,:d . 11t'\i ' l' ... t l rl",, ' ! ao,t (\ t llll f-~ttlll ll f' d I ll l ' l lI h, ' l' of Illl r! i ll lll('I ll ,·rl.h llt·t1 tt) llll ' 111111\' I,, · ... h l,· 11111\. " Sit t\UW Il. 1 ~H l d:' n·llI:tr K I ·d I t r ll ff} ' /!loud, urrllhly. "Htl t Ir ~' ll tT prefe l' 10 II~ (len \'l l, It '."i 0 11 111\' :;11'11 " to lilt' . ..\ r~ "~t o ,

him tn II

l i lf' 1111 111' 11') ·

";\ ldd " 11 " "1111111 ~ 1·, ' r l; J I I II~ ",,'1'111'


t'!lH~C YUU ('flU t. 11t, wli . . } uur!, 1(1 y"ur ph (.~:o-, It, hofl uwu.'. lie bl'IIII, t ... y m \\111 ~ht· lalnl '\"lIllln; I \, tit ..·• 'II~. In 1"'lIlt ~ )'1 1\1 .11"1' 11':\dlll ,l.;

' II!-o I h"II:.:II' . .

1't'llIt JU :-' \



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I ~ th .. In. t th'.I '!! yon "t' h ~\ J1l'll HI I ,\'(1 1\ ~ our IIrlllll. 1'11\1 or l, llI r " \ LI IIJI- 1 ~rril i . Jul.,'" ,nu . ," f lU :;ul j I ltt \, I, to "hlll II I. IlI ln 1,,'II ," l fl': It. '\ 1;11 II', tlB',

",rnrC' Ihn l Ihat

________. ___

r ~I N


-A L :


I Peru, ConI, Sa t, Til e, Posts. \ Valer Foun. F ] tnins nnd Self- CC( c r s .


MIsllellMarieM o8eober and .mleano r BaYllook !lod R ..ymond Strt~tto n h"ve entered Wllmlng too ooJ.;loge ,

Vat:dnation a Specially. Noth_ in~ tlut Reliable


lI ay, Straw and Feed .

Phone 44

Fced Grind ing a Specialty.


Lytle Feed Mill


Serum used

Harveysburg, O.


. Miss Graoe 8 hambl\ogh_ who Is In training lit Mlami Vlllley bospital 'WI"! bowe ovor tlie week eod . Mllrlon Icenhower. who liBS been 1\1 o f ORn.o or fo r. a 10DI &lme, Is ' f~i1. iog tn ~ ealth. . 'l'he 11Boll m et a~ the M. E. .pILr. lIoo"Re, Mooday flven ing. to tondur tbelr farewell to{) Rev. Wrljfbt,

Notary Public All klode of Notllry Work . Will!! aod Deeds

Lytle. Ohio Telephone 76,

rin ~







F or best results. we use Miami Gazette'~ Classified columns, we'll tell the ·






A. SHUMAI\.ER Veterinarian

Practical Vaccinator . Have had . good succeS!! ill Immuning on both 8iek and well herds.


" . Waynesville,lOhio Natro~al Bank


Both Phones 855-8 BeIl4-1r


Ohio j


The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.


All 1'C'r811nS 11 1'(' w:lrlll'd til kl'('}l "IT tl1l' jll''' p<'r l y of I.h.· III III f'r >ilrlll'd , "'hi I" hU 1I1 illg' "1' l rlll'pillf(' ,

1. Our ,(l1vJOQnd rRII

July I ....... 6%. W. 80 Dot ant lclpnte " c han go In 0> . 8% rli tl.' ()II

tor Jlome tl mo. L We 11""0 elll'lIrl. OIlt... at D pOolt on time at .. very IIbo r a : fRte.. Int oretH paid \.('1 date at wUMrftwnl

.. II.

eotabllsh • .,

~ "

5. PrclJ cn t 0 • ••

p1u .




t ~ Sur .


A • \'


1 mo.



On D{'posits




MIAMI a. Bulldl", Alln. 16·27 SOUTH MAIN

~ -

Palace Restaurant

We Put Them On -



II " u ~e f o r' ::ial,' - ~,'e MeI';' ,'IUl. I~ School \VaH diHl1Ii,,~,'d , Thur~d!l' . I and the childn' n w(' re Kivl'lI lI l'hlllh't" tu att end tIll' fa ir.







Rogers' Silverware

Specials for Saturday


Gra nula ted Suga r 10 pounds for ..... . . 65c




Home Made Potato Bread

TheHomellakery FARMS FOR SALE

.John A. Futn key wi ll ron l inu c his (;r ea l l' ut - I' ri ,'" Sull' tlli~ and npxl wee k; Hpe 'illl i bllrgaill ~ in th., Hit Ot' dl'l lar tlll e n t. Mr. and M rs. I to ~ r oc Moo re Ilnd Lo ui ~ Moore , o f Gelly~ lJUrg. Ollin, spe nt 1-\lIntiay wilh Ilwir ~ i s l f' r. Mr~ . J ohn A. Funl{ey .

C hil drf'n'~



Uverdraft. uD8OCured . • . . . . .. . . . U .8 . Government 8ecurJUt18 o .. ood DoVO.I,eIl '0 _urocl rcu.l~lIoo I U.

11 1. f.

curl~I .... , . .. .... , . ... 1,377. 76 Utiler bootl •. •tock • ...,.,u'IU ....etc .

Farm, well improved, per acre . . . . ...... _. ... $85.00


Aman Bldg. Phone 61-2


1. 27 7. 7fi

IO .~ OO . ou


1. 6~t.aO

... rve nank. ....... .. ..... .. . Ou" III Vlult ..... .. . . . . . ... ... To'~I.ull\elJll 9. 10. 11. 11. 13 a nd

3. 800. 01' ~. UH~ . 80

11 .. .... . .... ........ G , ~ 8~. S O

Good terms




u!hur c••h Iteml . .. .. .... _ _ _I ~

To'.I. .. . .... . . ... . ... .... . SBI.6 8 ~ . 6 ~

Waynesville, Ohio


.lock paId In .. ... .. . . ... . S26.0UO. 00 slIrl"UO lund . ..... · . . ... . .... . 1 . ~~o. uo UmlTldod profitl ....... 1.96 3. 00 O~lllt.1 cUrronL

ox r.0lel.


.Dd , .... 11.1, .. .... 661 ,7 0 Indl vlduDI deVOlI" .ubJcc' to


c hoek . .....• . •. .. ' ..... . . . .. ~ S .7 n.1 8 01 l~um8 ~ 6. ~7. 3S. at, SO .1ll131 .... .. . .... . . . 6'.161 18 _ __

'I' o~al

S~ars&Cartwright There are advantage! in hav ing your Life Insurance in a HOME compan y-written by local agents. We represent Ohio's largest fillancial insti. tution and greates t Lifc Insura nce Company - The Union , Ccntral, 0f Cincinnati- ·only fifty miles from home,

W aynesvI, ·lle Oh·10

Total ....... . .... . ... . .....

'81.8'~ . 6 8


I . H.


T Ucker, O... h le. of tile ~bo vo

oamed h~lr. do ",Iemoly ."nr 'b~' Ihe nbove .tat.eme.nt II lrue to 'bo beat 01 my lrno lY ledge .otl belle l . 11. 8. 'I'ucker. Oubler. Bub.crll>ed .nd 8Wo rn to belore m. ,hi. 16th dar ul Se"t. I ~ 1 1 . W, A. Merrlta. llorroet AU ... , : , No t&r7 I'ubllc' Y, F. McG UINN • 0,11:. LEVIOY C. D. OOOK



Notice of Appointment I';stat.e or ".arenee B. Bent.le, deceued. No tice I,. htl ntlJ y given t tUlt Nina R . IJODSlor I.... Lluly .l'poloted .otl ' lualllled u Admlnlotratrla 01 lbo E.I~te 01 UI&reoce n. lJenLlIlY . late 01 \V~rreo lloun.,. Ohio. de.


Ask for an aiJ~'Ointm e nt. Office in Arnan Bui lding .

g-nn t! 2!i..

II tl ~ p ,

(' .OMtI.

Te lephone

day 01 Beptcmu..r. 11111, W. Z. HO LL, Jud g. 01 tbe Probate Court, IV&rren Ooua'" 01110. 'l'bOmp80D . AUy. 06

ll al",1 Ihlo 13th

Gl-2 IV ~u .


have taken the agency for the famous De Laval W.ECream Separators because we believe the


De Laval will do better work and last longer than any other separator made, and that it is by far the






We have machines on hand at all times and will be' pleased to demonstrate their superiority to anyone. We. have put i~ a, stock of De Laval repai,!'s and De L.aval Oil·and are in a position to look after the needs of. all U!e11 of old De Laval machine•.

Mrs. Walter Willian has boon all tho !liok 1I8t , Zimri dain oR and wife entertained to ~undnv dinne r. Mr , and MrH. ChaB . HandlUfln, 'l'llylor ltandman h fn' I ,. M d and Jaug ter,o vlno UU,"I, r fln Mrs. &1I1'.1el Co mpton, R L. Vomp'un and family, of Wilmiugton, Ml and Mrs. Luther Haines son, and Everett Haines ana family . . Mr. land .Mrs. Johu Wils on reo tnrned Ilome. Monday. after a "hart vilit with r ulutl veil In Highland oounty. Mr. and Mr'H. EnoohC"rey, of near Chester, and Mr. and MrR. ltoraoe F. Compton took 8undl\Y dinner wltb Raleigh Bogan's. W . E. Ho. gan called In the afternoon. Homer Haines left, e atnrda:'l' wornlng, f Jr Coluwbus. where he Is a StendlDg sob 001, Walter Wilson aDd wife (,Dter. &aIDed SO !:luuday dinner, Mr , and Mrs . ErneB' Hurley. Mr. and Mrll. [Bllao PeterBon, 01 ' near New Burlington, Mr. and Mrs . Panl Peter . 80n and dan~thter, PaUline, of the Eleazor Delghborhood, and Raymond Wlleon and family . Mr. and Mrs. Everett H"lne8 I\nd 80ns autoed to Wilming'on, Hunday evening. Mr. and Mn , Willis MoMilhm, of near WaYDe!! V1J1e, 0 ttended ohuroh here, Sundoy . • Reuben Peole aDd wife, of Clinton county, were reoent gnetlts of ehBS. HarDer's. Mr. and Mre. Weldon WLlson and lion. Gerald took dinner wltb Franoes Wilson and brotber~. ~onday. MISS FranoE's Wilson was In WII. mlngton, &ttlrday eVAnlug.

PREDM.COLE Hardware, Harness and farm Machinery

- :-


We are in a position to furnish you any cut of beef you desire at prices from 15c up, , . Burkhardt's Smoked Meats al· ways on hand. '

Our Groceries

. t

cheapest and most satisfactory machine to use.

Alllizea reduced $20.QO, September 1st

IO·pounch. I'tl tatoes ....... ...... ... 39c 4-lb Sweet 1'0 tatof'S ...... ....... .. 23c Pickllllg Vinpgar. gal ........ ...... 38c 10(' (~Ia~~ Jelly. ; .................... .. Hc 2f.(' Whil e Karo ..... ....... ......... 15c Banolla~. Pl'llIltl .. .... .. .... .. ... .. .. 9c Tin Cans, dozen .... ............. , ... 59c



Pork and Beef



lI ulIse f or SlIl e - s f'e MrI\ !'un.


TW,OWritten 'pacts Verified



TrllIle with us lind g e t Silverware FREE wilh our bUMin!!!lS cards.



LOST - l'oc'kelUil(, k, in h lwk o f Kil pal ri ck garll!!,'e, u r on U t i,!a road b .. I.ween W aYfloc~v ili e lind Hed Liol' . He lu rn 1.0 M illllli (;az"\1 t; Itlld rer"i vt' lihernl r eward .

Sa wyer's

That Classified Advertising Pays. That Advertising of every description a paying Pl~oposition in THE - MIAMI G~ A~ Z= ET =T = E~ '

New Agency for

~p .. r inl

Sevente!'nlh ~umlay nfter Trinily, Seplemuer 181h: Church Srhool III ~ :80 a. m., Mo rning P rayer !llltl se r · REPO~T mon at 10::30. Everybody cordially Of condition of th e Harveysb urg inviled to atte nd th ese se rvic e~. National Dank at H a rv eysburg, in the State of Ohio. at the close of busln!!Ms. on Sep. G, 1921. Loan8 ~Dd U1 I1CUUDl• . . . 66 . 914.9 ~ U 6. a74 92

e ,


2 for 2;'(:, at lH y man' ~.

TltAn E AT



Mrs. C h a rl e~ 13rl' w~l e r rf'ce nti y l' llI.e rlllin ed Il(' r aUlll, 1\1 r~ . I,a ura S tr oup, o f Bl a nclH'~ t t' r , lind Ill'. (; IPIIIl Dunahue and fumil y , o f Xelli a

10e cn ll of nakin g PowdC'r FREE with C'Beh of Flour.




ilet\ Mi!i!l J-:dylhll Mlll·Y. in Cinc innali, las l week .

AI~' 1l\'h~~11 8~~.v~~~~':aimcj,tn'ij~~

135 ACRE




HlI Y ~:o llr I:" y~' all d I ;irIH' Sh .... , 81

CHARTER NO . 11617

Waynelville, Ohio




We wanl 1111 th e II l'II" , Young Chi ckenH and 1{" ""ll'r~ \I't' "11 11 I{e tlhis wee k . Hrill).; lhem in any lim e . !.IiI{ prices this week , J,!'el bu sy.

Ask your grocer for




MrH, 1 ~, · I II·.r ,·a Wl>i(', 'lt ,. o f l.d'Il . ' B Ohi o , i ~ tlw ~u l'H I IIr hl'r ~ I H l .. r. M/' ~. 1

Fresh Salteu Peallilts, 2 Pounds for . .... . 2Sc

Tell Your Friends about this Exc('ptiollal Offer


MrH . t ; racc' M,·ClIllL·. 'k'f l.i lll H ' i, . rllup l(' o f w,·... H II l I lI 1II'f Illll tl w r . I\Ir~ . !-:vlI .lIli llt·r . ~ Il Y III IIIl

SPECIALS THIS WEEK I'alm I Jil v(' S .. lIp, :1 r.. r .. ....... :!:,,· I'.. ~ t Tllllsli eg, ~ ( " r ... .. .. ... .... :!;;!.' (; llolJ Co lTee. pound , nnly .... .. l:)(' L,'nux Soap, ;1 ca kcH fo r .. ... .. 10(' While Laund r y SIlUP, :! f"r ... !.-,c Ired C Rk e~. pouncl, on ly .. ..... 20c 2 big cans Salmo n .. ....... ... ..... I!f,C il esl g rllde P ca nut !.Iutlcr. 11'- ,20c Small canHTuna Fi ~fi . 2 fl1r .. . liic Rnl slon 's I<'oocl, pkg .............. :Wc Fa ncy Navy Beans , pound .... 7c



~lJe nd ill~ a

Ti ll Cnll'!. tl m.f' n ... .. .... . .... . liO,· till " Hl i"k S "ll li,,~ Wax wll h ('a r h dm. t· lI .





I ll' . Dill. lMeo lJlIlh, :! I S . Hr,'lId · Ldmll"n, Uh io.


===::1IEJ-' mil'55EEI'I!I

II::] [':::::::1 mIl'







ami r:ralHkhildCor WI1:<h -

in~lon , I I. C.

at the

July 1 IUld Jnn uary ] . , T b I . Inftlllution YUr(ll ago,

1 :~::~':;arySundll~'Ca~k('yevenin~,

r ell left.

lI enry =-'a lt (, l'thw ui t t' M r ~ SPl it Fu rllll~


Ir~, ;r: : ;===C~=~~=d~=~~a,=""~l= : : :i1,)J


Marl in Cons l::vpn' lt :::-[uhhH

a lt er m nturlty. I . In 0 It • c k • m All t t1 to you r door on

Tm,- ,GI'

Home Made


Are all new, fresh and clean; our Meats tendcr and juicy,.. We sell for 1t!88- no rents to pay, no expenl!8• .

"...'"...''''''''''~~...''''..."...,......''''''''''''''..., Yours

tor Service.




TO SERVE To serve all of the people of this community with . electricity for light, heal and power is ollr job. It is a big job for it means that there must be light, heat for the ironing and cooking, . power tor cleaning a.nd washing- ele ctricity, ready to perform any household task lion tap" whenever it is wa.llted in your home.

n alBo meaJlB that the re must be light, heat and power sufficient for the needs of the factories of this community-when they want it, And the stores, offices, churches and public buildings must be supplied.Then. too, it means the lighting of the st'l'eets and public ways, making them usable and safe at night the same as during the day. I

Some job, isn't it? But we have nO'CQmplaint . ~ malie; ·vle 1ik~ f~\1J'. work. We have a loyal, e~_- and. bappy org&}i&a. tioll of men and women-vlorking ~o serve jou. f ~


We want your patronage-!..nlU8t have it, '~factb.u t we also want your ·friend~y goo4 will, l< . ·

The DaytoD_Po'wer &_Light.Compaay . .. ,


2, Nortia Green -Street 'XENIA OHIO . J






~, .,



~eventy- Third Year





ll/i!pJ!~if ·

Whole Numb er 5454

~i'~:~~~E~N-O~F~W~A~Y-N~~I~L~~II~ ~ -M~E~El~l~


1I:D81fEETING i~OOOOOO<~tH)()OO()(>OOOOO<~OOO<X>OCX>O<><>~O<KHX>cx>o<>j

:~"~~~~:'~~~~"i"! ~~~m

( ' ct ll ht 'r :,."

l 'h url,I , :'Ch ll f,l a t ~ I '~ HI i\ j Tll .. ~( ' rrl1 ,n 1111 11 II h' 1"" 1.1 11 1.1 11 I; I The WlIyn r Fis h Rnd I 'I'll ,. lIll'cl ing of th e Men o{ Way- t he Am e r icall ~I r. IIlld ,~Ir~ Jnmc~ I ialdn ('nte rHu ll int.:: ('II, I.f oneo f t hl' par ty . wa, a!,;,1 illlflldu ceJ, 'll Ill ::;" •Ia .. "" ~ hl'<' hnll i ~ qll itt' ill nt hi!! (;nnll' clllJ. 11<'101 II met't 11:lIllI't! I " ,j :JIll ,' r , ~l onJ uy . \Ir. an I! illg at the n(,Bv illl' c1u.h , Monday e ve l1 i n~. wos Middle t ow n, and a lin·It,"" \\'orkl! r , nnd U ~ he i ~ alway., a Wl'kUlll" \'is IHlII I' Tn \\'n~hip ""I.I ~l' Sa turJ lIY cVI'nillg. filII of "Pl'P" f !'llm tilt' il nr ll u r Churc h :-;d ",,,1 " IIr;:all il.'·" \h- . .11'1' I' ri.-l' nm! fRrni ly . Vf! ry llegin - whn tnlkl·t! fo r a cn n ; ide rah le ti mt' til Wayn e~ \' ilil'. hi" tal k IVU " nli and Irnn Hnet ed n hllnr·h o f hl1 " i l H'H~ . nill g'. After!\ rnont h' ,nd "I a tl ,'t!. \\ R ilh vac cl lltion. a.;~e" th r,,1' e all on a Comlllu \.:," . \ nity 11'. ,\ . \V H, tl rk :; halll'r . Mr . lind Ve I. N 1' 1ill lz vi~it,'d T<'llIti vPH npllr The riuh ha s not lweI! rit y II10ng linus II f illlpnl \·l'f1H'n t. 11 (' i" a failldy .. nholdin;( rl'l! u - ! 11lL' Ill!.er" again too k ho ld of th e r e ins f'Ju otcd fr""1 ll,'~ illn,' r .; I" Ih,' HI!, I" i' lfI ,';'; "rt ~ i nl ' d 11 1 d inlll' r , Sunday Midd letown all through . anll nalive-b o rn FranKl ill il,'. IIl1d 1t,' III ,r",,!. , .· lIl1da.\' . . III' . alld Ill' i ~ :-\" Ilir m("'li~g" f o; ~L'vN'al Tl'a~tl ll ~, . l lIlI l nnd jl1d~i ng frol1l th XI '11111 101)' "'(' II('~' ''I ,"lr Willil'l' \1". (j .. " r~(' And('r on , " e reul gOlld ] to ld tlw Mpn IIf Wayn e~villet hllt llu r prtllld of f \ it ph .l , t ()() . (' I H l r~(' Ilf It ·": ~~ln~. ( lr'tO },(lr :1 , 1 ~ 1 2 1 1.,," !l"" h,,!t atlf'IHil'd II", cOlillty It I ~ the Int e nti on tn Ira ve I1ll,(· tI IlI{H spi ri t mallifc" len a t th (' meeling ' l wll rk could he a" (, lIi cient !Is. work The rl u" t ll('n aolJll urn"d III th l' .l!ln rl'llular ly . lIerll/lid IIrl'wHter tt'n- thing~ will hf' d tl ne fr i' f ail :> t 1"II III 11"lIh , I\y , IIlHt week . " . IH 2~ . '1' 11" 11"'1111' fll r st'lLi )' m now on Ti,l' ' ';''i,h"rnu re das~ " f 1I11' Iii ' in thnl C'ity . li e haR heen. lind i ~ , lIIinrni th ent"r . \\'h. ' rp Mr . \ ' e ri ty willi .. , "'1'11 1' l'rnl'I derl'11 . hi ~ r~~ignat i.'~n n" ,,~,:~ect,1)r 1 Aft e r S II pper. w h ic :! III HII"" " f Ih" I""II' h ,,, 1 Iwl d 11 wf'i ll er r"a~ 1 at tllf! w~' n ve ry I m~k ing M iddl l' tllw n Oil !! of thC' li np~t sho:,",crl ~ome n.lf1tillfl P~ I'II1I'l''; o f till' Wa ld , Il y mall'~ I lollar Sil l.. . IIiII' fnr Ihls dl"trlct . w illi h waH III C ~ \ltc rI )(ond onf'. H(' rvcd b} t h(' I" ,h e~ of th (' , Cities III OhIO . anri all h in.i: dlJlll . Th, · I.i,f, , and, :l','ach llli:' " f IIlJll\ c IIf . llurn!!t t Butte through r w" rl h. I,' riRll r)!lllll ~ . hl ~ I va riOUs n(' llvltl ('~ o f Mil id lelllwn - it ~ n ur Lo rd , Je , u. _ For the pre~ent th l' c'lul l nH'rn"cr ~ II . nf A, I'resid en t < I h rJ ~ 1 !lllnt 101 1'11- dill' ,·velnn;: . Alm ost ull 'I f tlll'l'l ~s Cortwri ght rlro- l'tirele!ls e tr ort s . li e has II vi ~ i lln of 1 playgro unds ulld pa rks I'll<' pil' tur (' t ili"d ,,1~elVher(' . conI<' wil h u'"' a nd " 'Uti pre"c nl. and th e I':arl MI·Makn n. wife IInci Hon are will act in that c8 PIII· ity. c'~eded at uncI' to ltusine~B, untl after : th e Mi ami valley lJei n~ one of the i ll f thc May wa v 110,' wp.illIlay ar l i\'i dl'~ , "hll wing we will Six ciir('cl o rR will IHl ap poi ntl-.J in , th e rending I)f th e m inu Vi H itlo ~ Mr" Vi o lll Cn rey unn dau1:hIll' nll ll u :d ly hl'lp<'d . leH t he co m - ' paradi ~e,q II f the ea rth, Bnd he wan l>! t he chi ldre 1 ,' r~' h ~aJlJleared was a ca lll i"" . I' h"y n ill t lll'l r f,'lk dan l' ''", was the Hev~ra l dis tricls thro.u1dlOut th e ' mittcE',q rC'Jlort"d. th e tf'r. Th ur:lolay. ::it'pk lllh"r ~~ Ith , :-;1. ' a ll Ilfld II tinc time. most impor- lcl'E' ry ~ ma llt"wn in the valley tu gf't t'x ceed in;(ly lilll'. a nd .. Ik il .." ap · ~l i c hal·I ·:l a nd A ll :\n;( t! 18 IJ ay to wns hip , und Ih cy Will attemp t tant of whi ch wa~ t h e , at !I;::ll com mittee on · lJU Rv and he lp . II hi remarks we re plauHe. Thc' 11111'11 - Tn Mr. 111111 Mrs. ({ulph nnothe r . llrive for m~mlle~ s . I'~ v e ry lillY lind gi r l ~('Ol1ts a 11 1. . t" .. re wi'l h., a co rporate celeI a ~ it e f o r th e new co mmunit y build . : well t aken, and if a c 1\1r. lilld ~I rH Jo~ B Urln !'11 ,'nt" r tecl upon, will we re eacll ~ hllwn in ~ep llru\(' pi c t ur I's il ra ti Ilurl,ill, IIf It II. :1, Friday. Sfl JI\('rn - fa rme r In th e t(l\~ IIHIIiP o ll of lilt' Il ul )' l'o mm union f'Jr taill('d Ih e f ullo winlr at UII ough\ to be· ing-. J . W. Wh ile , th e chairma n o f res ult in ,·lpl{unt mu ch ultimat e g ood to th e! which we re al so full y " Il j " yed. hl! r :!:I . I~I: ~ I. a MOIL long to th e club In o rd e r to protect th e commit tee, re ported t 'w wom en uf t he "'lU rl' h. At lhi H d innt' r. :; unday: Mr. hi H ideas, ' co m m unit y . and Mr,.. (JH-. The m ef'ting altlll{e t her wa~ llileo f ~ ,'rvice, th e nmll.-"l t:l u f Un itedTha ll k :('ar th ei r land, from It t' inl{ huntell nn, unn th e n he c!nlled on , WIt"11 yllu hllY )(ro('e rir'H or meh lH :-;lantield . Mr . and M"", W ill i ~ each memhe r ' Frank II . I'a uley . ed itor o f t he u nusual in t e rr . t. ancl m any ""int N IJll'erin g IlJ)x l'~ will be A re po rt / "f hi" ('ommil t!'!' to r e por t. \Jrese nted 'l Mc Millan lind ~I)n . We nd ell, ~ Ir . and a t SIIII'Y "I" II , IH' ;(iv ell Y CIiI t ickelR hoth for fI ~ l~ And g'Rme. Each Mindl e t own J .. urnlil. lVa~ nex l int!' tl- we re hrol u;!ht IIl llt hrllU;(h III"~(> pic- II will niSI! l,e a ~eI'Y i"e uf r e-coll'l" thnlllll'J{1l1 h~hll1l{.hllcl ul'en clone to Ilne had II diifer l'nt locati I{t}Q4'1 for 1 {IH IJ.!'c·r ~ Sil\'l'l'w :trl'. 'I l\Trs .Illhn Whitake r and ~o n~ , Ilar o n to rl' Jlort, du e 'd nlld Il'ft a ve r y plenRnnt fee l- I tur e:~. thnt wo uld be a pplica b le for ralion nn Ihe part uf Ihl' w me ll II great ex tent lln s yea r wns mad e l and il will Ilrobahl y he a ditlicu lt inl{ fOl' tlH' few hrk' f rpm II f " ltI alld Manon, and l\1i~9 ,\\1','111 ark" irE' Ihi.; \'iC lI lI l y. hut uh,)\'(, nil ' lUI' din' ne ch u MI'H. 11:llll1l1h AKIII'~~ and John tit t he me~ting, ullci lin atte mpl will ! r ch tn the w" ,·k of th e MI\S' jNcath erton . of neu r Xenia . l hing t~ decid e: 011 a Hite . made, r efe rrin g tu th e Mia mi vull·y need i~ fur Il co mmu Clilr.lI'Il , of I.y nchhurg . HPt' llt TlleR- he, ~adl! to st~p it. nilY 11Ii 11 ~e of ·. Preside nt Ca rtwrigh t introd uced 1n~ th e "vall ey of pea ce. " " I'. We hope th nt en' ry woman ~ f !l lr~ . 1,"; II~ , 'kett ~;s-hl\"t(lRH O il lIome kind a nr ed lhul rnu ~t h.. d"v wilh (, ha:l. HrC\\'Rte r uml family . I he clull will h,!ld II h~h fry and Mr . Geo rg e M. Ve rily, I ii churc h w it hi n \\'l1 o~e po wel' It l"UII ! ' y l presid e nt of Di c k Thirki e ld, of Frankli n, ulSo grat il ic:d at o nc~. l h e f 0 II OWIn ' ;! ' I'lnnt'r trap Hhuot hefore lonl{ . No nate WIiS : " Ih " Wllt,~ II Ylllan'lI U~lur Sail' . heo mav l~e pre~e llt at t.h e alta~ lUg ~et, hut te nlative Illan~ we re lui,1 fo r ~~~~~~~~~ I{u ests: Mr. and Mrs, W.ldon llel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I/lnrrow . lhu rsday m ornin g al Bal'KailiH. J:..o . lar and dalll{hte r, of lIar vl'y slJur~; /I great tim e. - - - - -Mr. and Mrs, C. K Hngem 'y,' r and ({eading - .. At,theT hreshol d'· .... .. ; Hcading - "1'es t irnony F,..·.I M CI"P. and wife , Dr. H . p' . - -... ...... ..... . .... .. .. Mrs. E . L. Th omasl ted Stat eg Mi llili te r toof th e l lniIwo so n ~, Mr . a nd Mrs. 1' . L. ({e!l~on S ia m .. .. . Halhuw av lind wife, ulHI C. M. I{ob. H e adin~ - .. Amonl'! the Vi rginia .. ..... ... .... . Mr~. ::inrah Zimmer man !lnd ~() n. Mr . nnrl Mrs L I·:. II Hcke tt it z,, !' and ",if,· were illlytull visitorH. Mll un lain8 " .. . .. . Mlrs D. L. Cram' I Reading " Le t te r from . and daU l{h te rs , and Mr . and M r~. J . a Missinn Frillay " Head ing - "The Way Out of th e I ary , lI-ome on Furlou" h" ....... .. .. B. It it''' a nd ~o n . !'resent Ell1erg enl'y"" .... . .. .. ... .. .. ........ .. ... . Mi ~~ Emma lI e igh woy M rH. EI'II ,IOnf'A 111111 M, R . Ethe lyn / ..... .. · ... .. .... Mrs. EdithM . Harri s Aft" r Uuj ,I ' uurl1111 I e nl, a u. 1 e I'II{ h t f u I Mr. and MrR . Chas. Gray had IlH The Woman 's Auxilia ry of St. _ BritlcH I II ,01 ~"n arf' HIWIlllinll' I hi H ,soc inl hour wns Rpent, during which th ei r g u es t~ at dinn er, Sund ay : Mr . week with Mr . nnd MrH . I". D. MorMary's church WIlR enterta ined. Fri - " . I d e li r ious r e fr eshm e n ts were served We nrc und e r tl1!liga ti o ns to L. A . I1ml M ra. Elme r Shrader , of (),, \t nrn ; ri:lflll, ill \Jayton. day afte rnoon, ~('ptembe r Hit h, by I . Mr. a , lJy the hostesse s, assisted by littl e Slye aj1d J ohn Joseph H. Gourley , former lv head Mes d nmeR J 0 h n C I ' C. !le i I f or a Warre n childrend Mrs. Alan Har tsock lind IF [l YOUR SUBSC F RIPTIO H N 0 eman, . , en-. n, of Clarks ville; Mr . a nd Mrs. Miss Bettv Hartsoc k:. The followin g Co unty director y. The Mr lind Mrs. W. H. Alltln arrived of the departm ent 01 horticu lture, derson and Mrs. Bert work is ;(ot- W. T . Jordan and Mrs. Sarah Ri ch, Hartsoc k, at EXPIR ES guests were pr esent : Mesdam es A. ten out in a very creditab l e mann e of Harv eysburg ; Mr. and hfll ll t' ';:,I(n Michiga n, Thursda y e ven- West Virgini a Uni"ers ity, Morgan - the r. Mrs, ,J. R. country home of the latter. Wright. Walter Kilbon , Lee lind the directo ry is very occ uratc !luker , of Cincinn ati. and MrA. E. f. inl{. where Mr. Alle n had g'nne to town, hecame hend of the horticul - This charmin g , hom e waR beautifu lly Hawke, Lllrnhn rt alld children . Cora Macv, Lester Gordon especial ly as r egard s our immedi take Ir('ulnll' nt. lie i~ sti ll confin ed ttlral work at the Ohio Exper iment decorat ed with garden ate flowers. It nnd Master Frank Taylor Hawke. ne ighborh ood. to hi:! hOlli e. Station . WooRte r, Se pte mher I. I d th t d This The week di r ec will t o ry was an I'd ea I (ay. be is the last numan e nt en Two names were added to Mrs J . T. Ellis parpetr lie !lucceed s W. J . G rfen who for ance was Ilui te good. a 9urller of the GA7.F:TTI~ you will re- I membe rship. this meeting th e roll of some thing evc ry r esident o f the pri se on Dr. 1~lIis, Sundavnted M r ~. Frank L. Tnylo r, wh o ha,q almos t 40 years . in h ono r . The meeting was opened by Mrs. WI\8 Stntion hortico untv o ught to ha ve , and is very of his na tat day, and enterta ceive unless you ren ew. Tm: M 1- , ined at b""11 v i ~ itillK he r m(Jthpr, Mrs. Edith cultu ris t. Cadwal lader r eading tFle 46 th Psalm . ' handy to ha ve al ,olll the h o u s~' . --AMI G AZ~':TTF. is strictly cash in dinn e r thei r children and the ir [amHarri ~ . 1\'1I ~ jllined hy her hllRhlll1<1 _ ___ __ • Mr. (;~urley was graduat ed from Hev, J ~ F. Cadwal lader co nducted advanc e. ili es. A fille dinner was served a nd Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Cartw ril{ht left, lost. weC'k. I\lId. lifter 11 short visit in the OhiQ State Univers a happy family gatheri ng wnH he ld . ity in 1908 and the devotio nal exerci ses. Scriptu ral The dute of expirati on is . Tuesday , forindia napolis ,lnd .,where Cincinn a ti. t1wy willlL'llv C for l'u98- WAR vic:e-dir e(,lor of the New E V. Ba rnh ur t has bee n re ported In the ~ftern oo n Mr. Hamp- quo tations we re given in respons e to stamped Ith 'II tt d th I quite s ick for the pnst week o r 90 at anu .fam lly, Mr . Walter J . E . Jnnn ey on the m a r gin d enll, l'lIl., to spend the winter. of this ey WI a en e annua GAR s hi re Experim ent Station for one roll -call. After the busines s of the . WILliam s anll , . ,. ' family . and Mr, John McClur page, l( it is iflcorre ct we sha ll I E ncampm ent, and vi~il e a nd with friends the home of rel al1ve~ 111 N: w Yur k . famil y, year wh e n head of the horticu ltural day had been conclud ed, the f ollowof Springb oro, cnll ed at the be pleased to make correcti on . House fo r Sale- see Mc Kean / and re latives. They will be gone La~ t r ep orts arc t l< t h e ll f'c t that Ellis homes tead d e pa rtment in that ins titution . ing prop:ram was carried out : and spent th e ufterl ~ __~~~~~_,~~~~~_'". i about two weeks. he i~ improvi:1g . ) noo n: I




EPTE MBER 28, 1921

~Ii ll~







---.- ..






) i



... -----


...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..



...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......--..

H y m an 's '"








A nn ou nc e H un dr ed s

exception~ll barg ains, and this grea t mon ey savi ng even t assu res Frid ay, Sept emb er 30, and Satu rday , 0cto ber e~t Doll ar Day in their histo ry. Do not fail to visit Hym an's store Frid ay and Satu rday re~t1


1, the grea tbargains.

BEL OW ARE . GIVEN. JUS T A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS 'T, O BE FOUND AT THIS STO RE Gootl heavy unbleac hed I, Muslin, • hI 10 yards fOl:

Linen Crash 6 vards for

$1. 00.

Ladies' Bungalo w A pronM, as.qt. colors, $1 "'0 values,


$1. 00



- - _\



LadieR ' Sateen Skirts, in all colors. $1.50 value


Hnpe Bleache d Muslin, 6 yards for

,$1. 00

LadieR' Ho~e. black or brown, :15c value, 4 f o r

Lan i eft' Summe r weight Union Suits. 85c value. 2 (or


$1. 00

Ladiel" Hose; regular 25e valve 6 pair for

Lllclie!l' Winter Weight Union Suits, $1 50 value. for




. I

~~__~____~~~~~ J

Olltinlt Flannef "in light and dark colors, 6 .Yards for

O rgondie s, white und color R nBc grade,2 yards for

Best Lisle 50c grad e Sox. all colors, ~I pair for

Men's Best Dress Shirts $2 .00 value for

Kabo Co r sets rust proof regular $2.00. for

$1. 00


$1. 00

Best grade Calico. 8 yards for


'''-..'' ,



$1.00 ,




$1. 00

"ino leum, asst . pattern s 75c values, :! 'yard s for

'$ - - - - - - -.. !


Cr etonne .,r Silko1in e. in assorted colors 3 vards for

$1. 010


M('n'~ Sill< Sox, r egular '75c val ue , 2 pair for

!loys' Blouse Wlli s tR. 9Mc values, 2

$1 .00

LnLl ieR, Si lk 1I 0se, nil colors, $ 1, 75 values




/-'Dt. ay ' Ex tra Sp eci al Do lla r =-_-==_==





Ladi es' 0 dd' and End s High and Low Shoe s, in vici kid or pate nt leath er, lJp to $5.00 values" ~

$1 .0 0 Men's Black Hose 1111 colors, 7 p~ir for


Men'8 Blue Striped Overall s or Jackets , , $1.50 value,


W i1LcJ..ose all day MOnday, Octob er 3, account of Jew isy holida y.

Girls' Gingham Schooi DresstlS, $2.00 value, for

Best $1 Ties. Silk or' Crochet , 68Iort colors, 2 for



Girls' and Boye l Bear Brand or Corker BOBe, .5Oe value, 4 for

LaLl ics , allfl

C hi\"r e n '~ M idct i(' ~ up to $1 , 7:; "al u e~

Men'e Canvas Gloves, goOli heavy weight 7 Pl'ir for


..H 'M AN .1& 'GO ,~ .

,t M D a ,.a 'D $ 0 9

Men't' Wool Sweate rs gray only, $2 O() value,

Ladiee' Brll89ie res 89c value, 2 for




Men'8 Bal. Union Sui ta, short or long IIleeves , $2 OQ value

$1. 00


I Cllil "ro n' ~-llla('k :~­ Hlofllll er, 75e valu e :! fllr

O . N . T . find Bu ~ iIIa Croch et Co tton 1() S p/lols for

i3eRt Grude Dress Ginl>('hams. checks or plaid8, r, yards for

al"lIched 'fable Linen 7:lc grade, :! yords for

Best grade Apron Gingha m. Myards for

Ilaby Crib Blank ets pink and blue. $1. ,:; vIII lie,

Best Ilrade Pel calc , :l6 in . wide, [) vard s for

Ladies' Silk Camaso les, $1. 00 v~ lu ell, 2 for

Bath Towels, large size, 75c values, 2 for

Ladi es' Flannel etteNig ht Gowns. hel\vy weight. Best $1.50 value, .

$1. 00

$1. 00



$1. 00

$1. 00

$1. 00


$1. 00


. W ay ne sv ille ,_Oh io·.



The MiamI G zeite, Way




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Nt'\\' S uit ....

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to Loa n on I/:Inn L:lnd for te n YC:I rs at 6 per cent.

Th e M,)rl"lIunIM fI,"1 Fnrlllllrs Bank f ' lf 81110; big ~r" wfll y kll1(lllIlIt \\, 111 1) 1 Ulnn o l" '~ I,e r , O h io, VH Bllmobo M "nit you: IIr,·" rI ~ ht· 1I1l11 I1r h,!'tI TEI~~ELL &. TE~~ELL, Drll k o. I'III1I1till' o r do r ej t o roon vllr rl t; lI t . ~' flrll1!" m ilo" lI"r l It Il r \V " .V ~ 1 ,O,1 :!:!, WIt h luterust lit 7 "0 ' fr um nesville o n flull "r " " k I"k o ( ' M. \\' ilillill ~ ll1l1 , U,' phulle :~Ol.~ defendll n t Au.till , li"tl l'h llll f' - Ihd lh r ,,"k I: \' I. ";'\I'; Y t," "lI"oIf.."n Iivu HI"uk , o :t The Me rohl1nts Rnd Fa rmor s Bank 1·l lItff tl l!4 . nl~u :tHOIIIl,l tu or t g'!'4 . of Blanoh, ~ter, Obin, v .. R. D . Drtlko ,1 ,, 1I111l ,"rlJII,tI, ''If''11 (lA"~ ' or (> ( ' I-'V'J t!II I\ M,d n ( '111"", :-; . ll tI~ 1)I.) lI l: hl,. uud Blunobe DnkR , PI!lilltllr or. Il 4 :t ~ 1',,1("111,1 Pl gH t olf ""I ll, h lll'"ff' 11 111 Itl I 1.11;, X uui .. Ullin. Il nr ed to rpcover f:H4 118, with i nter, o f Ml1 rvlu Uu y. It II, 4, W" y"",,. o.~' Ilt 7 "&, from dofendants. vl \h., (1111 0, 8~ S


h ,· Slit" "

\ \1111111 11 "

Tho Merohant8 aDd F6rmorR Blmk of BlnnoheRtor, Oh io, va R D.D rall p P laln t ,IT urd e r llfl t,o reoovllr f:J14 10 from defend .. ~ I" wiLb intorost .. t, 7 ""



'.\ lu'r,·

I :,rll1t ... 1 til \


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I~,"J ' ! ... .



In till' estllto of Heth F'lrnll ~ , d o ce(lMOtI , firs' IlC(loant IIppro v(\(\. In the mn t,t e r of tile e"I", I,n nf ( a ',rence B. Bontley, nBoellSeo\, Ninn ~~. Bentley i~ "pl'olnte.1 (U\rnllll~

~ ;I1. ~ ',j





u j!a lll ...:t .


I ra$flx , bond $IU, UOLl,

T,.If-1f :-;1111111. ~ "nlu B I Btutorwol"th nnll J , Will White are IIppollltod flllPfll 1"0 1R ,

til e

t' t'H ll t lful



In the mAtter of \.lIe 'rutlt orol1tml hy item r, o f tho will of Ruhe rt Mc, Clung, c1flcllosorl, C hn" , .1. \Vu!!!!nn " r ,~ uPllolntl', 1 trn s tee, hond $ I;"OOU.

. .\1 \ t: iI.} 1" II lt'rl 'd 1', ' 1" 1':-'11 11 . "D lrl ), '11 III Itd"1 I,h ." I!II ...

"\ I !I ,



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hi' l'-'I "'1.1:. "I d ).!.IJd " 11'1 • 11" ' 1

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"II,· 11 ,;'1111' ,: 11:.\ ''''1 III ha lh 1,,) ~tli "",1 :,' 1'1 J" I!I ,' :llI d I h"ft Wl l t'll he 1~ 1J1 1'1' ilil

·,'.It, ... I I , 'l ' la :ilclt ·l'l.lblt·

1'\1 .

t lllt!

, .. 1 1

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Rcon l Rq l a tc 'fransf .. r H. U~CI IT IInll ~:1I111111 d o warll t o Alioo C, ()~hor n, 11IIrt ,If Co ld ~ prillg .. ( :nnll1lng (irIJ Il II (1 in 'I'ur/I, crcflk

pa ' n,

dl' yl c p

""ul,: ., 101 ... I. '" k " ,";1 11 11 II I" d. " r , ' 1:o"t ' ·!1ll1tJ i.I t i l e girl ; ~I ' I\


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f ully, ll·lal.

" It 11 1'''\11

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.. 1' ''1> 11/


I ... 111111 1.\ . 1" :o-w 'l! H I h ,' l ull'

to wr , ~ hi\1. f,t

\\ I t h IH'r th ,. - fl tlf' r

Qillnooy Kin g t,o Rul,h I"rl g Vltn. ,1erv,I" rt., p url of lot No " ~i u Bar, V"YNhllrg , *1 OOll Willtl1l11 !In,1 gfhm Rr()O~R to R'IV, Oloarl I3r l) ()k~, part o f \',t Nll, :17 In

\ 11 t · n'~ t lll.t! 111 1 (I) h 'll

H!l rv ey~b nrg .

tJ. RIIY olOn(\ allcl Ettli' Br,)olls t,u 'vVlllirltll BrookR, ubllot 3,Y. nor 08 In I:In rvoYHbllrg, 1~ Il!lKott moy o r to BormanRomohr S3 ao r OR In 8 .. le lll nnd W "Bhlug ~on

l'lt t "!' nlllllll ' l lt:i

J14 · I'I' . nw l 1111 ~/illJ' t I IH ! pu" l!lJ,.:' '\11)":-.."



,Ii " ~ hlg I""g" r 111111,',' h f" urlll l ie """"1'\1 rIll' Inplll U T,d ~'n ll ,)tl I I) FrU III (' 1111'11 "lJlI \ \ \'1' , ' ~rll!ldlll J! tI\l I ~ld ,·


tfH.· h:lll : IlIld 11.<' t it .,

" t· I, · , ·th· I '~ .

t' Ll w n ~ blp~ ,

u,.~ HI:... " "1 '1'11 , ,I try ~I r ( ;,." ,'(1, ' ·III . 'n·d till' ""11[ 1:, 1 1"l t llll , h e gIU I H,'l ·t! fil l' t lil' , ",... , 1111/1' III

I I/:.. tllIlIell ,, ·,·, g'l o\\ " d I JlII I'II "

('n rl l',..' t ' · l'~"n ulul lJf't\\"~" 'n ! I It, 1t 1:1~

', 'r ' ·r1l11ll1l d ·... III ·... ; nl'\ ('/' l ind t li t· J.: i rJ 11'11111 .": t ·lh'I,· !] it l'l l.:lI l'l 'I l l' 1'1"1111 11,'r 1.:,)1.1 al ld 101111\ ... (·, ,,lll· 1I t' tl!"C \\' 1111 1I1 ' I/'l '


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I LL PL,",Y SO~ IE. MUSIC rO n \ ' _IU

W HILE: Bf."l1YS G E.1T'N' "UJ\DV :


. \ ~ TI!:[J -- rr n~ h( ·{ '\Y" .


n,,, w d

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tull 11 11 , 0111 11 1


1'11..: 1". , ... ... II

1' ).11 ' 11 11 ...


Ill s

d"i ll ~

was captain and owner of the craft, Maggie, a Green Pea Pirateer-a fr'eighter of green vegetable8 for the insatiabl4~ markets of'San Francisco; Gibney was mate; McGuffey the engmeer, and Neils Halvorsen the ,c rew.



One night the Maggie, full laden, was approaching the Golden GateiCaptainScraggs gave the signal fo r full speed B, tern. The worn signal wires gave at the first pull, howe\'e r, and sent the unsuspecting McGuffey, the full speed ahead jingle. Result, the Maggie firmly stuck on a bar. From this point on the adventures of the Maggie Bnd her crew begin. From the familiar, uneventful run alon g the coast the four fare to distant coasts :a nd sunny, scented climes. Peter CJJ. Kyne haJ ne<Ver ""ritterl cJ better Jtory-maybe ' no"e 50 good'.


I t)


11" ~,,, , ':-o ... I III I~_

dllill \\ ,, :-' U wlllul"r II r pur t l'''!lhJIl in " ' ~" , ,., i1"r nlHI 1I.111klug ' 11111 11(.1"" , IIIIr ",, '" IInll grllll. 1 ,1,," 1 'N(''''' "(\,,,"1 Iv ..: roo,, 1 If YII U h .. III , \'1'I III h U'''II. 'fy , ), " " o"u drlvu nllh ' ~ to IHOll d III 1l1" lm,,. ' 1.'lf1 l-I ~ u 1:1 . Iltld oh, I:IlIr· " 1'y . III" g, Ohi o, tl U ,-tf

- - , - - ===--= ==

Ht ' I IIII , ,'

lilt "

CatarrhaJ Deafuess Cannot Be Cured

I lwa l :llllll "'a ll .. 't... . JI~ 1 111 ' >' cannu t t ltt;' d l·: . ·! I ~It · d , ''' I' I ' '' 1t .. ( I h o.: " ,l r ( ': ll. lrf' lia l !1o ·. tl "" " H " " lI l1r, ~ , j ,It-tl il tJ ti o llal 1I" 'a(/ n "II I , II ,\I . I: M I ' \T .\ l t IUI i\1Io: 1, ll" :-': I': I!'I H " III .:-- l it ul lll l l. lI I . 111" , 1\


r" ~l( ' h

( ' Ilt :l rr ll a t Pe: ,r nl' ~ ~ i ii " .ll l!"! " b \ ' HII I II II/ tJ IH ,' <I t' IIrHI Il I(lo nr ti l L' IlI tI ' 11 11;01 '11!IIm.; IJ ( I Itt'· 1·: II Ht!l l.' hlll l1 T u he. \\'h " n t il l s t id ... 1 ~ I nfl:tnwtl )'Il t l h :I\'(' n I'IlIllhh llJ.: !o" lIl1 t d H I

IrTIJII' r r {tf' l h "' a r l n !;, n lHl Wl l l ·1t 1\ I,.. ,' ll( l !" '· c I O ~'ll'l l I )t..':\,rI W ~B I R tlu- r f'~ II ! t. l ' l1l i 'S~l (he InUl\mmnt!,)U cn n h e l't·d" ,','.1 )' lI lIr hi"llrlnJ:' Inay bC' 11 ('s l r O)' I ' cl ( II rt·v •.l r


II AL L ' S C AT,\nrU I l\-t F.fllt · I KI': lll ' l :-t Hlro ug " t h o h l /)lItl o n th e 1111 1("' II R :m r rn.C t·1f ur th e S }'!i t C III . thl Ht r t:d llt.'I III; the In-

fln mm a t iot\

/lil t!


norliia l

tl o nN.

(' lrclI l n r s treo, AI! Drll!!.:I . , • . r" , J. C ilonoy & Co ,. 'I'lll _"o, Uhlo,

t.· Cln ltl ~

- -----_._- -MAN \\' 1111 i" ~loll(j\, 1111,1 It ll llll .. guml tratl o; I1tll jolt 1111 nbI 4\ ,t'l w , lrk "t, high nltl . lwll '''' II lit I cl rl \' 1! II nlu lloud Jlrupu. !-l l t ' tlll I ' ,r l! l liltl ~ l t 'j ~ ' I .V 1111,1\ A pply


. WIl IlI H I tl

"1, lltI ~' lli l' f1 ,

() 12

- ---- "" - --,...",= = FUI{


It ~ 1

SA. L~~

. I w'li ,,,,II

f,.rut IwoWII

forlll, :i b ol. ·vuef, \V"'yllf'~V '" " tlnd Furry, OOIlRllitlug lIt II ,U!ro~ uf ~"(HI 11111110le lrlnd, II IlW ,;' r o,I '" h Olls". 1!"'~1 h ,lr n 40x 5U, t,tl-.." h"rll

:!Hx: ·1H,



Waynesville, ! Oh io


IL H tlill Will ( :h fllltlwo\ b 11111u:4 f l ll lil \",~ y n"'~ v lllt1,

lpn llill L.M.HENOERSON Hp(,dIlIlK NOTARY puaLIC

- FARM -


It1 rg-e

Chtturn .

w,,(,,' r II!HI tI ""vur · fo r caHlu Fur fnr-

'hur intll rrtllll,ion , ,,1!Ullo \)V, o r


Ullrry Murray, W"y,,,,s vill e, Ohiol. (1[,

National Ba nk


S~I,E -


P ltOI'EltT Y

1· )It~O

1 hurfr llJ,:tdy

In Ren: rlll \\ Ii I t' I'S , lCl'rll'Ht JI(I"t!:isnry, bUl !I" 1,lIt IIH'! 'l' UH8 QUflntlty ot IImll, ns It 11" 111 ,'III Ihe wa· If

11,.'1" I.


I~' i.:~~ :d;\ '~ .. ..

in W"Ylle8 vllle, ;( IlIrgn l otM , ~1. r oom b ou~e with h f.( h L~ , c ity an,l cl~ t e rll wator 10 h " "~II, good (I1rollOO, I(ood bllrn anu oh wko n h o n ~ o, \ll llnty of fruit tree~ lit 1111 1I11,,1~, 0 1] gool l "trlll'l,. o loRo In.

l\ \lply t ,. MrH, M,lrY Brow ~ ter. W,1Y n eMvil lH, (1111) , 0 12


---.a.,. . , ' • ~ . .I



:E Rod Poll (~u",:, G yearB olu, NHNice Mill o C" lf, :1 munth8 old,

Il)(lalre or "ohn 8elloh,

R. D. 2,

W"yu osvllle, Ublo .


AMI:lS-ShroP8hlro Buok Lambs, L , . IllfJlliro of Davis ~'tlrll'U!, pbone ,1, - 4,Y. , Wflyn6!!vlllo, Uhio .

Poet, and the People. The reputn ll on of the grenl poctll hn s not he,m mnde by the 8"h 01111"1 y critics, chle Oy, bllt rnther by the plnln people of thclr o\\'n time or of lite , enrs ImmedIately Coltowlnc.-Drnnder Mntthews.



-.-- -

Remov i ng Mild ew, hlh'IlIKCutiy. lI ot li se tno 11 s l1 lall tuh f' 1 , ," ,~, . \"1ft H UJ'~ 1I1de 18 th o ruu g h 1\' I I."::o-ol\·cfl , fir helU:1' ~! III, tic It 11 1' " ' I :--: t pu t 1'1(>('0 of d orh nnd run \\ lIi" .. "t il I t , "I'e ~s­ Iflg Ihe c10 lh \\'!ill II , ,1 , 1,: , 1"'11 "lin ... If ff) /1011 1 In tull. I IIII""I '''~ 111'11<:10 to he c lpHn scd IIIIC I 11 11,, \\ tll ~ lnlllS


l " I :--i1 I" "' ~

1'1 ' '':1'"1 1:-.014.11\ '

- ...

r.Jll o rlde or iil il e . U1'ol Ii wllJ n .'llJu ve m lt.,Jf'w , I I,. " "h h. A t@o'!lJ' (l IHlf ll l ~ , nr 1>1111 f un of Wllf" I" I

Hc- vt'rnl

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Vllvne town~bip, fL Will\lIm Brooke to Ellen Brooks, trllot In Ma sslo ~ow n8h l[l , II IJfl v ld B. Donltngn r t,o Martbll A . Wonr, lot, N J, 370 In Franklin, 11. Wllli,mt 8 . and Flora E . DaJley to Wm . E and Louise Cooper,8oven of


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All IlIf·lt q ll ' I .Ift'd 1,11 :-- 11 11' ... ... 1'" " l jI' I h al

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Chnrles And MlI,y l:JonderHon to Androw '1', C[lIrk, "hout ",0 aoros In

X"\ I'J' I lH rJ t li P "' ga l' \ I' l ll y

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Probate Court Proceedings. I{"hur t Fn ll u d , 1'11 11 116 {'fi- 2 , ';,'rwl ll . A !'Il ly I" II,, " IIlli ,'" f f r lu the llt4tnto nf ~~hnlm l' mltll , ill rUr llllll·I(1 \), W"YIl ", v,lI u, ()111" . nl~ ,, :, dooe l1~ od , Ur~t IHI ,I liulIl Ronn o nt IIllllrovBd \ r n ; Il - Furlllers IIn rl dlllry , In tbB Bstato o r J o~"pb B Fronoll, Ili On to ~ Il IIW \\'0 h,.Vd " HI .

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$27.50 $30.00

A ~oo d \ '. I'. Box Boa rd , p(,r I I 1(10 f el'l , :I I


II, .· l' I:ln !'tl\l lI if l' r" d I ..


Build Now and Save Money

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rl"n r mnde hnth men look r (lu nd , '1'1 1\*11 Drummond ho wcr!, to COII" I'II I II ""111 .'. "Ju st III l Ime. ~lI ss Irlll ll," 'fhe glrl ~"' (' pt Pl\st h ll" IIn,1 " >,,.

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"I Bile n o olhc r co u r~ ~ rl'plted Drummond.

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esvi~n!:e:..,~ O~h~~~ o::;,. '


For best resu1ts we A :l. h o r 88 Saperlor Wheat Drill, n. 1. horMII li.dlMO use Miami Gazette's UrillI ; Deorlng CLlrn Bluiler; thwe toOl8 are 1111 now. AI ~o , 3 COW8 for Classified col umns, Bill e, Choap If 80ld 800D , loqulre or Robert S'roud, R , D, 4, Waynes. we'll tell the world! ville, OhIo . 82~ ~ x7 ; II


, The Miami Gazette, WayneaviJJe, Ohio.

•••. T H E




1.·. :lIl':U I,;V.I.:HY WIWNESDAY KU h1r"d u' tilt· P I ... tt .fl lt: · ", WIi)' lltfl, lIh ', 1.l d:' , li b

~';' ct.JtJ,

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Mr~ . .l ~ aB O TllOUlati I~ visiting oot· of . I,c, w u rolll t l vo@.


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Mrs, WIIJtor ClInk 1111 bllP,n 1111 h tl w uc k <Jnino e y King till r ornBln quite MI88 [(ut.l. Uu on la t !() W t llllc h l o l.( I p ou rl y li t Il d ~ \\'ritiJlg , th u !ifl,h !{rutlo ut· Hulm o llt . . [S ubscrinl.ion Price, $ UiO pC' r yeur ( ', E Lo vioy iM Kh o win g II vory A I}' II tillli l h , nf Dnytoll . ~ Pl nt J " \ " , ' II 1'.I\" ' lt, .. l lI tl 1( . '. r ..... ' tI' .,lh. t" hOllul,ifnl ()ukllln<1 upon our . ~Ul1 d(ly Wil t. I I'; P'" DI!! h u rt '. I I II " II H f(' ,\ N 1'1 0 .'s ,' ,S' )I 1.\ 1'1 0 ~ Hov . Hnnt,il1!:! OJl lil ill d th l' pulpU Wldl C Cl1 rn ell 'hu ~ UOOII " lIfI' lit I ho 1\1. E. o hll1' (' h h ow o n :-;G lIdn~' , p01lrly w it h hlly. fon'r f" r M ~vnr,,1 WI,: I)N I ': ~IIA y , SEI'Tr.MII I.;J{ 28, 1921 Mr. IInl] Mr~ .101111 VIllIde r voo rt won k_ , WI' r" l'illlldtlY uitoru llou gn e a'~ of ~Ir ~ . ('IIIrtl 'l'h " J11I1~ O Ll 1'I11l1 1I1rc rolutived. I'.llIr .1' ClI rm nn y \,1 ~ lto.1 Ihn tl. '11I llr . un d MI'B . Harry Orr, of ''''il- City , FTl dny, rnilll,:lIII1. W f' rl' :-;uutlny g u e ~l, s o f Mr . Alhorl :-;t.I)('.\' nnll i':n r l Tlt n lll/l~ r r· !ln ' l Mr_. \\'Ilour Kirk . o 1\'(Jli 11 enll ,,;,,) 11 1 till <' uil lti o 1 11 ~ 1 D. N . Com pion . s pont ~un(ltt.y In l'Ie llk . ' I,o wn wilh /H·IltlllluIBnoes. afl or lin b' , M . SindI' , of Dnyto n, ~po nl t he " llh5e n(;0 o f two weo ks y " ' !l a lIt it to grow WUC'k -OIH I wttll lIl,' 'llIU I'.lrM , B. U , B till O~ und fn rully . l\! r . ", lif lO n <1 ordon Apen t 1I1~' I' ~ ~ : : jl v hich to ii ve , Willinlll Whetlt,)O , o f :-;prlogboro , I \\'ook vlSII.ln g In \Vn yuoHvillf'. Lytlo, :.,' i r, ';i T1c ed or fe And \\'l llInr t:lnrk nnll fUllll ly WI'1'e('ullt HrvillollnuU lytun . ., t; ooll ll.\' ~UMI , ~ of lIIrs . A1lLr y l'ur · _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ r.1r. nOll MrH . lillrJtm Hl1rvoy Bnd I; I t i l j ' ir s arc pert,WII c hildren, o f no"r DuuLlp,' " e ro !lI o n y . '0 t" ., , , I f " a CO ;l, ;,der ~ d your uti l· r 1':I~ ht, y . , ' if!hl, 11) ill io n (Inllll rs' hilS i) 'IIII " 11 III "Ilr "1 lnrOI! In Il1Uht :-i uud .. y Hll".t,H u f Mr~. C hnrit.y tiur. Mr . lIuII Mr .. , Haury Smi lh, II r I wurth II I ~"I<I urri\'uli in th e Uuitull 1II 0n t, h ~ III.H 111111 II " nl llHloA to s h ow voy . . , ' ,' ? OU,vtOIl , PPOllt I'>I IllU I'<Y wlt·1I til. , Stut"s In AIlI-:U ~ I , I>rin~in!( tho totl1l its ~poutl . nil. F"IiArJ\1 Heservo Onr n fl w hlllok~ lIllth, . f OTl nn r ' R 1'IIr ont, ~ , 1\1 r , llU el 1\1 r" IJllnk~ 1m . Mr. ,111 00 0" , ~irl('(' ,Iullu"ry I 111' \'''ry I'luijo tu I I \,~' ";I IlPI .V tr"l'lleu it, o n Ita Is @tflrtlug ill eX llOllv Itlw ho (l xpAola FfIluk !:lUlilb . hilif II 1>III II1n II "lin r. f\Tr vn A:)I tlrowllltintotheirdun ., t o Htny . Thllt iH V:llllt it tllke ~ In Mr nn d Mrs . ( ' 1:) , LlillI h nOll'r . I'r"f. It' I' illg ~' I " h " r , t h n Ytt.lepcfl l\. :'0 '/ ()U !WI)W t~a t th ~ b i ,;,,:,~, t pro b em co nfron ting I-(eo n, ~- I 111'11' vuullM . Non e of ~he l mAk e A AD(ln(' "8- i ~ BIUy, tnlll ed tl) 8 00 .11, y d l nntlr , ttlr li nd o l1li"I" nnli h lH f" ll " wIJ rH 11I~ 1 8t thut UOl( II"" leo n pln cl' ll In o n Mr H. lJ . 13 . ,1 "h n ~, nf X e nl .. , K H wh.m \.: •.j d )' ,' (J" flHl H plulIl.tIul. prioRR "s U1ll11 f'y, u o r D~ O el I1 H t be bnSIB 01 a u . i~;' " { a:.- ·I is 't,' ' i'~(' ! (!'l' ~ h" n e c {' ss ,~ ! y money to Tbe Zion I3l1ptist oburch. of E!I>t ot ('o ln,u lldltt O ~ rl ,S f' Hlill MII{\OnitLtio n oxpnualon of nl,t.,~ o r c redl te o r Mltiu s treel·, i~ Il.aklnl-( Ilooultnd u se H"nll olllll tlnrt fum ily . IIf IJllyt on (' V; :-. " . jis fl' ; :Ii{'$ :1 ,\,1 t 'ms II,. aillc to meei th!' increas\. lind 11 ,11,,11<111 11I11"w. \V u lt, thero I(\(\n~ In nt hAr W ll n]s It oltn hB vo fo l intp r Ovelllflnls 1,0 t·b e lr bUiletillll , lind Mr ~ , ,-;no ~t O \lltl o nll o rgM , o f Blilibr ouk . 11IIM I"" ,,, n ~lif.(hl J I~" In I'rtoee sinoo bnel no more elreet Oil' bWllnese ' or whlC'1l wilJ Bdd &0 Its looks . m~ r r. ', n .~ . b '!i:lg m . e hr i' " ser vi : rs ? ,I oly I, hul, I\llthlD~ rOIIlArkable . pr lcAA tbllD HO lJIo c h gold ore burled Mrs, Charity Barvoy had f o r h or " AIHI [lort .. lnl y ~ t ... (' nlll li lln hilS LOCln fnr lJ~Douth the s urfAoe of the OO rn1Jliny , Mr J ohn Klmbroo g h, hi ~ As tI .. I',( 11" 11I"t, ~' o llr '~ Uy , 80 thl~ g rou nd , Mlstn r , Mary , [lDrl lIeioe, Mnud Kim . I-li v,,~ Ih" "l' h ",,1 01 {I""IH1JUIHts 0\1. Th~re is only one arm.ver and that i ~ this money AI· proAoflt Wf\ Are not sa,lng that, IJro o gh, of }I'l1irllloullt, 111(1 p "H"II III FI.hnr' H l' it,W~ II ll h llnoOl fur I,hl!! t rtllltff le nt o f rnal money Is a m ~st co:ne from the [leo!)lc serv ed. Th ey should invest 11 f.(l o rl"lI ~ ~ llI nl Mr . I1nd Mr~. A . L , Kenn edy .enI-:om], thll1H or. a hnd thing-bot But Pl'rh'IJIR Pi.hllr i. ril(ht, h I' t b llt s whl1t hlia h appeoed to {:01<1 tertained for dinner on Sunday, M r their savinl!s in th !' scrwi ' i ('5 of the nti1ity, Clllhl<' lit " Illdl 1I1111 uu of 1-:11111 whioh tb[it 0 1l1i llfnto d to Amerioo In 192 1 lIud MrM . WiIIllIllI LTl w"on nnel flllll. Mr, nnll Mrs . Leo :-lnnoH vl~ ited i1y lind Mr, Thomtt.8 Tuoker . - - - -- -- nOlir h e r e, tiunday , Mr. lind Mrs D. B, CIl'liver enhlr· Mr", J I"n e~ umy Wa,8 ~ h o l'ptng III ~: o t alto-;ether from a standpoint of patriotism to tRlneu .for din n e r on t;nndllY, Mr. lIud Mrs . C lin t C leaver, Mr, timl HArv ey shurg, l'ilitUrclllY , the co r.lmunj~y should !j ' S inves men! be n~ a de but from Mr~ , Wilbur Shldakor And dllngbter ,lfr . iinc1 Mr ~. I {o ~" J]artAon k nn( i a s cl{i ~, 1 one as well , f~r no t onlv do you thus insure a .M tt.r y , and Mr. alld Mrs . J . I:i Hhld_ b!lby WOTO 10 Loullo o n , tlntnrd "y . !lker. Tom \{j oll IIIHI fnmllJ' s\lonl. ::;un · c iln~il1 11anCe nf a servicE' tha t is essential to your welfare, Uur new gil rage Is Improvin g dliY day In Lflb"n o n , viRili:ng r O\lltlvh bllt Yol.:r mo ~ ey carns s ihhtly better than 7 '; . hy dllY, nnd In I,h e Dell r fnt ure it O or Rohoo l Is prog r l~8slng ni crl , w ill bo completod , nnu wh e u rlono It will be a thi ng uf Ilsefulnap s and under th o lend orahip of M i,,~ Morl ' beauty, Call In lIn d 800 I h e 1m, F.llis, provemen~ , Mr. lind Mr~ . E. Hhrn rt e r , o f Da), IUngratefulness ~ Mrs, Wi nona MlioDonllold Mltc bell t oo, visited rolnll vE's III thi s pll1ce, nn ' -:o.'\> Hun day . passod Ilway lit tb o h , )~ plta l In Whv I.. il. thJ\t we'redisconLented We C¥no ' ~ ntrt with fiokl e fortone, Mrs, Roy Ellis Bnd danght e r , HhAIL I In "11 ~ f .. lr I.. ntl of frulL lind n owe r R~ we 1I 0vo r ch ased the nimbl e oent, S hreve port, Ln., and tb n reJllalns • ~i::J L I It h t Co .. Why 1 ~III ' t t,horll lJe HUUlll Hoho m e ln . we got !II JOR wlthoot nu soorohin ' . reaohed hore TbllrAdny evelll ng, vi~lteu tbe fo rm e r '@ parents, Mr 1 he (unonl took p ln oe ::itllurdAY tlf- lind Mrs , Amos Allen , bllodny , von&ud , til p"llInf.o o ur se m .. h b o nr sY - We didn't have no disconten t I tern o.>n, from ber brotbor 's b nme . St., Our hllr v~Mt . h l n fl /Ire ovorfi l1 wlu' We dldn', know no strained oon. Mra Mab ..1 G!irrisoo, o f Midland : unbooTlllod wOlllth 18 Bt Ilor hand _ dltlon",-nor hungry mon ths , n Or I n!·ormeot in beautiful MllUul oe m- City, "peot some tlmo I'Lst week , I _~" / Without oblignetery . linri MU ll ou r diRoouteut Ir OOPH gro'w- Krl'o<ly eyes, " (\o n, plense send me with her motber, Mre, tieighwqy , , . . We didn't ~" fol.l er ahout yo ur comIn' I It'll m OTU t,bJ\o I OliO uoder- hAve no pomlolans to fill oor Aars Mrs, S ue Biatt, of Wlnohester, Rela~lves from her e Ittteod ed the I ~. pnny nnd Ih securities. l&a n(l. , . , with blasted li es I I wonldn't say 1oe1.. Mrs . C hristine' Fee, of Greeo. Thor o WTlA 1\ dAY tbal, I OOQlcl men. th"t I'm contondln' for what you castle, Ind .. Mr~ . Pet Snhin and sis. foueral of Mrs . Bownrd, m o thar of lI on .- 1 ('lln't forget it. , eVAn now _ 0011 bllok. number WI',8, , , But ter, Mrs . Walton, of Xenia, Cha rles Mra, Ella gears, of Morrow, 011 'I W o keJlI o ur fe Alin '8 III HO~ JlIlII~i o n I OlIn SAV, wl t bou~ protondln' thAI lind Hurry 8mu rt, H uw!ird Collett 'l'u6llda V ufterno o n , by Wltllzi,, ' with n s ho vel plow , , . , them was mlgbty hllPPY dAYS ! t.1r, and Mrs . Geo Boga n lIocl son , I1nd Mrs, ::itulloh MacDonald, of ' Wil. mlngton, and Mrs. Alice Coll et '. of Bert, a nd Mr, lind Mrs . Uienll D&vi HI :,jllblnn , were prese nt, Itt th e funeral nOlI childr on wore guestl! of Mrs . I of Mrs. Win a on MnoDon"ld Mitchell, C I ~ ra Uunn, Huodnv · I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bever!ll frow this vl oi.n i I Y fl ttl' l1d eel Uur hOTse slloo pitohe rs are e njoy Ing t,h oI1lS0IVRS. and botberlng n o tho fun eral of Mra . WiuOUI\ Ma o'l ulle la I hel r motto, but 10 0 0 0 or two Do ntlld Mitc h e ll. wltieh t·onk plllol' im'tR noot! Ihav tire ono Ridered alumB on 8aturd~y aft.orllo()u lit Ih " h o Ul" , Now wo kuow poreo nally t,b e m e n of ber brother, Rabin , In I:lIHvey •. , Why It E.l lto, Our Calendar Ihllt indul gn iu IhiM I;lI m e h or e, Bod hurg, oond uctod hy Hov Atn l)~ ; r UNE" \L DIRECTOR j An Arl7.qna ~ntolllll l n;.: ls t cl ulms to t h ey ure tho o ues I but pay the tl1xe~, L'ook. Sept. .j I fl th Sunday After Trinity, I' ~\' ~ dl sI'.)\'CN!d 1l ~.' rlJllI~~S In IllI' c hi\:. kOllp np lit o ch ur ohes, ILre pu blicWayne.vllie. ~hlo Sept. [) - l.uulIr I Jlly. ~.'r, \\' ~ non't kllow \\'hll l It Is, hut s pirited oitl'l6nR, beliove 10 law tlnd S(>pt 8 - The Nati vi l y. '"11' 1!11l'~~ Is Ihnl lhe !'I1i!:!:!'r CX I ~ t8 tt.nd ord or, Bod fo rglvo their AC ~CPl. 1\ - 11;1 h Sunday nfl er Trinity, ""Iely f"r th ~ purlJos<, I)"I/ II'IIIl( I1cOI, lo oo~orll , ~l'Pt. 18 17111 SlI llIlny urtl'I' Trinil y . ....1 IIH.qhln J.: th (t o wh ~ u t llf'Y rnl;tht nth. Fully Equipped for ' Good Bove r ll l from h ero littended t·ho S"pl 23 - Aulumn (>qlliIlIl X. cnr/sc he comfort,lhly /llllng nnlh l no:, Service~ h OI{ sn l e~ of Frod 1,lnto n , o f n Ollr ~epl ~f,-n~!\' S unduy afler Trinity , M8'rtln~ville, nnd Art·hur I~eo nl\fd , Large Display Roo(Il Sept. .:.!l - M 1('hlleIIllJl:4. A Iltrl-: e nlllllher of nu r pooplo \\'1I ~ of n ell r Wilmingto n, /In.1 0 0 Ooto hAr In Lo tmn l)ll , l'illtnrtlll Y ·1, W . C. W oloh will Holl Ro \'e ru l BIg TE:LErHONE 7 DAY OR NJCH'l A Im on ~Dd HhormRn Fo rri~ IIIIlI I'.vpe Polnnd.Chinn r.:lit!l ,wd IIollra , AIRo, 10H. P. U"b tl rn ,\l SUll will, o n fBll l1 ly ~I'''llt Sundny In ()"y t,OJl , More Tea chers , Th an Sold i ere. ,O c LolIAr 1·1. Mel li lit t,h eir IIelilltiflll f -'nstu Hlt ' ll 1-.: 11II 11J 11t · 1I11)1111 1! IIlolfe rn M M, T orry ,md K . K Th o mp.on h Ol ll A, (; 0 h nnd of ~ pottod PfllAnd. wor o in Doyt,lln ,'one cluy In .. t, woo k . IlItll oll!ol, Inn ~ mudl 1150 It ' IJt !-l Illore Chhl li ~ til t.!10 h lghost, bi ll.l or. TllPSO tll ll('hf'I's 11,11" II 1111' ~ JlI'tlers. OR. J, MILLE~. 1\lrA Elln Fo rri ~ MP(1rII, III At w eok "111 0" fir" "Itrnol illl; Illfg o orow(IH, wllh r ol .. t,l n 'sA llcl frl Oll ,18 in U!iytnll , Try .. UtI he .. r fl~ mlt. ...DENTIST••• \V/Illor Shunk iA vory Hic k , At tlt i8 - writioll', wit·h ~YTIIptoru~ of typ h oirl om"" In AVOid World' . Bli nu Alle ys. fove r . WayoenUe,O ".'100&1 !l... " B1dllJ. T ilt· Y"III1;': 111111 1 .. f I. ,d a) d ut" s nll t MJ P, hri s l,(l {tArnOr h Il S roturn od 1111\'(' to t\d lpw lIlt ' Jilit 11 : , f/ , I IIt,'r 1IIIIt to hl'r bumo ill Ollytlln . ult or "pend. I UII I\, ~N it':::: tll~ joti ht ' ~ 1 1" III"' d f o r h i m . MO ST ANY ONE CAN tll1-: II w ook hrro . .r' '1'11,· \\ i ~l' yuuth I1l1d '\ IHl ! \\ i1 ; 11 m ost HAVE A COLO, BUT MfR, ti"r o ld McK"y 11011 o hlldr en I IIp(ll'n h~ to hlttl, anr! 111t'11 ~\ 't· ~ to It HATHAWAY IT TAKES A RICH 11I:lt 11<" :-: the bps! 1\'111 1\\' III th:lt Il l1 !-1 l· "p. nt Ii couple of {lilY" In ~t, W~lll[ I ~ I i s s Isahel ~ l i: : i o Jl I,ved IIIll'" \ ' ;,I' S wit.h hor hOll1o foJ ks At Wilmingt.oll. I H' :': S . t;uch fellows ri s e Itl !i' Un'miS in MAN TO HAVE: i ll ·l ....: llnl'~ sl· l· :lll d It \ t \ ' t he I (' !-o hl.: t..:(, t WByne.vllle's Lead[nll DeD"1It s}J i le uf hHtHlI cn p .... 'l'IiPIi (III' world t he idea of m:t1,i ll ~ {\I. lI ~ rt1 t' :' flnm h \l PNE:l1MONIA Olffiie In ti ll lne8 Bldg, "lI.ln Bt (

0. L

L'J.' J\N E , Edilor uud Pul,Jb li rl, \\''1yll('~ '' il1l'' (Ihill


ar:d You




'fhl' (~old 'fh!lt . Inlllligr:ltcd

<l d




Poem' Pi

Uncle John

The Dayton Power & Liv,ht Conlpany ~./n,d- l'owD:~IO& ;., c~~ I' ;I~I\~O~~~~n

29 North Green Street





Walter McClure





.. -----

~le.J~ dlSbl

··Biifr: DURHAM tobacco makes 50


\\'o lltlen; nlltl npl'llIl1d s, II 's fu ll y t o I'P ' nlllll1 ('oo pOd UI· wllh IiIl )! t ! I!I!lll~ \\,IWI. YO \1 mlt:ht j ll Rt u s \\'1'11 i .t' l·nJpj ItI!.! tilt' fulll's t IIII(>I"IY. if by ,' I . :dlt·C ,) 1111 J..: ·l IU lv 1I hllllil (1 111')' <~ .. II> II Ihlll you J;I' I uut 111 OIH'e, - Gr lt.




to Be Rem embe red , !II' Wloll call s Iu Ihe liI,1 IIC all equal uIlticrstJllI<llng douhles his own; 111111 III' \\'110 1'1'01118 hl' II s uperIor IIIl1ler· ~t''' 1f ll u g 1'1"""" his IIOWCI'S 10 It Ip,\'el \l'lIh th e 1Il'll(hl oC lh .. ""111' rlur ulI (ler· ' 1IlII,IIII g thnl h e Ulllt., S wtlh .-Edlllu ncl 11I1I'lw, Lines


"" 11

f)nu'l Iry to nn Ih(' "'n of f11l1t. rifn oilY 1111111 you hnl'I! rllls".1 Ih,' wind.

-;nU$IOn TrunsC rl jl!.







~ 1 l(1\\' n


good cigarettes for We want vou to have the beet paper for "BULL," So now vou can reoolve with each paoleage a book of 24 leayea of mu~­ the very flneet clga ..."e paper In the world,

t w is ted <I,i, ·tt ;I pl'h ' ~ . li en.' :tl'e a pair ( ) f Il{ r q l1.l i n t fr.})..: ". (Ii(l .1 :11.; ,.. th e 11100 1l . . h i ll L' r and 11 1:0: W, ) 11 1:t n. t "1 I l t..'V r ail h e I lI :-t d l! a t h O[1 1(" h y cll·\·!!'· 'f\ O Il II' 11 and ar c a ll ull i que J: iit.

11l 0 10ll Sl y

A Rollicking Tale . of the Sea


CireenlPea Pirates


ALMOOT everyone baa either read clr heard of "Cappv Ricke," "The V alley of the Giunta" or "Webster-Man'lI Man." NQW comes anQther frQm

the pen of the lP'eat K yne; It is lOne Qf hielnimltable Balt wator stories, the kind in which he it at his best. More amiable or eharmlnll n-l. chan Sa_II', GIbney, McGuffey and HalvOHG have DeVer heeD POrtrayed, Bvm the cIecnpIt old fr.lllhter, M-R&le, whll:h they operated In the. tp'eeD veptable trade coDtfgu, OUt to tbe ':'Pterl about Sen llrandK.o, II 'fwlny, The' wortb* who ialled the Jdaat.e bad ·nerve. toOl otherwUo they l1li0"'00', he"e ao'to ... to tuck. tub, They bad a . . of advcDturea jUit about . .. u..t, .ad cntertalnlnl .. you haft . . . _untered AD . 'ItO!rY,



A. 8 , Allen, Ii , E Th omps on ,8.i\ , an d R oy ElIIR attended the Bovan I lind t h e Uregory fino hog 8ales I1t I Wilmin gton Bnd ClarksvIlle, IIII't I weok, The MeR8rll Ellis bought t he hlgh ~~t prloed pig thBt WB8 sold I the Grego ry 811 1e, pllylug 1275 for a , BfJrin g pig , l

a Specia lt y .

... Lytle, Ohio I Telephone 76, rin): .1 /lowIn g trom deep nrteslnD I wellWlltel' s Is alwlIYs ou necount 11..______________ Arteala n Water Alway. Warm, "'firm,



' y ~, "

Auctioneer Farm Sales and Live St\d( __,!. Specialty

Bellbrook,S Ohio 80th Phones



VETERI NARIAN Vacci nation tl Specialty. inl! but Reliable Serum


Phone 44

E. V.





Notary Public

the httP-TDRI heat of the earth,

John H. Wright

0[0'10')( ;1': :

I<'ollrth St reet, ncar Tyle r


Hay, Straw and Feed ,

II' Lytle Feed Mill

Satisfaction Guaranteed



Feed Grinding


Tc:lc:phone 93

Flour, FCl'd, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Watcr Foun t a ins ami Self -Fecc\ers.

Mr . flUet Mrs , George Dnvis , Mrs. Mary MILnnno, of t, h l~ pll1cll, "od MrA H O~A Fires, of Wllynesvllle , nt· t e n ded t,hp. funonl of .Mrs BowBn] , ilt M OTrJw, Tuesdny of Illst we~lr,

F .......;, 10 H, .61. 10


- DEAL E ~ I~ -

Mr8. Bessie Ellis and ullugbtl' r , R bf'll, of Deer Bnrveyshorf{, wero i:lundllY gue8t~ o f Mrs ·11:lIill ' !laronls I A , 8 , Allon and wife.

. , ..,. will ,.. III • .m.d

. ......a .... d.•

Everett Early

I:lovornl from this pin eo nlt,end e cl tho fu ne ral of Mrs . \"'monu MnC'. Donllid Mltoh ell. lit Har voy ~ burg, I , SBtunlay tlftornoon ,

8'1 P&TEll 8, K.qN&



"ur ROh oo l l :--------------------------, tenoh e r , ~pOllt i:lnt.u r elHy lind Hnnd uy /' w ith ber b ume f olks fit, nll r ksvllio . Mllilol

Dr. Lloyd 8. ,Hall

H~::>": .~ ••• UH . . . .


All kinds of N o tary Work, Willi Bod Oeeds II Speclal'y,


.. " ,Examined Correctly.,. Glasses Fitted r




~ f"I'IFF}\NY'S Opfteal Department St. Xenia, Oblo _;oe niD~l b, 'ppointment

',J j fI,it , w

=- ••••• ~,~ . .. . . . . . ~,

.A.. Veterinarian Practical Vaccinatqr. 'Have had .rood SUcceBII in ImmllDiD8 OD both sick and well berds, '

Both · Phon.. Bell 4-tr

Home 865-8

Bellbro.... OhIoJ


nie Miami Cazette, Wayne• ..nle, Ohio._

., ,': ..:~.:,:",: :~,:U::: ,


iZ _



__ _

and chilc1ren,II'J lltm, Lucile, Charll'a and Merl " of Wayneijvil l ; Mr. and .' Mrs. John Venuble and Ed Martin, of Dodds; l\tr. and AtrY. Aaron " I- " j H' \ 1. 'om pton, 8011 of th al,d ' , . - , . mith and children ...Tont, Theodore, Flora, Guy, Clayton, Lee, Jane and • ,r, " '. I I , hi ',. \ III :;. lllU~ ~I\k : ~l a ry Hockelt :ompton, born Dullar '1110 at HYlllan's. George, of Lebanon; Wesley and 'I'hl' II. S. lJa~,' hil I! \0,:," , w, '11 1 I.. I".' '.\ .'· f Ih r"'I' 1 . I n"fl r I _e'lv BOur(!ingIOln · 9hiO' ;',I.h , Mr~. Maltilda Ho~i ' r vllli ted reJaMr . and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson and Randolph Mockrbee, of hanklin; l . Itl, 1,,4 , . ane d ellllrt cI1 111S1t ' \ 1 P ,' I ' ,1' 111 ,,·)hll on.NII1l !lY , Ill llntl . L'" I k j "Iter Audrey of Leba no d ] ." I'R llll r" ia!'tt \'t,d IH '!'IdH,' a t 1.11 J III\ 1I,. • • \\'\.'~ 111 IIH' lllnUlI, a~ l \\' l"C • ( au"" 1 , • n, e- Mr . and Mrs. Carl Fiacher lind Miss li ); I II ''' ',' ' : ' , II' II'!' il,' an(>ihH hf .. In l1a), [('n, hlO, !)thm nn th, 21 51. 11' 1 Iltfu ll enterta'lned at a hI' h. n ndJ,.-:11 \\ ztlh ,p, d fllrf', Q'lr , Ih p'c ' c' ' II 1 g y g f. '11 ·1", n' f " ,' f '" d . ,I:' Ihi:, \\' 1 11':'1, agc,l 7:; Yl'nr~ . .\ munth fl nt! .I:l I Ilr. \l ill, 1l; leO I'.lIlh, I I ,' . Ilroncl - noorl.dav lunclleon, I'n 11onor o.L the Ninll Knowlton, of Han.ilton, an(1 ' .('lI tH ., I t1 ~ If) fu \'or ,, ( 1 . 1 · 1" " lt ~ f1. I" II... 1 p.: I:., f) , ,' " f t ilt' <I ' r i '~ ( "I' d :\)' ~ . HI' \.\·us th t' fourth of Il fl1lm ly WII.I' . L,'hlllllln. OhiO. ' 1,'lrt l1day 1111nl·versBr·le." of W'IIII'8111 Mr. and ·Mrs. Arthur Atkin~nn and ~\ !lrl}l ':, v i ll , 'lli 1.11\"'(\nl: '111" .. ,,,1,., ·. ~ duughter, Audrey, 111, <,· III.I.a"." f",' \'pnt'llllclrt'nof whom onl\' two . ' ID S' I d I f M 1111 01 "1. ,, in Ille arl .,f "I", II ) ' I,,· I I' . ' I" I" !'Ilr fllId MrH. EJ !lllllard of X... nill ant ewey mIt I, an a so 0 r~ - -I .. ' I, " 1",1 ,.·1'., \\' :--pnn~.; an' nnw 1I' lnl::'- I', IJR) lornpl"lI. " f " , . ' , ' ( 'race Shuler daughter of M..r. , nd I'!. ,I , d. :' II " ,, 1 . I h,' IIr-1 ~nlne f ... ~l i ,J ,jI ,' \n\\' n. (1hi, ). Hnd MRrtha I-:l le n I I' I~ I\l'd Mr . and Mrli. r.iI Uean, sun' : A·tk · · 0""- Se e I • jl .;el h,' r. I'rll ln, "f,.·rtIlJun. al 1'llIill)""'" ,I. . dllY ;,1rs. IllS n, v ra gamesw('re I d I . th I d th . " . '1, I ' lq 'l " II) ,·f l;r" " n,' ,·,'Ul\tl .1"<<<.,, II f IInd ir"l'" rt Int! . 1' " . I .' I' uye ( urlnlt' e (ay, an e Win · l h.· Id ll~lllni, 1")1,\1 (', 'lll<' III " r .11 ' I ~' . ,,',;. "" \\ "11,, 1 1·1:,\. ·,.. "'l'r, ' \1, ''''''" "1,11'',. 111 Ol arrlfll!l' to Pn .;· :"li :,s Su~anTh()rp('.ofWillchellter, 1'ln'- rofth"(Jav l ) rov~1 10 be Auroll :\(Irlll ' ll~t('r~ I, HJ1n t}lI' r !.' t l' " \,,; ~ " ],"' ~, tI ,•. ",' 1'0' 111"" 1{ I \" I Illa"'" l d . 1,1, I ! ' ,,,I r III ddll.· 'Ii ,· 'flll\I' ": • ,(I a :'all,·rtliw ;"l,'. ::1' 1 mOllth . ~I i lh . I is \'i:<il illl! Iwr l'uu:l in, Mi s Franrcs Smith Hll zel Fi8cher and )\ina' _We wi ~ h to extend thunk~ to the ," ' I, I I ,II, I. ".\' 1 1 Th , 1-'-. \ ('IOg(' h" r th, 'S(' t "" 0 whu \ Lnmb . I,' nO "'lton of Haml'lton , enter ta 'llle(1 il)' 10 hl l alld 1'1,1)' '''i! ' tl"' r 1,,,1 Ih"fl1 n. followinl{ .Juni o r ~ lind I). uf A. meln.. r· L, I. I' '' ' -"" " ',, I' a\,·d a l p' ,·oIg, d Ih.·ir I'"I'~ l1.we trod li fe'. I ' hi ' I d . t he J.[ n" ,. . Mi". , .h'anl1f'ttl. JlInnoy . nf Wi t. I H' guests WIt c asslca anelng, bers who came in, Tu esday, and cut ,r ,', I \', .11 "" . "l'r .lI ~ " . II", ' .... 1'. ' 10 .. pHlil wa y ~h :lnllJ.[ il ' jo v~ and ~o rr o w ~ II J V bl our corn : Mr. Bnd MrH. D. N. M('Th,· " " I "I ~' dlll11Il'"ot,.hil' ~:11 "'" )-In leave" miwAton coil('"'' ~ I'l'nt the w('c k'l'lIi1 a!l! istec ly ohn enn e. Notice of Appointment :ll: I (,)" . 110 \ 1 ~,,, " , . IlIIi til fIO r llll ' n' Ihn " :ri years. c • '" " , Those who 11 l'lped oring about thi s Keever, Mr. anct MI ~ . Carl lI enth, ,!:. ) ... 1 -; ,I,, · I' \. :1llL'rl" 'oIn at y, li ll I' hl - fa ilhful 1I'1f,' . l wo c hildr('tl - · Mr~ . lit hlllllc . ntfllir inclllt\ed : Mrs. Wy"ong and Mr. and Mrs Coleman Jal!kson Meso u, 1~ lar"nl'O II. lJontl(17 dftC6IUI8«'I. ';1 11'111 1:<. I" , " 'lful:< , Ih ,' I:d il,r .. ,' '' · ~I a r )' I( n~,; !lnd John . at hnlllc - and S. F. t-:lholl !lnd family !T1u\'rrl intu dau gh ters. Evn I{uth and Franrl'~ , srs Alfred Hay. Ilen Smith, of I{lIute Kltat No th." I. IIt1ruIJ y K'Vttn that Nau. K . Uent· ~, Ass Whitaker, Will, t;t'orlle nml loy lIh l.uulI du ly IlIlVOl utOlt '-I hI 4 u " UltWi atl .11 1: ,: " I \\ ' "11 ,I,ur~ f .. 1' Ih('il' Ih m l, '\flo' L! r:uHI ".'n. \' I\ ul Everett 1(" 9,. to their prolpcrl v 011 Muin , lrel'l, 111,,1 alld I\tate lIudle},. of Cla rksv ille; I-Iarley McKeever, Harry ShIlW, B. -'.t1mlnt.t r.trlx o f tho Jhtato o r Uluou ct) H . UuuLleY , lu ttl of Wa rron \)oUU ly , 01lJo. L1u . · I' Mr . 1\"." M . r:l. Will Shulc r and child- r. Purk~ and ~ar1 Orndurf ,I r ,;.111 ". 1,. 11, I. ',; )- " "' 1I1l' .' 11 ,' gam, i II "'11 rll th, · I. ',,~ " f 1\ kil HI and ulrer- 'l'hursd !IY. C4l 1t.lMk1. "11 .. 1 1 ,,,nat,· hus band . flllh e' r alld g ran d. Mr . and Mrs. W. II. Orndort, llbl"" t bl. 13th do l' OI\9~Pi0'll\':'[L~ ~1I. '1 W' II N I I . . . ren, Jo.. IWIIl , Margarrt. Lena 8ml , ia\ h(> r . "r~. I ()rtnn III~ ,... en V I ~ 1l tnJ.[ , II h M J M A CI I Juli Ne or tbu l-'rol, .. te Co urt , '1 " f I r l ur, r.un( r9 . . caveralH · . Warreu lkIU UL7 , Uhlo. 1 lie wa,: A bir thrij.(hl IllcrnbC'r of reulll'"," 111 "Iallli "IO ullly or t I,' 'V , l.i , ,,t U)lUtlS(l lJ , AtL.,' , 00 House for Sale - ~ee Mr Keun . II I ', (.!l r h. at, r !Ill "' l' ' tlt l l t ' \' l'l1~ "on, I',,) IJert, Mrs. I"·.nnts 'fh ompson I I Ill' Fri c nd~ .. hu rch, lIml Ru ug-ht Ilnd pn~t wl'~ k. In ...:,· nn ' l \ " tI \ \11 1 hll\' l ' TlU I f"und hi s Sav io r in y()tln j( man hoo,1 Ir . ul,: " . \ \ (' "il 1 1-' 1:1-'1<1' · II i" p\'pry-day lifc ~h(1wecl more than Wat ch lI y rn ll l1'~ f),dlllr Sui.' . Hi" ~X~~~~X~~~X~~~~X~~~ ~ ~~X~~~X:c;:<:;:~~~X~:::::::::~X~~~ TI IlN W\I' I. " ~ ,' r II · ;It.'r- Illid wil rd s ca'i ex pre"" how carefllily he HarJ,(8ins. ~ l .,,,k -; 1: I , .. IVII " try ing til flllinw his Mosle r . . I II I' u~ a rly loved hi ~ home Bnll alMi :>.~es DrlJha lind Nllomi 1I 0ckptt T IN ( 'r\~::: . . '"!" .1. : ' .. ... . Iitlc W il l''' hud a heRrtv " f' \c0mc for ali werr !! nl ,'rlalllln~r ItIl II lid" fr .llll In · l'nke \I f :-: , 'a l " l ~ Wa x. I· rep wllh t'H,· L J d/. \' 1! hi ~ fri(' r. d ~ . Th e p!lti encr and cairn· diana, la ~ t w(.,.k . 1",,,9 wll h wh ic h he hore IllS ,; utfer1I ,'n Fl'I"1 and t'rul' kpd ('u rn \\'arrt' "l",Ull\Y ha" prod uced ma w; I i l~l!. was n n l ~ eq ualled hy his fuith F. C J1 art ~nrk and fa mily, of Mil · . all d Ill(' c()nf"letll·l' Wi th Which he ~1 1\'d nl }In c'" I .\' Ih e ';!lck. II1l'n \l'h " h:l\,(' h,'cI'm!! famou s III 1,",1"." f"rll'art l tn a happy home be. for,1. WNe Sunday gll''lit,; of WIl),n e~vi lie relnl i\'I'~. Ihl·ir lar i" UHlilll'~ ,,f aCl ivity . Y"flr" I \"'11 1 t " l~ «,,,rId If f q" rr <l w. tlllo' lhl'rL' Il v~d ill IIll r ('lIll lIl \' n ho\. ! · T h,'J'f' will iII' 11 VIl",",t "hai r. ,jpar Mrs . Clyde lI ial t. II f WilldH'Htt'r, wh o loy r l'a~" ll of 1I11u4IJaI IlI ;lii ty h;. II)I1" :' . nll lll ore \l il l hi;; I'oil',' Ill' Iward Ind . ~l'f'lJl Friduy will! I'l'r !luIII, . li n Ihe hll ll H'. Villi Wil l llll ~ ~ hl ~ (,Ilun· (~ral\ubl (' d Sugar adl' anced unt 1.1 h,' li u ~ li. 'C""Il' n CIII!' :;\.1 ~n" advi L·l:. IJllt WI' will th ink of M.. ~ SIIHIIll lI !lin'~s . 10 pound s for ... . . . . fiSc pi z,'d 1I1.0wc r ill till' Ii nal ll' llll Iml him!l~ 11f'1H'l'fully , Icliping from Ill<' H/lrn To Mr. !lnd M rR ThnlllO~ bll-in ,'"" \l lI rld W , rd" r I .. ti l ' 1 garh of hUlfianitj' illl') th l' cil lIlllany )~ Presh !:ialtcd Pea n\lls , H" nornl, ll' \\' . Eln1l· r Il nrrnlin. II " " f Im· ,·i1 ,"1,'. wh .. hal I' glln,' .m Il nrdin. uf Ruute :1, Mlllldlt},. Sf'\,~ 2 POl1l1US fOf . . ... . :J.5c Np\\, Y.!.lr k t·lIy . ,\ Ir Il al'lllllll liu , lil'fCltl· t('lllher :!G. 192 1, a Ro n. ,II



:1;~" ~i':~'h'~;~I';::~ I .II'~~ I



Come in



See the



Candy Machine

----_ ..


. at the



Palace Restaurant







Heatrola Is· Here

Specials for Saturday


n l~v ~ r h)~ t hi ~

Will pay ~Oc for lI ell ~ nne! Y"u nll Chirkens up t o Friday uoo n: ;!(i : for 1':~ 1Z 8 . Bri nl{ th (,1ll in any time. If you have a nice lHlnch, call Uit up anJ we will go and get them. IT





hi .. hr)m.·

lo"e f4l r ill nl

C,lI lIlty .


IIl ft ,t't l :-i l i l l

ail nl v o n . Ihy 11 111110 h f••,

W l l h (' Rre " nn ,1 IO\l! Nt I,I,·I \!.

ftnd in fllrl.h" I·ll lH',·

II " .. I.' tt .. 11 U,.; It :. 1II I I'rl.!..... rill(' \\ It h Il1l lm tlrl UII rOll. l lind 6,\oo t .

o f n dt'''If(~ I II rC'lId t-ir "'(lflll' ~ "r\'i(', ' t il t h(. pr(1sl.' IH HJl d fultln' g l 'T H.' rall ('l Tl ;-;. I :":·I~: ~\;' ~:l ld~'.~~I!r::~~~flll~~J~I:dllll ~'o." Itt' I f I 1 11111 ... ht,1! U D IfllhlOIiCH r nri". 11'11lC! , · I ~O l n l '

1m" H~t ' hrran~el

II r (1 1' 1,nr

l'hD "l' of a !'\("\'l'nl \' acr e park


"nl.\ufl llt n.t hero n J,l l lIlill '


(' a r


L,' ha nlln. find til<' f.' rl!rt lOn ant n·. t\OWnll'n I IIf IlIlrt ll" " lIu ll. whicl! latter h l ' ar ~ tht molto. "11l'cli cn tl· j to 1111' pl ay, II f l :hild r 'fl . 11 1l! trninill f! of Youlh, iI 'lIl Ihe rpn.'ati" n (I f M.. " ,IIlld WO(lII:'1l, " IhI.' idl'll h" ing 10 mak,' th i~ II nU t'Il' UH I1 r ro nllflun ity "('ntN from ",hi,·1. I-!ood il,liLll.·l\l·l''' woul ,1 rudiatt· III all pflrt ~ (J f W!l rrt' n 'o unty Th .. p"",,le of Wllrrl'!1 l'nun ly piJll to have ,I r<lrmal, public (h'dicat\o ll (I f 1his I'Jrk ~Il" Harmon Hall t, pub lic 1I~t'S fore\'cr, tOlZcther with th e lllll'l' il inl{ flf a tabl et e rected in memMY of the d.mor, at Lebanon . Oh io. un l'riaay a fternor ,n, Septembpr :Inlh , hCl!illlling at I o'clock (slo\\, tim e J. 1\ b(,!lutiful pagean t will be given Il ll the I('o lf co urse. Th ere wi ll bc H I'a rauf' of ~c hool children nnd r lt i1. c n~ . It:J hy Harm on Hall hand . ~ r. l iarlll"I' will Ili a"," Ull addres'. All ci tizcn,; IIf Warr(,n Co unty are in l'it(''' to a\t"nd and mak e this a ~ r al ~ u ccE''''~.





th lnt)


W . •1. Raker pun' ha~l'd til(' MAri .. Co ••k hOl111' on M !lin ~t fI"'I, 111"1 Wf' .. I<, i "lld i,; living rhl't(' n,'w .



t::rrl('Ht IllIrl nn left, Sat urrlll V ('vrn ing, for C"If'shllrlo!' . III. ",h,'rc 11<' l "~ ill rI'81lnl e lIiH('lIlI cj(c W ,) rk

Mr . 8nd MrR Ernest /{oICCrl't, of Dayton. Rpent severnl clays l!litt week Mrs Mary Elizabeth Wolcott. wife with Mr. nnd Mrs Elmer )togers . of Wm . A. Wolcott, died at her home Mrs. I. N. Harris. of Dayton, Rpent in Lena. OhIo, on Sunday mor.ning, several days IRit t w...ek with Mrit There will be a dance at September 4, at 4:4:; o'iock. Jo'u- Ali ce McKinsey a nd dlUlghter. neral se rviceR were hel d T uesday at Mahlon Ridj(e lef t, Sunday morn10 a m .. at the Lena Baptist church. Hcv. II . C. Fletcher, otncia ting. In· ing, for Pittsburg, I'a , where he is terrnent was made at ~'Iet c he r: Ohio . visiting Jlu llh /{i(II!' nn,l (Itlnily. Mrs. Wolcott was the daullhter of Watch Hyman 'f! Dollar Sale. Rig Mr . ancl Mrs. George W. Hollinger , Bnrgains. on born in Champaign County, near St Mrs Howard "'ee (nee Christine Paris, on March 3, 1872. She united with the Lena Baptist church, Feb- Kelly). of Clarksburg, Ind ., visited ruary I, 1889, rem uining a faithful Mrs. Alicc M ~K i n~tly allll duughter, and patient servant to her reward, Sutunlay. September 4,1921. at the IIge of 49 There will he a ntceting of thl' years, G months an.1 I day. Mnther!i' cluh nt t he old SchoollmildHer ma rriage to Wm. A. Wol cott inl{, Fridnvaftemoon, October 7th, Music hy the Frey Bros. took place April 21, 1889 Three at 2o·c lock. children were bQrn to this union, all of whom survive with the father. Mi ss Helen Marlatt, left. last week. Everybody is Welcome FnANI, C. ANDEHSON, They are Charles Emery, of Piqua, for Cincinnati, where she will reChairman of Committee . Ohio, Cheste r McKinley, ot Shelby, sume her studies in the Missionary • Ohio, and Goldie Irene. Her aged Training school. - - Th e :'lillnll l ;azet leo $ 1.50 a yea r . mother, four brothers- Ben RollingMr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooley and er, of Conover. Ohio, A . C. Bullinger , James Bollinger, Freeman Bol· Mr. and Mrs . Will Sp,ncer, of Ce\ I.inge r. of :St. Paris. Ohio, - two sis- darville, spent Tuesday with Mr. and t e r ~ - l\1rs . Irene Merritt, of Lena, Ohio. and Mrs. C. E. Hair, of De· Mrs . Eli Dean . troit. Mich .. - also remain. Miss Henrietta McKinsey, Mr.J B. Besides these are other relatives and a hust of friend s with whom Pence and Mr. and MrA J. Warren [ vcnl uli ll y- \\ hy :'-;ot :'-low? - the Parlor Pipeless Furnace shall linger the memory of her pa- Wood. of l.cbanon. were Sunday We Put Them On ,"""""""""""""""""'"'' Li ent. g pnlie disposi tion throughotft guests of the Hhriners club, in Daythe years she suffered the will of ton. ••• ... lIi m who doeth·all things well. Words can't picture it. Pictures can't describe it. Come see it. You'D be Those from here who attended the Mr. Walter L. Sawyer and family Whit e Loaf OfJ Wheat Fl uut', lIurpriscd and delighted. No iron parts to "black." No nickel parts to polish. fuileral were: Mrs . Anna E Haines. IJe r ~tll~ k ...... ... .......... ......... 8e Mrs. Sawyer's family at Dayton, The beautiful grained mahogany finish is a viterous enamel- hard and smooth Cu rn Meal, lu rgesuck ............ 15c 1I'1r . an d Mrs . Earl Conner and son, Sunday, it being her birthday. A Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rve. Mr. John Virl{iniu Sweet I'al, cake Flou r , 8S glass. You can rub it aud dUlt it with a cloth, just as you do furniture. birthday dinner was served to 25 per lJackage ...... ...... .. .... .. ... l7c nye and Mr. Chas. Sattcrthwaite. ... - --'- - ....- - people. Muir Pca ch e~, per l'ou nd .. .. .... 18c . 40 Come in soon. We shall be able to get only Schoo l OrHnRu.;;. :: fo r , .... .... .. 5c Mr . and Mrs. W. IJ. Squires, Mr, U!I~laita~ , per p()und ........ .. .... ~c a limited number of Heatrolps this year, so and Mrs . W. S. GI'ahant and Mr, and Url Pd lied . per Rla~s ..... " . ... li.C Mrs, noy Earnhllrt arrived homc. ii will pay you to place goUl order early. rrPr,p Uermud a On ions , per IIi ..... .... 6c Sunday, after spending a week at 1. OUf dl vl dN ld ",11, Hanna h Watt ll ich was oorn at the Reservoir, fishing . nn July 1 was e ~o . \\ ' I !'ure Fregh ( :andicH-uur line is do not antt cl p.'l. t o n cLlm pl etl' . U I'lia~H. Ohio , September 11, 1846 c h R.nJ[~ 111 th ", 6 0/ 0 r nt , ror ~ om e tl mo. Mrs , A"a M. Egbert and grandShe wa s a daugh ter of Itobert and I 2. We I• • u Cortlr! .. Fresh Meats daughter, Alohn Graham, left, last cnt c s ot DI' Ilt)s tt OJ! 1 Watt, the sixth of a family I\largar ,t We handle nlJthin~ out baby tl mo At aver}' IlbQm : ' tAt e , I tltcr-~ t Im ld t t l Pork of .,lel·I'n. Olle sister, Sarah Rich, Thursday mornilW, for Dayton, oed , Ll' nuer and Ju icy . 11 ate o f wlth rlrn \\ l1 . I and one brother, Hobert L Watt, where they will make a short visit Ch () p ~ alld 1"1'1 ,,,11 Shr, uld er, 1110)'1a r ler m n tu r l t y, a , Jnt t: r C'e t c h I'l C it :before returning to their home in day ~ and Thu r:;da.l's. ore lefl II f Ihi:! fnmily . m n Ued t o ) 'O lJ f l10a r un - :WAYNESVI['LE. OHIO Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery J u l y 1 an t! Ju rlluu-y 1. I They were 'a cHannah was UldH1d in rnarria~ to Kansas City, Mo. IJu r khard \'~ :-\IlHJ k".J I-jam, Ba"- 1.' h I I Sn iltlt ur\ lIn I companied to Dayl:oh by the former' s .. n I est" bll .hp~ :1, Ii Willi an, ({jeh. Oil Novemher 7, l RG3 CLlIl. l'il'lIir I l/ll:l". W cilll:T~ . Franb , i) 1)IO g" IlH . S llltl ke d ~all :-i a J,{ f..' and To lhl'tll w(' r e horn five children-2 sister, Mrs. Alice McKin~ey . ~~cn~··.~llll;~I1·.8 ~ ,~ / i i I'ir:kll.'d I '''r(.. alwa y~ 0 11 il ulld son~ und three daughters - Frank, fi~,o J~ n(le a I n1 n ,. T I Walter L. Sawyer has built up a P llying ' ;,) \'ell t s ( ,I r 1:~!"J.{s , Nellie . Lillie, Tllm ond (;olrlie. wonderful business in silt months GJIiIEEEilUiUE55iiJUiJIi15==:J'8IE==::J'8'E==a"illi'===ill~-n!lIlI===!ln:J 3% On D,'po,its 6% For liv er fif lY y('a r~ this husband \\'1-: .-; I-: 1.L I: IJI : L1 :.' S. ~ [lnd wiff.' tra veled the journey of life time . His goocls are new, c1eRn and freHh, and you can always get a ten• ~""""""""'~"""""""'" ~o." Blilldina Alln. ~ toget her : t hen. six years ago lasl [1~nllJall)'-\vhy Not NOli! der steak or rO~8t. 1 am sure it you 2S·27 SOUTH MAIN 0-. June. the hu~band was called from will give hIm n call you will be weI! ~DA~ , TO_N ;~~ ~ thi ~ li fe, anti for th e first time the famil\' circle was broken. Since then till' ('ltil'"1 son, Frank, has been called hi s rewarcl . - _. to Hailllah Hich WIIS 11 neighbor and fri end to thosc arountl her, ready to go to the assistance of any In sickHarvey Rye is nursing a couple of ness or trouble, She was a most fingers on his right hand for his "tin affectionate and true mother, willing Lizzie" kicked up high jinks. Thursto make any sacrific:e, however great, day, and Yo hile cranking his machine • for the welfare of her children. she kicked and his fingers got caught He r son, Tom, and wife made it in the crank h'o\dE!r. He is gettina' Mr. L. A, Zimll1erlllan, th e lIIos t II cD.\'ily insured possible for her to ppend her .declin- along all right. but the fingers are mun ill \ uynes vi lle , uOttg ht his fir s t p<oli cy (if tit ing years in the old home she loved sore. so well. for several months she has -----been an invalid, at times suffering unlold agony, but at all times seemed to be patient Bnd so well satistled , with the car.e that her family so Allet lin. b en n cons istent b il r of tlt e sa Ill\' l'O lIlPO Il V tenderly and Jovingly gave her. sin ' . He will he glad to l II you of his f('sult s. On Sattlrday eveninQ;: September 3, 1921, at 4 o'clock, surrounded by her [lister an~ son . and 1amiJ,. -her I sUor an-appoinlmetlt ....... poor tired 'lIOul took ill! 'flirhl to realms beyond, her eire being 74 years, 11 months and 23 days, tlil'() in or I phon ' ]f AAr~ow ,over ('lalmfl(t our hOl.ttI. JlUlt 6,.r, wlab . "" IIraUkld .. .. ................................... . . . ..; PuUllnce wo ult) ,lit!, .fIII " Olll! ,rop~ ; Lllu wuuld be "I-..lldltwWld." Elias Oglesbee E5i5fJUilll'555:1'1i1IlE==E:.'S·Il'5==:I'IiI E'===!I'ElI' EI'IiE&E5I'ElI'• •IiIEI' • • ,





Wells' Hall Dodds, Ohio,

Saturday Evening, October 8, 1921,

Come and see the sensational new Heater which "looks like a phonograph---and works like a furnace" Here we are at last! The final solution of the heating problem for small honles-with or without basements. Not a stove, but a pipeless furnace no bigger than a stove. Installed in one of the livin o rooms. it will heat three to six connecting rooms. and heat them better than the ordinary stove heats one.







~~~~~ ."·'O~~~~~ ,, ~ BE ~ :~~~"::.:I~ PAys f








_rs .






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~;~~t ;~~~~:t ;A;" ~~~ ~



.. -...


~~ ~A.I1.)a.n

Waynesville, Ohio






. _









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I '


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OEMOCRAT PAPER CHANG[S HANDS T h,. (' Iift'"" I'''"ldy l'I' ,n'H'rat dill II '-'I ,01 h:IIIII". ~al ll nl" v " f l,'r a ".. ,.....".,f.. I ;:7 .\'I'ars III.\"" 'r~l; i" loy t hp Ill t (' .J" hn " 11 1I111 1l\O'\. 'I'h i ~ I'a p, 'r -va" f"" l1d ,," 1,\, l ite la iC' 1'. M 1' 1'111'l o r a nd Il i!'t \~'l rf.'. !\l ill'Y I l r'He t ll l' "' i l~ :tUli . \\'i'", 0",",,01 a nd ,.dil,',) til<' ['(. 1,"nUll l'all'i,, 1 II l1l il re("'lItlv . Th,· 11"III"t'fIlI h"" 1"';'1; ", ol d to Il lIward 111101 .I a lll '·s fl llr l,:!. hrll' lIe ' 4 ,I f till ' 1,, 1,' t; .. "I'~" Hllrl " ,. wh Oi W,," wi d , 'I~ I; nil" " ill """ '"" ' li " l1 wil l\ Ih,' Ila} I,," N"ws , 'oI i l~Hl s Cur a 111111 1. • I,!! r uf \, ,"H s 1I "", aroi Hli rba Wfl s '·OII1I I1',·IL·' I. a t OIH~ I illl'" , wil h II'l.f irs t ' IIII'1Y , Ia rt .. d al Wilrll illg-I ,II1 , alld 1', " ""iv('d hi ~ " lIrly t rll illil lof a t SI,r in " ~ ... ti" ld , Il t!wi ll lukt' Ihe al'ti ",· p:n l n l Lh,' pRlle r a>! t' dil o r. and Ihe new ' )liaTlt wi ll h,' kfl "w l\ a >! Ih.. Burba 1'111.11'0111"1" u ., " l·t/Il lpan y. W e h ave nn do ub t a~ 10 th e ou t. ,'0' 11, ' ,, 1'1 11" I ' ~ nH lI'ratltn d l' r Ihe lI e w rn nnag" '1I11'nl . U~ 1II, Ih "f Ih,· H ll r "~ H II rt· nC' \\'!!papl' r 11I"n of ahi li ty , a nd w ill (1 11 1 ,,"I a 1I"\V~ pu (lf'r f' f " x,·rl. ' !t·lIce . - - -

r-_~~:::::"-:___--.l~:::~-.~•••" •

H".v~· ' lI a,I;lIa \\' S I,'n·d ('."

~O: II " ..



M,·,, ·" ,,\·!' r alls . all ,iz,·".

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S. I··rl·" Cn.

M (· I\i n ~ •.~·

\\' 11"

i. , I'a,"


M"I1'~ h":I".\' ('am'a" ) 'I,,\',·~. III,'. TIll'S 10' ... ,011'11. .1,, 1111 Lalll b und fa mily sl"' l1t Sal Ilrda." ill 11;\), 1"" .

1\1 ' n " n ~ ('(' (' p ~ h irl s lind dr:l wt'r". T Ill'S. Jo'r~d(,,, .

X:;(' .

C. W . Ii t'nd (!r~on lind Hen Sm it h , . . VI.. wl' re ,,('nlll H I I {) r~ I.' ritIay . lIu y ,vO llr pi(,R IITld "ak~ of t h,· W. C. T U. nl' xt Sa t ur rl nl' . C. M Hlit. it zp r a nd I { u ~~cil I\pnt · I ('~ we r p in I'i llri n nat i, Monday .



. k n(>(' pnnt ~ ('o rd ll rny Ru its. T hr S. Fr pd Co . Mr ~.

f" r Sal,'

s,·t! tlkl\ ,'an .


piellond cllk e!! , Saturd ny . Oct ohe r 8. Mr. an,) ~R. E!~ w o rth lI a ineR, of Sp r i n~ Va ll ey. spe nt Snt unl ay he n '






FIU:S II LA UHJo:l FAN',:Y BOXED Al'I' L I'~S SWEET CA LA . OHAN (; F.:S 1;' It'i ~c hin ann' s Y,~a ~ t.


(;"udllij,(h Tes t GaAulino Moorll' tI Good Oil.

Flower Pots Stone WarE', all kinds . One half t o ao lCallon J IIrR. Milk CrockR. JUKR, Ba king ()i ~ h e!l , et c . 'fry (lllr Nut Oleo . It. ' ~ fin e , o nly 25c II pound . Churn g old Oleo. only ;30c.

Specials for, Saturday Granulated Su gar IO pounus for. , .. . . . 6Sc

Fresh Suited Peanuts, 2 Hounds for. .... . 2Sc

Polar White Soap, . (.i

bars for ...... . . .. _2Sc

Brin!!, us your Chickl!lls IIn.1!1- lIny qu a nliLy, any tillle.


See our full line of nw n 's an d hOYR' Awent e rR. button or Ali p ·ove r . Th(' S . !'red Co . Mi ~ses R,) n n ll ' lwlal1d, (.1'0 111\ McI ; i n lJ e~" and Erli t h C l'o rg'p s pen t Sat· u rd ay in Columb us .

S('(, our linf' of (lve rI.'On (A, you will m on l'y . T he S . F red Cn .

Mr. an (1 Mr . . frank Wrig'ht of n ay · lo n , Wl' rp r allinto{ at S l. Ma ry' li recto ry Su nd ay nft ern o ,n . Me n 'H wo r k hose . ~ pai rH fo r 25 . Th!! S. F red ('0 . J uhn Wern e r an'.' f'·11111· ly • <I f I) nv· Inll , sp" nl Sund ay lIf l" m oo n with· Mr fi nd MrR. W. O . I{aper. Mpn's , Ir es.~ IIII-l eather s hoes , black o r tan , Th e~. Fred Co . Mrs Cora Bake r and Mrs . Prank o f Wilmin R" tnn. Rpe nt Sund ay with Mrs, Id a Stokes , Ri c h e r~" n.

M,'n' s all-l ea the r work ~ h,lCS , special $:: I:'. The S. Fred CII. Sever al base ball fans saw th e Lebanon-Mo rrow gam e , Sunday afte r noon . The sco re wu~ 7 t o 0 in fov o r of Le l>unon . Ladi es' ~olid IpuLht !r ~h ~s , h lu (~k kid , special $34:' . Th t! S F r ed Co. , Mr. and MrR. Charl es T:r,1osric r, of Cif}e iIInllti, Rr enl I.h (, wl'ek·end with t heir siste r, MrR . E,lith Il ll rri ~ , lind fumil y . ~i RRcs ' all · leathe r shoes, , ize 11 X t n 2, $3 4ii . The S . Fred Co.

Myer liyman and famil y spent Sunday a"nd Monday with re lati ves in Cincinnilti, also atte mlinK the Jewish N e w Year services at tho Wllrnut Hilla t e mple. ' Child 's all-leather shoes, sizoa The S . Fred Co .

1.0 11, E2.95,





i• I

1 1 1 1 t 1 t 1

Cars .

1918 Ford l'ouring . . ' .. $200 1914 Ford Touring .•• $150 1920 Ford Touring •. $350 1920 Ford Touring ... $400 1918 Maxwell . . . . . • $200 1916 Overland . • . . . $350 1915 Overland ••••• $150 1917 ~upmobile • . , • $600 '

i •


..................................................... ' . Waynesville, Ohio

.\l r .. , I

~ Ir·



" II

l it,· ':'",, 11,

I' I"


. r.



,I r


" .. ,I "I' ~ '. I I~ I . Ilwri'


"""" rn~ III H.·,'r.11 1,,,·I·n ,·nol " .IIHI Hap · II i~ n nrol ahll· far t t ha i wit h nil t orial Association we r e written In. ." I 11,,\',· ... ·pnlro ·" 1111.' \\',,",h'rflillh in L: " that havp been and in fa ct Rome tw o hunrl r ed I ~ lt ('r~ l\lr .\' " \\ '.' ,'., r Ii . • ' I. \ ' I ' \\ , , ' II d 1')1" ,· ... I'!·(· iirt h :t!ik HI: II'r ill(' 11 ,,"oll l IIH' Ro·cnlll,.1 "co un t ry I we re sent ou t. tl' rl ~I II"',J :11·' I .. I, 1, 1'; 1' ll ( I\;\l: lw, 1 ')-It'rp rh'\\':': l'apI'r ," \'.'ry fpw n f till'tll rea l· T he result wa. t ha t ('\'I ' rY( IIH ' fatlll h :l l d~:.11 I. ~I" "I '... 1\ I I'\ t' r all Pl1th·. : . . I iz" tit " il' p l";~ il , iliti .·,, . ur what fill wrotH th at tlil' id"a " ' II " j" st til,· , I' ,11\ ,' . al l I' r i g' UlI ·i .. lIdlll"II"" Ih(·y aI''' in the wo r ld. thi ng, a nd hy ,:Oll1 moll co nsent i t\\, H~ \I r- I" I,," .,,' '1 .. II is al"" a lIulal, I,· f>l el Ihat very Id ec id t'd th Ell .th e week of Nflvrmlwr I ~. --, . , . I, "', ., " " I " ,,( I 01:1,' ,f lot II I> " "'rI\''''lI. :I },n,· f hi,tll r} (,.\\, "f Ih,· fl 'ad "r" fl C Ih"", · pupf'r s 7 t o 12 be ado p tl'd as th,· wl'rk ttl I,,' 1',: ll1k -'" , . " , . 01.. . ).1 I: ' 111 1-1 1'11111" '11 will I", reallz,' \t hat fl 11I~s iL ", ollid be t o knownas"Subsnihe FI'T y (,ur 11 '" l1l' .\1 ]'11 111- 1, j ' j' ,.! \', . ,,j (Ild ill" r, 1III IIi o.l l"PJlC I·s nf tltt' 111" '11 fl il d t" lh,· w"rld i f t l1l' ··'·Olm· Tow n Pap er Week ." ~I "11 "'1 .11,01 I" ', I, " .1, r• !' I,,. ~ 'I\ ,'n ll\, l otht· ,·q . 1':V0t"y · In p:II 'l'r"sh'luldrl'a.;p t",·xiBt I ti ~ now u plo th e n('W"' I"II' l'r- "r \ 1,· I' ", ,,, L ' I" b' HIJlP il ll !lHt fn r g-l\ 1 t f ' II\(' larg-(' pa p,'r ". wi l h imrn en ~e . I' th e country . Ih e home t'IWII. 1.':!J ',·r ". " ."',''';1.'. • f \ 11'- 1\ ' .!,,~. ! " , I· ·,·:d .1. 1\' "II day I' irl'ulali " " s. 1,,11 " f "\\'" rld ha l,pen· to ~' e e the wo nd t· rfll l 1 )(' "~ liI.III ' l''' IIf l f ,II I " " "Ill'" - ,: .. I ,'. 'I su ch a week , wh e r" ill t'\" 'ry I' ... alit, -'; .dd ,,, ' " :-i,.J, ,,'\ a l :1 :111 " 111 .; sl'r i llg-~ " a~ th,')' Ul ll lel'" l ali d tlH'rn , Ilnd ,\11 (''' lIl1nil tel' . .. I I . di" lIlay h ead ~ t l' lIing of Ih t' lut"llt ' reader8 will ' hl.! asked tv ~ ul'sl'nll(' '; ":ll ldak pr izl' ~ , a nd lite mi s-I for th e local weekly , and in addi t ion d,·II.:" II ,,;I, ,'1>1"11'1 11" . , ' "" ,I I fo rtu llat'.·ll of hllm aniLy. to the ho rn e toi' n paper wl\l'r' Ill ey f n. ·lld· a l I,,'r '''111 ,11'.\' it "I 110 , "II 1,1' 1 lIu t ,. it rPl ll ains fo r t he " local ' wcn~ bo rn - if t hel' wen' nol I",rn 01,11 '" I, ,, ,, ,, .. " I I ii,' -. \, '111 ,, ' · ·t \~ ARRfN "ap"r" t h ,; 111' rl'I"j ', I\' ,I' 11·'r "1 ,,1 11 "1'. \1 r· \ 1'.· ,' ,.\· , " .... , tl1" " co un t ry wee kl" y. w h e re tlley now I'Ive. "II"III E' tu'NO II Rper" to really g ive In this way. ever y home town PII l'a rl llll!lV .\1\ l'I "~ : 11I 1 ' Ii """ -""llr- ' 1 th, ' news o f t h(' wo r ld. o r t hllt of pe r will help e ve ry o the r hom ' town d tn'll'r WlI , -,· rl·,·· 1 Th .. ""/, ,,'< \1','1',' Mr . Co mmlln I'eoule nn d his lVife. i pa pe r, an d by cllncen tratilll( Ih l' ,·f· r ed 11,"1 wil li ". n ,d 1,, ·I ,w hI' !' IlIlltlr .1 It is lillw th Rt lh0 counlr v nE' WS' fo rts to o ne week . o r thr t" (l r (" ur ~r 's fa\' ll rit" l·.,}lir I' ll " j,11'llId,,~ pRp .. r Hhou ld do so mt!thin l(' 10 pla,·(' . !weeks. th e hom !;' t o wn papN will re· !'uk(, \\'11 ' ",Io' rll ·t1 With " ." ":111·11,," \ '01" ,",' I. :\ n I, " f a paper I('ot· it.(~ f un a h i~hcr (lia ne . Rnd RIRO Ice ivc the publi city it i~ e ntitled t". whir'h C"rllI"') Ihl' livur"" "-;1 ." :tlld , 'n .. lit I,y II" , Warrell I:o unt.y Parm l1I akp R.ume n u i~e . Just one IJ811e r to ' 'rh e home tow n IIUlle r i~ 1''' 'r the tulol,' \I·a .. d"\,,,"al ,.,) \1'1 lit t ' IIII I>'; L' I IIn·au. n 'ad, e,l "u r table, SRt u n lllY . TI1,,:-,,· wil. , ,·flJ I" ".! I i, fu ll , ,f Illl'at for th(' farm e r ~. sta rt snmethinl( wo uld not am o un t R. T. PORTE ready t o ' :boost" f o r th l' other C,I- w.d f tJ .I\\· l'''~ tht· l).'c.:l1:-' i ll ll \\' I · rl.· . ;'\ \l.' :"d allll-':" :\1 :I:"Y to mu c h. bu t i f th(' 15.000 co untry Onc of the Co untry NI: wspapcr' s l o~. to pr int it c m a fler it~m nl ll iu l " 'Id i, ('d il "" lIy t'qun ty i\ J:;cn l C!1a.~. papers wo u ld join in th e cho r us, a Orcatest Fricnd $ t hi s a nd t hll t kin d of 11 day II r wee k Ca rr n,'ny . l'lal'a T h"IIIP; ' 110 . I.,·" ,'" I'. 1 · la "~. 'I'hl' Ila p,)r will no doubt n oi~e t bat would g o a round t he - th e tim e hll ~ cume f ur it to b "o~ L Herll, h ll . I ' !I'~II' (''' '~' lI"rri ,·tt ~ l r- hI' \. ' ry \'al ull hl" to the fur m hu r ea u wo rl d wou ld he t hE' re~ul t li nd out who o riginated the idea' iand bl ow its bu~le fo r its!!lf , to p'r inl Ginlli:i. (~ · .... .:ialln ll I f aill('~. 1-:11111111 llIemher", Snm e ti me ago I was going t hrough but the paper was 108t . lI4Iveral columns ab out itself , an d· a ll Clllrk, Ma r lo(aret J uhn>!, My r tl e Cox ... "nnw t rade paper , or hull,,!i n of a Th e publisher who th ought of the ' horne town papers, to put on a cam- and Lptitia 1\ l' nrick . ~ (atp rr"s~ aB~eciatiun , o r Rome thin g id ea JU Rt le t it go at that , but I de- ! paiin of publicity , awl tak e advan of that kin d. a nd noted Iha t ~o me- \ cided thll t it was so g ood, that it \ tage of what other pa per~ w ill rl? In olher word s, throw Its hat mt o body w rote I hat It mig ht he a ;,:ood , sh oul d ·not di e, so at o ncl~ asked all idea l o ha ve a " Subsc rih; , f or Y? ur th e t rade pa per s , printer s' magSZines l the ring, and put U? 8 fightth a.' ":,,ill I'h.I'I' will he a mee ti ng of th e !lo me Town Paper Week . I s mil ed I a nd th e g r eat printers' supply houses get it 80mewhere Ins tead of Sltl mg Muther's cl u h , F r id ay afte rn oon . a t t he idea a t fi rst. but su me way I wha t th ey thought of th e iidea . [ on the s ide lines and holle rin' fo r t he (ktubu r 7th , at 2 o'c lock, at t he Old Ihe id<!1l 8tu ck , a nd t hen I started t o T he omcera of the National Edi - other fellow. :-ichflol Buildilll{. Ur . Ma ry L . Cook Thl' first Cr ll~ t "f lhi~ (all r"al'il"d will ncldre;t" t he club, her subject beWayn e~ vill,· this " " ,rnin~. a"d il illK, "Thl' Fcedin~ of Chil dr en" The W. C. T . U . will hold a pie and \l ouse fo r Sa le- see Mc Kea n .

Allllln"" \1:01' , "














cake mar ket, October 8, in the store D r. \Jill, Osteopa t h, I I S. Hroad- room of Mrs. A. 13. Sides. way , L<'hano n , Ohio. Mr. and Mrs . Marvin Blaton and Mrs. Ad a Co ur tney i~ vis iting r(>la- Mr . and Mrs . James Ellis, of Mt. :ltiv(!M in Wi ll i B m ~ tolVl1. Ky. . O re b , Ohio, s Pent Sunday with Mr , an d Mrs. Wm, Robinson . Men 's fleel.'e' or r il.JJeri uni on Buits , ~8(' . The S. F red Co. Would you like to hatve a nice cheRt of ~ i1 ve r ware1 JU Bt save the Sl. M arv'~ Gu ild wi ll ·mee t with cards given aL Sawyer' s grocervMr!.' Sa rah Zimm e r man T hursday t he"J IlrC "'ood for Rog er s S ilv erware. Il ft er noo n, () 'to lle r G, ,.,

p ruv ed t il 1)(· a g-u"d IIrtl', in pa t {'t\l' ~ T hp. pa ~ t I WII dllY ~ 1m:, 1"" '11 \" ' r~ much like' fall we:lt h, ~ r. and ftll til(' old ~ ign. (, f ~ c eR " f l·fl l l\I ' r ~ . heavy f u r. e tc ., Jlurt cnd it will hI' fI fai rly d "cent win IN.


The rt·gula r meeting of t he Young Warren County is almos t assu r d MarrieLl WUlo"n'~ das~ of the M. E . of a game ·preser ve . this winter o r ~ u nJay -~ ch uo l wi ll be held at the next spring, unl ess present ar ra ngp Itunli' of l\1 rs. 1'; rneRt Bu t Le rw orth , ments ~o dWry. Tht! I('a m e wa rden s W.. dllcsday. Ol'loher 12, at ~ p. m. have bee n louk ing ove r th e grou nd. I':mrna Boger . ~ec'y. and ha ve almost decided t hat Wa yn,· township. with her hill ~ Ilnd va lley ~ . W, ' hll\·,· IIr r all, " ,I .\ 111 , W. ~.J -----------:~ is about th e m ost feasible place fo r a Sflu r f.ltntah.f ( ' !o1 1f1 !1f r lw ., h~('rq).i :-_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-: Men's felt ha t R in a ll ~ I y l e~ , $2.9;,. preserve. a nd if a r ra nflcm e llt ~ CUll ti u n ~ nf l h' .Jo(lrllal artd 11"ral d fur The '. Fr ed Co. be made fo r a plat of grou:Jd of Hu f· Wayn eSVi lle :,"01 Way 't, ·'" Jil l' rural Mi ~s Phoebe Mirtlnda left Tu C!'da y r o ute~ . I ' Ie l\~" lIlail 111111 .1 "U r r,,sta r t o pernti ons mo rnin g Cor a v i ~ it to r elatives in 5a \ e o ur Cards, )l;ct Free nl.' wal Ill' new ~ 11"~"I'II'IIII I' ; ~Il JrlC M'Isso un. II n( lOki alO I m a. Slive r Ware The wardens are a lso looking f'l: II price. ;i.;l iiU pt'r )"'a,' TIll' ,J"u riI 'll good pla ~e t u st a r t a nother fl Hh is the IlIlly J lUI t ,," ,nlll'l\IIW pliper. I f yo u wa nt to ~ave goIme ' 11 mo ney S on I S un tIay was Rail y d ay a t th e M , E. hatchery . a nd th is IIIace has a lm o~t and r C:tlchc:£\ lliltr" " " I h, · "~.r l l" day . ynu.r g roce ry o r mellt II , try. aw- Sunday-school. and 238sc! lOlars were been definite ly settl ed up on , owinJ,: n'l! I la) (1111 .J '.l\lI' " II I. :-ii t ra Call",·tI I 'eadl !'~ , in rich , y" r s. presellt. It was also pa~sing day, to the num e rOUR . )J r in~e in tlli ~ Th,' l'an'"1 1I,' rald. h,'"vy Hy r ul', the finesl mo ney , C' h d wh en the scholars were PIl811ed from vicinity . M r. a ntI MrR, J I'. ' apman a n ..... .. ...... .... ..... ;:on an ll MrB II . E :I aLhR wuy w e re on e class to another, accordini to Both of these p ropoS I ~lO ns will th e grad ing system they have inthis mean much to the township, and if Ci ncinna ti v i sit fl \,~, 1,'ridIlY, SPONSOR FOR ........ ....... schoo l. the men of the township will onl y A fllle program, consisting of Bolos, get busy, and j oin th e club alread y lI o y ~' k nee I)lUlt." "ui t ~ , $t1 9r,. The SATURDAY S PECIAL~ quarte ts and recitatio nf! was r en- started, Wayne to wns hi p w ill soon be S. Prad Co. d e r ed, and Mrs. J. W. Ward, former among the f oremos t of its class in ~;, II,s l :ulle :)uKllr ........... ... . $1.65 J . O . Cnrtw r il:: ht Rml famil y , Mi RS s up erilltende nt, made a good talk. the state. a l'hllrll~"IJ . p" ull d .. .. ....... .. .... ~!)c ('OIUlllillL, pllll nd .. .... ... .. . .. ... Z\'c He nri e Li fI Mr\<imeY_.!lll(1 ,I B Pe nce The 8Yp9rinte nden t , C, W, Y o unce, The Fi@hand Gam e clu b has elected Kerrl"i t\ut. 1"'U ll rl ........... ......26c Rp" nt ~ \l\IdllY in ~pril1~fid (\. Iud the servi ces . several direc tors in d iffer e nt p ar L~ of Pu ril y • ut. pouud ..... .. ... .... .. ~lic A subs t a ntial collecti on o f $ 10.53 the township and a dri ve will soon ~ I'lq, s I 'ancalH! Fill ur - ne w .. .. . 2o(' M en'~ ro rddroy hlRnke t line work waH take n u p for th e day. be made for n ew m em bf' r s . nnd if I'oa ~ t 1'o' <I"t ie". IlIrl:'e .. .... ... .. ... .I ~r: coa l.!!. $.1. 0:). The S. Fred Co. I 'n rn )o' 1 : l k(·~ . lurK' .. .. · ...... .... . l ~k you are wise (whe the r yo u fi ~ h or hunt, or own p roperty anywhe re in Mrs. LeHtu r Go rdo n and Miss MarF resh Pork and B eef th e t ownship) yo u ough t to joi n thi, t hll O' Ncali ll rE! ~ p e ndinR" t his week , (I )ur Ul\'n kill) club, for it will be t o yo u r btJ\1 efi I , with r " l!lIives 'and fri e ml R in Colum. and will !li ve you m ore th all $ 1 wo r th I';, r!( 1· II"ps . \lnund .. " ........... .. ~l:ic blls . 1" rcHIt SaU~aK (· . PU IIII,{ ...... ..... <.! 5c of good eve ry Yllsr . :ii tl ,· Nlt';". p"u " d .. ..... .. ......... ;:!Oc C, M, Robitzer and Hussell Bent · S h o~~ f,)r an y of t he family a t old J.'J',·"Ii'l1 a ill , "(lu lld ... ............ .!'J Oe ley went to Newtown, Saturday , a mI normal priceR Th p ~. Fred Co. Fn'- h Shlluldcr. pOu ,II I ...... .... . 2fIC brought home ab out thirty can s of II,," II'K ""I.' r. ,,"uml . ... .... .. .. . 18c W . A. Surface kindly r,e membered Will FraHc r, form er ly aRsociat.e ed· black perch. blue gills and rock b a ~s , ~ I ,;ak. t" nde r IlIlt! jllicy , Ib ...... 25c th e Gllze tle oflice, Saturday, with I t, 'a ~l l lIg' ill!d. pOllnd .. .... ...... :mc iLor of the W"H te rn Star haRaccepted and scattered them along the rive r four of the largest tomat oes it has , :-illl"k('d ~h"l1ld"rR, ",hlllt!, II , .. 20c Monday, they made another visit to a pORitioll with th c Miami Union. of ! ---• been our f or t une to look at this year .1 Troy . hatcheries and brought back anot her }1" ul,I,' :-iilvc l Ware t i tke t~ given The y we re of the Pond er osa vari ety, VTlduy alld Saturday load of fish, which were emptied in U nu sual vultH' in our t uhle ·shoeR . immense, well formed and de licious our waters in spots extending from in ta~ t e , We are ve ry t hankful to II lgh" ,,1 l'rlC()~ 1'111' lIutll' r & E gll'S , ~ I, ~i .. ,. the north to the south bound a ry The S . I"red CII . Mr, Surface for his ·r e membrance. 1.. . 1 n ".01 , h " " """" """" "" """""" lines of the township, and a long " .: .1.: . Sa l cs- -- Ser vcs- - SatJefies -~-I~ v(>ry tim e you buy 'It Sawyer's... ,f l. Caesar~s Creek , There w ere 6&00 , " f : "! 111 . '. : j :c if it iR R"r<lccri l'f\ , ments, candi e'S or fish in the two loads . I lflj ', ,\ ... . , fruit s , you g e t tick ets good ror Silve r Mr, Weidner and his employees a t d. I'I.l l ll : -I : Ware . T ~Jl Il t::J ,'l\' ...., ' :j •. the Newtown hatcheries made th e vielt of th8!le two gentlemen a very _ _._::z:i Walter Sawye r and family were pleuant one. and invited them to call ed to Kings Mills . Sunday, on accorne again, count of the seri (,us illness of Mr . Under the 8upe~vision of State Sawyer' s brothe r. Several farmers ' in Wayne town- Warden. C. A. Baxter, this bure au ship have lost almost all their hoas has been self-sustaining for the past Attend the Grade J e r sey a~ Po- during the past week br 110, The year, and millions of fish - have heen land-China Hog Sal e o f I~ M. LukenR cholera is preeent In 'difrerent local- hatched and distributed through out Two essC' nt iaf thin gs arc to be considered in buyof Fairview 1~lIrm, Harveysburg, ities, ·an·d every precaution is helni the state. Mr. Baxter has gath e red ing life insura ll C'c- protec tioll for the fa mily and orie's Saturday afternoon, October 15. taken to avoid the sp:read or the a very competent force of men at old a ge. . . . disease. the different hatcheries, and they ·Wm. Drown and wife, Ch·a s. Brown A t w e nt y. payment l orty year endowment p.o hcy .... are all working 'for the interests of wife and daughter, Margerie. of near is well a dapted to the lIeeds of the young man. the state and the Il.eople at large . Lynchburg, Ohio, spent Sunday with , Such policy, wi t h tota l disability b nefits, in the -~ . -Ghas . Brewster and family.


----.--- --




S a wyer's



SPECIALS---One Week Only ;'I;~I~ ~;~:;.


(~.~>I~\'ll' L: a~e

$3.00 $5:90



- - -..

I i

'P . D •.Ha." "ke Telephone 41 .

I '


wi I h r la th·es.






1\(,IHI (' lh I,ill",,, 4111 '11 1 ilayt"n .

Mi "" I.lI l1rll Inll ~a t tlrd ",v .


: '/ hat's Why We T ell Our R eaders Why Ther':; G()in q 10 He : ,: :'> uch a Thing as a "Suhscribe for YO llr Town Paper " Wee k. : TIi(' : !.~............................................................. ... 0 • • • • • • •• • •. :

LOCAL DOCTOR Mr. an d r. lI "nrl erson we re Ah oppin g in Da vton Mund ay . ENIHIIAINS SOCIETY I'at r o ni ze the W. C. T. U . for

II"u ~ t'

•••• " ••" " " "••" " -•••• ~""4""'." ••••; .....................:


$.1. 9:'.

Dr. ,J 'I'. />:lI i>!(' n tf' rtninC'd th e Dny. t un llom eo l'lilhic S" d .·t.v , M"nd ay f've nin g at h ill hum.,. MOA t of Ih e nl e mlJl' rd w, ·rt! pr l'~l' nt. . a nd a t Ii o' clock 1I d e li (' i ll ll ~ dinn e r WRS serv ed - by the host. Th t, mai ll t he m e for t he eve ning wa>! a pap e r pre· " 'Ired a n'/] reat! hy Il r. Jo: I Ii ~ . lin th e " Compa rati ve Vlt lu t! of MC'dknl So· , ·i l' l i('~." ", hi dl waM th oroug hl y di j.! , ' ~ I .,d hy II ,, · fru lC' r ni ty

WhlJ lc Numb r 54fi4


nty-'l hird .year

S awyer's





--- ..


, A cordial invitation is tlxtended to all [0 our fall opening, Friday and Saturday; October 7 and 8. 'Display and 's ale will continue to Saturday. Ol~ t.oher llJth, Inclusive, The S, Fred Company,


~r. Guy Marlatt, county trequrtlr.

wu married to lit. Glady,B Ivins, at

the home of her brother. In Cadiz, Wednesday, Or-tober 12th. ColuqlSeptember 20. The newly-weds are ,buB Day. will be .a legal holiday, ' well knowh throuahout the coGnll. Waynesville' National Bank will and,1heir man,y frlende extend con- be cloaed, The Miami Gazette, $1.50 a ,.ear, K"tulationa. L, M. Benderaon. Cashier.



'UNION CENTRAL At the age of 25 cqsts , 32.21 :per annum,- -Annuat. dividends during the life of the policy. Office in

Am~, Building

W .aynesviii , e, Oh-10

-- - .

The. Miami Gazette. I t T'"".,.oh11 ,'Ir.

.. I I

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h' \\' fl~ ~' O\l 1"1 111 1 1 " I • r\t I • \ I • I. I H IIH 'I ' ":If " I )\)\lrn l"Ul'l' IH n :ir an" \ .• I' , l~lP II t . ~ II 1 t\ )11'. M c(~ "n·.. y "(\l\clu,t.-t1. "\r I 11111 R I, ' 1 h. 11', I t,1 III ,1,1 II · I r ,lI t "II1I ,I'r !.:oo lJn~t~o I)!<o YOllnl rd t uh ,) 11 I I' 111 1. .. ,"'I", I" I t ,ln I! , ' 1,' 1 • oo th ln' ~l l'llp n" 901111'11"11' f(u' It." \\ ft ·· I l ':.I .-1!-1 !n t, 'lll\t!·· 1 ". , I ' I , ',


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l'JI4;ty htHt ~ I " 'I\ t1. . (Ii": rll llj n ~ ,h"\\'11 .0H tll 1111(; nln't f)f ll ' o· I}h 'm tll1I (,s, tli Co1l1t"t .. h , rtl y , ft" t i ll ' ~t rH.:.:lp 1: 0, " JI:\ d r l llloe"',1 t ' Ili r 1', !nl I\ t -.1.' ... ,' 1 flnrl i '" "\1'1', · \1 ltt ... lltn · It 11' If Wt' r \1t: t . nd pd !llIrt)1 (':\1 '( ,h , ~" ":''':''' hnd f r " "1 11 1::-. In'r, · ("g , It',. ... 1. ln·... til h ut · h""n :->tt..'Hlllh , llll lll l.': " "I 'lillO' u p r "'\t, '1. ·... llI p .. WI ,J"II' f 1:", InT" ~ " J\ F'rllll ' nttll ' ) t' lirF '\11 :,nl1 I I'HI' , ' ... ,., ' !I ,\ . tilt' ,1<i",'O 1', 1,\ 't n' ,' I ~"' lI l n.:,' I tlt' f,' r l' ~Ix S ItI~Ufl nlleI ~ nll ] ' /1 ' I ' ... 1,,,:. It !" IIl1d ,' .':,Ir k 1 1\: 1 ~" tr(\\\ Itl d l t Jt~. fht ' tltIIl ' do~hi1 I, . ~ linn tll . .. " 1 ' '' H; I , '11." , " t'r I II , \ "', ,, r ,d., I , " II ~"' :,1 1111 ' \\' lI ft' r nn ' h .... rl, ·,'\.h ,,(} nFl tn II" ,it: r:~t' li'r ,\r : HI II:,, 1 I1 'JI b. , (Oldlf ,'I f" n lt lt' ' 1·I'1 !01..'k, tllnt f ill.: , n llli 11.-1 1 "':~11111,, ~1 II" "IIJ I'h r ,) \\1 111 1:1 1' '111 1' M "'; llff,',' ~'l1ll ! l(lt l r n Mr, <HI,nf\Y, " ,,',,' 11 I."t! . 'r (111'1 , bnd, Ii 10 ' ,1,1' t)lr ,'" c!lll lll t"1O jI \' , 'rlllll\' un' t o I1 nl f mo('ttl Ilay l i lld I I,' tlt l li t II I,' I hn\ 111' Tfl uq:lh' 1111 ' ~1 ' r1l1' "!t il you t o , ,, ... k." III' nil.! " .! . I!"I ! It 1111 1 In "i 't':tk u' ) 1/1\11\' fJ) [l llt t n ,j ( 'nlnm lr y l w\\'I I' r !" n'ltlrtt ',j !\lr , Fh ' :1 Itl, ' "' 11111 n l "-!h l AO ' ~ to b nt' k in t ; II " lt'Y :I n<t ell \',· fl it' wh("1 II ":]'lt l\j\ o r II n1r!!l' ''Q I 1111,\ ' to )ntll\ h r lgh t 1111' pu r l}' t \\'(\. " ~ tTH":L""~-. ~11Il ' r. . I'lltt llL:h tu n('xi Iil!indll ' _, S(· rn~~~y . I aln' t nn m nl, f' ft r \ " tI ~ nl1or ",1 ,"1, Ilt the nl s:ht ) d r l l \Ill this r un : ' " P fl " (' U rm."'l\n to d ,'t \' I Ill', n th,., f\l om oc' h:' "1\111 I tell )'on FIII"~ n 1111, ' f"l!. Gllo . r"l"nll; ~rr\lFt~9' lillIe ' ~r>'I'" "y(,8


SI", r lFl', "pin t he

nlll,.,.I ,, '~

ot th t'

R:h'rn m('ntn nnrl ~nn .l nl1(pi! n , d rift s do w n t o thf' hn y nnd ou t th ... (1o ll1c n "onh' nn<1 J1I ~t nnlurn lly " I,wk. Ih.. "'h ~plp nt COmbll'rCf' whll" sh" In~T A. \\' h)', kll OWIl thl' f,'rn' Io (\nl~ be-


I lI'(' n Rnn I"roncl scn nnrl 'Onklnnl1 10 gN lost for hour!J on fhl' lr t \\'(lfl t:\' ·mln 111 ... n.n- notl 1\11 nlong of n 1,III ,I('rl

~t. · :,," .· 11

lo"I",'n lly.

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f Ol:

us R h ' rn er .

"I ~~ rl "l nl)' 1\0, Rcru~I1'I', 011\ I Pl'P{' r· pnt." h,' " ' pll..,, cnJm ly. "\\' hll l 're "00 ~o l n ' In rl n nh011 1 ItT' Th e gh nSI ~ B Rmll(' Ih:!l l p,1 hl~ l O\' lu l COllnll'nllll~e. "Noth l u'- now.

I' m h olplt."t'~ , " Co p.

tnln ::krng)!s nns"'t'rt'd with r!enl1ly Inl!' tog." cnlm. " \l1l1 Ihl' ", Innl" "", hIt Ihe "] dnn't dnub t )'(\lIr w(l rd n mil... . r\ ()('k )'ou nn ' IIiP pnrl" compo ")· ... "r (1""' 1 knn'" wllNh4'r \\'1' wll\ o r Rl'ml1".Y . J nm'e r (II rt .~e 1\ tl'rn··holl t .klppe r Ihll t knl'''" .h u cks 'n hont not S~ rIlgl!" .'" I nl,, '! h" .. h'lI rll{ht Au lJnri7.lng," the Impprlllrhllhio OIhnry tl nnnd,il l)' 10 hIt Ihe bench On such rl·Nponlle<1. "Me , ~mcll my WRY Ahnrt n ol lce." "I'll I;ct th e poll,,,! to remcwo you, h ome In noy tu le f OI{." " Mnyoo )'(\U enn nn' m nsho JOII )'011 h ll.II' red plr[\I I', " Rcraggs Cftll't, OIh, althou gh tnr h" It tmlll me sCN'nrnf'Ii, IIOW qllll,' ht'~ Ir!1' hlmAelt. to Qlll's tl on )'our nbllity. I'll luk e It "l'c~? Well, lhl' m luut o t h ny let f OT !:TOniNI. N'1'''l'l1h ch'"s, I nln't n' l:oln' t o run th e ris k 0' \'OU hn vln' 0' me I'll com.' hn ck to ,hI' R 8. Mill!' CIItn rrh 0' th e oo'e nn' ("onfn s ln ' your ~Ie I1 n (1 leIIr hl'r uporl Ju ~ t t o Noll whn t tnnk ~ her go." B e h'"m' l1 ont .mells tOllll!ht . You nln't ",,,I nolh ln' th e pllol· h ll nRr \\1nllo\\' nnrl ~ll lfTeI'I . 0 1 8tnkl' "\II your l ob. whe r ('{ls If I "Tule tOl{, nil right, Sc mj{l(It . Stili. lo!!C thr Mnl:J!lo J lose m r hull for· tune. nrtn g her nhollt, Olh, nn' le t's tbnt n ln't no 1'Cfl8on wby the Rhlp'~ hustle bock," compnny ~h o\l l '" fMt, 18 It? Quit hl& · crln ' w It h me , littl e on e, Iln' s oo If you "Don't he n n 0111 womnn :" Mr. nth· enn'l \\,rnR tI .. up AOmc bnm nn' eggs. pll'orl erl . " RcmR~. ynu JURt nlll't I wnnl 01)' el{gs s unny aide lip." got enough wnrks Inslilp ynu 10 fill 0 Sen , lng the f'uttllty of tlJr!he r 01'Jl'\l' wrIst ,,"olch." lIlent. ('nploln Srrow Rought 80Ince "I IIln't n·!!ol n ' to pokl' nrolln ,l In 10 II " ITI'8m of ad,ect1vlIl opprobrium, the dork nn' n tllle f og, fl '"lIn' for pllllnl J' .meant tor Mr. Olboe:F but «t&lhe Oolr!en Rnt~." Onl't nln Rr rnj:J:8 I1 Yllr ,'d, tIl' \',!rtheless, Impe r sonnlly. He sh rilled peevI s hly. dosed th(' pllot·boule door furIously "11-1'8 bell s nn' I> nn(h~r Irn r k9! h ~h l nd hIm lind slort ed for the gnlley. ('VI' got my o lrl cnurR(,~ . Oil' If I folll'r "Some b l'lgh t duy r m go lu' to g il them we CIIn't hel p I1l'ttln' hnllll'." I l rt'll , l " heRrlu.' yo n CUBS U1)1 proxy:' Coptnln SCTn,,~ Inhl hI s h nnrl on Mr. Olh,,<,y bnwlerl ntler blm, "on' Mr. Olbn"y'" ~eo t nrm nnd trl l'd 10 II'lw n that tnlul ti me orrl\'t) ~ " \I scnt· ~ mll e pu te rnn ll y. "nth. my 111'11 1' hoy," ler n ('nn 0' KI1I ·Flea over 1 /J U nn' U,O be pleodcd, " co ntrol yourself. n Oll't s hlpr)ln ' world 'll know you no more." .rlme wtth me, Glb, I'm mnst er hp r e "Oh, go t()-j;19r"y. 1011 plg·lron pol. on' yoo're mote. Do I m nkc myself 18h er ," Onptaln Scragge tossed bock clMrT' "You do, SCTIlggsy. But It won't at him o'l'er hili 811ou ld e~lln" hooor II'IIS s lItlBBe d . In the lee 01 the ptlot J\\'oll :F0u nolhln'. You'rr onl), mn~lp r honse Cnplnlo Scrngga pou lICd, 8et hl A heeu z of n l1entl emnn's Rgrl'l'llwnt heIntlllll ous ' old brown d er by hilt on th e tween u s two, on' hernll~(\ I'm mn n deck 110(1 lenp" d furl ollol)' uJlOn It rnotll1h to I1l1l:rr Ih prr' ~ ccrl ll lo rll1ht~ r1u(1 you os n\'·.wr o' thf' M !\ C"clfl. nut wllh hoth feet. S Ix tIm es h e <1I d this; don't YOII f nr lll'1 Ih n l ncco rdln' 10 Ihr then wIth R blow ot hl& fist ho r ecord, 0' Ihe In.p,,,· tor·8 ume". 1'10 klln",' !',1 Ih r ruin ba ck Inlo n Rem· h lnn ce ot It . o rl ~ ln n l Rhn pl' nnd 1m· rnn~ler of Ih l' MIII!I!l r. nn' Ih" Wn\' I n~J:Hr It . w ll(,IIf" "er ttn ' p "!' nll~ ("nl1 t o Tn(·rtlllt"I)· f elt "l>lI e r . "H I \\,1\. you .• klPlJH, I 'd holl1 !II)' . hnw n lil tjl' TPDi s.·nl!l:lll"'hlp. 11111t tellll",r \\nt\l I ~o t t o port; t lw n 1'(1




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nf SleUTn IT " h nd no ,fl ll1 l' l\lIy Ind uctng the In ~ p (l(' t ur s [0 Ltrl1nt 1t11n n !kf'n !'1t o E;k l p rw r ~ l1 r h un n tHtI,d"n.' d ('Tnft ('nl\Rt wi MP


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will aJ· want it

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lilY tTf' ul ,II'H In· ~"p e nSI\' dl'," somebudy nd\' ls,'u 111111. ~1'r"la;~ lli rned. 10 B littl e HQIIIlre hUlI'h Ih e hl'u r! IIml s houlder8 of .Ir. flal'll",IOIIIt!W McOulfp)" chlet eD· gln e('r; ftr.I, y('('ond and thlr<l BIIal Rln llt e ngtn eeT, otteT, wl!)l'r, wat er · l ende r, nlld conl'J1nsser ot tlie Muglrt e, ap I1l'(U"N l. li p wus stotlrUnl( on th e ,,,,,'I 111 (\, 1<'1' Iho t It'll up from Ills ... tufTy ' II" ,0


rnnru 111 1(1 h ud e"ILten tly IiL' ,. II \\ I ud,', fu r 0 hr"l1th !)f

" IIJ,,! l IW lip

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.1. . 01 111 li lt I I,ll"', ,' l it, ,, I't "' . :!:!

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. \ ~ n : 11

\.'i " .IlI \, \\ • . , ',,11 ,' " Il" I II'r 1, 1,' l'1 l' l1tl , 1,IIIlUU :l li- :! ,

\\ · "'yjH '~,\l al lll. t 1\11 ' 1

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A NTr:l ) - Fnflll "r~ tllI . t III \l U


kll i l"

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1 ~1.

IlltlnthM. u lli r f\~ 1tH,t'rHI I Ill/, I" . I ,'r~tl \·­ k\utrt'''i '' I,,, d ~'" I ' I" ~I I ,\ h , ..... ' t1 .UII wa ~ U \ \ ' \l f ll li'r It \ 1\" 11' (' t l u ll I U ~I ~ u. "u l ,1 1" nll d 11I 111.l 1I t4 ' l unllt" ':" ltllr IIIIIU ttl"l ~I nll d dtt lll ',\ '''' 11"'1' '1 11111 t,v f:( r l!nt II 111'11"\' 1' I II It tlr l u l . tty, yu u dr, ,,,, IIlil ps f ,t Itn " .. ,l t , 1

.v" "

..,,,.1\ lI hH'kA II h 1l 1\ 86. jll(llIt~ of frUIt t r ntl" " Jlln \II Iho 'Il~() II I ).'""ok lill I' "e nil IlInol,. , n\l ~ ..od "1<1'( '1, " IOH" lIt. ItlUtl'l"''' ' I.HII I I ~" It. 1I ..,... h , II" ,' ,11, 110. Vr.r>< U iI \ ViIlIlUII 1:1 . Ali ll n, jr . , Appl" I." Mr •. ~ l lI ry Ilrflw dLor, ·WfIY· v(lYMlt ur g ,l. h ltl " I·I - LI A li ce ~~winK J IIIlIlM. wtd"w /If CU ITl '''J~ vlll o , Ohiu o l :! millS B ,1 \J lI ll ~ . ,leCell "O I, F lnrunoLl .IIIu('s lte i llY " n el Fru ll k II . B .. illv , FOlt SALE - FA Il M h Ill' Iin.h"", I, ~;winH WIIIII,,1 I{vil I'y , MALE HELP WANTED . ~ utln ur 1~ ,V AarH of fig- e. F l n nlfll '~ I{ Bi lly ,


1)1 II\+lr


yi'H r ~

o f

lI J!t' .

I,IIurU 11 , ,I u n !'" . wlfo ,)1' Frlluldin I' ,I i/ U P .. , Cl1tulnin~ H , .l lI n u t', It lu inor j 7 y.·nrf.l (I f 1t!.!t J, .I nrofu(! \v· , .1 rw :-:. .!O Y"U f !'l (I f I l gu if linn", . it df'rl ll hl ~ hi e tlc kel ",,,ulll not con.lhule n ~lllh ,,,]kn dW U Ii ' 11''' IUlu ·(lttVIB lJ". H u l)lIrt '. J II II" fj "lid () l l ell" .J o D" ~, h i. " 'if II.' w tlerflw i l ll I II llluk t' SITII~!l~, n~ Clh· .Innlo Il i'im ollll ,," tl Fnnklln ~' Ufo)' l'x }1n ':-~t 'd It, " 1111111..1 II I:: 1" :-; il l1t1 "': II' ~ II\) . hoI' IIUMlt.L\Hl, Hp l" n t. ,\ 0"· Q' 5," li n "oil \:I f'TH 'y 1' . /\ \1,Hl n, )"' 1' 1111 ~ ' land, Al(rllll I) ,IOII O~ nnt! Iv y 1\1 . .1" 0 08, his wlh" lint! Tit lo Iniluruncp "nu l'Ju .. t COTll ptln y, 1\ COTp<lrnl,io n Anothe r One H~ard F ro m , 'Hr:nni zt'(! nntl oxl~I, lng Ill lll e r tl'" 1'11(' 1 \1 r1 I!III~ltlt l ll , \ t! ..~ 1 1",';1101 I" 'l'" rfs IIIW8 u f the s l·nl.e o f Cldif o rnltL .


AHM - I will " " 11 111 ,, f"rlll kn"wII "R llio Will , 'II"u"WI1I,1I Ilirm. ;\ I\IA N who i~ ~ t,at\d \, an,t jJIII R~ f r lHIl 1\',\ \'111· ... \' 111 ... h .. t ,\. (\,,, \ \\' nnl, ~ t o Ifl nl n u. ~Ul1tl t,ru (l s; \Vtl YI HI"'V ll l tJ und F ,' rr\' . l · t1n ... Ir-I ' lll ~ "'11"1 "" nul •• tn wtl rk at hl~h nlLl. of 014 n n rt!1" 01 "",)1 11i 11111,1 110 :n n d. n u\\' l.ll t1U H nUl] tI 1'1 VII 1\t\\0 . (.l oud IJ r OI"l. ~ i tt ll n for 1:110" Kltmtly m .. ll . Apply ti ~ ro rlfu h O I1:it- , J,(lli ld IH U ' 11 lOx rill. LIIhlt,COIt lIurn :!,.... X '''''. l t1 rgo 1:1I-.torll , 'Lt tlli K o tll co. u 12 "'plC[l(hd W,lll uf \'\lld, ' r 1' 11 11 n I"H' t,r · fulllUI! " I'rlll~ " 1\111" ~' tlr lu\, ·


(\t l ~U

t h er i n (IIr mntHttl . I'IlIlIl e 11',), Il l' ~ t ' l l U ,lrry Mnrmy, W,L YUdSV llhl,I)lIII ,.

Lizzi .. N n nn er t o (~rell nhe rr y B, fl ;' :t l 2" nor es Iu Mlli tory SDr. vey t.o Frliukllu . Cln.m K Rrnwn tn MnrU1I1 8 Rnr . FOR SALE th ll l 0 11 AI III"'" HI 11 / :111 I: ; I ~ :1 ' '' Ill'' I" ley, l ot;\I 'In go of l,obl<uou , 'I tllll i r h I'\'(' I'Y -II I ' \\,' l n~ \ I ':t ('1\11" . I' d', NILU n nt,te Alule rHo n t,o Ma e FAD. !'rohat e C.. urt Pro ceedings, -"I' !ir.II~1I ~ I : "III' '~: Hlld Pull Cuw, 1'0 yeUf" o ld dorso n , lot "Il in Murrow, ,I o!l!l tlllLU 1\1. C",,){ , f'XIlp.l1t" r of N lUll M.. Ie I:n1l, :I UlI'l!1 I.h" 11111 . ,IIIHc l,h F . l\I oore 1 .0 HAllry C f lH' n~ tnt o of 1\1I,rl ,\ 1 ~ l1uk. lil n ll Ill" I nqUIre o f ,In hn HII .. u h It. I) , :t, lirHI. IIC'r. llIlnt. fo r HIlII Il!TT1ont III nllu rl · Mooro , ~ 1 . 7:l oore~ lu FrllDkh'u t own · W "'yu"~vllle, Ulilu ur. _\III', H. Mll t iu t'IILrr. 1-('] 1\ 1(\111 1\ o f Itohn :";tH rr , nli ll~Irl filml lInr fir pt. ILC'O( J11Ut, A M IS~- l-ihro\l"hlr(l IIlw\! Lu," h~ ".I O\H\ Tt, w h ic h ' W'LH nllll,vorl I l1q uir e (If DtlVI'" F'ttrllll~, pil tlllli ;Ij - I J. ~ . WaYIHlHvtllo, Uhlu. ..r. ('liHU J or(\IIIl, u (lruinisi.rutrix uf RIIIN u lluw(\11 :-- 11 . II 1;'lrT (l ll . I h(l ~ Htn l.e ,'f /:1 ,:-; ,Iorl lllJ1 ,I1noo il Nud jt)ltll." , , ,'; ·12 ; ,I"TIIHII I:fnlllnll"h o ,ul U~'W Orpingt o n C oek,,,. .. I ~, ,~ III . lil pd h e r hllidnvil, in Ollllrl.. Illho r , fRO . to O ; Ilhi o l :o rrll ~Rt,(' U CII I Ontlh . A . 1. l.u u kllY, :HI; C""~hr . W . II WhlT·flor i', nflntini~tmtor of vert Co , H I1J1J)li ~H, f l 07 ~ O; H ilmi" VIlle \l o mo Ithllno. ol~ I.IHI o~t nl " o f I-I oor/:" W . WOlI.kit1H , ~w A ny, M.1t IJn y rnll , '"i7 I.l ; H . F: Il reo ll",,, I, fil od hl ~ ilt \'lJll t n ry Itl \Jo urt· Dilntl1 ~ h. inqnoBt IIr hody or Wm I,A 'PH. Inqnir o:o(M.~ . \vI1l(' h Wll~ v l 'rin. d. l),mr.;htAr A, ",.Iir,; ~~,I I •. i'llll it·h , Rtl f1 . H~JI,," , Wnynll "v ill tl , T ll pponrt. IIfl\lrll \,ptl Ih" Ollml li nl.: pUr R, '1.00 ; K H () o nn nll, nnntrnel· ( oHI o f Ih o /In, \ir ~ o f' till ' PH l nt.o of I\Ittrl!l Br ond w ny Willi , ' ,,!17; F . !'I . Collin", )1110, l 'oo k. 1!(\ C(\ 'L ~I'd. hy 1·11/1 ~ll:AOut n r, R, &. B r C I',ll r ~, *11;.:13 ; Willi hl onc]II" 1;:ngItAh Bull l'IlIIS, .I ORlit hull M I :ook Ht~D o ll Worl!~ , " ""pli,'", '110 ; .Inn. ~ ~ "TId · fi ""oh, U A . 1->1. ,In!tn 'I'1i" "o nrt. fL\I \I r fl\' .t 111 0 JlT()(t(ltI,l. rlrlBwo\<I , Inhn r .lf. l r,; ~;llIIor 1~11I11L1l . It ll. fl, Wllyn(l~vill o, Ohl\) ',,1\: ' Illg~ fl f Nl llhull !\1Il !'lIt\ r!ol n~ AXflnnt,Clr luho r , $ 14 ; K i lpulri o k . Frll n oh , lirr!' o f Ilw oM.Il I "fl f K llliIlI 11'llf .lll'c!'II Hml. ef.O. '1~ 2 ,,0 ; Wm. !'rioo, IIdlDT, * 11; T ( lVE-Hot.• B1HHt,A l r . 'l'IHht ~' Illr. ( :,11'1 l JIH1.vk ll, In h o r , f~.i'< (); C llnrl ,,_ e noe H e M,lng HtnvA, goulI tlH l\ AW Witt, IRhor nnd lI\al AriulA, fo ·1 a~: i\I a rrin g"l' Li('('n s4"FI. H , W . l'rovilln. R. & R., rA\lfllr s HUll .Joll BormAl, or 0 .. 1I phon. fir" 01\1 ~t n ri n n ft I )W4-' " . of I jn xingl.n n , 'tid ';I !} i ~n'n(\ laho T, 12f, .!lO ; H o orll~ W"yu nKville, Ohio. ·K y ., nnll Vrf\ TII "\ ~ It I' I,tt", 01 "fih. Knapp. Illho r Blld f1\ntr rl"I ,.. , r..t .:lM; Hoo d Ruhber.'flre Hu gltv, In Ed Hrennen, ,. .. Illl', fijI 011; A. f •. un nn Ro od Mhnl'I'. In"l1im of W . A n. ,I L'n rl \\, il linlll MorJ,!lIn, o f Frnnklin, ThOJllIlRIIO , RUlTlfl, f~no aa; lIu d Wilill Ado V''''I)I,', of i<'rnnkltn. AY ATfO, 8KIlIII, U27; Nit " HIli, HHm e, S nrhoe, R. n, 5, WIl,no Hvi/le, (lliin. ol~ Will l!'m Dil Ug luR, o f C hlon go, und ' 1;172[.; W . H. Grn!tlllll . 1"ho r, f'lll .• !!H; W . W . ltogAr ~, 11\ !to r 1'1.0., IF I 0-,,0; Mnr y J~nl, h e rtn n Broon , of ~'rllJ1kllu . PhIlip B e iAol, R &6. rep"lr" , f!)4.0r.; Donl>\e 0180, good all nAW ; Olle L eu lIo/:flr~ M o r e y, of N~w York, I~wi" Bngllll, oO ll t rn ot. , f1l1:1; frnnk Hoosier Fortlll~ (l r ~ hod J)J ill, lint! Ellz,ol.or.h /ting le l{ill g o f MardlA, I. ho r and mBtorit" ~, '109 2r, ; 11-7. In gnoo 8ha]l'" C"II ph (ITlA h:illgs MiIlH. ' Elmer C rame r , M. R pRyroll, 'IOa .fin; U:I-2, Wllynenllle, Ohio, 111\1 Bc~ng • shrr.i1I in Marylan d involve, Ihe I".k o f '''"I I-! Ihe whippin gZ . Armil,uHe . 811nlll. '1:\·1 or.; u; w, Pfs~ e~adWlf~ bcat~rs get active. T h e photo s hows S he rifT McNulty ' h .p, Gall Engine, Rnd 1 Hhi d ok o r, l ~ hor , Jlli ; 1:1 . A . Rm ith , ~ 3d ~~I. ~nt:..ti~hng r~S~ "ca l".o-nTinc." ~ails to Corn~lius Smil h wh~ H~al Est.nte TrnnRferR, Cider l're88 i obao D If 80111 B t oontrll of, f140 ; An r OIl Hrn lth, \tlho r, .: IC whippiaa.~ . baa ~n . U~.fIn. - has IS the firs t Ilmc In llIne years . Agn p~ Li Ill /! h e rry til Hen. Krn ger , ·11 a Oil; T Hm1t.h "nme,. f2!:! 0:1; (Joy onoe, Apply: to (2, A . Zell, W"yr<lI8· ; .to of n n n('T fll n 1"11111nOIl, v , lIll, Uhio 0 19 !:)mil.h , ~ OlTl e , '4 7'~ , . Wil~O Il ,



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"I Certainly Do, Seraggoy , Old Pe~ per. Pot," He Replied Calml y,

l'CI1 t.

=Tt:~~LLL. Willllill g ioll, U ., ph"ne ;\I) I ..!




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Once you've enjoyed the WlYS



the delicious Burley flavor


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t i lli l' .

lin '" 1.\' IIIn k ill c', :1!" 1..r \'utlr ('llitl llll' ), S a l

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H ~' i ' Ol'lllll :(\ ~

hung up h ll'l tkk .. , I n Ii Pf nor) \\' IIS rr'e1. 1"I'NI n < 11,'r

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craft. 1)" I,\I @ his "tl ckl 'I" I h,' T'e WI1 " Done 80 f"ullsh Il~ t o I\,II ~ I h im wl l h oo&-a condllloD of atrn lrs \\'hlch 111,,1 tendtcl to ,our a dlaposltl ol1 lIut nltl · uraU1 sweet. The yeurlllllj( to c"'"· maDd 0 atumboot grodulllly IllItI ,I,'· ,tloped Into aD obsesRlon . H"SIIII the "fOil ond com mod ious S. R. M .. ~ . if\e," BS th e UnIted Rtllt rs IT\nr~ hul hl\d bad the audacity to ntl\'l' rtl .~ "~r. Iu the Ul'glnnlnll, Cuplilin ~ I'n~g~ had pl unn~d lO do h"y un d rl"Cr 10\\, · log .... Ilh the Magl{l'" A I II~ I '1'111' firs t ti me Ihe notortUTlll tf' S"rllgl!s II I· ICOJpte d t o tow n h e ll\'lI), 11I ,1i' 1I \I"r ~\ ' up rlv l~ r, u light to~ taul Cutt lC . 10 \\ II . n ec e&~lInllng the freQI1"II! h l,,\\' I1,,: tlr the w h lHtle. Follow ll\ ~ II", 'Ix tl< I ~ II~ h IRst, Mr. l\I (ofluITey h n,1 \\ I< i.oTI ,·" SCrnl:1l8 (In Ihe cnillle· r oom h ,)\\ 1,·1': 8weorlog hn rrlbl y, h e hnll rlclllun ,t.-11 to be Inforll1e!1 wh y In thIs Il TIiI th ll I Ihe .klpvcr dIdn't leo,' e thu t d (){I' ~II ' t , ed whistle nlone. It \\'II B usIng up hI. Rream fost e r thnn he co111t1 IIInn "(,,,·· ture It . TIll' r entler, !krnl!l!" lJIlrl .. , ,·,1 It pnt en t fn~horH. nnft wl lPtl lYl(' ho n · cst Ml'OutT"y h n,l o nce \lI, )re >11 ('1 '(','11· etI 10 eOTl."T\,lns: s ufficl ellt SI<'11'" to crnwl up rh'e r, the' tl ctr hnrl turllpd nnl1 t h e Mn!:j(lc coulll not huck th e ebb. A\ cOuJTe y d('dorM n t e w n e w tubes In th e holh.' r w oul(1 110 the tri ck, but 00 the ot h er hnnrl. ~Ir. Olhney pollll ed oul Ihnt Ihe Olfl crn fl ,,"11M practIcally punk ntt nn,1 n st iff In\\' would Je rk thl' Inll off tilt' o lll I:lrl. In des paIr, Iherefor e 111.111111 Sl'ru~ ~" ho(1 obnnr!on .. d bny nrlll .. I\,c r low ing onl1 wos prC'poTe d to Ju mp 0\'(' 1'1 '011 I'd ond cnd nil . Whf![l lin ollpo rrlllllt~' fi r· t~red tor th e rrpl!!htln. of ~11 1'1 1 " 1I tnlck on<l (1lIlrl' prolln ce trum 1\ "l t· moon hny t o Rnn I"rnnclsro. But IIO\\' n rtlll1 cn lty nrn~c . The n cw 'run WflS nn "" on snIt wott' r all th e wn)·. I'mlrr the 1'1111,,[:: of Ihe IIl~pcclorH, Ih e Mnl!gle \\'ould I' e ru n· nlng eonsl\\'lsc !\I (' Instnllt SIHl en· gllged In Ihe " ree n·pcn and s lrln~ , h"nn l rode, lin d CUllln ln SCrllI!I!S' I\ C('T1.e pr ovIder! for n o such contl nl!l'rlc),. flIR t l('k et e ntitl ed hIm to nct n s mn "IOr 00 the \\'Jll e r e ot Snn Fmncl"co hn y.

I .i lllt' , l'l ;hl<:r :1 11'\ (" ' ll w ltl

W . H .MA])l)EN & (j()M.l) ANY


t ' I I (' , rl .I!:I~ , l.\· ( III' \I r ( :,1, 1 1' \ . hr lin d II ( :. \I,,~ I 1. / d', 1.:1" '1'1111 W t n "11'\ or t 'ltlllflllll ' lI IIflr l "1 '1 111 11 ( 11I "!" 1 L: t I " I,,', III I· t· \"" 101, h, ' frortl 'En ~p r lltdn , :-:tll' tlnd " OM flllll '.'11 ... "W '''' I -, t I , ftt tf'l!n hlllHtrt 'd hard t ' Urlll'!\ d llil/t t'..: 11111t.:l rl' , ',' , t ., I' .! Scrogg-s- i'lt ll l,'ns 1', ~IT; q:L:S. tn , ,I I \ 1) 11' ' I '!· ,," , l ' etllplo y hls full IlIlttW - \\U;-; I lf, ,\.· j..a,' I) \' -." t . ., 1 '1' I I " \ tb e k !nd or llIAo 011(' Illh.:ht rX I"·,·t til , ! ' 1\ h : , , , " " 1' '''' 111 It own anll Ol....r n le Ih l' M II ~ ~I ,' . Hnl · I .. , II' I. I \! I, . , !I , ld II '\1'''' ' t8~. ~nrll.:).{I I · . tnn thcd !Iud f ll l' lh' ,' 11111 1" ": t , 1" ' 1 ', . \ I" , with f\ lo \\' ("uflnl l1,C" Ih llt "'"IIl"'I(lII ' ~ "rnl' II, ~I!ol' " !I POS8ed t('lr grf'lI t IIII Pll1 j.! t' f1 Ptl, ~ 'TII::I.!"~ ' It l oll.· "Ill .. . !_. . ( •• Ht I II ~ .. 'l'l\' f" (-t\srn c t e-r Is In~s t il,· ... t"TII ,,'tl 111 1\ III .Im'· Th l! '<l , I n li lll·. \" ; '!Il' r ,"! 'I , " I I :, 17 Am£'rll'nn w n r (l : nl' \\ Hf: " IlI'IlI ' ''' " tlol\ for 1", 1111.' \11 , 1, ,' 1.1'1 1. " ,," , ," .11" , A na t ht' nt ~,trI F"rIlJ I{'I~,ofl. h~' 1;:;'1 l !flc . \\ lt li II, ' I''' ' I I h lll t 'I 'IU'I '~ crown UIl nr OlllHI t hl' dl't ' I\~ IIIld "lid " ,'n ' ,. I /lr\, uf "1 1 I .. "I~ I I!!n "H / 11 d("v~lpp,! c1 f r nm 1I"' ~!'l "(I ~' 011 II "In ' r b ~\ t Oil I ,rlll h, lit ,I" ~ ;1,· " " 'l l'ln l ll Itei1nU~r t o fI1 n ~ t'Hr of hllY /lI ld I' h t' r ~·k r ul::.."'" 11 11t t !. t!" ,J , ... t "/H' , :,l lI d 11 1:1 s t cRrnh n nt ~. nltl lOullh It I ~ not "f n'~" (' II\' I'r\ Ihul h t ' h :ld I tl1I\. ' II .. 1,l l '\ll' r o.rd thnt hf" en!r COmlll l/flrlLld ~IH' h a for fh, ~ ~1 /1.: d l ·, ' tr (:It'IH '.~ f llUIII'1

' ; 1(,- ,11

I~n,"ill g lII alt ' rial for :111 11lIi ltli l l)..: ~ .



r. '"

$27.50 $30.00





InK Itpr (, lll'tllr~ ' n ~ !-ill " :,II "llI, " ' \ Ill t ll Son Prn lll 'l~ r·(t htl.\· on " dur l\ Iltl!ht 1h I

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l i:1I1I ~ idlll~~ ,

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,,;PI'f ' !or I't' f, ,,lll'r!' lit ~11 11 1,'rllll, ' I""' d , ~1" ' !' 1 r '~ l rt "I ;' " IPl\"Tl I III,'''''' ", II ... l l Wfl11lo1 l lll\ " h i 'fl JI 11 1111 11 ,[ f .. fht' I t t,,· 1' , d ' I 01 ~..: . II, '.. , .1 \ ~ ~, 1 .. I.' ) I ' !II' ! Enrh ll1 1111111 1 Inlot p" " I III Il Ilir, 'lI t" III 'd 10 :'1 "011,·,, I,' f) ~ 'J' .11 I /tr"I'.tI , d 'I ( ,1 ' 1 Ill' I" 'r III:-:r, II ll d ( 'I IJ 'luln :-;. r IHI .... :"'o . 111' 1' ,I ~I l,' l ", 1" [ _' "f 1 1\' 111"11 1'1"\. ' r I il , ' I , ~il le U ~I I I ' f. I h ,-11 I II 1'1 rj'll lIH I ( "Ilr I, ' T ,I :,: ,It., ~ I II \.. I I' I II" ! ". " 1\ II ( " J .. Ihu t (l \, 'lIl ll all,v lli p dlly r/ 11I"' 1 o rr \1' 1I 11I ... t h d ' I 11 I I' ... , .. 111, ... n" , \ hud whpn. t +l ~lI \'\J (h l ' 1l\' l 'S of hll n:-: ... ·l f HIIiI II" !' ! It "'/', ,'t. 1 I ' I' , ~ I ,. , II I 1 ' /1\ " 1\ \' hltil ("n ' " , h ~ \\01 1111 hi ' rlln 'i ',l t it ...:h lp I ', ~ '1 1'" II .. , t . , _', . I, II "" ,"1 \ ,. Ii ,· 8. nt'w h••lI, ·r IIn,t rl' I\t' W ti ll' r"II.'T\ 1 1& a d ~:d l .• -,\ ,', ,I~: " , I. ... 1 . ' '1\ .. , ' "j' lI tlmbt'r tt urullIHI )u,'r d l'u dH 111101. ."" h l · I\f' ~ . 1111 . 1 1 ( . " I '11 ', ,,'HI . I ' \ ''': '' ' 1. 1\ h nd C('IIl P Int o I ' apt n\n :-;"r ll~ 1: "" 1'(' ... · ";, -\p o.1 (PI" 1 \, 11,, 01., 1 11 ,,,,,, llt' , ' d 8('~s lon lit I'uhll (' Hlh·tl ll n " u lI,llll'tt'd JI 110".11 . . , :1" It 1" 1' I, 01 , ' ' Ir ", .1'11 hy th~ t1111tl'd Sl ll t' ·... 111111' ... 111 11 , r .. \j ll\\ 1111' 1111 :11 ,01 n it , ), ' 11'


wa s niT

Build Now and Save Money



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l!l l i l.iliill.: ()r 1<,! ':l i l i llg.

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She hnd \ f\,.' n hutlt Oil l' IH: , ·t ... \ ,\111,\ tlll' I,'I .. ,"t' II ' I ~ 1- \ \ t(/ 1 I' ''l''k In 11I f' et~llt\t·~ . nnt! \ \Ht- nil" !. litl rl\'" J ,,1" 1 1 '1\1''!-IJ ' . ' 1 ,1 , ....... \\ 1'1' " dnod ni H! s ix (" 1' 1 IJ \, ' r 1111 , 1\\ . ·rll\ · ... ·"\ ..:,1 I , t-,,. " f(" ,·, I II'H 11 I 111111 8+ "",'11 ( " I't . !rult. , p ' " 11 'I~ " , "I \ '" I )r t\"~ '11 lIy n :lf t l , · '''It''' I ,li' '·. ' lIq'''lI l1, 1 '1.1' • I Idpi • • , ., " , " , I "Ilg illl· . In t h.· In Iii.· f.f 11.,1' \ 10 111 II .. 110 , I! I 1" ':' 1 '1" '1 . 1.1 ' • I ' "I'\llt t Ifl nl, , ' It'll kl. .' !:-; . 1I 11\\' :""r \\ hill I ' ,,11 ' 11 '" ! ~ .t 'I I I " • .' I \\\ t1l old 11).:1' nlll! hHII "r ~1·1I 11 1 . Illl' tl....~t I II l lil .. "\ T!' 1101' ,\ .":11,' 1.111\ \'111 '" ~ I H· ~'I , IIIf1 il l) nll\\ w nf; ... I x , 1111.1 hit" I '! q'I ~ I II. ~'I '1 _," I~ \"'':1' . 11111 ".,,1 (1 ): . )Ir. )k ~ : llrr ,'Y ]lllteS th ... ~ l l.!' t llt'~ t 111' ,'01 (·III ,.II'I , . ), 111 1.1 ." tllll y tl " l l rT,'r " I p"r


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,,1M ? AN\)"TH~ Wm£ JUST btcvnFUL.!!!

The Miami -Gazette" W aynesville, Ohio.

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McClure 1)1~ ECTOI~

V'J a yr,esvi lie . Ohio

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Goo d

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ICaiarrhal Deafness Cannol Be Cum I,',


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i ~.M. HEN DE;-



D II. E_

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rulnta Th .. t 18 'I mI MI,akA . Wft hll va / lwl l R8 Mtltlrnll llllrnfli "P(lIlt. ·I' l!nr, . t hlDgS at h orne t h a.t lire e lig lhl e til day III I lr.yton d Isco v ery . Get bney ! .Mlss LOOIIII M r:(iilln i ~ . v l ~ll(\d Cn -

S "iii n ed M u ';. ,c ,

lomhu ~, ~lI tnr<lfl Y .

_ _ _ 4> -

'1't'll' ll h llll c !) :I


John H. Wright

Mr. an ll Mrs. Willinm Br own hll vo ! I purohllHed a Dew For d so dlln . Alhe rt. ::;tlloy iM on t h o Federnl jnr ". i - - -at Clo cinn .. tt, It.ud will r e po r t, I.IIOH' I f' arlll ~a ks :I fil l l .i\ l· Mrs . ,l . C . Plckin 't .nd 80n, .Iohn. I thlB w eek . I Spl:l' ia h y at [)Ilytllu, tua g0081t.S ot r e latlV<.l8, Mesdll m e 8 All e n ~;m e ri ck IlO rl ~'·,I I. I·s fa·' ll· ('ll ( ; ll .·lr:lllll'l'c1 l D I

A uctioneer



r-- - ------OH . DEA.TH, WHERE IS THY STING l

/Lnd Mrs . Ed Blllnby , ot UllY_ l o n , wora 08 l1 lDg 0 11 relliti veH hew, !:iu ndIlY, fi . D. (}.rr and tamily hava moved to X,ml ll . where Mr. Carr will open Il butc her shop C P. · N oggle and fllmlly havA mov ed luto t,bo Ll oyd property. Th ey formerly Ii v.ed at K enmore, Ohio . Dille E. Turnar has been dis. ohar/(od from 'naval Bervloe~ on ao. o ount at ill health, alld hillS retnrned to 111[1 h o me here . &ir Bnd Mr8. B lN, Lemar 08le. brated tllelr golden weddlnlt aDnl. versary with a famll.y dinner, Sun. day . Abont t wenlty-four gn8llts were present.


. 1:: 1

t l

r. Lloyd B. Hall

I .


, o,-f


~'l .~/.,

It pays to use



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( v e,-y I n ' ) lr 4l 1l 0 n (' I LeI "" lufficient ly ) t ru n~ for 01 11



~ ~

l l r ('

." ] knuw t1 ~ e' ,j wnrr I , b t a &C' V t l ( .!Ilvt:r lt v"" e VN. he lI Ve' ''' hb. I , l l' . pr op er In ll a t lu n The' lilt' In


fl· ... ,



1 h a Yt r e-It!" II I .. I I ' t J l" n m l le.llre 10 e' '' , II rnrt. d O Q '1I:I :f: I' a r f:m ad, .. h it 11:: ,0 1 d

!hfn". . . ~~u a~I·l t

I\1r:. fin d t1r~ EJ .. lrrv S T u c k H PO. / t~rtnllH'rI th .. t o! I~)wlu~ gu e~ t. ~ t.o fI " 0 oluc k dln n or . , lhllrsfla .v c vcnln~ : Mr . andMr H ~rBn l~ L Iillrrl _, ~l r lIod Mrs G H . l:farri H, Dr . Illl t! : :'tlr H. C. Ii . Itnndnl l Bnd rlllnghtl'r Ll nle u . 'rlds WIlK Ii h irt.hdn y oe l, ' i.rlllioo , ull hBVio~ lln n o !lornothin g I u n that pllrt.lcolrH di at e v;'hl c h Illlld o theal n o t o rio us . May thoy ha v e Ulllny!l.l 'r e vl a fisIIDt gatherin gs. Aroh lbllld Mo not joy, tlD old veterlln pllssed IlWBY !:lMnrday m orn. Ing. '"t, tbe h o m e 'Of h lA daD g hter, Mr s. Wfllter l::lilve:rA. 10 o nr olty . af l,or 8 linge r iDg iIlIneRS . fie wa@ Ifli .1 t o r est iD \h o C lar kHv llle oeme· te r y . Mr . :\1 ounlj o y s p ont t he m os t li t his life io Gll DI;o n oounty , and CIUlle he r e in his d eo llnlog days tbu t 110 could r e cei 've the kind al . tlln t io n wh ich was lren dered him by his children, Mr. flud Mrs. Walte r B tlil "e r s He ISfl ve@, two daughter s Ilud Ihe sons t u mourn his gOin g The Ceotral l::I otel, f o nnded OotohA r 2 . I t{9 :t. by Mr .. aDd Mrll . Frank WI1~on, Bod ver y BIllccess fuily managed , is ol os ed to t h e pnblio, lea vin g on r town wi t h nu t a hotel. The CIIUHO o f t hi s chllo~: e 18 ill heflHh ' Mn('ltln a ry kept, v~ 'J rklng for ~ 9 , ' vtlllr" w ith o ut. r e paIrs he in g made. !. mu s t wen r o ut; t h ilS bee D I ll(JfllU n ~ t rll t ed IUllny' tim es . This i8 1 II "(I If'nlhd l im e 1.0 bOll iu II paYin g I hu "III f'"H . t,he pr ope rt y is : or Bale . ( :" " 10 (,flr ly find got in p ooHoBHio D o f :' t·lt e I"'s t broad-lIncl . botter pr oposl . l.iu D III t lil H vlol nity .

,. 110



&. H lo h l'f C , J a c ka n lP·dle l:him . h, ) a c k so nv ll l l: , F lul l " . Gl!ntl cnll!n 1 s tt tlmll IU: ll"w d h t h ~ h • tr

c lt .llk . rUlI l ll 1I11t't ll l'" lI t. II I'[,w '10I'~ 1·lo n >l IIU OUt hI " n,r m o rv . A .. tltl'




l1LfS .

F ! r ~.'(\ n l! Tu ~

UU O O('c ulllt o n , 1 lI ~ k 1\ ru lo r prl




Cord T ires ull dl t he ,. way co ul fl n o t f Iii l(, mile age. l:ve ry da \'. fl '!!' the c o un t ry . com es t h~ ,,'(,! 10,000, 20.000 u r :~ O.OOO II .i. frequent a n d ca n ; i~tc l1 ' ,r',

U ll .

I tlll l' r h l IU~1l W tlrnll n g - jt1 ~ t Lh t, kI nd ' th ,·\· ltu\' p 1)"1' 11 IlCt ll'U l u r In d .. v.- I

( ' 1\


Re co rds fr er.

L,,) dg " N o. i);)7, 1\ , li t tnr


-Ece. '_.

Wilt' n ' Wf' u ru u rw til/-: (nll lll),; t'l1 ' ell U 1 1I1I1t ~ l/J n ur nl lJ ;,:hlJo r , J h f l J) " I I) 1"1'1 ' y rl ll I u t (I n t ho tlll rJ \' e dnt n

Il rn \U ,j.{n l ll f!ll' tot


SklJ trc .. : ..,·n: l , ' sur.: tI'I 'tll'I I. J . . l


Our Calendar

\ '"



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t tl fh l'l l" "(" lit

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HlI f . ill 111\' II 11 r,. 111 11

C ar O W 1I' ;-', h arckst . 1·.··1-'·

A Yn Dk oo pa8senger on Il D T . <'it , I. trllln , th e other dllY , was wea ry_ I ' <l 1'1,·" · ,,d . 11, , \0,' II. h H)l jl(\ ll ll. l. w o k,, :,w 110 t ((~ I Il ~R WIll 1,011, ~qui rtl . in g Itlll foll ow pa881l0gerll with tall sl,o rie a " Dd remflr.ka d , "We oa u " III~~ Wi ll t.(l it . Hllt. IIr() ,-" " Rnr e It ()J-< • .I . M ILL E~_ \\, ,,;-. n ' , (Jur g rnd o IJ\ly~ \~' h n Cll rno t. o lit-tnt with .. twelve story h ote l thiS m onth , and have It finIsh ed by NOT I\RY rU E Ill I. ll k ,· n ~ · pll rli ., Oll r l lll(!J ~ c bool It i:t fHighl y i llli'" /rl" ot f!lr l Ilt' ('ii iI'· . \\ ,'r ,) 1111" '-. d "f 'l ,,(i n~ ~I n rr o \\' H . ~ .. Df'XI . " Th lA was tOiO muoh for th e .. . OENTIST••• hu rl y Yorkshi remlHI wh o sat n fl xt rahlt'r I n d" v" loJl h i ~ n lh" b JII " :1" '\ 1 t il t, ~l"l l~ y ou JIl Pll ll o n, - T .v p n ) to h llli. , . Mlln ,'s n nw t ," h {l ef'oIllIlJl i"ull y U}o p o .... ibJ (· . E\ " ry Ilnl c."( \ In Vayne,.,,1 Ie, 0 d I. , Rnid . " J 've !leen ' ~ rn in York8hir e doll dr .. " \' -'; /1 i n nll ~ i " l! th "1lI i ... n dllll. lr ' ''''' ' '' I~I U",ok !l Id",. earn('d. TIt"r(' f "n") IHI \\ II I 1'1 ,I,!:t ~ wh pl1 I ' ve ue en going t o work , jOHt Bee Ih ,l t it I'uys , ,, II I'd l n ll , 'd" "' '.,, I 11I.\ 'ing the fonodati on 8ton e, and Ca(( 1\I(lt11 h ecnw,,· you C'dfl IJ .. . • I t , I I witI'll I ' v e lJflAD o o mlo g h ome 8t less Iha n hJJlf rh p. ('OJ( f)r li ,jll~ '" ill... Il ee l , th By ' ve uee n putti o g tho t o lk ~ At tlw :- III1H: t iull' YO llr , · /th,~ h ill o ut, Il' r ul\ok r e nt .. It. HAT HA W AY {!ro\'o' nnfl fi {'vel ,,)) C,'cry Itl l Il l' \\ I~ I I. OJ.khf" r,I', is • rnilk-, ub' l illl l ~ of Oil !';"turrln y, l:lept.e mbe r 21, o u r h igtw;oot truu1hy. which c3I f'ril i..,,' r l\ I I:1I~ h Srh oo l b cl .v . I1ccf,mponiect hy w" " """ \'l l1n'~ I.Otl(li nlZ D(!ott ~' hU\'t ' tJ ~(· d in t'Jj s country fur o\'t'r 4() IN THe BR IGHT LEXICON Ilr. nnd ¥rs Tol le. l1l ot or f'd to I ll " 1M. A. S HUMAKER ' 1ITi"fl In fl . 'lno~ Blell(. Mlll u Rt year:'. , Jt ruj r;CS real t :uh' ~ ", ~IL :J TPol OF' YOUTH THE RE' LL ' Hlg hllln<l COllU t.y omVflH, Ilen r ' B.. io. tno rwy·sllvi ng. O rd(',r 0 J,ag- tlul ay. Veterin' t' ia n hlltl i; e . Hom t bel r arrivalOI- l 86 ~o SUCH fUTURE : ho c n'-mr. B bonnl·itol r c pnst· WB~ I WORD . AS SALOON. ' . ... .,.....11 Get it from yo ur f) ell lN ) ' I' :t l I I t', II \ II ( ! " 1' ,r ! . '\" t'I' J <I' rllII<1 , II IHI ea ch () nf~ pllrtoo k io un I '---- -- y 'oj o YIl h la I1lflDnpr AH e lun c h, Ibn , !-_______________ , J,!/I I )II ~ !I ( '( ' I ''':''' I'j J, rl j ,lrtJ' I' rl ,' utire ptlrt.v ftXll lo r e,d o o e ollvall f te r 1,"111 ~ If''' al. ·1 "'\'/ 11.·, ~n o th e r un til oil th e c liv es wer e , - - Vet erina rian I ;'d J , ' 1111/1 vi~itecl. Th e porty then r e l.DrDftd I 11 "1,1<' 11 ..:.{., ,l I ; " It tll1I e toll c f i Dt.ur elO l.lD g tbi LgS t o I relote 1·0 theI r PIHftOtS uDd fri e n<1~ 1 I () ,. " , I ' B e llbroo k, Ohio 1wo :ltId e yt stRy OllJe. t h ey ul dt h1I0 havee d h tilt Aid hflnythlng to • ___ __ _ ....._ ____ ________________ I,' '1 lr l l, :-;lr""I. "" ,Ir T yi< ' l I"'dl ll d

f ' " I1Wr-I

p u. tr IJll ' 'I.f't1.lI n d

fI\.\' lJl g !oI l HllA no fnre . \"'11 r r H n ~(Hllpn t n n r h n .v ~ w o r o

I I, flll l\ \",


c d o li

~ 1r " ('. ( ; I : 'n tl " 11 IHI "'u P~ tI" v . Iltl l'n']Il DI ltund " tI mo lU i' h ilt I 1'111111. " H uw do 'y tl U k" o w ' 1I ll ~";lO I. ",ill e'~ " r l ' " H \'l !"<11 \\1 ' 11 ~ll' Il u d .\ I n, AtlHl ll "I d .)n ·1 k n uw I It,t, '\lh. " WIIH Ih" :--:" " / '1 '" !LU d :\ Jr . t ~ lll l !\Ir r'l. Jnnl i "'I :-1 , HII'-4, ti t \ ' f\ n \\'t ' r t / "n lo\\~n r " , ,, " I hA n w hy ti l' fli t) g Ive II t il rn A: ~" "" rll l d,, ~. III I lt l~ Vi Ulll ll ,\' III. .... I qU ll rt ed. n ,, ·,·' tlly Ily , "!,! fl' . III 1'('1"" " T Ilt' .. 'l'IlU HO yon ",av.e it 1.0 rnr. Ruh ."

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1.1 H t'd . u l til I tl W n

Marion Ioenhower ! who hal been seriously III for 88veral mon&b8, pa8sed aWIlY, Wednellday tn!lrnl.Djf,· Funeral servlOO8 wel'e held at 'he Friends ohuroh , Friday afternoon,. and burial was mad.JI ut.8prlngVaUey _ __ .... . _ • . _ __ No Mor'-Ytl'alk •. optaln Kldd 8trOtte from the mod· I'm lumhHynrd with ,-olle, of antrrY Ilnt"~ "nr! 8 tight on. hI , ("nURM "X,~III;ItUI\~ to his IIl!nlen.




AnI " " Allen II nll lC ~~ Th o IJlP~o n , hu u h ug tll On, . /LfU k" lll biJ~v "tt,tlOllt n l{ h o~ B"IEH. 'VoI lr ll r I\lr k en.'llr- 1 ~ettiDg /LII th e n'8\9 d o !,o tllllt IS

I - n i l It 111 (1I11H ~ nvns flllI (! .

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Rl'I 11('1111 )l' )"


I;'·I"" r., h ll" I' h \ n III ~ fl0 on 1\I/11n




\ V" 11",,1) t \v u 'Vil1l1go b itt 1[ ~ tllt tb8 1 10 ,)t) !' c'lly, bu l h bUllllll rlog . l r ll O HJ kill(,o i>. g ooLl, Ii " ,1 hIl IJ\,iIl O:!o! PfI:- , Ills till' u u j:llO Or.


GA Z -£ TT E....

=:,I~I~I~:~:~~k wo r o lIyton v ~II- I Mn. Mary Copsey r eturn od , Hun.

;'BCIJ;>rO OI( ,;' Oh ilJ

\Vayu : s vil k,

r j 'I


Oh io



:, \ ""illal iull a :-: pl'l'ia lty .


day eve ning , Rfter an exte nlled VIHit 1I11 l h I'h,>! " ", /. illt: 1>11 1 1~c1i a ltk :-;a um Ihcd with hAr s ister, at Ve r s ailles . Mr, lind Mrs . Frank W oo ll ny Imd Pho ne 44 H ar veys burg , O. ohIldren, ot DaytoD , wore wOf'k.o Dd ,_ gneats of Mr . .. nd Mrs. Wm. Bro wD . -:-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

Eve rp. t t


The trains through L ytle bflvo ohanged the time bllo k to th e 0111 sohedule, running on e h our la\ er '--' .' 'baD dnrlng ahe Bummer month!! . Mr, and Mre. Bon fiR wk e and ' - l)E r\ I.EI~ 1:" ohtldren , Cleo and Albert, m otorad &0 LimB. &turday mornIng , t() Vi Sit l F lo ll!', Fc,f"d, C() ~l (, :-'a lt, 'be former's brother, Jum es Hawk e , Tik, I'os l~ , Wa t e'l" Ftl\tl l and wife. 'rhey return ed, ~und .. y tnins und Self· F c;,:dns . eveDtng. Mr. and Mre Al bert Stuoy. Mr_ and ~r8_ Will Null and Mh!sofl Re ll -SHI PPER OF and Cleo Stacy motored to WeRt J effereon, t!atnrday, ami r emolned' Hay, Straw anrl Fecd. OV8f Sunday, viSitin g Mr 8nd Mr.!', Alberi Wllllam8 . Feed Grinding a ' pe ·ia lly. .Mr- ~nd Mrs. E J. Oarmony aod obUdren, Marian and Ro~ert, of ~prlngfield, fln~ Mrs. ~ul!l\_n 8i lls, of LeDa, were Snndav gue8ts of MfI! Miuy Carmony . 'Mr ~ , ~lI1s remllined tor aD ex&eDded vIsi t .

E',ll' V



----.. ...----

CleanlnD • Ph.otograph. To clea n II photOgt'llllh ",1 1'1' wlrh D 10ft ('Iolh wrung out ·In v.; urm lI'uter ud • little tUlUuollla IJlIJ (h'Y wllll




Lytle, Ohio

- - - - -- - - - -- -_ __

E. v, BAI{N AI{T ;\lo tary Pu hli c \11 kllld" IIlJd



:'>I .. t." ,. y W f) rk. Wi ll!! 'tI ll ol l ~ I~ 'p Hoiu lt·y .

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\--.~, .L.J y

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... Examinrd. CQ rr·ectly .. , : ' Gl : S~ ,. li'it ted


o l' ; ' >1 1 Department


_1~ ~F?F.ZN¥si ~'E!nia, Ohio

The M inmi Gn7.<'tte, W B,·ncIIVil1e. Ohio. , '

No L •• d In Leiild Pencil, ·flw word ,,"Ill'll orl~1null y 1lI1':1I1 '

smull, . I

I:, .. \ 111





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111h' b)·u~b. ~uul, u ~ l)r tl ~I ,~ ., IU u~p uull ."r I he ~ nlUu UIlHle". hut II II p W rhl.ofl ., t1...) ,otl'l ~ til t.. 1,)n l'k· I"11,1 W \l.l rt ,

(":l!"('d 1'£' I1't! 111141 il!! " Urit' l ll'!», p C1I 1'I1



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l~ nt l I('nti u huut It. The ('U "'t ' 1:-; \\'~ It1 Of lli llwr, and t he r\u lu;t u rll't· Ihnt 1 1 1U.J.; t~ th,' lIlurk I" t(Tl q lht1n, ul"4o c'III1,' .' plum hlU:O, CrnUi th (l 11111 11 wor,\ 1'111 1111 111111 1t>lId. TIll .. l:i lilt' ollly t 'III IIIt' I' t luu tht' ~Uh !'il allt'l· h n d ,, 11 11 feild , h , 'j'uJlH' II 1" H ((11' 111 Ilf !'Krl hl ll , utld II' s lIll i' of tlle tluftt'~ (

BUG·G·Y TIRES We Put Them On


"dlll ' l ul ... Idltl\\U ,

Nead Gazelle's Classified A ds

' ..: i T

,1 "


I ' 111'11.\ '11 ' · ... 111 1.1\

",' r.

II I '








' :d,... n ~ l r ... h·,! 1', 1'1' , 11 ., ~II I" r ~ l lt"lill " II . h " r! pr"'l~r: d fl IH'I'I" l n'. t, ",'hit II t I I ,I ... \ \ III ~ l \l ' ....:p flt·i lll n lll '

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ph( )(1( Jgr; 1ph - ;1 nd \\'o rk s likc ;1 f Ur n~ ICl' ."


:-il' r\I{'f'

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La oitr', In'd , h il'II ,:, Chtl r, it


, I l ·trlllUl l '

Xt ' PI'W'



/ 1'11 .", ,

r" ,·

Rarn- Red." , House Paint, , ,

. $1.60 per gallon . $3.25 per gallon

THE MIAMI VALLEY PAINT STORE 134 North Mai n Street (NI'Xt nnot· tn Yi('\ nl'Y Thea ter)

I j ' ( IJlltl:i1

\\'''.11\'', 1'111 .,

' II,

"1 ... 1 >.: :IfIH'



( )n Fr idn ~' Jll o rnirll!" of ;O-;l'p l Pmbf'r "ucqml. th e Ant!, ,1 IIf I)al\'n < hn 't ll,:ht to tlH' lired hu d .. Hnd \\ l'ary < Rpir il 'If .J"hn ,\1 'r('(' r Il l"~hI\'HY a f'H' W rn t .... ~ flgc , n o l o f t h 1 1 \\" H'I . i, ";~1 \ il1 ):(, "l"tJ/l11' unlo me a ll .VI' Ih al a I'" I ....-nry alld heavy hlll !' l1. :\11 01 I \\ ill

g-i \.' p

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I) A YTO]\;. Oil IO

{\ll l rfllW 11\

rr !l l1l



hu~ha/ld ,

fal h"r ,

~Jn lthl ' r.

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= == =SEE YOUR NAME- - - -

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~' lt ... .. !'"j(H '1 H,'rr ',~1 111 1 , ' ,j C'n ln lllh u8 ,


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til1Y lr HoItd

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On sale nt Heber D. Williams' Book Shop. l\larvins Urug . I or b y mall from Bell Press, Lebanon, O. Pos l paiu [jIll:


H I.

It l 11 II I ·1,11'1 ', l.' W 1I(" ' III ,' n l Itl~ 1 fllr a~ he waHahlp, to IlIlId a 11l'lpin/-! W,'il k , I" 1I1I1''''''in ;.: ~In wl y.

Fred M. · Cole

Mlisic by the Frey Bros.

Everybody is Welcome

Mr ", l"\ 1I':' ~ 'dl ll l Jl, li t .... Jlr pl ~r Va ll AY WL' ."fer U , ill rol pruy(>, fld' Lhl' P""S' \-V'l~ t lt d !.! n l·~ ' I li l l ' l-, 11'1 1 l' n ru ll1ll ins: of Ih is gent ' • hum an ~ "II' . who "tilt witt' , h E- I \~ I I Ie I

The directo ry makes a COM 1'1. I\TE ' MA I Ll I\G I.I ST for hll si tll'ss houses and a SOUVENIR for everyone, beiDI( the on ly CllM I' I. I·.TE WARREN COUNTY DIRECTORY t:ompiled in FORTY Y E AH S .


t !1 1Il t: ,' "

for n nllrnbp r of y ars hn ~ I,pI'n Ollr , 1l!'lghh'lr a lld fr i l'nti I·;',..'r r (,,,dy, as

Thl! book cODtains the name, addresl dnu location of every fO lllily aDd business house in the county, I,ebanon and Franklin residenh are located by their street and Dumber. The rural people are locat ed hy thei r rural route nllmber /[Od their dist ance and directi o n frolll I heir pos toffice. The book culltains 106 puges.

October 8, 1921;

1-\"'11 0 Bud

f •• tlJ I ly

81C I" .h.·• .t

Also your frie nds, neighbors and relatives Dames in all parts of coullty.

Saturday Evening,

Illl"fllf) .

\ ' Il'I "',



\\I1 ' tll{ .

- IN

rllere will be a dunce at

Dodds, Ohio,



I \' l:- l llfl L,'

Alld \\ llIlt) \' U ltDTel ru r wo rd , m ill' It,\" 11111. " lIl' l u,II~ II; rti~~:l ~~ L:' \~~:~ ~~ ~\~,~~ ! ... milt'·


' ... . 1 "

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fr ie nd ' " nu t de ad . "HI li In I h l' Imlh \"', m o rL alf. I r l ' l\r!,



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halltl wh n a lI" ighh uriy ki n dn('~~ ~Ir. Mill ~lr;., lbrrv ' j IlO tIl,,~ lIull wus twell ed . Afte r many nlllnlh ~ o f .\II. liud ~ j r" Ie j ' ''I',h,," "I" tI OII r ill. great 3ufre ring . dea th l'~rl1e ve ry "t,v.,. IIOllr I ),1), 1" " . I ~~r wel' k . j.(l·nlly Il~ a bo() n and rew a rrl. MI " ~ (;"'C' ,) ("ruJr, w h " I~ nt l c nrl. J o hn Mer cer H eigil wny , ~Cln o f \))~ :\ lI rlll ul ~e l ll),d I" D ~ ylon . W .. 8 Will iam :lml .J uli a lI eidl)\' ny, IVa' 111 11 w ot. k •• nrt g ll f' sL o f h,·1' purellt,~ , hll rn at !,\pwark . (lhi o. , J anuar.v~r,, 1 ~l r~, 11I(\l\ n tJ e H>l llll d l·:U I;OIJ " Pfl ll fI . 1 ~f, 1, a nd pa s.~,' d aw ay fi n :-;" PlcllIb e r ' \\,11, 111 111 wifo II fl ' 1'(\ "li l,,',1 to thei r , ') , . 70 7 II ! 1- 1I .) lll il. ""rh .1 '1' 11 1.11 "1' 11' , 1III I. IIrl) 1111·


i~~:AA~~~:AA~w~a~y::n: :e~s::::~~~~~~~~~j --


Je lflj,.{

. years,

tn tHl hi an I

' 1}f " vi u ~ ttl (J \\' I y ,

Spotted PolandChina Hogs !

. I ~X" :;; l b 11 l\Jr ~ . l\IIIry LlIl11 l1ltl r\tld dnnt-:h l er, n ll.' yea r _c .' , un: I'I! em er. ' Mr" .•10 Illl" Wllltll l'r9, .II,lonc\('u 1.l1 u hl: was umt ed In mar ri age to Anlllce 1flllll'rn1 o f h e r C rJU~ifl, ill r , Cllllllmor. 1 H Hell Jame ~. 1'w,) dutl gh l NH CUIll' ! i o ll"ytun, IU Ft ~ I\I,ur t l f1Y . 10 bl'il( hle lllili s uni o lJ. one of whlltll. CII~ d" 'Ir" "lit "nll')lJnc ing I,be IrH. Eu ilh 'jljbhal!\, waits "round IIl Mr ri l\~" o f 1\11 " Wltlll'r, ·,1 l:llgllin~ 11ll' b cnd" tu !-( r eet him, while lhe to Mr , Hllb rl I!I prryll1ll. Th u... wlII I ' ulh cr, Mr~ , Mallo I Uarri!\OIl. i ~H paruJ di ng will I/Ur nr I,n U o l" lilnr . I I II dl('l'r , lh(' wife :ln d mo l It e r. wh" ~Ir 11",11\11'" . A . H , lI o wlnnd hll ve will f"l ' llhiH I O~H mos t kee nly , AI ~" , r olnrtl l'l l lI'l1l11 II n lnl-, »)' Irlll "I) IJ p.



At ou r farm , :i m iles nor th of Clari.;.svillv ;ul,1 ;~ Illiles . south of I I an'C'ysh ll q.; , o n th e I I i(,h:uf\'villc road, Of\,

onl .\' llid hi,,,.

Ollll " :;"H, \\" e ll i l

I h lll

"~llI j"' tol l U ll t ,' \ "1\11 11..; ... I ur, Arli t 11 11 ,' ( h ,tll' I'a ll 'I,r 111 0'

TheLate Classifiea Ads. . = = = = == .'OI{ SALE

fn'lI l !I !I! , 'JIII' f'

Il ur

ho ul'Ilt , II I '1' 1111"


'I'l l , ' lin" 1 11Ill~ III IIr li lt' f ar,


Ill. jlrCllllp l ,

60 Head

l~'\,rl\~' /I' II "t::,' \rll ,I ~" r~;~~~I\ i ~11:~e t~;I\'!~('(-" - c, A T ,

(] :,

use each day is b ::ing made of our service in MORE your community, and more uses will be found for it as




,\11 11 rna \ It/ I n lip II!! m OIlHill g o f Illfl hur " · Iwi. I ptll 0 111 1 11 o" , 'll. ' lot H" 1111'

We Must Grow



11' 111 1, ilil e h , with tl Hl lr ilil l1;.:h lor , 11"11 s l " (e r~, M, ~" l-,/lIrnit fil-l~h\vHV' I "n(1 11119h l\ I] (1 . Dr , 1'. L . lIlltlr.ktll nn.1 of \\' ayn,·"vi lil' . and M r ~ . 1,;I,za .Jit'j Wlr,., 01 I )I\~· t,) n . . r"I , . 'If l'-juri ,Jit, 1t1 " lIm fM II L.rllt h l' r . Man CU ltl l'lit itlt o a nd ~"l' lh filII II f .. - -'-, -- - . - . 111i ." \\'''1' 1.1 a h' ll l' , I\ ~ hi " Ilark I' UI ~


Wed., October 12, 1921



1.l ays "It! . J tI

1 p.






~1It1d,,,• ~ ri , ·ul:11 II ", ')lIl n l, ,'''''C\• /1 f .. t il h. '1'1H' r :lIrh' v,,' a.:-l t p' " " lI r,' t} :-;tlt"L/ .. at ~ I : : :II a til I', " ,I' htl'g ' , '1" ,. II f f :\ ... 111:\\ I "'; alII I I III II I 1111 'I I ' • . II I I ' 1l' r :o .~ VII" III 1 11::~n I,'t:" u'k it HI ' HI) :U'" I' I l ' . . .. \\toft ' lit la,r' .


Beginnin ,~

Ir , \\'dll


• Public Auc Ion

\\ a ...




, 1\'1'-

\ I t \'





- - - ---




, 11111 ,,[ .IL' hl/\ Ih

~~ enrdlal ly Ill\o"~B(:II T~U'~AIPRPyr<".' l'lIl'

Hardware and Farm Mach inery

t ad



a limited number of Heatrolas this year, so it will pay you to place y our ordcr carly ,

::, \.

n , rrl ' L1 ' l oI !lL I ) ' , llhltl , "111' 1111'''''


Stl llllay :-;<'1" "" :11 :'.:1) : ('II 'l r.-l', it t ltl · '~ II . \\ " ", ·It '""'' ' :d l witI' \\ III rlll'l ' l \ \ II il IJ~ 111 , 'Ur \\" Hr


We shall he able to get only

I ~ l' \

\Jr . I, '11 "1" I. ,',. 'r 1 ' '1 \', ,'' ), ,,,, 1.1 ', \ t II.] th ,\I,h. I " '" tl ,,· I " I~ld"'r-

ItarH'\ shurl! Fril' lhls Cilurt' ll

ERE WI' :trl' a t last ~ T Ill' fi ll :d :-;ll lll! iotl of the heatin gproblcl\l fo r s l1Ia ll hOII W:-; \\'il\torwi!h · Ollt basements. N o t a :-. lovr. Illll a p ip l<:,;~ itlfll:t(,(' 110 bigger th a n a stOV C. Ins talled ill (j Ill: IIf the li\' ill .t:: roOIllS, it will heat three t o si x C!lIlIl Cl' ti l l ;.! I (I(l I11 S. :11111 heat thelll better than th e ordi lla r y s tun' Ill'a1" (dll ' .

Come In soon.


~'! 1 •



your furniture,


(f f ~" I ' It ' lut"' r 1 •\ I. H I I LL

\·\' t.,: ry ~ald';,11l ilt t III' \ \ ' 1, " a l!\ " a" ,{ ('!II: I!-. ' "\ 11 I I \\: tJl It: Ilt' ( 'h urdl a t \1 1:; ;\) a · I ll, l 'rt '! ll'h ill ~ II, ~ \\a ... id lih ' ~ iilllt:Ulllt " :\ 1,1 1, (1 a li i ~ 'H "talll H 1-'11 ::: :rIl11 1I,.!t'r , l tffhp,\IIl I'I- t ll " ~ " \\IHI ~ .. ' I, Hid :, IlI· IIII '.! 'lr ~ H,' a ll 1 ~1..·.'· CUl' \ \ I/d" l' r ~ 1' ;';I , r\'Ulll' l :uilt'rl :il l11 d ill lIlt-! 111- .d ' .. \ :I Wt ~


lighted . No iron parts to "black." No ni cke l p:trts to polish. The beautiful g rained mahoga n y finish is a vitreous enamel- ha rd a nd s mooth as glass. You can rub it and dust it with a clo th , ju s t as YOIl do

", " ' / I11I r I


:j vl \ ll'l'.4


WO~DS can't pictllrc it. Piclllfl's l'a ll ' ! dC'serih e It. Come see it. You ' ll Ill' sllfprised and dc ·


.1 11 1\1\.\

I lI\ II, " 1

\\a\IIl"\l II ~ Li1 ri~l i :111 lhur,'h

hC;lter \\'hirh "looks lik c

, 1 1' 11<1 I

! -,


C0111C :lI1d Sl'C lhl' SCIl~:lt ion:d



' 111,1'



.In II'" I l f ,hi' I ·r • .t 'K I!' I 'u url ,

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1, ' \

til ,k I.. 1 " l, " I l l. r .... , iv', ..

I .

~ tI

1111 1'1';11

Save the Surface SAVEUSE ALL

r "1 11 r"I I'

" I: , \ I'II ! " )' , , 1" ('1':1.',,1', I, , I, I, · ,' 1\ . II " It ' , j lllt I ~ , 1I , ' lI l ·I td \. hl" ".II1 I .", ,1 11 01 ' It lll l l ll. "' 1 11M \ .1 111 , hl rll n' " r ,h, · l\. .. lt\ l. ,I f "I1Ut 'lh 'tl It. th·III ' · .1 I,. " ••r \\ I\lrnt l t Ollll l)' 1J11 11 1 tlO. ~,


.1 ' I ·,rll":l!!' ,, 1

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111'1 11 1' I' ; 111(1

:\ot ice of .\ppointment


IU " .

hn'ri :-;i n !~ l n nn,l

11I Iudl)

f.:t .60 tlHo il

J ~III",1

HORn Cooill [{od ('o ukol'e ls.

Allply 10

~lt' ~

\ (lnr~ o ch , Wtlyn llHv ill n, Ohi o.

W . If, 0 1n

· .: r ,·', · 1~ t CT T8 nil.: RESCUE

Two herd BO~lrs , K tried SO\\'s, 37 YC:lrling Gilts, 11 spri n~ C; i Its, 2 spri n~ Boars. rrhe lcading hlood lines of the breed. If you ha ve nevcr o wn ed a spotted SO\\', buy one now. You \V iI/like her.

Our facilities, therefore. m usl be continually expanded to meet this growin!! dema nd. More Itenerating equipment- transmission lines and th~ like must be bought and installed. . New capital is required in a growing business such as ours and c01l1d vou inve~d VOllr savin~s in any better husincss·-one tharnlaD such an important pari in your own community? Then, too, our Preferred Stock returns ' slightl, beUer than 77n and i. tax lree. May We Send You Folder Regal'ding Our Company 7

J. P. OSBORN & SON Harveysburg, Ohio "





The Dayton Power & Light Company. '*' ,


29 North Green Street

Aucti9neer~- 1 yd, n;t1tnl-('aflIlCr and 'la nl e . Fiel~ Man--Dr. B. W. ra\' Clark sville, Ollio.


Clerk-W, A. :Baile

= = ----_.

fumished .bg the L qdies' Aid of Harveysburg.

• rn rm bure.lU · '.ave 'sol.vcd Vi r. wool growt:rs' d i km"'~ br huying their un solr! wool an d mak.


, I.

inl( co\'ctl ls c,r wnlll krfu l air! l' l,:tuf(" :Jr. rtf ,. 1<1 mifl Ihal \\ ," I '0.)\1 h I intI) U, , ~<l m r of the ~tt!Ih

d. ,I!in .IIId Mrs. CopenhavCI wbo . '~!!!~~

,aated the pian. , ,

Without oblign, tion. please. !end rile f~I (ler about YClur com' . PIlUY

ami Itp lleeurlttee, /

---.--------------------------------~----------------.----------~----------------------------------------W\lul' ~urnbcr ;)·I;)(j ~ev('n(,y -T hird







•••- ..•.- ••••.•••••- ...............................................•••..··i


"Who plu l' h d Il m t I\ " we r?" c ri"d th l' gardell e r. a~ hL' wal ked thrll llgh tile Kard e n . H is s rva ;, l llIl HWl'f(·d, "The M a~ t pl' Wt' ho wed I,ur Iwad " J . I ) Marlal l' ,; I"l' n'~ (·Ias.' ,) f th e in ~ il ell cf'. and w, ' ill h"lI1l d" Sil l,· M. I': . SU li ri IlY-~"h " o l w u~ t,,,t e rl ainpd lIli ~1I 1ur. ~llid . 'Th y WIll I, . ,"m,·; I; .. " 1"ri,J!l), ('VI'II111).(. in tilt' ""cilr! rl)lI l11 o f l knuwN bes t. ... Ihe I'I llIr('h. 10 an OV~ t l'l' ~u""p r l .h190 11 L Shl'l'hHJI. ", 'II Llf .1 111111" ).!il',·n loy n """lIlIil I" L' " f f"ur in lhat nlld S"san I 'i nf' SlIl'tlha n , \\'1\'; l"" I, das", <''' '' '' I ~ I illg " f ),1111 S I .J o hn . W .j i\UI{Us t :Ul. I;'::.:,. ;e,, ') 01 11'01 S~ I" <' IIIIH' I r) H>lI"'I', .1. I '. II I"".' ;'1,,1 C. W . :10 , I!I:! I, ag"" liG yl' ar ~ IIlld I 111 , .. 011 .. \' ~' :"~"l" . H ,' WaN Ih l' ul d ,·.1 (I f II IAr).!,' fa l\ lIh lN Wll ~ a 1{,,1 -1"1!<'l1,,'!' m ,·('l lI1g. · il y o f j.!ralld"hlldn·lI. 111101 lilt, \\ 1'11 1'1' an d H,·v. (. S I;raw<t' r Wfl Y tl 1(' \ "f Ihi. Hk,·t e h he lpt·d to tl'a('h hil ll NPPllk, 'r Olf tilt' l·v" IIill\! . ~'i ~' illl! II lIc.of ~ hi s lin,t I l'~NI' I\N . III' 'N:l" alsll th, · I lI~ " " u31 Vl' ry happv and lI l:it rt lf' lIv, ' old" s t o f :1 rUIn II" "r NIX ch"drell . lalks . • The 1I"ll lIliflll "III ' p" r \V fl N til rc" IIf willlll ' ,;re li vin K' Mill"lI. I'r"l'ftrt ·" und "" I' veol in a h ighly 1'1Ii- :Ch arleH and 1·:lm e r . " il'n t mallll"r hy tl:(' lad v f l'it'Iu t" o f : II, WlI S Illarr icd til Margn rc t KellNth p "lilSN Th" """IIin g WII N ,'prv linK , of Sprillg l/ll ru. T o t hi " un ion Htll rlll.\ . I,ul : :~ 1Ilt'lllh"r" hraved t he , wc rt' hIJl'lllh ref' ,·h ildrell : J uhn AI · ,·I' ·lll, ·n IHa nd 1'" jIlY('d :I Vl' f'Y happy ' I'l'rl . uf Wel K'l'" I II,·; Mr:i. MaT>!>! r,,1 ,·venin;!. i\ ('''mll"III 'r' waH ar,-' lIf's ll'n, o f ~ "rin !(I." J ro , and 1':li zubet l' ""inti·" to ~"I'V" II fi "h frIo HlIl1l1' till " ' \ w ho fh e d ill c hildh o ud . After ~h e d euth of h i" wi le . on' I a " "x l 11111 11111 . - - • pe ri od (O f so m e <' iKht yea rs had el ullHeti. he wus lllar ri t d to Anna Val e Mi r·hl!ller . '1'" thi" u niun we r ,· born tw o d l lug ht c r~ : Mrs. f.dilh lI im es, o f Ce nterville. and M T8 Hac hel Earnhart. o f Way nes vi ll e . Th ese wi th the wife and fu ur g rand ch ildre n nn' lett t.o m ourn th e l o~ of C. M. I{obi tze r and I{u ssell Uent - a kind and lov ing hu sband and an inley Wl'rtl fpal mad at th e C;azett e , lIulg(· nt ful he r. III~ t w eek. for o ur types hud it lhat li e was of u n obli g in v. di spositi on t hl'Y bruu Kht hl)m ,~ w il h t b" Ill . o n whi ch ma nifes ted iL~e l f in his uOyth pir t \Yu tripH to N,'wt uw n. onl y houd da y~ . all well as in Ilile r life . li;,OO Ii,.h . We did not te ll them the tt iH h"" pitnlity reac hed t o many pe rf ile t but our ty p e~ li ""t said t hey hilt! I suns. lIe in g indul! t ri ou s. he provid l!d t;r,o;ooo. lind, of ('ourse . on co rrec- ! well l or his house hold . H e was u linn , th e fi gu reR we r e twis ted in fri end indeed, and w oul d gladl y fl l/eh a WilY thllt u mistako was IIllld e. rllace himself to consid erabl e troubl e The eo rrec t n umbe r shrllild be 65.000. in ord e r l o render a se rvice to o thers. T he fact remains . howev e r, that Hi!! mllin happiness centered in hi ~ thl' tw o g e nticme ll halt 8 good right own home where he will be sadly 10 gel mnd nhotlt Ihe affa ir. Still. missed. • Ihey arc rtmd y f or anutlll'r trip. but Mr . Sheehan was a r e ligionis t of we ha ve Ul/r IIl1 utrn r n t a t thel present th e broadest type , He waS tllways tim e . mo re than kindly di sposed to th .. dif· f e re nt d enom ination!! of church life . May the t' ot! in - wh om he believed . Ilnd to whom he prayed, comfort the hearts of his loved ones and many ~~' > ~ :... ",-~ friend s • .,---= ~ - =I./~·'(i'~ ~~ Card or Thanks .' " ,,(~ , ~




., 11.- 1,1 ;l!·hlt·\·l,! )\t...· nl a " c p rdil1~ to ' 1" ( II " di"·lrf'l.t 1~' ·:llizi l l} ~ lhul


I d!Ju,.. . . "'1·11 1"Il t·. !pd I I" I b l~ r-1' .,: p"n·; J! II!',' and bLr~l' r •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ,I t11f'Th11<, "lr'l JIIV I) f til<' ~p r in;'1 1111" "" !' ' . ' ,. I I " I r'lll' 'II'I t uok ,) f I' " '1111 " III 1111'1' Wi I" I I" d, r, . 'n. 11 , . J.!I II t. II . ' , \' I r.-'t " ,Itl' · t.'J i'I'r t II I I ( "r - -.=: . ( ~ n an Apr il rl1:lrl1lll~. ~lIt' f \l! d, l.j tI" l ~ II I"; hltl It\' alld Illll'~rl IY YQ nH p,,;-A,c,;:-. IrM I,, )rn. a Iilt lt' d:lu\·liI'·I' . t ·, 1"1 1, 1 I, .',,\.- 1', Ii.".~-. ,,1.,1 "h"n :,he ,~el lr l : f'.' r ,,11 '\\lr il I';. J" ~ . \' :11""1 I, . ,1\ l' dle,l 1'1 llig llr· r •


~lJ t c }lt · 1I


111' 1



I" ,. , ..\

f:. ! 1\ lI\vtlt·d hy he' r vr all dr:tt twf, .\Ir \ 1', ~ahil1 . 1.\ ·l flJ,! 1111 ..;ntJlll~·111 ~ i1 \III" ""'IH b lll

\~ f I l ar\'ey :,IHlrJ,!


11( 1)'11 ,,11

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(' 1 ~:'I' III'T

()11 l1 1P fallt l,

I"rl "1I'~11' !l1 1'


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i' . 'rI:11



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Ilf,. !ll r ll lJ),!h

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in th t· I'rt' ll .'" tlttl, \I :,: . ;!" :: " \..~" ' \ ! I " ,:.1 dil l ', j 11': , \'tlf,t ,1 ,' h'lo earp-frpt' yt!ar~ II f \ \ 11I, ' l1a' ", " :11'1\ , .. I \ ,n.! " I. t,II' IP"'- I. r '! nrll l 'lt ' r 1" ,' hiIJh'lI)d W t' r (\ l,a:-, ~, ·d. 1I1t111 hl'l I'it . , I, • h i: II j I,dl I h. It,-llf\ ((- nt s r Cl n n\' ( " ! t" i\llIl t.! t ·r .. ! 'ark. \ 'tllJ. I h"f "\' I " II I',' ,' " \ \ ' 11- n . d ai CrlJ.{O, whf:lrt , in 1"'~'1 rl !q,,'!wr "411111 I .',01 . ;1 jlltlJ \ . I d d han, .,ltll Hllllng' 10 hart ' tht' h ulnl,-tO\"' . and hll :d H -i !l1"_' t d, t " :lt. ..... (Ir!'j.\· and tr ia !~ pla('c ill h is ~i.; t,·r· ,; hpan Il lal III '''' " rid' "l ltr,lIll"') h"r, hut 111-\"'1' rul. Il u r plat" · Wt're I ' \' c r ub ,. , .. 1'11"\(',', ,'j 'r l 'W r \1t!J Itl 'Ih' \!l1ldtlll..~ Ldlld (If Very haJlJi" W;to; th" 11 '11111' Il r,' 111 11 11\'11" I. " " . II/III,'" i'l r: illh ill h',ne~1 Ih e prl'l l y <: IIt I II).:" t.., Ih,·lahl' ,holr " ' I"'I.) ":' ,I'. 4'I,ald" ,) h,' r I" "'i mh I , unt il L1ar kened h\' a . ha,j ,,,,: a oI;.rk- I", ' filii lit h'· I),I" ... of .4 u,·, ' e~,; 1 11 ~s htowcvl'r . wfll!'h , Ih ank I;",j' 01101 i'I". " 1'''\\11111 >: ''' rrom' " I Winonil'~ not (' !l lbi tt· r . bu t dr,,,,· ,.)"",·r I"-I! if •. \\: , ~ Ih .. ') , Ilh IIr IlI'r \ "' ''I~ hll ~­ )o(e th, r till' bra \' '. w" l1 d t'r : ,,1 II' II' · I!.:'''.)' \11' .J t' :\li l 1'111'11 , or I.olli _moth e r a nd \l e I' young l·hllo.n·ll. a ",\I ". hv. ,,\1"111 [\,phpid f evf'r ~h ad ()w 111<It lllL'a nt u"k ill ).( Ihf' wdrl.! I (';'u",,·" ~ . . II~ \ 1,'11 111 durill\! a vi~It fo r a li ve lihood I'lli' till' litll,' family. ll" III ~ falhl'I", h"ll ll' ill l."Ui~V I II(' . but. wi t h l'() ura~ c s pri n)o( illK fr ulll \ n"d Lilt' Il1lln " 1"'1I"tiful 11"I'I' r~ li f unselfi~h love lind ' <lal'nl ict" tl w un - ;I IClII'H'y whlt'h' "'t' d"lig hl t" wreath" certa in fU lur' wa~ heroi t'ully fa el'l!. a round Willonu ':! nalll! ' in Ihi ~ ~a,) Frum he r u rnv e. d evot,·d IIlOlth ' r . Iluur "t partin)! , IlUII~ is more fra Winona und ou btcdly inlu ' ritetl Ihl' ~ rallt . Illilre heautif ll i. than tho coura l{C and ch 'ery di"llI,sili un wil h rellltllllhrann' II f her ('o n~tan t d esire RE ,\\ EMI3E R HER WHO STILL DREAMS OF THE "OLD HOi\1E TOWN '~ which s he encou lltcred alltl". ill ~ and to he lll others It never Il'ft her. Il uau 91 l( 1'" Sl'31 t(>rpd throu g h th e cit ies and Inow a nd t hen, b ut a welcome visitor Y:'_ ,iW1 ~ .1.'"11111{ woman in t he ·sorrOWH tha l W 're t u lIl e.,! her in h C' r Vnl' might , ay it duminat('d he r lift·. s tat es a re hundr eds o f form e r r esi-, eve r y w ee k? In you r nex t letter, city will go far'Wtting who is a regu- own f uture e x per iellctl - all ,' xp"ri - Nl)lilin~ \\'a~ eve r ri ee lll ed a ~1l("T i(jre d en t ~ OI f t" i~ c,mllllunity wh ose give th e m th e benetit o f t his Bugges- lar re ader of the neW B from the e nce we call Life. Aftcr a Hhurt if it brt , u~ht h,'I " "I' happines~ to hea r tH a rl' ~ till with us. Thl! ir intcr- i tion ; or. if you lik ,~ . send in a sub- home community . r esid e nce in C h iclI~o, Mr ~ . Muc\)o n- an o ther. Pos t!! and t hei r homes are in the far- scription ( or th e m us a pre-Thanl". Co m e in and subscribe (or th e m e n aid r e turn ed to HIlrveysb u r K to IIeIt woult! be fal:le til human life in away Hpa t , but the f ond r eco lle('ti on~ gi ~in g I{if t. and women and the boys and girls vote herse lf to th e comfort and as- g,' ne ral, if on e we r e to day that she a rc o f WayTfes vili p lind Wllr ren Is Bill, o r J oe or Mild red off th e re who have gone away from us. only sistancc uC he r mo the r. who~e health hall fl O fault.~. t luick. impulsi ve co unt v . in th e ~rowd ed city w here everyone temporarily. we hope. waa fURt d eclinin~. alld who in Ilm:I W!lluna 9'lIfldinll's Il)st th e appro val o es m oth e r, L10es falh e r live in is f o r himself and old Nick take the If you cannot subscrib e; if .you passed intu th e hi g he r lift, . \Jf thu8e w ho Ilid nut und e r st and he r. the next Hta t e , o r t he nex t, o r pe r· hi ndmost! Th e paper from home think they would rather subscribe The ope ning o f u Iht lt.: ~ lore hy ur k nu w her real c hafllct' r. For it haps out th e re on th e Pacine coas t? REGU LARLY E VE HY WEEK will themselve!!. send them lit copy of thi! Mrs , MacD onal d. lIH 1I s" urce o f ~UIJ- cnn be tru Lhf ull y fla id, tha t the one What ~o ea y for t hem t o m ee t with be a fri end to him or her. It will paper with this editorial marked. po rt , thre w th e ma in rf'~ Jl un< ibiliti ("" w h,) 11m; gune from earth-ties and the fri en rl ~ o f old - th e fo lk R th ey call to his mind the fireplace, the Or send us their names and we will of hOllle. kee ping u po n 111I~ ~ h Ulll " l' I' H ell rt h-fr ienllHhips wus a young wo· kllnw he. t and love mo st - a~ to take '!cenes of people and joys of child· take care of it tor you. of her you ng dAlJKhll·r. Winuna. lind man of unu~ual HtrjOngth and ~ t e rling th e homf' p a pe r r eg ~larl y' Not a hood. the better things of life No Let's hear from you right away. most chee rfu lly d id ~h l! rl'sl lI'lid tu c hurJlctcr . 11 charllc ttlr hased up on the call uf se rvi ce. t he C;oldcn I{ule whi ch the Ma~ te r Afte r the death of he r III tlw r in dccl areu t be the IJa~is o f Christian Boys'Schoo l Suita and Macinaw s the winte r o f 190;~, Win ona assum cd living. " The Old Home Paper" at Hyman·s. almo~ t t he sol<: care IIf he r age; 1 And what i~ Chri stian living? ( By UNCLE J OltN) grandfath e r anu yo un g- bro th e r. an d Si mpl y bei ng like the Chris t. Ami Mrs. Russell Bentlev spent several fai thful indeed wa Q she to th l! ~ a cred ill thi~ wlJll'lel'ful new ad ven tu r e days in Dayton, last week. trust. And we who know l ilt' :!1I1l- UI JII Il w h ich Will ll llU ha:! so latel y How fondly I dream of the s hin e with w hic h her dlec r y . lov ing S til rteu , l'a n IV' d o uiJt that t o h -r haR 8E ASAVEll-IT PAn old county week ly, that came We wish tn l hanl( our fr iends whll J. , Om lllvlde nt1 nil Dr. Dill. Osteopath, 21 S . Broad- nature env e loped eve ry duty laid upcned a life. m o re l{\ori ouR in its eve ry Fridav when boyhood was n n J IJly 1 WS\8 G"I. . \\' , lUf-~i s tf'd l/ H in any WRY duri ng tlw mi ne: my Dnd r ead a loud and we way, Leban on, Ohio. upon h e r , can trul y l'''llli zt· t it., bletis- pri vi l el!p~ . muru satisf acto ry in i t~ L1 0 n ot o.ntl cl pnlo n d enth o f lJ ur hu~hllnllllnd f Bther. c hlln..:o 1n th p 6 ·~ ro ti· My e r il y man is ill Cin cinna t i tod av . ' all lis t ened m e ekly, and stayed up . . ing she was Lo th" I"n ·Iy Ill un. nnLl "warLis . more 1, ..uU'rt'!lSive in true rur ,;orno [I mo. Miss Elma R ober ts, of Cinemnat t. eo till midnight. t o hea r eve ry line . Mr~ An na Sheehan nn.! Fam il y. 2. W o II'''. Certll l· th e brvther. in w it"s ' home her allailll!lCllt, th an li ll,~d t he Ahort cnt ~R o r De po si t on 1 spent Saturday here visiting fri ends . Chas. Il uc ll \\';\s in Il ay (,1Il , Salur. - - - -- -~lim e IU • very IIberai But now how I choke on the big earthl y body lies t" duy , lu\'ingly rc- te rm of J7 years which i!lcll)sed hc r rn te o lntere .. t paid ttl day. city daily.-I·ve m ental dyspepsia, da te ot withdrawn I Mu. Huldah Burnett. 01 Route 5 , calls he r mothe rl y ove r-sigh t ',ver earthly stay Elmllng us. "tier mRturlty, and ringworm and gout,-- the We L10 !lo t s ay , "Gooel -bye." 3. lnlorul c h C 0 k • Girl s' ane! Boys' I{ai ncoa ts at H y- s lush in its mazes bewilders me is visiting friends and relatives in his youth . ma il ed to your door on He r self. sacrificing', happy , 1i ~ PIJ~ iI':arthly LllI. i:!tence is tu o brief fo r Dayton , . really. till I am 8ubmer2ed in a 1uly I and January 1. mlln '~ . 4, T b II In l Ulutl on quagmire of doubt. lion w us e ve r ullll erm ,)s t . H e r opti - long fa r ew(; lIs . ~ 11I' ha~ onl y gone a w a I eltabU . h. d 34 Mr. Frank LeMay and family spent mism al ways clluv,ht t ill' glelllll of a fLlw ~hu rt ste l'~ ahead - gone fr o m ) ' (1(\ " AgO , Mrs. N ina Ue nLi cy Wll B in BlanAnd so. I hark back to the old 5. Pre •• n I ... I • 0 t • 1 County Weekly , the gem of my several daY8 last wec.k at Worthing- s tar in th e dark eRt nig ht , th e b l'cak- lov' tu Lo ve. Th o ~alTle hright a m · ches te r , ThursdHY. o ve r 3 ". m lllt onL Fund. mo. t boyhood. the charm of my youth; ton. Ohio . ing away uf cl(, ud s hd 'Jl' . th . ~Lu rlll iJiti li us Win ona, ';0 ,[~'ut' to U B whi le 1200. 000. Mrs . Lina Uevi tt spcnt s evera l I ga ze at the riff-raff, and shake had pa~e d . he re. wi ll )o(ruet us whe n we. t OIJ, 3% On Deposit. 6% my head meekly. and long for the Mrs. Thos. Gates spent {o' r iday and Mrs . E. M. Leas, d eputy county d ays in Springboro, Itls t wee k . n re memo ry o f he r l!loth(' r' " CO UI' - .start on the upward Wtl ~ . - P. II . S . Weekly that peddll~ the truth.-· Saturday with her brothe r, Israe l a ge and lidelity was the b<:f!wn- It ght matron of Warre n county, w ill h l' C d r Th _, __ W. II. i\ !I"n is ab !c to aga in be at t he old County Weekly, the honest ,.111 .t. Bulldhll All". . ' . 'ar 0 a...... Cozad. of Richm ond, Inr\. pre~e nt at th e locn l Grange hall. Sat.· old Weekly" the bald· headed by wlllch she gUid ed hel' IJ\-I'n hfe. rS -a7 SOUTH MAIN hi:! IIOgl in till' hank. aft e r his illness· DAYTON Weekly that peddled the truth. We wis h tu thunk our ma n y fri e l1l.l s Man y have hea rd her say . "I wall t urday (!venih g, to o rgani ze Ii juvt'nile Mr. and Mrs. Chas_ Chambers. of ~~~ Mother t o kn ow 1' 111 doing ri ght.· ' fur t.hrirsincer · kindnpss d urin g our grange. All children desiring t o b<: Cong,)lelllll . 'to ve l{u gs. in all sizes. Dayton, were the Sun~ay guests of charte r m e mbe rs should be prese nt B} H;Ylllall' s. The passing uf her t,{rand fat hu r in saLi ue rcavellle nL Mr. John Fromm and family. at this meeting. 1907 left Wi llona f r ec. tu e nt er upo n Miltun MacDunald and Fumily . C. W . Yo ull ce Jr . R)Jcnt several Girls ' Tams , in all colors, at Hy· Mr , and Mrs. Chas. Gray, Mr. E. days la Bt wel.'k wi t h rel a ti ve:! in man ·s . 1". Earnhart and family spent SunI ,, _ _ _ _ _ _____________________ _ _______._ ... f:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·· ···:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·~:·;·: .:. :.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:. :':.•:.:. : ':.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.: .:.:·:·: · :·: · :·: ·: · : ·:· :· :·:·;· :· ;· :·: ·:·;·:·:·: ~t New a rl{. Walter Kilbon was in Middle t own, day with Mr. and Mrs. ,J. H. Bake r, at Cin ~ innati. Mrs. E. Fi ~ llI' r. IIf In di a napolis. l'u esday, o n business. v Ind . , is the gll 'N t of Mrs . Julia Mrs . Myer Hyman was called t o Miss Le lia Yo ung spent las t week DlJ II UV UIl. Cincinnati, Monday evening, on ac· with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hill. of count of th e d ea th of her father , t.:ttrlarvill e. C. C. (",,"k, who hflR been cUlIfincd Mr. Ben Bloch. to his h ll ill t' rlJl' the paRt lWII Wl.'(·k:l. Max Ko hlhngenBnd familv, of i ~ Ilradua lly ih) p l'lIvin),! Attend th e Grade 'J er sey and PoLeba non . s pent S unday with Myer :=: land·China Hog Sale of E. M. Lukens Hyman Ilnd family. ::: Mi ~~ e~ I·:dna I ttlw l.. ntl. Frllnct's of Fairview farm, Hllrveysburg. ::: J ann ey H lld 1·:l1 it" I ;l'IIrl{c Npen t 'ut ;~~ The Missl.'s Grace. Dottie and H ele n Saturday. October Iii . l'fiijl!!!:::~-,,) urday ill l·mciull .,t i. Wll iton IIml Ruth Gibbons we r e DayMr, and Mrs. Allen Haines and Mr. Lon vis itors. Saturday. ::: Mr~ . .Ju lia i>1J 1I 1J\' an return ed hom e The Pl;t \·l' ,. Pia n ll Th ai and Mrs. Crampton Lott and child'.' ;:: Mondll Y. nft pr S P " l lI llIl ~ a week IIr Is All' But Hu man ren. of Xenia, were calling on rela-' Swea tQrs for lhe entire family at :=: tw o at Indiall<lpu li,. . Ind . . AIII II..IlUII..!f'ri IJv f ' r i1 jl~ ;11111 tives and fri ends here. Sunday. .'.'., Hyman 's'





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Have Music in the Home Now








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.:. If..:,itlis pre-war prices one is looking for, they will ::: be. found at THE HAT SHOPPE. m :~: ,'. ::: ::. One assortment of Paon and Lyons yelvet models , ::: ~~~ nicely trimmed and the season's styles, specially ::: :;: :=: priced while they last. at






'.' :.:.;.


* .:. .*




'.' Priscilla Dean style tams in biack. red, sand and ~:~ brown, each, QI!!Jt..




. •~~ ,

A visit will convince you of the values.




Schuo l Shoes

Mr . allli MrH. Elmer Earnhart and H. E . Ear nhart. of Duyton, s pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart . Mi!18 Florence Purcell, who has been th e guest of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cole for a few days. left. Friday. for he r home at Heloit, Wis.

Lay in your supply of Blankets Dr. Lloyd B. Hall and family renow. and save m oney. Hyman·s. turned home. Saturday, after spending a week with relatives at Coshoc. Fred Slagle and wife. of Richmond. ton. Ohio. Ind .• Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haines. of Mrs.ChristieMcKinse1 and daugh· Bellbrook. and Walter Janney and ter, Miss Laura, \pent the week-end wife spent Sunday with J . C. Hawke with Mr. and Mrs. E:arl Swayne. of and wife. Ridgeville . Mr. and Mrs. Israel Leak and 80n

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dtll'lll~ i ll:; t I' HIl WlI t .

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We Also Have a Few 3lightly Used


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daughter-in-law. of Terre Haute, Howell Peirce and wife went to Ind •• spent th e week-end here, look· Selma, Tuesday morning. where they ing 'over the place of Mr. Leak's Mrs. Frank Stansberry and child· will visit with relativ,e s, They will childhood. He ie a brother of the late ren 'and Mrs. Wm Lippincott and be home tonight. Gideon Leak. daughte r, Miss Eva, s pent Saturday ':. Rev. and Mrs . C. S. Grauaer and at the Soldi~ r s' Home, at Dayton. The Miami Gazette. 11.60 a year. son, Charles. of Piqua, spent the week· end here. the gU8l1ll of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Coleman and . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mrs. and Mrs, W. O. Raper. dauehter, Eleanor. motored down Alice McKinsey and daughter. Miss 1-.:1. A from Toledo and spent the week-end Henrietta, and MissLillie Nedry Mesi:lame... Emma Retallick. Harry .:. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ~as . Mut'ray. C . W ~ Hendersanand MIII8e8 here with relatives. Mt, and Mrs. t.t J. H. Coleman . accompanied them Zell, of YIllli>w Springs. Lillie and Anna Mather spent lut home M~nday, to '8pend a few weeks Wednesday at the Hamilton fair. ., ll~ )lr, and Mr.s. J. A. G. Robert.sand Mr. and MriI, Walter e4cClure arid ' .• d4ullhter. of Ohicago. are here for .Several of "~r basel ball faha went Mre. Viola Carey came home Sunday, an indefinite stay. Mr. Roberts is 'to Lebanon. Sunday attemoOn. and .fter epeudinlr four' days at RUEeII'8 In failing health. and it was thought saw the Kame hetw,aen the Armco Point. fiIJhIDe. The weather condlthat a change to ttte home of his and Lebanon teama. The pme wu tiOIl8 were very unfavorable dUrin, ::: youth might do him a world .of goOd. 'very owl nil, to the InablHty their stay there. and they did Dot :~ Mrs. Roberta is a sister of the late of. th" Anncoe to bit Pelle. Who pt to fish very much. ~ CoatEs Kinney. and i8 all!Oa former hia uaual paae. '!'be


Other models in Panne Velvet. Silk Velvet, Hal;:: ter's Plush, GibeIine Plush and Duvetyns, in all the ~: leading shades and styles. priced from

~l'ealll J' tl ~ UJ

Bu y your at HYlTI \lfl · R.

MRS. KILBON, Prop._ WaynavU~ Ohio ( LI""OIQ;mt»:*>=@(o»'~:*:( oftMt~»»»:~WH;';':~;



wu 16 to Z in

of ':ebuoa

Boule for Sal....... licK....

PIANOS and P LAYERS $115, $150,$195,$250,$375 $425,$495, $575 and Up Those It\:Sll' II IIlCnt H' 1111\'1) h 'en In flue


/llillH · 0\'(,1'

by ollr px p rt I' tlll trnwn

Convcrue~t Terms

thucuugb ly ' and Pllt gU)lI'un t('Q<\ ~Y U 8.

~n ol

Always a Parl of Servite

THE-·B·ALDW·IN.PIANO Main and First Sts.

the Mia.mi GI~lette,

YUesvi11e, Ohio.

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Call on Fr lull'l, ph o no 56-2.



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" I,':; hi ..: I tll...:'l' .... ..; tn ;0. ,'" I n It th n t lI, 's :':111 ilil l 'lld" ,! rllOlll !t ·!t· :.: nq, 1a tl ll i l WOIt' 1

,I, ,· r" ·

~f' "

;q rrp \,




r o n1'Clcl


f1l\l1 U\ ",.1 :.1, "1\ lllll i.

I'''''!:t l (

V .. il , Lo han on .

lit rd,!ol: 1Ig-lIny he t l' t' III 'H' III !'; II!I\ I;.:ntln/.: vfli~"' r f lit' ti l" 1:11 11 '''';-; :0:1 11 111 101'1 I t ll ' ....:;-; 11l1't ' flJ ~i llJ.: 101111 ' 0 1,: lI" k \\h" 11 lilt' ( "l; Ihn ·JlIEIU ·tl. I I .. l'Iull'i"'d ~Ir. 1:1lt111' Y Ity till' r 1ght :11'111. tli l ' l'l·!I .\, ilJll ' rn ll ' tlllJ,: ror n il In· 1111' dJ:-i lllUl

!oi( ' t\

' \I 1t1) III'~ t



:Slvl1la Rhl~ler, Million,


d l, n e?" li e I!II :-ot Un,

~, ,,, · , \,C


nll l'~t lllll.

, Co ntlnuod o n


., 1' :-: ":1 I ,l ,,:.IIf! Y·-': ... :11 111 1' IHIJlI.tllflg III

«t r . '!!I )I!

~ 1 !'\.\ ('f.


New Suit..



of Juhn ~t. II c lghway rloc·ollAcd. Not.lce I~ 110 r.!h}, f.lvull Lh,,1. ~1uhul (1Ilrrf!'l on

hl18 IIom l II Illy 1.l1'PU ULull alld qUlllUlO4J aa A ,l · mlnilltratri x u r ,ho lC~ta.LO o f ~ o hn)l . IIDlgl 'J ·

bloodon gngllsh Boll PUII8, aud ,r. \Illoh, U . A . l:it, ,John, it D, ri, WOoynllllville, Olnp. ull;'


~' ull . ,~

H ood

Ruhber,'l'lro UUIrIo't.V, 10 «ood sbulle . Inquire of W, A , IV . II HOLI" JU thco of Lbo l·rnbRtl:t Cu urt. .. 8or'flve, It. II, fl, WUYlllt8vlllo, Ohio . WUIT8I1 Cnllnt1, Ohio, ...... 019

way. ,,,to (If '''"rro" (;01l1lIy. Ohio, Jcx'ealiOtl, Ilato.. 1111. !;tli uuy 01 Uctober . 1921,

Duan &. Cartwright . Att\·..



goo.u 118 now; One A Donhle Dlao, Fertilizer beut Drill, HuoBler


11 -7. In good shape, CIIII pbono 14:1-2. WIlynll8VlIlfl, Uhio, 019

Notice '" lierehy glvIl" that an GleCLloll to h .]I, Ons Engine, and 1 Cu~tOlu 1111 vaeancllll In tho 1I0a.<I 01 Il:duc"tloll 01 (;Ider I'resH; Ohllll p if Mold !l' WaJlle 'l'owWlhlp Ilcl.ool UI. trlcL will be held OD <l000. Apply &0 0. A.. Zoll, Waynol-




'VIlle, Ohio.



ure-bred I:Unile !lnd ROBe Comb ilL 'ho us",,1 yoLlnR place. : Twn (21 m oml>cno BIIOdo Jsltllld Red Cookol elll, to be elecloed lor" ""rm 01 Lwo (2 ) yea", "a d Compnny throe (8) mombo", lor" term O IIOU'~ ' ) YGan. l:.l.60 eaoh, Apply to Mrl! W . 11', L , M, HENDItR N

Jnte rnationlll 8~,,'ester H , E . Earn h IIr t o t· a, 1 F or money,


.1. 6000

Notice of School Election


fI "lIn!';,'/! 1" 11' 11 ,.· \'. :1 1'1 11111 : lIln Ih l"' p i 1JlI'


Notice:of Appointment

NEWS GLEANED "Howr. W. to G.t My Magg ie ott the Beach ?"

Appl y (II:.!




1111111 .

R.'al F... lale Trnnsfl'rs.


Iln~ o

Httirm for goorJ 8te luly llt thiH oltioe.

W a lter II.nll Mllrj.(MO\ Wisfl tu FOR SALE .Noill T . F ux, uh ollt 100 .. orr'~ in lInr. Illn town s hip. Wenn M. Boyc} to ,J ohn B.. Neely , UFlf Ur\liogtoll Coe'k flreis, 12 Oil "lJout 160 ac ro~ ill Deorfh,lu Twp, 1;1euoh, A, L l.aokny, a Uf COli wrol:! !:lam D. amI Nollto ""V. Honklo \0 v ille llomo phone, Will C . Dor~<lllll, lO:.u r; I1c resln Wllr. I,ATH . lnqllire:or M, 8. ren Bnd Mont.gomerv oountios, 1:1",I"n, Wuy Ilo~vllle, ,--, o1U Clblo,

s lilts l!! l'!1 with

" i'ou'\'c 111 :11 1,'

"' , \ Il S Wl'r illY

11 0 1110.:1'



Elliott, K Bunt,e r, trlmNport bus l. nll~8, Hllmlltou. Bl1d Mi~l'I Altll

_-I-~'J.JUNO MAN wuo iI. stel\dv !In,1 ~ WI\O L>I to 101~1 U .. guud trllut!; GflOrjle K H emmakn, hrl n k 1UIlIlO lI, IIlI1Ht \til IlLil e '0 work Ilt higb Illtl , MlumiMhl1r~. !llllJ Mrs . N ellill V . tlHles "od drive /Into. H oml pro p o.

tu li pr rp.lll1 zi1llon

w ld !'ol l"',"


I ,q ... l - "

" \'1\ 11

("'11 11

"f til .> tllI tl l'llllty or th, · c1 1~ n f.: t i' r w hl cb


ell· r.:-inl' 1 1\11 111 H' I'··L'T:lp h hUS f~tl n n' Ill' J!lIl It' st l ·l!.

Clarks villn.

'II '


ol~- ct

Olerk oC ' oard.

(Jorstl.Ch, Wuyne8ville, Ohio, 019

= - ------_._--------

HOME SWf.[f · 11?+1--+-=.



nnd fi n ,.) " C(lIlU lit o f !,b e .. ,1. 1 tull, of .rnUlU" ' ~rtlY , 11 (\C1I'R~el l , jl< I



t nl J! 1 1' 1111 1111 1'

w .. lrl1

";\IIW, tl ll\\ Il'tl.

~,,; . : } ' Il fh: ,~", .!\ fol' \ "I I , II I \ . 101 ': 11'1 \ '. I 'I! .' ,11 1'·' 1o'1, ,·t 11101, awn,\' frlll !1 .\" .'1. IJ')d' o;; IIl1 ( 'hl nafJlIl!1 ' R d l'elt lll, :

"f l.'

"I _ ...


1'11 1' o f l' .. ~l ll" D . ~~ lI zr " tll . rl .... "n~.},I . I I .v :.:r,," t If \ ''' 11 11I'11P'\'1\ III h /,r" d . iH "P(lfll\' HII t ll~' , y o u (JI" I "rl vo lIlil e~ t,,, hrlll' u tu Hixlh 1l000onnt. flf l.h A e~ l, tLtll of H•• I !till!... ".,,' I", d ChHJ . 1:1. Beur'h, 1::!Hr· berr:1I V . Hh "pp6 rLl, illSllnf',Il Pllro \'lx) Yl 'Y8\) crg, l lIdo, ~ H-U

", h ll t III lg ht lit' tt ·I·I1 II ·11 1\ 1111 II t It'II 1 !=iflh.

lI 1!I! " ' l ..

toaatcd flavor

' I' ll...

:'k rll ~l!'~ n r n lln" to n

: i III'I' /" ,-.·" II· !'I · :t ho \ 11,,;:

• r •

t-t lt·I IIIIt"' .'

~ Jl a t !'i tf 'Uln Ii 111 111111 ,' Hll d

I,,'~' ol\d I



!\Ir. l ; tb lh',\' ~ I I Ct"k hll1l !-il'lf IOIl ~'l' fr()m I hill I' rlilltic l!'1';P IIml C'J lltltlll l't! hi. 1.11 11 ,,11 th .. \\'h ls tle Lilltl! th" ~11I ):l: l e , t aldo).! II fil l!"" l!l}II '. (l lll\Yl' l' l' fI. 11 1011 1Il.!(l,




" ; • ' , .\

Once you've enjoyed the

I ..


:"k r :I !.."~ ..


:--: ': I:.·~ \ \,1 ... .. \1 1' I "~!: :.'. 1'1"


lh ·urt u lT \\ hllJp? Amn\'l~ r [UP tha t . (: ih. AlI s\\ f\ 1' 1111 '. 1 S: l y . IftlW'rl' \n! (0 g t ' t 1I1~' ~ l l1 g!.! l t' (Iii tlil' h t!Jl c h7"

Tl l/, Id l.· :JII' H", i ll' , , II,· ,1:' :;:1" 110 \\ "



. I


'1\1' .

IP' I' "

t rt ' ~ ~~ .

~\\' l·, · t

/J ' ,\ 111f'PIl !, " "'I'hl:, HI I/'I lit)

... , ,, 01 1 , ·I \.

I I1Ht

HllIn l

;\ l d : llf, ! J, .... "1','''' Ii , "" lh"' II, d. "'\' h,' 0111'1\ 1 II t l I'l L!' , ' :LlI \ n t lr .. ,·lf ." • ,\ , ., I ' : ' I,,· '·" f,I IT II: ,·" '\\ if h"I"m:1 \" . f

I I ,

the )111 ddlt..) r:lk o i I-tJ

.\t a;::.:: h··:-; :-;1 1'1 '11. "UIII," I,,· Ill uall .. '1. "1'111 11 ruln t',1 IIllltl. J (o\\, ' J'l' \\' l' C\'l'r to get th e u lll

1'1 ,' . ~,· r' !I:: ...!'l.,y .

• ~ I I; , '

1',1 1

1' , ·

.! '



1,1 1. 11 1.111."



1' 1 I

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I ,. I

nil rh ." ' 1

n.' " III 1';1 111 1til'

"".\ ' .., t:rc' .! •. • ( ':qlln ln

, r , ,. ,



T lh ' )\,'1"'/ I '; Fred Clarke ( in 1,ld ,l. .ll t 111r\ t 1.111.,· I \..:. dr1v~n IIt..: r a t t he I " .• ) 11 'l! I ,t 4 ,1 ~I , II ,. l ' ~ . I h·. \1!Y fou r ll1i l l.: ~,

:"" Hl1 I " ,,1, \ullll1 l l1 II Jlttrl dlf'; Ih .. d,,\·fJ

" 1 "11,1'.

t.: "

,,\. I I~(I !'r\lI~~ I....


,' 1' .j, oj · 111 r:+ r I \' " l:t ' fI · I " 11"" I", I ... 111' 1\ III h I..: 'i;r":11. \\ , " , ': ,1 ·\h l l l ln:..: ,!I·n l .. h, " ,'Ir r ;\1 " " ~, 11'1l! 01,'" • .dllll.\ .\ IlI'l l ;'!':l!...':': .. r 'iI'l~" • q 1 II I. ,d' :111':1 111 111 / ''' 1 tl ll lll' h ~ ,I. 111 I, • \\ 1 : 11 Hhol!! II '? '\" " 1'1' '111

,' II



,t1 '



I! , I I



11 \1 1'1'1111" \ \111 1 tlll1l' '"I Lt' P' t l' \\ 11I ~I.: y "" 1'''''. "I' " il ".11'1 II t il" fllr.1 I l t ';I 1. '1'11"11 r. ·, ·III I\.! '1 " lt l' l ' ol l lt'lI ( \\'11 It 111111 ...... 11' . .. , . ", ill Ii i ... \\1'1 j..!:\ 1·t ll{'flti', III' ' II' 1I1 1,1" r 1110' q' :\. , ,·, ,1 ,1 I II \ ..: .. ,!,I, h : I\'p "1 ' 1,' I,,J rn '"d II :' lId 11 1\1 (fir I. .. " •.. ! .. .\ II t i 1r· lt .. ll l l ,.1 ' t'II~I"r I' ur rln d fllrll,, !' " " :1 1', ~\ ,. ,," h~· ('!\ ! ,I :l i ll ~ I T:l~C'" '11 1'': !" 1 ',li llil I r,o,, " i t'" tor " ll l q-lll;.! "II i 1 i..: h . I '.' : 1<": n hn l t1 1 \\ IIIr :--:I ' r:l~:': :':: \\ I, Itt \ I'r III', t hint! :11 11111.\ I ' d Idl ll J' lI l' •

II'" I ,. 1:..

1 .1 \ "




Hngh u . HU~Mey, fnrm e r. IJIf\u . ohe8tor, !lu,l MI ~8 Ponrl l!:. Cl .. rk,


:' 1,

,. , d I



.,' :

.I' I



~ ' .lj oJ; , II

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II" 'I. I,! II' 1, ,11 L .. { I 1'1 ") I _'I) :: I, .... 1' 1 I , 'I' , I ',! I I'" 0\ 1 a-! 1'1 d "IIIII~ I I I j!'"11t' ;I,tlll\' .111 1 hi ' \\ :1'; " 'III ",I. '1 i ... 't 'i.!'. If ;1 11., '1 iI,~. \\, I/~ I j Ilk , I t I .,/1 1'\' r '\. T ill ,I ' 1'·H· .. ,· d . :-01J'!'!I'IlI~ ;\ 11' (; , 1,111 1 \' 1 t l , r lll · ·t\ ... ' •. , t rk~ , II) I tl II .• I,r,J\ .\,1' tl ll!11 \.\.



J"OII SALE- PIWI'EItTY Rppr u \,pd . NI1I" K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ " f thn e~t" t,. II f C ln r nn c lI H B " nt,lny, (leoefl MllrJ , Ill orl hl'r in ve nt,ory uf ~1\1 i1 plt() P~:I~I ' Y in Wt\vnllMvllle, ·1 I IRt&tll . . IlIr ~l' 1111" . ~ r Oll m \JuU!!tl with In f.lHl flHt"t" of 1 ~lnre l1C'A Il B(\flt. i ll J.( hl,H, lI il.y (lilt! e j,.' I... rn wnLflr in Illv dllue nRed It Ilflv I.' ""Itl 'Jf oC'r- 1J",o"" . ~,">rl furn", \lll, gO lld blltll !lllll . , , " . , I I I ty of fruit trof'" tllin pe r ijonILI prop. 'rt.y is Ilrllorm1 0nfIlc1111k ...IIIn IIbiI"11"". .. I ell >I , (lU I-:00tJ ~tret"t, c 108elll. Appl y to MrA. l\1 f\ r y Brew ster, WOoY· ne8vill o , Ublo . 0 12 Mnrriage Licenses .'




R ~ nt. It ' y.

f r l'!'1

1 .. ;,




\\1 1~\ ·.tJl



\·\ : 1\

1·','1 ' , t 1. 1 , I'

,. \\ , . \1"

I (l WII .·

j{"lltl R o llnll \'" \vllI lllr HtlI1rH et \""y n " "\,ill,,. (Iltl l) Fllr I!l o noy u u ,l mltt'f. AN TI.: I I- FnrfllllrH

.,' lrto't



1, ..'111/1

d"I'1 "I


(Jl lld )':-l l ' t'l\ t'I' tit, nl, 111inu r tt, 11't "It I ,LIlll WII~ II wIHhl o r ,I t pe 1fboli o u JU pr l)\'I', 1 j ~1 ·lt4 . nu l u r u n" In'lkln~ qlllllttIU.. . 1i'11' ~ t Hn ll (inn l ' , peCl tlnt !If Lho l' lt- I lt pr dur" nllll flrulld ,IUIII Wt1flt fj qllUI

.. ' :1, ' · ..... I'll 11:1 111 lll ' r nfr 1'11'1110:; II'" If.' Il h ' ,, }d:-:t1 ,·

",) . I


r b~l<l "ut, 10 th" OUI '~IUII . \YIlYU t.,:-4 v lll " , h.J 11ft w uh 'I ~ 0 11 t' nD Jt~ fillwr n ~ l; \V ,'ok .:-II'n,1 v"ur ~ uh <<':r1 p l h) 11 to

jll'\I' "

I'whale Court l· l'n ...·.,din g8.




~" "' "

({II I II,rl,



E\ ~.R'i

A 1:",111 1,1I 11i llitll1nl tl r "lid

W \N TI';U ·

1:' I :~~I" ::;" 't" ~j '::" 1: 11

I.', n\

.,l h, I'


I!:ll :--;I II Udlf·llrtl. (11 \10. '

II ,' 11111 . ~ ' I ' I Id , t ' ltd III' \\' II~ til ,'I1 "' r! tt) 11l1i,\.· Ila t r'iI ,t:I'" ~ " I'I L ~"" '·,'rr;·!1 I ':' , " I! I'I"', J,. Jilt.! 1111 1 't'lI I 11 :1 t I \\ ~ I f ' I I ' I I I ~1I 1't \ I \I' 11' ,.1, I llitl




L 1-1111 011 01, ~t'tt

a,L."1l !n."

\\ l d·1h·

' ):-l ~:y l.olllll,tI UII IIvn ~r'l'o k . Will WI'IIl!h nil,,,,!, ·10 Uh\lIIt' I~, III~II Mue uud lllurl'lollI~tl~. :-Iell Fmn k HII~". W II ,y n tJ" Yillf1 , OhiO N ,) tll~ h uoj( h t . .J"hu HllrIJ1111" A II nil IllI!l I IiIl ~. Xnoi" Ohill . 6 4 2~ 11 12

~t1tl"T:-I ,


d .. ' , , "I tit· tfl ,l ll i'. '!If "Ir," " I d"1\ f ' . ~, .. t ,III' ,' aJI;':"d Illi ll ):. "

fIIlP I I'! ,

TE"H~ELL & TE~~EI.L, \vi llll ill g tOll . U., phone :30 1.

\\ ! tt l III, ' ~I":t l! l , :111, 1 "li lli' It IH ~ tt'd 'h ,,\,,' .·!l lIltI I ,, · \III rl1 ls1I1kllll.: III" fue t



1\ 1111

,h., "'l'lrlr q! f' !'tlft 'S!

I. · .... · " tl tl l/l C

!·d, • .0,,; (., II " ' Il 11

r,d ,h L'"

:11 I 11 rll'd


f i lII \.


(JII '''' lit U,n b fH t 'putlit,v un It l 'r (l .. dl1l~ . \V C \V, ' ldl .'i:. lI,," v" .v ~ " ur ).(. Dhili. 11111

11 1'\ MIlIlIli

"\lII '! 0111 1 I'll


,"H d

I ;.'" :,\~

Mone\' to Lo~n on Fann Land for five yC ~1 rs ~l t () per cent.


o u ett.

A1 8", I

",11'f'11 .·· c' pf, d n I \ ,'11 11 11111 11.. 1~

-I , .• :1:


B, ) g~,



Itl ld





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prul'l., ' dt, tl UP" " I h p h Ylloth f'SIs fhut wllllt 111 ,.1 )1 11' oIp li ,) 1 knflw Is Il o r IIp t It' 1r llu\ih' 11 11'111. Cnptuin Rf'n li,: t!'" 1't~1t ,1 11 +1' J".' 11 11,1 r"0port,,;J 111, · IIIU" :n:p 1', ~t l' ~; III It"r, w1l 0 fI~'11rC'd W it h ! h, 1 ~ 1111,,, :1 IWlldl

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Ec ho Re a ched Hi.



1'11 1; ' a t l Hll l'l f






E J r s.

Neils nt th e ~ flIl H' tl llil ItN l k I h . course f rom Mr. Olh lH'), Hili.! n ·III·' , .rj th e Inlh' r fll I he \\ hp~l . H ,' till' tl",,·.

n nn , \\'hl ~IJlng


.. I

() i'iT-


B u t No

k l'eJ) Wllrm, null tl CSt'l' 1Ul.,t} 1n 11 1, " I!. gin a r oom t o r e ll .... ",-, :\f t'! : l1 rT," · f'of' dill'

"I' UII t lll' world. 111111 t ho 1\ll1g'glo h ,lt! l' I'n ·I'I·d th e foR'; f() lI l)w ln ~ I]("r ( ' l1~I Ol li .... 11' · PI' ('" Cf'c(lc d In IIhROlult· K llt~II (,( '. 111 11 uH ..: 1I u :-, n pnrttnJ offs('t t o 1hp 1' :\l n "II I ' 1!illl!llt .~ t o coills foll with ull,, ·\, 1'lI a '" i\ 1.. " ~ · f'lI~· .


~I (· I

il//1;(.li:1Sjj ~



1 \' f,ro, '


skipper prcpnrc'l. Rrr:l"!:~ I h,'" pn" po.n>d n slmllt.r m en l ror MI. , ;'1" .\' It In I h,'


:"1 r l


op tn ln S crngl;'S nn,l Ti ll' Sqlllln~ h end pol1ool, firs t or th " halll 1I1I ri egJ:S. coffec nnd hrclle!. whlrh I h,'

due t o ttl"




! \ 'In

.. 1,'1'11



h l1l1


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'I1ie Miami ·Gazette. Wayne,ville, Ohio.

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qf flldol"1" HI 1.1111." " 1 wb,lI I' d hl'l'lI !I,nk willi 1':l l'lI! ,\· ",I..; !In.:t,'' ~('f It ~1.' ': \ \ alit ,.! 1111 11'1'1.\', "Yo11 'd h l 'S f jUl n p U .. I\' II'I '. I ; Ih , III!' ' 1l1i "lIt, In , \ \ I· ' rt ! J lI!ol l I II IIIw I ltt, ('lifT hll ll~f' II nti )'1111 " :III r UIi li p to nlll' 0 ', 1111'111 1"-11('" n '~(l I·I...; BIl ' ', Ihpll(' III t o lilt· Hl.',l ~tH L'k 'f lit.: I ~flll t

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iM th o r " n<l l.l~ t. vis,I,,. 1", nve r y (lity dW AII(1l thruwn hy Ui rCUII1 HtrtnOnS Illmill l( t.1I11 hUl " l llIg~ lind ~ m o ky ~t" ek8; thruwu IIm o u g now und nntrl od fr lo n tl~ It. Is tho wnrm OMt, vi ~ltu r 1\ WIUl oli n h ~vtl wbu hUH go nu unt lu tho world . A. TI.Hluks!(l viuK IIl1pr ulIoh ud. yo u CIUlO il t glvo B m ore w oloo me gift t " tbut buy ur girl wb.., is r"r nWIlY; thBt fnlber ~nd m o 'h er wh o b"vl.l oJ to Ji.t"ut pllr :!!; thut frlnnllly 01.1 nelgbbor wh u hilS gOBO til t h u oily or tu anothor ijtlLtU. thuo II ye ... r '!! subsc ripti o lJ to the ' " ohl IHJUI O" Impor It will '"tH n li D h uur 's j oy, IIU h o ur I! r " t·urn ot font! reouil uc liu1l8 tu hllll or hur uVl.lry weuk of thll yeur - lln o v,lry . wtJllk rl 'fl1 UlllbrlLnoo uf yo n ! If YOIU thlld; .yuur 1J" y o r gltl o r frlo"d w oulll r,,~u ~ r HuhM crilio ullll "olf . III1Hk tilll! ,,100" /lot! mull the pilper t,o him (Ir smul U H tho UIIIIIII 00 tho tull,.wlllK ouupon anll wo willllo It for you : 'I'h .. " H oOlu I'np pr "

HI ' d l l~~f' f1 ' t, (}lb.




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u' 1'(' deludlu' yoursl·lt. Rill'''' ml' II 11I 1(11<1ll t Rkl[1ll('r Ihllt wuulcl l'"fI) ~ out h c r~ Oil II nl!!hl IIk p Ihl " to ":i''rll g'g'~ y,

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1111 ' 110



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I:rll nlln ' for till' sllke of or~yment th"t worth thl' t ow, the np-.:t '1up. 11 1I1l tllcm towhont sk lpp"rs'lI nsk IR: '\\'ho's gol n' to pay the bill?' 1t'1I h,' t\\'o hllrHlr('{1 on' flfl y dollnrs lit tI,,· Inwc.t flg-g('r. nn' If rou got thn t mudl ctNlIt with till' towhollt COfllPl1 llY ynll ' r~ snme high flnancter. AI,,'t Ih nt 101(\1' 7" "['m Hr rlll<J." ~r rnJ:!!s rcptl r'" .n "ly. "tt I.. :0;1111, tlw y'tJ h" \'Q a \len on th~ Mnll(( II'---" "Rtl·II .II ... nhn~' I " CII lIle " \'ol ce from th~ Itl'orll.


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spnd mark ed copy uf Til E Ml lHll r:AZfo-:TTF. lo:

M ............ ... .... .. ...... ........ . .. .. ..... ..... .. .. , .... .... (Name)

I' . U . AtltlresH .... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ............... .... ......... .. .. . Stale .. .... ... ... ......... .... ... .... ..... ... ................. ... ... ... ..

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, POem hi

Uncle John.

TOO QUICK TO LET GOI Whpo I Hot. o n thn por ch. lif ter ~l1nll()wn, All ' ql1ietly lIuff ILt Il.V ooh. M v III i n(1 ~()rt () r d woll~ on I ho fe llor ' 1'hul, work~ hl AM lf ollt of IL j .,h 'J'I)(1 f oller t,bat gr()wl~ flt h,. IIItl.fllwe, An' O",· IOM mILl) tbat h .. ~ morn. 'rllere flln ' t, " lJJ,untt thing li n e nOlllluters Hil t t ouch ( 9 a spot wl~eru hl"~ sorA.

" M no with II lIlf'J.:'lIphone," Mr. Olbon\' f~r i pll. HAhn,,! Alto\" . t1H'r~ I"

Our Calendar Oct. 2- 1!l lh Sundny after Trinity. Ocl. !I-20th S unday after Trinity. . Oct. I 2- Columbtls Day . J ew ish Day of Atonement. Oct. I6- 21s t Sunday afte r Trinity . Oct. 17- Jewish Fea~tofTllhernacles Oct. 2.'3 -~2(j Sunday after Trinitv . Od. 30 - 2:!rd Sunday after Trinity Oct.31 - Hallowe ' en .


Hn (lon't onj oy Htrotohln' tho traoeR, Nf'l uhampln ' his leeth ou the IJII~. An ' SCI, like .. ulam e bBlky orittnr, Ue hUIllJlH a few Umos,-an' jes' qllitP.


----. ..-----


Yon ('-nil snaroh every RJlot In orel\l,lon . Au' yon ' lI lintl wlmt I I,e ll YOIl is RO,'I'h" 1II0Rt ondepond 'Lble Yfth ou 1M thn mlln th,.t·s t.oo qUlok to IfI!. go TIIIUl, j{ive IIII' I.ho III an IIIM,'R" Ht.flynr , Nil m'Lttor how bUlIlblfl his 1111.,- , Willi Un,'"r oOlllpl'LillM "t mlafor t.un o, Ner l'in A~ lit thn littl e hll'M got.

"Squaring the Circle." Help From the Neighbors. Efforts 10 "'< tIl8m th e el"cle" /lote Th"r p orc tell' thln/l's morr' tnnt llll .. bft~k to remot e olltle)!" t y. TIr" proiJ· Ing to a mon t.hon fo ~O hllm p \\'llh lelll ts fJl~ c li9"ct1 In th e "ldegl lIIt1 lh~ 8011l(·tl,l fll1 nn hi . mind I", wnnts to matlcol documenl .. ~tll"t. the Hhlnd 'rnl,l nhm.t ''',,! fln" ~Ornplll1 .'· vl . 1t111 1t Pupyr,,". the dotl' ot which Is nhout (j, Cf'C "r"l he olrti;:c;l to oct RP:I·N'" hle. 2000 R. C. -HIII' I ' r l~ \'lIh' (K IIII.) Hel·lew.



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Editor TilE MIAMI

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lew,k It upon h im· " Arnf" rl C'H n ~ t jl llllWr

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Mr. OIl"I"Y "p rnn ~ 1Il)(l(I him flg.r· I. IIl y. \1111, ·.. 1\ n hnn lY. lohfl C(''', sll )('llIn,c: plIllII nM'OSS !-i'TII!,~"' mnuth nn,I ~tTI!C' ttvel y RJl\lI l he-n·cl nit fnrth pf ,count" "A rtlfl rkun ~It 'lI nl" r Yunkpp I 'rlnrfl," I", lIuwlt·,t 1111(' " 1·,'rltlll ,l ,. Hull ot B Hsl ltin . " of H.,:-; tou . lf Cl Hg 1\()llg to ....'rl ~l·o. w i th II ~"!Ll"r nl ('UTJ!O of Hu ra'"l

\\llt'n,' re

w O(lo(l, rl (, t:l lin ' !-lllk .


".ru sl " ur-Ille till' (; utP. Hil le ' ~I', 'll' J1h " nl'

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ntt Pr Wt;·h 0' th e I>1I.h'(\. T("~phnn e In. I ' ll tnf\ke II Uti 10 you

crllnk ~hllft my mlln, 110' wh en "'~ IIPt n Rn r,' (lll r horn gc. Wllo nrc you'" "Llnli . lrolll. of th r' Oolden Gn te J.I(p SAl'ln!! .tllllon." ''1'11 1I0t torp:f'1 )'ou. Llm1.t rolll . My ownprs ore Ynnk .... s. but Ihey're sportR." "Ail rl gllt. I'll telpphone. On my wnyl" "Ood ~p"ed you." murmnred Mr. Olbney, QIld releaaed hl8 hold eo ~~ taln Scragg&. wbo IOllantly tllr.w 'W annB arollnd thp IlftVlltRtto, oec.J'. burly npck. "J forgI ve ),011, Adelbert: he ('roollPri . "I fOfj;l ve ),011 fr eely . Dr the 1I11I ot the Oreot SlIt'red Dull. you're n Iflflrl'el. She's lin nU ntllht tos or I'm n ()hlnam rm. ond If It ooly stnys thick l'nough-" "It'll hold," Otbm'Y retorted dogJt:~d· Iy. "It's a tule fOI. Th ey nl"a1. hol<l. Quit huggln' me. Your brealh's bOIl." Ca ptntn gcrnj!gs. hurl~d forclhly hackwnrd. burnt",d Into the pilot hOllse, hut l o~ t none of hi s eot hllitum. "Y o u'r~ a 'ewel." be d~lared. "Oh. man. whnt 0 hend I lVhutever mnde V'"'U thlnll of the 1'Rnk .. " PrlnceT' (To be ex.D&lnll." .l

------- -,


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Attornuy M . J I:IIHI I(1 ,v ,o l XOII1I1, o ur CltV . HumJ ILY Frlln k MoCnrr nn i~ npArt>t tllj{ In hl~ bu~iness R new Mll ck I r"" I, whiol1ls 11 btlllu ty . Mr Rnd Mr~ . •Iell I:Inrrt A h ~vf' VII · Dated t.helr prope rt y. lind ollw",1 In tbelr fllrm. 80ul,h of t own. Dr . Robl@ on . of Ch rist h OR j1l tlll : Clnclnntlt.l , llreBobeu nt th l' M . " ohurch, !::labbal·b morning . Mr. Rnd Mrs. H . T . Me rol' r . o f Dayton, t 10k dioner with Mr nOlI Mrs Tolle, I:'BtoldBY ev e n lll~ . Danie l Ilnderwood 1M 1! on hlR pll l rona \ 0 his fioe oro p of tlppl OR, and tllev will n ot la~ t 10111{. Cu m e early tind aVOId the ru sh . \Vu ~ 10

Mr • . Helen Peterson r etorned to her ho me In Morrow on Su ndllY. atter !to week's visIt with Iw r 1111 . rents, Mr . and Mrs. Fmnk 1,. H"rri ~.




Vele rinari an I 'nll ·I ,, ·:.! Val"' illa l "f. I la l' e harl rllfld ': W' I" I~~ HI Irn rnlllling 1)11 1",, 11 -I "'; a ll " \\'l' lI ll1' rd , .


1;.. ti l I' hlln!'" 11 ",11 ,· 11 .,:,· " Hp ll ·I· lr

Bellbrook, Ohio

Tu nne l T n.t He lped t o 0 1 I t l, t' It. I I II' ~ II I I I ' l' lt 11 11 1'1 ' I 'I I I' \ .. lilt'

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Vaccina tion a Specia ll y. Nothing but Rcl i;}b lc Se rul11 lIsed

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Dr. Lloyd B. Hall

----_. - ...


Everett Early


-- DEAl.E R IN-

BEECH GROVE W e are glad to r eport lu Mo. Kay bolter ut t his wrl tln g . LOll Brann on Bnd wIf e and K . E Thompso n und wife wnrn S unllay guests of J ohn ·W olf IIDU wife !It Wilmington. Th wh o lire on t.l1O stck 1i ~ 1 this weok ure : 1'>lrs. Alioo 'I'orry. Walter tilllLOk . K . E:. Th olllpHOO tmtl Edward Moorn. Miss Mab E'l r.l yo r ~ . wh o i~ t.Bu ch. Ing onr y o nn g 11111111< h o w t.o s hoot. 8pent, till~urdn y f>fld t'lolldflY wit,h her homll f()lk ~ lit t :lurli Rvl llf:.

Everything Indluatell winter; and are we prepared? Melsr.. H. E. WIlllam8 and Ed Febeok were In our oity, !;unday. The rose Is red, the vlulet8 are blue und so Is 1\ man when hl8 r en t fllJle due Corn shroddlng Is nellrlng. lind thd lodloates wl lnter. Are yoo ready? Waynesville Bndl our team plByed The MO M. iH 'J'o wn Ahlp l"uDd llY· 1.11\11 on Snnday, and Wuynesville 80hool coovllntl on WIll lJe h uld .. t came ont vlotorious. our Unity obl1po l, De"" Sunlluy Bon. Barry McKay Bnd Alon~o Everybody cow o ; you .ra w e lco m e. Bailey, ot Wilmington, were oalllng on friends bere, !:lunday. J . U. I::iPlILY. of Now Burlln g \ on. Mr. and Mrs. Berah Arthur, of and K . E. Th omps c..o. of thI s )111\00 . Wilmington. were Sunday gUE8t8 of VIsIted Elbert Irons ' h erd of o. P . U. hogs at Le banon on WedLeeday . aDd Mr . and Mrs Ed MaFarlan. bought a fiue YOODg bou r . Mr . and Mrs . Ed Reason were In behalf d thoMe Inlorested in week . end gue8tll of Mr . antI Mu. Enrl Hookett, ot Ilear Waynesville . t he Baech Grove Unity sooiet:v, fo r· merly the Beeoh Urovll BtlJlt iRt " Sow do your n e lghbor8 like their the writer feolR il his doty kltohenette apartwent?" ohuroh. to extend to them, through tb I~ . "Oh. 'bey ba ve n o room for o~m. neway sheet, hiM oongrBtulations o n pilloint. " their suooess The Interi or of I he Mr. and Mrll. Fjrn08t MaD non are churob haa been nlcoly deoort1toll hy be~n"fylnl[ their ooun,ry ~ome Frank Wilson, ot 1:'lBrvpysburg , and with exterior piliot. has been made attraotlve f or hoth Mr. and Mrs. Hnrold Sarris were old and yoong. Muy snoh blAs8 ing ~ Bunday gueets of Mr . and Mrs. WII. shower down upon thlH oo ngre gn . . tlon that It mBY bring hon)r 1.0 lIam Murr~y, of Lehanon. wbom honor 18 due . The new garage ill now ready tor tbe roof, and wlJ1be ready tor ooou· punoy before oold weather. The graDd jary oonvelled on Mon. day, OCtober 10, and a few ot our oltlzens were ~ubpoenaed to appeRr before that august body. Mrs. Elizabeth Surfaoo HulaD. after a week's vluit with relatives, returned home on !:!nturdI1Y, muoh benefitted by the week'i r881. Mr. and Mrl. E. 8. Dakin and M rM W. W . Weloh were guesta 01 Mrs. Lyla Barvey, ot Cbee"peake. and returned homt~, ::luuday evening • Une of the editors of lhls newey .heet ol1l1ed the wrUer, "!:!qulro," In 1Il0l& week', Illue. Tha' w . . !k.1Ilh' now .... we bay.; Woml.lldh'ap" Mri. Ira M. tiyferd pve aD . " .. . lupper for her !;.anday.eohNI 0..... 1& 11988 held In the I5l1verl room oD We8t Main Itreet. The proceed. were very lIa\laf..otory: A couple from our olty w~n& ou' auto riding, Bund'a , afternoon, aud the maohlne went kerplunk. Tbe driver eald htl "neVer 'hullk" bu' what he would ge& back without 8111.'an08. . Mr. and lira. George Varvel, Mr. and M·r • . Robert Freelan and JlrIr, and Mrs. Aaron I'reelan Wllre called so Adam. oooo&,:,· on 1IOO0un' of the dell&' of Mri V.nel:'. fa,h.' · &Dd a brother 01 R6W\ uc1"AarOn ,""lan Mr and Mra. William Willi. . . and famll,, ' formerl, of Gelman.

Co:! I, SuIt, Tc lcllhnnc 9:1 W:l lcr F Oll n- j Sdf· Fccc!e rs. IWaynesville,

Flu m ,

F cr d,


T'o~ l S,

( aill ~

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IIay , S l raw

01" ).'11 ''':

FO ll rl h Street, n 'a r Tyle r

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!'I .aLlnnalunlco tp Dauli UI (lir .

Lytle, Ohio Tclrph one 7(1, rift)!; ]

Liw Slock a S\lCciall y


DR.H.E. HATHAWAY Wll.yneHllle 'a Lell(Unll Dontl" Offioe In li n lno~ BltIg. MRln

John-H. Wflght I· Walter · A ucboneer


. .• DENTIST•••

F eed (;rilldilt g a :-i (ll' c iult y. I

Lytle Feed Mill





Naynesvillc, Ohio

Farm :)a lcs alHI

Suli"factinn Guarllltlt:cd

Uellbrook,j Ohio noth {'ho nes

F ull y

I~'quipped for Good

Service. Large !) i:-; pla y Room ']'1';1 1·:I·it(,NE 7

That Classified Advertising Pays. That Adve.rtising of every description is a.paying proposition in


,own, K,., but DOW ouhler of the bank ae Amelia. lin .. Alma Gal. brelUl, of K,., wa.


IIaftJ s. 'habr.

IIr. aaA 1hI.




Two Written Facts Verified



, ..

Ja mes Cline. one of th e hu"tiere tor tb e Lebanon Patri ot. OBmo out vlotor lous , and we are vroud o r ble ,-_ p_h_o_n_e_44 ___ ability In eeonrlng th e new s ub. r" hn ~t· !-ll t. jl'l ' l t il fl'l ' qlll ' lIt " , 1, 1:-: in I lIorlbers whloh were plaoed to h Is th ... III ' arl " w i ll find th il t lilt' II ... , ' or ____________ orldlt. IIAI.I :~ ('ATA IlIlII 1I1i': n1'·I~t·: wil l c"''bMlei Gordon haa lately made build u!' tl '" Hy sl<'n1. 1'1 "" "",' t h,' 111'" 011 ....ral tripe to l.'inolnnatl with hogs fi nd r ~ndrr (Jh' llI II' ''~ 11:11 ,1,' I II ,·,,111 :, . E. V. BI.lernoee are In demand, h"olln J:( ; R ep('ott'll ,nll u ('I\:s uf J\ l ' lIl ,l C lI l n rrl l ev~ryt.blng ihat IB to be truns l erpd m:l~' le' III I t o ('lt r ll lli, ' f" a l :lrr ll , Notary Public IIA t.I :H· (' ,\TAHHII lit Jo:\lH '1 1' 1'; I" 18 entrnated his oare. t Hkl'n Inlf' n llllly a llil tH'l o.: thnt u l-: lI tlll' Mr. Rnd Mrs. Tolle's pupils !(u ve Bl ('101 1 O il tlll M " H ' IIII ~ ~ \irflt f"f' -'; ur 111 (' Mrs. T olle & Unen shower on Wud. Sysh'lII , tlt ll~ n'tlu ('illl! till ' i tllI I IlHIJIll · 0\11 kin rl ~ of Not&r y Work . Wills needay evening of IBSt week. Many tl on ali i' 1" ':-: 1111'111 ;: 1I1) r!n : d \' ftllrl ltlo Ii S. ~ud Deed s " :-\ poolnlty. All drll ,t:J,: ls t !'O ( "i rC'l l l:1rs fr l ·I ·. valuuble and oeeful gifts ",ere p tIJ F. J . ( ' l l(' I\I ' Y ~\:. (Ip " T nJtodo, ( ,h lo, lIente,l, After deJlolo n@ refr" .. h ments were lerved, th e re lllnlnd(l r of &he evening wall 811enl· In ploly log gameH. Judging from the laught..., whloh bur8t forth fr om thll T o lle houss, everyb.>dY had a fine tlm a .



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We Put Th e m On " \\' h ll nn ' ) ' "1 li n ' wharf; lI lt ·


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(If . "Webster-Man's Man," "The Valley of the Giants," E tc. 'A f4IhQr

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The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.

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S Ul]day

SI, ," ar," s I..:hlln:h \ I SdlllOl ellnvention will be held a t the A).:ellc), will I I 1I1r. W. n. 'Q uires and family '1' ., I' I' . I ' 1 ' fl' 'I' 1' '11v ' Reech CnoVtJ church on SundllY, Oc· receive u . eript iOlls for :1 1\ "1\\ ' a CI'nl 'll" II' nn~ r 11 1111" " L ('v('ung . ('a r lwrl/r . h t. Il CI W ' I I 1\1 11 J , II •• \lIll .. '.1 1. 1 r II , ... C 'J' ,', n~ . ln~ li n. I) I I" I I" I ' I 1'1 l obt!r 16 192 1, at 2 o'rlock p. III IThe "IIPRt R wl'r!' Mr . Roy Cornpll .. .. " "'1' 011: IlIr.- I ~l' hlf) /I , . • , the kndi ng 1a gn zill s. ... III., who hn~ s penl hi. ~Ulllnl!'r "'\1' 1\ " I'; 1 II I t ' I Mr. ' m fl ll' ' of Wilmington, Will give ( . R for n1 ll ny v"arR wllh ., I ' . ' :\ Ill; ' ,'rl1"m ,) :\' Illll· . h l~ ,'r[l lh 1 I .\ ) un' N I an ad llress All .invited nn d nml'1y, M r , Ch as. Co rn ell and tlOn I lind . ~ . '1I1 11 llll l at !:. I If ,t ~ unl fl\'. • " Al so, f allll'l y, an d M r . Vern II .. oug 1 parents, Mr . lind Mrs . :-i. I. larl· ' ' ' :1 MrM, Marlha Davis, Sec y .

Ha rlall's

1'\t:\\' ~

Dayton Daily Journal - nll<1 -

Cincinnati Enquirer

Will Illainlnill a Circulating Library 01 ~ 1I1 : J11 ('l)s l t () I the lender.



\1 '

. I C 11.'I · oI ,.. r 1I ;lh . Ilh' ., ,IIIIIIn ~ r UXI ' wrIght. has bpen elt·,'l eL presld l' III" .c , :1 1'1' L, .. I,·hrll l\' , i i, II li"lh 8nni\'l' r, the Freshm an clas.q al Arn wlIr ITI ~ II ' Mr. I1nd Mrs . C. M. Robitzer enter' ·IT). III ,'V, n ' (' hurl'll 1111'1'" will hI' tained, last WE'd ne9day eVE'n ing,with tute of TedlJlolo~(Y. in l 'll lcalS''', w hich he enl l'red 11l~1 mout h Th('I'I ' 'I ce l,·brlll lllll of l!lI' II"I \' l'lIlll l1lulI' p.llchre l1arty, in honor of Mi ss P urare 21;0 yOllllr;!' TII PII in II", .-\11"-, 1"11 . II: I ' \' \' ry trl "l1lb,' r IIf lilt' Auxi l· cl' lI . o f 1ll'loit. Wi ~. There were len Illry 1,< 111'\:,'01 1,,11,' II I th,· all ar . in L e vf'rin ~ i~ Ill ki n){ th ... cours£' III lire. co'lIp l,'" J1re~ 'nl, lind 11 very enj oy' L,!'ra( illld .... Cp r (; dd's Illan ,' hl p!-Isi ng-s ab le <'!'('n in g WII~ ~ pen l. Deli cious pn11" c tilJll e ngiIlP, 'rllll(. pr I'li ral ory U rOl1 rill ' work i ll tilt> P:1-Ot, and a ren' Cr p~ hm"nl ~ \v pre ser ved at the t o en t fl ti re ill ~ll rRnr(' I'i l r l ' ('r . L"O n St,\l' I , ll Hi ll t! I I h t' f uti JJ to' S I r \ i Ct.! "f L'iOM. 0 C th .. ){amf's. Ihe M'bl"r

f ami'1 y .

-- - -

Be l.lta d JU S*I, e ,

Tiltl Mi:3g(·:-I FAina Howland anti It II I." fth\II \ " ~I'l'lllI'd f o II ' In In· I L!'OnA ~I rl;ill ni ~ f' nt crloinl'd tI", )",n. " II" .. \ ,11111 ' ,,, ,,I ~; I " , Ii .. ,' 01 ~"'I tt'8dwr~ (I f b,' llI ~ch "ol~ III lilt' hllllW Mil ti ll' 101,11,'" r(Or url~ I"hl ..1'1 I'! 110 f 1\1 ~I t" . I I II I 1 1" " ,, ·01 11 (p , 110 .· lin I....,. "I " ur~ u I ~~ t' dunlS. a .y '., a ~ ~ l u d \' 11 1'1 ... IIJII tl llV The t'1"' ninl( ___. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _




l' \'cnin~ .




pll'lI ~a nll y ~I'e nt In ){alll e~ lind a gell ' (' ral gllud lillie. lind ligh l r ef resh, m enls w(!rc ~e rv ed



•iHocke t L

Mr . Hnd Mrs

Bulk or cans - Special pric"9 in lar"e lo ts .


he ld !l: l f,:


- - - .-.-



"I Will Add 10 Years to Your Life

""""""""""'''''''''''''''' Let Us be Your Grocery Man.


-- - -

Home Made Candy

There will be a special co mmunication of Waynesville Lodge No , 16S 'F . & A, M., Friday evening. October 14, at 7:30 o'clock, when the M, M. degree will be e;r.emplified upon two eandidates . Work on one candidate will be confeTl:ed by th e ' PHst mast e rs of the 1011 ge. A lunc h will be served at the close of Ih e work. Vi~, iting bre thren are cordially invited t o b(;' present. J . W. Edwards , W. M. L . A. Zimm rmall, Sec'y .


- - -.--- - - -

ANNOUNCEMENT We have Hlrrangell with W. N . Sears to t.ake care of the !!ulJ~crip­ lions of the Journal and H erald for Wllynesville mid Waynesville rural routes . Please mail him your r~ newal or new subscription; same price, $3 00 per year . 'Phe Journal is the only Dayton morn ing paper, anl l reaches patrons the same day, The Dayton Journal. 'The Dayton Herald.

an impro\'ed street, In a modernly arranged model Bu b-d ivision and. neigh boring t o 8 U C' eesslul Ohio folk. li ke )'ollr""lf, who Brc enjoying their second ptar' lillle. To wint er at hotels would cost SI 5 t o $15 a day- and it's only slightly cheap" r at a l ,narc1ing h Oll W -but, in your winter hum e ),I) U willlt:,ve alt the comlort. )'oU oow e njuy wilh all th e sweet neSS of home cook· ing and companionship anll, in addition, Ihe IJalmy air, b losso ming

---- --. ••


Iruit trees, hcalthful~un­ shine nnd the many out·


doo r pastimes of Florida st 1_ COlIt than lpending a winter iD a hotel or boardini bouse."


. \. . f I. --kl "A R encw , cd 1'_en!Ie ~ WALKILL \ Vrih' IOtb), lur ""r bl!.lll t iflli . Iilllslrah'" rro UU\J e~,. ~ _ on Lif<·..- it td l~ how }'ou ma y get Ina lly JIIore ntlthll~nal happy nlld ~ STOC~ F ARM S in r our Ii I". L"nrn noout thet;c Winter lIome ~ HAMILTON. OHIO. Act right now! , I . 1----*--- - - --' _ . Please senu me'. "" thoul cost or obligalion, )'our !.Ienutil"I ,

iIluslr31ed booklet; "A Renewed



Name . , .... .............. ........ .

Addrell . .. . .• • . . . . . . ........ ...•. . •.• . .

City ...................... . .. State

HEAT ROLA --the Parlor Pipele88 Furnace


Hi ){hes Prices for Rutter a Id Egl(s

Meals Lunch Sanwiches

Offer you by far the ' clea nest way to cook - no soo t, 110 fumes, no greasy odors. We will be very gbd 10 show the size and style mo t suited to the size of your family. Do you koow that ~very winter you pay for nearly twice as much fuel as you really need? It's not the amount of fuel you use but HOW you use it that really counls. Why build a fire in the furnace thesf' chilly Fall mornings when a coal oil heater will take the chill off in a very few minutes at less than hal f the eost?

Fred M. Cole Hardware and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohi'()


EWTON discovered the law of falling bodies-C urie perfected the use of raciium-but I have found what Ponce de Leon sought in Floriua-E XTEN OED YOUTH! I believe that wise men do not grow 01c1 . th::1t the sunset of their lives is YOUTH PLUS EXPERIC\CE and that they have earned a second playti me- to fi sh, ' hunt, toss horse-shoes and play a\1 the games we knew as boys. I want to add 10 happYI healthf ul year::; to the lives of Ohio folks by building modern winter humes for them in warm Florida. A home with all· our Ohio convl'niences and costing less than an Ohio barn!"




To Enjoy the Pleasutes and Health of Mature Youth"

.w.e on Life."

are inexpensive /0 operate are easily reyula/(!d ar(! designed for conlJenience (lre Quickly healed are beautilul in apI'earana

]f you are looking for a stov e with the abo\'(' qualities at a very moderate prkt' w e wo uld be plcasl'(\ to have you call at ollr store alld let li S show them to you.


The f ollowing farm ~ have heen sold in the p aHt few weeks : The VantreSs farm, sll uth of town, consi~ling of 80 acr es was po ld lo Harry E Stokes; the C hn~ R. 11 n' Ll e rson f a rm of 41 acres , ea~ t of town W I L~ \lurchused by Andr t! w T. r. lark . of Xenia; 40 ac res belonging to Hur· (on Earnhart, west 0'1' town, was sold to Geo. F . Weller of Centerville; the Leonard Tinnev place of 1:16 acres. east of town, was sold. Saturday, to Otho Henderson . All the deals were pu t through b'y W. N. Sears, lhe real estate m illn. Thi 3 look~ lik e bette r times.


Mail this Coupon Today/ Now/


Young Native Beef St eak, Ile r pound .. .. .... .... .. :!Iic and ~(' Ro asls. t ender and juiry. Ib .... 20c PllIl!! or Rib BoliinlC. pound ..... 1& Purk Chops, per pound .. ......... Z')c Sausage, per pound ..... ...... .... 25c Side Meat, per pound ·........... 20c Slicer! Ham. per pound ........ ... ~c W"iller s and I"ranks. pound ..... 25r Bacon Strip~, per pound ...... 12,'·; c Mi nced Hl1m. per pound ... ...... 2.''>c Pickled Meat, per pound ..... ... 20c Rean Bacnn . per pound .. ......... l rlc


Granulated Sugar 10 pounds for . . .... . 65c 25 bars Polar White Soap and 1 box Rinso for only . . , .. , .. $1,00

Wayne.§ville. Ohio

They They They They They

Caesar's Creek Friends Church

Specials for Saturday


pOll 11.1 ............ . . :J:\('

las t wel'k, and will ext.end t.h e ' 11I'cial p rice unlil ~I\lllrday night Sirra P ell l'h e~ , ~ p eci al. 1 tloz .. I:l .Otl Sirrll I'ench~~. ~Jlecilil. ca~e .. $G .9()

C hriSlian Church

S unday School at this ~ hurch every Sunday fll 9:30 fl. m Preac hinll: ~e r , vice at 1(l: 30 o 'cl ock a . m . You are ('ordinlly inv ited to be present.

Moore's High TMt Gasoline ' Moore's GOlld Oi l, The kind that don't smoke.



IJ:lrg-ni n ~

Harvcysburl.: Friends Church

Best Nut Oleo, onlv 25c a pound .

We ha ve opened a Cream Station next to the Gazette office. Highest Cash Price paid for Cream.


IYill he

Coal Burner Stoves are really good stoves beca U5e- -

W e ~uld ~o cases of Sirra Peaches

Sunday :School al !I::IO; Church ser viee at J 0:30. We welcom e all who will m eet with us ill our wor~ hip of Jehovah . Come, please.

Fresh Laurel Crackers, fresh Graham Wafers, Hard Rutt e r Crax, Square Lemon Crackers. Fancy Cakes, 20c If, pound up .

' kFarms ., , WlkiHS a toe

"Fpr(' (1~

~ 1Ir;Jay ~ lll,


Hlu l' HII('kil' Ilrand. a pou nJ ... aOc I' r i 11111 SlInto~ , II 1',)11 nd ...... ..... ~!'ic Vil han Ri o. II pou nd ... .... ....... IHc (,.tree has ad vllnced ill price and t ht'~e pri ceR are certainly hi g '

ServireH cver y Sabhath at the Church at 1()::ltl a . Ill. l' rc~ch in~ hy . :aptain 1\ F.n;tlllinge r. uC the Anwi' iran I(esc ue Wor kers . Everyone wclrome l> t th e~ ,1;' se rvi ces .

NEW GOODS THIS WE EK New Cracked H ominy. ne w Crack ed H ominy, New Finke Hominy , new Co rn M r lli. ki ln dried . new Pancake FI "u rH. new Rolled Oats.



w ill III':

~" n' i,'''~

W aY l1cs\'ill ~

Grimes Golde n. Jonathan. Belleflower Apples , Sweet Cala Or· anges.



I.,,>! ('a hi n. a

I'r ('achi n ~ ,..' rvi,' ,,~ . 10:;111 II m . lind i :OIl pill .; I-:pw ll rlh I.eagu e. G: 15 p. 111. i-: vl'ryhlltly cordially in vited .

APPLE We ha ve abon t ;{ crop of nnus nal qualUy of Rome Bpallties. Prt oe~ Walter Dakin was showing two ., orchind, f.Z r;o, '3. 00 and ':UD. sweet pota t o~s , Monday. that are Pbonl'! :1 4- 3 , Bnrveyshurg. (J 026 hard to beal this year. The two poUt t b I taloes weighed 10.Y. I)O unds and were N 8W H ea tl ng a ,OVIl~ , 6 1\ IUgli D Th Inquire at ::In wyor's grooer v . b oth soun d and sweet. ey were . o~() Im onsters, and Mr. Dakin says hi!! whole yield will b e far and beyond EN S-50 fine White Logh orn t he largest potatoes he has eve r Pullet.8, ready $0 lav ; :10 heUB . , Th h Wh o . t l Y. years old. good laye r8, Inquire I grown.~!r~t~~varle y . of J. A . P ine, R. D. G, waYDeSVille ' l f S I M K House or a e-see c ean. Ohio. 026

.R. L. DO~INGS, President



,\\. 1:. Ch llrL'l1


t he school bui ld ing s." . " This IIt'W. 11l(" lern home, that '\'Ill cost ),ou Ic:ss than t o build an Ohio lmru, will be on


I" 11I1,·\'Ijj.·,Jlllt ,· !lay dllll',·I I. Villi' li l11. , la ~ 1 ~ I Jl lday ~1 r •. I" ' ITI' '1'1111111"'" ('III~" I" 1'1:llll1i1\).:' a "111'1' 1;1 1 \lrllg- ral11. Ev, l' r'} I ill.!)' , ',ltll\,.' , :'I ' rrll ll!l I h, ·ltlc fo r Ih, ' 1·.. · \'1

The u~lIHI m"xl SUll day:


====== 'LARGE S~iEj POTAIOE5

l'1l'l't ric liJ::ht s, bath, t o ilet and ru nlll~g water )Ill' huur's driv(, fru lll J :H'~50 Il\' 11le-- 2!-"J hours Inllll a p it- II ic ~pot (U1 the orean benc h: f. lf cnoll~ h awny Il ilt 10 ge t t he ocean 's dr~a ti­ nt~f.~ . It wil1 l l{." Jl t':l rlhc fallloU!IGrcc n Cove nwdir in a l ~pri ng~. You ca n sta nd on the f mnt pureh of t hi s winter ho mc ~nd ,shoot a 'f1fl C' Itl ('hurr hcs-.o£ f.'ye ry (il-nol11lJ1ut l o n and

COFFEE WEEK "S , .Jd i e l' ·~ t;ofr.' r ." h an dso me Clip lind ~a lll "' r wil h ('v" ry :! i'oul1d~

"",,,I ~ 1 1I1l1.l\

:' I JllIh\\ 11l 4lrllillg'

========= FQ=== R SA=== LE

"Usten, Ohio friends, I will provide a w in t ~ r h0111e . in t he garden spot 01 , F lor ida ......on t he wide, b eau · t ifu l SI.. Jo hns I~ ive r and th e newly,huilt ni xie lI il;h W ~}' -:l home lu st like } ' OU want it Int h

Sa wyer's !!



( 1I ri ~ f ill ll


Read Gazette's Classified Ads

Tltllt An' \I ahlll).!' I ;"",J III l 'hri:!liulI l' i\'ilizati"ll .. f '. I·:. 'l'r \' I C "~ a l Ii :;1 1" Ill. 11 "lI ry Mllrl'll\'. I,' ad,"r . 1''''·;I<,hill).( 111 7:::0; Ih" III1': " T llrnin).!' 1'" il1l. ill I. if,· ...

-T-h-e-L-a-t-e-C-j-a-S-S-}'-fil-e-d-A--d- ., ~~~(~d ~ l~~rC~ ~~)u:d~~~~I~:~p~oerll::~

S /It the home of

I ,·.r.1 II

On Sunday evening. the H . II . cluh m el wilh full membe rship al Harveysburg, Ohio t he pl ca~ ant home of M. and Mr~. E C. Mann!l n. o f Beech Grove. Quite ---~~~~--_---_ -====::.-_ - 10 pleasanl p rogram was r enderE'd ' aft er the business was tran>lacted .


1' , lrt

•- _

The fir8t number of the Lyceum Course will be given Friday evening, October 14, at the Methodist church D. Lee Fitzpatrick will be the entertainer of the evening. Do not fail to attend this number, 88 it will probal' ly be one of the best of the soallon. Begins promptly at 8:15.

------ ..


BOY SCOUTS A Boy SCout meeting will be held, Thursday at 7 p. m ., In the Township house. Every Scout be present, for important busiDe8!I will be tl'8Qlacteci

Behind the Dollar you ever .topped to consider what an enorHAVE mous inve.tment is required on our part to make

this service of ours--Light. Heat and Power-available to you, day or night. when and where you want it?

A part of this investment i. right ·in your own com~ munity-in the .ub.tation with ita neces.ary reptating equipment-poles and wire•• pread over the entire community-transformers' and .treet lirhtinl equipment- all •• much a part 0.1 your community a. its streets, sidewalk. and buildinrs. _

It is just such real tanrible property that is. back of every dollar invested in OU~ company.

WHEN YOU INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN OUR SEe CURITIES YOU ARE ASSURED THAT EACH DOLLAR WILL GO INTO UKE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS. . Could you find • .afer inve.tment PI"", better than 7% and tax tree 7 May we .end ,011


fuD iaformatioD relQdlnl


The Dayton Power &Ught . Comp~)' 29 North Green Street


0 Uf

Seven ty-Third Yea r

WAYNESVILLE, OH IO, WEDNESDAY OCTOBEH H l, 1921 Shur-Shi ne , the Won der l'uli>I I, : . . . . . . . . . . . . . · _ · · · · ·· · ·· . .• •• • •. . .• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 •••••••••• • • " • • ••• ••••••• :

Miss Alicp Carey was ill Xt'nia, l' h ur~d oy . M , ~~ II ~H ~ i('

K U t' ~ t

Burnet. of Miami, I' la. , uf n·lfl i iv, '" hen> f" r t l'n

Who le Number 541)7


f•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NI':WS FROM T HE OJ .I) HOME TOWN f -:•••••••••,.......................................: 1

,~~ o

. ,



. ~ ~~__


- - - __ ____



~l r .1. fl . ('arl wriglll and fa mil y '1I' "" llIiIH'" n f, ·\\' rri"nd s at a ca rd " f :.:r ,: ,,' 1), . ~ al'lrda;; "I',·n ill\! . Iw noring Mi.•" An no Vaughn was in X('ni n, MifH Lillil' N(,dr y ~ p , ' nl l a ~\ 1 \\, '('k If,, 1 ~ Ir ,; .1 " .. "; "', . ..II .. , . " II h.. I I ';,· ;:LI" .,;I ~. \Ir. and M r s. MOIlt/ lIl'. wi th rf,latives at Mu rrow 11 11.1 WIi a'.\'II I,c 1111 01 r" llloi 111 - r .. tI ' I, ., "I "1" 11,·-" . " r :-;l' rin;:liocld . lII inl('l oli . ~IlH ,ke . II .· "all,'" III" I'" ,III .,. """ I'y Wtlll il a rd iR vi"iting relativl'" ill Indinnu. . they r1i :;l·I),·,'r,·d thal l!t , i, ,.,' " ~I /'. I II. I 'lI r t; ~ :lnd faill ily ent" rMr. nnd M r~ . St'lla lzmnn, li t ('in1); / lin' . .Iu, !' a 1, ·\\ 1101111/1 , , .. I,;,·, t.1t, I. "'· P l ola y. :\1 /' . fll,, 1 Mr ~. ChaR. ri nnll li, w... re g UPH(HII r Mr . 111101 1v\rH. a,,, 1 till' ral l1 l. ." \\ " ,1· ' hi li !" .' ." .:: 11" 1 lilt I ,',II , W( ',- I, 'y, alld daugli Mr" Et/ith Hurris HIJe nlluHt week W.O Hal H'r, Thursday. with n 'lnlives in Milford . ahl, ~ to g t'l 11111. I r .. \ 111' . ~ I r I.I 'lId ,·y f ' urli~, J\1i s~f'!I T lwy "al·,·d a \ "' 1.' f ,'" /'1 ' ,', .. ,. r \It ' "' 1\ ', ,, ,01 ' "11 a lll i Mamit? Wa lden. 1'11 1' nll d I\Ir". IIreher Har tsock , or SIJ I! ,·Shine, (h e Won.) ,' r I'uli"h fur flf rllilu re fr llm Itll, · ' ''"ltI · I' ll,' I,,·, \1, '- - rs. I; II :lnd I '. I' . I·:lli s ~H II('d (lay loll, w,·n· Sunday l( ulI ~ l H IIf Mr. f'ur lli l un ' awl Auflimohil eH . will li p great . u ,; t h,' ~ carn ,'d 11 · ' 11t - III !.I " , af ll'P ,",,11 fl lld M r ~ .1 . J.. lJ ar tHlll'k. ~l lranc(' . II I ,; Ih''' lg ill 11 ... 1 (I " fin' ~ tarll 'rI f!' 1I1ll a d" f ", " ". ,. 11/11' M r~ . C. M Hr"wn and son" spent. Mr . IIml Mr~. WIlliam (; r~lIlh l'r. i i'l l,' Y'"111.: 1"'01.1" ol r th" While the wPI ·k-Plld wilh r('l aLive" in Imli . I:ri"j, \I ,·' ·1 1Il1.: I,,, ,, ; ,· hl·ld II ';1.)(' ia.1 in II f IJnyton. ~ J1 (' n l Sunday wil h Mrs. • 'h"l r ")I'ia l r')('III ". :-;allJrd oy cvcntn g . IIli cl' MI'I\ in HI'y a nd daug hte r. 'I \ lill,· prlll-{ra m waH t(·IH lerl'tI . COII I'll r HII s,qe ll Sali"hury and fnmily , 1-\ III~ "f lIllI~i~. d,·t'\ amllt ifJl1H I1ml Mr. nnd Mrs. t; enrge HeHH, of IIpellt t he week-end wilh relati ve" in t l,d l l j..{tlP "';. j ; lJl'~ t ~ we re pn~!-te nt. Springfi.·ld. Wl'rp th e weel( - end Clel' eland. rrtllll Hi <'ll m""d . l;rocen " la in and Kues lH of Mr. ,J. O. Ca rtwri l( ht lind ~ 1''' lIa i\ dl'lighl ril l IUll ch wa" famil y. Mi !l.~es Martha 13l1rnl.'t t and I·: III mn .;e,rv,'d HI I h ,~ t'I'I~e "~ f the pro~ r nm . Cart wrilCht were shoppillg in Xpnin . M rH o Jl an n ah 'I','ufel. of ilel roil. 1111 th e fa rme rs alli l i'arn ll' rs' falllSatu rday aftern oon . I)n a' 't'Clll llt ,If Lll(' hi rthday an ni Mich , ~ lI e nt gl'vl'rn l d ay~ he r. ·. la ~t ill ....; arc urgl ',) I, ' hl' pr" :" 'nl at III" 1·' ·r Kr\ri r.~ " f ~lr~ . J . W. Wa rd and week . wiLh Mrs. 1 {"lwI'ca I' rend e rI'\'rry churdl, n"x t Fr iday ' ·Vi·ninl:. Mr. and Mrs. HarVf'y It),e ~ pe n I in a gpl-lol!l'lhPr 11)(,(,tin).:' \l'hit'll will I It" hnH lr ~~ . thl' f"lInwinlt were the Sund ay at the home uf Mr. Hllo! Mrs. gast and famil y. iiI" !l dtlr (' s~ l~ d uy Mr. IIr y ~ " n alld ~ lr . I:lle~ t i'!',f Mr . and Mrs. J . K Janney, . Ed IIl1 rt!lock, n? HOUle I. Pro f. and Mrs, C. A. nru ne r, of MO\,I E or A MAN AW AY r R~D '" THE "OLD HOME TOWN '~ I'rincl'. bot h of Xl'llill , alld I'rpsid" nt Sunda y: \)r . and Mr3 . J . W. Ward , L ~ ba no n, and l'rof. Ernel'lt Am y, of and Hupc-rinl en dl'nl r.f th,' l;n '\,I](' \I ". a'nd Mr ~. C. M. 1I0ugh, Mr . Mrs Bessie Britain, of Sprin gfi .!ld, LJelawa rc, ~p e nt Sund ay with Mr. C , AR among st range rs, strug · of news [rom Ihe old plae:, Cou nty Farrn Bun'lIu org-alliza tion Waller W i ll ia rn ~ an d fam il y, of Kin l<' visil ed her paren,.!.s, Mr . and Mm . T . Haw ke and da ug hter, Miss Helen. itR n· t urn " f frond rl'''colll'dions of , gl llig to make good among the t a ll deltvered reg ularl y eve ry week III man, and MeHs rs·. Loren lI adl ey. of Frank Stansberry, last week. r e~ pe,·ti\' e ly . Wi lill inglon, and I<ennet h Hough. fath er and 111 11 1 hf' r. lhl' ,,1.1 " Iflre lind huildi ngs and Hlil uke s tacks, amonll the year , brin g cheer and cumforl t o MeMdames W, F . Go rsuch, Wal ter th E' olrl "I I11111 e To\\' n." a r(' w[' l5 '1 1n V new fri ends. good. bad or indifferent7 them? Mr. C. M. f{nLilzer and famil y and McClu re and F. II. Fa rr a re at UmdJl ollor ing Mr~ . Julia Uonovan's "Subscribe for your Home Town Mr. Illld Mr~ . F. M. Cole Wt!re in ttl forltCl tha t til e I",y und tilt' girl i Wha t will hring a f ull er hour of joy illl( a M i ~~ ion fl ry Confprence of th ... h'J us,' gUCAl. ~Irs . fi ~ h or. of Indi anWashing ton C. H., Sund ny af ternoon. M. I'~ ehun'h nl WeHt AIC' xflntlria, an d t.he fri !'nrl far away t111 '1'(' in t h.. til l heir henrtR r e~: ul a rly every week Paper" Week is an event that is " JI () li ~ . I·' riduy a f ternoon. Mrs. J . city or th .. ol lwr ~ t al", ar. ' h ll ll g,>r. ' lila ;, the ,. Il nlll t' Town " pa per! And is scheduled for November 7 to Notoday , I\, Chapman. at her pretty home Mr. J . Allen, nf Philadelphia, Pa. , inK fur til(' l,elJ pl .. a lld the lh'II1-{~ II f ' believe u ~ , the boy or I(irl, man or vember 12 . Come in and subscribe ut Fourth sl reet and f ranklin road, i!! Ap, 'ndinj{ II cuuple nt weeks lit th e wll man who fi ncb happin ess in read- for The Miami Gazette for that boy. Wil son Ed wards, of Way.n p. vi ll e the hap py old days! enl ·rl!lin eti a few fri ends at carda. home Ilf Mr. W. F. Gorsuch and lodge , left Tuesday eveninlr for "1I "lIlc" i" ~ t.i ll the gr e llt e~ t w() r" . inK ahout the ne ws of old home and for that girl, for tha t fath er or that Aft er the I(ame. a delicious lunch fam ily. Cleveland. where he will attend th e in t he Enf,!li sh IUII~ ua~e. ur any 1<111 - 1old friend s iR t he mun or wo man wh o former neighbor. Or, if you think There will be a m"I·tillf,! ,"l li'\li tll- waH ~er v~ d . Seve rnl beautiful selecgu age. a nd nn matt pr holV r ich or i~ proof againsl t he snare of th e they would rather s ubscri be themannual c41'Imunicalion of the grand Mi ~,; Olive AlIl! rJ attend ed a hrill ge lodge. I". & A . M. Ben Hawke, how poor tht·y a rc who have gone tempt er . selves, !lend them B copy of th is lion of armament at the Whil(' Il ri tK Ii OIl ~ 0 11 the vidrola enhanced the party at t.,he home nt Dr. S . S. Stahl. the Ha rveys burl{ lodge, is also in away f rom II!! , their h(,lI rt ~ are sti ll Is ther e an old neig hbor or old week 's paper wi th this editorial mel'ting-hOURe . Sal\lnlay ('vI 'ning ilL " I ca~ ure of th e afte rnoon. , Those 7:45. Thl! m"f'lin g' wi llI\(, a d drC'~~ l' d whu enjoy ed the occMion, besid es the in Franklin. laMl week. in hOllor nf attendance . l uned lo the rond rpco llections of fri end who is ploddini his or her marked. Mis.~ Lina ScllerR. or Le banon . yore. path throu gh life nmong s trange1"~? Or send us their name all(\ we will by F. :1 . lI eal"II't-, II f 1t.'M,' n!. Ind ., ~ lI eH t of hono r , were: Mesdames a Rp lcnrl irl ~ l" :a k ,, 1'. EI'I'r "lorll lv is Julia Donovan, Lina Dev itt, E mmor The road s were lined with peo ple , I,; yo ur ,\)')Y IIr gi rl lIfr in th e city. Wou ldn 't the home paper with its do it f or you . u rlt pd t n attend thi R imporlant Ba ily Sr., Cynthia Ev ans, Howell Abij ll h O'N eall, of Lon,lon, Ohio, Sunday. The fine day, likc OC(I.bcr mee lin g . r eirCl', .A . T. Wri ght, H . I~ . Hathaand Alhert Smith, of Dayton. spent ale. illviL(Jd everybody who had a # - - - .. - . way, Emrn or Baily Jr .• Israel SatlIevernl days here, last week, with machine to go out and enjoy t he day. terth waite , n. L . Crane and MillS Mr. George Smith and family. October beauty in the woods i" at i l~ i':mma lI eil(hway . height ju ~ t now . The bea ul iful A bunch of Waynesvilleiles went coloring of the trees in the woods, - -to Lebanon, Sun!lay afternoon. to au~m e nt ed by the brilliant green see the Lebanon team wallop th E! grB!lS on the hillsides is Ii scene t hat Kee p The m All Bu sy . Any l,ro dy wanti ng- III ~ i1ip Ihei r lI ~ t r I) ,,· w.lrlol I., hU Rl' ,}pvlslng remfam uus L. H. Harrisons, uf C in ~in­ will always he {rel'lh in the hea rts of l can R'cl illl l'kH " f II. V. :-;111 it ii, ecl ll'''' fill rld!o{ 11 1111 !lllt l , \\'h ll e tht· ot her woo 'rh e At hlc l i . a;lsoci atio n ha~ mad .., . Waynes ville Maso ns held a fine Th e biggest event of t he season nati, 12 to 7. those who have seen t he Miami hills . n. O. 4. Wayn c~ v i ll,' . (J il l'" T I,It·- hlt l! Is I j lJ ~,\' 111\ t·lItl ll J..:' H llfl rl " l e~ tor ' a rec ord t hiHYI'ar which ha~ not I'een mee . Fr idav evening , an d con-/ will be held. Thursday nigh t , Octot Jlt' 1' !' If ! " ' ! lp~ _- :"\' It~h \~I I J e Tfl onoSH{lan. phone No. 37-:l. 5 c4 ual cd ill the hl ~ tory of th e sch ool fer red 't he M. M. d eg ree on two can . ber 27, at the Hi gh School bu ilding . '9 8 f ar as we can learn . T hi~ recu rd c1 idates . The paH t maste rs of Way- This is ' to be a Hallowe'en Socialwas nmd e in ser ur in g H 1(10 ",', tn elll - nesvill e lodge, Blssisted by Frank Carnival, under the direction of the ..;.:-:.:.:.;.:-:.:.:.:.:-: .....:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.~;.;.:-:.:-:.;.;.:-:-:-:.:-:.:-: .. ;.:-:-:.;.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.:-:.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.:-:-:.;.:-:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:-:.::! he J'R~jJ. Eve ry tca eh"r and Hl udent Hartsock, of Ha rveysburl.!' lodge, teachers and studenti'! of the High ::: joined . d ur ing th e fir~t Illonth to f and :S. Fr ed, of Lebanon lodge. put S,:hool building . There will be furHchool. 'on the wo rk for one of the candi tune telling , music, a Hall owe 'en ::: i'.~'.: Thi ~ ('er lainlv sho"" H th" right dates. The work was well flut on by playlet, and other entertaining fea- ::: slJiri t n th e 11ar t tl f the slu d" nl ~ , for the local olficers, :and the past mas- ture~. E~erythinO' gnod to (Jat will :".:.: ..•::::. They will befound .' it will he II np"H~ ihl l' to have h <J~ket ters' work wa ~ g ood. A lunch was b( served, and th e... proceeds used to ... ball this year. and Llli ~ l: <Jm e iH on e served at the rlose of the work. and purchase pictures and improv e the :;: " at THE HAT ~~~ THE.UNIVERSAL CAR of till' bi" r" aSOllS why Blu den t:, ~eve ral fin e talks were g iven bv the school grounds . This affair is {o r ~:: SHOPPEo ::: jni l1l'd III (o rlll ,' 1' Yl! ar~ . TIll! ITIlIIWY visili ng brelhren . Seven lodges the whole community. Co rn e mllRk- :.:=:. : :: : lhis year i ~ I,eing lI"l'd lc) pu rchast! we re rep resented at thi s gathering. cd or otherwise. Uon't forget the :;; eq uipm enl fo r ha,;eliall, fnot I,all :md .... _ - _ _ date, ThursdBV. October 27 , I H2 1. ::: One assortment ::; tenniR. ~ ~


SliII I'·Shinf'.

da y~ .

:\ hout \: ':" '1"," 11 .. 11 1l'llIli p. Ih, · : I· " ;,' ,,:

",11" ,111 .





Thank~l{il'in~: !lp"r":l ·h e.~ , Wilh l ~.t ~UgglrnJ.(










BELIEVES IN SCHOOLS, AND Th (' ~!) · a c r l' farm hellll)l: ing to Ar thu r T h ' lIn a~ , 0)11 tl1l' U p p "rS "rln ~­ horo pi kl' , waR :,old, TU l'~ rl ay , t il Al onzo K p(·I O I1. of l\ l'nt ud(y. li p. i" now hol d ing the .,.f1 ice of d rcu it courl clHk and h ~ u i' ll t thi s farm for a home and wi II lak e pORse~Ri o n ,Janu ury Isl. , li e r aryw to Way ne Ttl wll ~ hijt to lor al e I"" 'f\ uqe of l it e ~Clo d roads and the Hc hnnl all va ntag-es . I'll r W. N. Sl~ a rs, who I11<LlI(' the sa le , says he wa~ ab le lo ge t al I('ast $2[, per flC tt ' 111 11 1'1' fnr Ihi ~ farm, 011 this ac~o un L

Coupe $595 F. O. 8 . 01,..., Wi',. Starf.r J,III Demoanta bI. RI"..


HE Ford car is so simple in construction, SO dependable in its action, SO easy to operate and handle that, almost anybody and everybody can safely drive it. The Ford Coupe, permanently enclosed vXth sliding glass windows, is cozy, and roomy-modest 'and refined-a car that you. your wife or daU8'hter will be pt'9ud to own and drive. And.of course it has all the Ford econ()l11ies of operation and maintenance, ~ .and look over ·the Ford Coupe. ~88OIlably PrQmpt deliverY can be

m8de if yo~ 8I'der at once.


F. D. 'H AWKE . Pho,., 41

Waynesville, Ohio'

BEAUTifUL 110WER ~UXHIBITED C. M. I{obitzer was exhih iting a flower fr om a night-blooming cereus , Friday evening. The plant has had se veral bl ooms this fall,and the fl ower exhibited Friday was th e cream of the blooms. I t wa ~ a beautiful bloom, the white leaves almos t like wax , and its scent was delightfIJI. The Robitze:rs are very proud of th eir plant, and well they may be .




A Hallowe'en social will be ~iven by the Springboro Grange, In the I. O. O. F . hall at Springboro, Ohio, I"riday evening, October 21. 1921. Various stunts are being planned [or the eVenini', and refreshments will be served in the banquet room. ' Everyone is invited to corrie masked. and enjoy the fun. There will be no regular meeting O'n Wednesday, O~tober 19, 1921.


ec lil)Se of th!,! moon was visible in this sec tioll, Sunday evening , and allrac lerl quite a ISreat dell I of attention. The :' c1ipse sta rt ed at about 6 o' clock and lasted over an hour. The ec lipse was towl in Asia and some of th e olhnr far east ern count ries , while here it was omy about one fourth.

of Paon a nd Lyons ::: V e l v e t models, :;: n icely trimmed ::: a tILl the season's ::: styles specially -;:..;. _ __ _ _ _ priccd while t hey;:: last, a t ~~;



::: ::'

We were Rurprised, last ThurRdBY, ::: when Mrs. Jam es Curtis , of Route 1. ::: came into our san ctum and presented . us with a bllsket full of fin e sweet ::: potatoes. Amonlt the lot was Ii yam ::: weighing five pounds. We are feel- :-: ing very kindly t oward Mrs. Curtis. ::; tor it was /I fin e Kill. If we had " \ kind friend wh o wo uld remember UR';' with a big fat hen, we would feel at ;:; peace with thp. wh ole world, for w e ::: could then hnve a s ure-enou g h good :;: meal for one time in the year. ;.:..: - - -- - .. - - -


A pllrlial


$2.908 ::

::: .:: ::: :::


Other moclels in 'Pnnn e Velvr t , S ilk Vel ve t, lJat- :;~ l' ltt sh allli lJu vel Yll s, in all the ::: lea dillg sh ades a n d s ty l (' ~ , priced from ::: 1 e r '~ I' lus h, G ille l iJl e




Pris cilla Dcn ll sty le t UIllS in



A v is it w ill. co n vince you of th e v alues .


••• h<ow". each .


- - - - - .__ ._--.:..-=-=::...--: -~-





The coal shed back of H. E. Harner's «;reamery caught fire Saturday, JUBt after dinner, and burned a hole in the ahed before it was discovered. There was not much- damag6' done, but if the fire.~ad gotten any head. . ,. way the result might Itave been dif· ferent. It III thought that a . apark : : : lilt from the flUe at~rted the'hlaze/





... plio


• -~

The Miami Uazette, 51.60 a year.


i The HatShoppe :1 ::: .:.


MRS. I(fLnO~ Prop., Wayn esville, Ohio ' i




~:.:.:.:,.:.:.;.;.;.:.:::.:.:-:.:.: -: -:.:.:-:-:. ':. :.:.:.:':.:.: ':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:l':':':':':';':-:.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:•••:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:





hlack, rcu , sand rand :::

------- ...

------- --


If It is Pre-War PrlOces One Is LooklOng For : :



M. N. Douglass , th e Spring Valley Real Eatate Man . sold the Oliver Gritty residence to Mr. J. W. Stro" snider, also the Thurman Wilson resIdence. on Walnut street, to Olivl,lr

----_ ..




Pressing, Repairing

" One day. service on. Sponging ' aird P ressing. All cleaning db.n'e by Fentora

Cleaners, Dayton.

The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio, 'I'n y lII"t It III til!' Illn"l'lIlI



CHillI! up h ut (I( the ll re nkpN!, w~t hut Wf' I C'l.lme, up u ~ ~ It uro und lhe mn lll~ m"~t, 8 1."'''1:):)",'' ~h', , a tlney .' .ltltlmH',1.



"It w"

f:"t t o Ille 1(11"1 ,,' hlt8. Ihp first j" rk 'lI \11111 Ih., un rh •• r h, .I I. up Ihr""l'h Ih" iI.'rk ." " 'h lln 111 1" hnw~~r hud b (' I' n rll~I

WtlU ' t



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)'1'1'1" " , \\ '" I lIt'~ t n" l \ ' ,,1111' "n' t o r l' ud l l.\ ," " U.ptlt i ll ~ ('rn j..' )!S t)III ' Il I'ti lilt' tl lrol l iro .

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Pllt bOllrd t he Maull',

jad,ed It " 'ould

t) p


Ill"r ort (I1to dt '\' p wu\ .: r . tll f' ~1 1 1 ~", I ~ ri..HJ){t l l vtt lhtllt h to !\ l t d< tn ltll' ""adl

h illi ~ \'t-' tl ,,, ~'I·IIlI1t I!.W Ilt'r IILII ' rn l l't t' l l



11I1 " h' ~

H1I" '\ , ' r t>,1

cnlm ly, oItlll' ''(' nlll' t ti P ~ Ud l ~hf l ' , lhls 111110 ut n\l('" h" l ll ' n t'"".· n' p ll lltl,~ \\ hl' r,' prln '~ t '!oI Itc'n ' r ).:n. !'ri l i . 1 1 ' ~ It nkt' I UlI1 H\ SI ' rnl:I!~ , \ Ild tn"I 'lt - mOrt'

ht'r Sl\ l Pl'l'f 011 tlltl Trlnl tr1p . :-;.n," s n 1t \ 11~ , Tl u rrnw· J.,'11t1t'tl rrntt , with fon · J,!ltll ' o.: 11ft, II I, to J\ Inkt' ~ h ' at111'r . "

"~\' "'11 pillY sufp: ' 1'1'.·rnon d"I·lih·11. ur;n 10 It - htlth o r you,


Illn), t ho

plinkul Rr .In,,· I Iho1l;:ht II 1Ip In H I N'~I II lnn win . Shl·'11 h'~IlIlK 10 )·Ilil. hurry. l~h, wl l. 17" I .J uck, t{ Sh~'8 t hlrtl \I' n hu t\f\red n t~t Ani' "l i n h ' (\!"!'., 11 , " crl".1 ['II pI n In ~"rJ\;:l!s . ,vu p ·t yuu r 11110 Hhnllrd fi r st. It sllO>'s 111 e lon t.· df'('khnnd l ' IIII ' r}!f'd frn lll a RS hlg liS Pon Sill'S ~ h e Is. you' ll bll hnl~ 10 t l1r rrp ll:ht r,,,·w llr.1 whlth.' r l"q unl pnnnf' r A- n he hacl N'rrf"lolll,'tI

t~ , ~ ' ~I ' Up,'

\· ~J,:t · tH .

t hl'

hie bnrTH!,:" \llll o"('r by ('''plll in Srrngl\S wh('n Mrn "!fry h' ft !1w shi p, "Aye, u~' e. sir," he br'o mNI. "All hllll ,l. hl'lo\l' 10 th e !!nllpy I" SCrDl:!!S .hn"tl·<l . "Whi le w~ ' r\! wu ltIn' for IhlS hert' IOw hl1nt I'll hr\!\\' n lI(,lI!!lr 0' Irrog to ('.' I,·hrul" tI " , 1113' cO \'ery 0'


St ' H ~ rHr-II1 '


my dpnr hoy, I'm rrOlHI ot

h lh,

)' 0 11 ,


stons nnrl


I, .

er Yank ee Prince Is ns hore hnlt a mile below the Cliff house, She's a bIg tramp with n vnlull hle cargo fr olll Hong Koog, wi th the r udder gone IIml ber crank shntt buster!." "It's hIgh wntcr III twel\'e thlrty"oven," .Jock F'lnherty pleaded. ;'YoU'd better selld IIl C. 'J~ e nIlLO, The Borll'gll hilS 1I10ro power tll nn the .'\1,h ro.l1to." Thl. was the truth 111111 Dli ll iII cks knew It, h ut he W IIK 11,,1 t o he IW" IPII out of hi s shn re or th e ~1I 1\' n ge lIy such a rgunll'nt. "Juclt." he ph'oded. "don't be 0 hOI: nil the time, The Y r.n k ~ PrInce Is nn I'lghl Ihml ' ~lI nd - t on \' r'ssel onll It's n tw O·tlll! joh. &tter send us both, Th'rnnn, nnd piny sufe. Chllnres nrl! our com peti tors hln'l! thre l ugs nn t he \\,IIY rIght now." "Whot n \\"olul rful Irnll~lnn ll lln you have. Dlln, E IJ,:ht t hOllBlllleI t ons I You're

c rll :t.y.



th1 r tl'en

h undred IICt register nn.1 I kno\\' It be· cnuse I \\'Il~ In Newpllrt j';('w~ ",hrn t hl!¥ InullCiw(\ hl! r, nll!1. 1 W. 'lIt out '~' Itb

Weighing Without Scales. The rcsourcefu llll'SR of the Irlsb I. .hown 10 th eir IlIl!t hod of wei ghing with out Bco les. "1'0 weigh R pig," Buld all [rlllhmn n th e other day. "nil yo hn\'~ 10 do 18 to IllY a pl an k acr osa • an wh orse, plllce • big Slone 011 o lle .. nd ot the plunk nud the pig on tbe oUler, theu sh ift the pllUlk uotll thE> t wo thin gs t>allln ce. Thon ye g\l ess Ihe wel!:ht or th e Rt un ~ Slid ye hnve Ih e \\" 'Ight of the plg,"-Bostoll 'l'rnn· Brrillt.


ConR(I(l upnt



OIw..enidol!l'r ,Qn 1'.lIch LUll waa on dlllV,

mnttpr "'hnt hn pP"n •• 111 new'r hnve no oU.l·r nll"lgll tlli' ofllcl' r," "Dou't ('row till you'r,' out o' the WOOOiL" t he nstu t e Ullmey warned him,

In tllI! om'e of the RI!,I S til ck Tug Bolli COm]!HIIY Cupt oln DUll III<:k ! , rnn ler of thl' tu g AphrOllll c; CIIPIH lu Jo ck Flnliertr. moster of th e n m].·gn. Ilnd Tl ernnn, the lIsslstnn t ~uI ... .1ntendent on ulght wlt tch. sot a round a hot little bOl[ BtO\'O l'nl:n~crl In th ut OCCUIJDtlou 80 denr to t he mnrltlme heart, to-wIt: Aplnnlng yams, TIle t elephone r U1I1: nnd 'nernan anawered , Hi cks nnd Flnhcl'ty bitched forwnrd lu tllelr chnl rs t o lIst"" . "Bello, . , , Yes, ft.',1 Stllck office. Steamer Yunk ce Prince. , . • Whnt's thnt? . . ,silk nnd r ice ? , , , H nlt n mile belo w the Cliff house, Eh? • . . Sure, l'11 send a tug rIght owny, Linds trom." Tlemnn hunlf up nnd fnc ed th e two "klppen. "OentJeUIl?ll," he nnnounced, "bere's a chance for B IItlle sal\'oge money tonhrht. TIle Amerl C'tln stenm-


tnlklllg to himse lf. Down the dO('k8 Ilicks nn r! Flo hHly wcrt, rurlng for th~ r es(I('cll\'c <'0111 , mnnrla, ench 8hollling to hi s nigh t wotchmnn to pipe ull hunds on dprk , .~ortunn l ~ly . a goodl y hend ot Rlcnm WII ~ UP In eac h lUll's boil ers ; bernll ~e of Ih ~ fo g li nd th e liability t o cu lll· Hut

:-;h. ' 11I\,t'l' l y ... \11 ('t ' I 'd l't! 111 Ht r' I,'1IIm,: 1111 11. I HI W ... t 'I'!'oo tllut: .. lLt"l~ ~Ill' \\ H'" d n l \\ 11 0(,:1\\111'01 , f\ t.' r ll Jlr'-I~ , u o d nt 11 11 ' "'l lil'a1111 11 d( J(lllfllt ',\

Mr.,".Y 111(11"

DO\\' to

1I ~

SUllden ly {'''pt ftln

H ..'rnKJ.!' s rf'tnf'lIl · he n~d th ~ re W il l!! no nne On du t y In thp Maga: 1e's pnl(tne r oom. Y,'l th 0 h nlt Hob. h e altd ctown th e g r flfUIY In<llh'r, tor~ open the turnn~ doo r s nnd N"m · m ~nced 5bo,' ~ ltn g In cnnl w1th n ret"k· teftAneftR t hot hon' prNt on In son1r ,'" ""h en th e lndl ca t or ,;howed el"tlf y p oundA ot steRm h f' come up on rll ' l~ k a n d c:!t sconu"ed Afr. Olhnf'Y wRlklnt::

lolerunly r ound e nd rOUlHl t llf" IIUlp

capsta n up forward , It wus crpoklng anl'l groonlnl! dl",nolly. Coplllin S crng" thrns t hi. enj.!1ne room t o''I'h above his hend to IIl{hl the s~n~ ftnrl ga&ed upon his nn\' III"tllllO: oilll'l'r In blonk a lll n 7.(!m~n t. "What fooltsh nesa Is Ihl. , 0I1l?" he d ~ma nd e !l , "Are you c1l'lIn rllltT;- , <In· In' fl bn m <la l",e nrollllel thllt rusIY cnps tnn', mak ln' u noise la t o frl gl,len the nsh?" "Not rnllch." C'tlme I h~ Iliconic r .. ply. "rm n SlIIu rt man , I'm rnl~lo' both an chors." "Wl'il, nil I got to rClllnrk 19 thnt It takes a Bmnrt mnn to rlll ~(· both ""c hora wben we on ly g"l 011" IIn r hor t o OU r ble8sed nlll1le. An ' wllh that anchor illite on Ihe fo 'rn' lle heud, [. tor one, enn't see 00 Sl' ''Re In ruls ln'

0 ' t'rl nlld

'" 111 11111 1""

lit. ,· t.., , ' 1I 11I

Ihl. li ne 10 thl' low ing blto, "l\t '('HII ~ t ''''

Build Now and Save Money

,,!lI1 ,' II ", 1"(\ rll'C-4 "' 1" ll r1IJy Iln'w


~) \l t

like 8 h)""e Ivu th III the l"ll of th e \1 11<)(1." The Aphroctl t(l fl)rJl~d s l owly nllend . taking tn t h e !t I Ut~k or th e hnw8l' r . T"~eu t y m inutes latl' r, nftf..'f ul\Jf'h bnck lnll and 8 w ea.rl o g nnd }\('I\\' lnj( of 1I0~8 th~ not1f'gR 8 huw sf'r WAS nllln

\\ t · hay r epea tedl y s latct.1 to you that the price of utlil clillg ma ter ial was \Try r aso llalJl c' this yea r. Itl fact, so c h ea p that yu u l'IUlIIot a H'o rd to put off hlli lding or Tcpairi ng, - - -

:I;.!II I It ... t

" ' I i ll

1111'111 l ilt:" for 111 1 \ l lu ' rp w I,,'1 1I 1<.· . 11 1"1 1.1 ' 1" I tt lQ I:" II' t' ;-; 1" III Ih'r ' u n l •• ' t"

drlYl' furth"r 111' tlw III'n c"11 whf'n my nT\l'1lpr

~n-Jl ":c,; ,

" (1'11"11\1,,1, '11

fill 1l\' J'," hl'

hol el hpr st cllIl )"




l",\II1Ct mf"t\t 0 1 th ~ fn("t 1,'1 t h ~' P'( . Pt'(' t Utlt' ( 'nplntn 1f kk~ . ",\ ~ ~I·~'n n!l\ "J,, ~ t



Ihr ",,,Inrn"~ t. th o h'nlh r' m 1111110'8 of Mr, '(;1I)11 oy IIIn.11' tllI l' lin ·



'1 1" Sql,lU','l(':\4! L" U '\d l' lI l l1~ ~ lId\1 t , \\ lw t ," /1 ,,111 :\I r. (;,t I "\ I 'ulli-d till' ,'n d ' l l' r IH11I1. " , :h I Ih'r llw Pil l. " h..,


Y(\H fl\ ~1

'1'1 ... :-;'I'"Ir' hl·,,',1 ·.tnll,,,, ,:,r IIII1I SC·. f 8 l till' IIltl ,; wllh a II III, I' n nn,1 ~I r, (;lhIlI'Y hll .... I\l lh·1\ 1" tt l' " \,jlll ItOll ".· HIH I tou }\. lil~ pi li p ' 11 1 11h' " III 1'1. \\ hl'U f) II ' h'l\\ ~ " ,' S' '': ,'H1IIl lU'rH t '" I II 111 I 1)'11 I h., .!"'f' ! ' ,


!·c. ... ITldll

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,"!l lllll" :\ ' II ...

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A good Harn Siding,

F,.('slt LiuI C', Pbs t e r a n d Celllt' ul 0 11 h a uds al\ thl' lilllt'. A lIe w car o f til fix yu m Chilllneys. Pre vl' lIt fires uy look ill ~ uf te r yOll r ch imlleys u t II ri c k I~Ollfill ~ mutl' ri a l for a\1 buildill g-s . lilt rr .

II I\ ! 1 II,' ,.1 •. 11.1 " 11 "" tilt' \ \" "1 .1 111 1' 1 .. , 1 .111d lJ-' 1 :tf l \\ 11 11 "" HI ' , ' ,11 111" \\ I." d ti l ,' .\ l a .: go t., . . I"t! pn' ;,1 II I, "I .. . 'I ! .111 01 I ll!' Ita'" ." " r~ .. 11111, . ·.1 1111111 1'" '11 , , 1, I" l it,· 1\\.11 kll ll J.:: "I' Jill " ,\ " \ 11' ,, 11 '11 ' \ 1.:,01 ,·:.'. t Ih l'rll ofr. IIl\d " .. li l i' i li d ... ,t ", I i " .II , " ! It .. " "II I I \ I ,!, rlt , ,' " I' lill, hll l'\{ t il IIp ' li lt H! hll" ... ', I It. ..: I II' Ii dl ':: 114:'1'" ;t 11" )I'!. I II ! II !" IL" !!II ! . 11 . 1 H\ I ' r . I t P I' IH IIj . 'I ,' ,


" .. ,, 01 , 1>101 110 '1; ,II ,' 1;11,

$27a50 $30.00

A good Y . )" Box Board, ill'r JOllO fed, at ,



I'oII ' rl ' II, '1' I I'n.

Ill cli:oo III·r.. nc1('II httllMf"lf,

lit' ,'I " "'nl tlu' h, ... k w ith R 81):h nO ll pl Kj'l"d If h ll, ' I, 'HI thp ~hclr , ,,,tR t ft 8 " 1" d tl or 1l}\I' fll ' " to Rfh u lt no INU, I'l'nW IlI1:': 1'

[ hllo

Hut'tlllllu Hlf'W

Il1 ll' c'l l1 t.' f

l'ro HI'III'd



(1t'll~ ,

('1'0 ~ r.n ntln u et'l .l

---- -.- --




f"Hlll\t'lp r . ftrftt nftRtHt · li nt. !-I f ,t'II'1I 1 1I..;"' I~ IHnt , thlrfl f\ s~l~tl\ n l , \\ IpC'r. 1I11 " r , wltfpr h ' lu1"r nnli !itokt:' r IOf Ih,' S S ~1 1l~"I p . Wllh " IIrl .. f nod '0 ,l" ,'k F"".O'rl ," ~Ir , ~1 "(lurrl'Y lip'


o POlllDd C hin B H oga. 3 ONEY 8 \:slmillg 1'yp e .. !In,\ " fomn los, good on os. M I Jers ey C ow . Inquire



AI~ o.

~~r e 8h

or Milt o n MlloDollald ,

lit\rvoy ~ b"r g,



\I' ..






Plans Model flomestead


-----. - ..- --


Notice this delicious flavor when you smoke Lucky Scrike - it'. sealed in by

the toasting process


Wayne Township School District



'lW'ns T' K"'IOW IF YOU

8,01E SIW 'BOlE ,.

Money to' Loan on Farnl Land for fi ve years at 6 per cent. TERRELL




Wilmington, 0., p hone 301. WANTf<.:D VERY rO llldlln~ 10 t btH oommuni to be with ':110 1111 H o me Pa,'Hr /:lend yonr 8ub.or l ptllln 10 tbe Miami Gu .-.ntto at o noe,

E Week ,

W men t o

AN1'E U- ~' .. rm e r 8

and d lllr.v IInow w e bllve .. III. lII o n\h 8.01l1 rllgIHf.Clr e<\ 111111 " ,le r HIlYtltut r l'RI LIld Nfl. h:JHU 4 ·- whIlMoI lIam wa" a wonde r of perluolloll III sllle, aolor ,u1l1 mllku'l( qnulttl e~ . 1:I0r dam IInlll(rtlnd dILlU we re e'lulIl Iy Ifrellt . If yu u bll il e vo 10 Il<lrlll ltty, y ou oall dri ve 111111111 tn brel'd 10 Riotre~s' Lad B eo. A, 8 eBob , t:lllr· veysburg, Ohio, 814-tt __ _____ -==.. _--=----::'.--


---_.- .. - --


!>llIlDed 0 11 live RtOOIt, fllRO HlIonll ll IIl11rt.I(HL("~ ' N;)t.eR h o n~ht , ,I"hn Hllr hlltl' , Allen Blllltling . X e nia (lhln . tl ~ ~~ oh Httu l ~,

OhIo. o~G tarnati on jo rku •• I" sl!,:hc,1 GIbney. "You t orget wh o we orp, I 1(2 Ty po POlllo d .Cb inll BosrH "ntl Do yon s'p06e the stl'nm l'r Yank l'c 1111&" or thf! be"t '1ulLlI&.v "nd Prince caD lay 00 the b,," ch all nl j.!h t Ior eellinl! , W C W " lob & 800 with both ancho", out, nn' t hen be ~ot Hu vey" burg. OhIo. 011 ,..4, to tow elf In tbree ~ hake8 of {\ lamb'. tall? It fekes nolee t o I:et 11]\ two anchor_eo I'm mak!n' all Iho LOST lIolse I can. Got any sten III , .. ('UMMON PLEAS COU RT "Ellghty pounds,· Sera ggs coo fessed. New S uita. UST- A Ir O"" [..nth Hammer and Ha\'log for Ihe mom ellt forgott en hi. lintoh!lf.. slime plaoll In town , Ideutlt,y, he W RS contusl'd In Ule pr.,sEdw in V"t"I Hvo r t v~ IV. C. Uodd enro of Ihe aupe rlor Int elll !(I'nce of his "n.1 .11\11,,'" Ke lley , Am o llllt Olllllll - ~ Il e ~d ~tll ndif o rd , WlIyocBvllle. OhIo, 0 26 08vlgutlng oll1t-e r, Mr. Gibney Tu r ned His Stovepipe Sea- ",1, t~g ·1O "nun nft, thOll, S cr nggs, nn' tllrn w ard and Shouted: "Tugboat., Tnfh. IIn,\ Hllllrks VII Perry L e wis tha t rllrgo winch O\'l)r 10 hent tho Ahoyl" Appealed fr nlll .f , P ('o ur!, .'OR SALE- I>ROPERTY band until I tell you to st op, With Th nll.a8 Co r wi n v~ M"llnrlor O wen Ule drum runnl n' free she' lIl11nke nolR' 8.111 IlI'n,lpd tli" ~ 1 1Ii!J!lp In thl' ~1'neMi I gr r ll r til ,I . P. enou.h for a winch Ulr"e IllII es her dlrt'{· t1 ol1 of ('111 11 11, IIIIhO ll l;h n~ H nllllM to. I BId ROPERTY 10 Waynenl\1e, • tl'r f r 'I II " ' 1 I l ilt ti lr" 'II"n Ha III u el C :Tn Dg ley vs ," an large lo ts, il-room hODse with 1I1 z.e, but you mlgbt gh 'e the lIer"ssnry h 0 n. I e <1'1. 11' III" 'r Anm, HUn o Cogno vit, DoSe yell e to mUke It mor e lifelike," e pur, uN , pro, "" Ii.· " " I 11\\ " ,I rulll 1I~b&8 , oUy Bcd olstero wll~r In upta in Scraggs fl ed to Ihe wIn h' l Ih e hpnl'i1 and pl.II·,,11 tl l" :Jl]('" 1.0>1\\""11 b OURI', good faruaoe. good bllrn Ilnd At the end of fiv e mill utes, Mr, OIhlll'J' I II... M III:~lr' ulld I \\"0 SIlO)]] II) -I.c furious Probate Court Proceedin gs. ohlokeD house, plenty of fru l t trem! "The American St.amer Yank.e Prince alJpeared nD d bade him dcsls \. 'J'h~II ,; 11Ii!11""l , 1,lp""",,, T h e will of Katb eriDe K , Dll ke r 18 01 ull kluds, 00 good .. trellt, Olll"e ID Apply to Mra. Mllry Browster, Wu..V· Is Aahare Ha" • MH. a.low the tumln, hIs ImprovIsed ml',;ofl holl {, ~I' II CHAPTER IV Illlln itttltl t o pro\Jde, n:l Clltr Hou.e," ward be IIlhldrt!s.ell Ill. IIullgllIlI.·Y . Th " w Ill 0 1 ,1 01111 W, Buk or Is ad- n es, ·iI1 o. Ohio. mate : "Hr, Th olll pson, hUI'e yo u lI"t mlt,t ell tn I.r nhfl l,fl . Out through ' tI. e u at. tney !losecl your port anl'l.or up ?" T h,' """,,",; of til l' "l'hrl1<1I1I ' nll!l Ihe th ~lr wuy, hen \'l nj.! the lead con llnuSerar;,. took the ~ue IInllICd lutely. B Ollt '~1l ~h' pt ' lil li ', fo r till' )" wpr,' Th t, wIll o f ,I .. hu 1:1111 i8 ndmittell o r bOlly o f WllltnrConover. 16,25; 1:1 ,, mnde n wlel" detour aroun<l Milo "All clear forw unl, si r." h>! pllWd. w"" r)" 11 11,1 . r .. rlll ll al d y, no "1111. r" r to [lro hu t." :,; C.mover. aupl'lIel, 1&.50; Morrow rock lind the Sea l rocks, IIwtln l: a "Send the bos un fo r'd nil' hl'lIYe th .. 1\ III~ rll .lil' 1111 0 II", t11lkp "f n.',1 The wil l ' " C .. r o lme Gl\ste lin is (I rllnt, e xpunse aocount t or qnar'er mllr 10 Ihe south of the p "~ l t lon at lead. Mr, Thomp son." 1';III(,\{ l'OIl.paIlY 111 1 '""1''' I1Ig', """ lit lulllll tted to prn bllte. (lnlllng !Septe mber 30, 167 ~'j ; l.eb&. the Mt ggle, and Ihen C'tlme CfIlitlously "Very well, sir," 11'11 o'rl,wk ]11111 II k k. n" d .Tal'k Fla · Mll bel ("utrIIlOn is uppolnt ed I\d- nOD loe & Galli Co , Sflplelllber 10e up the l'On3t, whi stlIng Here Tbe Squll rl'hend, wh o horl bl'ell Ilf> rt,l' hro' lik f"<ll' d .11111 II l,nnl l'II .lhlr. minl s tralrlx of t b o e8~ate of ,fohn for oo orl h o use, 110.75; Fuel & to arquolnt Ihe \'snkee Prtnce wIth .DJOylns the uolque slluation 11lIIIll'lIse- Iy hOlh III tl .., ,.ni('!', Appll r!!ntl y M , He lg bwllY. d,'oolll\od, Bond,IGOOO Sappl ,VCo., luppltllland reDt,III.;!6; their presence In the nelghborhOOII. I decld -.o t t k d P r e~c Il tl" ·"ara". y, ~ 0 a e II h un, " Ih".I' WP"I' two HO llis with hut U slnj:lp . Walter Jordfln, Gpo. Bogan and Leb"non ~ '" " and Weldin" .. "0., v In untlclllll tion of Ih e neresslty (pr In s Iflg·song calI"nee.•I e wn s repor tl n. Ih ollA'h l, fOl' Ih., r lg-ht 11111111 of r"rh 13 eo. Dllvls ore "Jlpointed npprlllBere I"bor ~ , 11 ,' L . C , 8ml'" .. Br- " .ynA.. ........ rel'l~' ln g to thi s welcolDe 80und. alpthe depth or wnl er 8Iollg~ldl!, ~O")("l II", ,<luM \\'ho>r"on r<' I")"rd IIII' of tho estllte o f ,I obn M, Belgbw&y, writer repairs, la ; Type~rUer RIItnln Scrul{](s nnd Mr, Glhney hnd, for "Thnt'l\ do, bos uo," Glhney tlnin- hille ,'olulI'" ~ lItltl,," "1.10)"'1'" n "IZI ~ · lloconsed. psir Co, overbaullng treasurer'lI tbe pnlt two hours, bu sied them selves dered, 'rhen. 10 hIs natural voice. to Ir r." nUll I !I rk' r .. n.'he.1 11 tlrst. CRr___ machine. ,23; F. J. Lewis, Cle rk, jfettlllK up anot her hend of slt>am III Scraggs: "AU set. Scrng~KY . GnL'S8 rl.'rl It til ,I,,' cOIl'lJl'r, wet ht. In rry pOMtege, 14 98; Anen duft'm'lD, th e Ma ggle's holl era. repairing the ....·rll relilly to be pull ed olr. Ol! t <l OW II Indrx IllIg.' r 11.111 "1[Il·r".1 tllrnlll g thr Mnrriage Licen SL'Il. traD~ o rlblng rocord No, G, 150;. John whis tle and Ipllclog the wires of th e lu the engine room nnd 8t.1lnll by t or pll l{es In II "lIln "parl'll fo r tlil' AlIIl!rl Ruym o Dd E. Meyers, e leotriolaD, & &In, s upplies, l"O,ll!!; KII . engin e room telegraph, Like th e wt3e tull speed ahead when I give t he clln 8t ~ R IlIf' r Yllnl, ..·]' P rln.·,' , I'rl'sl'ntl y li nd MisM Dorot ha G , Eyer, botb of patrlek-Frenoh Mo~oroar Co, lame, men they were, however, they decll neJl word. tI hI' look!'.1 lin III ,1 1I ~ k F IlI h pl·ty, t:.ebanon , '1 50,60; Karl Daklo, Warren Co , to 501l0d the M8 ggle's Blren ulltll the "F'lnherly." h" BAld. "1 thlllk you're DlreetorY I 1 ,50 ; Wilber £rSle. for· "Quick i Hurry I" Scragg. entrcuted 11 " RILym ond Shinkle', farmer, Bnd t W tugs were qull e close. E.-en th en, Mr, us be dI sappeared through tl.e little R or. Miss (2raee Dorner, both of Plea8elnt nlshlng and plllui ItODO, 2,10; al. Glhney tlhudd er(' (\ , but needs must eD,lne-room hlltch. for the \Ide WIIN "TIll! sam" tl> YOII nllll 1Il1I 1l )' at ter Varner. R & 8. repairs, 128 10; wheo the de vil drivel!, 110 he pulled now at the Up of !be Oood und UlO them, " F'iRherty r npll.'lI, no\. II hi t PllLln, Phlltp Belsol. same. '5" 115 ; Keolor the whistle cord and W88 rewarded Muggle was burnplolr wickedly oll d abMh ~l'I , "," nil ~n"l sloe WII' nil ell(ht Albert Rlpperger l farmer. alld Ml slI Garage,lIvery. H ,BO; .108 Davis, M with a weird, mournful grunt, dying d rh'lng turther up the beuch, Mr, Glb· thou"un,I·lon lrump." (jelle R ob inson , both of Love loDd R , payroll. 1251.:12; Zalo ArmUage, awny Into 0 gaRp, " r nl','or went "0 for n~ 1<) Rny r'd Glyde !oj, 1'h o mo!l, ' I)by~i olnn, Ilnd road w )rk , '6~. , 08; . W , B. Maddou Dey turned his IIto\'eplpe senwa rd lIud " So ullds lik e Rhp hilS the pIp," Jo ck shouted : ''TII,bonts, nhoy I" h!'en nh(1 a rd hl'r ro n IrinJ t rip, thOIll!h :\IIRlI B e len R Ahl e rs, both of & Co" supplies , 11 76 74. - find dlrl CH I dll" '11 h,'r In="..,.,.......""'.......,..+--".,.,....-- - - - -- - -- - -- - I Fln h"rt y re mukNl to hl8 mate. "Ahoy I" they nnsw er ed In un1800. tn' T ""Ot th (\ rrHt:lIl1'nt~ (I t J\ C OD ~ " Must hn ve token on Borne of Ihat P'L111 \VllltamM, salesm&n. alld MIss Notice of Appointment dirty A~llItl e water," Don Blcks 801110BI"ntlh e I.uctl le Reed, b oth o f "and now her tubes ha ve gllne -- ~----.- - - ..!. Lebonon, Eltat.e 01 John II. 8el,h"&7, deceued, to glory." Notice !Jo henlby ,IveD that )label Oarrbon Honry Bllrry ~;C1kprt, farm"r, ami h .. boon duly appolot.ed and quaUlIod .. AdIm medi at ely boUl till:'! kIcked IIhesd Mi s ~ !I1,uy Jo:lI .-.dl e th Bughee, both mlnl. treUlx ot 'be g""""" of Joho H , 11 ...... un der n dead Blow bell, IUl<led by a of MUY lln. ""J;.~et~:. ~W'3~y~lu8~t,~~oill~t'o~l. series of tools IIIJ brief 811 11k GIbn ey W. Z ItOLL, could make them. a nd preaentl y both Jud i e of the Probat.e Oollrt, Warreo Couoty. Ohio. Real F..sta\.e TraDllfer8. tug lookouts reported breakers dKd Do ao & Cort.W11I!ht. AUy.. 026 ab end, FlIInoos and William Maher to Dan Hick. sent II mlln tOl"o\'artl !o ,11I,mes and ,Josoph MoCarren, about beave the lead un<'ler the nose of the 1 ~5 lLOr es In Washing tau aud MlLulo Notice of School Election Aphroolte. whIch was edgIng In gloto wns hips , 11 200 , rerly toward the voice. He ba<'l a James H , Andersou to Finley A. MorriRIlD, 232.:16 o c res iD Massie IIea rt 'hll lrh t, bu t he dill oot attempt nIlNv"~~":,~7.::~~~r.."B~~r~:'-:, ~d~I:~I~~ ~ 10 usc It. knowlnK full well thnt 10 town Hlilp. 'I. Way,,* 'TOWWlhlp Rural School Dlstrlc, ...111 . s uch II fog It would be ot no ovnll. Frllnk W . Kirk to Eleanor VilD h" belt I OD Olll,h'o, Ih"refore, by \be bellowlngs TrOllY. trlLot, In Wayno Twp., 'I. of ~Ir, Glhlll')', reinforced by the shrtll tl o rooe P flml It o~o Eo t:tokes. lot yljJ s of ('lIp lUII1 Sc ragg», the tug crept tbe uo"81 .."tin, place.: Two (2) memba" No 1M in ,lohn!lto .II"s additIon to at t.o lie 8100,""11 ror a term ot two n I ytl&N, aDd In d oscr un d closer. and when 11 Corwlo. ~!!OO . three (I) mom""" lor. term 01 lour (I)y"". sl'elued thn t they mus t be withIn a L, U. UENDKKBO "" C le ment M Beel to Mo ~e" Beol , 01~- 4t Olerk 01 Board. h undred feet of the 8urt, Dan Hicks tbe undlvhlll d ona.hal f of flboot !is t rul nell hi s Lyle gun In the direction Ilores in W lLyne town s hip, fl . of Mr, Olhll ey'a voice nnd shot a heavNebrasIQ's College of Agricultur e Ing lin e In t o t.he t og. has constracled a model farm ste ad AlmoHt slm lllrnneous with the report Commiulonera· ProeNCIJnp for Ibat state. In the piClure of til e gU ll co ule II ahr.lel' of pain !fum model, ",hich is hercwi th prinl cl'l by Bills t1l1owed: Cioclnnlltt' Papet' Ipleciaf arJIan~«!nl s with Popular ('a pt aln Scruggs. . Straliht .I).nd .,true lind Cordage Co " "uppllel, 17 50 ; ScinIc." YOftdlly, the urious huil clIh e wet, henvl knotted eod of Ule Burroughs Adding Muohl no Co., ·r,,Inp 'baft ~ lUd 011\, 10 lilal the heu"lng line came \Jj onr tbe Kaul,'s pairs to troasnrer's maohlns, 151.43; I. . . . . . . . . . . eroaecI die circle in quurter and Itru~ him 10 the moatb... tI, D. WiIIlaml, luppllell, Ill.10 i ai, .. ........ ~ II..,. lannen, it In the darun. ~ lta,PN4 bc~ 1'1 ..... , .... fII waited motion A: Burke, Dlamblolr and repalrllin from the "tJnglD, blow, c!utebe4 wl14. " lit nJation to their machinery , jail, 132 03; B. E, Warwlot, lap. Iy a t the air, "lipped and rolled over in ' ftlatioa to ttK,ir own 'Illles, ~6 ,B O; Gillian hon Worts. reo _lib. nll1(lnll the ve~etahlel with the pJ'&> yards. N" ., r l,,"l1 fr, ' (": two pa irs to grador, 188 19 i Morrow In dU PJu., die barn4 and yards yard . . T he ham ha,; C' , , ' ,. lle" cla us rope clusped to hi' broll8t. Bra ot. board and waahlng lor prls. Ioateed , 110" that ~ prevailin" t o allow thc wi lid. I" ;, " t. " s:h "I !lot It," he spu ttered, "I got It, uners for Soptember, '17l!.GO i The \. .... will carry o&eosi~ odors it fr o m so ut h 10 no ll , " lIv, (lIh," Western 8t14r, supplies, 1245 10 i The Away Irena the bo1lSe. All the Ibe plan Jightet\s 11m" .", . 'Ill S "SIl!e. 0 I" Mr, Gibn ey bnwlcll. "Pay Lebaoon Lumber 00" filing cablnot buildings abo Itr:t! placed so as I" 10 ri.ake lor plc a s~ •. ( ~. _ , .... u'.:co out .\'our hnws ... r ." for' treosurer, 113 GO; oo@t of inqnea' act as windbreak!! to garde n :",,1 a nd good viewE, ~you




- - - -- -- --_._--



AY -A bont 40 to 50 tOb8 of Hay. O. A . l:!t. J o bn. R . D 6, Way.


nesvtlle, Oblo. - --- -

FOR SALE STOV UOU - 2 Oillt BeaUng BtovfH, 1100 14 and 16 Inoh, iDqUIrO of W. t<llbou, Waynlllvlllo, Ohio. n2 ' OCK Jl:REfJ 8-Wbite Rook Cook. erelll, Fishel IItrllin, _2.00 "lIob . Pbono 152- I X, Mra. U. P. EIIi H, WIIJ'u88vllle. Ohio. o~a


-A ROod Ford' A UTOMOBILErourlng Oar. 1916 model, nowly painted and overhauled; good tireH. loqalre 01 J. A. Pine, R. D, 5, Wayneevllle, Ohio. 02

USDER'WOOD'S APPLE~ We havo about y. arop of ooalonl quallSy of R ome 8eautle8, PriDeS at orcbard, It GO, 1lI,00 aod ,a.50. PhoDe S4-5, Barvey,burg, U , 11.8 Bea~lng

2 Now Inquire

8tOVlII, &14 a barpln at /:!II wyer '8 ,rooery. 026

Iuqulre of M. 8 , 6000 (>ATB. liar lan, 019 Wayn~vll\e.


blooded English Ball Pupa, 6 Full. ,2 and to eaob. 0 , A , I"\t. Joho,

R, D,


Waynesville. OhIO ,


Good Rubber-Tire BOigy, 10 100d Ihape. inquire of W. A. 8urf.oe. R, 0 , Ii, Wsyuelvllle, Oblo. 019


DlIO, IJOOd A Dool1la Booaler FerrllIzer

1\11 Dew ; 000 ~ heat Drill,

11-7, 10 looci shape: Call phone 143-', W.Jn",nllle, Ohio, 019

Ou llDatoe, and 1 6b,P. Uder Pr. . i oheap If

Uoalom .old .S ooee, Apply 106, A , Zell, WaJnell. vlllo, Ohio. olt

P 12,10

ore. bred 81nllo and ROlle Uomb Rhode Red Uookerell, eaoh. Apply SO Mrll W , M', ~or8aoh, WtIoJ'n08v!~o! Ohio, 019




The Miami Gazette. Waynesville. Ohio,






r;<':: l lA Y

Mr~ . ('

fl . 1. . Cl·' ,\N E. hlilnr 1~ l ltI l '" I,k . !::iui.Jscrinti on !'riel' ,

I lt · l .

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'IV K.,yl " r ~ t i ll reUlllf t1



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Mr 'lil t! :\tr~ . 11 ",, 1'1.(" I! lt l!"n IlIiU Hon . l:$p rt I'III Jl rt lllllt'll t o) ~ \Ino\ · '1 u la ner. C'il fluu cu v 1111 DIl l' II I\u t! h I li 11:v, Mrs. (' llIrll 1)·111111 lIu , ll llIl1 ~l. t '\T ~ . Rll ipigh Ih )l:ll n IInoJ f " lI lly , IlI' U "1!'IIn lill I-I" un ll f,u1I11\,


Rcmcmber Your Absent Onc. or W c 11 11,

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If yun th in k your boy o r girl o r fri e nu w,'nlu rathe r " uh~orlbtl him." lf , IJllITk thlll pl608 and mlill tho pL\pllr to him Or lie n II us \he !H1I1lL' o n th o fo llowing CIIUP'IIl Ilm l we' will UO It fo r you : .. .. .. . .. - ...... -. ...... ..... - .. -. -....... .. . .... .... - . - .. . - ......... ... ... .. - ... .. .. ........ · .... .. .. 0


Sa ps E llergy~ud ("s Pepto-:\Iangan Rebtlilds the Blood

Thi ll

E. litro r Til Ii: MI AM I ( ~ A z .:' ·n~ ,

Bl ood

P I ~ BRe Re nd !nark,'d l'o llY IIf Til E MIAM I ( ;A ZE:'rI'I:: l O:

Poem hi Uncle John





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\V . Hllltlrl, nnll



fN. • • ~ ..,.,,>.~ t . . . . . . .<1


, I.'-tt

~; nvi('e .


Ulltical Departmen t




1111 11 1'1 1 l o r lit oner nu :-;nllLl'I Y, Mr lI u Li lirs Aivil K (loneuy "od t hrt.l tl c hil d reo , M iti~ Lyd ll, J obn Ro d I HerlJp rt .






Th e fir .. t l.1un lber of Uw Leotare (lo urSO ·WIl8 b e lli ~· rI Ll o. y ni",ht. lit th e T uw n h ll i i. A well RnUstiod cro wd 01 p enp i(l T Il{! next DllIulJor (1on ur ~ N llv (, luher 1.-, tl l.


I ............~ ............

A. SHUMAKER Veter ina r ian

I'metica l \ ·;( I"I' inalllf . g'o(,d

\." t h s il' k

Th e 111 K c hur oh is ~Bt ting t tH !i rMt coal o f !lutnt . IIfto r b f\vi n g beBn bnllt f ur !ifty YI!Hr~- b et t'(' r la t o th~n !l AVer l'h l~ ~ p OM k ll wnll for th ,' ullice r Mo( th e chur c h .


'..; 11(' (' 1':0:";


1I ~,:, - l'I


l 'll"nl'~

IIt' 11 \- Ir

Bellbrook, Ohio

The I A~t 1'hnrsd l\y night uf thl ' m o nt·h . ther •• WIl l Le ~ Dle lltlDg of Knight!! o f Pyt,hlllM L od"e No. &5';' All lU e mhe rs .. w r ~ques te d to i.JI:l pr o~e nt; ar g ent lJ llMin flRs. ReruoUl_ bflr t,b e uOle, Ootob e r 2 7th .

It ie mighty imp"rla!)1 for II" ra lf· ru i:4t' r ( 0 tl c \'c lup hie ('s l"t'ft jll " t 0 8


08 P0811 ihl t', t:,,"r')' d olla r !laved in rai Kiug Uwm it- 0 do th,r carfll 'll TIl(~ re (ore, yu u will r t"udily ef'!.tHHnil'a ll y

Ihot It pay. to ke,l Rlntrhforrl'.• Calf Mea l ~CIIu.., you CIIn me il at Ie.. lban I.olf rIM co.. milk. At the tlme your calve. ,..ill grow aad d ~velop e.ery hI! • • we II. Blnh"ufon\', iI • milk .. ubblitut e of hl gb".t 'Jll8111y, which co lf-rai, ... ha\'o m ed in this country for o"e r 40 ycn r. . It raises real calve. 8 1 • .-al m Olll' y-6aving. Order a bog-lotl.y.

Mr . onll Mrs. F .r ed Ha rlan had 11.8 their un e xpected g u es t·s on Suuday ove ning, in mem orv of t h ei r IDllrrl. age uu n lvll r so. r y: Mr . and · Mrs Cli ut C leaver a nti daug hter. RuLb, hlr. o.Dd Mrs. Eu McFll rlao . .dr . lind Mr H. J eR~e C . Mr. Bod Mr8. Har. t or ~ b hl l\ke r LlIld Mr. and Mrs . J os. Ul'\ b urn .





11.\ '1'0 1( /';., ,1 1

n.11. E_11.-\'1'1-1 A W .\ Y

\ II I

Iil 1~(,

.. d l,,· H J. AII litnll III II d ll.OR Blrlg .


Pub l i c

J)(ln tl.~

M ,.tn Ht


B'::vcrett Early - DEA LER 1:'-1-

11:r '·l' had

I rrHllulli llg'

w I'1! Iw rcl <

11' 11 il

lI unw


Introit SL Xe nln, OhIo: O !)tln E'1'enings b y a(Jpoinl llll!t1 1


( 11, p by Hool11


I - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - _


dF ~5vil leJ Ohio

I .. , :

TI .L'FA NY'S:. f'

fu l U III' !(:; t11e l~ l ~ IU til " ""li lll) 1 .\'u ru i fl1 r t he 1i,lIlI 'll l o f ! h" ~f' I IIll lIr~. '

It pays to use

' i . 11lIn.CTOR

L·II:l·· 1.'lli I\IIK·t! f()r GU'Ju

"\; ES


Mr . 11 1111 I\lr~. Flu,- II UII"' ~OIl. of [)IIYlUII , Wil l " wUI ' k- of1 11 J.(!I1·tit~ 01 Mr~ \) " "'"" U ' 8 . ls tll L M r~. 1m M . , 'y fllf u (I f 1';lIsl Mil I1.1 titrcllt Mr . lll1d Mr" . R. H Br oo k" oul llr ,

FC"d , Coal, ~:l ll , T ile , l 'osts , Wa ter f OtttJ taill 'i D tlU Se Ir -F C'('(\e rs.

Fl rll l r,


OF -

I 1:1 )" ~ tr aw a nd Feed .

f t:C' d Crill C\ill g


Spec ially .

= All

klllrl ~ 0' ~'lt "r y

Wnr k. Will _ An,l n eoll~ n :-; " " 0111It y.

DR. J. W, MILL E~_

Lytle Feed Mill Lytic, Ohio Telephone 76, rin!! 3

. .• OENTlST... Get it from your D ealer ,J oseph W. Bnd Barry Osborn's onh..'tI 111 !ine h og 81110 Wo.s a 8aOOll18, with .. WnVoe,,,l.Ie, U S aSloo.1 Ua.u k Ulollil. lur ga IIUendanoe. Thle waa 'he first S p otted Polo.nd-Chlua sllle In this lIoctio n of th e sto.te. Their stook WII A fiue IiDd made s lItlRfied c nstom. e r s. Th e Llldies Aid furnillbed t he I s nll H{'U h " !Iliad, tlf I" :I..:al l ' al :lrrll. Th j·~, · !'= uhj,"t't t o fr"l ltl l'lI ( " cn l d~ in Ollts at. the 8IIle. lind c lea r ed 110 good ly thl' il l':III" witt fillit Ihll l I til' lISl' or sum fo r their t r oublo, HAL L'S ('A1'AflI UI ME t)(I 'I :-'E \\' il l Mr. !lnd Mrs. \ V . A. Mer ritt enter- bulltl "I' th e ~r" t c lll , d' ·IIII' ,· th l' HI ..",.! tlliutld fo r !:luDda'\' din n e r : Me8Mrii. nnt! rl'l1 d"r tI" '111 II'SS 11 " 101,, In ,·.. Id , r:urlll Sa les allil Li ve Slock II .John lind Frll n k i~e f1ot>, o f M&. B olly, Rep" "iI'd "ttllck~ of ACll le Cutar r l, VETERI N ARIA N Spec ially Mr I\nel Mrs . ,I oh n R ye Bud dllngb- mny " ·" d t o (: hron i(' Cll t,,:r" ., , ter Do r o t.hv o f De Fe M B d II AI.I. S C'A rAHlt 1l MI"nIU Nh Is Va ccinati on n ~ p rl'iilll .\' . No tll. Salisfaction Guaranteed , . , 'H rry , r . n takpll In lprDolly a nd lid s throll,: h till' Mr~ . Borl oD Earnhllrt and li on s, of BI,'nd .. n Ih(' l\[U l' <lIIS S U~flll~:l of till' if1 ~ hil t 1~~li:thk ~cnl1l1 "' c:d oe tlr W l1 y ueRvl\lo. ~lr Rnd Mr8. AI - I SY'I" IIl. thu s fl'd Il Cln): till ' 11I1I : 1111 11l1l' Bellbrook, Ohio l o n Ho Mul" r , Mr!l. ErnmllUlin e and tlon :1 1,,1 r" ~ I Ml n ~ Ih'Tll III I ,·""oIlllt1ns. Phon e 44 l"t .uvc)' s burg:, O. SO il . Molt . of OILy-tOU, Mr. BDd Mr s , All drll/!/!ist s. (,lr<' lI l:1rs fn 'l'. Ilill h I'hones Anl .Js E lli s, Mr. and Mrs. Horllell ! F. J. Ch"fi('Y & ('II. , T III, '.I .. , llliio. ~ ~mp!l ~t ~dllug b~ rs, Mr anu l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Mr H. Fred Barlan, Messrs . Barry , B o we, Roy Clarlr, James aud Ellrl l <Jline. _ _ _ _ _ ~ ___

"Cold in the Head"

John H. Wright







Those Who Know Us Best DO INVEST


nE ON\.Y


10 SPEU.




Horry Nio ke rson and L este r Stan He lu lIod fllwilie s s peot l:3Rturelay In Dlly ton . Mrs. Mllry Mo o n III Iloite p oorly : llt th e h ome of b e r dauKhter, Mrs . F . M , RlIlJlnson . I

Our Calendar O c t. 2 - 19th Sundl\Y after Trinily . Oct. \:I - 20th Sunday after Trinity. Ocl 12 - Co lumbus Uay . JewiHh Day u f Atonement. Oct. 16 - 2 1s t Sunday after Trinily. Oct. 17 - ,J t'wish ~'ells t of Tabe rnacles Oct. 2:.1- 2iri Su ndllY afler Trinitv Od. :lO- - ~J rd Sunday a fter Trinity O cL. 31 Hallowe' e n .


FllI . 1 Choice. Wtt,·v (shl.'WII'1( Ill'\\' ho nnet to hullbyl . ,\,'1,, · mlllllll'l IIl' ltI~ht tllnt nil"'. era

\\,p rl'

111.' IiH ls l

lH-,'omlllg .to m e

I of I 11

Dole E . 'l'\lruer, who r eturned I, hOUl e fr ow nav y service at Hamp- I ton Roauij a few w eeks ag o . is n ot I LID well, Mr. an rl Mr8. N llte Wbite, o f KoIlowo, IDd , who hL\ve bee n vlslLlng reill t ives here, hllve r eturne d to their home . _

Gatee In a Ro man cam p, Tht-~ " pl'n l'lt'rfu ll J.!ul tO "

\\IIS til l' nl1rne In II )(U llll111 t:'Hll1 ( )' wa ~ ulw !ty~ tll~ ;:ute tJ ~ n l f!ln' d th f! ~· lIl'lIIy . E\'e.ry 1( 11 111 11 11 ell Illl) harl (uur J,:lIt f·S. Th e "t.! l'('I IIHlln gnll'" \\U~ 01" Iln ~ ltp 1n thl' J) I'HPI4)rl n n gntra , u tld WJ\~ til t· r~lI· tJll ·!'I t fr om th e \.'l h' IIIY . The

th e

gl11t' S


(l ll


/o!lI h '

t h e righ t n n rl h 'ft ~ 1t 1t 's



t.hp ClIlIlJl we re elltl ed re"pcctln'ly Ill e 1'"1'111 " "l lIdplllts II"Xll'l1 flud th e " " rtll prlllcl l)lI II, sllll 'l rU . - - -- - - - - Who'd Be a Po ralan Flo rl .t7 1'''1'8111 . ~nys nil I' x c hn nitP. 1:Il S a dri n k whlr h giv es IIU''' U mAni a


I tor I

IIno I hR '·e ·UtwIIYS ,,(I" r ed t clllhe .... I Ihrowlll !: slones. 1't! 1'S11I llIu st be , 10 W I) flllllity cnnl lll·lJlnl.od Ii)' puttln' l . puor lund for the .rceohouse bUSI. j neft". on S ()IIlC rrllit.








Thl ' 1IIu:<slf' T I. \\,lI .- h ljl ~n n I " ,v I _. ~ (""1 11 .\' . a t tlll r t9~I'Jl, [Hpeol :-;uudn.l' sch " " t (',) tI, ,' Utl .1Il \\" 11 - h,d ,1 ul 1. 11' 1 E~ ~ IIt' r ll \\'Itil wlr.t i \"r H. Bet"']' (1r o) \'I' ('h n rf'b ~ I1Udll:V tl f !, r' I • n o n n , II I· t o hnr 1(, ..\ Iilr " ( ' 1' ",,',1 l Mr • .. Cu m 1l8, rtl~ h ti H r uturnoll Wl\ ~ 111 IIUen d "l l"" l111d 1.- ll'n"oI I" ,, ; , •• xarruned Correctly,., <I hO!l1 (' Iro lll l'tl.lrt tosvili o. 11111 . mnch Y~ r y fin e ,ddl'l '" h,· :\lr !"ruilll : GI' d <I I Utlpr l1 vl ll iUI li lllllll i. (lSS~,) I (' : Unr "Ollll0I li ll ~ e r po t ou ~ U I1 W u~u- I _ AT l'f ;)D Z!lATI~ I'HICJo:9 : Mr.

Wr ('~ t! i n l-( with It we"kt'n ed conlli. ti'lIl of I hi' hl o,," ill " d e Rpe r lite Rlr l1!:l;le T il ln , w llt or y blood depri VAA th e h Oll y o f {me r gy uud OBn ~es P. n. Arhlress ...... .. ................................... ......... .,. II pl uYAd _ lU t f" "l i n l{ n ll t unlike ult e r "x lll1Il ~t.lo n A III"n with w enk SUit e ........ _....... .. . .. ..... ... .. ...... .... .... ........ .. .. .. ..... ... IIl nl),l hl\~ no t tlw tn \! u lle of hiM _... ......... . .............. . _.. IIl1wf'rp . 11 11 IlI cks (t l'ci~io n . ond vo .. . ~~.. :~~:....: ~ .~~ "~~ .. ~ . ~ .... . ......... .. .. .. . .. ..... .. .. -· 0 n ll ""'''~ ll nt.1I1111 I n"0~ s" if. cn ullden ce. !'-\IHIlII TIle n, nn rl wo tn on t oo, g o fal . tu r lll g .dllll l; f ll r lIl o utb s bOllrco ly rp lI \l~1t11{ I·h II t, t.l lllY noou G a de's 1'0\,1 11-MIIIlI!I1 Il . t h n h ll)o,l . Iruild e r Dnt. 11' 111'11 th"y hlll'o 1,ll(en It fo r 11 wh 1l,'. ",·IUlI n <l l n·, 'r,' nc o Ih Br e Is in ( AI'hu l!": T ll tl I'l d . t 1111 l1 \,I~ o r IIOU th o r IHI. I.t" lllll'd hl1 ' l, ,. !;o,)rl h ell i th ro t·nrn T h A noll' ri c h IJ lpou gl' t 8 t o w ll r le. \lul liliol.(, fnrtify ln g , lif tin g th .. "plril. up t o I Ip o or m,,1 s to.ndnrd . Pb Y"lci llllS IllIVO pr('@c rib f'd Onde 's P ept n. MI<ngn n f tl r yon r s 111l " hl oor!Partly Cloudy Im llllor . I)roggi~I·S ~Il ll it in liquid I fa s hloued a rhym e of the ~woet . '1'llou lsl\ng to the skies, wbere ~Ild t"h lM form . IJoo k f or th e IIceu'efl t hyme. an ' tbe bllnk wher e the lIlyrialls of eyes p eep ont from I< ClRIlI" "(> " 110'" ['up t.n. Mnn g tln" on It verilllUtly )!ruweu; I SlInl( of th e c Ufti\ln o( blue; ,til six million Il.h " I'IICklll,l". - '\lh-o rlls Olll out . heather, r egardless of welJt.hllr . lin ' c lou Is dr"ped my subject lu s hr o uus I' ,!!!!!'~"'!""!'!"~~__~~~~~~~~ wbll e I WUII Mlnglu' I' snoweu I -of (10nr8e my r e fraIn wouldtl ' t d o ! I' - --- - Mrs. Tbomas 8.oJuook Is 8l1ghtly 80 I ' m Slid nud morose, twixt t,h e Ho J turned to the h az ,) of tb e impro ved lu b eal $h . orlsp lIutumn dav~ , fln' fllthorllfl II s un s hin e li n' s n ow!!; I ' m wellry an' Hov Ballluger began r evl ~al Be rlonae' s o gay; hn t t be w ontller pee vlN h an' laDle; my mn se ho ~ vioe ~ Bt ~ baroa, !::iuuday evening. t urned Wllrlll wlt.h II mid suwID er weat punk . wbll e Ih e wellth e r 10 lin '8 IItorm. an' WII~ h dd m y unt ~ DDu"e Ihank , -I'lII t hlnkin ' of chA ngin ' R!.B nl ey l:3tephen8 and family baye away! my n"me. m oved t o Howliru CLlrr 's pr o perty .

M .-.............. ... ... ... ....... .. .... ..... ..... _.. .... ...... (Name)


\oVayn c:-. ... ille. Ohi ll


Will ' Do It for You.

':;\l~ ~






Vet erinaria n


- -..:..==-~

Tho " U ,l IlH.I I'IlPf\r " iM Ih e fIlU ll (\~I. vi ~ lto r to o vo r y m ty rlweller Ihr o wn by c irc nm s l.IlD OIl~ IlIllUIlI{ t.nll hUll d lll g~ ILIHI ~ltlll ky Atll o k s; t hr ,'WIl IHIJOllg U U", IIlIlI nn trltlll f r ie nd " [t is th o Wllrllltl~t viS It o r a TU llO clln h'lvO who h l\~ KOU ll ont ill th o worlt! . A~ ThllUk Mg l vl nl{ IllJpr l.lllo b es , y u n OIU1n ot g i vo 11 DlO f e w o lcome gift t" thllt hoy u r gill who 1M fllr flW 'IY; tllII t fa t,h e r and m oth or who hllvo retire d t o rli HtL\nt pllr .s ; tb"t fri oDlll y 01,1 IJ eighho r wh u hilS gonu to th o oily o r tu an o th or tit .. !". th rill II :Vll llf '~ "uh~(l ril)li o u t.o tho "o lu " l'UJO" IJllpll r I t will lII e In un h ll nr '~ j o.v , flU h u nr '" r ut urn o f fUll1 1 r U(Jo ll "o li J) lI ~ t o l1itu o r hur oV fl ry wAllk nf th .. your - liD ove ry wut, k r l' lll lllllLrt.n oe of y ua ~


Mn MII IHl lItllrt lll " Ill' dilY "- t ((lI ln oy King iM no t ff\ ,'II Il~ n ~ wl'll weok. , ,,~ "" ill/lOy fr illnds w Il ul.1 Ii IIf' . \Vayn ~s\ I l k l\lr ~. Milli e ~1 ' 1I'lln l'IItt' r tlllll !' 11 '1. --..:L.~~-"='~~~I---n-."- n s l11\8 p UrCl llltled" 1I0W "'nrl ~lr~ 11"11"" ('1\ 111"\','11 " r 11,1\' I Ilmnt ~Ix, whieh h e will a~'l II ~ n t)OIl , :--\l1 ndllv . ' I • delll l) Olit fllt CJ r . . I (~n l t e H ll olllh" .. frtll ll hnf l ' I f. . ~e\"uml fr oll1 h Ol'e "tlnulled tho ' tllll d ,,, 1 .1 (11' I .~L , 'rB · " II " ~ _ d, ', III • • f:\Ulldl: Y -",; ~I OOI CO llY ll li li ll II' I:leeoh H if'k o r y\ III", " I"" th It " I 1': '\ !.\1 k . NOTAR Y PUBLIC O r IJ\' 0 11 ~ llD da.v . (\ U @, 41 n :-:ut tlnlu,V

wr;ONES Il AY, OC'I'OIlEH I!I, 1!12 l

to tel

F rl a dR 11llrtl WI ll "0 Hurry In 1"'IIr of t h, ~"rl u~ l l ln "~~ u l 1\11" ,.e II I Ri f'll

qu ll o 1" '''1'1 .1'

ay III ~ \ iiII-, ( Illio


.., ' '''' 1'' 11 , 01\'-""'11'" H" llI" ~ I' 1

II II. A 1\11 1< 1'




Mr . Bud Mrs. Raleigh Bogl\n, Lewis H o lillm! lionel Mr8. Jesse Blel .furnish ed mnsi o lit J o nah'M Run oburoh, Sunday. Mr . lind Mrs. B. B , Reeves. of Rlohmonu . Ind ., F. P . R lle vell , of Day too , Mr . !lnd Mrs . Price, of TenneMHee, were am ong those pres. e n' u.t the funerol of Mrs . Blair. Uur viI/age wns sbooked, Thurs. day evening. by t h e death of " Aunt Li zzie" Blair. A neighbor ~olng ID for the evening found b e r lying dead In tbe doorway . Dea'h had been oaused by heart failure . Fuoeral servtoell were h e ld IIot her lata home , Satnrday, oooducted hy Re~. Bal. \lDger. Robert J Meoclenhall, Ion of Mr. IIoDd Mr8. Kelly Mendenhall. who live nor t h of town, died of bear' trouble , Uillober 8tb . He waa brll. IiIiDt I\od popnlo.r, ond hie deatb 0&8' a a loud of sorrow over tbe entire communUy, i'uneralaervlOlll were beld at the h ome, Tuesday after. noon , cooduoted by Rev . Wrlgh\, forni er pa8tor • While drelslng, Thnrllday morn. lng, Mrs. W . C. Smith ran a aeedle {o&o ber bre&s' anil It wall broken . Local phY810iao8 oould not remove the piece, and It was De0e8. .ry tbaa tlhe be t ..ken to tbe bOlpl~I, where It wall removed after IJ8yeral Inoll 10118 had been made. She I, au1Jer . Ing bn' lIUla Inconvenlenoe from 1& a' present.

-,---_. - ..-----

Handa .f 1"_, l!Ol~AII~'"

more ,urprlelll, .. home arrllira "'til thalli th ell~

... prlnllll_

ELECTRIC service today is such a cO 'n monpl ~ce fact in your ev ery·clay li fe t;::J you s .dom thlOk of the millions of dollars or of the Lrain and brawn of the hundrclls of mcn that ma! \I~ this 5':!rv ice, now 50 indispensable to you, a ross; ,iIi tv_ When you press ~ bu!. ~, n t:J E ~ht Y' ur home. store 0 \· facto ry--to s: art the w<1~h ?r or <;weeper in the home-- the vari.Gus device:. in the store - the many machines in the fa dory---it is· a m:lttrr of fact that the necessary electri ~ a l en e r~y is ';;;rc, h stantly, to perform the task, Thi s mt:st conl inuc to be for it is not possible for yo u in rc um to lh" old da \'s of darkness and drudgery. You must appreciate, ho·,vHcr. that fo r liS to kee n pace with the incre~sin ~ dc m,.. lld~ for r.m servi,:c, much new capital is conti nU:1d V la.:'lng- rCQui rct1. To raise this money we must i. :;·~~if' p" f(' rred s:'cur;,lies,

We are proud to say t:.a t til :! majo;·' ty of our shareholders live in the CGrnmur i' i_s we serve , and that from time to time th cy increase thei r hol d in :~ s. May we send you more information regarding our company and its s _U1·iti ~s ? ·

The Dayton Power &..Light Com 29 .North Green Street XENIA, OHIO

. Grfen St._ Xc nin , Ohio .ohligation, pleas e send m A infor·

mot i;,n nhollt, ynll r c\,m· }'111 .\'

nnd i\~ securitlol,

~e ~i.mi ~zette, W aynen me, Ohio.


a ~


Miss Et.hel Ward low , I,li Dayton , is M isll H 1('11 Ma r la tt . of 'il1 C'il\lIat i, home for a couple of weeks spent t h ~, we ' k-cntl at ha ll IL

Se ar s& Ca rtw rig ht


Ethan Crane drop ped in on ho me Th o Boy' Scou t Will he l? n(ertnin erl ' Mi !<-~ -P,dnll H(lwliui d Wfl~ fI wp, k· t o a wei n r r l\lI t .· 'J'hu r!1us), lIil/ht. fnlks. a turday nig h t , re turning to en d KU!'S't o f f<'la t iv rs a t Kin)o(s _----..~ . Mills. Gambie r. S u nday morn ing . by Or. 1~lIis. Rypry Sf'out Ill' Ilt I II,' I' . . 1'ownsh ipH ouSl' p romptly at ~ o·("ln k M.I ~~ Cl firn 1.11., !\Iwnt t he week-en d Walt r l,iU,on an,1 II. II. Wil ke r· In Xl'lll a . Mr . and Mrs . Frcn Burk hardt. of son arc in ..'pdnl-: licit! "ll lJll ~ il\('~~ , Day ton. a nd Mr . lin d MrH. J ohn Du- t'"dfIY . llr . !l ill . ()pnlh. 2 1 Broad- vi~. of D o d rt~. Wl' r Rue!!t s of Mr . , way . Leban" ll . Ohiu. lin d Mrs . H <>mer Ca r y. Sunday. Mr. J. W. !-:,lwlI rd. nlld fumily. anll :\Irs . J . I·:. ~k Clu r~ \\ t.:I'l' Cilll'ill ' : Dr 1111 11 Mr"!l . T . I. Way . M C' inci n. M r8. J . E . Wit ham r eturned home na ti YisitoJr~ , Frithl),. llUI I. "' .... e l' Il ing " 11 fr i ' nd ~ he re. IUll t Thu rsd uy evening . fro m Vun We rt. ·. Oh io, wh e re ~ h,' had b pen Harl a ll 's <\1 ' \\' :; Agency will ~ 1 ;ndJ.Y . M r~ H. Walter flnJ ~o n. Ilun . of ma ki ng a t en·dRYs visit with her pa- I.eblll\un, lind I\lr~ . D , L. Cr une recei ve SU!I!> ' flpliol l S for all an' w. ;0.; . ~rar~ nnd ftlmi ly a ttended ren ts . Mr , and Mrs. Arla m Stoo ps. in Day t un thi s uflt'rlill on . the kaJi llg Ma g-a / ill es. I the B eum· Cu llin~ wl.'1hling st Bea\·er . and her b r olher . J am ps S too ps and , t, )wn. Illst W edl1e~d RY " \'cning , fa mily . Sh\l r · ~h i rll' , th e W,Hld,' r I'ul i<h . for Abc> , SlIlp lJVJ , I': ,)HIIIl,·y .I··. 1i F urr .hi l· IJllt n d ,· F rerll'h IIf1ll I". [) Illl wkt' .

I. =======----:----~-= \




I --------------------~------~~

Dayton D:.~!~ Journal :Special


No tic e

Cincinnati Enqu irer

To our custom ers who have engag ed f rom us

Will t1l:l ill t n ill :1 Circlt la till g



~ It

SIII :111

cns t t n

the rea d t"r.


$2 .'75 pe r do zen

I 1

"':e are now ready to d~liver the same. Other s will be g iven th e- benefi t of thiS very low price, as long a s the 8U pply lasts. Yours respec tfully,

Harve ysbur g, Ohio

J. W . W H IT E

Mr . II n,l Mrs. l lar l and Mr . a nd Mr ~ , F . Il . Mtlr ri·" 'Il.l1f J):II' IOll . ~ p en t Sund ay li t lhe h .. llh· Ilf ~ I r~ , Ev a Jones.

51. Mary s Cburch


'!'\\,(·nty ·second Sunday after Tr lnity, Ilc t"hrr 23: ' hu rd l Sc hoo l a t V:30 a m , ; Mornill~ l'rIlYt.:l' a nd uern10n at 10:30. P ver~ l>ody co rd ially in vited t o t hese services .


Sunday School next Su nday morn · inl! fit \1:30. Preachi ng at 10:' 5; bapti ~ nl u l ·s e rv i cl'. C, K and preachi ng ~" rvi,"'~ in t hp pveni ng .

1. Ull I 1I1 ~' ld~IIl.l r. l l . lin J u ly 1 WQ.. 8" •. \\' , d o n o t allti clt)& t e It cha ng e In t h e .6 ',4 r At.tur


Let Colonel Dollings

Build You AHome In Floriaa

. 1-

\VA N T t o a dd 10 YV; lrs mo rc to yo ur lift.: than wo ul J hc li \'(~ ri Itntif'r o rdi na ry condit i,m :;. ' 1Illpos sihll' .' yo u sa y? 1 a lll telling' you . Ill y friend . th a t I [1 m g() i ll ~ t o giv e yo u a second pb y -time- have YO II p ull o u t .'i-lh . ba ss f rum a ;; III 00 1h-ns-g lass ri ver- shoo t e no ug h q u a il for a m cal - ha \'c 1)(Tril 's, ()r~lfl !-, l 'S ;\Ild ;dl t he vegeta hles yu u can usc- a lld hc away from fro,;!. s n()\\' , in '. slus h , llIUt! a lltl d isco mfort o f Ohio \\'ill kr s. My fri e ncl , I "':Int' I II gi n' "tl lI ; 1 n ·ltl·wn l lc~sc 01 1 life- ,i'ill yu'u l a l~c i t 7"

I Want You To Learn How To Play Again ) l'.Ta nt } 'OIJ to h 01 \ 'C t he Oh io home c n \" i r o nl11 C' Qt }'O ll l ov e tio wd l r i" ht i n )'ou r w in t(' r hOllle tI p wn ill F llInd a. T ourisls pay SI5 t o Sl.e; a da y at hote ls a ll d b f'H1II Sl '

pro\' is ion haR Ilo t I w·p u TtI:!d", t lu·y do nn e I{r l nd· \,:1 11 1.1\:1' o f t he h !'''lth.~i \· i l1 g C"iill1a l c [ln d w a l'·". Ru t, III ) 'oll r wi ntc.r h f)lIl~ yo u wi ll h:l vC n il )'nur

home l ic~ a nd a :-;"f wiat iu l1~ : II H I whe n yo u ar,.. no t p la y ing YU H w ill l ''-'n Jh j \' at ifl~ t he p int j ust Iwh illd y ou r 1l1tJd t'rn 111I Ilg.du \\ -- .l gdn l(' 11 j Ul-t t bitt f: ll o u~h \0 kc(' p yo u I I\lo:.y , ( u r I nIH nul going t l) Jlur y nu o n a I!!Ikil11 py r,it }' lot , Itllt n lon x ISO f1. p lot.

8W Cl't

The first num ber of t he 1.!Ct ure eourse wa s given at the M . E. church. F riday evening . D. Lee Fitzpat r ick gave a fin e lect ure. whi ch was thor· uug hly en joyed by a li ne aud ienc e.

- -------DEATHS

Mrs. Sall ie Cadw all a d er Holmes died a t hel' home in P ueblo. Co l.. th e latt e r pa rt uf Se llt em be r The remains we re broug h t here and t he fun eral ser vices we re held in Sl. Mary's chu r ch. Saturda y af tern oo n a t 2::l0. Re'V . J . F . Cad wall ader offi ' ci ating. The remain ~ we re in te rred in Mjami cemete ry.

.- ..---

NO HUNTING All persons are warned t o keep off the property of the und er~ i g n ed. while hun t ing or trappin g . Martin Guns Eve re tt Stubbs H enry Satte rthwa ite M r9. Seth Furnas Elias Ogles bee

tim . a t a very liberal

rate. Inte rest pal4 I tt d .. t . or ~\l H ht.1r o IA H I

a f t er m At u r ity , 3. In t crell t 0 h e 0 III ,.

Tu~~ er ~~IXOY~n~l~:' °t

• . T hi . Iru tltul l o n w ... e.tI\blJ 8hti d '4

10 pounds Cane SUll'ar .. ..... .. ... 64c G po unds Baldwin Apples .. ..... 35c :1 po unds Banana s ........... .... ... 2Ic I peck PotalQe s ..... .... ..... .. .... 5Oc 8 bars Lenox Soap ........... .... ..25c 7 ba rs P & G Soap ... ... ... ......... 50c G ba rs Luna Soap ... ......... .... .. 25c 10 po und new Corn Meal .. ....... 25c Rolled Oats. pound .... .. .. .... ..... 5c Fancy Dried Peaches , pound ... 180 LOll: Cabin Coffee. "fine" ...... ..33c Blue Buckle Coffee. "extra" .. . SOC P rimo Co fi'lle. "mild" ........ .. .. 25c

J Il f.t

pic i ure in y o ur mind a n l· h"· ~ all t. 11('\\" , mrn lern hOl ll C ,~i t h l·h"l" tri ci t ). Itdt h , 1l)ilC'f alli l run nin g w a t4'r .


bu d t jr'r fr .u IIwu Iht' "' ,1 ,·f lUI Ohio /Ju rn: 10(';1 1(' .1 i ll a F lor id a n · .. irl,' nc ,' , il )". I.,it! nllt \,y a ll nrt i... t: with

8 l1 r(" t ·~~rul " (>lIjl )Y t hI

Uh i ll~It's

f"r III·igh I H,r ... ; II t ' l1(tugh t I l o<"ca n ;tfl' ! 1 " H)\l ~h a way lI ot Jfl hc, ,'c i l

p.dl ulI , Y l n l; ;\11 11( 111( .. dri\'t' f r lllll .I. u khC Hl\'i lle alld r ig h t adj .1P ·lIt to I he w" lldl'rlll l IlIl·did n,t! ( : n."~ 11 { 'u\'(' Spr ing:;. ' l iI;\I ·"; t h,· Lilld of ho me I W.lllt tv I"dl d f or yOll. f llr ) "Ol lr "I "'Y I.\\ n 10 l'lIjuy wh ile winter f \l r i l'~ urc ra ~iJ)K iu t he II t lrlh

Car of

T he wint!'r home sit e in 1'101ida I have pl. lI \11l'd for you ig ~(J i ll ~ I', 1,(, a p rofil. il lll' fn r "O il w h t' li 11a ' 1)(' \ \ "; (If t lt i:-t will ter p la y~ rtJ l lI'ld 1'1'\' 011 11':; \\ i , I' ·-l-t!1n '.I r1 . 111'Upit, a n ' goi ng Iu d .l ldur r' lr 1111' ....... !'oo i l l 'S. Tllt' ll

invt*:-' I II H ' lI t

)"( I ll

Luy .

willlJl.: glad

)" JU


a l m.H1~ d ll.! flr~ 1 10

I will build Your Winter Home In Florida For Less than the Cost of an Ohio Barn Vcs , 1 1',111 Iluil d )'.JU r h OJU I.!-.J ll d it will I,I.! ~l IlII tdd-my c hie f t.: ll gi ftl!l.' r d ~ igll ed IIIl.:lro po li l a li a p.l rtmcnl hOUSCli -we ~ct t he li m be r ri g ht f roll l fl ur la nd down

here- run o ur OWII sa w a n ti pl:t llill~ w ill have Ohio m en I IOIII ),! a ll t he co nstructiu ll wurk a nd su per vhtt ine:it's a ll Uhio ~U1ll1l\Ultit y _in lhe ~ tIlt ny~ h c' >lth y Soulh. :- ta il th e cuu po n olllilct 111 0 senu you the beautiful . free book, " ,\ l{ CII C WC U I.catic un L ik"- .u '71J J ll r If t udd)' ! .

On track this week

R. L. DOLL INGS, Presid ent.


Fa ncy Bo x Apples . r.r ape Fruit, Sweto!t llrunj{es. G r upes and Lemons .


Walk ill Stock Farm s

Hamil ton, Ohio

PII \ l ~ ~ "d m l', wi\hu u \ I ""t ~t o r olrii gol liu lI , yo u r b eau tif ul , i ll u ~ l ra lt!d hO)(lk lc t... A I{CIICWCU I.c:rsc o n Li f~ . "

Na me ... ...• . . • •.• • .. • .. •••.• . . . . . AUd.rea ..... . . ..-.. .. ..... ..... . . .. .

City . . . . . .. • .. . ••• • •. State. •. ••. •.




We will have a car of ' Fancy White Table a nd Red River Early Ohio Potatoes, this week , out of th r f a mous Red Hiver Va lley . All packed in 2·bushe l bllgS . Lay in your win ter 's sup ply while the p ri ce iR Idw. Leave your orders now . FRESH OYST E RS. bulk or sanitary can s. Cranbe rri es. Cel. ery. F'rellh Laurel Cracke rs .





New Evp. Apricot s. New Dried P eaches. New Mince Meat, New Hominy . New Kiln·Dr ied Corn Meal, New ' Oats. Ne w Ralston 's, · •Chum-G old . 30c, ' Nut Oleo, 25c. Brlmr


Your Chicken a. Payin~r 45,c for Eggs

The store that-·sells (or less

Bacon Strips, per pound ... ... .. . 15t: Breakfa st Bacon . pound .... .. ... 3Oc Weiners . pound .. .......... ......... 25c Fresh Sausage , pound ......... .. . 25c Fresh Sid e. pound .. . ........... .... 2Oc Picnic Hams. pound .. ; . .. ........ 20c Highest Prices for Butter aId E ggs. Don' B worry abou t the high prices - let us do the worryin ll. We will save you from 6c to 100 on every dollar you spend with us. ..."'....""""""""~""""''''...


, For Service, try Sa wy er 's

The LateCiassinedlds. FOR SALE



KJTCH EN OABINET. Inqulre of . Mr.. W. J . B.ller, W.J'D.... .vUle, Obto. . Dll .

'feleuh one (j 1-2

' 16 Chevr olet Touri ng ' 18 Chevr olet Touri ng ']6 Ford ' 18 Ford '21 Overl and $100 .00 and ' up

W. J. KILBON, Waynesville, O.

Y " &~


"t{o 5, P r t'8on t

A " I .. t


ove r 1140 mi ll ion .. Sur · l uB Funll. %00 .000 ,




1 mo . 1

On De~ita


MIA MI .... &

Bull~I., AIIII.

116 · 27 SOUTH MAIN OAYTON ~~~~

Forest T. Mar tin Auct ionee r Get my tenns for yOllr I'u b iic Sale. Sat isfac tion gll ara nt eed or no (·hurges.

Box 91, Cente rville, Ohio Read Gazette's Classified Ads !

Ho me Phone 2, Centerville Ex

We have open ed a Crenm Station next to the Gaz ette office. Hi ghest Cash Price paid for Cre~ml.


Sa wy er 's

.lo me tlrn o.

J . W e 11!4 11 6 C er tl fl .. cat. . o r 0 11

At a meeti ng of th e Warren Coun tv Mr . Vi ctor H olmes . of P ueblo. Col. Mrs. C. A. Houg h and Mrs . J osiah Medical socie ty. at Lebano n last week Holhroo k, of Le ban on. a nd Mrs. O. Wayn esville was honored , as Dr. S. Eaton Do nd 90n. o f Bryan . Ohio. a t- Mary Cook was chosen as treasur er tended t he fu ne rul of Mrs . Sulli ,' lie t he associ a tion . Cadwalla der HulmeR he re . Sutu rdav.

Lu tbe r Ra ines and wife enter. t &lned t o Son d" y. dinner the follow. In g gnestA : Mr. lind Mrs. Joe OIl. bro a nd d lO u gb&er. [Joro~hy, Mrs . Eu ph omia W il son . Mr. &nd Mu Wa lter Wilson, Mr . &ad Mn. Plud Pe terson a nd d&ugbt er, Pauline , and Mr. I\nd Mrs. Raymo nd Wilson an n dau gh te rH. Mary Catheri ne and Jean otte. E verett l:J ain el! and famllv and Mrll. Ella H .. lneB were In X enia . Mond .. y afterncon. Mr Bevan .Jenkln8 Slid WI8S Frar; · oes Wilson oalled on Mr. and Mra. Weldon Wil son, Suuday eyenlng . Chaunc ey Bunnel l lnd wife were dinner guests of George Bogan Ind Wife, of Wellma n , Sunday . Mr . a nd Mrs. R"lelgh Bogan and d .. u~ht er attende d the MaSSie 'l'OWIl. Hhlp Sund"y Sobool oonven tlon at Bt3eoh Uro ve. Hun day afterno on . Mr s Ziunl Ba lne8 . Mr. and Mrs . t.other Haines and son auloed &0 Wilmin gt on I Fr iday. Mr. and Mrs, Horsoe Comp$On. of New Burling ton, called on Charley Harner a nd f .. mlly , Bnnd&y afteru oon MrR. W E . DDllan and Mrs. Wei don Wilson and s on called on Mrs J oe Da vis. Mood .. y dterooo n. Mr. allll Mr~ . Weldon WilBon en· t ert. loerl to Hunday dinner, Ootober 9th. t he foll owin g guellss : Mr. and Mrs. Virgo Mltohen er. of near Lum. berton ; Mr. &nd Mrs Am08 Vomp ton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jonea,a nd son, Donald, of near New Burllog t on ; Mr. and Mra. Evan BogaD ,laoghto r, Marjori e, and Mr. and Mre. Ra leig h Bogan and daulthi er, Dor othy Louise.



Till) u ~ u ll i ~l' rv i c e s will be he ld Il,,"xt Sl lntl ay: Sunday School. 9:1 0: I ' n'nc hin l{ Hcrv i<-es. 10:30 a m. and i:/)Il p m ,: Epwor th Leag ue. 6: 15 p . I ll . Ever yb udy cord ially invited .

.. --- --

S\»r ing · Sale

-- ..".-- - - - --- --

nt. E. Churc h


-- -..- - -


W aynesvi"IIe, Ohl"O

Olli ce in Amlin Bu ilding

Fe'rry Chr istia n Church

A I t l'll t! Ihl' Va nTrt ·,,"·-';IJll h n pu h_ \\ a Y l1 e s" ill ~ Chr istian Church lit- l' urll ll' r"lll l' " " Il', ,\JO \' l'l\)lJ~ r :Irt! . S.·!'\' i(','''' I' ve r y Sub ba t h at t he lin nC"Il Ulll ,.f ~ 1 r. :-i l.lo il n 1I'lI virlK l ·hurd . II I 1U::ll1 a. m . I) re!lrhin l{ by t il .. ~ t at t · . : 'uptnin Il l ·: n ~ tminge r . of the Ame r· i('nn lte,"CUI' Worke r~, Eve r yone Mr . Will Mill" r IIllt l lVi f, ' 111,, 1 Ir· ,,,·,·It-onw htthe"l' ~f'rvi ces . v iII M il l ~ r . wif,' Ilild ~tl il. l (lI h ~ l'l . Rpent Saturlil l Y all d ~; u ll da j' wilh W Ha r\'c y shllr~ r rie nds Church N. Sca r ~ 3 1111 fam ily. Sunduy S('h ou l at !I::{O; Church ~e rl' i r e at lO:ao. We welcom e all Th e Woman 's Auxi lia ry of St . w h it will m.wt with us in Ollr wor Mar y's churc hw il l wit h meet Mrs ., hip of J ehovah . Come. please. Cad wallade r. F ritlay uftl' rIl IJon . Oct - - - - -~ l. A fu ll ut tendal )('e is t l ,'~i r (,l l. Ca esar's Creek F rienJs Church Su nday Sdlt,ol at t h i ~ ~ hurc h every Mr . Ulltl Mrs , Ma tth ew Kei th ly :-;unJ aj' III !I::ttl fl . III Preachi n il st'r· anJ mil l h,~ r .und MiH.i 10:1 i.1I MI'< ·tl mRs . o f [Juyton . ~ p('nt Sund uy wi t h Mr . vi('(' a t 10::10 o'cluck a . m . You a re "o rlliall y im'ited tu be presen t. and Mrs . •John Ut'u~h . uf H o u l e~.

Hev. J . F. Cadw a llad e r at~ n d ed II confe re nce of the Suut hern Uioce.~e (,f t he Epi Hcopa l ch u rch . a t Dayton. T uesday . T he re were we re seve ral pr ominen t ministe rs ahd laymen pres· e nt. a nd t he tlay was spen t discussin g p r oble ms of t he chu rch .




I ·ESTATE AND ROYAL Coal Burne r Stoves are .really good stoves becaus eThey are inexpensive to operate Thelf"'lJre easilll regulated They are designed for convenience They are quickly healed Theil are ~autilul in IIppearance If you are looking for a stove with the above qualities at a very moderate price we would be pleased to have you call at our store and let us show lhcm to you.



-the Parl or Pipe leaa Furn ace"

COAL OIL STOVES Offer you by far the. cleanest way to cook- no soot. no fumes. no greasy odors. We will be very glad to show the size and style most suited .to the size of your family. . . Do you know that every wintet you pay for near~ Iy twice as much fuel as you really need? lt's not tho amou nt of fuel you use I:!ut HOW you use it that really counts. Why build a fire in the furnace these chilly Fall mornings when a coal oil heater will take the chill. off in.a very few minutes at less than half the cost? v,'

Fr ed ·M. Cole Hard ware arid Farm Mach lneiy WaYDetiville, Ohio'




Yea r

\V /\.y

lOGAL MfRCHANT I BRANCHES, OUT II!!'!""...--- - - - - - - - -.-- --_.~~ (J~"'!" ~':"'"


M) "r In llll,

Ih,· I""al d ry I'll"'!'; ,' ,IO I,I'l , IlI d l l lfi

11 \ 111 :111 ,


...; 1 al' l

all d :4l1q,· ~lu n '

:1 In II I

l ESV ILI. I~ ,



1 9~ 1

Whole Number 5458



or lh f' Il0l0of :-;t. !\1l1ry's r hu rch w;, :, li eld at t he re cto ry "n Fr iday : af l.., nllotm, I)~t(, ber ~I T he.meeLi ng I \1'iI~ " 1" 'l1ed with mu ~ie ' 0 11 th e vicI Lrcol lJ, .. I'h .. Old Hugged Cross, " sunK I by 1{"d,·lll·ave r a nti Mrs . A~her. 1 \lr-; , l'adw;llIader r,' uri th,' 91~t l' ~ aln1, and Ho 'v ,1. 1'- Cu(lw fl ll ude r

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14.tI)! t· flllh,wi ll).!. hIlV III~~ d il l II ' 1 11J · l1 jt·~· '" h"rt' ( H I' :--:1'\,( ', ; I _ _ _ _ _ _~!""_~~---""'!'~--------------}'t 'a,.:; I lI'fn r(' {"Wiling h i !'! ~ IUrl ' , a nd 111 111 ,1,1' 1" 1' v" ll h ...

11 :i1l o\\'l"CIl

Iti ~ rrit·"d~

n' S I " l n ~ I '

til ro ll-c ull, I'lll' " .. I('loral ion of the lift'ir th onIllv,' r"ary IIr th e Aux ili a ry W II~ emph""j)';ed a l thi~ mee ting. Aft er the uu, iness se~H i o n, the following proI{ralll , illt e r ~ p e r Hed with b'lIIutiful >lcll'ctiol19 on the ~ i c troill, was gi ven ;

~ ----O~;/, I @(!:o;j@,'/ }~I

ha\' I' I"','n Illy,,1 III hilll, II " i ~ II nr ~ rc h "lIt u fa"ilit .v , nlld ~i " (' l' l ,j~ utlvpnt illtll a laq{(' ~ t t1"p r no m, he .\lIotller yc:-lias p asse d " has In ude it luuk like a lIl l'l rup(lliLall :ll ld tlic SL'aS() 11 of ll a ll o w e'e ll \ .. ~ Htorc. i ... ;]"a ill II it II liS , This a lTaWe p redict for lIymun & 11I" eh ~I r . lind ~Ir ~. I{ S , ~ I alll"lh l'II(L'r' MU Ric - "Cuide Me, Uh Thuu (;reat 11I rl(e ~lll' (' I'HH in' tlteir new ve nt uru, ~ l ll jr Shllll' ~1 (11l is 11 1(' t llllL' fo r m err\' ta inted al u ti o'dnek dinl1 ' r, In"t WCl'k, J ehovah." T I", I:urry I'Illlrc h wi ll gi v., II play , ~'II'l<' ' parti ('~ , fi ~ hi ng dl' Wfl Ih,' II I ' k ill )~, w llc ll I he goll lil is and Ih .. l'i ti zp ns or :O-; prin ;r Vullpy a ru " I.'if ty Y e llr~ Young" .... .. .......... .. h' r brllther, Il f Cary, IllIl ia na, and " l ' twll' lI irllln 'H Thim hl l'hCl', " MII"II :/\'1"1 ' , walk , tI ll' ll :l t s Il::! t alld \\ i tche s .... ......... Mrs, Ronald Hawke " ~ t ' :-I, last \;\' (!t,I\. ,I' Ir ~.' L 'I:I ' 1" \1 11I'll I\a 10 Ill' ,'oll)(,ralUlaled 1I 11l1n t l1l' ad vI'll I r "",' r II, " U' I 'n'ndfl t"'a Mr. und ~ I rs. 1{(l iJt. Bru ce, " f lI am- day f'" ,'ning- III ,: :10 ,, 'dock . Th C'rr "The Mi :1silln District Settlemcnt, of Ih ,'~" 1 1'.'(1 II1erL'llilllt , ill l .. th"i r di ~ ( · tlVt · n· d a Ford :-:t·dull in the rI\'t'r J., ..;,l w"h' I\. Ii o lt! tl lL' if 111 (, 11'\', c arnival. 1I l"n, ' )hi n , will fll~ h" nil kin d,,; fl f II nll. lwc'l' n twln w tllu ,,101 ~ w inllninj.!' hole Til l' !I uuse , Yancy, Vu , ....... .... .... .. . .. Inid ~ l. stu nt ~. wilh ~ jI'r inl rnll~i(' und lunth . slll' rilf wa;.: n ll tili ed, anoi r aln " lIpan oi 1': rrlT's t I("g "r~ , lOr 1' ,1\'1.. ". \\;1- iii Sen'n il ce le l ll"ati o ll s w ill b e .. .. .. .......... Mrs, Bert Hartsock - - -....~--- -1IIr. and Mrs I' 1·:. l\ en rit-k and i\d mi~s i o n i ~ rrc,~ til a ll. ClIm c, und I'ocm - "(;iv ing-" ..... .. ........... .. .. .. 11('ld 111t"<1I1 g h(lul this sea s o n , pll iled lhe Ill ac h i lll~ out. It was PII ' l/ ,II'n, F r ida,\'. .. .. :" ......... .... . M r~ . Ada Cou.rtney ' d 0 f ('ve ry tl llng ' II I al it! l'\ l' l \'flO .\ . wil l . It .. t ·lre Iy ~ t rlppl.' .,a :-;ilu !'·:-';hi lll', Iii., \\',, "J,,!' I-' .. I,-It. "- !Jul C II ,f auglit.' r ('Iltert uined til sup pI' r, ru e,- hn\'f' all cl' pnillj.!' o f enjoY Ill l'lll. Mu sic - "Forgi ve Me Lord" .... .. .. day eVl!ninl<, I:l'\. and Mrs . •1. A, was worth tak ing ni l', coal ni l \\'u ~ 11l1;IS).; :\ IIJIlda\' e\'e ll ll tj! , .... .. .. , ..... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. Rodeheaver Pillc and lIauj.!'hte r, Mrand M r ~. I'. IIPl lli ed, Ih e rnaehin e Hel on lin ' Rll d I ..\Ir , lind l\l r~ i-:illll'r I: .. ~, ' r,; \\·,'r.' Mi!:lsionllry lleatiludes..Ten Members tJu "hed uil' inl o tlH' riv(' r. 11111 Ihl' lin> 111 1111,\' 101} . :-;;'llIroIHY· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IJ, Th ompso n and d aug hter . "Un Top of th e Ozarks" ..... ...... .. Roon went out. and Ipft the ma l'11in(' .. · ·.... · .. ,· .. .. .. .. Mrs , Walter Kilhon A Iiiii' 101 " r t\ul' "n" I,jI" 1:1:11,1,,'1 , St Mary ' ~ Se rvice (;u ild w a~ en· ill fa irly g n (JlI ,~ onriitil,n , ju~t ill at I'- rl,d M. l·ille·~. Muslc- "Abide Wi t h Me" 'l'11I're ",aM only lin ,t hing thl! part y te rtlli nted at th e home of Mr . A. H. Mr", Mary B . .I , 's~op ,Ii" d, F ri dllY, "Th e Mos t Isolated Northern MiS: Se vt'rnl v n lln~ Illt'n from Dayt on Mi ,,~ 1 ·· ran(,I'~ I,aml, SPPlll I h,' 11'1'('1; · Shane r, Saturday afternoon. A fin e at the home of Mr. IJ. II. lI il~kf't t, .'amt' he re. Sunday, and Wl'll t " du w failed to d o - they did 1I0t d l~ H I rllY Mill n" .. .... .... .. Mrs, Jllmes McClure meeting was held, and t he YOtlng afte r a long illrll'~~ , Th e fUlwr a l "A Mohammedlln Mosque at Detroit tUWII on th e Vun Tru ~!I place, at the lh e numbe r on the mutor. The ~ her · end with rclaLJ\'L::< ill Il ayl "" folk ~ were nicely entertained , WIlH held Mnndav morninj.!' nt 10:3(1, UPl1cr watering trough, find held a iff is inve!lti l{n ting . Mieh." " ......... Mrs. Laura Mosher Yo u cn n get n Warn 'IIC" lln l l Il lMu sic- "Silent Night." hill-climbing contest. There was --l-lev . (;adw a llad(' r ollic iatin K. In le r1" 'lury at t hi ti ull iee, I'ril'l! ~,ll l' , 1.'1\1' 111"1', (; r'all~ ': Nil ):1 , ."f WayMrM. Euphemill Hou gh entertained men l in Miami cemete ry . lluite a rivalry between the cunteHAt t he close of the program, a det ants, Thl' hill at thi" placu is ve ry Mi s>! Li lli e N,'dry is sjl"lIdll1l-!' Ll l i~ nl's\' ilk nrgani)';",d u ju\,pnil e g rang e, to a family dinner, Sunday Those li!o:htful ~oc ial hour was spent, d uring 1 ut >'!P, Bnd l oo k ~ hard to c limb, w('uk With fricnd H ill 1,l' ha ,,,,,l. I ktuuc r I ~,t h , wit h ~l'I chanc O' tll c m_, present we re: Mr. and Mrs . ~:<1 MI!l.9 Martha H Ullt d ied at lhe resi- which delicious r efreshments were It iH rum ored tha t they will be - -. hers Mrs. E, M. Luaf, deputy mn- lI ough , Mr. Ve rn Hough and family d enee of W. N. I {i l' k ~. fli ll oJd ~ . Sat- serv ed Iby the hostess assisted by h. , t! agairo n':lIt Sunday, li nd th e rr ! Twent\,- thirt\ Sunday aHc' r TrinII I'. 1l, 1I, CJstt:" I::Ol ll, :! I ;'; Hrqa d- '1I1' o f Lehan ull , put on lh<l wo r k.1uno Mr, Guy Kiblerllnd famil y, urduy ni >(ht. The funt'ral waR held Mrs. Geo. H&rtsock Ilnd the MiS3eS 1tr Ti le followilll( ollicet's were inwill be judlres 0 11 hund to ju(lgl' t ill' ity , ()ctouer :10: way, Ll' hun ll ll , Ulli n. th is fl fl ' 1'11 1) III 'It ~::{1I, from the Clura Lile, Henrietta McKinsey and utrtlir ri g ht, as lu~t SUllllav 'g pe r- I Churl'h Schou I al !1::lO a . m . ; Mum The ( ;rlln~1' will h"ld fl Illark,' t , s"dl ~ d : Ma~ l e r, l; eo rge Bunnell ; Lyma n Silv e r waaa six-o 'c lock-din- the <,h a pel , 1{l'v, Cad wallad e r nf li illt- Franeell Lamb, furnul1l1'e Wll~ !lnly prdilllillary . ling I'ruyc r an(1 ~e rlll()n at ltI :: ~lt , Nu l' :!:lrd, ill til, (:r:l1l1: ,IJluld illg , 1 (h' ~ rSl'e r, I:aymund Brarldock; St e w- ne r guest of Mr, Ilnd Mrs . llunnicut, ing , Interm ent in Miami cemete ry, The following guests we re present: - - - --Pve r} hody r onliall y in vite, 1 to anI. Ibrold Smith: Lady A s~ i e t ant, at Blue BUll, on Friday evening, t il!' Miss Hunt came he r e fr om Cincill- Mesdllmes Marv Edwards, C. G, Home Town I'ul' ~ r Wcuk, Nov, 7-) ~ th l:!"e servi ces. :. S. 1':l li~ allt! ,I. l' Il ispy are ill 1J ellrt Hoc kett ; Chu pla in, Irma Weh ; dinner beinl{ in honor of Miss Irene nuti sev eral y ears n~o , llnd wa~ dom­ Willillmson, Misses F rances Lamb , S t. Luuis , ~I " .. p un 'l1 a~i,,~: W l'~ l e l'll Lel' ture r, Evelyl', Ung ll'sby ; Seere- M,'C!ure. a lori tl of th ' near fu ture , icil ed ~ t the Fri end s lI ome fur II 1': lsie Hawke, and the little folks, 2 l'altle. ' tary, I ~ulh C,,, ,k : T rteasure r. Mar· co u lJ lu uf yea rs. She waa 11 sisLer of Hetty Hartsock, Pllul Zimmerman, ~~~~~~~~'1 A ft er r eturning from meet ing at the latl! :vi rs C:lizll Hoel Mr , an, I Mr =!. Wi ll iam Z"II and sn n, gun'l l'ook: l; at l" keepel', Gilbl:!rt Frank Hawke Ilnu ltichard William· on. l; e" rl( e, WL' r!' IInn' L'.I" "ur" \'i, ilor ~ , I.'r.l' 1'; L'(> rCH, Thelma :-;aLt rthwaite ; Middl e Run church on Sunday, Octos und ay. 1.'I" ra, Kathryn Hogp r ; Pomona, ue r :l~l Jaro h Scott found all of his - - -... .... Mrs , Alice Graham Conger died Mary C. WiI ~(ln . children and I{rand childrf!n relldy to sud denly at Middleto wn. Satu rday , The idea behind support "Your III I', and ~I r s Fn 'd 111 t -."(' and TIl<' s\l~ iall'(' ll1mi lte(' served d eli ci- g reet him, which was '<iuit e 11 su r- whi lr ~ IIO JlJlin g at th al place. The Home Paper Week," November 7- 12, MrH. ,I. (I . t,'artl\'ri ,(ilt I\',' ro' I )ay t"" " US r (' fr e~h m r. l1t~ p f ice crea m and prise. An excell ent dinner wus fur · fUIl t'ral was hf' ld fr',in hI" late ho me i ~ not t hat the editor needs the visil ,rs, F rida." . ('ak,· in hvlHl r of Mr . alld MrR. L. C. nished loy his good wife a nd chi lJren, ' at ::\pri ng buru, Mou" y, Mrs, Conmoney, but that vou need the hume :-:l. John, as Lh ey arc s, lu n to leave l{tlY ~Iad~ ct h and fllmily s pe ll I rnr t hl'i r nt'W h'lIl ll' in th e Sou th , Th us<!"lJresenl from a distance were: Il ger was well known ill th is vk ini ty, t ow n )laper, th e IVc"'(-l'lld wilh r,·l a l i\'l'" ill \-\ IIsh_ ~1 r . a nd ~, I': . M Leaf, David c:lde r C\ P . Beadle and wife , uf Fo rt Branch, Ind .; Wilber Sti les, Wi fU I!!t:::~~~~~--~~~~~~~'!!!!!"!!!!!~~"!!!!!~~~~~"!!!!!~~!!! t ing llJ" t..: . 11. Il uroha rn and M r, and Mrs. Emmo r I :ai ly .11' .. all of Le banlln, wc ru also and 30 n, and Mr , Benso n, wife and : I Mr , un d Mr", I', E, 1\ ('llril' k all d j.: u~ " t.s at th is meet in j( . so n, of Dayton ; ",Iso Freeman Smith . ---_ - - --, r daught 'r, IIl i>!" 1~ l! rLha, 1\','1',' I laylllil All report an excellent time,







--- .------



- ------



' I

IVi~\:~'I; :~~n\~~~'~~~J~;~~:" i

~ p e nt

Mr: and ~Irs. W S. l:raharn Lome ' n alld :le C t il L' Aul " and Hllr~e' Hlll nkl't Hju st recl:!ivcd a t Fret! M, Co l e' ~ They arc Ituod Ollt'!:!,

II EST ATE AND ROYAL Coal Burner S lov cs arc really g ood stoves l 1('Cnlt ~(' -

They Tiley They They They

are inexpensive to operate are easily regulated an~ designed for convenience a re 'quickly healed ' are beautiful in appearance

Mi·; Malli tl Beck,"!.t , ()f Leba no ll, ( w ho has loecn the ~ \IeH t o f !II is~ Grace ~ I'at.lll n, relu r:, elJ h U1lI1! lus L w,-,ck . (


Mr. und Mr ~, Georgl' IJamiltol a ru lit hUlIle , afte r ~ " c ndi nj:! 1\ fe \\ day~ WiLh rela t iv(:s i II l1 a rv e y ~ lou rg L. N . Printz spent S um] ay witl , Mrs. A, E, Weller, lit hcl' 1Il' 11' hom e at Cell le rv ille Btal iLl rl, hi ~ " i~ter ,

If you are looking for a s lo vc with th e a!J(l\'c qualities at a very m o dcratc pri ce W e' wOl1ld he p!L'a scd to ha ve you call at our slor e and ]('t. I1 S s llow lhc m to YOI1,



- the Parlor Pipeless Furnace


Do ')'ou know that eve ry winter you pay for nearly twice as much fuel as you really need? It's ~ot the amount of fuel you use but HOW you uS £ It that really counts, ' Why build a fire in ~he furnace these chilly FaIJ mornings when coal oil heater will take the chill ofT in a very few minutes at less than half lhe cost? -


'Pred M. Cole Hardware and Earm M~chlnery

Waynesville, ' Ohio

,Iaughte r~,

of Georgetow n, Ohio , Mrs, W, E , Crllne and d a u g hl ~ r, AnrHll ee , of The comlllllnity number f or thi s Bethel. Mr . and , Mrs, George Stroud month will be hcld at t he H . ighSchooljand Bon. Cllrte r, of Dayton , Mr . a nd buildi ng, Thursday cvening , October Mrs, Olho Henderson, Mr. and Mrs, 27. and a fine limc is in store for all W, E , Stroud and son , Harold , Mr, .\' ho attend und Mrs, IB, T, Vice and daughter, A j(r and mB8keci parade will be Irene, Mr . and Mrs, Durwllrd Vicc , held and pri zes given to th c besl Messrs. Claud e and Jam es~tro ud . ,(}~ lunt 'd ma~q u era tlcr ~ , _ _ ____ - - A 11allowe'en play willlJ.e given and the re will bc music , a fis h pond Imd I've rything g o(;d to cal , incl udin g '1l! wcd ,'y ~ t e r 9, fr ied oyste rs, ice ercllm all tl l:akl', do u ghn ut ~ and corf('p , candy, elc, Nn a dmi g~ i o n will be charged, uut a ~ rnll il p ri ce will be cha rged for l he While l:;d Ed wa rd swas haulin g cor n IUIICh, nnd the money used to im- Mondav aftern oon, he mel. with a pr ove the school p( r llundH Ilnd uu y seri ous accid ent, While going u p "it l ureH for the c l a~~ r ooms, Tire feHtiviti eH will begin Ilt 7 Il III t.h e Kelly hill, below Cor wi n, a pin in I 'Olllt' early and spend a pl ea~unt the walton broke , and the ho rsc~ l'v~ l l in~ , c6u ld not hold the load . The WUl( on started down hill, but turned and ra n inl l) an embankm ent, throwing Mr . Edwards out breaking hig Ieg- . He had Mr. a n(l MrR .' W, E , O'Neall's voun~l!s t child with him , and when he saw the dange r he grasped the child, who we nt over with him, bUI was not hurt in the least. Mr, Ed ward s is gelting along as well as could be expected, but will probably he laid up for the winter,


One-TonTru~ kChalSi.$445


THA Tthe F ord Or.e·to n t l' uck does more for the rLlr mef c r t he !lll' r.:han t is prove d by the great

n u mhe r of Ilwm now in d.lily usc.- tha t it coea th is a t less cost i ~ s hown ll\" Ih e act ua l figuresa s'nallt'r f,r, t cos t a nd a m ilc h )u wl! r expense fo,- ope ra t Ion and upkl'ep, Th e Ford One -I on Tru ck has proved a great money saver, as we ll us a labor saver. It has s olv ed th e problf! m s of ('conomic tran!:lportation between the farm and the city,


UNDERWENT OPERATION W, H, Allen, p resident of the Waynesville National bank, who has been in failing health for several week s , Mesdflmes Bonehcrg-er, 'l'ownsley . ~,,--------------,~ underwent a critical operation at Vinson fB nd Mi ~s J ean Ferg-uHon, of IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Betheada hospital , Cincinnati, last (lilY ton , were Wednesday gu est!! uf Monday morning . At last accounts, EXPHH~S he had rallied and his condition was Mr . and Mrs. J , W. Whit e. hopeful. MI'~ and /Mrs . Floyd .Mc K,!an Bnd daughter spent t he \V eek -~nd at For. \ This week will be the last numest, Ohio, tak ing home his grand- , ber of the GAZ":1'T~ you wi'll remother, Mrl!. W, McKean, who hlls ceive unl C8:i yo.u re new, l'A E M I.been visiling he re , . '. C I\ ZET'I'E is sltrictly cash A 'young ex-soldier, with his wife and baby, were stranded at Corwin. Messrs, t , A. c hss ·l Ildvance, Lewis, Topt Pierce, John Squires, OrThe date of expi ration ill Sunday eveninir. not havin, enough ville Gray /1ta~· Mills and I. 1\1. Hen- stam'peel on the margin of thil! monev to reach Cincinnati , Through derson visited th~ Conservancy dama page . If It is incorrect we shall thll klndn88ll 'of several of the Legion met. here, a pUl'Be was made up and I at Germantown and Fairfield, Sun- be plealled to m!lke correction.




~~IIIW~M$~~~~~~~=~~~iIIAIA~~~~ ~ afterDoon. '.




'''-_ _ _ _ _


they ",ere aeot Oil their


F. 0 Jj /ld/Ol t W i'" Pn euma tic Tire. a nd VefUoun/obl. Rim .

Does More lOrless


HEAT ROLA OfTer YOlt by far the cleanest way to cook - lto soot, 110 (umes, no greasy odors, We wiII be very glad to show thc size and style most suited lo the s4e of your family, ....

Mr , and Mrs, 1<:. '1', Stroud enterCOMMUNITY SERVICE tllined th e foll ow ing g uests ut an ele gant dinner, Sunday : Mr. anti Mrs . I . fOR THIS MONTH Elme r J en nings and t wo

'If 11:1:' t0I1, 1 the w"I'I; elld ;L, t li " J.:lIt'sl o f

Soutb ,


Th e Ford One-ton t ruck has all the mllrits 'of the Ford car, wilh add ed strength for greater capacity, The worm drive of aluminum bronze gives u nusual and positive power at 3 very low cost, Come in and le t . us show you how the Ford One-ton Tru ck w ill help yoti-and save you money in your work, IMPORTANT W e are prepared to furnlah the Ford Truck. equipped elth.r with Standard or Spediol Gearing; 1:h. Standard Ooarln(J ,Iv •• the \ruck. maximum of po9oT.t. Tb. Special GearIng ITlcr..... the .peed of the t ~ck from live to "veo wUo • ..a bour, conv,ertID(J It Into Ii Fut DeUv.If


F. D. H'A WKE PholJ,e 41

. Wagnesf);I1~ Ohio·


The Miami GazeUeJ Wayneavllle, Ohio, I

I n'~ I I Huma n Food, :-:.,,, ml kinds (>( Insect s we re 81eo. ')' h " " r lpnt rh,lm'\\". Or'!l'kH nnd 0 1111 \,'\ ' "All (I f!' " ,,' ~ ,'n to Coo" ,.. , Puu..." Ih· ~'I''''' h eut ollllli. to WI" S :' rfl!' J,::4l ," I", ~h(l ut P" . •· .... urue '11~I' t , ~ II('P trlt'I I 1\ oIll'h of "(""lt~-d 11 11 ",, ' IlIkl' 11 I, ., ~ ut UIt' ("Iku ," , ,'1 ",,01, ", lou \ foulI,l 111<'111 UIIIlll ln1ll 1lle, 11"1 II\' 1 11~ ~ I ,,, rl ~1'1I1 ~ ':S -::..... _ -

'011,,01' tit' nt' l1I1 I'IH I','" nU't

!If liP ; th en t hey pounced u pon hIm, IIfj, ,() h llll to the rO ll , Rrll] dropp nd him

,"lit dt'l d r


In l1' h'd.

II ,'

"'' ''Ii

cllllllJ" II


", ... u ri l)' up un th~ IhHIt uu d Silt 1lwn', gllzlug lI c ro:;.,; .l II kk" 111101 Flllh. rty \\ hhout Mn lmu s, tor (I) hi!'; way or Ihluk lnl: h I! hn t! It nl it' n olT lIj(htiy. rOil·

"1 h<'en lookln' for you , (,A ptAln, " II .. annoll nrP<i , "!';"y, I h ~lIr th l! rh lof 0' t b~ Al'hrodltc '~ 1I0ln' 10 In kr n Ihr.. e 1D0nths' layn'" tn liN 81"'1 or his rhl'll ' lDallsm. Is thRt RtralRht 7" "I h('lIeve \I I., M e(;"IT.. y," "Well, R I\~' , I'd lIh,' 10 hU H. rh nncl' to sublitll oo t f or him , Vou know m~' ~"bllltl .", "h'kN, An ' It It \\'oll l~ he acreeable to you to hn,' p me i(>r )'ou r ~hler


your N'rm nltl enllu r Ion w Cl uld

5Z'( 1

a loog WilY t o"'ard "IIHlln' nt l' tlH' joh, rd SUTe mnk .. th .. m pn): ln ... hdllln' , ~ ""'lIat \'e~sel hnve ~Oll h('en 011 lilt. Iy'" Hi ck. <l l'monrlo<l ('fiu lln",ly, to r lie kn ew Mr, Mt'O utTey 's r r put atl oll tor non ,roll nl ,III I)' Around puy lIllY, "I be"n wll h thut trl' ~ hwal .. r 8,'n \'en. ler, gl'rnlig •. In t he Mngl'l e f0r mos t • 100r." "Old you Qui t or did Sc roggs lire 1°11'" . "H.. 1In>d ml'." MrGu",.. y rel,lIed hont'slly. "If he badn't I'd hnTe Quit, so I('R • t os.q·up, (""'min' In trom Halfmoon b ny lo.t nlJlb! we Jlol In the tall an' pil l'll up on tht' he ftrh j u,1 1It'low tb e ("II"' h ouse-" ''Thls 18 IntPr(,RlIn,l(," Ja ck Flnherty murmured , "You SIl~' ~ he wlIlkel1 uho~ on you . 1II('(1I1I1'£'y? \\, .. 11 , I'll be abot !" " S he I1ld. ScroggR blnmP<i It on me. F1.herty, He ~Ald 1 dll1n' t otley the RljfDllls from U, e bridge, on£' word led to .nother. lin' hI' went <lnnl'ln ' mad an' ord ered me of\' hi. ship, W"lI. It's hI. 8h1()---{lr It WAll hi. shi p, for I'll bet a (\ol\ar she'8 In'ouml to powder . , IIOW-80 all I could do wn s obey. I IIoJ!ped overboard an' wadrd IIshore. I IIIIpp08e all m1 clolh e~ nn' thlnp I, .OM by 1I0W, I lett everythi ng aboard all.' lIad to borrow this oullit from Scab Johnny," B e grinned pathetlc:aJ· 1,. "So I jfDess 10n ulld .. ""lond, Cap,. tala Blcke. Juat how bad I need tba' ~ I IPOke about a minute aco," thInk It over, Mac. on' let 10U know," Hicks r eplied e,'. sl\,eI7, Hr. McGulfey. &enslll!: h III defeat, retired torthwlth to hide his embar· re8lment and dIstress; AS the door closed behind hIm, HIcks and F lahert" ta~ each other, wJack ," quOth Dan Hicks. "enn two towboat men holdln' down t .... o hun· dred·doUar J~bS all' presumed to have been out 0' their swadd lln' clot hes tor at least thirty years. lI!ford to be louched olf the Su u F' rDnc\ s,'o wllter· ftontr ' "I know one of th em tbat can't, Dan. At th e sa me tim ... c,.n n rnt like Phlnea R p , Scruggs ulI,l a bClichcomb· er like his mate GIbney mu ke U pllir ot alnr.spangled monkers out of su ld two towbORI men onll get Ll WilY with It?" "Tht'y did thnt IHs t nl ghl. St ili. I've known mOllke\'R thnt woul<l tight an' \\'as buman e~ollgh to settle n grudge. Follow me, J llck," Together they rt'pnlred 10 Jnckson street bulkhenil. Sure enouJ,(h. there Ie)' thl! Maggie. ruhblllg her blistered 81des o~n \Jlst l!te bulkhen d, CnptAln


~ t'I "!C: \!"'" wn ~ 110\' ht 1r t'

\ \ us


~ I.: n l . (lIlt M r.

{lw wlndl , f\wlnt.;ll1 M: tls lll '!-'" t lIP ern t ('oS or Yt' gf'l n t,J(I!'i Trh l r h Tl h' :-iqullt't'h "lhl untl Ihre~ l Ollg~ tHl r t '­ III I'll 111l1d t 'd Into ti ,.., , ' u r j.!O 1), 't. " \\" e ' rf' iHllnlllll llr rt·rl: ' .111 (' k Flnh rrty w hl~p L\ n· tt " I. t\ "~ WHit until ~ l ltI 'H \10In n tl " ,l 11 11' (:llllh... ,Y ant ~-k r ll~l5s urn a h, lJlrt1 alOtll' : ' j

;I h lll '\


rPi Ir('i l


wl,h .. lll

hn\' lng


(ru f' 1,'!! t h ,· Ittl Putt on I.f Mr. Othney.

l' r" I11 I>1I), at t weh'e o'clo rk Ih" 101.lg· 1\ 11 ... C" 1\('(1 o rr \\' (l r k ror ttle

:", l H\n,llll l' lI

IU lI r h

h ,) t1 r

dr l(l .. ,1

' '''I'C)~

p u r.'Il.°ct

~1 · t1!'

lil li '

lIu !\'nr sc n

tl ... Mr,'e t 10 w ith

t hron t

" ' It II,' wllllinl/ for

CliO I


st i'lim



to come up

out (, t tilt' l'lIjllnt" rnnm. n lll' tnke him

to 111111'1"'011, Mr, GII," e ), s nuntcr('d tltt nn,1 WII~ .llIlI rl lnl( ~ltzln/: r<· t1 ~ctlrel)' upon u ~ P tlt on th l' ~IHI: ~II " ~ s t eM\ ",I" 're th~ h"\\'''4''n;. hurl (' hOrNl away th p pllillt. wh~n ~tIIl~~nly hl R tor<'bodln):" or (,,' II rei unll'd 10 hi m n Iltou·

f old

tlll, n tlt e,. hlHI been r(' turn 10 th e IIttlp sh lr, ll ~ JlI II II cNI up Bnd b(' hel,1 gazlnj.! do\\'II "l'on him Cn l'lnlns Jnl'k \1'11\ . he r'" 11 ~11 nn nlci II lc ks, lllltllp wns ~ n nrl

~ tro nli~r

~ h ll'~ !' l' rlt~I:~'

h nlll'l nf' nt kll e \\'



th e

\\'It ~ rp f"r ..

to In \.· . ·{ It " UU\\ dy. III1 'fI,"


\ru llunt


he ,1,,\('rlllllwd III'

IlIi ' > ft Hlilil.

h~ sulUh"t.I Ull'IIl. " (J IIIII 10 hu \' p J OU u!tou r ,! til.· yu r llt," a o d Jl l' slt 'PI II '11 hnd, wllnl t o g lv.· hllU-


1I~lltI"l; ""( ' III.

" lI l>i't\'ji

\\'li t' r ' we ("o llN,' t ttl'!' tow-

I ge bill on th e S, S. Y ft llk ce l'rlnce," Dnll lllrks Illtonned blm. nntt leaped trom tbe b\llkh ..atl stralRht 110.... n at Mr, GlbJ'c)'. Jock t ' lnh£'rty toll owed , Mr, Gibney welco"wd Curtnln Hicks \\,IUI R te rrific rlllht 8"'lng. wbleh mls.('<1; bofore he cnu ld guard, Dan Hl ckR lind planted left aud rlllllt wh ere they would do the m os t goOlJ nntl ~Ir, Gibney went Into a CIlDCh to 8a\'1' himself further puuls lllnent, "Scrnggsy." he bn,,'led, "ScMlgg'

"8cragQeY." He B.wled, ",.),.),1 Helpl Murderl It'a Hie". and '1 .. hert)'1 Bring an ""I"

it's toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor-

IY·),'Y r Help I alurder I It's Hleke and \I'1nherl), I Brlna an 'lll" Ile ftunll Dan IJl cks .t Jack Fla· herty; nS th ey collided he MlBhed In and doalt each ot them • powerful pok e, Howev er. MeRars, Hicks and Flnherty .... ere slr.eable persons and whl1~. Indld!lunlly, the)' were no lUU tch for tile trementlous Gibney, IIH erth elus whllt they la cked In horsl'powc r tltey lUod e up In pugna city - anil I he 8uII s~n ""I!lom breeds III erln'en , CUlllaln Sanggs thru6t 8 trllChl fllll'd tnce Ull \hroul/h the engine' r OOIll hnleh, but nt sight of tile bnltle r OY li1 t nklll g pinel' on th e dt'ck 11ft. hl R blo"d tlIm~<I to Will... nnd be t hought 0111)' r>t "8l'Up e, To dlmb up 10 th., bulkhrll li wlt.hollt belli/[ seen wos

tIii\ .. W' .. CJ W ,z::;--.~

lm pn s~ l hl l\

h owe \'er,



knowing whlll e l~p 10 <10. he ~I{o()(1 on Ule Irun I"I lde r Bnd guzed, p" p·eyed with horror , lit the une<:l'lIll call test. Hockwon l nntt forwllrd the tide of halt t.! sll rl.'e'1. For nenrl), thrt't' min· ut ..s nU :kr!lI:f.(R MOW was nn Indl!lotinct tlll lgl(' or lel:9 nnd annR; IIleD sudd ellly th e " ont holllnIR dlspn j;ngN\ (helll,e lves and S('rol(gs h£'h"I'l Mr. Olhney pro",' upon th .. deck with a ,l(Dry fnce uplurned to the fol:'rY ~kles, When he !!su.'ed to rile Rnd cunllnue tI,e conlMt, PI.hert1 klrkt'd him In tile ribs and R1~b curtled him; .. )ir. Glbne". .....II.lnC tll.t all 1I'tl8 onr, beat tbe c!eclt "lth bls hand In t oken of surrender, BId,s 1I0d Fla· hE' rty wolt .. <1 until t\;l,e tall .. n "Iadla· tor hnil reeo"ered sulllel.nt brealh to

Iln 'h -

I n tf\ rf\~ t

us h> tht.- rHtt" or CIlP-

ull l1 ' ~(' ru~l(~ III th,' hlll1( l ~ or till'


tulu t ()

II.· "'li S Il w u rl ' lh Ul

nll·n .

~ r rll ~J:"

lO\\,· ('u[)-

h" " flll1" ,1 1I(l1 nll1 l11lou"l),

r n lly lo Ih e

la b/ l l ' Y

Ilppt.·u l to r pvc1

bourders, Illld I" his ow n ,'x\1r"Rsl \' 1) te rmlnolugy hI' hOI,,'d th ft t "' hut Ih e enen\), " 'oul,1 ,10 to UI I! dllMtllrd would be "a' pl" III)'." The e l1 "II1Y. tn~~ nn' hlle, hnd lurned th eir atlentl on u pon Srn .gl/1l. who hlld dodgpd . b ~l ow like n fr l~ h1t' ""'1 rubblt and sought shelter In the Khn rt n\l ('Y, He had 8uHlelenl prt'''PIIl'C ot mind, RK he dll~hed Ihrough th e " lIl(lne room . to ~Illlt ~ h a IlIrge lII ollkpy wrell l'h ofT t he t .. ol rn r k Oil th e Willi. nn ,l. klH'rll ng ' u.t In s ld., thll 1111,, ), elll rr""'e 1111 turnf'd 8t bay alld tbrPHten" ,1 th£' In· \'udpl'S with hi s wenpon , 'J'h cr" lIpoll fll r ks and Flaherty p~lted hllll with lum ps ot caul. but u le soIl' re~ult oC th lH RSAnUIt was to torr!' ~ l'rtIg~. t urthe r \Jll ck Into the shutt a\ll'Y nnd out of rnnlre. 11le tOw1>OIII men held. coun cil or " 'nr and decid ed to drown !';crlll;l;R out. Oan Hick. ron up on dl-','k IInti r eturned draggIng UII' deck Ore hos · bebind him. H c thrust the IlnlSS nozzle Inlo the shu ft·all ey ent run ce and In· \' Ited Scrnggs to ~urre nder un,~ ondl · tl onally or be drown ed 111«' a kltl en, ScragjfM. knowing hI!! OIVII flre bose. defied lhem, so DUll HkkM slllrt ... d th e pump while Flaberl), lurn,·" on the "'·Ilter. Instantly the hU8l' burst up on tteck .nd BeNgel' jeers ot triumph 81111<1 the eaalne room. The enelll), ahout .. dra" · lottl to _ which ODe ot the two should etawl Into the . hart all"" An(l throw n currul of chloride o( lime (for th er found a Clln of Ihls In the engtne r onl1l) I" Cuptnln Scrogl/s' fn l'e, wh en 'o "!tullo\\' ilD rk · .. ned the hut ch nnd Mr , Burtrtnlomew M(oG u'II'.,y demo nd(!(\ bellll:(' re ntly: "Whot'~ guln' on down t!tN"1 Who the d('\' II 's IlIkln' li berti es In my ell· g1ne r o< "n ". nnn Hicks exphllned the Ritn DU on In ll th£' jU8t rnnse tor drll Mtic nellon whlrh U,e), held ngllln~t th .. fUll'ltl\'(' In the slulft all ey, Mr, McnutTey con· ald"r,'d a few IIIOlllents nml mode hi. deri s ion. "It whut you suy Is tnl ~nll' I aln ' t In poo<ltlon to di s put e )'011. lI ot ho\'ln ' heen present ",hcII you hnul ed th p MIlI:l!I.· oIT tbe bellch . 1 d on't bll1l11p ~' O U fol' teellng RIm', Whtlt I do bllllllP you ( or. th ough. 10 cltrryln' the "'"r nh"nril the 1110 1(1/1 e, If you wunt rod In whllie Olb an' SenlglrSY you allll"ld hll' luld tor 'em on the dock , \] 11I1('r th,' dn'urn.tllllces. you mu kl' thi s nileI" s'nnl alTair. an' a~ a Ull'Illh"r 0' th ~ crew 0' Hie Mngg1e I gilt tu tllk e 0 hand fin' detenrl my sklpl1pr 11):It, ;.... UH. · Iwo, ~'lIct IR. I!l'ntl l'Ul e n. I ~nt n dnte 10 lick him Orst for whut he dnne to me last nigh t. Howsuml1\'l'r, thut's u prl\'at" crouch,. The tnt"!: rernnl". th81 you two lumped my pnl Rert Glhn ey an' licked him sometllin' 8cnnlllllouN. I\I ck •. I'll lake yOU on firs t. 'ome UII out of you awnb. and light. Flu, herly, you stay below until I selld tor you; If you t'7 to climb III' an' horn III on m)' light with flicks, Glbne),·U. brain you ." A taInt cheer ClIme tram the shatt nll ey. "Good old Mne, At·a·boy I" "You're on, McGulrey. Nobolly ever hnd to b eg me to light him," Onn Hk"8 replied cordially, and climbed 10 the deck. To his creAt surprise. Mr, McGulrey " 'Inked lit hlln and drew him off to the stern ot the lIfaj{gle. "Tht're'll be no light," he declftred. ualthough we'll Ibud around on deck an' yell a couple 0' tlmeN to mnke Scrogl!. Ihlllk .... e·re 1C01n' to It. II,~ OggerR th,lt hy thp time I'\'f! fnul(h! YOII 011' Fllllwrty I \Von't bE' lit tor romh"t with him. e\'en If I li ck YOII botlt : I, e's I:nl It RII nlll;"r"ll alit thllt I'll WHI1 0 P'''II" ,. 0' ,Iny. hef .. r e 1111'1 <1111 ' hltn. 1111' Itp thlnk~ my tPII1' l... r·1I cn,,1 hl' tlmt time lin' he en n AqO' mr out o' nl)' re\"enge. Rn'·t.. . Y?"


~ 1'Ul hl l '''S

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t 'lnDION I' LEAS COURT I'r o~ccdinll B,

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1"lI d ... up llroll l .. 1 .\\1 11 1' "\ IUt 1" tJ · !li r . 1-'1\, ',' 111111 nltHIII. I ;(" ! 1 1 1 ~ . " \ \ 'I tt, H ql1ld, 1,,1 ... ,. ~I I' . 1;ItIIIl ' ~ pn" SPl l t , '1! 1 ': 11'1,,111 ~ ''I'II:':':''; fl'I' hi,.: p t.' !l' 11!1 1·, ·: F lllh"I-' y 111 11 1 -'kl ;un'I'Y ( ••!lII\\ ,'d l ' ll ll I l lch:-: 1""11'1.1 1.\ 111 111 " 11 111111 11 ), i( Jr




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";1' 111111' .1 l rlu lU l } l lIt ll l '~

HtOf.r ln g lIlt.' enormity of h its o"'l·n~e.

he hud nntl cl l' "t f tl wu s th re,' ulontha In bos pltlll. und _0 II.TIII,'(ul wus b. 10 H k k s lillrl ~1 11 tl~ rty t ur tlw lr forbeurlln(' ~ {hIlt be "\rlllll(l,' <1 u r .. so lv~ to "h.y" ror lll~k~ nntl Flu· h"ny nnd thrn sh Ihem IlIlllv ldun llysOIuet hlll jt he "'li S ful ly nble 10 d ~ nlld torlC " t hlH Bl'IlPs and pntll s 10 a


"II ) "II",,·

\\tl 11 It rH~h , II"'.~I II ),: It l~ \\n 'lIt'h U'~ ltlt, ' 1\1\ 1" ',lt' r to t ' t l nh Iht' IlIlhh ·l'. I I ,' wttH h ul f \\11 .\ ' lip \\1 ,"11 :\fr. 1: lhlll'r rt' I1t' l lI' d l\P\\'t1 it jZl'l ' 1I1 I lI lT lIl. ~I H:" II ·tI h l lli h y l hl ' 1 ' ~dlH r und " ' I h l lli 0 \1 1 111 1 (I. ','h \\ t h ' u .:;".( 11).,:1 •• J,'rl\. 11.'J't,. Ir\ h l:-; h llt rtl r , lI t' r. 1~II H t IlItn ... 'l r l ' OllflPlltt ·d

t o w urd au udju t'f-'n t tllJu t \\ 11,l r t '

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d Wr ' l' hro\\ p


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oll'rh"lI rcl. Call1lllo !'lenl '1;8 s llrl'k ' ll 111 " ..... I. '~ t at th is 1I ,Idcd to u~h of hnr· bllrll Y; li nd Dnn Hit'k". turn ln):. 1" ,hrl, 1 ~crng~"Sy·s · whit e fill'\) lit thl' hut b . "Y oll're next. !:krn l!l;~ ," hp r nU,·" ~It""rtully . and tllrnt'tl 10 peer o,','r th,' rull . Mr. u\h n~y ho.1 ell, .. r!!",1 " " IIII' surfoc.· 11 11 (\ \\'118 sw hlllll l "~ ,I()\" I~' UWIlY

<.w~m r nn ,

UNI£Y oln g Corpo r"tl on de. L A RGEtoII'luliIl e ngt\ge In M

Lotln"d 0 0 live atook , "IHO 81lUIllld tlI O rt j(II ~O" , WI1rren oounty Nerd not III\VIII N;I'eu bon!Cl1t , ,Iobn I:IlHbinl1, A lIell II 4. 2:l boon a pales man but most po,.es. Building, Xtlu\" Ohi o , tbe energy t\mbltloo .nd wlll.p IWllr to develop' sal08 a bill ty, I:!bonld be well a oq nalntod wltb territo ry. Gbaraoter I'nd good st"odioR In the oo mmunity, abKolutely nec88sury, 1'018e8slon o f an automobile. &D ad. v" nl· a~e , PORlllon permanent Tbe r ll( bt man oa n ellrn 15000 or beUer , tbe tlrst year . Applloll"onll trll"ted TERRELL & TERRELL, oo ufiuentiRlIy Ulve tnll pRrtloo. lnrs [\ b o nt, y onr~ {l lf In I"Ullr, Ad . Wilmington, 0" phone 301. ''' 1'08 M , R. I,,, 3 14 E llroad ~t , . ( :',IUII) hUll, OhlU, o~6 ~\ re8

oh l\tt, e l~

r e pre ~e nt"t\v o

Money to Loan on Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent.

In Ihl' " f I."" n L . ~Illi"\)n r y v. tb,' XII II, ' lInl lIlu Llml n 11l~l1r IIO , ' Il l ''' .. 01 ( 'lI lllIlI, Ilhl O, ,l ofe ndllnt .~ I( rll rr t od ~t) IIllyl\ Iell YO to file FOR SALE - HOGS plo,ul ll1l( 'I'h n I'dllr" C"rntrldj:(e Cu, VR Tbe ~' '1'II I...' C '" ~I l'i ' IIlllI'd nl , .,,'f ~ h it-I.. . :\ 111 1 1111 \\ ,'lI fl l,' ~t t . 1 :1 1,11 1••\ . ... tUII \ """ 'i' lit nj .w llIl Lillrrl~ \ '0 . o f lIhn olH 'H onS- Blg Type Po land. Ch lnf\ T he . lllIril)' I. u r derOlI t " !lilY t bo ne' Mu leM "nd um~, Trierl1:l0wR and rnll l ',' I" ""I n l l d 111' 111,.,· n 11\ (1 11 , I "01' 1pI,. nf t h " Millo n f oo r'"ln prop ~'"II Pi gs Rlred hy Ulant, Boml aud ~1 · r llC'/o!":'." . lin ' hU" I. · 11I d, ~ UII ' 1'1,, · Clift M"xwell. lu' I'!\" h ,' 11I (, I I'III I ' I! I II I' ' · I"},!'I t . : 1111\ ,' rt ,V, 1I00 1J 1lntln~ III " I .~HO 4 ~ , tu [)ran ge Monaroh , B ome J1h ll ue fi53, Bellbrouk , Oh io t t,~~:·,'1 !! 111l l,\' ('r 1" ~ kt;u n·I ·.\ 10 ),, ' I' I"ID 11 n. uV Mn rt"n (' '' rpor"li " n V8 H E tlf,l(j 111 p ,, ~IrI(l 11 fill' ttl III. 1': ll rllll llr', 1'J.tlntlll' t ~ llr,lero, l III '" )H II ' t , t ; Ih. I' lt- II~ I ' dnl)' I," ~1'1' H I.:i!~ 1111; Typo Pnlt~nd Cblu~ Hog8. :I wu ll l" 1. " I t a in ' t 1' 1'111111' t" 1I11' 1'1'0 111 rI'CI' VUI' f ~ 4 ti,r,U t'rclW d"r e ndllut.. 111111 0. 1\1111 r. f e mal e"" K00d nnes, }·ulI . 1 np"r r tli'nrd ptl' ,' 11 1111\' 11 11111. Alan, I Fr Atlb Jer"oy Cnw , Jjlqulre llo l1 ....... t, J- Il l- n·r. I :I h . lI un 11I' · r' ·~· . Probate Court r'roce..'CIil1~s, of Mlltou MaoDo nlild . I:larvey ~borg , A tl v lh~ ' rt. " nil :-:1\\ ,·11 1111\ :\hu'::J.:-l, · 1:1-.: f 'I'bt' fir ~t tllHI 1i1l .. 1 " ocnllnt of tbtl Ohio. o~tl Jl ldlt 1111' 11 l}tl!lr r t ' r 11111'1" ' ~ ' in 1It'!' I", .,_t,ll e "f W"ltllt DUlin , !I uoo llsod , IB yt)lI r.'- Jr YOll d"n', kit'h III"' :" " ppr o ved, ~I r . (: lhll('Y (l il liS"'!. fl l ( ~t ! II Illitia l r: WST Tho fil ~t nrOO\lnt ot t ho eetf\ to ot sUf'\ I' )pd till ' ~l nL:::.: h· { rlllll !"I " 111 ftl t1"o, H , ti"~,, , ,11'00" 8011 , I", "Ilprove<i. i-I t f'I'II , It ('~ lrll tl ' tl . Jkk ,'(' Il l" 10\\" ' r lip, 0 i'iT- A g ood Lath Dammer and Tbo fir st I H'c 'l un~ o f I,b e eHt.ate of nl HI gl utH" 'd ut t il l ' l'lIlIll l1 l)11 1'111 ' 111 .\-. H" Lol..,t. M"me plaoe III towD , } -'o r un lJl~tnl\ t I t "111111' 1111.., hi '" 1Il11lt! Ann ~: 'Hllth " wuy , dooenSIHI. Is ap. ~ue Ed ~tlll1tllford , WlIynetlVIUe, p r o yml , ((1 I'nll upvn tlt .-- "Jlll nn ! IIlld nhl ,' ~f t·­ 026 Tbe Will o f .IIl BOU ti beehall, de Oblo. (;utT. 'Y t o Hupp nrr 111111 In u n,' !'I'" I'O" " ' t .. r ·llt t l lck 1I 1 )t ~ 1I Il lt'ks nUll 1·"11I 111 'rl),. "OllSOt! , I" lI ,lrnlt toll tJ )Jr u b1to , n llh' rn r o n I tI~ l lIl1 t. I llI WI ' \'tlol': 111,' 1\ IItl rt :"HI O"lJ IIU rulll R"c bel Earu FOR SALE - PROPERTY hl ~ '!oIt'n~p or (n l r pillY t' I ' llIplt ,rt · d . IItU t, "ra u I'po i u t e,l eltllO U'or Illld Il l( "So, ~crll)oO:~!' Y. " h(' J'I ·pll.·.) :oo.,, "ly. "C ll t"x r ll"l'ootivtlly, of the eMt..ttl of " S hr 0111 '1 \\'otlh It. UI\ ' )'1Il1r ,1"plkl1y .11I811 n i'ihtJl' hllU, (It cous ed ROPERl'Y In Wliyn8svllle. " (' uu 't h~ ' o\·p rlnnk ."r\' I t' tIH'I'I "~ 11II~·· lar ge lots, ~.rOotD houle wllh thillI'I hili" It ' ~ ,ll1l'lI.'llY, II rr .. J::n, , ~, !'lllIrria~e Li eenst'8, IIgbtB. oily and olatern water In 5krIlJl I-= ~)' - 1I1U 1 J.! 1· l you,.,.rolf' n DOW hOllse, good furnaos, good barn liod ~:vorntt () RRwlitl t;R. fn l't n ry obloken bouse, plenty ot frull trees nil \'llClltlll' ,,1II",'r," of a\l kinds, on good atree., 0108e In, ~ 1' rllJ: ~!J tw ist, ·t) alii] Olfll'lwll In · w o rk or , 1\ til I MIM8 Mlldr",1 L, Allon Apply to Mrt!. Mary Brewster, W&y. Hl ll nll ,\·. !lnd M r . O ll'll l '~" ~ ...:-r " 11 1 h n nl ",,1,\1 ot I,nhnunn , ml Hsud th .. llI" I'k , "AIt," I,,· Ior"l1 I1",11 , \Vu1t tlr ,J , W1I18, fArmer , lind MI~!I n euvllle,Oblo, n:.l " 1'11 IC"'!' Y"U 'III .. ,,1m f"r Ih1l t," .J oHepblne Uookor, IJOtb ot Lebanon " Dotl ' t ! PI"n s" " Oli ',," ~"rnl!g~ ~: Id e n Clifford Blnltley, 8ale8UII,", h o \\'l ~rl , "\.U) · Off' 1I "'" ",, ' I' ll I'"l III o f MiluutHllurll', I\nl! Mis! Nora Ell Ootober &arm ot ooor': R n \\' b"II,'r BU ' IIn" p 1111 ~ l'nIlI Jl II~~ ,"l· t h ll r Clnrk, of near Ularllsvllle. JlI s led." Wm Eddington, on a ohargl! of T h" wnrd~ were n o s,."lt'r Ollt or ) Ell T f adulter" hi s muuth Ihlll1 Mr, ~I " I ;\llr"y ~ \\,lIn l: R en tau raM el'8. Benry Mocrl!, on a oharge of poe, him cle llr of ~I r , nll,",')", \\'rll lh , Goo P . Walk e r to John :'doGaTty les8inl conoealed weapontl, William Rogers, aD a obarge of "i';well r It. " he hl~R\" 1. "\( ,,1_1' your port o f inl o t No. 411u i:\, Leb"noo, rl~ht hnn' l Rn' 8\\'''"r It- '"I' I'll proWt.lllugto n C, C;oru e ll to ~ repta .'eft\lng an au\o , teN you trom 11110," AL"nso ll, lo t N o 1 In Lytl e , 11. H .. rry E, Earnbart, 00 A ollarlle of ('apI"ln S,'rn!!)" ntl ~"1 1 1\ t rl'mbll,,/[ Mary lind CbliN, 7" ,1\ to Joho U 'f orgery ; ( 3 IndlotrneotH" rI ~l t hnnd 011.1 ~w"n' It, " I' ll g"1 II jTh OIllPijOll, tl oreH In W~rren Uu ,II. J"mea Mltcbel, on a oberge of Il(,W fin' hn~e " ,,' IIr,' IJll rHts: I' ll Ox Almai Lanl( t o Grllnvllle llu,II..,d" fraud. Deckor , :l trll ot8 In H.itlgevllle, 11. John W , Mlokle, on a obarill of grand laroeny, 'fhe f ollowing IDdlctmeD~8 were Emil Ba'oh. OD a oharge of f.lse r eturn ed by tbe gr..nd jury for 'be preteose.

lit l wlg'."

Mr, (;lhl1py hud rehlrnpd to Ih e Ml1 g):l~ h)' Ihl. tlrn e und hI' now took hi • • tntlt,1I li t tli .. p n~lne· roorn hAt ch IInrt I;ro\\'11'{1 at Fluhprty nnll ShUNed him , "I{""I' up YOllr COli rn r.."e, SI'rn"" s),." h,' rnlll'd , RS Hll'ks nllrt Mr· GlIn','), rr n " ~l' <.I nrollnd thp Ilpck In IItrnlllnll',1 combut, "Mue'@ whulln ' Ihp wl ,,'y 01l t 0' Hicks an' Hi ck. ('fluldn'l t(lurh him with n huggy " 'hlp," Al Ihp CntlelllHlon of the three IIIln · nte, ot hor~e ' \lIIl Y , Mr. Md 'lufTp)' CIII1W to II", hul Ch nl(uln. "I ~ " with )'lIlI. ~'nh"rl)'." he (0/111,,/1 10u<1 enough for COl'tllln SCr81tg~ to henr, "up wl lh ),011 he fore I ,,0 dOwn after 10U," FlahertJ' 11'18 shoot to po8sess blm· Mit Df • hntcbf!t "lI~n the face at' hili c.,.trere, Dan BlckR, appenred ",'I'r MeOu" .. y'. .houlder all,l grinned knowingly at him, Irnmt'(lIntely, Fla· herty hurled dl'/lnn('e ut his cnelItle" and " .me up on d;,c,II, and once more to ContAin , 8Crtllrlll Ca!D'!, the dull .



WANTt.:l> 81dent In thl. oO lnll1ulIl· EvtutitbeY rtlwith on Ho m .. 1'''11I r

ANTI£L>-Farrn e r. 1111 11 W lUen tu k wo I". UlUuth H.uhl ruglHLI'r"I I Will .,



H.llltrtJH~ dl'llI WII.

LlHI N", 1 ,, ~K ~4 - whuM " a "'"Il,I .. r "f ptJrtllc l iun II) .1"", ou lo r Ii 1111 tUllktlll( qUlllltlt'~ , l:I er dum llutlKTIIUII dUlII WfH., "'1",,1 If you b"II"YH In lIer tld . Iy I(r';/I\ \! y, you ORn lIri v .. 11111" .. til hr ll,,11 Riotre.8' L~d (.tlll , 1:1. Utlllllh , H"r veytlburg,UlllO, s l4-tr


FOl( SALE - FARM - I wilt tie" \hufnrlll kvown FARMtbe Ww . Uhllllliweth '"rill.

UII iI ml\ell trom Waynesvill .. , betweHI1 WHYlle8vIUe aud I!' err.v, OlltlBI 8\tD ~ of H aOrOS of g o od Hllllble Inud , uew 6.roow bou86. good bllrn 40][ [)0. to . b.coo b"rn 2~x48, ' Illrgl! Ol"$el n . 8ploudld wtJII of WIlUIr Aod 1\ n" VIlr· tllllmg .prlng tor ollt\I .. , b'or fur . tber Intorw"UolI, phllnll VII , ,I r Met' Htnr ,V Murray WRyne.vIII "" Ohl n u~ ,

WANTED- TO nUY ~o ~u

of~"y , Ii. IIY·

GO tOUII H AY-About 0, A . tn. JlIhn, R 0 , nOllvl\le, Oulo



dulry .

.. I~ ­ , ltlrHtl~'­





'.1 "

Wook :::Itluil y u ur ¥ub,orl\ltluu t u the Mlt\ml U .. \ t\o ~t ulloe.


FOR SALE POTATOES- fi nil \rome . gruwu. Hroou Moun\Aln Ill.ld Stoner ; .1,50 per bushel. before put 10 oeltar , Strout") Br08 " R. ~'. D. G, Wa,v neH. vltle, Uhlo. naO KITCBEN C;ABINET, Inqulreot Mr., W , J . H"lInr, Wayn ell.


ville, Ohio ,


Orll, B e ntlllg S'COVlCi:I-1l 14 .. nd IiI III Oh , IlIqulro o f .OllJolJ,

WI1 ,voo~vll1~.

Oblll .



C0 t: KIi:RIi.:I.~ - Whit" R no!! Cuok .

PhO~~'I~~~~:~~el K~;;!~" U"'l.~.U ~~,I~: II~:J

W " yne8vll1tl. Ohl"

Flirt! A UTOMOBILF;-A rourlng 11116 mod"l, nl'wlv 1(01lU

C~r ,

painted anll overhnuleo : g ood tI,'C M, tnqnlre of J , A. Pioe, R , U 5. WHY, nellVlIle, Ohio, n~ U~DERWOOD 'i:I APPI .. E04 We have aboot y. orop of nnll, unl ql1l1l1&y of Rllnlll BORUI.I"H, Prl1'88 '" or o h~ru, 1250, '3 .00 Hod f,3 ,60. Phone 3ol-.i, BaryeysburlC. () ,,~6


~~SAPOLIO "I'll Fix the ''''h Holst and Run the Bedbug. and Cockroachee Out of Her!'


lInlf' RS

111 1'


gh' PN


il pr n cont of

qllit R h lt.·ke rln '



o\'e rtlm e, JIll rt." hI prnll\l ~e."


nIl R\\' pr'pt)

here at our Lumber Yard, We are cutting these logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very , reasonable price.


"Pen'hle d ," he nchIl'd, "yO\! 811' fll'ltr 01' Mn c p rol11l s~s to ~t1ck hy the s l1lp," "It·s II II'hll !'I<," yell"II M. 'lllltTey jnl" tull y, IIn ll \\'h IrllrtJ.:, s trm'k n il " IIl eks Ii mi ghty hlo\\' on the Ja\\', "orr otl r ship,

h()od ltlm ~ ."


H e-


Jll ck F1llh E'rty 'with n 11('III'ly tltllll1\1 an<1 sWllll g lignin on I)lIn 11 "'''8. "At '(' tTl, Sr rU /:I! RY, lI e re's w\tl' re you pro \,(' t o (jlh wh et h.·r

~, .. tI'r(> 11

If you are In need of Oak Lumber for any purpose,

O11\n -


thulIl Jr-01' 0 01011"(,- 111I'I11\1- 0r nthllmp, thump--hoJ,1 nlh' oI - Ihllmp--



Dun Hl ekR hnd b pcn tl P~I't, nnd n8 bl! ' pm",l,'d on his "ock nn <1 P('k , he uPl' PlI l'l' iI to Cllptnln S l' rnI:~~ 10 olf~r at 11'1I~t nn eV(,1I "hnTwe t,)r vi ctory. ~n Rer")(~s. mtlRt('rl"I: his cO \lrllJ:'~ . n.,,,, Illd.. In"tl1 I1l1d t 01 "1111 \I , Ills nl hps t WIIS 110l IIllll'h hil t It ,, 'r\,I'd to kel'l1 nllil II"'ks ,,", Mr, ~1"{ll1",(ly ",hll~ Ih l! Inttl'r WO R dl spoo lng ot Jo ck Flnhprtl', wlll \'h I", I\ld, vlrl the rail. evpn as t.he lowbo ll! 1I}(' n 111111 tll ' pos ed lit Mr, OIhnl')", nllll 1111'''" f ollow"d Fln h"rt)'. nn .1 Ihp rrp\\, of Ihe MoglCl"



ertIW f'~ 'fl t hI"

ra II


the '!IImtl y swam

to tilE' nOlll, crn\\'h'II UI' On II nnd de. norff'd. v \'wlnl.!

'·~~ nL!4"lInf'fl.

(To be continued.)


We have twenty thous~nd feet of

the as h hol st nnd r1ln tile 1 1f,"\Ju ~. ftll' co"kron 'heR 011t of ht'r," Ill' nll,lell. "You hen r t:llnt . H lh ?" Mt'Ulllff'Y pleode ,l. "IIII\'c II II pnrt," poIHt

Bea,lng titoves, At a bluRllln 2 New Ioqulre at l:illwyer's Krooilrv .












Hickory Logs



The Miami Gazettf!, WayneavUJe. Ohio.

.... T HE MI ;AM I

GA Z E'TT E....

"; IIt 'J r l' t l ld t il,· 1 , .. 1) .11 11'\, Vi '\"' I~ .. \ !I:, . C , .,

II . I •.

' I ' AN


111" ~ I 'l l l ' ~ h lt-' ~ ' J I I fl l ll ll

E< li l o r alld I I l lJ 1r ~I ' lel . \ \'U) II I ' \·.illc, ( )!t i(,


1\1 ( • . ~I\r ldl ill c lt 1111 r ( III 'lit,. vl ' r y 111I1I ~:t'r n1!")

O ur C(Hum u n il,y is prfll'!l r io g fo r

hll~Y ,

\\' . I ;. ~ ntl t ll s p ont t. pn-rt of lliB\ ,,- " k III lll chulIl.ljlu l lH.

\\"lI ll.

W , 11I1I1I1 1I 1 i ll ~ 18 in II oritlonl oon. fr o ID Ulnn ~Bl lroubl (l

IL W. 1.1l), lo r I ~ l it '"g ht t o li ttlt , h l l I Jl l p ro v l ·d .

lli l hlll , ~u f1'o rl n g

IJl I h t .til "

'. 1 \11' 1',


I"It 1W ll1t.! h ll I 1IH llt~ t'lI'y , Il n


li" r ll lI1 Y.

1: lI lw r t :-: !lI u n . uf l H' lLT t ' ju.

(' iU TIlltl , \\'11('01

a ""';u tll luy ~lll · ""t


r fllA.

Il f

Tit £' tll r rnrr" III II". \'II'illll \' lire gl 'Ulng 11\(\ 11' ('l I r a Li n t I.t f li r t' lmcl An l1n

\ ' nn 11,\t£' 11

~\I'·. I " I

:\11' . " uti

\\11" ~Ir ,

tlt l'

Mr. Edword Turner, or "'pring. WII~ I·h e guesl, o f hi, Bon , AI'. Ihnr, lind fom i ly , I!lst woek .

(·hll ~.

Ih, rt ~ c .. ' k

~gomplcle~ History of this Community






0l.l ur80, th e wh llio fU!lIil y ell~ ' ,.h e r, ~ w oe k. of any yoo r ! ,lus t roo '1' l' ., , . h . uum" ow n nllur. I t1 pc t a hit, lind r (lil l izu Whlll, 111,,1 w o le .IODllly Wlln\~ to k n o w nlt' 8nM. If yon ~lIt. dow n 111'111 r ORd B the hllllpeUlnK~ of tlw ('IJ ulrtllllliLy ; VlllumlUOll.H lri HI.o ry o f tho wh o lo W,uI L" &" rllud tlle U IlW" .. "out wllllt w or ld fr o m tho b i rlh of or OllllU n the 1'6o l'I e tb uy kn ow l o r 11111,," y on woulll not find Ihllt m .. nv nllrn l!~ IIrounllllrU dolO!;. 10 It And .1'01, t,h o .. H omo Tuw n Tit" "bowu Tuwo I'II(lor" Is 1I Pllpor " mok es a r B~\l lnr YOllr l y C1I8. cOUlpl e ~e hl.tu r y overy y,," r o f yo n 10m of g ton l.h nu Ran u llllmes IInu vuur n ulghh u r H. II, tlJ lI~ 0 1 I,ll<! nnd ROl11otillleM twill" thnt !ltllI , bo r. OOllllu K" find g~)\OK", th o lllrtll s, t Lt " Tho ' 'H o Ul o T o wo Pnpe r" i s Il Pf'll. lUurrlllge , tl1f' J,IYM IlIlll tho HorrOWB ILM V O, R t o ul o to th o Ul'rves, Ii r eli of - ftll tbu 6Vtllll~ tbILt ~o tu IIl1lk tl up lifter hurd work with hun ll o r bm i n tbtl o.Oltlll'tlUlty IIf tl ,1 n enle rtlli" ... nt 10 yon YO llr WlfJ' \"1 I . g 'hl. or I, H. I~ t Ul y ". . IY , 110 nvera!;" your son aocl your dll.U " I:llltl!~ :1'<".":'0 I'''ptlr'' oOlltaJt!". III l:IRve yo u Mllh~lJrllJotl to 'i'ho !'.II 16IIHL 1 h.N IHOlJIOA}(\) NAMbb In IImlOazotto ?


erl y r08t1H tlle .. U





Uncle John Throw Away the Sock .When y OO Ret to f oelln ' douhtful In the r .. gloll of YJur 8plna, lin' yt' r .. ppet lte rtlhok~" yo eVllry 1,Im 6 von try t o tlin e.-fln' fl d o uhle IloRt o f 8hlver8 Ihllt In s lMt, o n hAln' f e lt, Hor· tor Rllallyhnotll arollnd ye In 1.110 rll 1(1011 of yor (loll - An' yoo gilt 10 sotln' O r"!lH"'lL y~, wh ioh Y" II n (l V, ' r u· etl t,.. do, till .,-on w on,ltlr if It.'A

fln' Hoak yur IIohln ' CB rkll~lI with a rult ~h llt '~ ,' xl r y 1IIIrll; [m'tllk, II WI1" llI n " l (Jo ki n ' th .. t .,- ' ) 0'\· 11 w o r o a w o nk Il r Lwn. RO' wr op "r()o od yo r \(1101,10 li k .. .vnllr dlLdd y n~nrl to 110 . A wh o pi1lo ' 1I 0Rt o f pup.

p o r tOli nf tl r fl you ~ I ' til hAd, whICh Wi ll r hlTif ,V Ilo l1 rl1~',V !1I11" t.l' f £'''lillg In Vl1r h o .. (l - ~; f IhlH 1\ 0 1l 't ~(\ O ll' In . !lInllllp"x o r lit .. IIVt' rl oH Lin ' }"oI\> Y", 1'(\ Lhrow IIWH. .Y 110 0 Than, .I'"U htlt.tol' ~1It ~ n n lll !,no"" . .. "r lr . llIl · fllllll g llll' Ih A rtrll llll~t,. , 1111' grtl"~l\ lin ' . ' "11 11 t,lIrp" nl,lno 1\0 ' \ur ol 1" I" ph on o t h o ll" e k ~



\ Ir. 11,,,1

\l r~ .

A d " !11 II . ( ',, "I ph .. 11

r . lind Mrs. R. D. 'o llett e n l eI'. t\ll ued on i'lu nda y, Wm. Hilillm Rnd tillllily . o f OORr thrv oV8lmr g . An n },ondulI1'o Ilf l ' l'/i l I ,ul'" 11"11'/1 IltI n l"(j tfl t l l l l ll i Vlf"lllllv tl l1lll l!.! t llt· lI l r . :ll1lll1lrs . L.::; . Hollanll IIml C. III~ I ( 1' \ \ ' dlly~ l> Minr Mlind ftlrnlly wort! gOA~tH of H10 11 ' '' ''011. . lOll., re lativeM, buodoy. M r " " 11111 111 f ' J' ''IJ,~, tit . ' fIlt l , WII~ t il p ~ n "drlY L!lIt ' ", r , of M l'~ 1';11:1.1111" 11 1 M rR . W. C. b mil,h en'ertoloed , 11I8t "'l1rl,... 11 Ii Hr lllfl WPf'k. Mr . \Ill! Mrs, k:d Wiler, of Ii ro o k Iy n, N . Y ., and ber m o lh e r . " III ' {') \, l l ' I Jl'lIg Il l' rll t~ l ILl rlil l h O' II(' , .1 ~ Ir s \\' . I. H n l \0. ' ,', UJI 1\101' 1... ttlrM Wen r , o f Wi!mlng\on , "' tl' t'ut. I Il I :-: " I III'.1I1\' , Th o tlt'~t nuUl ber of tile leo ture .\11' III ,d ,\l r H. \\' 111 H, ' II ,,,,,I "" " ,M CO llt'~fl, nn enl.ertflinment lJy Mr . fl nd MrA l:Iondry , WA' onjoyed by Ito :"'I II (l r V ll ltl , \\l' r u ~u lH l ll \' ~ tltI .. l ~ o j I fl r ~o 110111 01100, Tbu r sday Ilvenlni. ~lr. fln ll lIlrH. /l ll rry " ·1:lII'Hl! r . M r , aud Mrs . JaB. Mcintire enter· \\' 1111 1)'1' 11 ~ i l v, ' rH hil S " 1" ' 111''] up II IlI ln e d on Wedoesdlly: M isROS ,Jen. 11I !'.t t, umrk ot III h l:-l. r O(J II I, Hnrl i=-, ni ... IInll ,1uHol'hil10 £teoves , Eme Bur. M IJ(I(l I YIII ~ lil ~ Imd o w lLh Irt,sh 1',' r H n oH , Mand e Harilln, anrl M o.uames 1IIr . nnd ~Ir" A" ".I" 1';111 " lI l1 d Mr. .ll'l1l11e Iteo vos. I:ll . 1:1 , t;m it h lind lind ~ Ir " .1. lIllrlM' " I"d IlH m w o , £' Fr" d Md( innllY. Rov . fiOO Mrs. Hunclny V I!"I1111 r :-& u f ,;u t, I l t . t uw n r n ill. ~ h 1'1 vllr IlIHI Mi~~08 DOllfl Mo Oiol Llv u~ . IInel \ · ,' rl .. M ill or wer e the g o o~tl:! of Mr. 1I11t1 Mr ~ \VII I ;:,,11 11 1111 " un, IWtH lr . (-tt HJ r ~~, ' If \V 't y n u" vJ1 h'. WI'I't\ ~nll <I[I.V \,I H lt u r~ o t Mr IIlltl ,\ lr M U I . Duki n.


Oct. 2- 19th unlillY after Trinity . Oct 9 - ~Oth ::iunduy after Trinity. Oct 12- ClllumbuH )lay .


W n, th o u!l(l u r ~ i!-:" el l, IlllViu g (il". Jewi~h [)ny o f Aton eml' III. . i llolv"11 pili l. n o r ~ lIip, wi ll o ft'a r rll r 1 Oct. 16- 21st Sunday IIfwr Trini ly. 811111 III· Pu blic Auotio n. 00 whllt i .. Oct. 17- .JewiRIt ~'eaRI of Tnllt'rnJlcl e>l kn nwn II~ th H Goo . l> nu gh or ty fnrm.

Oct. 2:1-22rl Sunday afl e r 1'rinil v.

I mil o i;out, bw o~t IIr W" .v n o~v lll e,on tho L owor :,;prln~h , r o pik o, o n

.l nl11os Crowl W9 S

h O IHO ,

This places our securities out of the speculative field and safely into the investment class. True, considerable sums of money have becn made by speculating in stocks, bu~ then iust as large amounts have been lost. When you invest your savings in our company, you know your money is safe . that the stock has a good marketable value, and the quarterly dividends are certain to be paid when due. Would you like more information? send it on request.

a Spri ngfi eld

PlIiu t e r @vi ll o rlef'entetl Be llhrook, ~un<llto y .

~Il"d "y vi ~ .


t-:~ " !\1 Ellrnhnrt w!\l have a llulJlIo Ifl at, hlR home noxt Wednesday,

F rank Thoma8, e liit of town. will M " tt Clino nnd Mi!\ ~ P Ollri Mo o r e wer n (i ul j lly.r l,lio g, t'1I111l'l lllV , lIn ll Ltu.v e Ito 81110 o f bls personll l property Iho nl ll 'ltln e gill ~o .. r ut! , u p"OI., "1I11 HOO O. I1nd will movIe t o town . thon wn ~ t"k, ' n t·,) Ih o g ar,, ~~ Mr . nnd Mrs . Will Fulkerson, of Mr. rln ll lI.1rM. W 1'. l\l ot" lr r l'n 111111 :-Iprlug Vall ey, Visited her m other, t w o d !lll ~ hl ll r • . Ithe .. 1111t! EVlllY!I. MrA L owls Rl1per , lllst Sund .. y . Wurf! Snnrtn y ~tlfH'4 1 t; fl f h l~ ptlTP;)t,r' , Mr ( ·hll s . K .. ble .(Ind fumily were Mr unt! Mr~. ,1"'11 0'; Mc l ·lI r w n . I-:nOtt l'8 of hiH HI ~t tn, Mr". Murtln ~!llit h I\ OU ho altlUld, in X e nill , 108t Mr . IItHl ~l l' s. W . A . Mn rri t l , l\lr . ti nudny . linn MrH. Frn,l H" l'l un , Mllt l . E·orl Mr lin d Mrs. C hu8. Breleford . lind .JIIIIl OR('lmo ..... or o ~Iln<i .. v /.! o o~I A "f MrB. b:1l1l1l1l l; II II1'. li f lJ"yI OI] . n'l r t Lt o f t o wn , oote rt.oined her Th e I:llI l' Vf'}'H hnr!: hUHI' 1",\1 trlno brotbor, J ess W OI\v'or , oDd wHo lind Plllo r t,fl lJ ltld 110 " ( 'I.. rk ~\· ill o t elL fll " Hl ~O D, .111II00 Y. S IlI1t111V HftPrllO ll n , find ~" I\t I lrllir A dnn eo \Vn~ given at t ho home of ('IlIllJlnny h " lU" muc " ni Mllpp ,1 inl,ori "rlln k I . HUm", !lo rl,h of town, las l, About tlfty ~Ir . li n t! ,\l r~ . A . '1'. \l " I" r, Mr. 11" ,1 TltursrJlI .V "voning. ~ l rt; I ' . II ( ' II'II\"' r 11 1.1" MI' .lI lld ~1" " . w (lr o (lrtl ~o nt


dll l1!.dlt l" ',

;;'1;~~I~~;"I t1.V llU,'~1 8


t ho


""n":t tl 1\ 1l1 ~ ht~ I)f l

1'.\' 1IIIII~ L "'l ~,: Nil ~, ;, i' . 1>11 11 YOII ' wil l III , n n llfi "lt hi " p }l t'n r up n n tllt! ~c o n l1. 11" :' lI ro 1,1 c:n11l 6 cn.rll' out! ' 1\\, 111.1


on BlatclJfoat;

Auctioneer Farm Sa lc!! and Live






Vaccination a Specially. Nolh. in)t bul Reliable Serum used

WITHERS THE HOOY Weak from Gudc's I'cpto-MaLllgan,

Meo Rnll womon who toll, either I pllYlllolllly o r mentally, u se up en-


Both Phon ' M

Thi» hlgb-quBlily milk·

8nb. uluee provideft Ihe Do nri, bmenl y require for r a pid' growth anil proper deve lopmeDt. It i . easy 10 fced, economical and Ihoroughly reliable. Order. bag today. You can't

nITord to raile calves witboot


Get it from your Dealer


~~~----~~---- -_ ~


Try our Job Printing,

SYRtOtu o f lIfe.glvlng oXJ1gen .

''''' o rk f'rs go to the d'-OK store and 1"'1111 get, Guc1e's Pepto.MBl!lgan when thAy ·11 0 " .1" " J"I'I "II ll,"'" " "11 ,"1",, """J II r(lo l w ea k Imd rnn.clown. They take ',HI 1' 1", 1 ' ''1 ,Slil il '1 .• ,': " Ii .. ,; < I',I" " " J it III 1I1 1.her the liquid or tahlet form ~lJd u" 1'''''1 ' 1' 11 ' 1"" 1" ,1 :I .I"J ''1 '1 .\ ,(,h l\t makos tho lJl oo c1 rioh I\nd red '' ' !I '''' I I

( U ll " I

-n .1l1 (II "'! \1 : .\\ .(11: '01' '1 ''' 11, ' !l U . ' ~I , ' I!Hl 11 011 111111.) ' )'1' J II lH:d ' l '1.1".[ 1111 1 '~ ll l 11(1 flI PII,1 n II I " "- j1 ! PI:l : ~. I 11' 11''1 }I ,' q .... III II I

t\.url drives out the

P0180D8 ,


cllrriE!d by the httle Ted coil s, r e news th e streogth and ·tll ".' )" "."", .,\ '" II, ." " ' '1'1 ' I '11 1"' ,' /1 huillis UI' tho entire system . i,ook &.he \HUlal ,"ottn. placea : Two ( 2) m owljorll ' \1 ., .UII '1 .''' 1' 1',',1.1 'I " " ) , > 1"i ' I" 1I f o r Ihe name "Hude's P e l'to.Man. at to bo eloct.oc l for. ,"orm of two ('l l ynara. !lnu ' '1'Ol C p~JJ'jO .l d P~L' UO IU ,,",O :> gtm" ou tho paokllge .-Adv . tbree (31 m.mbe1.'~'M: 'i'i&· ··ra.



Clerk 01 \lourtl.



Wayne Township School District





EYES Correctly•••

Glasses Fitted


We Put Them On



TIFFANY'S OpUcal Departmat S. Detroit S&. XeDIa. Ohio

.............. O~

Walter McClure

evenings b,.ppointment

1M. A..

SHUMAk.ER Vetef'inarian

FUl\r " \ 1. D1P.ECTOR

Practical Vaccinator. Have had SliC ·es.~ ill Immuning on

Waynesville, Ohio


hOI.h Hick and well herds .

Fully Equipped for Good ~_ Service, Large J),isplay Room

~dving OX yg OD,


••• hamined


Notice of School Election

012 · H




Notice of Appointment


Harveysburg, O.

'Phone 44

Hellbrook, Ohio

Calveo robed on Dlalehford'. Calf Meal are in,'ariahl" good growth )'

)'11 "

.---- .. - • ---



Slocl< a


. I'II VII fr p' l\ IPllt, f ll lDl.III I! , orgy. \Vhl\D t.bey overwo rk tlley ~ ]I(ll l ~ . llI!o() l"p"III" ll lI y ~1t 11l~. I!I' um l'~ llBf\ up Uloro OD l'rgy , nnclsometlmea Oct. :U - Hallow e'en . Thursday, November.1, 19.21 , (1o r "I< , lJu n ~ " l\ " , (' l ~ llbl n ln R . fOPI1 !'!'" <")" 1the blond ~ot~ In Il rnn ·dowo oondl. lind ) 111 111 11 11'''. it 1M II Hi!! " l h ll t yon t.i o u . Without rest the hlood can. IIPg-i nnlnl' lit 10: 00 o'olook, tlle f o l. t II 1 1 11 t r 1 ,)wlD~ : ~ l:Ior8e~, 11 Cnt,tle u n " "'" ,~l ll ' " n I .. , ,, 0 1 10 .. t., not got b uok to normul , so thlLt It he. The Same Llghl and Measure. 11111! ~, I"n r 11l Mot.o r l\IlIohc., l ....:n~tl!!:r. ! :!v~. !OJ l ~JU...!!. . f4~ ·.·'-+1-f>I hI' JlI III 1111 (1lI zu tl u \\·"h· OO tl HlH c loggeLl with wnsto matter R e,u'to n . like tllt" ~lJn , \:-1 1'lI l lIlI t nn to Slt.. tO el John Y. Hellhwa,. dece ..ed. "~ IIR rI, IW'l I)O Ob I ,' li" Y 111<' l r su b. 1 rr(1111 ovor.exortlon . Notice I. hereby ~lvon t.hat. Ma bol li arrl t'O tI Harness , I:InUR (l holdlJ oo llR . rJ 1 I k .n ; and It 1ft for \\'lItll "I 1' \11 1111111111: pl.'mollt", ~(I" IIIrg" hlli R for l e rmR, pt o ~(, rl pt.l " n ~ I II " . V II " CO " 111 I· I II " mil I' Tiro olnggod blood virtually wilh. .1: by the Inme light 11, ,, 1 '''1 ''' ''11'1', ~'t..~f.~'~I~~nru 1'~I~~tJ.t t'l..1!1~: ~:I.~~AN()I~ VAN TRE!iH th (\ rn", ' hl.~ ~, ' l lCl fn r /I ,!oll,l nh l tlw r'" p.r M tlr" hody. The strllined loo ks "'-'.7. I.'e ot Warren:~~t!~~ County . Oh io. thDt we Rre nOt all or Ihe " " li e II1 ln ll; Dato<l 'bll 6th day 01 u cto ber, 19 21, L U. 1" '1' .. l<.l l:lN . ""IICp . \\'0 (lll ~ ~ I ' ln " ll vir!' III "Hl g ' 0 11 pole, rll(lee, the tltlo, bloO(lles8 \\I . :t.. n O l.L, for oJt hove It to Ihnl enll, Ihn nJ;h ,,11 N fnr IIn y "f "111' "\J lr ~rt'lI' '' rR wh " ml\ .'" IIrUl~, f.l1l1 Rl1nkoo oheeks !lnd neck8, Judae ot tho Pro lll\Le Courtt, do 001 use It 80. - \\,1l1l 0", I'enn. <':01 \V . . !:loarH. An ot, hav o o il",,, vt'li 11 1<1"0 ~r m pl " IIlH, o r th o rte ..d.tlred feeling, ore tho reo WafTen Cou at.,.. Ohio . o ~ c; Do aD & Vartwrlghl . Any.. '"!'!!!!!'!"!'!"!'!'!!!'!!!_!"!_~!'!'_!'!"~-'!-~'!...~~_. . - "!-~_~._'!"!'!"!~~-""!"~-"'!_~'!...'!...~~_'!"!~_ lill y of 11[1' ''' , In t, I,,)) n. nh·('~ . ~ nltB of sl,ale blood deprlYing the O~t. 30 - 2:!rd Sunday lifte r Tri ni ty

. lt

Ih " r n ., h

John H. Wright DR. W. E. FROST

Good growlhy calves - you can raise .them

Sotiflfactin n Guara nl.eed

011 I'hllr"ll .. y " i~lt l· . U o l n },,,,, r • :11'1''''' 11' '11' ''111 " hr,' I" Iro l',1I"I'II' I" t\ ' \\ o rk ers SIck and ,," t! Ilt ll d ,d " "(1' ( " r II.w Exertio\. Take 111



1:111111111 011 1

I h ,' lr I II1Itl t' ill J .. 1( II r ~ " v "l'1l <lIIY./

I ~7 I

h O Il !"O I -'\lJ ! Tll IHf'

29 North Green Street '


11 111 .0 1. 1,) \\,11 ,

f' Ill'1!1I

We will gladly

I (J til fI, nn I·he h Ollle g r ounds, llisl

lIcl,o be r 2ti . Mr . anll ~Ir ~ . Frllnk !'ihi ll ilk o r , aro , ' y lves t or Ant,h o n y, who 16 ILtt,end= <l nl nrl.lllolo g I hoir y o nll ~ .. " t 8')11, Frell, wh o hU ll boon ubst lit ill tb o iu g coll ogo li t Hpringfield, vlsl'ed horne t olk8, Ills t t:l onduy. Wost f o r J 9 YOIl r ~,

1' , . 1 ('I I' !lov"r I\u d

the sem c that other

M r~. .Io hn J o lJo , wh o hos lJeoo very III , is D O W SOUle b ott or .

Mr . n ud Mr ~. Ffillik Cllr l '''II I Mr . a ntI l\1r ~ . lillrry () rr " n t! ~"n , " t uenr WllIllln g ton, wnro i tors of frltlllll~.


We arc permitted to earn a reasonabl e ret 1m on the money inveSted.

visito r , last ThuTS(tI.lY.

Levio y & McCurr l'n Bo l,1 0 11 ( , o f I,b ui r lWll ullful Pu k llliul ~IX t o urin :.: O IH ~ til Mr . lint! ~Ir" Hr,hllrt ~h 0 1'1 . Iltm , Itl~t wllI'k .

b~si ress is to scrve t~e ~ublic and wc are not

perml cd to make a proht businesses do.


R 1:1 . Br lln k~ i ~ lltll· lill~ hl H RloA I struc tllrlll wpr k till . lind III til r v u r y no," fu tu r o will lJ(j InonlolJd III III ..

' 1'" ,,1 w il lt ~ l r " 11 , 11111 1,"1 ~ hr o lh " r , 1~1I1 "C:Y 1\111 1-: , wh " i H q ll il ll P(lOI 1;'

Public Sales


u,n' " ('11 11Idl· l ,ug 11I C'l r 111 111 1" I l l) l~h:-: t· ~I. t ll ll ...:t n ... , 1

WlL y n ,,""I II.. ,


o UR

fi e ld ,

!llr. IIn,1 rolrM . n bn\' tl ro tnrll f' d t l '

Our Calendar

1!I ~t

F r ie ods o f Mrs. J ohn Wil son were In v it e d 1,0 a su rprlso In her honor , W ", lnoMllay o f last w eek.

W I' tl tl l , · !" , :\I r~ .

"Dd Mrs. Shri ve r, of F ILlr

HII \·OIl. Ohi o, Rpent II part of W ttf· k with ( rlondl!! here

11 Vf ' ~ .

~I III , I ,,)

7% Plus SaC~ty

MrN . Lau ra Icen ho ur t~. the gU OI I o t h l'r flo n Imd faullly, u.t W~s)Jln g . l u n l'. H .

Tla u "'r lc 'Jul ... l' 111If( ' 1t g avo ".n Illl .

(lu. \'


L-l " Jlnw(,'o n f r 1\ ('.

1..1\11, _

\ In l I r aI'!, dcl \·.'fH IIrt t lIu n: 11 ll' lH. ~Jr~ .

", d "1 \ '

O CT(JIl Elt :!G.


I rl l! o n

, ~ , t1 I ~cr i nlion I'ri n', $ 1. :,11 1" '1' Yl'l l r I ""1.'" \ , I \'. r r , '" • I ~· It , 1 111 \\ 1111 1' \' j ' l' . " \ ~


T r,; L~; I ' HONE 7

Both Phones Home iHi5·8


Bellbrook, - Ohio




DR. H. E. liAT HAW A \'


Notary Public

/\11 klud a or Nottrtry Work, Wayne8vllle'l.I Le"dlul[ Dentl,,' Office in H u lnes Bldg, M"ln 8 t, nud \)00d8 " ::lpeolft,lty.


Notlc. '- horebJ' given tbat the 101l0wiDI

:::I~ar.~~· ~:~e~~&e;:o:~lrori~:?~!~.i':

01 W.YD. Tow".hll' Sehoul D1Hnlct. ,'f hree ~ .Iect tor lerm 01 ~ ~ellf. Hamor II. CIU'eJ' WIIlooD Ed ward" J. Q. QOIII _ L. II, 81114./'100 · J .. MIllI••


A,L,'ld. Two $0 ..ea' lor "'rm 01 , :rOUTe

fi,".r Tha DepntJ' ·8'&'" lIupei.laoro 01 Kloctlon5


Everett Early

•.• DENTIST••• omee In N.&Ioo..1 U....k DldJl.


Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Tile, Posts, Water FoulItains and Self-Feeders.

0'1 WarreD 0600'1', Oblo. Will J. aauor, Olerll:. 036

Is nn nenlo. attack of Nftsnl ·Cntorrb.

l\ "~ r . Ad mtral ~ton ·A. McCully; U".lcd


," 'y , IS a b"ch.

elM . _\\ 11('11 Ihe 'IWork of the Cri~a Red en mas se last w ,nl~r before I t., r(1I ""~ 11 Re~ BIlI.chers, 1housanefs of children ·w e re lell without p.r~ III , • J, Lu lly 5 ~hll' ~ W:\5 al St-hL~ I:ll'ol, and he pi;:ked up Ihe slle , If""' n above. He brougAI them to Amtrica on hi. ship, anef hat 1"<:>111), adopted &hem. The, an 1II0wn I(Oing In 5('~rutunlJlo", • ~Ie Bac~~__. ,..._. a home at lui IIId t~1 •

" "I


. Those Ruhject fa frequent "cQlds In the head" wJl\ lind thnt the US\) or HAJ,.L'S OA~AJtnB MEDICINE will . build up the System; cleansD tho Blood lind ronder them less lIoble to colds, Jte(lllllled attacks ot Acute Catarrh may lead to ChroniC Ctttnrrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE 18 taken Internally and acts through tbe Blood OD tbe Mucous 8urlal't!ll or the Sptem, thu reduclaC tho IntJammatlon and reatorlllg normal condlUODB. All drUatata. Clrcu\aq free.

.r., I. ClleDq •

Co.. Toledo, Ohio"

Waynenl .le, 0



"Cold in the Head"


Waynesville, ,Ohio

Hay, Straw and Feed.

. National Bank

Feed Grinding a Specialty .'



Dr. Lloyd' B.

Lytle Feed Mill Lytle, Ohio Telephone 16, rinl J ' -_________

H~U '

Veterinarian OFFICE:

Fourlh Street. near Tyler

TelephoDe 93 ~ Wayn~.vllle,

The Mllanl Gazette, Wayl)eIVU,k, Ohio.




ot' of




1 4 ~inch


' Ma ri on J cenho ~ r. 80n of Wm . H. T he ag ri ru ll urt' ('laRs. nC'eo rnpan i II : om itlg' in . PILl('t· y ur Irde r!'. and Rut' hel I!'cnhou r , wu.q born neu r by N. 1'. lll utt, ' jollrlt ),e,] t " t ill' lillI'N ew Hur li ng-to n, Ohi t) . J\ll y 12. IS5 1. B 'ry of J . M. Vt'llIltlr V\) r t . las t T hu rs· ~ 1'\Jstlrllls te r l' ullllll in){ wa .. in Lrot. · and paS! ed peacefu ll y away nt h is da y , a nd pu rc h ll ~l'd tw o NOrWlI l" nll llll. Frid,,), . home , eptem ber 23. 1!)2 1. Bg cll 70 maples and tt' ll sllru bs '1'1", I r" l':! : 1 I 'I l' 1\1 I' - . , r . nn, " r' . ' . ). ,r,,\\'n <pent yea rE. 21mon thts ankd 18 uf aY!!f' IIIe I wC h:chPhlandt tlld 1 11. thlt.! 1I ' lacl \'~ 1°! two! Sund uv 111 111I)' tl> l1 . . I~------------~.- - - ~was t he as t to Ie ts en 0 a a mi Y W IC . a l 1(,( . a ll ' I h' H lru I~ Wl' T\' . of t h ree children. of whi ch he wa" planted near Ihe " 111ranel! tI, I,,· :'!1'Ir ~ h il. ,·. :h t.! \\" ,,,<1 <, 1' I' "bl! f ur th e yo u ngest. \ b ui ld in g . , I,' u r-n it u rl! allll Aut <l llill bil c, He was uni led in mll rria gc t o The class ha~ III"" cu t th' w.·,·'} , La ura Fudge . .Janua ry 27. 187f, i <l ve r th e en t ire :!c Ii ')I) I )o( r" l Il d ~ . a lld ' j,' I' 1 1''' I.! , · r~''1I and L.lI li!; w .. rr" Thr ee c hi ld ren came t o g la dd e n t hei r Imade a Ill u lch 11 r,lIlnd "Heh I n·,·. II . I I .• ) : lI n \ '1 : IIr-. ":I I II ,.day . 11 a ri a 11 .... :\" \\ " ;\ :..: ('Ill' \' wi II h pa r L~. making th e hal'pilH·,...q o r th t' i~ p08.'1 il..d e t u hll",· a' 1" 'lIl 1tir, d :t I' I" r I I l' l'l'f' i\·c :-; llh ~n i }l l ill" " illl .tl i ~1 1 " .11;1 rIlIL' ." ):1, 1" 11 . "1"'lI "t II IC' I1'.1 , I 'IlI g "" :Ig n / .llll' .... . .um . of Wlls h· ~c h o() 1 ya rd a" th e ... · l' . I ho me r ompleLe : Wlili ,n tit,· , , I :d ,·. ' . I. . . • .l · . I r I I '-0' 11101:1, \\,1111 ~Ir '"l d ~ 1 1" .1,, 11 11 ~ 1 . · In g t on C, H. ; MrH. MlIl lll e Co mptu n . a nu It I ~ t Ie pll rp"-,· I> 1 ". " :1<-' t., . I . . ,. ' I I tt ' I ' I I 1,1\ 1,, 1' . oC ncar WIlmi ng t on, lln u L Jar ey. AI II Ill n t 119 e n, . ' . If your belong to the American home . The entire "" ho,,1 i, "",,' pl'ra t in g: A new 1<1 1 ,'f lI " r~, · HI:lld"' I" jl1"t On trac k today. E xtra fine q uali ty White T ab le Legion. :md are going West to at- He WBll a member of th e Friend~ , bv kee pin){ 0 11' t h.· M'ra"< ill fr .. nl .. [ n· ,·.·i' l·. t a t l,' rl.. 1 ~I L'"k·, . l',m'l' and Red R iver E a rl y te nd the g rllnd encampment of th e chur ch, having soug ht and f ll u ntl h i ~ th e b uild ing. Ull.! w ~ 11\11'" III IIa\·,· :\ 111 and "' -,, Ih " l ll Legion, and want lhe one-cent-a-mile Sa vior during a seri es of ", pe t ings ill bea utiful la wn I'Il';d "p ri ll,,: Ohio's. . :I II' ,,1101 :II r< :-.; . ,\ I; ill t.: ' " 111',,01 rate. you must go to Lebanon and the year 1879 . condu ct ed by Frank ie - - - ~, - lotH I llt 'lr 11111111' 1111 ,\ l a i ll ... 1n ' I ' I, Fr i · get your ce rtifi ca te. whit:h will en- P ie r . fi rilllC U~ Ynur Chirkrms . d ay . t' r q l~ i ll~: I It'rl ' rrl' I tl I lldtalt i qlldl :-, , Ma ri on lrenh our had a h o~ t u r titl e yo u t o the rate. O therwise . l 'ay in M' fl Oc fo r Jo;I! Il~ I r l'gula r ratpH will apply . Set! Leo n- friend H. l\I1d he WEI!! npvcr too Lu ~y "": 111 '1" ~III I H' , I ll ,· \\" lf ld ,' r I ',di ... lJ . f u r ' IIrd Sly. PIIst Aujutant. Leuanon. I T P AY:" Til TH Alli': AT [0 help oth e rs wh o we re in need . II.· Will 111:l illl :li l l :1 ' il l'l ti :llil l.1.; ~:iI\' 1,\.1 I·: .1 :11 '""'. I.'. I I I.'a rl' . h, l· se rv ed as Past Mast er for nearl y Hilt l ,a~rI.-J, · J.' I ·' ·II, · 1i :11 1" J.' I) 11:II\I'l· . I. il ll arv :ll ~ 11I : t11 (' li s t t il years, and. be ing of a jovial. Hunn y I I Ie It·;; ! Jc r. ~ 1 r. I t . ~ . Mai 'lIl11>' i ~ "nj, , ~ inM' a ' disposition. he had a chee rful greet\'i ~ it rr OIl1 111'1' si' \ l· r. Mr~ B H H" I- I, ing fur one and all. Whe n d isease At th e M. I·: chur ch. nn ~ Il !l " ay . fast e ned itself upon him. he bor e Novembe r 2, a t :l o 'c:o(·k. t h" ~" \'() !l d l1<'r 11 11.1 d ll 'IKh ll' r , \\, illl1a. " r " illAll pe r sona are warned to kee p off the terrible pain and suffe ring with Class Sco ut cer €' l11 on.\· w iil h.. h,·loI. th e prope rty of the unde rEigned . mu ch patience, only remarking at also the con fe r r inK o f fOllr M1'<111 15 I,f ~ I r , all d !\Ir, .1. 1" 'J' il: lI.·~· . ~ I 1'. nnd , while hunting or trapping . different tim es that he was r eady to Me rit . This i~ f o r U1(' C') IJI lll ll lli ty. 1\1r" \\" .1. H"k t'r alld t1 a uKht\·r . l. il _ g o if the end would only come . It is your o ppo r tlinity t o Hel' j u ~ t it .. . ~ 1 r" . M . ' Ii "~ a I ' " II Ill'lI'i t 1111.1 I Martin (~ o n s He leaves to mourn th eir loss. hi s what the Gi rl Sc, III t H a r e doi nl-: . Mi,,~ da UKhl ,·r. 1I,·len . " I .. nt Sunda y a l : Jo'ORSALE Evere tt Stuhus faithful wife and childre n wh o HO Mifton H. Lat'\·y . a Cirl ~"II 1t t I" ud" r t h,' h" llIl' ,,[ Mr J .. /t IJ I':""""' or : Henry Satte rthwaite lovingly and t ende rl y cared fo r him; fro m Dayton, will ;,,"is t w it h thl! S l'rill M' \':tll ,·y . Harnysburg-. Ohio Mrs . Seth Furnas PIIJS. seven week!! old . Inqolre al so seven grandch ildren. four hav- work. of Usoar Robersoo, Oregonl ... 0 TIll! ~1i : 11 111 \ ;:l1.l'l tl·. ~I :,11 II ~' e " r . 1, " -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• Elias OlCl es bee ing been taken in infan cy, and th e old est on(" Lester Icenh our. who was

o rtle r etl n ear of nllplcR a nd potlltoes. which will prtlbllhly b,.. on t r nek 80m a ti mt' t hlR wE-e k. g.·nd yo nr o rdt'f S t o F.dwi n Chandl e r or C. K Michene r . pho ne 5li - l l.r-:"S

A t range r rlriving a bilt Haines mnchin ' slopped at the Pa lace rl!!>' tl1urnn t. ~unday eveninlf. in his shirt sleeves. He said he hllu bee n held u p he tw een Washington C. H . and x e nia. and his coats were taken from - - - him. T he h old-ups ran h im in t ,) the uitch , Slid would probably have got · t n Il hlre hall not the road ucen full of machInes . _ _ _ -. _ •











Dayton Daily Journal


Cincinnati Enquirer




The Late Classified Ads. 7

'?••J!---------------.. -----------! Sawyer's High-Grade Coffees .•


Log Cabin, equal to any 40c cofTee, our price . .. . Blue Buckle, is extra good, worth 35c, our price. Red, White and Blue, Berdan's Special. _. . .... . Green Label, mild and fragrant . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . Battleship, for those who like it strong ........ . Old Reliable, always good ..... ... . . . ... . ..... . Primo Bulk, makes a delicious cup ... . ..... . . . . Golden Rio, can't beat it for the money . .. .... .

33c 30c 35c 30e

35c 35c

Forest T. Martin Auctioneer




II 0111 t' Ph ll ne

Ill y; 1l'fIlI S for yo ur I 'lIhii c ~:.t l e . ~ :\ l isf: \l'l iOIl g il a rail tc\' t1 or 11 0 e ll a rges .

/l ox 91. C(,III('rl'ill{'.~O"io ~.

Celltl' rl'ille Ex

80 tak e n justthiins th e med beauty of recently young manhood; see to crush the grandfather' s heart. f o r they were 80 devoted to each oth e r, and the IBllt words he uttered were, .. Lester, Lester." There will be a vacant place in the home. dear ones. a voice you lovell will be heard no more, I:-ut we will all take comfort In knowing that his prayers have been answert. and he Is now at reat.






We specialize in Hlgh·Grade Coffees, and Bell on a cloBe marain, thU8 giving you the benefit. We have some extra specials for Saturday. Come in. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs.

• Born. '0 IIr. and Mrs. PerQ'Wade of the Dayton pike. We4neeliuy. Ootober 5, a lon, Joe Ernest. Mr. and Mr •. Wm. Brown enter. talned lb. and Mrl. C. E . Johns' t o dinner Wedneaday . Well C. CorDell h ... laid hie prOI)' edy &0 Mil. l:!aTepta Stan Jell. IlDII ~"1lI pOllle8llon March 1. ~~~~~~~!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!'!!~ r Re"lvaJ meellng II now In proc · rels at Lytle ohurch, under tbe efflotent leaderlbtp of Rev. &arfl', at SlIriDg Valley. tlev. WIant, the looal mlDllter, ls a88ls&ing. Mrs. 8 B. Oalne! and son .•Jamos. have been lpendlng a oonple 01 week. with W, G. Baines and fam. of Belman', IIr. aDd Mrs. C. S. Lamb Ipent Suday wUh relatives In Davwn. Mr . aDd Mra. Wm ,Cox. Mr Bnd Mrs. JOleph Glthenl and femlly .Mr. and MH. Clyde Cox were I:!nnday dinner Kuests of Mrs. Belle Graham at Rldae"U)e. Mrl, Suun Btlll lett Sunday aUer Jesse Lasky will present Cecil B. DeMille's greatest a 'hrM weeks vilit wUh rela" yell bere. production, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrlok and dauj!hler, Glady., and Mr. Forra,t Graham and family, lpen' Sunday with Mr. Sherman Dyke and family In Dayton. Mrs. MuV Carmony en'ertaloed at dlllDlr Wedneeday In honor of htlr BUill'. Mil. ~n8&n Sill. of Lena, the followlnl : Alrl. A . C. ThompSOD. IIrl. Ma$l\da ICmrlok and Mr8. S. B. O ..lnel. MH. James Johnl, who has been quite III for lome time. wall taken to Dayton for an X-ray, Wedne8day. Nothing lerlonl developln.. Dr. Ewlnlf thougbt the trouble might With the most imposing cast ever assembled in oome from two bad teeth, whtoh one photoplay. they extraoted. I::!he was aooompanied by Dr. Brook and Mr. alld Mrs . B. M. Clark . CIl Mrs Dora MoKlrby and children, N of ·Day lon, are visiting Mr. Bod Mrs . Frank Emlt·h. CJl Rev. Josepb Pine hae resigned a8 pastor at Ferry ohuroh, and will go to Great Falls, Mon' Tbls 18 IGO V) mllel north of Yellowlhne Park. Mr. Pine, Wife and two ohlldren will leave by auto. next Tue8day. enroute N to tbelr new home . Missel Lold CJl and Beleo wll1 remalo for a while. Mr. aod Mrl. If. M. Clark blld for tbeir dinner guests, Bunday. Mr.and Mra. F. C. Loranger and daughter, FranGes, Mrs. .laok MartiD amI daulhter. Clara, 01 Dayton. Mr. and Mn. Urlla Andenon amI Mr. and MtI. Nloewander, of Day. tOD. Mra BaaaD !::!lUI. or Leoa. "and Wilbur Clark an4 family ,,1,l&ed With llrl_ Mary Oarmony, Sunday . Mn. 8. D. DaID8I and daughter. Mre . Walter Kenrlok, returned laat wllek from a 'wo weeki villt wltb ""!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!' rei .. ",," In Northern Indian ... Tbey :;;; - lpen' part of the time with the for . !II____________________~-----~I mer'•• I,ter. Mrs. Raohel Arobdea. ... oon. and daughter, Mrs. Cbas Faok and f ..mlly. at New Uarllllla; '" lIlted Mra. Mary dolmell and family, at MlchilaD City i aleo "lilted Bouth Bend. •

_..Sa vvyer' s ••

Miami Theater

Thursday, Nov. 3, '21


lIffailts of lInatol





Wallace Reid Elliott Dexter Monte Blue Theodore Roberts Theodore Kosloff RaJl!lond Hatton

Gloria Swanson Bebe Daniels Wanda Hawley Agnes Ayres Polly Moran Julia Faye

",. •' -



~~~==-~ =? '


Ft\iv[OUS It alia n livcd to be 103 Y<':1rs (,lei :1lld he wrot e a hook 0 11 living \ong-a Dayton. Ohio; ('~pit a l i s t houg ht nc'arl ya th ousand ('opi es of t.hi :; hook. 10_ gi".e to his f.ri ends-a ,Detroit auto klll g' (m l(' r('u ~ nJ re-arch-recl hundreds o f copIes for (li slnlJu tlon- a railway preSident, a Chicago p nckcr and scores of o lhc'r eminent \\lcn have g'ivell' liIH.' ral orders for the book. WHY? Becau se t hc'sc ·m (,11 real ize lha t health is the s uprc lllc possession and t h at the most fitting way to round out their successful careers is to help their fellow men to live longer." .

I Want Worthy Folks to Enjoy Florida Sunshine", '" to learn to play again",,,. to live 10 years longer! I, t on , wan t t o rOllnd n llt m y C;J rC'!'r of int en se a c tivit y h)' m aki n):: it possihl e fnr ynll t o li ve In nj.:C'r. I cl on ' l wa n t YOII to d ie t - no r io he a Ill olillt nin rec lus , Fub "i" l in g "n b l'rhs a llf l n,( .I :.; . I wa n l t o ha "" Y (l U live 10 ~(''' r ~ I \) n ~(e r Iha n \ 'II U \\'(l uld mdi na r ily lin' lI ndl 'r \I ;; \l n1 ;·I,nrlili nns. I " , b.n ·in $! Y OII wi nl e r in t he sunl'Y , h.:; dl h ·g iv in g c lima le o f Fl oridn. I wa nl : u u I II )I \. IY· .11«1 re la x in a l11ud 'rn bun gal ...·, in 1:loricia and h ave j . t t'lu lug h (' xe rci se in th e d e lig-h t full!, a rd c n pl ll t L:lt'k (If Ihi s hotllr. to kc pp y o u fro1l1 rII:-< li ll g' 0 111 a lltl t o ~ II PJll y you r tal Jie wi lh "' Ira\\'hl ' rri l '~ , o ran ges and gr:llw -frllit in January- Ill ... hoot ,-IIOIII-," h qll a il fu r dinncr- to e njoy I! s hing in the

Don't Fail to See this Stupendous Attraction

Whit. ataln. on ·Hardwood.




• _


CHAS. FRYE, Agent. Waynuville. Ohio



A Pit.xture of IIIllt aud oltve 011 will remove wblte .ta108 from hal'\Iwood IVb\l!h are caused bl hot dishes. Thl! d..,. .pot Is covered thIckly with 1181t, · and thell a. much olh'e 011 18 poured OVlr a. the palal wl.U take up. Tbl. IItall41 lI,er allfht, and .1D tbe morulo, til, d1IcoloHtton Ihould be brl8kl1 rubbed ",UlI tile mIXture. wblch \a then wiped oft U tIIere \a 8tHi trace . of atatA. . tIIe appUeatfoD \a repeated, ... 10 IteDdIq for b01lll.


............. .......................





- - -...


Col. Dollings has brought Florida Sunshine \Vithin Your Reachf


We ha ve opened a Cream St.ation next to the Gazette office. Highest Cash Price paid for Cream.




A Special Matinee at 2:30 p. m. Evening Performance at 7 and .9.


<::::-=-=~-~~ ~ '---~>


Waynelville, Ohio



wid e Sf'. J nhn!! Ri vcr. To dri ve y our ea r O\'rr m ;:wnd n m roncJ!; to Jn cksonv ill!'- t n S t. All ~ u s t' in ()-or, to o cean pJ.l y-g- rnund s. To Le n car the wo nde rful l11edi c inn l Crec n C ove S prings . I wa nt t o pro vide you· with a m od e rn ho mC' . compl e te wi t h electric lig hts , runnin g wa te r, toilet a nd ba th . M e n d o not grow old-th ey ren ch MJ\lTRE YO UTH-which is YOllth s ho rn - of its ecc cn t r i c ili e~-youth with expe ri l'n('(! . You ure (Jne o f the wo(thy m e n wh o have made a success of your Jife anti have earned a chance to avoid th e ri gor,; of o ur Ohio winlers ; th e hoo y -w\ !arin~ S IIOW , sleet , ice alHl bille r cold. .

Here is My Wonderful Offer for Folks Who Want to Live Longer! I am offe rin g y Oll, m y fri e nd, th e c hatl ce o f :ll'qu1l'ln g a roomy 100 x 150 ft. ho me sile , irt m y m od e l s uh-division, for the unjw lif' \' nl oly lo w price of S.J .')O- anrl (hi ~ m rri cs the privil ege of having me build )'0", whe never you arc ready, a strictly nloocrn nt' W b un ga low. plann rod a ccordi ng t o your id eas, for olll y S1350. A winter home in. Flor ida at less Ihal! the cost of all Ohio baril, From the !ina ncia l s tandpoint alone thi A is an exce ptio nal investme nt opp0rlunity-,.one th a t will rapidly incrc<l sc in v alue . M a il' lhe m up, III t od a y! Act now!

Walkill Stock Farms

Hamilton, Ohio Pl ease scnrlme , WiLhb ul Cl)s t Qr ,o bliga tio n , your bea ulirul, iliu stratcJ boo klct, "1\ He-

newcd Lease




KInc .• . . . . •• •••• • •. ~ • • ••• • • • • • •• : • •

Address . ... . .. . .. .. . .. . . • .•. . : .. . : '. . ;' ..

City . . ....... . . .. .. . . Slale. ......... . . .

R. L. OOLUNGS, President.

Walkill "




• ~e\, f' lIty-Thjnl





~,----------------------------------------~--------------------------Ncw II I

Mi ~ s

F n'sh

I\I~~:.~:.I :~~~:f'::~;



\II :-.I . :->,"ar" waH ill Frmil, lin Iol" illl ·.o . . ·a lurdav .

r·S hinp.

K"fllieth Kilu lI ll Th u r"duy .


Whole Number

M in I I~le Jdlw tbsb ) 0HTAOoRGAYNGoLTEHfGRLUB I -PL MB ! u I If" THE 'w'OF~LD IS EI GHT

l'l) rl; . Il l''''' anr! ~1Tl JKe d '

I rma I ':"i ~ \\'H" I h,' gll ", l of Daylo n. f l'iJay. Mr d Ma) I"" ll alt i, ·l d . 1··ridA y. ~hll


Ij uylon .






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~Ir. and l\Ir~ . It!ly rnond Tituq Still . Ilill i('. of South Lebanon , t ~I r and I\lr~ . 1\1 .1. I! ul :ingl<- ~-!\lr . ilnd .\ l r'4 . ('[J .\ I\d./. ·t' ('r 'I I . ' I" J '1" I . . 11·" rth \\'I'r,' Ih, · ),(llf'~ I :l nf Mr A. Ti., l:111 Il!rs 'JI I h" llayl"n ;'ylut,)r<' l'r l" 1 .lIn ... , 1111'S' " ~ Yo :11 a fallll l\' dlllllt' r , . . I ' I)(.IIl )' af lern,,, ,,, . 'I·\I r ·,ln' j\I C'11 U, fil l: ll11')'( ' . ~U . I·~ . JIII1/1I ' ,·n fl. 'J f I "Iri' 1,. tll s andfa llllly . Sun'ay.


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'1 rs () I'Ivr'r I) IlI'IS ' \\' :I ~ u I"'''PIn " ~ In Mr . anti M r, I':mlllllr B" il .l . II f Iv and had an0thf' r hil l cJinll . On a" vII I". Mr and :\ l r~ :\ II"n Kil,lpr, - -- -L,·I):III"fI. sllI 'lll SU fI :JII.' · Will , J,"lll (: lllcinlllll i. Thllr~d!\ )' . II II . I' I' . n by ! a 011' 1' I'll . ro IC wag gIve ,. ('ounl (If th l' "Iipp"r~' "nnditill il " f \Jr ~ J.: fl l'l"·llIla II ""J.{ h 1111 01 .\J r. ('IHI" Mr . alld Mrs. 1':lIi~ Smith. \I f Chi · f" lIl s. I th I 'll h ' 1" 11 I Iht, Girl .";cnlll ;; at the Township ral{l, . lin' vi~itilll{ n'lalivl's heJ e. 11Illl' BIlI"kle ('uJ],,' P; hllV ,· Ylllliripti ~ II • I e ()Wnt~rs of the land w\lul ll \ 1 II'r an , fHl'lI iy I nllt let Hwm II " ,· thl' hi ll at t hl' lI'al . ' hOIl SC, in hllm'r of the Roy Scouts. Litll l' Hay rnw il l ." d al"" , ",iI" i~ a l il',' II'" lifll' . Sawy .. r·s . " er inl{ Irtlurr h. TIlI'Y ''',II'" Il('rllll·, . 1 ,\ ,I,.II "I · " IJ' Th e n" 'lfi was de("u rated with crep" I M.. CIl'lIan hl, ~ pital. i~ J.{1'l1 in ).! alo ng SllIlr-Shi ne. Ih " WOlld er I'olish. "''''' di ' llll' f w a '4 .~( ' r\'t ' d ( I II l\1r" Addi l' Srni lh i ~ I'iuilill!! wilh ' si,m. howel·er. fur thl'lll I" U ~(. til,. p:\( H' r. enrn 'ShIlCKR, pumpkins am very ni(·l·ly. I !,h ursdu.\'. ll' Ilk h"I\1, ' "I' :\lr. Ill .d f . II . rl' l ali vl!~ ncar Spri nt.; \'ull ,· v hill at the Thr"(' Ilrl·IJ"a.. . 'J' I)a hl' ll Jack-o ··lanlt'r ns. to. ter a JO y tIme Thad Zinlfnl'rl11lln and Tom Mal1J ~ ",c ., < ~ I r" ,J I' lI ankl· . T " ' ~ a l " l l ll1' fI [ ' at tl i . t. II f gam,·~. i1 lunch of pumpkin pie . nill~l lllI, of 1l1lytlll1. RllI'nt Monday Mr J am e" Z >II nn d ramil\' . II f Y ~ I _ . , (. 1\1 I' 1 ." pom l:i \'ery "ll!l' i' . 1I1111'lhiflg t(' rl l"On h" ur, 1\ ,'/1 ' I'{'n' IIiUdl l! Il. I hen·. .. r. . ,ruW Il a lld fa illil y ' 11I'nl like lit) IoJ, iO d "lor ree' and .,1) fl' 't . . I I \1 I \1 . , 1:11'11 11 '"' POpCO l'1l a nd CIde r was serve, low Spring". Hpl'n l Sundll Y wilh Mr. ~ Illlll" y uftl'rnuun ifl 1 )C1~ t " f1 " '.. 3, . IO ~ " 1 J V. r . all< . r ~ I' rank I. nl l. __ _ ___ and Mr ~ Frank Zcl l. IllKh. I llP r YC1 ,' r i d er~.Rh'l\It l w , nty III' "nd ' ~l r- l<lli q !'I ll' . alil l :\Ir~ Mi "~ (;racp I'a ttllll ~ pl'nl t it ,· wt'e kof them. t ried to cl imb till' hill , hl,l ' \',,It''I' ..,' I I· I·I 'llt' :'Ilr. ,' 111,1 ,"'11'". \II' ~ l.eRter (;" rd on en tertained . I{,·d I{ivcr Ohi 'J I 'ota tol'"; ~ 11I 'f'ial l , II encl with Mis" HOHl'ttll Frll z\',·. uf Mi HHCS Hllth Tllmlinslln find Ilellll pri ('c on !i- hag 1 !l 1 ~ Ilt SawY t'r· ~. fa il ed until at th e c l o~e of thl' CIIIl · 1~Iurm\'. lind .\Ir . and ~I r~ ~ . 1."1' II .. , " Ioverlea f .:1 1111. ~turday afterI~ou t p 4 . Hi eh spent the wt'pk-~nd wilh Mi ~ ~ teRt. when four of th em went "I't'r 1:llrt\\';'i~ h{, Inoll n Those prl'senl were: MeALcn la Atkin:ion, of near Sabina. I'u " " II Il ul e, 0 f~'.,Prlllg . I'Ie I,j . ~I"'nt . th n~ tO il. 'I'he (-Ir"." t nlan to nl "' I". tll(' da.neR Hertha Earn hart , Bert Hart. \ ~,,~ "SlI ldier" C\l Jr,, ~ ; fnlll'y rup lind Ml)nday \V it.h ca. rrn il anl.llia n Hrll wn l t op was Frank Brink. who wus fOI' 'I ~I r >111 .1 ~11'~ ('1 I" I ;fII:k. I{aymond Conn er, Lee Earn"ilau('(' f' with :! I·OUflll ns. l; c[ it. at Shur-Shine. till ! Wllnd t' r 1 '() l i ~ h. fur ~ l' . " lar \ ':i ~lll ill Pllt"r. , hart. Fred Gono. J ames McClurp. lowed hy Todd b( h 'J ' Sawyer' ~ . sale bv J E. Jann ey, F. II. F'urr . Ki l. M eHdufl1t'~ Ollvpr Da vlR and N,. tl i, ' I" : >t rI IIl),(' ~ . I llllJlI'd th ,' f" I1(1I\1 I1).( ~U l'''I ~ nl dlnli l' r 1':r11e:4t I·:ar nlla r t. H. II Wilkerson. :- ~pe rt tYC"Ht S o.n th l' ~r()un d Sunduy. in " " ,, " r " f thl' il' ' ''ll. 1-:lli.-. lIal rick· l"rench und F. J) Hawk,·. I\ eple r Wl'rc shoppin l(' in Xl'nia Sat cla lJn I th t th h II I I afld ~l i Rse s Alm a Wat erh ouse, Nettie Mr . lind Mrs. Juhn Penn, uf Circle. \. ·tld , ll a e I COll i not hloa ndwif(·: ~lr .afl d~II' ". I : il i s :-',· lfli l h. lJr u"ay . rl en f h I yille. were wCl·k · l!nd I{UI'~ t H of Mr , un U ~Cu ullt. 0 t e 8 Inrt ~ t a rt II f Chi r ag u; \ 1. alld J\l r H ('llrl " Illi h. I<a mhar t. 1-I (, I"n Ilawk e, Martha ~rB. I("bert Walton. of Daylo n, i ~ of perhaps twenty fee t. but four of ' of Beil iJr ""k; Mr . and Mr.~ . (;eorg <, (j'Neall and ~urga re t Earnhart. and Mr~. Alii'll Kiul er. ~ pendinK II co u ple nf daYH with her ilorn - To Mr . and Mrs .1 W. i\l ethe rI der s ~etll UlJ · I Srnith ulld dnu..:h tf1 r, of F(~ t"ry: ~rr. - - -- -- p!lr('nt~, Mr. and Mr~ J L..llflrtsock. Keeve r. uf Huu!.!' 3. Thur<duy, kt". Mr . Rnd Mrs Hurvey Itve und Mr. Thet:lubl~co~pused of)'(enti emen. : antl tIIr,; Wi llialll Ht' rnard anti. fJlrn . MiR~es Alm !1 Waterhouse und Net her n, a d!llll:{htcr. F.d lIaf'L~oc k und fnmily R(ll'nt Sun. Mr~. F. O. En),(li~h ami son. Thos. and II. lot of good'nalured iJanler wa~ 1 ily . of Sl'rin!! Vall, 'y; Mr lind ~l r8. li· Earnhart ent erta in ed with a mn.qday wit h re latiVf~s Ilear Bellhrook. of Buttl eAx e. Mich .. spent seve rnl Mr. and MrR. Allhur 1..,11 aflti exchunged all th e a ftern oo n. Mald- Ben Sm it h und farfl ilv . and III r. and '1l1eradc part v lit the hOllle of the duys lust week wir.h Mrs Laura S ide~. daug-bter. of I ' i tt~ uur),( . • fI,·nt III(' former. Sa turd ay p.vening. The wyn J oncs. the sneed d emon. of Leb· Mr~ . I(oy i1uh rm un I;nd ~" " . Mr . anti Mrs . .'t'"~e Wright, of Martha H ,V p Hu nt WIIR th £' rlnu )(li- anon. was on th e gr ounds . . but did r'Jo ms were very attractive with lhp wl'e k·elld wllh Mr . .1'''111 Z.. II, G. C . 11(lliohoe. Iht' Lhiropral" tur . SprinKI",rn. hAve heell sJ,l£'nding !levIN uf Ur . Salllue l 1'. and Elizabell . 1I0t ntt empt th e hill. Blocky ItichlI allowe'en d eco ration~. and the eral dll\'RIlI'rl'. visililll(' with rellltil'('H willue Ilt Selh Cuuk'~, frolll I ~ III til S he w a~ born al ards, the bantam weiKht pug. (') fl . UII las t I,' rida y ' I·enili).!. I\h'sdull1es glwsts in th eir picturesq uc costumeR Th e Chur,·1t Schnul Sl'rv it'c (;Ili l" Tholll as Hun t. 2 pm. Oil M"llda,l'~ , Wt·dll ,' , da.\' ~ will f)) (" ,t fit III I' h"lf'" o f' Mi"" MarYl' M"rrflw. lJh in . F,·I,ruary - , 184:1. Dayton. was also on thl' g round s. r~ lan'nce Allen amI I':oy I\l aclh:t h. as· added to lhe Io(ayel~' of the scene. Shur-Shille. IIIP Wnnd t' r 1'01 ;''' for and Frida}~. AIllI di "d Clt-t " hL'r '~:l . 1 !1~ 1. aRed 78 looking on. The road at thi ~ po int Rlsted Ity ~l esdalll e ~ t ;ul di (! All en and ('on tests and games were th e amuse!'hUlfHiH, SlIt ll rday. Nlivellll "' r :,lh . FUrJ lilure and Aut()rnobile~. yearH und ti rnnnth ~. She wa~ the was lined with machines and it was J. II. Smit h. very delight fully cnte r- men tAof the eveni ng, and r efreshIlr . und Mr ~ . II. E Hathaway and !:it M nrv' ~ Cuild wi ll nll,,, t wilh lasl sur vivo r fl f a family of silt child . O\\'cn I/llrris alII I lIert r:od.larrl. Mr. Ilarvey Hurnet and fumil y "(lent Mrs, n. L. Crall<'. ThurHday af lN- ren- three SOil S and th ree daughters esti mated thllt about 400 peo pl e saw tai ned a numbl'r of fri ends . Th(' lIlents appropr iate for the Hallow. g uesti.' numuL'red forty ·six in a ll, lind l"e n season were served to the folwho att ended srlll iol here last winter, the week-end with rl!lutivt's ilf West- noon, to Rf' 1Y for th e C hi l dr c n' ~ hOH- - who j!rew to manhood and woman- the event - - - . _ .. - - _ a fine time wus had - a real lI alillwluw ing: rt r. and Mrs Bert Hartville, Champail:{n county . took pllrt in th e 1';lk'H min H tr e l~ . At rila l. hood. Th ey were bereft of a moth . e' en party all til!' wa>' through ~ock . Mr . and Mrs. Raymond Conner Lebanon. l a~t w e~ k. e r's cllre earl y in li fe. but , althougL Mr and MrR . Laurence Wil ey IIml Pumpkin pic. cake and coif 'e lV e re Mr and Mr~ James McClure, Mr. George WatPrh nuse Idl . Sunday th e home r.ircle wa~ broken. th ~y the Missel! Josie. MarjCaret, Clara ~erv ed . anrl al a lat e h"ur l hl' lorll cslH an d Mrs . l ee Eurnhart, Mr. andMrs. M es.~r8 . Morton and Harry I{ohert! morr,jnl(, fflr KanHll" (:i ly. wh"re he wer c .tenderl y r eared hy the father depa rted. dec lar ing the ,) ven inj:( had I:: rneat I':arnhart , Mr. and Mrs. Leaof Chicago, and MrA Ol ive Cnudl, of and Marie Rrunllt. of Cinl'inllali, i ~ Ilttenriing' tli e Nati olral ,\I\ Wril'lln allli eld est sister . heen wflrlh while . Sunduy with Mr . ·and M r8 spent ter r';ord on. Mr . and Mrs. Fred Gons Racil!/'. Wis . aU('nd ell the fun eral Legion conven tion . Sh.e was a birthriRht member of liordon Joy. Mi sse~ Nettie Earnhart, Alma Walerof their fath !'r. John A. G. llobe rL~ . th e Society of Fri ends, and remained M;ss V('I 'lia Comell entl! rlnined house. Helen Hawke, Frances JanAll memuerll nf the J . O. U. A M today . Mesdam C!< J . F. ClldwalladN, Lee lin adherent t o that fait h uDtil her Do you know where you are going at her horne, Sat u rday eVelling. at a ney . Laura McKingey. Messrs. ClarHawke, Edith lIarri 3 and Ada Court. are earnelltly urj!'er! to attend th e death . Mr~ . M A. Pierce left, ft'riday, for tl) vot e, nex t Tuesday? The pre- lI allowe'Pll party. <:"ll1e~. ~ ll u ~ic ence Hye. Frank Crew and Kenneth ney attentled the Woman's Auxiliary rellular meeting next Friday eV('ning Of a frail physiq ue, yet so ca reLebanon, Ind, a fter spending the cinctR hal'c been dil'idEd, us recen tly ~,nd a damty lunch lI' e ~ll cnJ .y el~ lI ough. IIf the Dayttln Convocation . of the A short program will be give n. fully was she cared for uy her fath er, announced, and the voting places are I huse preRe li l we re: . rh e I\1l s~ e~ summer here wilh her daughler anti Epillcopa~church, at Dayton,Tu esday E. R. Bentl ey qnnounc H him self brol her~ and sis ten.. that she out- as follows: 80n. Mrs. F. H, Farr accompaniecl Nina Bowman, Bel! McJoarren. ~l arl C her as far as Cinci nnati. Miss Olive Allen came up from a~ 1\ candidate for t.h e uf!ice of Mar- li ved them all. Faigl e and Grace Rie inger. H tl~C IIO J ohn A. C. Hober t.~ who came here ~he was a g entl e and relined naEast Wayn e Precin ct - No chan ge. Adsit. lIarr" Rroc k mith . lI .. rl"' rt (rom Chieago a few weeks ago, sutCincinnati, Satu rday evening; and ~h al of the village of W!lyn eHv illt>. Northwest P.recinct- Alt territory Hiesinge r and Mr . ami 71Jrs. 1.(" I· i ~ fpred a slruke of paralysis, f'riday . Mr lind MrA . J . n Co leman ar- brought the mORt (·ncouragi ng news ~ ubj ec t to the voter~ of said village. ture and loved her home and friends, ever ready lo pxtend to thoi\e she north of the Springboro and Way- Viets, of Dayto n. Mi ~~e!' Alie ' l ·~rer. anrl died , Sunday evening. The furived home from Toledo. Sund'ay re~ arding Mr. W. HAllen. wh n was Mrs. F . P.. lIut chinso n alit! dUU Rh. /loved a cordial h o~pita lity. She ad- nesvilt e rike and W(~s t of the r ive r . Helen Marl att alld A" rin '.\ JI'I1I.'II. neral i8 being held this afternoon eVening . They arrived here by auto. operuted on al Betheslla h ,,~p ital. Irvi n):!' Welc h Warren Bmdd .. ck . !l llr- f wtn the Chapel, tho local Masons "c ~ ompani~d by Mr. Ethan Colernan Monday week li e is getting along ter. Kalherill !! Isahelle, and Mr ~ mired th e beauties of nature and the Will vole at the Townshi p house: Southwest Precinct- All territory ne tt Butt(' rworth and ~ I r . nnd Mrs be in~ in charge . Interment in Mi· and fumily, whu went to Ci ncinnat.i. Ii nil, und is reeu pet'ut ing as fas t as Charlie Philips, of Xeniu. ~ Jl ent Snt - ues t in literat ure. often re peati'ng Monday, for a few days' visit with possible His many friends witl be urday lind Sunday with Ol iver Davis poems learned ill he r vouth, after south of the Springbor o und Way- I';rn esl BU l terIY orth. of Wuyne"ville ami cemetery. and family . her memory had le ft the present nesville pike and west of the river. relative~ there. glad to see him home again soon . Will vote at frazi er's till shop. !!!!!~~~-~.~ .~ _~ _"".,~.!!!~"".""...""._""._ "!"""---......~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!. times vague. Mrs. Sophia D. GaRr und dnughll'r. To th ose wh n m kindly ministered North Co rporation PreCinrt- AIi /! ~~~~~:%~~~~:%~~~:%~~~li> Miss Ell en M. Di ckenson, of Weh- to her during the cl o~ illg months of territory north of No rth street . Will mond. Ind, and Mi R ~ Ma rtha Bur- he r life, s he was unfailing in the ex- vote at M. Ridge's barber shop. nett wcn' ea llin),( in Bellhrouk . Fri - pr ession of appreciat ion . She went South Corporation Precin ct - All day afternoo n qui etiy to sleep. and awakened to terri lory south of North Rtreet. Will vot e at th e Masonic hall. me't th ose gone before. Cll ulous W. y ,tunce Id l . Sal urrla v . - - - ;4--- - - . _. " . u r 1\11 tho tho ug ht", o r God that Bro el·enlll g- . fnr I )111 tO il . ",hr re he JOIOl·d ' 1I0r"" Inwnrd un,o . ' ul o ~f. r. . I AlUII~ tho 1'lIalrnhn,'l'I music d oop a cou p Ie 0 f I"~(· ,"n l' a. l'~ . and thpj' , No " '"" ",01l1her6 uny Ilo • 'l' tl I'· .. ' l"II ~' . 1\'1~ .'I l 0 at t e n(I ! 'fur g ift o r g rllCe . • "rpl\UIUK 1.1,/1\\ n d \..\n:;,l:-a Ho G iveth His Uelo\'ou, S lee p.' .. t.he NnLi\l/ln l AlIl!.'ricIIIl I.l'ginll C()II- ' .. _ _. - _ _ ven tioll . Is at s tn ke 0 11 e ver\, tire










00 YOU


WeSe11 FiskTires My Reputation



The scholll tpIIl"llI'rR wflnt'--rl, Cincinnati, ' Jo'ri .Jay , to ;1I I,' nd I hf' ann uul nweli n)! of Ih " :"O llt ll \\'I'~I (' rIl Ohio At the M. E. church on November -::::~;;-"""-HH--t l'eae"er~' _ od al ion. Thf';' reporl a I'cry lint' Ill f' d int.;. and :l \'c ry en- lith. at 2 o·clock. the foll owing proI{ rom will be Kiven: Sco uts Pledge jovnblf' tilll ~. \il egiance to Flag; S(ln~ ."Am e ri c fl;" Missl's L('ona I.('on:l l\1 ('l.inni" an d Illvoc~tinn, Rev . Holt; ~e\'ond Cluss I ~ dith (; ('lIr)!I'. Hilt! Ilr J . T. Ell i,;.1'\ . >cout Ceremony; Prese'ntation of I'. Hlalt .. 1. Jo;. .JlI lll",)' and II. L Iladges, Miss Lacl'y; Scout Song, I~ rnn l' utl elldetl til " hi·mo nthly me!'!. " Cl imb Along;" Presentation of In~ of Ihe ('ollnty Com mullity Se r. Ih'dalof M.·ril. Miss L.acey ; SCtlut vil'e fit Lt iJullon. TU I'stl IlY l'I·('n ing . ~ onl-". "Tlte Lonl(. Lon l{ Line;" Ad, Ire~s ' hy Mi s~ Lacey ; Song. "StarMr. anll Mrs. C M. 1{lIhil ~ er , Mr . SJ,lungled Banncr;" Benediction,Rev. U ( 'H rtwri~htllnd fami ly . Mr and .J. Ji'. Ca d wallad er. 0\11'" . l. A l.iJ'JlIIl l' rlll :lIl. Mi ~~ HI'Il' ri otla Md\i nHf'y und Mr . J . B I'enl'" attend ed the hall gi ven hy th. :ihrincl'R. al (Jaylon. ·Satllrday (·vcn. ing


A game ward en. from West CllrroltQn, hl\s been here fnr thu pas t week. looking aflN th e intcres t~ of Fish and Game cluh . Suturday, J. L Kenrick. of near Lyti c. was hal ed into court fur having a live pol ecat allli opos.~um in hi ~ pO!l.~ess ion. This I is a strict violati on of the lu ll', and Squire J oy fin ed him $30.%. The Fish :md Game cl ub are rloing all in their power to s top ill 'lo(a lll i08 . !lnd to muke the tow nRhipolle of the iJest law-abiding preserve~ in t he ~ t!\l e .


Touring Car

$355 ,. ~ B. lhJr.ll

Go In CODlfort o G at your pleasure-go where you choose and when you choose, with your farnilyor your friends. Enjoy the boundless beauties of nature, the pure air, a lunch in a shady wood, a fishing excurSion, a rest by a cool lake or stream,

You can in a Fon!. MIUlons have learned by experience that to own and operate a Ford is not an extravagance; they have learned that the many pleasures derived from a Ford takes the place -of other pleasures, and t.h e sav.lng thus made often pays fo.. the car and its mafiltenance. . .

Let'. talk ·thfa matter over. facts and ficurea. " \



- - --.--

..F. D. HAWKE Phone 41

WajpreslJille, Ohio


Regular communicati on of Waynesviile Lodge No . 163 F . & A. M.• TuesdllY evening. November 8th, at the reg lli a r hour. Election of officel's and payment of dues. E~ery memher i ~ expected to iJe present, as there will be hU Hiness of importance Visiting Iluntf' r~ ' lire wurnetl not t o bl' "f this cOli lmunicati on, I('u ilied by l.1lt! prin led lIIult.e·r OJ) till' brethr('n lire cordiully invited to be back (If their hlJnlin~ lic e ll~c~, by A. present. J . W. F.Alward~ , W. M. C. llaxter, stute 1(:11111' wnnl ~ n Sinn' L . A. Zimm e r'man, Sec'y. Ihe licenses were print ed th e> leg islu· , ure has mll(le s('veral important chang-I'S in thl' law Hevi setllllw Slna}, he hud from gam e protec tors and bownship, village and cou Il ty clfO rks.




The Friendship ,Clasf:) of the M. E Sunday School will have a Generai Market in Mrs"&ides' Rtore room, Novemher 5th, beginning at 1 p. m. Your patronage solicited. . The · Warren counlY law enforce_ __ ment convention will be held a Lebanon on Thursdav, November 10lh, . The morning and ' afternoon !:IeBBions . will be held at the Court House aud!torim and in the evening at the All persons having stock beionalllg First Presb~t.,rian church. A good to the J . L Sheehan estate, 1I1eue program has been prepared . call at his late home Saturda.r. • - • 'November GUt, and



The MIami

Galet~. t1.50 a ,ear

lin. J.

1 send olll



tbi s s lore.

It is as tlltl ch to III y intere s t tfl ~ ttl'ply 5 Ull with the be~ l tir es ol )laill nlJl e as it is yo urs to ge t tires tila twi ll g l\'e YOIl th e bes t se rvice.

I fee l th ai I I"all UlIqtl a lifi edly rccotrll1lclIlllli e FI S K TIRES t o cvC'r y atrtomohilcowner ill Waynesvi lle a nd v icinity . I Itav~ a new price· li s l for spring deliveries, :1 t

Mary B. Jessup. daughter of Daniel and Priscilla Lewis, was born near New Vienna, Ohio, July 15, l S41, and departed thia life, after a brief illness, at the home of her daughter, near Waynesville, October 21, 1921, aged 80 years, 3 months and 6 days . . On ~ptember 24, 1863, she was united in marriage to Joseph P. Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery JCI'.~UP, to which union one child was born- a daughter, Alice, now Mrs. Waynesville, Ohio Daniel Hockett. Of a family of eight children ~~~~:%~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~::::i:%:::::::::~~~~:::::::::::::::::J~ she was the last to be call1ld to the ~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!"'_'!"_""...""....~~~~ _~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! higher life. Forty years of her life the lived near Richmond, Indiana, but at the marriage of her daughter she removed to Waynesville, to the home where she died. A daughter • and two grandchildren survive her. Would you like to invest your money where it would A birthright member of the So- earn 25 % or: more annuJlly? .. . ciety of Friends, her life was a beauD tiful exemplification of their princi- ' ue·to fres.ent conditi?ns, such an opportunity eXists pies. Her's was II full life made up TODA Y, but It Will NOT eXist much longer. of sorrow, kind deeds, ioYe, tears. Th" t t' ff With a heart llttllned tq all that is . IS . mves rne,n. IS 0 ered by an, .old. established 1l00d and be8utlful and helpful, she company, whose profilts last year were ' over JOO%. and lived well . . ' . combines both large earnings and SAFETY. ·'Eternal rest grant unto her, 0 . •. . Lord, and let perpetual light sbine . Detatls _~gardln&: th~ oppo~tunity will be lumisbed upon her.-J. F.C. you upon receipt of an IDqulry asking for same. • - • .

10% off

Fred M. Cole NOTICE

HOme Ten ~ W...·Nov. 1-12

Adc:lreu ~. o. Boz

The Miami Gazet te, Waynesville, Ohio.

..---- ---- --...---~~----~-----------... I l

~l.\tnnt "ni h r h'~I ,

t o(Il; h1 1,nrh'r1

fl lf 1\ l'n'\' Il~lh"'f\

l\('f ""'1'1'1"' 1 t \Jl'IW' 1 tn


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r ot,h'd f"Hl


, 1 , ~'l n' It l' )knurr,.y. lind {·u r rt. ·\l tilt' 1111 II' r prr tn hnm nnfl Pl:'~q . TI II'Y fl\1t h,'lh' l ' nfl l'f hrl 'Hl:. fll"' l I\ nrl ffl f 1111' ~lHH'(" n f ll n 'h oJr loll"rl n t ti ll,' tht'


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UllI l "III1 I I Pf l.

n drink Hn ' on" forJ,:' tr l f'n ,

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till , '" ":-;0, hilt he Irl.·rl 10. ~' " r , T'IJ tOn Hw w nrl ,' h t, d id," fllld hi' t hru!:-l t out ti lt. JII, I,Ll I l f (uq.:h d ll'''M to :;l'nq,.: g~ ~' . ,\ 11\ 1, r l 'lIll zll1 ':: lie Illld I p il le \' , ~ ry 11 11111 1, '"I lI ,'I~' ulll (If Itll 11111 . ' \ " Iy !OlttlntIHI l, ('IRSI'('d rhl' !1I1T1 tl ~ n r MI' . (i l l llll' r nod l\ft'l infTl',\ IIl1 d 11Ilr-q In t . , tt' nr~ , \\'h l l(' J.I !", M rt i utTt' Y thlH Il I,,' t! hlll1 h t'l\\" 'I' l l , t hfl Sl HHlh!t' r 11111 1\' · ... 1111 -1 (.' ur:-o:t'li hl1l1 uf· t.'r t lotlutt'i y , Mr. t:l1l1wy retl r"d 10 d lnn/il" 11110 t1 r~' ,,:n rnwTlt s : \\ h ~n h~ rC'npp t'nrt·t\ Ott ' trio "'Pllt Il!i'la.-.rl' (tlr tlw l'rollll~p(, gn"'J:! nlllt ft 1\ltl r hl'llIl at

t h,' Hk 1I>1"'r's ('XI'I'II"r,

" 1.1I t \\ \ ... 1 ' In 111111 .. .... II t!d. '." " , ' "" ",, 'q ll l '1I 11y," ~rr , Inl tlt .. ~, ('(f ll ' 1'1 lid .,.) , "" I .' rl ' q u ln ll1 ' l il t' ;\t ll''':,I!tt' 111\' t( 11':-1 1\11 ti l " ~ H lll " to ) 11 \1 "'t." U hun:' Our 1I III t '," "~1


l. n,'lng hen rll C'lrtnln wn t.' rfron t whlR pers, cOIIsld er{'t1 It t11~ pan of prudence 10 Illy hi. Inrnrmu tlon h,.r,'re BCrOl=1l8 nlld Mr, Ol hn l' Y, h('

11f'g tt 11

briskly , "It·s nJl t1n~ nil ' 111111 ,1 ), to I'romlsp me " new hol lo,' r. hut \\'h"11 ,10 1 glt It , .. II\V hy, jps'



!'loon n,. w e ('I\n eN

thIs glul o· rrrl!!h t hphhHI II ' , Itnrl,

nlY h oy , Y (\ It'\'t'~ mnnt1t:("t t wIth tht'l HId . boU e r thl ~ 10 1l~, ~ It ' 1I . ' a r ~ to lilt' y u u

might bc pnth' nt lin' benr with It a mite longer, flllrt." "Oh. I 810'1 Iryln' to Ill' 1 1i~IIi%rl''' n''le. Bcrnl:lP', only It Rorl o· \\'orrlo's lIIe to ho-;e to go .Iong ,,-II1U)l11 ueln' nhle to use our whistle." "We'lI fix It when bus l ne~s slneke uP." Serngg!! dl'rldpll with t1r1nllt~·, li e glanced at h is wntr'l, . "SuITerl ,,' eollor I" h" ('rl~d In slllIn lnt ..r1 "'~ ­ tresR, "Aprr I!'p one o'cl ork an' I nln't colll'rtl'd B <lolln r o· the rrel~ht tl1on~y tr(>lII Ihe loot \ ' 0)'01;<' , 1 mn ~ 1 IWllt It: ' Wheh Cllptnln H(' rBRI:R 111111 " h"ut ell It ." O l bne~ and McOu",I' )' cx r h n nl:~d eX'J1ressl~ .. ~lllnr~s , "lI o's runn ln' (l ilt on 1\8. " Mc(';nrr"y l'nmpllll<ll'(1. "":\,,\101\ ROt R tU' l , P \ ' PIl ~O.


the thIng for US to (10 Is 10 run oUI on him. In nt he r \\'orrls . \\, (·11 \\'ork a month. ~n \'\' our !Imri e)'. nn' 11ll'1l. without B 'Tord 0' eOlllplnln t or nr~~' l lI l· nt. \\,(,'1\ " ' nlk out:' "Oh. 1 aln't ('xnotly brokc. , Glh, ~ol elght~ · fh' .. rto\Jllrs." "Then." qu otll (;Ihnl')' II pds l\'('I)'. "wc'lI go on strike t(>nl~ht , ~:krl1~~") 'II he stuck In port n we"k herore h Clln I:ct BIJ(,ther cnglllcrr I\n' lIt1 nlhN nn,' l· Irot ln' officor, me on' )'011 hpln' the only t \\'o nntnrol -born (o"'s In Snu Frnnclsc o nn' p ort~ odjo CI·nl . on' h('rore three dn)'s hn,'e pussl'lI he'll he huntln' 118 up to comprom ll'P," " I don 't wn llt nn cOml'roml H', \\1'nl I wn.nt 1M n n(~w ho \ lt' r," "You' II gl! ft . W ... ·II mllkc him ortler the pRlllt nn' thl' holler 11 11 ' Pill' (nr

I,oth In ndl'llllCt' \J f'fon' wl·' 1l o"roe tn IrO hD~k to work,"

Thf' ('lll.:'ln(", ' r 11( .41 .1"11 111 ... fll'1 11" l\' nl of'ler !-'1 11l1 111J.: th eir p Hl' t \\' i tla a ht' urty I HlI ld~llltl,f', th,' y ttll' l1 "ll to IIn(l f'011l IlH' l1r. 'd .1t~('h a q:l n c tilt' :\tl1~ l.;le , \V1IPn ('11)1 111 In :--:'j' l' lI:.;g~ 1'l'1\ll'Iw(l to t he 'Jlttl(, ~1, l nll1 l ' l' f': lI(\ I't1~' f1 flt\ r li n! )


0 ('10('1"



lIi ,,;;:


~ ( I IJr

bll ~ !"'?" , ' hu tlt ' !', ~ 4' !' !lI1K"; ,

~ tll' l l

frH" d," "Th" I\I' , ho," \\' nrd" ~ I r , IIIII lIr ), ," "Th~ Irllih I. Illl l'r~ bit ter:' ~I d~\lr ·

nlll 11Z('III P ll t 1



,IIMcO\' l,·n·d Mr. Cl!l f! \I 'r Hnll :\1, '( hltfey tl rt' !,- ~(l tl III Ilu' l r ott u'r SlIill"-- i nl'i \lrllng

.' ellul,,'d '1'"lI l1r" nnll (,II f(M,

f''J'l w (·:I I'j.!.I' 8 fl 1II , ~ \' l'u J.:::..:r. Ill)' f; (ln, tbo d,,'(' ll ~ 1. 111-1 111'('" wlt .... I', ·11 flown nn ' jl \ ' c rl"t hl lll: III fII ~' d " I \I\ I'fllltillt t~ ~ hll)'

(,XP4'l'h' I1 (, f' ,

th n t flir


Fr('n r sho\\'

:--: . ,


\\ IIl1't


"Old Scrng!!") ,'s u cunnln' n~ 1\- pet rOJ:, oln 't he'" the n~\l' nav Igating oftl · cer whl.pcr! 'd 1\8 Scrnggs IIellllrted t or Ills otllt·r Ru lt. "He's Rolli' to hlow h lrn s"1f on UH tonight. thlnkln' 10 ~orl en nllr hllrll n's"lutlo n , We'lI fool hlll1 , Tuk .. oJl he gIves UA. but stond J)ltt. Ho r t." flo 1'1 nudd .. d, H I" woa one or thoSf' .turd)' IlDtllres that cO\lld alway_ be dCPPIHlc d UpOIl to Ill uy tile gnme. win, lose or druw, _"8 0 prelim in ary mo "e, Coplnln CruggK declllrrcl In fll\'or ot n' couple ot cocktn lls to whet their 8ppctlteM for th" Frenrh din ne r, nnd , accordin gly Ih e trI o rc oulrei l to nn ndjHcen t sn loon nncl Im'k et! three ench unll e r thl'lr belts-ni l lit Cupt8111 S('rnggs' expl'nsp. When he propnsed n rou rth, Mr. Olhll")-s p('rfecl s port s rtlnn.hlp ('0 1l6ell him 10 Ilrotesl, nllli relu ctuntl y Cnpfll in S(' rng!(s pf'rmttte tl Glhney to buy, cr!l ggs <1,'clncd 10 Il n\'e n ciga r. ho\\'pnr . 11I"' end of nn otl1l'r Mortlnl. 'l'Il<' Plldog or the sltu Ut\OIl then Inrtl ('!llell thot McG uffey Mhould "set ' em lIl>." which he dId o\'er Cnplaln ' Scrllggs' prote"t- lInd nga ln Ihe wory Scrn~gs cnlll)d for 8 clgn r . olleglng 8 9 nn excuse for hI s wenk ll es! thnt t or yeHrS three coC'kt lllls before dtnller h n" i' e .. n his oh.nluto IIml!. A fourth c<X'k tnll Oil on CIII I)l y s lnmll('\l. he declII rert. woulr\ kill the ('\' pnl llg ror him , Uut why desrpnrt 10 Bordld nntl \'111I:"r rll'tnll s 7 Suftlce that when Ihe IIrt rul ~crnKK8. prelemll ng to he o\'e rcom~ lly hi. pol8t1o ns nnll nry 111 Into thr "lIr!!lIln, hl'I(I({'{1 to be ut'lIV(' r.. <1 hnrk IIhnnnl th" ~In ggle " 101""91'., MI" flufT,' ,- nn ,1 OlhllP" lOAr\pd him Int o u tllXI I'I ;1) nnd ~e '1f 1"lm ,1h p re. while tlwy ~(' n[(' h

t h eir

Wh ere

rt'l1u l rt' s

Rnd 110


r xcttf"-

I,ow t hcy f ound ," l u('l,lnti.IIJ l



\l l~I - 1

" to'

\\'ill ."lllhuII IClII

\hl. \\' ''1

k l l\'\\,~1

( ' IIIQ\ ,I WAlh l 'lrln , ,~


I f H ln \Y 11\' 11I ' MV 111n , t lC f Wt hl ll \Vn Vlll ':O:V ll ln U ilil it't'rrv , ('n1t t"I ... ttllg: lit II tl l' I't' ~ IIf g ' lllel tllli·, b lt.. ln ll d.H.,W lui \1 1/'1

(, , 1 0 11 11 \ h ' n l !"!tI ,

a.!t HHl bnrn

I n x ~IP.


\),\( '0(1

\\ ihll ili glul1, 0"

:!Ioo{:< .t~ , I",r gt~ OI~ l m n, WId I II I \\'\lI" t' alld a 1\1 ' \ ' 1'1' , 1 ftllltll~ ~PI'IIl~ t o r l'ltt. t l n , Il' t)r fnr . tlh, r 11Il\)f tlW' tUII, phqn n ~ I\ I , d r HUll

~ 1 llrruYI




1'l l' i "IIt1 l d

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A lit 1\

\V"Yllm, ,,IIII'. l Hdll

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1 I' ~II \:,11 "'". ~r,\1 L ' ,lOt) I ,,~ , 1\ . "; 1 J"IIrI . H , II , ro , \V"v -

u"" v llI ".II IIt I ' , '

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"w,..' 1\

Commi. sloncl'8·

l'r~ ..(,(\lnll. WPM"'r " ~ll\ r . ",t. v"r tl,IIl t.: . ~1 1I ; W , d , KI,/) '"' 11(\ (; .. , ~ lIl' ltllI'~. '1'·111: W , I' I ; . rl' PIl\.('r Co. . UI'IJ I IH~ • • :1 7~; 1.1111"n lIf1l!f ' lTIl. IUlH II O~III IU , ,:I:. ; ,I o hll VtluHO rB\·. Mo r '" ".~ lin lIurlnl Cll rtlm it.ttlo, f l ; ~; \Vllk"r ," IIl . ""!Ill''. $:1; C(liuttlh u " H lllIIk LI ,o " CIl ,"111>1> 11 0". ' -Ir, "U; tl. fl, \Vll lt lt"'., ~upp lt tl" , fr, ~ 11 11 ; Unlt lln Iron Wnrk ., " lI P ll lio~, ' 10; I K H U M ' I : 1' ,Q: lI illl...! 11.tlloJ ll. d \. nil ' " Iltilill (, ' (1 1\.; ,\ l lll1 : l1 11 J ('I'.' ill fl a t h:'lll .. :l'; ( '1" , .\ It'l, ,,111 t,~ thl.: 1. 11 ~l ... t :lIld ),.J' till. M R pnyroll. fl :IU,I \I; I:l e nrv l ' ,lt,' .. t Illlll ll' g ,\ l'l I.hld!li t lloU ltl" h ~, : · · "~ " (,\ n . ;, It ol", "1II'I"i,,!;, f r,u; Ohll' C,.rrllgl l , J\ h ''I\t' ;tl~ !:,f'l IlH' \·r the \\111111 " h lllll!II"h l o\ p""-'J) lc ,, !. , I ' l' l"(' '' '' IIt .lI l1 t l ,l~ C 1':l rl . ttl,1 Culv .. r' Cu, "11l)1"'''~. '90; I:f , (1) \llll. l 'l..' I' ~ 1tln ..~, l ' , S , ." . j 1":1 , ':--0 111 1' , \ ', S , ~ , : \3 ) l;rn F n dl, v f 1"' .111( W , Trtl \"11 0. 11\ hll r, '4:.1,nU : 1."lR r e ll ce ..... ; ~ ·1 ) l.u l. l>hlZ , l ' l L di , : I . \d llli l.d Ht.llt:-, of l:. lIt I.UHf. Brllllt.r , "ll P).lIi{'~ , f,6 Il~; (( ('.,' or tifl r , Kg''l , liv e r. f ll r foI ur voYflf fH va; J ot) 011 vi .. , M R \11\ \'1' 011. '~ 7~:n; .1 (1 Th\! will II! Ki~" ", "d E lc hholzo r, Huill U~ , lu!Jm. ,:1J 00 ; IlKV!' ~'n ru,," , d " c'"I ~ l' d , h~ 1lI1 1 1I1[. t ~11 t.o pr .I,"le, "R ill A. f19; Htrl 1"1\>8, h.ultn~ Io( ruv t'l • I?rank Ktitt. \V I( K(" ,t.t !In.1 C h~~ , '27, :,0; Clt ll\ RUH~, ~ 1I111 6 . ,3:t,r,o ; IM!Il1 w.vnr IIr!) appul ntl' ll npprod~"rR o f rnol S fltt e r tlt wKlto, 801110, ,46; .1 h: , Kpenoflr . fll rlllAhi 'l g Bnll hBllllnlo( I hn n,iIllt,n o f J uhll HIli , . 1 ~llfll1 · o{\, gruvel, ' 2:.050; H"wlu V Il l\ rt,z . b;"~'1r ... , Lilli 10m. .1 01111 V 11[\(I <1 rhnllling )l rll v.,\, , :1116 ill; A,T,lto ttl g, V .lO r~ unll · HllrJ'y F. Ke hnoll Kro np llutoliv Bry I" 21); H , .1 , M"I"mp y. I pot D tAd (11'1""' "I1rH of I h o Ollt.II tl' of R /lIlU B re\ll\! Glide' s Pcpto -:'Ilal1g a n :\I a)..: S Frlluci8 CllTro ll. d"OAR~Ort, r s, $:1, :. 67 ,

1 1I 1I~

ullm".,,, ,



I! I. sdlld.·tlt to .tnte Ihftl It wns exp"".I",,, f nr ,\\'hl'n lII"n or the Olhne)' 8",1 ~h·O"rr.' ~' t~'p ,' h nve onrp I(otten n rlli r "lIrt IInll~ht hu t flnnn~lfll 11I 9801uli on co n stl)ll t hem, On MOIHIIIY mornlll~. ~I ,,""rs, Olbn.'\, 0" ,1 M cGu lT~)' Dwokl' In Senb .1ni,nIlY" hoaroltng houRe, ~'r, <lIhney nwok o tlr,t. ")- r"nsou or th. fH ct thllt ,, ,. s tollln!')1 hnrllml'rl'l1 li t Ihl' dO<.Jr ot ) II~ ~n ul 1111 1\ hllrl c him hI" up nnrt d oIn g, \\'I dlp hi. hplld o .. h p~ elt "hf ly from tllo fkry u squ rh ou~h or the nowhfl lHI F-U If)O 11 , ht1 r r O\'f',1 Ii return to n ",,1'" dlpt. ~ " for ""wrnl mlnllfes hl' IllY guplnl', "onju rlng In his n~lIe brnln "'""S nnd mrnllS or ~""I' I )' ln g Ihl8 ne~'1 In the nhspu"l' ot ready c8sh, 'Tit ha \'1' 10 hoc k my eex tnnl." \\,0 _ Ih., .'nnelusl on III \\'hl ch he prps· rntl\' Qnll'Nl , T pn Ullullle ~ Inler hl'

'80M6 SWED

('o nduril·(l,


- on on r ow n hook,"


the toasting process


wnllJd b f'

rofu ~nl of In\,It.· as n aITrollt ," "Jl\' "nlly. YO II·r ,· gItl in' sporly In vour- old o~e." Ihe e"I:'n~er rt~clllred, :' 1'11 ~o you. Sc rll gJ(~, H uw nbol1l YOIl. 0111'" " I nrl'opt with 1110,,1<8. ScrnltJ:sy . old Inrpo!. PI'rsnnn lly. I molntRIn thnt ~"III1l~n HhOllld leuve th"'r trouhl es nbonr<\ shIll," "That's th e Rp .. rrl t 1 npprerln te. hoy., ('nm" to the ('Ilh ln nn' I'll pn,\' YOII off, Thpn "'nIt n coupl e r min· ;Ites t111 1 .ll1ft tlllo U1~' glad rng" nn' awo y ",c'lI gO. like Plldlly }'or.I·" gont

g8rll n

per~' nnl

III Pnt.

amoke Lucky StriJce - it's sealed in by

ntHt ,"

fI1,'Jl n ' s nt pur l l n '. I tl 1,\!", Oil' to rfll1 I·m n ~Pf\1't I'll trflll t to 8 ll tllllllfl r Rn ' II 1I1fl11011 pif'ln r e nfl f' rwnrrl. Fu r tth'r. I !"'h llll rp,

l'ill1t lll\1l'fl

Notice this delicious flavor when you

Yf:~ r.

d,'ln~' , II,' re ' 11t , ' l't'f,lrt', IHl <1ll'l n lllf\(,~', " \\ ' .. 11 l ' m I'ot't'y ," lI, ' III1SW I· l','.t w llh e n ',.y O)lI"'III' Unl '(1 nf 4,,,"1 1' 11 1"11 "\'nl1 t ('lIi 'rS ~nt m. · In thf ' f1 i lll'lInl l" n n ' I (,RIl' t h" lt" lI \ y ...: f'lr , ,\1 th .... 1;:11 11\ 1' tlmf' , I nppn'r lntf' rl1ll ., y"l1 !' 11' ln l Il f "t~\\'. \\1I11f" fl'lIll z l fl' 111111 r r llll ' l l ' I \ II \ ' IrU'C I1llrtl".

IVlorie) to Loa n o n, F:lrll l Land for five years :It 6 per cent.

FA la l

DP" e r ~ny \\Ip' whl1r- our 1l\ollry hol rht

hI' cl ·"ld IIfT"1'I1 Ihol



r" lt was dut to 0 r""III1ji: tllHt ClIpfllll1 ScrllgiS hall hooel), 8w l,,,'II'I' him n' HI !-1 .. Olltrey, lle wnR dlsllppOI "tl·rt In Se rolCP nnd . 111<1 1\ 8 lIlu ch, " lI ow-

!o'(\ln~f1 ,

" 0 11



crt"=llfllil en , the A lr l kll\~ pnlr I'('pnlr,' d 10 tllp nl)" hnld ~lIlrHlIl to ctl ~I 'lI:-O " th .. !iII l luntlon O\l' r n ~.hlP !-l llf hN" r. lI oWt' u ' r , ~Ir, l ; ll lJl t"~ ' !ol Rplr l tN rW\' tlr dr ol'pl'd b ('\()\\' 7.i'ro while l1l' l ilid ana n'-'Ied to ruh nil'n\" ~ t nn nt h rr; hell l"l' su ch sligh t de prc-sslnn (\~ hf'

hrnk f'lI h~ T u t''1dny fit ttiP IIltl~SI. An d


tt I I

(, ' I' ll ~ I ' , x\'," ,!l 11~ I

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It '>u s ~fIlUr~nl' o lRh!. 1\,. kll~\\' ~Ir , McO"rr.·y t o be tile I>"~ ­ ,WfoO.s() r of Inore tllot\t'y tllun mmal null If hI" """',1 re , Id ",",'" th't! tht. n'",'r\'!' shouln b. , dl~"It.ntell I,ernrl' \\'(1'"


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S(,l'fU~J.!' ~,"

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tHJt t lt P 1'1\-01 11 , )"P II'\' \} (PI,I. ,c1 It" ntIC' . 1 In lil t' !III\II"I' 11 ' l l1l1t I ''''\\" hrd l,' r 1111 ' Iht' 1lUhllll\', n il' \\ , ,' f't' I1flt ~oI l ll' H'

A WPI'II hnd (·lnl,"C.l nnd nn!l l' " j% or an p"rntrul nnlnrt' lIo ri t .. nnsp lrl·11 to dl slllrh th ,' rou tin e or lI(e ""(Jurel IllP



" ,llIhl 1"'\

(Py O1'1I1l' d , ('upt llll1 S(·rn ~).!~ plltlS PI I 10 t '611 ~1c1 .. r th e s('rl o ll . prec1ll.."ftIlH"n t whkh l."()I1 ·



~lr, l olllfj " y ,

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tt lll\

FOH . ALE - lltlt:S

tH""~l1!\.~hl J:

t u l l1."


o'''l' u''1 urth i~ Ilppoln t ed 'l[l\1r ti fl~r " f t h e f'~ tlltl' I\ f Jflsnn i :-111",111111. "~o"n~llll. in Lho Inllhilit y

R ed mood ; Liqllid uml 'fa hlel Form

'\N'n; II - ~' .. rrnll\'" AI"I ""lr ~ . 1111 1" t,'J ~ Wtl 1111 vt! ~' l~ ­


In , l fllht4 IllI l r llgltH.!'rt. n llu nl" .Iorl'w,}' -


\{lt lt rt ' t-4 '"

"I", ..

1I111 \'

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clnll1j.!~d .

I.t" ('~

S ('O It l'r

n j () b; tlh.lll when t hem nt'\\' t'fllllloYf' P!t

o· Sorol(l{'Y '1111! or gO'1 fll '.,tl - wh lr h·JI hp ariel' ah nu t tw o \' OY lu:t' ~ -un ' tho old mUll COIII~M around h ... "l ln· out Ihe

olive hl'lltlth o· pf'lI rf'. the h ors~lnllgh," TI II'f' t ' d HU~



gl"e hIm

Itl'ht(lllt I.:: t'lIrc'h


to un r o,'e r 'the co,,!'tl'll J llh for e ithe r. bowc,' pr. nnd on t he m,lt'ulng ot the

senSAtio n of W6 blkll Otl" II, I" li nt I daug e rous nl, first. , 1":fl\C1f , 1II!llly I n ,'a l Eslate Trnns ft'rs. llOO\ll A ~cn r c l'ly nfllH''' If I\nd ~ n l\ 'tfhl' I'1r1f1 nnd Hu he rl, l{olH'l'r to o n fo r d IlY.'. IhlOkin g Iho y will HUI1lIl,,1 "n.'vltr, I'lfrl IIf Jut~ N n ~. ~7 be botlor t.h e II PX ! llny , , nIHI!'iS III L" lm n ulI. ~1. T he !-:r~l1l, (hll~" r i~ in 11 It ' p ()""'- I blll~y o f I' AO O IIII II~ ~ , 'r i'''l . l v ill ir o lll - - - -...'!"'-""!'-~~~~~~!!_~~.!!"""!!! diseAse, ,..biol1 CIIII w n rl: h ll , ' ''C' in n I b od y ~lI l1 t IJ.Ck8 I,hu fludurtln eo nnl l re,,\s l ancn in ri('1I . rol l hlo.1' \. i T llk ou tn lim o lIoti .1"'lIl1ly , tL fe w hottle . of <3n,I,, '~ [" ' pt ll Mun g'HI un, l " g r eat holp \I. illll'r " V('~ 111" ql1nl ! ity o f t,h o b l ol;11 hy IIdlli lI~ rl'd 1, Iuou oe l19 , 'fboy c hoCR 11111 "'r>nlnH'HH. Improv e I,hl; tlPl'otltl ', IIllcl c hl '.r th e com pIHxj,)o , You cn n !:n t, (~oIIA'H I'I' pl o- Mnnj(nn In \i(j Ulc\ .n<l tlltltlut l.1r rn nt Y,,\lr rt ru ~gi8t ' M, H r ' th o ~" Il nin, ' wl\ h Dnmo "Undo'8 Pepl,o-M nn!;IIIl" n il the pBokugA - -A(\ver l,i" (,III" nl ,

,' ,d " r



Iy I(n 'lIt



f ' x I ' r d!'Ol '

\\. I lill lTh t'qlllpl (,tcd tllP IItlU ('(!UstOlll ('d h lll i ",'\'f'l,lp, ',1 HUll/tr y ~all~

Proce!ld inl!'s. In tho etlRO of ~tli Ie o f Olli.o VR lh(l f'HI ... s or' poor :\t ('l:t1n't'y ' ~ fr et \\'('Tt' John W. lIli c klr>. Ilof e lltlnn!, i~ ~eu. "'0 hIl i li p "01t'1'" Ill(' IIp},n.'ll ''li !4l n n l ltH t til ~y Itlhth t hurn t Il fI \:1'1~p nt lt n y mn· tenollli \. 0 se r vo from onl1 to fiCl oo n yefir e In t ho Oblo ~ l ntl1 p ()lIitont iury. IIlCli t niH] 11rop olT h )' t ile wnys lde, In t,h e cuse o f 8tl\to o f. \ .blo VA tTo be ""D~IDU.(f,) Wm , Eddingt on, tl e fell d~nt n 'l{'d~l 00 - --Ida E. H"rkmd ol' VA .IohllP Hork , raci er , e lis e Is oomprollll~ol l nnd Atoneme nt 7 ,,"h ('n Wllll nm TllltI~r Ten ts \vas a di~m' 88ed' . hI s rnmll )' m o ,'c~ frnm Ollhlln to The OllNe of til " HtlltA of Ohio VB Hetlrortl 1'!lI·k. n9 he rl' llItc~ In the Walt- e r Fi~lwr iR Bu t for h lltlrl n g OU 01.1. Yell ls sn),s, In d ,'e lltll ll~' , Ihnl he Nove mh er :I, ' "'8" not murh or n chur ch g"cr. hilt The OIl~ (1 of th e StlltO o f Ohio V8 thnt h l' mu st · hu\'e 1:0lle , n few tlmos Emil Bllie h I" Hnt f or h Ollr lll \.( Oil De bera usC' liP rPllu'mll l'rs " ('I f )' cl .t'nrl~' A cern be r U Do nd ~lOOO. 'I'I'oOll c" Slim II'h\l~1 hllng In the churc h porch: "Till' 1,'lIl q.cI'(l!C'1tl on ~'re l'e· !'robn le Cou rt !'rocet'd in gs. qU r""I' to kll~t'l dlll'l lIl1 pl'lI),pr.; !lI e kn f'll' l f' !'!'O nr e Ufl('I'WIII '<i !'= to he h ll n ~ T h,1 \\ ill III (.JIl:4p t, r UlJ~"II I"l.'W"t de- ' u(l!' u Jlt· ~s pl'n"ldi'i l fllr tile' (lt1l' }1I1!'iU. 1t ceD"ed, It! "l1l11l tt d to p rohat o. h e ,'I~ .

)' '' 11

!Jolt u ,'" In II tl r u<l-

", '~' "llll' 1:. () I,II), ~ H - tf _ _ _ ____ ___ ..-- -


P 't( II'Klt I' Y



W " ~· II"~vllI". 4 IIH~ " 1 1 1 1~ , ~ . rtllllil h lltl !'l u wit Ia II g h t tl , ,'It.,V !ltlli o l~tnrn W (llt 'r III h U UM P, ~l) t \( 1 turo lll'n, ~O l l t1 huru l10ll lcku <l 11 1111"". " 1,, nt ,Y "f 'ililt tru,," uf "II k in tl"' , ti n ~ tlutl :-. tduet. o l \ltf~ tn , Apply LII Mr", MillY IIru wKt"r, W"y _ n e"vi ll ... OIJl '" u:t



\' - A"' \l11 41"." r,u 'n n B o f,HBY , 0, A HI. .I .. hn, it Il r.. WIlY n"""III ,,.I))III1, II :.! '




O,Hler, IlIr r,te 1 KI"e 11011118C"I... 1, )n"<lAl' Bryellr , Inqmre

of Mllrv f (l hl n. .

Ur u ,\ II ,



I'( .)~- l 2 A~ of1'y n ew;

I?orrl Meclll n , prllotlo I ~ o>rtl tourlOH Cllr, with wiuter In p In qu Ire uf W, A . t\urfnco , It ~' D , ~. Wuyn6M vitlo . Ohi o, 016

EN CA BIN E'\', 1'bq u iro K I'!'VI:! Mr. , W ,I , 1111 11 or, Waynl'8-


villo. Oh io,

S roVI!:S 14 f1ull


:! 0.,\1[ lI(1fltlng Sto 'PI! , In lllliro or \V, IOlbOl,. W"yneR vill t' . OhiO , n 2 •• 1(; III Uh,

E: LH-W h ilO R ook Cook CUCKh:R e rl'I _, s lmln, .2,00 eaoh . Fi~hel

Phnne 1:l2- 1,Y. , Mrp. (: W.. ynellvtll u, Ohi o ,


p , 1i:1l11!, nl'S


good &Ford r o urlnJl (;lI r , 10 16 m od e), newly pain ~ed anc\ ovelluH lI\!ri ; g ood II rell .

--.~--.~--~_-_=_~_=_=_~~_===~~--~~:I-~~~~~~~~-e,~~ )t~1i_:_,·~p~l~nl~\~R~.~U==5.~W~"~;y~.


here at our Lum ber Yard . We are cutti ng these logs into Fenc ing Boar ds and Joists, and are selling same at a \'cry reas onab le price.

If you are



.. - - ----

need of Oak Lum ber for any purp ose, CAL L







- .-





Waln ut,



Hick ory Logs


¥MA'Tf....VA 'It\ I III Io«Or;;,..-;v;-r-1Vm1l1ll1llfllll!8l

oW "t1!;r • bI:"T' 'I-V "'


11 v ),( I U Cf~ 1I UI'I·\,1I\ rJu k," t i l hr6l.-(1 to 1 \'~ l " I, rt':4Ioi ' L lu i 11 !" u t:I , Uti/IOh, Htlr

We have twen ty thou sand feet o~f---~-----


11 1111 IoIHI 'I'H r,1I thl' I Ilhn(')'


.. n .1 tlIllklllj( 'I'lllittiu tl,



fourtb dny ~Jr. Glhncy 111111.'1111('1'1 1 thn t It woulll he U(·.· .. :sury to "rill"" IIt.. wind ," If the pilII' woulll hn'ukflls t. They retlrell to the eldc\\'lIlk to h ult l 8 r OUrUs snll Mr, M<:Ou fTc), 10" lIt,'cl 0 I1lme whic h hlld IlcoPl'ed down I".hle tlte I1nlll" or his COIl t. '''l'hI1l 8\'111 1'8 It." Clllm.'y (Icc lnrrcl. "W ...·\,e skip!,"" t W(l lIIenl s but I'll b ~ durlle" It WI' sk ip olllJl ll er , \\' e'lI t1de 0 111 to the Snn ~111fl'0 county line OD the trolley with thut (\1111 0 flll' then hoof It O\'er 1 _____ _____ _____ ___ the h ill s to 1I111(lI1oon hn.l', S(·rftl(!l" \\,Ol\'t glt AlI'ny from the do ck here un111 litter tw ... l ve o'cloc k. so wc know ho' lI li e III 11111 (111(1(011 l,oy nil nl l:hl. It we stllrt no\\' \\,e'll con ner t \\' lth h lll1 In lIme for supper, Ell. Bort?" "A tw!'nt Y'lIll1e hll,e on 1\ tec -toWlly CO M MO N I'LEA S COIJHT (.mllty s tnlllll ch, with n hnnll' roynl on Nc",y 811i 18. ou r hnn lls tll (\ mlnlltu w e nrrtn~. WI' 1I1< un' .lestltoo tP. IIln't qUI!t! li lY Itl clI O' Sylvia M oyn r~ VH ( '; I ~ wul'l II :'I l uy or" l'njll)'tnl' lI t. Gl h. bllt I'll ~o )'rnl If' tt For" Ii 111 1] 11 y. , k lll.i I ll... )'P l'ij up hool, HII' /1\\,11)' . I'm Alien IllIrl fAII.n r VH I,h o Jllc\u lf t,rilll fo r .,:lltlll' ha ('k t o \\'111'1, nil' \1 ~l n' CUtllllll ll ,- illn nf OhIO , On upptJB1, 1II0l'nl 1 1\ ' 1' ~ I1H ~ lo H t o g lt t hut 'H.' \\' Wil1i ll lll .1. W A i ~I' I' V" l :i u r.llI lIl\l i I t II ~11 \'r." N o rth e rll R ' l i l \\'I~Y ('0 ~- "r 1I1 1)HPY , '1'1",,' t,",1< II IIII<'h III Ih"' r 1",118 111111 UOO ~ . Mil,c h o l V~ .1 ,1\ 111 I'lllukflr , I C;I :ll'tl ';l. 1-'1'1011 1 r he 1'"llIt Il t w h lt.'1l tlh'Y For mOll ny. I J;'fI II II' tl'ldll'.Y to th, ·lr J n llrll l' Y'~ ,- lid Hnmll ll i Th ll tnppnn Vtl t.h n , ' hllrnll Wll!'l II ~t lf" ~b.. , t.ll tlr j1\l1 l1 t. l1p hill III H I o f NII): ... ino ~'nr r nliof. dl ~ \\' ll "III ,', lind l oll~ ' '''[ore ttl \\' n ~ lll i lf

w h OM:'

"r Ch" rl ,,~ ~:I\I~ .

Mr, McGuffe y Located a D ime Which Ol1 for ,ul , uuslly r(lcog nl ~.NI h,- \1 ·.1 1111 " kill o r " , tIli~lIion III ' Iho SllItu 1I ' ''')1illll fr. r Had D'r opped Down In side the Lin- bll'llIiah btl cII Ulp l.. "It)", h,"~ ,11 npl'A- I':p,l p pl,il'. Ing or HI. Coat. t lte o r un lllltll:rni ItllilJlllt y nll(1 " ,

nro'und und try to lorn le ' 1,1111' kind of

I ~~\I'

IJ f'l r IIu lU nnel grll'u' dll,11l WHru I' qual


, N"lli" MII ,v 1 ;lIhllllll'l1li~" for IIdWh plt hl oo, 1 h~ r m PR tllln til It I IIli""10 11 In Ih o :l lIl l' 11I "~l ll1tl l)U f. ,r wl)"k It i" dll" I," I' f,l1l1l1 ;.( 1' 11' in tI ... Flluhlu Miml",1 nntllhe r uf Tnll hi •• "" r,,'I1~ It, I~ j ~; " /.n I vnn M lll l ll t, ~ ItJlpli

Ollt. nn" III thp lIIennllu l .. our lu r k

N Il,

linIn W ! I ~ 1\ \\' Il ntlt l r ~ \f \lU I ft"u tllJll


The Miami Gazet te. W aynesv ille, Ohio.

.... T H E -, b:111\4It 'rl I) .




GA ZE TT E...•

til lltt' 1' . 1\ 1.. H n l '

' 1 Al\





II . ' \ lit. t J ~ • • III'- h , . I ,I t h It

E(lilor :Ulci 1'1I1di, I,.,1. \\

n~ m ~ '

I (I

~ t

: 1(1

1I1e. ( ,1110

H '·f"· ,', \ : •. I I





' I' wn 1" ,l e, IIf' r ~h 'J'" in ,,'ur 1I"1 1i II 111 \' fin" 1 11I1! lid l ll W, "·' I.P IlI-I" j '1lLr luoi vidn IU 'lI '. till ;"" 111111 'Y.

SullHC'rilltillll 1'.riC'l'. $ 1.00 pl'r y nr ! ' ' ' ' '1. '' \ h: ,.' -II I J j II -, '~' f Idt \ . j '(' 1




I V-



You Can Bank

1 111 r1 1lJ: ' h n h · t \\'!'I'\C Il 1! TI'I LI .. 1J'1.'II1 ~ \\11!i " "llh' nn It II. Brll1k ... '

,I " ,. ', I !

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1. fUlijooUl' (t I,l

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11I1 .. ill t· .. ~ In 1 111:-1 l ' /I fill " .

\' 1 ~ll)lt .\'

r ., .','" I V

on This


~ t ~f , · t }· f)ll P 11loitf H I 1X ""' .~:: lilt, "P ilI',

\\' 1\\' ,,,', \' \1 111 N ·t!l l l nul

B alli',

\\'n V~

11 11 10.\"1111 1 , ( ' 11:,\

~I" ~, r~ 1:ll l pli HW"k" ,,,,,I ' ;I£' 111l F'III~'y t. rlll\ ~ur t flll I mtoln(\:-lF i \n 141' 1)111 10 11, " I) ~l l1 l1tlll~· .

\\' .

'lr', 'uld


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m em or y and i dea l ~ o f thl" fl l l l ill r I'n.:sirkn t , adop t ~ a &\.'al 1ft h r,'l! ,r

H II.), H flr r lt-lll n i l Mr .

I"rank II llrri<i w,' r ll

t, ] \.\' 11 \' ;,,'illlr~

The ROf)scvc h ~ l l'1110' 1.11 i\ .... 1''1 ci~1i O I1, orga ni Zed to IH.'rp <' t l1:lh Ill '

u t .of.

1) 0

~Ir . ~nd ~I r " .

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'I'll" ZI 'HI n"I"I " I, ~ ," , ,, , t, y \\, .11 lud,1 - - -_ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~ I "'i l l! Vlf' t '~ iu Ibn 1" IW U Jl nll \\"1111,+ rl' . pnlrl l\g 111t11r (' II \I l"I'h hnl lf1"1 J!

to n.

'T he

"Roose nll

£. a l

b e:H ~


tf h



' /trn.1 ~lllIlttkt'r . I Jlltl q l II Uf t .O Tl . "' q rt tI h rt ll-otl"l "'; l ly~ hn .. lf l l l "~ w i t h

" orl all kin<1 s of m atcri .d rLl.d ,, '. t o tho lif e of Roosc \,L'lI


t lld 1\11 .... !t rllllk


~oal ,



c(l ll~ct

The holders of our s(c uri lies never have to worry about th ~ ir di vid f' f11 check, fnr tlley kno'-V that on the 1st day of January. Awil. July and Octobe r of each yea r their cheel, is in tht' mail. and some even know the particular deliv ery that will bri ng it to their home.

R II" '" \ I; ' ,

" n d - till ill l

Home '1\IWII I'a " er W eek,

Mr~ Eli:t.,, !.e l h S lIrfll t'e 1ill, III n e n . fPr I IUDI '(} f ll r diulI lI l' lin ~tll1dIlY , Mr. 1&.1111


incor[)Ora lc<i b)' I\ ( t of (. " M ay 3 1, 192(). is "OW , ,, . , . • I '


1111 " i" " n " suII·II .I'

y I ~I invest your sClving-s in our company, you arr not only pIa cin g your money in a business th at il' as sured and safe, but in one tha i has never failed to pay th e ouartl'rly dividends on i t~ prefer red stock since ·. he co m ;n~ 'J was orgarii zed some len years agoo.

I.. ,

\ \1"

:\ " ..

The Associat io n , \\!Jh h I", I t .. head'lua in N e w " t!. " "

Mr I,n.! j\lr~ . ~.:I III"" O gl" 'o}'fln u ll rl .\1 r. a n d Mr H F n·d (1 ,11:-' 811d St'fI . t l f lit""r li t' r ll, wtlro ill IIllr ('tt)' , t4 nll d ll .\' .

prl l v ln g


of hi s 6Jd birlhday, O C(Oht'f _7 Tho sea l .was d~ s igned by ) ,1I :1l'l Earle fra~er. who ,"odd ",1 " " ViclOry Meda l and Ih e .I' ,} nickel. and whose bun of I ~,,,, ," \' cb is in Ihe Capilol 1\ \ ' ,, -L ., ' .

~ l1ncl l & 'y .

Renl cmb er Yo ur A bse nt On e, or We I Iillrrv (\rr, OIl' \ \ ' .1 I n~ ;ngtl H1 , W, ' r f"l ~ nIHlu\· t.!n,·~ f ~ " .' :\1r 1'l lI d ,\lr R. \\' llhl1r "irk Will Do It for Yo u.

F,.rfl ~ l w ll

,u lli



Tw o hlll r k ~lIl l,b ~h " p~-lJo th ro. po ri 'n oll hll ~ , "e~~ . () n r o"rll _ hr n,l d fl r ~ "ro u,,~y, trv. I i n ~ t n ~et till ou rn n llt hu rDr o h;11l W(·II I Iior. I

~{l n ,

X~ Hd u.

~' r . tlull Mrs. " 0 " 1' 1-{<1 11 1111111 1011. q f \V "y n nt-l vI1I4\ I\t"O n~Hln Wi t h :".l r N H IIIJl lt ,, " 'H lir utlw r , (~II.n ('.\' Kill!!, whtl MI III rt:\ ftlt1ln P4 un It1 v n lid

It is th is sureness of clivi dl'nds t o g e th e r with the safeness of the inve stm~n t that make our securities so attractive to the investor.

(Jo r grlll'nry s t nr llR lifO hllV ill o! II I hot lur bnKl nr ~~, 1I11t! f" tll IIl1w h on. 'I'htl 1Illplll,y IIro III II r~h .d WU" iu Il llllrUl:( od. tlJi" \,IOllllty r oclllltlr , nutl 111ft In. Mr nnd Mr H. L o r e n 8" '~urd , of . t l' nctIOU" wh .. t muwt, ho rl O II \l w i tll . There are now 1678 men, women and ch il dren too, Wllmln gt.on , w e ro Sllnllll Y Otl ll e r M In I tl n dBY S. 130 KOIlle l U'Ht II II li e\. In o nr d l y . who have invest ed their sa vings in our Pre ferred '1'h o s .o k Iu our t OWD tit thi. Wri t · Harry H <'l we IlI nt with Iln Boc irl e nt . senlri III!! 'He : Mr s .lllij. ll l'i-: ,UI, airs ti es. "nmh Hl oh , M r ~ . Il . W . l' u \'l" r , 100. ooln g MMIIO o r h iA teo t h , hut li n ~ "}'" li e will nrn·g r o w if. . M r ~ ,I us I' . () ~ hJr Il Il.,,1 Mr. Ii:. II. May we send you full par ticulars regarding thell e SJ?Ull ai". Tbll M, E c hurch IR olm ost, OOIll' . euritie s of ours? C. () MIlRt , o f the MIIR! U g ht nt n g plnl e t!, nn d whou d o n o It will bo II thin!! II I beou l,y II n il muoh oni " .I . HUl l ('" , fir Ouyl ull, UlllEUc:L llil '1 u lte II v u lu " ltl Il f IJUsi ll f"M in 111 1. vlC'lrlHy mont to tho m ll Uluor R. Il"~ w.",k, t h m uJ,l h Ih'''r r , prtJ~ " "lu. Mr . H.Il U l\tr8. Am os ~~IIiB ent·(\T. (,11' 1" "' run k Wilso n . In ln od fo r d lnne" nn :-:nn1av : Mr (·IBr blol AdlllllS. on o of nn r y o ung aurl :\Irs. B e orv McK eo no d Mr . ~ n l] Mr s. ~- I ()y d Ao do r son, f)f Xeuia . 0 ......... .......... .. . .......... ..... .... .. . .. . ... ... ...... ... lllUIi i o Hcliool h e re, lII ot Willi .. ~ a r •. ........... .. . .... .......... . .. .. · ·0 u u ~ uoclt!tlll t ul'o U I,loll l!c h oo l l{ f"nnd, Mr . lin d Mr s . Don H ll r tsock a n d ~ hllt£o rill g th e bllDOM 10 hi" it'lt froll . two chlld r o n, or C lluto u oo u uty . COU PON t.h e k n en d tlwn , ILDU nt tIllS t llU e is we r o oll ll lng o n t.h oi r pllr eots, M r. ~ " ' Rtlng iiI! wo ll :IS cou lLl h ll (lx I'AOte d . " 0 0.1 Mrs W" lt e r J ord au , !:lunday . Erl it o r Til l!: MIAM I G A7.F.1' I' E , : Tho tlln r m of Ufe WIlA AOlllldou o n 1\11" ' I\n,l Mrs. W anen O s bor n, Mr : l'hllrscl liY m orni og Il~ 2 ,, 'ololok, Ilt nnel Mr s. Hu r y Mo Kny I\nd Mr, II n l1 Please send mark e r! co py of Til E MI AM t G A Z~:rrE l.) : . th" lo u lUe of Mr . 011(1 MrH .Iol! \ V . I\1 r 8, Lo n Btlil e y w e f'~ ",ullIJay aft e r . Vllvl8 , oorno r o f /3 011l·h uud t:ih or t n oo n oulle rll 00 Mr. lIud Mr ij . •l os . P . .tftJU t". T h e r Oll r i ng uW ILlw n od Mr s . ()s lJOrD , M .......... .... .. ..... .... .,........... .. ... .. , .. .. . , ......... (Nu lI1f') I )Hvl ~, wh n I:"vo t lo e olllrl\l , lIuLI in II ( ~nrel o u .Ioy , JO Rt,ioB o f the pe ooe , rl'w llI in u t o .. l lo e jo'y r o F :l'I ors wore Im rl l-leo rg A Z ~ I1, OO BStllbl o, hat h of p O. Ad dr e~s .... .. ..... . .... .. ........... .. .. ........ .. ... ...... .. W tIT t !it w o r k a n d sn.m t h o Hro W'II! o ut . U2Y No w, homo p r M llct\n n iH in t h e WIIVOf; tOWlIRhlp, wll r " prose ut II'· I-lCjulre \ViI ~ o n'!I oo u r t 0 0 h Rt T h ur s . " 'lIc li 0 1 oil lIu.l 11 11 Hli llulLl ~l7l1il 'tutc .. . ...... .... .......... .......... .... ... . , .......... .. .. .. ... .. . .. r\p ,V , hlJll r inf.{ tho on~" o f tho StIL t,I' (,f - -_.--._------- ------ --1 1 1l' 11l ~e l v o M o f thiR vorv IH~('H8 ~(' r y 0 .. •· .... • ........ .. ...... .. . .. .... ... .......... .......... ()hio VH ,I uhu W . Th n m p~o o . l:lnicl . .... ......... .... ........... . ... ....... 0 prll llOAitlu Two Co uld Play T haI Game. n; @u Ill llll :.' IIr o~ o \,o r I h'o I A IItJrl ril'c d Yllars Hgo U welll ,til y hn r h- I r ll tllltry In "II vioinit.! .... U n ~'ritlIlY C "~ H Wllij ouuti u u oll to Dece m ber 1Mt (.-. (. \', IIlt lilCd I'Hlgc, wIll} 1" ·I·d nell I .'\ Ia in Wil m ingt o u , U I: " ~" lin \\ ritove I' X. Let Each Do His Part t'I',n, It. I.. gu ve 0 IOnr ly; ollr hr 'Io@ I'l ut!oo, h "r Ullll liP , cI w ,lili II g . oon The r l~ht. t.,. \' 0 10 I ~ II pri vllego; young , llIdles Jet, U Kl n\'e. Mr. )"I IKe 11'III,s lind u ~i X.l1l o ul,II H." hl hH Uf! . O o r Rlo k Bre n il btl tl,er. Illso it 1M uu oblignt,i on . MI\ny ot r p lur'nc-(j It w it h til" fnilowlllg 110((': I )i ""~ t er n ft·or ( l iBlI~tor. I h e o'JD, \iti ou R Rg llinst w b iob ottl . G Illi S Mnd d eo, of Hur vtlyshll r g, is "Ie frum your glo\'e ) [)" tnl( ~ tloe l!'t· PI'o f T o lin, tl:tHISIntl by th e olher zou a ollmpl .li u wo uld uot (Ox itlt If on I·ho Fede r lll ju r y . O. lliu t glo\'e ' Is lo,' ~ .. ud thu. I Farm Ol ll llllJOf H ot 11l~ Htu\l' , e nt e r lu ln ed nve r yo ne <li d hi s o r h e r )llI r Sales and Live Stock a t In ,.1 11111118 C loovor spen t !:loul'lllY wll h IIn"e for Ihee." 'fh ~ ,\'oll ltK lAdy re- ; I hll Ill'l rlil1~ IIf t ll m r "<, h l1o l 1.0 u "tudyiuJ ,l nl o prob l ~ll1a . of Specialt y gover u . / Mr. hod MrR, G eor go Ouvls. pl 'I'o1: "I f from F".r """,~ ,Oil ,"k .. pUIIIV k ln pitl H( 'cilll nn 11"lI o wo'o u IIlf!nl , t ho V. th e 1I o ' \\'" [ll' r or P, c1 t Imhdul, hot P aI ge Otl, I~ . whnt. Rge n n(1 ,hul Mrs. Ftlo ule Davis 18 e n t e rl,ni n lug 1\I11UY U fllq U O de~ \ g n !o( woro U Il f'l xhi . tboy "t,liOl! Satisfa ction Guaran teed f o r uud whtL t th e I H8 Ile~ wo n 't ,10 tor me:' The su ,r,\' 1M 1 bui n . aU II flfLo l' , lo e O,)IllIllIft.tle who nre' lIt ouc h e loctlon', "nu Ul a n , h.LV loe r ~ t ~I B r . fr OID 1 e nu sy lvB uin . \·""d'Cd for by " trl ell,1 of Ihe 01111",,11. w"" duly Ii Il Polnte, 1 nud ''1ullIUl ed . iug oll r ef n lly thool:llt .' til eRe ove r , MrR, J . 119. Edwll r il A w ns s h o p pi n g l\' 1 ,"~~ ~rn n rll "o tl '~ r hnd It II Bellb rook, Ohio I fl ra' uel! IL n th ei r tllH k t o pick 0 11 I I,h o 1)Ot\ "fis t fI \' 0 10 lI<'cnrili o !-( I" ~ t he b~8t Life vs. Death d IO./ In I:lllr ver ~ IJIl r g . Sutu r o.lay n f leru oo n hl.l1d.-TIt .. Oulln"ll. l' ul,.t lod to t.ho l'rizt>, lanlled It ou f.fll n~ B oth Phones nf I,h '1 h o l'~ . 'l'IiI~ ploe,) WII S woll r e prosont Wh ile I concr d e t loe dre8doa u g h t '8 Wo build " Will ~loon. of Jo; .. ~ t (-I runt s t,me'. I-{ rt' t, '. ifill oll C'JtlHC' ~lI~C,o. __. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~=;;;:;;;;;; ~c boo l.h o n 8e evo ry I, ~" f o w ('.t.zolla I,loluk .t at th e <.1ru ngo m oo liu!-( at. Milson. od .. ;;;;;~ on '1'11 0 ~eh'O ll o n took lillie !Iud IIl llo h ~Y ll rt h whll o tn I ILk " 1111 . Iph e Rr , It a i n't of rlrolldn aughfJl 1 w lo e n ? I" no t.lvo pflr l· ~" I nrdny . . tIl . ll . nIJl . ... l H llbilll,y. .t ~ ••• Afte pollt.loM ..,. . r . . tho . . . . i1r('i.ion . . . . . . ___ 01<1 ___ V .. t o vi e wed t h e Holy W rll" ___ ___ ___.. would Rin g 1 s p ORe we !-he 00 1111111\1,00 WDR burr. c .ll v tr"u s . ;build oue over y, or, stat t " n ow besi, le t.h e keen Ii II , d oncll y ko ife- f e r n "! to Dr . N Ou r sobnol lR go t,tln/!: IIlong nlo oly Wi lmingf o n Pape . I'; rs , Fro~t' Plea ~ se lo o~p Not ice! uud or Ule s kil lful t lllIC hl nll of MIss . t ll l t h e II nll. whh fl r e H of h ""v ll n Ii '~ one e ve ry s prl cg f ,] r I,h ll In vllllcl, nuo.l nllor !1IOln), Now, 1 th e oth e r 8hll Jled fe r e ndin g Th o r o,,,l c r n", I ~ b usy ut wor k Oil Muhol Mye r s t ll!'k i" havo IlInH ly beeu oppolled ·t o 1\11 rna. h b " tb~ '" o Ll h ygillllB t r on t · I,he pu llli p h ig h wily !lll d our • . , All d I lellrul. t o love t h e r O/lI'l _ E. C MI\n u ou Ilud fllmilv w e r e e hhleM ror klllln' m e n , \1\1 one mor e m e nn Rl,hB t IIf t a me t o a loigh e r I'lnlle, lII e nl,,, 1.IIeY II r o ngl\in IIlt lo t o 1>0 fll nre m uoh Improve r!. C li n ton ooun Examined Correctly, •• ty ~undu y g u est s of hl A IIl ot lie r lio d qu e~ ti o ll hlt8 IIrOll e: We buUd" 001· Ilnl1 MO, I've learn t t·o h a t e muob ln"," t lo ei r )loRI", Ico klll g liS ~ n()rl H~ 1I 0W . . Urt,Jy hO B 0 0 r ont! or ow; If 80, tllAY ~I st,e r. a t T ippeollu oo City. Glasses Fitted ThORO lInlo'r t,lI l n llllll1ts "re' booofl olod , driv e '!round und Ulwor upon ' We Put Them On 101(1), evory-;- wbe n ? ,bllt o ul y Mervo by gi v i n g I'lI lu the Harv £l y s bnrg 1I0r! Wilmi n gton pike AT MODER ATE PRIC~ 1 lo vo 1,0 thlo It we've gol t b e , Mr. all d Mr s. <.11'0 Davis a n cl M r s Instlllld of 8C1b OlJle8 t o m urder fu!!t, /!1' t.!,i n (I Ihtl }l1'+11l1t1 (' Inse r tOJ,lctlle ' r 'I'ho )lrocOCI I:i frf)11\ ~ .. I\l ll g th o, l)iO" It 11\ a d lal/ ru oll uo d n shlllUe to h avo Ma bol T e rry w er e 8 l)ow" r t o faoa t lo o world au ' IIhll ke It Hee m e t o me t h o n o bl Qr deelt, w u uday ovolliog h ile w ur n \·ti~y .u(1h r Oil 11 II In n oivll lzud uelg h ho r g oe~ts of I:h rm o n Moo lI H.ti Rfnclory . oor fist . , . 1'0 ku o w tbllt when At.r e t oh o f ye ar8 I", whi:r.:t.III' 11a8t,- to r e und flllnll y the wllr olouds lower , wo' vo' g nt tbe tr a o l\ our boy .. an!! gil l" til r Oll et hood puylug t./lX" ., ntH1 th ts rond r e· 1II 08dllm0 8 Mary A ll eu fl ud 11111 Hie .•. 0 t' I De ... t gnoll ~h ey Ollll't. r eHlet . ' flBivill/( n o lI t.t.on tlon J o I\[ o Iter Yl1n r G ru .\ ', Mr. nnd Mrs A m os A lle o nnd Alld l'd tl W1\ 1' \1. 03 dreBr! nCl I1 !(h t for t h n P ItIC& p ......ell S. IIUII, l'In b ou od t o la H A, tllfl l,hin gA ~ oh Clo l Iln ' t rA.l e th e aa bo r for 8 X I Oh Our t hn Cale ndar I'ot I.h ls fnl\ , ~~lI t in g~od ~Il~ pe to af ,lhey wnk e fur k l1l1u' m on - n ud ",no , b ;.lI n vlll' III t h e g rn oiuu~ rn 10 of K ,t e rnoou E. in Harvey sbu rg. ~ OPlm evening s b, appoint ment _ 'h rn ll~h m y ellr t h is q n elltt 0 n rlll l!~: I'" . eo o n )o~l\rth, U dAel •• , 1l1 ttl j,l nn ! -ffl~t-~Jr.~rr....,rTI;_r.<"i'i:-7i'~;_tr:t,~rll~v~.:'~~~~~~u:::~~::_'e::.~:t~"bo li tt le Missos Rllt b nlld w •••••• •• l C' r Oil~ lint! gl\'(\ U8 nOOOAe 'to yon r Mono on s pe nl !:l"tllrd ny with e nnu l • th e ir ~~~~~~~""!!!""!'!!~~~""""......~ ,, \t,y . oouHln s , Rouo r l,. R oger lIud !'< olJl e I Tue \WO . Thu Fri .'lal Mlu y Dn vl •• I\t We ll rn llu. M. A. SHU MAk .ER • c::. Lon Brauno ll "nd w if e n ud K . E ~ Th O!ll p~ n l.l (\lid wife s pen t 8 u o d uy FUNr:" \L DIRECTOR Vete rinar ian with Mr. !I ud Mr s , !:l C . Mc Kl u n oy, ut Oll k ll\od. C lln to o co unty . Wayn elvill e, qhlo P racti ca l Va ccinnto r . Have hael ·'Sport lng One's Oak." Is nn a,'III " II .tad ; uf l'a , ,, 1 l'lllll r rh. A ti. Alleu , W , H , Blll iu e, E. V Notice of Schoo ~ ood s u ccos ~ ill I lI1 munin g o n l Election Q(\ as m:l "'1'(1 sJlur t V I IO ' t! lIuk" Is A plll'u se T it " , ,, ' ''''J''\' ( ,,, [" ·q " .. ,, 1 "c"l d ~ (II Mtln uo n And K = . E . Tho mpAon lit. bol. h sick and well he rds. ;.:;V "-. "'" ~~ "I t h,' 10, ·" " .. \\111 tllI,l Ihn. ' he liSP Ilr 1,llud ed li'qu lr e Wilso alll ll lfyl"ll .ho. "lie Is ""I III h n ll'" wll h n's oo url·, In Fully Equip 1 1 ,\ ped l. t ;~ for Good , ·:\T v 1::t ll urs. Til e I'my lll J; o r lg111nt c d Ul th e .\ 11I :11 MEn l C' I :-1 I~ wi ll E!ar ve.Y 8bu r il, on '1'hU r8c1 t1y. No t.lce IN horohv 1( 1\'(\11 t h." Iln olel' !io n to Bo l h P hon es ~ " ~ E ngli s h unh'(' r ~ll h's wh "I'e! t h e s lu- nil lotl In hll iltl lip ' hl' :-;)" ' 1'111, ,,1.-:111 '<' th e moml Servic N tho Huard o r I!:d!ICMiou or . e. 8. Car"on t e r lind w lf o, of Ven :md n'llrl l' r tl W1I 1 l l'!'OS li :1 h l t~ t o ('o ld !':. Home H55·8 d ~lI t~' t.'IlIlIlI he r s 1 1l\ ~'e t w o d UHrs- fin ~~I\I~~i~ '~~W l1ldll l' Uural Bell ,j·\r & hoo l UI~ lrJd will N,,\, . I - All Saint' s Day . H<' I't'"I ,'t1 a.tll cl;s of /\ ('11( " Cu tnrr h t e r vi ll e, Ch t'estor H . Lnrge Display Room .. tfleld " li d w. f., tnlw r nu cl nn (Iu tl'r 1lIIt". The on tf' r N ov (i - 24l h S u nu ay uftc r T rinit y , tWI)' 10 '11,1 10 (,Ilron ic ('lI t:t rrh. Bellb rook, Ohio 8 0wu r d Fulkr ot h , w ife n nd duu gb dour Is Illud e or nn l( , Illtd wli en th lll Nllv. 8 - (; .mc r a l E lect in n , 11 ,\1.1. ':-; ('ATAIt lU f 1IIEVICf l"E Is ter, Enoce8 . T I~L8I' HONE 7 and Mrs, l o p? H a rTl. DAT Oil NIGII1 Is c lust.'t l 0 1' "sr••, ,'tt:!I ' It d C ll n t "~ pit h e r nt Lhe usun l 'fot No v 1:1 - :!ii l h S u nd a y . afler T rin it y. la1<" 11 .IIlI,' rnll lly Ilntl aeis throll i:h tho Bon . of Lfl bauou hlK J)1I1ces : 'l'wo (2 \ llH'lIl , w e r e !:lnll du y Bft cl r. Ihll' th e OCl'UPlIlIl of . h ~ "pnl'IIIICIII 19 t o 1)tJ ol{le tt.'1i tor R term or t.wo C2 , yel1rs, llarH Nllv 1lI"",\ 0n .Ion lIIucous Surface s or the noou g u ~stl! of A . 8 ~() - 2(j l h Su nday a fl ,, !' Tr inilY ..---~ -. fio d , ,AlIeu and w ife out or Ih nl II~ tl n(!s 1101 w Is h 10 he <l Is- thrco (1:1) mem bersL.rorM.IL Wrm of lour ( t ) yea.N . Nov . :!-l -Thank sgiving !Ja y . Sys t(' ITI. 11 11' 5 re,lu e ln ~ th o Inflnmm a · BARN ART ll J>NHK H RON. t lun o nnrl l;A4t. r ('~I" rln~ norma l co nd iti ons. turbel). (JI erk o f Itoun!. N ov :'.7 - 1 ~ 1 S und uy in A dve n t. All tfrll ~J:I" t s. (,Ircul ll r ~ fr ee. Notar y Publi c DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y F. J. Cheney & CIl., T oledo, Oblo. Th o " H OUl O P II" .. r " · Is Ih o r"I1 (l o~t vi R\t o r tn tlvmy ,'I ty el woller t h rUW Il loy ('i r O Il Il1 ~ l n n oOij IUU OIl J,l ta ll llllil.Jl u gH UIlI! _Ul o ky s t"'Cl ke; t hr uw ll .. lI long n e w !loll oll t r lol l frill n e l ~ I t 18 ~ho WClflU Oijt vielLor n mn ll Clln hI ve w h n hns floll (l Oll t III (,III:! wor l,l . A. T h llDk Nl-:i\'1 IIg "pp rollo heH, YOIl ollnnnt gi ve n m o r e w e loo m e gi rt tIl Ih llt boy o r g ill wh o I~ rur nWIlY; t h at fll ~ h o r An d m o l hor who b tlvo f eU r o,1 to d iHl ll ll t t/ln .' a; th ut fri c'Dlll y 010.1 neig h hor wh n h llH I(n ll e to t h " Oil y nr to "" ,,tho r 'tll t ll. tb nn II yo " r'~ tlll1>~or i pti() 11 to I ho ",,1 0.1 h Olll u" pu p ll r It will me III II U b o u r ' ~ j oy , nn h O llr' ~ r ul,u rn ,'l fo ull reuo lI l'Qlio n a t u lol lU or h er Bvor y weuk of t h .. yO ll r - nn o VI ' r y. w !lltk r ell1 olll brl\1I0e of YO Il ! If YO Il thllik yonr bo y o r gi r l o r frl Olld w ll ultl r,a th e r ~Ilb~c r lbo hIlIl M" lf , lU ar k th is piece .md 11 111 \1 Iho " BJ.lOr to h im (' r Moud UH t h o n ll lll e (In th e fulill win g coupon n nel we wi ll on U fo r ynu :



The Dayton Power & Light Com pany 29 North Green Street




Poem Pi . U nd eJ oh n

John H. Wright Auc tion eer






E\"" ES


t ... t


( )a r oud nf~urolldl"~~ r~ullt


Tholll~= ~~t S~u~IIY (J~~~~O~~L~~~~e~n~.~.~~~JU~;~~~~~~~~~~§~~--------

___-"=-=--=-=='::.;R:..:::.. 1921

I 2 J 4 6 7 8 9 to II lJ 14 l§ 16 17 18 till 2'" 27 Q8 Q9 1.0 • 25

: F.

Wal ter McClure

12 "Cold IOn the Hea d" 19 6 2



----- - ..----






'Hayne . ville'. Leadln l All kind s of Notary W o rk . Will s OlHoe 10 B a'lnOl! Bldl, Main S, B iel Ie ooofine d t o his h ed nud Doolls II i:;p oolll lty , with li ve r tr ouble. The Ladi811 Aid held an all·dll Y quiltin g at the Annex, l'burad o y. OR. J. W. MILL ER. Prof ; t)$et/hen ll .nd family were gU est8 of Hillsbo ro relat! ve8, 10llt week .. ••• DENT IST••• Th e V. E . enjoyed a mosque rade om"" In at th e home of t:!am Miohne r, Friday ·N."oar.l Buk Dldlr. -DEAL ER INWaynent.1e, (J evenlnl t. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W . C. Smlt.h enter. ========== ====~ Flour, Feed, Coal, Salt, Je~Bo

Foreal T. Mar tin Auctionc~er

Get my: terms for your Public Sale . Satisfa ct ion gua rantee d or no charges.

Box 91. Centerville,:Ohio Home Phone 2, Centerville Ex

'DR. W. Eo ' FROST NaccinliLion a Specially. Noth. Ing but ~cliable ~rum used Phone 44

Eve rett Early

I :-!:~~e~d~ombUs relative s over tbe LoM.HENDERSON 'l' b o 8uns hlne

soolety was pleas antly e n.t ertained by tbe Vurry sleNOTAR Y PUBLIC ters, Saturda y. Mr. lind Mr.. R. D. ColleU and Wayn esvill e, Ohio 80n s peot t:!unday with reilltiv es, • National Bank near W"ehlul l$On C . B. Mr. and Mrs. Emerso n VanDe - ========== =~===~ voor t, v181$ed, 1!'8t w"elt, with their daughte r, Mrs, Rupert ~ u breoh& , of Llmll, Ohio. • • Mts8 Mary Bal'fett" of Wilmin gto n, . Vete rinar ian w ill do)lvllr an add red 00 "DI8arm . ament, " at the FrleDda ohurch oed • Sonday mOrOln tr · . OFFICE: , Mr s. Leal B.lo_, .who had her Fourlh Street, near Tyler &on8118 remove d 1.., week. la D& &he home uf ber pareD'II , Mr. aDd Mr•• TelephoDe 93 J, B , Lemar. Ber reooyer, I. DO'

Dr' Lloyd Bo Hall

.. -peed1 .. ber frteD411 *wb •

~ayn -? .vllle,

Tile, Posts. Water Fountains and Self-Feeders. -SHlPPE~ OF-

Hay ~ Straw and Feed. Feed Grind ing a Specia lty. .


Lytle ·Feed Mill'

Ollie •.

.Lytle, ·Ohi o . ,......76,_~





The M~llmi Oazette, Wayne.vi1Js. Ohio.


A car of

4-inch Tile C Olll i tl~ in . Pl nce your orders. We h8\'(> anothpr ('ar nf Ih Me !anry net! f{i\' l' r Early Uhio 1'0tatoes on lru r k today . Nil\\" i ~ t he lim to Iret ~' o ur winl ~ r P"taLoes. sl ~o Kcl I'u re Sh·,1 IIIn l haven't \) l' ~n in cold ~ lor Rg c . Coif! wl' 8ther will sOlin h~ hNt' snd prices are s ure III adv81H· p.

A Free Show


Good Things To Eat Del MOllt e Canned P inenppl e. Apri cols. I'l'ache~, Lo ):,all I!t'r· ries, Roya l American Cher rid an d Pears . N ew Mothers Oals .. ..... . ... .12.' ., c N ew Ralston's, only ... ...... ... 20e New Sweet I'sncak .. FI .> ur ... . l!'ic New Drom ed ary Dat es ... ... .. 20c N ew Eng Walnuts, bes t o f t5hell New kilndried ·orMmea l.1 0I b .2iic Prime Rio Co ffee, 3 pounds ... 50c N ew cracked Hominy, 3 Ibs.. l Oc Beat N UL Ol eo . only ...... .. .. ... ~5c Fleechman '/I Yeas t fr esh eve ry day. F ancy Eyep: Peac hes. 2 Ib s ... 3fic Sun Sweet Aprico ts . pkg ... .. . 2f, ~ Beat bulk Cocoa, 2 Ihs ... ........ 2fic Beet pure Lard, pound , only . 15c Fresh Oyste rs- b ulk or can .


An In te res ting- Fillll S llo \\ ill g :\[ot io ll l' il'l llH'S in th .. r. lakin g'.

Miami Theater Waynesville, Ohio

The Late Classified Ads, FOR S A LE

Bring us your Chick ens and Eggs IT PA YS TO TRAD E AT




O Rk T yo~w rlt e r Desk. 5 dl!l wers on Ilaeb "hlp , ft uo r s p noe :i:!xf,O I Dcbes . A larfla lD : oom n a nd ~ e'" It. D . P . Fo U e r,Wa y_


nllr te r -~ 8w ed

\ n es vill e , lI b lo .

At 7:45 p. m. A d ull ~


l' l r :-l . ,intlh ' roI , ' ,· llll "l I~ I Il~ t ttl \\ d tty ... .


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MI "" ( ' llI f lO L)" ,, ~ III"r". "f ~\I..Il "II.~ 1 " 11 "10 1 I h" 11 ,," 1 WOlp k WI t , Mr • .1. ll, \ .I UlIC'" II n, 1 (,\tu il v.


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50 per cent

Mr . '''HI M r~ (J Eo . I " h n ~ t·II "k Hll ll d ny ,lInt ,tl r ", ' 110 Mt"" Mll r y II lIcI Mr L',.rry ( ·u u k . II~ ( ·u rW III .


Mr . IUl d :\,lr ~. I hpl r w ock·c llIl


Clnrk bIt 1 for Mr, tl n ,1 Mr8 1'"1I M,, "" n 'Hid " 0 Il , o f MIIROU. T h e br ld/o:fl , l-uHI. o f I·" " n . wl.J lol ,

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I Ii '"\,, n l tl \'r u ~h ll rL ~ t ll y

I fu l k~

I Mr IIntl M " . An lo nr "ntI " "1' 1, DI. ~ ,Y y .. f Mr. II ntl Io\OI W l, ur t,)lI . 1''' 111 , !I 11 , .~ I~


w il li


want to renew· Mother's Honey,. tnoon Stnile OSSIBLY it 's two-score, maybe three, since you asked th a t one-bes t-girl for her hand. P You proba bl y can't remember whether th(' re were lil acs or roses near, BUT DO YOU R EM EMBER H ER SMILE? And, wh a t hard days your" okl pal" has put ill since she smiled and said " yes." \Vorking from earl y morn till late a t night- helping you weath er a ll your fin a nci al storms- how she has la bored, right at your side, alu hif'se years. P(' rhaps you could not give her an ela bora te huney moon- GIVE HER THAT HON EYMOON TRIP NOVy - there's a ha ppy so ng in her hea rt th a t, if you bring all t, will add t.en yea rs tu the li ves of Lutlt uf YOll . You can renew her huney-muun smile !

'" \

And I Want to Give both You and Mother 10 Extra Years to Enjoy Your Mature Youth How will I do this, you ask . By ha ving yo u two go to sunn y Florida when winter 's icy grip loc ks your Ohio homes; I wa nt both of you to come away fro m th e howling, bitter winds- th e healt hwreckin g s nows and sl ushC's-1he Rlee l s a nd marrow-chillin g blizza rds. T o go t o Floricl a , wh ere th a t " one-s\\'cet g irl " ca n hask in hea lthful , S lIllshine-be near the roses a ll d mill !..:! -' wilh other folks wh o a re li v ing ove r aga in th e d ays of their you th; uc wi th fulks \\' ho how e al' h il· \ ·l ·d I ha t golden period kn own as l\ !:\TL' RI ~ YOl lTH folks who are li ving longer uy play in g, huntillg and fishing,

A Modem Winter Home For Less than Cost of an Ohio Bam Yes, I wan t rOll to com e 10 tli e garde n s pot o f Flori~la­ o n the wid e , full.- of- fi hand ph.-asura bl e St. J ohns Ri\'cr- nca r Ihe fa mous m edk ina l Green ' Cove Springs-3 s ho.rt drive fro m J acksonville o r t o ocea n pic nic spots -yet no t t oo n ear to ge t the sea 's drearin ess. . I wa n t to provide a ' modern bung ~ low with running wa te r,

[ n rn not going t o pu t YOll on n skimp y, ci lY 101. hil t a r,f(lIl1 Y 100 x 150 ft. ho m e s it e, a s bi g a s fnu r a\'l' r:lJ,:(' (' it y lOIS- it will h e s it u J led o n Chilli co th e, 'Columilus o r ( ' i nc ill na I i A venu £' , o r a no t h r r O h io Il.l fll ecl Sired a nd it will u e sold a t the lo w tig ure o f S-l 50- t hi s price c a rries th e p ri v ilege of hn v ing m e b uild yo u, wh enc" c r y o u arc H'ac1 y , a m od e rn ne w bun g al o w, p lall lll'd a cco rdill g 10 y o ur iJ<:,, ~ , fu r on !\' S 13S 0. A

71'ill tcr home ill Florida. at. less Iha./l lil e (os t of all Ohio ba m .

It w ill b e ;'11 ill \"'s lnH '111 th at will ra pidly in crease ill valll L~a so ulld in v" " I IlI('llt , one t h" t Ohio bll ~ illl ' S S m e n of p romin c lH'(' , o f fO rt 's ig h t a mi jullgm t: nt a rc l'a l!c rly t a kin g advalltage (If, 1'('l'ali SC Ih ey r <:a li71! il s possibilitie s. M a il this COIl VClli r llt coupOll fur my b ea uti ful h ook : "A R CII l' we t! Lease (Ill Life ."

R. L. DOLLINGS, Presiuent

Walkill Stock Farms, HAMILTON, OHIO. Walkill Stock Farms Hamilton. Ohio

arne .. .

01 ' ,,"

(1'f>lIlh llu.e

wo r t1 Stl tJ M' M C ly d e .

I:l", nu. u



IHlto rhW' u(1

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Ruut h o f l u wo .



M .. Hod Mr". Clfl r.,uc£\ 1-' 1111110 til., I I t urt.ul nod to d inn e r . W" l\n(ll.dIl 1 , 1 I ~tl y . M ticu r tl'. Hoy . Uwi !!ht W Yll ll t


lIU tl MiHM

'l ft Tl\

~I.te .







1.)1I0l-:hl.o r • .

, Mr . IIn,1 Mr ~. WI ll N Ull, o f t; pr iul( l uo ro, lIDd Mr . II lI d ~ l rK Hu.sell Hllrn ot "pon t :;undllY Mr . and Mrs A luo rt Ht uoy "Dd Il a n g h t,ors . I Frioud , h o r o r ecoivrd wor d o f t h e (\ ell I h llf Mr s. li:lwooc\ IIlu11 o u , hg e tju I .v t;nr ~ . IL t tho \vt.d o w ~· h o m~ ill Uuy ,I t UIl, 011 -Tuo~(III Y o f I..lit w o~ k . Mi sses I.(lo n ll M oUinnis IlII(1 Heu I" h Cuo n lIu d Mr . I{ . t.: Uuul, Ill . IUU(\t-U t hl' :;lln t h WUHt ll rn Oill u

Olftce in Am a n Huilding



I T .... ul,er.· CuOVd IJl1u U


Waynesville, Ohio

1'olell hon(' 61-2

. Tell the advertiser you read his ad.


the Miami Gazette ...

C i U() ln Ullli,


Vr l, j"y.

Dr IIn ll Mrs L. I-l. Brno k IIlt ontl O(] th u wll, ldlll l-l dinutlI· of Ih o I"U.tlr " I lI o ~ n .\li H ~ Uolou ~ - IO U, II Utl ..t r H unr .v Murph y, "I· th o h om o uf Roy ,1,,~(lllh Piuo , lit. ~· tl rry . ~ulldOlY. I, Mr • . AII AII ",c' lUn. ch , Mrs. '.1 Ij .l on oA Mr. !LtHI J.\lr~ . ti. 1:1 l:Iuiu.-\ ~ uncI at." W .. llor K!lll rl< lk IIUOI Ilt1!1ti Ih o 'I'himhlo Uee . III th '" no w IfU Hfl Illon t o f thu ~I E . ch u rnh III, ~l'riog bur n. Th nr"(I" y. Mr and MrR. Alle n gmrick h .. tl f,:\r th eo ir .l'lootiIl Y tl in~ c r gU r.~ tll, R e v M :-;('1<£11 , of !:Iptln g \ >lI!lY, He v !lod M r ~. Ilwl ght WY ll nl :. ' 1(1 tw u so ns uf i'il'rin g hor o , find I\lr, lind Mr~



L o[) n I-' ttli Nlmrv ,,1) (1 ,lllu g h t .· r , \oVILY no" vll1 n.

Mr. "nd Mrll






I3UD Uawk o uot e r

The Player-Plano that Is all but human


is the musical instrument for your homeanyone can play it. Come in and play the

wu nl, ul Mir""i ~ hllrg ; Mr. 110,1 Mr~ ,l " IIH1H Phillips , Mr lIod MrH Marlin


'\,lllght e r, U o llli,', Ot-D'lyt,UD


Clint .,. CkA On lind fRmlly we ro Ln

In V.rioue Makeo and Wood. T.ken In Trade on lb. Player to be. Sold .t

l:IlIr\l ey A UUJ~. o n ~ unllny .

\<'"rmer s In thi R \'Iol olty nro be g lunlng to 81.r O\,1 t.h l'l l' c ,)rn .

$115. $150. $195. $250. $375. $425, $495. \ $575 and Up .'

Mrs H" ruh Ri ch 1M RIIIl ~erlou81y slok at h er h On.l lJ III l:!ATveysbnrg,

Mr.' Bn d Mr~ Glen o Davis nnd ohildre n "n" Mr. ' B~ I t Sogan were io WIJllIln gtoll , s UDdu v . MT. aud Mr ~. ,I n lll "~ Urlly ' vi8lto rl tbf'1r so n . " ·Ill-,rl. lind f umtly. of D , 1(Id~ , ~ov orlll (\R YR Iri S' w eek. Mr~ \1 1111 '1 Mll rtln , Mr!!. G eo. !lillie lind dllll l( lltIP r, Vn~t ll , Il&tendcd the IUIl,al of Mrs Alice Uraham COil-

your.self. there is no obligation to buy.

We Also Have a Few Slightly Used


..... Blue U.ll. on Monda)'.


Music in the Home Means --Happiness!

tuiue d t o d illo or . Hnn '\lIY , in h Ullo r MrH. •'"nHJ~ Phi llips. tile foli c'" i "I; g nO"t.A: Mt' . hlHI Mra l.ew l~ r .. x lIud ol1iltlre n. ()or o t·hy nnd Eel. ~ ·, · x 111111




These instruments have been gone over thoroughly and pu~ In fmc shape by our ex pert rCplI irmen and guorant~ by us.


Ad drea• ... . . • .. . , . . . , . ... . •. , •. .• ..• . . .


f U ll ,

, Il IlUI Utll o f h i" f 'It' u ti. to I. t h,o k dltlD Or, ::; OIt u r tl Il Y, .. t III ~ unu u l ry

! h u lllf'.


37 Green Strc('t

U oo . BOR IlH lIo d ,Illy "ro ~nt~ r tllillin g Mr . W yso ug , I)f 0 InoI001l'1.

, •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

iIY. . . .........

O r U. U .


h U lll tt

Mr. allli Mrs. W . F . t..: lurk ont erL,.iIl OlI o u ::lillldu y. Mre Miry Car W(l IIY , IIUtl Mls"oS Kll t hr y n C lark 1 II uti Loum. MoU l nn l" I .

Mat erials are Rich Trimmings Artistic and Great Variet y

Conveni~nt Term. AI .....y• ·• P.rt of ·B.ldwin . Servi~e


Main· and Fil'st Streets



.' I I

Seventy-Third Year


Shur-Shin", the Wonder Polish . Mr~.



'r' ";'" . - -

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.. ..• •... r


r ......... . , .

Oli vI'r I)avis was in Cinci n·



'. 'I

'If; ' '"";";"') . '- "


Whole Number 5460



Thur ~dny .


I ,

Vbit thl ' Hl-_t I ~'l" m I\1)(J ~e .. lhe li nt bnrguins. (;ruce L . Sm il h.



find Mr.... l.este r (; nrdon anrl

hll"(' Imow n .Juhn J{o h(' rt~. HI- M i ~~ Martha O':-Jeall entertai n ed Mr. w lly ~. W" Wf'rP tilrf>wn IO~l'th (' r lind MrH. J am. ~ MrCl ure at d in ner ,



C. M. Brim II blHI fumil elin Miss Pea rl Itil ey is epenuin g th e ner RundRY wilh Mr . andy took Mrs H . week with fri end s in Dayton . I': Conner, of !Jaytull

~ibtj@1Z ~I r.


Mr _ nnu Mr ~_ J-:rne~ l Earnha rt Mi ss Ed na Howland Hpcnt Saturdny in Cincinnati. were' in Day ton, Tu~~day afternoon.

I~ ~

ry l' ar l\' in I\c rolli~king


da.\' ~


We f'nj(1},rd IIw Sunday .

of h"yhoo I I",::ether;

Mr an d Mrs n oy MacBeLh enter· \\'l'nt to tilt' , nm e Hciwol. HI ud ied thl' J,,,, ,k;: . r<·,·it,·d in Ihe snme tained It\l' hand with a weiner roast . rladR(, ~ . and found pll'asu ric' in I h,' last we,·k . 'I'll<' looy~ had all they Messrs. J e~se and lIuwnril Burton An I'xlra rel'l nt tl H~ Miami Ihe~()cip l y " f t hI' slimP ~i r l" I.nter in life wan ted I .. pal. and t hey had a fine wen' Dayton vi ~ itor s , M on d~y . atl'r Thursda v l' vI'rlinl(,Hhuwing- 1111111 rna rripd in t Ile h OIll<' fam il ie s Our tinlt'. U f U('llITI'r ~ riRht I-r r nd t, H hin K l f · ~. r hildrl'n ('lIml' I" !I ~ : thl'}' have min · L. F. l'erkin H IIml family, of Day J\l i~~ Irene 1vfooClll r e Bn cl Mr. RayKled I.. ~ thl 'r fin d kL'l't alh',· alld enton. were SunlillY vi ~ il o rH hpre. Everett St .I ohn. of Ml arni~ hurl!'. j"YI,d Ill<' li rw (,·lInw!<hip lind wurm nwnd Milll!r , who~e marri age will iHspendillJ.( tid" wI'ck -l:'nd wilh Mr . fric'nd , hip fnrnH'd ~" many y(,ll r ~ aK" lake plac'e Nove mber 10th, were e n· Heal hair Iwls. rllp und fringf' and Mrs. Albf'rt Cleav er. I,y th eir parc·lIt :, . willl l,u t a worel \l r tl' r la im'cI. wit h lwelve of their imstyle,IO · . Urace Lin co ln SmiLh. act tll lIli, pilwI' e""li de nre . Now Illl·Jiu te fr iends. by the Misses PeRr I Shur-Sh ine. t he Wun der I 'ulish. for ,:: randchild r"n,H<' here to bl,'~~ u, and and Bl anci!e Hil ey with a theate r Mr . and Mrs . 1,' re'll M. C(lle ·pent o parly in Dayto n on last Friday evensale bv J ~. J annpy. F. II . Furr. I-\il· the l'nd uf lifl' ha:, cO lll e Sunday with fri endd in S~lringfield . inK. vat ri ck-Fren ch ami F . IJ lI awke. and 1.1 delight ful lunch at the t. ,-; .1 '" .l 1•• \. WhE'1l I I.."k IIp,,n this Illuch loved \1. .. .. h ~; I " . It, \ tI: 14, .. ~qll I \ • .. ! . ~ ' I' .. I'" l' dose I . J I , rl " of the enterta inment . \ " l l ! .' I II I, . \ . • ' · . 1':" 1,\ ' II " "I I form. \ I I Shur-Shin e. the Won,ler Polish for I am t brilled with pride alld I. I . ' I I • ,,' r : r ,~ !I " " , _ , .' Robert Adam ~ . of !Jayto n. spent I L \ II. " I' . 1 t:' nlC>tion. I rcv'rt back to till' Furnitu ro and Automo biles. I ,. I,' I I .\ 1 j ', 4 the w e~ k -e n" with hi ~ I{ r an dJ.lar " "I ~ . I" ., 1,,:. J I.l. ; A comple te surpri se was tendere d ~ dav s wh en his pllLr intislll and e1eMrs. Ern e9t 'RuU erworth allli Mn Mr. ami Mrs Oliver Ilayi ". vo tion to CIl Unlry w 're arou ,;cd . Vern Houg h and family. Sunday , to Rurnet, were Dayton visiturs , Satur: Wh en bUI a hoy and tht:' t (){'~i ll of remind him that he hall a birthda y An extra rec l aL the Miami th eday . wa r was ou nd ed and our rnlln try in cn min ~ th e followirig week . They ate r Thur~dav .. v e nilll{. ~ howing manner il. when I'r f's iti ent Linco ln call ed III~o broug-ht well -fi ll er! baskets ,which Mrs WRiter McC:lur e. Mr~. Jllm(ls ufactur ers right grade shinl(lel! Ihe so n~ to il~ reRI'u<'! -- t hree hundr d everyo ne s urely did enjoy . Those . McClure IIIIlIUr. Miller were in Daythousnnd lIl en called tll arm ~ -- s ix presenL: wer e: Mrs, Euphem ia Beginning ThurAclay evening . we ton. Mondav. bOYH lef: the uld I Ilio n Schoo l build - HOlll{h. Ed Hough and wife, Guy will be open on Tu esday. Th u r ~ day ing on the hi ll one May lll orninK, and Kibler and family. W. B. Sq uires anti and Saturda y eveningH. unt il !lo'cl ' rk Mr and Mrs. F. U. lI erlller~on and \'olunt 'ered in un swer t o that cnll. falnily , and Roy (;ornell and family . Western Ohio Cream e ry . Mrs_ D. L. Crane were in Dayton. Two uf our membe r,' were killed inMonday afterno on. stantly . . [HlP WIIS wuund ed IIlId died Mr. A. H. Shaner and family enfrom Ihe effccts of the Hhock ; the tertain t'd at dinner. Sunday , Mr. and MrM Emma Retallick and th e Mis.~­ fou rth met with a traR ic end . Mrs . F. D. Fleming and daughte r, !'-;CII OOL ROAIW es Lillie and Ann a Mather spenl J ohn came back to his fond old Vera. of Kingma n . The afterno on (Lull g- te rm - 3 to elect) Tues, lay in Cincinn ati . horne, in touch with warm fri ends to callers were Mr . Rnd Mrs. Henry L 11 E' lld e r ~o:l .. ~,Ii 311 ;,5 69 Twenty-Ii tth Sunday aft er Trini ty . dit'. which Wilt> hi ~ last wi sh and most Engle and daug hters, Mildred and MrM. J. T. Elli ~ , Mrs . W.I-: O' Neall Novemb er 13: Cliu rch Schoul Edwanh ; ......... :I,1 20 :34 64 at !1:30 ard en t desire. Talloo anel taps Irmu, and Mr . and Miss Zimmer man, and Miss Martha O'Neall were Cirllo a m.; Morning Prayer ami J . Q . C,orl s ...... i)·1 Ii ~5 i):l se rm on have been so unded . Comrad e Rob- of Uayton. Mr. and Mrs Arthur cinnati visitors, Jo' riday. J . Mullen ...... .. 16 I ~ 43 42 59 at 10:30. 1'hi ~ will be a serv ice of erts has answe red the last roll call. Uavis and Mr . and Mrs. Bert Moon dpecial intercession to Almigh ty Gad Carey .... ... ..... .:.7 17 31 44 37 Th e churche s will bolJ se rvices I am th e only o'ne of the old guard and son, of Wilmin gton . Silb ........ ...... 2·' An ex tra reel at the Mismi the- for the directio n and guidanc e of 8 34 22 30 SunJay appropr iate to Armisti ce Day remaining to te ll th e sLory. I am attlr Thurst.!ay eve ning. ~ howing man- tho \'unfl're nce on Limitat i un of Ar· (Shur tterm - 2 to elec t) Last Thursday evening . Novemb er In the afterno on at 2 o'clock th ere stan dinl{ on the hrink, markinR time, ufal'tul crH righL grade Hhinilies. mamen ts. Sermnn texL: "N either Mill er ...... .. ...... :I-l 40 24 ~ B2 will be a mass meetin g aL 3rd. qu ite a numbe r of the member~ th e M. E waitinJ.( the summons. ~ hall they learn war ally mo re." Roger s, for Mayor . and BentSid 1';11 is ... ..... . tiO B ·lfi !l0 9 1 church and will be address J ohn l{obcrt9 wa ~ a gallant. cour- of the U. of A. and fri ends gathere d ed by Mr. a nd Mrs I-'I uy ll McKean and Com e Ilnd join with us in thiR ley , for ~Iarshal, lIad servicl! Allen D. Hole, of Earlham co ll ege. ageous soUier; he was not venture- at the home of Mr. D. N. McKeev er Arti cle VIII daught er, Martha . and D. L Crane of intercessiun . some nor rash. lout was co nsciou s at and fam il y, and gave them a surEasy Sailin l; B2 Foll owing is the program : For ....... ...... ... .1.i2 24 57 B9 were week-end visitors i'n Springf ield. -- - all times of th e immine nt danger; prise. To Aay they were su rprised Frillay, Armisti ce Uay - St. Mary's A!rainMt ..... -.... -17 10 26 27 29 Scriptu re Reading .. ......... Rev. Holt moving steadil y forward . We is pulli ng it mildly_ The evening Mra. Ora M e rc ~ r and lady friend, church will be open from 9 a. m. to Cong regati onal Sinlling Electi on day was II line day, but Article XI t ouch ed elbows was spent in danci ng and card playtogethe r in th o~e 5 p m. for private meditat ion and II. very light vote was poll l'd. The For ......... .. of Dayton , called on Mr. Vern ,.... .. 19 7 18 29 22 Invocation ... ... ... ... Rev. Cad wallade r long , hard marche s through lht' ing. Cundy. popcorn and apples HoulCh and family. Sundav afterno on interceHsion to Almigh ty Goci 10 so ~omen came out and tlid their dut y Al(llin st .......... Si nging- Quartet 36 lti 35 ~6 41 storms . slept toge lh er in the hiv ou- were se r ved, anu at a late hour the din'ct and gu ide the minds and the as citizens AddrE'ss ......... '" ....... .. Ali en I) . Hole acs of mud . but nOlwlth standin g thi s ArLici e XII , stood ~ho ul dC'r tll sho ulu - guests depar te t.!.lhal'ing spent a very Great hnrgain s in Millinery Hat s. h('arts of th e represe ntatives of the vote t.he total I'rayer for a Warless World was extr emely lij.thl. for ..... .. ......... 22 11 20 27 21 er in tho se awful batt les un th e hills enjoyahle eVl'ning . Those present $2 ~8 and $3 !l8. 811 192 1 1I'00l19. Fri- nations assembl ed in the Peace Con· Music A strife in town was put on about Again st .. ..... .. .. 3G 1'1 3:' and in the vall eys . wert!: Mr. Harry Shaw and family, 50 46 lJenediction ......... day and Saturd:lV. Urar.e L. Smith ference , that veace and good will a wetk 8K O. and .......... ... Rev. Holt resulted in some .. . . While I love to th ink of the Rill · Mr. Ray Mannon and 80n9, Vernon may lH' perrmm enlly established real old· time pol itil's. The Rtrife was I I he fol.lowtng ti cket was elected lantry of my dear co mrade. il is illY lind /{a lph. Mr. anu Mrs . Carl Heath, H. E Harner, who has been quite amung all pco ples of the world to the for may nr. mar~ha lllnd memhe rs uf n,t CorwI n: MII~'.or. B. H. Mills: greaLes t pr ivilege and pl casu re It , Mr. Marvin fl ay and family. Mr.Oraick fur lhe paat week with t.onsiliti s. glory of God and the extenHion of :lchool boarll, as well as for membe rs CI.e rk, Laura 1\1I-1-\Insl:' \'; Treasur er, speak uf 1.1 trait in his charact er that tie Sellman 'anu family, Mr. and Mra. IMM!GRANT GIRL is recover ing. and will SONl be able the I(inl!'clo lll of ou r Lord Jesus of the council . A few disg runtll1d VIOla I.brlan; Marshal, : Wm . Sc~uler; was mor e vital unr! fa r-reachi ng Ihlln !:len Smith, ~r. and Mrs. Shanolr, to b~ out again . Chri ll l. CO IIIO to the church nnll be lJoliLician8 we re not RBti .- fi ed with the CounCil, Nor MARRIES RIC,.I ton. illggs, Duvls. It any yet men ti oned - his great m Irll l Winifred. Betty and Leiter Starr, alone with GOtl. way things ..... ere going on in council , Mtlls, Moran and EVl:fha rt. courage. H is manhoo d and virtu e ~r Ih.: h and family. Mr. Coleman Itev . J. F. Cadwal lader wa.~ in and a ticket was put in the fi eld to were severely t e~ ted . We were su r- Jackson and family. Mr. John Lowry Cincinn ati Monuav calling on W. H . defeat t.he old m e mbe r~ . AnoLhe r round ed wi th lem plat io n. t'n nti tantiy Mr. Will Orndor l and family, Mr. Allt-n, at Belhe~8 hOdpital. He refaction gut suddenl y bU:lY Ilnd th ey, and no slIfeguarti H lIroul,,1 u~ , yet Frank J ord an, Joe, Raymon d, Hattie ports Mr. Allen g e lting along nicely. also, put a ticket into the Ii eld . t hu ~ John stood Ii rm a~ the rucks snd and Melli e, and Mr. and Mrs. Oilcar making th e elect ion a spiritl'd one. mainta ined a llure. el l!!lll li fe As to Mowrer . George Waterh ouse and Kenneth A great many p 'uplH did not vu tl' his bu s in ,-,~~ career. you a re acq uainYou may have seen lhe family Hough arrived :home, Friuay. from --for the Ri mple r e a ~(J n t hat they had ted ; a 10ng-l ife'lJ f a C liv iti e~ . retiri n,:: group that Th e Youth's Compan ion Kansas City . l'hey report a fint' t o write lllll,l uf t lie na lllCS 011 th" with the respecL and I:unfidence of has chu~ell for its symbol. It aptime, ar.d say that the Ohio l egion A very pretlY service was given by municip al ti cket. Nallies hau I'ee n pears his subord inutt:'s and 8 u J.l~riors . met with a "hand" at almost e\OOry on -Illl Compani on statione ry the Girl Scouts at the M. E. church, sent to th e county hoard . but foil ed and on all ComplllJion advertil ling In the la~ tlll "lllcnt when I turn to corner. laat Sunduy afternoo n. Fourtee n 'to rellch them in time tl' have them matte r . It typifie~ the id this noble fortn. revertin g back . . Lee Lemm on and James Gibbons ea that Th e , £' passed the printl:'u on th ' loa:lllt, l ~U ~ c au~ in R ~ornpanilln stancls for making an inventory of his achieve- who are lucatl:'d on ranches Cashier L. M. Hender son, "eortle girl s naving succpss fully the solidar· \ . in Mon· RII J BPI h ." ~econd I!lass. scout test., present ed the vuler tn dn Ivts o f wr itin g. ments, fil m ~ r at efu l for lI ur a s.~ ocia­ tana. wrote home last week Ity of th e famil y . In i ts ~to ries, its I e~h O' 'N' ~Ince'l aAni . t Ce MI~~e8 with badges by Miss Lacey, a sCali and I18Y "ollowinlot b th e un ollieiul count: M ar R tion9 an d fri pllll ~hi p . and proud to that they ur e well and enjoyin Ilr ticl E's. its conten ts generally. Th e lIce arey at· leader of Davto ea anc g life. F . I t d d th W I "t U ' . , claim him as llI Y ['o mrad e in urms. Mr . l:ilobons has recently killed n. l;omllanion s'pea k ~ to th e family, ani· our glr 8 a ~o en e e arr,en ",o~ n y. ali k (,OIU'OI{ATION TI ' I{ET e~ rt' ceived the medalR of merit. a association ut I' rankllll, rhuI'~day Whil e life lasts. I will revere tlte deer whi ch weighed about 300 mated by the lIpirit thllt draws pu• _ . _~_ pounde Jo'"r Mayor memory evening . of J ohn II . n. Ito hert~. rents antI children tog-etlH'r round 1.1 IIIllI says he will not starve as long as N <.; common hearth-stone. sharers in the S. Lev. Cartwri!,(ht . the venis0n hold s ou t. The weathe r T. I':. ROI(CrR.. ... .. ......... . ... ... ;,:: (if> Slim e duti es. th e sanw j oys, the sam e Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt and is ve ry cold . the thermo meter . regisW. H. Dinw iddi e .. ... ....... .... 15 I" asp irations . . New s u bscr i bor~ f or Mrs. Emma Barnett arrived home, When 5ix lt'c n years ol d. S"lIy lering arounu 25 degrees above zero. ::i. G. Juy ... -.... ..... .... .. . .... .. ... I" II t 9~2 will receivt:': Hu nter ca llle fro lll iJelfasl I,) 1\II'cr. Saturda y mornin g, after having ;c a with her p no r pnrc nt s. t\ow ~11C 1. . The Youth' " COlllpani on- G? isFor Cle rk spent ten weeks with relative s in ;.5 to be n·ta(ed 10 Ihe ", e: dlh y \ ·an · F. D. Hawke and family moved T. L l'ii'rce ........ .. .... ... ... .. . li!1 no ~ u es in dcrb 1 !J~ il! and lla vcene ),cr bend ,,·s. 2. New York state. They had a fine into his father's bungalo w on Main (hm her enarr; a~c 10 J Icrue r! ~ I . 2. All Ihe rernuinill )! iSRues of 1921 trip, going buth ways by auto. and street, last week, and Mrs. Ral'ah H arriman. son of the lair Ul i"er For Tr,,:llIn·r The Vantre.-ls-Sl. John public sa le niee weathe r prevaile d on their reo Zimmer man took the Bank 3. The Compani on lIom e Calenda r I fa rrilllan. an ll o n c of th ~ leading. flat va- J . Ii . Coleman ...... .. ........... .. IIi;, !Itj wa~ well Illlende d and the biddinghankers f or and 1922. capilali All sts for o tum trip . f $2 the 50. (oun· cated bv the Hawke' s. Miss Ada Irene, daught er of Mr. Fur Mflr~hal was very g ood for the times . The .J. Or includ e Mc Call 's Magazine. Iry. !!!'!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!~!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!!II!!!!! highes t-pricell cow LrollghL $ IGO; the alld Mrs. J . J. Downinlr, ' former res- - ---: - - - II!!~~~ K It Ben!l ey ........ ..... .. .. .... (iG 70 the monthly lIuthori ty on fash· ----- - .J . n. lIaill l's ........... ...... .. .... :'·1 :J ~' highest-priced h o r~e $155: totul ~ale idents of Wayr.esville, was married i lln~. 130th pUlJlicat iuns. only $3. fOO Ling a lilli e over $4,700. Aucti on- tu Mr. Edwa rd C. Pottsmi th, of DayFor Co ulll'il SCHN OPS GETS STiFF T ilE YOU TII'S COMPA NION, RIGH T TO JAW eer W. N Sears Ilid th e ~e lling with ton. recently by Rev. V. F. Brown. • W. R. Squir{'R ..... .. _.. ..... ...... 78 Gn Commo nwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Mrs. PoUsmi th will be rememb ered Ca rt wright allli O'Neall as clerks. R. A. Conner ........... . ...... .... . 61 li l Boston, Mass. by many citizens, as she has visited Schnop9, gr~:it W. O. Raper .. .... .. .. .. ......... .. G·l G,' N here several times. They will make ew ~uh~criplions Receiveel at thi s Geo Hart sock .... .. ......... .. ... f,() 45~. The ~i !lill i (luelle . ;$ 1. ')0 1\ ye ar their home in Dayton . Omce. . O. M. Ri,l ge ........... . ... .. ...... G:l n ____ • _ .• _ __ 11 . M. SherwOlll1 ... .......... . ... 43 !{~ ) The Mothtlr8' Club of the Wayne Township schools invites all women For Boarll uC l'ulJlic Afrll ir ~ ' the middleweight interest ed in lhe schools to come to W H. Madd en ........ .... .. ...... a9 ;37 chnmpionship the new Bchool buildin g on Thur ~­ Frank Zell ., .. ...... ... ........ ... :lI.i :i~ the canine world. day afterno on, Novem ber 17. at 2:30 Eo L. Shl'rwootl ...... .... ... .... ... :1tl 3" " • 1 ~ This meeting is held primari ly for He has been the ladies to meet and gel acquain ted taught to box- . TOWN SHIP TICKE T with the teacher s. Rev. J os. A. Pine" who ha~ been in Mrs. Elva Drake James. a former It N W SI\' NCur SCur charge of the ferry Christia n church residen t of the cOllnty, and for the For Tru stees for sl)veral years, recently resigne d lest few years dOing Mission ary work W. Cornell ... .... 61 33 73 113 100 his appoint ment, and acct'pfed one at in Porto Rico, will be presen t and Thoinas .. ......... 66 34 71 11 2 101 Great Falls, Mont., and left, la~t audres.'1 the meeting . mit t 5 Graham ....... ... 65 25 4!l 100 92 Wednes day, with his wife for that Jessie Robit2;er, Preside nt mastl!r For Clerk city, They will make the trip by Barnha rt ......... 62 33 67 105 B6 auto. . than Rev. Pine will be sadly mil!Sed by For Treasur er , his ronllreg ation. all he was an en· 8tlart1 ........... .... ~ 32 65, ]00 '8& ·thusias tic and. hard worker . He' brough t that churc.h up ' to' • hhth For Comitaille ·Geo. Ze·II .......... 1:;. ~ 6 ' '-80 27 standar d, and they Ihavebe en' doinlr The Ford Sedan found in the river a work at Ferry. Hia parish. near Prende rgast's baa been traced, Fo~ ABSe8B0r oners. aa well as his many friends, and the owner i8 Mrs. Darraug b, of Hlimilton. It is not known whethe r C. Burnet t ...... !) 3 2 a 4 wish him weilln. his new charge. the maehin e was stolen or not. . .... ... For Justice' of Peace OPIP<lllCQ,t'. cu." --S, G• .101 ... •..... 13 1 8 sa fll u. our Cl.-Illa I ~anH'





Council and School Board Fight Made a Spirited Election ·







--- -- ..









- ---

-- - -







d Ad. for results.


The Miami Gazette, Waynelville, Ohio.




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rOdi ,! " u t iu t.lli~ ou""uunl t u I", w tt It ~ I~ U II IhlUIl' p .. per l ,1 .. 1\ 111.. \' I ill " I I II I 1 1 ' 1,"1 1,\ :1 , 1' 111 01 ·1 WI\~ k . :-;"1111 V"llr ~ub.""il' l. lon Mr. GII)flt'~ 's hor l('!It t Hee I' PlIllh' t1 P1: · :- u ,I' 111 I, " 1111.'. 1 I 11I1 \ r 1. 1' \\ Ilq ' I ). LA CK L Ollth ,' r AuLLI (lontllle~ . th o MIIlml ti ,,~"'H Il lit .HIOU. p~'('tuntly. f or h (" WIIH pnrrll'u l nf"l,\' p n r, I HI\\ll 111" " f !. I I., I l' , , , II I .. Ir',,' c! ltP: l·»tl I'S I'S Illtttlll n' In Ih~ tHltllUwbe r n h o tweo n now " ulto,,1 11 111 1" :11 1 11,1 111 • ,) . ' ! I 1'1 ,. I" , ,\" .... II 1:1 ,I , .. I ...... \.uJ ., tllIl to fr"' rI cu!:s. A , f ill' hl~ ,',,111· bu n tltlw!! !In' clp w I{Rrn e r .~, Htnrs-n n', AN ·I'Ii:\.I-~' .. rtrlen lind \Iulry . "uillllug IltHI Co rwin . FlutlHr II/ tllI"O' lJon lon In (1 11'0 t r l"!'I s. nn ythlrq:: (' l lIllie 1\11(1 IIIIU\. l.dIVU \-\11 11 til l,. ~ LlIlI,LII'" ,II 1' 1\. JI,. I.!., ~1r1 pes tlpsl, lp down ." m o n t , l ~UUW " " h "ve tl I~ ­ roturn til U!l1I u lll oH. n~a "YIIH t';llo\\' 1!lIJ.:t lty \\'~II "hut'9 to wh leh w ,lultl .ern! to lIulllfy tl 'e "" 'IWli e h ,wt:'I'l"l(1 ttl, 11R S~ fill{l r onrf't ' nt u lUul It~ ohl ru~l lI t. ,' r e (\ mulo .llluoy IH"' \l'l lt lilt', (;11 •. I alll' t ~tlt nn PR S ' In g a t hi s I nt erTlul e('on I'll I)' would I'of\ ~e1l8 n lll\'M~l'tt , who WitS nt Ihl' Rlntr "~~ Lnd No. \:'2ts1H - whu.,) '-ellJ,:"r I h:t' I1"'1,', IIfl' I'll he h,·.·I, tln u ll'd Wt'Jpnmc, rnl'l" IIJtw l! 111'0 j ' upt Hl n ,,' h@e l. " Stnrb ourd your h ~ llII .. SQun rp(lulU wu ~ Ii WOlldo.r of pllrleotlun Itl Sct'nggs dl,1 nut r~nflll)· r ~pl)' 10 ~!r . nn' ,kull oI'·")!!:I'.1 Ir I filII f o r y"ur he nd. n on'l he n hnld or h,' r. We' re Sherma D rrn nflr ill II pJlol n ted Ild- H!~", (lolur .. OIl 1l1!lktn~ qUI1I1Lt8l< . Mllliona H ave Leprosy . Ollenor's eo!utnt lnn . ~l d;un\1Y rI~, ·Ic I",1 ("lI fl ' Jltlll' gltlllt' , Ill Y ~t'll. l a in ' , Inylu' rain' over th e re an ' h oo k on to her. i:"It\!'i t~ /l n d nt fll4'lr OW II rr.." , milllHtrCll o r of Ihe e~b l.e uf NIUlOY J . Her UlltII IIUUl!cflnrl ,1"'"1 were f qual OIY ~I'lr II II II Il' (t) n I\ I I P fT'nlll th e In 'i [>f'C ' I' I ~ ,· ... rlll1l1t l"l,f IIt:ll tlt.'I'I'· "I'l' : ~ . DOO, .. ~'ntUllr. <Ieollullecl. lioo,1 I~OU O . " \\' Ifni '\,;': II I)' 111111 " lInti !'I t' lL I : " f o I 'e mor e t' fIl l'hlll k Iliid tn t )w Pt")llI t, I Ihoul<1 .• ny 8h! I~ 8 pi ck-up I" Iy Kro'n t If you h ~ 1t 6 VU In IHlf"d I (\I'S nil ' !lllIy l ", 1111\1' III,\' r kkf't hoo k ( II N\ 1"111'1''1 III tli, ' H OI !'I" . ur \\l lorD Rl hd t In R j o kll1!; "ny. Mr. OII1(1I'Y had nhrllclIl!'c! us II pi lIy, y,'u OCln urlv" milt, .. ~<l lIre,,,1 &u (' aplnl l l Sl'rll~:: (,; slL!"ItI 'd wllhllU I :.! .I K MJ .HOO urf' 111 C'II I : I:I t Cir,)i UW H.'" to b l'oI(' '' " Hurry lip \\ Ith th ~I ' ~ •.t:')..::'i. :"k l'n~~",.'1 rol e and It Slim ed COtlltnll(1rl of the S. 1'(llltl lJlI! 1I1 1t! 11 11' III ' W lIlut l' Hlld ~I'I\ ~ RI "t ru .. ~ · LII'\ ( bu Ii . 8 .. " oh, Hllr Marriage Ucensu. "E1 1I 1lIgll "r thl t! ga lt," ~Ir , Ul hu('l h e rum b l ~d . "~ I " It n' ,; lIo's wnlk"rI S . Ma rgie. With the tIl e lll o ry of n 11 11"'11'''''11 IIpPI ' III 11 '" 1111 ,11' !'!lI.m:tIIIP ' '': V,'Yllltn f l:. t )lI lu. ~I ~ - tf U u rr .\' II uru .. u , f Ilrm e r, 1311\ n a tw sler d o wn frotn the rlt )· IItl ' "" ,' r e huner)·. rO llr!'d . "~ I r /lutl" lIt '" 1,. l'xhIl U!ol t ct l. Icant brp . krR~ 1 upon 111111. ho "'en r . II'" \\ 1t1lt' ... .: I ·="". :\f r . n l hlll'.\' l !l t' I'\' Ujlun li n I Mi HII Ednll U . Ruhl e, Morrow . ----~ -...,=-." ,..-~ JII\\'n D. n lll'l;rrf"llr r',1 "1\,, H lIelllt" " 1 11 1 "1I~' l lr " tI 111 1' J'I IL ;.:n1u' t o tHIn: ('ftplllin SCrA"g8 was ~ tlll h nrs h n nd f, ' l tl~l d Ti d..: 1''''111'1111 1'.' PII I '!' I' In l" I llp I do llars for my 1I (JI'N lt ('. 1.'1'.1' IlIlnv I It 'IW1' If I hlt' t · til 11 ,1.: 1.1 r'lr It. ~II ' UII' bltler. Rl o hllrrl IJ . Flh:plll.d o k. furtlle!'. fll dl'!H p" .. ..;lhl , ' ("11 1111'11 1'( 11111 • • \\'/'Il l' l ll' d FOil SAL": Hil i" ~t: I.'~ I1hnltl'd Ih ~ ~ II ',lflll' r ~l lIg.,::l\! hnrtl, ScrngR~Y. 1 \\, lI n t SOIUf'lln' An,1 MIll" AliOl' Klltllt,rinll Cn rn utt. "011 out o ' my pilot II"II"E' no ' Btl It hi 1\ p l l" ' t' IIr tl nf,,11 "WII fl" ) 11I " II l1tll silt' ":, 'IS lou /' k t .. FI' I ~ l."+I t tlW II o r 11011 ,1." ,y here Ihe poli ce ('8n flll ~ Y"u " 'I,CIl pnd,/I L: lOr t"I'll" ('( I, t tl l ,r ll l""l It rrpm h,l th ()I '1'urtlllc r ol/ k 'I'IlWIlHUII' "(:el o tT III)' shi p. yMI marM rln' 1'1- tlll t II \\ 1"l'l' tttln l 1\\'I'rl"'Hnl iu t l (l h I· they come look ln' t o r ~· O\l." he 111 '4 ~J III \,:I. ru (' l~t'd Ir 111 II I ... dH' t'h nnd HiohIU(\ K BUll oo k . vet.llrlnury (t'rim fly t ill' Wt'1L: lit IIf 1I 11 l uhl'rs. An' OI!:LJHOl)M :;ulttl of ~ plllO" "; O!1U rqt PR," R('rfl~g6 ~('r"'lI lll f' ft. s creech e<l . "Don' l you 1iI'-!! no orders Wl1h II ~ 1 J,: n tn r ~1t'(; lJfrt ',\' Til fullo\\ .. ud 1It1'" Frledrt. Brlldley, both o f liD HOIID a l. Will WIJ\tll'~ rtltii " ;-;01 till w e· '·~ ,·t;· th ,' prnct lrll l- tf UIl Y 1111111, u r :"0 1'1 I I ' rllul,· I,l l 't'd o.: ttlHt to my dl'ckhnnd." h lll1, :--:tlll'l(ld rrnwltrqr II\pr tilt" ta r~n Morrow . culls t1il' in"(''''C!i 1I 1t' 1I, IJj !'"(\ fuulbh ti S dllUeo. till l u rUIIY. n2a cmlMON PLF.AS COU RT mfn rlt,.·t1 en ~lne t·r r(·lt'rll'<l. "RYt\n tlw n "Slow II. yo u tla ~. Yo nfl N' s a pnUl. oft. II ,. tiel' t It,,(, II,, · ~IH g~ll' WII ' Ralph Dllvtd tlornor. Ilibo rer .. and we \\,on' l ~N 011'. ~I " lin' Illb nlll ' l t o tr y 10 t.,,' J(' t t1~ fr( IJU tlll ~ p Hc la~ t I but It'll r~ \llre Imogm nt!oD to win It i w lt ilin ;1 hlln, tt·,·,1 Yllr" ~ fit tlo p fll " New Suilll. Millll Mnry CssWIIIl , l",tll uf FrCluklln E.l t rll UOOlI l"qullre PI .. uo 10' gol oilY (p,·t le rt . R r l·II ~~B . I r WI' Iln,1 tllt' n 1111 I gu l t o ~ n~' I s Ihllt t lll·y'n'" . ~n.'·llllenlly you n pNI A.lelbert P. trt ' =,,"!"l'1 1 1tll l' It nn tl \\' H ~ r nr chln.,r l"1 1,\\l y 1I"le or LrliU6 lur Jtlrlltly oow " t rltll,,· w lt ll "l·lltli. I !:l't til )' Untl ' lefl. ttlotln ~I . B llv(1 \'~ .1 ,,~ . nn,\ NeUl£l to Wllik 1I110 t h.·r sh' P w,,',1 he rrlppl, '<\ t,fll"k \\'11 rd f\ltd f (l r Wfl r rl het,)r t' IlI 'r , r.n tlll ·Y h i -'lI ur l oIl"' IIlPS ', I r .\ 'I\ r're con · f1flU t;tllrr vlotrulu , II11llutJw . t.ade l ' U .Inult''' . H"pl h" ill IIu,1 d"m>ge" t o r lite. Fry my e~~ ~ h n ro. I tl'lI ~ '-I' ll It 111)' f. ·('1 Is 'Ill th e tr lt z. tl'llIltl ;III II' h f lHld ll' ull r" I hllt hn r k, "I n nil lilY I'''nl dUI'S," ' I\wth ~Ir. Real EIItate Tranaren. Ford touring our ~' r IU" L Mlilur, R(, r'Jt~ ~"1of , " !It' ('on t IIHI N 1, uu ' It· yo u tl mllunting t· , fl')\·O. you ." (;Ih lll'~· . 'p~I1k'IIJ~ n t rltle th l('I( ly Iw ~nll l-.I IJ ' li l' l' illtu ~ll n F I'III1I 'I "' (.' q hllY, [l ll' n~~ L.ytll" Dooker til L.onlo M . •Iewell . Wu YUIlJlvill ... Uhlu . "Tlt18 Ie plrncy, men. It's robb(' ry • tll rt n flytl il llK I'll hug )'l' U nil' your 11 11,'1111' 1lt ·t' fo r I t' n tho ll~ n lll l till lllll's' Wi I Ii II ttl B,Ioll n v~ I 'bilill H ilI uo~ 1"'I1\1 !'i(' fi t 1 h p I tI (, lIl1H'l l t. III h l~ 1I\0\1l h , I X 'Icres lll C leuoreelt Twp, ' 1. on tltP hlbh ~rn". tin' J rnn pitt ~' Olt "I n"Vi'!' gOI slJch n wullop u ~ ~f'rng).: s ~\J r tlI 'J u oy . l"HI\ lt L.:t', YlIlI JIll' ~I HC II TI' Tilt! ~qunre, LLl£l'H- - 2 d " zuu pure . \)r(O,\ .\1argllret Ilud l'hOmtl8 H"yhnru &0 o,'er th e r ond t or It ." SerngIC" worn Nl hn tl,l~ cI 1I1f' nn' Y') " last nl~ht. I Ilo u't 11'011 (1 H,. nlllflril VII R. ti . ,)I'ffry . lli 'utl 11"1"1 ' 1111\' " !-:ullcd tills. ~ trlp o· Bllrr od ,took l'ullel8. Inquire of R"obel Drenen, il ,loreK in ( : Ienr ofeek th em. "W hn t's more, I'll Ih' It." t " rl;N t hl tll'" I I I< ~ t lttlt III a hltrry_ ~' u r III UlI l'Y 1I!Ili wli,,1 t:"u s t 1011 I illl~ I" /.! "fh ~ r t o qllarrt!1 {I \,t>r .Ir~. ,I o hn Rlu" , It. U 5, Waynes . Townshlll, fl. "Th e ('j!'!(S. 8 r r Il I11=9Y." b tIIpd lItr. l\'ow thnl WI' ~"t r vll1 ,l h'u t ll," o· t il .. EIH o l" M . b:" L,11I VS LIIIIIlII Edou. till' Ii I''' ' g.''' d P"W(I 0 ' 8n h 'I\ ":" W I..' e ve r vlllo,Oblu. D2a Olb n~y. "the ebbs." Oranville anti Lv!lt" D80k o r dlnrgp t" (lInin · Rgl1ln It R. 1'111 url,I ,, ' F.,r J)8rt.ltl , 1t1 f \l ll I lIln. ('IIlItt', ~rrnJ.:'~ -;Y . Itl'ltp(' \' llt, R ll it a n itoltr IlIler. 8 M I hl' plr"tPs, Rn o hel Orenen. 10 tlrrl's in C lollr. tt l J!i'\t f; 111" t o f tl l( ' M fll!~ If' nn' h l'r C I"'t-'\\ : f u l')..:!'t rl lt.~ 1' 1I~ t , un ' let's dl~ In t n.. I1 " rtllr- s"w ml (ItI k 'l'y Of'wrlh. r reple l" with pr oYl' nd e r. Rn t dlln ~llng oreek Town~blp. If k illd ir ''''1 ·1 01T 11 11 or you t· Jt"tlll'r." lo U oak . 511,awllr8 Oln ".oh sid e. th II' dnm n)(ed und"rpln nlllll O\ e r the ~l I1IIH:S w ll h th~ l'Xl ·( ' ptl, ) Il. ~ nr, of , Proc(\t dinir8. L:lmunoey J . MlHdlR t o Maq!ftlfllt T I I ~' Ill' \\' n:t\'I/o!ll tln J! otlh't' r lirt'w II..h lr ~ IIIl O" :I~X r)() IU OItO!! A I "rlCllln; HtE'rn f1l 1Jt llJ,! \ \ ll er ...• Ihe K'''ll lh, W1\ \' 0-your 1I1 1 "i'\'dl' n \\'\'I'~, w,,'11 : o wllII u n' til I I n t h d CIl~ E'I o f It' ru.nk Uny V8 'rhe Itid!(e, lo t In L o b"uOII, ('1111111111 !"k nq';Luol 1I ~ lde It I III w hi:o' l ft' l't·d O Ol lll U /tlUI EUt' II . U. 1'. F, tto r,WIlYleu In~ d und (",ole (! t hr ill, ('ul'tu ln thut t'UI'II 1111' l'hll " ·:,, I' . ~"~Ht:~': ( ·i n r.i I1!HI H . D"y\o n rrn,llion Co . III lei" ' ·1))': "~ l lI ke II lIl ' \\'I th tl )l ' s~ .huu es oud NliDUi u il'lr oH t o U~t1 n e Hvtll tl , t Ib lo. nl8 Scrngg8. II r'·,lIII l'lIl1 lerl Ly tlce n e w nnYInn (' )( III I,III11n of re ul " ,11 11 1'1 1.1 11 11 11 , I'lnlnl.l II 11"'''1'(1,,,1 ' ;,7~ 00. :-': IIIII I' t A lcd.;s, ~l·I ·IIj.!)!S, 'I'll. ·), 1.;1)t It vu I:lotehlullon. "hri ul. •i ~ fl O r tl~ in Tu.gat ing: on\l'~r, 111(" n (' w enJj:lll t"'tl r. nil " li S, I ll il It \\'~, l'!1 1l .·t"lud YI}\1 11 11' li ll i , . Rl·ntlllll" IcI I'." .) 10 Ih e nfl ~tl " f .Io hn T . tiflr\)ine,.lr . tl e croek 1'0wnHhip . t:t 8t~ n.l n rd C o l" nv Oro,,,lor, l!lrK8 'l'heS(IUu r,·h('n ,l. ,'lItile uft . Th e c rlp\ 'l l t :--t'll • .:\1,.{iull·(')' II lld (;1111 1('), U \l'J' "W lcnt' " ti l!' hlg Idec ?" M, ·f;ItO·,·)· VH JIl ~ W . nn'\ !.PHIII Tnyj o r . 1'11110Imo:e SIlU u ~tI\ l une yIHH . InqUIre p!es look d UP. SlInl'y r rl ! h r lr SII(·f· ,·Sttl tiH' hlll"k. y u u l'an I!t· ( ~nll l e snll lin rI '·I " ",,, Ic ·,1 clllltl "u,l y. I ltT t\wnru tld I-II H.:IO . of M,lry F Bro,", u , WIlYlle"vllle. Commi ... lonne· I·rocttedln~. aors In ofll !'!'. IIn,1 tnunrl Ih,.' .I~ht till' "Wil y. W· _,,, tl icC I' In f1m",·,,·r..1" '1' 1111' ,,1111 1 \\ It h tl ,,· \\ Inel 11 ,,1,,1 11' . Iu 111>1 (" 1 ' n o f tlt e Ht\\t.o o f Ohi o n 16 t rom renss urlng. nlt~ un' ) '011 AI1' £1 0 111 nl1 ti lt' f.:u l vn)!c , n s tiln ll g , the ~[ Ilh'J!le ('all t uw hl' r 11 11 BIllA nllowod : C . W . Huiuoll Slif e Oblo. ,, ~ 'V"l t"r Pi . h",·. Altnn F . Brown "l'~ c nlreoily orllerell you t wo (or O ll r l"t: I Y ,~~ , ,. ',,11 wIth ~('I'fI~~ R n il' and L ook Co, olotlninll 1\ ntl rnpair rl ;.: tr t." 1:4 "PIl Llltlt(',1 1·0 A ~A i"t Prosoouting AUTOS-I I?o nl lIeda n. prllotlo tramps , olf'n m y shill." S"rng!(li he)(tl n the ~l nJ:~ lt~ fi n ° , " ut I1(loW II In t(' III I' ~I )'. r:lloney ~n w Ill' lit l' h,,!,,,ful. ,,·pn ing Treea8nrllr ' ~ ~,,' e , $I r. ; W . d. A tt n ro o y . lilly now ; I Ford touring oor, f ortll nll y. "un' I hprcbr. III th ,' pn' spn~ ln l'f" r , 1'm o lTon "'m f Ctr 11ft''.'' tltllDoge Uo, supplies. "to; Cliff ctJ ll lll n~, Illuk tl lHt 1('al"'l '1I til ~1'1'1I::r:S' Mnr g Jlro t, t ' h t1~n lrliIl A IR nppnloted .IH",u.nl1, IIIb0r /tnd IIUppltUM. IIH; with win IeI' I.op. Inquire of W. A. !'tlce o' r eJi llblo wltn esG!'~. l'('I)(' nt s tit" P()I H~y ... d ", 111 1 I'x l'i tl'llll'n t tlll ti lllt r r ' (\\'I '!4 (t lil l t ilt' I 11'0 11l"'"1 \\' II~ a t llful t o he ,,"urt c'oll" ltll,l" ,Iurillg Ibe o .. ~o of F. S. l;lltIpSllO, o o ntrnot.. f 85; WuHe ll Snrfaoo, R F D. fi, Wllynesvllle , Inv Itati on. You n ln't wflnt ~. I ; you r ('~ t , B. ~' t' GtllTl'r, E ~(l lIlt' . , . .,: r l1 n t! tip, f; .. I \t'd \\ II IHH It fl '(' tlU r :-l(' til (I k ( iIlIlH"Y 016 l'OOru'S pr(.lfcrrc'] to you r clllll l . . ·ny. HU ' nll<l with 0 s ln j( k' twl .; t "1",,1 lil A r il l' Ilt o:-i t·"tIJU r !)hiu " B U"u"fordPurvI8 & James, repairs on trnoko, ,1 :H.ti;\; OhIo. 11II1Ig-lnli t Iltll , "I Il l' n' ~o l n 'd t il 11(' 1I 1,'n h, s tnyln' II tllltlU lc 10UgH. In tl ~ n8t1 cc nn.' c onI. R t,~ s tll r t ~ roll",..., ,!. lI"Ih Bllrrl'tt Uo. tarvlll, t~OG.54; Halton III HI lI'lt I'l'mll t hlm "'lf to l'" CIl ,,):11 1 o' my ordl'r s . you ' re l>1 )·ln' )"onrsp lyos ITCHEN CABINET. Illqulreof 11f' nOI ) (;11 11\(',\' \Y~'rc nll'l\ IH'~' Iil l nll~ 1ron W o rkB, 8upJ)ltelf. 129 73; Chu out fl ft ttl l ' " 11(1 of n IlIuh, ""'ell, Prubate Court Proceedinlt8. li able t o II ch nrge 0 ' "Imc.v ." Mrs . W . •l_ alikllr. Waynee(Iwl r !oIhtll's lind s nc·l\: s . Til !-;lIp nll t nf W. GlAndorf, rent. 11&0; truoklng. Scr:q''::J;~Y 1" lip t1('II1HIII h.'d. Fr" nk J) ~ l l ll u r, Cn '! J . Miller n2 Mr. Gi b ney corefu lly lul,1 his pipe tlh' lr r,III.\11 dtln~ll rfo(' p "'n ~ tllfl wllr\.; 170; Mrs, Alloe 8hliWIt"O, rent, fIG; ville. Ohio . "] ~lll\:';S 1 ne,'d So u I n my hu ~ IIl {' RS , IIl1lde and Siood up. H ~ WitS Quite fin fir nn In ""l nllt. HI rn('lplll~ th pl!' ltpH f! nnu II0 wllril N ull 111' 0 npJlolnto(1 ap. VlmC"mp Stone Co, eupplte8, 12ti5 (:th . YII II' r l.! 1"1~lit HIl' 1'111 ulwuys I'rC\i'Hlr~ ' ,f Ih o os t"tu of Nan ny J hupo»log spec la cle In II IH 110 1'" fcct. 44; Wiggins Stone ond 8and Co:. rov Ii:S- 2 lllll[ Beating Bt ')(t'8, \\'I'CJtl~ . Ir s II flt l' t. J nln't gu t n O nrntlnrl Ih ~ lr "'lIlsts to hold lip !I, plr w ith his IrOUM£lrs roll ed up t" leis ~"o lll rlmwers . tile worthy flnlr BII' fll' ,.. 1 tf·' Frn.utir, Ut 'Cf'lIlt4flJtL ~UPJllt !l8, U 02 : JOI' DaVIe, lIxpro88, I~ nnd 11Ilnoh . Inquire of W. 111M\' In"l~tlnntl"n t llnn A h ick e n." 1:1 . c. HtOWf\, W .. I Allen and k n r~~ , thprelly reveu llu ll leis sClule l '1.21; Th08. Cor\\ln, oODtrllot,1169: L<llbo ll, W",yneav ll1e. Uhlo _ n2 tl", rull or Ih,> MII .I:.l:le. "S p" k pn IIk c n 1l1U1l-1 do n ot think . n:lII nel u n,le r ,lrnwers. " -llh 11 ~tl il e d "Hl'Y . Ihprel' \n wre yOll !;nln'. (;110 , Un vid ~'ry 0 II rA (\ plJ o ln t.OI IIlPJlrtlisers W 8. UrllhllnJ, oonlrBol, 1:;98; 81lme, f; c rJlra: ~ . fo r Cltlce In m y life I hnrc ~.,.onn. M rtl llA'e)· I' s~ Ittl ,1 ~ I "," I I,(,s lde )·011 whl ' r ~ th e hnlr Is shol'l. rill I g l"e l'(l! 1 th nl c lpnrunre pnp(' r on u f t.l1O ostlito o f ,) " hu I: Bllon , ue. lahor , $26.85 ; Ralph Lewis, pay roll , DCKEREI.8-WbIW Rook Cook_ 1>la par tne·r. olhl ~ I r . (al nl ey ~ I .. ,k e; ,153 au; W . 8 . Grllhlim, lobor, 1106 .. conrlltl o ll rhn l y OIl WII$ In I~ II Ill ': h ow cO " ~(jd . w lttl ll' to di g In nil' h elp o ut In 0 orlll~, Fi"hel strain . • 2.00olloh. " Sl·I·HIIIIS. be rc u,rm nhl{· . \\' 0 nln' t I Tlt e will o f -,A lioe Go tl g~r, deoellsed 80 ; Z!\ln Armitage, sam 1'. 1582 80; Phone 1:J2-1 Y.. · Mra. U. P. EllIS. to An h ·n .l:c thut tllpr p hnrk. " p llll'h . bttt It's gettln' so me nn' Mo e look.ln' t or tro\lh lc: n n t h CI'l llIRC we "I'm jllsl IIhotit In lell Y0tl . Sl· rng~ •. Is IHlmlltod t o pro bnto . Uregontll BrlugeCo., ~uJlplle8. I 6.41. WHynesvllle. Uhlo . rllll't Irus l yo u n o 10 a re. We're thut n2il elon'l r eli s h II. t o r wo ,10 II h .. re fI "I'll Hug You and Your Crew to 1, "'1')" o t Y"" we ",,, n't t ri k e you r 11'01'<1 Yo n dOtl 't louph n thln~ nl ","rtl thp ,·oUI,le o' grAh _ ! ~ C""Cl'nt(·,I . IItl t tor I 1I(1I j! .l:1~ . YOII IPA'" h pt· ntlt "t It (\fl fil l' n ot l,IIl·. Rlt lce you ro" lt'u him o n Oe a th ." the slu11'1l' r,'H"O tl lle ut wt' 1!I,, ·t 10 the . tl n' I)-. \-n u j ll, t JIII " I' O\',' rh onr, l, Ilk. · til n ew honer lin' me on the pnillt; he.t (.' (, (lIHlItl oll to l 'I 'Cel " ... It. al· (Tl'W tu dl 'lI th , 1'111 n rlp -r OHl' ln ' gr1z- (·" U,('q IH·lItl.'·. \\'e' r~ otT me nn' ~I nf' will In n j lrl')·. swim 1" · " 1' an ' this I hongl, It yo u f nn'e It O il us IV,,' II do zlJ il l 'll i ' 1I1It'f' 1' 111 !-Olfu'tl'(J nil' there's ~n lrn!;.. j" b II lllpRM )' OU III\'e 11 9 n clpnrto Ihp "nrk. r lltnh "h" nrll. ntld ~"II " ur beNI . t f ~·(l 1I r-ilu r k li S nlf thc' ~I itg- I "111'11 n tl el ll!: "" eI,·lvlll· It tllnn to d es- OI1('t\ In \\T ltlu' , !'"t nr1n' thot w e lire h(1r In to ~nn Prnnd ~('n }.ny . \\,1"'11 ~e an' f t'I'('(I- u s tn \\' 11 1\, h llC' k til !-inn I 1,1'1"111"10 . " no t nn' ne ,' pr Wit S p lrut e, . thnt we're y 0 1l ,:!f't rh{'I'~ yo u drop nlH' ll o r n il ' rllll Til l' Idll fT ~\' II1'I~\f'd I ( ' lIp1al n .S('rllggs l.."ootl , In''' ' lI hldl11 ' rltl1.em~ nn' nhonrd 1'' ran cI8t,i, w f:'r('l J.:"l n' I n itp I"('pol'ted It 11 fl l\\" ~ w n rlc " H f' ,:r IIlI IPt! hl'n nd , tll l 'IlI' d tn Ids l'ptalllf' l'''l II 11ft wlttl n th (· lt HL!l!it' 1I~ '~' ollr K 1H,' ~ t s. tuldn ' the us m l~f;ltl'. 1 10111'~t. 110\\' , S r rn):~8 Y, h' "n l~ " ()' tli t'!'oIl' hrl~ht (In\'s, ~ fTIU!I-:'~ . .. 1(1 ~1 1 ' t" , wln l1 l · r. yt.lll UIH ' t g,du' to I ('f1I l d"'l'I' lI dllll! 111111 I lu h'l'lInl SUllie • t rip lit ,,"r own rl ~k. "-h n y" u sl j!1I \~'ll"1 1 111 1' ' 1' 1' :\l'Ie I ~ Jll o.: t ~~' :llIi "'III ' In "I\ny>,. I(·t·" ~I\· e tilt' <lumb "n ell It I lI lJwr. with ~' (! lIr (' r ('O w tor wit ' IlI lIr" on liS l!l'rf" o lo n e with the '-e ,,~ / ~ 1I 1": ,.n l y:Ij..~· " 1111111 1'.\ ' . d r o p 1Il'I I tlud :41 SI ' " U fi f CH oi . tI ,,·lt· ,1\\ Il Wil Y. It th!' )' 10 ~lst II PS"' (· ~. I' ll d4'I1 HlIIto: lrat l' huw that bnrk tlt hlt' H, Hr t' ~' ou "l" All ' WI,'II g l" ~ yon n k kk In th l' fncp . My Im ol(lnutllltl's " YOII 'I nne me dirt. Y ou Quit rue I UpOIl 11111 i ll ' r l1 l'l"l l ,}(' IIII "':-'(' !'I!'\lun ' 0' my ('un 10" " d.-nle,·d. Fnrl'w l'll. ~· n ll hO<lh8." ntlel hl' dove Ah l p o n Il le hll.!h :--1': 110, \ . tll f' I"("S only one , 1{'th'I"1I JIl~' rl'p l1t n t l nr~, Sr rn J::g~y, un' ,·o ld·. nil Ul i t. Tw o ,'lin 1'1uy at Ii o\'('rilllllnl. tll rtl' ~nll IP au.' p\' l' ry nnll l ll ll ~ t ho\"e . 1lllillP f' ,I· tle e (> 1-I"k- ' "I ' I lI ut'_ plrll cy, J ,, ", 't "" r ldn' It t v r no thlll 'I " "'I'll -In. " ~If'l1 111T1"- r l'l e ll III his tnn" i ;11. , 111." tlf\n r t , ,,~,, You ' r~ tile mo,qt 1,1. ~.y . TI, ls Is my dny . lah . !'Icnt I" , 1111111.:1111" 1. , lJ~' Inil i c ill ' r r (\l!1 tht, ynrd tnll 1.llI /ol fnl ...... t to \'1)11'(', II1lt1 rnlluwcd hIs IVlldc t' IlIto Ihe brlllY ,le' ·I'. "l'l' r s'l\ully ," ~1 c n uJrp.\' unnquoc-ell p rIll . W l"l1 J II"t I"t ',·,, 1 "lll)' uhon rd ~~'II ... ltl \'(1 11111 11 r en' r Ruil e ..l with . t Tn h e cnntlnutt f 1,,' oillerl", . I' ] n t'C'fcr t o lilt: atlOtt rt.l the UII' 1111'11 ' I 'm ""1 '1' III " 1(' po l lr'e whpn ( 'lI n 't .""" tll k~ R little j ok e ?" .. "" ..... I .. III' tn l' ,' n li ttle j"k e_ It· ~ ---- ---llutt (,OJl!'lglIJ)}(,l1t 0' yel?"

l )pst · lwlt ·~ ul lllll fl l

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~llIr""nrd lln l'h n r out: )'urd s hrn l'('t1 It h!l x; r oy n l ao ' tl)· ,g f\llnD'·8'l~

I. tI :l lI !


~ I', I h


































We have twenty thousand feet oJ


fl u> h i ;!


t li nt Ht lck In my

SAPOLIO, Finds countless uses in the kitch en. It cleans cutlery. kettles, tim. porcelain, china , earthenw<lre, lin o leum, 0, 1 clolh. refrigeralors, tile, marL ahe1ve8 and floors. See til. the name SAPOUO is OD every package.


ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS (X). Sol. M .. nd'uc:'.....

New York

Us. "-


... - -

e nlW

lin ' R.lltl.· my fl' lr · n r,.~hl p. Glmme R tOlIl ,t"ln Iwn nn' n Ipnf out 0' thp l o~ h, .. ,k nn' I'll flrn", \1)1 the nrry<lA~1t for y our s lgnnttlrr,"

SntJg!;>' "(lI1I I'II NI precl pltnlely with thi s r pqlleBI, wh~rl"upon )(1'. nlhnl'Y Bpr,' ntl his ~ro'llt h\1lk over Ihe chnrt ('"",, nn, 1 with tnnny n twi st nn" flip or hi. l o nlnle on Ihe up nnll (!O'nl 8Ir"I,I"'. pl'O ,ltl CNI this remnrknhlo doc1In1('lIt :

T ides O llipose of Sewaae.

In U i lSlpl1 ulld 1Il:11 1j' lee

'UII :-: I II Hlltlllll

p lr llll ~ ~ II f " \H.: h : nlld hl' It

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0 111(''' l'tlII S!

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If you are In need of Oak Lumber for any purpose,



Inlf tI(l,,1 ('urrents ho ve dey!'I " I" ·'!. li efore tht! turll or tIl e tllIl! !'ltl' toO '\\"ngo hU N hc en ('Urr1~d S(l t:lr th,\! It hA S I)~ r om e lu l x f! d \\ II II li n i ltlnil'lI~ I' I,pdy o r \\ult! r

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"AI 1;1·n. orr 1" ,lnl MCln t nrn . " ul )(Jll rcl :::. !'I. Mo gl-'I,'.



fll s p lI~ ul

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"June 4. Ill--. "This Is t n (·.. rtl f )· tl "l t A. I' . 01l'1"'~'. E SQ .. Hnll I\ lIl't ~I ' ·<; l/ O· . ·.'·. I·;' Q.. Is IHwnhtdll1' !::l 11 1"'I' i1'" o r llit' 1 ~. S . A. niH'

here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these logs into fencing BO;J.rds and JOIsts, and are selling same at a very reasonable price .

II l1 d

- -Better'n


n m dt.'n 'l1

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\\-'I H'II 1 \\ 0 11 1111' Ir is h tlll,\" ."'i :Ist.: 'd a III IIU t · !t 'l· 1 r\( ~ III Ud llll\! fur n r ldl " ~ l lI' lUIl)i:t· tI Jill •• thf' Ilpfllrn~tI d l l't y '-nt "' s nlld ('nuld ,,', l't · ~ls t. " ' hila dl' i\· III,.! : u til t' :i I I" ·' , ' 1 (II t·y hu d cieRIg-.


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ttllt ,·" Ih"y Sil t I"' .. ,- ,T II.'· s tili wllh fu clt s nd slrn l)!ht nh e ll ll, !Jut when tll CY got out s he hCllI'd Ott!! ~a y: "O ~ e, I Ihlll's be tt e r'n rldl,,' 0 Ice wn gnn • hnln ' t It?"

e ~'l' s









Ash and Hickory Log8


.The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.

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A REAL BARRIER o rd er to uooo mpl irill w b llt htl h ,," ill h und. IIn ,1 o fl,(l o Hul'Mnrihor~ nre W U'l . ,Io rill g wh n t h ., i ~ tl ui n g whim llf' puIs out Ii p uper w ith HU littl o reno!. Ing ,." alt e r io It . lJ l t o ntlllloH It iH n o t lll" lault., fo r t ho r eliHon Owt t h " 1I 0WI! Ie nM I,h l' re to give-lit "tlt u. tlm o!! h e flU' Y bo 1)(18Y li t sOtll othing f\ 1~e. I\nd. in n WI\Y, tl ol( l(lcts t,h l'

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:\I"bllck le, hi s wife and his a lleged \' ic tim, for whose dea th Il l' \\'111 to s ta n (1 trial for mans la u g hte r. lite case wi ll take p l<1c(' Lllis 11 1f)ll t ll alld wi ll b e bitt erl y contested O il a ll a n .~ lc s

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"hiy ed here. i:5 uncl ll'y. anti t.h o , ;\] :tllgn II r a8u ltH wer e f "vor nhJe 10 o ur Ill n e ' 11,IV Oil NIr. 111 . 1I··.r ---Mr. "nd Mr~. Wil bu r Shidnker lind ! . daug hl·e r . Mary . o f Wilmingto n . lIIr. s l lI"rt (; ,11,, 11 01 ""J 1': 11.-, '''. ~'lIrtn~ nr o In (l e m n nd t o ront IIn(1 boen e n oonruged d u ring tho p as I :-;"'11 0 r. hit.lrnn [; rnw t quio ld.l' we r e SUllday gu ash of .1 . An rtur (I f D ov t o ll . II t p l.!tll l .. t tit n'llll\"' ~ It "" pH I hl' l r ~t r pn!; th . 'I'h .l V lup"u to !'u l·chIlMa. S hi dnker . Itorl' . . wee k lly r eoelvlng <Illtto a lu tof now intI) c(\ rtd u"~ t10""ltlirv 1",1 .. 1., o r do Dr J . U . MIL ey r tlllll1l ned in o u r ---m elJl~' rllllld !lovorn l reoe wtils, I1nll ",,1,,1' II ... hrlll~II'J.( ntl, l ud o Thei r c ity "vor I1lp!' li o n till Y. Mr . lind :\lrH. II. II r.Jtl ll' r "111, ·1, R. AT H A \V A Y we hel lllve thtit I.h" reollng t o r th!' fllrn~ lon k pillrh od . 1,1i1l(,t1 r elll(iv,," I n' lII l\I lI\,III'I,'wn . 1'11 0 hl l lll1 1 h\.'()("I 'Il'~S UV(lrtuxoti br (', 1£ Lev iey trnusu cled bupin r . " r " old h Olllo t o wn pllper " 18 bolnl( Dews IIIB Ue r. but UII R d OOR 1I 0 t o f ton 10 ' rnpld [;rllw i h ; 1111, 1 p u i"nr'~ fr ",;, In Cincinnn ti . Tbllr_da y. Sumlny. \ 11 \ u l.... l lI,·" DonUd ' ollterud by sever ,,!,.u loae t.. hllPP' He I" gO ll nr ll ll y 1) 11 hi s job l h o foy ~ t r"'l ",ko tl" , "Iuoo III _1.r onKI." IIlr . nnel MrR. A. L King , of W" y . (Iml'''' ill /I d ' " :'llltn I't 'I'ho oount r y weekly III" 1I0tHOe of fr om 1II0 rl1lll g nntil eve ning . III1Ll ~ivi n ll r l'd ,. ,rlll"r lc" ill I hn lJl llo(!. no,vil l(', wE'ro III o ur ci t\, on Humlny . oomfort 1.0 !UOtlt of o ur olll1.enll, ror Ih en fuilll ta 11 "1. wbili. h e l(OOH IIftt'r HI'( I ,," r pu ""lo,; IIrn I h ,lRI' littlo r ~d Mr ~ E lla Seu rs, of Morr n w. IH I.he , ,11·P llln g . Fro() f:lti , llIn i ~ II ptlt,it juror Cr ')II' JI"r li r l('~ Ihllt "'Willll ll hlo",d .. nd Klvo l'>1I ~. (./r llo",· ~It , III!; ·IU L:II. " t .1\ ,'\1,11 th ey get tho nowlI fr oUl th eIr r eltl . ~:ve ry PI'IJRr yon ge t !l"YR l or il . It. II " 0,,1. r. (1r" dn ll ll y thllt l'h ll J lhl" t f)w o ~"I J! ot IlI i~ t Arm II C oo url· g u e~ t of Mr und MrA 0(\1' . Dllvi~ · 1 .. .. ' RIM .. i I I Vnll ElY h ·' -l'l lnl . ,,",,- It """ I 'J ' Ih, ' t.iV tlll, n oll(bbo(s I\lld frlon,ll! every 801f. t ,l r t h ur e is II1wll Y9 80 11 111 11 0W" I II"o~ ill l .' n· ... 1 in ilM plll .v . rur , Ut.l urtlly I ~ Vi" t. n g lor \\'1Il'kn"d \Vul t or IS i;ilvtJrs iH tho uu'y mlill . wetlk . The ooo n try weekly ill hl1 n. tlMt III Ue \'I' B 1,0 VOIl. "11,1 I hi" In ILs oll I' "or hl ·'n, 1 II, ·,·". 1110 Ionli flln g Ih" t i n hi" lOr I!hn p , killing mllny bome folk s. tit I..eesbu r g, thi s weak . Veterinarian Mr" . II ~ 'I Il ,,"t ,II . II I I oI,,,nnl' ·1 ~ I tllouLilleti ~reAtly l or s ovoral r0080n~ . will r ewllnl YOll lilll)JI .V l o r t h u th ,' Il'on III (, nd. ··" 1'l'p l ll . Mlln~nn h og" . v ur 80hool wns very forlunlll P . I I.:IV.·S In W~,'kf ' IH "1 bl"orl UU1,,'S llist woek. It. hll d two ",eHell e rs Illld 1111. , I ~ t b ,' pII'''' ,t ]lnr,,," -. '.1, . bot It Is the Inten tion of over y oouu ~Dlll ll week ly o ul·lll Y thllt it co~ I~ you r nIHIMr ~ . .1 1< . >'II;ltll Mrs. Mllry rlnoh r ot u rn ed b ome " llto- Mlln !! "n onr h'I",. I.ho hl ood by 111I 1'1' try editor t o givo I.b o bellt ho has. a ul in \ill \) and l et '~ h ellr fr o m Itwrn ,,,I II f,( II", 1I11,"bllr II f roll co r . on ~lt lur d"y . IIft or ,,(wBrnl w etlk s ' o nly fo urteen pupils . ~Jr .... I·: () :--1 .. 01" I; I'r 'LI "I """. \\·ur. · Th OMe added to our eick lisl· tbltl rno , w orn l.p 1P~ t r' n t Ih n h ' tll L.! ot T , I In a ooontry s hJ e tbo n e ws 19 likely v ou b efolr e t h e weuk is ou t . ClI r iNt )JIlHcl eH Ilnrl I·,·"t ll r. ,. Ih o hl0,)d hy ause n ce . t o be a grellt. d ell l o r e l ~e 1\ (\ ourth o f llIoB tit lle will Roan be h e r o ~cn,1 Ihe d rivin g Ollt I.b o p. iI~" I1 " Wh e ll tbe Mrs. Ellzubet h Ru rftl ce .Barlan I week are W . H. Blaine, AG eo. W. ,. I:II1 ,1' ll (lc i< , 1,,", " ...." '1'(' 1" 11 11011(' !I;\ It . Olle w eel< ,.ltur anotbe r. It II a pflpp. r t o 0 r olllt i vo or 1\ fr h~nrll n rA. n "'I v~( 1 bl r;" d f,(rr~ t o w o rk . the lip . wa H in Lyll e on Lusln e8R . ~.(lt llrdIlY Bogun, Ed (1ray and Mrs . ,hunk . ,~lrJ. I: II . ;.: .· .. Ii" 11 ", 1 " ,II, Il,f \ V a)' 11 ~svi lll' . IPI)t1t fl 1 11~('Ll nl "'" wb llYot nnr ,~lrn r n win~ Il ' t e rn ODO. Ohio Th e many wh o 80 unx ! o u ~ ly \\ '1/ 1I i ' 1I :-" 11 11 1111'" Ml ..... ,t ln Iol il ! ' , { ,' til ( ) bard pro position for t lt A edito r to IDlDd him o r b nr "C Ilt u 11II Nt Itlo. nr ,'hll<l'~ "h o lll (1 btl. gll:l~ 1 D r C . li . H In tlllll iM ,Irlvin/!, !IllY bough t. Chl oo~e bulbs lit IhB fnir . lin It I I. till V 111 1 I' I I II V 1' 11" .. , 11\' , IlIHh lb ll n e ws up In .. ru or to mak e what I ~ go ing on In Ihls vlcluity h(l ~ 41'ut.!"" l' '' t'l o . M A n ~IID in Ilqll ltl u n ,l nl g bt., tukln" ollre of Ih'o are 81.111 waiting fo r t h e bel'utlfnl tbe next IIIIJlor u botter o n u !.lIon th o Here's h olpl ng ho,)ln Ih " " H Ollie (\ 1' l llhlnl f " "I1 . Thtl nnnte " (1ullo's ~ 11 ~toI ,tll rr ~h ft, ' b'! f "r'l, II ' \\ Ii a flli cted . 1b loom s . Ittlt. Be w o rk ~ h unl ond lo ng In T owll P a p er ." l'f>J)to ..\lo n glln ·' H n il every Pll ok rt l1l1(;t u n rtdl ,'J.!p, ~" l' llt ti ll ' ~\"I'I U J{ fI . -A Uv (1 r~I S(, II 1l'n t . (In BI111 owo'£I n mllny d ilTerent M. M . Ter?, K. E. T h om pRtJll. at ti l(' \0 "",,, , I .\11' . Hil i \lri. thinl/:~ wer e upse t . t hr o ugh o ut onr ,~rs Mabe l 'lo rry " nd MrM ..AII/le ~I"H'" NOTARY PUB LIC mun loipnlity. I err y were In W"yn esvtll e. Snt·u r . d lly afte rn oon . AIIII""!;11 rOlllllnll,re"I ,'d ".\1 ' \VaYI1l:svilk, Ohio Uu ll ,)wO' Hll ft'", ttvIlH':-' h"Il' 1\' RIICo t.y B o xe~, f:t th o yoar. K I' Th III 0 t 0 a l WIlVnfl Hvilie N'II.ionlll IB.1I111. iVI1Y' 'I tl' " '1 d o~ps~nt WI f,K 1 rot - j n.v nl,ln 111l lt' V:Uo..I. l.: PPJIl bv f Ill ' ,I, i'\ .•t 11111111 ,::'lIk eo ' III (111 0 08 B e n .. 0 11 . tlll( lue "'g 811 1'8, p ln/~I t h'''I'lrnnlnl1lt:~. n . v ", 1 . wherl' he will handl e mn i!. toleph one S/'vl.'rnl Cr"," t.hiH violnllyn l t.' n d fl t.! . Il od t l'leKrllph bitls . L1t tlfl Vir>;l lllil ~ff'l.)l 'll'" \ " \ IT's J\. " .IOR EYE 11 IAT th o S)J rfl gll~ h og Hlli u lit Snbi nll . o n M I ~~ Jeonl e MoG loBsen hilS r e- pI 1I~lInll.Y ('1I 10r t f(\(\I<1 " I"" , . I, ()~. J, W. ~ ILLE ~. t la I I CAN'T SEE DlJ\MON0 5 IN N 1.l\·A W h(Jr .In\. I t uro ed to he r h om o In P enn llY IVllnln , fri en d"" If~ rl(\" \~ 1' \'1 III II ..! flrf'~tJ nl lI'(1 r (' ~ll1.l ' f! " ',"01 \I 1 Cl.l nlfl\tl e J.moM Cleaver , of n eor a ft e r " pe ndin g seve rl\l dol'S bnr e h er o, W!l S 11 i; un,lu y 1I1 1ornoo n Vi M. wll·h her sIste r . Mrs . Fl1nn ie DIlVI ~ Hllyr\ I/· It. 1\ 11 I I"'rllil' ,\ '~~:I,' I' 'I • . .. DENTIST . •• th y ( ' tHlIlnl , B , .. ·•• ,. I, ,01, I hl l 'I' Itor In oor tnwn . S q o lre Wilson, o f 8IHvoYBhur~. ~ t,r t) np , \'t .. 1<1 ILnd IillthHllfP\ I liT! ' ')n ~C'I' In An Obituary for Armistice Day Prof. Cill r once C I, Itv.' lr. of Cleves, passed Ih r ough our IItl,le Ur o vo. o n e ntld 1\1 11111 11' ,I t' I ''r''',';1 'lUI"II.,1 UI&.U '" U l'hl' , Oh io, cll ll llt! o n hi l! .ioll g rllUd lll othe r l dRY Ills t week enro ate to GrOAn 'rhe:Hword hAS spent its hideous Ri g b ~. . . But fllir C~tnll lblll ' 8 h a r p, o n HUlJllay. . Brlllr, wherE' h o t rnn Allol·ed In g nl 1 round of ~pr eud tn' rleliolal,lnn ; H H " tl ...· ~~ "~Ro(18 . w l ~h ou t .. s l Upll" l'I"mp '1.,\\/1 1':'I'cr \'. ,·,·k . :--;;;1'. I - \ ~I Dr W . ~~ Fr o~ t, is a bUMY ilion in ' bUijin e s8. oertlllniv b(Hh d ODelts hit . In Rh erl - h l'r.- Ih o ltru ltO lI s worel l~tLt lwr C" ut E. V. BARN A~T biK Ilr l'1 f08A10 n; hi~ ~orvl oO!! I\ r o iu l E lsworth Dow ns and fa mily hn vo aln' preo loo~ . blood . . It mi g h ty - /I m a lll ll r y of I,h., tight.! rl e lll llllll. flir nnd n ear. . m o v l'li fro m Vin e st.r ee l.. W el ln llin . nearly pllralyzArl tlte h eArt of ov ery y(l~ . ~h (! swo r d hO ij !teo n unll Hl r ciNotary P u bl ic ndloll. - ttll the b l1nd Ihll t. t.oo k It ful . r e IAnt,less. hnrd tl U' Ol'lw i. . . . Mr . un d Mr s . Wm . CIIHU , of n ear ' to U regonin, whoro h o wi ll (\ on"'ono ~"y.. 4·'I .. ~"t .... ~. ( , perished, Jlke tho Borlpttlr s Ilid It Th e r o ' ~ lI othln' m or e per Hdi ntl", n or LAbllDon. w e r ll Sundll Y guestR of I\1r. / hi s DIll tro<ie. Wh a t i ~ Wt)IlIllIlIl ' ~ tlb ()uld. r Opn!;llllnt .· t,!lllU its r ol g n; W lt·lo norl Mr~. ~~ll MoFllrl lll1 . P OB8 i s Oregonl u 's l(1L1D . \ II 1(1/11\ ... II ' t. f'~1 \' \\'tlr k, It ntl8hed its !!rlm d e fi"n oe lO t th e I.lhnrl.,V uur wllluhw nru . WH anrvi \'1' :Itld I I I,d .. t\ ~jlt'(' lJ1lt.r, W . C. ~ t .. l () hn . IIr Lob(lD on, Suor1ny g o ests o f K. E Th ompso n !llr. saored laws of hon or ; 1& Rloutod In I.h o lJl rlJ(\v dU Al. (111(1 on r ~o t lt f> CII Ilell wn~ 10 o or city r ecen t,ly, se iling and w ife wor e C ~. MnKinn ey .. nd the IInbterfogo, thllt MIght 1M fill e rs m o n . l,e r, fAr th o h or ons it b ll lh ~ltlill ! Examin pu COfl'Cdly. " stock for II Fl o rldn. venture. wife , o f Unk lul}(l, Mrs ~;t lll'l Gellso n Glasst.l.'i Fi lled : Tho ~o hlior8' Bonns WII ~ well re- anr! ~00 8, H ·,rolrl. Ll wlgb l. nnrll]'lcil , SHUM AKER A. m e m be r ed h e re on e leo t ic. n dAY, dliY of P ort Willilllll, R . .1. Marru y, of AT M;lD Sl l.\n; PHlL!E" !lnd II ~ ood vot o w n ~ p olled. Ore~ onill , tlnd Lo n Brnnnon lIn ll Veterinarian· wif e, of this p luoe, Tb e A. M:' E. co n g r ogliUbn ha iti I 'ra,·' jr'a l \ ' ;(('r in:ll', I·. llave had servloos in their ohurob. ou.8 untla y. MA88rl', Willinm 110<1 .I o n nthnn 11111. Ulltical Depart menl. I " .l l "' 11 1'.'\'''1 ( H I lutl lluJling n n ler. fri enuH of t h o F erri s f'"lIlI y. m o· 10 qoit e an o nlhused lIudlonco . Homey Filosofy for 1921 Ion II ,it-i; .11,01.1', II !I ,' r<i" . S. Ddrolt St. Xl' nl a. (Jhio 'tored do wn fr o m Br eell vl li o t o v •• it Mr on d Mrs. J ohn Bell have for 1\ few dtly~ wltb tho ~'o rrts O~n evenings by 1I1>1)Qinllllcllt Frequently yon find a tun.n who didn ' t IIn o w .. II "hont !.ho ~ lIInrl moved luto Clinton (lo uuty. fr o m fllDlll y. [lnd t h ere tl\ll:V took n tr ip J' II tl Ill, )lq-o{ t,h eir r o.itle n oe o n l\1uill s tree t.. can't IIlop lelling .. bout It w h An hri lIoh io ve m un t IllHi Illllllir(l h im f o r it . 1,-.-" IIl'lI 1·lr 11 !' to Lo velAllll t o ~o n H. W . F'orri", Ink _ I\n(1 I,hll worst of Iti~ · I.ho t hiB r pdoel sometblng olever /l r \Vorl,h In g Lu t h or nnd Miss NlI lI' ll I!'errls Mr. nud Mr M . Cltlls.l:l my, o f Wa y . Our Calendar pl'ul eri tfl lk -t ulk Jlrll~en . ly o hill ~ t.b o ~----------------'-Bellbrook, Ohio n08vl ll p. wore tl\. UI A bed ~Irl o o f h o r wllh th orn . while nntll he beoom es E' xhfltlstod IIctllllrnlion t o t h e ho n n, IIUel d rl vo" thor, Mrs . S llfllh ltieh, S nn ,jay. m o Ae If hl8 frlend8 Rnd It t o cove r . 1921 NOVEM'BER 1921 Mrs Am oA ~:III~ wnH clIl/ od to J.e h Chlne. e Condemns Bribe. :iun MaJ Tue \WI) . Thu fn .'>al 'lII Oll, IIl RI. we ek . t.o ~nr v e rI" n poll\ TI II~r·o ts Il ( HIII tmS Orlt·lJllIl !o\n ~'111 1( jurfl r In .Iu ,lgo Wi!lnrtl Wright 's § COlld l'lIl"l nl.: hr lll l,'r )" It I ... "nld IlI lI t oo urt. nn 1II I(,' h "n l (1dlll' ~p ~H£"f) who 1I \'t'rl VETERIN ARIA N Mr. tlnd Mr ~. Willi,lIn S hidak e r Is nil II CII( " nt\lId; of Nn~,,1 C:tl arrh. In th e !';c('lIlld r. ' nl1Jr~· WIIR ofTf'r(l11 Il 1\0(1 80n. R o nilltl, of C llu to n cnon' y. Th o~c ~ lI hJ,·t · t to fl' CCIII Cllt " cnl,ls In brlh('. Ill s SIlI ' 11o'" hl·lng 1H'rl 1,lrcl as Auctioneer .vo r e t:!untillY ~ 1!ll8 1 ~ o f Mr . and MrA. h f'sl l nrlnn, li p \\'11"1 1I ~~lIr,.d ' li nt III' \\' :1'1 Va cc in ation II . pecialf )" '\Olit • th (, ht'ad" 11'111 fin,1 Ihat Ihe li St' ur \"( > ~v11 [ t~l ld ,J. H. S h ldll kor. H ,\ L L'R l',\ 'I'AnUlI MEPII'I Nf: 11'111 in l-: but Reliable SerulIl lI sc:d perfl 'C' lIy saf£l, a~ nil Ollt' klww 11. li e ~2 \\' a l{cpai r II hllll,l III' II I(' S)·' IL'IIl. clt'nn se lhe BIo I'HI Get my t e rms for your Evor ybody wh o Wllnl·.~ w ork Is r ep l lpl1: "11" Il\('n k nnW8 It . Enrt h ond r ('nde r th (,1lI I ~ss II nlll e to " ,oI,k . Tbe forme r s Ilr ll t tylng t.o btl"y k il O"'" It. 1' 011 I, ,, nll' It. I 1(/1 "'" It.\ Harvey s bur ~ . 0 _ Phon e 44 Public f;ale ..~ Rep,'nted IIlI nci;s of ACUlL' Catnrrh FRED M_ COLE I;(el, I.h el r corn hORk od bef o r e bId n o w (' illt you !'4llY I h nt no ntH ' kllow~ Y !<on,1 10 Chroll lc ('a tllrrh. Satisfaction guaranteed . WilHAl.l.·S we l11h e r com os o n . Nov . I All :-}nilll's !lay. CATAflnTl MElIl C'T:,\E Is ItT' , ~------------tok r n Inl prnu llr lInel Ilcls th rough t he Nov (j - ~ l l h SunnuI" af ter Trin ilY or 'no charges. Mr. nml Mt@, 1m HBrt:s ook. Ilft pr Blontl 011 th e Mu coll s SlIl"fllCCH of tll O Nov . R - (; "Ilt'I'H I E ke li oll . _ovlIrrl l liIlYA ' vi s it wit,h h e r , Sys tem, thu s r etlllct ng thc 11111111111113- N ov I :I - ~ ;; Ih SlIltoi ay uf t e r Trinity. Mr •. J (III. W . nu vip. r et.llrnoll to tbolr BoxYl, Cenlerville, ~ Ohio tlon 8n,l ~storln&r !lonn ni condltlu ns. NI'V . 20 - ~(j th Sunday afte r Trin ity h OlUa In Dltyt.o n . o n \Vtl(fnesd<1 Y. All druJrglsls. C lrclll nrs frre. Home~Phone:2, Centerville Ex Nov . 24 - Th Hn k ~ K i \'in~ Day . F. J, Cheney & Co.• ToledO, OhIo. At t,hiH w riting , ~he siok i ll some Nov 27 ..- l sl S unday in Advenl. O'SOR nre imprt.vln g slowly, and others' pre )!:r"d u~lI y g r ow ing w enk . or . with littlo h opos of their being better. MAYBE WE CAN LIMIT ARMAMENTS. AN't:\V A Y Mr~. Saruh Rl oh hilS b een quite serio llsl y III for sOlUe tlma, And at I.hl ll Urn e s be IR eon sidor ed ruero \ I Herl ou s , w'tll lit t le hopo~ of b er r eoo v or,. The I..Hdi09 Aiel will be entertilined by l o ur 01 t heir m elO lle r H, ' n.t their Ito 11, 0 0 Thursday .,Ite r lloon . If I\S In the p"St·, t·bo se rv loll w ill be mnch ap pr lloluteu Lust week, the ' Brooks garage mod e rII(lld I!trid os, aod OOlllpletion I~ Deor o.t ho.nd . Mr. Brooks look s fo r wllrt! to Its oonvunlen'ce. ae al so 'd o his OU8tomers. 'f h'e burnilig of lenes 1throo.gbout onr t o w II Is oreatiog Home nnellsl. .t n oss . !;lome oonslder tb e burning of leaves Is uoheuU·hy, and 'he OIlrrylog' tbem awo.y I~ unhealthy . j


---_.- ...




D II, E, 11


l _n·ltll n~

Ib~~b~~)~~L7(~/~;,~,I~~I\I H ~:~~: :\'~\'''I 'l:' :


D r. Lloyd B. Hall




'. •

Poem bi


Uncle John





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F oreat T. Martin

"Cold in the Head"


J 2 J 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12


14 l§ 16 17 18 19


ro 21

2J 24 25 26 272829 JO •

Two Written Facts Verified



MoLt Cline, of D.ytOD, lillms down 8aLordaYI .. nd ~ot hi!! lIotomoblle, wbloh ·bnd beeu in Broole,' bospltal after qul&e an operation . They ratnroe\l h ome on Sunday IIlv8olnl·

Dr. K'3l1y aale, ~f WLl olul&<Io, WBS here 00 tiulld 1 mornlul, In 01)010.1,"'100 wldl Or, C. . 1hud.1I "b'l · I.. "Ueodlol lin, P.OI-

bi.lfllL!hO 18



., UaII

That C1assified Advertisin g Pays, Th~t Advertising of v~ry d ription is a paying proposition in .T HE -MIAMI GAZETr) E




The Miami Gazette,- Waynesvilk, Ohio.


Rl' n 6

A ll 1Cl'1'C,'ln L e ~ O'1 011 -W C(idl' 11 b0

Be'l ls "

Hognrth'. " MMrlnge i , la M._ode." "M " .... I II I(IJ II III ~ l "' h' .' n HNI~8 of : 81 " I'" lnllnI\8 h~' WIIIIIIII1 HIl -RI'th ( 1007-1-;,.\4). W('r" 11".1 111 ....,1 111 l R~4 by Ih ~ '111 11111111 nllll"I')' III 1,'\'1.11111 , h8 1'l\ llItllI"o II<,pl,·t, wit h rnr,' ~MI I't' , II h I II f 1 \ n r ll't\' o f 11(\('UI'l'l' r l('(>!i;; In i (l II ~' II 0 "f til.' t l nll', 1'1,,'Y)+ 1'(' ";I'J ~l'rJt I I~ f ' lIn ,

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II .: Idco ,:('d___ .. __ - - -

11\ tH' ttl,· I\r' l~ t' ~ nm sltirplN"e ,

Smith, W, M. ; K enne th H.o ugh , . W: ;. Geo . Wa terh ('lI'tl, J , \ ' \\; L, l\. . Zlnllll r man . ~('(' n' l ary ; I J . H , Co It'flls n, treas u r e r; Hvmer ·ar ey. S. D; J esse Pr e nd e r RII~t , J I n; F II. Furr, tyler; J , O. l ·ar t · wri g ht , tr ust ee 3 years . 1) , I{ ,




F'o no w ing are t he otiiear a t,I.'cted. Tlle~dllY (,I·ening. at W lly nl!~ " ille I l"ul{' Nu. 1 9~ ' I F. & A. 1'11 .:

nt' \\'

hl~ IH01U'Y II I' " ~ , 'Oll





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An E xc . ptlon,

Same Idea, T il e 01,1 \\'11) !If ~ ")' II\II It :

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Th. Right Se~uenco. "" 1\'Jllln· <111"tal h." In II ~'O l1 tuIllP()r 811 It 8 snuA I'lIll B : ''1','11 nw my I mrntl , nllr nw ,, ' Orro re f!tllrt ng IIny olh".r nWII'lln~ . IIclJ(hhor. HIlPlllJse I1r"1 lII ellll Ih·, III 110 90 aH t o 1{01 t htl prnlw r : .~q \ IfHI "I ' , Is n't th ll'l hcttur : 'M,.tnd ": o1lf coW" rf\llll~ RIH' Uu 'u tell nw 1II 1I;u. ' " _ Hll '~ rOIi 'l ' I"Un1h.'l'l p l.

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1I"".,.le d wI ,II0 In II u - ulIJly the bl'l'leg ro"m_

-":" 1.t)' H1IJ Il J' u!'\sl rI g !-'II II W, •

Sedan $660 F,O. B. DmoU 1I'it AJt,. r ter



meanto W. II",.,

To se ll Will ys Light atld Electrical Appliallces in th is v icin ity, H a ve comp lete line wit h prices for compl te plants from $295 to $5\);' . See

wh o m y o u o re l n t cr est ed, c ruv ~ ~ t hI"' hetd t " y , wetl · h a lan ctd rcatii n" motl(r fte \\ HI ~ I.: l in T HE AMER I C AN BOY . n o""r fp .. n mil ·.,,,· w nu ld y o u d t n y h im th i!j ,... It- ,)!I t! h .' . Fi l l" U Chri 9tm B~ prese nt, o r Li rt h JU',' g i rt , It s1Ih · script ln n to T HE AU F-R IC AN B O Y i. u n t!xcclt c d . It t u~ t s t he ,,,,·h o te y c·nr tlu o uKh - a nd its i nflu c l1 l.:c i5 o f the bes t. ,

Rn' )"h" 1\ ' : A mc ru:a l1 I l'l.!'HIl. A mf ' l" w.ll1

, •\ "

'. · "q ~: hl

.11ll!).· I,

Ii fl")I1\. pI', f' 1'1 11, .. I· ... tht .. I:, d· 'I . t h e fl 1 .. 1 " '" ' a ll \I, .\,1 " . n ~I I I 'f1

DODDS BROS., 126 E. 3 rd S t_

Every Boy W a nts It If yo u coul d r ~nli .. how much 11", 1 bur nr yount or that yo ung rel n ti ve o r fr it"IIJ in

, I II



, If

rl>'rtil,' r

1 ,1' . ' 11

h , ,'1," , ,

Tires Vulcanized Batteries Recharged Oils and Greases General Overhauling Repairing Willard Stonge Balteries New and Rebuilt

Figure out your every automobile requirement and you wiIl find it in a Ford Sedan-a femUy car of distinction and beauty-a car of comfort and convenience - 8 car of dependability and service- a car that will give you complete satisfaction,.

John Long,

You should place your order now if you wish to avoid delay in delivery.

Lytle Service Carage LYTLE. OHIO

Graphlt• •

Down to 18110 graph ite wal obtained chiefl y from the Borrowdale mlu! 10 Cu mherland. ICnlland. Blnce then a lIU"ply hu been drawn t rom el\ s t~rn Ilber lR: from Ticonder oga, New York IltAt e : Buckin gh am, Quebec : and Bobeml n, Graphit e Is also pro(lu ced In Oe~' lon . lind r.ra~RgosC ft r. Artificial &r8 phlte Is al so IlE>ln g monufn cl llred.


Sen.ltlve In.t rumlnl. The Instrument known as the radiOmicrometer Is 10 sensiti ve that It wtU mens ure the hea t troID a hand heid i ... thi rty f eet IIWI\1 fr om It and will ~reco rd the hco t give n olr by 1\ !lxed I sl Ar 90 remote tha t li ght trom It, : Coming tra ve li ng ot a s peed of 186.000 m ll ~ ~s.seron' l. tokes many yeai'll to reach





A Sur e R I!,l.l n de r., 1"'1"11;11'" Ih ,' 11 11'''' ' ,., L , II :~ :

:--1I ,i.!j.!t'~·

t 1" 11 1' '' 1" )1 " r",. dIH',' I" \\;, .. rl,a f

I he 1111:" 1,, .,\ ,dl,."" , .!1;11It!" , ·, q ,· r hlld f.H·· j.: ,d 11'1 ttl .. h I I'! lo!' \ I II .. , "1 ,III' \ ,'a r t ,f'j"HI'I '. :--:11 1' ~\ hll1', l III ', 1111\\ \\ hil I .. li e , ·., tl1 01 .In III "rd " 1 thill "I I,' ... IH1llld 111 '( f HI·l: t <t




in . Place your orders.


A uu,ul H' r Ir " lII hun; " l t l' lIlI ('.\ t h e r O''' I,l'II1II 1,; ,.r th o ~ , E ('h ur oh lit, loi prill !! hnru ~; u n d 'I Y, IIn.1 g r .. I\tl y e n j <)y~ d h U'lrl n t; Ur. li ,lt ,rgo 8 n n l o n , uf Dlly t."a . in th A II I tu rn oo n M r ~. .J n I1ItlM ,J 0 J. n .. Wh H t.n k ('n t o Mi a mi VR ll ey 1l " ~ I "t, .. 1 lA st ,v tlu k .. n cl s l ill r a m ui lls \"e r y III ( 'ly oo W ll'Lr to n " nO fll ," ily ~ptl n t ::; on ,l" y Wll h r .. l ll t i v !'~ III 11(\~' t"" , .1 u"ll ph fl yc rs , II f U, h '"111 , .. t " l'l'~<1 fl ... nnp l .. of ""Y ~ I ,, ~t w('(' I. "ltlo hi ~ o nc lp. :-; . U , Hll iu,," " 1Il1 f,IIUIiL 011rou t .. t o ~·I ori ol .. h y 'IUt,O. Tho r ov i v .. 1 ll\ etl ~in ~H ,'lnHe.l . Silt . UT Il " y nv en in\; . wllh "uvflr l\ l u eoe~ s lon R t o th e o h n r c h . Hev , T . M. S t llflT I ORv e ~ h ll r e t.>r Hp rlo gbor o. w h or e he w ill h o ld II ~e rles of l1Ioet"i ~ M n t Ih t) M. I~ nhur o h Mr, ",,0 Mr ~ Hun Hll wk e e nt·o r . w iuo,1 t il ~u l\l l "v d l nnllr. Mr . I<u d ,Ir_ , !-lu i ~~ " KI I'~ Mr. 11 11 ,1 ~1 ...; I!: t h l\o Ill\bhlt1 ~ I 'I l i, lOr Mi ll llll ~ l H1 r g 1'>Ir A lt O MrtJ. C lf\ r Oll Ctt E' q~lp u tlcl t wo oiu l Ll .

T h e J uilior' Se r vice Ll'a"u(' nf Mary 's wi ll h ol d a m a r k e t Ilnd the ir r e ll, of lI"yl,o n Mr. n Jill Mr.. W 11\ ( 'oIAtUll n hu d annua l e xh i bit of npedl pwo rk. Sa turfn r th olr dillllllr ~u" , t," , \V pu [osuay , d a y , Dece m be r 10t h . Rev '1'. M i'lo .. n, of ~ prill g VI1 11ey I{ll v . Dwig h t W Y l1 l1 t n ud ftl l1llly, o f Hpr i n j;; h l r D. Mr . nml M r ~ H H Si m ple W i r ele ss M ~8 " ages. A "inl'!\ nnd M I ~ _ Wn ll,o r K" n r lok ,


h nU!04c s 11 111 1 no r

see, Ia," "' be

I n t c l' J1(''1~t''tl /I

m etn l I' ln!t! All (1 :0 l i n.\' 1:'1('\\' irlllll) :O "rI\ It t h l"'sf' fI ('rl' :.a,~o fl (>~ l it' I"nn j,!" ,') t\ 111 o nh 'r . th e \\;t l'f'lp!04S IIH '~~(lng-(' r s ,,·11 1 r'III'I' .\·

the ~OI1f Hl o r n ,,"1('1' !'IflNI I;:fllg rh'") II ' sonds "r ru ll oll n\\'n y,- HTlH'I{I.\·1l 1': "l;lc,


Pllftc hln g W a l lp<lp er . T o mntch wu ll pn l lCI' ~UI'('f , .. ... rlJll,\·, 10• tllOr! CU lt tlllj,j Iii I"' Ji ll I 11' " " ' liT' II acrOH8 Irregul arly, 'I'h (, II' hlt., .' d ~, · mo rl(' hy the tl'orl n!! wl lJ n,, 1 h ,· ""


the llOt<:h . bu t


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mntchlng the d eo l,," lio. , 1'" 1", , \\'ill be ullllost Inv l, II>I... .

- --



M an y

A t:'Orcll 1l J.: F'ru I H'{I

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W e a r the R i bbo n . I II

11"'11 1" ),


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rl h lo 'm

L egl 'l n " r II ,,"n r. (. r n ll C In <'1'~J'y n ny Iflh lttJ lt n lll S, I." ll ~ n g: u ~ l n!'h Twu ln onl d 11 1111 " I'e w "'efl l'" 1t."- Al' kIl I1Sa8 Q U7.Ctl c.

- - - ..--

..- - -

Wom en Oc c up i ed W hol e Trai n . The II r,i t I r li in \\' hol l.l · 0 ('(' ''1'1" ,1 hy W Oflll ~ 1I In th e f11 ~ t l) f'\' of n i l l r o llfJ trave l \\"18 thnt d'nI1" ;'~d h I' n ~ I,, "· 8Bcl,u se lt s rl el!'gnllnll to 11 1'1 (,, " 1 Ih e w om en ' s ('ongr','!'s h .. l, ) I n ( ' h l ' · JI~" a t the t ll\1 ~ of till! 1V0r Jrl' s f" I,· In IlIllt

We would like for all tho.e livin, in the communities we .erve to own at least one .hare of our Preferred Stock and we will be gla d to send you, on request, further information regar din, our company and ita securitie••

~It y .

i H v er y


Mrs. EIJrl He,l rs i~ vi s iting r e la Li ve _ h o re for H6 Ver l\I d IlY ~. Mrs . l:IoighwllY It! vlsit,l n g !Je r hro t,h er. To m .J um o~, of Dodd s . t h o wt nt or with bar rl n n gh te r Mrs EIIi M,

Mre. I"onll 1:1 Ilrl Rock. Mr s. Ed no li n .t h,dJ .v, n n d Mr ll . H ele n Luk ll l)" .. nd rll1ul( hl,o r wo r u IIh o p. pi ng !n UIHvo,V s!Jurg. S iltu nluy . I:Il\rt ~lJo k


A BARGAIN T he Miami Ga zett e, o ne year ... $1.50 The A merican Boy, o ne ye ar .... $2.00 Both for.




We'Sell Fisk Tires My Reputation I s a t stake on every tire

J se nd ou t of t his store.

H is as mu ch to my in t eres t to supply you with the bes t ti res ob ' aina ble as it is you rs to ge t tires that 'Will give you the ' best se rvice.

10% off

Fred M. Cole Hardware. Harness, F"rm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

NO HUNTING All persons a r e wa rn ed to k eel) o ff t he pro p ert y o f t h e lInoc rs ig nl'd, whil e hu n t inlt o r tr ap \li nl(', Th e Va n l l'css Farms T h e G O r~ u c h !,'nrm q Frank I3 ra rld ock Fa I1l R s. n, Hcnl<l e Far m:!

Notice of Appbintment

- --".-.0- - -

NOTICE Would you like) o invest your money where it would earn 25 % or more annually?

u r Mary D. J ess up, clec . ... e(l. Notl l"u 18 horoh ), Ri"oll t hot. Alle o J . Hocket.t

&8to.( 0

1In.s boon !l ul y ~l lpo lu Lcd and q uali flort .. ()d mlnit-!l r U rl x or &.h o Knafo or M ary D ,J089Up 1&1.0 o f Warrull Cou nty , Ohio, lI oceued. U.t6<.l til l. 2<1 d a y 01 N ov~m ber. IB U.

• W , Z . nOLL, Judge 01 t ile Probate Oo lln Warren Oounty . Ohio

Due to present conditions, such an opportu'nity exists TODA Y, but it will NOT exist much longer_ This investment is offered by an old, established company, whose profiits last year were over 100% , and combines both large earnings and SAFETY.



Details regarding this opportunity will be furnished you upon receipt of an inquiry asking for same.


Addrels P. O. Box 987, Dayton, Ohio.

~/ /


The Late ClaSSified Ads.

~,. /.b ~

The Dayton Power & Light Company ~~o~~{f::~::~~ cf'

29 N.



~~ XenIa, ' OhIo . ~ . WIthout obllgatfon


, . , , . , " ..... N um t:H..' r t o th e No me Ad tl re••

M r s. Mj llie Mnrtl n hllH gon e t o ~ Jl.m d

Why Not Write U, Today?

29 North Green Street t-a- 'OHTnXENIA.'. IUU

o p peo r ~ .

F o r $2 ,00 e nclo sed se n d a YC' l'I r's S u bs(' rir ' ion t o THE AMER I C J\N BOY, 1H'll innillg wit h

I lmve a new price-list fo r spring deliveries, a t

1\1 r O t'o r "l O B O~ ~Ul

u.t 1)111 ~ wr itTI1f!.

li n


,It .. n ffe r

Mrl! . :::'llT"h l-tit:ll. o f Hll r Vl'Yl<b u r g, is s ti ll seri ou!!ly t;lo lr

u nfl WP IH'I, I,,'r ' h"IIl . Y" 1 If ,h .. .. !! f, , \\' ~ l rn n l ) s of wln , n '


M all ,I. •• Cou p o n t o ' ·" e pubU(:'o ' irl n in lDh le"

p oorl y


Il ntllfo~

II"" r.,..1

$2 . 0~

ti ll ou t t h e


,..-- -- -

I feel ' tha t I can un qualifiedly recommend the F ISK TIRES to every automob ile owner in W nynesv ille and vicinity.

T he Wll n\S or ,,11'1'll'~~ :-: 1 1I11()n~ nrp. oncensln gl y p n!oO ~ ItIL.! t h l'oll J.;' h our

n nl y


R yea r. M ok t.' 8o m ~ h o y h UI'PY cou pon n nd m nll il T ODA Y!

.. , 1" 1 11I\;,:.ld 1' 11 1 ~p tlr

:l l..'" 1I11I


J-nch TI-Ie

VEN though you may not u.e electric .ervice in your own home, it serves you. For it lights your ttreeta - the slore. and buildings - furni.he. the power lo operate the fac lories-in the.e and many other W1Y' it i. working 24 hours of each day of each yyr for the beflefit of all who live in the community. D~ you know of any othe r busine•• that i. .0 eslential and therefore allure d of a continued exi.tence? Is not thi. allurance of permanency most desirable when considerinR inve.tments for your .aving.?

Pric e R e du c e d THE A M ER I C AN BO Y i.


L M. Hen de rso n, Cas hi er ,

Own a Share of Stock

boyh ood,


S to kes went to Yl'lio w 11 '1,:11 I I I 1)1 " ,,1., tI'l l\ [I" " .Iltl Ihl' 1111)" . Spr i nll ~ .las t week , w hen' h ' n ll t' lld ~tl the hig sal e o f Je r Bey~. o n Ihe Ed S S 'J r ely. Kelly f a rm , While I he r e he ullll ~ht '1" 11' p, "I'I'i· I "'1\" f .. 1'. 1I1.'ull, .,/' I hll t n (in e J t' rs ey l' O W wh il'll h o ha d f or- f'n ' ll 'II '· 1[\.0\ 1\1'1" 111 1/1 \\ Ii :, .. 11 11' l.!" l r r m e rly sold t o Mr . Ke lly a t o ne o f hi ~ li t 1I H Il.' It I ·" i I \\ 11 111.1 III' 11 1,,1 \\' "r"'f' I f sa les. wh en it. W llS a ca lf. Th e co w Hi ! , ' \\ I 'f l' . 1 11I1I" I"'lId,'!", ( ' Id " ug u ill II good o n l' , IIR Mr. S iok e" r n i ~t'~ A IIII 'I':"H fl nothi ng out t ht' ve ry Iwsl. T lw K elly Bfl le waE! II In r ~ e on e . th E' to t ll l sa les amoun t ing 10 $:l,(iOO


III A ll .1 .• \ \ .. , II·

I n th e n ext twd v c n UlI\lw r ' , . . .. Tr win hrser b Ia hy fmc h ( n rn ow! t lut I:u : :.. wi fI.'i , j\'dl i" D a vilson Po~ t, R a l p h n , P ll il ll' , Wl ll i:ltll H ry tiger nnd C l a r cn('c B, K t 11 111\ ,1, , III· ~ h "r t 8t orit8 ftr ~ h y (lu t llOrs o f (' q nhl I1 l ltl , l u hi th e bi g d t p n rtm ent s w hi eh HII.' ,)(ilt .,j Ll y t"xpt'r l s , a r e d e v o t ed t o e v ery l C'~ i t im .ll l ln lc.. fLs t u f

11 1 ... lll' d

I ll!



A car of



!, 'f II " "


W e want a hustler in th is loca lity T h e Con g r e M o f t h e ll nil ('d S tal E'S to act 88 our representativ e. Won- h a vin g c re ate,d Armi ~ li c(' !Jay n n nderful opportunity to mak e big tional holida ll. T he Way n e~vill e N a-' money. · Write for particulars . tiona l Bank will he c1o~t'J a ll day The ' Budai CODlpany Friday . N o vemb e r 11th , Cor, 5th & N o rwood D ayton . Oh io N otes m at u rinlt on t h at d ay will fall d ue nn t h e d ay foli ll w il1l{ ,

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 41

I' \ \." j ,

Dayton, O.

SOLO A CALf; Get your Curtains Repaired HOUBHT HACK COW




I' I

.' .. bot- U I ~~""I. II fl t l, ' r ,t . It. I \I ' r '"

, , ',\1


I. . " \ , ..

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tol I

~ II


111 ,I : ! \

I" I,.


I 1!\,

\ 1t



Complete automobile satisfaction is the resUlt of buying wisely and economIcally rather tha n the desire and means to buy extravagantly.



1'11,1 r

, ,, ,' • • I, l oll"




~ r. D Deloo L IJ,:'lt

1I11\ot with lIew h l\Uer ieR , c h e "p . AddresR B.

A. MI\Je, Millmisb q r g , O hIo ,

, pleue seud me Infor·

0 23


matieD about ,our eom· pin, aIId It. seeurltfes.·

Sea~s&Cartwright \




p atr o f gold p latO!l Spectaoles, lret ween .1,IR. Vundervoort 's land t h e M E. ohu ro h . J B VaD ~ tI lll voor t, R , D. 3, W.VDoBvllle, O .




. Office in


Amlin Building




-waYDelVI·11e, 0 'hio ,



Telephone 61·2



a ~ev

Illy-Third Year


Whole Number 5461



Address by H. S. Shelton, Co. [Jay Lon. who leuve eX" ell en L lind illllHtrate<lle ·tun' nn of Dayton "C:urop e and lI e r IIlr . h i~

in ~ tru c tive

Who I,rclllf ed 0 11 "Ellro pe allli lI er Prohle ms Was \V eil R eceive d

Game Wardens Had a Very


I ' ro ul e m ~."

Shelton ~ p e nt fo ur mon th " of t he pust s Ulllm e r in the BritiMh hi es and Co ntin e ntal EurOll(' . a~ a mem ue r uf tb e Itctuil MerctlllJlt"' cu nllni ~H i"n. whit'h was re'lu e"ted I,y lh t' Br it iMh 1C0vernme nt to invl!stig- ate I-: u ro p" 1I11 t md (· c OIH.l i ti on~ .


Busy Day

\4'r~ ,'rlll \' \~I'd"illg wa..: -IH:"IIl

OI l IIH' hnnH' "r ~lr .1.. 1111 I )"11 ' , I I IIIl I 0 11 ~ll lJ(l ay If lIl'ar :-;l'rill),(I'ar ll . la-I . \'llIl Il lI u ' l \\"a nt to Thu r:-;day t'\'t·nill).C at I; lI 'cli wk. whl'l l I I"pir d: lIl )'(hlpr. ~ I i ~" Ir, ·" ,' . \\[." I "flil,',j in marr ia",· Mr .. I .. h" I{ . Mi lle·r . " f F ra nk li n . . " . A f' . t If ' ti l wn, a (,Uqy day fo r S'I u1r £' c. w rnmu e~ 1(' II rc SIX: ll! H ".1 !:illl),jav '. III' til,· ml1 rn in amell'a nlenR t('Tll lllllt S, lIliss I:l' ucccil Mc Ll ur e alld I r j 11, .'Irru IIon1£. g h . n l·~t carne over c r ~Jr . l al'l Hrnrl .tl'l'el. tOl,k t ht:l. r pial's I • f f .• l b ' I 1 11110 IIrre:lted J l'~~e find Merl llanford IIi' f ore' a I'1111"" e rnB. nnu LIe rl l C. I . b' " ' .' lIn li,t' arm o f h', r fatlier. altl!I)Je ,1 I ur S 100 tlllIC r a ults on ::,ufluay anu.• befure th e law came intu el rect. I.y li ll ie ~Ii ,,, Gra ce Taylor. a ~ rin!! heart' &' Ilk I lil' ),( r llO Ill. a nd th e Hev . They we r e fi ned $25 and cost.!l for Wia lil . u"j nj.!' II,,· rill).( se n ice . made " aerl ra bbi t killed. Late r in the day, the same ward en~ til, Iwain 1I1 al) and wife' Af ter th e ce rCllI lIlIY n lille din ne r "ot Lafe Doan and Ambros e Ballin· was se rve.1 t" a(,,,"t ~l' \'lmt y gu estB ge r fur t he same offense. They hud I,y mlC' rer ~ fl'l"11 Frank lin. Till' .. nl! rabbit. but th e justice fin ed one . " " un g ('lluloI ... n 'Cl' II"'" llIan y hand · II f the .men fo r. having. a gun in his I H l s~e SB l on on S unday. su nw Il r e!-ll' ll t :;i • • • • 'J'h t' I' fit. I L' IS . th t~ ( IaUg I1lt' f '1 1 wl!n ty· f& ve dollars 13 a neat BUm r 0 Il r . 4. I ~l JIM l'1 SI ' pny f ur nne rabbit. r, :lfl' r~. (, In c . u re . '. Ie IS II Itilh,we who danc e musl )a Howeve the fid. yu ung lad y o f lIlan y a ccompll ~hlll ent s II . I I I ~ th . Iy w len t iley .. now a t allt l I" wl·1I kn own I hrl,lIgh nul. I he •. e. r. cspecla . h . . It IS aga inst t t'law . ,·\lU lll y. t's peclal lv at Wuynl'Avlli e . 'fl I eng. on MOlllIay, ar res ted wh e r,' she Illlende . I ~c h olol fo r tw o I le wan d {aymo n I~,OSA an d 'rh os. Bannoc Ie: vear5. fur having o u t.of·sea son pelts in The uridl!l! rou m i8 til<' ~o n of Mr . Th ey. a Iso , were an d ~Ir ~. Frallk Miller, of Frankl in. t heir possession . ti ned $ ~:i and costs. and i~ II y,)lIllJ.{ man well kn own thr.,u>!hl>u t 111<' co unty . Aft l' r the ~ U}li' e r the yn UllK tlJ lIple. amid II ~h lllVc r (I f ri e RnL! (110 8 h "e~ . I,·f t fu r Sl. I.( ,ui~. wlwr.' th ey wi ll "pel le! tlH'Jr hllnt:y nl/ ,oll . ni zl'd

I :'Ik('I IJr.·.


Not. nearly so m a ny me mlwrs us Americ a (ircates t World PO\le&' hll ve hepn th e re attend ed till' Preceoi ng the prese ntation of lhe Nove mbe r mee t inK uf th e Men o f Waynes ville held at the 1. U U. F. picture R, the Rlleaker gave a ~ho rl hall. la ~ t Mu nday eve ninlC . How. explana tory talk. express in g hi s . ,; 11 I' eve r. the IlIck in numuer s WIIS more views on what may ami whllt rnay than otfset by th e en thusiasm of not be accomp lished hy the ('l,nfer· thoRe present . allli by the ex cell e nc e e nce now he inll helo for the limi ta· of Lh e rel'a ~t lind th e progr am . lion of armam ents . He think H till' Afte r the invocal ion by Itev . J . F four Rreates t World I'owers in th e t :adwalla der. the Agricul ture clas.~ of order of their importan ~e today [lrt· the 1-1 heh Hchou l. ass is ted hy some of United S tateN, Great Uritni n . · Japan the guod ladi es of th e Grange , ser · and Germlln y. Ameri ca is th e grea l· veo a rn oMt d e lid o u ~ and bounteo us est power, he thinks . becau~1.' we arc Mr s J . O . Whi t»!'r!' i" ~ h lli' J> i llj.!' in M i ~" C1u r f! Lil l' spent thl' we ek·p nd rhicken s uppe r. ThiM 'Nall foll nwed thc only nlllion which produce s mo r e O~y to with Xenia r ela ti v('~. l ' . today . by the IlU Min css of the evcning . which f ood·stutTs and more raw materia ls include d the ac cel.ltanc e of Treas· than it cons umes . No o th e r nation .~ Ibs . G r an ulat ed SUj.(a r f"r :,::,' at Mi ss 1\lI th ' rill l! 1·'l'lInli li " 1"'111 Ih.· ~ l l: lllh!' r~ " f till' Way ne Town,h il ";a \\'Y(' r· ~ . Saturda y. ure r L. C. ::it J ohn's resi"nat ion and can be so absolut e ly indcpen dent of week end ii, Dayl» 11. I.'armcr, , · du h l'nj " Yl'd till' j.( 'Ilia l I th e ti lling of the vacancy , a vole of th e r est of the worlo ' for its food . ""g pi tlllit y of Mr . and Mr" . Il llin.·y ueRt wishes to Mr. St J ohn. a re (Jort supply . Then again, Americ a is uy r. l is~ Opo ill av ids spent th .:> w('ek . Mr . Rn.1 Mrs. I-: V . Ila r llhart wC'rt · , (;"nH when th e y lIlet in r es,: ulal "nd wi th her home fol k ~. hv the Com munity J1 o u~e commit tee. far the ri chest nution in th e world - Cinrinn illi vi" itorH. :-ili lldll),. mlOuth ly R('~" i(>lI ' un ,[, hur ·d ay . Noand a decision t o make th e Decem· more than half the world' R Rupp ly of ve mbe r 10. Aft ' r t he usua l HUlIlP ' ber meetinl l an open meeting for tht: gold being in o ur posse&lion The Mi sses Lola Pine and Edith r:t'or)'(e Lee Hawke a nd fam ily ~"" n l Sun· lU .,U8 di llnN, the I r r'llralll W !lS bpgun ." p~nt "aturriau I' n C,· nations of Europe al e all prac tically Jay willi r perfecti on of plans f o r a Commu nity nc,·nna t ,· . " ~ J ela ti v 's ill Il ay l,,". lluite II num be r r('sl'onJ ed to roll House, no viMiting speaker to be in· bankru pt . alld it will be man y yeanl. vited . Incirlen tallY. a turk e y dinner if ev '~ r. before they are able to repay Miss Dora ElliB. o r Wooste r. Splm t Found - Glove. Uwnp r ,'un hav" ~ all with Thank sgiving quola ti ons . Ly man Si ll'c r ahly r evie wen t he • last week be re wi l h rt' the money borrowe d from th e United lh waR ordered for this meeting lative8 eBa me uy ailing at thi~ ull icE'. Curr£'nt Event s of th e Illonth . MI S Prin. N. P . Hiatt of th e High States during th e war . German y. think s th e s Jl eak~ r. is school was introdu ced and gave a Mr. and Mrs . He rmEin C'lIlne r Hav e ynu lr ied Sa wY(' r 'R I.'JI,! F. U. Ler.IIlY lhe n favor ed u s with a r ·adinJ{. "Thank Hv,iving An ' ." thl' wer e Il ay ton visito r 8. Saturda y . urit'f resume o f what the Agricul . at present sufferin g th e leaMt o f UIlY t;abin L:otfl'e? It ('c nainl y iH li ne. Illnr a l of whictl. s ug ges ted mo r e RYSture class h as already accomp lished. ~:uro p ( an nation involved in th e war. lIl rs Eunice Fram e , of Itich ll1 nlll l. what they are d nin g now, and their uecause th!! German people hav e . Mr . nn.d . ~ rs. : 'r an k 7,rll spellt t em atic giving of Thank (tTe rin gs to th e Lord . seltler! duwn and !!,one to work, Sunda y VI~ l lIn({ frt en J Ind .. is visi ting 'w ith Wm . 1··r all1('. hopes and lllan ~ for th o future. s In Day t on. Our hos t next pre ented I{ev J . F . The compAny then adjourn erl t o Wi.ile other nations hav e been t o rn Mr . Nat Barn e tt. of Washin gtu n Leo ",ounce alH I ~Ii~s ('li Z \, Yllunce ('aowal lade r . WhOSE! di.cll ~sio n of the the main hall. where Pn Bident Cart· ry int ernal stri fe. labor trouul es, wright intr od ucPl1 Mr. H . S Shelton . commu nism and kindred ditl ic ulties . of Dayton. SPt'lit lh e' wCt'k:cn rl witl; topic . .. Uisa rmam nt. ,. was ve ry C. H , is the guest of rc illtives h'r e au ly prellente il ano was g r eatly en· preside nt of The Johns ton·She lton t he German s have been busily en· home f olks Post maste r C um m ing~ a ttend ed j oyed by all . The IH ow inj.( senti· F riday . :\ I/ vl'lIl h" r 111 . Mrs. \\· (' II~ . gal{cd in lin earnes t elr ort to monop· th e me fun e ral of a co u ~ i n. at Ii'ranklin , pn·"i til'llt .. f 11& 1.: W Oll1a n '~ /\\l x illary. nt in fav or o Mr. f disarm lind Mr ~. Will. Il radl,·y . of olize the markelS of the world . ame nt malic Lebun l.n . s pl'1I 1 SUllday with Mrs. lhiB dis cus.~ion o n>! of unusua l inter- on Mc' nday. and ~ l r8 \'1111 1\ u rJln. treuw re r II f Menace to the Ra.:e s Susan C.)n k. lh(' I fnit"r! Thank t llfer ill j.( f.,r t he "51, Mr . Cad wallade r warn s us nut l 10 (' XI/ect too mu c h o f th e Confer. 'A great me nace t o civilizlll ion was Hufe r 's Mo re·E({!(,s Tonic . dOCH d i llC"~" o f SOli the m () hi". will Ill' tlw occlisi Mr~ Mary L AdlllJ1 ~ . of \\' ilmill~' ~n(,l! no\\ in se~~ion al Was hington . make mo re eggs. uy the t e rriul e sllcrifice l,f Wt' se ll It an}! gu(' ~ I .; o f th · WUlllt'lI o f St . IIl arv 's GOOD THINGS FOR rouustone(1 " How Should th e Farm Luan Ac t guaran~ ee it. Sawyer · s . young manh ood during lhe tOil. iN vi:liling' I:l:v . anO Mr ~ J. F. c hur(' h fnr th p dllY . war, and the mal·nut rition and star· Cadwal lader. be Cha nged?" was o pened fo r di s. ! . Till.: onle r of ~l! r\'i c es will ue : I'll(' THANKSGIVING . . ~ u ss i o n by Mr. George I{il ey. He M, ss Addl e Madd e~. of Morrow Holy CUllll11uni un a t IO: :lO vation of children during :lIln since 11 . Ill; II . Fre~h Oyst!'rs . Solid Meat; fan· ' t 'l ' Mr. anti M rN. Elm e r }(1Ij.((:r:l a nd ."ou Id no t amcn d tfliS t he week-e the war. Anothe r m enace arises he r uruther secund ~e rvil't: at ~ p m. llil.l, e l cy Cranbe rries Celerv, fres h ac as I now , ~penl M W II M ud nd With d Cracker s . Olives, Pickles. np.w from the antngon is!II of th e white Mr. and MrB. I). L. ('ran e we l'e in ltand s. ano thinks il qu ile lin [Jdvan. . r . . . a e n an WI' f e . wi ll lJl.; Rer" ..." at t he (~ r anj.( e ha ll at Mince Meat . Prunes. Peaehe~. and th" yellow ra ces toward eac h Dayton, Thursda y . 1100n . ~JOc a pial". 18 j.(e. es peciall y to th e Wes t"rn far. ! If th Men. II we ll us Apricot s. e par t y IV h 0 t 00 k lh e re, I ,.uo r· W OI11f'I1 , atl; inviLeo other. It is impossi ble. in th e s peak· If, t h.· in ne r (·s ~1e r. l\~r. Carl Duke though t t hat '! dered ulanket will plewe ret urn th e Miss Dolli e lIart. nf Lploonoll , i_ ,ome mIght ~ alllh E' act claRs er's opinion . for th e tw o races to Sweet Orange s. Grape Fruit. pcci"lIy . an d to the se r vi~,·~ if they legls la· t ' ' 11 \. k " . \. h ' ld b Maille. 110 (IUeM IOn s WI ue a s Cu. fancy box A.. pies, ne w Datc!!, intermi ngle to nny great ex tent in s penoin/! a f e w diH' ~ wit h Mr. 1" . I) . llun .. "ut ot e ra t h oug It care t u tlllel lll. t\ II lh t: \\ >ln .e n of I. It cou .C I new Fill'S. harmon y or with Rafety Lo eithe r . Hawke lind fam ily . con81de red only as fa vOn~g all c1 a~eR 1 01. W. W. ·Aker. form e rl y a resi. the cllurch aw l thei r fri,.".! , u r ged Mr. Shelton is a native ot Californ ia to be pr r~(, rli . Cl1nw. and let us New Er.gli sh Walnut s. tialted . The Ilrog ram clos(~ d wllh nn appro· 1 de nt of Wayn e LOwnshi p. Wa" elec Led You will favor I he fl av o r o f Bl ue pri a te select ion of' mqsic i lind bases his opinion concern ing this Peanuts on the ' Ma 'o r o f New Pat I- Ohi" where he have a pl" i\sa nt lind I'roillal ol,' day Bu ckle Co lfe~; it will urill g yuu uuck \ victrola . subje ~ l upon persona l experie nce. t o.Ke th e l: . no~ r esitles. . . SPEC IALS THIS WEEK In regard to the Questio n of dis · for mor e, Suwyer ·s . Anna L . , 'ao!w"lIad ·r . Fancv ·Asst. Chocola tes. Ib .. ... 25c armame nt, Mr . Shelton sayd that at I'r ", LU"al Auxilia ry 4 flavors, ij·pound boxes... :.$l.IO ()resent total disarma ment is an ut· Mr . and l\Ir~ \II II I{ apt' r at.\ .J. E Janney and family. Dr. Plain Van Choc. Drops, only . 20c antI wife . W . E. O'Neall and famEllis ily, ter impossi bility. GreatBr itllin dare tended the funl·r nl of Mr. Hape r'" aunt. at C. Uelllirol T. Ellis and family. S :). Ell is and Jk, · ulldllY . not totally disarm. imd Japan will 10c can Baking Powder FRE8 with each 25 pound sack of not, because of coloniza tion', emigra ' II Seve ral footl. all f a il S saw the I.e u· Flour t!&iR week . tion and like probltllns. Americ a unun·Uu yt lJ Clure weddinj.( at Springb uTu. · ll gu nH'. Sunday . /,,, liu noll must '. continu e to lead_the WilY in the New Sour Pickles, dozen .... .. 25c . . .' An a~ri cull ul'al • xhi hit ", ill he ---Good Cuffee 17c: 3 fIOUfl(Js .. ... 50c matter of limitati on of armame nts . ngam gOing UU\\rI III ddc·al. 7 t o 0 Th e mass meeting at th e M. E Ja yeveninl!'. held Ht Ih,' II . :::; h uild in g. Thu r;:du} Cala Soft Shell Walnut s. Ib .. . 3Uc With the assistan ce of M ra. Shel· , . . ~hurch, Sunday afl e rnoon. was well ; Rnd Friday of IhiH we!: k . The II p.4 1 New Uuckwh eat. 10 Ibs .... .... 60c Several m e mb e r ~ of the SC 'J 'II ~1o Ittend ed. and the m ton. the speaker present ed many in"llting was I Kiln Dried I'::orn Meal, 10 Ibs .. 25c ~lIe d cl) rn. lI " tat" ... an d pumpk ins II f terestin g views of cities and places Rite at tl!lhl.' d t Iw. nwel i III,!S at IJay· I .creatly e nj oyt'd uy all those present . j l hi:! C. Hlll ll unily will IJI' a ll d i:lldllY ton. laH t wee W~ want 5000 pounds of Poultry k . I he m et' lIn K la~ l<:c1 1 .-\lIen [J . Hole. of h:arlh a m collel-:c . of note in the British Isles and con· Th .. II. ... agricul lure closs will lie fnr Thank~giving - Turkey s, tillental Europe, the slides having four days . vrofesso r of g eology. and lit the th e jllrlgL'~. IIn.l pri zl'~ will III! I{i\'e n Ducks, Hens. Spring Chicken s. been made from photos taken by ,Iresent tim e presid ent pro t e rn of Call us before you sell. We flJ r till' four best e ntri t!~ ill ea ch MiHR(,:I Mary e Th"ll1a ~ alld J "l" himself . His last few pictures were will buy any quantit y. any pr udu ct. Ev e r} LJOdy in vited phin" Harlan Ilttl' l!il t'r1 a 1'lI e'e1 ing of th e cullege, is a fo r ce ful s peuker. Mr. illld Mrs. Jas . Mc Clure e nte r. views of battle· fields and ruins of time, and pay the highest the W. II. M. S. Ilt (;race c hurch. and his ideas al ong l he lineM of dis· tai ned prices. at Slippe the War, and the deserted German c"ening , a rmam ent are g oorl . He d live red Mr . and Mrs. !:lr,e rtSunollY Day t on, two dllYs uf laRt wel'k Paying 58c for "EglrS today. Hartsoc k and trenche s and Cortific ations. hi s ll11'ssall e in a way that was un· ouught e r. Be tty. --- -Mistl Ph oeua Miranda arri ved h,)m , d e ratooll by eve ryb orly. IT PAYS TO TIIAOE AT COlll{re glltional sing ing an d a mal la~t weck. after a pl easant ll1 onth' , e 21 ·Pounds a Foot. Mr. and Mrs. ,J. C. Hawke enter· A mUD should \\,p.llCht 2R [l"un(]s to visit wilh her brothe r, Char leH nlld quartet add ed much t o the program Sunday nex t be for e Ad venl . No tained at Sunday dinn e r. Mr . W .·H . for the aftern e\~r)' toot of his h.l"ht. oo n famil y . in Ukillh oma. nl sll rei a l ive, Dinwidd ie and family, Mr. A. ~ . Co r· vcmbc r 20: Chu reh Schon I at !l ::lO a -~--in Misso uri . nell and family. Mr. nnd Mrs . Waller III ; Murninj.( !'raye r an d se rm on nt J an ne l' and Mr. J 1'. Fromm and lO: :W. l;;vl' ry hody invi ted t o t he!'e Mrs. Esther S lout I ~ rt. Tuesday sc rvi ceg. fUl11ily. morninJ.{, for Cal ifornia. wh e n~ silt' will speml the winLer wil h her ~ o" Mrs. Vi ola Harlan and dau gh ters . Isaac , and famil y Sht! will ~ t"li oil' LJ~e n ur C ln s~ ifl ed Ads for resu Il s Misses Minerva and Josephi n e, en ter· al Kansas City fo r II Rho rt \Vhil(~ tn tained at dinner, Sunday , Mrs Eliza· visit with r e l ative~. beth Mr.ilrya nt and Mr. Marion .JaM e~~ rH . C. C. Cook , Ira Stansbe rry cobs . of Dayton, and Mr. Harold When it com es to buyin~ Cu ffeI'. and :'vi icllllci Mc DOnElid were called Earnha rt. to Xenia. there are so many j u ~L !\ H good kind s 'thursda y. to ap pea r as you scarcely know whi ch kind to witness es in a IlIw suit, Kerr VB . Master Dan Brown, of Corwin , luke . Come to us and get a pound Yabl e . The suit was on ac co unt of entertai ned eleve n of his boy fri ends of Red. \\hite und Blue lit ~5c per the brflakin g of the lurge wind ow in at a theater party. last week, in hon. poulld, t'llual to IIny 4:;c cuffee you the pool room nearly a year ago, or of hi 8 12th uirthda y .. Those who can buy . Sawyer 's. when 1\ truck b~cked upon the side· enjoyed the occ[l~ion were Charles walk an.d d emoli shed the large plate O· Neall. Morri s Sherwo od, Boyd Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man and SOIl. glllss Window . He nderson , Gilbert Frye. Carl Hay. Paul, left 'l'hul"!lrlllY for Cleve land'. - - - ... - • Ernest Adams, Clyde U:vcrhnrt, For· where they . will spend several weeks est Brown, Ve rnon Orndor f. George visiting relative s. Mr . Zimmer man Henkle and Everett Sears. ' and daught e r, Marv Louise , will join them next w ek, fur a few dav g' ~ h o uld









WELL ATTENDED ~~~~~~r.II~~te~li=~ I

I~~:a MI;:ill~;·. M~~


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Habl,it hunters were out in force. Tu eRday. thi s b eing the opening day of the rabbil season . The farmers' have [l. ,ql cd their farms, and they will prosecu te anybody found hunting on their farms withou t a permit, It is ~ aid that rabbits are plentifu l. an d hunter~ will be very careful as to the number they bag each day.

- - - ...


The Miami Llazette , $1.50 a year.

Sa wy er 's The store that sells lor less


SATU RDAY SPEC IALS " p O ll n d~ liranu la ted Sugar ..... 33c llarKe package s Maccar oni .. . Hie I lIound Cracker s ........ ........... 15c I p', uml Mother ~ Cookies .... .. .. l!le I !" )tiSI 1' 0 :H ti ~S . large ........... 19c I l'lnt sea l·top Mustar J .... ....... 14c I :':·1·11; bap While Loaf.... .. . .... 6Sc I ).(,,1. pu re Cide r Vinega r ...... 38c

FRU ITS ~I.!S, . IhU', cR

......... 30c (;rupe Fruit, 3 for ... ...... ......... 20c Appl e8 . ·1 pounds ....... .......... 25c lla l1 :1nag. dl,zen ........ . ........... 3Oc Lcmung. d ozen ....... .......... ...... 1Oe

MEA TS Si r loi n. Porte r Hou se. Round, pe r po und ........... ...... ... .. .... 25c Chu I'k o r I{ib Steaks .. .......... .. 20e R'Jast or Boiling Beef .. 15c and 20c Vresh Sau sage, 2 pounds........ 45c Fre ~ h Sliced Pork ... ·· .. · .......... 20c Lard. pound ......... · .... ·· .. · ...... 13c Our Meats are home killed, fresh, tender and juicy, Shotl{un Shells. box .......... ... 1 15 PayinJ.{ 59c in trade for Eggs; 39c for Butter. ,""""""""""~""""""~

Always try ·us first

Sa wy er 's



For a century. the hard coal mine,. of' eutet'ft Penlllyl vaaia .have 'dumped '!reject" orWaale coal Into the a+ren. 11* eoaI was oj supposedly poor qualitY. but ~101Y lClentl... bnte cIIeo9ered lle waste coal haa been ·wulled down a ';.er bJ die cammt, the afndler gn . n.. it received haa made It better, In hat unit .. thaD tile coal from the air"es! Accordingly, the Susquen lnn .. · Shamok in aad other rlver.s IIOW <lo:tcd with scow. on which Ire thl belt ~mplng machineare ry. IThe Shamok in .rlvel I!P 750.000 tOni a year. P .......Sic ..'efSa:y• ,;t::~=::"~_



~.J:, 1oaD4&....



_ __ am_.n

visit. Messrs. H . . M. Sherwo od, L. A. Zimmer man. Jas. E. McClur e, Clar· ence Allen and Tom Piere£' 'aUende d a meeting of the Knilfhts of Korassan ,Dokt:ya ) at Dayton . S"turua y The last named walked the hot I18nds of lhe desert, and from reports fouod the way bard going.

m;e~~n~~o~;~d:!I~~;~I!, a~ ~~:;:t;~~ THANKSGIVING SERVICE

ship House . . \ . The splendid movjng Picture s' l which were shown t.o the Men of There w!11 be a Commu nity Church Waynes ville la~t Septem ber, will be 1service on Thanks giving evening at ... hown here again un~er the auspice s 7 o'clock, at the M. I!: church. uf the Boy ScoutA. A lla te w!11 be Come out. everybo dy. Rev . Cadwal · decided upon lOOn. everybo dy lader will addrellll us, and millie will ~hou1ll_ tbeIe b. ID lidded attrMti on.

The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio. hI, ' t"o'

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Money tq Loan on Farm L and fo r fi ve yea rs at 6 per ce nt. & T E ~~ ELL , Wil lll illglOll , 0 ., pho lle :ml.

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" Y " ' l' rl' 1t " '''': 1I 1' II I, h I ... ·.:, ... 11' tt ' . CH AFoTE R VI . ,pn w I. nl " 1'1 Ih,' 1' 1" "11.. , r... '" " II " :--kk . nn , r ol f Hil i kIp \\ "',,1, . ... · 11 Ti le lI ,lt· lin, "III nl 11,,- 01''''' nn " ( or It l" ",, : , ~ , . fl' I 'r , '·" i . ' \ I I" tIl! 1\\\1 H ,j ' t ·I "\lr f· r~ 11 III de fll"'1 pf,' ~rt,~q I ~h' k ~'l t l ll aH I n tit' flO II" "" nn ' 't ,•. , nwHrt! tlh' I. ' th' ~ lIll\ ' ukl\ \ 'llllt\ ~ltlj.! Il ' "wtwr ~ I' m lHkln ' ,' 01 " 111 " : , I • f ll\ ,lrllhl . · u P I,"rtllllity ns tll. · \,· ... ~,· l Ttll ' 11111:- ' , · 1' lit 'h, ' • " " " 1: ' a k ,' i1 ll 'I"'11, t ht·y j;nI S i '\'~' h"r I1l nrt ill)!lIlfl , r~ \ 11 1 lw.' Il ll d ,'r 111 1'1 , .l1 ln\\ : 1 1l' ~ I~ I ''' ! '' I ,o. ! \·IIlIlI' I'd lip 011 th' IHI" '"1' r\ (. 11 111 1 r n n I 1\ p l!'>I " ' , "P ut .. ( 1m . 'a"t l l 1'1 I'll r ldd , n l " "g tilt' htl \\' ~ ll rlt to l il t' 11l·):ul1nll·· )'UH ." \,,\ !l nrk,.,l rp , · I.I ~· , t tl ·l"I l :-: tll·. ")0 tl h~ d pc k fit· ln w a Ill'II " 1I r . lIW B Ill); In t ht.' s('U t lt"' t'JoI. 1111.1 !'O Udl n h ur rlble 8 t ('n("h Pl' f\'l\,lt' d til(- " t' !'i~" 1

Il\i" ~ I I1 ':

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l li. I,'I' I-l \· - ItIKiI",,1 pr io'('~ 1',,1.1 I .l rul l kl l1d !'l'l fp ' lIdl l )" . L l.l tn w k ll o w Whitt y o u lI uvll t:h"rll· ... (i " n l p n . I'li .,u u If,-oi, 11 ,,1 vnyttLJurg

t !" ,: h,\111 1

\\ it "1 It II I


f"l1 l1d

i.! p t Hl h arn -IUx f)O. t u . lJnl U ::~" .J :-< . ltUKu Olt'tttl u . ~pll' " dhl WI \II "I w u t u r I.oll tL uuvtir· :-;ow .. II n il I' I~ " : ~u ~:"1!", "III f lllllllg'tlprilll-{ ,'\l r ('·lIt,l lt; . ti'tl r f ur. IHlll h F ,' h rllflrv I ; ~ li m it e"I I ... th ur tllf Hr n " " tlJlI , Vh " fl u UU, d r " Of' Ii' lI wlll~ I VOflr H " I , I .II ~ ~ hueD wurk"d It n r rv Murrll )" Wn.\'I1""v l l lll, !J h lo (\ L III Cl'H , It I ) ·1, \\ liy tl l'~\I 1 1l 1" nil


I 1111 "

AI ' II" F I\ ltM . [, 1II1 1t'. f ro w WIII,lIt,. ,' I I",; I, , ,, I Hn l:urlrOtt t'\)1! Il tl "rHi, kH II r t tl Illuli. t(un d AI)' \r lltl~ \ V . L , III"uk. anti ~ nppil ~ N fur Ull lll m l~ . llllli,lln t.: " . I' hl' /l i' nau HH Hl l\ f !!', f. ~ I f,: 'I'11 i! H Mtunll~tt ( · ln tl HlIl~. ' '1, ,1 , 11 " l illi , ()\I I ' t ,''', HUi l l t n T' f'l I\J:! I dt1pI1 0 "ttl ~ . *75 ; ~ l lIrr . ,w Brllnl , ), .. ",,1 1111( ttud wlI~ h ,

I Fo rcod

10 th e fo','ul"t le . {Iol1hlJ·l~l l . Hw l ( t tIlIH! t our nl (\n nlln... In th ei r I "' I'II! ~, 1'111 tool t nr gone t o If'n'·l.· th (·I11. " l'li 111\\ " ~ , '11 b o ys In th ,' ~J llrl ll\' III',pl\lIl 1.. 1l 1e111 ," ~ c intornwd t he POo! , ·n ':\{ ttr\·!'I. al .t! 80 Ut:ht til t' ll1ust~r ' s , ',1I 1! U. I. .' I li p.: , '11 . his bed, ful l y (I n ' ..... ,d. h ,' (" n llt! I li, ' f



"TII' O hun .lr('(1 nnd e l l:h l .l' ·F," ·t''' \hl.l'~

t r om H am ilu rg , :\Jr, Ulhm'y. (O ur ,,(•• ,, Inh les/;/l l' e out lin d we <lr/l /1 k 100 II1IH'h rR ln wnler 111111 o l e 10 0 1II111 'h tn ,.11 Ii-h d t!wn I n t h i' n ottiruDl S.

( h lr

P (III\ 't){,~


B a rked Fe ebl y ,


I1 r o l ~~ t nil" prncrN' " 10 m n1, p Ilh 8rr Hll ~ t! I11t.' I\I S, rL·J,:unl1l· ... ~ of thl' l l1h:"i' h! r's c on s ' ·II t. A s Ill' Hil i) ~f<.· . ;u lT.,y l,llS1f'U tl\l ' I1lF;l'''' ('~, Illyi llr;: l ilt' h ·,pHII !..! blo" ks ol"n jC tlip d"l'k . ti ,e ... ~ 11I1I""1 1 t o\\'n nl tli ~ ~t u.,r~lu 1\1\1 1 o lt'-l.'l'q,(} t ·lI p ·

t nin SC fu ggs l l11r1 111g "1' :1 11 ':-1 .. r ,"I ' C ( " tubh's Un! rh~'llrtl In an I'ITIII'\ 1' 1 ~::t't III Ihe 81111111 hva t IjI1 10-:<1 ... , " l1 e'll ' II ~ w ht' n ti ll' . '''I;:h l ,'111 1, " ,; 1' 0111" III," ~ I I·. ~ ('Glln'cy chUrLl .,,!. " I'ot, r IJI' ~'kn'l':'

811 wpnl r OU ("I1I hl'fure ~\'e w" re ont t wo Jn nntios. ?>ull1r u ll~' , 111(' s hip's ofIl eers s tuCk It Ollt 10111/1'61 . bU I Il' h ~ n we drlf( ed In here th is 1II0rn ln !! . 1 \I'll' th e onl y 1111111 1I\1l1h rd o !'lle \lI 8 1n",1 11 1'. b~ ~' ~ .• " ' !t"11 \ IILlt u ln ~ 4 ' r ll lo!L!jo. " !l lIH ' ;t !l u lird . J crnw lcd 1111 on the t n"gllilan ' r,,'e ll sti c and le t go Ih ~ Iorh vn r ll nnchor. I' d I ~rr . (i ll .n t·)' l· ~, "'r ft· fl 111 :11 Jl.1" ll1l1d 111 li lt' hod II cnck·blll p.1 [Or thr~" ,,,,,,·ks . . 1Il 0~lf' I" S l.' ublll i iIlI I'P ' ! II,' . ' d JII IIl . li n d . II I hflrl to d o 11'00 kn ock nUL till" SI'"',J by whl1,-. tl \t,~, ), 111' :": ;1111 . " 1. "T ilt' h)W " II I ( '1) , t roll f1\ t , 1 ! 1\lI I~lIllfl l ('II\, ' 6topper." t ut ll ." :-;" rH ~~'" I" ' ~ : I II l' '' ' fll ' u,.. l y. W hil e :\!r. Glun~ y qll e"U .. llI', 1 hi m " :\I c Ull' ) h· l;un·t · ~·11 r-lt ll ~t)1I In f or nnd lI sW n ~d B\' ld ly 10 t he l l(>rrll.le I II I!' of prll'atl on and d C"l'lI lr , )[ cU u(f, ' )' ( (1 ur." f;lh ll~r dt.' f'IH l'fod , "Tllr, ·.· t IIOll -:llfII1." .... lIarl,·1\ ~"I' n j.!):~. II ppenrl'd to reporl II 1,,'15k 111'(' 1I111 1,'/, I " ~ ,!l I II1'!oi 1'111 '11 1' a '" d i l l III t\\ 11 11" ,\1 "4· the d o nk,,~, Rnd to proll1I s,' ' IOIln. In I rorty minutes; o l~(I thRt 11\l' ~ln jll(le n lld . .\ s n Illu lll·r .,f f ll l'l . :--:" I' IIIoC)'! ~.\', 111\' /Ill ' ~I II " '11 !-Onl l ,1 "'r i ll f ill' nil ! I.ln' II'n8 h O" e to n col li e l ens h dlsl o n!. j ll!'>t t o Fil\l n rtiU o ll t 0' , IIi' .... 1I 1\II!!t· ." \\'Ith hel' crew dl g.:ln g \1l1rl,·/, th e fl ,·"k· "T\'ll l!t nll . . alltl d td ln l'~ II" 111~ I' H 1 j .., t lond ot ~ e l; e (Rble s tor Ih e 8"111 11 h (lol. "Help you l'"elr ( 0 n belnyln ' I' l n, llHI'I, n ~III · " ." SI nl L:~'" tI" ,·IIlI' ,·' \. " T III, t' II 01' I t'H \, e I I. 1 ' 011111 111 . t · ll, h · !' 11.p l'l r· Il U' knoc k 'em on t hl' IH' lIrI., 1r t hey (' lI l lj .... tllll . ' P~. "(lr ~ uhlll ll..! I ... 11.. ' ·1,· ... ::. '1' '' 0 I ry to Ct1lllP nh oar~ . " ~! r . 1; 11- 111' ,1' or · t ll llll ... alid 1-:. 1 11 ~ 11I'-' 1.1 .1 ." d(lred Ilon ('11n l l1ntl.,·. OI

"PO ( 11 1111 r !-t8nd tl lC'r ...• t~ II .. t4 '~t1I1 C r


)Jr. GlhTl~ ~

1" tt" , I II, t ..:t"r of q lll' I'l t'd , "Tl le r\.··~ Hil ("x ~l1 "' e (or 1'111\ o.:l r, TIl C' li ttle n' !:~llIble r r('I ~lili' r ~I II P~" " Sh e'll neve r 11<1 nlJl to low y "u Ill, I,,·cause "'he nl o't got , .Il\\ l'r {'1I 0tq.:" . u n' If ~ I IE~ hnd I lt,w(' r .·IIt111 .c:h ~l l ." I' in ' t ~ot at

I lle


1t")oOI" .. ~ ,

coo l l'nnu .,;: h. o wn r , i!j

rot tt'U li nd u n h '!"


fore h e'll put

tie you ul ' ti.nt'd .,·ou r ~hl p

S~ ' I'1'~ j:q .


0 11

h el'

UII ' he-

rOpt' IIl lr l lll"d y Otl hl"U

n cnn t r al't

{'( t!.

n liL' g ~ r

li n UHf.'1 \\'l '('J! . TIH~ wa y un' I·\'tl r·l' ! h l ll ~ . 1lH' Oil ' 1'111, Mnll her In rol' Y'IU a l

m llkl1

~(cG urrl)~'

It t ' !'I

lillif Ih" 'I,rlce." "I 1'1111 ' 1 rl Rk wy 81111' 10 Ihe hnlld~ o r Iw.l lIIell," tIlt,! fo;h:k rnv tn ill 11 11 · !'- w ~ r(ld. " ~ h ("s tno \'U l llld"t~ nll d so I t' I,"r ('lIr~ ". Ir lid" Ildl<' ~II'''"It' r ",UI I \.I'" m ~ 111 I' ll Kill dl;' "lVI' hO'l' ",), lOW' IIttp nll d )"t I I ,e ('ourt ~el1l ' 'li e hilI." UNot 1,l' n mOU N!," ~I r. U l hll l'y pro. t'st eil . " Ht.'1: pfl rclClIl . Ir. 1,lIt ~ 1111 do n't k n o w thl A horc SI ' I'Ug-g-" l iI; j' I do. I co u l dn't Ih lnk o f "'Ili n' l ilI1I sl'l to ot n D Ih ls (h"'~, " "\, ,, ,, rr," ld1l 't Ihluk o f 11 7 \\',-11,

w hen d id yo u luk .J c o rlll tw l lll or Illy ~hh~

Nothing equals


for I ecouring anal \




Mak. . all metalwa,. look like new



to th.




fll") h " '! r " f t " ,t , If .\ ot~ 1 n l lt'S( ".. : ~ r ' ,. II) Hn-Im hlw k t il til '"' ( ·!t .... :q ll .u k ,· If .-' (,dilr. ' I 'll I,, " II :Ii .· ! " " I 'h l ' l'~ Hlld II "' lu ,L-t.· d l1p I ht" .1 u n' h · ~. l lld ,! . r .t t' fll (, ~ : ll1tu l I" ... ..: . \' , . .. ·1\ hu' . 10 ~ ,. , "1111 !' Ii n st n rlll (If Itt tl) I' f fpln I HId IHI :--., ·rill.: .... 101 }l "r ' )1' 1, ' 1 ,.:, . lilt , nh dl ·j r 11, , ~il " 'IIJ..: TIlt-' I' "hl l' wn .. l lnu l t'd 1" 11 If 01 ,.'lI r, 1 01'1"1\1 ' 1'1 ." with d l flll'ulr.\', 1)\\ lnl{ t rh ,' "U lllll ,ll''':' ' '' " I ,l "U ' 1 IU II 'w It 1I1III il aln)tl t l\ Fa llill' ~ kltT II I rlit" t'n rl o f I t. t'HP II l n ~ \' nl ': L: '" shl l '," ~ ,'r: ".:a.: :-. q ll:t \' ·!"I ·d . Rl1d TIH' ~fJllllr lolhfll\tI l '·" j!f.<d (1\. (> 1' rhQ " 1 \il lI'\\ i t " II,' · .\11' . I ; iI' I ~"~ rtft I II, ('lHtsnp, 'uke'tl full and tl1;,C};t'r1 fur l l l ll":" "!J tl t TI II ·r l ' lI ill ' t 11 III I1t'.\ , , "t1I1~ li III tho I),. ",h"11 Ihp w re ck ('UOIt' nl oJ Ig'!"lld .'. Ifill \\lIrld '" I n don ' 111 1' t l) t ·~I · I' II .:(· , 1It1 t all or I hel r ~t rell gth \1'/1- II II ,'qlIflI knvwl".t~t· tv Y"lIr p rlltlL " li t: 1tll-'I I ',I rile tfl~ k or rla- h l ln ll th o li llie <"rll f l II~' t o tl H" 11 111"("'1' IIj Ihl' t ' 1 H' ~ nltt ' H I\ ' · . " 1' lIr hOllllni up "" Ih~ ll ithl rOJlP nll8 ('h ' cl pn t' h \11I,11' ·t! d" IIIII'S "llt 'II, ~ k( ;\Ifrl' Y I (\ II er til " 'orl, on' I wi ll sull Ill' l' In f v )' )'fl U , :-:lr." " Fo r t~n li nllR n! Ul on' rUI 'b tnt' an ' " I'll Ihll lllli,' t lil' ,·I ... Ii. ~Il' . (; \tll h ·Y. ~1 8 C'11 11111 li n I II Ihll l roj'\' " n ' ,our .. 'U(l ln ln :O= (' I'HJ,.! I.!"' . if yo u \\ III r.. l lnw IllY Ill' t t (\ rluh ! tltt' ... k ltf, .\ (t,·r qh~'!1i 'l1~tnh: tlilIlS \\ (· '11 ct'l SOIlW ~ ail 11 11 thu r ightt' d , I' ll Iln l l her o ut. 1,,\r r fl W n pw f · h l. ~ nI )rn kf' . '1'1\1, (, ' Il (l ~t..' I l l l t.. ~ !hrl lug h n nr :" f r o l1l lids iW I" \\11 1"1-\ , 1111 ' hl'l" ~I ' tl8 IIII' k :llllng hi .), k. In , It" \\l lIc'II- - " r o w 1 ~ J\d, ttl tll p ~I l\ ~~lp w ith l la o Th t, (t llgilH"~r uf tiH' :,\I II Wllh\ ('HIIH-' U(I cHl ol ,' ," ~t r I a t tln")" \·t, 111111l·"red . '"Cusb ('11 (id 'l< on cl WIi \'.,,1 hl~ 1\1'111 "; wllally ,

M " t l II

"I ' Il\,

Fll r uTn ·r-. t



~I 'I II" .

nn tlll , W tr lU ! WI1, ~ fll p- d , H" lln lI ,d l " n . " 1,,iuttO·. 11I' H ~ i"(\ll \\' . N. ~I ' lI r" 0 1 III I,' " li llY" '" willd,

~ w llll lti\l ' k '" l i lt· ;\l l1 :':1-! h.' "1 111 It. \\\"11 1'11 .. 1\' 1\ Ii 1 1I' :\ ~ i " 1' \lI l t' to 111 ,' "ultl ,', I. JI· "11\11 I Il l' L';,J. k :l u tH\l'll \, Jl lI lilt' )1 1I1;).:1t·- :-- \"111'11," " \.' ''11 ",U,\ , h a l )0.11 II I, p . ~ t·l" ; l':b~ Y. ol d " (' I" fill. 1' 111 Il·ll1pl,· .l Iu lldl .l\ ) ' vu t'an \\ I,h tl ,· 11, :'\ e ll !o,. II\..'·:-t Hld y Ho(\dn' Y" U tv r l .. k ) II lI r 11ft' l'\ ,' rI H' ard rur Ih.'l ldll g. 'T:I ,II' t III llll' .,l il l l j ,l ll' artlt 1 1 '~ til ill IL 0, " :1 11 111 11' , };HI t il d o I b a t. If ll t.' ''' Ilt l ~

t" " lil.

"flU, I' d null pu t hp\\ 1I1\1('h fI ' III I! I Wo tll tllhHlt ll d oll a rs l "u~e hl" ~ g~lln ' tn oIl, l l'lbutl' t o I IIR l'n'lI' , l' ~r" ' lJll y \\1\ ...

rlll'~lI pt 'lI kl' k IH ' \\' II 1"lIll l'l \\ lIu l d n Wllrd; 1I'-' \' l\ rtli l'lt-' ~h Il l' !-:11t ,,1 1, 111 1'" 1I'..'Uil.

.. t l·~ n "t r lll~111 t n \\ Jill! J" I,. ( ·o l,tllin. ulHl n ()t 0 II In I;.:,· 111'(1 \1 0 .... 111 (111 n i nil.

I 'd l!vl Inln e In " ,l d,'IIIl' I·t V.

ttl flit! n l l"'W t' r .

I,ll Will Ill , ~I\lll e , .~ O



(~ I nrl· \ \' 111 11 !'\ u

1J, 'u r ill..c

h\l nt)f , ~ d ."


w n rki oJ .

hi s "hit!


"Tnkell, ('njl,nlll f'1 ' 1'/ll!go , \I'rl l l' un tI ~ I't ' I " J1I ' lIt Hud I' ll !-II!!II It." " '1 1I1 t h,' ng-r" (i lll l)nt III Itl '" p Ol'k flt , SrT I1~h'"

fl )lIvw c d hy r,1I 1 m-' ~' , Il' ft tlt u ('uhl u. "U n t' IlUIHlrl'll (l ll d l 10 yo u )till M nc I f you 'lI foOtily uhu lird t il l' CIH.'~ Il· p t'Hk~ . ~lp l ' r h f'r. !til ' ht 'lp r lt~t ~ l a~~I 4' out wllh wh ut "a ll ~ 't ll (,lin ~..t on her." flr rllg!:s 1 \l' ''1II1 ~ ' ·' 1. " T nkt: n l QtlK, 1'\1 111,111' j UIl t(' ,It YOUt'· ~e lt . . tTnll il ~Y . n i t] :-,c)rr" ·. \ fill. T ht. l'I, ;.; t IlJ(l 11 11'

Mnt: 'll

( '11



1111 1 1I ! , •

l '!lf' h


) I t::l p y. lt l ('1)' 1:-

u .... -

I tl "

Ill nrl \"jHH' i~'1

T he ""Ifnl f lJ ll n\\' I·Plfll~. t" 1 II" " " " ",~~q kn <?w 110lh l lllo: wha l, <" -!· uhfl ll\ II ... ,tlll l ll.': hhlp nnd \\'ouHl 1111\ (' to 111.· 1"'I HI tll li lO

The ~\(l U't r (!hl' n d r lJr l!t(· Illflfn nlllllJll h e n ''1 ll l n 'il , "A ll r·lght. II C' :-e· ... .\n u l' 111\I[1\' Y," , c r og~ s re l'lI ~ <I 111,,1 1f1l " ,),o,1 ~ [r , Gill· IlP .v t W(,ll l y ""o ll nr ,., Iii ' 1I11r1 i\ p\l q Hn l"o l'!"Nl t it(,11 \\'l' ll1 f' Il' '\' , I rr1. ~ f l t l ' lH l li e !!l le f' l t(,,\'IIIt( cubl ,·. lin d (;, . II ' I' l' d II

IIKht rope 10 th e ~lI rl 0f It, 'l ilt HllItr nunted orr th e RIl II' nt 'I ' ~ 'nu .. r Ihe p llinter. so The S(jUlHchenri Illlulcd It 10, ' cli mbed do ..... n Inlo (h~ 81t1 11', lin d Illllde the lIght ropp fn " t In a tll\\,lIrl; Ihen. w ith Cu Ptnl1i ::; t rn!i~s plI)'l li g 0 111 (h e hn \\' 8 ~ r , l'1'l ls h"lI t mllntully to the onrs nll~ s tRrt cd to l OW I he sl " el calli e back t o Ih~ Mngglp. H nlf lI'uy there, Ihe "'<'Ighl or (he cubl e rlrngglng h e· If ln ,1 .lu\\·cll The !i'luorch('n.1 up nnd c \~ellt\lnll\' ~ I IIJlp e { l hiUt. Ex('rth).~ ull

' Ii, ' \I ;I":I..." !C \\ 11 .. fil!->t



Ill-I.,, ·. ", p" \\ I'll l 'I ' t' ri. I,llI til ' all' ,I",,.," 41 11 10111 ' ·:lJ ' lllin :-' 1'I'lq,n,: !ol, !t\tl :\k· I "JI " ',\' r"~ t' " l l ll ~ .. ql l l ~ k l d !» t l ' IIIH III Iho ' : " 1 )", .\ I to t url} In , . 1' t l .. , wllldIH~ :-O. lli e U[I . I! .. r \\ : ; 0,1 rul .. ... l a n oi " fH'k l d ll ,' cl, n lII t i l ....\I n .: t..' l '' IH111 1l'd II\\ I \ ~' on 111(' lInw ,o ,,!"

hili the nlld '" I'. n n ' I hut'li ,',"t )'011 t C! n hll('k~ f n r

'n ro url


Notice of Appointm ent

______ . _


I I I I,I ~lIlll l ' np{1l 11i

~ t 'l' n ;":h-;


Il l . . Ilt' \\, lIl I YI ;; III I I I ': ullll 'l' !' 1IIII t 111" 11 I) Ill. \\ 11 "1 r r et' uf t hC! Ull tl llll l. "Th ~ (.hI ~11' 1 .1on· t SI.'l.·m tu 1\(1' IIlnl{in ' 111' 0 /1\\ 11 .\' lu !lIp I' j l,(l l t ,llr.,.,·t l llll ," ~ I f;u Jr ,,-," r "IIHll' ItPd I'lulnt l\·l·ly, af l t' r t l' 6 ~ l tlt;{..:'I I ! Ii n ,1 s tr nl llC'Cl nt t ht' l1U \\ Sl?' r fur tin.!. 1II1f1llt "!4 . ::,\11'. n t hn (lY, t-.lnntl ln J,: h ~' wll h n h tll OIlIl'r III hi. hUII!1. noohlNI uflil'ln ll ll \' cl )" \\' hll e I hp. s klp\J~ 1' or Ih e ('I ,e" tll" ''' ~~ . ",11 0111 ~[r , Glbne )' hull h lli l th ~ f nn' l h lJ llght I v t lLrr)' out on .Iet k to \\·" t d, the ol' cr llll ou. glonct d npp n'· l.~ n8 h·" I )' ,,~ho r e . Scrn~bs m ensurr.1 t h" dl' IR'\l't with his c ~'e to th ~ tl l' IlI" ('61 (1'l li ge nf " \lrf nnd II \\' fl S plolll thllt

he wus


..........·t w. ................. .



Mnrr iage Licenses. \J\ ' i I IJOrl, I'iI:HI AO 'IIIkl" r . Wu~ t ~u nlor a liD .Ilum d Il r ,n j.\ttlll. 1:'pr ng·




E~la t c



I{rli lu l u L. \1 , I£llwi ro WhiLe . ~hl p, lin ' . tlcr ll<1 111 \VA~hjn ~ I, " "t, o w u . PIl'I I- " h i p ; ~1. L I) Edwin WIIlLf' ~i d" II.HI An n F r l'(l" nl" \vhilt' ~Hl o I n 1\I1l1'!1 llret I ·r owl'. il, l in \V".hinKl o lI I II ",n s hip;




.......... ..

Co mmi~810nel'll'

Forest T. Martin

orrl ... 1.

"Co lJt aln 8 "I'IIIC ,,~: ' th e sltl})pc r ot th e (' ht" HI "'H k,' <'f.llet! fcrb ly. "~r. Olhn\.)' Is .'I ~I , 1. 'fh llt "ro ft of you Ps I ~ unable 10) tu\\, 111 )' . htl) aga inst thl~ wi nd. You' re I "s l n~ !! 1'(Iund, I nch I fY I nr· h .. .. rl II \\'111 h~ onll' :\ mnLler ot



'L'yo.w rU, r

I'tlln.I II, II I.,;o l"n v I1r o, "l or , IlIfltfl ~1:.10 IlIlU IIMII.I OUt! yell r , I nq llHI!

Mllry F , Br uIo\n,

W lly n e8 vllltl,


U'l'O~- l

2 Aa lly now;

For d

8o.1a n ,


1 Fu r d tuurln jf oar, wit,,, wllller tnp, In qu ire of W, A, ti nrrace, K F D , 5. Wlly nll8 y\llo, Ohio, 01 6

Auctioneer Get m y t erms for your P u bi ic f'a le . Satisfact io n gllaranteed or no charges.


Onlt li en ll ng AtO /PII, Illoh . I nquire of W. ,{ il bot., W nynlll!v llle, O ll iu. u2 J.l 8 Dd 1(j

I'r oclled inlt:8

Box 91, Cenlcrville,:Ohio'

~~~ .~~\~·'t ob~,~ ~~~O pl~::;:.~!~":~' ~~I::~~;

O" k

Do k . r, tl ill Wll l'lI " 11 e. ch I hlt' ,

Il,,"r 6 11'10<' :12xfol) i n<'iIl'rI A l'o, r l\ lI lD; c nm o "IHI Fill' II . II, 1'. ~·tot t e r ,W .. y Desv ille, lI h lo , Dill



' I"r l (\ r-~" W el l



Ilt l' lr

UI. L ~: I'I'\- - ~

11,1.I'n pU f o.blell 1I'l<rt•.! It"c k I'ulltot.. I ' ,qu lrt! o f )I r •. ,I " h n Il ltl h . K () fl, Wu vnoH. l ' llk. (lhlll , n~~


flil il h " ys ~ ,, " 1(I 1 ' .w II. l l\p~ . U (l Ie tim es 1,I ilY t oo IltInl tlDd /),·('r.lllx I th Ir systel1l~ , Th ey h PO I, III ft 11H II' , l o~ o

Extr ll ~ond ~qu~ r B PIIlDO f ur s" l tl I r>tt l ~ OuW , t:ltllfr l'U F u rtl t o u r ing cnr ~' r , uk M lllor ,

L () lli~

(~irl .

'I'h .. y

wIl l


1 or fur ,I"r."y A ,1(,0 v ict r u hl , \lk u Dew.t rado L, IW~Yll e .. vlll " . Vlti ll . n ~:I

Optital OepartmeDt 9. Detroit SL Xenia. Ohio OPl'D evenings by appointment


FUIl Ic ~ 1' " l1 l"y I () HOrA C" ~ ' . Iln d Wh l'D th e yO Dn g 1I ,' u y iH ~ r ,I\'·. Lll c,' i\ ( 'n 1llIltllll. 1.. 1. ill Ornelle ing , c lllid r u n fr e'l nnntly xl,,' rl <,n rp (' I1ull l I', ~prllll{ V tllt-y, 111111 W" y uo

w e nk lind II l0k ly .




G eo rg" !-; Kit tor. (.I " slt e n , II n <l Mllr.y ~; Il "" F " rd . l, .. vo lllu.!.

~.. e Akn e s~.

Ii ...Exa!~-~~t1y

whicb w e r e "1I\lr U,," \'

Glasses Fitted

I "

Growin g Ch ild rclI l\ccd l y oli R ell Cell s ill Blood

\lU rn

Court P ro{·t't'rl inC8,

In II :II"llinl( t l", .!Tail ~ 01

t II a o¥tul" ,

fry our J ob Pri nting


ti u t! . :-led ,I . C, H Il Wliu, .~ "Y II U~Vl l1 t ' l ()h td. uau

Ii, .I , · ~p o ", .1 !'Otln~fl<l , a nd 1(11"" h o n d In I,b e . 11 111 o f , 10U I), wll h 1:1 , D \l o ok e l l Itnc1 C H , YOUlll( " IH .. ti ,,~ , I 'ur118 T u mlio.n n . C b tlr ltlM Hl\rM"o ~

8 11 1" ,,11 f' woc\ : T h o Bollh~. M e rrlll 'G ' f " f ( :Il . ~ llpp l e ll1 e nt tv Obi o ood." ' u; 110me. Phone:2, Center ville' Ex wore,k . JtI romost w in g Impo to' . t't,tl 11 .1,nt I. L" III' Th o Cu lum bns Bl tlllli U oo k Mfg , Uo" • .:...________________________________: tru I II uk BO

.£'I OCK l£R F. \" ~- Whitt1 R ,)ok


\", " rf'O l~, Flslle l st r l\ln , f 2.00 oacb.

Pllon e 132-1Y. , Mr ~ , U p , E IlI " , Wuy ne8vl\l e. O lllo , n2:1

t" a Noodof growl n!( KI .I ~ lInd l lt~SI _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: pt"te, P dpto. Mung:lln k .Jll iM Ih o hl ,)tll l


III IL b Ollltby

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purt! _ Tho rell 01'11. iu Ih o hl ,),)(1 1\ ro I n oreAsed . 'rh oy Olt rr y Ii I'u I(i v 109 oxyg on 10 all }Jurt,.. 0' I Uo bod y, II n ll w b " l e~oOlo yuu (h fu l ' ,oH~ hl o olll" h\'HU t11rty S ('o \\'t'~ IIIU III),;ru t C'. " ·ell, 'l 1(IIID in Olf\llf oO lll pl l' XIUI1~ , L rl~h t ~· O\l d .. I\ '1 L;d no ,,1:\ ty u (\ 1 1 Hf~ f,"'lIl me. e y ,,~ IInll bU ,' YII Dt ~)Ii'l l s 1'\0101, u u l lt B t'H ,. ,(, 1i:l1Id It lid \\ l,'l1 d r"p till' !'o II I p's in hq nu l IIl1d t I b l ,t, f d . lf . hy llr u l( . w Oll< 1" ,"1 IIn·r l follrtl . I ~lIl'S::' y u u ,'uo gIHL~ tlvtl r ywhn r o,Th n 1111111" "(1t"l n '@ tow n :- i:.a: rl:i1 hu l Yll f (l to til" ~I u .; ).!it~, 1'01'1,11- M8Il g~ f\" is a ll I It II PII CkftI-:O' 1 1 l'1l1l ' t .' '' 11. :\ .. 11 ....:. - Ad vr.rl, j~ A "" 0 t I :\',·11 . . I"I tl1l " - lI u l dId . 1I' lt h ln ftf l~ I' n -

H CIlIt·1I1}Jf' I·!r l.!l 11 l1' ,·\·:..:d:d,II'H h e lin d j e ttl sIII1 ..:t l, Sl'rllg;.!~ 1, /11 '\\· I!I' "1l111tl lint affo rd to 'll' l'~llt I Ita l Jt l'I "" '. " rill 1t1 1l 1

~rollUl o

HN P )PCO 1" ' [1

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It; OltlJ ot t ~W A tlo IHW n n ru ll' f(l r non.

liml AlhM t, ." hal-'un Hre 1I)I)lo luLI,,1 "pl'rnl<M" o f Ille 681.. 111 , ' Nlnll K BOIlIt Il\, . n.lll1lni Ht r .. 'rlx " I." K).! II." hi ' l ll l\\ It·i \' " 1'\''-' )'1 ",\ II fill t or fl • • "t6 o f CIB'ru ce ~: l3ootll'Y , t\\'o lu lll''-I. I t'll l'l' 11 11 1 " 11 11 I l u to g l'l llt-lIll/lMflO l . r OJln rl i u!( hN l'r ocl'(\/llng . I

1", LIIlII "Ill,....

Hltl P Ull e, h .. ullDI: g rl\\Iol WII.I'D e "villu lJ ll r p t>THI,lulJ . tl7 ~ O ; l·ltn ~ I{>lss. 'I fI ; I IIr.1l1I ::;uUor-


R,h ol1 (' (:, "

I alllle), ." C'1t~l lI l n :' .·l ltjlg · I d~sl! d . "1'hl' l'l." S suc h U lh lll ~ II'" il l hIli ' n IlIftn to lU"; U'Ol't lvn. It ll l· \·OI'!-o" II . nrc y vu willi 1I1C'J" " .I l e h,, ",~ f o r ' UX I ), d il ll'nrR. Jl Il Y \ JflI1 C w ur t h n IIl vnth 's 1'11r fur tHI<t) da t sw im ."

A 1 1I~ wOlil d t i l " , 1111 ' I II IIII' t \\'o hun· rlrpcl nnll II ft y. hUI I' ll 1'1\'" yllu 111'9

bllln"I'd -

1111 '

11 ~ .. \ IIIII lI lll' l'Xhlhltll'1l IIi1Ili:\.' IJilJl 1':I Y Jill" it - lhI'OllK" t llt' I\""l', An' It 1

I) )!'

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uslllIl ."

" THu 'n ' n I'ltl l' v f IdL:.l I '.\ II Y r("lh l 'l.' ~ b ut I' ll l u i, .' ~"u . " =" ' I l '~ ~'" nitnp:-; t \ \' 11 ill d. ttl !' I 1,Ii I,' ~'111 t tit' UI, III" Y; \\ "" \"'11 1''' 11 (; I !' I JI'Y 1I 1, d ~t l"l iu tl l':; ··Ia ll t·d · "11 I tt I L l.' I' '' l 't' II l1 d With r u tll '1I 11 '" ITi.;" ila u l l' ,J :I" 11,\ .\ ... n 1'l':'\1I 1t 1' ( t ill i l' .... 11111'1:00 I" , IJ .\\; 11 t '. l l th' II \ \IIY w i t 11 111(· 1'1'J'" lilltl loll" \1 :1: 1I' " 1 !'> II! ti l ".\ tI \~ Itlt "'). ' ·Pi·dl ll g 1I I, '·Ultlll. ·.... ,,11 the h urd 1, 1111 ' ill" ' I, \.I f ti ll:' 1 ·11I' ~ lIl .t ,d\ t~ . j'l hl.t! all Id.'c I h at t!i'H t l't \\lItl l~ l JIIIII Iv,, "". " ) I r . (; I I "II '~'- 1·\.'lIlHrli l" 1. " \\ ' . ,It , \\h a t'r~ )1111 !-! Idl l' to ,)" I1 l1 w 1" It I IIIt }' t I k b·. l ~ l ' t - lI lt t hy Il JIl c.: f u !, " :--:1' 1':tgC!'l )o.I IU 1'1 1\" I. " l l. d\t, rC:t·lI. hau l dl!\\ 11 ,l lal .. I ~11 11 1 " al~ 11 1" 01 1' ''''111 1 h. , 11111.· 21 '11 111 11 '-1. 11\1..1' ttlll' ,·wl of I t III _\ u ll t

Ti ll'. ti ~lJn' :-\ " J'I ~jo! t! .. I 'll l , !!'" \\n~ lor·nlt . fif tlS toll!' IHOI o f \\ IiUI till' 1I111 "" t"r lit

tltr flll~ h: '

tl(" 1'

r uL u ru

l)ltvi~ ~'uruu~, grnvol,

" .:, 11 ;

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t o n"' \, on l·.,. u .~

, :1:, fi O ;

I IIP lit

il' 1

Th e. t r~l'bo nU~ r u f tl l (' hl"· ·t·lI · P·' 1I j t rad e t ouch e. l Ill s \\ (o t r ort' h lt 'h': t'.I~ I,t' I ' t · tully. " M y nnUle 10 r.1" n" ~ . - I r. 11/1' I bold an u nl lrn lll'd 1I 1'(,11~1' 11< lil'~l 11111/0' J ot sRIl or SI(·HIll. I \\ II- 1",,<ln ' up t ht) cno ~ t On 11 j!ond·r"r·IlI' l hln· 1111 1.. " Out 0' My Cabin or I' ll R iddle You,"

WilY, AIr."

t o SwIm B"c k Ch _ , . . k • .

LOST IIIJ( t il l' p l" "" tH ' r ~ 1 #-1 7\) S9 i Jo., IJ llvi ~ ~1 Ii p "yn li l, .s:n I ~; Fred M Cole, rI ' p,llr f (l r I( rfld or N" r,. f~ ot.; W"r . l.PtI ' " I."/lih r AIIIIJ L1l1 l1 nllll\ . 1'''/\ I!.LI( ,' r" . I ",oll ll ~ I!m v tl l, f :lO ; A , ~lJllh l w h tHH lH' t WI ' l' ll now t!lo h nul ... li ~: \,""" . )"'11(1 IVo rk Wtt y n""vll l" hu,I<I'"1( "' 1111 'IIr.\,III . 1' , 1I 1!t' r pl l1a~ o W lllr, ' r 1'II, hpr f llllnd 1/ 1I11 1\' " I IlIr- O' '' 1'"r lll.l llll. $ :SU TO; J G , H/l l n etl ,



burnhout. nn' fJC\'1 n p l U In 111 .. 1 r t \ :-;Pi. ~f) n u! a n ' n frift llt1 :i\\"\I1ll o\"t' r t (' t-: ! \.{, yoU th e (l llnhl ' O. 1' ,111 '1'\' In n hn ,t

w" ..


b e r ho use he ( , IUIHt t wo Jt) '\r,· ,ka, 1 I Jl)(l'n. and 0 Cl1r ~()r.r In ..;pP\' l tilll (Ir I til' ! bod ies t old him th r y 111111 II h'tl lOr " ur· ,'Y, H e (' Ird t'tl I III' , hlp, 1'III"e 1'111'1,

IlIn n

11 :((1


an' build a Ilrc u nlh' r the dunk,';' "fl. Mu tcht;!s In th e gll ll(l Y, of l·VlIl',... · . " lie INll e d lh'WII 10 til<' 1I1 11 lu 11",'1, and pro w){, ll utt. O n lIlt' von ~Id , · " f


Ii , 1" ' 1l1 iltlll"' !

bl, t·o"


th E' (.') 1(';-' 111'\' 01;. '. WfiB gl1\1nt and ll lll'l d nt "d ,

fr ll lli '\' I l\r lll l ~Vlll ft, b etwfl t, n \Vtt\,IH-1~ "IIIH ","i ~'t1rrv. I\lHlltiHtill1( li t I I il U fl '1'i IIf Kol \)lt 1\lInh'" In, n ll .nltw


h o c b lorll l e '" ~ 11 11 HI I n IIH' IIlU lt "1S ~llIn'· : r OtI U1- 1'1I scott ,' r SOlliE' 01\ Ihl'!"t' I Il)Hr d l',· \l s. T oo clo Re t<> port 11"'" 10 l' III I, 'k 't!11J. o\· \' r ))l1urd. A nyho\\, B ll rt, lilt ' u n' YOU nlo't doctors. I\Hr " I t (' l)rt ' lIpr~ or undartok e r s, ~o ~·oH 'd "~ I t " r ~Id v 11 1,,111;'


\ H~ I - I w llI_ ,,1 1 th"/n r rn kUOW II t1~ tho \ \'111 ( ' IIt IJl (lw l'th fa nn , :i



Hin t 'M e r,u"....'\' WfiS tnkl'n 'l' r\' ti l n lHl WIIS t or ced (~ sC l'k tlte rIIll. u~cun·y or soml~ tlJln'.'· !'ttr. (;Ih lwy nn· DOllllC\! t1. Quite cn lm ly. ' "I'I,,'r~ sl1"lIl oi

skipp -or



111 110,

111 111

It t' .ld""




h 'l'\..X!1

FO I{ SA LE - fo' ,\R M


( . 111\,

W e ha ve twenty thousand feet of

PINE OAK LOGS he re at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these logs into Fencin g Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.

If you are


need of Oak Lumber for any purpose,

l'OIlI MON PL EAS cOllin


Ne w S ui ts,


J I r win Bonnett h t\~ fi leu II potitl il l1 fo r lllv ll r o l~ fr o ll1 CO rll Bon noU., ali og inJ.: grr)." nog l nc!. u f duty, W, l' . Wil s o n lI u cl It A HlIllIil l o n , pnrl llf1rs d o ,,, /.: II n ~ iul ' s~ n od .. r tile finn Uli m A (I f t. ll e Ft' tl prot l I n V8e~ m ont Co, II r " pl" 1ll 11 11''' """i n s , H, C, A l r xllntl"l' rur m on ey. ' l\ monD t o luillltlrl ~~ l H , w illi I n tn r o8 t


,Proceedinll's .


[ I j " (' m~I 'II' r~d II I' tho c ourt f o r TlI o ( :'I,I ·I ,·, n " N "l o ll l; 1 b"Il K o f Lab ,, n Oll, t o pr ooeed. tu rt:cover f ro lll W . B. Ledf o rll \ h o sum a t tl r,73.14, dn e t,bem wi t il the oosts of ' be cIIse








I t-oxed at $7 ~2 .



so HIMSEl'! HE lOL.D

BE:rrv liE COUlDN't ' u~ WllHOU'f'


HickorY Loge


./ The Miami Gazet te. Waynesville, Ohio.

..•. T H E MIA MI !(ul u r Ott ill lilt' " , h lt llll . ·"

D . I.. C I' l\ N

II I " 11 .\ 111 " \ II h. \ I l f , Ufo .l' I I I II ' I II u

I ~ . 17d ilo r Ullci

"11 (,1. 1\

.\. 1\.,



I'rttllr hlnll t he · ~ I."fl\l e r or ti l" nl'Sil' IIPn kp. " \\'h nt 'll 3'OU give· m~ nn ' M IIC,

$ 1.['11 pl'r y e ar

-I I,: It . pl' ':' 11' 11 1 1\. " \';I·HI.~ !l ' ~:-"" ( 1,', 1 11,'




CThe Gre en Pea Pir ate s

,. , .1 lo 11 ' 1 1

1'11 1 >ii ~ I , rl. \\ I\~ I l l ~' iii I' . ( Ili in

~lILsc rioli lfn I'r ice . rllI /\ \ lI HiI


GA ZE TTE ....



"O n ~



w~n t

A n · Apprecj~llion '1N e a r u vo r y w.· 11 1'1 t! ~~I'fl wllh oo r " Holllo T " wll P"l'llr W " t'k' O~I II\l lllg ll , huI, th o re " t.hor H .tilllHI t o f Uill (u ILl , 1\11.\ Wtt will Ito Io: lu (\ t o b~ve t h.un with 11K to 11I'l(i ll t,b " ""W 'ye~ r W ... Wllll t to th .. uk 11 11 II f th o now Kub do rlbors , fl" W il li aa ll ur n,· n"wlIl~. f u r ihtllr " pp r eolul lo u u f Ul t! ",)1<1 bOlIIo pHllur ." W e Kal ' l Iloil o 1\ bit b .. fu re I" Ht w6tlk·"1 .8u 61i 1l<t111w hV yo o "bo uld bo ou ullr 118t. ,UHJ w " j u .1 Wll ul l u u( ld


8. Kyne

t lllll , ~ \ rll;': /,: s ,\ ' , " qlllltil .\ t r ·

fin n',·,' <.1 11ft '" J,.:!II Ppj· ',!'l


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Id.1.I sllJu 'll I'n ·

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fun.. \\11" Wof tH" 1l 1I ~

1 (1 I II. · ~1 ~ lj'1, .r or I tH' ( ' Ii (>I:: ,, · t,h ll t we . , ill It ,, l h. v,, 11" ,t 1'''\1 w ill i IH I. " r i ll t hr " m.:h ," h e ~tJ l lll ·d . "1'11 It.,,, .t k r ~1I11"fi ' · .1 if 'v ', u j" " " " !-:III l j (l1·II 11:1\' " t o r ns t I,tl' , Your s h l l "~ d l' h III' I. •• tho Ull z" tt ~ r"rnlly . HI I I II I' h t'll l 'h flO\· ." (Jut] ' t h ll rr"w YOll r Il o i ~ hhu r ' ~ Ita . " I Iii, t: II Y r U11 ~tI, ~1'I" II t!LI"; ~·. " ~ Ill d Ihl r , bul h "ve ( 11 1) II f yltur nwn . ~, ) M r . 1 : 1},I1"\' .10;" ( 11.\ ' , 1I 11 .} w l lh " bl n w . tor t h r hl1l1 l1 n , · 1' k ll l ,f'\' I· d out 11)(' ~ l n J)' vo n mill' It" " ul o tClo li " "" 111" i '"p " r I"'r .. " l ilT> ", I" dl u ",..; lUll } hot t i lt, 1I 1H' il o J tltnt pltloO o f UlI W. I.h ll\ y o n w u u lt l .. ";11 t1 ()w n h.\· Illp r u n . " \'" t thl~ ,"oy· lik e to k ee p All" . lit 1' 11 " 1." T it" I ·it"S E'llPn~f ~· ln~ !l y. Wtl wllnt 10 IlllInk Ih "ijo r n"!) f1!'d w il li u jp r l, 1I 1ltl ~( r, U lhn py wh ., I,OUK Hll Uh fHl l ANI, i'l til<' I f/ nle ('lIpl ll l n Sl'n ' l!p'~ ,l(rill t l~' Ily t il t' 1(1' 111. ' !:J u ul e 'l·.,w n I'lIp"r " " li d ku o w " 11'1 0 Ih~ "1I11t1 1 10011 1, nlll r ll ln ." lip \\ h l~ p"I"I·It. " Hlld I ' l l r l'l\\" ~·()tJ ~'" ~h(, .v will y II . 'rll ~ Sq ll nf'I ·t. f'III ' h ll l ' k t n t ip · ~I n ~illf'\ Ir s li t' c1r l fl ~ , 1I ~lInl'e ~' lth Ihnt Ihn " 0 1 2 n lth"11 I' lld,. n i ll IlI lgh t li S \\ 1· \1

1If' tllr!! "d


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H. 'Wright

11I '



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1'111 "11 1 I.nrl H ( ' ir q r l"" Tn c kf' r nn ll I'ft ,,'k . I ~ III"I'lft!! ~ lI n<l"J ~lIt'~~ t H (I I WH it II P (, 11r .I IIt' ( ,liltt t I ( ft'ltd 1\' t' M i n L ~ \ HUif ll , wt n

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Bellbr ook , Oh io

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10 th ... JrHl"II'r' s (",,!dll t'lJ! ' } I ' ll t o esv ll lu , ()11l0 . nn n);"I'.'r m' ·III . "111'1'1",1 Ill,· . Id l'pe r fI~1 1 F u n k Wil ... n w n ~ l, lc" I"f! t 'l Il l, 1111.1 11"1 1,1" "'~IIIII'lr(' to l it" 1·{)f,t rA "/. tile b e a d dl'Ii r 10 b " Ih tll o u p pnrlln ol Ttlp n 11 .... tlwk " d tile sldp p~ r IIHO h{'d l Lil a lo w e r h o u~ e . 41)1, '('n Ol ("> dn ... fd ll ~ ("ti t fin l1peic. 0 II I r 1 \' I ( ' (,rll 'l" ' ." Jl\ , l111~nn C" lO r hoc e III I ( I II tI. _-....1 u ce )' 011 to i~ rl oor . in~~ llI,"~ 1l 1o:01lc1 l n ~ ~I... !lilt! 1l1~ I' "' 110 th. · .1 It lll.""l'd,. " It .. 1,"\\, 1... 1 I n ~I r- tn ll," Ilp p reC'I 'ltr' it,. C u l"I l


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" T he Valley of the Giants ," E tc, C.' fl »,n gh l. b y


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t hll ll Nnnd dollors," the ~ klp D I!J 1 nn " "," r('(1 \\,(· lI ld ~·. T II II A. 1\1. ~, (l il n r ch Iinl ll " nr vlc()s !-lr 11 tt nl r'I,,",,<I li rt dllY. Arlnt!'\ t 1l!n ! " YO\l fI 'fu."r1 10 11'1 11 _ rlo It f or . o n t;l1 l1 d oy . t n .. n i D l f1 r('~tnl ' "ll(lh 'n !'o \ IJny I h llflll n .•I; ;>"1<' 11'11 .r~t yuu lWo .' h(\I1R: Mr Iln d l\l r H. Ali i " " 1':lI ld ro ntM . ~ ' I"H 1.••·tl l'. ~I ( ;1' " > IJlI lI I :-;IIIl1r. r lJr11l nll<1. 11 11 1111 I('t tl n ~ "u ofT riuflP n l l tntn ,-'d r~l nt.i\" o~ ; .. 1'5 (In ti Lil'e Sl uc k f rlJl II Xl'ni u,!"--und Hy l dny 11\ t ll yll l1 ' hil t . Or "0111" 91\. YOIl ron t nke 'lI 1'11111"'" ' Speciall y fi n ' w n lt 11111 11 WOr t} () Y(IUI' prf'd l. ·u 'I'll , :-1I~k i ;1 t .. . 1,·l r d t y ~t\ll ft· , :\ 1 1 "' ~ IJul"q ll l\' I '.':I· I H! lIl \\,1 1,oJ It I J,p' rlll' n t .... f(I!il jil I n ~ n n F'rnll c'lflrn n n ' ,. rU bl !) "' ~ ( ~ati ", fa "li o n ( ; lIaran t ced ' h , IU , .. . . t " 1;-, "' l q.! IJl I\ 11 11. t on Y hlt ' fl r

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Mr n od Al n,., . FrAn k I I. Il nrri ~ tl l1d ~ l r~ . Lv ,ll ll C'.d ,·II II. n "'l lt'll t ... i,v l · f.II 1' - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - ' •·.. ," I.,~"' '' r "" III .· " ·I,,,Un". ,,,,01 v"r ~ l rH 1m 1\.1 ".I' l o r<1 w o r e V llyl\ ,t1 d " I' " l u ~ 1 \\, ('[, 1; III 1111.1'[ ' "' . \\lllt ~" . 1II 111.·1! t h , ' H I II'Ii'H' d ut l ll t il 1'1I.\ .. til VIHl l u r ti o n l' hur s dn .v . AI ~ l l' \\' l l llU lI1t1 IIflll Al r p'. i\l n l \,tu I n" ,ioll) . \\,1 110 , I,, ' IIIII"",, ·r. It e IlI ,, ',· I. ,·" R . \V . I\ flv lo r h!lH ~'li H s I 'u ul i n u ~ I II C.V . I . I .. (' II I r ill ' p i li li t tilt ' rol'l~ · t \t, 101 11 " 111 i-Jl1 rill rl c- 1t' rklfl IJ in h iS ~to r o, ,,' ill h fi T I I ~lr n ru l Mrl-l . 1:.1 , i\l. ( ' J, l rl{ f' n to r . . \ " to-h lldd l ' IHld I I 'udl ll' t 1\ ' !lIH' Ili r t il ~II Ho r\, lr t'H I f f nr o m u ch f.l ppr Oointl'c1 1,y t.ttinn<l Mt lt on ~ llofl h ,\n U I I 1 h n t WI p . II I,,· II,.. ' 1" ,,,1', 1. fIJ r I '" ,r l' el .1 11 II" h iH IHl t r o U8 . • C e n l n rvilll' . 111111 \\"I 1' III [ L' III r k tin , I I tl lI~ "r, t l li ' 111 11'1' ( '1 1I ' :-.It I I:Il I{(.' IUl l \\'1 I II , ' ){ " I,11) I .!r '+I I /I w~' :_l.:-. 1 1 U'\\I~. ~ t " II UJ"~ I ' it'o r nn nt.h pr y our l \V O wtll llR \"n t hc I flun l ly to SlHHJn.y ( n U (.'r , !· L.' I I. OIlWCTOR ., . 110111 w" III.1 10"'1' It"r tl ,,·, '" 1" ,1 111." " fl' @Illll e ~ c h oJ I b OIH tI , nntl t h e ~(lil oo l I,. ~I r . HIlII M rl'. A l1 ~ u "'Ulrl O\:( e~lor . tli l' IlI lI rl . ~ lll ' \t il t! "'\ I IIh- 11'1i1 !telld !'lu ll prog r eRAi o g oD cl cr th e i nf1n o ll('e o f tllinAd u n ~t1t1(}llY I .llr W ay r.~5vill eJ Oh Io Rod MrR C h!,f4 111\ I I"~' t il it 1lld 1\t.t' \I I I. buurd unci tOH l ' II!'o I Q)

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1 H. Servi ce. 1II I, n l u \\' l1. K " nln r· k u1 . , 1" .l" ldl l' r n ll,1f1 H(' \' . H(ll r fnfll f1rtl~\' 11 \' flUI' ",'l r. " ' ov . 1 t-11 " t'I ,.t1 " .. 111 1' tlt l' 1I11111 1 1" · Io: III1 H II .... 1. . !\lr tl n d M r ~ F rnnk H u ul l n c.k nnd \\" 11 111 /I ~.n .. ll'd Large Displa y Room . 111 1hl! C'tH Urnon l o n ( "" p t o l ll SI ' I'~ I I! U ': \\" n ~ h ('Y 0 1111· w n· r ll S 't·I, ,· 1·" .. ' .·' 1'···, 1.· .· " "' ,.I ,. I,, ·n ·,1 ' 1)",·01 It 'l'l MilD . I~ n f P~ I ) r l' n n" 1I 111. " ,111 " 1'11'1('0 \\lt ll' ir ,,111, ,\\·.'d. ~ (J rn 0 f l , rt f' ~1If't'.\rpf' I d fll ~t.· l r fn hp l uke' n l l ill ' h ~I r (: IL IIo '.\ \1 1' 11\ li l t II l1 d .. t01,d 111· .. 1.1 .· C hlu"' . H Ud c1 l1 Ck nn )' ,.: 1.IW HON E 7 DAY OR NIGH1 d so n, uf 11' pr r y, ' ."r ~ i\1 ', r .,· ( 't\ r nl ' \oy h fh l f n r !l or to Il ,p ~1 " I(I."l l'. nrl Pr wh ll' lI 1< 111 <1 1.' ~I,·. ~I "' ; ltn" ,)· . tI ,,· " h ili' I,,· 1... ,1;.'01 "'urI) o undB Y J:t UI'H ts o f Mr . nn d Mr~ din ll!' r ~nro' t~ I . :-;(lw ~I l'lv. ('I I ~l r . 1I1111 I ~' r I tr II 11 1,,1 11.1"11 1... 1 too III< ' "I d ll " O)f II,,' (, 1\1 . ~.t..c O(l "nltl lI f' t 011 , r . ~;.! B"h l It t IllI ~' " n . II IHI M r . 'IIHI ilW~' n' !If' II P(. nnd • w i I f' "Itoft 1,1", ,'" ' ' Il ln'\I~11 lilt· r lJ.!-.:ltil;. "Tht~ I ~ I '1 Ir ~n r ('nkr . ('llI1l1 1 ~'rl tthOltl·d th "I t ' IIII' n.. • · I". I.III(·n or '. f ~ r.••"T.·,·. l\ I "' u Irr \- I> A rhf'l~lJ o f .~ .I r" . l'pr rv 1~ I'n rl(·1t 1\1\ 11 d'\ n gh t or , 11., u l, A ",tll",'lzl l " ," I,.. .10,, '111 11"1. "lin " " t r . um u r , R • • • AT HAW A ,.' ., " (I'bi s DeWH\lfl por blif! U6UU 9 1160 Bll tll \' i .. . 11I 0 t oo.o riu't hr .on ~)b nu r ('' i t y M I ~ " l3 o r t h •. •,f \\' ll l"l1f '.vl lI ll . tll p w or k 11111l t Il P n n I h r· l !t ' .".," I .I ·; I!" 1111111111' :11\ 11'. bo t!lk o n baok t u th e connlr .v ; . " u.ll ... 11 ,,1"' . b ln ... t ~1I 1. t o C lJ l o l n h o A, rund t~J1y p orul1tto ll by the "Review o f w Ill i" I! p rn Wf' r e ,1/lInfl l.l .1,l1 ln 01111 ' " 1'" 11 rf' port """tI\\' '' Mr . f ; I IoIIC ~ 111111 111'0'<1 . np pl l v t'' I r y i ll 11,11'1. Y. M I',· ' 1 ' I I", \\, 111.1 .'Ul ~ nopt" 0 1 "r flmi 1\lrll \\. W i .. t thl' t t ll' l'. " I t lto h o m o 0 Rovl ows" t o qll o te tb e fol1 o \Vir1~ oi"e8 aod towns "h n n ltl ~lll'l l l y Ul o r A l l ll lt .1It.. F lr"'l ~ )Jl Il)( ~' ''ll knn\\' " " I 1 Iti " ~ W ,\ y ned vlUe 's LOtl.dln~ Den,t., (rom Jntl.on W e lhv l' r '. IlI l ervio w o ( !.helr n qul r Om Oll!oH, liiv tl r Hif y I",," I,..,. III In'lt< . 111' 11.1'" Li le' ril l \\l li W ol l·lt , ove r i-i unda M t Bt y. Ir r l' th f1r. li 'l r n' .I " hll~. I n I l"y t o n Offioe In H 'll n e8 B d \'11th !:l eDr y ~'o rdln tbe oorre Dt 1M their Indu,tr ies, e o .. b lc Innlll o'lpitul I g. an " , I", III lit" 11 1'.·... . •_. M r~ I i n illl ~ I ~ [) H!!'il) 1t' n 80a of 'bllt publi oat lo u - Edtl u r ) O t Wly il oro. electeo h tl\"n~ "' / lII(M .:=::-:::-: ~ \ ',' 11II~1 \lnt'nt l1 k~l1 th Of( I Ir<' ll1 th l1 lr "H Pi t ,d' l ::-:~_~=:-~~~==::::::: to fin tlnoe t h ei r hll "i n o~ R , 'l nu SI1 118 III ' t l llik t I ll' w l lt'l ' \ fr oll l )l d ; utl,·~. nici p l llt.t08 tl n u t. o ·w n S 1 1'14 lW I f' ~ lu .. t Wf ltt k n n d i!'l toI lltl1 f' \ \ " l H t itn . 11"1 ''' 11 h,' " liS I" " 11,11 ,'8 l,tT t l,,· IW:" 'II up t h llir w o rk .. "A f ow d eolid". ago . tbl'rt! wer e k ee p It In the tI UII fI 0111 I c o n t r o l II f ,IADU 'lfY ~ L . ur , " ." . .... 1. ' I,,· III'O' H ;I'I I" ' r II i' I IlI tlt l it.· \\" 11111 lI ll oi Moy o r Lw ,l Ju~tlc e h ll ~ nl r cIltl l ucal fi o urlng.ln lllR In the slIlail She pe ople wbo have th o ~ r (' ate .t y 'l u"I . • I • _ _ UIIVil l ~ · Iooill o.l 1,1 quit f"rrllin g. I " ""I,· 11 " , ,, 1t. ·,·1 f • " ~ I . u ~ I u ,k (' 1<) II!' " ilied u ucl Is r!laely 1,0 pu • t bi d f UO l o n . lowns. 'l'hen oame p!\tent prOOOl!lI ell Intoret't 10 Ita KnC0088 . F llIllo c lng will HO II Ill. Pu b li o 0 ,,10, 2 ~ .• mI les WUI·II. ":-; Io ~ . 't Ilh ll'C t l,,' fU fI ··lO· j(,t! · 'h e t1 f·oe llora t o r . n o rLh u f \V"YU P8 Vlll o, 1111<1 2 m i lpp bli mill,. oo n80Ild~tl t>n . The IIUle indu.s Sry I~ all wr o DK; tbe t hin l,( Vete rinar ian I u s rlllth ell . t o f ~','rry , o n whll t 18 kn o wn 11111 '·.' 1." It .. It ltwl " .1 und ti Il 81o" ,1 f"r. Mfl ~ B ie town~blp Offi O(lr H 1'1l'c il'd wIIlR w e re s llut (Iow n . 11'111"1. · · L\ · ~." 1111'1 " h Ulltll li es un ' w e rl" Now lhey d o wlLb industr y ts to run It. ; orllie r Il il Ib e W J1I . Ch e n o we th furUl . o F ren k WH .o n. ju~ti ce o f Ih (, n ell'\\,IlIl "", III)' Ill·U I'I I,,". U ll' hlllli h um ,' pOll cr; Rnlph Brook artl making swall 1l ' lUr . mIJl plant!! the lDaDago meot of voo p le wh.) uw o fl. ole rk ; (, lJ ll ~ . \" d sd N be 23 19 ' I O FFH'E: t lo nt s l,,,,, I." 'vC IIC. a~' Madd Hn. trellsur er ; l' F . Mo(Ju I D~ , ovem' thlltt will produ oll th e Borne Honr, In IS, aDd wllo stilY 00 the J. ob. r .. , . , , F o urth St reel . near T y ll' r The s hip 1ft)' III tl'le wl n l\, "ll ll' cring. aB8es~o r ; U. E. E lli s, U . W. D IIV I ~ Yilry 8nll,11 o.'abhK hmonts ; aDd wo IJ o r ll - 'l'p !'>Ir n n ll ~1 r~ I':" 1''' '' 1" , Be f(inn l n g at 10 o ·clock. n . m, tb e 111 ,·. GII'II") W II~ It ' fe . lh" r", ~ '· ery · BDO ChaB. "Makee veryoo Ulmunl' ty lit e nearly 1folt 8artsou k. o wiu tr ~ o s , tee T e ~ s lephone . H t)r~I'R , j Cntf, IA. :> j 9:\ fl fl o ', " '''II~ '' t p r IIhall be retllrnl u i pr08tlnl ly to llll' iodo[1l1 ndont A S )Josslb le Tho g r Allt H og ~ , Farmin g Im pl pUl pIJ I •. !:l a r - w l lt' n ' . U llt ' flI \ Il 11 U~ h e Wit S ua~htn~ old Iyltem o f t h e 10011 1 mill, BU\lIJlyuloJW TlIu tlPI ' \, wil h u leH (lIng Hm.', tlh' Tb ... ro li o wbing Intln )(1d 0 ffl c e r ~ wr ro Wayn esvill e \ 1, " B" ,lltll H I'" m ode rn olty iS lltn Ill.morm tll d e \'01' )[1: n eK ~ . ~'p oll. fl I C. lI r l1111 " f . 1:I n o rt h o( Ohio , !Se e 11111s f.)f fur, "" xl " h,' \\' I1 S I H ~' I "~ " o b o~p n by t oe ec ton 0 nr vny __ to\\, D. I" 1lf1 lit " " tuk II ~ '" Ing tile 100 d mark et. ,[,hd will ont lUent. ut II I"ft . II .. or· hur g o rp o rntl o n : F r llnk W It t e n d s t o hreok (Io wn un dtlr th"r IlI\rtl c nlu r ~ . I Iso u. (1" 1'1·.1 h llll "c if tot tl v 11 t lllllg ull d Ih ~lI . may \1' ; A. B. Cnffl ou' anolh tJ r big I telll 01 wo ste lr .. n8 I p bo il. mllr Hh nl; ' SUOII\ h • I t lit . IIy I1M I \ V'" F ra n k TI" Itt'I/' I" h dllllll.: II "tl llil C t 8 own we Ig.. w illi L1 ,,' P· 'lI t·Up I'''''''''Y v f U 11HJu<l1 ud Ed .x\ c F6 rl fln, o le A C LI!: I VY l'ON N EH portall o n . rk ; ' 11118 Mrr dullI l. " .Se !l r", aud Eo o u omica lly un s o un d. U C " d l" II • . I'e Yon (Ihl ~II II. TlI(' YPllt·S of .h ·grll· t reR ~lI re r ; J . tI . HI.l ld .. k e r . I " . I ,Il\ n Y- :-; " \ l' III" " 1" I '~ . r .. M "The new o r~ will "1M ~ ire~t re. d lui " ll " " 1 1I1 \' I~ II !lllg \)tIic~ r of till' ~! lIg· t5yfe rd. Ci AO. M ' l' lltl 1I 1L(1r ~c il n( " ~ " vo 11 '1I In,. l r,, 1 Ofm Sell the ovide Doe ... of thl~ , In Ih e i ::-_-::--::--::=====~ E!l war d~. W . l:l. ~ II. _-::_= dl s trlbutiu n of lodos try baok to tbe I\oote --= " ·11 11 \\ ' 11 ) ' (WI" hi m, o. IH' "pm II!; , vers, U . R . Tu c k or aud bouKlng pr o bl e m of o ill of' , nn J 1A . K. IU n Ll- ..h ,, \\" I II t il " '1",,"11 I.flii. 1t" 1 F'I ,I" y NOTAR Y PUBLIC lIj! ll .· 1111<1 It n lr·lI l1k e'l. Intu ti lf' "h"uud ~; d e n . l 11o m bors o f oOllntry . Tb i~ ou unlry IIfUI ~ot to u lIIl ~" t llrclll .\' ('vl ' u t ng , CO II Il O ' I. III the "reIiR (I (l wn or monlolp al fR e i l.1 l.I. ~I"Nl tl l llti r y dl'l ili gull nr !:iiou · g I Jul1 u liv e In t b e oou nl r y; Industr y mu gt ~ I r . 1I lir r y W "a \, pr lI u d hr ill" Wayn esvill e, Ohio I,,· 1.1)" Olll 11 1m,!! flt o) yor" . lind ' 1"'III1K .. f iti oR. es peoi .Ily trll oli u ll ~ y " I lJrn H " B ll r v (ly ~ bur K !, u ~e No ;,~, ;- K . of ~le ~ ~ . 1)11\· t " n , 1·I.i t l'. ' It l .. f.llh"r f l"'''' 1,1". ·.. I" c" w ll h lh !! old e:tul· P. \\' '1 1 hn ve u "r " tl ·. l1" u"", Wl1rllllf)f( o n er, ,I t .. ~ \ \" ' lI vnr 1111(\ ftl' N at io nal Bank tU li t thr ill "r )·o utl . f1 o.1 j oy In hi . 'l'u o~ oI I1 Y ni ~ hl.. lI lly , 1,, >1 Nnv e rn hor ~ ~ T il 0 :-; [)fill ,, ), . wtt rk . A \\"r,,.,I. 0 I;est ur " . f !'OLD Mr . Kn ' g h l B will o ol o rllltn tlwi r r" mil lf'S (; IIJlll'y, 81HI ~ 1 "'~ lI t'fe l' w ould POllfl('1' It r.l r~. /l urry " " fI· I'r" llc k fl l1'11 fit YOU SST 11-lE:R8' 5 F'RC::E: b"on Ih o h ab it, f ? r til n K n ig bt B ,," II 1"1'"" III. " II h ll ll ·dog. With l ite t o le I Ibe Pvthilln ::il ti te r ~ 00 Ih e I,o r h o m o " n \t,; LI ~ 1 I<'flln k iln .. I r"p t . O~. J. W. MILLE~. Sf'EPCH IN OUR H OU SE: fvr~ · r" I· " 1 "~t. ~I I': 1; 1I," cy rau bnck t o : w o r\; . h ut t he oomm i'.I ne !Ipp ot n t "d 11\ 81, T hort-l ft tly (\\"t' J111 q! . o f hl 'lll t MA. C' P.T~ Sli'\R"rED. ' II .. wlt~"1 ." ,,1 nt lt It hurd o l'er . Th ~r e t o IOI,k .. ft o r til " ~ n l (\ r tn llJ iIle nl· I. I r o nhl ... Tho f ll ll l' r,d vms h ,·ltI II I '-----,- -::-r/ --J ... DENT IST... Fron lt N il An D. ,J . W . V 'LV I@, A . U h o r Inl O h o nw . Ilh' t :-;nllll .. y III I" r ~~~:;:;'::~~~~~~1'fIfiIr-li1~~ CtlUlp lt~ lI . Ed Mc l"llrlnn au<1 h'r ll nk n oo n Ilud bnr illl "' "M 1111,,1 11 In M t onlet> 10 L H Hr ri M, OD(I th e y . h e i n g Ayrullfl· ZIOll 'Cl' m l'! l r y, lI Ol'tll " f tb i ~ v i 1( \1 • ~ .lIo ll.1 11..01< Ulllw. Wayne.vl,le, 0 thett!' iJn vo h Ired n o lief. !:i n. I il r M r . A . U. l3 r o wf' r , w h o 11.1'0 n " l'1 li ,,,d ie" ' fi r e 1,,) r eooi vo tho h ust 0 1 o f t OWII ~ In'p r lll y{l!lr ~ t1 ~ (J , nud wh o t·r o"I m ont , Rnd onj llY Ih o evou i u g ' A Wl\ ti well kn u wn Ht lil i" pltH'e. dl r rt The House hold Furna ce e n t e rt lll llme nt,. BARNA~T lit !-I t ~:li1.',ho til h " Hp i''' ' . Dn y t t.' '' ' U. my best girl @its In bor con 1 Hn. I Rlrt wiUI Ilor, nt her Ins l Tll(j~ . lr<v e \·."rln g. ,, [ I.·r h eiu f( ill . Av ory n1obo aWIltY from tho haou \s of ilion wblm. In nog leot Notar y Publi c ' wi lh ll r n \l ~v fn r ~" \'!' I II I \\,p k R Th l! 0 1 my I~ wful HI'OOS e , , fULl c rnl Wll ~ 1ll' lrll1 t Ir IM I .. t , h nn Hl O ll . hot my bRnk r e~ e rvo I ~ , I::ho recelve8 my 01\1111 88 becomin g 1I1Im. wlt,h nmDlti(l ~ In my \V yrllni nf( ~1;ro O I, . Rllt u r dllV Ilfltl,fllr · 1\ 11 I; i no ~ .)' N n earl,. a8 six, and In IIfte rnoon! till b o u. o , t llr y W o rk . Will" n Oli n , .w ll h nr l:l l WII" """Ie' III But. wh u t onn 100 , I' l . ten I \tokle her ohln-s he o r wh~t 8h&1l I ~lIy 1 I hll I.e to 110 hro ll n k nIl DE 'llI IJ oel e l, l~ ·r . , f\ i':i l' llc ln Jt.y. . . ope~s ber wouth -J drop 8 oarame l mit I'w sl,uo k. 1'r e\'o r (. Eltl yrl tl r k II I. H i u :<l nlle li I "in't n o there-M be blushes IInon, lik e tbe hand t o peste r arouDd .. Willys \1 gu L plnnt Bn' SWOIIr nt &llld ~utb In a y e llow lever soare . illY billst.a d luok . Will ill lll 8 rll'llIn , o f th o L llo kl lll1d ~bo InspIres m'v \llln a8 J sIt IItlort, T he FI I'.t L clU'1h. A. If Old King Colltl 18 1\ m e rr y old s oh oo ls, was h om e o v e r ::i ulld " y . 1>11t 1' HIli 1,101111" In tbe range of ber Rmoroo s smllo so ol . ( r eokon I'd .... , \ 'II!II 11 11 ' II I''' t o r t to b e . • . , t)bo know" my 'bellrt nnd Vete rinar ian Mr !In(\ MrR. J o~e pb Sm it.h hl' v o 1!III .:h \\ :' '''11') :. I ' 11L'1i It! illl 1' "1 ;, 11 I' X' try to IIlIltm ont lhe vnnl 8 hln ~ ooal f\fe 80It- -111 vis it her o n oe r o ll lb o\ IIIY8 between m o ved lu with Wtll E Vtl n A. n Oli r r llllu l tll " l1 'II tl llJllq h I' /" JI " 1"1 It· 1111111, bim .. ,111 me 11t \ Il C 1' 1111' 1,"',1 \ I. ! ',I/.·U" f' ll 'lI :10 1'11· In a wbllo . . . l' ra l' li (' ul Vacci n a t or . Have harl Of ooorso eh " Rox~nntl . Tho sooty old valllp th .. t 0001. ~h e n lalo't 8round 88 a f,\it1l WnrUlij m v ou mp, l~ , 111111 "I' "II" It! .. I.. .: 11 1", 1 " 1 it I, ·d III ' .:." ,d ~ 1l<~(' 's.~ ill I mmu ninl1: on Is oK lIln ff me 1,0 Minfll i (~ (] o rt e rl y m ne tln g \\' I I ~ ," PlIll t! " lIn"' 1 fol 8weetb8 llrl, oau, -I n ~he br"OA~ h e r lalr. - I mu , 1. 1' \'1'1"" ..:., Id ... "':;111, flll 'Il o n 1>1J 11r s ic k li nd we ll h e rd s . l hill m n II wily t n h e ld Ill. th e Frie ndK ohurc h . It'r id ny . 11 11.1 I I·tl, ·r. ;llld 11"11 111 ,1,1 .. lit· .. 1 " 111\ 1'1 rlgbt np ~nd stlltnd8 ber gronnt l- the tryst 8(1 !C"Y. fi t Ihe ( 001. of th ~ :iatuflla y !Jno ::l ond" y. HClt b Pb O no 9 ( 1111' I II II t.: II II:, .. L:l (1 \" II, .Ile knowsJ 'm 1\ mfurlo ,1 Ill '\!) I klt o h eu stair I /l " flI l' /l G;j-H J . C . l'i c kln ond f .. mil y. o f , l1uv Be ll 4-1r t o n. w e r e gn eB !.~ o f Mrs . !:l~rlllu !lDd Our Cale ndar Bellb rook, :Ohio daughte r o v e r i'; on(\Il.V. Miss EIlt!n J e nk i n s I ~ Ih o Ku o ~ t. " f Lee l:I"wkln s and f 'ln lll y. lI f til< 5unMtll Tue \Wa . Thu frt .sal .-r::: Ki ugmll n n eighbor h ood • • ~ ~ Mr . Wlllnru F leok GDd flll11il y, n f Sam 8"111: "Workl 'rs novor klok ~ n61lr Cunt J n. WI r e we fl k .e ud 1;1l0HtH and IIl0ker. never w o rk . " VETE RINA RIAN a ; t be b orne of A. W. Turuer "Hard_a _Starboa rd l Make H"r Fast, Is nil nCIII" "ttnck of Nn ~ t1 1 Ca larrh. Loo Whit~nu , 11 ' 0 vi ll nge IHlrhe r . ThMf' s lIbJ .'('t 10 freque nt "cold s In V~«;ifta ti<ln a Specialt y . NOlh. Bart." f§ nDd Miss Ethol ~ecri ~ t, of \Vn tJ b'n ~· Paid In Full. th!' hea"" w ill flud tllllt thl' IISl' I, f We Sell It a nd b ' 1IIg n il nft t· t· 1"1 1.111 ~ t'I f llt:' na rk "\\' 1111'" , t,on C. H .. in g bul Rl!liahl c Se rum lI scJ w(lr o Inur r iod iu C in m u. '" 11m old ·rll , hl on" l\ e n "lI~h . " "11' " HALL':; C'A'I'A l1Un MEDlC!;>IE wi ll "rr rellll ll)' l'll 10 h N' <""l r~o. sl l "l' l lI ~ nllti, MOUll uy o f .lu s t We Repa ir It w o(\k. tll(, old Indy with th e RnKlllllr rM , (!I, bulltl up IIII' System, cl ea n se th " m oml til l"{ll1 h h till,"! wn le r nt n nice c lght·l, not . _ _ _ _ _ - . - .. "to believ e Ihut h()fl e~ ty lillY. . my an.1 rCllfh 'r tiwm luss lIau lc to c uili s. Phone Hnrvc 44 y s bu rg , O. ~ I ' ",·ll . 1'~ 1I 11I1I" H ofr III(' CnnH, ~II" . 1 FRE D COL E /lear young lI ('phl'\\"." 1 " Ye8. QlI lle Hl'p r ntNI nttllcks of Acut e . Cn tnrrh U sc ou r C la ss i fi e ll Ad s fo r r O,;11 L~ nll 'Il @Y 1•• llIg I~'r liP III tl ,c " 'In d uK"l n. .~~~ 10." answere d tit e ne phe w. "lind dis. IlInv lo' n(1 10 Chrontc Cntanh . N o v . I - All Saint' s D,LY . ~~~~ ~~~ _ _ hrtl" _ ~=-_~ pd It l. "01'''" ~~~~ w it h th e I1ld of tI ,e ~~~~ liAI.1.' S CATAn nn ME DI CINE Is N o v 6 - 24th S und ~_~~ bODesty , els pllld ." ~=::-:~===~ ay after Trinity . 1\'111 ~' h nlHI ~ld-; l1rr ..)·. cnu ,e nh ou t tnll rn Intl'rnnl ly lInd n ets Ihro u~h ' Ihe N o 11 11.1 v . 8 - (; e n e r a l Elec liun. h t' nti f' r' IHH'th . mUOI\ on the Mucous S l1rfLl<.'C~ of tho At t h n 'l' o'd o dc .s h e Svs t ..m HillS r ('.luclng th e Infinmlllll- N o v 1:1 - 2:; l h Sunday Trini t y . cll'lIl'" d Ihe l ll!itl "hip 111111 \I' M .' I1rOll 11l1 Surely I N o v . 20 ~2(i l h Sunday afte r Trinity . tlon OI;d ..'storing normal con .lIt1 uu8_ to CU Ill ~ In U\'{'I" 11 w b lt,r, st e e ri ll g ('u!'< t It I. e n"), " 1"'lIbl, (u tlild n n~ "dh, Nov . 24 - 'l'hanks j!ivin g Day . All flruggl sls. Circular s tree. hy SIlIlIII . h lllf ·SlIllt h , t'OI" l 'u l ll t H() lIlt u . In II hlly ~ l u" k -- lt you sit on It. N ov 27 - l st S unday in Adv ent. F, J, Cheney II< Co .• T oledo, Ohio. Sh e d re'" Ihl' " 111 mll' lI ntllgl' of l he

Big City Breaking Dow n; Small Tow ns Loo ms, Says Ford '

" 1" , 1, 1,•..' "1" ,,',, ,,.1 ,.11'" II,.., ,,1.,,1. , .,,". 01





Pub lic Sale s


Dr Lloyd B Ha II







'" 11'

Po em hi



U nc le John













1921 NOV EMB ER 1921


I 2 cl 4 "Cold in the Hea d" 6 7 8 9 to II .2




16 17 18 19



20 21 !! 2J 24 25 26

27!8 29 JO •







w hltl







Hull 0 \'\'1' tlte bur she cnnH.' ,

rnmprn!,( rul1 thl""uSh the Gn te wl lh 11"" yu1'tl ~ ~lllI n l· "t1, U[I the lust of t he fl ooll tid e. As t h('y p n s~cd Lim e point. Mr. Glb· ney 111"1<111','.1 to s hor ton s nll oud 11k.! o clul'lon "Ins t hi s \' o,\cc mug throu~h the ship. " Cle w liP th!'ln r oya ls ." 1.1 •• In hed th o wh cel und th ~y hr"ught Lit e cle\\'· l10 es flgn ln t o tho w inc h h earl. T he ship WIl S fnillug otT II IIltl e before tlu.; f l)re ~ I'(IJt1 1 was ch~w ed li p. fi O ~tr. OIhnoy run bll ck t o t h e '\' h ~el und put he r on he r course ng nlu \\' h\1 ~ MeGu t· rfl Y hroll Kht the 11I111,,·roy ol clowlln cs to t ho \\'!n ~h . Agnln Gibn ey mnde th ~ wh ee l fll s t a n(l he tped McQuire ), clew up tile I1Inl n · ro~' 1I1; ngalu he set her on h er CO UI' e while McGulre y. foll ow, Ing In s trllctlons . mn de r eolly. to cl e\v up t he fOf'I!·to·-gu llnn·-s :l. T hey were ab[(,n8t Blnck PoInt before thIs lntte r Bnn \\'n s cI wed up, nnd then th ey l'"flm OUHlr'ed t he lower lop-slls; the bnrk 11'01 al1L!\llllg In zlly thlroulb . t.he wnter and McGulre y took th~ wbeel .


(To 1M eDaUaua< !.)


WI.dom LI •• In Correcti on. D ou'l nmke too mucl;r of th~ faoltl aDd flndlnge of thOllI! jou; nea bl! Jlf)od to barrJ

JOur IOU1 over . . . . . ' .. 0.


Two Written Facts Verified Tha t Classified Advertising, Pays . Tha t Advertising. of ever y description is a payi ng prop 6~ition in


• •

----.: " '"-


Gef your Curtains Repaired Tires Vulcanized Batteries Recharged Oils arid Greases General Overhauling Repairing Willard Storage Batteries New and Rebuilt

Jo hn Lo ng , Lytle Servi ce Cara ge LYTL E, OHIO

tU lLl"



~·el;r. 1l

'ome IU' \' ,lr

Uul e tll l h' 111 II duy . It tn It \\ \ \'1. II IUIHH h or a

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In C1u. . "'l1d Il ud :1 p':. •.•• t \l n l ll1~ II f("s \\ Inllt!l's. F l oI' \ \ j I ~I I ('Pl'" I pli ~t·

Co r . 5th & Norwoo d

Dayton . Ohio

." rI"';

1noJoon .

t l1l" t 1Il\\\' er J( I'nws. .\ Pl! ,'I' thUR UU P-llh'lItt"tl P l'I}\' P ~ Ir l"t " i :--I l Id " III I" :l t. - J( . A rl tt\n,l.:t l1o H rul"l ' III \ 'Itt. ; I ~ II [ )I\II, I



Money of .... nclent Briton..

~worc1 . "h,, \, ...d I' oors or Iron " N t u !wcl hy t hp flllr h' l1t n rlton s AS TnIl Uf' Y. 1111(1 IIl nn~' {\f Iloo"c nl'~ nOlw fOllnJi In JI,.III ~ h 11111'O ' UIII< A r"(,~11 1 IlIn'oll gnt l()n s hows thnt 91x rl ttfl-'I"tlll t t1 eo n m Inn t lons were uSf'd. ,11.t llljf1l t ~hoo by



1"if th NOI·tu ril e · ...... .. ....-:-:-. Lt!ybach \ 1,11,," J a 1" 1 l':utw riJ-d ll :S ullbeam~ .......... ........ . ...... .. Ho na ld M r~ C,)le llu el ........ .. ....... ...... ... SC'h :lrwenl( n Hil"A J. Il'l (·lIrl\\'c igh l.


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Mary L Jlllisl' Zi lllllll' rlllan ~e r 'natn .... ......... ... ~1 C )~Z k' Ll W S K'I Hhea J un,·t l'a r twri!:: hl (a ) A Love N o t!· ... .. .. . ... .. . . .. H " l{cr ~ ' (b ) lIi~ Lu llaby (',,: rli" J ncoolls· l\ulIll i\tr ~ .

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!\flt' nt bt ·

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Extr aord inar y Holi day Attr actio n

They They They They They

\~ '))

(, 111

I n;1I

c,); tl llmll er ~ lo"r s are reall y good sto ves hl'Ca ll ~ I '­


,· ... t


,, \ . 11\('11 :'\ g uag~ I,\.' wlJ1 rh "(' I·li .. ·.. IIh . l ... t Ht' yO ll fn r a 0;;.('1 I.i . '

!thea Jan"1 ('ur twril{ilt

I \




Th e v,wa l nUIllLe r~ hy ~lI'H. (' nll' " ' ad ded ve r y IIi Udl t l' th e p lt'uH llrl' of ............................... . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . I Ca n YOII r ~ rll elll "er lh~ : C hrl stm~s th e occa~i o n . A p l'a:lIInt ~ucifl l ho ur wh e n yuu firHl rI!I'e ivt'd 1he. Yo uth ~ was enjoyed . afle r lhe p rngonUII , d u ro I COmplln ll,n IIm o nl( yo u r C hn s lmaR illl( which II oleli " i"u~ lHltre l lunch prese nt s? Yuu ~ a ll Iw rhllp~ r ec all d . th e t itles o f :'ollle u f t ht' Re n' a I s t o r· WUR ~e rl't' . _ _ __ ~ __ _ iI'S in th ose early numhe r s . and y0U can we ll r e m e mbe r hu l\' e ve r yone in He"ds. I W ,n ; T~1I9. YOll LO St . the famil y IVllnt ed t u r l'flU yo ur paper " \\' 11:11 :11 11 1 d l IJI~? 1'111 ,[.tllld l' ~ Tuday The CoJm pani oll mak es th e d 11111' I f i ,'-l I"· ~, ,I .... 1"11 i.! 1\ t .. It, id eal Chri s tmas pr esent No fami ly , J" oIl-'l ' I f II· ... 1:, 11 .. , I' l l ~ .. ,' n\n l III ri ll If tit ,· dl l1l1' .~llI lI ds H I l'sp~c ially on with Kr owi ll g 1J oy~ ami 1' lllI lIl'd hlli l girls, s ho u ld be w ith ro u t th e trie d ,' {I ~p, I'll ~ ' II\ 1. ""1 1' \\I rh .\011 ," - .:\ "·!, l ~ 11 ( :! ( llI f'. Matinees on Thanksgiving Day and Saturday and true YoJulh '" Co mpani on - thc fri end and e nl e rl a inl' r of host s of THE BIC MUS ICAL HIT peo v1e . old a nd y o ung . D oesn 't S h.,w in H I~ GO l fin g . 1\ ,, :0' 11:11 1 \\ h •• 1111"': I , .. , . ' 1' " .11'11 lit" The Compan ioll iH t ru (' t o tbe bes t Am e ri ca n idt>ul s u f lif" . g iv in g e very hU Ji: hulid II ... tdl l_ 01,,, "' 'J' I l' I I Il \ \ \\1 1:11 It week a g e ne rou H 5 U pply li t t he bCHt f JIII It' ld II I/ti l ... 11' 1" , ... !llllIT h " 1t" ... l t. ,! TI'ullt'I 'I"I I ,r s t o ri es. cllrre nt event~. ,·(, mrllcn ts on the wo r ld's do ingR. with "Ilt'cial plIges - - - - - - - - -------fo r Boys. fo r ( ;i r fs an d f nr th e Fami ly The 52 iSd u tis I) f t ~:!L will be WITH METRO POLITA N CAST crowd ed with seria l Hl 'lrics, shurt Wond erful Tunes - Dazzli ng Frocks - Unsur pa ssed 8 to rie~. editoria ls. p oet ry , fact s and fun . Subsc r ibe no w an d r eceive; Danci ng- Most Lovea ble, Hugga ble, Kissab le




l)arl(' I... r~ .. ..... . ........ . . ... . ... .. ....... ..



n ' ital •. ~lIt ll rol av lifte r· wh il'll til l' fIJII(I" ill~ pn .·

, Wa llz ........... .. . ...... ........ t·hOO l'in O ln 1I 1\r l~o) l' k





~'l n'


- - --






- the Parlo r Pipe less Furn ace


Are You

Ever Coaxe d from Broad wayA Tunef ul Tale of Youth .

MAI L ORD ERS NOW Mat. SOc to $2.0 0; Even ing, SOc to $2.5 0 .........................................



""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'".'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'!!'! ':

Brin g in you r



3: 4.

sues in 1922 . All the r e m a ininll is.o lles o f 1!l2 1 The Compan ion H o m e Ca lendsr for 1922. All f o r $2 [)O. Or include McCal l's l\1£lg azin e . th e m ont hly a utho rit y o n f ash · ions. Bo th pu bli caLiuns . onlv $3.

TH E YOU TH' S CO MPAN ION. Commo nwealth Av e . &. St. Paul S t. . Bost on. Mas~ .

-----_ ...- - -




Phon e 92

Wayn esvill e, Ohio

Armisti ce Day was {~\Jly o bserved here . th e post o m ~e , han k ami ~ t u res clos ing during th e h o ur ~ directed by the pres ide nt. Th e re We r l' n o r e lig· iou s se rvi ces d uring th e tla y , but St. Mary' s church was o pe n fr o m 9 a . m . to 5 p . m • for th ose wilo cles ired to KO in f o r praye r and m editati o n .

sho w tile size your fa mil y.


s tyle most . uiled to the size of

Do yo tl know lha t every winter you pay for ncar· Iy twice as l1Iuch ftl el as YOtl really lIeed? Il's 1.IOl tht, amolln t of fuel you lise b ut HOW yo u lI SC' It that really COlill ls. Why builo a fire in. the furna~e these chill y Fall mornin gs when a coal 011 heater WIll take the chill ofT ill a ve ry few lllillut es at less than half lhe cost ?

mnn LO he app oin l,· ,1 011 tli " <o(\vl.or )·

CO 111 111 ittp ~

to t llt"' r h' 1"~nt! n n to t he lImitat io n ('ullh'rt'u ('P. I~ III \\' n~ h in~ l o li to ft ll l'l lt l t llp I l r "l l m e!."' t ln~ o f th o t..'Ol1l m i ltl l ("l t h l ~ w pc k )l r Th (l rn p~ull w a~ apllniTl tt' ll by I'r c~i · () pn t lI ar dlll~ h N ':ln:i C o f h i:; Sl1r l ' ps~ fill h\l :\h IP~H~ Ollal tt\{> att { \n ~ , an.1 \\' 111

ar ms

i )

Hard ware , Harn ess, Far'l ' Mach inery Waynes~iIle, Ohio '; ~~::::::::::~~~~::::::::::~~~~:::::::::::~~~~::::::::::~~~~::::::::::~~~~::::::::::~ ·0

TTll1l'h t l llll ' :ut i~ n i ' (' i':HHl r y fro lll h l ~ t'I"\,p lallll 0 11\ , n, t o


::tlct -th £' {' nlt"" :-; l alL!S th e I·()n r" rI ' II ' · '~

KU \ l! rtllll



' lI t


T IJlllllp:w n , who h as n ot h(,('lI B(,ti ve In (J o lltl t' R ror m allY ~·r :t r A. 1)( n o w \'I l'(~ prf' :o:I !lpn t o f OIH' of tht l ar~e ~ t I1 rt' p r tldl1 l'i l1~ cllr lwr al iCill s in t h e t ' nit .>d S l i\ l. '~. 11 n r ' ha ~ Ill a de h

lJ1 a rk pcl ~1 "'l'''<S In busi ne ss r. t1 np r:lt

P l'r ~ h i ll~ ,


S Ol THa r r

li nn

v c r , }t p'''id j 'lI l ~all\t1(' 1 ( ; n l11pf' r ::; ann n t l\ (,T l(':tllt'rs ar p i nd llll lH l III II If! 1i ~ ' o f 21 ot1kl a l nlh' i ... ()r~ I1ppol nt",1 h } I' rc .t~t' n t

'r ho 1111' :-:'0 11

Il ar,lIn); i~

a ha s



('"Io np l

r (' ~i dl ' n t

( O l TllP f

'Sears&~Oartwright ALL KINDS OF · INSURANCE


Iront on. h .. h ..· " ma kill i: h i. home In C l ev~land ror sC""ra l ye ars

- - -

Fr ed M. Co le


~pe n d a ~



YO ll by fa r th e c1e;lIl C's t way to cook 110 soot, 110' fUIII(, S , 11 0 g r ca~y odors. We will he ve r y gb u to

~1I " T \I () ~11'~ O:\. r n rm~ r ft CC' r .. tar v of ~ t "t ... a n ti la lf' f l ' l\ l t ~ " Stat e . t~~n" nr e r. nnd IIln on l y O h lu

and o th er :tull ed pri zes of valllal Jle U1en:halH.lise fr ce to succes sful contes tants. Write Pro ve rb Editor , Cincinnat iPos t, Cill cinn ati, 0., a postal card today and reques t him to se nd you rust 15 rrover bs and 2000 Proverb Titles FREE . Then, if you like the Prove rb Hunt, order TI IE CINCI NNA POST and enter the contes t.




$5 00 0.0 0 an Cash Prizes

New Sub~cripti o n 9 Recpiv e,l a t this Office.

Tak e Hom e the Cash


In the BitS:-. Ci nci nnati Post Prov erb Con test?

1. The Yo uth' s COll1pnnion - G?' is·

inexpe nsive to uperate easily regulall!d desiytw d for cmwen ;l'n((' quickly heah'd beautilul in appea /'(Jn c('


Right Girl


(lre are art! a re are

If you un' loo killg for a s lovr wilh the nbo ve qlla lilies at a \'cry moder ate pricc we would be please d tli h:we yo u m il a t (Jllr store a lld let Il S sho\\' tll r tn

Three Days, Beginning Thanksgiving Day



II ralll wa~ WI~ \I r~lllh·n·d ;

------ --

\\~ .

R ope From Mil kw eed Fiber. in this locality t o acl as o u r represe ntativ e. Won. Th ~ IIb .. r or ' O lOlo~ '1 10 ' '-( ' ' _ "r milk derful op po rtunity to make big n'C'f'rl ho s hC't 'n r ll l~\' tI In IU:dilll L: r" I!!' mon ey. Write for particu lars . 1"hp l i n t t n uncl In ttl.-' p Hd ... . \\ I dl t'

The Bud ai Com pany





I r:, . 1-' 1'('1 1 ~ 1 . ', >l l' pr '9('nl!'d a f e w ,) £ h"r piUlI1l 1'lI pil~ in t hl' IirHt of 1\

' \t·runcr .


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KMttl().' ln )t fll llll l' !ol:~ 11 f' \l Slnill .... d\.'!'<l' l h' Il II 1"\'\, . I " . If eIY1 1r t I h; 11I 1111flllly IIlll illlUirw I, ' ,I., ,,· \ t 'r f ll l- \

l he lr sl zl'. - --. -

WANTED W e want a hustler


Sueeul Foll ows Po, ""Veru nc e.

Slh'C~\AS n lH ~

The Miami Gaut le, Wayn elvilJ&

.. --- --


.... wful MO,ne nt All persons ar e warn e,l to k ee p off th e pro pe rty ' o f th e un d e r s igned. while hunting o r trap ping .

The Lateetassified Ads.

The Vantres5 Farms The Gorsu ch F a rm: Frank Braddoc k FnrmH S . D. H e nkle F a rms Will M oo n ey Chas . Smi th

- --




Usel\'P rlmrose l:5eparal.or, good n~ new . Cl\n b" ~ee n [\$ Fred M. Cule'~ I:l~roj wllre l:lt. o r e. n 30 OUFIN G-,JUR t' receive d II ShIP' ment of Slnte R oofing . WIll be sold at .. bArg"tn Fred M Cole's H"rclw are l:5~ore. n 30

.. --- --



l'El'RE SENT ATIVE WANTED The Junior Se r v ice Le agu e of St. ANTED -Ml"n to s f,lIolt o rders Mary 's will ho lt! a mark e t and th eir fo r fruit nud ornllw8nt.111 trees annual ex hibit of n ~cd l('w o rk, Satur· r e,lies. s hrub s , e to. Part or full time day . Dece mb£: r 10 th . PilY w et; kly. Qllnker Bill Nurser · les, Newark . Nuw York 1:5."le. Large Victory. HelOln wlt ll "II Ihl". " , n ~lIIn ll rle-


--- --- -

The Player-Plano that is all but human the music al instru ment for your home anyon e can play it. Come in and play, the 1Ilon.ualo yourse lf', there is nO obliga tion to buy.

tfml th at Ulen n~ IlIrJ,:" \· jl 'l Qr.\, .- J nmcl


Lone Allell.


We AI,o Have a Few Slightly Used


To sel\ Wi\1 ys Light and Electrical Applia nces ill this vi· cinity. lI avc compl ete line with prices for compl ete plant s frOll1 $ 2!J[) lo $595.


1. Variola. M.It....nd Wood. T .... n In Trade on ,1.o . PI"l'er Pi .. no. to b. Sold .. , .


S115. $150, $195, $250, $375, $425. $495. $575 and . Up


"!"hex lostNMlf'nts have: been gone over thoroughl y and In tine shape by our ~xpert r('palrMlf'n and au~rant cw by put u•.

126 E . 3rd SI. . Day/on, O.


T c:rm. AI •• ,.. a Part


Baldwin Serv''' .

·"_.lnJitmoarontJllftV DAYTON. aIDO

nn ITlIl'l' e~ lll1J.: ~f'l' lIl UII wa s .sf'ill,U1JIt.'d , I 1111",\1 ,,1\


u .


1 gl'uh b '-cI

NOTICE Mus ic in the Hom e Mea ns --Ha ppin ess!

Anx loll S t v I;l't 10 4' 11 11 1 I.

pr tl~ ' t ' l'



l 'LuII, IIl1 d

A car of '

4-- inc h Til e Comin g in. Place your orders .




, 'a ll

1 flIIIII ),!'1 1l nl ", III' d


t lllle.


:.!)1I 111dlllg ~ el-

I J' U\ C

WII S lilY

I" " r



:\Iureh ing 11 , 1\\11 til l' 1I !~1t~ ] nc ~ lfl enl"lly rl I'IIPP"oI 1' 1)' 111111'1'. (1(101. 10 t Ins tl'Hd nt m y pJ'H'y(-r II ppl<, 1\ ,recl< o f e nni s Cum e lUlllu l ll qA' Hu l 01111 SCHlll' re d In all d i r C!cr\on s I 'J\, IlI nlH! III:t tl (J I'S W01'Ht;!1 I h ~ htl <.' k uf tiH' CII ['lIs IH'I'l! l he nd of (l pr'U1Il!nc Ht hr l! w",I'.\' !- U,'!t. (' hlll 'eli .


Korean Race a Mixture. The ){ or.."lIs nrc lUll"r LI'(I (I Ule C hlrw Re or ,J npIlIH'~C ,


gn'Hl 11lv~rslt.Y 411' rl'utul't!s.



Telepho ne

61·2 I

your" or that young .relotlve or friend In whom you are Inte:rested. cr"vel the henlthy. well· balanced reading matter he will let In THE AJ4ERI CAN BOY, never for a minute would you deny him this pleasure . For a Christm as present, or birthday girt, " 8ub· scription to THE AMERI CAN BOY i. unexcell ed. It 108t. the whole y ear throullh -and It I Influenc e Is of the belt.

~ Ith er


en tirely " 0101 of hlll l'; /) Ih e r~ hill''' ri ch, silky henr,l. IIlId whl. llen. while thllse of ntl, O'rs prO's" nl nuthlllll hut II conr~~ tOll gll'(1 1I1 (, SS .


''Tbe UlUf'n, nrirhlut, Ik., Rolacnloe

-~ ------

for 80n III All the: World"

In the next twelve numbers there will be ..rloll by luch famous authors a. Melville Davllto n POlt. Rotph D . Paine. Willl om Hey. IIger nnd CLarence B. K elland. the short .torie. ore by nuthors of equal note. nnd the big departm enta whjch are edited by expert., are devoted to every legitima t e interelt of boyhood .

Cleane Sil ver. T o k eep [llnterl . lIn!r ell' nn ond brlglJl wlthollt " "I ~ tllnt clclllll ng, whleh Is 8 0 IIIJu rlooll s to pin ted ur· t1c11,H, dls'oh'@ 0 8111'11 11 hllli,lfui of hol'R" In n huslll with n Iitti o hot wo° t('r lllirl A IItt lp RO IIJ1. nut Ule s ilv er Lo Blltl let It s tllll,l foo,· U,r e,· III' four hOUI's; Ih cII [l our (lIT th e sU(\" , rillse with el" sin. Col hi wllt..~ r, ond 11'11''' wllh n soft doolh.

Price Redu ced THE AMERI CAN BOY io now only $2.00 a yeor. Make some boy happy-f ill out the coupon and mall it TODA YI

.. - ..- - -

111.11 ,'''_ Cou,.on to


Personal Insp ection. .~II 11'lsh ('lIl'tlllll III . IJ<'I· ( I 'I~ hi s cum· pnny nootlc~,1 thOl' ''11" of hi s soltll er. hll tl (J~gl cc t ea to wlI ~ h plth pr the bnck of IllS lI<'ck 0,. hi.' ~lI rs. " III . you I" hfl ~ ,dl "fI t o him ; " you hlll'@n't \\'o "h .. ,1 YO\II'Self lit Ih o ' hu cl, ! Hight. a b olli tOl'e 'o n,1 Inok nt YOllrself 1"E<1l nlou" ~b colSlllll n. ' ~------.

Sprin g

Eve ry Boy Wants It

'fhey ure

r" C~' 'Ir~


IC you could renlize how much thnt boy of

robu st nllli vlvn c\')lls. hl(ldllll~lIhle I'.ork ers IIlId n .. ~ In K(' ~ flt dema nd In Japnn fl S me chanics. T her e are dlf· ferent rllces In the count ry, nOli there Is

You r

~~~~ iBUilding Way nesv ille, Ohi o

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Distr'i buto rs



For $2.00 enclosed scnd 0 Year'. SubScrip tion to THE AMERI CAN BOY beginnin g with the . . . . ....• •• . .. '•.. Number to Name Addre.. : ... ; . . ....... ....... ........ . ~, .




"B a llistic Wind." Th,' "hnlll HlIc \\'1 11<1" I ~ R ftCtltlOll. wln.1 n~slll J(p d In CnU'lHl tlng fl,e filKht of 11ro.1( ,(· tll"~ In ~~prelltl till' total etf pct nf thl' w,ln tl ~ Ihnl octun lly occur. lis lI ijl! was Illtroduced durlD& the World wllr.

,~. publicati on In ..""'100

o •• r ap"..,• .

The Miami Gazette, one' ye~'f.• $1.50 The American Boy, one year..:. $2.00

Bod, for • • • • • • I





~ evc nty -Third

• ,





. 1

WAYN£ ~; \'ILLE,


OI-IIO , WlSDN ESDA Y' NO\, E I1 DEP. :2:3 , 192 1 -.--- ...-- .. ~----

Whole Numb er 5462



Sf. MARY'_S CHURCH I . . WJPt?!l!!!Y.J r-; " lwill"' IUfOdilt g - II ,,· i,wl" I11I'"l ('har ll'o t: JI,'11 \\ aH ill C'i ll{' i,, "u l i. w"a llr"r whir-h 1"·"I·lIil .. 1I ('11 NIJ \'('IIl - F ri day . iI" r 1;'\ l h . Hl argt ' 1I1' '"'' ' 'lI t / I f Il l(· \\,.,. 1 Ill"11 ,, ( St M,,,·)··.. I'I lll r(' h l(u l lh'I'I',j j S"ou t I,,,,,k .. f.,r ~'irl ·: nll ol I ' · ' .I ~. 1l ()1 1 -ha ll k(·(·p till' f(·nst of fill' ti t,· 'nr~ 1 ~t'I'v i<' ,' o f I Il l' .} " .I '. ",hid, J 1:. J JlIlIH·.I·. \1', ·,·1,,. IIn lo Ilw I.t ., d tli v Wli~ Iw ld III 111 ;:\0 II . Ill . r; lI t! lI' ilil a 11'.1 '"1 " of In Ih" qu ip i of (; ,,",' ~ "anctua ry .l . I N. Mill,·r. "f l1ar v " y~ ""' t.! f"'(,\l il l t·Il"'rill !! II I' th illl' . W ll " I'll rl ak ing uf Holy ('" "",,,,,,; un us II In 10 11' 11 . M')IIt! uy . hallol. \l' I, id , tl"'11 ~ h al l give Ull l,' t i" , L" rd t h\' (;..d IHl' PUril l itlll fur Li t(· ill,,11'11, ' 1 itl n WC' a'.T,"·rlllI!! iI " II ,,· [.,·, rd th,: ho""i tal ill 1"11' 11 hOl'u l 10 rr,,·(· iv,· du ri ll J.( 11r,· day. Wl' "nlAy n.!w - al MI'". l\ill" ,I1 ·... (;"d hall l 1,1,·", ·d ti '''l·. r"u lizI'd Iha t "t iI IIl l'"'' i" one tl f Ihe ('olldili ol1 " II f 1, IIIo\l'l r· ll gl·. alld vl'ry .-\, ,' I lholl :iha lt ll·j"kl· II"rn ,),,, Mr. Hnd Mr ~. I.nll'r'·III·' · Ut·f " t' t ilt' I If'd t li\' I;"d flln'il,l y did l hr ' w"rrl ~ (I f tlw 1'~ all1l­ ~ur f ll r ,·. Nt,\"'III I"'r 1::11,. n .""11 .. 11 ,"11 . ~ l.d lh ) ·;"n. ,;"d Ih ~' i ,t """1<' ttl ,," r lIlilld ~ . " Ilt' "ti ll lI lI .! "H ll gh t " J' . UI d til\' tnnfl . . t·r kl," w tha i I <llll t ;od." \':l lil . :I n,l thy lliai rl ~!· I· \al1l . .),,1111 l.!Tml, nntl fam il y "11t' lI t t il l' . Th e regulul' mel'l in" of till' Au xil " tld t hp I I'\'i t,· t hnl i ~ wilhwe"k -elld wilh r, ·la Li ve, in I ) ~ ) LII" . ill Ihy g ull" . ~nrl th e ia ry was hdd at 2 I' Il l. , tlr v i<"~H i o ll -I,. "·;,, , r. :,n ri tht fat l lL'rlt'~" . anrllhl' wid uw. bcilll:' " penet! with th e ~ il1J.fing of thl' I\1r . n l ~ Mrs. D. It. Smi th ' I,,· nl Ih ,, ' Hr t ~ '"ll11 111! Y" U. in th l' plo" (' which the hY IllII . "The M I 'rrli'l~ Li~ht iq IIreak - ~ulltlu I.",ri tl,l' t ,I,d hu< "" Ml'n ttl pla('c' hi< na mc y with relali"" Hill Wil lll il1 ~ t"n . IhH, . illl{ ." Mrs. l :udwallad er read t 1](' 41; th I'~U IIll , whi ch was follnwed u~' ..\ 1101 t h"tl oh,, ' t r. nl ' III I,r' r 11' :r1 th ull \l'a ~ l C. I·'. ..Hllier. of Ilsylon. "pen I :r I,,,,·,j·ll" " if. I':g l 101: :I "d t hll u ~ h alt lIh"" rv(' 1\ praye r ~ l' r v i c e . c' llIr1u cleci lJy till' l u ~ l Wl'l·k with C. M. Ilrown anti IIlI d d " II" ..,,· - Ia t " I,'" ItecLll r of ·pa ri ~ h . A(l er roll call. fumily . '1'1. 11 \1 I,a l "" "I' n C' till' [va-t II [ I ah" rt he minutes of the last lIIeeting were na I , ·~ "" ""11 tla) ' . af l"r Ihtlll h a~ t ga lhe rt·ri read anti !loprove rl. MrR. S. S. 1':l lis WII S ill D:iylun . In 11 ,.. t'!l fl i :rll d th y II illl· . Th ere bei nl{ no uu "i ne~q , ' the prtl- Monday . . \ ~rl :III. u ,hal l n-j,.ir· p in II\\' f ca~ t . Ihnll . j{ram fllr th e a ftern oon was be"un and thl' "'~'. ,,!' dl hy "augh tpr. ':tnd Ih~ mnnlJy ~illl!i nl( lhe IWllIn. " Lord. Speak Miss Mulli .' lI owland . of h inl:' '' ·'·I'IRlit. ul "llily m Jti d ~{·rI'an l . nnd th" I."vi te, tll Me. Thai I May SIJl'tl k." l' reRclll Mil l ~ . spellt SUlldHY wit h MiM" 1-:,j1l1l II,, · 'Inllll! ,·r. lind t h,· f'lIh" ri l·"s. and th" wid41 '. \·, I h a l art-' w l th i ll thy ~ ; I I;I with li S were Mr". W,·IIs. prE', id ent lI owlund . of t he Womun ' ~ Auxi lill ry of ::louth~I "' I'II ,Ial' .· sha' t I h ll lll({~ , I . , "I t' mn fl'A st Il, Ji Il tl,,· i .." d thy (; " rI . in IIff' I.. ,t'~ "'hidl th e e rn Oll i" . 1I11t.! Mrs VanKur en. treasMrH"o I.lIurn M, , ~ ll!'r. \\'11 " <11\'lIt ~( ' \' I,I,rt l,'h., (;",1'4h'l lI c·h(ltls!'.: h t ·a y~· · !Iw Lord urer of Ullitl'd Thunk Ofrl! ring era I dnY Hwith n' llIth' ''~ in Milford . i" t hy 1,· ,,1 -!,a. 1 hlt)g, th('!! III all Ih y IlIcrr ase , Mr". Vanl\ur l'll. IhE' tirBt spl!aker . lit hOI1l(, a~n in tHld ill n' l Ihl' w . 'rk ~ of Ih ine hnnd" , th erefo re witlt ge ntl e. qui t' t demean or ucgJ.(ed t holl ~ h ,,11 ~ ur e ly rt'jllil'C' II H to numher tlIP hl e~s in g s which (; et II puull .1 of HI.l : I': I! lJ t ' l\ 1.1.; we rt' ollr" each Ilnd evcry day, ami or Log Cauin Cu lfl'(' t".t HY . lloth clrop a (·oin. uging lh e prayer, in the Rlllendi d. ·awy e r '~ . /' blue 11(\)( , which is our badge, makDr. J . T. Ell is alt e n,j ~ d tl ll~ Ohit> In l! of this budge II Hpiritulil fur, e i-I om eopathi c Society at Ci llr innal i. anti power. Mrs. Wellg ~a vt' Ug u force fu l, en· last 'fhurstlay and Friday. thusill" li c atldre!l!l on Lhe vision and ~ , an Crun e. nf K 'nyon coll ege. tl' ,. w(,rk " f th -u W"m ',II'· ". AII ..v, ;ll·ary . I IWey'. s }'""li Shl' hr;'·fl y rt) vit.'we', the history of urrlvet home. Tlte~day evening s al a buul hal f pr ic~ . Yo u ~ave Iw o WIlV" wh 'n yo u hu y Mr s. M. Kohlhallcn. of Lebanon , the Auxilia ry fur the pas t half cen- spend the ThunkH~iv ill g huliduy . t .. BL UE HUC KI.E Co n·eo. VirsL in ~ i s ter of Mr8. Myec Hyman s. J. I~. ,J anl lt'Y. , und ert ury . She dwelt opon the marvelpr il'e and sectl nd in t he am oun t us ,t1 wenl an opera tion at th e J ew i h hosSupt. N. P . Blatt, Nelson Brow n. Mr". T . \\' . I!il-rl-r" · pell l I.I~ t wl·!· k ou s achieve ments. and l.m-dleted for ilJital lit Cin cinn at i. [/lll t Th ll rsday. Marvin Allen alltl Cal vin Lo n~ac r ~ in lJaytll ll 1\ itli her ~" ll , I ;il hl' rt . alld . M rd. Frank An ~,(Jn and M the fu lure still g reater accomplishSill \ She is reporte d t he gettin K a long were in Ci ncinnati on uu s in l'~ , Sat- fam ily. nlVIn ilnd ~o n H , I, rank an d Ch!l rl e~ . nicel \·. menls. urcl ay. Rpe nt th e latter Ilart of laH t week A Cler nnsweri ng a numher of Mi~s I.III H PiI 'e , Pl'll t t h,· II't·f'!\: .. nd qu es t ion~. the meeting clost'd wiLh wilh Mr . lind Mrs. Gel)rg Wolf, of · I I I) Before uuying ~h tl H pl ease look wilh r r i e ll, l ~ at II ,,· () . S. li .• a l MISR (at wi ugh, wlto hug It en C"lnm Clarksvill e . pray er ,and the benediclion. Throug h ulIH. , lhroUgh our la r)te stock und see th e t.he kindness tlf the women of the visiting with Mr ~ . Allni,' Ci hhons. g reat r e du c lio n ~ . We hav e placed A box supper will he held "t the : on sale a large lot of Men'R Work Grange . we were served at 12 o'clork retu rn ed ttl her hUl1I e in I...,hunon. Il c m ~Lit('il in l-r nnt! lIicll lin): in any last weeK. II gLn erous and nppetiz ing dinner, al. l'ol l r ; p nltll pl ~f'l r \'kp Hnt! ~a l i:"lfHC· D. o.f A r'lo~~. Wminesday. ~ovem- I und DresRSh ' eE, re~ular price was be r .10th . IWf) ryuud y ls c'lrdla ll y In- .$.1 ;)0. now $2 75 . J ohn A . their hall. which was app reciated bv F un key. Our stock of book ~ is generous in , ti on ~u a rn n L eetl at Mn; l\i lll o n ·~. I'it ecl. all present . Thus was added another vari ety, and illclurlc R on ly the best • r ed-lette r day t o the cal endar of . l. Mr. flnd MrR. Ed ,\ ll en alld famil y. Fmnk U. LeMa , ?,las called to fo r hoys and girls allli a illo for oldcr Mr . L . C. St Mary 's pllrish. - A. L . C. .J ohn a mi fumily le ft , of Georgia Lehanon . ThurRtl ay evening. on ac. Hpenl SlJnday ,.-il h Mr . per, ons J F, Janney. this mnrn ing. for t h..·ir new home in COUll't of th e deflt h of his - -and M r9. WIll MIlOIll' V. II f 1{lIll le 3. mother. Green COV () :)p ringR, ~' I a. Thi ~ fam- This esti mll blc lacly spe nt th e g reater A new ;hospi tal in town Mr. II n, l Mrs. l3yron IJnrt ~ or k and ily will be grl'aliy missed in our com- part of a summe r here two years - for dolls only, at Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Jesse H urL~ o\'k. of Cin- Our pri(','" nil hovk$ rang" f rnl1l mu nity, as the,)' have been very pop- ago ._nnd marie mllny fri end s 10 to I no J E ,J.Hnn ry . , who Kilbo n's. cinnati. spent Sundav with Mrs. Maula r. and t ht! ir going wi ll leave a va- will be pained to hea r (If her death. tilda lI o~ icr and family. !:;u Il yneg, of !-iP l'illg fit' ld. "(ltm l ' rllncy ill many wal' s . several day~ Ill're lusl \\' ('t'k wil h hi~ 1 Mr. anrl Mrs. Clyde Colema n lind Mr. Frt'd Sherwood and ftllllily . of uncie .. Alle n Kihl er. and Ilt\d II li ll ,.1 , A n o t. h e ~ car of No. I I{ed I~i v e r M r ~ f URt er, of Norwood,. spent the Colum uus, spent lhe week-enu her e tillw hun ti ng' , r_al'ly OhIO Pota toe::! , h l\~ arn "erl ; week-end with r ela lives in Columb uB. with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Morris jil. 60 por bag of 2 bu. euch. at the 'They st opped here, Sunday ufterSher'fo od accompanied them home. We n'r · !lg-(-' Ilts f",· I': J. Ilrefl!l" ~ I car Frid ay, Novemb er 25; or $2.65 a noon, un,l took ·Mr . and Mrs. J. H. for u " iait. M ore -~g~ s Ton ie I PKL:_ fr ee wiLh Ijag at the st ore. C(!d ar Stamps and Coleman to Nurwood with them . each $1 p a kHg-t! Gllurun Leed at \' Booster Co upons wi t,h either pric .... The Coleman 's will vi sit there two or Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robit j:cr nnd ::iawye r ' ::! fhe . Fred Co • Lebanon, Ohi o. three weeks. daughte r. and Mr . alill Mrs. J D. Marlatt and daughte r. Miss 1-I",len. ~pent Sund ay afterrioon and evening with relative s In Dayton . @lall •• tltrr! l Xmsn"






I .

----_ ..

tutU, a 111111tllgrapl, Ii"j]OU can compl ete your Chrisu nas list quickl y with photographs and you will be sure of giving just the righf thing. Photographs .re gIft. you


eRn aatdly affo rd a mi family

and friends will olways treus-

ure them.



, Waynesville, Ohio

Anothe r car of No.1 Red Hi ver Early Ohio Potatoes hus arrived ; :&2.60 per bag of 2 btl. enc h. at tlH' car Fridnv. Novemu er 25: or $2 6;; a bag ot the store. Ce lur Slamfls antI Booster Coupon s with either price The S. Fred Co • Lebanon •.ohio. Mr, IIIHI' Mrs. C. W. Hinkll! and daught ers and Mr. Lincoln. of Middletow n, Mr . and Mrs. J . O. Cartwri ght and daughte rs. Mrs. Rachl'l E. Keys and Miss Kizzie Merritt were at the home of Mr. and ~rs ::; L Cartwri g ht on Saturda y . Mcs."rs. Henkle ~nd Lincoln spent II few hours hunting . and captured seven rabbits .


I have added to my stock a large line of

111ft · Goods Stamped Pieces for Embroidering, including Night. Gowns, Camisoles, Combinations, PiIlow ' Slips, Scarfs and Center,~, Luncheon Sets, e/~. ~lso, a complel, assl!rtment. of Embroidery :1 Threads and Yarns.


I will be pleased to li'a ve you ca 11 and inspec t tqis merchani:lis~.


• A new corpn,·ul iOIl. wh i" h 1I r1R: 1ll uled in lI ami llll " . llili !' . will be pi· 101., c11l1 ,,1,'" Ilrl' g uidulI'l' II f ~ 'lIIlC II I Ilamill tlll 'H n l o~ t capahl o h ll ~ in r !'~ men. The nOi l' e r ~ nr,' ':i. 111. Goot! ma ll. pl'l'oid t' nl ; Ik n ,'1 rau ". I'ic,, · pr",~i rle" t ; ,I ,~ Hl'a l(' . ~ f'c r (' l a r y : '. G Hud r . tr n a~ tJ r er : 1-'. U 1 .l'~la )' who 11'1' 1'1' (·Il'dr.·rl :l L II III (,t· t i l1 ~ 11t ·ltl Novemh er ,I The "" pit al (I f t ht compan y wa" gi\ en a~ '. ;,\).tIl10 J B_ Chal'fnll ll ha ~ 'oI ll lillt:'d t he plans of thiH new corpo ra ti tl n ftlr t.hl checkin g Clf au lo Lhi eves. alill if til t.') materiali :.:o. the Stal' uf Ohio wil , ultimaml y hllve within its hound s an in ~ titut i tl n th at will <ll{lI in make il. possible for o wn er ~ of a lil o m o b il c~ to go to bell wi Lhou t feel ing j,s i1 they should take th eir uut os wilh them t o {oreslall any' po sibili ly qf ha~in g th~m slolen during the lligh L The concern will be known as th e Co-operative Auto Th!'ft SuppreSiliol ' and , will work in conjuna lion with the polke. mercha nts lind autu owners to cause the arrt's t lind prosecution of auto thieves. Tbe ul timate intentio n is to . operate th rou ghout the stale and evenlunlly cove r the en'tire co untr~ To Induc t the full co-oporali n of police departm ents in til e /'dit reretlt cities and aUlo ow·norR· in r unniJlg down and arrestin g auto thi eves, t he com'pllny will olT r a re\v urd of . . . for the arrest apd conviction of lilt .. to lhi~f, providi ng the slolen enrolll'd .ln the company, and • • plan apl)Cared st> favorab le that the Ol»() CRSU;llt y Co and the Butler CountY' Auto Co. hllve already Agreed to add ~ each to the the reward of-


Consisting of


New Organizat.ion for Suppression of Auto Theft

TH E BA T SB OP PE "'.11 I l.~NA s. KI LI:SON ,






Mr~ . Ali('(' M l'i\ I Il ~ "y \ lr ~ ~ I a l')' I.. ,\ d' JI"'. ,, [

r'nl l- r lui ll.-d I \\·II 'lI illl-: ("II. In rr·, !,,)n. l' til in vil ations from th e HI ~ ll ndH.I' t! inner . " m'r tor" II f lIarmon hall. Let-ano n, ~I'\' ' ral of tll ir luwnsmcn attende d a ,Fielde r lI yde a nd w, ft· . IllI II W ill . thM')lI ghly linl ' )tat he ring there. h t: nnl·1 nllrl \li f. ·. of Dayt" " . Wf' rl' , .\I ••ll d uy (! I rn ing. The co mmitte e in \\ ' l' d ,, ~~.tll v din lle r I-:' U I'~ t R IIf Mr. (' . ' charge. a H ~i ~ L('rl by Directo r Ch urchM. Brown and film i l ~· . ill . sun ·l y shllw ed th e me mbers and i yisil{J rR a vl' ry ti ne Li me. ~lr . and /llrH. J nhn Ileach. tlf I{" ut e : All " reh" Ir a rend ered fin e music :! . had as th ir gu e ~t s . la ~ t Sunday . lind the hall was ope n and free to all . ,\ Ir . and MrH I{o ht . An dr e w~ anrl Mr I IIOWlill g . hi l l i ard ~ . poo l. card s and and Mr ~ J ohn McNeil l. of Ferr y . l'verythilll{ wer fully enj oyed fo r two _ hO llrR A short musical program Th e lVl iM e~ Mli rtha Uurnetl and lhen was rend l'I'l' d. after wh ich lw o Emma Cnrtwr ight e!1Lerla in ed a l !Jay Ion buy s pul on a wrestlin g dinn er. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. S. L ma tch. ThiH wa~ followed by a Ca rtwrigh t and Mr . and Mrs. Frank sparrin g mat ch s nd a gam e of volley Zell. bill I. One of the nice featur es of the 1I'I r. A. II. Shan,' r and family enter- evening was the commu nity singing . tai ned a t din ncr . Sundav . Mr. and Everybu dy present fully enjoyed thiR ~ I r" li en ry I~ ng l e and daugh lers, feature of the entertainm ent. ~l i lured a nd Irma . and Mr . and Miss Those who attende d from WaynesZimmer mall . of !Jayt on. ville were: J. E Janney , Dr. J. T. F:lli s. Fred M. Cole, J . B. Chapma n. Mr . Elnd Mr H. Jll mes E. McClur e L. A. Zimmer man, E. VI Barnha,r t, enlertai n ed a t a well-app ointed (j rom Pierce , George Waterh ouse, (I'clock dinner , las t W edn e~ t1 uy ev en Mer t Baird and D. L. Crane. ing . the foll ow in ll g uesLs : Mr . and Mrs. I{obert C r os~ , Mrs. Charl es I{y e, Mrs. Vi ulll Curey. :111' . alld Mrs Wai ter McCl ur e lind Mi!l:! Alice Cu rey.


RABBIT HUNTERS The fulluwing announcemenl has HAVING RARE SPORT been receiverl by fri here: " Mr and Mrs. Samu'el

Kindle ..-a nnounc e t he murring e of th eir daught er. l3eul ah Eva! irjE' . to Mr. Ralph Charter8 Frew,' Thursda y. NO I'ember 17, 19 ~ 1 , Circl eville. Ohio," The many fri cnd R of Mrs. FrclY extend congratulations. Th e young coupl e wi ll reside in Mari ellll. Ohi o.

Rabbit hunters are ballging lots of gam e since the season came in, and it is said tha t the rabbits are of good quality - fat and juicy. Many hunters have got ten the relrulation number. Quails are very numero u s. Hunt-~ ers say t hey never snw them 90 plentiful as a t this time. They are becoming tame, t oo. and many farm yards at feeding time Bre scattere d with them . Several pheasan ts have been killed, too. and hunters say the broods are becoming larger every year . They a There WIIS a large attenda nce at re a beautifu l bi rd, and ought to the meeti ng of th e mother s and bf prote~ted for two more years, at teacher s at t he High School bllildi nll least. ....- -on Thursda y afternoo n, The meetin g was op ened wi th a Scriptu re readinlr and pray er by Mrs Cadwall ader. followed by a short t alk by Miss Lil e, on the co-oper ation of parents and teacher s. Mr. Blatt The Agr icultura l class of the High then t old of some uf lhe wo rk being School has purchas ed a tltereoptlcon . done lJy the sch ool. This was fol- for use in t heir school work, The lowed by tWll lJenutifu ily rend ered machine can be U8ed for various vocal so los by Mrs. Cole. acctJm panied purposes. and will come in handy for several ·differe nt occasions. . by Miss Kathryn Hend erson . Mrs. Elva Drake J ames. (I f Po rto Hieo, w u~ ptesent nnd gave a llplendid talk on ed uc ati onal work in Porto Rico. After adj ournm ent. re fr eshmen t s of t ea !lnd cll kes were Hen 'ed in the domesti c sci ence room.









ie red . ,;,aki nl{ a tot~1 o~ $35? , . WAYN E ' VILLI·: A farmers ' insti tute wi ll be held Mr . Chapma n. whil e In thI S nili ce. W H. M add ~n Lumber Co. on FrldllY und Saturda y. Decemb er .ra ve an ou lline of this unique pla n I II vmnn & Co. :.10 and 31. The officers elec ted for III '«'hi ch it i ~ h o p ~ [ ~ o enlist ~ very I). H. Smith. Groc ' r i l!~ for 1921 met Saturda y evening and IU tO own t! I' in Lile co untry. and lIne Roy Mac Beth, Hak ery decided to hold an independent instiUlJ the mercha nts. li e stated auto Walter McClue r t ute. · a8 this is the year that the , )W ll e r ~ woult l derive II dou bl e bene fi t I'" . M. Col e. Ha rdware Rta te will not help them. However, you uon't uppe n to 'IS mel11 lJ c r ~ (I f th e c"mpany . receivbe in T. Jeff Smith they will have a state speaker , L L. town when you want a i n ~ the se rviL'e uf ttlr compunv in loClass[~ r e d D. Ilawi\e Humme ll, of Med ina. Ohio. and pos- ified Ad., advert ising cating Ih eir stolen COI-. by means of your silJ ly they will bE' .abl e to g",t hol~ of extra Stock, a plow, a MA SON state-wid e Jlublici t y and the reward lot of n stute lady speaker for lhe OCCaslOl I. Feed or any of your for convicti un of the t.hief . In adCli- Mason Milli ng Co. extra I'l ans have bcen laid for II f!n e )hati- stuff 'on band' just call tion to Ihe fee. each IIU to owner will Herzer Drug Store tute, and th e program Will be onue "iv en II COUlJon hook worlh $7. [,0. Conol'or ~ Chamhe rlain ' nounced later . t he amount of the f ee assessed on Palm er & Girton - - -... - - joining the company. and th ese cou- Jenni e Thompson pons may bil exchan ged at ~t o res enFRANK LIN Last Offensiv e U.e of Arrows. listed in th e company wh en merThe Inot oI'Censt,·p, li se Of (h ~ li o,," H. S. Conove r chandi se is pllrchllsed. A percen- t Heerns to hnve OC~ u,.r ed In 1701. when and we will see to the rest. age of the purchase price of each George Eo Miller two ~e ntl u lll en fought u duel with Call again, plellse. Lowf:4 AlJd IlI"'O\\ltj lit 1~ IUIlIHl r~ h, ,.hoota rLicle bought at these stores will be Frank Vos~l er Ing ' thre 01'I'OW8 (Oneh wlthollt dnm· detl ucted until the $7 50 coupon book HARVEYSIJUHG agln/; Pilch otllel" has been consum ed. G. B. Da~ie. Groceri e~q Followin g arc the storCH in the It H. Brooks, Garage co unty wh ere the coupons are re- C. E. Levicy tleemable:. CARLl 'LE LEBAN ON Charles Mount · 'l'he S. Fred Co. Cross & Basore The J . W. Lingo Hardwa re Co, SPl{,lNGBOIW Lewi s & Drake ·W. H. Siegfrie d Lebanon Lumber Co . Frank D. J ••• Garqe A~L Lebanon Farmers eo-Ope rative Co. J\eid's Drug ~tor o The Frank Sherwootl Ca., Oregon is' Happy Meloy ' C. E . Johns, _ Lytle H. E . Rudman. The rewar d...... whicn will be Cllrey J·ew.elry Shgp offered will IN-:""'e up from memM, jl. Oswald &S.n betshlp fees ,, " will alllO be the exDate You r Neit ' Spri nc Sale ' !Now Warren Coun ty iatlel'Y Co. pen$e f or. the extellBlv'e adverti sing .,.. . Fred 0 James of the stolen machine s. and it I, Wiggins Bros. Garage hoped that these Iiberall nducem eale Omce in . --!II A. F. Simon tOil. Kings Mills will enlist a more earneR eudeav or .Amen BuilcUDiI 0 &rl.De cker• RldKevllle to cause tbeconvietlOD~.~~ qpev. . .____ _..... ..-




TheMiami Gazette,Waynesville

Sears&Cai'twrigh,~ KINDS OF


...- - -. . . . . . . . . . . .11·:,



"11"~ \1'1 ,.1\1 horsp onle." rt'I'II"ll n il' RllI'tlon",' ''. " 'llho\11 lookinG up. ~[ r. 0110,,4'), hrl ghlellf'll. li (' 1l"\lwt'oI 111'01111(1 f,,1' thp lock In u ·nth'. nUl flh . ~i'1'1· 11Il! 111'''1' "lInt'ltHleci Ihnt Iht, 0111 Ilnr -l'. ",nl1lo l h~ 1f'11 In. on" to t a I hi'" I hrm '~h !( '1,,"11 ,\I'In r In Ihp r ~ r (.1 th4' \\· IH llh {\n ~I'.


The MI~1bi Gazette, Waynetville, Ohio.


t. lhp

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n rHl~!ilofl tf'lr h nr~\' hltdc r l'lillg . nHoi 111 u ~plrlt of nd'~ 'nlllrt. ht.



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Mpl giW whnrf now nnd It rle\' ol ,pd liP' 011 Mr. Otbll e ~· to brlni hlA prize In no u,~ Qunmntlnp groun d Rlld Ipt 1 0 his pnrt flnrhror. Fortunately. the o nl'hor "'n8 nlren{l~, c('lrk·hl lled . Mr. OIh llpv flprang t o the fore ·t op· s all hlllyard's IIn (1 let tht'm 110 Rnd the t o re-t op.SIIII l'Bm e down by thl' rtln . "Hard·n·stnrboftrd ! 1I.lak e Iler t08t, 88rt. an' mn le Ull her" an' help me with tho . anchor. Let 1 0 the fIIRln . to~



In)S!'II's st,' d ~ w.'el"~ l



ot 1'\1 11111n nttrlhute. lo· wlt ·

~Ol'l . kind heurt und u fUI'l!h:lnll aplr:

\.'n''' tur~B or luopulse bot h, 11,,'y t'uu I,,1 It "h."lulPI ~ IlUlJoss tbl< to oo ur· Ish II ~ 1'ull;:,' IOlo:nl ll >t ( 'HIlta ln SnnCI!', \\·lll:'n. U\llOn 1'6tu rnln , 10 Scub J ohnuy'. 1'''lIr<l11l1( hOIlSI', IIt. lr h O ~1 h8tl!1~ ll l he ul H grul,hy n ot ~ rrow thulr en")IlY. It 11'118 short "lid ~ ",eet and oouml(lll Qultl' Slllcp re; Mr. Gibney reut! It uloud:

I t.

11111 balynrds 88 yOU come h1 nn ' M&od "On lI()(lt'd tI.e ~11(llrKI., Saturday nliht. by Ihe ' cOlU pr ~~sor on the ",11111111"8." " Dea r F'1·IO'nrl.: The Cb(MII,ppnke .",ullg Ilowly, ( am . orr~·. \'ou hurt me ...·tul wllh broadside to U'e !lrllt ot the ebb 1I0d )'Ollr kld t! en whHU you took the Chesu· " ' Ith the ",Ind ou hOlr port benm. Mr. pIlBke 0\\ or f roon D,e. To er II hUUJon Glblll!Y kll o\'keol out tbe atoPller wIth but to f('lf!:I.... I. de\'lne. Art~r whal bla trus ty IoUfIll1ler uut! /lwny Wl!lIt ( done I ,I IIu' l I'XIJet: t you t\\' O 10 co me the ru s ly ~hulu, s lll gh'l( tb rouKh WO) Itack to II'c'rk e.'u bu t tor 1'lId ·s sak e bawstlplpe. ":S nub h ~ r Klmtly. Mnt:, (Ion 't give t ile th e dead tR ce \\' hen we 811Ub her gl!utly, uu · gi ve h .. r t"~ th lr· lIIent "!:In. [Ien/em lle r ..... lol't'n s blp . tY·fnthom ahnckll! to tlo ll wuu,r's " dll"'" rnRtes OIl Cl', he warned l\1cU utT"y . "}'. P . S~r8!:1I~. " The burk I",unll until he r how" w"..., "Why, Ihl' po re 0 1' Ion ot II hOMf8 8tralKlrte ned to the elJb t id" Hilt! wltlt Ihlef," Mr. Olloncy murumrpd, mu ch a wil d, trlllwphun t yell ~Ir. OIbu,,)' mov ed al th is profound abasemellt. Cilisped the lioneat Mt:U utTl'l' to bid ··or court'(' we rorgh'e him. It ol/l 't perspiring bo ow. Th" del'd dlllle I mnnly In h" I.1 • I;l'Oueh after the CUl It wos dltrk, bowel'cr, berure th"y prit h" s pIII!l hi" rulr prl l'e tor hI. bad all th e SII1I8 SlIulJ!!,cd up s hll ,.ItIlIIC, [' Iins. My An; larlle, ( rot a hunch, although 10 the mculltitue thu 'l UIO"' /( . Bart, Il",t o ld Scraggsy'. had hlft le8. tlno lallnch ba d lIOn, ul u/(gsl ue, IU.! son tor nn ('~,1t veBllg8Ied •. uud reIIlOI'",1 thu." .or th " '"It YOll COD for~lye blm. I r ftn, Glh." crel\' wb o stili IIn·d. Shurtly werll"Well, I... ·s ~" rt8Inly ('108Ded him. after the caroller tum .. nlld re morec1 sel t hlln llsOIne, Bart. TelephoDa for the dead , a fter ",bkh Glt)J(~y Ulld Me· 8 mrl8enlter boy," and }Jr. GIbney Gull'ey hoscd dowu Ihe d"l'Ii, I()clttt'tl sa t down and wrote : lome hard tBck Ilnd cotTe~, 8UI)vet! "s ruU"y, old fancltul, we're J!quare. aDd turned ID lu Ule o!llc~l'1I ' Quurtel"l!. hrgel It nnt:! come to breaktl1ftl wl&b 1lI the morolD", Scab J oblluy nrrhed In a lauoch wltb tblllr olber c1otb~~ liS at sOIven tomorrow lit th .. MllrtllOl1l (Mr. Glboe7 ha\'loi tiloulllltully S~Dt cafe. ('\1 "rd"r deviled lam kldDey. alrliht with Bart al.o. him ten dollar» 00 account of thell' tor three.



old b08rd bill, 10lather with II ",quest tor tha clothes), aud wilen [he alents ot the Ches8peake sen t a wDtcbOlDD to relieve thelU they went aahore ond had breakfost. Atler brealLrut, Ill,,), called et the ollke ot the 111111018, they were compllmellted ou their dnrID, Sl'B1\1008hlp and received a check for oue thousant! dollars ench. "Well, nolY," McQulrey dedoretl, af· ter they bad c08hed their cbecks, "s.- ... Ill' a. bow I've b~colUe IndepenUl'ot. 17 wealtby by followllli )' our lestl, Adelbert, nil I iot to sny Is tllnt I'm a·,olD' to Slick to you like 8 limpet to I rock.. Wbat'll we do with our lUone7'" For the Ilrst time 10 hll checkered career Mr. Glbn9)' had a .aoe, MeDal. ble, and serious thought. "Has 11 e,'er OCi:urrad to you, Mac, how much Dlcer It II to have a few dollarl In the bank, I:O~ clothes on your back, 110 ' II credo It with ,our trlends? Mil, all my IItll 1 b"n a come·ellay, l004I8Sy, comeSuoday,God·lI.send.Monday s ort 0' reller, UDtII 10 m7 tortY·liecoud yelr I'm Ilttl@ hetter'a I bea chc(1mber. SO 1I0W , wh(>l' you a s k me what I 'm gulD' to do with my m ouey, I'll t~1J you. I'm glOln, 10 ~UH It. IItl e r IIr ~ 1 puyl.n ' lip about ijcn!ut,\'·the bu t:kij I o\\'a Ililre 110' titer" aloog the Front . I'm throu,h d rlnklD ' 011 ' 1'1116111' h-ll. ~I e tor a ~u\'lnK8 bouk, Hllrt."


"Glb." 'rhls note, dl'lIv.ered to Cllpta ln 8erngg8 by the meuenler boy, lifted thO) gloom trom the laHer', miserable soul and sent hIm home wllh a IIgbt henrt 10 1\Irs. Scrallg8. At the 1II11rliold elite DeIl wornllill he was almoat tou ehed to observe that both Glboey ODd McGulrey ahowed up arrayed III dungnree~, wflererore Scrugg» knew iris lute ellell1les vurposl!d proceeding to the Muggle Imll."d lnlely urter br~okfllst un d w"rklng III the engine rO<Hn ull duy Sunduy. Su 'h nctlou. when he kll ew both geiJtlemen to be the pos· sessors ot wealth tor beyond the drellll'8 of B"orlee, bord~red ~o close· ly on the I1.1lrncul olls thut Scrllggs mud .. a lllell lni resoh'e 10 piny tulr In the futul' e-u l 1.,118t liS fair 118 the IIIJlIt~ of hIs cros s·gralned Iluture would Ile r. lUll. He Wtll 80 cheerful nnd hnppy thlll ~kGlltTey, taking IId vuulo!:e o t Ihe sl ll1utlon. urg,, ~ d hill) 11110 SUIllt! mlll " I' rel."h·. to Ih ~ ollf(ln c. Ahollt nllu.! o'l'I od<, a s ~Ir , fi lhlwy \\'us ntl hl ~ wily to th e ~lul'l "n l d Cure fnr bleukrllsl. he \\'0 . IIIlIdl, Ilil e r. es ted , whil e I'lt ss ln g I hI! EII."nrl·n'1~l' n wllrd, c llse. tu 110 11' I lie pn'sPII'ce of fllily n (/ ()1.e n at! ".1' 1«llkl ll!; gClltlelllen of undoubt ed H ehl'ule fllll ece,le nt s , eongrcglll ed In II circle Ju s t o UI ~lde tli e


wnreht ,us e don...

Th ..'II r c

ot 6uppt'eael'd e",'1t "111"11 1



Wi len Cllptliin Scrllgg• • nrler· ,Ionlng all II'o pe or sol\'lng the bur" o blS.pea h. return ed to tltt! Maggie, the little nufl remInded hllD of IlOlh. lUI so mu ch us the ward t OI' the ID. t'orrlilible or Ull ItJ8ulle HS1 IUW. Due 10 Coploln Scrogg.' stupidity Rnd the IWllem l luemelell cy of Ille MuUle, the '"'''' IIn"lgtll1ng officer WU! ot the OpID· Iuu 1I11l! h .. lind beeo s wIndled out or Ills .hare or tbe "nh' a~~, while lite Dew englnecr . f uriOUS ut hodng been eo· KJi!,"ed to bahy such a ruIn &8 the Ma,. gle's boU"r turned out to be, blamed SCrOlriW' pnrSlmoDY for the loas ot his ~ 1t8re at the l1li1 valle. Therefore, both flieD aired wltb tbe utm ORt fmnkoa .. tllell' opinion of their enlployer. ODe word borru\\'ed Inotlltr uotll dIplomat. Ic relutlons ware Ie. .red and, 10 tbe Inniungll ot the claa.le, th87 "mIxed IL" 'l'lle1 ..... re talrl7 well matched, and, to the credit of Clpt&ln Scrn,,1 be ~ Bald, _'I\:4en ..... r ba balleved him. 1I.lf l o have a lI~htln~ chance SerBUs wauld end light "'ell, UDder th, TOID-ca. rulea ot 68t1culrl. FollowIng II bloody battle In tha pUot bouse, ba subdued tbe mllte; tollowlni h1s vlctolJ' he IVAI 1!Ili war IDlld, 10 be went to the en,llIe·room batcb and IIbused the Jl j: lneer. Aa B result ot tbe duy '" 1' \,1'1'1., bot b IDen Quit wheD the )[n~I>'" "'uii lied up III .Jllck,on Itre\rl " 'Illu' r 1I,I.~d I/Q~ more Cllptaln SernUR ""8 helpl.a.. In hi. ex trem. Ity, hl' wl,bed h. hadn'l llel'n so hard OA Mr. Glbner and YcGuiTey, for he J'eAll&Ad ha coul!! Ijevel' h Ot)c to ,II

1 n[lr,' !'l l ttd c-IInp nnd tIP f(w," 0 p fo lhlc) It III', n nll whllt he founr! 111 ~1 "1 ' ' " ·'BoII," r ..' pl1 ~d ~(l'. pr td ed hh l\ MI ht.. lnJr


on nlr

Ihl. grOllp or Jews thllt aruused 1\[1'. (;IIJ . nl'Y 's (·urlo. II)'; SII hI' o1"d'itld to cross ol'e r Dlld 1J"·CHII!:UI,· , yl'llfg of the opln. Io n thnt p 08sIhl,l' OUI! ()f th e ir IHBubpr hnd fftll~n In a 01. 11 (" huu OliCe hue! 8U epileptic 8hll' l1IlIt" untl ",us pecu. IIn rly uJ)el't In the handllllg of su ch IIbolit

(,8~e[lj .

Now, If the greuter portiOIl of Mr. Glhney 's evenlful t'nreer hot! not been Sp~ nt at He ft, h e would hn\'e kllown, by the rrd OUII lhllt nORt ed oyer the dbor, thnt B J)ubll r nUf 'lIon was about to tnk e pln ce. Bnd thaI the group of He. brew ~l'ntleOllen t:oo@t ituted flD Orllftnl. zatlon known as the Forty Thll'I'es, whose bu~ll1el!ll It wus to dominate the bidding nt all 8U<: tI',"8, trlihl"n otT, or buy otT, or outhl" &11 competit ors. nnl! eveDtuolly /loth"r uoto Ibell1e e l.·~ s, &t their on'n IIgUrt 'R, ILl I goods otTer~d for sale. 10 the l'clitH of the Iroup ~Ir. Glb. nl'Y nollr"d a 11111. la nky Ine!lvldual. e\'ldenll)' the I,,"dar, IVho 1\'85 18sulnl In.tru('!loIlS III a Illw volt... to hIs hencbo1l'n. '['hl~ Indl\·I,lual. llIollgh Mr. GIbney did n ot knol,· Ir, 11'08 th., Klnr of thp F'orty ·M,l o\' ps. As Mr. OIbner loff .. 11 Illt u "Iel\' Ihp kln« e~· p.d him I\'ltl! B II~pl c lo" . ObIPf\' 11I1! this, Mr. GlllDey threw out his tllll ;:; l1ll1c~nt cheet. 8col\'led at Ihe kIng . An,l 8tppJ)ee! Into till' worehouse tor all the world liS If h" ownrd II . AD olrllsh nl1U1 with gI8s.eM-th" auctlol1eer-W8~ ~el!l e t! un n twx mok. Ing figures In 8 nnt e book. HIm Mr. Olbnl',\' 0<101rl'8.,'d. "What's ILl I tlila here?" he IDqulred jerking his thumb o\'er his shoulde; At thp .. roil n.


11 111\'

11·.i. l llIll'tl ll'l ,lo lll ".t'., I ':" lIlhl \\

1111\' 1

4 11\1111 , 1' .\'''' ,

II n il III·IWIIII. " "


f (\ a

II ttl l'! ~hl 8n)")"r I "" "" I",r liS 51.1' h"lId ." Olhl\~~' WOI'f1~rl nlld rust "IT Ih ~ jIb hnlrol'<1s. '1'h~ jlh" slid ,10\\11 Ih" oturs. hOllKln!; a s tI ",), fpl1 . 1'hl')' WHl' w~1I up town rd



\\, .\'\'1 1:: 1'


fllllt tall"-

JlPl'ilUI''': y nU

fh~ billctinr.



1'10111 1'[11111 1{


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"~ ln rh ll lOrrl

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'It 61)Cr cent


I TE~~ELL & TE~~ELL. - - I \ \ ' ill1lill ,t; tOlt, n., ph 01le 301. II ',';'

\\' :\\TEI' TO

In ' \,


\\'1 1" I

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nn IIIt1 hO I· ... ' . It h()!l1f' 11I1t l f1'yf' !-'UfI \"'"' '

mont h e or Ill ... ulI lh tor(1l1ll1l

~ !n lJ l e .·

1l\1oney to Loan on Farl11 Land for five

thp Ull

It hltlll! nt nu Ill d h .. r~ro ~ftl p, ,,~ n rulf'. l 't','hll p )'ull ~t·t ~1)111(h thIng thnl' s \\(H'th\. ' .. :o', 111 14 1 th . 'n ugul u ~\, pro


1'1\' (' ''''

. mil lion drollous In ('unf,'der"I •. Ifre('nhnrk~ . " r l'pllpd t he 811"II,,"p'·r. "Of COllr~e Ih (' ~' rlloln 't hft"p nil,\' nUll!'. bOI jUAl 8"rpo.r thpY'd h p,' n II . S. '" · 'l'hnl'~ r llo:ht." ftlfTeen ~I r. n lhn el". " [ qllDPose th(O .WOIt< thft t ownNl ~or< Q linn' prl II until th(> poor 8nlmnl t\!!'~ red Ihft l all 's "rOIS that·s II'rr e n . As th~ feliH '0),8. 'Trll t h I~ MlIOr llm ('~ ~ Iron,er th an 6<'1l o n.' It ),Oll 111r0\\ In R 5Addle aDd bridle ('ll eoD. , ml'ht he lodll (,p d to IDI'eflt In on e nf ~' ollr old horM~ . fthlpIllRte." The au ctioneer glan cl'rl ~ul l' kly 01 ~rr. Glhn ey, but noll clng that \\,orlh,·'. tace free fr om rullf', he bur~ t ~1l1 "A

, , ' " ! 1111 .. 1~ •


t 'l 'I: IIi\, -




1'"1"'.1':1101 t , lr Ilil h III ! I!" /1 1 1.+I I I I I I , I *" I 111 1' k,,, ,\\, wlllit. V"II 11 11\'11 CII"r"'" ' Lt hT - :-> 'lf ll f'''' II'or u hllt·w ll l. n l)"D , llooroiOln. ph " ,,, , 11',- .1. IIIII\I · .\-lllIr~ M ' lI'glt u '" I"JlIl IJ 111111 l>t· \Vri~b,'11 tllll,., n :{11 ,tli f" ', 't L " dy ' ~ ll~lItl i'tlrl'lu , !4'ln. li l' t' p ltllt~o l,ltLV,' !I,t tlllt4 Vtlhl U ,

rt 'W


1I"al E... talc Tran" f(·r H.


8 1,,\1 ' 1\

1.,'111 11 r Alltt> IIfltlll tl e t ,

:it I 1I11 ",, ' h +,rt l hl'I

w l' o n

blllldlul( II l1 d , ', 'rWII1 , T I'! lIr li 1 111111:04



~H' h nl d

FllHip r Jlltm ~e


lJ ~~

FOI( SALE 11 1' '''' . FIl,'. 1 CltllllJ,or wltl1 11l1 1'url! II I .1 W 1i 1.llInol , " I). I, " !,rI1IH \ ' ullo,}, . I111I11 ll 7

1 11, ,, ,, 1'

,-'; ,11 11'1, llt ll'r



sea·tllrtnK frl ~nrl." he Mid presenlly, "wh~11 w~ use the lerm '0 101 horse,' w.. use It n~urnlh· elj'. Set' ull t hI s frel,,,I sl<lre<l h~ro7 Well. lhnt'd n.,·er been ~alled ror h}' th e con~ll!n . Pel, I1D~ a tt e r It's In the II'lIrehulI.e n ),ear and Isn't CAn .. ., fllr. we hUVl' lin old horse sft le amI 1\ 1l ("lIon It /ltT to Ihe hlihes t hldder. !';a"eyT' Mr. Olbney took retul! l' In a lie. "Of (·ours c. I do. I "'88 ju ~ 1 k l,IIlin' you. my h.. nrly." (Hf'r. Mr. n lbne~~. ,lance re~ted On two 10nK h eo .·y SlIl{nr· pine bO:l .. 5, or shIpping CA~"S. Their ,oint. at all four corn l'r. ' \'(·re r un · nln~ly dove-tailed and wlre·strapped.) '" wa. 8 bit IDt.rul~" In lhpm two bOI"', lin' ~e"ln' I I this Ie n free COlln · tl'}', 1 thou,ht (' d juet step In an' milk II bId on Ih em ." and with the w ords, Mr. GIbney walked over .nnd busied him se lf In lin In sDPctl on of the t\\' ~ crates In Que~lIon . 'I'll<' fl1 (' ! ot thp nUltt"r wa_ thllt BO eJnbnl'rn s ~p,1 wn s Yr. G lhncy It tbt "My

f1Xposltion ro t his Ignorunre thnt ha das lred 10 hll1" Ihe CUllf", I,," e\'ldellt In hi•• " " .III"n('t! fOl'~. ~"he s t ooped G\'eT thl' cnlll!S and Prt' tenllcd to hI' ext·oedlll!.: l) 11I1~I'l' s l"d lu 111('111. haul . Inll' ulIII 1,,,"1011111 Ih e m 111)011 1 IIud ""'hl· IDi th e II,lrl l'ess of the cI' II~ll( ue~ whu had frollt'oI to cuJl ror hl9 (;oods. 'l'hp ('Tntes I\'e re botb conslgn,,, 1 to th,' ran Selll! compony. 714 Dupont .Iro'l't . SIIl1 FI'IInclaco. Ther e were se l'prnl (·hl · nesc c hR I'o e t ~ r5 scru wl ed 011 the t oro nr eoeh e rni e. together wllh Ihe wonls , In Englis h : "Orlenlal CO()lls ." A. he cl'II~et l (nl lO hIs fnlfe Insp~~· I Inn of I hI' 111'0 bnxes. th e [{Ing of tile F ort}' 'J'hlHcS o pp roo ('ht'.1 lind s ur. \,eyetJ the .snll or with

flU l·"('ll jI{,".l Jtf"r


( 'OMIUON PI.EAS COURT New Suit.!!. Myrtl e BoluHIH h .. ~ e ntorerl Ho lt ligaiost DeDver O . U c lruo8 for di. vo rco, all eging ern tty . Lo uiso Gutte ry hil S e ntor ed IL rlblt ( o r clivo roo fr o m Wilm e r A . L'Il' T\· ohnrglng gru!'R n p ~ltl ct IIntl Il Mking ullm u ny. .

anruunl of dlstru"t and slI'pll'l"ll tllnll e'er. Mr. OIiJOey 1\'05 nlll lOn'tl. lit' dlslIk e t! belnK stnred nt . "" he Mi d : "[J,,1I0, Bltlln ell iloul, lil Y hUll!' hOI'. Whllt's II ggrll"u IIII' you?" . . I1lullleulhnl ( sluee Mr. (llh ney. In the KhO)er rio t of his 111111 1'1 111011 1'1 11 elpCled to ch rlsl e n him Blunwllthlll, Ihe nnme will probubly slI lt him ON Proceedilll:s. 1\'/'11 us OilY oth er ) cumc close to )Ir. Th o Nnt.l o l31l1 Mnlulll I mHlr"ool1 lillll"'Y nnn drew him ARid,'. In fI com]JtlD.V, of Celina, i~ /t!llnl.ed 1(,lOve Ilnnrse li'hl s p er he deelred to know Ir \0 file /lDaWe r tloJ crO~ M IIfltiLloll In Mr. UIlJll ey ntteDd~<t th e nuctlon with the oose of LeO Il r,. E'BliRimry ood the expectati oD of bidding on nny of W R Temple, the pnt'kul1~S otTerrtl for ~nle. Seek . Riliph E, BroJks ba s di s fIl il'sod biJI log to ju~tl fy hla Dre!en ce, ~Ir. O lbn"y 0 1180 aga inst Raymond H. Br oo ks at 1I<\ "15ed thu t It WII! his Intention to all ut OORt 0' plaint If, hid 00 everythlDg In sight: wh~retJ l)O n The reoel vor in tho OI\ ~O (If B. ~. Dlumeothnl proceeded to exploln to Mr. Gibney how Imposslhle It \\'011111 Elbon agalost B. E. li:llrnhl1rl, Is or . lie for him, nrrayed oguinsl Ihl' Fortv dered to deltver to H . E. EOirnhut Thieves, to buy ony article ot n reI;. o r hl sllttorne:VIB note mlirkorl P ILI(.! , BODlIllie prIce, Further: Dlufllf'nthnl for t1G~Ii, JlIIJ/ ablll to 'l' fl; R, gars desired to Inrorm Mr. GlbD~y tl'lll hl ~ ar ortler, and Aigned by dofe ndliol (1\11'. Olbney'w) effort8 10 lillY In thl! anti plaiotitY. "old horSt'S" wo ul<l m~I'~ly " 'snit In his running the prlees I1J), fo r nn he lJe r. Probnte Court ProceedlnCN. Ice nt pu ,,!, o~~. ~ In l'e It Wll~ "v"r the TII A o,' nr t. ol'tlorm! Hllio of hOllUR "ro('l II'e or tile F'orty 1'loI" ""R 10 pe r. alld 1'"r-lIl1ul pro porl·y In RH~ t, lIng mit nn mUll to oUlhld Ih em. Pe rhal's Mr. <:Ihnp)· wuuld he sa llstlerl with 11 tiJ~ e8tlll.o~ o! Mlrlludll:iAYIIr.lll loeIl9 0d Rulpl.r E. Brookl!, admllli ~t rut o r o f fulr 'In ..··s !'''"til without trouhllng him . the estll to of Wm . '1' . BrOOks, do. " tJ lf III 11I1I1I1"'r Ih .. ForlY Thle" ('s nnd Inll·.. r"I'(· 11'111. th~lr ctJlllblllutl on, un rl OI' .l~Od, hll8 b ren an~h()rh\q tl t o eell 1III h lloe \l'or,1 8, th e king stJrl'(!ptlll ons. bonds b e longing to flstul·e ot, uot iesN J ..' <lIpp, 'lI Mr. Olhne y • IIfty.dollllr thnll t,bll price fixed bv oourt, lit prl . Y~tIJ shlo, and r~port. · I)rur.e(ld lng~ !{f'l,,.,, lonl'l<. within 60 dl~Ys Mr. G lbll ey's (rent Ilsl clo"ell ol'l' r th e 11"'IOsnro', he hn"lnK ilrsl , by n coy Marri:alle Licenses. glnn cp, '0 ti s " l'C1 hlm~I'l r Ihut It \1'1.1' rellll ... tlfl)' <lolhlf·<. 11 1' .hook hnnd s John R . M l li e r l FrlHlklln, And with the king. Il l' slllol: Il:rnrnn lr~ne MoC/lIre. R]lrlngbor o "l:Ilu lI.en lhlOl, YI," 're n SlIIorl mon. Frnnk I.J01rwln Orrm , \Vlhnlugto u, I am Qlllre 1'lIl1tent with t1l19 tlfty to ke«p otT' )'our cour8e nod gll'e ) nil 1\ Ilnd TI'R~i e Ure~ tll Beck, Morrow. "'Ide bcrt h to atftrbonr,1. I'm "lIlSI. ble e U(llIiu to know " '''@n I'm II c k .. <l. IU' a tight without proMt nln't III 111\' line. t !lldn't m&kf' mv Iflon~v Ih.;t W&)', Blllmelllhni. ('II N'~t otT 11l~' lIn <" and hnul UWH)' (rnm dOl"k:" UI\ ;I IlIlthl li Ille u"'l"n 10 thp fll(lIre , ~II·. Glhll e~' ,lpl\flrl('(!. H p "'l' lIt f11'~1 10 Ihe ~,'nh Olllr" dr' lI~ lIor(', wh ~ l · t · I... qUiz zed I"~ rt r llJ.! !:IAt t or fin' 11I 1 111J'''~, Hr,.·,' wh kh lIt? VUIl' tllllll',1 hI s I· rllbl'. l'l'OU reul'lollll! th e


We have twenty thousand feet of

PINE OAK LOOS here at our LUI11ber Yard. We are cutting t~ese logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling, san1e at ;:1 very reasonable price.

If YOll

~lre tn

need of Oak Lunlher for :lI1y purpose, CALL










Hickory Logs


Do Your Shopping Early and tnU , "' 1(1 with IIlltl ll l"nal oI "llI lI s ""p'l plied by his own III'"glnltlon, [he story ot hla mornIng (h·pulIl1'p.. , Often tI,,,

Maggli' , I I(l 11I'Ul'£ll)l~ t 'd to r, -Iul ,' III cle - :


'11te Miami GazeU e. -,.-

..•. TI-l E MIA MI I, ~,lJ r.D

o. I. .

GA ZE Ti ·E.•..


::;u b ~c riDti o n Pri ce .

Mr~ .

too ho

$1.&0 pE'r year


•I (J • . p , (l~IJUtllO 1.I,tl n l" oi,l or

I '/'otrll('\ (\(1 ml ,e ti ng ut th o M , 1-; . oiJnro h. . ---:-- - : = - - . -


-=-- .- -

----. -.....-

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--==. :-:





U( (J l1l,;hl Jlr<.'g r e~"

wit h hI :, l4tg l..

Li n for






. . "hJ P oe m ~~ U nc le John



What 's' the Use?

: '011\11

' 1"1 -

11' 1'

i tIll I!S I,lll ..


tell 'ern to I'B k e orful th oy hllrdly ' lost Horl "f t o n o, thoy ' lIllJlpr o~H y o u ' 0 1' t h I 'III t I 't . f I wl'h the idAIi, tbflt they must he l e t • 0 "61,. II IlH SOIll B BW 0 alono. . . " a oo h.l e nt 1M lai d np Ilt tholr door, an' l We're get"o ' to o servlgro os 1[1 o f ouurse, they'ro IIwful Horry that , thla devll . baun'ed dllY wb uu buman they dllln ' I thInk b efore . . . i lifo 's regyard ed itS t oo oho .. p to Wo watoh o ur yoongA terR speedln " throw away " wo r','o our~elvo~ no -yes. the HUlo I( ,Is an' boy II, "H ' oordln' t,o I,h~ g&lIOlin e w e hurn, t ill thoy fo o l wll,h r Onrin' oll gl nes 11116 ; oxporle noe sorves a l e~80u thu t 11 they u .od In cl o With toy ~ , -(\t Ivlo loerllli 011l@8 UlIIY n lellrn . . . J mUlIste rs nf dl'st rnollon With a ohlld. wooldu 't liS\[ ... favor or lIuyUlln l!{ Ish h ORrt tin' h i\ od .-8Imp ly dlok lik e I,bat, -- but ollp tbislHt le foo ll..h. orill' with a dom o n that their Pa 8 . nO~!I "0 ' pil s te It In yer hilt

Home y Phi l osoph y The oyolo bas 8a\1I that ,I A II Dl en are ooward s. .. As we heor men 110, "nd wlttoh their conduo t to othorl!, and lIalou tu I hOll' bnron o][ I'lon" ti on a for tho oorumls sion of un~eoDl . Iy lIot,S, we flle l 11m' th A c ,vull' iM . oOTroat. to a '1', Bul. j u. t th o u wu bOKlo to r ememb er wh .", 11100 WIll do- all grades flf m e n 00(1 of II 11 oa &looall\ ll's lind 1111 oonc\ltl ou8-wh on we 8ee them {aoe death f or " holy OIiOSO or for 1\ baublo, RIlel throw their tlVtlA away with tho IllUat 1mb. Gude' s , PertoManga n, the limo herolam . why, we forget Ihe oyolo'! ulurb . The t,ruth 18, won Blood -Build er, Arollse s droull oour8 (fe ll.u d bllse c()w"rd ioe Dull Facult ies are stranKe ly mixed into ovory lDIlO'S make-u p,


t o r tbem.

I'h e Pyth illn t'lpl,f'rH ttH d fttlll i li f'" ot bro t h e r Knl J,( hl . we r o h. ~ hl y AU. tertalncL i b, !.lIe 1I1lllllu" r. (I f lt~r. voy~ hllrg Lodg o N o, r,57. K . o f p ., o n Tll o.cluy night, N OVBJ)ltJe r 22 Mr s , ~' rtink Wilso n , ncoo l1l)J IUli ed by b e r cltlllght er , Mi ' H L UII I"e, lu fl" Fri(IIIY m or nio g. f o r L ex ingto n , K y " wb e ro th e y will ho ontorlni rl(lil by \1r .. nil Mrs. W ilb ur W , WlIs " n [ o r sllvnr a l lIu Yl!, Ub"rl p8 Ualn os , who ~"B nt bi H lifo 10 I,blll vicinity up to 1\ f ew yoars Ilgo, an,l wh o 111\8 "1000 boo n In Wlltllill g t,o n , Ilr OPI,e ll (1118(1 o u th e ~t r ~O l·s of Iblll, olty, ~Ilt.urll"y I:Ifl W!l 8 tho fl11h tJ r of MrH . A !:l. CllIllp. uoll. o f th is )111100 .


.. -

----- ..----

Our Cale ndar

1921 NOV EMB ER 1921 •


I !

cl 4 §

6 7 8 9 to It 12

t} 14 Ii 16 17 18 19 !O 21 !! tel 24 25 26

, 27 !8 19 J()

• '.


------.- --


.. - ..

Everll tt E arl y truck ,


a u"w

b'u rd

UBII G o rdoll RIlL1 fnmily havn m ove d Into II~rl o f I he h o use with Mr s . Do.v, Mn, R, M. Dnk o iMWilkin g au ox ·



with hor 80n, elirl Doke

Til e oys t e r Hupper Rt th e lloll . ~ot. urd "y evnn i ng. ~I " o n uy Ib o hldle s of tho ohuro h, w .. ~ \\' 0 11 nt,te nde d .

Mu. El l zube lh

~'u ulkM

lia s g o n o

to M ll l lll e l, ~ wn 1", Rllu ml tho winter wlll& h UT 1111 Ul-{ iJl or , ~Ir s . Elsi e MUIll o I Ilnd Inlll l ly Mr H A ILI" Will l nlll ~, o f DuvtDn ~ Ilo nl, ~o,' n rul , l ~ v " , 1i,~1 w,10 k . -wil.l . h o r liultl. MI ~. ( ' ltl ou ~ lll o" , wh " htl' 1t'!1l1l III tOl " !'C' llpl " L, f w Oll k ~ Mr lind

~ Ir~

.'no"h Ll1 o.1' 1Il 0VI d, I\ lrbv fn m I,y It " n, I n l,oWli.

011 Thnrsdl lY, froltl till' •.1)



Mr. Lno.\" tH ilt lJUl lr lumlt.b Hnd , .. unnbl .. 10 do Ih e w o rk t h e (tlfl ..


So\' orlll from hnr" n" Clllul' " II" I'ltl,!1tI" lnIll Pltt, IIlId h nx ~ l'(! illl III I~l u lIlI ,IlIhll S' ~,'h,) n l nl, UU (J tt. . Vrl. (lay e v"ltiltg. '1'1", ~U IJI IIf f 20 w." relllil'A(1 ' o r Lllfl IllIrary lint! IIthl olir fUlld,



:-O llie!

~ ('I' U ~~!-1





. 11



: 111 II '




( 'Ill ~ , .. t

r.lh IlPY·~

d('r lI ,p 11<1

qre en Pea Pir.a.tes


I lw nl' Ul' e-1

(' 1'1110' .

to pr y It 10 11 11'.,

~: 1~~.:~ Fe(l .

!John H. Wri ght



Allt l



('f"" "T~d



~tood Is t his : DO mattl ' r whfl " :-O IIIHldo,

lie si: nrp

it.....H. e·E~·~:..E "I'·~S·~..... 1:..-- ---- ---- ---- --:. .~




.lll~ul f'\,j

1 . . 1I"FA N V'S ~

to bet Agnin my own bpst

jurh: nlt·lIt



.. - ..


We Put Them On



._IT : .

n Ill) m e run with twO


[' I: , ! Ilr,:-.'F ~

tlOo Hlld rl ·:-;torill J! IlIlrf/ta l l'fllllilli o ll ~




U'U IV :U T\ l l li Ill'. ~UC Li';'\ ~





,v q

,Id" r" q,



oill'· ~

' .J~ftd h •


, Dr. Lloyd

Nat il,md I!ank

OR. J. W. Oftlco In

~ Ul n n~'

"""II: O.d" ,


F or~st T. Ma.r tin Auct ionee r


Get tI1y t erll1 f or \' Ol l r l 'u1>iic Sa le . ~' Sa tisfadi oll g ll ::tr:lIl t c ' II or 11 0 charge s ,



B. Hall

Box 91,: 0.'11 Ie I'ville: Ohio liolltc Ph o n e :!, lc ntc r vi1lc


(h.... wl·: :





$ ,~"~ ~~ ~ ::~"_, I~'~'~.""'~,~, ~~ S ~':~~ '~~I~!r'~ ':,:tI~;'or::: ~ ~\~'.~~;~

tll";k . . ~:·/ :,'~;, 1," , • ;t n CtlLENT SALARI ES FOR EffiCIENT SERV' CE ~ ;' ,'I ' 1';:,,,I, ~:\";::;lt~ 'i~: '~~: ..II:: : " . 11 1~. 1. i ~ lA~tl; aR;:;"' ~: I.,. \.. I I I'



I,'o \l rl" S l rl·d . 11I';lr 'l'yl ,'r

svil le.

Wayne .vl, le . U

. -- ,

Veter inaria n

Tdc' IIh lll1 ('


... DENT IST ...

N ;';l:

~ l lLln


Wayn esv i li e, Ohio


ls i , II!

Bell 1· 1r


o it. H. E. Ll AT n A W A ) ,'mr

I-I ;';,.~





Bulh L'hnnt)!-O

Bellb ro ok, Ohio



Vete rina rian





V!ll'ci ll aLion a

~p~ dally,

~O tll -

ill l! hil I I? ( ' I; :" ,I,~ ~L'I' ''1l! lI.;d

"TIl , , All "rll~~ IS I ~. ('IIT lllars tl'('C, Ha rv eysb u rg , O. '\ , I,,~ ,r' 'I" .'1 '·1 tI\, o" Phon e 44 11 ~ I "',' A ' II , , '. , ~" I !lId .. ", \ :-.. 11 .,,1, I I", " .. , I F. J, Ch elley ... Cl'" Tul l'du, Uhlo. J tl.n~ h id,.. . 41h ,U ll t \\ 1I_ \ III~" l II 11' 11 II , 0h ,,,. ~~~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~~_~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _~~~


I •• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~I e (:utl'"y , He ne' e r' Iru sted CAI}tnln I a B"l'oggl \\,jth an ythin g · more voluuble Ihun 0 IIlpefu l of lobACCO. "Scrr.Kl<sy," he snlll solemnly , "I'm \\'llIln' 10 bo ck my illl8Klnn tlon with m y cnRh. You nn' JllcGufte.l' hurry r ig ht O\'c r 10 the wp reh ous e on' butt In 011 Ihe snle wh ,'n t hey come 10 Ihe m Mr nml MrM Berni e ()ill nnLl Mon Cb.lrles , o f tbe ::i"lem piko. l' OI'I.h of t\\'o hox~s. The sn le I. just nhnut Dnyt()o , wore week unl.l /ln esl,,,, d. , l il t. In ' " 011'. Uo ns h igh 88 )'OU Ih~( Mr. ·llud MrH, ,I . B. ,.I o n e~ KOll 80n . \'011 ell n III ort!pr to gel t he I:ln seng ut On l'unrll\y .. II t oo k dinllElr wHIl ~ I'rollllllJ e fl gger. fln' poy th e Oll C· t.holr molh e r. MrR , R o bClCC/\ IIi 11 , II I (10 (1<"'1' Itr l ~' unlla rs (Iown to h old Ihe , sn le; 1IIII t will gh'e you boys time to ~a. B o lly . I'lls h III Cou nd III dig tiP tbp bnlnnce o· Ihp IlltlIii' \', Tll cl! l'lght olollil now, Had Sighed Over Calf', Hair, l"d8, \\ hll ~ I go uo",u iht' street nn' ~I y lil'st ItI\' ~ nlY'n lr l.' U l lle ttl 8 c ll· Iw t mC' solne IJI','nkro ~ !. I don't wnnt mu~ ",ll l'll Ill Y ~ " e.! llwit l· 1 dlsron' l'cd Hillllll'nt hul to 8ec llIe nl'O un,1 thAt HRle, thlll he hnd h O" 11 ""1'1'.1'101; Il "lock" lie IIlI~ht gel susp icious. Afl e r I I'nt of tlte culf's tlill " ~x l 10 h is . heu r l fo r I'll m rd )'OU her e uhonrll th' ~tllgg le, sen' rul lII ()nl h ~ . 1I1 11 1el' th " IIlu >I(l 1I Ihnt lin' wo'll 1I1,llIe Ihe loot." It WU S II loci' of III)' lil liI'. WIth Ii fe r vent hanll shake all H e had In slsteu 111 ,,111 hlll' I" " II 1",'1, ut my nrou ...I , Ihe three ahllllllilt es purled. hu ll'. bUI I, hll l'ill~ ""Ill' I" s pll rt', onet Afl ('r disposlll g nr a h~nrty hrenkIh.dlng th nl th e ell l"r IIInl('\, ,, ,1 e Xllctly fost of <Ievili ell Inmll's klll""Y8 nnd that of IllY' rC11 clllf, ~ub ~ tl tlll l'li Ihn t. cIOO'ce. MI', Gibney Invcs lec1 III II t en· It IIlls\\'!!I''' 11 th~ (ll1rp ll:·" \'e ry lI'eli cellt SIlIl"r's I)pllgl,t 111111 strolll't1 down until" S Il'Hl ll bu)' gn \'" t he ser. rel II\\'I\y. to th u Mll lig le, N"lIs Hnlvo rse n, th e Tlleu I wns (1 \!I, uullC,,'lI as 8 II'U e ~IIUllh' 10lle deckhun d. \\'II S aboard, aod th e ter of E\'I! I- Ex clll ul \:C!. mo mellt MI', Gibney trot! Ihe Muggl c's ~ deck once lIlore as mnte, he exerc ised hls prerogat ive to order Travel of Light and Sound, Nell ~ Ji shore for Ihe remalnde~ Sound Is 80 lrl ' 1" "I IH'e UI III !! rnte Of the da y, Siore Rlllvotll en wne not or liP mllel a 11)11111 (e. lIllt!, (lnred In on tlle' gill sen g eIIenl, Mr. OIbne)' , to IIl1'ht. It ,Iij 1I11111'I\r than 8 ann ll. d Utnt It would he just 88 well n we HhQul,J ht/Il.- n ohllJ ;' f tl . ullde r "(!ollclude to ' bave hIm out ot the way should . halt· 8 minute n fler n 1I .. " h or IIgbt. Beran_ and !.lcGuft1ey appeor unex· nlng, we c.o uld cll lc:uhu e Ihul Ih \! d IS • . pectedly wtth Ute t wo .clI8ee 6t gin· cliurglf of -I11e 'I d elty "'liS UIJIIlll Ix und Ublr· ' 1l lt~ It mil e ' II WII\', For an bour Hr. OIbDey · .. t 00 the .~ atl1'll bitt! Ind mlllinated over a few Herolo Poem. attYllnt apoal planl tltat bad 0C!t'tIrre<t There Is bO lite of II maD falthtUl lj to hIm for the of hll abnre rec:onlP.d but II I harote poem of •• of die dal ao4 If~

--- ... - ...



II. I,

" I :rPIl I grl (>f. Glb I CUll Ihl s lie (los· sl ll l(' ?" ,,"s pl'll ('UllllJl n Scrallge, t ~ ~ u,,~.·e r ~!~ Gibney took o ut hlH ,

--- .- .. - - -


lI ome


fti lly Equip Ilcd for G l'O,j Serv ice. Ln rge I )i ~ Jl lay Hoo m

t nkf' n inl (\rn:tll y utili u('t ~ lhr(JlI ;,!h tt l I' HhH~d ( Ill tli C' .MI1 (,O ll ~ ~lIrr!ll",(,S of tt l , !'~· !-: t (l ltl , tlm :-; r f'd u l'i llg- ti l l ' 1(lII IIIIIIIIU

~tc ll lttTey.


or :-<nt.IrY Wnrk . Will~ J) ood ~ II ~l'm,ill lt .Y ,

~~ ~

'~ I Way n

ut lld l UN IIII ~ ht n p ul r o f IlflHt·h ull , rUlifol


I I : l VC la l in IlIlnltllli ll g' 1If! bo . h Hick lind l\ .. II he r d .; .

Wayn esv ille, Oh io

"Cold in the Head' ,



I ' rHt' ,:,., ,£I

Wal ter rJcClu l '.~


ft ")' ~~ lor IIII1 nn d ~unded



two I I0y."

hoxes 18 IIIn rkr d 'Orlentnl Good e' an' "GIn seng, tor 6 lit OIl ' " lId ." .o ourned clIll . lgnerl (h,,1'<' ~I". Glhney rol led e ~tr, Gibney. "Sl'rngg "y, ),ou ' l'e Ih 'e ~"'Im.v for,·tllIl: er. n nd SCI'8gi" nnd Me. ,Iollars of my m oney 10 lh e g",,11. (]InO IlIT~ l" c),('11 II "cr~' mu ch os If they , spnlC alwn YH comes pn cl(ctl III 1IIr·tI" ht "x p" l' t ~ (l It to off Rt any 1Il0ment) - hnxeR," 'h~11l two lIo~PS 18 ron ~ISll eet 10 Ihl ! li e produ ced n enn OI1l>II ,'r f ""111 th" Ol n ~ e llg COlIIIIRny. 714 Dup on l ,treel, ' "nlol n locke r "ntl fell t(l hi s II'Ml, (III R So n Frunet s~o . " ~ t 'tU'lI P l" of til e h ~nll c t lt l\lI y ~ Wd l' d b ul:.. ""''''1. Ih .. t'. liP In Chlnlll own, ali i As hI' dro\'e In titl' 1',,1111 or lit .. eU II rlghl." aetlUlll ed C'tll>loln Scragi. , "bul \ OIl"II I'r, he pRuse, \' hll lll " ", r In h,," ,I, h uw 111'0111 II' II11t'8 Inside thp 1"'0 unci " .. ",,,I soJemnly 8t !:lcI'Hl(gs nnll c:rol ('S '" MI-Oun'ey. · "Orlen t nl goods, of cl)ursc," said Me. "(lentl ~ m c!l," (ngoln ~! cCltlr~y I Nl t Dotldcd IIl'prOvll lgly) "do y ou It,,(,\\' Gull'ey . "They are con. g~ 0 a whn t n "fi Clt llm Is?" Chlnnllln o. ou' III' s l,le", lI'1I1" wlt Ol II " I l<n ow ," rClll led the Impertu rhnhto 8UYS on the c"~es. c\ " 11 t II . GI!~ l O rl· , MdiuO'c \'. "" \... 1I1l1ll I. nn empls .,,,Inl goods, S rnggs, Is 8111(~ Oil Sill 1111: h"'" Ib"l ,,In ' l V". " o lhl,,' It," rl ,'e, ch op suey, punk, nn Ido l!! un (To he r.C)ntlnUi t1.1 f Ull tR.n Inyoul s," --- -- " If there nln't SWl85 c\,eese mOI'emen ts In Ihet h eo(1 bl ock of YOUfII, Read Gazette's Classified Ad5 MIIC, you Bnd Scruggsy cnn divid e my shnre 0' these two boxes 0' glnscng root bel ween YOIl, 1)0 you get It, YOU chUl'kl ehended 8011 (If 11 Irish pOlal O? Gin Seng, 714 D up nnl slreet. . Ginse ng - It root or n herb thnt medi cin e Is Is nn nCnl e' nl tll ck of ~a s a l Caln.-rl Thusl' s ubj" .. t 10 Crt'llu" n t " clII'l s In" mn de out of, Th e (ll ctl ollllry sa)'s II 's Ih e 1"',,11" will find th nt ti ,(' li S" .. r II n hlne8e plIllII('en f<1T exhausti on. 811' I huppe n 10 know Ihnt It's \\'orth fI"P IIALL 'S ('ATAH HII !llElII C I~E wll 1 I ld liP ti lt-' ~Y :-; lC' lI1. d "fill:-;'o tllP HI I 'I I 'lo1J1I1'8 .. I'OIt" d no.' Ihnl Ihe m IWI! bui fi nd r Pl lI l fl r tlll' lI1 k ss lI a hlv ttl l' IJltI ;crlli ps 1I'I' II(ho n h ll ll£lrell nn d orl), HrOIWU{f' d O I.t : II ' I;: ~ of ,' f'utl' Cutarr I. ~uUlltiS cn(·1t If Ih ey \\'('Ig ha on 0 111 1('('." IIlH \ ' I.'nd to Chl'oni(" ('ul l1l'1"lI. H Is nu dl1 0rs stnrr'" ot M r. Olhl l l.~· I·IAI.L'S (' .... T ,\I:H II 1III-:\I\(' I \"E I.1 bIl B,·S



JIISI 10 mnk" It In \el'l~~lln ' li n ' nli.1 n ,pl('e l' .h· grRnd o l '~nln' , I' m wllll n'



BARN A1>'(' E . v. "Notar y Pu bl ic



\ "tlw .




1'1,,'.\' -I': .• '

my tll \u..:lunt lll ri a ·\\'urk l n ' 1111' lip oil my spn rtl n ' IIt ., t l n '·!.....

"Y ou 1\\' 1'1 ho \"s ," co nt lnlH:l l ~1r . Olh· nn' Iny )'OU el'en mon ey, ::! rrn~I!~ I' . II")' wi. Ii nJ:~rn,·~tlnK u~llt,p rnll llf' , hal II ain't iln -eni. hil t ()r l , 'nl ~1 " u ln 't \\'lInt n(·l l vd~t 1\'n uld call d 1l111 1 1>00I1 s." "I'l l co you do ll ars, just rr lilli". Y(lt l' r" Sl1mrl men. BU I till' I rnul,l f> wilit Io nlll n' you ho ys Is ),Oll l fl ucks." reKponde d Caplnlll SfTug,s hearilly. " ~f cO urre :r 10 ho i., t h" st a hR IIln't !!0t nn Im n.tlnall on. ,,'!thout AD' d~cldt the be!." 1 ' "U ~ llIlIt IIOu notxlli)" ge t~ l1ow ln' re. 1111 · "Done, " replied Mr, Glbn.' y. The I~ s" It'" Ollt Ih' "lIIul l cIH1 0' Ih ' hOn>. W88 plM ced In McGulTe),'s Mll y loe Y"U )I O)"S o lu' l notl ep(1 It . but I mOlley binds, Icd I momen t 1ft lor. with • Ill)' I lIIn~ l lJnll oll 19 all thlll keeps mp fmlll go ill' In Jail. No w, If you Iw" mlghly errort, Mr. GIbney pried orr I,nd read Ihe nddres9 on th cm 1\\'0 the lid of the crlle, Ca ptalD ScrlUII huns, It wOIIII I,,'1 ',,' meolt' oo thlo' 10 had hi. head inside the bOl( a Illth of .. .1' 011. Ah.o lulL'ly !lol hln·. Rul wi t h me • .eond Inler, lI ' ft llln','r rnt, 1'10 b lessed wIth Im 8~1 . "Sen lell alnc bo): luslde," h e i n!lHtion l'!lUllgh 10 s ee rliht througll lIotluccd , "Oet a cnn opeue r, Glb, lilY

s i rths 111111 Ih e



~qllllll .\ ·

nry, "Ihll l ffls,'lnlll, ,"

;\kOllff .. y wa s sIu rl nJ,{ rn S('lna t,lo nl Mr.Ollln l')', { 'I1 J1 tul n ~ (' ragg8 Clll l c lt " r! II I .. IIl illl"S Ul'l lt i n ~J fren 1.Jl'rl f'itU;)), " \\' !tll l'!" tll llY h o th Intl' rr o~ nl e rL



"There's a el l' llw Hl fl' 1Jl' ~l el'\ Id,,\ t1t I la.!s t-' two 1;01:.')(," , '(llIliIlU t'd ~f r , (:1I1 0!


nt lI n" h l'ro


In Illp 1" ''' 11, - r,·,·n U,>tica ll)epart ment It Ih .. \, tu rll out to h.. II)' '', - ~. 'I' hll l's [ B D t 't SL X I 01 I u it lie r~ '(I("1 nit ' ol/f('eel 10, 11 1"'1 I, ?" • ~ rOI. ' ('n, a . 110 I CUI'''l ltt !'_' I'" I(~" Rnet ~I , ' I ;u ",' )' I. ltll· OPIID evening s b y apPoln tmcn t M. cnled that II \I· U' . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1

Copyrl.hl. by Pe.u B. Kyne

1' heru

j II Correctly. "j ,.

-ail''; .111 ,1 l.'\L' :'I'I.'l ia lt \

Ikllhrl lPi-... Ol1ill



1, 1

"Webs ter-Ma n'! Man," "The Valley of the Giants ," Etc.

tI~1c.k8 .

LI ' "I


i .• ,Examined

\\\'0 CiI ''' " ,tn"'1 conl.lll C,' ('II "0 "'Ut'l, I ao " . ,,,,·11 0 ' jClnM,,"g nfl" r ull may . hil t .h t')' IITP r ('fi ll )' 1/I I"IIIni gooll •"I' . \\'10111 r " '11111 (lI'I IIIt'L1,1' und ,' r · :

Author of

C l dnHtnnn

Auc tion eer



rn~ nt !-l . 111l' It mn~! well he I hu t tI J ('~(I .


t hem


\\' (' l{ 'pa r I I

~'Hl(fP ll ly

"n"' l le'"~II . " h e sRld 01' ·' ;"n'o, ) 1I01I,11'ti hl~ h r Rd ap p rovlngl), l. " Ihls wor lrl f ilII 0 ' Borrer. an' <1 1""1' 1' 0111 1'

Vi o lll HRi ne', of Dll y l,OIl. nDII MI.e Be rlh .. H en r ic k, of W" y n e~ . villO, Wtlre w ook . en.1 KUOHI," lit Mr "II(I Mr~ . WRiter K o nri o k, nn ,1 w e r.· j oined on ~undllY by Mr . lin d Mrs Porry Konrlok .



pn'pnr. 'tI

Mi s~

1IOI't....... .

.11 d


- ---


M.IIlY a man lind mlloy a WOIllUO lind fam i I y.

8aY8 Sam: "!t.,, a quoAtio u feol9 a\l out of 80rtH from thin,we ak . whlcb klllll mOlll lIuOlllo- g ll rl1lR o r enod blood , The lel\s' IiUlo thing gone wroolf throw8 them Into a wild grouoh 08. form of deRpuod onoy. lostelld of ---~ . ---'brACing up 80d Illoe tlog ordlnaT Y Po •• lbl)', d lf11ooltioB, they are dow~ed. ,N lI r. [l1!\\,ure of pulllll Rtry I Wlto n 8 g irl veil uro on edge. A IlllBlite 18g8 8lnrl. lookln, for your lifo IIn o sht ~le e p 18 r l' ~ tle. B . Tltoy ure w8"k lUlIY be Ihrowlng 0111 Ihe wife line. IUH} tirod ,wd dull P "o r bl ooll works Its bllv oo 1,111 I,h o will IO~ 1'81'" ]lo w or , Few peollin who f .. 11 InlO tltlhlt8 of worr y .. nd despond e n oy realize thllt, most of tltotr trou bl " ~ no clue 10 lack of endurlln otJ- to blood Ihltt h~8 becf) llIo wenk'ou e(l by SIJ\ Mcrt The 1laJ frl·. ~I overwo rk or al,rulolD !!, tleilithy ultln I\nd ...·(OlIwn wlUI rloh. red blo ,d 8 <111 thlllg" hrigh'ly . Tbey taok 10 Ii n "" I h ~ e . t Ilml gil olong smiling ly, full of o"gerno "" eDd on non. GUIle 's P~pt).M,onitau tukon ste"d. it v rPlltoroH tbe bl ooo \0 It·s nu turol rloho88~. h lIotually makes r ed oar. pusolop, tlte lloy psrtlole e 10 blood whloh ml1ke l' red. Druggl8 t8 b(\ YI' Gude'" Pepl.o.M .. ngl\n 10 IIqut.l nod Nov. I-AU Saint's Day, Nov . 6 - 24th Sunday after Trinily . tabl e t forw ,-Adver &lsell1 ent. Nov. 8-Gene ral Election , Nov. 13- 25th Sunday afier Trinity. Nov, 20 - 26th Runday after Trinity 28 Pound. a Foot. Nov . 24-Tha nksgivi ng Day . A 10,111 .ltlluld \\,pl"hl z,~ 1""Hlll s to Nov . 27-]st Sunday in Advent, e\~r.l' foot of his helghl .

HurlIng !'t ,u( ly Hu h

" \1'1' .·.... 11 1:111




l ip(' 11 ~l t '(:lI f'1'''.'" ' 1i r (' tlll'n, ~tJ' . I;tbrw ," t o nk l'llUl'''(\, Jr l ' d r n\"t~ I h f~ r l d" I~1 Illl ·




I I I , 11 ,.,

with )'olt r l(>o'Ih In )' o u r mou.1I 7 :-: 1;1 1' "ow n 111 1 0 til' {, 1l).:IIIf' rO~llll nl \(1 111' 1111: up " l'nltll'lPr lin ' n co l' c \I' ,· 'IJ f) pf' n It pr u p An ' In ~p p('1 Ih ' ''''n!! ''



It .. Iu 't 11 0 u ~e to warn 'e m, when don't omlerst "nll . R W , I{"y lo r . IIr h" . lli"l{ j.(rIJ· If yoo tllay .. In'~ I(ot time til r ead . If y o n I warn ' OUI t o htl k eo rful, co ry III 0 II , hu~ I'ul in II c" rl " "11 " ' i n Ihe I(onl, . PllttlI OIl", tlu (1

I' ,



Mr s . ~llSn ll J)"W .'lll h ·fl . (" ri t! ~y, 1 fo r C hi ol\go . w h or£l Hil d wil l " po lt ll I t 'll) winte r with hor (hught' ''''. li ll w •• nl Con k htltl hiH Ic j.( cOIl" I,I_ urailly 1111:0 1'111 011. HIII.lInl" .I' , by II d og , W(' h O)lo fo r him 1J 0 t htn g Sl't i UIlB A IIlndlol n o ~hnVo' WIIA hAl ll h e r tl 0" ~' ritl" y tlllli Hul·urdll Y ni~I!I "; Ih ll~~ wh o b ongh t 1U0litoiu tlllrO Irlll'r lo dllr.: Th e ~" o lf\ 1 \!I ,' e ll lit Ih " 'I''' W II hull ltv th t> .1"rlllh·M Hltll H"IIII ~ I " I,ltr l' h w". II .lICt''' •• IIl1ult oi.dly lind ~I)t·i. ' 'Ill y .

rn I) IlMI'-.

I I, I I

,h'IJlII"'" 1'1 111 ' ·" 1,1 .. .. " Hllrtj '~ till· 1,11 1 o · !t';II " 1111 1" ": 1:1 I r --------------------------------.--------------~---,------~~~. !\(d11lrrf' .\· hU H t lir J' i l lllll'l' , TllfH b ll' .'· ' '~ o· l "rrp,IIII 'l" rUII t h ' p i i,·., "l' t o ~lp n.1 1. I 4'nl'l, nt ' tlll~ ~" IW, I 1'1'111(' ...; 0' .~I Il"'·I1L· but \\ 111' 1) I J II' .~ ";\ '1 ' \\ p'rt ' tlt'l('l'fl ll f!. ,t! to f lll\ " ' f'll! HIl' uill ' t Ifl'f\I'l'SI~ d II I I Jlnl hill ' t 'I~", tlwy 1t ' 1ft ' ~ 1I1 ~o to H~ ~11 · (J 1Itr'1' .'" , my tlt -RI' boy , \\ ·hu t HH' 1' 111'(' ~' lHI IHlt rl fl ' t ll(' r e--~ l l l f1dln' nrn li li d \\ ·c :-:C'll II :1IId

~''' '' IV 1II' Jl ,,"il H"x l' •. i~ II" , ~.('"r ' l Wn Vli".vd lo NIII' " IIIII Balik . Wil Y·

'J'ho l eno h o r n f on r pl"' ", c u l ui. IlH O " " Clu I,y hll " "hunilll Hh l h er c Ill. • 'rudl unM unlll IIII CJI' Ih (l \\'inl o r


.\ I ,tl.. .: i, ' HIIII S'~'\l~"

"I ,nrl ," .' fr,

ut t Itt,

M U H \,1 I I ' ;1 r ". II" " . " C' , ( ,(W 'lynn •. \'1 1', \VII" n. In/.; lilt II I' ,!"" I II I,ll Il C('· h ur o ' lD b'rid"v .. It II Hr (H,". i. r)l o yillg inl·o III. o o w gllr .. ,:;o, lind Wi l l 110 1'11 ·n.IIlllly fI'Hl Htl\\ fo r Ih o w in lo r II M . Flfn IItHI ~' rtll\" WiI ""1l "'Me HnnnRY r.:I1I' " I. (I f Mr. untl ~r ij, H . K WII ~on , of IIn y l,Io n .

In Ihe I~ il d en SAP(JI (0 (' II'Rn~ p(,la,r:; ns, oilclo l h " nd Cit l,' ry: i" th(' bnlhl001l1 ~I\PO LI ele "nd po rc,]."n, 111,\1 ;>Ic. tiling ' -the w; !, 1,,1>1 11 (lot) 1-, ll hllib; i I he /,,, /1"',1</ S. ,1'(lLJ ( le "n d p .,iplcd w,.n, I: work. ' dOl rs. ~rils <lnd co ni relc or sto ne n onrs. " f ' th'lt the ""n", S,\1 OLIO is on every i'nc:. k ,,~, ', .:-.:=::;;;::rf.~~~


.11.01 !.



II UHV lllc,. ()lIill.


I "1\l 1 ~ l lI' r u n ·" .. .. , :tI I I I " n onnt ., Slll l l Cli l lilt, ... 1 11 111' \.

""'"S JlI·o m U~

in " li n

.)h1 :'.11'1.- , I '-I,',' .\

I ",\'~

(' , dol WII VI' w lli , h t ni lt -d In I "H e' ll

For Every Room in t he Hous e


':lld l' Il!'''' 1 \ \ I, , ' , . 1, I "\\' , ,11. :'1 I"U \::.: .. \ . Hid !,.d. ,.1.1

~f'v (' rnl C}l.)'d ,




t!1\1l1: !d ."d,

,'111"1111 1


WlJllll I,h e put rl oll O od llo r lU en u l 'n..:~t~"'11I1.1' u"wurd ANU'l' lJ\i:y I,h e oountry wI'n ' tollio f,! t hoir r u.,L1 W ILL 10:11; .. (11)1."1(1 1: 1' : A ~I O I I e u Ilireo anll f o ur ye.JrM II ~O ~1I111 hnuLi Ihllt YOIl oo nld Mo ll fl' r 011'" ' H~, IIhIl U\ II .v,,,,r II ~" n n w br in !;" IIr QUIIl! th e A ·norl o"n ~o V tlr nrullD t'8 L i berty $U O. Victory 1J01ld~ IIrn .. I'li o~t t n "nd Vl ol."ry hn ndH w"re hH good Ii ~ Jlllr . . Kn ill - lint! 1l,' rh"llI! iJ.lIter - tilO" ho D 'I II 'I 1111 , 81' yo ur IJI ,or ty 1I " J)1I ~ Heve d whflt IlJ ey wr o l e . •flleyJ h011 1 PrO~(l n!ly Ih e re will ho 1{1l11J1{ R""u l ~IlO." (ll r kn o w uf) I,h e aotl o n of OUt ollrt,lin HnlUll th Ro nl. wH it ful Tnll. olvil wor bond s wltloh, lIfte r th e Wllr , oH'Ming you II d o llnr Or I,w o abnv p w on l· til IlI il h pre llllum IIlI u nly thr ee llI"rket pr lco f o r y o ur b o nt! . Whnt t o rnur uor Olin I·. lIud tbllY Wllr o oo u· .. r e goinJl tn d o with th ll m ? K otl l' vln oe d 118 m e n 0 .0 h ll ('onvluo o(1 ·f th e m . f)f 0 l11rso, b ellu os o th ey kn nw IInYlhlll g , t b,,1 L IIlI· rty bOllcls Ilt ~ y. If Will II" o nly II verv f ow yel\r~ un t o 4"{ (I " r oe lti. w n uld .ho t1U18R1I1 6 til Un o lo Hll rn'~ loIi·II.. o (l~od 11011" • . It I~ t ru e Ih tly dldn I, H tI~J1eot Ihnl. pllylng high e r Ihnll ~nviug. b.II1Jr tho u o nd . w u uhl tllk o !.I11l !tHnb.1t lDi. ur ellt, will overy nno li t Ih orn He\1 they dl" right Oil thu t Ollll! ~iotory tb e mftrket lit w tj ll abuve ! !:luI, n o lY Ih oy 11ft} oOll ' IUK ant o f IIPlOl'O, Ihelr gl ol.lII . Lluer ly "nnllM lire go. Don 't f o rget that pr edlo&lon,f o lk~ '


C ~IIrr. \

' j' I,, ' Iii II ,," vlf'! IIil y I Iw'n f. Ull't' rilig "t tit " h ,,"d ~ .. ( I,h n h ll ut d nc

I 'I'll ..



I'l l". f: l lnh'~

I. N . Mill"r 111 ,"1,, " I"rr.:" ,I~li v ory II I tr nil . Ir" I1~ 1111 I ~ ltrllh" (lI'y .l" r J{IIIY

Don 't Sell You r Liberty Bonds

, t4'

" ( IIII\ '1 1111 1I ' lIt ,


r" hloil ~


,d :lllcl I II.:

'If ,h\· \\ HU"lI ,

(:'>I'U ~hr e dili"K w .. ~ 1.>1'1-: 1111 11 1:11111 III t li,. IOl'" li l y l ' " M ., ntlll Y, Mr ~ . !:ia r"h H it'h HI .II r 0Il111I Il~ v'Jr v ! . orl (Jus ly illnl th lH "' rltln ~ . l'b A W OII t.ho r l'tI ~ I,so n vn r y (~ h'un gfl/t

Use .

I l u(.l< ou t t or w llrt! wi t h III ,· oI l'h't"'. ~ I I" <1111T0:;, ~1 1l nn t np nf ,hi ' ,'I1" ""i


Hl\II',h Broll kM I rlln . ,,( ( Hoi " U"IU A~. ·i n - I ·",lI~ Do n 'lII--tirrt"1lJ'1i''"'~--

-...=.~ -- -=--

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Qu in oy Riog r e lllains IIho nl, l,iJ tJ sarne

CPANH , l ': ditor and l ' lIltl i~ I ' (, I . WI\) n e~," ille, fl h io


r----~--------__, Io'clock un ex!'1' "' \\'n~"" n,'III' I'


WhDN £t: 'UAY





C ou ld Talk 'to you for a ycar, :\Ild t"hCIl \\'ould not convlIlce yuu unt i I you h:\ \ 'C t ricd out our Classified Ads.

L is te n -An ad. plac ed in the Gaz ette \\ ill brin g the desired result in a vel') shor t time. Try it once

you'll be convinced.

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, Way nesv ille '- Ohio,

,~~~~~~~~-~-ll~ II

The Miam i Gazet te, Wayn elvilk , Ohio.

r I' Ma ke -y o.... U _

I W[C'E tV

POIa.iblo_ to TIOI1I CI'OW , . LV' ·,I b II", .. ,·"w II , hl,'1 I"I~II'''U, ntl!."".h II I" !,..... I':r


·I~ •. N"lIrt'h



ltl!- '

AGRICULTURAL CLASS· ,I I(I,~ t ""'10: I"II~I;tl(' 'II hi'rII;'11\11'1I~ , tI", ,·In~~ . pl1lr1l1llr 1I1t1~ In Ih "" II"\' GAVE fiSH fRY SCHOOL EXHIBIT rulll'lt t"r '·~ ' .v "1'1 ." Changed In T ransi t, It' lIl'll('r



CIlII"1 11I1I Ihl!ll! hllll I ":lII,h r I'fllm hi .. \t!',h-r i',l I'"u d "h, l11 .,ttrlwt,· ,1 I lly th l' !lIp.. ", o r ",11111' "I>J""I Ill ." oi l.· ( I '" 1H'P If rl ll :-. {1\l II' , t nr )Il~ (,, 1II' 11\... ~ t .y _ _ __ ( CUll ill' 1I'l\ H lS\ iO l"h' u , h" tll~t '~ II. I ht! t h ".-II\' .. UII" o\ . \I"1 tl "' I'I""' · '~ The \V,~slc' Y t · llI~' (f th e 1\1. 1<:. I·"', . f II'II ':Olld, l ' IlII~I"" ~ 1.'".1' 1·"" - I tl k ~ .. ho nl; .j;(II\'e II li- h fr y ill (he ~(I .. ial " oi l III. Ih ,I" 1"" ·1·." ", 1· 1,,, ) r"" IIl< o f th,. ,·!t u rdl. 1'·r idllY

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1·~ t. I ~, 1'

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1': fll p"r,lI'

.1· I·1' 1' 1' I II"

d isp Ia y . I ' cons ists of practica I l useful articles for the 1\ hous e and farm. \\ ..

Our X t1l~lS


handy tool, s lI c h a s a H a1l1me r. Jack Planc . a se t of I3it s wit h Bru c e. a Ha nd Sa w. H orse l31:mk et, Auto Robe , Lant c rn . a Ra z or. a J ac k Knife, G lo es , a Flashl ight. a De Laval Separator or a n ew Gas o line En g in c , e t c., etc .

ll a t c h e t .

What Wo uld Be B elter for Mothe r T han an E le ctr ic 0 Power -drive n \ \·aslle r. a ne \o" Cook Stove, or a Floren ce Au t oma tic. o r the famou~ Heatt:ola ; and th en in the ·E1ect ric line. a n e lectric Flat Iroll. Toas t er, G rill , Percol ato r or · E lectr ic P late, o r a n y of the beauti ful Cooki ng Utensi ls III the Ala d din White E n a mel and Alumi num Ware.


110,." , II)· ''' " '' ,,:

1 n II






Ihl ' "l\lIiI' tlllll'

thn t 1.111 IIt~t¥h II 1,,· .... 110',' 11'1(

n et.'I ":·! Ul'lly !'-fI IIIIII,dllll n s \ '\l I1\ I\11l1. L, ",""h, ·,. 1",. II, .. f IIIlI dl ,." ...

'r" er~

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l een In


Oll~ ,.pns,· 1111.1"I' U!'! ,,,"~111 '!rI,,'lg 1'"."<cs. "n ..:- '''~ wllll -kn ()\\- 11or ".'tIO u ~ , ~( 1


bun lell 1If1~ .. ,.",." ,""I·"', \r il~1I ",·,·ry l PerMO" h l1~ ~1I1\~ , 1111 ).:1111.: l ll t' lr n ' ~l l~'l·~ 11" .. SOl I~~ ~illlllilltl i etlus l y AS 1\ ,,1' 11 1111 I fln n le. _ __ _ _ _ - - !'l eal Generosi t y.


A ('''l1p l ~ fl f Y Ullk £'e d f'A (, o n! \\' f'rp tnlldrlJ,C of n pnll l1l1l1'nt (·l tl1.~ll o f \\, !1tt-.e llh~ruli ty f h~ "' l" lin d lllwn~'!l .h (len <''' J),; Idpruhl p dllTl' rt ' III 'e or ., ,..,,, 1011. ' 1\\"f\1I :' ~l1I ( 1 l ~ lll'l!n PI I:: L:", "I h U\'fl Hh "H~' ~ hf'lrt rh u t R rt)thl' r T\ r (l w il wu S Olle f. t m n sr r h orltnhlp 1lI t'1l III t n Wl1 . Fnr In~tn !lce. T 110\' ''' ni'n.'r hn(lWn him to rptll ,e 10 le llfl hi. pill!! hil i to Any· h od y wh o n~k .. d him f tl r It ,"


Whe n You Star t Your Christ m a s shopp in g look throug h o ur dis pla y . . Maybe we c all mak e a slIgges ti o ll , :lIId if we ha ve n 't got exactl y what YOII wa nt , we w ill have time to send for it.


How Frost Pe ne trat •• E . rth . ~h ntl .. lllk II I Yll klll "k. ~tI'~r ln. In Iht' Ilopo or nrll lln~ wnlp r fllr 1111' tO l\' n . fnlled to 1'~1J('lrnfe Iwlnw 11 ,1' pe r mn nently f r ~r(llln ~ . (l r " 'l'rI)lIll' l Ice." oven al a del ,rh of :\ 2 f e(' t. III AlAs ka soY('rn l shliffS hA v , bl' e n ~ lInk 8holll 200 re('t. RIIII (l ll. r e R (~ h e d 36J feet wllhnll! IWIl ' Iru tl ll~ h ulow Ihe A


Fr ed M. Co le

f; OIl I-t 8 t



frozen g .. on n d .

L l te r~1

Hard ware , Harn ess, Far·m Mach inery Waynelilville, Ohio


The Yu WII(l mun nl \\ Il.\""': to uk

tht ll~

IHp rnll y.

li e

\\ ,l"o 11 \1 '


(\ \ ' ("1')"

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10 h i s \\' oollljlf... ~t l\ ~· I Ids!'i YCI 1I , .lU III " !" he aske d. " 1>l o lh o .. ·s III t h .. I ,,~ room ," :the nn sw~I'cll. " nil. thlt t ' ~ Illi

,"·1 '"



Y ~ ur flltll~ r



(·un 1;1"" h ~ '· ." he

- ....- - -


Yo un ce Br os. Gr ain Co. •

We are THAN KFUL that we can help keep gratef ul men e mIJloy ed' a t the mines. We can help keep them employ p.d as lon g as tb e PUll LIC WILL HELP .

If you would try our

Yellow Jacket & Buffalo White Ash Coals, we know you . would be satisfi ed custom ers. They a re free from s lack, low in ash and high in heat uuits. 'fry a ton. . We would rather have a few orders for these Coals , th a n a TURK E Y FOR THAN KSGI VING .

--- -- --



A II persons are wa rn ed lo keep nn· I he propert y of th e un (h'r~ ig n ,·" , wh ile hunting or trappin jl. T he Van tress Farms The Go rsuch Farm ~ Frank Braddo ck «'arm A S. 0, Henkle Farm~ Will M (Joney Chas. Smith Ell Furnll~ Farm8

Eve ry Boy Wan ts It

If YOIl could erol ize how much thut boy o f yours, or that young r cb.tiv e o r friend in whom you are inter esled, crave. t h e healt h y. well ·balance d reading motter he will get in THE AMERI C AN B OY. never fo r" min lite would you deny him th is pl eusure. For 0 Chriat maa pre.ent , o r birthday gift . a su b · scri ption to THE AM ER I CA N BOY is unexcell ed . It la.ts the wh ole yea r thro ugh - and It. influe n ce is of the b e.1.

"'The Biuur. Dri r hruI, Iktt \lar ll7l nc f" r U O) " III All til,. \ \ ',"1,1"

In the next twdve nu m "e," t he r e will be aerial. by ouch famous uuth or. as M elvill e Davisso n Post. R al ph D . P uint·, Willi a m H~ y­ tiger Bnd Cl arence B. K ell and. th e sho rt etorfee are by auth ors of cq uH I no te. ll"d "1he big departm ents whi ch a rc ed it e<l b y experts. are devoted to every legit imal " Inl erest of boyhood .

Price Redu ced THE AME]I(I CAN BOY i. n ow o nl y $2 .00

year. Make lo me boy h spp y - fill ou t the coupon and mail It TODA Y I II

Jlall tIM.


Fresh &lU sRge, pouod ........... 200 Fresh Side. leun ...... ..... . .. .. , .. 200 Burkha rdt 's Welo erN .... .. ... .. . 2:;(: Blg be~ '

prlcee lor Butt·er Rnd E gj(8

"""" """" ""'''' '''''''' ''''

Sa wy er 's

IJUTn b t'r



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In t.he Big Cincinnnti

'1'1\,'1'." I' tllllt l ll1~

"'11m: \ l l1t :

," lit) '

Post Prov erh



CO lltes(~

\\'1.' wallt II


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11,, 111 ,!,l l lI allI ,."'lIlI , ~ I II

~I h\l·r. ~ I It

1·;.I "a

Mi rrors In the Hen Yard , A OIUII RU,,\


he teel!) t wo e,a;t;8 B. da, .' ORSALE from II ~I "..:I " 11"11 : Il l. plnh IIIll!hl be \\'01'1 h 11'3' 1i1;":- un It hU' ,rO l' srule so we £ are Bllbo ts for E. J . Ueefer' ! prhlt Il for th~ M sOln~ ot our More.E ggs Touio 1 pkg. frfle sulnlrh" " "'·1111 I·~ . •lil.' hilS nrrn nged ·. i"I'

~ he

/111u ,·ouijes her oUld one

8111 1'" pd rl\"I1I •• ~ hl)

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I' [OVl' r I)

Ill e

111III t.ordl'r T III '; C I NC I .l'\ N :\TI Ilt)S'!' a nd l·llt cr \0.

L'ol lt,e~. t. ~

RED RIVER EARLY OHIO POTATOES H:IS :lrri\ 'cd , $2.6 0 per bag of two bushels e~lch, :It the ca r.

.F rid ay , No vem ber 25 Or, $2.65


bag at the store.

('t:ti a r S tamps ~1I r1 Booste r Coupo ns with either price


THE S. FRED CO., Lebanon, O.


The 5c, 10c, 25c at:ld $1.0 0 Stor e GLOVE S- now


th e time to I-(et your Gloves. :30c, 2Gc . 20e, Hie and TOWEL ' - Good Turkish and Hu ck TO 'Ne ls, CAn' t be beat .... ... .. ....... ?5c , 20c . 15c nOOI'E ES- r:()lHI war m Bootees .... ..... , .. ...... .. ,. , . .. .... !J\le , 2[ic and ami CAN DY - F'or th e "kitllli es." Il~ wellns for g r ow n-upR......... ... . ... .. ' ..... ......... .. " , ..... ... 40c . 21ic, nc and TOWF.I.I NG - (; ood Hu ek T (t w cl ill~. red hord er . per ya rcl ...... IJlA I' E I{S n ubber n i~pe r ~ , a jlood ~ r ude .... .. .... .. ........... ............ ... .. ::irUCI'; IN l;S and SO X. \J olh Indies and ~ e nt s. a good grade at ..... · lit . .. ... ... ... ...... ..... .. ... .... .... ..... . f\Oe . H

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

, • • •

• ••• •

SPE CIAL FOR SATU RDA Y ONL Y SHOE POLI:;U -Both Bixby 's Rnd 2-in·l l' olish. black. brown. tan, whi le .. .. ... , ......... .. ... :'.. , .. ........... ......

IOe IOe l~


10,' !JO~



......FRANK H. FARR & WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio......

---Fir~t S und ay in Advent·. N o- ~~_~!!.....~~~~_-~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! venlbe r "l.7: Churl' h ~c h oo l at D::)O a ----m ; Morning Praye r and serni on at 1O :~0 . Tell the advert iser you r ea d his ad . ill the M ia mi Gazel le Thanks giving Day, a uni on service a t lh e M. I::. church. al 7 IJ. rn • E ve rybod y invited to these servi ces

- --- _.- -A Cali co W a r .

n r th e li"... 1. I nd la ll \\ ars 111 th p hl ~t ()f'.\' n (' PH l'l y l,nll "'1114 If( !"lIld ttl n iH'

hnn' fll'l1:inll lt 1d 1"" '1\ 11 ""; 11 11 :I t: t' l lt !<illid IWI1 H' I lI dl nn~ n JIIt:h · o f f'ul lt-n wi th

thl' ~t rlJl" ~ r un n l llg lilt' wl'on),; WHY.

ZIMMERMAN'S FreshOysters,bulk Cranbe rries

or cans

Music in the Hom e Mea ns --Ha ppin ess·!


Fancy Apples Ornng es G rape Frui t LHmons Dales Figs Everyth ing g ood fo eat f or Thanks giving


The Player-Plano -that Is all but human ,

Look at These Prices for This Week: .

the music al instru ment for your hom eanyon e can play it. Come in and play the


Large pkg. New Curran ts .....25c LarICe pkg Set!dle!lS Rai8 in ~ ... 25c Large pkg New Dates ... ....... , 18c Good Coffee, pound ... .......... . 17c 3 ptJUnds ... ...... .... ..... ... ..50c Large Kellogh s and P ost . Toasl ieR ... ,. ......... ...... ... ... 18c Grape N u ts, 2 for .... · ,........... 35c l~an cy New Aprico ts . ·lb ...... .. 30c Hlu e Ri bhon Peeled Peaches p e r package .... .. ... .... .. .. ... 15c Kiln Dried Corn Mell, 10 pounds for ... .. .... .. .. ...... . 2fic Mother 's Cooki es. 2 Ibs ......... 35c Fresh Cracker s, pound ......... 15c Oyster Cr ack er s , po und ......... 15c Pink 'almon. 2 big can s, ....... 25c . {;hoco lnte Drops. J)ouud ........ 20c -Sllited Pecans, pound only .. . ,.15c All P llncake Flours ,.... . ·· ...... 15c

11lanu.tdo yo urself, there is no obliga tion



We Also Have a Few Slightly Used


In V.ri~u. M.le" •• nd Wood. 1' In Trado oft tl.o M.nual' ; Plal'er ~iano, to be Sold .t

$115. $150. $19~. $250• . $315 • . $425, $495. $515. and Up These Instruments hllve been Bo~e over thorbughi y and In ·fine shape by our e~pert repairmen and guarante ed byput ~.




Conveni~nt T erm41 AI.way. a Part of Baldwi n Son·ice _

. "'-,

"111·111 'S

".·I;UlIg. lIu.1. IIt'l I~

lik e

' \!..___ ___ ___ ___ _--'


h "l1~

' ·0 11

Ano ther car of No. 1


A BARGAIN · ht"","t W Paying 60c for Eggs eaoh it pklt . GUllrnnteell by mlnol' The Mialni Gazette, one year... $1.50 E.withJ Repfer, III <ldy's nest, so Our store will be closed .Th8nk~P oultry Expert, Kltn. whe" sh otl" uilli she seet UUy aDd Phllade lphll\. For Hole 10 tltfl 111ft " " hot giving Day at II StlPIWlIC" 18 The America_n Boy, orie year .... $2.00 atla8Sawyer _m_._ __ ulh 'r I"," .. 's larooery . 'l'hl s dl!8. j eu loll"y IT lJu PAYS 1'0 'mAD!;: A'I' by a Oak Bedroo m SUite, oheap. 1 JUUlllS bl:ck un lbe Both for • • • . • • • ·$3a25 3 Pleoe IDqulre of Mn. III V. BarDha rt. no,Sl lind IUY8 uuotllt!r e"".-8o .(oo j ~IMMERMAN'S W.,D8I VlJl •• Obto. d7 'l'nulacrIPL 01'1>11" \1.'


', ( l o r, .l' illll :1 liPII:-: t , C ill c illil a ti. . 0 . , I Y an tl r e-· a pos t a ] l ·Urt It Ol:l Il lI e ., l lIilll to "(" lid )'{1 \1 fi r s t ] ,)-1 r u\'(' rI) s a lI t... I " ()()() 1" 1·0 • \.c r h TitlL- ~ FREI': . T h e n,

f)oyIO/1."O. " t il"

Distr ibuto rs

Cash 'Prizes

a n d (It li e r :lt ld ed pn zes o.r I , ' :1111 :11 1 t' Ilie re I la IH I·Ise f r ee t u :-:lI\T" ~Sf lll c Oll t es t a nt;; . V · I I ' j 't CI· n \ rtl e I' ro \'('r)



l :!() E. 3nl SI. -

$5 00 0.0 0 18


. 1.11 111111





.--- ----- --

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. I I I : l lI lslrll llt :3~\l ;-)tll :::; :'!':I .

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U sc our Classifi ed A ds for r esults


, ,,,, u tW \)Pl

I 1' 1 :1111 '. l'C ' " I r·(" 11 /\1 111 ]1.' 11 . 1 · 11 tlll·~ ' · 1· - I • , IT 'i ,Ici llit .\ '. II:I\' L' CO llll l kte lilH' l wi tlt !,riL·' ·s I·o r (, () 11I1 1il' t e


,hi. oll. r ""peG ,. • •


'I,() sd l \\ III \" S L ·I" I 11


Al lh c rl'ccflt municip al electio n a t Love la nd. a spirited fig h t bctween three canrlida tcs for may or resul ted in our forme r tl)wn smim. Hon . J. C. Litt.l (', heing elected m ayo r by 27 V.oll'H ovor hi ~ n ea rest opponen t. Mr. Lilt!., w a ~ fil l marl v a t eacher in th e ~c ho nl s h, re.

,I\," ~





),!rt ' llt

F ir:-- I p ri z,': \ \ 'Ilh I S . ith ).!r:ult,,'. -;'-'l". 1'lI rk I.eak hand,., t II~ It l)\l ~i l1 ('r ~ .• ,· " l1d pri zl ': Amy II " il l; ill ~ . 7tl , (·ard. III I. w('ck which hl· had .,i(' k,·" ~" :"I , ' , f,tt., ut of ,.;ome of h i" llH'm,'nlO~ wh ir rCllri : " Landi,;.\:: Wi iliall1""I1. ro ';,1 ('$ Ial l.' dea ler,.. etl' . J-: ll illwulId. l\ a n. ' 1 At th e hutl.otn " f the ca rd. ill 'i l1 all tYilt'. Ih('y ~ ay th t'.\" will ··pay till' l hi j!he~ 1 pr il'l' fl' r IIlJi ra ;" Itidl ' ~ find (\ "" I" nolid L·"( l.'(tllil1l1l1'l1l i ~ I" I,, · cu untr y prot!UI·C · ' Th e a"ov c finn l'r(lvid,',j u nd. · .. th.· dtr"ctinl1 of th t' ('x is ted in t hL' l'n rly ~o.::;, and 1111' Ilny Sl"oI lIt>l lIlId lI ilo: h Sdlull i Of(·lte~ ­ Wi llia m ~ on of Ihe li nn was I.Il l' latl' Ira !II I\l iall" TllI'lll c r I,'riday. Il l'I·' ran k Wi l;iIl11 1S011, I,rutlw r "f C (; . <'(, Ill hl'r :! Wli liam >lon ulld I\ lr ~ . A~n i '~ Wri~hl. '\ 11 ilit lo; lr" I, ·d Ia ll; oil 1! I1Y flnrl Thl' fi r ill did II h al1d ~ unt (' "usiI1Ps" (;irl ~l"U llt w('rk in I\l idd.l ,'luwn i" In lhose da y~ wh e' n t he ""frlll" t il he ~iv e n by Mr . 1·" .. t811101lIh UIlf(lumell th e wi lds of KHl1 sas , a nri at d,' r th e l\U~ l'i,· i ; (If Mr t~eorge V e r il ~' aboul that lime the ,, (ut e \\" :l~ ail n"s l l' rI', id,· nt uf th e t\nwr il' an 1\(llI in )Z 1111 prairie . Mill~ ·ul1l tJany. (I f i\llddle lnwl1, O. J'her e wil l lll:,o bl' a g .," ll (· omedy. The IIi ~h Sch ool Orche:HfO onll l: lpl' Cll1h will furni sh lh u mu ~i c Th,' Girl Scou t · will b(' thc J.!ucRLs to t ill' lI"y Scout s on thi ~ OCl'llsilln ( ' o n1l' awl ~ec Rnrnethi nl! worth while Ilnd indd " lItllll y he lp th e Boy SCIJ Ut cl a nd ()rch e~ lia . Ad," icl~ i u I 17c lind 2!ir. Thruug h a mis take made in Itl.~ t ·week 's iRsm!. thaI of a cu t upsiderl own in Co le 's ad .. a l 1(,8st thirty people haV E! culled ou r Rlte n~ 1I lo this fact , Of course. il was our mistake, hut fr om the numher of pe r Wll rd hll ~ heen r t'ceive,1 by r ela80ns wh o obse rv ed il. lh e fa ct retives lin d fri e nd >! in Ha r vey shurg main s that peopl e do read LIllO aJ ~ , An au in t,he Miami Gaze tt e wil ~ ul- anrl vi cin ily of lh e d ea th of Lor in Antram Va rn e r, in IH ling. Neb, ways h r i n ~ rpsult s on N ovelllbr r flth. He wus the so n - - "of Elias I". anri :-:nrah AntroJn Varne r. and was li nrn i\1I~ lI S t Hi , 1 5 ~ II c leaves a wifc ami fuu r chil d rt' ll. all ma .... io), 1. lie d il't! of pem i ci()l1~ anemiu.

Th e Church School of St. Ma r y's held thei r annual elec tion. Sunday m ornin g I1nd th e f oll owing officer s were e lected: S u perin tendent . J.W. Edwaru s; as,,,istan t sUI)erin tend ent, L. A. Zim merman ; sec rptary. Ka th· leen H el)d er:son; t.r eas ure r, O. J Edwa rdH; libl'nria r.. Boyd HHnllcr son; organis t, Kathryn Hend enlon; ch oris te r . D. L. Cr ane .

The LateGlassified Ads.


!'lll :l p !, iIiS

COUPO" to ,,,. pubJi~4IiO" '" 1I"4ch

For $~ . OO encl osed se nd a Year', Subscrip tion to THE AMERI CAN BOY. b eginning with the .... .•..... •.... . N umber to Name ••• •• ..•. • . ... .... .• • •• , •• , • ••. . Addreu .. .. . ... .• ... ... . . . . . . . • : . .• • , . ..

gl' adt' ,

l! rwl,·.


N ut s. C!l nui e~, Fruits- nI ce v~ rl · e ty t o solect tr oD), We soil th em for los8


~ \.'\'( lfl d pr i/,~':


r; po u!ld~ ~ugllr .. ...... . ........ , .. ;1:10 2. lb, Co fYea. 200 g rnde .... ....... aGo 1. lb B1 Ull Buukl o Correo ..... .. . , :l00 5U f oot Ulot b eM LiDO .. ... . ... .. .... 14c Uoit! Arrow MustuE i. piot .. .... I~ r. :I Hl"A~(l8 Apple .l elJ y. , ...... .... 2:1o Appl e fl u tter .1Ilr .... .... 19 0 II OU :J4c ;l .lb . t:!un M",id Rllisios ... ..... ... 4Uo 1.lh. Butoher tng Pep per ....... .. :lOe 1 Hili! Tabl e HII IL .. ..... ... Uo 1 pkg. 1 vory tioll P F ill gas ... .. ... On 1 peak EaUog Pot,n toes .... . _... .. 4"0 0-1" . l:iwBet PDtnt oes ..... .. ,.. .. .. 2 ~ o

I'h " I',1

g ivt'll by Ih ,, ~,' "r ,'sf·nl. ,V,',)nll llil Irbll 1·,'I ,d,w .: F i,·," 1'1"11.,'. '\\11.1 t ee wa~. 11 1'1" '" ,'01 r r"m I I", var irn~ ' ' 1I. .pl; in<. 7111 I! I"" d ... .~I . : ~:i f· h l1rc h l' ~. rOl ll l'o<,·.! "f .1. W.,' , ~'·l""I'oI . :-; ." ." ;\\i .... lldll l'·, 7111 ~, nt d. · "f t he C·h r;.;l ia" ,.hu rch .. 1. I.: .Ia ll . .~I. IlCY. IIf t h,' Wh it,· Hrid<. FrulIl. (" 11 11"<11 "·" '. " . 1\ , I1I1"t h -; Iullll., ' ;1" Il r arl tl ol"k , If f Ih ,' '',,) li rkk. IIlId ,I j!Taoil'. :,11,· (l . Wh ilal,, 'r. "f III,· ~t 1,; ... hu l",·II. 1·",u r th lll iz,.. ,\,Ja:-;llI ilh'r ''''.\"l' lIl h fur li lt· pu r l'''''' flf d,'\"i .. i ll~~ wa ys alld , I-: raj ,·. :! ..- c. I lh 'UIl!-l f ur ltw 01').!':l' I . . C t ' l I' IIta t t H ' ~. I·· I I.,l. t 111 11 II f :04I1 (' h ~\\' ' 11 ~ I · 1'1 11," : l ~' It I II I I II dub ,," hHalt .. r . I;lh g ra d". $ 1.




...... u '" H :.:n'u l ~Ill'(' l' ~ 'i

A ..·,n.I") . . it illll wa" lalln .... I, ,·d ill r, '(' hi rd 1'1"1 /.,' . Ila r,oI oi ~llIitil . I n or~Hnl Z lll~~ n Fl,dl 'rlt l ,'d g- rn dt' , i,-H.: . l 'hlln:h Mt' ll ' :o\ ,- lll h. an d a r~ul1't' l1l~ I FplIl' th }.! rad l'. 1) 1,\' 1' I>: V'\l1" . f ur IIIIlI al-!"llill-t I itt' >' :li d 1" 1,,1, ",,·n' I! ntd ,'. ~,II , ·

Trappe rs ur e busy now . as we ll :l ~ ('on n. skunk and oposs um hunt ers . !luring th e past week. some hand· sOlne skins h ave been taken, and as th e price is fair ly p;ood, -the hun te rs a r e t~king advan t age of the sea.~o n The Junior Ser vice L agu e of Sl. Several min\; and musk ra t ski ns ha ve Mary's \ViII hold a mark et and th eir been tak en, and .they are saitl t o b<) a nnual exhibit ofnpelli ewo rk . Sat urin ptim e conditio n , day . Decemb er 10th. .....- --

Sa wy er 's



--- ---- --

--- -



).,! ra lil', ~' I , ~,lI,


I hor 1< 11 1,,, ,I""t". Id,.

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(,lIh l 11,'1 I1 l1il('I',I" ,,, I, a",1 lI ! l I11J{Rt.'r

hll ~ l ll'r ill Il tI, l"I' lI li(y A ft e r SUPI 'l'r . fI ,bllr ilirogru m \\":l ~ ' pnzl':' arc IISI,·01 I,,·I,.\\". I c, ar l a, our r rll n'~ ' Il lnl I" , \\" " !Irelld~rl'd , 1""1 "1'lill~ u r ~i nJ.!inJ.!." ;-;" " d L" ' rfI li' ~ 1 pr w..,: I)II nald ~I"' p · 'd ,·dll l "1 1 ~(,r I Ullily I" . IIl al,p I,IK . . r,'adlllg" ·' iJv ~1t ,,, 11t.'1 ,·n M.arhltl and kill, . iii Ilj!rfI' I ,' . :;.:.. HlI' tlt' lIi :H :l Th B\\' l' ltdl' f tl.rI C , hll rt illlP; lllI1I'IU lal"~ loy II", ;,1('111:-;.·l·" ".1 J11"1 ~" I·; ,r l t ),,, ·I,,rf. 1;l h ( . ~'I ,. al I °1)ITl( pal"lIY bCI'~ nnd(l't h(\r:

Handbag s 01 Lonu A go.


I, ' [11.

\\">I.~ lir~ t -("hbS i,' : d l lt 'II PI" " lll lr. (,IH ~ ~ 1I 1r11'~ " r wind , Ill l' \\'i ' " Il'r~

T h .· .,111 · 11 IIIO-t l i ,'Hlly II PIII'vH r h .'d rl, .. ,' lI lI. " II ." d \1 .\ ' " ,'1 111'" of t"d " ~ \\ , ' 1' 1' t 111 '1' 1, ,01 II~ Ihe ;'. ' 011 II I~ 1.1,. IHI It • •~" ," , . , .. ' ,I 1'·1 I , II I. 1I 1l 11t'r It l ll I'\"~'I'III t ' II I 'I 'I III '" Thts !-

~' nh'l'

Are You

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l'ill ' fry 'A 11"( ~ I'r \, j ,d hy tlli' wi v ~~ o f · 1I\l' nd 11' (' 111\ 11' 1" -4 I l f tht ' l'la~~ , and ..

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F or we have R o lle r and i ce S kates . S leds, Kiddi e Kars , Coas t er Wa gons and Ex press Wagon s , Foot Balls. E lectric tights for th e Chri st m as Tree.


11 11'


~ Jllld III.· .. "01 ,,·,,101, , .,.\ ., '.' .. I , ·Id" " . , wi""', " .' n· 11111 " • •1 " ofl" " " ., .. r (( Ir,·"" "' .. I·" ,'" ,1 1, , II , I " ·"" :1"" ,,1 , 11t ,," Ihe wo rld ",,' " .." ' ... 1"" ,- ur '\. ,I ll' e. • __ - - -

What Would Be Better for Children


Ill .> 1 , 11' 11' 11

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l_ h .'dud li t ;':11 ':11 ':'1111 11 1 Ih~ .~ . l llllr rU d',. " I,,, 1· ·",, 01 " ':t\ ' \ ' ,-"\\..Ilti 011 (I ( I IH lHk t' ( I n thlt{ \11\ 111 ',1 1'0 1"111"1 for 111 0 ( ri d, h.. ",.u,le' ' " I I·, " ,:I ",,,I 11,,11,1

Ii 'hal H ould Be Belter for FMhe r Than a


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._alburinJtimq(onQJlqf , Main and



---=-- - - -






i Rikv' .~ h.,ok ~


MrA LE'I> II Hw ke Dayton. IHst week


Ou r p ril"'~ 10e to $ 1 00

J.!ir ls anti blJYB

Mi ~A Mar y WhArt on is ill d te ulIl lll i8111.




Whole Nu mber 5463

at ultout half l)Tice .

J . E Jan ney .

Sco ut hu " k~ J E. J llllfll'Y.





M,· . and Mr -l ,I . D MJrlalt e n te r· lfli lH ·d . Than l, ~l( ivin~ Uay , ~Ir.~. M. 1~"ll\lz~ r an ti f ililli ly , Mr. and Mrs. I·'r,· ~1. rrde an d Mi ~s lI elen Mar· !1l1 I. II f Cinci n nati.


RhoPlJill1l in ~Ic and \lr" 1':1'11<'-1 1-: Ir nhar t .. n. at :'l lIlIln ~ 41 11111"1'. i\1 1,

hllIlK!4 Inll J.{tl (ro nl I·: Junn .. y .

,· t' lairlt ·.j

I'rallk I.(·\la\' alld f:l, ni'\' :1I ,d \rr

,, 1., '/' 'I':arllh a , I al ll l hll .il,

Mj,jS fo'rllllcl'R l,,,illl> Hp t· lIl h1:i1 w.·~k witl · with r,·llit iVf'H ill IJ d} I UI~

LadipA' Sli p·ove r ~wf'lIle r ~ . up tll Miss Mae SiLcv, of Uuy lon . is al $7 1i0 va lu "" for $~ 9~, ul lI ynwlI'" . hum e fur a '<'Yo' days. Ilorn- 'I'll Mr. and Mrs F.lzi eScnl1. ~'o r a lender, juicy Sl ea k o r Hooal, Monday. N o vembe r 2 1. 1!J2 1. a ~u n. try Sawye r's for Sl:!rvice.' Miss Verna Wesv,' r vi~il e (llll'r pa· Dr . J . M. Mille r spent ThankslI'iv· re llts at Marysvi lle, Ohio, for t he ing Da.\ III Rlu <' AHh , Ohi o week .end. Mi s.~ Edna IIowlRnd RIJf' nt ThankHRorn -·'I'o Mr. ano Mrs ,J . I{omu giving hulidays at Cold Wate r . Mich. Riil'g~. Tue;<oIlY. N,.v .. mh l· r ~!l. J!!:! I. Ii daughLl:!r . Dig r educliunM in ME-n's, Wome n's and Childre li's Swt:ater's at Hvman's ))0 you kn nw that you enn ge t (' ups and sauc er s I"ree with So l'l ie r Co ffee Mil'll Edith George spent the wl'e k· at Sawyer's? end with relatives in Connersvilll', Ind. Miss Anna E. Thomas spent the


i\ ~ lIr p ri ~, ' Wa 4 t, ·'l d ,·r,·" \I ,. ( ·h" .. " ·l oI' ·I·""n. al I, i~ 110m, · .. II 11, 1111 1 1'·e(' l . Th al1k~dl'inl! 11.1\' ,\I ",UI !

\1,·. a ll " :\I r . . I' . 11 ~liltcnbe rg e I ad ,," (h" lr gll" ~t:-\ {"r .· ullrlay d in '. , ' 1'. ~Ir alld ~ I r~ . .J. \Y. Whyte and l;"l~h l " r . Milr ' l."llt,r(o, Mr and \lr , Ilarrv 1.1'~1' · r nl:d Mrs. Mnry I I " 1'.1111 " f I I. ,yl ll n.

I h,I",· \\ I,.. "I< J'1\' ('" lIH' h(\~p ifality fw enty rcla l il'(,s Wl' l'e 1'I'l'-' ·II I. , :\, \d ' f II" . 1"1 1,1\". 11"'11(' on T h ank ~g i v. after II line d illllt·r. 11 11' itfl " rIl O,'1' " l! )l il Y", ,', ' H,.\' and ~Ir" ( ·llrlwal . wa~ s pf'nt ve ry 1I1(,3eantly III \' :' ri"tI -I h .! I'. ~I r . all;1 :VI I" ~ .I . l ·llrlwriJ.dlt \Va}' ~. : 11, .-, ... !\ :".,.. ~1 "rrll ( . I.H ilia M ," 1"".1'. 1-:,,1' ''' 11,·ilJ,hwav:l n.!(· lara I.ill' Mr. and (\oIr:-l . rlilf Bllrn, ·t I had a ~ I"('ir SIIII.!ay goll .... I" f or d inll, ·r . ~ I r :-\ , IIlI ldah 11111'11<' 11. Mr nlld Mr:-l I) J; . ralll ll y di ll ll, ·r . 1 ·1I. ln k ' ~i v il\~ Ih v . (· ran,·. alld Ii\(' M(· .. ~r~ Waltl'r and l'Iw -(' J,resl' "1 \,.,' 1',' 1IIr Frl',J lIart· (' harks Burnell and 1': ll1l1n C rnll c. ~ , )('k and fam tly. o f Mil f'lfl l, Mr ~ .


I·:dil h H a rris . l\'\rR. Laura J olly 1>jat ron s. \\ il h th ei r hU H' and Mr. Il arri ~ Mosher . bands, II'pre l' nl.e rt aif)('d al the h om E' ,if Mr and Mrs. I ~ V. Ba rnh art on MOll day ('vI·nin g". A dt'lhdHful din · fler wa ~ fo ll(lw\'" uy'llll c vclTing at ca nis .


Th ~


ar~ 5h ! ~ '\'11 'ph u t p~ ra~~ h s

Hf COil

fe rn ' s

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tlll' :trtl1JIlICli t

l' j):l flrII W("


tlacy arri ved a t t\J em o ri :d

C Ollt" .

nen1al Iiall In II ~,h ll l j:!l on: I 1tC')· .'Ire. Idt I u n '~I,,: It L' n. ,o\r1' lUr J. I:a ll. ,,,r. head 0 1 Uritish delega1lon; Shre. ta ry uf Slale lIughes. U. S ; Prm"" r Bna nd " f I ·. r "n ~\·, alld lit,' (hine,,, ~I , nis lcr, Alford Sze and Mrs. Szc.

week·end wiLh he r ais tt:r, Mrs. Halph Plaid Blank ets in all colors. big Dyke. of Uayton . sizl', $4 50 values, speclul $2 98 at • Hyman·s. Nashua Wool·knap R1ank ets. 6Gx 80 Mr. a nd Mrs. My e r Hyma n Il rc in , a!lSorteU plaids, reaular $7.00 values, Cincinnati. today . Warner Devitt. of Cincinnati, s pe<'ial $4 98. at 1·l yman's. I


T he Junior Serv ice Leagu e will Mr . an<1 M r~ . I'arl l"ry e entertained hold their a nnual bazaar alld a market on Thank"g ivin)( Day tl\(' fo llowin g in M rR. Sides ' roo m on Main s treet. )(UeH I ~: Mrs. Elizah,'th Fryt'. Mr Satu rday, Decem he r 10 Lh, beginning t'lmrl eR Fry e al1ll Ho n. I ;1 1· nn. I\lr. Bnd at J(Io·clock. Bpent SU ' lday with his mother. Mrs. H igh·grade Shoes an d J{ubLie rs ut . Mrs . (;eorge Pra t t an,1 Mi ss (;Iadys WI' wi ll we lco m e the oppo rtunity Lina Devitt. Mr. F . E.- Thomas- and family low Ilrices at HymHn's , , ' M ra, H arry Estelle d ied at th e Uarlan . I" aid you in your ho liday . g if t shop· spent Thankslivlng with Mr. and ____ UH hesda hos pita l. Cincinnati . Friday ping . If you are loo kin g for a littl e Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Hamilton, of Mra, Ralph Dyke. In Dayton. Walte r McClure was in !lay t on . IIflernoon . afte r a long illnl'sB. The J. U. Chapman and fa mily. Mr , Wapakoneta, spent the week·end Thursday. on business. Th ieves broke into Fred M. Cole '" LJUdy was tak e n to her ho me in Da y. and Mrs . t-: S Bail),. Mr~. Lina !le· lIi ft thaI i ~ r 'ally worth while . pretty here with r.:llativ(.'S. Mr. A L . Sides and family slJent ~ Iore . Ro me tim e . 'uturd!lY nigh l . ton, where . th e fun e ra l was licld . vilt. Mrs. J ulIa Dono vRn fllld Mr. lind inexp en s ive, fav o r us with your S'C our ,li " ~l ay of Thanksgiving Day with Mr. Wilbur Bile reduc t ions in Me n·s . wo m e ll' ~l la kln ll about .$200 wo r th of gt!od ~. Monday . Mrs. Estelle had . fo r Bev. Me rt Baird s pent l'h llnk ~gil'ing Il ay ImtronRg l.!. Mi!18 Clara Lile was called to Sides and family, of Dayton . andChildren's U nd e rwear at lI yman'f\ CO~Sl sllnR' of tlre~. fl as h!lghlS. e lec· ~ra l years, spe nL th e sum ml'r he re al with Mr .1. Slye and fami ly . of n ea r needlework . includin" a large as£Ort· Xenia Friday, on account of ment of aprons of vari o u ~ desirabl e trl c I~ntern~ and Jack knll' es When Lhe I"ri ends Home, wh e r e ~h c made Middletow n. death of her uncle, Lee Spahr. thl' patterns , hand·emhro ide red ha ndker· The fragrant aroma of BLU E Mrs Mary L Ad a ms r e turned to Mr Cole wenL to the sto~e,. Sund ay, i many fri e nds. chiefs, pi ll ows. t owe ls, cases fo r s il· _ _ __ _ _ RUCK LE Coffee will call tor the 3ec· her home in Wilming lon. Sunday he found the g oods m lss mg. and Mr. and Mrs. Walteli, McClure and ond cup. Sawyer's for Service. Mr. and Mrs F rank Taf t, Mr . and I'e rware. ane! othe r ar ticles, all hand· afternoon . u pon exam inati on foun d that th e Lee Spahr died a t his horne nea r Dr. and Mrs. Witham attended the miscreanl s had en te red thro ugh t he Xenia, F r iday afternoon, after a Mrs. Hobert Ta ft and Miss J ean Fer ·l llla de . K. of P. banquet at Harvevsburg, g uson. of Dayton. Mr. and Mr s F. - - - - - - - -Dr. and Mrs. J . A. McCoy. of Dr. and Mrs A. T. Wrigh t spent transom over th e f r ont doo r. short illness. The fun eral was held last week. WlIShington C. H. spent Monday Thanksgiving Da y with relaliv cs in This it! the second time this s tore Monday m o rnin g. Mr . Spah r wa~ and Tuesday with friends here. Centerville. has been burg larized d uring t he past an unel e o f Miss Clara Lile. and had Our stock of books IB lenerous In White and family . year, and looks like the work o f maby fri ends in Lhe townshi p . variety, and includl'8 only the beet Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McKean 'and Misa Ruth Mille r. of Lima, Silent amaters. Mr . Cole has oITe rl'd a libfor boys and airls al,U al80 lor older daughter, Martha. spent the week. th e week·end with he r mol he r . Mrs. e ral reward (or th e capture and Mrs. Sarah C. Ric h died at HarMrs . J ulia Donov an had as her Second unday in Advent, Decem· pel'l!ons. J . E . Janney. end with relatives in Springfmld. E va Mill e r . conv iction of th e thieves veysburg, 19.1It WE'dnesday night. af· di nn e r g u ests . Su ndav, Mr . a nd Mrs . ber 4: Church chool at 9:30 a. m ; ter a long illness Tht! fun eral was I,;. S l1aily, Mr . J . ll , Chapm!ln and .'ermon ancl Holy Co mmunion. 10:30. St. Mary's Guild will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elze~ and Charles Waskev amI Carroll Rrown he ld . at th e J onah's Run BaptiRt family. Mr. and Mrs. F: V. Bnrnhart, Everybody invited to these se rvices Mrs E. V. Barnhart on Thursday eon. Kenneth, attended a reunion of were on a hunlm g trilJ to Bel he l. church. Saturday a ft ern oon, Rev . Mrs. Lilla Devitt . Mrs. Emma Uar· _ afternoo~. All this meeting is for the White family, in Dayton, last Ohio-;-tast week . Bennett oiilciating. Interment in neLL and Mr. Warner Devill. of the electIOn of officers, a full at- Thureday. cemetery. Miami Cin cinnati. t endance is detlired. Ray and Karl Hawk e. with the ir • L . A. Zimmerman and family ar· families. of Dayton . spent Sunday LaCe Nicholson was taken to Day· James Benn e tt died at his home. Mesdam es H. H . Wi lliamson . I·:d Dr. Clayton C. Spaniller, Dr'lJived home. Monday e vening: aftet. with their parents . ton, las t week, whe r €! he und e rwent near Dayton, Sat urday. afte r a few Thomas arid J{. G. Crros~. who e lllr( h Scudde G. Welty and Dr. Ellis J'I spen.ling the holidays with relatives a seriOIlS operation . News from the days' illness with pneumonia. The lJiphtheria is more prevalen t thi ~ day an ni ve rsaries Brc on Ih e Slllnl' Smith, of S , J . Scudde Univl'rsity of lIn Cleveland. Miss Alice Sheehan wus th e I{uest hospitnl today was to Lh e effect that Cuneral was he lt.! Tuesday a f te rn oo n yea r than for a long ti me. The State Cincinnati and Mr. and Mra. John nay, were entertained at th e home of of Ed na a nd Hurry Uut hr i('. o f Day· he is in a ver y ~criou ", condilion, but Mr . Bennett f 1TIn ~ rly worked o n the Health Depa rtment has w is,e ly urgeU Mrs. WillialllRo n las t Wednesday Bumllardner and daughter. of Day. Mrs. Mye r Hym~n spent several ton. fo r th e week·end . Ihe may recove r. althoug h the doc· J . Ii. Chapman farm , a lld leaves evening at a (i o' clock dir.ner. The a note of warning through tl1 (' ton,. were week·ond guests of Mr . days last wee k in Cincinnati wiLh her [lOrS are unab le to say at this time. , many fri en( l ~ he re . husbands of th e t hree m atr.o lls w 're Co unty Health Commissioner s. In and Mrs. l.,'harles Smith. Bister, Mrs. Kohlhaien. who is get. ' Mrs. W. J. Hak e r spent th e wl'ck. Hny case of so re throat or c roupy l e nd with he r sisLer· in-law, Mrs Hilda ~-'!'!.~~~~~~'!!'-_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ p resent and all had a mel ry time . ting along nIcely. coug h prom pLly consult yo ur fami ly Planck. at Middletown. phy sician. Uiphthe r ia and m emo Mr. and Mrs. Lester Surface at· Mi ~s Lnui.e Davi ~ . of Cl'nlervi lle . hran ous c roup are UII! salllc . The tended the funAral of the latter 's Born ·- To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph was h()Htr;~H t(, a 'h ouRe parly o ver prolJlpt URl1 of antitoxin will save aunt. Mf's, Sarah Rich. of Harveys· We rI e r. of HOUle 4. Sa tu rday . No. th e T hanl<Rg iving h'lii ,l;l v ~ Th e liv H F.dward Bltlir. burg. on Saturday . ( vem be r :2G. 1!l:! I. :.t so n . g uest s (,f t he ev .. nl ",pre IIl L! Mi ~~es Commi ' iQne r. Health SPECIALS THIS WEEK Mevr l Mnnn. of Springfh,ld, Map Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shults and Wu ltt! r Wi llia m ~ 111,,1 fnl11ily. o f Walkin ~ and ELhel Sall,' rthwni t' , of 100 balla Fancy Red River Early MiH..i Phoebe Miranda atleno ed th e Kingm a n, ~ IJI ' 1 1 1 Tila1,k~ll iv lnJ.: !lay Wavnesvill, III IlUlll)r " f Ih" l{ l1l'~ts Ohio funeral of their Bunt. in Cincinnati, w ith J . f,; JUIlIl ~y lin t! fumily. a "furlgc" parl y WHH f!h' ''1l W,·d lles· Thanksgiying Day . day !:v"n i r,~ The eVell lng waR ~ p ' nl Mrs C h r)'M t il ' McKil1 ~e v alld da,, ~h. with mu s ic snd ri utou s .. nling . Tilt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke and MiSli t e r. Mi~~ Lall ' a. ~ I' e n t lhe h" li d.1 b at ,2.75 for the. Bag, """"""""""""" "" '~'" Inrticipanl s of th e \larty Wf' re the Rhea Dyke, of Ihylon. spent Satur· with rl· lIl1ivI·~ . Il ear 1{ ,t1l!evilll~ . This is fancy. clpan atock. well F ree ~)oo h ou l Tublet:! Sa t urdllY Misses M ey rl MO)'J11. Mae Watkins , I day night an,) SUll,Iay witl;.. · -!1'.-I!Ir+-• 'matured and no scaba. We wilh Eth el SatLertllw aiw . DrIll Whitacre . Thomas amt family. Itee fe r's Mlln!· I':g-g's Tun ic d( ,, " need the room . CALUJ\\E r BA I\:INCi POWOER o f Centerville. find I.nui sp DliV iR; 40c a peck: $1.60 pe~ ltuMhel. mak e h"IlA Iny . VI t! ~ "II i ( a nd Rua, Mess rs .J nl' J':lliIJt 1, \{a~' lIl nnd I' in(' , M 13. Hyman and Mr. and Mrs. ant l'e it. Saw,)" r '" f",. S" rl'i '·l·. SdHlo l Ura lll! r.~. 2 fo r .. ..... .... !ic Wurrc n E " p!, , Cli ff o rd Il ill, (I f ('pn· CALUMET BAKING POWDER Sol Ilurwick. of Le banon, and Mr . Bal1tllHl ~ . d, \;>Je ll .. .. ..... .. ........ :\0(' te rvil le. and I ':~ rl I hl"i s . of t\l i IIni A nice tOc Tablet and 8 Pellcil Jacob Hyman lind family, of Xenia, .llIl1fitll'ln ilm( i\ pp lt 'R , p')lJn(\ . .. lIk Eo J . "rnith an d wif,·. of Wi ,JIlin g" Ulliversi ty . AI twp h',· h.. ll... .. 'ri !1 Ilul cit r.ritll1: P('llIlcr , pllun!l ..... .. :IOc FREf.: with ellch pound thill were guests of Mr . Myer UYlIlbn and ton. ~ l hHlt Th 'lIIksg i,·illj.( II, y \\ ill I wel'li. ' (;ra pe I' rlli t , 3 fo r ........ ...... .. .. 2~c We Mee t Ago,,,,,." wa ~ play,·d 011 th e family, Sunday, Mi llS Mary IIlId Mr I'arr} C,)ol; -, Cu lJbuJll' , pound ....... ........, .....)C \,i c lroln and IiiI' par ty hl'U ke UJl tn New Oates, pkg ........ ,........ 2Oc Sweet Potatoes, puun d .. ......... 5c me(' t Rl{uin on ThankHg ivin J.{ Day · Ndw Currants, larle pkg ...... 2Sc Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis reo . $fi 00 Hewllrd f,,,' infurIlltlliofl I Ir ish PotatoeH. IJe ck ........ ..... . 40c . SeedIC!ll Raisins, only ... .... ... 25c of the di smal day the [n H piLe Pure Cirle r V illella r. ga l .... .. . 3Iic cently received B letter from their IIlg to 11h.! arn'~ t ,)f lite tllI ef " . Fresh Cracken. pound .... :~... 15c bunch of youn.:- folk s drove the S l ot! lI~ Ever g reen Cor n. can .. .. . l1c eon. Jamell, ot the U. S . S . St louis. t.hi ey('~ wlto ,,1.ul,· t r" ,, ~ on the 1'1'111,1, All Pancake Floura .............. 15c Lura Peaches. call ...... .. : .. ...... 25c g loom away all li wl! re pre pared to In which he states that he expects to Bradd uck f"rm , L!_ Il,·ow n . Fresh Roasted Peanuts ......... 16c Pin ca pple. elln .. .. .. .... ............. 25c eat hea rtily o( th e teed serv ed al Fresh Salted Peanuts...... " ... I5c spend Chri~tmas at home Outside Memorial Contln~ntal Hall at Washington husky. wcll.armcd C,) rn 1" luke~ . pkl,( ... ..... ...... .. .. . IOe Fancy Evap. Aprcots, Ib .. ... . 30c high noo n , [n th e eveninl{ une of marincs Iramped cvery place, making all those wh o would enter show au1horCro\\'n Lot\go. K of P • h~ s som! . ized cred entia ls. Soft Shell English Walnuh! .. . 8Oc thl! gucs tH departed for her home . New English Walnuts, new Co rn If it is a new, arm, ll'g. head. wi~ thing d oing lit e very mee tinR', now, Good Coffee. pound ....... " ..... 17c Mcal , fresh Crackers, Cakes We wer·~ so rry to lose Mi ss Moon. or new dothes the old doll needs, If you are a K night. como and e Jljll~ and ClIok ies. but were ove rjoy <,d with th e a rri va l Fallcy box Apples, a box, bring or send her to the Mary Jane the fun', eve ry Wednesday evenin" ..................... $276 and $3 ()(),I of an othe r gue~t. Miss Marjori e Co me into o llr s tore. IO,!k arou~d; Hospital for Dolla, and we will return everythinJ.{ mtJrked WIth a prtce . The two Wayn esville g uest s Espy he~ good 88 new. Mrs. Kilbon. Yellow and White Kiln Dried tickl!t at lel'S than you expect Corn Meal, 10 pounds for ... 25c 10 pay. Henry Woollard arrived homE' ~" " """"""""~""""""~ Bring us your Chickens and Eggs "Way Down East." With many from Indiana, last week, where he towel? You will find them specialh . Youm; FOtt SERVICE. priced for Friday and Saturday, al hearty farew ells and prom ises to hu been for , eome time with his 11 PAYS TO TRADE AT The :'fhallksgiving service, Thurs· Mrs. Wahr. of ' Middle t own. dis. come again, the las t g uests depa rt ed brother. Both Mr. and Mrs Aaron 5Oe, thread 'included, at Mrs.Kilbon's day evening, was well attended triet re presentative of Ihe Itebecca and thus ended a most enjoyahle Wooll4rd are both in very t>oor The Moth,er!!' club will meet at th l! The choir r endered ll:o(k! music and lodge, paid Waynesvi ll e he r annual' party. ) . healtb.




~1;a~'::;iV~~~ ;~·~~l. \ ~·;~~tC~r~nry;ll ST. MARY'S CHURCH

-----_ ...



- --













SERVICES WERE IREPRESENTATIVE ab:~~~t:h~~ :an~~e~y ~::r:i~C::::i WEll ATTENDED OF DISTRICT HERE :~;n~:;'~~;Oe:edF~~lIrOb:~~n i~o ~I~~




old school building. Friday aftirnO(' n Mrs. LeMay sallg sol?S Oecember Ind. at 1;!:30 o·clock. The Dr. Mary ~ok re~da the pre~ldent program will include a talk on "Pub· proclamatlO~, whIch was f ollo\\ ed lie Health," by Mrs. Snodgrass, of b Y an addmlrabTle a!!.dffre~ by Rh~vh' h e 0 e rmg, w IC Ca d wa ll a er. Xen Ia. d $11 'ed amounte tOo. over , ,was urn Miss Elizabeth Chandler,. of ~eio, over to the Mot~~ ;lub . Ohio, spent Thanksgiving wi Lh her

Sear.S& Cartwright •






- Date

', ;



. ,



lNoW Telephone



============================;. d 0 S

visit. last looking after the ._ welfare of week. Covenant Rebeeca Lodge No: 189, Waynesville. There were 63 visitors present, from' Wilming. , 'ddl ton, Lebanon and MI etown. A fine lunch was served to the vis. SOCK- Good Woolen Sox, per pair. :It ...... .. .................. ... .... .. .. .... 20e itors, and the' District Representa. TABLE SCARFS, lace, nice size, each at " .......... " .. ...... , .. ....... .. .... 6Oc DRESSER SCARFFS-Lace, each, at ........ .. ............. ........ ,.. : ........60c tive was well pleased with the .:ondi. BABY BLANKETS-:-pink 01" blue. at ... .. ,...................... .. ......... $1.00 tion..Df the local lodge . HANDKERCHIEFS- Nice ones, for the "kiddie~ " or the adul~ ... .. ~ lOc • - ••- - SK[R'l'S~t~or (he children, at ......................... .... .. : ............... ...... 4!lc .' BLOOMERS-Fo r the children, at ......... " :'."" .. .... " ...... ~.. " ..... ,,"S5c

The Sc, 10c, 25c an

parentS. Mi8ll Chandler has been elected vice-prelrident of the E':lBtern Ohio Te'a chers' Association , this is . \ quite an honor ' and reflects much The special show to be giveD at cfedit. on our commuDity. Miami theater. Frlda.y,: December 2. Two performances wiil be giYeh, Word was received bere. Mon~ay. at 7 p. m·. and the '8 e('ond at 8:46 P Tbe' picture show. "Way Down the effect that W·. H. Allen, wbo m ; The H . S . orcb88tra, under the EtI8t," at Lebanon. was well attended has been In Betheeda b08JMt.1. Cin· direction of Mr. Ben LewiR, of Leba· many of our citizllns attendln!r. It ~innatl, for the past five weeks. will, non, will make its first public ap- was about the finl!st film ever I!!hown in all probability, be alile to return pearenee. There will alao ~ be Bine- in Warren county. to Ills home, thi' W"It. This Is very Inll by the H. S. club, and !rood - ---;..,----- llraur,ina to bls frieodlat home. plct.urea, l'le and 25c. U88 oW' Cluailied Ada for retlQltII,

··WAY DOWN ·EAsr' •








' Candy . Candy '· Candy

Candy . candy

SPEOIAL ----------~'--------FORSATU,RDAY. Olil.;y ' ;;

, 6-quart K ETTLES; lray·, granite ware, . can't be beat . , ..... ';.'. ............ " .......... ; ......................... ..




The Miami Gazette. Waynesville, Ohio. ~"'hrr " . l>J'

CO PYR IGHT BY pn~R 8. "'Y~f.


" C' t\ rllI ' I."

hpull I!I n

'\I r .

"I H ' I!lI I1l .

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l:lhne,' "

"\ th ·jlt t·,'r ..•'I'. II d"lIl. \111

.c lllst'ng rpm ! \\' tly. 1 1I111!-t lin \' ~ Wit{('r nil I ht' h r n III: Oll\~ ..\nll hf' t1,,~.

K(' lh'd!

II' A Op! \l III :"

( 'III·ln lll ~CrJl~b~ HUH r,\I'\'lld lo

I;--mh Ihe " '11 1 or his d,ul ,. In " ",!i' r Iii k el'P hl"'8"1( fro m JlIlIIl'lnll li P /ln rl cllls!'· I n~ ~ l r. OIf1nl'Y aroll n" t he neck . "Pt ortr dnll urs u poulld ," J l~ j!n ~p("~ t. '· Olb--Glh. my d.'or h py - yo u · ,· ~ tIlnl1(' IJS

w NlILhy-

Qllirkly Mr. nllm ~' rn ll th e cun Ol"'n ~r nrou nd Ihl' prl"r . nf nne cornt'r ot Ihe zinc hox. 11I .<~rle, 1 Ih e cluw s Of th(' h nllllllE'r Inlo Ih~ open in g. onrl w llb 0 qUi ck . nwlo.lrlllll nllc t wis t. b e nt bn ck th .. onKl e tllllS f o rllll'l1 . Mr. nth ney W II" Ihe tlrpt to ge t a p el'p Insld". "Orea l snnkrs: " he yoll('d. lind tell bn('k ogfll ns t Ih e rnbl n wall. A h onrS6 8cr PAIlI o r rnge nml ho rror broke fro III Cuptaln S('tAggS. In his l'ngcrne.s he hn d rlrl\'e n his heorl ~o rl.ep Into the box thAt he CAm e within fin In ch ot kl Hs lng whot the hox contained- whi c h happened 10 he n Olhlng more nor le M thon n dead ChinAman I Mr. McO nf· te}·. alwoss 810w nnd urilml\g1nnlh·~. IIhou ld ereri the skipper Mlde. Dnll ("Dimly surveyed the ghnstly allPorl .

! I

."flU nnll up_ YHUf prnpfl rty , (lIb, an!. nnn l,,'e it trom th' dillin' rO UI D tllhle . I wRnt t o tt·mlntl Y(1\I. IHI\\'(I'\,(' r . Glb ,




tim .. In' tronhle nn' money t>y d lg" ln' \Ill t! \.p 1I11 ,"lr,," ,l olturH," don ' t slr,,"1 r",. you s ll<,"I.le rl n· uny l:ln S" !\I( slll.1 he would !to uuck 10 l os~ on Ih e m IWO Cll"t'S o·- t.)rlentul C' lIl l1alnwn lind c ou~ult wllh hll COIll· ,00,1 . W I' Was t' ' hAre thO (((li ns . It pU IIY· For r"u.o n. of hi s own he wus Anv . ,n' IIk"wl se thO I... s p ~ . " !Judl y frlllht ....IP.1. :''1'hat'o ri ght ." s aid ll ,·Oll l'fl'I. "'n lr SCRrce hnd he .Ieporled be tore Ihe an ' S(lliure. No bI'ItYIl ('hln ' bet wr pn wll ldl(ul eyl' ot ,'uptuln .·.· rll "g9 oh· shlpllltltes . alp An ' Srrnggs e nd l OWII ~ ··d Mr. nt hney on.1 Ml' GIlft'ey In one·thlrd o' them dl~I'"""rl C' hlnkM. 811 ' I he offlnl\'. a bl ""k aWII .\·. When they w. SIRnr\s one· thlr.1 o· lh ' lo,s. ~nm e .tlnnrd the ~' fou nd (' 0 (\1 Illn It II ny." SC'rnllg" on lOp or I he h ,, " se. sen t ed on "Rill th nl' won 't be no los8:" pro. an UplUru PfI tll'f' huc kpl . " lUoklng pr n· test"d Mr. nthl1(,~· . s ln'ly .noJ 1:" 7.llIg IIern .. Ihf' hllY Mth "Drll)'n~" "!i1IrlleA. Glb. drnyuge on Il SS lImp IllI1I lit Inm bllk e tnnOCl'lINl charges. We ,I\'(~ n man a dollar to on hi s fox fAl'~ . tow 'ern down t' th' shi p." li e Mon 1"·"HrtP I\. hilt ~Ir . (lIIIn~y "Forget It." An~werll(l ~Ir. Glbnpy wn s s lI spleiolis. " lIp's g"l III . line. mng-nnnimollsly. "un' let 's go O\',' r nn' tu st 8 o ln l'\\' 1I4 r p-,\'O I1 ('lin I)nnk On gO'I" .Irlnk . I'm nil shook III'." that ." wns his O·l)m mr nt. "\\' hU e we a~

~ldpll1l1 lPs

Ill~ nn'

~[ r(;lItfe y



"PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL" -.... . , / . ... .

-. ~:


\ , .>1'_. _-"""" ;;_


T~ W .\ N

W8S /1\1 fl Y I,. rlj!ged u p ~O ll'~ kind ot n df'ul. 11,, 1'1. I I ~ lnlHls In reuson It WA S a ml gh ,y prntltnhlp rlpa l. too. "Twig Ihe yellO\v beggar. will YOII . 11111\ p lth~r Mr. 1;lhnl'~' or ~1 " Ii \ln'I'Y My ImAgln rlllon mill' hI' 0 bit oft' the Glb1" Bol!l McOuII'ey; "onp pye holt bl'ell lI'otdli ng ('npln ln !';rrogw_ IItt~r cOllrse nt !I mp" Rll rt. hili III genera\. open for all the '''orld lik e ht' Wll~ h~ h/ld Ipft till'''' they "'011111 hl"'11 I( tI, e r,.·R e .1I'lirl wllnlp "".. , In' nround wlokln' at .U8 an' enjoyln' t hO j .. kl·... [' he,," "' " ch 1'"1.zl" 11 10 nr cotHlt tor Ihnt the s hl(\ I ('un s mell It." Not II mu scle twlt .-hed In ~I .·r. llt· worlh)"8 Il l· tlon ~. First he dod~~II "What do Y')U IlInkr 0111 0' thot fot tey'lI Hibernian co unlenHn cE'. Jl e aroullII th e hl n<'k Ilito n r UlIlIO ~trl!et . Chlnflman ,·ru l.l n · do wn Ih e b ulkhend • ("nt("hed hil head for n mOIll nl. 1111 and th"n rftll dow li Drumm 10 Call tor· In un e:tllress wago n rin' nnulh e r C hino . a 10rt ot Ill'8t aId t o mem n r~·. Ih e n nill. wh e re he rJlmhpd uboord i coble mnn settln' up · on til e b"I(\ge with turned and hllnded Mr. Olbll "y l en dol · cnr and rorl e up 11110 C hlnnlown. Ar. h im?" M,·(jutr.y delllan dN\. "Seems Ian. ri ving at Dupont ~Ireet he alight ed 10 me Ihey' re ,·omln·. bows on. for Ihe "You win, Glb. It·s Orl pllt6 1 good~. Bnd "'hlk ed lip tho! In~erestlng thor. Ma ggie." Bure enough." ou ghtor. until h~ callie to No. 714. "ThI'Y lell me to Ilcdll " 1 some thin'. "Robber I" shriek d Captnlo Srragp. He glanrerl at a Ilgo over the !loor and IIRrt. Wnlt R mlnlltp till "'t> see It and dew at Mr. OII, ne~" ~ thront. The WAS ftwate Ihlt h.. stood b~tore the thp~· ·r .. ('omln ' ohollrr\. If II, ey nre--" sIght reminded lII r ;uIl'PY ot 0 t~rrler entren re 10 Iha ol!l c ..s ot the Chinese "They're g"ln ' to OInkf' a Inndln'. worryIng 8 mast III'. Nevertheless. Mr. Siz ("ompnnlu. so he cllmbfll ups tairs Gill." GIbney ,,'al stili so unnerved I}t the Bnd Inqulrr(\ tor Oln Senr. who pres. "- thpn Y derlucl thnl this 'body· dl8l'OVery ot the horribl e content~ ot enlly mnde his appearance. Inall'hln ' lkrug\:s-" the bor Ihnt. despIte his glgnntlc Ptf).. Gin flen/!. n vert nice. tat ChlnR' " Th .. y·re bOllrol ln' U8. Glb." portions. he WIiF wplf ·nlgh helpless. men. ftrru ~·ed 10 a tlowlnr silk ,own, "- hHH nrrnlli'ed with ynn tnt China. "McOutl'ey. yo u swab." he ~·ell"rl. begG'l'rl. In plrlgl D EDlllah. til know In man to re lh! \'e 118 o· th .. un,ve\cOme "Pluck this maritime oulln", all' m y ,,"hut mcnner he could b. ot !lenlcl'. prl's encp ut his dt'tunct t'rh'JIds . Re's Deck.. He's tecrln' my windpipe Ollt "?>I f' benp bli captalo. allee .ame ronp all' hun ted up the rl!ll1tI"es lin' by th· roo t.... ship." heiall Captain Seralls. "On mad. 'em cOllie across-thot's what r.lcGuffe.v ellOkE'd CAp lnln Sc ragg. hoard .h lp two hlnll boys have got." he's done . The dirty. low. 8chemln' until he rl'.lu cluntly let go Mr. Wbney. (n~re Cuptilin Scrnrl~ " ,Inlled know. gronrldaddy ot all the foxes In Chris· whereupon 011 three tied trom the cftb· 1III(Iy.) "China boy no speak Eng. lendom ! r'lI Illh Bround an' see whot In a8 trom a pes tlien ce. und gnth e rell. Il sh- " tllI!:" r Scrngg. cllarli'ed him ." onll Mr "ThAt b eing the cnse." Interpo8ed 8n angry and dlslIJtPolnted group, out (1lbneY . Nle pped to the rAil to mee t on deck . Oln St·ng. "r pres um e thltt YOIl and I Oln R(·ng. for It was Indecd he. "Opium I" jeered Ca ptnln ScrnG'll's. un<ll'r~ tRnd eRch oilier. so leI'. eul "Sow-lIee: 8ow·see. hun -rOY." ~Ir. wIth tears ot rnlll! In his voice. "Uln · Ollt the pldgln EnlClI.h . Do I undcr. ijeng I You nnd your Imoglnotloll. yo u 8tflnd Ihllt you nrc ellgogcd In evading Glhoey Anlnted th e C hluntnno In n face410us ottempt 10 lolk the l.. tt er·R Rwlne. you I Get otr my ~llip. YOII 101lt. the Immlgmtlon lawl ?" Inngunge. "Hello. thl'rp. John Chinn · or I'll murder YOll." "Elo:A Ctly." ('nptaln Scrogl(S mnllRf{ed mAn. HOW'R ~'our IInr1 ('uptnln hl' Mr. Gibney hung his henrl . to guP. A S SOlln a s he could r eCO\'c r nile ' ean!. get tired; hp no wDlt l'e . "Scrnggsy-an' you. too. l\J cG lIII'e y - \ trorn hlH aSlonlshment. "'1'hey sho\\'ed I got [II odmlt Ihnt thIs herp 18 one on me your 118me an' olldrl'ss. an ' th ~ y Whu's mallah. John. Too long tfmp you no com~ . You heRp Inz~' nJl time." Adelbert P . Glboey. J-I-" won't ku\'@ th' s hip. where I gnt 'cm Gin S@nr smiled his blond. In8crnla· "Oh. h enr him." shrilled Coptoln lock I'd .uP In my cllbln. IIntli you cOllle !'lcrngr.s. "One on him 1 It·s two on nn' Inke '@II\ 011'0." . ('0111)11' II' rela. hi!' C hinese smile. "You kelchulll two Ch inn boy In box?" he qu ~r led . you. yoU bloody·handed rngJlI ~ker. lives of your • . I Sh o uld Irnllglll~. " II\Ve have,u boomed ~fcGuffey , "An' ~'Upp081' that other cllle cOlltaloll 0l" Sen/( ~1n 1lp(I , hl" hlnnd (' hln". e beautlflll ~peclmen8 they bl'." opium, too ! It there aln'l another s il il ip. H I' hod frrqll " "t rl "n lln ~8 with "No mone y. no (,hlna boy." Gibney .Iead corpse tn No.2 cRle I h o(\e my ship n . n'I~1'I f' ngll!;cd 10 Ih e dllnger. lidd ed flnnl),. teeth Olay drop overbontd.' · 011 • . tI " '" g h 11I(,!'nth·e. t!'n (le or smug. "Money have got. Too lUucl,ee mon o "Shut up I" bellowel1 Mr. (1lhll!'Y. In I/lInl/ f ' hhl csl' Into thl' {' nltl'd SIRtes. It towe ring tnlte. "Whlll ho \\1 hnve And willi .. hI' hod not I'(,t'e il'pd ndvl ce ey ~· ou wantee. No enn rlo. life pay )'ou iot cn llIln'? Th e y're my Cllln ll.· of, this pllr l lr·uIHr·Rhlpment. he decided two hundred dollBh. FIve hundred dol. Illen. nln't th ey? I plIIII for 'P Ill like to go wllh ('optnln g"rllg"s to Jackson' IAII heap muchee. No he ve got ." "Nothln' doln·. John. Fh'e huodred 1\ mnn. III 'Jn lt I? All r lg hl . th,· n. I'll .Ir,.el bulkhenrl Anft sle It he cOllrd keep III .·", t wo Ch l ll nI D ~n . You two not be of 80me liRe to hi s ('ountrymen. dollarl an' DOt I penny less. Put up Rln'l 011 1 n rp nl ~·O l. au' 11 6 (or thlB As ('aptn ln erng"" 01111 his Cbloese Ihe rloUi'h or beat It." Gin 8~og expostulated. lied. evaded, five I wIns 011' .1'011. SC I'a I/K~, II'R bl ood complnl on approR('h r d Ihe whart the Iflon(>~'; th nt's whlll It Is . " n° I he reby 8klpper ,Ianrell WII rll .l· "IIout. He had and all but wept, but-Mr. Olbney WR8 gives It bo c k t o you . No\\,. qilit yer sma ll tear thftt .. 11I1I'r r.IIIIIPY ar..Mc. obdurote Bnd eventuaUy the Ohlna. \\'hlllin" IIr Ill' th e tHI! o· Ih e Gr('ol Gull'!!y " 'ould ellow up tor an hour. for man paId over the money and departed Sacred Rull . I'll lock ~'on UI) all nll(ht he koew Ihat Mr. OIblll'Y harl money with the remalnll ot hIli countrym en, III tb ' ~ahln al ong n' Ih<'111 t\\·o !le full ct In ble possession. However. he decIded "I knew he'd come throll,h, Bllrt." (·0IesllnI5." 10 tok e no chRnc@l. and .couted tha Mr. Gibney declared. "They got to Caplo ln S Crtl ggS "s hut II ,," proll1pt. Tlclnlt1 thoroughly b .. torf! venturing shIp them Itlrts to /ChIna to rest olong. Ir. Rr.d ~outcnll!d lilm8~lt with glowe r. ahoard Iha Meggle. TbeH a("l\onl side Ihelr ancestors or be 10 Dutch IlI g ot M r. Glhl1l'~·. Th.! mate llilt !('rvee! bllt to Inneale the r .. apect of with tlw sperrlts o' th e dl'pnrled for • lI"IYn on the hot ch cOlllnlng. lit hla Oln Seng for the muter 'of the H'rg le ever afler." "Po we hi\\'8 to spilt this s":ng with pipe. uud gan hlOiselt 1111 to medlta· and (,,,,,tlrmed him In bl, bellet that tlllil dirty S. · rnlCg~t.. McOull'l'Y wonled 11'111 for tully live mlnules. nt the end the II48IJgle ""as • • mug,ler. of IYhl('h time J\fcOutrel' wa. aware OlllllliD Sera". took bl~ vl.ltor In. to know . "Seelo' as how he tried to IllAt hie 1",alClnollon WOB about to 114a the 1Itt18 cabin. car.rullJ locked il\'1' u ~ Ihp double cross-" "W.·'II !Ix Scrnggsy- all shlp'l'Ihllpe 1'''!IIe 10 the (ront onc. more. and bolted tli. door. lilted the line " Well . I(pntiellleo." (oguin McGllt· ftap beck trom the tOIl fit the crate Of Ilil' :el:lIl ~0' 8 he won't have no come. r~J nMrl ed oppro\' logly) "I het I let "Oriental good," and dlspl.yed the bnck ." They 111111 nOI lonli' to wolt. Upon tllY I\\' ~ nly ·llIWkM hnck out e r th r m two taoe at the dead Also he ( ·lIlnk s." hI! nnnouncet! presen tly. polnt.. d to th .. Chine.. characterl eD hi s IIrd\'''1 nt Oln S,eng's plnce of hllsl. "Bow'll ),(' r do It 1" Inquh'ell McGut. the wooden Tid ot the crate. ness Coplal n Scroggs had been ~. (~y 1 ·(>lltcl~·. "What don thl" hea .eratchu fltrmell th"t OIn Reng hnd gone alit twenty mlnules bel'nre. and furl her In· "How 'lI ) do It? Elisy III !'ailln' meent" demanded l'l cra iIt8. th roujth nn oDen hotch. I'm a·goln' 'Tbll moo I. named Ah Ghow and qulry rel'ealed that he hnd departed In an ellpre~. "·aKon. Consumed with t ' kePI' Ihem two 8t1ffll 10 th' bozel hi beloni' to IIle Rop Slnll tonr." until oark. 1I1l ' Ih en I'm a·goln' to take "Bow about hi. pal bere'" ml~gl\'lngs of dlsRlter. Scrngg8 reo 'em OUI. IIl' nd a rope nround their "'hIat mnn II e .. ld.utl y Nr Chons turned to the r.laggle as tast OR the middle. droD 'em O\'erh08rd an' aochor He I. allo a Hop Sing man ." cnble car lind hl8 legs could corry him . 'em tI"~re nil night. J see Ih' lad we CaptaIn Serarg. wrote It down. "A.ll In the cabin he fOllnd Mr. Olbney and Ollens up In No. 1 CBS. ho. had a beau· "-ht." h8 laid che.rll)· ; "much 1tlcGulrey pillyln, crlbbtl&'p.. They Inld tltul j ob nt embalm ln' done on him, obU,.d. Now. "'bat I 'Wnnt to know down their hands •• Scragga entered. bUI 11 J Ipt them 60"k all night, like la "'hat the Hop SIn, long means by lfr. Gibney begnn at on("e : "To , macke""l . t hl'Y'U IIl1Jber up nn' look slllpplng the departed brethreo by show you what a funny world thl8 Is. !.:Inder tresh . Thcn tlrst Ihlng In th' tralgbt1 The1,o to work an' ftl 'em while me an' Bart's Rettln' on deck nloroln ' l'll \o'1~lIhonl' Ih ' coroner 8D' up nice .o·s th.y·1I keep. paella 'em 'a,wllllio' for you 10 come bock. alons: tell him I t"l1 II ,I I\\'o n" 8 tl!rs out In away In I alnc coftln. InsIde a nIce breezes a tut old ('hlnntllon In an ex· Ih' bn r Ilil ' t .... him to COllJe un' !ret pla!n wood bOl[o IAbell 'em ·Orl.ntal preas wngoll Ull' ot1'el" to buy them two 'em. I b"ell 1I1",,~ !'Ie \\'ut el'tront long ,oodl,. 80' coollrnl 'em t. the OlD cues o! Orlentlll I(oods. He olakes lIle enough t' 1< """ 11111 1 t il ' IBt! thnl .plck. len, compaDJ. n4 Dupont IINet. SAn an' Mol' what we considers n tnlr up a Hont" I' " .'1' II ""\\'Jirt! 0' teo dol, FrloclICO. Now, wh, arr *heae tw. offer. Lemme BI'e. now." he coutlolled, I... t rOl" ,I, d I ,'. You clln b~t tbat COl1lltr)'men o· 10\ln Ihlpped b7 tr,! and Qot OUI n slul> of lead Jleqcll wltb

Molle\' to Loan on Hl ': I ' HE:-:E~T'\'l' I \,I ':

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F:lrm 'Land for five \'C:lr~ :It 6 per ·cent. &

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1( '1", . "1,, ,,',1 I ,00l1p h o li U .. "cllllOge lin I'llIr.l ,lr.·,' I. IV vtll ", O . lIH



We hnve twenty thousand feet of

PINE' OAK LOGS "Bart," He Demandtd. "Old You Loan R<;ran"av Some Money1" 1I11l't I!"pry rillY 0 f ell er cnn lurn lin elght'·I·II· doliu r trick on n I· .... p~ (· ... " C~ tIllli ' to IUli ch wllh \I S ?" r.l cOut· tey II e Il1 I1 IHI l!d. "!:litre. \\' ellt a IIIlnllt'> 1111 I rlln lorwu rd un' 8 1! e If th e III1f's Is 1111 fll!<J." H e ~I e pp e ll Ollt of th e cll hlll IIl1d preR~ ntly

cnn ~c j o ll ~

thllli .


GIlHIt'\S nllri ~r (' 1 tlllT"~' \\'t' r(' of' It rllp l ri ~ ll (,(, ( nll or Ille dl ·(·k. (;thlll'Y wlnl(cd lit

MI · Gllrt~y.

"Nul Ji(A I'

UI' ,,"


g P fl P

tu h- I I " mur..

mIl red Mct.:u1rey.

here at our Lumber Yard . . We are cutting these, logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.

If you are


(~UIIIIII"'lt l'd

o n th e


to Mr..\[ cUnf·










Hickory' Logs

_ __ sL





\';.·r·" nft .... nllowlJlg for IllP '·Xlw ndl. 1111'0'" 011 I I,,· e lll/l ,,,· \\' e l ~ h l ll~ h ~nvlly on ('''plnlll H ('I'II"~ ~ . I hilt 1,,<Il vldun} cO lltllllU·d Hlm·OS" lIn(' II It H·t' tho n ever hwlln f" d to lit:' 9fll· ... u s tk. ~rr . Ullme y t ey. "1I,,'s II'f,uhle <l illl lll1('ill ll\'. Gih,"

need of Oak Lumber fo c .am purpos~, CALL




Your Shopping ~ Early ~rand



~IO NE .\' LO A NED .







Alll o r if'nn s t" H flt~r MKKH:h' , nn' &S Bu eh. I .... lL-ou,,· to t1 ~ 1Ib1{~ All I Ask I. that

tha t


I ' . HII.IH'I Y nrelUC5 1.' \ ' . 0 ~

rl"I'L" "nih. 1lI~' ,1"R r hoy ." ""lrl ('Atltu ln S"rA Jnl" nllllllrlll!(l y. "Y allololll 1.1 t" r my OCt h'"8 ot a fl'''' IJllnllt ~A Bio. I "'li S u n ~ trurlj(. You're etl ll mllte o· thO

tfll kln ' nbout

tne \\'8)'. fne~ K&C~ Bltmy. tnr ,('me reft 801l I lIlt 1 don't know Dothln' ftMut. an' 1 bu,.. 'em ilp At a II\(I hor~i! .nlt?" 0 111 S 'nr 5hru gge(1 hi. ehoUlder nnr! rtlPII~d thot hl' (lIt1o't 110der tOlld. "You 1111." snarled Cn pt aln !';rrllg!;ft . "You .. v., ~· all rlih t. ;VO II ttlt 01 11 IrloJ. you I It's biciusl It the mllroad com . plinT kne w these t wo bos es contai ned l1.nd COrp"eM t he y'd a ·sonked til .. relo . t"· .~ . " 'hleh I. >· ~I1 . on. f ull tare ~Rch t rem wh~ re\'f'r tb ese two de HI' ones "0111.' frow . JUlt the same ns th ol;""h t b.y wa. aliv e OD' "'ell. Ru't YOII hll8 'em Ihlwrd by f rel rht . an' Rim. 1'0 . spend • 1101l llr an' Ihl rty cen ls ea c h 00 'em . by markln ' ' ~m 'Orlental ,oodl,' Kollu\,\l wBy to treat II rei". tllln. Non'. looky h ere. you bloody beathln. It·U COil )'011 jUll Ill't hun. d....t doll aM! to r~ CO \'8r Ih .. e two .tllft!. In' cl08e m;' moulh . It you doo't ~oml throll j!b )'11 mnke tl belch t' th' n.w ~pape,.,. lin' th ey ' 11 k.el hR UI lin' akulldrag tit· Ohlu ese Siz CompR' 01 .. III' lh. U op Slog tong throuib the l'Ourti tor Hadlo' thO le .... s o' thO Intel' 'late oomm. rc .. comm ission . aD' make ' eQI loOk like monlleY8 ,.nerully. An ' tile. tla' poll ce'll l et wind ot It . Bavey. poll_mall. you tBI old murdnerl 'lb' p'l~e I'm .."10' I» c heap. Charley. Ro .... d. I koow bat .. hftl the.e 1"'0 pOor laoJ' has been wurder~tl In cold ~Ieod' Ther.·. 8om.thln' rotten 10 Denma.rk. mJ 11.11)' boy. ao' ),ou'U

___ ...1



•I ~t



GAZ E TTE ....



Rev ~Iuotlngton II:' o n thll seoond wee k of hlA protrno l fltl Ul oe tiJl~ .

P ANl\, E uit o r [lIlU T'l1 l , li ~ I!('t, "'n)'l1l ~\ ill t',

D. L.

()o rul hy ViIlflrs ~ l le ut Ille Wilok. e llil WII!J Noll isllll d I{II I hl61JlIHrnlt'aUl'

Suhscrintion Price, $1.(.0 J.lE'r yenr '.',u toi": l1 ,\t.!V (· II I"'UW 11 '"P ' '''''·I1I.II I\'. '

IIII. A~l L1~I (

,'\ 'J I'I( E '5 ' ''''0( 1.\111)'",

The- Miami Gazett,. Wa,..Yi1It Ohio.

Mr. Kul l'h 'I'i(lt,Ul uyor Wfl S Ihe !:lu n. lilLY II f Le rn oo n g u es t o f EVllrl'tt Vil lnrij.


~n . J OR I'll r.o/ihorn, " Blllhrer for ~ovorll l w o o k~, 8&1 II l' I ' IIl~ 111 Mo rlt. iOlllly III .

WEDNESllAY, NOVEMB EIt 30. 192 1 -~-- =====

~' rnuk

Wiltloll /lnll A . B. CIIDlpbell h o~i o o~R io Wilmington,

I trliu MtClocl


l-iu ~ urtllly .


I"lLfo t y D a p o~ lt Boxn~, i~ tho YMr, W'ltn osv ille NIII,lo nul Blink , Wnyn ll" \'I1I 0 ,;( )hi o.

0-".,,* •E .,.•••••••••••j

'1'b& CI vlo 1 eaaol! met at tbe bo ne ' t ••• trH .t of Mrs . W . W. WelQb. 00 SI'urilav p oor McGurr"y 1I"'Ulh:lI. " ' JIlIi r 0" "ngln,' I' nlll. a.ttetnooo. too hnrd on S'rUKgsy." On h lij " "1'1, A<I"II" 'I'I 1" . 1: 11" ....,· ~'W8're dlsCussln' yO\!, Brort, '1'('(lrs I J't!oI 1Ir .. " 11 "'" "lid, ~llln'd 101"1: 1111' \ MI~8 ,PaolinI! Barllm eojoyed tbe to me you'vl! s<)rt o' lost ~Ol\n (J.: ote "" ' t ltl l ' Ir I ~ 11 III ' 'ili' I,, 101 . ' '' I'II~ ~' . ''I'll ' hospltalUy of Miss Paolinu Vtllars, In you r old s hllllllUl c. nln 't you? hilI'" "'.\' 110""," 110' ;! I'II\" I,' I I'rp 'I· III I),. la"t Hunday, 'U.cnl'6 thll t wny to !lie wh ell YOII uer "C I, .. II I" III" 111 ,' ~i " , It ,!,del, " , •• , y••• opeola l Ilervloel! at t be lit. E, 811t!lIky like." 1'1,' 1" '1)' 1111"11:1110", olr hi" , ' " ",f ' Glass.e3 Fitted chnroh for lhe old nnl.! yoong , mell M cGIl tl'~y brldl d. "I ulll 'l n " " 'Il k ." '" 1'1 ,'d "'1' II"' " 'II' II ", I" l" ' '' ' I'. " AT M ;)D ~RATE PRICES ' "nu women , t.hls week, "A ro e b~' li ny 0111 ,,(" 11111 )1 \' , 11 II_ 11 "( , II:. f ,q .\1: 111./1 1 "" 1111'1/ IIlrs . Anna Vlln Doren h"d for bor JU RI u ~ S\I'~L'I ." .\1 1' 1;11011" ., · '111"" '11. 1 ~ ilo' II) I" , ,,01 \1, 1: 11"''') . 11.- " ,,,,, ,:,, l .(' Th lmk8gl\'ing guests, Mr. !lnd Mrs . "You p oor, m~~ gl1l d l' (l ~l r ll p, If \011 dljl 1,1''1' I ' '11'n \fl. t ' I ' 11:. 110.1\ UpLical Department Erueijt Colli or ILnd two o hlldren lind 6\' er S l'(' Ihul II II'~"" huud n 'd cl ll ti., 1"" I I.': . Htr I' I.r', .. I' \ '" , III I" ,· I' I, I II " ht' I n~fllll ~vu ' l l 11 ( 111 lil t (Jl dC'r 'lI ~ " 1 1 n rt1 11 1.... 1'· " " I I • Ti ll " 111 111 I'II"!T h Mr. und Mrs. Frnok (Ju rI. no\\' . 11 ,,\\'1'\1" '. Ibl " I,, ' t IItO lli ' ,,' III)' I I" ".I I, I' '" .. I I, "\,,, 1'_ I"" I,,· S. Detroit ~t. X e n.l a,O 10 Misses Lidfl KElOnedy alld 1'.lInUn e ' bu s lll c "s. T ltl' (flU "Pll lllili tol, B llrl . Ih ,l t ~ \I ll: ": II~ . II! d 'I , IIIIT r. d 1'111 :-- ,' 1··. 111 OP'c!O eveulngs by apPOIntment Vlllllr8 s pent Sat,urclllY Itftern oon III you l'vlI ' pl n'!l \l'lth ~ " l' l1g~ ' )' 1\1 1."":1 ' nl . 1"'.1 ... 11,," 1, ,,,.-,, : . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . .. l"eb~no n , flod whlltl ther e atte nded. things uwuy I" 'n lll HI ! ', \\ h k l! ... 11 1,\\ · ... 1 " I I , II . ,,' .~ III, .1,,' 1 I ~ ... ,I ." 1'1 11 the matinee, "WilY D o wu East," y ou aIo 't th e Ulo n I tll ou,Khl ., ·lill " ~ 'f'P , hb "1 111'11111,' " ' .11:11 :1 1" ;\ 1.1.: ... , ( ~1 1. I ::! II '.' I Ifl L .1 Mr. lind Mrs . Be o BlLwke and so fro m no w On yuu go YUllr wfly on ' , '. "II .11' " I I' ll' ,,, . I, · ,I, I . family, of Lyalfl, were oallin" on I'll go noille ." i~, A T HAW A Y til got fi ri g ht to d \1 If!'O I hlu ~r p (l ·· I .,'oI' ! 1111 II I II' I, fri en ds h e re, !:lnnda.v 11ft.llrnOOn, lIud I\Uentled ohnrob bero In the evenl~A, pl c2l !'le willi my mOI Jtl.'·," ~I I' ~ :tlrrf-' :o. d~ Il " y . 1\ ' I v[\A ~ vi ll o'a Leudln¥ DeDtl.& t tln flp lI h Otly. "] o l ll ' t flO 1'111111 t o hi' 1· ) ,'11 1' , " 1 .\lfll t " '. I, I . !. ' \1i ,." II I II oill .1H Bldg . Main 8~ MrM. William VllIals and dlLogh- le"l ul'ed 10." 1·ld .. ,' 111,,: ,. "II II , 1: , " , Ii

"n' l





E - d C t1 xamme oz:rec

1 . . 1L'FA N Y'8




H, E . II


I-;c it '''' I o lJonetl llP, Mo orlay m o rn. 10 1-(, t Olw h ur s lookin /.( r £! lio ve I nuu ter , Pauline, and Mil'8 LtdtL K ennedy "ColIshl c rlo' th e (tH' t I hut YUlJ !lo u lPI r l, 1' 'II " t :11 1.1' t , ISCh Il IHI!4 ben oflt lHll . spe nt ~ 'rlday afternoon In Gobll with \I Ollld,, '1 ha.,·~ hnd th ~ mo" ,' )' 10 Ir" d I Inl! " Pro f. ,,1111 Mr s . Toll tl wer" wnek_ Mr~. ViIIBrs' OUD t., Mr~_ ~herly Biggti If It hn tl"'1 hefn for Inf. I oli o\\' 1'111 IIJ . ''1'11 till,,· It ..1.. 1"".1 .11",'" 1 , on rl gnuNI.H "F r e lnli v Il H in Lh " NlIlll hwhoisssrtouslyntolr . su1tf~d whon you us e Oil' S Hill n lont'~' : t tl",·\\, 0\'1' I! 1\\ " 111 \ I., I,. e rn P'lft. of thll Mlnt e. Mr. nnd Mrs \Vru . Ecton , Mr. ond to 1;1\''' ula wn' cOlifrort I" nl .\· e "~IIIY 'I IO I I I~ 1'0" ," I'"' I, .. ! , . I' I. The A.nerl OtlO PtlOlllourefo rpe"oe Lllt 'M oo me Illiaror h o me Mr ... W . Khylnr. wlt "lll' . h£!£!o Mrs. D Ii! Corter lind Mr. "lid Mrs . 1'111 Illrough ." ill,,". 1'1 " 01 101 , 10111 ,,, ~ . ,I, I ,,, ,, 11.1 with til .. wurhl uud fIr wo rlll IllI"OIl, trOlLly ut P"riri WIIIl II/oirtlad '0 wllh . II ~ll lfl' rer fo r ""v llr,,1 "",,,I h _, iN ,J Ohll Mcl(nl~bt, o f NewBorllnlll oll; M. ·(;ufl'p)', slIIut l,e red III gUilt. (" It 1\'1111111 II,, · hUll I' 'Ii" ',0:"1 ", . I IIntl ther61l! wltlllspreutl apprllval at out rllokonillg With Cool,:reHS. wbioll h OPlJd I,ll IrIlJlrovinl{ . Mr . tlnd Mrs. Wu.lter Mc Knight, I)f ne"o' rthl' I" s8 ti,ol he hn d t o s iu nd by , <, hooll c l' Hit,!' nr :-h, ll',," I . It",," tbe g01l,1 Hlort thllt hOM hllon m"de had tho fin"l ."Y Alre"dV IIoollle l D d M '1 ~I k f \VihllioKt()U , aod llr. and Mrs. J ohn hl ~ gUllS. $0 to Hp enk. "~I II Y thr(J ugh, I nt ~ f' rh p,Y I I,\\i ,d 0 111 \\ Itll ''-'' TId,· . thllt tilo " o wor L> I"r 1111k b rs " "I HIIOh Hr. r 0 III. I, e urlllllWIlD t OOD reru null in ' III e bOl{lnnlll" ~o s "y I'oor ~1 i'C:"fl" '.I' 'ii i " I'll","" "10"1, , rarlll ';'a il' ~ ;'111,1 I.,,'\! Slocl( a W 1 "".. u d l urun ,o .. m " III ·,n, ~~tl \1 M rr- ThomlJAon were present lit the Zion I lf .1'011 r"l,1 like It." he re lorto' '' . "\\,h e r~ • "s IInK · on. of deoldlng on wblLt o ornovy ~ball be I '1'1 I I BlIlJtl~ t oilurohse'rvices h ere,Sund"y d'y e g~t Ihot chHller? Aln 't I r"ee, he h coHrd Ih ~ 1t,·,I' Ihll l "' , !.' I,.. . .'peel;'!ll \' It IK to be hopetl that nothing' will Ii! velted by the oonsMtotion in Coo- qu ollt y . Hl.Y tir o " ""IYK wn CO lIll', "I saw MrA . W. gOID g Into 8 1 '~hl. p. nn ' Iw ent.\·-onf' )'eAr ol d?" Scnb J uhl1I1Y. \\' 10 .. 11 h, · 1' 1 '1,111,·" II ,,· Iprlng up oot of the d"rknel8 wbloh grest!, and oot In the admlnlatrat. or H Frrtllk ohitluker tnforlllH Ih a wri Mr. (1fbn~y Wll~ renny hurL " You I n(ol'fuutloll ( I) :-O; ('l'U"":,,, 'I"~t HI" r ltl).~ 1 .~a li " fal'li ,,,. (;ua ra n lt' l'd we oall futoro, to interrnp' the de. of governmont. a IH deuh,red that t <l r tbut he i8"'Re "in ~ q o it e II numl.lU r Christmas bargain BDle,iate Monday [ velopDl e .!t of tho ID f'vemo nt for neHher our tLrrualDoot cl e leglltotlllor of fr us h OOWH, find I",. ",,,ny a" l1 ~ ISII't h e r oraze for barg" iul ex' ra o r . . PO!)r booh," he n' III·1Il11l'l'(1. "It's Ihe :oJc ru/clis \\'H. ell 11 11 II ., · 1,,·,'1II 1'1 ,,·d . II , dinf1ry~" " Y e ~ Indeed ; I believe old gil III \1 0' el!tttn' a bpgglil' 011 hurs .... I " lJ PH~I' r1 Ih lll ~k ( ; III"' · .I' 111101 t;d llll'; B e llhrool\ , Ohil) Jltllll'!e and gond .Will. But Itl.t. us not l oor depart.lDoot olin mflke any for III"ul t orgat t.bllt therH tire olonds t.hd agreement with f",eign Oo untries 8M Mr . Wilbnr Willlllltl H, (j f CI.... ter ~h e co nld die b lLPPY If s b e know "ack an' ...eln' him rldAI to the dev U, hfl,l Q ""rn·I~r1 Ill1ti III ' Itll " lit,· 1",nl' l Hb e would be IlLld u ut on 11 bllrjUdglll NIt 10 usk M"(; IIfl','y Ih, ' .,,," ~, . or , I\f,1 h l' I" ,nl" way expand In tID 1Il1ut' mforltlble to tho ~Ize our nflvy Hboold be; n o r t,ownHhip, t; liut,oll anouty, WIIH u Ift.bllt 1111 cou nte r ond boried ul! ,. rem . or sll\lI'III' " Kold rl llil III " pl ~ ' . n nse, Ih e n '\\'. I II~IIIII II )'. ~ld:llfl'~.I' IlifOrllleti l' :.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ! WILY . oao tbey OfIrry ont any promille 118 Hnntl",V I{nos l, uf MrM. ~;li ~ ItlMh o ur nant. " An' I "l1:ur~~ yuu W"" III)' rrlc'lId '" him 1I1l11 111111 \\'11 ' 1,,"If' of his dud . ""1)811 , finding AlllerlOIl ana Eng. , to tbe 80rullfllng of sblp~ fa lle I:Illrll1o . "\y~II . aln 'l "" re ldll' r1 Jo USllll'SS- IIlIo! Ihu IlI dd" tlt \\'11 ' land 8 nolt t or IllUlletl amunDent, 1 here bos beon 000 dilltro881ng A~ wo were going' to press, t1w "Fool'y I FOl'ey I ))on'l lalk tn me. elIIS, ' r! . mU8t IIIlIke f1 sbow of agroemAnt. eXf\wple of I,he re~ul\8 of flllUOtiOg Mr nnd Mrs. A L Kirk unll Mr wrltor WIlS cIIlled to lhe door and I You 'd s~ 11 OUI \'our tll\'l1 lII ollll'r." BARNAl.(r But Joplin IS us 1IJ1~ltari8tl0 "8 lIer_ oougrRSII. It 18 l'roblll'le tbtlt In .. nd Mrto. Harry Or!'. of WII.llln g to n hlld to ox preslI hi8 a\lpreoidioa wheu I To bo c()otlnlJft(\.1 "0111, you IJ')'in ' 10 pld( 11 " lih t wltlt lIIony was. oer lI~adllr8 are war_ view of whlU bllt\ P1l880d . 8tat,jl!m6D were !:landoy Visitors 'oF _11 r . and JUlu eR Woodson Inf o rm ed biOI tbot I lIIe?" Notary Public rion uyln8tinot and Inberitllool! Bnd will aVOid another 8uoh 8qnabb le Mr". Wllbor Kirk ' lll e RIIII .v beld tilt tbo Zion BDptiHt , ":\ 0. but 1 would It I ttl"" ghl I her people-In tbe 01a88-are wlllln!! We hope there will be 00 squabbl" MrR. Jobn Feoly lind danghtf'rR , ll\tJ~'ing, S uodu y, t ook in ~25:l. 00 In I wollletll ' t /CIt n fnotruce In s lp"d ." nlhf ollower~ of tb oBe lelLders ) over "pea06 00 earth." IAullllLnd Serlllo, nnti 80n, Gl e hll W . , DIISb, aod '50.00 pledged t o r ~be ' ney J' .. jolll~d sell lh lngl\'. ''('1'11 "·S. 1 ' A ll kind s of Notary W o rk . Wil l~ Do d Mr8, Io es I:!hlloe spe nt, !:lut,urd"y oOlllpleti o n of tbel r c horoh . lIlory, ",11U I H doulJle 'l'J'()ssl ll ' 1 ' H'e ll hllll ,t 'd I - - - -.. - - - - nnrl Deods f\ S ll ocll\lty . lJull e loj .. h ~ fo r th e ir 8ucce~lI. 1I0'"'sl, HUrl. wllcn II COUle s III . hnt a !turnoon In Lebllnon

The Dove of Peace Dangers






H. Wright





E. v.

Try our Job Printing

Poem ~

Our two blllokBmit,h 8hops aro ro a foun,lry, f.I] .. hn'lHuer~ , trikin g whil e Ihe iro n I. h nt . That Is tbe wily tbey were tllu~ht .

Uncle John 10 thl8 olrl worhl~o Interspersed ' J'er my ~oul, will VIIIl18h In I.he with barr ll n orags lind Mndy douet!, wblrll~ost of l::IiKblund Bing, Or Bur. I ket1 l) lilY frenzied sy.lem oorsed , ollrole. . . . 0, fell dr.trllv uler, l OOnt with &011, and, mebbe praylo ' and w"rblerl, bnrped or wblilt,led fer soroellse-liko water on tbe tnneH. , - • Wben I am seised l ,roubled Oil , the lrl811 jia will bring by terlm deepalr, or when my OOD_ , you peooe! When blll .oolleotors 80lenoe luhes mol-when oritloslrrab : $ake tbeir toll. lIod leave me DIlUgM lIIe by the hair, or finanoe Dut8 me bn' wals of grief, old'l!onkellDoodle up a tree-O, tben 1 tuoe Illy ripened obeer. my soul,-you Oao't Imugioe voloa, or pres" III' /lldle's IImorOUII my relief I 1'hen, whistle, Brother. IItrlng- u throbbln ' relll", awalls my wben yon 're Ilid or when yoo ohoI00--3 rotten j IlI;Z or 0188Sl0 olIellrly lose ye r g~I(l:" . 1I rotl.en whistle thing! And , presetUl.v, tbl' ~loud8 I aln't 80 bad all trRmpln' o n yer 'nat throst their hateful darkness nn llerHp.




Homey Philosophy

---_. -...

Seemed Only EXPlanatl~n.



Our BU.lneSl, It Is ther .. r.. r~ lIur hll~h" '"H ellrecultlvale III our minds 10 rellr most pel'fecl \'Igor ~nd mae\'ery 80rt ot R'e IlI'I'OUS I lIlId teellng Ihllt belongs to our


.. -----





• 1 2 .J

4567891011 t! I~ 14 15 16-'17 18 19 to !l ft tel '!4 25 ~2f.. ~1 !8 f9· JQ <'~ I Dec. 4-Second Sunday in Advent Dec. 8-lmmaculate Conception Dec, ll-Third Sunday in Advent Dec, IS- Fourth Sunday in Advent Dec. 2'2-Shortest Day Dec, 25-Chrislma8 Day Dec, 26-hwish HanQkkoh Dec. 28-HoIY Innocl' nts nay




Public Sales


"I ulll'l gut Ilt l! III'lirt to ('I 'lil t you an ' mllk e ynu cut tll'l1I w()rrH, " .\ l cGufTt' Y tiedu ...·!'1, sor r o \\'rllll~· .

~lr .

We, t h A Illltl u r~lgll\ " ) . will ~o " III. "\'011 mean YOH alll ' t J:"Ol t i ll' l!lIt ~, " Pnbli o I:)lI le th !! ohlltlul ~ "Hl u oJ(lIlj! Mr. GIlIII P), ~ orre c ., 'd him . "1\11 I'! , I to Ih e r. s t.lltl' of ,'n son L l:ihouhlln, rleoe ll~ pd , lit hi H IRI Il r "~ I , I ( nc e 0 0 1;01 rOllr IIUlllhH. Guodl)),,,." Mr. M cGufTp), hlld 11 wl"l IIII) ,ub ,' 10 I:;ont,h Multi tHreet, W.Ly nvavi ll ll, cust hlmAelf upon th e Ulhll PY lIe el, Ohio , 00 und weep, but his hon or r"rl ,ud., nil)' TItursday, DecctlJber IS , 11)21, ~uch weokness. So he lu\' II,'i1 )(r. !IIbney to bet like himself In II regl,)n Boginnlo g nt 9::\0 II III .. I h n foll n \\'Re \-erat d egrees hotle r 1111111 th, ' ~( III; ' ing ohuttllls : r, U o rHe~. I ,llI n k, l U gle'H engine room: th e n, 11I"4 'Htll"" 11.- GOHle, 37 HOIl ~ , 100 I:! h eu p , e .. rll fen red to Unger ond dl' \' el"p n ,e nll- lrupl e ments. Fenof', 'rool.. . 010. 150" mental ?;eokness. he turll l',1 his bn,'k lor lle bill_ f or tertll~ IIIllI Fur l her IIbs:uDt\Y aod des"end eu 10 IIIl! ti ll "I patlool" r~. BERT 81:1EEI:IAN I ~ ftACBEL EARNHART i Exoout o rs C 'I'. Htlwk e, Au ot .

Cjreen Pea Pir.~tes 'By PETER. 8. KYNE

Mrs I:;lIrllb Rl oh died Wedn es l1aJ evoning, Novembllr 2:'1, 1921, IIHol Autltor of s.wortll "'OllkS'lIlcllueslI, I:;ho leDv~1' three dnugbters. six grlllldobildren, "Webster-Man'. Man," two I1reat grllndohlldron, neioes , "The Valley of the Dephews IIDd ono brolher. She waF Gianta," Etc:. a meruber ot tb e · ,Jonu.ll~ Ron Bup. tlst OhUlCb, lind when her hellith ·woold permit was In attendaDoe . She hnd been a use ' nl olt.izoo, an,1 fur mttny yellt8 sbe lived on a farm with her iln£lb"D(), where they reared their f"mlly. After ber hus "Well, 111' \\,osn'l a-.ellln ' me." lIlr. hand~'11 llellth sho IIfft the farm aod beoame a oltlzen of onr towo, nnd Gibney's lones IV!!I\! olllinous; he Iivlld pll80efully ontll lIllien aWILY, gh.l'I'oI lit hl8 rrlend suspiciously liS frolll thu MtllCR'le's cabin Issued forth SCl'flgI1lY'S voice ra ised 10 sOllg. "Hello! The oltl boy's thermomeler's goue up, Bllrt. Lisi e ll at him. DESERVED 'Ever 0' Ihee he's foodly drea!llhl' .' SO lll athln·. busted the spell nn' I'll hl!t 1\ ('onky It WBS reslly cBsh." He ;-

mello ('",) Mr. ,"cOulI'ey with n rigid Index tllIRe r. "Bart." 'be demanded, "dlel you 101111 Scraggsy some mOlley'" '1'he hO'lf'st MrOulTey hunc hi. I,ead_ "" lillie bit," he replied chlld,"hly. "What d'l'e call a little hill" "'ri'l'ee hUlldreu dollara, (lib." "Seeured?" " 110 glmme his oole at eight per cent. The s u\'lo's bonk only pay. t our." "Is th e note secured by endorse. m"llt or ~ollflleral?"

SHUMAKER Veterinarian


"mctka l Vacc inal o r . H ave hnd SUCCI'SH in Im ll1un ing on bo 1.h sick !lnd IVcll he r d s.


Both Ph ones I/ o m e Wi ii-I'i

Bellbrook, Ohio



Itr' -m..1rII" . .




We Put Them On

.•• DENTIST••• ontce 10 Ba.Il.k Blda,

N .'100.1


Waynenl.le, 0

Forest T. Martin

"Cold in the Head" Is nn ncule IIlInck of Nll sut Clllnrrh. Those s ubj('C t to frequ put "cold s In the hend" will fllld thul th e use of HALL'S CA'fARRB MEDI (,l"'l~ will blllld 1111 tloe S~'s te tn, clean se the I:ll ood nnd reo4er Ul em 11'88 Ilnule to cold ~. Rep('nled ntlucks of Acute Culnrrh may 1('l\d to Chronic ('ulurrh. HALl.·S CATARItH MF.DICINE Is tak en Intornally nnd nct s through Ih o Blood all the Mu co ns Surfnces of the SYs lelll, thus redu cing' lit e Inllamllll\tion nlld r estoring' nonnni co ntlillons. All drug'Rlsls. Circulars free. ~, J, Cheney & Co., T oledo, Ohio.

Walter McClui

Auctioneer I..

Get my terms for yom Public Sale. ~ Satisfa ction gua ra ll tee J or no charges.


Waynesville, O hio foull y Equipped for Good Service. targe IJisplay Hoom.

_~_.'I_.. I_.J_'1_'1I 0~E



HOllie l'h()Jl~

2, Cc nler vil/o Ex

UA_Y_O_R_N_I_G _"_'_ I _ _ _.. _ I


Box 9J , : Cenferville,~ Ohio

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall i




We Sell It and We Repair It

01-'1'1 (' 1': : Fourlh Stree l , !lcar'l'yl,,1'


'i'ct('llhont' !I:\ Wayn ~ svjlIe,

VaCcitllllionll ~pecialty. Noth. illl;.. but Reliable Serum Ilsed {

Phone 44


Could Talk to you for a year, and then would not convince you until you have tried out our Classified Ads.

Listen _ _ An ad. placed in the Gazette will bring the desired result In a very short tilne.


"HulII-m-m! Strao,e you dldD't I"Y DoUlln' to me about thl' tilt I had to pry It out 0' yOu, 13Brt." "Wot'l, s'craggsy W88 feelln' 110 do,. coned blue--" ./ ., "The' truth," Mr. Gibney 101lated . firmly, "the truth, Bart," '''Well, Sera,p), ..ked me not to I8J' anythin to you about It." • "Sure_ Be 'kD'W rd kUl the deal, He knew better'D to trr to DIu me for three bandftd bll('lIa 011 ilia clan. . . wwtbl_ DOh. But, wll1'd 7011 ...

He ll 1· 1 r

WayneSVille, Ohio


tievl'rl11 fr e m I.llhanon ott.eo~ed the Kolgh t.s o f P.ylilios bll11qnet OD Tu e~ d"y niglo~, Nov omber :l:l. Amon g thern w e ro Bon M. A . ---IH--.-" Ull'~OO, , l5horifT Mo rrlllV Br"nl, Dan Ureulho 'Jl!u /lnd E ,) l::Iorner The eveulng'R entertuinrt,ent wu. mllob olljoyeJ .


Imd fttmll y, llcoompllul o,1 by tholr Prof, SteDhen8 ClOd family spen' fllt,hor, W . R . Crihfi e ld , spent 'rbanksglvll1g vaeltltlon with Mrs l'b"nk~givinl! witb II1r. lind Mrs. Stephans' I,arents, lI08r BllIsboro, Willlufli Holl, of oOlllnlerville, Ohio. Tbe !:lonsblne 8oole~y was enter · Mr. IHtd Mr~. W. A . l\I l'rritt enter. tllined at tbe bornra 0' Ourfiold Pot~III Lecl fo r Ih llller on Thllnksgivl og erson and family, ~lIturday after. Day, t holr ohlldron, gmndohlldren, ooon . great-gfllo,lohiMr nand Bons-In-Iaw Mrs, Laur" Ioeohower ball reo lind their prosonoo WIIS muoh onturned fr 'm a plE/BSlmt Vl81t wltb joyed. relfltlve8 tn Clln ~o o aod EayeUe Mr lind Mrs, A·_ L. Kennedy, oonotl08, 1.1ru.ndmll Kennody, R a v. lind Mr~. The eotertalnmElnt by MI88 Emma Gil til!, Kennody, Mr, ThOll, Tooker Dee Raodall, In !lhe M . E.oburcb, IInJ Mr, /lnd Mrs. W\llIulII LlLwson last Toesday ntKht~ , was thoogbt by dilled t,ogether In onr oity, Tbonk8_ Ulllny. to bave belm tbe best ever 6i villg Uay . glvoo here. 'l'hl ~ rnioy "'Bllt.her makes tho .~ Wilmlngt ,,,, pike 110 a s to make 'rllvel very hull nud re.lllv dl~gnll'_ iog. In £looh 1\ oounty like UItnt.on --,l UI' O f W~lllt 'l-the f/lnns n rl j "ceul I a e of tbu b o~t, II nd tbe trutb Is Dl'g. l'g61108 o n tll .. pllrt of tho omcers.

I~le .Jdm.\r ,tllsb\



hi s I" f"",,y.

lit K IID80S CII.y . und IIIr . nul! Mrs, Mrs Eva Badley, Clllrkllvllle, Vllforll M"rtin, of Du yLo u . .. pent. a part of last week wttb her Mr. lind -Mre. Harry K Tu (' lier eon, Fred, and!;

Wllhur hilI) St'\) 11 lil e \'urlntl 8 pelldlers come lhr"tl lth Ihe I\lIpy wtlh horses an ll wng.'IlM l' u'ti lnR' thl'lr wares_ 80 whim Ihe ~cls~or8 grinder app ell red one dol' cnrrylug t.he IJIIlky IIIDchlne on his hnck there seemed 10 be but o ne ex plnnotl on possible 10 tile Ind, Bay!! Sam : "Tbere's a whole lot Wheo Ihe IIIlIn cnme oenr enough Wilof religion jolU In MeltlDg .loOK wltb bur Rske(1 sympalhellcally: "Alister. Is ),our horse dond 1" people, "



0' work Sern J.:l;" Is In ~lIre tRk e tht.· j·lIk l). "


E'fery 80 oUeD YOI1 rllo Int.q a poor tellow who te1l8 yoo forlornly that "LIfe Iso't worlh livlng_" Bot you meet him lit tho usoal plaoes where folll. lire ouatowarlly ' wet "nd then suddenly yon get a shook when yoo realize tho t be It! stili .. live-life h'l~ been worlh Ilnon!!b for blUl to be on haod ,nd ell' bill UIOl\ IlIIeals, After all, nothing oonld be more 'obsnrd Hllln the man who 8ILV8 "Life 18n't worth It vlqg, "

natuNl .-Jo~dm und


\· ou

Mr. and MI S. William .Wijrdl o w, of ne"r Bellbrook. trllll~tloloLi bORIoeSA h e rA, l'ullJ,ldHY eve nln ~. wit-b II1rs. Diadem (lILrlan is vlfl1tlng Fr"nk Wilson, the Insnr"o oo m!1n. relati ves in Duyton . MI B ~ Z er" Dedriok spen& thll weok. The Zi on BUlltiet, -obnfoh held I.h e ir meel.inl{ In Tuwn hllll , on ~ un­ end With friend s In Xenll\ . d"y . The att.eodll"oe Wll8 lar£(e, 'l'be Ro h oo l gnve II Thooksgivln g many (ro lll IIdj f1inin g t ow n. boi ng "IInttlrta\ ulDellt , We(ln e!luay "He r prO He nt, n oo o . M.r and l'>lrl'. Wil.holll Vlllfl r R IIOU Tbe LRtlies Aid met flt b,lme fllDlllY "ud Mr und Mrs . ~ ~. R of the Mi8~ell Reeves, }I'rldflY after ~'refl mlt.D and fnmlly were HlludlLY ooon . aftl.l ru oon oalle r ij 00 Mr . IIod Mrs Hllrt Hurlow, , Mr. nnd Mra. I~rank Reeves. of Dayton, wore 8ue8~s of rela,lves Mrs Frtlnk WilBon and dnngl~ter, bere, last week , MI<s Lout~e. r " turn od hO~Jlo, Friday M. E. Qoarterly meeting will be night , " .lte r ~ever"l tlllYs v l:llt with Mrs . Wilson ... sou, Wil bur, 1\11() wife held at the Qhnroh here, OBIt ~ator. day and l:) ondIlY. ur LeX ington, Ky. The Sun8bine soolety rendered 00 Mr Iln d Mrl! }rll M. 8 .v fprd enl.ertlllulld f or Tbunkflgl vin l; tllnn or, Intere8ti ng 'l'haokl!givlng prograUl , Mr.s 8yfllrd 'H nnc le, W. A . Mo rris, Wedn6lldayeveolng.

Whistle, Brother!

tully to to Ihe lurlt y, honept

- - -- - - - - -

~l\ mbllng

Try it once you'll be. convinced.

THE M1AMI GAZETTE, Waynesville,

Harveysburg, O.




The ~ .~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Make Your. ) Xmas Gifts' Practical Our XOlas IIdisplay. consists of practical useful ~ rticles for the hOllse ano f~lrnl.




s'pee'a, "ttentlo". Kl:eKl liellewer In epeclal· ' ~(~," ~a l" Rthel. "When I have Irou· bll! wlllT my n O~4> 1 gu to 0 no e S pL~ chili .. !. IIIItI whrll I hllve (rlllll)I\! , wit b Glenn Johns IIpent Thanksgiving Ill y hUII I't I 110 (0 nil ~x [l'rt on IwarlH."· In Dayton . ··'I' h"'II1', 111\' h h·n~.' t S Il I II "hI Ludy Uuu .. Mn. Do ra MoKlrhy fln d ohlldren, tH l8lU . "A'n u tll ul '~ w hy w ll(!u . my III 'I ,lu'" . ,11 11111 1\ ', lind Ids lOIl ~ll l:Ii' , : ut of D~yton, are vlHIUu \i Mr. liUtl Mrtl. 'J II L I tp"l.. Iliitl III It ,·... ,.r\Jlts l' tOh ortu l FraDk tlwlLh . tU ' t is t ." Mill • .dlirg.H et LI ' \\'i~ . of t \ "v~o n , 1/78H th e week. l·ud "uost o f her 8nut . The Orlg,nal •. I'd r'~. J oho Lonl( . . \ 1\ :1111 lind 1:\1' \\1'l't\ 1111 \ 1i1'~ 1 p PoJlle MIHY Unntll lIud Mrs . J ewHlfO ! '" t' llt t" .. 111111'11 ('/trdld"'l ,'" In th eir LODMu. ~ "ore w e re Huyton dIO P\l(l r~ . I I I" 1.1 I ... ·r TOl'sdllY 01 IUAt week Mrs. Levi " rt1o tli nCSA. ot OOytllU , "Ilo ut ~atur ri B Y wllb her tI"cahLer, Mrti . lJlyd u Whart on liud ftl mll~. WI,l te f N,'I"" n . of Utlytoll . Willi • glH1~t fl f 1\1 r "U ll M rij C. /'I Lumb " n ,1 ~iHt tl r . Mr ~ . :0;\10 H t , \ ut ~ lIuhe'l; o r . ~' ,ldt1y . "1 am





11 rhal Ii ould Be Belter for Falher

( (

Than a handy tool, such as a Hammer, [Ia tchet, Jack Planc,a set of Bits with Brace, a Hand Saw, Horse Blanket, Auto Robe , Lantern , a Razor, a Jack Knife, Gloves, a Flashlight, a De Laval Separator or a new Gasoline Engine, ctc., etc.



l (


The a\!cJ\'l' l, h"\"lo!t.&ph \\:1" tak e' ll (It th..-' 1It1C' Jl1rd oyn1r .· , f f) n r f r t I Ht ' HI Wa s hin ~;n oll I I . . lL ,\,.; S. \I :l\ l('} \.. .. "11 1'(1 $ (O il If f t ) ~I ', .jq ," .. . , r ,' 1 )~ ~, d l' with C lwrl c, ~I ~l t 1\\" . \b , , toe ' '--' ' 1' · ~,y ' 5 srca tcs t Skl'i ' .1... · I4U~·

1I 1f"' .

An Invitation

What Would Be Beller for Mother BJ' BETTY K. KENDALL

Than an Electric or Power-driven' \'asher a new Cook Stove, or a Florence Au toma tic, or the famoUl~ Heatrola; and then in the Electric line , an electric FlatIron, Toaster, Grill , Percolator or E lectric Plate, or any of the beautiful Cooking Utensils in the Aladdin White Enamel and Aluminum Ware.

Hfj. l l1t ! . \\·! rh .'= .·.,-." I.I"J II· r l nlu u . J

"V,," 't 8Uy un o! tier word u LJuut th e dnnce. I bel: or Y""," ~ ul" Allee . "I 111m Illy CU Il ' ( bl'n r to ht'ar lillY wote nbout IL" "~Inl'e WIl l'll ure 8uell ~ UhJ Cl· t ~ too trlvolous tor your ~n r~1 " (l'wrll' ,1 H('ssle, rul sln g her

For we ha ve Roller and Ice Skates, Sleds ; Kiddie Kars, Coaster Wagons and Express Wagons, Foot Balls, Electric Lights for the Christnlas 'free.

" Not·hln g

Allco In tllne.

Your Christmas shopping look through our display. Maybe we c~n make a snggestion, and if we haven't got exactly what you want, we will have time to send for it.

" B ul


Fred M. Cole Hardware. Harness, Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio ,



To our Cu.tomerl and Friends: We can now offer you

The New Crop

New Orleans Molasses And as fine a quality as we have ever seen. your Cans or Jugs. / Yours respectfuny,


J. VV,. V\lhite Every Boy Wants It If you could reali2e how much that boy of your., or that young relative or friend ill

whom you are Interuted. craves the healthy, well-balanced reading matter he will get ·In THE AMERICAN BOY, never for a minute would you deny him thi. pleasure. For 0 Christmas presen t , or birthday gift, a ''lbscription to THE AMERICAN BOY 'is unexcelled. It lasts the whole year through -and Ita Influence is of the best.

' '''r'bc BlurIt. Brirhtrll. Iktl HlluJne fol 80)' 1 In AII I~ W u rld"

In the nezt twelve number. there will be Mrial. by such famous authors as Melville Davlnon Po.t, Ralph D. Poine. William Hey 118er and Clarence B. Kell and, the sbort otorl". are by author. of equ al note, and the bl, departments which ore edited by experts, are devoted to every legitimote Interest of boyhood.

Price Reduced THE AMIll'tICAN BOY is now only ,$2.00 a year. Make 10m" boy happy-fill out the . coupon and mall It TODA YI


lid. 'lit. Coupon to tAu

pu""~Qflon 'n ..Iolelo appear• •

For $2.00 encloled lend a Y"ar'. Sublcrlptlon to THE AMERICAN BOY, beglnnlnll with _the .. . . _. _..... . . ... Number to Name ••• Addre.. ... . ... . . . '. _.. . ... .. . ..... ... ... . . I

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nu t! luok-



t he

kind ,"

nfH,; wl"l", 'U

1·t\ ou·t ·cnrc-\\,II Rt -hn plIcns

" D idn 't you huve n l]l' \\' gu wn t or the O('cosl on 1" "Yes. nnd I'll \\'('u r It Ir ,,,,ll' I" show IIOUIe P""l'h' th 'lt I ellu'l I ll' slt"" ,,·,1 by th eir lIud ul'lIy."

When You Start


t ~ ~' ehrll\\'::1

Ing up trolll hr' r tlll ll'Y w(lrk. ")0;"1'(" clnlly when In 11 11 yo ur nnl' ry U tlt! ~ I " ry you most II kl' ly will 1t·,, 1I th o /:1''''''' mnrch with Fru llk."


A BARGAIN Tne·Mhiffii Gaz~tte, . one y~ar.'.. $1.50" The Anlerican Boy, one year.... $2.00 tb for • • • ~ • • • $3.25


YlI lI ' r u

Hu t

Frouk. wh ll le'(' "Bello )"""s",,." "n l's.~ l e , \\'lli'u 11 youn g mUll tulke to you obout a donce nlHl nsk uour opinion on oli tletulls, ond th en ot th e elevenlll hour n~ks onother girl. do you think he con eve r Jus tify bls conductl" osked Alice. "No, and I simply enn' t uliders tnnd It," adlDltted I1{'ss!t!. "Are you 8Ur.,7" "Positively. Delio and I met Fronk on th6 s treet. lIe came luwurtlR us In his UHURI cordial woy, 1111,1 stopped to 8ay to Dillin. '1'ID going to tnke you to tlle "Entre Nus" nfl'ulr.' Belin must ha,'e hod sorDe Inkling, 09 s he dldo't appear surprtsed, ond only 81\1d: '1 thank you; wbat time will you coli tor me" "For a moment I telt the keen In 8u\~ tbat be should Invite her In my p,r s· eocc, and tben I snld: '1'111 1(011lg with Edwin Upton: You know ElI\\'Ill Is III ways pestering me to go wit h him , ' 80] know 1 CQu ld r~ly up on hl~ Inking me. \Ve le rt Frank ot the l'orn er, and though I wns th e one to be O rrl~l d ­ ed, he doesn'l even bow to me when we p886 each other by." "Edwin Is much short er than you: doo't you t eel lIko a gllll1l""8 when "ou're with him?" "\'fell," ~n ld Ali ce, "It clime to '1!e like B nash thllt 1 woultln't J!'I"e either one ' of th em the sntl srncl lnn thut I COUldn't go, ami nnywuy /I lit I Ie mlln with louds of money Is bt'l lt'r tll nn no man at nil ." "Thnt's phUOSOl'hlcnl enough . Jill' dear, but don't ge t B hu rl efts" of glooms over It. It Frnnk Is so llo'kle alld chnngellble In bls nfl'ectlons. It's better to k~v It now thon Inter." Atter Bessie lett, th e word H, "It'll better -to know It now," kept rlnglllg In Alice's enrs. She hoted to t nce lhr truth hat any mun could 80 lightl y throw her fri endship ashle ntter nil hlH proteosslons of sincerity. - "I'll not hn\'e anyone's Rym[lnthy," she determined. "At Ihe dllilce I'll be the gayest of nil." "Wby, Allee:' exclaimed III' r frl erul 8 tew do ys IntI!!', "how mu r h bett er you look lIlan th e Inst tlllIe T ~nw you: you ure rolrly mdlnnt. It mu"t be your hnt. It·s so becomln!(." It. fnlot color rose In Alice's cheek. ''Don't hla", e It nil on my hn t," she saId: "~Iv e me credit for n portion of my good looltH." "I Just suw Della and she tnlled cempletely • to upprecla te Frunk's chnrmll," continued Bessie. "unll shp never was 80 bored In all her extst· once, that she wns the only girl whoso partner did not senll her a corsoge bouquet, nnll he never even \\'0 8 coocemell ",heth!'r her pr o~ rnm wus filled or not. In roct Rhe "IIt,\ Ihe re wns no ph'nsure to go with n )'l1l1nl( man who wus constantly nntt clng nn· other girl. Why do you think hI' nakeli her al)d then WOII 80 rud e?" Alice smiled. "Proml8e you'll ne\'er tell." "Be W88 nn unwilling victim. Toward tbe end ot the even ing l~ rallk ClIme up to me saying: 'Hope Yotl en,oye.1 yourself.' "Ob, Immensely," I repli ed. "Doesn't your bnck ache trom dnn c· Inr with tlult mltlgetl" he nsked In a maddenIngly sympathetic way. "Not B bIt," I answered. Edwin 18 a aplendld dancer." ''Then you pre.f er that dwarf's atten· tlOIItI to mlnlll" be excllllmed In a Jenl· eos rage. "JUBt la much aa you preter Bellil to me," I replied. ,"But I don't and never Will," he pr,oa.ted lootIng at me tenderly. ; "I aated 'YOll tor toolght, not her." .J ' ''Yoil asked. me' How can 'you deliberately 1181 that when I heard ' YOU' InTlte ber" . . "Dldil't 1 looli a J Ou, when I lal~ TID goln' to take 1.0lIl to the donceT " "Then I IJlUlhed and laughed IIntll I could not laurrh Bny- more." "Until that mO/IHlnt I never tbought aIMlut It He'll rrostH!yed. and wben be looted at Belli lD Illa own beart

--_ ............r.;::-=-=

T fl~ l l ' !," "H"r"

nl1r qllllt'rl " ''It ' ~

1111 I/!I' ' r oU II /C l'lUll t'


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111' 1 u" l.irfl t lo li

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\lr frlHlli M. ~1"<1 Il . III 'I'u j . spent .ev"rtll ""Y~ II&0t wook wltb h l~ .. t.. ttl r , Mnl. t' H . IInino_, liud t"mlly . Mi88 It811 8LUOy, t Blloh"r of tile W8 ·hlngton 80h l)Ol, nellr I~ob llnlln, Spllllt her 'l'h .. nk.glvlnK v .. oat·ion witb bowe folk~ . Mis8 &l1le Smith, of ·W.yn ASv IIIl', 18 uo w oarlug tor Mrs . Chloe !:lld'till, who 18 quite III wltb br,JOohlal pneu lIl oDI .. '" HIlI! tlwe. Hevurllt fr oUl herl! buve bel'n lit t el1lh ng tb o r Avivul lIervltle8 ut tho M. E churob . I"lIJrln " hoto, whore Rev . T M. t:ionrll' 18 III oillugs. Mr . anti Mrs Allon EUlrlok lind dauKhte r ,,11 " 0<100 .. Tb&nhglvlog "tntHlr .. t tbp bo mo ot Mr . .. nd Mr!!. Ub,"It!s Audor8vU at Wltyue8vlllo. Mr. lIud Mr8 FflLnt Woolley and oblhlron. ' uf Dayton, apeDt '1'hurs . ""y With their pareut.lI. Mr. lIud Mrll. WIIII.m 8ro .... n . MI"s Louillo rt'Ulltiuod ovor till Sunday. W" " ld I ~nv lin your m oney, pr o· [,y'le !:iuoday ~ohool g8ve a sbort t eelerl by two nll mt! noleR and 'fh~nk.glvlnll' program, tlundllY a1 Ii rat murt gage in lercHt you? 'ernouu, ond Rev. Wlallt preaohed 8 For full -par.t icul a r!lll'drlr ess tine TbankBglvlng lIermon. Qalts .. number attended thoee lIeulotlll. rtlr. I\nd Mrf'. 8 . B daines, Mr lintl Mn . Walter Kenrlok and Roed. Mr . F. M. tilade, IIJIf'nt Thanbglving at the homo ot Mn Ida Chrilltopher,. at tlprlngooro Mr8 . Belle Coon and dlloghten 00terh,lulld on 'l'hankHglvlul(, Mr . aud . Mr ~ . Garlet Clevenger a"od John Ulevenger, of ISprlngboro. lind MI (lOd Mrll. IL M. Ulart. Mr. and Mrs . Ben Hawlle Ind ohildren, Cleo Bnd Albert, and ~1'11 Mary Copsey ate 'urlley. Than I". Ili vln, Day; wUh lbe laUer'lI nephew Mr. Lewis Irox and wife, at Mlllmitl burg. Stly ...,rry XlI1t1.o" Mr and Mrl. Clyde Cox enter. talned to rhankBlrlvlDI( dlnDer. Mr. u JlJ,ntngrap~ aud Mrs. Leelie /Snoop, Mr. Ohml'r Strou', of [ugllmure, Mlaa Marie i'jOU can complete Ruhle. ot Kaneall. oud Mr. and Mra. g your Chris tmas list William Gllll, of I,ylle. quickly with photographs and you will be sure of giving just the right thing. PhotoKraphs are gilts you


lip." " 011 . hnl\' rU"::(" ,lfl, ·\·r,.-f ! B ,' lIn wo uld tit" If " lw kll l '\\' .. " Slit· !I ,"\','r " lit. '1'1 11' IIP..:t Jl n n ur


What Would Be Better for Children




l h ,,.~ I{' .

1f"·, _II, ~' oll r \, !..:h w ill . :-: tIOU ('O nll l trU t' ." " A lle-t.', " u~t;",l n l .... ~ 'i ·. "\\" ll1 ' t 1t h.· rtrpf\rlflll urtl'r .\ 0 11 III' " l11 u r rl c' d It Frntl k Fh tlld !-lll .\' 1,, ' · JIl!.! I h ll1 /!~ t o Y0 1l nn,! Jllnk II I ll t1 uth " r "'" I1II1I1 ?" ''J WUII' , ",llIlt Ikll "'"I' r :1I.! aln," 111' rlnl'p (l AII ('(' '1'11o'1IIl'1I11 ,V. " H t ·j· :tIl ~1' Ii"l' nnl, "':I~''': nil j,III " r \\ H ill"!! 1011\, n llke

to hi m l'X CI'pt ~('~ : d IIl1' l'c !"


You ever think of the h~JPpiness you would afford one you really loved by. 'renlembering thenl this Christmas and sending them

ILLUSTRAIEO LECTURE BOX 765, DA¥TON, OHIO An illu s tra ted lec tur e will be given by Prof. Arthtlr James. at th e Method is t churCh, Monday, Decem ber fj at H p m . Pro f Jam es was formerly presid e nt of L('bull on Uni ve rsity ami f or lhe pa~ t e h:ht years a -missionary to Por lo Itieo. His lecture will be cpm'erning th e missionary and educati onal work in Porto Pico, and will be accompanied LJy 80me splendid pictures . Come alld learll l omething abo ut one (If our Island possessions. No admission will be charged, but a colletion will be laken,


THE BACKWARD PARTY The High School and Normal werf entertained at the Hig h Schooll'uilding, wilh a "backwnrJ party," given by the Seniors on Tuesday evening. Nov ember 22ml. · Thp "haek wRlrd " id ea was follow ed throughout th,e l'nlertainment, anrl ellc h Iluest s wo r e so m ~ article .. t clothing back wa rd . After the entertainment ended, th e guests saw the ne w stereopticon dem onstrated in the assembly room, Rnd departed, expressing th eir enjoyment of the e vening.



"'-.- - -





can easily afford and family

and (rlends will always treasure them.

~IDOE STUDIO Waynesville, Ohio


--,- -

.•- .. -

IF .



you don't · happen to be in town when you want a Classified Ad., advertising your extra Stock, a plow, a lot of Feed, or any of' your extra stuff on hand, just call

All persons are warned to keep oil' the property of the und4>rHigned, while hunting or trapping. The Vantresli Farms The Gorsuch Farm~ Frank Braddock L?urmR S. n. Henkle Farms Will Mooney Chas. Smith L~d Fu rna~ Furms

and we will see to the rest. Call again, please. -

Hom e· Made Fru it Bowl.

The Miami CazeHe,Waynesville

PHONE · NO.· 112

It you tllln-' HII old \\'uull ~u lIuwl that I, not 111 !ll'l h ' \l lise. ptU'l' lIu sc senne

sh ellu c n,"1 "''''e IJUlnt. dtu'k ~ hlldetl Ill'e pI·cf':l'ultlt-. III we It .. coat of pnllli tl,·Sl. \\'1 ,<'11 lhol'lJtl!;hly dry,. ahel. Inc It . Th~ I' e~u It \\'111 lJe II very uttracII,,!! fl'uit ho\\'l. If you IIIl'h! ~Yluod tb. UI'I " r jJali tlillg tl tl\\,l'I'~ 01' know bow tu u"l!;e 1l ,·e ll.l· lJord tll's, thl8 ·w\ll make \lI e "n",1 tuOl'!! ut!rucllve.-'l'hrICt MOIIazlut'.



Mi.ami Gazette for a whole year? I


Be a real Sanla




Thos. O. Vandervoort. accused of the murd er of his wife, Bertha Van· rlervoo rt. her motber. Mrs . Jeff WhitllJw. and III vi~lor at their home. Howlll'd 1:50~i er, last week, at CUDa, Clinton county, was indi<! ted by 8 epecial grand jury on four countsthree for firs t degreee murder . He will probably be a boarJe r at the jail ill Wil.mington for some lime.

- -_

Harry. GlIne hla ~ bew Illto. Bere we are IIgolo, aHer 80ven daye ' IIlu8ll1l, Lon Brannon made • basinelll trip to ClarllBvllle, Friday afternoon, Oar ohuroh Is making arrange mont!! for the u 80 .. 1 Cbrl_tn'Be entertalnult·nt. Chester Hatfield and Wife, of Lebanon, were Sand .. , gueak of ~. ::I. Alleo and wife M. M. Terry , who hlUl been q~ae ~Iot ., hi. bome 10 O.ytoD, II iame better at tb Ie writing. -< E. H. B~pheoa will loon sh'•• t' tile Urogonla dn8t off of hie fee'~ nnd move to tbe CUy. I . N. MUler. of l:Iane'lI barg, went Vand"lIa to eat hie ThlDkil(ivine dinner with elativee. ~everal from thle plaoe aUended the faueral of MI'!!. ~rah4lloh ., Barveysburg, Saturday aft...nooD Notblng itl beUer or IU'8 88 a Vhti8tmal preaent for yonr friends tblD .. year'lI eubsortptloD to tho Miami GclzeUe. 1'ry It We are gl~d to report our 8ioll all beHer. K . E. Thomplon .nd Ed tira, are out and around again, bat . ro stili' under tho dootor'e oare. rhe Terry family enC8r&ained on Th .. nkllgl vine. LoD Brannon and wife, K . Ie Tbomp.on and wlf", .Jlloob Mlllftr aud T . B . Braunon, oJ Wilmington. A 8. AUtlQ and K. E . fbompeon dtendod the aarve'llburg VII Day. ton blsket ball at H inays btJrg, ODe dllY Ilet weet. The re. IIUIt W88 8 10 II tn favor of Dayton Your h~lbble oorreapondeDt bIB beeu aaked 8everal times If we were going to ,have protrBoted mOftinl bore thi8 winter. The only 8n.wer 1 can give II, oome Ml ohurcb and fiud out-


The Late Classified Ads. WST

K. E . Thompson and A. S. AileD and wife attended the aarveysbure @ohool ThAnllagivID, enlertalnment a' the Town hall on Wedneada, afternoou. To l8y " WII • .o om. plete 8Uooetl8 from alart Ml 8Dilh, espeotally the pantomime ezeroila liven by three girls of the elibth ,ralle-Belen M;OUJr,rfOn, . Am.l~. Car~ and Bertha Ob"lUn.-w~4 be paUlng_ 11 _ vel'7 mild. . __ a _ ..._ _ __

It has never occurred to you, act upon this suggestion, come In, give us the name' or names and we-ll attend to • the rest. .

t SO


Buuoh of KeVI, on low. L. 08T-A er Main street . Finder please

_I .. Are Good ImItation .. retnrn to thl8 office, and reoelv. A remarklble" and ·lnetrplIcabl.e fact rQward. dU about the cuckoo'e enl II that the, , '\18", commonly relemble the ."111 ot Caterpillars Watch for En,mlce, Ute bird In .who'e nHt lbe" are laid. Th e cn lPrnllln r kno'\\'s thllt Ulere FOR SALE Ot 1M cu'ekoo ern In tbe Berlin Nat\ ural Hlltol')' mU"lIm,lIt~ mlklncJi,.. antety In numbers, and whole com· panles mn),' h~ found · teedln" side hy' Few obotoe D.llroo Boarll anll eemble the el.. 'ot the t~ter parent Bide while keeping . n shurp lookout ume, Inqaire of Lyman 811., In , color find marilla,. tor theIr bird enemIes: but when. var, ,p hone 47.2, W'aYlu!lli¥tUe, OblC', . .~.!' caterplllor Ie by himself he car . dares to move tor rear -or .attra;:-ct:!'l;:n~,:¢~• 2AnlomObllel-J i'ord Sed.a, pr,oattelltlon . Faote. . , ,......---.~- - - - - i &loally new i 1 Ford TOQt'lng: ,. fact .. &11 a:ceIlet lblnl 1114 winter top, In good _bap.. 1 Rull. rOU mUlt ba•• facta to .mte about'; ... a .. on Tabl.w..... beMI.:e BnllJ, 'and 1 Btl t~ pe Po- but JOII 1110014 real 1M 't hat ....en • Ob a bl, \leer about 8,000 PIeC!lll oC land.()bin. ·" al. Botr J ,',U14 "Id. tact ",01'1 • 1& read7 tor preMntaUOD gl88a bd ClWIr...,. are Wd to ... W. A. l:Iurfaoe, 8. b. 6, W .. ynes. lDu ~t • t1It ~ pollabe4 . . . . . . . . broil.. DB vOJIP. ....- 1 _.. ar,e.. . vine, Ohio. dU






for 'a





'eventy-Thit:d Year

· I

Havt' you PlliJ you r





I ,


.wh~le Number 5464



Mr , anJ M.. " f{ S. W Il\' l: r and were in Cincinnali. Saturc.l ay.


' HI'II Hin gi llg qllarlet al 111(' M. I·:. "hllrr h, l' r idllY "'·'·lIing. I k""I11I" 'r ~,. /lav!' YUII i::llid YOllr Tllx" ~ '!


~I r~ I'hl'l' -I ie MI'K in~ey and rJauR'h-

TIlt' :\'''' ,11 111 l' la" " II I (' rlai,,, ," \\ Ill: ' I,·r. MI. ' I.aura. en tertained to a

Ell 1'1 Orndur r WIL~ tlw 1t1l .. ~1 ,,( Mr . : and Mr~ I.e: lcr S UI·fan '. SllIIduy . 1I (I ,·rlloon .

a " :-;el\: Engl and !lillnco . " In I"" ,, 'r lin,· <li ern,·I' . Sunuay , Mrs . Rachel (If th"i .· I'ar, · nt ~ . a l 11\" (;rangl! hlll l. 1,_·.. cw. ~In•. Emlllll Reta ll ick and Mr. l' ritla.l· evellin).! . Frtlnl, (' r,,\\' 'l'hl' dil\i ll~ 1'01"111 wa, arl " t it- alII Mr , and Mrs E V. Bal'nhlir l \\"TI ' Mr . and MrR N. I' Illall alld Mi , ~ d" cl)ral~" with aU' (1I1 11l111 l·"I"r. IJ f 1 ~ lr alld :-'11','1 C. L. Allen vcry in I ·i n'r iTl llati. Thursday. l ~t)l a P inc w e I'" Cil ll' illiluli v i ~i tqr~ . se rc ~nu J.{lIld. fin d Ihl' plal'p I'ard ". 1' 1 1'a ~:\ n l ly ,·lIt.:I lain·d I,n last Sun '. 1 Salu rday. ('andleHIIl1d Illbl e l\t-cliral iu lI - (' an i,'') ,oI" y . ~l r an,) ~Ir 'i rtny Harrison, Mr. Ilo rn- Tn Mr. und Mr ~ (' ('h' P llI a- . I "utlh e old Nc'w Ellg lulid iel,·a, . ,llI d ~ l r ' l'I" ',II'r \l atfield. Mr. Ull rl Friday. Dcc" 'ml, r'r 2. I !I::! I a ~ un W, · ur.., tryil,g l" h"vl' IIlIr Il oli dllY The c111~~ presitl,'n l . 1\ 1'111",11, \·:Izpy. ~\ r". II " w"rd 1:., lk ,..·th and daughl,·r ' : ' J"d ~" n "i ~pI I Y h y "" xl S"l lI rda) . 110 not. (llil III ~(e lIur' SPl'('illl AI - .1. I·;. •llInn,·v . 1!C'led :l 'i t"asl !luIHI " r li nd in hicl a d Mr . ;\1 ,01 ~I n; , I\lIy.e~ Ke<'ver lind lra eliun!l in Chr i ~tmu~ ( ; Oll"~ .1 I.: drcs~ tlr weierJl11e J.{ a ve Il "rief rl' vi.::w \ tit 1' .. ,. d,i ldr(,lI. ~lr~ Anna Bl! van and ,lullnf' Y. of the cOll r~e of ~tu d y. l'hoseor th(· tW II dauJ.{h l" r-. Mr and Mrs. L II . C. G. Willi llmSlln ar ri v.. " hlln1l' . • SlIntlay evp nin j.[ , IIfll'r II lhrl',,-w e \·k~ pH'Se nt Norma l c lu - ~ who respunded IL'hd, ~ . (I \\' . I~allliiton . ~'rank BmnMi"H Katherine IIrod t. of WeHI iJ usinesH lrip to Cinrinnuli III tOllsts were: 1·:J\\art! l:lurtlln' l Jellbu .. g and \\ 1111 fred Craddock . Union , Oh iu. was the we('k-cnd I!'UP~I. !'Ihrl(arel Clark an d Cu rti s Th IlITlLJof friend s. Me~srs . Mert BHirrl lind Ed son: others who I'e~pllnrlerl were: ray. und it i!i needles.q to ad,1 th aI il '('humaR a ll end ,11 MaHo l,ic It,dl{t! lit ' l lll ~ ",h Ologr a ph W;l !> "d·d. n \\ hd e the anllallltil l r o n I I I' II I II \' .~~h il1g1 o n wa s In sl' .'\!'lioll .u ,d \\ itf'l! SlI l'l H. ,'. W ' aver . !Jr. J . T P.lli ~, was tl rgt-clasR . Six high school girl ~ aU th e d c l(' S'a ~ cs II I th eir ~ (' :l l, ,1 .. lI nd Ih l' r t c langub r 1 , 1,1 . t ht, '~c rl't : ~ ri ("" <lnd ~ t (' n ograp h l' r s h t" I\ ~: in Me~dumeR Nillll IIrn tll'Y nnd (,oldi .. \)/lytll ll . ThurH"uy "vl!ninf! . Sill It. F, II lIarri ~. Mrs , Ed 1(l't!ll- - Alice GOllA. Elizabeth Clark . I ~~­ th e ( {' ntcr . .. 1 he 11I IfI, h,' ro;, lT1.trk II,e 111 0 ... ' pr H lll1nl"ll t tll ' l · . I dr ' CIl t. a ~ fo llo w ~ ' (1) Admira l K :un, ( 2) AIJ P fl wt're I..·hllnon vi~itllrs. Monrnl\c~ Toku gawa. l.o ,1t "f ) :'1 ' '' ''' t3) ;\ lI1lo " " HI'H I,, · ,I. ' I) De lcJ.( ate ViVia ni. (5) Prt mic, B,,"u d: li ck. W. F . Clark. I'. II . Thompso n. ther Thomp~on, Bernice Penningu,n. Mr. and Mrs It li CroHswill l" uvl' d ay af lernoon all o f France . (6 ) S, ,, .oI u r L· 'I(I" wootl. (7) Elihu Ho()t. ' " ;· w ., lo r Lod~: c. (9 ) SeC r l:'lar), !-Iulthcs. 0 1 the Fran cl!~ Jann ey , Leona M cGinnl ~ . Alice Sheehan and Gladys Harlan lomurrow Cl'hllrH,lay) ror l·alif, lrnill. U n iled S tat es . (10) ,\rt bll ' 1:"lIoll r . ( tl ) ,\nlh""ador (;edde~ o f Grral nri t" i,, : ( 12) 'i r \( oh.." !l o rI·:ditlt Gen rg-c allL! \ ' irgi l I{etlillick. ,Itn , C~l1 ada . (13) S pl nl\'u . " S" ' tn' . I1 f 111 ,1" f14) n t'lccal<' :-;,han7O' r. o f If,' " Miss Mollie Howland. of Mnn ches- where they will sptmd th e w:nt ... r. were charming waitresses. te r. Ohio, was the week-end I{ u e~ t of Only ene thing lessened the pl ea~. Arter th e dinn('r hour, a yerv Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Miss Miss &Ina Howland , clever prog ram consisti ng of plays ure of the evening , and that was the Olive. arrived home (rom Cincinnati. nd songs was rendl' red . fact that Anna Satterthwaite and Born - To Mr. onel Mrs. WilHon Thursday. Have yo u Puirl your Tu x,'s'! Mr. Allen is g elling You hav e tl' see our (;i rls and H· I' e y OII I 'aid; (l U r Ta~\';~ Besides the clas ~ . the following her pa rents were not able to be presGra ham. of Co rwin , Wednesduy . No- along nicely after his operatiun. and Boys' Huoks to appreciul e lh em. J . gUe~t8 enjoyed the evening : Supl. ent on account of the death of hcr W. N. Sca rs w a~ ill !.\· Imnon. T lIe~ ­ vember 30. 1921. a son . J)l'fl n Stanlf' Y. (I f Lf' lian (l!1. wus in I·:. Janney. will soon be abl e to take his position and Mrs. F . il. Harri ~, Supl. amI lillie niece. day afternoon. town . Tu "sday. at the bank. Many WiTe the words of p raise Mr. and MrHo Isadore Bloch. of Mr . ,Iohn H. Harner nnel famil y. of Mr~ le S. Weaver, Mr. and Mra. Ed n cll ringin g. qlla rl el lind ~ ,," . ~i n g'Sprinll Valley. spenl' SlIflday wilh The Misses Catherine Burn et, Cath· , Nt'IV ('"U' JIl 1"lour SaekR f(lr ~ak. 1 Xenia . ~pc nt Saturtlav wilh Mr . IJ. I{etu lli ck. Mr. lind Mrs Walter f:lzey , given lo Miss Howland and the cla'lS inl{, I,'rirlay, Dec . !J. II I M. E ..£hur ch Gr "Heh Hnmr 13, I( crr. Wayn ~M viHli E Harn er Rnd famil y. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mr. and for one of the nicest social event s of Mr. My er Hyman and family . erine Weller ami Mabt'l Slansel" of Mrs. J ohn Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. the season. Centerville, and the Mes.~ rs. lIarnld Misses Al m a WIIl('fh (>u ~(' and Laura Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. St.Clair Fife. of Wil- Whitaker, Lowell Thomas and Ed--- - - • Headquartesr for XmuKLandies of W. F. Clark. Mr .. and Mrs Elmer McKinsey Rpcn l Sa turJny in Franklin minll'ton. spent Su nday with her pa- ward Burton saw "Lasses White" at MI ~ges Vt.' rna Weav er and Ed ith the Highest Quality and Lowest Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Will Leichty. rents, MrJlind Mra . H. H. Wilkerson. the Victory theater, Dayton, 'Sunday Mr . and Mr8. J. S. Filer, Mr. and You'll JU Rt love BLU I~ Illl CI{ LF: Geo rg'e were Cincinnati visitors, Prices. Sawyer's for Service ay. Coffee. Sawyer'H for Service. _ Saturd Mrs. P. B. Thompson, Dr. J. T. Ellis, night. C. Sy mm es. of Hyde Park. Cincitl, \ Mrs. Arthu r Zell and dauj.[ht er . of Mesdames W. S. GrCLham. H . C. PenA large audience was present at nati, spent the week-end with Mr. Prof. C. E , Bratten. of \)ayto n. Just say BLUt-: HUC KLE whel Pittsburg'. Pa .. are spe ndin~ a fcw nington, George Reeder, J. E. Wi th- the Methodist church, Monday night. State Aid Farmers' Instilutes will Burton Earnhar t Hnd family, of was in town . fur a litU(· whil ,'. thi~ you ~unt g oo,1 eotree. Sawyer's f ur J rldY8 with Mr. J ohn Zell . am. Gra fton Kessinger. W. J. Baker, to hear the interesting and instrucbe held this coming win ter at Maso n, Ill orninil. Route 4. Se rvice Messrs . Virgil Retallick , Harold tive lecture on Porto Rico by Prof. Pleasant Plain. Carlisle and Harveys• The Lildies' Friendship c lll ~~ of lhe Whitaker. Selh Thomas, Edgar Ed- Jame8. The High School stereoptiSeveral olher places will We want eve ry lJO yer tn come in County Superintendent and Mrs. burg Mi ~se!! HenriE'tla McKinsey and M. E Sunday School will meet with F. B. Harrill. of Lebanon, were probably hold independent institutes. anr! see our Bargains in Shoes. WI' Prllnces Lamb wcor e viHiting fri pnds Mrs. Frank LeMay. Wednesday uf- wards, Misses fran ces Janney. Mol- con was used for the. pictures, and lie Howland . Luci le Moore. J::thel was very satisfactory. To assist. those who are in charge can and will save you moncy during in Lehan on. Saturday. among those who attended the Norlern oon, December 14 . at 1:30u't·lock. Nethe rt on, Hulh Reeder, Gladys - - -- - ..- - -of the institule~, a conference will be the next 3 weeks. Our Men's $490 mal party al the Grange hall, Friday Mrs S , S. Ellis, Sec'y. lIarlCL 1. Hen rielta McKinsey. Clara Howard \3u rlon waR the ~u es t o f held in the Farm Bureau Oflice , Sat- WOltK SHOES for $2 7:' : M e n'~ $7 evening. urd8.)' , Decf'mber 10th, beginning at and $!l ..: 0 ,Dress Sho~s for $4 50 ' and Mr. and M re. Frank Th.omas. Sa tu r- • We have on sale over 100 dozen Lile. Leona Mc(;innis, Lola Pine . Handk erchiefs for the Holiday Trad e I f:dilh' George. Verna Weaver , FranThe latest word from Miami Val- 10 a m. Mr . F. L. Allen, State $5.00; Ureal rl'uuelions i'l Lad ies ', day nighl nnd SunJay . at Sc . R for 2.~c; the JUc kind . a for I( '('8 Lamb. Marie Wi ll iamson. Loue lla The entertainment given by the ley Ho~pital. Dayton, was to the ef- Superviso r of In stitute's. wiil be pres- Misses' anti Child ren's ShoeR. Our reel that L,Nicholson. who walt oper- l ent. and hopes to meet ~ve ry insti - Very Lllt~c Stock is for Ral e at prices I We suld out of Itecfcr's More 2:,c; 20c kind . ~fo r 2!j c . Uvnolmi ss Jam ,I'Y. Pauline Marlalt lind Lau ra \3oy Sco u ts and High Sc hool orches· tra , last Fridav, lit the Miami th eat ed on recently is getting along fine. tute ollicer in the ('ountv, and rep re· below Xenia, Dayton or Ll'llano n; It , Eggs Tuni c. Will h l\ ~ e in a fresh this chance: buy for tke year; yo u I McKinsey The din ner was prepared by Mrs. atH. was highly entertaining, and H~s many fri ends hell' hope that he septatives of communities contcm- will pay anyon e to C IIU 'lee , ,J ~ H N upply , Saturday. 1 pkg. Prce with never ~aw such bargains . J Oli N A . A FUNI<EY . ;each $U,kg . SliIwyer's for Se rvic e. f 'UN KF:Y J . D. Marlatt and 1\lr8. Harry Mur wa~ enjoyed bv a large audience. Will 900n be home. ' platir.g independent in stitutes. J 0 Cll rt wril!'hl allpilO ll'cl at Lebnnnll. lalltlVeek .












~.U• • • • UU.H"UU~~~~a~uu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~d~.U• • • • • ~

)ljJll! rllPlrilll i! I ~ I~II :I~_ ,.1.'. f,,, '11


I •



~ " !II

I I~ I





1I 1..·/

- -"


~ ~

And they will

A proctical girt of a box of Hosiery


for Men, Women and Children






ple~se the








'. .

II, . ............ ~ ... lllflI IIIiI IIL

l/!lecau5£ 'ltbep



1111111\1. .



~r£ rarautlful



;. ...

Men's Kid, Cape and Mocha Gloves, all ahades Including the new African

Frui t Oi dhes, Salad IlIlt] Pi ck Ie OiRh ~ s. Ash Tra.\'~ Cream&Sugar,Cake, etc

From 25c to $1.00

From 50c to $1.50

., I" II" " "

Silk and Crochet Tlea. patterna and IjQloring. to please men of .ll .ares. . .

From SOc to $2:00

outfiiierl for the . , ..~ole Famlill


$3.50 to $5.98



Books Boats Balls' Banks } Elephants


Up_.. to ·$2.00

SLIPPERS Men's, Women's and Chiidren'a'Slippers ,in felt and kid ,

From $1·. 25

IH:NfNt~rs & eo., W'aynesville,O·-l ~----~------





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M -_ _


II -to


ladles' Collars Sweaters Mufflers Ladlea' Belts Ribbons, Combl"W.~~~~~ Hats and Caps Ladles' ~carf8 Infant Sets



-. "

Cr-adles £!rums


".w.,' , hod.. "d "tyl~

From 98c to $5.00



Initial lIu,kles Suspenders Stick Pins Cuff Buttons

iii d •

In Ileo rile lte, crepEI de chi ne and ~tripe si lk . latc"t sty les and "hades 0




_1.a .------•


Dolls Games 'Cars Erectors

A .splendld and varied IIJIIIOrtment of

From $1.00 to $5.95

From $4.98 to $7.50

Pul up ijellllrately - ~ iI , n w r. I'n I,OX 6 in b,l" bo ~.o u ., .. .

Underwear Umbrellas Belts

I p ' Fine Shirts in excellent materia, er. (·ale. Madras. Crepe, Silk s, etc.

M en'~ LOllnR'inR' and Ilalh RoheH. of BIRnk el Cloth. in a vari ely of clllorsl

35c and 50c



:~:, ":~:'";;~, 25"



anb Wseful

Giver, .too, because !lyman's g ifls a r c so lo w p rice d ami dependab le in qua lity. No malter ct II iii II , 1V0rmrl1 61' c hild, \lOll c all se le ct a gift that w ill be

rcmcllriwr ',vitI] a girt t hi s C hri slma~lt

Fin est lin en. hund f!fIlbroidered , hant! slitchl'ti, hunti lHlint ecl . !::lome c,,:' ored, ~oml~ IBen trimm ed. Larg e~t lI ~ ~orlm e nt we

w9' GLOvES

III b"'F;:'~$l$O fu






I •

c~arming and u sefu l from llylll :l ll'S larg e and varied holiday s tocks. Whetb er yo u choose a liltl e g ift co s ting 50 cen t s . or a v~ry elaborte g ift - it ""i ll s ure ly have SIIl11e novelty , some di s tillction or so me prae tability that will make yo ur gift highly apprecia ted, a nd Y?U, the g iver, gra ll'fu ll y_r c m e lD oered.

From 25c up to $2.!i0




will be opell unti l 8 .30 every night until C h ristmas

~ I ' 1 · 1 ' 1 ' 1 · 1 : \ l i ' i " · \ 1 \ 1 1 1 ! 1 1 \ 1 ~ ! i ! 1 : ~ ; " c . . : ; , , ~ : !\ \,. . \. .\:::~:::.-~; ~ I 1111.) 11. 1,1 I, '1I11!1~'I,,'I\\IIIIIIIIIIIIII!' ·:·


_ 1M'! .. ~ fI'Jt

~ ...,' : ·:11111

Mond~y lIi g ht, o ur s t o r e






_ _ _ _ _ _- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


to $3.50

Clothing. Sh~ and DI'IJ Good$


• the Miami Gazette. Waynelville, Ohio. ,



\ ~EWS GlEANE~ ,


Ola ssif ied Ads All arl , in thi H column 1M a Bure sale






liv e

socll n\ll1l o rl·g8Ke~.

J EllrlCox hfiM (:IlI l e r ~ t1 ultllgal n st N;) te~ b ol1t! IJI , ,I " hn Hurhlno , Allen n . W , U rl j!l::~ fur fo r r c l.'Hur e o f Bl1\1 lltn g, X e ui .. ll1du. tJ 4 , ~2 m o . I ,,; ug ~ , nPl' oint!lw nt o f r l'ee lv e r , lIl1 u qnllablo r oh e f,

Mon ey to Loa n on I'r oceedlnJ!8_ 1-1'arnl Land for .five In t,h o i njuno l,lu n brCl ll g ht by l 6 per cent MIIIICO Brll~, IlD (1 R u bort lilllir t o , y e a r s at . I.",j.,ln O\t~' '''nk Ludlum fr o m Holling ;



L' lII u o\1 " " MONEY Ohllll£'I ., I\lcm


-- ..

0 11"0


Tllo r h r et' UlVIHI H; 1h ut f ollowed w tirt!

loe oronm ,co ufeo t.\ on!! IInu o lhorwt ~e I TER~ELL & oOl llmil Ung bre noh e. of oon l,rll ol, f' n t OIl'd ItIto between Ih um II~ tllDO of \\ ilmillg loll, 0 ~ nl (l \Jf Ln(lIuuI '" forlller bu"iu,, ~ .. 10 pIHilltlf},~, Ih /l 0,) 011111111 pi e Cio M juilil o o Dj llln e.1 dr , Ln J lul\1 Irll ' I "tlrvllIg

I liS 1I .oJu\: k us:-, UUl1tl )"Y ,

rOl' tlHI rplI

~hlU Ih. most harrowI ng o( :\kO ulT~y ' ~ lite , Ih'll 11,1'), (' 1111 he 111 1(.,,, dowli 11",1 t nill" l 'nptilln ~ CrR1:1C8 knew his e lll!h "'~r po r l~ll over r O u~ 1i c'oun,,'), 0 11 luul~ " ) ".mltl nOl r Oijl gn whll., ho. Rerlll'''" , -tngot her \\ hh a SU]lllly ot .\Iunnllll0 \\ " ., hIm thr... hllll Med cl ol lll r8; li on r"r snme.

WhofC't oro h ~ W89 nnt t uo purtkuln r


"Ko\\' , tll t>n,"





nnyt.birl K

t \ ) Pld liT drlok Oil prelllhl Ptt hI" new "I ,"co II I hn " in ll~~ , fr ll w L 0:-i'1'- A BI1I1l'i t "r K O I'~ . 0 11 11I w ~ l' lIinl! tWllft-wlill ll. lit, nil tllll " " . hilt o r Mlltn Hlr net. FILld"r JlIt)II ~" did nnt oflj,lin hu" tr ,)J tl t-le l\1n~ l r A tl tlrH t n thl t4 t,I1\ " t" ill1l1 r IJn.\vti u,II L' rwidc, 'rh ~ on.Cl WIHI ul.tlt1Md~tl \ 1'(1"'''''1. 1I1~

J u llll l1 Y l.'Ofl


HOW '!tW"~PIS1MA'3 Nf'.AA "'O&JO'o' IU CK5 ~M ME SMOKING IN '!ttl I¥\P.U:JR - oec:H !



lluto put n bridle on hln I<lngll" wh en u('(1, "Ihe j ob thllt CHUrr Oli is Is to thin gs 81Jpellr,'c1 III 100 wr",,!:. ~ Il'li ur­ (ey 1001000 to 11111 h im, bllt ,Iftr"ll not. t r--T T--- -----TlInn'---. Wben, evenluu llr, th ~ rQllrlllld hud bl-en extende d s llfH c l~ n tly far do\\ n tbe ('on81 to enuhle Ihe furlllPrs I" h"ul th eir lood~ t" the rollrolld In trucks, Ih e MRgICIe alltomat lcally weat Ollt of the II'reen-pe n trade; sim ultaneou sly, Oaptaln Scrllggs ' note to M~ull'ey fell du ~ lind Ihe eUl:lneor dt'meude d paY111" l1 t, SCralgS demurred. plendlng poverty, but Mr. MeOuft'ey ossumed slI ch 0 threntell lng al. tHude that relucl antly S~rolgs paId him a h ulldred and tlfty dollara on account. And McOulI'ey edende d the balan ce oue yeor-n nd qull. "See that you got thot hundred nnd tlrty an' th e Int<,rest in your j eans tbe neltt time we m ~el," h e wnrnedSera,,,, as he w~nt o\'erslde . 'l'Ime passecl. For Il month the Maga;le plied regnlnrl y b et ween RlltI ~1:1I bny and Son Frllnl'lsc u In un C1Hl"""or to \\'orll up some bUSiness In (nrm and clnlry llJ'oduce, but n. gnaolloe schoone r cur In 011 Ule rllll and r1 eclure d u rlll(> war, whereup on tht' :\IH/tgle tll rnl'c1 hl'r blunt n08e rh'crwRrc1 unci (or II hrl ... ( . period ess ayed some, to\\'llIg Hncl gem'r- r al frelghtll li on we Snl'rnn ... nt o IIncl Sao Joaquin , It \\'n, un[lronll lhie. ·howeve r, Bnd lit IH s t ('lIplnln Sl'rIlIU!'S was torced to IllY Ill s dnrllnll lilli e Maggie up and lak e a jnb us filler ofllcer of tbe terry stenmer En clnul. "The Job That Contron lo U. I. to alt "lying between Snn Francisco and OakThe.o Munition s Down to Our lllnd. In the D1~nntlme, lIlr, McGu t Friend. In Me)(lco," fey, atter Iwo barren months "Oil Ihe beach," IlInded n joh a s secnnct assIst- get these muniti ons d own to our ant OD .. !:llAnelliI'd 011 Inllker running frl enlls In JII exlco. If we're euughi to the 1\'est consl. ,,' hlle thrifty Nell. sneak In' 'em Into Mexico we'll HIWl\d Halvors en In "ested the 8QvlngR of I('n the rest of our Ih'e8 In n fed ~ rul ponl:rean In a bay scow known os the -WII. lenllnr), for bustln' Ihe lIeulrllll ty In\\·,. lie and AnnIe , arrogft led to hhll ~ elf All them rides BO ' th e ammuni tion Ie the title of cuplaln, lind proceeded to CIIS~ fill' In lOy bnijemen t Itt the pre8frailM hay, &'fIIln lind pn"lng stones enl moment- ond th e lIovernm ent from Petlllum a, Dgents knows th ey 're the re. But thnt Th. old joyouS ' days Of the gr.en- ain't trouhlln g me. ] rent the aoloon , pea trade were gone ("rel'er, ODd mnllY neltl dllor an' I'll cut II hole through the wtlll from DIY cellur Into the luloon Il al,bt, as Coplllin !:Icrngl!! pu cer! the -deck of til ", ferrybon t ,' \\,ul chlng cellar, .enrry "em thmugh Ibe 8810011 the teM')' tower loom loto ,' lew, or the IDIO the bllckyard , an' out Into the Bcattere d IIghls II10ng Ih e Alolll edli all e y hnlf R block uwn)" I'm wotcbec1 , .hore, be th ought longingl y of the old but I got the wntl'h er ~p ecl-only HI,g1e, lold awoy, p erh n" . fore"l'r, nnd he don't .know It. Our only l.rouhlO 110'11'17 rotting ID the muddy wot ers of Is 0 s hip, How nboul th e MOlo(le'" \he Sacrame nto. And he thought of "I'd bllve to Bpelld nbout two th o".: Mt; ~Olbney, too, away orr nnder lite ond r!ollurs Oll hPr to pu t hu In condltropIc slore, len ding the care-free life lion tor the ,'oyoge." Scro ggs replied. of a real sailor at InNt , and of Bnr"Co n do," Scub J ohnny an swered him tbolom~' McGuffe y, Imbib ing "PUlq Ue", brlptt)', nn d S~lIor L"pez nodded acla We "Contlnu " of somo dl R repulu~le qul e~l'e nc e . "You dlsdlBrl /e on 8 Ihcltteate, Ooptaln Scngga neYer knew e r III D('9l'OIl"0 "ny ubout Iwenty IIIl1 e~ how badly he Wal gOing to miss th em below F:1I ~ eoncla . Wli nt' ll It cos l us," both until Ibey were Ion., lind he had "Ten th ousn nd dollll r s, In nddltloll nobod,. to tight with excep t Mrs, to tll:l n' up II", MIl!;gll', Hllif c1(1\\' 11 IIcragp and whun Mrs, Scruggs (to olld hllif on delh-ery , 1'11\ rl _ld u' Ill y quote Captain Seralfjfa) "slipped her hide on ' Ill)' tlck N on' I J(OI tn lie "'I'll cable" In her forty·tbl rd ,.ear Captain paid ror It." SCrtl8'(III lelt slBllular ly loneRllllle nnd Ago lli Seno r Lup,"z lIocl c l~<1 . \\'hllt In a mooll to nccept eog.r l.!' ~ did he cn r .. ? It \\,1I ~ n't hi s IIlO lIey. dnlltry thnt mlll'bt offer. , "I'll furni s h yu u with our ow n cr e w ju ~t ue fore you suU," Stnb J UhllllY COIlUpnn n ni ght, ,,'bleh hnl'(l~neil to tlnlled. "G~t busy." be /Scroggs' nl ghl oiT. nnd when he "Oltmne 0 Iho". IIII<I ror prelimIn ary "a8 ,lH I'llculnrl y 1011l'Iy 1I1111 lu ellned eltPense s," S ' I'ng~s d('lIIlllld cd, ' "Atter to drown hIs so rrows lu Ihe 1:l,'wheJ\d UlI\t Spect! Is my mhltlle IIlIlIle," Rll loon, he W II N apllrc'"I(' llt'd hy Scnb J ohony, ODd Invited t u rp[lllir to the 'l' be chnrmllt g l;e nor L" l'ez produC1Id Inttel"g din gy oHlt'c for th~ l'urLJlIse of the mouey In crl~p lIew hill s lind, p er· d l~c u ss ln l: ,, 11111 ,' cult ,Ic.hllny IPIUI'd· feet gp"llem an llyn hi' WIl8, demander! Nil)' referred to ns a "prop,,_l tloll," DO r eceipt. As Ii 11111 Ite r of foct, Scrngl/s woulll n ot hUI'e I:I"en him one, Upon arrh'ul at Ih,· "lil t ", 1.'1I1.tllln ISCr8IP \\'II S In lrodncer] to 1\ bll\llll, The two wCI'ke thllt followed were t1~re.looklnl( !!t'ntlclll oll of t !,"l'klll IIpbuoy ones tor Cnpl " ln Scrugl!s , The " CO ran ce, who (J1I' 11 ~ cl to the lIulll e ot dRY nfler hi. Int el'"lew wllh Sellb 1>on MOIlUel Gllrcla Lopez, ~cl1b ,IohnJohnny Rnd Don MUlluol he elli/oged lIy tlrst pledl/ed Calltnl .. Scraggs to nil enllneer and II dec II hand Blld "ellt u\)solute secrecy, lind mu (le him swear up Iltp Sacramc nto to brln, Ihe Mo,,Ill' ~hollor of his muther and !be ate down to San Frlincl.c o, Upon Iou nf'~ of his fotber nol to dh' lIllfe • her arrival she \\'a~ Mauled out gn " . : c>( wll ol lie WU8 ubout 10 tell b1!11. llIe marlilt way. at Oakland ~reek, cleaned, caulked, and some new cop;:k ub JohnllY I\'ae shorl and 10 Ihe per s h.. tbln, put on bel' bottom_ Sb. " " Int. He Blttted thut, lIB Captain was 01.0 given a duh of "'ack paint, /S ,' ragKs "'liB d oubt I.ije B WII re, If he bad ber en,lnes !lnd bo\lers thorou/fh ""rUled Ihe dnlly pupers al .. II, ther, Iy o\'erhaul er1 and repaired , and wnl II revolutio n ru~ln K III Me1l co. sblpped a ne ... propalle r ' tbat would H IM friend, Se nor Lop ez. represen t ..,t tlto under-dollS In the dls tuI'bunc , allll odd at leasl a kDOt to her 'p8l0l. Also, ahe had her slarn rebuilt. Aod Wl18 anxloll s to secul'e .. shIp I\nd fI when !iver)'tbl n, was reody, .he slipped Den't sea caplal" to lund a shipmen t of orms In Lower t:llllforn la . II"p- 40wo 10 tbe Black Diamond eORI bunk, pellred thftt at a sale of con demned era !lnd took on enougb fuel to cal'> army goods held lit the arsenal at t)' ber to San Pedro: after whlcb Benlclu , Senor Lopez had, throUKh abe stl'umed aeroas the hoy to Sw Scab Johnny. purcbl\ s~d IWO thollsand Fron clsco nud tied up at Prl'mont SIDl/le-sh ot Sprlllitle ill I1I1"e that blld IJtr C'f' t ""tunr. .J bHn retired when Ibe militia rel/ltnen U Th l' r arl!o CGlUe down In loox .. " \'Itrl· t ook up llIe KrBi. Tile I{ru g In turn on . I~· Inheled. Then! were ""gl'lelll , bavlo, been reLJlllc~ by the modern tu rn l Imp lements ," .. "cr .. u\I\ "eJlQl'nt, mllptln e Sl'rtng/le ld, Ih .. old slnlle- or," 0 " windmil l ," Gild ho lr • dozen abot Sllrlnll[\ elds, wllh one hundred "sew lllg·much lnee," In "ddltlon to a thouHunti l'ulI ",l ~ ot 45·70 ball ('o rt- consIder able number of kess aUel/ed rlr1ae ~, IUIlI \)1'1'11 : nhl to tlls hllheRt to cOlllaln nAils, Most of It clime clown blddn, In "cl;lIll " n 10 tbo smn ll IHIIII, atter fI\'e o'clock III the afternoo n Lopez hod a l )J1 '~Sl' "1 In It war eho u~e Ifter the wharfing er hod lett tho dock, three nlal'liillc' !;tll'S III1lI tour 8-ln~h end 118 noWng but a dl.order ed brain b~h 1'"\C.III1~ 1IIt'I"" ur 11t,1<1 Itrtlllery would ha\'. Buspecte d the stenmer lIar. (lb. ,!tll1,1 uf I:lIl1g L:1· I1 P1'II1I .\, oI "~ lgnoted 1718 of pn .. mnr to break Ullit ne lilral.



tUI '·0 MrH . Llldlut1 l.


Tht f"rmu . o f Du na Ana cOUIlI", New Mexic o, have T tmplr of A~~icu Illi rr . Ihe rlfol in ' I h~ wo rld , l'ot a co,t built llit abo¥< of $IO,()(X). It housu Ih ~ o fT ,,' r - ( ,he Eltpha p ~ 1:1. 11,' Irri !!~ t io n di'trict. Ih. fartn burea,o CJrl'ICr: ,. I~ff ict s o f l h<.' ~. 0ll· - ,tti ,'t' lH it rketing associati on . Th t . ' " Srl '. ~ I . I3rook, pl ,'" d,' nt u( the Initial ion dil!£.icl w.h2



the' . tr m pl ,



he \n~ " on ll s\' rwr In our 'I IISI1I1 ~..t, Sc rn ,Lr,l!sy. '· n n e! t i t' l'Olltlnlh: d lil ... II,.\\, ·

e'r the l' lI CIIIY "'llh hlgb IlltrRtlll j( , h"III"




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IIliu" e hl R IIt~ r

I'rubate Court l'rocel!d jni8. 1I1"lml (j .. rr i~II ll, alhlllut .tr.trix 01 thee olat" .. f Jjhn \1 , Hol t:: h ..... ny, li p· oO Il ~od, UlOll h'" i nv o ut o ry In uourl· Lo nl ~e ~' . Co lon"", WHH IIppolnl ed (\(\ DlIll I~ s lo 'nor t o I·tlk e l itl' (leposlf. lul , 01 H"lh W Bro \\,II , nUll o f tho Sllb· so rlhlng witn tlll" e" til tho will of ,l u hl1 Perrine. U.. re,,~ .. d; EtlwtlrLl Blai r, th e nl,h or witDI'~B t o the will Illstltllld t o I,\.ttl e x ~ cllt, l rl l1 , The will i~ lldmll t~d t il probllte ,

tH'lw nf'tl


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' \NT~II - M""l cl ~ , IIl ~ i l Cl r<l ort! l u r I rUlt nlld OrTl ll.l Ue utu I trf"Cti r ... wl'", ~ hrub" , u l " P"rl or rull ~ll1l e

I'"v w"lkly ,

1'~ : Nlwllrk.N

(~u"k H r HIli NurHlH

wY o rk"';&llt ., .



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Marrlalr e Llcensee_

,I II til AS Ni o h DI~, Mhldlet own, Iinu UI.I. E rH -~ D. zen All u, lnll Pnl , (renp. Mlngl\, Frliultll n ItllM I nq uin' ut I{ (J Miller , Cilivin LeR'lY B ebhut Ilnd Marie VhOl1l i'\H · ~' ., WU ,VlI lI'HII1.', (111'1) Aelon W nlser, b ot h of ~'rllnkllll . dlll Georll:e -Y, Chnmb Rr\.ln and HoI. t)l~ I'~:llELli - " "rk Br.,wn LeK1111 U. Mlllf' ord , b o tb o f IJeb snon , lJ llr u C,lok " r e l. tllr ~"I" . M r ti . ('IHy~on B Duugh" ,,,n unrl ,I Il@e I'snr! l ', Turll ll r, H , LJ. I, W"YOB8pbln ... Dorl, Whi te. " !.th of ~ " ulh Villi" (Ihin <I i l.ebano n.


In lly wOlln cl!".I , I'u rp osco ",eIT11l~ ('H)~e ('!lou jlh 10 , llIk hI", wllh shcll·III'c If ~ he fnllp.' to rum h i III ; wlwr"llp un the

yell ow

(} "': T _ :-:'. I1 Ht"" ) Il'rf'

'" h C.. Ur Wrll(h, 'H I"l1Lkl"Mll q':"II .. 01 ., '" 11111111 l'l1r,..,.




"1'\1' 111 pr c lrll l. (JIb ,

Rul Estate Tranafe rs. WlllllltU i:AII $n (Jeor~ () A ;l,ell. ' THl lI ' i\-1l Rf'pl1" ~ 1 1:. I''' II'i'rook COll llu uod 0 11 l,ft l:e ill lI"rl. of lot No in the vill~g e of I I U'l .lIru II I t It J \' Mlllh W" :rn~@ vtl~". '1 e lo , I BWilY. Wllyuei jvlllo, Ohio . - -. WIIIII\I11 ;I, ~ l1 1·0 ~~lIort~e A. Z~II, lot , ~' AW oonioe Iluwn BlIOff' "I1U 10 vIIIIIgA c,f Wllyn o.vIIlA . *1 010 . Hilt. . IlIq\'i.lre c, f LyDlfto ~\I . ,Iosn!lh \V . I:II~HY t,o RR ohel Mar _, Vtlr , .. ltllJ'" 47 2, Wllyo es ville,O bio. ~ar f\ t libutt.s "od .llIhDAl oorIHhll tt,s, ' rtH I\ I ~ iu Woyno townsp iu, II e to :\O"1II1 t1 bl"J~""' 1 F " rtl "'ed"I1, pno--- . 1.\011\1.1' UlHV; I ~' Il rd 'I'llnrtllg . Commls lloners' rroetled lDE' wlIltllr t oo ll, In K"rHI Hb~p n , 1 Rub- -- Bill" sllowod : Tho WeMto ru t:l~ar our. tlrll UU~!n', amI I bIg-typ o PoPoor Blood Makes feR,,1 IIdverttB lnlot, '16.~ [j; Co lnmbos Il1nd , Chill~ lilli e Hog , ~ yo"r" Old , S in uk Book Mfg , Co " blllnks for W, A ' urfu o,,, It U " W .. YoesBad H ealth - Th e n Inulltt nr, '4; Snmo, bllinks for pro Ville, Obi » ll14 Co me the OJ B lues" j blll e judgf', '3.75; WIIIIlrd ,J Wrlj!ht, ,. , . " , po.tlll(e for oo mruon \lIens on urt" '3; 111{1£~, 2 ~IZ" ilOIt3 Y., good; W, ~,UrAh"rn, hrlell«er e pllire Wllyne ' I ~ 1)O I, lt ~ ht I Un III per rur boy'1'\\'(1" li7 :10; ~1I1I10, road "m1 bridge r"lut 4\1 0; I C h.w rul ", &onring OIlr, A lJnoe the v igor o f r ed hl ol),l he - ""I'Air8. WIlYDtl 'l'wp . '2H 20; ,lOA 1Jnrg l~ln, W, J Kllb J n , d? OOltl08 so ppod of Its strengt u, tile ORvis, ::lnl)t 111 M! ri ol No to pH yr oll (Ioo r to h/\ppine~8 i8 Itteflll y II I/\wEP ,\rtATO H - 11111' 'rial Crnnm ro r lirue en<1lnll: Oct·o ber 17 , I tl l :10 ; tlI tll l. Wefl, rln e 88 of b ody f o ll o w s -;nrne, !'iI'IlKrll! "r, ~,," d u ~ new; h"ve no p".ro ll , flI6 \10: HIIII1I'. PII.V. ""d it. unfllillo gly "'Dge Dde rs de_ roll, t7M :12' , f41~LUf" pAyr o ll, $tlli 13: UM" tllr It t-:\eu Mr. )1 1l ry I3r~\I9HI"r, ] presseu tlroogb ts - To I)e rese rv pd Sama,pB yroll o no h 'df month , "8 Illli~ 'l'hlrd ;"trol't, WII.\'" o. \,IllIn, 0 uU IIncl oheer\e8~ beoome s {\ h"hlt Af. F M. C I{ . I R Chioken~ fn t " .. III . ter A tim e there Is Iln H\tI1 0St filmy ZIlln Uolllntl, 8upl,. N I 2, 1120 I:!(i: Armitll ge, r o nt on eq uipmen t • Cumo lIud "ell tit ' til Mrp, Clint d1Dln~88 in the expre8R loD of tb'e lind IIvary for BIlllne brldg ~ , 141U3: H U~8 . Ilhuve B Y ('~ 1111:1 0 pnT\or to tbo skin, DAYS '1\.III"ho IlH t' x ohllnt!e , on t:inrveys bur@ F u r!i1I1." f Co , h.nllog Third see' m doll and dnrk .lDd dim onlt street, W .. ynetlv lil ll, 0 "My Maggio' . Tall Is Shot Away." dl~ A grllvol f or I:IlIn e v ~L llrK oorp o "~tl o n, !<ense o f In sufferab lo gloom perVAde s 115: A L, K inK. IlTlivel, 11.40; Byll: Ilre lIf.( e nl,~ fnr E J Heofer' , nel. When the t \1'0 ,'cs"e ls Wl' re less I,!le ~llirit , r o n Bflr's ook. IlrAv et. I:J6; UIIlrAnc e , M ur,, - E;;I( ~ 'l'u lliu than t wo mill'S n pon t h e OTl4' -p'l\ lIulc r H I pkg . (rpe Th e n it. I s thHt Gude'" P epto. MilD, RYA, gravel, '2140; onAld l:l'I"ko, with lIu oh 'I pkg Ullullo teed by come Ilit o ncllon. 11 wnM lIr ~II,\ ~hnot· g III Is tho grollt h e lp It ie ~ red grllvel, 13 45: ,1 01', RI!:vane, ~rllvlll, E, .I R ee fer , P o ulttl' ElCllor~, K .~n. Ing and Ihe wi cked lillI e 511 ..11" r ll']ll'll hlood bnllder It pols recJ 10&0 t,he 17.8'1 ; Ber' BartAoo k,l(ravo throll gh the o lt! Mn l!j( le III", Io,,('I«h .. t hlollfl-I noronse s the l , '31.80; 888 City lind Philllde lpblR For 8111,0 nomber of oor , Frllnk C o ok, Krov el , ... 20; Lyman a~ 88wyor 's Hrocory . IhrollJ(h n roll or Itultf'r, ~Ir, (Jllinp\' pU8 0les which wake blood d:! rl oh lind DAY_ grnvel, '6 4u: OlllroDo e !:lor s lid nu t on tI,e (l cd, beshl e Ids !'"d, W bcm the bl ood 18 reslored i8dn e Prlper In All allllc10R flloe, for yoor Krllvel, 12:J, 15, nnd ('optnln Srro ggs 8prlll\'l .. cl 1","I <lc' Its Ollturol h polt,h y s t,atll, the ~en81\­ C hrl s t,wll8 wrupplu gs . A180 WIIX hlrD. ti on of we ll, being r et um >!. - I"slend IJ4per8 (or <lundy, lit thl8 offioe HA f ell e r." l\[r. Glhney nnrl(l nn("'(1(I. uf shl1l'11 ' "~ ol ong oll l'oless ly . there "ho s got to toke 8 hentlu' while 1I)(lkl,,' I~ t.1l e firln liDd t'1l{inIlY >lt,e p, the Pieoe UAk Bedr oom KoHIl, oheap, Wol.h Min ing Supersti tion, tor nil tlp enln' to pUI over Ihe Im oclc- hrl~ht, 10s Mrfnl eves , the olear oom I nqulro of Mrs E V. Ba rnhu" Among '\' f' l ~ h mln el"8 It Is fl s uper· out blow, If the 111 .. ,, ' on , Irl ij nt.\fi eo with tbe Htrengt b stl1l Wllyuos vlJle, Ohio, I\!o!:gl~ 10 ..101 s' tn117 on th " l wh t'll n lI~w mon Is Ilik en gelh er till we' re within 0 rnble II' nllth \ tmd v igor of good he ,Ith , The on nt n mln H 1141 III npv('r I n h(' pcr-BRu e r Bro~, F oed (J rlnd e r with 0' thnt sdwo ncr on' we aln't 1111 kill ed druggi s t lIns Uun e's P epto M~ngun mltt" ,1 In llu II"wn wll h til . fir s l shift. a ,lnoh hurr illql1lro 01 J W by thot lillie, ] tlet j'lI make them In b oth liqoid and t,able t torm,-A d . 11" mll et clull'lI wllh thl' Ins t shift, R.oland, R. . D, 1. Hprlng Vlllley, skuoks s lllg ROft on' low." Ohlo " e rti 8emeDt : , oth erwise l\iI ~ rnr! line will, fnll nw. "l:!ow?" optaln ScrnKgs c hnll c rc d ~ d? "With muzzle l1urel8," Mr. Whll e y ---- -,-replied. ""II flet my fuse nt zero, nn' at poInt-bla nk rnuge I'll jltst rnk e everythl rrg-olT thot schoone r's II ~ck8. Ouesl I'll get holf n dozen cOI'II'hh: cs set on' reody for the hlg s r~ n c. Up with you, Adlllllrni Sc rnggs, nn' hol<1 the fuse seller Btendy." " I'm llgtn "'fir:' Scrnrgs quoycrcd . ' rh",re'.!3 fl u'l l flyl,,' tin tlul' hlln t. "


------ .. I












------ ..- - -







- '"

We have twen ty thousand feet of

"Gth, It's

8 11r~


"ltntll It's Invlg"rn tl,,' , !kruJ:b"'y , ~ere ain't lIothln' wI'o n~ with lVor, 8crogg~y, unless you hoJiJ<e1l to let killed, Th~n It'. like cholern , rou can cure e\'ery case except the flr81


They hod come Inside the mInimum ranl/e ot Ihe Muleon 's long gun now, .0 thaI only Ihe ol1e'I"Jllncl el's contInued' 10 pec'k at tll@ Mnggle, Evl/len Ill' Ihe Ml'I(lrou wa s os eUj::er to Eet to close QItRrtera ns Mr, Gibney , tor he hpld stetncHly on hl~ CnllrRe, "Well , U's lillie to put over the hlg stuIT," Mr, Glltney remorke d pres enlly. "Here's hopln ' t.hey /lon't pol me wltb rlne tlre while I'm ntendln ' my complIment ,," Ae the Ilr.t muzzl e burst raked tbe Mexl cnn CnptClln SCr88'tr9 saw tbllt m061 .,( tlto terrlbh! hlllst of lend bad gOll e 100 hlj:!h, Ne\,el·thelc88, It was eITccU\,l!, for to a mlln the crow! of . the one-potlllch'rs Ileserted theIr posts aod tUlllhl ..d Io ol"w; leelng ",h(eh the Indh' Iclu81 In comman d lost hIs ne"e_ H e W8S satlstled now thot the Infemlll Maggi e purposed rnmmln g him, be bad mut\'elc 1 thnl I'he flllbn ster should URe ~hrnpllcl. ",ft..!\, slie hnd raiige/l with ,hell (h e did not know It was percns81 0n .hrnpllc l) Rnd ' In sudden" Il. eJeclrlt!cl Ihnt the Mnllele, mornlE,{ KNOW WHO I'I'\'(S FOR 'l1E

PR£SBol't5 AROuND HERE - (,...,111;






here ,at our Lum ber Yard . We are cutting these logs into Fenc ing Boa rds and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price, 1 .

.If you are




need of ·Oak Lum ber for any purpose,










Waln ut,



Hick ory . Log~


.... TH E MIA MI


GA ZE TT E.. ~~




icrh e

! 'C1

Public Sales

Our hOrle 8hoe pitoher l are ouly All en SmUb , or Uayton, 8pent Wn, Lbe und e r81~ne,J . wil l Re ll al workin g part Ume. Wednes day wltb b OUl i folk s . Puutio H~lo th o ohu ttels bploDgi ng , , to Ih tl O.lllt o f . ln ~o D L !:lh oe haD, Q ulnoy King 18 8een on our streets Born-To Mr, nnll Mrij . So mani dooo;.s()11 lit ... his Subscri olion Price, $1.50 pp r yeor 11\1,0 resltl nco 0 0 ~tter "overal wEleka' oonfi nement , Ri~IJl80 n , Wedn esuay, Nuvelll uer;) , I !-iouth M.. 111 !-il ro et., Waynos vi lle , Mrs . Li~,zie Srnrfaoo Borlan e nte r. 102 1, a son . , I l\illl" \ lIJ I tni n ed out.ot.t own goes ts, last week. Mrs. Cbas. H o ngl! an d 8011, K e n. I -============================== "'J.', f Thursda h I y, h Dece ' mber I I It 15, nel,h 1931 , , ;;:n;W=ff""iRi~ff---lItf+.;; Ie nr oa~o 'ers ntis v o n y , Mrs s pen t "lid ,1\' wilh ~ I r . l\lld -= '-:..J-I.~t.-;;;::::;;;yTER lJ, E . J uhn3, ' KYNE are numer ous, nod cepo n valuabl e WEDNE SDAY, DI~C EMBElt 7, l D2 1 H"l!iuuln~ III U : aO I\ Ill ., th n ·follow. oatohin gs . W . G Hulnlls an tI fll/llily . of B(' I ' I I ~g chu~t~'18 : :, H o r~ () ~. I .J" r.~ , Il" man~ were w eA k .ond Ill1tl~tH o f Mr . I II H I~ . ,1, U OI,!~. LU() :; 11 0,,1', l o rn Mr~ Wilbor l1,i rk W IIS tbe week· tl.nd Mrs, ::l. ti . (\~. Author of I lIlIpllll11eol • . Fl'" Il . T ou l". I' tl'. HIli' eDd ItU~s\ o f b e r pfire nh, ot ne~r "Webster - Man's ·Man," Inrll o bill . fur tllrll" '" Ili lur t,lwr , BI .. nobeste r. Mrs. Chl oe ::lhloM, w ho IIn ~ b,'e n I I)ntloul ar • . "The Valley of the q uite ill WIth bron ol! iRI Mott CIIDe , o f Day ta ll, ~I)ent ~ un · Is iruprovln ~ lit thl ~ li'll p " ~ n'lI lJ lIi" ' 1 BElt'!' ." I1~:~: HA N I. Giants ," Etc. ". ,{ ACIH:1 da y with r olativ oll h ore .. nd frieml p . , : i\H:>:II i\1\ I', I'., ,'rn ,It~ at. KiDgUll1n . Mrs C" th nrln o ,1 l ll l ~ , of Co ntor . '-' 1'. U .. wko, Am·l. c..pyrl.h., by P~~. D. Kyno v!ll e . is n nw stnying fi t t h o h ome o f T h o siok h e re lI,r e r omainin g about b or SOD, ,J . l~ ,' o hu ~, IInu wif e th e "aIllA, with very Ii tt,l" , if any . Impro vement , H . M. Clllril a nd wlf p were ::'; u n f:io vorul fr om WaYDo svill1l wer e in d .. y dIn nor ~U 0 8t8 of ~ l r IIod Mr ... "Lay n l n~/(~Itlc 11101 CI''''','' ~lr. Ulb, fit te nd ed I hll trial In h e re on 'l'hnr8r1I1Y , PI rr v " en r lOlt tllld ,llI ng bt e r , li t 0 b6 Cut nrrh l ~ n 1"" It! 1\ 1:-0, ' ,1":: " 1..:1"1' 1\'11)' I ney sholl lel\ tn t l)., hellllSIMn. TIle Deoe m be r IRt, W lly'nn~ vli1 e, influ Pu(,f'd tl y (·lIf1 ... t l !llt l ~ ~n:, 1 1',,11111 . lH'hnOllP r IUlf1 ho\"p to nnll when the , . Mr~ Alloe R"hl ll Hou IIn .1 MiNN nons. It th f.:" f Pforl' fj ''llllt'I':' 1" 111 ,, \ 1111 · Onn or our lellrnod olty ne per , you odd HOIIIA thi " !:~ Sllfll 1\1""llle ty Dop nlM o~lt Iio"e B cxe~, to sOllie .~ tho vear' l Mary L!l.o J ny, of Hurilllo:h or o, ar e lIonlll tn'It 'IIlNlI . llit rl .,' YIlT(I. th llt .. h nultl II AI.I.' S , 'AT,\ ltHI\ eclltor~ t,e ll ~ o@ th.t (lo rn In lhe 11 0.( oonnt II ~ tlX l w n He ~. Thtl l" lJol' of to wtlld w nrd ot' Iwr ~fr. (a hn(\~/ I n· W"yn u~\" l1 u Nll t lllllll i BIIOk , Wil Y, . 81lf'nd lng a C" nplo o f W.." kH wUh MF.I)I(.'I N'c Is tak" 11 IIIIt'fllIlll)' lin" 1M wurl·II liD oel\ l ~ II bo"h'l , wb , I,) feolii ng th e b u - hel 1)( fn rm pd t h ,.. ~f rx l (' n n . In lltl" ,c!otlS Sp nn. nos vill e, !lbio, oll rn II\~I) tbl! t.heir frl end n, Mr~ . Carl '\IIJ1'1g h t '\Od o~ ts through the Bl o(HI on ,he l\1 uNlIS oorn ftuld in t.ilU r .. w fn r cflHh i .. bng, the It.bor o f tllktn I ~ II \\'\' 11 '1I 1xell wlrh J;;ll l(l ll<h, thnt tt :11'1'. and Mrs. U"rvey Kuytl or flntl f'Hnily . g P' oper ol\re Surfa cl'9 of the S)'slelll. HALL 'S wn r~h ' JO'Y 4H ",mI ... hU Mhfll . 'l'h o ' nl thllt b o~, th o work ond riNk of Il'e h.ti er ~ " mllrh nM tltlpd ht" lItll" fnmlly .wprll ~eek.e nd g uoH tB of r OI ' Mr, lind Mrs. Enl Th omas, of CATAR RH 1tIEDI(' I NE des tro)'s th e ""ltl lon rned oHy wrIt-or (\rn w~ thl> k llepln g l.h lH h ng o lIV E! , th ll I'xpense ' ttn l(l'f he "'I Kht p~ i>p rt to I,., ~ lI nk I/ IIP a& lves 10 XeDltl. fo un dat ion of the dl s('as(', glv"8 Ih e oOnOI Il"l un . lh e r tl f o rll, thnt It wIll of prov iding him wit,II n dOll. "Down h•.'low. e\'C' ryllf)d y IIltl 1 R oute 0, e nterl.nine<l tc,>l:lnnd .. y diD pfltl ent s trength by Improving the gen· ; R, B . BrookA IA m o vill g Into his , oer. MrA. B.'lIe C oon aDd he profitnb le for h og millor8 to feed h uml', th t measur es n oOl\' fo rtablo th e hehusm "", or 1"11 8wc,'P dOonght e rs, ,'ral henl th an'd IIssls ts nature In doing to prote ct She yo ur t h eir llo rn ,tel h ngs t.ill s winter . f eed fr om pred!l.tory unlw 'lh" and decks with I loolh ~ r m uz7.l e Lurf; t," h e' 1I 1l V'> gliro ~I', aUlI will Boon be l oady lJ. W. Sheeba n and fa mily , and Mr. Its work. 10 serve hlH potrooll .' W e don t pr ete nd t o he oo rn AX . fluallv t.h e Soil, trouble lind Mrs. thun J. de B. rcll. ThomaA .. All drugglst 8. Circulars free. Jl erts. or hog pxpe rte, o r e xperts on ot moving a II ving bosaud dangers The Mexl co o obe ~' ed and Coplnln Tbe bnl obers Ilre bel!lnnlnlC their hel of OlrD Mn, 1:1, B. HaiD ee and Mrs . W .. I· F, 1, Cheney '" Co" Toledo, Ohio. onrn in tbo bOI(: bnt WfJ boll llVIl tbBt· rat.b ll r tbun an InRnlwt l.te bUllbel ot !!crnp;g8 wpnl up In th .. pilot hOllse nnil wlnter'8 work-k illIng h ogs for the ter K enrlok e ntertlun od to Ii o'clook 001' olty friontl hllo. ove rl ooked a fow OilrO Inld Ihe lerrl hly bntt erp,l MIlI(IlI ,' fllrmors and oitlZ4~OH. to lllarke& . dinner . Sntnrda y, MI'8, Alloe R ,b. ~hlnICH. That whll)h lI ell between Forty.e lght oent o~h oorn plU8 alongs ide th ll IIchooner. 'I'he 1".,,,"1 Mrs ViolR Barltsou k and tw o sonB Inllon and Miss Mar y Leoony, of Ulfl 4H oentH far oaHh onrn lind I/O bunlilO labor, plus she toul'he,I, Mr. Ollllle. , · Hprll ng "pen t two dave with ber hnmao ' brain parente , I:Iprinab oro, '!.nd Mra. Lelia Albrigb t . oeDtll ror ('orn in the b llg, ill n ot work, plnll otber overben OR. J. W. MILL ER, d, eqllal8 nhoorll, lIul cllly toll owl'd Ill' Cuptnl" Mr. and Mrs . W . 'r Jordtl.n. merely oorn Mrll, E. R. Randolp h and Staoley SCrugg8, who hnd rellnqlll" hed . th" 00 oents (lOr b'lshel When :v ou h"vo ~oltl your bnshel The @now" ~be bean'ifu l snow, Lamb, of Day'on , and 8tnoy Lemb, And tben when that "oorn In the helm to hIs lir. t mnle. ..• DENT IST ••• of oorn for ~!:I oents "nd dolivere d 1&. bogA" gets t o muket . Smlttenly Cnptuln ScraglCs sholl, ed. onme to U 8 unexpeo tedlV , and with- of Colcmb ue, wllre called here, last , yon m ay very week, by the aeriouli lloll88 of tb e lr tbA buohel of oorn hilS PIlA8A(\ froll! we ll fiod yonrsel f reacl vlng very "Lonk, OIb, tor t he love ot I he Lord , out our bolng prepare d for It. Olllce 10 mother , Mrll C S vour life, But It yo o r e rnin from mnoh lell9 thlln 1I0oent Wayne nl.le, <. who wall N'"ODai Ilallk Illd~. s a l.JIIsh ol Ir,ok I" ond poInt ed with hIs finger. At Walter Shank, of near Oregon ia, taken sudden ly ill, Lamb, lIelilng It, anu feed It &0 bogHInsteltod . f or bIOI Thured ay even. the heatl or t.he littl e Iron·rntl ell COlli· waH in town, l:!aturdOoY , after leveral ine, with pneumo ni. of the rIght po nl on-wny Icorling down tnt o the en· wt ekll ' abllenoe frlOm 8iokneHI, lunt{. A trained muse waa 8eour ed, afne rOO m n man .... 08 stRndlnl! . H e Mrs. Elsie Ilook l' tt and dlnghte r, Sdnrda y, and Dr L G . BrOCk, th e M. had a monkey wrench In one ha nd and Rnth A. SHU MAk .ER were week.en d Aue8tll of bAr attendin g physiol an, report. e I(rens), rnl( In thp oih er . her oon. pare~tll, Mr . and Mri nEd Rellion . dltion a little Improv ed at tbls tlw e. Mr. Ollllley turned nnd looked a t th e Vete rinar ian Frank MoCarr en 18 driving a Ma" 1 Mrs. Mat-t1da Emriok man. and Mrs AI. "MrG ll rref, for I thou Klnd I" he t>.I. ters trnok and his buslne88 bein ~ ! len Emrlok en&6rta lned several uf Praclica l Vaccina lor, Hove hatl large 18 trying the unok in e~erJ , theIr fri ends to an 10:00<1 ~ u cceS!l in 11ll0luning on elegant dlnnor lO"'cd, and ran forwu rd with out· way Ion Tbursd ay, Tb08e wh o e DJ \) yeu bot.h s ick nnd well he rd s. Btrett'h pd hnnt!. Cnptn ln Scrngg8 wss . the occa sion were: Me8d!l at Gib ney's I we l ~, snd between th em Mr and Mr ~ . Ell 8 hidllker lind I wo s le Cox, Lois N utt, Ano lll rs Uli Bo l n Phoneg L . Smith , th e), callie "ery nenrly dlslocotl ng BIlt'- sons were SundllV g u ests 01 Mr . and \larv Ca rm ony , Jennie La mb, Hu e Uome lI GG·8 l3e ll 4·l r tholOluCII' McUuffey's arm. Mrs 'l'bo~. Ha ydook, of Now Bur. 810nhe nber ger, Georgio nna H,un ll~ "MeO IIngton ufl'('y, my den r boy," so ld Cup. , The Circu lar Lette rj Bellb rook, Ohio CIlthari ne J ohns, Ellzilbe t h JODe@, tal n Scroggs. "Whatcv er are yo u Ira M, I::yford r epo rts th e 10811 of u Letit1t\ Kenrick , and M I ~"es Rntl! Ho ,,- d oar to mv b ellor t is the olr Illum' on thl8 heathen hattle8h lp'" very vl\lunbl e fox houtd . An y In. and Anna Nutt . colol ed ~lIp, with It's fervId a·doln' " " • cnlar letter that ouw es to Uly StIllO. re mi ,Idtlr , - it drives h ome tbn bur . t 'r0l8 1100 given h i m ooooe rnilJl( tb e lif e I eJn cul uted Mr. ML-Gutl'e y, ,,!th tum e.ob mornIn g by mllol!. It 's galo with rivet ond ollnob; dog will I e IIppr80ti atioo. the oil hIs old ·tl me deli berati on. "\\,hy, I'm offer lind 8r!:uwe Dt onnlel n 't be @too k or a uto or li ollar stem. winder the chl et pnglneer of th Is croft. 1 hn d bette r, Ih ougb h onest John I) , had -in ~Hher Av'e Onr ns, s irH , the tbing is u a good Job, 100, hut 1 guess It'8 oil ~ff played Bieh 80hooll basket baIl team NOTAR,Y PUBLIC a Dnyton teBm on ~' rldIlY oonoQo ltld the tall'. . . • I gobble ol n oh . . , An (1 ~here 's tbe en' now, 'nou the Mexican gover nruent II oight, and tl!e gltome W8S olose, HO eaoh s tllt·el uent with e xquisite pi ells: vtl la pe that oom ps tn so bRndy, iD fire me. 8ny, wh o chucked Ihut ~u c k. they Stl.Y, bot nlloyl,o n won. Wayn esvill e, Ohio ure , pnd swallow wUh ~nsto, t,he mllllinl! the ooin 80 it oan 't gJ a"tray, shot down Inl 0 m)' engine roum r "llIng gO~rHol\t,8\t ; 1~' 8. funny to think -bellev e Miss Lila Sid Colby enstrl Turnel, oke r me, my dear., tbllt the has t be armle s~ raoe· pur. "Admlrnl Olbney did It," sai d Nat ional Rank h o w thev 've g It OD my meaAur e, fe llow's h orse driver. of Wilmln glon . was ohased a new FC\I'd oo npe. a dondy, wbo reaobes my Scroggs, "The old Maggle'8 along· onlltng and pu t up 1l', r.! orn8 px proS8 1y h e.ut In on frleods hllre, FrldllY even· Ib llt oi r oo lar WilY " ~ Id e "nd Frtlnk Wardl ow south of I,o wn, filld Glh's filibust e rs. Benr for me.. 1 fuln would repl, Ttle Oi ronlt.. le Ut"" thllt, goeB 'em II hpntl, Muc, alld help UB clap the lng, lind while h 'Ble IIttend ed Ih e bas been very 8i Jk witb pneumo nlu. on I,hn s pur of Ule m Olllimt, tlnd 811 one d~n~ beuer, - t.hut olTe rfl 01 0 bll-rguin R hatches on Ollr prlloner s." E, V. BARN ART ant th o hlonk wltb a m od erateoh eok fr\lm Mrs . Hraoe Rl t.eno ur , who ha s ~h oeHt rtnj(" t,o b l1t,-the bil! "Thaok Ood," so ld Mr, GIbney pl oll8Mr . lind Mrs. Jobn I:;lmpso n and IJe"o very ' rwould ~ettlf) my " " rv os nnd Rbol. vll llo siok, is reporte u @ome w lette r. I.hl' Hllr(\ moO( y' l(f' tt·er , Iy, "I di dn' t ki ll you. Come leb &b e fOlllont that bnlgeR tllo vein" that to look tamily, of Woyn esvllle, nud Mr. and better. Notar y Publi c kDook" Ihe h " m e m erohnnt A@ luto the mntt er, I didn't k!f1 ID my vul~uing nook, nnyb ndy, Mrs, W!1liam Ecton, of New Bur. 1'bl' blln,las a bll~ Mr "nd Mrs . ClifT Maxwe ll ontaI:though 1 see holt II dozen Ml'xl cnn. IIngton , were !:lund ay gueltta oftbeir tllined Mr. and Mr~. Frank TboDlll8, a round decks more or le'8 cut up. ptlre ntl, here. All kinds or Notllry W ork . Wille lalt Sunday . Where yotl h(1en All lhese years, Mac?" and Deeds 1\ Special t y. Tbe M. E,oburo h SOCial a' Town Home y Phil osoph y MillS Flora lierryhl1 ! , nf Uolumb us, "1 been chlet engineer 10 tile Mexl. h&lI, TbnTBdtly night, wall juet who' can nav)'," replied M ~O nff9y. "Ha\" it wall Intende d ttl be-tI. plealan ' 18 visiting Mr . and Mrs, Raymo od Ye8, the auto is " gro a t, con ven. you captured us In th e nnme ot the an.t 8001able bvenlng . The proceed a Penewl t, north of ~own . lenoe and 1\1"0 a g r oat pleasur e, but t;'nlled SUltcs or what r ~ were very ltl.tisCa otory . -bn"-w l' 08n't f orget our good old Mr and Mrs , Harry Stephon s and "We" 'e cnptllred l 'O U In the name ot Irlend, THE AORBE , As Will OIlH. Mr, and Mrs, Walter T . Jordan IIUle daughte r 'spent SunddY wltb Adelbert P . Olhney," vie remind" us in ,. FIl'ld, I I be Willi of W09 the reply. "I enterta ined for dblner 00 Sunday , Swayne P.enewi t and family, been hunt.ln' all my lite t or a .hlp at Mr, and MI1I, the d .. ys ,h"t were8t~dfa81·,lIt,aunoh Chall. Guy , of Way. The W. 0, A. me~ at 'he home of Good W~ lte,.. of OpinIon. illY own, and now I've go t her. Lord, nesv!l/I ', and 81019; wb l'n 'we touk f.lmfl to and Mr. and MI'8. Elmer Daisy Belts, laet Friday after. 'rbe only 100d wrIters o()f opinIon Mnc, ahe', a benutr, nln't lhlnk deepl, and wh('n our lIn In8 ahe? All Sherer, of Olborn, OhiO, ooon About fonrtee u Il1dles were made os firm In ftl.itb lind li('arty to lire those wllo InstIncti vely reprod uce hardwoo d finish, teo k roll, well foond, 'fhe protrtl.o ted m eeting a~ the M present , Farm Sales and Livc Stock a prlnolp le and duty. Says Ogilvio : Ihe ntmosph ere at dlscu81110n. \('h()Se ond JUllt the ticket fo r the Island "entences have the tOile ot dI scussion , trude, Well, well, well I I'm The tobaooo sbed on the farm of Specialty . CaptaIn E. ohnroh, onder tbe manallemen~ Be of Rev , A . E, Buotin gton, w!1l run Aaron Oregll:, er uth Along tbe road tbe oell8eleS8 motor. \\'Ith Ihemllelve8 or wIth an Imaglued Glbne,. at Inst." east of town, througb ~'roIlP .-Rand olph Bourne. tbis week, tbrus ', Tbere are burned down, lalt Tbursd ay ni l! b t . Sat.isfa ction Guaru n t eed "Wh ere do I come to, Olb'" IIlkOl' ~parks visible tbb,t wilt kindle a Tb e Shrieki ng dlsoord unt warning «nd OBuse of the fire 'i~ unknow n. Cnptalp Scrllggs mOlle,tty , blaze. Lon g may the good ooutlnu e, bUlh billme. "Well, seeln' 811 th ll Mailille has two Bellb rook, Ohio Joe Avey "nd fllmily moved fr o m 'fben eudtlon ly, pro od 8teppln g From a hoy's essay: "The cam. the Wallaoe Berryh ill holes through her hlill below the wa· farm to t be throul(b tbe dUBt, mil Both Phones is \Ile sbeep of the desert, It Fraok Th omllll farm on t he Spring terllne, onll Is 1I(,nurnll y nIcked to Comps wh .. t I ' ll 0611 for want of pieces, YOIl mIght quit u8111n' Qu estlonl d oes not have '0 ~:,& angry to get Valley toad , 'fuehdl. y , and AI · better namo nnd get bock nbnnrd ancl put the It's oltock up. beoaUEta nature It pba l:itevens and f"mlly m oved \0 On t! ot tbo Old Co n ~8mpt!b'eB , pumps on her. y ,'u're lucky I t fthe t·but way , When oa mmtls ICO on fi t be Berrybi ll farm,la st Wednes day, IF YOU ~LU8 YE.R Iloll't Ink on you be rore we get to Des· j ourney, they drlnlt a8 mooh water I filld a Borrow in biB @~ubborn tl.S to Illst fUBny d~ys, _ l5uoh animals ca llSO hny. It she sInks, Ilon't worry. S~lN' DON'T R.VN stride; Ice Barrl.r Ceu •• d 'all • . I'll gl\,e you a Job 08 my first mote. are olllled acqulnd uoks," WUb grief nnlluBBBed I etand and DOWN ANYBO OYS Nlllgnra Fulls Ciline Illto IIl:lstenca MIlC, you're my engineer, but not at no wc\toh him go, The d anco gi ven R t tho to WD hall RELIGI ON, Be carrle8 wllh him muoh lhal fOllcy Metlcall prIce. I'J! pay you the ou Friday night, ullder the lIu@ploes because Ice In put 01" closed the Auct ionee r ancIent "-"-]', ,----:- ::zo:: ------- Hi-""'UW~ d..-not a blnsted cent of the Bilarlty olu,b, was well at. overno"Youtl et or Lake Erfe, The lake "'- ' nuned our pride: d 111 0 111( Ii new course, whIch Rtlmem bered 'blngB; l.hlOg8 stead. more or less. III thllt faIr' " 'ended. ElJjoyw ent pre val led eaused It to Illnlhll> over a cliff. Get my terms for your fut, etannob and 810'1'1 . McGuffey IIIlld It was, and went be- ',brough ont tbe eveiling . They were low to tune up his cnglne. JIll'. OlbDey present from all adjoini ng town8 Public Sale. took the wheel of tbe gunboat, and aDd oountry , and good musio Wal Satisfa ction gnaran teeu Sa,1 Hl\m : "I alway. Ilked ' bal sent' Captnln SCfIlggs back IIbonrd tlte furnl~hed . a&ory about the FreDoh farmer who or no charge s. ~lllggle, lind In a few mlnutell both The f:itate ot Ohio took np a handfu l of dlr' 'rl.m one vessels were bow ifnI! along toware! l'hompH on, for violatinV8 John W g of hiB floll1" alld exclatm ed, ' Bere in Descans o bMY. They were off the bay Aot, came up for hert ring,the Grabbe Box 91, Centerville,' Ohio Deoemb er my bund Is Franoe I'-a 8ilLwor d at midnigh t, and ,,'hUe wIth Mr. Glb· let, beforll Squire Frank Homc Phone 2, Ccnlcrv illo Ex IIBrl~I .) n in-prflo&tOl\1 pa~rlotlsm, " ney In commllnd ot the fed aml gun· rb omp.on , on being arrailln WllsoD, ed, plead We Sell It and b08 t Capteln Bcrnga. hed Dothlnll to not gul1~y, but on oomlng Inlo fear, the rapId rise of water In the for trial withdre w hlB plea conrl We Repai r It of not hold ot the Maggie was 8adly dlscon· ~ullty 88 to mannfa oturlng Our Cale ndar and en. certlng. AbOut duylfght he mMde Ul> tered a plea of gomlr, Be Dec. 4- Second Sundayf iia Advent · bls milld that sbe would sInk wIthin ,GOO 00 and OOII&S of pr,ol80oW88 fiDed &!on. Dee, a - Immacu late Concep tion two honrs, and wIthout pausln, to Dec . ll - Third Sunday in Advent whine o\'er hIs predlcum ent, he Dec, 18- -Foutth Sunday In Advent promptly beach d her. She drove far Dec. 22-Sho rtest Day up tile 'beach, with the slack water troopIng Oown from tne .d"lta"o Dee, 25-ChrI BlmaB Day breoklng nround her scarred stem, and ran cho and tallln, UpOD bel' Circa .. DB.H .E.H ATH AWA 'I Dec, 26-Jew ish Hanukk ah We Put Them On wheu the tide ebbed sbe lay hIgh and like so ruany nntll, Quickly distribu ted Dec . 28- Holy Innocl'b t8 nay Ilrv. And the rehel loldl~rs cnma her cargo Ilmonglt th.m, Ind dllap. Wayue ntUe'. Leadin r Den".' peated, Olloe In Halnee Bldg, Main a, Captain Scrad1l IIlIt his crew out IIboird the capt"red uunbolt to al8llt Mr. Gibney In rowlDl hie n Bshore, and when ISnall)" he stood ~~~ alone be,lde the wreck of the brave old MAggIe, piled op at lut In the port of missing sblps, I~mithln, Inapped withIn bl8 brealt and th. bl, tearl ••• Examined Correctly... . rolled In quick BUCClllllou dowD hi' lun·taun ed cheek., Th. old hul." GIasns Fitted peculiar ly pathetic as lb. ln7 FUW '- \L DIRECTOR , ~ 'looked " AT HI)DKaATB PRICES tbere, listed over on .her beom end., Sh~ had served blm well, but sha had Wayn esvill e, Ohio finlsbed her 10lt vOl'age\ and with some VOID\! Idca of lavlnR: her old bon.. trom vandal band.. Captain 8.CI'!'III, Optical Deparb aaat Fully Equip ped for Good !lobbing audibly, leatt.ra d th. cont8ll1l It IWroU 1M. Xnl., Ohio at btllf a dOzeD can. (>f k.r'oaene ~"er" Service. '.'DII\8 8 bJ appoint ment her decu . and In thll eabtD, lI,hted Large Displa y .Room -"HI' In three dUfereot eectlOll,l at thl wrec:k; and' lett her t(1 the coo.ulDln, , TELEPH ONG 7 DA.Y OR NIGH'! flam ... . Belf an hOUl: " ater be at~ on the batten4 dlclll of tM IUbtJoat beald. Glbne;y Ind MciGu1re:r and watobe4 the deDH olinda of ' amob that bvalded the peIIlD, .Of the Mag·

D . 1.. CfI ANE , Edi ror and Publish er. \\ 'll ' l1f's\'i lle, O lli o: ,

Gre en Pea Pir ate s B.


The Trut h Abo ut Corn

Catarrh Can Be Cured

th e H



You e\'cr think of the happ incss you wou ld afford one you really love d by reme mbe ring them this Chri stmas and send ing them








The Miami Gazelle

for a who le year ?

John H. Wright


Auc tion eer

a real

Santa Claus


. -.


FQrest T. Mar tin

- - ---- - -,-


to; •


--'---_. - ..---

It has neve r occu r-





...... ... .


$1 50 for a

Wal ter McClure


' . -

'DR. 'We E. FROST :.VETE RINA RIAN V8CdaItIOn • Spedalty. Noth. I.,*, ReUabIe, Serum UHd

red to you, act upon this suggestion, com e in, give us the nam e or nam es and we'll atten d to the rest.





Dr. 'Lloyd B. Hall Veter lt:tarl an Om€lil: '

Fourth Stnel, n...·Trler T.......o... .


, The Miami Gaze!'te, Wayne.ville, Ohlp.

/lnl, 1. ~~~Ii~~,\~~::~,.t~;~~~j



~\"II1II', (\(Io\.I~

~11 ,, ~~,I)~"I~,~a;l~o~~ ,:~ ~~It. >. to,. : MEN Of lllAYNESVILlE I~

'"11.: .\(.1




Inv itations ur. ,luI ft r II '"(',' ling oflh Men tl f W,.ynl'sv.illc· "n Frilny ,I ,,vening , llecellll,t.. r IIi A lu q ,: (' TI, -• Lucky Man . ~ .. IlIn ll n u ~h l In ~ I .o'p "'Ull rll!r or meelinll hllH !'l'en plun n.:!d . II lu r~. I· Y 't ll\,~ 8\\'I'M et ~t'eRIll' th6 tl hr wh o I din ne r arrlln).!,·t\ f or. an d t il.:! even· 'wnR hi. own tnt'" o.n,1 hn . hIs olep ts inj.!' will be f penl in di ~r tl 9H i u n ~ (If Ihe ' 11 1'111,1. .. \ "Cullllllunity Centt!r " pro ,j ec l.

Inven t Or W ell Rewar~ed . Inventlnl\ M 11111010111 ""'1 111. a IOtt, nnt\ ·rtICtloll nlhl~' \\X"~ f,>I' h,'n r. I"or hi

lor . IMun ..- Bnbblt t r "'1'1\'(>(1 rrOIl! r,\\j llr.'ss.


11\\'11)' .


--~- .-- ---

- - ----- - - -


,-----------------------------1 or ~:!().{)/ ...,




'.vayne TO \\i n~ hip M o lh e r~ '

ub wiHll o ffurr:i~b I('I pl'Uc'eeti whi" h

lh ht' wi,·ll lIin 1,(' llt'r tI ~ ".oI f"r t he re lid of Iwetly ~ .. htl,,1 o·hillln·lI . Thl' IIl c lllhE' r ~ o f I h ~ I':usl prll Stll r have g E' nl'rou ~l }' tI ,lllRI .. oI t u th l' lI-l o lh e r~' Club lilt' \l SI' of :'h('i r ki lcll l'n and their k ilcht' ll alloi dinillg- m o m cqu lptllenl, I Il'c 1\ u ~ E' of the ebari lllt.ll' mot il·e . T he clllllm nnily huil dill).! wdl hI! di St'"'~ ('d in all il s jlh o ~ o ''' . 'In.! Iii .. Ill uth l' r... wil·'·". >wo ·,·l lwarl ". t·lt· .. l ur,· invito'" that Iltt ·y "'lIy d i ,,'u ~

Zimmerman's 20th Anniversary and i Christmas Sale W

E are 20 yea rs old today , and we want to thank our many friend s for th ei r generOIiS patronage, and assure you we will do our hest tCl se n ' YO ll ill the futu re as in the past, with the lI est Coous nt til e \' ery Lowes t Prices. .


l<' ancy R..d Riv c r Early Ohio



Il, '~ ll'lll :\lixt!d l't·nnut l' r i~p Fu d!!,e~ . ., kin d ~

Fancy Box Apples

1 1



Itl H' p ro~::"it ioll.~I~ '• .


HllI l uLi ler s III I


- - - - - - - --- - - I':ng-l i"h Wnlnul" ... ........ .... .... :!Oc I:'re"h I:ellll11 ls ...... . .. ...... ..... . I ;.e Sall;d I eanul~ ...... .. ....... ... ·· .. lIe Ne" Dates .. . ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... 18c

Palm.Olive Soap. 10 f or .... ... .. 'j':lc An Pancake Fl ourR....... ... .. .... l [ie Aunt J emima's, both kinds .. ... 15c 4X Coffee. only .... ... ........ ....... 20e New Buckwhellt Fl our. 10 Ibs ... SOc Good Coffee . 3 pounds ... ·.... · .. ·50c P o I TOflsli es. 2 pkgs ..... ...... ... 25c - - -- - - -- - - - - - , Kellogh's Co rnflakes , 2 for ...... 25c One Package Jer~ey qorn Flakes, Fre'e - Bulk Cocoa. 2 po unds for ·.. ..... 25c with 2' packages of Flakes, Oats or Pancake Flours . I All Sc rap Tobaccos. 3 for .. ... .. . 25c





St ick 'l'undy

Gr,imes Golrlen. per bnx .. ... .. :h~ I ii Wme Saps. per box ............. . :J on Jonathans. pe r box .... .. ........ ;j uu

arah Watt Rich wus born ill Lu· gan cuunl y. ncar Ucll ' foun laine , An· Miss Cn therinc Ilurn ('t. o f Ce nl er· gust 10. 18·12. untl lJulISetl IIway at \·illE' . ~ I'cn I I hI! \\·cl'k·,·tlll willi \Jr. her home in I hlrv('ysburjZ, N o v ~ mber __ _ _______ _ _ •__ _ li nd ~lrR . II. K Hathaway. 23. 1!}2 1. ull"d 7U yea r~ , a mOl1th ~ ~- - - - - _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ al1ll 1:.1 d ays. She wa~ a dau g hter of ~r: l~ \) " n·l. I ni~'; tlll'dL'i ig ht f ul lll!lI~ti llj(. i{(l hert an d M a r~arc t · Wat t. and was cr:" li t lh e M t: ch urch. I"ri oluy even· uno! of a fUlIlily of ele\'en ch ildren, in)(. n~c ~I Th 'Y Ilrf! lin e. one ur olh e r. l-t. L Wat t . alone ra.. . . ,. , . . I nlai nin~ of the family . ' l he J ury tn t he t ll t ll' Arbu ck ll" iJecember IS 181)5. she wus united ca-l' wa~ di smis~,'d la,.t .week. as lhey 1111 Itlnrrilll{tl I,,'Na th an n Hie h. wh u fad,' <1 tIl ( ' jlm l' til II d el·I~"'Il . I"i"d /o'pllltl nry ~4 . I !-Jl~ Tu I hi~ un- ~, ~


i FlU1PY Chopol lll ,'~ I

$2.75 8 BaJ: for a limited tim e only.



Specials for Friday and Saturday only Granulated Sugar. 10 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60c Polar White Soap. 7 bars for .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Lenox Soap. S bars for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Star Tobacco, pound . .. .. .. . ... ... . .. . . .. ..... SOc Fresh Crackers, 2 pounds for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25G Jiffy Jell. 3 packages for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c Fresh Oysters, Celery. Cranberries all the time. and r('m ember we will have the best Candies. Oranges, Nuts, etc. for Chri 9 trn a.~. and our prices will surprise you Spcial low prices 10 Chu rch es and Sunday Schools. IT PAYS TU TRADE AT


q --



I hUIIIIII" "111'., Ln' "In 1111' •. In gf\111 1l1l1l1'rll'd ('\en' \'rar ! /lit hlilh (0, l\\~) P t)UII\lj nf I\ nll"~ IIII\" b~ ,II!. tllllh ,· \0\'1'111"11"11 III ~n l".. nll In nOf' hllllo,\\' 1" 0' \'. 'rI te 1'10'" 111111 I·Prola. 1'111' \\'11" 111 lI:(ohl 1I1t8 I 'tr 8 Itr" foNdOti h~' Ifll.' l1t11l1,'t·~ \\ ho ; II II' nnoh' rrul rll~clllllt\ \I" Anr ~o ld tollc,\\' Il l\' nll!'ll! of Ill' . t . nllll til" rl'q. Ih'lt ('''I\IP~ Inl o I h~ l r hllllois as wlllI:e~. ul"IIp.~ lit" k '... n ~ )'(' 8f): hl Itn.1 R r&- nr In ttll ~' (II her \\,II ~· . I. Im tl' elillttc!'y

lIahle ('omI8 8 . '

_ ...!...


Sw i~~ ha nd h,·IIR. plllj'l'd hy Y0 tlng inn wert' loh rn Ihre.. oI aughte rH. MrR I Anlt' ri r ans will he th e a llrnc t in n al M Mllutl :;hrutll'r, uf U"bo rn. M r" lle rtla I': church . Frid ay l'venill ~. Dee !1 I.J ordan. o f li arvlo'vHhurg, ~nol Mrs


for your cream, bring

jt to

The OHio Creamery Co. •

. We guarantee the test, and pay the highest cash price. H. E. HARNER, Agent


_0 0-



~""1t~::~ III TRA£E AT:tiOME ~ TRADE AT




Every Boy Wants It rr

you could realize h al\' much l h a t hoy vi yours. or that y ou n g relat ive or fri e nd in ' . whom you are interested, croves the he alth y . well· balanced r eod ing m atter he will get in THE AMERICAN BOY. never for B minute would you deny him thi s ple a sure . For 0 Chriatma, prese nt. or birt hday g ift. a sub / scription to THE AME R I CA N BOY i3 unexcell ed . It las t s the wh ole yeor .t hrou gh - and Ita Influe nce i. of the best. /

' 'T~ Diue.l . Ihh::l:tnl. n.. r ,\ llr '.:I.ine fur UtI" In All Hlc \ \ .... r ld ..

In the next twelv e number s there wi1i be leriol. by 8ueh fa m o u s au t b o rs as M clv iHe P ost. R alph D . P ain , . Willi a m H e y . lige. and Claron ce B . K dlo nu , th e short Itoriu are by" author s o f "q ua l n ot e . ond the bill departments whi ch are edi t ed b y ex perts. are devoted to every ICBiti mo l c interc. t o f boyhood.

Price Reduce4 THE AMEJ.I!ICAN BOY i. now on ly $2.00 a yellJ'. Make aome boy hoppy -fill out the cou~n and mail It TODAYf M.ll ,'',. Coupo" to tPte publiration in ."Air" cltl. opp~Qr • •


F or $2.00 encl osed se nd 0 Y eor', Subscription to THE AMERlCAN BOY , b eginning wit h the ... •••••••••••... Number to

Name •••••.•• • •••..• • •.•••• .••.• .•• .. ' AcI'd re••••.•..••••• . •. . .... .. .. .. . . . .• , . .

A BARGAIN . . The. M'ami Gazette, orie year... $1.50 Th ' American Boy, one year.... $2.00 for .. . . ,.. . . $3.25

H hat Would be Better 'for Children than Roller ~and Ice Skates, Sleds, Kiddie lKars. Coaster Wagon!f alldlExpress Wagons, Foot Balls, Electric Lights for the Christmas Tree.




The Misses Pine. Weaver and George and Mr. N . P . Blatt motored to Cincinnati, last Saturrlay, and pur, chased pictures for the High Schaul. They also secured slides for history, commercial geography, economics and agriculture. to be used in the new stereopticon .

"".- -_.

- ..


Combination No. 1 121b sack j;>lour. 5 Ibs of Sugar.

~fl~·a~!a~~~.~~·,,~.. ~~·.


Combination No.2 I' doz . Bana.nBs. I doz . Oranges. 1 p kg. Blue Buck le Coffee. 2lbs .



Combination No.3

--,- ------

i l~rgc~ff,:~~~.~~.~~.~:. $1.00




When You Start Your Christmas shopping look througb our display. . Maybe we can make a suggestion, and if we haven't got exactly what you want. we will have time to send for it.

Farmers are to take warning of two old· time fox hunters. for it is alleged that they tracked a cat. thinking it was a fox. for several hours. and they were not wise until the tracks finallv led to a farm house. The fox hunters are said to be in hid· ing at the present time .


ruttl, a JI,ntngrapq nlOU can complete


youlr Christmas list quickly with photographs Ilnd you will' be sure of giving just the right thing. Pholo!;ruphs are glfls you can allsil)' afford 0011 family nod friends will u\waya treas-

ure them.

All persons are warned to keep off the property of the undersigned. while,hunting or trapping. The Van tress farms The Gonuch Far~8 Frank Braddock Farms S. D. Henkle Farms Will Mponey Chas. Smith Ed Furnas Farms

----_...--Qlrden Note.

The easiest wuy to remove weed.. (tobert, Is to marry a wldow.-B... ton Trarlserlpt.

RIOOE STUDIO Waynesville, Ohio •


The Late Classified Ads.


Fred M. Cole \

Hardware, Harness, Farm MachInery

FORSALE . ColdFord Tee' .'ar' Mo&oreuy; Oil I.I~====::========~~~;~~~!!~ makes YOGr Would 12 u on your money. protected by two name notes and first mortg~lte interest you? For full pluticulars addreaa .


Waynesville. Ohio








Sale [Now

Office in Aman Building

Waynesville, Ohio




15 Working .Oays Until Christmas ,

TOYLAND We have the toys for the little folks that will make their eyes sparkle to· see them. .Come and bring the little folks iti-don't make any difference whether you buy or Dot-just bring them in to see the toys that San- ta has left with us to show. " . ==~====.==========~======================== STEEL WAGONS-GoOd lor the Iittletot :.................................. $1 00 A SMALLER STEEL WAGON-Good for baby ....... ... ......... ......... 50c DEPOT TRUCKS-Well made and substantia). ............................ SOc SANDY ANDY-For moving sand. with a box 01 aand ................. SSc ''BIZZY ANDY"-A trip hammer .................. ........................... 88c IRONING BOARD-16Y. in, hijrh. well ~ade. with steel uprights .. SOc DRUMS-A "ood "Boy Scout' drum .......................... ·· .. · .... OOC. 25c HORNS-What Is Xmas without a hom. eaeh ................ ;.15c. lOco 5c WATCHES-Wrist watch. pennant watch. and chain watch ..... 1Oc. 5c BANKS-All sizes. from ..................................... ......... 5Oc. 25c. IOc TRAINS-'-:On track ........... : .................. ......... ................... ' ...... $1 25 ROClCING HORSES-Small ones for the baby to play with ........... 250 BELt TOYS-Good ones at ................................................ 5Oc, 25c LOADED .T RUCKS-Good for boy or "irl to play ilrocery ............ SOc TEDDY BEARS-A a'ood small one ........................................... 76c DISHES-For the girls. these will their eyes Ilparkltt........ 75c. 5Oc. ?.5c . SEWING SETS-:-With needles. thread. etc ........................... 50c, 25c


RA W PEANUTS-Shelled, per ).)Qund ...........:' .......................... . 16e .

·SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK A Youl1g Pe!>ple's. CQ.nference for h t e f orward i ng of our Sunday Sc h 001 work in Warren county will be held In Lebanon. ' December 28 and 29. . Pas t ors. super in t end en ts • young PaD· . ple's teachers and del~ateB. please Jcome.





---_.- ...- - -

eng" :£Irrrg Xmas"


it, Saturday.



Floyrl McKean has purchased a farm about sill: miles northeast of Springfield. on the Mechanicsb urg pike. and will mOve his family there about the first of the year. Tht! McKeans. during their short stay in Waynesville, have made many friends who will regret to lIee them move away . /

10lbs of -Meal. 5 lbs. Navy Beans



A Hand Saw A J!alc het A set of Bits with linH'c. A Lanl t' rn,


The Youth's Companion Home Calendar for 1922

------_. _.------


What Would Be Better for Father than

An Electric or Power-driven ,' asher, A ne"" Cook Stove Famou! Heatrola Florence Automatic Eleetric Flat Iroll __ A Toaster A Grill . A Percolator . An Electric Plate ' Or any of the beautiful Cooking Uleusils ill the Alad din White Enamel, I'yrex or Alumiuum \\ are .


There are several scarlet fever cases in town. 'and quite a few cases of diphtheria. The doc tors ane! the health department ara taking pre· cautions to -prevent the spread of the diseases. The szhool buildings were fumigated, last week. and cases are kept isolated so far as possible.

Our XnlLls display consists of practic:d useful articles for the house and farm.

What Would be B.,elter for Mother than

.. -----

The State J ersey Breeders Aasocia· tioQ i~ interested in having a ~unty Association. Their field man, Mr. Cannan will be in Warren County for a meetinll with our J ersey breeders, Friday, December 9th. in the Farm Bureau office. Lebanon. The Jersey Association is also 'Promoting better stock, County Shows, Calf C I~8 and Cuw· TestinllAssociations . It is hoped that all farmers inlerested i:l the J ersey cattle will be present.


A Razor A Dc Laval

.. - ...



Card uf Thanb

TIlt' famil y wi" hcs ttl ·.'~ pr (,H~ th eir 1 All po' r ~" I1 ~ hllV ill1{ Trud,· Ca rob for lh alllo~ fur lht! kiltdne~H a nti ~Yllll'n · j Mrg Ma ry L (, lVi ~ f,'11 IIlld brnk· AluminullI 1.vIlI·e lire rNlu es led to Ihv ~ h "w n tho'lO tluring the illll e ~ 9 he r hip. Sunda y ev enin j:( . Mrs I.I·wi ~ brillK lI11'm III 1111 1" ~ t t .r e loy Sa turdllY. " t lhei r lov{'<i ont'. and 10 Lht! W F is mak in g her home wil h her rla ll)( h· Decemhe r 10th , allll l{ ~ llh e ir ~ets ul \1 S and lh l' W. C T . U . for now Sawyer' HUrore ry. " r ~. an d to Waller McClure 111111 ~o n te r. Mrs Nathan Hawes. of Spring Aluminum . - ---ror Id lld nt!ss ~h o wn . The Fllmily. Vall ey. and as she went to sit down in her chair. she misserl it and fell tu th e floor . making a very bad break in her hip. X· rays we re laken o f the fracture, uul th e doclo rs sny tha t it cannot be mend ed . Mr~ ,)unH!!I !'i mlJgn n di pfl Friday Mrs. Lew is, who is H yea rs old . i ~ eveninl(' at I; ,,' clork nt he r hOllle. a ve ry large woman, and Mhe fell near Wdl{l'vill{' . Th e fun e ral was Th e puulishers of The Youth's ve ry heavily. Her chil dren fir e see· held Monday ftl orn ing at the Rid ge. in g to it that . she has eve ry care vill e church . j Illerment at Mason. Companion are sending to every sub· scriber whose ~ubscrip ti on ($2 .50) Is t ake n of he r. M r . C h a rl e~ Le wi ~ . of - -paid (\'Ir 1922 a Calendar for the nt>w th i~ place. was immediately notified year. The tablets are printed in red of lhe acciden t, and he le ft for and rlark blue. a nd besides giving the Spring Valley. and has bee n wi th his the days of the current month in mother ever since. bole! legible type. give the Calendar Third Sunday in Advent. Decem· of tl1e preceeding and succeeding ber It : Chu t eh Schnol lit !J a . 01 ; months in smaller type in the mar· Morning Praye r and scrOinn al.' IO::IO. gin . The Co n.panion HomeCal endar (o;ve ryuotiy invited to thest' servi ces has been published in standard form for many .v enrs and is everywhere in quest because of its convenience and Use our Classifi ed Ads for results. novelty . . Stanl ey H. Lawwill, s lJecial repre· senta tive and a det ective of the Na· t ional Detective Bureau Co ., Co lum· . bus. wcre in Waynesville. Monday, looking over the recen t r ob bery of the Fred M Cole Hardware store A representa tive of the O. S. U The detective reports that th e burg· will be at Leuanon on December 10 lary was of amate ur calibre. hnd a to confer with all persons interested report to the bureau will be made in in the coming state farmers" insti· 161 bs . Urll lll: lated SUjfBr ..... $1.00 a few days. tutes, or in all independent farmers" 24·lb Rac k Fl our. anrl 2 cakes The UtIle Hardware StOl'(, is fully of y east ...... .. .... .. .... .... .. $1 00 institutes, plllnned for WarrenCounty prolec ted by the N alional Detective I peek Navy Bealls .. ... .... . ... $1 00 dur ing the winter. The conferer.ce Buniau, so the Gazelle thinl(s the \J pkgs Paneake ~'lo ur .. .. .......$ 1 00 is scheduled for 10 a. moo at the 45 1b5 New Meal ..... .. .. .. : .. .. $ 100 amateur burglars. as well liS the pro· 5 Ibs. Seven Day Coffee.; .. .... $1.00 county a~ e nt's ofiice, next Saturday f essional, lIeed be a litt le more ca re· I d ozen cans Stoell's Ever· . IZ reelt Co rn .. ...... ... ...... .. .. $1 00 ful in th e futur e. 10 pklZS Corn Flakes. ..... " .... $ 1 00 27 bllrs LenOll: Soap ........ ...... $1 00




DQllar Day Saturday

If you want to take home the cash


I\erthn l ;rny. uf Wllyne~\'IIII', who Ilr J . T Elli~, IV . E O·N eall. Il. wi lh t endc r . lov ing CMe min iRlcred ' ~. ·1I owe ll. of I\.rl Wi lliam. will ' to Ih eir mo th er in her laHI illn es~ , leav e lomo rrow fur t he Suuth . ,' n II I She unitc>d wilh the J onah' s Hun I pro"pl'clillJ,{ t nu r I II!lP li ~ 1 "hurch, hy Icll{'r f rom the )o'lat Fork \3upl i~t chu rc h. Nov t· mhe r ~~ I'u t YOll r 1ll'1l :; 11\ ,,"'tlr k: :.:0 ('g g" 1(; . IHH:'i . alHl WH~ ain nng il~ IIlIIHL d ~' 1 l' wi ll hu y 1\ prH· I'1I1(1' t)f Hl!e fl' r' ~ More· volt" ! lind rnitQltl l Il l!' mut'r ~ . Egl(" Toni .. a ll tl y,. u gt!t 1 fn·,· : g ua r· She Ipllve" t,l f1) ll urn their Ins,q . I! nnt eed . Sliwye r's fur So· rv i('e one brolhe r. Ihr('e thlughlers. six : \ - - - .. - - - granrlchildn·n and ~e v e Tl grf'81· I{ralld childre n, and a host of rela liv,'s and .f riends . - l'I er l'a~tor .


Make Your Xmas G.-fts

wIll Dol ooDlelll; will DO' pump up low YOl1l' ploge. A Irlal ",ill 000.,\ooe yoa. Sawyer', for Sf' ) ylae. , 21 Thoroaghbred Re!l Rnll , Ad. drau Ii: 8. 8obr ..yer, it D. G, LebaDoD,Obio. d21


Many More





Things to Show You When You

..come In




MATCHES--Fullsize bOlEea .......... ~ ..........................::.... .........



.;JRANI IL FAIR &: lIFE; W.,iesYille, 0_ .









llam~ \

~ e venty- Th ird Year

a W!

• /fJITI'l



Iii:" 1'1 I I ' . . _ - '- _ - ----"' lIave you Paid yu ur TU~" S'I .. . MtM 8nrl r.v!ln~ WII~ a Xe nill \· i ~· 'I1"r S , Ii t un I ay Ali o llr[)ullurB""kHIII !)flc. J E J 'HIney.

Ellis S mith,of Cin cinnati, spen t the w ..e k· .. lld her~ IIHV P YO llr Rhoes soled hy Frllnk Slansliliry.


~pclIl ~uturdllY


O 'lr Popular COIJ yrij;(ht I1noks all ~ !Jc, J . E . J,ulII ey,

Miss Annie Brown, of Clliumbus, "p.'nt :>aturJay he re You can not h('lp b ping pleased with nur Uibles. J E Janney. Mra Sarah Hainea who was taken

i11la ~t week, is so me what belle r .

Chris tmas Handk e rrhiefR fo r al. A "'unkey's. n1 0.,".· t hilif prl' ce III J"hn u r Mr and Mr~ . George Hamilton ar. riv ed . h ome from HarvE'ysbl1rg. Thursdav, . Ott

f lJ



lCen~;o~:sf; ~~iet;) J~ '" J ... anney . Born- To Mr . anrl MrR. Clarence Me ndenhall, of Day lun, Frida}" Dece mlBr 9,1921'; a !lo n Orrlera r(!('eiveci thill week for em· hr niilpry work will he reacl y for ~at­ urcJay, Vecembe r 24 Mrs. Kilbop . Ray ~mith an. I family, of Brook· ville, Uhin. Spf1 nl th e week·e nd with Mr . and MrH . E. V. Barnhart., Have your shoe repairing of all kinds done by Frank Stansbury, at Slim Davis' shOp, MlIin street. The WomRn'~ Auxiliary, of St. Mllry's c hurch will meet with Mr~ . Ma ry Callkev on I"ridav afternnnn, npcemher 16, al 2 p 111 . EleC'tion IIf oflkera and pavmf'lIt of .11Ie>! . Laura H Mosher. secretarY


Wome n have alw,,\, ~ Io"" n lover8 of n eedle work . Fll r I h,·' line who does h e r own embr"id «rll 'l{ , a gifl from our fl tock of atml'II/ 'oJ piecetl would be BU r e to plea~e We 8hall' be glad to h e lp ynu mll~1' a selection Mrs. Kilbon ,





Xma9 Cu rd :! a l :" . J " 1': . Jallney Mi ss Ileryl oo k in I lI aYl' Y(lU Puid your Idll : k all d ",)I I. Mr, and Mr .. . I W N S . r kl ' S t U[ [ ~ A 1 I ' .1;11,,,'" Mul ll'n and dllughter, Ed nu , . X<nill Geo rlll' }la kill, o f Dayton. Wll~ tn j . . eUr>' was In 'ran ' In , a· ~/ ''?'l) ' 1( /'i/7J)--r!'~ II r I."'rr\' . M'r and Mrs. Lerov H arl ' tOM!, Mun oJay , Jus t ~a.l' \JUII·; fl U(, I, , E whl'n urd ay, ')n lJU" in e~s If 'J J 1/ II( ,1(/." , ). · k I I ·. II' S ' f .\ 1/ 1 1. .<' . , • r "'" k, " f I!u y lll ll, J a mcs Hartsoc a i ' All I . I ~ ., J G ... , ~o u ~lInt goou co Pt' . • awyt- r ~ fir Lelllg hellJ yo u ~(: t!I ,' till' ' lueHllon Thrll lig h lilt' J,!'t'III 'r' ,u- /lid II,f L- ./ J J S . Itth, .. ~ ~ 'n ."\I1' es an, e n,a Sl' rvl cl' f . '11 ' . ' I . . . . II ,,· 1o"~1 Hlld hl)~ 1 :'9, am es .>ar~ i'ocket hull k" J I'; Jllllney . , '~ 101l1)uU ~I gl\ e tll l',ICltl lI,\vur fl'1 e nd~and th"l'fi"rl" Ilftl ,.· glrl",J:r ", .,01 ". ,·r., . " .. ." Ilorn ur CH rf' )-' "' llfi\.4 H hu ", i fll '!'l:-l trip 11!01.1 hy :-.h o wlng Yel tl dl'. lr'lhlL· niH i l th e .J ullil,,' ~L'r\'i ('\l L~'ng ill'. t hu ha ~Ii~-: (-, d l ill Il tl \\ lH' '\ \\a~ ! 'll~ l('. I" L N 1" .11 ' Z "I"'/lt SlIlIo..Iuy With hiS J I S I . I' . u:'f' fll l pr.'"ents for l'vC'ry '"11! IIf I " I f s ist~ r in C .. lll e, \,1111'. to ,I! Janon . 1I "" .•) . 11o. 'm . .J. E ...lallll!'Y. ~:aal' li nd m>lrkd IlI'ld salllrday wa ~ I I" . "1'111;01 , Ilf I ~ '~" at 1\ " .·, ·k. '·IId '1'1,.. II. II . (' . nw t a t Ihe lOm c 10 I Wpun- I",,,dqll ·I/·I.'r. fll r ( 'lori "t "I " " . b f I 1 J f) u ~ucc"g .. flll I1n,' . As H 1'1',, '111 . """ 'l'r,,1 h"'l s,' [lart) In 11", .1 <1":"\ , oI l " V" a t \ I r all d ~I r-;. I':arl Hockc tt, last S," " Sele"Lt yo ur ,,'Ifl fr( ln1 ou r /111· ,In • (',fi n.l 'I P~ I 'TI"" ' "~ TIl! '1It . .' "~ t ' qllll ll . , . , ,, ," .. 1.. , , . . ' 1' ... Suwyer A l'111a IlIlIn I I " er (,, our t l ,>I'1,1 ' ")n' 1dllllur~ "'"r ' whJo.d I II th e tr,'Hsllry ' I"' I''rull';1.1 III ('1. HlU '. IIIt !'}· "II i'IV , wit h II II f amlles r e P 1', " dule s t od t of l~uE'pn~ware 111101 I ut f . s . . . . "' ,1(1) .... " " 0 .( .,11" , . ' "' h ., d . t b u ll' ' t ' I Q J L' J ' 1'1 , CI VIC". Salur,'a\' (' vl'n ing- , I"vi ~il thnll ,,, I I! ,, I W e lo ('II(.' \·l' lh (' glrl s h aVl'eanll'dl l1l' ",Y"llll!: 1"lk .. ha , ;o ' ''''11\ I, <" ,k<l \"' lIlUII" , f\. amy , li Il~. . ,~. a nn e y. , A ,. . ' '. II . . . . . . d I )'n l l,(' Mr and Mr ~ 1·loWE'1 1 1·I.ire€, and ( IIIt'II1/1al} !I'am \\' a~ \In'"I'nl- <l1)( r1 ~hl tu rl're lle ~p oc l l.llll1t'ntlOn II , 1 11 11 II" ':, ','; " "','rv e ear y . Charles Bue ll s J1~nt S ~n (la. y wilh M r~ II I·: I' " t haw ay WI'I'\ ' Il"y t"n ,'unf,'rn'd lh" del(rel's up" n :I larf!(' thl1l llw.\·, a~id e fr ('1II their rl'l('lI lnr i The lad ies i,1\' ill',J ' 11 .' 1111 ,"r at " , ,', . '" "ft.-r wh ic h 1111 reti red I" I Nit t c, kl c l t I l1e orma I l e s a "ran IIn lau au· vi . Hiln,.~ Iusl . \\ "e'k ~a... ' ".. I)eautl' ful a 1111 .. . ) PlIr ."Will'';I. h fa \ ' P prepll fl'l I II ('111'1' :; t • Ilo llle o f ""l r , 1111.1 \Ir - . ,. I • I' .\· . · ", """"". '.,I,"r, , ljllagrounls . F k SI I ' 11 ' ApTDl1s ina llsizt's,fLlrllll,,,·(,.. I;I ·· llllls bnX ll f"allll cnt s andI IlYs wh i(' h i w r ij;( hl nn WI'dnp~d · ,y. I)" ,·.·"d'~ r" II,"'.""'" 1""l!r,,", WIlS re nder l'd . P 'd T '/ rlln • ails .ury WI I'I'P'"t ym l r II.. lol l n j{rtIl1 ,dl11 uther ' SI,nll' r1'a d\' .. . . , 1\' J I A I ' I' I . Have you III your ax el!, ; ~h "e~ HI HII,"d " r:tI"" "sl /',,11 ",,01 " '(',', r . ()tl, u rs .. ..'I·t··I" fllr tl ",I'I , II'b I,,'en ",·,,1 til a 1111 ';.; 1011 a l ,\ I'lr· , w!'rC'. ·, r~ .ol n " "" ',rl., :.III" "," ,-","" , ,,f\ v" al ullll ins lru menl,,1 . h ' I S II " t I '" . '1.I I I '1 '1 f (I H, N . Sears und fll mil y, of (ireen · ~I'e 11 11 II ,u rn aV I ~ 1t)l,1I' 1111 • I,"d; of han oi wll r k . lori c('d :,11,' I II ~anl"wn.:'\ (' WI' vuice th ... Iha llk~ , ' <l11 J,t' 1 cr . h I ~~ " .\ ra," . II (· W ". 1111 .. f, ]' I I\\' t '!1 IJ\ tWiI ' l' i fu) lhou ~hl~ M ~t1n ~ trf I \,,"1 I +I I I\.{ I II tiw I \' "" I\t i 'lh ccnt ur}. villI!, Ohio, spe nt the wee k·e nd with . "'. ~ .~ ,-, II a t Mrs. I'i lbon'" . IIf tl", 'li rl s " r Ihi ~ ~1I~i e t y III l'a"11 ~ I e~dames 'luch e l 1-: . I ',.ys . lIall" "Io , 1' 1,1-" ,I , lu,I, .1 <ll nq I" ('Y "ll ing. Ad. W, N :>ears and family . , Mr . und I\'I r~. -;a lll li nin!!,... of IIl'ar A hall make)! a rl .. !i~'hlful gi fl , yli ll clIn lrilllll,, ' for I heir II L'lu flll ('II 'P P' I tlll(l'r~, Ali ce M,' hIl1Sl'Y . 11 " 1\'.·11 J,II, !: "·" t" IIh"'1 ' " I·' hruary nl Ih(' If undecidt'd all to th e j;(ift. wc BI.' II Urllok, ~ P"111 "'vl' r a l lia.\' " IIprl', will Ii lid . Bean 1m;:,... lI, arl d!' ha~" . !!ru liroll l'eircC', an d lh t- M ~"Ses Lilli e Ncdry lI<lIlI " r ,\ I r. :lI ol ~'Ir ~. Mil lu n lin.! \';izzie Me rr itt . ~lacll ,, "a :,l. Hhall be glad lo he lp you with a mer· I lust wel'k. on a 'CUlI llt IIf LI, , ·li l nl·"~ IIf la undrv bllJ,!'S, cllJ lh<'.· pili IH'J,t'-. ami I chalrrlise order, g ood al IIny tim e hl~ m otll e r . man v f allC'Y Ilal!". pri('~tI from :!:'L' til 111 I' alld ,I I ,., . J , 1\ . l'hllpmoll "11 ' Mrs. Kilbon. We will J,t' i\,l~ C.." I ~r Slamps and $1 r,o each, all\l rs. Kill"",', I n ' I - --- - - - - - ~II'H E mmo r Uai h' and Mrs . Lina lerlllilled II I (' a rds. 'L'hurday CVel1lll){, . I II noos te r LO IIJl ('" ~ wil lo " I He tt lell1" l1l ~ f I The eclure co urstl was aIr y we IIf account~ "'lo r b"rll rp Dec. ;l.1, I ll"\' ilt ente rt lii nE' d lh e foll ow ing lhe fo llowi nJ{ gu", h : Mr. 'lI \d ~1r ,. au e nded. I"ridav e vening, and the I' f' 'd M In:! 1 Th e S I'TtlJ Co ., I.. han on A" 11 Ut l' l f l" mpn ll,(' rU 1IIId \'i,i lllr.s l!ueSIS at (Inn e r . 'r! ay: es· K V. IJa rro hllr l , Mr. and Mrs l' 111. bell ringera gave Ii very good entll rr u J ~ , I{nl-itze r , Mr. ami irs I' red \...Oll', tainment. Nt'w su pply (I f Itecfe r' s M " . ... I·:I!Il~ ' ---, of ( ~ ru" II Ludge K u f I' Werc el,t"r. , .1!~ I1'f'9 H o well l'l'i rce. Vllulot hn, Amelia Mr . and Mr~. Sam Benkl e, Dr . nll, l Our assortm e nt of Girl s' and BOVH' Tnl1ic I 1)lII' kll~ e fr ee Wi ll, """ h , A mu rk"'t wil l ,b t.' h,ld "II Maill lu,np.! 10 an elC'J,t'f1nl "y~II' r ""[Iller \\ 1II'B ll1 S · J . I) , MIE,r la tl , en; M. Ho hit · Mrs H a thaway, Mr. and Mr ~ . \\ 11Rooks contains lhe mos t inleres ting purch ase of $ 1 pa('kal[e. Saw),,' , ~tr"e.I, Il(-x t Sal ur, a!' "ft " r11 l1on and 111 Ih ~ ~ I o~(' of lheir r PI.wlllr III P I' t i n~ Z"I'. l l . M urral', '.1111011 arne ll, E. son Edwar d s, Mr. and MrM, Ero1('s t nnd In,'trUl'll' ''e work-lOll o'l the ""aRon . for Se r vice ('v('nIllIC by (lhe :- Orclll',tru afld I l Wt '( Ifl e~f Iny ' c\'t'll 1' rl~C iII IHI n o r I. f V ' Il .nr nha rl ' S L . Cartwright • 8m· Butte r worth , Mr. a nd Mrs \{Ollllil l LI ~ , (;Il't.' (: ltJll . :uktJoII pif' ('an v 1" '1" il!'t Haw ke . Mr. an d Mrs. Fred He nt/ ,'r· J . E . Janney . ' , . ' K . I t I' ( . C Mrs, Marv I.IlH key ar rl vl'd.J1IJ1l1l', ' co rn fllld IWtr1\" IIth, 'r ~~IIIId 1lll ll){H t o nil( 1 ,. I. r o~~ . \\'110 Il' f I 1\1IItll Iay 111:1 t.h apman. ,I ult" Dlllwvan J 11 s ,n Mesdames Linn D evilt. Ju li a Mr. and Mrs. j . G. Wiley' and fam. Sunday m ror lling, after , pe ndinl( He " I- al 'lil l hI! ~o I J . f'J r an I'xtend eJ t r ip til l'ul if'Jrllia . 01apm an, J . L M.mLl ' nhall. J . E Uo~ovan . E. S. Baily, Misses H enri· ily and Miss May Sillcy, of Cincinnati, e ral wepk-< wil h rl'luLi v •. ~ in wa~Io ' 1 T he II. S " rch ~lra i~ maki nl( Afl e r supp er sel'cral s pl(' nriid talk H Janney. lind Mi~~ l-: izz i.! Me rrit t. t' 1l1l ~ c Kinsey, Edna Howland , ~nd M e~s rs. J ohn Pence and Mert Bam!. were Sunday guests of Mrs . Ida M. ing t on, 1> . C s ple did pr.ogr .. ~~ IIn ol l'r th~ C(~l11 p e' l we r e g ive n by local 111(',"bl' r~ IIlId :>'b d t '1 IPnt dm' lion of Mr H,m Lt' IVI H. (If . . . . I cy lin amI v.· Men' R 75 ~ . $ 1 an o! $1 2S. T ies for , L .. ba nl,n, bllt ulll e.;,. f\lllll ~ arf1 pr". Vi sitors fr om ne lll;hb unn j! k,di-:"~. Mr Jilmes ~ar9. IIf \ okclandAve . . Our line of Holiday Goods is now a5c ~nd 501: . Do Not Pall t o h uy virl ed to IJav f lJ r Ih .. le8so ll ~ it will I.. , The supp e r was se rHeI by I\ni)!hl ~ Da.l' ton. w a~ g lvell a nlPr,..,. ~u r prlH Ih f Ch t I t I ready fo ... the in Rpection and apprnval f1~e or . .rlS ma~ preR!!n ~ ' a . ~,:~ n e('~~."a~y tn di ~c (Jnti ,~ue, ~n It' t (1< My e l' Hyman, Charles Gordo n Ilnd parly at hi~ hom p , hy a g roup o f his of all who know a good thing wh en than half prrce at J ohn A I unltC} .. a ll )0m 10 bn()~ lI nJ,!' tl1ls lI1 0HI wllrth y It d e ' lit tl ' r "luliv{'s las t Tu esday e veni nll' the they see It. J E Janney, . I Jly mon onner. a~~ H e, Iy leI r . , ' , Rion Hoel, of De lroit. . Mi ch . Rpenl CIIU RP . _ _ _ -+ _ _ _ _ _ excelle nt wives Some l hill' oIl,i n' lit oc cliHion being his bi rth day. A two· M r~. A. L. Saylo r. of Langdon, e wee k-f1 nd her e wilh frient.l~ Cr own lodg e, eve r y wee k ro ur~e d inn e r was Pl'rv.-d at 6 p . m ., l-: all .. 8ay~ a .. Pos l'ca rd showe r is deMr, and Mrs. Ra ymond [)uvi~ Ilncl _ _ ___ - - th e ta hl e lJe ing' lJeaul iflllly decorat ed " ired fur Mr~. E. E , Jannl!Y, who has Ron, Boblry . 81lL1 Mr and Mfs Frank Mr. H oel hll8 pu~r ha!lCd 0 .('nnse r· ' 11 . k I 1' 1 t' Carman, of Dayt on: ~J)e nt Su ndsy van cy farm near Sidney, OhiO, WI I Pin aO! wile carna IO ns . been bedfnstJor three month s with a broken hip," with Myer Hyman and famil y. M N Douglas.q. th c Spring Vall ~ v I'riri e of MlI~rne t ic Counci l No I:>;:' cov e rs we re laid f nr twe nty gu eRLs • Many of our citizens will r ememrea l estate man, ~o ld t he hC'1 utiful ()au~htl'r s (I f A me ri ca, of Be llbrook , A f nmily tons l, reciled a lphabe tically her Mrs. Janney as Miss Sallie McWe will give Cedar 'Stamps and home of Mrs E L . Trum a n . in will se rv e BO UP, sandwi ches, I, i,', cof· Booster Coupons with all settl e ments by naymond Hart~ n ck, caused mu ch Cowen, formerly of Lebanon . Mr, A suftici ent numb er of acc eptances m e rrim enl, aft e r which Jas. Mulle n Janney. wh o died in 1919, ~as forof- flccoun~ on or , before bee 24 , Sprin(f Va ll ey , to Mrs E lln Ilabb f e~!, ice c re llm and cake in the Tuwn · Considerat ion, $4 125 . . AhlP house at Bellbrook o n Sa lurday merl y a r eside nt of WaynesVIlle . 1921. The S. Fred Co .• Lebanon . ev~ n i n g, DecC'mber 17th, belli nninll nol haVing been receIv ed hy the com· present ed th e host wiLh many useful Th ey were married in 1876, and VIe will Ilive Ceria I' Slam ps a nd a t5 o'clock . Pr o('ee rl~ f Li r benpfi tu f lmittee t o mak e th e d in ne r urofitau le present ~ , g iven by t he ~Ul'sts, Many moved to Kansas, where they have Georll8 FunKev, of Chicago, spent Coupons with all se tt le me nls Booster th e hl' me fo r ug cd and in fi rm lIl em · . to th e Moth ers' Cillb, th C' mee linll IIf Sunday with his fath~r , J A Funkey . He was an uncl e of on accounts on o r ue forp Dec' 24, bpTS nf Ihp nnl e r . Evt' ryh~dy. in vi t. : th e Me n of Way nesville for Frid ay select inns on lhe Victrola we r e en- si nce resid ed, j ny~ d, IlIRO a song a nd recitation by our fello w, tow nsman, Walter Janney SchMIR and I'hurches will do well 1921. The S . Fred Co , Lellanon . J l i:; the wish of Mrs. Saylor that I'd . M~s. Pea :~ ~~I'n , Ch:lIfll1 l1 n.! ~ veninlf, Dece mbe r l <ilh will be Ge rald Hartsock. The e vening was t o look over o u r C8nlli"H Iw fOre buyas many of those who knew her pos tponed to a late r dat e tnlr Sppcial loIV pric e.~. Sawyer's on ideal on e . At a la te hour th e m ot he r would send greetings to her, Mr . Helbert Hus!Ir. of Brookvi lle, (or Rervi('e , anrl MiAS Cozy Youn ce and Ih (' Mi RsC''s ~u ·~ t R departed. w ishing Mr. Sear s and thus help an invalid forget he r J Dad iRon and Wnl so n, of Uayton. fo r awhile. __---mf,n}, more happy birthdays. Th e I r o ubl es·_______ Several of our citizells W('ot to ~pp nt th e week· 'nd her c wilh re la. invited g ues ts wer l': Mr. and Mrs. <Lebanon, Thursday and Friday evp n· .t iv es. 1 The C'hrlst mas cantata, .. , hri$t. ings, to see the Legion Follies . Th e Aaron Sears, Mr and Mrs. F. E. Hiram Dakin, aged 85, a pion eer m ilS Ador a li on," hy Ca rri e II, A,I. : . show was Jlut o n by Roy i nn !'~ , and no nOI fa il tn lonk through J uhn am ~ , wil l be gi ve n nt' x t Su nday (' vl'n· , H !l rt ~oc k , of C(lnt l' rv ille, Mr. and of Wa yn e town8hip, died at his home w a~ a 'Rcrpaminll RUCCess. George A I,'ullk"),, .. large ~ h "e s toc k . You ing, Decemh e r I , beginning at 7 Fourth Su nd ay in Adv ent, ~ ecc m­ Mrs. Ca r l She rwood and son, Morris, lit Middle Run, I"riday about noon, Waterhollse, of lhis place , was in c an ~av e HiJ( Mon'e y on eve ry pai r o' cloc k, b~' th e c h'l ir of lh(' M. Eo be r .l ~: Church School lit U a. m ; The fun e ral wns h el1 Monday afte rIV! r . and Mrs. Raym ond Harl s lck and noo n at lhe Chapel, Rev . Cadwallathe casl. you pur('h ,,~ " ; we have t h" ~ho",. , h . A ~ppri[\1 .,>Ir.. rinJ{ will I~e I Morning Praye r and ~er mnn al I0:30 . son~ , Ge r ald and i-:u J{ one , of Way· anr! lhpy ,oro' lower in Wic.> than ct ahurc de r ofllcialing . Inte rment in Miami . . . ke n fur th e ben<:fit o f th e II1 USIC , Have you Pai,l your Tax('s? Lebanon, X"IIi a o r Da ylu n . fund I I Ev e ryho lly invited to th ese ~e rvl ce~ nesv illc, Mr . and M rs. Cha rl ey Hud · ce me le ry.


I .,












\'\ 1

II"," BOlran, of IInrveysbu rg, WA S ill lo wn Friday .

Whole Number .. 54G5


WAY NESVILLF, OHIO, WE)NE . .' DAY DECI'.:'I W I·:n l ·\..


BAgE BRO. fAReWell








' ..

- ----_.--POST-CARD S[OWER










Men's and Women's Lounging Robe., with cord girJle and bordered bottom

From $5,98 to $7.50 I


Clothing, .Shou 'and

Dry Goods

The Miami


.t RY "DWJNDLE, DANCI~ ." L ~ D~ ES!





"Maybe-. mn yhe . '110 rll o 11111 rllll 1.;.r.1 wailea IIl to tile ' n(ll n. " Llt'lIr 1\ " 11m Glb." halt lobbud ('111'1 11 111 S, · rn;:;;;~. I,ere Ilutll I con root out the wheels of . OW ' :1 F,ollii COW!!. all -gOOd "N. hope." rf'lllI p.1 .\ Jr. U1 h /l~Y. theal! gll 11 s. H e re th ey a re. In 01 00 Otl ll~ . 1, lJ III r.. o f E. J Llnda_ "FI,bt /llld di e' I. Ihe lut re~o rt. ' ~reBm 8"pftrtltor.' S IB..lI d b,. with !lUll 1121:1 She'. ellb t mll l' ~ I8 te rll ,," d &lI lnl'" w ,.od, WaYlJll. ,I If'. Ohi o . ~ lI nr tu-.:..... " Bul. Olb. m y dear _OF," prll ipsted e" ery mInu te. ft ull wl\l'll Mlt e: s wIt bill A N UI~- M on ll ' ''. ·1 lid .. , w ood n r two mile s 811 ~'1I O(JCn Il l'~. 01 rou ral!. Caplaln Scrll KI(iI. " Ihl s II InIIlIlIO' !" 001,,1 , wn'lIlu'g ,, "' _\1.1 and relt fll f .· " I kn ow it ." so ld Mr. GJ bm'Y co h illy. we '\II'ou't h ~ hit u n l ~ 8~ i lll' Y ' \'~ &o t II vutr, Il~H r Hlll tll ·tI. : I'\l r' ot, b~" f r, bt-ell Yank ee &unn"r 1111 011 1',1:' "S c ro"K ~ )', yotl 'r ~ pe r lc,·tl y rtll'lt!. flut "Lpt 'e r ull up t he Stll l'H ,,," 1 Strlp~. " • •'11 6y r . u lll l .p It ~ " ' , I H\ UD'·II. R 1',1 .O"''''f ,11 ~ Ihchl ln ' t han IN thl'u l :s o1:i.,,·lotI""'l.< . Ii IJ . I. W"yoesville, O . Rnd d R n ' 'pm to Ilr ~ on ll ~. " ~ " " I Cup· d28 s lOnd IIl C lip nglll 0 w flll ID Ens I!nlltln. t II III Sc rn ~ IC ~· Wc'rl' tl ll bll .tpr •. S C l'n g g~y. ftn" \\,e' N! IC HllLiN ll: ( '" Id T f!~t M utor Oil l Continued on ol..:e ill ,'nughl Witll II,p i: nocl~ . I. for ou e. nm \U .. k ~1I y o or ~' 1I \'(1 8 tan oaHY ; 1:,,10' IIow n w ith t he s t" ompr MIlgfo(1e. .. ,II not OODlr ll al ; Will Ullt pump UIJ hul I' lIl Koln' duwlI fl Khtt,,' li ke 8 1"'0 ynnr I'IU ~H. A t, h,l Will OUU· i-.r ... .. VIlJOIl v u n . tl aWY tl f ·. lur ~.:llrvIOtl.





Try o~r Job Printing

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A,I -

bnrll ollhlJr ell H.:IIl Hull. 1 T drtl811 E H. 1' 1I IJruyer, R D. 021


COPV R 16 HT \lV P ETf. A e. KV~E

- " R,' p ob 1\ c I ,Y. Tno:t'rook T HU(,({ l' h" ' [1. l oqlltrll Ro'\' !:la'h .

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" 1 \. ".'n) l crt.... , .. 1'l' JlII:'d :'\l r. GIIII II ' j·. 1 • I n \" "f'(,1 1 till 0 ' ~r, IIt Ht--tl\' In 1' :I1I 11 ' " IL I 1," ~1 1 11 1 ' 1" 'tI 'U ",n,,. I II II I till" UnIt' ,' ( 'J1 ~ t . For ' t w,' ' "': 11'' ' " 1' \ ' f' tllHl 1 1 1t~ ~ I H", a,: it' ()\"(,I' h u u Il' tI fW U 1' 1' 111 1I !1"'~1I 1 1 11' ofli ct'r n n t 1\; 1 ( ' n . ! K hlp l'~ 'l l U 11f'W W I II' f.' I , Hll d s h e'.., 8 I, til 1: 111 &:1JIIlIOli t B lI J,:utn. ,,' lIt'n I "II ! I TI,d~hl." Hl11 l lrt 1I1t. t ~ b t>fl l. J"JI 1(~ 1t )'OU .

Few oOl1loe Our oo \:i,,"r" auf! UII,. . it 'qulre uf Lytulio HII. u LLETH-2 O l1 zeo Anoona Pnl · live 8&00 1< , le ts . Inquire 01 R G Miller, ver. pbou" 47 . :& . WaY0e8ville.Oblo . o blittel~. 1\180 8000nd lUortgOj(e8 , (IU N J 'el! buolCht. Jobn l:iarblne, Allen VllO lJtl I%- ~ y' , Wliyollullit', Ob'u dlH [lotJdloK, Xe nia Ohi o . II. 4 . ~~ Aot o m O b\ltl~ - 1 F u rd "'Ildan, prao· 'IOd lIy OtlW; 1 Furd 'l'uarlUg . FOR SALE - HOGS wlntllf top, In 1I 0od IIbtlp... 1 Rub . ber. tlrll HUIIKY, and 1 blll·'.v ptI 1-'<1. laod . t.;hllJ" '181e tlog, :l Ylltln u[(l . IOti- 8 Engllsb . br6d HpoUed P0'Il A ~artHoe, It. 0 r., Wayne"_ land t,;hlDa PIgs (,be bug 'he dB hour), 8 weekI! old, 4 malell and' vllle.Oblu .


" \ """Il ,r.II,·r I d lt! I ' ;11



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Ilr lllR III "l'So'r"I ~'1 Ilay

r lRh t." tla'lI 1 '\ 1~ l\t to ~ef\ In th e merdln li1 11 Ill ' \ " I k l h,I,~\. ~ H.l I \\ 11 1." sn ltl ~I r . Ilt hl u'y .. it H, Hnd got my m At e's Hce ra ",(" lIli d :;tuttly , 1 hut s jll" l ", !tnl LII II I ~ YOll whE-1l 1 tlnl;l;hcd my c r ('dent ID I!i on Ih e ' Nt?t' , ~ I·flq.:~"~ , 1 IIt ' \ " 'r lurl ' lld , 'l! 't' 1Il 11

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heen throull:h two ware ' an ll I ~ "t a 1'111)' 11.' " " Ih ~,"ls I.. II,. m l.I<tJ,· An" IIIcd ul ror s ln kln ' R tlsh lll' s"" wk . I t"~/' .. S n ""1( ·111 ,10 Ilown on I" " 001<1 Illlk SIIOn llh just lik e n no lll·p. I olll,, 't COI"t \\ I,,·,..· I I ll l @l l(l ~d t o Innl\ Ihll drI nk no m ore to speok .,f. " 'HI 1'\'8 "'''J.:lI. bill " nw t hn t ~ cll h J ohnny'l ~ I HIf' t il \ \

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O n l y I :-0 11 \ \ ' ,' l s1ons o r f\ sc hooner fi JI II) ~' OWIJ, SI · r l1J.: J.t !i~·. o ll d- w e ll, wllat's

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\\'l lnt'$ Ih e II SI'?

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I1 n rll l'nl ·h,1rn

S'rn ggsy .

IlIlJl'·p lot .

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nlH1 1h ~ r e "I,,' t IHI H' /l s,'l lI "I'ow d ill ' II II' 0111 hull.. " "Gil,," "" ltl ( 'n plnl" Sr' rllj!j(M. "W flS t hn l '·~ " IIl' Y.. lIr In)'- to s lelll Ole cllrg-o. du t1hlp -(' t"os~ t he Insu rr c cto j'J/llu . nlld "'IJ Oll t to fl rlllTln ' coun· l l'l).:l) nn y lltl\\,

tr y '!" l\ ' Il ~ ." "/l It! ~Ir. Olh· "T hp), 11 11 do such th llll;" III II ", h"nnll /l ,·, 'p .. hll c. . Why shoul d I bl' Ull (, X(·t'P" " " ? T h " N!'~ holt n II" ,-pn d lfl'p r ~ n l " nllI'S fh; htln' ench otil f' r o n(1 1he l""O \ " ' rl H l h 'n t In r.ll!xl CO, /l il t! Ir I ti " ,,'1 ,It·lh·,· r th PAI' "1·lIl B. just se e 11 11 t he li ves I'll h p ~ II\· I/I· . And after J Ilot th p r'n /'1(0 Into ('0100lh18 lind ""I II II. , co ul,l ha" o pen ch;>,1 00 the rehels Iher '. ond got II rewurd tor It. "nd son·t! 11 lot more ""e$. nnd come aWII)' r lt-h ond res pected." " By t he Lortl Hllrry," snld CUlltolo 8~rngl: s. "but you" 'e got an Imaglnatloll . OIh. I'll swear to Ihltt. Glb, 1 tRke orr my hnt to you . You're all 1111:111 Bnd ul,lps hnpe and no loose ends boh bln' " round you. Don't tell me th' .ch eme·~ got t' fall throulh. Olh. Oreat snA kes . rlon't tell me thnt. Aln't there some \\'8y o· gettln' around It? There must b ~. Why. Glh, my dear boy, I rUI"er hcorll of such a grand lay In my lite. It', 8 nbMlute wInner. Don't gIve uP. Olb. Oil up your Imuglnatlon ond nn d R wa y Ollt. Let's get tol1elhe r. Olh . nnd mnke 8 little money. Don g It HII. Olh. I he~n lonesome ever s Ince I F.ce n yon last." "Well." rppllell Mr. GIbney. ""11 tum III nnrl try t o Ichem" a way out, but I don 't hold Ollt no hope. NOI B roy of It. I'm nfrllid. Scraggsy. we" 'e got to he h onest." Sa yi lli which, I\[r. Gibne y hopp~ up lilt 0 h I. berth, ~tre l ch e d hill huge leg8, Jl nd ff' lI IlRl eep ""Itb his Clothes on. rn ptnln S a8g~ looked him o,'er wIth th e clo.('~ t n"proRch to RrreCtlOn thRt hnll (' \ ' f' r II l( htPI]('d hIs cohl gro ,\' !'Ye,

" Or CI' Il/'''e It


" "I F ra med It All Up for Th le Flllbu.. t er Tr ip You' re On." IIrlJ I8 "1\01 g,·t I' u,)·. J f m llle ll It 1111 u p tor lit s Ultl,u, PI' Ir lp ~' n u ' re on . l!er n • • ,). vlol y I ,,~ \ ~r d l.1 I,,'nr Ih ut the y'd p"'ked on V "1/ , I 1,,11\ t h At (·of· tee, cp l l ""'~ rnl R J.o p~1. · III nn to b unt lI l' , I'nil .lphll/\\' Alld II .. ·d se l hIm righ t. Iollt If " ny b",l;' ha r! lol d m e you b a d 0 .,· npf\'I' '0 r UIl Ih o MARI( I(' In on thl. ~ . "I. ~ ' · I·n J(tC.Y. I' d 8 ·e l/ llpLl him a lI ur . !' ,· r"~j(H . you're ll1 ud ,"·hue no-t hnl I•. you', e all righ t. 1'1 11 80 u~ed t o ta l1;l n' Sl,n :' lsII ) rorge t mys elf. 8 111 1. t ile r.·· . ,>np e nd or till s little dea l tilII I I /lln' t PX ll utly nploln ed to 0 11 Mn ns . H I'd A·k nown th ey \\'os char· t Hin ' lhe ~ 1'ljC~ : e . I'll hR\' e bloc ked the


l a mp."

" '111 ,.1 '1" de", un oPJ! Ca ptol n S crnigs. Ins 1I 01l y on th~ defe ns l\·e. " , '01 thnt 1' 111 hnld lo' HIl\' i rlldge .~ In .\(1 ". 1';. /'"~ ~'~' ." ~l\l d M ~; Gibney .. rr"lol) . "10\1' I wOIII"U'1 o·hll d yoU no nh,rc " ' \\ 1'", II I II oul" wltpn we W8 8 t unol: III ll ,,· ' g n'~ lI ' p,," trn c1 e. It's h~ " n ll' " ) II nln' t ~ o t no Imtlleln Rt lon , 11011 tli ~ 1 t1 ~" I~ Il lu' t big ('/lo ugh f or m y Plltll"~,·. li n' In ' ' It e Mn)(j!1 e "ort

p~ t tl s l " .I' .


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1.1(, .. 1 tl l ill~ flll - YOUll'l.{ l a l l i ~ c; who li d I l l" ,, 11 1> \ , ' IddU I I' s h~I W s. O n '! o f the

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li lt· l\n', r. The "I ) \\' i ndl~ I"",. u n I hl' ho me I' ho" ogr al'l. .

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C·M.ptllln :\4,.°ru g ,;!'1 1"".UI8 .~

f1l1l 1t' IIOllrd h Im luurm u r :

hIs s ll·nr. " n l b ' ~ n th lp Ill d. I'll h~ .IHII hurued " Yuu W US 8 gunner once, WU Rn't you. If h ~ a ln't :' 01l1?" sul d e uptoln Sc rug gs In a A t , Ill o'l'I or' lc nes t IJ/ o rnlnl{ Ihe trellll,1I111: \' " I ~('. ~liI~jll tl W AS ro unding PHI /Il T.omB, "1'011 bN I W1I 8," re plied ~Ir . Gibney. helldlnto: In ror SlI n nl ~IC " hflY. 01111 " M~' . h"ll lln · won (h e truph y Ihree C'nptn lll ~ , ' r lt -.rIiC" \\' (, fl t hrl ow n n d tllll \)~ In . ul'cess lon whe n I wa s on Il w ll k(> II N1 ~Ir , ( i lh IH' Y. th e ol rl K ~ a,·s ll r ge. If I had on e good "\\' ho t'" rill' hrl'Rktn s l. Sc r o ll'gsy. old gun .nll II h.l f·d e.·.. nt l' rew . 1'.1 knock klol ?" n. kp,1 ~Ir . nl h/lPY . 1 thllt I(UnIH'1I 1 8111 y be fore s he knew "~'rl ... 1 N:~" " " Rlil CIII'tllln ScrR I1I:'~ . . whot hull hit he r ." r.lI , pn l h ,· r l ll~ ~(r . nihil,')", pRrtl nllty " Cll b, 1' \' 1' gol un Id ee," 8111d Cuptaln for ch u t fo rll1 of I1 l1tr l lllt"1l1 In the "011 - Sc rlll:gs. l ~ h Pl I , IR~· . or g r~" " ' l' r l\ trlld e. "Out \\'lth II," sold llr. GI bney cheer"Jl lllll nn' (I'INI elrllS Oil ' • • I.. zltn· [lO t ' tullr· o· eorr.·. . Th uught R \l'o y o ut o· our '''I'I<"r(' WIIS ro ur little cannon low· m UI . n ih ' " ered Inl<l th e holtl the lu s t Ihlnle before "~ O! yct," r~p llel1 Mr. IiIh n .. y a s hI' . w (, Pllt on the maltl hnt ch. anll the am· roll ed OUI of h.od . "but P~(I:S Is nlways tll l".lttnn t" loot! 'elU with Is 8lowe\! In fl tlmuIRlln ·. anll I don' t up hope thl! ufte r Iwld . nnd "ery e us y 10 ge t Rt." on 1\ full "tllma r h ." - Mr. nt"n e ~' tUMlell II bellllllnjt fal'8 to An hour Int r r th ey ,,·pr. t lNI till un · d e r. lh e runl h,,"ke r~ . and lit Mr. Glh. th e ~ kll'pe r, rt' oc h('u 0111 hl~ a rms. ood ney's RtJ!{gl'SII"JI HOtlle tWI'nty ton s of lold"11 Cnptnln S c rolrg8 In 1111 emhroce ! ork e tl r Oll I " ""'e ,, 1I ~ d on tnp of th e lh nt wII" I. r hove <l one c redit to n fO'cnAtl e I... nd n n(l I>U Ih ~ mllln deck gr Izz ly be nr. Th ere we re gellulne t ears ror' d, In (' n~., or p 11l f' r ~f"n . · y . Th ey la y of I1dmlrnll on In hl8 eyes on.1 In hl R In th. ho rhor nil (l ny'untll nho ut four vo ice whe n he could IU n.ter his eJIIoo'clock. " 'he n Mr. !1Ihnr ),. hy \'Inue of tl uns sunlcl e lltl y t o s peak. " ScrIll'l's y. 0111 tn t'Pllt, ynu've bee n 8 hIs auth or it y ns SUIWr 'I/"lcn, orde red tht' JInes r ost otT II n.1 t he ~lng g1 e long lilli e cOIIII,,' t. hro ugll on the IIO Ug! · . teom ed ou t or I hp h" rlool·. Off P oInt vnt lon . lJ ut you've s ure Rrrl\' OO with Lorna th ey v(,prprl In Ihe, 80mll, lea,,· nil "n il , I·t. J nlwnYII th ougl,t yotl hod Ing th e C.. r oll ll(lo lel Jl nois ou th e s lar· nh nllt us lIIu cll Ill'n' e ti S nn oy st er , bUI bOllnl QlI ll rt er . (o' n mil es to t he W t'8 t. I t uke it nil hll ck . W e'lI gct Ollt t hclD tw o littl e knsA guns nll <l Ilght 8 ~Ir . G lhn p)' W O R helow wi th Cllptaln SCrlllC lt". bnttll ng with t he probl e m I1 n\'nl ho t tle. nnll If I cl on't sInk thot t hAt co nf/' ont e,1 Ih e m, when th e mate ~I ex l c an 1C1I1I1lJIo t. nnd SRI'{' the Mug· s tu ck hi s hf'n d down th e romponl on · gil', ret,,1 me to th e sho r l<s. for I won' \ be \\' lI rtlo ~' of th e I"loo.! th nl' s In me. \\' o~' to re pol'l II lorge ]lower schoOtitr c OtJlI " 11 OUI fro," thc l(Oe of th e Coro· 1'11'1' oil hn n d8 nllfl 11ft orr Ihut mllln na do. m Id Rlli UllI ng off on n ('oune cal· hnt ch. Hee"e a hlock , nn ,l tackle c ul ntcd to Inl ercI'pt the MnlOgle In an 1l1l'01lgh thnt: cargo goff Rlld s tnnll by to h f'Il " e out Ihe gllns:IlOur o r two. Rill ('u ptoln Sc ro ggs hftd re pe nted Co ptnln Sr mgg. and Mr. Glhn e y s prnn& up 011 the bridge lit 'o nce , the of hI s ru sh s ugges tion almost th e mo· latter with Scrllggs' lo ng glaes UD to me nt he ntll ll e It . Only til l' dire neces· slty of ,lfOSlw'rnt e meas ures to Bnve the hIs eye. "S he W8 ' ho\'e to und e r the lee ot Mn, gl" Itnd promplpll him to put the 1,leu Int ', ~Ir . ClI hney's heud. 8 /111 \\'b e u the Islond. Dnd the mInute we came h e SIlW the o\'l,lIty wI t h whl ch' lhe Int · out of the ha r bor lind turned south te r set to wo rk cleArIng ror \let Iou. hi s she co me nosln' alte r us," saId the t prror knt'w nn bounds. 'mllte. "O h, UII, :' he wo ll ed. "1'10 IIfrlJJ.!! we "H um I" multered Mr. GIbney . "Gasobett er not Iry to li ck that guuhoilt urt. line schooner , Two ma s ts nnd buld· er nil . 'l'h e y ml ghl slnll us with all headed. Ahout R hunllred nnd twenty IInlllls ." too, I should say, aod Iho\\'ln' a pretty " ' t.. to l" 0 .. 11l Mr. Glbnc y, as Ill' pair of heels. The re'. somethln' up tor'lI-yea-let me see--ye·es. there', two more- holy 811 II or ! It's n gunboat I One ot those (Ioggoned gllllollne C08~t patrol bonts. and thQre's lhe telleral flag flyIng ot the rore." "Let's put ho r k to Son DIego hny.M Qua" e red Cllptoln SCtall'P:s. "1'\1 he durn!'r} If , relish the Idee 0' losln' th@ alagg l" ." "Tno Inte." snld the philosophIcal Glbne l'. " \\'~· rp. In MexI can wnten Gude 's Pepto.Mangan Builds now, anc1 Hllc con cut U8 orr from the Up Vigor and bay. 'fh" only thIng we can 110 I. to run for It lind try to lose her atlllr Strength darlr. Tell the enl1neer to crowd her to the limIt. Ther. alo't much wlod to


ellill ble to r eo o rd; will 8e1l EPARATUR - Imp ~ rlul (; rllf1m obellp 1 have et .. rte l1 10'. of breed. ~par.tor, i o od 6" nflW ; 1I,. VII nl) e ra In the tipoUed P"land.t,;bloll b081. Wilmington, 0 ., phone 301. oeBS ; wby DO' Ie' me lurt JOoP ose for 1& See Mrll Mary 8rllwMtll r , dl4 K It TbowIJeoo, Or"loollI, Oblo. Tblrd .- tre,,', Waynonllll .. , 0 tJarveYllborif pbone 111- 1X. j~ C R . I R . ebiokeDII fnr •• IA. LOST • COOle aod ~ee ttl'm Mr • . Clint ROIIII, aboV8 T .. lepbonl! f' x ollRo4!e o n WANTED l):-, 'I' - A Boooh of Key., OD 10w. '('bird', W ••ynf'd~llIll , 0 1I1~ tlr Main street Finder pleaae _ _~~_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ retorD to tbls oftloe. and r804!Ive ANTED-A plaoe $a work 00 a IC are "l{eOlK f .. r E .1 H oe fer'. rewatd. d14 ror a good firmer oelU' Morf' EII1C8 T o nlo I I'~ ' 'rAe WayoBlvllle, b, a good . kind. hoo_ wlab e"oh II plllC HU~rtIDtfOll.1 by REPRESENTATIVE WANTED .t, lober. todDllhluoe mao . U .... E. J Repfec', P,IQltrv It.;xperl, K .. n. made a good baDd 00 I farm, Would NIIl-'Uy and PblltuJelpbt., F"r Mnl o like lo beglo J.puarJ 111' or Mafl'b a& tlawyer's Ihooery . II:iK ANTED-Men So ••·.1\01& orde", lit, un, Wtll work a wb)le ,Mr, tor fro" and oroamlloul Srf~ or 8 or II mOD,bs, aad will w!'ke a lllioe Pdper In"f'~ fo r .VUllr Addretll l:iy) rOletl, .broM. eRl. Part or full alme ilood .teJdy baod. (;brl.'wl\1! "'r"I,,)II\Il~ A I. .. W ,. x Pay welkl". QOllker 8111 Nu",er vaoue B"odd , R. n. Ii, 'froy, Oblo, paper. for oHnoy. ttl tlllM " ftloe ee . Newark, New York ~&a'e . d14 care of Tboma. Mlloy. d~8


! CO W

QIIO 111\'10' my wO lley. :';Oll ,e IlII ' ! I""p'lil 0 1' 11 "" 11 -1001,,' - t" Ull le r. I'lU In when ' l ge l Ih ~ p r l~6 trlJ.: ,· II '~ I· I'm 11,,' n ' I IhE' Il lrll·· hll ie IllS'""') u· dOIl·hole. I b" 'Il t o So n ....,r nnd:·H·ll. ) )\1 .\ ~ 1I " It I1 k e ('1111 tl l" .. r ~t' t U ~ fur AS rhe Gold coast IItt lo ~d, oo"e r . RU<l 1;" trll ' Io ,, ' I" Il,p wll h thp ~ 1 J1l1 lr le . She cnu 'l cnrr,. ('0111 So uth seas. How I lIp), "'Tn 1' 0111 111' I ~nnu ~h 10 I n~t her," \\' It'h you. l' .-rJl~);s)'. oJ d . 10\01,,', " " n ut ) th onght Ih es t' guns aull "Lo\·cly." r~ p ll" ' 1 S" rllp,'" "J"~I th in gs WII" f or Ih Mexl r Rn e." qua· B llll l> I~' I1m n(!. I'll "nil I.'" tIJ.'IlSII",1 ver"ll (',II' IAln SrrnglCH. "!k nh J ohnn y o Ut of t hIs j "b." nn d Lopcz Illld me t hey W RM. " lIlr. Glillll'Y \\ hl,llcll ~ llI' llIy U\l'I1uJ.:h Mr. Glh ney J(rlla/l ed Bntl hid hl& face In h l8 hund ~. " ~· rn ll ll s y ." h" IIft ld snrl· his teN h. "That's lhe t kkl,t for """1'." hI' snl(l Iy . .. It' ~ 8 cinch yo u nl n't use d t he ud mlrlll"ly. " I lell ~' ''". S T"~I" . 1101 " , pnsl fou r y"nr. 10 sti mu late Ih nt 101"111. ."I dl~r ur '''r ll llh' b ll ~ l lIl"S 111 11)' I,,· all nllli o n 01 y ,, "r~ . Of courae t hey \II'8ft rIgh i, hu t It don' t Hnw un t l u 111 ' " '11 pure hll Rcl1 ror t he MI'x lr nns. hul who t co mpa red 10 be ing n . nll M o f 1\,,·t ulI.·. W8S to pr J' \'" ot m~ f rom INt ln' the e h, S cro!:'gsy' Just as sUll n liS I 11l'1 " II M .x Joo n" ~ p ny lor Ihe rn . help ou t on there wos n re \,olutl Ou In 1I1e xi ro l I/ull Ih e chnl'ler of the hoot . lind Ihe n ha\·. my j ob In tlle Colo" ,lol n /l nA\ )' ,,1/ 01 r" me fl h 'e r[ t h ~ ,' nrgo 10 t he Unit ed come 11011.1 , ror rhl' plckltJ's. . . . Sro tes of ('olnt llh ln . w he re ' .'an sell No, I aln 't beell In t hei r I'o lt en IItt l/! / '1'01 li t a rl pnr proll t. !tIP CO"t beln ' D'y e Ih lnk J w nlll to nM hln' to s p"Hk 0(7 No'" r ou got to a nny. go a r oun d k lllln' peopl e? . . . T ilerI' I Cf'Ol (' bu tt I,, ' In w ll ~ t he ~lnlCil l' . ftml ain't no plea s ure gell in' kil l"" III th e whn t hopppn.? Wh y. I &o t 10 he hon· mere aban. ot a brl~ llt nod prus l'e r· J' 881. of cnurof' . I I;O ( t o llln ke gootl on oua Uf e . . . ' R d .. hero dllo' t my blll rr. lind wh AI'a In It for mel got!ler no mOI~ . S C r B l:~" y . n e"ds " II Noth ln' bnl gl ory. CII\'l yo u hock a right In book • • bu t It rlu,, 't npi'~n l ch unk of g l,>ry f or hOlD nn d eg&l. n on.e to me. I' m for p~ o re e \'rl') Ilu,,', Phlneos Scrn ggl ' Not on ,your lite. It 80 rIght a way IIi S,){oll os I II/'fil'll of II hRrl n't "~r n for ynu bu t tln ' tn ..\'llh tha troul,l e. aa ys I to J1I .\' 8~lr : ·'1'h lll ". y. n" hl/l sl,·<I . ro tten hul k or 8 fre ~h · h8S been pr t'llY qu ie t In ~J "x I I' ~ ro,· \l'e ler .kI IT. I'II- " t we n ty yea r •. n nd lhey ' r~ due tl) _hlrt M,·. (;II'"I' ~' I'RIIS('[I o mI nously and thin gs a r oun d pro'! 1.\' mu c h. "'hRt 88 \ AIr!' I)" hit the ~ ull or hI l"llI:or. As tJ,em peoo. need Is a lUlln w llh lin r .... C,. " IIII" S I'rJl ggS, ev e r y drop ot Imaginat ion to " ~)p 'e m o ut . flnd If bl oo'II III hI s b otl~' W 0 8 Iwill ng lu dethe y' ,·o gOt Ihe moner. Ad elbert P. (lih. rPIl"e or t he s hIll he lo\' ed. nel' cao 5II ppl y tho h rn lne: 0 I c(o m ~s " Y"u' re 0 plr" tp.,·' he s hrill ed. n ortb to Los Au ,wle . allo\\'s th e In· " .~ nil yo u' re jll8t os big 8 horne t 8 8 l urrecto j Ulllo my ",edal and Ill)' 111m· OMlbl u d l!ch nrJrel fr uln !!,' ery Rhl \> 1'01 YOII ev e r 11'11 6," rf'lIl1 ell Mr. U IIJIl~y . e'er been In . Includ ln ' th e ~W l h " l\ 1 Bo· " Alwnys Iluzz lll' III'UII IHI wh "re you 1I0ta . and I tAlked big on,l swell"" nlll ' t wnn lPfi . Hut st ili, w hot 's ti le UHe or hnwll ll ' o \'e t ~r' l lt milk ? We' lI M op ftround rlnf] IlIl d '~1I1 to r UJI til ~ ()Ule Illt o 'un 111.. go fo r a ,'uupl e of hou rs 111 11 1 I lI k l"l 0 11 cout, Rnl1 a bout sun set \n·'11 I'ull 11111 nnd /l luk l' Ihe ru n do wn 10 """I'/ln,,, hoy In Ih e d ll rk . WI' 1JJ 1~" t IlH \\' ,'11 rur,,!'1 t he I'Il " t nlld 1111 t Ihl" Ihlll l( Ihrou gh os pf! r pr" lCtIl m.



ONEY Loao6d 0 0

Money to Loan on Farm Land for five P years at 6 per cent. gilts,

)n'l1hhl ht." gi y e me n joh at . "dos c1f1 l1t l l T1 1 1 ' r ~ ":,\ rI, 1Ikl" lLt" hltlt~, UtI,l l! r "" ,·ol.utlon [Wso.s oro" per, Thor . ('1 8 11 1811 fo r ! r r~I1l{, 1\ 1 111 d llw n I n ttl(> t 11 \ 1 'il ~1 11 '1' " t wo Ilun<l retl b ucks golll II 1ll,,"I I.. 1''1' 1' or , ..'1: ,,, ,"111. wit h A f l ~ II '~J'l 1'. (; Ihll",.



ClW .IY. WU YlIeKvlllll. OhI O.




Lebll o u n, (Ibl ll.










We have twenty thousand feet of






here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting, these logs into Fencing, Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.



~ealr ot, so I guess we cao manage too hold our own tor a while. N"\'ertheleN8, 1'Yll got a bu.ncb tho! w,,'1\ be

Tbjlre are' Urnes wben men and women 08nlllo' help I081ng .lrenR&h 1'bey to do too mnoh or tbey o'·erhnul ed. Of COline, 'ou aln't got )olle 81~ep or do no' ea' enoul/b food no popers to Ihow, Scraggs. and they'U tb,,' noorl8bes Blood hl'oomel search Ihe curgo, and cl)lIf1 ~ elll e us, 810gglsh beoaotlll poleonl olog U. and shoot the whole bl oomlll' crowd Fao,' ! grow JPIllfl and paaly looklo •. ot us . I bet a Dollar to a doughnut It 18 Do t long before nervee let ua · till' \ fellow Lopez IIOld UI out, atter" Bt;?;el(best III'ay ~o etart a obanaefor the tuhlon ot tile eountry, J cno't help tbe baUer I,s '0 'ake a oour:e of think In' tbat tbat gunboat was there Gude'l Pep~n.Man"ao. It boUdl up JUllt a -waltlll' tor U8 to show up." the blood . The :eakoeu from a For se"eral mlOUles Mr, GIbney coo· laok at red oene 10 tbe' blood I, over. tlnued ' to study the gunb08.t uotll Dome. Gudll'8 Pepto-WaolJl'u !leDd. Ihere could no longer be Bny' doubt a fr8llh 8upply of red llenl tllrongb that she Inlend ed 10 o:verbnuJ them. the blood. Uood blood, pure and Be mode oul Ihat she hod a long gun hee from polaoo", • arh bulldloli for'd, wIth 8 bottery -of two one.pounll. vigor a,' d stl~'lDlltb. ~Ieep II beUer, ers on tOil of her house lint! 8OlOetliing ttppetUe keel~er. ao ~ba' 'be body be. on her Ilurt quarter Ihot 'Iooked like a oomel proPElrly oourlsbed DtUK' Mnxlm rapld·flre gun. About t,wenty Klats bave G~de'. Pepto.MaapD 10 me n, dreSSed In white cloth, could be boSb IIqDld aDd tablet form. The sel'll on Itpr d .. ek8. . name "Gu·I.,'s Pepto-Manpo" Is oa



If you are In need of Oak Lumber for any purpose, CALL











Hickory Logs


VVeCould Talk to you for a year, and then would ' not convjnce you 'until you have tried out our Classified Ads.

Listen_ _ An ad. placed in the Gazette will bring the desired result in a very short time.

Try it once you'll be convinc~

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, Wayne.sville, Ohio.

o:r;;n;u;u::"::C:"I:I/:'I~';h:':I:":Y~~~'I~O;O;S;:I~~~~~'i1~~,,~t~.~I"~'I~'I~n~~I~If'~'~'\~'I~I,~..~nr~p~~~e~n~t~ly~\\'~.e~n~t~o~n~~~I~',~.•~~e~"~'J~.~~~,'~r~~O~I~h~/l~f'.~V~'~'0~9~~I~n~te~r~.~t~h~e~~~o~k~a~,~e~'~__~A~d~v~e~r~tl~8~e~0l~e~a~t~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.ou

WIIN,' 10 ,..."x,Y t1Y DIIUGI-IlB' £I 1 ~ '«>U MAIQ:: A LDT O r ' MONEY


.... THE MIAMI lSW E D f



1t" III Un' jl LlL ti lt: " • .,q n l! t' lSI \\ l' J ' I ~ \ li t• . I I ' . 1)1

D. L.


GAZETTE ..~ . TI "



'1'h o oo rn In tbla vlcl o lty well g(\ttEl n o ut.

T AN F . .Edi l ol alld 1, ,,i,Ii, Lel . \ \ n) C'~ \'il\€', n h io:


blott Clio e, o f OO),I,OD, ' o ulld u yetl hera wll·h h is g luOdlJtHel1tB,

' " .,10" , ,, \ Iv ,· r!I .. ln\c H ... I'FI · .. .... I .I ·I \.· l llF \/1.1 1 It ' \' P It F SSA .",IIII\I'fI

' Wh v tS t.Ili ~ I.. ttu r w ul ?" "Post. uge dO tl . "- I:IRrv eYHb nr~ 1'ICO"UDO,

========- --

WEUNI;;l3DfltY. DE:CEMBER 14 . 1 ~1! 1

nnr h un k I ~ f6(1 lil1l: Ib p nllod of II. IIl tlf luru r u' U1 I.ll trull~ HO t UUtilnOMH10 .


Mr. " uli Mr~. W . W . 1'hUrh(I~V ~bopplJ]~ lD

l I

Mr . /lud Mr ti . A . L . I{in g, ot WI1Y · li e.. VI !Ill. WUrI' ':;u n d "y cu ll e rtl 00 I r llmcl .. b ur t! !' h .. pr uL r!l OI"J to:. ,·hllrcll o l " ~ ,, J Ute",,, II" r 7.

A Mail Order Shriek

III tl<l I, IU ~

tlt t b e M W " dne~tl"y uiK h t,

ti"r" l y n " po." . B .. xu~, .. ~ tlt e yell r . t " rn o(1 lu o.t th e wlnJ o w Ureost W"yu, ,- vllI ll Nd ll u",1i HI111k . Wil Y_ oOlll her" o f f1e " pl e th o ul5 h L 80 little Il n~ \, lli tl ()JIIU f ~hese otltal"ff o ea tb", t bey w e r o l Our 011 v C,) IJl IOII wi ll It . va two g l_d to h ~nJ t h e rn uver In II AU Ittllh'" lu II I r u t .. Ih ... III' ~." "L · llJl'~"r. 0 / t.b e 10 oe nt pri ce of odml"8i o o . <luoe o f ,bl llg • . •

Yo ur averUj(A 01811 orde r h o eHe bil l a lot of trl o k" op Its MleAve wheo It Ot ruee t o br"~lIin~ dow n \be bU81 - oe_. of ~ trnl(gltD g m e rObl\D f.1I ID .t e o 'h ll oeanel AmarlOll n M v. OM. aud It d08~ 0 ' t h eMttbte pl AY every uoe of tbem. Bu'" .. brleks blue merder wben lome of Ih oae 8troggllr'g merobants gel together and I,urn a 'rlok or Ibelr own . As. fo r lo~taooe, the wblne tb.' b." j011l r een made by OOP. ot



A/ter the o(llloo~lon W08 made. 1& IM I ~lr Eel 1l",, "oLi '" oo n,IUClil'l! the Itlleged thos ' l,lIe C hoUlbllr of Corn. ' Kill!! 8,0,e, ,, ,,,J L II ~ ln o . s I ~ \t0 wlug weroe, baving no n8e for 'bem. ' a8 10 dt\yS po.,.• burDed 'h e Whole In&. Tbe fer bllY " u tn I hi. vi oinltv I\re Wbereopon the mati order bouHe m oe l,lnl( 111'1111 I(ood !! 1 1t·, ·I'S ~ ; pl e n t v , ' of rur !lod r lllli ly tj~le . rlp8 the ol.moM"here to&o taUe r M wl t b Its SOreaUl", flod eDtera oorn. Mr !lnd MI ~. J uh u V. II l'lrv().:J rt .


the blgges, 001111 o rder bOUtl68 &0 the Ftlderlll Trosde Commlssioo IIg"to . ' ah., CbosUlber of COUlmeroe of Mis . lIonl". Montanll. Catalogue" are the mosln ~t "ot In trade of mall ordllr OODoern8. It. leema 'be 1141110nla obamber n1fered one fre ; IIdmla8100 to a movie pia. 'ore 'b ea tre fo r eVfry oatalogue

plalot wllh 'be gove r ornenl a' Wal.lhlogtoo . W e ll, It a oltlzeo I(etll 80 little out Of a balky lUall ordel oatal og ue, osod rn ak611 (lo oh IIHI.. UMe or It tbo.t be Is g lad to exo hange 1& tor Ii 10.cent the.tre plt.8M. we oao 't eee wh e rellny_ bod,. Is ver,. 8erlou 81y burt b y Ih ese bouees .

Poem b;!

uncle John

~tl:~'~~~be:~ {;I~,r:O~u~~:~ . u I "I~ lIU

Mr. and Mr • . Frauk l"lrrili. , f WUMbiogt ll1l C . I:i , werA ci r o nlntiog amo ng rrilll,,18 b e r e, It' r ldfLY . RbeurntltisUl Is very oommOD b e re at t bl8 wtt'tlnK; 80 maoy of o or oitl. zeos fiT a b c used op wUb II. Mr osud Mr8 . Lewis WII"b "Dd Mr. Wfllter MoKnigbt Itnd fSWllt were HondltY vIsito r s of relative!! here.

. Dr. C. G. Raodall has h "en quUe dlo k for ~eve rltl lIaytl, h<l t .. I· tbltt W rit.lng ill osglliD wlt.b bil! ., .. Ue nts A few at our sIOiCor8- " 00t .. 11" were prosoticioll t h ol r parttt . o n 8un. day . for Ib e npprOllohtug Chrlst ma8. Tbe Hi gh Scbool basket I,all teltm 18 10 traio ing io tbe L'owo h"ll, on der tbe dtreotlon uf Pror. () V. Tolle

'I'he yeBr 1M "poed in g aWf\ y -ooly Too Bad-Old Man a few dllY R more 1' / 1 9~1. Mlloy ohallges are ~u b edu l otl to I,ake p l.. oo. Wbso VOII fiod ye.s eU entn ngl ed / U yoo hllrhor the opini on tb8lltb e bell:lu nlo g I) f 1 9:! ~ . 10 'h A U1 .. ~hl S 01 deR I1"I', I.i ll :von yo u're d n uUI .. (lxt., ~ ltIar t, bet o a n I woold n't knlW It. hle •• ln · If yo u bl\ll . 1f" • •1 Ih .. ","tI " 'J Il ' g(\ 10 rn llke '100 R . 1:1 . Broo kR had n o w ol'eood bl8 It bv Ib .. b " lr,- lt pr ntrlt bly waR j " "' I.. o k Ih"I,"rl . - "'lll Ht,,'I, " " vond' re d oor!! t,ll,b A }Jublk, . where yo o OtlO Itoe thllt Oll llOlven tn lantl :vnn 'It "r" 1,1""'''' '')/1 IIul. ~ " e IIAII ... ""'("I! Vllr get your lIoltlw ohtle ~olle uver lIy Too bad , o ld m"n.I,· ,,, lH ,l! h ""r l . 'j'· ,,'I 'H<I ,. 0 "" '1 1111110)" lI" t! ! e X\Jerte noell ... urklU l' n.


I .

., .,'

,.1 ....

.. ..,

Mr. find Mrs C Ull .. G ray , o f Way. And "' h e n "ou f(,p l r e\lllif'''"1' 1' tbe opp .. ,.itl' f .. r bll ~., II ' , Ih · ,,- ,110 ' 1, Ih oo o lh e r R y o e coo lll Dlirn o, o, .tl "".vllle, and Mr. uod Mr~ . Elmer JlO dl 8slplll,lno th .. " " f) " " ' 1 IlIol1o e,1 IRlk Hhont. y~ r nf'lghho r 8, In un lit. /'I h ... der . of OS 'Jorn. werl' t;und .. y '0 mi8".- r pUl f' ll d ,. ' . "I · t" r R oon d a r fnr t lin l1 e 'HDl",-re llllllllbe r t bllt ho . g ll ~" I ~ ot Mr . ood Mrll. ·W: I' Jurdan . 'bere 's a b oU"r_ .... .r! I thlln 11118 . WUIIII .\' I ~ flnrl,y mooh I,he ~urne. Mr. !l'ltl ~1r d. G e n r l(e !JAI\lIlI,uo reo T tln h''''. "I tl lII£ln, t oo IJllrl l T o" b\i'l . too h. el. t oo bad! lurned t., 1.I.Alr h om e 10 WtL y neH. VIll e , I!l N~ \V ' k. "Her s eve ral week .. ' IItosy berp w l lh b " r brother, wh,) 111.8 hee n Rio k . Hom y Philosophy

It Vh o oh o n oA t,o b e


",' 11,

Whom Ill' oy of o ~ W P . " ''' '11 '' l' . anmUl,' n , lw l .. mlltlnO WtlS: "1 '111"' " bappy It" " II 1011 '" \\ ho 1M "0 l o r. loro HI' I" IIAy thHt toduy ? To b e b.pp ~ hll ft ktn l/ ln ,1I1'.e t.ime~ I•• n 'be n.d, ,, p"'y In <latlf!. Who ... o h .. njll' Jaa. ' ·" mll .. vii. t. bo w o rltl In th a mutH of .ul il'!!' osnd r ul e r .. ' Nevor lMIfott· t h e ' h e uJ I bll t weU8 II orowu " 11 0 un e ll8V .


Say. SaID: ··1t·8 II Q0811&10U 'b i ~ wh olb or the former iM f.ll e ·baatb,' fl o o r Ih A 1111 I i 1\11 , or tl.e


--- -- ..

.ptlr8 ~ r l t . "


~ ir !. "" I mnuy mil es rrorn ~ t l) tit r 1ll o thl1r • • ' Yun are de nre~t PUI"" " ill Ih e world .

A Iltll e rn ~,

th e Datill.) t ~ tl Hnr. b UI vou nn' t be rl ellr. OMt . " Th o mol.h, · r ~ lIld til her, ' " Do yuu OC't tiJluk 6 ud 's Ih u d l1llfl' ~ I ? ' UCib ralta r ot America," 'I'll " (. \ty or (,J lI~ lo t!c Ie $oIl1PllllIe, ti ll o Mu id. " I thl Dk 111} i~ d " tlr . but I ·,,11,·,1 Ih e "OIhrl1l1nr of Am e"ll·II." he- h"w e no v ... tlEI~ n 11111 ' " A littl e b uy 'UUf:.4· or It s Wt''' ' III ;,:h JIIlJ)r~g llttlJl e lI i)- l)ou810 or th e HUl" ~l rI IlIlppened io . :ltlml ulld (rOllg IIwnfl ~ or deft".JISje, uou .· h t! /l 8kr d h im . ' Vi ho d o y o u thlol! Is tllf <I e'lr,'"t pe r",lO . 10 Ih .. " 'III "lIlurlll nne! nrllH r lnl. world '!" Til e bo~' VI '·U t 1)0 tn sav, h iH r"t hAr. m,'thfJr tlUIHlI lllld 80 un. --"Ud tb" littl e ~Ir _" In " Doo 't ' 0 0 t h ink 6 .,d ItI?" . Ye H. I think 60d is Ilear , h O O l1 ~ 1' I :lIn hl R Itrlilltitluo ."

----- - ..




. .. .. .. I 2 J

4&678910 11 t! ~ 14 la l(l . 17 18 19 to it If !J !4 '. '5 26· 27 9.A ~.9 ,:\(l ,. ~.ec__

4 - Second Sunday in Advent J;n!C 1l- lmmucullAle Conception Dec I1-Thlrd Sunday in Advent ' Dec 18- F'ourth lSundoy io Advent Dec 22 - Shortest Day Dec. 25-ChriBtmas Day Dec. 26-Jewish fJanukkah Dec 28- Holy Innne. ntB nav




Water Conaumptlon. • Ao a\'erll/fp Amerlcll n tOWII C'IIo~» tor ali ipurpO!!e~ tl'III11 rJO to 1150 pllOn8 ot •• t ..•· II ,Iu~' ftor el1 ch Inbabltaot. .



.. _


t iq l1 ~ . It Ilwl'l'forll rp jpJf I'l ·... ('11 11'" 11 111 !lOIIIU! 1",,,1<11, ' 111 . 11.\1.1 ,':- 1·.\'i' .\\( HII IIt' t ~ rllrolldl


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}: I.IIIII 11\ 1 1111' ,\1 111 ",h~ ~ \ "".' 1'1 11.\ I I . ~

l it "

,\ 11 tlnlL:lro!l :-.t :-4. ( ' l r"II1:tr" ( 11' t' , F . J . l''' \ 'I H ' ~ & t' t ... 'rol. td l! \)h 10.

tro ll spad e Il l' UK IIIIl s t ,hut .. I. 'ut hll ' thRt '1i kt!ep Ihe ...·,'0 11 rrnfll Ii'll I,, ' n, .. gu n go hlu'kwnni , (' It-Lltl tli r n ll),!.1i ti ll' opposite ruil H UU u\'(,I'IIOIII'II . (; !lJllIH'

a couple r ",,11011" o· ,JI 't lllulo' " ,,' SUI1I" sOI1l~tJody .

wasl e,

lot t o

( lllr c hur oh htlll Bo ld t h o old or gun, uud uought 0. \lew plllu o. o rgnn.


'rlli s


r ' !I!'!llIull ne'/'I

out o· lh ~ tilh ~

HU '


T il e Lnrl i"s' Aid Is m ee l,in g w il h 'I Mrs. Bnguo. 1'1 Wul\m!lll . 10 <111 ) , Well n e8.lo.y . lJeoElmber 14 Mr N. PlltienOB Thom p~ o u . wl!O h~8 b or' ll very h io ~ for th e 1", " 1, 1\\0 W' ·I'k .. . " "UK lI ut Impru ve u" fll ~ t. " " h t' r f ~ l1lily 1111<.1 TIlI1IlY fritll.l<lll w i s h h " I' I.u.

o mce In

,,\ 1\\

'J .'lnu &1 ll .. Qk !Jld."


• It"

l it


A.. SHUM A "- ER V eterinarian


Practical \ ' ..wl' illailir . I\ a\ ,. b: .. 1 ." U '·('''H~ ill I rnl1\111oil '~ " " !'of h sick alld \\" .1\ IIt,tll " ~<ln d

fire. "e c uu~f!

kind . 0 ' sh oll tln ' dln 'l't

I.E I~

... DENTIS I ...

Ihe breech lU ~d l uu l s lll bt'for\! WI' r OIll· mence ShO'111 11· ... Th e enelllY hud ~ 1 'PI'I'"d IPtl \\ Ilhlll three miles by t h p tim e t I ll' plt't'\.· WII" rel1dy for ne tl oll. UII II!:I' ~Ir . '"1,11,,),'3 Ins lru c tlons ('up lnln SCrnKI(S he ir! t hl! tuse sett~r III cnBe It Ahou l,l be liN ', eSR ary 10 art jlls l \l'llh s hrll(lli e i. ~ I r. (l l bn ~ y In.erted hIs slg hl s 111111 1001< II prellm lDLlry RflUlut. "A lit fIt· tlltrH· elll fro m gun . p"l nl ! ~' 111 th e IIH Vy. but a b.. ut th~ RUtil e prl n<'iplt· ... IIell e,·16rNI. "III Ihe nri lly I b(' lI e"" t1, c ~, (·,,11 IlIl s


J, W. Mil


T h l)do wh o fire liM it uorl or Ih o cl O~ YOIl "1I(llt dlreCI 011 the lUr"" !. .. . li e Both PhlinCH t o r ' .. Ollte ur e Mi~" El\z~he'h ( '\(lrk, 8crlllt'i,c,1 his Il1 gel1lo,," IIPnd anll ('S. Home H55-8 Hell I- I r 8rulu~d th £.' UIlJlIlIll dl to n. " Nllt u high M . M. T e rry. \{ K l'bllmp ~o n BlJd explosi ve Bllpll In IIIe 101." he IIU1IIrl1t·<1. wlf!', Lo., Brtlono n IIOU wlf" , W . H Bellbrook, Ohio Bllllno; A .!:l A 1l 1:U and Wife , on t! 8d , "I'll h8\'e t o UNt" llc rC'uHs lon Rre to gel the rnnl!'9 ; th "11 I'll r!enp I'" "k a \llIle Limy aD' 81)roy he r with s hrnl'nc1. l:le~lnH We are ~ I orl to r .. p o~t Mr s O.born I • l,l ly t o !HUIUl h up Ii fl nt' I'tdwollor Bnd Mr ~. Kfl .y lur . 01 llfltVOYllhul g. lik e Ihn t one with pere lla. loll li re. I'd ~B tllng b,· tl o r . Th ey hllve lJrlfl n two rOlher tl ckle 'em up· 6 hll wllh v Br .v . v e r y .. 10 k W lI llIell f u r ~ e VA r u I shru l 1nel n n' scare 'em I nt o run nln ' NOTARY PUBLIC month s . W o ull h o pe f o r a Mp eed y ' II\\""Y ," reco very . Waynesville, Ohio He 1I'0t out Ih, lanyard. sl!ppe,1 a Mi ss (1 ~rn"t 1l:,1wnrd ~, o f Sprlna. o:nrtrld" III the brellch. pail SI'd. and Nal ional Balik HAld. "1]11 MISS Mtlry E:dwll rds, of .crut('hed hl8 helld BII'aln. HI8 CIlltn Da ytotl . wl!ro oalled t o their h omo dellhe.allon WII8 drtvlnll Rerag,,' h e r e, 1'18' w eek, "n Booount of $be ern Ey. H e remInded Mr. Glbn e}' wllh some asperity tIIat they were Dol at· neuth o f Ih elr IIUl e oll'oe. VArosPltl1l E, BARNA~T IPllrl lng n Ilr.,,·berry festival .. nd for In e Robt1l800 . Ihe love ot bea,'e n to rat hus y. .. Notary Publi c "J'w eltlmatln' the rRIlWl'. JOU 911 1111'." GIbney retorled. "Look, til be uboUI thre e miles 10 me. A Iltll .. 1""11. I"l!bbe, tor Ihls iun, but- there', 00111- 1\1\ kln(18 0' N,) tllry W ork . !Lud ()o eu~ 1\ ~ Il uol ult V . Ill' IIk e..-lryln· ... 8nd he alilil ed care· full, . "F'lre," be bftwled Il9 Ihe MRII · gle reI ted ao In'tn nt 10 th e trouib of Ih e 8ea-aod a deckhand j~rkPd Ih~ Iftnyard . JnslaD tly Mr. Gibney clRppe<1 t ile lana glaalt to hIs ey.. " Oood dl rectl ou- oyer," h" Ulur· ,, mured. " 1' \1 la,!' 00 her waterline lI~xt , , time." He jeTked .. pen Ule breech . ej"ct ed Ibe CHrtrldllc ells". and ra mmed 'Bl PETER B. KYNE a nolh er cartridge hOloe. This s hol farm :ia lcs and Ul'C Slod, II Itru"k the wRter dlre r ll y ull d" r tI,e Specialty ,choone r 's bow and Ihrew wul er over Allt1r'or of ber forec nstl e ' hend. Mr. tllllll ey "Webster-Man's Man," S uti s faction GUlirunt t't·tl smiled, 8P8 t overbollrd. ftno win ked "The VaUey of the conftde ntl y 81 O&1> laln Se mKKti. "Li ke . pMrln· fi sh ID a balh IUb." he de· i:Seilbrook, Ohio Giants," Etc. c1a rt'd. He bent onlr Ihe ruwe sellPr. Lioth Phones "Corl'eclor three z(· ro. " he 1111 on~d. "tollr elglll hUl llln'tl." H e Ih,'u", 11 · 1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..: eurtrl rlge III Ih e rU RtJ twl . IP,1 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ It. 81111111111'11 It III Ihe gun. nud ti red



- - - _ - .... - - -

Cjl"een Pea Pirates



"On:~ r."

!lgnl n.

"Nil." · Mill Mr. Olhney IIrmly. "my

he g rt) wh.' ,1.

S,,," ,,'h lnl: wh lll",1 O".,r tI ,e M "ggl ~ ond Ihrew up U wlilers j,oll l hulf 0 mill' be~'onl1 ' ,,·r.

old DlUIl clled fOr Ihe !la g an'!'"., Rflil cd ull(]~r It ICIO long to hide he· htrlll It ",1"' 11 I'm In DulCh. We' lI "ntlh~ . " jt·erpd Mr. 0 111I1l 'Y. n lli! fl~Il! . It yuu was eV\lr 08vlICli tlc' ot· slgh le,' ngfl ill. Th is lilli e hI. s hrnlll, N IIcer on n Colombillo K'Uobont, se mlll's' l h llr~ 1 n~n l l .\· on the sc hoo ll e r. AlllIust


s lmllllllnpfl ll ~ l y



fro tn


,,{' lI onller (Ir" (lPNI 11110 til e snckell COll i on Ihp torN'n"le IIend or Ih e ~l lIl:g'" untl "" e lupNI Iler In n block !lull of swoke fllI,1 r on l dU R1. C Ulltu l1l



o , ....... ~., ~



contInued .)

Forest T. Martin

Baviog d foc ided to dlsoon'ione fHrmlng, 1 will o ffer It t Publ ic A ootlOomy e ntir e lioe o f stook and im . pl emeot~ , loo d ed 00 r ood le odlog fro m Fi va Points soboo l t o N n rLlI 80bool, ~ miles no.tb of S pringbor o. on the o ld Ore~g fHrlll, on

b tl PAst w ~uk

01 , \ ~ lu

~over ol

Thursday, December 29, 1921.

MI'. lIoci Mrs I:i At C lark ~r e t VI Ith M.. ILlltl Mrll t bu r .t·1I Clark.

Bogi nnlng at 10 o 'ol nok, HlP f o ll ow. InK property : 4 ll " r8a ~, 9 Cattie, 21 !:IOg8, II t,'bAep, Pooltry, Imple. wenle, EJaro e 8s . F ee.• , e lo. HeA large bllill for furSb .. r parl lc ulllr B HARMAN MAilT ER8. Uol. Forrest T. Marllo. A ool.


Allr e cJ w el'k.e nd

Hllin ~ ~ ,

Il U ~I! I, ,'f


Dl)yt(,e , WOS'll ti. lI . ll"IO.,S uu d

'"IJI\1y . 6'l rs . M oM I./" Ii:Ulrl o k vld lt ed WiU, . Mr~. L III~ Nntt a nd dnoghttlrl'. W e d. n e~ d"y

M r;. ~hlr Y 8porgeOll, a g ed 9~ yell r s, dl l'd Wed"e~duy itt IInr hom~ ')0 -h e Day t o o pille. Fuoeral "as held, Mu nutl.v, 110U 10lerlDeo~ u t Day Mr. aDd MfI! W . F, Clark al. 'iloded Wuyn e T o wn8blp Fltr. .merB' olob li t t be borne ot Mr aod Mu Jos upb U8llrdo1I. Lebanoo 00 Tbul'ldllY.



The Miami Gaz tte :1 \\

h()le YC<:lr?

Get lil y te nus for your I'ublic ~a le. Sa tisfac tiol1 glla r a 1I tced or 110 cha rges .

Box 91, Centerville, Ohio

.,.;(/ ilia

Be a

Cia us

Public Sales I

Pp .. ot. w oe k .

remembering them this Christmas and send ing the m

. Home Ph one :!, Cenlcrl'ille Ex

,",' .. 11".. ~' r}' rn ')\1 11 hll H b t'o ll lIoi e H ~ 1l ElA .v ke D~vton. l'l "t





l hi 11 k 0

th e h;ll )pi II{~ ~S \ ' Oll would ;11 'i'\) l'd one you rca II y lo\'ed

John H. Wright I

8l· It~I ·,


I ( H I l ' \ t 'I'

crhe ·

Harman Masters . .. .. Deccmber 21)




J . l. !,heehan Estate . . Dccember 15

. 1921 DECEMBER 1921 Tru fn

ul'jlHr l ~


the cellte r



Our Calendar . ~

IIlurrh i,.. n IUI',lI 11 1... __' ''''t', In t1 11CIu"pd b y t ·Ct Il~ t l t 11 1lUll II 1

t.·A'!' .\HICIl ,\\1<1011 ' 1' 1'; 11,' , 11''' '- II< " Now , till! II . S ~ ·I'Hr:j.:' ~.I"," 11" til I IOtl ll dllt lof) .. r II I' II :0- 1 ' , .... ~ \ , ~ " nouo(" d chl' (: rfnll) \\ IIt!H tlU' S:l1n Wlt ~ pal l" 1\1 :-1 I "' IJ.,: II 1,\ I lIq q''' \ II ..: II .• ";4' 1. Hnally n S~l'l nhl, ·( t on III,· curd H).!' . I' rlll 11. -:.11 11 U ll d a .... ; ... • .. 1,:11 1!r'\' I: d(IJ HJr.;, "get 1.1 NlI-tl1l11le r llTlt,,'r li n ' "'\,!I, I' It til it ~ \\ ,rl,

- - -

- - --

StI'I MIl Tilt


----_ .....

Mrs Mosb e l 'I'or rv \V flS I.he jtue. t of \irs. MIirY Wils o ~ , Tbllf8,I".v a fte ruoon

Catarrh.Can Be Cured

reBll z~

Iluyl,l o viMHorH 011 WtI,llI RI< h v w,,. u : Mr. and M rB A lI an ElUq ~ I; 'I Mr IL od Mrs W. If. Closrk, Me@d!lIl1 08 Mllr, C urQll) ny. L e o rli BorRuu l 1 li nd , Ann L. IOml th o

Wul uh "pan t W l luoio !!too

1\1'· .... r 8. \... . P . MI'I :lIr r oll !lu,1 A. r. I("o nedy W(' r e HlIocl" y f\' 1I ".t H 10 C lo\Jl un , ti

B e wos ·tt·l'e, U NIt'fl'g n 'v UIRI he \\'ouhl hU" e 10 tlo p'rllc, tt cnlly all of the work of 6N"11I1t tile guo hlm s If. In vi w of \\,hl'1I ('II lh\l. lIon ono gun woult.! hu'" t u ,1 .·f,·I II I th e Mng!:I(·. lI e hud li e , ,' r 't'cll " mouet nln gUll befol'e. Ittl t h,' ,11 ,1 Iwt fInd It dlnk ull to \lUl Ih,' , III ' \l le Ill,' · eh unls m to"et lI ~ r .

IIeth er .

Mr. atld MrII. F r aok Rogerll. o r ' ('n t erville, OIl l1 e d o n Ly tl o fr l im (I ~. HlllldAY.

Mr . and Mrs. WllllornBruwu 8p6l1t Tb e A. M K ob uroll h o lu servioes SOVAT/t! day. In DI1Y 100 o n LUldn"r<s , I::! uuu .. ~ m o ruln ~ .

8ubRc r in tion Price. $ 1.5() pC'r Yllur



Mrl!. ll. H LaIDh and Mra . Chole ·Idf. 11f (l both Improvlog ' a ' thlB tl m o


DR. W. E. FROST I VETERINARIAN Vaccination a SPCcilllty. Nolh. i"~ but i{eliab lc Serum IIsed Phone 44

Harveysburg , 0,


I l/


----------------------1It ha s never occurDR. H. E. HATH.A W A. \ .

WIl,Y llOolVllle'8 Lelidlnj!' DOD"a' We, the under8lgnetl . witt AeJJ o t 011100 tn H Itloea Bldg . Main HI "I'd Sooner Die Flghtln' Than Let Publlo Sale tbe ohaUelB OOlonl(log Them St.nd Me Up Agln a Wall the estatt" of Jason L Sbeeh!lo . d60eased, at hl8 late reRid £noe on In En.en.d •." Hontb M .. in I:Itreet, Wa)'nesville, you'd rellllxe whnl It menns to roD Ohio. 00 from II Mexl cRn ." • Thursday, December 15, 1921, Cuptuln Scragg. 80ld nolhlng further. ~erhups he was a little nshllllled Beginning at 9 : 30 a m" the follow. of himse lf In the fnce of Mr. GIblng obaUl'le : 6 Boreel, 1 Jaok, 10 ney's s impl e faith ID his own Ability: We Put Them On CattlA, 37 HOI", 100 Sboop, Corn , lIerliaps In hi s veIns. 1111 . unknowo • lrupleDientl. Fenoo, TooiB. eto. See there fl owed a talDt ot the berol~ large bill" for term8 IlDd further blOl,d of 80llle tor,otten sea·do,. Be oatloulare. Ihat os It mny, somethlo, dId 8well BERT SHEEHAN I 10 hIs hreRst when Mr. GIbney spoke ttACBEL EARNBART I Exeouton . or Ihe flRg Bnd hIs IIcomloa to hIde C T. Hawke, Auot. behInd It, nod Seragp' tonBglle teeth came logelhfr wltb a soap. "All rIght, Glb. my boy," he nld soleloDly. "I'm with you. Mra. Scraue baa slipped her .c.ble and tbere alD't nobody to Dlourn for me. But It we cao't lI'ht uDder the Start aod Strip'" FUNr " \L OIRECTOR by Ihe .,t&1I of the Qre.t l!acre4 Bull, we.'11 have B llaa ,o f our owo," and Waynesville. Ohio We Sell It and lenvlog rolr. Glboey and the crew to gel the luna 00 deck , Sera II" We Repair It ran below. Be nppt!lared 00 deck pres. Fully Equipped for GooJ eotly with a 16nr bille bur pe 00 which '11'88 emblazooed In wblte letten the Service. 8 11Jgl~ word Maule. It wa. bll own Large Display Room hou~eftag; .od wltb trembllol baods he ran It to the fore aDd caet It I DAY OR NIGH' TEJ.EP HONE 7 ~ wrlokled folds to the breeze ot beaveo. "Good old dishcloth I" shrieked. Mr, GIbney. "She Dever comell 40wo," "D-d It she dalla," i aid Capta41 Scraus protanely. .• Wblle 1111 thle wa., ,01Da on, • deck· · hand had reeved.. block· aDd tackle HI)DB&ATB PRICBS Veterln~rian thro!llh th.e ' 9d of the carao plf aod . plI ~sed It to tb'l wlDeb. The two IUn. ClllOe out ot the boid 10 JII time. OFFICE: anll wh'lle SOrBlP aDd one deckbaod O(,eofd tbe attel' bol.d aDd aot out am· Fourth Street, near Tyler mUDltlon for the a-III. Hr. GlbDey, . . Telephone 93 aItll.t hI . the ot.b.~ decJdland, pro-



red to you., act upon this suggestion, come


give us

the n<:lnle or names and we'll attend to the rest.




, ,,


Walter McClurt.



...... 't •••••••••• E~-PES

...Enmined Correctly... , GlaDes Fitted


:D r• LloyJ! B.





tilt l1li& . . ., tile

&IIi' &!';





$150 for a year


The Mi~ Gazette, • _~

INSl ALLEO. vy e r ' s '" '"

, \I 11 .. 11'""111<'

" " "" "" ""and,


'" \\ I 1111" 1111 {l llr (';(11· I h,' r..lIuw ,t1j( I, t hrl' r~ W I' I'!' In · I i li, '~ ,,",{.{. , frll lll 11.,' (arion ",111 , tllllpd. Tu\'"oIl1,I' I' V 'nin~(. li t Ih I' reg- • :" \ t' ~ till t h,· Il d1','f'.:,w t-' ' 1I1a l' 1111','1i,w l,r ~l iarni Chapt,-r '11. 1 • I /\~ {I I.'...; '\. ' 1I'\lh J'lllllnll" W I SP E C IA L • I' ''' ' . ' . .. ~ 'h, I" )" 11 ' ('1 " 11 11; I' " '1' 1'1 . 1 I 1~I .. ..1\\ H, I. ! h~ I1' II". \\ , I ',; 1.' ~ llI' a "q a I ,1111.1 '" '.. 1 ~1, ~I.· I\ 1-1'1. A ~I : SU (' \lU ll ~ ... S " C.: ; I I ... ,I \ \ : " I '" , II 1'1'. 1. h II, "k I. •. { II .. I', 'I I'HII Tn'a,,· ~ l in r, i e B • :-'. '1 .. , 1:11 '".01 . 1,11\01, ,,1,-,,'11> :',1.. \ " .". 1" ': :\111' 1:111'1, "Ill .. , ·iI,. I'· " 'I,.II' "l'd. jlll r~. T Il " rn ll" .A. , . 1'. 11 0'\ ( " ' :1 11 : \1,,,,01. "II" .. ,,~', .. (' " ,,1. :li,..I ", 1'111'1', (1 ",!,Jai,,: Eliza· ; II , . , . " ' " , ,I, I· \, l' '. " , ') ,. I"!" I . II I'" )1 , .,' I .,) .,a I II . . \\'armn II arI. •• 1':".:11,.11 1\,, ',",1- ' 1.11 . ',,·11 ,,, I ,·I, tJr~a) I H .. \,11'" (IOrll cl l. Adll h. ; " 1".01 "11,. ill ,I, .. !". li,," 'i \.', '1 :lll'dr. oj ~ llI l!h . 1'111 1, I,,," ell n J an · : f.. "I ,·oI .. I, ' 01'"' \\' .! ' ,II I. I, ). "'sI ll< r; 1,;01,,:1 I:,d~c . :Vlarth a: I: . '11 \ 111 '1 ' "11 11"''''~ ,'I". ",'1 :, : t'" II li' ne Z'.111\· I • ~ l 1 ·1.... t 1l1a..; l i t I I II~ , I. I· ,I It'.\' \ 1' 1'1, ~ 1:,1""11:'- \;':\1', , 1, ", ' , J",·,,"a , ~ . liard", : .I" ltll ( . .ll uwke. l: :- 'II: 1" ,1 1, .11111111')" ~ l a "~1 l' ll rr aud 'I .. \\. ' h:1\ 1' "'PIl, , ' 1; 1,1'·"1"\ ~1'1·' -l,d ... 1 1,,(' Il a\\~ · .T ' !I ~ I(·I·~. ,: foOr :-;Hlurd I. 11 ';,1., ,1 1',""" I,", , -

~llt<t!; "

.illit l, u tt l"ll ll~' rapl' [~ OU ':all

"llillpl" le

(gJ rour Ch"stm 3s liSl

qu ickly with ~r::tphs and "ou S ll r~

~iving th in~. Jlh n tot;! Inph s IIrt'


l' h" t (l w ill he just t h"

nRh t


ih ..

)"ll U

CAll Pll s ily ulTllni flnJ {u n lll\'

n nd fnends w ill n lw nys \1 ~n.S­

uro l h e m.

~IUU E \\ II ~ ll l'5 \


HU lt" r a "d 1.... ,· -.

ST l l DIO ilic . O h io






S'a w yer ' s


. '"



us.ness OC and Grocery





. .



band."III.' .1" 1A'. - WtI" Hlde Tale_

For lhe convenience of those who own or harbor a dog beinl!' three months old or older, we will be at the following pillce~ on dates lind times mentioned for the purpose n f . • i:l!luing D<>g licenses fur the year 1922: If you are tircd o~ farm : : _ . I Irl I'k Tucsday. Ueccmber 2u, 1911 lUg, an ( WOll I e a, . 8'00 l b ' ss' Red LIOn .... .. ........... .. .. · . . . a m l' a Sl gro cery usme, ~'ranklin ....... .... .... ........ 9:008.m. ha ve brk k building, locaCar~i~le .... ... , .... ",,, ...... ,,l1:ooa. m Sprtno ,,, .... .... ...... ... 2:30p.m. 1.00 p. m. t ed o n ~ l:lin S t . inFra nk Wdlle~bo ill ero............. .... .... . Ch " l " I Lytle ... " . .. .. ,.. .. .... ........ 4:00p m. 1111 . ) 10 , WIt I IIIce c ean \\·aym'sl'ille . ... , ,., .. .. 7:00 p m. grocery stock. Wllllllake . . for caa lI, ' or Wednesday, Dct:cmber2 1,1921 ,' 1 b... ood Ill-IC "~ 00 will trade on a farm. O't'gonill ...... .... ... .. " .. ..... 8: am. H"rveysburg .. ....... , ....... \0:00 a m. Washington Tp House..... 1:00 p. m. Mhldlehoro .:.. " " .. ..... .... 3:oop. m. f\u tlerville .... ... .... ........ 4:00 p m Waynesville, Ohio PleassntPlain, .. .. " ..... .... 5:00p. m Morrow .. .. .... ...... ...... ..,... 7:00 p. m. •• •••••••• ................ All owners and harborers of dogll


@I"H .. iIiI'rt'n


Offl GERS I·........... ~~t ::::efot~f\:!~.h~rg;~~\I~Oa~V~h; I "Re"Ii~)' , s~.~.~~~L~~:~'ODle B" ~· BI ..k·..····'·I· ATTENTION ' DOG OWNERS IItime mentioned. I


t·hll .. f fl1n~ ,~andl"~ a f .' I'"f\.'

Wal1le •.oJe, _ _ ___ __ Ohio.

Section 6652 of thp IAw8 of Ohio ' . ' provides that a fln p Lv the amount of . _, . _ .~ ..• $26.00 and COHt8 I)f prosecution may be assell8ed agaiust any owner or' harborer of li n Ilnlicf>nsed dog on and after January 1st. 19~2 --. ,. Persons who cannot come to . the .'OR SALE Auditor's Oflice or be at any of the , . . 'S E Rtll 1011'0 Boll. :.! VOtl,,, nld above named places can secu re tall by Bending fee, description of dog , pltl(tbll' ~O . rR jCllltfl' Etb~" andp08talleforrelurnoflicensetag I Ma'hor puoDa 37-4 W.YI1PAVllie eo Ad ' Lb Oh' . Ohio ' ' . d'<ll! ' -~ to AII~~~~S thr~~or~o:th~n~rdor~ver . . ... . d an d t helr ' I'Ic('nee WAN1ED musl"ereglstere sec uredbefore Januaryl st.19~ N rE ll- Bond. r· by tbo d",V , C S. MOU!'lTS. Auditor . or "'Nllt ; turn'l" " b .. d. Mr~ , MOKRO W BRANT, 'Sherlff, 1;1111" . Braw"ter. '1 Ult tI Ii... WIIV11,." - --- - - . vIII .., Uhtn. 1128 Opal Morgan. 13-Yf'ar-olddaughter AGENTS WANTED of Mrs. Faye Smilh, died at her home inMtHully.earlyWeilnesdlllmorn· W ANrE II -AManlll hl .eobllr ll" ·ing. after a long ill .. e"" The fu· nr th .. tJll~ID"8" o f an old petab. neral WIlS held Friday afternnor' at I ' ~hpd hon8A It YOllr oounly P,' theMiddleRunBaPti8tchurch.R~v'lt Doome, Wr,~otorp&rUolll.r... Box Jackson ufficiating. Interment at lI11 •.oartl 0 1 Ib ' Mtllmt G ,zane, Wnv : Middle Kun c\metery DIltoVll1".01l10 d 28

TbeLate CI assInledAd's







'I I \' i llH d l rll 1lll ' i 'l ing II r t he ~ t u~ k­ '. I, ~I· r ... I, f lilt , \\ 'a\' 111 ':-; \ !lit· ;'\i ati ll nnl I'lf j"


the 11l1~P II:-'t · o f t'lt'l! l iJ) ~

roO r II,, · "Il,lIill,,( }(~ lIr. wi ll be h,'ll al 'ht.: ir t lit!lk lll~ rlJ. IIH S T u e.l:l,j " , j :lI ,lI:1ry iii., I!I:'::': . lIelween th e '11,"'"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....1_ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __

Ih ' H.r"~ o f

iI 9 Working Oays U nt il Christmas -- , - - - =


allri : ~ I I, til


1------- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ZIMMERMAN'S SPECIA LS TillS H/EEI( I : n '~ h I"'allllt Tall'l' ." " ...... \ ;)C 1:IIDcy Chile I 'rllps' ... " .. .. " .. :!Uc !\lic,' ('I!'HI' Ila !'~ " ....... .. ". :We (; r ime~( ;ol d.. IlA (l p l!'~fbo x ", $ ~ 75 E va I' !\pric () t~ . a JI,'u l,d" ..... ,30c (;'J<>ul'otf ·c. :1 poulll l~ " .... ." GOc I'url' \l ucilw i1 eut. 1 0 I b ~.... .. ,, 60c All I'nlll.:ake Flours, pk l{ ... ,, ! Gc ,' ee d lc ~s I { a i ~ itl s. IH r~e pkg", 2iic l'alm· Olive Soa p. 10 hars.. ." ,7Uc .-:,' ra jl Til h acco~ . :1 pk I{S .. .... .. ~c Cala P' ~al' h t'~ . l a r ~ e canH..... 25c ('lIl a A pr i C() I ~. 11Ir)!);' ("!LIl ~ .. .. .. 25c La f!{e ('ans Milk. 2 for ........ ::!5c CHIUSTMAS CANDIE';, all


fur 111I·li ll l ,~ , .... ". " .. .... ,....... ,,, ..... ::; 1110 SMALLEI{ ST EE L WA(;():-.J l; 'i(,d ( " r baby .. "., .. , '"'' '' '' , . " , r,o . DEPOT TRL" CKS- Wcll m .01" Hnd ' lIlHlallliul ..... ' .......... " ... .... " lie SAN DY AND Y- F<> r m,'Yilig ~dnrl. w'lh Il bux " r san d , ' "'' .. " ". ":-'c "Bl ZZY AND Y" - A lrio 1l<!llllller '"'' '' " ... .. ,.. ' .... ,.... "" .... ~ "'c IRON ING BO A R [) - l (j ' ~ I II. h i ~h. IH·II In .d" with ulpl'llipright:l .. .ilJc DRUMS- A gO~~ ':Boy Scou t" dr ulll ........ .... .. " ..... .......-,Oc. :!.-,c HORN S- What 1~ Xm a ~ w,lhnl!l a h"rn . ea .. h .. " ...... , I.'\\:. IIh' . .Il' WATCHES- Wrist ..... utch. 1" 'lI nan t wal l'h . Jllld C'l l:III, wall'h " ,III.. f)(· BA.NKS- All f n,m " ............ " .. .... ... .... .. ........ r,Or. ~5c : lOr TRAINS-On track .. ", .. ." .... ....... ' .. .......... .... , .......... ,.. ,.. ~ I :,:,-, RO CKIN G HOI{SE:l-Small " nt·s fIJI' Ih " hahy tu p l a ~ wilh ........ .. ;.!.-,c BBLL TGYS-l;ood on('s at ' .. ... ........... .. .. .. ...... " ... , ... ,.. ... :,lIe, :!,'II' LOADED TRUC' KS- (;u od for I,,,y ur ~ i rl to piny grocery .. , ,.. " ... "Ill' TEDDY BEARS- A good small or". .. , .. ... ....... . ....... .. . " ' "'' , .. .. T,c DISH ES- For the gi r l~. t ht' ~e wil l lhl'ir eyl'~ Hpdr klt' ........ 75c f,Ue Y'-'e SEWING SETS- With needb. th read. "Ie '"" ...... .. .. , " .... :.50c: :!.ic ST E ~~L WAGO ( S - (~ o"d


k i nd~,


c(' nt ~



pO UIllJ. UP.

1\ 11 kinds Gf Nuts, F i g ~ . Dates, Oranges. Grape Fruit. Fresh Hal LinlO re Oyslers. Celery. Cranbe,·ries . SWl:et and Sour P i c kl e~ .


SOC 25c

(;ran ul!lted Sugllr, 10 Pou'1ds for .. ,.. ... " .. " F re ~h Crackers, :! Pounds for ....... .. .... .. .. ()ur supplv ran outlast Saturday ~ o w e wi ll try to supply you, this week. HrillK us your Chickens Ilnd Egll~ We can la ke them in, any lime

CLAXTONOLA A nice Chris tmas p resen t for a ny member of the famil y. . Call a nd s('e t h (,ll1 , COMMENCING MONDA Y, DECEMrlE R 19, 1HI STor~ E WIL L BE OPE EV ER Y EVEI\I I :-.I O UNTIl. Ct-IRI Snl-\S


......FRANK H. FARR & WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio......

I •



\Ve have t he tO I':' 1' , >1' til e l it I Ie (, .[1.. " t Ii:It II ill 1l1 3kt' the ir e~' ('s spar k k t" ~I' " tlll' ll l l'{>ll ll' :lll d b r ill ),:: lit e little folks ill - - doll'( Ill ;tkt· ,1111' d ll l\'rt' II t'l: ", h e llie r \' 0 11 buy or Il aL- jus t hriug th,' III i ll' tlJ -' l L· the toy s th a t Sa nta has left \I it l! I b to s ho \\' o


I. :'I I " "IIIj.'r~o ll .




Important Announcement· ,On Monday, Jaunary 2, 192?, the firat i.aue 'of

Fred's Advertiser wi ll be -mailed to every family in Warren County and adjacent whose name and address is then a va ilable. -

FRED'S ADVERTISE R will be published be-weekly in the interest of the community in general and the farmers in particular; also, in the interest of Progressive Retail Merchandising a nd Store News effecting the Big Store in Lebanon.

FARMERS' EXCHANGE BUREAU' Two or more pages will be devoted to the free use of adv~rtising anything the' farmers in Warr~n County aad ad jacent territory ma y have to sett, or fQr anything they may want to buy; thereby creating reciprocal trading among themselves, with ~he result of a great s"-ving to the buyer as well as to the seller. FRED'S ADVERTISER will also contain otber interesting news for the farmer and the community. A limited space will be devoted to suggestions for the welfare of all.

PROGRESSIVE RETAIL MERCHANDISING AND STOR~ NEWS It will be the policy of the S. Fred Co. and other advertising firms to adopt more progressive metlrods in buying and selling, to en,able them to increase the volume of sales to the maximum, without correspondingly increasing the expense of' operation; to share with their patrons the cumula tive benefits derived from it, by selling more goods for the same money or the same goods for Jess money. '

The Bigger the Trade, the Better the Grade The Better the Grade, the Bigger the Trade ,Wide pUblicity will be. given to Special Values and General Store News. Pursuant to this policy and to enable The !i. Fred Company to efficiently carry out this program; to enable them to take care of the increased business which is bound to result, and to better serve, and serve u~iformly, all their patrons. .




of the S, Fred Company has resolved to discontinue all open charge accounts, memorandum accounts (County institutions excepted) with the close of the year 1921. -...; 'tHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS has also r uled that all ' sales covered by a bankable note will be considered a cash tra nsaction, ttereby enabling all the patrons of ~he S. Fred Co. to anticipate their purchases on deferred payments; at the same time eliminating the unprofitable and over-costly officc expense due to handling small charge accounts and memorandum transactions.


The same policy of one price to all will be strictly maintained, and every pu,:chase, large or small, may be returned, accompanied by the sale check, and the price will be refunded witbout question.


We will also continue to give Cedar stamps, and will redeem Cedar Stamp books at in merchandise.


and ·se e the wa,s.heJ that cannot smasl~


button s or fasten.e rt

HE Laun - Dry - Ette has no wringer to smash butt on s a.nd fast e nen. It whirls t he oloth.,. "'wringer dry" without Q ' wringer·- in one minute-a tublul at a time. Come to our store and see the Laun-Ory.Eu e do a n actua l ~a.ahing. See ho v it sa ves w o rk by doing both Iht! w3. 5n ing a nt! th e

d r yi ng. S e e Iw w it lave8 m e ntli ; by p:''"~ t:r ving ~ ll th e bUllon >! n' fast L 1cr s.

~ ~ .!


it m :.,~ ('S ~ )( I

tubs· un nC(:eHal :. , oSe" . how it I. abi es you to do "' '' e ~l ti re wl\shi. witho ut 00('(' pu tti ll\l vour ha nd 'l i.

th e wa t er .


A well -k'''J \' r. lll i'1,: hi r.o

In .


an '

FRED. M. COLE, Waynesville,


' . Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery Also sold.and demonstrated by ~"a/(er Kenrick

: I D~1ful] a chine I


With the confidence that our present friends and, patrons will endorse the Dew policy of The S. Fred Co .. and with their help and with the help of the many friends and patrons of the future, FR~D ' S ADVERTISER will grow for the common ,ood of all. Wishing one and a\1 the Compliments of the Season,


To Our Friends and Patrons in Warren County and adjacent Territory: • Have you anything to sell, or is there anything you want to buy? If so, just fill out the coupon and mail to us before December 24~h, ~LDd it will be inserted in our first issue of FRED'S ADVEI?TISER of January 2. Cost? Not a cent. This service is free. THE S. FRED COMPANY




1922 Calendars Free

We have 1000 Perfection Calendars and Weather Cham, with Goodrich Road Map of Ohio, for free distribution. These Calendars are regular encyclopedias, containing .maOy tables valuable for the farmer especially. The supply being limited·, we suggest that you mail coupon or call for it lJithout delay. e- ____ _


-~~--.--111111!--THE S. FRED CO. Lebanon. Ohio.

Advertising Manager, Fred's Advertiser, Lebanon, Ohio. Plea~e insert llttached ad. in your next issu~ and mail me free copy of your paper.

. ' Please mail copy of your new Perfec." tlon Calendar to . . .

Name .. .• ~ .•........•.... •...• .• ••.••.

Name ..••...•.•••

R, F. D ..... A'ddt:ess . , .. . .....•..•. , '.' •

R. F. D. '.. ";,,.- Addr~ •••• :-.. '......... ', • •t..

,.................-.----.'--~,--.----.-..~..----., ....-.---..Ii


, •

" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e ' •••


' .,





·nty-Th inl Year '


_. ..,-.. C . P



Whole N urn ber 5466

Charl e8 BUll ll was Ii 01.11' til 11 visitor ' Hav~'~, iJ 'you,r~ Born-~o ~~. and -M~s. RObt.-~r-I-H ~ve you Pa'id you r Ta'xes'! Saturda y. . !\I r. and Mrs I·' II 1I " ',Jer~un l _ ~ gal. \{ay.o·~i,.dll, Coal Uil. 33,' ; nas. Sunday. DE~cember ll. a son. I . . . Herbert . EdwarJH , . of Denve were ill . "enia Tu e.duyaflern'JlllI r. Col . " gal.. ~OC. Mrs, D. R Smith • lmc Motor Oil. Mr~ . Mhary L AdafITRls. ofJWFllmClnl/'d' IS at hume for th e holiday spent the week· . . . I cold t..~l . makes Z",ro s. yur flIotor start eWlY Miss Martha Deatberllge. of Ore- end with relal ive!! in WilmiflICtun .-~ '0. ton. IS I e lCu elil II ev. . . a' l . M r8 S M S' I1 fLO. Ironia a~l!h'l.ll.,-: IJ usl righ t th ese cold morningM. Saw· spent Sun(Jay with her si8ter waliade ru lltl faruHy Mrs Jeff Smith afl.dMI.~, Nina I Mr~ Ross cu:lflllf1. , Yer's Wa ne Mar kpI Harts'ck. , - ... __ ~ ' Mrs.~hrystie M cKin seYIIII,jd llu"h. v,lsltt!d J: 1\1. I\ .. ~·cr<. M 1M ' I H 'r. I Bentley were Dllyt OIl ~ l'lsltors ulld wife. . !:iatur1/l"tI Y · r filII , ter. MI:j~ Lll ura. were III Il flyton. Ih ursdli~ . rH. . . . .0 email uay . Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Co leman, of Saturua There will be fI ('rJ IINI of Farmer ~ Have you Puid your Taxes'! jure hoUlO: "f" 'r 11 1.,I('a~lI nl three. y . ' . ;ralll( ' I Norwoo n ., il W('dflt' ' sl!ent Wednesday and l aflernoon . ' I week~ VI ~ llwllhr" llI lIV t'~ 11I No rwood Mr and MrH .I . U Whita ker and Thur~uad, The ()hio' (;raflv" f1 1('t't illl! Ilecefllil t' r 28. 4it 1::lOHoiay , I hi' MI ~9t·~ JUI1 Ilt'Y w~re III Dayton. y here with relatives . o'clock, for th e I Mrs. Hannah l{oger!l wh f) spe nt WIlS Co • • ' ~r . lind . MI' H, .111 lilt'''' KerrH' k h.l.! I.t MII ",(· l1 all l!ll ') · "· were I! " " oti .l pu r p(}~" uf confer ring deg ree, All Salu rday. the week at Leba Ion. returl1l'd to her la~t 'H ·ek. T h(J ~1! fr lllll h.·) ,. wl\<> at, ,,0 IbA, !i wt~k . ~h~t S. ,1I,lI!, orl ~ r ~ 1 Xf'l1la VI~llur". :o,al ul'li:ly aft ern oon. K J . }{eefer' " More-Eggs Tonic Iho .oIli.·crHlind rnl!mhC r3 will please tak e . me. Sa turday . , forI3LUll, U UL KLECOFI' i'.I~ ,""ti ll tended were: McAdall1 ~' , ":; ~III' )' ~il \ f1otict' . Buy C~ lrt; lll1a S presen t s at lyOU, hell! Uti make It 100 Ius.? Saw' i layers ou!. of loafers. Soldon . ' , ver. L"lti e Sl Buy Chn; lma s presen ts at amakes .l.i 'l,zi,· ll allt' \·1,," mOlley.back guarantee. Sawyer's ; Buy Chnst . H y ma n & CO lllpan y. mas presen t s at l BlanCh e Riley.f)k~H .yer M Wayne Ma~kel. M e!<>l r I Hyma n &' ClIlI1pan y. s. I.YIII!l fI SII" "r . Buy Chrlsl illa; p resent s at Wayne Market. ' Hyma n & Com pan y. Mil ton Keys Ilnd ClUB Mic hener \ lI y l\lan I:\:. COl ll pa ll \', •




' . , . ..:-,




F'r om the Me rch an ts

of Wa yn esv ille , Oh io

M er ry Cht'istmas


X.t Illl S

fOl ks!


Here's to Christ mas I Ma v it hold for you all that you hoped it would in joy, remem brance and friend ship. And may there be many other just such Merry Christ mases in store for you.

Fred M. Cole Hardw are, Harne ss and Imple ments

"Back of the season of Christ ma s And back of the greetin gs you get Is the pleasu re of thinki ng of friend ships That never have gone back on you yet."

OUR WISH TO ALL · Who have made it possib le for us at this Christ mas time is to extend a


A Merry Christ mas And a Happy New Year

We trust that you look upon the Hyma n & Co. store as your friend and wish you all the joys of the season .

Sawyer's Way ne Mar ket

Hym an & Com pany

Tho' greetin gs galore may be at your door, Accep t from us at least one more. Simpl y to say that we hope the day Will be jolly and _merry and glad nn d gay




Now comes Christ mas Day, when the air 15 vibran t with good cheer. Good- will, like the glow of n sunset s)..y, spread s over the land, thrillin g anew; and reflect ed from our hearts each ray becomes a gold en thoug ht bearin g our good·w ill to you.

The Hom e ,Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacB eth, Manager!;


"God rest ye ,' merry gentle men; let nothin g you disma y ,

In wishin g you A Merry Christ mas we are but voicin g our sincer est sentim ents loward

tho~e whose friend ship we have alway s so highly

For Christ our tonI a nd Sav ior was born on Chrisl mas Day, -Old Englis h Song.

apprec iated and whose patron age has made it possible the greate st year of busilless in our history .

Fran k H. Farr and Wif e

W. H. Mad den & Co.

We acknow ledge more than ,comm on pride in our Holida y displa y this season , caused b y the ex. cellen ce ~ f goods. repres ented, and the variet y and range afford ed for perfec t satisfa ction in the se lection of anythi ng [rom an inexpe ns ive litlle re. membra~ce to a solid and substa ntial g ift. . Ho pm g we may have the pleasu re of we lco mmg you at our !>lore and wishin g you the C0 t1lpli· menls of lhe season , we remain Respe ctfully yours,

J. E. Jann ey


It has been the COSlOlll of this house, as the holida y season approa ches, to , pause ill its busy career , and wish for our many patron s A Merry Christ mas And a H nppy New Year This is Chr~stmas time- the ,season when your friends are thinki ng of you and wishin g you all kinds of blessi ngs-th e best ' of life's joys and happin ess'; hence our greet ing-

As friend s exchan ge their. greetin gs tru e, Accep t this Christ mas wish for you; May joy and peace with you abide Throu gh all the happy Christ mas Tide .

We repeat these season al greetin gs with much of earnes tness and sincer ity , and truly hope that one and all may have a most joyful Clujst · mas, and a glad New Year. Yours respec tfully,

The Palace Resta urant L. E. Kemp le, Prop.

J. W. Whi te

Sears & Cart wrig ht



To wish you in

~he good old

A bright and Merry Christ mas Day',,

F..:- D.. .Haw ke-

We are yours most sincere ly,

Wal ter McClure Jam es McC lure




Ano t her year has passed by and Christ mas is here again . As is our custom , we I1re going to give you a nice Calend ar as a remem brance . So y.ou will fe:1 lh <l:t ~e h~ve ~ot forgot ten you. The hOe of tIllS pamtm g tS " fhe Old Home stead. " And we know you will e njoy it very much. Saturday , Decem ber 24 is the day we will have them ready for distrib ution. We would like to put one in each home. Dou't fail to drop in and get yours. If you don't kno~ u~ , come in, for we will be glad to meet you. Wlsh1l1g you a Merry Christ mas, and most prospe rous New Year,

. Some say it is old·fa shione d sendin g"gree ting . .Chris tmas, Day; ' But:So me of. us cling fondly to the' good ~ld- . fashio ned wsy. . . Accep~ 9Id-fashion~d wishes for the sake of Auld Lang Syne, .' A happy ,' happy ,rVule time. ,good luck to thee and thine. / Lucile HassholClt.

May the green of the Christ mas holly be em· ,J:>lematical of the hope ~itbin your .heart. And may the red glow of the ,.olly berrie s measure the war.m th of the good cheer and hap· . piness which are to yours throug h the comm g y~r.

Jeff Smith


The Wes tern Ohi o Crea mer y LCO. H. E. Hame r, Man~ger

May the day bring you i9Yin messag es from friend s, , in warm hand clasps , in pleasa nt experi ences. in love from those deart9 you. And I 't hank you for helpin g us 'witi! your patron age.


C. Phillips




Miami Cazette, War:-.m~Oh~

0\1181n g,' rnggs seot IllS crew o ut Mr Glhll~Y In ro'~ ln, hI, prl III nrt! Ihll captured guuboat 10 ~noer. assis t . . h tI II h 'tl Ils ho r fl, lind \\. en oa '1 II I! 00 I a lone hl'"hle Ul t! wreck ot the bnrve old MUl[gie, plied up aHo sl In Ih e P (1rt d ot mISSing ~blps, !.Iomellll"g Rnfl pp~ wlthlu h lH b"(, lI s t olld Ih e hlrr lenrs , \ I" II rot1ed 10 quIck aucceilio 1 (O WII ' 8 8ull. tnl1n"d cheeks. Tho old hll ik lookell I"' ,'ull orly p alh ell c IR 8 h a IIIY Ih e re, ll ~ to' il o v~r <'0 Iwr Ilt'lIm 1'11.1. . 8h~ hlld " .. rI·"d hI m " 'ell. bill , he hll(1 tll1 1l'h~rt IH' " In"l \· ~''ynie. Jll1d with "'HI1~ " II({UI' "I~n or ~n.-tng hl'r 1'1 <1 hones trom \"(1I1t.lal IUlnns, CU lll lll n !; "l'II gg . , subbIng 8udlhl~', 1\' 8tte r ~d Ih. ,·,,111<11 11 or huH a d(lzen C 8n ~ ot k,.ro' ~IO " o\' ('r he r ,I., ck. Rnn In Iho rohln . 1 1 ~1 1 1 t' '' IIru In Ib re .. ( \I~er~nt secllon, the Wl'{'{'k . 81111 len her to thf' r" nAumlll jf " li mes. Hllif an h" ur lo. e r he . t nod .. n 1111' b ll !l ~r e<1 <1 e .. ka nt th~ gunlooot bl'"h le Olhlle ,' lind M c OllfT~~' all l' ,..' o t ch cd I ho ~' 8nse cloU!l. of t",ok " th at he ra lded tht pa. alni or Ih . Mai ' da. ,,1lOlIl" ""'". ""' • c .... d old hu lk," ... 111

1 .


l'nt ,1": 1'1'1'1,';\1 \ flT'" " t' 11I1,'t " 1"'I't


th ' \' ", II 1.1 I, ! • !11I

11\01' -til t' f\llI l lll'ltP f I'IlI nlpll t ,l. nl'''' r JIIIlw 1 11~"

m'H \' (\';;d

(1 \(1 ~p f." 10 r l .t :t '1I) " I~ .'\I·r., illll11: ~ \ 'IIIl:~ "r , ,'111 1 , .• ,' .. ) I.t tI\I' I.II>erll l or"') .. r ~I"~ · fl h ' ,li, t " Tl ,' \\· ' ~r .t ... \, tn ' " \'/11'1 ,,1\' k, l. tll',-'· · .. 11 d rill', 01.1 L"" .\ Il):' ·!I·" (,}r (.111 " LL.. 111.01, :11 1.. · rH)'I · t h ,' 'l :IJ.!L! ; .. • .. rt . ,. 11"""1111,1 1'!I, ·ks. SlTII~I:') . "h ... 1t ,'0/1'-.1 : 111" c;. Ill" 1"dRIlI-'''' 11 11 " YOIl \1 1\ RII I·I , 'I' ' u ~dll J,: \\I' r,' Iru llhn: tllltlH: ' l h l .. 111'1'1' 1\ 11l ,\I ... ld r trip. (.t j·llll rt.:.' . MI,l,.. ' Ir Olhllrr wh l~ t1 t ' oI !tc,rt1~' I 1l~, ·dH· t r " 11I11I,1 yO ll . !-o\crnlll-: ~r, h ut rh rI HI:.:I. 1 I ~ tP(lth nnrl !'ll1r l ' (Io'::~(\III)' rnll ' d 11.) \'("1' 11 11\ I' ftUr UlIl' th !~ nll'II()~' It ~Jlrfl,, ·,1 I~h" ~f l~ x l (, Rn o~lIln , " 1{ hn"" flk !5 il hll (ln '( 1"'('11 fur Adelh.rt P . (; 1\"'0 )' n,)' h, ,,"1 10 ruIn thnl c rntr~. rnn '· "s ." \\'(Ir kl ll' 11I :s ImnKl nnt 1fm .Wt' rt lnH', hp " .. ,'1111"1,11, an d let hf»r hn \' p It OIwe '·~Ilt". lIu1I1I' ''' . ' 1\ \\, 11 1 1 (~r rn £," I' \' r mud ... \' tI\1 " ('hll ll k ot 111 II JW)' , 8n " m f' ri' . ~h r l f'k . ~ (l ~ 1 ' 1'I1~/o!" , . ' [l p Illt-'rd (n l , n Ih. w l. lI~ I ,·,,;.ldll·1 ., " ,. rOllr ahlp . I d id " M y MII I(~I{"" Inti Is shol 1I wny ," Tll"r~ '! 1I1 pn .tyi n' fi n rt 1ft t hnot ." your 11(,'. " ~ A n 'wnrrl ~. ~ r 811 I' nplnlll ~ ('rn "g" ,vn l"' r! . "An' I nnl~' Ihl • . I !l ,'n'l l·hll.1\ on~ rent o( Ihe rl'hulll II II "'I'ok 0110." Tl1rpp more I\{' ~' Milou tt'd to t h Q twhllHlllnn , '11@ mon '-' ~' d ne you , II PI: 1 rOlllc l It 1 \\'notpr1 ahol s t,,' m Ihl' lona gUll ml8s ~d I helII. : Rc h f\OIl Pr h lil l hun? to IIInd whf'n t hp to he r (\ lt (1 11 Ilhlltn . I'm g lllll ' to k@('P MOJ,r..: I,' n l~(\ IUl\ e t o som (\ thirty yonts thl li' Moe Uttle pli \\'.r ~t IrH ' I1f'r for my

r nngf"ct wl ill !'\:h(\11 nit'). ,lid ntH Hlln\\' It w nQ l'f"r (, \1 "~ lon ~ hrltrll{' l ) An ti In 1J111101 .. " ", • • ~ I ,.. h.Q d j'I," ' " II\IIt t h(' )I ~qa: · e. 111(\1" 1n l' .\· W("\l1l1l1 ,' n . pl1 rpcH~ l l n ...::, '\Tlll C 1'J1 '''~ 1"" Il OlI'Ch In t; l lIk h tlll wl lh 1'011,,11 fIr .· It ~h~ t" lI ~d to rarO hIm : w)Wrlll1l'HfI th,. y('ll llw ... trPl l k ('"m~ tl lrllllj.:h lind 11'" ",n\(\,1 hl~ tll'm l tl'n nth'nlly HI H\ \'~ hI s h ,lnt' \11 ,,,k l' l' II r "ll r n.oI\I' ltr . n flP

~l r .

(: lIq " Y,

" ,' Ild





but the f ou rth cftrrled OWlr th" cn"'n. 10 wh \il\\hrd nf ht'r ~Ir. (jtlo fl PY In · t orr Jlf'd tlH' )1 "xl" flTl , In a tr.. 'u' !ot1/; Srnn· lel"'l n~ Ibe wreck ot the 1)\1\.11 h"",,·. wIth tbe helm small unscnl hC'll. 1... 1t· 1.1. \\ plI m;,,'" ",llh E I1~\I'h . Ilin t It I 110 " llill~I' ~ " 1I111"h 6S IIf l~' 1 hi. lIlt l" In g up like 0 Bore t hlllllh. thl}!!'1" hp 111I~lJ t " XJlP('t t n hp !'u nk like "Tum bor aroun d 811 11 h~ n, 1 " I rll":1I1 t or them," Ihe ga lin nt Ol hll .r "'" P" 1. II d ll$.: . "1 .'~\\'Il hd o w , p\'("ryhnrly hUf "She's . smnlier tsrlee t cl lmln ' hO\I S • Ihe h.' IIIl"lI1l1n. or ['11 8W(>~p your 00. We're bro nd6 l d~ t o h~r now ." , de r k~ wi th nri"l l.e r mu zz le hurst ," he Ihu nu" ,,'r1. "Gl b, will rOll .... Pr .llIk Ihll t Th e Me.xknn ohl')'ed a nd Cop t nln Grea ser?"' Captftln Bcrnllgs s nhlll'u h.' 9· l'Ir rnlll;s went Ull In the pllol hou~p. I\n~ terlcally. Inld Ihe I('nlhly bRtl l' rerl Mo~gl e "Doo '! " ' nnl to sink hor ," I he s upe r· cargo relorled. "!;he's B n ice littl e Rl ongslde Ih e s chooner. The InSlnnt ahe tnu t'll ('(l , Mr. Olhll PY ft!lrnng I chQIIll er_ I'd rot ller canlure h''' .• ~lo)' . oboft«l. quickl y f ollow .. " hy ('n p lnln be ~ ~lIn use ner In Ollr DIl8 In\'1I8, ~~rogg8 , " 'ho hnd relinquI s hed Ihe ScrBlIgsy," and he ('Oll ll nll~1l 10 "h IOw. helm 1o hie first mille. ar the enemy with blgh burst Ing Shnt p· Su (Ir!!'n ly ('olltoln Bcrujlgs sholl ted. "1.onk. 01", for th e IOTe o( II", Lord, look I" nnr! polnl~r! wltll hi. flnl(er. AI th .. henr1 nf the 11111 .. Iron· rn llell r om · 1'0 nlon · "'R Y I"Rlllng down Intn the pn · gin. r oom n man "'81 8lendlnll. Ae had a m()nkpy wronrh In nne hand and a ([r"" ~y rnl( In th~ "'h~r. IIlr. Glbn!'y turned Ind looked II the



"ll cGurr.,,., for a thou.aod I" he ' beI· lO "'et1, lin" raD torws rd with out· elre lr hed hon\! . CaplalD 8 c rnigl waa at Glbnpy·. hpell, and belween them they cnme very lu' nrly dlsl ocnllDIL Bal' Iholmn e'v McGurrey', arm. "M c Gllrr~ J' . my dear boy ," fi llid CO f)loin Re rail', "Woolever nrt you a·d oln ' on Ihla hutheD boltles hl\lr ' "Me I" ejncuJated Mr. M cG u~e)', ",Ilh his olrl·thll e ,I.lluerlli ion. " W hy, I'm t he chi C( engln ~e r ot thi s crllrl. I hilt! a goon joh. 100, but I gn ess It's 11\1 orr now, nnd th e Mexl Cl\n gov e rnmen t'll flre me. SOY. who chu cked Ihnt b uck· s ho l tlo""n loto my englue 1'0,, "17" "A .lmlrnl · (ll hll!')' dId II ," s old Sc I'fI 1= 1'8. "The old Mnggl e's alol1l(' s Id e nnd me lind Glb's fillh lls le rM. B"ur n hon do Mu c. II nrl h ~ lp liS d llp Ihe hal Clwa 00 our pr1 @ onere." "Th ollk Ootl." 8nl<1 Mr. Gibney pl oulIIy , "I d Idn't kill you . Come to look IDIO t he mnller, I dldn 't kill anybocl y. "My Maggle'a T.II la Shot Aw~y!' th ough I _ee h.lf 8 dozen Mexlcnns DeL Wh en t he Iwo )'e"" I~ Wer., loss srollnl l (l eeks more or le •• cu I up. thOD t wo ml! cs opo rl til(> onl'·p"llI\ t\p ," \" h c r~ Sf' U been ftll th ese yesrs, Moe'" "1 h ~clI chi e f e ngill ee r In the Mexl· camj! Inl o Rctlnn . It WII S P" 'II ), slinot· Ini ~od the wlckell IIUl e sl " 'lis 1'11 '1.(',1 (' UII 1111\·)· ... replied McO lllfey. "\love through t h e ol d MUI(j,'i e ilkI' lJ uck ~ h () 1 •1"011 ~o l ' lurp" us In the nn me or Ihe throu jl:h n r oll nt buitcr. ~I r. lll, np)' ('1111" '1 ~llI t (' ~ or whntr' " Ir e' ve cOIlI Ure(1 you In Iho nUllIe or alld nnt on Ihe clet'k hI'Fhl .· h lR ~ III' en d Coptntn ~<'rft~JZ'!i ~l'fl l\\ It ·d t" '!'- ldtl i-\d pUH'rt ) 1, ( flhn e Y, 1t \\ nq the reply . "I hI m. 11""'11 huutln ' ull Illy 11(,' for a Rhlp of

.hu rt- ot Ih r 1,)01. Sh,,·. IIk kl',t up '"11''', hu t Ihlll on ly he.r. H I,,.·,, ,· e to wh"t 0 hul l.l· lIon d . hot 1 11m. al lll It ...o,, ·t IRke mu c h 10 IIx hpr uv all _hl\l' ohor e R):lrln . l's l,,' hlw h hu rs lt . hmpn el nln't vPry II '"l ru ' · I "· ~ . .4.11 Ihem blllllPS UII' 8 ~r n l(' ll ps pon he pin ned dnwlI . 1\111 w," 11 11II\' p 10 ,10 som e 1llPIIIIIIl' 011 hpr (, 1If1\' n ~- t'lI tell Ih~ wor lil . She's call pll Ihp \I elllll Mu r tu. hili \' 111 1I0inl/ to rlln he r 10 1'0"0 11111 nllli c hon!!!' he r IIUlIIe . . hp' ll be kn ow n U" ~I n gltl" 11. out ot r@· ~~ r l f ,'r the " III g i rl that's burnln' up Ih!'rt' (111 th e beach ." ('orlllin !';"rfl~Ks was so to nc hed at Ihl . de llo-otr Ill tl e Irlhllie Ihal he l um",1 UWll y ulIII bur"t Into tellrR. "A w.• hlll Ill', Scrftl(lI" Y. old hunks." 88 1" M..c; lIrr(>y conso llllj(l y. "1' 0 11 aln 'l ItOI n OI IIlI1' to cry nhnu t. l o u're tI rI c h 11111'1. \.nok 81 111 " . I olo't . ·l1owlI,,·. 11111 11 An .' I II n' l Itel so m Ul' h RS " hpnn out ot Ihls I11lx·up. all On o l'('ounl o r me be ln ' tied up ,,·lth 0 101 or hOll nll. thot qultl tight · In' be fort' Ih e ~"r c hilif IIrk NI." IIThut's ~o , " .!4nld C UJlf uin Srrngaa. wipIng eyes ,vltlt hIs ~rlIDY tlula. " I 11".-1 ...." y"u ' r~ out III Ihe r old , Mt'IJulTey. 1111" It ulll't rlt:ht. llllJ. my hoy, us Ih .. ~e hll ~ hu d ""IIle ollr rl,,' tllJl~' to.ct!lher olld Wt" '" " hlld u ur dltferen l'eS, bUI I a l,,'1 1I · ~ .. ill· 10 thlllk or th e m pn st grIds. 'l'hl' " I~ ht 0' yu u, BIIII:I,,· hul1u,·,1. 1111"' 1111 ' III HI 1I.1l.lhllntlll· t ill' prlttl o r t h ' ~t 4'xl t ' lll1 11II \'y . t'ul m l

In th ' 1111J1IH' IH H' t'" sl ll tir, ~I ' llerou s In ~l c t o ry ula l fl" Ill-lIlt" UJo( h luiW!'I: t o ... fo ll ell s hlpllI JI' 1\ K.... ,n · to wul'1< nn' nRwln' YtHJr " t ' ~l'i f\ 1 Un ltr hllll 11111t WilY.



(pl ll" l"," ~Ir, tnl\ f' n

·'h R~ g ot tn


tlf ll l (lun .·l' rt ,

lwocln ' \\ 'd Ip It)ok ln°

t or lin " 1" 'lIl n' 10 Pili ,,.-pr I lip Imock· Ollt hlrow. It II. e nJd M llj: ~ I" 1.001<ls to· CNhr r Itli wr··rl' w it hI n n CIl Io I.. I" nlrth

th ll ! f': 1' hf10 Hl' T on '

w (,

nln't 11 11 k ill d

by IIon l Ihlle. I hel I'll m nke Ihem l11< unk~ ~ I II ~ ~nrl on ' lo w." "1t ,,'1'" ('" ll !';cr nl:l:R r hllll l'rcd . ""' 1111 1111 17.7.1(1 bUTs,,- ," ~tr . Ol hll (ty rep ll~d. 'Ttl ~N my fll se fll Zl'ro, nn' at polnl .hl ll nk runge I'l l JUsI rlll,p e~ e~)'Ihlng " If Ihn l .rholl llrr·s I' r l'l,s. O ur-.. I'll Kel IIIIIf n d 07.e ll (·orlrl<lge. IIPI nil ' "enl'y f or Ih e hi/: Sl·Pl1e. U p wl l h Y'~ II, .~tlmlrll l Serllggs , nn' hold th e f L<r .rlter "t ondy." "1'1 11 " " In wnr," SCrnal:8 qU II'·e rl'd. "G Il>, It's su r e h-:lI." " n lll ' ! It·s In vl llorn l ln', ,'.TOgjlSY. Ther(> .111'1 nO IIII,,' wrong with wnr, 8c ro!;gsy , II 111rS8 you hnl'pen 10 get k illen. 'I'''''n It's 11kI' chnlerA . Ynll elln l·tlre H ~rJ; CASp elc!'pt the first on fl."

Th(>y hnd ('o m, In side thp minImum ran ge or Ihe ~rI'Xlcftll'9 Inn[! I:un now , 10 thnt olll y Ihi on",polln('HS con· t ln ued 10 pHk at Ihp Mnlrl(le. Evl · ('Ientl, Ih e Mex lcnn was li e e nger 10 get 10 clo ... (IUllrleM! nR Mr. (lIbney. tor he hel ,1 " leA rlll , on hie c,l urse. "W .. ll . II ', time to pu t o,' pr Ih e big IIt urr," Mr. Olhnl'Y remarked I,re.rnlly. NH u.. ·• hopl n ' Ihey Ilnn ' t pol me with "ti e ftre ",·htl .. I'm erlenllin' my com· pl lmon,"." As Ih,. nr. t IIlll ule bllrijl rnk .. ., the Mell'lcon COI'Inlll Scrag", "aw that mOil ot Ih ~ I~rrl h lt' hlost of lelld ha d r oa e 100 hl!:h. Nr)"{'I·t hrlt'." '. It WIU errerth'~ , tor to a mAn th l' " re w@ ot tb e olJ P·pnu ndpra 1I ".erte(1 thl'lr pn8l8 alld I ll lllb l ~~ "oln..- ; .ee lna whlrh Ihe Inllh'I<1ll nl In "ommand \ost hl& nene. He was "Rlhfl cd now Ihnt the InfernA l \.IMC'- u "I"P052" rn mm 1?8 h IIll. : hp b AIi



my o\\' n , nnd n ow 'J'\'c J,:ot he r .

' .. ----------~----~::"::"=~==::-:~E=:N-;T=;:S;


'thre .... a thou8aoll U"I tor PI LOday, bOlh III lire hOllle lad tacto ry, II ' I ul ftr tlvel ' short

. , J ' whllt " Oil vrOl10ti e proves thllt you're . d' bl rd ' - b r' e(j n~ 1 ern 0 0 1\ slD ge Cllt ette 0 vou loo k Wl.'11 110 treobootl a' Ilown · • un Ihe U.)I" ('M9 \. Tho ro'" wur, red wor hrenk l n' 1,)osC ·(' own t her e 8nd . • , " '0'11 s hy In "u r hM Nhoe with t he "Iro'n ~"~ 1 ,"nil pry lOORI' II tortuna " nme wlil!re . 1 m tur n lite 01 w1h.1 n.d~ vl'nlurP. Ull oJ 1I11\\" thOI we',·\! 1\ t Ihll ship nlld Ih .. rllncl~ und Ih e crc w, lot'" go In It. T h"r,,'s R d~nl ot fi ne liquor III II", wllr<l r"ulll , alld I s u ~g\'S I I hat we oOlll lllll tc Ph ln~ a~ Sl'rullll'S . late moSI" r o t Iii" bOIlI ... h l\l ~laij{l e. no''I' ."ron <1 In C. Il.ltIlIlIlU nf I he ~I o~gle 11, 10 "rew Il IU'lIle 0' hot grIll( to . ce le· hrule our ,·le Wry . ~l uc--S(' rngg.yJ'o ur II ns . I 'm \lrou d of ~·ou hoUt.

I 81 \,. I S ' , ., til a r , II ter clltt r "U" ",11 I1g ftI " liUlt111111 0 In Lon~ on wil li 11'11 " Il'ylllg .. to mo ks M . lI lhl wl t huul a wl('k. And I' II I kl tl I nil)" \\'1'1'0 P8<ll' <'. In ng II! ~o , .,~ . f\ lIpd "It It 111'0. Hllllrl'" Ched llllllU " li lt te nr.


Sh llko."

TI.ey s hook lin d os ('ap lnln (Jlbn"y'!t eye wftncle rel1 Illoft, ~' lr 8 t MRt e S .. rllgi ' a nd Chief rl: ngln ee r MCflurre)' 1000ked From th p IIl Hln toplTla ~t o r the & l ol:~le T\ lI oRted 1\ lon l( blue h t1 rKr~ . with -.rhlte l--ttpri nl on It . 8n~1

up 01110.

a l It .. hIIlP"d out Into Iho hreele tha

01" fnm lll nr Imme ~ t o od OU( agnlnlft thft n llonrtny :'Il1n . " O ood ol d c11 8h(" l o th !" murmur ,," Mr. Olbney, " She ne"er come. do wn ," "The Mllglle (ore ,'(" I" ~ hrl eked SC'rIlIP, "Hooray I" b('lIowe d M r (lurre y. !IAnnow. Ikrun;ay, It you've a OI all Ihe enthusIasm out of your bl ond. kick In

with a hunl1re<1 an ' fitty

dolln r~


tnttlr8lt to d tfl t~.

An' dnn't t ell rue thllt Dote's outlawed , o r I'll (red you to th~


Caplaln S c rallg, look eu cr e' l tnllen, but l\roduced Ihe money . CH APTER X .

" Well, ScrAggty. old hunk . , Ih ls I. plea6llnl, ain't "'" sol d Mr. Glhney . and SPftt 00 Ihe tlf-ek of the Maggie fl . "Rlgllt·o." ""pl lert Cuptnln S ~ rftgt:s cheerily , "I h ugh \\' h ~ n I wAS H YOllng f'~I1 f1r

nIHI " r st


nt t o l e u , It WRsn't


~11~e ~~(J ~h: 1;'e~.~~'~le~ ' Scn~chmun.





jlf) lI ri S.


uti .Illd, h ou to ,· ...

t' n r ln~ t '1'1

~UI ' IU II Inll'". Shil l lUI' 'Il'tI ~t1 1i11 HP ' t ' ''' h n,, ~~u IJhtdd,ll'ds, IIIJ(htl fl a;n lt'R n nll o t lH' I' ~(lI1~ h i rt! s. " lIt tl ... {' l IlI U.


n\.1 t urlll.,hl·d f"''':-.h \\' u ter , nllt! f l ll) d W II'" I ntI'\1lhl l' \!d Il t"lI eath Ow fll"td. -

~ (.'ll'l\llfl(' Anwrit'lu l,


Red Bloo d Built Up fl y Pepto · Mlln!::"un ·Liquid or Tablet



~11 · n lln\,y

11)1 IIul

() f


t..' ll,:hll'

r oo m,

111111 ,n·'11 h,)hl Ih€' lIl('e lln· ... T we nty IIl inll te s In t r r SC' I·Ugj.!q t'Hl1\l' dt'dl; ( I) n UIlO\l u c e tht, S ll l.: t.' e~s rlll (' OfU'I Wl ittll o f II k ,·ttI E' of whi sky l)lln d~ ; Il l)

I'robote Court ProceediD,B. Proper entries are orderp.d made f.O t he tllX ' oommls_lon of OhiO, roo I(ttrdlng t.he Inherltaore tllX of 'be ,.stl1tes of Jonol e M . Phillip! aod Bridget HamiitoD, both deOe8Nld,

FOR SALI': - ' 1IICKENS ~~ool< ,

N()te~ bOOl!bt . ,I " hll I:IlIrl ,III I1 , AlJI'u !lnlllllnl(, Xmllll Oh IO. Ii 4 ~~


Money to Loan on IlEl'H ESE:"JTATI V E WANTED F~lrnl Land for five '- -- I EII - A 1.. lu·' uO lJnnl" W ul ~""IIl,"Il"~~ '" a/l , i\ cl ... I .. b. years at 6 per cent, ht4It •.d 11 (. . \~




,1I :'W I , ~Ij , ur

L & Wilming toll, 0., I'holle 301.


It · lty

TE~RELL, I" C' ''" ' ·.


IV 1'111' ltor I ' , " uIII .. ,1110" 11 :!'I,.,urt' OII1l Ml 'tll l li ' /,t~ t\,t\ ~ " V.

o, .• vllll·, (j Ill"



FOIl SALE - UOGS - = - - -= - " ' == == = =



JOIN OUR ~'I\lnV <iUINli ro pl\l ~ -t'i ~;" I! I •• h . IIr"l\ Sl,qlted Pu· I'LORIDA InllCII ' hwll I'I ~" (.I".h " l/: of IIJO\ WE HA\E nrrllngod t.1f K "l~eCIKI . It,.ur ) . ~ w"t1k. 101,1, ~ 1II111l'" Iltll.! ·1


I'Ul ' lIl1iO to I,,«v l' [)tlU .. II. bAr .IUlh, t"k'DI( 1\ g r lluJl o f ~o Ill. ~PPllt o ur fOll.ou" W"lklH tnrlllM notlr Jilokso nvilill. J"in Ihl8 puTtV 01111 IlPtl ... 1t,1l yuu r o wn ,'y e M wh .. , NIO rth e rn " Dll r gy olin do In t·h e Bunt.h . Onr ou lon, uf Ohl " f"r. Iller. hav e prOdUCt'11 leUlnrkHble r s.ults A~ hljlh Ii. 'II 000 .00 hu s b~I'n t.6k,,0 trom one 01 ourt wenty ROr l' t.rnets In ooe ornp "nd tberfl orl' t,w o or m ore .l rops " year. Our ten' lind tweo,.v a Ofll tro o tslo o\nde a modarn honoe with ruo. nlng wllter .. od ol"otrlo IIl{btll lind Brt prloed wHhlo roaoh of .. oy Oil ,"bIIMhlld farmer. TheBe flums atlj o ln ooonty 88ftt I~wo wberllllre looated good ~ohool. Rnrl obuN1hotl. We are lovltloll 8erlool minded re,pq9~lble fllrmerl (nly and '0 ~oebCblH trip will ap"" .. 1 ~tronilly. W rl te t.od". for detRllot. Tille WALltlL.l. t-lTOOJ[ FAil lilt eo, 201 Reot8ohler Bldg, Hamtlton, O.

1(111 .. . ~ I II(I h ll' I u fl' e ,'rd; WIll "htllll' I h .. VI' . lurl",1 lut,H III brl'el· . "r.llI th" S ,,,,t ll,,\I' hult \. C lilnll bu"' nl'll~; wlt v u " t· 1.. 1. Ill fl 8tart Y OII' K ~: Th '. IIII1 • . ,n. tlrIIg ""11. (llll l'. Horv,.v.llllrl( uh."IO' 19- 1 ~~ j4 .

W. B . Allen, trnUee ODder lbe wl\l 0' Ro h A . Chenoweth, de.


===-- - - -=--= WANTED

W ",Nl'l£ll-

A n

,,1 ,,(','

I,.. ", ,' rk

0 /1


n. 4 ur W"yn"~vill e . hy "g .. od kl " rl . h.lIl . l'lt, "olJ"r. i .. c1u"Iri ,. u~ tII .lI1 . ii •• vo mild II .. gond hnn ll u n" fllllll , Wnllld like to heg ln ,hnl lttry 1"1 Ilf Mnrl' h 18~ , III¥~ . WIll .. " rk It wh ,I" ~' Illlr, fanH fur

IoCwHJ tn r llltlr

or H Il r U u) onth".



IH~lc f' II.

lCuud 81t1yrly 1I"IHl A""rt'~" H.I' I Vanu. Rnd ll It I) . r,. Tr" v, ('hl ll, oare of TlJoma~ Mooy . d 2~


· NI'F.!I - B .. "rtl,rslly Itw 11'I.V or Wt'~"; fnrn ''''e h .. "t . l'tI r" . C hu", Brew_I,,, r, '11Utll ~ ... . W .. vn" •• Ville, Uhiil . d ~!'\

08IU'OO. flIed hll al:l:,h al.lOonn' In lbe LCOI::!OI_- ,lnMI " ·,,,·lv ,·(1 II .111 \1 lrll8leeHhlJ) of Elizabeth l:I,tlue~, luent of Aloub .. 1 t ,,, R.,ltnt"r. beoeHolary . tuur' ."proved IIf I he prooeed lng' ~ee fred M. C" III, W" YII,,~ vIll .. , I Ihl ", j I of Alber' "i. Coroell, Barry 0 Cor. oell aud Puarl N, Cur nell, UX800lllrl ISK R~ I P u ll 1311 11, ~ ,· ,·nro .. I" ot the eBlate of AII'ert Cornl'll, d ... I1ItKlb' e III r~ l!l.t ... ~; · h · .11 Ol'R"ed . MBther . I'llono :I:- ~ . \V.VII,'.v"I" , ObllJ, l12t'i



Re.1 Ee.... Tranafen, Cora E. BaYDer. [.Ida H"yner aod .Ioho ~y Kinder, ,bree of ,lalla A.Bayner deoeased toWm, E B"yoer. fnnr~h of RaId helr ... d. law of IItlld decedent. 3~Y. 80rea In Cletlroreell townlhlp; 11 elo . Rtllph P . alld Llzzl8 M. 88al to Eclw~rd "nd M~r.v E .10hD~on . lole 90 and IIi lu Mprlngboro; '1 eto.

COWK- :I (J Ofl~

~' rt , .h

11 qlllr.1

( ''' ''' • . /'I f

ull 10: " ,·,1

~.: . ,I

mood, W .. yne.", lIe. I 1111" .

Lllll l n . II~tI

ANUE -Mo"'t,,r, ~ lid", w " "ll " r w llI.nil1f( O Yf'H KlIti rUtH'r. voir, lI'larllnt6lld,;v"rl"ot b.kdr. \), , ' 1\ n~6d 6yr~ , Oh A '11 If ~ qll l Ilt nOI'e. It 1:1 Bllrtsook, H 11 . 1. Wuy",,"ville, U.

R ou"l,

II ~ tI


&ItOLI NI1: l'"I, ITu.t MIOtlir OIl milk" . yl1nr ~' , ' r" 8tR n U""Y ; ""ll Dot OODll tl "l ; wl\1 nnt pnmpllp Comml.alonen' ProcMdIDP Into YOllr plll j!M. A tri .tI Will 0,,11· BIlle IIlI oweo : L. l. PllnOf', r a pRlr . Vln CH yu n , tiawY tl r'. fur ' ;urvlC,'. lnR UrI' on oonnty I'U1'. 'I d 50; Dr. dll1 R o b t Bllllr, pr o f e ~~ion"'\ ~ervioo~. '27.50 ; .Imltln Hnrdinll. l e~ft l ser' , 1 Tbluo ughhr .. " Ro., PIOn Onll. A,I . vleep, 1225; Alton F. Browo, ~ame . dr e 8s I!: tI. ::io hr o yer , R , U . G, ,t to; .Ioho L~w ,'It, !::lOll, .. nto hire. Ltlblln ,lO, Ohio. "2t! It 1 ; The Valll'y Tel~phono C o., TR lIt'K-H H." pllh li() I X l'ou'I'ro o k reo If', '4725; 8"1\)1', ~ollM, f2 5.S(); olll'np. I " 'l'llrtl lit It el \' Ht\.h. Mor·row Braot. I'CH"dIIlR Bnd wa~b II way, WllYllIl.vlll e, Ublo . Inll ror pr180[lHr8, "41 6·1; The A 0, Mndden Il8lutu. lumber, 510 8tl; ~ R. J R Cbl c k e os f o r ~bl". Cliot ROHs, haullnf{ gravel. Wayne!. COIDe Ilnd soe til "n Mr • . ( , lIot ville Corp '10 · Ab Evans aame R OMB, "hovo Tf'\ephon o I' XOhIID @O o n '13,20; Sid P oP;" 811me, li,50; Do: Third st reet . W"Ylle~vllltl, U dl.& vI8Forna~ ,grovel Wavnenille Corp .. IIrol\~ ents f ur E . J Heefl'r'. ' 2.38 ; J 0 dalnss, labor on "treat~. More. Egl(M T o nia 1 pkg fpAe ' 8; W . P. Moenrre.n , bRIBnoe ctlle on • with elloh II p1<!C thlltrlmleed by Novl'mber 30 I'IIY roll , , r.10; W H , E. J Re.'er, l'o nltrv il:xpe rt, K .. n. MaddeD & Co . , lumbe r, '121 03 ; su@ City .. 011 PhlltHlolllhlr~ l!'IJr NlIIl Bame, !lllard rllll, Hi' 8 . at \-lawy e r's Ihocory . d2 8




\\' hflrt'tl l)c)l1 t h e ,hl·tle nth·,\lIturCrK Wl' n( 1\I' lo\\, lind s ut tlll\\'n ot til e cahln tllhle






.. -----

Hil t! " 11(ll fo! A !-'~ lw'I Il Cl .. n of AII H'rkll, ullll IUh'\\' n f ra g lllt-'IIC o r t \\'(1 of I'll r ltn , 1III " l l I U',\ ' Illw. " Hu s ll e up th t.' g l'Og, ('n 11



Bltlo, l lij st.r OOI{ t\urllull of Ilfe.glv. 1')1( VIgor wheo thMl' IIr" IIlenty lIf n,d oe ll l\ in tt.. A n~"1II10 pt'O ple h ll ve I' ltl o MtrpnI(I·\1 III.oli0811 Ihere .re 1101 tl ll"ugh r ed O.. lId 10 tbe bl ood . It I~ I hln Ilnu w .. tory . We .. k Ll oo d liP' k"~ fa c p" 11,,11'. pU\\8 d o wn LIl A .,,"!".g th aud Ipuvos tho body tired , w".k find .I o kly A o .. unl' III Uorla ' R P e pto. Manllan r ··. rOll1. w,,"k blood 10 ItI norwal . , r .. I,I' h . Taken rl\l(nlarly for II whlll! It "dds red celis &0 thl! blood . T heo wlt.h good blood, the ~trenrth lind villor of hl'~I'b ret.nrn , Th " re I_ 010ll80re 10 lIvlog, wllh ~ o od blood tooolog thro ugh 'ne veloH. Unde's Popto IllIng~n 18 pn' up In IIqnld f\nd In tablet form . Tbey are 'he Hllme medlolo"lly. Pby.lolanR have pr08erlb~d Ood,,'a Pep'o.YtlOl/:aD for yearB The DAme "Oocie', Pep. l o.Manllln lion the plokage. -Adver".ement


1." U!lAd o n · liv e MONEY oh/lt.t.el~. n'dl' "~o()ndlll o rl ~nl(o"

V.r ro' . A \'l ary. \ ' un'o. A1It lt( l r o f u rMln u u" Luuk on 11";-1' 11-111111 1' 1'. II n'd In th,) Cit' t' r ll lllu u n ).'\\ . H e IIu11 1 1\ IU v d ~ 1 1\ \' lu l"y, with tl" ll


.. .


conllllered ",) pl ellMntry 10 8(1lt on II olce r l"sn d.rk . You mlghl cu I Ihol OIlL (Jlh. It ·s "ul[!s r." " Pa 5~ ln' o ller the rll ('t, Sr rlllt!:s. Ihnl you ah.'1 got no 1'1111 1(1 j e rk nil' UII on . . . .!ly cIlI. nt .. re IInr!l('ular Hln ce I'm Ih. maotor And mAn,,[!ln' ownvr of thl ~ her. s chno n<'r . I'm rr". In r oor,,"". . r ragl:'~' . Ih ll l your obsP"'utlon tl n e~ --YOIl (·r.. ult. r just t1ld tho I to MV . It you WII" linin ' tn lakp 8S h ll: on Inler· esl In tt.r n,'W MA l/gil' ns ynu ,Ihl In Ih ~ old MlIl(gle. nnd Ihp fn cI Ihnl you ohjeci 10 me PXlllwlr>rntlu' llO Ih e dp('k proveA I.. me Ih ll t you' re lenvln' behlnrt 10U III I Ihem hny .cow IPn dencleR of th e j:reen·p!'n trRde. It l ellll~ me to b... Ite"! Ihlll )'(lu'lI rl'e to hlllh rank and dl.llnctloo In rh e Colombian n."y. (;OMMON PLEAS COURT Your tin, S Cr'8I1IlSY . EltlleNoruttD' on ProceediD.trB. the deck. Is b.rrad, ond the ~lala1a 0 The oue of Loon L. !M1I8bnry go~. Ilnllee n.ATY Ill.r lpllne trom DOW agaln~' th" Natlonlll Moloal InRn', " 11. AliI I rlllhl7 " anoe Co" of UeIlDa, Oblo, for 101l0r. " ltl !!hl us R rlghl whole," snld CSf)800e money on aooouo\ of a machine tu ln !'kr ttg tfS. "A n l"1 now thllt )'ou'\'f~ bei ng dBl'Iroyed bv firl' while oov. Kln'lI IhUl ul" 1I111t e ot IlIln~ till' cnllr se, " red bv In8ur~tJoe In the defendRn~ nBtl w t!'\'(1' l ~lII l1ururlly , ' I,, )Zg ~d up the o'1mp,,'ny, r esolted 10 a verfllot ren o 1I" ltt~ III ll li~ t iC' fL' ~I, 'xl t'un )::\I1 111111lt. .Ierecllo favor of the plulntlft', "Dd HIli ) f' \"C"n·th l llto: pulnts 10 It 8 Urt' HilI! tbe NlltiOORI Mntolll lnBoranoe Co III 'oll t ll}'1", YII .\ ' UJ.{l' fr om now on, :o ur· mn~t pay tbe 1\01 nnt of Insurance 1'11:-: \' ) till d t' lt'I;Ulfo !lIe o s a <'Ollltll\ttl'\' and Interes' totaling '939.30. u f UI IP to hrp\\' n ~<.' ut11 e o f ~ I'n~. ufh:r rb l' ofl~e of Lewll! WlIllon VA. 0 n hk ll th~ !o\ \-I Jl l kn t e h o ld s. II Itll' tflll ' W . und Cn rrlll ~ Il\lRm 8 h8s h eeD IIll d In ,\'~ out' n ('Ilurs~ (nr It~ t\l1l1l'f' tully 8et~l e d, oumpromhwrl Bnrl dis ('IIlHhll' t. 'l ' IlI'n"'!,! II ft' w qll, ·l;t l ln n~ o f missed at tb e 008' o f 0 W. W 1111" ms. I'H I 11;: Illl t! 1 )l'h' lI t*e ~ tlwt VII~ l1l to he ·Tho oenrt nrdered The Farmers' :-:" ( 111'11 "11("" IIl1d fur nil , so t h l'l'f' j'nn ' t Natioonl Buok, of Clllrk . vlllo, Ohio, IH~ 11 (' .' ''Jllt'· t.:t l' k .'' ~fl r eoo ver from Melobol Dennull "Th e I... hlt I~ wl'lI IlIk "1I 111111 II Is :-: (. .. ,.dt~ rpd ," SH ift :\1.-, rahlll ',\' , \\, )10 hOl1 f,92.48, wllh Interest at Ihe rtlto at H pe r oe ul· from dRte or e ntry u U (' , ' II f' ld "m n~ Itl II It rl ,01' I :), ~In ~ ll!r

(or n ~ 'ullrtlTlI I H't:' , "I lllUI'C Iltu\. Olh be ullPvlllt ed pr\'~ I · de nt or Ih e sY lIlll cute." sulci CUl'tI,ln

~I oc, 8111'"

0 1ll'1I II I.'" nln ' t Rhe? All hurd wood fini s h, 1<'lIk rnll, well found. ond just lite ,It-I,et for th e Is land trocle. Well. well , weU I I'm Captulo Gibne y at In st." "Whe re do I come In , Glb?" uket1 Copta ln Scruggs moll estly. "Well, ~"" In ' 88 th e M "~~ l e hna twO ho les tl1ro ll~h her hull \I"'ow Ihe wa· terlln e. lind 16 g"IIl'rn lly nicked 10 plp ~ e., yuu lillI/hI 1111 11 118klo' qu es ll ont on~ get hll ('k 1I1 ","rtl ftnd pul the 1'11I 1I 1'~ 0 11 II..... You ' re lu ,'ky It .he don'l s lllk 011 you herore we get 1o De l· cnnM 1,ny. If . II~ s ink I, IInn't worry . I'll 1:1"e you a joh liB IUY 6"t ~ale . Mn e, >",)u' l'e my en"lneer. bul not at no toncy Mesl r no "rI ce. I'll !lny you Ihe uni on ecsle Bnd not R bla.ted c(>ot mnre or leR! . 18 thnt folr'" McGuire)' aold It was, aod went be1o,,' to lune u\l his enill ne. lItr. Olbney' took tbe whe el ot Ihe gunboal, and 6ent Captllin Scrngas back ab08rd the Muggle. ood 10 a r.w · minutes both ve " ~cI8 w .. re bow ling along toward De8cn nRo hoy. Tbi)' were orr the b87 at mldllighl , 8nd while with Mr. GIbney In comma nil of Ihe tedern I glln· boat Captain SereU8 had nothIng 10 tenr. the rapid rl~ ot waler In the hold or the MRg~ WnA s8dl7 dl8coD' cerllng. About daylight ht made up his mind thot she ,,"ould sInk wlthlD two hours, and wlthollt pau~lng ta whloe o,'er hl ~ predi cament. ba prom ptly bea ched her. She dro ve far liP Ihe belich, wllh Ihe slack waler brenk lug arouod !ler scarred atern. aod wbeo Ihe tlde ebbed she lay hlllh and r1rv And tbe rebel aoldlers came trooptng (lown tl'<110 tne .l1!POO rancho on d tailIng UpOD her carcall lik e BO mll uy ants. quIckly distributed her ca rgo omongst tbam, Illld <Illaf)pen red.

Orlilln of

$.____ :zt

cont rulllc i lno, IhAt In tno Iftst emDrOI' 110 you show'tl liP 111' (' ro ur Ii('es IInll

I~1,kl;8-t WI~I:'r~~'~M;'1I'~~II~;~Il~'\7~r~IUI~dd


··" !t (,' r

_. __. __.'

ScrH~g s.

"She'll S. Known aa Maggi. II, Ou, of R.spect for th. Old 01 rl That', Burnln' Up The ... an the Buch." I. SOl" ... ! III ,,' Ihnt wlpea away nil 80r. rer aDd wc hls 0 friendship that's bOllnd to e lltloor 1111 death UI do !lart. IC McOulTey'd been on our side. wrknow from PUlt perrormancet Ihat he' d II Ilt lik e a tiger, wouldn't YOIl , Mllc 7" (Hera Mr. McGutrey coullhell sllghlly. as mu ch 8 S to ny Ihnl he woul .1 have t ought like lao tlilen hlld he onl)' been alven the opportunity.) Captain Scraus continued ; "I ahoul4t say thnt a fair valuatloo ot tllio schoooer .. ahe ataoda II ten thooaBnd dollorR. Thnt belooas III Glb. Now I'm wllllo' to chUCk 0 .. thou .. nd dol. lara Into the <l eal, ... ·11 form a clORe "oq,orotlOIl Bnd as a compllmeot to McGuffey, elecI him chler . engln_ III his own ship lIod alve hIm, sl1: a Qua rter Inlerest 10 our 117oot, liS a IHtle t e8tlmo nlal to an old rrl.nd, tried and true," "Berogg"y," so ld Mr. GIbney, "lour ftn. \\'e·,·c t ought. but we'll let that iO. We w Ipe Ille slote eleoo aod lI'ort In sll over again on the Muga1e II. ond :l'w fr ep" to alUle. without rear of

"Second Ihe ruotlon," rumbled Me· Gurrey. '''rhe mOll oo' ij carrI ed," snld Mr. Glh· ney. IIntl bnnged the lable with hiS horny tis\. "1['111' lIIcetlu' will pll'u"c co me t o orl'er. 'l'he chulr herelJy "11· p ol nls !'hln enEI Sct'llg[!S necl'ellll'Y o t the s )'ndlcnle. 10 ket-p u r~ corll of thl~ nnd nil tuture meellll'9 ot the bool·tI. I wl\l now e lll e rtuill prop .. sltlons or nny 111111 1111 lIutlll·e • • alld I Inl"lle the IlIe mhers of lite bnurd to kn ock the 810pper Ollt 01' th eir jl\w tnckle anti go 10 It." '" tnOI'~," Baicl Cuplolo Scraggy, "IIIIIt B. Mt·(Juft'ey. EsquIre. be, and he 18 he rell), Ilppoln!l!d, chief englueer or the Mag"le II lit tI snlory 1I0t to exceed the w8ge schedule of the Mnrlne En· IIlneers' Assoctatlon ot the Pllclllc CORat, oud that he be voled B oue·fourth Inte:re8t 10 the "essel and . 011 .u"sequenl protlts." "Second Ihe lUotlon," said Mr. Glb· ney. "and not 1.0 blllllper tbe buslne.. of UI" meetln '. we'l\ ju~t consider tbat 10011011 c.rl'l(>d unllnl.DlouS." B. McO urrey. EsquIre, rORe, bowed hll l!tank", and I.t down aralo, ap· pOrelllly very much coutuled. It WII& evident 1I111t he had lom elhln. to .ay, but WRII hayln/l' dllliculty fralOln, bla thouKhts III 110 rllaluDlary lao,ua.e. "H ..ave away, MAC," Bald Mr. Glboey. "Cast off your Uues, McGutreJ," cllirped ScraUII.· Thus I'n coul'Illled, lIleOulrey roM, bowed his Ihnnks once wore, Dlolatenad hie IRroyx with a iUlp of tbe PUDCh, and Booke: (Ta I,. GODSlaI...!.)


VVe Could Talk to you for a year, and then would not convince you until you have tried out our Classified Ads,

Listen _ _ An ad. placed in the Gazette will bring the desired result In a very short time.

Try it once you'll be convinced.

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, Waynesville, Ohio.


•... T H E






the!/) artl 8uob splendi d h all" I\n,l I kn o w t h olll ~o Wil li , hilt I sllllUlv IS';UED 'DAY OILI'lU ut brlllg the I\tiln o h" k intu Ill y (' ullirrh I ~ " fllsl'lls , g rentl v \ Ilitl J', flH Ulc 'o at" 1'1) , 1.,- , lilt , i I ' I • II' ~ I I " memory . ~ W onl<1 yon mltlll te lli~ 1l InUul'/l c,'c! 1)\' locni ~, t ' I II ~ I jl ,. , It-. r() II ~ lHutl o nul 'olltll· CU L.t<ob ul hllil made w:louer flll me whut t.he Y.llr" (l"lhlfl ?' Mr '1Mrs·. Rl\lph Lewi s Willi ~\ LolHlOon ti\l n~. It 11": .... (ur •• rl?~ t.llre~ eOnRW1ID . I.. (1-' AN E. EclilCJf and rllbli~ 1 er. Wn )'nl'~\"il1f, ( illio advllno ementR . 80 far 'his term .= rel)lied . · ·Lil!ht. IJn, h ,u',". MlI/lulIl " 11""lIllr ,''' I"\ ''II!. ItAI.L', ATARl visitor, Mondav ev eoillK. tll :' Oh y os. ll th\' At.Upld (, f III ! . Why ;III': !) 1(' 1Nt-; I ~ IlIken Mo"tt UlIoe, of Davton . WUII wllb Inlornnlly tllIIl!s Kllthry n Ulllrk, of MI~ml r nnlelo't I Subscri olion Price. $1.1)0 per yea r Th\! Oreg on Dui ly Emerald of De- bls grIlDdl)'lreot~ over IhiDk of Ih "t." ... 1'1 th ,' ,,~' S ,I" .. 11\1' undllY. Hlool'l on th e MllcOtJ ~ II unlve r~ ity , ls b orne for tile hoi"I.II1YS IL\'kl\tiv o Iltfl y .. ~ ahA cember3rd ~ ay s: "Ev le rBrown . '16, . trnll l'<I "WILY SII ' fUf'I'" .. r 1111' S I·H Il'nl. BALL' ~; . hllt-!..; n J\ tlv t.o r l i in" H "l>n~ "It"I ' t j , tl\' C' Mr!!. ] M . ~y r ()rd enl e rtalned tho I Mra. Glltharl 10 "xpl ne 111 .' .'~l L H It A :-' PIl t:.sS J\ ~ .s( ICIA li n !.. J "l ohn n s Ih IIpenVf ,· Tl·II '"lllol.' burs. r "f t l,· ' ·.IT .II II: II ~1r: I'W I ~ I'; Lles troY8 th " uf Eugl ne.h as r 'cently be n awarded BOlllo WISRillll llrv ~ oolety on Wrlduy . , d .. y wltb Mr.o.nd Mra. C. E. J a h ns. ~htJw t o h01' (' d n 'pltll t il Th en rh o \ f " lIll1irll !" 11 o f Itt " dJ!.~ ('n ~~~. ~Jve! til l 11 scholars hip al l he Mu!!Sachu se ll ~ ==~============ t I'tl rill t u c1rn J tWIt ~~~ lJ('rd i!' a ud Lu lli rUllly WAH' hrlRt. I'J,,' III 'X " " "" 1 1':11 1"111 :-. In'm.n h 1,,\' itllp r ovIng tbe gen Mr. aud MrR. R ull, h LAWls a ll cl . nll In ~t itute of Technol ogy where he is B II\ "~ " h wIlI lJ~ Ih ., !o,dv 11"\";' c: t il " ~I' ·.11 " 'al 101',, 1111 fln ,l n ~R I ts untnre In dolog l, pJ> u r ~ in our ' it y, l"\uturdflV WEDN I':~DA Y. DECEM BElt ~ I. 1!)2 1 Lesli e, "potlt~lln,lllilll lJar\'(!y ~b':l r g I h ~ 11,' rk" hlrA I-!' J UI.~ til h,-. r ( ,,,,, I lift h ycar til ud e ll t. The uwur d wa~ I il ~ w" rk. Our fUrtn ArS lire w o rkill~ O' M· _:----=---===--- Mr nn,l !\Ir~ . \l,," Bllwke lin d g iven for-th lIe8\,-J~ r... lJle m of a so l- time, trytrrg" tJ get Walt • -. I 'IrI!I:l!lst B. Cl rcU!n rs tree. COrti hu~kell c~ hl!tlren vislt eLi r'l llltl yt1~ lit SIliJ, U" , , I I'. J . Chl'L!l'Y & Co., roledo, Ohio. dit!r~' home. which cons is ted of 19 'l'b,llll1l8 BrYAnt.. of Wilmln gtoD. ' S uodRY . J\l tlv'etJ In S ll\ ~ .e r- Il e. I ' 1 0Indl," l ilns buiklin g~. ~ub l1lilt cd in a competi · trunsac teLi Ims irl €tsd lu o ur town on Mr. FOf(Ht Graham and ffllllil~' l1.tllll, ! II I " "\ II .h. I ------------~~~~ tive contest among tif th }" (' ur ~tu· FriLlI1V ~ III . ", .,, 11' I, ,. aDd Mr~. tluldllh Burn ett "PUlI t SllO . I,. ,: , ' -1 1 l1.\ diD de nts. A~ the s tudenls in thi ~ claas 1.,1111 , \ . II I. :. .,t ... \ ..... .. . , "I ,) Will Bro wn . (L IIlg b~l1lor. llI ot oy D nyt on . I) I~, HA'I' HA WAY 1 (,,, 11,,· """ .. "J, ." .. ".01 11 ,1 '. " '" .. have ex('eptio nal a hi lity tht! achiev e· wil h .'HI lI('chlou t, Hut.nrd'LY, brenk· Mr. aod Mrs. W •• He r .la nno.... we ro , Ii ... " ' I" 1""",,1 ,,,., I "~. ,.\ ." 11.1 " ' ment of Mr . Bruw lI is r egard"d as es· in~ u Icg . vlRltloj! In Dllyt,o n. fr o Ul Sut,unlu y lh.· (" ... _"., ,, .. , '1. ,, ,V l\ 'y no~ ville 's I.elldlol l DeDtl., ', " ,.,,\ "',,' 1\I 0.~ l1"w s n lefl, tlll~ wOAk f or lIut·i1 Mondny e veuing pt!l'ially ntl teW () ri loy The sch olar· , th,' lit·, ,,,"" , .". ,: 1 • I!liM in Ii dnos Bldg. 01" Main A~ II,,· Hhip tlmou nts I" $:lOO. Mr Drown SO\'!ll'nl wee ks 's t,)IY wllb r elatl v8 H MrR. Chap, .l uhDs ul,I pllol"d tl .. , fu . f" ,,'1''' '': ' I" ,It, .. " d " •• ,' • • ·1 ' nerl1l nf Mr. JUUl l'8 Cn\ll.l Sll, III LeI, Itl l" <'l( peel s 10 ue R:raduat~d fr urn Ihe in· ill Chi cl\go I" "'" 11:'.' ,I ,' I, tln u o. l'u o~ dtiY of lti Ht w eek . u hl .- III t' '11I, :tl I I ,0(, Chris tmas ltilute this yellr ." Mr. IIDd Mrs. W . W. W e lch tr"ns· " . I I , , The ('hrl ~tmnR Antert·u lom e n t o f I" '''' " I "' •" M r Brown i ~ the son uf Mr. a nd II ct nd hU Hi n"~s ill Wilmin gl oD on 'I'h .. h.,],dl1:V~ ur e hore IIgllin. wit.I' l " venr . Illltl gl o \'e~ IlIlMn ", ~ '~ ~ '_~". l'horPll ny. my rtl"ty I.ylle Sunday 'ouool will bo b o ld li t ~ I r g Chllrl t)s A, Brown. and is II for· j " Y ~Ull "" 1111) 111 11l .. lIvInW.'L ' tl ,w" ry Il'p)ltlr. . M ~ lhlllk ~ it, ,~ 'L ~o"d l .f R ,V . KII\'ln r nnll ('hU H, Uordon lhe c horcb. tlILtnrdlLY eveni mangiol1 .• b" ,· k "lld ,ltHl . II '~I, n '1v Ill/;: tlmfl (ur 1111 WllLl II vo m ~ r resid ... nL u[ thi M cu mlllutlit y ng . IIll11 10 Je nnd The Shar p On ... " .. , hIlD'II1/.I~ ' Iul te a lot of )lolll l,r, I.ho tlrl ,)1 givillll FrllU.I Jl Il~I·ul ol1rd IlLbo r; 1'L1 ruth e r IWllr tbe veS\lerM Th e G" ze Lte j " lns hi ~ MrM. C. H, Lamb Is impruv lng, h08 t Tll p h ll tPI ·. ·..:1 \\ or.!:, u rr- I h"'I' ll r II tl r u f friend s I,hi. wlol,er to I.urk"y ron~~.-frllm p~nny 0 .)11 ohiml'. thlln 1(0 t o wllr hnd tll ll nnr.e retnroe rl to htl r h Ollle O~': II \\'(1 nr ~ (" n 'p d t o ,'0 (. We Put Them On - \ \ ' II\~ l dp &n j "wf.1 cln~\.(;r. Wtl o veJ( ullll tho neiJ(llbo r, 8Q I(. t Ihe ILDIl ~hol)t my in ()xtetldinJo( hearl i e~ t ('o ngratu lu~lIfet.y Del'0. it BO:<l: A9 , '~the v e nr . 'n D"yl on, W ad hol idllYS eo. lion H UpOIl IIi np sd HY eveni ng. Tale8. ' p"r" .. 1 pOSl wltb 1111 the prllSl\llt~ Vle l clnr .., with poaoo IInel ;! s plt! ndid SU C~ ~S " . WI1\'n"~villfl N ,,!i oDnl Btmk . WilY' plonl y. ILnd I\Ir H, Jun ie ~t\l elLd lollS betm qlllte 01\11 OlIu.ter . The holicliY alg or Is ' j oyous II ,,"V III.. , 01010. glvin~; with Uod o' .. rllo .. d . 111 for . orn e tltu o "ud "'"~ l .. keTl to II"',, ; th u n pokt lll ; .. nel l·h El tlil fls~ ILnd precept pure, we ' l! A grnnct o ponin!: for II tlr R I,. o l ll~~ Mi,unt ey ll O~pltlll, 8111'IIer.; ("vu llundke rollief .. t l) IU 8t . world theort of liviD \(. tllftob tb,' Inst, woek. re~tll.!Irnn t In our t ow n . Cu ll on or Mr IIn6 Mr~ Artl'nr Whit " of OF). ~Ofl ~' Wilson. tr oil,: ~1)Ptlt. ~~ \'or'" elllYs In" ;. w (l uk Mrs Emlllll ~~Ihl!! 1M nn e nf th o jnr wtt.h Mr lind Mr ~ C.. rl Home y Philo sophy Alhrillh t. Having dooitle,l to dl800 n&lnue urs fr (l lU IIIn dH lo t u w D~h l ll itl .Juelge Lllwreo ce ~Im~ ond fl1J11I1y htLve furmlLll!, I wiil afT er 01· We koow It ! The pr~8ldent wrote Hirllm C., Ron of lI i"am and Hen· IVright ' s onnrt PnbJi o Auo. retnfl, ~d, lift er ""veral ' 1Il Y~' ~"j ' lllTtl t,lon m y e ntiro li ntl his Ule ~R "K ll wit h .. Ie fd p' noll. of Htock "od im rietta Dakin. waH born I ), 'ct'mber 25, l\Ir~ , ~: llztlh e lh 'ellrs bllLl 1"r!IHR' with Mr. !luI Mrs l ~ru {\1 ~lItlor . plfllll eiHH. loolltod a ll r Olld leuellDg Whtlt dtffer l'oo" d., ... it m"ke to 00 1835, and di,·,J Decemlk r H, 1921. dttltll,Y fUrllishlol'(8 f ur 8uln, ~ntu r . thv.tlite . lit. Wuynes v ille. NOTARY PUBLIC forru rivu Puints 8ohool to North edltor.p reslden t If there nre IL r~~i. ,IllY. uUlI mot with ruoelv aged ~ u.I!'. 85 year~. II mon Mi~8f'~ thR ami Velma I ~ dUY Bmith M mllll~ I,r hands om!', expert typewr lt. and I!:thel SOllOOI .:t miles nortb or tl)lrlogb ofl1 . 'Chine .. Think Little Women. Wayn esvill e. Ohio d I ellp BIsh111',lItrs . 'S , n. 11111' Ii I,pen tlrr(ls t,e. He and Elizabe th Hain es wl're ur MlJ III t I t! IU' l' tl1.llI l 1M WUlUUI1 10 er· .. onod? Wben an edUlir write. . Will . Culoll\lIn .. od I on the o hl Ure!!g ( .. rm. 011 hn wants ~o t,hink. "nd soratcb ou t (.·IoII.u lhul II ru'It ..... If " "k"rt "'ft IIUIll' united in marriag e obout sill:Ly yO!ar s )l0~" th ll rA· . " WOIllBn 10 th e OIIs e, a" <I_light er, Oorotlly , WOre O"yt·ou Nationa l Bunk Thursda y, Decemb er 29, 192 1. IIAllld. ·' "\08 ; a Misa l>ullenD or . .. 1. h upptlT8. one day las~ comulO nplllce ohrl1ses t, hll~ firsl oome b.·.. ur hi. d,lhl .." ". will l,rul.mlJly lellve ago Not quite t e n rr,onths wtle k . a\<o she I ----=~~~~~~=~_=~(' L' 1 . 'I to 'Hind In rllVllr of beUor p 'lrosell (JUl lite glt'l~ III hl~ ,·"ekllll in g. lu Ih~ c, ,,"VIC'\, ~ H ,orf' IM arrBu ~e tl &0 I Mr~ . Il. M. Ulark wnR c"lIod to Beginni ng at 10 o'olook Ihe fo llow Thflte OU1Y be editors who dusb off v""y g .. ~ul '"I1J"rlly vr m . ". lhe, glrla was called to th e Great Beyond . and f\' prO~f'nt Ing proporl y ' ~ (llJrs Bs. U UlLttlo. CIHJ.I,, ,,," , rhe work w'n Chicago Wedoe~day ovenlng by .. BARNA~T tholr llelltorl "IB-and meHSal/AIi &0 lire 'lOt lUugh, lu refill IIr wrlle. (0',. Ihe hewasl ett in lon e lin ess.and express ed done lllltlflr th e Oaro of Mrs. IdB the serl~n811lnells of he r dllnl!bl er ' 21 Hogs , 11 t:'beep, Poultry . ImJlle. or,ugrtlHR, 1.010 1-00 typewri ters, bnt IIUJ1JI~ reu :HilJ. 1l:J I lll~ m ~n would 8u y. himself II H hllvin" no desire to r emal " Howo. In. IBW Mrs Merrill Whal eu , I' m~otB, OflrDes s. Foe.l. oto. tlee Ibn .. o of the brlled t,bal belonll to the tlfUI It I. u~ " lc.s (or girl. Iv Il'aru to he re longu. . ' Notar y Publi c , large bills for forth"r parucultirM . Oue ,f onr hOFlY Illeo Is Frllnk Bgll thtt& I::IRr,ltug ir .. ".. up In . 8&111 NUll. All th e rt-slrh: lln: CU!iIUIWi ute U. A. Thomp son retnrn ed to hls HARM AN IIt AtlTERH . He waB the father of four sons. MoCarr on, Io "uling to C'noinn atl anti i wrltn wlI,h p n oll. o.nd poral.oh ont bU ~l'd UII (he Id~u (hu, Woulun II!! II be. home bere last week. after spendin g Col. Forrest T. M!irtiu. Allot . William , Frank. Walter and r:rnest. various po lnt~ . lIIuklog qulok r" Reverol montbs In Alnbum thll cnrumou"IILce with good bl'1Ok lu, llltl'rlu r t u IIIUI1. ... where <\11 klnrls of Notary Work, WtI1" • _ ••- -- _ turns. be ba8 heen workin g on a mill. William waK called to try th e r ea li · Imill. &0 Ihelr h "" rl' ~ oooteot and Deeds 1\ Speolal ty. MrR . •108 P ()s\)orn "nel Mra. R. ties of anothe r Reveral yell rs ago. Notice of Appo intme nt Mr and Mn. FrlLnk .l nnnR were Three sons. tw o daught ers-in·ln w and W . K .. ylor Bnd lIre tbougb t to be ia Day too, Sunday , to visit tbelr Tile ROIurrectlon Flower. Our Cale ndar imlHov lng , BIt·e r I' long spell of dlLnl(bt er. Mr • . Frank III ),)t:~ \" I> " 1"fllI' l'lIll~lI Ihe re.. tw-':on[y·four grandch ildren Smolld. wbo , E.I"o .. 1 Warlh. Oy. UUDt. d" '. ued. are left RlokDe,s. ....~ ~ Is 10 Ihe bOlplta l, and fo nnd her urr~~tI,," 11 .. ,\(",. Il 10 . ,'''" us " lillie to mourn the !'Iolle.'. h..... hy ''''00 Ihu LJ . t) . CarL"rl,h 10M of rather and gtlltlng .. loog f ..irly well. b.. I""," J uly .!lpnllllo<1 .IId ,!u./lOud .. Au·L 1'011 hIlU~I"~ V" 1I rru ~ ll u 01~1I1. r.. grandfa ther. Cb~9 . Tnc ke r, ollr rllral ourler. ~lnI8 o f ,he Itd,&to u f )1ar1.ha Dye lire Belle Coon and danghte rs HUlll .tr.tor Is quite siok nt bl'i b orne, Illltl his ~"'''''IIIJG '" ,""UI' ouu .I'"IJ~ Ii . hrUllk· I.'" 01 W.r....u(;oulJ.Y. Oh io. dec...... , He was an indu~lrious, pE'aceBble soh, ~'rl111k . R SuI /'b) TOt th B"b d B I b' l )). , b\J ,bl. luI, d.y oILJo.,elllo,or. I~H . TIll fn L Harrl~ . Itl o" rrYlog MI BBes ell IJvI'I'y·ht'lIu . Sk"'j,III~ . IJUI U"l uellt.l, citizen. and we truHt is 0 • ero a 11.0 en a , W. Z IIVI.L. now enj oy ing tbe mall. th~ IIUI\'CI'~ ILl' .. u""'" 'U ~y Iwilill Iw· Mrs. Chos JohoB aod Yr lind Mra. Jud.., 01 Lh. "roloale Courl,. W""~t'U 10 WU'~ '·. ""t! Ihell .UIJI' U"led that home where tears Wal'tlr Kendok heard !:llr linrry LJean It . ~anl.'i·TI~y~IIUlY. Uhlo. J. are neV!!r GlllSSM Fitted Mr ILnd Mra. W. T . •Iurdan hav e Lander Iu U1I uj,rlghl 1"" 111 .. ,,. S'1lJ1I Ih .. tll,,, ... shed and no farewel ls a~ 'he Vlotory theaLar . OilY, are "aid . pnrolllls ed the )lr'opllrt,y reoeoMy AT H()DKR ATB PRIC&9 I.on, Wednes b"gl" tu otl... SI ,, "'I)" Ihey uufuld. UU' I day eveolng . ICard of Thanks owned al)c1 oCDople<i by her Ulother . tit, wllh I":'ul . lhrowlJ ull ek, II toel§ Mra . t:!arl1b Rloh . --COII,es II be'"ullru l "'u .. r)" II~" ~ ... oot We ~is h to than~ our ne ighbors Frauk tlhldll ker traolillc tlld bnAI. uullk" au 1I . 'f·r.- -Hr""II I), ,, l-.ul:l". and friends for theIr Iympal hy and neSI! III dlO'eren t 100allU ea dnrlnH Optical Depar taat - - -- - - .. - -kindneas to us in our hour of afflic- the PIIst week. Be Is baying Sewing Machin e RepairlnR:. Clock 8. Detroit 8&. ~7 Kood C''\'' H Xllllia. Ohio tion. during the sickness and dea th OO W8 wbeD be o"n find Chem. and WMch Repairi ng, I;aw and Tool OpolD evenln. . b7 appoint ment Sheep With Many Horn •. Dec . 4- Second Sunday in Adv e nt Sharpen ing, Qlueinll: and Solderin g, II I Ilt\'lr wl.ld ~ IIHl~ ull Hlll't.p w(are of our father , Biram C. Oukin . K E Tbomps on, of Btleob Urove. Dec . 8 - lmmllc ulal e ('''IICI:)l1 illn t uru1 8 h~d wltll it l>nlr of liurll !"<, hut t1l" We ore glad to report all of onr Wood Work and Small Jobs in Iron, tral\suct .ed bu~lneas here, on Frldl\Y The Family. Dec , II - Third Sunrlay in Arl v~lIt "Ululler oever ~x(' e.! detJ two Ulitil :.01114:1 Mr . 'fboUlp~ o o 1M looking r .. ther 'll ok 80me beUer at tbld writing . lots of other Jobs of 1111 kinds, Dec 18- Fourth ~lIndn\" i" Advent l' ul'luu,i sliedro('u !'t were dI8c.'o \ ,"",'(.od III [leeked I'Ifter quite '1 siJk 8pe ll , Dec 22 - Shorte~1 Ihv . MrB. Mllbe! Terry Hpent !:luodl1Y , Call me by phone """ernl I ~o lll I~d SP" IIOI\8 or A.I • . T1,~se Dec. 25 -Chri ~ 1 01". I J •• y Comrad e ADloa .Allen, of Heeoh wltb her tilster, l\a!rs. Anna Branno n. !'I rll'('i t'~ IlUd (ruin fuur 10 six h urn s. the Dec. 26:"-J ewb h HHlluk~nh ~r o ve. rOR obed hit! 'i 8th mil eat.ooe tit Churoh ville. , • Ul l l1c r ~l'l bt!illg gruutll il~d w it II the De<'. 28 - Holy I' '''uc. 'nt~ nay along tho j ourney or life 00 hut Frl M. M. 'rerry, John Lowrey aDd ' ",lIalt .. ~, IJIW' JUSI "~Ol' ~ the eyes. South & Main Streete dtLy Mr. All e n il! s prig htly IIllLn . Auct ionee r l{ K rhomp~on 8pAUt 8aturd'L Y DC· C uriou s ly CIi IlUw:h , th e two iowPf" 8 ~tS terllooo Wayn Uur in )lr()f esvill Waynes e "~ o e, r olways l'UI" ' ''' 11)1\\'11 rd , whllt: till' Inrg. 8"kud vlll Ohio A. .J"m e~, " Whnl France 1 ~lIel\, daught er of Mr I CI"ar Night in Scotland . d o ~'on IInnw "hont Ih o Mon!!ol iao /lnlr curl t1oll"lIwurLi. E C. Mannon and family an I lItrs ' =-:~::=:==~::-~~=:: Get my terms for your and Mrs Fn,d )) StIiUP. was born in rll On a eI"utJ l e:'l~ night n ile "Hil ... 1, h;i -=~~~ O" '(" .1 ,L utilI! Ruid. " 1 W"~11 't there; l Mabel Terry were shoppin g III Lob. tI,e 8h .. r". u( II,,, M U Q/I .I" 11,.,11 u"u 1"l'1I11 Dayton. Ohio. AII\<us t 3 1, 19 14, and I we n t I,) th e hnsktl& bllll Public Sale, A"lIle nt " oon; 88tnrda y .. ft('rn coD . ~:--:-::-:::·-:::::=::;;:~;:;::;~=:::'I died Novemb er :lU. I!J:!I, aged 7 year s th c Town bali." • ne\\' NpItPt! f Ht IlIldlli g hf, tlll t l ~ul tl ' =:=--:Sa tisfa ction guaran teed IMnnl. IIIHI 1'0\\'1. I", VO! 1111 b ~"11 I'llIy r d DOD't fnrget and :l months Mr. Wm. C ral~. at Xeoill. w,\/! th e ttllnmen t at theour C hrI H& m"~ ('ut~ r­ or no charge s. whlle I·:ngh.nd s h· p l. CO III" " IlII hit cbu r oh on MoodilY She was the frl'lU l:! nt visi tor of Knest of "C'quul ntance herf'. over e vening, Men !Ht'Il<lIly iCl'uzlllg tI)I ' ou ~ 1I I lIt\ t ltO Deoemb er 26. l Vl!1. ur he r gral\dparel1t~. Mr. und Mrs tlnudllY , lIod ~~ verlil others were nl,hls. Tit" blnlij. Ion, UI'iI"lIr 10 he B Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Mr .~ Beatric e (Girton ) Farlnn, or Utttl.' t,uzzle.1 by th e unusllll l i ~' hrlght Hen ry Satlerth waill'. Las t year s he hor o, co a rl,inl{ Rod ' lln Iii ng pre)lIHIl Hlllnmo D . Is eplmdln trOll" g for HOllie Phone 2, Centerv ille Ex tI t he few futllre dill'S We Sell It a lld condll i...... Their Iwill erl,,!! "PI' (l r ~'-":' I' • enler ed schoo l in Wavnes vill e. 8:ld with her bome folkR Dear here. etlASfi'S, nnt! O('\'us lunnlly o lle will hl"t!uk: . !.J ~ ,.tleveral "'-!f.:" of ' .. We our R b .. epair nk fo roe antoed It this year was attendi ng Ihe Centra! A Merry Cbrlstm lls aDd L\ OIl»PY Into "" "g Ihot Ullolher will ollswer'- I t.o Ued 'Lrvllle, W,,(}nesdu y. to lospect ! school in Dayton . In.:ch"" ge. "nd ProHper tl b"n k bni ldlng . on8 Nnw Yo"r to ul1 hL WIth a vltlW of FRE D E " Ab(lut two week . a\<0 she became ereclilll( tL blink \)llildlDg hore.·, tbe wish of your Beeoh Urove cor- " - - - - - - -_ _ _COL _ _ _ _..J : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ill with diphthe ria , which caused her enoJur£\ge t,lIe Ideo.. It ol\Dool be respond eot. I ~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~ dealh . J. W . Creswe ll. A S. Allsn. K. E. , Besid es he r parents shl:! be .. t, Me.el"a llls Lnl .. Eilts , Lanr" Sbld Tbomp son. ~: U. Mannon lind M M, I .....~--,-------leaves one sist e r. I·:dna May. and a - '­ h(\st of relativl' " und fri ends to r eo .. ker,lna 8blLoe, Flolreoo e UOllier aod Terry otttlud ed tl,o ~ b e .. h .. n 81Lle, lit \ Mi~. gleie U"h"rn spent Wedne8dIL.v Waynes ville, Deoemb er 15tll membe r her. .fterDo on wleb Miss rloramo ndReed Frank Mallh aod fllmlty, of Wo.Y · 1 :'VE TER INAR IAN MIGHTY FE'W M8N GO tlDd hel mother . After their art oesvtlle . lind Boward Card uf Thanka Fulkret h and rU L i\ DIJlEC ' TOR work WIL B flnl~hed. 0.\1 were served rlLmily, of Lebano n, were BROKE WHO KNOW HOW l::lundllY W e ... i8h ttl expless our sincE're with fruit Vaccina tion a Speciall y. Noth. and c"ke. gueats of lb . and Mrs . A. B. Allen , TO ADVERTISe:. Wayn esvill e, Ing but Rcliable Serum used Ohio thBnk~ (0 our fri ends and neighbo rs An 0fUoe r 01 ou r town or &IIWneblp A. S, Allen wall the vlotlm of a for their kindnes s and beautifu l wbose wife was aWIliY from hOUle on port oard shower on Deoember 16th, no ral tributeR given during our be· I visit . ~flked bls daughte Phone 44 Harvey eburg, O. r, "Yon that date beiog his 7Hth birthdtl y. reavem!!{lt. Also Rev . Cadwal lade r .o t II lut,ter from YOlln Fully ~quippecl for Good mother .'wbat Be reoelved 30 cards . beside other l o~ @ IIhe ~a)' ?' "Uh, oothIDg ." presen&s Servic e. for his bE'autif'llLYi!l!UlJL---- -+'1t !mTl ----:---:......,p~ V?. J'b. OU don't . IL. ~...-:-.-: Isn I. a. :-rl happe al Ilk e your n to be T,arge Djs play Room in Two oity lodies enteretl a !'wine Y Mr. and Mrs. F D. StllUP and 1II0tller " o I . town whell you want a ClassBhow. lately. UDe of them seemed aug lter , TI . .r." I·HONE P 7 rellohin g lit tbe ,M E obnrcb In to be explain log everyth ing ~o DAY OR NIGIll ified Ad., advert ising your tho • -- -. -~ - tb .. aftern oo n IIl~t eu d of In tbe other. Ilnd "" the.Y "pprooo extra Stock, a plow. a lot of hed the -.--~ Steel. Head T'out. ,unrllin g. the D!'U Ilf oaching Vete rinar ian Thp I· I.. ·.. d I "',," I• •'I" . ""t! ns II "'ill b" .lannury I, 1\12~ , BeglD doy Spotted P olunds the 1"lklHlv e noe F ee d , or any 0 f your extra lIulll"'" 10 1" 1I,1 "~ l'r"ll< """ II". thehlng New YeILr by "UeDdln ,.- ohuroh, the exolllim ed, hUb, what lov e ly hogll I Hnd I am iO tllmllilLr with 'hem. bot I stuff on band, just call 1 I"" d ... ,,,,,j 11 I, -"It! "'ltl II ,,"us J:II'en iLelh e re t o It like H po"tllge DR. J. W. MILL ER. IItomp to oao't think of their nlLmeR." FID OFI' I' ~ E: th e """'" ""I.·"I ·I,,'u"" bec·uu.e of the "letter uotil It reaohe8 it8 destiDIi 1L1Iy "Her" Dumber ot excllllUlLtlnna hu ...llu,"~ of I,s Nkllil. n.I,crll,e ll tell tioo. I,'ou rth Street. near Tyler of disgust al not belog able \0 ulaoo , •• DENT IST••. thltt II "fI,·" ... ·f"'I'·~s sel'end bluws CIRn~ W"80U onr tltraet.s In the oame In bM mind. Telepho ne 93 she turned t o (rolll n c'luh ", 1;1 11 lhls IIs h wl,en cap- fuil dre~8. Fri(lay Iifterno on . !:It> Mr. '1'-- aDd Milici. "Mr. T--, !I."on~IIIJ:ol."ol d". turNI 8,"t 'ul... " I,"" " bOllt. Wayne, ,,I. le, 0 Wayn ol,trllcte d qUlle a orowd, mostly of esvill e. Ohio - -and we will see to the rest. voungst erM. and I b,a.Hd several of I,he younllRter~ deolare tha' he WILli Jamaica . "Countr y of Spring . ... Call again, please . The name JIlIllnic'CI 18 ft coro'upllon /lomlng to th eir home!', .. od bow of xaym·nco. a W",I ludlall eXI)res.lon jolly tboy were. whiob III 01 de the melLnlng "the coulltry nbnUlliling III older oneil feel good for them , tl"OCII hMI promise d to be Illloit "g"lo I wprlnl/e," thlll week; hll mosl not dlsllppolnt them.




Catarrh Can Be Cured "!!,,

I· ==-..


-=-- === ==





un cl e John

H. E.








Public Sales






J .


E. v.

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...... ...... ..... .



1921 DECEMBER 1921


.sat I 2 cl 4§ 67 89 10 11 12 lcll4 16 .17 18 19 !O 21 !! !el '24 '5 2f. !8 !9

----- ..


------- --







Forest T. Mar tin






General Repair Shop

-----. - ...----



Wal ter McC lu(




Dr. Lloyd B. Hal l




----- ..

TheMiami·GazeHe Waynesville


so 'IOU GUvSTtt..L B' lI l IN SANTA Cl.AUS ?



We have twen ty thou sand feet of




.. ~~ we LL y., .


TIt U~[ 's,., SI~N TiI CLIIU::'! 11lOMT " 1)' POP ';)AY SO- HUH






0 DD

._._.---L 0 000 0_

I..lttle Mary 6rlffith bas the ohloken pox. MIsl Uora Sbepbe rd IB .better a' thtl wrltlog Lnther B .Atnlll WRH 10 WaYDe l ville, Ba'urda y. C R. Buooell aod f,smlly wore 10 Dlytoo .8aturd ay. EvereU OalDIII aod family oalllld aD W .. roer Morrtl aDd ,.Ife, Suoda,. eveolog . Mr. · aod MrB. Raleicb Botao aod danghte r. Dorothy . were 8uoday dlDoer guests of Evao Botan· ,. Mr. aod Mn. Johu ' WII,on were Ifneate of rels.tlvl II ID BIgblaD ,1 OOOD ,y, t:!a'urda y' olgh& aod SUllday Mr·, and IIrtl. Wslse:r WIIIOO, Mr &od' Mr., Raymo ad Wilson aod daugh'e l'll took dlDoelr with Dal,y L aalnlll and daugh& erll, of New Bnrllng ton, S,!aday . Mr. aod Mr•. Weldon Willon. Mr and Mn. W. E. BaaeD aod Mn. Boy JonN a"eode d the ftltoeral o( Dr and Mn. BarUD pr', lofan' .00,



here at our Lum ber Yard . We are cutting these logs into Fenc ing Boards and Joists, and are selling sam e at a very reas onab le price. If you are in need of Oak Lum ber for any purpose,





Oak, ' Waln ut,

' -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . .



Hick ory Lop

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~>!! s~.~ ~ ~.·

The Mi.mi Gas.tte, W.


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pul ~or~' :'oII'l 14h " t'lIl1 eJ ,,,,( ,, '"



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WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ATTENTION, DO.GOWNERS For the convenience of those who or har bor a dog being three S1. MARY'S CHURCH own months old or old er, we will be at the foli owin R" places on date8 and times mentiunet.! for the purpoBe nr iSB uing DOl{ li cenRl's for the vear 192'l : Tuesda),. Ue(cmber 20, 1911 Hed Lion ... " .,,· ." ... ..... .... g:oo a m . franklin .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. " " ... 9:00 a . m. Ca rlisl e ........ .... .... ........ 11:00 a, m . 'pringboro .. ... .. ......... .. .. 1:00 p . m. Ridgevill e ...... . .... .. ...... .. 2:30 p. m

()n I,'riday nfl"r nlltl ll , l)ece mbl'r 16, II", \\'''ltl tln ' ~ Allx iliu i'1' nf St. Mary· ~ .-1111ITh W;t ~ cnl"r! ni ned by M e~Jnlll e~ ~lury 1 · :J ~ k l· y. (; I'urg'c li a rlHock a nd A, I a (·" IHtn{'y. al lIlt' home of Mr~ Thl' III e l il1~ was opened ('u<llt'Y hy ~ I r " ('udwul lud l'r readin g the , lir ~1 I' huptc r u t' ; 1 . ·b rt'W~ Hc" J F

, f ", ,

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Ju vt'nik.l'o ur l. III '" '" " , "I ~ I Th e par"nl ., ,I r 11 ,'101, , ' 1\ of



I< eel'l a dR u ~ltl' r " "" I "I q; 111 1 ~c h oo l willI 1111\ " ~I I " " " , , ' , II" , hsd lll'C'II dul v \\""11 ,·,11" II ,' \11 ", ,1·, Wir e ()J!i rt' r. ' \\ Ii I:, ~ " I' I II""

Ctld\\'.,J I~dt'r ~lIl1duct '<I

t~!~~~~~:iii~ :' : ': ·::·:' '''':·: ·,''.

tlt ' ( ,... t he Co ur !. A 1111 ' 'I( :-"::'11 \\ a~ a ... · ~f':;.:-a lld UPl l1l 11111' 11 (,1 11 '1'4 , 11":, \\ 111 .1 ro~ I ~ ~ddil i "n a l I'h:l l, Ih,' L,II..-r ,


.. I will be at Frank Shidaker's barn in Har\~eysburg, Wednesday, December 28 to buy Horses and Mules from 4 to 8 year. old, from 900 to 1200 pounds, al the hi"hest market prices. Must be

iS:; ~~: fat.


thl, devo tion· 1 7 ,d ",'rVl ct! :O;criplural quo lution. . , we~~' J.: i~.'n in r"~lltlfl'l' I,) rt, ll. , Wedl~esday , Dc(ember 2 1, 1921 r 1',, 1'1'1 tlHI (I f 1,f1l l·p r ~ rl'8ulied ,,~ ful' OreR'Olll a ...... ..... .... 8: 00 a . m. WA :ot :.cU ..: p. 'IHJ •./ , 1',,, \ Itlt d I\l' "';'1 \\ II · 11 . In", ,: ~ I r~ . .l . F (·ud wulladcr. pn,si_1 Hl1rve~·~bu r~ ...... .. . . .. ... .. 10:1.11.1 a m th e J,nr l Htll ' l lIft ·d ' I'b" ., I, J..!tl : JlI I ~ Id ,,,1; Mr~. I·: 1.. 'I' '' tJ 'Jla~ , ,icl"prl',i- W!lHhl ng tCl Il rp House .. ·.. , p. III /It'rt'" ( Io'r J . M I Mltioll'bo ro ....... .. ......... .. ,1:00 p. m T lwrt, Hft ' 1\\ 1' .I!' tJ ITt ll, Ih elr " '1:-=':-"111, rs .lJ. lI~a M"shl'r, s l'cretar y ' Hutie rvi ll l' ........... ...... .. 4 :00 p m t.hll ! iliA I' h"I' " I " h, lo, 11;:111 ill i f , >lnd trl'H "ur.· . : ~ I rs J F t' lldw ulla· , P leaslln t Plain . .. .. ... .. ... ... 5:00 p. m th l' dlll,lr.' 1I ", ,. "" I 1" '1'1 III ~l' h , ltll a~ .I e r . Uniled T hank ()fr .: ring- t rcns· Mo rrow ....... .. ··. · .. ··_· .... .. 7: 0(1 p. m. tit ..· liiW lllf ll ll" ' ''; IH, 'r I All ow ners and hnrb .. rers of dogs :\ f'e r t he hII Si r lt '.~ had hel'll t ralls- ' witi Illease be at Ihe IllOst conven· aCleu. th ,· ["lIow illg' progra ll l wa~ l icntpla" e for Ih elll, promptly al the ti me n~e nt~o.' lt 'r1 . . rt'll'il:rt ·,j' . . Se~' II Lln ;,(i ;,~ ,'.f th e Law ~ of OhIO l'ul:lII "(' hri, tllla" Crel ·liIlK" ·.. .. · ' Ilrtlvll ics th at u itn" III the umollnt of ..... .. .... .... ... .. .. ~Ii "" 'u~all Wri J.( ht I $:!G 00 a nd co~ t s of IJrO~ec tJlI o n JIlAy It 'adill l{ - "Solllt'litillg' til lte 'l'h Hll k- h e as.~l'ssel l against uny UWIll' r or rh OI"!! r a,, " SllOW5 ,'', l' ros ,(\cn t' , wi k visiti ng Ihe disab led soldiers ( ' hri ~ ln HI S Day: (,hllrd, SCh"I,1 a l fu l Fm " .. .. .... M rH I': V lIa rnh a rt hll rhorer of an ul1lic~nsed dog un and al 1111' W a ll e r Reed ho'pII,, 1 i n Wa shin gton. She is bUYing some l!'ink". !l:3\1 H 111: Serl11 0n und Hn!y l'''lIl ' •n art< by L, c utenanl H E Tr ammell · .. ' I . . . , d afl e r J Ulluary l"t , 19U . mU III'l11 at 10:30 Rtor!! Iin K - ( IrtSII <Jn A frlC' l.1 :-:<; n s Per~o ns who. cannot co me to th e A l ,p 111 , th e Chu rch School f e,· Auditor 's Olliee or Ill' at an y of the I' unds to Hea t hen Am,p.r'ca .. ... tiva l, c.onsi3lill g o r sin gi nJ.( of carllls, ...... ... .... . M r~ L. A. Z' lllme rm an Illb.)ve mi med places can socure tug' reC ItatI ons Hnd c1o~ing wi l h a ve ry Poe m- ' Le t T hy Lig ht Sh ine" .. :.. , by sending fee, descriPtion of dog lInpreSSlve r e 1Jr e~ e n t al i[ln uf t he ......................... Mrs Lee Hawk e ano pos tllge for re lurn of license tag Na ti vity . [(eoort of th e Co nvocati onal Meet · It) Coullly Auditor , Lebllnon, Ohio . Every bodv cordially invit ed t o All " '11:'5 three months old or over ing ul D,lytll n..... Mrs. Cauwa ll ad ,' r t hese ser vices. I{ellding - " The ,J oy o f th e Tru c ! Il ill si It ., r eKiRte red aoci their I,icense ",'l' urt>d bt'lore .January 1s t, 1922 Spir it of Chris tlll 'l" " .. ... , .. , ..... . '1' I ' ., C S MOU NTS, Auditor M r fllJd Mrs. U. P. Feu er we re .. .. .. ........ " .. .. ... tr r!l. ) . L. CrHIIl ~lOl(J( O W I:lHA N I', She riff. ~lIndu\' gues ts of Mrs. Sal li e Foste r Ha ve yo u r ai d YO llr 1'ux(' ? Af te r adjourn ment , de licious re' !tnd M r~ . Lida Ki ll en . --Mrs. J, F. Cadwallad ' r ant.! Mrs. freshm e nts we re "en 'ed by th e hos· Clara Li le were Xen ia visiturs, Sat· te:;ses, HS3is tecl by 111 iss l.!elle O' N cali A nne turk "y dinner was se rved 'a t urday . and a de lig ht ful social hou r e njoyed the home of Mr . and Mra Tu rn Gates Th e foll owing visit or3 we re pres· las t ~ un dIlY . in honor ot their tHo tecnth weddi ng annive rsa ry . Th ose e nt: Miss My ra Robe rts . of Chicagu, A la rge and appreciative audience who enj oyed the occasion we re: Mr. Mesdam es C. G. Williamson, Les ter All pe r~ons are warned to keep off was present a t the M. E. church and Mrs, Will Cum mins and two Go rdon. Ida Stok es, Miss Helle the property of the undersigned , Sunday evenin g when the choir 0f chi ldr t'n . I~mm a a nd I::n nis. of neur O'N eull and the liltle fulks, Paul while hunting or trapping . about twenty voices pleasingly sanR' Middl e It un, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ed . G . Zimmerman alnd (I'rank Hawke. The Vantress Farms the beautiful cantata " Christmas Hartllock a nd Mr luthe r Cummin s, - ~ Adoration," by Carrie B Adams. of Mt Holly . The Gorsuch Farms A substantial offering was taken alld , - -- Frank Braddock Farms IlDd tqrned OVf' r to the choir fund . S D Henkle Farms Will Mooney Chas. Smith Ed Furn88 Farms I

we r t' Ilrr .... !'(tld lI lld J' " llh f t

















.. - ...-

- ---


It. .1; Ticker.

The home ~.f Miss Martha Elliott, one mile from Stoelker's Corner, was entirely destroyed bv fire • . Monday morning . The fire started about 9 o'clock, and it caught up under the steel roof. Neil{hbo"s f ought the fire for a long time, but could do no· thing with it. The furniture wa~ al· most all gotten out of the hOUBe. It is not known whether there was any insurance on the house or not.

- --- ...- - -

The Senior Class of 192 1 was in-

~~~~=========== vited to meet in special session at the home of the president, Mr , Rue

" NEW Ph.. . ... ~._ , LEGION CO MMAN k_ . ~

Dinwiddie, 131 South Philadelphia street. Dayton, on Saturday evening at 1:30 o'cl ock , Th oS(> of the claBS who answered to roll call were: The MiBSes Margaret and Mildred ClarlC, Wanna Hartsor.k. Josephine Harlan. Barbara File r. Anna Satterthwaite, Ethel Bishop, MeBS rs . Howard Whitacre. Earl Clark, Harold Earnhart. Seth Thomlis and Kenneth El zey . To the reg ret of th e host. also the other membe rs of the cl aBS , five of the boys we re absent. it is hoped that in our' future meetings each of the eighteen members will be present The evening' was spent in the playing of game~ lind ~ o ~ i a l merry-making mingled with the suc ial good spirit which eac h shared in meeting old claBS m ate~ a gain . Dainty refreshments were served , amI at a late hour t he cl ass departed wishing Ru e a Mer ry Chris tmas and a Hapl'lY New Year . Th e Misses HQlen and An t ha Din widdie and Mr. J a mes O' Dell, of Dayton we re present as visitors ,- A Mem ber of th e Class.

Scotl,,"d, the "La nd

:\" "~ , '

p ic lllrc

l\,·"lc r • !\ali ona l

of H anford ;\f nc(, f Ihl!

COIHI11I1Tl<l r l

A Inpflf" Jn Leg io n. t ak~ n ~i n c '.' ilis

f" h (lio n a t tht K a n Cii:\ s La l\' CVIl ,' l' !! .. t l'm. 1(, j c; a n a ti ve Qr M ~s " n City. J P\, ' ;!, nnd s t il l li\'C6 lilt: I \.'

Cake s." " LuBel o· l ' ll l\ p)ol" I... a nn me K" 't:' n to S('o l1 nn(I , \\ hp l"t· u allUf' UI cfl k er- f o rm en Imporlllll i ",'i .-le or dl ~t. .. s\>p('\n l ly IU IIllIiK t he l ow"'l" cl n 8ge~. T he puruNP WitS IIlHilfll f u m o \1 s hy HfflJer-t Rurn," III t71<0. i ll 101" poem "On L·lI pt. GJ'rl ~'H I' PI'Cl: I' III: ,IIIl ItS 1'hro u ~h Scot0'


Buy Christmas presents at Hyman & Company.

Fanen Apples O"liciou , Banana, Grime8 Golden, J ona than, Rome Beauty and others. Buv a box.

Oranges and Nuts

Specials for Friday and Saturday p~~~~~.~~ .~~.~~~I.~.~~.~~.~.~:...... ...... .... .....$1.00 25 Pf~~.~..~~.~. ~~. ~ ~~.~.~.~.a,~..~.~~~: .. .. .... .. .. ... $1.48 . Ano~b;~~~~ ~~r?:~~..~~,~ .~~~.~.~~.[~: .... ....... 25c 17

.., . l. C. St

J." •. f.,m&ly of 0",•••"" .f tho moot


: • • : :

i • : • • :

• •••

: :

MeSHrs. D. R. Smi t h, D. L . Crane and Joe Davis, of Harv eysburg, went to Ha milton, Saturday aftern oon, to a t te nd n con vocat ion of Past Maste rs of th e M a soni ~ lodgt! . Th e r ~ were nine can d i d lltt!~ in the ~e ~o l\ll di strIct who ret:cived the d c grt~e. A kraut dinn er was ser ved at G o'c lock. Visitors we re present fr om all over the di ~tri('t whi ch cO ll1pri ~es WIJrren. MOII II{Clm ' ry, Preble and Outler co.u nti es.

.. ------

01', \ ~ , \ "1tull, t he I I:t i i: i ll I l lIt lll'nJl ~ t, t l ntJ d l$ ~'u \' c l'f 'd 11 1l1 t ) ,l l'd .. all d [Iutl lillY ,' II li II uti I Sl' II .!"e 0 1' :;'1 111 U I" n !s lcltiJ Sitllll ll'cl flU tile u ll ottll .. \\'I\I[ o f I1le t~' m pulI l( ' t'u\'!!}, (I f I IIPi!' I·UI' ~ . \rh l' n Il l b Is r ell l u\' ed III(\.\' :-- t "' 11 1 lu hll\'t! no ~\ ' I .:-.~ o f huIHIU'C. \ ' I t all ...·oll l·!oJ tll UI thlM u rgan . whlc:h n-!u' !1ot t il ,'orl · llll o Tl ,' or 1"'{lMMUre \\'III Ii Il II,,· II, II""e I!or. ",,' " " nobl es tht· hll'll l u ,1i! 1.' rllllt,e lhe otl'II ' '')' of the Illr~III· I) .. ~II whl (' h tt

Is ruo"IIII! nud regulute Its mllsclllilf movemenl s IIceol'llIngly.

- --_. _..----

Emba'·r.... d. J IIIlIg,,<I I" tell her 1I0d yet m1 tongue c! OI'C to the' root of 011 mOll tt, : wulltd .h~ UTld.utRlld, J woo· derold? J hlld kO Ul\' n her but Il 'cllnt

mll/,th, lIlId Jel I felc as Ihouell I hod knn wfI her tur montlte, aye for YCBI'ti, IIlIll y~t . . . • How ca~' 000 t~1I a womnn thnt .he hn torll.o tten tl? rouge ,\Joth sid.. .ot her tace1Cllllfornla l?ellcllD,


Burmeae Buaarl. The nU I" "I '" e, " "" /lU8P of the

Income they gel rai Sing rlee, ore not so poor ,, ~ ItI n ~t Oriental peopie, and their hll Zll Hr. ftre the ~ .. IO!rn equtva. lenl or , h0l'I,I"g emportulUs. • "K ~ f1Ar' III ~" .. "llllay I'O'fers several


• i


My Dear 13rother-

Received your letter a few do.lys ago, ancl was glad to hear frutll you . This cntainly is some g reat country . I have tlilked t o everal men since I h.v~ been here wh. have bern all o\'er Florida . an i thtv say this is the best place, taking e\'ery tltinl( into consideration, that you could lind in Florida . We feel so good . I just can't gl't enough to eat and all the rest are the same way . The weather~19 ideal now. E"ery day just makes you rlad you are living.

Ii I

Two friends lind I went duck hunting this evening, but didn't get any ducks, 1 didn't get a shot . The other fellows both got a shot. but DO duck • . We saw.eve:a1 and cuuld hear them quacl<ing It lure looks to me a. though there i. a wunderful future right around here for gardeoing . I think a goad part of thi. land will raise almost anything , Of \Ourse, It i. better adapted for certain thinZ5 the _lIle as any where el.e. Tell everybody that I am well and happy, and .11 of us are glad we are here and have not been


homesick a minute so far. Givi my beat to all my friend. and tell them I wish that they could see this wonderful country. Anyone that is contemplating coming South won't make any mistake to locate her!! with Come and us, • 'steiD, i. believing," Your brother,









Our Xmas display consists of practical useful articles for the house and farm.

- ---


farmers in Warren (;ullnly, hps rI'L' ~ull )' moved to • Cove ~pl'ings, Florida. and is nssuclated with the 'Amerkan : Clearlnz Co .. writes hl~ brother, W. C. 51 John, of lebanon, Ohio, as follows: :

How Ferne Sp:·."d. Thr rrll llll ~ ut f."'I I'" 111' ,-11 li ver untU they IOUl'Il Ih l! "'" '110. ", It "n' Ihey root



r <I




What Would Be Better (or Fatherr.than

8 e r(·~ .

The opening' exercises and morning session of Ihe Harveysburg High school were recently att ended 'by the writer .Th ere seems to be a pleas- WANTED:-Local Representative Bill reciprocity that arg ues for g ood " 'e d 68(re Lhe serylcee or a buaJneu man . work, between the teac her BIIII pu· ..Iesman. or larmer. for part or full 'Ime \lu.~ be .. ell ",,,arded In hi. communl~)'. pil s, the only regret bring the s mall Pre tor man with car. K"c.lI.n~ openlD, tor number of the latte r . While it is right maD, Oood par aud llooa<!y employ. possible to give intimate and per- ment. In your owo communl", It JOU are sonal attention to each 8tudent, one ""lIn ~ &0 work . The Hamilton Brokerage Co" mi sses the clafls enthusiasm of a larColumbua. Ohio ger school. And the teacher himself 122 Eut Oroad St., i8 somewhat handicapped by not having his wholt~ unmistakable ability called into action. - L. V R. ----...... ....- - Would 12% on your money, protected by two name notel! and fi rst mortgalte interest you? For full particulars address



The women of the Civic League of Harveysburg Ilfave an all-day 8ewing for the benellt of the netldy 8mall children of RUIBSia, on tuesday, December 6, at the Town hall . Wellfilled baskets were openeil at noon, and a bountiful community dinner was enjoyed by those prel!ent Thirtyfour members 888i8ted with Bewing machines. needles and thimbles, and 168 articles were eut and finished The8e were sent on to Philadelphia fo'r shipment to,Europe,

. -.


'$1 00

The annual meeting of the stock· 6 Cane Cala' Peaches or 'A pricot8, These are EIf.ot of Flood.• In til. PotOMIC. holders of the Waynesville National ..... ____II_r_g_'_C&n_._'_'._fU_I_I_o_l_fi_D_e_fr_D_i_t_ .. _.._.._,_.. _.._. ,-,,_,,~,,=,,_.'""-'=. ~..·===--thIJ1Trc-bTehv'eOrl.ume of water ta the Poto- Bank, f9r the purpose of elec.tlD -W~OWR put WlllhtnlriaI Sale on Cigars by the Box : , 25 kinds at wholesale prices. ton II . eomettmes ~ tim" .1 Irrlltlt officers ·for the ensuing year, will be held at their banking room, on Tue. . , In ftoqd a. at to'Y w~ter. day, January [0, 1922, betwlleD the A Merry Ohrlstmas to Alii •--hours ot 1 and 3 p. m , . j4 L. M. Hepderllon, Cashier, Revlaed. Lauall lIod the world laugh. wltb ----.-lOU, "r It It doe. n't "7011 Ihould wor..,."-BostOD Traoscrlpt. Uae our Cla"alfied Ad. for l'88ulla.




A Wonderful Country

F lorida Sweet Orang-es , 30c fl doz ; Christmas Cun dies , ISc. 20c . 25c a pound ; Hananas, :jUc a doz; Rome Bea uty. J onathon , ::ipi tzcnburg fa ncy App les, lOc a lb ; Winesaps. il llJ8 G5c, Sa wyer's Wa yne Marke l.

Newly Discove re d Qrna " .

SWl'et Florida Oranges .......... . a dozen. up trom ... ... ...... .. 2Uc Fresh Peanuts ............. ........ 15e Salted Peanuts., .... " .. .. .... .. .. 151' Mixed Nuts ...... " ..... ... ....... 25c Cala. English Walnuts ......... 39c Cocoanut8 .... .. · .... ...... ..... .... lOc New Dates, fancy ........ .. .. .. ... 20c New Figs. a package ............ 10c Seedless Raisin@ ................. .. ,25c Evaporated Apricots ... ...... .. .30c



- --


.. -----



Wm , Fram e left, Friday, for Cali· fornia, whe re he wi ll make his fu · ture hom e. Lee Earnhart and famThe first con fer ence of the Warren and fo r lll 1I1'\\' tl IU I I':"o . ~U lllt' other ily moved on his farm, las t wetlk . County young people will convene at r.. rm; ( ll·i.·It :·' l t lllllll ~ I lr ,. 1 11" - pluota ID •·.•·s It I. a Lebanon, December 28 and 29. 1921 l it!. "'"y, \J ut III II " , The children of the M e th odi ~ t Sun· This cOllference is fur young people . e tll ~ tI huhll. '1''',' I , " .. I la)l l :; grow doy School will give t heir ' annual from 16 to 24 years of age, also for up, r~ ')fI'lI t lllg tll P 1'1 I II ' !' . ... ur \\,ulklnl. Christmas ente rtainmC' nt on Sunday the leachers of young people's and ~ O Oti th e UI' I )'! II . I I II - I ~ sur· evening, Deeembe r ~5 , at 7 o'clock . classes. A gOood program has been ruulldt ' d by ljUftl' II . ,,, 1, 11, .\ II f Itij OWD BrrBnged, and the registration fee ott''''pl'ill~ wlthllul ti ll' il l , ,'I ' \""lI t !OIl of The D. of A. will huld a market, will be $1.00, which entitles you to :tllor'N t Tltfl' l'UlIJlt'j' 1 it ' l l~ 1,,'1 \\"(" ' 11 thew Saturday , December <!4 , at I() o'c lock everything, including the banquet lirt- slow t l) lil t'. 111 .. 1 it I!'\ !Lol II II u!'tuttl in Mr8. Sides room on Main ~ treet See programs for further informa· to Met! I hn'~ vI" flmr J.! '· I H' 1'1I1 ; III1 S Iluke-d Everything good to eat for your tion. tOj;l'th e r. Christmas dinner. - - -... ... ...- - -

Buy Christma s presents. at Hyman & Company.

Pean ut Candy .. ... ... .. ... ..... . .. 15c TalTy t:.l ixed .... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. . 15c Real Ch ocola te Drops .. .. ... .... 20c Peanut Cl uster8 ...... .. ...... .. .. 30c Fridays- 4 kinds .............. , .. .20c Manv otber kind!l ....... . 20c to 35('


Lond"n IleOlll" Ilk .. t u II •• p their eleck_ anll watl'l,es wttt, "Big 8ft" b.eau. " It Is lite lIl'l'urlttet tlnteplece ot Oreal Brltalo. It Is 01." tb@ lal1l' ~ clc'l'k In the wnrlll. It I, wound by machInery whkh 100". powerfUl enouKb 10 drIve 8 st"UIIl.hlp, IJId It t8k •• t,,·o mell 1O@\' .. rMI boura th .... tim ... a wet!k to wlnll It up and keep It In ord er . TI'I! hHur IIgure. aN IWo' feet lOll" on Ih .. lllul ot Bill BeD. It. huur hund I. IIIHol .. uf ",m.metal and its mlntlle hond , whl~h 18 11 tHt IOIIj(. Is or Cl'''IIN. Th l' IICIHlulllm of Ble I:I~II wl'l~hH il.1 l'OUIHls ftnd t. 18 feel 101l1!.



A handy ~tool A~Hand Saw A Hammer A Hatchet AJack Plane A set of Bits ~. A Horse Blanket with Brace, ~ An Auto Robe, A Lantern, A Razor A Jack Knife Gloves, A Flashlight A De Laval Separator A new Gasoline Engine



What Would be Better (or Mother than

An Electric or Power-driven 'Vasher. Famous Heatrola Florence Automatic Electric Flatiron A Toaster A Grill A Percolator An Electric Plate Or aoy of the beautiful Cooking Utensils in the Aladdin White Enamel, Pyrex or Aluminum Ware.

A new Cook Stove

K' hat Would be Beller for Child~n than ROller and lIce 'Skates, Sleds, Kiddie Kars, Coaster Wagons andJExpress Waguns, Foot Balls, Electric Lights for the. Christmas Tree.

When You Start Your Christmas Ihopping look through , our display. Mavbe we ·can make a suggestion, and if we haven't got exactly what you want, we will have time to send for it. MUE YOUR XM'AS GIVING



Fred Hard II are. Harne••• Far,,:, ~aqhlne" Wayneaville', Ohio

Whole Number 5467


Seventy-Third Year


Mr . an d Mrs. f. Eo Thomas entertained to Christmas dinner, Mr. Lester Surface and fam ily and Mrs. Alina Hathaway .

Have you Paid your TaxesT

o W. Hamilton spent the ~eek-I end witb.hia children in Dayton. ~.========= Mr. Warren Malott called on F.!E. Thomas alld famil y, Christmas Day.

Mr . an d Mr8. Charles Gray enter~ Mr. antI Mr~ . .1. II. ('ol,'ma n were tlli lled , Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. E , . I C hri s tma~ ~U f'8 l ~ of I". H. Il el1 d ~ rso ll F. Ea rnhart and children, and Mr. and Mrs. J R. Baker, of Cincinnati. and family .

Have you Paid your Taxes?

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Park-r. of St. Mr. and Mrs . F. B. Henderson Louis, Mo., are visiting relatives were In Xenis, Thursday. here.

Mr. ami Mrs. George Pratt, of Mi8s Emm a HeighwlIY ute Ch ri ~ l . ' mas dinner with Mr. and ~lr~ . Jallw~ l{ullle I. ente rtained at a goose din Mrs. Lee Miller, of Daytou, Is the Dr. A. T. Wright and family slfent lI er. :-l und ay Mr . "nd Mrs. Carl Frye, ! I ~ McClu re. guest of Mrs. Amanda Maffitt Ghrlstmas Day with Springboro rel\1 r~ E. Cook ami Maste r George and atives. Mr. and Mrs. 0 R Smith spent Mr ~. S u ~a:l C,,()k a nd daughter, Mi ~:; Itu th Cook. Sunday with relatives in Wilmington. . Miss Leah Smith has returned from M i ~~ Martha. had a {Kmi ly dinner on _ an extended visi t with her sister in' Mr . and Mrs C. H. Sherwood en\ 'hri~ tllll\ ~ I lay Mi8ll J eannette Janney. of WiI- Cincinnati. t ertained al annual family ChriAtm as m ington college. i8 home for tht> hoI· ill rs Mary Cfl~k ... y and Mrs lI an· gat hering. Mr. H . B. Sherwood and idnys. Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Rye are Ilab Antrum en tertain ed relatives on fami ly, Mr . I{. A. Cunner and fam. • spenLing the holtdays with relatives ily, ilnd Mr .C E Ed ward!landfamily. I Chri ~ tm as 0111'. How many beantl In a pint milk in Cleveland . I _ . _ _ ._ bottle! Guess at s.wyer's Wayne Mrs. Huldah Burnett, Mr. Cliff j M rR. , ' USIIII E. lIaines enj oyed Market. \ Clarence Mendenhall. of Dayton I 'hri ~ 1 m a~ dinn er wi t h Mrs. Agnes Hurnetl and family, Mr. Forest Gra. . . spent a couple of days this week MIll! Ruth Miller, of Lima, spent with his parents. IWright llnd uuul,[ htcr, M is~ Susan. ham and fam ily . Mes~rs. Walter and Christmas with her mother, Mrs, Charl es Burnett spent Sunday with Eva Miller. Mr. and Mr. Charles Tavlor, of Mr. and Mr ~. 11 0m 'r Carey enter. Mr. herman Dyke and family, of Chlcsgo, are the '.e.uests df Mr. and tain ed on C ilr i~ tllla~ Day. Mr. and Dayton. Prof. and Mn, Wm. Michener, of Mrs. Allen..Klbl~r , '. M r~. Ernest Smith and two ch ildren , Mr . and Mrs. J . B. Chapman en~ ~Q,!~!ri ~Pit:tlIburR, Pa , are spendllll' the bal· . ..• _ idaY8 with rlllaUvea. J 'obrl-Frli 10'1' t ertained at a fam ily dinner, Sunday, ing Chrltltmaa wit ' Mr . and M rR. Emmor Bally, of Leb.Mr Fred Hartsock and family, of family, of Dayton. ' anon, Mr . and Mrs. E. S. Baily, Mrs, Milford. Ohio, 8J)4lnt the week-end Lina Devitt. Mrs. Julia Donovan and here with relatives. Mr. Arthur Zell Rnd family, of Mr . Mer t Baird . Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting their Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie father, Mr. John Zell Mrs. Edith Harris and Mrs . Lall:ra Wardlow. of Route 4, Sunday, DeHave you Paid your Taxl's? Have you Paid you r Taxes'! Mosher had a family dincember 25, 1921, a !\On. . Mr. and Urs T. E Rogers spent ner on Monday. The guests were: Sonday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton MiSll Olive Allen iM spending th e Ernest Har lan. of Hed1ing college. Mr. and Mrs. E J. Smith, of Wil- Sheehan, of Centerville. A heavy rsin. all day Friday, Mr. Fred Hartsock ano family, ot week with relativ es in Frank lin. Abingdon. III., arrived home, Thursmington, spent Sonday with Mi. caused the streams and rivers to Milford, Mr. Ronald Hawke and Mary. daughter of Joshua and overfl ow. The rain came down in family, and Mr. Harris Mosher . day, to spend the holidavs. We are after yon: Cobbler PotaMary and Mr. Parry Cook. W. N . Sears and family spent the Elizsbt::th Parrish. was born at War- torrents most of the tim e-in fact, toea, 400. peek; $160 per bushel, at week-end with r elativ ~s in GreenMr. George Carnahan and family, saw . Coshocton county, Ohio. Decem- it waf' the heaviest rain experienced Mr, and Mrs. John Smith aad .on. Sawyer'l Wayne Market. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark, Mr. ville. of Utica, spent Sunday night and ber 2, 1!!29 . and departed this life, for some time. The Little Miami of SprlnafMJ. Mo., are the lColllts . and Mrs . Walter Janney, Mesdames Monday with r!!latiives in Blanchester ,December 8. 1911, aged 92 years and soon came out of its bankl. and Satot C. M. Robitzer and family . Little Marpret Rollers III spendCari;>lIand Dan Brown are spendClara Lewis, Hannah Lewis, ('arr~e inl' the week with her grandparents, ing thi8 week with Russel Hale, of 6. 1853 , she urday morning was so high that no Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph LeWIS . November . Th e M·Isses Sue II la Shee h an, Mau d e 7 days.. On All Ch r Istm.. CaDdi.. an d N ots at Mr, and Mrs. T . E. Rogers. t . d B b F' I was United In marriage to Alexander one ventured to come across the spent Chrlstma8 Day with Mr. Her. Springfield. Penning on an ar ara I er were , COlt A,k us about our &'U. .ing eon· A S It :spurgeon, who passed away on July avenue, and the trip had to be made man Lewis and family, of Dayton. t f M th e guea a 0 ISS nna a er- 2 1914 telt. Sawyer'. WayDe Market. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Earnhart, of Miea Mildled Hartsock, of Milford, by way of Roxanna . thwaite. Thursday evening . , . Dayton, were Christmas guests of 18 8nAndin'" her holidays at the HarShe leaves to mour I her deparThe river towns south suffered the Mr. and Mrs E V. Oal'nhart and M d M E t Ea h t .... - - Mr. I . Satterthwaite had as their 'l' r . an r.. rnea rn ar ris-Mosher home. ture, five daughters and two sons: most. In several instances people Mrs Emma ~mett llpent the we. k,If Seattle, Wash.; had to move out. at Morrow, South guests, Sunday, Mr. Knowle8 Co~n Mrs. Mary Versoi, end with relativea in WuhingtonC H Wben)'ou want eood coffee juet Mr. snd Mrs. W. O. Raper are Mrs. Ann ie Jaques, of Portland, Ore.; L.lbanon, Loveland and Milford . and familY, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rid.., BbUfl BUCKLE, SOc the pound. Ipending a few days with relatives Mrs. MagQ'ie Smith and Misses Dora The two streams at New Burlington enour, Mrs. C. G. Stacey, Mr. BartMr. and Iba. 0 J Edwarda, Mr' worth COc, Sawyer'. WayneMarket. in Brown county . ---and Kate Spurgeon, of Marion, Ohio; also got on a rampage and caused lett Stacey, of Springfield, Mr. HarWIIaoo Ed ward 8 and tamUy and Mr. old Burge and family, Mr. Lawrence Jackson to George and Will Spurgeon, residing several familiel to move. The marriage of Bessie Bemen Edward~ attended a family Mr, Raymond Peirce and family, AltoMiss Clara Lile i8 spending the Simms and family. dinner In Davton, SuDda,. of Toled.o, are 'pendinll a few days Chrilltma8 holidaY8 with relatives in Mil ton SRndusky took place Christ- at home The oldest son, Charles, geth er. it was not a very happy mas morning at 8:80. They were died July 23,1909. with Mr. and Mrs: Bowell Peirce, Washington C H. Christmastide for a great many folks. Are your henl 1.,iqT Get them of the Friends Home. quietly married in Dayton, at thel Tbe funeral was held at her lale The water went down very rapidly Misses Emma A. Cartwright and started; Rl'e(er'. 1I0re-.p Tonic Walter Sawyer end familY spent home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pratt, residence on the Lebanon pike. Mon- some time Sunday morning, and by Martha Burnett entertained to dinwill do the trick; yoar money bAck Mr. and Mrs J . H. Coleman at- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 804 North Main s,treet. After the day, December 12. at 1 o'clock, liev . 8 o'clock people were crossing lhe ner on Sunday, Mrs. Rachel E. Key s, ifit faUs. Sawyer's Wayne Market teDded a dinner at Springboro, Tues- Lowrie, at Dayt, ;n cerem ony they mo tored to Waynes- Frank W. McColm, of Centerville, avenue. Mr. and Mrs . S. L. Cartwright, Mr. day, lri' bonor of the 80th anniversary vill e, to the home (If the bride's pa- officiating. Interment was made in bnd Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and IIr. and Mrs .. Ralph Dyke, of Day. of Mr. Caleroan'a brother. Mr. Ald'a ughters, Rhea Janet and Evelyn, Mr. and Mr q • •foe Thompson, of rC_fa. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce. Woodlawn cemetery, Dayton, Ohio. tOD, apent Chri.tmaa night and the fred Coleman Cincinnati. are spe nding the holidays and Mig Kizzie Merritt. A wedding dinnor was servp.d to fore part of tbe week with her pahere with relatives. the foll owing gu es ts: Mr. and Mrs . rents, lIr. and Mrs. F, E. Thom .. Winesap and Rome Beauty Appl.. , R. C. Younce and children, of NewMrs. Alice McKinsey and daul'hter, I poundll; 2&0: Banan.., SOc a dozen; Mr and Mrs. O. E. Anderson. of ark; Mr . and Mra. Leo Younce and Miss Henrietta. entertained at a famReefer's More-Ens Tonic does Corn Flakea, ge a package; Butter Dayton, took Christmas dinner with son~ , Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pratt, Mrs. ily dinner, Sunday, Mr, J. N. Mcmakemoreeggs. 1 paekaaefreewlth Crackers. 2 pounds, 25c, at Sawyer's Mr. C. M. Brown and famil y. Davis and Mi ss Cozy Younce. of Dsy Kinsey and family, of Morrow, Mr. each $1 packaae IIOld,and your monllJ Wayne Market. The Cl\\n::h School festival given I. N. Harris and family, Mr. W. G. ton; Misses Em ma and AHce JaCkback if it falls. Saw,er's Wayne Mr. Ernebt Hllr :~ ock and family , son. of Coving ton. and Mr . Coulus at St. Mary's church. Sunday even- Grether and family, Dayton, and Stanley Pence, who re-enlisted in of Dayton, spent Christmas .... ilh Market. ilig. was well al tended . The enter- Miss Lillie Nedry . Younce. The young couple will reo The M, E. Sunday-school gave a the navy last summer, is home ag8in , Mr. and Mrs. Gl'orge Hartsock. Hid e in Middleto wn~ Ohio. • • • a delightful entertainment, Sunday tainment co nsisled of declamations, Word has been reCeived of the ar- this time, for irood. He had been evening, tu a well-filled church . The solos, dueh and ca rol s. The reprerl,.lof a little daul'hter, .Nancy. at attendinll school at PhiladelphIa, but Mr . and Mrs. C. M. RobilzerolnterMiss Margu erite Rieske.of Dayton, Cl8ssifi e~ Ads for results . program consisted of music and sentation of the Nativ ity cl everly tained at Christmas dinner, the folUse our the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B Ram~' ,u"dlsarmament will soon take place, is spending t he holidays with the presented by the Bchoo l. closed the aae, nee Marie Miller December III, he decided (0 I'et out right away. Misses Anna and EthelSatterthwaite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~=== readings and dialogues. The even , entertllinmen t. Th e story of the lowing guests Mr . and Mrs . John ~ ____________ ing was given over to th e children, Providence, R. I. ._. Nalivity was read and acted o ut, Smith Rnd son. of Sprinllfield, Mo., The firat leaue of Fred's advertlaer "'" and they gave delight to their paThe::; I~ red Company stores, Leb· Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, Mr. and White Laundry Soap il the beat an 8-paa'e pllper, }'Viii be haued by anon , Ohio, will be closed at 1 o'c'ock, Il" YOUR SU BSCR IPTION rentlland others who attended. A the choi r einging' music sui table to Mrs. F. M. Co le, Mrs. Amelia WiIthe story. I t was II very pretty and I08p you can hov; you I'.aD wah l'ilk The S. F,red Company, Lebant'n. next Wednesday afte rnoon, J anuary collection was tak cn at the close of EXPIHES liams,Miss Helen Marlatt and M888rs. fit closing for Ch ristmas Day. with It, or overalle; you caD wa8h Ohio, on January 2Q<!. It will COO" 4th, to prepare stock and prices to the entertainment for the benefit of L. N. Printz, Charlei Buell and Dr, --dilhes with It, or take a bath with It; tain jnteF8I~~blte of news matter, conform to advllrtisements of their the suffering children of the worl d. J. W. Mill er . made of coc:oanut 011. . Saw,er'. storlee, poemlt, ete., togelhtlr with a .. After Invento ry - Re-Adjustment This week wi ll be the last numW..,ne Market. short history of the Fred stores from Sale .. Mr. JlAmes S. McClure and Mrs. ber of the GAZETTE: you will re, . ~e ' lMiaJnniDIf .to The Ida Kelsey entertained at a family Mr. W. H. Allen went to Bethesda ceive unl ess you renew . TH E MIEthan Crane, of Kenyon collefe, Pall'« "TJti ' AMI GAZIITTg is Istrictly cash in All Knights of Pythi as who fail to d inner, Monday. Mr. Sam McClure spent a couple of daya bere thla week' oq U!114IIIm ho!ltl i[~J,q~l-"f h,u rsday. HII was not • attend the regu lar meeting of Crown and famil y, of Ce nterville, Mr Omal' flMing et all 'well. and returned advance. with home folka. Be II wltb the of th"re in ordea to be under the docPowder and Putr~b, '1I0~ toorlnl' free to reeldente of Warren The date of ex piration is A lot of our citizens are attendin~ Lodge No . 53tl on Wed nesday even- Ba rnett and family, of Bellbrook, tW81tate and IIfeblpp,' preeeotinl' PerlOns In the count, failing to ,'e- tor's care again for a few days. stamped on the margi n of this )a fox drive, neaT Lumberton. today. in g, Janullry 4. 1922, will mi ss 8 ·Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and tbelr moalcal !'(Imec". "Marrylnl' celve'thelr copy atiould notity The S. Lateat reoorts are to the effcct that page . If it is in correct we shall If adjacent towns furnish as larl-te splendid treat. A fi ne musica l pro- son. Carl, Mr . and Mrs. James E. Marilyn I I Etb. Ia ODIt of tbe cbor- Fred CompeDy promptly, and a copy he is getting some better. He is ac- be pleased to make co rrecti on . a delegati on' as Waynesville. an im- gram has been arranied , What is McClure, and Mr. Neilion Thome and 12>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I mense crowd will be present. it? Come and see; you'll be repaid . family. of Morning Sun, Ohio. ompanied by Mre. Allen. ua and a leader-of the ballet. will be leot.

Here's to 1921-the year that's passing! . And here's to 1922, the yea r th at's da\\lning,! A health! Ma y th e N ew Year ho ld fo): you Health, Pleasure, Prosperit y-to the fun-and we know that then yours will indeed be a' Happy New Year.




Q!fil n==~~~"~~~lIAl






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----_ ...- --

--- -- ..








Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hllwke celebrated their fortieth wedding anni-



--------------------------~------~. . . .--------------~----------------...-------------------.--------------------------....--------------------.-----------------~

ton, NissMaryHawke,ot Lebanon, Or. and Mrs. R. H. Vance, of Plea&ant Plain, Mr. Lee Hawke and fame ily and Mr. John Fromm and' family. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Cornell ente.. tained with a family dinner, Sund&),. Those who enjoved the dlDner were: Mr. anel Mrs. M. A. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs H. A Cornell, Mr. R G. Mil"' ;' and family, Mr. D. R. Salisbury and family, Prof. and Mrs, Wm. IIlch· ener, of Pitteburll, Pa.• II~ Adra and Thelma Cornell and Mr. Harl'1 Prater, Mrs. Eupbemla HOURb moet . de· Iilfhtflllly entertained th. follow!na' guests at allUmptuoua dinner. Cbrist· . mas Day: Mr. andMN. Alleo Kibler, Mr. and Mrs. CharI., Kibler, III'. and M.ra. Ed Roup. 1Ir, aDd Mrs. Go, Kibler ad cblkIriD. EYitrett aDd Uarpr,t, IIr• .iD4 lin. ~_ EdWUJlaand !iaqb~• .Reba. ...

Lide ltibler, ..... aDCl ....... . . . . HoaatoD aDd IOD~ . . . . . . of ~ ad iIriL 0.__


"r, _

_ lor.of..




The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio. WllH·~. ="1' (' :1 ,11':", ~~t)H nn\'~ rn 11np"r~ or Ih ,' ul<l MIl~"ll' . II uri \\ t' 1111 I.n¥tl Ollr It '<"""R r IIl1hrr 1·'"l11l(h. 011C. Illl 11.(' old 11I11I'rs, :{ rll~ H.'" <\Jill )' 11 ,1",' tOl 'V Ill 1111 '0 tit thl' ~(lIl:'!!t'_ I1 . A t nr Ollr lU'UU\lnput, "l\' .~l d l:4tuount the ~ U ll'" nlltl stu\\" '('Ul IIwny 111 Ih(\ hold un lll \\l' "ttt dOWll I ' ll th,\ C'oJ om h l ull ' t' lh," I, (llId '\\ hlh' \\c'ro I~ rn,l.t Itl J 'nil , nt n ll ,', I tJt II· ItI~ t he rllllt·S \\ 1I,lrf' mv

MC)VIE -"B f\ D




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llu"l II.' 1111

pilI I,


\\!rut "l' ~ t A Ir flJl l'ell to !rIll! III the ,la\ s ( 0 '1IIll" ruuJ " I tllt thut Hlml'lc

111 lI l;:tl1 ' t

It'll' I II~ II

" \\-e' \'t:~

tOU"I1 J-IPJ)"H lfid 1I111re t o hit" iU Jll1I Ihull ttl hi ... IIt'un 11 11. ' he l( nO"11


lI ,l UIl.\

It \\t'lt t 1111 0 IIYI ' 1 l~1

oll d IIfl l Ii lu l i n Ifi ll).: L: I IIII I III t lie PlH 111(', It 1-: dl 111\11 111 1 If ' · \ , ' lI t l(' r hlt ~ ' h'x kOfl I 1I11111 11111.1, f \\ "111') hll\~ rf' f 'o ':IIii"" ' f l t ll'I ' ~I lt' '' ,"'" ltlf lt ·. ' t1 R hPH1I1lfu t l ' rllr1. '" 111 ('''I II III .. .jIlI I ~ (;Ih flt ' )'S IUlilt "' ''I ·II,t! \\l llt I'I \I! I' "" he ~ l lIo d 111'1 . I U i l l d l l .!! IIH' B IIIII lit III. , ,,11, "41 IlIld 111 111\ , d llt 'l 11\ I'T ft -'; 1' 1' 1111'.1 IIkp n RtI{'l'lI l' IlI ' III '" \ \ 111'11 11 (' 1. ' III /' I*'cj Illm lit' !tail Ill ll l l l ' d lit.· j.!lJlI nf IIii' ollf ~1 1,,:c l .. 011 II I r 11I HI tl JI ) otl IIII' l'IIf'f~


(:un'Jl\ '~


1i,!'I!!\ld IIII'

( .I II !I ' .'

t'llt;hl l\~ I ,l h, ' 11"" ""

nl n :t"

Itt~ \\'U!-t 1I 11IUI'oll\

a " ()I<1 .uIII Sl·liI .I, dl sposltl"n

II Jl t'


d"I 'I IIIllIl'ltt

dtHIIIIIIP. 1111

c '''111111J1

"T It"IP ' s


\\ t tlll

lit IIII'd. , k ~II

t' 1114'1 111),!


('Ighl~, tlH~


( \I

... all

II It- I\ " II 1'(1 Hlld

to r"p d ll Iltn! Illp Iliull' lind tin> (our .. IIIIIl·Hltl '


Irllll .. II'II·I'.)


r ·t' "




I 1IL:lI ll'l I


If IW'I ' s "'Hf\

111 1.. 11' 11 ,11 111,1 11. ;\ pl,ut! \""" " "1 "11'" agr eed It they feel Ilk ~ rollo\\, ln' ti l<' , 1 I 1I 11' 1 I If.! · ... I" I II 1 11.111 ,;" .1 1 11 1I J o lly R oger we'lt ilve '.. 111 Ihe ~o ".t t lt t I k l l fIll I' lh 'lt! I l lIt l .. ,t1nI IlUlIl ' _mlo's 8m Ie for n d ec)l \\ II I e r c' uls. I '(' I .... f' IJ I 11l 1" 11 , '1 IIIn 111 ""11 111 I... -~I ' I.~, 7 I II j I 111~t tltl' l ' 10 1: nil" 1111' . nll n (h" 1''-' 1' t'\' 111 I"JIlIiS 111 1 .1 " \.\ e l ' Itl I 1,111 11 1 lil t' }' II! H ,\ 1I II I lth IUll'l t 1l1 111\ Ji l l! 111t1\ ' \\ltll H \\Olld 111I .. t.1 (HII d o li' l lol ur ~ ,'1"" 111 ~'rllJ,!).\:"1 \ \1 lit III nll l t ' 11 11


., 1,


l ilt' \1 1IJ,:J.:"11 II III \\ 111 . 11 111111' lilt' t'S IIUlt'lt! \\ It-; 1'1 11 II! 11 11 11"1 I I lUHlt'r Ir" IIld'I'" of Ih l •• ' tlllt1lnlotll IlliI

o ff ns

" 'In




"Ih ( 1I1 1, t



I II\ ,t ll l n

11,01 01

l lit II \\ .1'" "' 1' I'!l'iI,d 1 ,\ 'l , tdl l' I' \ III 1" 1. Itt' 1111 ,1 I Ill.: , II 111110 ( II 1 1I1 , ... ld '·1 II", I III P"I t) Ilr .. , Idlll /o: 1"1 lit " uilol1t l pll lit II I . · 1I1 1I" t!

frolll S a n Fra nd" co "n rllt' 01 ,1 ~t. l ~ 1I11t! ... hlllil t li \\ ut .',. D nd cilan t-P ' ht!1 gIl'. SrrtlICH", I h ~, , I' n tlk ph 101 111111 1IIiIIl t ·. I Hll t t l I' IJlltI 1It'1 o ld nnll l i ' ,vtll corne III I,nll"y If tlIIW" Is II, lin' Hllntl ' hlln l !i M ""\\l!tI IlIfd ht ' I' 110\\ . . p Iy In Colnmhln lie I ft~c" r ,h ) \\ 111 nlld 1\' I"" lI,or ~tl rll III IIl h.l'd ~\ l l I"l be when W I' Ilrrl\ p 111(>'1'. (1Jl't o ln , H'I'" \ \' lit l' III'~ t o Iu \\ HIl.1 <1I"'lfHII Scrlliils. you \\111 ho\(' ~our IIl ule 1'11''' \\ , 1\ ~Idl' ' l'l ll IIn~. :--tllltirulp" 1 "' ,,'r,\ the cre" to mllot cr lind n'rc,·t Jl ln th e ir c P,'1 \\11 1 It ' IIII'!\ ~~ a 1t'llt· r IIlId rt' t eeltn's on Ihe ""I'jl',·t n f '"I<1n' a 11u 111 1 It tI ( tl'l "I tl i It " ,, ' 11 1I /o! IIr It chanM' w lLh COllll1Jn,lolt· I: IIIIWY lr ... tu,I! ill' ,,' t I 11t' 1 110'\ IIll d .. tl ' llI Jl llt! they obJpr t to goln tu rther. \\ ,,'11 IRnrl I III 11 ' 1 IlI' \\ II IIlIt' ' ~I I"::I.!Il' J1. r l)o:hl tern




ti m

un .) Il

~nf' U If'r


"'I IP III P d

f;( fI' 'f'III'~ I '


fJlln IIII \\' l'\t' l\ bU\I'


~I ltt jllt'; l It ' ll ... I ' I ~ 11 ",' " Hh 1"'1 f11.\ , lltlll pl" I ~' r t \\ :1'" Il il" 1'/ 11111 ' 1\ n fT. lt111 1 h I II t ltt' Q, ! I~' I lll 'IIL:!tr "I (',l}ltHIIi lag~ ... , \\ho, If tit, · h, ·It) 0 1 1I11i' nll\ n l

h Ill rOI


'1l L:II,! t IIU' III

\\ 11'" lIot

filii' 111 ulllltlwr f,"llfl' l ~


d u r In !.!


IIIIX \IIII'" to Itlk ,'

111 I'HI IlIIIt. 1 1111 ' fll{·.

Ilt l ' ~I. IJ..:" I., 11 1"l rfll' d Iltnl

fil1f1t(-") "" Ill,,,,,

11' 1


Itl ooc


t rip 1111 ( ·. ~ III III"1. 11l 11'\111 \1 · hltd 11 ",1'11 dlld ... 1111(1\ 11wl r

1101l 11it .... h l ll\\

.\ ftl'r



Bome \\ ntl' f furtll t:'r1 ' s Lllet! tir e

" I, out un lfurrll "!"

\ f~" C

p,,~ s·


he b,,;:nll, "I'm sBt lstleu tl"" ,I" bll l ll· bltln·. lbe Bcrupplll ·. tJ ,e I" It,\' I. Ill · oUllee lind gener nl (.'u ...... l·dlt . s'" tlUlt 1I\'(~. ':.11




HOM E b)l

F. Park.


t ' , ,,,

I", {l r l f!' "




III II "" I l, r I ' '1"1 ' I d I tl r n'l' (I 01.1 \\ Il t I lid 1"' 1t 111 111'11 (1 111 11 n ( \ ! 11111· ... \ "I'l l' ( ' 1111111 111 ~. I.IC ~'" ILT l ti " . 1 :11 1) " hud rH' \"1 III'PI I III 11tt' :'.. ,,1 It 0,; , 11 >1 h nl Iltl ' \ \\ US II, I ..

... 11l ·1!



I ...

~ ~tft.

, I


ph o togr ..l ph wk t'll 111 a 1. ti !) l' lt ,d Q 1 H.: r~II'Hg rO Ollt I Hi. "ho \\ !'O Dr t\d o lpla L "r(' llif.. t h e \\ o rIJ'.!!t 1110 ... 1 s kTll t l oIl·lJ e ~ !, l Q ..' I tI ll ;1. 1 \\ or k ~ a v lTlR t\ I1ttlc girl Ir olll hfel ong cnpplt.:l 11l Jl I Dr 1 I I II, h ..... Ju .. t arr l\t:d II I till S (otlntry h o m AlI ~ tna to p~rf lJr lll h IS t " I I' .. , I., u f" g t·r, o n m all} ·\m ll l(..l n c nppll' u ctllldrt"n Itl' \\,\!l Our

e ll\'

t' , \

I 1\ , t 'I I'


(.'. I L I lly

11( ,

I· '1I !S ~r



... 1


II' r





~ I I·II~J.!"~


ull'd, ~ut 1I


lit' sui ll .

1" 11l1 u llrt'


o t rllflU t u r saI l'. g lv t) I ll \\ t\~ 1

"Tlil full

L .1 "TI.,,, ,l ~ti



IH ~ - S b: 1I ~l ' ~ lr lIrpti ~tJ o t.ted Po. h '"'' 1"1l ~ ('II .. hllg of the 1" '\11). ~ \\, "~" 111 11, 4 lIl u l ~~ Hnt.! ~ ~l l t ~ 1 · I,~'hl .. III rt·o .. rcl. will ~tlll I h "" l' I hIt v,, ,t .. ,.t",1 lu t" 0 1 breen . , r" 111 11'''''1<1111 ," 11'. lClnd . (;hlnu bll~i Itt ' ~W. "h" n ol t h,tl rnu s\nrt, YOll"! 1\ I'; I h " "'II." " . ()rp~"l1iB. Ohl ... 1I 111\'p\'", lttlr g 1,II IH\6 l ~- I X j4

I'HI I II .) .

1111 11 111 h '~

n ntl

t'\ I ' r






c ulh'd Ollt

11 flut

GlhIlPY. folllJ\\ lug Ituh:u tl', 1 eo,


UIOUI) of tJ1t~ !'i,\

tull! fit-rug..: .... ,·t 1111'11 - 1- -" " S l rUejC lH'




fl l!






lIlt ' ~kl(lJl('r~ o f lh ~ sr,1I

~ hlltlltl. ' r , y"" I" 0

n o thln' te rontul ll . o n(1 noboel)

y uu'l'(,

S ' l :t ~\.: ~ ). rlH


1' '-(' <rrt\ H \,IlI4'II1I'I f ,\ 0 11


~ n~


him, ItlllI ... d I II til l! I·ul l. Io: lu u. \ t1 se ll , "lInl, IIl1d SIUl l(·t( t o \\u lk 11\\ .1,\ 10 at · 1I lt ll ll g t lL'lllll ('01 1111' / t l.: d

Iou"t F!l lb l ;ll+.

s l z1. lln'


111 ,\

h\ll "

III u 1.Ol dUII 't ,\011


I nt!' t r "It I IIl'lI ) Oll . bl'c Iluse I dlt!. lIu\\ It'~e I"O(l OSI! I'Jllllri dulln' tI, e until es. Gill 1" "S I ·'I\I:~")." ~ uld t he commodore. SOlt'IIH tI~. "\\L' 'e \\Jt ~ t"' d a l'~hute war "I:ill n r"l clI (ll } 11111 lUll. Ik"!:,1 'em ""~ h~II'''d ""1'cI\C" to IIr ~lr ship. \\'~ " " (·t' "l1l:l'd he r IIl1l11e and ,.Ig and tiel' 0111.. l u i IHIl1l111..! r 1I 1ltl l elt~rs Rud \\ c ,.(' '''11111' und er lrug1l8 )In,,",.~ . Thllt moh s u s 1III'IItl'S. UII" IhDt old MllltlOle burt(" e 11011 'In' lit the tot e uln't Lloth· Ill' 1110' ~ lI o r ICbB Ihlln the Jolly ROller. All rlghll L e t'. be \Ilrntes. Wbo curl!>! 1 Whl!n we s lto Into AI'Kllllo








I H'Xl

tl llt-' of I lair I \ 1I1\ "'u:-; 10 \ le d II ptill!';t t' u clJ "f IllI.' 11I111J'1t~ II "' \\tI >J In stull tl) tor· J,: h t II \1 1 1;11 111('\ \ tI"pd l l ll1 t It u lrdli'd SIUI('S l' l " bt 'l dlilll ' t 11lI)lpPIl III It~ h l fl~ III tlH~ l"UI\"''''tll l. Itp \\U\l1< 1 lIu\l' .. )[('111 d 111(.' 111\\ II III l...tll i lalloll Hil i 1'\1'IItUIIII \ lil t' dHr~ pH .... " .'(!. nn ll

tll l '.I\III j!gl t, 11, \\t··1

fm " '11 hu, (,zl

fIlii It 11


I .... lld~

s tlUol, o ut h er ~n ll s to II foil' nu d ... ,tlled 0\\8\ (P I' 1\ lIl1 dU \'ll

Slr l' 1,1'1" \\ell tn rh~ ~lI l1IIJl\I'" IIIlt\! l'i lu.' ",tlW h: tit\!' ~n uth eLl~t Inuit·" . \\ hun t-; I!l' "'W UIl ;; nruulld

I IIl I Ii'I

( 0111 " . '.

ht.!Hd •

~tlHI)l 1 1l ft.r lIN' fiP"'li ll lll l llll It \\ ,h JI Jd"'II:-;u lI l ' ''.\II!.!'I' . d\'\old IIf In . t l dl'llt 111111 tlt ~, 1I t'1I11 11 nr n il IIIIIHl s


pXlllIl' ll1

\\ 1I !i

/l1, .. t ' " II I 10""':,


Illlt ld t'u: \\ I l t 'l l 'lI l Hlli, en p· ~t.:IlIl.q; ~, Illuh lll g IJ1Jl " JI""I or· torr t o COli N'a 1 t h. ph'os lIrt-' \\ II1el1 ~If . Glll lu') s • wI lt' (':O lllpllIlIL' ll t 1I11'lI l d ,'d



"., rIU·I P II

1(1\0\, A It bet·

m hn!':!

Jt :s ni l 11J.:lll II

1I0', 'crllllll1te

p~~ ' lIpeli

nll d

\ \ liS 011

I II ' lI('P

.. tlde , ln Ilt p IlIw i "

; IIo" py, 111 \ IlI g 1111

II t tlOll,


I In

h r"

dll ll .\


(;111111 ' \


\,.H s

PII(I It' s

SII IIJ,:j.!"':': , UTILI

Id " \ I ,,~ , · . liJ h"j.!~.


h ,p 1, !l a lh

P~IIII(lIln l

h I:-;

:\( (G t1tll~\ 11


\\ hpJ I "l're Ilut


I:HIIW ~ r W,J,;,h u\1

"I'I~' 11Il s~ loIlHf1"'\' fO lld 011 IIIl' llrtl~nl o0 1l Hf tlll·I\\ Cll t \, . nlllth tl U \' IIftr'l' It ",hlg 111t1l01ll1l the. iOtlko ut rc? J1ol'[~d Inll(1 '1'11I'u llllh his Illn~ses t Ill t i p

M • . CHlIIle., lI, u<le Ollt n c illster oe tul! 1,,,I ' I1S nt rllC so uth erly end of the I• . 111111.1. 111101 liS th e sc hooller he ld IlI zlly 011 h e r COI II'se h ~ cOlll d d bce l'll the \\ hir e bn! ukers f OllwlnlC o\,<'r tht! reef. t hilt ;:lIorded th e elltl'nnce to tI,e har· b o r. "Tim t '8 Kunda \ u, nil right I" nn ~ 1I01l llCed the commodore . "I wos there In '80 with Bill l\!c otnty In th e s choon. er DIIRhln' Wnv e. There'R the e utrnnce to the hnrb or, with Ihe reefs to the north nnd the P .."rl ree f. to the south. The chonnel's v ~ ry n8rrownot more than tbree co hies, It It's thot. but there's plenty ot wBter ond 8 goo<l muddy bott om thllt'li hold. ~(e. Gutrey. Int! . better run below ond tuoe up your engInes. It·s too dnnllProu8 8 po sslIge On nn ""b·tlde for 8 sollln' vessel, so we'll run In under the )low, er. Srroilg6Y, slllnd by and ",ben ) give the word have your crew shorten

8011 ." WithIn n rew minutes 0 long white streak openell up 10 the wake ot the Bchooner. nnnounclnr tbot McGntTev'.

"'~'I~e LADY· WH.",. 00 'l()U AN·O!<-:....n ~\E."N 8'( 1'i00.tlINC, HANDS


'\ pl ULIH t o w"rk uu a I(Utli t Ituult~r ue"r


\\'" YIll" v ,II ~ 11\" glllll:l k t ,)(\. bon • ,.tl t " o l 'll r lo t1u .. tn t ll114 flU'" t:tuvo IIW'llt\ u a,:tl, "II)llnti l lll Ii. fllrnl Would


\,, '.I I( I IU'1t ,, 'H 1\1 lit.



Ifll n l ~L . \Vnvn~"'. rl:!!l

\\ I l rl' d01' IU" Il lI t~, I'IHI n 11 ,,'(1

St)l'hlJad ltll til) t """ roillt~ nft tht> 1)(' 11111 the ~(Rjl Kltl hfltl 1t'tI " \~ r 1t11l1 'Rlrly fl,'" through I h {l \\lIt M r lith


br~" l(,


AHI:H ; H t'i III' w ith .1I_u ,. pItO", ne, smiled nil ",·.tllrlc ~ lIIlle II . h.· Itt- \\' ull l ' trl U cl lp p t-l r. tlVt,rythIDt( Inok tilt' ,, 11{,1'1 nn,l ;:11 1<10<1 I he ., honn 10 fir t<l t u \. MI'I 0 !tH lll-rilll ; two o hltlnt o r IhrOlltch the ('hnlln~1 H I' r<'IIIJlII'1I 1 h e r up In I\\·(·h·e tAtlwllIS . unil w lrltln A ti ll l ' pltl,, 'i f ' r ,. LCd l II Imrb" r, ttM

the .'


n 'l


OJ IIII IJt'tlti l lU


Il\'e mlnlll"S eve ry s tltt'h of ,'nll\no The e UII wus setllna lIB th~ y d'lJpped a" elIor, lod Mr. Ullmer bBd laoteru

e.lHd 03 11 Or \\r'lo f .. n 'h t 'I' Mur~ln. A n ul ' "",I' r. H" x ~I,l ,'"t .. rvlllt<. Ohio I:l Ullltl I'll ' "'' N . ,. ~. jll

bung al o ng the snll sO tllnt It wOlltll lle ImVlIss lble fur OilY c rufl to liP' proll ~h th e 8ch ooll"r nnd bourd h er \\ Ithout belllg s"e n. AIKO lire \\ aleh 011 <leek Ihn t nlKhl c u r rleu Muu, ,,r rltle ·. 8 Ix· . h() u l~r9 . nnd c utln ~ses. Mr. llllllle), \\ 88 tClklllg 11 0 Chllll Ct! •.


"A s ctp\\'e,1 ,1l)\\'11 hard tind tn!!.



trouble ~h oll t 'em ,luwlI IlII~ d O~H It Jlj ll ~ he tllut llat'l"~ I~ H.. t·lIl1 L1I1I1:oi nln't ueeNls. lry. hUl

All for one Ilnd ('ln o f or 811Un Ited " 0 t) t1, dl\ hJed we fu ll,


lind It's .L: /t l "' " lit II "kll'l " 1'4 gh' p tlip h ln lHI It \\ Id, t,,'1'I1i . " nih 1 1l~ I h ltl 11".\" dttlu.·'t-'d / 'JiP


lind . Ix s)l llll;oly little pollre meo, ." Ilt 10 n!'rf'''1 hll11 l \\ l! fe u1 s() thrn h ed. Tht! 1'(":'U.: l\t'ij

t nrlll fu r

('h tt"', B I I I \\"4h ' f \·t 11('. ('III '

'em keep their \\ ~ upuns III tltt! ('auuu,", wll h 't!IH. Hull nt the ftlloit ~IKn o r

ubi.' to "'11111 1\ In 1I 11 t! Io!t'I 11 \\'11 \ \\111l I fl l ~ ,' d III Ihc (,~l lItl l{ t 111111 p rl""'l' ntly It 1 :'I'I~ ,ltu(' n " "llf I!''"t d ( .1 IUlld lit CU ,I ' I\flflllll\ II' 111r 1111 11\ f ' 1I1J.! ,.:t·1 pol \\' 1I1 11t1 I fl llilltl hlrlb L' lt II I 11111'1111' C \l le lulll · P IHUl'o..;. 1 U(.'k ll ~. ((I 'j.{ lIt I hl' 1.1 0t ha \l' n \\1 111 1' nUlII "' I t'\\ 1\11\\11 nil It u' hUll II

tI :!t-'

O f)",''1l1t " ('hltl

lil'" o s on.lert!tJ afrl!~luUI

a bfl1ll'T1Jer.

W AN 1' 1£ 11 -

like t il th 'll trl .1 "ll1l1f\, I'" or lI1arr h IH I, l\1~J W,II .... , \1 k It \Vh ,Ie yeltr. Il f ~ . Ir \J Itl 111111 1'1 nu(t Will Intt.k~ a 1M ~ e OI.IIHW' ~ lIn d t-'I,,,t d v h ll l Ht A",lrp.~tot. Hyl n !lIe! !'. I,lIl. V ~O!l" Ilud.! It I I [' . 'I'r ll V, OIJIO • !'; tt'IIr\) ('lIr,' li t '1h ' "I1I1 ~ ~I"oy r ClI!l nl y d 28 n C" lIH\ \\'rlt u 11I r (Iltr'l r lll ~ r ~. [j .. x N 1 ' ~; I ) H ,," r,l , r . by t.he nay 1I ~ . OIor "ot Ih ,' MIll"" Glwttol, WilY

" :Xuw. boys/' nnraOUI1 l'ct1 C'urnml)dore (JII", ~). us he Sill ut tl, c 111'11,1 of Lbe ott1"l\ r :--; ' m ess ot brt!okfH:t t IIl' xt m o rn· Ill g. " there'll be n luI of ('nllll~5 pod dllllll off to "I s il \18 wlth lll tiro h Qu r. 80 \\ hu!I' ve r ),"" duo Ilun 'l II1l0w U10 1'e thnn IWo of IIrt'S\! cUlllllunls IIbollru the s chooo@r lit the tlllle . Milke

III ): III th e Cu ll'uru C ut. \!l'IInk ~ Ilt l le, /:11 111 111011 0 little. M cU llfI'uy whlllD t!

l,tlld U\ 1\ I: I \~ ~nll l ' \\ 1I1!'t 111 1IIIII II oi t :!.! ... 011111 . IlI n!.!1 tl1 d· · 17:'\ \\1 ' ''( . 1I 1I t! \\11 1'11 I \1 11 0,; th "'f~ 11I ~1 II \\'11:0. rllir I I' t·klll ' \\H It ' 11 11111"" 1 f:;u\nl.!"l ' ''' Htll thll lf" .... t nll "; (If I dll ('k t h" II '.

s lll llcd . "I I huu~llt it ltlat W II,\'. ~ U \\



Uf 1,,·( ~tuJ III l'uJlumu \ ery ugr'~t'ull1t..\. Th l'Y III~ p l'(, l e d th e WORk un th e CHlI ul ' lII,n " lo ci III Ihe 81IIp ''II(IOu ~ cngill eer.

J lt' , :tlld !'ti,!u.'JIl I' 1111 1111111 fl ll II (,1I1!.!n o r hlll l'l, "111'111'1 1t .~ nld.\" \\ ,, 'I h 11111' 111 tlf,

('III ni

~I l'·


Olhlll'J'S suggu9llllns \\l' n ' IH.'t Pd up, Oil. n,"1 thl" cUll t,lve u 10 mu k t! 11 ... l r



Ilost uftlct:',"

till In' uurtlr s IIl1d IllY In 8 !JIIC s rul' k of ". ovt.rulls (or the voyu~ .,. III II", mllu ll rl,u e. "hlle tI,e mrllo'me , " nre !iNtlu' Ihe 8h ,)) Inl.1 s hul'c. \\~ II lI'u,,, rhe tlr s l mult! III d," r!: e \\1111" \\ c aO ".llUr" (III" IID,'e n gooll tllIII!. I've 8e~n worSlj phti t"~ thon PUllamu " As n result of thlll lQllt~rl'nCc Mr.

" Hul- \\,,"11 I III I ltlt ... ,'t} ).\ rl ' u l JI lin· Ir "t,' tI" thlll . olllt'l h' L1 (' /l JlIHIII S (' III CCS " ~J 1\1 1"",,1 ,1l1p 1.;11I1"u,'I~ ~ 11 .. t1 t to kill ("IH' t ytl tJ fhlllk tl r "'01 11 ", 111 1" pl .. t·, 1; 1" ', "\\1111.' ",:tltl (; III IH' \, "f' lf H stnrlt'l I I t il :-! lIll fllt:--;I' \ \ t ' JlI"t In ad STlUI ,l,dd ( 01 1\ /lndll\1 1 1""llIlld In I h.· 1'1·


".\IHI \ ' t!

t UHh,rl u" 1'11 1 gu lng IlM h o re t o IIU ,\' Ihl'~t'

bUilt '"


's gll"'h'TI ,' d

IIl ul·lllurt.:4 I,

ltiltl ll lO dtH l!

,lOti bfl,\S

tr lld l ,,', 11l ... 1 I' 11111' / nt ) Ud\ (I IHtll'll ttl ~11"1I1, or \\'e IIlI l!' tll tn d o n IIttl(' 111111 I, hll dil l ~ 111 rald ~ 1J1 11(' o f 1 hU St'

.lnp p.. 1111 ft~ l \t'rl, ~ utT til l! ('Oll!>;l or I · OIIl I .. ~ u .

t' ~




t Il t"

Ulll"l'.\· ~ lHtlIIJH'Il t.


\\ 11" Ufi\t'lItlll tl

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'1.11,,, p lu:. Jn

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11 II I' d

11l\'\ ' U ..I

!40 IIH')'II 1" H\ t' Il S oll)ltl' und ,,~ • a n 11t'1" flu r l'hl' ( 0 th Q co r ul "

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" " II :-,1",11 tin' h ll ~ 1t \\ 11 11 Illnt I U lIg ~UII 1111 '1 rhe ~I II~III ' rllpld tl1~ !:II"" \ \ 1 , ~ t;lIt l ' t' lo\\' d Pl'l, s 'Llmt ' li S l'a n '

killd 't ,d rr l1 1d'lI l \ 111t· ..... ' tI t lt l ' llI

"1I t.: ~I · "'I l " ll

1: 1),1 1. \

(1 ,""11 11 ,,1111'




l it I II! .. I Iltl' ~1 a,.:gl t.' 11 \\ It Ii hlul k qlllli I f lI lt,.' I'c ru ,,;~ to ('Lil l ie ul ,OHnl

"rllllr: fllll1l Irlld,' In (' OIHII

111 111 1.. , Hil I!

lilt, 1 .. fld ...

I'=\' hl\ ":'

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11 1111

"'\l I'J' \


hl'H ld Iltllt :I ( 1I1r 11111 1;,:111 of 1'1/111 1

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" " I II I t! It ult

nuu \\1· 1/ 1:\(111' tlrUI b luc k ~ "",I If \\I! hu, e to sl!lugllll'l c 't,;'r~ lIH1n, WOll llln nut! r l'lll! 1111 t il e 1" /1111<1 , (Jill\,. wh p-II

.. )


II lit' ti l' fJl{~ l{Jn~ n . . . . . _. ullllllid t 'l l· d l nllt'f \ \t" II g t' l 1' 111 dl lltti<, .Iup 't'lil III t!.lulde 1"111 '" 1I11t 1 ... 111 1 t 1"lt'j e lll tn tlU' 11 \\t I ' P IllIrI' ''J

1/ 1.1

1'\1' "'lIl d. nnpct lll~ lu r e :;lI;l1 It lll l .... llf I II till' IIl P\' ItulJl c. '!l II\\' I t ,\01110\\11 \\11\ \' U ll'l\~ U l Villi II I II II Wt" H IH I 1'111 o nl ) 11 pll1! 1\ ClIp l II III , out 1 11 tul!vw \\ !tl'll'u' r ~"u l eud 1'11 ,,0 JIt~ fil l us I lit.· In' xl " IHII

"If )'m to I,e nll\ 1j.! lIlln · urn· cer 011 'h ~ IIlIg.hlD at II filI' I III' tI ~e t . &trlbl' UH' pink if I'll du nJI)[t\ ~ I '(lkln' Iu 11,1.' gllll e) It' s d_grlldill ' 1 1lI 0 '~ th ot " i ' t;;l1gag(' some ell tl' rl II 1$111 O rl · ellllli for t hur j o ll." "( 'ur r led. " 8" ld Mr Ulbllr) "All)' fa rl her buelnessT Once Olore ~ cO utf~y stul.d II i' " (l~I1 '


1111 11

"A ll II l-! ht

!:l c rlJl:lt~


Io,lI l h

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it ' lld 1(1 <0.: 11111"

Sil t 10 he sl· tl! (ld ," l'Ol1t illlll'd l'np tu ln

Or litP

I I II .....

p.;;1t "ul,1 I' rl d l. llk " I I lilt 111' 1 111111 . h lL: .,t ul ... , III III! :-:'''11111 ' I n ... . l r

M {' I hl rr,,'.\



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I£llld .

tu ln

lliat to

fI.,.,,-u li n " hrtl lhell;;

J .. ,IJ

)\..,\1;, t,..11 lILI,,;

Eh , :\1 .. I: 1I Ir, ·~ "/"

n'lh." t.tl1 gg l ·~fell M C'(, " O',·y "Ue's be"11 III tJ lc I 'ul ' nd ,l· un I IU\ ~ ulld hc'll kuow ju"t \\ l Ull 10 i N us" "\1' ' 11. thrre s nll "t h ~ r t h lllg thnt'~ ltll \ c

•• 1

the P l lC II 1\ , \ HU 11I! ,'cr lin t till p.\ ('In ... 11

CA)l lnlll :--I( lltl' ~H



u r 1'1'll te ulld nt!\ I ~ t, IIll' twtJ fllll :tl lrl ' ) III I,.""p uul t il' tlt t: II'fH. I\ of I ltluldl', hilt We 1{l1tH\ lllill U\\ H) lIu \\'n 10\' YI J\,i're ).:"nl o' Hl lIlIll d IOl lklll ' t or blood, 11 1111 th.1I 01\4 (, ~O l ll'l: \Ip u~ l tI




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Ifl g nf thf" 1O:\lldl'I1I(,. I lIlh ' l! III the f ll l,j ll of III" :\( nr:dl' 11 11tlll ... ,j ll l\' 1'\:'.

Idelll "Ut' \\



f ot

1'1 . ,


,} OU III thn l.

JIt 'Ht

'An~th lr lg


('nlllllltltlnl'p 1, lhn (' ., \) II'" 11 1"'1.:11"' 11, 11 11' , \ ond IIH 'l\" lIrl', IIl td II I 1\ 'p ... '1 II I I11'P t ,


t f I .. 11": P:!'ott to h im Il lut h I' hrt~\\ 1111· filii,,' !' J.t:'t lit' of grog f o r I lit' (' I t w: • S"" OIl 1he tll fl llun ." nlilit' l! ~II ·. uun'. y. "1..' 11' r lf', l," slIld Se rn gg". 011<1 pro· C'twdl'c1





ter·1I AII.. lhf'r t P

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lId t' ll t' te

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lu ... 1t1HI I o ( :t lint · 1l'·lI d. " utl d 11IIPl'ltllIlI" I" "p ll. I h. \ I n ll! PUIPIt'd tllP ,nit ' ·· r ·t!I .. olnh h li n t rnir H'd \ .... f1 t""11 11 11tl' \\ 111 hJ1l1 IIIc.: t , ftfl )11"1 1\\11 \\l 1 d, ... Ilh ' 11 ' lt)oo ' ... h lnl l ,f' t llilltl," I Il H IHh ... 11111 H l ld 1111' " Idlp. \\!I,J.' r" .l dd\f' nf JlI 'IP .' 111 1. 1 /lilli' III Oft' " !"" Ufl Il "t jl lll lnll~ nlfl llL: t llf' hjlldl ' r~ !If th\ ' f:~llti ( , t:J ~ t

It I I t I III liP/ lJu tl Will h I II ',", flf I h. 'h'l k ,h 'I',1I I TtII'III, r t J 11"'1 11ulf IItl ti d ... "'II t 1111 11\ ' 11. "\1111 tl l1r i s h'\'IIH' d IJlHi }o:.Iti u olt\c', 1'. ' :1 )1111111 !:;1 11lj...''': o.; \\111 n OI ('u II s ldl" It 1II III111 lt ) 116 <l !;.rrH I\' or un hli ll t. H 1111 11\:-; ufllle

dul"C 10

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\\ li ll III "" .. III 110 1\' :1 \ 1' 1 ... ( 0111 Iv

1 ~1 "· It .. .



" t" 1 d


Id ul

gul tH l \l lt

1111 '" ~ :--' IH IoiI.:"

l' ,\I\~ I ~

pllrtr uul"r. !i" x 5~,1 . ()III'·V. I II



reiortllng lhlll "r(' w )(.11 l,rll ll l!hl dt'\\I J




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,, ' , I It ,1\1It .]

\\ I II

!-' I l h 1\


\V Ai'\TED - TO !lU )

p rrofl,

11 1111

h8' e h is pl' nt'e II f rnlnd \, r ~ , 'kf' "wI h i. pl""o ,lIslllrbcc\ 1\ chn sln' ~ 1I 11(l"~ n r oll nrl l he d ~ r k of Ihe ~l tlg",l" II. Is ~" Q cr w hn r rh feller I' IIII~ t he p,H\'cr1b e hl nc1 rhe th roll" Il,"s t oo hl~ a IllUl p r for th e lP'o r\f' of r ul" mI n Therl' fn re. I m Ove ~ 011. ~ellt If' roe n . t hBt AdelbeH P Glh ll e\ ,, ~ 1I1111! Is here by nOlDlnnled and fll'li "llIr~d to Iht' &Til"" of cornmn"or ... In fu ll ~ n lll ' mand nnd 8uper" I~ I "n of nil or the property ot the I~ DdlcHt" .-\ 'HI ) a l. so move that Phln r ns S,' rllllj[s hr op · pointed ch Ief Davlgntln' nOicer IIf tl rl" packet, to reta in his tit le of CII I,to ln . Bnd to b~ obc) ell Rnd reRI)N' I~U M such by eTery tnftn nhonrd "'!th Ih~ uC4Ipt lQn of Ole Rn(t Cill. The pr s· eDt mate'lI do th e no \ Igllt In' "h ll e Scragg8Y', leorn ln ' thr d !,1'1l Rea. lifT" "Second the moti on," ~nld ( 'lIpt oln Scraggs briskly. "r.k G"ll'p~. YO'I' II r· &'\IIDenl dol'S yon 0 h l'Rp or ('rcd l,", It'_lt',-d oll Illy ellIS. A1c (;lI tf, ,~· . It'A muter)y. )t s hows It I'N'II "1'I'rL" In · tlon ot an old sklpper's r,'''lIn 's 11 ,"1 It the rno,'!, Is ugn'l'nhl,· ,,, GIl> , 1'111 wllllD' to hntl hll1l II ~ <,nIlIlIlOd lll'~ IIlId fl,b! to malntnln Iris omep. I- I 111111· no, Olb. "het r' d do If ) rtl dll t h '''' e " mate to o rdo' r nr ou", I " "Gent lemen," 8uhl ~t r (;il qlf-~\,. IH'UIJ\ Inl. "the motinu's ('urrlpt! Ultfllllill/llI'" Cliptaln-chIH-yollI' fill ' P " .. k I'm h onored b y th~ linI HI!'Il n,l,p :'\"",



0., phone 301.

W .\N'fED

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II" 1" 1111111 II I Hld tjll".t !l d I I. . I 1'1 I" I ",t .. ullllll;':: 1 .1 11 ' ,.1 1I11t! I ' d. It , d 111 11 1 I 111,1 I .. I' ll d' I I Ii 111 1, d . 111 " 1" I I I d

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Uu r tuu And IWfHl t\'·

III ~ li d , ,111111 1 1,, 111 tI III/ tit .' 1" !'It vf lit ", t ''Il, It I \ I' II, Ild l I ' \\ I \ 1\ ... ff II ill II ,. ' till 1t tl ( tIlt· 11 .1 \ II l'h l tl l \\ Iill It 1, .,,1, 1'1 t, I ' lilT III' t , .\ !'I i 1,1 11 1... / 1111 1... ' 11 11 1 \\ 11 " llII\ \1 r


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t .. r~ 111101 ''' ''II I I ... H ~ t Ill'



II l1d

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6 per cent '


"HI 1\1 ' ... 1

.. t lllli oIJIt~ tilt' IHIIII 111 111 "'11 \1- \ \J U 1t~1) I ..; ,q II Jo:l d lt





p i " p lnll1, H htl '" lit I'll '-,f'" ,·\.'d I ~ \ .. ltl·~ 1) 1 11" 1. II ...... , 1,:II' Uq ll \"" llo ,,!l J tlt l l lh \\ ,'r,' a 1" II, \'(,11 II" • 1I 11'11I1IIk'. n ,'nlll tntl li

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\\1 1. ' 1)

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rll Ui,·.I Y.V '1',111.000 Pr ... a III I /'\KI(.erthW""8,

Va V ll' ~ '1\t·.lIbl",


rf'C'elvpr!" A LI Ild(lL-.ln"t A h lt.h ,,1 t KudlA

s"e l"wll M . C tll".


turll UPISy.tlo, Ubi " ,



1"lll BIIII, 2 VeaT" "Id f'll ~ l b" 10 rt-Il.n",to r Elhan ~I IIIIO( jlll o rr o .17- 1 WIIl'n ....vll\". U III" d2M

I:-lF: R.·


II\\" -:l (1 11 1'1.


Fr .. - h ( \' \V~. All Iln "d I "flu'r .. lit K.I Lmd ...

m OQd , WlIyoll~vl ll e. nhl<).


<\N (l~-\) '''' 'I''f. 4 11l1~ wood "J 0 1, ,,1, \\' 11111111 1( UVtHI u.od rfJM~r. \'Olr. a:'l t lr"'lIt l-' \'i l , ;pt' rt f3c~ h ·dlfJT, b "'80


n ~ I 'll ;1\ r!'4


( II .... I' If ""dd "t OUt ft H. \{ D. 1. Wuynu8vlIll'. O.

"i I:illrt ~QC Ii


I \\uS Il e rl:' 1\\Cllly

yell'. 'Igo It \\II S nil rl,e rage lU kill II \\ hlte IUnn ond e nt hltu ~layh e IIIII U8 has dllll'K"U, but thl! hllrb o,' lind the CO ,," t 1,)okH jus t 118 \\ 11<1 alld 10Ill' l~ 1\9 th ey c\,'r 11/11. un d I ,lllln 't SPe 11 \1 SII(II of ml liOsio nur., ,,1H'1l 'H! Li l lll'lJl'U btlol( lo s t IIlf1lr t. So LlIIII '1 rll ke no dll.ll ce . ... Atl hunds prollllse d llrlll the)' \\ 0111,1 tok " eX U " ",,, cllre, to th e " lId t lnlt thclr plcc lulIS I'C, .oIlS rnll:ht "cmllill Illto ct, .0 ~Ir. UlIJlle) fin ish ed hIs CUll o( cot· tce ot a gulp lind \\,mt 011 tl~ck. 'fh e Kalltlu,' u nbo rll(Ine8 wure nOI 101l1! In PUtUlI!: In UII III'P Olll'llllce. E,en ns ~J.. 1I1hlley Cllllle on dt'clt holt n down c nll Otl~ ahot OUI frolll the ben ch. Mr Glllll ey Imlll~dlate l y piped nil 111111118 0 11 d 'cit. nJ'm ~d them. lind IItHl· Chllllllltly O\\lltteiJ th e uppronc!J ot whllt might or IIIll!ht not tnrll Ollt 10 he 1111



III Put u r


j' h " f"nl/hhrlld Rild P .. lI Boll, Ad drll.~ E t!. Ho h ruyer, It. D. 5, Lebn n ,,,,, OhiO. t.l28


H ur 'K-1l R ~p ub ' l o I X " "on1'rooll 1'II'·II!l. l"qnlrH o f Rav HBth. •• WIIY, \\' ''YII".vtl l".l)hlo. f " r }t~

1\1(t'1I10 W ll:MIIfI'· EgO!" l.'llllte /In'

J Heefer', I \lk~

frl't! " tlh "Heh 1-1 \I~I£ (1I1 ',rnnt"8,1 by I': .1 H". re, . t', ,"ltrv ~;xpert, K .. n. . II S C,~ ••lIIt! Ph,hulolphtu For 881e (It i"llwyor ·. I -lrCloll ry . d~8


C II l: lll r

\\I, c n thc fl o tllin wn,s \\llhlll pl.tnl Ilf t he S(' h()()110~ Mr . GIIJIlPY 6 L'·I'II.r l 10 ril e roll nnd motlun c d them hll' k. ImlllClttnldy the nnrlves cellse, l ('"' Idling. und n \\ lid looklllg r,·llow CIlIlOO. 1.1ler 'lI(d alt hili lI r..e·wn ter tollelle. IIl1d us II result hI. shn ck of blnell hn Ir stont! on elld Anti bulg,'d out Ilk' II CI(I\\ ,l .. d 11 0) rIck. H u WIIS IIl1k ClI. ot C011I'M . 111111 III hlA hllll" he he l" 0 hug o Rlw t


"" r (I \lb.

"Thill fl'ller'(( l'lI t n rnttlt·.'".k ... .. gnspf't! ("II[1 t.,1I11 Scrnglls. "~hoClt him. Glh If lie !Jilts lin •• ~,." "/ihut 111'." snld tJ,e co mmodore. 1\ trIfle leSIII): " Ihnt's the numb e r·Cltle nl):l:e r. "ho doos lhe tlllkill' H ello, ho~ " "Hello. caplnl" repllclt the 811vnKe, and soll\omed iravel!' "You IIkee bllY chicken. buy plli'? Mo) be YOll BAy come 'bourd, I tnlk. Me very good trleDd '" hlte olaster." "Bless my sweet·scented soul I" illisped tlle commodore "What won't them mission arIes do next? Cut olr my Cnrs It this nllCKer Rln't clvlllzed I" He be('kone" to tlle cnooe lind It sbot alung81de, ond It. brown CI'tlW came climbIng over the rnll of 1I1e MIl!!gle n



Try our Job Printing,

IF' you don't happen to be in town when you want a Classified Ad" advertising your extra Stock, a plow, a lot of Feed, or Rny of your extra stuff on hand, just call

PHONE NO. 112 and we will see to the rest. Call again, please.



...:fH E MIA MI

GA ZE 'T T E•.••

iSSUED EVERY WEDN ESDAY tI Ko1.lrod a\ "he

D. ·L.

i Gaze"e. W.yn~vilI" Oblo. --- ---Miam ---- ------ ----,----~


11~ I tonlc. at \\ Ul 1H,.. vfllt" I I,ll . bt ;'H .. tI f II-' .L ~ lit ) . 1 1111

Subscri otion Price. $ 1.50 per yea r



Catarrh Can Be Cured

// ! ;) . . :..f\.. /V r:'l 4 ..... "," ' -


-~ .



Publ ic Sale s

t:> .. fety Dej)o"it Boxes. f 2 tbe yellr WI1 yn6svI lIe Nllti onR I Bllnk. Way. oes ville. Vilio. l::I ar ry ~ . Tocker cashier nf ou r bunk. Ir8D ~ lI c t8d busloes s 10 Clool lI. oati. 'l'llurs,l uy. ChriBlm u8 se rvl cl"s wor e observ ed 'It th e J O lluh '~ Run Baptist ohorch . Rev Belloell o llieiAtio g. O ur rOll(1 foroe worked on Bundny .

Why The y Are Rich ,peoder ll, h e oowes pretty oear to It Tbat Is the sYHtem 01 tbe LJIggeat sbrewd "st adverti sers In Amerlo a. You dldo't AOO t hHm oattlng ~helr acls this yeu r . Yoo j ust ~I LUply Haw tb em wakloll: tbelr udvertl semeots bigler . stronge r. m c, re Intellig ently drawin g . 'I'hat'8 wby th ey are rloh-Jo hn Wanam ake r, tor lostlloo e. Aod mind \lIls : Tbo figuring and tbe prloolpl e 10 volved take8 no 1'0 oount of whot be r I·he adv ertisi ng 18 dooe 10 New York or Waynes ville The figorlolC Is dooe on p e roentage~ of people. The prinolpl e III tbe 8ame whethe r yoor bualnAI8 has been ao. oOlltom ed to deal wi th 1,000 people arouod you ar '!tliai.!ll'~ .Y()y~8 beeo aoooltom~a8al ~~IJ million people a N uod yoo. 0( It 'you did a eatlsfao tory bUBloes s In a oommo olty of 1.000 10 good timet!, you 0 .. 0 do B r el1800ab ly good bU810e8 810 Door tlm88 Wheo few people b"ve w oney. yo u WORt gM a greater peroont age of tbat t ew th"" you gO\ befor e of tbe mILo y . You do It b y Advertl 8ing.

HARVEYSBURG M r . alld' Mi'1I: Amos EIIIII we re 00'. of..t own gu osta 00, tJhrl @t mll s Day. . W .. 1'. McCarr en flnU f:f. M. Flte were Quee n City visit1)r8, I,hls week. Mn. J os. Bogan. Miss Buzel Bo· ~Iln lind Leste r Bogun nrc on the s ick liet,. You co u't btumo Irela nd for dr•• _iring lodepen d e nce. ThiS oou ntry lad it once.

FANE. Editor and J' utJli s l:el. Wnync. y ilie. Ohio~

The bU810ea8 m 'lD who roll8 op baok IlOOOUOW 10 bl\d ,Imee a8 well a. 10 aood tlmea I~ tbe buftl neS8 mao wbo adYer"8 88 all the ti m e. but harder aod 8trofl~er t hllo ever 10 bad timet!. Tho t 's beollu8e h e THINK S. HI. tblokln g t. .. lla him that wheo &IOIos are good evory DOEl y hlt 8 m oooy liod " 110 't hard for hl8 ad reaoh 118 mauy 008tom er8 a8 he oeeda to buy bla .took of goods- say 60 out of every huodre d people. or 1i0 per oeot. But wh eo times Bre bact, perh 'PH 001, 50 people out at everv huodred .peod ea.lly. He koow! that where his average advertl 8emeut reaobed tiO _peode r. oot of the boodre d 10 100d time., 10 bard times I·be lOA me advertlA emeo$. wl&h the lIame reaob. 101 power, will rellob 1i0 pl'lr oeo' of 'he 60 speoder s, or 21i. BO$ tba&'s ooly half of wbt t he Is aocusto med to aod oeeds i o o w lie most bave 1111 or o88rly all 'he 50 IIpende rs 10 or. der \0 eqolll bl8100d tlme~ buslnell 8 80 be girds op his 10ln8, fbel op II hillger ad, a w .. l1oplo~ly attraoti ve ad, And If he doeso't reaob all 'he GO

Dr W. E. Fr08t. oor veterlol lrlu n. Tbe Swallow D i lle . Is .a bo@y m~o, day and night . 8 001 hH~' !-/. \\'1'1' III-il l": gh' pu III ~ fnlf'~ Mr. aod Mrs. p , B. Clel\ver onter· tlOl1 In 'Ihlll~, Till' pfJ rlk,lIul' Ic· ..:ou 'u lll rrh I. II 10 'AI dls(,AAe. greatly w os UII lh~ ~\\Hllu\\' t1 1\' ~. tllioed their ohlldron on 8uod,av . ":"\ow . h'tlue n c~i l try ' l'onRtltll tlonn l ondl • . JeJl~ hu".'t ':;11111 tt Hl 11I~1f\l«"ur ttl the tlU I1~. · It \J,pr,' fllre . rl''lulreN cr nslltu. 'I'hlnk of tho new lenvos "h~t will 111081 ' ,o r k\\ ,'tnl 1'11 1'11 . •' ,\"t tll be t urno(l over now, III n few d"Yij. I mOil •. .1 IIkl"..; IlI tHI ,' a IjI ' qlkC'. 0 tlllIllri Ir, ·IIIIIH·nl. HA I.•L'S CATAR RU J!l-'h'o,j ~ nt MI':l lIl ' lt,a; Is IlIk"n Internut'ly anll Mr. an ti Mra Cllrroll Bhidnk er An 1~11l1 1 1 lilli' I ' I"f'It ' ."d all 1I1UI'Il llll b f. pln" h. !lCIS th r,," ~h thl' 13100d on tile MUCOUA \ert/llne d o ut· wn guest@ 0", "Thnt'tj fl rll 11 "Wull i'\\, IIh· ..... ~lIld IL l' I' l1r fnr'r~ nf Illp System. I;JALL'!; ill~ln U'lo ,'. " ' ''II ' ' 11',/ ' L!lIrlo:lI~d til\' till· ( ' ATAHH fl )(EOI CINE rl~lItr~ Uhrl8 hnn8 Day. Y!l th rIl I'I I1 I I 111" ,II'II Ii. l n... " " ' II" I III PII ~ ht I flll",dll ll" " ror till' disease. gives tb" hU ll ~\\ nlli t~\"d II .. \\ Illtl·,· p nIJ I:" Tile ponltry bUSines s 10 t b lM vi olu 1'" l i"1I 1 ' 1:"'''I'l h Ill' Improvi ng tJiI! gen· it y wall ext·r emely I~rge tbis sonson. ""111 1"':llt h nnd ussisls nolure in 'doln g br inging In wuoy dclilurs. ilH Wtirk. A II tlru .<:!(IHIS . . Circulars free. Mr. hnd Mrs. ,I ohu Vllotier voort, F . J . Cheney "" Co., Toledo. Ohio. we re Suutiuv nfi.I'I·nn n clllle rH OU I her bro t h er . Quiuoy KlDg .

,\ ~--::---:::::::::::::::::::::==­


Mr. and Mrs . I rli M Hyfe r d anu HIlVIDI{ d eCld eu t o tll"c'~n'inll" 1 It HAT HAW A \' so n • •Iohn, were Cbrl~IIlI~~ Day vi8. [I\rtlliog I wil l oll't'f HI Puuli C Auo . , ' It·orH 01 hi" Illollhcr . lit t-\lIulnu . li on m y (l ntirl' lill " o[ "Io"k '"lll illl Mr . all ,l MrR ~' rnnk l::!urvllY lind plolU onl ~. 1,1I'lItllrl n n "'" II leUtllDg ,V'Iyned vtlIe's Leadlol l DeD,t., ullu gh tor . o[ Le lmunn . ",,,re ClI rlal . furm Fiv o 1'"iu I8 "c \J ou l to Norl h ' lflloo In 1::I " lnes Bldg. Main S, mns ~ ueR l s of h~. 1II 0 lh or. MrA. soh"ol , :! In l lt '~ Bu .. th of ~pr1tlKbtlr('. 00 th e old (tn'~~ I,.r ll'. 0 11 Chtlrl Ly HHrvoy, lIf !\Ifllll(\ S(·r flot. Art' w<' ~ t)llIr.: In IIT re l II bui l,lIn g Thuf'lla y, l)e,c miJer 2'). I') ~ I. r.jJ"lIln~t b o r oRd"thut w e r ewaMhed l or tlHl },f·IIpflI II I' o ur "u"in.,~" ,wct out lJy t ho CJvurf1 l1 w of stream s. III " ' 0 (·.I"ck, II,,· ! .11 .. " ": I,be h" ullf.y nf o ur I" WII·.· If. Wi ll he In~ JlTllp..rty : 4 U" r H"", ~, ( 11111<'. Miss LUUrR McK ln 8ey, of Waynes ' M"idtb~t w e r'lfillol rnl.tJ'Lh o m o ntlv ~l l:Io~~ . II ::'I,,'op, I'ool tr y . 1" '1'11'. Ville, w,, ~ tb e gueRt of Mr . .. lid to Ulliid II. . Now. IhRt 1& II III IR tuk e. menl·H. II l1rtH'"" . FH" .t. I'le. H,·,. Mrs. W I•. HtHVllY. duriog Ch ril.t. ! lt otl n Oil rUlsr d : wo C" O III1V" Ihe I lIr ~e bill~ Inr fur\.l,,,r pllrti r ullHH We Put Them IIJU M hUlldtng -wA ~hnu l (\ h R\'e It If you ItAIlMJ \:-'; MM\T I ·: )(~ . .: . \ will cn ll lin t·hn writ.e r , whl) hllM 1,1111 ('01 fll rr l'~t T . M'lrtttl. Ant'! . . MISS Puuhne Barl .. u . olerk ln g 10 dope on It f .. <J 1Il p"' ,pl .. wh o Will Ii. lilt· R. IV [(lIylol' .:rucery , h,,~ pr o. 0111100 it II y, lI ' lire II tIInrl ~1in g e r . vBn III uti u Cll urt "'ou~ Dnd oblll{in!! OIONII up h lcc'u Cllllll . f'lr :vou uro n (l U~ ~ I ~ tUDt. gllo(l on flt. . t.h . IIntllh oy till Ull t wallt Notice of Appoi nt ment Mr B L Dllkln one of o ur old yoo In Hnrv ~y~ hIHI{ !'Il 1r> 1 ' ~ nil 8'01(lt e rs und highly r eppeo' lld eiM' j ~e t t "lll't lll' r /lnll \lU I up II 1: 0 0,1 :r.en8, lij v"ry sll n nuMly ill "t hi s hom" bUllthn t.( 1t1r ~l·rvtr· ,· . E titllte (I f l l nrth a IJYt' IIUll t , ftOI 'O:lht·j l. tD o nr city. ;\IHlce III Iltlrl' /)Y t:;in!llII IUI ,I . lI . ( ' l\rtM' rlRht I ---. - . --hiLI hetl ll ·July anIX)[ utf'" ,iIItl ljlln llll"'01 8." A. t! . or (If I.IIU Itd tl\1 1J t l, Murt li a U y tt Mr . tlnd Mrs. W. P. ' leC urr oD ""d ' II LlI l l , 11\t1' o t \\'R.rrelJ l ' Ollll l y , (H III I . dt·\ " 1,110\ 1 NOT ARY PUBLIC t\~O dnught er. n l·e Chrlslmll A dinner 1 "ltI ~ llldft 14th I Itt)' of ihw6111 1,fjr lUll wtlb 1!l Il :r jJltre"t ". I\1r. uuu \\', Z Hul ~ L , JULI 6(6 at III ", 1"I,ill\te l'llurt . J U III1' e M,' l'ltrre n, tn tb e COllo try. Wayn esvill e, Ohio


1j"~l Unll1"

1· -- --On I F. D. HAWKE







Wb.rreu ('uu uly . Uillu.

Dtl&11 (C . ~Ihll luy . Au.v. An IIcoldu n L OCt urrAu up on nur Nationa l Balik slreet~. r ece nlly lIue of our r eck I l ep~ drivo rs cu m e ar o uml ' b e oorlH'r I ----~~~~~~~=== .. ud ~ I ruolt u I" d y i D the M!' f.. l.v 1."1\,· ~ L'O~IMON PLEAS COURT V. BARN ART Wulter Sh l1l\l,. wll'l for Home tlllI e l wae em ployed by H. B . I:Irooks, IIll e New Suita. reHlgn ed on IIceoun t. of hl~ henltb Notar y Publi c. NRll m e Mouaoo brin gs suit IIgnlnst Mr. t:>ha nll ha~ b eln In po 'r heR It,h I I.he Can .. ,II .. u Life 10llurao ofl Co . for for ~ome tim \!, Rod .. e hope thll t II " \ l l nOO willi interest frow All g lIst 24 will 8000 rogaln hi·~ hel1ltll 1\ 11 kinde or Nota ry Work . Wills ID2 1. and Deeds a Special ty. For sa le dates, call W. C, 1I1r. nlld 1I1r~. Frl!lok S bldukllr el' " \lorry brin K" lIult. fo r u i. le rt,"lllect to Ii tur key dlDner 011 vo roe !\gaiolt Hannah Smith 's S tore, New Bu r· Mur r ay Ch ri stmoe Day. Mil'. fl nd M f8 W . L U ross o llgleo'. lin gton, or Harve ysburg , I:! urve y, Mr . lind Mrs. Barry Hhl d. ~ ....... ....... ....... . . aller aod two obildre n. and Iholr son. Ohio, phone 7-2,V:!. Proceed)n.cs. Fred. of C.. )lfornia . h r;tog r tt ph tr ea ty MY PRICE, ONE PER CENT In the oase W hh_h \ \, as s ignc::d at \V ashill g to n A r ep rese ntlltlve of ' h e t;tllte of Beo J effery, ot Irene t->oulhard vs t h e plaintllT is t ir e othe r do y l,y Ih e Uniled SI.,le!. nriered Ohio Wll 8 In oor oity. l!ltlt week. to recover 000000 000000 000000 000000 00 ••• ~t1y••• '388.115 from defend "n' Groat Hriloill. Fr~lIct and .la pil n . loo ki ng !Ifter I\oemlll tor hotels nnll . ~ Balfouf !H1! ! ll"rl twice, the secOll d In tbe oa8e ot Boward W . Ivl n, vs Giaue s Fitted reMttlU raDtl'. BAfol'e lon ll:. t·be day tirn~ {uf Sou th Atru.... • Illborer will have 1,0 pl\y lIc eo~e f or the Elblnge r Shoe Mfg Co., tile plalo AT HI)DBRATB PRICB9 tiff is o ~der ed to reoo ver Illil :.19 th e r ight '0 work e fr om defenda ot . Tbia paper b08 promise d tb e read. A verdlot In favor of the defend "Sabbat h Day'. Jou rney_" er8 to ondeavo r to make t h e Mi .. mi a nt w ..s rendere d In the 08S0 A "Sul,I'tllir ,IH)"s JlI\lI'II~)''' wus the of B er. Sewln~ I\\achln e Repairl nlt, Clock OpUcal~t dl ,!ol tlull'e thA t the law or tlie J,"",,,, (~" l­ li!lzette , marl' lostruo tlve tball ever bert A. Oyl ·,r VH t he Board of '000 . and vVatch Repairi ng, ~w and Tool 8. bef DetroIt ore. Do sa. not s uhsorlb Xenia. Ohio e fllr Rn y of I·y tJomml sslooeu of Wllrren C, uot y ! Sharpe ning, Olueilli t and delllly IIlso lIr the I'llrl)' l'11I""l lulls) Solderin g, the Ilopulllr magaz .n es. I ut 8ub~o rlbe fo ap. ennln p bJ appolnt mlllt pt~ rll1 ll l.·d 0Ile' 10 \\ulk fi ll ~ullduy , r damage s, [n for 'h e Wood Work and Small Jobs in Iron, Mi llmi li tl7.etle. Tb e more AC'tf' 1 :12 tile ~ltl , httlh ,llIy'g jnurney 8ubsori berll, t he morll popol"r It I Pump and ~to\'e RepairI ng, and YEAR Is plot'!''' U! fhe oIlscunt'e uf ~I "ull t 0 11· Probate Court Proceed logll, will he. lots of olher Jobs of all kinds. n .. t ' .:HIII Jl'ru ~ H I I'IlI, AII~- ()lIe co uld All ball the Happy N d W · Y,,·,r' Aona MoCaDd l ess Is lI<lmlHe \\'ull\ th e ll1:o:tHI I ....• trOll' til e cit ,. rl to Call me by phone T he M . E. oh ure h un w r&aloed \ ~ ha' dawos aroond tbe earlh ! 1 '10 the Day too ::Itllte hospita l for the Hro mlghtv .dad to be h " re, to oelebra te IJI ll lld the S UhUl'uS, Hilt! by ttl~ rule their Sunday I:;ohoo l with Santa losane. 1he I el . 11_ blr \ h 00 The wiutry breeze IA nt jJ C'l1'( ... \-It .·s r ills dtstuUt'eo \\"fl~ fixed C1aol! on Cbrislm aHl:\'I'I . 8ant!l was ' ulllft'I', ' U("t' t h ~ r udtufol pr w hil'h fine 10 r em~m bllr l ng t he Baho lo r H Berlh& Roaoh Is admitted to t·h OItloRlo ' bot U oao never l!lst- I ' II Ohio t5ta'e h Olpltlll for epileptlc@. \\ ItS :!.lll " , ,·"hllli. Bnd Tilt' proved Tulilioll South to pl he Hl'ef! " quite Main 8treets an en t or . Auct ionee r think of whllt It'8 brlogin ' to oro wn lilt! ' ulJl llt I II tillY'S j"lI rlll'Y III 1:l lUites, t .. iller . First aod fiual nocoun t of tlll\ e8· We lIuraly h ope be will be Ihe doubtfu l pa!R . . Wayn esvill e, 1 lov(\ Ohio wUh - us for mauy m ore yeare to ta te of M . M . Earnha r I. deoeIl8~, Is -:::::::::: -.-- -the h oor that '8 doe we. becllu~e 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~= Get my terms for your oome. Don" y o n l·hink so. Cy ~ a pproved . kllow It'll mloe; there'R n othlo' Public ~ale. J . O. Cartwr noml n' to IDe. fr nm 'he dAY S of a Ir! ight 18 app Oi nted ad , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , Co ina ge of Tra do Doll ars . S .. nta Clllne Wll~ on dr e~B , pllr"de mlois t r .. tor of the estate o f Mllrtbll '"rl!' ~Igo I l·hen. b e re',. t,o New Tllt - tlltlll 11 111 11111"- uf rrlltl,~ ,1 .. llHrs at th e Town hull. Satisfa ction guaran teed ('om prr', .. , o ur ovole's v ounl1; ost 800, ('!l Illi' '' \\' H~ :~:I . :.t ;_~._~ I ": l. Tilt' 1I11111lter re- t be Hllrvey ebn III the Intere!' t of B. Bunt. deoease d . Bond '2 ,,00 rg High t:>obool. Be or no charge s. -Mav all re plnoe '.helr s orrow with "!'I ' l l lt'd lInd t,l' thl ' :11' 1 II ( I. ;tj WliJoO 7 ,- ou t 80me ire", L M Benders on . L A . &irnm er. OU p" r!!, nnd for KIndnes s bv t·he \ on ! G: !l.O:ir. _ Hlld fl'lllIl 1111' I,ulll .. !! I'P":lIlttllK wbile H looked Ile if h e hlld no pres.a Ulao nnd Myer Bymlln !l re Ill)point fl'ulII rill ' 1 1I4'ltln~ pf 11\£')00 (1 dl,I I ItI '~ (ht-I re Box 91, Cenlerville,'Ohio Ants fur th e vOll llgllters . but 6uRIlv ed approls ers of t he e~t" te uf Mllr \\"(1"" ('n i llt'd III su l'l'o l dl nl' ,v !f;ih 1'1" $~.n()8, he began to tbaw ou t, nnd 'belr th .. B. 1::1 unt . dooea Red. HOllie Phone 2, Centerv ille Ex We Sell It and 07-1 ,;'0 IllId Illfo "'HIli I:lrd :.11\','1' tI(.lIlI rs present s were nume,r ous liud 08ofu!. We Repai r It The vot,e lokeo f o r bls ret arD next JIIarriog e Licensee . Ill' t' lud of 1"1 '11, ' 11111 11"11 tr· I Ht.~ dilllllr!ll year wn~ unuoi woul!I. FRE D · M. COL E Melville C West. e l eotrl ~' 1l1 enRI. lin n' 1+t'plI I tlll'I'I h I S"d II" huJlI"lI \\'11t~ n Mr. snd b4r ~. 1m Sjf1lrd Bod ~on. nee r , Wil tnlU gtoo, and Mi~s Myrtle 1-_ _ _ _ l'J -( '~t 'II I1'd 01 tlip 11 1i11 1 ... . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ' :----------,Iohn, will ta ke p o@~~selo n of Dr. nnd M. Hurley , W .. y neijville ---~ :\Ir!! C G R~ndllll's farm. 10 two weeks. The present ocoupl.o t8, Mr Pe r ,n . Rcnl Es tate TrolUlfers. .. Bnd Mrs . i::!llmue l 1£1118, will move to Ilt'p~11I I~ Illp " l\\-e f ','rl lI l ' llt nt tll eir 0\\ n fnrm , nellr Kluglila o Geo. A . Re n t, 1\ II 0A L. ROJ!l, 114 y' I ti l " E!flS f t·!t' tllll 'I ' _ l 'tI II II l1t'l'd a I pt ' p'.. in Mr . Ry ferd hll8 been employ ed by nartlS io Wll rren rind (:I r oo ne COB.. *1. , I ~ n rl lPdll '!1I11 1 IH'I'I larllll'HI plll tdll l'd tbe I:!arvey sbnrg :'VE TER INAR IAN Fl'rMllw r Uo for C. W . liod Zorn lngram to W . 1:1 tn llli 111t' stlll n:p-h ... IIf \' lId o" "" ;lIdlll(\I S. I·. "" some y eaTS. Ble su coeS80r bas oot Con nllrr06 . I. D1PECTOR Trnct in Cle .. rc r ee k os 1Ill' pi t: 111111 III(-> (·nlf. IIlId is rl'eb~en named. Vaccination B Specialty. Noth. r CAN'!' HA'TE "OR6ANIZ£'Otownshi p. Qu prlll.,' lI ~t.'d :1 0..: on JIlt! 10 d'j,!(I~11111L A I Wayn esvili e. Ohio Ing but Reliable Serum used sllllllnl' C Illra r l ' SlIo I 11I~ D. ' 1I 1 I~ III..;:" I'xt l'lIrll~ .t rl' OIU ta f:lhul!. with hl8 preseno e , W. Grogg to Anth ony CHARIT't' SECUS HATING IUSP('t l\ ,,1' 111) - , 1, la l1t H. .Ippellr611 b "fore hIS MBjesty . and flnd Do lly Wa lk er. About 53 X GIVE:S Me: INDIGE STION. ~ l eQd g ulltv to mallolc uely, fel(lol . lIores, U . Phone 44 HarveY 8burg, O. ' u ~ l .v IInr! IJremed l'f.a tedly preseot. Fully ~quipped for Good ,o g n rlllu em bran ce f rom u friend in Service. Commis sioners' I'rocf1edioi8 , II Rtlj t) loin~ oit.y. 1EIIs dellgbt WIlS .JAN UARY 1922 L~rge Displa y .Room Bill e II lloWl'd: , . V .. Il . Irllll~ . r.,r frolll cto~or l llf.l o o nnd at no &Ime ' n bis b,'yh ood dllYs w·us hemore de. ferriog jur or8, f6 GO ; Stu kl1lt.fl Mfg. a'M ITlw ITI "Is h : U :1'1I0 NE 7 DAY OR NIGHl ' Ig ht ~d l:Je extends t o the dooor Uo .• "UPIlIlf18. f 50; Bnrr ett Bro. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 'lis lI "ortflll L Lliqn It P. un d prom ises. blanb, , a.80 ; Columh lls R!ank Bon k .. 'lIIdor (m lh , II lII or e r..lthful ob~er Co ., blanlrM for AU llto r , 1 2 50; KII . 8 9 ' 10 11 12 13 14 Vete ilnari an vllooe of hiM br "Ad .. nd butter propo. patrlck .Fnmch Mot-or olA r Co .. trnnM 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 . i tiull M'IY t.he l'eader8 of this porting jurors. '"' ~U; County t:lOUlA . DR. J. W. MILL ER. n .. w~v ~ h "6t be bett·e r sati"6e,1 In honrd oto. for Inmutcs . '2H .:J-l; W 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 OfFICE : ~. GrtllHlm , R, lit. B. repl\lrs. la1 7 $1 ; t ~ 22 th .. u in yellr' pa8 t. Fo urlh Street, near Tyle r 29 30 31 , . . . , . , W . ~ (:Irabflm . sume. '22 13; Cm . ...DE NTIS T... Uur bllnk hRS been In o pera lion oinnllti Qlll\rrle s Co .. ornahlld atono. Telepho ne 93 for two Ytlll r~, lind i ls uI1 Rloes8 hllH ,",SO.90. ' UlIlce 10 ~r{\d u .. ll y InorooMed uot·1I OOW s Na"ooal DIUI~ Rich•. Wavnea vl .le. () I Wayn esvill e, Our Cale ndar Ohio 1Il0ro oompl ete bunk:m g building 18 Jan . I - Sunday after Chrislm as nl'eded. Wo wont a mnvlog ploture Jan . 6- Epiphan y room, one t hnt will do fo r leal.ureA. Jan . 8-lst Sunday after Epiphan y s gener&l purpoAP Jan I5-2nd Sunday after Epiphnn y m erohaod lse roolll haJI . Dn up.l o.dde ... K of P. lodge Jan . 22-3rd Sunday after Epiphan y room sod a olub Jan 29-4th Sunday after Epiphan y bol\t if tbe p~oplerOOID . This ORn be who ar e for their home tow n tl rR& an d 10Rt will put fortb Borne effort . TbiR Is needed "nd 6hoold be ereat.ed durln, the y ear 1922. Let's get. o nr he ..ds '0 HUMPTY·DUMPTY gether- tllis neOllsstt.y oao be fi. Dao oed lit home;' DO one will lose a penoy, and It wlll8t8l nd a8 a mono meot to oor loVoo and vlololty . More raio. m ure re,t, Is the 8aylng of bY'lone daY8, and for two days IRst wee k the rain brongh t op t,he stream! to 11 dangero os at~ge , malrIng uanspo rtlltlon Impo8sl ble . Old ('l1l9IAr 'loreek was toll-bo t oat of wblte male, 80 It was oot, ooder the laws of our oatlon, Hable to arreet. And It oame to pa8t that 00 Satur. dllY mOl Ding. at or near:l a. m ., a looe womao was ,0j,ourn lolJ alooll the publlo hllhwa y, ,a nd louead of Ireeplnll: strlllRIi t ahend 10 tbe mid. dIe of tbe rOtld, and by ml @t .. ke, lot off the mtl.lo road and drove. into Uaeaar' s oreek. 10 deep wuter. n wae i 'o alar nlog tbat 8he go.• the Iteed .t rom the walou , moonMl d It aod finally Ilinded on th" road, aod when dllyllgh t oame, the waMlr wa. O'fer the WI"OO, Jo 'I he wagon Waf her trunk, -aod her warcirol ie ' WII DEALERS' IN ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. 'borOU lhly drenohe d, Q!IoUSIDI muoh dleappo iotmeol to 'h er tOlger) , 00 Cbr1lllm al 0.1'. Bu' 'he bed aU, &he homaD belDg wal l8'fed from a waMlry l1·ue. We will . buy Oak, Waln ut, A word to her: Hick ory Travel In 'he da,llme ,.





Auc tion eer


. I _ .-_ . 1---'-l Ilcl . e Jo1-n In


Home y Philo sophy

I •

Wb"n m~oy of 01 were yoong, we wflre .hooked wben we h8llrd ao 00· OII81oIJIII bom or rowdy remark that ",be .... orld owed him .. living" Eveo " ~ bOYII we realized ~h,,' work w., a blN.log aod t h .. t the world. plua oor own ~ff ')rt8 , I'qoaled a IIv. Inlt. Bnl toda, the ouuotry Is full ot alltll,nr l'. malloR their living wUh 'belr j~W8, wbo are preaohl DI &bat sbe w, rId oweR every mao a lIvlnl and I,h ·" all a mBn hae to do II to 1(0 aod' lake H trom I!omebo d, ..ho bal pl(lflh' . Bot wbat wl1l lIappen wbeo Ihn fllw wbo have pleDSy are draln"d to the dreg~? Caonlb all'm, we ~opp')se. 8IIy. Sam :

"U'S wbal you gl'fe,

no' what JOu let, that ooont••





"aeyond the Pal ....

In Ih. time of Klnl!' .1 .. 1111 thut part

of Ireland which "'as slIhJect to En,· Ulh rul. " '118 IIlvllleoi Into 12 coun' tie• • and the elltl~ oIlslrlrl W/l O knolVo .. thoi Pall!. From thlH urllllnated the expreNs lon "heYlIud the pal .... lDenDln. oul8hle Ihl' IRW or beyond Jurisdiction. Inside the Pille. En,III" Ilw WOI Icknowl edg"d anti obe1ed. wbll. the larid oul.lde \\'o ~ In ao al. mn.t ('un~taDt ernte of upruar and dl.lenslo n.



P . ..., ~ NeW


Jesse Stanley,


oe m

Tbe new.1e ar oomel r"jnl oln' - le t every heart be Illtll. . With cheer, antbllm l v· '1('11 n' we IreeHh e ro lad. . Let louh tha. oooe Wll~ ."r ry take up the lI'fely ~tr"ln, ~ .. ,I .· very tbonlfb t we horry be m " " h 10ltfllld pain With maO\' ,. bll'l..ed promise , the rilla' snn <l otb besm; lo~tead or .. kin' fr o m UI 1& lendl! Itll hll ~l fnl "Ieam . . . 1 koow II, horo III plent, h .. ldl preoloa " gift' fer me I banllh nloetee n.twent y. ooe, with tbe thlng8 of 08ed; '0. be


General Repair Shop TIF F AN Y'S


Ed I


C W II d Forea t T. Mar tin ar ,



----_ ..----


--- --- --_

Wal ter McClurt.

I · ...



- --_.--

- - ---

--- --. Dr.

Lloyd Bo · Hall

We have twen ty thousand feet of


here at our Lum ber Yard. We are cutting these logs into Fenc ing Boards and Joists. and are selling sam e at a very reasonable price. If you are in need of Oak Lum ber for any purpose,









~1t1y (lr(1 k.

o f Wl lm iugt-o o

Forrfl t ::;1ll1! h Dnd C leo Mo Kay. of ll. . lllwr.f(\ lind H o mor Bili neli. of I). I'i C .. nre ~ pn o d lOg Ul el r VlIc.atlo n ilL tbni r tlowo~ h e r e 'l'be Yonn~ Llldlos (' Ia ~s or I,he M E. !:inoll ny .• " ilOol. wo ro enlortll in l'd by Ada 'Hili Mnry MoKay Mouda y evening . Tho SOb Oll l rondorpd tin interest ing U h nstlll t48 prog ram Fri. daJ evonlng .


MENoFFI~~?o EX:':!'~~COM~~~W",!I!~E E~~~O Af~~~AT ~~~~~NTlO!~~~~~!.ON

wi'b bome folk s. A large orowd enj oyed tbe Christ.

enterta inment of Lytle t;uoday . 8Ohool at U1e oburoh Saturda y even. Ing. mBS


.,!... •

_ 1. l.dt 10 ri!!h l ) , " Ill es R . \l owarll. p rcsi ll"/II ; Howarcl Leonard 1jJ' 'IS. 0 " '.\ . ('0\ <rrl,I e. 5 u clary; C. S . flro wl1 .'.r izo lla · J. T O rt T ' '."°e • E . GE . I3r.. dfute. vice \\' .ill. er. C:li,in n ';a. Ilrr.sldent ; , . . .' r.xas, .. • 1I1111l'i S. Treasur er; W.· H.



Harvey of near Bellbrook. ! purchased the Frank Mar8h (arm, on Houte 3. lllst week. Dame Rum or has hint ed that Mr . Sacket t will also ' bring II housekc l'per with him. when ' he moves on the farm in the ·spring He is R nOLed hog fancier, Ilnd will use th e farm to bu il d up his breed of , hogs to better efficienc y . The con- · siderati on is not kn own.


Mr. lind Mrs. Alber t Btlloy onte r. Il'Ained ol dlnnPr . Mr. and Mrs. Will Noll. of · i.Jrl~trll"8


Ir you could realize how much th 3t boy of yours, or that young rel a tive or friend in whom you are Intere.te d. crave. the he althy. well·bala need re ad in g motter he will get In THE AMERI CAN BOY. never for n m inute would you deny him thl. plea.ure . For 0 CM.tma e pre'qat, or birthday lIift, a emption to THE AMERI CAN BOY. ubis· unexcell ed. It lasts the whole year through -and Its inDuenc e i. of the be.t.


Butc herin g Supp lies

Josiah Holbroo k, former recorde r of the county. died at his home in Lebanon on the 15th. He lived most of his life in Lebano n, and in :876 was married fto Laura Mason. a for· mer teacher in the school here. He leaves a wifl~ aDd two children to mourn his loss.

day A ppIeS-keAnepsapplethea do~·

tor awav. The finest assortment of ' fancy apples e"er in town-D eliciou s. Winter Banana Rome Beautie s and many others.

Price Redu ced a year. Make lome boy happy - fiJI out the coupon and mall It TOOA Y 1



Come and ses; it will pay you. Will pay 18c for Chickens for a limited time. Bring them in while the price is good.

For $2 .00 enclosed send n Vea,'s Subscrip tion to THE AMERI CAN BOY . be ginning with the ... .•••••• •...• . . Numb er to Name ••••••• •••.•••• • .....••• •.•.• . .. Addre.. . ... ... ........ ... . ..... ..... . . . .

Subscriptions received at this office


for Frida y and Satur day

,Ie,. Coupon to ,h. pu blica tion in .,,"ieA ,It I.. offer oppeor6 _






a~ . .

.The time is approaching.,w hen you will get rid of yOUl' surplus im. plements or stock. Or, perh aps you wan t to buy something? Use the Classified Columns and you will find exactly wha t , ·ou want. Try it ·once,.an d you will ~ome · again. '" \. THE MIAMI GAZETTE Waflle8vi1le~ Ohio



You nce Bros. Gra in Com pany

COlumb.... Ohio

Would 12" on your money. protected by two name notea and first mortga ge interes t you? For tull particul ars address




. -. ~lIU llgQ · 01JNC~~

St. Mary's Cburch The Sundsy after Christm as. January 1st: Church School at 9:30 a . m ; Sermon and Holy Communion at 10:30. The puNic is cordially invited to these I!ervices.

Ferry Christian Church Sunday Sch()ol next Sunday morning at 9:30. Preachi ng at 10:45; baptismal servl~e, C. K and preachi ng Aervices in the evening . .


an d se e th e·wa sh er th at ca nn ot. sm as h bu tto ns or fa ste ne rs


HE Laua. Dry-E tte baa DO wrln. ... to em.·h bu,ttona ..d fut.. ... It ....... ..... ·.Joll a. dty" ....... .. ...· .... ...~"'./ed .

Sunday School at 9:30; Church service at 10:80. We _Icom e all who will meet with us in our worship of· JehOvah . Come, please. Caesar' s Creek Frlen_. Church . Sunday Scholll at this ~hurch every Sunday Rt'9:30 la. m Preacb lnl eervice at 10:30 o'clock a. m. You are cordially invited to be present ,

- - -..

- ...---


of tbOR dia· either tor b ....

Ibe \1ould not torm any

lelt or aal.wllttetl!o-IU),ll-1l1elreb.,- IIDb.,.., aduce countenaDce Ihe expellll ft


Jew.11 ID thl8 .country." !Ie conc:l~ bl, wJ1l with th~1 cJaulIe: "I 'would bave m, bod, bu:rled with as little ,,-peDlIe or cerel'Qon, as ma, be," writ" II. A.. Buqert ord \0 the Thrift H ...•

;~i~~~.... ....----..~--~------..--..~..~--~.... ----m~



_f_f .


eo.. . to

our ..,. ucI ... . tIaa Le...DIy.En. de .. actual ..... ... S.. "ow It ..... work ~ doIq 1toda the ......10. aD4I the

dryin .. See bow It ..... .....,

b,~ p.... " '!iaa all the butto u ADd f~ how it ...... ...... .


balM ...... .... r'. s.. bow It .... abl.. ,au to, do . . .ti... Wlilllain. ~ . 0DCI8

th. water .

puttln',,... .........

A weIl..lmown location.

'""r..... ill


FR ED M. coLE, Wa y..esvUle,r:;(W~I. .

BenJlml n F·r':nkll n'. Thrift.

The thrltt of Benjamin FrankUI i \I renected 10 hll will. In Ilvln. bl. dau.ble r hIs "KID, at France" picture, let 10 108 diamond .. lie nqU@lt.. "lIIat

II!ODd8 \Oto


Ii"" ..

GRAtNS I.towl....oiItun.

Phone 25-2, Waynesville, Ohio

Harveysburjt Friends Church


I . UNION GRAINS i"'r0a4 ln di/IMU", . GRAINS II low , .. Sbre coo_t.


GRAINS I. d 1oulk7-bIab17 ~ ORAINS e. GRAtNS I. . .relofoed. UNION GRAINS .... ,,,. II.. , oom ....ralol I, .... ,;'en oo.nt;nuo u . . . tia/aGtioa 101 cw.,. .20 ,.are. AM ... for f ... ....w. . _ d '-to

The Hamilt on Brokera&e Co"

The usual services will be held next Sunday : Sunday School. 9:15: Preachi ng 8erv-ices. 10:30 a m. and 7:00 p. m.; Epwort h . League , 6:15 p. m. - Everybo dy cordiall y invited.




M. E. Church


Do you know the differen ce betwee n crude protei n and diAesti ble protei n in a dairy feed? Crude protein is the total amoun t of protein discove red by the chemis t'a analysi s . . Not all this ia,dille stible . protein . Alfalfa meal haa as much crude protein as Bran, but only about two-thi rds as much diAeati ble protein . High protein analysi s means little unless the protein is diAesti ble. Union Grains contain s 24% protein . of which t is dillesti ble. This high digesti bility is one import ant reason for the superio r milk-p roducin g value of thil feed over all others.



Moore's Good Oil and Moore's High-te st Gasoline, The Kinds that Don't Smoke

THE AMERI CAN BOY is now only $2.00


Lau rel Crac kers 2Sc

Stone Jars and Cro~ks. all sizes; Lard CanB. Pure Pepper. Salt· petre. Tin Cans tor sausage .

In the next twelve numbers ther e will be aerial. by ouch famous author. a. Melville Davisso n POlt. Ralph D . P aine . Willium Hey . Ilger and Clarenc~ B. K el1 nnd, th e s h ort • torles are by author. of equal not e . nnd the big dellartm cntl which are edited by expert s. are devoted to every legitima te int er est of boyhood .

----- -..


25 to 27 oz. Fresh Crack· ere in a nice Red Tin Can. No charge for the can. Only a limited numbe r to sell; get yours now.

''The Biflf'lt . nri r hlrSI, tle ll MJlllzlne fur lkIy . l n All tbe W vlrJ "


~~"fiDi rOilk-pails ..

We d _ ~h. oenlcM of • bualn_ man. ..I......n. or 'umor. 'or or lull ~Im. &11P~ be .... , rw&rded In bIo comlDua ll,.. Pre'., man .. I~b car. 11:" .. , OPUlIDI for rleha ....... Good pa,. &Ild11... -..I,. emlllo,._ min' tn JOur 0 • • COWIn.u atlY U ,.ou ..,.. wllUnC So ..ork.

122 Xu, Brood


n. .~ tlltrertJlie ptotein

- ..

Th e new Iy e Ie~ ted 0 ffil~ere a f Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A, M. were installe d, Tuesday evening . by Past MS18ter J. O. ·Cartwr ight. Past Master F. B Hender son actlnlr as marsha l. The work was very 1mI Ab t 45 b h press v:o~ be' r~tl ers w:t n VIS ptresteh ,8ever a mit ffi to~ . tedk er e wor t h e new a cers mVI the brethre n to the banque t hall, where they were served with roast pig and lixins. The steward s were assisted by several membe rs of the Easlern Star lodge. '



SEA RS & CAR TW RIG HT 'Waynesville, Ohi o

Every Boy Wan ts It





20 pet cent


A 11 persons are warned to keep off the propert y of the undenli gned, while hunting or trapp!n g . The Vantres e Farms Mr. Ilnd Mra. J . B Th omas, of The Goreuch ~'arm" Conl.erv ille, Mr. and Mrs R .. lph Frank BraEidock Farms Johns Bnd daughte r, epent ~unday wltn Mr Bnd Mre. J, R , J obos and S. D. Henkle Filrm~ Mrs . Cutbari n8 .Joi.Jna . Will Mooney , Mrs. Chloe Bides. wbo baa been 1-___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Chas. Smith ____ ____ ____ _, 111, was t.aken to the bome of Mr Ed Furnas Farms and Mrs A O. William . aDd Mrs. - - - - - - -... --M. Stacy, In OByton, Monday, &0 stay wbere she oan be cared for Read Gazelle's Classilied Ads M M B rH. ay anta speD' Friday In Dayton with Mr . and Mrll. Simeon Brown, whosre .pendln g tbe winter with their daught er Mr. and Mrs. WANT ED:-Lo cal Represe ntative BrowD are bolh very poorly. t;prlngb oro. Mr. "od Mr ' . Rns"ell Bnrnet and Miss Re I 8tuoy.




------- --

A yenr o f health A yC'ar of prospe rity A yenr of happin ess That's our New Yenr's wish for you .

Mr•. Marie Myers and little ter, of Bellbrook, SpeDt MondllY wUh her pareMs , Mr. and Carl AI. brl8ht, . Mr. aDd IMrs I:J. B BainOll and Mr .. and Mra. Warren C W.llIIam Brown lion. Jamaa. and Mr. aDd Mr!!. Wal . oun ty. was h onored • Isst were Chtlatm ae guests ot Mr and ter Kenrlok took Cbrlatm aa dlnDer week. at th9 Canner s' convent ion, MrI. Frank Woolle yanJ family. of with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kenrlok held at Cincinn ati. when Arthur .Dayton. and dauibte r, MI88 Bertha, at way _, Hamilto n " .. elected preside nt and Deeplte 'he hard rain Frldll,q nlle nen,Jle . J. Warren Wood vice-pre sident, and • Dumber ."ende d the sobool e%er Mn. Mary Carmon enter&6lned Leroy S. Irons wu re-elect ed secreolAM ID the afterDOOD. Sobool was to a lamlly Ohrlstm asy dlDner Mr .. dllmlle ed UD,1l Januar y 3. M and Mr •. E. J. C6rmoDY and Ohlld. Ita ry 0 t th ~ :t:te h' orgaDlzat~. . r. IIII.r. and MI'tI. Ulenn Brook and reno Marlon aDd Robert. of ' 1118 cannery ucatlon daUght er, BeUy Jane, of Indll!onllp, field, Mr. and Mra. Wilbur SprlDg• . rotnh8 rWecelv Clerk. In e ayneavl e cannery . OUI, lnd., llpant Friday : aDd Biltur EvereU Clark and the Mllllee Kath· day with Dr. and Mra. L. G. Blook. ryn, Mildred and Margar et Clark.


NOTICE The annual meeting or the Bto~k· holders of the Waynes vill e Nationa l Bank. for the purpose of el ecting otlicer~ for the ensuinj{ year, will b" held at their banking rooms on Tu ell' day, January 10, 19U , belw~ en the hours of 1 and 3 p. m. 4j L . M. Hender son. Cashier.



IN 1922


. ( Left to r.i ghl) . II ; C. Mc~enlie. New yo~k.; F. nurton. Utah; Ralph Snyder, Kansas; E. P. RlchnEJ.l son. MISSI SS IPP I: Gray Silver, \Vest Vlrgtnla ;]o'hn hmes \V . M Orl (\n. I.rorg ia : .f ,,"· .- nrowl1. Indiana, H. E. Taylor. New Jer se y.

I ---------------------------------------------. PURCHASED fARM I'.----

LYTLE Dr. and Mrs. L . U . Brock were Dayton visitors Wedu eeuuy. Born- ro Mr. (lnd Mrs . Iydo "'barton, Chridtm B! Day, a fine dllngbte r. Walter Laoy of Dayt on .pent Banday wl~h hlB parents Mr and Mrs. Jaoob Lllcy . ' Missel Berths find Dayton , are spendin gRutb of the Coon, holld.a ye

!L _ _ __


ln , W. H . ·aa.,IBn, of tilt) 1.0 khw (1 . IIObool_ , \s borne for: tlle holhlny s. IIlllr l Coyl (md Win1fr erl Ogle bee were married in Wllulin gl, 'n Fr iday of iad week . Wm \:lBl\tnge r. of West M.n~f1e l d II tbo gana' of bls brother . Rev. Bal\t ngor Bnd ftl1ll1ly. Ohas. MIIlIl .. nd LeuR LamBr BBines, of ~b18 olHcB. WOr(l nllHri ~ 1 In Xenlll \V cllne_li,IY o f liI.l, week Tbe La,lIe. AId (If 11.", M . 11:. obur('l1 Is prl'pllll ojt til r,' nd er " home to leM plIlY . Frid ll)' e\·~ niu ll. Decem ber HO Ou r 'l'tlllll!l! bfln an uop l l'R~ Rn~ ex pert euo!! with IlIgh "'lit er rrl.111 v I ni ght f\ud ,·"lul'd" v. !:iil\lOell b " \1 ~t"~ wern fl ooded Kud f onds wore IIII }JI\S. 18 ble ILl a ll d tr o(' tlon~ . Eleanor

___ ____

_ ___ ¢&!2 - - -


1I1'tI. J . W. B Iydook I noun "",1 tu ber bo(\lIga

0 0 \1 (\110.



sold and demOllllRJtld 'IN Walter Kenrick

I1£aD !ill~

ele ctr ics






Hardware, l:Iarne...nd FUIP · MachiDert ~ ... ",:' (.


~e vent y-Fourth

') ea r

WAYN ESVILLE, OHIO, WEDN ESDAY JAN UARY 4, 1922 Mi ~s Lola Zel l iM He r lous ly il l at the home of Dr. Mary Couk.


r" -

Mrs M~r i a El llfJn is t eaching school fur Mips Lili lih Ben ham, thi ~ week .

L. N I' rinl z sllI·nt SUI IlIIIY in ('en- Winl pr I hlH will II ... sold ..!I I'fI I) , t l' r vi ll e. I hi" wpek. L e t 11 ' "" " uu e whil!· .1 nil ha ve the cham·t!. G race L Sm il h Nu 2 Whit e Out s for ~ ul l! . Younce Br u~ Grllin Co. M, s . Mary Caskey and Mrs. W. s. Graham visited re la tives in Spring- I Mr. lind Mrs . Fra llk Zell spent field, last week. Sunday in Bellbrook. J . O Cllrtwrilrht lind fllmily lind Mr and Mn Ernest Earnhart Miss Henriptta McKinsey were Dayspellt SUllday with rt! latives in 1)11 J' - I ton visitors , Wednesday.

Whole Number 5468 Mr . an d M r ~ , Har ry M u r ra~ entertain ed to a New Yell r ~ din ll!' r, Mr . C h a~ . Bradd ock and fa mily. Mr . Ea rl Conner a nd family. Mrs. J. C. Gru bb , Mr , J . C. Mu r ray and Mr. R. A Conner and fam il y.


Mr. an d Mrs . 1·;- V. lJarlilool't ent ertained at dilln er , SUli day. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. S. !Ja ily , Mr . nnd MI':l J U. Chapman and l;Ion~ , til r . and M rH Emm ur Bail y, (If Le ban un, Mesd ufl) l's Lina Dev itt, Ju lia Donovan an1 ~~r . Me rt Baird . Mr and M r>l . Hoy lI ath" wllY e nl er taint'd at 11 N" w Y " a r '~ di nne r. Mr . un d Mrs. J. H. 'J'h () l na~ anti Mrs . Kat e J ohns, of Cen terv ilil" Mr. and Mrs. Ea rl T homas and son. Warren. of Soci al Row' Maste r Wa rr en ente rta ined t h roug hout the day . \

10 II

The tcachers in the school have r eYou clln't beat Blu t! Ruckle Culf!:!e_ turned from their vbcation>l ami took liL, t it at Sawyer's - Groce ries and /\l eal!!. up their wurk again, Tuesday morning.

Mrs Susa n Has let . who is attending Mis..q Mnry Bispham since her accid ent of a yea r ago , in so me manner fell otT her chair, Sa turdayafternoon . She fell behi nd th e st ove and b .. in g unable to extricate herself, ~ he lay th ere fo r a co uple of hours, wh en Miss Li zzie I'r alt went in and found he~. He r .face was badly burn ed by the hea t of th e stove. but a fte r medical ca re she re~ ted easier. She is a roun d again, althuuih her face pains her ve ry much. She co uld not remember how the accident occurred .


Miss Lillah Benham, who has been Look at our Plain Blue Hailroad qu ite ill for the past week, is some- Overalls for $1 50; they are of good what better. weight d enim, msde well and will outwear tw o pairs of the ordinarv O.N .T. Sewing Thr.:ad, Silk Thread kinds. J ohn A Funkey . lind R. M. C. Crochet Thread . Grace

. _..- --


NEW COUNCll Mr. and Mrs . George Sam s, Mr . and WAS SWORN IN Mrs. Lee Sarns . of Oregonia. Mr and

Sellman ente rMr. tained at d inner, New Years Day ,

" ' .. 11 1·,-; .. . ' '" C I, iI ,>I.">I"O,,, jat!o U III"'>I , .fler t"e ,i).:nill).: ' 01 ' ,. ! I :d I'. 'ILII II II ..... , IHlr ro. ;I r ! " II . I .~. . Harvey Itye. who spent severlll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Will Sams . of Ft. Ancient , Mr_ Sam Br own and family and Mr. Miss Mary Klippard, of Clarluivill('. days wi th relatives in ClevelaDd, reOur new village officers assumed turned home , Friday evening Mrs. Frank Jordan, of Harveysburg. In Ed Bu r ia n' spen t th e week-c ,eI WIUI a guest of MrB Litla Smith . a their offices at the regular monthly Rye will extend her visit there for a with frie n d ~ in Cente r vill e. the afternoon, Messrs . Wayland and co uple of days last week . Council meeting , last Mondayeventew days Alfred Jurdan were callers. ing . Notable among the retiring Mrs. Rachel Keys is q uile ill al Look at our Large Lot of Hemofficers was Mayor M. L. Parshall, Do you need Shoes at g reduchpr horne on North st reet . nunts, just the thing t or families Mr . and Mrs . M. A. Co rnell ente r- who thus brought to a close a career tion>!! We have them; come in and B!:!eking bargain~ John A . Funkey. tained at their home, Thursday even- of eighteen consecutive years ot St. Mary's Guild will meet wi th ge t yours for little money. Just reMiss Ethel Satterthwaite and Mr. ing, the f ollowing guesl8 : Mr. and faithful and etlicient service aamem. MI. Rowena Wright, of Red Lion, ceived another lot of Men's Work Mrs. J . H Colemlln on Thursday A meeting was call ed at Le banon , ~plmt a couple of Jays , la~t week , ShoE'S, worth $4 75, now selling rAp- afternoon. last week, by Jud ge Cunnin g ham, on Warren Espey were entprtained at a Mra. Bert. Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs . ber ot Council and Mayor. "Matt" taffy party at Centerville. Saturday Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. RUlliell will be especially missed when next idly at 12 75. J ohn A Funk ey . with Mr. alld Mrs . E. V. Barnhart. ac ~o unt of the so ldi e r ~' bonuH. The Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mich- the "city dads" convene. Use Reefer's More-ElI'lls T oni c . f ollow ing committee was form ed : evening. ener, Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Butter•• Prentice Tinney. of lhe U. S. Na- Bri:Jg in your basket full of eggs ; 10 Judge Cunnin g ham, chairman, LeonWe have sevf'ra\ hundred Ladies ' worth, Mr . and Mrs . Jo~1 Stokes, doz.. not a doz. Sold on a money Ha ndkerchief!, f ormer " ri ce being val Training Station, Norfolk , Va., Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge gave ard Slye , secretary; and the coun t y JOe. now 5c; 15c, now two f or l Sc. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ti.nney, back guarant ee if it fa il R t o do th e committee: Frank Anderson . W _ Z. a sumptuou9 dinner onNew Years Sawyer's- Groce ries and Roll, Chas . S. Mounts, Lebanon; Day , to their 80ns and wives, Mr. who has been spending several days work . John A. Funkey. W. E . Cornell, Miss Adria Cornell, with them, returned to the station, Mears . Harley Winfie ld. Morrow; Geo . J . and Mrs_ D. C Ridge, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. K V. Barnhart were Friday . MeMrs. H . A Cornell. Paul Stokes ani Mr. and Mrs. 0 M_ Ridge. Mrs. Mary L Adams returned t o Waterhouse , Waynesville; Raymond called to Dayton, Sunday afternoon, and Burnet Butterworth. ProgresWilmington. Monday, after spending McKinnon. franklin; Wilmer Littell, Reefer's More-Eggs Tonic tones up on account of the seriou s illness of sive cards was a feature of the evenTh e Misses Martha Burnett and ing . your hens and takes the place of the holidays with Rev Bnd Mrs J .F. Mason; John Moog, Foster. Mi ,;s Emma Moody. Mr. and Mr.. D. L Crane, Mias meeting was called Frida y The .... - -Emma Cartwright entertained at Cadwallader . hUj(s and worms, ~o esst' ntial in egg Esther Henderson and tbe Melllrs. evening, in response to a call fr om dinner, Thursday, Mr . and Mrs. W, The next iilSue of J<'red's Adve r- prod uCI inn . Reefer's More- Eggs Fr ed' ~ " Aft er In ven t ory Re-A d- Columbus. Paper~ will be prepared H. Dinwiddie, Mrs. Eva Jones . Miss Tom Pierce and Harold Whitaker Lay. Progr ... the "Kicker." ti!:lt!r will be i s~ut!tI un J a nuary 2fl, ('''Ilie i ~ gu a rallLe~d to u". allLl we 'fI, 1' r!'a soliRble 10011 udap," hlma.,lf saw the Puff and Powder club of and will contain much intert's lilll; " it to you. It WI LL make j ustment Sal e" Htarts t oday, and will and Will be forward ed to the diffe r- Olive Dinwiddie and Maeter Paul to tilt' world ; Ih., unren.onllbl e one Kenyon collelre present "Marl'Jing Bar- ent counties within 1\ week or so, Savage. ma tter to 8hopper~ . th e f .. rlll and nens lay; you can't 101le. Sold at ('ontinu e until Ja nuary 25. PIPI' 1!I . 18 In Irylnl to Itdlll'l th e world to l!'aill s of unu sunl val ue eRn be foun d due notice of which will be given home Be sure 10 I( e l one himsel f. Th e refore. nil ororress de- Marilyn," at Springfield, Friday .:iuwyer's- Groceries and Meats. ill E'ver y de pa rt m(:nt. You a re in- in the press. All co rres pondence The Misses Anna and Eth el Sat- pIPnd. on the unreo6(1l1 l1ble rnlln .-Ue ... eveninlt. Mr. Ethan Crane, of thia W . T. ~'rame has arrived at his fu- I vited a nd (·xpected. Come any day Should be directed to Judge Cun- terthwaite ente rta ined at a house nord Shnw. Mr. and Mrs . J, Fu~ter, Mrs. Etta place, was in the cast. Printz and Mr. J , tj Printz, of Day- t ure horn e, R, D 2, Box 105, Pasa- I ' . ningham , Citizens National Bank party, last week, the Misses May I an d WI' 11 b. e p Iease · d to ' I Mr. . Fl oy ton, spent Sund ay with Mr. and Mrs. J ena,. Ca., t .d Mc Kean • and family . orf' Building. Lebanon, Ohio. Watkins. Louise Davis. of Center· " I' f . f ' I . h' eavln g . t 1I ~ morning , f or their nell' J. M. Taylor. h ave h IS v a I 'orllla rlent s g ive 1m . . . --.... - - - ville, and Margaret Reiske, uf home TI e a r Sprlll g hcld . DurinI!' 1\ co II . th elr ' sort h Dayton. !lla y arn ong us they have 8000 copies of Fred's Ad vertisl'; endeared th ellw :II' t>!! to the communwe re issu ed on Monday o f this week, Save uig money durin g o ur JanuMr. and Mrs . Joe Tinney enterity, wh o wi ~h fu r them l'o ntinu NI and mail t!d free to residenl!! ot War- dY Sale; we arD sdl ing many things tained at dinner, last week, in honor heal t h an,1 pr u~ pl " i I y. ren County. Anyone failing t o re below cost. See our 2i)c Ou tings foo' of their son, Prentice Tinney, of the ceive their copy, will confer a favor 15c; our 25c Dress G in g harn ~ . for 15c; Att end Fr E' d ' ~ . A ft e l' In ven tory U. S. Navy , Norfolk, Va., Mr. and on The S. Jo'reJ Co .• Lebanon, by re- I hI: aoc Worsted Suilings f or 1Sc; 10 Re-Adjust ment S"I,," for bargain s of The t egular m eeting of the Mot!)~ Mrs. Leonard Tinney and children , porting the same If you have yds. of the 4-4 U nbleacherl Muslin exti'em!:! va lu e. It starts t oday. an u and Mrs. Robert Werntz and daughfriend ~ to whom Fred's Advertise~ ror $100 and $: 15; Men 's fo'leeced continu es n nt il J !l nu a ry 25 . E very- ers' Club will be held at the Grade ter. building. Friday afternoon. January will be of interest, we will be pleased .:ihirts and Dr?we~s only : 5c ca~h; Ithin g in th e ~t? re i ~ inc luded in_ t hi ~ Anyone having old to mail copies promptly upon receipt our $2 50 Men s Ribbed Union SUlls . salt! and at pri ces so low lha t will 6th, at 2:30. Mi ss Pa ul e_tta Harbaugh, of Frankcl othin g t hat can be made over for $1.75 J ohn A. I~ unk ey. of thei r namps. astonish you . lin, entertained at a New Year's children , or s hoe~Atoc kings or underwsk e . Miss Annn Satte rthwaite. the wear that your childl~en have outH AT 'S what makes th e r..aunMessrs . Harry and RlI ss~ 1I Satterg rown, pl ease leave with Mrs. J e ff Dry-Ene diff e r e nt a nd b e tter. . :4'._Marlatt, chairman of the clothing thwaite and Bosworth Morris , of th is W o ",,, n everywh ere tel l huw it saves we re also present place. Guests committee. c lot hes, holl' it nl·v" r dama\:cs butto ns, fr om Franklin and Sprinllboro. - -&fUlP b .1encrs , huok and eyes ; how it dri e. coII\(o"-, and blankets for the line ill Doe minute ht'ttcr th:m O\n)' w rinl{e r - Md Miss Leah Smith entertained with how it makes it unnc('c ssary for you to put " 500, " Thursday evening, in compli)'(l\.lT ha. m1s ill III)t or cold wate r. But let ment to her sister, Mrs. Joe Thompu s ~rive ym~ :l dCHIOll str.lti lJlI - that'., proof for The Grange will giv e work in the son, of Cincinnati, who has been .....~~..;;.....;;.J:~_th." proVri. j'holle u. tooJlIY. rhird and Fourth De~rrees, and the spending the holidays here, Mr. and "// it Iuu a wrl.iln' meeting will bp-gin promptly at 7 Mrs. J . H . Coleman. Mr . and Mrs. E ;, I .. 'f" LIJ,m-J)ryV. Barnhart and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. o 'clock, Saturday, January 7th. Elf'" Wayo"nlllo. Ohlu Crane . Dainty refr eshments were S tella Rutterworth, Sec'y. served at the close of the !rames. , ' r ;ll "




'., 111· 'Inn 1:\."" ,

L . Smith

I '



:~~ an~a~~s. ~:I~:~. S~~~a~n~r.~~: SAW PUfF AND




.. -




You don't

need awringer ' whenyouhaveaUltm-DRY-lltTE


--_._- ..

Turn Over a New Leaf


1'9 22



It'~ Coming!


1-1 onders never cease ~n this

busy world. Surpri$es and changes come so thick and fast that we no sooner recover from one before another and greater sensation stares us in the face.



Mr. an!! Mrs. E. V. Barnhart entertained at a euchre, Wednesday e.veninlr, in honor of their gUtlfllt. Miss I Rowena Wrigbt. Those who enjoyed the evening were Dr. and Mrs. A . T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Coleman, Ml:Idames Lina Devitt. Julia Dono· van, Emmor Bally, Mr. and Mra. J . B. Chapman, Mr. and' Mra. D L. Crane. Miss Emma Heighway and Mr, Mert Baird. An elegant lunch was served durin&' the evening.


VVatch and ~ ait!. Our Store will be closed all day]anuaru 13. to Mark Do.wn Prices

s~ Si, Pal~ ' ~itllouncem~nt ~ext We~k.

·HYMAN. &; COMPANY Wayne.ville, Ohio ·

Mrs. Chrystie McKinsey and daullht er, Miss Laura, entertained the following guests a i Sunday dinner: Mr. and Mrs . Ed Edwards. Mr. Charles Edwards and family, Mr. Clarence Ed wards and family, Mr, and Mu. Earl ·Swavne. of Ridgeville, and Mr. and Mrs Will Harvey, of Harveys' burg .

Thjs i. ~rie K. Culp, of New York, who is the father of a · new


01 " selhng


which hat opened the eyes of thc n~I'on'l captains of financc. Hc hu goodl . made In man to lell at rctall. particularly In auto t,res. and hiS system enablcs him to Jell much ch~aper, It the same time mainnl money for evcrybody concerned. from the manufactureT down to the lI~er of the llrel. Culp .. no hOI. He ,• . the mOVlq lenlul In l2I)() litores in AmeriCA. but own. on1y Olio-fi fth hutrut ·,n 'Iny Itore He-. la \ ·· "~ r. tt/ple, the of tile llIain o wner of a

Mr. and Mrs _ Ben Osborn entertained at a party, New Years Eve, the following gueats: Mr. ' Ge<lrlCe Frederick and family, Mr. Jeff Marnford and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Charleton, Mr. and Mra. Will Hutt, Mr. apd MI'II, B4Irt Sheeblln. Mr •. and Mrs. Russell Surface, Mr. and Mrs. Edward -Blackford, Mr. Jakie Reeder and family, Mr. Fred S~rke and family, Mr, and Mrs. wm·Ross, of Franklin. Mr. Marion Oibom and lamilv, of HarveY8bllr&" lIieaee Clara Maude and Elale O. born, Mara. Wilbur Butt, Cbarley and Georse Charleton, Boward Surface, Albert Starke and Merle Manford. The eveDiDlf .pent in l&li... carda, danciD If aDd mulic,


M. Cole



Sears & Cartwright


Public Sale Conductors' dated with us assures you of the best 11 SALE possible results. in handling all klnd!i of sales gives OURus aexperience wide acquaintance among buyers. keep posted on the market value of W Ethealways property to be sold.· ., is why the sales we conduct nearly always T HAT total more than the owner expected,' A sale is not simply hunting new homes for your slock But U's getting the most money to put in your own sock, You are the one most concerned, for who else cares, How much or little you get in return for yo~r wares; Just for your own benefit stop and think, . W~e~her it's milk or wate~ IOU want todriilk, " , • And remember it'Ube too late for Doc after you vedted So while you're well, take experience and be satisfied. ~


Aman 'Buildin,

Wa,n••"III., Ohio ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......_ • • •


The Miami


alude me on thAT cftnnlbol.· vISltln'. lI at. Inti go to ('ootralllctln' ,De IIglo,



£,11-" "l\lar." IntfOrrUl'tPd Mr. Glb ey. ongl·lIy. "cont rol yourself, It'a ogln the rules to hove rOI-eh Win' lind back-bltIn' on th e Mn g Ie Il e memher "ur m6tto : ." II t or line ftn() ooe tor ull ' "nerf! ro mee Ihnt sncnk ln ' Imeh yhpn n .. d mllrder~r hR Ck to thp \·r~"(, !." In terrtTptPII ~ l cGtTlTl'Y. "1 \\',,",II'r whn l dp\'IlI1lf>TlT h~' s up t o now ." Mr. McOulT~)' wo - pnrtly righT. fl lr In a minut es "nhu ·"nJoII clime !llong. allle. r ll mbl'd 8 hoo rd, nnll .sIIlHnll'll. Mr. Olbney. tpartll l or ~I cGu rrl'y'fi In· nbnlty , to conTrol his antlpalh)' tor



fo rwurd

1'llrlltl l ll~

cast le hentl \\tlll a


Glbne>' met Ihe Sl'ol;,'smoli OT til<' rail lind they r ulrb~d n us ~ s

(' ''1' ''''' punl"h · IIh l ~ by I,olil u' the orre n" er .ell\'I\ III vallO 011." "\\'ell." rUTllh lcd :\1 ~ GIlIr .. y. "lh ld Tllhu·1'nbn don' t look lUu c h ilkI' a pr'·lIch"r. It you ask me. But ho w II hollt th l. hls rk roral?" "Oh. 1" 'e !'Ihbed III' ft ,1801 wITh h im." 8111 " ~I r. Tllhn!;'y. "He'lI 8<'e thllT WI' I' ''t TI ll t ilC t rude ,,·c Cfln lUll U

l uu ,·)I1..·"

\\'(f rE' thti



~11I1I "" r

fllI'i l'" III The

Iy tJrlOlllll1l with plMln l. Hlld e llllll " '~~. \\'h('II(" cr on l' or the Oot ilia of CIiTl Ol'd ho\' ~



n·~'it~Cl fill


I'hn h) ~rav h of Jer ome him self and ..,I' ·,d . ~r l',J1 I,{r H l.JL1 twr \\ .• " a br') t hc r o f Napol~on 1 and " .dtl"r"O rl II I U .\ lt llll'


wp' ll hlln:t t o go."

"R II I·p".ln· tlr!' king don 't c nre to hnl'" 1111)' tt'u c k I\'lTh us ?" tnQutred ~ I vUn't·)'. Rnxlously. " In tlt llT (· a8~. MA C." 1'<'1'11 .. <1 the COIllIIIl.r1 o re with 8 smllt'. "we'll JUHt tl lllurllily shell him out of h,)use and h O IIH.I,"

"\\' 1'11 . then." snld McGurrey. "I N 's get Ihe gUlls r~ n('ly . om~tliln' tell. me th ,'~" Iwople a ln'l 10 he tl· u ~t('(l. Rllrl I'm 1 ~lIln' you right nol\' . LIIh. I won' t sleep well tonlghl ulliess th e m two Qunrter IIRtllng~ nnd th p ?>lnxillJVlct.ers rnl)ld-flre iuns Is mounted un rl ready for buslne.s." "Al l righ t. Mll c." rel)llod ~lr. Glb· noy. In the ton e one uses when humorIn g n hnlly . "Sel 'e m up It It'lI muke you t~el more ch~rful. Sti li. I llon ' t lIee why you wnnt to go Bctln' 80 fool·

They Rubbed No... Very Solemnly.

Ish OVP'r nothln'."

"\\·ell. Olb." replied the en&lnel!r. "I mny be cruzy. hut [ aln't no fool. nnd It tb ~re's n dend "'hnle Dround the Ihlp, I can come prelly ntnr ltueilio' It. ) tell you . 011>. tllut 'I'nbu-1'ubu nlner hur1 ft lock In his ~ye for all the world like TI cur dog IIckln' n bone,. I aln 't tuilin' no chances . Myoid TUno used to 811Y: ·Bart. whatever you do. allera hO"e an .ncbor out to wind· ward,' .. "By the 11ft hind leg of tb~ Orea t Sucrcd Bull." enopped CaptaIn SCrB,gs. "If you aln't enough to preCipitate \\' ftr."


"HcOutrey. my eSear bOY." prote ..l~ Qaptain BcrnglS. "don·t be s o clogg"ne rude. You might hurt this pelur lo llI'S teelln·l. Of course he's only 0 shll ll ie nnth'e nlaier. but e\'en 0 dll \\'1; hD8 feelln·l. 1'ou--" "'+--r-r-rh I' snarled 1IlcOuffey. "You two belay tnlklu' flud sn uppln' at each OUI r." commanded 1>\1'. OIb· DIlY. "DO' lell\'\! aU burglllni n' to me. Thle boy Is nlJ ri ght pn d we' lI get along IIr6t rnle If you two JUSI Iollul .hlp and 110 sornethln' ll ~e flll 1)t~,h I1!9 butlln' In on yonr s Ulle rlOI' onlc(' r. Come along. Tllhll-'ruhu. Milk "" 111I1p. ellt down In cuUln. You ITlII"'1! (,lIptaln.'t "Olb, my dl'lIr 1J0y." ~1'1I11, "'\''' (' 11 1" lnlll






from tbe conference with atr, Gibney aDd Bcrtl,l's nnd ,,'ent over the 81de 10 hi. wllltlni Cllnoe. "WeJl. what'B III the wind thl' time?" Inquired ltIcOuft'ey, "We're Invited to a big feed with the IIln, of Kondavu ." rep li ed CaptalJl Scro ggs. as happy 08 a lJoy . "Hop Into a clean suit of du~kl. Mn c. and come along. Olb'S gOlD' to bra nch Il littl e kpg of liquor ood we'lI muke 11 nt g ht ot It." "Good lord." gronned McOulrey. "does the mun think I'm low enoltgh 10 ea t with nlggers 1" "1A!Rv8 him to bls OlVn d(wlce •." sotd lIlr. Gibney. Indulge ntly . "Mllc's jUNt liS Irish ns If he'd bee n born III Dublin. In stead of his o ld mAn. No· body yet O\'el'COTfUi the prejudice of nn Irls hmoo 80 we'll do the hooors ours"lf, Scra&gsy. old skittles. and leave Mac In cbar,e of tbe ship." "Mind you're both back lit Q Sl'nson· nblo bOllr." warned McGulrey. "It you nlu·t. I'll suspect mischief and-sny I Glb I Well. whnt's the use ot talkln' to a 01110 wIth aD l",aglnotloD 1 Only If I have to go Il8ho're after you two. those Islanders'li date time from my visit. and dOl1't you torgot It," upan arrl val at the beacb the two nd"enturers were met by Tl contingent ot trlghtful·looklnl savllges boorlnjt long 8pe6rs. AI the procession tormed nron nd the .... guest. of bonor and plungell Inlo Ihe bush. bound tor the klng's worl. two Islaod maidens murched Ilehlnd tbe two sea-dogs. wavIng h nile palm-leaf fans. the better to fIlllke the pnssage a cool and comfortable one. "By the gods of \\'or. Glb. my deur ho),." SRld tbe delighted Captalu Scrnggs. " but this Is dnss. eb. Glb?" "c:" cry Time." reHpo,"I",1 the cummo· uore. ··It thn t churl;! r;- 1"'JlIIPd ~lt'uuf­ fey onl), Illu l ,Itt! St! II~t ' lu tOIlIC' ulung

III lI nd. ' I'.

r"III >I","r-

u\\'hllh.·\· ~r · ~

McGuff.y Contentld Hlmaelf bl( Pa. radlng B.ckward Ind Forward Aol'Oal the Fo' C..tle Head.

he fIIl ~ 1I 1 lit' l'IIJuyllJ ' hhll ...plr, tilU. . nHl '4t hlt dlJ.,!ulripil. ~t'J':q.a~~~.. t lld

. rOM'gs. hurstlng Wllh ('lu'! lI slI.v,

folJ uw lTlg the once

"War." replied McGuffey. "Ia ml' long s ult-pnrtlculftrly war with nath'e nlgge rs . I jUlt nnturally crave to pUTlch the oar ot anythlnl darller tban a Porttlgee. R ememblr how I cleaoed out the police del'ortment of Panama?" "Mount the i\ln8 It lou' re loin' to. MAC. It not, for the love of the Lord do n't be dcmorallzln' the crew ,,'Ith tills tRill ot war. .A II I ull II that you set the !Cunli Arter I've nnlehed my bueloees here wltb Tabu-Tabu. Be'lI hCl'u on 0 war .e8sel. and knows ...·hnt lune are. and If be saw you mountln' theTO It rulght break up our frleudly relaTions. Be'lI thInk we dOIl't tru s t ht lll." " "'ell. we doo·t." repli ed McGuffey. doggedly. "Well. we do." snllppell Coptalo Scrnggs. There Is alwa ys something connected wltb the ule 'of that pronoun of kings which eats like a ~nker nt th e henrt of men ot the McGulrey breed. Thft t officer now Ipat on the deck. 10 dplIIlnce of the rules of his Ruperlor om· cers. nnd nt Oaplaln Scraggs. "Speak tor yours elf. lOll mluMlblo little wart." he ronrt;.,-!. "It YOU . In-

g~I '

t ilt'

UIl '


i " 1"11

l'It l1. .."Il .

n~ lll~lIl ­


S~ li s ltl\(' Ullt! !1('(.' ullnr. HIHI tlntl's




IIU 'II I1:-1 ,

ho.llU""PI' II t'!1\ .( .


WU ij lu ChUI'cll,


(a ll lley.

011 KUlldu \' u !!!oj


If yuu


u s nut or [OWII


love to ~(I" thclI) ghlnA: U) e to ~ ... nIlIT(ly." snld CUJltnin

S~l'agl:s. TIlII ~I TlI:I .". Mr. Gibney hnd /I "wlfl TIl(lnTIII ' pl"Tur~ of sudl a pl'fl(·eerl· Inft UTld dlu(·k l, ·d hOI'lll1)'. Hurl he bl!ell Ill' rTrIITT"(1 II /o:ITIIl CI' at ~lcOllrTey at thllt TllOTTll'!lt hi' lulghT hll"" nhservell Thllt w\ll'II.)· sweIT"rlng In the heut ut th.. rorl\'or'l IlOhl nt the Moi:gle 11. for h,! wus hU H." g,·ttlng hlH guns 011 deel\. Frolll which It wlf! I'('udlly be ,I"dlT\'l'd Ihll! II. ~1 (' (;ufT.·y. 1r..'IUlte. Wll a tollowlnl: thr: r:d\'lce ot his paterllul 1lIlI '~~t()1' nlld gettlll~ 1111 ancho,


he n p uf Influence at court. Tioe el'ew Of n British cruiser stole 111m r(lf II golh))' police when he W08 " kid. Rno he iO( cl.-lll ..ed Rnd lenrn etl 10 tll ik Engll ~h . H e was 0 cnnnlhll i In th em doys. Ilut the cllnp lnln ulonllrtl shuwe,1 him h ow tooJ1 ~h It \\'115 TO ,10 s udl things. and I1nlllly Tuhu-'l'IIUlI ~"T n" IIl'lon Rnd a~kCd ae a spec lul fu,'or to be allowed to return to " unllll" u to cIvilize hIs people. As 8 resu lt ot Tabu-Tobu's elrorts. he trlls me the klul haa cOllcludeu chut wh " he'en t s • white ruun be's flyln' hI the tnee of bJa own Intel·(!S1.8, and most g"IH' l'lIlIy a ruohOUI comes al oug In a few Tn on thi and ehell. ,the busb. IIn,l-well . nny· I"".. li.ere Illn 't been a baruecuc on

pl'ul1le ore why

cIlll hl SIIY .l urk 'Hoblnson."

hOIlIl ~"

This Tllllu I.ITI I" SOl'!

ot prime mlulater to th e killg. wit h

Thi IS t'

\\" 0 lutH'II" lu l;: "1I any WPJlPUfiS with 118. It 1111'.\' Ih ll,,)(ht w~ doullted th eir hU' I'II IIIII)' Ih ".I ·oI Illl\'e the COllrt

ellged up unu cy.·" Tlop s e ri ou s ly. "l5ul'c tl ,,·r.. Ilghtln' Tllixeu "l' III IT ?" of It." repllt·rl

~U\l n ·

thlll .\'lIu'l'e hlt:: 1I 11~' Idll g, h e f'Huse

YOII'n' lUI A TlH'!'I"1111

itt" 1, h ."

\' 0 11

UI' J1~I' I'III (' I'

" 'lnd7" "Money-fortune." suit! Mr. \) lllI ley . McGuffey COullllodore aln't 0 IIttlc he uskclJ. "Not a bit

out to \ wlnrl wurd.

Or. Michael

J. Curiel' who b..

j1a.t been IDttaUcd, with ImprCNLvt ccremoDiet at tbl Ar~hblaholl 01

B~llim~,ln 5uc(~.1on


tet CardinalI




mar-n ed ~l l u

- --------

- -- --

('upTnTn l:!rrIlKis. arrer hi S sTIIgJe snrleK tor Il\'l p. hroke frolll th~ circl e or AUV ' oge" lInll n,·" like a frightened \'Ahhl! oldt'U d,,~· ~ t hfo potH1ln~I' Wf\ !7oli wflnt t o tur I ii i" ht'ltch. O U\! ot the nu tlveB gftth pr tnr Its clllITdllnl orgll'~; how h II rlL'd II rlK'k II t III TU. The IIIlss11e took hfO Ilrr' ~TI' II hili dlsT lngu lsh!'11 \'1 ~ lto .. f;('rllJ(l:" III the back of the heall. Dnd with t he OI<i~t rro,Uglous rubhtng of he IlIsln ntl)· curled up In a heap. nos~ s "N'n In th""e portA t or nlaTl~ "~. ' I'a!!~s )'·e dea(\." thought Ihe hora riAl': nt the reast tho t foll ow,,!I: of. 1'111",1 t:thney. ond ~I>rong at the klug. the towlA ftn~ 1'11:" ThAt gUI'·,1 th, ' III 11 1111 IIlnlll"nt It caTlle TO ~(r. Gibney festive hOHrd . not om ITting the kel( Ilf TO H,-II OUt dearly. alld I' he ('ould dla· Three !'tor thoulI:htftTlly provldert Ill' I"'"" (If Th e king. he telt that Scraggg' IIIr. Glhney . dplith wn uld be o'·engell. In 8n tnHtant Tabu·Tnbu ft~tea as tnt erpret e r and ule CI.>T lIlIlud ore·s great arlll& bad evpryThlll!C went Rw lmmln&l y until r ln~l'd urouT141 tbe king. anll with the Tabu·T ft hu. hl ~ ho.p ltftllty dnuhtl e.s 1"'11'1 ("9 1Il00l/Heh In hie bear 8trpnloltlH'Tlf>d hy tr~quent libation s of gr ip ~[r . nlhlley ba cked up RI:nl1l8t the tho EIlJ:lr ot Lite. beggpd lIIr. nlhney Tll'nl'r"t bungnJow. A frlnre ot .ptnrl to Invite the remainder of his crew thrt'nlenerl him In front. but for tbe mOlll ent he wu @at behind. nnd the .shorl' ror Ihe te M!. ~[r. GllJney. hiID' kln g's body pro!ect~" him. Wbene\'er selt rlltller lIIuII llllUll!d by thl. time. 011 1' ot the S8 \'lIgps mnde Il job at Mr. th oug ht It might n(l( be 8 hnd Idea. nthney, Mr. Olbney ga,' e the klDg a .. \t ·s n rotten s hllml'. SCrll/':I:"Y." he h('Il·rons trlctor squ eeze. Rnd the moo8ald. "to Ihluk of thllt tool ~l r'Gull'ey nrch howle". not loe l,,' he re tn ellJ"y hlll, sL' lt. l'lll "I'll squl'eze blm to death," pTlOred goln' to sl' lId !I note out Ill' """ or ~[r . Glhney to Tabu-Tabu when that Tnhu ·'!'"1,,,'· b,t:'ys . nskl~htrn Ollce Indlvhlu ul had mRoal'ed to pi ck himmore to ~U lll e u"1rul,;;-or tu let thC sp lf up. "Let me ro, or I'll kill your nrsl mute RII<I Oil\! or two of the 8L'1lking." me n COUIll If ~1. lIc stili retus es to lJe The flnswer wus 8n eTlrtbeoware pot ell'l!." whi ch crashed 1I0wn on Mr. Gibney'S "u ood "It' n. Olh." stlhl Cuptnl n ben d fro TTl a window In the bungalow Sc .. nl!l:~ . his IhOllth filII of ..... ",t ~ hl c k · behind him. Be sOlged fon\'ard .nd ell ulld YUln s. ~u ~Ir. UlIlIwy 10['(1 n t e ll on his face with the g08plne klDI' If>nf Tlllt f,r hts p"e k,·t lIl elllOT'lluelUTlI In his arms. book . "l' !'II1I IPII n. nllll' to ~l e(Jlln·I·Y. onll bllTIlh'd It to 'flkl," ·;J'lIhu. who lit unce CHAPTER XII. !l1~JlHI('IIl'd II TTlI' """ III:~r with It to UlC MIlJ.!/: le II. On bonrd the Mnggle II B. McGuffe),. Within IIHI, on hn ur the m ('s~en~er F.8Qulre. had Just gotten Into po Itlon rl'tuI'III' d, li e \\'IJS wll,lIy excited nnd (h e Mrutlm·Vlckers "pom·pom" gun on I'II11n°rj II 1\1I'rent of nathe gibberish tep at the houBe. The last bolt tbat Inlo Til" llTI!'Tlt h 'e ~or ot Tnllu-1'nhu held It In (lloce hod just bet!n scrowed und t il ' kln~. 1:lL' Jl,Jlnt('d 8 ·"ernl tight when clear and shrill over the t ln ..·s T. . Tio p I",llnt of hl 8 Jnl\'. rubhell tOP8 of the jungle and acrllBl the stili TI", ' 11111 11 u( hi. bllrk. n 1111 once he surface of tbe little boy ibere 1\0Tlted IIItwhl',1 lil 8 nllst:; II IWr~lIl1tlTI ~Ir . GIIlto McGulrey's eurs the elngle word: 111.'y \\'n ~ IIWltre tllut 1he sa le.1 u T'gltn hnd "Help I" II SIl)( IlT II " T to purt. Dllel I.e RO In lIIc(Jurr"y lenned ngaln st the gun. fOT'llIl'oi T'rl\.tnlu SI·I·II"5. N"lt h ~ r ot Rnd for the moment he was BI weak I he g"11 II lII ~ n hu.1 t he sllj.!liI"'l 11'011 ' o@ a .. Child. "Go \\'d." he muttered. hi" III nfl'l\'lllg nt the '"rfl'CT suhTllon "thnl wns Srruggsy and theY're n-goln' nt th~ IIl rs!'· r,I·. Th e r',),ol 11I1·•• "II!!"r to put him lip. Oh. Olb. Glb. old man. hll,l hel'n In cunt IIII'ntly Id ek .. ,1 ,We I' · why wOlTlrln't you list e n to Ole? Now hOIl fli hy B. MCOUn'l·Y. ~;''1l1l re. t1l cy'l'e got you . e Ild what In blazes Tuhll-'rIlIIU's \\,11.1 ,,)'(·s I:IIT IPrer1 nnd I'm ~olTlg to do 10 get you back. dead grew I\'lIder nnu I\'lIl1 e r li S tll~ mes o or 1111",'. I ,!tIOna." senger I'I: I'OI'W(I The 11I,lIl:lIlty thus It WIIS fully hnJt Rn hour before poor heo ped UI,OITl Ill:m. Th e kin!; scowled MeO u",!!y rnnld pull hlmaelf tOKeth.r. at ('optlll" Scrugg". nnd ~"'. Gibney and when he did, his grlef W89.llUpel' was 8u,hh' lIly 1l\\'llrc thot I:r>Os -nesll I 8\,111001 by u lit of roge thnt was tft'WIIS hren k Ili g out all Ule bo c ks or his sturdy II'g', li e hnd n hnunlln g "en· rlbl p to behold. sotlon thlll not 01J1~' hnd he crJlwlel1 "ST"11 lI ye ly. you blasted scum of Into a hole. but he hod pull~(1 the en· the sens." he Lowl,' d to the TIlllte. nnd Ure Ilperture In orte r him . I~or the th e cre w Ilotherell Dround the gUll. nrst time he b<'gnn to fen r thnt hp "LUll up 0 cuse ot amlllunitlon aDd had been too preclpltllte. ond I\'lth the \\,e'lI shell thnT hus h until e,'en a par· thought It occurred to the gnllant co m· rot ;"un't he lett all"e In It." modure thn t he would be mu ch 811 te l' "Ayp. nyI'. sir." respo ndell the crew bock on thc decks of the Maggie II. to tl lIIun. ond sprung to th eir tusk. Always ern tty and Imnglnatlvc. how"rill an olll nu.y gunne r." so Id the ever. Mr. Olbney cll me qui ckly · ~o the Ilrs t mnte Quietly. "I'll hoodle the front with nn eJ:CUHe tor getTing bo ck ute IRTpr h ~ IIrh'uncP(1 Into Ihl' RIll"'" In th,' rrn tH ot· hi s wort. wh ,·r,· In th l'

hlUdllt ' S8

chid" /1loollrll tor 1110111'1'. Or else h .. ·11 In, II>' "0 n_ll ore t or TI bi g ',·ed. an d

IOlemnly. R,f ter the manner of salu tll· tlon In K.neSa"u. Captain Scroggs bllstled tOnl'8reS. tu11 of Importan ce. "Interdu~ me. Glb." h e laid amiably. .DeS theD . whIle Mr. Gibney t il "ored tum with 8 SOllr ,I.nce. C8ptn ln BCTaill .tuck out hll hllnd and ahook brlildy ' with \b .. native. ''H.ppy to your acquaintance." be .. leS. "SCralll la my nllme. Ilr. Sbake handa with McGull'ey. (lur chief tilpneer. Hope you left all the tolks at bOUlI well. What'd yOU 80y your name wur' The 1.I.nder h.dn·t· said hi. nome '11'" .DythID;. but he Irillned no,,, and replied that It "".. Tabu-Tabu. "Wen. my bucko." mutterpd 111 Ou tfey. who alwaYI drew the colo r line. "I'm ,I.d to hear that. But ~'nu nln't the only thlnl thnt's taboo around T"I~ Picket. You caD j~ s t check thnt " 'or dub with the lint male. pl'ndln ' our better acqualntallce. HRnd It over. )'ou black beUR r. or I'll bit you A IWlt In tho ear thot'lI hurt a ll ynur relation.. And bereafte r. Sc rag~sy. lult keep your nluer friends to youreelf. I .In·t waxln' eft'ush'e over Thl. aava... aneS It'. ailn my princi ples eVlr to .haka h.nda with a colored man. ThIll chap"" a d-d ully CUI· tomer•• nd you take my word for It." Tabu-T.bu Vinned aaain. walked to thli rail •• nd to.8ed hla wnr club down Into the canoe. "He rood mJaalonl17 boy." bt .. Id. rath.r bumbly.

I S d.

",'n (1<1\;;' o r II I~ I I\lI[1~HI I) W \\ n ..'11 fI," fOil\\' the Il rol' ," ~u'lo n 1I.:(}l11lu g: .of how R 1II1n.

with liS. It he CI 10,loot"IlIS , \\'(~ ' II hU\fiJ him und Tuhu · 1'lIhu 1111>1 I hr~,' or fOur of the s ubd ol fi'

Tht: ,dto\t'


IHI \(' u thu lld" rln ' lo t or Slu rT on hOll rl. TII IIII ·:. i!une- "~ho re t o t fil k th e king h ltll

'1'1." 1," 10: ~o unlry . ., 1 AIl" ,",a. wh ose complete frce<1o m has been assured h\' th" I , ,''' ~ '' ': o f ~ dtiuns. has asked Jerome Napole.on Bo naparte. 01 I' .! 'lIl1on' ~(d , to co1l1 e ('I\ t: r an d be their king. He IS consldenn g the ' ItfeL

thnt 's

On e might go IlU lit groTII lenl:th and describe Th" trlullIphlll ~lIlry of Commodore Gibney lind Cll ptlllTl S('roggH Into th e capitol of Kllnllll\'lT ; or how the king. an 1l1l,lel's lz(!d. shrl\'clell 0111 aa vue. Itls uush:v head out the

'"'"'any f'J ....



shllwetJ 011'11" at cr osHlllg an lJungl11111'." dpn(lIll1e IlrtlWI1 hy ~Il'Ollll'cy . h(' 1\'(IlIlrl polnl tlls rlTle aT thew find sW"n r hor l'lI,I)'. He 0('0\\'1"" nt Tnllll -Tlihu wh,'u 11,0 1 Inellvldunl Onnlly elll"rgcl l

here In tw o ~· '~ II t',. . Hud till",)'

n locul c1iscU8Q,



lUh'I, ·


hollow or hl~ Qrm HIHl lil t; P"/, ~'1Il rnlr-

I Crill"! Kn ",IIl"u rOI' T ~n v~llrs. li S 1(. enl II IIl1ln no \\,. and


n r rojo:~


"Kill '~m all." nl\'e~ MoOllf1'{·)·. "kill illfluenced by consti tutional conall the tJln8ted nl ~II:Cr~." ditioo~. ~.~ L~S . CA'l'ARRH When Mr. Glbnp)' r,·11 under the Im- MBDcCrN .... HI a fOllle and Rloorl poct of the rullll'nwnre p/'lt he wus l>urific r . By cl ,tlTlsi n g th~ blood and only p61'tllllly ~lI l1llle,l . As he Irlpu to building lip the };;~'str m, HAl,US Hlr ugglp to hi .. fept hlllf n d01.I'n hlln d8 1 ATAURH Mm I,0 1NE restores wcre lahl on him 111111 In n trlc" he WAS normal ('ori.Iili ons nnd allows NaIll'! rl nlld rnr rl l',1 hll('k /'It the wo rl Tu t t d 't ork . a 1'J~lIr ~l'n,'1' wllere a d/'l'l'o hl'III' )' nfe 0 0 1. ~ W '. tenl(\"ood p08tS ~1"Cl!l tn R rllW ah(l\lt All Dfngglsts. C irc ulars free. fou r feeT APU'·!. Mr. Otbney \\'IIS quick · F_ J_ Cheney & Co" Toledo, Ohio. Iy ST rlrll l'd ot his l'Iothtug Ullrl IInunti h.lld and root to one of th e8~ post8. Tbrl'o minute. tnter another d~lellfl ' ttOll ot rllnnilio is urrl,·~ll. Io ~l\rln~ th ~ limp. nnlr.',1 bolly Of ('uptoln S'·MIggS. An ad . in this columll is 8 sure sale \\'holll Til"" hOUlld In .Imllor fn shlnll til th~ IIORt i,.' sltlp lIfr. Glhney. f;"rftKgs , Continuod on I,."e WlI . \ ·.. ry wh iT e unci bloody. but COIlIctl1118 . Rnd his pole·hlll e eyes w~re IIl ckHl ng III,,· A slIuke·s. MONEY LOANED "\\'lloT',-whllT' s- lh e mennln' ot thi s. Olb?" h e·d. lIN~:Y LIlTlnt,, 1 l ' U IIvll 8'0011, "It TIlenn .... r"p lled th e rommodore. l'hllt. Il, I~ ... 1811 8eO\ltl!l1ll0rt' ~Hl(e8. "tllot l!'! 011 air but the sllnu llng \l'lIh J " hn Hurblnl', All e n Ul l' Rnd you.' ScrtlggS)· . 'n,l. ,,·11011 NoJtllH bonllht Tnllu .Tnhu I. 0 d- d trait or, ond hi. Bnllc1lnl(. X"nl~ Ohio . 6 ~ Ill! p.'ople ur~ slUI (·unntbnI8. Be's th e d~ coy to get 1\'1I11~ TOen "shure, ·n,,·), Sl'h"TIlPrl to trent li S nl ('e unci be frlcnd · Iy until th .. y cuult l get The whllie rrew ashllr<'. (If "nollgh of IIlPm TO tNI\'e the 8hlp helpless. and tllcn-O OAw,l.

Olasslfled Ads

t he race. b .. ckoll"d Cuptuln S"mg l:l IIlId Tnllu-Tll hu tL' rllll.,,, It llil llOll' 1I 1111(1 the culJlTI . Me llTll\'hlle. ~"'nulr~y Wil l'll

CatftTTh i



eOl1telHed htlll iote1t by



watllr. J clln !Il'arl'D OUt overy nllOK .nd cranny In the C/'Iut or tbll lal.nd. Th/'lS8 g1m8 lire !lIghted up to •• 000



to thethseblp. stepped (Iulckly 10word little He group around th e out. raged royal nm basHn llor. and Inqulre,1 the conso of thl! ulH turhnnce. Qul\'crlog wiTh rllllo. Tuhu -Tnhu IlItorlll (' lI . him ot whol hnrl (l('curred. Mr. GllllleJ's I·uge. o t (·ourse. Iwew I Tlu louUTlrl s . '-;eYerTheless. he dill not




IUI\'e to si llluh'h! hhi ru g-n, rur he \\'n ~


Irlll, furiou s. Wll l'n Ill' cnuhl co ntl',.1 hl 6 olllotl(l1l8. he requester! '!'nhn·1' lilou lu Inrurm The king thnt lie. (;lhTl"~· . ncI' IIl1l l.lInll·!I hy CIiPtain Scrngl:S. woulll rnrTh\\'lth rCIlTtlir to the "ch(loner and Thl'lI olld th e re flo y the o/feudlng Mc Culrey wllhln nil IITC'h or hlA life. SultIlIg the lIellOIl to lhe word. Mr. Gibney clllled to ('lIpTnln S"rnggs to follow him. ond sturh'(\ for the heoch, As CIlI.tulll 8crllKg. nrose. a trifle ' nn~tNJ(lIly. trUIII hi s .ent. It I>lu c k hond reu('hetl IImullll hllll from til e r('lI r nnd elosell 1)\'01' his mouth. Nowc Cllptolll S"I'IlI:!:S WIlS \\,e·1I veriletl hi the T'ough nnd -tulllhi e tncllcH ot tlte SUIT FrllDcisco wutcrfrun l ; hence, wh en hc felt a long Ilalr of TirlllS crOSSing O\'or hIs neck from the reuI·. be merely stooped onll whlr'led his oppon<'ut u\'er bls henit. In thut 'I nslanl his m(lulh W08 tree. "TId clenr Il bo\'e the shouting and the tumult ros e his frenzIed shrlck for help. Mr. Glhney whirled wltb the 8ll<'ed OTid Ilgltl!:y or a panther jU8t In time to dotl,,'\! a ulo,,' from 8 \Vnr club. ""11 Handl. the Gun." BIN flHt colll,Ierl with Ihe Jaw of Tabu· Tabu. nnd down went that eavale al IUn_ With. 'pam·pom· cun It'. lUlt If pole-IUl!11. . I1ke plnylng a carden hose on them, POndem{lDlum broke loole at once. onlv It'l ,hlrrh·exnlO1lve shell In8tead ot

Money to Loan on Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent.

ScruJ!Il"Y. nltl mnn. cnn YOll eVN turgl"~ nil' f(lr grtlln' YOll tnto this?" ('npTllln !'kragg8 hllll/,: hl8 hMd IIntl TER~ELL TERRELL, 4lll\'('rp\l like n hookell fl~h . Wilmington, 0., phone 301. "\\'111 IIwy-eu t-u.?" be '1l1u\'ered. tinnily . Mr, <lIhn ey did not AIl~\I· l'r. OTlly FOR SALE- HOGS rnptn tn i:'rrnJ!1f!I I00 k I'll Intn hi. ,lint'rIfted eyes and reod the '·e rdlct. "nit! glllll~ . S~ rngg s)·." WII" aU Mr. IU~-Il EIl~lt~h . hr p(\ 1'11>. ,116(\ Po(JlhTl<'Y cnuld Hny, "Don't .how the I.oel \ 'hlll" P'I(" (>I'" h ooK of Ibo \\'hlt~ t .. other." hon') . 8 "'''I'll .. Il lol , 4 I1IHI,," nnd " "n'y<, think McOulrey coulrl heur U8 gil til, "l\l(lbl" loLl r .. o .rd; Will "1111 trom he re If we WR8 to yell for h .. lp,"' oh""p I h .,vl' "~ .. rt."it In lAt OT breetlInqutred ("uptntn Srrngl8 hopetully . I'rM III till' ~t>nlt"ll P IHII/\.' ' hl"" bnMt "Po n't y"lp, for Gawd'R Inke." hn· neBs; why uo\ le\ me I'art yoo? plorl'd Mr. Glhney. "We lot our.elves ' K It ·!·Iz " lUll"" ". \ 'r.. ~ ' IITtI. Obi", Ihto this . 80 let's pay the tldrll Pr oTlr· HHrv .. , .. ho'l: !lh,,, ... IY-I Y. j4 s~1 vp.. tr we let lOut one yip ft nd Mc· OutT'ey henrs It. he'lI comf' n ~horp with hl~ rN'1I' nnr1 tarkl ... thla olltllt. Hell It LOST he knoWII he'll get k III I'd. "nd Th8t'S JURt what will happen to him If he cornea. Let poor Mac stAY Iboard. u",'r-A pl .. tn hl .. o. vOlvnt Ore"1I When we don't ('ome bnck. he'lI know '!iklrt" 0'1 rUdd I et ... ..,.,u M . ,rruw It', all olr. Rn(l If he hu time to 1I,lnk ,,"d Hllrlut( V.. TIt· ,V_ Flullur ptllttlll over It be'll rt'nll ~p It wonld be foolish l..a "e "t Lhl~ offi e,·. j 18 to try to do .nythlnr. Rut rlllht DOW Mac's mad 09 I wet hlon. and If we _ _ _ _ ____ _ holler for belp-ScraIlIlSY. pleaee don't FOR RENT boller. Ole g.m .... Cnpt.lo Srrtlagl turncd hla terrllled I'lonce on Mr. Glbney's tortured f.ce. A l~ KI£ " A KM lor OHHh rent . Bcralre wos certaloly a cOlll'lIrd .t IT 'quirtl ut M.. !C_ 'ht1rw""d. heart. but tbpre wns sOJU<'thlnl In Mr, ' Woynllllvll.'. \ lblO. jl8 Glbney's unseillshness tho t touched a spot In bl8 hard nature-tl sometblng hi oover knew he possessed. Be bowe() bls head and two bllt Il'llrS atole FOR SALE down ble weotberbeaten faee. I --------------"Ood bless yon. Glb. my dear boy." U 'K'"REL" n .'1 hIS' I be !!RId hrokenly. "You're a man." C '" ..,-< uro • 11 1\ or. D At tbls juncture the king came liP Wbltt! Roo~l!; bill heavy boned an4 thoulhtfnlly t elt of Copt.ln I blrd~, prloHd r ..... ooahle f ,· r qoall&y SCMlgg~ In th e abort rlhs. wblle Tabu. of 8TOO · . W C. '" eloh. IiMrV~;" Tabu calculated the precise am ount barll. Ohio. j ot IU8ClouR tissue on Mr. Glbney's wellor or H ,)O<.I Woocl. hqnlrl' (\f upholstered frame. . rt"rvey R .... or e >II IIhon .. 31l. "ntmeby we eal white man." saId WaylJe~vllle, Ohio. j IS Tabu-Tabu cheerfully. "If you ('ot me. you bloody-bandl'd ARBER !d lO P wlt.h nil souplle", bel(gRr." snnpped Captain Scraggs, ne'w elfotriu OIIPlIllr. everylbinll "I'll plze n yOll. I'"e cbawpd tollocco Ib 6r.t.oll.8~ O,lOdl\lon ; &WO oh.. lr • . .11 m; life. and my meal's lIS blUer lIS A fine pl.08 r.u " KUod barber .... wormwood." tbere I. no oompeUt!oD. It Inler. 1t wa. too tunny 10 beftr Scrllgre Baled call or wrlle Fures\ 'r Mar&1 Jestlnl' ...·tlh death. Mr. GIbney forgot ADotloneer. Bo][ 91, GeD&ervllle, Oblo hi. own men till agony and roo red with Bum!! phone N". ~_ jll I.ulhter In Tllbu-Tabu's face. The connlhlll stood off a rew feet and Extra (j ood,Beavy l'!' baooo Pre~. looked searChingly In the commodore'l Inquire of 1. &nef'hwtltt.e. eye.. He WR8 not used to the brand .y"ynes"lIle,Ohln. jll of white man " '!To coulcl Isugh under LCOBOL-.lua, reoelvp.d a eblp 8uch clreum.tanceR. and he su'peeted meot of A louhu! for Rlldlaturl. treachery of Borne kind. Be hurried OTeI' to joIn t\e kine aDd the two b.ld Bee Fred M_ Vole. Wa,Ol'lIvTI\!!, Uhlo.




I================ C











j' a hurrl.., convereat1oD. A, a retlult of RUCK-a Republlo 1y"rouTrook their confennce. • bUlB savage wal oheap. InqUire of Rov Balh . c.ll.., over and clven lome Inltruc-' tlOOL T.bu-Tabu haneSed hIm a ",ar awa,. WaYDellville, Oblo_ club .nd Mr. Olbney. rl,htly conjllCtur. In, th',t thla wa. Ibe olllelnl eS8CUtlon ... bO~ed hll head and waIted for tbe blow. It came loouer than he expected. Tbe earth leemed to rile up lIod amIte Adelbert P. Glhney .cross the face, There "'a. a roor. aa of on explOllon In hie eAre. and he fell forward on hI, tace. Be had a confuscd notloo tbllt when he fell the post CRUle wIth him. For nl'orly a minute he lay there. Berni-conscious, anrt then .omethlnl warm. IIrlpplllg acro., bll face. rouled blm, He moved. and found that bI. feet were free. thongh bla handl were ItIIl bound to the poll. whIch lay H· tended alonl his back. He rolled over 11M elaoced up, Captain Sera". WII .hrleklng. By degrees the bella quit rlnlln, In Ihe commodore'. urs, and thle II wbat he heard Qaptaln 8eral'18 ,e11l0e: "Olt. yoq. McOuft'ey. Ob. you bully Irlab t4Irrler. Bo&lI It to '8m, Mac:.. KIll tbe helriari. You'''e got a dozen of 'em already_ Plu, away, YOII ,00<1 old bunk of :Jrllh bacoD." . you don't happen to be in Mr. _Ibuoy wu now blmeelt once town when you want a Classmore, He Itruga\.d to hla feet, .Dd Ad., advertising your .1 be dieS. ;.ometitlol buret ten feet ified ..... y Ilnd a little fteec:y clOUd of Imoke extra Stock. a plow. a lot of obeeured iii,' vIII on tor a mllment. Feed, or any of your extra Tben be UOilel'ltood. HA!Oulfey had • rapld.tlre trained ali the .... rt. and stuff on band. just tbe •• nce', wIth frlrbtful JeUI .... ere tleeln, m.dly tn>m th. IIttl. IbeU .. Hair a dOAIl of tbem 18Y dead .lId



"'- -




.ound.... ~I_


. -.



00 IlIIII 'l

It took the Roman farmer four .nd and a halt day. to raise B bushel of wheat. The American farmer does it In nine minutell.

and we will see to the :rest. Call again, ple6;Se:


A LDf fOR A SMAL-t..

80'< &rr



?I T'W'~

. '.


IT I' \ t







G A Z E T 'Ii' E.•.•,I


ta Entered

at I he Pc " h l nh ' C

I. \\ II )

'nut MIami Cuett.. W."d1, Ohio. _ __

r-- - - - - -

nl'. , ' flh". ( t il t. au- f e t ' 1111 ~

11 J ..


A I II ~ " It. ,

0 , l .. CP AN E, E ditor and ' P \lbli~ h ~r. \\'a) nf'~" i lle, O lliol SuLsc riotion Price, $1.50 pe r year

Sunday was all oold a dllY as we hllve had thll winter. There's DO law agaln8' m ll klor, boardin g or givi ng awaY-lUnshlne. Wllbnr 8awke Dod · ~· rlink Wllion ba ve ollob ll11ro\la8e tl For d au&omo. hllo

CJJ'Y PETER '8. ICYNB WED NESLlAY. JANUARY 4, 1922 Autlror of "Webster-Mailis -- Man .. -

"The VaHey of the Gianta," Etc.


Copyrlall1, by Pet.. a. IC,....

'71 no ru),, "

Look Out for More Propaganda

,Yt:'IJP{1 Mr.

\.Hon ey.


d,,,"pd nt Ih e 1)0S! whlr'h Iwlo] aptnln ~ 1 ' ro'l:g8 " rt sonel'. Il l' ~t tu c k It 8 pow· erful hlow wi lio hi s . Iooulrler a o<1 No d~nbl oar relld e r8 have heard &blnk. know that th o f"rther time S .. m)!l<s Ilnd tI .. • post <To"lord to th e Ifl'nlllld. In on 11I8tn nt Mr. Glhney \VIIS of a reoent bollabl\lon In Nllw YOI'II m oves RWtly from some histori cal 'm 111" kn"~8, t" lIrlnlC at ~crll"t(8' rOlle agllns\ our modern American hl8tor . eve nt, t·he more tro'hfol mOBt tue ' s hll ckl l's \\'It h hi . tf'e lh. ~- "' e ,nlnute. lea BS written by lorue very "blo hl8torlea of that event beoome IUIer, Cll llluill S('rIl KI(A' hn llli. were Amarloan nolleKe profeMsurs. That 18 because proj utlloe8 die with tree. 1'h~ 1I Scr,,~g" dIrt Il Jlk ~ servIce O 't on worry over I " 10 Ik 8 . I t' iIth e geDera."I on8 tb Ii t were Inl I.maw I y , forAllOlb"e), th e tl .lll~ till' .he1l8 from ,he Mag.

all prop~gand". The ear· marka of proparanda Ilre a" over It. New York 18 tbe h OUle of prop". r Roda ; yon may be Hare $h"t whe n a boaob of feHowe anywhere 10 the Ulllfed M'lItes gil' relldy to IIprlng lome dool·rlne or soheme on 08 111m. pie lollr. tbey 1I1an It In Nl'w York w"h hage 0100"8 or IImokll by day and lotll of firoworks In Mome bIg holl by ulabt, People of nommon ~enHe who

ooncerned wl'h the eVllnt . U la now I lfle n wer~ bllr'llng nround Ihem abon' 140 years Hln ne the Amerlcall e"rry occon d or t\\'n. nnd It Aeemed li S r e vola&\on WIllS fon~ht Aod It ls i If tl,ey must he kill ed h~fo re th ey prenv I18fe to say thllt his tori es could make tll" 'r e~'·lI pt'. .AI they tor o aJll ng tlltollgh the written by Am e rloa n 8cbo lare In junlCle plll h Mr. (; IIJI ... y ', g o .. o] right tbe la8t qu ,.r&er of a centurv lire an (his let't \\'08 ohsl' urPI1) ,Ielected more trntbfal t h .. n tb08e thut w .. nl before 8nd whloh the prop"gandl8tM IwO 8uvngcs cro uchtng belo ill" II cl ump of coco palm •. would like to foillt on UR again . "Ther,,'s the klnl! li nd TIlIJU ·Tubu,"' It III alllo enough to ~ay tbllt the yell ..d BerAn.. "L .. t'9 round th ~ bpg· Oaoghte,. of the He v<'lution a»- IrIIrs up." "Sure," rl'RllOoded th,! co mmodore. prove 'hll hl8~orle8 attacked "We'll n~ e<l 'em for hostng"8 It we're to ret thnt hlack coral. We'll turn 'em over to M, ·G utr ey . ~


"I'd Ill'lter eose up R mlnuIe, elr," 8altl ,Io e mnte 10 Mr. McGutrey. "The

uncle John

gUll 'S &I'IIh.1I' f" ar fu l hot." "Let h e r melt," ""'e d MeGull'llY, "but keep Io"r work ln' fo r KII 8he'8 worth. I'll ba ve re"enge for Glb's deoth , or-sull'crln' lIIu cke rd I" McGUire), ouce IIIMe snt down on tbe cablo ,·euW ulor. li e pointed MUSINGS dumbl, to Ihe belll:h. and there, pad· dllng off to the Maggie n, were two In olll.tlm" winter eVlln,n's, 'har,, / vore,naked ca n"lbn ls and tll'O na ked wblle Ba' Dow,-we've got oar ji t,aey men In a cuooe, mlDu t~ later w .. many thlnKA WII did. tbat wall ml"h l .. 80ol.IDI'plrlo' to tbe old time 1\0 ' a typl~·. an tbe "wire." an' t h e re they 6me alongside. McO utrey mel o\lDutry cO,untry !lId, ' • • When l "lnl no oosy oorner: whar WI' let them at the roll. lind he slIIiled aod we Wf! .... n , II pUllin , .. lfy we Wltll aronnd Ibe fire; we "e got 'he fire'lucked bls lowe r ltp II, the lremblllli bGII\' puohln ' oorn while tbe hl)l. 1888000ker an' the patent antoollW , monarch and his prime mini ster. In reo aronnd I,be oabln echoed to tbe a D' abe aaenl aD' 'be mlddle ru"a. IIponse to a severe IIl' pll cntlon of Mr. hon~er '8 horo . we oay 10 IIhow ne bow . We buy Gibney'S hftndtl and teet, cUlDe lIyloC loan h6lr old ' Tow811r bluklo' ,'Ur drlnkln' wllter. an' onr mIddle over the roll. Mr. Olbn ey and o.ptaln wben my mpmorv 80r'or atraye to l n m'l I ~ 'char"',," wbl)ee"erybody'8 'be laD I of boyhood nrmant-. fln' "Roond 1100 III "rnnnlD' /l ~nrrflrge,- ~-- !1lJ!!:tu '?It . \bIl8pon. of earl\' daY',-I OBn ~"e an' ... e · ve Kilt the bu~Ine'8 womlin eTo bo C<lolt"ued .1 DlY !alnted moth .. r in ahl' HUle OK IhA "Ir III " OA, an ' thll phuue .__ • III door, an' m" lIoa l ".,m .. h n", . NtllI ",, ' HII, beelio8e we o" oltln ' t IAL ",,,II hankers fer the h RI'I)'y do,' ~ u' }enongh alone






Homey Ph;josophy

fl' "

"The art vuromenl, " lIaYII oommonht B.· rn ' rd HhllW, wbo blUl mlde a fat f ·t' une hy wrUlng brn, &&1 ovnlot~ IlI·, "II &bo organlutlonl of Idolatr V ., Government In II d ll. mooraoy , hi by thtl peopll' IIntl f ',. 'htl peoplH Wlthoat, h , or 00 U8,,". " wlla"l 1'0' eJ:lst N ut JI_In~ 'he blood, nr the torture, or the ~epara. &Ion Lf famllt811 at' the legAlized tree love, nr t he 8'lIrVlltlon of mllllone all ot wbich go Da'arally .nll freely wUb Commanlsm, the people of dp. mOOuol1l8 81adl:r oonlllln' to govern. ment. II yon 01111 thM Idnla"y, Ber. nud , make ahe m od of III

SAYS St\M: ., I w"" old Maillt Peter, 1 tnolN

- - ----"- - .. ~gll sh Wal nut."

Til .. nllt klloll'II ,, ~ II", 1' ''1:11, 1, ws l.

nut Is Ihe trult nf III,' 1'",·. lu" ('" (,Ircossllin wllinut Ir.. e. Til e n'"lle "English wnlnut" Is Rpplletl to It In th" l lnl. 1",1 Stlltes. \\,hlle tll ~ "' C~ Is 8 IIlIltve of Peula and ,II .. IIl mlllll~· 1I8 . It Is ('ulth'Rted In runll~' Nllllllrl .. ~, pur li eu. larly In BouthE" 'n Europe IIml In Call. tornl o.


what I ·1 (10 to 'hll8e people who're Ilwaya "'8n&lng '0 I bow rolils "thelr proPl\r pl ·loe. " Phon.tle 8turr.

When CuI;ltI ,,1Iall, Mn.

shoots bll arrow be

----- ..---








" •


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 !2P 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

19 30 31 •



Our C81endar Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan Ian. Jan

I-Sundayafter,ChriBtmall 6-EplphaDY 8-lat Sunday atter Epiphany IO-Jewish Fut of Tebet. 15-2nd Sunday after E)plphany 22-Srd Sunday after Ep!phany 29-,4 th Supday atteft ~pIP~.ny






Klrk~ I







- - . --- -- -


Du. H.E.



Jesse Stanley, Auctioneer





Half Sick, Cross Husbands Will Be Helped by Gude's Pepto· Mangan


W oollar d , Forest T. Martin

ve:v s buand rg. bought wu he, e on eofday Ills' '-::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::==~::: week, a herd S lIotted Poland.Chlna hOgB of K . II: 'rbomp• ..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ; 80n . I I


Mr8 Jdll. 14annoo and dBuablie r, 1 MI18 Etbel, ba vo retnrne.! to their h ome · in 1'lpPllOaooe Uity, aftl'r , spending the holidays with relati ves 8n'l friends hel'e .

E y'" ES

eneraI Repa".r Sh.Op ' TI FFANY'S .



)1.,..........,........... .



Mr , and Mu. Harry B, Tnoker lu,d three daughters and Mr . W. R Crihfield were t!ond"y and MondllY vlsltorl of Mr, Tuck,o r's brother and famllv , at Springfield. Mr. and Mr8 D. S. Carter aDd family, Mr. and MII'II. Jobnny Mo. KnlllM and Mr bnd Mn . Wm. Eo ton, aJl of New Burling'on, were 18 he "oroBA ,,8 " bear " wben h .. eunday guests of friends bllre. oomeo hOOl e~ 1M II " berVOU! and a Frank Bonnlcot. of Wilmington bit pille Rud "Iwtlys tiree!? You 08n uelp him bllok to be .. ltb with Gnde's WRII a' Fr~Dk Shldaker'8 barn Pe "t, o.M '~IIIl .. n . lie Is run.down,, 'aDo booght BevAr,,1 good and P ll ptO. M "ugnn. the wun'1erfnl obonh tor the Rlchnlond, Va • mar· bl ood t m io with 'lin right kInd or let. Be pllid the hlghellt poaalble Iroo 10 It, wi ll bud ,1 him up. 1:Ielp price. y our hll ~ h ,ud jlPL "I'lilty of red blood Mr . David Larrl,~k and family "nIl hp ",Ill Iltl w" '! "tid Iluod nUnroo moved from here to a farm near Aguln 1l,"1 MtrOIl I! ,'r, 1.00. Good blood WllmlngtL)n, Monday. While they good h" .. \t.h , no I,ea h APPY good hu. were wllh UI 'hel7 made mauy mor-I hut 1'< I hH WI\ v It 1,(088. II frll'uds, and 'belr going 18 maob re y o uclon 'tl! ' v" him 80m" ki,d of tI greU"d , ~onlo be w ," proOdbly get, worse The Frlende Sao day Scbool had -t !oey u "n ll 'l y do. Go t o Ihe drnl si,,,rt' .1It1 "" k tor Uude's Pep~o. quite Il program OD Cbrls\mu Day, 'lod tbe loho]arll were remembered M ~"~ I\" in liquid or tl1blet form It I. pl" 'llIl1nt to to lind work8 won with I·reate. A oolll.otlon for 'he d,·r.. if tAken dRily for a few poor Wal '8ken and a generous ,moont Wtlll ocntrlblllled. W(,.. kl . -AdverU~emont. . Our townahlp offiClerll began ~belr ,,'ou' on 8uodllY . T'hey are .. tol. low8 : FraDk WIIslon, .J . of p" RKlpjl Brook8, oler]"; O. E. EIII8, Ubaa Hartaook and Geo W Davlll, tr1lstell8; lJhe8. MaddeD, 'reuarer l'obllo 8ale of ReAl E~I. "te and Hon ~e hold (~00d8 Itt the r eMitlence of J!:vereU Vlllarll and Pauline Bar. Blu"b S. HolneN on Tblrd street, Ian were married 10 Lebanoo,Tbura. WAynesville. Obio. on day, Mrs. VtllarelB qnlte a fa .. orlle amon~ her acqaalntaone8. For .ome Saturday, January 7, 1922, Mmo ebe Ullillted Mr K8ylor 1n hili Beginning at 1 )I. m; Brlok Dwell. Rrooery 8'ore, and 0[1 ber mlrrlage Ing and LIl' In Waynesville. AI.u leave8 him without her mos' eJ:oel. II Lot of B008ebtlid G oods See lent .er .. loee. billl for furthet partloulars, Year wal n.hered 'l'i1e New SARAB 8. BAI .~ E~, In'o oar mldlt In tbe u8nal IItyle, ~AM K. BAINES. wl'b many beautifnl trlbo&ell tbe W. N, Sear" Auotioneer year, 11121. ReeoltltlOulI were In order and tbey were made IDdelllble In the record of rMola&lopB, and will frequen&ly be referred to. tha' tbpy SPOILED~ ma, not be brokeD.


Get my terms for your l'ub iic ~a le. Satisfaction guaranteed or 110 charges,

Box 91. Centerville, Oh;oHome Phone 2. Centerville Ex

We Se 11 It ::lllc.l We Repair I t

M. M Terry and wife, LOD Bran. non Rnd wife, K E. Thompson and wife and Mrs . Alloe Terr, ape nt COLE Wednesday In Dayton with Wm. M. Tbompson and d"ugbter. Oar new I:!onday 80hool snperln. tonda nt s"ys he woold like to lee IlS .many at the cbnrch every Snnday ... marDin'" 08 atten ded th e UhrlMllnas entertalumelJt. 1:1 0 w ould all of UB . i tit\... Lon Brannon and K. E ThomplIOn aUended $he Oblo I:!potted Pol!md. , I. f)JIlECTOR IJblna Breeder8 meetin~, at the Phil. I lip. Bonle in Day ton. one day la8'1 Waynesville, Ohio week. 'l'he next Illeetlng will be beld In Colambo~. 01lr sohool resomed Its dotlee, I"ully Equipped for Good Taeeday mornlna, af&er a weet'll va. , oatlon.. Our 'eaoher, MI88 Mabel Service. Myefll, IIpent ber holiday week with Large ' Display Room . her b'ome rolks In UIIlrk8vllle, and at"ended the weddlnl of her aillter , T El.EPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHl Oar Chrls\mall entertalnmBnt at • . ____ tbe obnroh Willi just grand, espeoi. ::":':::::~:::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::~~~ ally the beautlfnl 11010 by Mrs II .. MoKay . The eohool ohlldren han. DR. J. W. MILLER. died their p6r's to perfeoUon , MUOh pralee III doe MIS8 Mabel \1yere, onr lohool telloher, for 'he SUOOBS8fui .•• DENTIST••• training ehe gave hllr pupil8 for tblll enler'alnmen'. Taking It all In all om"" tn . U WII llDlqa1" B .... k Bldll. Wa),nenlle. ( I



----------------_ W a Iter Mc Cl .



DR. W. E. FROST -:'VETERINARIAN Vaccination a Specialty. Noth. . ing bill Reliable Serum IIsed Phone 44

Harveysburg , 0,



Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veterinarian OFFIC'r.: Fourth Street, near Tyler Telephone 93



We have twenty thousand feet of


Oar ol'y olllcen tor two yean be

IrtDnln~ Jannary lit, arlll Frank



Uomrade Amoll Allen and u eillb. Our Improved Radiator, hillier is Op·(.ruted (rom the DASH b or.. K. E , rhompll on, autoed t oor olt" Sa t urday , Made ot Waterproof Fiber Com pos iti o n. Re t aills the Heat, Better Mr aud Mu . !:t1r1 B ookelt lIud than Meta l, Does n't R u t or Ratt le. two dau"htere were gnes tB of tbul r parents, Mr aDd Mr~. Ed Re"son, t,wo dllY8 II1 ~t wee k. The J onRh ' 8 Run Bo pl·ist cong r e· Made to Pit LlII Cars. Make.s Starting Easy gation , eXllll1"i ve. exchl1D gfl(1 pr"R. ents lind a Hoola l tilD e W08 \l"d . Ice Send U8 $2.00 and Na me of Car for One Complet e Postpaid oream and oake we re tbe del leuolsB. Oar : own Roll vioini'y tll'e lnnc h T O\f fl a nd l ' ut1 l1 t \' :\~ " II'" \V ..t ll tdt J{ e h' rt't1ce PUll' .. Lind IJ ru d ", l ret' l .



bamme~-! $

The peraonB who knook their home town Dev er~~a nylih~n t o make It e · er. I)eyaral from helre attended the Farmer8 ' In.llto'e at Waynenl11e, last week. In need of 11 re~lde nt ph~· H IOlIIU. I , ESSENTIAL AUTOMOTIVE PRODUC TS CO, 61' W, 42d St" N, y, City right man will 100011 0 huro. 111> I ' Mr. Gall Gordon. of Lytlo, WbB the WIll bo weloom eu fwd w tll h uvo 01 the 1I0e I t of bl8 brother, Charles, banI 1l'.1ouunt 'fh e re ~ or ely mUH 1&8t Friday . be a pbysl cia n In tbe territ or y wh e re - - -- -- - - - 'afety Deposit Boxell, 12 the ,ear tble news y s h aet Oi r Ct\lotl'~ wh o Notice of Appoin t Ill cnt W .. vne8vllle Nation al Bank , Way. would like \ 0 batt er hl~ fj lll1l1oi lll n8llvllle. Oblo. oondltlo n If y ou h .. ~ e ~u m e one iu E. B Dakin, of tbe firm 01 Welob mind, get them wo rd of tb e graDtl El'ltflt e of M ar tha U),o II Ull ' . d OC(J:H.l"t. Sot tt:e id Ilur chy ~I\'e n t h ll' J . t ). ( ' Il l"! wrh.:l lt & Dakin . t ran8aolied basln6ll1! In opening for A goo(\ pby~ioHIU. h ert), bu becu d u ly lll,\~ulutud 1111 9 quullfll'Hl U~ :\ d Lttbanon, FrldllY. nHnlstr-H.tlJr of t IU Et' \lt ll' II r )tn r il l ft " ~ , , U lili t late or Warre n \..'o\lII t,... 011111 , clO('OI\.HuoI We Put T hem On Mr . and Mrs. J . B. 8hldaller oDter. , DlltC'd Ihll Uth du y o t I hwtl llliJ\Jr . IU ~I , \\' 'J. 1( '1 1.1.. tIllD ed to t:\onday dinner, Mr. aud Ju dJ(e o f th o !'r{l lml t) 'o u r t , Mh . Everett Vlllaul. DUBn E . sl n n le~·.Il~~~\.~'J Ullt)' . (JIIIII . H Se"enl of our o\t·iaenll of tbl~ vi olnUy were o!llled to Lebanon befor e E. C. Mllnn on IIn ,l t amlly were tbe IIrand jur" this week. I ~--------------~ sh opping In La bun oll , !:5,.turdt,y af. Read Gazette's Classified AdS I _ _ _ _ Mre Emma Ull oe, of Dayton , Is torn ooD. ~ pe nding " week wl l h b er pllrenl.e, K. E. Thomp80 n and wi fe e uter. Mr, and Mrs. W . A. Merritt. , .. iu ed a' 11 f" Ul lly tllnn ur on Ne w The lion Bu ptist ob nroh edl11ce Is lI'earll OilY. HATHA W A \ ' progre!l!llOg. Illth onllh tbe weather NOTARY PUBLIC K E Thompso n aH und ert !.lID \t·M . Ie agalnsl work on Ihe outsldll nen ' Inst.ltutd In Wayu o~v lll e , It' rl. WayneH' lI\u 'l! Lut1.(lIUIr DeDttet Waynesville, Ohio Let ns n lJ w s lo~ tltl .. , old famlll,u dav aftern oon. Office In H " Iuol! BIU!!. M..ln 1:1 1 ballad. . When a ~:o., is right be Nationa l Ran k hind y o n , It ' /I 00 \Illlle to Itlce your LIUl e Donald MoKay , wb o ball ~~~~!""",......,;,~~~~~~~~~ bee n ~hreatene,1 with pne oUlonltl , III ~ 8hoe." gtlt'log beUer . A 081aml&y howler I~ only a 01 "", O O ( ) ( ) ( ) O ( ) ( ) O O >OOOOOOO<Xl A BII.PPY and Prolperoull Now E awakened rr nm R dee p ~ I eep 1:t ,,' 11 1 Year one and all, 18 the wish of olam ap oK"ln 'I\' bell ~omobody else your oorre8pondeDt fix es tblngs. Notary Public Mrs . MaUle Davie, who h '18 been People who have to m ove thlll Bprln(( lire b eginDlng Never were very 810k for severl1l day., 18 80me I Ali kinds of Not uy Work , WilllI tbe r oads In better oondltlon fur t>etter lit 'bill wrUlng. and Deeds a 8 poolalty. 'ransportlng . Gay Brannon, of Dear Wtlyne8. For sale dales, ca ll W. C. i' v\lle. spen' New Yelire Dt\y wltb bill Pr f, I1nd Mr8. 0 , V Tolle rl·. Smith's Store, New Bur · torned ho m e, after tbelr week'lIl1toy bro'ber aDd .Ieter, bere. I lington, or Harveysburg, , ...... with rel8llve. In tbe south ern part Have you larned over a new leaf? Ohio, phone 7·2 of the IItllte . If not, now la a good time, a\ 'he - 8Qb001 began here on Mondav, at lleIJlDntD& 01 a Dew year. MY PRICE, ONE PER CENT ! • ter a week's ren Muoh progre88 Dr 0 U. Randall. of Harveys. , EJCamined Correctly will be 6J:peoted of the .oholan, a8 burg: Ie' 'aklDg hili vacati on , WO OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •• ' .... wpJl a8 the tellohen. all hope 1\ wtJ) be "short one. Glasses Fitted R B Brooke, ODe of onr billY Wm. B.tvll, 18 now at his h Ollle ' . AT MI}OERATB PBICBS garl1l1tl Ulen, I. ""r, monb 10 need of a h elper, thlll he may be able &0 io Barveysburg , Bis ID lOy ftl endM ' G lUe gltld weloowe him baok. walt on mora of his patron., A. B. Talmage, wbb m.t wit h lin Severll of onr K . of P . mewber. ,,"oldent o ne day last. week, Ie get· ScwlnK "lachine Rellairlnl[, Clock Uptical Departmmt were guostl of Ur01Rn Lodlle, Wed ling al ong lill ~ell 'as eo nhl be ex. and ,Vatch Repairing, 'aw and Tool 8. Detroit 8L Xenia. Ohio nelday nlah', !Ind. enjcyed tbelr pecled Sharpening, Oluelnl[ and Soldering, OPIID eVllnlnp b, appointmeot hoapltalitv , whlob III hard ~o bed 'l'he Hpolted Poland.Uhlna B og WoodWork and Small J o bs in Iroo, ~•••".".".".".".~.,~~~~~"'~ Physlologls\" tell all that IS takes Maled In West are haVing lbe largeHl ! Pump amI Stove R.epairlng, and tbe oomblned opelrati on 01 8U:', "verage 01 any 8ales ooL there, 11)1 lots of other Jobs of all kinds. three musolefl to prodnoe makll a a frown Call me by phone while only thirteen emiJe 8o)llnll a' a good price We lue sorry to repo rt J . Hamil· The oolored people of Wi!mlngton ton BOll8n qul&e III A& hi~ b ome in and [.ebanon li:ave a danoe a& t be Harveysburg. Bel8 teoderly cared 0 Town hllli bere . NAW Yoor's Eve for by his lIood wife and children , South 8< Main Street8 Auctioneer and the.on(). danoer. In thl8 vicinity were >_ I WayneSVille, Ohio In tbe Uol. B_n lIy. 0 f near B ar.

Public Sales

. , ..


Oar blaohmith s are the busielt men In thlll looallty. home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur

Cireen Pea Pirates


1 A:!55i5t~R~d' ==== P t t· f l' an~~f~::I:I~:::;~o:~%t:~E~':~~"- OU0 a fa or ro ec 100 or "arr::~m~~:ID~~e



__ _ . . ___ _



lon, mayor; A B. Oampbell. mar. .bal i Mre Emma EllIl, Mrll. Annl S&lnllon. J. B , Bbidalller, W. B. SII • 'ven, aeo . M. Edwardll and A . C, Bough, memberll 01' oonnoll, and Charlell Madden, treallarer.



following oftlOl,n were elected 'Lodgll 0'The fin ahe I"'&tonl In Harveyeburg No, G67, K. of P , A. B. Camp.

bell, C. 0 ; Ar'har Wn80n, V. C. i Orville Wnlon, Prelate; Geo. M. Ed wardl, M of W.; Glenn C, 0...18. II. A ; W A. Men1*" TruI'ee aD.l M of 1'.; Joa W. o.vll, M. or E . i W. Ie. Frolt. I a,; Geo. W. Davie, 0, G.; Frank WlleOD. K of B, & S. and Grand LocI,e tleprneD..'IVI!. For yean we were wltbout a bank; It wa. f~aenny \Slked of, bU' "we kDOW " wlll Dot pay. and we are aettlnR M~vloe at oar adJolntnl townl, alid I dOD ft care It do DIl' ' \..e ODe U "'at 'wo ' yean aao 1& oame &0 .,... 'hat a' baDk w.. ltaraed aDell' baa blitD a howliDi lao , aDd .. ,8&&IDI beUer an of tbe time. II p6Y' • Dla. tH.utead dookbo~ aDd . .aroDa are


IalI7 aPlrii IDI~i" ~,

aar •....,.


If you are in need of Oak



for any purpose,





tr:' _Ie

here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.


'W e





Walnut; . ASh





Hickory J...oca



= 'l'b. Miami Gaz.tte, W&, OhIo.

.f __ .

E2! Colored Oflmond. R


Anc,en t Vani ty Box ...

, Or...'n ('Uuuuurljil It .. fa rOl1n l l, tlud 1,11\ eN Qf 'rlm' on. lin . thtlio:jI ,1"" nfl"';

BJ.CIt ' (1lall1I 0 1\fl }l fin) ~' (,mllllll. ~nnn",h. but hlllck JlI'lIr l~ "'''' 1'01'\'. 1'1111. 1",,11'1. .... j(t'eo ll ~' I' rlt~ r l . ( Ill' (Of lit' 11,)1'0 , til e:rrI . t.!IlC9' \I',," r011l1l1 III 1\ f,O('· h ",Iler mU"Ff'1 In 'hI' ~ f! <-I .' II'f'1 r'",,·. 'a nd 19. vnluNI III $: l :'l . or~). on' ,hp P Drt '81 un d~ . ~Hllih or I ' IIr\ U Itlll , ""111' 1:<1 aN t (lunf1 whkh IP' " Imt" j.!l't P: .

111t ,.\,

"alph a

pnrtlcl ~M . "


(X)() h11110n n ~('f'()fJ d

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12.000 lU IIt· ..


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1t'1I\ I'l l ft!.' 1\

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:o-t' ('" nd. . . ~ ---


W .. I','

H t' llIlIl1


hr 11

Illc rl'''lwl' l rll il y In \\ h.·t'" Itl"lr IIWIIt" I"!Il 1I~ lI l t ll .\' \\tt l I111~

. Hollum Atom. From R. d ,um;

A g ra111 or 1'1,,11 11111 1"1111 1111 11,,11-.1 1\, tlCmds o t!' hellutn U lll lll$ , 1."., .. " : 1'"


latl lt' s- nrt.\ l ed 'Qm ,,11 ~ltt ... kt)I " III" ,-ufl ,·I' ''' , Itk p .u mod· . ~ I ' r l 111 t l~" ... !,-pw i l1): hll~, whh'b \\'t'n.~ hurll t' III HI 'I· full .' ulldt' r tho ht'll llt:d :1 n il of 1htl fil l,' tH" t H'I', \' e J"~' " t h l t1 I ;n 'V'k


OI1 !y '1

1II I1'!' "



.1' f!

SI. Mary's Cburch

\\lI l k ·

I't'" r,


JlUrrh'ltlils .

illt 'II"I.·" fI :o-t yhl und wuxt-n [;1 " 1," n Tl1 n n C tht' ir nnt r nt 8.

' : ' 11" 1'1' • 1111

rt J,: l f!

,.:I U\' t' .


Firs t Sunday after Epiphany . ~lIn ' hurch rhool lit 9:30 a . uary 8th: In : 1\10rninll Praye r and se rmon at 10:30. Th e pub lic cord ially invited to these se n'ices

R i g ht A ct ion .

h,. tw o kilids o f l ll're Cllil hI'» t w o

. •h'


" .. ".

- Reru.·,· t DIlD'


ing aL 9::10. Preachinll at 10:<15: ba p· ti~lIlu l se rvice. C. I~ und preaC'l,ing Re r vi ce~ in the evening .



Melpomene. the .Mu .. Tr_",d,. ~ . Efflolency In the Kitch"'. lIIelpnUl e"... In ChlHSlclI1 lIIytl,olOIJ. "Thla Ihlnl! of hplng pllll'l.. nl IR all . "'II Ihe mllse Ihlll "reMld .. ~ o,'cr :-rllrhl ." 011.",·,·.,. fi n j·XI'Crl. "bll l It I'lln tratll'd)·. :She 18 ,"ni)ra l1l' rl'tir. '~" "I'·rl I.. , ",II"'Ii"! til ' :OC1I· ~;"" I'~. I k now 1\ YO'IIII ",urdlllif. with her left t(Jut I·"I - ·u",f' .... UI,I ·. \\,11.) . ",,\lh,.l III ,11I·or.'e ~ourt ­ • rock, and h"ldla', III I"'r I'I"hr hant! oil 1r1" 'I1\' ~" 11 11')' " ""e " r ill !! tu plaa a \II .. ~k. Hud , rt6 Wll 8 \\ ,·1 II by It·Olledl· lin ,.m'·I ,>' ....'· kli' " 11 '\llfl ""ultln't


People (01' Whom the B~st Is None Too Good . .I"a,.. lb. mod .n,"ulllllllc- coo· cernlDl lb. eIlC41I~DC4I or our Dry OleMlnll and Dyelnll Wo have OU8 01 Lh' mOil .mCIIDI Re modellnll D.partment.


The Love land He ra ld ~ent u~ one

of tlw ir fille alm anacs agnin this ),l:llr, f ur which we W:ln to thank t he edito r, S. 11 . I~()~enthll l , who ~enl u ~ one lust year. amI we used -- Iit. to(l. ever y IIl lm th . Ferry Christ ia n Church - -- . _ . - - Sund ay Schoo l nex t Sunday morn· I

IHI HllI!'('




In t. he



Fure tranlfonned Jnto






G2 ;\ · fj 27 WalU Ul 8e .. Cluclnnall. Uhto I{egu lar comm ullical ion lJ ( WilY' nes vill e Lodge No . lli:l. Jo' .I:: A. M .. Tuesd ay evenin g , J anullry Ill. VisiL· ors and members. are redu(':<[ed to Pe rfect ly Clear . be present \\" , 11a\'e tu thulik U l'hPt·'rtul dpftl' D It Smith, W. M rH r tl"" lilli e hll 0 1 SIICll"y h' uer writ· ttl).; h~· It ~: If' I"~~· 11I1.1 11 w ilt) tl)Ok the wrnn, L. A Zimme r man, Sec ' y.

11111 I1w ny r t'O IIl

The high« the moisture percentage in your dairy feed the los" actuBlfeed value you get . How much moisture i. there in dairy fcod. ? What dairy feed is lowe.t in moisture percentage ? Union Grains hos only 80/0 moisture. Other feed s run o. high as I S "~ 1 A .115% moisture" feed cosh yo u SC' v('n per cC'nt morc t o


Sunday School at 9:30: Ch urc h servi('e a t 10:30. We welcome all who will meet with us in our wor· ship of Jeh ovah . Come, please.

UNION CRAINS I. low In mol.turD. 4. UNION ORAINS io liohl and bulky-biably dioQtib'.


5 . UNION QRAINS i . p Ri ntable. 6 . UNION QRAINS i . ta re t o feN. 1 UNION QRAINS i •• trona i n dl8t'Sti ble protei n .

2. UNION ORAINS i. low in fibrc content. ONION GR.AINS wa. 'he (jut co mm " r ciltldlJiry f eed made. It It •• ~;".n cont.inuDu, o"Ii./ac t 'on l or avol lO Y •• I • . u.e 'or fr.. milk record .h.. ta


Younce Bros. Grain Company Phone 25·2, Waynesville, Ohio


No. 3 of • leri ..


Regular ml!eting of E,, ~tl' rn Sta r lodge, Monday eV'o!ning . January !I. Caesar's Creek Friends Church Members are earnestly req uesLt!d to Sllnday School at this ~hurc h every be presen t at th is meel ing . Sunday at 9:30 a. m Preaching se r· Asenalh Th omas, W . M. vice at 10:30 o'clock a . m . You ar e Sue Hawke, ~ec'y. cordially inv'ited to be present.

---"- -----

tll :m

Union Grains- without considering all the other superior qualilk. of this rttegnized milk.producing dairy feed. The moisture percentage in Union Grain. i. a. Iow a. can be .e· cured. Union Grains is all feed. Try it.

I'lirt y :

A 1' 1· , ' ~ nt ~ I I I ~ f' Pl ll p lhll PIl ' "

Harveys burg Friends Church

Pon''t '!Jell Wcat.ered Milk -dont bUIj"Watered'Feeds

Itl~t Tl I ~ ht'''

Alphabet TMlCN to PhoenlclanL Ul'erly dll'rereri'i 119 appewr Ihp vart· ous alphabet. ot the world- ·t ht 10· cleot Greek, the square H"brpw ot the Jews. Ihe elaboral e SonIcI'll. the Seeb · kl nlphabet ot the Arabi c .p~aklo, people_they may be IU tra<'Cd bICk · to a slnl18 aetlu- the A. B. C. ot the PhoenI cian trader •. who ror tacUltll . In, their; ta,..nuna commercial enter· prlses crelted whnt was I 80rt ot unl· yeulll shorthaod by It oys,eru or lelectlon or IYlllb()l. trom EI)(.Iltillo Bnd other tarru~ ot plclure wrIting lind ,raduaUy denloped the brolld ,,,oeral· lutton ot all alpblOb.t.-Clrkal() J()nr-



"~fr .

MI' .


Hit" ,,~ h t'" H hUI wllkll I sn't Illhw . ~o i f .\ "11 1 11"\·... 11 hut 1110 1 il'fll' t hi s du ul lt · l p ... ~ t h ~~'


Ih ..~ ClIlf'S . " -

S k t·t d l.

I"ln ..' ef "" EpItaph,.

.'''en I lie dowlI tor the IIISI li me.

I. h my fa ct up towerd th(' Slnrft . I \" :1o t 110 Hn~r monum ent abo","' m e thon , HI'''l'le .I.h with ,hi. line nil It : " He ' I\'~d the ... hlte ~1::: ·:;- E:rrchRng ... Innocent. at Home. .. _. Yll unKh,·ItI..-Jnck . III'Hr. we'lI hft v.' til 8('n,1 'hilI rp(rllternlnr hn('k. E '. Pr,\' tim .. Ih .. I""mnn putR Ice In It , I, 1"'.1 11" ,,, " 'u k. - 1I08too Transcript. ~l

--Miss Klltbryn Clark returo ed to Miami uulver"lty , Tuesdav. , , Uharle8 Uloark Ie, able to be ou, Ilialn . after 110 w Ofl k 8 l11o eS8. Ulllvin Longullr e nnd Ben I:'m ltb speot Wednesd"y io Dayton Granulated Sugar, pound .. ...... 6C Miss Cleo Huwk e Apon' th e boll. ( 10 pounds to one customer) Pure Pepper. pound .............. 25c d"ys wltb r e l<.ti ves 10 D"yton. Kiln Dried Salt. pound .... .. ..... 2c l:;overnl from here enj"Y lld 'he fox !JOe "Little Mias' Brooms .. .... 75c drive, near Bellbrook. 16St ~'rld"y Up to 45c Cookies and Dill. Cakes ....... ...... .. " .. ... 20c to 30c Mrs Eva Gr .. bam /lod daugbte r Beroioe were Dd.yton visitors, W.d. 2 packagf'B Macaroni .............. 12c oesday 1 gallon Karo Syrup .. ............. 55c Use our Classified Ada for results. Mr. and Mrs Carl Albright spent SaUBaie, Side, Shoulders or Munday In Uayton with Mr. and Beefsteak. po~nd ............ .. 2Oc Mrs " Arthur White. I Mrr. Levi Grea.tbouse, of Dayton, Our line of iroceries are all high· i IS visIting at the bome of Clyde g rade, clean and fresh; all are Wharton aod r.. mlly. marked at a price to sell . Jilist' Mary and Mr. Parry Cook, of Corwio. Ilpeot Sunday wllh Mr Hig hest prices for Butter and ANOTHER SALE ON "nd Mrs. Ralph Lewi •• Ei1l8. Laurel Crackers in the nice Red B . M. Clark left, Tuesday evening Tins 100 more to sell this week Next time,try for a visit with his son. Geo. Clluk at 25c . Buy all you wllnt be/lod fhmlly, at Sot .,.,Loula . .M.o. fore the price advances to 35c. A number of people from here at. tended ~be Falrmers' InstUute at CANDY SPECIAL THIS WEEK W~yoellvtlle. Friday and &turday. We picked up a lot from an over, La.wrence 81m~ has boen 810k with stocked dealer. Look at thPBe th e gri p, the past wet: Ir, and ' Mr. W ==§E=:.I1il Ii' prices: ::imltl.J, of Morrow. hilI! hall oharge ~ Real Cut Mixed. only .... ....... 15c fit $he depot.. Real Choc . .Drops .. . l8c, 2 for 35c Mr "nd Mr~ Wtllter Clark eo$ur' Reg. 25c and 30c Choc. at ..... 20c t~ iuetl to New Years dinner. Dr aod 40c Peanut Clusters. at ......... 25c M, s. L . Br'oo k, Mr. and Mrs. Ulyde Cox, Mr. I\nd Mrs Fr'foI\k Mil. GJ All Pancake FlouTS ........... ... 15c tenberger aod children ~ Aunt Jemima, Virginia Sweet. Mr. aod Mrs C. B. L')mb bad for Ballard's. Buy here and save their dinner gueds, WeduesdaY,Ur. 2c to 5c a packa2e . !larry Di sbrow and family aDd EI. wood Lamb. of DetroU . Mr. Bod



--- _.- ..---


Every Boy Wants It

If you could ~eali.e how much t hllt boy of



lor 8oY' In. All tht \\'() rld"

In the nen twelve num bers there will be BS Melville Cavl580n Poot. Ral ph D. Poin o. William Hey. Iller and Clarence B . Kell and. the short Itorl"a ate by authors of ~qua ! note. and the bIll departmenh whi ch are edited by experts,

Krial. by such famo us BlI t hors


for Friday and Saturday

",1. Coupon '0 til. pubUcation in ~"'e" ,hi. onc,. nppean,

, .

For $ 2.00 enclosed sen d a Year' s Subscription to THE AMERICAN BOY, beginning wi th t he .. .. •••••...... .. Number to . Name Address




::::${L~::d:::iO:n::~I::::: ~ . Lester Cbarlton and "Miss Edna Myers, 06 Franlllto ..... ere mrnrled,

Bring us your Chickens & Eggs.

Of Real Estate & Household Good At the reaidnece o f Mrs Sarah S. Hain es . un Third street. Waynesville, Ohio. on

Saturday, January 7, 1922, Beginning at 1 p. m., the following: 1 cook stove, I wood heating stovt', 2 walnut beds, 2 sets of sprin28 1 dresser. 1 che8t of drawer8. 1 marlol e- tllp Aland, 1 center stand, 2 Rets of bed springs. 3 rockers. I set of cane·seat chairs. Kitchen chairs. Clothes rock. irons, kitchen safe, exten~ion table, lot of dishes, buckets' and cooking utensils. 3 carpe t8, lamps. about 2 cords ot fine stove wood, lot of rough wood. etc. Brick dwelling of eight room s. two porches. two-room cellar, good barn. wood· house, well and cistern. cement walks. extra good garden. PrOperlY in good condition . and is near center of town

Household Good.

Real Estate



W, N . SEARS, Auctioneer.

INSURANCE Start the New Year by protecting your property against any loss. Let us quote you rates and see if it will pay you to carry your own risk. We represent only the strongest Companies writing all lines, an.d our aim is to give you tile best service. Call at our office or telephone and we will gladly give you any inf6rmation.

Sears & Cartwright

Mllses Margluet Clark and Leona MoGinnls and Mellsrs . E"rl Clarll Paul Duke aUendAd tbe Wllrreo

~u~~~~~g l~:~P~~d~~:d:ey~tl~~

delegates from Lytle BuodayBobool Mesdames Ethel Duke and Jessie Loogllore also atteoded . Mr. and Mrll . Walter Kenriuk eo. ter·tatned to dloner. New YoaraDay, tbe followlog guests: Mr. W . G. i:Jaioes aod fatDll.v, of Belmont, Mr Alfre.1 Baioe8 aod r.. mily. of Day too, Miss Irem, Slade, of ::ltdney .

Adding a New Member To An Old Firm

MI'. Joseph Uraesi, of Detroi' . • nd Mr. S.

Mr. Sam Hyman, wao bas been connected for the past three years with The Dunlap Clothes Shop, one of Cincinnati's biggest and finest stores for men, has been admitted as a member of this firm and will hereafter take active part in the management. The new firm will be M. B. Hyman & Son.

B_._ BtI_lu~~.:n~



There will be no radical change in policy; we'll go on giving you the finest clothes we can get-and the finest of everything else men wear, at the lowest possi. ble price . .


M. B. HYMAN & SON & Marx Clothes


L . M. Henderson, Cashier.

PlctureL ·The tashlon ot having many email picture. clustered together OIl the wall 18 one that hns IQII, since passed. And yet these are to be seen 10 maoy oth· erwlse plell~ un' 11,,1111 room". No ODe can prOperl)' IIlJpreclate eveD II COod picture when It 18 IU"rounded ' by half a dozen others. Qoe or two plctul'eI huna In the rl,ht place and In th rIght way luvnrlabl)' prove tllr more 8Llracth'lI titan a medley. Nothlnl tD eltCe88 Iii the DIOttO ot the loterior decorator.


---- - ..---

LIfo at I ... It. . Ttllre are ot ll ers wo.... ott" than I am, but ~ CIIII' , get any Jl'Ht Atllta.. lion out of tllaL- LO$YlU. oo.ra.,.. Ieomal.

m- ,--





T m

Entire stock of strictly hidh drade wearin &d & & apparel for Women and Misses nlust be sold redardless of costs and former prices. &






Absolutely the Greatest Bargaina Known T L ' h T 0 ebanon at t e Present ime




W e must vacate. 0 ur Iease expires . February 1St. W e are determlne . d to se11 every artie • Ie in our store at unusual price concessions [before we go into our new quarters . just vacated by the Traction office on Broadway in I""ehanon. This is the Sale of Sales. A ge-nuine removal sale and you know what that means.

c:l t:J







'I!JI' iii

I ;;~d~~;~;:~~:I~!~~:ro~~~:::Ut~S~ ----- ...---



Come i:ft I ~ "I ~ "t d J ' 7tb , LClF y. aa e Ins ~ D~ ay, an. W

officers for the ensuing year, will he




Removal Sa Ie~

The annual meeting of the stock· hol~era ot' the Waynesville National c:J Bank. for the' purpose of electing ~

The new member comes with a wealth of experi. ence in progressive store management and this experience will mean even further improvement in our service and merchandising plans- and even better values for you.

Waynesville. Ohio


Andy Cbarltoo, where the boys gave r:'I them a belling, Tuesday eveDlng 1;1


Phone 61·2

Aman BUilding

The F h·Ion Shoppe Starts a V·.gorous

~!~:t~It:isE;'f;'eD~:,d ~:m:o~o ~~:



-7 ~cnaffner

Public Sale!

Saturd ay Mornlng, . January . t h e 7t h


v~ry III, Tbur3dllY evenIng, at tl.Je ': home of her SLID, AllenEmrlok . Bne Is not muoh Improved fit this tim e. Mra .John Brown. of Cuntervllllll, is ~ emplov3d a8 ourse. ,.."

11 38

25·Pound Cloth Bags of Granulated Sugar...... • LoweSt price quoted anywhere since before the war.

THE AMERICAN BOY is now only $2.00 I year. Make oome boy happy- fIll out the coupon and mall It TODAYI Mall



are devoted to every 1 &iti mat e interest of

Yul ISII 't Ie cu rt o u. 110\\ :t Wli lltitn eaD ('nil 11 ilIOn denl' HilI! 11,, '11 In uk~ him t .. pl j· llt'lIp l - ' \'n)l" l t l p '!' 1I11's

"':==51.1:) ':-====, Il'===:111:11:'===:11r:l '(:===::111:1 =:=:"Iil Il'=::::.' h


''The bit. UI, 8ri, h!UI. Ik lt MQ llzJ ne

Price Reduced

N ... \\, Ami'ltp.rtlnm

Sa wyer's

yours, or that young relative or friend in whom you are int erested. crave. the hc nlth y, well· balanced readin g matler he will gel in THE AMERICAN BOY, never for a minute would you deny him this pleasure. For a Chrl,tmaa present, or Lirthdoy "ift, a sub· Icrlption to THE AMERICAN BOY is unexcell ed. It lasts the whole year through -lItId It. influence is of I he best.

--'0,.-- - - - --



t\\. E. Church Th e usua l services will be held next Sunday: SUIJday Schoo l, 9: 15: Preaching services. 10:30 a m. and 7:00 p. In.: EI)wort h League, 6: 15 p . m. Everybody cordially invited .


4'11 \\ IH' t1I1'1' II. ·· " lH' P 'II" t h l' ,; Ink Ill ... I't")ltt~ r of ~. ·tl , ·\ : " - 1·' ," -" 1( f1I~ ly In 111" Nu t I Ull '~ HII"' tn i • 4 -.t


nn lll t' from th e old '''ttl! th at P)' ''' Tlf le11

We taIlor make men'. or ladles' lulta. 160.00 up. Lateat st),le8. We pa)' '2,~O railroad fare on every custom-made au It ordered from UI. S.nll 1'1011. parcel pOOl.

8 g l· ... ~ "'tt o;

81('nl( It In the &lId PlI' r h ' lrl,\· ~ . onrl or" rk l'ti Ihe norlhprII tlHI""'llry 01 the

ill any "ay .

b .. \'"

- ---

Why It I, Ca lled Wa ll Street. IItreet, Nell' Y",·k. d" rl,'ps

, ho ",<>rIe 'e'" qUickly M en's anll wo · man 8 garmeOIa aUerod 10 any way d .. a lrt\( 1. \\' 0 dye tUf .kln. aDd .... modol th. m


'. - - --. -








Every article represents New York's latest creations. No left-overs. Everything is seasonable and thJ height of fashion.'

m m

The Fashion ·,Shappe ' . .' . >


Malberry Street.



10 ,

1'.. i iEiI,:;mi =ai l ai!i.:'~Ii ·i re·Ef4i1·~'iI~_:_men. ; ;=_:.M,5l&~:51ei5i i liI'~I!i'I.'· ElIElE'

101" '



. ' '"






WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11, 1922 -----I' --4.--f--.,a~ l ves

Mrs Eliza Smith entertained at dinn~r. SalurdliY. Mr. and Mrs Frank Braddock. Mr Iln.:l Mra Wal· ter Wilson. Dr anti MrH" Witham. Mr!l. Laura Sides. Misses Amanda Ke8flinller. Lucy Emley. Messrs Rub ert. W8rren and It..ym .md I3raddock and J P. Cummings.

Crown L,,'ilce K. of P . was rig ht r oyally entertainer! . last Wed nf'sday evening. At 'the close of the reg ular business sessioll . the H S. Glee clu h was - ushered in. and thf'Y sang a number of selections. whi ch wer e highlv appreciated by the Knights. A reading by Mlsa Betty l3arnet t added much tu the enjuyment of the lu Now. Y,?u !h.: ':;ch t a ~ea"y bomb dropped from an ai rplane fell like a Mr and Mrs Timothy Marlatt en· evening. The excellence of the Glee p ~O l eli dl~':I ~) ' 117 :rhls plcture·diagram, made by the "Scientific Arner ter ained 8t SUllday rlinnllr. Mr . and club's work Is . an added reason fot Ican anr W I e ·we pnnt by sptcial arTangement simultatteously wilh tha~ ~our~~II. I that 13 rcleasod bOlllb trayela with the awift airplall e for MI'R. Harry Mummer and Mrs Juhn lIur just pride in our High school. 'Ii I e an t 'en S owlv lurn s to carth as the hori&ontal I M.ull. ot Dayton, Mr . lind Mrs. Otto ciSCO" . ' mOlll l . ~U rtt After the program. a sumptuous Marlatt. daughter. Betty, and son. repast was served by the com mittee Jack. ot South ~end. Mr . and MrR in charge- Knights Roy MacBeth, John Rye ane\ daughter, Dorothy. Lee Hawke and Albe rt Cleaver- as· and Messrs Frank and John Peme. sisted by their good wives. Incle· ---"-~r--ment weather po~ tpon ed a pleas· [On account of spac'c' we were Turner again entertained with trom. antly anticipated visit from Harforced t.o dela \' this a~ ti cl •• one week bone and piano and the sellSion veysburg Knights. We are Indebted to Wlllmr l'lark for . . .. this excellent report. - l!;dilur .) closed WIth anothE!r whIstling num· ...- - I ber- the old· time favorite. "The - -. I Mocking Bird /' by Mr. and Mrs Waynesvil le Farm ers' InstItute Hellar The women ot the Ferry church was held on Friday and Saturday. . (To be continlled ) will give an entertainment and box December ::10th and 31st, at th lIocial, Friday evening. January 13. White Briel< r.hurch . 1922. Everyone invited. and all llid· FridllY 's program opened at 9:30 a . ies please bring a box . The blanks tor the ~oldlerB' bonus m. with the invocation by Rev . J 10'. • are here, in charge of George J . Cadwallader, followed by a~ instru · The prize winners in the guessing Waterhouse. and he will ' be 'ilIad to mental solo by Miss Helen Marlatt, Miss Lola Zell di,ed, last Wednes· conte3t at SawYl'r 's .Grocery are: give them out . It is important that and the appointment of committees First, Miss Orpha Hockett and Mrs. this matter be attended to at once. by the president. Mrs Cole then day eveninll. afLE~r a long illness. Bang a beautiful 8010. The funeral was held at the home of He.nry · Satterthwaite. tie; Second. and relatives, whose bOYIi are out of L. L. Rummell gave an address on PI' Mary Cook, Mondav Ilfternoon, town. can see Mr Wate rhouse, get Mrs Julia Bel'lren. Nelson McKeever the blanks lind forward them to their "An Hour at the Experiment Sta· Rev Cadwallader officiatinll . Inter· and' P. B Thomp30n. tie tion ." He gave a vivid picture of ment in ·Miami cemetery . sons <)r other relatilces. --_._-+.--the buildings and experim pntal fie lds or the atation and explained thtl ~rs . ~usan Hayslit died, Saturday Io\ork being carried on therll 1'or the afternoon. of pneumonia. The tu· betterment of Ohio agriculture nera1 was held at the Red Brick, People for Whom the The Normal quartet followed this Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Amoe . Beat Is None Too Good The Waynesville National bank address with a selection which was Cook and l«v BoIt offieia'ting. In· Art! alwa,.. the moot eotbuolulle coo· held their election. Monday. There weilleceived . • terment in Miami c:emetery. ceroiD, 'be 8J[celh!DC8 of our was no change in the directorate. Mrs D. H. Snodgrass then talked Dry Cleanlne and DyelnlJ This is the first meeti ng that Mrl to the ladies on "Labor 'Saved," and Mrs: Matilda Emerick died at ner W. bay .. IIDe of the moot e!!lelent Allen. pr e~ ident of th e bank. has urged that houSewives pay more at. home In Lvt.e, ear-Iy Sunday morn· Remodellne Dopartmenta e ,'er miSlleu, II fllct much to be ra- tentfon to sanitary condiUons in their ing. The funeral was heJd at the In the count,.,.. Hun t ransform"d II to Krelted by his many friend!! . Lhe mode nr, qulekl,.. M~u·. aDd woo kitrhens. and gave many helpful home of her 8<>n, Allen, Tuesday mao'. lanDeOU altered lu any way II ... - - -- I.- _ - - .Ired. hiots on kitchen and sani. morning at 10 o'clock, Rev . Wiant W. d,e fur II<h(& ami "'lllUdel t"'m tation Because of lack of time dis. officiating. Interment in Center· in a'l)' "'"y. cU8siun waR postponed until t h~ af. ville cemetery. We taIlor make men'a or ladJea' aUlta, seo,oo up, &.ateat ternoon sellSion W'II B - h- - --I-. . . I aro art, EI ormer CItizen, styleS. We pay .2.641 railroad At 1 p. III the afternoon ses sIOn d 'ed t th h ~ b ' . t 'are on every cuatdm·made All D of A. members are requested " I a e orne o. 18 818 er. Mre. by the Norma) Fr k G . Leb anon. Ias t ault ordered from u •• to bl'! present at the regular meetinll opened With musIc . an a II ag h er, In quartet, afte r wInch L L. Rummell k Th f I h Id t h' Seud (oodl parcel poet. Wednesday evening. January 18, We Dave no &1'811"• . lectured on "'fhe Profits of Pure wee . e un era. was e • a 18 1922 Instsllation c-f officers. . "'--" "H e s h"wed th a t th e 1921 late home. Monday. and the remains THE TEASDALE CO. "'-'CUS. . d ' M" . Uli-611 Walnul s,.. Olnclnnall. Oblo I Laura Heath, Councilor wh ea t crop was prod uce d a t a Ios~, were mterre 10 naml cemetery. ~-------------I l Roy Buhrman, Secretary. and urged the gr(, wing of certified c seed AS the only way out of this situ· tion . The t11r1~e outstanding varie· ties are Trumbull, Portage and Glad· / den . A profitable di~cussion of this and the two l1'!..orni ng lectures came All Juniors are earnestly requested at this time. Ito be present at OUI: regular meeting Miss Hpl en Mat latt charmingly en. fo'riday evenin~, J lllnu,ary 13, 1922 tertained at this Ii rne with two read. Degree work, IOstallatton of officers, and ings- Hiley's "Kriee-Deep In June," and eats . Come! , . and a humorous aelection. Ed C. WooHard. CouncIlor. W. H . Dinwiddie, R. S . Mrs, D. H. Snodgrass followed with her mos t interesting lecture on • - • "Child Welfare," in which she showed pRrents th e great importance of COMPLETE SERVICE p,roper nourishment for children, and of prevention of disease in childhood. She urges that mothers become memo Aman Build.iog Phone 61·2 bers uf Boards of Education and \ help to intTudu1:e into our school sysWayne8vllle. Ohio \ , tem morc. alld better taught Hy· Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Nicholson giene, and put Domestic Science in are celebrating their fi ftieth wedding the gradt's, rather lhan in the Hillh anniversary today. A large number S\:hool. of Iluests were present: We will A very interesting discussion fol· probably have morl! in regard to thi. lowed, dUring which the in,porlance affair next week. of the work of the public health offi· Ctlr. and county nurAe, in our ~chools Deacrlbed. was strongly emphasized. and tbe An optImIst 18 a Illall who beltev.. great need of war{!l lunch for grade that whatever La ml"ht have ..... children . The Insti tute then ad· worae. journed to meet at 7; 15 P. m . ( The evening session Opened at the appointed time, anti fifteen minutes were spent in community singing. led by C. I::. Earnhart. A whistling TIle Little Store with solo was then given by Mr . Weldo~ I <... ~ lhe 81, Bal'lalns Kellar, of Harveysburg.accompanied Dynamite Ie ufe-ir UII4 with dlacredoG. . at the piano by Mrs. Hellar. The 5 Ibs Cane SUllar .................... 28c Protein II ..fe-if \lied with Jud&meat. Both are dlmleroullf tI84RI eatclea1y, .' generous applause testified to the " Bars Kirk's FlakeSoap........ ~5c HI&h prOtein feedl are mUk·producen, bUt unaafe to reed tr the appreciation of the work of these es- 3 Cans No. '1 Table Peaches ..... 5Oc protein II aec:ured from one or only a few c:onc:cntratel. Feedln, of timable people, who are artists in 1 lb. Pure Pepper .................. 2Oc - one hI&h protein feed ' a1oDe-Uke cottonieed meal-wiD force milk Sibs. Pure Buckwheat Flour... 17c prqciuctioo, but wUt bum out Jour cow.. and may C8\11e abortion. their line; Frf/lh Pork ShOUlders, N . Y. Wheu protclu II .ecured f~ a c:omblbatlon of many ~thm . Mr. Harvey Sackett, of Bellbrook, cut, per: pound ................... 100 blah prOtein--.tyal. II Union Gralna COIlta1na 24% protein. famed as a trombone player, ~nter AII·pork Sauaqe, pound ........ l9c derived rfOlll 'a ac:lmtlfic combination or Com DI,at\llera Grabi •• Gtuten Feed, Brewera Grabla, O. P. LInteed Meal IUld choice Cottonoeed tained wtth a trombone solo, accom· Electric Starch. pll:Il·..... .. ...... .Dc Meat. Thli combioatloo makeI the protdn8 rudlly dlceatible and All Pancake Flours, pkg.. l0 & 15c panied by Mrs. Ethel Turner. Mrs eafe to feed every day, the year round, far recoc'\l.maIdIli: .. well .. a·lb. Bag Table Silit ............. ; !Ie Cole, in her delightful manner. sanll 5-lb. Can Karo Syrup..............29c in commercial dalrtel. . two beautiful selectiQns-an Indian Poet Toaatlllli, larae ... " .......... I6c ... UHION eUINS .. oaI. to , ..... I. UNION 01tAIN81o .tma.ln .u.-bl. p_elD. and the old Scotch favorite, Post Toasti.., amal!. .............. lOc Iyrie .. UNlOI'f OR41N8 .. I.... In ftlw. COD• ..,t. Com Flakes, lal'Je................. 15c ··s. IUNION QRAlNal.I....... moIot...... "Loch Lomond." 4. UNION 1IDd~)' dI&_bIe. So UNION GRMNS .. palaUbie. L. L Rummell then gave his ·Iec- Com Flakes. 811\&11 ................ lOC Armour's Com F1.kes ............ Dc UNION OItAlNS";". the lint oommNOlaI daJrT f_ my•• ture 01; "The New South," in which Armour.8 Noodle.. laflre pkg..lOc It ,... 'Inn _ImllOlI• ... 1101....110" lor OfIU ,J.O-JI.... , he took hie audience wilh him to lib. "Juet ~or You" COffee .... 82c ;,\ok u. r.... , ... mUk r - . I .heeta . study the new agricultural methods Large Yel!owKiPe Bananai, r dozen ........................... lICilC .1 in the Carolinu, and emphasized the , . , 41 Box Applee, 3Ibe...: .... ......2IItl fact tbat the South. iostefd of fol· Phone 2.5·2. I.Ql/~eSf)IU.e, OhIo lowing the ain,le crop method, really !'idses toar Cl'clpll a year OD the IIIUIlle'I:JlI~ID81!1 field, followed tb81iext year by ton. Be pve. Ane description of

r,;t '









Sears &







Dernard Allen. of Crosswick . was arrested last Wed nesdav by Proh ibi· tion officers. It is all eged tha t he was making corn whisky. anu the officers found a still and a small amount of mash on his premises. lie pleaded not guilty. and his trial was set for Tuesday . The arrest led to an investigation which implica ted several minors The officers were r usy. all day las t Wednesday. examining the young· sters, to find out where they had been getting their whisky. as sev· eral of the boy s hbd appeared in a state of intoxicatio n at a dance given near here recentl y. At 9 o'clock Tuesday morning a large crowd was present at the hear· ing of the Allen case . It was alonl(· fough t affa ir and ended after dinner . All en was found guilty. and was fill ed $750 and costs on each of thetwo coun ts: one for havinll liqu or in his posseFsion. and the other for hav· ing a still on his premises He was given ten days in which to make the amount Ilood . The hearinll of Morris Graham and Robert Werntz was nex t taken up. as the minors claimed to have gotten liquor from them. They pleaded guilty to the charge, and Justice Joy fined each ot the young men '500 and costs, but remitted $475 in each case. The remittance will banll over their beads as lotlll 811 they walk the "straight and narrow." but if tlley are brought up again this fine will 00 added to a s , iffer one, it they are provt!n guilty. This ought to be a lesson to the minora. too. who were examined. to let "booze" alone. Perhaps. the next time they will get a sentence which they will not like.


Sa w,'e~'s



Younce ' Bros. Grajp.· Company

the life of the lIOufhem negro... ':' \ Tbe M. Male quartet th!ID 81•• a flnl! number, 10 MIJ:.reeeiVed that &her ieneroull1 respond'ed with an-



Backet~ and


Next time,tl7

Saw ,a r'. ·t

Chas. Bu ell was in Xe nia , Mo nday .

Mrs. C. S . Gruuge r. of ~'iqlla, is 4uite il l.

The Ellquirer ot Saturday had the tollowing: "Collector of Internal Revenue Charles M. DeRn yerterday, appointed E. V Barnhart, of Way· nesville, Ohio, to be chief of the Es· tate Tax Division, vice Emil C. Foe· singer, who has resigned, effective January 20." \ While we are very happy to hear of the above appointment. in a meas· ure we regret that it may call Mr. Barnhartand family away from townThe appointment. howev er, i811 good one, nnd' Mr. Barnhart will be ready to take up his work when the time comes. bS he has made a study of this department, Good luck to YOU, Eph!

The regular meetinl( of tne Farm Bureau was held at the Masonic ban· quet roome, Monday evening. About 120 were present, and a fine oyster supper was sen'ed bv the Eastern Star lodge. Mr. Hunnicutt. county Ilgent of But)er county, was present and made a Rne talk. The meeting throughout was enthu8lastic.


WILl SERVE HOT SOUP - At the last m~ting of the Mothers' club, It was ' voted to serve one hot dish, at the noon hour, to the child· ren ot the Grade bujldinll who take their lunch. Thl. will be done for twenty days, aa an experiment To make this a success, we are asking you to contribute canned tomators, potatoes. rice. milk. butter or money. Please leave donations at Mr,' J. B. Chapman's store •

My er lI yman was in Cinci nnati .

Walter KUbon made a business trip to Baltimore. Md ., this week.

W. N. Sears was in Dayton on bus· ines!<. Friday .

Uorn - To Mr. a nd Mrs. Fred Leon · arel. o f Kings Mi lls . January 10. 1922 Otto Lewifi is quite ill ut his home a da ugh ter . on Tyler street. Roy Macne th. who has been quite Mrs. Rachel Key~ i ~ ill at her home sick . i~ gelting a littl e better. al· on Nort h s treet. though he is not yet able to work. Blue Buckle Coffee will satisfy the Clifford Buzick, of Sidney, is visit· most exacting coffee drinker. If It ing his parents here. is not air we claim. bring it back and Mr. and Mrs . Fred M. Co le we re !let YOHr money. Get it at Sawyer's Dayton visito r ~ . Sunday. Are you keepinl[ chickens, or are Use Reeter'a Special pri ce on our China Cups they keeping you? More·Egis Tunic, and mllke them and Saucers- $1 49 lJer half dozen J. E , Janney . • help keep you . I package tree with each $1 package . Sold on a money· Harold Burge and family' will back guarantee at Sawyer's Grocery. move into the ' McKean property on Mr. a nd Mrs. N . P. Blatt, Dr. EI· North street. soon. lis and the Misses t iara Lile, Hen· Mr . and Mrs Isadore Bloch. of ri etta McK insey. Edith Georlle, Edna Spring Valley, spent Sunday with Howland lind Leona McGinnis at· tended a mee ting of the county units Myer Hyman and famil y. of the Community Service, at Leba· Mrs Ada Court.n ey retu rned home non. Tuesday evening. Saturday. after a two· weeks visit with relative~ in Wilmington . The Miami Gazette, $1.50 a year Are you using Reefer's More·Eggs Tonic? Makes layers out of 10lters We sell it and iuarante it . Sawyer's:

----- ..- --

Dr . Ellis and W. E . O' Neall ar· rived home, Sunday. atter spending a month in Alabama, The trip made both of the boys look young again. Mr Clarence Mendenhall and fam· i1y. of . Dayton, spent Sunday here with hIS parents Mrs Me IdenhaJl

Reefer's More·Eggs Tonic Is not a fOQ(t, it is a tonk. Its purpose ia to condition your hene; put pep in them ; make them scratch and exer~i se . It will make hens lay. Sold on a guar· antee . 1 package free with ~ach $1 package. Sold at Sawyer's Grocery .

Second Sunday' after Epiphany, Januar, 15. Church School .9:80 a. m .; Morning Prayer'and sermon at 10:80. Monday evenInl, Janu&l'1 16, tbe anauatP.ilb meetiq will be heJel at St. Mary'. church at '1 o'clock 'nile meetln, Ie elect wardena and V\!ItrJmen and to bear report. of the , ftnOtli treMurer'. for the put lear. fan atteDdance .. deiired.


ZIMMERMAN'S SPECIALS THIS WEEK Small Post Toasties ..... .. ...... lOc Large Post. Toastiee .- ........ . 100 Kelloghs· Corn Flakes same price All Pancake 'and Buckwbeat Flours, package, only........ l5e Seedlesa Raisins. pkg. on1y ... 25c Evp. Apricots, pKg,only ...... 30c Bulk Mac . or Speg. Z Ibs ...... 2ic Laurels Crackers, red tine .. ;. 25c All Scrap Tobaccos, 3 pkgs ... 25c Rio Coffee, pound ....... - .. " .. 17c Down Ooel the Price of Soap Fels Nap Soap, 4 tor ...... ...... 25c P &: G White Na Soa ,4for ..25c Sta'r Soap. 4 for ....... :....... :.. 25c Kirk's Flake White, 4 for .....25c Paying 20c for Hen'.! up to Fri· day nuon. IT PAYS TO TRADE A.T




need awnnger

~ when youhaVe a[JJLJ~-DRY-lE-m-


HAT' S what make's Ihe Laun-

Dry-Enc d iffe r elf t an d better. Women c\'cryw hc rc h'l! how it saves clothes, how it 1lt'Vl'r d:un atres bunons, snap faste ne rs, hooks ari d cyes i how it dries comln'rt:s and hlankets for Ule" line in one minute bettt' r lhan an}' wringer - and how it mak.e :; it lInll(' ('('s~ar)' fo r ) ' OU to put


_L..._ _...:Ji....._ "lIlt "" a rvrl.,eT

i, iJ"', a Ln.,,· DryEll,"

your hands ill hot or cold water. But u s give' you it d ~ mol 1S tra tiol\ - that'" proof that pruvt' s. Phull c us toJay.

Fred M. Cole WayoClnllle. Oblo




We still carry a fun line of

--~.~ ' --


for a more ex.,

The sale ot household goods held I by Sarah S . Haines. Saturday afternoon. was attended by a large crowd and everything sold at a good price; A. A. M,:N eil, of Center ville, buying several antique pieces .

..-. ..


business vial tor

Grant Le wis. of Dayton. visited relati ves he re. Friday .

Thur ~day .



Mrs. Matilda Hosie r ha.~ been quite sick. but i~ better.

Br· r·r·r. some weath er , today .




Mr~ . J . L. Ha rtsock is visiting rei· in Dayl~

WHITE MULE CAUSED \ ,..--,,....- ...... ANOTHER ARREST ~~


Whole Number 5469

Goods and other merchandise, both for ~en ~nd women,.. ,,also the children. ' ., " Here' ·y~u . ean supply yo~r needs for Shoes. Boots, Arctics, all kinds of Clothing, Hats, etc. . V.isi~ its once and you will ~ome satisfied patrons;

u. S. 'Am and N. 5(1


Main 51,.." M~ '~




The Mi&J!ll Gazette, WayneeWle, O1r~f'lo ll. ' 11'1. tH\~ [)


Io!,.:nra ngu,·'nelr

IE'llIIon In ~ llrune onJe , Of me ex· p~dltlnn. W.e'vQ hlld Ollr Uttle tun fUld II 8 blgh time we got "own to buslnel8. It \V1ll. he I.ow tide Ht ollie o·cl()Ck . ...8o .1 8ugge~t, craeKs, thaI you OI'(I~r Ihe mn te and t\\'o e8m~b out In the btl 1\'h .. l.. b06t. lotnllit .r with h 11'1 ' 8 I e~. u I>-


WilY "UI "r 1111' Ille 1<.' But the ·mote COltl,·. ''''' 11 nil III' "1' Iln(1BIlYS he'l pretiy

GThe Cjreen Pea Pirates

f( ure Iw ('1 1l1J ("(Hll e utmr plauttu' .. 1ll\!89 r ~ h e ll III til e c,'lI ler ot lbe disturb· unt·'.... {'\' t.>11 It we " 11 11' 1 s~e l'he Wtirt on

"rCHUnl or II,,· j UII,:lc. ·It' l 1111 orr with ll' e ~" " I1 I1 , ,,l u l''' IInli lhe .klpper. allf' MTv-....'7--=;;r'mIll~., IIII\\',' ~II .I· ' th" IlIfll ,·. 'so we mlghl jU81

theIr mur· ur l 'i1 I11'S (l, wh ' n he pm It t lllll wn ,\' I IZ ' Vc rlly c fUl sl ' nl - " W I' U 11 11\"4..\ n ' ll j.!'I ' lIUl'(I 110


(1. \1' 1\ 1':\:


j ' " " ' lur~

the IIIlllll.· l'o"81l1g

\\ It h hi. t"rk nn

Giants," Etc.



HlH lII t1I \I'\' ll n S,lt' l'!ul ~ 1 1I~ ~ h' II s)·IHII I·lIle.



mootIng of the

lirst 1 , ""llh"~ h~rore the me&t· slI lrl ~Ir . (lll l lle~· . "II to readjust Ihe o\\llp rsh lp In Ih... yn llleate. Me · 1"llel S " r""II"~ ' . hn rl oll r heods logether.

CoPyrilht, by 'C'Crr B. K rn e

"Th ~

I" ~ . "

"lr,~n IUU ' I l l,h Jl ;,rE:'flln )"11 . ~ ll h' . " ~ n l d (lIbn('~· . "11'1\'lnl: hrll\'"I) to "1'1 "'11 1' J n l1nt ~·. " 0 11(' \I ( y ()ur IJr'" lo-l h d ... ';1 1111' hC' I U',It'n my ll iJ.! ~ Ant! (' II I l i l t ' r ll pt' [ 11111 111'11 1 111(". li nd h;IIlp·d 11 11' n l ll i It l'" p O~ 1 J \\ ns tlpct 10 n il nn--' r tl u' 1M . t\ ( ":! I!_ II ll'n l n ( t ill' :,\ 11\·11 n pl !1 II r~ I n hH \'., t n l, PI \ 0 ' \11\' p :lrt ('I ( II\ .\" to/l r , h tl l I I!llt '.... l" (' 11 r f1(,\ I \' C'r. \\ ' , , ' r fl Itn.tty ,," pI! .. 1. ..n ). up. ~ In( · . viII !'uwlu;;. II lId II jolt or \\h l~, \\ l\lI lrl I,p III "" h'r nrtl'r . . \·ou \, \,I put th~ IrpI1S on 111(........ two j· nn · ~ 1I .n l"' '' .\1 (I ·go 0'cJ'lo'k IIr th e ""'l'lIln, or thr cln y t" " "w l ll ~ tllr rr l ~lItrll l XI .prl 'l l' I1"(' of CllJ llll ocl on\ O I t. 1H,a~· anti '- '111')-



lh fl t

I h ul

IJl nttl' r'a

" lIl lIlno In double Irona fl ll ,1 chlllll",1 to the mHlnmost," replied M \'nurTe~· . "ond ft S n te~ tlmonlal ot mr



Women's Waists Neatly trimmed, 'm ade fiDe quality voile. A11 sizes ONE DOLLAR Union Suits Mi88es' White Seal, sizes 12,14 and 16 ONE DOLLAR




Turkish Towels Large size, 35c value, 4 for ONE DOLLAR



Misses' Bloomer; Good quality sateen black and white, t! pr for

Men'B and Young Men'sOvereoats all Wool. plaid back cloth. brown and dark fancy mixtures, sizes 37 to 42. Former price $29.75 Sale price,



Dress Goods Suitable tor ehildren50c fa ncy checks)and plaid serges, 3 yards lor

Men's Dark Grey Melton Overcoats half and full lined belted and plain backs, full cut and well tailored. Sale price,

$19.75 Gabardine Rain ('oats, 44 in. long, plaited backB, belt all around. half silk lined. Sale price. .


ONE DOLLAR Outing Gowns


Women's nice quality neatly trimmed in braid, full cut, each



~ p.,

All Wool Goods 12.00 women's extra special, while and gray. all sizes.






Ribbed Vests Children's heavy fleeced "roken sizes. 4 for ONE DOLLAR

Men's and Young ~en's Suite, all wool, in fancy stripes and mixtures, $22 50 values. Sale price,

$16.75 Men's and Young Men'a Overcoats, belted backs, brown and green mix· t ures Former price $20. Sale price

$14.75 One Lot of Young Men's Suits, sizes 32, 33 and 3~. SaJe price,

$9.95 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, all wool, some wilh two pairs of pants, $12 50 value. :.:iale price,


Crouching Be-

a Clump of Coco Palm •.

p arOfUS, nnet we'l go "", \" , I'r l~1I lers And LIn ck rorlll. As ror YUII.


Mllc. suppos(> YOU take Ihe OIli er bunt an d Tobu·Tnhu and the king. ond h.lp lbe IlIRt e. Toke 0 rifle ailing with you. lind make Ihern "l1l1fl\,es (11"0 tor pt>8rl 0yslers until Ihey're blo ck In Ihe race--" "Huh I" Illllt tered the single-minded McO u!fey. "Wh nl are they now' 8kr bl ue1" "or course," con tinued tbe comm()dore. "It a tiler shari hoppen. alonl and plckl lire nlggers uP. It nln'l none ot our bllsllle... As tor me Ind Scraggay. "-e'li sit on deck IDd emok•. My heMI Rches and [ rues! Scra"lr:' In II .Imllo r till."

'- MEN'S SUITS Men'a Pure and Fibre Silk Shirts, In fancy stripes. all colors and sizes, $5.00 values. Sale price,

$3.75 Men'B Fine Heavy M~dras Shirts. Corded woven and Eoglish striped madras, in patterns BO attractive and in auch liot! taste that you wlll · admire our !!election . $3 00 value. Sale price,

$2.19 Men'lI Madras Shirts, in all fancy Full cu~ and stripeB and colors. roomy and absolutely fast colors. $2.50 values. Sale price,


MEN'S HOSE Men's S"lIt Foot and Plain White Half Hose. very fine Irrade. Per pair 1ge Men's BUBter Brown Hose. very fine lisle. in brown, navy blue, and gray. 35c value. Sale I!tice per pair


MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS Men 's Rope and Shaker Knit Slip· Over and Coat Sweaters, in fancy stripes and solid colors, all wool, $9.75 value . Sale price,

$6.95 Men's Sweaters, coat styleB, with and· without collars, plain colora only, S6.00 values. Sale price,


$6.95 Children's Overcoats. sizes 6 to 12 years, $10.00 valuel\. Sale price,


Muslin 15c quality heavy un· bleached. 10 yards for

Boys' Slip-over and Coat Style Sweaters. in plain colors only. $3 50 values. Sale price.




Long Cloth Old Glory, chamois lin· iab. 5 yards for

Boys' Knee Pants Suits. made of Crompton Cordurpy. $800 value. Sale price,

Men's Lambsdown Union Suits, $2.00 values. Sale price,










Boys' Knee Pants Suits, $6 50 val· ue. Sale -price,

Men's Ribbe4 BalbrilCgan Shirts or Drawers, Irood quality Sale price,



Kimon.a Crepe Serpentin~, In emjlrtest


Outing Flannel iUeaehed Crash Z1 inches wide. line 110ft fleece, Sevens all linena. 18 inch611 7 yards for wide, 4 yards for ONE DOLLAR


CHILDREN'S COATS $6.00 Coals, sizes 2 to 6 in all wool Kersel CI "th- and brown

$4.45 $8.00 Coats. sizes 2 to 6 in all wool Polo cloth. velvet and Kersey.

$5.45 $10.00 Coa.tB, sizes 4 to 12, in Polo cloth, broadcloth. velvots, belted models and yoke effeCte,

$6.95 $16,50 Coats, Bizes 6 to 16, Bame materials as above-Brown, blue and green.

35 Women's Suit., Chiffon broad. cloth, Vel dyne, Suede Velours, Tri. coUnes and other fabricS. Valu611 up to $60.

$29.75 12 Women's Sulta In Tricotine, Velours, Yolamu and Duvet de Laine, some plain tailored, others fur trimmed. Valu. up to $50 00

$22.95 30 Women's Suita In Trlcotine, Velours, Yolamas IUld Duvet de Laine . . Values up to $-&0.00.

$16.95 18 Women's Suite of Sergei and

$19.75 Junior CoatB, sizes 13 to 19. for Junior and small whinen In wool velour, Yalalna, BoliVIa and broad· cloth, all this season's models and shadet!,


Yolama. SultA valued up to $22.50.

112.95 15 Women'lI Suits of Serges, wool Veloura and fancy mixtures at


22 Junior Coats. sizes 13 to 19. Same cloth as above. Some fur trimmed. others plain. Smart belt· ed effects and straight line models.

WOMEN'S AND MISSE~' COATS 28 Coats in wool Velours, cloth and novelty cloth.


MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND . CHILDnE~S SHOES $9.95 Men's tine dress shoes, in black or tan" ............... " $5.00 Men's Goodrich rubber boots ......... ...... ......... ......... $4.45 Men's f·e lt boots...... ...... $6.45 Menislace felt boots...... $6.50 Men's 61 buckle all ,ubber artic .... . .... .................. .. $8.25 Men's 1 buckle all rubber artice .. ....................... .. $8 00 Men'B 1 buckle cloth artles .............................. .. $4 95 Men'a 'work shoe!l, all leather ........................... .. $8,95 Men's work shoes, all leather ........................... .. $5.95 Men's dress sboes, all leather ...... ...................... .. $5.09 BOYB' lhl'avy high top shoes.... ..... ......... ...... ......... .".95 Women'l! brown, CUb'a n .., heel dress &hoes ......... ......... $695 Women'tl brown,low beel dreaa sboes .... ...... ............ $2 50 .Child's aiboes, 8X to U...


'6.95 3.95 3.95 5.45


$9.75 35 Co/lts In wool Velour, yo!.... plush, Polo cloth, in this seaaon" Bliadee-Tan, brown, navy, black and copenhagen.

114.75 15 Coate in Silk Pluab, Velour, Normandy, BolivIa, in thll seuon'. .tyles and abades.




28 Coats-Same .. above, allO broadeloth. All this aeaaon's neweat

2.45 3.95 2.95 3.95

$24.75 , 18 eo.ts, Normandy, Marbelalne, Bolivia and Yolanua, plain and fUr trimmed, IOm_e with bl~uee blllek, all tbitl BeUOn'l ne'!§lt Qlodela.



15 Coate-A prir!l9UI 88lembl. .e • of. richelit fabrlCBr-IJolI,anna, Normandy, Silk seaJ Plush, Bolivia and 6.45 Cordana, Wrappy. etraJibt line, al. so ,port model•• .riefilY 'fur trimnH!d 5.45 or8el.f~trlmmed . . 1.85 134,.75



_ .



IIOrted ~ttot. ., per ,a~) ,

Huck Towels' . SiZe i8i36 'extra quality.hIQrhI, mercerized, 85 cent value, 4 for . , ONE DOLLAR


Night Shilts in light or dark gray. navy blue and tlln. all sizes.






Cotton Hose Men'l black and brown. all aizes. 9 pair for

$39.75 145 00 ,and 189..75 Dre8letl, Velvet Sateen, Ti'fcotine. Twill Cord, etc., models featuring silk embroideries, taseelll and braids. latat model4 tor street, afternoon and Ireneral wear.


S9.95 " . ' IIId Women's Plalt~ ~~ :PJ"Itty plalda ind B\rlpee,blue and b~ ~raes. Villueli up to •• 60. Salepnce; .


> 53






t:z:1 t:z:1 "d





ONE DOLLAR Handkerchiefs 12Xc full size men'a all whUe, 12 for ONE DOLLAR

~ t:d

Kid"Gloves 0 MeniillD!Id drelled and ~

~qdrtilied kid.

In gray. mocha or cordovan.



Men;. Gloves ONE




Dress Gin.i.bim , CraIb Danish Cloth Amoalteat,l rem~~Jeuiiort Stev_ all - . DDbI~ .86 1neJ. wide, eolon ~IDe ment"Dswaat..plaldil, dleka and 181ne~... de 1IMIh, Ii .,arda Dfn~ and tiD. 50 eent value str·lpea, 6 ,arda fOil tor ', t • lor . ' . ONE _ , ONB , - ONE DOLLAR

~ en


All wool drlvlnJC and One lot Ladltl!l' Wool Skirt. in dl'Clll.lrlov., 2 pair tor bilek, navy and Shepberd plaid. at

. 11.89 .

~ 1%1

Buster Brown 50c boy.' hOll8. Extra heavy triple knee, ailel 7 1%1 7 to 12, 3 pair for

Union Suits .. Men's fleeced, white or «ray, '1.60 value, Ilzes S8 t35.00 and 129. T5 Dreaees in Can- to 44 ton crepe, crepe de chine, twill cord and sera-e, latest .modelrt for street, ONE DOLLAR afternoon and general wear. - Men's Tjes $19,95 Silk four·ln.hand. in sasorted colors. shadet!,and Dr68!fell. In serges. wool velour, Btripes. 75e vait,l e. 2 for tricotine and Jersey, in colon-ofnavy. brown and taope, .tritlght ONE DOLLAR line dresses. Cottori Sweater~ .$7.45 Men's heavy Irray,IJ.50 value, $15.00 Dresses in llellres, trieotlnes ONE DOLLAR and wool velour, In broWD, beaver, navy and Copenhaven, Some nleely embrOidered, otbers braid trimmed . Cloth Caps II 50 men'. winter with $9.45 ear ~bs, In very deaira· ble eolors, 122 50 Dreaee, In IMIrllel, trie()o ONE DOLLAR tln8ll, crepe de ehlnes and ..tiDa, Colors. navy, black, bnlwn and taupe. Boys' Caps $14.95 11 .60 1l00d Irrade in all colors, Sale price,

Women'. Plaited Skirt. In rolors, navy .nd black, allO beautiful pattemam Prunell Btrlpeeand plaid,. Valu.. .up to .16.50. Sale price



to 1%1






BusteI:, Brown

f6(),OO Dresses of Tricotines and Twill Corda. Exquisitely trimmed with velvet applique, beadlnp, silk metallic ell\broiderv. They are simply marvelous.

rrHE S. FREI) COMPANY, LE1,l 4,NlllN,eJHi()



~ val. men's hose.Hlle thread.all colors. 4 pro for



Men's Shirts Large selection Coat IItyll', in percale and fan· c, etripes, sizes 14 to 17.



Cd ~ in printed, good Qual :"~'!"" "':.'~. ,~ 'ty, l6c-beavy-72 In. vndJ!, mercerized.II -6CI I '~ ~~"'~~~n:.:d!a,oroar" uObleached," 18-inch, .10 yards quality, hlgbly mercerized, at'-

. -. ~






After Inventory Be-Adjustment Sale Now Going On and Ending JANUARY .26th.






Boy.s' Knee Pants Suits, $1000 value. Sale priCf,


- ----.-----




Gingham Dresses Children's, in checks and plaids. each

~ -<


Lenox Soap

Men's Sweaters. coat style, with and without collars, plain colors only. 15.00 value . Sale price

f-< P:;



Pj1Jow Cases





Detected Two









Men's and Young Men's Suite in fancy casimeres and all worsted, col· ors, brown. navy and fancy mixtures $35 valuel, sale price.

Burson Hose 35e Wonen's, All sizes, 4 pair fbr


Ed. C. W

. Damask Good quality mercerized. good Mohawk . size 35x42. three for Regular 5 cent si:ie, 24 t-ars for selection of pattt'rns, 69c value 2 yards for

Kimonas $2.50 and $2.00 flP.eCedown, all80rted styles and colors

O pc



Envelope Chemise '1,50 Women's, made of mUllin and nainsook,niceIytrimmed,




gn\lftutl e tor the Increased Interest to

tu ln Sern!!): , wltll rh(' (,l1 l1 l1lhlll . or I tile synd icate which Y,OU lind !!Icragra 1\ II"elll Yil . tIll' ""'lI1l w r~ fit th .. ~I n~glp \ h.s j.ust , oted me,. [ Villi acheme up a II sYIIIII<-nl(' tll r NI each oll,pr nCI'o'~ tlIt11l rorm of "engell nce on them two tl,e 101'l 'ok rn M ",hie with oppr llt". In tar babies. l-I o \\'e\'l~ r, ooly nn elltraor· 11(1 II'lse d t lllllll " llI'~ hy the "xcll lll!! " dlnnry spnll'n ce clIn fit suCh an ax· e"cut, nI th,:lo DrA ,.4.... I~o .... 1 .. I tru o rdlnflry crime. 80 1 must have tim. McOutl'l'Y su rn'red ·hls ·ifill'erlor 10 lhlnk II o\'er. 'Thele two buck. I. ('t!rs. curse(1 Iheru hlttprl f, unel r '- rulne to do whnt 1 pleu. wltb !lod ru lII&I'ked, \Vlth teara of Joy In his hoo- toke IIny Interter-enee BI unnelgbborlr est r"es tbat boll II h ~ , and unw orthy of a sh lpmnte." J • . I gell eOJen nu "T k • " Id C tal S e\'llded their Just deserts wheo they . n e eur. S8 ap 0 cra,,1 es~uped with their lives. "U It hBlIn't ,-ehel11ently_ "Fo..; my part J ouly aslt heell for tlH) mate." snlll ~h'nulTe.l' ee- one rhlng. If you can see yo~r way Yerely. "I'd 'B' leI you two huolol os 6ut. c1enr. Mac, to ghe me. the 'kIng . ac!lp ror n tobacco pouch. [II be ohllied. fer the peoaltu tor Y011 toollsh ' r " A nd r," Rdd ed t h e commo d are, Any mnn thBt J goes to work nnd neSS. rra. tenllzes \Vlth a ca nnlb nl 110't got DO "would llke Tabu.T.bu·. shin hone tor kick com In' 11 be's mad(' up' 11110 chlck-' a clnrlonel. Penrlln ' McOulTty·. ~ en curry with rice. Tire minu te J henr necUons on the hnmperlu' at crime In old ScraKl:5l' yloolo' tor lu:,I[!. snys J to K.oda~\I'. however. "'I'U turn Our at·




lhl s cllllnJbu l k lll K rilRt olmQst lure(1 me

ond th ' 1I1l" lgntl ll' otlk er 10 our de·

nn" I!'trtl('ti . ,, ' hn\'p the




set tled,

1t In to u s On the rill'," lJ U t'~llnn tltld SIIJHIPAt whnt"B to be rt t\lIc 111 thr ('n~tl IIf Tuhu ·Tnbu And r Oll I"nn 1I 1I 1! rtf'p l n '


'n, "


~ t Il C·. nli ll wo ' n ' lIj.::re,·rl thot you'\"e ~h" t YOllr \\ 0,1' 11110 n r)11I one-third In· t Prl"Sf, lnSlf'flit 11 ( n Qtul.rtf' r AI heret(). ( l in'. Fr(\1ll uo w on , ~In c, you ' re an ('qu n l n" lIt-'r wllh tlH! aud SCroil")', Hi n t


Money to Loan on _ _ __ _ .__ Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent. General Repair

11'110 III"'IC II I. wA r 11'\11' 11 h~ad 10 almu 1"1" ,1 . h '" 11~ . \\'I"'n Ihe mil le hod lerl tlu' \'ul dn ti lC ("III1HIH>4 1o re pounded

Man," "The Valley of the

A-RSICR ijdOP with .. )I 16ulIl,lIe·, new ell'lo'rlo oltpper, tlv .. ry~htnlJ Atter brea.Unat Commodore G1bn~ .. Or.t.OI" •• Ollndllllln; 'wo cbalra ordered IhlBI the prlsollertl be broulht A flue pl.OI' Il""d' barber, a. before him. Tbe cook MTfed them thera III no ",· mpAl·hloo . If Intar• Wllh hr~!\Iitt88t an" III ther at .. the e'stell call Or' "'T ' II' F ••rNlt '1' Mar'ln . c(ltutnodorE' rernl n d~ Ulem that It '1111 A notloneer. Bolt Ill . I ·enl,ervllle. Ohio ~nl y Ihroulh bl. personal ,!fort. and BonIto phone Nil. :! jll MONEY LQANED FOR SALE-LAND his nalur,,1 dlllncllnation ta return bl ow ror blo ... that ther were at thAt Extra U nmi,Hflavy l' ballOO Pr"~e momeot ~lIljoyl n, 8 squnre meal In· JOIN OUR PARTV GOING Tu Inquire of 1 t-I/\&lerthw8tle, ONEY Loa Dlld on live I!!took, .tead ot swinging In the rigging. . FLORIDA j\1 Vaynes , HleIOhlo. ohattels. ,,180 &ooond mortgtll(88 "I'ID golto· to leI,,>! you two ye"s I WE HAVE arranged for a .paolal Na&e8 bouj!bt. John Bl<rhlne, Al1el1 RUr, K - o Rpp\1bll o I X Toll,Trnok . chnnce rO. lrerorm ,·· COOc\Udfd Mr. Olb· Pollman to kke a groop of farm. Building, Xenia Oblo . 6 " a2 Ob!! .. \>. lllqulrll of Rov Ra'h . npy. 81h1reMlnl Tebu -Tabu. "It you erl!! \0 Inlpeet our fa moue Walltlll .. wa,. W8YDe ~ ville , UbI" .how us where we can get a carlO of farme Ileal' JloklollYiJle. Jolli thle black coral li nd worll bard and !'alth· party and lee with yuur own eyell til l helpl n' us to Ifel It aboan!. It may wbat Norther n energy nan do In help you 10 comb a fa .. Iray hal",. I'm tbe Boutb. Uar colooy of OhIo far. goln' to tnl,. the Iro'll 01T now. but ra· mere have produoed Jemarllable nt frnh «>r I At tire Ilrat elro ot tb. r68uIJII. All hlMh "e .11.000.00 has double-('ros, fou're both .hark ment." been taken from on8 of our twenty Call me by phone On behftl t ot hlluelf anll the IIlnl, eore trliota tn one orop and there TEORELL &. TERRELL Tahu·'Tahu pron'ls p~ 10 behl\\'e. an,' I I<fe hvo or more ;)fOPS a Y8ar. \ "' , 00118 ~h'GulTey kl r ked Ihem both Into the 001' ten Mid tweD'y aOfe 'fAotlllli Wilmington, 0., phone 301. 80uth .. Main Street_ small boat. The mate II1ld t... o ~u· olude a modern haOle wUb fUll. men follow ed In annth~r boat, In which niog water aDd eleetrto HgMII lind 1========= ===== Waynesville, Ohio arE prloed wUhln reaoh of any es FOR SALE the Illr·purnJ,l and " "'1"1 apparetu. was ca rrIed, anti TAbu·Tabu piloted I tabltshed farmer. Theee tarms adjoin ooun,y 8eal &OWD where are thpm to a Ipatch ot slill wOfer JURt In· loo"ted good lobooll anti ohurobslI side rhe reer. Th e wa te r w•• so cleft r Ton B of 'f 1MUT B Y RAY. In. OQOOOOOOOOO()OO.)()()()OOOOOO We are Inviting ssrloos minded . Ihnt McO utl'p,' \\'Oft r nable,1 to make qolre of John ltoltorslID. R rellponstble 'Rrmen c nly Bod to 0.3. W"yoeRvllle. Ohio. out vns t '~8rlne IRrden. thi ck ly j26 lIuob thle trip wlllapPtlaletrongly. sprinkled with the llrt'('IOU8 bln ~k Wrlle loda, for dst, all~. OW-a iood Fresh Cow. In. coral. qolre of R. E. I:!lmklns. R 0 ~ 1 "Over you go, you t,,·o 8mok('s. " TnE W ALKILL I:-ITOOK FARKS (~o , jll5 rasperl McOurTt',1', mClln rlng th~ Cftp- 2ul Rentsohler Bldg, Hamilton . O. Ore,onl", Oblo f22 th ea wllh hi . rlne. "01 ... deep. lilY Lot of t! Brlok and ! For sale dates, call W. C. henrtles. 11,,(1 hrlll,!! liP whnr ro u con Lumber for sllle. . HOle & 1 Smith's Store, New Bur· flnrl . nllll II~ a 8h nrk comes ol onlt And WST UngleMby. pbone lll7"~. Wayne'. j lington, or Harveysburg, tllkes n nip out or your hind leI!. don't ville, Uhlo. j211 I Ohio, phone 7-2Y2. pxpect no hplp rrom B. McGulTey. (I~1'-·A plllin hlaok velve' Ore .. E " Qlllr e-be~ o\l so you WOO'I gN any." L AY-6 or ~ taos of Mixed Clover ~klr~. 0'1 road l·l' hu1en Morrow For neorly two Wel'k8 the MU l!gle II anel Tlmotby E:lav , good qOltlHy , MY PRICE, ONE PER CEN !illrlng V .. lley . Finder pleRle loy ot IIl1chor. ",hlle h,'r crew Inborell lind jl 8 Ipavel<' thll! office. AI.o. "bout 121> boo 0"'8, 1920 orop. I "nll~' In Ihe gnrd ens or th ~ dp,","_ V" st Irqolre of Flora BerryhIll, 2127 In. 100000000000000000000000000 QlIlI!ltltleS of pen rl oysters ",pr~ dilloa Aye, UolumbulI, tJhto_ j~6 broll!;h! 10 Ih e slIrfllce. and these 1\11' . FOR RENT Olhnl'Y stewC!1 I'N80 nnlly In a gl't'HI OCKEBICL8-Pure FI.hel Strat" Iron pol On tile h.~o r h . The shell "'A" RClOM Boose for ren' 1st of White Rooks; big heavy boned !r-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-. stored I\WRY In Ihe hold /lnd rhe l)eArl8 Maroh, oorner of Tyler and birds, prloed re,u(ODable t llr qOlllUy went Into ~ ch~ ruols pouch wh l ~h ne,'pr fnr an Insrnnl wue nut of the commo- Fourth streets; elt-otrlo lIj{htll lIod of 'TOok. W C. Welob. BarveYR . jl8 , dore's pOSsOi!s810n. The coost At thnt !lood !larden. Applr to Amelia E. . burg, Uhlo. polnl belnlt now d e!ert~d. treQuent Wtlllnm., Wliynel!Vllle. Ohio j211 of HOOlI Wood. Inquire of vl.1t8 nohore wpre maele. and th. crew ==============- LOTHarvey Rye, or 0111 "bone S~ , FOR RENT fusted on young 011. chlrk~n. rftlUS WaYllenl1le. Ohio. j18 We Sell It and and ollt ... r dellcllcle._ Capleln Scra,p We Repair It was allllost tlellrl" ulI \\'lIh jo ,-_ He «n· ACRI!: u'ARM for oub ren' noun 'eel tlillt be hRd not bee , HII hll\lPY elnee M.:::i. .&.:iJtlClCs "!\Ilnn ~d "'r ':flhle." W8yne!:3f~,r~h~~ M E. !>\beuj~~d, Read Gazelle's Classified Ads F RED M. COL E I CoDltDUecl OD parte "


rU'p ulJ d .\ kOutTe,Y fin hi s wlty to th e d" "k , \\ llI li l·1\ ~1I1f'1I 1 111 ~' at Mr. OtbDey ,

Author of "Webster-Man's

""nyrhln' to h. IJl'HAllle," aC4uI·

ucecl McO'ul'tey: .


:-;' 11,

AI 11,1.



50c ritu. m~!1 baa",.

m ~

~ ):1:1

::! Ul

In taney 8triPet, all .~, .


ONE DOLLAR R bL U UI:.:' , 1IIJ1i'a.bcw.' -Del WOIIIIIl'.


Spain for

all - - , jl.ftO qaallU, Ol'S


Vl~li Y. IJ~~~~ T9.:GJn A CO""


.•••• To HE MIAMI

·GA Z E TT E••••

unn cr n cnUllnge lenf, communJ'il' wltn PO\lllU bug 7" "Not for 0 mInute," replied the com· til dor . "Whr, 1 got 8 dozeD watched lII'orlg hpre Ill nl'li nt tor 0 QueeD. B Ill', red , peor·shllJleu hoys-regular bleed· In' ~"i'rt" . 'I'h ... I·,,'6 ten thousond each


n ' ANE,

Edi lor and l' \ \"0) IlPn' ille, O hio~

I n tlWtlt nJont!."

Subscr iDl ioll Price, $1.50 per yeur

II \ \'



The Uolted I5talell now belDg free \0 tral'orl! Yo hOlle one detllre 10 life Ij t,o D?rtrlbrow oor Irove rnmen t, 'be "WOrll'lS ' P .. r'y" hae jOd~ boIeu or. lraDizsd tD • three daYlI ' OOllv,'ntloo In New Y,)rk . It II nol • ' ·Work. er8" Plu'y d all; oar I~ " a party a' all h I ~ platnly and preollely an orilaolza'ion o · oommunl,•• pl8dged In IIC many wordl by Ita pla&form to lllatt olvll war ID Amerioa ~o woodor .. 1\ 'be bloody_ minded aglt,a'on oall U8 "boob bour IIOl8e " (mlddlf' 0Ia8~) We cer"'lnl, are bollbB wbeo we .. II w ol?i1 II"'r promoter. \0 bold open ollnveDllona In OUt midst and pl .. n to -let 8t.H VIl tloo and dtl~truotIDn .

"E?efY man fll hi, own UnlverslLy U. the loog run. "

----- ..----


8 15 22 29

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25 , .

!5 12 19 26 . .

6 13 20 27 . .

7 14 21 28

Our Calendar Jan. Jan, Jan . Jan. Jan Jan .

I -Rullday atter Christmlls 6-Bpiphany 8-l st Sunday after Epiphany to-Jewiah Faat of Tebet . 16- 2nd Sunday atter Epiphany 22-3rd Sunday af.ter Epiphany Jan 29-4th Suliday after Epiphany

----- ..----

., ;,l l 0Auto Radiator Protection for $1


Rllin on Sunday oaused a a \oom,

Mr. W . C. Cor nell 8p[ln~ On r blind ts Wilking great p rogress In ~he Gem Olty with th e ir OIotllo. L.evl Ureathou le, of Ouyt() U, IVIlS Our Improved Nadiator Shlll/t'" is () /H'nlteJ fro m the DASH F..r m Burea u me ll ,VI"II8 beld;a i a Ly t le viSItor, 'l'o oRdny. the Sl'hoolh uu Ho, t;atnr d flY. nl"bl. Mrs. M.ry Sm it h IS "Itll tl ng r tl lu. Made of Waterproof Fiber COIl1 I'o s itlon, R e t a lne the Heat, Bettor A. B Cnmpbell Is running the than M e .. 1. Doe 'tI' t Rust or Rattle. KeJlnlldy & Bog uo billok~mi t b ~h p. \Ives 10 D ~y l o u , Ih l;l w ~e k . Wtlllnrn C r el!!htutl hu s b tl n siel{ Mr . Ilnd M r8 Bltr r y E . Wil Bon , of D'L y ton , wertl t::uDday goest8 at th wil h g rip f o r II (looplo of Mrs, ti ue I:;t.OuI8 ij oba rKel· i~ s pulld CeDtral. J'I'ade tu Fit .'111 Cars. 1111/~c:; S tarti1lg Easy T he post w tlQ k has oaused the iDg fl on upl e " f well" S 10 [) ' L ~ton . Mrs. J~coh L l1 0 y epnnl 1hu wco k. oOllso m p tt oo of oOld , Il II t t le more Scnd U s $:2.00 an d Nome 0' Car f or On c Conlple te P08tpald e nd wilh he r d ILughttt r In OUVI (t Il . I bllo O SUI11.



" I" 1"''''ln' thl. pnn,II 18e Of the South I' ut'lll c." he hflK"" . .' \\' ~ H"d II".t we







I .

L.M.HENDERSON -=:-=-__:-___

The Green Pea Pirates

E. v.



brew flo m8 .. r og."


Mr. and Mr~ . Amos EIIiM en l,e r . ~1r8 ,Oor a M oKlrh.v und C' l\ lh lr nn. 1 '1',,\\" 1 ,lI ld l ll ll ll tv '\K, " t~ \V ,II1!t' d l<dt ' r"T1(,~ Il u ll · ... u;ld Ur.ld o;; ,reetll . tlllucd o nt.o f. towD r el" t\ves at Su n . 01 n " y t.o" , nr h L'y I I" V I" It "r~ HI 1111 . , time. ESSENTIAL AUTOMOTIV E P ROOUC TS CO. , 51 I W. 4~d 8t., N. Y. City day dl Dner. 1111 n ' H/' ('lIl1 l11lu It'd 1I1 Iu."r w en Ith healdel ' Ihp Innl Iot'J ow "",·k.. I rcrer to hla Safety Deposit Boxes, ~he year . Rev. Dwight WiAnl . Ilf SI" I n!(. m)'111 hl l!llll""". Ih e I'lng of Kftndovtl, Waynepville N,ItionA l Btink. Way . bora, m ude pflstorl1 1 ell II~ h"ro, IIl " t· oe8vllle, Ohio. II Ill! hi " p ri lllC 1llllIlsler, TAbu-Tabu. WedDesd!lY . \VII !'!! t h p;;ap (\WI nU ll uws \\' ft 8 flrst ('ap. Not Al woys So. W by 18 ~h e 841aml Guette like I.l 8 e rmlln Albr i~h l, . o f D. y l nll, ,"" ",1. I IlirorHwd thp sYlldlcnie thlll I p orons pillster? B aooose It Is good 8pent "r r ),j , q'I'\' I'Ii.!h l , \ \ Ii II I 11.. • ~H!I" I f pl. lll ~t w'la k with hi" pure Llt., wi.llld ~ d l(~ lI1 f' tlut 11 JltUilHiloH'nt be · lor ti week back . low ti d II " ... ", .. , \",,', 111111 1""," ~ll ,\" .. li n Mr Bnd Mr s C~r l AllIrt t; hl . fllIllI' tli "lr .. rime, I()-\\' II - ,"urllerln' (-)" h:III~ " Tt 'lI ' hll ! Ito tla p 11I IIlllr j .,[ The bllsket bll il Ildmirer8 we re The buslne~ s Rnd 811C Iul IIIA e t i " ~ I)f \\ ho 1111 "- rU11 1',111 1 Ifr I h \A 11'1111 10' /' up.Btuff tb .. ' "ou r eB you in a dny." fin' ell ll,,' ) ' 011 IWo hnYR. !t'R hee n a Bu~ seek yer oouoh wit b lJUl1vy hll:' Jvh '" 1,1 II's IIII<ell SOllIe lillie . me hi g h ly entertained lit tb" TowD hl1l1 I,h tl "~ I 'w(\rtb 1, 0 111(11 0 .... Il~ h " I'1 u I U(l ~!I ' 1 1 T I'IiIl';I 'I'lld_ We Put Them On lhe hom e of Mr . anll Mu. ~~,lwin _________________ 1 IiIv~r, un' w r"p yeroo lf trow t op t·o nut h.. I,, · 1,1 ""." \\"., ,, <llLile "" nil e lin 00 :';/i t urday uillht . ' oe' 8 H&o ve. lld )u yer IIv~r 100"I!IIII.III ,," ,,, "III' rl'l <'lId, 011,. lIow· Our fu r buver's Itre bllOdliD ~ quite Longn ore, F r iday evening. will' Bwe8t yo u ID Ii <lay or ~o "" 1'1', I I'l"I",. ,,,.,,,· If ,III" hnnl worll 01· a lot of different .klods, tln u flod. I'lie lar ge tre/'H In fr o n~ ' of Lytl ", e il A ln Et{ :\1) . lilil, Or, "08k y er feet· In lIilln' water, aD' WII.I·R I)I'IIII!S '''''C'', •. II nil I filll rp",I .I' to relldy 811 10 for t b em . ohurc h were f e lled h .v I he Ill Y1III'n, dri nk a quart of p6ppe r tea , ~ o hot IInnn"n C,· \\ I,,,! oIi,,,,,' lI lon ~hA II be Iflst week . Thu ~ I WO m or e IIHHl REPORT Mr". WtIl a rd MartIn . of Mr . Bnd you oo u ldu 't, etand It bD Uer- I,bero 's II l1l dl' or I hi "~ , ' I " " l"t prf'R lln' "pecl· mark8 In t,hI .. 8('01.i" " u r .. !,; on8 e~ ery.bln g In ~W" 8ttu' free. . . . 111('11" or "h "r l ~1 1I1I 1 IIf.,. I IWI( to Rn· Dflyton, ""ere ' a t.urd"y gU6l!t ll of Of ('onrlili"" of IIII' lI a rV "YShur,.. !' - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - . A Mr , 1'hotUlls WIIII Il ,.od dllu~ht.e ' . Bot, If, io " pl te of my instro ott on, nOlllff·p. g.-,1I 1.,,, ,.. II. ' hll l I Ii II 1"1' Invent · Mr. and Mr s lr l~ M. 8y ferd . Nut iunlll Bank li t Ilnrv f.'y~b u rg. in i --:=--::::~~:-:::~~~~~~~~= W e will now M llng thllt n ow 80utb. I Mi s8 No rma, ()f 1"1 . Mllry '~, llO,d Mr .1'011 k ee p 00 geLlin' w n"s au' WU81, pel II punlsh""'''1 fili i, ,' Ih .... rllll e." th e SLale of Ohiv, at t he c10Hc of ern d .. rk~,Y h" IlRd. " l '"e U ot de t tll . and .d r ~, I:hrlnll WIllt" . . of CID oln. we oa n ' t, t'SOllpe \ h e 8ouod d edu otlon " IlIlp,,;osll,l p." ,,, III ( '''p lllln S'·rA gge. bu ~ inc~~, O~I !lee :1 1. I ~I'! I. I nlltl, IVIlrO 0811 .. <.1 b erll, I-innd.y , hy that deMh must oome to 811 o f U8 ! "Slim Up . S " I·IlI!I(~. " 811'III'k In ('om. zo r lin' You 'se Llot de T hroat " I<r: SQ U" C J: S . t he d e ath o f I bt!ir IWIlI. Mr ~ ,,",atil /III morton:. OI1IIU '~" "( )lIt \\ II h i t. 1\10(" LOIl DH and 1J 1~ " Jlin l!i . , . !j:.l, j l l: . 3 S5.0 ,~ :Hj .. J Mrs FrBnk Mtt/ ls Ilnt! Ron ill.I I(W , I l!:m r lck. NOTARY PUBLIC Wllllf' A ftH ! III'Pl" I' 1I1H 7" \I \'orurafl. IIluH..~' urc. l " '_., 1.1:t, .. ., Mr Harry Hllrb/~" u. of Btllavto , Wille . U,S , (jO \'errllllf'11I M"" 'll r ltlu,; (IWIH.t! ( T ,.. ~ r nntln ulllt1 .l wee k ADd gnests of Rcquainl-anoes. I Frl"n rl. nnd Delgh bo rs of .ru ru b Waynesville, Ohio Lllcy. wll o hae been In pnn r h e811,b DUJ~~~I!t;,:~~' ~~~). ~IIl,I I (~ilf~ I~.; o lhuf U. tt, UO Yfl'rlll11unt tio ~ Mr and Mrs . lieor io lhmllton I f , r OO DI O ti mB out. I\nd hauled to b is Allc urlt.I08 Nati onal Hank Span is h li cor ice I ndustr y . " " ,_. . . _ 1, 1;".0 1) 1. 71 8 , Oj thor bOntll, "tocke ,ltw lI r ltto8,c h :. I O,to:OO,OU _ _ ~~==~ Th e n1l1 l1tlf: II ' l lIn' IIr IIi-.q'it 'l ' t' X' lrnr t ret utD l!d to th e ir homo, Frldll Y, n.f . ! Ilome , IU 8t, we'ek, obont 2u cnrrls of O Pumltur. oml fi xL"r"" . . . . . . . . . ~. G I. GU ta r s e v~r.1 wO Oks' .tRY wltb Mr . wood Mr . La oy "ppreol"tocl this Lawful retierYIj IJ, llh Fl~oru l no· • !It t l UtSH' I .. a ll IIJ 'I IHl'l 11 111 !' 1' Hlli~ )1 In· kind aot very much . 5Or V£) U uuk " . .• ,' " " •• " ' . ~, u 'l(i, l(l dt1 ~ t ry . '1'11 1-. I~ II ('ulllpnl'ill!\" 'ly new Qul noy Ii inl(. Cuh ' l n v nu i f.l • .. . , , , , . , ' . _., '. if , I 40 , tj2 The bunk s toollllOldAU b e ld t.h et r BARNA ~T I nrtu f' tn' , fI ... fo rtH I-'I' I ,\ ' Ilw l 'HO I WH 1'4 fl'X MIR~ Dorothv Co leman pnt,e rtAlned T o t a ls o f flCIlUI 9 , 10, 11, 11 . I a Ami H ... ..... . .... ..... . 9 . 1~ 0. 62 pori,·" II la llllfllt' !lI fI'd . (I\'t' r n.oou,oon 1l0nulll· m e"t.t n g on Tu esday night, to SuodAY dion ~ r .t b er ooon t ry Oheclu on bank. loc&.t.&cl o ut81r1o o f .'ltn 'lA r y 3rd Full p" rttou lafB i n h om e, el1U of towo, the following clty 0 1 t own ot reponlug hal1\[ flOUI H I ~ uf III!! I'ilp ! \\ " ' , ' " t'x l tl l r t t'. l In Notary Public . 2 IJ and o&.her cuh It.8ms , , • • , . , • ' l Ol A IIl1 d 111111'1 ' thllt l (jofl ,Hon Ilull ll ,h of ou r next IBsue. I(Oe818 : MIs8 Mildred Mille r II Dd At the'~\mo' or tWu' w\'eh.:! .... H . VHI ....~J ext}'nl'1 Hllfl PII"' ! 4' , - nl'''o kl ~' f l l ~ ",;:le . T OI~I. ........ .... . . ....... 1 ;1 . 9" ." 1 W e m\l ~t malie m enHon of Ihe Mr. Cortl s BIll. of Dayl,oo, MIs~ decided U.ut there \VIIS "loot" enough LlA B'LlTar:s Fralloes GroB8. of Fairfield , Mr. J ohn .\ II k in/1M 0' N otary Work. Wills eplendld progre !!~ be ing mil de H' ashore to cOlllplete th e 8('(.00n er·8 .LOck p,ld lu ... : . .. .... . 115. 0U U.00 BLld Deed s A t5peolalty. the Zloo \Japttst.oh oroh, undAr 'h" O~b o ro, 01 Pasadeoa, 8nd Mr, lind aaplllLl No Fea t her. on B i rd., cnrgo. Ind At 8 nlcf'lIrrg of Ih e "yu,lI · rph•• luno . . .. ........ ... . 1 . ~OO ,P H Mrs. Roy Mille r , of Cho mlJlIlgoe, 111. 8u dlreoti< 0 01 Mr Walter'rlbbal!!, Young hll'~' R or !'iO lll e ~lled . '~ p(i~, ~ ftH S UncJlvldOO proftto ... " ... 30 1.1 0 ;1 I) 1. 1 0 cau' held one lovely rnoon" l:ht nllJ:hl h..lual uepoI Ju I u lljl" ' " to Mra, Matilda Emrlok, a n r y ludh on deck he IIllnOUn c~ tI hIs pluus to nn Jlhll lllll!e III ttll In ' ''~ ''''~ tl ni From tbe prl'Se' Dt oot- Ioo k w e are chock ... . .•....• . ... . ..... . . 1. 11 7.11 "t8gt.~ nflt e ,' en II tr'lll'e of fl lt \\ Ii , ~ IIY8 'l'otalo r It .·ms 2fi _ 27, ~ 8, ~ 9 _ au h Ighly r esp eoted oltlzen of ,his vII CupLoln Scrogl:H lind McG ulT,'),. to h .. ve a sb oemaker with IIll the . . . .·.~I' f'-H-. . . . . .,.. . . . . . . . . . a ud aI , , , , .• , . , , , . • ' Gi l " 7 1 1 UII! American "'""",'r.\· H /,g h z lh e . mod ero ml10blnery for tbe making IIIKe, died Suoday moroiog , at the "Bl1 t ter h!U ve the IHlul1d alon e," Tulal. . . .. ... ... . . ... .. . . .. 1S7 . 9 ~ ' . " coun8eled lII cO u"'ey . '"l' h f.'UJ nlggers This 18 well s e ~n In Ihe ~''' ''n g n( the and replllrlDg of 8h OM a nd rubber home Df ber son, Allen Em riolr, !i f. ter a brief !\Iue8s , at t be age of 7-t STATIl: 0.' 0111\). WA nn EN COU NTY .89 . mny be B·luyln' there tf.'n thou ~nnd hor nblll o r ('e rl"ln Islunds or Ihe Eftst boot8. vearB. Sbe was etrlokeD wltb apo. alrone, walllo' tor n bon I'8 crew to In dies. I . II. S . Tucker. O""lI le. 01 llio abo ve Meesre, W . W. Welob aDd Fran" plexy. teo days ag d, tlud plutlv roo named b AUk' , do so lom nl y .wear that tho --Examined Correctly••• come prolVlln' up Into the lIush so th ey Wll lloo we re W e dn esday .. fternoon gained oonllol ou8 n 88~ afterwnrd, Hbo vo Btal em ent. I s trUB t.o the best or m y knowleels" and heUet , can nab 'em." B"rm. "L.dl.." Smoke Clg ..... G1as8e'i Fitted luel\ts of tbdr (lou.lo·s Mra. Alloe 11. S . Tucker. O.. hlor. "I've thought of that , Mnc," 88 1r1 the In Burtn. no ludy would Ihlnl< ot McKloley Dnd M.ls8 Lillie ~edry, of Tbe fuoenl b eld Toes(\llv m o rnln~ S uhacr llH.'Kt I nti AWorn Lo bo tore Ina thl. at tbe rellLll'ooe, Re v. DwI g ht WI AT Mf)DKRATB PRl~ ~'h <la1 0 1 J Oln . 182 2 . IV, A . ~1 .rrIH. commodore a trin e coldly, "nnd It I ·tflrtlng for. prom .. lllIde wit h"uI talr:- Curwln . COrrec t A neat: NOIBry l 'uL lic. a nt ollioitlting, and Inl ermont WIlS made a 8uck er of myaelf once It don't I lnl! ,,1th ber a atock or cleal'!!. V. D. aOO I{ Mr, A B, Talm.alre wall In 'owo , made ID CeDter vllle otl flle te ry. aland to reason tba t I'm apt to do It T. F. McOU I NN Salurday, 'he firllt ti me 1I100e be WIlS V . 11:. L&V IVY lIealn. Jlemeruber, Mac, 8 burnt child DtNctora . ao severely hurt by a b og . h wIll Optical Depar:tm..t Ilrell (ls th e lire. Tumorrow mor ntDlI, No. 2220 be Borne time bef ore be WIll b e abl e Xenia. Ohio 9. o"trolt 8&. rIght lift er hrenkf"sl, we'l l tllm 1Ile REPORT for aotoal lIervlon, guns I(UI"e 1111'1 pepper Ihe IHISII for a OPIID evenlolrl ~yappolDtmeD' mill' 0 ,' t wo III e\'ery ,1I""I'lltm . If Of the Condition of the WaynesThe slok 10 thl8 violnity at this Ihere's a Ilollve wllh lo rtln!;t! 1,," 11 hll\'e ville National Bank , at Waynes wr atn~ Mre Mrs R. W KIH lor . Mr •. busl ncH8 In Ihe Ilellt county lIud w e ville in t he Stal e of Ohio, at the ,1 08. P. Osborn. Mies tfn z6 1 Boga n Catarrh i .• 1\ 101'nl ,Iispn. P, great ly won't be ,1I"turued none." close of bu siness, Dpc 31, 1921. aod Mr . L.~8 te r Bl'lla n, and ull of infl uenc(·/I hy conslitutional couMr. 01hn"Y'8 progrum wo s duly PilI tbem flre qUite s iok . RSE OlJ IWES . IhrQlll:h nutl the cUllltnl of Kllnlluvu Lon.u. ao d lIlst.'OUll t.ft, lucl mlJog a uiti oll ". lULL'S (' ,\ 'rAHHH There hnve bee n phOD C" lootetl (If llie trnde tl cctll)\ullltlOll8 of I rediJICOIIllIII ... .. . . 5 .0. 18 7.D9 1IF.II I('I N I·; i ~ a T Olli,· nllfl Bl ood ar/lphs io an olent Bl blioal days, for Doduct : yours. A till ' when th e hot chell were Not\.OfI tn th e 71b oba pt flr of DIiDte l there hI notJ hills rc· I l-U'HU I-OO wlt.b II PlI.r ilicr. By..t 'ans,i II", j hi, bl ..otl an~ Auctioneer flnnlly ball('" 'd down, the lIlnks reo I'OOcral I(,",crl'o Bank .. . . . . . mention of a "ho rn with t\ mout·h blil l dlll ~ "I' Ill\' ~ \'~t"IIl, ]l AI,TJS .......... .... . .. .. 20.5 96.22 11IIed wIth fresh wllter, nn" el'l'rYlhlng ~ pe8 klD8 grllut thiDge. " Not.ea ami bUll'! Ndisoo uutoo CArI'AIHIl\ ) I IWfC I NE r cstores In reRdlnes", t o Il'n I'e Ka nlla I'll for tbe olJle r 1,"&0 " ooeruJ RO&en 'o Get my terms for your Balik ........ . 10.0 00. 00 Ilonnal ('oll.'lition A 1111,1 allows Narlln to Honolulu, Mr. Glbne), IInnou nccd Theresa tl beebtln Conoe r t Th e .. ..... ........ . aU,O PO.2] Public Sale. ture to (1 0 11.< work. \0 Ill e syndl cal e Ihllt the ,)rofIl Mof the 'fot~ 1 LoBnB. . . .. . . . .• •.••. . • 2 19 . DP~.12 oompany a ppearej at tho TaWil hall , eruralta, uO!lOc urUl I . . .. ... .. le1. 0a FrIday nlgb t, '0 B very muah pllllllllld expedillon would "gure close Ul> to fi O All Dr llg');i"j,;. C'ir('ulars free. U. 8 . UOvcrnlllOD t. ,se.·u rltles owned: Satisfaction guaranteed hund red Ih()lI ~ond dollors. COlltnln Dopcul(t,.ocI to &OCUl'6 f' lrcul"UOIl audlenoe, tbl s bein g Miss Sheehao 'e Some peo pl a never need \lny m edl. i (U," par vul u.·) l O.O OO. OU F, J, Cheney & Co., T oledo, Ohio. or 110 charges. Spruns gnsllI't! olld feU lim ply ngal ust All olher UolLecl St. , ,·. (Joo·em· lIeoood visit to oor tuwo olne at BII Tbey Bill, a8 the BaYlng l th e llIRlnmllsl. mout. Socurltles "." ~ . 94 1. 76 &6. 8 u , n At a scbool n ot far aWBY, the goe~, "strong as II bull ." Tbey fir e ""!!'~~~~""""~~~.....""""""""~~"""'!!' OC.ber buuu.. Btocky. securities. " OIIl, m y dea r lIoy;" be spultered, Box 91, Centerville;.Ohio ole . . ... •.... .. . . .... . . • ... 180.8 61.82 teltoher aeked J oh nn y for a 8enten08 mighty luoky. MORt people need II 8, 000.0 0 g ood tO Dlo oooe In a wblle. ') h ey "lire you sure It II ln't fill A drealll nOll Ilankln, liou'"' .. .. .. .. . . , ... . o~iOI thtl word "diadem. " Jobooy HOllie Phone 2, Centerville Ell La"ful ...-e"'e " Ith rOOe ..1 Re· HAT H A W A" Of)rve Bank ..... .. ..... . .... It.oG2.QI 1It1ld, ' Peopll' who drink moonsblne ta ke oold. or throu~h overwork or DR. Ouh I " vault. tlllcJ Ilmo uot due soola l t\otlvlty do not lI:et e nough diad e m light q uloker than tb 'l ~e /roru nn t loua l ba uks . .. . • .•. n.~ 6' . 91 TOtalollt<l,n. U. IO. 11. 12 180lld s leep ; many e .. , Improper food end WaYlle<lvllle 's L ellrl lulI: DentlR' who don ·t." 11 .... . .. . . ... .. . . . ~6. 66 ' .9 ' th u~ hurt 'he dlge@tioo. It Is OhlCk. ' n locotccl OU\Bldo Messu . HBlry, Fred alld Carl mlgbty WI Re to tak e Gude's Pepto. Offioe In H · tlo n~ BI (l ~ Mfll n At or cit.)' o r \.own of oopor t. lo g bBnk ami ot her ClU\h ILoms , . , 10U.00 Mbidakor were 10vUed guella of MILD gao wltb t b e meals fo r B few llatlompt hHi run d '\\Ith ~. S. their friend, Mr. An'lllem I)lIdley, weekR linrl bn llrl up nn o enn no!, !""'-.....................- ....---~-~ .Tre8Ji un }r nod d uo fru m U . 8, They were have t oo lIIuoh goml hell 1111 . Pept<>· 1 Treasurer , .• , , . , ,. ' , , .• • . " 2,COO 00 of D .. yton, 00 I:lunday olose frlBDd s dorlng t.helr ohlJdbood Man ga n giveR ,JU pleDty of r ed ToLal . . . . . • • • . . . . • . . . • . • . ICl \. 8 14,01 daYI! aud 8peo~ m ost of tbelr tlm'e blood, a Dd every body knows t.b t\t I Walt~r I.LoI. UILITIES wl t b An881em, Bod as Ume pti8SeS red blood mean8 feeltng good lIod I • Call1l ni ,lock (>dId In . . • •... . , . I ao,ooo.OO \helr memorle. grow fonder, L ong ~ VETERINARIAN look i ng good all thtl time So ld b y tr:;;W~.~~u~~·uui '·: .' .' .': i4:2' '1:9. 100,000.00 ma y they be allowed to enjoy eaob druggists In liq uI d and tab leL form . ' I [)1PECTOR . lAlss curreut. "" lleese., luwrest other 'lI oompany. Vaccination a Specialty. Noth. - Ad vertlsemen t . and t aXON 1)111«.1 . , • , •••• , , • • , U . 281.8C Clrculallng nolOll out.tandlntr . . 00.000. 00 Waynesvilie. O hio ing but Relia ble Serum used Jal!per Mercer, a aoldler of the N OL um ount.d duo to Natlo oal ll! ~nka. , . _• , • , • .• , : .•.• , . . • • 10000.00 .... ar of lH61, died lilt the home of Mr. CcrLlllod choclto o u tstanding .... 200.00 .. od 'trIrs William CI.rk. near Leba. Waterfall 1,904 Fe.t High. ToLol 01 It.,ws 1" 22 . li. 2f Phone 44'--_...'.H~a::r...'.v..':e~'1~8~b~u::r~!.!...,~o::'-+_____""":'_7 nud 10 ..... .... .. . 10. 10U. 00 'Ion , on Wedoesday of IlIs~ week , New Zenlnnd:s highest wntcrfu ll, Fully Equippcu for G oou In,llvl<luai deposlta .ubJoc~ La obd was burled inl Mlllml oemetery nam ed t lt e ~" I lt c r l ond, 18 1,904 feet. check., . . ......... . .... . . . lG9.020.PO Service. OerlUkat<ltl 01 depo81t due In I_ lU Friday. Bi8 wife plissed IIWIlV .hlln aD days ....... •. • ..... 806 s~ Large Displa y !{oom DIvidends unpaid . . . .•• •. . .. . 2. UOo. 00 '.ver a :veAr ago, amllilooe tbat time ToLal 01 demlUltl depoIl!.tl (oLh er Ie bad Jived 8WllV from liS. bllt duro t.haD' blUlk doposlts) subject to STATEMENT IDR t-be y ea rs he was wHb U8 be wall VAY OR N IGlll TI· I El' HONE 7 Reeorv61 Items ~ti, 11, 2ti. 'j~ , aD and 81. ... . .. .. 212. 926 . 13 .dmlred by flll f or h'8 klodne,s. U, S. Depoglts ( ot h er thatl poBtol 8t.temcnt of th e oWllorshlp l1nd OI IlIla;c:ONow he 18 gone, but nil' f orgotten. Uleot sav lnK8) Incl u dlog Wor Loao at tho MIami o ""eLW . p ubllllled .l Veterinarian depoHt accou nt (\n(l del>osits of W.1I1Mvllle. Ohio. lui rOQ ulred by Lbo .\ CL u l Our n ew a,lon Is ge ttlug T. S. disbursing oHlce.. ... . . . 1.000.00 U . S. Govoruwent Securltle. Itllrted io admltll. ,t.e rin t( t he WilDt!! A"l~r:;';.4'J.~IL Crane Wayn e. vlli o Ohio ; bor l'O ",'oct ' . ' . , • • ,' _, , , . • , , _ ' ,000 . 00 and Publlshor. D. L . Vralle .. IVafll "s· O~. J. W. MILLE~. of tbe p eople, lLnd the olUzenll are MaoAior OFFI 'E: 01118 l)aYable. o~hor I btu) "llh vUle . Oblo. I'ode ....1 RflfICrve Uank •...... 10.000.00 .. 11 "0 very wll1inl( to " 881st in OOn. Owno ... Annie anti Mamo DrowlI . I) . L . Fou r l h Stree t, near Tyler Crano. l_ Total .. . .... .. .. ...... . .. U21. 8 U .Ol duotlog the a\JIllrp ;-really, s oine of Doudholden mongas.. , anll oU,or oecur lLy ..• DENTIST ••• Tclephon e 9:1 them are wor klog oV drtime-but h oldo.., none. 8tlto 01 Ohio, rounty OJ \, orron ... : Sworn t.o anti l ubocrlbed belore me Lhll I . 1.. M. HendOhlOR, C... hl6!' a t .ho abov~ eveMu"lIy U will Mil be over; 80 orn"" 10 namod bank , do oolemnll-"'ear LliU th p , bon wby 00' II OW? Th" leak8 Ilod mud . 80th d01 01 J~DgU'YIlt21 IN Bynelf"Ue. 0 Waynesville, Ohio NI&lnn OI Olak 1l1'la . K. V. SILl'Ilbart , No~ary Public. ltatement III true t.o tbe best of my knowledtr· boles are gOIDg t o be tllken oare of. &lid bellol. . L , M. H ENDE RSON, Oubler. 8u q.ecrlbed aurt aworn \0 betOM me thl. The only thing th l~t IS bringing a "Ar. You Sure It Ain't All .a Dream 1" 6th d&,. 01 JanolU'J', 1821. good prloe Is bammers-Bo maov E, V. Damba", are bt'lng ueed. tbat \\'c'lI woke up BOlJle tla y lint! find Oorrect A(I~~LEV OART~'l:~1&~bllc. -------.. ------tbat we're 8th\ In tlie gl't'en'pea tralle; . I, W; WHITS, . C. T. HAWKE. tb~ t 1111 Ihese months, we've he~1I a§I~SfI 0 1 _ ..


Homey Philosophy

I ' II - I!II


s),n rtl f'U l f l ,

uncle John It ,00 shoold tIIke In8nlmzy, 10 8plte of al\ pnouutlone wtse, don' t 1068 yer head In tl"AleS8 fren zy , nor fill ~lI e "Ir wltb dlMmlll Orle8, • , DOl' 't 'ant .tD' rsve In wild dletra o &ton, ao ' wrl ~ g yer baoda an' tetlr yer hair -Of oourlle It'a \Iille fer In . I~ .. n' a cUoo, but n ot 'be time f er fool d"ll*lr 1'he lofioe zy Mil be 'brottled . wbleh . b"uld be dId 'be quiok es' way; don t orum yer.hlde with d ope tbd's b o&\led, or

t' II ,

!illapl'll 'npwln ~" r tl!!'t!B: Ilnd departed forlhwllh to Ib e I(Idluy. 1"1(teen mIn· U( PM h\I<'I' h" r{'f urned with n kettle of hi s fnvo rl lO IWI" ' lI the IlIld all three ad"I."IfI;J·P'·s drnnk tn 0 bon voynge homp. AI th!' t'vllc luslOD or the tOll.t Mr. ~l, · r.lIl1'ey "'I down ht8 ,lillI, wlpetl hlH mOllll, w \[11 the ba k Of hla hulry h,",,1. and thu.~ addre38ed the


I E\""ES. I ...

- ..- ---





When You Faal a littla ' Off" It Will Bring You Back to Haalth


Forest T Martin



H _E.



.I'fJ'1PEt ,.IAJ<BS FRIOrOS F~ A MotmE;'(.


M eel\!'.(.



---_.- ...- --

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall




---_. _..---Or Bum the BrldlU. Be lure you are rlKht, then 10 ahead, bllt don'f destroy your r.tum tlcket.Wa,llde Tale8.


We have twenty thousand feet of

BELLBROOK Mrll. Alpha Stevenll has be eo On 'be siok 1111$. .

'If m . Ba~man h8a moved $be t! wallow proPer ty ,


Boro-To Mr. and Mn, !frederlok (088 &rab Wardlow), a Ian. Mre. 'Waller Mo:rrll eotertalned 'be W. C. 'A, al her bome, I... , I'rl. day af&ernoon, . QuIte a grea' meLny people from bere IIUeuded ~e fox drive a' New Burlingloo, lllllt FrHlay,

PINE OAK LOGS here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price. If you are in need of Oak Lumber for any purpose, CALL

~I .. .Dorotby

aarDeel hat! ft. 'nroed &0 her home In Day too, atter • week', via" wLtb rela".el bere.

' ON

Mr, and Mra, E. E~Mriemql; of 'be Purdom "fm, have pUfohbed the MoileD proP.llr.y, alld w~ll 1000 be~e r.ideo&l' of o.ur WWD, .


" .. rUlnored' 'b4t our .11..,.. poe~ mlau. . abel ODe of our prCllJlOrQUI f~ IOU", of w,wn, WIllIOOD be JalDiId III 'he hoI" boadl of m.'r" moDY, u be ~1i",HCi • farm 11.... W.,D• •llle, • lew ,I ta". alO. .


---..:...-- -






We will buy Oak, Walnut, Aah and __ ~~________________~__~~~~

Th. MIami Gu.ttfe, Waynea.oIe.







Huge Stock Tremendously, Sacrificed We Bought Too Much ~tock--"We Have Been Too Enthusiastic NO~ ~E ' MUST Men's and Boys' Shoes

Men's Fine Dr~ss Shoes, regular $6.00 value, Special Price . .. . . . .. . . . . . . , , . . . .... .. . .

Ladies' heavy and medium Vests and Pants, regular $1.25 value, 89c Sale Price .. . . . . . . Ladies' Union Suits, high neck, short sleeves or Dutch neck, short or no sleeves, regular S1.50 98c value, Sale Price .. . ... . . Ladies' Union Suits, of heavy winter weight, regular S2.50 value, $169 Sale Price . . . . . .. • Ladies' Outing Petticoats reg. 98c value, 59c Sale Price. . . . . . . . ~.

Ladies' Dress Shoes in black and brown, regular $4.00 value, Sale Price . ' .. . ... .. . Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $5,00 value, Sale Price . . . .. , , .. . , . . . , ... . .. . ... , . . .

The Chance of a Life Time There Are Sales and Sales


Just like there are Fords and Automob iles, and the difference

big stock of Clothing, Dry Goods lind Furnishings must be turned into cash. No sacrifice is too gn!a t. No bargains like these have ever

between th em is just about the same. Some Sales are Children of of Fancy pure and simple; other sales are just lik e ,legends- based on fact, but so embellished with imagina tion t~at the truth is altoge ther lost. But we have still to find the · skeptic or cynic who would cast a shadow of doubt upon the genu iness of our offerings. Come early, you want the pick of the stock. It is possible to mention only a few of the wonderful values in this advertise- ' ment.

not to take advantage of th~!m. This is the finest stock in town ,

Girls' Union Suits, medium or heavy weight, regular $ 1.50 and $1.75 value, 9Hc Sale Price .. .. . .. .

and get this- and get it goodthis stock is not a bunch of odds aud ends. It is not a bankrupt or a fire sale. It is not out-ofdate stuff, but the very finest Dry Goods, Clothing and Furnishings. I

Ladies' Hose, black or cordovan, regular 50c value, . 29c Sale Pnce . .. . . . . . Ladies' heavy Outing Gowns, $1.50 valueS115 Sale Price . . . . . ... • Ladies' Cotton Hose, regular 25c value,. 12c Sale Price'. .... . .. .

Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $6.50 value, Sale Price .... , . .. . . , .. , . . , . . .. . .... . ' .

Here is the chance you ha ve been waiting for . This wonderful

before been offered. We have slashed prices until it is a crime


This season's stylelii, high and low shoes, ,brown and blat k leathers, Cuban and military hetl.

A New Leaf by Making a Quick Turn Over of Our Surpluls Stocks Into Gash.

$1.98 $2.95 $3.95 $3.45 $3.95 $6 45

Best Dress Shoes in house, including Walk-Over . McElwain, up to $ 10 and $12, Sale Price..

Women's Shoes,


You will find this to be a big value giving sale, and it will be money in your pocket to take advantage of our offerings. Lot of Men'. Work Shoes , regular $4, valu e, Sale P rice . " . . . . . , ., .. . . . , , .. . . . . , , , , , Men's Wor k Shoes, $5.00 value, Sale Pr ice " . .. " . " . . " . , . . . . , . . , Men 's Work Shoes, up to $6.50 value, Sale Price . .. . .. . . , . . . . . . . . .... . , .. . . . . Men 's Fine Dress Shoes, regular $5.00 value, Sale Price . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . , .. . . . . . . .. .


Ladies' be,st Dress Shoe, up to $19.00, Sale Price . . ... . ........ . . .. . . , . . ,· .. . . Big reduction in all Boys' and Girls' Shoes, up from. _..... , .. . . . ...... . .' .. . . One lot of Chil'lren's Shoes. up to $3.50, closing out at .. . ..... .. •. . .. . ..... , . . . .

$2.98 $3.45 $3.95 $5.95 $1.98 $1.48

.' ~,


Our Store will be closed Friday, January 13, to Mark Down Prices


Mt'n's fine Dress Shirts, "15 reg. $1.75 value, Sale Price. . . . . .. tl. Men's fine Dress Shirts, in percale and madras, reg. $2.50 value, $145 Sale Price. . .. . . • Men's Dress Shirts in madras and crepe, reg, $3.00 value, $195 Sale Price .. , ... ,' ,

Men's best Overall, plain blue and striped, regular $2.00 value, " 45 Sale Price . ...... tl,

Men's Dress Shirts, in crepe and silk stripe, reg. $2 95 $5 00 value, Sale Pirce. . . . . . •

Men's heavy and medium Shirts and Drawers, uPC'to' S~.25 value, 89c Sale Price ....... .

Men's ribbed Union Sui ls reg. $1.75 value, "15 Sale Price.. .. . . . tl. Men's heavy weig I ~ Un ion Suits, reg. $250 5169 vale, Sale Price. . •

. Turn Over Turn Over Turn Over Turn Over Turn Overl Turn Overl Turn Over Turn Over TurnOver Turn Over Turn Over Turn Over Clark', O. N. T. O. N. T. • Crochet Thread, Sa.le Price, Cotton, Sale Price,

Pins Sale Price,

No' more t.ban 8 ., NJ




Dry Goods Best grade Calico, all colors, regular 15c value. Sale Price. . . . . .


Good grade Outing Flannel, regular 19c value, Sale Price ... , .


Best grade ,Ou tings, in all colors, regular 25c & 30c value, Sale Price . . Good gr~de Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, Sale Price ...... . . . . . Good quality Bleached Muslin, ,36 inches wide, Sale Price ....... . .



e e

12c 14c

Best grade Dress Gingham, in plaids, check . or plain colors, regular 25c ve:,lue, • Sale Price ... , . . . . ....•..... . .... 19c Best grade Apron:Gingham Special ............ . . . ... . . - .... .



Heavy Cnnvas Best grade heavy Men's Oress Suspen Ladies' 10e Hand- Men's Tiel up to $1, OIr1,' Tams, alit. Ladles' Silk (ami" Boys' and Girls' Ladies' Black and Toque., Sale Price, White Hose, 5. P Gloves, Sale price" Work Socks. Price, den, Sale Price, chiefs, Sale Price, value, Sale Price, color., Sale Price, IOles, Sale Price,



Men's and Young Men's Suits, reg. $25.00 value, Sale Price,

Silks, Taffeta, MessaJine, Crepe de Chene,

~~ S::;~:: .r~~~~~~ ~~:~~ .~~l~.e: . $1.59 Heavy Cotton Blankets, 64x80 regular $2.98 value, Sale Price . .


Heavy Wool Nap Blankets, 66xSO, regular $6.50 value, Sale Price ..


Best Table Oil Cloth in white and {''Olors, J;'eg. 40c value, Sale Price... Bes~ grade, 1 yard wide Sateen, .in all colors reg. SOc value, Sale Pnee . . . .



Table Linen, in white only, regular 75<: value, ~l~ Price ...... . .. ',' .. Utica Sheets, '81x90, rea- 12,50 value, Sale Prlce .....

Men's "and Young Men's Pants, reg. S3.50 value. Sale Price

Men's and Young Men's Suits, reg. $32.00 value, Sale Price

Men's "and I Young Men's P~nts, reg. $5.00 value. Sale Price,


$3.45 Men's and Young Men's Pants, r~g. $6.50 value. Sale Price,







Young Men's Overcoats reg. $25.00 value, Sale Price

Boy's Knee Pants Suit, in all w09l,' reg. 57.50 & $8 values, Sale Price,



Men's and Young Men's Overcoats reg. $32.00 value. Sale Price

Boys' Knee Pants Suits, in all wool reg. sm and 812 value, Sale Price



Men's and Young Men's Overcoats reg, $42.50 value, Sale Price

Boys' Mackinaws, assorted cOlors, reg. $8.50 value, Sale Price,






Specials Men's Work Shirts in plain blue, gray and fancy stripes, regular 95c value. Sale Price .. '............ . .' .. .. . ...

79 c

Men's Blue Striped Overalls with bibs, Buckeye brand, regular $1.50 value. 98c Sale Price ........................ , Men's Gray Coat Sweaters, with or withcollars, reg. $1. 75·val. Sale Price . , .98c Men's Dress Sox, all colors, regular 25c value. Sale Price ............. Men's Dress Sox, regular 35c value. Sale Price .. . ...........•......... Ladies .... Serge and Flannel Middies, in all colors, extra special 86.50 and 8'1.50 values. Sale Price. , • ; $3:98 and Ladies' Angora Scarfs "and Shawls regular 86.50 and up values. , , Sale Price .........•.. $3.98 and $4.98 Ladies' Slip-Over SweateR in ~11 colors, regu. lar 87.98 value; extra s~ia1. Sale Price ............ ~ ........ ~1 bdies' Silk and WoqlJlose, regular ~ $1.75 value. Sale "Price . . ....... 9Se




Ladies' Waists-in crepe de , chine, georgette, pongee and taffetas, rei; ••98 valu:. ,Sale Price ........• ; ••. ' . Girls' Gingham Dresses, UIOrted t colors/and stylet. Extra Special ~ . .25. Girlt' Gingham Dresses. " Special Sale Price ... " .... ' ......... Girls' Gingham Dr~se., regular , . $3.00 value. 'Sal~ Price .......•• $1.89 9x12 J'apestry or BrusSels Rugs, ' , reg. $29.75 val. Sa1~ , Price : _.. 9x12 Wool and Fibre Rugs, reg. , . .' . $22,.60 value. , ~e Price .•.•.. 9x12,Axminstu ~ugs, r.e~b.r ' ', . , 142.40 value. Sale Pnce ... ,. , 'Good Gtade Linoleum. 85c value: '. Sale ~rice, per sq. , yd. ~' . .. ... '. : _ :. • ',' Best Hea,YY .Burlap-back i.i60leum, r~l: , .11.20 value. Sale Price, per sq, yd ..




$19 75


33e 3ge





Serge, in assorted colors, regular $1.25 value, Sale Price. . . . .


$1 '7.95

Comfort Cballie, 36 in. wide, regular 25c value, Sale Price ..... .

$1.25 89




Big reductions in all Serges. asst. colors,reg. $2 value, Sale Price .


Every man desiring a suit or overcoat will find almost unusual opportunity in this sale. Our entire stock of this ,' season's finest: garments included.

Men's and Young Men's Suits, reg. $42.00 value, Sale Price,


- -10e

Men's and Young ,Men's Suits---and Overcoats

Best grade Percale, in light and dark colors, 36 in. wide, Sale Price .. . ..

Genuine Hope Muslin, Sale Price ... .. . . .. ... . ......... .


Hyl"an & .C01)Jpany, ,

.................................................................................. .......•.....• ,

We redeem <lea/seo" Stamps

:Wa~esVllle, Ohl~ '



4.95 .$29.75:: 5Qc

8ge. :



, r


Year Whole Number' 5470 ~_~5~___~_~ _~ __~_ ~--~----------~--~~------------~~--~~~~------~~~--------------------~------------------~


:;.U"K ;, -FARMER'S INSTITUTE WAYNE TOWNSHIP CAlIGHT TWO i :~: ~ ~I(;2>JtA1 vi~tO~i;~:~:~::'tT:e~~a~. bu8InellS Sat urdav mo rnin g 's session (Continued fromlaat week. l fARMERS' CLUB LARGE HAWKS! ~ ~ 7.' ._~:- .J ; open ed met hods are decidE!d upon to request All," ;,

A. T. Jordun ca".~ !1 ut the home of -A . B Shlln!'r was i I Dayton. Sat- Chus Brew~Ier, Tuesdllyafternuon. urday"'vening. \ Mr. and Mrs, Dick T hirki.·ltI, of Mr. and Mrs. W H Allen and Franklin, were 'cli lling on friend" are in Cincinnati. this week . h~re, Tuesday. Mi ;!8 Clara Lile spent the week-end Garfielc1 Huden and Lester Perks, with relativ es in Spring' Vallev. state game ward ens. spent :1unday with Bernard J . Brewster. Mr and Mrs. Ernest ' Earnhart spent , Sunday afternoon in Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and son, of Kingman, MillS Jeannett e Mi!OS Lilli e Nedry attended the fu- Janney and Mr. Loren Hadley, uf nt' ntl of R N. Zentmeyer, lit Morrow, Wilmington, spent Sunday with Mr. Sunday. J . E. Janney and family "

~ Mr. and Mrs. W. G' 'I'tompson, of The Church School Service League Lebanon, visited Dr and Mrs. H. Eo of Sl. Mar},-'s church will hold a soHat.haway, Sunday. cial in the 1. O. 0 F, hall. Monda~ evening, February 13 . A special Mr. and Mrs Fred Son tal/' and son, program is being prepared, of Cinrinnati. spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs W. O Rsper . Dr. J . T . Ellis met with the county board of healtll, Tuesdav, at Leba· Dr Dunham, distrid ~ upe rin't.enc1 . non . The board was handsomely I'nt of the Dayton distri ct nf the M entertain .. d at the home of Dr. Ed 1': church. iHvery ill at hill home in Blair, with a turkey dinner . ))a.v lon MillS Hell'n Walton, whn t('aches hear Uellhrook. i~ ill, and her sister. Miss Dora. of the Normal "school here, is taking her plscl'.

Good Luck ~ring Wheat Flour. fine for home bread making. fn e OeWlne Milling. Co . For sale at ::law)'er's Grocery, sole agents fOI Waynesville.

"Just For You" is a Bourbon cofThose from a distance attendinl!' fee, the aristocrat of the Santo8 cof- the funeral of Mrs C. H. Shprwood ft!es_ Take home a pound, today. were: W. H. Kendall, of Dublin, Sawyer's Wayne Market Ind; I N' Smith, of ' Greenville, Ohio; MiMeS Ruth and Alice Jeffery . The Woman's Auxiliary of St and Earl Sherwood and family, of Mary's church will meet with Mrt. Dayton; Carl Lukens alld wife and E. V . . Barnhart, Friday aftemoon MIB. Ibble Sawell, of Wilminaton. A full attendance is desired . Just a sup, from your cup; get a if' you are not ulling Reefer',More- pound, PIl98 It round; all your auest, EIlR's Tonic, ) ou are beating yourself Bay it'8 best; it puts pep, in y)ur out of a lot of extra money ~ml' step; one pound try, you'll alwaYB In and we will tell you those that are buy. What? BLUE BUCKLE using it with !tood results. It WILL CUFFEE:. Sold at Sawye r's Grocery make hens lay. Iron-clad guarontee ...-~and 1 package free with each 'Package sold, Sold at Sawyer's Grocery,


Mrs. Delphine McClelland, of SeattIe, Wash ., who waa called bere on aceount ot the dellth oC her aistet, Miss Lola Zell, is vistltl ng with rela-




Reefer's Mor&-Egga Tonic Is not a food, it is a tonic, Its purpose is to condition your henl!; put pep In them; make them scratcb and exercise. It will make hena lay. Sold on a guarantee. l package 'ree with ('ach $1 package. Sold at Sawyer's Grocery .

According to a statement sent out by the officera of the state fair tor 1921, Warren County re~iv.ed-$292 in premiums Among the exhibitors from the county were J . Osborn & Son and W. C. Welch, of HarveY8burg, and H. A. Millard, or Oregonia.




at 9:30 wil h an Ilxc .. lIenl piano "Ro lo ou r school board and teachers to inLy Mbs Kathryn II nderson . lroduce th E:m in ou r schoo l. " L . L Rummel l lect ured on '''l'he L. L. Rummell followed with a Cheapest I'oul(¢ of Pork ." He told talk on " Successf ul Community of keepin g blood lines pure. and pre- Breeding in Ohio. " He 8aid Geauga sented hl uckhoard formulas for best county is the horn e of community f ~ed!ng ra ti o ll ~ . and results of hand breeding l and is considered a .great fee.(itng and self-feeder methods. factor in producinl~ bJltter live stock. ThiS lec lure b ro urdlt out a s pirited and. that thll breeders of pure- bred discu,,~iu ll by leadi ng hog feeders ot cattle in Madi81>n and Belmont counties have mad e a fair margin of th e towll shi p. ,,'ullowing this leclure, the Jan· profit during the deflated market ney s i ste r ~ "anI( tI tri o in their usual conditions. pleasing mlill nel·. I'rof. N. 1'. lliatt The Janney sisters again !Iallg two then gave a highly inst ructive s tere- beautiful selections , accompanied bv opLicon lecture 0 11 .. Ag r icultural E;,d- Miss Helen Marlat t. u·cation." and at th e clo!le_9f his lec- County Agent C. I'. CIIl8S gave an ture urged the In stit ute to take so me interesting report of the National acti on on the inlroduci inn of Junior Fal m Bureau convention. hEld at AtHigh Schoo l work \ iIH IJ our lucal lanta, Ga He r eported Ohio to be forging ah ead of 1111 other states in schoo l. Miss Leo na McGinnis came lH'xt on Fa rm BUrt'au work, Harvey Burthe program .....,·ith a humorou!l r. 'Hd- net. president of the Fa rm Bureau ing enlitl ed . .. [lctsy and I Fall Out. " of Wasbing ton township. Montgomwhich WaR milch e njoytd . Adj ourn· ery county, told of the worK beilll( done in hb tuw nship, and Lindley ment foll owed At the 111U;ning of the lalit ses!lion, Mendellhull reviewed results in our Mr. A. \~ I'll mliuson reud th e follow- ow n township . . i~lI!' rt'~I~l ulion: "Be it .r e!lolve~ -I Adjou,~nment waR next in order. I hat It IS the sense of thl8 meetm g and all dl ~ persed with a feeling that lhat a committeI' be oppoint ed to in- I much pl ea8ure lind profit was derived vestigate ~h~ best meth,d of i'1tro-1from the Institute of 192 1. ducing Juuior High School wurk into Ll!e E:a rnhart, Pres. our local school. and when such Wilbur Clark, Sec 'y.



How beautiful is death, when it releases a tired soul; a soul whose earthly existence was manifest in a busy and useful life; a life of thoughtfulness for horne and loved ones; of belpfulness to the needy, sick and eare-worn; of kind and gentle words {or all witt! whom it came in contact! There can be but one feeling today, that God doeth all things well, and the heart that i!l lonely because of earthly ti es broken i8 comforted . In the Qlriet and beauty of the hom" of Dr . Mllry L. Cook, where she had been taken for treRtm p.nt, and wh'~re she had been tenderly caled tor, Lola Zell closed her eyes to 1111 earthly t.hing-s, Wt'd nesd ay. January 4, 1922, when her tired heart ceased to beat and her ~pi rit returned to God who gave it . The- daughter of George M. and Grace Hendley Zell, she was born at Wavnesville, t>hio, April 2, i854 , imd had lived almost 68 years of thi$ mortal life.

The body of Mra . Sarah Crispen Zellers, who dit>d at her home in Eubank, Ky ., wal brought here, TuesdllY, from Dayton. A short service was held at tre chapel, Rev. Cadwallader officiating'. lnterment in Miami cemetery .

O~e of a farr.ily of six children, she IS surVived b y but two,-Walter, of Pasadena, Ca l' , and Della, of Seattle, Wash. Never married,. yet her life was full (If kindly thoughts, and joyous sacrifices, and generous

dkds. Wi. h singular sweetness, and yet wi l h clear convictions of faith and duty, she filled every spher! into which Go.:! called her. Her pllrents received from her an abibing dt!votion and the tenderest ministrations- their declining years _~~~~~+H~~~~ gladdened by her loyal,t y and love, In her. early life, she taught school in and around Wayne~ille, and latet engaged hi rescue work, havin[l charge of the Florence Crittendon homes in Peor:ia, III , and Lynchburg, Va • and and in a hospital in San Antonia, Texas. Later in life, nur8inll was her vocation . She was ofda qui~t natured' ahlways courteous an gracIous, an t oug h her way was often in trying lihd diffi cult circumstan('es, she was brave courageous, and never suffered her faith to fail. She was an expression of all that was attractive, yet forc&ful, in the tender virtues that most win our love. To those of us who ar~ yet In our pilgrimage, from the earthly career of Lola Zell tbere will always remain basic the vision of a beautiful life, blessed in itself, and full of blessing to othert!

ADRIA·N FENCE The distinctive features of Adrian Fence are: FIRST-Every wire is drawn from Open Heartb Steel.

with the b~st Galvanizing Metals, FOURTH-The Knot is large. long and ~impie, with no _sharp be.nds. , I will have a carload of Adrian Fence on the

track about February 1st" A discount of . 2% wilt be allowed fot cash at t.he car. Place ' yp~r order now: an~: I w.i'l notifr you' when the cat arrives.


..arne.. and Perm Machine" W.yn_ville,. Ohio





She was a member of the Metbadlat Episcopal church. May God blees her and great her light and pe~ce.-J. F. C.' Card III 'nub . We-deaire to thank our friends for their many kindnesses shown us and our dear one who has departed. Mrs Delphine MCClellapd. . • _ • .

ami cemetery, Sllt.u rday afternoon, Rev. Bunton, of Dayton, officiating . EJ The Weeki' were former residents of ~ Wayne township. • ~~ ••_ __


Lowest Pricel in history of

Touring • • Runabout • Chassis • • Coupe • • • Sedan • • • Truck Chassis Traetor • •


Li,t Prices F.

the~ Forcl Motor


• $348.00

• $319.00

• $285.00

• $580.00

• $645.00

• $430.00

• $625.00

o. B. Detroit






rn -


. ~.m

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13 4

'p • .O.

• "





Ha ,vvk~ .





'.: Authorized · Ford ·:'Salel and Ser,~ic~. Agency,· . . I ,. TelephQne. 41


I QQ'• __jilIGliEEBlllmE'=EBIIDE'aE_IEI .






~ ~ ~ ~


Starter, $70.00; Demountable Rims, $25.00, when lupplied with open types.



[' _ '_ _ Carroll EuI88l'W88 made president of the Lebanon National bank at a ~ meeting held there IttBt week, P. V, Bo~e rlltlriDIr from the presideJICY. Thill 18 an ~on()r, after thlrty-.lx vears of service in one place, and the many ' friends ()f .Mr, Eul. . _are ~ proud of .t he !fLC~ that. he b.. at·, talned the hlgh8l!t,honor that e:ln be

Frank LeMay, who baa blllllJlll!ll Y • officee In almllton, l04t brDil- . -n;"~... 1ft . ' d~- eel ....... tap NI PIJOM .I(l ... .chi nol recen t1 '1, wben ft re _K"'1 tq.. eqJ In JO a- .ad 08 alll NOli the prap In which It ....p.rked. ...............J .......~ ....,







' A lA!banon b8l.'ket hall team was defeated by the Waynesville team at the Dodds Community house, last g Satutday night, by the score of 24 to 26. The scoring was close all the way throullh, both teams fighting r.'l their best till the whistle blew. .., Perrine and Loer were Lebanon's ~ best goal getters, both playing a fast game. for WaynesVille, Duke was our main go at guard. The line·up: B Po. Lebanon .~ Waynesvill 3 . Thomas rf Wolcott M. Thomas If Perrine Henderson c Loer Duke .Ig Simpson I!I Mulford Irg Wa.rwick ~I· FieldGoals:-S.Thomas,6; M.Thomaa 4; Henderson, 3; Perrine,8; Loer, 6; Simpeon, 3, Waynesville vs Morrow will be the attraction at Dodds, next Saturdsy evenin&:, Everybody come, ~ ---- - ----

. ' "~ ihellChooJ8 at W.,n..vllle. · ·


~ a

I!J ~

LOST .MACHINE IN~ FIRE :C::~~~~;et~:~~.i preaid':t· '1 .w u at one time 'luPerinteDdent of m .



Ford Prices Reduced


-a life of !lteadfast faith, unfailinK hope and simple duty, for which all

THIRD-Every wire is tboro'ughly coated



MADE PRE',')IDENT ~~~kcaG~:.under its inftuence must Of 'L['BANON BANK

SECOND-Eyery wire is drawn full American Quage.






Lydia, wife of Mr. Charles Sher. wood, died suddenly at her home on Third street, Thursday mornin!t at 11 o'clock. She had been in tailing healtb for Borne time, but on the morning of her death she seemed 1:JIl'555!1'I:J1:1555:J'I:JI:'5==!]'I:J' better, and was dl~iDg her work as usual. When ber husband came in at dinner time, hel found her on the ftoor in an unconscious condition, I:J and death ensuinlf a few moments ~ later The funeral was held, Monday moruinlr at the M. E. church, -¥rs. Murray and Rev. Holt officl!At' ing . Interment in Miami cemetery, I:J Sarllh, wife of Wm, Weeks, who died in Florida, was interred in Mi-


H :-iha llL' r alld

funlil .~'

('Ill P I" ta im'') al dilllu·r. <'; ullday. Mr. un d At the hospitaLl e hOlTlc (If Mr 1{lll>1 ='1rn ud Ilrllll ~h l t I ' " Irrr jlP ~Ir~. IIll ward 1I1·1·lld t tlnd Mr . Lu lind Mrll. F'. U. LeMay, til l' WaYIll' h!\lI'k ~ ill \" .hi " "lIil·C'. ~ III lr" "y , I Town~hip Farmers' club tmjllyt!d U wh ir h he had truppI'd on III ' fa rlll. hc'r (,h a r l,·,. oI f I layton . in their regular 'rh I' Ilaw k S Illl(I l )cen CIlI. IlIll!! . h'I ~ delig htfu l day . monthl y meeting . J anuary l~ . c hi ckel1~. lind he do:tt' I'IJ1 ill ' " 1., 1,,11 ~ I r s . ('ynthia J.:va ll~ delhlhtfu l' " After the s umptu ous dlo ne r. al tlWIll • T he l arg e~ l II f Ilr c' I> 1,,'1, <, "nll 'rluilled at dinner lin ThurHrla, rel(ul.a r feat.urc of thel,r . mcetinlC. ! wh ich IIlcas un.d four reet fll ll r il "-I ,, .. 1 I,,· r.dlo will g )!'lIl·" t_: . ~l esdam l'" the vlce.preslde nt: Mr . Clark . s ~lIrt. froll1 tiP tu tip, c au ~ht a chic-\.. clI . ·\1I1." lIla iJl •. J\lllella Wil liam ~ ed the program with rull call. 1 hen anti he searl'd it ~1I badl y III,d IIIL' ;, 11 .1 1':dit l1 Ilan i., Mr . Ernest C. El!rnhart favllred th e hawk d·roppe(1 'It M '1 If " lb ' h b . I ' . . r. rOlll a, c u wil a euu.tlt u so lo. 1 ~lIS was tenetl lh e chi (' ken to th •. j.(rllullcl. Th e .Jully ~ I atron s and their hu ,>' f,:>lIowed by a diSCU SS ion of Current and set a steel trap fur th L' htlwk " <in ti . we re l'lI lertliined at the hom F,~:nt s by Roscoe Furnas. , li e caught Ih e two of them in 1 11I ~ IIr ~ Ir ll1h l hlrs. S . U . Henkle, Tu es· I he h o~t presen lt!d I.tev. C,. S. manner, and his chiel,ens arc ~af ' .I ,. ;, .... ,,11111).(. al lhe reg ular monthl y o' lIPIll'r. T il ... ('vening w~s SIJent ill Grauser. who gave an mterest mg for ulittl e whil e. anyway. talk . . Mr. I:eMa y then gave a repo rt The farm ers are compiainillj.( a t llnl" an d C I Jllvl'r~ ati ll n and di SCUSSIon of Muscle Shoals , as great dea l ab out IHlwks whil'h arc was reco rded in hiMmemory in boy· suid to ba num erous thi. yeur 1\ S II rl) ~ is.· part y was tendered ./ ~~_ ___ ._'_ _ . hood days when swinging W!lS a de~ l a , t c r Cha rl es Chapman , Saturd ay light. The speaker was aule to r eo ,,\'enilll{ . /\ largl' numbe r of hi::! lllt e many notes of interest on this fri en d ~ met anll went to his horne. su bject, as he ~ as rellred near the whefl~ R ve ry pleasant even ing was ~p u l. ~]Ip. nt in Karnes and music . The special topic tor the day " What Will the Prupo~e d Limitati on Kni ghts L A. Zimmerman, A. B. of Naval COll8truction Mean to the Shan er and I"rank Kurfiss we re ho~t s F'armer?"- was then taken up and Th e annual meeting of St. Marv's Lo Crl)wn Lnd !l;e, K uf P., Ihst Wedpari sh was held at t he ch urch. Mon- ned<i ay CVf'n in g . !Ably discullSed by Mr. Ogl e~ b ee An appetizin g After an appropriate selection on day evening , anll wardens and ves- "d utch lunch" ( frankfu rters, kraut, th e Grafonola, the' members de- erymen for the ensuing year were rye bread ami eolfe,,) was served bv pa rted feeling that they had had a elected . The reports of the differ- th' h o~ts . assisted by their good ent officials were r ead, and showed wives. It sure was " eome feed." •• • good meeting. a healthy growth . ~---.- ...-~~ A lengthy debate W8.~ given over ')'1Ie 1-1 appy Hour cIu h me t a t th e . h h d 't ' t a th e pa ris ouse, an · I IS esd ' th It th t th ' ' 11 b d home of Mrs . Alfred Hay, Tu ay . oug I a some inK IVI e one afternoo n. Januar 10, with Mrs. III regard to th iS matter 111 t he near I' n y . t t h t future. erey eason U3 assls 8fl . os ess . ~~_ _ _ .. ~_ _ _ F'fIllCY work and conve rsatIOn were enjoyed by all the ladies present, awl th e hostess ente rtained with mu' Officers captured a atil I at the ~ic on the player piano. Mrs . Sathome of Tom Gates, on the Wayn es· te r thwuite invited the club to meet ville and Xenia pike, Thursday morn· The Massie Township Sunday wilh her in February . A program ing. It was the largest yet cap· tured . About sixteen gallons of School convention will be held in the /com mittee, consisti ng of Monimia "hootch" was taken with the filtill . M. E. church at Harveysburg next Llunnell. Mrs. J ames Vandervoort A sixteen-burner gasoline stove was Sundav aftern oon, January 22. at 2 and Edith Go ns, was appointed to a novelty. There were several ar- o'clock. Prof. Bruner; C! f Lebanon, prepare a Waehington pro!tram. Delici ous refreshments were served rested ae accomplices, and their trial will be one of the spt!akers. Mrs, Martha Davis . Sec'y. by the hostesses. is being heard today. . I



!!2!!E __ '.


'Ilae Mi&IDi Gazette, Wayne.viIi., Ohio.

CThe Green Pea Pira.tes


Rna pu l' ,," H.P Itjlllt . An(1 , I'y \lCorll''', Sr'rrlIlRij. If thBr (lId kinK ~lIc"l'e (\8 InInmb nNII,i' YOII. I'll et til,· rll s~1I1 rr~e. " ~t' .. lnK Ihnt there W8 ~ 110 e~ c nl'f!, II \11 11 til SrI"\1IU; d ecl /l~ to hIli" the on nll .' r th rnug!l. "I ,et's 'go I1 Nhor., on/l hnl'e It ol'('r with," h Btlld ('lIn' l ssly. " I' m a "'.nn or II ,"'e, hut wh,'n th prl 'e Ih:hllir I" h" ,I )n e. l ' sl1)' fl" to \I tlnll

f . ..

~tnt eH


The Laun-Dry- Ette does the most washing FOR you wilh the least work R} ' )'011

T HtheE

Lau n ~D r y- ~th~ n l..l \

Author of

Man," "The Vailey of the GiamS"," Etc.


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onr~ I. Hldlll1g'



T h t..· L.ant1 · Dr\.·. t·: Ut' d ews 811 ttw d rvin.:i n rY ll U, It ""''';r1:~ th ., . I'' l h"" ... ,-h,. H I u l ... (\lInutc- - 8 ",llo/e tubfu/lil 11 l \l ll e.




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A. P .

~ r rtlgg~ .

hU"lng In n ~r" rr l l nr I1It' r,·), r~frolned from IllY tn' tht'lr hOlld~ lin ~n lcl prl,oneNl for t~n r I1nrdwnrc. Harness.Farm hlachiner)' ot 10\,811e1111' t hplJ) At " tllIle when thl'tr "I'n'lr,'s \\'lIS or Imporlllnce to tbe expl'tl ltlo11 . lie gll'l'n lin opportunity to Waynesville, 0 •. Ink e out the ir grtldi'l! 00 Ihe pereonR or elliel sn"8ges, Now. I nottce that Ih (\ ktng 18 a ml serllble, ,klmpy, @awfdr 0 ", noC! hAmmered-down old co,.e. By nil Ih e rules of the prl~e rln, he'. In !;crniltsy's , dn ~e , " (Rere Mr, McGuffey tlRGhed n li ghtn ing wlnll to the ~omru ... dore. It WIlS an a\)\)&al for Mr, nlb n ey'~ mornl 8uPllort In the enitneer'. Ach eln e to put lip 8 Job-'on CaplaIn S('rngp, lind Ihul relieve tbe 1e4lum of the homewaril Irlp. Mr. Call me by phone Olbney Instanl1y leh!\P'II\)bed bla approbation, and McOuft'el contloued.) "l nOlttre aillo Ihnt If I Willi to hnnt the 80uth a. Main 8treets unlwl'8" OVI'r, 1 couldn't flud n betH'r Illn lch fnr Olb tllun TRbtl-Tnhll, And Waynesville, Ohio as we lire oil agrel'lI thot the white 4 ro ce Is superi or to flny ra ce on earth. 000000000000000.>000000000 lind 1t'1I do U8 nil good 10 see a fine mill Iw(orc we 'elll'6 the counlry. ( rno"e YOl1 , Il'ellll em.. n of the eYlldtcate, Ih u t w e pu ll orr /I flntsh light hetween Scroggs)' und the ktn., and Olb and Tllbu-Tabu, J'II re feree bOlh conteata Bnd BI the cooclus lon of til. mlZ<\lp we'll lenve th".e t\\'o murderera ma. For sale dates. call W. C. rooned on the Is land and theo-" "nn la," sno\)ped Q\\)taln Scralie. Smith's Store, New Bur"That IIln't no bUllnllh at aU. You lington. or Harveysburg, shouldn't cOMlder oOlh.o· sbort of Ohio, phone 7-2Y2. capltlll punIshment. Wh" thaI's only aptly larceny form of-" MY PRICE, ONE PER CENT "Quit bullln' In on my preroiatlve!l," roo red McOulre1, "Thot alo't the lin00000000000000000000000000 Ilh by no meone." "What 18 the ftnleh, then yo " Why, Ihese two canntbals, beln' lett Bl one on Ih e des ert Island. naturaUy bumps up IIgln Ibe old quesUon of the aurvll'Bl of th e fittest. They .et IICrappIn' Among th emsell'es, and oue ellts tlle nthl'r tlp." "By the toe·nlllls of 1\Iosee." mutWe Put Them On (('red IIlr. Olhney tn genuine admlrfttt on, "but YOI1 hl1l'e got an hl1llglna11011 aft .. r nil, MRc, ' Tl1e potnt Is well tnk en nnd II", p"'grnm will go tloroug!. 118 oUlltl1"'1. SCl'1Iggs , you'll n!:ht thp king. NCJ buck In' I1l1d gnlmblln·. You'll tight th e klnjt. You're outvoted 111'0 t o one, th e thing's hl!t'n done regular, ond you can't kl ~k . I'll fight Tabu·Tabu, 80 you see you're nol gettln' auy th e woral Df It, We'll proceed to 8n Iillnnd In the Frll'nilly group coiled Tuvanatholo, It lI ee rtgh t In our horueward FUN E-- \L DIRECTOR course, nnd the re aln't enough IJ'ub on the contounded lelond to IllIt two men s week. And I know there IIln't no Waynesville. Ohio " ' 11 ter there. So, now that that mnUer . ' 'J te nil ~PltlI'Il. ",e will proceed to hfave the anchor nnd scoot for horue. Mac, Fully Equipped for Good tune U\) your engl n ..s and we'll g~t Service. out of here o-II' ho<'ptn' Rnd a -Ilyln'." It waB an ellrht-hundred-mlle MIn up , Large Display Room to Tuvaon-tholo. but the weather beld good and tbe tNlde-wlnd. never slackl' El.EPHONB 7 DA'Y OR NIGH1 ened. Ten days from the date of lenIng Kondol'u tbey hove ' to oft' the tsland. It WBI a long. low, IBndy atoU , with a t.... coconul-pnhnB \P'owlnlr In ...... .M<c-.,... ••~.......... .. the cenler of \I, and ",lib th e exception of a vBlt colony ot senbl rlls that al)porently mode It their headquartera, the lelnnd WAS ileTold ot life. The bloodthirsty ~l cO utTey stood at tne break of the Poop. nnd 88 he gazed lIhoreword he ('hu('kled Bnd rubbed hll AT KI)DBltAT£ PRICES hand s toltether. "Orent. grent." he mtlrmured. "I ('ouldn'\. hn\'e gotten a better leland It I'd hod one bUill to order:' Re called Optical Departa... nft to the .navlgnllni otllcer: "Scre,ggsy. th('re's the ring, NOlhln' elBa to & lWNit . . Xenia, Ohio do now hut 11'.. 1 till' co nlealanU Into II. OPIID evenln,. b,appolntment Along In the lnlll 'ot'ternooD, when tbe heat ot lhQ. do}' 18 o\'er, we'll hott


nit,,,,,), Illld 1' ,


' (,O\'IIIK

IIw Mtlggle II In r ill""" ot Ih e

1II 11!" , " ,," p' ll h,· hnd, In hll tr ' 00' hou r," t'/t ll pd Ilu! f ·UJlltIll'l1o r l'. U ~ t ll .. y row('cl 11 \\".,"

Ih p schooner. " .J 1I~1 rOIC'h "Ilfl fnrlh and k,'ep hl'lll'ln' the (rolll

General Repair Shop

Ed. C. Woollard,

Jesse Stanley, Auctioneer


F. D. HAWKE Walter McClurt:

tn turn I'xplnlned to the king. TI wn s 1101 Ih~ huhlt of whil e men. so Mr. C:lhlley I'xplH tlled . to kill the tr prl8llnprR In co.el blood, nnd he ',ud dl'cllled t o gll'c Ihem nn opportunll ,v t o ti ght th e ir WR Y out of " SAd pr~\l c n1Tl1'Ilt wtth tlw lr nuked flsll , H they 1I'0n, t hl')' wonld he IlIk e n bock abOArd the ~('hnont'r nnd loter dropped nt some InhRhlteit 101 1llUl, If they lost, Ihey mu s t mnkp Ihelr home for the fu tllre on Tunnn ·tholo, "Lt't 'er go," called McQUire)" aod Mr, Gibn ey squarl'd oft' nnd made II hpn rllke poss lit Tnbu·Tabu. To the nmnzeruent of all preBcnt Tohu-'rnbtl sfjran, lightly hackwnrd lind Avotded the hlow, HII footwork \\' IIS ex<'t'lient Rnd McGulrey remnrkell 8S much to CAp laln Scron.. But when TahuTRbu put up hlft halld s attpr the mosl approved ml'thod ot lelf-,I.-fell"e nnd dropped .nt o a "crouch ," MrOurrey could no longer contaIn hlll\seif. "The beggar cen fight. Ihe beggllr can IIlIbt," he croaked, wlill with Joy , "S ranB. old man, \JIIs'l! b~ n ra~ mtll. 1 prom lee you, He's h~ell aboard a Brlllah man-o'-wo1' nnd I('urn ed how to boll'. Steady, Olb. Upp~ r-(,ul him, up.per-wow I" Tabu-Tabu had s lepped III and planted. mighty niht In th e cenl!'r 01 llr. Olbney's pbYBtOlRnomy. toU owt nl It up with a hord laft to the <'omm!). dore'll eAr, Mr. Gibney rocke d 8 momenl on hts s turdy legs, AtPJ'lped bn ck out Of ranlle. dropped both hAnds. Rnd etared At Tabu-Tabu. "I "0 \I('1I8ve tbe nlgger'JI li ck you, Glb," satd McGutTey aoxloli Rly. "B e'. 1I0t a horrible reach Bnd n IDule kick In each mit. Close with him , or he'l due tor a fttll pardon." "In a mhmle," aald the c'ommodore faintly. "He's so .ood I h"l e to btlrl him. But I'll him to II finish ," Wh!ch Mr. OIbney forthwith procl!eded to do. Be rUlb.d his opponent lind clinched, thouib not IInlll hill rliht eye was tn motlrnlng and ft stlft' Jolt In the short ribs hlld cn llsed him to .,uul In mlMll Iploble fa s hi on. But t ew me n cou'\! withstand Mr. Oll>lle, once he got to close quart er",. 'J'ilhuTubu wrnPllel1 hls ' long arlllS aruund the commodore lind l!u,l pn I'ore<l t o smot he r hi s blows. bill Mr, IIm ey wOlild not he den ied, Hi s I;rt'llt n ~ t shot upward f!'Om the hlp 11 1101 connec led \\'Ith Ih e cllunll.lUl·s c hill , Tu b uTnbu relullell hIs hold , :ltr, CIIHlf'Y fnt 10wf'[J with left and rlghl tu tI ,e h ~nd In qUl c~ 8ucce.~Rlon, nnd M ('nu!T~y WitS counting ,the tutlll teo o " ~r the fllilen warrior. )Ir, Gibney grinned rutlll'r fOOli shly, spnt. and .. poke to l\l c Ollfl'~y. snto voce : "By George, the J,.kl! nl,,'t oil on Scrnggsy," he said. '1' hcn turning to Captnln Sc.r nggs: "Help yourselt to tbe mustard. Scraggey, old tnrpnl." Cllptaln Scrnggs took ort his 11I1~ roll ed up ht s sleeves. nud mnde a dive tor lhe ruynl prescnce. Ill s 1Ilnjt·s l,\'.

Glaues Fitted

.0 ..



11 DAnto Radiator Protection forsl f~1/( :


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Classified Ads

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An Iltl. in thi ~ column iH II su r e sale

nf tli t· ;\ llIllwdu . ~jllI~ Ill(' !-OP" !! I ) Ju..:.t til II II H' to


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whi ch c hllll e n s~d hi s InSllll11 1111<'11tlon , It \\'il S j us l Il . 'Iu lh III Ih" . l1lp, Vlllg 114'\\,S. but :"'"I1s H llh' III'St ' lI fl'm1 It wit h UIIUl 1.IH'l\'lll 1111<1 joy :

t I lplr Stln· [fHIIi PO


hut 10 It " ' U R nn d ,·1' louglolng JURller, Tlw fu et or thl' Illtll- , , ~ I'III:I!S nn rl the ~llI l:jC l c ,lt slI l'p('nreil I ~ r \\'II S 1111' klnl( II'IIR dnngPI'ollS nnd I f .. II" II .., f' nvlrons fII SlIn )·' run'IRco crngfll! hnrl I1lultM htrnst' tr \\,11'1 re- I' hu),. 111."1 :\,'lIs HlIlI'orsl'11 WOM wi se Vl'nj;C, e l1l'lIl/h 10 Wil sie no ttrue wo nderl n" "I dl,n't " ' nnt to hl'o t nn Old rnnn to \\'h1l1 hnd hel'ome of Ihelll , These t\\'o dentl.... I. e gll ~p ed finally , " I'll 11'1 Iht I lI'orthl1'8 1II1 /:ltt Il" IIlly\\'ltt're. 1I1l11 scoundrel go, He 's h.. II enllIl K" nllli I", , e l'er,Y cOll ce lvllbl e 'hlug IInn er tIle s un ,,'on'l li ght. 1.,'I·s nll's(',1' 1II01lg I H"'~ , tnl!!"t hll" (, hllJll,elu'!I to Ihelll; IWll ce. 10 til e sclt oon l'r on.1 I 11,'e Ih "l11 here I In his Itl le 1110111cn18, K('Us HIIll'orse n to nlllUS" tI'(, lIlflI.'IHS tbe bl'"1 Will' th.·y dl ~1 1I0t (II 'Inrb h is g my IIllllll' r. s pecImow how ," UhCllnl( lin t heIr \Vh ~ renbo ut s IIlId Ihetr ,"nlgllt-O," sulll :llr. Glbnf" '. ftlHI Ilten r lll"lIt1on of sf' rl'ltu,de, tur!1ed to wl1lk down the bplI"'; to Ih e Rut Ih e conllnu!!" nhBen ce of ' nllbont . A !;(','ond hu er n lto llrsI' Sl're,u" : lul n SCrIlKI:S (rOlrn Illw old haulilS creof Rod lerror broke t rom hi s Itp ~. I Di ed qulle u lilli e gos8tp ulollg the "Whn, 's IIll?" cri ed M 'OlllTe,\', Ih e I wnt crfronl, nnd In Ihe course of th Ole lflllghter dJrtng out of hi s voice. ror I r umors uf hlH ,Ieml se by s undry .IlIlel tllel'e \\'88 II hlnl ot Ihmlh tn Mr, Glb- , del'lous rOllles cnrne to th e ears ot ney'! cry, I Nl'll s Hnll'orsen: Renc .. "'1'1'1' . qUJlrl'hend" wu s puz"Mol'ooll(',1 !" 8111d th e ('O ll1ll1o),lnre hoa.nwly, "'rho!.; two snllilro 11I1\' ~ zl l'll. In fn ct. 10 ~ u ch lin ext cnt \Vas pulled hu clt 10 tl.l' s(·houl1cr. 1l1H'Nr lls puzzled, thnl one Iw rfe" tly colm. there-Iouk. ~l l1c ~ ~I y GlIlI'oI I" clellr I1lght, while o"ullng down San 111('0 "1'1'... )' lookl'd . •;lIti hlti fll ('p 11"'111 Poh,lo I:IIY In his bo y S '0 1\'. lhe Willie ,,-hil e r thlOl' Ih .. f o/l1l1lnl1 Il I'l' nl, c los he- lind Annie, hI) so fnr forgot htm ('Jr yonel II'hl ('1I hL' ccnllil see ~l u);l:I l' II. Ull . 1111(1 his 011'11 u",olrs CIS to ('ollc('ntrnt a dl'r rull Fili i. hr nd .. t1 for Ihe open s ell, ' n il his nll enll')11 on the pr~bl em ot the The 81111111 !,,,nt hn,1 heon pl'kerl up, ultl1l1t1l e fln lsh of Captain craggs. IlIIIl 11 ,t' O'" " ·IIS 1111 d ouot UlIll 01 her I So e nJ,:r')"sed wu s Ne il s In Ihls I'nln pre~~ 1l1 ":ll e of ~ I"'(>I I th' schooner Bil cU lull otl lhnt h/! neglected to ob1Y0n't! I' e hlll1 ,10II'n on Ihe hllrlzon by Sl' rI'e I"wllrcl Ihe rull's ' of tb e ocean elln MPt. hlghll'on t.hlll III (oety of ntt entlon ··'rll.. 11\11 rth ' rill ' hl)IIIIII.·' whIR(lf' r ed whi ch Is hi ghly r('qnlslte . ..,'en In the l\1 {'Ouff,·.\'. ; lIld ~nl!gl'd dow ll em the Ilk IPlll'r o f n bny s cow, It the fnl AOme SAll cls, "(I\; , Ih e lII unlerln' 1""111tl ot a 111 1., or ~nr taln Is to be retai ned tor nlly rl ... flnl!e pertod, As n r.c'lllt, Nt'lIs mote I" lo,'co1l1e confused regn rdfn. the ClIlICt "It's-II', 111111In)'." It ul pf>tl Cn plnln nllmber of blasts from tbe siren ot a Scroggs In 0 hnrtl. ~tmlrll'I I " " Ice, rh'e r stenmer d ij~ lrlng to pau htm 10 "That bJnoll:)' n ~1I(1 0f II mal e! The ~I y po rt. C"n ~equ e ntly the Willie Rnd sneok-thll·f. with hI s Ill{'o sa nt smile Ann ie n'('~Iv~d . ll ch n levere butttni nnd hilt wt ll nln' wn)'R! Sow II r hunce trom Ih e r h'~r st ~H 1I1Cr In question 08 too s tpnl th .. ~ln gKlf' nod her rt ch curgo. 10 rO ll .e ht'l· to c'ureen and 611. Being, and hI' 18 leu yin' u" here, mnroone/l ou unflll· t"')n tl ~h· . loud . .·rt with ,"ravel on a desert Is land. wllh two co nnlhlll s," Oaptllin ~; c mgj(8 fulrly s hri eked th e last two worels nnd burst Into t ~n r8, "Lord. Oth. old 'mon." he rnl'ed , "whatever will w e do?" Thu8 np pen led to. tile do ught y com· modore permitted his two ulunnt ched optlC9 to rest mourntully upon hI. shlpmRtes. , Re gulpe d oud thou.:htfully rubbed tbe knuckles of hi. right hll1111 I\'h~rl' the skin WO'8 burked 0",. He thnu~h.t of the silly Joke he and McOtltrcy hnil thouiht to perpetrnte on C(;ptnln Scra"s by leading him liP ngnln s t II beelln,g nt the 11(JIlds ot n cllnnlbal kinl'. aud with the Ihouaht come a \P'lm, hard chuckle. though UIPre WftS tile look of n thousRnd 1II'I'I1 s In his

t u r a ~ 1J I1chll tll tnk.· .. g l 01 11 11 U ' fl. I m _ er~ t u I n~(I" OI .. n I I" 1l1U0 '; Yo' a 1111 11 '''rtlH4 Ilt.H,r ,h. o kto tIJj VII IP. J,'1U tlue Jlnrtv IIUJ ,I·t! "" til Y lOr ow n "Y"!I .... h ,,' N . rlh ~ n ton,,'I!" 0"" lu Ow ~lIut l,. Our 0 .. 1011) \ 0 1 UlIh , tli,r _ III Urti b"V ll I1rUtlU<ll't1 ' fl IUllrk"bl .. r ~ u l t S. A d h 'l"ll K ~ t il (I00.0U hu!! btoen t"k"" fr ,' !)l oJII" n ' uor t wout.y lIoro trn oh. III OI lre, u ro '\1 "ull tber" IIr" tOROI or 1Jj'"'' J r o,) p ~ .. yellr. Uu r t on 0I111J I \VUllt ,l' .... , e I ' hOt,. In o. n rl" .. m "d " ru b ', n"" wtlh rOIlhillg ,,, .. Illr amI "I . ot , 10 lI ~ h L~ .. nd 1\" p rl oed wlIlaln r<l, oh II f "".V el!18bl,,,h ,. r1 flulIlI'r. 'I'be.. e f",ml! 80j ,In uuu nl·Y .etl t 100 \\In where hre luo..t ed g ,ncl ~o h "lJ l" "uII oUurohc·rt . We art! II/vit,n g ~ ... r lnU8 mloilbd . r ,, ~p'lD~lb l .. IHrnll"~ " .y l\IId to UCh t:bi"ltritJfwi l'IUI'lltIl"1 ~t' '' lll!tly . 8\V rll e l UI ttV or (" "'hi ~, rll a;; W AI.KIl, L t'TOIUK ~- ARlII!I C , :.It, 1 n eul~o hl~r Blol g !-I. mllt/.Il, O. \VI£ I:iA \IE Urrltllll tl ,l


" 'l'he Mt\ IJg1 o 11 18 C'o m mnncil'ld by Cap·

taln Phln e ttB Scragg_, nnd urt cr taking on pro\'lId o n l and watt" r t (1, l a)' wUl p ro~

to San Frnncleco, tom o rTUW . to r

d '. ~

cha r ge o t car«o."


"lIy ytrlltIlY." qllnlh N ..i ls IIHI\'C)!'fIl'n . "n~' e U81 YOIl Ihlll 1'"Il ~ !Ie "I~ lIOlII) 60

nlll'\'. ,\",1 nyc hut nr ll' hilt hl! Killi n Ill' I: ln,1 In sP.. N ... tlB Hnlv(lrsc n. I "t1('~' lIy e hl l''! Knnnkn 100," nn' he hlln e I)ull !UP IIU t to \Se,· tie "Ie II1 l1 n," A .Tn(·oh·s IReI,l er wO~ IlII lIlllng o,'er Ih .. I!l e ot th e s~h tlon r Il S Iht' rnn,M' s hot Iu ull!ll'r her If'e Q'lOlI'l" r. nn,1 hnlt 1.1 IUlnul e lul"r tlo e I'X I,,·, 'lillIt :\e1l8 ~t '(lIWl1 I1110n h'r tlpl'k , A 11111 dnrk 011111 , wl'arlnl/ an UIl('lem (lu Jml ent hOI. ""I S ill ok 1111( ,011 th e 111I[('h ('CJII11l tll ~. lind hllll 1\ {'lis 1I11I \'1"~~ n all · cI r.\ s"'~ t1 . "Al'c ' hnn e \\'ont 10 C~ C"p' n SUrl' li S )' OU bUll('






'"The power Ichooner M ngg l~ II nrrl\'cd thlJ mornlnl'. len tlln 's (rom t he 1·...rlemll y lalanda. The little !Schuo ll er cum" Into port with tfe r hold bortH 'ng wtell t he O1llll l vllltlJlbl o cargo that h a.d ente r N I Hono· l u lu In mun)' )' curll. l\ " 011111 818 t or th t" mOMt pun o f bla l'k cora t.








=====--:::::--::-=-======== 'IALE HELP WANTED

Serllggs," hl" SU III. Th ~ lull dnrk ilion sh,o.1 I"reet nnil caSI n qui ck, qu e.ttun lng luok OI t Neils Hal\'or8 n. He heslrllleli befoore he mftde nnswer. "Wh"t do you waut r' he ns l' ed deIIbernlely. nud th ere II'Il S n ~ u\)!I e nwn ll<,e tn hI~ tnnl'8, A~ t or NeliA Hnll'orAen':o- thinking oul~' of I hp. s urprise he had In Iltore for hi s uld \lUlploye.r, he replied evo.1 "ely : UA\'e bone wont loll." "'Veil, I'm Captain ·crng!!s. nml 1 hn ven·t BUY 'ob tor yo u, ON nIT my boat nnd ,volt until you're Inl'lt ed before you come abOllrd ol:oln," For neorly II mlnllte Neil s Hlilvorsen stared open.motlth ed lit th e spurlOU8 Coptllin Sc.roggs, white . ' owly there sltted Ihl'ough hi s hl'l1ln IIll' ncr Uon that he ho.d hnppened ncross the trnck of II dc.'p lind blond y rn)'s tery of the s ens. There \\'IIS "somethtng rotteu III Denmllrk." Of Ihnt r-;"lI ij Hnhorlen wos certnln, l\Jore he could not be cprtaln of IInlll he hnd pnved th e way for n complete lo vesllglltlon. nod n8 n prelhnlllnry 8te lownrd that end he clinched his list aod aprong swl!lly toward Ihe bogus IIkll)".'. ITo be continued.)

----- ..---SHE IS

W -\N rEI)-!\ I"urnl' ;

baooo II

M.. rrI Hc\ ," .in 0 11 tt uta l1nvt r tdul ' I).

rH1 H~ r. R e IIH",o ' >I r. qolrtld 0 1 6 , B; KIley , " hulI ~ - \Vby_


0l1hY III Il -l2-6




U ::ST--A \1lul n ~ klr~, 0 ' 1

~od ~Llrlng

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. t..,..,en Morro w Fiude r pl8H e me. jl8 I

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I tl aye~ t'I l\ l!



5-ROOM M",Ob.

fo r ,,,ut Ihe 1st o ( o" rnar of 'l\ ler Bnd FOllrlb 8'rell~!I; ell'o\rlo IIgbts IlIld I(ood garden. Applv to Amell .. E. Wllllnm's , WJl.yue~vtll tl . Oblu j ll(; 800 S8



AVRE ....·ARM tor ollsh rent. lllqDlre of M E : -;he rw llud ; Waynesville. Ul)lo j 18



RUIJK-a Repnbllo lY.ToJn'frook oheJl.p Inqtllre ot RIlY HltthawJl.Y, Waynesville Uhlo_ 11

She is Good-Looking and Gay and Is Always Read, for a Good Tima Why Ie a girl popnlar? , Loolr aronnd II!ond lIee whd a good Ume 'he good . looking one8 have all 'he It Waa JUlt a Squib In the Sttlpplng time. Men seek them oat and allk Nlwa. 'hem to plll'tl!!s. danoe9 and enter. talnm.nse And notice that " II thl8 pnrtlculnr trip, S)II! BU1\"8101!(( .ll· not the doll-raoe type reRI m~n like continently to the bottom of San Publo moet. but the red. blooded Klrl with boy, while Nelle and hIs crow of two " Pf'p" and happy load oatare. Any men Souiht refuge on a plank. '_ girl Ured aDd lan.uld and WIthout attemptln, to IrQ further hal" poor oomplBxlon and' dnU eyes Into the delulls' of the misfortunes at can improve her ooodition aDd be Neils Hah'orsen, be It known thot the far bappler If she will ,Imply talle destruction of the Willie lind AnnIe Gade's Pepto-Manlao DutIl ahe hili proved 10 be lucb a severe ehoc.k to put her blood loto good oon<lUloo, Neils' reputation as a ISte and lane Hed blood means "full of Ufe" arid boy scow eklpper Ihat he wu ulll- "fnll of life " ulI~ally means haJiplmately forced to aeek otber lind more ~e8l. vtrgln ftelds. With ' tbe frAgmeots of Trv Uade'8 Pepio- ,tunlan and 88e hIs meager tortune. tbe ,a mblUoue bow muob beUer you fpel. \)ootors Swede purchased a course tn 0 local have ailed" neclrly thIrty :vean for nautical IIcbool from, whICh he duly weak, rnD.down people. U heiDI managed to emerge with 8tlOlcient 'hem Ret '11' •• 11 , Sold 10 both IIqald cournrre to apoellr betore th~ "Unltll.d and $able' form , -AnvertI8~m8Dt,


" t..F- VIII have a y o ung Jersey C V.lf for IlIle Rboo' Jaua"ry ~O. Ube"p: we need ~he milk. Ioqolre al tlawyer's IJroo~ry, Waynes'Vt11e. Uhlo. fl of TlMOTBY BAY. In10 Tons qolre of John RoberBon. R.



3, W ,YDellVille, OhIo.

OW-a 100d Fre8h o~. ,~ InC qnlre of R. E, t;lmltloe:,'R. D. 2 Orelonla, Ohl,;, . , . j2G Lot of &Ioond-hand Brlok and Lamber for I13le, :...J Bole & U QIIl1l9 by. phone 127-3, WJl.ynellVille. Ohlo. j26



or 8 of Mixed Clover H AY-6 aod Timothy Bn, good qnallly Ah!o; aboo' 1311 bo, O&'s. 1920 orop • 1tqnlre of Flora ~rr,hlll, 2127 In_ diana Ave. Columbus. Uhlo, jll6 COOKERELS-Pure Fishel Straiu .White Rooks; big heavy boned btrd~: prloed realouable for qualUy of 8 :oo ~. W. C. Weloh, llarveYII burg,Oblo. jl8 , I OT of 6ll0d Wood. lnqnlre ' of ttarvey R,e, or odl "bone 38. ~a1nen\lle. Ohio. JIB



AWRIGHY - I'LL B\':: J):C)'-lN A ~'TEf\ r,IQ'f:i:i. ~ ~:


,I .. hn !-III I'lIl '''', AIJI'Il

TERRELL, uslloro tor thuNC run ll~ ()f l ' IIJll r lllt 'ut TER~ELL 1","uHur 10 hiS ~ullll1 !(. ,," 11 111 III~ l·u l1· Wilming ton, 0" phone 001. Ih"(I" BlIl onn. \\'hllh!.'r Ills " ,, !lII" I1S 1,',1 hlll1. he filled hllO ...'I ( \\' 11 11 h" CI' 111111 J,:'lIsHlp. It wus lwn: 11 1I1t :"\ ... II~ , · HIII.). FOR SALE- LAND

P h) , I.

erntcl~' .

Mlno k,

Money to Lo'a n on Farnr Land for five years at 6 per cent.

An huur luter,

tlul l the S l' h llntl~r IH~' II I Hul'!wr lilT 11It'



Illlort~nl(tllI ,


1I.r ~

'Il1l1rllntlll (, . 1111 1"" ,

:i rt


tJlll 111111 h er nUIll (' WII ~ ~1 1I~a:I ,' It.

",h,' n the Al nlllPil"


$uld ,6t _"t id

L" uu"d t' ll M ONEY ohllll,"IIO. "I HP .oound

revh'ed o l d

Tht~s {'

y,Uo. fiJ I' '1'-

,. ............................t..,............... .

dum," II l lIttt! l't· d :'\l.' I I ~. n nll !'ll' I'ul,' l wll Il l s lu'ud . ( . 11' tilt' Il ll lttl'

" Wf"rr. c;~,. ,I ,d l' :. ,.j , .



~ee It h ell nll(ul J.:II Slilil lt' ~l'IlI lill lt~ r 01' "hour It IHlll li r()1I " ' H.I lhlr·ty (till !' tU'Ult · Ing I II t own n) th f' lin ,\' , Slh' Was No dnse thlll S,) I1~ \\ Ul'4 t' lI u hlcd to II lH l(j'

"r l·lI .

the lIulplclon of a grin on his homel,. Rocked a Moment on Hie Murdy, L.... tace. . "I make II motion," he snld, "that ~~lI;lo. tbe scientific tralnltlg ot bl.a Made or Wate ' the syndicate PMS ,a rpsolutlon conrproor Fiber ComPOeltlon. Retalna the Heat, Better ill1me mlnllter, seized a haudful of delDotn' the acttoD or the mn te." than Metal, Doe.n.t "uet or "attie, .th. Scran. lDane and tore at It cruelIt was a fo rlorn hope, and the jest ly. A well-<llrected kIck In the ,hln.. however, ca~e4 blin 10 .let .0, lind a weol over the heads of the deck demoment lat~ · h. 'w.. 1"lu. up tbe partment. Sold Mr< Gibney ao,lIy: "There allli' t no more Mnggle II synbeach with tbe aogry Scraggl In full Made 10 Fit All Cars. Makes Starling Easy C!I7 atier '11Im, McOuft'ey heaOed the ,dlcate." kllll' olr and rounded hIm up 110 CHAPTER XIII. lend Ue t2,oo and Name of Car for One -COmPlete Sera. ., ,could •• t at blm. and the latter at once '''do. 10" like a t.rrler. town nnd Counly A, t W " ' ell' antcu, n e f~reJ'lce Dun's a"d Br.d5tre~tl Neils Halvorsen often wondered After ft,.e mlnut.. ot mllul!n. and EaaKNTlAL AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT8 CO., v., I W.42d at., N. Y. City taonn. Captalo Scram wu out ot wbat had hecome ot the Mftilrle and breath. 80 he let go aod Btood oft' a Oaptsln Scroggs. Mr, Glbuey and Bortew feet 10 .Ize un the altull tlOII. T)le tlljllom81V M.' Outrt'v ~e knew had

Our Improved Radiator Shutter is Operated from the DASH


s tall·h nant tUrl w tl lit

"Well, Mnc, old sporly hoy , 1 gness tI. ere ain' t 1I1u('h to .10 excellt to IUlike up our mInds to die lik e gentlemen. It I wus ever fooled by a mnn In my liCe, I was fooled by thnt doggolll' mote. I thought he'd tote slJuare with the syndtcate_ 1 sure did," For 8 long time McGulrey ioz ~d seaward. He wos slower thnn ht. shll)matu In mo,klng tlP hlB mind thnl the malll had "enl1y deserted them and Riled away wtth tbe torlnnes of the II1bdlcate. Of the three. howel'er, the Itoleal engtneer 8ccepted the sttuutfon wltb fhe bent grace. Bt' spurned the wblte sllnd with bll .foot lind faced Mr. GIbney Bnd Captain Serana with Juat


LU· E ·S me n th"ol cough drops

10\\IIIU till' \l\ld ",:T""II ,I f rh p h ill s h ~rfllld (h, ' d t~ ,· \, 111'11 li t ' Wit s Hwnr,' o f II " p u l ," " 1'111 ," "PIIt ." t o



no tax now


l onJ.."II\~ly

Jlllrt IlrOl'f'l'clf'ct Itt onC'e to hu st l1 eH~ . ~tr. nJIo" " y ... plnIIiPn 10 Ta hn-T nb u II'hnP II' R ~ l' ~pl'rl ("1 of h im, ood Tnbu ,Tnbli

I···~nm~~~~~~. .


o n~ r


•••••••••••••• l ...... ..


tUlld ll1 t! III l OWHf(1 1\1111111)1111 11 , '11 41 IIlId rht' Ahl fl l t'du IllY h u\' p to luh l llj.! lin til l' pIlot. II WUN ~'I,r1,\' 1 1I~ln d ll~ IIl1d lilt' lJurpl e III I~ ' ~ IHlIl/o: 41\' ('1' ,Ill ' , ' 1111'111\' ·1' to liiti hlll'llIl ''. :'\ ,'II~ J Inl\ O" ~ I ' II "; V)ud ot Illp g nll)( ""Y t'I 'Jt )y llI~ ,I .. • Jott l ll r l!ol ~'

h'nd ," T h., )· nPfllH trlled Ihe frln l/ I' of hrpnk· l'r~ 10 tI, p .1O,rth or th e Is lnnd Rllcress· full~' . l' ull ",1 Ihi' hOO I liP on Ih e b~nr h .

Copyrl.h •• by P.... B. K,....

d o 'h~ s . P til drr'ett them 100. It has no wrinJ{c r. \Vlth A \\,rln~(!f y o u

h a v e to rHt y o ur hllnd!'\ in t h e w ale t ,""d ""nng n u t th p 111 ttlC'S on e' .' r , wn Rt n \1f1 ' \l. W ith tl1\' LD "t\~ D r y · l!.lt c ) P H d o an (l1l-


In lt'r flu" 11II"'"I'I'r~ or fliP 10\.\ 11111(,1111' . n C' ~ "111111'11111. '11 h~' I h ~ r· n" I\I· I'~. dl," ' cd lU I(' tlll' \\' lwh' h. i l1t IIl1d ~ h o\' ,tI o fT.

hll l'~

only \.\ ash,-,:;

Tll lllfI' .

. 1 {l1I~

h~!"t'ull tfl u,.rh I hlln III t lll 1 lo!ol!ol \\, IIII ~ IInrl /\11101 0 "n,1 II,,· d nf'th'lt IllI l lI's of hi" 0 111 0[' """ 101'0\ I h" IInt\r. he fh Q:Or IhOI ht' IlUd eVfl r knnwil ("upta in Sf · r ll lo!'~F. .1 ud,l.."· of ' ('IIR tl ll l \'III''' '' II'~ "' lIrpl"hw. 1I11' r.· fflrt'. 111'0 11 t lH' (l1 '1'1I .. 11I1l o f hl ~ flMlt tt'lp I u Il oHOl ul ll. WItI 'Jl !i t' :o'IIW SfUlifll111n", whit'l l hro ll).:.lil I ti t' w li p J.· IIIUHt'r I ltu'" I n IlIl ud . TI H·.\ \\f'l'I!

"("('n r own ," th(' hll: w' ,,,Io·ho,,, 1 wit h pu ll U " JI ~ h"rc. " ",,1,1 Mr. t n Ihl'


with tlw

no t Olllfo l-.l cr.L'·

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In IwciO f )ol

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I ,\'O 1111' 11 1"


141('n l

holl ers r\.l,d I'nk" hi .:tlllll tnll1looll fnr n 8l!c!onrl 1\l ntt"g ('(·l'tJfl ('llir' . 'I'll 1I1 ~ lUi utlernhl e ~urll rl s l' th" II.,.,,,,,· \1'11 11 : IlrnniNt; wllercu ll1.n h" Mh l",.,'" fI ~ Quarternll\ ~l~ r (111 Iht, ~ h'lIl11 P1' A'n , LJ1Cnn, runll l ll~ ' " 11 0110111111 . •l1 l(t whlll



7 •





• •


.... T HE 'MIAMI



• Short Night In Scotch H Ighlllnd .. III Iht> curly. July dny~ the High·



t h"I" Is no

D ~ I.. CTAl'\E . I;tiilor und r ll l·J li ~ ler . \~a nf'~ \'iJ]e , ~ubs(: rioti o n Price. $ 1.50 pE'r yenr

1 "1l1l'~' hil t Ihe tnw k or It~ 1 [1'0 111 ll UI'IlI\\,~,11 \" '''''' lh ~II S LI " lIJurk·d : It." HIli'" ho\f he horb.on I ",ii '1, ~el'\'I'F Lo Ihlk lI,c long summer

1l1l8MII g O


c"="'-C-::= ============-==-==- , !lII.I·R 1"1;1'11 ,,·1' 111 11 11


III11o rolt,w "hnln.

W I!;()N I;:SUA Y . JAN lJ ARY 18. 1922


Uncle John LET'S GET BUSY A bpUer world is wont, "i.e orn Vl" - lIln't, thot. \.he wl.y you t·.ke II ~ Well , ~et rlllb t down fin ' t Ik with nl(' , - I ,,~ ' H fi!lge r how I,ll funk" It. I r ok " n II" ~ .. ~Oud hll{ j ,h. IInel ~t.Ilt.h' .. n In thft m"kID '- hu' Y I ' U Ar .. " 11 II I.. -y "" .irre", h Ill-It. ~ wlllt, til " llflllt·rt.lIklf,' There'. h ll~JlII of la w- y ou 11I)(l r r . "'Uflli-hut I"w I. nludo fur .l lInl'r" The oll ort8 of ,IA.ttoo we HIIIIIII;I1, Aln't wh"re we gl't o nr dlnnurH. . You're rig'" Kg"ln . WIllt.· l. h "yoo lIllJ " lrt·'i ~I · ' U MIlHII .. or ll\() r"I". t.hey HPltlIllll 11 .. 111 Ihn cll ronio oore. th ,\!. kepI' up cud lt'slI fJu,r r .. , ~..

----Honley Philosophy

So. get.l1o' clo wn t.o ~Ill e mn fllrte Ibi B rut. hli H n ever hilled Ole-Io hiPline mysilif Il whllie lot m ll rl" fe r 11\.1.16 t"!ng~ th"t- >l\l e(1 fil e Correct. Y"U lire! . . . A gener. "u~ dns t of lovm ' (11111 forgivin' will knell Il foll er 's COIlMClIlDoe olell r, nnd llitl to bettor liviD' . ADd thRt'. t, b~ daHttftr World " WI ' nt8ve -fl worhl of f, itmd. lin' nelgb. " "r ". 'who (lo KH th ey'd ue dl)De uy . ID I,helr 1I0ui tlbeorl,!n ' JflborH You g.,t. It-In 1\ nUI ... hell ! Th e olln. I\J udo r lin' t bu fr oU,,,r c ·,n noith ... r hllip thelrsHlv,'~ , 1 "r multo the wurld nrOUDU 'ED1 b 'It " .

- - -....

o.vele of ~even "ellt" bllA JUIl' L ,ok oo ck "t 11.. r.ellder, ,nd IIlIprlll-e thllt, o~o l e If yo n O[ln. Wllr. 11.·.t-lipIl OA, fllmlne tlod Il grund fl nale or bllrd tlm ~.. LA' ue ~tHrt " p"w ovol" or ~even ~elirF, with the determlnltflon. eaoh of U8. to du our p .. rl to II I~ k e Illn worlcl nud. our neighbor r .. rget tbe hnrr or .ijtrlokllo eeven yellu tllllt went b~rore. Tbe rnlerMlIO'I )Iuliti Olll nR bAve bpeubuHY making nllw mUDS. Let n ~ moke Il map uf o nr own. bl\lt.f'r I.hun nil ~l,,' OUlf'rS beulIu_o we hllve )Ill111ed VI " . pi .. npon n .

It ('UMIHI S lI o w ,t



perfect cigarette tobaccos

in one perfect cigarette


cigarettes *IU

I'ull n Ulnn denr nnd tllt'll flw kl' him r~(·l dlf'np'?-

TURKISH VIRGINIA Gentlemen BURLEY The perfect blend of tlu> three Frimdly

~;e,z:::.. ~ ~ .. .~~ p.\trLl. ~r.!.

Yeol 1 ~ Il ' t





\\' nY!il I ,'" '1'1' 1.. 1:

..- - -

- - -," .-





8 15 22 29

9 16 23 30

10 11 24 31


5 .6

11 12 18 19 25 26 ....


13 20 27 ..

14 21 28 .

Our Calendar Jan . I- Sunday a fl E' r e hri 'l n,..~ J an. 6- 8piphany Jan . g- Ist Suncl ay afle r EpiJlhany Jan. IO- J!'wish Fllst of Tebet. Jan Hi - 2nd SundAY a ft er F:pil>hallY Jan . 22 - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Jan 29 -4lh 'unclay after Epiphany


.. -----


'J he '18 " hIll wile sliok nurlng the snow. Dr, Ward Is 0 bUllY mall , looki ng after hie patltmtl.

The S. Fred's After Inve-!tory Be-Adjustment e £),~ , ~ is Still in Progr s

W beD bsUer bas k etbli ll II! Jllil yed. our boy. will pillY ". WInter has heen with UII for sov. eral days. in full uniform WllIlum (;ralg, of Xenlu, was tbe week. end guest of b.1~ acqualntaDoe. Ed Lewis remaln8 very poorly, after being sbut In for several weeks Our bunters attended the fox drl <e ne r New Burllogton. Satur. day.

Sale Will End Wednesday, January 25th

Frllnk McUarren, tbe trllnsfer man Is busy from early WI late, Ilx days iS~l1e euoh week. .fohn I:!yferd oow oarrlee bls din. Jat.llJ(lr~' c o nl ~l i l1 Ifer to aohool. ood 18 Improving In averdupole . Safety Depoelt Boxes, .~ tbe yellr W.. ynesville NlitlonRI Bllnk . Wny. nesvllle, Ohio. u~ Olle' Mr. and Mrs E. A. Wilson. 01 near Uregonla, were isatnrday shop. porI! 10 oa r t own. In the very near luture, sever .. 1 of our citlzeos will go to b'lorldll for ao Indefinite time. Many a mao, after Imbibing m oon. shine, lIotunlly goes bome 'Ind mnkea love to bls own wifE!. In the Of' lIr futuro . we Bre to bs ve ' i ' Mrs. KIIIH J ll nlllll IInil (I II I'II( It Il'r . a new manLlier of Ihe Kirk rustun. M SFes Mlltlred GrlllHlm IIIHI 'Jennll ran . anJ ore ..m 8"'1100 MoUlnnl ~ ppent 8aturda y with Mi ss Mtfil!-l Hnnnll.h , uu {l !-I 1'n Fl, 11c-(\ r 1!f' IH HI . Dorothy Co leman Ed, . ttPllrlf'cl litH tUII M,,1 Il r H 'I It ... t Moving Is belnllilldulged In Mr Sh ell. III Wllmill t-; t 'lli . oll e till }" In"' MISij m .. dys Be rguall has been week. Bod Mrs. Ed tihldHk:er bave m oved quite ~Iok the P\8t week. bot I s 1m near Chlll'ter, In Ullnton oouuty. proved at t·hl8 \lme. MeB81 e ~ h u~ rond e It· ~ RIJPOflTlln ce Uur b.. nk will retain tbe old "ttl. We Se ll It and 10 our nBighborh noci. tiherll illn ITM. oers tor unoLbur yellr. and" IS per. Tbe Annual mee ~Ing of the Tob80. ris being ,.tH! llrfl t vl otifll \::I n If< un. We Repair It ruoUy Hutldaotory '91th the patrODS. 00 Wa~eb o u,e oll mpany wos held d llr the c.rA o r D r .•1. \V Wllt ll . u f The 81011 in general ore not im. Tnesday evening of I~st '''leek. Horveysburl.:. 11011 . or oonr .", h e WIll FRED COLE prov ing , as r..pldly all we would Mrs. Leon t'aJt8bary (\Od dan!(h . eooo he 0 K. a gRln have them . If In onl' power to reu . ter. Miriam. are villting I\t 'Ile II ~ 'der lIervlo... home of Mr. and Mr.. Allen Elnrlok - -=~~~~~~ A. L. Kenoedy hal! been !tOIH Mr. and Mrs. B.~. WhHe, or-Uln. Useful Co~ee Con s. "_ 1 . •• , .. Tin {' lIff.',- t'1I 11 ~ " 11 11 lI t· 11- " '; _ away from the MoOurell garage tor (leveral days. on .. oO<~UD.t of elollnlllls. olnnatl. and a n!lmber of frhmds mn nt'lit (,.,nl ul lll · r '" fll!' \11 ' 11 "'lil t. from Centerville aUended 'he fll I!!IJllt-t~ ~ Itllt! "ill . 111 " :11:1111 . " Iht'llI In 8s Ie tbc-ugbt to bt9 imprOVIng. a' neral of Mr • • Matilda Emrlok. 18S' NOTARY PUBLIC whll~ or 1'1'1' )11 11 IIl1d 11111 $I Ilf I It· IH\ r -: tblll writing . week . d.~ r Ih' ~I~1I In hl :wl, " 1111" \ j 'lll l\\, lit' Waynesville, Ohio - - -.... --Several froll!. here .nended the an y 1 "'t~ fl'l'lt ' d 1"'It' :11' .. 11111 1 I hi ' fli p tuoeral uf Mr". RlIlth Weeke, wife ftnd IInf l om . J N a tional Bank of William Weeks, a' the Uhapel. ,; t3atnrday Ilfternoon. Interment In '"' MI .. mloemetflry. E , V. BARNA~T MllII8re. Jellle Clark, Bern Carr People for Whom the aDd l.'has ~ . Bogan, the buklher8 Bernie .Jordan hilS Ii new Ovor Notary Public in 'hiB 100611'y, illaTa been bpIY Best Is None Too Good IIlnoe ·early tn the winter, wllhlog on land. J\ro a/"' u),d t ho 11 11 1' (, ull t tlu wl tlliltt., I·OIl. 'he people of thle vioIDi&y. Geo. DaviS and wife wepe ~unllny , cornins 1.olie excel/eunt o f -JU r AII kind s o f Nota ry Work. WIJIII gue~ts of E. e. Mllnnon lind fawlly Tbe jfame wardenl have been In Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Bnd Doedl! n 8peolaJty, our community. looking lifter the Ray Harrison. of Leban on, tron@ We ha ve lI u e o t I ho m ost t)IJICh.\llt vlola'lun8, whloh elt:.iU In moet every Iloted bUlllnesB b e re, one day IMt Remodelin g Departments plll06 . Further botloe will be il ven wilek. I n loh e co ull t ry . F n rll lrn lllij f"r lluJ4 t in t o as the development;!! prooeed. Lh a m od ~ Vtlry IIU ICk ly )J uu ',. u ull Wtl ~ K. E. fhoD1pson 8nd ot hers Ilt llI&U ' ~ gllrrnuuttt alt..ortld 1/1 ~lU y \'8.,Y d Uur lobool Ie getting along fine lended ,be S P. C. ho~ Rille 11\ Bln'd , . eluoe their vaoatlon \Vllilll they ClarllevllJe, Monday . . Wu tty o f ur ", k l ll ti I\ntl r'-m o >! 1I1 t l!fol1l ill IUl Y \\14.". play basketball, they do not let It In. Mrs. Anna Brown lind daug ht e r . . Auctioneer terfer" with their bookl!. aud wbeD We tailor make llIon'e or 80bool Is in seUlon, It Is fully under· Mory, of Ferry , are lbe gnes ts of ladles' Bults, $60.00 up, Liltest stood ,blOt tbey must purHue tbelr the Jordan fa<1llly. bere styles. We pay $2.50 railroad Gct my terms for your advanoement, 10 say ·, he prlnolpul Don 't forget SnndbY 8cbool every fare on every c us tol11'lll11de Pubiic Sale. and his a8elstanlB. .o uDday at tbe U8UIII honr, LInd I au It ordered from u s . preaohlng a' eleven. Come! , Satisfac tion guaranteed Hu ud tctlut!~ pIHL'~1 11\1 :0((_ 'l'be M. E Sunday Sohool held \\' " hu, U IIlI II~L'nl'" tbeir eleotloo and the polltlolana Chaunoey Bunnell and flllUlly . of I or 110 cha rges. were ou banda. Tb.e followlnll oft! . Caesar's Ureek . were Sundav g uest•. , THE TEA SDAL E CO. t:2 :) - ti~7 W ll lliut :-it. .. \ ' III I'lIllI;III. I Hdn oon wereeleoted : ~nperln'endent. of Geo. Bogan and wife. lit Wellm lln Box 91. Ceu/eruille,:Ohio Barry ~. Tuoker; Aed . Snp' , Prof. The oontraotord Bre bURY, potting J-Iomc Phone :!, Centervillo Ex U 'iI. Tolle i 8eore ~ary, Lvda Ken. np 'he Blblne brlo1ge aoross CUHar's nedy i ASllt. Sec. Paol ~olan i Treas. oreek, whlob was Vlll8hed .. way a urer. Earl Ullne ii_I br..rlaos, Bar. few years IIgo. rlet and Evelyn Tuoker. Mesdames Mary All en lind Amo.n. The Maslle Township Sondey da Garn,r still remllin quite poorly ~ohool\ oonvention 'will oonvene at Catarrh i, a 1",.:11 d iH .1»', l~l'cnl1v the M. E. ohoroh o:n Bunday a fter. We all hope 'or II. sllOedy lind per. influ cilectl bv ('lI n,UIIIII""Hi ""';. ' noon, Deoember 2l!. at 2 o'olook . mllnent reooverv. We are told that Wm . Sm ith will (IitiOll A. li . \LL·~ t' .\ 'I'.\HHll Prof. Bruner will dell ver the ad. 1I 1.,od drells, and muslo w'ill be furnished eoun leavo for Adf'ms ronnty, wbore MEDJCl ' I'; i,; n To ni,· by E. J. Inwood. aSSisted by tbe he will 8t·ar~ II hUgfl chi okon rtltll1h. ·Purifi er. JlI' C'l ('III1Hi ll ~ II ,, · htll"d IIl1 d ~ VETERINARIAN sloiers the townllhlp ~uoday Alrlgbt, Wllllaw. h ore 's luok tuyou . bllilll ing' II i) tl", S\·,: I' ·I". n .\).!.' ;:; . ::.ohoolll. You or,> oorditolly lu vlted The etork visited tbe h om .. of Mr. CA 'l'A HHI J !II Ell I (' I N E I'C ·to rcs ' V",cinatioll a ~pccia lly. Noth. to be preien' and bolp to make It a lind Mrs. l:Iarmon Moore at 6: 30 nonnal rO fl cl itioll A and nll o\\'A Nn· il lI! but I{llliable Serum used thing of joy. o·olock. Tnuredav morning. and loft tUfe to do it.s work. Thll Ladles Aid met oIl Thunday. a blue eyed' glrl. welgblng 8 pounds. All Dru ggists. (' i l'rulnrs frce. Phone 44 Harveysbur" , O. io regular seulon. with tbe prelli. 'Bome~ Lnndy and wife, of Wil. deB' in tho) obalr Roll call showed mlngton. and E U MBnnon aod F. J. Chellcy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. llll present who were there. Min. family were Snnday evening gnellts lUes of lASt meeting read aod ap. of tbe MoKllY Brothen Bod families. proved i quite a d1180088lon under X . E. TbompHon has been promo. ehe head. l'Uocd of the Order ,. The HATHAWA,,\' iubjeot wall t.aken lip by tho married led from Field Man to Ioapeotor for I.. dles of several ye.~rs standing. that the West, whertl the 8. P. C. hogs Veterinarian WIl.YlleHille's Leadln, Dentie' Instruotlons Bhuuld be given to all are brlnglog tbo blgheet prloes tn .y oung lady member!! of tbelr loeiet,. the flne hog salell. Omoe tn B ',lne8 Bldl/:. Main HI wbo got married, io lIaminlBtering :::Tbe Ladlee Aid mot with Mrs . OFf'l :1':: ·the la iii' ~o tbelr hll8,bande In the be. Karl Deatherage, Wednesday after. Fuurth Street , near Tyler ginning. Tbe first to receive thlll noon. Those prese", wer e: Mos. 0lell8edoels wal Mrs. Paollne Harlan cia nell Lena ood Eclull "Hrteock. Telt·phone 93 DR. J. W. MILLE~. Villars In retnrn for her shOWIng Hannah Bogan . Martha DIIVls, Adllb wllllngno8S to adbbre to InstrootiooB Talmage. Mary Maonon, 1111 MoKsy. Wayn sville. Ohio jn~' rendered, Bhe was temelDbered Patlenoe Tbompson, Jessie Koou on ... DENTIST ••• with a ehower of D@eful aDd beautl. Mabel ·1'erry .. Mary WUerm, Clnda orne<> In fol Dre8eots. MfR. Villar. wall prell. ICdwards and EVA Shank . Wayne" I Ie, ( Read Gazelte'~- Classified Ads Nallonal lI ... k llifla. en'. bot ber bnllbnlld wae leU a' bome In Davton, wlbere he bas a po litton . Tiley have tbe bel' wllhee of thoir aoqualntan()es.

Watch for the next of Fred's appeclrin g on 26th. It wi ll interesting and va luable news to the buying puhlie. Fred's Ach'ertiscr is m:tiled free. If \ ·o u fail to get your copy let kilO\\" :lIld \\·ill be sent.






tOOllout {01= {ibn ill claity feeds! Fibre is not desirahle in a grains ration. It is not digestible and possesses no real food value. The f('ed ha vin g the minimum pe rcentage o f fibre ll~ ll a lly cont ai ns t he hi ghest percentage of digestible nutrients. A hi gh fibre conten t indic3t es low di gestibility a nd a high·cost ration, Un ion G rains contains on ly lO C1, fi bre-the minimum p ercentage possible to seCllre. I ts I::irge percentage of digestible food·elements make it a !:: :J: .- producing dairy feed of the most profitable qua lity. '"'_ _. .~ Z. UNION CRAINS b low In libra c onl tUi t. 3. UNION GRAINS i. low in moist ure . 4 . UNION GRAINS S. UNI O N GRAI N S 6. UNI ON CiRAINS J . UNI O N GR A I NS

i , lifitllt flIlIJ bulky - hil~hl v c..I hl6ti bl .. jlf p rl llIlll hl eo. i !l s aft'! l u (••-<1. i . s trong in di"~.uib l~ pr,JI ,.i n .

UNION GRAINS " 'lHI th tt fit :; t com mt1 I'CIII I dniry 1,,"'1 m ade. It hlJ. ~ /"e n co n, inuo tJ CI $ftt " I .'I c tiu n lor o rer .J I y •• ,..

Aak u . f or h .o


r cdOr d

. h ~e t.

Younce Bros. Grain Company Phone 25-2; 11 aynesville, Ohio


Forest T. Martin





!"OR A 6000 NF.rGHOOp. -,


~ Ef'rr


- -- -

\,Ve still carry a fuli' line of

Army Goods and other merchandise, both for men and women, also the children. Here 'you ean s'u pply your Ilee'ds for Shoes, lloots, Arctics, all kinds of Clolhing, Hats, etc. Visit us once and you will become one of our satisfied patrons.

- - -...


- ..----

50 N. Main Slreel, Miamisburg, Ohio


----- ..


Try our Job Printing





DE THANl<F\JL 11) H"'WEN ]




SAYS SAM: " h '~ b f' '' ~ r to mllk o one f riend than a hDndred rtlmnrlis olever enough. Dod onlting enllugb, to go over the" hole oounty. "


r ---

011;101 . \\'rlt ~, II c orr~spolld·

U t.= l' illl ,' tIJII



0 &F


1llIlIt'd u lund where

ell I or Ihll l,olJu,," Dully Mull trulll NIKhl. :'; {'I)lhlllrl, fn.· 8 un ~ ~t lind sun: I 1'1 _, · ' " '" rf,'ull y 01 1" IIlld the slime. flI· I ('llIlly 1111' ~ I III ItI1Jl('III'~ tor nliflut sl1



::± -


.We have twenty thousand feet of

LYTLE - - - - - - -1


Mre Alice Ulaak WIUI a Da1toD Ihopper. Friday • Little Margare' S~tm8 Is oonnlel. OlD' aUer an attaok of aonlilthll', A. A. MoNell. of 'CeDaarvllle, W&I oa\llnl on Ly'le tr~tlDdll, yvJdneld!y. Vanll4lShaw. o. (llrath'., recently vleltec1 bllllilter, Mre. Diuaa BrowD. Oall Gordon and Ben allw.h made a bUlliON. trip \0 Lynohburg, one day las' week, Ill. R. Randolph and tamily, Daytcn, I~nt !:lund,)' wi'h Mr. and Mra. C, S. Lamb. aMra. Alfred tfahaee, of Daytoo , .peD' 'pen' .na..... daye I.., week with Mr: tJ. B. Batl1N . and famll,. Rev. Dwlah\ Wllant. of SprlDg. boro; aook lupper with W.l&er Ken. rlok aDd familY. Wodneeclay ' ~venln, lire, Obi .. Edwarcla w~ oallecl \0 W lip_ville. Frlday, by'1he 11l4den HID.. .nd deaih o. hor moUler, Olwlea Sberwood. f.!&obert -..d Clyde minOD on &he . . . Uao ot.~ folt .b.... am ._relay, .btOb "'ra. M tile nUro.a. Iroee • •, __4 oea. tift _ . . .. fiIIilaal. fatiD, .eu

PINE OAK LOGS here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.

If you are In need of Oak Lumber for any purpose,












Dr. Lloyd B. HalL-

. w.






• I

1The _ _Miami


Sulomon'. Perfum • • Rh ., UIOlllClll IIIRdl' 10,000 Itnldl!D 1"IIl11lrry e~n!'e1'R ("r thl! trmpll!' of


veral peopl ' lHive n ked whnt Oll r Normal work' Is. rllT I hl)~(' who do not know. hUl aTe i n t t' re~ I (,1 1. we lire I'specially ((lau tl' ('x\llliln it In th ti r~ ts(,lll e I r. UP 1(1 Ih e hul i· Jay s. we studied fr'tlln Ih lexls !lt'l {o llo w ~: P!lY hololZY . The Tenchillil nf (~(·"Ilrn\.lhy . TeBch inll Children II II\\' ttl HClld. Phy ~i<'ai Ell 11('11 Ii LlIl. Ti le I"'a 'hinl{ II ( Arilh nh 'l i.,. :'chol li l HYIli.ene Ilnd Nature Slud",. lh e Inl\I ' , l;UUject being taught by Prof. FB I Harris, our counl Y superintendent . With these s ubjcct~ we had numer· ' IIU8 reports (rolll every so ur e£>. and I II !lpecinl !ltucly of our own count y I dml stat e. We ~ad sever al re \'i ew~ I in Ihe common b ranches. whi h hrnullht back to our memorl[!!l Ihe I li inll s we had nlmosl fO rllelll!n WI' , .11,1 practice ttachmg in IIur "",n , CI BS" be fort' attempting the vari ulIs : g rades . We then start ed tt'achinll , ill th(' grades. Ilut t in ~ our hl'Hd", h, urts and hand s in to the "· o r~. Wi th a dele rminalion of making a ~ IIC~"~S W" would like to t'XpIUIIl thf' sub· ·ect of Psycho!ogv. iJ ril'll), It is II ~c i e nce of the min.I , un.t IS essential tu t ho~e who wBnt to unde rstand mank ind . ThiS study is a recent ~cience whic h the leading educators ar developing to meet t he peopl e' s needs. We are heginn ing to realize nature. i~ ers especially t he need This of und tanding fun hu.mrlll' an




Th., lost shipment 100 Rill Hed Tins of Lau rel ( 'rR ('k er~ . tlnl y ..... .. , .. . ... rt l\!~e fir!! e1WAll.'r th lln I.ul k l'I'lIckcr:l. lind the t ill i~ f rc" .


4 Hars P. &. G Na p 'oap .. .... ~c 4 Hars Fel~·Na p Soap .. ........ 2Sc .j Hill Ba rs tllr Sllap ..... .. .. .. ~;,~ .j Hars Kirk 'R Flake Whit e ... . 25c



10lbs h jln·dried Co rn Meal .:!5c

6I b~.

Bulk I{olied Ollts ........ 2fi~ Rlli"i ns. a pound .... · · ~c . Ri !! 4 l'< lUnd . ack Salt ........ lOe i'aJ1CY Solid E:at Potatoes. pe r peck .... .... ....... .... .... ... 4Se Fl\n cySo li dApple~, uu bux. $3 00 All Scra p Tobaccos. 3 for ..... .25c . Good Hulk Coff ee. a pound ... 17c Gran . Sugar . 25-lb. bag .. .. .. $l. f>O Se ", dl t'~~

Pav ing lOc for Hens. up to Friday noun . Can use any quant.ity a t any time.



...' - . - - -

BOY SCOUTS HAD OYSTER TREAT The Boy Scouts had a meeting last Wednesday evening', and they were treated to a fine oyster supper. pre· pared by the Girl Scouts. Mr. Miller. of Cincinnati, was prl!Bent, and everybody had a good time. Sever. al visitors were invited.

- - -...

~ Third Sunuay after Epi pha ny , Jan, uary 22: Church School a t 9:30 II . • Ill ; Morning Praye r ami Ht!rmon ut '1 10:30 The public inviled to these . . , servIces. I - - -•• - . - - -


- - - -.-.-- --


0 a•

level , black land, good buildings, well located. Can be bought with $2500 down · and good terms 011 balance. room brick house on. 3nl street, worth the money . Shown by appointment.





Arnan Building

w. N. Sears I P.IONE 61-2

Waynesville, Ohio

PUllI'Y I hAt

..... rp" .nnllble w hen htl htll'l I)f your SunrlRY ha"


Waynesville, Ohio


• "Thrift" is "Wise Spending." Our ' Turn Over Sale is made imperative by Up-To-Date Merchandising Methods. Stocks in every d~partment must be cleared away regardless of cost, value or market conditions. No merchandise will be carried over. New . , Spring Stock must be entirely new. You may have att~nded Big Sales in your experience-you may have bought goods at figures which seemed to you ridiculously law-but never before have you seen goods of such splendid quality as the Hyman & Company are noted for -at such prices as we are making now to "Tum Over" our merchandise and get the cash.

Men's and Ladies' Shoe• Lot of Men's and Ladiet!' Shoes, regular $4,00 value. Sale Price.

/ ¥en's and Young Men's Suits ' and Overcoats Men's and Young Men's 'l ui ts, rt'gular $25 .00 value. Sale pri ce.

Men's and Young Men's Pants. regular $3 60 value. Sale Price.



Men's and Young Men's Buits. regular '32.00 value. Sale Price,

Men's and Young Men's Pants. regular $5.00 value. Sale Price.



Dry Good. Best grade Calico. all colors. reI{. 15c value.



Mep's and Young Men's Overcoats, regular $25.00 value. Sale Price .

Bovil' Knee Pants Suits, in all wool. reg .•750 and $8 value. Sale Price.



Men's and Young Men's Overcoats. regular 1:32.00 value. Sale Price,

Boys' Knee Pants Suits, in all wool, reg 110,and $12 value. Sale Price,




Men.s and Ladles' Best Dress Shoe, up to 110 value. Sale Price,

Men's and Young Men's Overcoats. regular '42.60 value. ~ale Price,

Boys' Mackinaws. B880rted colors, regular $8.60 value. Sale Price,



Men's and Ladies' Shoes, regular $5 value, Sale Price,

$2.95 Men's and ·L adies' Shoes, up to $6 50 value, Sale Price.

Important to remember !· Entire Mammoth Stock Reduced ! It would be impossible to mention everyone of the thousands of items in this tremendous stock. Everything is reduced, even ' though not advertised. , . Liberal reductions on &very anicle in every department during this sale.


Men's and Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, regular $6 value, Special Price,





Men's and Young Men's Suits, reg- . Men's and Young Men's Pants, regular 16,60 value. Sale Price, ular $42 00 value, Sale Price.


Good grade Outing Flannel. reg. 19c value, Sale Price,

12ie Gootl grade Unbll)acheci M'uslin, 1 yard wide, Sale Price,

12c Best grade Dress Ginghams. In plaids. check or plain color@. regular 26c value, Sale Price,

19c Best grade Apron Gingham, Special Sale Price.

14c Best grade Percale, lirht and dark colors, 36 in, wide.


Men' • Furnishings

"Turn Over" Specials

"Turn Over" Specials

Ladies' Furnishings

- Men's fine Dress Shirts, reg. $1.76, Sale Price

Men's Work Shirts, in piElin blue, gray and tan· cy stripes, regular 95,c valUe!. Sale Price,

Girls' Gingham Dresses. Special Sale Price.

Ladies' heavy and medium Veats and Pllnts, regular 'I 2fl value, Sale Price,


Men's Blue Striped Overalls with bibs. Buckeye brand, regular 11.60 value. Sale Price,


Arth~r Tbolllas, of Route 5 who was operated on at Dayton, last week, is getting along nicely.

Men's Dress Shirts,ln madras and crepe. reg. $3 value. Sale Price.



7ge and $1.25


Men's fine Dress Shirts. in percale and madras. regular $2 50 value, Sale Price,



Good Grade Linoleum. 8Se value, Sale Price, per SQuare yard,

Ladies' Union Suits. high neck, short sleeves or Dutch neek, short or no sleeves. reg .• 1 50



Men's Gray Coat Sweaters, with or without col· lars. regular $l.76 value, Sale Price.

Best heavy Burlap-back Linoleum, regular $1.25 , value, Sale Price, per lIQuare Yl\rd,



Men's heavy and medium weight Shirts and Drawers, up to $1.25 value, Sale Price,

Men's Dre!18 80%. all colors, regular 25c value, . Sale PI'ice,

Th. Store .That Sells For Le••



Corn, a ('an ........................... 1Oe

Men's best Overall, plain blue and atrlped. regular $2 value. Sale Price,

Men's Dress Sox, regular 35c value, Sale PriDe,

TbeIe pricee are tood for Saturdar oal,. Get 1oun.




Peaches. a can .. - •.· ................. lSc PeDS. a can ........ · ...... ........ .... 14c Red Salmon. a can .............. ... 25c Sweet PotatOl!8, a can .......... .. lac Baked Bt!ans, a can ...... ........ lOe Jelly, a 1l'1B8B....... .... ..... .... .. .. 8c Muatalill. a Klass., .............. . .. 8c Apple Butter, a jllr .......... ..... 18c Peanut Butter, a pound ........ 16c Good Coffee. a pound ........... 16c . Hominy, a pound .............. .... 3c Buckwheat (i'lour, a pound .. .. .. 6c Rolled Oats, a pound...... ....... 5c Rice, a pound ......... .... .. ... .. .... 9c Starch. il packaartl......... ......... 9c Pancake Flour, a package .. .... l2c Maccaroni. a packaare ...... ...... 8c Salt. a bq..... ;..... ......... .. .... ... 9c School Appl., 'for ............... 5c Banan",. each................. ...... 3c Orangee. each .. ................ ..... 3c Cbo.wlate Drops. a pound .... .. 18.: Cream Mii". a pound ........... 2Oc Crack'e:., a pound .......... , ...... 16c Oak., .. apolJJ!d ............... :..... 1Se

Th e Miami Uazetle. $ l.SO a year

The Reward . T h l;' r ew ard of li I hi : I i.t we ll dOlie, I s to hn \ 't' dOf!e It. -- EIIH.· I · ~n'l

- I

Where Reaaonablen ... (nd.d. " Heaaonable puppi es." advenlles I dOlt Il d,· e rtI 8 ~r. Did you .,·er .ee • ~ot



use' Miami Ga~ette's Classified columns, we'll tell the world!


S unday School at 9: 30 a. m .• Ilnd Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 P. m. Everybojy is cordially invited t o attend these services every Sunday


Wsoming Lodg No. 102. J anuary 19. 1922. Work in the Third delt ree by Leban~ delCree sta tr. I .O .G M Foster wil r be her~ to inst all the oftieers, and a reception will pe tendered G. F. Brown. Grand Ward en elect. Truman Wa rdlow, N . (; • Geo. D. fv! iIIR. Sec'y.



·L OOK'!

WANTS TO TUANK HER OLD' fRIENDS All 1 0 O. F. memberHin this com-\ munit y are' requested to meet with NOTICE •

& Cartwright




.With ' the beginning of the new year, the Nurmal class started their Americanized recitations. and are deriving much pleasure and benelit from them. .

- - -


__ 2 _ 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Mi88 Alice Ellis tauKht for Rowena Turner, at Oakridge. the first week of the new year.

Pre iden t. J . C Hisey; lead r, Orville Gray; assistant. W. Herr ~; . The m em ber~ " f the Junior Order treasurer. W. B. "q uirE!l': s('cretary. had II big ti me II I t heir r ~ g u!ar Dr. Hall ; business manager. 0 M. meeting. la,st Friday evening. The Ridge; assiltant8, D L Cr ane and m ys teri ~ or the Ord er we re unfold ed L N Print z to two splend id candida te!!, after wh ich a most appetizing lunch wa ser ved . A llood ly number of J uniors enj oyed t he even ing .

Watch for our Adv • next week.

mental in ascertaining th e nal ure!! , and needs of t he pupil s wh om W I' ~ lellch [n begin ning'the RPCOIlfI sp rr.e~t e r .. . we had a' week'R revie,,' of Ihe common branches, but now we Ilre tak ing up new w ork for th e e n ~ u il111 mo nths, as follows: Our Living Language. Classroom Management, Principles of Teaching. How to Teach American History. Rural Life, Physical Ed ucation. Music, Induetrial Arts. and also Prot . Harris' work in Nature Study and Agriculture. Our teathing. at present. is confined to the .M!venth grade. We are teaching, ' Trance" as it is today, beeauvs since tbe World war there has been a decided cbange in the boundary. In our Living Language clua. our good and faithful instructor has introduced the Socialized recitation. making each of us responllt-Je for the recitation . This is done to help us to acquire initiative and self-expression Our Normal director favored us . with a party on Old Christmas. Much tun and merriment were had. For refreshments. we had candy. etc. (Note-The "etc." stands for nuts in the candy.)

ELECTED OffiCERS JUNIOR ORDER __ The Waynesville Premie r band , HAD BlOW-OUl elec ted officers, last vyeek. as follows:

tUl'n lem.

1 f'


Gantte,_ _ Waynu.m., OhIo. ___ _





98e •

Ladies' Union Sqits. of heavy winter weight, rt'gular 12.60 value. Sale Price,

Good Grade Crash, regular 25 value, Sale Price,



Ladies' Outing Petticoats, reg. 9Sc. Price,


Girla' Union Suits, ' medium or heavy weight, regular $l.60 and $1.76 values, Sale Price.

Ladiea' Hose. black or cordovan. reg. 50c





Men's IUtlbed Union Suits, reg. '1.75, Price,

Ladies' Waists in crepe de chine.georgette.pongee and taffetas. regul.a r $6.98, Sale Price.

Heavy COtton Blankets, 64x80, regular $3.98 value. Sale Price.




Ladies' heavy Outing Gowns, 11.60 valne,

ll.15 -

TurnOver Turn Over TurnOver Tur nOver Turn Over TurnOver TurnOver TurnOver Turn Over TurnOver SPECIAL




Clark's O. N. T. Heavy Cnn'v8s Boys' and Girls' . Ladles' White and Thread, Sale Price, Toques, Sale Price, 8tack Hose, S, P. OIoveII, Sale Prlcej No' mo.. ,bu. 6 a' ole
















8ee ,



Extra Special.

HYJ"tlan & QOi'lPany

Ladies' Slip-Over Sweeten, rer, $£) and $7 value. 'extra speciaL

9Bc ·an<1 $1.98,: .'




''car:o~fa=ps .'Waynesvllle, Ohio·. - 'iC!r.::'~~:=ps . ....... ................................................................................... ..... ~

, ',,:


Belt grade heavy Men'S Oresl Sus- Ladles' fOe Hand- Men's Ties up to $1, Oltl,' Tamil, ... t. Ladl..' Silk CamlWork Socks, (Jrice, pender., Sale Price, kerchlefs,Sale Price value, Sale Price, colol'l, Sale Price, IOles,' Sal. Price,


48e • )


Extr. Special Ladiea' ·FhiDnel Mlddiea. all colora, reg. $hnd 17:50 value Prfee


:3eventy-Fourth Year



Numbe~ ltll



Nine Warre n Countv farm e rs are On Friday a ft e rnuo n, January 20, January 11. 1872. Mr . l l1 fa ye Ue th e Woman 'A Au xiliary of St Mary 's am ullg the 120 in Ohio co-operatinlt' Nich olson wa s u nited in rn a rri ul(e Ic .

. E V. Barnhart, of Cincinnati, was home, Sunday .

church was cnh'r tain ed by Mrs. E. V Barnhart. Mi ss Le titia McKay al.d Mrs W. H AI/ en. at the hom!! of Mr ~ Ba rnh ll r t. The meetinll waR open,,!! by Mrs. Cad wallader readin g Ii part of Ihe eccond chapte r of Matth ew Scr ipt ural quut Iltions were given in r" ~ IJ () n R e t o rol/-call Rev. .1. F ( 'ad IV aliad er cond ueted lhe c1 evot io lla l ~t'f\· i c e. Afte r the 1'\I <ill" ' 8 had been dispused . of. till' ful/ owing program was given :

Have you 1I'0t a gu ~s.~ on the pump- I kin at Sawyer '~'! Frank Ze ll and J E Janney were Lebanon visitors, Monday.

Misses Mi ldred Holf' and Elsie lIaw ke e ll te rtain ~ d twenty-one of thei r scho I fri elllls , Saturday ev enin g . at the home of the forme r . rh e eve ning was spent in having an ,)Io-fashi on,·d spelling match. games if ill l" lrI t p~ t s A dainty lunch wa.~ .. r ve d hy the hosteS!!es. The even,"g w a ~ e njuyed by e veryone .


Mr and Mrs. Elmer Rogers were , Cent erville vi llilors, Sunday . Mr Myer Hyman and family spent Sunday with relatives in Lebanon . Mi8.~ Opal David!! spent the w~k­ end with her lJaren lB, near Bowersville.

thruugh thei r cou nty a g ~ nt s with the extens ion service of th e" Ohio State University in an e ffort t o determin e the comparative economy in different ways of f eeding'beef c>lttle. In a number of s uch tests, run III~t year. Ohio feeders found co rn silage indi ~ p pn s ibl e to profit . Oemongtrati o n ~ thi ~ year are , in many cases, des ig ned t o check up this fi nding, and t o see whe the r it applifs to local .condi tions. • S. S Ellis and Chlllries M ic ~ e n e r are ro-opt:rators for Wayne Township.

Mi ~s M t' l i ~s a Philli p ~ . ul Waynes vil/ ... by the Hev . Mr Loud e r T hi ~ un ior was bressed by three child ren. I"lr ~ Jennie Conn er. uf Lehan on. ~1 r ~ Nannie Barbee. o f Illino i ~ , a nd Cha r-I les Nicholson. of Milw aukee . a ll of whom grew to wornanh ood an d man· hood . Mr . and Mr3. N ich o l ~ lI nh a v e H pen l almost thei r entire life in WllYIl(' t ownship. useful anu h c l~ful c it izt: lI s. and honored by their leKi ons of fri ends. The Ni chulsons spent lIbout eight years in Co lumbus, whe re Mr . Nicholson had a positi on aA g uard at the penitenti a ry . Sinc p. their re tu rn from' th ere. they have lived in a nd around Wayn esvill e.


Reading- " Blul'kwcll if nI/ow Mission" .. .. ..... .. ... Mrs . E L. Thomas Remling- " A lIuppv EXW ' i(' nee" .... .. .. ..... ... ... .... Mi A8 Ltc", ~mith Vocal Sol o - " rh e Sile nt V,.i ,·,," .. . .. .. . ... Mi ~~ Gladys Ha, llI n Reading - "M cctinlC the Caravan N in Idaho" ·........ .. ..... .. Mrs Kilbon I ding anniversa ry at their beautif ul Reading - "Eskimo People Faithhome south of Waynt'svill e , wh e n ful Churchgoers" ·.. ···Mrs. Caskey The younll folks are taking advan- Hev. J . F. Cad wa llader repeated Reading - "Broad Minds and La r ge tage o! the fi ne skat ing on th~ "ru~h" Hearts " ... .. . ..... .. .. .. .... Mrs HurriA pon d . The ice is plenty thick, and the marriage cerem ony, s uitable t ~ the occasion, and th eir fri ends g athPian u Solo- "Love''! Reproach es " eve ry afternoon after school hour~ ered around them . and conll ratulated .. .... ....... ·Mi:IB Kathryn Hend e rson and in the evening, the pond is full them upon their g olden anni ve rsary . After adjournment, a deli ll: htful of skatiJ rs . Th ey IIl re enj oying it t o Those present were G. Nichol son, social hour was enjoyed, during the limit. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Hatfield and whieh delicious refreshments were dauihter, Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan ~erv ed by the h08tes~es . assisted by Conner and children. Mr. and Mrs . Miss Emma Heilt'hway and Mrs G F.- Brown. of Lebanon; Rev . and Ronald Hawke. The followin g gupslB Mrs. John Cadwallader, Mrs . Flora were present: Mrs. C. G WilliamJones, Mr. and Mrs Benjamin V. son and the Misses Gladvs Harlan, Sunday School lit 9:30 a . m., and Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farr, of Kathryn Henderson and Betty Hart- Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs Charles SOCk. p, m. Everybody ~rdiallY invited Nicholson, of Milwaukee; Mr. and - - -- --_ ----to attend these services eVtlry Sunday Mrs . A . W. Maurer, of Norwood,

YOUNG fOLK:SARE ENJOYII~ GSKATING 1~~0~:u~~:;r~~~at1:d2~il~; '5~~~ ~:r1-

Mrs Walter McClure and Mrs. James McClure spent Friday in Dayton. Misses Alicia and Ann Kelly, of Pope Benl:dict XV, bishop of Rome ' Cincinnati, spent Tuesday with and ~ucce8sor of ~t Peter, supreme fri ends here pontIff of the ul1lversal church. patriarch of the west, primate of Italy, Mrs . Howeli Peirce lind M l'II. Lind- archbishop and metropolitan of the ley Mendenhall were in Dilyton, Roman province. sovereign of the temporal dominion of the holv RoWednesday . man church . Mr. and Mrs Les ter Gordon and BOln at Pegli, Italy, Novembe r Mi88 Martha O' Nllall were Dayton 21. 1854 . . Ordain ~ priest. O.,cemb r 2\. 1878 visiton, Friday. Appointed archbi shop of Bol ollna, Lever i n~ Cartwright. of E¥anston, Oeeember 16. 1907.. Named cardinal, May 25. 1914. III, arriv!!d here . Sunday, to spend Elwted Pope, September 3, 1914. _a week with relatives. Died, Jauuary 21. 1922 . \ M N. Douglass. SpringValley real ----.-~ --estate man. sold the Compton farm. close to Spring Valley, to Mrs . R Smith.


.. ..



w=·~:~: E;:~:~o~~:; ~o::~::~


Lindley Mendenhall attended a meeting of the executive committee JiG of the Farm Bureau, at Lebanon, March 6, 1848. On December 2 7 . . Tuesday. 1876, she wal united in marriage t,) The foll.owmlC officefl were elected Heorge Emrick, and to thl's unt'on at a of .the stockholders of Earl and Gail EVllm. W. O. Raper, h F C were born ftJur children, of whom t e Ame ri can mance ompany, at Ed H opkins and ~tln, Murray. at- th d' d . I h'ldh d Th Day tun . OhiO, .l anllary 10th: Edwd t ended the Poultry show at Dayton ree It! III ear y c I 00 . e. . . ' hushand died In July 1893 I a I' WUlchet . p l l'~ l dent and chairman last week ' , e v ng f h OJ O' . C . the mother lion Allen and e 0 t e Do!u'd o f Irectors, Mtlton . ,on, . II J I' V J , Mi_ Erina Howland, Louella Jan- daughter. Inez. together, and now :stern, VI C~-lJr l:~ lent; . u tue one~ d M • wilr h the son is lett alone of all the family secretary. Clal Il ceKelfer.treasure r, ~ ney:n d a~l: M' la;800 ~p;nt t e She leaves very few near relatl"es' Charles W. Hoff ril Z, general manweeK:e~. MW.lltl 18.'\ rllnces anney, the ,on Alien and his daughter' age; A J Henkel. J . M. Ounwoodit', " K R K.rT ' k patflc . 'k anu. J James ' A. Ilt Inlln 1 8. Gladys. ' being the nearest. M ' k Jome .. 'd tIIe Met h 0 d'1st Smith, dlrector9 . LOSf- Lauy'a plain gold wateh, rs.Emrlc +-- ___ _ _ _ opelJ face, and gold wllotch pin. lo' in- church at 'Centerville when a younll der leave at Chapman's Garage, and !rirl, ~nd bas. always maintained a receive reward. II keen mterest 111 all of the work of the church, After an illness of a



L.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A f()x d rive and ('lay pigeon shoot \V iII be held near Kingman, Friday, J anua ry 27 , starting at 9:30 a . m, ['his driv e will be a big one, and moving picture operators, from Cincinnati, will be on hand to take pic· tures of the drive. Lunch will be ~ e rv ed by the girls of Kingman Hiah school , for the benefit of the Kingman school. Harry Nickerson. of New Burlington, Is chairman, and L. Presid ent J R. Howar d. of the V . Runyan, of Wilmington. secreNational Farm Bureau . will address tary . Come and have a good time. the State Bureau. at Columbus on - - -... ...--~ Wednesday. F ebruary !st. He will



probably t ell and explain why the agric.ultural "bloc " was. form ed a nd how It opera tes at Washlllgton. The meeting will conwnue for two d ays . I A 25 % reduction in railroad far e can' be outain ed by securing a certificat e at the Fa rm Bureau office Th e tickelB wi ll be g ood for a week . A ce rThe hot lunch, which i8 being eertitit:ate must be secured. howe ver. ved at the noon hour at ~e Grade and will be va lidat ed in Columbus school building, under the auspices and Mr. and Mrs . Edgar Simkins, of Call up th e Farm Bureau. if you of the Mothers' club Iii a decided Oregonia. success in every particular, If all expect to attend. --- -~- --the ladies who so kindly contributed the making of this venture a aucceE. could aee the children and hear their raptures of delight when tbe lunch is being served, they would f~1 fully repaid for all their trouble. Mrs Sarah Cri~pen Zeller, daughter of Thomas B. Bnd Julia Cummins - - -.... ... McComas, was born at Waynesville , Ohio, February 9, 1843, and di ed at The tri al o f Tom Ga l e~ . on whose her home in Eubank, Ky, Friday, premises the ofli ce rs recently capJanuary 13. 1922, aged 78 y.ars , 11 tured a arnl, was resumed Tuesday_ months and 4 days. A large c rowd waR present to hear In 1865, she was married to Joseph the trilli. wh ich last ed until evening Allen Crispen, who preceded her and Gates, at th e tri a l last week. testithree children to the Retter Land Mary Louise Zimmerman, while After several years of widowhood fied that t hree YOif men were id en- coasling on the Mill street rOlld, Sattified with him i he man ufacture she was again married to Georg~ of the \Iohisky - CI vy Conner. Ernest urday afternoon, met with aD aeciZeller, of Eubank, who also preceded Dakin and Charl es Woollard . These dent which resulted In the breaking her in death . Left a widow the secyoung men were tried , Tu edday, and of two bones In her right arm. ond time, she took up life's burdens were found guilty. fined $iOOO and While coa.~ting, a wagon turned up alone in her Kefltucky home. costs each ~ and re manded to the the-street from the mill, and ahe She was a faithful Christian, lendguided the sled out ot the path, and ing a helping hand and a cheery county j ail until the fin es are paid . Gates'trial was heu rd this mo rn· ran into the fence with Buch force as word to all Be9ides a host of friends ing, a nd he was fin ed $500 and costs. to break her arm. She III lIetting she leaves three ~ister8, of a large the fine being r emitted during good along nicely, however. , family, to mourn her loss: Mrs -. behavior . John Beach, of Waynesville; Mrs. The office rs of Warren Co unt y are David Armstrong and Miss Eliza determined t o st op the manufacture McComas, of Dayton. . of illicit whi sky, if th ey can. but the ---offer of IotA o f money and litlle work is very uttractive to men, who think L. K . Kemple !las again taken ' th ey can evad e the law, which, charge of the Western Ohio Creamsooner or late r, th l'Y find they can- ery Co ., H. E. Harner having re· s igned. Mr. Kemple w\ll be Vl'ry Mrs. Agnes Dills, aged 84, died at not do . glad to see all of his old customers, Ridgeville late Thursday evening, and as m:lIlY more as will feel Inafter a long illnpss. The funetal Now W. Kn ow B. It.r. A h l ' :l tl f ~' ~ 1 1t' 1 ' I H I I !'o ' \\ I' l lt 'o,I: " Hurd o nl clined to Bell their milk to the above was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30, ll i l' ol' US ,.,11 ( , 11111 l )t · l u l, I' l 1 I·, II l 'lt IIl Pe-. creamery. from the Davids church,near Bl'uver- It" l'1\1 d li n, pud ll-l l ." ( 1111' ,' U ...; I \.II I 1li.1-.c '81 .. ....- - town. Interment in the cemetery \\,11 ~' ''' ~ lll,t'll to lJ1u lI 11 11 '111. l\os tOD at this church. T r~" s,·rl p t . The Miami Gazette. $1.50 a year




- ---



~:::aS;s~sohr~Fo~a~u!~e; ;~~~~~:





How many seede in the pumpkin on exhibition at our store? We will Kive a Set of Aluminum ware to the aged Toj years . The funeral waH held at the resiperson R'uessing the nearest number dence at 10 o'clock Tuesday, conEarl Evans W8~ very successful at of !leeds Saviyer's-Groceries and ducted by Rev. Dwight Wiant, of the Dayton Poult? ahow, last week. Meate. Springboro. Interment in Center- He t~ok first on Mmorca cock, 8ec?nd ville cemetery. on MlI10rca pul lets. and several prizes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey and . on While Wy .ndottes He had fourdau"hter, Miss Mary Louise, of Leb Card of Thanks teen entri~ s. and brought back sevanon, were the guests of Mra Har· We wish to thank the neillhbore era I dollary in prizes, 'ian and daughter, Miaa Gladys, and friends for their kindness during • - ...- - Sunday. the sickne88 and death of our mot he r. Mrs. Matilda Emrick. Also thank Reefer's More-Egga Tonic Is not a the LytTi!C1iUrch-:-ATilsociety---a-r.- ::;d+--tJH-.rllHtH+-U--u. food, It is a tonic, Its purpose is to White brothertl for the f1 o wer~; Mr. condition your hens; put·pep In them; Ernest Earnhart for singinR; Rev Foul'th Sunday after Epiphany, Janmake them scratch and exereise. It Wiant for his comforting words. and uary 29: Church School at 9:30 a. will make hens lay_ Sold on a guar- Mr. McClure and son for their m.; Morning Prayer and sermon at antee. 1 package free with uch $I thoughtful service. 10:30. The public invited to these package Sold at Sawyer's Grocery . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick . serviCe!!.

----- ....- - -

. .

----_. - ..




The . miltionaoru a' ftoflda rcoorts are hav,ng " '\lOrt thIs wlnt.r The tarpo n u. b,Ilne IIreat and son;J~ weIgh il3 h,gh as ZOO poundH Her. are two lanrt.d by Capt. Cha,. Thomp.on near Miami


, '-

S ti II . Gi 0 i ng On ===============-c:==:::==== Suits, Ove.rcoats~ .:Pants, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Hats and Caps, ...• . . .D ry Goods, ~weaters, ~lankets and ,Hosiery :::::::=:::::::===============1 s


·Reduoed ,.t~ .~


1 , ' ,3. ~rid t ~ aynesville, ,


, J

The 'Miami Gazette, Wayneaville, Oblo.


$1 0Auto RadiatorProtection for $1

11)1.,,, ,tip I!' l'hf)ul\~r

h at'

1I ~

d .'ut l

IIn~ 1I

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n"h"ll un de k. cnrrh'u Ids 1'1'1 • •

on,'r du\\ " Inr.) t ht· lohlll, nllll l.lI'kt-,1

Made of Waterproof F Iber Compo si tIon, R e tains the H eat . Bette r than M e t I, Docsn· t Rust or R ttl e ,

SAVES GAS, BATTERY, FREEZING Ma ke,.; Sturfillg Easy

8end Us $2.00 and Name of Ca r tor O ne ' Complete Postpa id

Yeal 18n't II curlOU& how " w"man caD ca ll Il milD denr and rllPn make hIm teel l'heftp?--W." 81" ~ '1',, '''.



('ntarrh I ~ a I",' nl tl i~";I"'. )."'1'1'11 11.1' influell l,,'d I,,' ""n~IIIIJI 1"11111 ,',lIl' Jit illlls. I L \ LL' ~ ( ·.\ TAIlItH M ED ll'I i\ I'; i.< /I Toni" nil,) HI"otl P u rifie r, By dl'UM illg Ih(' bl,)" ,] IIntl " uddiJl!! \1 1' I hl' Sy~I f' Jll , 11.\L1IS C'ATARTlII ~IEnI(, I XI': m to rr6 normn l ('Olldil ir'" ~ I1nl1 n ll o ,, ~ NaLu re t o 110 it~ work . C' i rr\llilr~

All Druggists.

F. J.


Fu ~r

Author of

"The Valley of the Giants," Etc.

the dOl'r on him, A mlnu tl! Inter he WII R l'llnl;llIg to Ih e J uc()h's Inil rll'r, lhe cn noe Rho t In 10 the sloe nf the " e8 ~(t l n t h t~ g r utT Crulllni.IIHI nn d pns~etl on shore" IInl wl lh 'ltll mls"lng n slroke of Ihe pndull·. An hUli r

P.,.. B. lCyoe

Intur , It ccf')l11pulI ll.'tI by t ill· ....•

Waynesvilie, Ohio


l' H.EPH ONE 7


" Aye tnnk yOIl hltlt>' <'I - n liAr." hc mutt e r('(! , nnd . t rlll'll h .. nu', strnll!'h t a nd tru e. IQ the pnlnr C>f thp ]n w. The mnn

d o wn. un,l In n n 1n-


slltn t l\ ('11 ~ wus un IUP or hlttl . OIT come (ht' ~1I11, r's hel t, Ih .· hnn llH or the hnlr· sll·tnn~d IIll1n we re qulckl~' tl"d IJI'hln(\ hi ttl. und he fnr e he h nd lime 1(1 r ~n l1 7.e whui hn~ hUI'[lt'n ('d Npll H hu, l CUl II lellJ;:t h of cord frnlll R Irolllnl( hn l.l'lI rti nllu ti ed his r et sccurely, Rftc r wh lt- h h(' Kng.:\!d him eecllr!'ly with hi s !>oOllnno hnndkc rchie f, A Qu ic k d r('uit of U,O s hip con· ' 1nccd Neils l:Ialvorsen th ot th e ~ mnln der of the dosl ord crew were e"lueut l ~' as hore. so be descended t o the cobin In sco rch of furl hcr evl· dence of crlllle. He "'Og q uite prepnrpel In Ilnd CO llt nln ScrnjCgs' III Ill)' ler's c.. rlill cnt.. In II R fam illftr oak e n frump , hongln g (In th e cu.I'ln wnll . uut he WII S ,lIl lI1 fO llll c1\'d to nh"PTI·p. hllog· Ing on the Willi In II ~ l mll8r nnd equnll)· f"m lllnr frome , th e certHlcnte of Allel hert 1'. Gi bney li S IIrst mntc ot "t!'llm or noll , nny o,'eo n ond nny ton na ge. Dnt Rtl il a thIrd frnru ('d certlHcHte hUllg 011 lhe wull . unc! ~ ..tls ogatn ~c rul cl, ('(1 hi s hend whpn he read Ihe wording th nt set for lh lite I<'glll qUII 1I11r.u tlo)us of Btl rth"lttl'"' W McOutrey to holll clown a l qb ns chief c ngl neer of cO Il~twl sc vess" IH lip to 1,200 t on8 lI(l t r egiste r. It wo s pn tCllt . ('I'ell to the dill!· wltt r,d Swe de. th at there had bce n fo ul plllY ~ "m ('\\' lt e re, and the. schonn· er' s lOll, ly ing open on th e IlIhl e, sepmed to olTer he IIrst m 'uns. at hltn d -fo r " sol utio n of th e mY Htery. Eogerly Ne ils lurned to the lo st en· try, It ~'nB IIOt In CUlltRln Scrugl;s' ha ndwriti ng, nnd cOD ltline,1 II lJthlrt ll more Int eres tlnr thnn the s tereotyped reports of du ll y oh,ervotlon s, cur· rcnt s, wcnlhor cOJl lll tions, etc., In· dll dl ng 0 notnttnn of (lTl'lvnl thn t dny nt Honolulu. !,;In,,,ly Hnlvorsen turned the lellves htl ~ kword , u ntil at lost he WII8 rownl'c1ec1 loy n gll mpHc of o dlfl'ere nt handwriting. It wns t he las t f!ntry under tha t purtl culor hand· writlng, nnd re nd ns t oll ows:

'BUGGY I1RES I We Put Them On




..• DENTIST••• omoe In N,Uonlll B&Di< BIIlI.

WaYDen l.Ie, (

Dr. W. E. Frost VETERINARIAN Phone 44



Forest T. Martin Auctioneer

"June 21, 19-, T ook an observo tion aL noon , aftd nod that we are In ~8 8 .. 178·" W . At U1IJll rate. Ihou l" lin l"u"nnB.tllolo e.a rl y IhlH a fl e rn oon. All hnnds w ell a nd l ookl n..: f orwa rd to the f u n 6t

Get my terms for your Pubiic ~ale . ': Satisfac tion guaranteed or no charges,

) (n ulili ll

BnllorA IJI ~ked ut' II I rn o,lulI) IIlnng Ihe wnte r fr ollt. 1'1'11" H nh'or~ l'n II' US pulled "Ill t o th MIIJ.;",I,' II. H~r crew h o'd n ot return ed Hud t ltt.' h (lgu s

('up lltl l1 liltS Rtlll rrl'~11 Itll l'cl 1t1 ,'1 rll~ t In tbe cnhln , T he Swco(' did nol h"lIh'r tn In \'i' <' t l, nle In dc tlill thc (111111. II IHI wltl~r HU JlPly. A hn , ly round of Ihe . <'iI" .. I1· ~r

Cllndll ('{·, 1 hi m 1hut !"11f' tUBI ut l en Rt 0 IJ1 Ulllh'~ !oOupply IIf roud HIIII


Olily OIl C Ih"ul!l tt surp 'ti hi s mln,l. UI\(I Illti t \\'11 " Ihe Rwful n e l 'psNlt y for h U."' If'. The li n.. th l'o u~h

c h or ...·Ulllli


w llh u rl1 s1i, t h e K a·

tlli ku huy c'hltllt lng " SO IlK Iha t Bounded to . lis Ilk!! n fUllcrll 1 tllr", '. llnd l\ell s went bel"w nnt! lllrilcil I he ga so llll e ellgi nes wldl' 1l t> l' Il . 'rite Mal{gle II ~ w u ng nrolll ll i un, l wll h II 10llg slr"nk or opul l'sC,' lI1 f"u m Irllll· Ing llcltlnd hl'r s wunt; d,,\\'11 lite huy lind fud(>u nt last In th e t;h'l>l ly """'11' II ghl I)c~' ,, "d DllIlltollll IWllcl; IlrlC r whil'h ~ ,II Hulvorsell , wll h II l1l1'1 ll' r In his eye und 0 larred ropt's cnLl In h is horn ), tls l. "'''lit dow n Int o Ih o cnhlll 111,,1 11I1I,ed 10 Ih ' IllOIl whn po" ,d It S {'1I1,lu ln Scrll!!!!". In lhe eml h I;.' ~ ot It r · lIl\fl ' ~siun . FIt'II ' 1' 1i ItlilllllL'S t nl er h~ (,l1H.~f~ t·'l1 , ~ lIIilln).; ~dud ~' . gUYS t.h ~ },ull ldw buy tit th e wIIl'l.'1 I ht~

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d lsco ,'pr ell Ih ltt T I"" InH -thn lo wa R II b:t rrc l1 , II l1 ln11 l1l o1 l"" hllt nd In IHtlttllle 21·2 ,o ulh , lu " ~li lld~ n , ..10 W" SI. • • T~ n (Iuys frOlll ti le Vrle ndl y IRlnn ,l!!, NOTARY PUBLIC I ti ll' p" l' p.r ~1I1t\ . T III, t IH I'lInl ultd er I p .. wer ond aull wllh the trndes uha ft Waynesville, Ohio t he h' ·IIIIl . It wnttltl IHke nCH rI'r tlf· t("'n "uys tor tlt~ 1'1111 from H onol ulu National Bank ' t (' thHt desert Islnn(\. ooel Neils nnl· r'C Ii won el .. rNI wh ellte r the 1lI1l~~~~~~~~~~~:-::=-::--=-= , r , ""cll men would SIIII be lIlh'e hy t h,! tlln '! 11 11.1 ,ulcl rt'och the m. I"or TBA W A l ' , b)' R(t Jlle s ixth sn llnr se n~ e Nc ils Hal· v' r~clI becn me COllvlllced tlwt his oltl tr l ~II , I ~ of lit e " egetllble tro!le we l'e "'a'ya"'~ille'. Le~lD~ Denl'eI ' 1II 'lru(>lI(,c\. They liUlI gOlle Ilshore for UlIloe tn BalDee Bldg, MaIn ~ I· I ~' '' " P. kl.ud or Il n 'ollc, uud Ihe creW

I I,',


DR. H.E. flA.

. .' .



1M8 hllnd· cnlllhrolci nhumlnn t In fnrmlllg <'1111-

1U1Il<. li S Is ""I'" IUI'ly bl!lle\,l'lI .

alasslBed Ada

e: ~1 ~( ' IlH.' (",f I ., d· i (r s· (1) ~1 1'!' ( ~, . \ fl· :\1,1" '11. l : h l, f .. i l hl !lh.n's 1:I1H.' ~llI, (1) ~,f l , :, r y t\ntl rr!- (I I1 . ' hh.: r of \\ ' 1)11l1 11· ... l ~lI rl ·. l l l l .d 'O I I h:p: p I lilt Ill, ( .n ~ !, .\ i .Jhc l \ \ 'tlltl" andl, ;)!-. ... ' .... lan t ; l ltuII' l ) I l ll n ,ll . I~ ) \1 , ,,, 11,'ll'll Ca run "' " Bu reau Ch ili, C ' \,I I St' r\ II {. C ul11 ll1 l " ,I( , :1. 15 ) (I I . \ · :l1t1lt:1:\ p ; ~rk c rl Sec reta r y

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Suet ," Iln;;<I'" l:no,J ,


Money to Loan on Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent.


Probate Conrt Proceed\DCL TER~ELL &: TERRELL. Cn l)ln ln ~ crnggs choked IVlth rn ge, Th e IIAoood and flnlSl fl ooount of Wilmington , 0 ., phone 301. end Mr. Glhn ey, Rprlnglng at th e lIearI('ft 11",.(, tll'O Plln lt lhnl. III" ne c>n fh l ~ .·st I>lI lm. shlnne(J to Ul e top ot It In tbA estftte o f W . ~ . Bausooa, de . I sl llntt fl Ul I I t Wlltll ,) dt~\' p. !nr Int ll B Ihe mos t u ppr oved snllor t" shlon. A oea8"d , Is approved cn~ e of du).'t' pu t ch ,g or sO IUPthln ' or Ill oment The 8Aoond and fin .. 1 flOO,lOnt of lut er, 1I1su:!Utl of coconut8, FOR SALE-LAND tha l II llIur("I" I rI ch tln Ctll Oll6 c urses begun to de- the ee \llte uf Sflrab A. Barts I/ok. d e oefl8ed, Is appro <ed. C'IIPlllh l ~I'I·Ugg. ' prnllg to hl ~ f~ et. s c~ n'l nn McO ulfey and Scroggs. IJI A fU f'e white wit h u nt-..w t errftr. "Otb, Illy denr boy," Inquire;] The III11t b lIoooont nf &b6 tru8tee JOIN OUR PMHY OOINO TO Bowel·I' I·. h e had t'mhlrE'd 8<> llIu ~ h SCl'Uggs, " whutever Is tbe matter of Iblp of Eltz .. be t b tblne~. benpfloiary FLORIDA sln cc (, llIhurk lng wllh Mr, GlllUer .'n YOll ?" ia approved. WE BA VE arrllngl!t1 fur a "pt'clal R II f(' of wild 1I11\'t'nl ure fh llt hlR "'I'bllt hound 'rllbu·Tabu·s been Tb e fiftb a llOuu nt o f the eat-ate of l'ul man to , .. Ill! II grllnp 0' fbrm· nen' e" 111111 hecome rul he r IIHt r"d to "Irlpvln' our COCOII Ut g.-ove," roorO!d ienry Otl .. 'us b.deoe ued,IA aporoved ert! $0 Inell"o! onr l"mUDe Wal&11\ Illlpclllling dentll, nne! prest' ntly hiM the cOlllmodore. "He must have spent fllrms Ilellr Jaok80uVIII ... J lllU ,ble A oo mmlA ~loD t ,> &.lIe be depe"l. fen r gnve way to on 0\'ol·11I1l8t.' rl ng holf Ihe nIght up In these trees." puny Bn.! 1\1'8 with y ·)ur \Jwo .. ye~ &tou of M .. ry E Blepbflm, <l n e of the rug... He hurled hI s hil t on th e s UlIII. I "'I'hunk ilie Lord they didn 't take wltnf""'" t ') t he wIll of Lol .. Zdl. Wb ill' N u rl b ,, ' n 8UIl'Kv 0" 11 do 10 uud jUlliped un It unl II It \\'11" 11 mere 'elll al\''' suld McGulrey piously. t1eoe"H ~ d . Is ~ppulnted, the tl"ulb, (lor oo lo n}' uf Obiu f .. r . I "Chuck me down a nut. Glb." lIIIld slt npeles8 nu;. m"rs h " VIl prvllno"d • e mllrli II bill A 0<lWml8Alon to bKe th e de'1081 "Let' s mil 0 mcctlu' ot t lt e 1I0hln. : Cu ptttln ~cr.ggll. "I'm tllmlebed," r9llul18, At! h'l\b lOt; .11000.00 hllH 11 ')1\ of Marie An t rttlll ,111111. one o f been lllklln frum olle 01 our twenty sn n Crusoe s~' ml "'u l e," . nl' l ~Ir, Olh. , ' In conformity with the commodore's tb., wltne~e l18 lo the wIll of Wm , R Rore Ir"Old io l'nEl on'I) IincJ ,lJere Ill','. I 1,lons, fhe cu~t ownY 8 made ,camp In R , ndall, deoelUloo, i8" ppoin tt'd. ILr8 $11"0 or 1D0te JrOp 3 " year. "Seeolill th e IIl ollon," runthl ell ~1a- 1 the greve. For a week they subslet. Our ten lind tw ellly IiCIIO ~r h otlt lu Gu n'cY, I'd on aoouoya, toro root, coconuta Marria,e UceUN. o lnd e a mod llr n b " ll· e wHb rnn. " Curried." s nill Ihe cO llllll udo r('. nnd coconut milk, nnd a lIeo,turtle uing w .. ter lino 1l1"otno IIKbt. lind "The ftrRt husln(',. s I>ef" re Ih,' lII ~ r t l n' l which Scrnggs tound wllnderlng on Oral 0 8urhoe, farDler, .. nd MIIII! Is thc' IJI'l(lllllzltt lun or u .·xpctlltloll 10 I the beoch, This suggellted turtle Mildred E Burne~. bot}l of waYDt'''' (Ir' prloed wllbln r .. Bob ut .. ny e8· tabh.b " d I'HlD s r. ThOll" "'fms e111l"" Il,, '~ .· I w" r:lll1lihals I" lit!! eggs lO Mr. GIbney, nncJ Ii change ot vtlle. Btij ,iu oouu 'y oe.. ' lu ,n > where .. r e nth N ." ,,1 or lit e l, h" ,,1. I nlll'l J.;o t ' diet res ulted NevertJ,e leS8, the nn. Ge,'rie B T elg le r, L'i vll lenloe lool1t ed g ' ",ei ~o h ttu l . "n,I ohuroh"8. the 1"'111'1 to ki ll ' Pili, SO lel's dUl c 'r lll Rccus tollled .food , poorly cooked u It ol erk , O",ton ... nd Mlu Edrlll Ellen We afe luvitl ng ~~ r' OUt; mllld ~ d 1\ \\'8 ," Io cr"re I h".I' ~t't rres h wl lh u~. " WIIS, ami the la ck of water, told cru· (iray, Hprloj{boro. r {\ ~lluIl8Ibl e 16 rW " f8 ' Il ly IiUO It) II :414111 1411 ·11 ," ... ·s pollcif. t1 ~r cO u fTpy. el ly 011 tht\[l), and thel r etrenrth Arthur W AugenurlJer, farmer , IIucb t blll trIp wil , "1'1l.,,,1 ~lrlllJtlly . \\ lH'n" lJ ' "JI hI' p l d c(' ,t tip II ro(!k 'l ud rulled rnlilltly, Middletown. and \tt1l8 Clara L . 8lye Wrll e todliv for d" t"II~ , , hI"'" ' I "I '111(' kille. ~ I I', n ll'ne~' f ,)I· At tilt! end Of II week, all banda were Lebanon. Tmc W ALItILL :'\TOPK lo' ARMlI (!o, 1" \\'1'·1 wl'lt Iw" rO{'ke. ~up t n lo l trou bled \\'Iili Indigestion and McGuf· 21l i Rentsoblt:r Bldg, I:iIlWlltuu, U . ~:il' n q.:..: ... :-"I TPUlII ef' dflnnu <."~ at the eo- I re y dl'l'cloped a low t ever. They blld 122 Real FAtata Traufen. lost ruu ch n" sb and were II white, hag· enH' Rn i! Ih~ "!I t'll"· nt,,, In wll 4'1 c11~ gard·looklllg trIo. On th e IIfternoon or() "r, p ur!,ul'cl l'~· .111 ' ~~ 11411c '1t l P , :\ l~ r OlllBml BIlnS" to Jennte B .. ntll, IX' n cit"." .. f halt n Itdt., ~ I I' , ntlll'l'Y lull \ 1'( tlte tenth day on ilie laland the aky aoree In Cle Iror eek Twp , II MALE HELP WANTED clouded up and Mr. McGuJrey predict. h i!" (,fl111l I 'I " hil( 'k tn th ,' l H'UI'h , C. W, ·ox lo LawrAnce and Edns r ,l 0 wllll wllw. Car,taln Bcragp ID. " 1. .. 1', It lil ol ft Il r 11 0) \ thll t we 8im8. 10' No 3 In Reeve,' a 'l dltlon Q ulred fcebl), If It wus good to eat. ANTEO-A MlLrrled Man 00 rl l '(·(l II , !Ill I j ll"i l fur (:UII IJ I:III,r-Ulltl $0 litlynille (Lyall' ) , 11. That night It rained, lind to the Fum; I\uto drl ... er "nd ro Hlel' ll 11 11 111<'111 111'. 1\), l!t nt lim e Ill y Rnth QuImby '0 8eba !!{I"n M b"ooo rBI81lr Jere nt joy of the marooned ruarlnf!rl Refer eno. s nqulred IInll },rI Il :lI I"u ' ll Itt:' til w{)l'l\lo' Ol' tl (' r nnd 8oerkle. inlo' No. 9!l In Hiahland I'll ",'IIl'I"(> n I, n,,,ktn sl ou t of Lhls ~Ir. G lb nc~' discovered, In the center of Park addition to Soulb Lebanoo. 11 . [nqulre 01 G I!: Riley, IlhOnd- W&7II lli g sun ns tone rock, a naturlll reser. nNvlll e 42-6 j 181' (kdrn r ~ Hk plI 11I)ln. " B C , and E lisabetb aamilton to AI lit e firsl hint or tlll wil Mr. Olh· "olr UlU t hnld Dbout ten gallons of wa· te r. They drank to repletion and telt ~ . W . hlne .. nd W. W, l;bur's, lot n e,\", Irlle I () I ds protlll ~H! , \\,Il~ 11p null (hei r strength return a thousand.told, No 56 In Sonth ,..abanon, U ~ Qu IIIJn J.! ro r un'HI\ fl\!'i L lie found FOR RENT Tobu·Tnbu nnd the kIne came IDto some gllone,Ys 011 n t'!)c l~ ~' cl'ng no d Itlil cd It nlf II clllz" n or Ihem with B ramp ahout this tlme, and pleaded tor Commlulo...ra· ProcMdm,. .ROOM Bou8e for rent, p08!esllon clu h. On Il ls wil y ho ck to CIlIll[l he Il ration of wDter. Mr. Gibney, awear· fit onoe, oorner of Tyler and Bille allowed :-We.'ern tU.u, adIng horri bly at them; granted their re. d't sco"eretl 11 t ew II IHll lflll s ot ~en solt quest, lIod the king, In hili gratitude, vertl81Dg "od prinllng, 12~1I 87; LAb. Fonr,h "'reek; ell'O\rlo light!! and In B crevlcc belw" n ~o m e rocks, Ilnll lhrew blmsel f at th e commodore's teet anOn Pttrlot" advertising, ,238 82 ; Rood garden. Apph tCl Amelia E. Ihe syndl co,t br III(fustecl "" hour nnd kissed them. But Mr. Gibney was B D WIlliams, Inppll811, 112'.02; WIlUamll, Wilynenllle. Ohio j21i luter on ronSI goOtll'~' . It \1'115 oil y Il nd not to bo decelyed, nnd after turnlah; Ulyde Bnftord, meale lor juron, IIs hy but nn axcI'1I 'n~ sultSU lIIl" tor lug ilie m with a supply of water In 1780; Tnifeell of Poblio Aftairll, nothing ot nil , nntl lhe syndi ca te WIl S FOR SALE coconut calabll8hcs, be ordered them lights for O. B. and j"II, 1116.20: Co lJrateful. Th e brcuk ru st WQuid hll \'e lumbu8 BI&nk Boolt: Co,. 8uppllee. ----------------------~\~, t o their own elde of the 181Bnd, been chee rf ul , In fnet, It Cllptllin On the eIghteenth ooy tllll 1~lIt drop 113 26; .10bnllon & Watllon Co., IUP. BOR8B:8, J lood MUoh COWl, 1 Scruggs hud not mUIl e rc pwi I~I I ruf· of wnl e r wos gone, and on the twenty. pllee, 160; W, H-Madden & Co., liti)we,. 1 1 IJ. U. CorD PIIlDter , ere n '0 to his excesslvc Ihlrs t. Me· eDppllell , .17818; Oblo Corrnl.teJ GutTe), los t putlell co before Ole meul second day the lost of the coconuta Calvert Co, sewers, 111280; J W. ~ Oleo8, 1 new RldingBrellklng Plow disappea red. T he prospects of more 1 'new tiUIlO.lor Whe.' Drill, 8:&8 ; wos over, nlnd cui'rc,1 Cnp t1\ ln ScrnKlis, ruin WNO 1I0t bright. 'rhe gooneys were LlngaB,udwareCo , 8Upplles, 128.08 ; 1 ne1l' No II DeLaval Cream ~p. who lh ertlllllOn Bull sl,I ... 1 wllh lenrs In UlnolDnatlQlllLrrleACo . IIlone,llIO 76 bf' comlnJ;: shy and dIst rustful and the ralor, and oSher artlole. U,,11 phoue hi s eyes, Th Is hurl ~l cG llrre r. It W \\,~ synd lcal o wos experl ell clni more and 113-5, W Ilyneavllle, Ohio. 18 lik e slIlt In n fr esh \\'oulld . so he pnt· 1lI0re dHllculty, not only In kllling ted lito sk i p\ler on tJ, c hllck nnd Ihem, but In eating them. McGulI'ey, Good Team of Work Bor_ hUlllhly asked his pnrdl)n . Cupt ulu ,,' ho ho d borne up un complaIningly. InquIre of Lafe NiohollOn·, R. SCl'uggs fOI"I;Il" O hi III IlIllI murmur ed was ehnklng with tever and hardly O . " WaynellVllle, Ubl0. f8 80111el hlns nhout dt!nth LUllklDg tb em Rhlo to 81agger down the bench to look OT of Good Billed 8traw for laie . al! eq IInl. f or turtle eggs. Tho Ayndlcate was Inquire of lt1 A. Uornell, R, O. "'I'he uexl: hU H ltw ~~ befol'" tht! syn· si ck, wenk ond emaciated IIlmoet be'. WaYDellv11le. Ohio. '8 dlcn!e," ntln oUll cNI Mr. Glh lu'y, "Is a yond recognltl on. nnd on tile twenty· seu l'ch o r t111~ 1 ~ lanrl for wu t er," RUCK-a Rllp)lblln 1Y.Ton'fruok tlfth llny CaptaI n ' Scruggs tnlnted Tlwy se llrl'l tl' ,1 nil fu r f'noun , At tnoheap Inqtilre 01 Roy Bath. "vice. Oil the tweDty-slxth day MI'. ten 'nls lltey caughl- gIlIl IP""S of the Guffey crowled Lnto the shadow ot a away. Wayneevitl~ Ohio. f1 two cl1 llnll lll ls ~ I(ul k lll !( hc hlntl so ud· .tunted mim0ll8 bush and sto.rted to l1ull e3, hut th ey t ound no water. prll)' I At..r- VUl bave a younl Jersey Townnl ti le ce ul~r (lr ih" Is ltl llli. hllw· , Calf for .~Ie aboa' Jaouary ~U. It wos the IInleh. The commodore ev er, Ihe soli wos less bun'cD, ond kn ew It, allil Silt wltll hawed head In Cbeap i we Deed 'he milk. Inquire t,erll u gl" "'lJ of co,'u nut polms li fted hi s Inlllllt arms. wondering, wondering, a' 8aw1er'. aroe!!r), W.ynentlJe, Ih t.url ed c res ts 1",'ltingly. Ohio, f1 Slowly hi s borly began to away; be "We will enmp III thIs gr(','e," sold muttered something, sllli forward on Be haa I lood oolor: Be I••'roog Tona of TIMOTBY BAY. In. the cOlUlllollor c, "111111 I,eep guard oYor his 'face, and Iny stili. And al be lay th .,s ~ g r(>cn coco nuts. There must be there on the tJlreshold ot the unknown and vlnl\?, aod look. U, O. illOod qaire of .John BoberlOo, R. nelt rly II hun tlred nf them nnd J no- he dreolDcll that the Mlllllle n came humored ' Be lau,hl ea.II,. . In D. 3, W ~tl181vll\e. Ohio, 'Iii short. ne la "full ot Ilfe," whloh II t ice n Iltll e luro root her e Illld there. Into view around the headland, a boa. simply ano'her way of .. ylog he II OW- good 'Freeh Cow, ' In. As tho~e coconl1l ~ li re full of milk. ta ber teeth and every .uteb of canvu full of re I blood, If you are weak qalre or-fl, E. 8lmltln., R. D. 2 th ot Ins ures us llfe for R week or two jail It we go on 8 s hort I'll tlon. By bath· tlylng. He sow ber IIIII' up Into the and ruo.dowo aDd nervolll. doD 'a OreloDI., Ohio , In' IIOveral t lllles n dny we cnn keep wind Blld hllng there sblverlng: a mo- Ileep ver), well, aDd have a poor ,po Lo~ of SeooDd.han4 Brlok and down our tblrst some amI porhllp, ment later her IlUlis came down by the p."&e, go '" 70ur drulgllt and buy Mm, nnd he sow a little Iplosh under a few boUle. of Gude'. Peplo. MtUl La.ber for lale. BOle" It'll fain," "\Vhn l It it does 1" snupped Cap tain her Ilort bow os ber book took bottom. gao aDd "ke ia for a few wlleltl a. ' U U l!le~bJ, phone i:d7-3, Wayne••· jill Scruggs hlttcl'ly. "W e ain't got noth· There wo s a commotion on 'decks, ODd meal·Ume. See how U will build Ville, Ohio. then to Mr. Gibney's dying eara cOllle yoil up by givlug YJU plen'y of !lood Ill' but our bnl s to cuteh It In. '' "Well, then , Scruggsy, old 8~ck·ln· tnlnUy the ahouts ond songs of the blood, Dun " draK aroand half ,10k HAY-II tlr 8 W08 of Mixed OIonr aDd Tlmo'hy On, good qu~li'7 the mud," repUed the commodore block boys os a wbnJeboo t shot Into aDd halt well. Ge' 10 oe "pep"lnw Qululcally, "It's a cinch you'll' go the breokera and Ipulled IIwlftly toward you by ..1tIng Pep&o Mang.. n . 80ld Also, aboui Uli bu. Oa", 11120 orop. thlraty, Your hilt looks 'like a cuI· the bell,ch. Mr. Gibney-dreamed that lin boSh Uq lid and .. bl_ lorm,-Ad. lequire of Flor. Berryhill, 2127 10. • white mlln _Rt In the Alern Aheete ot nra~.e~ell' , diana Ave, Colnmbua, Uhlo. jflli lft.lf' ~"" -IIIl'phl 1II'IIIn

" . )I dli 't



;\"4 "'1 ~lI.r , ~" lte , I IiUI










' -"1' ).

,1/' "Illk ~Ilttk" I"lIli · lem l lf'r~ '1

u ·lc' f f"i. w IH'rt' If frt:'Quprllly rnten hOl1 l:'es. prOil tl l1l y III H.-un· 1! ot mtce mther t hnll r" I' thp IlUrl'"ti" uf ~rlnklnl

and 'fnlr" that Rid - Blood Givas

" Frie ndl y IRlnnl1 <-I'"l(e 117 :" wll p r~ upnn J\ etl. oJl~ It.'rl Ille hoo k Itt pu ge

~ nnk, ' _

It is BlcaUSI Ha Has thl Ufi

,"'sHel - lh" nl'i ll_ h " dlll ll'lllt,- r"iwrl • . th,' IIHI,'x went Ill e ,)1 (1 d()('k baud's cn llu u ~,,(\ BOlJc r lind patJ ~ e d at

[> ,, \\,11


S;:' Ir:.U::'/~;t~!::*-

Milk S nake Ha r ml ....

Th .. hO\J s~ 80ml! nlHI


Illl~' ~ nKn, li nd on \ll:lf clllt,' ~r r . nth· nCr hl1 11 h"I' 1I In (t lt'l n ~ rO) r"-IIJ'l1 In ,nlll"

[ll or~ "'ns II? :'\'l' lI !'; r-: 1' IIf('h l'fl


Proceedl~ • • MONEY WANED 10 t be oa ~e uf 'be tilate uf Ohio VI We@lev maston, the defendan~ plefld, ON EY Lnan"d c n liv e 1It001t, not gulhy, and t h e 088e Is 'I'i fo r oha ttela, also seoond mor Ign KIIII . hearlDg on Much lb . Bond laoO. In the OI\S" of Belle LeFever v~ N .Jles bongbt. J"hnl;jllrtJill", Ailen tl 4. ll2 Fr6d Gnm o ur et ai, J o~, GUmour 18 Bulldlnt{, Kllola Ohio. appo inted irultee to reinv est 'SOOO, fande arIsing from the 8111e of real 1l8'a'e, 10 'he oaae of 'he ~o ar"y LttJht nlng R.>d Co. va 811as Hudgeon. the 0l\8e 18 onml'rOm18ed and di aw\8HIIO

---_. -..---WHY DO

Ihls lin·

uSl1nl (\:s: (~!'('I :-:" 11 a P l l l' lI l'I'(I If) the Sw prl f' l11ul Iw "11ft !'lfIl11lhh 'd upon n

Box 91, Centerville, Ohio



A I' G lnNl:': Y. "

lltw k .




TUvana... D ell l II m: w 11 ,r l ng Jlu lhhl rnn r n ~ InK and h ad tl l~ Idn .. nn l l Tabu -T olll !

holyst o n e



Carried HI, P risoner Down Into ·th. Cabin.


Fully Equipped for Good Service. , Large Display Room

cough drops

An ad . in this colum n i~ 8 8ure Bale


Copyrlah., by




M cC lu~ ~

\ I.


I, / ' '

"Webster-Man'/I Matlf"


------ -'


crhe Green Pea Pirates

Ch eney, · Co., Toledo, Ohio.

LU' E'N'S'



tax .now


Mr, Gtbney twlSlt'l l hll 8urferlni lips Into II wry emile n. he realized tbe oddities of Ih l. mlrllge-it .eellleU to hIm tltllt tit Is \'1810nory whit e IUUII nore II strlldng rl'8e mblnncc to Neils Hnlvorsen, · Nells Hnl"o rllI'D, of 011 lIIen I Ohl Nel1~ . "the sQttn reiteod" ~ eckhftli ll IIf Ihe /l'ree n· peu trud e I Dull, howl el(l(ed Neils, with hl8 lost dog "1U1le nnd hl s~rr. mhney rubbed his eyes feebly IID ti halt ~ lu""e red to h\Jj feet. What was thHt ? A shout? With out doubt tie had hl'nrd n 80uil d thllt W0 8 not the mORn In!> tl f Ul elr re morseless prl.on . keener ttl P AIlR _ Ami""" I CoDtlDU~ OD pap 1\

Our Imp roved Radialor ... hillier is Operated from III DA SH

Made 10 Fit A ll Cars.


thll whsleboot, and 11.8 the. bnnt \ touched the \MIa ch It leclll cil til Mr. Gibney thBt this mon BIlI'nllll tl ~ "', ,,,~ \ 0011 ran 1"lttI:\' townr~ 111111. Al!d:-


a n,l [P'l l tlH,\ II)

Iht'II' flllr, IlI'lh'y llll; ti ltH Ih e l'lbl l' a'\ I1 ,"8 '\\'(1\1 111 lIev,' !' btl 1!I'lln l frilill


1111,) thll t



He lc', one II I Ihe Sights thc P"nce of Wale. I' viewing 'in I n<Jla.-a fakir who has to do th iS dally fo, ' wo hUll'S Hc <, hIS legs III fronl of hIm .0 thaI he staMs on his knees, a "reat baJ· &n ~ ,"" Slunt tor two hours' .


5U T I'W. 8RING '«>V A BO'S I\J..MOST t"U~L




--- .... __ 2 ___

.... T HE M I A Mi - GA Z E TT E....!

'l 'Ilere's two ntggerS-RUII-ou lb-. Is11ll111. Drlng-'em 8ome-woter. Th e)"r cnnnlbnls-Nel1e, but ne,'erI £UED EVERY WE;DNEC::DAY 1111",1. 0 I lh cDl-nboQrd~the poor (lcl'lIs- lt th y're IIvln". , I-wouldn', lelll'c a- erOl'oelll on that- hell hole. tr 1 coul<l- help Il." D. I.. CP AN E, Editor and I · ubli ~lie l. ~ aynp ~ "ill!' , Oh io All hour Inl er (be Robinson Crueoe HYI"lf l' lIte, tncllld ing the mRn Frida, Suhs$ riot ion Price. $1.50 pt'r year <1111: til,· 00111 , w(Or sore aboard tbe ~1<I 1;!C le II. 111111 ~c118 Ha lvorse n. wIth tI, e lell rs Slr" ,,")ln..: down his bronzed dl P.,·ks, "'''" sfln rlllgly doling out to _ _--cI':'h-c..,·.!!Ill' - n IIIIX IIICI' fir hrandy nrut. wllter. Wr.ONI·;SlJAY. JANUARY 2>. .~~ An,l \1'1 11''' Itlp R.\' tI(lfcnle wo s 81'rong enollg h 10 III' nl luwe ll nil Ihe wIlter It \\'111, 1,-11. :'i,·II, 1I ,,1" ol'sen propped tbem III> 0" ,I" "k ,, ",1 to ld th e story. Wben he hllll . tllIl . l, ell. Cn ptnln Sera....


Poembi uncle John

tlll' I I('1I 11) ~ J I·. (; III1W Y.

,jOIl •. li lY (It' ll I' hoy." he so ld l umake " ) 11)0 "" ." ~"I"

1I0bb"d-lib·,ut our j obles" brothers l\.'~ ~ , .(j. to think how they've btlen r obb~d by me, lind ooonllel'tl other9 . . . If any. 'hint( oan 'eloh 'be tOBr ', an' ORnse my heart thr ob, "'8 when I be hllltdlloe hold nppelH8, "Thousllnt!s wltbont " j ob I" . 80 10Dlli've tOllg~d , tlD ' eweat,an' bl ~t1-aud Klve nut In mv knees-un dK@ered, whe n 1 l!lld 10 bed, ('n how to live at ea~e. . . 1 alnt wbat's 08l1('d a IIl :lY man-nor orn ery . so 1,0 IIpe.. Il,-J try to e. ve the mus' Joan from "even bonea a week


I he



T "I1,, ·'I',,1I 1I "nrl Ihe king down ' In t h,' f\ r"" , IlIh !l hlte d I s lnnd we can n"ll. TI .. ·.\'·\'c "tllT"red enough. And I fllrlh,' !' I "O\' ~ ,hut w(' readjust tbe

1\'(' ~(, I

1>\\'''I'('s lll" or If'" Mnggl c n 8ync1lcate lIlI t! "III III<' 1, ""1 !'we,le nn earlh In on

A JOB AND A JAB 1 long bllv(l hl(lwed my nOMf'. an'

lIlotl u n,"


. . . And. whllH a spell o f pe"oe'ul rest I ~ ... hnl, I ' ve bbd In vtew,l kuow a ID"n Id nt .. t bls b ~H L . without a j ,)b 10 do . Last weuk, I WAnt t tl Bonv Stout, a ohronlo j ,)bleR~ brntb or. l:IiM cbiAf. est do, III "do without" from ( n p week '", end to t ·utb ll r . . I blred bim on a m od e ~t job-the Oea' I could RtJord l:Ie ROllked me ten oold bucks a dlly-b est.les blp bed an' bOllrd I A full er'. disillu810nment Is the b~rdest pllrt to tell, bot Bony ~lild l 'd plly I.hat. moob, ur tbe job onold go to hell !


ljlJllrt l'r of tl ... profit s." "!'l"''' IIII I ill' ",,)lfon," anld "('fll'l' '' ·d.''

, " 1,1 ('"p( lIln




Till' I(,nkl"" 0" Ihe D(,wer schoon er MII Ili'le II h,,,1 . lghll'!l nlnlllonll head bflror ' f'flInllludon' ,\ ~ lcl l1e rt p , Glhnp.YI

('llplnll1 g lnf' t' r

l 'hll1~ '" I'. !'< ~ rnllll~. nnd En· Bllrt !\I.} OlJ le" :\l d111 fTl'v w~re

rfl ll hl e,l 10 de(·la rf'. I.. ,ii i " ln c~'r1ty (or nt if"n "'t w llh ns mudl

~I fl (·p r lty

RS one mi g h t r Ptt.,,<'ulll l dy (lXPt'c t f n·m thi s hnnd of r O \' I1~ rlls"lIl s). thllt tI, "), hud en· t fT "'ly r l'h'\"t.'rl' d rn l lli tlwll '1 .1' ,'ow ing t'X Ih ' I'It'Il"" ~ 01 1 I

hI' d ( ' ~I' rt b.l u : III uf 'I'u \'111,11 IllIdll, I n 11 11' ! ' rh'ndl y ~rq lll' , .\' " 11 ' !'tllnl l "f " I ,lInd , hn ~" ~Ir , ~fc­ G llfT .. ,\' yU \\ 111 " 1. !-Otrt·tdl (f'(f hll ll l't l'lf, fl lld 8111 lip I n II II' wil' k.'I' III\lIl!! !. lI g chair \\'1 1(11'(\ fll' IllI d ~ prH " Il'd r ew dH~' ~ with Mr. ( ;11 ,, )• ., lind ('ul'f ;li ll :"'kr:lJ.:).!~, liDfl (' r Ih('O I I WI1 I I1)! " 11 fli p of tt. ' IIl1l1 ~e,

Homey Philosophy Bn vlni( h .. d 'belr fllnK wttb " B.. I anOt! of p.,,,,er," the polltlola r s 01 Eorop" lire n o w toylnil wt&h a new OUIl, "EquilIbrium ." Tbpy IHMvery poeltlve Lba' tbere mosl be aD ~qu t . IIbrlam on tbe O"Dobe AI~o tbdre mOil' be an I'qQlllbrlom In the Bill . IIsn', and IL I"uk. II.e tb erl' will have lO be an tqlllllbrlulU of Nortb H88 N u tionlO. 1.J .. ,,~n 't It b dat a\l? Bflre W Il bave a UIIII,pd 1'11.", 8 tbIH'~ blllKl'r tblin all EurullI'. YUD dun·l. bAhr N" bra8 L n 8uIIMOBling an f qul Jlbrium of tbe nor$bwl'st, or l'''XII~ .. klni for an 'qlllllbriUIO of tb .. 80o,b w eet, or V. rmont demanding an pqollil rlunl In ,~ew England Wby doeen', Eorope Sty a IIUle United tit.'ee onlonlem?

SAYS SAM: "Spite 18 s"od I u tb" com 1l0nUy 08rbureler . For(lelll!" _

----- ..----

---_.- ..- - -

The Miami Uaze lle . $1 50



The Green Pea Pirates

R" tll" ",f Ids hle" i'" 1'1'11"" 11\ "' ),. while h i... N It·n.:l1l

" lIullds otT." MI"''''kPII ~Ir . Glbnpy nnd RU'u rk r,'I'loI y nl Ih<' IlIIu;; lnnry III:' IIrl' rushlnl: lownrd hllll. 1'\ .. " "". li e t elt hlm",,1( s Wl'pl 1111 11 SIrOIl» nrlns li nd f' urrl i:!d IHI IlII t tl f'IHmrnhlp

2 9 16 23

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6· 13 20 27



"AR n IIle'"d" 'r Cll l t,



11\\'0111 ' 1111 '


~1 "~ " le s),nc1l· II q llll rll' r tn -


t e r't·,'d ." 1101)1 111"11 II LP 1'1IJ:lrh·, ' r. "J he re· IIy CIIII n " 'PI'I I,, ' II' IhH AIIIII <)'ldl cut e


Ih p ItplI (' h. Th ~ 1l " '''l,e1)0,1 ), Ihro·w wltl er In hl ~ rll l'l' nn ,l pressed 0 rlrlnk or hruudy Dud s\I' {'et waler to his pnr~h e d III'S. His s wimming senses ruili erl a moment, nnd he (1I8~0\'c red IlInt he WRS lyIng In th e hottonl or n whnl eboat. McGutTey IllY betilde him, und (In Il t)1wnrt In frOllt ot him Sltt gootl old NeUs Hulvorsell with CRptnln S~rllg;-:R' hent! on hIs kneeS. As Mr. Glhn l'Y looked tit thi s alronge tahlenu Coplnln !'<"rItJlI;'S opened hIs eyes, I:hlllcl'lI UI' lit Neils lIul"or8ell, and

111. IInre


Mo e,"


(or tllt 1 pm')m:o't'


III1 " l n, ' .~

hf1fnr f1 rltl'

th OI nln ), propNly come

""',, 1101 0 QllOMlnl wlth 01l1 him. on' 1111 8 hll S IIlI'~R Is JII81 betwpen


us Ihl't·<',"

come III or(h' r." TIle tll l,ve(1 the hOI ,h!ck wIth h('al twIce. "UIlIlI away,

") 1I100'e )'011 , g!'l)t1emc n. Ihot It be ""·h)· If II nln't 01(1 "qll n l'" h ~n ll :-; .. If~ . " he III II II "r<,d wll luh 'rlll;:I,\' . "If Ih(' Sl' fI '<' o· 1111. m~e l1n' Ihllt B. lite· It Qln't l'\ells. I'll 1:0 to hl tlles "r s on iC (l"IT,·)·. ..:, ,,,,In'. he on' he Is herehy lI flP'jll teiJ n t ' (~llIllllttPe 0' on e to lam

' II .. '·'·"I·l n.1III' IIII)'lIghIS ali t 0' thnt _" ,1',,1 f"nll ~ r "Ille r mnte 0' oum for nlllil iol olllll ' I he s,\' II(llcnt e to n horrihle d"ltl h " II 11" 11 t lll' r e Ilcse rl Islnnd , Du

7 14 21 28

, tll 'a r II

0,,"' ·' 111"


1'T'., .... "

thot m o tion?"


29 30 31 .. . .

Our Calendar


Fitied ..•

General Repair Shop


Ed. C. Woollard,


Dr. Lloyd B. Hall

Mr and Mrll. Harlan Harvey and d<lughter aDd 80~1. of near Dodds, were t)undlY lueflle of Mr Harvey '8 motber, Mrs. Ubarlty Hane, . 01 Maple IItree\ In ollr oUy .

The Laun-Dry-Ette does th e most washing FOR you with the least work BY you



"1 Il ,="l

~enll1· ' \ .



",.~" , .

.. . ..

_.' _


again ulld ~ II" RI ("'" 11110 " SOI'1 nf 1,,110· i nrl/Y. ror he WIl S ('''11 11'111. III' 1(fI~w he WfiR

sn \'rd.


lIfr. GIbney rolll'd n\'('r. unl1. slrug' j L e t us giv" yo u 0 demon strnt ion of th e gllnj!' til hIs kn e,·~ , Irnn ed , l\'~ r Mc· la bo r-sa ving wA~h i n'!' ma chino that not Ou"',,)' nnd p!'f' r~,1 Inlo hi. dmwn fnetl. 1 only wlJshes the clo thes but drie~ them "Mn~. "III ~hlpmn le ! Moe. "pl'llk to ,' too. me. Are you nll"I'?" B. l\fcGuITey. EsquIre. op(, IlI'd n polr at /(Inzed eyes and slnred nl tile "om· mo,lore. Hardware, Harness,Farm Machinery "nld we lick 'em 7" he whispered, "The 11I 8t T reml·mher Ih e kIn!! w8 9 Waynesville. O. putt In' It nil o"er S"l'ugg')·. Ane! thnt Tnbu boy- wns-no slollch ." McGur. fey' pllused, nnll "Inneed wDrlly oround the bOllt. while n duwulng horror np· pellred In hIs sunk en l'),e8. "(10 hnrk, N.. lls-eo bllCk-for Gn,I's soke.


OFFICI, : Fourth Street, near Tyler Telephone 93


Mr an.l Mrs~ C . l:!. Bawke have poroball,.d 'he farm IInown as tbe Mllrlon Gordon farm. It la a beau. tlful bome, aDd they are to be 0 In. (ratulated u llon being so forlnnate.

has no wringe r. With a wringer you hn vu to put y our hand s in the wuter and \A Jillg oat tile pi ec e~ oneortwoata lime. With t ho LaulI-Dry·Et'te you do an entire washi ng witho ut ollce touc hing the wo tel , Tho Lnut1· Dry- Ene d oes all the drying fu r you. It whirls the c lothes dry in one minute - at whole tubfu/ at a time.



Mr and Mrs. Elenry have moved h 'om tbe JllmEIII \lV. R c.berleon prop. ertv to 'be proper\y owned }>y Or John G . Maoy and rBOenily vacated by ~r. and Mrs '- Ira M Byferd.

HE I.uu n-Dry-E llu not onlywaabes T the c:lothf!s. but drietJ then, too. It

It W.. the Flnllh. The Com mod' - - -Knew It.




-----_ .. ---



---_.- ...- - -

Jan . I - Sunday after Chrislmas Jan. 6-i!:piphaoy Jan . M-lst Sunday after Epiphany Jan. 10 - Jewiah Faat of Tebet . Jan 15-2nd Sunday after Epiphany Jan . 22-3rd Sunday after Epiphany Jan 29 -4th Sunday after Epiphany




1I1R r<Q 1Ultt'11l1 Ihl soul : 1 h e ut.lded ,


Abe Allen Emrlok ball ,, ' n e w If autos were driven IIlowly, fewf'r eleotrlo wlisher-a .. Laun.dry. e tt A." folb would be driven slowly. A. L. Kirk, of WilmIngton, trllns Mr8, William Culemf>D IR viSiting lIotoo buti lue~8 b ere, 1118& week . her friend!!. Mrs K lol,z .. nd f .. mily, I In Clnoinnatl. Ho w many ohuroh memberll oall Meada mes MI'l y '!lrm ony lIud l repeAt t·he \en oornmandmen\e P Mr. Owen l:larrls, of Lebanon, Clara Thompson wore Dayton 111101'- [ 'pent Sunda y ber.e w"b ble parentI pera, Tuesday. Mre o Belle Coon IIttenrl e,j 1h e ftl . The Clv lo Leag lQe ladles .wIII give neral of Snmlla l Wltl mnlln .u t ti pring . \ a pl .. y lit Fireman '8 ball, Febroary 22 1J0r o. Monull.V. Tbe Clinton COllnty sberlO' W ..8 In Born -To Mr lind Mr R. Clllnd ll ' o or town, Satu r day, trlln880tlng Lewis. Thursday . Jonuu y I ll, )9 :)2, bu~lne8!1. <7'hree a daugMflr-Vlll r" B. Ruwors are a float ~ hat we will Frien dly Miss Loraioe Brannook . o f Ore. bave an dtlte sboemaker In GenUcmen gonia. was " week.end goe~t of onr town Miss Uorotby Colen:llm . Bow muob we will appreola\e tbe Everett Clark left, las l. week, for good old sommer $lme-so near Ilnd Purdue university, wh t1 re b e will yet 80 I .... take a oourse In agriculture. We ha ve for years catered to th e cisar'lIe Wbet'linlt, West VirgInia, was Mr. and Mrs , Be rne Jun es and li on , qolte II oontraot, bot tbey shoold try smokers of Ameri ca. Therle, were l:lundl1Y dinn e r goests I£aton, Ohio. of Mr tmd Mr s Will . Be rgd .. l!. Wilh Ihi, experience. We crtoled One [1.,,"8tlfety DepOSIt BOl:e8, 12 tbe yellr " III" - " Made 10 Suit Your Taste," or tbe John Wesley Jr 01 " S8 of the 1 Th e Wt1yn e~ vt1le N .. t lonfll Bank . Wayworld', tbr~e are"lest cisar~lle toblccosLytle I:!. 8 . met lit tho bOl lle Of .diss nesville. Oblo. Leona MoGlnnls, Frll'luy e vaDlng . I - TUR KISH , for Aroma Po ol try Ie going Into m!lrket at a I - VIRCINIA. for MUdneu Chlls Edwards lind family moved ' jively rnttl In thlB seoliolJ, lind &t a to WaynosvlJte, III ~ t, Tnesdl1v. with I - BURLEY. for M~Uown~u ~I1ti s flioto ry prloe Mrs. Edwards' fatber, Charles We nlmed th~m On. Elev~n - the .ddreu of 0..Uur st ok people are IIlok. nnd afe tlherwood. borne offic e. We are proud their ,uccn~ . th ougb t to be ImprovIng In some Miss Ruth Reeder, of R o ute , 01l8es, hot very slowly 8pent sevoral dllYs laat week with Have You Tried Them 1 At tbls wrItin g, the Kround is her sIster. Mrs. Warren Kllnrl ok at ' oo vered with soow flnd loe, maklni( Centerv! II ... t·rll vel very d .. ngel r ous. MrA Cora Jobns baR not been 110 UlenD C. Ollvl _I , of Wellmlln, Is w e ll. the pa.Mt week. Dr Kin g, a quIte poorly . and Is onder 'be oare n erve speolallst from Dayton . wall of Or. Nuokles. of WlltnlnRtoo. oalled to her home, last weell . The ~0ldt e r8 fl o m nro ond here Miss Ella Keorlok retorned to ber buve od mplet ..d tbelr pttpers, and bome In Dayton. Tuol!dny . after are uow 10 hne for tbblr b)nn8. spending a week wltb ber sister On you need any typewriter 's ~up. Mrs . Amllnda Cbamplon, of Boolai Row. pliEls ? Ye~, leud me \wo pound II (,f ollniy and a box of cbewlng gum . 114188 Mildred Bnrnet and Mr Oral Mr. Ilod Mrs J o n"than Morr is, II' Sorface were marrIed. Janua.rv 7, a\I'!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!"!!!! Sablnll, were tlall,urday vIsltur8 01 8baronvtlle, and are now " d bome" theIr bandsome new bunglilow, ~~~~ Mr !lnll Mrs. Ira M. Syferd, of near In ~In. Tree Flag U.. d In Revolution. weu of town. b e re. A flAg con"lst Ing of a white lIeld Aboot twenty.flve pers onll from with R pIlle tree III the cen l~r nnd the William Brown. who bae belln Ila' on bls baok for "(lveral wt1eJ[s . with here aHeDdod tbe donll\l on snrprlse niollo, "AP ltt"ftl to )-iPhvell , " \\·u s fi r/wn party for Rev and Mrs. Dwlgh t by thp flrs l war ves!!It" 18 (' () IIl IIl I ~"i loJ1 ed 0. broken leg, Is \bougbt to be 1m . ... Eumined ~ Wiant, '" tlprlnl(boro. Tbureday by \\'ushl llA'IO " al Ihe h'·l(ltt· proving . evening. They report a fine time nlng of Ihe Re ,·ollll ioll. II wu s cull pd Tbe oondltlon of our rOllds I~ AT !ll)DmATB PRIC. Mrs. 8 H. Baines, who ' ba. been th e pln(' I ret· fl8 g IIIHI orlgill u led \V fi b oauslng a grea\ demllnd tor auto 80tJering with faoial nellr IIKla for tht· ~ln ~l"ud ,u "' ~ l t s ('01011\', obalns. Our bills are very 81\ok and some time, went \0 Dayton Itlst dlingeroull. week, to Dr. Lewis, an operating Fnnk Mo{)arren transferred a dentist. and h'ld the nerve In ber truok 10lld or bogll to OInolnuatl, e"t. right obeek 1I111ed. People for Whom the urday, and bad a bllok load fo r cur Ly\le and vlolllity w/lre well rllp. merobllote Best Is None Too Good r6llent,ed at tbe Clearoreek 1'0 wnsblp The Bar leyebllug Ferllllzer Co . f' x drIve. Batord"y . Arc alway. tho 1U00t enbbwdut lc co nTwo f oxes eernlnl t.he 8Icellenco ot our held tbelr annual, meeting, Saturday were ollptured and s old for 136.00. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing afternoon, and ellBo ted t·belr omoors r bis monev wall don"Ied tn the l:3al. for the ensnloR yeu . ,·"Hon Army tit Middletown 'Va ba\'e o no of the m olt efltoloDt RemodellnK Departments Mr. and Mrs Earl B ookeU "n d Tbe "Live Wires," an organIzed daughter., nt mear WaynesvIlle. H. I:l . 0lR8S, beld t·h'lr buslnes8 and (n .. he co unt.ry, Fur. t,rlln. t\' rluOO loto t ho mod o \'ory quiok ly Metl 'N (Lud ,",'uCall me by phone were ~onday vis itors of tbelr pa· "oo\a l m eeting at th e ollon*ry home Ulan ' a garruou t8 al htr''Ol l In liny way d uo .l raU. . rents, Mr. and 141'8. Ed Realilln . (1f MIsS6S MIldred and Margarllt Wo dye fllr ~k l lH" 1I11t1 nomo'lul t hpm 'I.'be Friends Hunday Sohool 18 Clarll, Satorday evenIng . Thll ty lu all Y WilY, south .. Main Streets . pospossed at mu~IC8 1 talont, and tbe members Ilnd friends were prl'sent. We tailor make men'a or Waynesville, Ohl'o bes t 0 ' tousio Is blld Yon lire oorMr. &nd Mrs. W&lter Clark e n. ladles' aults, $&0.00 up. Latest dinlly Invited to hl8 wUh and enjoy It. route to Dayton by aoto, were st'rook styles. We pay 12.60 railroad Mr . Wayne 8h1ldalter WIlS the first by a Ford 'ruok, at tbe turn of the fare on every custom-made to appear npon tbe publto blgbwlIV ~yUe road onto the Day too plb , suit ordered from ue. In a elelgh. and took wltb blm ODe 1 be 'rook Wl8 driven by a baxter Seu ll g OOlh lJ& r cel 110IH. of his bes' glrls--bls Grandmo~her 'rom Millmisbarg. Both m~ohlnes We ha \'o uo IlV6 [) ls . Sbldllker. were badly damllge d , but no one was hnrt. THE TEASDALE CO. 6 ~ ft · 621 W~lo\l1 SI" Clncf n".tI .O blo Tbe relll J obn Barleyoorn of older da'Ys Ie gone. but not forgotten. Tbole of UII wbo knew hlin bel\, IQved hIm most. stuot wUb blm to tbe las' drop.


1I J(~ tln· . "

"I'n ss Ihe wor,1 ror Neils Hlllvor· se n," " 1I ~Il .. Rlell Mr. Olhlll·Y. " Ulcss

~o mlll ol lor('

Uur ol\lzeos turn out In ,oodly Dr. L. G. Brook ' baa been quite numbere at l!'ox drIve!. slok with grIp, the past w~ek.


frflllslH'L!n' nny un '




\\'ld dlf'd 111111 IlI zl l ,\'.


1 8 15 22

:.:.lrl ' I(')\t', 1 li t fu l1 r l '!',,!,,, ,-tl,, ,- ' ('ha ire,

l lllpll lll n l1!-1.


Jesse Stanley, ~OOK! Auctioneer

It III reported th. t Mr and Mrs. Ceotl Kirk will return bere from Ii''1Ytllrla, In the nlear future. and will 'gllin take ohBr,'B of $he Klrll res· ~ttOrtlut In the- CI~lltral Botel bnlld Ing. Mr . 1< "Isey. ID~peotor of work ~b ll (IS, wile In our ol\y, Wedn88dllY, oon80ltiog wltb o ur mayor regard . tDIt som e ncoess.a ry Improvemente whlob c " me under I·he mayor'R jur. Isdlotlon J"ID ~B

W. R ll be rtson. a r8llld8nt of onr t own for mallY yelln. Is at the hllme of bl8 silltllr, Mrs. Bou~h. In Wllmlnl(ton, and Is a Krea\ sofferer frOID tuberoulosll!, with little lIope of hiS reooverv. .


F or best results we ; use Miami Gazette's Oh io, phone 7-2y::!. 1Classi6ed columns, MY PRICE, ONE PER CENT 00000000000000000000000000 wet II ' tell the world! For sale dates, call W. C. Smith's Store, New Burlington,or;Harvevsburg,

\1 , ..... F'",n,

.\lan o rl t.:

1.,,' 0 .

· Ht ... h •• nrl

1 1!' ) I1 ~ h

" r..

,\ tldl r ,



(' o lh.· Kt hilI


.l ! h' \·nl ~ I ' "


ha!'on ' ,


"(' ,, d

l-t O I m:\ll\

p lcke 'l!

':':;' :In

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her .... ., ..

rI", lIla n ,


We have twenty thousand feet of

The Townsblp I:londay Bobooll OOD. ventloo, beld a\ the 114, E. onurob here, BondliY, WIIB a BUOON8 In every respect, A good program waR ren. dered, lind tbe attendanoe wall grat'_ fled BDd graUfylng.


A lady. sbopplnl In ODe of our IItores was heard lo allil the olerk, "Bave you a pallr of ,hoell IItlltable for tbl. boy?" "'Yea, oer"lnly " he eatd, "FrADoh kid; "rhap'?" "'No Indeed," ehe 88111 ' "Be "Ii. my own SOD, borD rlgbt bere In tht. $own .blp." .

here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting these log.. into Fencing Boards and JC?ists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price.

The following entertainmenlll will "'keplsoe In our 'Town ball durlnl the month of rebrnar1: lllth-The l..t number oUbe Leo ttlre oonrle . l8\b-TheWayne.YllleBlgh BOhool ",111 ,"'e an enSOrtalnment. 22nd-TJle League will Kive an enSOrw.lnmeotJ. . 24th 'and 2I1ih--'l'he Farmers' ID~\Uute will OODVtlDe bere. . . Uor ball 111 'Opelll tor dales tor leKi'ImaSO eDSOrw.IDmoeDM. Call CD or oommUD10l\M ",!tih 'be Mayor.





Don't MentJ.,. It. ,"'l'broD.1I a proc.a of lteleotille eaI'~.tlOD' InloDe ml, DOW vie" 1l1Iia, .elt a. the eenter or the unlverae.~ IBId Prot_or I. "Tba\,ma, b".JI"'" '18101'," replle4- { IIQr ." .... R*!I!bst pl. . . do m. tIII 'favor Dot to 1Uiti.

It to 1111 wtt.,..


r. ~f'! •

,( .

. :.

If you · are in need of Oak Lumber for any purpose, CALL




W. wiD buy Oak, Walnut,





The MiGni Gaz.tte, Wayne~~:1 Ohio; ~,

Fifth Floor Mutual Home Building DAYTON . OHIO


RESOURCES C... h in Bnnks ... ... . . .. '" e~


A c cu l . l\ ~ H C!l'c l\

. . . . t 1:1_':' 4. 8 ulll... . . .. :.!:U.. :~i .7 ~l

Real Es tn lf' , . , . . . , .... , .. " . .. .. , ..,. ,

;;It ,III+ I\ 1111

In terest

I .... , " ~ It; ~'l'l fil


•. •

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ccnj(:~ d 11llpr('!oo t tlfl Jt (lnd~ , . . .. . .. . . . AU\'8 I1Ced t o ~1l}l' '' l11t' n , . . . . , . .•. . " .

Ilnd F' i :d \l n' ~

Putnit llr

1. .r.,lIn

l.~.:I; j·~ {)(I

, ., .. . . ........ .

$ I ,307 ,~70, 82

T!'tal A ,SNs ......... .. . . .. . . . . . .

LIABILITIES I ~undr )' Account " l'aYll Io1 (· . .. $ r..'91.!1~ Notes l'nyulJl(- ... .. . ..... , . :! '"- :! .:!:.! :l 01 Not~ s

]) i. r ount~d


CUro~ l1 t

.. . . .. . . . .. Lin:l i1i t i ('~

Ml . IIG'; f, $:) ~S,


ICo 1.68

Sl' HPLl' S .. , . ...... .. .. . ...

9 R, 169.11 $0 5!l,I(¥.) .14

Tot,,1 U"bil it i ~. . . .. ... .

$ 1,307.270 .82

Quarterly Dividends Totaling 12;: , Paid in 1921 Edwa rd Wuich"!"

MiltCln Slern. \ ' ice "r"sid"nl

P tcs idf"nt

Kt'irer. Treasurer J. M. [)unwoodil'. Clar<'n('c

, irector

Julius V. Junes Sl'cr .. lnr y

C. W. 1I,,(fril l .

A. J .


Kirkpatr ick

Jnm c's

Let Your Money Earn Money For You in 1922 THE AMERICAN FINANCE CO.




Mutual Rom e RlIilding. Dnyton. Ohio.

Without obllgA tton on my t>a rt se nd n lift

d e talll


vou r

and !r.e bookt. ..


NAME . .. . . ... ......... ... .. ... .... .. . .. . ADDRESS .. .• • . ••••••• • • ••• •• •• ••••.• • .•


p llin

.. ........ ... ... .. ... .... .......... -

S TATE . . .. .. .......... ... ..... .. .. ..... .


D R I VEl!

Washington an,d Massie Townships, Warren County and Adams Townshlf>. Clinton County. will hold a Fox Drive, on .

Thursday, January 26, 1922, I.

Northwest corner of said territory. North line heginniol!' at the mouth of Caesar's Creek; eat to Harveysburg; thence eaet to Jonah's Run church; thence southeast to Springfield church; thence following Creek to Clarksville and Hick's Station; thence north to Senior Powder mill. and up the Miami river to starting point. Center near Spring Hill. Lunch on grounds. No dogs or guns allowed . Lines will start to move at 9 a . m . sharp. Positively no mlln allowed inside the ring. Foxes will be sold to highest bidder. Prooceeds to be giYen to the Ladies' Aid Society.

The Biggest Fox Drive in the State of Ohio For further information. call J . E . McC'arren. phone 229. Clarksville, Ohio

Rt!tail sail'S of Ford cars. tru ck s and F'ord son tractors have again exceeder! the milli on mark (or the year H121. according to a statement giv e n oultoday by the companv The Ford Company says the outl ook for 1922 i~ d ecid edly optimis tic These facts seem to indjcate that not only are the farmers buying more freely. but that lhe general public is becoming more r espo nsive and receptive. Recent reducti ons in Ford car nncl truck prices brought them 10 a new low level. The Too ring car now sells for $34il. the Runabout f or $319. t he Coupe for 1580, the Sedan l or $645 . the Chassis for $285. and the Truck for $430. all f . o. b. Detroit. This is the fourth price cut in the past sixteen months . Durinq that time the price of the touring car alone has been cut from $575 to $34H a reduction of 40 per cent Reduclions on 1I0me of the other tyneR have been even grt:ater. The Ford Company believ81 that this r ed uction. while not a large one. is especially impo rCant at this tim e as it should go a ' iong way toward stabilizing market conditi ons. - - -- - - - '- They Liked Le e k~ O wing t o tht~ lU Jl lllle~:-o. of t h e t:p ltIe ll'lh{os (01' the let) k t l .. ·II'" d" Io4(' (,IH.l ~ ant !'ol , I he \\'",0 1.,,1\ , l"t'lll i ll It II '" 11 11 e lU-

blell1 or IIIeli' l11l ti () ""lIt ,\'. 'I'll" leek

W " ~ 1..111 111l ) JlJ )'l un t

thf' An s:r lo·Snx \.t u!; c.:all" d ,j1t~lIl'

Use Miami Gazette for advertising


I ~u e

\' I · ~ \ ·IH 1 1 1t ·


lI nLl

111~· j ,. j.!'HI'lI t:' ll s

nlt:"ll s."

ZIMMERMAN'S We will haye on track in a few . days, a car·. 40,000' pounds

Franklin Pure Cane Sugar We are taking orders at below today's price in 100 pound bags from the car. Sugar has advanced and prospects for furth · er advances. This i!l the finest and purest cane sugar made, and now is yOur chance to lay i'n your sum mer's supply while the price is low. Buy Cane Sugar. you cannot make jellies, etc. without it. POTATOES-Fancy and pmooth atock. fine eaters. 45c per peck; per bag .... ... .. •

$3 00 ~:rp~~l~l~.1~~~.~,~~~~. $3.00

SWEE f POTATOES-No . I cans. 15c; No. 2 cans ..


Kirk's Jo'lake 10 Rars 59c White only Toasties. 3 Boxes Post 25c only ~oap.




FIRST-Every wire is drawn from basic

occurred in Mliy. 1896 . In early Iilre. s he j ol ined th e M E ch urch. uf which she was an activi ml'mt-er fo r 25 y.,ar~ . She thel' transferred her m e tllbcr~ hip to th t' Orthodox Friends church No privileqe was co unt ed more precious to her than to mee t wit h the people of God. in His Temple , to worship. and it was a Itre ut grie f to her when physical infirmiti es and circumstan· ces prevented he r ret.!' ular attendance on all th e m,eans uf I!'rnce. She wa3 o ne of th e most faithful workers in the Tempe ran ce Cr usade; she was tru e ar,d loyar to her ('onvictions . In the latter part of he r life, sh~ lived much of the time alone in her littl e cottage, and often said, "I never get lonely," No complaint was ever heard from her lips. but on the other hand, her s weet and pure life was a testimony (If the power of Christ to sav e unto lhe uttermost. and keep th lrough all conditi ons . Her ellen . cheerful. 8unshi:ly disposition was like th e ~ un s hin e of a bright spring mornin g streaming into the horne . and he r untiri ,g loye was beautiful and mal ked . He r one regret, if s u ch it mi Kht be called, we believe. was that s he could not be of gl ealer s,ervice li nd helpfulness to thuse wilh wh o m she associated. and we feei s ur,e that t he approach of death ~ aused her I II) Hla l'm , bul. wilh a con fi d ence ullshakl: n and a n unw'av e ring f~it h III her SlIvio r. she moved on t o the cn,1. She is s urviv ed by a nephew. F M. Bispharn. and a neire, Mary E Bispham. who is lin inv al id. and with whom the deceased had been living fo r more than a yea r. giving her tender care and loving compani onship, until the Mas ter said. "I t is enough. come up higher; enter thou into the j oy of thy Lord ."--E D . C.


Card uf Thub We wish to thank our friends for their kindness. thoughtfulnesS and assistance at the time of tht! death of our alln t. F. M. Bispham, Mary E. Bispham.

- --.

The snow of last last week was sufficient to bring ollt\ a few sleilths for a day . The machines soon cut up the roads. and sleighing was soon done for. What



The t,l"hll'ltynHIIi h.1I 1 ("I1 ,, \\, ed her from town.. H e 1111 ,1 Ilh :-ll' !,ypd the , purs" which sh{' h.·l d I" I,~, · I'd"d. rt WitS tut, even u!'t " pllllllp f'1 li d ~ ' 11 . She Wtts return i ng fl'41111 li p' d ry , :Ind he

bIded his "PII"'·IO.,, II.'

II ":IS dusk. A lonely pOI·t uf I!I .. 1'11 11' : ,. ! ; :oO IVllched. He sprung tor wn rd, ~Illl'd p t ! 1111' purse (rom her IInnd "nol <1; " ,1' . ·"rt" 1. He ' wenrl ~ d his WU)' hll d \ III 11.'1\ , 4Hee· fully he !,;f,"~ht lib ulLl~' I ', h 1111 , "I ~"RII ,Un!! \\'cll Innl)!'h l ." I ", . ,,1<1. And he opened the I\l IO· gP. 11,,,1 , " ''',,"e(1. It wus tut with ,h' ~ ," 1''' 111' 0'11" !

Open Hearth Steel. SECOND-Every wire is drawn full American Guage.

Miami Th'!ater




Wednesday, Tanuary .26th


"Should a Womall Tell?" Ry Alice Lake . Also. "A Fre!\h Start." a Marvel· Ray comedy.

Phone 61-2

Aman Building

Saturday, January 28th "Conrad in Que.1 of His Youth Bv Thos. Meigl'an. a Paramount Special. Also, Selznic Ne ws.


Tuesday, Tanuary 31 st

Sa wyer's

Tastes gOOd -is gooel!


Palatability! Tasti ness in dairy-feeds may be secured in two ways. By the careful mixing of clean. nutritious . selected ground grains. blending their natura l flavors into a normally sweet and appetizi ng ration. Or. by mixing with ordi nary ground g roin a quantity of molasses or sweetened water, creating a false appe tite for inferior grain. Union Grain~ contains no molasses. It is not artificiall y sweet. Its sweetness and fbvor are due e ntirely to l hc cle:! n. fresh ingredients it contain~. Cows like it Tl tHllrll lly. Because they enjoy it they digest Union Grains e asily, thus producing a h eavy, nat ura l milk-flow.



Ibs. Good Lu ck Spring I Wheat Blen ded Flour ......... 85c ' 1';1 110 Bulk Maccaroni or SptlII'h .. lti. 2 pounds for ...... .... 25c <I('-f,O Prunes. 25c l/:rade. Ib ...... 20c 10 Ib Bsg Table Salt .. ..... ...... 25c C reamery Butter, pound ... ..... 43c Churngold. pound ......... ... ... .. 29c Kernel·Nut, po und ........ .. ... .. .. 24c Po rk and Beans. ~an .. · ........ ... 9(' Matches ...... b ox , 5c; dozen ... .. 50c lib Ctrocolate Drop8 .............. 18c I Ib Peanut Brittle ............... 18c 7 Bars Toilet Soap ......... ... ... ... 50c I{eefer's More-El!'l!'s Tonic Spec ial, I pkg . fr ee with a $lpkg ..75c

5. UNION CRAINS 10 polotabl •• !: . J. :2 3. ~ ...


GRAINS h lI .. rr to (r ed. GRAINS I. IJtronll& in diahtible protein. OR AI NS ill low in h bre cnotent . ~ RAINS i,l o w it l m oi.t u re, G RAIN S j , U,hl411U bulky- bighly dlac:alible.

UNION a"'At NS Wil. th H fi u t co mm urc; o I da iry lead m.d". " h4l.' C ' V \J II eOtlt,nuo u • • • f ItJ f.u t J"on ( o r 0" :lO yo., • •

Aak u. foe Ie ... mUll record .h.. te

We ran now serve you Jersey 1\1 ilk at 5c a pint; 10c a quart Bring your bottl.,s. """"""""""""""""""~ NEXT TIME. TRY

Younce Bros. Grain Company Phone 25-2, U aynesvi/le, Ohio

Sa wyer's Get Your

Cloverat Seed ,


Younce Bros. Grain Company 11ry the

Miami Gazette's Classiliea


lor Results.

lli lEI==3'1!I [EI==3'9EI==:J'I!I IE- -= t:J lEI=:311:)"==1[:] lEI==3 El I



L Ford Prices ~






Lowelt Pricel in hi_tory of the Ford Motor Co.

T III a ~

Touring • • Runabout • Chassis • • , Coupe • • • Sedan • • • Truck Chassis Tractor • • .....


• • $348.0Q • • $319.00 • • $285.00

$580.00 • $84.5 .00 • • $430.00 · • • $826.00

• ••


List Pricel F. O~ B.' Detroit . Starter, $70.00; Demountable Riml, $2S.00~ when luppli~d with open types.

FOURTH-The Knot is large, long ; nd sim sharp bends.



. .A, car load of . Adrian Pence is on t he Irack NOW. 2 Per cent discount allowed for' (ash at the ear. Must be un~oadt:d by Thursday nig~t. I



D. ,Ha.W ke ,



- FBE~ M.


Telephone· 41

Hardware; Harne.. a.~d Farm Machinery

W.YDeaville, Ohio





'Author~ecI Ford Sale. and' Ser,·ice Aaellcy,

COLE' AUJUSlllle Mess.a, bhnd stuoent. play ~ 5.,. g~m.·~ 01 check(:r~ all al once and wins them all AI a boy, ,n aCCident d r ~lroycd hI 'l1hl He we,,1 tltrou8h the blind institute with honor TheQ he t>cca mr fht flrsl blind ItUdenl thai Columbia Unlveraity ever accepled In 19Z) lie won UM wrestlina _ _ .Iliac=:n:ntblP of Ihal cOUe,t H . btu biah marka ID Iven






with the best Gal vanizing Me tals. DO



THIRD-Every wire is thoro'u ghly coated ple, with


Waynesville, Ohio

"Drag Harlan" By Wm . Farnum. Also , AI St John, in "Cleaning UP." These are Apecials and merit your attendance.



Specials for Friday and Saturday

The distinctive features of Adrian Fence are:



rlir ..dor

Dirl'C tor

---o ._-_._-----


Director A. Smi th

Gt'n(' ra I :\hnnj!(' r


f G " dL k . , ~ h e II1lld e th at nll-im portunt choice ., e are oge nts o r 0 (1 u e FI(, ur I . , . . . . ' of acceptmlot .I esus C11rl~l as he r pe ra ~ l'rIn g whE'ot blend fl our; Rpll!ndld I. I S ' t\ th O k f Ih ' For a Bona aVlor . r S we 111 0 IS ' ('l r hOllle lJreaJ rnnkin~ . d.,lIr Kood woma n. wh o J Ot!~ not say ghort tim e only. a :!4 Yo· pound Slick that s he made t he wise choice. and , for S5c . Sawyer's Grocery and Meat th e best tha t m urtal could mak e? , Mar ket _ _ _ ___ _ ___ On Ju ne 3. 1856 , ~ h e was unit ed in I n1nrriaKe to Dr Edw in Bosler. and resided in Dayton. Ohi o. unt il hi s " death on December ~ l. 1965 She then r eturnt,d to her pllrent ~' home 'H


CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS Capittll ~Io c k . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . ~ '. ' ;II. fi I




. . .. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ ..:.:~.! r;I) , :~ " 1l\)I\d" n nd S~"lInt;' ·. .... .. ... .. . ........ !lll .:! 11i .:,1l Autos wn cd " . . ' , , ... . ". ' .. . .. , . . 1,1111: , !HI I cf )' 1('U r ~~H'I . , . .• .. , . .. . ' . . ••. • , . 11' I .:!' .." ).fi n

N oh's He .I' inl hlt! .

Sears & Cartwright ,


AS OF JA:"t".\!lY 111. 1922.

Arcep lu1\



VVeather today-- Fourdegreea above

With t he paR~i ll~ nway o f u an B. . lI e rrnan liuy spent Sunday wit h Haygle t on.Satu rd ay mornin~ . Jll n uary 7 th. th iR communi ty h.~t 0 11 of I hlS 11lIel,'. neu r West arrollton . I th pur e. l and be. l nf \\'Olllell . Her H rnanl J Br wsler s p lit Sund a y I real worth Rnd g ondllt'i\>1 we re kn own I wi th 11 ,11'\'\' Monbeck at Mora illeCi ty. lonl y t o lhose wh.) WNe mo t inti· Inlltely Ilcqullintt'd \\'ith I e r . IC yllll hr;;-III Ie ma rk e t forJ'il;ll r- ' 'us~n H ayalet w u~ the y o unge.~t ~c ry :'t llr k. gec L . E. Ke mpl e fo r all of Ii \' e c h ild rt'lI II { Th ll fllll ~ anrl ~Iiza kill.! < " r 1 ·1 1'~1 ·,: la:,s nur s~I'Y s l,a·k .· J,m llilll{>! l:l i ~ \JI HIt Il . Illl d wu~ hnrll near .. ., Way n~sv illl' ~ Uhi o, 0 11 the 17th day , ~ l. ,\\ I t'rr.v. J un es J ohn~. J ohn of Murch . 11:1:,8 ~ lo " q ll i(.tly and tll!l;. I' cl'ry ,md ~ernard J . Br ewster pen,'efull y pas.~ed t o her lI envt! nlv wert· I) H ~' t 'l n vlsl t o r~. oll e dllY lust hOllie froll1 Wa vn ps\·llIe .. lllllll nr v 7. week . : 1 ~ 22 Wh pil II 'yuun~ girl. she at· ~ l! I' . I t e ndcd the di ~ 1 ri d ~r h ool until the dr " "'a I" Jo.Ihott and fa mily, of fa mily mo ved to Wny nt'Rvill e, th en Rl ch moll d , I no! , sp ent ' atu rday a nd ' sl t t d t f tI Id Sund !! with hi r d th M I Ie )CCllme II ~ II en ." le o. y. s g an ~ o er. rd Acad e m). which s too d o n th e Mam , ~arah Shute , at t he «'fiends home. ISl r ee t of thi i' \' illnlt e III he r yt1uth, I


fr7J~O!l~ ,



~a ~





. . . .: .


Seventy-FourLh Year

L __



Cillcinn ul i.

Goml grttli " 0 " , ru /ls, wilh bibs, 98c , al Ii YlI'an's Harry S~· h ~·lIrl z . of Lebanon. VIoas in town, Monday W . N. !:lears wasil hus ineR8 vi~ilor

in L.. hanon . Friduy 'L adies' Uni ..n Suits, up to $2 nlue. sale price, 98c. at Hyman's. '.

Milton Thorn pilon Willi a busilless visitor in Mason, Monday.

Extra larll'e size Blanketa. $3_50, BIlle price, 11.98, at Hyman's: Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton are visiting relatives in Harveyai:'ura. . Men', beal Work Shirts, r~aular $1 value, sale price, 79c. at H)'man's



. G lid III # t ' th St . Marya u w mee Mra. Mary Cukey Thursday at ter, .' noon .



• ,

Cume WI/ rll ell Kelll' r. "f Veni a. Mrs. Emma Cllppman died suc.!denly, Frid,iY aft e rnoon, on her way ca ulC ht eig ht men from IlCilr .Iaspe r . home from the New Cen tury cl ub ICreene county, 011 Sunday. r.ut r. hi ng meeting . She aplleared to be in he r fis h th rough the ice. The buys' had usual health du rinll' t he day, and q uite a bunch of fish wh en the gam .. aft e r the clu b ad jour ned she got into wa rden cau ght them They were ~he auto of J. C. Hawke. in company taken to Xenia. where they were with Mr. and Mr ~ . Ha wke a nd Mrs . tried , and each on e had to pay a Howell Peirce. On th e way to the pretty s tiff fi ne. Friends Home, she fj'ma rked t hat sh e felt as thoug h she we re go ing to fai nt. On arri val at the Hom e, reo storati ves were adm in iste red to her , but :lhe was a lready dead . Mrs. Chapman was a n ea rn est wo rker in the W. C. T. U . and had laken an active inte rest in tht! Ne w Century club. as well as an int -"est T he reg ula r meeting of t he Mothin IOQIII poli ti cs, during the past vear. ers' club w~ Jl be held at t he usual She hat! not been in her u~ ual health pilice I"rhla)' II fl crnoon , February for some time past, and her dea t h 3rd. at. ~ :3\) A lll li~ mee ting it will ' was due to apoplexy . be' 1ecid ed wllcthe r soup be serv ed The fun e ral was held from her the children at t he Grade building late home. Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment inMiami ceme te ry tor the rest of t he win te r .


SEWINli- l bm prepared to-do a limited amount of both plain and fancy 8e\\in& Mrs, K ilbon.



But God bath led my d."r 0 0 l1li OD. ADd S e C&D do DO ..roll&'.

I k DOW no l whit t be tuture ha", U ls mercy



I ....1. the /0"1110<1 oar ;

lifo harm f rom H im ca n como to mo 0 0 OCIIIW or liD sbore.

,ITl rfl'


Aod 10 llmldo tho Sileot 80a

Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacBe th. Mr ~ . Frank Cubbage and C. C C~ok wel t! Dayton visitors, Monday afternoon .

Will Hay" former Postmaster. General, is .already plannlaa hi' ne .... . work .. director of the Na~lonal O rganiution of Motion Picture Producer. . ~ one Eastern editor' aptly remarked, "He hal left t he business in the world to tip the, which is goin g to be the biggen" The pict ure shows Mr. Hay, .ilning hll new contract at $I~O,O()O a year. Standing behind Mr, Han i. Courtland Smith To the riliht i, A. L. RobertlOn. The in sel't below i. of Dr. Hubert Work of Colorad?J fi rat 31.' ~ i. tut po.tmaner u.nder Hayt , who IS C!!Cpecled 10 re ceive th e appoin t-

I 100, lor hOUMllOld voice. 1"08, For v&Dlllbed . mUoIi I Ion• . ,

M.~:..:l':r:~~ ~~:~~~~Dd

. '~r J {'nr-'

1. 801\11 YILT

III. air:

I k DDW DO. where iii. 1. 1. ,",\.

'f loul r ' .... Ddod plllm8 10 1 oDl y lcuow 1 CIUIIO L d rilL BOJond til. 10\'8 " o d care .

" .. ) A

.r. r ..


-- ~

. .


Mr. and Mre. Max Kohlhall'en and ~ "rom WhIHle... ·• "The ElAlnlal Oood o_ . ·· IOn, Max, of Lebsnon, epent Sunday Card of Thanks atterl'oon with Myer Hyman and We desire to express our thanke family. and appreciation to all our friends Ladies' Bunll'aloW- Aprons In per- for their s),mpalily and assistance in d D t Ca t . teh $1 50 our recent bereavement. and take I ea e an . U8 ps 0 ma , " the medium of the Miami Gazette value, sale price, 89c, at Hyman II, for so dolnar. We sincerely thank

·t (


Yea l

• --- •

1 ~II 't It c u rt OU il

f •




CII II 8 milD den r nn d

CAME VERY NEAR .HAVING WRECK Alvah Hartaock, with his two sonH, came very near having a serious wreck, Saturday afternoon . He was going weat, :lnd turned 'Off to go up tbe hill at the t hree bridges. when hislteerlng whee!. locked . The machine deacrlbl'd a circle and IlInded In the ditch at the eide ot the road , rumina turtle None of the occupantl had a erratch on them. • ._ ...- --

--- .-.

-_. __. --


---_.- ...- - -

feel cheop ?- WII" 8Ide

: Cla rk 's O. N. T. Sewi ng Thread , DC a spool at ·s. There are two cases of diphtheria in th e Ki ngm an Rchoo ls, Outi ng Flannel. 20c value, slIle price. 12/, c, at Hyma:l's. Henry Simpson, of Ro ute 5, i ~ ill, anu his cond ition is cOJlsidered ve ry cr i tical.

wom an


IllPn mnke

hi ..


'I'1I 1 ~s

'\' hu



IS o f W oll e h ·· · , O lCtcs t c cl tp ....

IIIl' 1.,: ,lIled ~~. the m a n who kliOws .1: " ' Wall S tn 1 f1 t 1'''111 h t-~ - .t


Polti lld. h \'

luUco ~~

IlI n v ... ~


\ -.



Rev. J . F . Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. E L. Thomas, Meedamea Mary Cuk., and E V. 8amh.r~. and ~~. L. A. Zf..,merman ara attendlnlr the 103 A res- 7· room house . barn and aDnllal convention of the Di0C886 of other olltbllildinga. 75 acres tillabl e D.acrlb.d. Sout~m Ohio and the Houae of AD optlmlat I. a 1111111 who hullevu bahince timbe r. Best of soil. and o n Church Women of the Eplacopal (hilt what,,.r I. mllCht huve gOOd road, 2 miles fr oni SilTing VIlI church, at Dayton. today. ley. Price, $60 pE'r acre; $1000 down, balan.:e to suit purchaser . 20 Acres- Good buildings; 1 mile from Spring Valley. on main pike. Price, $4000 M. N. Douglass, Spring Valley, Ohio. '



- - -...


-...- - -

CHRISliAN CHUR_CH Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., and Christian EIIdeavor mee ting at 6:30 p. m , Everybody ia cordially In.vited to at Mlnd t hese ,services every Su nday


---.. ..- - -

To rren. Reg iltraUon 8yatem. · Th is I ~ R sy Will of registration ot titles til relll ('s tilt\! IlitrlJlluceu by Sir Roh ... rl 'l'o\f l 'I ' I\ ~ I,,' AU 8 11 'UI!U, - Olld . bears hi s lIome. 'I'hl ~'I"tiI of 0111dal eX IiUllnull tl ll rulCl I' 'IlL ''''utlou of t1t1 CH h ilS I) ~C I \ nelvIH!!(1 III .... 1I 8tl·il l!a ~

JtlIlJ,:lu nd,



IIml . J)IlI· I ,~

lied forlll II IS tbj! UIII I,II. Itl

. Ipl/l nC'S.

~e'iI:l llIl , 1-1 'Oolum-,

or ·lI1"lIull\. In II' mitdl ~ \1 ·tlll .ln ~ 'veml stlll"s of,. Ullw ulf und I ii t h e Pbll- .

.... -. -.-

~- -

Great Mom~liz.r. ,..; pilil'CMI' of ml!luorlzl DI fa etR nre JI"~"" ~d by .1, y ....ksbIN (l1:1I';lulI\t) 11I1t" I'ur, wbo bill! IUl!nblllJ a,~uy 111,000 Iteme of l8IIeraI W lltl\l., .. f,,1




The cnpitlll of this company is in vest ed in first ~ort gal!e noles, pl'otected by msn rnnee

BUY NOW· In\'es ti l:nte The Am erican F inance ('.om l>ony with a view to bu yi ng :It th e p rese nt price of $12 ner shar e. Eve ry promise ma de to Investors fulf ill ed, Q lInl't ~r4> dividends hnl'e been poid regu lar ly, at th e rnte of twelve p er e:ent ~er ann um J anu a r y. April , Jul y a nd Octo~ ber. . .

Tax Free In Ohio Ask for free booklet. finan-

cial sta tement and Informlltion which tells how we pay 12 % with safety. y~~ are eell'diaUy invited



at; our


THE AMERICAN FINANCE COMPANY Authorized Capital $2,200\000 Firth Floor, Mutual Home B dg. Dayton, Ohio. Bell Ma in 2186

THE AMlmlCAN FINANCE CO. .Mutual Home BoUdlnl. Dayton. Ohio .

Fox drives for the season of 1921-2 came to an end today, 'as the season on foxes closes on February 1st. 1'hls section of Ohi o, at least, made fox dtives a craze. and hardly a d ay ~ paued but some county nellr us had ,~,. , ,, _ ,,, a fo¥rive and clay pigeon shoot. The drive, which centered near Kingman, laat Friday. prov@d to be - - --- -

.. ............... '" ... , .... . ~

ADDRE •• , .. . , ~ ... . ....... _... ~ . ;. CITY ...... ..... .... ..... .. . , .... . ..

Mrs. L, A. Zimme rman a n.d daughte r. Mar y Louise. were Dayton vis itors. Tuesduy, Men's and Women' s Shoes, up t o $6 value, sale price,$3 45, at Hyman's Chas. Brown, grocer. who has been laid up for the past two weeks, ia able to be around alrain . MisS Josephin" Harlan is 8ubsti· tuting for Miss Dora Stiles. at the Fr iends Home, this week. The New Century club met at the of Mesdames Harris and Mosher. Friday afternoon.


. Men's 20c Work Socks or Canvas Gloves, sale price, lOc, at Hyman's. Walter Sawyer and family and Clint ROM and family spent Sunday with relatives in Harveysburlr' Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hawkeand,Mr. and Mra. Lee H!,wke were the Sun· day guests of Lebanon relatives. Good grade Calico, in all colors, sale price, 10c. at Hyman's.


LOST- Lady's plain gold watch, open face, and llold;w.tch pin . Finder leave at Chapman's Garage, and receive reward. fl

Mr . Henry A. Harriman, representing th t! Mellon National Bank, . Pittsburg, Pa ., was a caller at the Waynesville National, today.

+- - -

abou~ the la~lte9t held i~ this vicinity . OUROC~ERSEY At dmner time, at Kmltman, that l little bamlet waa crowded to the

,. ".


The Western Ohio Creamery Sta· tion will hereafter be open on TUe&day, Thursday and Saturday even· inACs. L E . Kemple, Operator.


Miss Beatrice Robltzer spent a couple of days last week at Cincinnati, with Miss Helen Marlatt, who brought her home, Saturday.

place look like a There hilS been q UIte a fund of en,. joyment gotten out of these drives: SPEC LAL-For thirweeklr-""w..tlttll---~-and several foxes have .b een taken, There will be a meeting of the Du- stamp your bedspread tor 11.00, inthe proceeds from the drive9 goinar roc-Jersey Breeders' Assn ., in the cludlhg sham sheets. Several nice to some charitable enterprise. Farm Bureau office, February 7, oattems to choose from. Mrs. Kilbon --- -1922, at '7:30 p, m. Eve ryone ill" Vice-Pres . Cartwright and Cbllhler urged to be present . Henderson represented the local bank at a meeting of the Warren County Bankel'l" 888Ociation, at Mor· row, Tuesday evening. Morrla. 16-year-old son of Mr. and

...--_ ...



Mrs_ Charles Cro!lS, died at Lebanon , Friday, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. The young man was a pupil of the Wayne Township sehools, and had many friends 'fhe funeral W88 held Tueaday a rternoon at 1 o'clock, from the Utica church . Interment In Centerville cemetery,


No Long.r Approprlat •.

Mrs Tboa. H81111 died at her home, near Xenia, late Sunday afternoon. after a long iIInet!ll. The funeral was held this morning at 11 o'clock. Interment at Byron, Montll'omery county, Mrs. Heaa wu formerly ~ realdent:of Wayne townahlp .


------.. ...------

SOLO PROPERTY Floyd McKu,n, of Springfield, sold bis property on North I!treet. last week. to Dr. Stewart, of Dayton, ·wbo bought it for a home for Miss E1iubeth Stewart_ She ~ will probably move Into be\' new bome about tbe first of ,March


ARE. CUTTING ICE W. C. Pbllll.- started. to cut ice OD lIiddle BaD, lIond.,. '11le Ice about' ..... IDOb. thick .. the KlID .... Is .., lieu ud of aood quallt.t . . Be . . ~ ~. workIua for him.


- - -... ...---

Fifth Sunday after E piphany. FebAn IfIdlao na llled Mao-Afrald·ot· ruary 5: Church School a t 9:30 a. Nothlll g ma rrIed a white woman la m ; Sermon and Holy Communion at Mllnlunn !lot 10 111( II go. and In alii weel alt er thl' wedding h; IIpplled to bl. 10:30. The public cordi ally invited trl\)e I(l ha ve hla UIiID. chllll&ed.-ao. to theSe serviCe!!. tOil Trunscrlpt .

- - -.... ....---


non. Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. F.. B. HenMraonanddaughter, Louise, Mrs. Carl Hender_ son and Mrs. J . H. Coleman were Dayton visitors, Monday.

~:~iy~~i~!/he I'l<'l ure

Mra. Chu. Orford, of Lawton. Okla .• who wu called here on aeeoant of the aerlou. IIIneea of ber mother, Mrs. Tboa, DeIIII, returned to her bome, lut Friday.

f'r /·t; t-

; week, where' st.e was operated on . I The ope ration WAS very IlUccl!ssful. and the patient is getting along very well. It is hoped that she will soon be able to be at home .

Allen as feelinl much better. Mrs. Eva Frazee and dlluahter, Roaetta, Mias Mallie Beckett and 'Ivan Henderson, of Lebanon were gueats of Mia! Grace Patton, Sun·

tn 1i11 T.r ·· ·t~· p1 nc·' in

The river above the dam was Meeting every Sunday a t t ht' reg u, frozen over. Sunday, and was full of liar hour. Sunday school a t 9:30. Our .katers. The ice at this place was I school has grown from t en or twel ve smooth as lliass ana a multitude of to abou t fi fty reg ul a rs. Come and skaters enjoyed the afternoon and I t'lnjoy t he day wit h us . Amos Cook, Paslo r . evening . Curtia Thompson had all the fun. however. He attempted to s kate acroas the point where the race starts but the ice was not thick enoug h to hold him, and he went under. Hi s companions formed a line and soon puJled him out. He was taken to a house near by, thawed out and sent home. The Rush pond is still in fairly good shape, allhougb the warm day had the effect of thawing the ice. and it soon became very roug h .

HAD AN OPERATION fOX HUNTING A! WILMINGTON WAS ACRAZE I MrR. Chas: Lynch was t8kjln to the , Hal e hospital, in Wilmington, last

Mr. and Mrs_ W. H. Allen ra- everyone as It named. . turned home from Cillclnnati, Friday C. H Sberwood and Famliy.

evening. We are glad to report, Mr.

J t> hn Lam b is q uite ill st his home on F ran kli n road.

MOTHER'S CLUB No r ton attended the fun eral TO HOLD MEETING of Will his neice . Mrs . Hatfield, at leba-

The Eill'hth Grade att!nded the fu- band was former~y a member . neralof tbeir clusmate, MorrlaCro88, Sbe was eesentlaVy a .ho~e-makel TUtIIIday and a home-keeper . Being In tensely interested in the activities ot each of . J. O. Cartwrltrht and Levering her children, at all times ahe aasisted Cartwrill'nt were Cincinnati visitors them to the fullest extent ot her Tburaday.. . ' ability In their daily tasks . Truly, . ' or , I h e was a wite and mother, not to be ~~rl"a ~.)'er, 4 Boston, t!xcelled. . ' uest of her aunt, Mrs. Death, due to apoplexy, came sudM. . , Sue Ii:. ua ea. denly. while Ihe was about her u~ual household dut.ies. We can but fe,.1 IIrs. Frank Cubb'llte , of Washln,,- that the per fed. order of her earthly ton C. H .. WIlS the week-end lI'ueat of habitlllion i8 'fittingly sym bolical of !Jer s piritual pre paredn ~ss for he r y MacBeth and family . _ Heavenly abode. Earl Conner ill carr) ing the, mail , • between the p08toffic e a nd llle railroad, in a new Ford l r ul'\, .



l. yd i ~ 1\ 1 H "W I'. " Idy child of Nur und Eo! , ,. .J " ~ , " "Ill II IIrown . Wli M b O rtl I ut \.\ \ 111 . " Dt'ct-m l-,... r 2, ISlif. , 11",1 .1",..,.1, Ii lloi ~ lif.. II I I... r home in WOY II""viU ... al 11 ':40 II Ill . Janu';.r)' ' 12, i!J22, ' ailed 51i ) Clil S. I I mont h and 101111)8. i _ On he r nille le,," th hi · lhduv. D.. cemlJe r 2. 1884, she WAS uniled in marrialCe with Chull et! H. Shl! rwoo d 1'~ llVa union fll ur children were born: Edilh (now Mrs C E Eowards ), lfuward, Ell en (now Mrs. H. A. Conll er ) anli Mury Amandu, who preceded her mothe r to her Heavenl y home in October, 1918 Sev .. n grant.' children bave shared lhe laviRh aff'ection bestowed upon lhem by ar. indulgentll'randmother. OneofLhese . little Karl Edwards. went to t he Great Beyond jUst tour JearB ago . Ail ber lite was spent In and near W&ynesville, excepting two years in Xenia, and one in Washington C. H he was a blrthrlll'ht member of the Society ot Frivnd., and was valued by them as a Primary teacher in the Sdnday School and an inlerested WO I ker. . Reclontiy, her rill'ht of be-~' h ' lh h f mem ,~IP. toget er WI t at 0 her husband, had been transferred to the M. E . church, of which her husI

C. M R"lo iIZ"r " !I~ Thtlr~d llY

Wh1>le Number 5472



- 0



SHI~" LL 51~. uB


If C h a In p i 0 II J nck Demp.ey makes a trip tv Europe 1his spring, as planned. he very likely will be snubbed by this little lady of France. S he i. JacqUeline Carpentier, oneyear·old d a u a h Ie r of George, Carpentier•• This photo was caleca 00 ' her fint birthday.

The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.




":-:I1("~ 1l1~'


Thl' "(III1I11<)(lorl' d. 10\'1' o{ n hoilt nil' It lor 'lIk. IlI'l1rt to gl vr u p the \mly com!Il" IlII l'\'e ~\'I'r ' IJOet hUI Ihe ract 1&, !\Jur, he r P()~SI'I\' .Inn b.,· u" Is tlRng~roU ~, 1111' we IIol1·t. nerd her, lin' we ru n't sell her lIN'IIU_" Iwr r " o''"O'I!'_ /lnt hl urs Oil II . \\'(' I'nll'l C'OIl \" ft y


r ll'tlu nn '


~Ht l,.:rfll·t'\I·~· fltlf'.

An yhow. !!he 011.111'1 rn~1 11 8 n rl'n l I, n' Ihere nln', no "('nl I1nnn ('lnl I,,," If 11' •• /11,·1' hrr I" Ihls 1I11111!. 11 .·'(/ 11.-. /11".1 I" "'101'11

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f·ntlJ.!ht wllh Ih~ ~lIod~ In ."Ollr pll "'!iil'~ . ~ In n . M IU' , II II \ nli,'~ th .. 1"1'lull llll ' nil 111 ... hurd, 'r. B •.'~ldf~~. we'I'" I hr.' ..., tCl 011(' , nn' I f It {'.I IIlI\ !'t Iu n fot t IlIW . tlOWU In ter \\4' ('nn 1I11 1:,\\'('nr I hp mntf."


111111, I f II" 11 '1'. . t,


"I .



o rllij lr lllnil hIt· Su lle III ::;'"1 F'rlln CIIH'O'S "'''"I fll~ lil ollt\h le lrot t'1. Mr. OIbney

\\' elJ ," lu.' tlI1l1IltJI H' fI4Ulr" Fi I' 11 1I y, urn r hI" tt (rn," lilt' (oily In th e fU t' (' 0' n ((llon '1I ,1('n lh . l" 'l' HlIlI ).- JI h('np 0' mon ey, follt ' T"l u' (; Ih' s IlIh' lt-p, "II' hu!;t




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,1I"IIIt' ~ 1I 1' 1' II ' l'l r UI> to n (1~rl u .1 or j(\I UIll·II11n'h·<I • ,\I !III' rnl! of II week or rI ot I1l1 d re I "Iry ~ I r . (;I bll")' r l'l'll'<,,1 s litlI l'Ic lltly to lBu ~ r t' r nJI hal1d s nntt lend th ew t o

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n Turk is h hlll h. Two tl n,"!!t In th.., hut ll r rosttlrf'd 1tW III \\' ol1t1~rrul1y, nntl wh~1I

: I d .. IH.\\ ,., .. , III UIIII' UIII ''''' UI , goon,1." t in' , '\IlJ..:. t · \\, ' I'll t 11111''' ' '1\ ,'" ''' I'I ~ (lI ll l« '11I 1'111111h I " 11011' 11110111 !\' ... 1I~1" (1u r r lerl Cnp lftln l hlll rI" 1:l! "I!~' II /lit· , . u \:1 .. ld" I l l, · lu\\, nil 1111 ... IUlltt ' WIll" ! SI·I·IIJ:l:S. " P n WI' "0"""11" II. Il' t thnt 111·' ·... ' · 111 all' kn"\\ . . It. \\',.' " , d,Ulllit-ti " ~1 111' II "U I" , ' " , ",I I .. • !lulu"'·... j'x · fh'('ldlllll d In 011 ou r rllrttlnt'!'I ?U 1111 ' ,. · ... :-I · I · ~ 111I1t 11' :1 11' rl /! . l ift ' "HI'liU'I ,tI " tl l1, II 1':,11'1 . ,·It ? \\', ' 11, I' ll J\l~1 11(11 "If \" ' 11. nll il·nr' ... n hll rl " " ked y<JU -,"OU h p .... '11." IJllt 'r ,·o..:t In th e ~)IIII1 · I lip fh.~ Itld ~1 1I1.!~1.·' ... I' UIU'!':-- 10 !"ttllt Ihe Ihnt I1l1 e"tion w1r~n 11C ('Ollll' to re"r uf' ('n 1(" - " :\llq,:g-1.' I r, 1111 ' ",p' \'(. ~ I ,'f' Ih'r II Ill'''' yoU th,· rl:I)' )'o u In), n·llyll1· 0' th Irst "It nln't ll lhr. ~Int' . It nln't th Ui. ~ C\ . (In"~:-, . H ilI IU th ut. H's lHlrd I n 11 1:4· fin thn l rl ... ~('rl Is lnnd. wouldn ' t you l~l ,d y 'Jl litl ! : l ,!I I,' .'1\111' nn I 11 1'111 nhllll~ J.:'H I::l·:1 ~ltlp ilt /I Ih., pH!'!. 1111 ' lhp ~ll. hn \'(. snhl )'e" 1" (0 IIhlp hll1l l1i" Hilt It aln 't l ll.lky, ('I'l'l ... 1·I'Y It'. ' HL:pmS (l' dll' .' ''''xl-· un J,CfI'·· "S Url' 110 Ll." Y OII \\ n~II ' 1 ~lIr\' 1I1d n ','111 c nnnlbnl t'rlll ll "111 1I111~' tH' H - 1lt~ tit ' I"'" m: III ~n n "Thpn don' l ask no QlleSlIon s thn I'" !'iU\ll1!: l~ ~, "'Of,; ~ntl'! ron U1fHl£' :'\ etl~ FI' Ullf'\St'U: 11 111 1 \\' 1111 11 11 :-; It,' rl - mo t e Iloll'orthy ),(lU," sold )Ir. Glhn l'~' seJ;11 ll: l f'l.~ Oll' !o:1I\' (\ " ' 11\, nn ' it tllok \l R I n~ ln \I~ 11 11' .. "ady tn lurn "flt h "::"! evl . "f'rcl y. " I d<ln' t wllnt t o 8f"t..' none o'





to l'l' lIt liP 10 011' Ih·.· t In· l!<lnrr,1 nil' Ilrop \ 'rr, 0",- " "13ul II ClIlIl1lhnl'ti Ilk ' 11 u,lll,h "('11>1. GIll . l! ~ nln 't r~>I'"lIs llr lt' . Th is I1111 It·



hnl , ll'~ ,1

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n I. omy

thf> l·I1 ~IIII.' . ' r.


"Ah! " Mr. Unllll'Y f oreflnger tt t

wlll' rc you hit Ih,' 111111 "II Ilrp hl'lIl\. He 's 100 ny, IIn ,1 Ih p l"" ' ~ I) nly til 1I wnys 10 k('{' p IrII1l from lI ), h, ' IIW Il~' with us.

'l~ lIe

flr st Is I t ) reed III III 1(1

thE' ~ IUlI'k8 fllH1 I h t' S ",..01](1 I ~ 10 (,rf'Ht hi m l Ike" 10 ll;:·losl br oltr,·r. I Imow he aug In I.!I lie Iill" ol"l'rh(}lll'tl. bUI I nl n'l bot llr,' 1I~lIrl lu kill hl111 111 cold blood. Cunol'lj ll en l lr, we gOt 10 11'1 th e ,' 11111 111 Ih·c. ",,' If you 1;1) 10 lI,mtln' hi m up, Mn r, )'ou'lI milk!' hlill sure nn' h,,'11 """~h 00 It!' whell w(' /reI to H ono-



I. .~~~~uy l ...

GI~ Fitted t AT HI}DRRATB PRl~


TIFFANY'S Optical Departllleat S. Detroit St. Xenia,

Ohio evenlnp b)' appointment


Dr. W. E. Frost VETERINARIAN Phone 44

Harveysburg, O.

Forest T. Martin Auctioneer Get my terms for your Public Sale. ~ Satisfaction guaranteed or f!o charges.

Box 91, Centerville,:Ohio Home Phone 2, Centerville Ex

r-----------------, I

"We're P Ira tes Under the Law-"

h e ' ~ (411111 1\

\\1 111 11 /1' ~d ((' O Ilf' I' III 1 1i~ P li,,:~psHI(l1i It' ll Ink,· n Ii. ,up o' " "ltI"IlI '" f'or hlrll til I,r·o,·,· ' hut iI .. 111 11'( f'lIptuln

Oll r 10 111"1, r or:!l . p" IIrl. slll'lI nllll enpra ill J I ,ofl't..! lil li , 1It 1' 111t'1I . Wlll'lI \\'l." "" rh 'l llIl'rj

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S :I Tl F!'IIIl I ·!;.;' ·I '!"




DR. H.E. HA.TBAW A l ' Waywrille', Ullloe iD BalntIIJ

Leacl.n,r Bide,

~I " (;II IT(' )' Oll" ,~ ~'

8\ 'I .'I, '~ d .

g rl\wllng. un ol

COll i In ., .·,, :

H\\'hl' n w e~ re I'Plltty to l(ln,'" H OHn.

fL . Waynesville, Ohio National Bank

h , II ,,· s.l'l1ul r nt. ·... M r.


Den".l Matn !:II


gr~~ I1 ·re n

trolle e l hl cs c r opp ln' tr It II'lisn't ror Ihnt Sl\'e tl t' Ih .. sen' I/I1I!S'd be plckln' our hones 1I0W. Nplls lluryorsen Is In. r lnrll'd In Ihl. ·syndlcate ror goo<l." of "Am.n." ThI s f rom th e honest Mc· A SC \ , .. ,- (lId ~HI, J.dlc. Gutrey. E lean o, a 0' Lu ndoll. is g uing 10 Iry "?lIIll'tln's IIdJournell." sold Cnptoln to t lYlulatc IIl0ntllll's act of 30 ve ars Scraggs IcUy. a\to ·by " ,. : ~. a t i~h l rOI < ac ros s N i3J.{ JI,1 Site will . tl ln e to ' Undl'r the directIon ot Ih e crnrty Am e rr ,~ '" J MIC for tlr,' 1, " 1. commodore. th e \'al unhle cnr~o of I h@ Mng~ IT 11'118 dlsposerl ot In Hnl1()IlIlu. Durin g the peri od " 'hll e t he 8choOnpr "I~' nt Ihe d Ol'k rll.,·hnrltlnA:, "Dog ltl~· (':I t ~ ." II, ' 1,JII "tl':,,' d, "", l in t' :: Cnptnln Scrnggs and Mc(;ulTey pru· Ihp II',' ):ll'ln' hl," Ih.· I"'~",' I If WP dently rem nln rrl In the r nbln ",lth Ih e d on ', ~I\'t.. h llll ~ flIII P s pnlll ltllld\~ t n prrtldlou s mille. In orrlcr thnt. sh ol1ld oUlfil hl':r II'IIh 1:1'lI h 11 11 ' 511PI'III's 7 1'000r nn Inl'pstlgaUon be umlerlnke n IRte r dC"II ! I lIe l he 11111 '1 I,;nl n '· ...11 10 by t1w Treosury department. no man bll's hIm ell wllh. S('I'II/1J:~Y. old lI,r· mlA:hl ' "w('n r rhnt Ih e real Ph Ineas pot, tt ,,'ei re Ilotn' to turn on~r n flPW Scrngjrs. fllt hl1s l pr. hnd hrpn Ir. BonD- leuf /In' he Chr l.tlnn •. IN'S .,, 11 II IH IC'r lulu on II ce rlnln dOlI'. Th e Konnkn a fu ll clo ud n' err on,s." c rew or th e sc hoon e r Mr. OIhne~' mnn. "By l'i'C'plllnp. 1IIII t'. sn. Gl h. ThI s nged to s hip with an 01,1 hlpl11nsle r feller did us ltl' n ll' fl1l dl rl~' 1I·le k. hUI frIen d bOllnd for 1\'611' GI1II1 ('n. 80 Ihl' lr It th e ~ nm e lI me 11 1t'r' n lo' l n c(l\\' lIrll· testlmooy II'n s out of the WII JI' for Q Iy bon e In hI s hull r· ltr'·""8. I oln't while.. at len st. torgol how he .Ierod III Ih p gU llS Ihot Wh en th e MA gg ie II \\'11 8 tlno It y dl8dny 01T the COl'oll" I1". when we wus c/]n r/lpr! ond the pro(,eI'rls of he r rich attllck ed by Ihe M xl, ' no ~." r orgo n .... II ed. In crisp b ill s of lorltp. "Stake the t r l1.' r. O lh." IIlh·lse.l Mr . llen n mll1ll1 lno. In n mOIlCy be lt und e r autrey, eod w lpe, l Il\\' n~' 1\ I'IIgrnn! ~rr. G lh ne ~"s Armplt~ And npx l his rft s('filt,l' sk irr . lie pur('hn sI'd Il ckN< uncler tear. He \"118 Qull P O\'(' I'Cn ll,e III hi. ror hllll sl'i r, SCMl j:l:s. own generosIty end the 111111111 ' r In' nssllnll'cl nn whlcll It hnd lou c hed the honl h!!lIrl M rG\1ll'e~' 1111 ,1 Hnlvor~e rr (\n tire lin e r of Ihe Ini''lull olls 11111 11'. 1II1 ,'u llln . d il l' 10 .n ll III n"(l n npXI dny. Mr. (tIll"" .,· IR ld tI\' e o ne· hI1lHlrl', l· Th l"p lIetnll s nt le nd ed 10. Il'e ~1 1I1l' ,ln1 ln r hili III th e I11l1l c' s puhll . d e Il hnel!l'd AWRy rr"m II", dllelr 1111.

Itlili. 11',·'11 hrln ): t h Is !lIlIt e 011 Llerl!. m ll l!c hIm rt klt1l1 Chrls ll lln tnlk UI1 ' g il'c hIm the JlIn ggle II wllh Ih e 1'001p 'l me11t~ o· Ihe ~Ylidlcllle . 1·1,,'11 Ihlnk 011 r sutferln's On thllt 1.ln nrl hUR t ouch ed II ~ wll h re "'/lI Oo nn' hC' 1I he so t l.·kl crl he'll keep h~~ mOllth shut. T hen . with nil Ihrl'e of 118 snle nn' Ollt o· Ihe mesa. nn' 11 ,1' " '·'d pnc" otr our h : lIld~. wc'lI clf'''1' niH for O nwd'S coun. tr .• nil ' lonk nrllllll<l rnt snme sort of 0 Dl 'l}f1tlthl~ In"n v t moLtn t "

--------_. •




If "'" u rc nslwrc, 1'111 sUll th e tHlIlIHld o r l'. 1'\o\\', set orottnl1 no' we' ll trold n 111 ('tin '. " Ht! hlln g"" I he chlfTnnll:'r wit h hIs ~ r e lll fi s t. " ~I Nln' 0 ' Ih,· ~ I III!j! 1 1.' Byn·

11 11 ' (1 " "11

11kn l ~."

' lot'

,·o rr,.. III nl'<lH.

1\lllll1,rr'l·rrt. " ~ I ('etln 'll TIll' Ilrs l 11I1"'lI ess he·

rnrfl the I1It ~ , ' tln ' Is


l.'nll (or \' ohm,

t" .. r~ 10 rllril ish 11 IIIIIII " Y"III, klll' 1,Iee for th e ~)"rr ll('II I(\." ~' t'II!o'

II :lh'tl r~"'n

~ hnok



It.· 1111<1 Ill' Itl{,II.. II. ~l d'ulTc y, E ~ !JIII,·e. ~h"'.k 1I1 ~ h l'llIl III o. Cn\ltAln

1, (>111 1.

Sc" rn cJ,!s wllntL'f f tn


"I SI'l' It's lit> III 111 1' to Sl1J:\o:pR I some· Ihln· ... ~Ir. GIIII1(' )' mllr.1 hl:'l1l A: nly , ftS If 11 11101l l'~·· llIlIlcllIl: Iden II'IIS Ul e (,{Is lest Ihh, " 1111 l'n" lh ' 0 IH'o,lu ce. "Th" III! t

h1 ess ln', orgnntze u

comp'ny, HO' go

buck 10 HlIl1lluvu on' DlRke so me money for ~' () lIrs If. Scrn/:gsy, are you o·wlllin' I" nro,' e Ihol you've given thIs enln ' "'Ille com plete torglvenels by sholr ln ' hnnlls with hlmf' "I f orgh'c him freely," sold Cnptnl n S('rnggs. "nn ' I'ere's my 6n on It." Th e unfortunote mnle hung his 1' (o IH/. n e wns mu ch Dlo \'ed. "\' o u dUII't menn It, s ir. do you'" he fnll e red . "J hnpe I mny never see the hnck 0' m~ neck It I dOu' t," replied the s kIp. per. " Sun'sl thing you know. brother," ph OUI C,1 Mr. McOulTey ond swatted th e tl elurl NI mnl e between the shou lders. '''r"/(,, I,~r with our complIme nts. You \\'0 " n I:uod b "nve mnte unlll you went wrong. I nlu·t forgot holl' you Rpr",I'I"1 the hill sides with le ntl tIre duy OIh lIll' Scruggsy WAS took by th em cnnnlhills. No, slr·ee I J nln't holdin g no g l'utlge. It's humnn ' to commit c rim e. 1'\'1' committed one or tw o myself. C;ood lu ck to you . moley. Hope ~' O \l mnke a barrel ,~' mon ey wllh til e old g Irl." "Thllllks ," the mute mum hled . "I olu't tl esc rvlo' 0' this nohow," oiH] he commen ceu to sO l\'el R little. Mr. (l lhn ey rorgot thn I he wns· playlug n hypocrit e's pn rt. lind his gener- . ~ nil e nnturl' OI'er<'llme him.

TERRELL eX TERRELL , \Viltnin glO n. 0 .. phone 301. IivIl Ht· no ~ . 1Il0rtgul("" N.H{~ llo nl!ht . ,I hl1 HlIl'hin .... Alltlll Built/lUI(. X ll lli .. 0 : io " ~ ~~

L II ll.u l M ONEY obatte ls , "I""






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fo lh,·

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tl Wlll !I !oo h,u·l'.

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~ \lI H' r N tlll tJ lI~

li S It nl' J,(ro. ~N·()tl lh' (1 tlu.' IIwt lO I1 Iwa rt ·


r "M !l " II~lh!t, IHrDler~ , n'y "lid 10 II\' nnd ti l P Cll llllll l lh 'c fo r thwllh ~1I1 · ~ lI c h !Il1~ 11IJ.l lII'i oi np!J,,,. 1 ~ Ir "n(lly. II~'(\ (,H· th 10 ('()IH~ lIlt til l' l' l nlrn lYII III. \~. nfl~ r .. dn y fur dt4tftll .. , \\' lI hh, ti,,' h(l llr Ih{Oy rrIUrII <" 1. Tille W A "K Il. " to:'I'U(1K FAIINS Co , " .Ml·lIl he r.s I)' I he sYllt lknte," the "O UI ' ~'I H'''II " ulr l.. r I:Ildl(, ~"wtlton. U. ntm lo r e nnno1l1u'('tl, "we ~nt UII hlt'u. I:lll Kot n h e tll\Tn J:ol'cl one, hllr I'Jllr til 1Il1l1 rI II II' . ~I, ' 1111 ' ~I II(, clili s 1111 tI, ls ~1 111 1Hn w t1~ \\,hlll ·YOII · "lIIY·('Il II . IH',. H I)'

tl l(~ 1I1 11l 1l1 .. Kilt" ~w l ~ II I"Hlp ttl my mil ( It I s worthy (\ f n·lllllrl< tl ere 111111 Mr. n lhl"' " hutl n ~lIl l'n s ll tult ~ll'tI 011 lilt'

'''0('1, ;,f ir is

Ipr l III" It I.


f"II ' I'I):J:<' " s hIp


SALE - HOGS old . · "~1r l o,, .. d

B IUPolTp.l'o ·, nd ( ·hi" ..

~ Il ntted

H" It~ . ~~ " I(I,. b br .. d

Ids hrl 'Jlsl , IIl1 d II j..:"f·I; "tI\I ~ pk · ( hOiI " I She h o ur ) I,IH' kll1l1 , ur fore . IIf II lut1~· t'lI !1I"III~ n IlId ~l l.'r flllhPr . RH O l U r I.~ . h'w ' o l,.d . \) ' If nd' II' lIt'l] tlltl Inlll'r ~ Id ... hl !ol I1rllWII,. "I lult&. l ,h~ t'~ ..... 111 10 !t I t! hi ttl' 11 :'V l lo r ll: hl r1l1'l'1I rill . TIr,· r"" 1 or tlr p IR.I)' "ani \< h .. 1 Ib .. IJ1l' (.J I. ".". t.lltI ..t bu Tbp 0 111 ~ .. W I ~ I til .. , t l(lI/{e III q lles l lnll trlln~ II .. W II IIt'Ju \\' th e rrlna;e III ... Ih .. fHrm hurl /If" ; .. b., I\r l ~ btltl nf :\1 1'. (;Ih l ll"l y ' !" s hun s let·\·t' ) sh e gnt lIII nIl ' ~II )' S: ' ~I)' (r ll'", I. yo u're mak· \,IHl r "'P11 .1"0 4 t} " :4 rh f' t1u "M t' '' ; .. h., In' n J.l r ll \·, ' 11I 1i'f lll.(' r Cfiw l l,1111' nl'l il url!. h Ulld~ Ih;, . e h ',,1. II .. rt f'huro h ~ H.'Hl d

li t '!'!!!"'"


II r




Th en s hp wlI,h, ul h r Ampn o", woulrl 110 to '11 0 b,.d ti " Rllfll" II · . (~I va hAl' 11 (l hIlIlOO HII'! . h e 1\111 .. tlUD II' Ibe ~Id 1.1 ,,'n Th e lir.· , I~" ,·r · "e hltve " v"r ~ElItI1 I- ,U"I ,.10 ..,,, 1 ru r ,h .. lIIao ,,' h ·. WIl l d ,. tb ... _qll qre ~ hi nl( wil li cl1 ft o lrl ~,, \\'. 1:1 " 11" ,.f III/ "IlA~ ·.nrl ·. t 1\11 1,irllM r., r .n le 'I'\lI'V orf' I) rorl K 1£. rrknll: Hh,· k"llt on 911 y ll1 ·. '0 " fo rlh IllIlt 111\ ' IITA Il ol.·"d ,, ~h l. I ' bom,,~"n. ~be ~' I ·1<1 \4 ... , \) rel( •.1I18. :In' W - rl('n Coulltl'. Clh 0, R 1I 1. pbooe ' Con~IDu"" on p,~o i ' 19 I Y. I:IDrvAvsbnrK . 1011'. Yuur fO l't "",, lies III

~(~ II :

Il f n il ' 1Il1ll1llll l ·d fhlll l ctltlnJ,: li g ht hlllrCll IIIUIi thnt waF J:HIII' to (' rtl ~~ 111 ,\ ' Im lll . I gU4'SS ~ tl ' mll ~ 1 IUlnl ll1('nllt S (TIl a.::J!'}'~· or ~l\ lI !i 110rh h~ ln' hICHUh's-lIu' ~ Ih' ('HUll' OU ' or It er trnn cc s llln~ r t n ' nn' Hh nkln', ,. ' \' n ur r ortun e Ih's tt t S('II . 1Il ,\ ' t i l .. ;' \\, nhptl l


------ ...



FOR SALE-CHICKENS Lnli!h ,.tll I ul 'pM, IIHlle Ihylng; 10 or o llArC'ltI 400. P21l t'rtllrle Sr,II'elnnob.tllr al.o brnod e r .'nve Mrll. 1... 00 ~8! ry. phone 44 3Yo . WaynAevIJle,O. flli






Probate Court Proeeedinza.


IlIkt' I Ila l·tln g

\\'lOre I

911ullllrr;: pudll d)·.

Ilfl l·1.! C'ln lr\'oy ,

t tlrtllllt'~



' (1

~"I\'''I I\

n n ~ 0' I h4'~ c

hll" c

New Suit..


fu ll\' nlld rl' .'1 I'. " () lte by O,HP Iltt:' fl l n'" rr, ·,'111\OIl' T"!'l n f


GOING TO flORIDA W 1£ HA VE !Irrunl?!JII I, 'r - I\ ~l'tlClRI PUIIIlOlIl tu tnk l1 ll g r" lI p II' Ibl'w Ilr~ 1·0 10111,..01 IIllr I " II \UU~ \,\, .. 111111 lu rll111 IIellr ,Iuck."ul/I . t\, JIJ)n Ib h. IJUrLY Iwd ~ .. e "",~h y ,ur "vln "ya,. wb~1 N ,.t lb elll e lu "lc{ v OHO do In t h .. 8(\u tt., (Jar co l o l '~ 0 1 Oblo f .. r . , ,""r" b tl " " pr o .l ne, ·11 ' I\ n \l.r~8ble I'll_liltS. A~ h •..,h "s fll 000.00 bill! bllOIl t,nlulO fWIIi ,II'" <II our tweo a.v lI o r" truot~ In • IIU owp aod there ttra two llr IU, " O ~ 'r u p s tI yeKr. O ur lell ~ ... 1 I well~y "", e t· r llot~ In O' Cl, l n II fllodfl rn b un.e with ru n1I11 . ~ W"I"r "nO eJ .. oHlo Ill(ble lind ur, prloed wU hin r t "ob of "oy el!. tlllJl,. I11',1 f'lrtll Mr . Tb .. ~" f"rmM tlrlj ,.in ouU"I·Y ",l ilt t.OWD where .. re 100" t NI g ,uri ~ c lJllo i M OllurllheH . Wellr" 11IVI!,lfll( serlOUd Ullodtid ,



""'wuel McGougbey Is PICllnt ifi' } QgRln~t, 1::1 I. ' SlInA, Anna L.ooe tt. 8MIIA. Iu n li r OVl' c~ Wilbur oo wllllny . I£RA LI On" IIf elnve r ~nd AlB ooqJo rathlll. Mnry l ; 8t nmp. ,l lIo" b folf" Efrly, .. 10 0 8101 of Co ro, "a :4lll1 e " nd l:laUlfl ' MD(Joo~hey. d,,- mifkAt IJr loe.. RArt .v !-"n~e~, pbone f o ndllnl ~, 10 mllr.h ,d Iierr. f pr I,b .· :!2.2y' . W a Y!letlvll l" . Oblo fi G ~ .. IA o f n ' el e~ t .. te and OlU e r fql1 l!. . " ble r " l le f

"n()f\li·l;, y.'· he ~nhJ J,? ... n t I,' " "un ' - \ y OlJ ru n ' t h, ~ ItS 1111)(' " IIf S1 nmB 1111'

[1 8

to "Illt nn onl !oC



dellce. wc·r.· plrlltp, IlrulH tl'e Itl\\" nn' It tl OlI' t IlIli(· IIllwl, 11I1'IIIulilloo to s~e three pl1'lli cs swlngill ' rrom the SlIlIIe Yllnl ·III·/II . r-;o. sit·, ~llIc. 1 IIln'( /I"t ,1pr h('r own po\\' ('r und (,lIs l II 111'hnr orr [10 wls lr . now thnt we're flx" ,1 II lce nn' th e '11111rlllllhll' "Intl on. The 1111111' wn ~ comFort n"l" with Ihe world's goods, 10 th e n hrnll/lhl "II cl l'cl! nlld 1I1",le to Ioe hung for n pl rnte In the me re shonk "onrron l Ihl' "~· nollr'nte. " It II l l p e'lrs, my mnn, " tl l{l r Om1HD0' my ~·() ulh . Why, I aIn't tlfly yenr clo re hf'L"n n, "I hllt YOII \\'I'S l no IInx l o u~ old y"t." " By Ihe tllil o· the . Ore nl !'incrctl to hnrn In on t he protl l' o· Ihl< (,x p ~· BulJ," rh"t te rell !'ier1l!(gs. "Oll,'s rlghf." flltl on, so In 0 moml'l1t (t' h l111111 0 w('u k . McGu lTr), WIl S plnlo ly rIlsuJlP olnl ecl. n es~ )'011 (lid rOl1r e ll ll" o.I'I" ·S '''I e" 11 "I hn(\n ' l th onght 0 ' Ihal nt oil Olb. I deffi. WI' hnd " nit IIg!!el'i'd !)u t to been c he r lslii n' Ihe thought o' Inmmln ' feed YOII In Ih l' shark . on Ih e wny th e whp.,· oUl' n Ihllt IOllte. hut If you bonr e. becnns!' uend nr c n 11'11 fi n Inles. sa y 80 I'll I(I\'e U(1 the Idee. But It bul our s lJll'e rln 's on th'" 1~ llInd hil S brln gln' Ih,· Mnggle n Inlo home wa- cnll sed us nil t(l 1001, with II 1II1111er tel'8 Is 1I,,·ltln' el{' nth , "'hRt In hlu e pye on IIlt re humnn .h "l'lculllln·s. Th e 001)01 llllo k SIl~' 8: 'I,' o rg II'C us our tres· bl nzes· ,·,' WI! go ln ' 10 do wl!li herT' Mr. OllJney tilllllCll - lIn arch, eu on lna pns.e. li S we forgIve th ose ,\,lro l tres. smil e. "W c'lI gIn ' I"' r t o that mur· pass Ulfln us: n n' I nln't nshllmed to ' ndmlt Ihnt yon owe 10tlr wIcked IIf@ d erln ' mnt .... fr ee ~rr lll s. " ('lIl'tnln S<'rn ~gH 1,(lUl llle tl oul or hla to lire rnct thet Scruggsy's got religion c hnlr. s lI'uc k Ih e hot d eck with hI s nu' lIkGulfey a ln't mltch bette r. But bure fce l. curs ... d. nnd hopp d bu ck we got nil Ihe money we need all' Inlo the ('I" rtr nl(l1 ln. ~ I cr; lIlTey 8tnred we're goln' to Europe to enjoy It, 80 In ·n·d ll ll) lI ~ I J'. "Glh, 1I1 ~' lkn r boy," bpfo re we go we're goln' to PR8H sen· tence "pOII you . It Is tbe verdict 0' q unyel'(1 cl , ·c rll.l!~R, il iiny fh n t ol:l n ," It)' ."s," cllnll ll tll'd tile l' IJlIlIllOdol'C ti le court tlrot we pre!ent you with th e plnd ,lJ .v. "w,,'11 jO ~ 1 ~I!I ~ 1 1l· t o' hL' r I)O ll'e r schooner Mnggle U free gru tia, IU,'JH't'ldtl(' Il l,\! h,r 10:1\'10' 1t, lr to th I s a n' Ihn t you nccellt tllc SOllie In tbe 8nme frl emlly s pe rrlt In which It Is IIIl1h'. ' .cllI·r fq,'!:I'I , S~T :'L! ·,"."'\" ( ,I t) t llr. tend erell. Hnvlll' a schooner o· your P OI , t ll n l r i ll S 1I 11I 1 t"~ ' 1""11 1':1 ..:..:111 ' Il h ll , se lf orr f, IC )'0) 11 111 11 ",,0 1,,111. 1111' Ir own f'1'om now on, 3' OU won't be t f'III l't"d to sI eli1 ooe on' commit wholeth (ll'("~ e\'I..."· 11 11 II I H ",q 1 ~1I1 i , l l l. fli t· ! I'll II h 'ttds Ie, 111, ' ~l lI ;": 1! It, J I. Ti d ... 11I :t l e'~ Hul e IlIl1rrlpr a·Joln' It. YOU're (orgl\·en. Tnl.c th e Mngltrle II wIt h our ndllll r ((' " I!I'III ~ f 'u p tain ~t'J'III!~:-:, a ll' It DOli II.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=== Srrnl'l!s. We' lI ,IllS! ke,'p Ili is 111'1· ... 111 11 11' I In 1I1P 1'1'11: 1\'1 ,Ill' \\'1"1'1' ' lI~p"~1 1l 1': IIf

We Sell It and L We Repair It

t Iw WlIr! II \' 1'OIl\ 1I 11U 1"r ~ (, ,·ftluulIl1y ell!

111"111 " III'k 10 11ll' 1r 011'1 he [111 110 11 11'· ... ,1 tlt nt I It? n r(l f(~rtt, thp Ib' wn~ on- un. , 0 0 II~ ht. ('lI pl ll lll Sc rl1l(l:s. who " ' II S hnrcl 10 11\111111\o:l' In hI . CliPS nnd th l' I1I(\SI !lr(l(II ~'" nr prfl.lipil. with s ten m liP to n l'l'rlllln pr,' Sfiurc, dt' lI1urre d nt Ihls. ":0; .. 11\ nr p RI, y·ll1 rklll' . S (· rl1~tc 8l· . you , ~" ''' 1· ''1' ,'' ~ I r . Glhll PY or<l el'Nt. " We 111I t! ou r ~ 'ili it t lmp ('mulu' uft l' r 1'111 IIflll \\", .. ,.~ 1)1'('11 Ihro ugh. hut It 's lime '" ::1'1 ,i llll' n to hu .ln ~~8 11\0:111 . Hl ches hilS II I II ~s . Srrll /r~_ )·. old Nnllln"ln,l " r,

lip In you . f; .: rn!lg " ~·.

J~n ow8 h~ttc r. "

yea rs at 6 per cent.

nn lm'N o f nil fU1Ir ; sU er whi ch th e syn ·

1l('qU1l'~('N I (h ~ PI IJ: hH'f'r, I "rhpWe trulI1ps:," ~(II pl.-, III)' 0' .hlllgir 1111' "" hOll rt! 1. l ilt· tin .' Wl' r'olliln' "111'. ' 1, 11'(,'11 loaf IIl ullg. ('H'li t t.1I1~ .hllrp un lll Gil, 11 (1 s(l rn('llrlu· :,\\:1.'" 1'1

'1,\ I'HII

! .101 I", 11.: 111 111' IltI~ , .!! all 1 11 ;,1 ":l l'llI h ' Iii lld(

It'l, I


hlll llil ce or II ,,' co'lIIpnny runds In tIll!

Illy bnl, ·s l rlY Ir I d'-III ' t SIll)' pU I " " I lr ls. Olh. It's ~' our Ipn ,\." "\\,,,11 . I'll r.. ll ow sui t. (;n,·. A:nl nil

t\1' 1 ~illlll 1i,I :h1J~l !' t' ~'rt' W

.\ l nC':.. "

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\\"Ith th e 1I8sl~!lI II~e of Ihe wh n rflll · 1111 Hllll)lIlOl.lle WII8 s ummo ll ed. lind h , (/up ,."u,·,,· Ih~ m~11Ih" rs ur Ihe sy n.

dlclilp r o ulld (h ' > IIIS~ I\"t 'M tHt scollced In


I :I __ ~

In 51,\'1 '

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( "nptHln S "flt!!;!!" plrkl' d hl ~ !O;1l1lJ!1{1~


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I"", h willi III I' lillie 11 1,,1/ .· .,f Irl _ j nck . Irnlf(' nl1el r"I:II'WI'11 ~ 111111UII'.

.. I'



Money to Loan on I . F·:tc rnl Land for ti ve

J,;.,"t"1 h f'r If ~ III ' IUHi .\"(·Jlnw j lll'k IIl"ltl1'( 1. "11111:111 wit h I If"t IH" lI h ll'~ P~llllll'l,jn ·.

.. ,..


nn ' If' 111'"

\( . rin I III'



q\lllrl(olln 1II r. {llbney hntn!(I 1\ PIl SSIni: I111 111 <:h . Rllg 0 nd blll(gnire the happy IllIorlelt@- desC'{'f11l ri 10 the I Inunch [l nd lundpd at ML'IJ:I/8 whifrl. Mr. Glhney slepped Into th e whnr611· gu's ollke onn requ s ted p e rllll sHlon 10 use til e I IPllhon ll. ' JVh!II's UP. OIb ?" d('lUnnderl Cli P' to ln ~rngg~ . "1 11'11111 1(1 '(\hone r{lr n nlit 'llllohli c tQ,come down UII' SDnke us up town In "I.r1~. Tt. I. s )'IIlll 'II I~ nlll ' t lI·gotn· In cn,,,~ rll'''(lII1' 1,IIIIIe III nllll'tI'~ foun· ., 1"'.1' lonkl ll ' II I,,· II lillO' E),clnlln ll III'cl. 1.11 ,: .. , • \\',··n· .gulll · 10 .I.he bes t h utel



stenllu,'d tll il i,f I hI' 111lI' I,t\I" In'O t'i ll,!: th,,· sYlld lcHtf' had,: to ~ilil F'l' lI lld~, ·(l. th eS

Inol"'11 IOC' I'"," 111 Ih .. 1111 1" ~1a!!l:l e II fnr 110<, I fI~1 11 1111'. :11,,1 (' ''~ ''I'\'('t1 thn't I Th e Unrortunate Mat. Hung Hie Ole mill e II' IIS "" rtf,/·k . ~ l1l'erl lll e ll dl n.ll I' Head. He W.. Much Moved. th ree 1';lIfln kll ~" II " r" w ho we"e hOI st· Ing s nJlplle" nhonrrl rl'OI1l II buouhont . thIng I l'c mern lJer be rore we went to COllll11odore Gl hllPY li olle hIs fl rst thnl TurkI sh bn th wns 11 8 fOll r ,' ls Itin' COmOlOn!) 0 11t1~1.\' lorl' \\'cll . n rortllne teller on' 1111 vln' our fortune. "Oood· h)'. lillI,' ~ hlp , " III; yNl ed nn d tnl, l. pnst. prescot an' flltu re, for • WO\'c tl his hnll li. "Onll'lI ! 1'011 wos dollnr 0 throw. Anybody here r ememn w!l e h In n li g ht 11'111<1 ." bf'r whnt hIs fortune WIIS?" SC\' en (\ 11),$ ol'lel' l{'o,' ln g HOll ollllu. It nplle nred that DO one reme mbe r ed, the Rll nn l:III .·! {,lIn,e,1 111/ 0 Snn Frun- not e\,e ll ' Mr. Gibney. Be tJl e reto re cls co h n~·. The ~Ylldl c lil o cflnlll not conlllll1l'(l : wlllt IIntll ~h e hnd ti ed liP tit Ir e r (\('I<:I!, "The chO ir will opp' lnt Mr. McGllt. n.i)<1 Ih .. ""'IIIIIe Ih ,' ~ t t' II'I1(! r hn,l nn sscd fp,· on' him self 8 .comUJlttee 0' two

. I'b ll Will of th" I .. to ~ylv8 ~ tllr N Z antw e yer. dr,ooosed. Wn!l fill'd ill prllhattl. Th A I·hlrd "nd fin .. 1 account of ,I Lee T · , owp~oo. f'xt'ca\or of I,be e~ · ta$e 01 C. W (Jor8uoh, ·dell6a"ed,w .. ~ filed 10 c ourt. Th e oo ur S ooofirmed Ib tl filst /lnd flolll IlcconoS of J ,,' slo G. WbMsel, aumlnlst,ratrlx ot the eslllte o f Tblll (J. Wbet8el, deoeasl'd. The will of t.. )IB Z all. deoeased. to. Kot.ber witn the t,fI'tl m ony of Mary E. BI"pbam nod Addie B. Kevs. two sobsorlblog wHo e8~es t b e r eto, wile admiUed to probate. B. L Frye, exeouto r of the e8h'e of Emma Gouoob. de0e&8ed. 18 ao. lborized to 881/ prooer'y "l prlVtlhl ... le for 08811 .. , oot lells tban vaille flxe d by oou'rt. lind make doe re. turos wltb lo 30 .II1Y8 from tbls da te. ChBrles L Beok Rod l 'harles W. A lie D. admloI8~ r"tor8 o f the eslate of John U. Biloo. deoeued. are ordered to sell ohattel pro pe rty at pub110 auotion, to the blpbopt bi d der . Ilod ml\ko returo of th ei r pr ooeod log wHhln 30 days from tbls oourt

J.. O t:l'r -

End GAte of .. f .. rm wllllon . plt'a"A r e lnrn t n _Jail, ~ V. ndenoon., R l) 2. W ltynetWTm', Ohio. ftC; ~ ' Indflr

FOR RENT Boase f or rent, pos_alon S·ROOM s t 0 006. Du rner of T ., ler aod

Fonrth sheets; el~o'rio IIgbse alld 1C00d KRrden. Appl, '·0 Amell" E. W1111am~, W"ynosvll/e. Ohio fir;


WANTED-A MarrIed Ma n on F .. rm ; .. oto drive r and . ~o bllooo Refereooa . rrqulred Inquire 01 G E Rlloy, phoo\!--:- W.J. nfltlvill e 42-6 . JI8U


FOR SALE Old Tru." Ioonbator, 240 · EuG Ube .. p ' or cub ,. InqUire

ot W. N . l3ear8. WaynonlJle, Ublo,


Real Eatat. Traosfen.

1 t lnNCES~


OOD-A lot of Kood tipUl B&ove Ciloton B. Craig to John A Blte8. W Wood, Inquire of Ed S&a,dl. man, parse of lots .48 and 49, In v\l. tord, Wayneavme, Ohio 116 IlJge of Morrow, HORSES, J lood MUoh COWII. 1 David J . Mount to Dora F. MOUDt, Mower, lIB, U. Corn Plan"'r. lot 191110 Lebllnoo. U . BRrll\n O. ~' odge So Anna Sobmldt 2 01801, 1 now RldlogBreaklng Plow 1 new tluverlor Whoal Drill, 8d; " aore8 of laod, moro or 1088. OD tbe watera of Todd '8 Fork. Warreo 1 new ~o U DeLaval Creat!) 8epa rawr; and o'her artlole. . UtAH pholle ooon',., U . t\3-G WaynollVlllo. Uhlo. fll AgD04 Bewbory (by Owen S . Hlg. g108. exeoutor) to (Jeo W. Hrl8wold Good Team of Work .Borl8'. (exeootor'. deed), part of 10·lo's 21 loqulre ot Late NlobollOn, B. aod 22 In lown of Lebanon, D. ~, Wayne8.vllle, Ublo. 18





OT or GOO'd &Ied I:i'raw for . .Ie . Inqolre uf art A. CorDell, R, D. f8 BI118 allowed :-Jo.. W. Davl8, " Wa,nelVille,Oblo. 80Dt. dlstrlot N ,), 6. payroll, 1 montb RUQK-a Republlo lXTonTraok ending JaDUary lb. '1211 03'; Z\ln obeap . IlIqulre of &y B.tb. Armitage, road aDd bridge rep.ln. away, W.),ntllJvlllo Oblo, fl TurUeoreek aDd Wasbl ngton 'I'WPM" '5883; The Oregonia Bridge CO, CAL&'- \flU bave a yoaDI Jel'tl8y . 13000; Albert Thomp,on, hlluUOI Calf for .ale.abou' Janua.., :Ill. gravel. 'Hill; G. C, Stook, Inspeotor Ubeap; we need lhe milk. loquire rOlld No 26, Loveland, t86; Jobn A . •, tiawyer'. Grocer" W.ynenlJie. Blair, road equlpml'nt . eto, *7 lu; . Ohio. ~ , fl Waller MoClure, buri .. l. or Wm .1 . Morcer, 1100; Ru t h ,,01 EIIZlJbeth Obandler, error to tax Ittl ~IDg, 111110'. '''.66 ; The Ba ll .Pr1!ll8, envelope. CommlNloaen"- ProcNdiDp



for "uneyor, Colutllbu. Blank Book Mfgt1l650; Co" bl"ok bood. • r (] lerks. '6; ·.T F. Zimmerma.n, f I PI) \ 1~8 for ooart boaso, '7.12



fry our Job·Prl·ntl·.og



•..• THE


, I

ISSU ED EVERY WEDNE" DA Y KDL4 re d It the 1' ,lt o ftlre •• " I) n. \ 1111



I If •

li t


1ft I

---.;'" t' 4 '.




II "

I 1 '1 I.

D . I.. CP A N E, E ditor and Publi ~:n) llt' 5yille, O hio pt"r year


For-r h' " An ve rtl . 1nll Reprc .t:nl a t lvc

TI I1:' AMER I" " . PR ESSA 5S0 C IA1IO,

·., .. · n~ lI j; IS' Wlltm 3' OU J.: (H II fl l' lllk t it



Poem ~ uncle John

••••••••• ~« •••••••••• ~.

you." Mr. FraDk ShidaJl:er Will 10 Leba 1.101.1, I:!unday. A obaoge 'af wives oHiwell 1m provea oue 's ul ~ p os ltioD. Wanted-Mau to d ri VEl. Must briD g bomm e r I.In(]nl1llit. Sud 0 ' Irl ~ ur e very ·o ommon In 'bls vl olnlty at Ihis WriUDg Tedd.V'II '1'eaohlngR: Get t h e bah It , Ilkll tb e rnbblt- multlply. All f';8t IU b~ tte r ba.k et ball IH plR,Yed ti iu v!lys burg plllYs It. Our "Iuk re nllde b bout tbe eame, nol. ....,k i ll !: the utlvlilloom l' n t" do. sired.


Ben tlmlth Wal a Daylon vllllor, Friday . Mr. and Mr8. Cbae. Clark spent Friday in Dayton . Mles Klltbryn Cla rk was II wee ... end gue8~ of home foUl:s, AileD Emrlok- and Wa lter Kenrl ok were Le~auon vlslton, Friday. Mrll. Ben B ,.wte ba8 been quite III with ton81)'\t\t', t be las~ week. ffe rmlln Albrllht, of DByton, apent Sunday w ltb bill parents here. Mrs, S M. Bhortle 18 somewhat Improved, aUer n 8eve re aUllot of grip.


crhe Green Pea .Pirates

no tarn ow

]I;" j iH lI ul\'MM'!1 itll f'l'r"r"11 10 bUll ('jj,:ur uf ~ I r. UtI"",y u,,,1 Ih., " lr"l r


OV l.' J' .

Al sl l' H' t 'I (I {"~ I t'lt' fo l lo \\' ll1L! 1I 1t)/" I I' tug I li t-' 1l1ltld Jl' I'~ (I f ~ I I" Joo) lJ dka f, ' \\ " 1''' uWuk e ll tI Ity II IJrotl l!dll ll:" p l'lI n d l1 l~ HI trw lr l·l · ... I)"" th,' tl l )("; ~. AII ~' p"III~ t h e S lI m llltll lH, t ll(,,\ fOIlI,, 1 ~ I " , ' : 11,11 . '\ in

Illll i rp 'H

I, 1111 " ' /' I

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f it" :,\I HJ.!~I\· ~ ,\

Il l'

fOrt ll nll f.\

I (, Olll!IJ ~ld ' lrt' .

"Webster-Man's Man," "The Valley of the Giants," Etc.

I h , ' 1Il1d'lIj ll":

1111 \\' I~ ' d .

t: f 'J stJ-dight

p rice

11 1 11. ;1 11' In

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1'1 Hl ll rt

u tl r rll rllllll· ... Ttl!' 11I "dl ll g "IITl II' In ' 11'.1 ,,1' \ \ I tholll

l ilt'

Author of

menthol cough drops

d ll l dl l' d II I h l:"i IlI1Ild .

" ~I "I ·tl lI ' 0 '




h ll~

~Ih· l' .

dn· .. ..:lr q,; . tilt,

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GIV E Q U I CK Il E Ll E F "J";~j~ .r~u,,"~, D~~~~~I ........................... ................... 53

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\ 'It ' Hr,

'1'b UI vlo Len g a e met Bt the borne H I' JJ (uU JII I, " I IIIIT II ' lI lt ~ d (1, .,- \ 1';11111" 11. IlIS8 Viola Boines. of Dayton , was Copyriabt, by P-. B. K..... " f ~~r 9 ~; B. U,, 81n, Saturd.y flUer. a week. end ~uA8t of Mr . II.nd Mrs. 1\1111" 1' :-0 n lld , 'lI clll l "" III I '"" I r ' .. 11:'1'1' . ll u nD , \ ·.·..;:-: .,1 11111 .. 1 h I' ~ n ld , ,, , '1 .. ', , 01 11 :111 Walter t<enrict . , ' '';Iltt l ' . A dtlr'I ''':s .lHIII I 1 " ~Ih t , ·~. ,J. H I, tl "fll t.y Dppo- it Boxes, 12 tbe yelit Mr. and "rEI. Clyde Cox and Mr. "' " 11 !" ... · i ' l \\ hit I'r." ,V" .v ln,o vilia N"tio nql 8ank. Wa y. Ilnd Mr8. W m. Cox were Gem City "'{,'llDm e th e IOl1gllu ue All' I II [ lCII~ e, " lJ U\\ d',\" Idlll \\' ~d ll ''' !- II rll t' I III ,, ' , UIl" vill ... Ohio THE NATIONAL TARGET visitors, 8aturdav mnolll,' I $n y ~, 'on ' I'll g o Oll t.' 1,1f, ,,] " ~I d:llrrjl" d I'II II1 IJ,i pi/ . " 1." 11111/1 ' r,!", 1/ " llI\)orgl'rs tIlet at tbe bome Mrs. Cathulne Johos, of Ceoter M'Look In th e shlpplu' ne w8 In the , llI u !i 11 1 111'1' t'; l.L;'i ll' ·~ I " !I/ I. · .\ I'li ~ f ' l If ' be Preeld en' Is aill' n~, be 's a Ibe peanut press pulltl 011 Its OOlit BO ' pXdlpil ." RU8tJ It .. . : . Jf he d oel! 1& lot, of help!! to or uOlfy 'but POO", turm e nted of Mr. 111 ,,1 Mrs. W . A 8t1lnslI on Ville, IS visiting at the bome of ber ROD, . :has. ,Iob08 aod wife. $alliin. be 8 a fool . . If he IDaD I . . . J reokon 'hilt th er~ I.'ltorsdn y "I ~ h ~ " I aln ' ( s.:1 .\' 11i L: ... 111' j..,," ~I r. (;IIIJlll \ ' bappenll to be lwo e~t, he's a freak : never was Il sou l,$ gelB so lI tli e I'f' ! qrt ,'d 11· ... ' ll y. " 1 ,1' 11 11111' fllll s ll 1'1 ' 1\ .. 1. RHV. A . Ie II ont.ingt' D preHohed Mi ss MIlTlz:al~ et Miller, of Relidlnf, or buo', got lile j Hril! tl IDont of a oomfor'" out of Jl fl', . wb .. n every at Ihe M, Ii: olJUrch :;un dfly Ilfter. Pil un , ~p e n' the pallt week wll h b e r I I ll' !" I ( I ' ('H lllilllIl'd : m~I"! )I b e irrill1~e8 tbe b08ses, Ohlr&1 pnleout leav es hl8 Iwle. fO noou Rt 2 : :W 0 ·, ·Iuok. " uD ole, Wm. Loog IlDd fllmlly . " H E I 'til en; I'tl loi!'i l :-;[J I ' E H ELJ('T be • • orook . . . . If be doe. a horl a butoh of veuom at his wll ~ &lr ... ~' lit Duldo return ed home, A oQinber of our olt·izens weot '0 'hing, htl llever gllta It rlgb,. . . . I 'd hate to be t he Presld eDt " T hp s t, ' alll l"d illtl lll"r .-\rl't 1t u",a . Wblohe ver w .. y be Lo rDS be lIBel! a .. loot; J wouldo 't he t.he l 'resl<:\el11 Suud ...v, IIfl M .. ' '· .. ral w ue ~s ' visit t be fox drive wbioh oeDte red nellr , Ol'll ~' ~ 1J 1I !"!lo r to ()ulclullIJ t.I'fl i; "h urf. tbe Middle Ruo o h~rob, & turdIlY . 1'10011:, lind d rllsws abont· ebe devil -that waS . , . 1 II be ao hard wllb 1II 00 U8 III L ~ I"non r("JI')I'IS p l l ~s lng II (1 1 r pll(' f S I~h OO t l (' r every Dight . If be s hoold lo d flal witb I tlxpeot-l 'u make 'em Urundfuth e r ' ht}' K A .. wke · is Tbe b081nesB and sool81 mestlng of tW(,llt.\' 111 11 "' :1 u ff I'o l n t H l,,\' ('S ul ~ I x 8 e ' to (eeJlD' j "Slly proud of aoy go liO ' w88b'tbelr dirt" Il UWII • • • • 8leplliDg hig h .. ioo" 'Iu , luiog h lB the j<jpworth L.eo!{.ue Willi h pld at tbfl O't'!I )(' k III ~ t IIl gh t. T hp Llpl'l,lit't \\Ja8 noble piAn thnt be blu "prang, It 1 wouldn', he mill t r eated b.v the uew tltll'. " IT" Is Ii gl nt1dduugbte r home o f Mi~SE'M Rell IlDd Cle o o l.a ov, rlown b,l' fl' e III'H.I, Iltld Iler J II ~ t brlol(8 the lllllledl otlonlJ from Ihe mob tbd every b, and of beliishoe8e MI 8 ~' I o r p floe L.emlir h 'l ~ beon Ifriday e veninlg . I ~ h O W tJd ItIJ O \' \' rh e \\' Il h'r, It \\'11 5 Ira· orowd, th" t tilH:ers e ver v day to get oreates . . . I 'd SOODer tuo ille p"ksI IIJ .. Co 1,·,, 1'11 III'I' lu PII III,\'. Mr. DDd Mlr8. Itlilph J ohDM Ilfl' hIm huutl. , . . Alld , when be any otbAr job, tbllu Pr edldeDt of qui te slok for se ve ro I (ttl . ' , hil t lit thl~ w rl Llng I tt t b oo/lht t U Ill' i Ul " ' ['111' I' l'l' l'oP ll CH "r I tll ~ d t'l't'li e t In n nw MLIH' iDK with the f, rme r's p". eenils a mBl!IIRl!e &0 t he whHlp8 lblit of tbese UUlttJd I:ltRtes pr., {IDg t h fl s 1t'1lflH-' I' I UI1 PR t o X nr t I I l'ul'l fIP r e nts . nnd oalrl ng for hi ~ m nth er. praotloo a Ii the . dev II tr y they 08 n, P() l' t ~ Is II (II Sll fl e l Il1f ' TlO('P to nov lJ(n. Fox d rt v ~ ~ ar e g etting ,,'ore UUtll. wll o 1M 8tll l q ui te til. lin n , nlld I I Is pI'ohllltl" IItHI 11 r C\ 'J n \l I ' Il r OU8, Hnd the prooeeds de r ' vRd Mrs. WID l:o lplU"" r ~ t. urn p d frolll r Uff" r \I III he .11 <I'!l ll'ill'>I tndny 10 Homey Philosophy fr OIll I.h " ~ ,.je of lox skiD' Mre ve ry tl VIsit to CI OClUIlllli . OUD Illy even . HP JII" ' !i ror tJ u. (I t'rl'lIl'1 li lvl .'lfll er t o w stimol nlll g . lng, and WdS acomnllnnled bv b r BomeUmee we IIl1e to phll080pblze he r InlO I'0l'l or 11, '" 11' 0 ), l1t'r." Mr . R"bert Eiopklns . of Lee~burg. Deio", Mr8. J, ". I:lPgrist I1 nd bo by , d abeu' ourselve8. JUllt now, for iD. IIG ~ l1tl (" I1 (,,1l 0' t ll p SYIHlI t'Hte. th {) !I1' s R~I1CIIDg, ()hio. atanoe, we fimsbeJ peerlDI{ out of WI1 " ou illng 00 liC'qIlIlIDt.a uoell here, lhe only t"·o It e lll ~ In the shlp l)ln' "intllrrlHv e veni ng , while en r oute to tbe wlndov., wondl'ring about 1111 Mi- W"ltBr Clark and flunll y 81HI pllile t hal \poke !ll{l'ly . 'I' lie que8lt on 1he good folkll wbll 1111 tbe ~Ime 8rl' W"Y" " lIv lll e . MrM . M. TY CIH IIl OOY were eDt... r Is, In whl eh lI eti oUr rOTtuno?" fl'EBRUARY 1922 III aodoo. we ~ h ould help tbem; Mr. FrAa Hh lol,.1, " r . u fl .. r Ha verdl blued to ' uDda V dinuer ut the oou " N e ll ~ Huh·or. "n "I)oke up, gIving It aDd ~ ben we 8~Brtlld oonjure up a w eo k~ ' vi >1t .. Ith hiM purent@, loft 011 trv IWrtl ll 01 Mr. RDd ad rs, Roll .. 118 bls I;)Jlnll1n thut th e rortun e-telling plrture of 1.1.11 'b .. r"lkM wo 1,8ve tried lady prolJnhly kn ew her bUHln esR nnd BondllY. JII oUllry 22. for bls Cali . .!3olton ulld son" lohn Paul . , 1 2 314 SO hltlp In tbe old home town. lind fo rnl u horue. thnt Ihelr fortun e I'cully Illy "' "en. 8evllTll I of the nelg b borll of Mr . we bad to I'op-we oouldn', Ket t.b .. . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Th e d e rplI ~ t wna lit S~II . II " IV el"e, Rnd Mrs RUBllell Baroet ~ urprl8 ed plotore on oor th e nlal film. 80 no w \:Jaw long WIll It ' be hllfo re we th"n. ~ ou l <l Ihe proph (O~y he. Inter· lb elll , 81lt urdilY evenlojr, by walk 12 13 '14 15 16 17 18 buve th e S OD 00 both sides ot tbe log "e are a' tbe typewriter, wonderloK prele<l ? in to IIpllod t h e eveDIDg. 'I'b e how 80 m Iny tolk8 doo't 8ee tba' t o rond? We are looking forwa rd to 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 h wltb pleosura . "Well, thl B 61 01l 1ll('r \' Ictor Isn 't (Ox. BaTD6ts ex peot to m ove tbelr help 'hem we mo ~' be 8tr ')nl{ enoogb Dew home 00 t h ll DtJyto o pike, 10 D t.rA,·elluK oYl'rln nd," M cGulT'ey aelly 262728 . . . . . . SO belp-wonderlng If tbey know "Meetln' 0' the Mall1lle Syndica te In ft llggestl't1. R e hn' l 1\ ~I'cr e t hnnk erlng Mr. Bnd M rs. (JeOrf,lA Bllmiltoo, sh ort time, an?tlliO, aboo' tble Poi aod Tak My Room," He Bawled. "I've Found to lUeSH IIround some rell l englll PH . - -- of WII,Ynesvtlle, IHe-lIgaln wltb her , bOHl u.l. We o.. n'~ take sometblng Our Fortune." agn ln, nlill gll ve It ns his opini on [hilt brotber, Mr. Qojnoy King, who stl II Our Calendar on' of &be b.. uk If we nl'''e r uut IIny. r emai ns q uite Indis posed popers tOfllorrower,' I he plpp! up. forl une wus m or~ likely to lur k In a a" ll1 11 loto It, 081.1 we ? AIlII: tb e Fe h. 2- Candlema8.•Groundhognay soll<1 , rl'rn ·whppl slPnlllcr with good 'Five doll ors . . plense.' " .11'ml' r. R W. Kuylor hll8 purohllslld the Feb. 5-5th Sunday after .Epiphany "You dhln't give her live dol11r., .. nl(ln". find boll prs Illun In n bull ered Feb. 12-Septuageeima Sunday garllge oooupled by R 8. Brooks for dId you7" gnsped Cnptliin Scrngp. hulk III 8eu. ('"plnlll Scrnt:g" ugreed Feb IS- Lincoln nay SAYS SAM: several yoars. A huslne's w\1l be "Why, Glh, my denr boy, I th oullht wIth hIm mosl hellrl Ill' nntl II li e ,'ote Lon 8rmnon and wife added Feb 14 - St Val entine's Day Inllto lied In It In the noar future resulted, Mr. GIbney Incl Ining towu rd you WIIS sober." "Bome fellow. OlIn lee more on a Ff' b 19 -5exallesi ma SunriRY \0 our slok Iii'" ,his week . the derelict. "So I wos." Sonday atte rn '»n JUml) t h "'lltb FI'b . 22 - '" Il8hington's Birthday dl8ses Anlla and AUoi, Kelly. ot R J. Murray , K . E, 'l'bompl!lon, Jed "Whal're we goln' to do Aboul It, "Then, Glb, 011 I ,or to I. that $btl wood!! than "tber~ OIlU ...e u" CinolnnBtl, were vl8ilor8 ot rela"vlI. .. Feb. 26- QuinquaR'esima Sunday ROI! aDd J . E. Edwards IIUended .,"Q u're 0 .ucker. You wAnl to consult Olb?" CaptaIn ScrIlK&'S demAnd ed. toor of Europe. " IIml (rllmull 10 this vlolntt.v for aev. (I'eb 28-Shrove TU8l!day . "When In doubt, SCfRggsy, old tar. throw In' eral daye past, and loft for home, 'he fox I.Iri"e at Klngmau, Frlduy . tbe rest of uS betore you .... ~Qo duy night. Wm Mooney au d Uay BrunDon, away the lundl 0' the IIYDdlcate on po t, alwoys plRY trumps. In order to TOIl Oh Luck. mllke no mis take. right aft er hreak· of Dear W .. yu eevl ll e, were IIb .. king loch lom·tool I<leee .tt-" Doring tbe ioy tim es , wheo the bande WI th old frleDde here, Suoday GeorgIe 1'81><" '- II'lI'lng our "b~en~e McGuffey saw a .torm ,lItherlng o. rllsl )' 0 11 on ' ~lL' O ull' y go dowll to ~me one . "1 II rl' 10 our ol!1~e, but youn g IlP ""lp are out on a j ov ride afternoon. JA ck Ro n Blr a t wh orf nn' Intervi ew ~[r. Glbney 's brow., on<l halltent!-d to aotwl thsIRIIIII" " ; he fil et that It WRR aod bo V" .. t "' o · ~ea'ed auto, tbe mll.n thIs fIIAn ('auk ley about his . teorner Intervene. A . S. Ailen IlDd wife, W, B . 'ferry. puts hi .. I ~ , I V f rlnnd on tbe r ear sed .enlly ID ~UI',· ' I. Ihe blnmerl thIn. "Meetln's adJourned," he nnnoull ced, Vlctol'. Yuu hel-n !loin ' to Be ~ 101'K would nOl III II·.,.-Rrnnklyn Eagle. Robert Stroud .. . . . . . . .. . . Feb. IS while Kol n ~ ' H" bill, but th .. t doos Mel!dlimes Mabel aDd Alioe Terry, "pend In' th e Issue 0' Ihe Ilu pel'S lo· enollgh 10 kn ow 11 good hull when YOI1 Mrs . Talmage, Mre MenDoD, MIll, eee II. nn ' It WII cnn'l tn. st ~lu c to Tho~plOn . & Hartsock . : . . Feb. 16 Isst lon g . ""., ,.,ty fir et I S c rug~f.lY . you Keonon IiDd J L . Tlilmage aUended lIIorrow mornlu" OeD 5mith'" , .• , . , ••.... ,Feb. 24 Uti Friday 101,, 11 1·. n Waynosvllle Ihe fuoeral of Mrs . Orle Allen Bat. oUJl hler nne tile BUild. o· Uj'oe. k now n K" ud set of Inner work. we'd belter dl "soh'p th e ~Y II (Iit'nf P. As fo r "H s ke t bld l t"IIOl pls yed our Hlah field, at Leba 0010 , Frldl1Y . I\1r8, Bat. me un' Neils, \\ e'IJ 1[0 down to lhe 80bool bo ~ ket. b·.11 leom at Town fi eld was $he y o uvgeet dll.utlbter of Front O il ' ehul'ler It IlIg an' cha se out Havlog deoicled t , quit turning, 1 hllJJ. Itnll f h" r ... "lt Wu8 Barveys. ~tr . and Mrs. Am08 Allen, of tbl8 ufter thlll th ere derl'lI('[ l)P rore the w\ll lIell Publio Ano$lC'n at my Inr g 22 ' WIl YIJ <l . vilio 12. Come pllloe The ber eaved family bave revenue culler gets l1e r 011' blows her I resldenoe on · tbe Ret .. Jltok t ,um , 8 over IIllal n, bOY8: eVl'ntu"lly you the 8ympl1thy of all in thle their 01lt 0' th e IJlIlh o· com me rce with a IF Y6: HA.VEN7 inllea 8outhwBl!' of Waynesville lind will get to pl .. ylu g botter, darke8t hour. IlIck 0' dl' nnl nile." I lIllie Ea8t of Ktlobner, on SUFFeRED. YE HAVEN'T Mlsl! May BlI,rlao entertained a t Don 't you ~hlnk yoa 8hould at(To be coDtlo uotJ., UVEO. t eurt Z ~ n (. l:J"d l" v's B8mpshire b og ber beautiful oountry home, near Wednesday, February 15, 1922, 8"le 0 0 Uroond H ('g Uay, Febru ry B!lrveysbug, oll8.turday, Jaonary Beginning d 10 o'olook, *be follow. 20u ThiM wil l b · the bIggest IIale 28, with II 'urlley dinner, Tbe fol. Inti property: 6 Bor8e8. 24 B og8. of Jl s kitld lhls vIcinity hll8 had tor lowlol( olole fdeudl and rellltivee hnplemenl8, Eeed BarDBali. H OUI1. ye"rs PH~t If f,\11 ~ reaobe8 yoo be. eo joyed the dlllr : R. J . Murray and I hold Good". elO. ~.. e large blllll. t or" tb e t.I~e. b A ,rue to be prfOlleDt . wife. Barold MoKa? , wife lind lion, ROBERT tiTROUD Boward MoKay, wife and 8008, aud Veterinarian Tbe Kamonll Khi b hl8 ren\ed MIB8 Fannie Tbornburg. It W . N t!eate, Auo'. . rOJm8 In Ibe C" llDor bUIlding. 'l'he The big fox drive. whioh was AI we are golog '0 qull farming, tu embouhl p j .. oomp08ed "f our eiaged for ,hi. ~.ioiulty aDd eunoundOFFICE: we will ael1 aa Publlo Anolton on ,bl! sports. and Ih'" Inojude8 mell~ of iog oountry, took plaoe lut 'I'bure. Fourth Street, near Tyl er t he mule .,·x 10 our town. J. B, Car~wril!bt tarm. 3 mllee ElL!:t Who doe. not wani red IIp8, Ii 4ay. W&ll a verj' lIatlsfactory affair WI.I.YDellvUle. on tbe Wl\yo88vlll e & 'bld"ker I. vre1lideot, p, B · Cleaver Tbe .,tal t wae a little .Iow, but soon good, olear, he"Uby oomplell:lOn and Telephone 93 Is seoret,nry.treIl8urer, and JOO are XeDla pike, on bright 1lllllhing eyee? everyone fell luto line, lind by late oorJinlly luvlled to beoome a mem o Ohio 80me people have snoh wonder. Wayn~8Vme. ber F,' r furt be r partloulare, call 0000 all ooolered near 8prlng Bill Tburlday, February 16, 1922, . ohoo1hoU8e wl tb six fine foxe8, I·wo tully good hellltb notb Ing 8eems to =====::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ,' D o r Hddre88 W. W Weloh, Beginning at 10 o'olook. pbtlrp, dOl(8 lind one rabb" In the ring h,nt them .' Utbers oould 80 ells\ly -: tbe followlna property: 6 l:ic..r 8ea tbe large crowd bIOI heeD e8timated bave fine oolor and more strength 8!J C.. Ule, 45 Bog., Implements, a n' . '" 1500 to :1000 people-men, women aDd vlRor If they we uld belp nature n 'e", Vebiol pa, 8001 ,b , Id (j""d p, e t'·, "nct oblldren-tlomlog from Il radlul with Gode'8 Popto.Mangan It Is u /'it'e blll~ for fur tber p,lrlloulnrs, of 80 t o 100 mile8 o ( territory, aDd IIplendld iron tonlo tbat pbyeloillDs among It all we have not heard o( bave preloribeu for thirty y ears, It TI:IOMP::ION & UARloOUK, it Is not , ·B L CARl'WRHlI:IT any being done, Tbe Innoh Is n ut IlD ' experiment Wll8 served by t;he Ladle8' Aid 1001. merely a 'emporary belp, boolluse it W. N . tiearl, Auo'. R ev Ba11ingElr beRlin hla revival etle8 of Olive Brauob, Uoloo , ~t1ver n8k88 plenty of r eu bl ood and, 118 For sale dales. ca B W. C, servlo88 8t L Jmberto~ 8uudav evon. <:irove, Oregnnla arid Beeoh Grove everybody know~, r ed blood ill lite Ing. Smi th 's Store, New Buroburobes. F . 1Il. Osborn, Geo. W . only Inre fOlladdloll of porolllDllnt. ~e t Pe pl,l). Mr, and Mrs. C. D MinI are the Davis and K. E. '1'bompe:m wllr .. bealth and MtrAng~b lin gton, or Harveysburg. parents of a dlloghter-Rebeor-. oBptalnll, lind Thoma8 Rloh , Paul Mangan of your druggist-lind t!lk e Ohio, phone 7-2 ~ . ~RIEND Rloh, J . E l!:(:\wards and Vivian .!le. U a few wee kI.' lind ~ee how muc h Catberlne. I:!old In alllok were lieQtenan~ for ,he north better you feel lind look . &1188 Hraoe 8hambangh, of tbe MV PRICE. ONE PER CENT liquid aDd tablet torm .- Advertise · Millmi Valley b08pltal, waH bome line. ment. over 80uday. MIB8 EleaDor Haydook aoted 18 .ubsU'ule teaoher 10 the Primary room. 11I8t- week. Mr •. H . F. Comptou spent II part ot Il8t weet with ber brother. \:!am Mrs. Mary Lamme has been on Compton. of WtlmlnRton, 'be eloll 118', .Mra. 8&rah I:!ha'mbaugb, wbo wu $1l1J4jn to \be I.pev ll08pl~II for aD Pro'rao~ meetlog 0108ed at the operaUon, IS reooveriDR nloely, ~. E. oburoh, 11.1.1' Sandoy, I.e·l la and Berman Lemar eDter. Howard lIyer. baa gone t.o Jaok'aiDed thalr Sunday Sphool olllt\_, Ion ville, 11'1.. , .~ work hi a garage. TbQr~I' evening of Ila' week, Barry Weavur and wife, of Day The Baolhine soolety was pi. . . ton, viII ted rel.,Sivee here, Sunday. eDtert~iDed at the home of MI88 Mary AileD, who baa been Mildred Ro\)loson, Saturday after- very 111, wae ..,ken Mhml Valley oOoD. ' b08plial. Dayton, laaa week. Mr. and Mra. SaDley Stepheol Tbe Ladlel' .A\d IjlOlety or tbe M, had as their 808llte over l:Juod~y. E, ohoroh served ,tb,. lunoh a' 'he Mr Harry Laweon and family. of Guenther&MoUO,. ..Ie, las' }Iooday, Xenia. , 1Jld Qerryhlll, who had ml,de hla Tbe fUlleral of Jamlma Boose, .. llome fO,r lome "me "I&b iJoh.n Tar. former reel den' of oar vlllage, w.., ner Jr , of &owo, iUed a," ba' held at the Frleno ohoroh, la.a pJaoo, lut Satorday. of hearUrooble T,neildai lf~ernooD. MI.. Boois wu Mn. Jam... ,lBndlord, AIled 85, nlnety-three yeal'tl of lIKe, snd leavel who ~Ived near Whlt4i ;a ,Co rner, dl~ ,hoa' of friend. W mooro ber de; ' aa 'he.~ome of her ..aep 'd.Olh&er, par'uff', • _. 1ol1'tI. Anna Wrlgbt. JobDaaowo,Pa, rune'ral w .. belli at Sugar Creek U, P.ohQrob, lut Monday, aDd bulal ~ . ".., made ., 'bta~ place, • . -


Catarrh 11 I""'nl d i ~l'n~r, greatly inli ll CIH"'o\ I,.,. ( " lil ~ l l llifionn l con oi il i,," ,. 1i .\I ,I.':-; CATARRH i\II': I>I ('I " I·: i". a T "lIi ,' RIIII Rl oOli I'llr ofi(' r. I: ,· , · J.·:l II ~"'.! th ' bloo d and ulli lol in .C! II" , !" .\'I '· Il1~ ]fALl ,' S (' A'1' AIW II "rll ll' l~ g rcs t o rl'~ fl nrmlll .... 1I ,l il i(1 n ~ Hll d all ows Nat ure to .I " il" wo rk . :\ \I nrll lIlIi" I ~ . Ci renlars free. }'. J . Ch!'llcy & ('n., Toledo, Ohio.

Ca tarrh i"





Walter McClure r u;\r

-----.- ..- - -

Waynesvilie, Ohio



I aIN'TIWIT'''I. r


- - - _. BEECH GROVE

---.. - ...---

l:u ll y Equipped for Goou Service. Large Dis play Room \

\'i..I.F:I' HOSE

Public Salea


- - --... ...- - -



ItIlde~. ~1




We Put Them On



- - -






om"" 10 N .'loD.1 BUlk Bldl.


General Repair Shop .-, Call me by phone




South '" Main Street.

Waynesville. Ohio

.. : (

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall

If Your Face is Your Fortune, Don Look Like a Bankrupt


--- ...

...- - -

Jesse Stanley,·







. -----

- - --

For best results we use Miami Gazette's Classified columns, we'll tell the world!


We have twenty thousand feet of




here at our Lumber Yard. We are cutting, these l~gs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling, same at a very reasonable price. If you are in need of Oak Lumber for any purpose,









Woollard, ... ~ :~ .

will buy Oak, Walnut, Ash· and

. ,d.



/ t Y()u r


Linea to Be Remembered.

. over S ee d '\ /1 'r" "" CI at .


UlIt·,l! .1\'11" "


11KS~ ;



<1" 1

1'.""1 ,,,'11 .. ,, ,,'11 10""1 1"" III" 'IIIlfdll lll(er: I, ' ·ll1IlIn\ll. "IIlJu~ lo ; 1,," II I. Iii,' PIIJ'I




\,! lIttd


Younce Bros. Grain Company \~1·~·:;~'~;"'I"~I""~h



ti ll


nl\d lloolp

.N~ ",',-r) Ihlo.".-


iM;} . I' GJ· ~










held I ~

Sears & Cartwright Photl c

I :III, .lillg

(j 1-2


C hurc h


' unday Schonl a t thi H e ve ry Sunday Rt 9:30 a rn Prcach ill j( s~ r · vice lit lO'30 o'cl(wk II III Yuu art' cordially Invi ted to be presen t .




I GJ~'

._---- ----



Lich. ". Ma k. S u pc ri Co or. ,.r !tIt' Ill .. .. ' r !!.I . ;.:. """ ' 11" 1 :


upon th ,' j'lI rtll II\\l' 1111' 11' 1·llIlnll·1, ' rl :.ct lc • (t'ullln',.. 10 1l 111"'Sl'~ 1111:~ Ikh:' II ~ . Th . (l ' llIUIi S ··n· lrll ~oll ("lilT.... IIf \," "t-'n lulld. w hli-II t ' :\If' lItl (ur mU t'?oo IItlnllWllnl f r u lD



('n l' ''' Y(l rk, dcrl\'P tlw l r l4.,I ~ ndl d co l or I!J I rl'OIll Ihp j(ruwth or r~(\ II t' h~ n which ~ cu \·pn.: rh"lr fac4l. TII ~ (') Irr. rls t" uetwoell 1.700 !lnd 2.000 tl'et 81rllight frolll Ilw water's @dIC. nn d ueln!; COlD· p O.pd or IIray I rllilite. their aspect "'oul d ue <"lIt lrely dltrer .. nt from what IE] It Is excel)t for the pr~se ll c e of til. l"'III.. n .

Twin H i ghwaymen of the Se ••

SlJIh'M guvcrllIueo t h88 dont! Ulu c h to-.

8uclle)"e Guaranty

1\ nvolulloo La cloIck . nWq. Sto~ brooder 1011... Mak.. thr•• cblcb ",btre ooe ,rew before. Bu .... bard or .011 c oaL Sell·feediDr, HI,·.. ",laliD,••imple, ufe, , anU.".. etn.1D 01 resu1t.. Rabet .It Ibe chick •• Broodt 100 10 1000, W.,uar. aatee it udJel7011 writ'

The Buckeye I. lIIarant~ecl alw.,. 10 dve a perltct h.tcb 01 the larce.. aad

Your Own Guaranty

makes pracUullbe .weepl~

otrODlell chicks: to openl. ..ti.laclot!1y la Iny t f'moerature idowll to frc.edor: to reQuire DO lr1ilicl.t molilure and DO attendoo 10 the ~<rula lor (rom tbe lime the b.lch II ,Iart.d unlU II II liabbed. 1\..'1 Buchy. ,bll'anolo me.t Ihi, cu.ranl, ,viii be lake a AnY Ilmc wlthiD to d.,... Over ball. QillHoa Buck.yu la u•• are elvin£' unlvtrsaal latisbccton , iOl unar lue· (:en to tbe bf.~iooer alldenlaq:iol: the p~5'll t

of the bIll opera lor. You dun '. ~f'lec ut :up ''''Jt b




bu.doe.. fro m the Hot batch.


Wrlle dow. aU yo. thlok • brood., We'l . i611 iI. And II

.hould do for you. the ~ l'Dtlard

d o e. Dot 'uHiIt Jour IUlnnty

we' ll .eacl your mo.t, bock.. Over 30.000 breede ... hilt aod UIII •• the St..,d"cI aad Dot 00. fa llu.e II ncorded. Buckeye J.cub. 'on .Dd Staadard Colony Drl-\Od en are endorsed by all Ar:dcultura' Col le ~e . a nd e SDcrimtnl SIl tion, . Sold bJ" o ve r 6000 dea1e n who are ,lad t o .how the m :tchlne in op.n.tio n. Our I'i v•• ~~~r!l ~~i~~~:a1:~~~~r:~!~ : ~:d.mOt l Won· Wrile for II.


or th e dllnger

th t' fog men aee. The II"ulUer rouleta .re regularly patroled and a l'onstunt wn tc h II1l1lntatned tor IceberllH, uud whell th ey are dlaco,'ered the new. II acau e r"d broad cllst by wire I""".

----_ ..- - -

Eel Really a Scaly Fleh. Moat pnlo". regard eels HS the m08t slippery resi dents of the wllter. but t he tnvestlga tlng scIenti st 88Y8 the eel Is ' co"ered with a complete set of • .,aleH. 'Iu lte 8 S nicely Hrrallged 01 those on th e IIsh .u.<I emptuy"d tor lhe IRme purpose, but th .. lr dlmlu utive . Ize r equired a powerful microsco pe to .tudy them.

---.. - ..---





~ ~ ~


P. D. Tel. 41




1II1lfrH hfl\"~ bM"

- -;==-::;,,,,,=-:;;:-"'''=-- --.--""' ..

jJ~o. J/ '




_Miami Theater._ "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ THURSDAY- FEBRUARY 2 Muy ~1 1l... Mill tor lu "A ll QOllis Eve."


t'm hrnltl er(' fl. tnn.

COmll<\y : " Do n't Ol arn o Tho Stork ." a Ob.rlstl •. Comedy.

SATURDAY-FE BRUARV 4 Doroth:. Olllh In .. Fl ying Pat." a ebaJ.c N e\\'5 .


~~~ fa~~~~~~~~~~. $3 Prospects are that potatoes will be much higher, real soon; take lIur advi.!e and buy now . Thi. is not common commission house stuff. and is not hurt with the cold .

Pure Cane Gran. Sugar Car will be in soon. Have bulk and 25·pound bags . Gtlt our price, todav.

Coarse Salt

Biscuits ana Daily ......

Fr esh Car just In. Barrels, 25, 50 and loo.pound bap . Also, Block Salt.


GRAINS ond b .. l~y- hi.hlydIC1l.'lbl •• ORAINS i. prt.t.ble . GRAINS i. so fe t o feed. GRAINS is It l ona in digestible protein, G RAI NS blow in fib re c:ontco t . GR AINS is l o .v iu moisture.

EU ....II Percy lu "The Tom Bo y." Sunahlno Comedy.

Watch for MarshallNeilan in' Go and Get It ." Co ming 800n


DralD Tile Order Now Get

Our Delivery

Aak u. f or ( rao mJ k rocord . h ee l :

Younce Bros. Grain Company. Phone 25-2, '1 aynesvi(le, Ohio


For Saturday

Good Luck Flour 90c $1Sack and Cake of yeast ... ... There is just enough spring wheat in Good Luck Flour to make good bread . No "bad luck" in "Good Lu ck. " King Cole Coffee (get a IJ8mple) per pound .......... .......... ...... 451: Blue Buckle Coffee, the best for the money .................... 30c "JU9t For You" Coffee, at ...... S2c , ROyal Rio, a good coffee, 2 Ibe ... 35c Navy Beans, peck ............. ..... 95c Flake Homiiry •. 4 Ibs ............... 25c Kiln-dried Meal, 10Ibs .......... 25c Co rn Flakes, 2 packages ... ..... 15c New Buckwhelll, 5 lbs ... ... ...... 2& Rome Beauty Apples, 3 Ib~ .. ... 25c Bananae. each ............... ......... Be Oranges, each.. .. ..... ..... ..... .. .. Be L aundry Soap, 4 bars .. .. ......... 25c Castor Oil, Liver Pills, Aspirin Tablets ......... ................ .. ... 1Oe Salts. per package.... .. .. .... ..... 5~ We pay the top for Butter & Eggs

A Dollar Goes





pew" r. "Inelor Qnd \l,romaUI!8. The, Valve. Ground and Carbon Removed weI''' en te n fr ..ab, or dri ed In Olelll, ' or OD hurdlea In the lun. Th~ lnatt.. 1 Bauerles, Ford Coli. .Dd Spark tut .. regrets to be IR Cklll& In a"preds. 1 Pluta Tesfed. 1101. of Ille cla88lc8, but we recommend cr~HW aud IUKlir tor rIpe Xerxes nnd ·I'liny. lJllvld Bnd Phllll). to the contrary Dotwlths tUlldlnlf. And most R. · D, J Phone ,b.l}i deltt:louR Ihey lire-If you can get Wayoesvllle, OhIo theDl.-Roston Globe.




w. ~w~






Final Winter Giearance Sale ','..


Progress In All,. Prlc~~ Exceptionally Low r

IF don't ha'ppen to The Late Glasstned Ads. yout<;>wn when you want a Classified Ad:, advertising your extra Stock, a plow, a, lot of Feed, or any of your extra stuff Ont hand, just call

. HAY-6 or 8 $on8 of Mixed Clover and Tlmo'by BaY,Rood quality • . Alllo, about ,126 bu. Oatil 1920;oroll. ~

·• t he Mlaml Gazette package, Sold at SaQ.r'. Groce..,.


I Figs Exullant Fo.... 1 F IgS, we are told • •were lerved au arl.tucryllc £tom"n tRb lea with lall.

Long Way Here .



. Reefer's More-EiRII Tonic '18 n~t a , food) it is a tonic, Its purpose Is to condition your hens; put pep In them; make them scratch and exer::iS8, It will make bens 1,.,. Sold on a parantee. 1 package tree ,nth eacll $1

im'E==::Ji [ r.G===:I'I::IIi'===:1' a,

Telephone 25-2


IlIqulre of Flora Berryb 11, 2127 Indll\nll Ave •• Colum bos, Ohio. f1G



Paying 20e for Hens up to Friday noon.



Younce Bros.~ CODlpany


UNION ORAINS w a . t h e ~o mma r cifJl dai,y / ,."d mile/II . It lu•• ,i.,en contin uou. eta t iatoctio n leir ovor :10 " •• ,..


10Ibs Kiln·dried Meat ...... ... 25c Good Rio Coffee, only ........ ... 17c Post Toasties or Keliogha ...... 10c Sweet Potatoea, a can, only ... 15e Seedless RaiRins, 8 pound ...... 25c New Dates, a paekage ......... 20c.' New Figs. a pound ............. SOe





Lard Cans, Pure Pepper. Meat Salt, Saltpetre for butchei-lnlr.

your h ot biscuits light and fluffy? Because they t aste b etkr and dig est bett er than the heavy, soggy variety I For the same reason you .. cows prefer a light, bulky 'grains ration. It tasles bc ~ ter a nd di gests better. It produces the most milk and the richest mi lk. . Union Grains,is light antl bulky. One quart weighs only 3,:j' lb. C ontains only f.% moisture as against'iS% in most feed~. Feed Union Gra ins by weight, not by measure, and see how much fa rther it goes than other feeds. - - -• • 4. UNIO N . ~. UNION 6. UN I ON J . UNJON 2 . UNION S, UNION



Red River Early Ohio Seed

B. Factory


r.e=:zzu==:t Ell:'===:1' 1::1 Ii'===:I'm Ii'===:1' m

Worry 18 w orse thin the ae"en·year W Itch. You CUll IInolot that so that you can Quit scratchIng n littl e while DOW onrl tlll'lI ; but nobody ever In· E m .r~id , In A ztec Trea. urec. "'ellied • -'II Ye tor worrying. Yo n Amo[lg the A ut'(· 1I'~n" II\' f'~ or ~I ex. ha ve JII S! go t to cut It Out by th e r oots l eu ex ql1J:.dl e-ly " II I t'II .,I, :l l d ~ Wt' ,'e (nHud an d gro tt In " hAP PY dl ~ p o 8 1 t1ol1 wll ere 811f1 it Is (rom Ild !olo . . (1111 ·",. [h~f the It IIsCl1 to gr"l\'. It CUll be done. mn gnificent 1'lIll'r:llll, nuW r()rnll tll1 8 Th uuk Go" tnr Ihllt I pn r t or the rt ••nd ('tdh'l\ t!ull 11r SpHln were "' tlI I I HI~P" r.. 1111 \ J' " 1111 11 ' .

.c tlp t ll r~s




Intn~ IIn ~ry whl r h were nllt 1I" st worn by the "t<'nll'" s~x. Enrl\ e~t exam· pIes or IIII' 1I ~( : rlll I "lll cl~, nlt w e r~ e nr· rl ed h~' tit " I(n115. prt,·"' 8. kings Il ll<l prince" nr IInh."lpn. ACI'III·t!ir'l( tll t1'.J1




When Men Carrlod Handbaga. TIH! re lin' v.. ry tt!\V urllc-Ips of fel])-

Fred M. Cole , Waynesville,

wonl Ihe elimination

t ro lll \ceberll •. but It has not loeeu abl~ 10 do Dluch toward the allevlatioD or




In- 11 1111 tOK n .. e kno wn us lhe " twin Ittg hwllymcn or ti ... s(>u." The (' IIIt t!d

This year you've got to b~tcb a good chick from c,'cry h3tch3lolc cgg :11111 raise th cm all. The country needs them. You nced tben,. The m c~ t 5upply is low lind getting lower. Feed I, hl&,b lind every ounce of it must count. ' The Buckeye Incubator and Staodu d Colony Brooder positively In,ure successful chick raising. They're gunrnotecd 10 do it. No guesswork about It. Given good egl:S a Buckeye will produce the full b ~ t.,h of 5trOnl( chicks the, first time and e" cry 11me. lloder " Standlrd Colony Brooder Ihe wbole h atch cao be matured to a marketable ,ize quickly.

List Price F.



Buill _p to •• t...danl-oot d""... 10 a price. Up to a fl...d"d 01 txacl perlorm. aace aDd cer1 n.ultJ-a ••• tbat



Waynesville, Ohio



P reachin g services, 10:80 am . • and 7;00 pm.; Epwo rth Leagu e. 6: 15 .. p . m. Eve~ybod~ co rdi a~y invit ed . ~

Cacsar,'s Crcel<

IWl l

11 arvcysburjC Friends Cllllrc h' Su nday School at \1::10; Chur ch service a t l O : :~O . We welco m e al i i wh" wi ll rn ee t wilh us ill o ur \\, 01' r:1 ~h iJl uf J e hovah Cume. 1I1 "1I~" , .: '

ur hI",: (' 1\\ (' 1\'\ " llt·l·t ·.t1 l'lIda r ... ha\'L' ;lI'ri\'ed. \\.(' tnt · t af ter 'IlIill:.· ,l !i11.1\ I" ... l l il'tIlL·l lt it is 11,)1 11'1) 1,11 ' fl'l 11" ' lIt 1" 1,(; ll f good :;el'\·in \1/ \ 'U II



Fordson Tractors

l":l '

, __~_____________-::-___________, I next Sunday: S ur ,day School . !J: 15: I ~

ElIl'5==:1'1::1 L.


The usual se vice9 will




M, E. Church


------- ---.......


Read the next issue , of Fred's Advertiser, out February 9th. Wonderful oPPQrt\lnit1es for the purchase of House Furnishings of all· kinds, Furniture, Rugs, etc.' Don't fail to get a.copy mailed ,fr:,ee

PHON'E N. t., O. .,112

and we: will see to ~he' ·re~t. Call agai"" please .... • .

More Good. 'for tbe Same MOGeJ






. .

tatll' ~eventy-FoUl'th


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1922 Car of Sugar on track just arrived. L. A. Zimmerman.

MisH Li lli" ('rll tt iR 011


Rick list.

MiHR Lt' ~ h Smith is s pending a dav s wtlh frl~I1,I " ill ClIlcinnati.


Whole Number



II ' 5 alway s Ih~ i nn oc.~t lud op(n mind of a child which lirsl sc nses. and is attra cted to tnI~ ~ r r " tll l · ' S . Centuries ago it was so whell thcl' heart!. "Suffer litt k chilt!ren ,.. "I' co me unto me." Today in OJ lle of 'he big Easl.rn cities is a hl'a utifu l IJ rome statue of AIi.aham L,ncoln. Da tl y 'arount! its baseand up wi l h 'I -a rc little childr~n. The i' ic ll1r~ show s 8 grou, of )'oun Rstc rs brushing up Ihe stalue SO tha I ,t may present a perfect apI",ar"" ,c on the 1131h anniversary 'Jf th e l,i rth of A merica's grut man .


Mi ~ H

Ali,'" ~I d( ;, ~l"y anti tiaup-hle r M"rt Bflird i~ vi ~i t illg fri ('ncl ~ in spen t Sunday with re lati vt'R ill Mllr· Indi ullapuliH. !r clw. .

L N Print z visil,,'] his Hister in Jonulhan Haines had 1\ se\,E're bil l ent t' rvillf' . SUIIUIlY . OU9 atluck. Saturday. but at thi> time is much b ' tter . Mr~ 8dith M. H llrri~ is 's pending the wee k in Cincin nati. Several fl f the local Masons at. t ended the funeral of Henry Simp· J .'" Hyman.of X,'nia. spent Thur~ son. at Cen terville. Mond ay . dll~' with Myer HYlllan and family .




limited amount of both plain and Chocolates for lac. at Sawyer 's . fllney sewing . Mrs Kilbon . Mr. J . Hall. who is a ~t ud e nt at 0 . M,r er Hyman and fam~ly and D s. lJ. Rpent Sunday al the Friends L. Cr an e alld wlf~ spent ::sunday af- I Home the guest of Mi ss Lola Pine. tern onl1 with relllti v,,~ in Le hunon I • Mrs. Nina Bentley lind daughter.

~r~. Ber~.1 Urntt. of Jo:I"wllrk. N Rosemary. are spending a wee k with J • IS ~pet~dlnll 1\ w.w k WIth her pa· Mr and Mrs Roy Irons at Asheville rents . Mr and Mr8. C G. Williamson . Ohio .



itrw/dnck. Mr" Frl'd ilra d 1' lI'k l' n· , C Ilance tn . tll(, wor lIt . ( U Hee hl'o~ shadow tf' r tmned allr l' I' II /l lllo'. fr 1!'1l t\\,,) to la~ t Thursday. a a tho 9un shone all f"ur. SullJrduy, January :!i< I dav. and it b rought nml Rpririt.t - - -- zt'p hyrs There was onl y one chance j\ li ~H Ma n • Th ll lJl a~. 1l,,~ i ~ t l'I ' I" in" hundreu, howeve r. that he did ~I rs Chas Zi 'lII n l' rllulli. e tll e rtaim',J ""I CII ,"e out. and that was on acat a mi ~c el lan l' (l u " ,; lll\\locr . Friday C" II 11 1 (,f the wate r. for the rain .that nill~. in ht,"o r of MI ~H Adria Cllr- fell Wedli t'sdllY IInu W edne~day even,,,,II. /I hrid e·e lt·c t Il f F"brullry II lin>! . was fie rce en ough to fil l tho r ive r lind st reams to ove rflowing. M,',;danh''; Will t :" r1wl l an .] it",.1 and m" ,I' ha lo'!! been too deep for him Il arb"ck '·III,·rlllil,/·'( li t til hll m!' of I,I e ll\e r~" from his hole. An yway. the forlll <:r. Salurd ay afternoon . we will urll bably have more winter. twenty· f 'l llr lad ies. in honor of Mi ~s ,\driu CLi rn e11. Man y use ful gifL~ wp re reccil'eci by r he brid e-elect. ()uinty rl'frlo's l'.m en ts we re served .

~ EWING - I 11m prepared to do a big sweet Orlln'le for 3c; a pound of


~~~ i

Annllu ncinl{ t he e!t I{!t~"l\l e nt of l Mi ~~ Ad ciH ('II II1PII Ilnd Mr War rell Th e gro und hog had the best

"'ound - Auto license tag . on tilt' Mr. lind Mr~ lIoward Hopkin9. or Bellbrook pike. Owner can hay!' I )"yton. ~pent Jo'rid .. y here with same by call1nR at this office. rt' lutiv es Winesap Apples. 3 Ibs. (or 25c;





BLUJ:; HU CKLE CO FFEE is just Mrs. Vern Armitage and two child_ strong enough for the most exacting ren. of Oregonia, spent the week· end taste; 30c II p01lnd. worth more with her parents. Mr . and Mrs. Wil l The days of our years are three Carrie Evangeline HeBB was born The Warrt'n County Normal class, S!lwyer's. Norton. score years and ten; and if by reason November II. 1853. nea r Morgan- with their instructor, Edna M How. of strength th ey be fourscore years. town. W. Va. and died Sunday. Jan. land. spent Friday In Cincinnati. . Roy MacBeth . ' the popular baker , How many seeds in the pumpkin? yet is thei r elrength labour and ~or- uary 29. 1922. In the year 1884 she After arriving in the city. they has not sl)ld hi ~ bake ry . but is still at Fine set of Aluminum to the person row; for it 'is soon cut off Bnd we fly was married to Thomas Hess, and to went. by way of the Dixie Terminal. the same old stsnd Reports have' guessing nearest. One gl)"l!8 with away . , this union six children were born. to the American Book company. been given out that he had Bold, each 25c purchase at Sawyer's. When contemplatinlZ the life of five of whom are living . . Two step The management were expectinll which is not true . our .dear frie~d who has left us. one sons. fifteen grandchildren. and one their arrival, and provided especial ·. Mr . and Mrs. J. O. Whitaker and realizes hoW' Inad eq uate word~ m.a y brother- J Clark Baller, Iff Morgan- guides and entertainment. The enMessrs. J . ·E. Jannpy. H. A Cor- Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Smith left~ Sat. be; they cannot express what her life town. W. Va -are also left to mourn tire plant was given over for tbeir nel~ Myer Hyman, J C. Hawke. urdllY. to spend a week or two in has been. nor clln they express the her loss inspection. and they were shown all Fred M. Cole. M. D Baird. Jes3e Florida. sorr~w that her friends feel at her She was of a quiet. unassuming the different processes of book.makPrendergast . "'oleman Jackson. Hopassing. nature, always of a loving. kind dis· ing, from the first handling of the mer .Carey and D L. Crane attended SPEC1AL·- For this week. I will Mary.Emma Stanlon was born on position. and a keeper at home. She reams to the binding of the book. inspection of New Rurlingln,l Iod ICe. ,stamp your beds Dread for $100. in. th.e 17th of 3r~ month : 1852. at Green was never happier than when surIn this section is also located the ' clud'n~ ahlim sheeta. Severar nic~ last Wedneaday evenin!t. Hili. near Sprlngbore, the home for rounded by her family and friends famous "Taft Home." With the patterns to choose from. Mrs Ki/hon many years the home of her parents. view of this home. all the historical Joseph and Catherl'ne Stanton In "None knew her. but to love her'. l'ncl'dents connected with it were None met her, but to praise." . d Ch. I RIGHT NOW is the time to give h 1903 h t e year • 8 e marrle ar 8S given. and this was one of the ve~y .your hens 11 good start laying. Don't T. Chapman. who preceded her in Deoth halted nut in his onward march pleasant features of the trip . wait. every day means a 10~9 to you death almo.t three years. In 1!H9. but laid hold on the mother that we Next the famous Rookwood PotGet Reefer's More·EItJts Tonic; $1 a her long rt's idence al her birthplace loved. and she fell asleep . package and 1 free . Sawyer's. was interrup l~ d by removal to Waytery was visited. by way of the "In· I I d f or SheWltltr.r'oot.ltoJlliI'~lIbytheOldho .1 ..."". Ib.lleeps Bnd Dever more neavl'11 e. wlere t h'18 1'( I e rose D1.dOOr. cline." plus the thrills. Needless to At the Mothers' club. Illst Friday h dd l i t th 27th Iror her votce be beard wltb ".lovIDg t.oDe. say. they were shown. step by step. \ er. su en y. on S mon, ' l I J ' Lhe IOD' ODOII len;rouotl her owo bO&l1h- the modeling of the world.known aflt:rnoon. it. was vot.ed to continue 1922. the annive -sary of her mother's 'he b ... 'O~~~·h.r bome afar. ...... Every Day Specials. ..... servi:Jg soup to the children who birth Tu the i>Mutlfullaou . whe... 'he Bogallare. pottery. Pennant Svrup. Y. gallon ...... :. 38c . lIIke their lunch . The supply com- . If our li ve~ a rf' to be meas~red -Mrs. F . Hess . The' Art Museum "WaR the next to Country Lard. 2 pounds .. ....... 25c mittee arA again asking for donanot by yeur ~ . but by Hcco mp.lishment, •• • be visit.ed. and, while it W88 impossi. Navy Beans. 7 pounds .... .. .... .. 50c ble to make an extensive study of Good Coffee. 2 pounds .......... S5c tions of potatoes. cocoa. lIugar. milk. by sl'rvice to othe rs. then has our Pure Cider Vinegar, 111allon ... S5c butter or money . Please leave dona- friend' s life been II full and sucthe wonderful collections of art and Pure Pepper. 1 pound ...... .. .... 25c tions at the Old cessfu l one. From the time of hl'r curios, a good general knowledge ., school building. Good LuckFlour. 24 Y. lb. sack ... 85c young womanhood until the)~st few I was obtained Do-Ray Yeast. package .. ......... 5c Car of Sugar on track. just year3. she hos been an eXlimpl1.l of . Leaving the Art Museum. each puPine.'Dple. 4Q.! can for .. .. .. ......33c Bulk Cocoa. extra nice. Ib ...... I5c arrived. L. A. Zimmerman . tend er. unceasin ~' deVO l ion in the T,he Chur~h School Se.rvlce League . pi! was privileged to see @ony portion Winesa p Apples, care of father. m" l her, sist e r. hus- o! s~. Mary 8 chur'c h WIll hold a 80- of the down-town district that might 3 pnunds for . ...... ..... ..... C ban,l, rend e rin g t" eac h the faithful clal ~n the I. O . 01 Ii' hall. M~nday interest him . All too soon. the service which h ~ r Budderl death ev~nlOg. Februa~y 13~h. An mter· time for departing arrived . The 8olognH. pound ................ ... . 15,· denied he r. esung program IS. bemg arr~n~ed. class was tired. but happy and much Frank~. pound ...... ........ ......... 20r. The Woma n'~ Ch rist ian Temper· AJlare cordially Invl.ted. AdmISSIon, benefitted by the trip .-M. M. C. and Fresh SId/' Meat. pound ·........ 18c ance Uni<J1'r presented to this dear 10c; Itefreshmen~l. 15e. A. Ii:. S . Highest Prices for Butter and Septuagesima Sunday. February fri~nd e cO II L(t! nial fi eld of labor, and . Eggs; 2c hill he' on the dozen or l2: Church School at 9:30 a. m .; Barbara Filer spent the week.end pound in traLle We'll be looking Morning Pra)'er and sermon at 10:30. for m nny ) pars ~ he worked for the l cause of temperance in whatever in Covington. Ky .• a9 the guest ot for you. , The public cordially invited t~ these way ~ he could lind to serve the cause. her aunt. services. At the tim e of her death she was . \ --'---4 _ _ ....- - The Normal library has been enpresident of the County Organization ; and had been such for several years / ~/~ larged to such an extent tpat it has The \2:iam i Gazette iSl 50 1\ year Last summer she attended the Nabeen necessa ry to re-catalogue it. tional convention in San Francisco. ' and this work has been most efficienlly done by Maude Pennington . , To the interest in work connected· with this cause. which women must We are justly proud of our library, The capital of this comfe ol before they und"rrake it, Emma pany is invested in first as we now bave quite a large collec· added an enthusiasm whfch was unmortgage notes, proteeted by tion of well-selected profeRsion~1 and tiring. -She will be missed in the in!llltanc e. art books temperance work of Warren county. She was a woman of high ideals in Virgil RetalJick, teacher at Green· her religion. which was very ..eal to wood school. revived old memories Investigate The Amcrican her. Having borne the hurden and bi' a visit to the Normal school. last Finance Company with a view to buying at the present price the heat of the day, she re.joices Tuesday . $12 per share. now in the fulfillment of the promise ' of Every promise made to in· made of old. Hnd in Heaven beholds Rue Dinwiddie. of DaytoD. spent vcstors fulfilled. Quo rtcrly atvid cnds ho "e Ileen the face of her Father who is in Thursday in Waynesville. and while paid regularly, at the rate of He~ven. Can we not rejoice wi t h here visited the Normal school . twelve jl 2r cent per annum. ----her? Janul)ry. April. July and Octo· ber. . --~---

Sawyer's One Big SpeciaJ, Saturday

J ohn I~ i c h Wl\ ~ co mpl p. t e ly Sllr., p risE'd. ·u rltlav. whe n 1\ f ew of hi ~ f riends call d It· remind him of h i~ bi r thd ay . At nOl)n a dinner con8ist· in/.{ of evcry liJilll{ was se rv ed to th ~ foliowinJ.! : J. B Ri ch and famil\'. C. H. H urt nc k and fllmily. I D. I{ic h and f amily. Earl Hocke tt Bnd fami ly . Frank Braddock and family. Fred Rradd oc k and wife. Mrs. J E Hockett, and Miss, He len Rlindal!.


MASONIC NOllC E Waynesville Lodge No 163. f . & A. M., will hold their regular communication at their temple. Tuesday evening. February 1~. Visitors are cordially invited to be present. D. R. Smith. W. M. L. A. Zimme rman, Sec'y.

-----_ ..




SPECIALS THIS WEEK Th e rtnest Ellrly Ohio Seed or l;a ting Potatoes , $3 • 00 per lJag . only ... ... ... ... wg~~sa~o:.~.I~.I~~ : ..... .... .. $2.75 Crac kers in nice red 25c a few left, only ....... . AI~ S;;~~a!~~.~~.~~.~: ....... .... 25c . He~!rNp~~~Je~: ..... ...... ..... 25c Post Toasties. 25c• 3 packal!'es ......... ...... .. ... AI~~a~~~~:g~.~~~: .... ...... 15c Specials for Friday and Saturday Fancy Chocolate Drops, 15c reg. 25c quality, only Ib .. Vick.'s VaporubS~lve; reg. 25c price 35r; SpecIal for ... .. P ~ ~:::~~~~..~~~: ......... 59c La~re l till,

Will pay 20c for Hens up to 6 Miami Chapte.· No . 107. O. E . S .• poulll~a, 21c for Hens over 5 will hold thei r regular meeting. Monpounds. up to Fridsy noon . . day ~ eve ning, February 13. at their hall. All officers are r equested to IT PAYS TO TRADE AT I.-e present. Asenath Thomas, W. M. I Sue Hawk e. Sec'y.






------ ..---


12 070


-. ....................................................



Incubators and Brooders '

Fe.)f Sale by

FRED M. COLE, Waynesville, Ohio


Fordson _rrractors




..--Tax Free In Ohio GUillY SECOND Ask for free booklet. financial statement Ilnd information which tells how we.llay with DEGREE MURDER enfety. You are corllially inVited




Thomas Oliver Vandervoort, in- I dkted for the triple murder of hiS divorced wife. her mother and a friend. was found !tuilty. of murder , In the second degree. at 9:60 lallt Thursday morning. at WilminJrton, "after the jurorS bad delibera.ted for ,i nineteen hou TS.


Big Reductions.on all FOldson . I~plements, .

F. ,b. 'Hawke' Telephoae 41





List Price F. O. B. Factory


..__ ..


WayaeaviUe, Ohio

A areat many people had thoueht the jury would dls_ree, .and natur. ! ally wei-e surprised when the verdict ' was rendered. The eue attracted I 8 great deal of attention. The Ien' l tence W8a lor Iile imprisonment: .






THE AMERICAN FINANCE COMPANY Authorized Capital .2,200\000 Fifth Floor. Mutua) Home B dg. Dayton, Ohio. Bell Main 21.86

i·..;"····Mi;;A-;jliL'··TT:ijH;i'I,~S· .;;;;~;;:;;;.•:,.--'--..., THE AMERICAN FINANCE CO; ' Mutual (Jonne Ballcinr. . Da,.~on~hlo WIthout obllga ~ton on m, ' part '

=~ .'l':te~~I:~ :~dV~~!eP~J~t"'-

NAM. ., ........ ......,.............. .

.ADD"." .....•...•....•.. :......... .

. . Dreaded Foe. The . poroalp t... tOg eompoaed a. needJ.. of Ice Which ocean III Wiater ... DlOIlDtallloUi .....0lIl of. " weItml UDlte!l StataL It t. ...,... ..





CI:rV ............ ,

Henry Simpson died. Friday even· ing, at the home of Millard Murphy, near Ferry. after 'a short illness . TIle funeral was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock. from the Baptist church at Centerville. Interment was made in Centerville cemetery. He ' was' a member of Waynesville Lodee No. 163. F. & A. M.

___4._ . ---


Meetine ~ery Sunday the I'eIUlar hour. Sunday·lIChoolat 9:acr. Oar IICbooI baa JrfOwn from ten or twelve to about 8fty replan. Come ~d eajo, with a.


Listen To This, Folks! $4 50 We also are closing out a bunch of brand new dandy $1 • 98 at. per pair and up, ............... ;.. ...... ..•..• You fan buy Arctic8 here at ........... ... ........... .... ···••·· .. $1 95 Felt lined and all. . . '.

We are selling the genuine Army Husset Shoes at .. :..... Just think of it! They formerly sold for $5 lind 16. Work~hoes



~~.~~~~.~,~I:~~~.~~.~~.i.~~; ... . ...........:........ : .... .... .. .. ............ $1.50 ~t~:~. ~.~~~~.~~~: . . $7..50·/, ..

. . . . . . . . . . . :. . \. :. . . . . . . . . . . .


Mrs. Hou~!teeper, we have some mote ~oweli~ at per yd Former prIce, 260. \. .



It certaitily \vill pay you people _.eU to malle a trip here, as eve~yth~g is at its lowest pri<lel

U~ S• .WIY and NAVY' GOODS _ SQ' It Main SI,."t, MkunIIII.urr£ OhIo

otato. ..

11te Miami Cuelle, Waynesville,


cfIJ1I '1 know It .l,""lI"r u IJIII"ItINI. fllII 's yo" r rule "I'd I'ilth"r illp II" r, Olb." wn\led on Ih l~ frl 'lllh!? It 0111'1 (l r i, hlli,If'., M~ 11ft1'~~.. ~o s:t't II \\' 11 tn h r:I:1'i' IIH"kfoi," 'Th e ('(mH\1("ldnl'f' "hf)(\k h ZlI ld", 4"'01''' n o\ dollnr H tul1 . 1t 1.l '·I'III1'\\(( tilt, gr(lt-dy ,I",J I~' IIl1d .l r'I " l rt " ,I. f"!1",,,,"l h,\' thl' ~('n l ~g~. 1Il111l 1flg II Ihn .lrt t'l l lt~1 fut' ty ' rnlth f ,,1 :-'el! ' 11 1I1\or""I _ 'rh,' 1' 1(1' l"'III: Id ~ III'1' tlt,tn tIl' h,,\'" IJI'~ n II h ' l l( Ihl' dUPf 1 ~ 1' 1· \)1. 1 I tl ' )lrn d tl n' m wll ll"g 1(> III'N'PI. "F'I\'e hu, "lr,'d dol.

."nll him In to tile h.UO rn r n 100. 8r(>lIn(l hp.fore \,'1' mllke up Ollr mlnd~, " Captllin I'krllgl.'8 WII8 nOI a IIInll to luke ~t h JU'f" I\S.



T hey 1I10<\I'ed Ihe IOllnch 10 Ihewrll,'k nll\1 clU lI'nen r~d o "c"'lI l(>II~. M,·, GIIJIl<l)' worke-rl the ulr ~UItlP \\' h l l" the rl h 'cr, IIX In hnn.!, rl r lWnf'll 1111('1 I h, '


~ t·I':\KJ.:'~

t III'nl ~ d

" ~I ;II'."

Iii ' I hi' l'I\ It! ltt'I''',

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til 1"c" 1IJ 1'1 111 11' tllllrk ~' d"pths of th .. fl oorled hOI(\, alu ll ily hUllilpd f.:,'rll~ l.t~ f1\'t~ hundr, ·,' ttOIl I I ' I .. ... \\ .. tl,!II' I tn ' " ,\1 I I '\JOn ,1,.1I11r-= , "C;lrl1ll1 t' II r(' l't' l p l ," ht, i'\nld, " 'ns dO\\'11 liolt all IIl)lI r h fnrc he ~ I I" \ I, ... ' , thlll ': hI' C-t " , n ,," nnll'.1 10 I", "u lli'lI lin. All ho"", '\1' "" ~H (' :qtI UIf I ~''I'n:.a:~ ):11 "'''' hlll\ II re. 'I I' , Hwd,' : 1 I , : SI' ronl( II' til l' lin e 10 1","1 hllll . h·:I(·. I lO'hl,' I ''''flll 'l! rl'l 'l dll hili 11111 1 ~Ir . r:)hl1(t~' dp. I ' :i\ .. :1 ""II" I , to dn."' IiJ,! ItI , H II U thl' II1!"tlll lt Iw Jl ul')I\'(j 'I ' '.' If l PII I' II ' d , ,\ 11 1t11 \ J r lUi ,,!, II l ln n!l' WUS I n ·,l\ "11 "~I' ) 1.1 I dpnr nr till' \\J)t , 'r M r . I:\tllt ' ) ' ulI ) Hlr. \\1'1, . :11 hll lll . ·1\ ,tl IlT II,! ... I,lt ' I I I (~ " h ' tnr un d !':etls l nlj ' l lol lt, ' II d t'u('lt Idll1s\'lr ,,1' 11,' - II J.t un l te d (' ur~w. 1111"'11'''' ' 1) tlPPl'lIt'I,'d III :-:j ' r " l;g~' f' n hJ[l " It ,' II " PI' In hi s 1IIlllllij Ih. rll\ ~r III'lli tI lorg,. ", ,01' I. 'If III I' I 10 ill r' lf' lli hl lU thlll tht' n ve hll ll~ lr('d decll yed ,'od ll.II : pro I · ... " ' " ~I j t " ,,' 't . ' ,, ',I I li b 1110, IIr "I't' i j!li l w a..;; rt'IIII ," 10 h~ tu l,en I ' , j I n 1/1' I :11 11 111 1"11 1'lIp", ln S~rttl:l:' IlIrllcll u sl;ee rlo~ Ilk,· 11 1.1' 11" , I



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F' o nh\\ llf, ,'I.' , :;, I1l' r(\1' "'"n d l',n.: :1 I "',\

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wb " , N' lrlhl" n (lIll" I-: " 0110 do 1n ell .. !Su nIL . UUI' 001011' of Ohlu f ar. nll>r~ b uv" pr u lluOl'" 11l1lllIU.Hbl" rtl~ UIt !!, At! 11111.11 ,.. t Il 000.00 hUll ll~eu tll k .. u frorl1 0' ,. 0 1 o ur Iwe nly Bore t rn ot~ In "11" urnp find ther"

Wilmin gton, 0., phone 301.

lire 'wo ur IU IH'" t' J ropl:f


- - - - - - - - - - -- - -



w bat we" 'e got. D on't ('\ I'll knit'" h"r I Sh' II II I . 1'8 pro .. ,·u .,. su,-

Jlame Y~ mUlled"



no tax now

LUDEN·S menthol cough drops


' .

strai§ht GIV E QUICK RELIEF F.-otu




•·......N.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·................. , SolJ u'r a artJ "., ,.



Walter McClul"

~ "r"/!J:"

"Sh~ "'us Cllt "You'", rll:ht , Mnc." tlf' ~o ld prl'scnlly, ('nll£'o\'orlng 10 ... ontl'l,1 hIs 811sO llnd 8,lecp on' , , iN onlt ('h llj!rln, "W e'll Hett ie Ihls tl tI, hp,..· frn/!rn ll r(' nrpPI1IR 10 111 1' B8 h'IPr. Tnkc Ibnl hpltnpl 'otT the dl\'('r H ~ lIt" 'llfIl of II jolt ror th" ca roll er," nn' Ip, 's hpJlr \\' hllt he's ~ot to report." ~I r , (j1l1l1~,V'8 eyl's flosbed , but he " ' Ith (he hel me t rentonl l the dh'er mud.· no r enly. Th ..,V hnd rOllnded the f' I,okp; schooncr'. stern now, aod her n8 me ";\ s 11"lIr liS J "nn mnkp oU I. hosl', \ "8S "I slbl(', th"r .. 0111 '1 a Ihlng 0' \·,,1111' In Ihl s "Sch ooner Kndlnk, Seattle," read hulk 11ItI a l'ounle 0 ' hunrl rPl 1 10118 0' Scroggs. "LIttle old thr('C sticke r a cort~h . Hht' \\'n s 1'111 In t \\'" jU~1 ror'd I hOllsl1 nd yellrs old an' (,tit ..Ienr 0' Ihe hulkhp"" UI1 ' hH nll chors cn r throul1h IU~1 ubn!1 Ihe foremnst. !\!(lo rll'd nwny nn Ih(' 81'{'IIoII Ihnt wns cu t orr, She nlll't worlh thl' cos, 0' lowlll' h"r III on the Onts ." "So Ihllt co<ltlsh hilS snme value," sne,'red nptnlll ScrBggs, "( : I'{,II I grlt'f, SI:rnggsy I Don't I {'II tile II 's sp 'lI ed," cried McGutrl'Y, slulUIn tlnJ: horror. "l\'o, not Quit .., MR", not qllit e. ,lll st 8 11I: h l l )' . I S'll ose Olb' lI Inrk n ~I~ 10 th e Rtllb 0' the mnln '"Il SI : ',lIgh(. Iy spolJl'd ~o,lf1s h fOr 8u l e. Apply to A. p , Olltn e ~', nn t he prelllls!'s, fill!" 'Inl l'nl~H on Frllhl~' :" ~I r, Ollmey IJlllvl'red, bu t mnlle n(J I'l' ply. II .. "lIrc' flll!~' ('XIIIlII II ' I Ihnl pOl'llon of Iii" "NI'III'1 IIII,)\'!' wII"'r n,,,1 11I'I'O\'I'I"'d Ihnt b), nn Ildd"lnllll l px . p('nllllllrc of Ilhfllli I1f'!' ,I ..i l llrs h I" III(' "I1,','d ,

!\"\\'II 1'1,,1,1 1101'IIlI gh th e CorA slle wllh

lit ..

\\,11'1'1 ,


Fully Equipped for Good Service. i ., Large Display Room TI>LEPHONE 7 DAY on N :GII :

t' ft lll)1l1 nl('(l

~----- -

Ax In H a nd, Dropped Into tho Murky


Depths of the Flooded Hold , I ; 11 1ft"", ~· flil don ' l R' r OS t · Itll~ IIf'I'f" S R '

plr:tf(' nun nn' ju sl hul~ln' wilh goll)," "~III'C," 1'(, I OI' I "iI til e {,1lL!iIlPCr with

We Put Them On

foC I!)\\' wi nk, "'" i ntl'd wonllh ,"


MI', Olblw~' ('0111" . 1" ,,1) tlt" l r I,nr l,-



Dr. Lloyd B. Han Veterinarian

JIll ).," 110 I O I1 g-l' f',

" I .nn), )

't"" f',

hp h:tw lpd n1lt :ll li.!I'II ,\' . . " I I pi 1'1,,,,1 "I' 11 h·I" .. I1, hm l(,

1111'1, 1. '

til e fi tful wil li

,\" '1 1

Ifll t II




".",11 1111'

!\'l'l ls If ,\' no

11\'0 I hlrll' I (lId .,'1 .10 1'1;:111 Ill' 11,(' s.\'IIdlt·"l p lI ·ruI III I ,, ' liP II bil l o f .,x. , PI''',,, 10 \\' 111 ' I hi ' nnrt lulo port. I 111"'1 ;:,,1,,' to slan.1 for "0 klllllin', e\',' n if \\' 1' In 1\ 11 \'('- hllnclrl'lI-doll nr 1011':1" .. hilI. ~II\II Is humun nn' bound


to mlil~ (\ Inl s ' :l k('l,~, "

" 11",,' , k id Ih e com ll/odnre, Scroggsy. Th !!> nrVJlI(\ r 0' rO Sl 'S Is more 'u a

OFFI CE: Fou rlh Street, near Telephone

011'''11 1:

mun ,'Oil st llnd, "0 cut out th e

j ll sh," "All rl /!h l , ~I H r. I gUl'SS the comTl'Io,lorp's rnot ~lIp IW d thI s time, but

Ty ler



, IIln 't foi Qul\whln' .\'~ I. " ":'\n, 1\'01 ),N, " rrled


M r , O lbn ey

hI 11 (,,'1),. "hut "0<>11 ,"


nln 't, nU II,N," Cuptnln , Scrnggs air of InJUfPd \'lrtue. urm 11 \\'1111 ,,' t', " .., 'lir""l(h wIth )'OU. Olb,


Ii: !o' 1111l C'd illl

JeSSe Stanley,

(11 II I H!O-~, f'o r n OlhlJ ,' eHH.' excep t to ('~ U\' j IH ·. · y o u 0 ' IiiI' ("l1y 0' lI.lakln' this

u o n~ · IIII'" ~ )'''rtkll'~ , I IIln' , ll -kl cl,ln', bl ,t I 'm fr('e I" ( 'Oll r " ' S thai I'll like I" h. , conf,;lIitC'tI On (' tH In f:L whll!!." "Thnl'R log,,"," r tllnhl .. " the sloglCtll ' nue'" MeGlIl1'pj',

Auctioneer For sale dates, call W , C, Smith's Store, New Burlington, or Harveysburg, Oh io, phone 7 -2U,. MY PRICE, ONE PER

eE l


rp i'O \'f' r


.. qU ill

III1Hl l1nl


\\'el ~hers, "

ronr(!t.1 lhe COtl Hllo(lur<", "r nlr l' t nsklu' YOU two tl) tllke e hon r!'~ w ll h me, Me an' l\', lI s' lI l okI' Ihl li u" ,1 1 ()I'er IndeJ'<!ndpn t 0' th· sj'nr't ll'nrC','" : ' \\' (' 11, l el's dress lhls I '~re dl vcr," ... .. ...... " · Uo'l tho ('jlu,101ls S CJ'UJ.!i"R.. " nn' "\'011

til II pr{lm l!)pnl jl>\\'ple r'. sll op with t he pl'nrl s Ihpy hn.1 nCI' lItnlllntcII III t h p ~ollth Sl'f\ ~ . Th l' 4\ntl"(1 101 WIiS s()i l l fo,' thIrty II]0u~II",1 IlolinrR. All hUllr In ter Ih e~' hO ll udjuslpd Ih(.I, nc('olllllR, dh'loI "d the forttlll e "I' 11,1' R~'nltll'nle I'Qlllilly, nnd then dls"ol,·ell. At purlillg, Mr. Glhney spoke for th e Orst ti me wh"n \I hlld not heen nb so lul "I~' tter e'Snry. "Pul II hpJ(J(nr on horsehoc'k nn' IIl"11 rlrte to th" dev il." he sn ld. "Wh en you 1\\'0 sWllha \\'08 poor you wns ,·on. If'ttl 10 l ei llIe l en,l )' 011 Into II fort line, hilt n il \\, Ihllt you' re \\'I'lI ·h,!plcd, Y0!1 I hlnk ~'o ll'rp bu"lness l11('n. All rl llhl! J IIln'l l:ot 0 lI'''rrl ' to sny exr'epl thIs : n"rn"I' I l:.'1 Ihrollj!h with you two hl'o(')]('n,"hl'l'" I'll hn\'e 011 your money on.1 .\'nu'li hp n·heJ(glu' me for II Job, J :-1 pfl l o~I I!~-' fnr ~n nklD1 you two with 111111 " i" 'lI s(>rl I'nclflRh. nn ' fo r I)ld 8R k c'~ ~1I 1,,' WP w01l' 1 flght. 'Ve're sllli rrl p "'I~, hili tllIRIll eSS oss' CIOtl'8 no IOIl"... r , fo, ' I 'm tOf) hlg a fl gger In lhls syn,I "'Ole In .tn nd for ltoY criticism nn III,\' honrlltn' 0' the jOint flnoncP!. R""'lI fl ,> r, ~,.rn({l!RY, old klddo, you fi ll ' Mo.' r nn 1(0 It al ollt' with YOllr " ' (> "II\\'h(,1'1 sI l'o ", er . Me an' The Sqll n r phpllrl Il'llS It logether an' tok es nllr ~h8 ''''I'". Ynu don't h eR r thnl poor IInl nnl"I'",1 Swede makin ' no holler at Ih (> - \\'o)' I'vp hAndled the Rynd lcat~" "Hilt. Olh. my dear boy," chattered ('opt ,"" R~rngj{8, "will you just lIaten





i li Tpye n lu- ' ".hlon lld hp"Ued P o l h lld Chlllll H olC~ . E"lC il Mb br~ d ( hOI{ II I &h" hoor) th" kl ml uur for" . fill b"r- 8~"O 10 r I .." bill "m" d bll( .pol ~ , hill I-}P~ ~llrl blJZ I." J(~ If YI,O ... IOnl "' b f\~ Ib " p' o lJh v.~I,I, ttt< , til .. dl)l.hl Tbe u h l ."W I. th .. 111'" l"uKe Itfh1r,lb,· farm budLlel ; .be .... r ll'hes v o ur "or lltud rl'e'l~ t h e hU l' lIr," ; h u,l rlA Ih e ~c h "" I ~ 11110 o htlrohf'~,,,nd wlth " ut h , r Amprto.l .... " old go to U'V8 h Olr " th .. llnd tl'll1l1ot"lh . oh.floe .. nLl will ~rtno " .. the olJl hlr AIl The I(re" tP., ~r" we have tlver ~tl l' n I ~ JUM, /I It 1'" It t.u I h e mlln wh ', WIll dll the "I]llllrl' thi"l1 wllb I,h " old SllW. 1:1"11" "r .. II "IIIIH lIud f1t 1111 I,imbo "" Ie 'l'upv .. r e bred I ll'h l 110" afR prloed rlll ll~ K 8:, J'b o mp~a n . t h" Fi"ld Mlln , O rell " ol" , W"rreD Co uDt .v . Oh IO, R D 1, ph one lU I y' i:Jllrvevsborg rt D IC .



FOR SALE-CHICKENS 1) 1 ('!" ~('11




s trong co wl:tnta-

OW , Ll'll'born I ullf'lS, l"rKe 125 "nct I.. .vi"g;- ' 0 oro kere JR

li nn 1I11 , "I~tll p s IInri Illp Cl1n tlltlllty or hIs tnlnl e,l I'urllllt c borl, erl'd him bUI littl e, He " qlllnl ed m'er Ihe Up of th ~ I'I~nr 01 ['u)l lflln ScrHggs. "Y"u'r~ JII81 the ~ ame old Scroggsy YOII \\'I1S III the g r{'ell ·pen lrude. AU y ou n<,rtl Is II ring In y.'r nose, S(' rl1!:!:~Y , (0 l1IlIk e you 8 hlltl10n Bere you gv<,s to \"ork un ' Bunks m e


4UO.llglI' t'rllirle ~"'Je looob ~to r , " I ~a broad.,r "'''ve , Mr~. LAOD "'all~burv , phoDe 4~ 1Iy' . WIOynAav llll',O, rIG


hO&'. /

dullnr 0 t,," when you' d h e ti ck l ed S ItVE RAL t.on .. " f Clover "nd AI. to ((pulh 10110 the job for haI r 0' thaI, f"lf .. I:J,,~, ItIRo II 101 ot Corn, Oil' tI' f' n ynll gOI the gill I (0 slund mttrket prlo~~, HRtry I'l\ake~, "hone IIt "r~ IInlWnlln' 10 my frl enllshlp ! So ~2.2y' , W"vnellvlll " , Ohio fUl you'll tow IIw b'lrge up free, eh 1 W .. lI. jll~l 10 mllke Ibe trllnsnction l eglll, I'll ~1 " e ,\'ou n dollnr for the j (\ h 1111' let ~ALE HELP WANTED YOII hU\'e Ihe ha r"e, Skip t o It. ~kl'lI"j!~,I" lin' (lrllw u p n lIew hUI, J;1I111'lIlI tl 'pln' to tow Ih" ho r ge fl)r one ANTED- >\ Mllrrlect Mftn on .I,lllllr. T hpn glmme blll'k ~409,OO on' F"rru; " u to drlvAr "nd loI'll hnn,1 you bock tbl8 r ec('lplcd bacoo rala .. r R"fll'PUO P 8 r Fqoi.ed fn'I;:1I1 bill." [ I qulr .. 01 6 l!: RlJey, Ilhond- w"~ ('11f, llIl n :;cr~"s darted Into his cl\ h- n,,@vIJltl 42-6 ' j 18~(' In, oIlI shcll ott the n ecesso r y docum ent. und returning to the dpck , pr.. sen led II, tOgelher with tile r equis it e r~tuntl , FOR SALE to ~ Ir. Gibney, wbo, In the meontlme, hnd <,ollie IIhullrd, "Whu tever ure YO U Q-goln' 10 do La, of Tim othy Bity ; ,,1.0 17 wIth this awful codfish, Glb," he de~ 'alJ PIll'e , weigh about 50 1b8 '.' inqui re of John Robe r~oD, 8mob (Cootlnue/l OD lIa" i' R, D. 3, W.ynp8ville, OhIO. fll2






~ ,., "-





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11,1" III ... ph Il1" "': ' IP " 1, 11...('" \,.t h 11 .... ( hdlnp1on ~ ,lfTl 11 1h \ \11 11 Ilu '11 11 (' rrh, .• H'l tal Ihl' i llull1\\l'SI " g dlll S f

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I .,

," h ." Ih r.. rill' Inv 1I\.t, ~ 1 l-oit'I11.,,, l UII11 1 V V. (' . . , To(" ..... l ;" ' III ' Ill' \ hI h· 1'o!llI I hi' .. III't'p I' h ,' n It ,' ,H d 1:'I'Hb H 1__ , .. I h il i\.: I,'" ttu \\,Ih fllt' 1.1I11 h, ., 0 lir h l olUa.:h l II uv hun",'lt


"UIlf II~ Hll ~

11 111I 11ll J!' 1111'

Ii gl.!l ·r

1 W allt


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"1111 swu h




tht' .11 )1" \ Yt' f"lnritin \\'lIfP r f or 0 month," 11111' 1('1) rJ'il'lId :-; 1I1l' f. ll" lire :..::d (t' O' 111'.1 ! { 'upl llin H(' rHegs l mllt e c'Ul.ue oround thu rs I 11I"1J ;.~ hl I'd :.: In' you It 1'I 111 11 1'C II", ('fIt'III' r of the hOllse 111111 adltressed to fi (!C'i' r un ,I ll!" h u~III P,":~ ,· hhns.,lf to Cuptn ln Scruggs . "TI""'h~' , Olh. I ' ll 1 t' ::II t.1 lu, "Yoll "RIl J:lve til e my time, sir. I'm \\' I)(.' I·C'8 ,rHur fn'iJ,:i lt 1111' wll n l t.lUI~ ' a S(('u ,l\!Jont mote, not 8 grove dlggcr hH Il P :-:'11111

rO l' ( bdll'

----_. A MESSAGE




U6UY- tl obher,Jl r" BnRRv, with 81,orl1l front c.. n ph o n .. 134-1 y' or II dctre~8 P. U, box 84, Wa:vn ellvIII"" Uhlo. f22

OW-Fre~b Jene:v Cow; oJ~o, a or 0 col'Oner 's IIsslston\. or ao under, V"lf, abola ready to v eal , In. ta ker, an' J can't st and to handle this qnJre of John W. &ooh, R. D. t, here rrc!lght." W.YDe!IVlI1e, Ohio f22 1I1r. M cO utTey f OIlSI'd biB silken en. j!ln eer's enp over to Scrogg•. N a . year.old Borlle/ good worker "l:Iop on lhat} Scraggsy, Your own , anywhere: wllleeJl rillh' (0. hat Ig " rou nd to powder, Alo 't It quire of lJ'bu. EVltn., lIear 8uolleve strnnge, Glb, whot little Imagination ,oho ol hOUl e, OD ~Iewooo r.u d f22 S('rn~g~y's got? H e'll 8tand th ere IlIr(le P,)wer UutUDg 8 'lX, ID fI-spr en mlll' no' lI-cllBsln' an' a ·pran eln ~ood ooodition , Torn Blolle. -'Scrogg~y ! AID't you got 00 prId e. 1 mile we" of D" vtoo, 00 'he Dey makin' such a' spectaeie 0' y oursel f? ton & LebllDoo pille fllJ We don't have to handle this fr .. lgbt 0' Olh's at all. W e'll just hook onto 60 '0 your 'drOK!!i,' "nd a.1l hIm Solke,8, 1 DBW with broileD ,h.n thnt borge 1111' tow It up river." for Gode's Pepto- MtlogaD and &aile aDd ehlpDlnl o ()ver; gx12 T toD' ' "You won'l do nothln' 0' Ihe sort It wl&h yoor meala lor" lew weeh Moe, bectlu se that'a my barge aD' , .nd Bill! lid" :YODr heal'h , Improve•. 1 Jail car' . Ioqolre 0' tin, Nln. 1211 ain't ft ·goln' to let It out 0' m y Blgbt If you are pale. tired, laoll ambl. BeD,ley. WaYDe.vllle, Ohio. rve delivered my frelghl alongside tlon aDd v180r, you tDOW youreelf Ulled UeLaval CrRam tieparator your 81ealller lind pre)1olll the frellbt th .. , If YO ,l had pleD'Y of r~ blood prioe 'bO o lDqulre of Fred M, an' It's up to you to hlllldle It." tba' yoa woold no' f6ll1 &lr6d .Dd Oblo, 12:1 "Olb I" _..JJ#IIj half .Ioll: all the time. " The ouly Cole. W.YDelvtlle.' "..... ' Inre fOODd.lIoD of Jl'IrmaDeD' b""h " ·T ho,'s the programme I" '; Eli6 Old IuoatJ.tor, "Adl'lf'el't, " croon ed !IIr. McGulrey, I, good blood , ~ude '8 Pep'o.M~D. Ohea,, ' for Claeh. IDqulre "o lo' t ~' Oll got no h ell rt? You kno w gan bullde op yoar bloo I with " 1Q ~ of W. N. Sear., WaYDeevlJle , Ohio. ' got n I,nl( ItHerest hi the Vlctor-" of lroo aha' Ie'. loto yoar 11~~111 f1G , .. , "O·oo·oh '" Cuplll in Scrngl18 gr oaned, qulokly. 1& '18 wODderfol , Yoo "U1 / an d hi s gronn Wl18 thBt ut a seasick like It .nd It will matre you-'_1 10 WOOD-A 10' 0' Itood ijpl1& Stove WOod. Ioqulre of Ed e'aodl PBRst'u" er. Wheo h e cou ld look up well aDd ~troDR. Life will be wor&b flG Rgoln hi s f Ol'e woe ghostly with mis- living .,,,ID, Try l' .od yoo, "Ill ford, WaY~.68l1ll8, ,Ohio , thank 01 for 'elllDI yon abl'o', n, . " ~ ery. t o rf"_ U B08811:8, J I~a MIIl!h eo"e, 1 "alb," he pl earled sadly, "you got Druggleh eell 6ude'e Pepao. ...npD Mower, 1 I.'B. U, ' CorD PIaD&er, "E,,,,uuh I Too much la plenty. us Where the holr Is short. Doo 't In- In both liquid .Dd tablBt' lorm -Ad. ' 2 Dleoa. 1 ,e" 1\14jJl.JJl:taldDI( Plow I."I '~ ''' like honds an' part friend., vok e ti le Inw an' mnke UII homlle that vertllerneD', 1\'., JII.I ,'un't gpt olong In 'bu sin ess ---- 1 D8Jr. tioper10r W.bitat Drill,; 8a8; cotlflsh, Glb I It ain't 'right. Olntme 1 Dew ~o, 111 DeLaval Oream 8epa IOI!Pl hnr, thnl'" nIl." Ipl1l'e to tow that ' bllrg~anythlng t o rator,.nd atberartlol8l, C.II phoue " \\'1'11, 1'111 'orr)" mh," mumbled M cIieep sour freight orr tbe Victor, an' 62-11 W.YDe.vUle, Uhlo, ' IS Oulrp.~', 1'1'1')' l11ud, cr estfa llen, "hut we 'll pIIII It up r iver tor YOU-" " Holy Sa il or!" He Shouted. " Who thplI ~" '" h,we IhRI dog·gooe fi sh tit "Re u goo d t ell er, Olb. You lIseo'ter Uncorked That Att.r 0' Violets?" Good Team of Work 80l'lll8 , 1I1P HU be hord RO' spiteful like thot," urged Eltate 01 Lola ZeII decea.d. I"<lulre of Lafe NlohollOD, R, Notice ,. hereby liven that Delphine zeu M cO utTcy. "That wtlf' (o r tunp hlttln' you 0 Wltrllll r e Ul ' 1t o· ' JI't" lH t: l.; h·~ . ' 0 ItC"HVY Keet.n.od bu'-" duly appoInted aod quat" D '4, Wayne,vt1le, Ublo, f8 belt 111 I hI' fn r r, ~Inr·. on' you " 'IIS too piece", T\\'u "" ' 11 1"'"lllc e,'ery ''1' 11 l ow the bnrge tr~e," , walled llIed u Executrix of 'be " of Lola zeu, late of WarreD Oounty, Ohio, d--..d. Rl'lr...·(ln. "·I "·rI In rN'ogll lze It. R ernern- pierI' ellsy." Scroggs. OT of Good 8111ed Htr.w for . .Ie , I Dated 'bla lilt day 0IJ~i'''f{6lt~2. ber Ihn t, [will uf ~'o u two: FOI'lun c, "'1'lIrnln' fnriller. ra))'!" Mr. Gibney ant cnlmly down on the JDqalre of M . A, CorDell, R, D, JlI4Ie 01 'be Proba'" Oourt It)) mil In Ihp r~ ee todny an' ynu '''l:iJn!o.!<." :o!;. tlli. 11_.:1 lI)jIP':' II'!: l'(lUI, Rtrhurer ond III. n cllnt r , Nnturl/ h(ld In 4. W.YDeevUIII, Qht o. , , " f8 Wan. ~\UI~'. ~to,



hy hi s fHI !<, l)dnlf'~ r()pulr(lil

Ot;T-End Gate or " farm waRan Ind~r please retorn to Jail, L Vandervoort, R D ll, Wl1yne~vllle, Ohio. f1 5



brn,s I1ltln!:s, The l\u" l ltk'~ h tll."p "'os I:nllP lind h /' I' upck, "01111'11'11'1), Inltt prl. :\nlhlng r("""II1~t1 hilI I h e um pulllt N I hilI! IIn,1 Ihe f Olll "u rK" brl"w h er 1111111"'1 '<1 tlp.'I,", rn f110Jtl l"I Ie sJlel H'e the r' OIl1I1HIUnn~ mOlluliNI fi lJ hOlld s Inlo the 11I1I1lCh, In All enc(' Ihe ~' rptllrnpd 10 (lip I'll)', An'lvNI hert'" Mr, (;IiJll ey pultl OIl' Ih p IU lltll' h mun nnd tlw (11\'('r nnd ft, ' .

Waynesville, Ohio

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(oc l ow

FUNr '- \ L Dt~ECTOR


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O ur IOn "lid t Wtluty Bo r e trllotsln oi ud" II moli" r 0 lI "u.e with run. DiDt( W" I "r "00 el~otrlo lIght'8 and 'H, 11I1, 'uli wi thin r " "ob uf "oy 8M • tlll ll ,"hl'd f'UUlllr . 'l'h fiRe a I\ lljo'tII OUll lIl·.V ~elH ~UWD wbere lOre Ino" II'11 g 'cld "oh oo l . 11[(11 ohuwhaN, W" IIrl1 illvltlnl! serlout! 1ll1udl\d, rt' "P"ll Hlbl,. IHrmeu , "ly IOlId Mu c h t h' " Irlp w il, "PPII'.) Htrlln l!lly, Wrlt fl 1"11119 f or dtl l ll ll~ . TilE ~ ALK I LL 1:'1'OOK FAHIoI8 (:0, llv l Rflnl.ol,ler Bldg , l:IuUJlltuu, 0, 12:l

'f.' .





" Wbo

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ne·~!'\. 011 T ~liI l l' ~:1Y Is: 'EXt'lllk mr.'" ROOM Hooee f or r e uI, 1J0S~IlRRI(1t1 ' r' , ,II':tI~ ,,, Illy f,.., \t," J.: r n\\Jl'd tI l l ,' ~Ir , (]I hll !'), ,('lzr.1 th .. d<'fl\n~1 f1 ~h lit ouoo, Ollrll Or uf Tv l e r 1"'1\ 1!'J:..,u n ' " tld\\ II I I' .hli !\ ' '' 11 ... 11'.' \\ I ;, rf t''''''''''''!' \''' ' UTIl I .1!J111"ln~ In l .. t.PcI bp ' ","11 1·,"lllpl "". Ilw ! p ok h lj! t ll~ II OSt ' (1 111 li t hi M room, ~' o llr t h ~t r elltM; fll ~o~rto I1 ghls Bod from Ihe dl\'('r'~ hll",l, '(l re It In hnlf, Hrt ,"I'III I ~ .,1.... , ' " f l)" II~ " I ,III' ' · 11'1" '" 1t ".1\ ,1, ,\ 1'1' " .. . ,oj I " .H"" "I' '<I t hp ''Tnnrll 'r fllrflH' r d"111 \\ tt ll 111,> \ II '!" I' , Illrl n "1'1'\\' , C'f't 8 I n l'I'~d ('oploln ~ cn'Ilj!S with one uw. hnt1 1''' " IJlIr- !t'!\ II 1II1 '~ ' " :11 ~,. ~ I I I 11 . " '\1" ",,1111,,1 :,,11" '1' In It Jin'y, " 'I' ll" , IIIlnl .. ,1 "" 'llIlh I I" ck~ d up nt l(f1od Kllrdon. Appl. ~" Amell .. E . d oW n III 1111 ... l IW ...... , :1 \1' !J'II\ , ' Inl l 10 rll~ I Willlllm~, W .. yoeijv tll .. , Ollio 11 5 fill trOj!1I1.1I1 IInrl hurl",1 Ihl' olher fit ~ I 'lt," I'lhOUl t ·tI It \ IIlttl rroUi th .. dO('k, ~ I U" 11 011 pf 11If" /tI' ·HllI " I":" 'II H :111" 'I r (; 1),1 , \ \\ l!~ III' hrl dll n lld •• nr l,r ,·lId ll ... II, , \ 11 ' Ij', ' ,,:, I " .\' ,lI lr hili UIl' 1:'(\1 I ~lro(1 l1lT")' , HfI(1 tl l t nl ll J;:. S. 'rll~ j.: :-; IlIl II _ M d1utrt.y I,n l h r'l. Ii 1111 )Io'IIa:h r h'J I II rpl' .... ·\1·11 :1It,l lI r. '''' , ,1 ,II I' ... .' to I1rl l l1l1 , IIltft'l' 11"'"f' , t l '~ 1, 10, I tlgh · rl)lll'd for ; " 1'111 ('\ \U(' r thr- "I~' nrlll'otp ," hp rnved. t h" I, ,:u lti ,]'.IL ' r:-o, ,j '" I U It ;" "I'a .! ~ .; Th, It .~, \\ Ilidd tw ,II Itt:: I()w"jo(t ('hlJ dl f!-=p f\ H I ~I r , ~ ilbTlt ,), ~I II fl l UUg 011 a rlH '· HII' .·X Jl(,II ~ ""·" besi de hllll,.1f willi An!ler. "rTere ' ~ t rlllC:"'r 1:IIulllliK fII1 t"PIIl, wn~ f1'!'I I~ hh " L \lll ~ Ih ' \\,t.:- \\ P l'l h HI Ullll ' 'I,in \' lin" nnll t!lf' l'tlflllllOdor fi FOR SALE- PROPERTY "\' 1: I\\p " " I'k .. ( "'pt:dll ~"r :q:tr~ nnd 1 go to work nn ' nhil,e n rorlllne for Il '· (; \h. m y dl' u r h o y, " QU S\ \' t'rf\d ('up , tr.. p 'houilllilt ud .\ 11 " 1"." III ' hud d ~, , flC"u 1" :11 hl __ fortUIlP "'('Iulet" h@ h '. dflPd lli lit ""!n, :111(1 Ilf,.. fi r :" ~f' I n ~ \\ p lJ l'\pn""'d 1111 'h £> n,~'rk pl~y f l dp I'nlr of ~11(lrl sports an ' pike" nn' ~'Oll ~r ,· t ;lIfTl'~ " :I\\, 110 II ll lrt' II f ~r r, 1:11111 .....\' I'JI III ~ ('r:t,:J.:~, " ,\' Ull ('uu ' t nW1I1I to SH~' I n 11i £'. lIn' art fr(l l ~ht~ nW U""jl n ," ~,'n( ' h 'II I. · HI"I II! 0 j!rl 10 eQupnlln' 8t Ih " fl .. t fi\'e-hlln- li n d " I, d..: 11 :11\ 111' '':1 '11. B (l; hue Re8id eIJoe Of ElIlmli M, ", .. u ', t ' 1I Ii JUIiIIt'd th em gUMh ' llW(ul c od , ot ", H r Pl\l(nl[~" B Ilh'f'r 811<1 " .mall I\red·dollor lOllS. I kllOw yuu or old, fllt lt', IIH') had "' III1 I1I , 'n, ', '1I rlJll rlln", flit' th., ~II"rnfll'~I' H' ri,,'I" \\ih' rt' 111 ('1 r llrtl l ' 11 311-" ClIllpmllo, fl eol'uBt'd; wttll 1111 \'1 ('1 01' T'I').:III I1I'I ,\ lip rh't'I', !"'ollt'ltl nJ,l I' rl!f arul (lI.ltuI".lp. IQ hl'" 11\'t'/1 fl l r ~1l " "lllI fl 1:llI n"'l, Rnr1 I.fl n r lin (I nrly Phlnell8 ~ r rllgg9, nn ' Ihe Ipulllird Clln'l " :"\11 , fwt y .. t hut SOUIJ, R (' ro~lo:s)' mod"rn oem vllol"n" .. ~, tl r OOm" ao ,l h"" 'II I"~ I " ! III U , !lIII'II'III.:-f· j 'lI I Itt' Elil. hl1 ~'T1~; " I n "Pl lnJrl l ln ll t n Ih.· 1 'f'~lIl nr , I ;" f'Hri t ~ l (I \ ' (' I 111 <: fit' " 1I10nof1"I~' IIl1d I dlROlle hI s spots. " H(' rul., ',1 I". r ight IJtI~h . C.u, g l vo p"H ..... MlO10 ImlUfidi o Jd 1111'111\1 ," A ~(\nt1 t'm""n '.; 11;'' '' ' '' ' 111 1' 111 hf'l" .. tlll I Jl e h :II'I"nd . ' rn II 'I'Y .. tlll·lt'd for IIU' wr", 'k, blLlld to h,'. ,'('no "I'm I liwu"h t,. qtl'Hr llb ,luf IlIl jl~ . \\' hl l,' tJIt~ V lt'for 1\ ns , 'uptalll )OkrugJr.; wu~t 011 tilt' \'f'q:e I1te l y :I oqu lre I)f J,. B Cbllpm llD f 2:J runfllr n: \\ It II III:hl rrt'l~ht!ll: Bud f' on · fW" 1.1f'lJlll1 t lllllt 11 ,11 · ... tllll t p l lfld II,'. 1'11.'," \ \, ' I'l' ', llIfill hul r 8 Ill i ltl of It, kp. ,ps. \\' ,, ' 11 s"JI t ltt' pr"rl ~ 10.loy, IIf II ·itl'''', " Bill. nib ~ M~' rll 'ltr b ~lJ ! -.Qu rnll)' III n 10"" , Ihe or""uC!t't f(W I "' f'~n SIWrnlfl(' Jltn. Stn('ln on 1\lId !"un 1" '11 11 111:': rh.:ltl 111 1" tlllI ,:.u. or llit· w ll lrt . dh \y IIIJ, 11 11' dl~ ~ o l \·t"'. J'IIJ through ," OR t;ALE OR I. (!;A~tl:--T h ., IlIt(l Ti d, r'''''ll'h,'1I f01l1 the n,'t ur up f or F'rnncl!ol C'n, "lh 'lI " " III:lln ~1 ' I ':l1: 1.:S :tul l ~knurr"r " r;lncl or It," growl ed ~1 , ·OulT.. y. IIltllllfllft hll .. lr h ·.'oll" " tI"i \' f 'r~ ltrl:!h l n nr1 rll"lclotlot' of L " lu Z II Jn l]!1 l r n II ''' ''IIlh 0' "'1'1 . ln~' " -' llll' I JII8t t ook ()n thl' ufrf't'lltI(lll uf thl' Ihh'<1 duy ~1I" l d 1' 1" ' 1 I I n th(' 1IIIIIldi !-lillltillll llf' nliS ' 00 pr"mI8P~ . 122 "I d'II1'1 Wllllt III) more 0' thot (·odfl~h. S l' nq.::,&.(. : 111 111 ~"' ( ;, !rr" ,r \\t "'l' l itH Ilt ull / lOut a PU~:H'HJ.:t' r II ( "'IHH~!" Mr. GlhI\P~' anrl :"\pll, 1l 1l 1 \,(lJ'~e n r,,- I.r 111101 lo,tlll',," ilkI' U \,lIlr "f- \\'I'II, an ' " S oOOn liS \l' p I:lt lI,,:htlll ' r oom I'll worr l<'tl uhu ll t tlh\ f IHurt!. " 1'11 1 lrI'y, S'TII~I:"Y, bllt bUSIIt<'8~ .1Ulhte n r 'hfll r Rllqlri~(', Ihprt'forp, tI.l'llf'd from s .-.o, Tht' Y Wt' fP 1Il1l1ll fl r - :OWl! d'IC'!"o , p r4l \'p to YOU tlU ll uo lI e ftr~ Nll llor enn i ~ " 11 ,II .,~'S, Yu u'v (\' tonk my mUll.,) obiS we"ry nnd h"lIo\\'-p>,,,'1 ("r hll 'k "1 1" "01,, III,I f' ," SIlt:I:I'~If'oI .\l r (;lIiT,')'. III <ul l ' liP nil ' /;It 8\\'Ol' with It. Me Whll lJ flllt' 'lI()rll lll ~ w llo ::hpll id IIPI H'u r WANTED un ' .""11 J:"lIt to Jlt'rlonll," or sl~e l), "I hnPfl Il IIltl' t (ab' ~ f"ortu lI ('," r(~ nn' "r"I:/;_>" 8 ,.:ot ~olUe rl/lIIl S. )'ou 8t the t!l u l I' I,r S j'ru.Ill: s ' I 'tahlll IlIlt Mr, " Y IIII Iit' d lilt' , YIIU loIu l d It WR ~ "Well,' I Sll rp,, "~ you IWO ~1I .. k,' r ! PII,:".I :-;"I'''~~_ !lrliy. _ ('811 wnlk 011 S'rnKgsy, Glh, but It Oll fl1 l ' ,\ , It t"rj,- II I li nd sl lIrr UII' 1 rhntJ ~l l t It Willi "~flll'lI ln' , (;111." h('cU Il , 'pnl)!J:~ r!tl·pr · ~IIIII "I', 1",lIow"'1 ~Ir, I ,I!, "f' ~' . II" In k"" (I 11100 10 wn l k On Ih,· M r Ou"ey fOllnd thn t \,I1'rt'lI ct ," chn ll l'ng ",1 ~j ~_ R I Nli In yoo r I:Illrn f"A8 and h llve ,d ll\\ ~ , II' I IIHI" ' I'M un' slf'h - " II.\", " I " ' II, • ..:" ."'111 \11'1 ' 11 r llll t'd f Hr , yuur Gutrey. \\'11' , ' ,l lIhlj! hlilliof'l f hy Ihl ~ lillie, f or fnrully," It r epaired before thtl Sprin g .. It ·, f,'rtlllzl'r- IIIt' If Ihul IIln't lI~ r l "Yep. Fou nd her nn ' · Ilt n lin e lI"i 111., InulH: h :-;\\' lfTl), Il PI ,,'olll ' !lt'd the ~- r ed M Vol e, Way, l"othlng bill tho In ck Or ~en · ro<>m mnnf')' II!" Itt ' I' U ~l l1 l l. :111 ' ~' '' t l'rl' nrotl iitl rull 111'111 SI tlrr 1 hOllfi my ((·,·th nUl) rnRb telll nH I tj"I', 'J I"l tlt l' lInpll'"~I1l\t """r i>ccnllle pr('\"' IIIPtl 8 hntll .. mY1i1. Mr. Glltney IOtl ki ll ' (t)I' fl Joll H~ ' lI J1lt''f'' ne~vlll e, Oblo 122 ' d hI" b d tlrlll' IHI ' 1111' yoll In tlua OC' ''OIL l"\n ' It fl oar un tow~ f' r n, lin ' t WllS / III (I I'" I rllfI11Ilfll " " 1. ~lr . 1; 11111"." kl ll'n' d this ".,It.' 11 In. R tough job. Shp', In\' ln' OHr 011 thl' I siood "Iorln!: III h Is Inl (' pllrille ... HI . uill " 111'rbllll hlp. It pprl!'\ht'tI l un~ ngo n. kill II n -, I II "I\., td,,'\' t 11111 sO')"IfIfl Pr WII$ In rol- g r""t bnlll ·llk .. flsi. w~ro' fl l "'"log tlnd suJt. ","III ,' · f' I. !'4'I'll j:g:-,\' , I ~tlt uho Ut 1 11 111'1 tI ,·\·t ·I\"I', 1 YU II. An t It ,r Oll dUll', nt:r ey t ( ( l nls, 1111 at OWl (€I tl')lI~ ill ll wJllt :1 !o- I l'unlf' r :' (',. "n l o cloHlng LOST hm l dr",!1 .tOil '" •." rrl'i~"t to sPlid ttp olllnllllt!l~oJly . morrow wc'lI go ov('r nn' I1nl l Ollt , I 11k I' tlH-~ !i1' ,'11I ./ flj'ud 1'(lItfl!oih o n ynu r \




I,',"ueu 0 0 li ve ~f.I1o k , ollilltoo i • . "lAO MoaDli mar~gHlltld N , l'IlH llon I! Ii t, ,Julin Harbll11', A I Itl " BUlhlluK, XAlliH OhIo, 6 t ,n

1·;IJ .I IIII1 ,t

TO Money to Loan on FlO~IO\ HAVE arranged t llr D. Mpeciol F arnl Land for fi ve I WEer\! Pul rn .. n to t,nk"l1 ~' '' "P 01 r .. rm_ inlpeot 1"llI a U~ Wallllll I lir m il oe~r""l'k,H)IIVllill. IhlM Years at6 per cent. p"rLy und ""Il .... Itll y' l ur owo

rO olll.





, ' " Ii','oI, II" \\'II~ SIIiI "n llllllg \\'hell ~I f (;ulTtI.\' lIulIllI ·(·11 Ull (lI lt uf 1he t-f1glne

,',I', ... ·1'1

1.11 1 II' , I. · \ '!t,

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I " ", .ri.; r l dll 011'. " II I' I' HUh' PUI on dl,. ·I,. PUII":I',1 , tlll l'l i' h is I I H~C, HUrl

1111 1' 01'1,,'" 111 1\1 nl l l' r u' vlnl..-ts?" "" 'IUdH~ ' ~OIW :O:'1I1 HI't ' llI'lItl ," s hrlt'k~ :' 1'I'1I~1:" I"I ' iI'lz ~ ' d l il" \' 1,11 1111 ' \ :1 'I" "r ( 'ult l al n !-il· rtl~J,:!oO , " \' 11 11 lU"'1I lIlollk~y " ~ft'l : nl1',', i ll I t .. , " It:.:. ill l· 1'11111 1 II. , In' ur<lllJl d I h ul j·ndfi .. h Hj.;ul u," 1\11\' \\ t'I ' l"lIld 111' \ 1'1' ' It' 111Il' P" Wil li , u ,,' tlKI !(luC\l ls ?" dt ' III1I1Hh>cJ th~ mate,

~J\l"NO of u I'I n ln oy nlll ,n lll nll1't en~ n

he-" Il Intrnol"N'" 1<>




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: 111' .' .. I I :.:,,'! , I I 'I'

111 '11 <I:':;

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"A dlr1y 1IIII p ('".III,h l ,, ' "~ h"olJ!'r ," ruVt'rl up l nln, ~ "' nl,!;~s , "lin ' you n ·.l nkl ll ' I II~ 11111" ""' mnII "." 0' th p

.. , "II





InrI.: ror tll (' l ot ." "~l1 l t:-; lilt'," 'rht' ~lllIlTll nl1or" l1 o n ~

,,\,1,\', " 1:1).'.,: 111' I I,·' .. CH' 111:1 1 1I',1~l l1n 1 ' rtll

It cnll ~ l " t of?" "Al'(rl cultllf'lll sl liff. Il'R croll'rt: un' I dcll" ~ It h ere 011 (it' NtclIl'll el"S cleek


Don't Drag Through Life Half Sick aod Half Well Take this Advice










Notiee of Appointment








wl-iy WHEN I WAS A '&IV

1, -




WITt-. I,.. '?1"



'ftte Miami eu.ltt e, WaW ville, Ohio.

•... T .H E M'I AM I

GAZE ,T 'TE~ •••



K mtlrNla\ tllt' l " .ttlttr~, o { ""~ I ... \' lIh. .


I I I ' I, • • " j f l l "

I .,

~ , , ]o ,

D . L.. CPANE . Editor nnd 1 uhli>l.t' r . Wn}r: I ~\' iIIp ,


Subsc rinlion Pr ic . $1.GO pE'r yea r A'. PH I :-!),\ :-' S l l l l ,,\ ll f i ,

W E ()NI ~S \)AY.



I f

n u J\,fv"r!Ud ll 'Z ' ( e· p r ,,,, ,.n ' ,\t! ,,C! I, _F n r"l\ ".q" f-: a ' IP

'.l.'h~re "'II UlJwnro 0' two nllllorea I hOllsnlld co<lll~h In thnt schoooll r nn' Pv., sold 'el1l rur live cl!nts ench . d l'1'''''1'(·,1 nunlllg'1II'8 IlIlIdln'. ·1 Ill:' Il"\- ,II' ('}el\nl,,' 1I1' ab olll sev"n thou· , Yo u NII II(\ II l' t 011 t hl! d 'lIl. I U.oUI;I.t me nn' I' qnlil'oa D'e elope In" Ford and keep . S .'I I ~ WII ~ M I. H·k nt fi rst, lIut I got n., 111 ', ..,:ln a Ut Hi w o rldn'- fI C b"s Evans. or Sprln gfielrl, I. I1t ( ''' 1,111 111 !"' rnl!g ~ slI lik limply Illto home tor a s h or' time ~]. ·r;lIn\·.r':o: nrllU:f uncl t he two stu red A . L. King, ot Wayne~ vi ll o . Is wilh 01 Il l( - " fl lI ~ lIl)' t'ornmor! orr. bi s brothe r t n:r u few duys . " 1111 I" III .. rn e. wllh 11 fortllne nil' M r W , lliam Craig. ot Xeni!1. WU 8 dl'I,, ', I"" ,\\, II." 1111 'ped Iloor McOutre y. " (; 11" J"l l "'UII,.' ~l l1d you ~o t lIut wbol e hurl', last w8tllk , v i~iting R friond . ,, " , I" II rll'lIl." lIeor ge H. ::; mi th, a Xeolll lawyer, "T hlllll\~ 10 f\ luck o · illltlglnn tloll In t·rllOlUlo ted busi oees hero on MoudRY P HI I tll ' ;-':, ·ra.,a:'"y I'm nlJout twu llun- J"nuury 30\h . Mr' ('" 11, '1' Hf ty cl ol lHr~ Il t l(~J\d 0 ' l OY tiafety Deposit BUlUI8 , 12 th e y ef1r ' .... t ll li lll. · n fl\\ u ll U(" 'ou rlt I)' th e frce Wlivne~vill e N"tiool ll Blink . Wu.y . tll \\ I,' lh ll l t ;lIr~~ . M ~ 'HO' :il'lls Cl'rue~ ;"i ll e. Ubl o, lo i llh' 1lI 11 1, .. ~ u nl('e Ilt ll Rpllt on lie v Inwootl was h e re . tiund" v, 111"' 1·.. ,'1 1\1 O' Ih l» Ile r " cod tl sh dt~ Ul.'· "(; 111 ," {'I! a llt'rc d R.... rRgg .. , Hwhnt'8 lostru otlng blli vooal o la~", and r eo Donll prog r eSB. A blue bird mlly brioi Hllrlng nd hlip pl uBIIR, but tbe Btor k brlo(C8 " '200 exom p,loIl . Linoo lu Baldi , .. If y ou i n te nd 10 wo rk. tbere Is no lIetter pll10e thlln wb e rll v on Ilre ..

wbere 1Ir. Gibney explriroeCf tne tllB. Oaptalo Scra"e. The latter " ' 81 dumtouo ded. . "You'll MlD without me. alii," Scragg» declared emp'hatl cally . "rv. had a·plenty 0' the dark blue for /111111!. t got n lilt'll! Slake now. sn I' m gol nl\' to look around Rn' tnvest In u'-" "A chick eo rollch." McGlIlTc y IlItp ... · nrpted. "nl J.:ht·O. Bort . II ow'd )''''. 1:11 0 •• , t6




" r'



."lnulgln ntl" n." Quolh MeGu!T(·,\·. lOP"Ing hl ~ rorph ~ud, " Imol:lnll ll l'n , SrrlllrI;R.I'." Tllrl>., \\'1' k s lu' cr ~Ir . 011111"), hl1 (1 (lurchu .cu. (ur ncco unt o( II I. lI u\\' ab · br"... l lil e ~ s,\·nol eat ". t he ki nd ,,( po w . er schoone r II I' de"lred. IIn ll tI,e In· spector. g ll\' e 111m 11 Ih'kl't ''" mu ster. With The Rqll llr.. head U8 IIlll'e un o Mr. Mc(iulf\'y 8 ~ eng ineer nll d ~ p nprul ut ili ty mlln . Ih~ JlIII .. s.-lIo"""r "'ellr~fl for Palla Pogo fin n dnl' wllon rlll""lo Srrnggs "'"B too bU Ay buylllJ: II1 ~ur ' n · '0'"'0 ru rne dewn to Ihe 11.)(' k IIlId "('e l belll orr. SETf LERS- DOW N AND UP And (or 1I11ICht Ihe ,·hl·oll l.. lpr of IhlR u H yer ~oo l IA ml Khtv r e"' l p~ •. ,,'td tale knows III Ih p ~ontrary. Ih~ "yn.lI . I 'I'HIl BVIIlI' n Olld nn I ' v on c bllo oe 10 h e Ii f,·' ll e r tl llit:I ' t . . ..t<rt. t .~ . . . ..,.'• ••••• " " . h'~ bHd I,ll k llf'1J It ~ti ll 4n ' vo u fi lld Htr u cale mny be Ha iling In Ibst selt'881l1 ~ I gg lin ' wltb hl H (I fl ht ~. wh. oh Monday Fehruar v::!t) 1922 ~ h 11.11.9 1.0 ~uhjn!("tA '" rn iotfHt. 'ry I,h llv ~ellln to .chOO Der 10 " .. ry dR),. Kruw " tlO ThA mpld alok Iii<.A. folks lire In lIur midst , " E~ '19111 __ If yllr ITIJ E END.] IA"Imolv o uthio ' ''' II ~ r lII oH t forg el,. ,-"u' \ Heg LnulnJl; ILt I U (I ' l' l ll~I ' . tllp I" lI lI o w. ! ~ I, yo u Dlfwt III remlllO "bout the sune, With I . but "" II got ravltt.Ad ol" ' Be Hod vou 'r e II hlllme oo lleoto r IUK prop e rt y' 10 1l11f " ~~ It! C!1ttltl, \ overy wbl oll .. wl\Y . IiLtl e im provem e n t. ID Ov\U ' e very Ht-I a l!4un to H.~ t,t be r vu u run \ :l ~ Ho gs . Co rn , F~orJ, IIl1pl pm eul~. 0.0 ' oe .. r overy luUor ttl!1t • •• Examrned Correctly••• r eot .. ·1 pl floe •.:... .I f'A t OlluHI.le r tbl" se. vnn L:e~: oo Th " y oung man of toda.I' who 101n~aln s /I don . . . . I I,ot of Funce flOd 1'.10 tiee lur ge b ' d Glas~ Fitted j"." ,m . whi ch II ~riul will end orsEl. lo w . 'b e fllot.8l;e ps of 18 Oil ,g.' nerI IJ I II ~ fur fur t lll1r I mr" e u l ~l~ .. er HJlSIII·j '~ .tl on . whi (lh 1\ trllll Willi I 11 ~ l y la nds 10 tbe oe llar. BIl:RT MI:i b:EA AN. .nll yo u'll flud It Ul lg " ~y b .. lp f ul . olf AT M ,')DERA TE PRIc& 9 whl oh I h"ve did. 0 1 o" ur R8,- PI 011 H «oll,h off. pure f ood Inspeot or HAL:I1E you ou t Ii I1t l le b nm~ .telld. ulle thllt Don't Ex ~c ulI..tlr"~~ AHNI:i tI t the flsART. ot the ~$B'Il. Wll9 tn this sAotlo n, 1118t t"te of you OU ~8 ~ b " Ullln you re .drs. Chlode Le wl~ i8 ve ry III w i th IIln ' , too fo r fr om I"w o . buy It ou nwlo ' lik e .I~ sn o~h e ,' h"n , d r cell.od . week, un d t ound 80me bu,lueMM , 11 .ou r . uo gl'l1tefu l pup. pneumo nia. Wult or l..aoy. Au ot . IU.hllrn en t pll ,VllltmtM , Re ' t.:> work . bUI.• n e v ~r "~IIP 11 go lU ' till yo u ~II Mr. lind Mrs . WBl te r Jordan ClllrAooe Smit h ood WillCox s peot au' HeUle d ow n . Oplical Departm. .t ____ lin' setUe up! 8pAo I, lust week with their oblldreo , Thured av in Dayto n 8. ~trolt 8L . Xenia, Ohio HtlvinlC d eoided t " ' Iult Inrm lnl!'. Mr liod Mrs Allllu D H"rt800 k, 10 Th e ,\ ill 111"1, at, tb e h om o at MrB. will ~u tl aI, my r .. ~ill o ll OPIID evmln p by appoint ment co , f1r ~t !'n rm Ibe oo untr y . Edna l:il lll> , Wednes dllY, I B08' or E!orr yb,II' A Corn fl r . (1 0 .t b e Home y Philo sophy g Vltll.,y y ~tI Conl urv.1I1l , W e h" ve a F.trlog blln(1 8tarted . Mrs. H.) bert FrleIld hus purohaBed I:;prln ' Atttlr all lbls tblng of a I(o ve ro. kn o wn the Fugurt\ ' furlll . on with .. ver y brlgbt nutl o. k . Tbey" n e w " Luuo.d ry.eUe" eleotrlo meu ~ lsn', an:'Hblo g Ilion " tb ,n 'be .re to pl"y f(l r danol!tt . aod do gen. wIl bb er . Thursdn vi Februar y 23, 11}22 bnoob getting togethe r ~l) ru n thlot(H I onl work In t b el r 1I0e BO thlit eVf1ryone elln be h .. pl'Y lind Mr ",otl Mrs. Frauk Snyder are Beginni ng 10 o 'oloo k, 'h e fo ll ow. 1 Fred Hutohln~lln . I·hl! Wllrreo U O W M hom e. lifte r fle oontent (I ' oo or~p, Home fe ll .... vera l m 'ntb!!' Ing propert y : 5 HOrBll8f1 ud Mule~ , !ounty !Je loo LI~ IH wIln . of L.. ba. Boj ourn In Wyomi ng. Bald W I> o ever o" oirt be OllOtl'llt su I ~ C.. Ule. 19 Brood tio w, 15 l!'1l 1l Pi gs, Auct ionee r wbat WI\ P I b e good or ob~81ng "Her , on, W~8 In our tnwn, TU" Bday at. Mre Cn rl Albrigh t a nd Mra. Ke~- F"rmlo g Implem euts, HarneBs , eto oontent·mlml, b ol j.lst .h e Same we w t 'ru oo n.l ooklog after IIgbt prospeo ts ler lIrllbam l1ud dl\ught er were Vay. See lar ge bill .. for III'r t.ioQlllr~ oan be bltpllv Wbnt'M the m"Uur Mott Cli n e was clow n t o see bl . t " n vlsl,ors , Tueld!1Y · Get my terms for ,your 1 2 3\4 WM. BARNA RD. witu 'hlnklo ' all tb A tIme "bou t tbA ~rsudpllrent8, 15undliY. Mott II v~. Born-T o Mr . ",od Mr B Cbl1rl ps Joho Pubiic Sale.! Wri In ght. U.. yl.ll n during Ib e wee k. lind ti ll Au o•. 'blollS w e Ilk .. Illstl'A d of broodln ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 bover 'be tblogs W8 ,Ion'\ like. b"lf\noe of th o ti m e h" pu tll ii , Kludle, of Rout e 5. Tbursd It Satisfa ction guaran teed ay. Fe 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 W e will eell at Pobllo!:i olo th e r Obl we burden our m,nd s wi t h Ilotbln' " Glb ," Chattere d Scragg .. " What'. tho Ilro unfl.ber e and there. ruary 2. 11122. a daught er . estute beloIl8ln~ to th e e~t.Ilte of ,I .. . or no charges. but orltlcl8111 and fllult flndln' lIod 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Matter With Reorgan lzln' the Sy.... J08 P . Usbol'D & Son are goin g Born-T o Mr. and Mrs Ar'hur 80n L . Hh fle b"n. de oe"secl, ~ b'lDtln ' I\ n~ diet-hate ful tbln gs we' ll IRte Of dlcate 1" to se ll Home m ore of tbeir fiDe large Wblte tnee Dora S'owe 2627 28 .. ), of Dayton . Wayn esvtll e . Ubl o. on find en many ot 'em we woo't b 11 VA Box 91, Centerville,lOhlo the IlInller with reorganlzl u' the syn· Spot.ted P oland .Cbloa bO"M 00 S,,\. Monday , Januar y 30, 19!2 , " son raoUl 1r time to enjov IIny b"PIlI Saturda y, March 4, 1922, urda y, Februa Home Phone 2, Centerv ille Ex ry 25, T ry to b e 'dr. and Mrs. Chilli. Burley and dlcate?" oells If "oo mel. Ynu oan" put a present !lnd benefit b.v U. Our Cale ndar Will Burley, of B"mllto n, were Begi quart of W" t tlr In a pInt mellBur e "Be n good fell er, AdeIIJert." nning at 1 o'olook p.' 01 . , 00 t he Ull Februa ry :l!itb. Mr, "nd Mrs ca lled bere, llis\ week, Yon Mn ' \ ba Ilroduct lve or proBper - Fe h. 2-Cand lemaB-· Ground hogDay pleaded McO ulfe, . by the serl pre mlsee, oomme uolog at 'he b ot-el Ceoll Kirk will open up , th e.r oream OU8 1II0e88 of their HIBter, Mrs. OIlS It yon 're Ollt h"ppy . lion' Ibe way Feb. 5 - 5th S unday after ~piphany Mr. GIbney wal nev cr 80 vulocrnb le prope rty, 'he f () lIowlng Real E8tllte: '0 boo ba ' 'py Is to be bapp y-to h' r Feb. 12-Sep tuagesi ma SlInday a8 wllen one he really loyed called 1I :",t·ioo at d oafllter la to tbe publiC', CI ",ude Lewis. 82 A o re~ o r Botto m La nd , adj oining anoe, forglvnn 8fls an' "smile In plaoe Fe b. 13- Lincoln Day hIm by his Ch rl s llnn nnm~. He drew Tbelr room hl18 been renovllt ed Bnd Rohert Burnet waR taken quite Co rwin , kn ow n 118 Burl8 Buttom 8 of frp"ulu e~p. angor lin' a rrown Fe b . 14- St. Valenti ne's Day 110 nrm ncrolS Ihe shoul (lprs of Me· pnt In tirBt.ollis. oondltlo u Y ou s lok, laet week, !lod Wa.! remove d Ll v"ry aod Hotel Propurt y io Corare oordl Hrea' lord, 11,'8 ould .blll '''leoln ' Fe b 19- 5exages ima Sunday .. ))y 10 vlted '0 be preaent . to 'be Miami VIIJley ho'pltal , .. tt llr Win . 3 Aore '1'raot in Cor wln,ltno OulTe), nnll Scroggs. wblle Neils HoI· wn I'll be' tbose p olllr be",. .. re en . Feb. 22- Washin gton 's Birthda y Yorsen slood by. bl. yeUow tuugs Tbls m outh IB to be one oontlnu al dark Tn88da v evening , Bnd WIIB 8B Ibe C rew Land . Orim~8 Prop jnyln' thern14plvOfl . Feb. 26- Quinqua R'esima Sunday ft nshln i with pleasure onder bla WBI. tim e of enj oyme,nt ; HboW8. farmers ' operate l 00, IIbOIl' midotR bt, ror erty 10 lJorwin An de rs oo Propert y «'pb 28 - Shrove Tueoda y VETE RINA RIAN MI. mustacb e. .nstltu te, lhe CI vio Leagne 18 ~o eu nppende oltls, by Dr. EwlnR. It In Waynes ville Hou ~e lind L a ' ad_ --"Sern",,!~·! Mnc! Your On91 We'll lertllin -notbin g but enj oyment lind proved a very 8erious OB8e A' tbl8 jolnlDR o h eeh~n Homest ead In Way. r(,flr"n nl,.c 11.(' "yodkat e, BU' the min· pleasure throug hou' this monlrlp H!. time he Ie geulng along very nloe ly, nesvill e. Seo bill!! for portlou lars. SAYS S.AM: Phon e 44 ute me nn' Neill flDlls ouraelves with l~y, Ilnd 00 house8 to rent BERT SBEEH AN. . "T"II me whot vonr f. trli ' ~ oJ .. . -~--a bill o· sa le tor 0 one·Quarter Int... RA CBEL EAR~H ART, Tbe SBd lnte lllgenoe reaobed I1B, of .'\or luplI"r and j"1 t·.. 1i v" u wbu, ,, 1'01 In th e Victor, bused 00 the a ctoat Extlo otors ot tbe eetato of t-he deBth of Forrest Fornllbo l1, 'be your bO, 8 and Illr!. Hr" . .. (' 10 " I,rk e. we'l1 tow this here bnrg~" SOD o t Mr Jlist' nt!heeh~n , deoel18e d, lind IIiIrs. frank Fornsh ell U. '1'. Illlwk e . Auot. ""n' ' 1,lIt the prollis on tbe cod- at Dayton . B-e waB well known fl ~ II 'r S ~ rn gl:"s qu erI ed eug(' rly. b ere, Bnd liked 'by all. We extend "Cerlalill y 1I0 t. Me I1U' NeUs splltl 1·0 tbe bereave d pllreoh our belirt. Robert Stroud . .. , ....... . Feb. 15 Llchenl Moke Supe ' b Col or. th at Il r,y· nl'ly. A quarter 0' them felt IIympat hy in tbls th ei r Blld b e1:I0tuf' of tI'" ill ...... .. ..tkl.;: ~c""e8 Thomps on .& Hartsock . .. . Feb, 16 "roflts I ~ I",. l'l" h n price to pay for reavem ent. DR. J. W. MILLER. upou th ~ ('11 .·,11 O\\ C " II : II ''''' '''rl~ t1c yuur rrl ~ , "bhl ". ' e ru !lg~y, old decei t· Sheehan Estate, Chattel s . . . Feb . 20 features to 11l1J ~;.1e ' nlld Ild l"II:', T h e Pro f . 0 V. ToBe Is tAnober o f II ful. H,·Il'I' IIII,,·r. 1 .ullde lI)at profit Catarrh iR II local diseose, ~(lIltly 'aauous "(.'rlmt' oll {' lifTs '" I~ r I ; ' l"l' lI hl llfi . llf, pr )'11 11 fill' ~llI c had pull ed out 0' SuoduY-Moh .)ol 0la8s 0\ t he M E Wm. Barnard . .• •. • _ ... . . Feb. 23 influ en ••• DENTIST••• which e x tt'lHJ t or 1Il11 ~~ Il HI "l hWIlt'l 1 (!' \J 1n ced by con sti tu t ional CODCZl}' PETER B. KYNE ohu r oh rb e 01"S8 Is oompos ed o f Ben Smith . . . . .... ....... Feb, 24 rl w s nllllt'ute ," Cape York. derive ti ll i : ~p l t' nd l ll co lo r ditions. HALL' S h. ~ .b CATAR ~l' oP. but RH lJOW tbey lire 80re . om"" In "'1'11;11', In~ II· ." ) Idiutfey declured . Sheehan Est!'te, RealE. tate .. Mar. 4 1>1 ED 1CI N E iR II from IIw ~ r u wth IIf r " lI Ikhen which 'fan ic fi nd Rlood 'i.ttonal Sua!< Bide. "It ·s hl ghwuy rubbe ry." Scrugga Un F riday night, Prof . blid I·h e Alltho, of • Ihd r fa ce. Tll c clllTs I'lsl' 1,(!n erve to put his olnBs against tb e Purifier . By d C8l1s ing- the blood and !!m!1l"lcd, " I \ HII1'j ~. ' Il 1)0 Q tlUrter 10· tWllen l.illO [11111 2.UOO r C~'L ~ 1 mlltlll "Webs ter-Ma n's Man," build inA' up tI", SYRtl'm, IIAI,lJ S t CI't"sl 10 ,.flU Or '1"11 , ' Squnre ll l'ud, Glb. !:Ilgh sob ool tel1m in a basket ball l:iavlng deolded ' t from l ilt' wBl er 's edge, 1111d 111 \1 11 ); / ' 1) 10· o quit f&rmlng , 1 ((sma , and tbe 111gb sc h oo l team "The Vall~y of the I' Il I all 11 1('111 ' ~I' II' ~" CATAR Rn MEDI C I NE r cstores pOlled lI r Irrtly gl·ulli te. 11Il'l1' " ' \ll~ c t olun e out aU end. wblob dlsI\ppo lnted will 8ell at Publlo Auo'l(\n at DIY "'1'1"'11 \'ou'lI 1",, <1 th normal {'ondi liollR nnd ullows Naem codfish r eBldenoo Giants 00 t he ," Etc. Retl1ll1o would he entirely dllf"r~ ul (rulI1 whllt k farm . 3 t.b ft teao h e r. ShlOfl the Rame, 'h e u l""lrt l. o ~ pay dt"'111 \l14 ru ge On that It I. e~ce"t for t he 1"".euI·e lIf the 0ln8B hf\B been tlllling oblropr aotlo miles Southw es' ot W8yneB vilieand ture to do its work, 1)':lrJ,.:'p fur [~\, ~ I",Y du y II H'S hung around; 1 mil e ~8t of Kltobne r. on lIebei. tre"tme u t. treetlng tb e j oints, and All Druggists. CirculaTs free. nn ' If tl'l! h'lII l'1 l of I"'u llh cOlldelU n! re p' , dring tbe Boro spots. Anyhow , Wednes day, Februar y IS, 1922, ' em Jil l ' dllll'l(S '('Ill O,"c lotlon rc1 I 'll sue F. J. Chcncy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. the.v h a d a 1I00d tl,me, and 8wlmm lng YOU 1111 ' ~III I: ftlr ' ".\' los t profits. glt Beglnol og at 10 o'olook, ~he follow_ will ~ oon be Induhre d io ;-oue thlog 8 Jlld ;.; rrll ' l lt n;.:ln ,' 11 11, an' luke over lni propert y : 6 Borsee. 24 Hogs. ~fter "ootber . Mr. Olllney CO('ke a " '8 Implem ent,B, Feed Barnps8 . B ouap. o, pr (IIII' tI ,,· \·k lll .. to ~ lI l i < r.v Ill e judgmen t." ear nu,1 IIlew (I c10lld of Hlllllk c In .tll(' hYlIlI ' r' f" n 8.' 11 I II H"yer, Glb," Scruggs bold Goode, eto . ~"e IMt !?p hlll~ . sklpper' s fnce. ('dlll'I,-lI ~ llrl'II ~ I I1 ':l lly. RUBER T t!TRUU D "Well, hoys. I'll t",11 you. ~1I1 ...·" W. N 8eare. Aoot. "Y ou 11o wh ll t (1111 SIlY ," lo\ cO uf'fey . Call me by phone tlfrollgn now 1 cal~ lue you an""torce codflsh thnt's Iwell un uer wutpr l\ long 01'11 ,·... ·11 11I"'·II,,·" llIlO'ly. "neml!wbe r, I you to." ti me getH most o· th,' "nit LOok nut uf gilt /I IlIl lf I"",n 's t III /lny judgmen t he As we are going to quit farmin g , A .CHUMP IN THIS 1'O'N'N "Oh I So you're buy In' m, loterest, we will sell at It, nn' o\'t' n a t sen, It' 1t'!oO h~tt JOlig glt s IIgl l1 II . - li n' what's Pnbllo Auotloo ou the more, lob· SIi:Z H[S WIFE' S south " Main Streets enough, It 'll j;et HO IIul'III 'li ripe th~t j\·,·t 10 .h"Il' codfis h clutterlu ' up my ~ h?" CI1rt·wr lght farm, 2 mlle8 E".t of HUSI3A ND 1$ HIS ee:ST "Well, I'm lendln' Mac the mooe1, Wayne8 vllle, on tbe Wayne8 vllle 11'6 whll l l'OU mi ght ca ll ulT,'ns l\·c. HUI hul t IlI tf ' rt" l' t." Wayn esvill e, Ohio & It mnk ('s gooll fel'llll zer: Thl!re nl n·t FRIE:ND. " y, ,,, IJllll led me all lhe olt! lIIlIgg)e," 8n' 1 got a hunch he'll sell tbe Interest Xenia pike, on =============~ to me Bn' Nella wl,tbout figgerln' on a nolhln' III Ihe \\'0"111 to ('fJ lIlIl clldtl.lI. SI'I'II I!J,:S screed. cd. "hut I won't ' be profit. ThurIlda y, Februa ry 16, 1922, You're a jarrln' note' In the medium rll"', tllr 'llI·t11lz\' .·. I've rlJ{" .. <I hull l,·.1 n,) 1II01'e. If ."ou WIIIlI 10 .t ow syndI cate. liP II dcn.l with n o rc hunl (1"1111"11, -tItttt bnr(:c. Mu c; Scrnggsy ••0' I've come to Beginni ng a\ 10 o'olook . 8harp, you buy me (l uI. lock, thut time 0' lite where I want peace. tbe Ih nl's III~' I II ' ollt 11 cnll plo· II' Ih'""IIIIII st\lCk IIl1d iJurrel. An' the followl na proper t y: ti 811rBtlll, price for IH' n"~ 0' ."'011 11 ,;:' tn' p~ UJl In (lip d.' !IH my 1,"lf Inlt'rl'sl Ie (h'e th ousand dol- An' there won't be no peace on the 30 Cdtle, 45 BogB, Implem eots, H/lrNOTAR Y PUBLIC VIctor unless Iftnds 0' th r S~ l' rllr lll' lIt o" I 'n.\ ~hd d 'pm t skipper her." Inrs." n e8~, Veblole s. Boulleh old 600da, etc. II.· lilt. 111"11' 1' tI,'sl 1, ")'1 11 ' II fl' oll! thl' CuptnlD Scrngg8 departed 10 draw tllle bUIs for furtber partlou lars. Wayn esvill e, Ohio "Y01l'"p sold sOIl lf't1 l1 ng. Scrnggsy ." OWIl('rs 0' t il" ~ dwnller t OI" II hUllll rf'l1 THOMP SUN & HA,RT 80CK, Mr. Md";ulTc y lI u><l ...d hu ck lit hIm, lip tlip tomull bUl ot sale Rnd Mr. Glb· ~ollfirl't" En~ r:r tilt H? th l\sc Ilrdlllrrl f(> l ~ Nationa l Bank 8 L CARl'W R[GBT o h l'ylllJ.:' n w in k frullI 7\Ir . Glhney, !IAn' ney . drawing The !lqllnreh ead and Mc· Jers cJlg n hole 10 plnllt II )'01111 11 n'ult I"·r ...·' 1\ hUlld ..ed ,h,lI nrs to IIlnll th e Oulfey to hIm , favored each wIth • W . N . t:!earB. Auct. "t r€'e th(')1 nhl) to " ~lI n· II ('<",dlh.1I In the searchin g glll nce ond laid : hnl·l:lIll1 ce 011 delIve ry or prollcr huHom 0' thp hl~ " ,It·st. fllf f. ' rtlll ?- ~r . blll ·o··_II. II'Hlllull We. the under~i j;( ood . will offer at. "Gentl emen, did It ever occur to rou ... that th ere', monelY 10 the chleken Pnbllo S .. le tbf! obaUels belongi ng \\' h II I' 8"1'011118 WO" coun rI nl: &0 tbe ell'"\o of ,/II80n l.. Sheehli o, busIness 7" mOnl!Y Mr, GII'lwy \\" 11 8 w rltl llJ,t n re~ deoease d. on tbe farm knnwu aM the It had r Botb McOulfe 3' ODd Nell' celpt In III. no le hook . ~.' nll.tgR. stili Wayue. nHle'a Lead.l ni Den'I.' admitted It. Tber'e \lre tew men In Burnett farm, 1 mile BoutbAIlRt of turlou s. slJ{nl'.1 thl' 1'(' ·elpt. Main ti& thI s world who have not, at some Wellma D, 00 the WaYIlesvl1l1l and I)mne In B ·l\ues Bldg. "Now , tll nn, S~ '·ngJ{ s.\' ," snlll ~ Ir . Glb· period ot, tbelr li ve!. held the aame ue~' ufTllhJy . '·hu~tlt.. up t o th e ('n~t Oln l house. get 1\ formnl hlll ·0··811Ie IIlunk, view. albeit the majorIty of those who 1111 her In, 1111' hURtle IJO ek IIgh. for have enrleavo red 1(1 demonst rale that your d 'l'"k. An' "N' to It yon dorl't fact have 8ubsequ entiy changed theIr chongI' yuur mImi, h('clluse It WOII't '10 mlnda. "I thought ae much," the commoYOU ~ n y !rood. H' you dOIl'1 come dore p-Inned. "If I was to let you two out o' my sight for a day you'd both be flat busIed the da, ' atter. So we "'oo't buy no farm .In' go In for chlcll· eos. We'II ...11 tbe Victor aD' buy a IIttl. tradln' scboone r. TheD we'll 10 back to the Bouth, _ . an 'earn a legItima te 11"ln· ... "But why'U we sell the Victor , .. MI!' Outrey demande d. "Glb, abe'. ala,.. or a ' boat." •. "Becaue e I've 1\I.t bad a talk wIth tbe ownel'1l 0' tbe two opposIti on line. an' they, knowlD' (De to be fbumm1 wltb ,ou an' Sera"" . Ii.,. me the tIp to te)1 you two that 10n eould ha.,. your fholce 0' two propoe ltlon_ rate war or a Mle rI the VIetor tor ten tho nlllnd dollar.. ' That pta 10U ont clenn aD' ..veil yollr ortllll&l eapttal, an' It lite , 8cralrP 1 out the lIJDe way. while neUln' me an' Nail. II.,. bundred each." "A rate war wo~iJd ruin u .... MeGutrey agr!!8d. "In addltton to IOOrln' I!IC1'IIRSY'. dlspollltlon ' until 'be , wouldn't b. lit to Uv•• with, Glb, you're

FE[lHU AHY 8. 192:?

Po em hi un cl e John







~~~t~~~'~~I~~e l~t, ~~~ofe71~ ~ ·!I~:I~~~u

1""1 r[;'FANY'S

- - - .--- --



:-;;~RUARY ~922 5IM ITl

Forest T. Mar tin


ITI" ls



Dr. W. E. Fa:oat


------- ....


----- - ..

Cf'he Gre en Pea Pir ate s

Harv eysb urg, O.

Public Sales'

Ca tar rh



General Repair Shop

Ed. C. Woollard,



For best results we use Mia mi Gazette's Oa.H.E.HATHAWA·\, Classified columns, we'll tel] the world!





We have twen ty thousand feet of


here at our Lum ber Yard. 'We are cutting these logs into Fencing Boards and Joists, and are selling same at a very reasonable price. If you are in need of Oak Lum ber for any purpose, CAL L



. ' ~d.r."

"I know It," IIr. G'tb~ replled Within two bot1l'l Oaptalll Ikz'IIIp ' balt IDterett bad J)88lIed Into the bab~. ot IlcOulrQ , and ba1l UI bour later the victor bad paa4i4 Iato tbe bandtl of the oppoaltlClll Unlit. to be operated 'for the Joint proat of. the latter. Later III the Gal ill foUr mlllllbtr l or the


" " ' . " . . ..






·....,03 OF LUMBER.



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tt' .. s I" hI ,.: ~oll ll ' ra I wi ll He ll nt p ll t/ lic aue l ion . .on th e 0111 M c~:arr·.'r' . farm. I mil .. fr~ 11I I·t' . . " "c l t he S ~ rillg' II il l ~" lhh"lH) l1 ~" lind <l lt l1le~ no rl h I) f ('hlrk~ \ II I.' . " II r oad 1 ,," tllIl ~ /llid fili i t fJ tHo'll l he


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Sllnuay :-ichoo l III :' ::10; Ch llr r h se r"i\;,(' al JlI ::lll. Wl'!e'IIIW >Ill wh o w il l mPl' l Wil h IJ~ ill "lIr \\' flr· ~hin o f J e hovah L'( H I1l' . J1leu~l;' . I


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T he ~·Ili I '\TSH.:\ :\TI O.:\ .\L l'o illplct c wit h your o p tion o f :1 2· bnlto1l1 trac tor pl ow or a tra ctor d isk,


I' "

SlIn rla y :dwol a t thi~ ~ h urch eV l' r y I 'unday III Y:;lll n . 111 I' r tJHchi ng ",·r· vi ce a t 10:;10 o'cl,)ck II II.. Y Oli ar f' 1, cordiall y in vit er! 10 ue p re~ent .



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fre ig h t. The ploll' a lol1 e is $ ] 44.50, ",hid l ren l1y lIl::l k s the price o f tilt· (rac t or $525.50. The lll-:20 I.:\ TEIV'ATI ().:\. \I, TITA i\ co mple te with yOllr op t ion of a J · uottOI1l p low or t rac tor disc, $700.UO. T he 3·IJotto m p lo w a lone sells a t $ ]74. S0. T he prices qllo ted tl ocs lIOt pe rmit sale of tractor excep t with plow or elisc a nd is by odds the bes t tractor ofTered today. Bear in miuu there are no extra s to add to the above excepl ac tll a l h eig ht. lNTE RNATIONAL TRACTORS a rc 1I0 t sold without PLATFORM or FENDERS or GOVERN OR or POWER PULLEY for witbou t these pa rts you ha\'e only th e start of a tractor. Tbe price we name is a comp!ete price. We firmly be lieve we bave our implements for Spring bought and priced lower tban anyone in Southern Obio. We know that no more complete stock was ever assembled under one roof. We know if you need implements you can't afford to buy without looking over our line and learning the prices. Don't let distance bot her you for you are just as close to us as to anyone. We deliver your implement' 'Purchases to your farm and set them up ready to use. :l.Ilcl

Wh e r eas . God in hi~ w isd o m has fr om Ullr mid ~ t o ur lo ved and e~te e m ed si s te r. e mma C hap· man. th e r e fo r e be i t l{esolved. That we. the members of th e Harv ey ~ burg W . C. T . U , depl o r e the loss of o ur co unty presi· d ent. and r eal ize that h e r plnce can· I not be easil y till ed. Be it furth e r Reso lved. Th a I we will e ver ('he r· I ish tho mem ory lI f he r life of active service in the W . C. T . U.

11111{ ...



lI I11" ,... ,'

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I tdo;; !lil t!

It"thor: 1It"Ii

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S· Horses and Mu1es

l he fo li ll winlol' :

u ....·

~" rr .. 1 II-u rn of Ile ltli lll!~. III li lld I t ,·" rs " let . w, Ig ll t ~/jUO. II ~J) l ell u id work te am a11d lill e r ,,: I huy Ile ldill ll. I:",UO p~\ lI l1 d ~. v.m rs old. Ii Kl' ne rn l J1llf'l)n~l' Ull d fllmil y lI" r~" lill Y W," 11>11I "/1 11 dnv " a lld wo ,k all ) pll\('I\ I Sp'III u f nlll le~ . wc i"lll ~5UU. Jl lld ,,11 "I"Il,'llt wo rk t ""11 llllt' ,·u w . " yeurH ol d . II hl'lI vy milk" I' 1C OW ",, " lI .. wi ll hI ' f r" ~ h rll .ddl e o f Mu rc h


1 goo d M 'I h C F arm ImpI emen t s

1:lrd",,1 wUIl" " wrlh ' Xlru ""I,> b U ll r J ~ . 1:!·7 II .. "",·,. wl,,·,,1 d ri ll . j" s t d~ill ~d ,I .. '1' r .... It ~11l1t 1l r h ' I'1 1 1~" o ~ t1 H~ 1I cru p l;; , J U ll~MV l lit' cor n pl,a nl "'!" g'hJ d a~ ,"'-' \\I , J,II 'H '~\' lI l\' d u ~b , , ' : ,,' ·',\ , ... I" rJl l' ll n lrr o r l ,il :iC , U II\'t ' r l' llrn P "'" ~()I H t Cil ll dl li i /l l , L ll t l, · (l i i t l f ll n ' ~11 I.;t. rn V I . I N , j.(ouu ". II ( .. \lilt A !!lh :t!l1 R , , n ltlll lhlll, I'u~~udy g a l l).: p llHY, ~ lIlk y hav ral . •" .\1, ' .u rrnll'l" ItIU Wlfl),f flUH: hlll t' .... ' 11. 11 nud l1H'a h J I:{ hu r rfl w:-\ , tl ll t! s t e el nIh" \\ t l lld, O :I Vt ',' ~\ I i l\. 11;· ll hl plu w . 1""'II l'il lrup ~ r la l. I'l'l'a kin .r "l o w. C O lllblll"Il\~" II " ~ ' .01 k . j .. , 1 111,.1 1:. I, Hl't~ w " rI\ 11'~rll e~" . ~" lI ar~ . brid ll'~ and lil ll'~ . lo t o f t> II \1 H\'I I" It I a rid kll .. h~n fll rnllu", I bllp lr.· E "lll lt' w .... d hf'atilll( Hlol'\;' und oth e r ll rtll'It'M 1\1"". IIOt of lill t' l' UI fudd.·,. ill m uw. a nd pn t' lu I " llUl'k f .. tld e r Uc t Your Ti~ I{M:-i - All ~Ulll " of $10 lind Ull d ,· r. ,·a.h ill h ",01 . 1111 " u,n" '''''r Ih 'It . " ('ro>dil o f "ix m,llll h • . ]Jurc ila:<t' l' lH "k ll1 ~ II b'llIk ul dc 1I.lI e Il l"" illg illt"r. ~ I all d II d i"l'IOu lil fo r (,,."11. a l Wll lll:' r Lacy . AlJcti ulI"e r I l} .J,m lll il . C le rk LUli ch o n lh " ){roul1d ~



Younce Bros. Grain Company

! removed

Eva M~cDonald ~ Committee Ma r y ~yfe rd \


II I I .~'

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Clover Seed

lll:tlll l rac lurin g

co:; 1.

Co mlTl e llc il1~ al to o'dod \ a

The R i gh t Sequ e nc e, I ." , I i ,,!,


Caesa r' s Crcek FriclH!s C hurl'll


11 11

FEBRUARY 14, 1922

Harvc)'shur): Fric n ,ls Chllrc h

Talk uf pI in' ':;. t lll':,e arc A \\' .\ \' BE L( )\\. pre· war

•• Pu·b l·c Sale•.

h l ~ l ~ h l'tI,

re. :

New Low Tractor Prices

Rom~ ..

A.lanc·. Pil lage of

.\t\IflI~t ::4. 4H), Alnt·I.... Ht .Iho hellll (If I h~ G O lh ~ . •'nl~ r \!lI Rcime Ht wl'III Ij:h l. ull('i\\'Il\~ vlll""l n, t or "t1


d ny \;, but g l dng tu hf' :o:p nrit lJ( o f

til It.,· n'jo(1I1u r 1l, ,,,·l ill g. l.'"b ruu r y 15. M. E.-Church 1 9~:! . C1H,.. illi lllltilltl >111 .1 " ellls ," The u~ ual se r vices w ill he he ld n 'l~:' ()rnd,'rf. ('o ll nril ilr. next S und ay : SUl ld "y:khnol . 9: I ;': I{ (\ V lI11hrlll:1n. H. ~ . I'r E!!lc hin ~ ~e rv ices . 10:30 a Ill. 1'1 I u..l I 7:00 Jl Ill .; Epworth Le ug u e . 1; :15 ' F .. c ts A boll t Hvdro ph o b i3 . n lll . Eve rybod y cOTlJi a ll y invited . ~ 1; '1\\ I'" 'ld t 1' 11 \ , II Id l , lt 11uI' d Cl J:I :;, \ I /lf l , . \ 11' ' I , II· "(I, Hilt ·!! " t' 11 . d u.," · ." a I ,' , . ,' 1 1' ,, 1'1 I t, ., d l~· • " : L ~ t· 11q. , ,1 1"1 '"'' , ' ,... .. luud tl)·.d l' ~

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TU ESDA Y- - r"l1rllar\ I

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All 1\.

CA lI f Ul(1 1.\

r ry our Job Printing



The LateClassine~



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T h t> rJ Ii 16 ~ I u tnr. oyol e on rl ~r'I ,' I.·u r . Inqui r e of Haro ld Bur!:" . \V I1 .1'I1t1~vl l l ,' , 0 111 0


U T I1f{( ' Y GLJ<; -


f ~~

A Valentine Social will he given at the Flat Fork schoolhouse. ; rue£day evening. February 1-1 . A Dutch supper Will be served for the benefit of the Beech Grove Laclies' Aid .

- ---_ ..- - -


A Y - 6 o r l:l I OD~ of .\lll:ed l'l o vl'r flDd l'uun Ur :v H OL Y. good ' llHl lt t y . . . Aillo . .. b M,t I ~~ hu . l y~tI Pm " 'I . I nqolr e o f F lo r" Jj e r r,hll i. ~ I ~, I n. ~ dl/\ DIl Av e .. l'O ltllll h u" . t Hli o. 11 0 t'


Reefe r ' s Mo r e-EgRs T oni c is not 11 I ~ f ood , it is a t o n ic. Its pur]J se is t o : f conditio n your hen8; p ut P<- J) in them; ma ke them ~c rnt c h and exe r::iRc It wi ll m ake hens lay Sol d Oil Ii g uar· IIntee . 1 packal!e fr et! wi l h 'Rch ~ 1 package fold at .'nll'y e r's G r oce ry .

Sunday School at 9:30 a . m.. and Christian E ndeavor meeting at G:30 p. m. Every body is conlially iDvited to attend these services every Sunday

- --_.- ..-


KH ll' 1(( tIl[> YellowslOll l' pur k 0""'. II~ r tch ,'0101' IIIlU II ~ 01111'" tto Ih" ye· II" ... 11.·h e li CO " ..,·t"l( II@loflY "" Ill s : a llot 110" tnd e¥" rll!UIJle hu es of Ihe g "~111 h.. t · s pr ing te rrll ''t'S uI'I ~e nlllll1l y fru ll' the


pre8Pll (~



lIardware Harness Implements

Fred M. Cole

Waynesville Ohio


.=======Adair~ S===========it= ====-THE LEADING HOME FURNISHER FOR OVER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS = ====

Owe Name to Yellow L ichen. The rr ~... k ~' PM§J;I ('all er! th t> ( ;nlllt' u



A1DAIR'S FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE Great Sav'ings Are Now Possible On

of mlnu tl' ,\1111 ' (:; flul1 rls hllll:


In th " \\'8I pr Ih8 1 ovt'r llo\\, .• II ,l·lU.

.. ...---

- - -

Cle a n Alabaster .

W ,, -it ~ " II",I nlnhn",p r nnd \\'nt~ r . "''' II.· \\·",h


porl Q

II II ,t



willI snap Ih ~

~ t.a lnl'd

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hours .

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nff I hI ' w ll \ll'w lHIII n.v l rub Ol e ", (n lrH'" pllrl" "I th II :'oIoft f1 n nne l.

'1' l1 t'lI

E nglish Poet. 'r hru nnfol, • ')\lIt r!\w ll , EII J.: II !-" h pn p t, flU· th or lOr " I' IPII "II "'" or 11 ft ".· ... ,lI e,l nl


IlUlIl"I! IH' , Fr UIIf" ', I n n ~Utt (' o f he dll! ~' .. /I .Ii" ... I ~). 18H . III IIw

Fffective February 10, 1922



" ge

~1:t I Y ' 1il"\l'II ,

Maximum Allowable Loads on Roads as provided, by Sections 7246, 7248, 7248-1 , · 7251, of the General Code of Ohio.


t· II

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"1'" U ' ,, :


, .. :


FEI: H.l :,\R Y sail' o f I" ufllilure grea te r' by far in va lue givi ng, than you have SE'en in many years, is now on . \vh tl ~ tillS cve nt extelld s Lo every d epartmeut of th e store and ofTers greater econ om ics even in those little tIlIlI gS wh ich are so lIecessa ry ,t? touch up the home here a nd there. it is of foremost im por tance to thqse who plan c01l1ple le .o ll1e outfits. Ihose who plan to complete furnished new homes or old ones will find this an opportunity th a t perha ps ~vi ll not be duplicated at any other time of the year.' . '

.~.\ !'\ S

Library Furniture

> ', )" . " II " f' (). N' ,)~


:3 Pi ece OveTstufi'ed Davenport Suites ........ $14900. 19900. 235.00 , $27000 Dave npo r t Tllbles .... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .... .$1950. 2200. 2600 . .32 00 to 45 00 G a te Leg Table8 .................... .. .... ............. .. $1350. 1600 . 24 00 . 27 00 Bf>d Davenpo r ts .. ...... .. .. .... .. ....... $ 451'0. 5800. 65 00, 98 00 3 Piece Cane Davenport Suites .. ... . ... ........... .. .. .............. $16800, 185 .00 WritinR' Desks ........... .. ........... . ... $7 50. 9 50. 1500. 350fl. 46.00, 54 00 Floor Lamps .. .... .. ............... .... .. . .. " . .. . $16.flO. 21 50.29 00.3&00 , '1M 00

No person shall lr~insport over the public highways any vehicle h a ving a total weight, includ ing weight of . vehicle and load, greater th a n the following: On vehicles lJa\'ing metal tires a loall of fiv e hundred "(500) pounds for each inch of the total wid th of tires on ail wheels nol to exceed a total weigh t o f ten (tU) tons. On vehicles having rubber tires a load of six hundred and fift y (650) pounds fo r each inch of the total width of tires on all wheels. ' ~


For 4-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 3440 Ibs. on any 1 wheel i For 5-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 4550 lbs. on any 1 wheel For 6-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 5460 lbs. on any 1 wheel For 7-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 6370 lbs.oo any 1 wheel I No vehicle sh a l1 have mOle than scventy (70) percent ' of the gruss weight of veh icle and load all a nyone axle.


Former Price

3 Piece Period Red Room S uites .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ....... $9: .00. 1 04 . 0~, 134 00. 187.00 to $250 00 Walnut or Mah o ~any Ur es~ llrs .

.... .. ... .... ... ... ... $35.00. 08.00. 45. 00 . 56.00. 6500

UraS5 butto ns don 't mcan any· th ing .in the life of v"i ll iam Hohe n· %ollern, Jr .. any more. Germ a ny' s

Dressing Tllbl es ....... . ... ... $29 00. $3? 00. $38 ou to Vanit y Dres~('r" ................ $5900';'-6500.75 UU to Oak D r essers ............ $15 75. 18 au. 24 Ot). 30.00 to Chitrr o be~ .. .. ......... ... .. .......... ... .... ... $20 50, 4200, Poste r Btlds .. ..... .... . .. .. .. .. ............ .. .. .. $2900 to

72 00 '00 00 1~5 . 00

48 00 53.50 4:1.00

former Crown Prince is m orc inter ~s tc d

in Swiss



on rye. pa rticularl y when. as shown TEN TONS I I\ CLUDlNG THE WEIGHT OF THE pn . this most recent picture o f the VEHICLE IS TH E MAXH.IUr.r LOAD F OR ANY VEHI- luile in Holland. he had ju st reo turn ed from a joyride on hi s mo tor. CLE DURI NG D RY WEATHER, Vel •. DURING THE S PRI NG THAW AND I N OTHER I WET SEASONS THE I\lA XI:I'lUM L OAD INCLUDING ====~====~ THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLI ~ SH ALL BE AS FOLLOWS : (1) ON THE MAI N ROADS THE MAXIM UM SHALL .~ NOT EXCEED ONE HA LF OF THE WEIGHTS AS STATED ABOVE.

Reductions on Kitchen Furniture PorcelainSlidingTopKitchenCabinet, with all modern equipment. at ... $39.oo All White Enamel Kitchen Cabinet .......... . ... ........... .... ... ....... .. ...... 36 00 Power Washing Machines ................................ .. .. .. ...... .... ..... ...... 2l.00

Drain Tile

POINTER COAL' RANGE, al) all cast iron range, weight 350 Ibs. 18 inch oven, large copper reservoir and warming closet. We con: sider this a wonderful villu e at ...... ..... . ..... .......... ........ ............ 5600 Other Coal Ranges at ........... . ..... . $55.00. 65 00. '7.200,86.00, 98' CO, $125 00

Order Now


·TI0NS. ..


Our Delivery


Younce Bros. Grain Company Telephone 25·2

VIOLA nON 01' THE. ABOVE PROVISIQNS DEE1IED A l\nSDEM~.t\.NOR AND ON CON- ' . THE PARTY 'OR PARTIES ..... ,..,...Y'l'> T>. SBAJ.L BE FJ No.@[) N.OT. MORE THAN . ~-------'-~l00 U.L..L OO""""'::-N~··~R L ESS THAN $25.00 FOR THE FIRST OF- Valves Ground sod ~arbon Removed



E AND NOT ~1 RE THAN . 5100.00 NOR LE~

rliAN 1100.00 F R TfIE FFn SE.


By order of


'Batteriel, 'Ford Coill and Spark PIUIS Tested,

Frank W. CreW, R. D. 3. Phone·83.2y. W.,...mlle, Ohio

DINING ROOM FURNITURE 8 Piece Peri all Di ning Room S uiteR. . ..... ... .. .... $13400. 14900. 17500. 199.00. 210.00. $27!l 00 Oa k B u ff e t s ..... ........ $21 00. 28.00. 35 00. 4500 to 65 00 Oak Dini ng Ta bles .. .... .. .. .. , .. $1350. 16.00.2000 to 6f) 00 Oak Chairs .. .. .... .. ........ .. ..... .... ... $240. 2 OS, 5.00.' 7.00 China Closets .. .. ........ ............ ..... ... .. $2400. 32.00. 46.00 Wal nu t Buffets ..... .. .... .. .. .. .. $4500, 5600.65.00 to 125.00

February Furniture Sale Brings Rug Prices Way Down . 9x12 Matliojl Rugs ........ ................. .......... .... .......... .....$ 526 to $ 5.50 '9x12 Grass R ugs ...... .... ........... :..... .... ... .. ................ ....... 6.95 to 1760 9xl2 Tapestrv Rugs ........... : .... .. .. ..... :. ............... . ........... 21.00 to 9x12 Axmmste r Rugs, Specl!ll. ...·.. ...... ..... ...... .... ..... ...... 9x12 ~ni lle Rugs ........................................ ... .. .. ...;. .••.



Furnilue Carpets, Storier

North Detroit Street


X('nf'al Ohio

20 and

38 00 (

87 50 \ 65.00 .


~ e ve l1ty-Fo1lrth


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

~(Ull W ij '; ill


Il aillt·!"', \V a ~III:\i '


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~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ a ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _FEBRUARY __ __ _~~---------15, 1 !)2~~ WAYNE VlLLE, OHIO,

fi l l/n it' ,.!.

mn AfEWI--+--,~ HEIRESS


fl'i S' \1 .11 ,.. I':"" ,' I', ,, ,j,·. I I' I< ~ .. ~ · t'.,' " r'~ - ( ; n\l' , 'r jj''-; 'u lli ;\li ' at;4


$ 1.

1'. II II, .,,", VI' N ~,. : , c' "'" ~ a l)ll " inl'~~ vi ~il(t r rnan W{' I" ' I I I in Lebanon, MOll rlUY . ,Ju st

11 .1 .1 II . " 01, ·· .\1,,,,·I '. , (l,·r· I



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M r :i I.t '~It..'f (; ~ ltd\lll and ;\1 1·,

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. Writes Heart Stones.

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Toast~d l '"rn ,,' 1 I,,~ . I.' ,, : \ " I'-all IA pple, '!. I b~ . f .. ' I,~" " '. )' of · , l(jr"ceri e, ,,,,d M t:al~





The Wotn ll n' " /\lI~ ili ll r,l' will 1I1<'l t I . TI " " ." ', i'" I!.il'''n 1):-.' St ~ l llry' s with MrR. L. A. i'.illlnll'rrnan . i'rlc\ny ( h, ,'11 "'" , ,,,I :-,-0"1,',' !,("Jelle at the af le rn oon, Feb rua ry I'th . r\ full t)d 11 .. 11" .,." ' hali. ~ llI ndny I'veni ng, attendan ce i ~ d'bircll l\ " '; : , ~1 1t' CI '''S in ever y tl l'IOi l, The I'r"('('I d .. am"' JrtpJ 10 $26 :lO MiRs ~ll1ry Car~ 1 11 ~ 'Il , tof t I Th ~ pr,)\Ullm ('oll'i isled of l'o rR I IHnu , OL lt) i:-;. :--pt I ld i "lo! fl W" I'jt or (l1l11 pillrl') S'J:II~ . dUt' t~ . rL'iulings nnd IIV(~ "ilh Iwr ,i'II' r. ~I ,· . I. ..\ Zilll it lllll(, "'HlIt,d \', " '110 .. l{umnH11(~ m, ·rlll "" . a- d hmdy , ~~I,·," "hi rh 11':\ .. I'erl' f unny Hnd "" "' N, IlIlrodll"I' I(! a h,t o f "take SI'ECIAL: - l1n's" .. r II I III j' ,Jf,' l "II ""n I"'rs,,n ~ i'l Ih!'ch urch. which I hl' p rog ram Sca r fs that were $1 and $ 1 flO: tl ,:s , It il ('d a Il,1 tof nlirlh we"k. 7:;c. A good n"u rl llll'II l uf .'.' .. . I ~ v " ,,1 Towel sa l :!r.r . Mr~ Kilton . ,\lkr Ih,' 1' -" rill. A l'U f ~ l pr ia 111'1('" I I " ." I ' II" di, illl! hull. Myr t lI)mlln l/'fl, ~lInd"y, fnr afl ."· '1l , I t r i~! ru nte..'~ l:J w ert: Clel'eland. 'he rt' h' will bll ' hi ~ fIlll lt '" " Ir. ''',' '1 wcrt' c'Jlni('HI if) th ... ~p r i n lC ~ 1 C)ck. JII ~ l hcfnr' I,·" villl.(, ext 1"I'ln. ' Mr . Hyman ~ Ilid he wllu!d hll l't! II TIt(' I. . ~ II ' ", o rhin" fnr Ihe .~ lll ('k ~entlo \~' aYIl PHl' i lll' lhal lIollld pu i.,h .i! u " i ll .!. allo remark s w !'r~ l'xl'el anYlh ill", he ha ' eVl'r had, ',ot h I,,:,,'d . I, l' I'l'ry " :., I hat. a ha ll of in q ua lit y and PI i('u. Thl' Hym:lll ~ (1 1I 1I · ... ·1 I \\', 1": :-' 41 ··) v JI(~ ~tl~d , as t he slo re is al\\'a~R Ill'adq unrtl'r~ f, r Ihl' IIrt,),(r alll f" r Lh", 'l1 i n)!, wou ld ha ve be~t ,,r el'~ rythin~ ill tl!' wa y (If I'l", " ,I, ,, ,. ,'.! It I d if a q au<'q uat e clothing and dry good~,

'1' '- 1

When thia tal ented aut horcSi wrote" Tess of the Storm Country," she made an en t r y st rnight into t hE hearts of milli ons of people. OUI beet known Bcr ee n a ct ress, th e one lIIho has received the most publicit ) and amaased the grea test wealth, W ill set upon the road .to l ame and for· tune by the mov ing pic ture veni on of the s~ory, "Tess" ha. he en foll owed by • numb er of stories all dealin g with. similar ,,",'i ,'ullme nt and types, and all very ca pt to populnr fa n c~. The latest of these, "Storm Country Polly," we are privil eged'\1o off er to our readers as II Bcrial. Poll y a ctually ri"als T 08s In cha rm and sym path et ic appeal. You ca nn ot tail to be inter· ested in her an d t he other chara cters 01 th e tale.

12 7{JSAFETY i nve-s ew

not e:.



prot ec lml


th o co u p(ln find ((·eel\"(. book l fl t Rnel fl n un L"inl

pt t nt eT1l (l n t .

Authorized Capital &2.200 ,000 MutUAl Ho",! Bldg .• Dayton, 0,




Hutual Home Building.

---Dayton, Ohio.


-,- -


I~ , dd·


1\"''''1'' lIullll>,"r I

:::i~~~;J!::;c~iCt~r~Sal:~~inf:~O:;. w;~:


le~e'tinJ( lh e frienJ allowed



---- - -

\ ·O(\lllt.t

~ome 1 2}Jl~,OOO

ac res




Down Goes the of Coal








ave Good Coal

We helVe we

~t ill

BETTER COAL and M illcr's Creek Egg

nnd Lump Coa l


-The only 100 % Coal' Mined

- -


NAMB ........................... ..

I AOORESS ......................... .

I STATB .. ......... . .. ... .. .... .. .. ..



For Sale by


Prompt Service

Quality Guaranteed

f ,.,· :'1 11.1\

' 1'1 , '


I: ' .

" a .. · I "

11 '('

1 \ ' 1 '111


1'1 11'

I II 4 "

b,·. · t


'lil t ed

in Lhe day Ilf the Flowe r I'arade, alld it t he cOJl1ll1uni~y is earn es lly u rj.(ed to

'''''i il:1, J·',i ·

I ,I

' I! ~i /! 1


! \

/.: 1 (,d C' 1'o\\d

\ \ IJ "'i

/'f ', llly

wa~ v,l'oI lId - 'all fresh Cll t (I ,)Wer Hand !:!lln,? and bring !lul I\'ili .. t.I . well·fi ll,·d basl(e t.


fa lllily ' an d a

I tmEl2[,~~ ... .J'


;:·~'~' I ~j


. '

1 t i t'

" W e I H1V(~ been to II II' I'acilicso lll e five t imes, hut ' rn o. t ur the a tt racf, ,,,, ," , ~ Ill ' I'iI'l III a (' I l't lita b ~ e t ions arc c1 o~e tl u p for th e winter, ~o mall lIer . it i ~ I'e ry t] uiet t he re unl il wa rm wa r m we"the r Mt'ts in . The :\11' ' " l ; :1 /. ..[ te. ::: \..)1 1 11 yea r . Sali i a Ann a i~ the pretli est pluce tlmt "" il:... e spen yet- - not su mu ch hllstl e and ru ~ h a ~ so me o f l he other pl ac('f' , <llld, if I we re ,;u mitl).( I(J t hi ~ co u l\tr~ tu live, it id th e plac e lhat I would sto p ill fi rs t. A f rie nd of mine th~t I klle w in Ohio thirty· fi ve years We have the largest l1 umlJer and greatest asso r tmenl o f patterns ,., IIgO, touk my n," vllew and IlHl ouL for o f RUGS a nd P LOO R COVE1U NG~ of all kinds ev er assembled Ii drive all over the cou ntry , lust Friund er one roof in Wa rren Coun l y- l ile ra lly hundred s of them. day 1-1 " hfls bt'en livin g- here fll r the last t hirty year. , and he show ed T he were bough t at a price tha l will ellable great savings to our LIS alld gave us a hi ' tory of t1~CO Ll II c ustomers, a nd at 1!lte same li me procu re for them such va lues as . 1try Oil abou t II one' hundred-mile drive, which was , as he was well we have nol been au le to fumi sb in a good many years .. The posted. There were orange g r oves prices have bee'll greatly r edu ced an d we a re g iving our cus tomers for mileH, a nd looking up to our left l we cou ld see th e tops of the moun· '.. the benefit of our quanti ty buy ing a ud consequent' ~ed uction lains covered with snow. in price . .. Ano t her parly too k us for a d r i YC 'a nd .went over a r ange of mouo Lains abou t eight. miles across a~ld a bo;~ t tw~nt) -nye hundred feel ' high. ·.n was a grand sight w hen we got tv the top', 'and I f'e lt r elieved , I!<! in coming we· ral! n·orth. sou th, east. The Some of Waynesville west. and all kinds of CrOOkR and Home Furni8hill~s' Ohio short turns. went (lUt li nd saw Georce Miller d ays ago, and I be II along fi!\e.. Mattl~~~~~:AA~~=::::::::::AA~~~~AA~~~~~~~~~~~~~=@~~~ I '



I ,. ' I


.',' j


",:-tl'h !tld)' pt~ r ·

floor Cverings and Rugs



Way nesv I-lIe MI-ils

La ' ll :.' -

I CITY ... .. .......... .... ...... .. .. . ""'-t ebligaUoa ... D'I7 put _ _ cIo&aIlo 01 __ QIIID. 1Inanda1

Hardware Harness



h '.'









,\1r,.; Wdlialn (,,,Iema n en te rtained o f frl en dd to a ~~ r prise I I , "tt 111 til , part I ' , !-ialurdav from 10 lo 4, In hon_ " "I"," I. "' PI-,I " I' " f ~II' l ',, \eman's siltty ·second b, rlhday . lit! Hcco mpani ed Forest (;r1lllal11 ltl Lebanon, a mI u pon their 1' " IIrIl al II ::JO, pve ryt hing was in I r"adilll!~S . An elegant ~i~ ner was ""!'I'crl Lo thlrly guesls. [he decor· i

wi ... " , I


Tax F re e In Oh io.


1,1' I,ll \ "


ll' ,

EXONfRA lEO 1 I hi rthday cuke was adu rn ed wilh red Mr. Co leman received I"a ndle!l I'arll)al, I' :, IIh ,) W:H a rn':Httl,llIq , many u~c fullJrese nls. Covers were AUTOCASTER . \\' 1',.1(, ' l~ an ;J("',eJllpli ,'<' of Il ,'r na rd laid fur t he foll owing: Mr . and Mrs . ,\111'11, wltl) '.' l ~ ;tr'IL'sll'd ill .JdIlUar} ' ·\ O. Will ia ms and Mrs, Malvina \\'hen ~ I r>. :'1.(';0.' Ie Slcplrll C> . ~J. of CIr;cago, tl il'o rced, an rl h,' irr<~ 1[ UI III~ki IlJ.l' I', hi,k), . h a~ been fully l Stlle}! , of Day ton: Mr. and Mrs EI t o 11111l 10n :i. allrHJllncnl .,ht· w:t~ ).:Olll~ to mar r y A. A . Vonsia 1 kv , .:.'. ! eXoneral l'd, li S II ,W l)rn alliduvi;, ' bridge Snyder and son, Harold, of P oll!oo h rdu gec to th e t·. S., then the n c w'io m ovi~s s t .:u tcu to ~ r illd . Th e ~'0 UIIR Pole ~ Ii pp l 'r l ,In oVc.'rcoa t ove r ch cl1l i. tI :,tail1t' d n\t' r;dl.... Iu . ,ig' lh,d I,y ~I r all" ~ Ir" . AII" n, !J'aH ! Lebanon: Mr , and Mrs . Cha:' Clark, rose f o r th is pIcture :\1 tllt' Bald~ ill Locomotn L il t. Etltfy :-. tont·. 1':1 .• "ec'n 11"' (: 11 !Jill). 'i.l) illl! hoe is ill Mr. alld Mrs, All en EmrIck and where h £' work .;; . <Tht 11l .. \'rt is of till' heire ss. \. r,,) !":l \, ::' !ollc will lave 1111 \\i!) t"ltll l" ' ll'd "i , I, lilt' afL lir, I daughte r, Gladys , Mr . and Mrs . with her hU !tila nd in .111 1,,"11"11..' rc It.l,.:r n(>;1 r h i.") \\ut k'. !) hL: W;1S the .-_ _ _ I,'rank Soyd e r , Mr , and Mrs. Wilbur fo rmer w ile of a P I'OTll l llt' lIt (hi C: lg ~J c1ubll1all. ' Cla rk, Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham, . , NO T I G E M r and Mrs . Ralph Lewis , Mr . and " . . ' ~I r~. Foresl Graha m and daugh't ers, 'Ye".11 sPy a lll i hI.. Wife. cllileri 011 u, a 1\"1 I k ' •. 'II (1r eel an d K a th ryn, Mr . an d M rs, f "1\' ( Ill)" ago . aneI h e lS 0 0 1IIg' "ne --A d Ch I t M dM W I WROTE TO fRI END h' d n y nr eon , r . an rs . aj "W II I ' \1 I flA L lfO RNI A (' , WI c.ose t lS. p.oo r !I ll I AlllhoRf! lVi ~h in g t') "'>nlri l'u t e to ler Ken r ick, Misses Cleo Stacy and , ,,ho rt 1,'lt er : hopin g Ihal 11 frnd s y"u ll. e "\V'h)d ' '' w \\' t1 cl tt ll l'ou,ltlacion i i)oro lhy Coleman . fROM 11'£'11 and Cl1J nYlllg good heal lh . Fund, " pll'asl) c&1I " ll tilt' luclIl Chair-I - - -- - • You r H Iru ly, I lll lln tlf \V II) [Ie towllship . The r(.J !uwi llJ.( i;! a lell er "'lit lo a It I: . l'IlIlSS . fI) M II I' I[ I Wea lth Va nlahel In Smoke. _ __ . :.:. r Ho • '" II t lawaY' 1 I·:, ,' r,l' ye ur iliI ,O\J!) forest fires, In· fri end here lalely , and 1t WII~ so in -


r IS t

Qu u r tcrl y 4.1iv!dcIHl s 1" n i,1 r cg ulnrl y n l r a t l? or 12 % Ile T annum . Shnrcs now 11 :!.OO.

S ig n r e e



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II g I"I THE IN Mr~ Lilla Smith haH been q uite ill , I h,·rllllil i. ros l us $20,000,000. Gceatet' p ri nt II I t ' b tt l t I \'I" ; IIIIII~ ~ 111"h''' would SIl\' e mu cb or tbll aDROA U )U I S t! ('r a pr e 'e rr . wuste. "I will tr y and w rite I' OU a few lines this mo rn illg . We a re both well and having a nice t illl e hen', B AD only lh .. re has bee n RU much ra in and I cold wea the r si n c ~ we clLmt' J Iea(l'lng ou I nO\\,[1 f I . ' Yl'L 1\. (' I 'rh e r {Jacg afe have m ade a good many lnl!'; oul In II ' I I bl j'[ ' . the count r and t tl ut he r low ' a 111 a , (' I-' ora e cone I 'un, In ~Ollle Tl ' I y. n6 IIl s l" f1c(,~ pe(lple are dTl vlng Illi les li B sure y IS a great cuunt ry, RO out of their way to avoid lh em. t>lltm uch to see , a nd some thing new at 'l d . . d f f every turn . One or two of 0 r t ' • ur uy waR a Illcnlc uy or IIrnwr~ 1 h h U rl P_, ilvlnJ.! along bad roads . fllr there waH wferte troUgh °hrun.gde grfoves , rni les Clln~tan l d emand for hor se9 t o help o h em on ot SI es 0 lhe r ond '. i h . f II f . ' I )l ull flulom oolleH out of road s that an.).(1 nl-! U 0 nIce yellow orang shad 110 hottum . I !-tlug-t' \\";1 h;ld as fin e n Slszht us] ('ver saw . Witl , the auto tax thal i~ paid int o,! ; "Th i~ (Los Angel e~) is a It'reat city " til, C:l'llTtty , lhere ought t,) b , mnre 1 In t '~e blls in es~ purl , Lh~l'e is an aW -l l!utld roa,h lIluilll"illl'd ill the cou nt y, tul J,IIn and crowd, and when ~oll l p,peeinl ly on th,! roatls "here lh .. r , I WILL wunt to cross the ~lre~t yo u ha ~e to is ~11 much h,·,\\'Y Irallie hc:lw et'n a tch 111 all dlrect. lun and go With a large cil; ...,. ~ u ('h 'h IIt(' \\ :tYIl~"villl' I ;'JEN TERVI LL E JUIlIP, or ~,t run ol'er . Tlwre a r Ilind Ltua nun "dll'. frl'"1 l'U"'lIl1 ll1ti ~ v.:ral big new buildings gt) ing up l thru ugh ttl Cilluml,u, Itl tile bu 'lOess pa r t of lhe cioty, and -- _ _ _ _ _ hH\'C ." 'If lli ,· lIigh sch .. ol , , ! 1.1' !4 wu llJ(), " ;,t CCln· v. i II I" WI L L flEL E BR AlE I' Ii r vt ;, rl .it \ ·,·!t1i :W·, 1~~ (~bllJ· all dlre(' uons. A I ter vu u gt=! PR:> t. U llrV I . d)." ;'. 11 i, :!5c flll d \' " III ddr,IY t " ~ ,II;: THE I R ANNIVERSARY 'I ,it . I" Ior, SI ni,J!' bH fl· t \ " itnd y, lI l'an gLI . for Bqu a r l!~ lind I . . . . .~Uda.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . I ' nl "liy, full tit .quures "lid ver.)· ne3rly all o f til, 'I '" ' , 'I l . Il.l ' 0 11 ( I t II \ '\· an lin e~ , which hll U'lt'R ure one-s tory llungaluw~, in The mem bers of Crow n Ltlrlg .. , ~ (I ' 1 '!"'jll il; IP" I. t ,1 ~ oI,, \,t.1 1 1J) e . (;0 ulld all kiod s , shapes a nd l,ulo rs. sa , K. of P ., will celclJ ntll! th e ann i· S"t; il . "Lonll Beach is a fine city, clean ver Hllry of l he in ~ tllll~i on of tl wir !tIHI Idc,' : b u i ld i n~s m",ll y all new lodge, ! ~ m o rrow ev p ni~ l!, reb r ua rv I and pai n ted till C, mostl y all paint ed 17th . I he f CH llvltlf!S wlil " tarl Wllh ' whit<, and crt!am color,; with BOIlW a banLju,·t, tu be served in llJ(: Ma- ,I GOU RSE fancy lo ud WlorH llI ixed in. PUHa- sonic ba nq uet room al 7 o'cl ock, =====--:---- o ena is allo l her fi ne cill' -Lhe street Th e company wilJarij (l llrn t" i\l iumi II , fl if: It .' ..1)(,,, 1 'I , .. :" t I ; II t hal the mill i ollai l't~s live on is ,0 1111" theater, which has ~een e lll(a~ed f~ r l " I,:, f I", i ), ,1 ~ I ar t hing worth seeint~ . \V" wer e there the seco nd ~ h o w . Every Kmght 111 'I !" ; ll1 r ,"I' ..


mor tj:;lI,::e



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1 '1 1\' ".\", ~ , I:t l afle rn oon, Mrs. C. ! 1:"l.lll.(',. , a", i,ncd by Mrs. Co le \1. -., II ,,,, I:tlld entt:rt ained t he

f ,

Florid a SWt·t·1 (J :, .. Ii i Hananas . :IOc II d" z : 1" ',II ,u' :,, 'lll,' .






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v ille. waR t he we,'k' f'llil )!~It'Sl uf IJr . 1 ,llI ~ 1. \ rrill' d a -1.1J,oit'liI "I' -:' :'1"1 , , " amI Mrs H E. ll all.ulVay . 1 1l aL~ , in IIp-to· lh''·'' "I ,II I(· ~ 1. ' "",<al,,1 ' " . IC" ltorH' II I i\l r ~ Ki ll, ,II''' . ~ I-' EC I A L :- Drt'sser and Ilu ffl'l S('H ' fs IhH t we re $1 and $ 1 :10: lhis Hlt r ll - 'I'll ~lr . a"d .\1 , ,, 1.,,, 11 ,,,' W H 4 , i5c A J!ond RH"O r l r11 ~ nl (,f , 1I ""k, l"i~ In lol'lI11 ~. 10. 1., " " r 1.-' . T<'ll els a l :1[ic Mr" I'i lbon. I I~)'!.~, " IIIIIt " P'" '' " 01'''11 0101 , '. ~

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~Hy, IIH I tt l'~ IH il 'KLE." if :

yo u wlIlil good r olfl'!'.


Whole Num ber 5474

Fred M. ' Cole

An,Inspection Will Convince You



The ·S_ Fred CO~

The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio.

. '~··--··--'·--·~~--···· ..I


•I ,•• •• •






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Bou de fo r r e nt' l 5 . ROOM Ilt tlooe, ourn e r Tyler Bnd P08K1I8 ~loo


~' u llrth "treets ;

e illotrio Ill(htt! RlJd I(llrcle o. AppJv to Amelia E. Wilhum .. , WayoetIVlllo, O h io tl5


nboot l gtlnd b o u"e. o ot. 2 1" Al'RIel::! bmlding!! 611d !loud g r llzlng .


1"'II"llf,,1 , 1,1' I,: "

IIIQuire o f Mrs. Bro w8ter . Tblrd d'rsll t, Wtly u'lI, vllll.l , Obio . rul

"T h at \\:I !'O I llti 11 tt·(1 111(" ,Yf' llr I U_,rU f ( ' ~I Jl ' tl l .. oI, " " \l Id 111\\ .\'Otln~ Ul UII tl Uh ' t! y, " 11" 1 I'HI I .. 'r, Ellllntllll , WH!'O li l y fllt l wr· t'f' · ... ;,!TI'lI t - g r·I'III - gr'IIIHl fll l l1f'r. ~I\' I1III1W I!" ~i l'lI l lf { ':tlthn ' l l utili lhl ~ mt; tiU l u n ' .. :1' 1 ' Iill l Is It1 ft 10 r ptlH' lllh \.' r the

tili: l"lA R e sldenoe o r E9..\IDIl l::I. C I1I1PUllltJ . {\eoelll!ed; ,\'tth n li mud e rn oon veoien oes. !l ru o m " 1\011 b.. t h . '"n !.(I v o p U8t!€1!!H IOn imlU e lil '\to ly l eqUi r e ot J. B C bIlIJUH\D f 2:!

I(:J Tpye o ld. , tl Hbl olltlcl t;JloUed B ' Polllnd t ;hlull EUI(II.h (hog u r th u h uur ) t,lI .. kl ," 1 uur for e


IIIl ' ~' 4'1I 11 J,; 1II 1III' S huntl lilt 11 1111 111'" , till' \' II \ ' {Or Tit " ~ I rl l un lt.-d Iflll":; a 1

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Ih l' thlll J)l lit l~ tlf !\,Ol'y ,

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"li uw

, If ,tid Epllru itn . An d ,\' I 'lI - ~'O\l f ) f IIt'l' . w ltlJ p I nlll nfrui t! thllt





CT.HE MILU0NS whose hearts were touched by ~e atory of "Teas of the Storm Country" or who ~ere equally affected by the sweet, pathetic lime herome as acted on the screen by Mary Pickford, will be ~ed by this new tale of the squatter foUe who once lived on Lake Cayuga, a few miles oUbicle of Ithaca, N .Y.






Optic:al DepanmeDt

8. Detroit



Xenl •• Ohio evenlnga bJ appointment


'1'1 11' ''' h n" lJ~~n r~culcul"tcd (\'(I1ll rer"11 1 <111',1 I I", allll) llIlt of r'lllt UlIlIllIl lly fult ll' " "1"'1\ Ii II' "nrlh's surfuce. It Is 1, 11 ",,1 Iha, It i s equl\'ulCllt 10 II Illyer or ""',.,. II r III(> IIl1lCo rm ,1"(1tll f~r the

I Is !'l' III """ " 10 Ih ~ occll n. !lncl lhlll tho res t Is rNIIII\'l'd bv ,,\allOrutl ol1.-


-:::::,:::,:=:=:=:::,:::,:::,:=~:::,:::,~~_ I o-_~ . -- _~--------~ ---~ 1I IV1I Sli III~t"n





W alter

McClu ~

FUI'. ;r' \ '- DIR ECTO R


Waynesville, Ohio

Waynesville, Ohio



TELEl'UONE _ _ __ -




-.-- - -~--~------


on N IGII1


Waynesvill e, Ohio National



la ying; 10 o,' olrerols AN TEO-A Murled Man un t'rairl e StBte Inoobator . &160 F o rm ; Dat,o driv e r ~nd t ". broou er Ilt,Qve. Mr~ . L eon ISflll.lmry baooo raiH .. r Refere noes r' qulrl1d ~hone U . 3'y' . WIlyne 8ville, O . flG [nqulr" 01 G £ RllsY.llhol1 ~- ,\ ' "y . uellville '2-6 j ISU




",,)\I ld 1\I;e til h U\t.1 Ilir ;.rll otl In uli~. J gu ess I '111101 ,' " hl~ lilt \\'I th IIIIl tollig ht . uut

, ; •••.. 1> 11'








I 1" '1 111,,<.·

g-olll J; to

,j ll l1lCS

Sm a ll est.


him when muy

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TheY'11 Rig 'Em Up. A !"I"'!loh sel.'nlls t predl('h Ihat Ihe fuillre will ~~p a r:lce of beftrd (ld WOIll' eD. In Ihat e",," l we'lI bet the worn· en wi ll .ho\. tri cks In ruaklag bl'nrd8 atlrnctl\'p' thnt llip men bo ve o" V!! r dren llle,1 ot.





A Y-6 o r S tom s of MiK Ptl C lover Magnetizing atee •• "nd I'l m otb)r I:"'", ~ oo I qualJl.y. Maglletlsm I. pUl Into steel or Iron AI ... . , Ilbuot 1 20 bu. 0"111,19211 ,'r"" . b, Indu ction from lome other magnet I t. quire o f Florll Be rr yb lll , 2 127 Inor by electric .ctlon. U. piece of dlllUd Ave .. Colombu", Ohio. tUi

II" I "11 11 IlI lId II r"lIo\\' wl lh u rnll ll~n

-----. - ....- - -

Notice of Appointment

----_ ..---.

Reefer's More· Eggs Tonic is not a food, it 18 a tonic. Its purpose is to condition your h e n s ; put P('P in them; make them scratch 8ml exer:: ise It will make hens lay . Sold on a guar· antee. 1 package free with \ 8eh $I package. Sold at Sawyer's Grocery. Ba'y ; AI80 17 A LotIrallofP Tlmolby lga. weigh &ho ut 60 Ibs eliob Inqnire of .Iobn Rober "on. R. D, S, Waynf;8ville, OblO, f~2 Y BUi:lG storm front

-~ubber . 'lr8 BUIfKv, wllb

C .. II phone 134-1y' or odllrell8 P. O. box 84, Waynes_ vllle,Oblo. f22 Jereey Cow; also, a COW-Frellb Oalf, about ready to veal In . quire of J 'o ho W, Beaoh, R. D. 8 1 Wayne8vllle, Oblo t2l1

8 year. old Borse, good worker A N "ny w l1ere; wlJlllsl\ rlihl. 10. quire of l..'baa . EVAD8. Dear Bnoteys Robool' houee, 00 IIldgewoOtJ road r22 P,)wer UUHlog B ox, 10 A large ;cood oondltioD . .Tom Hlcb, . 1 mile wae' of DaytoD I on 'be Day. ' ''0 & Lebanon pike .

... l ie).!" ~' \..IlIf pnrdufl


lilY f urwarrl-


- - --.. ..- - - -

Notiee of Appointment

Eltate ot Lola ZeU. deceuod • Noatee .. hereby II von ~blt DelphIne ZeU Unut T McCl.llan4 hu beeu duly appoialedJlll4 Q.uaICut ala ... 11Ie<! .. Executl'h: 01 tbe E _ of Lola seU. have" en ~' J1\1. Oll~ 'I \\'~e l'. 1111 du ring Us e luk ewarm woter, softened by Ia .. 01 Warnn Count,. Oblo. dece...:\ . th e snru no I' ,,1 ,, 1'1' Ih' \\'!' r~ 0" Ihut littl e ' 11,e n<ldltlon of S08p. ammonia and D.ted tIIIa Ilal cia,. at JUlU81'7J. !tU, W. Z . RuLL, gt'/we. A, "I If .\'1111 w ill 1'1I1·,lon my Judte 01 u.e PIobat.e coan. ,wllshlng soda. for c)euolng your cut c url oslt\~, for- which 1 :l>i.S n rg von " In Warren Count,. Ohio. I C'hl ~s . \'1'111 10111"1 1 IlHlIllh 'I' ."

11 (>

1 Jog Uart. Luquire or Mrs. Nlo~ Ben'leYI WaYDssvllle, Oblo. 1112

UeLaval Cream .. tor A ORed prloe IbO. Inqolre of Fred M. ~epar

Cole, Waynesville. Oblo.



240' . EuG Old TrUll', Inoubator . Cheap for O6Ilb. Inqolre of W . N. Belir8, WaYDenllle l Oblo.



OOD-A 10' or KOod i:!pll' S~ve

Wood, Inquire of Ed I:H.D4t. ford, WaYDellvllle, Oblo fU

Mn lt.l.

WH,( DoNT '(ou



W I"i'I-l


CA . ~ "~ ~E WOR S '- :

R6~'D ~l


1 De, wl$h brokeu shaft 2 Sulkeysl and sblpDlor oover; IIx12 'hnt .


n ess ill !-! p "ltldlll: t o y tlll II I Ihl g un con-

TI-I ·'




.. teel Is brought Into the !leld of I mllgnel It become. magneUled, and It \'XIII',d d , ', 'a l ktl 1I).!l\ lI l If) tll f wur l ll ur "r t"". i\"olloli.\' h lls. g:ftt rlfl y th lug o n It t. touched or .troked with one end r"m " "' ... .,. " ,,,I I,."d,.. " '" III Ihp 11'11)' I)f 1 0"1'~. nlll) they of the ",nlnet It relaln. this m·a gnet· 111 1" 11111' , . j' II". ")'1'111 11" h 'ud llll! l<IItlW II. 1110. I'll Ilt' l n lottu 'em a re L~m. Anuthe r method of mR'"'eUzln, rH\" j llS-: HbOin Jtl l ' l'OIIl I"t1 ·~cl o n . too." ..II I mig II r"w .-.r 1I IIkillC; h ' OWII~ I{I" I' J III 10 ",ra l the .teel ID • coli of wire. I"h~ II'hldl 1I1111'1:" r1 Ihf' In.1 rl' . lIl1!! JlI.· Il lltll .. 11'·'· thought nbout th roug h W bl e h IB pan eel I n .Ieet rt c ~ I la'\\,1 II I1111 : rl rl"~ or furj.!ot tf'n p loll (l " J'~ h t tile ('1 1\' II . 1\'01 n dn W" /)Il n ,illll g '. - f'1lnrl nll W eurrcot . TIe I It ee I eracI'u ~, an d WI\ Ikl'll 1\ gi rl. 1';1", I\'II ~ r"lI\lIrl",hl~ III l'e l'l'Y In .J 1101;;0. ~ ,. - v' ~ 810wIy I"'e~ Ita magne tI 1111, pa rtI ca I.r· tllnl williI' n(,\,IOll s l:- "" " 'S"~<1 wlrh 11 11 Iy II It Is heRted to. bl,b temperatare eye 10 \· oo IIl C~. Anti r nm f" r! !- li e "ti ll or I, lubJ ec t e d t 0 mee h .n Ic« I trea t • 76 Klnda 0' Knots. gave th e Imp ression or 1.>1'111'; full y c1n d "You will of'nn hna r .a person nn v . " ment II'lIch as hammertn" twlaUn,••tc. -u n I'tTcct whi ch IJI UII .\ · of Ill'r .. 1 ~ l erR "" , ~. - - • nbrOlld In thllt ~ull ry w('ntll~r 1111 'rly nil 0111 SCII cU[Jtll ln snld. "th nt tbe y IntoKicatlng Drink. Are Old. filiiI'd 10 utwln. lI!' r s tr p ...·us s low. III'e I(lI ln g to til' n knot. bllt few know her e~'''s On Ih e grOli lld . \11'1' (11 <'0 lli uro nre sevenl y·slx klods of knots. lntox h'nllng dri nks mode from . II P 111 11 Htrllw tollt ; ,',-""' ,rt=.U'-IC:.:. +-·'f"'lrl'- s lmpl e kllol Is Imown to-every bon e~· . hllrlp~ lint! gmpes were known rlwe 1111(11'1' Ih e lill l wus. hnt! IIny one ho'ly. hut Ih(' nth e r ~e J\IY· llve nre at lenSI 1.fl()() Y"nl'!l B. C" ond Ihe, "nrc!1 In lI ot lcp. n "rptty fll Cf'--rny, I" lt I("ne rnlly kllown. mn ), hn\'e Iwpn known 5,000 or 10,0100 InOI·". n h"/I II I Ifil l fll'·" . Sill' ~'n ~ I"ilk. "Slime of thl' knnts thllt the public , enrs H. f:. Inl( ell ~,'I.v fl l II", gl'''\' 'l" I'' "('~ nnd upI'fIr,.I ~' hpll r of nnd yel nre used dull y 1"' lI rl' d I.. h e , ...' kln g- slIllII'l lu ng. III Rhlpplng r lrc l e~ nre thl! Engllshmoo's I)" II ht' lI r lt lIenriJy \l'U, _lJllng 1\ II". the Stu ll'ordshlre knot, the slip~'Olln l; mlln. I'l'p\' lnu s tu t h" nlJlll'lt r . Ilf' ry hlt(·h. Ihe Turk's heud. the run IlIl ce (If tit .. gi rl 11C hlld APPUI'P III I\, h.'pn nin>; howlln e knnt, t he " nnless hitch, nbs''''I'''d III nil '~"'I y nfh'mooll ,,',lI tlrm . th e s lIrl:eon's kll ot , th e clove hitch Eatata 01 Kmma 8tantoD <lhapman. deIh olll;h nn nl1" 'I' I"'I' 11111;11 1 hll II' I",I"cl Ih e I1Inglllls hit ch , the roll1ng hit ch c<>uOO, Notice I. h .... b1 11'1 ven tba' J"""ph B . thlll Iw >;IIIII"f'oI IIfl ,' " nt Iltp \l'r " u,.(lII' lhe S(ln nl s h wln ' linss nnd th e wall Oh.pmaa haa betD dul, .ppoloted aad qu.lI· nud u Admlnlstr.tor "Ith tbo wUl annexed I n ll! "lIll' ot fit " dlllr('lI ynrd ~:l d 'n.'f'n . kn ot ." ot "Ie Ea'ate 01 :Kmma 8tanton .... late 01 Warren Count,.. Ohio. d~ . fil onu ll.\' r' lJ lllpnn' d h i!; WIIII ' Ii \,llh rhfl Dated this 8,h da,. 01 Fobru,,",. Un. Development of Guollne Tractor. crock hI lI\e ~ IP.·"I' · . AII (lIi ,... ",ly h I' , w. Z. BOLL. The IWCS(, 'l! typ,' of gasolin e !roc. wo s w"ltllllC (llr t..l Uli lP I hlll g', ur H>lnfl JUdll.O~~n~~~oW~lo . lor tlnrl s II S [Jro lotype In Ule old stcnm on",. \l'hplI lit<.· girl 1Ij1 II1 'nrrt~ III' IlIlil Alton F. Brown . Att~. Irll(·t"r. The Intermedlnte step wns t nldet.l the lI eW fO;)lIt rt"r : lIl d Wllf : h pil lw r tn i < en ",hpn ownE!1'!< of s team tractors Inll·nll,\'. look otT th e steam bOIl!'r a nd mounted :-i1,t' {,lIrrleri Ii lill Y hll" I' h M \'l n l ~ I R . n "Inllnnnry gnsoline engine on the old houl;lit fro 111 Oil " or I hi' " '" ny lI"wer. Awu llI -runn ln g gcnr. 1'here were a huwkt'rs Ihll t f, flrf'~t IIIP n l'j\ , hl' ('or. ,, "llIhl'r of Ih cs., mo chlnes built nround n crs. l\ ~ :-: 11 (~ s 4': 1II11 1'd r' H' hp.n d slnn ... ~ E .. at8 ot SUMn B. Ha,.Ut. d ...uOO. 1800. jll'rhnllR Home 0 f~w years before. Notice Is hereb, !JIven tbat Malcolm BJ.. slit' 1)'HI ~t' d: Iht'Il, UPPll l"ll l1tly tln( l ll ~ g '!'h e tlrs t K,,"ollne trActors monutRC' pbam haa bean dulr .ppolnled &lid quaU!l~ whnt sh" ~Il \l " ht . sh!' ~ ln(Jlw.1 nho,'e ... Admlnl.'"'tor 0 'he Ea&&te 01 8UAD B. IlIrpd frolll about 1S0H to 1902 were U.yal".lateoIW......,COunt,..Oblo deeeuOO . o n e flf I hl' ,"! lIlul ll 'sl of Ihp ~rll\' (!S , na'-<l this 10th da,. 01 ,..brUarr. un. R lig ht refi nem ents of the comblnRtlo~ &moo hl'd ttw g-rn ~~ \)11 IIU' moo lld with W ....z. ROLL. s!t·nm·nnrH':nsoline outllt. In 1003 a Jum ot tbe rroba .. Court he r h .. nu uIHI Inld Ih,. l'Iol"I H lI1(nln ~ 1 Warren COut,. Oblo Hlleclnl Iype o f gnsol lne tractor a\)the RIlI ,"I I1" h C·II, I'lol1l ·. Whl'" "Il l' Robert J . Bb."h.... AU,.. m1 [lPAred , nnO from thAt time on the strn l ~htf' nf' r1 1111 nlu t 1urtl4' ,l IIw hy from Indllstry hn s hud n rnpld develo\)b er tR sI, her (ly ~s we r e Wd , Th" ,\' fl tHl g lIfenl. "robnhly DO one mnn eao claim rnan, ~a lhp I" IB ': II IR ro urn J,;' f' , III"ClJoIP , npthe cr(>dlt for ha ving built the ftrat Ilron c'lu'u hpr IIIIIJ Iliok off hl R hn t. tnt etor. !h~



125 /lnd

~ oO·~g lr

Notice of Appointment

Ed• C- W 00II a r d · South & Main Streets

Fully Equ ipped fo r GooJ Service. . Large Display Room


pos_·1. _ ._._ _ __

Tree Seeda by No Meana Ali l, e. "pe,ls vll n ' gr~nt lv III t he Hm ,I""1 .. r Ilule I II~y Inke b~ ro ..., Ihey I .pro,,1 ~"r"s or the Kentucky cnlTee I trp" III u,1 It~ III 1ho grounrl I1t lenst t wo .I't" "·S hcfor~ lh('lr hn rrl couts nre , ! sufllr ll'"tly sort4'lIed to 11110,.0 the sprOU l In e8cop ~. while cot tOil wood 6e<'<ls <lI e within" fe w b ours It the, do "'01 fn ll on ra\'nrable soil.

I R . ShOp

lener . aepalr '. I . (,;" I me b) phOti C


~I n.dlh ·d h\' rin'l's lI n\\'ln g Into t lt~ sell. II is "al";lI l1h'" 111 11t onl y 30 pCI' cent




Annual Rainfa ll

an llll ll il ra iling () II t he lund Is "I]\lI,a' 1"11' I.. II IInl fol'lII II Clltii of 20 Y.. In ehes, "' 111,101 1' 1'111); onl.\' Ihe Inn d ' wh l ~h Is

Sm itil is


She Sto o ped At, ove 0 , e of

\\,)lt d " ;.:1,,1)(' l)t uil l) lIt :m~ inch es.

For sa le dates, ca ll \Y . C. Store, l\'e w U llr · lillg ton, or H arve\J suurg, Oh10 ,.. J ' phone ,-:2 :l- ~ .




~ \,....I

This serial will appear in The Miami Gazette March lst





111 (' "'h i I\\' .

.. , 11I 1\"p t n l lllT H J h. I tI H ili fo r k nO" 111 _' 1' 11 1111:.:11 , u ! \.! urdl P:--1 fa ~n t ~ w hell h, ,' .. 1-" .. , II :,:-(",\1 hUlldll;! g'l r l wltl l hln1

. .. ~:.1._..,. .~~ . ""


.... nmmed Correctly... Fitted

Young Man - and Hla S ..t Girl Think of Eaeh Other.

MALE HELP WANTED W. Leghorn pulle18. larll B




Knd ft!l~I h4 "h e h\l " ~J' \' i .. h e



JIII II IUII., 11111111. I .. ,UI' unl I.UU.1t " 11"11 ' 11 11 1, ,111111 111 11111 III ff I


NI , i l

t008 of Clover and AI . \\' h:ll Ih (' ),OU"I; 111 1111 l"I"k~ nlld th l' fnlta Hay, ,,1110 A lot or Corn, al Y II B o, I"'r.• Il il III;: Illarkf't prloe~. Barry IHoke~, pbone e ar ng o~rb ft n R ed "I nrkf'Y "~n .... (J\II I ,," "11 ]len t h ot 11 glrl ~2.2 X . W a y n esv lll .. Ohio flG G obblf'r. Ili quire nt Mrs M. '"" I~I "; h~1 ,,\'. 'r~· !1"Y III ihe hous < ' , W Silve r, R D. ' . WU;l'nll ~ vllle. I, w l· h ill· II ' \I "" It~r' In Ill)' " hoes by Ublo. 011 111 '1' l'ol lil' . I g'W'SS s h.· ttl n' l tlckle,l AGENTS WANTED ",ox 'rERR[ Ii: R PUPPIE'; tor 11'1 1II h" I' 1I 111~ H.·lf 10 1111\',· ' lIIe urlng a" l .. i lU ol"", f3 00; r~ IlIolt'" ),,' r :l ll d ,......' 1 ~ I'U : S r lg-Ilt lIJl In frun t .\ In,\' I''' I ,,111 '1 1111 ,'1(j ll'ilH. hU l I II r tili M LEtl M EN W A Nl'EO , .. !lolloh Inquire ut t; aw vll r '~ (:JroOflry, 122 .II',' " '1,it Ilk •• II wu' Ilwde fur lUI! o rd e r~ t or JubrlcIlUolf 011!!.Ir rea8e~ 0 l'ORCY 'L~;-T h 'l rl tl I 6 Mot n r • (;(\l l a J! ('( pllf' I.:i Ut II t' dll\' " rtnd paiotM . ~ ... ll\r v or Onmmt88iou , 0,0111 anrl BHl p CKr . I I qnlre . \\' Io"t Iii." "ht )l1" 1 lilillkH II.. ntherR '\(I<lr!,~8 TRE VI C rUR OIL CO . o r Harold Burg" , W .Y 1l8evlI l • Uhlo Ihlnl(: (' t " vtl l,md . Ohio. n1 f22

The situations in " Storm Country Polly" are tensely emotional, skillfully portrayed and adroitly handl ed, and the reader's .ympathy with Polly and her people never lapses nom start to finish .

Jesse Stan Iey 8'. '



Till' yllllll&: Ullin Ulltl h lH I.>~H t g irl 10

PoUy herself, crude and untaught, but beautiful in face an~ fine in s~irit, is an adorable heroine, loyal through ~ and thin, tempestuous at times when her anger is aroused by wrong or injustice, but tenderness itself to all week and helpless creatures.


rulb"r .. 8S ~ O to r .. lse. bIll oom d . b K ~p () I~ . bill "ye .. Hntl hll( b. ·g .. If ;l'fJ n ""nl. whll t Ih'l 1J.·t)lJh "'" lit. gil l the t!1J01. Tbe 0 101 s ,.w I .. Itl to m ... Il:uge Ilft pr.lhetum bUIl,l nr ; Mbf "'Ifa'bet!

LE A'iEFORr l'lIlcllln Op OR o f Lulil Z ·II

!tIm 114 '1' IIIIIBt) , .h· l~ r Iii ..... Htt h' 11t' IHt 11 11,11' hnll cl fo' dnspp(1. And hi gh

tittle, Brown and

~'r""'H""""""'" ~-rES I


ti Ul(d,

Tb H 1..1.. b Uild .. Ih A "oh,,,,I,, HI1l1 c bllrohl's.lIud Inquir£' ..., Itho ut b i'T Amerl ou w u uld go 'to I Ilud " ' j.!1t 11 ('n It l~ r , " tl!2 Ti ll ' " 1'1':-: t'.\ 't.·S werl ' b rlJ.!l ~ 1 wilh \III ' 11 0 pr e UlI8~" . 'ho btid fl lllUlolll ll v. (:JIve h t' r II ohonoe .. uJ .be w tl l !'d u 0 4 t.tI ~be :- 11.' " 1 " i1 r~ . " Hil i YolI ' ll l tl'\' t~ t' rO r~t' l I lt'f IIUW" o hi\l l re n 1'h" I(r" .. te~l .. rlt wo hllve WANTED • :,. . ,,' ' 1. .. ver I'oen I ~ lURI. Jl li flll rt fo r th H man .. :'\ 1111 0 1 tr \'011' 11 IPl 11"'- -" whl) wtll d u t he .. qutlre t bhll( w\t.h 111" o ld so w . B " ~K of HII IJloleS "od " )'<'l ." "" \\1;"11" "II' ,1",, '11 1i .. 1" (1(1 ' ,,1\\'lI ~' s '" r" "' ~ JI\ . B R1N(:J In you r BBrn es8 and bflv ~ ~ t 1\ 11 \ltDb8 t nr 1I~le 1'hllv "I'" br .. d ii PI' 11" ,' - 1\)' ~ "" I "I! Y"U II~" II\. " It- re pDir ~d befor e tbe tlpriu ll rl p: h l "nil " Ie p llo"d r llolh. K 'I'l l "\'! ' \\ U~ !-l1l .'IH·" rtl r IL tnl)t1l~ l1l. rURh be~iu" It''red M U o16, W --y- I'horuptlon . t be 1'1,, 111 MIl"1 O rel(lI nla TI ..- " II ." 1:1 1'1 l"u k"(1 UI' III hlll i. neHvllla, Obio t22 Worreu Co nnt '· . Oh iO, R [) 1. pbnne " I \\ II I," ... Ill' ~ 1I! tl !"l lIlptr. 111111 t old 19 I X' Ehrv llv.ho r ll loot. t h l ' Il ~l l l

III l li l' 111"'''1' Of T rlliity th e old C'lo.·k I"I' >l lI l'd !lut t lti" h ou r us thou g-h til bt'II"I' CIIII II Oil their heods.


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,I .. hn l:illrbine. All e n Uulhltllg. X onill Ohio. 6. 4. 22


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nlld 1t, ,j H' I': l ' lIlf t 'l l 111\ Ioll r ll'tl . ... :It ·f'"d ti lt , f," ' , U ti ll ;': rl rl llllt.·r~ of ,',"11-

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\" llIoed ou liv e IIWO!t1 MONEY ohllt[.els i 1.. seoood m o r tgages


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WE HA VI!: II rrllngeu t nr a epecla Pul ' ntllu t o tl1kl1 I' ~ r l IIp 0 1 tllrm e rll \0 Inapaot our ru",ou~ W .lall '''rm~ lIelH ,lu ukHonVll ltl. JUID tbl .. pIHH' o ll d ""e wIth y .•Uf u wn lIye .. wll .. t Nu r t h e ro anll'~Y Il.. n do In the Su ul". Oa r 00 10 11 v at Obi a r.r UI .. r~ b "vo pr oduCt·,1 I e marllable r IJSultH. As hl p,h "" fJ 1.000.00 ball boeo tuken from ""a o t uur tw enty a ore trtlot~ iu IIIIl' orop aud tbere urA ,"wn o r 11 \\lfft " rlJp8 u. yetlr Our tan nll rl t wellty UO IO tuotl! In ol oda II m " d oru b u u"o with run nl ng "'"Ier .. na e ltlot rlo IIgbtB .. nd "" IJr lolJu within r ~ Iloh of "oy ell 'lIbll.had fBrru e r. · Th"l!ll founta adjoin ouunl.y He8t to,,' o w h e r e are loo .. tml g"uc\ Hohoo l.. " u,1 ohorohe8 Wo Bf" luv it.lJlj11 ..a rtoo" mlI.tUlltl r ll" pOndlbla tl,rmen • Ill y and to Muoh tbis trip will al'PIJ ,,1 IItrnogly Wrlle rOllllv fur dt't" II ~. 1'lIIe W AI.KILL I:\T OO K liAIlM8 Co 20 1 R e utsohlllr Bldg , l:illmlltuo. a

!t ll l. · 1.!'·!'II\· t' ~ ""II1 SRO

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Money to Loan on Fann Land for five years at 6 per cent.



1.1 ', d .. . II ~

I t."



& TERRELL, Wilminglon, 0 .• phone 301.

" "'''lli d ,""!J I ii, ,' til k llnw \\ h llt l"ihl' 1",,1\ ,'.1 IIh l" ( ' h, · tt~I, t.· ' 1. " , III ' " Ti t" j.:l rl · ~ (llee W tl~ ro~ ~·.

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fry our Job Printing


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D . L.

cr AN E.

E dit o r and P ublishe r. Wayo £'~\' i l l e. O l lio

SubscrilJtion Price. $1.50 per y ear

7============================ WEDN ESDA Y. FEBRUARY 15. 1922





uncle John

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" .,I., ,)' 1"'1' .. -1 H " xI '~ 1>2 tho voU.r (luI' BUW Illlll i~ pllLtluK iu fall I III ' "" .." t I 'J:j I \' V IUIIJI' l'r. Our pHo",l", u. I ' .. • 'Ii 1 I' Jl I U 1\11. u.y-. , (jLI llif'. 1 t ~"WIUI( .. ' ,. I" "'~'I II.' . 'I hlll ue I ,M uUlDg u UlI'e, very o" ov"'lIont. If !"" II> ~ li t ., p r (' II ,' WOllllIlJ , {Jar Orenmer}' 8'utl o OB ·, ,0 olvlo~n I( rll" t· bUHlllfJ ~ S ; butttlr· f al I" low fAnU t4h l'/'4 111 .. t,ttl"; , ,,II if yuu !.l ll fJ It . dllir y fel,II,. ullvlIllolng; IS Hlat OUtO f

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Re ru ombe r , tlll~ Fdrmor ·' IU RUt nte WIll oouven o ut our 'l'OW I! billIon ~' I ' bra llry 24 .. n d ~j. Yuu ~ r o oordi. 'I'll " l'l(l •• b l'lO i" pruotiHing, Hod !l llv ,uvltod to bn pr e~e ol .

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p r11l~ (' tl1fl' ~ Wl;l urt-' I.. ~peoltug

----.. -----

Homey Philosophy

------- --



"Tbe 'rouble wlt.h ,. " " ,, ~, things 1' 1 that tbey 0 0 81. t \ ">l, d, . Tbl8 RP, plle8 ,o. every , l", 1/ tr om bllrness 10 ,


9 10 11

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000.. 8V etnTlNG OW rrs .TAn.,LBASTWIss: nE .1)OGS Of'


Feb. F.·h. . ,,"eb Fe b Feb Feb. Fl'b



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Our Calendar 2- CRnrll e m aR- -Grou ndhng J) uy 5 ·- 5t h SundllY after t:plpha ny 12- Sl'plu BR''' Aim ll S II r.d'll' 1:1 - 1.ilH'nln rllI V 1 4 - ~1 VIlI f'nti ~I" R Do\' 19 -5c ;'( "llesi ma :-; u n d }l~' 22- w as hinllton'A l:3 ir thd KY 26 - Qu inqlJ HlleRima SUlldny 28 - Shrove Tu eod llY .

--------GOOD HEALTH OF CHILDREN FROM RICH BLOOD Health, Strength and Vigor BUIlt Up By Gude's Pepto-Mangan

"Allo),." The word "lIl1oy" I. derhcd from a Ilt.raJ An\:lIclzAtion of the )'rellcb pbraee "a lu lol"- "accordlnK te la...... The phrase WII8 trallsported acron the ' dlllnnelln connectioo "Ith gold or 111Yer reduced III value b:r admlnure WIth Inferior metalll In acCordancewith regulation a e8tabU.hed accordlol to the laIV. bilt the En&'lIab 10001.ted OD pronouncing Ute ~' ....<ucb "101" .. It It weN'lpelied "loy" and linally dropped the aecolld syllable enUrel:r, mila colDthe word "all07,"


YOIl eee one ohlld et r n ng HOO r oo 'tnllt ; an ot h er ohllo.l p·d " lI ud Ihln On8 tllll. ~ pr"ot.i o"ll y til " Sl)m ll fuod. and 'ake~ the IIOUle ax e . o'se n. tIll' other. Wh"t 18 UI8 fliiI Hren OIl? Nearly "IWOVII i~'11 a difY ~ rtluco ill thE' qunllty of tbe blood. The .tr"l1~ ahild h,., rloh, r e!! blood ano pl Lut)' 01 It. Yon love to see him e",t. HO b8llr\i1y. If your ouUll Is th iu lind weak, give him l:l: Id,, 's Pe pl.o.Mnu. gllu to baUd up tbe bhJod IlIld see 'be dlffer"noa hetween "siokly, UII happy ohildhood aud " b ' llllolng healthy ohlldhood Uet Gl¥1c 's Pepto-Manglln at vour drngglst's in liquid or t"blot form . Be lUre It'8 the genUine -Adve r~Ieement .

save rent save money be content

Tho Lll di"" A.d ""[\S " n lorLtLln ed h, ~O lll e of II H m l'rulJertl. bl l lli'lr Ltull 'J burtluny .. f te r ouon . 'I'h" tIIo nn Wild "truniSth c ning I1!lCl m lll' h IIppr • oili l eo .

If yo u are going to build :l nything fro m a dwelling down to a chick en coop or a held fence,


A L " Ir k, ot WtlUli ll ~I 'Jl. ' . poot ovuml d .I.Y8 b orf' . III ... t w" · k. " ... HI8t Illg hlR Mon. Cooil, 10 gut ill 11(", t u,' thelr 0 puJ)l[l/!. wili ob I" k,'~ IJI Ac". W ednostluy, }o' UbWUIUY 1:; Uu!!of " a r trutU c cup~H.ld. ·'Dldn ·t ,vo u tiel:) rntj W nV l04.( ut. \'I I U?" Th u IRd,· . wh ' )He nnm e 1 with h o ld. snid . "Y "M, Y0 0 frl',b thilJ~ , flnd If ~' rl\nk w ,'re h ern 11" ' 0 p,. , If' Yll a JO(' f Olf IL." JOH./, /\ ry h "~ up£lliol l Ii Lll rb ar lII r. VV. r•. f1 rltts. of :-;ew Vlda n a .. hop III ,\", ,.'\IOl1r oo rn nr wo · 1 0 nllr CI .V . " .I.l1 rdl1). 10 V1l\W u f , \Vl llt , 1\l ~lillR I"; "LIe t o be o nt Mtl1r\.ln", " ollllB r~pu lr "" d h"rnp~B Ii ; uio . a fi'n r ~tl yt;ro l TllOnth l'l1lneM, ~~()P . '1'1t1- I " vl' r y !lIucb I.""d,..lI III t. U1~ \ ' )("BlI Y ~ l1 MA Elall nor H"y(\ook Nlla n t, th e IH'(lk. end WII h !l.lY. llnd Mrs. Wri!(llt \)ur l!I ~ r,.hIl1 (''' lIll1 inl.o th e fllllY· of l:Ii g hl Llld . Ohi o qr'" plli u,'. ff'l('~ n llY II n ll il !juir,·,1 (It hn lIl .. y n r . II" , lIll lin " Auror" Mr flod IIIr" Ell i:'LodiloUl PII!(,r " h , p "It,,~ 'flwy " ;1." Rhl' " ,IH ull 1II I Inl nl-'(1. Tharsua.v . 10 h o o ur of Mrs. up. Ihllt tJl~ l)l, " . 'lcddoOl '" hlrtbd ny nnnlv.H Mfl r y .

Can supply yo u vvith the best of Building Material at very reasonable prices. BUILD NOW!



OW" ,/.! t" "My nrl(Aul 11111'10(>..... Il lel ll he r A of l:lurvflYIiIJllrg t. , ' I,{ N, 6~ 7 . K of P . livlu g ", LI,, " vloinity , a ru r ~~ p 'Cll u ll., fl lln l\sl ,·" to hi' ]JrOH ~ nt IIl1 ll u"."t ill loll .. l. ,. ' •• Thurs d llY llI t; ht . ~· eIJfu .. ry 1 6, h i ~ : :JU


.,., .

build' YOl~r home fof dreams come true.

e x - ( "'.Hnn~ fr u IIl l,h o treel:t .

gamble ClIke the devil. J lIlIl I,old . pl f' I I!~. I rutl- I,' til t hu uir . . N(j\ghhor s oll toh h im !! h oo~­ I\J r ,, :,,1 \I r . J:j L [)"kln lI ud Mo n, In' orllpM-I. t-ReVt1n-ye"f-o I o;r FfI"cl , t 'fll , " ·· t l l 't,,, t i ll' :--inoLlav d inner Fol ~s oould teilB h eu Jl of f8ct.e froll, Mr "",1 ,11.-_ . . 1 lillrtu,. :->1J1(j" ker. tbe w thllt a rt to know-of h ow u e got blR mn tton, m ay be t orty yel\ r U n 1"I1ll1rl' f' · n l l''' WIll h .. v!! ll wi r ago . Uf onurtle I ku ow tbat gORRID 11'1 '1 11I1"d,.·/' , ' 11 I' hur"rlu .v !J vell'n~ . ,,10 " B ~ ~v o ry clt.h. . . BOI' I M'lr olo'::J d. '"·1, II,] " I ~' c b rn"r y l d lb. 1 hllve heard thElt Hliok ln8 Il "~d 1.0 . gnzslf' III", II fl . 11. . , Yoo t-i ilrlt:Hhurl! Im tl tu'c, Feb . 24·25 mlghtn' t t·hink tbHt- 1I0111101e hang "ruund th llt tellflr's II fe, but !!OlnflOnh ea vs he r o '1I y IIwipell nuothAr t el le r 'lI wife ! I ' VA h At1 rd h " wln~e r e d In t·be pen, ono tIme In i'!! OLeeseA. bat, wu;, of oil, h e g08"1 P", lin' thi H d on 't lon k good to ut e N e Ighbor" knowed th e tr lllh. I Hpose thev'd atdu lo( him to II 11mb. hilI 1 d u n'~ ppddltl 1I 08~l p, t b o u jlh 'lve go t n o nse tAr blm .

If we lived In fA /,tarden of fl JWer8 and epen' onr \lme trying '" mRke tho roee bllSb88 jlrow nothin ' but I thorn8 . enollurlAgll\g tbo bugs Iln' I .... for the Bourse . b eetlRjI ea' eveTythin In ~Igh l 'MII I A, for th p Huur,,·. whl"', IR Ol'l'ok lhe pl~oo was )lite II Wf'"d bfld "very. by It s ('nl nnllJl j lt" HOIIIIlll IH' t l ~ on 'he" h udy'd tbl nk we were or' ZV. and doors !J ill! WllldoWN, itflllni~sH n re w.)OIdn 't t hey? But we d on't do by iI ~ flul ' ·N"I, . I, I~ IJlI'I""'llonllhly tbllt We try to forget the tborD ti a ve r y ('o rr tl'('t alld vurt! ~trlJ rt tlre . Ilnd We IIpray An' torn uj) the I!routld, ' th,, · Vroof I•. II Is crowll ed by UII lillie and we torHlIzA tbe 8bl yerlng )lttle ."~h 88 Ath .. n. never 88W. R I\Df' right weak fello ..... tblt t look slokly, 'till IIl1e. Jrl'Bcefully ClIt. IIprp and Ihere. we haYe 80lDel.blng flns an ' uron8 by chimney pols.-V ktor Allgo. an' .wee' t o look at and enj"y, Bow I. It WII don', do tbls In tbe garden 01 life ? Why don't we f orget 1111 ab" u' ,he I·horns III the oranks an' "MOod for n ,thln'A" Rnd oultlvate FEBRUARY 1922 th .. Ifllrv " G ,,1 'b~~ ' ~ in IlvpryoT'l" I SI"ITIWITI"I~ of ~he,"? W has a fi De world ..... ·'1 bBve It we only tr",,'ed bum",, " 111:11 1 2 314 we t reat po$8t"fllI


W ,'J'

Il " r"


We have the material

Our slok Htlll remaIn about the a"U1o . Hey . A . E. HuntIngto n lilled the pu lpit, h ow. Hu nr]oy . Mr.lI lJil liT Hnnry e otor, .. lned tr ientiH Iro," Kontuo ky , Sunday. O u r h" IIro f1 ftLy ing mllrLl fls , !lo d th o gTcn, Ii UpP U.f '~ 111 tt. gnnls, t oo . . -Ully-ntf,oruuon. " H" ~nl'o to OhSrrve Arb"r DUV. \ v ,, 1,·,.1"'/\ 11,. \' \\"I~ o IJ~l' f\'oLl he r n; th. y ur. 1~(lOl n ruh(' r . woollilloohol

nt' ,Il' \ '1I 1I1 1 11~f

I d on' , belie VA In g08~lp whl oh con ,10 0 n"lghb,' r Ltl\rm . The gOI'. slpAr 18 hOI.ed, In tL A town, or un tbe farlJl; ( lI e vll r p('en 0 gORslp thllt OOUlllllllldn(1 I\n y Inve- peddlln' oat ~b"lr MIi.ndArl'. whioh they kn ow th ·· v olluldo ' , prove . " ~' e r In"tILncl'. h e r l"H old 8BDklnR thot dan', live (ur tra m m e -puol S around" bn!!jlel. tbHt b e'8 le arnt. frum A til Z N HvIl r ml8ses n ol.blu· thllt oonOt' rOM blH ne·, re8t friendI' , . . . Till II !! 8 bout bis nelgbbors wit b B ZIl,.J t hllt nllVElr endM P eople tnld thATf' Views' of biOI: he' (l flnd alit where he'IO B~ . 'l'h ey tell me. If be had OleanI'. b e w, ' uldo', fee!! hiM Ol1t. . . . Tlllu ks be II' t he smoutb llst stlolt you ever MUl e "oross . . . Lflte 00 ju~t like he doesn', know his !lro.n 'dl1d stole 8 bops! An' tben, he used t n

The gIr l 1 10ft behInd me III away ah elld of IJ\(' n ow. --Our town Is Boveral dwelling8 short to t he demand. . Young mlln. you oan 't "fBUher YOUI' nee', ohoHiug ohlokeos." Woweo oomplllio tbe least In FebrUluy. IJtlCliU8e It iR the s llOrte~t m ont h . Til .. ('ll1i o I,,, o OIetut til l! h ome of MrR. \VilliuUl L Uurvey, !::il.tur




Our ou mmuni tv w us "1"ldolll',1 "y thn d UO Tli of Mrij. Hu rnh Conkl lJ l. ::;ho Wrl 8 t h nugbt, 1,0 b ~ r" or, vorllJg mce lv from uo openUlO n . hut d ealil 0 111.0 8 Thursdny eve n in g. ca used by " " u te dllnUon of tho b onrt.. Fu. o llr,,) se rv icll" wore b pld til. t h l! b orn!! 'l'h fl jll'OOllr v lms lo a",. 111 o ur to wn ::;uoday mo rulu g oonduot-ed by Rev . I. on th'l bu'tl m New ti rm!!. n e w J"SHe 8l1wkins. goods ami oU c n"tom e r"' ; prloe~ ri g h t. in all 014R/lS. Com e ill I1nti b e oon v luoed . Who t is evid " nt to &11 In slg bt, 18 phi In t o be seen . Tbe pr osp ect of h .. viu ~ of /I. firatohu,,~ dru~ store lind oou feotl onery put In our \J\VIJ Ino kR probllble. If it. o \'Uletf, i& will ~xcut!d ROV form ~ r J::-~ ;'.n:I::;~~(I.,';~-t'~~:;e~~ .~~::.,!~ .;!':'t~~=~~:S ,.. tLtl Uipt, Anel th e pr oprt6to r Will be h,,,," ,,r' . ..... li d pO l /nl/o r it t udu w. 11 pburmuOlst of \,he IllOSt mo lern WM. HeNRY MAULE, Inc. 2~':.t:.:"~!·· t l'l'e. Onr To wn b,,11 Iii baing repalr ed beiog pn~ iu g oou oonctitlon, lind l1e 1I00n 1\8 ~prln f( rl pp r oncbo~, im prove m en lS will be beg un on ~o ut, b ~t r oe l· fb ose Improv m "I't~ h .. Vtt long b op n o eeded , and will he oom"leted now Shechan Estate, Chattels . .. Feb . 20 In I h u nea r fa Ilru • l . II I ]D Wm. Barnard . .. ... , .. . .. Fcb. 23 () a r b IIs "e l. u fi ti aUl ,I "y ee od,!., t eam. I!·w] ..., e voning. li nd m,"I e \.len Smith . . ... .. .•.. . . .. Feb. 24 tu nir tr i p by h Oll[, vi II \Vayn (' ~v\l l p , Lola Zell Estate . .. . ... . .. Feb . 25 ret.u rrll nl( "n rly in Ib n e venin!:, with Smith &. Gibson . .... ... . .. Feb. 27 ttle u tr r ,' "ouI"lIog with Ih o tllIo' lt ~ of It ~ IJ" jlllIIL('.,. r.ue.. nin g w camo \ Vm. Cummins . . .......... /l\ar. 2 ont VIC· t.Mlo llA. W lie n btll ter bl\sk e t !!hcchnnEstate, RealEatalc . . n\ar. 4' bOIl i~ plliyeu . ,-,ur bUY Il wl ll plfl Y it <lar or c h o~ trll is IJIll king rupi d W,.,. ~ Il e uUf l e r ~il-( n 8(l . w\Jl otle r a t. }Jru g r n.. !oI, lind t hei r Im,qtJ~ e ment@ 8 r e nnUHlro o s TIJ ~.v IITtl to mflke tb a l'nbll o S,LlIl t.hA chntLeJs b e louglllg IlIUdlC fo r tlIe ~'LlrUl er~' I nAtitutf'; 1.1 I,h e o~tl\te of .In!lnn L. ::lh eClb 1111 , t h " .V II re bl10R ed ub elltl t r dRnoes c\ooo,u<Bd. 00 tbe farm known 'Rs th e fln ll t.lIe c b nul.lluqu.ns I1ra tryi ng 1.0 i-Inrne tt flinn, 1 mil a 1!0Ut llflilst of ne~ol\A l e wit h Ib ulll . U tbey do n e Wellmlln, on the Waynes ville lind .: utilll8 with th .. m. tb e y will hllv (J Cll1rllsvllle Hoad . 00 Them til bOILI'd . provi di ng I know Monday, February 20, 1922, ,~ h"t. ul'g ol inl (> UIOR, US 1 s uppose it IJl'giunlng ILt 10 ,"('I oo~. tIll' f o llow18 n lrlg bt . anywl1Y . iag prop e rty : 10 ti o r ~us 18 C"t tle. P rof JaUles dIiW IltOD, II no\nrul :32 80gB. Co rn, Feed, Implem e nts , born a.tb lde, and ou o of the basket Lot ot F e Llce and 'file !::iee luge hlLll memb ers, giving t b em strengLh bi lls for furtber p&nlotllllrH ilDd Ils.uredlleliS ot enoeess, will In BERT I3BEEAAN, th o n lll1r futnre open up a eobool RACBEL EARNBART. ' " a ohlng proteotioo with tho use of Exeoutofll of the est"te of vonr fls~~. N o w, boy8, every idle J R~on8beeh"n, d e oeased . mlnuto you hav e . clonter with Prot W"lter Laoy, Atlllt. l:Iomilton aR t o hl8 proposi"ou; It h a~ 08teopatu V o r cblro prao tlo trea' Baving deolded t,) qnit torming, I m e nt beElt 16 to 1. Any ordioary will BO\l Rt mv r eslde uoe . first f!lrm "llIrm !It t.he o ut(>r d oor will admit fOIlB' at Berrybill's Co rner. on tue you to bid noto rnm, I';prlng Vall ey alld Centerville pike, !::io rne I wenty. oo e y enrs ngo, H.. W .koown lit! tlle Fugllrtv farm, au I":a y ll) r le ft. hl ~ b ome oounty , which Thursday, February 23 , 1922 IVI1!! Log'w . lind Inn llClu 10 Wnrron oouuty. For some yo~rs he \\' 1,lS Heglnnlng at 10 o'olook, the f ollowem l'lo,Ved hy ~'rf)nob Bros CrtJlIllI e ry i ug pr nperty: 6 l:I orSI'R !lnd Mal o ~, CO . II . trl unll/;(er ut I hmr Hktmruing :l Ctltt.le, 19 BTOOl\ ~I)w, 15 FBII Pi g!!. 8 til t.\OIl . BalUK d "siruUiJ uf goiug F .. rming Impl em onls . B u rness, et o . Int·o bu .i n ess for b I Ul~., Jr, It., ra ";Otl la rgo blll~ tor p"r ti otlillr" ~j~oe d ul s pluoe wit h ~'rtlnoh Br os WM . BARN AH.O. a u!! ou torud i n t ' l ttl" ICA MOR m ILn il .Iohll Wrl l(h t. Auot-. ouufoo tlo nery L U .lfl e"~ In n sho rt, _ _______ t·im e ho e ll mlu flt.eli Ih e iOA ereu m Bn\'lo g h o o gbt-Il RII\I.JI t Arm olne bns lne.'. HUti u \l ened n p " r l1l1l ((ro miles north ot DlIyt on. J will HIIlJ nt oory RtUI·('. "nd hil S b oe n a ~ u o oeS8 Pu h lic ~" I e on Ul e W"ynlls vtlle 11 1\ <1 fol w e r ohllllt. Ou UOllo aot of hl~ f1urv eysltorg pike. 2 mlleR el'Ht of wlfe'H dl~ubillt.v. I.boy cI"emed i\ ad W .. y nl'sv llle Bnd 3 mil es we ,, ~ of vl ~a ble t·u di~ p otlo of t.belr s tore room RarvRY8 bnrg, on the Id ll B o 'kett Iino .. ~oo k of Itno d~, !lud t h A transf er f .. rtfl. o n WH8 mucio t, l Mr. Bud Mr ~ BAllI. who Clome h aTe well reoommsnded Thei r Friday, February 24, 1922, IlUOC"~R is IIs_ured, fo r t be good WIll of R. W. Kilylor will follow th em Commenoing "t 10 a. m , sha rp, tbe up. Mr K~ylor will tlOter loto tho f.,l1owlng : 8 Horses, 3 CaUle. 6 m ero!1nt.lle bnAI.n elis In & different Sheev , Feed, lmplement.R, Har068 ~ . Hee large bills. Iinf' , In I he lIellr future. l:Ie b&8 BOll8ehold Good~ . BEN SMITH . proved himself to be " man In every wal', I1nd his mnny friends extend Wlllter Laoy. Allot to him t heir b est wishes , The undersI gned, eXl'outrlx of 'be e ' &I\'e of Lola Zell, deceased, wl\l ~oll at l'ubllo Sale 11' tbe I"ta resl denoe of 8atd decedent on Blgh St, Wayneevl\le, Uhio. on




Knox County Farmwlfe to Delcrlbe How to Strengthen Home Tie •.

Mrs. IJln Dllrhl n. who s peaks altha cu mi ll g 11I .4 111 I1le. Is a farmwlfo who h". {holl ~h l a bou t olhe r thl ll~8 t ha D h N lroulll,'s wll il uol nl> lJOlI sewo rk. Y L,.H S

uf , \ p ··r! ,l uce ns a home-mak er

IIl1 J1 1I'" (.n a farge farm hal'e given h er II I :.'~ n "Y IT\l])3thy for other Wllrn"n ul 11, I' ~ alll n¥: wbo wb.h to do mure ril l' I I"' ir ~ hll dren t bnn would nt !lrst """ " 1·(" ~l ble lInder th e cir· nlld

CUJll Rl anl l':;.

1'", 1. s be has found waY $ III w lol , il ;, I these things can b e dllllr . ', lid .,h,· ' .. 119 farm a uu lenros ~Io re

, il,',

alJo lH lhl' llI i ll h· 11\\"11 way . Llttle ."{r lt k,;" and h i{~ ,,' I'qulpmen t wh lcb SU\' C' t he s l r "" 11.:1h !I f th e housewife ~nrt



f • .,'


!,b lngs;

dlllO( 'l' ' ' rnr t 1\11 fa l m w o m fl n t.o· ma ke

a lillIe

lrl!l!!I ' r

or 1)(' 1' own; " lfow to

J( "r p \\',,1 1 "n d lIappy"; "A !"ew Ptlhllc ('on'..: dp'If'" 011 C'.hiJ lI \\' e)raro"; "~I iilhr r an tho Ci rls"-th eso ~uhjtl l · t ~

Durb in ':;

illd lt atfJ


t " lw J'Ii"n l l ;'l

f ll n go ot Mr!:§ . and sugges t h er

kindly' IlIl el ("I>; (lu r foucl~ nil ·nl I I\IPB'~ibl "' , m"kl UI( Irllu@lt. "I", - I iUlp08~ lble . Ho w WI1 WII\ r u j .\ 11t"m wb eu the.,y do K" t. gf" " l t1m n\'l 1 (> I; ~ Illrr nud bl8 Bon .I hmf'~ I " " " r, of n" ur WI1Yllellvtlle: """ re II I ... d i 0 On r tow n, 8 aturduy II fleTlHI .n ,


A .. hu.e aDd hu,,~ ·relmlrnl&n w ,. bero, S"Iu rd uy . 100klng for II 1,.v,dI OD , 'Dd itA w ' lI he ready for bu "ill O" o n o \' ba for e April lat. WI ILur W . Wil so n , lion of Mr. IIml ..Mr~. b'ruuK WII "ll u. I ~ m~klOI: R burti ml hll ~l lI es~ trIp to De uver, Col., au d Wi ll r e lurn Ilfrer " fo w w ee kH. .I lI rn .·!' 'N Robpr lso u. f or \olI OY yon r' Jl r .ILle nt or " ur town, lIud f or ~. ) nw 111110 uf \\ Ilmi ngtou. di ed at. u , ~ -i~ t"r'" h .ll n e III Wllmingtun T lIuf:ol(luy 11l " rI11 n~, 1 t1 "vlll~ lIUt; ~ l s ­ t,tU III IIl .l u rn h I'" v.liuI-('. HA tHHJ btlI'II Hlllt ot,," IlI r <] I1 He .. whllo ...-Itlt t nller uio m .. U,· w"" " ftttlh fu l " uc\ (I! V.lUt 1\1\'U1hl'r lIf thl< t'l olel.y 01 Fri Anll.. \l i~ flllle ....! t nJk pl'lce lit ~bu l'rit111(18 r iJu , oh !J ere, ::;1I\ur. d l. v Hfl ... nl Ot HI ut ~ o 'olook, Rev. A!ll O~ c')oo)k •.Ill·I ' t. l n~ 10 te rrneD~ in M lu,,, 1 cemotury.



Public Sales


Saturday, February 25, 1922,

Imple ments. F eod. H f' . See blll ~ J . ~M I T H lIutl 1:1. t-liB ·U ~. Col. For PHI· 1'. M"rl I n . A aot


Catarrh iR a loclll disease, greatly influen ced ' by ro nRtitutional conI w ill ~e ll my Mt t, r-i< tlnd impl". HA LL'S CATARRll m on t" lit Pu blic Aao tloo '11· my rIlAI _ ditions. den o p • I' Jo"l ed n u tb ~ Mt, !:lolly roud M8D1CINE iR a Tonic and Rlood I mil /l E"~L of 1\1 t. It ully H Ild l mile Purifi er . By dCllllSi llg the blood and 1<'1 e8 ~ ot ~llddle R llu obaroh. on b nildill g up thL' Ry ~trm, HALUS OATARRH MEDICINE restores T hursday, J\'arc h 2, 1922, n onnl\} cooditions and allows NaBeglnnlug at· 1 o ·ol oclr. tbe follow ture t.o do its work. ing : I HorA" 1 I :ow. 9 U OI:I!. Pa ul All Druggi ste. Circulars free. try. Implem e nl s. FOtHI. Boasebold Goud., e to. ~ee hlll ~ F. J ..Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. WK . CU MMIN S . Co l. Fu r est T. Mnr tln. Auct.


HATHAWAY W e will 80 11 fAt Pnbllo!::illio tbe real DR. ost .. te belonging to the e~tB te of ,J ... WaYlieuille'. LeacUna DeDUlt 80n L. ~hllehlln. deoellsed. late ot WllyneHville. Ohio, on UMoe in Baines BId«. HAm S& Saturday, March 4, 1922, Begi nning lit 1 o'olook p. m., on the premiseI', oommenolng ot tbe hote l pro j.le rty, th e t u ll o wlng R eal E~tate : 32 Aores o f Bottom Land, udj olnlng Co rwin , kn ow n as BarrIs Bottoms Llv.. ry and Hotel PropHrty in Cor. win. 3 Aore Trae' in .Gorwln,known as tbe C rew Land . Grim(\~ Prop. erty In Corwin Ande r90nProperty In WaynAs ville. B O U~8 and Lot ad. j olnlnR Sbeehun 8 0me~ te 8d 10 WilY. uosvill e . Hen bills for pllrtloalllr8. BE HT B8EEfiAN . RACI:I EI. EAR!'l'BART, ~Jxl' ootorlii of tbe .. ,tllte of J .. scn S h eeb ll[) , deool1sod. C. '1'. UIlwk o, Auct.

Forelt T. Martin Auctioneer Get my terms for your Public Sale.~ Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges.

Box 91, Cenierville.IOhio Home Phone



Ex .J

DR. J.




... DENTIST••• I)n1 CC


'i' ."lonal Uaak Dldl(.

Wayoenlle, 0


We Put Them On

F. D. HAWKE Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veterinarian OFFICE: Fourlh Street, near Tyler TelephoDe 93




Dr. W. E. Frost

For best results we, VETERINARIAN Phone 44 use Miami Gazette's Classified col umns, Harvey Iburg, O. ~ we'll tell the world! ! ,I



Having decid ed to quit farmin~, I will sp.lI at public auction on the farm known as the Robert Hufford farm, one-quarter mile weat of the Sou th Lebanon Traction office, Stop 92, on

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1922, Commeocing at 10 o'clock a . m~ sharp, the following:

7 HEAD HORSES-One 4·year.old gelding well broke. weight 1600.

One 7·year·old mare, good worker. One pair of geldinga. good workers. A pair of Mares bay and black . One I)..year·old saddle . horse, broke IIlngle and double.

~~--~~-----------------------------·Mrs. R C, Barvey b lls been oon- CommenolDi at 1 o'olock, Bharp. the 2 MILCH CO'WS- Both giving good flow of ~i1k. Uh .. ttel Property of I18ld e8t"te fin ed 1-0 h er home wlt.b grip Also, ~he Relll Estate, oonBlating of 71 HOGS- Consisti ng of 14 BiR' Type Poland·China 80W8 registered and elM. B. 8troup and f'BlDlly h .. va r e l Boose and Outbuildings, wi t h 3 igible. Four Hampshire brood 8OWS. all to farrow from March 15 to ~urned from & v isit witb relatives. IlIrge LotB. See bills for partioulllrs April 1st. One Big Type Poland ChIna registered boar, 52 feed ehoats n par Clnolon9 tI T. g!~i:,l:!,~OULE~~!~~;x. 15 TON.S HAY-Consisting of 9 tons of tim!lthy. Six tODS alfalfa •• 20Q MIs8 Maude Barhun lIoted aa 8ub. U. shocks of fodder. ti8d in bundles. . .. stitute teaoher of the PrImary room, We, the .undel'l!igned. haYlog d". a part of III"' week. oldl!d . to dilloontione fa.rwlng. will E; U. !Almar J}nd fe,mil v and Jar. 8e1\ onr enU~e lIne of ,took and 1m. ana Mrs. J . B . Leml>r 8pen' 811udaJ plements a' Publlo AuotIon on wbat with friend. In Daytc)n. is known '8 8 lhe old Frazfer farm, Mre. Davill' clan of t!Je M, E looa'lId 2 mUee Norlhw88t of Mt -8tinday•• o~held IIID Be~ 1:1 olly, and .3 m1188 N or&h88s& of I:!priogVallev, on 'be SwiSb road, on Inlr a' tbe parsonage, Balurday. Tha 1u' .Dam bel' Ilf 'he leo&l1ra course, ab avenlug of wllllio and ......0 b7 Polalml. Co., an.

ioJi4 b7 alarp

·w" .

February 27, 1m, BetrloniDI.' 11 0'0191*, 'be foUow • 101: ,a~ 8 caW., Iii BOCI .. M.,..d~,

n. _




He Wil l Neighbo r.. VlMlle I" 1I~1 II·ft tN Mnll(\ 1I1" n~ . fie whD flrtH'urN It

uotne-ln ,. .,•..-...


'1'10'11 _ "f

- -----..... - --


- .-







,.- -.. - ~ - .......... - ....




~1I)ll'ol "1 \





. . I ~S

Ilenry B r ook Simpso n . 80n of £-11 nry and Eliza impson , waH born

1 R · b . II .a me r own. of Colum US . I

. ill CiRci l County . Mary lll nd . Dec. But for th e pl"t' lIll't ac llOn lIf a I ). ,839. a n d d e pa r ted this lite . ~~ob. ' n u mb e r uf ci II 7.\ '11 •• MutHla\' lifter · ru Iry 3, 1!l22, Ilged 2 years, 1 m ont h

lted fCl e ud s h ere. Sat urd ay . II vlrlJus . tA rr ived - a s hipml'n t l) fSprinll ' r~oun.


'",II' h "t ., ' . ~. SI l'nI\<'''. Ohio .\ :. 0 ,· t d .. ,,,. ""





1\,· , '. 11 I'"t. \ · .. u ' n CHl'q, ""T


For S 1lc k,·oom. , '11 ",1' Il l'lu ~ l t'd nlloil L II" il l /:h'" I Ill' nl r tiD • ".....:-oo~.-...

In 1111' ~I,·; 1· .. ·'1 nsrn'PItI1l" ,t,l, r

bAVII 1l ..ll:llhM~.-

The Miami Gazette, Wayne.vilIe, Ohio.





1' 1

r~ . \1 2,:", 1" lI ltJ"" Il. ~\' I U al ,I ~~ days d 1 1 V~ 0 11 S(I U!" ,\1 .. . t l '~1. III1~ht \ ft(' r spendin~ his boy hood d ays • R S , III UJl- I), le· mmute 8 1apesan Iis ve bl'e n 1\ I: It .. II , •• 1",,1 1(' t " du.\' . t' n \'l ary la rl' l. 110 fn nved with. h is pa. ". 1 , "" ".,' .1· culo rs , at Mrs Kilbo n· s. ' "., Au a1u.rn ,:.;..<- .... '" .. " I HI""..t ---Ul\ l. r( L t o Oh io ill 18 1!>. sottl ing in I·''\IHtil'l'''nur ," ~Ir . an d .\1 1'" II. E . lIa rtwr Sill] l ha l IIftt,rt l''' '' ' . I " " I"' r hum , ~I n(goll1 e ry c(/unt Y,uIJO ut f ourmileil : ",:',.': L .. • ... '" ..;;: ~"n I,. ft, III~L week. fo r F ui rfi ' ld. was d i~I'(lvl''''''' I .. I.· , '1 111"' , all" R ~" Il h uf ('(,lItpn' ill p . J)ertth .ca:led -,I 11 1 ,,,., 1 ,'; I f I f I ,I ... " r •• " Ohi ... wh"r e Mr . Har ner h a~ pur- llUlll'\,ru rn f.'I1\\\!~ '··d l l l' r O.J h~ · l h i . f a th,' r . 01 l e~ i :iterllndo n eb r o th er ~.: :. '< ., ,. (., ; ,';,) i l'IllI"f d Sj! r o('(' ry C "l)d luck lo thelll fur\:! III,· CiI.'IILl r,lIl1 " Itl d I,,· I.r"II~IIt , 11\ ·· f Ollo winl( Ru mlll e r. le aving the ' .,.", " ", .. , ,. j i f r om th e 11 re h· Ib, ", 1 11l11 lit,· Il l' '' III ,tlwr and live ~ hildren . H en ry . ~ MINE\l'l'1I1: 1:1: 1'1'"'' " , I.' ''·:i· T' III,,, I I ~.: f' 1<1'1 ' Can Tahl p 1'.,ac l1l' , l'5c ; !:an Apri, ".u l. I t was ()~l'a-I·· .' .f 1,\' ,d. f" C'I I,,, l a lad u f Il'lI, WlI l'K .;J hurd to he lp 1 I flc;-."'1111 2" '1 1"" ';I , "r .\ " ; I'..'l . : ': , ,I ';11.: .. !1 '.0 f c"t~. ~3r; (' lin Pineapple. 24c Su w. li Ve fl ue. am tI, ,' J,"' I:I"" \\ II I II ul , :HI 'port the family , m ee tin g w it h ,'I. :"" I • I I II 'I Q I' \UI'\' ,',:\, 1' \\ 1>.:1, " 1' II I ' , I \ ,-1"1 '" Yl' r 's (;roccril'::IlI nd Men t~ . u rn uunt III III ," •. :1". ~ III . I r ,.""i r'l h ··d~hips and d ifli cu llius, but wilh r.1 Sf;~. \ 'tll:" ,'h. ·"h.·d," \I . I I" ' , r • '" I" tan l It,v ' fo r hi s ll1oth er . La t l! r l " rt I . , 'U ,,· II I I 1"· ',I , ~, · " I , 1\ U I· , ~ \ I 'IU 1 11 ... ".. t' L ' . ~,' t J I. llll. of G r "~ll Co v to th e roo f. I' " I I I ' I \ I • .~ ... 1..'fO:" .. - , Ih hecurne her (lil l y pr otec li nTl at . - - - - - _. - - - - ~- ,- - - _ .- ,- - _ . _ . _ ,_ . .:i pr i llg ~ . Flu .. is s pe n di n ~ a f\:!w days , It, n ~, a l way~ sani lic ing" un d respec l· with r e lll tiv('!1 in W a rren coun ly . ! ' lf li' with II l1 tht' tt- nticrn ess lind kind!lnLl called o n Hev c rnl of hi s fri end s il' . ::1 of u l ovin~ so n unt il her d ea th. ",h il ' h e re I I III ,d d uri ng his l a~ l ~I c k!less s pok l! o f d., ,I at lhe , hi , desi r e t u Illl'e t ltiH m ut he r at the J .'rseyMiIK. 'ounl ryHutte r .Ch d'rn. , A r eli us A I, \ II, " ~"I d . 1't' m e l.N ut. Tn·SllI l e· Cr eam- hOIlIt· or hI.' "'. I , . iI f)~) lLiIl. "1 ,, 1 uf life 's j ll urncj" . .. . " . ; . '.: ~ '~.' -.., ~ , ! cry lIuttp r :-;II\V)'e r'~-- l; roc€riesl rhursda~" \', 1111;': . I. I .. I" ,J.! i:l· l i e united wilh t hl' F cr!"\' 'hri:llbn I lIlId ~,'als. I ~ea::. Th t' f llll ''' .I, II.' .• 1" ld Il t l c! ,lrch in l HSG . lInd \!~ \{CV . GCllrge :'l)rt ll": \ ',, 11 .·, . . I i :\ II IIII I\: III I ::;, dth. be ililC 1111 act ive Iltem\ If!r in Se t h Coo k linn family spe nt Su n · I : 1I 'c! lIl'k , ;.1 I ', r" " II,,·,I III).! · h , )"ulhfulnc·~~ . nhn alwll),s char i. Ii AY in Ci ncinna ti. vi si t ing relativf's h Oll :' C. ,\1 r. \ . ,', d,· I,'. ," III I" ble and I{ en e, ·tl u ~·hcll rted t o th use Fffective February 10. 1922 Mr . Cuo k's g rand ch ild r e n. wh u hav.' ' prilll( \' /11 1<1 f .. , " ,,'. ) ,'" , _. alld ", ,, um h e SH W in 111'(" 1. been in Ohio f o r so me l ime , le ft had III UII) I rh'II 'I.- III ,\' Il; IlI " \ . ,1 " After a H,' Vc re illlles:\ of t h ree w " e k ~ , h e fe ll usillep . ne ve r to Maximum A\lowable Loads on HClads a s provided by Cinr inn a ti. Mond ay , fu r t he ir ho m p . ~ I'll S I: 11.I, 1. /11,,111,'1' ,.f ~ I r ~ ;1 ': u~(' n t 0 ear t i11' l tllIn~s ' Mr , bu t lo Sections \7246, 7248, 72,t1'\ -l, 7251, of the t,;eneral in Cali fo rn ia

H t








I;;::; ,:,'.1;'. ,

Incubators and Brooders


t I


"' ,



'H5 OEA1



T .




No person shalll ransporl ovcr the public highways a ny vehicle having a total weight, inl'ludi ll g weight of vehicle and load , greater than th e followin g : On vehicles ha ving metal tin 's a Inad of fi ve hu nd red (500) pound s for each inch l)f the 10 1u I wid th of t ires on all wheels not to exceed a total weight (If t e ll (10 Ions. On vehicles hnving rubber ti res::l. load of six hundred and fifty (650) pounds for each inch of thc tota l width of tires on all wheels.

For 4-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 3440 Ibs. on any I wheel .For S-in. Tlfes a MaximumLoad of 4550 Ibs. on any 1 wheel For 6-in. Tires a Maximum Load of 5460 Ibs. on any 1 wheel For 7-in. Tlfes a'Maximum Load of 6370 Ibs. on any 1 wheel No vehicle shall have more n seventy (70) percent of the gross weight of· vehicle a l1d load on an y one axle. TEN TONS I NCLUDI NG Tl-IE WEIG HT OF THE VEHICLE IS T HE MAXn lUM LOAD FOR ANY VE I'lICLE DURING DRY WE ATHER. DURI NG THE SPRI NG THA \V AND IN OTHER WET SEASONS THE :\IAX I MUJ\l LOA D INCLUDING THE WEIGHT OF VE HICLE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: (1) ON THE MAIN ROADS THE MAX I MU~l SH ALL NOT EXCEED 0 E H ALF OF TH E WEIGHTS AS STATED ABO VE. , (2)


Geo . D. l\lill ~ . d,,·.j ;,1 In " I"' me III Mr . an d Mrs .' J . D. Mnr lDtt. Mr an d Mrs . F rAnk Zel!. Mr . an d Mrs he r so n . near \ \ iil " II.)!I,,". i' lle , da) C. M . Robit ze r an d Mr . a n d Mrs m o rn ing Th,' {UI ,·r al "ill 1H' he'liI J esse H a r tso ; k a tte n d ed t he fun era l Th llrsrlu"J , a t Il l!' ,1, ,111 , ' " t b,' r 8,'n. of Arc li us Al exander, at Spring Val. Illte r llll'n t a t Uo\' ,' r ('burch. Mrs . Bll iley is well k lllm :1 III 111 ' \11)' lI f o ur ley , Mo nd ay mo r ning . cit izens. T he Mo t hers' Club w ill ho ld an a ll · day m arket at t he T o wnship H o use . Saturd ay, F e bruarv 18. beginning a l 9 o'clock. All m othe rs in th e town . ship. a nd o lhe rs i'nte rested in th M r H. . 1. 1.1, .1 " 1, schools . a r e as ked t o co ntribul e . eh uPlle r . ~'r' IHY



We will offe r a t public ~ al l! at the fn rm. & mil e~ no rth o f Chrk " vill e Rnd :! m ile" ~o uth o f Hll rV e) s hurg . O hi o , th e cn mpl"lc d l"pe rAII)II "al l' o f o ur entire h ead of R~g i s l e r ed H u ls lein cattl e . on

u .t: ~i:'1er. M r~ I:: liza be t h Kindl e . o f l',· nt ... , ·, i1 le ; one neice , Mi ss Marg:lr et · 1·II P" ,II . o f Centervill e; three ne ph. ews , Samu el Sim lJso n.of n(,lIr Ce nter· v ille. J ose ph Kin d ll' . of Cincinnati, Com me ncing a t 12: 30 pm. prompt. the following : a ',d Ch a rl e s K indle , of Cen terville H e "waits th e cl)Jnin ~ of loved C nr t i ~ Ttt ""I'."".' f IIII\'n' ·S VIIIIl . , . "'i, " ne by one, un l il the rank s R ,a Ll lng of Good BOOk • . . I he r d ll ull. 1 fresh Co w. Cows s oon to fresh e n, bred He ifers and Wl&S n wetl k .tl c u ;;u -1 0 / Ul u un l ulllJ. ,.. 1I11p'lli n b e co mple l e , f o r ever t o ('nlv e~ . co n ta in inlo;' m o r e blood of th l' King o f the Ponlines and Cola nlh a A IH) ,,){ WP IIIII.\" '"('ad U" P f /l lI d over M I ~8 W l l lUrLl l!l 11 ' u " lI . " ~ I lllly t olJ . 111111 1 Wt' n' I""III I"'r It: " ud . If w" (.. ,. spe n t ~ eV l1rl\l du'yl' l "d: Wf'n k wit II , lTia ' n u n b r ok en. Tr u lyJ " I1'1I11111 La d th a n an y o lh e r he rd of its size in the State . Th ese cows ar e Jr{ Pf IL 111:1," lI~.!I i JI p'~I' U Sl' It O t ou r ' Mrs. Adm L,r wis ul},l !llUlll y . fino individ u a ls and heavy milk'e rs "Tll r way lhat leR ds tu hcuve n. p l t'n s l1r~ , nr nt !l lIr )~I !-. Ill·(,. So th at l iUei th n)" Ii fe 's d ark est r oum. Mr . ..od Mr ~ . J hll Loog we r ~ gr)f)d bo( .k ~ arC' II \ 'e ry J,:'rt\u t ,ue r cy Bu t 0 /1 i t s e d~ e f or eve r F" l r fi ~ Jtl v i '~l t . ) r ~ , S LI 'lIl "y. 10 Ihe "'nrld .- Hlcha r rl IlnXl pr. Life's whites llillies u\oom. " The re will be .. " l!IW tul" lIt plltY This lo t o f r e gis tered hogs ('onsis t or tored ~ows, open gilt!' anrl f('u r - Mrs. Fo res t 'l' Martin . ou ts ta ndin g Spl'ing b oars Most .of the gilts are sired by Y'a BooMe r at Lytle hall, F tltJrlltlr Y 24 gl ve o by t he .. LI v a W ir ..s" uf t ile t:i n n dllY Chuice . (The S eco nd Booster King, undoubtedly the grl'atest brel'ding Card uf ThUlb - -- --.sohool. bnar o f the bree d ) Come, buy one. We wis h to than k th e fri end s and B orman ~; IU I ~ b uo(l l1 el p ard . Brl ll. h .. rn nn d t:iml t h . 0 r ll no w liol "II' tJ 4 ' n ighbor ll fur the ir kind ness durinll te n si ve wor k III IJrl \! I(. llly lu g th e sickn ess and d t'ath of Henry O ne 12 bbl Ihresherman's water tank. 1 Cassidy bigh·lift sulky plow. I Mr, a Dd Mr.. W,. He r K e nrl ok Il rook Simpso n, nnd a lso f o r (h e J oh n Deer e walking plow, 1 big land roller. ~ p ot t:iundllY In .l uUJ e!l~U WIl, the b eautiful f1uw e r's . Terms cssh, or bankable note, 4 months at 7% interest, gues t s ot U , It \j l n " !;~ r .. 0 1\ (., mll y Edwards Murphy an d «'amily. THURSDAV-February 16 t:iev er a ! of t b e! b' ,y , .1,IL 'rl R ub ert. J. P. OSBORN & SON BO l' o e t li t ~ll nlJ" \ ' u tl oy h () ~Pl t 'll PaLl,. Revl . .. .. . . Jack H o lL &n 4 ! Ilckte Moo .... I', . The M lUlk " . ... E&IIOp ·. F a· Bllumga rtner & Stllnley, Auctioneers. ~u n tln y a, t Hr o.I,,, ·, " "d (ol1ud h im b lo <:ow . "The Ooose Ihal L.Y6 lb. Will Harvey , Cle rk. mu ch Impr () vuol. ' Oo ld.n J£gK" .... 9 reels. .Lun ch by Harveysburg Ladies' Aid . Mrs . Un ln, -Id ... 1 ~ tu r uI' Ll I." Iwr



head Reg. HoJstein tattle


37 Reg Spotted Poland-China Hogs


Miscella neous



SATURDAY-February 18 w.~ : S~iz~l~tN :,aw:: The Tesll ng Block....

TUESDAY-February 21

'rom MIx

10 ··'fbe Road Demon" • . . Al so A Su n. h lne Cow""y.

11OlUe .

::lulur.( ,,)'

,,( UU

~ lJ l' e n.


R. D.3.

Phone 8J·2 ~'

I '!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

S unda y School at 9:30 a . m., and wse k8 s t a v ,H I hu It ', mtl ll f ·u t'r u .. loe Mrs A . O: WI I I1 ,",, <, '" tl nytO f1 . ( ' h r islian E nd eavo r mee ling at 6:30 r b t, n il-:h " 'r~' i ok Hflll Mr~ .. 1 B. ,l on 8e tf\llJ"r .. 1I1" fII 1\ "u.prt"l' , p . m. Ev e r~ body is cordially invi.!-ed ; F ri da)' e\' c u l1 :-: ' j' IIl; gUt' ::- l " ht ,,) u ~ h' (0) attend th ese se r vices every Sun I'IT Ice c r tlUlll ,,,,, Ie,, k,. " 1111 I h ~ lLI. " Dd


Use Miami Gazette for


Mr~. AII HII r~llll l'k "ntl \I " Ul/ h . ter, G lad'yH, d~r r ,· 11r"lJ ullllIDcI ~r .

Fra' ok W. Crew,

Warren County Surveyor


u .it l! w il h luvcLI un es gone ue fu re. Ii I ' h t i t th' ." . ry WU.:l I It! Sixt 0 l e pa r IS ti ~ Ir,, ' n II fa ll1 i,1y o f eight !:h ildren. I , l' d .... ·~ as\:!d urI': Williu m, Geu r ge. ~ ' mu d . J all1 es a nd Mllrl{llre t Ann . lIe I, aves (0 m ou rn h is loss: on e h o t ' ,e ' ..l u h n ,..;im pso n . o f Ma rys ville;


u ve r y p l l"I\I'",L:l1 n\~ . kng. ANY VI OLATI ON OF T HE ABOVE PROVISIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - -' Iepeut, Frl Ei nd s hurl' I.,,:!,. .. t, t" "',Iro Of SHALL BE DEEM ED A MISDEMEANOR AND ON CO tb o 8e rl"I1 ~' 11I11''' ~ "f M,·. :-' u~l\n VICTION THEREOF T~LE PARTY OR PARTIES SO AUT 0 MOB I LE , ;ust o . a t t h o h rllll' " I h r d " u g-hto r CONVICTED SHALL BE FI NE D NOT MORE THAN Mr l:!. J It 1''<,1) ltwllI. ke r , i ll D.. y to n. " E FIRS" OF Valve s Ground and Carbon Removed O n W ..,ln, ~·I I\ \ "Vt\lt IO~, ~, vora l F O '$100.00 NOR LESS THAN $25.0 OR I H • ,I frl tlDdllU ' ll:"~, I"" ('I "l l'l tl,"a ll llfl t." FENSE AND NOT MOR E T HA N $100.00 NOR LESS Balter/e.!!, Ford Coils - and Sparl\ r omilJ rI b l1'11 ,. 1 .' ... Iii, Iii ,n y . Ice THAN $100.00 FOR THE SECON D OR SUBSEQUENT o rOll 1ll nn rl ,'uk l' \\," l kf' rv .,1 The Plul[!I Tested , e vellln g Wnl:! "" i ' ) f' d b y Bun HIIW kll OFFENSE . By order of fllld fllUlI ly . ~Jr :' . .\l Il Y ( :' )IJ>lI.i' , .iJ r


FRED M, COLE, Waynesville, Ohio



Code of Ohio.


For Sale by







and Mr s W" lt l


]{"ur iok

Waynesville, Ohio


advertising ~

Fred's Furniture Rug Sale and


A d eputy cullector o f in tt'rmil r evenue will btl at The WsyneRvilie Na tional Ban k o lJ W edne ~d ay li nd Th urs· day, Febr u ary 22 " nel 23, to ss~ i s t locol peopl e ill th l' ir inc onre lax return s . .The 22 nd be ing H hulirlav. the ba nk will no t be ope n rU I' \ Jll ~ in"ss , but , for the con ve ni ence o f its put r ons , the d oor wi ll be u nlo ck ed during th e hours ~hllt th ,: u epll t y is 0 1 wnr k

51 MARY'S CHURCH If You Have Any Idea of Buying a Tractor Now: is the ti me to get busy for they are now bf' low pre-war price .. The 8-16 INTERNA1'IONAL with L ITTLE ~ EN IUS TI-IREE-WHEEL PLOW, complete with F ENDERS, PLATFC R:-'1 and POWER PULLEY at $670.00 and freight, is a reduction of 8374..00 , or a bout 33~~ per cent. II you require a heavier, mo re powerful tractor-one with a three-bottom plow, there is absolu tely nOlle to compare with the TITAN 10-20, a big, powerful splendidly contsrucled U1a hille at $700.00 and freight, by all odds the greatest value in t ha t s ize ever ol1'el·! d. The TlTA tJ is regular with friction cJutch pulley. Tb~-value of a ll mac ' linery is in a measure determined by the number of pounds"it w('ighs , '1 hat is J10 l the only t~ ~, but it helps so~e and by. this test ~e are o ~eririg the greatest tract~r bargalll III .the world today. ~l'be. tlext and best test 0.£ valu e is the mechapical construction" We invite . comparison with' Bny tractl'r made, confident .that' none are be ~ter constructed than. ~




.' Our stock of HOUSE FURNISHINGS, FURNITURE and RUGS was never more complete than now, and the prices are marked so reason~ . ably that persons who have inspected our qfferings have been surprised at the completeness and beauty of our assortment. From our regular selling price we have made sweeping l\eductions of from

Sexuagesim a Sunday , Feb ruary 19: Church School at !J:30 a . m.; Morning Pra r e r an d serm on at 10:30. The public c'lri lial ly in v il,·rl t o th ese services.

- - ---


HARVEYSBURG FRIENDS CHURCH Meeting eve ry SUllday at thl:' r eg ular haUl!. Sund ay ~ h ool at 9: 30. Our school bas g rown fro m t en 0 1' twelve to about fifty r eg u la rs . Com e und ('njoy the day wi th li S Amos Cook. Pastor.



20 to 40% di·s count

_.- --

! ,


' •• I/:


During ~ '! e month of February. This seiling even't offers an opportunity to supply your present and anticipated Furniture and Hous~ Furnishing needs at very great savings . . There are JlO goods in this sale except Standard merchanise, the quality and dependability of which are well known to all our patrons_ . , A personal in&pection will reveal the greatest array of Furniture and Rug ' Bargains that has .been ~bown in years. /'


I .

" 'l'l Ul'lIl}:,, inn UI l "r lJ~ .. 111 uosu ,qoll

:II 'J: 'JOl'd-'~Uol;) ' lUI "1;M\lllldJ '09 ~nelJlnl1U1 811 vun '1" >ill 0 11.\\ 9 80 [11 aanel/,npul .l!UI'(J 111u!f X, f1 , 18 'lIoPIOo:rlt " 1ft 1 ' II 01U.1 01 PDUII~ UI 011' I 's"l1Iqa OIsooli PIIA\ JO lS' II 1I8 aql n


lI.I&tnO Iq (mnJOall (lU II 'ij 1".11 lIP q;)Il;).l 01 . 1·1 (1J./., I -" I'lull 8\1108 .(q P;).I I)A" J

'.!\\ON lIP 10 ...utDlnpul

lSll4111Q Joa III

"1 ~')J~ &4d~lot~ ·f!,(sp .11.\\

SJ al\UIIIl lJila.rf) PUO~ "'.


S ,(ljdD""iW

The. Big' Store' with Little· PrIce.

The S. Fred -Co:

Tbe Store That Saves .yau Money



>. •





• f'






Numbe~475 ·




WAS A SUCCESS J . O. Cartwright wa!l a ColumLus business vi Ni tor. Friday .

The Junior class of the H il.(h !<chool made their fourth appesrallCI' before Jas. E. McClure was a bUBin l'ss vis. lhe public when tbey put on their itor in Springfield, Thurauay. play in the small half of School hall, Monday nillht Mra. Delphine McClelland spent They played at Centervil!(·. Friday Beveral days Wil h friends in Leballon night. and at HarveVBbu, iI'. Salur. lI.1st week . dllY night, beinK well n·:'.·ived lit lroth placAS Mrs. Will Bradley, of Lebanon, "The Hoodoo" is a cleal!. wl' ole' 81!ent Beveral days here, laat week, ~o m e comedy in three act ~ . with a Wilh her molher . good moral. The lICene ill laid at Mrs Perrinl(Misses Marye Th omas Bnd Delll1 ton-Shine's country hom .. , a few Rich spent lhe week·end with Misses miles from Ph:iladelphia, and the oc· Alice and SueliK Sheehan . j casion i~ a hlOuse party al the LeeEarly weddln,r. Misses Dorothy Wilson and Mary 1 Trouble be;Klns when Profe88or Townsley . of Ced arvill e, were guests :>olomon Spig:Kot. a cousin vf t of Mias Betty Barnett . Monday niKht. bridegroom, and his son. Hl'lnllC huB, , Pretty Thn-~aa Katona. of Brooklyn. N. Y., oITers herself in marurive. Prof . SplllKot, willi is sn riage for $1,000, the money 10 aid her father. molher and .ix .mall The Junior Service ' Guild of ~t. ~ authority on Egypt. !rives us a Wt,.j· 'brothers and sisters. the latter all under. 15 years of age. The father Mary's churrh will meet Wilh Mi ~B I iis III and out of work. Theresa's only <!ualitications for a husband ding present the lICarllb, all b:gyptian Mary Louise Zimmerman. Salurday. I (other than the $1.00» are that he be bealthy and a Christian.. She gem. which proves to be a "hourloo" aerc... 10 wed on ber 19th birthd;uo. November Z8. thi1 year. Marl'h 4, 1922 ('lr the one who happens to wear it The parts w(~re well assigned, each EdWc1l'd F. Sa.ndt/' The Queen Esther Circle will hold player very cleverly portraying thl' a market; SaturdllY morning, Februtype called tor in the play , and Mis.' Perhaps. no murrl er myslery of re · 10,) 0:1r-ol& d a u g" l~ r ' living in- New ary 25th, at 9:30 o'clock. at Earn· CC ,lI years has so stirr ed th< · illl er· \' u r k. were only incidents in the Howland,wh08~ ability 811 a coach 9188 hArt's Hardware alore. cst of Ihe nat io n as the ,h ooti"l1 o f hrippin g l a ic of love. adventure: roo in evidence, i81 to be conKratulated. \"'rn. D. Taylor. Lasky 1110"io di. manCl~an d murd~ r. Picture is of It is impoBBible to speak in detail r~c lo r. at his home in Hull vwood. tire home where Taylor was mur. Just received a new line of Gingr, lif. Infatuation of Mabd Nor- dcrrd. Inserts are of Taylor, his of the members. We can ,"" ," 1 a nd ~jary Mile s Minter. two daughter. and Edward F. Sands, hams, Crepe, Organdi e!l, Tissue Gingonly say the cast waa admirable from e, lelr'- :lI "d screen sla rs. for Taylor ; forme r \'alet to Taylor. for whom hams, Pongees and Bilks. also other start to finiBh •. and by tbe time the Ihr f:, ~, , ha l he h~d for merly been police of the nation searched in trv. On Friday afternoon, Februarv 17, Pride of Waynesville Council, No lI'oods, at Hyman & Co . ' "'1'1,<'(1, and was Ihe father 01 a ing t o clear up .Ih.c mystery. . Juniors are Seolora, with Miu Howthe Woman's Auxiliary of St Mary's 212. initiated a class of five new land as coach, they will havtl ceaaed The D. of A degreee team wenl to ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!'!!"!!~~~!!'!!~!!'!!~-~~~~ church ~as entertained bv Mrs. membera into thei r order, W..>d nes. to be c1asaed BlI aruateurs. . . . Sarah Ztmmerman and Mrs. L. A. Lebanon, Tuesday evening. where Ch8S. Edwards and Earl Conner Mi!lS Clara Lile spent th ~ week·end Between actl!, good mualc WBI fur· Zimmerman, at the home of the lat. day mght. February 15. After lOI they put on the work .for B class of were in Dayton, Monday. with relatives at Spring Valley. nlshed by Milll! Kathryn HendentOn, ter. . tiatio:1, supper was served in honor candidates at Cedar City lodge. pianiat, and Mr. Curtis Thompson, Meeting WB8 opened by Mrs. Cad· of six of the charter members- Mr. A n ew line of Draperies and Cur· ChaR. Wright, of Pittsburg. visited vocalist. walJader readiDIl the 18th chapter of and Mrs Alfred Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman rl'turned home from tain matcrilll~ at Hym an & Co. with rela ~ives here, last Friday . Following is the cast: I Corinthiana Rev. J F. Cad walla· Carl Heath, Mr. and Mra . Ben Smith his ' busint<ss trip to Cleveland. last Brighton Early, about to be mar der conducted the devotional service. -who are leaving here soon. About Rpv .J · F Ca rlwallad er is Ilttend. Wedn8llday evening He bllught a Mr. ahd Mrs Frank Woolley and ried .. .................. Harold Whitacre In response to roll call, scriptural seventy people enjoyed the good fine lI,t of goods. all of I htl lat .."t dt:- . ing tptl Dayton Convocation at Piqua family. of Dayton, visited relatives Billy Jackson, tbe heart. breaker ... aigns and patlerns. . today . . here today. ....... .................. .. Myron Thomaa quotations were given. After the supper, att er which a farewell toaat business had been tranlBcted, the was given to the departing members Prof. Solomon SpiKgot, an autborprOiram W&lt rendered ; by Bro. Ed Strouse. following Ity on Egypt .. .... ...... .. Sarrv Howe J. O. Whitakf'r IIlnrttJJ as salesman Elhfln Coleman. of Tuledo. is visit- Born- To Mr . and Mrs. Jos. Dia- Hemachus Spiggot, his sen, aged Music-"Lead, Kindly Light" with Fred M. ('(I II!, the hardware ing his father, J . H. Coleman. for a brow, of Rou te 2, Sunday. February seventeen .............. Rhodes Bunnell man, Monday mllrnlng. Mr. Whit- r.ouple of days 19, 1922. a son. Mr. Malachi !~eek, a lively old Reading-"The Story of Garden . ,• • • • • • • • • • • Flower" ......... Mra. Bert Hart.sock • gentleman ....... .... ..... Elwyn Stubbs .ker II \\ell kn"wn all over the town'Poem-"Get Somebody Else ........ Ed BUlton and Curtis Thompson Mr. and M r~ . J. C. Hawke are Mr Dunn, tbe burlllar ................ . ahip, .nd 88 he has·h·ad a wide exper............. .. ...... Mra. Ronald Hawke ......................... .. Calvin Longacre Ience In tKrming. he will mllke a went to Dayton t"day to see the spending a few days with relatIVes Miu Amy Lee, the bride-elect ... ... Readlng-"The Wanted Childrel) Miami·Jacobs and Oriole basket ball in Pleasant Pilli n. valuable 88IIistllnt to Mr Cole. ill his ............................ Marl{aret Cook . of India" ..... Mrs. F. B. Henderson businesa. gllme Mra. Perrington-Shine, her aunt, "Somewhere a Voice is Call- ., Mrll. Alice Tenni;j. of Terre Haute. Mr. Meek's daughter................ . ing." ..................... Ethel Satterthwaite lnd .. has been viMiling her mother. Poem-"Some Wise Minds ......... .. Gwendolyn Perrlngton-Shine, who . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs Sarah Foster. .. ........................ Betty Harts<:ck dOe!! 88 mamma says........ ....... .. ......... ............. .. ... Marpret Starr Reliding-"A Chinese Woman 's Mrs. J eff Sm ilh , who spent the Dodo De Gralt,. the Dazzling Daisy Buainess..... Miss Emma HciRbway w('ek-end with relatives in Dayton. .•. ,............. , ........... Betty Barnet Reading- ·"The Man WhoGaveUp" Mra. Ima CUDlier, a fascinating .. ....... ........... Mra. Jamt!s McClure l arrived home, Monday. young widow ...... ..Cecelia liorsuch Poem-"Conversion of St. Paul" ... her angel child, 8i'ed ......... ... ......... Mrs. Ada Courtr.ey Full lin e of new Spring Shoes, for Anll'elina. If you change locations, don't forget to have eieht ................... Elizabeth Clark Music- "One Sweetly Solemn men and well· known Walk - Mi88 Doris RufUI!8, Amy'a maid of your Insurance tmnsferred. Thought." over and Petera Lrllnds, at Hyman &: honor ........... ........ Pauline Villara Co . See our wind ows. If you are not insured, we will be glad to quote Eether Thompson After adjournment, R delightful , The Brldeemalci\a It th Tlrmal' Ellis social hour was spent, during which you rates. u om InSOD deI'ICtOUS . Mr. and Mrs . Myer Byman, Mrs. .. Ruth McMillan ref resh men h... were served We ' represent only the strongest Companies, Walter Kilbon. Mra. L A Zimmer- Mrs. Semiramis Splgll'ot, mother o~ by the bostesses, a88isted by .~rs A. writing all lines of Insumnce. man and MifM Mary Carstensen went seven ......... ............ , .. Ruth Rosell . Wright and the Mi811e8 Mary Carato Dayton I his afternoon, to see the Eupe~ SPinot, her daughter, tensen and Mary umiSf Zimmerman. We handle all kinds of Public Sales. magicillll , Thurston, !leed IIlJ:teen ...... Eetber Thompeon Visitora present wef'e Miss Marv MI8Il Lon(ltlecker, public school . teacher .....................Grace P.tton Caratensen, of Cleveland; MIBB Myra Mr and Mrs. Walter W. Kruer, Lulu-by name and n.ture.. ......... Roberts, of Chicago; Mrs. Bert Bratt of Five Points. are the proud pa........................... Sylvl. Donohoo 0.; Newark, N, J; Mrs. C. G. Wi!Paradise, the colored cook, lia M' A T "'rl'ght, Mrs . rents of twin Bons, Charles Webster Aunt hi" OJ, I f 'd'· h • ttl" mson, rs. . ... Aman Block Phone 61-2 and Clifford Walter. born Wednes91 0 Il pow "u eer °d ·Sn I Lester Gordon, and the IiUle folksG , .. day. February 15. 1922. ........ F~~·;·Liitti;·sPi~~:~ ar an Betty Hartsock, Frank Hawke ' and - - -... - • Richard Williamson. A new name !'!!~~~!'!'!!!~!'!'!!!~!'!'!!!!'!!!!~!'!'!!!~~~~~~~~!'!'!!!~~~~~~_ . The Wavne Township Protective was handed in for membership at , and D elec liv~ &8SociKtion will meet this meeting . at the Township house, Saturday af- -ternoon . There will be an election of 'l fficers and busine!!8 of importance Every member is urged to be presen',



/vIc " " d ~I r ~ (' M Robilze( and dllll KI ,t.I·r W",,£, .' u,"h.y .Iinner gp e~ t ll ()f Mr H ilt! Mrs J. I) Muriatt.


I' a Hi,·1t al1d fami ly £'n te rtall1 pd . IIII' full o"illll : Ll!ola A'lkln · I .. ·" .. I' IlU.I' I" " ; E \, H M(·Milian. Itulh I I ''' I' I '' ''~'' '' . .1,."" 1-I,I('k.,1I alld Mr . 1111 . 1 ,\,1 " I·'n ·d Brll . t.J .. ck I'

;" " ,J" V.

Mr """ Mrll C. M. It"liitzer Rnd datlj,thl.!r. and Dr. nncl Mr~ . H E. lI ul h""'ay Wf're enlertained hy' Mr. >1 1111 Mr~ Emrno r D Baily. at their ~ l l u n t r y t' lJ llI e near Lebanon. Friday l ' Vt't

i ng

M r lind M r ~. Frun k IJrllddock en· ll'rla incd l he band at 'their delight· ful (!ountry h'o me, Monday evening. in honor of Mr . and Mrs. Warren ."dJ ock, who were' married , two weeks ago. A fler t.he arrival of the h(lYs, all being present but two, they were ushered into the dining room where they were served with an elegant and bountiful chicken supper. After cigars were consumed. the hoys played for an hour or two, only lhe lateness of the hour'driving them home. Maple wax was· served' during the evening. Mrs. Braddock was assisted at the dinner by Mrs. Fred Braddock and Mrs. W~rren Braddock. POltmaster Cumminp and Josef Serre! were 'also llUeets. Th" boys are all loud irr their pralae of the delightful even'lna they' enjoyed In tbis h~~~ltI home. j'

PURCHASED 'HOME Mrs Grace Llacoln:'Smith ·purchased the Orndorf bome ' on . Main street, last week. and moved intOher newly a~Quired property, Thu~8,)'.

Star Light Patent Flour

Attentio'n Movers'

Bakes Better Bread





Makes Better Pastries



Used by the Leading Commercial Bakers of this section.

· ht .· , S ears & C.a rtwrig


. I

...................................................... ...................................... .................! . . .' Waynesville Ohio

Fordson ' Tractors


If your grocer does not carry St. r Light Flour, phone us·



$ t



F. 0.,8. 'Factory



----_ ..


Usc our Classified Ads for resulta _


" Better Cakes ' Bakes


_ _ 4 _ __


The young people's class of the Lyllt! M. E. I'hurch will present the play, "The Dream That Came True," at the Lytle hall, Friday evenini, . February 24th . This play is a comedy-drama In three acts, and an admiuion of 15c and 25c will be charied the piQCeeds going to theLytlechureh Music by Frye Brothers or. Iji',"';I,.. Come.


Crown Lode" K. of P .• celebrated their anhivenary, Tburaday eveillnll', and it ~urelv wu enjoyed by the members .nd • few of their friends. At 1:80 the lodge ..t down to one of thei·r fine IlUppe.... luch 88 they alwll11, and 8'tel'1thlni that wu th tabl to t R'Ood ea w.. on e e. After supper, whlcb wu served in lh M I barl · t th lod · e 880n c lQue room, e /fe visited .nd re~ewed .cqu.lntance for ~n h?ur: after which they went to the Miami th••ter, wbere a Ipeel.1 Iho~, iru put (In for their benefit, and It wa. n eood one. too. Ab t hundred and fort" ou one " memben and Ilue&ta ..t down to th. tabla. Th. Gazette Ia very rrrateful to .t he members for a kind invitation to be one of their n\lmber for the evening. • _ !'



MARCH~. lst w~k will be the lut num-

ber of the GAZ£TTII you wlll receive unl. . you renew: ' THE MIAID GAZIITTIil. I. ~trietlJ 'CUll




The executive committee of Men ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!~~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!~!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. of Waynesville announce that they have been fortunate in securing Captain Charlee L Darlington, of Xenia, Dep.rtment Commander of th A I t ~'on for Ohio to ad e mer CiUl ...... ! ,. dr88ll the club.t the monthly dinner, -.~J. Friday eveninlf, Febru.ry24th . The dinner wl\l be aerved at the Masonic Tern Ie b the ladies of the Eutern Sta p y Irwu the intention to have had th d C thlll meetlnll' on e 22n , but al>taln Darlioarton'l eDpaements interfend; tbe aatu... of the meeting, however, will be of .. the aame charHAT'S what makea tbe lAuDacter thoulI'b.)1Wd on the 22nd. Dry-Ene. d iffer e ne and. better. This youq .oldler deaervea a large Women everywhere tell how it llfa clothes. how it ncver .dama~e. buuo.... .ttendanee of the membership. snap .fasteners, hooks and eyeS; .bow ~ --~-it dries comfort. IlI)d blanket. for the llDe m one minute btUt r th!ul Illy wri~-~ . ,,



need awringer







• The Sund., Darton N·, ... conK~ Roap ... the lint 101taiMd • plctaft of tbe . __L bubt Nil teuI aod CarlllcCI..... dler to cub hit boDaa cb..., IlU!t 'at the coli... 'w'; week. lmmetllateIJ followiq him, • ........ otbeJIftDt to the but to ilion • • of team, 'l'be _ .. ~. boD... ebeab .......


bow it makes' it unD"ctl~ for YOIa .to , . ha!Ids in 'lwt or cold waler. · Bat let ,'UrI give you a demon traHon-thal!. ,,...., -JI~_':::;';;~L_.UlI" ·prove.. Phone UI rocIay. . YOIU

.1 'f



The Miami Gazette, Waynesville. OhIo.




. 9--- ---------·--·········. By MARTHA MACW ILL [A MS .



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skr·I I (i1' ht')std f'\ It.

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall Veterinarian




\ 1. D1RECTOI~



g For sale dates. ca ll W. C.

(, S mit E' s Stofe . New B urlington . or Harveysburg


O hio. phone i -2J1 .



Wayn es vi lie. Ohi c.


F ully Uquipped fOf Go" u Service. . L arge Display Room



. ----~ , -------

It r nl !'o l' IJ n 11ltl ~ h frOtH whlll'\,(or \\' n~ In Ihp lree. F ol lowed IIIC c ry: "Sf' YOII UrI"l! I' m n II'ltch I ('" m t' SI'C .I·ullr nll ~t ll l((!1 I'm till n llYe-lI llI l h l ~!(" r. [' dQ be l"~ '· e. Ih nn nil t hree of you put to!(Clhpt. \\"It h ~hnt <1mpPf'(1 Into s ls;h t II p lu mrl s h girl. III knlcl!c rs. norfolk jo cke l nnd stou t wo lld ng shoes. A not. s(J unre cllse II'IIS slu ng ac ross her br(,fls t. She corrled 0 lon~. li gh t p ole with a flimsy wisp at t he eud . "I h unll'lI so hord T 91 p t th e minute 1 j,:ol IIx('(1 right up t h ere," she so[d, nn<1<1 lns; lownrrl Ih e I1llple 0 '00. " And 1 dnn't know JlI~1 w he re 1 nm, n ow . [ '111 own ke. T I' II mo. pl eosc--IR Ihls Pl)s.";l un Parndl sp. 7"

" Nn' m, no'lO ! . IIIt·s t 'u rre r wO.l'·1 te r yn n side. 0 ro r piece!" t hree vokes s lll'lII ed III vo rylng ..chonls.



Waynesville, Ohio Nationa l Bank

,,"h e

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w ith n whlt nslt 'nl

.,: t ~ IIf1!'O."

T e le phon e 9:1

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All Hie Crit ics Ha d Sai d of H im.

sml1l'. "AI"o 11I~t. F ind me n lld tllke I1IC · h" "'e- Ihe" \le' lI see flh oul Ih e

Fo ur th Stree t. n ea r'l'ylllr

i Wa y n eSV ill e. Oh iO "TIF~F ANY'SI ~ - -------- ----- -• Optlcal S. Detroit St. Xenia. gJ St) ~ eveDlnis g esse an ey, Walter

Oe '~ rve d

wit prP ?"




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tw l p II PI' "' ")10"'1', Hlltl thul1k her


" \\'ll t~ I'e

Is hOIlH'?"

B er t delllllnlled,

"'}"'el' Top- t he Pc n n IJ 1~ t ol'S Ilv l' (h Pl·P. [ CIUllO '"I )' Iwfore y!!~t e r' IIIY . " ~11('

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" Wlshl I 1(110\\'('" wh ul ,1'0 11 h('('11 whnl w ith ," Am os n·hll ll t lll·- ulid ,·en tul·l"1. '1' 1,,· III rl 10 lI ~ hed surtly. tnuched he r ('li se hnd

SHill :

"Oart'n tt s ilow yuu

nUII'- tll ey mlgll l fl y aW II )·. Bill they or bu lt (' r fll es IIn, 1 WIISP S il lHI t h lng~­ n lid tl , .. ~· WCI'P ,'U 111'111 tid _ wny." ~ h nk · In\: out t he I1l't upo n th e end of I he pole Rnd w ith It Imp risoning II "lIg rlln t g rn ~s h OP(1Cr. The trio te ll upon It. wl"'"plng Irlu mph. n lmo~ t hre akl ng ' he !le I 1111(\ mash ing ti nt Its In test ca p· t l\'t'. l\e fo re til e boys could untnngle th clI ,"cl\'cs Ih ey were Rnotch ed s ud· d(>lIly upright while 0 mUll Il ~ke d angrlly : "W ha t ure you rnJ(o rnu Hl ns doIng?" '1'hen, In a dltton'nl key: "SIlY, EII(~ II . IIII\'C th l'Y been bot hering you?" "N,.- Ihey lert thot f or you." E ll en Ra id un~rnt erull ... mllk lng 11 fe int of co tCh lnJP.' J ock In OI C reco\'e rl'(1 net.. "Run uwny. ~ poll i;rto r t : ' s he continued . "I ne'·c r 'hove luck whil e you slay. Butte r nl ('R m u ~t fec i how you h a te t il m~ nllll kl'ep OUt of sight." "l 'ln htl,..... to hate r1,·ul . I fl.m





----.. ..-----

I'IEL t..O JOt-i!'.! :

11'tI S IS MAIN. ''«) 1) OI{)l\I'T FORGET MY

L.E11'ER ''010 "r'CXJ ?


(bOI of t he houl) the III DO our fo r . tdher. 11800 to rlilse, bi g b u n ed , bill II VOtl!. big eyes aDd big bo ga. If y o n waM wha l t he people wanl , ge\ tbe IIpOtB . Th e old BOW I S the morlllag il lifter, the rarm builde r ; s be e nrlohell JOor soil 'Dd feedl the ho06ry ; eh e bullda tbe sohoole and ohurob6ll, lind wlth on t her America woald go to the bad floanolallv . Uive her a ohllDoe lind I he will eduOII'e she ohlldreo. Tbe Ireal ell' era we hav e ever ae eD is jOlt abead for the WII O wh· . will do tha square thing wlt h tbe old 80.1W . Bolt!! o f all agall and d all t llll88 for 8.. le . The , lue bred right IDd are nrioed righ t K E. rbompaon . ,be Fie ld MIlD. O r8Roula , Wa rre n C£'onty. lIhlo. R . D. I. (Jhon !' 11l-1,Y,; Barv e Yll bllrK rin g. II"

Til l!:




(~o ,

:luI Reo t llO hll1 r Blllg • HIiWIl to u , lJ. f :!:!



R1NU In yoor Barnellll and ba v e U r e patred betore th l! tlprl u g ra8b beKi n ll Fr r d M l,;o la , W, y . f ~2 ol!ll vllle. OhI o .


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"b"\1 I, " ... .(\ n.lO"p. ',ot.

hU\lol1 nlC~ ","I 1l" ..1! 111" :.I IIIl tll Qt1lr H 0 1. M ,~. Hr""'·. ' "r. ' I bll d


O,e scnwl Iile "'liS slngulnrly hantl · "II II I' I \ ' !l u s l~' for putr4HlnJ,rt', "Tulil' 111(' (l oJ: 10 M I14S L Hr eenysonte. hlul'k ·lo w wp ,l. nil \'e ·~ k i ,,"pd wll h red Mhll"'llI~ 111 dl)' .. k IIl1d II I'. II lul tlll~ r l;.rht 0(1'." :-:he ord .' l·cd , Awn:\, we n t h4l,\"!'1 lI THt till,!.! \\' 1' " n who" I): TrH:~ n n l t;h t·IlIt1 ~k hul l'. 1.""". II I IIII'~l lalh)·. \\'1111 A n n e. I~ lI c n wpnt too-no 1\'0lHlpr EII .. n ~ 1 1I1·tlll 11111","1(;,1 nfrl' r 1I1,rh,- r to h fm , n~ltll~ from I ..lo r PUl of fUUIlC"Y . ' t" "" ",,, '1'1·' 0(' ·I't, p. 'f' lw r(' Ril e wa lk ed His pu rs uit or her. uhJPC l 1I11,lrlm uIIY . . i1l tf) tl tt' t h ' lnJ,: rOOll l , snylnl( even ly to hut! Ins tc,1 two Cull Y IIrti wltilnul !,,'ur tl,,· 1l " .. ",blt',1 rlll lllly: "JA't JIll' fllI1I 1111U, '(' all (' n ~ n gPIIH-'n t . An ne. Jrr un f'l wlun ln g n [lo, lt1 ve yes or uo. " [ f(,lt _ure Y"" werc 1051. I\ ow th ut "III1~ I " "r ot Mr. J lllllrs SWllc k; t o Olf. l'\'e rOllnd l·OU. I nfl'lI n to lUke you ttlI' d 1 " 'l lnln~ t on , I-~,.. q ." h ome," h(' slIl<I mll sle rrlllly. Formatlon .of Velna of Gold. "BU I you won'l," 1':lIcn retorteC\. Olle u r tile 1II0s t loterestlllg ot aw " My guides he re C.. ufl d flh' nr, l . Anol t" ry lire e lll~nJ(e,1 If) tllke Ino- by the 1U1'" s prO CcS R~l! Is thut by wlJlc h c l'll c k~ III ,'01(-(1111(' roc ks nre tl lI NI In IOllgest w uy rUII IHl. " "I'll sn,'(, th em II" .. ' I r,.uhl('. lIut fl ut with IlIlI l "rlo ls br"u ght UJl In hot solet Ihl'lII lo"e Ihp 11I·"tll." UfO'IIrt! un - hlll,,"" tr"lII lil l! I'o"'e ls of th e eurlh swered. Ihr us ll" g Iri s 1' "I1U In hi. II I_ l1y l hls meli ll S tllll t "vl!lus" II Dd " l o!l~5" of gold nn" sll v.. r lire fOflued pocket. [ n the easl ern lJur t uf Icellliid there Ellcu's eye s 8tny, '" hll1l . "Unlh: r· stnlul- Ih l. I~ 111,1' ItITn lr. 1 kp t!11 IU~' Is a lucu ll ty where s ud l l'rucks 10 r ock, wnrfl-nlwflYs." f.l ft~ ~lIh l _ "N ow, otT hu\" he('u tJlled 10' with 1I (Jure car· l:uIIO',' ur Ilml" wh ic h fOri ,.., ci pa r a nd with you . wh lh' Iht' ,,11Ing Is !!IIml," C ro ~s. pxiHl! IIf1 nrl!l1l or tlt e j.! ul l l C'~ 1)(,11 1111fu l cry~ll1l s. Th ese crystol s call ed o rt cr 110 II n(1 S\\,lIl1j.! u\\'a~' r rrn'('t l f'1I ~y " "'~""11 1 ~ pur: ' 1,lIve It IJl!culio r prop nn" frllilfui. .\II"" ·S ",,"ur Wll8 " 1'1 .1' ur "pu lllrlzlllg" lig ht . whi ch mll kes t rnn ~l! tlf '(1 Illto dr('II~, ("Hllin),; n("xt IhL"1Il ndllulJlfJ (o r use In cunnec tion w\'t'k. fllld llf' n"!nr,II't, 11\' ,\' 111)(1 hupl '. wil li lul (' rIISCOIlt!s uD,1 oth t! r o"tl cu l )1('1'1 l\'IIU I~( 1 " 11111" phl ~' III!lW 10 IlIstl'lllllt·lItS. \\,1 1111 11 I.I.e Ilist tew years depos Its ('1 ,,"11 (' (Iown OUI ,to 1(' I ho: hi li 111,,'1" IIIHI or 1c"luud spur lu,,'!! bCf'1I d lsco\'(!roo ,1l'~1' w llh Ihl s hl·,,, 1 " " thl' "1110,,,·:oontrlt'lh lllJ,! rUl t In h (1 t.bou ght uf with III !ojIl'C"ll:rnSs cOllnl ),. M Oil !' nnd In the ~ ro\\'n - lI J1 tl (l~~ of g-t' C, \\' Il -tll' I"'()- llor \rllrl"' I' mn~1' npnr Cedur\' lIl e. Cal. IIlIIlIe lo d e,·elop pll'. Jil ek slIl,1 dlh l~· . "1)11"';.:' ond E rr"rts u r~ Ilol lllr? Wlt,l' 1- 1 WO lit ',,",- jes t t he lll. '(,IIJ1"e [ do." Hut ~1' l ill,' Inqul~ltlnn hrulI A'ht OJit Ih nl I"n~1 1 would realize ' Newfoundland. Ills flrl'lIm nt red lIre ond Ilomon CII II . , :-;,'wfm11l(1I1111 " h". nn " "ea of 42.734 ' rllf' ~ fo r the Fourlh. but over the dog ~I\ullrp mil,,". w hh'h Is l10t Quite six he lio l red. l-wl"11 1l1! upo n his bo rc feet tll (lIl~1I 11 11 ~CJlInN' II1 l1 es less tbon the until Am os snl<1 ~1J:gl1nA'. " [ kno\\'-;- II r('n of Novll Sc:Mla lin d New R runs. t1\1ll'~ ler gll'e M I~s [,oreeny. Ollr wl cll or It Is JURt tw ice th e oren ot tClI l"he l- sll(> s IIY" ' he's RO owfu l lone- 1\0\'11 Rcnlln Alonp. Across the s rmlll ~orne u[, In her bllnJerlo . . now h "'r . or TIr il .. 181e nn,1 up rhe Ilort h coalt mnll'/; !lone gone." . or Ihe mnl nl ll nd Is J,ohra dor . w hich I. "F'ln('. elln W I' liet Oll e r ig ht owoy?" P <l"'Pl'lll l l'llI'~' or Ncwrnunrllnnl!. Th e EII l'n IIRk ed. Th e 1,"l11,1 l'" nl)(hled li ke l'lI'lICI IJf>lI ll1ll1 ry Iw l ween Lllhrndor and o Ma nda rin chorus. Ole MU n Swock. th e prO\' lnce ot Quehec hos n ot yet It flPllE' nr('d . hl1l1 n litter or cockers. ' h(,pn ,I.. flnltely n~r ", h ut !I.'ewround. fi n e fnt, cl1 rl y fell ows, JU81 weuned. : 10'n,1 ("I nhn s, III Il'list . 120,000 square No-he dlrln 't I'" so t ur <Ju t!)n the ,,"lI p~ on t he maln lnn!l, whi ch added woy-no m Or'n er 1II11e-bllt he "'II R 10 Ihp 1" lnn,1 nrpn lO ~ k es ' o total 01 ti ght ns th e hnrk of a tree. 'I'hree ; lfi:!. j:l~ . whl>'l l 10 I1hl1o~t one-halt . . doll nr s-I hlnk or It !-tor 0 pup ~' nu III'en of Brlt lsll C(Jlu ulbl&. could ni gh !put In ye r pocket. Yet, he ' ne,'er ~I" e .An ne 8 ce nt of Ihe money Radium Clearl Throug\l Bureau. for all her trouble fcedln ~ ond brUSh. , [ t I~ dOllbtf ul It mlllly persons of Ing on rl keep ing Ihe ke nncls cleu ll. I h~ Unlt,' 11 Sl llle~ know Ihnt eve ry bIt Anll ~h e W08 heller lookln' ' n hl ~ ' or ' rnlll ul1l In Ih e cIJllntry c len", b Cflt dn wg--oI Cl' eve ry WOY- lI e ve r l lhrOU J: II t h .. hll re llU of "Inn <l nr ds In m oulh ed nor l11uit crell - on rt olwnys WII ~h ln !(lon. hUI such Is the ells". The reRll y 10 slip you n[lples or penches- 'foct thl11 the rll.ll ulll prf'se nt e,1 to Mme. I;O<'h n God's plenty t hey b a d ol ways-- Curl .. r" I ,o ~"'11 In Ih(' " IIU1t S ot the bu IInll Ole Mo n wn nlert fl l"e cents a pe ck I'e nu ot sln lld ll rlls unlll It wos taken for a ll y<)u tnok 8 MI Y· to Ihe p urSl'r ot Ihe S. B. Ol ymp[e Is Ole Mnn. Iru n. grizzled. s tooped, 0 se cret whl ~h n ow mA Y be made pubdod<le rlng o n t he su rfa Cft, bri er-s ho rt> lie. helow. tll's.. r~p" n il his crit ics hlltl l ~ alll of him. 'l'lIlk or n trIOd e mll de him 011 hil i hUllln n. y co-h e hnoJ tin e pu ps Etiquette of Sealing Wax. - "p ln gll l' th e IlIel,- loot go l Ann e hod In th e d llYs wh en ull c orrespondence '''Ill 1111 nut "'n lkln'- t lle rfl sCII18 " ere was seul el! , tlle re \\'88 e tiquette about gllll n' so flit Ih t'.\' ncor los l b renth I' th e use of scu lln g W8X. Roya[ty would play in g. She cOll loln't be gone mu ch Klve sorne ru vor lt e courtier the 801. 10nge r- ,yh l('1t WII." hnd sh e gone? Oh , ! right to use a cerluln colored wax, !Iown t hl' frlf'l ltlpr· ronrl - s he WIIS fool- ' and offi cprs (If th e Sl ut. would each I~ h Oh .... lt the crcpk nlHI Iln~ l eH. nnd bave dI Rthl!(u IHhl'd color., In IMcb tha Rer h. lIIolI l:llt h ~ )'011 I"ould nnd her e r II\rne wa y ,, ~ s lalr nfficera of the army YO ll I ml l" l'il ' tI ""~ th ot \\'n)·." Jo:ll e n wellr colorell " ta bs" 1I0wadayli. sm iled. I'lI lrl Ihp lI~ r"e<1 p l'l ~('. an (\ • - • Wll lkl'd Mr. (' ~l l1n;: nvc r he r sh oulde r : ' "nptnPruhl'r 1'111 In tnke my pl ck- nnl! . Don't Want 'Em. yon nol <1 l1l1rn· I." IIIdl80 dts hes <lOO yeurs old, and ~ h p. f elt nn ll c.'o lm tobly t ender to- su pposed to posses s the "mHKlc" prop. wor n Ihls Im~po:n Aline, vIs ioning he r ertl ea of hreaklng In bIts If touched a 8 rustic, r OIl",j und rosy, ha ppy com· with pollon. have been IIOld by auctIon ro de to til e Pll1!J,) " ·S. n9 1o t he Bl uck- In Loodon recently.-WUh[oItOD Ey ed S U. OIl 8 Bnd hpd s;e r.o ses. It took S tar. h er ull I\ba ck to com e s nd <lpnly ot n eb nrr hen tl of Ihe wny npon 0 blessed dOll1olse ll c. fn lr, 1.... .1,len. \II~' · ~l e nd e r, Can Draw. "Iary, Anywa... cloth ed In ..."rll"~ .."N'('II - nnd heltl t fiS t The otnce ot British prime mln[at.r In 't he o rms of Mr. ClIrf(lrd PrnlJl ngl oll. pays uo salary, but the mlln wbo "YplIl Even'h,,"!' I" F ll en Sl1l d low bolds that oll'lce con mo ke hIm self any and Im rerntl \'~lv .. ;rhe' gU I(ip~. hu lf eort or mInIster be wishes, luch aa ~1'\J~l n !! li N mot'!;·l'. ol?l'y<,d with n w il l. ' chan cellor of the exchequer, which S when PJ'esentt-· s he sn llutm·(·.1 rur., Vays $25.000. l

"'1'11.'1\ , m us t he sll lTle wh e r e p.1~e; h ut


~~~~::=:::=:~~~ Ig

III ~ lI l te ot

\\ :11'1'1 I I ,,"rl' wus flllly .o\nnt! 10


om' HUII IIf nUll ' th j ' ~' I nkl' hcfUf'(! I hey




.pmll i . Srpds nf t he K" 'llllcky c" ITe e tree ",,"l lie In Ih ~ ~"""nll n t least two YCflrs bcrnrp 111 ('11' hnrei cou ts ur a suffi Cle lltly sofle nCd 10 nll ow the sp rout 10 escape. while I'ollonwood ' seeds <lI e within II ( I'll' h(lurs It th ey do 1"' 1 ru ll on (n"nt'lIll "" M il.


U c" ' I'ItIll Pl',


Tree Seeds by No Me a ns Alike. Tt'('l' s >('d s \' III' Y'" " ;:1"4' ;11 1." III th~

..................... , ~:

(,(: 1 '1H'

P enlllugtoll. "uld >'C ..,\\,l\uII.

AIl" ' tI~"lly I hI' qu e. II"" 1"1<1 bren Hhol r""II' till" Irl' ~'s ,1l'Pl h • . APPI·plu!I, sll·(' I.,· th r II •• .\' " . III led towllrol II . elll'h k e l'pln~ hlm st'lf 11111'· row-Ihllt Is t.. Sll), • • houltl e r In""l'll on tli P ~ h"I.". l l'r III (rollt. IIIIU 1""I"'d III IUI"n lIy Ihu t In th(' r,'lIl·. 'filUM they mild., 11 b lO lrll ~· 1111 ." hl"t chy

I / • This serial will appear in The"Miami Gazere Mar~h 1st

Ohio by appoin tment



III ~hl . \\'h ~n th l' np(llp ~ "hit." Ihlll I. tn ~n,· m'N- hl1r~rll"1 1 tI,(, 11 \'I nil hrnl\t'I'~R. orr hll rr\lpss f" lk 1",,1111' ",,,I


r:J P o[and.ChlnaBogs. Englls b bred



Deparot m ent

DIU Type old .f"lIhl o u e d


furl....("l r d('s IwmOrt' nl h 'p

IIU .... II . ... 11 .. 111 11 .. 1111111111111.111111 11111 111 1111 11 1. J 11"11'11111111111

.~ ,

<Y>'r\' ~


PoUy hmdf, crude and untaught, but beautiful in face and fine in spirit, is an adorable heroine. loyal through thic1c and thin, tempestuous at times when her anger is aroused by wrong or injustice, but tenderness itself to all' weak and helpless creatures. The situations in "Storm Country Polly" are tensely emotional, skillfully portrayed an d adroi tl y handl ed, and the reader's sympathy with Polly and her people never lapses from start to finish.

Glasses ·Fitted






were equally affected by the sweet, pathetic little heroine as acted on the screen by M ary Pickford, will be channed by this new tale of the squatter folk who once lived on Lalce Cayuga. a few miles outside of IthaCla. N.Y.


II " \


ci:d i ·ll .. e


II. .~~~~~ectI~ 1 .

ONEY L lJ ll n ed 00 li ve etool<, ohatte ls, al ..n 8eoond D1o r tgB j/eH N;)\ el! b o ullbt. J .. hn 8arbin e l Ail eD BuUd log, Xen\ " Ohio . 6,4.22

fl·'!" I· ... 1 hlr .l !>)I~­

~HE MILLIONS whose heam were touched by ~e story of "Tess of the Storm Country" or who

........~I · t ,o- ~ •• .,. "·H' ••••••• ,

! I a .. . 1,

"·,I :~ lll':

rl lPwl n J.! 111(-- j'11Il , nlHI IIt,drl.·t! tlu'rp li t

tittle, Brown and








WE BA V~ .. r mUlled I Uf Ii ~ \I eclul P al IUIIO to t.~lie ...JI,r Pll p 01 f urm· orH 1<) IOHI)1101 ou r tu n ... u ~ W.. 11I.1I1 farm s 1I 0li r ,l uo k ~o o v ll .,. J Oin tbl ~ pll r tv tl od l!toe ", n il Y·, Uf o wo 8ye,, ' w hit.. N "r,b 61 n a o e,,~ )' OliO d o in t h a 8u u ~ 1l . lJa r 0010 1. v of Uhl o f,u · Ole r l! ll .. v e 1>r od u c~lI l em lulillble r0801l 8. A ll hl l/. h /):1 f 11 .000.00 hil t! baeo t u kan f r o Ul ,me o t a ur t weDt y aor e t r ll ote 10 .. u., o r oI' a od t hef e lire t WlI o r 11"" " .Jrup~ " y a .. r . U ur ten II IHI I weu ty fl 0 11l t r hottl ID · oluda II w uda rD h o u ~e w ith r uo · o l UK wllt e r Ilnd elt!o trlo \llIlI ts lind IIr l pr iced wUh lo r " .. oh 01 .. ny at! . 'abl1s h tld tarm e r . T heile !mrml! a d j ol o ooun~y lIet" to w n wbe re u e loaded g uod ooh nola "ort ohuroh 8t1 . W e ar e io vl tl og lIerlo u . mlode d . r o. p un s l bl e 'Ium erl! , n Iy 11II d 8u ch t h ill trlv will "vve .. l tllr ll uil ly . W r il e fn(l.u far dll l,.. i1~ .


r1t ' h ~ I.~ t :h' iulI' ,t n t!

Ihl' 1>llIln ('"rlh Rurfnl'P. lold Ih>ll nil\\' for n t!l'fH' rntlon ('o tt I r unnln J.: 0111 1",,1 Inll1 tl,,,rf' Ihroll " h l \i ldllll~'


We Put T! ' em O n '

f OUlI,1

1l,l v f'

l'1 '


Wilmington , 0. , phone 301.

RI>lr"('1I111: frllil dol'NI Ilnrl 111,."'111,,1



I 'll t u' t..

,) ho t, ,/: r,\p h

t l..' 11

j'nlll(' t r1ll'-

w lu l1 \\lIuld Yllli dn 11 III I11t It'" Jl v nlrn tr nl1l llhll\(: r h f'il' !14~Hds Iflqull't'rl. :--; "11 1', ,11 Inl., l1J1l' l:.:!Jt ll l ' '' ~, tlu" hll~-"l 1 (l , ~kl' d Hhllll l 1h" 11I t ll l '~' hUfl tWt' lI 1,\ I II:.! f: 1i t"' 111 1\\,11 In I III' ~" 'rtIl Il n ' r1 Ih,l d , !lfll' l" ~o l'!!i ll~ 1" " III "'t '''' '' ~ \\11 11 It hlt ' I , I ) f'r rl l \ ~ IIl1d wll <l fll\lIl1~ , On h~ \"\ilH I WPl'fI I!II:tl"I ,-d (\1.1 np l ll~ It't'.' ~, ~Ol1l1r1 11"1111 11 11 lind np a ql lt' wHh' nne 1H"ll fll l , 11 .11( · 4\ " 1141 Iilw(' r hrnnf'11Ptol;.



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Money to Loan on Farm Land for fi ve years at 6 per cent. TERRELL « TERRELL,

.t 1t -

H ~ ;,t t h e \ \ hll"

Nll'd l .... l '.






Pity ttl. Poor Aut• . <I r,'al, "' "y n ".vIII.· t l l"o w i k l' lIn"hum, ,.. 8p l{'llflt·lIt. f re ah ,," ,1 lIew: Wl'lIt In the "Ii: 1" 1.•' R ..• .. h" O~ ,11 1!:1Jl1ll" 1'1. c tutJun " " , ' ... Ct·...... (, : "q t h u1l ho i" tlvO! huod red pl"" k~ - ~ " lIu to f rel Hull ~ lew. NOl h u\'llt~ \\' t H~ r(aw ltJl ' lu nl l,.r u Cl\ u vt'nt '~I ' ("''', H ' 01 III '" tt .II " II to tlUI " . a coyer rflr hlij car. It'a tN' h. " .H' ~ v." p " "" .. " .. .. .... , 1I 11 111 .... tt I ta ndl ng out III rul ll ulid enow InO "~ I y I . q tllr f' " f .1. B l ;h KI,w n n 12:l wh eez in g with cll tor rl.. Y" t J 8Y. be O R :-\A \, ~~ lIH I E .~ ~~: Th,.J 1" , .. lov(!s hIs 11'118 much hw . ull d "nuBtll of I Q'1il II • ... " lt h " IU)· II I L ,·I" Z I I 1\ wllh Joy ; h e'll no lI",rp Ih ! n~ of l1li11· 1 ~2 Ing It thlln p l tin " with his boy. III. ' 0 prpfn l~"''' , ",owpr. whIch h ~'!1 hall r"",. yt!Mra, Ie abellt'red wIth II 8lwd. while 1I11t" AGENTS WANTED It u.nd~ III 1111 ou tlloal·~. w il li oUUlht abollt Its hen d .-Bxchunge. J oy J Uijper boug h t



-------------------W AN rE11 t··. ,,"



Tribute and Tax. Trlhul l.' Is money. com modi ty of ,alue or ser vIce relld erp<l by one rul er or state I" a nother Iu lokeL1 ot submission: while ta xes ure fl nancJa l bur· dens Imposed by a sh lte upon It8 own su bjects. [n eurly rl m('~ there WDa n o~ th is distinction. to r. un, ll'r th e f~ ud o l . ystem espccia ll y. tflxllt l" n. t rIbute alld reu t w~ re orte n Ident ",.. L • _

~ t.EM ~I ICN

nrder .. t u r lubrlO ,r 10"

~ D d paiote


~ ,l fnlltl "' ''I I III ,

\<1drf.\illI T HE Vl ,;rUR 011 , , (). .:t v .. land . Ohll), ·, 1


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- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - ~ u lll , "l(' ~ fi . R · .n k H"fl., " " Ul In' 1("'" z · vl gur 1\),"" br.-rl , t ." I",' .. l lIuk lJ,, 11 ,.hu o n MI- 8 W" . n .,.YIII~ IIhl... ,, 8

C·'1.1111K !'\nM R I.


Tamed Without Being Tanned. G U ~- ~ . ( '. R l. I{ .. d EO/~!O or AUiOl rnlio n l'OJl cr- "Th e piny preI\Il la, I" q 'l lro •. f ~ Irr.v dnp. eentl'd W0 8 Shn ke " '!n re's ''I'nnning ot k ill ' , Wa ' n l'lIv l llp. Ubi '" .. 8 Ihe S h rew,''' We ~eell l to recn ll t hat I'elr llc hl o flouri she d a whi p In one ./ e r Il8.' C "W8. on .. , ro 8h ",,1I.h 0" tf'"' scene. but we don't t" luk h e IIctuall:r :I wAe ll . .. 1<1 A 180 1 Uml t. rH truunced th e obstrepe rous In dy.- Bo.· C" h, oo wlnl 2 y,,"r8 o ld . ~ tN . ton Tro n~ crlpt. RJo lu., pbone 31-2,Y,;. Wll y n"e vlll", Oblo. 0.8




____• _ 4._ ---

Notiee of Appointment Itl tate 01 Emma S'&n\oa ..:bapmaD. 01 ...


O 'r o r See d Ol\ '.~ . II q lltr n or JR. All e n. R. 0 I , W ll y o e~ Yllle Uhlo o.~

. Yel\ rllng B'I'.l Ib" u R~d 1' l1r~ 8 Y Notice II bereby glveo that J OIJIIph D. U a bbh· r . I " q \l ' re 0 1 Mr .. M dUl, .ppolnUMI aD~ qualt• ned u AdmlDla'ra&or wit h 'lie will &poued w. ~llv e r, R o . ~ , W ,l y u ll_vll hl 01 the E.t.ate 01 :Emma Btao\o0=r.mUl, U hl o, 011 late 01 W........ OOlln'y. Ohio. dec . Due<! Ibla Ith da, 01 February . lin. W. Z. ROLL. lI'OX 'rERRI E R PU PPlli: 'i fn r ~ud.. o{y.~~,:~oW~lo. . lit. I" : mlll"s • • 3.00; fo w u l" • . tl AlloO F. Browa . A'\7. lp q alre at :::;"wyer' .. Ur ooery. l :.Ill

cea~ .

Ohapmall baa _



---_. - ..._---

Notice of Appoinm.ent

UY lJ LE-·I' b ol rI 9 16 l IM., r MU l'OR I" q ulre oyola an ti tlI,10 l,;/H .

Itltale of IUI&D B. Aa7"1ft. d--.l. Notice '- berab, "vea 'hat Malcolm BIa· ph.m h .. been dullappolnWKI and qualllle<t u Admlr,lIItra&or 0 ·'be K.,a' a 01. 8~0 B.

Hay: ,,1116-17 A Lo'lI'ca\lofP Tlmotby illa. welgb aoout 50 Ibol

of Il&rold !:iurgo. W"yull~ v i " , Oh io fllll

Hayollt. ata OfWurenCoIID. ,.Ohlo,LlIICtI&Md. e .. ob Inquire of John Rubduon Da~ ,bla lotb day 01 'ebru.rZ ...... n. R, D. S, W.ynf8v\lle. UhlO. 1112 W z. ~LL. Jud.. elf 'be ProbtiM Oourt Warrell OOUIIQ', Oblo UljUY-ltubber,·Ur .. BOI(I(\I. with Robert J. Shawban. AU,. ml storw front C(lll phone lS4-1 y' or addre", P. O. b o.lx 84, Wayoe .... ville, Ohio . f22



----.. ..----

Notice of Appointment

OW-Frel h Jeresy Cow ; Qll o" Calf, .bOll' ready '0 veal ID E.tate 0,'1"'\. ZIII!J deceued. Notice lI~by .. YIO tha' D.. ph ...... zen qilire of John W . Beaoh. R. D. II !leOI.lland baa ~ dUl, .ppolllWKI Uld qu.l123 Ifled .. Execu'rlx of lbe E.'ate 01 Lol. zell. W.,D8IIvl\le, Ohio. lale 01 WarreD Oouol,. Ohio. d~ Da~ ~b. 11.' 4a7 01 JUlUU"Y UU. N 8 Y8lr-old Borlle, good "or_er 6 W . Z R'LL. . Judie 01 'be. Probata Oourt, "DJ'~here: wl1\l8l1 rllht. ID In . Wamm CoUOt,. 0Il10, q Qi~e 'of l)b . .. IilY.-Da, nellr 81\0k. ,e _ _ _ _ _•• ~4.__--~ 1 lohoul' hoqle, OD "le"oo.1 ro .. ~ ,1211



Notiee of Appointm'ent Eot.le of &UDIce A.


Notice Ia btftIbl trlveo


wright b .. beeII duly appolDtad

I; o.






P O".r ~'b'Ung ' B ID A lar,. .004 09I1dl*loo . Tom Btob JJ;,

1 mUe "811 01 o.""OD ; 00 she OilY \ o n &I . Lebanon pik~. filII



aa Admlrl\&tra&or de bOllIa DOO 01 the .teta 8ult.l" , D"~ ~I.b brokeo 01 .ull1Ol A, ...... I.ta 01 W _ (JaUD',. aDd ,bIPPiD I1 0llV',.; 1l.Jt12 1 'eD\; Ohio dliolued, ,. Dated 'bll 30,b da, 01 tin, 1 JOI Car" ,iDqulr• . Ol airs, Nloa ,W. z. Beolle" WaYDII8YllIe, OhIo. till! ludn of ... PrObata' oou~. , Warren ,oouQ'7.01llO. Dean It. BtUlley. AU,. • •• ueed IJeLIIY.LCre.m 8epar.~r price 'bO o lnqolre 01 I'red .. Col"? WaYDenUle. O~io f211 ,


- ---"




Notice of Appojntment

E8tata al IIU"Y H. Keollld" d-..d. b..NO~ 'ba' It:.. ~, Kelilltd, ........ wdb.ftI,ftlb"p~.!."D ul a ~III~ Uld ..ualUle<! u I AdmlDldraloor 01 'h...,.ta 01 MM'J'II. KeoDldy, l.le nl ~1I"b' \ D.taII 'hla 3u.1I ., 0 ~ . ~~O'lL. mB lu4f~~~o~~'




fry our Job Printing

. The Miami GUette, Waynenill.. Ohio.


GA·ZE TTE·....

l SWED EVERY WEDNES DAY E Ul-c red al thu

D. L.

l*( .n

nl,'e at"

a, n . .. ,

fill . ( ' tl c •

u. ,. , . , I e '

I, ••

I II l'


l' Al\ E, E ditor and P IILIi ~lrel. WnJJl(' ~' iIle,

I '




Subscrintion Price , $1.50' pt'r year 1


Poem hi uncle John CITY VS. COUNTRY Y~u olin 100 1 "roond tbe Olty, till you re old e nllU~h to die with yer 80ul .. · !Ce Hlo' sWtO li e r ave;y mlnnlt; 1 (j U II kbloh yer"ll lf a . longln' ler Il Itr"'cb of IIZllrA .(IY, Of to m edde r wll,b 8uw e oluvar- bl0880ma In It . . • You olin bllng lIfooDd the Bh~l1v s)Jot" lin ' looler den" of tuwn trYln' to Willie 'em tblnll you Ilr~ oontented.-but d on't you !orter re .. lIze yuu 'ro Iryln ' to 8wlil)er dOlilln liS big" he II~ evor WIiS InvAnted? Yoo ODD JOK .. muna the pavl'ment. n ot enjdyln' aoy luad, r.o' pflltend 'bd yon .. re hapiJY thnUllh rotlred, -Lnt., blume It 1lII, yoo'd rut·h"r trot aluoK a uounlry r Ulld, wbere liceule

policemeD liin ' L require d . You olin ~lleed o~, atl y uo WilDt to , o r Blow up like 8 'IDIiIl, o r tlikll a nAp I rfokon If you're slel\py ,--yoa dream ab 'l nt the 'OIty JU"n ... 8wea'lo ' In bls j"II, 80' the very Idell 8t.artll von feelin' oreepy . . . Now 1\8t,eo to a foller th..t Ip .. ble to ad_ ville -It wonldn " be tbe truth If I denl'ed It..-tbe IIUle f .. rm you IIvtI on is n ext to PtindiMe-don ', pin" fer olty life until you've t.rlell it. AO'





save rent save money be content If you are going to build ;lnything fronl ~l dwelling down to a chicken coop or a field fence,



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Can supply you with the best of Building, Material very reasonable prices. BUILD NOW!

_L!TlE 1922



tlJln" thl1 hnm .. n toea 1M b .. uud 10 IU;tnrOb fur, ,.. od jUf'llt us I:tu r ~ tlt4 L.uv , 10 Ilt d wfO ,ld'M 0 UlIJ,,11I1I1( dyn.ln,~ Feb. Feb, Feb Feb Feb Feh SAYS SA"': Feb . " 1 dUll ', mln<18~a n~ a ro .,,) near. Fl'b sll<\b t.-d III ""llIe w,,,," Too mlln ' ~'eb 0' IIllr bu.v~ L'ld t·, 110 to Fr .. ncH I dlBouver it. mrrl o ~ ..

- - - .. -----

8 9 1~ 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 ......

f.rIlr ..,rI III II f" m l ly diOll er. Huodll l , Mr" . All e n 1.£ ,lIr. ok II oil \Irs. Wul. t~r \{ Ij 'lrtOU Wolr !! f.)uyl,11/1 oil opporp, W.·d ll e ~ri .. y Mr. un d MH. Ho mo l ( il!l{~ .. nrl luu\:h ' er vi "" ·etl wllh M,. 11 00.1 Mrs . Ch u rli'. C lurk . l::!undliY . W (J I:III ill fls llnll t"mll '.- . of !:lei. '0011', III' pre :::;uDd"v j(UI'"' ~ of Mr, /lull .\.IrA . \'111 ler K enrlok .

2512la -

f'41Odlemas .. GrounrlhogDay 5th Sunday after EpiphallY SeptuagE'sima ~lInday . Lincoln noy 14 -~I Val enline', Day 19-5exagesima SundRY 22- IN BShington's Birthday 26 - Quinqusgt'sima Sunday 21:1 - ' hrovl' Tue- d ay

Mrs. Emma Foolks aod Mrs. Co ro John l' WAre ~nrllrlBlld b.V blr'bd,lY po"t o,...d @bo\o\oer s, 'l'horsdliv.

I. "vtll t y for Je r us ~ lem .


Jj'I't1 ~ul ~ 1Il


lia s I UISBl' l1 ( 1 1I'~I \lgh a u IH.I Wil" wlth u ut uel ll £: lluliHlg-pf'l


, h" hl\' uder~ or Ih" I ~"\·I I , (lIr (toe IIrsl tllll" In Ih!' It l"l.' ry U( Ihe dl ),. The B" ll lsh llir'I" Il"I'S Ih'w Ol'cr b)'

th e Huly ,'It", ( r, ' q uc IHly It.' oh se n ' e tI)e nlll\' l!lI l l' lIl~ If II", Turkl, h fu rGes.

but no " " ",los Wl' I'l' ,II'<II1\1l'<I I)n Its btstol'lcol !Jullet l"I"s IJ)' "",Il' .. of General AllenlJY , the (','I1I 11ll!1I1d,·r,l n ·d1iet. It WUM th e e ll-; hll't'll th tlUll' 'lie 1)lul"e lU1l1 h.~ · t·n ("Ul' tu l't1d Ahu'c l1, c l'il l' WUS

' '' I ' ·' . ' .. . .. . "", " ,. ,.,

.. t

ynu ,"_ ",." .."

8 ecret"ry of Oh io Percheron Alsoel. at lon to Urge Co-operatlon. A h nr ~,' m a". ~" t oat tbe kind that



See the .rich, red blood. the sign of health showing In her _ IO.nll- cheeks

Com m e n oln g at 1 o 'oloo k, s hnrp. "'Ie Pu.ri~cr. By clcan s in~ the blood and l:hli ttel Pro perty of Hold es tllte. \ b lltldltlg' up the Sy~ tl' m. HALUS _______ _ AI Mo. tbe He .. 1 E" ~"te, o o n '81~tlDg of CATA RRH MEDJCJNE restore8 1 Hnose und Outhuildlngs. wltb d normal conditions and allows NaIllrge Lots. S~ fl hill" for plll'tioolors tnrc to do its work. DELPI:tINE MuC LELLANO, . C· 1 f l:. T . I:t.. wke, Auo~, Exeontrlx. All DruggJsta. Ircu ars tee. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ben Smith . ... . . .. .. . . . . . feb . 2-1 Lola Zell Estate . . .. . . .. . . Feb, 25 W e , I.he oDder ~lgn ecl. bllTlng de. Smith &. Gibson . .. . . . . . . .. Feb. 27 oided to dlKoontillue lDormlng, will \ Wm . Cummins . . . . ... .... . Mar. 2 81'11 our entire line of stou ll and im. plemante at 1'ub)lo Auct.\on on wh"t ••• Sheehan Estate, ReaIE~tal e . . Mar. -I is knowo 08 tbe old Frazier flirm, looated 2 mUlls NorlbwlIst of Mt WaYDII.,UJe'. Le&clln, De.tIIt Ida Christopher } 0\1 Albert Routt . . . . . . . . . ar.-I Holly. nod 3 mIles Northe08t of 01'!l08 In HulollA Bldg. IbID S8 ~prIDgVa\Jev, 00 the 8rultb road, on


Public 'Sales


Buvill~ booght Ii sm,dl tnrrn Ul1l9 F M. Slude. uf T o led 'J. A[lAnt. Hev. fl ral d"v~ 1~8t. week, wtt.h h ili @ I ~te r, mil es oorl,h o f I)l\y~ (l Il . I will .. e ll lit Pul)lio Bil le 00 ttle W"Vll f's vl lle 01111 llrs. :::; 1:1 1:I .. lne~, .. Dd ItHllIly a"rveys bo'g pike, ~ 'mll es ell " I, nf RelU eDlbllr thEI b orne tal en' play Wliynesvl1le and 3 miles we. & o f III Lytl" b"lI . Fnday eve ning, Feb- HlHveyebor!C, on tbe Idl1 Hoo kett rnary 24; title, "The Drelllll 'l'hDot fllrm. 00

M"pl e 8yrup


Friday, February 24. 1922, Mr. Ilnd Mrs Frank R ogen a Dd fa th er. Mr, E n lJi s RUKer s. 01 tAlOt ' r- Uommencl Dg ot 10 ... . m , sborp. tb A vill e , f peot 8uDuay ." t.heir old fo1\o win!! : 3 B n r ~eM , :3 ellUlf' . Ii bome in Lyt,Jo. Rh eap, ""eed, lmpl e wenl~ ; ' Buro l'88 , !:lell IIIrl<e b i lis. Mrs . K e@ler Grohl\m Rnd dallgbter l:iou ~ \l h l) ld (Jood~. BEN 8MITI:I . Berol ulI, spe nt W.edlJesdey III Oavton wltb Mr. nnd Min Arthur WhIte Wblt.e r Liloy . Auot "nd 80n. Roba~t . Born-To I\ r and MIR . Wetter Kruer. o f Kont'e 5, Tbur sd"y. Fe b "Wound Up," runry I G, 1922. ·twln so n ~-Chllfl o8 I htHl bee n tw uldll1 J; ()II€, t! \T'·l dn C. W cLstH aod Cliff rd Wllller .. Th e nex t uft or l1 u oll my nelghhur

Mr ll. !"o e Sto o f.denborger re~olDed to h e r bome 111 Bllllbrnok Illst wee k " It"r ~pe ndiug ttie wlnte ~ wltb he; nr ut ho r C ti . L IlDlU uDd wife. • , Mr . and Mr~ Ralph Le wil. Fores' GrnhllDl lind fomily. "nd Mr lind Mrll W,)Jter Ke .urlok .. "'e nded the K. of P. bODqUll t at WoynellVlllfl, l'htlrsd"y 'e veulog

I'd rand Mr ... Clorence t:lmltb were 01l1l6d 10 DByton •. laMt weel<. by lohe "er t.JUH accldsD' \0 tbelr son, AileD, who Is a mllli oorrler t here. While delivering spl'cla I d e livery letter8 00 ,. bloyole. Wedoe~day e venll1g at 10 'oloc k, he was ha by tin outo,!,!lr). ulle and hIe htp wal! brokt!n. AUer several X-raJ II, be wae taken &0 MI. .ml Vlllley bOlpllal, where he w:a8 reatiol! eallY lit Illst rflports.

----_ ..

- ---

baing brougbt 10

~ ' ,"lIl WnmH" hll ve nlitUfd II ~ be .. u~ lularll41 qnanntle~,lInd II! only brlog I1g U 25 get awtle$


Bow expensl Vd it 18 t o

I droppe tl


Monday, February 27, 1922, BO/ClnniDg lit JI o·clook. tbtl f ollowIng: "Bortles, 8 Catt.le. Hi Bog8. Implemeots. B'eed, etc. See bll1l1 J. tlMITB and B . GIB80N. Col ForeBt T . Martin, Auot

Forest T. Martin Auctioneer Get my terms for your Pu blic Sale. ~ Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges.

I will Rell my ~took and Imple. ments at Publlo Auotlon .. , my rest. d emoe, I" o..teli on the Mt. liully road 1 mile Elldt of Mt . . H o lly snd l mile IV est of \lI ddle Ruo ohnrch, on

Box 91, C;;;;rville,!Ohlo

Thursday, March 2. 1922,

Home Phone 2, Centerville Ex

B A glnnln~ nt I o·olook . tbe follow. ing; I Bor~e . I ()ow, 0 Bo"s. Paul . try, IDlple ments, Feel,!, Booaehold Goods, eto. See bl1l~ W~. CU MMINS. Co t. Forest T . Martlo. Au ot .

lu to Inquire nllll!lt my ~Is ler Jenll ie. wh o hntl heell ~ I c k. I suld I gue~se d th~ ooly thin g tI,nt Ililpr! her We .... i11 SAil ut Pnbllo~l\le the real was thot she \\'os rlln tlow n. Ulile Bob. tour yeors old, \\'1\ 1) hnd hi'en eRlllte ba l" n @lng to I h e e .. l·llte 01 .1 .. S UIl L , Hh f!ehlln, deoeIi8"d, Inte of IIslenlng. piped up : "Well . III II I he r, Woyoa8vlllo, Ohio, uo "'h~' r!nn 't Aunt J enni e get WUlIl HI lip like <1"cl suld YOIl we .. e lo st nl!; h' 7" Snlllrdny, March 4, 1922, -Clel'plnnd Plnln Dl'olllr. ... _ ••_ __ Begillnlng Il~ 1 o'olook p . Ill . , on tbe pre llJl Be~, oommenolng !It the hotel prope rty, Ib e f ull o wlnll RaILI Estate : 32 AOrllo o t Bottom Land, ",I joining . Corwin, knuwn BS Burle BoHoms . L! volry I1nd Botel Property tn CorwIn. 3 Aore Traot tn l:orwln,known &s tbe l:rew Land. Grimfls Provo erty In Corwin . AndenonProperty In WaYDesvllle. Boql!6 anp Lot adjolniu" 15heeblin Bomestead 10 Wayneeville . See bl\ls for PIlrUoulara. BERT SBEIl:~AN, AUBEL EARS BART, Enootors of tbe eBtate of J Itscn8beeb .. n, deoe&8ed. C . '1'. Hawke, Auot .

Dr. W. E. Frost VETERINARIAN Phone 44

Harveysburg, O.


Kirk'! roat8urllnt I~ III foil opera &100, buvlnjf cream and d"lng s Mrll Jonas Whltaore Is Improving qolok.order busilles!. Cowe In lind 110wly. ~ry tbelr' ~ervlce . Pdr,Rnd Mrs. JObD Myer8 spent K E Tb ompson, 01 Beech (hove, ",bo has btUIIl ~ bul. In for ~eYorKI la~t c;unday at Belmont, Pl'pto ahpgr.n-tak !' IS w,lth your w"" k'l, " ' Ii!! @o f,lT reon"erK te(l I.b., Berryhill BroB., will bold a publio me .. la for few weeks wl1l give t' . 90n pleuty of red bloo<l. By build he could ride QuI., lIud WAS III ollr "Ille at their tann, Houth 01 ,own, YOIl aivethd"" tre town, 8lltnrdoy . 100kilog 1I~ g,n d liS February 28. 1 1If up the Wo,)d , . I I r' l~' ·new ·"Vlt.e.o R ob'looe ttl r"eloor~ (tea r . Mr8 J ohn Kllbll"l. ot Dtiy'on. W1I8 ' The pll\Y Rlveu by th e J Dol o r Cluss ~he week end !tOllst of b"r 80n, Chilli. rJRturally. RDd ,bat brlnj(S OIUllr.. 1 b lo " m and b tl!l ul·.v 80d 111\ tbe eifHot- 01 t,bl; Wayoesville I:lI!(h ~clto " l. Kable and '''mlly. north of town 1 au Ijo" eor go ,d he .. ltb Uet. ~lld e . Ilt t h A Town hult, Hoturd .. y eV l\ ol nR. WUJ. P. Tllte, who hrt.s serloo,Jy 1'tlpt.o.M"Dg"n ", your drnfl~la" .. In was we ll stt.ended, !lod t·he rov{'IIue liquid or hblet f urw -Advertille_ fletlvell Iberefrolll wa ~ very Mlltl~ . ill for tbe paat '''1'0 wl'le\i". I .. now lible to be up and aroond the houe", men'. f\lotory. The , Farmer.' Ina'Unte will be ========~~~===~==========:!::======_~=--=_=~_~~=::======~_ beld '" this pl.oe, next l<'nd&T lind ';a~urd .. y, Febrnnry 24 and 25. Let av ar), body a Uencl. Millll Rnth Kao&teU wtIJ 800n leave f,l' Ilayton, wbt,re she wlll enter M Iami Vt.lley htl)aplw.I, to take ' . fO :ll'.year oouree In 'raining for a nu reel '

Bovlofl s ,l ld my pro perty. I will sell lIt PnLllo Au otlon. 8 t my resl. denoe in ~prl ogb o ro. Oblo, on Saturdny, Mn ' ch 4, 1922, Commenololl at 12 o'olook m ., aharp . n Lot Oof Hoo"ebold Goodll IDA l:BRII:HOl:'B~R,




Tb e uon erl!lgOl' d , fXllo uLrix uf tb e e ltt\te of Lu lo Z ~ Ii. deoeased . w.1I ~elilit }'oblio 81lle ILt Ihe In te rasi C } ' I I r tl d ence Oo f ~Illd d ecedent oo . l:Ilgh ~t ... .atarr I IS n oca (. l se~C, grea y W!lyn e~ ville U\)lo on . lllfiucnecd by con stitutIonal COD, . dition~. RALL'S C ATARRH Saturday, February 25, 1922, MED1CINE iR a 'ronic and Blood

Uti Wt,i True, "


cnrloolli , ts pllillro . wlth !l tnt elgar, ch eck " ,1 '· uil a" I n"s hj o~ b~nkroll, II Otho 1',, 11 01k (.r Delawa re, 0., sebuilt. :" "1'11 ],)' (he 11"'a l committee to s peak a t 110 0 cOlll lng Farm ers' IDSU, tu te . In the Old OaY8. ~I r. Pollock Is a (arm boy wbo Once "finn u lime (herl' III'cd a cllorus girl whll 1lI lln't cure for lUi IU- w('ut to I:oller:e anti theo ba ck to the Worth Knowing. tom chltp. !<Iu' wa lne d Iwo or notblng. lan d. li e hold . Ihn l a.1l live stock sho uld bo pure h red aod th a t all 11 I ~ snld Ilint """' I; ~ " " n pul\8bed breeders sliould st nll " toge lber 10 oror vn :'ul shed SUI (,ll',. IIUI .\ ' tit;! rpnlOved ga nizations for th .' lr owo go od ond loy IIr-1 "uhhlug Ihl'1II 11' 11 h n ('UI lemon fo r th e good of the breed. lind " I(' n with II r loth dipped In WilIer. A movin g 8plr !( of th e Delaware Count y Pe rchernll Association aod ~cr e trlry o f the _ '! a le ossoclatlon de· voled to the, 8ll m e on d. Mr. Pollock's lifo w'o rk Ues ntll"!: tbe line at getting more nn cl more men to work more IIDll ertly fo r lives to ck progress. " lndlvl;l,, :11 breeders nlone." be A KIND WORD iOOA.Y BaYS . "uro doo med to slow progress, while thr oug h co·operatlve e rrort tbe WILL MAKE: Y~STERDAY collecttve resources. opportunities A HAPPV MEMORY, nnd ' ex perIen ce. 01 all are II vll llabl e I to l1ach. a nd I,,'ogress 18 corr p!<tlOII(J. 'u gly rapid."

, rul oumplex-onl tb6t 1",11 you the e 1~ Il.leuty ut rlOtlne ... IU 'heir blood 'rhelr dKuree becoqle ~,91l formed . !luppl",. r'luoded and ICrlQ61ul Tboln lire 'be resoU8 of rlob l red blood. aod plenty of h . ' 'Phere Ie no need of belog thin lind ,orawny from poor blood . (let Ii few b ottleR or (2ul1,, '8

w ••"" ..

;~~n:~:.'·~ -.., ..~ ',-':;':," ,:::;,:, ~:;) /;·;:;t'~r·~


Our Calendar

F'llrh. Trll •.h . Luv. --thrlla 110 ' " Add 10 I '" I"rfl. IIDd l:OUhl!' tu " ." "I.t. IIlI ' we lIU VI! R lull b .. oll . It ~~I mlf.


Th "

l\\r H A lice Broc k ia I' ., fl ,· ' n p i t'~1; of I,he g rip ~ I r . lind Mr ~ Alb .. rl. :-iI , C'v enl p, . _ _ __ _ _

1 2 314

5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 262128


rIO I " or n vlI l l;~olng WM.•1::.NRY MAULE,lnc. 2 ~~~,.~.",;.~'




Mr •. Lyd io Cui tJ III II 11 is co n t b o Riok \


If I... dl,.lu'~ h"TI' III "h. ~"lIlIh ' " th" IIlUlldlnlllo of .. \I 111"'"", .a"r l -,U.t fil! luoob lill TrUI h ." I II .. ' )11 1'

I~le ~ dlsbl

We have the materi:.d to build your horne of dreams come true.

Harvcys bllr\: Institute, Feb. 24·25

hOtttu ti!'tt tJUlt bH 111'\' ."', w O IlII' l'4\u1'1

Kha kI. To IUdln . by 11' "." .. , ~:Il&lnnd, we 0"'. the wunl "1;h"I;I." TIII' re was a leel of Ilruhl ll ill" ,,, .. I It Is stili In ex· l'len ~c- \\'bll 111 ')1 ,.,d the ashes of cow.dUDi lu 110 , '11 l'I o lhl!8 nnd Pt'rB0II8. They we .... ('11 11 'II "khllko" beellu8e of that colo.... I1 ""- or dlst·olorn"no. The word wus IInlur"lIy 0 1,pllel1 10 thp earthy or "Iuy elll"r III tIl(' uilironu~ uf IOldlel's or sCllUYij II )' lloe H .. ltlsh gOY' ernment. Hence Ih \! 1.,,·o tl'C~he tight· ehoeollli e dye "utployed In lIrltlsD s. mlltta" y _uniform _ _'1 __ ... _ _ _

Mr. and Mrs J 86e Oltlfk an4..on, Roy. tlttended tJje fun etal of Mr . MoCr elght, the polloeman who waB s h ot down In Wllrnlngtoo,la<rt week. Burial was mllde In WlltJ)lngton .J p . {j born & Hon's publ io ~ ,de cemetery, Frld ..y . \.,,1\ 8 li oul to (lXl,eo~ .. ~ ion8. Want ad in one of our nell.r towa M r null Mrs. Ele ory enter~ained paparl!; "For Mle-a full -b lo oded a nt.o f.l uwo ~ tl gs t~. t:l unduy . oow, Klvlnll milk. tbree t ODS ' f bllY , tlur ''''L' il O,H rll I~ muk ing great a lot. of oblckeu~ lAnd ae voruI 8 t O ye~." str itl .· ~ ; t1 11 ~ IS th eir b osy w eek. , If ~ h e woold have given !loy murr . M'l IL ( ·!t no. f Dnyto o , olilled on Ibey would have b id MO The time Is be:re, when we s hould " !!""Ilrl ll ·.rllnt ~ he re, ' onday. ge G bu sy and Contuli ze . Our ohlll) IJ . 'I. (:""'1' 11 11 ' iH ~oj urnillg ..... llb reo ure go ing t o W llyn psvl lla aoll ~ Iltno y K lrJj.( f u, l'O iud.l' finll e t Ime KloguulO ; t he KlO g mlln sohool J{"rrl PIlIb pr. I~" br u llr y ~ ~ aod 2&- b o os ~ iR tu be e nJBrged. tb e comlD II It baH prove n to be t be " UrI'II ' I" f OM lillll t1 /It t ur 'l'owl.. h al l. ~0I1 81)1I . norrflot way to In Btruot onr comiog Will ll.m L ~ I" ur, (,f II B llt \V'" vn cH . b u ~ in oSR WOII,en lmd milo Yon o'.n vlll .... ~ ll tlnt. Hnochy I,or" with frieudH lerIT o m or e nucl hllV Il n boll"r opl1or. 1'1 1111' IH IIr 'uLore . tb e Civlo toolt.y to praoli ce wha t .r u bl1 ve L,", !: ul· WIll g l V I ' .. !lIll Y "t Ihe T own lell rD ed tb ,lO in I·b o vle d wil y. U,.I \. Pr uoeed liooording to law ; I ry it 'J ut '1'1", r Ulld~ III I hl ~ w ri ti ng ure var y anll yo n will ne ve r regr et It . Morlon Vlinlre8~. a r e_ id ent of II .. " , ,uu k Iul,; I roto"portu t loo "IUl o~t llu pO"~1 bi t! tbi ~ vl olnlty for' muny y nurR, 80d tilll ll'Y flI11l.:l, lt BIIXIl9. t 2 t·be yelir . for 0 abort tIm e c~ resldenl Clf Sprin g Wayo l' _vllt n N ,.tioO<lI Bunk. Way - fi uill, O h io, 11180 n sold ier of Ihe Wllr of ' (il, di ed at. bls aoo ' ~ b 011i \ in lI e~ vilil' . Ulll o. IS priugfield, Tl:io wad oy . all d "'''s llilrl l MOSt! IJII "'_0 11 returned hi lIl e, ·oL. tu r es t In MI"ml cBme~e ry , ;.;ot-urda.\' , unlilY. liftll r u two. month. YIslL with m o rning, hi s w Ue hovln ~ preOeded \ r ll l ll tlvl '~' ''' hl" .. gc' . him seven I yell rs . B e Itl ii VB£' t Ag-ulu Cli lllllg ,' our .. Uentlon to be mourn bls golnK, ti s on Dud d llUgbllr l1~\lU t III Ihe · 1i' .. rll1 e rll·luhtltute, tbree grond obi llireo, tw o brotbers, brother M.ln.lllw, Ri~te rs.lo . Fcb ,uury ~4(. b IID d 2:" h . law . nepbews nud neloos tie Wll8 Th e Hlok fnl ~B tlru ,oIw ul· t,be sllwe kn ow D f or bls ltindlleap. and h od 0 .. I.h ay hn v e I.., e u fl r , .. v"ru l weeke frleode .... berevElr he WRH ltnown - v~ ry titl.le i lH proveIL'·" ~. Ooe by one, o or 0111 ouuu '(des srll l Mr. IInll Mr~ A. L il:lq' of WIiY. -- [1O" vlli l\, wa re ";und"y aft" .... ,,· II olil- 1l1li Vlnll_ n_s __ .. _ le r. "" II cqufllutlll) oell u erl3,


Homey Philosophy Oo."l n ' t It mok B you wb e n ,uu b""r sum e Irr"lIl(ioUI .molt Alok IltUllloiol/ in h 's ~Iee v l' wb"" h" I. lold 1,,) I..,ve f" "b ? He t,hlOk . be 'l! ''''~.r IhoD 1.'.11 olilwd , ""11 0,,0 I 8111' .. I.bIIlW 10 1III I h Tllllu he W"ll. bill WilY'" milk .. II Llrllloe III Mil" ..


c:o.:::.. -

.... TH~ MIAMI

AI~ n ,

"t' tho !l8me


Ilnd plaoe .


~be u oderRlgnoc\ WIll 8011 1 Borlle, 2 l:ow~, Lo t of Jmpleru9ntl\, etc £:lee

bili. for fortber plirlloulars. A LBgRl' ROUTT A. A. MoNell, Auo',


OR. J. W. MILLER. ..• DENTIST••• om... In


For best results we use Miami Gazette's Classified columns, we'll tell the world!

8&Ak BId...

WaYD. . l.le. 0



MrR, Boward Myerl, who had a publto sale of bel' household good., eLo , la8t Baturdll.Y, will aoen lell. ve lor J"okeonvllle, Fla., whare bel' huebllnd II! employed tu II. garage

- - -- - ...---:=--, Euatachlo'a Mr.ftueerlptl. Bnrtol(IIoeo EUSIRChlo, whose name Is pel'petuated tn the term "Eustachlan tube." 11'08 an ltaHan Ilhy lelRn to whom I'opp, I'lu8 IV gave pennlssloq to dlss ct human ' bodies In the turther' ance of aqatomlcal' knowledge. Tbe orlrlnal manuscripts of hIS ""orks bue jUlt beeD unearthlld,-Sclentlflc Aml!J'o



.- .


Aultrallin Cannlball. . OaoolballBlll, apparently, hal ~tl reo. Austrelta !bere lIuements. In aria certr.lo c:at1lD111a:1



Th'o u5anda of f&rmers, located in \I'IiCldle western' ltates are i twice daily receiving market reports by ;wirelesa lelephone. There is . no COlt to service, ' onr..e the ioex'pensive receiving set has been in~ ltalled, aDd which can be purchased anywhere. The Westinahotlse IElectric Co., ' from its great. Iree broadcaSting Itation at Newark, N. J ... not only sends out market reporta at 12 o'dock noon and 6 P. :Y. ' dUty. ·bllt also 'furnishcs ofticlal weather forec:aata .and other entertaioin, and,~ edacational proataml. It baa tiiIn estimated that more tha1l a haIf·IIIWlon amafeura (mostly In raraJ districts ud on flrml) "lilten in" ( 1'1"/ day~ Pieturu Ihow th~ tlpcrlllof aendina out market r~ort. irom Ne_rlci and lIl"'t, ,r I< ws dla IIIUI~


.ara ngjy,,"




The Miami



.At Rock Bottom Prices


Hardlla,.(' Harness

will positi,'



11 IC.

I have :1 proposition

I~ S~IVC you 1110ney.

Fred M. Cole

Implemen/ ---

to sec

Waynesville Ohio

-- ) -

AUTOMOBILE General Repair

Valves Ground and Carbon Removed


Clock and Watch Repa iring , I S unday School at 9:30 B. m., and Spark Haw 'Illd Tool Sharpening. G!I ~olilll' and Oil Stove nppai.ring. Chri ~ fiRn Endeavor meeting at 6:30 t :<;t your t inll·. your SllW~ 1111<1 Tools p . Ill . Everybolly is cordillil invited III ord ('r :lnlll[cleverythml{ cleanerl ) . y lip for thE' opening of Sp ring and t, attend these services every Sunduy .. ·Ilrnmer. .... - ...-- -R. D. l . Phone SJ-2,Y. Wind"", I~, nm ps, that. will keep out th e Ri e:!. marle to order. Waynesville, OhIo Get your order in early . Lots of 01 he r job9. Call al .d find out. All wor k guaranteed Ca ll me ~y phone .,

Batteries, Ford Coils and PluU Tcslcd.

Frank W. Crew,


It Pays to Advertise In our Classified Column.

Try it just

Ed. C. Woollard, South" Main Streets


Waynesville, Oh 10




lork 3Jbt8S In jIflllHntrp

ZIMMERMAN'S SEED POTATOES The finest Red River Early Ohio Seed Potatoe!1. free from trost, no cold storage stock. Our price for a limited time. only $3.00 a bag. Don't wait until you get your garden ready . Buy now and BBve mon.ey. The finest aasortment you ever saw jlist received, and only 5c a package.

Xenia, Ohio

Fancy Yellow and Red Sets this week .

Rut it can be done, is done with C;c-re-:r-li a SWl'dS. W c' rc: so sure that C e-rc-a-lia will rncreasc n\llk production that we offer:

Goodwin In "B~ of You'll.' . A..... Sunllay Oom"",.,

Feed Ce-re-a-lia Sweets to one cow for 211 dan. J f yo u don' l IIet more millt-or richer rnilk--tban now, yoU will f:ct every cent back. Get details from


Everett Early Lytle, Ohio

IMPORTANT ROAD · NOTICE Fffective February 10, 1922

Maximum Allowable Loads on Roads as provided by I Sections 7246, 7248, 7248-], 7251, of the General Code of Ohio.

Resolved. That we mourn the loss her . wise counsel and inspiring presence , IIInd that we will ever cher· ish her memory, striving to emulate her worthy exampl li!. Mrs. E . ll... Sherwood ~ Mrs. G. ';1. Smith Co mmittee. Mrs Emma Raplc'r

DEATHS Mrs. Mary M. Kennedy died at Holton. Kan .• last week, lind the remains were shioped to the home of ber son. A. L. Kennedy, ot Harveys burg. The fun eral was he ld, hiday afternoon, at the M E. church "t that place. and the r e mains were interred in Miami cemete,·y.


URMA SYRUP A new syrup with a new tlIlV· or; it's fine and our price il! low to introduce it; 5·poun d pails, 25c- l0-pound pails. 50c. SCRAP TOBACCO 3 for 25c . Tbe finest lin e of fie Cil{ars in town .

Marion VanTress. at one time post master at Harveysburg. died at the borne of hiEI son in Springfielo. Thursd tlY . The remains were brought here and the f'uneral was held at the Chapel, Saturday morning at 10 o'clock . Interment in Miami cemetery

Lettuce, Celery, Sweets, ne w Cabbage. Onions. Bermuda On ions, Oranges, Apples, Grape Fruit. Lemons, and everythinll good to eat. Will pay 20c for Hens up to Friday noon . JT PAYS TO TRADE AT

No p~rson shall transpod over the public highways any vehicle havit;Ig a total weight, including weight of vehicle ana load, greater than the following: On vehicles having metal tires a load of five hundred (500) pounds for each inch or the total width of tires on all wheels not to exceed a total weight of ten (JO) tons.


On vehicles having rubber tires a load of six hundred and fifty (650) pounds for each inch of the total width of tires on all wheels.

by the Author of "Tess ofthe Storm Couiury," "The Shadow of the

For 4-io. Tires a Maximum Load of 3440 Ibs. on any I wheel For S·m•.Tires a Maximum Load of 4550 Ibs. on any I wheel For 6-m.·rues a Maximum Load of 5460 Ibs. on any I wheel for 7·ip. Jires a Maximum Load of 6370 Ibs: on any I wheel

Sheltering Pines," etc.


W uulJ you kllow just wh,lf proporlion uf I';ICt. iUl!rt'Jic:nt use !~ I!<[ most milk and K.·Cp your CUI\'S ill I!ood physical shapd Could YOII he slIre of a (h()ruu~h Il1IX? Could )011 add palatable callt! mobsscs wH huut m a kllli your feed lumpy- hard to handle! No.



NOTICE All th08~' wishing to cantril-ute to the "Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fund," ph~a8e call on the local chairman of Wllyne township. f22 Mrs. H. E. Hathaway

Kill the scale on your trees and protect your crops by spraying. We have in stock the follo"ing insecticides:

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922, Commencing at 10 o'~lock. sharp, the following: S HEAD OF HORSES-The horBell are extra &,ood W(lrk Horses: 3 HEAD 0'"' CATTLE-l big Shorthorn Cow with 4th calf by side. 1 Short horn cow with 3rJ calf by side. 1 Shlrthorn cow carrying 41h call. II close springer . • 6 HEAD OF SHEEP-6 head of extr!! good young ewes, bred to 111mb BOrne time in March. and 1 Angora Bill', goat . '. _


FEED-400_husbelllrood corD and about 12 tons of gC'od. mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS-l Adriance wheat biDder. 7·ft cut, in 'good runninll' order, 1 good Osborne corn bl.nder, big wagun, low·down No 8 Cor~ _ King manure spreader, practically new, 10·7 Thomas whlc'at drill. nearly new, 12·dil!C with trailer. Hoosier cord planter. flllt drop, ateel-drop Belf-dump hay rake. Bemis tobacco setter, gr~vel bed, drag, Jlled. I log and 1 stile I roller, M('Cormick mowing machloe. 60·tooth frame har· row. GO-tooth lever harrow, 14·foot bay lad~er. self-feeder 6 teet long, Hamilton riding corn plow, Hamilton walkmg wrn plow. Buckeye riding com plow. walking breaking plow, spring wagon, buglrY, 1 ~leigh with 2 strands of bells, cart, bay fork. rove and pullevs. Sickle II'rlOder Rood atock laddie, forks, shovels hoes and many other articles.


HARNl!;SS-3 sides work harness. eet buggy harness. collars. bridles. etc.

D. R. Smitb Waynesville. Ohio

HOUSEHOLD GOODS-Wardrobe, bed, washing macblne. etc TERMS-All Burna of '10 and under, cash . Sums over that amount a cred it of 12 monthl will be given, purchaser sivlng bankable note. 6,96 off.


Walter Lacy . Auct. Cartwrlll'bt & O·Neall, Clerka.

The R. L. Dollings Company



C" ••

---General Officel,--Indianapolis Baltimore Cleveland Philadelphia Pittsburg .Cincinnati Washington


Rea. It ill n.. CeJ.a!

Having bought a small 'arm nine miles north of nay!.on, I w.i1l offer at public sale on the Waynesville and Harvevsburg pike. 2 miles I'llst of Wavnesvllle and 3 miles west of Harvp.Ylburg. on the Ida Hockett farm

Home Office Columbus

Storm CountrY

cost you as much as this JlVM'r for a year. In a magaziDe or metropolitan new8~er. it would be made the of • lubscription campaip.

~ALE ...

Supervised Prefe,rred Securities


tendernes8, heroism fine sentiments are attributes of the human heart and lOW. eustiog irrelpective and frequeotly in spite of eovi· ronmentj quite as likely to be found in hovel u in palace. Grace Miller White discovered a mine of humin contruta and a wonderful new letting for romance and heroiam in her Iquatt),i lettlement on the sliore of Lake Cayuga, within sight of busy, pr08perQ~IJhaea and almost under the enadow of classic Cornell univenity. Polly is the latest find and likely to be quite as popular as Tess, Tonnibel Devon or any other of the author's aweetly appealing heroines. We shall this





HAN 100.00 FOR 'iHE -SIicom> OR ""&·,&- .......~SE. By order-of


Here ;..... eit!ht well-known milk ",ak in\! feeds. ~ ou can buy d W IlI r'::ldy-mix ed as C ,:-rc-a-I.ia :)wects. ~r you can 'll ix· thl!11l you r,;.:!r. I I ollie miX" ' \! m.:a ns [yUII! up lOIS of Illun ey. Y uu have 10 buy in ;11 1ll\ " '''~ qUJ "lltU:S 10 1("( lhese \luoc\ (CL·JS ch .. ap ly. Eve" lht'n-

be it tu rlher

Fresh supplv just in-KrauRes is the best .



in having, for more than thirt y years, this capable lind large-hearted




===============~~~~~ lead er in t he Temperance work; and

Surprising low prices you will find.


\ -,


St!lzulc Newi.

TUESDAY-February 28

('njoy the day with AmosusCook. Pastor .

Whatever your "type"- whatever your choice- New York has thought of it and sent it along.


this Perfect Ration!

.. /11. ..--,.\ I.'

Meeting every Sumlsy atth",regular hour. Sunday school at 9:00. Our school has grown from ten or twelve to abo ut fifty regulars . Come and

Small hats of straw or silk-with a ribbon here, a rose or bird there ·and just the ,right angle . to crown and brim.'



Public Sale.

Whereu!', (Iur s illter, Emma Slanlu!. Chapman, the honured presid ent 01 the Warren County W C. T. U • ha, been remo,ved uy Ihe hund of dea th, therefore be it Resolved, That we were privileged

So many new shapes-so many new colors. New York has surpassed itself in the art of perfect millinery.

37 'Green Street

Morninll' Prayer and Bermon at 10:30 . The Wayne Towllship Farmers' The public cordiaily invited to thelle club was el~terlaine<l al the home of services. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hough. February 9. 1922 The hearty welcome accorded us put all ill ti ne s pirits for the excellent d inner thllt soon fol· lowed Departing from the usual The house and personal property custom. the hostess enlisted four you ng men t o serve Ihe dinner. o f the late Emma S. Chapman will b4l M ell.~r!!. Lyman Silve r. Harold Earn· off ered at Public Sale on Saturday. hart, Kenneth Il oul{h ami Arth ur March 11. 1922. from ber late bome Holt. Her good judgment was evi· on Fou rth street. d.:!nced bv the dinnllr being the best served of any the writer hus ever Tho Trueat End of Llf •. att ended . The truest end of 1I1e I. to know tbe Alrno!lt t he entire membership an· life thnl n ~ver ends.-WUllam Pena. swercd roll cull by quotat ions fr om Washi ngt OIl or I.i ncoln. lifter whic h SOOle intel'l~s l ing curr,' nt tJvent~ W(lre r~~:;~~~~;;;~"""'~ rello by Mrs. Lee Earnhart. Qu ite ".71 ~O a number of illvitpd )otu eMtd we re J ",,-,111 IJ' .I..~~~ pre,,~ nt allli look IICl iv, parI in the .. " program . Ch ie f among these was WHAT'S DOING AT IIAII THEATER Mrs. I"rl'd Col t' . who fav oft 'd u~ wilh THURSDAY-February 23 some 8Wf'Ct folk stlllg~ thut were FRIDA Y-February 24 greatly appre<"ill teof . Jame... 011,'. ' Ou rwooda preoontl "No· We CUll ull ly mid that we wis h ollr m.d • . FroID The North." '.a'urtDII: Il~tt, Dly,he. Lou Chane, and Lewla meelinl{~ cu nw Ihrice per month, Stone . . . AI.., Harolll lJo,d In "0.' Out Ind uet. UDder . ' · . . . Thill ODe i.JI a thut the tim e Ie lIl ;;et at 1I0ughs' .pec l&_.:;l._ __ _ _ _ _ __ might camp agaill mor~ qui ckly !'A1URDAY-February 25 Un .. Present. 1>:,,1<1 nenoet' lu " SIIII Boater," .•. Alao

WkitWould it Cost You to

--_0 - •.---

Before buying your Farm Implelnents, it will YOU

.51 MARY'S CHURCH WAYNE TOWNSHIP Sunday, February .FARMERS' CLUB :26 uitJquagesima Church School at 9:30 am .;

Officers O.




WELL AS WAY OF LIVING 8uch I. ExperIence Me .. age or Thll 8peaker at ' Coming In.tltut•• Re8ults from the 8clentUic hand· ling of seed llnd 8011, persot16l reo IIIltts gained rrom pOl"BOOal _perl·ence, will be the theme of G. C. Houakeeper, . Wood countT farmer, ~ng .t the coming Farmen' In· BUtute. Hlm..lf a fairs, Mr. HouBkeeper represents just the type of · Bl)eaker that ·thoe. In charge of ' the extensloo worll In .acrlcUlture from Ohio State Unlver· rrltT get tor farmer.' I..tllute HIB meanse wUl Dot be the. productlOIl or CI'OJIo of value ' CO DWrODe fa


.- .

Wm. G. Benham, President Dwight Harrison', . Vice Pr~~ & General Counsel Fred D. Connolley, . Vice rr..res. & Sales Director References , Dunn's Mercantile Agency · J3radstreet' s 'Merca~tile Agency


~cal Repreaentative.

Ed 'S. Conkli~, S. L. Irons, '. ·Frank Howe,..

.. .

. Lebanon, Ohio LebanpD, Ohio Franklin, Ohio

Seventy-Fourth Year _


_ _ _ 1 __ _

_ _ _ _2 _ _

J E Janney and family spent Sun· day 'with relalives at Kingman.


W. O. Raper attended the funeral of a friend lit Cln :innati. Friday. Dr. A, T. Wright Saturday.

Whole Number 5'476





St. Mary'!! Guild will meet with Capta in Charles L. Darlinglon , of l MI'1!. Clldwlllluuc l', Th,ursday after· Xenia , de pa rlme ut commander of noon, the Am e ri canLegion, was the Mpeaker Miss Laura McKinsey W88 In Dayat the Men of Waynesville monthly ton, Satnrday. Isadore Bloch, of Spring Valley. spent Sunday wtth flyer Hyman and meeting . I"rid ay e v enin~, at lhe Ma~lltJi c banqu et rooms, Misa Henrietta McKinsey spent the family. CUIH lli... Da rl ington was introduced week-end ill Dayton . • Fred Leonard and familv, of Kings aft er t he rl:ati ing of the 'minut es , and Mills, spent the week·end here with he s pok e of the Legion entirelv, Rs l Miss Helen Marlatt, of Cincinnati, relatives that is a sut 'j ect he is familiar wilh l waa hom. for the week-end , lind which l i ~ R lI earest to his heart. I Misa Opal Dllvid~ spent the week. JULge Willard J. Wright. of Leba· The captai n pro v.,d to be a charminll end with relatives in Bowereville non. was 8 Wavnesville visitor, this sp<>a ker, alld lold some things ab out the Legion th llt th e average layman mornina-. did not kn ow. HI ~ talk was thor· Mrs. Arthur Zell and daughter, of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting with Mr. Mrs. Chas. Brewster and Mrs, ou g hly enjoyed John Zell. , Goldie Allen were Lebanon visitors, • After th e tal k. the ~ llhj e ct of ' the Tbursday. community hOllse was t >1 l.en up, and l a f ree di s~ u ~ ~ i o n was iJ ,d ulJ(ed in Clarence Mendenhall and family, Dr, and Mrs S f D of Oa\ t9n. spent the week.tmd hire d I tewart. 0 ayton. The COnSenHIJ -t of opimon " a~ thai : . hI ' spent a ay ast week with Miss the people wanted a co mlll u,, ;t\ WIt re allves , 'I EI'IZ8 bet h S tewarl. h<luse . bllt w" ' e unllble to kn ow jus l ho w to proc" ed with the enterpr ise Mrs Luella Hollingsworth, of Troy, Ohio, is the guest ot Mr , and Mra. C. P Ellis and son, Eldon, and Chairman C a rtwri~ht appointed 8 Mrs Will Norton . Min Geneva Curlis spl!nt several commil lee to lo ok into th e matter days last week with relatives in Piqua and report allhe next meeling , A de lici ous din r:er was se rved bv Mrs, Chas. Williamlion and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bratt spent Friday with The regular meeting of the Moth- th e ladies of thp. Eastern Star lodg~, relatives in Morrow . ere' club will be held Friday after· an d it was se rv ed to the small es t noon. March Srd, at the usual place. crowd th e club has had for OVE'r a lear. the baQ roads being responsi· Mr. Bert Bratt, of Newark, N J , Mrs. M S, West and children. or ble for this defect . joined his wife here, Thursday, They Bellbrook, spent Saturday with Mr. left Saturday for their home. G. H . Ellis and Mr, C, p , E llis and W88

In Dayton,



- ----_.---

Marabal E. R Bentley and family are nllw domiciled in tbe earl Sher, wood property on Ea/lt Third IItreet.



Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Brown called on Mr_ J , H. CurUs and family and Mr. C. P Ellis and family, Thursday Mre. Grace Lincoln Smith haw afternoon. moved her Millinery store from the Rest room to,her own home, oppolite Mias Ullah Benham, who has been Miami Theatllr. so seriou~ly ill tor the P8l!t several weekI, will lOon be able to resume Deflconnetlll Dwinnell, of the Cbrillt her school dutiee. hospital Dt!8connell8 home. Cincinnati, .pent SundllY the Kuesl of Mr j\nnouncement: Spring Millinery J. D. Marlatt and familv . Openinlr, Thursday. Friday and SlIturday, March 9. 10 and 11 , Inspec· Mre, Grllce Lincoln Smith Is in Cintlon invited. Osterly Millinery, 37 cinnati, this wet!k. ill the work room Green street, Xenia. Ohi'o . of the Samuel Ach Co., Cincinnati's be!it !pillinery J>uuse, where IIhe will Messrs, Ed ThomAS, Jesse Prender· copy from ori",inal and Eaatern models ~t, Coleman Jack80n. Ueorge Wat·

Consuella Smith. granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith, had her life crushed (lut in the twinkling of an eye .. Thursday evening about 6 o'clock. She and a playmate had 10At something in the balea of fenc· ing at the rear of Cole's hardware store, and Consuella attempted to get it, Rnd in som e manner a bale of fencing. which weighs about 500 pounds, wil ed on her, knocking her down, and crushing t.tJe life out Ilf the little bod y The little pillymate immediately called for help . lind Oscar Smith reo sponded at onc.. He picked up the lillIe body and carried it to bis father's home , but a s he laid her dl)wn, she breath ~ tl her last . Consuella was the dl,lughter of the late Mr , and Mrs Walter Smith, whose tragic deaths occurred in 1918 during the "tlu" epidemic, the hu~ band's death follo wing that of the wifE! within a few hours. The fun eral Wa. held Monday afternoon, at th e home of Mr. Jeff Smith, Rev , Holt officiating. Her schoolmates and :iunday-s~hool mates attended t l'e funeral in a body , In. terment Yo li S IJIlide in Miami cemetery

erhouse and Homer earey attended Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. M"p- inRpection of the Masonic lodge at damee Lindley Mendenhall, J _ E Miamisbura-, Tuesday evening, Janney, Lina Devitt and Howell Peirce attended tbe funeral of Misa The tollowinll teachers attended Emma Moody, at Dayton. Saturday. McGuffey's model school, :tt Miami university, Oxford, all day Tuesday: J. Milton Thompeon left. Sundll1, MIIIIe8 Marie Williamson, Opal Da· for Mason, Ohio, where he has taken vidll, Frances Lamb, Leona McGinnis a poeition with a bakery <,perated by and Henrietta McKinsey. a former townsman, Vernon Emley. The pata:ons of the local bakery will mia ,Milton's a-ood baking and bie cheery smile, but all wish blm the beet of good luck in.hls new ventllre,


Each member of the Friendship B, E. Jarrett. of Randlemann. N C • arrived bere, Thursday evenlna. cl8811 of the M, E. Sunday·school will to vlelt with old friends. Mr . Jar· rett BaY. he willlltay here and pitch tor t~e Miamis If they get up a team for the Bummer, Fans will remem· ber bis pitch in&, and the manner in which he played, alld the} ~e all amdou8 to see bim play with the Mi· amls tbis Bummer.

OUR miles trom Itbaca, NY, OscarBennett'B latm spread ita acr~s alonK the face of Weat B III between the Lehillb Val· ley Iracks and t b e bltrtlwQ lead ina- 10 Tru· manaburaOtlCar Berinett was whot Ihe COUll try people and even tbe Ithaca folllt called II One farmer. HII fllnuhou8l! faced l Inne tbat{ l!d to the w..t ahore of Lake ea'Uil!. In'd froQl tbe 'fr.olit porch he coula He. m.uch to hll alellke. We tew Itralllllll \ lquaUer Iha~k8 that broulht, ,to an end northward- the 81. l,nt CIty. Like a1l , oUler lublltenUal cit! O'c:a~ detelted the equatters, In iii. eatimaClon tbel were a ot thleV!DC lo&!ers and loeake, apd many tlmee h~ had wllbeiJ 'that 'be o""n4i6 the ~u~d the, lIquatted oa lnatead of Marelll HaeKenlte. . ' O~ ' eourae It _e 110 llec~t that HacKenale n~ver ' let an opportunlt, Illp to POP' a lI.herman Into ,jail. bat In Beimett'e OPinion thB treatmell,t 111'111 not .evera enoulb, nn4 IMiIld.., It did not a~plllh aJlfthlnc, araeKenale'. Idea' wa.', to 'Jall' We m811 . wben~ver the cbance elme and for a ~Iod "I, tonc a. the)B~ would allow. Dnt what COOd did, that do' B'1~t:C!8 hatted lIaDied In ths 'haati'l) facea of the women. IUId the" held to their lMluatter F1Cbb "'Ith 1M t.naelt:r Of leedlet unUt ~ babanda' were "vea baclt to them. Qe~tt bav, done a",~ with. the ~... IIICIthen !.f tile JoII 01 breaktlla.1IP tbl IlUeDt City ~d lien 1alI. ' Ro IlIaD "uld ant til a INt . . . wtt!loa&. WOIIWI III It. ODe mClllllq'IIl, .... ear waa 8DI*Iq



please be present for the Pot Luck lunchl!on lit the home of Mrs. Fred Cole, March 8, at 1:80 prompt. Please bring your own disbes and silver· ware, also sandwiches for yourself and one dish to pasll. Coffee will bE' served",by the h08tesa. Mrs, Sid Ellis. Sec'y.

Another View of SeifhihneeL Selll ~llIll' ss dues Jlot IIlwllYs apply to Ihe mllll \l'ho Is unwilling to share his belongIn gs \l'lIh others, but It also applies to Ihe IJlJln who may have lOme pJ'lIctl CtJ I lti ens ood wlll nol pIls. . them on to his neighbor,

E ~: d ~: .. i,c: and r\ r s~ piC' turr.., !",,'''n PJ:-. ~ : : () .. :I' P.; d : C" .1"'; 9 \"tc r l., ,... ;,. ~~ . 1.1(" .:. s _n)! th r p~\]p l c in hen ' "II ~:.;~ \' • • :(.. ~ I. ~ :. , ..~.~t·J .... ,,-l) L \ : . ..... , :,.. < 1tC'(" ~" J I ! ' ~ l ~ f f" P Oi'''' ~O: 'l ~a~ .: t. L )¥..:.. '-'It:. ~ u . °G Y" _


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CardufThaau To those wh o 80 kindl y gave us

the ir servi ces in our ti me (lr Madness we £- xtend our lh unk R and our best wi ~ h e! . Th e Kennedy Flimily.

LIKE A LION Not even a Numidbn, or an African, or even an Engli ~h lion roared more effectually than did the lion that ushered in the first day of March 1922. The E'arly morning was fierce -snow, sleet and wind made it P08' sible for humanity to crouch closer over the fire. not e ven daring to ap. proach a door, If the month goes out as gentle as it came in fierce, Old Prediction will have 88gerted herself. Here's hoping. _ _ _.... _ •

The Wllyne Township Protective and Detective 88@lociatioll met at th e Township house, Saturday afternoon, and elected the olfficers for t.his year _ The same officers were elected into Sunday School at 9:30 a. m., and office, as last year, Several new Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 members were taken in, but no buai' p, m, Everybody is cordially invited nesa (,f imporlan.ce was transacted. to attend theae servicell every Sunday






MiBII Dwinnell, a deaconness of Christ hospital D,eaconneBII home. of Cincinnati, occupied the pulpit at the M. E church, Sunday morning, in the interest of the home, explaining the details I~f the institution. She received $100 from tho! congregation.



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Into the room. ~e smiled ot him al· most humbly. I "Shut the door I" he shoul cll al her. "Where's your mllnners, Polly Hopklns? CUlI't you lee the raill's COlO' Inl I'n aflcr YOUr' I the swlle faded trom the girl's' fore. . Mecbanlcally she turned, ' closed tbe door and. unlm'lted, seated hel'llelf In a chair nnd placed the pall at ber 'side. "So you've come beggIng, l'oIlyOp," \ went on the farmer. wiping hl8 lips , on t.he 51~eve of his glnl(ham whlfl. 1 "Well, you mIght IlS well tum lall aod rUIl bome again, for ~'ou' re not go- ' Inl to get any'thlng more frum me. 1 don't Wllllt a poacher'S brat around bere." 'fhe girl', bare wet foct drew tense· , Iy bac:kwllrd utuler the chnlr; bnt sl,e remalnlltl dtscreetly silent. OSClir al· waya obiiBlltl her and c:nlled h~r nnllles, ' ~~;:;:;;~~::d!{::==:;::::~==:=i:=~::::::::::~==~~=:;;:;:~ hut that -w., because shl! was Il squal· ". ter. After a while. he'd chnnge his I miBd, and then she ,,"ould tnke home I Jlp~, I't)lIy '~ e~'e8 lowerea. ana m e wliat whe clme tor. She noted II'llb B 10111( dnrk Ins hes only adtled to Ben· over milch, tor he'd maoe It a oozeD quick breath that Oscar's eyes sotteoed nelt·" . nrtden ndmlrlllloo. A quick· 'times before. It WaB only We elIl)retI· durtnc the time he wal sllent . That drown hrenth slipped audlbl, past tbe slon In his gow. sbe did not quite boded well tor ber errand; but Beo' l man'R teeth. Pollyop sensed In his at· like. Her mInd went to Evelyn Rob· the girl that 08cllr had mar· eu'. mind ",el not on ' milk or flny tll1ldp tOIl'Rr(1 her R new quality that ertson, cit thOle ,.utrerlng tor the wnnt ot It. Bhe recoj:nl1.ed Intultlnly as dllnger· rled. Aw If It WIlIrI! but ),esterdlll, sbe Be b!ld JUI.t discovered thRt Poll)" ous. '1'0 hrlllg hl8 attention back to remembered bow two years ago Ihe I(QPklnl wall betlutitIJl even It alte "the purpose oC her visit. she ventured had lone with th,, , under prot..t te It mlul ster far ba,ck ,In tlje hills. Illv. -re'" barefooted and rBleed. Her ' to soy: , etralch$ ,oun, Iboulden were covered "l thollght It woutdn't 1IUrt you I)'n bad explaIned Wai tor Borne time with wet curte that _entad to han t none, OSl'ar, to glmllle 11 little milk for to come no olle but the three . must given til the wide eyes thelr Ihade of Granny Hope 11ft' Jerry. I'm alwaYi know of ,the mnrriage. POllyop hod 'learned a great Jl!tDl rtDe 'clIemllllL " ' "mnln' errands (or you an' your things In two yellrs! Whlt ....1 do.PoU, ~ , .oment that woman." ","ouid ,....~.. Olat tor the pall, Bennett 's h'eavy Carm booh! made a not Ilfter ahe's pallsed her Ilfteentb birthday, One of the thIn" lIIe bad , u\lj ~ wtui bd pace, be'deCi"aplng sound under the 't able, Mr tile 'milk Jut~ , IUII& - 8U lid- ' "\"bnt good does thllt do mel" ,he tound out was that Olear wal a dread· ptad, III bar '~Ir ... c1rew. • tOlll returned, ."Upon my flOut, I mtght a. tal penon, more dreadful .than moat ~ wu atarSDc at ... 1Il' l!IICb ~ well be without a \rlfe 811 to bave ODe of the eq,uatter men. of CQUflll the pedlar wanDer fiaIa utef,lIe ilia", who won't live wIth me or let an,ODe men folks Of ber people did beat ~etr ' '"1uI0w I'm her bll ~hond. I'm pWn' women, now aud then. That wal their , WII7 ....... DOt 1It1l. and plenty dC!k, I ea tell rlIbt without an, qUllftiOD. The blood coJonct eveo ber ..... . . lila NIHIDPoUr Bopkll11." ...... did Dot dIItub Poll, .... IlOIr Olear IIIOton1lIlla . - -


Ma r y Malil ua O D k~ 'NUS born in f'erry cou nty , Ohi u, Mar 'I, 1 ~ . 18:\9, Mi ~s Cozy Younce entertained at and d ied nl!u r H" it on, K an , at Ihe d inner , Sund ay , Miss Hele n MarlaU hom e o f he r duuJ.(h le r, M I' ~ W H , and Mr , Her bert Gett er. of CincinMannel l, Febr ull ry 14 , 1 9~:! at the na ti. age of 82 y e u r ~ , II m o nth ~ awl ~ dav~ , She WI-I S ulliled in marri " g;, ' to J ohn Stansberry, wife and son, and John Kenn l.'ti y . Oc tnbt! r 8, ItlG7 ,';Ii s~es He len and Frances Gullady Th ey r e ~ i d ed in May vil'e, Ohi o , Ulil il ~ pe n t Su nday with Chas . Brewstl'r 1866. wh en t hey moved to Go re. >1 11(.1 family , Hocking Cu unty, Oh io, where t hey resid ed until th e death of the hU RA number of fr iends surprised Mrs, band and f ul her, J anua ry 14, 1913 .1, D, Marlatt; Tuesday evening. in fh e r e we re born to Ih;,m , t wo d augh· ho nor of her bi rthdav. The surprise ters , Sarah E , and Lo re tl h ,J • a nI I was compl ete , and the evening was two sons, Charles C. and Alva L ~ p en l in taffy pulling and a Ilood Soon afte r lhe d ea th of he r hu >!band, l im e , Twelve ladies were present , Mrs. Kenn edy moved to Harveys· burg, Warren County, Ohio, where Several members of the K. of P. s he r esirled until her death , which lodge g ave a series of three deli\thtof'curred wh ile she was visiting her ful dances in th eir room. lately vadaughter , cated by the creamery, ,Thursday, Of her immed iat e fa mily. a b r o ther Saturday and Monday evenings, The J oseph, a daugh ler , Sarah E.. nnd music was furnished by colored ortwo .sons , Charles C, and Alva L. chestra from Xenia, and the young I survlve her , H er oth e r daugh ter, ' people had a good time each evening . , Lore tta J _ Tu cke r, died Junll2 , 1911. Mrs, Kenned ... was a membe r of Mrs. Earneat Earnhart entertained the Methodist Epi8copal church, hav· Tutlsday afternoon, the occaaio,n being united in her g irlhood, She ing the birthday anniversary of Mrs. ,loved her church as we ll as her Lold Matilda Hosier. After a very pIe&!!and to the las t kept her::!elf well in· ant afternoon, a delicious lunch was formed about It through the Western served. The j{uesta were Mesdames Christian Advocate, which has been Elmer Rogers, J . B. Coleman, Frank a part of the home for nearly sixty Zell, Viola Carey, Julia Brown, Lida years. She was also a membe r of Smith and Emma Retallick. the Pythian Sillters and th e Eastern Star lodges, ' Mr . and Mrs. Charles Clark, ot Her hou se has always been in ord er Lytle, entertained to dinner, Wedbut especially so since the death of nesdayof last week, Mr. and Mrs, her husband, f or all during all tht William Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. days of these nine year s she has been Samuel Hainea, honoring the birthanticipating her reunion with him in days of Mr. , Ha ines, Mr. ,Coleman heaven, and the welcome of her Sav. and Mr3. Clark, The decorations. ior. This anticipation and the welplace cards, etc " were In keeping fare of her children have had the with Washington's Birthday. The first and big place in her heart, but guests departed with remembt:ancea she still waa thoughtful of the comof a very pleasant day spent. fort and happiness of all whom she - -knew, a s she wa.~ through all her life , Her las t words we re characteris tic of her, "Doll't be alarmed h about me, I am all right. "

DEATHS Miss Emma Moody died at her home in Uoyton, las t Werlnesdoy evemng, after 8 long illness. The ~uneral ~as he ld Saturd ay morning, 10 the Chapel at Dayton. whe~e in· terment was made. Miss Moody was an aunt of E , V. Barnhart, and had been a teacher in the Dayton schools for many years , until she was pensioned a lew years ago, She had many friends here.

From Bishop to r _pc in ,bout two years' time is the rile of hi. lIol iness Pius Xl, who wa. Cardinal Ar hille Ratti, Archbi.hop of Milan H e was born in Ital" Octobe, He__r~ceived the Red Hal a. .\fIS8. ... __• .~

Word was received here, Sunday. by Mis!! Elizabeth Carroll, to the ef· fect that her sisl er, Mrs . Mary C, Griffin, hKdi ust died at the home of her ,daughter, in Oakland, Cal. The telegram did not state anything in regard to lhe funeral arrangements.




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A Jay circus was stalled by the UPII UCII r(lllJ rUCCl. ~ 1111 wn M Civic League at their annual party RI Il".II ,,!! with her 11111111 0" Ihe ,Ioor kn ob, ren d." 10 1:0, I" s ll e ll ce she took in the Town hall at Harveysburg on the eveninQ; of Washington's birththt) pHil he orr.. reil h(lr, "L oukll here. I' 0 11),01) ," he h e ~nn nb, day . rllpt"', n s Pollv ooened the door. Mr , A. S. Collett, as director and rir'imaster, was a very impre88ive figure , The grand mart'h was a lonlr procession of professional stare . The jazz blind w'as all of that and then some. Mrs. Weldon Heller Ilave brilliant piano selections. Tht! fancy riding, the charlot raed, more money." the fortune tellers, the beautiful Th\! mllll'S to ce darkened. dancing Ilirls, the darinll tight rope "ThuI's just the rub." he cOJ) ~ded. "but Ilt that EVe ain 't plltylng squnre walker, the wonderful snake charmer with lIle. The ltohel'rSOlls ho va JUolley thrilling sword swallower, the "tak· to hurn, IIlId she ti(,llls It Ollt to me In ing sisters- Before and After,:' the slIlnll little dolllll'S. I ((III ~' Oll 1'111 sick double-headed woman, the inimitot Ih e wholc thlllg," able monkey, l,he clownish clownll. Polly nol etl the !'t iltH" III Bennett's the world's champion bubbler, the angry eyes und fell 1I 11111n the (1lIlver Qf feor. dangerous wild animalll, thE' Ion&,'~ "'St,e glvetl you atl ~ I' e !(el~ lIer nnhaired woman, the peerless mqi..,JI.~ rers on," she conIC I"H~ k III 111m III de..... cian, the magic whistler, the elotense ot the absellt hl\,elyn. "Lots of quent spieler, and the tearful "mi.atimes 8he's got 010111( 011 About nothln' ing link" were a few of the all~riOir to IIl!nd you cllsh, an' dldll't I come runnln' up bere wIth It a8 SOOl1 a8 ' she specialties, A graceful , cake-walk gIve It to me? Now rnJl's getlln' and the Civic League yell c10eed tb. on that Eve ~11I't, spendln' her Ilione'l ,program, ,": . "'_ 011 h.'rself, all' she wlltches 'er Uke a ,At ita finish, a plentitul and ..~peo hawk doeBa chicken. SM told me tizing lunch WIS served to the- ~rp that only ' yestard.,-.'" ' , The 8ql\atter girl ,rose to her crowrl present. and ~I went hOlIM!" anxious to , be lOne. bappy after an eyeni.,. 'of harm!.- : ' ''Oscar. you mlgtlt be leUln' :me' fon . PI.,.." let'u'''vemore' of·it.: have just a wee bit · ot milk, You A ,nerl'1 beart doeth ~. 1_ • , alo't lollln' nothln' throulh me." medlelue -L. V R. ~~~'.i~~. . She pleked up the pall, and~ wlth a • • --.>.:....;. • .--::~ crowl tbe man anatehed It Ollt' of lair hlnd. '" .' , ' "Women;re a , d-d nullane.... be 'II'1Imbled. "Well, walt bere." Be went t of,Jhe room. IIl4 PoD:r Bopldnl'''l1rew,. roo. oreatll. 11: WIll pttID& harder ....., eta,. to pt the the money It WflS so IlIml for Evelyo to get. An other thlllg she hlld come to un'tlerslnntl WII S thu t, If Oscllr bod nol been Ilfruhl of th e powerful Rob· ertson (1I11l II y, he wou l(1 hnve forced Evelyn Inlo hIs howe 10llg before thiS. It hlld been a hnrd two yellrs' tllHk 10 keep hIm quIet "M ebbe you nre gettln' sick, Oscor," she Interposed. "I don't kuowmebbe; but YOII know \Vhllt thut old Miss HolJerl5011 w'ollid do to you ao' her itrl If you told. You 'd get Eve, mebbe, but you sure wouldu't gel uny

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The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, ObJa.

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:-lho u 1 4 1 c r~.

lh ll l I,,· "'lOuhl hJl\' e IDI"'II IlI N \lU Y fo r tli t! mill, wlltHllll h l' r P"-"'I'IlI'~si lln It' she 111l 1'k('11 10 lh ' dOl' r .ll l~ f", 'e \I'll " "'11 hnd 11('1 Ihru \\ II II I h llll II Ihl't'1I1 lie IInri II lrlllll erl ; l lie cUI'II ~ ill hi. III" k r" lIrt'11 ~ he "' Il ulu u lrry 0)11 1. "" ' re swull pll wllUe hl£ IIn;:l'r s l\\'I ~II' ,1 " ~I I' II's 1,lsso 's II rt' ",hll t ~' O ll ' l\ get, n~erls. Thnt \l'IIS on Olh r lhl ll g II huut Illy Ilrt11\ .\' hl ~:"; '" II(' predh-I(>ti g-rlm ly, \l'hlch P olly's ey es hnd bl'e ll openc'd In "lInll If I "'n~ tlnJ s hed wllh E'·e. hy two yeur or " row ing \\,"III:llIh '''1I1. G oli. I'd s t ohoul l!etUnlr IllY s hure. Wb l.'n II mlln l ook~ d (I S Oscll r dill llulI'. I WIIII'I nlwuys he nll IlT It'1I t u Illy IlIlly o slrl go t n wny n s fn s l ns shp ('011 111. ll o(,"I'I ~u n . mind yuu. I '''II Y''\I ,'' "You ml g bt plly III { In 1( 1 '~ . ·s. " li e 'l'Ilt· b luOIt! hlld It·ft his flll'e . li e IIlllttered Ilonrsely. l o\\'er l ll ~ 11"1'1' 1i,·I·. WII S llll l t ,~ whil e nlld s t t' rll. UII (I uy tills "Te n kls es fill' "lIc h bll e l. ,,!. Yuu · ....' t i llu' .I n lly \, %\H ult Ille purl'll. n hcn.o UI"CIlI"r tl l1l1l J ;~ \.•~ . I ' ,I'Tu l ll" so pusy to ~t!1 tllJIu ll rrl ctJ lo

· II .~ 1(1 I,;U I 1III1ITII' d." ~ h' li,llI hllll . ",\n' ' Ill' ! 1'111 JII~I I "tidy 1I0(lkins'

fl S


b rat ,

1111 '

>1 d t' V' t



k ls~l.\f; LJut

hl s·n. I'll Io't .' I' IT ~' · S lIU1h'lle go Iwl st f or II1l1k h e r"rc rd PIlY for It wlthwllh- " Oscn r sprull g Itt h(lr.

Waynesville, Ohio

... 1 1 "\ 1 1.'"


pulse. she hllrJ s~~ retly married O~c ur llE'IIIlt'Il, "And YQII !leurd whul Mnr cu ~ SOlid In SI ,,1 j:h·1 nunnl the 811 .. nl Clly rolks."


II I ~. r " "U f Y

S,he wus so

tnUl nllz lng ly h"lIUllful, 80 IIlIurlng eve n In h r r S I'otcsQu e ottlre lhllt for the National Bank mODient he t orgot h e h a d reoson to .teu r he r . ' 'I'll klHS Y(lU. Ilnrwny." he s lIArled, but P olly, lI ecHootrll nnd IIfrold. Rhot trolll Ihe p(Jr~ h un,1 r('u ('hed Ihe Inne, the milk du shlll g 1I1(II11lst lhe co,' er at the 1J1l1i. Th e mnn halted. looldnl: n(te r her. With n s hru g of' his shouldl' rs he ., t\,rll cd bn"k Inl o th e hou s '. For the momen l he p UlIsed III the l;ltchen; he For sale dates, call W. rouJ ,1 h!'nr h is o ld mother pottering Smith~.s Store, New BurIIh(,ul ,,"erhl' lI d In his be droom . . She lington, or. Harveysburg, WU R tilling th e work Ills wife oUl:ht to IIO! Whnl n fll ol he hod been. to mnrry phone 7-2~. E .. "\YlI (tub e rl so n ! Instend ot the forlllll o h e IIiHI I'Xlwcted, he wns tie d MV PRICE, ONE PER CENT hund nlld fout Wlthli llt money o r wom· QOOooo'o oooooaooooooooooooo Rn. li e thought of Ih e 1'[lIlinnl SQllllt· t er gi rl who 1111<1 JURt Ipft him , Twu yenrs IlI(O w",,,unh ood hnd not dllwned 11111)\1 Plllly HO)pklll ~. b ut t o'hlYUll


" I \\ 1I ~·, · d!I.'d u 111 1'" 111 11 1\ fl'lIlI l thl. ('ur, (: 1'111111\ ," .. :t Id fi ll' L.: l rJ "t:"d d .\, hu t lit ' " ~I - I I III ' :-\ tlll~~ ,,, ~ h t ' t J111 j ill" II 111 " 1,,,11 \\, IJI It. I II .. SI, . \, · lill d l lil'U"l u pl. " " II I' \\ ",,11 IU I Ii

.J lli '1'y\H' old ft1Abloll fld ~potted f J Pol","i . 1 'bln,,1:1 ug ... EI1~II .. lI bred ( bOil of tbe bOlll ' ) tbe kiD" .. ur tore,

It. "\\ IIlI d ' !'o

:1 '"

, . lull1l'lI. 1I 1 11 11)~ ' t Cl 1H'l'sl 'l r,

T Ilt,

" Id


Jt ~

111'11," :o- hl' l'0 111tf ~11t·' hatt "",01; "11

\ \ (· t 1I~


h " r 11' 1111,· .. ,,01 II lls. "IIt'1I 1I1 11't \\('t," , ht' mu th'n 'tt. "I I' '>! IlI t.-"H II,' · HI HI sh ,' fiihh'l ' n'd, d nl\\'t ng n,' lIrt'r lll!l Un.' ,

Fourth Street, near Tyler TelephoDe


, I Ohio



ural benuty or Cn~'nga Illld Its majes· tic surrotlll<lIIl!=S, PoJlyop s tooll shln'rln~. her Iroubled 1:3 7.!l ~ellrc hillt: Ihl' lul;e for n hoot. nn d.I~· T1o l' l(lns 111111 ~()II(' owny ,'nrly

jI I ••• E1tamined Correctly... i . I Gl

~.'I!',~ • • ~,.", • • • • • • • ,


I E ""'ES

8SS!!S Fitted

'S i I



1 with Wee J e rry. und s he Olwn~' ~. wor· rl('d II little whe n Ilw)" "~rl.' out. Yet Rhe kn ew thot !lIe on ly 'II'oy to Iret , the hn' nd . belln ~ IIJIlI' bnrOIl for the fumlh' wus for nud,h' Hopkin s to .I ~f.\' ihe low nnd .iI·1I1: 'hls nelS when· (,\,pr Ih l' I1nlll!' wlIl'den s we re nnt , ,,b OIiI. " ' ltho,,1 til e luk e 11n.1 II~ hid· j ;~",II',.,~~~d, It w OILld Iw n de81111l1,' worlll

Optical Department Xenia, Ohio

B. Detroit St.

OPIIG evenlnga b'.PpolDtment

\r pp J el'r.r \\'II~ /'oll ),'s tI\,~·y"nr·old ·lm'lher. lind I rllll! "p("r.. h e coulll Willi,. 11(> hnd cli o,,," hi s filih e r 's hlg I '; holll ll('r" JlIl"1l which 10 hent hl~ WilY illru ul!h nn ullfrlNlllly lind oftl'n hun-


.................... I

:::::::::~:::::::~:::~~~~::::~~:::::-:::-_ I'

I McClu~ \. FUNf-' \ 1.


Waynes vill e, Ohic l:;'ully Equipped for GOI Service. . Large Display Room TI1Lf:PHONE 7



oi l


,\1 . '" I




0111' d llY P o lly hnd (oltDo l h" .. ,1 .-\; III bill y !:Uflt h UIII I?, Hli till! NI,,' h" l n ~ Orullny H ope. lIever rt" .II~ln~ I Ii II I III the tlltterln g old flgun~ sill' 'wJ\:-> ,"11 t e rtnlnlug un nngcl

\UlU,\, ~· .. s.

A l l ~ Iw

knew wns Ihot Grnnny's t Olll hJ" R' smile. h e r ch ee rful \\'o fll s or lov e III1lI klndlln .. 's, Illllde the flll n .hllle hrl):ht· er 811d the III IIger foot! l1Ior(' filii II!;, DurlD~ the winte r , IIIrs, Hnp,· hlld en eouro"ed Ih e girl 10 n·lId. .'1 Of' 1 Ihut hnd bel.'n dlOl/'ult. ror Ihe s lllllll y conlalned nothIng but the tlltte rl!,1 R lhh. th .. olrt womnn ho ,l hrou ltht with

tunnel s. i nt~r i lJ r

. " t 11l1l11 Ul'r JII :- t' ohtained

. -n l' d hcrt:wlt h


",', .1 , '"uri : "'rr :.'''"r IWllrt I ~ loving ,,, ,·1 1,' , ·1. ('(1 111" rl~ht In , H It Ain't. ,, "p' .. \\'1 1)". t h" t'. 1II'nllll(III!" '1", ., II r ill, \ · ('h' to l .\ ' hrown the rich 1,'"", !,n 'nlS 1,,"1 1111111 .. n hnrd glare \\;" hr IIc hl l"I,'k III POII~" N p~'~s b~' I J I "" ' IH' tI !'i , ~hp could hove hugged

t· :1,'. \\'hlltf l tl l:l t ,,: .... .1'11 .. l lI'd ~III ' L: 1I1\ 1 en ',1 tl lPlIl liP a ll d , . \ in 11: 11 ''' , 1' 11111 1 In t o l i lt' \' III" I, " , 111 1' 1 111'1 .. f l .p r oof , tI I14 1d~' I ln l'! Ill'" \ \11 11.1" 1,,· ' illd when tit' " :1 111 " I,, ' to :1I 11 ! I ••I',J ,', .Ihn r k tlr,, ' nlul ""rl " . T lH '11 ... 1,.. " ' ;':111


ht'd. llild. ns stl e hllll 11'11 t hi' fllrl ll l'1l

hic h he: ht\ s tH.' en a lUonu·

I'·, t'""r r tl l n!!'" h a n'lI ' t 11111('11 o f 8 . I :11 ., ' 101 I"'.' ot! IPrwl ... (', hll\'{' they , \: :... /..... ' l' IIf ' t111{,Q t tlln p"hlt'ntly ~­ '1 "1"'" 11 11 11Il ~ "' I \ r, 1I \\' t:'11. whnt do you ,I I:'" I'" thai '? " hl' \\''''111 011 . Th en he

th t UpOIl 11 11

relllt' llIl ll- r .

h,tber. ""eU \0 r .. IHP. bl\! buned, blK ~I'0t.., big " Y"" IlDd big hOIC~ . 11 Y\,O wunl wbat tit .. p f'o ple WlilIt, j(llt Ule ~pot. , 'I'lle "hi till"" I~ t h" 1J.lurll!sgo Ilft .. r, !be ' IIrU\ bullrter ; ijl!e "nrlolt .... wour ij,,11 I' Ii feud" l·lIe hUlICry ; "he bullol. U1H lIoh ,lOl .. "1ll1 c hllr ll hH~, lind wllb " ut b .. r Am"ll oa WIIII"1 1(0 to ~be blld tllllUlcllllI" !.iIVLI hO'r a cbunoo ~ud "b., Will atluo" "l 'be obll,lr,m . Th" "r .... t edt .. m .I'll h " ve "v"r "B"n I" jll'" ,,1t"1It! f(lr I hI' m"n wb ' will tl o tb .. I!qUH rtl I hlll~ wllh ,bs old .. IIW . Bnl(" ' r till uti,.. lIud d 1111 Mmee for 8Hle. I'h ,w "rll hr.-d rlRht t1bd ur" .,rlO .. d filCh I K E. rb omp.. nn, lb .. 11'1,,1,\ M >lII, U"·I( ..IIII .. , Wllrr .. " (;('UU~'" lib .. " R. II . I, ,.~nne i9~1 Y. Barveyeburj( rin ". t ltr

: 1,'

, ' ~II T'IlJ " f' r It " ' 1 , 'r."1 "~· n l 'I '" \I~ "': \ I, I " .. r II, 1>1" 1111(\\ 11 0 qunrl r lit n 11111 (' JI\\ ny , In II lib tlu lIC'l tli'1' Rhe hnll Jlv.-.rl Rhine ~vpr ,, 'n e,· h ,"r 1111:-:'- IJ" d\('I:o( I' ull~ t I ,I bllllll 1,,"1 1101'" d o wo In I lir H I~ lil liII'. ~ 11111...:. I t '\ :t ": :, II ~lo rlJl thnl \\'n ~ u lr"d lll oll In Iii .. " tl lO'1II nl. und whkh 11111 ." Ihl' ,,11"'" 1 wh tl II (,.\\ I l l kllw , I, '.! "r \'. : 1' 11:1f'1 ~ 1l ' lu l,,",I IIOIIl8 of ti le SII" 1I1 ('Ill' ,.",,101 In~ n ut ti ll' l ' a ll "I, d Ih,' ,,1.1 11\1 ": of

ti l " II did



Of' l

"' ''. ':lk('Or





WANtED-HOGS ' iU-\T"-1I6 "h" .. '. wdl(lll "ll 100 Ib8 t .. 1l!5Ib" £(" 11,, \:illh"Il. "And You Heard What Mareu. Said W"vBrly FHrrn. H"m" ph il'''' HI! X . mIl) Lut Night About the Sliont City Cenl,ervllll! e XOhKn\lll . Folks," W.nt on M ... Robert.on ,


~()rnetl mel

II II '''I~'

1I 0I,klll" ! " B II I" "s "~" """,·r,·(\

hcrtH r;lt (l r h,II IP,Io' .! , hr' Id/'I" ' ~ ;\lncKl'nzle. tin H\ t ' l ' t l'" tutJ I '" ih'''IIL: h \\ h i. II ~lll' " I' I' r r,,"' 1 I"lIt! Your flunt \\"n~ saying Wltl t'r drll 'i'l·ll. (11 ., I ' in II \\ 1111,' !-tI, t' IIJI< '" .. J'II II1~ Ihol Ihp II npk lllR girl I. st oJl p t'd \\dl·I, l l t:.: , UI '1.11.1 1 to ll Ih I' ~ Iom - ," .. .til " " _he Is nlthy . 'fhe "ery Idell. B l' Il, S IIlI,.:h t r~Il' :-:1 " k l' " 1'1 11'1.:-., I .. r 11:\\ ill !! II Ihl" " Ilk" Ihllt hltng Ilpl" J 1I st li S :-;iH' h ~ l d 1I1I' 1I1\1' d t il t' Insl 1 'loJl ,\ ' :;rAW th e ~T (l\1I1~('r mnn reach b oh .... ~h4! ht':tl'C1 till ... Iumd or ht tr.-;es' " 111 01 ,,01 Ill lieh th~ "pPllkf'r wllh II lI (1n f f: a lHI 1I I,'n'~ \ tl l l' -~ . \\'I l il I t\\' (PHr ~ I f'\\" 'd I' uort, of tIl e tJl'I''::H ' ('Ui, ' rl, ... lH' l'l',.lIl"1ll' d d\1 C .. t , 11 \ C' hm't rnhhtJih, whprtl\'pr yon to tilt! r uttf. an d I II,\:, :"lIlI l l' rri,l!ltt e lll'tl nlld II. 0\11 chilI' '" hI' ",xi·'nloll'(!. "It ufl lulIIl , cftlw l( 'd t ., ' th e pdj.!(' o t' It, 1:1\'''" ,,"('11 n "flllntt .. r "h nrk n gllmp~e Sl)Jllltl c r~

L1 I,,1 111.1 ' 1"' 111,


l lillt.

nlfit.'cllt a ll [ IIl"I~, \\ , I"




IOt'H .

went .. II Ml's. Holiertsoll. "Whlll you wnnt "f Ihul Hopkins I!lrJ I £1011 ' 1 un· derslnlll!. Mn r"U>! suy~ h~r fnlh"r I. the lIIos1 liu .ogc r ous 1111111 Iltn')IIl: Ih., Int uf th elll . lIull the girl he l'llelr 1M


w on't b(1thpr you ."

1' " lI y h ll d



~r l\l'I ~ I · 1I1.1I '

I ii It 1.;lI'11 HIIU

nh u tlt It :-. lt l' hilI! 0.1," '11 wall ,\'


Ut ''' ''!'

f k, l r'~

!'oj) l di l' r~

~ t lld\""Zie' ~ wn..:, d('(' ~""' tl i ll flU u f ·

111\ "

nn)'U I It'



, tI ~


II II If II 1:' II I ,

h o r~('

111 :-;

whl l'lt"l1

It Was a Groteuque Looking Girl Who a Few Minutes Later Was Flatten· Ing Out the Panl and the Old Bit. of Tin Upon I.he Stone. Over nort o\, pr rony nun n :nu I h e ml se.rles of ,J oh Ule pOtl e nt. I'lle 10llg lillu e nlntlons flf .1 erernlll h, who 01· WIIYS put h'r III 1111",1 of Dllddy Hov· 1;1 li S ; 1111<1 s h e IllslJ kn ew by heort I he s lm')' <Jf Ille cl'ucitlx lon (.f ,l eslls. w llo. th ~ HlhJe 8111d. wn~ the hest mnn thlll hn'l e,'cr wulk .. u the glohe. So h011 Iho8e wlnl er du)'s of close c n'lIpJlulunshlv wllh th e wo,ulln who IIIHI 1I",'d long lmd s utrerell 'Illwh, nlul who IIn w Wll8 nlmost re lldy to 011 t" Ill"T.


lurgl' r





Polly H"llk lns n g rpoI('r capacity tor lm·lnl:. Th e RQUlltl <-r8 cullen h" r UPollynT' , lite 1o\'('·lns5." anci fiOme· tlnlt' !oO,

" l'oJly

of th e s1ln."


lI op" l' x\llnllll',1 IHls hy slIylng: "T h ey oil I",·p YIIII . Poll. 1I1l' It's out ot your OWIJ h,·tlrl llipy I;" t Ihe feelln' or 'oy wh f'1I t Iwy ~f'P ye:' Fr(Jm Iophlnd the wood-hnx lI ~n r wl!prL' Ih (l g'UI~ t 8 111(u l, Pollyop touk 1Jp 811 11< . TC II""rJ~' ~ IJI ' bellt ond Jllll r l',1 n ' 1, 1"" 1111011 Ih e ~lIn t' s horn y IWlld ,


' rlll ' lI !S h l' toul'llt'd Ornl1n~1 Horw. '1'1,, ' "'"1111111 IItlelt her liti s lind

:1'." wo'rl(1, Rllt Ihl . li me worlLl \\'hl ('h slllll ~ ,J nl th p gl rl. hnll wl 7.pncct .J erry hnd gl"en to P olly "Whnt·s th e mutt er. love·hl ss ?" ~he IlI' nuty. n hOlly strong nnll ns m1lrmur ed, 1'1I11nl liS n marsh reed . "I'll) goln' out, GrunDY, " n'I,lIcll Wllh II Il:h 1'011 )' 011 t.urned to the Pull," . "If Dallily 1'011leS, t II ' 1111 I'll liO" "I'. Tllp fl oor WIIS s hut ngnln s t the b e Ilfl ck In 0 while," , torm . lind U Ihln curl o f sl1loke ]l1lcl the rnln Slif) w(lnt, ll(\r hll~ 'f )et 1wis ter! upwnrrl frllm the tOllpllng CHrl'~" ng her 8wlttly · oypr the rag':: .. ,·htmnpy. loslll l: It self In the hnhy r()clt ~. her curls j;lllher.. 11 unfl er he r I p n \'('~ of till' willows. The little JInes cilln like II wnrrn glistening li n(,,!. I hnt lind trncrd the troubled brow Whe n In ter .he oppen red In tront ot "nIl1 8h,'rI nt til l' .I~ht of a ~IRh of tho:> Nhnnty . hllr glnghum skirt WIIB w ood over th!' rloor. On It was point· ftlll' d with rusty IJllns nnd 01<1 pieces f'd In rnlde le tte rs: "It your heart I~ or t ill . Sh e plarell th,' m 0 11 the door· loving nnd kInd come right In. It It ,I!tep. onrl Inoklug hesltntlngly ot lite " In 't, ~cnot. 011'." Pnllyop nnd Grnnny willow tree, '(',mt bRr.k Into the house. Hope hlld workerl II l ong time to mnke 10'1'0111 II p eg Polly took n pnlr of her I his sign, nnd p,'en 10llger to nnll It lJlthe r's IrOtl80:> rs Rnd cJ'nmbered Into lIP , Ihl'm, fllI'l;lng hl'r .klrts out at sIght Ih ~ SlIpnt City folks, "!I'll !!.nrJ ro lllilg . u J.l tho trou~e r IJ:I!~. fJlr

" \I'll"


? eOtl~vn


"tCIU <:JlK t£15. nClSM"'~

h ll il hltt' 1,C'lh..' r \ l e w. lh ~ f l'(lwlI f ll!l .. d r r U!11 I ' oll~' lI p '!'i ' .t'O w I\~ ~ 1I 4 ' ~lIzl' d "" ll f1 "l ll1;:\ ,\ 1IJ11111 hill !. :-;11\' ItllI l' kf' c1 1d :-: JLI!--l.i tlu; L:!aIH'I'~ thut S\\' (' llt thf' S !l l' llf el l,\". :-411 l' 11 1111' 11 wl l 1& f.l S II' U ~l g (" JJtIJ,' th ri 1t I l a' 1" 'H l tt y of th~ ('I,': II'CIll f o;lJ t111·.. H. l lie fLl II . 1( I' JlJI~' I1\0utll Hllti Itlt' " 1I1", q l1 , t li lln ,t! ~ l(ln . ~ 1 11. ' I""1I 1. it·

M I1 I"(,lI s





()\' ('r

tlHl f(lof .




l ll lf1 np\'(.' r hean)

"n."tllllJ~ ~(J

(Ir"oM,,1 n ~ thl ~, Tn fact. • 1", hn ll 1I 1 \\,11 ~' ~ 'l"lI p IIk p, l pillS. hut <I... hllil lH" '''r thOlll!hl o t rOlll pnrtng Ih" ~hllJ1l .'· Ot (JI'Ullny Hop" 1111,1 [)nl1cl~ lI " (lkln ~ 10 II hnrn)'Jlnl nnd lI S OCCU' PlI llts, ~hl ' "fOurd th., IIH'II r' de a\\'n ~' ; nn(l " 11<'(' IlInr .. ~ Iw ~"t up. 11)" 1'II1 ~l ng her ho,ly " lItllt'. " II(' <,,,11 1,1 ~I't' Ihr lll wnlk · Ing I hp i r horses along th e 1'00<1 that

III h " I' " " r~,

j' l h l l ,\'1111 I" I H' I I l ll'fi n I(' t Ill' rp ll , f! out or 111 dr 1,. ,11 11'-' . . t un'." I' H l)J,: ftll' th U lh,'"p, rlt- h \ "i l ' I ' " \\' 11 1"1''' 1I11dl ' " Ilil'!


hen''.I' 1I W(lliid IIH')" "AII ,n\



t h. ',

11" 1'1'


~l n d ~Irt ~'t ..

f'On nrlN l

"Tf l11f1Y WI'r('

~' '' "

dl(l'l" p k n !i~. "


( 'IJIl IN ll p tIUHIFJy ,

fill .'1',11 1. 11 1t · ~'·41 h l'


. Notice of Appointment

III' 1\11

1,u ,'I, IIl'r 1.!lIl'l s. II,,· II1I111er. l)rellY




tI~ r off . Hu tl 'I tldH'1I 1( 11) ." I lPU' I'h'd till" "'"IIIU I1 druwsl ly. I'ol ly'l'; 1I1I1 I d tI :.h ll 'lI t' d n il It ", Il'l" I ~"I tu lind Dntl~~· . " "" l'lie,1 Polly, luu lIlIc. To Ipi 11 11,\' ~ trlllJ! ' 1 1 111111 the 1""I ~ III.v

rll t'\' or Ill .. lln"('

"('t~ n

HlIflt.: f ut"

loll :l \ ' !' ,\" 11 '1 111.-"11 ~ls l;;pd

1111111':1 11 wou ld 1r 1(II~ t ' d!



\ 111 ' 111 'II11?" , I

11 11.\

till' (II ii i r,


":'\tI, nlld :-ollarJl

1'(' (Hrt..

Hl Il I",

t1i f'1I1

d l lll'l t ll t ('l1 (1 to." WH:;; th e

"'1' 1,," '11

,1 ft)

h i ' I ' III1 S,'


~he ~IIl Il NI.

11 !l i' I" II ~'

'I i 'n ll

~1 1 : \ n l' :

"1'1-\\' q


l it !!,'" ni l.

" 1'('1', hUlley?" prompted Mrs. Hope.

Il lI d

1'\'1 ' I, P I' 11

l', d Jy'~


1Ikl, 1r k1f'1\. :l! 1 1 1 ~'.

tonl ,' F; ~n rt

.J1' l tl , ·II\·III ,


II l lnll 11"I,kln"': . 1 d o.: lI d ! H I I' ih C" , RS th nt hil i h f ll11~ " l II ' , I .. , rUl1l1 d fill,\' \\'lIp1'P "J ..:\' in 11I t .. j·" 111 1'.\,. A worthle , ~ , tall,&:lf' -lIl1 il' pd :' T,', alld II bfl," hnlf In HI P J!'I ·U\",'. linll I 11l 'lI n ) IIItJ .,: IhJ~ f1I(lrTlln ~ Ihi'~"I'(' hnrhllt'iIH! II huJ.! by thl' I1nlJlP IIr H " rll', 'T'h,,~' II\'(· likl' pll:!!. tnil


-----.. - ...----

Notice of Appointment BaL ..... 01 8...... B. Ua,.lIt;~, Noelee Ie 1IenIt, IiV.D 'hat Maloolm BIa-

Hay.II~. I..... 01 W_Ooun~, .01110 deeeufJd.

"21. 1OLL,

DaWtd , .... lOtb da, 01 rebniar , ,



lucia of 'be Proba"" Court WaneD OoUD". Ohlo Robert J. 8ba.. baD, An,., ml

-----..... .,

Notiee of Appointri,tent E ....... 01 Eunice A. Sean. d_Ued. Notice Ia b ... bJ glyeD 'ha~ J. O. • 'a1&· wrlgllL hal been duly appolnWtd alld quallfted Q8 AdmlDWtr&tDr de bonta IIOD 01 .he "'Late of auolce A, 89...... late of W.mtD OounLJ, Ohio. deceaaod· ' DaWtd Lbla mil daF 01 v~~r~.rIiol~t~ , Judg" of the Prob ..... Court. War... n Couut)'. Ohio . DeaD g, 8Lallley, Atty. mB


li t' 1111' , ,,,' ... , •• r 1111 " 11 11\'('09-

thl'l't':" ~ 1 1l' t I PI IT " I I of 11 n il lyo t· 1'1' 111\ '


Notice of Appointment

,\I'out the time Polly Hopkins hegan , rlllluir Ille shnck roof, Evelyn ROb-1 e rt ' 011 C[Lme Illto tILe room where her 1\ ' t <11 The gI I .... 01 War, M Kennedy, deceucd. ' 010 ler S8 reo IIg. r w . Ena No'lce I. h'I'Oby "Ivo" 'ha. A . L. K~nnedy dr("scd to go Ollt uod WIIS <lM/wlnl a hu beell dilly kllllulntM and quaunod. u nulr Of gloves over Iler rlngell flnllers. Admlnll'r&t.or of .n. ""...... ot Mar)' M. Kend • " nfJdF. late " I \\ .rreo County, Ohio. decealt , "Where lire you gOing, l~ve ?" ID· naWtd ~hl. ~"~h day 01 Febr".rY. lun, " I t h I oJ "]t t ' th t Z , ROI.L . qUlle( I' n y. s~em" a me II Jud,. n! theWProb" .... COur~. ~· nu·r l! . •flllllling out. nlt'll!eth\!r too m8 WarreD CoUD"Y. <?blo. I II

"Igorona, IIlock pboDe 119-8, W ..yoellVllle. Oblo,



anti pblU1l hu been dil11apJlO:!nWtd and qualified .. Admlnl.tra\or 0 ,btl 1t.""I. of 8u.... B.

"Old MlIl'c hKd a heautlful IIngel wllh h llll," W'!l1t on tile girl, "nn' he tlln hll ' Y f'II' rll p 1.! .... 1 1 \ 1.' 11 ~'f':l I'!~ to Ilk .. , II~ 8'1l1ll llel·8. He stood right up 1IInl;(\ 11111 "' ) "r 11 If" 111 :l III I 'lIL" 11,,'nL III Ihat rO!lell MacKenzie. I henrd hut, lll i\\" 1'111 11111111' r ol f 1:IIIII\. 1 1I1 1'i1l1 tr. hllll. I <1111." SIIC crossed to the old ,'!r'UT' tl Wl 1I n(!'. " \JI t''I1Jt\\,lIrd I!" s tllre \\, (JII IIIII'S slue. "Love's able to send II of 111 '-' o tl\ i'I ' I" ",: 11:1'. 0\ IHl d I ·n.l f,\' II( ' WII'-: 11I1 J;,,1 s lJlVhllll~ down to Ihls old ellrth n nt III 1j,:lr h -, \\'1 111 ~ 1 : 1t'I \ f'/li',lu'~ to h~11I us. huh, Grnnny Hope'" t lll'l ':l 1. " " " I ) (' : I II 'f ,l l! dL:I ' or IIII' !'I\t llfl "1' \'1). SIII'C--SW'e , hOIlPY ' glrl," mur· l i" I1, 1',,11 ," . IHr l ·p~· \ \l1 nl f ill. " h l, ( , tl lI~e IIHII'PI1 Hrollny. nnd OIIC(" more her rnu ' \' " 11' '' ' /1 J! 11 11 \ fnl' ,\'t'a l'~, 1':"f' lyn hClld I>ollh',,\ ro r","rol. IIlId she 8lept. ('1111 h ' lI ,\'(111 \\'11 111 , llt'r IIt'1'. tll o ll ,J:h." 1'011 ." tl Clpklns cl'ept Ollt of the hut Till ' ... ) 11 ':11 ( 1. 1' \\ I ". Jl'd 111..: IIIII 'oS l ' IIHfI alJd s ped II WilY luoug t.he shure toward p, lllll, '11 Itl l.: )'1 11 111_ \1 h ili "' 11'1 11:.-111 :1' the Had Mun's ruvlue . • 1;",

A1CKij~DaY.ohl Chlok •• 8, Rock ao<1 R . I. I;(ede, from l~rtlA.t!lIII8 •

to8 E.La.... of Emm. 8Lan\oo ubapman. deceued GGS-S, C. R' 1. Red EKK\! ~ or Notieo Ia bereb, -'vln ~haL lo18pb B. Hie, lnqulre or at Irr!'y l op. Ohapman bu beeD dur, appolnWtd aDd <iual,l0 18 nod .. AdmlntaLr&\or ..ltb &be frill annexed llDl, Wa~ D88VIII", Ublo. 01 'he E.La.... 01 :Smllla 8'aDto":;'~':::F·D. la .... of WIIJ'nID Ooun',. OhIo. d . Jersey COWl. ODe fre8h with ~,r DaWtd Ihla Mhda, OIIl'~~"i~Jtr: II weekI! old. AI80 1 DratU.ta1'8 JudleoUu Prob ..... OourL Volt, oomiDa 2 ypar8 old. E 'I/V. W_OoIIDU' Ohio. Alton F. Drown. A&b, Rloh. phoD's 31-2Y.. Wlllynt:nl11p, Ublo. m8

h l' r ,·"Ice s hnklng. "01<1 IIIl1l'c's back nil' h e '~ IIrr~r Il~ "Qunllcrs 1l·1ly1n', an',

t;nlI'lIIY-" Sill.! 11U1l ~{'U. her fllc~ soflened,



~ h l' 111111'11 111 1"'11. nlld !Ukll\g UJi lite UX,

sIll' ,.11\' 1" '" 1\,, \I' n Ih" tr'e" n nd dropp~d III II" . ''''I " I'Olilitl. OnlllllY Hope ~ . 1J· ; "u h lt' I , ,~d l'lIl1y e ntered th" ~ II"' "· IJ. ~ \I' lrl ly th e Illrl ~1'lIwled out Ill' I,,· .. filii" ,.. '. lron s"r" null tossed


Wh:4 =-'Iwuki ng . ~1 ; II ' I' I ' '''. '' ,' s slrfllglil, th lck ·Sl.' t rllp lll ly, 111111 Iholl gh ,·,,11), t' ''lI ld lIol ur ,· 111:,,11 ' h"r s h udd e r . hul lhe slim, hl'ul' w lut t lit· ~llI d, ... 11 .... 1\IlPW Iw \\' \18 li p ,) i ~ 1I UII \! I.,':,d dl! b ltll tnOught U QUl'er Inlkll1 J; .If Ih ,' ~q ll ll lJ"I ·S . Th"1J \\'<JrIIM lillI.' thr ill III III'I' hellrt. thnt IlltHl f' It' 'I· l ill : 1,. \\ 1111 .I " y I 'U IIH! " J1 l," u " ""J1lleuJ III1 /lel himself," "1 ~ 11r1 l'11 .\·



I (\r. irs <;I'O" ;,,t:J way thruu t;"h tht! ~



Bllrnlntc tpsrs fill",1 l' '' lb''~ P~· PR. To ey e r)' rL'U!'<U' l lU I d' I' ''' Ila' 111 11 Illll tl IIP lI r him spPllk In ~~'lIIpnlh~' with her wh osu ,l ark . JIB IHi .. '.1 ." fUI '" Ii:.u l ('ust ll ~ hprl1ll'lI frlpnfls 101lr l'NI hl'r d!'eply. dCl"ll Sh H ~l tl ":"': u\ "r t h" S l lt' l1t l'lty. j And hI' hnd ~pokl'n or lo\'e In the slime M UI'C' lIs M ll d" I·lll.! " had 11I ,t'1I ("r ~ I ' H I' S "' n~' romnny HopI" dl<l , too, Pollyop tli u ~PIII l--''''ls IllIIl hl !lI ,..' (1 \' 1' 1' t h t' 1 ':1 .\' \1 ho'l ne,'er hnn~ln ell 0 101 Mnrc' s klDd """r thnur;:ht of the mepk- thp lowlygil Inke SQUIIII ,· ,.,.. I';\(~ IJ 'lurllI!! I " ~ alnwn ee nO w ll 1' w, ·, I\ HL rt.u d, his "'1<1 Ihp hunl!ry. Fin' nbO\'!' Ih e world, "I' III the s kies hp~'on.1 'he CIOlllls &1'111 h CII' t1 f1t'u r" ,p'IIl'\1 hll f..' k to tlw ti ih'ut C i t)' In p l l II aWH.\' Sp lIH' hU R- wh" ro:> thl' hlue WAS. rl!lht nlong~lde Ih " ('rllclned Sovlnr, I'olly Hopkins hlillfl Hlld e l u~ l' I h,· p l'l :<UII g ait':; lH!. pln l· .. <1 thIs new trler,,1 or IhE' Silent IdlJd hlill. Oi l Y, II .. r Ih""l:ht~ wpre Int"rrupted l'IIJlyO p tt pl\"' fi l lln fit ~ d l'!-I lre to thro w 1hl ~ x;o. u1 h ll I, ~11t' lillP \\, ,l ll' I'('" h~' Mn r Kpn1.1 1' ' p; lnl:, ·"I'h .'r' .. e JlII(', noh. 1 tplI ~' Oll , " he Wnl'i I I CII U 111' 111 ' ( III nil tI ll' ;-,\11 1'11 1 ( ' I1Y rpp('nt Pd r'"'lIghly, "aHfl whnt , hrou ght t liHl (lI c) lI ot h l' al \\ I t II d"t' : l tI III til\! )'011 Ilown hprl' 10 (II1Y t ~r-" \' , ' r,\' lII e lill lJll "r II ! ", l1allll', I'oll y lo~ t Ihl' r pM ." h l ~ .pDlence. Then ~ I H ' nll : !:~11 I I :: 1111 1" :->,, fir 111 (1' BliP!, 111111 ." 1'1 fll111wr ""rk ~he Rllpped otlil ' " lItUlI 'S f:II'" HI.,I rflfj.':IIl hl ' l' 1(.'1'1'01' she rcell!,:I1 I",·,I 111 '111, 11),.


R. 1. R,, 'I 11 , ... k .. r .. l~ " ... V 'N. I AlII burll '"ok ,. r .. '·. ",,,I t:I. clu ~er." I. w. l"'llhllrn ti: . ~~ I " q ,,, rt. of "Oil. d on't lalk nboul til e SlIUlltlerS ,Mu. B. V Swlfh. ph ,,, .. 3;-;$. VHY· all Ih e tlm p," ~rlell EYelyn. "I hute ne<vllh', Ubi '. III I () thl! vel'Y sOIund or IIJ(' word, Whn I'M R: ,~-80 '\nO,IIJH H p n~ ltql\lro; Polly HopklllS, III1YWUy? Now "f Mrt< R o h .... 1 \\'prnlz . ' ·',r. Marcus Is hOI1\('-" tulf" "Dllrllng. " Ihe 1I101he r Interrupted .yin, UblU ('nge rly . "It has nhnlYij lll'ell my 'hope thlll you 1l11I1 Murc WQuid grow to cllre FOR SALE - PROPERTY for " I"'1i oth .. r. H. Is sO) rich Ulitl 80 1I1111.I.ulJle ! Nt"". I ~n' t h p ?" ... /lrllllll IIlIlIosl lellpt from F.""I Yn'81 . . 1IJ16. WIlli I n fool Sh.C bnll been! li e .... At-RIC., .. b 1111, ~ , 'nd 11 II U .... " O~ , she '1\' 11" IlIl1rrlell to 11 I\lIln she louth"d . ~ bD ll dl"l(~ ""d 1(1',,, 111 < Z U K n nil" I s h" wn s nshnnll;1l of! 'I'he i lJ Qlllre .,1 Mr~. HrA~' ""·r . I hlrd I't'IIJIZllllnll 111111 unolher IUIID, rlcll, .. trt,tl~ . W .. ynfl~vlllfl Uhl Q rul g(IO.Hllllklll" IIl1d In e"ery wuy dealra· d E IU!! Rtl~lde n09 (ll EIIIIU,,". ~ Ie. hn.1 IlIrtl"" hIs serlou8 eyes upon \; hHpn""" ' · eo.... ~ .. (I ; wttlt "II h~r. IIlmosl Illude her blurl oUI the ''1Iod .. rn oo n" " nl>", o ... , 8 rO " 11- .. n,1 \\'11"le Nlllry to her moth.,.; bllt hnv. bM,h. L'"n g'VE> P" A~"R~I"1l Irn'II .. 1I1 1111: kepI s llenl s o 101lg. she ,lrll'ed uot ( lI qulr" " f .1, Ii l)lll'illl\',n Illl! s(ll'nk III1W. All thrn u!(10 tJ,e night s he hn.1 Hiss ed uml lum,,". hunllng some WILY til ~ e l ( at'lln etl nut or h~r AGENTS WANTED lite withoul Mllrcus MncK l'IIz1e know. IlIg unrthlllg nhollt It. Shp ,lured nOl 1:0 to Os cllr him self; I' ''II~' Hopkin. "LE~MEN WAN1'EO lu I'oltel, "'fiB til e mIl)' hope abe hlld . All 11,m· orderalor Inbrlo"tlnJ;l 01l8.lfreo~etI lieU cured for WII~ 11I0n .. y. He WRS a. IIInd PIIIiDte . I::!.l .. rv 01 o"mmlItJloo . tired of h er a s abe was of him. Pe .... !\ddrell8 TBI!: VIC rUR OIL t 'O, ill hOIlS he w oulll go away quietly and (;hvellllDd, Oblo. 8<'t h e r fn'C Ir she gnve him JIIone1 (,lIolll:h. Would her llIother give It to h er? FOR SALE "~Iolher. 110 you honestJy wnnt me to IlIlirry !llJlrc f' Bhe IIsked . trembling. Mrs . 1I 0h~r180n caught lit the out· RHlt:lH Jer~e:v Cow, " good one. nlW" blln.1 [DqUlfs of R G. M\lior, R. 0 I, (ContlnufJd 01.1 PIP " Wayoetlvtlle, Ohio mill

of IIPo"fOn , You oll!!ht tn help these p""pll', ~llJrc. Gh'p Ihpm n chRnce; 11111 1(,' Ilomelhhljf of Ih"tn. RIlII Uley

nultilf'r did Ili l'Y rl dl' 1 1I ' !'~ .' II:ld" T il en' In Il lP 1I1 1IC'. :I "q I'i de ,t \\'t ' ll1:t h -

fOI' (;l'lInn), find :~:::::"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::'I or It I 0 F.n·I~· IJ .


j ' vi

" a

: I

k l,, !oi ' shttf' k ~ 11Ii '~ tli(" nr~ t w illirof RII I I \\' , I:J pr ,' '''n hut ~ t oo( ' on II Il t Ot.' 1'111111




.. ''I' tlllI' l Ilk, · Ihl " IJl kl'sll lo ·... (; """ 11)" lI ope Ii II II IH" ' II III Ih l' II ",,·

out to

.Terry. H s he spoke th e r e wns 110 t elling w lJlII lite I,;lrl w"ul,1 do, I Th e Inngll' ·hnl l'c.1 " ftull!l<' r !,'lrl "'n5 th e (iauJ;:hll'r of Jerc lll ill h B opklns. Ihe 1'"I1),or or tlte . lI e nt ·Ilr. Ihe leUller of 011 Iho,(' whQ 1I"ed In the rows ot huts I tha i I'IIn n lo ng th 'Leh ll(h Vnlley i tru cks 1I11t1 011 down the Ink esld e. We P!.It Them On I 1I11 CO li I It IIllIl Ignorn nt were Je r~ l lllioh und his kind, lind visitors who CIHU" t o the 11\ ti e city ot It hnca nl:l'eNI wllh th" town's Inhubltlln t's thllt It I wn s u shame the 1nw ulJo\\'ud snch a ~~ _______________..l l bl(lt fI ~ Ihe Silent City Ul'on the nut·

I II '




O ~l "'" \\ .1 : 11 1

fi r,' nn' w urm- h o t, 1

k!l ~ 1 1 1.

i ll

I I'",H I .... 1 '\ !11 pl ~ 1 (,· tI . It i s , .. , , . , " ' 1re Il L" lan H ,, ~ i !~r;iI · h , of


,til t l'

I l ftl'd

Polly H opk ins rnn down lhe Inlle n9 fn Rt liS her I g~ ('oultl II rry he r . The milk Wll 8 ~nfe In !lIe bllcll e t. Allfl . hl! hnd scn r c eJy r e llc hed tile rnHrond trn r l,s b e fore sh e had dpclli ed DOl to me ntl oll Osear's vIcIous dplllond upon h e r . If sh o told Dalidy Hopkins, he ","ul.1 (10 _0111 1' hllrm to Be nnett. ,lhl'l'e I\'IJIIIII he no more eggs nnll milk


rn i! t· ,


,. 01 II



WII IlIa ll





J, . I


\\'t! nt


III n lll ~ .


unfl t' rtollt'tl nn oath "utl the hn rn.


Wilmington, 0 ., phone 301.

Jesse Stanley,

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall

Money to Loan on Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent.

' ... II I l li~ l lI, 1'.. 11:. ," I·t 'd r nll ;.!l ' oI t h ,' tt l k ll , I ,,:tIl. 11 11 ' IL,' 1'1" III k i d hUI :I I" I .'It 1 \ \ n IIld ':I,II I~ 1I 1lt 1 . 1 tl l l' {,p lI ,cc l'l! h l ~ d l' t Il , " I I II I' Il 'h' II .. ~

11h' 1,1 ...... ,·... 1 "nut to hO ll h · . .. .. 11\' ... tl d . " (1 , "1' 1', l ak ,· YUill" llttlld 1'1Y'11 IIH', U ... ·ur. I l r I'JI ll ' lI )t;\ 1!.'

(l ~ ('nr

1 1''1 '1'


b ~11\

l'\'IUXt'd , 11111.1 his hund Tllu t 'f: O ~ Irl) no; ( ; o nn~' I1 I\JI(,' :- (; , 1(' drnl'!'t'l l HWUY (,'0111 IIt!r HrlH at; n Is se llin' "l" In Ihp s kr." tUlI):"1i 11111):"/1 h' fl IiI H lips, Sh e lo ok ed II} illll.l\·t Il ~k ytm for moue1." In· SI) IU\' \'ly, h f' r 4!yes hl nziJlp: , lil:o r l'urls '''1Il

nil n r

I Hr

:-Ol ,,':d\ ,

~I ,. I'II ,'

n J'unl1~

haui b~flll dcwond, demullri

lIh)rt' d,'mundln\! c ,'cr sin ce, UII "IrllMh 1m · ]t

h r ou ~h l

T ht·



1.1I1Ir;: IIgO

. t1HHl ry ,

OlaaaiSed Ads

roll Nilw

............. . .

&h ~ h n d CIIU II I Jl lw, l o :-- ! ill tilt' \\ lllh_ ' r· Ut· s~

plano !


All ad in this colum.; 'ill 'a 8ure Mul~ .don't billme me. E,·e . If, wl"'11 ~.II1I' ~ U~ askl! 10U to pia" YOII fil II IIl1l." .,.. A dull red ... n In ln l h" glrl's cheeks. MONlo.:l' LOANED but ,he 1It1lde ".. r"llly ow ,'If' .moothed IItt' wrlnklu8 f rom 1",1' .Iuvee. ONEY L" un"rl ,'J IIv p .r, o lr, "The good Lord knu\\'8." co nllnu li obllttel~, nlHn 8coond m n r'gRIIPII . the mOlher Irritably. "Ihlll "'". k ~ 1'1 III you enoulh . Now ~I"n' 1I 11l1 n ut",rl Notes bongbt , JpllD l:I"rbll"" AileD 6 ·1 ~2 IIrc hOllio. ' how lire YOII KollIK to e lll .. r· BullolinK. Xenia Oblo, tRln thc m 1 Mpn dl'llHln(1 so IIlJl~h ." The ,'xrll!l'll'nl'ps or Ihe 1111 "1 IWO yellrtl hlld tnught E\'f'lyn Ihul "' ~~IIn .

s hu\\'l . 11 11" ItF ,' dgl'" W{'fP h('loI tl)cpt h .. r wllh " Iowllk,' flIJl!PI't'. ~II1I1 Chlll u " n J\ hll n ( h n,· II I Ihp w ood·box WtlS 0 l"Ort gOIH,' nn old rr lcUlI

'l1\ orl)'8

haven't Tll'\lctlccd III 1I\0u t h...





0....... D. I,

O'r Seed Allen, R, Ohio


0' .b -

WaYDen" lIe, tI

BO!lrboD' Red 1'nr A Yearling Gobblflr. Inquire or atrl, W. 8lher. R Oblo,


D. ' .. WdYDeultl., m1

~ --




1 WED EVERY WEDNESDAY D. L. Cl' Al>:E. Ed il o r and PIlLli~I . t'r. Wa) 1It'~ \'i1Ie, Ghio SuhscriDtion Price, $1.50 per year


hi ·


Ut\,cle John uu~


1 vlf'W Ibe Hond o f DI~oonten' wltb "hnddur aDoI IlI..r1ll . . . I rea 11~., Vllllt .. xttlD t Ilf I h 18 old UWI,sror'lI barm. No w"lk of life mlly Ltl tn mune .r om paD gll of dill. OO"h"'t,-frolU barre n WitH'·!!' of .apdy dUnll, \0 Dorio battlement. ,~ 8prtlBda II mO D" tbe f"v or ..d tt: w where fortulle left b er 8mlle I\nd 1!0 .. U~ rll lIelld" " I ti'ri!e flnew . a:n"Dg th .. nD k 1nd fil e. ' . h fttrtkpl! ~hll Holdter, I",p re turned from via. tory 's bloody fi.,I>1 . lind \\ bere the p"trlot Ur el! blivil burned. thll ar.)h. fioDd BtaDda rev .. "led .


Storm Country Polly










MARCH 1922 1CoPYrt.b.

by Unl., Brown 50. Com"",,,)

line itn. "And he'1\ ask you too, I'm

""1 (Itt, -I do- indeei:1 ,


Our Calendar Mar. Mar, Mar. Mar ·Mar Mar Mar, Mar Mar

I - Ash Wednesday 5-Quadraltesima Sunday 12- 2nd Sunday in Lent 14- Jewis h Purim 17- St Patrick's nay 19 - 3rd Sunday in Lent 21 - Spring belZlns :!a - The Annunciation l!o - 4Ih Sunday in Lent

--- ...



~ :)fI



auEW SET1'8R 'N 'ni' TOBACCO.



'. -~---- ---


norH~'! ;···

lure. l'erhupa not tOUIIY or tomorrow. for he'o jus t renewlllg bl s IIl·qu nlnt· IInce wltb )'ou. By the wa}' he looked laBI night 1 could tell he wus con sill· ~ rll1 g


,\ hllllukerl'illet !!ropped from E,'e1),II 's 'lill:~ rs . olld she stooped to piCk U ul'. "If 1 Il.1d Mn!'Vus on," she suggest· ed, riSing, "lind- and him 10 [lsk me 10 lUa rry him. will yo u gl VI! lIIe uu.l' OUUI ot money I wunt?" Her voice shook wllh emollon. und ber young tilL'll seeme<l suddellly old and ho ggord. 1111'11. n obel·tson hllli lIe,'er 8eell ber dllugiller III such Ii Blote. . "Sit I' dOWb n minute,

Ev~lyn . 1t

s ht'

commondetl. "Now lell UII! whul you wlnt Dloney tor. I know vcry ' w('U thaI you llBvcn' t ~p""t whlll I" 'e al lowed you upon yo~.r~elt. T h il l'S why I've refused )·ou tio mucb lUII'll'. No more secrets or mystery! I Wlillt the facts. Now tell me thi s mlll'ut e." - The girl dropped Into 8 chulr ond bUlled her toce III her hallds. "1 cnn't," she whlsllered. For some tlllIe she re mnln ctl III Ih .. Bailie ottltu,le. While her lII olher 8tullle<l her sllulltly. At l en~th th .. girl lIf1ed l",rMelt erect. "I can't eXLJIIIIII," sh<,. lirlll.£' out. "nlld 1 suppose .you're Ih lnld lll: 1111 kinds ~r U,lilgs. I 1'lIn'l I,,'JII II If you do. You'lI 118"" to gIve lII e th e 1II 0lley 1 nl!~ (\. It you wont me 10 mn rr y Mn rc. There's no 'Its' nnd 'Hllds' IIhollt that. If you'l\ give I))e Ihe l\loncy"-she ral· tered , wiped her IIp8 111111 rOllclucled slowly, "I'll marry Mlln' us MllcJ{e n· de.'1



"You must crnzy. F.:Ye,:~ MI'•. Hobe!'t80n snld. ln n cold "oke, "10 tulk to Die lIke thot. rr ynll hflv .. IIny SI' Cl'I!t~ rrom me, U's thnl! you tllid them." "Well'" 8hot from EYelYII shnrply. "!fuppose I have? It's Illy seel'"t, Isn'l It.' 'Are you goIng to holl) me or nOI. that's Ihe queat1on." It wus evl<lent to Mrs. Robertson that the IIltoatioD was lIot to be trln ed with. In a twinkling her dOllj!hter hod ('bn.a ged ·from n lIIeek IIlld timid girl to, u)1 nggr(>s ~ l ve \\'01111111 . To Ir~' to bully hcr tiny more would be a Iller" Wn8te of ~rrort. uHt-llvpns,'"


begnnt "this 18 U

p're!ty I)u l\' to do. 1 11111"1 SUy. 1 (,~U1' 1 . IIl1l1glll.e ··why you ~ hoUI I I 1"8111 mOIlE'Y. It IloI'S,'t. mnk e IIIUI'lI rlilTer·cll rl'. IIlIr· \\,11>' . 'I'here lire lIIorl) I'CUSOIiS lIinli ulle wily ~'(\\r Clln't lIet It frllm llll!." ."Wllut lire th!')'?". fell frOm Ih e /:Irl's lips. . "The. O.rMt Is," retllnretl til" 1U0lh er. lortly. "r don't lIk l1 IlI'l nl: held up In t hl~ hl~t·hlllld ed mllJIIlt'r by my own ,d aught er." , . Sbe paused; and JoJve1YIl , r'lIught IlIlr breuth. If tllnt were nil, slle \\~ouJd rllw "lid rllge until she got what slle , ~- " "tl1 ntell. ' . Unoct oolor ·htIBb' eYllll,lIoltti Reab. • Mother' and daughter were sturlng 'e rect 'bAMlng 'are lle)J8ll dflDt upop at one IIDothflr, each ,demandlDg on exriob r~d blood . ; If YOQJ;)lood II no~ .planotlon. · I!lyelyn did not Intend . to ,., .n &b" Olark yOQr Reberal he~I'b malle oD,.1 Hr~. llobertlJOn weakelled oan"llu' b ~ lA~ boal'll, 86"n~ 'b.. before tlIe IIteely-blue In tbe elf!'l. , .roll, ' fOOd", ",orllllli IDdoorll, fl · .ey~.. , , ",Qe 1I1f"'" 'bll blotKl. Se:0It"IIOl ,rol"IID8",,1 "But .tbe main reaSOD II," lIhe went ,,0'1~ ea' ",e1) lod take 'OD, IiJ hlvien't ROt It, I don't own tlil~ 78' ..yer ""em to t~pr9ye til bOil., lIOI'-IIo~" Gada'e . Pep$(i:J!a0l.o ,.~eD rlllll· ,1D1fe1ja IPl'IIIIl to her teet aM can· lerl, for a ' wblle ,Ivet. tbe blood nutted hw mother, Her lace "'II thl' rIobn... aoll -redo" "~a' pro. .dra\\'ll Into /ruel lIne•• aDd her bande d_ ...IUl all4 '1'1101'·



Bood red b'ood is tba only sUfe foundation ot Permanent Haai", and Vigor

I"'r 11111 11"'1""

II 1'111.

oIes pal r "hullglng

R"fI~ o o


save rent save money be content If you are going to bui ld ~11lyth in g from a dwelling down t·o <l chick en coop o r :1 held fence,


W e tHe ex peoting the I.Il1rveV8. ho rg Fertilt zt! r CO. H ' I!tllrt np tlwir pl"nt in Ihe n Bllr ('nt.ore, \\'I'l c h wtll l be IIppl'€olattld by tb id vloi utty. Mr aDd Mrs . Pe r cy


We have the mate rial to build .your honle of dreams C0l11e true.



1111t·~ fIJI

III·r f u e0. ~on. Lor e D. of u ll"r WII .~n e~\TiI I A . 1 "f III , .rOll 11 .. ,,41 11' [ he so tt\putrl~lt wer e t:io ndll .v g OE'P t·A o f Ib llir plI. · illS dI'HF," huld till' \\' u Olun. II Rohcrt" rentB. Mr . hud Mrll. Ed R e.l~on . IH'\'l'r g h " '11 III .. t h e 1" 1I~hl~l r f'llSO n to th"

f l 'Hllier


1 23" '7' 8 9 10 11 12/13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 2425 26 27 128 29 30 31

not !" r("sp o llti ctl thf" Ifl rlr. "It I HI whu ttR more, WP nrp ( 1 ~· I IPllll"111 111'11 11 H llhf"r t t o r eVl·ryth ln g ." \\' Itll n II 1I i"k l! PNt urc l~Y f'J yu ('Hughl

I 'm quite

8 8 1 , III 'lIltl he. 'l'hr HIlly Itllu!l.: I II '("':-;snry itt I hll t ~' fl U " hould

"Chilled flnge rp , ohllpped bllnd~, If we d 11.11 bad tl ohaDoe '0 boy a wr' feet, 8molle.smort~d "yell j08' tloket l o·be pre~ell t Ilt t b e begtDDlng malles a feller _ppreol .. 'e mapl e of lhe wo rld tbertl '.' h"vtI ue,., ,, Ruoh IIl rop later, .. od btl oogb ter " .. ru~h ."me of [\ ~ would bove b .. d to t .. lle bital1 Be l. ~ " on th e 00811.11 . Just flguro b lt w y oo'd look on ID wODder \be thrill you 'd l e .. I, the deMlre l~ pluDge tnt·o thtl KWH tO IlSS of II. I"Dd aDel ·explore itd IIII~~1 tJtllties. 1m -!flo" 'ht!' oomlJ.)I tog wl8b you'd ftlvl ~o an som e ~IIID 8. lo btl II. p~r' of Ib" plOD Wby n o t relll'IIR t.h .. , a bOW w,ulc1 opeo ~ eve r y duy at ~on rise, 'h81. ilK O)lpnrlunltt eH are th Ar" ju~' "~ v i'glll II H Ib t' y 81'er were jos' 118 fllI "ll wllh tbe · Pt1.~tbllt'J of do 111/1 ~ m .. thloll worth wbllE,? Wha' do y ou saJ If we .. 11 g"t op brll{h' IIn u eHly D.X~ Mo nd"y morn . till{, wll tl' h Ihe _un 00010 np "0' 'IJ.,GRACE thl~k bllrd ; nDll hreoll .WII. . "n<lllo "'''rk-hnrd(H ? Boy, Ib e world MILLER WIll bl' ,,"orlh million" m ore if we WHITE a)l Jo It

Homey Philosophy

1i1l !'''d l~l . u:,\o , I!t Ht \\"f' I'('

l' 4'pl lip IlIfllIJdll lJ R U h lll'elMl .

SAM: - - -

o. hi'10•


Ilk .. hlN III"t I,,·r.




ner!! nr the riTtJ; t ,vI/mO Il'S mOlltn. :sne knew how true the ncc;lsntlon ';'11 9. "W "II , Ihl ~ tlme'." sbe unsw red, "1'11\ l\llllnil l'Ou the simpl~ truth. I not Dilly ti~ not own thl8 h ous e, hu t-" . Our slok folka remain about the '''fhr'lI ~ho dOe!! own It?" Interject. ed the gIrl. lIamo. ·Your Cous in, Robert Perciva l." \YO M ~ vlDg Is lIelDg iudulged In, roo Ibe QIJicl( re8 (Jolls~; "and hc's ~lIppll e d gardlo~tI of tbe ba d r ontls . 811 th" mon ey we bllve u~ed . Now R. W . K~ylor i~ DlII.king ~f'vernl l pf'rhllps )'011 won'l Iry to get Rom &- I m pr uvolDonts 00 his properl,y . thl nll 'HII ot mc 1 !!!l.=!!...!..A!!:h--"_ _ _ _I-_. "Mnt hl' r !" cried the girl. In " gony. r WHllum Cra ig, of Xeulu. WaR "I 10101 you. Ev('. thot you 8hollld oa llt ng on oC'l Oll.lntli DoOR 11 ll ro . Ilist. know III P lruth," Mrs. Hobert~on ~on. week, lInu"d , " You'V(' II sked tor It. nllll he re The F" rmertl' I nstit ute wus well It Is. \\,h ~ n Hobert's fnlh er nnd "tteocled "D,I vo r v muob "llllr" llilliher flied , I ('ull'e here to Inl(e cnre oiut ed of 111111. I hlld lIothlng thell ulld hove 1I 0 11011l~ nnw . YOII were on ly H bllby.· ti"fe l.y Depo!;it S OKey , ,~ I be ye~r . Wl1yu (lHv ille N .. tio nAl BUl dc. WilY. '"101 ),,,, nlwllYs kept the t'II CI8 from nesv ille, Oulo . rOll . " ' liNt Ruh, 'f'l went to wo r, h e The h or~o . l!h ue pito h ~ r " lire imnr nlll~, 'd thllt If lit! IlIrln't COllIe hn ck. I "10,," 1,1 hlll' e UIC home and enough pro\Tio~ t beir u )Jpor t l\nil.t ~ " ~8 t liS I. 118 I·he w eather Will pe rm it. I 1lIIIIIf' Y to kl'r' p u~ . " )o:", ·I.\'II ·s I')'C~ wldf'lIe(J. Of R Burety Tho publio 8ale o r ,J . P. (I.burD & I th is \I " " IIle trllth. !:lOll W" R he ld 0 01 T hur ~duy , 11.1111 "TIt"11 \\',. fln ' II't rid.?" s he dcm8nd ~ things 80ld wel l wortb t·h e p ri ce putd t!d

The leDets writ In all!M of God, tn 'Iuld " onr glorlou~ I.. Du . mQ ~t feel the rool, blltllpbemuulI r od ID d1800n. ,entment'8111l0d. . Mi!! blesM. IDg~, DountlRB8 ,,8 t.b e 8tll.r~. wher e h"av'o aDd home are ulent, t.he fo e of lUaDItIDd bDrat.. bill bars,-thl' oor~e of dlscon ten I !


I .


,H IU I'

11 \\ ' 0

11111 1;,·. U(I II I~

1I1 111d

lI eR l


ge t

'"' (fire


supply you with th e best of Building Material at very reasonable prices. BUILD NOW!

W . W . WllsOlI , o f LpxIDgtt·n. Ky .. WIIM t h e guept of bl~ pllr en t. ~ lit tb p Centrlll. r Sutlduy. l::I e lrip I ~ jUt~..1 I ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rolurnlll gove fr om II. bu








Bob tho Puoifio COIlNt .


~' rKnk Whit,nore Wll~hiogt," .. tOWII The True Poem. HOW'S THIS? SO nl tl 111·,,1,(" 111I 1I~ llIe thllt uny fl l1e HALI.lS CATAHRII MEDICINE you r rlll.lIl Cf' IH1 ~ come, !tl ll rc ~hw ~ bi", u ll nr i1v lnK 111 \1" ""le tOWIl· ~hip for tw o ye"re, W U P TlI tf,ey I", ,·, thong l" I., 1",,·I ,·y. !. III Ih er<' IVA" never will do what we claim for it-""lIzlc's rid" Hl' loves you-" t t 0 I ruro Catarrh o r Deafness caused by \\,1 111 .. 111 \\'a ltlng to hellr II ny tlllll~ I1U0I 6 mllDY jo:ood t'rl o nd~. a gr ~u I"r II II, III I<I'. A n net i10111( I 1. IlJor". E' I·I ,\·u run o ut of th e r OU n1 T h e J1r U I)O~ t\ .. 11 of (' tl lJl r uli ; I. \\' I; C,lflJall M)lPllt ~"v"fIIl <I"Y 8 h ero ,,1t' p., 11'1. I\III SI he seR "oned In the C t t W i t I' t n pp ~ r '"11' 111 ' 1(' " 'I'l'l H of the .nlnd for a arr I. .e ( 0 no calm 0 cure Mrs. n ..I,,·I·ison sunk bnck \\'llh II Klgh. l)e in,: g ' n il II.tta r EIf100rdlnll 10 wo(\ . la ~t we pk iu l)., y l ,lIl . y i;o ltoltlng nnll\El~ w ll : 10ll g Alit! 1.. ,,1' , 11,,' 11 It IIII"t I.., hr"ugh t l an oth er (h~ease. pllrll y "r relie f thot at la sl El'rlyn oro WBY~. Mr~ . Mll rj!ur e tJ ou Ds w.. s a Duy . d0 1l'1l lind s lulI'ly cUrI'cd 11110 words, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE kn l'\\' J""I the olluolloll tll ey were In. BooDLellto.rted,l1 ndlfth llCl t,lzB08Ilf I pollsl..." wlill 1",'(,. El se It Is no true ' is 0. liquid, taken internally, ~d . Pllfll)' (,f nnxl ery a s to her dllllghter'@ • or tilwn~hlp ~how . \h elr J e ~l r e iI to n vl~ tto r. 'l'h urFtlIlY will oomB Ul' betolr e Ih em io t h e Wu" . Mr~ Jun e MI1tl' llhflf g l'f . of ,rrll llk . poem.- Dn ,·lrt (;rn),soll . \ actR through the bl ood ullOn the 8" \' 1'1' ( , o f H vot.l'. If YOIlI are n ot m odAfli I Un. I~ vi .. t 111 11 11'11 11 0 " I he r mu cou s surfaces of the aystem, thu s r edu cing the inflammation and reg et off tbe tr!tok, y no WIll be rU I ' ~ on . ~' rfIl1k. Ilnd fu ruily. CHAPTER III. oy e r aod torgo tl,em ; If It I. /( ooJ f UI F k W , 11 . I r tl f sto ring normnl conditions. o ~ let, O ~ h8 ve it n ow d OLl ' t pot it rlln 0) ev "nr 11m Y. 0 __ • • A_ sh,· rn n. I'oll y Hopkins l'''l:l llIted li lT. W e Ileed /til 1I.0dil ,riorn nDd Dayi llo. ~Pll~t. Wedne~lt.y Wi t h Mr All DruggiSts. CIrculars free,. On Mu !' I'Pll zte's wflnlM, En-'Jyu 's Juo th· li nd Mrs . Wllll lim BrowD . F. J. CheDey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, er hAd sli id thllt she \\'II S 11 K o(ld us ahe the very 10 lest k tuu of " IJull dlng. T n I.b e Citizens 01 M ... ~i e 'l'.,wnA Dumbe r of lII e n fr om h e re nl· ",O R nlthy. tb e 8a le of J oh n ! MCNe lil. on ~'rA. Hob l,rt so n ! Th e· urrognn t worn, s bl p : J t \'II til n ot b e Iong lIutl'r II. pp- te. ndI ed IR I t W d I T O. " w""""r",11 • '. 0.- ,.~ •• ,•..• ,OU 'h. "" • • " ' . f 0 911. uS e Dt1S( tt.y, "url l, ) " " ~oI . , t·' ''I , .. , i''llr'' U . ... ,l louu'u.!,...nd an "'1\0 "" NI Oil Ihe hili In n hOIl ~e III· fiti on will be oresentetl t o y on f or l'iOC a fA""'" • ., . .. .r" " ". ,. ,I /nr, I I,.I. v. I R ATHAWAY most bll: enough to hoi!! eyery person yoor elgn,,\ore. eitber fo r nr agulost" Born-To Mr . and Mrs. Morris _WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. 2~'l.~'::C~:" ••• e e r eo ~l on of .. oent r .. h md 80h ool Miller, of tbe Dr. H e rmlln farm . _ • to Ih~ Sil ent City oughl not to Bn, th bolld ln g; olle tb .. t w\ll hav e IlD Februnry 20.1922, Ii ijon , II.t Mllnui r WayaINvil1e'. Leadtq DeDit.. au ytlilng against tile s'luutlers. U the In V"lIey ho~pjt.,1. Office In Boln811 Bldg, MaID S' ICrllnd lau y DI,ly kncw It. he r own uudt tbrlolll f Of publto beo"tH ereoUu~ this bolldling let u s get one Mr . .. ud Mrs. Ben ,' "mes aod Mrs. ddughlPr hlld SIU"IJCU to " trick s uch 88 would PUI to shulile nny hut,w on! ' of. lb e most moderll type, one t·b,,' ~nM80 H"ven d m o v ed her e fr o m an . A squatt er wife wo uld lIot I Cfl " ~ Will b e pleDty IBlrge for yenr!' t.o I Rtdgeville. MoudllY, Into Frank that we I/UY ' e tlob o or OWD Rog ers ' property . her IlInn to tlo for hlmselt or ucny hll" come. b oys oml gIrl s wltlbont Men dtllg them betore th e w(l rld. Ad,ll! d 10 Polly's .. br(Jlld . We will jl'e t m or e for our The r oads ID this n elg buorh "otl ShcehanEstute, ReaIE.tat e .. Mar. 4 pl' rsollnl hUlIIlll ullolI wus l\Io cKenzle's m oney by patrou i~ing ho me. Tht~ lire 10 uHd oondltlon . doe to ~o mu c h Ida Christopher } Auctioneer thr cn l ngnillst Va,ldy Hopkilis. del!erve8 tbe beAt t·llLlogh ts of our h eavy hllultn g oevera l Jllll ce ~ (I re Albert Routt . . . . ..... Mar, 4 Th l! hope ltol1e rt I'prcl \'Ill's wo rds oltl:t.eDs ~lmoet IInpo @~abl e . . Ii ull In stiJl e,l In he r scclOell to die tiS Emma Chal!man Estate .... Mar, II Get my terms for your Mr •. •' uDk Sm i th spent ltlMt week she tra\'eled. III1U her hen rt bent with In Day t oo wtt.h h e r du ug hter. M rB. Public Sale.! t ,,"r. for sl,oul ll Old ltlarc get hi s fin· Oorll Mc KirLy. and IItMe daog hte r, We wl11 sell tit PoblloSu le tue real ger: 0 11 IJnddy Hopki ns. Polly hud 110 Satisfaction guaranteed w h o h a V P batb been very Ill , Ilelon g tllg t.o I.b e e"tllte of .Id. tluuht Ihl''''' woul.l hIt nuthl ng but 1m· or no charges. J e ~!\ all.rris (Iud fllmtiy h llve Ron L . tiltm; lt,,". rl eooll8sd, late of prlSOIlIlll' 11i fo r 111m unc1 th e gru \'eyurd moved from t h e St .. oy fll.rm to til Ilt W uyue syl11 e , 01110, on for her '11111 Jerry. She co uld 1I0t o f Everett Ellrly ; Ilud Vol My erd Box 91, Centerville,!Ohio think ot II f, ' wll huut her fath er. No t Fred Tbompson b Ra a new RU~O. Saturday, March 4, 1922, 11Ild famI ly huve mov ed to tbe UOll n 6 s lu ~ h~ ni g ht hu d sh e e\'er been fiWUY Home Phone 2, Centervl.UI W e gla i t o ullnounOA MI •• fllrm. Il outh 01 LOWII. frolll his I. hllll)· love end Ru clllionB" )!io nln g III, l o'olook II. m ., on tbe Elveu'! Kllnllie b ette r at t his wrHto~ Dull W" l' .Icl·ry ! A vlv"l Illetllro r o~e Robert BorDet r eturn eu fr om MI · )I r o lJli A,e~, oomm lloolng li t t,h R hotel before her ·of I he bllby's gri d If he Earl EVll1l8 Bud Bid P.)p e. of WilY, nwi Vlliley h ospItal , last week. l1luub prop erty, th tl f ullo wln g nelll Estll.te : coulll nnt stl'lHllIh' lIudcly's ne ck ulill Des\'lIIe, were ofllling 00 frionds h e re il" pr" vetl, I:le 1M ll OW 11.,. lh tl h Ollle :12 A c r e~ li t Bot to m Laud : lI. ,tj otnlng pilly his fOlhef "'ii ' Il horse. ~ond.y , . of bi s s ist er. Mr~. Mildred tiurfuue. CQ r wln , kn o wll "II Blirrls Buttoms . Wh ell she rClld ", I Ihe top of th e Li vu ry IIl1d H ot el Propurty iD Cor. A ~ . A lien II.nd K. E. Tbompson n e ·,r Ihe Ilflyton pike. rll ggcd roc ks. she !,lIlleli up Dud Cilst a w er e In Way no8\T IJIe. Sl1torday af Hev. ArmAoos t. " f R"per M . E. WII\. 3 Allr .. Troot. iu Corwin,kDowD glonce out ol'er Ii ... luke. Tbe cu lling ternooD, ohurc h . Uuyton, PI Boch od a fill e 1\1\ 1'- II !! tbe C r e w LllI1u . Urlm~s Pr op . of her IIl1l1le mnd., her turu 8wl(t1y. fl rt y 10 Uu r win ADd o r ~o DProperty Tb e Beapon fa m llv of ne"r Port m oo b er e, Ho o d llV IIfternoon. Ilt th e In W llyn e~ v tllfl l::Iome IInu Lo\ ad. n ecognl?l lI ,,! E "plyn lIoherl soll's vole,', Wi lliam . WBre Sund; ;' gueBh of tb .. oO IUUJonioD se r vlaR. H e t oo k tl w j"lolng ~ h o" 11 ,,n i:J o m oR tetld In Way . she wlilt CI' whil e Ih" otiwr girl CIIIII" Thomps oo family . . pl ooe of Re v Dnnh am , t,he' l)\ ~t rlcL DCl sville HAe 'li'hl for )lIH liouIBU . dow n 110' pltth frum Mll cK e·~ l:$U)lt, , \\h o bl\s beeu qoite ill. B~; ln SBE~8AN, woods. l:; he Wfl S (J ul Ie unllk l! ti le IIttll.' Phone 44 Thts plaoe was well re pro!lented 'fbe pl .. y gl veo I1t L vtle h~lI. lf rl. R A t,;I:J~L EAR~HART. Fiq u n tt er , A (u sh l l)l .llhlc rnln con t I II'o~ fit the FormerM' Iostltute lit all.r day e v ening, bv tile LtV(l Wir eR I)f ~;Xto utortl of th e e ~ tate of t ectC'd htlr fro ll1 tIL. ' we t ; und sh e cu r· veypborg. Illost w e ek. the tillml .. y so u ,,, I, WII ~ Ill' t~ 1\ . UO· .lus r. n8h eeIHID , dooell.sed, rl ert 11 II/:hl 1I11 11",,.lIn In her ~loved "be mll.ny frlell ds ot Mrs Barry hund. '1'111, g" " 'IIII >: he tween them wus Cline will be ~lad to kb OW tbat 8hu OBB@ In e very WRy . uu ,1 wEla lJluuh C '1'. H ~w kll , Auot . en j oyetl hy tbe lar ge orowd preiU'D t. une o f ('lII hu rrll:-;~quen t. 1 ~ gettlDg aloDg IIl0ely . Tbere w er e oln e 'ee n in \b e plIlY. "1 \I'(' I'C gol,, ' 10 flll d illY dndd y," Havi n g 8·lld my prope r t y . I will Rev Ed B ogan. of Dear Spring f\nd eocb (lbortlcl er did nl etr p ·.rt Polly eX I'I IIIIII·' \. "lI c's somewh('res sell "t Pu h llc Au otlon . at my resl. jusUce. The lUus lo by Frye bro.t b . V"lIey, was bere a part of IIlPt week, 810ng' th(' 1111,,·. 1 <l ldn't know I'd come delloe In l:\ prlLlgbo r o, OhiO, OD .,sHl8tlDg iD our aeries of meetings erM. of S prlnguor o. was geod. The on yon ll!l !ol lIIornlll'." " t ot,1l receipts wer e .. hu ut "50. Saturday, MIl ' ch 4, 19n, The nW"lory of M rs. R oh e rt~oD'R K. E Tbompso:n "~8rted, MODdllY ""mls I"'uu" ht a 1'lI ~ 1i of culor to her mnrnlDJt, 10 hi8 Dew fisld, IDspeotor· CUIIlDlen ol nfl [Lt. 12 o'olook m. , 8bll.rp . fllr, '. :i1i,1 s l,c loulw.1 down 8t h er feet. for tbe tipoHed Poloud.ChlDtl b og .. Lot lJf Housll h olu Iloods TIIl'I'e ~ \II'g"d 11(> III hel' 8 !~ellnll thut' lIale8 lOA C I:JRISTOt'HI!:H, .Ii .. oIld nnl '\'IIIll 8l1ylhlll" to do wltll Our pr (,tr"ct.o<1 me etitll{ olos,'d , lilly of these people. Why should she? AI~ n , lI tt h esB nw timtl lind )\'lI.oe. ~ und .. y e veDlDg . wllb ~ e veral un l'hl' Y \\'en' rich; nlltl she wus only II aoonoeU\ellt8 u f b eing omong . God · ~ tu e nn 'lorSlg n od WIl l Noll I B or a8, l! -- sQllatter lirlll ! She sturted to \\'lIlk C IIW~. Lot of Irnpl e ulflnttl . eta. 8ee ehose n onel!. Mrs Lelll n KiD g Hl e l Is dril ling rl tlWIlY. l1illA fo r fnrl hor lI"rl.lol1l"rs . Mrl<. F .. nDle Dllvi~ hll8 r eturD ed ohorus fo r lin ElI sI,er cll Dtntu. "I 8111d." s he nling over her shoul· A I,H~;RT ROU 'rT Mrs. Ueo. II um ble 8ufIer ed a il ur A . A MClNe IJ, Auot , rle r. "I were look In' tor my tlutllly. 1.0 hu h ome. oft tlr speoding 8 ~ v B ral weeks whh her h ome folka tD lous ·" tt .. ck of g U1l tr ouhl e lust w tlok Goo(\·by." P" nlts y Ivanta. ' ' E\'I~ IYII Holie rt Rll 1I was not illtereste<l Mra . D, B, C nmD1 loll~ 1I0r! BOtl I will nlft ra t Publl o Hille at 'h e in J CI"'lIllnh l-I olJk ln 8. As fur ns s he Tile lItt1~ MI8SBS Rot.h Bnd Ulenna 18neut a part or lu ~t week witb u or r o~ ld eD (;e of t·b e lILte Emlnll 8 Cbap. wn s cOIII·el'lIed. tlie whole Silent City M ..ODOD played Ii duet II.t tbe Flit. I mother.i n. l" w, ill X tllll n. ru tlO, on Fourth ~treet. In Waynell. IIII.;hl I.., \\'lIs he,] orr Into Ule II'n\'l'~ mers' InstItute lot Hllrveysborg . , Wm Compt.ou ond famll v hnve ville, Oulo. OD 01111 cIII'l'll'I1 II\\,II~· . Her own Iroubles eatordll.Y morDing. mov ed to the farm be reoently pur. tIIll'd 101'1' 1:1111'1. Tlie shock of her Saturday, March II, 1922, Yoo don't hflve t o W"ynPHYlllll to c ua8"d from Fronk tit,flul e y . Jlt ot:lwl"s dl sd"~ tll'e s tunn ed h er, for ul.Jscrlbe for the OllzeJ.t.e Any of M t '(lllllll onoln g at 1 o'olook pm., tbe 11'11.1,0111 Ihe h"I(I slle hlld expected, Mr~ . Nellie C. Lao k" .v, wh o hUM I,be oorreMpoodeDts Will be glad to fo ll o wIng : Old fl\ s biml tlrl PI eces of 811e cnuld "I'e Illl wily Ollt ot OseRr heeu v isltio,," OllltUnt In IndlllOllpoh 8 ~e Dd It In for you Anl.lqn A I?uruitllr e , Bedroom Forni . Hmlllclt '~ cl ut(·Io('s. In th e meo ntlm e, tlAS r et,urll e d fo h er h o w o b er e ture, Kltab onUteo s lJa,oto. !:lee bills Hies Lizzie Stroup hn 8 retoroed I.h(' a'llI utlel' /:Irl wllS her ollly Illenus J B . CBAPMAN, to her bowe In Elarve'Hburg .. Ber MlsM Nulherine Nogg le v ery pIousor CO lli II I un Ico 11 011. ~ pendill!( severo I weeks wltb ber untly oDI." rta IDed th e mem lHl rs of C. T. Ht<wk A ( A l Admr . "Willi. 1' 01l~' ''(1, wnlt II minute I ~I"ter, Mrs. K . E . Tbompso D. tbe S u os h lDe society, I:ltlturday fIf. W N :,i ,uIf R \ 0 0 8. cOllie " "\I'll Just to sp<'o k to you ." WIlI'elln g slowly 8 roull1l . Poll y (need R ev . Bow .. rd MoKay aod Re v. leroooo. - - ' - -- 1 her. A m o~ COOK l' xobOinged pulpltR. lost The ~ econd s eotio n of lhe Lad les "Wlillt no YOII wllnl?" she IIske,] In l:\oodllY morning . 01{, J. W . MILLER. Rev . McKay Aid eDterta lned th!' o t ber D1I'1Il bers ~.J surl y lOIl CS. went t o Hnrvllysbnrg, aDt.! Rev . of tbe Hooie ty lit the ohorob pllrl ore. aSSl e CUi "Pn il),Il)l." ejll('ul nlerl E,·elyn. cllm· Cook oame h e re to our ohoroh. Ius, Thursdoy. tll~ ~\\'Irtl~· to I.. ,r side, "I'm alm ost ,.• DENTIST... Mi ss Hftzel Mjllr8, of Clarl!8yllle. Fuok ot[LDI"y Ilud ftlmil y b flve ."lIn'rl tn ,1,,"lh. My CO llsln, Boh~h. ~II ugh' our soboul, Isst wee k, on 110. m oved into bi8 )lrOperl.y ID l OW D. Onlce In Y"1)'\'(1 gOI tn IIPlp lu a Itgnln !It Wayoenl,le. 0 ·c ount of I·be IIlnos8 of hor alster, whi ch be r eoeDtly purohased from ) ool U&.Dk 01<1 •• Boil! 'fhen the Boldl er III the unl· Miss Mabel, We all h ope for a W . I!: Compton. torn; wu. 1';\, L"yn's cOll lllu . nuh I Tha t speed y and permnneD' recovery, lVas rhe IIl cest lIumt! III 1111 the 1V0rlrl. Mrs E . O . Sbidliller "nd S01.1 , WII.r. Je8se Wehb IlDd wIfe. CbeMter a II nllle ' Otted fOI' the mall who hud reD, of Dear GnfneyvllIe. f\fe 8p eu d. dl'IIppOO Into 'the Sliellt Clt)l to help Aatfleld, Ray BarrlsoD "od wife, log tbe week with b or parents, Mr , al ollg the SQUAtters. Suddenly her liowA rd Fnlkreth, wife aod daugb. and Mr$. rboma8 Haydock. mood chAnged. She t'o'rgot Oscar Ben· ter, FraDoel!, of Lebaoon, aDd Roy Tbe M, E . !:I. B, is preparlog for Ii nctt oud his odloU8 words, (orgot thnt 'J£lIIs wife and danghter, Rbea, 0 ' t he girl crying for her uld hnd allowed near' darveYllborg, were i;nftdav t,lg uHy. ~ext Soodll Y. A speotll.l program will be rendered ID Iler mollieIi to s ny dreBdfll1 th lllg1! gueSI& of A . tI Allen 1I.0d wife . agaInst her and Da<j(ly Hopkins. It ' Tbe Ladles Aid aDoiety will bold tbe morDiDM, BDd R e v . Vern oD, nf )<:velyn , were rellllell to tIie Boldler, aD all. day meetillig at the beao.iful Wilmington, will deliver ao fI (ldr es~ A bIg fOflturo thell Polly Hopkins would do onythlug coontry ' borne · o:f MlII, ~ua Bart. tn the afterDoon, Mls ~ Robertson Rsked of ber, BOok• . De~r YVeJl~aD .. Wedoeaday, Of ,be day will be tbe first lippeor. "What do you WB.nt 1" abe rcpeo te!! Mluob 8, 111211 All membtlrtl aD'o e ot 'be S J:; orobestrll. , nD der , . Ib)'ly. />.1 usblnK. 'l'q ne.ted '0 he presen', a8 tbere tbe dlreolfo~ of Trevof C Ha y d ook. Tbe orobl!8u&l\;)D 18 aa follows: vlo. will be, aome ' Impor"'nt bU81De88 to (To be ooll"liued.' to be dl8JlO11ed of. 80 b.rlDg your IID8-C. B. MoKay, S . ()' 8tanfifl ld, -, Lealer 8taDfield, Mrl, BalliDge r i aDd oo~e along. • oorDeU-Oeoar tllaoOold, Bow,"4 ...... ~tlquett. of ...Ung .Wax. S.b .. mbllugb; lIuophoaea-Ada Mo. .IJ! !h. daYI wbeD all co~DdeoC)l Kay, VernoD MoCray; ano-B. B . llealed, there "'BII etiquette aboot Don't ' W,nt 'Em, . ' Miller, ieoor-Alan Mendenha ll i the Die Of lullng "sa. Bo),alt)' would Indian dl8li. 3(f() yeai'll old, and olluioe,-Lloyd Davll i 'roinboaeIi" .aome favorite courUer tlIe 101. IUPPOle'd to po8.esrr the "magic" propo' C, p, Noggle; 'cello-Mrl. Haydock. rilbt to lIH a certilln colored ' was, ertiea of brealdDI In bit, If ~oucblll • - ---. aDd otIlce1'l the .ta~ "'0014 each with JIOIIcm, bay. lIHlI MId b,. IQ¢J~. till III 1AD4CJ1l . reeentlJ_W~CIIl





\\'~ ' II

you've turlh'd YOllllL: mun In It 111 11'11 .


Mr . an d



:\'"w '9 i ll 10 0 96 iol,o










Public Sales

Forest T. Martin






Dr. W. E. Frost



Harveysburg, O.

----_ ..---




For best results we use Miami Gazette's C'l ' 'fi d umns,

we'll tell the world!







---_.- ---



rry our Job Printing ..._ .___


w ~:rt~, ·~~I':I~.~n~~~del~~1l

\y~ ~a~:~r:. ~f I~nat~,~:~· tllr

"n lind to leu rlillip 1\101 p< •... ulu..lIl 001 ft 11111.· r•• r I hlu,.,1 1/11"''' Ih)" ' UIlIl I'I" 1)1'nlll IhnD 11111 /III (' . •(ut III.H!II '~: 10 "'"IIII.n' llI'lIl1 II~ I 8' ·.11.:11. .\I I.,', IIIrl): Ihat for the OI"\<1 I' ftl" rrl,'bl(lllfl C ~(""\11·" ~. lIluk('s II IRrg e '1'11'111 11,1 " I' 1,1....'1 ftow al't.' ceJ!~II, ,·I)· hurl'(\ hy till' " ,'rl(luH. Ilu'OIlg11 the brnhl " W 111:11, .' Ihe IDIDd J} ~ \\'1111 ",IIIi'll ,'wn lI'en l 111('111 1111 (\ udl ...! IIIHl I'" '\'~ II I ' ~ " '. ' P .. r tbll th(J ..nil ~':hllll" .... I I the' \> ,,0:,,"" ",h., rl'U",'n "'''I'klll!; .1l' 1'1,1 ,.,~ Il1m l Just Dill 111"111 Illlillh . Their ~'·II ." III hI!' hp(ofl' ~" Ing Ic'l I... " " .. I',·,. Iho' <-R UM blUr '8 ",101" . IIIII IIU r;f F:ph" ' "~ I, nl· ot 1I :II,!'fll lncss. ~ ... "" ,"" "" "~ d .. not 'I\'"~'lI lll" 'I\AI','d .0 . . (ling IlrJltl" Il"l' 'I> I ht! .,1 ,-,' 1' ",.·11 1J" <'n ll~" 'I ..... l'''I<~ l l'~ I\re . \\Jn d fu t tll ~ l·t ·, I.. nul'IE'it c Ollu.' ,lIuft whr~ li rt't1. n lh(' I' h (1('IHI!'lV I h· '\ , "II jllsl be-ili on hi IIIII ."- Frf'llI "TIll' TII'IIl - f,l(\' rt' Iir·I II)(. nlld 11 ,, '7 •. ,_ ." " ' ''lIle hebi ll!" of II 1.' ·lIf." by ,l[u~rs,'1 ,\I :I\! h·· ('0 " ,", I h ,.,\' ,,1, ••,1' ill ...." ,. " .. , I'r"l'crly am. J ,·,·"tllil ll'>I.








-- . First Sunday 'in Lent


March 5th:

Church chool at 9;80 a. m : Sermon and Holy CommUnion at 10:30. Service lind sermon at 7:00 p. m . Beginninll with Wednesday, March 8lh , there WI'11' be a servIce . d d an J • a( ress every Wednesday evening until Holy Week at 7:30. The midweek theme for di8cu ssh..n will be: "TIle Faith By Which We Live"

T ell the advertiser ~'O ll r en d his ad. in the Miami Gazette Servi ce eve ry Sun day evening unti l J ~


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Holy Week waswill gladgowh en the they saidofunto me". .. We into th ., h

l.ord .·..

9 CarLoads CO lliin g





Mrs . Dallas Belter was lahen to Miami Valley hospital . last Sat urda\ . where lin operati on wo~ p<"r fllrlllen. At last ftc('ounts she w as gu tti,, ~ along as nicely aM ct)uld be ex pected.

--------Some Ancient Sweets.

1"h~ m ost nn c lt~nt ~\\



l'l "


sugar nlmontls lind


n! sUKar




WHAT'S DOING AT MIAMI THEATER THURSDAY-Mar,h 2 Vlnln D alla 10 .. Blackmail ..... . . AIIICl. Mermilld Comed y .

Younce Brothers Grain Company


Phone 25-2, Waynesville, Ohio

Wallace Reid 10 "The Oha,m AIIO. Soloolc New• .


A tte n ti 0 D M 0 V ers

only the strongest Companies, writing all lines of Insurance_ We handle all kinds of Public Sales.

Sears & .Cartwright Aman Block

Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 61-2


OO..'.lN,\~;;.~:i•..': ~.~, ~;.:::::;~

11~~~~.!~g. Shop

·If you change locations, don't forget to have your Insurance transferred.

We ' represent

~c hool"

TUESDA V-March i A Fox Fea'ur.. AIIO. 8u nsblne Comedy









Youdont need awrlnger'

wheny~~eaU~~mA~~J------HA 1~ S \\'h :ll makes th~ LaunDry-Ene d iff"rcnr and better. "Varnell l'vc rywhere 11' 11 how it saY~J clothes, how il nt' v~r .In l11al:es butt ons, SJlap fa~'t e n e rs , hooks ami c)'es; . ho~




. We are bound to g ive you the lowest price obtuilJub!e for the same quality of Feeds and Seeds.

you are not insured, we will be glad to quote rates.

There is rio death I Wbat aeemlllo is transition. As we look upbn ~be still form, we realize that it ia only a step from earth to heaven . We are here loday. sunounded by loved onl!ll; tomorrow we are Ilone LO that bourne from whence no traver returns. When we see a tired wafted from earth t.o its Maker we exclaim. "Truly, God doeth all things well ." Orie Allen Hatfield, seventh daughter Amos and Mary Allen. was born July 7.1 891. and passed to the reat of Paradise. January 24. 1922. aRed 30 years. 6 monlhs and 11 day • . The se venth daughter . according to \ trudilion. ill said to be a ' blessing to L--_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _- - ' her parents. and mo~t surely can this l ~t'I ,,, 1\ 111,'1. ~" ' \ 1 lJ: uebe said of her. having been born on c}'u l lIli~s ~.t I ... ~ . ! l '') be Ihe Aeventh day of the seventh month ::: \J\' t'rnu r \"l ( 1'..• 11 5h~' ' ! hC.' ;ld Ori e's childhood was spent in the , ,f 111 . ' 1111 \ \ " J ... ~,.( ( .-\l U '" p .i1 ~' 1\ I tl t I ht ,·, ,\' r. , ,,coh ;p IS> h l lu K Beech Grove cOln;nunity, where she 'll, l rl~II:I'~ 1 h I Ii • 'II', f l"r lI n wu!< known and loved by tbose who ,.n 11 11 1 1 ,. 1' I ' !.d ' , .1 111 .h1' , Wl:re associated with her. From a " I ;:"r- ! .!.,. • tlcfl!"', " .. 111 , .II:t Ill ..... , 1. , .. II I Will' ... il )l child. she Wl'S quiet and obedient to th, . . { ",' II , th lt \'vU IJ1l.:r he r parents' will. Her life was an " ,: 1 n,: :t, ,'~ "! 'otJld "0 unpretentious one. She united with ;1.:; tl ll' ~' t d • th e to'l-ee Will Baptist church at an early age. and Rhe !lerved her MQst:~r in her own Christian way by doing U g l y f 't lr, l the';;' -, t Wooers7 mAny a~ls 01 kindness t o those about Ugl,\ !lit ' " 1 .. II Ul "" :'11\' , ,;o- ... fI11 w op rs. , t ,t '/'U. I I I" 1", ;II f II I I I her. III It! was especiall y thoughtful of Ill" tllt ~ . ,f III! IIp r lt ~et1 parents. DIIlIIi ".. · 1>-1 I I " 1:.11" ,, "1,."". I fo'eh"ullry 14 . !!l12. Orie Allen and or 1111 1111' ' •. '"" ,I I " I 1)(. Kurlj l' tt wt" '" IInitl'li in marriage DUl n \( II ~,I," , I. 1: .···""111 11•.1 I d h f ,d w e \l sepllruted by lle eat 0 . , I .. , ... :11. I III II lundt 'r , I I.,','"" . >II . \ Ir. l! 'l rlcett. Octuber 9 1914 Some r cc ' lI t II" I ' . I. •. . II ~" d. 11 1,,1 1 )1 11 , h,l t!r. Ori e loratoo in Lebanon, l l'1I81 11>.' I' Ih ln l( ,I,· I • 1",,'1" 11 II".: il ld m <·te frielld ~ bv hl'r kind. lov,, u gl )' PilI 1';.1 ,, _ -1:'1'1 II,,' I , h (. di~posili n n On November 11. CY I'I1 11" II' ,,jlh Ii :II "')'" i~ I ~II. ' h~ste r Hatfi ~ l d and Ode Allen ; \\' , n,di l l_ II I d l~n ..:t I' ll' " ..,1 .. r III - It"". ' l ll'-Ile' t were j .. ined in lhe holy \'\'11 £" 111" 1 I ', . nJs .o f matrimony . This union I!IlVC promise of great happiness when, after being permitted to live togel her on Iy 1 year. 2 months and M an No t U nl • . .1 5. R d k ll"I'I' '" - II)' , I," hi t l :~ d8Y~. the eaper ('ame an too lhu ! " ,,1\1 <1 I""" •. " ,'e I he r in the days of young womanhood I

1 Car of Seed Oats, 1700 bushels 1 Car of Tankage 1 Car of Hominy Feed 1 Car of Union Grain Cow Feed Cars of Coal and THe




om e!


into o ur \\" ~HC H Ollse . alln we wi ll se ll at a s mail profi l.


Saw and Tool Sharpening. Gasoline aDd 011 Stove Repairing. Get your time, your Sawl and Tools in order and geteverythinl( cleaned up for the opening of Spring and Summer. Window Frames, that will keep out the flies. made to order. Get your order in early. Lots of otber jobs. Call and find out. All work guaranteed . Call me by phone

Woollard, c... Main •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ed. South 8treets I






'. HI IUIl )


and u 'te fulness,

A devoted, kind husband, the fond I pa rell ts. six sisters, three brothers. . ~ d . nl'ICeS, nepliel;Vs. relatives an 10numerable fritmds are left to mourn their loss Being the youngest of a family of ten children. the pasaing of this dear one, the first of the fam.

dowo h is fn <'E••- \ .· h l ... , .. .. l'nlly Ne ws.

ily circle to be called in more than


• ...,

live. sllhbeci h lll""I , , I. I.· 1<' " 's ""lied


_ . __ ___ _ Love Affair Suddenly Ended. \\'1\9


"' Y , e"enth

year of

achool I be"U IIII~ """y much III love wtth 8 boy 10 th e pl/:hth gl'nde. One day when I wus at his house to He<! bill Itster he nnd a frie nd or bls lI:1ell I pelJ ot IC'I"-l' olol wO l e r 0 11 the top of I door. 1 wu ~ tl.(' IIrH to open Ihe door and lhp wal,·.. fell .. n rue. Thi s was a 8udd pI1 l'lI<1 "r illY ftrst love nfl'o lr. -Chlt:u g o .1 olll'l1n l.

Wayne8vllle, Ohio


hlallL:C' u for thr hu~ Ut

your h••mh in hu' or fold ",a' r r. But let U :I give you a dt"I1U)Il ' I r:.I :iu lI ttu&,·, proof _ L_ _. . . . . ._ __

U ta l

l'ru\lr ".

1'11 011(" U:'I IOd.2)'.

"// it 11M

it iu, 't




La•• -J)r;r

Ell, "

Fred M. Cole W.yue.. llle. Ohio




~ ES


prO!!I''' ''' ')' .. I t Ii, ' •.• " .,,,d (If til e """""" I"':! . "I,' """rl'l,, ,us ape:- Thl ~ :,0.:", I'l l tJ:- tf! ur· r ogatl! II> <.Im,f·il I', ,r' 1111 . 1'. , ,, "lilt of dlll'er(:III'" h(,Il" '"'' ,- 711,,1 1111 ' I,,\\'er ."lfIIM!!, unlll II ,. I "II " ," 1 lind 811 IIf'C Oll") hI' . hl, ". .. Illl" 'r "t " 0 Indl all cler,I' ''·III . \\ :" ,, 1"'1' 1... 1,1 ,'II(}-

Wllen r




t.nllld , l

it drir:s cwnffl rts

ODe minut e ' h r ttt' r th:UI UII)' wrillg t"r - IWd how it makrs it \lnnc"l'C' i'I~lf)' fo r yo u to put

I have a new line of Hardware in since the cut in prices. .TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE





fi fty-five years, makes the grief of the relatives all the more difficult to bear. What .hall we !lay of thls lamentable lou to the bereaved busband, parent. and relatives' It I, hlrdly Ii time for speech, rather for prayerlui reflection . Tbe Lord gave her and the Lord took ber a.ay Bla.ed be the name of the Lord . "For one to live in Christ and to die I. gain." Like David over hilt lut child may you say, "She shall not come to Uf, but we shalliro to ber."-K E. T

- - -..





fRIENDS GHURCH BAPEBHOS. fAREWEll Meeting ev ery Su nilay at lhe regular ·hour. Sunday ~c hllo l at 9:30. Our school has grown from t en or twelve to about fifty regulars. Come and ('njoy th e uay wilh LI S Amos Coolt. Past or.

=======--=======:-::'_ _ _-,-___ ____ .

__ _ __

Last Friday evening, about fifty Juniorl enjoyed one of the beet meetings in tbe history of Miami Valley Council No. 103, an especially good feeling of fellowship and brotherlv love. was manifested. The affair was in the nature of a farewell to Bros . Ben Smith, Alfred aa" Heath and ~ Koy Buhrman, who

away from this community. ZIMMERMAN'S ,. moving A delicious lunch wu !lerved.



Anyone who uses or ou ght to u ~e pa ill l;; ;Jlld ~h uld remember t h,1t \\.(' h a ve' I he agency for' vami sh ('~.


For firt y years th is line ha s peen the wurld 5 leader- Iha t's wh y we ChOl;(' it; a nti W I! are leaders in good lhill ~s here- tli :1!'s why th e )' chose us. It's a pretty guod cumbin atiU II to <10 business with. Sold by

p. 'rt SMITH, Waynesville,


.. ..-----GRANGERS


SE ED rOTA TOES Pure Oak')IH 1~ f'tI Ril'p. r Seed P o lnco,", "n l.. ,,: : 00 11 l.lll~:.

IF you don't happen to be in town when you want a Classified Ad., advertising your extra Stock, a plow, a lot o f Feed. or any of your extra stuff on hand, just call

--------- -----

UN1c\N St 1 S Yel low :lIId 1:. . 1 s e tA YO ') 0:\','1" q uar l

and we , will see to the rest. Call again, please.

1The Miami Gazette,Waynesvjlie



~Wl l \ E

T h ~ h ,sr I11 ld.· ~\O() I? E': (j 10 [)

Th " k i" I

• !I' l



Friday and

25c Coffel' ~ It'CIUI 15c ' Bulk MacH t'(,"i 10c Palm 79c sf~t~a~:.j'd~ ·~··.~;;~" · .... 49c 10 big b:lT s.. ................. . Fe~O ~aafsl.~~.~.~ ll.r': ~ . ..... .... 59c : ~ l\~



.. . .. ...

O!i\' p "; " j\ -

Re". S5e an

7i· c Brooms-50c

Will pay 210 f or Hens up to Friday noon ncliv el'cd to store. . IT PAYS TO TRADE

_ will' pay see me.

I. have a prop-



osition that :will positively save you money

The Late GJassified~Ads. 'I '

Wagnnville Ohio

\\'l' j"k


only .... -.... _...... ............ .

Before buying your Farm Implements, it

pn pa ,,'f! tn~ home long ('1', As their moth· " I \', : , .. 11:1 ,1 ' 1.', fl " ~ ! 'u rlng a seen",' ilin· I). " I., !1"'11'\ 1 ;' :' 1,,' 1'1 "ltltter tu hi. I l r lll :1,1 1' ", iI' H n (~lll to h 8\'e Il 8und· , , ;1'11 !l Hd I' '.:I,II H1I tit wnte,r and gu


I: "

- -'t:o

No danller of haYioc your cow. ro "off their feed" on . Ce-re-a-lia Sweets. Th~y crave it. variety of rood cereals, it, .weet flavor. They dillelt Ce-re-a-lia Sweetll better than averace feed. and .how their appreciation , in the milk pail. " .

Get details of four weeb' trial tocIq.

Everett Early

' OJ

u f rpl' d ln Ufl ,


II p OUli d .. . ..

In short and lona tests, Ce-re-a-lia Sweet. provet its economy every time. Milk checp increuc-feedina COStli shrink. .

1; 1.. - , ,. r 11;11 " .. nn,l 1.(· put IItralehl t.1l hl ·d . " j ' "" .I.lIml'lIl tor btld hllyi.

11 ",,"t

j a l ,~




-nt" ke -

,c,,'( I 'l!'d ay

j··, e, h ("11 ,,1,.,1'-



Prope r ly to Fit the Crimi. 11" , 1" '1"1 nnll Fenton cam. ~ 1i' ''l l ln)! 111 .1 I.ulf 11I1l1r after dinner w," "\.... ,,. 111.. lr rllilier decreed they c::lI lllIlll t'nl'l, hu\" n ..;undwlch. nnd ,

(I II.


bflq f l ' ''' lie n"



J\r ~ iI"" ,

!I P OU I ,,j .....

At Rock, Bottom Prices

A full attendance is dealred next Saturday night, March 4th. 81 it la the last meeting for Brother and Sister Marsh. who have rented I farm near South Lebanon, lind wiil move in the near future.

Nt'\'·. r rl·-h ' ''' I, I,i l' pl, g;' Gc

you ev el'


The fin~81 "n ly 10c a

GARDEN SI ' ''! h llQ UIll


~.I W .


"You'll get more milk or better milk anti make more mone:i on n cow fed four weeks on Ce-re-a-lia Sweets." That's our bet. If we lose, we pay back every cent the feed cost. YOU canit lose. 80 why not h~ve Us deliver two sacks of Co-re-a-lia Sweets for the trial,

t; '1', 1 1" ' "

H "ItS; .. "

----_. _...--' "


I nd Forth. "~I ' r"~I " ' . .1·~,·hll·'''1 the nutspnl",n I 'H" I " ~ " ·· I .' !' 1,:1~1 ! ' '''' Inll~er t~ st l tit' f"l'-'" (" yuU lanrac"oll f'o :' h


,, 1.

\H I


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, ~ ' J . IIUUR

1 go to


1'!\ h"UIJ:'

"Tlu,, ', 1\ ••.... II'I1I11~nt. (\ell r elr !" rpjolned til\' rI .. I·IU·lUnn enthlislastknl , • I. ' • • !. t MermOllS hf\\'e , ••• II (lSS unti !"i()O! : 1 ;: I ' .'


!l1l \ 1~'

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lj w f~p.rsol1 wiUJ 11 111·I!\'IltMn. the lIulI) " '1l ontl fhlll

..... ':, ,'., '

k~el' : h ~

York S!l1n.

. Iwl")' Mut. . Tbara ant . two I(H!CI" of . . . . . . produclb • . Duta hard eDoqb to· be ... ploJ'ed~~a .iibIUtute1"<for iVory the manufacture of artlclea of


domeltll! a... bat the one beet IrnOWD . to oommel'Ct! UDder the name of 1Yorr nut 18 .the trult of Phyrehephall maorocarpn. noUn at New Oran.da aDa other parla of Centra I Amerll!lL

THE Sc, tOe, 25e, $1.00 STORE see OUit ORANlTe mSPLAY WiNDOW-Pu~e wblte

lra~ Dish I'ln" Kettles. Buckets. etc •..••• , ..... . $1.00

SPRINO HATS-all the latat style., at- S!lc to ..•....... . "~ ..5~ C~Y~TAl OLASSES-Good "eight U:d clear, .ch •• ·, .' .• OAstDFN SBEDS":"We hav~ three .inds for you to cbpose frOid, It eaoh .......•••••.. • .. , ......•..•. , ...,;

RECOaD&-Havt yc!u ~eard our records? Eac:h.s5t.Ii5e,

CLAX~LA PHONOORAPH5-Tbe Ooidea 'throated 0."., PUN, tleto toae ud malee them .. your ow.. term.. . Com. in and lee tbem. . •



8PECIAL-.FOR 8ATU R DAY' . "SH~NO~' MlnEN DUSTER-Forgeaeral Houehold Dutt. ID&' , AIIO, for cl_I.... the AutumobUe A ~ DiaIter. S~...;a-" . ' ~.t .. 0


u~ourCJ"':II~ ~for ....... ~fWI~ =·B.~F.~W~L:::I~W-:ft,~'~'~~~~n

. ~ \


~tlVellt y- Fourth

J¥: -


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY MARCH 8, 1922 Rev . J ~' , Cadwul lader wa € a Dayton visitor. Monday morning .

fORMER A fiNE PLACE TO LIVE Are Well Entertained By Club. and Churches-New Ho.pltal Is

'fa Be Erected




Ohiu Masonic Home, Sprinj{field, Ohio, March 4, 1922. Editor Miami Gazette. Dear Friend: - Thinking a' few items from the Home would be of interest to you and a number of .your patrons. J will give you some slatlillics, some of the pleasant hap. penings and our expectations tor the summer At pres, nt we have eight.y men, nine uf whom are put ninety years old. The olde.t brother, W. W. Bean, or Ml18Sillon, Is 97, and the next oldeRt, George Howland, of Lena, Ohio, is 95; both are well preserved. and neither of them hu paaaed into. second childhood, 811 many do at leas advanced age. Earh . ~ has a perfe~tly clear intellect, which is remarkable We have 64 '" omen. ranging in _it' from 45 to 89 Our children are a lively bunch WtI hllYe 48 boys and 42 girl8, all I!chool r/gt! but 3 boys and 3 girls; our baby girl is 2Ys, the next youngest 3,· lind next 5 years, respectively. The health of the Home Ie excel· lent, 80m II colds and a little sore throllt prtlYail; of course, BOrne decrepitudtl Id alwllYII In eviden~e. as ~( mllny are pa8t. th~ four-lICorl' mark We are favored with many 11'(1(1( : entertainment8. Every MOlldllY t'vening we have a llIuvie show; each Wednellday afrern""I1. the List-nen club. 'fhis cluu wa .. organlled for the bentlfit of tl!tI blind and tholle with poor eye.i~ht. We have three totally blind. and 8weral nearln&' that point Our matron, Mra Saun. den, IR pr8llident of the dub, ahll the progrllms are usually of special Inter8llt (i'rioav evening is dance evening; the children have the first hour, and after they are dismi88ed, the 01.:1 peopll' enjoy the Virgiu ia Reel and the lancers. It has been quite IImusinl to lIee some renewing thll pleasures of youth . We have one brother who 85, and if one would not look at his gray hairs but just walch hlsalt'p he would think he W HII in -the prime of life. Sunda} eVl'ning, we have a 80clal hour from 7 108 o'clock. led by Mra. Saunderll. We fr~quelltly have enertainmilnt9 by viHitinarlodgeil-thev come trom O !!), I (lIl, Cincinnati. Springfield, LOtldoll snd Columbull This ahowl that tilll ll does not dral( heavily, but pleasure is alway. provided. ' We are looking for a sUrring and noisy time this summer. The Hom .. received a bequest from the eRtate of R. R. Rickley, which has enBbled the board to build a new hospital. and it will be known as the Rlc)(ley Memorial hOEpital. The contractors are already getting the work started and lUI soon as the weathet permit, work will begin on the main struc· ture. Whlln completed it will be ne ot the finest in Ihe etatl', The location 1& 'JOuth and eut of tht' present site. Most respectfully vours, Mrs, S. E . Haines.

FIRST PRIEST NAMED rut Scra p l \ ,blll!co. tw o pact" a ges for l5c. for tit ' IH'X t tt'n II uy ~ TO DIPLO"'ATlCCORPS I W. C Ph il lir -J I

Mre. E V Uarllh ll l'l week in Cincinnati. .

~ P (, lIt


I Bor n -

T u Mr . and vl"·I. It II ph (j Mill!'r. o f H,)ule I. ~"l.urday. I\\;, r'" I I ' 4. 19:12. a da ug hl er . i

Mi !lS How land spt'n t th e wct'k 'ell d with I ~Ia t ives at King8 MiIIM ,

Th e sale uf till' Ilr ("ll' r(~ I r l ilt' In le The guild of St. l\1/lr \"~ churl' I I .I,,"."n Sheehan waH Iwld :''''lIrrlay. will meet. Thursdnl' Ilf t hi" week. ' qultl' a cry",d was Jl l't'~" IIt. ",.01 All Mr. and Mra. E D Daily. of LelJuM' H I W It ( B II wilh Mrs . Ge)rge Il a rt ~uek . the prope rl , ~lI ld wl·1I non, spent Sunda here, I.i " e e n " on. 0 lI e~ r e· y UI., nk. s pent lill' week-errd here With Th E' H arri~ " ,ll turn land Wll ~ 1''' ' ' ' row n Lodge. 1\ of I' . will ha ve chased by Eimer Sh eehan for $ -I .4'i;,. Mr. an d M rs. W. H . All en an d M·ISS her bl~ t er \vOl k in lh li Sec,md Rank . Wed ntlR· This land i9 bet ween Corwin and the Olive spent Mondav in Cincinnali. 1'111' III d ~ I rs, Wi ll iam DrRd lp.y. uf day e veninR'. March 15 All Krri g h t~ Big bridge . Th e holel proper ty. in Co rwill. wa~ Ethan C. Crane, of Kenyon college L"uallorr. ,·pell t SUnouy willt r ei Ii· lire rt?qu es ted to be prcsellt. liv es here . lJurchased by WIll. Thumpson: cun• pent the week ,end with home folks. If yo u wan t to be well !: nl ertained . s id erat ion . $!;OO , Th e Grimes propel·ly . in Co rwin. Will Stanton of Spri ngboro spent Cut on SC I a p r"bucco. two pack· 1(' 0 lind heH r S Plat t J " n l'~ . at the M· Sunday with 'J. B. Chapma:1 and ages f or ~5~ . f,lr the. next (en days E . ch urch. rhu nd a), <, vening He iH lind tht! And e rsfln prope rly, in WliYfamily. Vol , C. Phllltps I a fin e en te rtaine r. and it will be a n nesville. we re knock·lI oil' to ltalp h even in g that will ch ase awa y th e ltlul'B M iller . the Corw in prope rty bringing Mn. D. R. Smith spent several ! Roy Buhrma n and f undly left. last $G80. lin I the And erson property . daya last week . with relatives in week f.or Montgomery e.·unty, and $7:!O they WIll go un a farm . Ti le hou se and lot. on t he Sheehan Wilmington, esta te , was 8(,ld to Mr 8 An na SheeJohn Stansberry and family left, Mrs. J , E Janney and dau~lll ", rp , han. the consideration bei ng $600, Uonday, for K ntucky, where they ' Misses Louella and Frances . were r d A two·d:1\' program i ~ being plan· The three acre pi ece of land. south ... ~ rcsi r nl H ardi ng's appo intm rP t 91'111 make their future home. Cincinnali vi. itorB. Satu rday of Rev , J 05. M . D('1 lll ing ot M --' '. ned in celebration of the 50th nnn i- of Corv,·in . urought $240, and Lon Oh io. " Li. S (''' " s ul 10 Tan ' ,er; versa ry of the Wavnesvill c High Becke tt was the tiuccess ful bidder Ido ro : 0, !)C t 5 a p rc.:ccuent ITJ cli tJ lo~ S h I A I .A t b t IJ J JUllt received a shipment of SulMrs . De'phine McClelland left, m :lt. c :"hlrs. li e is .Ihe fir " 1': ;cst C 00 limO! SAn. 0 e lC . une phur Compound for Spraying. F. Thursday. for Cincinnati, where she rV er n a U. S. di p lolll olic po.i- 28-2() , 1922. It is planned to inclu de M. Cole, Hardware, Harness and Im- spent II. few daYB before returning to I ~t.~o~n.~~~~~~~~__~~ 1111 ex-students ,~~w!lIaB Alumni. plementll. her home in Seattle, Wash 10-

I .




. ..



.. ..--~-


------- --






- ----

BAND WILL HOLnU GUY Kibler and family lire now I Frank Miller purchased the Lola Ito~,v;:=~:~n was a Cincinnati vis- GIRL SCOUTS' MARKET MARCH f'ESTIVAL Dayton retlidents, having moved a Zell property. recently, and it! pre- '

Mrs. Euphemia paring to move into hia new posses- / Ernest Hart Hoeik. of Dadon . few day~ alrO was On Salurday. March 25th. begin. ROUlh fa their guest :It present. sion. Charles SrI.ith and wife, of in tOWll, Tuesday. at 10 a. m .• the Girl ScoutR will ning Route I, will occupy his present home I hold a market at Earnhart 's storp, S Platt Jones, entertainer, will be I Philip Hopkins Jr .. of Das ton. was Come and fill your baskets with good at the II. E. church, Thursday evenMessrs. D. R . Smith, F. B Hen- l lll town, Tupsday . things for SundRY dinner. Any oring, Marcb 9, In the interest of the derson, Geo. Waterhouse, Homer F . M. Hiatt. of Spring Valley, was ders mav be iven to Captain GorBi"h school Lecture course Go and Carey and Colemlln Jackson attended such before Friday. March 2~tb, a business visitor here, Monday . hear him. inspection of Eastern Star F & A. Margaret Co ,)II:, :sec y. M. lodge, at Franklin, Friday eVAnMr. and Mrs. SeClalr Fite, of WIIMr and Mrs. ~ . E. Sherwood inK'. mlnll:ton. spent Sunday I>ere with went to Columbus, Sunday, where relatives , Mr, Shllrwood will take treatment at Mn. Alice Smiley, of Hot Springs, a panitarium. His many tril'ndl! here Va, spent a couple of days here, last . The play, "Damon and Pythias," ilre hoping that the tl eatment will week, vi8iting friends. Mra Smiley will be given at Centerville hall. SatComing soon! What? Norm al beneficial. was formerly Mill8 Henlev, and is the urday evenin!!" March 11. by the de- Clasa Play . When? April 7. Where? dKulI'hter of Will Henley, formerly gree staff of Oregon Lodge. K. of P.• High School Auditorium. Yes. th e The ~iami Gazette, S1.50 a year of this place. of Davton. Better go - it's fine. partition will be raised. Come!



... .





m aJ ,.



~ SPRIN :C i

~ New Ginghams, Percales, I~


- --


AMPLE fOR EVERY NEED Uf thc Comm unity. In Every Walk


Life - Needs ~ome One to "ltarl Things

J U'lt ano th er appeal for a big hall!

Vh al doe~ the to wn need Wlll'8~, as I here i ~ 110 a u'ditorium nor Kymna~ ium

in our new CentralizedSchool1 We hea r so much about the virtues uf our town; why doeRn't someone loo k after t he vices'! Evervone wa nts to keep the young people at home. and wonders why they long fo r the city. Why isn't something don e to keep them at home? !::)uch a town! To boast of being centralized, and not even a place for entertainments . Do you remember how "conv enient" things were for the Lyceum Cou rse people? And then. we haven't even a High School busket ball team- the only thing which seems to actually "five" through the winter . Everything else seems dead. Then, those few who do have ambition enough to play, have to go four or five miles and rent- actually rent-a hall. An entertair.ment was given, not long ago, and it had to be "iven away from home. Looks very com· plimentary to Wavnetlyille, doesn't it! If someone only had 'the herve to start 80methlng around here! How many men would not donate work un such a hall as we need? Not the kind that ia Iiko a barn;" but put in a dance hall, gymnasium, pool and billiard tables. It means three floors lind a lot of work and money. Bu t get a good honest person at the head of it, 'and Bee how many five and ten dollar bills you will get, even from the poor. I'm one, mllself- not even the P08lle88Of of a home of my own- ·but will do my. bit. Now. let's get busy, and not 'have another year like this 'one. Everyone talks "hall." But why talk? Do something! An Interested Citizen.

A little less than eleven years ago, there came to gladden the hearts and home of Walter and Laura (Werntz) 'Smith, 11 little daughter, [] Consuella Adel. the first child given th em, and the first grandchild of Mr. - - -_, --and Mrs . 1'. Jeff Smith. and of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werntz. At once she was the pride and joy of their C:] lives, twining herself into their hearts as only a little, inn ocent child can . When II little more than seven years old. in leAS than 8 w!'ek , she her little brothel'. Edgar. were Gl and bereft of both father und mother , =:,ince th en her home has been with her grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. mith. F.xceptinl{ a yeur SPl'l1t visiting her aunt, Mrs. CharlE's Hermann. in Texas, he r brief life was spent in Waynesville , attending school her e. and t oday her littl e schoolmates . tO ll . [Ire ~ add ,; n ed bl' Con~ u e llu will mee t with th em CiJ cause no more When . a t.iny chil d , her name WII~ (' on the crod l > rull of the M Charl~. Bridcl~,. ~ end. E. Suml uy-sch.)ol. and she conti nuen lIate and ,rut hero 01' die football a membe r of th a t organi z~ l io r1 until ,.ridiron. II still a . . . . .' He hal dea th. A few months' ago . site re- donned overalls and . . . -to worJr, ceived a pin for rej{ula r att endance as a common laborer .. a Conneet:" at Sunday-~chool for one year . She rut carpet factory to e.rn a li.\·ir./1 for h;. wlf~ and two children. He I was also a member of the Junior 1ried New York, after' gratluation , l!J Epworth League. Among Bome of f'ew years 31fO-"'but a college eel... n without fands,". he say. her papers were notes taken at the catio "d on't Incan anything." So now church services- child like, brief. but h" is going to learn the carpet l H1.,: n~ s s from the bottom uo. clearly indicating an Interest in, and an understanding of the subjects from 'R chi ld's viewpoint. S She was born June 12, 19t~, and died. the victim of a distressing accident, February 23. 1922, aged 10 yean, 8 months and 11 days. Whereas. It has pleased our Heav. Many friends and relatives . especi- enly Father in his divine wiadom to S I\lIy Mr. and Mrs Werntz. Mr . and remove from Harveysburlr Woman'lI Mrs. T. Jl'ff Smith, her uncle:; and Christian Temperance Union two of aunts, all of whom have been so our loved and esteemed memben, closely associated with her because Mrs. Sarah Rich and Mrll, Mary Kenof her early orphanage, and her dear nedv; theretore be it brother, Edgar, are left to mourn Resolved, Tbat, while we bow our I!J her early death. - no, not death. hearts In humble submission to Him who doeth all tbinp' well, yet the I transition! "Dear little hands. when the Master death of these two comes to eaeh of c:J ahall call, us 88 a personal bereavement. They And Wll welcome the summons that were both genial and pleuant to all • . always readf to aaaist in any ,ood ('ollies to us all, We shall see you and know you among eauae, Be It turther ' that bright t-and, '




~ ,Mu~slin, Pongee, Silk, Tissue Gingham, Cretonne, Cra~h Toweling, ~ Sllkaline, Long Cloth, Calicoes, Notions.

When we made our visit to Cleveland a few days ago, we bought our goods at a figure lower than we have . for several years.....and-we have-eorrespondingly reduced our selling prices.


----_ ..

~ ~ ~



Th e Premier band will hold a March festival and carnival at the Odd Fellows' hall on Wednesday evening, March 22nd . The band has been at quite an expense this winter, an:! is thus ~eek in g tht! aid of tbe public to replenish its treasury . The commiltl'e in chaTlle is plannin!! great things for this festival, and you will miss a good time if you do not attend, There will be plenty of musi ~ bnd a good time. Look f or announce· ments. later.





~ m Hope Bleached Muslin,





lSe yard wide . m New Dress Gingham, EJ in !zepher, 32 in. wide, 25c,3Sc . - - -.. - .•--' I in dark and light 51. MARY'S CHURCH , Percales , colors, yard wide, 22e Wedneaday--Litany, Penltlmtlal iii • 15e office'and addreaa at '1:80 p . m. ~ Amoskeg Apron Ginghams Second Sunday In Lent, March 12: . Ch~rcti Sc:hool ': at 9:80 a . m,; Morni ' ':.~ Unbleached Muslin Inr Prayer and sermon at 10:80; Ser· , • ' 21 'IS vice and I18rmon at 7 p. m. yard wide,. 1 2C, e The question box will be ueed dur. Inr Lent, the quptioRII to be an·m , Table Damask 60 in. wide , 59c awered at either the Sunday or Wed "

needay avenlnl service The public Ie cordlalli Invited to theee lIervicell.



Mrs. EmrOIi Bllr!1ett is visiting Ray Smith and family, of Brookville.


Whole Number 54'17


best grade, dark

and light


o N T 'fhread, Special,


all siz~~s' 5c Tissue C~inghams, ' S9c,69c assorted patterns Silk Pongee, Special 98c, $1.39 Imported Spring Organdies in new Spring shades, 59c, 75c, 98c Silkolin{: and'Cretonne Draperies, 36 in. wide, 25c~39c Window Shades, standard size, 6Se II l!I Good grade Toweling, Special l5c New line Curtain Scrims" IOe,45c


N:,~~nB.:!~:e~f~ l'xm~:: .

• • and Fiber at spec.iallow' prlee.,. $12 and . up to $39.50. 'New~ma iaLinoJe1llD. . Ballap haek, 8IIIOried . ....... at low pricea.

y' maon &' .C0 ,








Outfitters for the Entire fro head I fool Famll,l, m· 0

·Wa~--~"e. J



~ ~

=========~=====~~====~~==~=======~==~~==~==~===~=9 i T i t' . ' ' New Spring Shoes, in the ;-

----_ .•---

- :

_ ' •• ,





high and ' low 'cut, for ~L t· f iJy • . ....e. en Ire am ,1ft

Walkover, 'P eten, -Oi.mond Brand and Endi~






cott.Johnson, all ' eele- ~ bmted mUes. See our


Prltes liaht.

Yoowlllb~~u~~u,Od9~"~ handsl" .

Carduf'l'baab We_ desire t~ express our sincere thlll!ks to G.u r nelghbo! 8 and friends for their many lovinl klndnetllle8' to II! in ourhourot80rfOw: Slpecl,lIy do thank Mlaa Lucy .Emley. Rev . Holt. the MllIIrs. McClure. and 'the



ialiii.IEU.iiIiiI 11• •ill.,I1I• •lil!lllil,aEElEI• •

of the .utirul 80wel'll.

T. Jet! Smlth . and Cbu. . ...... . .,,,,,. . ..

~~~~t~~ .~r

,melllory in our U.nioD; , ;~t (. . u. tend our sympathy to 'tbe f ........ of each, andeommendthem.totbeOoe who 88.Y8/ "1 am with .,o0 ""',' • and that a copy of tbele be recorded ID &be . of Union. • . '. .

l'eIO~utfODa minQ~ . ~

,, . .'

The Miami Gazette, W ayneaville, OhIo.

0; ~nlll(\th

~'>I" rlu,", with '01(1. IIn el, ns Ih 8Drlrig ' rnl n hot tts drops UI' oO hI li rn ee: II fled o' "mn lt hand 11 1111 br ushed tbem nwn y" RrPllI lnRly obli vious 01 thE weight ngllln st h l~ slI'lIrt h y bl'Rd, the Ullin "Icked up a 6eb RII Il co ntelDplated It with II ~ 0\\' 1. Thl'n he prOC('eded te dellll It tleftly . Thl' .t)P II C" wo s unlJrok"u fu r n 10nH t1111 ~ pxr" l't h, the r u"h lnlO o r thc 1\ n· 1('1'. nw ;:1'11 " . olli e rU ll ntll!; '" t he kn ll'p" ",...,. IIII' tl s h 8ro l e~ on(1 R li ll Ie whl llq '~ r. 11 11 " nnd th en, t r om Ih !' ~ h ll d


fl .c ;trlrt" flip mnn 'H neck . " I hl'nrt1 111 t"\\'n. ·~ hr' lk p rnt'th

bn turi.· OQwo 1 1'1 e hnrik IIhe ~IIPI ICd . IInel thll!"l\ In th l' f" lIlnl! gl(lnm • • lrul1l1l1nl! \n thp "·"' I'r. 1\ baby lomb. ('ollyo" Ilwltl'lI her skirts up ab om h(lr wni sl IInel wnd ed Into th!' water. Sl'ycrnl It llles ebe fell, an(l. drtpplng wet. scrnmbled up agBt u. When I he [lulled t.b lamb ttl the hank. IIhe drOPIK'11 to th e Irrou!l d. I:lI spln, for hreA t h. "Poo r IIIt1 e dulTer." sh e lDurmuree1. "You WA S 'most Ron ~. wast,.t ~ OIJ 1 COlO e on hOlll8 with ['ollyop nn' lIet 10\'l'd li P ft hil I" In Ih p rO lllt s he pIcked liP Ihe poll. 8ItPI,NI lit,· eg~ft lilt a the anllk nnel wen •• wl ft l), down the IBne. Ihe IOlllh und er O' ,c arm. Polly'. hpllrt snul "ltl, I:llId l"''", Out o( tI. p rigors of

Best Hanti



Hrl1 l·~e · r. "t hnt 'hlrl Mllr, · ~"... " . n:r;) ~·8


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''Tell Oac;ar I Haven't A"" Money !. I Juat Can't Get It Now! And PolIyop, Tell Him Too That He Mustn't Write Me Any More Letters'" Bow could she describe the nne, sympatheUc countenlln ce she hml seen trom th e hut roof? "Yes," E velyn. Int erj ected, " Bob's aw! good.looklng. and he's tll ll t oo. Now liSten, P oUyop ; you mllst go to OtKar oguIn for me this ve ry doy-0h, dear. be's so me1ln to me'\" Polly con81dered th e prell)' fll ce a moment. Sbe coul d not u 'Hl er~ l o lld wby Lb e home-coUl IDg of Ih e cnusla and Old lofarc ehou lll mllk e Evely n so ftu Btered. Wit h her s teady eyes Ullon her she was s t udying over this quesdon wben Evelln burst fortb :

'"beca use-II


" Uecnu se of your rna," Interrupted Poll .... " Sure I know thnt!" A ~lIm hnn d w8S rul ~e d In pnrtlal pro tes t. , ThI, wond. rtull1f·lIap boo" ci vet ron th .. ba n rt'it of oar . ,...,. of ~ ..·oee ... MTtbme n. a-nJ cm:~ n . a d " Mother 's nn awful worry to me farm. " ... ., 8('ft(1 n 1I0,'oL/01' if t od" I' . som('tlm es. but It's not she altoge th er. D. HENRY MAULE,IDC. 2~':.~e:':"::.~" DUI- bu t-'- " "Th clI - th e n- lt's your fin e-look In' ('nt. ~ ln," cn me hrok el/ly from Polly. dUl'lng th e pnuse In MIss Robertson's 1I1II H' mellt. . "Of COl II'SI', 1 \\'oul (ln 't have hIm do whllt we claim f or it- I ItrlOW for on ythln ll': ' l~ l'elyn nodded as. cure C atarr h o r DenCu S /1lI rd by sellt. "Oh, g ool1n ~s s . I might BS well Catarrh. We do not cla im to l'Ufe tell It nn<l get It over. ) love some one el ~e. 0.1<1 he loyes me, Pollyop. ) any other it isca sc. \\'fl nt to be his wlf" more thun I' ve HALL'S CATARRH MEDICI :TE ' e ver wnnted anythIng betore. He', is a liquid, ta1tell inte rnally, a u d wenlthy. den r. nnd 1" ' 0 got to mnrr, a ats t hro ug h tho blood upon the I hITn. " muco,?s surfaces of the ~.vstcm. thus I l' ... J1 y·s rn ce gllthprpd n shocked er· r edu!!IDg t he iuAammn!inTl IIlI d r o- ' Jl ro~s l on . 11011' coulll s he mllrry ony one whclI Rhe was nlrenely wedded to storing normal eon ,i i ti o n~. ORea r Hcnn(' ll? Ry on.\' Inw Polly All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Chen ey & Co., To lcc]o, Ohio, len!'\\' of. n ltlrl ro"I ,1 li nt hllve two hll ~ hnncl s nt II", SIIIIIl' 11111('. gven the ~quntt e .'S, III th !'l .. ('I1 I'('I ",;s wny of 1I 1·1 1I ~ . ellrl ""II 'IIl~ li ke Ihllt. " YOII (':1 I1 't ti c up to 110 oth~r mRD


======! HAL~~~~nlrT~~~Jlcr~E I will

Waynesville, Ohio Natio nal Bank

Dr.. Lloyd B. Hall: Veterinarian O FFICI::; FOUr[ h S lr ee l , near Ty le r

UI'Il hunt hlro



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t,. I'" .. 0 \\Ollf d 11:1\'(\ 1 1 1'1I~ g'· () her • n:·;' i:1 l I n t till ,\ Illto () ~ t 'U I"M presence. :\ 111' d HI .. Ill' c" lllisl,le r t h o t th e 11l £'~s llge .1 ,. I" d tn 11, ,111'<' 1' II'nnlcl In cline the f,n" II" !' tn I II' \' I'ry 1,,:l' IW r (\ U ~ In the mattl ' ~' r l( I d ilL ~Hppr ..~e h ..• l1r lllnnll NI pay 1' It fl it the hn RI M h (l' till II !Hl ~b"f" st~ ! !

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" Itt. y our ~II' I I ~, ,l r·rp· B rllcr!C' r. n ltl l III' cru n! d

_tock 0( . hpr. even hure t eet, No, be 11:,01 "" I '"11,11' n mIs t li k e In sUlUmlnl

E atal.e or alary M. KllDDed y d.......-l . NOllce I. h. re by ,h'eo that A. L . K"noedy

~~01~~...'tg~70t ~~,:,~,I~ ~~'dM~F"~'1e~

oedy.I.1e f W ......D County . OhIo, dece_d. Dat.ed Chll l~lh d.y of Fe b .." ...)'. 1932. W, Z. ROLL. Jud,,, of Ih" Probate Court. m8 W ....... n Couol,. . Ohio.


Money to Loan on Farm Land for five years at 6 per cent.



~' .. y .~ .. Inftt

E Smltb bl\8 brooJ(ht

a sure Bhle

ONEY Lnaued o n \Iv " IIsook, ollll t to l ~ . 111"0 slloond 111 .r'HlIlCe • . N.>te" bonllht .1"lIn Ba.umf'. Alleo Bolldlnl(, Xenia Ohio. 11 . 4.22

-; 1.., "lluncl~c1 Ih e h llll . lIl1~ lind \Vellt 1111" I" ,· (' OW SI ll hlp". Oil 0 111111 In the

""'I~'. tll );l lI ~ 1)\l lrl; f {\ 1114\ I.,'o\\'n ('If lI ur

Notice of Appointment




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Artt' r " "Pllpr pbe '~ I tlpd he r fllmlly. W ee J l'r r y 5h. tuc):,ed 11110 Duddy" b NI. nn ,1 Urnlll1: (] o l~ \\'U 8 Dlnde com· for. uhll, III It rhulr hr th e s tu\'('. wh ere s h" SOhO lI lloodlltl off h' SIN' p. Thl·lI. th l' IIlI lI h III hl' r lop IUld Ih e IJllly l oo t at b p I' kn " l" P " IIY ~11 sltl dowlI ou the pd"e of h pr ('ot. f"ctll~ th l' two Olell. Sll e kn ew hy the dnrk express luns on th l'lr fu ces thnt a qUI'S1lon ot 1101101'1 liP. I Conllnued


All ad . In this column iR

GOMr.toN PLEAS COURT e cl l(u'~ fr il ll1 :-;11 11'> tc.) ~ lrl e (I f rht" rll \' 10(\, ,, ~ . '1 I tI l-! H lull t ern , nn d th e ffl rm~r bu ' l ilt' ioOtl'lIl:d i' .,( unloHs f' lI\n!: \\'l \t~ ~: I l Itli ';d nl; n ( ' O \\' . New Bulla. Jerry 's tlll l!" I'!'- frUIH ht ... (u tl l l" ''!-; th ick I " 11, ' ' 1, () ",,'n r !" ", n 8 h f't Jl're(\tlng, "I h llll' \\' 11>; ~ Ir,.rt Hn t) ~JrHr p ,1 08 M. Las.ner and Wm, HbDberi . : \I' .\ 11," E n'. hil t I elleln't l ell her ·'TIl I,.' hill! hlllJ r ~", "ril l." !-lJ\l d .T 4'ff l , " "lld ll ' KhoU I th e kl8ses ),011 wllnted.'· hr nUKb& 8Dlt alCalnat 'I'bom"e Bnd m1 nh In PHIl.""", "I h"~ Ilk" n fl'lI !:, Ndite CDmmings for p08l"~810o of l il'lIl l1'lt IlI rll Pd nlld ~tlldled hpr curtp oor li ll l l, \\' 1' 1;111 11 f il II 1 1I1\1r'~ work OPT'l\ln r01l1 e8&.te. yet :'


OlasslBed Ada

_____ - .0- - -:-ill, "

£lla~ of Euni ce A. 8...... d ...nad . N"l\ce .. heroby I!h 'pn lh.~ J. O. ' art • ... rla'" h .. bt-ea !I uly "ppnl"Led and QUlllfled IlA Actmlolatrat.or til! honl. Hu n of the f.nate OI.UDI"" A. 8 . ..... 1",. of "'orreo L'oun~y OhIo, d f CMMd , UaC4KI Ib~ <ulh tla,. 01 I'~bru.ry . I Ul. W. Z, ROLL. JUtlj{8 or II,,· Pro bat.e Courl. Warren Co un t y . Olrlo. O.ln E. S "'"I~y • .t.ny. ",8

till,,· poflll ck w H ~ t th fl lll ,


· " I' II .I L':'

Notiee of Appointment


!Jllif,.rd 1:1, ~mllh fur dl v>roe .. nd .limony, on arcunde of hl'l' ','1 ' , hil t m o.-n Ina: , "r,,11 hr tt pr hnelll 't." he grnwled. !Cr081! Dej(leo' . ,, 1:1r"": Int!' rrllplh lj: his wnrk. "I sup-

PIl:'l' ~'''II h roll~ ht m e fl ome





..I.IU Typo old f ... bl " lI"d t!poUed ,;, P u laod.t ' bllllll:t " iot~. I!:hKII~b bred (holl 01 tbe bUll) tbe kin ,. unr fore. t"thor n~ed to r · 'He . bIll bUII"O, blA .l'Ot~. big ey e ~ bud IJlg bUll'" II VIIU ", .. u& wh .. ~ tbe ptlCllJlo ", .. nt, 1I0~ 'De "potl . Tbe old II"W I~ tbtl mOr!II"lIe \lUur, tha 'arm bUIlder ; lib .. "uriob..11 vuur ijoll \I ,d rUlid. til., b uutiry i lib .. bUIld!! tbe sob uols aDu Oborob8l',IIud ",I~b u nt her Am HrlUII WUOlll 1C0 so tbtl bad fiOallOI,,1I \. _ (j.vo ber a 011 .. 0011 lOud .b" wtll ..d uo,,'e 'be oblldren. Tb e IIrlllUel' era we have ol ver lIelm I. j ULI' u h .... II for I b" man .vb , will do tb .. ~quHro tblng wltb Ibe old ~"W . I:IUI(II ' 1 111/ 811ell a"d it Mil tIUl"" for !hI... I'lll'v ,na brpd · r.ght and Mret nraoed r'lCbt K E. rbOlJlpsOD, tbll Field Mlln,Orel(ollta, Warren C[\DII&:V, IIb.o, R. U. l, lJ!lune 19-1 y' BuveY8burj( rlDIi. tlU

f onl mel· Proceedi...... " 1' r",m I,~r. ~h '" H.LVlnR finI shed A jury DOlnpo!ed of Frank Elber, t hp Cel" ·. Ill' r" ~p. n nd· stood wllh the H opld m.: t.flllL Hyp r tfJ ('nt l'l l IIn othe r Beoll, Oh ve tI I'Iplonl'r "rlnll nl n~ I,ull of milk In his haod. Bellt! ij . Irllmpsl' uf hi ' c'hll d r'!II. Elbal B. FUI milD , MOM. Bobll'. ltd . "Ye p," h ~ lI a: t·cecl . 0 wnl'e rlnJ! ~lll l1e " ~hl" !'f'n t ),n \1 , rll,l u'r she1 " P o lI~' 1 IC" IIIlI~ 11 II mOlli e lit. coughed WID L Tboena", ATtbur A. Cowau. tou chl n!; hi s 11 pH. "n",1 Im' e '('r I Shr' s B, L Roo,l\ . RoM. Iil. UrODf', CbaR . lik e her mn wo s ut h"1" nge- o s nea r nnd ('I"II "cII II(' r th rllll!' "A IIUI ' mil k fnr .l e rr~' . pl £'1lBe." ·sbe A Oellordoif and JOIRph \:H1more like liS tw o peol! In n I, od." wer .. 8ummoned to aot 00 tbe ou.. slIgjWSleel. ~x l (' lI d ln a: hpr cnn. CH A PTE R IV. Benll ett slIntched It (r01I1\ he r halld. of Tbe BtJard of EdaoaU"D of 'bp "Good Oo.\. Y"u sf)l l1. tt e\'S·re notblng t\o!lth Lebllnon VIIIIIlle &lhool DI~. On p,u !'rln!: 111 ~ ~h ll('k 1' (.lI ~·!l " fp llld WANTED-HOGS bu t hel'gnrs, " he ,;ru mhl ed . bllt be- \rlo' VII (JeorlCe (3 . Kinp: .. , . ai , re. 0" 11 1111.1' H " pc ' 51III nslct'p . Th en s he cn use he WflS an gcr t o g(lt h er mcssnge, f.orn ed • judgment of 'I COO ID rep lpnlsl,,·" lit,· tI,.,· :HHI "n l dOWII wlI h Sli0AT"-2G .oo\h el.. t~ ... ~ i~hll\K 100 he flll e,1 till' ,,11 11 ful l. SIII II I!lgl)' Polly vor of tbe defendllDtft. J (> 'T,l' UII he' r IIII'. ~hl' tl l,;rohl''' 111 111. lbs til I~[' lb!! . U"I\ .. Bulion, t onk It bock. drIed th e s.II1111 I",IIy. nnu [l11I~ !'e l hI m W .. verly F .. r", . 1:I0 rull pboQe tU:!y" "( 'm th f1n kln ' ,'on , O scnr,lt. she 0 11 t he cn l 1l1"ll'l' .hl' hll1l1 l"· ls. AnProbate Court Proceedlnata. (!o nterville eJ[ohlluKe_ m16 !:urlllc(l. "nn' now me bbe It fresh egg Ol he r p lf"c(\ o f "'I,,,d ,\' WII~ JlII)1p ~d In t o. rnr G,·n nll .' · He')11'1" Th e re81gnatlon 01 E V. Barnban tlUlI .' \·p"·l' cudy li ttle fu rmtl l ; u. nu he I:Ip "'ti tle lll' nngry I\lotlon wl t b his all "dmlnlstrator of lbe 6!I'a~e . f Clldll lt'd tlown ('(l nt t'nt ~(I I~·. hund . WANTED EOllice A tiean, df'oeaaed, hu baeD Ill !" f' u \l J.: ht f'f~'l' diP'Hflll (111 '\ ' , ", lIfO n " l:p In Ih ll t hm:." he s nol'ped. "Tben aooepted , J~r ('m l n h Rnhl. hum e to r h l ~ d i!l l l" r , Il' lI whn t ~'Oll cruue filI' I Whnt'd Eve J . O . Cartwright hilS beeD appoint. dro\'p :tWH ,\' , f nr t he tint' In 'i n;: tile . ny?" leW lNG-By an I'][p"tlenoed ed ndmlnl s trdtor of ~he 118t .. te 0 l'J 1'l'ud II .. ·,. n l l lll l llllf" " ILt' lI t o r :\111 1'. dr8flllwal<er Ioqnlre of Mr. "Y(ln r \\,orttu n se nt word by m e." she Ennice A. Se..,s. dllOeaeed. to BUC. '{m lzif,'s I'P IlI l'1l hnfl ":'1 11'1'(1d III hi m . 1=t<'f!HI I - Morris Grllbllm, WHyoe8vtllll,O .1(1, Ode·! E V , B~rub8rt Bood 1200(1. H f'r d t'~(, l'lp lllIll of 1I1t'lIdlnl! lilt' I'on! DIn "TI'II II. 11 1111 don't be all duy lib out A, L . Kllot edV Wall "ppolnted a<'broll ~h l II " ry :;Illlh' t n h l~ fil!"'(,' . ~ h e It," nr' ! " I'~ cI Ihe t arm er, .• mlnirltrator of 'bll te of Mnry M. Sil t Oil I! I ~ I,net> \\' hllf' II(' ~ l lIol\( , tI his P" II ~' r p Innk n eouille of sleps backDoDd 12500. pl rc II n,1 .. hIll iNI'll of Ih .. 1I 1 1 1 ~ Inti- \\,n"el t flword Ihe Iloor. rendy to fty If Keonedy, deoened FOR SALE-CHICKENS Will Barve,. ' W. A. MerrlU and IIIlI te t hln !:s " f th~ 11I1;,," lele. 111111 1 :II~ r (I.e·o I' sh"wed II ny s Igns of unusulIl Jobn Ward were appointed apprl\' e~en t hi m nod .It' rr y ofT t o I.ll rl·Y ",r n rh , C, W . Leghorn Bijure for aasob. BI'hop's sh:tek. r'·I·III1/: ti ll' b ~l t er fll r "Shl' Fol e) .1'011 wn s n't tn wrtt e her e ra of the elltll'o of M.ry M. KeD. • log. Call phooe 6~y' W.y. ! ullll nn d \ \ ' !U'ltllh ulnl l (l\'{~ , nny 111M,' IPl t(· rF." she replied. "She's Dedy, tleceued. m22 AI fh 'p n',·lr,c k. Inl l1( -plI lI In hnn d. II ", r u l ~( ·n rpd . ~h E' tremhl erl un over The will uf .Joba '" IIII:DAr, d"eeas · oesvlllEl, Obio. ed, wall admlUed '0 prob .. te. s h!' toool; Ih(' lUll" I hll t h'el tn th .. J', ,·n· \\' hE' 1i j;;llt' l olrl In c," URl!: BRIi:D Whtte Wyandotte nNJ (11 I'In. l\'(tlJ..1 l! U!. b 1l t lwr IIl'1 lw lse "\\, hnl ,lI el . hp Fny nhollt mnneyl" K .. lhArlne Wagner 'Was appolDted Egl(" for BlOtohlng i 11 for 15 i B f'l lnf' fI tl ptnnl a t l'""t1 gruft'ly , t' xflontrix ot tbe ella'e of JOhD 15 per 100. Inqalre of Mrft W M. Th ""lIltll . lre elll11 II j!M of th e Ian· Wagller, d('oeased, (Arr, Harveysburg, OblJ. 0192 I<'rn . 1·,,11 ), lnoke'c1 nt hIm [llen dlnily. "!'Iop jll,;t r ll n'I ~et (lOothe r cent." B C R . I. Red C()(lkerele 'It. 0 <h!' •. l lIrall'II, " li n' she's teelln' te rrible W. Lel!born ' :ookerell, aod S. 11I\(I nhOll1 11. " IDqulre of Robt. B Gilmore, prllll, of Sor, q, W. Legborn II:lfll8 , Alt h"l\ ~h Ire hn,1 not finl "hr d bl 8 Med Co., Day too, aod Mille Ru'h C. Mrs. B. V, Sml&b, pbone 37-3, Yay. l:lsl;, I:"IUll'tt Jlllllped liP frnan his nellvIJle,Obl(\, mlb "t""1. " n' l flnc fit!' p 1001( h ltn vcry elOlle ~llrlr, of FOI\8r. Charley AtklolOn. laborer, aDd to t li t' II f ' I' \ 'o UR Y 0\10C ~ flenk e r, E .HI-80 Anoolla Bena. lnqutre · " Sh" " 1111 "' . ,,11 1't hE' t'rled, IIShe MI~I! Floreoce MlddletoD, botb of of Mr8 Rober' Werntz, !Jar. 1I 1I':l1l!" . ;: Ii .. ' \\' I)1I't , I gU(, SR, B y i1ocJ, she Leb.nun. wln.Oblo . mill II 111. .... I'll " " IIIP crtll with Ih~ wbole I), I I\~. r ,," g" li nd tell he r S" . She's Real &tate Traufen. I! ot I'k), r" II<s. nnel I didn't mnrry her FOR SALE-PROPERTY I" 1,,·,,1' ' 1'11,'1 1111 my life. Tell her W. C. and JOlepblDe A De}dd to ('It It " .. , I", r"IIIIlS home he re to me Emma 1:1. Cowan, DIU' of Lo's NOB. " •. , II .. "" ,1. ~ lip. If Rhl' pnY8--" he 233 aotI 234 In Lebaoon; $I OOD lI·room tlouee, wltb S Loa., I'n ,,," 'I. tl ll'lI Illugheel. "Oil. you need· Bannah Smith, e' ai, '0 B A , Cor. ID !Jorwln . Ohlo . Low prloe 11 '1 I",, " " " If ( WAR gain' to swat ynu Dell. 10' In Mt. Bolly i 11 for qalok aale Inquire 01 W. N. 0"" , P ull.I'op." he went OD, '"but BI J ~earll, WtaYDellvllle, Ohio. ml5 \\,n. '1'),111' , If she pays up and I get George l' Koebel to Alma K. Ad. rlcl of he r, th en- me for you. Polly . ami. '6 aorell In W .. blogtOD town. 1I<' I,ld M." ,blp; 11200 FOR SALE HI s \'olt'e wa s harsh, and . his man8u... n and Jame" Curtis \0 Ever. nel'S rOll gh. Polly retreated to the e&$ MorgaD, pllrt 01 L.o' No 2 10 thrpshnld. Spriap:boro: 11. . OSTS-Catalpa aDd Looue, Fence "The tlme's here." Oscnr went OD, John Zell to Lou Beoile't, 4 traol. POllta, Inquire 01 W A. "wh.' n both you women will be leap. ID Corwin; 11 Cooper, R. D. '. Wayueavtlle, Ohio 10 J( to my gncl. Theret Get home and Louille Galtpry to Wilmer Il (Jot. m22 "n ~' 10 my lody Ju~t what I sold-" terr, \al00 ",orel In WReblugcou tOWD. 1I!:" lo he hmke olr. " nly to contInue, .blp i FRESB Jersey Cow, " good one. "1I'nvlnl! out th~ part about you. 8ee, InqDlre of R G, Miller, R. 0 1. "Sure, 80 'Tis," Polly. "But P~ lIyop?,' WaYDeevllle,Oblo. mUi 'Taln't Everything In the World." Dumb with dread, Polly sailed Co .. JIliMloae,.· Pr.....u... Granny H ope's word for tllllt. An' wp (tld), nl:Rlnst the door cRstne. No BlIIe allowed: Weatetn S'ar,lIup- C' BICKs:.-bay.old C. bloh. B, Rapk ah e knows a lot about love. Grollny wontler Ev!'lyn Robertson didn't want pllell, IIM81i; GalioD IroD Wort. II aDd Q.. r, Heda, from l.rg""lll8. does." to I"' c wi th such limon!, Co , repatrll, ~'UI6 i L. C. tim"" vlgoroQlI, bred.Lo.lay 1'0011: Ln rry Rl s hop's Huddell In ugh crll" ked "And YOII con tell her to come to- " Broe., overh .. nllDg A adllor'. 'ype. phoDe 59-6, WaYDenllle, Oblo. 1118 nl!:ht ot nIne o'clock. to Granny Hope'. writer. '2188; Bo~ Merrill Co ~ In ti le middl e. Rnd he swnllowed fi e rceold shacle," he proceeded, "1 want te Ohio Vlraot' Cour' Reppr$ for ,~ql" EGGS-S, C, R 1. Red Elfll for ly. tAlk to her. Now Iret Blong and don't 1I10U Pleal Judge, ts.50; IDque.'· ..Ie, lDqulre 01 M lrray HO$!. "Love! H- II" he burst nllt hUlkcome orOland after any more milk. or body 01 Sarab A tlmttb. 1,.t.25 ~ID', WIIi"DeBvllle, Ublo. 1D8 Ily . "Grnnn y'lI kilO'" SOOIl whnt havll" I'll throw you Ollt of the barn." JOhO.OD " Wa'eoD ()q, eQP~le.~ · II ' money mellD S. SOllie morn In' th e SI· ~b l! " 1 ,.-lll ir k .. I(,-yea r-old Glod to, be gone,'Polly (laMed out to '5.\)0; Columbu, Bh~Dk Bonk Uo i I~ ~eree, UOWI, one freeh wl'b cialf le nt Clty'll wuke up un' find the H ope c1 augh :, . , 0) 11 ~'I'( d d M r Co r l111ck , of th e lone. rn a little ravine III her lett .appllel tOll Probate ·JlId.l, '21 OO.; . ~ 3 w ..eb old. AllO 1 Draf'Yah shnck bUl'Il ed to Ihe r ocks." til e 1,1\(1 lI,tI '''''' !) I Ilan'cs tcr Co.. n noisy s treom rumbled down tbe bill. Thomall Kee~er, \allor . 600; Go04 ~"Jt., o"mlUK 2 yetare old, E W. all ,1 t:ran c!-t!'lIl_:' II'" o f John U. "Meb be 1I0t," replied PolI~' simply. Wltla \\'Istflll eyes 8he watcbed It Roadl Maoblnery Co. luppllee, 110; !tlokl, pbone lS'1-2Ya, W.YDeavlll., I ~nl' '' c klll' r . h ~, l'a illccI consenl of "Anyway. Orunll~' don·t need her hut her P :\fl'lllo;, ;'lId the :1n ll (1 Ull c cmc: nt through the fast gathering dueft ' !low ruel & Supply Uo" reo" lqf 10', IB,U; O~IO. . . Dl8 DOW she'll 11\'11" with U8." m t:u.ll' oi Ill' l l'Il [.t;:l ~C I11 C llt to Ma x . . nwoy to O.e lake. It was tben sbe 18'11' G, () 10\'0011:, PKY ron, J5v .156; G ~ ' A sudden th ought of nobert PerO ~ l:'r, .n ding ma s ter. Gues ses BOInelhlng moving about In n Imlll : Rlob, grBvpl, t21i3.711; Alber.Tbomp. of Beed Oatl, Illqoire of J . . . d"al shnl n qu ee r IIltle thrill through nrc rl U \ \ Ina ny ;1 .. 10 <h er' s agc.. "nol of wnter In II rock buln : Care. 1100, haaH Il g arav,el, paS.95; Ch. .. I AneD, R, D . 1, Way DenlJle, her, lind "ht! 1;111 con' usccJl .y to her feet. 90lllc 5ay 57, and oth ~ .. s 48. fllll y ~h r' Pllt the rnllk ami 1'11:1;8 011 • 'SIDlp80n !fravel, Iii 70, Ohio mt4

mi nh ," lIB

~Ironf' d

h e sf r" li' ht,." ... el alit his Ipi!s.


Wilmington, 0., phone 301.

' '.j -S








~ -.



~\'c lrn

1('(1 hpr. 1'"lly wllt ~ he <1 the slim Ilg., lire on Ihe put h 10 til e woods. TI leDI 'llP 5",1<ll' nl), r<' 1I 1 ~III IlC' re tl Jl!lIr e ll ~ MIlC' f{ !'" zte n n,1 wlth ollt n I'" ckward ~llln c e hll rrlell s wIftly tOIl'Hrd the ·'flI ' l h. 1I1<> 0.11 Ime threl' SQuntter~ from thf 'lI pnt f' 1I ~ wcre In IIlI' Bod Man ', .. a \'1li t' . dr~"s ln ~ th e Osb they hnd Dl't· i ' 1'(1 ti ll' \l llt ht hefore. One enormoul l ilion wo" sen ted on 0 li nt rock. his bare fc!' t nl lll "s i t nur hlng th e wnter os 11 1 hllrrl l'd hv to the lnke. On his shaul· ,lcrR. \\'Ilh It ls l('g8 ~,-ou nd t1ghtlJ :.r OlIll,l Ih!' ml1 l1 '~ neck, so t a small hill'. li tt le Ul 0rc tll!l n 0 »_ob>,_ Hc 1\'0'




au •.


you \,,,,

ro ~IA"£



Yu o HOO "IE Y (30 ' v o u ' -- --" OUGHT TO SE'E BfT

::h l l~ t.

HJ) l d h e , n ow, brut " · h f' 11I 1It t f'rt\tI ,

II P . ln t" tI .IR aftl'rllnOD nnd th l'D hll e'l lie "h:ht O\'cr t o you. 1 got t" go noll' !"


I ,


tn kl na: UI' h l~ Knlt e n nll 1(1)1:1111: III It. 1'olly squlllte,l dU \\' 1I " .. ~ It "· her fal h· er, RII"plng one hunel 1I" ,I ~r his unll. Th e otl wr s hp !:II\,C to the chillI, who g"lIs ped It l'n~ rty. " Did he. 11 1\ \\'7" came In r .. pclltlon fr olll B1ShOp 'R thront. "Yep," " "",,rt ed Poll yo.... wit h on e mph otl c I... h o ( her heu ll. "11 11' I corne to tell YOII 11 11 you'd bes t 11\' a· l"uk lll' out ro.· '1m. DHe llly , he BU Y S yo u're Ih e wo .... t 111011 In the settl e me nt , hilt e " e r~' h(, d y knows hc's II 11 11 1'. " " li e'" bes l he lookln' out rllr his 011'11 hi d l," 1I .. "k lll s sll ot IJII <:k li ke II n /l ~h or s t l'el. "I nlll't III nn~' nllllel 10 s io nd Olu(' h of hi s l:utT, tI. e dirt y e1 11 tl'1'T." \\·Itll ..lrowlng he r Urlll from he r fath er·R. ~h e ICRn ed he r chin on her huncl., Sh e wonted to url:e tlleln not 10 wor ry too much, to tell the m fo r the ot hc r man . rich Uke Olll More. wll o had ~r· pressed In lellder lOIK!S U kln ll ly IIIte res t In their wel!lI re. Somehow, thouih, tI.e words would nell com e. Th e • penceful Ogur~ .11,1 1I0t III In with tho secre t ullll e rs tulldlnl: tllllt ex prcssed it self In thl' rrowlling. fllrl lve ~ 11111 CeS thot p ORsnt! fr um one to the othe r of her me n·folks. "He's aw f lll . powerfu l ~tr l\l'(: . " Rhe ventured In 8n swe r t o the look 511 6 hud IIII e r<:e ptp.d. " an' pow!'rful ~I c h I" "All' monC'y's whnt mnk es the more go," s tru ck In Lye Bruegel'. " Sure, BO 'tis ." ans we red Polly. "But '!lIln't eve rything III th e worl (l. I got

~rll n·ly .

n~~ 4\ n tp'd .


10 1'00 1 liS ' (IIIOlll·". ulIl "r Ille SIll!lI t CIt .I'." A brute -IlkI' glllre tl ll ~IlC" l h.t ll 1..11:' ry Biij h"p'R eYl'8.

"WI)II. I k now It; at ('(lUN<e I know II ," r elnrl l'd E I·(' IYII . resenting the r<,n RU re In I he uth N ·._ tnnl's : "hilt l've J!ot to he f rr'!'. t·\O 8 0 f rnntlc. r don't rllll('h .. ure how. T hnt's the woy Oa· r llr '" /:ot to h" lp lII e I Anywny mnk~ 111' 11 u n d ~ rs t,,"cJ hc's got to wnlt :' he I' mu s t I", qll l" l nn d not bothe r me. Then ('fl1Il ~ 101lI d,t, II n<1 let me 1<11011' whnl I' hI' ~ n~·~ . \\,1 11 y OIl. Poll y ?" The Rq ll nU!' r gi rl nodll ed . She would rn ahl' r h" \·,, h~ell 8wlt r hell tllUn see 08·1 1'lIr neUlIl'tt lI !!n ln. "T eJl." sh e

Tcicllh o llc 93

Wayne s ville,

v~llt ur{'(l

fca r.

"\\'"rspr'n Illn t, Do tldy." "lt lll'h h utllt',

w h[l (' ~' n \l hp lullg' to Oscn r. 1.11 111 6 Eve ."

s h (l



k ill"' . " \' ou Rlu't. M'e n u T'






J l'rJ·Y,"

she h.tprpllse d I;!'nlly. "A wr lll K"'''\. He 'lIIust 1;1)(1(1". h Is littl e life UWf.y when 1 br lllg 1.11l. Ih e gOQ,lIes ytlU send h IIII." . "1 ' 111 s ol"", t o dn n lot to r both of ~'ou ," rl'turn'd )-;"!'I), II Im pu ls ll·pJy. "n nel I.'dll), I broll ); lIt tlll ~ hnl: ot cnndy for Ih e blllJy. lI e r .. ! 'l'uke It I AntI you'lI );0 t o O"'ur fu r Ille IlS soon U8 you CIIII, won' t you l" Smlllnl;. Polly Slipped the pllc k n ~e at ~wee ts 1010 Iler pocket. Shp could fO"glve unyi lling IIgo lllst he rse lt tor t la o sake of Reelng Wee J e rry smile ollli heu rl ng hI m c row over th e conteut s of lhe 81111111 lJag. " Yep." s he ngr eed. "on' soy all you tell me to. Hut whot 11 he kI cks up 0 r ow? Bp's gell ln' 8wflll [lernl cklty. Oseo r Is!" A s hurp cry trom Evel y n was fol10wI'd hy : "T ell hI m he mu s tn't I Ma ke him promi se he won 't : . And- nnd. P ollyop. I'll tell you somethi ng else. If you'lI promise neVl'r 10 1,>11." "I II cver told uny th lllg ye t. hu"e IT' P OII }"Op prot es t 'd III low, Indlgnont tones. "No a ile must eve r know IIhollt Oscnr a nd llIe," Ev eJ~' n begnn, eltll hnrplng II ppn th e great fl'nr Ihnt ob ses 'ed he r,

\\(\i g ll r

I t , ' l llh bl1 l' tO


"'Yhnt'j;; HI), 11I 8:04II'?" tI,' III:IIH 1,'d I lup-

surt liS tll p \·(,Iv .... t 111 Ill'!' ('res wllcn ~h .. Clllne upon ti'ollhl e or lilly kind. uC{, 1l

" ".·,dla r HIt:- \\I ' "

d pt' p c'u H . At" ~ hC {' llII U ' 11\ ' (41 t ll "II L, lI o j,ld ul'l' t 'lI llI(luutOJ IS Wit \ ,'d 1"' 1' a (n'l ,rlllg, ~1l" "'11I J1 )tI~ d 11'. 1' 11' \\Ol'li: Il t t h t, ~ 1J.! IrC n l Iw l' ~ flhl' r rUt"'.

lI elp IIIO'-n. ul-solll' Ilmt:! I'JI r~lIlly do s"Olt't lllll!; fur YUII." A I"' " ptllli nn In hIliI'I o llt . the wordft 1\1.11'1'''0 ~ b lt'h: (,lIzlc Ilull " pukt'o liS~nll etl Ille s'lu lluer gIrl; hu t EI' ~ly n I""k .·" wor ritoe l ! Polly's 111'111'1 'I'll' os "Yuu'\'e


-I ' k,L l ' :

' ,,,kllt 1l,lrdllJ '..! \ 1'1 Ill ad e: by ~r\ll )l t d r I" !\,,\~ 1".'\11' fOI11 -


Mrsl q d l. 111 II ll i)t her mOllh'll t !'I hl' \\11 :0: Cl'Hwll n g III' th e jll l!~ , ' d sid,'" o r 1111'


VS"or Itl ),;1' ·I)'II? " I !I,,"' I know wlll.t I wIll <l tI, Polly, "

t he


h u ltt'sl'


him " pbrtlnl1 of thll milk w l l tl U ~ Jlnnn . \Vh Jt~' Rh e wn ~ prt' r l' r lnJ: Ih ~ fi' \'ell lug nW1l 1. 8hl' 1I ,,·It.'el her futlll'r's frt ~ 1Il1 to

k l ll ~ 'lluo I' ·:o:pon ded fhmdt1rlHj .. ly l it !l4'r

U time wh eu lur k·

. 1I110y



nIHI l '!' vo k . , III lrl ~lt 'd ", l lh li s .-1'1 In nft It 1'l ll' UI'k tile (!lI v rnhHJS, up · r dud ll~ rllt' l, :-, 1,,0 ... l 'IIII ,v's hpJlrt IHIUIH)pd 1.1 1111 t i M

J; US1U · jl.


111 0 :, I

OI H' t-' in ~1J.!h l "r lh ea rn a!"ln !.: \\ll tt 'r. r \l~llllIg III I'Jl Tt'lI r~ r r •.llll III " H ll ol ~ t : IJI'~

tI( It ~Ir) lI o lll~

n nythlng h. 111 ,· worl d 1 ~I H1'(H I' 1 1! 1I to make h er 1111o\ Jt l 'r 1111'11 twr out )\t' r IWlll~ . wI!


111 11~ t.

Shl' ('O\.ld

(')I~II .

(·o uutr,. out

\l' llt,·.·. • hp. h,d foull d IIl1oth ~ r 1I1l1,. IIIIng til "n te for . J .'I·(· .III l1h HUI' I; lal . " lid l.lIrry fII shnp W (~ '(' III II,,· slllll'k " hell I'ully arrll'!'d wit h h~r hlll'll"" 8. II'llh IIlU l'h prl e\(' ~ h e III"pl ll~· ...1 th e IUII,I, ; Ih,'" oh,. f"d

hc' ll get u

I n ,.fl'll llll"'l1 l Ihu t h Ufl m CHed ;h p h n,l d , Or (h~ IH\' It I :. \\'ing OIH'1 1 t ltt· p rl ,~" Jj d n ol' ~ nnd ~ hll\'t, L urry Hi ... h" l' 11l:-ll d l' Jut'! \\ !I" 11 h l~ ~"u n g \\'lrtJ 1l "I '.I,,' d JIIlll

M y Illto lh f'r- w(' lI . of till"l1 , s he 'll l urll

II I" Ut h IIcw

"~I "h h ~

!'-\IIII' 1I 1

1'1\ I' III ~

bfillllsullw. ~'"U" Rnd rkta . ha<l IHoeo Ihe

l 'nl1yop ,

·:-.h ,. i"J lItHl u ll t ' 111(' "111 of thl' Itlltl~t! . "



th e

th e h n t plal'l ' Ir I'll' rl o ~~ n fl Y !-; f t'tlt lln' nro 1lnd thp ~ I ~" nl " Ity." ·"~ I ~hl", . " r.'pe"l I'd !.u rr.l· Il ls l\ oll, Rnd 1111 mOrt' . ~J .. r {"' ls ~1H ,·K o o~t e. tn ~tr




'L or

, ,;

TOOA\' .s "" ... 81R'TioIQAv "'NO ,.,,~ ' S GO I ~ .:l.N "'E llT wFE~ GILL IS GO''''' ro >tAvE' Glllt "'~ "PARTy AND DAD GOl MEO A ",(. GO.., GO.N' ,.O HI~ TOO 'SAV, W'WEN ' .o.N · .r'", GOIN" TO '1AV£ P.E A, N ' I----~-- YOUR . e'RT~D"V . eo.



£VFRVJ I-I"... G



........ .


~ Storm ~",.,~





If don't care, we'll do our own yelling, for we can do it more effectually than the "knocker" Don't mind Use our ClassifiedAd. ~J ~he Column . Hammer

Uu r 810k Btill remain quite poorly. ou r string band 18 playlnl/: for ~he pobllo, and 18 getti ng a loo g fi ne. Sub8criotion P rice, $ 1.50 pt'r year Mls l1 Laura Mo ,(i ns ey, of Wlly nef. ville , ~ (I ~ ut l:lor..llCiY h er e with frl eods Mr . and Mr8. A . L . King. of Way. ----1~ -Zl eaviU8, were gue8ls of frlende b ere. Mrs . Eliza betb Bnrfaoe Darian WEDNESDAY, MA RCH 8. 1922 tflln8ao'ed busiot\68 in Lytle, &'ur. 'lJyGRACE dllY. MILLER !:l"fet.y Dep()fIit Box os, 12 tbe ye .... WHITE Wll yoes ville Ntltioo,sl BlAok. Way. n Ol>vllle.Obi o . Mtt.yor H o ge r~ , ot W .. y oesvllll'l, lIIUJtr",~d by R. H. Ljyj.gIIO Il ~ waM In nur town, FI'lday, Ir yl utl to heur what he oould 1I1l1l. V.·hV.·...•••.....•••••...• Mrs . Mfm I Andelr800 norl Mr8. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -. CCopyrl.h t b. LIlli •. Brown 60. Compony) Mary MoKee, of KRol tt , W lJ n, ott.lling 1 •1 li lt ' r. n rry, bret . I llln! b f' pn t rr00 relatlve8 h er e, 'l'h ur8dIlY even ing . ' II ,' 111 !h in k 4I f ~" mf' wil y or Cf'ttln' rl " Mr. aod Mrs. Pao l F . 1:' .. loT80n . of o f I lid .\I ;!rr ·. .. il (' I.l"II n Tl npldl1 s ,.:-rltll l y . Murrow. we i e ouodt., gnestl; 0' b e r :'\' , ,. \ u ti '" !Iro n n nll,.:::ers pill r kpfi li t l>"root8, Mr . aod IM r 8 fuok L . AmI oow we finrt 'he r etijll olotb. It'es We believe wUb Hubstltotiul \ th. · 111 1111 .'\,1 \\' 0 (1 1 Il~ P (l ily. gn lng w llitt. H uris. lerll .. "" .. kenlnlC to the '/lot t hl1t r eduoUo nM In bUMlo uOllitUodity I ,.:tll n '" it ' II+ ' r fH t li f' r , Mr . li nd Mr~ . W . W . W .. lob le fl, " r'~l1 II .. ,·' , 1Il ": ln hurOn' him. n ll tlr1y oou ntry Amerloa I.. ' h e rea l Amerlol1 ret urn ~o n o rm ..1 oon d ltluos wil l be and mosl be r eoog nlzed What ha~teo ed . " d'·rll'. II., ~. , q '!, ' l- !l e brok e out. "Oh, If Sat.nrd .. y, for Plniotl.llld . I ud., to .. t. Uleon .fohns "nd B" " Bmlth w. ' r A obange8 h8ve ~ lIk eo pl.oll 10 t·be T hill Is a Un.t rpoogoito o at Ih e 'fl In t '..: \1 IUd r 'l ll 'f'f' tn tkln ' nhout. rtlln 't I.end ,.he funertt.1 at Il r e l"ti ve of' ll"ytoo vlllltor!!, :-;" tllrlluy . bU810e.s world meutl1l1ty when tbll l f .ot that aU Indu ~t rl ps .. r e d eIJenrl . 11<1 II. 11111,', , 10 If. D u ddy! ~ortJethlll~ Mr8 . Wlliob . " , . . MI~ 8 H",len NU ll . of Ll'bao on, WI\S IU 'l lllllrlll I ~ l! tll n' t o l;.orpen to U!J Nil ficlD,,1 C I 0 I h ie r a AB"oolaUon e,' au I1grloultore, TarltJ tlok erpr .. I be Zion 81l1)'18\ obu r c h Is near· n. ""eek.eod gue.t of h e r !luot, M r s gr ovilly ex pr e8~e~ Itlleit II I f o llow~ to 10,lustrl,,1 polltloal eoonoml st. soieo' ~ q llll tl' · I''': , '; .. d ul' In th£" t\~l ).I(--lIt 11 In g oomple Moo , lIod wb en nulsbod Add B I nod Illm ll y 'b e Inler8'1t\1 Cou m e roe Comml8 ' Ifio tbeorlsts wh ose , .. lI eoleM' 1I'lve 1I1I :.: ,·l :-: ' 11;11'1, do wn rr' om hlJ.; h hen\'en U wil l be " g r e .. t he lp to tue looks "uroa , ttt 111 '11' II ]'." .I .. n: 8wl\yed the wo rld BO long . Ooupled of E'lSt M"in tltr eet. A Deaoooul'sM from Ubr ist b " s ' We believe that tblll Ie n o' th e with tbe lelfi8b htll-ohers, bakers T lw !o= t ' l'i ( 'II :O:, I O\' ( ' I ~' fnr... tu rn el) Mr ' I1ud Mrs. Cli ol Gray I10d t wo pltal. Clooinnll rl. gave II ta lk a t Ibe time fl'r a borl zou t,,1 r ed uotlon In and oandles tiok make rs c f Ame r. T1if' lI d ln J!ly, 11'11I 11(lI\1y Tn t o h is p reall fr elgbt r"toe . We believe 10. loan Indu8try ba ve n o w Clim e ~o "" I,'e d I l o ld ; I II ~ rtOrn I, ' I II I~lng hl ~ ohlldre o mov ed to MlamlHbarg, Bll t. 0 bnroh, !:loo dn ~' 8fternooo. .'e"d ~hllt all r ..dnctL ,o ll u O~lIlllle lit lIee that they have b 'e o rnl Rtake o 11, ·... 11·., t o JII II:.: h , Poll y 1 1d' lI f' " nnt1 urd"y. Rn,1 will milk " Ihut, tbel r ftl· 1 Tbe L"rll p8 Aill b e ld tblil r rnontbly this t ime sbould be oeotered o n 'arm In t htl aolm .. 1 they ho ve boeo prod . I"ol; ,'d ut I. lI rl' ,\ ' . n l~ (.u r k ( :1/' 1' \\' HS tnre b JD1... Tb Hlr f1rieud~ wi sh for meeting .. I t be b ome of MrB . Nettle Em rl ok, WedoesdllY Ilfter ooo o . prod uOl.s . farm mu oblrJery. ~ teel and dloll so long "od Ihllt It IH t·h t1l r own t"'H \' Y whll (" " \\'11 sud ll el' p , br il" (' lit tb em good b eo lt·h aod pro~ p erhy. Iron, coal and lI u oh baslo ollmmod ' l ox that hlA" bee n Irorert. 11111'" . Mr. ao I Mrs Wm . Villar. m oved ~ r und M ..1. Allen Emrlok li t. " Tlw !',.. IIln', nn~' II n~ e l ~ nn~'\\'J1r'rp to a farm oea r Bellbrook, Sotard. y. I ' ,'u,l ed I.he fn oer .. l of Mrtl . Marth" ""1 " I' lI,p,·.·" Illllitered Lorry R1 ~h"'l>. lb llY bllve !iVAn In tb ' 8 vlo lo lty ro. Watklo!, at Ceo l.erville, Frida y . ru ll l.11l1( 11 11 IIpwlItd thrust with his seve ral yen r H: 'Ill rlnrln" tb"t lima A large orowll en j oyed the PHS till 1111" , tbey htl l'e maa6 UJal~y fri endM wh o \lme Mln ltr e ll! . of ~prIDllbo r(l . ILt " \' Pfl . 1lI,'rr I ~. Lorry," rontmlll r l!',1 re g ret Lbl'i r gOlog , Lytle hall, Tuesdav eveniog uf lost I ,..{\ lI y I rll l ,,' tuous l y. UI ",prn nne. H e's Th e btt.sket ball t ea.I1' A of our 81gb wee k. hl J.!'j.! ,·I" fj you n n ' nfldd~' put t nJ.wth e r, Boboul, 1111?,e r tb e di r eoUoo ot Prof Mr. and Mrs. Ga rl Alhrl gb t b Elve I ~II " < ' : 1111 ' hi s furl' lool.s lik e th e ll "- '" '. "I I !' hln.I' Ull' ht l!:h t. Hp sn)' s th e o.nci M,rs. l o ll I', Ili y ed Ih " Morro~ , ~old tbelr property herll, ooll m u ved Bl l(h Schuol tA.~'.M at our hull, t:lll baok to their farm, o ear t'lpri o gboro, '=qll:l tft 'r~ 1111 " to hll\'p n p l n('(1 t n lh'(1 urrlay nl gbt. Ihe qnat/lloD WII Th ursday . III .l usl Il k" "Ihr r f nlk~ . 'IJ" hr \\'011'1 a . ked . wh o b eat? B .. rvl'y.bu r g,' f lei 0 111 ~ I., r c "UII U" 11111 of the ~lIp llt co ,l r~e . Miss Viola Bllloe8 re t urn ed to ner ("II),. Md,ll '" urtpr n \\' h II ('I, \\' 11(' 11 li e ho me In Dllytoo, M.ooday . "He r F~IENDLY GOSSIP 8a m Ellis Bud so~. Rov .. suld sev. g f·t ..; t n \\'orklu ' for ti S. Y('\I ('nn h uu t s pending 8everal da ye with Mr. and e n d boodr~d b eu d of ' h " IIS. 11I8t Mr8. Walter Kenrlok. I',e got a nelgbber bere by m",- a w~ k , a .prl\ ylo ' dayan' nllCht, t o) 1111' I1 sh j\l l-' t t he ~ .. nh.l fI!" .lon'r! " H<>pl." " InnkNI lit hi" <lilliI'll! r AS woe k. Fraok Mo(Jurren , wh o d ues U '. KI, x"lIder W bite; wben &I ~x . 1('" t a oll OD the m oral pll\ne of Mr. and Mra RURsell Bornet 'h eir truobl n g . bll uled the hogs to If . 1,,· 111111 II>SI hpr 111111'1. ander dOf'M II &blo l(, I, 's did exaotly El exllude r White ! th e rullrott.d . lind, 00 th e r .. turn moved, last week, t o tbe UweD Bur. ",\ ' Iull· s l'lIt ln' :' OU, hrat ?" he "11 M . We've k oo wed enoh other I wlsb' be'd run fer Coun~y J edge, t r ips. uoload ed 8 'Ollr of hominy ne~ far.m uo the Dayton pUre, wb ioh tlny year, without a blot of (U88,- or some'blo' else all big; I 'd baok I.',,"ntc'c\. tbey r eoeotly porohtt.sed . "Nolhln'," " 'plied ('oily , "bul r kn ow h ea rta for Mr. Ellis. kI d o III wlI'd be did by, Is tbe rnle blru op 'er all I 'm wuth, So my lut whnt I hl'lIrr\." Mr~. J. B. JODell. Mr8. Allen Em. M08e Dawson r eoelved w ord, 8 at. fer t>o'h of ne hl"me runtv plg.-We've IlOowed "HJ1If'1 It ou t to os," pul III Bishop urd " y. of the sudd e n dl'ath of bis rlok aod Mr. "nd Mrs. Waltar K en. You never BeAn a oleaoer milD ellob otber fifty y ear,-we ' ve oelgb . ~ i 8 ~er, Mrs. (Jom Morris, of Evtt.nB. rlok atteoded tbe Farmen' Inltltute \han Ehixande r White, oer neve r bared day lIn' nlgbl. an ' [ nev e r eng-erly. Th!'11 Poll y told V ' ClU . n nlll men D, III. Tbe deo oased WIS born and at Centerville, Tbor8dl1Y. gHz~d In'o ao eye more bonlleter o r knowed a graoder ma o, 'ba~ E lex IAII ,.: hN\. r\l ared In th is vlolDlty, lIod leavoll brlgbt Be IIln ', on hllod to II tlmn. and er Wbl.e. Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Clark eoter. "Why, h,,'" I:0t mOf!' monC'y'n Ol~ ber ru other , t bree brothe r s. s'x 81s. talned lite, a .!ollfrll " , to hi" wife. Shellays ( P. ~ T bll t 1I10' t bl s n ll llle, of l:3unday dinner, Mr . and MArc. Poll," ~ n ll p l'l'tl AOllkIIlR. "It·s ter~ !lnd mttoy frlen dls to mouro her Mrs E , J . Carmony and ohlldren. of he n e ver tt'ohud a drop uf notblo' 10 OClu rllA ) JlI. t bern 1I "~ wc dOIl'1 hnpp<'n to he "Cl' goi ng. hi. life. S pringfield, and Mre.MaryU"rmony. tin' on It l!' ,.:round tr.,1 he oln't Wll nl· I try to b" I(ol,d A . h ' m . .. ,, ' Uur b rosl b80d will pnt 00 " play, Mrs. Cella Grahllm weot to Miami In' r· ~ off." 8ome"m. · ~ th ' ok 111m •• ,11 ~ " m~'h i'" in the T ow n ball, 10 t,h e near future . IJ \\'11 ' 'l ulte ",·l llc",1 t 11[l! both the for tb e "aoefit. of the band. They VlIlley hospital, Thursday, and un. prod e me o n &h e hl nl" "II ' 'h " n J l ull derwent an operation, Friday morn. fl ..: llt'l' n1 PII \\ c'rp of 01'(· opin i on , . Poll y lIer.818w I It tllk , .. II ,,' 'n' , lity n ll/b promise tbl1' thl8 Is the only 8how Ing. Mr. and Mr8. Forest G raham ,.:,,1 IIJl "" " pli, Clo<! th e IOlllb III u urnet 'h"t b"s bee n or will be given duro Bod Vloyd t:lavage visite d her, 8 un of fhp \ \ 'n.. d-hox. Ing the YI.'Br, 1922. Patronize t be dllY and report tha' sbe Is dolug "I ' '''1 II ,' .. I J1! helps U ~ "Qunttprs. bovs and th ay will u ele 'he proceeds fa irly well. Home) Philosophy ' lI, ulI gl,," ~I , . · Iln:ld ed pOB llII·"ly. ."An' jQdiol o ue~y . We 1/1 ollb. it I .118 mllllooairee when u n "' Toys. La8~ week wall moving time. Mr . you hot Ii :.: " 1 tn prc......ll se rl~ht n ow on 'hllY w"lIle 'I ,t',r lim .. Bnd ener gy 1: 11 ,1.' " • - I"" •. 1,..1 1' •. 01 II lI 'fly and Mrs . Erllelt Arobdeaoon moved tltl s." "i, c pl l'I. ,s:! liP Grunny Hope's ga~be rlol( 1\11\ ·m " bile8. y aobt8. dIB ' I " I.. ,) I , I ,- .. , " " ' 11 """1 1"11 . " ' l'1 nlble. "Ih lll )..... won·t usp a guo on from Dayton to the Arobdeaoon mon dll. Hud olhllr lusurl e~ -nd 'hon " r I, I i "III I... , I, 1'1 ,,111" '11 I" h UH Marc M"d(e,wl, nOr lIo 001hlo' horm . Ib dim II put.h.v m· ontll s ne Olcrofed to '",rm , nor&h of towo, Thursday. Dever Ct4 .. tbem . lhe\' fl Pf' na 10 .,1-1 I " , 11' ',..: 1": ,1 /(1 11 If!' lill i' ur Olll tul to hl ll1. ilte othe r lIIun look them. the words thllt mlldc th e Stonn Walter Guy Bnd tamlly moved to la'lsfl.,d beo~use tb ey btlve wh!\t 1 I>l ;:~' - ," I. ' , . ,., ' 'l .I:,) III I'I III ~ Id,", Aft c'r us. TItrrc' 1, ls8 thl8 here book, r.ollntry 0 80rO hllbltntlon ' tor Marcul t be Beokle & Bergt11l11 farm; Flovd Mn cKenzle. Th ~ n hoth men revereo tl y 13avago and family and ,lake Ueede r 'boy Wbtl' A~ Il IUliUe r of hO$ 1 ,,·11 .\ ": '" of '" '·I·l1 u" I,.,,1 I.".s nn ' )'ou'l l ~orh f,'1'1 I'ctter." 'bey hflve Wb,t IhAY don'~ wttn&. , II H ' 111'1'1· .... . , " flit' . · ~l lt·rl!'Oi\· e 1\1 1111 1I'lId There 11' 08 ~ 1I,,,·t hln g cn mpelll ng kl88Pd Ihe Blhl e ,nd tell bock limply and 'amlly to the etao), farme, and Bn& I.h,·y fiud ~belr e Djoy meo t 10 \II',· f,·,·"IoI .1' " " ··, ,, 1'11'1 lliol ." "ur 1\ .. , 1111" 111 th e girl. n ' li llY ha"e heen the In their choIrs. J ohn Grlsham 'a the Friend f,,'m . tbe b"U.le tor l'OI's888100 (JODlA '0 , hll', <,·' r , .." III ' " III. wil l help \1'II,"ler. 10 1lilS IIf her "nke, 1\' '' "<1 c~f ulll' sweet Polly k Is.ed th,· rn g'J(ed edges ot the 'btu. of It Wo're all IIb nat "like. , fili i)· In "'II I I1 I "~ hi", 111 1111.1 hi s IIl1lurnl an d l/'cmPllll nUl'i), r atlle. 1. II OI ny hook to~ , then sM tu rned t o Hopklne. Tbe grea' .. ,~ pnAAe~8lon 8 bUill 'D . ·1 1I/ d l'U' II'III' . "D1Iddr. honey, I'm goln' out. GIve hn.. e heen Ih (> brlliio nt .rillle she tty al" blMb IJr loo'p l e 80d\(loa l t _ _ _ _ flll Rhecl upon \)'lr lI" tenPts. AI nil" your kId 0 lovin' sma ck. I'll be b!lcll: ahere "re bUI.obos of n8 ,bllt h8 ~e tnt c. tlte lI111l'or '>f the Slipll t City nnd Qul ckl'r'n th e blll~ 1I0nt Cno hll /ll<." bo'h Hod never U ~e e ither of theID I Jl1' I"\' HI t4 hnn h f" l U ·l l dllllllll., r.e.J1CflJ'l" Cla.. lfylng Youthful VI.ltor. . DOrn1lID' asplr,.tlonl! b~v e 0 0 more I CHAI>TER V. valus ~bao dead ~ett. frnlL . 0, e One day a caller brought her smnll klDdly KOt a d"y 8o ~u"lIy pe rfocmOll, .on, who hod c"ldelilly IIcYer been '1'he oflernoon hod been un pleaslInl ODe th"UlJht tnlO.llltlld Int,r, booorn taught to obey, and Ihe pl,,"sure ot t or both Mrs. Robe rlaon nnd her pUllb 'II'nt bl'lp!! 'he world "lonK, I the viSit WII8 lUuch mnlTPu. As the dau gh ter. The 10 Iy W /I S studiously ley but Gnu ·ed pranol pl('l8 ju ~ t Ol ng UP ' lrlI uts wnlked IWIlY Anltll stood loo k· to E"l'lyu, nnd the girl W89 utterly tbewhllpl" . Wh"t kindly IIOt sholl ! Ing atter them and. In II disa pproving . mlsernh le. Robert Percivil was away we do 100 l .f ? tone. sold: "He ce rtnlnly Is U,e worst· I "'lth IIf nc K en~ l o. In hi' at,8Ilhce. al. ed mlnder I eVer sn w," though Ihe two women ate dlnDer to...... ,ether lIud kept ench other comp~ THE SECReT OF SAYS SAM: Pu\;

D. 1.. CJ.' Ar.: E, E ditor and


'Wayn E'! ville,

Country _Polly

h io

......,. . ......

!' ...•.....•...•..... 1

_ _••


tOrt( •


Waynesville, Ohio'

The Miami Gazette


The Business World Is Awakening









he rt'('itt's

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1I111 Sil'




----_.--Public Sales


Glass-es Fitted AT !{{)DKRATE PRIC18

l"'IFF ANY'S Optical


8. Detroit 8t.

Xelll., Olll. Op!Ml eveolnp bJ appoiDtm~'

Emma Chapman Estate .... Mar. II Carl Plckerinc .. .. . ..... . Mar, 1(, Susan B, Hayslil Eslate . ... t\\ar, 23


J wtll offer at Publlo I;;ale lit &be resl den oe of t·he late Emma 8 Cbap. man, on Fourlh ~treet, 10 Wayoes. ville, 0010, on

Phone 44

Saturday, March II, 1922,

Harvey.burg, O.

Commenolng lit 1 o 'oloa k pol ., the followlOlC : Old . f8shioned Pleoes of Antlqoe Furolture, Bedroom Furnl. ture, KltoheoUteo~IIA,et.o . tlee hlUe. J B. C8APMAN, C. T . l:l8wke 1A o o t~ Admr. . W N ::\elors \

Foreat T. Martin

I will se\l ILt Publio Anal.lon "t my resldenoe. 1 mile n ort h of L.ytle, 1 mila Routb at Ferry . 4y' mlle8 east of W"yoes ville, 5y' mltal sou th of Centerville. 00 t h e J_ytle and Ferry r oad , on

lhursday, March 16, 1922, BeL\'loolng tt.t 10 a.m ., tbe·followlog : 2 Horses. I Cow. 3 Bows,Implement8

Auctioneer Get my terms for your Public Sale.~ . Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges.

Box 91, Centerville.:Ohlo Home Phone 2, Centerville Ex


!:lee bllle for parMoulars C ARL PWKERINU, ' Fore~ t T. ,dartiD, Auo&.

DR. J. W. MILLER. ... DENTlST•••


omce hi II,Uloau B&ak Blda.

WB'ylle",\lIe'e Leadlu, Donat., Offioe In B aines Bldg. MaIn




5 12 19 26

6 7 13 14 20 21 27 128

8 15 22 29

9 16 23 30

10 17 24 31

11 18 25 ...




Ohio, phone 7·2Y2. MY PRICE, ONE PER CENT 00000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 00

Walter McClure

1 2 3 "


.- •


S ll lt i ddf~

Aglld peoplo often neeil ··I\.·To;'d blood klnlo . When tile blood be. oomp8 ologlled wi th p olso08 from the svUem, Gude'll Pepto. Mllngan purl. fies It hy drivlug off tbe wBste milt. FUNF " \L DIRECTOR ter. Good blood I ~ full of vitali ty and prevent8 illD888, giving the boGy Waynesville. Ohio greater power of I eslstaDce. Tbe wealtnee!l68 of old .. gil are gre lA\ly helped by. .. supply of rioh , r ed blood . Und8's Pep&o.-MaDgan 18 sold io 1\. Fully Equipped for Coo<1 qold (lr table' 'orru by tt.1I druggi st. , Service. h ba8 heoo reoomruended by pbYHt. l Large Display Room CIIiOIl fer 30 years " nd Is 11 vlAlutt.ble : 'onlo and builder for tbe welAk nllll TELEPHONE 7 VAY OR NIGB1 ron.dowo of all age8 from ohlldbood to old age. A.lvertlsemeot . I " - - - - --

11>101 Ill' his lIunty Ihot he \\'011111 SO 011 It l'lIr /I h~tlr ' 1\1'0wl. Johnny 1.. " I' eol "cry lIIudl trlght\!ned, Dncl Own whlspe" cII: "Oh, I Our Calendar' ' Aun!)'. don 't "Ile n dusl' t\oo r ~ on ' Ill! Wlcktowla or beur mlghl 11I1lI 0111." Mar. I-A8h Wednesday -CblcDIlO H~rlllci IInrl i-:xollliner. Mar. 5-Quadragesima Sunday Mar. I2-2nd ~unday in Lent Mar . 14-Jewil>h Purim Not Th ..., Not Ther., My Child. Mar 17- St . P!ltrick'8 Day "Mother," Aid 1IU1" [tIlYlDon4, Mar 19- 3rd .Sunday in Lent "please abow me the · plu t-e In Ih. Mar. 21 - Spring begins Bible wbere It tells IIhOll1 S"nta Mar 26;:-The Annunciation e IUU9,"-Boalon TrnnSI'rlpl, Mar 26-4lh Sunday in Lent W IIS



pl ecf' of

w ith ~ tlp prt · :-; ~pd ( ' 11101 lOll und \\'1I~u llll' P II I'[Y Is Icn\' IIIJ.,: tilt' ( '!' I1I1' !l' n " he Is f Ollnd \\,lIltlll~ a t t hf' ~lt tl ' IIl1 d I ll tl !lultes I hat u gifl wOllld Itt' It (' t '('l Jlll ldc, wh l ('11 I ~ J.:'t ' nrl'l.llly fnf'IIII.'(qnit q: .

E~lES ; , ••. ~'ttUllined Correctly...





be- I nn

Guda's Pepto-Mangan Restores strength and Prevents IIInass

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MARCH 1922

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aafety F Ir.t. Johnny, ol1ly Uaret: ,rell "s IIld.

I~le Joo -;s ~I UNDERSTANO~G

" The 'ellow wh .l mtlire8 good· B~ farmlog bee !lot t n keA p bls mind aDd bl8 body movlrlll .. t. tb" "" me 'Ime.and 10 tbe ... W ~ dlrf'ot.oo. "




Jesse Stanley, A GOOD Auctioneer TONIC FOR For sale dates, call W. C. OLD PEOPLE Smith's Store, New Burlington, or Harveysburg,



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til t" I.!I'H\'(I' he ti lpp ~ 11 (1 : 111<.1 usks l 'I ' r-IlI l " sl lIll III suy " hUH \\,t l l·4!. :\0 Oh J('(' llulI hl'IU~ IlIu<le

e u rt



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Poelry at t he G ra ves ,de. ,j.

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We have the material to build your home of dreams come true.

Caii·.'t-,K=-ee-p. ' -a-.~G-o-od--=--=M:-=an-...."D"...o-.---·-- ·- ··~ NONSENSE, YOU'RE ALwAYS SICK WHEN I SAY SO.


It WI. Quite EvIdent That Both the Flm.rm.n of On. Opinion. atterv.'ard In the drawing room, thel, conversatloo wos limited to the slm· plest commonplace•. The return of the men eased the ten8lolll. Perclnl ex· cused himself almo_t a t once to write Borne letterB, and aB MocK eozle madll

~:~:~:. hl:r~.~r~:~~~~!et !:I~~do b~ chunce to steal away t() her own room. For some time after her departure the girl and the man were Bllent. Thle WIlB the lint time III M~rc'8 life thlt ble hellrt hod beeo I'/!ally touched .b1 'a woman; and In 'Plte of hll 1eal'1l and uperlence, be wal almost u bashful a. a-,oung boy. '. At lengtb theIr eyel met, Ind· the girl'. lowered, .while tlbe color mOUDted III a tlood to her ba'lr, Tbe mao waR by .lIlde' (n all III&tant. He bnd rend shy, retreat· tn. I'I.nCfl whnt he to ~ f'l'a lilt

save rent save money be 'c ontent


If you are going to build anything from a dwelling down to a chicken coop or a field ·fence,


Can supply yOU with the' best , of Buil~ing Material at . very rea~onable prices. BUILD NOW! .

The MliUt1l, Waynesville, OhIo. 7t t


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" ~A~ ·

H i'al . l "


SA1'UROAY-Mnr h 11 Thorn ... MlllJlhRn I n " "ho Fmntl.. r

Bu ...... ... A1)10 , Sellnlc KI\\•• ·




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tread thickness, in side-wall strength, an d i n beautythe Fisk Red-Top '" llns true to Fisk h.' · - .• f .,. n.

L' \·l· I,in$.! .

An iH' t · f H).!e ' I.j .·. I ;1 " ",d I' j· · .. tlpt~:



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William Wim satt. 14 -yea r-ol d \ Va s hi" Rt6 n sch n, " ch a mpi on, He never ev ades" cl", lkn Rc for m Jle h I dd ea t ing Col. M . F . Ti he. wh o l"oIds man y cI" ,. , . : ICo L Tih c is a ncwspao" r co rre'pLlnde nl whLl for tJ.irly ) \aIT alrs at the White H ouse.







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TUESDA V- Marc h 14



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Th e l will IV' 1\ rl'Il Ulllr cn mmull ii a li n o r W,.y n '·l! \' il l.. l,ud>:'!' N, . 1Ii;: . , ii', & .\ . M • TUt"""tlty t' V t ll\l ·I ~ . 1\1 ,, ' II j j\-l . ViH i ii ll~ "" d I... ·" . l. r"I I.r.. " :.. " I ' cordilill y III vil ... " I .. 10,· " rt'~ t' llt 11. It :-;m : l h , W. 'I

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WHArs DOING ' AT MIAMI THEmR TttU,R~DO\V - \\l\ r ch I) f a y AI1I1tOn Pcn 1HI"'C aue! nutl . Oo,"erl )·.



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WUYlle.villt. Uhio

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, t '. .du, 'd I, ~l, " - h




Will THE


, I :.


• .:•

Kill the scale on your trees and protect your crops by spraying. We have in stock the followin g insecticides:



wall paper,








first warm days of Spring likely will be : busy days, so why not arrange for work now when I can serve you : best.



,1.,,1111 \\' 1'11" /" 1" "' " <Ii,·" a l th e ~I" () O. Mi ~ il­ I oI il.(', :'al u r ,I !» 1I " ,n ,' IIJ.: TIlt' fUllt' r lil I w,,' IH"" at Ih, '. II I'c , .\ I;.tt d uy a fler-

The set our

S Ul

Let me estimate your job

Wa,nesvllle, Ohio


(rom " 'n ' h hlg- l f, ll

hod In x1...:t.··1\


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I. it ~ulithl) 1Jl ."n d.



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ISSUF.D TWICE A MONTH Next Issue, March 9th.

1"1 "'O \'·


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HON. THOMAS McRAE Govorllor of Arkaa...


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1I 1 ~ tlrm~.

"l\lIl.I', K i lt ) ," lie lI1ul'mul',,(I, "love II t'll l·t. II hy ,11.1 ),011 lI ol 'trust me ?" ",jed, ls-.lolI'l - t1on·t- re pronch me,' I\itly crl erl hrnkenly, " '. ton. havI , " ffp rp,l, lo N'nu se oC my prIde. but J ... ,ltly.' s l)(' so ld. a lmost w hi SperIngly, "I'I' \! nlll'nys IOI'e'! you- Iol'ed you lIlo'rit . I truly think. when my anger It!!nlll8t you was deepest," He k l ~.c(1 her In a nswer. 'K19~ed hel Ill tn!:.'II Y-llgHln on rl ngaln , "We'll Ilegl n o'n ell', dear one." h. sol d , "nnd nolV at this. our SUDset hour, 11'(,'11 M le mnly promIse eacll or llN' m'Hr ngolD to let the 8UD ...

,.r 110)'


our uu ger."

THE Set tOe, 2Se, $1.00 STORE TURKI SH TOWRlS-J8In. by 34 In. , nIce and soft, eKh .. . . lac CROCHET 1 HREAD-both white and colored, per ball , ...... Uk DISH PANS-~ray ware, I[ood ones. each . . .... . .. . .. . ..•. ,79c WALL PAPER CLEANER-full value, each, ., • . ... , ...•. . . J5c P EARL COTTON~all colors, each .. . ...... , . . . . . .. . .. , .. JOe NEEDLES-book of assorted. each .................. , ..... IOe


RECORD~speclal prIce, each .. .... . ..... .. .. , SOc

Jed. Ju s t s udl Ull otlwr ~(' l'll ~ li S t l li ~­ the riv er hunk , th ., gil l'll,·" {'lu, II', jllst bIg enough Cor t il" ' : fhe nll. , I,· or lhe 80ttly lupplng 11' « " ' 1', IIlId lit I' I'U ' COLONIAL TUMBLERS-Good clear glase, dlolltly beuuli f ul gl .", of l il t.' se lt lng price ...••...' .....•••••••.••.....••..... aUDI FOR SALE- PROPERTY "'I'he I:l ow or h ~I' lu I' '," he hll tl Bold, (Not more 12 to. cUltomer ) "would Il ever leI t il e slI n set In hlil lite, It would b e ~ hln lng ro~ him al· OU dl£-NiOA property; furDl\oe, ways I n her e ye s, " El loot ri c lights; good loo&tloD; 1 UI7 And s he. 101' Itt g d 'Cllly, hull tJell el'ed will se\1 r ft ll"ouabl". ~e ~ A . Zim 1UllU\ • m2 - I-_______________ ..;..._______ hIm. ' An,1 nil th~ tlllle. eveu nf ter t hey merman. Waynesville . Ohio , were marrie d, there II'OS tl mt other KlrI. Well . s lle tl1 (Hl ght l>lIt~rly, she hud shown h im. ' 'l'he Inereoslllg t wili ght wnl'lIcd ber "1/" .... ""."",.. II "",. 1A"·DI?·g",·· Ulllt s he mu st retlll·n . \Vlti. hen,\ he ld high, s in! ~( rodll "l' th e pnth with Ibe all' of 11 11 Injured . (I\'c en, And there he· tore b er I 'i'!lIire-1I1 the curve Of the 'road. wotc!lIlng the 8UOSllt-':"'I'IIR tile mnterlal . form lind HCmblltncl! or h er thoughts. WIlS It 1111 nl.pftrillon , or \V8S It Jedro In th(' n ~s'? Her IOllrtl cu!ute "O·..·oh I" roused )',Im to t urn fl u le l; ly , With bnred h ead and rI gId dll!:lIl1y' lie !It Ilp ed nslde. nu l l{\tty wultln g for her t u I1I1 ~S. Btood lDotiOti l ~RlI. hi s eyes he.hUng berll B e , to(l. ~be tllought. hllil r~lUelll' Ha,raware bered this nlb'bt·!! ijUIIS t, And whyt The n ext InstBllt Ih" rur ~np" J . Upped- trolU ber .huullil!N1 to





IF you don' t happen to be in town when you want a Classified Ad. , advertising your extra Stock, a plow, a lot of Feed, or any of ·your ·extra stuff_on hand, just call

PHONE NO•. 112 and we will see to the rest_ Call again, please.






BraGa torwar4 C9 l'lIlto"

SCISSORS-good sharp ed"e, each , ... .• .•.. , , .. , , ... SlIc-2k

The Late Classified Ads

SCf·ond. ft. It your a ctual profit will he great-


sUp u l"thH: 11o " t


Fred on tO ("ow 4 wcrk s on Cr - re-a .lill S''I"('etJ and make" ; JS prove these t wo poin u: Firat. th. t you ,'. ill ge t more milk or better milk.

Lytle, Ohio


Ilnrt y; 1,lIt ( i p !">I ~IC·d, 1.!"X J1 11J1Idll~ Ullit W I'I'I ' :111 I.· .• t 1~: Il l l ll lil"I H \ \', lind tllnl \\(, ' I! 11<1 \1' a '!'till f . r·I "·.Iifl1l \\ h ·l(· (' lUI 1(l e l ' :I ,I"·. 1 '1< flilall .'· '1;':1"1 1 1'11 -

'rh e unttin ' l·sut.;)' II f llf' 1'

Four Weeks' Trial At Our Riak


We want every family within a radius of 25 miles of Lebanon to get Fred's Advertiser. It contains valuable news features that everyone should read . By mailing the coupon below, or a postal card, you will be sure of receiving it regularly. If yo u are getting it. send in the names of your friends to whom you wish Fred's Advertiser ~ ent. Your ' responsibility ends there - no charge for the paper-we pay the postage.

111.\ 11 1'1(':;:.

i\lilnq nlrc:.

"1' 0:1

She IlIlt tJ eI ti ll " "·I, ,.

Ce- rt" -tl- li: \"10n ' t lump o r (" :! k{·. Easy to hand le . l! " oll' rr (('",Ung h O l1l c -lIro\.~n g round rom t h is ) C<l T, fCl:cl CC ~ Tc -a-l i tJ. S V"C l'U ;dong with it. U e tli(' usual ro ughag e.

A,1t u. for detail •.

It'. Free

--------- I

nnd Into one sI ll! \·lItld l ed.

ltss, lirt' of itS sa n ll·nC S'i. l-: in' It"n mille..


Published by the S. Fled Co., Lebanon, O,hlo.

Ex- ..1ayor C ul vi n . w hose lerm of otfice ft X1Jirt?d " ol y l a ~ t fall. di erl sud d e n ly a l h i ~ Iwm e in 'inc innal i , las t w eek . Mn~ o r Lla lvin made Ii record as may ur of thl' Q ' J(>PIl C ity , that WR~ quit e e nvi ' bl " . und Ih ~ es teem in whi ch he was he l,l ili a, evidellced by th e inllll P Il ~C fUllt'ral services held last Saturday. H tl was a loyer o f his h ome town. bnd made i la pros: p!!rily a life s tudy .

lil t' tI,lI ll ' "

J:!l lllt: t I. ut

Fred's Advertiser

' •

nil !'11:111, oIl'n ,'," Jl llllll)' IlIId 0 0· "I l llli" Htl \'. " ,k, trn dl d n' t wnn t t o t: ill lI L' ,.tI ,·,I IU IlI (t r fl iP hOll ":c

seve r n I

vilri t·t y or 'l1g r t'dir- l1 ! <: ! '":lJid:t. 1II i n(' l lId in r! apI'etizin(:: II~ , la:o.5c , hilt :,onur ('0 \ \' 1 WO\IIt.1 d ig C'st

eith~r tr ~



Are YflU


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er ; if CC-J ·.. -a-lia cost s l110 r c th an you ·,,: p ayiog nn w: :he improtVrmen t in fl o w or trlt mUlit m.,r( ,Jw n maite it up. Mq ney b:.&ck. if

---- - - ---, fO RI"M[R MAYO R [

\\'h~ .

!'! lll'Ptl

1I~I J t

Ug u ara nt (" r d !U1 ..d y:-.i 1" J I: ·" ' ", I\I :;t> ' l t3$tel good. W 1.' (,:1\dl\ 1II .: 1...( lij\ a r.ll inn With rx:01C'tly thr r 1Il1l~ ' lH ., 1"(( IIt .'l-" (If pn ltt' il1 , rar bo_

hyclra tei :t ld


IIn t l

Th c best ked in th e' Im r ld wo n't proci ' H.'t· m ilk if y , lur ("'0 '.\"$ (urn th eir n n ~~ all'ny fro", it. C ,, "" Il1 l1 n ,:i1 the la s t m '~ r s d nl t '''-I'<'-:l-ii a Sweets,

' .


tll ~y

Will pay 22c fo r H e ns up tn Friday Iloon, any tim e.

I II 1\111 ' l1 d

af lern oon a t 1:31/ o 'clock .

It.,I'. ( . ,dwal lade r ., ni d a li ng . Mr. 1'\, ' e a r eS I'd e lJt ~ ,' 1 Ilar I I\a ~ n t " nl ' t lin f . . , " l l.l:> I' I ~tJt I Ly

"r t'~


To Please Your Cows

' 1.I .tt \VHl te r M ..:C lurt!' ~ p}lrlor :4,

1" .....

h OIlH' w lt ll him . Mr:-: . .1II rt'pd :-: W l ; liw:t~' ''' hI!!! II \\'('1 · com p fll r 1111 .\ i l .I illl!ll.\'·~ rri l·Tltl ..; . hil t t.h c n~ ,,·u .. .: ( ' ''n l~ t''I I1:1 fI II 1l III III'" 4" Y":-; wh r n sill" :-.11,," \\ h ... llH' 1II I1 'X p t")l." l p rl

Franklin Cline Gran u latpd SU llar

It Pa J7'S

.'.•1.· 1\ tiler 1·;v.; rilH rt. son 0 1 Mr ,., o! II , -. J "m ~" J::\'erhart . died at I." .," ' rid Ill';llitu l ClIl c il1l1 ali, ~at1", I .y · ..-I" r ll.ll ' ll T h t! fllll l' ral was

Ihel r CO tll ll l'Y hll lllt·, Ii l.l II !" u n !l l1 0 :\1:1" · stnlrst Hil I! . fl el t l \l unlng t h at },llly ' wa s H n lfHI~ IlI R ,\ If(I'1-: 1I (lu":lI J.! w ' sts . !

(or Friday and Saturday . .... ......


his wi fe

SPECIALS ~:.~~~.~. ~>J.~

Jwr ~ H n lll


Sears & Cartwright ....................................................

~(\ \· t' I ·'·

h ow ev er , n n ~l IIplll1 h l ~ pHnlnl e ry. hnd b (lC' 1I 111 \'11 1111 1' r! 11 111 11 1 ' . 'I'h n l rlay . .' :tn,·d , oll . Illl r lJli! h o urs' st(lp .nn"n· In tl , .. 1'11 \


Phone 61-2


h od


0/, ,



Waynesville, Ohio

~I i -:{I) H·l·II'~' k . I {(' v . C'a dwaJla .





This week we will give you I Cun Free with each 6 cans o f allY kind ofCannerl Fr u its o r Veget.:1bles- a goo1 time to bu~' .

Aman Block


bv Raone Anquetil



.,t Ill, .1 -1 ,· "

The ab o ve qu es tio n hl\" IIt!N I ,,~ k t'u a hu ndreu lim e~ uuri l1 l! Ilw IJ iI" t week. but n uthing has bee n d u ne t oward re-orll'anizali o n . The f ile t that Jarre tt has return ed h e r e , h as a a'ood summer j o b. ann is b e ll!'r in J his pitching than ev e r. will d o a gre at . ._ _ _ __ .. ___ .. dea l t oward o rgani z inll' , It ha s be(J1l Ji mmy .II1 I'1". ·t! ..... 1\ 10lll,,-1! 11\' l o ~~ ti lt hinted severlll times that a strong conllull h ' III 1\11 : ,· .1 .-I..i" \\10110 · "I.. team can be gotten togethe r . by U Sb , stwllell th e ('"rol : . 1. h.·'''. II. ' 1,,,01._ .,,, ing outside • pl"yers •t o som e extent . long Ullrl s('nr.-).II. " II'. " ,.. I:. " ,,01,"1 ,' /,," . toge ther With the pick of Ihe local l y fi S wl' ll , fur h i ::, ~l lI r , l lIlr~ Wjf ~ players. The team pkked loo ks like "e rl n I n I y "" .. " too. I ,,' I. 111',,11 . t he al r onge;t team e ve r put on in H e hlld k" " ".I' ,1< 01.' .. .11. ....-1:01 1" \t"'~ luthuut" ly Il ( \ " I,·. " ... 1 111",01 101"1 1", . . t own. With an effiC ient manage r llIensely , A hl~ , h"l"t,, 'I" ". ('1"",,, and ~ little financial b ac kinlC: Way · souled s ort .. r chlll\: 1 1111-111" )1 111<1 ncsYlll e ought to run away wllh the good ("H ow, 1:""r1 lit ~llId~·. ' 1,,!l' t:' IInoi county championsh ip, play, His IIl nl·I'I Il ~". 10 1,l tt y 1",,1 10 ..,·,. the cul mlllnll vn (l[ a "" "'a lit I" I" ,'e all'nlr, ond Jn r,.. ' r1 ~ II Il ~ lIar" t1 t hl' " pill ' Ion ot th e ir s uclll i \\o rl<l th ln ld ll j: thnt the morrlnge \\' oul ,1 he nn IlI<!all y hup· pyon8. Just three lIl, ill tils hud (I,,' h'l ppl· ness lasted, Th e n Kitty, IIC(·"mllll nl ed only by he r It UlUt, !-:" nc t .. Al k(!n tor the sprIng s ..nson- nnd sllp(lP.1 nwoy trom th e re 1' ~I'y '1ulI,t I)' ul III J(one Meeting every Sunday at th£' regu- to some littl e oiJs('Ul't· 11" '8 1(' t'Il IO'\'fI. lar hour_ S unday sch ool at 9:30. Our where s he h nd r ~ "," l lled IIlItll !l Oll' , achool has.,grown from ten o r twelve when sh e hod r etlll' lIetl to he r t onll er social world-It$ " e ry In tps r clll'nre(Oe. to about fifty regulars . Come and Jedro Mn rstll irs lwei bN'n nrnnn !; Ihe ~njoy the day. with us , Ilrst to Join the 1I1!h(lng f nrcl·s. 1\(' Amos Co ok , Pastor hnd been "ove r th,! tOp," 111111 th .... II!:h letten receln'rl (rlllll ","1 " 111 f rit'nrl ' " ov er ther e" .Jnrrt'dsoll ""arnecl Jl Ul I Murstul rs Iw d 1I'0n lh (' 1',, 1x .It! gll" rt'e tor dl s llnetlv (, hrll l'l'rY IIn rl "I' lin', S UI'· lng, by h is qll i<'k w it II lI d ""I lon . h is enUre ~ O IllP Il IlY fr ""1 "1IItI)!"t .' !'. II.'


I h.w .'


Fred M.

. Waynesville, Ohio ~-_---!

Wagraavllill "Ohio


, .




ta__ ...J ~even ty-F(lUl'th

L __

Tobacco Can va~ at L-Iym=II~~----l Walch Lhest! culumns for Alumni Sern i-Cenlt!n ni lll lJ eWH .

Band ca rJli vu' . MJ rch l!2 . 1!J22.

_ Th e Vnn·" . ~' , ci, · t)' wi ll hold ket. April 15. HI:.!2 .




President Urges Subsidy for



. H IJ), h,' pow e lh. uf Xt'nia. vi"il ed Or Ellis ::; IIII .h . or Cincinllati. his moth er he re. FritillY. ~ pe nL SundllY wilh hom e fol ks.


Atl l'nd the hand carnival. WednesNew line of Burlap-back Lin oleum day evening. March 22 . in ne w pattern s. Hyman & Co.

Everett J . r·lark. who has ueen attending agricult ural sc hool at P~r · due universi ly. hilS completed th e course, and recei ved hi ~ certifi cate a t th at univ e r~ity. las t week H e wil l proba blv work at home again this sum mer.

Milt un Thomp~()n. of Moson. s pent Mye r Hyma n Bnd f amily IIpe nt Sunday Wi Lh fri e nds here. ~unday with relati vell .In Sprin g Valley . Hope Blt!achcd Muslin, 36 in . wide, 15c lJer yard . Hyman & Co

Big Assortment of Tissu e Gingham in newest palte rn ll. per YUrt] !j!lc and

W. H. Madden is confined to hia 69c. !lyman & Co. horne on account of rheuma tislII. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff RimE'S, of CenA srTtlirt di' lJlay or Spring Milli lervill e, spent SUllday he re with nery . SlitunlllY, March 18 lirace L. horn e folks. Smith . A fine concert has been prepared Miss Mollie Howland. of Kings for the band carnival. Hea r it, at Milh. spent :lunday with Mis.~ Edna Odd Fe llows h all. Howland. Jam e~ Zell and dauj{ hlN. of Yellow ::; prin~s, spent Sunday here with Lancaste r Apron Ginghem . guar- Frank Zell and wife. antped flut colors, 15c per yd . Hymlln & Co. Mrs. Dallas Boger. of Route I, returned to her home from Miami ValMiss Margaret J ac k. of Morrow. lev hospital. Tuesd ay ppent the we~k end with Mr. lind Mrs . Hermsn C.,nmlr. ImportedOrgondy in newest sha 'I,"

Ifllaranteed to hold cri~I)Jl~"~ ; pH If you want to enjuy a good even- vd . 65c Rnd up. Hym an & Co . ilile of fun and pleasure, allend the band carnival on the 22nd J . 1:1. Curtis Rnd fllmily visited J_ O. Curtis and family a nd Vernon Mrs.Ct.r) slie McKiulltly and daugh- Tillman . of Franklin, Sunday . ter, Miss Lau ra, epent the week-end with relatives, near Ridgeville. How much do you know about your old school mates? The Gazetle Come and see my New Bats, styl- will keep you up-lo-date. Wat~h it. iah in appearance and most reasonable in price. Grace L Smith. Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs Wm . Ecton were Friday visitors of the C, M Cartwril(ht. of Evanston, III . forme r'H Ilau g hter, Mrt' . C P Ellis. w. called here,llIsl week. on IICCOUIII of the d(,8th of Mrs. Rbchel KI'Ys Mr. J . L. Curtis and family. tlf Wilmlnllton, 'pent Sunday afternoon Good Grade Willd (lw _hades, 69c wilh Mr. C. P. Ellis and familr and Hyman & Co . Mr. G. H. Ellis .



Whole Number 54.78




Mrand Mr~ Stanley Sellers, of Lindley Mills and family.of Illinois, Lebanon. all " • •Ied the funeral of were called here this week on acMrs Kachel Keys. Saturday morninlr l"ount of the death of his mother, Go and have a good tim e lit th~ M rll. G. D. Mills. band carnival. Lots of good things The Woman's Auxiliary of St. to eat. and plenty of good mUBic. Mary's church will meet at th e home W. H. Mlldd~n and Roy Hathaway of Mesdame3 Harris and Mo~her, attend, d a meeting of the Ohio Faitlay afternoon at 2 o'clock Lumbl! rmen 'a 888ociation, at Dayton. Just receivpd a new line of Roomlut Thursday. size Rugs, inc!udinp; Congoleum, Miss Edna Kelsey, of New York Wool Rnd Fibre, Tap"stry, Brussels City. was called home. last week, on and Axminster; $12 .5'1 alld up tlyaccount of the illne~s of her mother, man & Co. Mrs. Elmer Kelsey Verna Gustin underwent a serious A Snerial Display of Spring Milli- surgical operation at the Harrison nery, SaturdllY, March 18 Grace L. Memorial hospital, Cynthiana. Ky .• fuesday, March 7. At present. her Smith, opposite Miami theater. condition is verv critical. On Wednesday. March 22. at 2 p Several people from here went to m • there . will be a meeting of the Wayne Township Library A88n , at Centerville. Saturday evening, to see the library. Members and a\l others the play, "Damon and Pythias." who are interested Bre urged to at- givell by Dayton K . of-P~l1rembe It is reported to be very fine : tend. Mary L . Cook. Pres .


Mr . Chlls Cartwright. of EvansXuni fl n ew~Jla lJ .. r~ o f " -'·"n t [lale t un, III. Mr . and Mrs. S. L. Cartannuunce th e .fl.Blh "f l' hll l, \ l c l,a l' I wright. Mi s~es Kizzie MerrItt, ·EmIl furllll'r \\:l\ Ilt ', ville Ih' \, ! I,. t1i~,i ma Cartwrig ht and Martha Burnett at Sun I··ran ci,-t,.,. Cnl .. \\' h~ l \ It,. "';la we re dinne r g uests tl f J . O. Carte mployed as l\Iu ~ic leadll' r l it lll< wright and family, Sunday. public Hchool ,; and als(1 gav e p ri 1111 t' mu sic Ics~olt . Th e C !lU ~{, pf Iti. M r ~ . James Ke rrick entertained a death is unknow n. lI umb!! r of hi~ unmarried friends at Mr. Mc Ku y waH lhe ~o lllJf lit" Ill le ' a tt d t'gult t surpri Hc d inner in h9nor Mr . and M· s. Joshull Mr Kuy. w ho I)r her hu ~ ball d' s birthday annf{7erlived on th t' fa rm now owned by <a ry, last F riday. The fortunate Ma rtin Gons , tw o mil es ea~ l uf Way- ": Ul!Sts we re: Me~srs. John Cumnesv ille . li e recdvetl hi~ ea rly eJu- ming s . J llhn 'q uires. Mert Baird, cat ion in U',e Waynesville ~c h o" l~ and Lou I'rintz unci Tom Pierl'e . graduaLed in the clas~ o f '):1:1 li e was organ ist a l !i t Mary'~ churl'l. Mr. and Mrs. A. Titus , daughter for seve ra l yea rH, and resign ed aft!;r I a nd Ro n, the Misses Helen Lucas, his pllrents removed Lo nellr Xt' nia, Mary ulI,1 Emma McCray. and the where he lil' ed unt il after tht!ir death Mess rs . Ci lirence Crawford. Ernest whl'n he w(! nL Wesl McCray, Harley Frye, Kenneth He iN sur vivt!d hy Il smlc r. Miss ·Woollard. Geo rge McKeever, Fred C0ra, and II brut her Rohert , both of 1 and Donald Simkins were the Snnwhom reside in C~li fornill. Ilnu a hO>lt ' day guests of Dan MorKan and of rela Livesll llti fri end s in and around I fam ily . Wayne ~ ville. who will be pain ed to Last Wednesday afternoon. the hear of his uea l h r ri endship class of the M. E. SundayH 'hool gathered for a Pot Luck I~ncl:­ !!on at the home of Mrs. Fred Cole. Seventeen members and guests enjuyed a most excellent dinner -and 1 soci al time. A.fter the busin~88 of the day, we adjourned to meet the second Wednesday in April.

~implv 10 chron iclc the fcw outstanding events in the life of Aunt I{achel and let that represellt the a::hievements Ilf her days would he akin to tr y to I:I)precia te a pictu re with the canVAS lorn out and nothing lett ~Ul th e frame . We could gllin no con('(' pl iun of li ne ,lig ht and shade . the gradation of color. or Keneml treatment by simply looking at the fram e We are required to r ead so mu ch into the recordA when we w ri le the chapter of Aunt Rach el's li fe that do not appear as even U. or happenings. The ordinarv evenlll of a tJiog raphy are not found . The ra.\" . rrt~side"t Hardi ~g. is hero ~e "n rnonllltl' nding to Cc'ngress tha t the a co~ .y ex~e flm en t In )he shippin g business be brough t to an end and ius of her influ ence was not wid e. fldvlS;ng I at ship subSIdy ~,:gls l a.iol~ i.s necessary to put the Am erican She moved in a circum~cribed sphe r e. ~rcmos l on Ihe sea.s. l_h: r a l ion has pointed OUI that an me rl ~a " mereh'!n t ~afln c IS as vllal 10 farmer and tlt,e inl and manuHer contact was with but few peo pl e. ~f c lu~cr a 5 10 Ilhe bustDess men on Ihe sea board. Ships are the ra il roads Her activities were confined to WayIn r rnl1tlona commerce carry in ", Am erica n rodu c t d A . • II' nesville and its immediate environs. manufac tures to a ll corners of th; earth.. ShipP lis , an merl can TI) II capacity house. th e Civic 5 nncreased trade and steady employment. There was nothing of the dramatic Leayue of Harveysburg recently or spectacular in what she said or gave " Hunk er's Co rners," at the did . She did not shout from lhe Town hall. A comedy-drama of five housetops . Her life was ordered acts abounrling in pretty g irls, Cur tuin Scrim, 36 inches wide. 101: l slong quiet paths and unobtrusive quaint a n:d umusing characters, and up . Hyman & Co . byways. laughabl e dialog ue and !!prightlv Mr . and Mrs . Emm or Baily. of And yet what an abundant. beau- acti on , While a ll did well, t here Lebanon, visited relatives here, Sat· John Walter Thompson, oldest son tiful, inspiring and wonderful life it were some wh o ach ieved notable urday. of the family of Gilbert W. and Sarah was! Jf we were to put into com- success in dramatic portrayal. Th e mu ~ ic was furnished by the A. Pe nce Thompson, was born near pact phrase, a . term thlit best dest. Mllry's Guild will meet Il t the Lebanon, Ohio. October 19. 1862, and scrihed her, we should call her a home urchestra. and added to the enhome of Mrs W. S. Graham. Thurs- died at his home on tbe Lebanon- "bearer of Ihrht," joyment of the a udience. The play day afternoon. Aunt Rache'l 's entire life was de- was repeated on the foll owing evenWaynesville pike on March 4, 19'22. aged 59 years, 4 months and 15 Lays voted to doing something for some ing with su!!tained appreciation The Best Grade Perca le. 36 in wide. His entire life wa,s spent in Warren one else_ That something was al- efforl.8 of our home tlil ent are always 22c pe r yard Hymlln & Co. County, Ohio, where he worked as a wsys helpful. It was given whole- enjoyed . Why not something' more carpenter in the vicinity of his home. heartedly and unstintedly. Let there at Easter? - L v . R C. P. Elli- . wife and 80n called on He was a Quiet unassuming citizen. be II cry of distress and she was the re M. S. West li nd family, of Bellbrook, a good neighbor. and loval to his with a ministering hand. Let lhere Sunday morni ng be sickness and sbe responded with life as that of Aun t Rarh el gives us friends. alacrity in proffered ald . Let death a firmer grip on the fundamentals He was not a member of any Good grude U " hl~ached Muslin. 36 smite a family . she went quietly of exister.ce, and wo more clearly in wide. 12Y. c p"r yd. Hyman & Co, churc,", but was a devout believer in 90 ith a h~art of sympathy to 8Sl'ist can define our r elationship -wlUi fhe the Christilln religion . When his last in the stricken home . She gave Supreme Inte lligence. Make yo ur planR 10 get your vaca- illne88 came. and hI! was informed of adundantly. Ali who knew her are rejoicing She rejoiced in her tion to incl ull e J UII .' 28-29, a'ld buy its complications a.n d of his serious power to give and to serve. It was that in th e jo u rney her ship and ! IC t~ II Y 1 <~o l1ard. lig htw~il!h. condition, he calmly answered tbllt Ch.tlIlPI OIl of the world. is the only a ticket for Waynesvi lle. theirs crossed; Lhllt time was giv('n part of her religion. It was never tit I holde r nol\' wcnrin g a crown he would yet regain his h('alth, but - -.- for the weighing of anchors and wh o has n OI ri sked wed lock. HI! i. that if he did not. he was ready done perfunctorily. v~ r}' ,".uch of a home boy and lives l She was devoted to her kindred brief converse . The air will be to go . ,,:lIh Itt ~ , n ~othc r and sister 'in ' New fresh er, the sky bl uer and the day \ ork. 1 hi!>, .s Ihe tn~ ~t n' cent.·picHe bore his sufferings patient Iy and friends. Young and old held brighter becuuse uf th ese meetings. lu re of Ihe <hal1lplon and hii and he roically. until the summons her affectionate interest. She ' was mOlher. . Then hllil and farewell until the came Saturday morninll, March 4th, concernt'd in all· their activities. She morning breBketh. when he P889ed through the portals never furgot them. C. M. CARTWRIGHT. Always in good health, ~he was of this mortal world into the eternal able to achieve much. Everywhe re The Wayne rownship Farmers' life beyond . Card of Thanks Mr. Tbompson h~ survived bv his she went, she scattered leaves of club me t a t I he home of Mr. and Mrs ' Edwin 'handl er on Friday. only sister. Mrs. Hattie Mi88eldine, healing. She was sunshine incarnate We usk a\l of the rduti ves and March 10. Afler partakio~ of the and her two children, with whom Her aalutlltion was a benediction be_ friends who were so kind and deI desire to thank my many friends excdt elll din ner com mon to these he has for many yemrs made his home. cause it came from the heart. In voted in their attention to our dearly who were ~o kind to me 'during the mee tings. th e membe rs and guel!ts Ever solicitous of t heir welfare and tbe most humble, the most wretched, loved eister. to ac('ept ' the sincere time I was in the hospital, for carda wer e entertaint!d by a very interest- devott!d to this endeared circle of the m ')st warped she saw a divine thanks ouf_ _ __ The 'ng-prograrn , cspecllllly prepared for loved ones, he Wfl8 mORt fortunate soul. beautiful and eternal. Mrs. Dallas Boger. S. Lev . and E. M. Cartwr ight. dro88 and the dirt she overlCloked . during his declining days in having the occlision. A very good musical selection was their tender care. land their untiring In everyone she saw truth and good. Here was a bearer of good cheer, givep b)' Mi ss Uelen lIawk eand Mrs. efforts to relieve hi!1 suffering. Their LeMay, and t he host read an article constant, loving kindness devoted to of kindly word, of affectionate inon "The Business Man's [nterest in him were bul tokens of their fond es- terest. A life enriched as this was, leaves Agriculture." A discussion fol- tel'm, and in the hour of sad~ess will lowed, in which the me rits of the I'e a source of comfort to them, for a fragrance that is eVI rlastinlC_ She Fllrm Bureau we re pointed out. they "hllve done \\,hal , they could, I I gave to her kindred, to h'e r friends. Rev Cadwll llud e r lht!n gave a short and their belov('d one has gone where to her church and to her communi ly a loyal devotion . Forgetting alwa ys t llik on t ht;! present world conditions, there is "no more s uffering ." The funeral services were held at her'!lelf, she ever remembered others_ lind urged everyo ne to support the Tennyson in that sonorous yet Administration in th e ir program for hi9 late reaidence, c'o nducted by Rev. disarmame nt. Mr . Keller Hook re- Cadwallad er, of Wayne~vill('; burial sweeping poem, "Crossing the Bar," says: sponded with a full re port of Cur at Lebanon.



/ 1!,




--- _. -




L.'._ - ......,.;;...... ---.. .- - - - -....."

WITH a distinction all its


own"';'extra in tread thickness, in side-wall strength, and in beautythe Fisk 'Red-Top runs true to' Fisk R eputation.

Next Time-


FredM.Cole Wuynuville. uhio

----_ .._--

rent Events. which was well chosen.

51. MARY'S CHURCH Service this Wednesday ev('ning at 7:30. The theme for discussion at too mid-week Ilervice>! during Lent is: "The Faith By Which We Live, or What The Church Teaches. " Third SundllY in Lent, Mllrch 19: Cburch Sch(,ol at 9:30 a.m.; Morning' Prayer and sermon at 10:30; Service and addre88 at 7 p. m Th!'. public Is cordially invited to attend these services.

---_.- ..---

.. 'Though from my bOllrnEl of tim e and place. Mr. and Mrs Ollie Misseldine de- The floods may bear me far, sire to thank their many friends and I hope to meet my pilot face to fa ce ' neighbors for the kindness shown When I have crosBed the bar." them during their recent bereave- Can we not well paraphrase this ment; also Rev. Cadwallader for his verse as Aunt Rachel would bave consoling words; and the undertaker, sung it and say: Mr. McClure, for his efficient services " 'Though from my bourne of time and place. The floods may bear merar, I KNOW I'll meet my pilot face to faceWhen I have croB!led the bar." Card of 'I1aa1lka

---_.- ..---



I am directed by the Civil Service Commi88ion, at Washington. DC .. to ,announce an open competitive ex.minlltlon to be held 'on April 8. '1922 at Lebanon. Ohio, to'fill the position of Ppat Master at Waynesville, Ohio. . Application forlJlla 2241 and 2228 ' , At the regular meetinlf of the Girl may be obtained at the Waynelville. . Scouts. ' Tuesdilv. March 14,' Mrt ~ Obio. postoffice. or f.rom , ~he Civil Edith Barris. in behalf of the Town- Service W..hlniton. D. ship committee. presented the Scouta C. ApplicatioDl lDust be properly , with • .beautiful Americ-n ~, • t: executed. and flied with the Co/Dml. Four' Scouta were lIreeeoted .with Ilion at Wuhlnaton In ~Im. to arTead"rfoot pi~. and 1Ii11 Edith ranp for the Georp.pYe them tb. repIar .,..,.. . llAaay IlAluLTON,


_ _ • a....


lDamlDer •

DOell not that after all gi ve us the true index to thIS wonderfully interesting character? . To her there waS never any doubt, h.itBtion. question or fear: Her f81th was profound.and in1Pregnllble. It w~ firmly II'rounded . With her, alw.ys it was. "1 know;" npt boastfully. but full of abiding trust in the eternal verities. She loved lite. It. • .... ·arand experience. She tressured people. To ' ber thl. eOuntry aide was the cboicellt spot on the ,lobe. Sb§ . . . In all the manlfestatlon! ot ·Ufe. truth, beauty and love. the amlIe of God. . Her ~ "u_lfUlde: It... her npport at all - . She Gem-

plUltd It ID . ....., ......

-D Sacb a

When ·. painter applies paint on your house

it i" to yo ur best interests to know wh at t hat paint is-i ts spreading ca pacily- its appearance-its dura1,ilit y: ' Y Oll arc the man-who~pays­ th c -l)Jll and who loses if the paint goes wrong_ Make sure of good re ulls-the most satisfactory and economical job-by having yout painter use


SHERWIN-WIUIAMS PAINT ' PREPARED It. is bette.r than any other', p~recI . pamt on the market, or "lead and' oil." The . Sh~nvin -Wil1iams Co. safeguard its ' :-'Jahty 10 every procesa of. manufacture. · T~ley make all ~heir linseed oil:. own ~d operate large Z.II1c and lead JIllnes and smelters, and . make \ their qry colors 1ft the largest and best equippec;t dry c01W pll!ont in .the Urijted States. ,'EM '~lts,a,.

tn·the fOOds.




Protect YO"," Inteniata aocl ~ proverty with SWP. I.



The Miami Gazette, WayneaYille, OhIo.



~ I wllhlo Ihe room to\l~ hec1 It Dlatcb to ~ '1 "mill! cnudle whlrh h hlld tlken trom h r pock t, Alld ~nt " o'\'n quli!tly. I ,,,' hl"\ ns~n r It nnt'lt "'PI' d Into th,' h ul, h .. ull,'r (I "n 011 111 . He \I'll" not c"' JI~('\ IIlJl to 8,'t! I'olt~' Ilopklns. It~t y ntly \ 'on't cm" ~. i'h ' " ho t1j'.

~\\" 'l·\'tl ~I l



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mompnt ! li e hRIl won II ,e ' pn ' I II~Sl "Ir! In Ithorn: lind she lo\'ed him. "And to Ih ln k 1 only (,Rille I""oe Ill S! night." hp exull,>(1. "This Ilml' yeslprdny YOII wpr .. rr('P. 111)' Evp. ., I y O\l

nway from me." DrMdtul recollertlons or Osrll r In trudl'd upon E,·elyn·. ne w h nppln.,~. Oil, l! s hl' ollly had the r our"l1e t.o lell Mucus! Would he kel)p on 10" lnl: her and help her to get (ref'. or would he --She glan ced loto hf~ rn ce. Th e r~ 'were upon It the mork s or hre~dln g. or pride In blmself. hi s \\·('nlth. posl· Uon and no\\·er. She knelT how hl ,rhlr he regarded the com'entloos of ~od<'l.v . II Ibe Ihould disclose t o him th e secret of bllr marrlRge to the rnrmer. he would S88 nothing but the hlol upon her Ind turn Iwny In dlftgust. No, shl' eouldD't tell him. Despnlr over· wlltlllle4 ber an4 made MaeKen7.le's anna burden,ome. With In effort she un11ecl talnt~ and ...'lthdrew (rom him. "I dOD't want to let you go, darling." be la1l&hed. ''It seems Uke a bea1ltltul


Ir"1I1"1I 118 111'".

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IIh . pl"HIi\{I, l11orh('r (lC'n r , d on't you t hink Y' \lI <-flu lrl hnrrow ~Onlfl m o n o

pY rl'(>111 1I"hl'rl ro r III 0 ? I m"~1 hn,..· It. Afie .. I'm lIIurrl('(\ 10 ~1 " rc \1s . I could ~r l It nil hn"k ror rou . I kllnw 1 ('oul,\. I" ' P jusl got 10 hn ,. ~ n lot or IlInl" '),. IInrl ~'Olt ('on't l'"pe~1 me tf) ask M nrc u ~. " ~f r~ ,

Itnhert s( IJl 11rew "" Jny with


shiver. "If yo U ~o fo r got ynurRt·lf. ~nur family lltld your nRII1P AS to ,In ~ lwh II thin g. I ~h oulll d isown SOli. 8,..'I.\'n." she -8RIII. Onnllly In hc:>r tonp~ . Eveipi rose ",p"rl1y. Sl ,e coul d Imagl"e the hplllhi s of her IlInthpr's scorn Ir she rtls coverl'll th e orl" ol sit · uatl on. She felt thnl s hp wOlllrl rolitrr tpll MncKen>.t" th,," Ih.. u'''~· IIIJln · th eUc. rrownlng wom OIl In Ih l' cllRlr. "There's no URI', nlfOl her. III Iryln !: to ta1k t n

~' Oll," Nh e rn1lt te rptL

"I'll fUnn·

age sOlli e wny, thougit ollly n"d known how." Mrs. Tl oloerl.nn lonk "p her honk nn,l gazed ste rn l.,' at hl! r dllughll'r O,'rr the top of It. ~\' l'ry well. 1':,·('lyn." Rhe snld. un· jfl'aclo\lsly. "You're of nilI'. H tbot's the woy ~' o u reel nbout It. th ere's nolh· Ing more to he snld." dream I" Whereupon thl! s peoker belton to En wllbed Dasslonatel}, thnt sbe rend. and a very hopeless girl crep t out or the roam. When Evelyn was repolrlng !lIe rav· ages mnde hy her emotions. Polly Hopkin. cr ept Into the Rohertson gor· den. Ber tenr or Mr!!. Robertson wnn mingled with Il thrilling hllpplnen. SlIe lIad sel'n Oronn, Bope Bnd Wee 'Jerry e&t the fresll e,gll; Daddy'. promlae would k~ep him out o( trouble with Old Mnrc; nnd the beautltul stranger would help them I She gnve A piercing little trill, the .Ignal she lIad always used to eoll Evelyn trom Ihe house. Almost at once a IIl1Ure stepped (rolU the door to the porch directly In front of her, IInil tel'· rlO ed, she shrnnk hACk nmong the vin es ond clung th ' re. Silhouetted agnln s t the bright IIghl wos Robert Perclvnl. He stood gnzlng straight nhen d of him Ilt the dark drlve",u)" huI turned when Evelyn up· penred beside lilm. Polly henrd the mu rmur o( their voi ces. thot wns all. They then dl snppellrec( Into the house. JIl,'elYII Inugilin gly pushing the soldier ;you don't happen to be in ohentl o( her. Qulrkly the girl rnme town when you want a Class- I out lignin: ond Polly cou ld hMr her -coming hrenth. os she rnll softly wed Ad" advertising your ; swift down th e ~tl)J1s. extra Stock, a plow, a lot of "SIIU~h . " hl ,sed Polly Ropklns. Feed, or any of your extra "I.only, r ",ns sco red to denth some




'WIII , ' "

HilI' II I

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IIII' "pl 'l d,,' "


' 1I1~·'d

'PHONE NO. 112 and we will see to the rest. Call again, please.

TheMiamiGazette,Waynesville L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC


Waynesville, Ohio National Bank

t' 1'!t(·t!

OFFICE: Fourth Street, near Tyl e r Telephone 93





We Put Them On



t" lh r r






"I wllnt C"rl to

'ft!~~ ' up

fn ynu

morntng, Poll ," Oscnr rA n nn .





TERRELL. Wilmillgton, 0., phone 301..



P Illnd .C hlnll M"lu tluj( S pOTrEU I YIlI\l ('Ill, ('111(11.11 .. I n'II'-I>!I,


\., 1'1' !'-t

St l •

" 1\"1 1, of you ke,·p mUm Ilbout thll, I" d.l'," he orderell. "I'm oltl See?" II'l lh Ihut he lore open the shanty lll.or: Uilli En·IYII "Iood plntlng with he r hnnol on IH'r hellrt until the Hound of his rUIlIIIII~ f"ot~tI'PI wll 1000t In nl~'

th e

En'lyn lerl Polly Bopkln. hu ll ll'. I lll" IInll hung ot the squatter girl's s l d~: lind Ih e pain In her shoulde r. \\'h" re (> so'nr's OSI hnd Iftnded, wall to·ITIrI t' . On lieu ring the shack, Polly wh l:-: l'l,!'t' (I:

.. ~!..t ,hp 11<" 11 be quiet a wblle n.w. You'd be.t scoot homl', buh '" A slIIulI box pnssed from Evelyn'. handha g to the aquntter girl'. pocket. . "1 brouj!hl thelll (or Jerry," said Ev elyn so rtly, "ond ob, Polly, what· ever cn n 1 do ror you to even up thin gs? Pe rhnps-" "Seoot hom e," Interrupted Polly,. "I'm Jlolo' In." Poll yop stlile Into Ihe sha nty In the grellies t InrUl ~"t s he hnt! e\'er lInown. (lrAlln y Hope 1111,1 DOIId.,' Hopkins had /lnne to Ih'u . 111111 she c(luld heor her f" tl le r's 1.. ,..1 hn 'lIlhl ll!!: (rom Ihe bnck r oom. Sht' wn~ "llIt l or rhu t. fo r I( he "' ....t! tn It'lIrt, how sht' hnll h('e n hurt,

m on ey,


t ftc


It!~ nl .!.!'\.'

h ('u\' ~'

nn e

s wift

w n uld k llnw 11 0 tH.IBu ds.


Il!!11I 0'(\ II rlltlllip flnrl lotlkell uboul uu zt·lil)'. 'The 1.llly r; out W II~ sllllggh.d

brows 1(';:(' III('r until Ihey tOlldwll, tI"d he II flcd hi s tl s t to . s lI'lke: hill I '"Il l' hy

wlnd ~torlll.


"I (:un't g t nnolh' r <lollu ..." she reo pl'nlet l hOllrf'(' I.Y. "I Rlln llly rllll·t . Alld - ulI,1 I must he f'·f'P. " fl'l)WII

n:l'i( IHl r bt' rorp.

" \, ''" ',.• klll NI her. " cried Evelyn; "1111 I b ,·" r HClllle tt , fearful that the 1:1 1'1.' "'''lUor wou ld s ummon some In· qul slll • ., sQuniter. turned Iwlftly to


n!lI\, l t'lI t ,


t il "

'.\ lIolI · hllx;



thru s t Evel)'n froln UIIUO,· IIII.' IU " n's

i.lll1lit pili, ,'" tid' I,..a oJ ul' "lid IIl luk,·oJ

uprnlsed U " Ill Ull d (' I'o\\'rl('rl In h I \\'1'4 ' 11




li ;.: t. t. 1'1111,\ ' put down " 111 1111(1 lIlld sli ppfld l ilt' tlr'l'SS fr o w

E\' plyu wa R h is w :!" ,

he hnd II I<' l'l!thl I" h"111 her I( hI' plensp.11. I'olly 11 1011;:1'1, hu t he woulu . not li nre 10 s trll,e Polly. got to !'o'wat so m e one. Os'

cur," she J;1'llIed hl,twee n her Ice lh. "S\\'J1 t 111 {" !"

Th e I'l'llmlflll whll!! (nct.' o"H IIO dose to Bellll ctl ·,. lind III" choll en!!c In th \! squnll"r glr l's 111I.,;IoI"g ey's sllrred a fee lin g wllll ill hlll l lhu t he nC\'l'r 1I,," huu for EVl'I)'11 HuiJ(lrt son. Osc ur liud ulwuvy bel ieved Ihll t II womnll IIIu:H teur ·tt toun to respcd him, and thnt to respert him U1 Cflllt 10 love him. LIe did not wunt ~;velyn RobeM80n In the farmhouse. hut he did want money l1nd Polly l:IoJlklnH. If he conld musler her IlS he hlld \!lye, she would come to him willingly wh e n he waa ready for


lit e h t.:!'r

' 1""11<1.· ... Iluw ,!t't'lIdflllly 11 11111't he r 1 1111 \\ ~I!I' \\l1l1lf' lI sWlIPt lJill1-: In til a 1,,' II .'!' lIli:-;,' ry 1t~ ss! But ~qIUII I(lI 'S did IlIII' IIIIH' I1 1I 1l1'Y t h ~IWI1 Ll 011 drug· :o: l ,lr,' rt' III"III,'~, FI'IIIII nn H Il i I'nll ~hE:' (illl1l'l l t1 n lit tle "lInl o i l " 11 Il I' II ~ :1lld hn111(' (1 t l141 In · til l'" .) 11t· ... I1 . Tit pil sl lf" tOllk lip the IU IIl It 1'11 1" drlll'l Wd illln II d ullr hy Ihe I tu l,lp, III ~ 1 1t'\'r t'"III II' ~ tfflll 11('1' IWUII "11,

~II" I' (1" \\1 \

III '"'' It.

. ~t lJd ;..: I II I·J I( ·d


Aft"r l! willie she 1tl"1' curls,

II'l'l'\\' bnl'k

Ollrf )'ui st'd t lu' Inlllh' s f!l l'e to he rs, a wr.v Sill II .. tl l ltl lI~ 11''1'' )" 8 her lips. ''It '~

j.!1I ! 1I·

to bl' II hnrd Job 10\'ln '

O~ " II"

IU Typtl old 1".bl " O"d ~pol, &t ' d Polt.nd.l hlIH' tI"I(~. 1!:"IIIo~b bred (ball of tbe buu ) lhe klnll , ur fore. (;OMI\ION PLEAS COURT r. tbe r ' n~ed ~o r .... p. hI li 1.1" 111'0, btll d)Jot~, hili ".V". "uti bill ""t!" 11 v"n New Suite. WilD' whut ""opl" WIIUI, t!,,1 tlle The Moo r ll U,I Rnd Rpfiolnl( Co I~ ~pot. 'I'h tl "Itt ~"w " Ih .. Ltl '" tll"KtI 8ulng TIIfl Cltizeo~ 6arRire .. nd R"lpb lifter, Ib tl 'Krtll bUllet!'r; Hh" ,·ntr ll ll" .. N. L ."~' h vr e (or ~O(l Ml Ilod lutl'rel<l ,our .,,11 , . d 10,· (1. III " hlll 'tl l'Y ; , be (rom ,JllnuDrv 2:-1 19 2~ bUllet .. til" ",ohlllll ... tHllt o hU,uh~,., nud A . A. K'lOllJler " .. s brouj{b~ lott With, a t .,.~r Aln.'llcH w " III.1 ~u to Hlv" I... r tI aK"luHt Mill( l!Qlverl, et .. I, oltdlDlo~ tbe bllt! flu'''IOIIII I ~ ,bill '14.~79 uo aod inl .• reet fron l ob. nOH utld .h .. will "u uo" ht sbtl chIld ..", 'I'h" !!rp",,,!!, .. rll WH b ,.ve Februllr .v 27, 1922. Iy doe him . Edith L. 81l1bop blOB bronl/bt BUIt <l v.,r A.... n i. jll~ 1 n it .... " fur Ib" milD "K ·Ina t I) .. vld W . I:Ilshop for all· ",b 'will dn . bt· ~q Ullr e Iblug wilb lbtl old "OW . Bu,,"· lull Ullt''' Moll many tlnd Injnn otton. .t all MOItle for 8,,1... Tb"y urI' b.t'" rif(ltt Ilud IIr" nrlOtld filCh I. K Ie Proceedln••. rnIlUl(JI<On, Ultl Field M.u, Ur"I(II" II• . t:I W hIDII, pllllDtl1f In II OOHt W"rrfHl C<'UII'Y, t,lIlO, R.II . I, \'l!tlu" I Ht "RlltnMt Tbe Elbtnltl'r Shoe Mfl{ . Va . 19-1 y. I:ltlrveys hllrlC rln". >Willi give u II dllollllnn of '1111 39 .. od ,nterll"' fro ·n Oeoewber 12. 1921. FOIl SALE - PROPERTY The r l" llru~Uoo of Frank Z II a. reoelver In tbe 008e of t) F, ElboD VII B. E ti: .... nbllrt W"II nocep'ed and OU 3 1£-Nlol' prnp,·r~ .9; fo.n"c", he was orritlred 1.:1 ~ettle till debtl! tn e11'otric ltllhsf i ""/I.i I. 0 .l1 .. n i Clurred uoder 'he reOfllversblp will sell r"II"OD ~ bl<. tiel' L. A. Z Illml!rm .. ~ Wtlynellville . lIblO '102" .j

\," orldllg ull Ihll l jlrlllcl I)le, h~ str\lek u'" . As I h" hll ~e list came In cou,tuct \\ Ilh 1·"I I." up·s Sh(lu lder, nhe Btal;(!cred bill k \\",.,1. lIer low l'ry wa. followed ,, ~ 1':" 'I ~ ,, 'g Sl'r(· lIm . 'Th~ squatter alrl ","1, I" 'he nuor limply. No one bod

··r"d II c,'pr 'n° tIIn rrled you If I'd a flln ny Ih lnl1, hilI 1 r(" 'k" n I ell re more (or yonr 11111 1' t111~"r IhH" rnr known tl lRl Iwo ~"l.'lIrs lliO," OSt3 r Il~ · "\' t' U can be ,Il'ud , E\'{."~ wholp. hony, ?fn~· lw ~" "H' tln .y Sl'rla" hO:l r <<1ly. cprloln of tllllt. my Indy. You were of"' r r gnl 1111 her e ll ~h - -" Polly rom:hrd rtown n lU1l11' Ih nl pr~II)' cll rpfu l I II kpp p your. money pe .. l. tert In "'" mh IJl! "1' In h"r Ihrn" l. troubl ..s to yo urs,·It. Sit down. bOlh or "V (l ll 1 1f'~rtn' t ~plt!1 ) 1)\' II1'!o< 10 fli P, ()!ol, you 1 1' 'Iu'rl' " hl\'('I'lng like two cn'~." I Im!IUlsl" ely Jl: l'Clyn w('nt towllr.1 hllll. I CAr," sh .. lIull'('(l, "an' r 1>,,1 11"'(, In he· "Oh, ORo·ur. lI ~t (' n. lI~t(!n 10 m<"." s he i In' honest. ,n, berort' ynnr womA n 88ld. tryi ng to 8t"lllly her vol co. "I cn m('~ . I ml~ht A8 well /:h'e YOtl " hit or my m ind. rf I oWllell you frnm yo ur wunt to be rree. I r un 't, 1 can't 1I"e cnp 10 ~' o tlr hool s. I woutlln't lI,e you this wo y lillY 101lI:t' r." A C Oli "e oul h rei I rrom Dennett'e tor Il d oo rmot In fronl of Duddy's shnnly I" IIpR. n" Rhot n look or "",,, w ,,,enl. The " You cl on't II (,Prj 10," he I'Ihouted. r Ollfldle'nt .fIllI .. rnd ert frnm hI. fn" o. "You I:0t u hOtJIIP to come 10- 111)' and Itl~ IIPR sngged nt Ihe c" rn prs. hOIl\e. YOll C'nn d Ol Ihp work IUY 01,1 mOl her's do l ll~. It·s ~' o llr job. not henl. Th l'n hE' nro"1' 10 hi. r"pI. "1 her1l thinking nhntlf ~-uu "11 dll~':' You're III." wife, h.,· gi nge r, nnrt u 1 he brok e forth. "Y ou" 'e ' lIot e,·c r.,,· said to Poll yoI' tum" ~·ou 11\'. wllh me. tili ng-look.. nctlon nn,1 hrnln~. I or 3'OU pn.\' up. 1 don't give II tlnller's .... ont you. Pnllyop And I'm )!nlnl: to d-n whlrh you clo." FJls \'olce grew t1e ~ p BS he 1II\ 18hl'd, kiss yon th l~ time, M h c·lp me nod !" He took n slep town rd hl'r nn" Polly and nn 0\'11 , launtlng smil e dr(' ", up acro mbled up. Just lit thot moment Ills IIp~. E"elyn ehud.lprl'd nnd swnyed. E,·elyn. Rohertson ~ntered . Oscnr Ben· Ilnd P olly 811pped olle orm around her nett turned 8wlftly. anrl Polly. very waist. "YOII wallt 10 he free from me. eh 7 pille, plo recl herself at EH"S side. AntI SA tbe wlnll roo,nl'd the Inke to tury Thol's It, I. It 1" he sn('Cretl. "Some anll I\hook Grnnny Hope's forsaken lit· other gllY loomln!! UI) to 10\'1). I s'pose. I tIe hut, the mnn lind two glrll .tl)Od Well. I don 't mInd who I:cts my Il'nv· Ill gs Ir YOII mnke· It worth my while. aUent a long, tenae minute. But It not--" Evelyn's pnle, beseec hIng (lice IIrtl!(! to hIs. She co ul (] not qllit him with· I out his promise th " ! she s holll<l hllv e he r (rcl't lom. Neither mll ~1 h., Ild"k that she cou ld .g't .hlm II IlI r~c ~1I 111 II.



InqUire o( I) J M .. quarll .. bellr Huokeye Hohoolhou.e, R. 0 ~ , WRYne~vlll", Ublo w211

tht!!l .. ·,It's





- '-

H opkt n~ ,



o lt·

t a.llU.'d .



IIlltl u tl1~h of tlUI S lind lit" Ih em." Silid aD Emporia coll egu gll'l; IIl1d Ihe Oazette dubs thle oort or Ihlllg H IIle."r1 tllg ... t.- ClIpPllr·s Weeki), .

'Ih ev

f n rlll tl (al 't' \I ' h e n hllllon , " u c: sho wn on t IH.' Idl . a rag 'I 3 n


g"lIIhu l~>d


(l , 22

Money to Loan on Farm Land for five ' years at 6 per cent.

"LRst night I gc.' l ~w\"t!rn l mugu7.lnel

\ \ ;u' ll s\ct.'vt's :UC'


I·.. pe

A Llte .... ry Digest.

rag l an ,, \. spo rt coat.

spo r t modrl

NII 1I1 1I

I Co ntlnuod nn

,I t

" """ tt o ned


l ,ll Olh H,'nittnw

p ~'rs we r p upn" hrr, llls ln ll t Polly Ins t her

-Pollyop," qllcs tlnncd E~elyn onxltlulIIy. " \\,hlll·.1 he s ny? \VIIS he nngry?" Their helld s were "el'y close 10gether, nnd Polly gnve the message In n low tone. "Be wnnts you r. corne to Grnnny Bope's hut nt nine o'clock tonight, Rn' I guess you best do It. He's IlS mad u When OfCar Bennett Stepped Into the uer a mnn etuI be." o Hut, He Uttered an Oat!). "I'm atrnld," Evelyn ",ailed. "rm terribly etrald, Polly denr." 'fhen Oscar smiled at Evelyn, a hi· All the sYlDpnthy III \'olly's heort nmphant Insulting amlle. "So you thought It best to mind me, clime to sudden II (e. "I reckon yoU be." she returned. wy Indy," be laughed. "I &ness after "Dul you've got to gc,t up your spunk a while you'U COllie to know J mean an' go. Oscllr'd just us soon come bust· whot 1 MY." In' rlghl In your hou se here, I gues., Eve tried to spllnk but could not. It you dOll't. You come along, nn ' at PoUy squeezed he.r IIrm encouragingly. nine o'clock " ·11 hike over an' get "You 're a lII enn durrer, Oscnr," she In the hut 100. Soy, why can't you thru s t In. "You r womn,,'1 scared of talk ju,' Q little nicer to him? Oronny you, thal 's nil . Try beln' better, an' [Jopc's got n ru hle, un' It says when I sel' how she 11 ke It." "She's go t n ¥ood right to be d~ relll'" hurt s you. SI1t?nk kind of sort bock. alt' hc won't hn"e not hl n' more scnred," gr unl ed Bennett. "Now out to sny. I list I Whnt's thot Daise ? with It, EH. Whtlt's the rumpus' You Scoot." huven't sent lIIe a cent tor a wouth." With .haklng t1ngul's Evelyn pushed Before EVl! Iyn rOllltl eAY onother word. tht' ' ~lIllltpr girl 8I1PJl'~ nwny back her wlnd·blown hnlr. "I couldn't get any money, Oscnr." 11IlHlIlg tht' "hatlows. The oilIer, nl · Ihough surrolllld~d with e"cry luxury , s he wnlletl. "My nllowlln ce Is all gone. ,,'e m wrelr hotlly up th e "ICpS OliO, I gn,'e e,'ery cent of It to you. You (orcin)! n "mi le to her lips, pns"ed In· know very well mother won't give me any more," to the m ll~lc rOOm . She hnd one enrd lert to pIny, ond I1I1IY'l:ollt Hopkins hArt blink ed Ino.ny tim es bernt'e hi s littl e mi s tress csme she hopl!d It would Inke tbe trick. " I mIght 11ft well tell you," sbe conhom... l.a rry llI Rhnp hn,l gone to his lonely hili. "nil Dll ddy Hopk ins nntl tlolleLl. the sleel In her eyes wlplna Grnllny B li pI' w('re dozing In rrout 8WIl)' the blue. "Mother hOln't lilly m O Il~y . All 1 thought w~ bad belongs or I he ,tOY". In ner"OUK t ('" .lon Polly wllt<'lled the ' to Cousin Bob." She ceo.eed speaking and "'lIIted an duck crn",1 along to\\,urtl the hour of I.he meeting hetwco'll Osenr and El,'elyn. IlIs tnnt to note 1I0w her news struck .-\hout a quart er to nine, she stole out ber husband. He fluog up a c1eoched list. ot doors. "The devil tllke you. Eve I" he cried. By fomil lar (lliths, sllpplug past I "Don't try to put anything over on me ~hllnt y here lind there, POllyop came at ·lenglh upon a lonely shnck set I like thllt. You' re tile biggest liar In Tompkills county." 'm u po illt by Itself. Shc Wl'lIt oround That he partly believed i!er showed to tI!e buck, op ~ n e d the door, nnd once In his JDrinner.


~ l'.

tt , fool , 1 g-1J('''~.'' I II' P,lIlC' uln tt'ld, " u p (lrf('j, t rool ! t IIllllh t hll ut--r 'n' IlIarr l.\(1 ~' n l1, 1'0 11yop ~ ' II('« you "'n ~ knf'P hl:.:h to 1\ $!rll:-s ll oPlwr, I'\'p hod n 1 t"' lIl1ltl~ tOWArd \'0 11 , It \· now I"d hnd 0 hOllw ntnl SIIIIl4.! '("orntnr·""

Dr. Lloyd B. Hall ) Veterlnarian


r:l !ll' , r0:lf



stuff on band, just call



IU I"w

H1 8 glowing

\\,, \ t\ ' 'r')

1( . :

~ eoo n d

WIl!:i in I thul'u, i'lIlly op ShlrtP\! out wit h I, pr IIIl1ny h)\' I'~ flOr It WH Ik . On BulltllDg, XenIa Oblo. h('r ah,, "ld,·,· pt'r('h('d I\' N' J~r .. y: III he r shit'. III '1lI lpll' ,ll gnlll'. "1 .. lkell th .. hilly 1:" "1, 11 1111 Ill'd to t""' or hpr Hrm8

11 ,.

a k i f l! .11!1 of l ~,

h i,·

""" (' l HoP I! 11

and ror un bren th.


This " ",mill!:. willi " Duddy HonklrlF

". l .. [


ONEY L"/ln"t1 lIVll wcll-, M ohuHply. IlIH" morlgAl(el!. N ;>le8 boollht. J ,,110 l:1u rbln'" A lI"n {) O

fl II 11 .\' Iw l\\ PI ' 1\ hllli 111'1(1 EV4! I,\ ' U,

. d l111\..' 1' 1, ,. III \\'('::,t tiff,..: "I ~ I t he- c" ;t l ~ " I' \ \ . !l h C' r ,., \\, !ll t' " i'S conv \, rti·

In h('r a in't ,," .. ril l 1101111 0 ·... Tltf'rt' WI1!'f 1111 ~lI!llp III J tt lP Ifl\'ply tAr,. \\ III I I rltp \"f 1rd!t \\ "1'{1 rlnlr.thp !'1 ,

Hpunpt t




!o'lw \\ liS rn',' r"OIlI ltim flnc1 tbe ugly 'I1I1I1' rt'ls s Ill' I Uld hHtI to s(,IlI A Rlmosl

r ll \"

OIn rC' , 41 ":( ' 111', II U ' II \" '.lI l1:t n \ \tlh ll\l t I(lY e



~ ;'rlll' 1 I

'1' 111 '1\:

She hnd 'l"'k ,'" the tr llth .



III 0:-' f



- I ~ rt

" , 1: 'I'



\\ l l lIl

' I·r." III' 1. qr " l ollt



Ola.s sliiad

'::\nn, :u.,

, Ill '


il l

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I I('l(\ \ t· \1." I\~-:l'rl i"ll ~t ll r·

';'tHtlL' ;\l ' \,\ ,I

11 ' ' ' 1

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li l,\',lh''' r.'d \\' 11 11\:111 I ,.. , ,' r ~u \ ," Fur till ' '1':1("1" or a f(' \\ t..l I" ' I1 '''! ~ I"II1Iy

10111, 1'.1 III ,"

E Yd."tl

\Vh n t n fOrt1lf1Ah~ own ~f ll rC'l1 ~ ~l ll C' Kpn!:te consltlerect hh n " plf J USI HI 11111 1

tJds momrnl nO power ("A n ta kf'


r,'O nl.

~! :tr·

("1I11 \"' I':,U'

tlon agnln. "thol w hll p I w,,' ~ "" .. I always th otllfht or PHI. hili " "I .1 11 <1 like this. Hon~.v. ,I1'lr1. /l(\\O' I,,"g Ilfl' ~ yoo loved mE'? I3tr"re- !t,' r,)f'(' 1"011) , . IfJ tblu&c alwn)ls:'


[rI IP.

""PI! Ill'"

mnnd pd, hl.!! \'olce 1I"Clll hllllg. "Yes,"

/i f d.'

WI ' rl ' ('!llIh'


"tl,~hl " .. t .. 11 1,1 r ,oI l ..t II, )'\' I I~\ t il' ; ..'

I 'oll .\' "'q ll :l l !pt l (1 11 , h .- , (uo r 1,,\- 111f" (lid 11Ibl l': :llld n " . nt' I' :,,, •.t! 1I1111" lI l r t;11l ..'l'l'ly do\\ II 11111 .. II ,'/ 110'1 \' h" lIl' h ,

"E velyn I

11 :--

'" " Ill








~ • •

I tit .1

\\" II


I .\ rt.~ " :1r

\\t 'lt ,.+'l. if II lr ,\1111 u i l\l' \\" )11', II I ! I ' \ 111 1 ",

tor me, J


\' h f l. j









f ill, i.ttlwHt.d


111'- . " Y,of )' ,,' u r l f' \" 'f kid. 1'( 11)'111' "



r.ulh ,I I LI ... L dJ I1 ,.., a

P ,.lIy, " ltt lt slit, \\ .. ' 1'(> a(rI11(1.



,SZ= "curlty of the NatIon . ' She hntl ' tl ot Se('tl him IIlnc\!, lIud the I 1:4111 !tIer Ihnl II I .011 In "I'Ul'11IID 1,laln oml hUIIIIII,,'1I6n li e hlld dellit her Rnll eihu'nflotl thRI .. tile tUlur(' ~P (' 1I1~ ho,l been JI!(ltluU tI by Grallny HOIlIl"1 IL" lind ,lIr"rtl, ,". IIf lIl" ()eKtl U~' or IIS~t1rnnr'~8 Urnt 10" ,i' lI~ Ihe \',,"'hll' ""r~' nation chi, t1~. IIn,1 f"nthllllelltal. Of hllte. 0 Polly, hO" ln~ IlIjnJllltle~ Iy M'~U.-KOSRUI, h. or 10"10 aod 8),IllPllthy to spare, s nt Itl=======~====-:=-:::=== hrouokns t o\'er tI,e hopeless olles III Ih e ~NII(!ment lind promplly put 09· Ads ('111' BO'tlllctt'S cruelly out of h~r mind. An ad. in this column iM11 s ure ~ 1I1 .. ~I ", .lId tlot O\'en remember sometime. h, ,\\' nlll h the milk Oscnr had beIo: rurldlll:l)' /:I\'ell her WOI missed In MONEY LOAN ED Il ,e ~h'H· k. '1'0 olfset I hat deprlvlltioll, wltb os('ur l1ennelll


IIllintlt'.l .:! I' 1JIl'I.l '. l'fHl , t-htl 't' room l ll '


:1 1111' 01,1 ~Inrc like Jesu s lovell wlt'I"'11 roll;. :'\lIl1n~" I I" " she sold under he .. h 1'('111 h. ""ut lIIehhe now I been t oce In f" .·>:! \\'llh II nngel, 1 cno do Il" bo. A10:11 In II('r 111"1(1 rell (or ward ; but nhll ns l 'n~lnlltJ~· slle nrose, an,1 wltb ~~~~~~ I till' 1IIIIIh III h.,1' .. ll:ht urlll like 1\ bAby, 1110\,(,,110 I Ill' side or the bed. TlIen she stlll l1l: led the lomb under the I hhlnk,·t. 1111(1 Pili Ornllny Hope's BIble bern'nlh I",r "lIlo\\,. Carefully she s llpl '\!oI ofT 1101' clothes and put on a I course nljlhlrilhe. Then, ho,'lng snutl'ed thO! r!I"Jle, she crowled lu beside the


Probate Court ProceediDp. UOD II room tI"U"" . wUh 3 Ln' • . W . 'r ,Jordtln WM~ """"IDUld lip. 10 l)'Irwln 01.1" Low p'lDe pr.. oi ,bR elltate of Mary M for qlllol1 lillie I rqul r\l of W . N K"nnedv 10 Uttl In.bllhy of Jobn it' brtt, WilY nll"ville OblO) ",15 Ward to a,rve, ~hlo(llm Bispham, admlnlslra'ol J of the tl~ t "tA 01 SU8110 H "Y81\", Ie W ANTED--HOGS cea8ed, filed nl8 luveulory Bnd lip pr.hment \T,,-2G ",bOb ~ .... .,I"htol1 100 A. L. Keno"dy, Ildmlnl.trator 01 lba t " J~5 )bs. ROlli .. H"Hnn . tbe estate 0 Mllry M. K"n nedy, de W"vllrly 6'tlrm . BOUH. pbo'le KH y' , cealled, has fillld bis 'Ilventory and Ceotervttle exob .. oge. w 16 .. pprlll8ement Lol .. Me Bteller, Ildmlnj,~r"trlx of the f'BtMe of ('hitS M08st.eller, de. WANTED 0"u8ed , bn" fll~d bHr Inveotury. A . L Kennedy, .. dmlui.trll\nr of R.l V ,TE BuUer C u otOtnpr8 In. ~h(l e~tat .. 01 M';ry M. KAllnedy, de. qtllre of ,\1, s F,'ru"t E1oblfl~ R. oe!l~pd. 18 or<lerf.'d to .ell oert dn o I, Wavnesville, Obl ,l. m,2! __ , pe rllolllil prope rly at prlv"te ~Ille. Tb e flr8t Ilnd final acooont. lu tbt' AVE yonr ,Iuok, Old P~ppr".l.nn" f ollowiDg o~t .. ' el! hove bee~ lip e*o. Call me "'In ( wllI o","e pruVbll:- Ka\berloeE r h .. rl, deoe ... ~ d .. nd gel it. William R nblnson, WHY. John Kt\I~er, deceued; Mar,(lHe' oeaville, Ublo. mtll Irons, deol'la~ed; ,Io~, E, Kr kle~, de. l!elO8ed i BlUt le Beonen, deoo"8ed; URSE-A go, d Fllwlly B"rlle, M880n t{ . MOA<I .. me, •• ~I"nor i Gy abnut 8 ytl<ln air!, Runod .. nd r 18 M. ICarnb .. rt, dece"sed; Joho I( nod worker eVllry ,,1M 0... G ~ Tborntod, minor; J W, Wha\lon, Riley, R.. 0 2, 1.lIb8001l, Ublo m:tll d 90e ,,(led, I!: 'iN IN 6-By an up" .. h.nclld drOP8wltke.. I nquIre of Mrl! Marrla,e Ltcelll6ll, Morrl~ 6 rllbllrn , WA,fnesvlllp, (J do , Floyd Lee Nlokel1~, irook driver, w~2 :l.ilddleaowo. and Mtse LuolJle' wehl., ner, Yunklln . Stewart Horner, farmer, lind MI~I! FOR SALE-CHICKENS Blanche (Jolltnll, both of Mo~row . t ___ •____________









Real Eatata Traut. .



L ~ ok of vitlility, 11 feeling of tired. ne l!, b'Ld brel1l·h. pille tlpP. ool') ' less l c beek~, IUS8 of "'Right, 11,.bby tlllsh, ' lessened ~tr(,o!ll It-ul) of t· he~e cull tor tbe tmruedil1te use of 6ude's P"pto .MaJ1~ uo . It will PO~ltlvely IJrClduoli 81lli~hotory re~ulll', Try tuktuK It with YO.)T me .. 18 for a few weel<B lllld be surprised with the 1m. Ilr llvement In you r condition . \.:Iude'l! Pepto.M.ngan wllllJ.lp you btlO" to strenlltb durlog oOOVlI.le8. oelloe from ANY ilJne~". Ie hU8 been p ' e.orlbed eU\lcessh,lIy byphyslolal 8 every where tor 't hirty yeRrl!. It 18 a reoognlzed iron toolo of haoon lDerl~. Fur SA Il! In IIqllid and tablet form by till drul!gl~t.~. Ask for It by the full Dllrue, " Unde 's Popto. Mlln. gan "_Advert,lsolDoot

J\H HA lOUT DAD, HOW DID HE' G[~ FOR 'TuRNING OlJ,T .==-----'::.-_J..


So E'.ARL'Y.


' m22 Orle O. and tSalone A. Rober" kl DB8vlJ1e, Ohio. Rober' tUump, about IllS acr61 In URE-BRilO White WVBn-a''''' o.,.,tte c=--''''''''e=:==---Millie lownehlp; '1, Egg. fOT l:Iatohlng i II for Iii; Arthnr G . Kelley to B.. m Flnilen per 100. loqdlre of Mrs W M. lao, llbout IOU aorel 10 1'ur&leo~eek Carr, Rarveyeburg, Ohio. . mll2 $ownllblp i '1, B and Elizabeth !:\ellere kl S C R.I. Red Cookerell. , S . C Bowlird C , Rell, p&ri of ID·lo~ No, W. Le@horn Cooke rei., aod 8: ' tn Lebanon; 'I e, W. Leahorn Ergs . Inquire of ' ~I"l>. Oora and J. W. BarrlaOD to IWh- Mrll. B, V. SmUh, phone 87-3, JiI'Yer' B\rrI800, aboui 16 aol'8ll tn Deer. ne.. vl1le, Uhlo. mlc! fifolld 'OW.Dlblp i 'I, CHAPTER VI. il~8-80 AncoDa BeDe. inquire W. P. Sallabury to Harvey L. R,e, of Mr! . Rober' Wero'~, Cor. Twl'(! hod the golden sun sunk In lot No 18 ID HarrlaoD AddUloD to win, OhiO. mHi a welter or splendid colors behind Wayn6llvllle i '1 . West hili, and twice had tbe warmth of hIs risIng scattered the mt,ts trom the lukuHlde since the encounter In the Colllmlulou,.· PrDCnrl'. . . _ _ _ _F_O_R_S_A_L_E_ _ _ _ hut, and Polly Hopkloll was maklD, Bille allowed: StallalUt Mfg, Co, r eady (or ber dolly walk through th@ sopp1l6ll, '11,86; MOrl ow Feed aDd Silent City. Snpply Co , luppllell, '11,35; Oa1ton omplete B'arm LlgMIDr PI In', 81 It was her cu.stom to go Ilmonl the SUtle BOIpIUtI. cloShlDr for WarreD volt, oonala&lDg of 8 h . p, Inler sQuntiers anti give them courage, to COUOI, tom ate., '''IIi1 . ~; · We.lerA ndlooal olleoline (nearly ne"), 40 tell t1l em thnt they hlld a right to t)$ltr, publlllhlnr r~ notloe, '18. 150 i volt-30 .mpe~e Btorll~e bal~r" 1110 Ihelr homes, to food, Ind warmth. Bow LebanoD Pa'~'o', 'he lame, '18 150 i ampere boar .,oraae baUery, and her gIrl's heart ached tor their dumb Inquest bodr of Jente L. 0...11, .wtklhboard i ID good condlSlon . lllisery! Surely tbe squatters lIad .ut· 80 i \'9 . B. Btanace Co , IUpplt8ll, Will 1811 anr pan of the .bove tered .In the put year! }{an1 a bo,' 11)1); Ltma Stace BOlpU.I, Qlothln!l f.'qolpmeot; p~ioe very relUlon"ble. 'f ' hnd beell token from hi. home and for WarreD COIlD$y IDma_, ,i7,811; PhoDe '48-11, LeballoD, or 58-Ii, Waysent to Fronce, and many I ' mother Inqu6ll& of .Lemuel Sr.", '5,,15 i J. D6IIvlJ1e, m2i had crept about the settlement wltb W . .tAnlo B!l'id.arii 'Co., lItrppll .. , OSTB-Calalpa ....d Loou .. FeDoe grief-worn fllce, waillo, tor Dew. trom, '3 21S; 8erDI~cl Bliuerj' Co" work UD over the Sill!. baUerl••, 18; Columba. BlanIL.Book POlIti, Inquire of W . A • PoUyop understood what war meant, Co. , .uppIl8l, . 'I 1)0; M, A. dorlle, Cooper, R. 0, ., WaYD8Ivllle, OhIo The squatters were · alway. at war 1 pll:lmblDI "orll. 150 1.7 i John Blair, mil Ornllny Hope had explained to ber' .applln, 800; M\)rrow Brao*, ttberUr . that, whenever people fougbt and were al!QwaoOl for B'ebraary, '12 404 1 FRB:IIB ,Iereey Cow, " 10Qd ODe. rrucl to one nnother, tbat wa. war: JOhD Llw & l:Ion, .appllea and rt. r InqUire or R G. aUU.r, R. D I, UaLln't s. he wnrred but two ohrht. alO palra on '~uokl, "1.10. ,W.ynenllle, OhIo. mIlS


If so, Commence Taking Gude's Papto-Mangan and Get Back I to Good Health I

W . Legborn for Hatch. S• c. Ing. L!all pbone 59-ax W .y.


Wm ,










..•• T H E

GA Z E TTE. ~..





cr A I'- I·..

Editor and J llloli~1 ~r. "0 )




The Miami GazeHe. W •



~ Country Polly

ille. O h io

~ ll"~erinli"n ~riee. '$ 1.50 1)E'r yo:ar 1 1"..-11 It Advl' rt""' l( It t' 1'1 1 .. IH. l t.", .. II IF' \ M CllI ( ' A' (l'~ E " ~ ",\'~ .s . L I- ' 11: 1.

WEDN E DA Y. MARCH 15. 1922


Poem hi Uricle John


,I I iI

- ......... :~~. ~~ IlIwlrtllcJ by R. H. Li.i"8.'O"e

•..••••••••••••••••••• :t ........v.'V




milO ODd wlf.... . . 'I'\H're 's Il b eap dpIJ6nd~ on ~b e kids w e rills ... . whethe r fie"b '10' blood. or dark bl oe dnYH. . . ADd t h or ... '11 lo tH dh IJ.Hl d ll on Ib " h eight" Wtl vKul~ ,- lf wtll"nd Oil tlle-rulI, i~'8 1111 nur hu lt. or mebb6 we I",nd In a bed of rns .. . it ~II ul'p"Dd. nn th e SPA ll fo laR IIn w~ . TItA Doo's oalled In, w lt Eln lIlt' fe ver'· hl \!!h. b u~ w b en W I' ennl off , h e ~~ t1 " o n bv .-hut I,oOl nrr lOw IR d u e, wlt b 'r"lgh l It btlngf'. "'hntbl'r hEl I~~ r or WU88, h 's our'n b y jln g~! An ' wbe n I r efleot (In thp hum llu mess. l'm boun d t o con clud .,. It's 0 ~"m l' o f gne88.

'1'\\ 11 I ("is!.

11J ~!'<IS t 'l H:J'rs

w l 'n '

Roman. Ori ginated Name I4 Greek."



- - -- - - ----

The 1010111011111118 of " nelem Greece .--___.__________________ were cali I'll li,·,'tks by t.he Homnll M. but ' t'-&,. tfAl-_ ~ their no nw ror lhe't1sl'l" es hn s 1l1WU)'8 V.fA;le 1JUI~_ tAJ:JU; been Hett l'IIes. a rerlllin mysterious I Bellen h,l\'lug lJeeu Ih~lr nnceS lor. ~_ ~rdln l! 10 Ihe pU)llllur lege nd. IT'S HARD TO 8ELrI!:VE:

-----_I - ...



MARCH 1922



Iw IT 1 2

'5'\'6' '7' 8

,. I • 34


Our Calendar Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar . Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar

"Three littl e leaves of Iri s ll gree n , Ullited on o lle s lel11 ."

Mls8 t:iuslln Wllatllells vlsl tl og Mr. a n d Mrs. (;b08. Un derwood, 10 t·he o untry.


till fety DepoAlt Boxes, 12 lit e ye"r . tl e N"ttonll ) Bll l.k. WilY , II I'B vi ll e, Ohio .

T h e Zion B .. ptl st oburob wi ll giv e

,w ell l fl rtuinm e nt, for tbe lJl' nelH of tb e obDro b . M .. rob 2~ .

Three linle lines 111 O llr C bssified COlU I1111S .will return a big investn1cnt to you if you want to sell surplus Stock or Cha tte ls. It ~urcly pays. TRY IT ON JUST ONCE




Waynesville, Ohio


J~d~Murphy, ~ ~6n klin . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mrs. hilt! b A"n t h o gueHt ot' h e r parontl. ~ Mr and Mrtl. R oberl' Carr. Mrs, Mar y BenneU ret ur nell hom e Illst woek . dte r sevl3rtll w ee ks ' visit ~ith her ohildren , III D"ytoD,

Ja ckson's "Ki t che n Cabin et."


Mr. J, W. ,Jlloobs lind Ron. Albert . 'If n ellt Bnw linlC Ureeo . wllre weekMr . "OU Mrs . A . C. l' h " l lI p~( , n ',ud guests of Mr Illld Mrs. Jaco bs . btlv e " lit'" ~'llr d Joupe. ~ j !! 8 Le nr ", Conlilin. 0 1 Clinton !'Iume r e llo buy e r/! from ClncJnlJfl l l flo untv, Wtl" th e wfla k.end "u .. ~t of v,8lteo ou r vlllH ge, 'fb ursdol.Y Mill!! Be.sle Sbidllk e r, ('I n e"r her ~ . Sum u e l Me r edl1.b r eceived tOb'IO('O S. vllrh I of ou r p" o pl e " pent th El Ill, Ly tie warehouse. Tbun, IIIY. " vanilla, r ,'oo ntlv . with Mr. Il nd Mr ~ . A. 13 . Uoll e tt. ilL tlr e ir s ugur oump Mr [Iud Mrs, J08 epb t:lmlth m " v NJ ~e lir b r o t o.a form near Oregonlll, Ill st wee k ,

"Tlt e' kltdu l l l (',d,l ll et " "'II ~ n lIome 11" ('11 I II II ;,;rllIIJl 01' pHlltlrn l uf)v b," 'r ! of " I" ".ld" lll .1:11,1 ' '''I. Tilt),)' O("C'UlJ ll' d no n 1ll l l: I (1 . ... 1111111 .... hlU \\·t'r f' (-" 11 ·

Dr. W. E. 'Frost

fIIt'rIt,.c\ 11 ., - I llI' l 'n ' .. : d~!Jl t 1I ~ p r l v nlt' ..s IU. I

T Ill' 1'1 1I lI' t \1: 11 1 1I('IlIl her~ of 'Ol hll u c Hh llJl' l" \\1 ' 1 " .\ 111"'" I 't~ n d lt l l , " ' lIlInm U. 1". ,\\ 1... I ":'it(· 11 111. DnlT Orel' l) ltnt1 7.t'r1:i.



I' 1\1 ,,11'





Phone 44


lIli u 1111,,1111 ,1:1 1 :ldd~(1 r ". wlw l1c \'p r th C'y I·J ll l, ·d 11 111111 ,It,· Prt'Ri4 Icnt , t o g't) III hv l il t' 11:11'1. 11 ' " ,1' I" Jt\',lI d oh Joh' rv,,· tton ":"' h ~III"" 11 11' " lIhr lf1 "~t u f "k tt"h~n cnbI Il Pl ," \I lo k i, I, ',Ii,1 10 hn'·e IIrlg· '; j '

Harveysburg, O.


Mr ond Mrs B"rsoh e l Kirk 0 1 MI~s Katbryn Clar k , of O xfo r ct . ln oted II UIl'I !).: l ilt , " "h11:8. t ~ \jnton cODnty " wero l3und"v gU~81" I .. ~nt tbe week.end wltb h o rn e folks ·,f Mr. lind drs (;,,'oil Kirk . of t h.· Mrs Dora McK,rby "nd oblldren. l.:andy Kitohe n of Day to n. Ofe visiting her pllreots Mr. Bnd Mr~ . •J . E S bo mllker en. bere, Auctioneer te r tilinod on l::i unda y In h onor of Mrs. Ben J "mes viol ted r e latl vos Ihelr g randdllugbtBr. M"rj orle. It 10 t,'1nclnnatl, a oouple of dllY s lllst beiog bBr fourth blrl;hday . week Get my terms for your Susan B. Hayslll Estate . ... Mar, 23 H emombe ~, the la8\ Dum ber of the Mr. and Mrll. J B. ,Ione8 and son , Public Sale. ! Then She Went Closer to the Fence Lecture course will be glveh on t be Tberle. ·vlalted rel",t! V88 10 Dayto n . and Spelled Out the Word. Under nl!\,h' of Marot. 2&. Satisfaction guaranteed ' Yo u "re oo r- S unday, , 1 will ofl'e r ~ t Puhli o tl" le ot b e l' the Picture: "'Y'lte Greateat Mother dla lly Invltect to be pref'ont or no charges. l'ite res ld onofl. oornl1 r N orUI Ilnd Mr and Mrs . Albert ~taoy "nd In the World." Bllrveyebnr/l Lodge No, 557. K. of daughter, MI88 Cleo. were Dayton Water s tr eets. Wuyn es ville. Ohio. the goods h e l on g l o~ to th e estllle of keep Ihe ~qlllll\ e 1'1l from Irl'SplI ssIII J; p ., Is oontempl,,\Ing "n old.faBblOned v i8ltnrs. tillturday. Box 91, Centerville,10hio Buslln B l:Ioy ~ ltl, t.Ieoeallod , o n 0 0 Iii! WOOtlllllld, und In trnll t or It geL. toge th e r danoe . tn the nellr fu Mr. and Mra, t:larence Smith visHome P!Jone 2. Centerville Ex Polly H"pkiIlS slood. A IJII I poste r t ure You olln ottelld th e dllll:lo It Ited tbelr s on. Allen. as Miami VIII. Thursday, "'arch 23, 1922, hnd pa 8s~.1 untl I ~rt 0 11 the ft'll ce a pic· you are not" mllmbBr, ley ho@pl~l . Friday. ture thllt cu uj:ht hl'r ult clIlIolI . Beginn in g nt I : 00 p. m .• II Lot of Sat Drda y nig bt, Maroh 18, ~be It ",n8 a Iocll utltul womnn, her eyes BU I vey~b urg brass !band will Illve Mrs. Clande Lewl.. Ilnd II Ule HouHelJ uJrI (;oodtl, e lo. ~eo bi ll. for Rllll rtened with I~rs, nnd ~h e looked II.n Bntertl1lnment at tbe T ow u h!lll cl .. ugh&er epent last weelt wi t h h e r f~lrth er pnrtloullirs . DR. J. W. MILLER. st rn Igl' lout or exquisite colnrlnll at for the benefit of the b",nd, Yon are IIlstere. In Ciuoinnlltl. MALCOLM BI ;J PBAM , III .. whl<" c),ctl sqlt ottpr girl. In her In vited 1,0 patronize tb·, boys and Admr. Wm , 6. Baines. of Belm on ,\. vi s W . N . l:ieo rs . Auot ... DENTIST••• 111'111 ' wn ~ II with ered, Sick, little mlln . girl s, lied, Sunday, with hie pllrents, 111 r . n,, " I loll Yllp k ll ew thll t ~(Hllewhe r e O\f er aud Mrs. !:I. B. Baines. Jobn Bogi ll. tbe w'lter melon man om"" In liit l ill" ' lIn Ull f' rH'my, Il e rl lnps 0 own Waynenl.1eo 0 N'.~lollal BUIll BIde. Hxpeots to raise II Ip atob on J obn The LallieR Aid will ba {e " !:'t Il k" 01,1 ~I "r, ·. hnd hllrl him. The Beacb 's pllioo . tblB 8ummer, so big \\'111\1 1111 11,.1 01 III", r l n~e liS sll Inokeci t ba t tbe bnys olin', carrry Ihem away Patrlok's Day paroel pos t sale a t Ly tle hall, next FrIday. e VAnln g. nt 1' 1I1 1~' , II lId ( or H 1110111 (' 1\[ t he girl '!; 80 boys, bring yo ur butoher kDlveB I e ),l'S S hin $,! WIl l i tt'ars. Tltfln ~ he w ,'nt with y ou The Live WIres ool T ill !!! w un,I.'rf u! 1":15' (" 1" .. hook ~I""-.. you Ih_ bIIn .. l\I .t DR.H.E.HATHAWAY ou, e.5 > ",. .. " or , \.p .. rt._n .. " .,. " ~ ~·I.b.nlltll. " u d. (j~·n4 arid c ' o ~ '} r to til l' r.. ,we and SI1(111(1(1 o nt the o h~!s i",ve their play, .. rhe Or.BSW Mr!. C h a rity Harvey entert"lned lbst Came True." lit Morrow, Fri. ra mhH' : S, ·t el II "". '0//0,. if t "J f'J/ . \\'nr<l ~ lI11d,. r II ,... I'l clure: "The Orc·o t· W!lyue",vllle'lI LeadiD, Dell"n WM. HiNRY MAULE, Inc. 2~~r,:,:c~.~" ror S unuay dinner , Mrs . Clllrll Hllr dny evenIng. est ~I nrll I' In Ih p World." (Iffioe in B ll ines ;Bldg. MaIIl Bt Ah ! So . Iw II'U • • Ihl~ prol eclnr or vey !lnd ohildren . Mr lind Mrs . BtLrl Mr. and Mrs . ~imeon Brown re tb e hllrt nod Ihe sick ! The Hed Cros. BtlrvB.¥ IlIId two ohlldren. Mr . ond t urned to their b ome here, l:ill ndny . Mra. Frank Eillrvey lind dauihter, n Ol.: tPr cH rrlp d It!' \\' ttl\(l rlltl s m ~9Rn~e Mr. and Mr! , Bllrry 8bidaker and lIiter spe ndinl( the winter with th eh HOW'S THIS? ' 0 ti le \" l' I'S I h- ttOI U u( th e sQuutter t wo ohlldre n ",nd Mr. und Mr8, Frllnk dA ughter In Oll.yton. HlI LL'S (':\ 'J' ,\ H11 Il ~l E I)J CTNE 000000000000000>000000000 girl' s h pnr t ::!bidllker. A number of people from h e re Rt· will do wllllt we " Ini on for itA' ~nll IH t. r l n ~e a1 Ill1 ud, cHu sed h r r The t:i tllte F ire Mar8hal, of Colum. t,eoded the pl"y. "Damon nnd P y th. cure Cata r rh ())' Dc a f ll (!~~ cll \1 ~e d by 10 IUC' 1) s wlrl ly. A ·11'" 11 Otl horse\llll'k li nd rlm wn lip 011 110" "1.le of Ill e I·ond. hu s. b~s n otifi ed the h eads of all tbe i"'R," at Centerville. ~""urday even · Cntnrrh. We d o Bot daim lo cure ' au y olhe r c1 i'cnsf'. TII~ hl ",,(1 'lime In swirl 11'11)18 tu munlolp .. ll ties t brou g hout the state, i ng, and report it floe . 1'l\II~" s f lw e. 'J' II r f> wa !" t h ~ hhc tt ull · Ksking ~h..t from tbe 1st to the nb HALL S CATA URlI MEDICI NE Mr, Ilnd Mr@ . Perr y K onri ok and ,)1 April be observed 118 Fire Preven. flll I1I1 J,!'el" Inold nJt .town upon .hflf ! is a lif)1l icl. tak en internall y, I.1n u d aughter, ' MlslI Bertha. of Wayno8 For sale dtttes, call W. C. tlon wee k . olOHOlnl\' u p ollr premiMtl8 \V hllt ('oul .1 she tlo IllIt ~ t H r ~ hn('k ot 'lf paper s lind refUSE! of all kinds . ',Ille, spent Thoreday wi t h Mr . nnd ucts through th e blood u pon the Smith's Store, New Bur'oIlI' ? III olwlh er 1" "llInt he !Iod t1l s- Whv n ot grant tbe r eq uee t In thi . Mr8 . Wlllter Kenriok. mucous surfaces of t he s),A tem, thll H lington. or Harveysburg, II ll1 l1l1t"d 111141 WII ~ 1' 11111111 1-; t o ward hr-r. vlcini tv . and assls\ to lessen our fire EvereU Ulllrk r eturn eil. !:la t urd .. y, rcdll('i ll/-i th e inflommnti on amI r e· .II"·I·y ~ lIti f,'o, " 1,,'1' ~ I \o) lIld l'l'~ to Ih ~ hKZIlr(]? Wben you do t his yon "re Ohio, phone 7-2y?' . from Purnull unlver"lty at I...afoy. storing n!lrmal co nr\itioo s, s,:'t"1II 1I1f1. Pollynp't" hllli U dll:,pcd h is; oioiog It for yonrself . . All D ru ggists. Circulars free. eUe. Ind .. where he hos been t"k lug 10111 ~ I ,I' .tld n,,1 """ .. k. \\'Io al hud hnp· MY PRICE, ONE PE~ CENT Ct' ntrllliaation Is b dl nll disoutllled nn agrlouUural oonrse . . F . J . Chcn cy & Co., 'foledo, Ohio. p~ n<'u 10 h,'1' "I .. , ~ c l 1" li e IU(lked tllt· 000000000000000000 0 0 0 00000 f"I'\'III ; !lIr'l'e 1I1:l' th e ol her mell she " Y t be oHlz~ns of M"lIsle town"hlp Mr, and Mra . Frank Smith. Mr . nc('u..:ltlIllIlly ~I H\' on honw huck . T h ut ~o me d",y s . 'hose wbo are In favor IIDd Mrl', R"lph Johns and dau g btur 'lave oarrled tbelr IBI~ue. lind again ' \' II !'l: it! 111 ' W:lQ not wpnl'in J,: the oll\'eBen Smith and Mary Louise Mo. .......Hof·...... ...,.. •••••••••• ,11'11" 111111'",·.", To "del to hl'r c OIIfll· r.b e otherll poU the townsblp and Kirby motored to Ft. MoK lnl ey. aod they hne lost-you understand thl. sltl ll U"IH n I'f'\T !nll w ns sltl~lInb at apeDt lhe day wll-h Mr . Frank Beok I....· III t he 1I111S1 fl'II'II"ly wn y. 'l'heD ,. not offiolal It tbley do build a "thorne and family. ·oh ool bouse no In muo, l>eomltted lIe " I FU NF ·· \1. DIRECTOR ~ I' ber. mus t be a room for bllsket rll l't· ~ndc1<~nlllJ.:. Examined Correctly••• 0,,11, IIw.mmlng pooll!. flkatlng rinks "TI," GI'Cll lcsl ~J olher In the Wn"ld , Waynesville, ' Ohio lIld t he las t thing t o be oonsldered Little Manufacture In Santo Domln uo. : Glasses Fitted II UI" girl," he snll!, un,1 he sH,lled 'II the Bohool room . The Dnm lllica n replllol ic Is prlmurlly 8 J.!'uln. AT Hl)DERATK PRICES Bnd nallll'o lly an ngric lll l tl ra l Colin I I'y, "The :rpUII' ~ 1 M"lh cr III th e' W.. rld." Bod runllutllctul'llIlt I. t urrle'l 1)11 oli ly Fully Equipped for Good r cpeu l ed Pollsop , tn uwcd tOiles. on a ru OSI limited srnl e; III roe!. Ihe "D ue ~ Lh'lI me" n s he 's lII otil er to Ihe Service. tot,,) m otive POW l' l' (1 111111 0,\' (-1\ I II t he 81Il111l1 .. r ki lls whcll ",ns hurl 10 the UpUeal Depanmaat . Large Display Room vllrlouR IIIDnUraclu I'IIII1 Il\ d ll . ' I'· I I'~ III \\'ur. ml sler?" 8. Detroit st. Xenia, Ohio Sonlo Domingo, t.he ('111' 1 1111 IIlId IlIl'gl's t I "Ves." he r~ \lll c d nftcl' a short pnuse. OAT OR NIGH1 T ELEPHONE 7 OJ)ttO evenlnga by appointment of thl' repuhllc. IH 11'"8 Ih un 2;,0 Born-'ro Mr. lind Mrl!. Ralph city "Ye~ , It mClI lIS thdt. nnd more, She's hOI'8l'power, 1"______ ~ 1001ioer 10 overy hurt boy an i! brlll[;s Bopklnp, a flne girl. com fori to every olle on CIII'lh thut MIB .~ Clllrll Wlntor~, ot Davton • ncells help." bOB returtl ed to h er ~UWD1er howe "Golly. she's ~ .. me mOlher, nln't h ere. she?" brcn tloed Pol ly ~ohe l'ly . " ' Io c's Mr. Bod Mrs Cb .. o:!. Brel8ford vis. benDUful too. Squllller. mnllllnies hilS Ited rellltives at Middletown. losl hOtTI e tuo IlIllny kids 1o stuy hllllds ome like tinudll.Y. her." She ill/Hie a bnckwllrd motI on Mr . and Mra. Carl Smith moved with her Ihumb townl'll the fence and ~ the B£lrryhtll farm. near Way neesearch er! his toce gravely. A choking sens[lllon In RolJert's ville. Il1st TtlesdllY, thrnnt mnrle him cough. The girl's Boward Woods and wife moved St1lh'11W1I1 1\'8 S like n chorcoul draw· bnok to their farm, near Owen8 In g III whi ch 0 few broad IIl1 e~ tell the ohure-h. lallt week. whul e "t<ory. II" relt his Interest In Dr. Ellitl aud Orange Raper, of IIC'r 11I('I"·"Ne. She was \J' e QuolnteRt, prel tit"Sl filII I 1I10MI .olemn cblhl he hlld Wayne8vlllEl, were vl8itors In our t!vcr ""PII . Ye', he kn ew sh e wus an tOWD, for a few hourll I",st lIonday tl llhllhlt ll nt uf Iho Sil ent Cit y by tbe Mr. GrnsM, teacher In the Gram. clolll(!s she wore, nnd the lhln. bow· mar rodm , hll.s been oonilned to the legl:",1 child, 10 soy nothing of th e be· bouee with the grlpp,e , for the pan whl~k e l' .. d J;loat aDd woolly lamb that two weeks. were with her . Mr. Harvey !:Iaokett aod ~rs. "Whnt's your nome1" he InqDlred. E'hel Turner were lDarrled at ,be "JII ~ t Poll yop," WRS the answer. bome of the brlde'i, mother, Mrs. "Polly HopkinS, My dadd y Is J e re- Carl'lline Barnett, at thlti 'plaoe, last ml nh RopklnR, \lIe mayor of Ihls set· l'hluldayaf&ernoon, They..,.,111 reo tlement." . 81de on a farm neall' Wayn8llvn~ s, Surely ! Robert remembercd veQ' whloh the groom pllrohased 1.)0111 well MncKenzle spenklng of Hopk lnl. time IgO, '. nnd he relllemhered too the pointed IIwltllt loll I)\'er 0 hilt dOQr au If n wero I.J fore hlJ; eyes. Looking Pollyop over (rom Ihe top of her cDrly bend to Cogs shrouded the ",orrlf In gray; bOW Ole tli;r~ of, her bure '! eet, he decided Gnutny· Hope was sick,h p"lol. She ,ave him nn Inside VI4!W of life III the thnt she hnd ",rlll eD It. QD stlon' aUer question h e flUng at Silent Oltl. Long before .he had 10· lahed' her ·recltal. Pelrctyal'e. ClourteIJ .h e~, .1If1d onswer arter onswer cnme frolU Polly's IIlls. She told ·hlm where had put her at her elle, and Bbe WaB ahe II ved, and ,how I!lte cooked the chattering tlke D mOIl)le. "Can I do .ometb~c tor 100. Pol\J lJeDIJS, bocoll and fish Daddy-/HopklDa Hopklos1" querlea Robert; aB ~be fin· I,ruvlded; bow ~Id It waB III the labed tl!lIIoc about IlJra In the aquat· i baDtl "bea the cruel north wbid te...• dt.... . nept up the lake I and how wet It (To .... aRIIaaatI.) wu. wlllll tile raIa fell ad cIaDQU> ., . -

------+- -Public Sales



For'est T. Martin



Jesse Stanley,

I - Ash Wed nesday

5 - Quadrul!esi~a Sunday

12-2nd gunllllY In Lent 14-Jewish Purim 17- St, Patrick 'ij 'Oay 19- 3rd Sunday in Lent 21 - Spring b~ns 25-Tbe Annunciation 26-4th Sunday in Lent


Walter McClure

i .' ! ...

....- --


Now, They're Coming










9 10 11 IS 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .- .


EdwlnRandal! of ",od tlunda y here with his paroo ts .

~du r day

' ·Wb y did you n ll,me VODr ohlld . Mo nr·g om ory W",rd?" "Becuuso be 's 0 1 the mule ord er."

1:'1I 7. ln8




Wh a t Puzzl ed Pat.

The ,relltel4$ tblng In the world O\lf"f lh4.' Ufll' I' rull IIf tilt" SU'll lller . we lIe\ tor oOlblull if we w .. nt I t - 1IJ)'~' t' kilO\\' , !\llke." httl" Put. "01 ( ' Il n ' t ell Doatlon-- but h,,\r of U 8' don', Dllllpr. tII nd hi'l l\' Ille CH lllllln fllld s Il l' know where to 10" " or IC . We w uy nl'rflSl'l rh p o ('t!J1n 01 all . ul u l l. If have IIU Idpa Ic 1M "II lOOked np In w e Wll ~ gttl ll' II ... u lll f'r wuy, n ow, 1l1l 'he IIUlo red 80h,, ·1 houl'e or the h e'd hu\'e 10 tin wuuld be tu foHnw pal.'lal unlveul\y jl1 l:1' 118 If edno". thnt whit e Mt n'ali ht'hlnd ther{', till! III sjuo weM bOllk leIHuin", In 8li!ad 01 d ove lopment o r . be mind und hear t fruill Ihl ' r~ ' H <11,'11 " IIlurk o f uny killd." -Bostull T r uU:"lI'rl pt. tne knowing of 08erul l·h lDlI8 Oil'; tb e eX~aD"lon of ODr bel t qllBlhle8 E li uo . ~lIn d nel n ' t bH~lo uotllllObool. The Silent "H ." 101( ends. h 18 • ben we m ef" t b o The If'Ue.r "11" I ~ !lui PI'ntlf HII H'f'I J nt r eal teBobpr8-nt·bl>r men and woo tb E> heg h,ulnll' of llop worol 10 I1l1 r, heir. mel, the blrdM. 'h~ fl ower!!. ' be sonl herh, hllmor. hon,·sI. l"IOor. nnrl I hei r of books. ~b B ICrea~ t'xplln8e. 8000 before we Il" tu wor k we ' ll plok up del'h·n!l ,·..s. MallY r eo!,l(' III'e 1I110\\'ure unr "al_ e ra" Knd H"Y to 'b e p eople of tile filet Ihnl Ih" word h"l'h ,Iol.'s over 10 )ndl~ . 'Ulloll morolng, bOY8 . nol 100 "e It-s "10" sOlln,If'l1. " H" II B 0 " ure "'" ff' 1In WI! 1/"!llnf;( along 8lteot 0180 when II o:om ,," nfte r the flVRr Ihe rt ?, unl) Ib "n we' lI 1"".n . lett t'r "r." II ~ In rhl'lIl11nll - rn. Th" IDVI"llJle ~ch " o l bOb Ne bll~ jIlM I.\ --- - - - - ----opened. El asti c Gate H ila Back. • A III'W ~ u rc l y ~ u le tor rullroull crOSH· In gs Is de~ l b",ed whi ch stretch es ucross SAYS SAM:, I th e rood like rh e old style gille, hut ",Ilovl'olv forDlII '1I I" " t orm (1 f Is n"x lble on,1 "htoli C. 80 thot It ~Ives IDiplel y ," . i lnSlrud of Ioreukllllt wh en ru n 11110. 'I'he gll l e~ wi ll forre Ibe vchl cle bock· ----- - - - - - wtlrds. frutO ,I IIlIger.

The slok In 'hla vlolnlty stili r eo main about t be same. Mr. and Mrs. (2 B. Barria were visitors In Lebanou, 1.8t week, l'rof [l nd Mrs, V . 0 'rolle vlelted relatives. ~turday sud Sunday. R ev. A. g Huntington filled the pulp · I, lit- tbe M. E. ob ul1ub, Sunday .

Mr. lind Mra Irll I:!y fe r,l lind Bon , snl' wnn- J oh n . we re S uo dllY gneHt H o f relll"" rl'd, 11t' l p lllg p,·t11J11' h(>re find th lrc tiVOH .. t ~tlbina. . I" , pe 1110' Stll'II,' side or thin gs. ReMr . Qnd Mrs W . W . W eloh ar. .,·o ll d r tHo row or sh nck s wa s tlw feli ce riv ed h ome from Phll nfiuld , Ind., on ~I" " " II ~ ~1,,1'I{l'nzl (' hnd erl'l'l!'d 10 Wodno8dQY ni!!ht . Ill e 1\III'nl


Homey Philosophy


4CoPI'TI!Ih . b, L'ttl •• B, own & Company)

TI 'I'O Il ~ "

. When a ' lel ler gilts slok. we 1I, ' me'lm e. rIo, tbe !'UD don ', 8bln o. Dor tblll!ky uln't hlue. . Aut 'he wlud Iur UI! OtJ 111 , Rn' thtl ol u u ds look hl"oll. wb e n "'" shift ff om feet '0 tb e' fill' of our buok.. . II n ~ we burl bad wurd" tit Our b laHI,ed IU Ok Itli t he 0 00 Oumed In . with bls plz'" truok. IlIl' h e IUOlk .. u @over In. slaH liD' out. l o fiud If Il'8 fto v"r: or It 1II11lhi be m ebbll's, 1011t, or mUOIpH. or pip - It o" uld be flu . or HIe dog!;r OH I(ri ppA,-wtI mllY have H t~ . or II '''''v be f8111'" <lr Ul .lre Iblln lik e . I I ' ~ II d ozIl n 60m' p lll lDtR ~o , tho 1100 b orn. bards ·pm . with obot 110' ~ b A II. ttll , fU 8 1 , 'bln~ we kn oN , we' r ll ar ound liD' WI'III It. '. 81 uU' ~ b '" W"'Y wII·b Our hu. m.", hIe, whl ob l.rt! El ly 0,, 001.1,. of



Wle. Ohio.




We have the material to build your come true.

of dreams

save rent save money be content


you are going to build anything, from a dwelling

down to a chicken coop or a field fence,



W A)'NESv!ILLE. OHIO Can supply you with t)le· best of Building .Materialvery reasonable prices.' BUILD NOW! .. . . .' . . . . . ,


The Miami c.z.tte, WameniB., 01lI0, - -- -

---' -




5__ -- ~



, Proud

Mrs. Rachel Keys died at h'e r home on Nortb stree.t. Tbursday mo,'ning , abo ut 1 \I·clo~k. bftt! r an extt!nded illness . The funera l wa helc! at the M f: ch " rch, Sat ll rrlay morning li t 10o 'clo It. Rt!v ~. Hult 11!,d Cad wall a: , de r officiating , Interment was made in the Fri e nd~ huryillg gro und. A v ry lar ~!' fun pn .1 atte",t etl, the estt'em in whirh th io luily was held in

is .. hown a of horseftesh which will be wntched wi th a greal deal of in· I ~r es t for the next two or t h r (' e years. I I is the fir st colt from the faslest hotse ever b r ~ d. Man - 0 'War, now relired. The nrwcomer Her~



Dello 1'.. 1 . 111 ' - ~1It} Cnllh111' , 11',' 111 It .. 1010 d H amilto n In " , ' ho Stl llll ,"

FRIOAY - March 17, SIl,.·dal SA TURDAY- March III Dt~IIU' •• M .h' I lIm • . . A IMa


h,I" I" "It ",ri ll

,:11101''': .. ", ,,1 ' ill~

TUESDA V- March , J I .au ·k JODM In " (1('1 Your


He lped

Icoll In " , 'Iu' HI} hi\, Hn flb.n k N(· l\8.

C' I " 1;1 II

~'n n . " .

\ll'In .

AI StJoho In " Th.· lUg .,: n ·L -·' -0 _ _

II II" \1.11

, ' 111 11 1'

" 1 ' 1'1

It •

I I '~



Diffic u lt ies, I l !:I t


IIUlh, .... II

I lfli l "

0.;1 '1 ,,1



I , '" 111:1\ 'H ' I I· h. I 1I <l II'II \'np ... lil t ' \ "I' /.. 1"':11 ttdtl t·'t ·'. w ut \ I tlll 111 "11 II r v ."

\\ r &:=-

. I 1\




in LexingIon. Ky , The colt ~ho uld show just wha t may bt ex. pected of it at two or three years of age. Man-'o-War first showed hi. wonderful speed as a two-year-old. The colt', mother i, Masquerade, herself of very fast blood.

\ llW


••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• DEAR

b0 r n


You will be amazed to know how economical Wall Paper is - how r easonable the prices are this year comp:'l red wit ' l a lmost every thin g else. .

The cost will be small-your satisfaction will be great. When m ay we have the pleas ure of he aring from you? Sincerely yours,

D. E. Standiford, Waynesville, O .

- ANO-

Style- Week


Friday and Saturday, March 24-25 We a r e making unus u al pr<'Jllrations this year

Fl oro" "'" (( " lle I'S D lt vi ~ . o f Mutoo n, Iii .. di"d ~ u"d tl l dy of pneuShe wall a monia. F'(~ br\J ~ ry 6. d8 u ~ ht er of the lutt· Job and Marv ~Iiphanl ROR'er3, an d was born JanU!lry 29, 18!i2 'h e was a sister of Mrs AI Stee le. of 'p ring Valley. A J evoted hU Abnnd null seven childM rR


Asbestoe Shoes. A shcstlls sl1t ' t'~ II n~ Il\nr1~ rl )r workers In Sl, o{I l til I II!"> w i ll 'I '!! til l ' IIwlten


m:~~':':~~· ' 1 g,~:,'; l~:~';~,~;~~~~:;:~~~~ ;~;~f-"~~';LlE-DEfEATED

fo r our SPRING OPENING and STY L E WEEK on Friday and Saturday


Fancy Small Onion Sds, Per Quart .. .......... "" , ..... " 10c

this occasion, our patrons will witness th e assemblage of the largest. and mos t carefull y selected stocks ever consolidated under one roo f in South e rn O hio .



THE 10c-$1.00 STORE

Itubete tE!~chcrsby









One of the largest and strongest financial institution, in this pnrt of the state.


Compounded St!mi-annually

Younce Brothe', Grain Company.,




''WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" Make loans on first mottgage on t'eal estate security best security.


The 'West Side Building and Loan Association 1887

MAIN OFFICE-Third and Williams FIFTH STREET OFFICE-510 E. Fifth St. CENTRAL OFFICE-Third Floor Dayton Savings &

Trust Building

The Late Classified Ads

23, which will be is-

s ued early next week, and is mailed FREE.

WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Cloaks and Suits, Children's Wear, Millinny, Vry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery. Shoes- Spring Oxfords for the Ladies and Children In Straps Bnd Pump,s, in Patent, Black and Tan Kid, Suede and Satin.

MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WEAR Spring Clothing- Ready-to-W"al' and Madeto-Measure, Raincoats and Gaberdines,' Men's Odd Pants, Spring Hats, Caps, 'Ful'nishing GOfIds, W,ork Shirts, Overalls and Jackets, Suit (~ase8, Traveling Bags and Trunh. Shoes-Blac'k and Brown Oxfords, in all styles and sizes. We Supply the Needs of (he Whole Family

The S. Fred Company Lebanon, Ohio

At Prices -II Can Af'nrd to Pay

i InsureYour Hogs You can protect your hogs against death from any caUie, inc1udi ' lg Cholera, at very reasonable rates, with The Hartford Live Stock ·ln ~urance Compan y. The rates on ' Horses, Mules and Cattl~ have also been reduced.

'& ,. Cartwrlght Phone 61-2

oc-- _

Who Says Dairying Doesn't Pay? You en" produce milk at a Ilood profit. Ask any dairyman who leeds Ce-re-a-lia Sweets. '/'!tty make money. They have more or better millt to sel\. Their feedinlt cOltll are far l e~5 than yours compared to th e size of the milk checb. Thei r COW5 keep in better physical stlte than YOUR. If you' re buyint! feed because it's "cheap". you're your5e lf-wou;nz mt'lA as truly as if you poured ,r away. Ge-re-a-lia Sweets, rich in milk-malti nl( inwredicnts. isn't ch eap to buy, but is most economical to use. It'. all nutritious cereal stuffs with just enoulI'h molasse. added to give it special relish. Cows do n" tire of it. Ce-re-a-lia is flak y, clean and ea.y to handle-never cake. or lump •• If yo .. . re .. <inll your home-crown ((round com thl ....1100 fred Ce-re-n-lia S,..... ",ilh it. It "ill double the flo" of milk and keep the CO\" in good condition. Before you get in your nut Ubi, IUl'l'ly" of feed ,

Try Ce-re-a-lia Sweets Four Weeki it Our Risk. Feed Ce- re-a-lia Sweet. to any co .. for" "nk.. She mUll liYo more or hetter milt.. and .he mUl t lho". 6iUIt' ''''./11 wn .h. I. giving you now; or YOll ,et n.!ry, etot · back. Y~'lt need about three _~ to malte the ulal, !;aU 011 \If for c:bart uid de~






r ead Fred's Advertiser of March





more detailed lists of our new · a nd novel offerings,


We will move about March 22nd from our presen' location, Third and Williams Streets, to our new build· ing as shown above, located at Southeast corner Third and Broadway, one block west of pt'esent location , where we will be pleased to see all of our patrons ar weD as new ones.

Waynesville, Ohio


Seed Oats



G oods have bee n arriving

daily for a month and whe"n we open ou r doors IIpon

most sa tisfactoril y Riven as sub~ti This statement c,al I verlti ~ d l ht" leAchers who Intruste::! their Io[nvies lo us when they -. _. I visited the McGu {f"y Mudel clnol. "It trims a~ it binds," Pre -shrunk. in Oxford. lIne day last wrek, I Turns cornen smoothly: I _ HI <\ ~ no crease marics. SomeSevora l of ou r toumher wh o wen, . ') RI M thiDg new. r:ive colors to choose frolli. nol in demand as teuche rs. last week, Floilr Paints observed in ~h e fnllo ving schoo ls: I'f'r yard." .. , ." ...•• •. , .. . 5c Just received a n(>w supply of Dainty. Neat. Mildred Clark, Barbara filer. Cu rti s · ' TtiJ1l ,~l a ide ." Mart in-Semons Good Floor Thompson and Vivian Relallick. Leb· Washable. Durable. On Pai nt. and the pricp is lower anon; AId a Mell Leichty. Ridgeville; RICK spools to sell by the than last season Now is the time to fix your fl"ors. It's Eva Reede r. Oregollia; Kenneth EIRACK yard . Colors. t he best made. zey. Ha rveysb urg; Charles Moore. P rice per yard ... , 2 Y. c Xenia. and our inMl ructor. Miss How- Other Rick Rack to sen by the Chlc~ell8 land. visiterl hilI' fOl'mH former pu - bolt . at per bolt of 5 yds , .15<: IOc WP. want 5('0 Hen!'. thi ~ week , Will pay 22c . up to «'riday pil, Virg il Re tllllidc at Greenwood Art Silk. Middy Braid . Two coln oon school. Olhe r for mer pupils hlld or5, red and white. hett er look 0 111. for they muy have MIDDY Ju~t what you want, ' IT PAYS TO TRADE AT a visit. ~o me day BRO\I D Per package of : Mr, Harris gave U!l many points T hree yards , '... , . .......... IOc ' _ _ _ __ _ _ __ alJo ut bees. Tlm rsdl1Y, Stun g! "Sf>ring-Maidr" Lingerie. Dainty Mercerized. WashMiS!! Leona McGinnis. the sixth LING ERI E able and Durable. grad~ teacher, was unable' to attend RIBBO~ PiDk, Blue White colors. her school duliies, two days IRst week. FOR SALE becau~e of si ckneR~ , Her place was Per package of 3 yards •..•. .. tOe "L~---_-_, mos t efficient ly filltld by MarlZ'aret The NET with the lon,est life. Clark on Mon day. Rnd by Vivian ReDuro Belle Hair Nets, We have plenty of tallick O{l Tupsday DURO real human hair, every BELLE ODe guaranteed, large CumminR Jo :ne~ . Marvin Allen and size, Dark, Medium, Mary e Thomas were visitors in our Light BrowD, Black, light Auburn, Blond, either single or double straDd class~s. last week . Of all sizes on hand. Now is You will not miss it tu buy these the time .of the year to put Three more of ou r ~ Iass have been nets by the dozen. called into action. t his week . Mrs. Just the thing for a lady's Deck; them in. Come in and haul them out. Lilv Egw. rt and Cu rti~ Th o mp~on all colors and all havp been sub~t ilulin g for Mr P. B. NECKLACES lengths,and latest styles. ' See our Thompson. who has been quite ' sick I the past fe w days, and Anna Sat- window, Each .. ,. , . . ... 25c, lOe terthwaite very capabl .. subst itut~d. For the "kiddos" • Deat purse; Thursday. in ILhe fo urth grade, bemetal back with chain. cause of the absen ce of the reg ular PURSE These pursel are very "' aynesville, Ohio teacher, Miss Lamb. reasonable. . . ,. , .. .. .. . '! . .... .. IOe Each Play praclict~ for the Normal closs No. 2220 'tt-il-hmnrro1mlrl-'UlJJW::J.U~llU look over Ollr stock; playirirrful\ sway. an; everytbing marked in plain REPORT to see a real live claS!! give a feal live Ilre~; ODe price to all. or the Condition of the Waynes- up-to-date play. just "be around." ville National Bank, at Waynes April 7, YO u'll hll ve plentv of room ville in t he State of Ohio. at the close of business. Mar. 10, 1922, to laugh , for lhe plir tilion will , be raisell. nSEOUBCES. Waynesville, Ohio Loanft and dlscouuts. Inclu111 nK SuellaSheehan spen t T uesday e venredlocounta .. , . , ., aO',I02.03 3G',I03.03 OvurUMlIr.a, unllOC urod ... , . .. , . 82.13 ing with An na Snllerthwoite - boilU. S. lio ,!urnnumt. Securities o Wlled: Deoo,ltcII \0 o;cc ure clreulaLlon ing sugar wate r . Wl' g ueS!! Y ? (U .S. lKUllls par vlI luo)OO. 000.00 All other Unll<><l !!La~08 (Joverument SocI'rltle. , , , ,. 6,900,00 ~6,900 , O O Next week we are planning to beOLher bt.uJrt. tiw(:kti. sccurit,lflf:l. etc , . . . , . . . " " " . " . , ..• , . U2 ,668.U g in a series in t he Miami GHzelle Banklug !lo u"" , _". , _", . ' .,' 8,000.00 L.. wfuJ I'OIKlrv. wlUI Foderal lIeco lumn s of " w h(J'~ Who and \\ hat's WANTED C:tJVI~.IJ~I.~~I i.' nnd' ·lll;.\..U'O''' ;Sue ~J . 11 8. 11 What in the Warren County Normal from national tJnnkl .... , . . . 1J6.8lP),OO CBILO l'3 BED. Write to P U Totnl o ll Wm. 9. I U, II , 12 l!aud SchOOl." lllCreby ~ i v ing a glimpse II " " " , , , , , , , , , , , H5 , ~'U ,O U B Ull 93, WaynellVlIle, Ublo, 29 Check8 n banks locat.ed o uLsltlo into each or ou I: personaliti es. or clL)' or towu of roIHlrt.lut( HU CKIN G- For eh"rf and long bauk and othor cILHh ItewR. .. Redemption IUllet with U, >\. distil lice h'lnllng, o"n phone Our 'ol d BUCKt,! y ~ SLale has located :r:reluJUrcr ana uuu rrom u. S. 1 rolulure r . .. ...... . . . ..... .. . _a~~ a Warren Ciiunl y Normal Schoo l at illS-I! Yo . tJ. 1£ Ed ward!. Wayne~. vtll u. Uhto, m2. TotaL .. " .. .. ......... " ' ug U30,07 WayneEville, ju st as i t has done for LIABILI'J'IES oth er countieH , Don't you want to FOR SALE Oapltat sloch .,old In ., .,...... 11~ 8:g~g:g~ do something to mu ke this olf! worlJ t':[j'l~e!JUJ~~i1i.S :::: : i i:7'1'I:01 proud of you? Th en s tud en lseverls, C. R 1, Hllns and 1 ROO8'er Lu::'lI{~~: p~~jlC~~:, iUI~r1t ~~0,O O'ODO', 2000 where! Here is your chancp- be an Clrculatlug DOW. outat.audlug. . • t or ~ .. Ie, Inquire of Mra Loo Net nmoullta duo \0 NatloD,,1 up-to-date teacher Boost W, C, N. b"nk... , • " .. ..... . , " , ... • 10,000,00 ____ Beo kett, WaynB89l11e, Ohio. mill 'rotal 01 ltemB 21, 2~ , n. 2' IUld 25 .,. , .. ...... 10,000.00 So do :lot worry abo ut things that Good Wason aod II Individual deposl" .ubJect to t check ... . . . , . . . , ., .... ," - 279,000,27 are n,o , Seta of good BarnN! loqnfre Oer\llIc..teeoldopo.ltduelol.... For Warren Coun ty Normal is al- at EuJ' Conner, Wayoel"tI\e, Ubio. than .0 dayB .. .. ~.. ........ 1,036.23 rN lI "" on tnl) . mll9 Total of demand deposita (o~hor J ~ tbaD bank deposita) BubJed \0 - -- -Rooerve, ltemB 20, 21. 28. 29, 80.nd 31 ... .. . .... 280,096,03 U . 8. DepoBIt.8 (other tbln w st.u oavln".) Including War Loan depost account "od depo.I~. 01 1.000 ,00 U, S. dlBburolng olflcero . , . . .. I.OOU 00 U . S, Gov. decurltlet bo'rowed , -Bm. payable (lncludlutJ all abUgatlt,DI repr-.entiDS' mODOY bor . rowed o~b llr tban rlKIlscouut8) H,OO O. Ou Notee and bllla l'edh,counted , 10• dudlutl """"pLance. of othor ,• b"nkl and other forelln bills of exchange or drat"'.old wit" . '2,UB.3 ' Meeting every Sunday at thE' reguJ udonomeot 01 thla b~ ,.. . Total ... . .. .... . .. ... . . .. 108 1.230.07 la r ' hou r . Sunday Rchool at 9:30 OUf Bl4>te of Ohio . rounty or warren, .. , ' . , 1. L. M. H~od.l'8On. C..,h181' of me .bov. school bas g rown fr llm ten or twel\e namedbaolc . do-oolcmnl)oweal t bat-thrrboTeb flf ' -l e 8C&temeot 101 tflle to tbe beet 01 mr kIlowledg· to a out t y regu ar_s ome an d and belief. L. M_ HENDE RSON. Ollllhier. l'njoy the day with us . 8u '",crlbed ,u.,,1 ."Onl '" before me tbl. Amos Cook Pastor. Haraware I~~b d.rof M&I'\!h. In2. M'ahlou Rltlp. .. _ .. _ _ • _' New Garden Seeds, Big packages .... .. .. ...... ... ,,5c _.-,;._ _ _ _ _ __ _~Moore's Good Oil, Don ' t Smoke Ju st the kind for I ncubators. Liquid Smoke Keep~ meal fine.

of next week. ill all departments

of our mammoth store,

fesRion (u ll force. and expect to fin, ish 'wil'h the mos t succeJsful year TIH' HilO( h ~choo l bO:oket~all t'la y - , eve r recorded in Normal School his- .' rs Wl'llt to Middletown. Friday : tory. ' ,'vt"nil1l!. and we re d~rea ted by that ; -, ',.,,111 h 'i Ihe score of 36 to 12 . The , We have been III grent derr,lInd for I H \\~ h:: vl! no t bad the practise this , ' seems, af' d II. , winler as formerly. on. lie.count of. t IIe. past f ew wee k~ It splle of the OI tlaflS and groans wher h>lvinj.( no room to practise Ill, we learn of more l e~o n plans and , book agent ~ . our ~c "vices have beel 'l ~ _ '

This week we will ha ve Pure Northern· Grown SeedPolatoe" - Red River Early Ohios, Pure Irish Co bbl erR. Red Triumphs. Long Red Early r{ose ,




"",rninll al 7 :(10 ,, '!'i')ck. lifter nn ill1I f'~~ uf ""v"",01 IIHl lll hR' standing I Tile fUl1l'nd WH < hl' l.! li t her Il1lehcime I hi~ a fl ,'! 11,," 11 (1 \ "d lll'sday) at 2 , o'clock

See d P0 t a t oes.....

We would lik e the pr ivi lege of showing you what t ru ly charmi n g effects can be produced wi th our n,ew "Pageant of Progress" Wall Pap e r s.

----,--The s. Fr~d Company's - ANNUAL-

c"mlll :i~'

Mr~ (;('n r~t' II Millsdied. Monday



lIow llIuch b rig hter and more c heerful yo ur home wo uld look this spring if \ ' 011 wou ld r e-cover the fa ded, sooty, dirty, lime alld win t er-worn walls with bright heery , s nappy , pretty, new-pat terned W all Papers.



ot Rea ch for th e Moon .




.. -..



Oorreet A tlll8t.: ·

Notlt)' Public.

(vB. PBf~1




Try our gob Printing

Harness Imp/emenl$


F'r ed ·M. Cole



'. 2~ ,



Whole Number


.......---~~-~~~--~~~~~~~~------ ----------~~~~~~~

-" -~". ---.-.--~-------~

Picture of


Pr iu~cess

[~l~v'd~~p Ii1mNitNO CLEAM UP'

-- .-


Th .. W " " " III ' ~ AlI l: ilh r v ,, ( SI. M'lr,l" " chilich Ill t' t . I"",J II ' ut'I'l'nOlln Mr~ . Ni "a Il.-nt l"y was ill X" I iu, Ma rch 17. li t Ih e hOl ' " t' ,. 1 M" sdaIllPs , Mon(iflv 1hlrl'is fw d Mo, l ..,. T h" lII eet ill l{ \l.'a8 . opelwd uy MrR. Cad wall ade r olid I eat her Wo rk S l l oe~ al H)r eadrng till' 961h P~a lrn Rev. J . 1<". ' man & Co. Cadwall ade r c(iIldu ct."d the devoli onal servi ce. Re~ p on He8 to rollleadore Bloch, of Sp ring Valley. r ail we re j,{iven uy qu'otations from Hpel\t Sunday here . Scri pt ure. A m ·dl ey of lrillh airs, ChaR. WaBkey and famil y are mov. " Or\:,li ll1:1 of Eri n," was pl ayed on the playe r-piano in honor of th e day, ing, thi's week, to near Springboro. lind each one pre~e "t was decomted Wilh II shamrock . W. O. Raper has been confi ned t o After the reading of the minutes his hom e for several days on accoun t and the disDosal of bUl!iness , the af- of ~ ickne911 t ernoon WUd devoted to sewi ng for the 8upply Dppllrtment, lin impor· Miss Helen Marlatt arrived home tant branch of the work of the Woo from Cillcinnali, 'fu esu liv evening. Show n a bovc is the li rs ! .photograph to reach the United States. ricturi n foi th e wedd ing of Princess mau's Auxiliary . There was a good for her spring vatation . M.H Y Lo Lonl Lasccllcs in Wc , . " n., ter .A bbey, London . Members of the Ro yal ia rni ly a rc shown at th e ri ght. a l tendllnce and much wOl'k was acA rro w i" .;ica (cs Lord Laseelks and Pr1fl cess Ma ry taking th e wedd ing Y O " • . Come to · us for Peters Diamon d c o mpli~ hed. which will be Hellt to Srand Shoes; guaranteed to give sat fll r.I,ff Ahlska . Du ring the 80cial hour, dainty reo isfaction. Hyman & Co. Tobacco ('s nvaR a t Hyman & Co. fr eshm ents, -which aguin broUIt-ht tq Mr. lind Mrs Frank Zell ~pen t SunMrs . Jeannette Bloch, of Cinein· mind that it was Sl Patrick's Day, were served by the hos tesses, assisted nati, i.. visiting her daughter. Mrs. day in Duyton. by Miss Emm li Heighway and Mrs Myer Hyman. and f amily . Ronald Hawke. Visitors present Uean Stanley , of Lebanon, was in On Thursday afternoon,March 231'1 1 l O WIl Tues1ay. were: Me~ dam E! s A. T. Wright, Th e Father-and-Son dinner, last The details f or lhe for thcom ing Lina Devitt, Mias Myra Roberts, and on the p'remises, the late re!'id ence of Mr. and Mrs . E, V. Ba rnhart, of yetl r, was IIcc omlPanied by so much Alumni Semi- Centenni al and ijomethe little folks. Betty Hartsock, Geo. Susan B Hayslit will be offer ed fo r Ci nrinn o( i, spent the week·end her e inter est that the ex"cu ( ive com· Coming year are being worked out, sale . Edwards and Frbnk Hawke mittee have ar"unged to r epeat on s lowly , but surely . It is the inten-----.~----Window Shades in all different Friday evenin g , March 31s t, at the tion of the committee to ~ee that A most compl ete line of Floor COYMethodist church. The menl will be everybody id invited to comp. to Way erings, including Burfap· back Lino- shades and sizes at Hyman & Co. furnished by the ladies of the Dorcas nesville on June 28 and 29, regard· leum. also Congol eum, Tapes try, Fl oyd McKean and family, of society. Urussels and Axminsler Rugs in less of whether they ever graduated The Rev. C. Harold Cl erke, pastor or not, just 80 they were at one time Springfield, were Saturday visitors room sizes at Hl'man & Co. here. of the M. E. church, Lebanon, will pupils of the Bchool. Lit-rary pat!ons having Slate Li· be the 9peaker , No happier choice H. (Dave) Warwick, president of The friends of Mrs. Cleve Connl:'r brary books will please bring them J. Wasserman, of Copenhagen, could have been made for this meet- the Alumni aasociation this year, has in lUI soon all possibl e These books will be BOrry to hear of her seriOUil artl now rlue at Columbus, and It is illne3s. She is tluffering from a se· Denmark, is visiting his friend, ing. for Mr. Clerke reaches the written us one of his usual breezy heights of his ability as an orator letters, in which he says, in part: d e<lired thut th" slrillmenl be ourr.· verI' ner VOU R breall-dow n Bno i ~ no Mert Baird . when talking to young people- It "These two future days. which he i ~ at the pll:'te A new lot will be furni sh. tl bet' er li t lhi ~ writing The 'Eastern Slar will hold a mar· behooves eyery member of the club are to go down as important dates in home of Mrs. Charles C. Coo k. in the near future. keto Saturday, Aprill. Watch for it, to find a boy to bring. and also send Waynesville's hi Atory, this coming in his reser'IBtion early . Hereafter, June, will be full of action, replete M r8 W J. Ki lbon Rpent the week- all reservations mu st be paid for, as in reminiscencs,surcl' arged wi t h sen· egd wit h her hu ~ b a n d .in Parkers- the committ ee will settle with the timent, emphasized by the r enewa l burg , W Va ladies on thaI basis . of old acquaintanceshlps, and will be -----ones long to be remembered by those Mrs HanlllLIo Antram and Mrs. An ad . in this column iR a sure sale forlunate in enjoying them . Mary r'askey v i ~ i t. ed Springboro rel"Th e re are no friends like the old atives, Sunday friend s. There are no days like the old dayt. there a re no thrills of the Geo U. Mills h a~ bee n s pending a present half to be compared wi t h fe w days with his ~o n and fa mily, at those experienced when we sa w the Champai g n. III fi ret street car, or went to the fi rat th eater "in the big city," or we i· Mr . and Mrs Hal' vey Sackett, of Cha8~is corned the announcement of th e first Bellbrook, have moved on their circus, or attended the (amily reun· farm at Fai r view. ion at the Warren County fair, or a Hick site quarterly meeting', or an M. St. Mar}" HGui :u . will sew at the E. revival campaign, or a negro home of Miss K oma Heighway, camp mee ting . "r a ta ffy pulling 1'h u rsdllY uft (;rn (ItHI. party at th e Cad wallud er fa rm, or we nl coon hunting in the hills, or A bilr va riety 11 ( Cu rtain Scrims at hickory nutting in the swamps, or a lOc and up, a l 1'1) man & Co. s pelling bee at some country school. , "Those were the days! I actually Born- To Mr and Mrs . Lawrence lament th e fact that I have three Shepherd, ,\Ilurday, March 18.1922, KiH the scale on your trees dear little folks growing up, who a son - H" btll't Daniel. and protect your crops by will never know the surge of emotion The Gir l Scou ts will hold Il market spraying. We have in stock that these remarks bring to me, or will arouse in the hearts or many at Earllhll rt's sture, Saturday. Go the fo))owil1~~ insecticides: who might have them recalled to and get your Sunday dinner. mind. "The Semi-Centennial will be some New Tissue Ginghams, Flaxons and real event - epochal even .. Organdies in a ll shades. Hymlln&ClI,



___- II. Thi~

f~r th~

should be the slogan h ' me town , fr om this time on, ·unttl I 1\1 r . :Jnd \ 1r~. ,J Jo; ,Iun l," \ had as the Home-Comi nl!' in June. l Our : their gUI'>t> fl'l' dilille i' . .'U tl !ilY. I'd I'. officers should see that we have a . , J l,hn McClure ali t! rami ll'. ~Ir . and " Clean-u p Uay" early in the spring· I MrM . J~ay mo n d Mill er, of I' ul ,Klin. time and everybody should get ~1r. Walte r WilliamH and filII ily . ., f reaQ ~ for t he Reunion ' on t he 28th Ki ng man , allli Mr . Loren a au lt:y ,., f .II ld 29th of June. Wi lmingloll . A Hplendid program is. b:ei~g \ _ . -- work ed out for the gathermg m Mr . Bnd MrA Will l< ersf'Y and son, .June o f th e alumni and ex.pupl" of '1 Jack, charm i ngly enler ta il, cd Heveral the Hi gh school. The boys and girls yo ung people at u St. Pul r irk' MOay of yeRterday will once altain play pa rty. 8nturJ uy evenin g . The evp n· school. and the classes will be called . inR' was ~peri t in plavin g g am es anu in rellular order . Spelling dilsses dancing, At a late huur . a delicio us and contests, community singing and lunch was se rveu tu the foll owing: out. of.door games will have Il place Th e Misses Alice Gon , El izabeth nn the program , and the boys and Clark. An na and Ethel Satterth wai te, girls will again form in line and Martha Shul lHlke r, Alice Ell i~ , KU lh march to the livliest ki'nd of music. Tomlinson, Ma rybell e Harn er , Ka th· And oh, my! won ' t that be a grand ryn Burn et, G lady ~ Harlan, Leno ra and glorious tlme--unrolling. the Ault, un o the MeMard. Al bert Wil eon, records of fifty years of the bright Virg il Relallick . Clement Sa ller- est and best part of life? or course thwait e, Nelsun Brown, Raymond yo u will be there. Whitacre . Herbert Aul t . My ron and • - _ . -- Seth l'hpm a ~ and Harol d Wh itacre.







On Thursday afternoon, March 23rd, on the premises, the late resi· dence of :Susan B. Hayslit , will be offered for sale.


Telephone 41

and Service Agency Waynt>svillf,O"io

I will have a carload of Locust Posts, arriving pome time next week. See me fo. prices. Fred M. Cole. The Junior Service Lealnle of ~t. Mary's church will meet wilh Mi98 Bernice Hyman, April 1. 1922. Elsie Hawke, Secretary.


D. R. Sm.ith Waynesville, Ohio

Just received a new line of Street and Porch Dreeaea, in newest patterns of gingham Hyman & Co, Ml' .•nd Mrs. Fred COle and ·the Mi88eB Oliv~ Allen, Louella Jann.., FOR SALE and Edna Howland saw "The Grll8t Lover," at the Victory theater, Day_ -----\L~ ton, lut Wednesday night. .

L~west ~ies

Those who attended ';,Llghtnin'" atJ lie Vi~tory lheater. Da . 'O~; :rueaday' nigb~ 10\ ere: Mrs / at well Peirce and-the Misses tie"rietta P4cKiJl88Y, Ii'.G, .. ,.••a LlIrnb~ . Mafle ~illiam80n, Laura McKinsey an.d Opal ·Davids.


~ l ••


• •-


_ __ __


•• _

- --



HO'IPJa~ld, . F~\letl

Lamb, Ma· WllIlamrlOn. Louella I

BrotheJ I Grain Company


ItClfllllSVllI4 Ohio



This is the time for re-painting and re-varnishing floors, for renewing the kitchen Iilloleum. for smartening ' up the furniture. Do it now! Have those old chores done and out of the way before time for spring house cleaning.




The "Chi-Enamel" Store .................................................... , .

SATISFACTION IN PHOTOGRAI:'tJ' . The chief .....on 10m. plOpl. do not have photograph. tak ... I. that thlY fl.' they will not bl .,trlfled with ttil rolulli. WI QUARANTa. Utl.hlltletl , at thl fl'ltowlnO prlCll1

$2'58 ., $3'•50, in folden' $4.50 8s11 iDchel; vaJue $1&.00. for .. .. , ..... "

3d Photo., in euels meuurilll iDches; value $/S.OO, for •. • ••. i ..... .. . 1 doa. u6 Photos, in fold. . m~ ari iDchel; value $10.00, for .•...• , .', '," 1

.... - J . - . - -



1 dOl. tllt7 Photos,


'cholee from S pollee wttll "


One Ix7.mob




t._ Given

JIue) .

otehr• . : -


. ...


wIth eacb of the aboft ....,. .... . ,.

Jhe interior of one roor:n: by he~,oic work . A boarded·up fire-place catch~ .lne fire from 8l*rk8 dropping bll('k of it was the cause. This is the llecond I ""' in ·t he lut few mont.. In this .

-.uDllnlW troQi the ame orillD,

Ga~ette .


Of all sizes Oln hand. Now IS the 'time of the year to put The honSe,of 'John Lamb, BOuth ~f them in. , town, caught fire, Sunday. and Come in and haul them out. we saved. with a small damaee to Thole who attended the Teachen'

88IIOCIaticm .a~ Lebanon, SatUrday, . . . . fienrtetta MaKin.aey,

Laurels Crackers, ted tins, reg ular price 3Oe, B~181 .... ....25c:



.. --- - -

Subscribe for the Miami



Dakota Red River Eatlng Potatoes, per peck .............! ; 40c per bUBhel .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. Sl.50 per sack ................. ...... . 2,75


We have plenty of



- - -------

A Noble Outcast," was given at the Harveysburg Town hall on Saturday night, to a crowded house. The leadinR p.a rt was taken by Prof. V. O. Tolle; that of Col. Lee, a fine old southern gentleman, by Howard McGuinn; bis falt¥ul wife, Mrs. Harry Tucker; the beautiful daughter, Mrs. Vernon Tolle; her lover,; Earl Cline; the villain, H. S, Tucke,; the pert and pretty maid. Lida Kennedy Music by the horr·. orchestra Why not a sto~k company and flame amusement for the public more frequentl~7- L V


Good Rio Coffee, lb, only ...... 17c Big cans Salmon, 2 for ....... "26c Cala Apricots, large cana ...... 20c Cala Apricots, small 'cana ...... 160 Bilt 5·pound Back Table 8alt.. lOc Big pkgs Garden Seeds, only, 5c . EVJJMilk, small;-ean .. ........- tic large cans .. ......................-1Oc Big cans Baked Beans .. .. .. ,. ; .. lOc Mr. -Russe ll Dunn and Mills Ruth Tuna Fish, small cans, 2 for .. ll;c Schatzm an, of Sardinia, Ohio, were Honest Scrap Tobacco, 2 pk .. l5c married at the home of the bride's Fancy Onion Sets, quart .: .... lOc parents. Saturday, March 18, 1922. Use Moore's Good Oil in your Mrs. Dunn is a sis ter of Mrs. W. O. incubators, and Moore'8 High Test Gasoline in your .lItoVes, Raper. and g radua ted fr om tile Way· They don't smoke. . nesville school, wh ere she mad e many friends . Th e yo tlng coupl e will Bring us your ERgs Wi\l'pav 21c or more this week. probably live in Detroit, where th groom has a good position . IT PAYS TO TRADE AT


Mrs. Leste r GOldon, who was Laken to the hospital, . last week, w~ere an operation was performed, is much better . .


P.D Havvke

served pleasin g r e freahm ent~. Amolll,l' th o ~e prps~ nt were Mesdames Ea rl Hock ett, Jobn Wil son, Frank Braddock, Perc ~ Reason, Ida Hocket t. Rebecca Furnas, Fred Furnas, Raym ond Wil son, James Van dervoor t, J ohnBeach, EvereltStubbs, Walter Wil so n, Quincey Gons, Fred GOIIS, Hpnry. Satt er thwaite , Israel Satterth waite, Harold Burge, and Master Bobby Burge. The club was invited to the Fred Furnas home for its April meeting .


Used Cars

One 1919 Ford Runabout One 1914 Ford One 16i 4 Ford Touring One 1914 Ford Runabout One 1916 Ford Touring Two 1917 Ford Touring One 1918 Ford Sedan One. 1919 Ford Sedan One 1918 F~rd Oefivery Wagon Two 1919 Ford Trucks One 1920 Ford Touring Orte 1921 ford Touring One .1915 Overland Touring T, 0 1916 Overland Touring "8" 'One 1918 Oakland ,


The Ha ppy Hou r club w a.~ delightfully ente rtai ned. Tuesda y. . --. March 14th , by Mrs Cha uncey Bun- ,Servic e this Wednesda~ eve~mgat nell and Mi ss Monimia Bunn ell of 7: 30. The theme for dllcu8810n at th e Cresar's Creek n eillhborh~od the mid·week serviCe!! during ~t is: The house wae tastefully deco rated "The Faith By Which We"Live, or with green, honoring- St. Pat- Whst The Church. Teaches. rick, whose bir(hday anniversary waE . Fourth Sunday ID Lent, March 21: near. During the meeting, each ~hurch School at 9:30 a. m.; Mom· member contributed either Irish in. 109 Prayer and sermon at ~0:30; cident or song, whil e vi ctrola mu sic Service and. ad.dress ~t 7 p'. m. interspe rsed the program. Mrs. Th~ pubhc IS c?rdlall y Invited to Everett Stubhs reviewed the life of atten~ these servtces. ., Ireland's patron sain t. Assis ted by ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!"!!! Mrll . Arthur Ha rtman , the hostesses


The Miami, Gazette,, 0Id0.

What Would'it COstYou to MiX , this Perfect Ration?


.. H E: l5NT_/ !~ lJ-,,- - ~""


:-\11·,' n un;: o ut


yuu nlnlll!.'·

h en sion In h t-' r \ oi c ~ wh clI S }I t;~ u~k .:d : "CII ll yuu II ' k ' lin t u 14 fi ni s h, mis-

Tll "(>~lrlh.. Oscllr He nll N t's MlJ,:'e l"h "11 ).' Il.'rt tht! two glr lH III Urn u uy E1 np,,'s s hn ck. would Illtl p,'t1 Ii,' )t In,k . I)f Int e E\' elyn hll ll Cl' n'"'' to OIl I',"'1 him, 111 th e eXl'll e me tll (If th" (" '111'1· • Idl) he III.d pUl his Iot'SI f .. ,,1 f" rwH,',I, lIud t OI' n tiltH' utter ti l •

g:I H II1 0 T'



~ 1 'c "P I

1I1111 t' .rl ll lJll n ·

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crull e, ('ruel nuturf! hRII h e p .. dl . l'i " ~ ''', BL'elyn's uttt ll Inl'llhutt lon h,," " isfl ppeul'cd III fl'rro r- ~rl'l c k e ll honor, A8 Evelyn \\'u s Illlc)lll~ III ~I lt l' 'us MllcKellzle 8 mil te more to her Iuste, l:I eouett's 'prlmilive I!lIsslons hud bll1'sl loto II sudden fl ume for Polly n"Il I, lnR, Th e squatter gIrl's sca m of him , hill' tlrnwlln" ridi cule, ollly mllde hIm de, sIre ber the more, A couple of days nft el' Ihl' nl g hl scene with th e girls. he le t't hi ' hnu .~ nlld took his WilY to tile lul<l>, \I " c r()s~ ed hi s fodd er 101 anti "lun>:l',l 11110 Ihe ~l oc J{ e tt 1. le ron's t whkh In,.. betwe,'n th e 1'1I11rOllli ,,'.. <o ks nn,1 lIw \\'ot" r, In ,hIs pockel he Il uil 1\ Il! ttel' tor E",'lyr., H e jnlerHled to kIll twu blrlls ,\\'lth 011 1' stone, If he could lint! P nll)' n' ,pldn s nlune. h e would tell her till! ,1<,,'1, 1011 he hnd COUll' to lI11d give ber Ih e.nule to ,1<!lIrer. Oscllr tllu IIOt n!lIsh entering the Sile nt Cll,\' hy the highway , Th e S(lllnlt e" hill ed hIm os Illuch 8S h~ ,lid them , JIlOr", III all probability; UI1<.I It \\'08 hi s holJlt to give the settlemeut n wi tie "Nth , It he discovered nny at Ih,' 1U 011 hl9 land, wllh the exception of P oll y Hopkins, he drove tbem away CurIously, Oecnr wai one of those who woulll mUler have produced rot · on hi s lund thou Klve It to the needy, Before vaulllnil the MacKenzie renee. the sound of people talklnK on the other sIde ha.lted hIm, Pollyop's volee ('"me dl~t1nctly to blm, and all01 her voi ce, a man's, answered her, The deep well-bred tones Bennett W89 8ure did not belong 1.0 a Iquatter: He lJ&telleti c8rerully to pIck up tbe Import at the cooversatlon. The bap voIce mumbled BOmethln, about a


6% Compounded Semi-annually "WHERE SAVlNGS ARE SAFE"

Make loans on first mortgage on real estate security -the best security.

The West Side Building and Loan Association 1887

MAIN OFFICE-Third and Williams FIFl'H STREET OFFICE-510 E. Fifth St. CENTRAL OFFlCJ.;-Third Floor Dayton Savings & Trust Building


We Put Them On



Waynesville, Ohio Natloual Baak


time had WOnl orr, un..1 I he

One of the largest and strongest financial,instHutiom in this part of the state. .


IlIul'l'lI q,~~,

hllll f'"lll ri II I: r,' ul sutl _ r" ~ I I" .. I.. lI w tl1nu >:hl tllILI "he wus I" ", Wh e tt Ih e


••• DeNTIST•••

think I COUld," Intlghell Hob-

'''fh " n I se" us SllI'nt 'lt y folks b('I'I1 ' hnpllY Ug1l 111," Sigh ed Polly, "We Kot a nwtul lot ot things Ull' folks ttl tn ke cure of here," Hobe rt Ill nde n sweep with his nrm thu t encom pussed the gr. )up befure hIm, "You hnve, evldeutly!" he laugbed, "An' I got more bOlito'," Inl erJeclell Po lly, "I g ot Dadd y Hupkln. ti n' Grl1nny Hope-a.n· thi s hrut Is my br"lhpr. on' this goot Is Billy Hopkins an ' Ihle 1011lb's Na nn Y"I), Oh, s ure, sIr, I've I'ot a hull 101 tn loY", In tI.l s good old city," I'olly mode on u()wltrd muti on with he r hond lownrd the pIcture On thr fell c('. " She', got a. bUDCh to lovp, too," she so III , sortl,l', "Aln't shl.'T H e WIll ked to her sl rle nnd contem, plnted " ,jth her !be pictured womou, nlllktnit her Silent apl'l'1I1 10 them for the wouud .. d bny !n hpr 1tl'IIt8, "Ot COUI'S" ~he hftS ," t1u s lI'ered Percival revert'ntly, "She's the Greatest lIfot her In tbe World, Poll y Hopkln1i, Rml- nncl-" bls /laze dropped upon be r, and he continued. "ontl you 're the 1It1ll'st mother In the world ," A gltll'l s mil e wid ened th e girl 's 111'8, All the feltr thnt hltd b",," IlS n ton wel.:ht upon her hsd tallrn aWRY, She wonted to pay him the Iolghp8t compliment she knew, When he hod mounted, she' told him gently : "Somp. doy you'l\ be the bl g~est an' most beautttlllest daddy In the wurld. Good-by," CHAPTER VII ,

We wiD move about \March 22nd from our present location, Third and Williams Streets, to our new build· Ing as shown above, located at Southeast corner Third and Broadway, one block west of present location , where we will be pleased to see all of our patrons af' wall as new ones.

D~. J. W. MILL E ~

te r ?" "Y es,

ert ; " bu t It wun ' t be nec('ssur y, "




In "I'lt u of lilt' c un 'I'. 1 III '" II),O llt w hich II 811111 " Illl'k.' d, U II'I'(' \\' 11 ' 1I (1 " I '(~

Lytle, Ohio


floors tor Real Se PJ~ce C rash I n, III" : I !l 't th .I\ [ lit , w a y t'hilpla y '! I ,',; , i t. 's h .tl d " il fl UlIl'S , uut h t'l'l"S a On,II' fini sli t o w i th s t and L'\ ,1\ t hal It a l'c! Thumpl

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But it can be done, is do ne with C e-re-a-lia Sweets. We're so sure that C e-re-a-lia will increase milk production tha t w e offer:


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Lustro-l;>i nl s h is al so fi ne foJ' furn it.ure a ncl woou work. Sold by

t ·tnll\10N PLEAS COURT

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" 1 1 \~ ' s min t', (I ::H' ur," :::11.· 1I1'!-l i III h '(l "1 '\' 1' Illu l him t\\ U hull 11 H~' ~ II OW ."

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New Suita, J ,III I. 13.. kef t8 tlning L ' zzie r-t u '\1 1 1 g- IU 1111 " llp ~ .. 1 f~ o m J, p , o n tt ,I It " W , MOl'lu n g hilS brought . lIlJ ~ ' Bcul lln I., Muo ce for a d t- , lu , tOn o rlJlITlll e r ~ htp,




,,"lL .. ,

h e i sn ' t y(l tl r ~.' · lu- rt ' t ltl't p il h ,' "l1 l,' t 1>1' tt n~h')tl)'" but u.iI.l',

"ond ProceedinJP:s. WAN'lED MONEY LOANED 1 th ou): ),1 I \I'll ' mi" -inl; S ILj IlP IlI lllI>S," f 'IH - J . W" gllouer Waa appointed I'oll y'" 1') 'l'S 11 110 ''; with "I u ... .. . 81" , IrU - L,'" III til " cn ~I' of Harry O~I~ WII S tryh ll! tn f1'I111'" Ult Hr1(lI nWltt h' McC lu llJo( W ~~ lh"1 l otio LJuulliy, et MONEY L d II k fO\'or of hN'"l' lf 111111 Ihe CI'e llltlr~ she -I , S " u tl HU OD 080l! 00 ve 8(,00 , ,. v "u chat.tell!, I\lao seoond mortgal(eB, RU " KlNU-For s h o rt nod long In Ih " O ,, ~tl 01 Th o 0 .,: I 118 by & Bar Nates boojlbt J(\ho Bllrbioll, AlIef! love<I, "When ) ' , >1 , nod II Ih llll( ,I," ' n' In U B X 6, ~ 22 dl~tl\ll Oe b u u llng, 0 ,, 11 I'b uul! cr~k , O'(, lI r." abe fll lll'rl',1 li t lell l( tb, II t lz t:" v ~ W , H , Ledford, 'he plain ulldlug, ~ enl,. Ohio. \08-11 X, C. E Ert w ttrd ~. W.""P8f ,rt' w" . gIVe !) tl Je" lsioo of < 19,,~ 07



ud II.. " r l ' ~H

r r ob

te Court ProceediDIr"

Money to Loan on Ville, Uhlo. m2 . , pRIV , 'l'E BnrtPr C U-I,o on. 'r. (n_ Farm Land for five o I, q'~lreot F " r ... t H uh l.. R, WuvutJdvllI,', tlhl '. m :!O years at 6 per cent. .\ V E y .mr ,I un k , \ l Id 1roo. S TER~ELL « TERRELL, and gel Wlll lt .. R ,bll"!UI', M'd

t..: . , IJ tl rintl

R"ndull wile appointed ul the eSlate 01 ()Uo , H. ~t. n d"II, deCtl rt Bact [A) ui s Kealor W~8 admitted lu the Dayt ,JO titllte b U8pilnl, M. ,I , b' nr r , Il ~ ss"igu e e of !:lo ..... rd 0 , M Ht.oulf, 1M urmu t:!d ,10 8ell oertlliu l'tl r.olll<1 \Jr"P l' r, y tit prtvllte 8ale , 8!1U.lUI~lrlltr . x


P"I'~r. ,

C' ~t1

e t,o,

II ,

Wilmington, 0., phone 301.

oelVllle, Uhlu,



nl1n 11



(''' '08 WIIY_

Ul 29

g o" ct Y"m llv H r~e . ab ' lU t 8 va .. r. o lot. M'I UD,1 lind I(ood work tor t", .. r y ))1"0'" (oj It Riley, R, 0 2, l.pbll?"It. lIblu m:l9


P " land.Chlna Mnle !::I01( S POTTED 1 Yl!llr old, l!lIglble \u .. S




lNG-B y I\n ~ x~ ~ d ,' nO tl d dre. ~ n.ak .. r . l uqtllr" 0 1 Mr" lnqolrQ of (,;, J Muqoord, neBI' M"rUu Murkllr, fluwer, lire nvlll" Hoo&e:l'e Schoolhouse, R. 0 4, Woy- Morrl. UrllbHlll . WH ,< " ell \'llIe, () .,,~. tU22 Ohlu, ll11d M18~ (';liua M, Jones, 08l!V III e. Ob 10, m 29 I.. ,bauo n , WIl\t e l' E Moore, fllrmer. and Miss ..iJli Type old IllIbl rmed i:>potte ri Pult&nd- Chlolltloglj. EUlih ~ 1J bred FOR SALE-CHICKENS Nellill Cl lltvtl r, b',UI u f Morrow, (hog of tbe bou I ) the kin " " u r fore , Jalll e~ E , Wnll, c u ~ iueer, Franklin , I n I her - n.ed to rlllse. bIg b u ned, blfl liod MI ~" :if.tlll .. b' rtl:lt , tlo , Laba non · ""ote, big l!y e " aod big l1Og8, If v o o W Legh n rn EI( K8 Inc l:I"rob. • ing , Cull ph o lltl.Ci 9-i1 X W y_ WIlU' whut the people waut·, get the 111 22 spot. The o ld 8U\.ll 1:1 I·h e w urtga ge Del!vill(l, Uhi o , Real Ealate Tranafera litter, tbe 'arm builde r; she e nrt Oht'H R 8 110,1 El'a Hron ks t o R. W y o ur Boil \"t\ fe ed8 th e huu e ry ; .III! URE-BI:tED Whit e WYHnd"t~e Kayl C) r , pl .. t cf lot N o . ~3 llJ Bur- but Ill" th e 8ch ool" anll oburo be~. lind P E!tIC~ fo r 1-I1I~{\ btn g; 'L fur II>; wltb out h e r Amflrioa woul ll go t o veyalmr g. t l. ' 5 per 100. Inqlllre u f Mr ~ W M. \jIVO be r Ii Cnrr, Hllrv e y ~ burJi( , Ohl J, rn ~ :! Mr!J , KUll e ~I , ,J,,rn IlY tu J o ho ti; , t h e bad fiu'Hlo illllv Mtl LntuP'y, 111<' tHHll vtti" d une nulf 0 1> " "06 und ~b " wILl adll CIl ~e tb e Illt,creel I" lo t, N ', .I :l' Itt Le bt."o n ; $1 c l ,lld r' l l1 T h o gr efl( Olit o rB w e h " Vt' ttV II I ' t't" 1 U i ~ jn t!l t tt.lJti Kd fo[, th t' I1111U !:l ~ nr y l:I ' lt l;O t ,) Wen zel tierre" , FOR SALE wb , WIll ct u I b e squtl re tbl ng WIth I,rllot III ·u r wl t.> ; fJ t,lI ,' ,,1.1 ~ o w . B OICS 1, ( RII u gtl~ ant.! W tluzu l H u rr e~ 10 E Is w nrtb Btlgl!" ,. t " II ttrll e~ for 81110, Tb AV lir e br('(1 Uli '- - ~ C Ii. I. R 9d ti;gg 8 for tra ()t i n \~ U I'IV llJ; " I rI \: ht, uud ftr" "rICtlrl. right, K E 8~l e l " l1 l11ro "r Murr" y tlop. 1:1 """ ",,1 ti !:l e nn a o ~o C h UB . J rl. IlIpSu n, t.I.ltl F inld MUD, Or El ~ o nlt< , klll~, Wuyned ville . Ubl o, 115 Mlltqullnlt·, trulJt lu Clearcrcek to w n- W u rrtl n CC'\luty. Ohi O, R, 0 , I, p!!on H l O- IX tlarv op burg ring, flU " hi,, ; :1-1, Del..'lv .. lleC re lt ru"lIp" rII tor, po wer Pro" to n "oJ Nunev LIlW800 to C Bt \ l\cbrll t:J llt ~ , I:( I "HI n~ OP-W In. L, "nO Etb e l !Ju ke, 67, 10 aOfes In quirl' or Prtl8 t o n f. 1I\HIIl U, R D, S, FOR SALE PROPERTY Wl1ytlfl to wn shi p: U, .vaynes ville, Ohi o, b5 it:s th e r IUl d My rnn t;;beets to E .uL IXED BbY. Loo 1St tM aod V, H e rb ~ t, Il t-on t ~O flares In GlearOU8E-NICA pro p e rty; tUTUI'Oll , Ifc u .. , Y ~llr . nld Hors8, J c:qulrl! c r eek. towns hip ; Sl. electric Il g htH; I/;o od lootltl on; Ann" W , Hobner t o Cora Bruok , wW eell rO(l@ool\ble, See I.. A Z\m - of J . ~ . Ur es well, I:t U :I , W" y ue,.. Ville, Uhio. 05 10\" N il, 14UllndUlln :;priDgboro; m ermlAn, Wflynesvtlte, Uhlo . mll~ Miu e r vn J, Ltln~don to,Lloooln B, 8, c, R. 1. Hens and 1 Rooster Urdl!l! , lo t N o \I io Job Cllrr's addlfor 1''' Ie , Inqlllre ot Mrs LoD WANTED-FARM \.1 .. 11 tu ~J1rtll g bnro; 11. Bllokett, Wal:lleAvllle, 01110. lOll\} r~gl ~ e r .

Marri_lIe Llcens ....

~ \II




S v,

- -- - -


"W ha t 0 0 Yo u Wa nt1" She Aaked S u i. le nly', Frowni ng a t Him, oo



Ilu d Ih e InUl h, " J I e's !uiuC'." ~lte i ll .s'~ t c d , "f1(" d dl'Ow"" " SUl' e If I It,, oI 1l' l jlllll )1('d Ill tn

th t' tll'lul, 1111' IIl,III '" loi n, oul,"

H t'~l d. 's ('p \ ' l'li llj!

the IIlI lI h, li p haled g-lt'I 's \\u y of f n n l\{l lI J.: II nl, 111nl ~, Wl 'ell 111' I!" t h I', I" , de lIll" mil lP d , li t, \\olli d I U !~ ~1 a ll 1I r' tlilll I,i llli


foi ljl ll ll [l' I'


lill i ',

Commi8lionerll' ProclledlDp ullowecl: The Willtero Stile, printing (ur s urveyor, t:!O 50; C li ,\hrvlu , ~tJPplleM, '1.25; Citizen Nil, In s pit e tit' II. e 1:1..r'~ fl':l 111k (TIl" """ 1,I"nlll BIlOk, Bllfe dep(;8t\ box renl. IIt'l' d t'Sp"l'lI te Ii ;,: h t ill g u g : ti ll ~ t 11, O S) 12 ; ,I. W , Lwgo !:lard ware Co., .op"I 'IlH, 750 ; Ob tu Bll~plttl1 for EpUep('II" p lt'l' 4'd li p t l 14' lallt h, 1'0 11 yll II s "" t' Ul l1, 'd r ,'u lI lll ':l II ,\I , fo r ticH, ol nt,biug for Warren Co. to w"l e ~, t,l1 03 ; W H, 8&anale, lOp. f r fl ltl 1he l ou l, 1111 hi .... \, ,·11 flll' I ' , ~dl t· !-l1l \\' Jw·n nlltl y \ \' 1'111( lit , IIIII' lld l'" to d o, 1I f' p ile" , til '" 75 ; tltllkaltn Mfg Co" IIUpIJII A ~, ,a ~ ; ti 0 , WIlJI"mt!, 8npplle.. , WH t; g l)i n.c to I~ il l ~" 1111 ,\ · 1I 1 1! A l:ltl n !'\Ilt, tlew ut hilH , I,!I[ b l' \\:1 , Inll :Jlld !" l r ll llJ.; II C6,45; I:I. C ,Geor~e,81l0pll!l8,'7, 21; ,I , C He ll . supplies, 114; Trollte88 of ulld " " hI II,,, 10",,11 ,,. .. n III II ", IIlr, Puhlio Aff"h8 , !tilth!, and water bill. hig h , .. It lOf h"I' I','., l'l.. \\'ilh n 1'''L. ~h '1 21,66: V "JlIlY fill. Co" &eJephoDe unth he pU iol ht.' d t l l4-' glr'l f 1'IIIIl lIillI :su reut, U7 25; !:'lame, tolls, U4 10; A , rou ghly thut ~ Io " f.,11. 11'10"" 1'.. lly T , R ottlg , M. R plAyrolJ, 123, 64; sct'ltmlJl etl lip, he had ti ll' I"m ll In olle Fral.lklio N e vr~, Ildvprlleement, 112; hunu and n IUI'~4! s l l lll !' III l ilt , HIl ler , E . J , 'I'hoWI)80n, blaokBm"h work,

\\'ltl l ' 1111 ' ~ \\ t" ' P j, f hl~ 11I 1:: hl,\' 11lI n ll , he I Ii 1' 11:--1 111 ' 1' iI ~l d, ' , ;1I11i , \\ Idl. p ill;! lIill Id s k n iJ'I', lil' ' li t tlu' !'Hl lt· [lillt Ilcl d Na II II ," Il o l ,I \III ~ t \ 1 l'"tl y' :-. a 1'111, T hfln ,

IfO ~cnr ! "


sll <.' sh ri.' k t.,tJ ,

She ,Ir"pped It> h" I' 1,11 "I'~, "'>I " (> ~ cJ Wee J,'f1'Y 111 hCl' II rllt R, 1111 01 ~h l'otl.l e ,1 his fu ce Ullfl lle l' ,,"' n II, 1",1' ru rls.



c1 ulll,..,] ,

ol' 1 1(lII !o' l ' II~l! 11 11 1



U ll l' W Ul't1 =i IU HlIt, I he fUl' l lIt'r ('I'f l ull1

w h c l'(! f hl! l'I'l'ut ll !'t' callJe Cro lU, "rh 'n el UI' a l irE!', he's mi ll,' !" li e ex,

th e

, .,


"yuu (,'11 11 [Ida ' (dill 1I01llt' UI." l o\'e h1ml "t Til l' JIIHU ':'! Inllel ;.! l1 n·aw I! r tl ll ~ l lt s tIl' t'P UU ;oo. IJ H I r l ll~ ~l rI ' s '~ . :-\ 111 ' p lH l'C'd ill'n': l' l f d ll'l! l ' lly lJt.,'l \\' l!~1l 111 111

nll n- ('UII ' [ ,\'I " l


\\Thell slle dnl'l 'd 1,,"\,;: Ill' a g ai n, OSl'lIr I


hod thrown the d" 1111 11II1I h 011 the grounll, "ThCl'e," li e 1;1'1 11 ", I. "I hilI's fo I " nl'l. 1 you a leSSOll, !Ill" 1'011 lI"pl, lns, And now I'll open your "Y~s 10 ijOtlt Cllllng else," AB h ~ c r" ss~t1 10 hel'. Rl' e trl cd to mother, In responle, the squatter ctrl'ti tOrle~ tell upon hIs ear: "Some strugilic tu I...", r"c'l : I' ut her l e l!~ WI!re day ),ou'll bit tbe hlr,"t lin' mOlt weak, Bnd s he ~\' n s "1,'1, o\'er th e q uivbeautltuleat dadd, ID the world," Then ering body th e re In t hI! r(llHI. 111 >lU , other mInute OSCur h/lll slIlItehed hur followed , the ~ueh of depart InK hoots, JealouB)' tore at the &anldropper, It In(o his artUs, She sbrlel,ell ul!u ln OUII ngnln ; unci dId not take him lon, to lIet to tbe top Jerry's loud erie.. (ollnl\"'<I, us slle ot tbe fence. . Some lound he made broUllbt the fought desperat el, with the burly squatter KlrI's bead around sharpl), furlller , On ce out of s ight of th.) n ell Oros8 from her surve, at the picture, "What do YOU wantr' sbe asked aul. poster onll th l! J1tt"~ gro)l1~' In front at It, Per.e1vol checkl'tI hlH h,m ;", BoS lenly, frownlllil at blm, .hook hIs I,,'nc! IIn,1 chomped Olear Jumped to tbe 1II'0und_ bls bIt III (1I 8tlll (1I'O" U I , li e \l'IIS n "I come down to aee you. PolJyop," cuatumed 10 1I1ftrl, hnl'1lIlt-Rt'lll'Ut1l g aL· he reJohied, com log forward, "Wbo 10'IS, nnd he 1I" 'cII tlll~ lll ; but tl,l, , were you talklnll to 1" mOl'll l n~, ~I, e"llIlIy ~ h 1Ve thl' l)II use by The only sate way tO' llet alan, with the ({'nce cul'nel', If hud IJl'e n COIOthe farmer, Polly bad concluded. Wds PCllcu to mu g uluug IJI(e u \\'orn-"'It, to have notbln" to do with biOI. old unit, "Leave me be, Oaear BenIIett I" abe I/hrllled, "I' dOD't nothln' to do with rOG. r. nlD' ~.




"J I ' I ' d ll ,\'

"Sll n ', ,!':Ilr(' you

, Vould )'~II kil O\\, just what proportio n of <03 c h inl!retiic nt to use to ger m ost mil k a nd k"t" p your co ws in gon d ph )'si al sha pe I Could ),0 11 bc sure of a Ih uro ugh mi:d C ould Jail adJ (,,,brahle cane molasses wi thout ma kine your feed lu m py-hard to ha ndle ? N~.


" ;, H·lt' 1'1 it.

p l" {' IIl'''~in) g p st llrt' u s rulli ' ll 11:0 ttl :"1\1 h e co ul d IJPH t l)r h llll~ l'l t how Illll r h ... he

Acre arc ci~ht w ell- kn ow n milk ma ki n\!' feeds , Y o u can buy them r,·,.dl'-llI i x~d ll S c'-rc'-a- li:l Swc<·t ~, Or yo u C:tll mix t h" 1ll ),ou r,,,If , HlIlll ~ m ixill!! IIlt' ans Irill~ up lots of m on,'y , Y Ult h al''' to 'b uy in ill"'''' '''l' q";lll li tie§ to get th ese good fecd ~ cheapII', I::vcn I ~ (' II -

F eed Ce-re-a-lia Sweets to one cow for 28 days, If you don ' ! Ite! m ore milk-or richer milk-rhan now, you wiU i e! every cent back. Get details from






WANTED-I F \RM from party having


to hellr Good olosed , top W"itOU and l! f ,um for S il ts nl gooll Hurlll!MtI Inqultll nle Give prIce and d !lllOrlptlon of EHI Conllllr, Waynentl!e, Uhlo, fi, B, LouueD. Champaign, III u5 w211 W.lD'

II 50;


B CaIn, work.

omPlele Farm Llghttng Plllot, 33 C conBI8tlng ot 3 h . p , Inter 160, 10; vol~,

nCitlonal 011 eogine (nearly new) .0 volt-20 Ilmpere 8toral!e ballery, '160 ampere hour .torage baHery, and 8wltchboard; lu good oondltiun, WlII eell anr p"rt of the above I'qnlpment; prtoe vl!ry re"80nable, Pbone 448-:1, Lebanon, or 68-5, Way. neavUle, mllY

JOhD Roben8&1ne, tcravel, n ,80; Cary Youog. rOCid work, 12; Alva BeDDeU, hBUhDg l!tone, " ; I1110rge Stewart,lBme, '4; W, L \:oun~, ,ame ••6 ; M, Plnkerwall, eame, 12,25; J, A. Whlte,road work,'7,60; J,N , L&nghead, hauling gravel, 'IS,80; J. K, Spencer, bridge planke. 1126.75; Et.rl J , Spencer, eXileDeel to CID- POSTS-Catalpa· aDd Loou8~ , B'ellCe clnDati and Columbus, . 1826; Ore. Poe"_ Inquire of W A, gODla Bridge Co" reDl of 10& and Uooper, t, 0, 8, Waynellville, Ohio garale, 1150; Same, oon'raot, 'U6 , m22





,. ,


.... T H E MIAMI


.GA Z E TT E••.•




]low Firestone Has Reduced· the Cost of Tire. Service ."

The paper.hangers hAve begun Frank Snyder .'Pent 1a8t week In thbi r 8prin~ wor~ . Dayton. . Oil Aorll 1st, tbere wlll be 110 dance The "tiu" In a lIgnt form bas been 11$ I,be t own ball mailing II ronnd . hore, lAtely . SubMcriot.iOIi Price, $1.50 Ill'r year Mr. Jlloob8, oor village blaok. Keeler UrahBlD recelve.l 500 little swlth i@ a bosy milo. Ch Icks by parcels pOBt-. last week. Mrs. Cella Uuhal)1 retorned bome ==:-==-=-=:-=:-=-;:;-========================::::==-1_11'1~D~r~.~GI~e~o~.n~Battoo oelebr.. ted bia MtID'.llT"Vii1lil'y hospital, IfrlI1I1Y . WI:WNESDAY. MARC H 22. la 2~ J . C. Umy & ~o n Iue runnin g Heber Smi~b IB employed lor the Jan. 1921 J a n . 1922 tb eir.81lw mi ll steadily. Bommer on a dairy farm , near Alpha Size Reduction Prices Prices SA VS SA": Mr find Mrs. R. B Brooks were Mrs . Mary Smith attended tbe fu. THE LAVISH HAND . .Deral of ber ooosin .. t OilY ton , "This I, , h .. rill' p o f y,,"r w h en ",blipping III U"yt,on . FrhlllY · I' bo L"rll '1I1m lr,·. U obee.r ul gIver the 80n I' hl .. " • . ' I,,' l.. rtl~ ~ Ing . lind ThursdllY. Fa lJr ic 30 X 3 $18.75 $ 9.85 47% .J olIlI Lhtln Morris . of Soblnll, Wlf8 th e one UI ~L u(jv"r "tl'j.)~-I. hllt don't the buv ",,, . 1,, ·. 11", Io ll~I(Y. ' he re, Frulny, loo kI ng after hlol Inter Claode Lewis W811 oall ed to Berea, X 30 3 !~ 22.50 11.65 48 % Il ~"l r ll tIl ow n u U1 v vl'r.l)Utglve~ltn · e~ t ~ Ky .. Illst week, by tbe Budden death 1 of bls mother . glvA~ - llnlil h .. drop" 'I'h " "ori 30 X 3 ;? Co rd 17.50 35. 75 51 % Caesar Firot "Empero r." Mr Ehb F . !:l pnry blls puroha sed tur . IIdvl!! H ~ le ndln' n~ Ii m ig h ly "eu Mr. "nd Mrs Levi Greathouse, of Jllilus I ·UI·'" ,. 1\'", Ih e II", rul ,'r to Ill " hlllcy IlIJm ~l:I teild of Dr. J. U. " 32 x 4 56.55 32.40 43 % Day tab , s pent !:3undBY with Mr. and tlrn us ~o"le-_h t' b lnt· Ih a t· t .h nold styl e h l lll -.:, ·11' 1111 j 'lltl lll rllf . ~IIl OY . ., 1 Mr". Clyde Whll r ton Ilfid fllmlly . x 33 lIe.. p B · ~"end in · 1111 I 'm minus 1111 4 :.! 67.00 42.85 36% WII I1AIII l :rti lg. of Xen t" was in Miss WIllamlnll. Pueh, of Davton, m y kllie . T hl! l101lC1 BOllk 1111" vl r'way t !loently. o.. ll1ng 00 x 33 81.50 52. 15 5 36% hil S been visitinl! Ilt tbe home of ' _. b"~. th e 'C hr olll O j In x l.b" I. l u~ t he I frlt l/d JroI Mrs. Rlllph LeWhl, und WIIS OIIlling OI\ UIIP h e',. I1lw .. 'y~ -qllllt'e, III I1Y ~ 1,!lll k M r ~. ~; lItrn" EI I1 8 ape n" lIe ve r,,1 on Ly tle .f rlends, T hursday. ow th e CI~ st of bu ' !ding q Uality t l r~s h as been brou ght down to t he lowest l1u l · ... 111 -1 weak , wltb out-or.t ow n op 11 11:.· a W ull !:it re,,, "n'll z ~ r t.reaH level in h :s lory w ::.s explained by 1-1. S . F iresto ne, Preside nt of the Company, Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Dinw iddi e and tlr P ~ t!l1 ld en UV... r 1ht-4 r l=' , A li d w.;eo to h e s t ock holde r, at th e annua l mee t ing on D ecember IS, 1921. dUlIghter, Miss Olive, an d Pllul tiav. f r" nl her e "I.t ended the y o n _"e II fel"' r , OIH, ~htlt Iltu't f!l1 t aj(Il, or Wayne~vil l e , were SundllY 1. ,f II itI[J I'JI/"ries rJlIri commit men ts II / ur below lIr e I1I llrktif. "111'111\,111 III W II .vIlt'~vtl l e , \V ed ntl8 g U ~8t8 of Fl oyd Bavage Bud famil y . Bnv " nuL - yo u wIlnt t n UO U oh tier r n l tlIlV "' ~ht. 2. /;u'rl'lIs rd II/ II 1/u/u· /l/ri1/J.t rDicJnlcy ond volume production reduced 10"0'7 Kiv"r "wi I.. t buu hllvll ,V,·t n llllny btrt!. Wllltllom Cole man r etorn od overhel:d 58 ['-;'. 11 0 ", You fl' JulltlCI Ib n III WH ul • I)r . W K fr o~' I" build i ng a h a s. (rom CinolnuuU. lass week aUer WlI b ""nw Il')!)r bn [. ornflry ~ou III pIlil li l. wh lll h be will o ~e In hie soven l days 8ojourn, I\nd' wblle 3. Sel/illl! co.lls reduced .1 S''' ~ , j R.t grot. hi .. "r ill . !In ' hit Ih0l!rllvel pr O f tl~' I "U. ..ttonded the fUli era l of " friend, ~ •• ,w Ioun qlilnk r li(ht iutll curnll . 11 Me. Fires to n e s t z. ted, " T his reduc ion in prices i~ made possi ble by our unusually J. N . Mill or , ou r I r llit tree M"le@ . \lr. Banner Robinson . yon .. 1o " ull1 tin I Il bUIl t(r .v brother . advan t ageou s bu yi ng faciliti es , An d t he e nthu sias m , loyalty a nd determination of our """ I. I,,,n .. ,, ol,,d bU~ \I .. "~ in L\lhll. Allen /Smith , o f Osyton, wlla 11 r"lottiu' in hi .. II I.Ilrvin · hille. " "s~ T' r 1 00 ' ; ~ stuckh old,ng, org a n ilat io~L DO li, 1'1lDrMI",Y . week .end guetls olf his pllrent~, Mr. rull-v ou ' l\ find Iln tlt,he r . Wlty 11ft' 00 It "Due credit n: us t be I~i vcl\ t o Fires on e dealers w h o arc selling Firestone tires on Mr ... ::;(Idll 1{ ~ .. Mn dpent I bfl w eek and Mra. C. 8 t'mlth . Be Is s low ly the ot her sid ". . • . The cheer. a smaller m argin o f pro f,t . This brings every F irest one saving direct to the carful 8117e r, ob ee rful lo.. er . or I,be wllb Mr8 Eu rl Uookett, uf ne"r r ecov erln~ trow 1118 reoent aooi dent , now·belng able 1,0 'Wlilk with orotoboll obeerfullendiu'l{llnt, will nover fB oll owner." W"yno8vil ln If y ou have dyspepsi a and h elld. no grllD .. oou~er 111 thll ll ellven wllere Mr "nd ,drs. ChaA. E. Johns had tillfety UI1I'''Hlt Bllxell, 12 the :v ellr The sav inr: th ~ol'g h forst eos~ ;,lus t he sn ving t hrough high mileage doubles aohes .. nd feel "11 11 In, " don't IIIRe It h e',. we n l . . . 'l' bl1 world I. W" y u(> ~v i1:e Nat·ionn l Bank. Way . for their guest8, . Sunday, Mr . lind F irest o ne eco nom y and is da ily "d,,:"g new fame to t he Fireston e principle of servic~ full of .. dru onl tlon'·. fAr Lbol ebtls rrul f J r llranted t hftt .tbe r e It! no r olief. no. ville. Ohio. Mr s. E. J. Smih. of Wilmington, Miss folIa 10 do-b IlL Ibem tllut folle rs ::;tren g th an o ambition foryoor 1~l sks Mury Ilnd Mr. Pu.rry Cook, of Cor. I:l 0 w~ r ,l Coo k, after quite a ~ i o k tbe conditio n"" I Und ou t I ~ IDlghty will oome when vou build up your Mo~ t weakened bl 'od wit b Gudtl'~ P opto SPill! . I~ "!onl n busy lookt ng "fte r bls win , and Mr ... nd Mrs. Wm. Brown. few. Mang"n. T"':e It with your 10 01\111 Il r pcl U 1r01ll ull ts. Mr. and Mrs Kesler Gnham en. (ew weeks aud life the perm Hnent tertuiued to !:3undllY dinner, Mr. ano 1" Ow 'IOll r fu tu ro we Ilre t o bave Mra. Arthor Wbl'Ie Bond lon, Robert, oene11I.. It It! jut't tho thing to Illd you ~o reoo ve r full b e .. lth Tbls II loerl 8tore, somatbing we are very of Day ton, Mr . snd Mrs. Carl AI . wond erfnlly effiolent I orIO of (\Jod 111 ucll In n eed of. brlRht and Roberl; Stowe, of Spring. Iro n qulokly im l'r O~e8 the uppol ltt', The III0k In tb ls oom mn~lty are bora . 'ldde oolor to obeeks 11011 IiIlS .. nd oat Improvlug as th eir (rien dA would The Clark road. leading trom here Imparts I!trength [·0 the j ~t1Hd Olu~ II kf1 for I·bem to. to the Ollylon pik,e, Wll8 mnoh 1m. Homey Philosophy IC11l8 . Re me mb fl r to H.k ur "Ul1 l ltl '~ Mr . O ru. Rrlbertll r et urn ed. Satur. proved Isat ThorsdllY, by belni Pepto.Mang.. n. " 80ld in both liquid I etruok lion Brtl ole t he othllr day Bnll t .. blat form -Advertiseme n t . d .. y, ( rom Alab"mlA , after se ver.. 1 souped lind th e holes 611 .. d wltb In one of oor populoH mllgllzlne8, • _ __ __ stone. Thte r oad haR bee II in a very dllYs ' prospect l cg . • • whloh rl vfl led illY fltt entl"n lit the • bAd condit ion Dlost 1111 winter. Mr~. Emmll (Jltne and 80n Mutt, of fu st .:I .. nee . . . T ht s "I ~se rla. I Sove ral people obangbd th eir I)Ilyt Il U, wer e gneRt ~ of Mr . lind Mrs lion WI)~ 10 t h o effeot tbllt I co uld ' plaoes of 8bod", la8t week. Gl\l1 W A Mo rritt. tionooy . MARCH 1922 II tnp fO!'!(tl llln ' In ubo ut ten dll'" Uorlion and family h a ve moved to 1 wonlrl i"ve.t f" ur l1011l1r~ ~nd Fflr tlle re ill ~bll! vlclnltv 'IIre bOIY MrA. Barlan's property; Mr . Ilnd pillety. nm e oe nl l' for .. oourlle 01 . pl ,1Wl llg. getting 'heir g r ound really Mrs. Fnnk Kurll'l. moved to Will • tJ."nt t ~l\ ltnpn til . • • (or tbe s pring pl .. ottng. Urshllw 'II s ooth f .. rm, and ~r . Ad . .. ,. ', .. 1 2 3 .. NIlW, II UII. b~ eo my on8tom fe r a Mrll J. B. t:!hld"ker Wll8 the week. "m~. of the OaytoL pille. moved to 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10UIC ~ p a ll , t" think Iwloe bofore plU. ., nd go t'", of h e r dllngbter. Mrs. the farm vacated by Korfin; ~r . m lttln' UlYI!~1t 10 be oODvlnoed. 80 l ' Ptt ull oe VIIlu.rH, of Doyton . "nd Mrs Fox, of Dayton, move I Into 12113\14 15 16 17 18 HOW'S THIS? d ,o't w,wt to .to\l fe rl(· Ih ~ ' I'llrt of the h ouse with dio latter's 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE j 'lnk an' rel1l en, berl n ' thll ot ll . r Wenoe~dHY night, Mruob 22, tbe mo ther. Mrs . Ida Day . sloff. H's tI s""olll i II IVI I,.",. to me will do what 'we claim fo r it26 27 28 29 30 31 . ZIOn Hootl st oburob wUI give an en· to dr. pinto tb e o yolOi fie c,·I1... "f Itl rtalnme nt a' the Town hall. Susan B, Haysllt Estate .... Mar. 23 cure Cntarrh or Deafness ca used by fe'a et(nlne88. when 110" 1lI",t "", r .., f Catarrh. We do not clllim to cure Mr. lind MrR. W . L. Bervey were N. W. Ricks ..... . . . . .. . Mar. 2S any other disell8e. anplea8an l m e m '·rl ,," 1/'''' tu tbon . , Our Calendar OFFICE: gue~I,II. lin Thunday, 0' ilr.llnd Mrs. d e rln ' Iln ' ahow" r ... ' "" ILl Y "pllrHp ly ! Early Buroet. . , .. .... .. April I HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ti tlfl r y Murphy, of Frankllu. Fourlh Street, near Tyler protected bead . . BO.lde8 lhls i Mar . I ~Ash Wednesday Bavlng sold my h ome, I will sell is 0. liq uid, taken internally, and I .. m m oderRI .. I,· ""r lllin Lhllt tb e re'~ Mar, 5- QuadraResima Sunday Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Wllite r Underwood . TelephoDe 93 M. M. T erry wa.@ In Dayton. t:!1l1. Ilt Publlo Aootlon, Ilt my r68ld e n o~ acta throug h t he blood upon the often oonlOld "r . 1,1" m oney In bein' Mar. 12-2nd Runday in Lent Of WI'YIJl'l'V lll e. were Snnday lIueatl' In Utloa, Ohio, y. mtle weRt of ora~y. mucous surfa ces of th e system, thus ahle to fe r !lH "' t h e \tr oll" r tlo .. e . I Mar. 14- J ewiRh Porim ot Mr nOli ~, r~ . Wilbnr B"wke. Waynesville. I bell f' vp m " frl flnd J O. Armonr Mar 17- t Patrick's n ay Bert Bogan spens Monday .. nd Dodds, 6 mllea soulhwtlst of Wav. reducing th e inflllIIlmation Illld re· Mis" Flom .... ond Reed I, 88ellltlng nesville. "nd b miles north of Leb. w o uld lO ll " '" wit,h me, t'~\l I'O IIlll y on Mar 19-3rt! Sunday in Lent storing normAl conditions. III t,b tl bllnk. Both tb e bank and Toesday In Ctnoinnalt. IInon, on t,he wtt.DP"' "'~lI nd tJel ore tll II ill \· .. ·tl. Mar. 21- Spring bea-ins All Druggi st s. Circulus free. Three new nRm,es were Added to MI ~8 tteed us 10 be oongutulBted. glltin ' cnllllllillee. . Mar 25 - The Annunciation Saturday, March 25, 1922, the Ladie!! Aid at th ei r I.. et meetnl( . ~. J. E hency & Co., Toledo, Ohio. O n Mnroh ~4 . 11 danoe will lake "t,llI. I 'uay be wrong. Mar 2ti - 4th Sunday in Lent We are ~orry to report Mrs J . P . Beginning Ilt 1 o'olook, p. m ., 'he pl!l c.e 'It tbe hai L The p"rUIIII who ""III ooud uct It ar" from Wllmlngtoa Osborn not eo well at thl e writ! ng . following: 2 Borses, 2 Cattle, 2 Ve· FUNE" O\L DlRI;CTOR Mayna rd MoKay , of Wllmlngt<.n, h lolee , lionsebolrl G oods , 8t~ See Mllsers. IJle men' M. Beel. R. W . I K.. yl or bnd Fron k Willian trans. epent 11 pan of 1I.lIt week with his !>iIIs for further partlcolars. qhlo .N W RIC KS. aot ed bu~lness at tbe Coonty Sell' brol.herl!, h e re. w. N !:)ears, Auot. ...,,'. \~: on rhursdHY. Mrs Ed Uray If! e ntertaining hllr • \.. 1 Pr r, p ~ rty I~ oh ~ngi ng h ands io BIBter, Mr8. AnDl. Wade, of Wes t Fully Equipped for GoOd .•. Enmined Correctly••• t.lll~ vlll ulC" If ~' o u w .. nt to sell, AIAxande r, Ohio. Service. prloo "onr pr operly . and tbe other Ray Berrlson a.nd Mr. Stokes, of Community Publlo Sale lit Euly's Glasses Fitted Large Display Room fell" w wil l do I,h l' r ns t. Le ba non , were .()I\lltn g on K. E. Mill, Lytle, Ohio, on AT YI)OKRATB PRICES Th ompson , 8I1tarc\/iY Mr. "net Mrs. FI'" uk8l\ldoker w er e TELEI'HONli 7 Saturday, April I, 1922, 'l'b" MOt<8YS, \lrs. D"vls and Mrs . Olll\ nd t o Tr u.v , I"",, wee k . 0 11 "coount of t he d rnt b "f \ 1188 Mbr .b" tihid. Murray uttended ohnruh lit Bllrveya. Beginnlulr at 10 o·clock. the follow . .. kpr, cOllsln or "r. 8hidaker. borg, 8und .. y eVfln lllg Ing : 20 Borltea. 1Ii CaUle, 30 Bogs, Optical Deparblleat Rev. Mrs. Rn th Murray oonduoted r .. rmlng Implement!!, B~rne8a , An. "I b " tA t o b... >l Id oker ; HATHAWAY S. Detroit S&. XeDla, Ohio the funerHI' of Mro Looella MIlI~ , at tomobllBII, Wagonll. Bnggles, Feed IlIlw"v p I'",~ l'Or p1111 00; OPE eveDlnll bJ appointment !:3ee bllli for fnrther partloul.. rl. Bul. th f< wh ,·,·1 tbo t does tbl! squellk. WaynellVllle. on Maroh 15tb . WaYIIN,1lle', Lea411ll Delltln EARLY &. BUR~gT, ~gr8, A. B T"lmalle and fllmlly were I " I! A. A. MoNlel 1 . Oftlce In Bainee B1dJ, 8' Sonday gU8sse of Mrs. Garner and Is th " "h lltl l tbat gets t be greaee." dnughter, lilrs Je s~i e Kennon w. Beall! t " " TI I" r~ll"y evening. Mflrob 23, C. L. t:;hearer 00 8. Ll1e BUDl 8 "rid wlftl have m oved I tit I1Jl' 1\}wn Illll!, I,he Ills\ number I:!amoel Slmplion from nellr Or e~ o[111I to tbe O 'N ea ll ., I he . Alct.1;l re Co urse \9111 t .. lle , pl,lI)e. rtAmoru her the d"te. and be property , on Moln ett'eel in W"lImBn III·eE.1U t R J . Murray and K . K Thompson afe ellterhlnlng tbe genuine old I will offer at Publlo tilile at her tll s hl oned grippe M ,t Ibeir bOUles here Ilite resldenOQ, oorner North and Tbe MoKRY famili es ~pent 8 cou"le Water streetll, Wayne"vll1e. OhiO, Get my terms for your of dll.YS lliMt week to Wilwlngton, the goods belonging to the e8tate of tbe guests of thei r pa rents noll SasBn B BayeHI, lleoeaeed. on For sale dates , c~lI W. C. Public Sale. (Delayed.) mllny frieodt!. Smith's Store, New Bur· Satisfaction guaranteed Thursday, March 23, 1922, 'The tiondlly.sobool oO Dl es t he. lingtoll, or Harveysburg, or no charges. tween the m l1n and wOlD en olosps on Beginning at 1: 00 p. m .• a .LDl of .1. ". li llw k lm oo ntloues til Ilt tb e Ohio, phone 7-20. . ll lr Ul II o( h i~ brot,her. Jesl!d BBowklnp. EaMler ~uud .. y alld, or oo u ne, the H oOlehold Cjoods, elo. t:;ee bill~ for men are ahl'lId. i brtber pll rtloulllfll. Box 91, Centerville.IOhio M r Hnrl Mr ~ . 1:). C. Stll n fi eld hllt~e MV PRICE, ONE PER CENT Ray Barrl~ o n Rnd wife, of Leb'\. MALCOLM Bl~PBA M. Home Phone 2, Cenlervll"' ~ moved t l) I·h llir h um e In tb e oonotry . o oh , antl Mrs Ida l:Iowo Rnd son, W . N . !:3ear8, Anot Admr. Mrs L"" Co,,1 Is qOIt. .. 111 again, !:turrY,ol Barveysbut'l/, were bun. Sb o WII~ ta ken to the i:epey bOllpltliJ. day gne8t~ of A. :IS . Allen lind wife MondllY. A. B. T .. lmage, wife lind son; lind . Tb e buon \\'11 11 mYll.lly en'er~alned Mrs. Jessie K enn{ln aUend ed the fu. at Harrv Nlokllrllon 's oamp, Tbura. oeral of their ooo ein, Mrs. Lavina Warwtok. In LebunoD, on Marob 13 dayev t! nin g. A, 8 . Allen aud wife hlld "s th fl lr Mr. lind Mrs . Clark Poland, of gnests on Sato r day evening, Ed X " nl l\. oa ll ed at t be bome of Mrll. GrllY lind wife, of College Corner, .Iane Woad, Sonday. Ilnd Mrs Ann .. Wade,ol West Alex MIs8 Hillel Miller, of near Xenia, ander. ~"E\nt last wl!ek at the home of Mr. Walter Sbank. wife, Ulother and t.od Mrs C . V. RoblDeon, Mister , Mil. Eth,el, entertained on Is best, lor steamin{! your Mr. and Mra . Uran' Phillip., of Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John 8h,.{er OilY ton. ~pent the weelE.end with .. nd daughters, EleleD nnd Romilda, Mr. aDd Mn. RO))<lr' Reeae, Benr, Mr. aud Mrs, G. A, Phl11lps. Batley, Biram 8 11lnn and Mies Mil· Uri, Raymond Wilson and daugh. dred Ca.e . 01 tiBowlUoD . ter. ()f ' Day~on, wt're lIueilt. at the The Ladl611 Aid met on Wednea. huwe of Mr!. JOlephine Blab l Jallt daY wi'b Mn. F. S. Sarhoolr. tiev. week eral of 'he member8 were abaen, on I . Ba8e ball fanl! of our neIghbor. acooun' of s10kn888 and death. 'fhe Atlas is used exclusively in th~ '~url~y Eields of Ken. hood have orRanlzed a team and next mee&lnl will be held With Mra pr~Qred Rrol1ndll tor 'he 'oomln. J. W. Rld"arda on 'he al&ernooD of • tucky. We carry Q~ complete stock at Dayton. Aprll 1\!, 11122. All 'rv and oome, lea ton . I . Clyde Levlo)" Joe Davis "nd fam. MAny par"on8 who were· tn~re.ted In 'be Clinton Coua'y Balke' Ball ilVI of aaryey,.burjf, (ilenn D~vls toaroament., attended 'be pme, hi' and family, -Mra. Bogaa aod lon, I ,Wllmtt;lgton. ~rlday ,I&nd ~'aa:da1' 8ert, of Wellman, E O. MannoD ~ 'lenry Oarter, of the Kingman ttlllm i and ' famHv and Jamel Cleaver, of , , ,' 'hi"place; lpen' BondltY "Uh Geo. bad .. ' lear' b~okeD Kinlman ·'.loll W. 0.,.1. and wtre, U bel~g the seooad oap.. blrthdayaJ;lnlvereary of Mr. DaYla =~~~~~~~~~~~~ aDd· Mra. Glenn Dayl•. · W. oml' Uletr aiN. _ Ne",. of 'he Md and IlIddell d.dh D. L.. CJ.' A~E. Edito r and



] 1U

li~I Ifr. WnYI1t' ~ \"illf, O hio









Has Your IGuders Pepto-Mangan Will Restore


Miles per Dollar



I l

tr !

.. Wayneaville, O. The Kilpatrick-French Motor Car Co., Waynelville, '0.

F. D.Hawke


Public Sales

Dr. Lloyd B•.Hall

- - -___0- - -





Walter MCCluie









TaxFree -Yields 7%



8,(J"-.4'SHARE.OR·tAO~~ The DaYlonPower&llght Co.

----- ..----


Jesse Stanley,

Forest T. Martin Auctioneer .




'I!:::::=Th=e=D=a=yt=oo=p=ow=er=an=dL=ig=hl=C=om=p=ao=Y=::!J ('

We have the material to build your home of dreams come true.


save rent save money beconteat

Toba~co:. Beds

Hose Couplirlgs Right .Prices ,

If you are goin~t to build anything froll1 a dwelling

Hose Bands Best' ,Qualitx

down to a 'chicken ' coop

,ill; s.,Ludlow 8~t, betweea .4th and 5th






.The Atlas 'Rubber and 'Belting Co!'

or a field

01 ~n. BoIenberger, who dropped cl~ of

beart lalhll'8 at her home In

Olarllntlle ..arob 1'7.

arda,.. ktDCl


!'rlda,. morning, reached .al on t!a&. the



of II .... tbelTlDpa. dar. . . . . . .

WAYNESVILLE, GHIO Can' supply you with the best of Building very reasonable p~es.



The Miami Gaz.Ue, Warnenm,'Ohio.

m lOc-$l.OO STOREI1'~;'~~I~1 blb~Y:'~e\~ C~I~;~ l~f~:~'l\n~ I eOl,I I'IHIIIIIIII ,,,., In Ihe' nt· !'l'lWl' I1f ,UI" .·"uplt- M ,' (lUlljl (.,111.'. II'h"1I Nile TAB LE Cood we'g ht . ('(Jl' j rcal'lll'u ""~'I' IIn;1 1'"111' (1 11'11,,1 ~ht' HU I" OIL CLOTH ored ilnd ,,,bile, rca· I",S~d tv hI' U llll't'IId ,,/1' Illy ' ·1·. . . S h! . ~OO u ble in pri e, / puliplI "I"!III ' I l\'l' ) unl:· "ut bl·r" " .. ~ll e At. per yarll ., .. . . .. .. . . . . ... :'(lc gr,wl" 'd Ih, (U " I I hul ~ I'II IVII S UII"'''·l,l. - __ -- _ _ 11na: illY IIl1dl'l'\\ I'JI,' 11 '\ flof th l' 1:1:-.1 or DURO The ET wi l h the long · t lllli I"" , ,, 10,, 1,· '· IIh· ...:" :I,",,·,ull . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

~~~ • ......",..,-". . .."... . - - - - --

An ·E vent In Waynesville .

New Head of Governmeot Saving Sy.tem

-- - , 011 111'

e t li fe. Du ro Belle H,m . -------~----~ _ !\ ets, real human h . r, I everv one gnamntccd, lorl',(' ·iH'. •...=-I01__•.•·_·_·_·~~~~~·_-_·..·.·.- - _ · .·.·..W, Dark , Meciill lll,Ligh t BrowII,lIluck , •. •• 11lI AT'~~ A 11 f,:~ ff~ ~_" .' Blond lig ht Aub u rn, eithel single ,' r ..J "'11 fl....I' IY ~ J d ou b le strand YIHI \\,.11 no t IIII SS il to b u , these net ~ by l ite d " 7CII WHAT'S DOING AT MIAr~I IH EmR Per n et. eac h ..






" ith a full line of q uality goods at the lowest prIces

---------- - - ------------.-------TlIUU 5n " Y- i\\ an:h 23 lind \\ l! have n n ice lo t EA~T E R


of t hin i s

r·:nstcr . J lis t glance in OUI window and see t helll . 101

LE MO SKI N Grahum's Origi· SO AP nal Lemo n Ski n Wh ite ner Soap fo r the T oilet. ( Rea l Lemon J uice in th!! Soap ), for the bath , delight fu l· ly re fresb ing. We a re sell ing T WO he xes n d ay. Bette r come a nd get you rs . Price, pe r bar . .. . . _... IOc

\ V (" .II t h~1 f 10 " fV ' )" 111 I'D glre VUII I hr \ I"r)' li n n ' foods t 1 .lfld proJu cCI , at ,tri ers co n, ), lo\'\'e r tl l:l 1l :u e Ilb l :"". bIt' r luwll trc. Btl\ h It.{ in 1Ir lll(,1\dou~ qU3nti l ir s darcel frol1l the I,rn IUl'cr , hit 'ip a t cash , cnahlu '" Itl bu y :u th e 10 WII I ,w u ihle . JHtI' e (. "ut i ict t h ~ In:neht of our pu r ch:u ill~ Ilo " . r. \V c uti (o r t'ash onl y- aJ,!'l in " O t l Kc t th e: b ,' lI c#l t - ill \ H ' do IJIII h.I\". d lL~ lo:-.I "I mai nlaining dt" rge an :uUI\U to ('li T IIltrl' h:mJi , c. \Vr el im inate l ur h 1I11l1t n : surr e xp en ses li S fr e e dr lin'rlc!I :1:,,1 Irir pl','UC!L H ert' a rc m o re Ir CI1H"nd' HU .tU,ina" thou :U f r etl ef ltd in o ur r r ic; C" t o Y O ! ', ~I;I~t t his Ylll ' R store. Buy aU ,ou r (oo d, . It', l u rprising \"hat yo u will . " CI . M r. Krortr has al \vI , . bC"licvcli that il is be tt er tu mak e small profitt ob many •• Iu rather than larjtt: prol\h on j U); t iI few sa l. . . 'I ' ha t hi, be·

F1~JI) A V- \ \" n: h ] ·1. ~ flc cia l

J IU'klf' ('00'::1\11

" I', .,-){'s Ul\d N ~ wi'l.

I n II " .. UI I \


'k ltl h inUt' lf " ln , " l ito, Seltnlc

20 u".1 I :l',

~.l,TU I~D A Y - M a rc h ' ~ T ho



J\1'1I Lu c· khul~ ."

foAtu r l o l( .:\180 . Solt oh.:k NC"'tL

Mo nte


lie! i. rirhl i, prll YID by the " ollderfu l rrowth of his or,.niulio ll.

TU ES DA V- March 28

WID Farn um . ttl " Il ls G reat. Ral:ritlce." A'so. Oly<.le Cuok . III " The vUld o. "

S~eds t hat g row. We CHART ER N O. 1161 7 have 't:m. Du n kirk 's .... . . . 5c F erry's . . ... . . • ........... . . 10c O f conrlit ion of th e Harve ysbu r g Rice's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IDe Na tional Bank at Ha r veysb urg, in Lou ella Bailev , d oug hI er of J osiah Whe reas . it ha~ pleased God in his th e Sta le of Ohi o. a t the close of B . and Sydnie MacP he rson Bailey, di vine wisdum to Ilj.tu in ta ke un to Each one of th ese have larger pack· LlJ s i ne~s , on March 10 , 1922 . ages that sell a t 20c each . wa s born Sep tember 3. 1872, and de- I Himse lf ont! of our ue luved mem bers , R ESOURCBS CANDY CANDY CA DY C ~ N DY I,,,nns alltl Di...:o un"y ••. G' . 70 S.G' ,G •. 70 S G4 parted this life March 13, 1922. aged Reso lved . It IS ..... lth deep 8o rrow I. lhonJrl1 rfA u uJlucuretJ . • . . . '. _.. . U S. 90 49 years, 6 months and 10 da) 8 She th at we , t he ml'm l ' l! r~ of the New u.s. OrntOrnmeu L 8 ~ urltl8411 o wn ed was one of a fami ly of rour child ren. Cen t ury CllIl h of V,'lly nesville , Ohio. Or~_IXl"IWd tu ROCUNH:lrcuJatioD (U . S. bnwl. pa r " u, lu u) ...•. . noue Of th is fam il.v. only one. a br othllr . tend e r th i8. o.u r hearts' offe r ing. To All Ilth er U. 8. Uo " ommoat so· curlUes . .. .... ... . .. 3.7 8 1_0 6 3.78 1. 65 Other bond•• l<>ek • .-:ur ltl....e Lc . ll . i U OU Luthe r Bailey, r emai ns. T he mo th er PRY love's t r ib ute I ,) the mom ory of ' W ayneSVille. Ohio f;"Uf nl t.ure l od fi xtu res .. ..... _ . 1. 6 17. 60 p receeded her t o the Great Beyond Mrs . EmmEl S. Ch u/J ll1 un, who wa~ La wful r. er"" with .'"ooer81 R&8Or "0 B ank ..•... .. • . ... . ... . 6 .000. ~O on Fe br uary 14th , just one d ay less with us in our club 1lI l'l.' ti n )( a~ bUI ash III ,·ault ........ . .. ... . . . . 1l. 7\9. 94 To tnl. 0 1 Item, 9. 10, 11 . 12. I! .Dd than a month bef ore. T he motl1er, ye~lerd ay , !lml before rl'lIching he' I' . . .. . . . . .• . ..• . .. . 1 3. 7 19.94 since bei n&' left a lone eigh t yea rs ago, home rece ived the ~lIfn m on ~ f ro m Iht" Obockl o n banksl""ated o ut.lde 0 1 clt f o r toW Il of report ing bank a nd other cub item • ... 20742 has spent the great er pa r t of her messenger WhUSlllHlIlle is gaa th It th ere- I . " B er feet were on the threshTo~ai. ....... ... .. .. ...... . 1\ 02. 112.10 time with the d au" hter . Sanitary Plumbinl[- Stea m or Hot ' Ll ABI LIT I ES fore seems fitting t ha t th ey shOUld hold of b () tlll dl e~. life - t he doors Water Heating ; Estimates 21ven opened -,all prepu r ll liOIl :! were i s r.ock paid in .. ... ... . . . . U5.000. 00 be lIepa rated for so short a t ime. on S~clflcation8 ; Re pair Work Oap""1 Bur plua fuod . . .•.. . .• • .• . . . . . I . GUO. 00 On Novembe r 29 . 1894. she was com plete to gu wiLhill ." , Und ivided 1' 1'011\.8 .• . •• •. 1.001.97 promptly attended to; Pump Work Leu current. flXp6C 8e8. lo tol'Ollt . Mrs. ChalPlilan eh ris hed h(! r mem. , as8. Y6 uni ted in marriage t o lieo rge D. . od t a.' " paid ........ GIl .Ol of a 11 kinds • • lnd lvld ual dopo.lta . ubJec~ (,0 Pipe . tad , FIUinlts-Any size or a ny ch eck . . .. . .... ............. . 76. 24 2. 15 Mills. To this union was bo rn one , bership in th e New Cen t u ry club and To~al of ItedUI ~O, 27. 2S. 2Y. aD amou nt. · . son, Li n dl ~ v Ii:. Sbe was a devoted . was alwa} s f ound in he r place a t the aod 81 •••• • • • ••• •• • . 76. 213 U Slnkl- Power and Pitcher Pumps; To~al . .... . .... .. . .. . .. . .. , '-1-0-'.-18- ,-.1-0 mCltber, Ibel e being no sa cr ifice too regular mee t in g8, scatterin g Bun · put your water h. the h')ule &,reat f Dr her to make for her !>oy. ~ shine, h () pe a nd cou rage. STATE OJ' OH I O. WA RREN 0 0 UNT Y.8S: I. a . S. 'I'ueller, Oaahl.... of ~he a bove Theirs was a love fDr each othur that "God ca1l3 our loved ones; bu t we I a . mod baoJr . d o ..,Iomoly ....e.r Lha. 'he lose n ot wholl y abo •• at atemldlt" true IQ th. beet of m y could not be surpassed. She was a laIo... lecIctt &114 beUe' . loyal. devDted wife, her life being What H e hath g ive n: 4th and Tyler 81.8., ohone 5()'2,Y. H. S. T ucker. OUbler. Subacrlbetl and .... orn to belo... mo ,bl. given to her home Which she placed They live on ea rth in t houg h t and 2Mh d &y 01 .... r . 1822. Oh ...l.. JCa4deo. Waynesville, Ohiu . deed, as t ru ly OorrecL Au""t : NoJ.ary Public. above all else. She wa, alway. glad . . As In Hill heaven. " O. D. OOOK lor friends and good neighbor •• W.L. HARVEY O. E . LEVlOY Mr8 . .Huth J anney ~ She was a birthright fL ember Df Read Gazette's Classified Ads Drnct.on. Mrll. Emma Peirce Com . '. the Orthodox Friends, and was conMrs E. L. She rw ood verted ill early airlhood . She leaves to mourn her d e parture a husblAnd, a IOn and family. and a brot her and We igh t Cha n ges Every Hour. his family . She had been a sufferer We "r.· 11/:11 ,',1 \\' r.~n \VI' i' 1~ 1' III the ITH disfor yearl!, but bore ' her afflict ions 80 morn '"~ . 1 ;1 1·:t" I II~t puts 1111 n pO l1nc1 bravely that those ou tside of ber o r 80. IIIIl I\ t ' 1,,'iII smile ot lhls by tinction all its h lll c l! lilllt', ,, 1.1' 11 \\ t! 1t~1\1 1I a~ ltl to nur own home klle w but little of her t rue wei ght. .H II·r Itlll d l bnck we go c'" ce owil- extra in condition . During las t Jul y she wall mort!. 1 1. 1111 : ~ I . 1I~ h .. tWf' l' l1 h r fll1 k f lt ~ 1 taken suddenly ill, and, all houg h she Plld IU;lI'h. \I " "1"11 111 p" rl or lh ~ In · b'ead t hickness, in rallied at time8. ahe never r ecover ed CI' n '1'. T l:!:1 (' '''"('S IIIII II,·r . \\'hl ell -side-wall str~gth, ­ 'Her g oing leaves the home broken b rl ugs II ~ IlI l 'q " UI' IHtlx llll lll li. \V(\ bavu t lt"'11 ~ :1.[1 1" 1. un til\' J1\'crnge, and deso lat e and full of lone ly h ou rs sc r en IJ h ll lltl .. 1:lIl' lu .J.t t il e tla:\' . Gen · a n d i n beauty-





Potatoes, lS-Jb. peck. 33c; GO·lb. bushel . • $1.32 Ora"'ges, 48c a dozen Bananas, 3 Ibs., 20c Apples l,{ed, 3 Ibse, 25c Grapefruit, larg e, Be each l


30c Bacon 21 c Cottage Butts 32c




• •• •






the Fisk Red-Top runs true to Fisk Reputation.

.. ' Ne"th our sho faded . Io wly. Growloll' d llY day mo ra Irall,

Next Time-

B ' r :~.ci1 y C ~ I<e C andles. rfh o l'\I:-: !H II I Hi' p lad ng l'u u dlps 0 0 • bl rt lltl"" t·, l l., · "" ~ I'll " " lIc l! yeo rMay God graDt ber fterDa l reat.'· COlli es j'I'" '', ' :"' ''' '' "~'. 'I' ll" (OC I' llmns Card ul nlllnb pl o('e d II '"kl. "'1\' III Ill e Cl·" t" r. "R ll ed We wish t o thank our ma ny fri end s ·Leuel1s· li l' h l. II,,' 11 ;:111 ,,( li fe. (Jll ly ), ,, or s h e 11'10 .. d""I Ilr, 's III ~ 01' Iwr b lr lh · and neighbors who minis te red to us doy IlIlIl' 1'0 I .,, " Lr.u i igll! of life ; It I ~ In our late afflicti n, and for the unlllcky If d" ",, h y. 'Illy ulr. O!r lIIemh~r many beautiful flowe rs ; ot t hl! f u III lI y. 'I'll" 1I;:1l18 ore Hy," bols G. D. Mills and Son . I Of li fe nml II~ 1,,11' 11011 th e Yl·lIrs. Fo r ____•• _ _ • _ __~ p erso ns " rl""I1 L-eli III yeul' one Clln(Jl e OlUS I do II tl l y, II . "t h"I'wl st! too muny 'Wou ld. be I' (Iulr d. ____ _

erall y , lI u ': \,1 I I' , III,' 1.:'1" ·,IU'!H '\' UI'llI tlon during II,, · ~ I I~ ~e\' e ll [llJll n oJs.

Dea~~fi,~~~.!:~~u~e:;.~~e,~n~~I I.

din n er anr1


No ot.her Uk . he r a D tlarth wo fi od . I'or all 01 u•• be dld her l>est.

. FredM.Cole Wa ynuvlll., Uh lo



- j - --M.....,t-t.le-hlan dl .. 1 Ca u t lo'lIly

Whereas, our Heavenly Father has lleen fit to take from our midst Sistf>r Mary Kenedy, the Aid voices the fDI. lowing mementD: WI! will miss her che ~ rful presence and willing spirit of doina all tbat she could for the Aid and all other worthy causes. We bow to our loss, for to her it Wal a !lain of the happy Heavenly Home. When the Aid puts this recofClli. tion of her death upon the Aid minutes , and extends their sympathy to her lDVed ones in tbis their time of the sih.nces against which they dare not cry out; may all say. "Ood knows best ." . / Mrs. Starr Mrs. Criswell \ Camm ttee.

., ,!


l ' ,.

••• .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..







U rllllllllll ...l1y

\\' 1.' 1'1' ""


o-Jtn lllc<i

IIlm'tlful lind a! gold everybod,

might hll'f'l a little ot It In t hi ck lend boxe8 t o protect IlI l'mseh' e8 uga lnsl Ita da ngel' lO lIs r"~·~. whic h It oever ceases \II g l\'~ .,rr II n t ll III 80me thousand ' or ),Pll r " II exh uust s " selt, bavlng t urned I nt (l ~ o m eth l n g el8e.

----_ --...

Hood ed Se a l. The h oolled RCIl I f <ll' lIla llY y":J r~ WIIR hu nl ed nl()lIg t llP Atla ntic ('03 "1 ( UI' I I ~ oil, lIud t1s h el'lII " n h ,.I,le,\ II ~ h , ·t1 len l's when s u rp l~l s('d lI II ,I c ,," ~ h t , 111111 hnd a la rge c arltll ngln o llR hooli tlml " lJtlllI lJe qu l<;kly thrown OUI In co,'e\' li nd pro· teet 118 hen.d.


- - - --

" Isle of Ma n." Tbe Isle of ~hll l .Ines not derive Itl name t rom th ~ ~ex 0( Ita population, but trom I ts Il {1SItl<III. In Mllnll " van· The

. 010" or IIUlIIIlIIi n" II leans tn ld dle, and WI nom e WlIS llpp\lell to the Islood beeause Itli lorn tloll.


FRIENDS CHURCH The Late Classified Ads

FOR SALE Meeting every Sunday at tht' rellUlar hour. Sunday school at 9:30. Our - - - -- - - ---- - - -- school has grown from tep 0 1' twelve WiL L. !1011 a.t p r lv .. te eale lor two wee k sl l'tll1s hetJ MilliDn Din. to about fifty regulsrs. Come and Inll_room Suite, Famed Ua k Leather ('njot the day with us. 1 • Library Suile , CA bInet , Kitohen Amos CODk, Pastor . Table. UlIl:Itoves,' BolOkoflSIlB, 3 An , "qne P1eoel. · alld otb ,.; ar t lo1et1. Mrll. ----.~~ --Janie 8mend, ,,' bDme' or It' . P . Jonea

You will be amazed to know hew economical ,Wall Paper 'is-71~o~ reasonable the ptices are tbis year .compared :. almost everything else. We. :would,.like the privilege of showing you what truly 'cbarming effects can · be produced with 'our' new "Pageant of Pro.gress" Wall Pa~rs. '"if.~:t1i;n~~riH-~~~iHS~c~b~oo ~I~~~:3~a, m ., i~ J!onael~v~,r meeti ng i\t


OD J~ytJ e




and -S.O~' E lCl~1l1' \1n '\ Mlxtld ~ for 6:30 -(lOw'. I,1l1 lt Frt II(\~ I:lom e . ph'one p, m. Everyboil y is cordially Invited 90, Wllynel> vlll p , UIII a6 tu attend these 8e rvices every Sunday



. caeaar F lrwt " EmJMror." LO ~ 'r-B arlin' " 6" II u te' mDblle ;Jullu. Call.l'Ur WQS tb. IlI'IIt ruler liD orll nlr. Jr'lnder l11 eal8 Ip.a ve al IImleeU ~ \I tJIJpItl'Or. ~bla t, .6 .


p.r lb.


A par. all d






lb. e, o

II le



1 •05 2.


34 I·l lb . • ack . .. CA I. U ~I&T DAIUN O l'O \VO& It . omalt. Be. Larp. I lk:

6e 1 18

POMPEIA N OLIVE O I L, ~ I'I, 2\1c; pl,ii7e

. MAZ OLA, pi c..., 21 0 ; 'It can. 41c


1· 2


IItIck . ....... ..

ROYAL BAKI NG POW D E R ' omall . ie.



OOUlllry Olub I I· l pouDd wu paper wrapped loaf. T be bread vale III ' he \.o"'n by t.... FID8. bealt.hy. llDlOO&b . t.e . " ,ured. COld · eo cruet.ed loav... mad. ot ~be """e ma terlala you .... ,.heD you bak••t home.



I' rge 4110




. Lo.' .....



No matler _h_ )'Ou SO you wUl oot nud q uallL, craclt... and cak. t haD are ... td .~ Kroaer'. . W. bake In tremon"ou. quautl"ea III t il. YIrf 00.& material. procurabl. ud eell ...I&b • rapld"y that D_taU,. U.W 01,,1'11 .kc'" eve!')' Ie", day.. Than wh y our prlcee on the VOl')' IIn.~ IIIII'OII.adt.oe tIN Jlla\ about oDlIi.U ",hat )'IIU pay . whore. OJ/.ter OracJr.n. lb .. . . . . . . . .. .. . n e 8plco ·JuID01... lb . : . . .. ... .. . . .. I H S F ig Ban. t reab . l lbs . . . . . . . •. • , I IIe O' nge r SUB.,.. per lb ...... .. ... . IOe Oraell.... lb . • .. ... ... , . .. tal' Va DIU. Waren . lb ... . . . . . ... . .. . 3UC Suda Crackel'l. !.-II. lb . .. . . .. . .. !:Ic lfacuooD lIDapa. da•• lb . . ... . . . . I lie Cocoaout OakN,lb .. .• ... . • I Be


Iced Cakes

CouDtry Olub . ........... JJ,rb&. flak,. . b .... Uy Iced cak... A.1rMb .nd wbol ... me u t be, a re d eJlclo... . Ohocolat.e, SlI v.r. Oot.'<Iauut or Devil'. rood. &acb . . ...... .. .... . \ . . .. ...... .. .. . .. ..... .


GANDY IF' R U rT ki n,1

ICrnqer's cund lea .,.., a".y a bove tho ordlual')' I·he.· " .... pu re . ... h1l168Om8 aad lreah l wo In ouch I. rg<! qu.ntltle. · \0 supply ~ h e

001), Lbo vo." !! o ... ~ a re ke pt a ' Kroger'.. complrilOG. 1\ " III pal' well ..ockod with Kropr

m. n "l ~c l ur"

fl'toat t!c n ll.uHI lo r t.huo (j ullcloUd sweet. t h a t. wo're I.I. hl " l O 1'Iiell 1, 1 uulUlBn l o t "riees . You lIa \'u 16 &.0 t Oe 0 11 o\' ory Pll uu,t you buy !


rilc h. creamy . l ru ootb

ceot.era wit h

l2c l2c 10c



1) r 0 p S rU';;'."lIlcJ~~~ol~. .....c:".•. F resh . cris p.

Pea nut B ritt le Ll?mon Drops

Thi ck

wl. h Hneat poanllta. lb . . ... . •.. . . . . . .. . " lno. cloar , l uga r c'Oated ha rd candy . Ill .. . •.. . . •.. .... . .

California Peaches

WrlgI8Y·. .


Spearml ot..

Duu blem lot Julcr I!rult or !' .·K. AI. o . Y uclltaD ., .



C. D . . . . . . .. ..



to lb .)

larce a lbe

lor ... . .•. . • . • ~ . . , • .





hoI')' SoaP Flak... I .,ke. . . . . • . . . III hoI')' Boa.,. 70 LJleb\loj/ bar . . . .... . . . .. ,. 70 Falmollv. Soap•• b .... . . .... . . " . I to I Grandma Soap Powd• • plte.. .. . . 4e

.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4c Soa p. bar ... . .. . . 5 1·2c

bar.. ..... .. .. .. ... . Sea.,.

• . •• • • 5 I-:Ie

..-"-'r 0l'!-",ualll,IIPICII ..... , Be .... ........... _loe

FA M.O U S F R E N (~B




You "ill no .. b. abl. to enjo, that ....cI.rful Fr'Deb Co"" tluo' bu 10 .o .. ..on the pfO\lI. in "ery cit, iD ..hleb there are Kraa.r Srorea I .French Coif•• Ie tho mo.t .tlef,m" .mo.t 'r.,rant, mOil delicioUi co"" purcbueaW.. II I. ytrt' rich ia lIawor aael uo_ ud ~ ~ CIU:OPtIoaally huvy W. I'WUt" it to'" tho equal of ~e Ii..n ha....., tUII!I of the pric. you paid. If ,ou don'l 10 ,oumlf, bn~rr blck the uaUl.tI ponioll • • • • II ,.haad your m on e,.. Tr, thle wonderful coff.. tomorrowl It. YOU who will boDe't. PouDd pq, . . . . . . .


19C 50c

10 tbelrol\'D 'y rup


Small PrUD e.. vory fille . • I.... lor • . •. .• . • ••• • • . 3Ge K vapora ted Peachea. per pound . . ...... . . ... . . no E vaporated Ap rico t.. pel' pound ... . . .. . . .. . " . 36<: De l Mon" P...,hea . I.... CaD .. • . •. . • •• . •. . . . . ~ 9c AfIIO Peacb• • lal'lle can .. . ..... . ..• . . .... 261' PIDeapple. Avondale. No . 2 can ... . . . . . . •. . .•. 21t: Ohorrl ... Royal Anoe, big CaD . . " . . . : . . .• •... . l lle


SOAP :" -'~

d ried aUt! caDne d Iru lla Prlcea are . Im · 11 be low yo u to kIlO" your pahtry Iru' I.<I.

S u n.e~ . ex~,...


Jetty Uoan •. ' Ix lI avun. lb . . .. . ......... . ... . .. 120 Mint get pu re, lb ... .... .. ........ ..... 12c


_ __ _- - -- --

.' .

lH't Wl'e n

l H·q

breu krnH'.

" You are no, torgo~teD . Mother. Nor oball you ... e r btl ; A. 10011' .. lite aod me mory lalt. W••ball rememl>er Lboe. "A loving Mol her. true aDd kind.


How much brighter and more cheerful your hooie ,/Quid look this spring if I-......;;...;;.,;..--~---..; you would re-cover the faded: sooty, dirty. t ime and winter-worn walls with 'bright cheery,.suappy, pretty, new-patterned Wall


-----_ ..

t he \\ "1 ::111

per lb.




h~~ .

a turday, rda rch 25th


co"" ,011






.'d 2le

&our'" t




uiae .oldea A .,Iudld "'I";! that b equll ' to the ee •• tluot milt .,_,. ••U al J S a polllld ~f, p.r pau.cI ..... ... .. , . v . . . • . . . . .•.. . . . . . ..•....





Moo. Cbp ounel... 10 ' eli eet fro.. til.

29 G

TEA .!."~~~. l~ '"I~ =~i" " " " .. . , .rlat.

,011 Ii lite

No wo..... r ... can M" a loa that


finen tb. -.

world' procIueeo at pm.. .vea 1... titan par for l ~ orJiill&tf.n • .1........ 0.11111. o~ Pekoe ia ,eUotr ~k!iPl ~I..d Tea ' , '




1hN44e11 Whtel, tr.b, &*8', ••• . lie Wheal. Quaker, pile ... . ... 110 PlUablll'1 1It6I&II Una, II1II •• •• , •• Uc KelIoII'I BIua. pq . .. .. :: ... , .. : lie Rou.4 ~ ...........: . ~ •• , • .. 1110

Bak&r·. Cocoa, 1-1 lb. like ... . " • • IBe a onheY'e Cocoa, 1-2 lb. plte • • • • •. ,lie Bulk Cocoa, ..., 1ID.,lb •. •• • • • • • 'IIC POl~ To.." ... frMb, like, •• , ., •• , lie KeUOIIS·' Com P~ I pltl, • • • • • • . 80......

• 0--1.11"-"'10111,







C O:BN .O·MATOE:S· , .T N ice TasUIlif No. I. can . • .' • • . • . . •• Ie Coun~ryOlub, fill. .: CIUI ! •• • : • • : . i lle

Rice. Blue Roee,,h.... lb •• • • ••• • ,

eo '

.. Navy liean• • ~ . Ib .. .. .. • ... 7 1-10 , , •-IV 11 , Lima BellD.' . reeI_ .Ded . lb . !... .. ,' . 11lC

PI ••• rlpe•. IMt)', caD .. ... . ....... f ie . Sic 1[ , 1..... a1M~ ...... f . .. ' .'. nc

Kraut , lIMA, bit _


..... : . .. •.•.. lie

.B_llly.~.blc_ . · ... , ; ...... ~.pkID, ',,-, bil caD . .. ;? .. .. .


'peeled, ... ~ ••

Ie :

Ie" )

:11e .

B eitiz BeaJl!l, c aD . . .. . ...... . 12 1'10

1I&i1Da .B aM, IIaYDrr. Cl8II .• • • •• • .'111C O. O. I!~"", e. .. .... l .1e '

Oampbell'. Il...... C1I!j ••• , • ••• . ; • 1.1It:

UIDa u.....

CoUDLry Olub ,B ow. c... ... :: •• '\ • . Ie

u.a"Be_ MIbd,_ Oowa~

... cu ..... ..,> 110Ie


Ib .. " . ..• , . . '"

1Wt"'~Oooo&llU', .~ . • • . . • • • •.• 150 . , 10" ~. • i~ ....... . IOe



fI.~ pIqt'

.. .... " ,100

. ....


vH EA. '


The band carniva l ami concert , I Law rence Mor!!"an WIIS . 1ruck in 'fhe Kroger store was o.pen~ aeI<iven at the Od d F'ellowR' hall, last the yo lnst ThursdllY hy II IIl1i l hl'1lI1 cording to schedule. last ~tu~lra1' WednesdflY evening, WIIS fl huge 9 UC' whi~h n woO' while mendinj ( R f.ence! and th: trade Wtl9 beyond . ~elr ~. cess. The band waa aug-men te by at hlB h me It mad I' a ven pa inful pectattOns . Clarence Allen .18 'm,~­ fellow musicians fr om New Burli ng- injury. and it i nv t kntl wn IIi: the ager of the store, an~ as b~ ~ ~\lu,t. ton, Lebanon and Dayton. and the present time whrl h'~r th ' young mil II ~ :er . be probably Will ~nJol' Blfih~ boys gave a very fine concert of th e willlo"c his ,·y,e~i({hl or not. but hi~ trade from the communIty. latest music many friend!! ar hopin!!" for lhe best. - - -- - • In the dining room, a cafeteri a ' - -- - - - lunch. peanu~, punch and candy were Bol d. while in the midw ay I could be seen the "clog and pony" U show, the fortune tell er lind several Section One of Farmer s' Grange other attracti ons, which held the at. under the leadership of Siater 'QaUy, tention of the peo ple during the Eliz ueth A. Hathaw ay dl~d at the . will furnish the program , neIt Satevening . home o ~ her siste.r. Mrs. WIll. Nor· urdavev ening. No ODe c&i) affo~ The only drawba ck t.o the enter- t on, Fnday mornmA' at 1 I (I o f New Orlealls, 80 years olrl. has p ricclCc\ a ca ne Clll tcr wh doc k, to miss this meeting 18 big do~ i h d o~ ;"1\ a)' 1I";1 1i Iml1 d '":"i:::\;':.~;':.'!:1 strips arid piles the cane slal ks. For m N t: tainmen t was th e lack of room, for The funeral was hel,\ Monda y morn· Iha n 3,000 y~ars suga r crops of Ihe are promise d. world by hand, Lute s Iarted his machine in I\lU I. whc ll he was • ~ the crowd WitS 110 dense that it waa ing at 11 o' clock at I.L . o'~ll)ck at the the U. S. tOlals 125 millioll lOllS. III th e ir· ...; rolln d of thith en 60 )"" ar5 uld. T h ~ • _. ' " . ".~,;. ~ s photo a n' ,110 wll the hard cane stalks .whi ch t~e machine h ~ rv es tcd and m.•d,· : ""d), to see Chapll everyth ing properl y , . Rev 1I0lt ofi lclatmg . Lnt erthe s,in.I,·r. '. I" . TJ,is demons trates again the nE-ed f ment .in Miami cemete ry . Subscri be for tbe Miami ~tte. ~ 'u a large h",l1 to accommodate like - - - - - - ... I, enterta inm"nt s Gordon Joy was in Cincinnati, ~1 Tobacco Cllnvll5 "t Hyman & Co. The membe rs of tbe band wish to ,Q Friday. expr~ss their gratitu de to the comMjs~ Marie Williamson Willi shop. munity for their generou s liupport, When in Lebanon visit tho Green' pIng in Dayton, Saturda y, espeeial ly to the young folks who hduses and Gard~nB . I . helped make it an evening of finan· Mr. ano MI'S Robt. Crew wer l' cial succe88, thus milking Ed UalnM. of-New port, Ky., &pent it p088ible Mr. and Mra. C M. Brown were visiting In Columbus, last week s.tudj . wtrh' lIi.mot ber, Mrs, Dav. for them to do greater things in the Dayton visitors, Sunday . let ".t~r~ fulure. , , St. Mary'tl Guild will meet ", ' ~. ... Mrs. John Lamb and daught er Mrs, Edith Harri~, Thursday with afterTo Our Custom spent Saturda y and Sunday in Dayton noon, ers and Friends-


NOT'CE- TO GRANOrt(nil • . .





$p'.e ci al .:', An no u'·ncem·en.: t~;

- --


We are changing the policies in conne ction with.

.' Window Shades in all differen t Just received a new line of the manag ement of bur business. Street resUt~ this, I,-"ay,.. and sizes at Hyman & Co. ;. . , ( and Porch Dresses, in new(!st patpermi ts us to offer more Milll! Opal David's spent the week- terns of gingham . Hyman & Co. end with her parenta at Bowersville, Mrs. Howard ' Egbert and daughOhio Service this Wednesday evening at ter spent the wp.ek-end with relatives 7:30; the theme tor diSCU'.!llion: "The in Dayton . Mr. 'and Mrs. F. H.' Farr spent Faith by Which We Live, or What Sunday ' with Mrs. Emma F . Dakin. The Church Teaches ." ,Mrs. Nelson Thorne and daughte r. ofnear Xenia. Fifth (P888ion) Sunday in Lent, I of Morning SUD, Ohio, spellt last April 2nd: Church School at 9:30 a. week ,with relative s. Mrs. Ella Alexan der, of Dayton, m; Se~vjce and Holy Communion at was the week-end guest of Mrs. M'r; and Mrs Harvey Sackett were 10:30; Service and sermon at 7 p . m. Amand a 'M,afHtt . Everybody Invited to tbese Rervices the dinner guests of Mr. snd Mre. "i " .. Next Sunday ia called Passion Sun~ Frank Zell, Sllnday . Mi88 MiDDie Davia, of Dayton, day bl!cause the services begin to re1000 Bars of all kinds of Laundry Soaps, the ,week-end with Mr. Cliff late the story of our Lord's suffer· 'Gut Flowere and Pott.ed Plants at BurDett family. all' times at the Greenhouses and ings and death The Peniten t in the former weeks of Lent 'has probed . Come to UR tor Peters Diamond Gardens, Lebanon, Ohio. and exomined bis heart Bnd bewailed Brand ,Shoes; guarant eed to give Mrs. Rolland Horlach er and son his sin and uncleanness; but beainsatisfac tion. By~an & Co. of. Springfielrl. ~pent the week-t:n'd ning with Passion Sunday the Church Beta before him Christ crucified as Mi88 Bert~ Hyman , of Xenia, with M,r . and Mrs. Roy MSC~lth. And 1 Bar FREE with every sale. his cure, and bids him look unto the latter part of the week J;'resb car of Cement and a cer ot l:Iim and be BRved.-t() cast his burwith Myel' Hyman pnd ,family. Locust Posta will arrive this week. den upon the lord,- to behold and see if there be any s )rrow like unto , . Mrs Alictl McKin~ey and daught er W. H. Madden & Co . ilis sorrow which was done unto Mii8 Henriet ta, spent Salurda y and • Thll Friends hIp class of the M. E. Rim . Christ is exhibited as our . ' Sunday with relativeR in Dayton.. chinch :-v.ill give a general market at Great High Priest; and through Pas- . .... .io ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . ~ •..,. • . ., .. ' . Earnha rt's store, Satu April 8; sion Week and Holy Week to Easter, I . ' Mr. and Mrs I' urnas Holling s- beginrting at 2 o'clock rdav, •• ~ • p m worth. of Piqua. Itttendtid the fu· . . al of 'Elizabe th Hathaw sy. Mon· See' our 1000 samples of Men's wonder, ot worshIp, and of love. I day SuitS just in from' the NatioOil1 and • - • • \ ' • J\ ·,r Mr. and MI R. ,Ray Hawke alld Mr Interqa tj,onnl Tailorin g Comp1a niea. ~ :\, Mrs , Jv~n' Collett. of Dayton, WE, MAKE T,I:IB:M FIT, AT PRICES This is the time for re-pai nting and' ·s (Cn A~E NORMAL. and twice ,!~(I:~Y Mr. ,a nd ~r8. ~. C. yalue given than one reeeives in re-varnishing floors, for renewing the ,.mow.". .' the~ r'8aay.~de goods. JOHN A. kitche n liuoleum, for smarten~g up 'Prizes for the best slogan for tbe f UNKE,Y . the' aome-C ominlt, offered by tbe ex~u­ ------:---,-!~'-:---:-:--~ -!.::--:,......._. - ...- - tive commit tee to the high school Do it now! Have those old chores pupil~, were awarde d as follows: done and out of the way before time First: "Corne Back in '22; ! We're 1;111 True Blue." for spring house cleaning. \:.,' . Second: "1872-1922- Shake." Mr. ·ilOQ Polrs. Clyde ColemllO, of Sloth prizes were won by Katblee n N or~() od, f O~io, moved into .i their Freshm an class, .. lIew. home ' in that city last 'week, Illte~IJeO tbe Ohio which . l ju t been completed. It ie Non-re3ident gradua tes ' are r>8 :· · Crlncilpall.: .~IaU!)(:hl{iclri .at Columbus, a c0ni~l.ete: modern . up·to-~ate hllme quested to 'notify any non· grads hi : , She spent 'Sunday with ~~.~.~.~..~~~!!!!"!~~~~~!'!'!! their ' commu nities of the -Horne : W~ln~ton C. H . . '.' Coming. 4••• j . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . .. . . \ ~nd In your reservlltions eaJ:lythen to eanc~I-O. K. ...





Tha n Any Oth er Stor~ in Towil; .

Cash Soap Sale Saturday Aprill




!~:a~:~~I~fth~o~~:r~:~n:e!~r:c~~~ HOME·COMING ·NOTES








1J "

P re dM .C ol e'·

The "Chi.Enamel" Store t;••,••••••.•~......... ~ ~


communicatioDs of gen· to tbe secreta ry, Mrs, who ~ ill see that the proper commi'ttee. .




The Miami Gautte; Wayne."ille, Ohio. E', dNJ ' ''J. , I ':00 1

~! , '.' I

I 1

TAB l.e Il", l '


t ',

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A t . 1'1' , '!lld



'. ll _. Il' ill

e ve r" one

111111 1. 111

J::\I:lllt llt t t'l!. 111'




"'1 '


New Head of Goveriunent Saving System

" f li n

!lI'" .,t'IWf'




t ·




:, ... I II


.1 .. ,'

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h, r. "'I } ....

n ark. \il'dill :II , I. I ~ ht II" ,,,, , .1'01:" k ·. B lo tt d lig li t .\11\.11111 l'II I1 "1 . I I.: i<' " r dott b le ~tlan tl \ " I '" : :to I ,I t lJ b tl \ 1II (... . {' l'~r lid.

Ilri • 1 ,

\ \ , \.1' ~ .1 "' 11 1111 . loT 11" 1 I;lall l ;' w ind o\\' Utt tl <t'e t itell!.



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\; 1 11:111 1', III .~, n .tI 1.~ 1I1>' 11 ~ klll \\' hllell<'r :"UAJ' ;. 'i th e T n ikt i, cal I.l'lIlt." 1t: l c' ~ ' 11 Ihe :)()UI' I. for t ht: h at h . d eil,: hti tll Iy r l.' [rl'~ lll n " . \ \ 'l' :I re H·I:in g T \\ ', I b o x ~ s a .1. 11' I (· tl(', "" Ill(' alld g e t yo u rs I ' ri t·,· . 1'(' r 1>" I II Ie'

S~eJs that g lOw.


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r' \,11 1 n ·, t I " 41 "



\\' (11 ! ' l\ rtlll l ll . III 11 ,.. ,\ 1.. " ( ' I)dl" l '".,k . I I I




I , 'aynesl1illC!. Oh io

· H ea tang . PI urn bIng..

I' ll r

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hilt I


1 \ 6 17

. l l o ne

I . !!. '."",r lltllcnt SQ' 'i",,\j,o ' l . , " k ... lrl.'; ~ ln~ ~ '~~ ~.!I\~ :;~lI;~,:lIn~ I. i' :'~t~ ;;;·L lr.I~ .lUI :ell': :l.liI1.6u Law"d r".o no "itl' Fod. ra' /( 0' .'·rI,· II.nk ..... . ~ . u o ('n.... llill\ h \'It ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 7 19 . 9 1 1' ''' R h " I I'tlIn.~ 1(1. 11 1 2 . I ~ an(I I I. . " . . . . 13. i I 9 . 9 ' C1n ·. · ~ . "" 1>It"k. ".·"to,,1"n ,. I>lo .. r ('I I)" If r 1"nl1 of r ' lJlOrllng b a uk nnd vlli"r c"sh itorns ... . . ... 1 07 n Tot.I ...... .. .. .... ilGi.l iilO LlAUILITI ES Cavll nl ",,,,'1, vnld in .... . .. .. . .. US.OOO 00 ~;,:;.III~II~ ~~l ";~I'l,ti , ~ ....... ·. ·.·I: oo i ..9·1 I ~ oo . o o





Lo u ell a Baile v. d ll u Rht p r o f J o~i ah '

, \ h'·" ·:1" . il I , ,, ~ p it ' ~l'd (; ,,, 1 ill hi~

WaynesvIlle Oh,o


DlreclO ....


WITH a dis-

I I ....

Sl' \ l ' lI

.. 'l'oat h ou r " y eN i he ftLded

~ I uwl)· .

to Fisk

( lit'




W e w ish to t h a nk ou r m a n y f r ie nd s I l.t·Itt' I" II· I. .

IV" )' '''' " ill• • uh io




(.r :-.111' \\

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- I

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Mrs . Starr I C ' tt Mr~ Crisw e ll i o mml ee .

- - - --


- ..- ---


rfJtu l!l I '.t


mtght I,on!

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Itt ll



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C a u t i o tl s ly.

th O U ~ H I l( I ~:



1., 1' in l ~ '

bavl llJe t urn .·t!

1I Ilt i l

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I'. I ' X ll tltl SI~

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11 11 :

I II "It\ 1' 1' :lilt!


1I<'ad .

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T he "I sle of M an." Th e t,\t· >o r ~ I "n o/ " "S 11 ,,1 d" rl ve Its name fro m l Ilt' ... ,',\ ••r it !'! Pl iPlllutlOD , ' 11 but tr oHI I t !oo I" ... ;, i, ql . 111 ~1 11 J1 x "\'8n· 1

I :~S~~~~l~I~I·'I',:..':,ll'iJ ::" ,,·,I.~O tll \' Is lnnt! be- I

nln " or

" W UlI l ll ll "

II "


I i·


i t·

You will be a m azl,d to know how economical Wall Paper is-how rca" ona ble til e pI ices are this yea r comp:1Ted wit · almost every thing else. :. We would like th e priv ilege \ of showing you wha t trul y ch,a rming elIects can be produced with our Ifew "Pageant of Pro gress" Wall Papers.





It ll~

mi dd le, and

FOR SALE Meeting every Sunday at thp regu.. lar hour. S unday sch oo l at 9:30. Our tr, L ~(l11 a t. p ri "" tfl ~nl e for tw o school has grown from ten o r tweh'e w e e~A, Pul l~ htlll MisMl ou Din. to about fifty regulars. Come and Inll-room Suite , Fum ed (I~k Leijtbe r ('njo}i the day with U!l. Lt brl1ry t';u il B . (:IILJIfl Pt.. KHo IHIn Tl\ble, 011 ~t (\ v e ~ , B ·1 0kc~a n B. · ;J An . Amos Cook. Pastor. tlquo Pieoll@and nth ' I; Brl. iolfl~. MrH. .1"nte S'I' flRr1 . lIt, hom e o f ~'. P ,loties on I., y l·le p llr u .

The cost wi I be small-your satisfaction will : be great. When m1 )' we have the pleasure of hear- • Sincerely yours, ing from you ?



D_E. Standiford, Waynesville, O. : .................................................1 ~




. !

Late ClaSSified Ads I

------ -~



S()"' ;'-;'l,,~~ r

I' .

~1 'x.:1 u:;:-:r

ht,d Ftl. " d~ e "ho ne . ' W "y n e ~v I. J,·.llh ~" au 0- : : : : : - I

fl otW .

'1 ; .. 11



L< ~n'


.. . . , .• . , . , . . .• ,"

cc So a" . bar .. , . ", . , .. " ,. 6

l ' ~ l:

lie .



Dd c ake8 t,han are Bo ld a t. Krof,l:er '. ,

W " buk ll'l In

SplL'o Jumoles . 11.1 ... . ..... . . ...


I H~

' unlll .. Watc l"I!I. lb . , , . , . ' . . . . , ., ~ Oc c.o...'Oauut 'ralf y (;b.keli , 111 . . . 1M:


F' R U I T Ouly th e \'I! r )' UIi Ubt lJrh,d li u d c tl un u u fr uits a re ke pt at. "r\.l ~ l! r ' H , Pr h'~8 IU'e Ki m ' I)' I II' IHW c(lIII J,l8 rlw u . I I \\,111 p ay yo u t o k £lu l' y o ur p a ll lr ) ' " " II Sl.Ul·kod \\ Il h li rtJl l!r Cr ult ... .

California Peache s Prunes

In t hu lr ow n tiiyru p

n i8 c n,n , . . . , .. . , .

:-oun:;ot . oxtrD Inrgo . I.e \4 6 10 l b. I ,3 lb. fo r .. " • .• " .. . " .•.

19c 50c

SU I IlIl Pru n Od , " or )' li llO, 4

IU8. to r , , . , , . , , , , , , • ' 2 ) " E\'a,)orated I'tiadlotl. vc r J)Ouud . , . . . , • • , . " . . , I Be E \'U l lo rutell AJ)rINlt 8. per PO U ll tl , " . . .•• • •• , . . . 3~l' U cl

~t n nte PelA.~ h 08 ,


Cfln ,

. . . ' . , , • . .. ' . 1!.h ·

i\ rKO l'eac h6l , lan.;o .I zo' l'a n . .. ,. ,. , , .. , .. , .. 15c

P lnoll ppl u , A von d a le. NO . 1 C1HI

t'horrl ••.

. , 2 11 '

Ho, ..1 Anoo. big caD .. . ..... ... . . . . . . 1 OC



lvory Soal' Flak ... I plcg . . . . . . . . . Ilc hory lIo a~ . bar . ..... ... ... .. .. . 7c ~!I~~T~. S"o~P. ba"'l',.... : : : : : : : :: :: .~~ Graotlma 80a" Powder. IIkg . . . .c

5 142c






hliber, per pouDd

. . . . . . . . . ..

w. import Mooll Chop ounelvlI in i r• at 'lU&lIlilili di'''1 from Ih. oril.l. No wooder ... can •• It I I.. th., 10 'hi Yery fine.t the ' ..orld produc.. I' pric.. ,V.II I... lban ,Oil pI' for JUII ordiDar, ,.. .lle .. herl. G.lll1io. O"n,. Peleol in ,1110. . .ckarl, MIx.d T •• ill .. hill pack••• G"III Tea in IIr•• n pack... . 1-+ poulld paekl,. 15c 1-2 pound pack"e .' . .. 8hNdded Whe" . '_b. pk' . ... . . lie



COliu lry Olu b D llU DS , c aD.. , , •. ,.,. Be

B el"z Ucu n• . cno . . ... . . . .... n . 1; 2c

C.mpI",II·s Ueuus . Cull . .. , . . . .. . . 1OC



A Ipl.ndid i."ui". ,oldell Bourb.. SaDlol Ih" h .qu.1 1.0 Ihl eoff •• thaI moll "ocer. . .II II He a poulld •• d

U. k. r·, ('oco•• 1· 2 lb. pkg": .. ..... I Be 1IQ1·. h.y ·s Cocoa. 1-2 I\). pkll . . .... Ilk: Uulk Ooco•. vir)' IIDe. lb .. . . • . ... 100 POlt 'l'oastloo. Irooh. pk' . .. .. .. . . fl!! KeUoU 'I L:o m Flakoo. pk,. . . . • . . . Be

Nlca Tnstlng No. 2 coo .. .. .. . . . . . 9c Country Ulub. lI u...~. CIO : .. ... . .. I~ Ric • • Ul ue Rolll.ltelltl . lb .. . . .. . : . lie 'uvy /I ua M. bost. 1\) • . • •• • • • • • 7 1-2c

Caesar First "Empcror." Lll":T-1t I,rll ll l ti' " U ~' lIIobl1 l1 Jullu ( 'II " ~,'" \\',, ~ the flrllt ruler to or', 11 k. ~'l n d l'I' I 'It'II HIl \llt ve' IIt l ~}f h l\lI~ .. II· ClI'l'eror. I 'bi~ dlict', 110



Lima I\Qn_n•. reclenn ed . Ib " . ...... 1DC

S unday Sch oo l a t 9:30'11.01., and Christian End eav o r mee ting Ilt 6:30 p. m . Ever y borl.v is c o rt.liall y in vit ed IHI. to attend t'h eHese r viceseve r y . u nday




i"",i· , .. d 11 ~ I , . " I I PIII'!, ",h e u ::; ul'pr 1:O; "(I III I'I ':111:11 1. ;'lI d h ll d o ill rgf> ('HI' t IlIl Afr ,o l l .. I! HP d Ili a! " lIlI ld It .. IIlI cI fI !'- II (l I'l l h 'l\

q u lr kl y tl wu\\

~~~tr·f.b~"~~ !~! ~:«(: ~:iu~at:r t~~·:~ by r&l', ..... no . h l!M.lthy , • 111\)0 C. 1.1 , \.o Xl.u recJ , KvltJ· tiD cru.ted 10'\' 9 , m ad e of t.he lama lJu~t. erlal . y ou UM whti o yo u h ...ko at IWIII O, Lo a' . ,

y ~ u .. ill no .. be .bl. to cnjoy thaI "o.d.rful Frilleb Coffel Ihll h.. 10 101llplel.I, .. on Ihe peo ple in .verT tily in whl.h thore are KroKer S!ortl ! . Fre.nch Coff.. il the mOil I&lhfyini, moll 'rarran t, mo.t delicioul coff.e purehu"ltle. II II yor, rach III R"or &ad aro_ .od II of elceptlo..aUy !tea" Y bod,. . We Iruarante. il to be Ih •• 4ual of I~e fi ••lt coff., you have lver IUlld "prdl ... o f th e price you paiJ. If ,.ou doo't .., 10 youn.I', bnn, back Ih. uouI.d portloo Ind .,'1\ ,,'ond your " lO " 'y . Try thi... onderful coif., 10 morro .. ! It'l YOU who ",ilt benefit. Pound pkl! . .. "

DEAR l"IADA~·[ -

How much brigh ter and :lore cheerful your home .:ould look this spring if ) a u would re-co vcr the fad- • ed , sooty, dirty . t illlc a lld winter-worn walls with bright cheery, SIl :IP I' )', p re tt y, new-patterned Wall Papers.

- - - - - - _ . _ -- -- --


never !'ill rnt It Sldl,

hUII I N f :ll o rl j! I ht' ,\ , !:t1'1 i.' (·,,:, ... 1 ( III' It ....

oil ,

. .... . 12.

H. hIlKJ SUUI> nr o.nualll, ~ .,kg . , " . , . , tic Lu :\ Jo'I a.lws. p k g . . , .. , . .. , . . , . . tOe

H ood('d Sea 1. Thp h Hr) drd sf'a l f'r r

HO\"AL UAKI NU I' LIWlJl::Jt · ' mall .

L; ol d p \'t' r ,\'hnt1, II 111 t!t lc k I.. nd

w h II'}I

1':1,\ '

'~ I\ "

h a r d CDo I H.I )',

FoI& ~ o.lJl ha Soap , bar., . , ., "

boxes tu pn ' I" <'1 I 1I , ,, " ~ ,'I\' es a)::l lnSI ceasr ~

s \l ~l\ r


l';II It I It...·

hI" OI u n y

U l'u (li u lli \\ ,.\'( , .... 1,1 4'111 i f u l n lld a!

Where a s , o ur H eav e nly Father h as seen tit t o ta k e f ro m o ur midst Sis tpr Mary K e n edy, the Aid vo ices the f o L lo wing m e menlo: W~ wi ll m i ~s h e r ch ee rful prese nce a nd willi ng spirit o f doin!r all that sh e co uld f o r th e Aid and all othe r w o rthy causes . We bow t o o ur 10"8 . f o r t o he r it waa a !rain of the happy H ea venly H ome. \\ hen t h e Aid puts this rec~gni­ tion of h e r death upon the Aid minu tes. and ex t e n ds th e ir sympathy t o h e r love d o n es in thi ~ their t.ime of th e s ill'nces ag ains t w hich they dare nol cry O ll t : lTlay all Bay, "Ood kn ow s b est. "

T IJlc'k

P( l tl tJllt~.

c ll'hr.

t' \mt ou 1\,

VI u'ru

12c 12c 10c

!tl . FU l l'

I h :\ t

VO\lS U~11 1 ~) " o-t Ot.:

I\!J"II ~

PeAr l/Soap ." Ha ~ '1

tl rleSl


111 1' 11, ·

Ii i'.· :

~ l· ar ... " li t'


I I,h l ll l" . ·d

mus t Ul' dU I ,' , II'" w ou l d ht: !' I'Ij !l il,'d ,

Mutt l!:Ie

I) r i.'es.

rrl' ",h t \V e " u p pt y th e

' 1II h 'fl

II I, I. ., II! .. t l"· I· 1»" II lh er I', 1.:1,, " UI'l' "."1 >11 " ,1" ,'" ..", tl,, ' )"'; 11''' . For

In o u r lat e afHlclm. a n rt f o r t h e Ult lll d,~ il ,. man y b e a u t iful fl o we rs . of t it .. ),,,,,.,1 ,\ G. D. 1\1 ills a n d So n . ot lll ,· ""d ",

(I f

' 1:< til. , v rs, I I). • , .• • .. ~ 11 1Il 1.111. ·ILX t.::t J)\lre . l b ."" ~.


1· 2 Ill .

L:ountr,. Club. I~ wo. HoM. !10k,.. b.nlly leoti eak .,.. AI' ..... b IHu1 "bolc.tu mc lUI tbe ,. ant d ulh.: to u. , CllU\.'ol.t",, tl tl v flr . Cae" . ulI " vr Duvll 'l Food . il:aL' b . • . ..•.. .. .... . . . . .. . . • . ... . . .... . ...

lJu y~

Fn'"h. (' r ll'o1p , \H I Il

Ll:' tn()n J) r o p

" ld, 'I',

I II ... '"

~nd ne Ig hbo r s who mllti s t e r " d t o u s l Utly Ill" .' I'" .. " II,

_ __

",· 1 } \.'U

P ean ut

,\l' lIr-


. ltt.: k ,.

Butt~ r Urac kera. lb ., . ' . , . , . . , , , . 12c Ma<....rooa Sua"lI . Uo., Ib , ... , , . , • 18c

N .D Y

,dol ,' I ,) "dl .,1 LJll h"I, rd " II ~' \l.'r )' (j

' .. I I,r,. . " , iI), ht·


t ,.,

I' •

1.05 AND

l\:nJl!l' r'!'j d l. :J dlcs a re a .... a \· "bo ve t he o rd inary


GO LlJ _M E llA L

Uy.le, Cracko.... tb . . .. . . . . ...... I2c

' ro olt . 2 Il••. . •...•.• • . 3 110: . . , . . . , 1 UC . , . . , . , 111'

1'1 It" tI 'tt p l lro , w itltll!SU III l! am! I U .I /llI rll .'( l l'. III ... ud llurlo;@ qtl lllll i t.i e8 t o ~,"" ' ! .[1'111 ' ,11 I C. ," th o.-il.l d d wlll u!'i RwOO IR

.I dly



• rapidity th. c n ecMliI t.a l CM U6"" Al lJ r u H 'I~c k lf ~\'l! r1 '!'h bl 'S wh .v ou r prlc6K 00 th e \'ery (lU6I1. merchaotilltC nre ju.t U.Uuut. llne balf w!Ui,t y u u pa y "~8e W htH''' '

1. .. .. 1

I " t IlI HI ~ , diTlI H' r II f l tt

" a ,h

I, ll


I\) . .. ck .. .



on B


I -~

LIl'1fo. 29<:


Iced Cakes

'.- C an dles.

plu l ·,'d II '.,


' .11.1' 1111.'1' 11 ,\ 1\ 1:-;(. I'O ll' lJl> l{ . • mall.

Bri tt le

II ,

'u lll\'"



n (I

PU MPEIA :t: (11.l\· E (lt L, "Pl . 2 ~ ','; pt.:.-.

MA ZO LA. pt '·In. 21 e ; ' 41 can, He



~' I~ li.rI.

~\ '\ I ' ll

\ .,' ,'o "fln


II I!I' , hl rl tid;,.,

( I': h l ' O , III r :m

":11. ~ I \ .Il" il t l' +I I


Card of Thank.


\\ " !4


" A ~(i'IA',~,~~lll~ ~= ri, ~~\\~, °e~llIr l~.II~~: Ulld , F o r a ll u t 1111 . 11 0 did JlI'r IIONt . M it )' liv d G' flU lt bur ~ , tu J'u ,, 1 r Cbt."




i t n l( ~ r Rllap8. I ~' r It> , . ... tt ~ l u (; rurke Nl . treeh , lb . . ,

hr l'Il I.f. ..... '

" Yuu ar c n olo fu r KlI ll eli . ) l ol lier . Nor " ball Y(W ('''or t)t' ; A. lon g ll8 li re n[l~ 1 nll~ mllr)' IrL8\. ,

Wa sll a ll re m umbor

.1' 1

12~c SU6AR'lb

pure and w ho luome

~ o mlUC~' r whftre you g o you,..iII not fIud boUer (Iu allt)' c ra.ckers a 1ru D1 u n rlo ll~ I l U a Jl L iU 6.~ o t ch u ve r y tloeat ma\8rtal lt procura ble and ~II wlt,b



1111 rlll r:

Wi t ho ut. Dl urmUT, moon or \\ 1\11.

Next Time-


(l'l'ull,\ , 1 I I •

Ur( )\\ I UK c1 Il Y by day Il l uru rr RIt. D ell. r i u H: ",,,,"uo tly n il hf' r . ulftl rl uto:li


: : :

K roc: r r ILlI !. . lwtloT S a. l r n .. Jotn , l' bnt 11 u be -


p. r lb.

A blolultl,


few d lt.,l'lIi .


tinction all its own-extra in tread thickness, in si(~,~ -wall strength, fI ri di n be aut y th e Fisk Red-Top


la r,{ r p rnl l b 011

pcr lb.



runs true

t ll.ln

p" lb.


Th eirs w as a love f o r each ot h~r that " G ot! cll lI ; ou r 10 1'('01 {)n l'~ ; u u t we could not b e surpa~sed. h e wa s a lose It'l t w h tl ily loyal. devo ted wife , h e r life being ! Whal H e h a th Rive n : giv en to h e r ho m e whic h s he placed Thev ,liv e 011 e lll'l h ill Ih o u >( hl. a nft . deed. as tru ly a bove all e lse. S he \\' a& a lwaY8 glad ' . . A s In HI!! he u vl'n " f /) r fri e nds and good n e Ighbo rs. Mr s. Hut h Jalln ~y I S he was a birthright rr.pl1lhe r of MrR. Emma I 'l·i rr~ ~ ('o m the Orthodox Friends . a nLi WIlS co nM IS E. L ~1 ' (' rlVooLi \ verted ill early iirlhouu S h e le aves to mourn her d e parlure a hu s band, a son and family. and a brother and W ei oht C h •• nr, e. Eve ry Ho ur . hi s family . S he h a d bee n a RU tfe r e r \\ \ . :tl' I _ I , ' /I \\'1' 1"1 ... , III th e I' . I ql~ j ·1I II I " HIIII' for yea r e. b u t b or e h e r affl ;ci io n s s o m O I'O i t l\.! "', '111" tll i:§ II ...· brave ly th a t t hos e o u t s ide of h e r or :-Oil . 1111i 11111 1'111 11 :11 , , ' ;t_;ll li II d d lit /'l1r o wn h ome k l,e w b ut lit l le u f her tru e I,', ( II 1," I'j, w .... ~ II 1111.'\' .1 I conditio n . D u rin" la s t Jul y sh e \\' a~ 111 "1",, 1 ... ... ! ".! \'. "1' 11 l 'I'I ,,'\, rll"l tak e n s uu chm ly ill. ami. a llh 'Jugh ~ 1lL' Jlf lll III . t ' I 1'; 11'1 qr I II!' 111 , I"· ... d 1111 11'1' \\ Il l d , rallie d at t im es. sh e ne v\' r rect) \'p r l' l! ., I IT 1\ \ l' 11111 \ \", H e r g o ing lea\' e~ th e ho rn e bro k en h I"lIl;:'" ". • ' II t h i' .1 \ I J !lS!~ ha "!' I I, ' , a nd d esu lat e a nd full o f lonl·l y h o urs

c a rn oll b ao " . d o 801e mnly .we ~r t hat the a bo vo st"Lemeot J. t ruo to the ben of m y 4t h and T y le r S ts . • phone 50-2.'.·. knowledge ...d belloh, S. Tucker. O... hler. • • Su hscrllJod an ti I!Iwu r u to hernre me thi s 10th day 0 1 Mar. 1922. CharI"" )fadden. , Oorrec t Att ua t : No t a ry l' uLllc . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C. D . COO K IV. L .

, 1••l t M r (f, !l C" \'t r d 11\ " II I l' rll ' l' , .. , ( ' 1 1 I'I ," qH hill~ wh at y tl ll \\ill , al (, ~I I

B lI ., :111 , OUT (01/.(" h . r e .

30c Bacon 21 c Cottage Butts 32c

I Hams

M r~ . C ha p ll llllI ,'h "r i, h" d Ik r Ilk lll · b e r sh ip in t ill" N " I',' I"' nt ll ry du b a nd w a ~ alwa )~ f" ulld III 11I' r p hl l'" at th ,' r egular lTl e N i llg ~ . ~' · flt to: r i ll J.:' . un · shine . h fJ p e an d Ctl U rll)Ce

united in m a rri a g e t o Geo r J{ e 1>. M ills. To t h is u ni on w!\s bo rn on e s on . Lindl.v 1::. S h e w as u d e vu t ed ml>th er. th e l e b ein g IlO sa c r ifi ce t oo g re at Cor h e r t o m a k!! f o r her b oy .


C. K . LK V lO Y


I t n C;' . 1 C '1101 (' t l e l1lt'I I\oI lI ' . 31 111 i '


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I:: I }. I ... r famil v . on ly OIH·. a u ro thl!r . , t efl( e r l ' I~."' l r )(,, "1. ,dl c·fl lI~ . . l> " L~lhE!1" Bail e y . r ern a in ~ Th e lIl o t h e r I PIlY I'l\'." · ~ 1'r1t., lllc.' I · Ih ,· 1l1 l! 11 ,,' ry o r "1 ~I t: . (I I ' " preceed e u h te r I t) th e t ; r e a l B"y o nJ I r a 1Il 111:l:-'. ·1" 111111 . '1'10 wa, o n F e b r u a ry l .lth, ju:lt o ll e d llY le sa ! w ilh u ~ ill u ur ~,lli . Ilwt'li nl( II~ b ll l I th an a m o nth be fo re . The m o th er. Y l'~ te rd ay . !l lId l ... ;"ro· rt 'a(' lli ll g h l"' l " \ I . I I f h . s in ce bein" le f l al o n e e il{ h t y e a r s ago. H,l ll e rt' Cl'l v," I 1(' -' ll lIn"llI~ n ,m l t · i'..; has s pent t Il e g r ea t (' r parI 0 f IIC r rn e :H.pIl ~ l· r \\ i~ " .., ·, 1 I I 1111(,' ili Ih.:alh t im e w ilh t h e dauKhte r. It th .' r e"lI el' [Pl'l \\, ,' 1,' "II Iii ,' Ihr p~ h­ f o re se e m s lit tin g tha t th ey s h oul d h o ld >I f I. ' <lII ' oI !,,,, ' ,f.· th~ d "\l rs 0 I H'1 U,tI - HI I 1 '!\ ' l l; lr a l ll ' lI~ \\'(" Ie b e sepa r ate d fo r s o s ho rt a t im e. rIJlllpl .. l l) I " I{ » 11111 1111 .. O n N o ve m b e r 29. Ii<H-I . ,h e Wfl~



\ l H. t' 1. II \ \ 11 H. i l1 ,r e.

I Oft hi~

Sanila rl' I'lumbin 2-Sten ll1 or I-I o t Wate r li e ating; E s tim a tes I! ive n on S pt!cifica t ion s ; ~ c pili r Work promptly allcnde d 10: Pump ·.Vo rh L&o.H c urrnllt C:q .»JIHWIol , InwruAt . and t U\.08 IU1I il. . . . . . . 6 1 2. U1 3 8 ~ . 9~ of all k in ds . l flllh' h l \1 l1.1 l ","" fHlt ,JOC t. t u Pipe aod F illin2S- A n } s ize o r a n y (' Ih'k " "'" . . . . . . . " " .. 7:', 2 4l. l !i 'J'o uli u t IlCIO:t ~Hj. 27. 2 M ,9 , a ll amount. .u.13 t .......... ; 0 '/ <21 ) Sinks-Power and Pitche r Pumps: TO lal. ....... . ... . ......... $ IOl. I31. IO put your \Vater ill th e h '>U6e ST ATE OF O IiI U. W A RR EN COUNTY.SS: I . JI . 8 . T uckor. OI\l<l, le, 01 tho abo"a

Read Gazelle's Classified Ads


Potatoes, 15·lb. peck. 33c; 60-lb. bushel~ . $1.32 Ora,, .ges, 48c a dozen Bananas, 3 Ibs., 20c Apples, Red, 3 Ibs., 25c Grapefruit, large, Bc ea('h

J . H . and Sudnie M a c Ph er~on Bail e v. " i " l n~ wi "d,, 111 tl' .,)!aill tuk e unlo J J I<ESOllI< C I;S was born Se l't,' mbe r :1, I H7~. lin d tl t'- Hirn ' l' lf (,n", , [" Ill' I,·' ,\,<:<1 m e mbe rs . ';-\ ;\ll\' I,,,"n, ,,,,01 il l." '" ,,n'. :' 1 .7 0' . ~ ' ' 6' , .. , " p a rted t h is li fe Marl'll 1:1. I !l ~::! . a)!'ed Rl'~o l vt·d. It I~ w ltl l tlPl' P ~u rruw 1 11~\~· r~\~I.\r~I~' I~II~~~I;:~tI~~~~lIrlti&.own~l1 . U 3.9~ 49 yea r!i, 6 rn o rtlh ~ an d 10 d U}:-4 Sil t:' [ t~l a t. Wf' . ~ht . ' UH:1l : \ r:t lIf l h~ N ~ \\' » " 1" , ,,,,,1 I" '''''''''''I ''' ulo lluu Iv. wag o ne o f II [ umi ly o f f tl u r c h ildren . Ce n l ur y L lu l. "I . .1 .1 I,, ·,; ,· dl e . OhIO . ~ . h~ III ' 1:0


lhr e l '! 11" 1 tit ,. I " l" , r r. { ••r ' 1'111 I·a. " , r lla lllf '!' 1\'\ ft l h l l \' ~ t , I If" l o\\ tlt ~ 1 11 'l'o il, lt' .t el , I ,.. 1'l"'u -11I 1.1 II l'\j r dl ;l" I'~ 1''' " " \V ,· :o.dl f.n 1.,,11 u n ly ;,t ~ . '11 Y(II ~ C" 1 l il t , I " ~ n d i t :u \\(' d" . " I II. IIllf,l l l l i lt it ,h ~ l £e a ,'I ' "u n~ ' In "I if 'II t l , I, :III.l I, ( " ' c . IIl IHlIil t e 1110 h 11 llIl'·' ·,. ... ' '' n · r\ ~)(' n ~('s a , t l e f"

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J)ttn k il k ', :.0:: Fe r ry ·s . ...... .. .... .. . 1(1(' O[ ",.n dili fl n o f t he lI ar vpys burg Ri ce's IIl c :-.J d in" ,, 1 Ban k fit lIan t!y~ burg . in Ih.· ~t" l l' u f O hi o , a t th e l'lose o f Each on!' of t lll' !'t, hal' e hu g el pud., III I- i,l,·;;". til l Mar ch 10 , ·l!l22 . a g es t ha t st'lI III :?lk e a ch

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IC" it h a. t' U"!l lire of qu n.lity goods at the lowest prices







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An Event In Waynesville

ro",o Lo ve AffJlr .

Pull'ed Wh ... ~. Quaker. pkS . • • . . .• JIe pm. bur, Health OraD . pk, .... . .. He K.llo.,·. BraD, pk. . • ....• . . . . . . I tc Rolled Oate. IIIMI&, • lbe, .••• . .. .. lI>e

Floe. rlll8. _Yo CID • .• • , ••• • • • •• 12c Ole K . larp 01 •• CU . . . .. .. . . . . . . 17c Krnut. OOlMll: bl, caD ... .... ..... Uc Rom ltly . IJe. bl, caD . · ." • . ·. . . . .. Be l'ulD(J~ln , beIIt. bl, can . . . . . . . . • . 8c Sweet I bla~ peeled. bill can. , . 160 String' Uuoa. PITOI"]'. CUI • • • • • • • . 100 O. O. I:ltrlall_ Bealli. call . . " .• .• k Llm~ BelllA. IOUed. ·OIII .. . . . . . .. tc Llllla Del!". Coootr, Olu~ . call . . . Uc

29C . OOlal bulk. lb • .• . . .. ... 4e Blker·.Ooeolout. cao ... ... . ... . 10c ('". 10" prl.:.. a tbe . . . ... . . 10c Jello. ~rted flno"',pk" .. . . . . . 100

PEA awe« WIlcODIItI. c~n .. ......... . 12c OoUltr, Olob. .\Jny. cln . . • . . .. .. _2Go

8ahloo. Plok Aluk •. talt caD . ... . 100 S'~ln" f var.J' DIce. CIO .... , . • . . • Ik:

HerriDI. Bonaod. G IIlh ...• •. . , . . . IOc · Made_I. oe,", 110.; .acb . .•. . . ; . _ Ie 8cfttc){J'IIld. 'joo lb. la'ik . •' • •• • 1 8.'

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made It"';'" and merch:uHlisl PUI up esp.cialJr for Ill. Cornpuiy art under three brand l . CoUlitry tlub i. Ihe nnel! quality Ihal It I. p'o_ibi. to ..rurc. A.cmdale, our •• ("" ,,1 brand, i. us.,t 00 e~ tra Ifandard qu ality mercba.t.I;'r thaI io manr cal" 'quab the Ii .....old· .be"here. C1itl lOn U ~lId i. tt mllurd .. erchandi.. , good and rur • .



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vlllietv nf CUl'la in ~cr im s at ,d UIJ. ut Ihm llll & Co.


G e o r ~c l.tlCt' • .1 1\c w O rl ( ,' 115 , 80 yrnr s o ld. It a~ \ Il'j d a i. ,\1" l lt h ,' r \' l , I . j L , b 1.or. It ( ut -, t l'~ p ~, .,tri p s alld lilts t il",: L' :iTl C' :-. t:t n.,. For 11 . ,'Ian .'WI D YC ;i'" '.1: .. 1 \\ . L;l t tl\'e n 11ah '\!5I ted hy h a11d. J .\lCC ~ tartcd tllr. lIuchin . . ," "\ " Isar Clo p ill Ih e U. S. lota ls 125 IIl dliull lon" c IIIIn IhI , \ .. h'':11 he \\ ..... d!·j ,f . ~ ., .. ' I d I

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haS been co~­

~o hIS home for the P~8t two

T he Krol{l'r ~1 (He WBS open~ ac('f,rdlll g Iu Hc hc, lule. last ::;aturJa y, li nt! Ihe trau e W" H Leyond t~eir ex· I,,'elation s Clarence Allen IS man· ;' Iler " fthe s to r . and as he is ahult· I'r. he probabl y will ~n joy a fine 1".,01., fr m th e commun ity. - -

- - -~ -


In the uining roo m. n ca fd!'r i:! lun cli . pt'a\l llt ". plln ch IIllri "!l1I1I1' wer p H" ld. whill~ in the JIIi dw HI' I co uld 10 .. ~eell thl' .. .t"1{ an d p.,Il,l' '' '\ "I)Ow. 111(, fortun e t!'II "r IIlId ~ p v .. r·d _ __ Sedi on t>ne of Farme rs' Grange other ul trac t i u n ~ . whk h held Ih e al . \ II m] er th e I a u e r~hip of Sister Baily, lent illll of ti , ' I'l' ,p ie duri ll~ tl ,,· Eil l. llo·tl , \ - II ' Ihnw a\' di:'d al .lll<' will furnish Ihe program, next Sateveni ng . l.o me ,r 11l'f ","'.r . ~ 1r .. \\ il l. :-;, r · urdav cvenlng. No one can afford The (lill y dra wb ack to II'< ' en t,'r- l .. n.I·.id a\, lllort ,ln;:, at I I ", lock . to miss this meeting as big doings talll l1H'n l wa- I he lack of room. f" r ,\, h~ f ll 'lo.: ru l \\,' 11\':.\ ~ I " "l "'" m ll m ' . .. ar e d . the crt,wd " US ~o dense Ihat it 11' >1" illl! at I I " " ' i,,d; at II " l·h,Ck at Ihl' \ _ _ __• _ ...._ _ __ hard I" "ee verylhinl! l)rOperl y. ( 'hap· 1. Ih'I' II ",' "P i"I;I 'illl! Inl " rn ,i s d !' fl l[)n~ trates agRin th £' n<'t'rI " f ,ne nt ill Mialll l l"'Ill,II' IY \ SubscrilH! for the Miami Gaaette . a lu rg e hl1l1 to IlcclIrnm udat' li l(l! _ _ _ ....._ _ _ _~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~!'!!"'~~~~I!!!'!!!!!!!!!~


[till" iJro wn. of Centerville. Sunu ay with f ri ends ht're.

MacBeth lind fllmily s pent with relative s in S~ri ngtl eld.

Whole Number 5480 t

(att' st IlItI ~ i ( '


Tissue Ginll hams, F laxons and ill all shades Hyman& Co.


The ba lld ":1 r ll il';11 an d '·'HIl,.'rl . I \,(i l'ell al Ih,' Odd 1.'.·11 ,,1"" l,a! 1. la <1 ' W J ne~,hy (,,,,·,,i nJ.:. wa- 1\ I,ug.· , u~- : res" Th e ba nd II' II ~ 1I1lJ.:f1ll'lll l' I hv fellu \\' l1Il1 sicilln Hfn llll ~ l' \\' lllll l ir,~- I tOil. Lebanoll and \)Il ~ tOil. aJl(I Ih", h"y ~ gllve a V"I' Y ",)II ('e rl " ~ f t il '

Ilflrl""ck. of Mi lford viAited ,'S

29 ,

t1n le rl ui nrnt.'nt R 'Solid Leather Work Shoe~ at H~ - , Gord lJ l1 J I)y w,,~ ill Cillcinll ati. Tob,I(" '" (·""1· .. · ,I !l ymall & Cu. The membe rs of rh e hand w i~h to is at hi ~ post again. at the man & Co. I l"liday. exp~ess their gratitud e to Ihe COI1\ ' drug slore . Mi s; ~l R r i,· \VI I l:J III''' " 11' ,, 8 shop- munity for their \("encrou Miss Lola Pine wag the \\,('eli -enll s suppor t. Whell ill Lebanon viFit the : reenping in I ra y t' " I. ;-l'1l rday. . t is time now to order Shrubb e ..... guest of friends in Colu mbus. especial ly to Ihe young r ol k ~ who I hll ll se:; ulld Gard,.ns Spring plan ling. We ean aid i1l'lpE'd make it all evellinl{ of fin anM r ;'lId ~ 1 ,:; Ihbl en'w wer,· cia l success. Ed Hain es, of Newpor t , Ky., spent , in p lantin~ lind pl'lnnillll. Tile d thu s mullin!! il \l,, ~~ ihle "l r . all Mrs. C M. Grown were v b iLin~ ill C(l ltJ llIl'II". la~;1 \\' d· k. 'ee l~h ~'u >' lle Qnd Gardena . LebaDon. Satu rtya wit h his mot her. Mr .. Da\'- Ddylon visito rs, Su nday. for th ~ 1ll to do greater thillK>! in Ihe Id Fetter. future. St. Mary ',. t: uil d will ltwe t with Chr h<ty Madden, of North Lewi.·- . P Mrs. P J ' ohn l Lamb -' 11 I and daught. I ·r Mrs Edilh Ilal'ri~. Thu r, .\ay after. , ~ pc nl the week.en d with his ansy lane W I Ie (In sa e, next s pent Sat urday and Sunday in Day lU I, noon T o O ur CU SIOllll' rs amI Frieml s . he r. W. H . M8 dd en , W h0 is nol d,,\,eek, at the Grcl' nh uusl'H alld Gal L b O ' We ar c l' ha nging the policie s in conne ct ion with g 118 rRpl'dly as his many ens, e .mon . hlO· Wind ow Shades in all differen t .Just retl'iv" the d a ma Ilt' ll agcme nt of oltr busine ss. T he result of this W linc lIf Street ie n rl ~ de~i r e to sue. t ' , shades and sizes at Hyman ,," Co. and Porch Dre"Rc" . in n(,II"'st pat . pe rmits us to olTer more Mrs. Robert Walt on. of Dayton, is tern8 of ging haltl . Hy man & Co. Large 101. of Men's Work Sboes, staying 'a week wilh her parents . Mr Mi~s OIJal Davids spent the week· eh were for m ~ rly $4 90 and $4.75, and Mrs. J . L Hart sock . waiting on end wilh he r parents at Huwe rsv il le, Mrs. Howard Eg bert and daughw reduced to $2.75. Do not II, ias her father. who has been quite ill. Ohio Service this Wedn esdav evt:ning at ter spent Ihe w,·t:k-c nd with rell1tives chance. All of our 'Ladie8', 7: 30; th e t heme (or discu ossion: "The ill Day tun. and BOYR: Cus tom-ma de Fine M: A most complet e line of fl oor Co\,· Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fa rr spent Fa ith uy Which We Li ve. or Wh at at pricE'S lower than D40yton erin!r~, inl'iudin g B nrla p-b8~ k Lino- Sund ay with Mrs. Emma 10' . Dukin. The Church Teaches ." Mrs : Nelson Thorn e and daug hter . anu Lebanon - our cU8tomel ~ also Congraleu m, T apl'~t ry, of lIear Xenia . of Mornin g Sun, Ohio. spellt Ilist . Fifth (Passion ) Sunday in Lent. I U8 this, so it must bt' true J ohn B ru~~I'I~ 3"d Axmins tl' r Huu~ in Apri l 2nd : Ch urch School at 9:30 a week with r e lat ive~ . Funkey. t ',om sizes lit Hyman & Co . Mrs. Ella Alexand er. of Dayton. m ; Se rvi ce and Holy Commu nion at was th e week-end gues t of Mrs. Mr. anrl Mrs lI arvey Sack elt were 10:30; Se rvice and ser mon lit 7 p m Am l.lllda Matritt Everybo dy invited to th ese ~e rvices the dinner g u es t ~ "f Mr. and Mrs. Next Sund ay is call~d Passion Sun' Frank Zell , Sund ay Mi ~ s Minnie Davi s. of Dayton. day bp.cause th e scrvi ceR begin to reo 1000 Bars of all kind s of Laundry Soaps, spent the week·end with Mr . Cliff 'Cut (~ l owe r s and P.. tted Plants at late th e story of our Lord's s ulrerBurnett and fa mily . a ll tim e~ at t he (; rl'enho ust:s and ings and death The Peniten t in the forme r weeks of Lent has probed Co me t o u~ (or Peters Diam ond Gardens, Leban on. Uhio. and examin t!d his heart fin d bewaile d Hrand Sh oes; !ruaran teed 10 give Mrs Holland Hor lac her and son. his sin and unclean ness; but bellinsati sfaction . I-lyman & Co . of Spri ngfi eld. ~ p e nt Ihe week-end nin g with Passion Sunday the Chu rch sets befo re him Ch ri st crucifie d as 'niLh Mr and Mrs . R,)y MncHeth. Miss Berth'l H) man, of Xenill. And 1 Bar FREE with every sale. his cure. and bids him loo k unto spent th e IlItter pnr t of the week Fresh enr of Cem!'lIl alld a ce r of Him alld be s8v pd. - t) cast hi s bur· with Myer Hyman ;;lId falllily . , Locust P() ~ I A will arrive t his week. den upon th e L,'r d. - to behold and see if there be any 9, rrow lik e unto Mrs Alice Mc Kinsl'y and dnughl er W. H. Madden & Co tli ~ SMrow whi ch was done un to Mids Henriet ta. Fpcnt Satu rday ann Him The Ch ri st i ~ c"hibiterl a ~ OUI' Priend ,;hlp cia . • " of the M E. Sunday with relati,·" s in DlIy llln. eh urch wi ll give a g-cn ' ral rnurket at Great High Priesl; and IltrOuKh Pas- • • • • q • • • • o.~ O . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~··,·· Mr . and Mrs I.'umns Hlllli n)!,;· 1';,iI'nhllr t' s !-I I lire. Saturda v. April 8, sion Weel< ano Holy We(' k t il Ea~ t ~ r. the Lurnln b"ginnin of GOd . gdurnh Iw f (, r l! i~ at 2 o'cl ock p ITI. worth , of Piqua. altended the fu · ~ h e arers , is Ihe I'll)!ro, ~i ,,~ uhj '( ' 1 " f neral of Elizat.clh Hathaw ay, MOil· See our 1000 s al11p le ~ of Men' s lVonder , of wnrRhip. nnt! I, f I"Ve. day ';uits, ju~L in from 11tt> National and Mr. lind ~ i ls . RflY Haw ke IIlId j\] r Illt ernatiollill TailorillR' Com panies. and Mrs .I(firn Collett. lit Dayt on. Wi'.: MA I{E T,HI:.:M 1'1'1'. AT PRICES This is the time for re- pa inting and ~ p e nl .'u lll iay Mr. und Mr ~. { C. -\llI IGH AR E NOR~1AL. and twice he va fe-var lue Id vt'11 than one ,receives in nish ing 1100rs, for renew ing the I-h wk·, I t he ' nmdY'O\ llde goo d ~. J OH N A. k ilcllcn liuoleu m. for smart ening up Pri zes for th e best slogan for the The 1'~d~te r/1 Star willit olrl f.I Mar I !" UN K~Y _.__ • __ _ _ Home-Comin g , offered by the execu· I he fu rtJl-i-iIl1l:t'trNe:-:.- - -- - - - -- - - - - ; - -- -i<~l Il"t"ttre"'Ioivnship house . SaturdaY ' j . tive commit tee to the high school Do it llOW I Have those old chores Ap ril I t. Buy yo u r Sunduy di nnt'l . pupils , were awarde d as foll ows: of them . _'. ' , " done alld out of th e way before time . firsl: " Come Back in '22; We' re all True Blue. ,. Mr. and Mrs Walter McClu re find lo r s prill g- hou se cleani ng . Mii<s Lill ie I.len ham saw " Ligh tllin ' " Second : "1 872-1922 - Shake ." at the Vi cto ry theater, Day tOil. Sal' l Mr. and M\'3 _ ('I yd l' Co l man. of B(,th prizes were won by I(ath let: n 3rdaya f ternoon . :-JolCwoo d . Ohi o, mll,-ed into th eir Hend e rson, frc~ llman clas~. & ",·W horne in that cily laRt week. ----Mi s~ Clarll Lile attend ed the Ohi" which has j u~t b"e" cllmple ted. It is Non- re3 id ent g r auuatcs are r e • Princip al's \ls~oc iat.i o n at Colu ml)ll~ . .1 eCl mplel(:!, moder n. l! lte home quest ed to notify any non·gra ds it, urd uy. She spen t Sun ,jllY wi tL _ their commun iti es of th e Hum p. rela tiv ed in Washin gton C. H. Coming . , ~end in your rese rvutions early Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Gorman , of then if compell ed to cancel - O. K Sharonvill e, Mr. and Mrs Cha'r le~ 't Pringle. of Batavia . were week-elld Send lall commu nicatiuns of a g en· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J oy eral nature to the sec reto ry. M1'5 A f ~ w of our man y Emm:' McClure, who Yo ill see th at Mrs Lester Gordon , who was opthey reach the prope r cummit tee. e r!lted on at the Miami Valley h o~· pital recently . ,eturne d to her hom e, feature o( the reunion i~ for Saturda y. and is conv~l escing rapid Best Cane Sugar , a lb., only ..6c as well as Alumni . ex ·Iy. ' Alumni banque t . Be~t White Eating Potat oes. 30c a peck, or . per bu .... Sl 15 Mra. Eugene Foster, of I"osters, Fresh Chur.ngold. a lb., on ly ..27c Mrs Frank Dyer, of Cincinn ati, alld Royal Baking Powder . large.. 42c Miss Marv Lawrpn ce,of Auburn dale, Calume t Bakin~ Powder . Irg .. 25c Mas.q ., spent'la st Friday here, visiting Ryzon Baking Powder , , I relative 8 and friends . 451' size ...... ., .. ......, . ......... 28c 25c size .. .... .. .. .... ....... ...... l8c 15c size ........... . .. ........ , ... 12c : Only a tew mor~ tickets ·Ieft ·the Normal CIIl88 play, FrJday RINZO -5 park ages for .•· .. ... 25c Hartsoc k has been very ill :Inlt, ~PJ'I\"~. Get your tickets now. . paat week. with a cancero us Garden Si!E'ds, big pkjlll." .•" • . 5c . reserve d at the Townsb lp Fancy Lima Beans. Ib .. ..... .... ,IOC on the back of his hand. Mon~ay, AprilS, at 2.p . m . . C"la Bro\'lln.'Bellns. Ib .... ....... 5C' fall a chicken picked the back Lenox 8 bars .......... .. .. of bill band. ·a nd it was eo re fo r sev· Palen , 10 bars ,... ,. eral wellks. but it finally. healed up . ReCently the sore . appeare d again, and Dr. McCllllliind, of the Xenia hoapitlll, . who has been' treating It' Dudna the past week. now e~er Mr. Hart80c k hal been suft'er· Ing ~ery severely , but indicati ons now are that he _is getting much better.

Sp ec ia l An no un c em en t.



CASH .......... BARGAINS Tha n Any Oth er Stor e in Tow n

Cash Soap Sale Saturday April 1

C ar s

191 4 ford 191 4 Ford 191 4 Ford 191 4 Ford


Deliver y Wag on Chassis Tou ring Run abou t

Wag on

F_~.R_ 5~Oc:

O_ B_ A R_S




••• • ••• • HOME·COMING NOTES ••• :.. ••

. tN




••i •••


• •• :

P re d M .C ol e

The "Chi-Enamel" Stor e t ••••••••••• ~•••••• •••••~...... ...... ...... ..........

ZIMMERMAN'S Quality Goods and Service

SPECIALS for THIS WEEK --- --- ---- -


Ta xF ree -Yields7%~ Oivit1endsPaidQvtJrlerly


' '.


""4C\·SHARE·OQ·t" .'




The Miami


OhIo. I


ut! e ll)t '1('1:' ~ I W*


"RI'11111 n8," 111'1:111\ M:l n ·u,., , ('r: I com e " 'Ith 8 p rop 8ltl 10 yOll, If YlllI' \' 1I &,ot IIny ~en8e, you'll Im pres ~ 11M \' 0111 on the r eat ot your f el1oll'" hf'r". (or b, hook or by crook " I In t ~' IHI 10 h".,,,1 up tb ls sett l eme n t .lIhl bllr n I hl'H n~I"n.1t , ! hack. : ' (l -I 'ur rn llt!t! over n' ll l r rllw led slow. : One l on g ,n~ p CBme from 1'01ly. lIer Iy h i h l R hlill ds Aod kl Wl" , futh er 'sald Dolhlnr Imt l uukl'd lIllf'k ue tlw 8pt! uker 118 If he 1",,1 ""I h" :ll'll. " Thp ~ro\lll d'" k lll(l " \\ 11 1,1,1,1' , Illn'l It, "Uadlly aln' t t(ot Ihe h,,11 rl~hl In s, ii" '" h ,lIy j!1I "',1. Su y I\'hut's II'II11t:' ~ he 1111 ('\'1'''1'11 '11 ,,,,1· ' ''\1, '1 o ut," CVIIIUIUndt,u Hullel't, ')Dell' H o h t'rf flru 111 ' ci

Iy, Th ~ ( nrnl,:r ~t111 l lf.I' f' n th l' Il'rou nd, - "'(:t'1 up," t)rdf!r~ (1 P rord\,nl' Rcornru l . I~· . tflll~hlnll tli!' proslrn tl urllll With Ihl' II (. or lll~ 110 t , " 0 ,' 1 Ii]) ullII muke IIII' If YOII f1 qn' t 1I'If 11 I 1iIe to III'k )'011

lI ! H l l '.

1 ~ 1 ' IIt1l' ll

sl' fllm hlt ,.l lr, hl 'i (, "'t , ~IIIHlk It l" fI .... t lit 1'011), ~.I1Hll'Ir , 'd up 11\(' lI ull' ,.\'

I Il1ll1 h, uut.! ill Ilrl ut I H"· II IPIIIL'll l 1. ;1.1 , li l l1 h. ', 1 ti ll' fl'III ' " Ulu l \\I\S ;':11 I H! .


" II 1111 1 \I'" I'~ 1'I'j,!I~ 1 1

B!, ,.. 1

I tI

I1l rt~ t.

r \,

l'.:ly t hl n kll.'

tIl ,'

II' til


WII .\


Ihr"II ):1J


l " •• ,

I ~ I~'I


, I f :1

1' IH I II' .... '


II ..



, \

I, -





It . tn t l

I' h\f l,









hll 'l "' "!'(Ollle 1t ,,1 1\,rt hilt u s lwl·t t i m ' II ":" i ll tilt· pn· . . I ·I!(" t' . tI ' 111 1:-1 1i11Ilatt "I'

.... :'

.:lrl 1llllll'ketJ h im 81-'11 111.


1. 1'

I.n " ... .' I ! I'


li t, III II! 11',"111"1' 11 I"

I II~ }; 'IUlI I '1 n·. Hlld I II' I tI'·:l'P ,., ti d








:--; IJP l lfIHl' It did l,rll L~ l !illl 1111,' "pll .. with )'l:Irtll" ) 1:11 1"II', it " II .,







I Ii,'

\\ :· 1




It· 1 t II

1,1 h· r

j". ·I'· >\ Il u- n _ 11f ; 1 r

d"l1ll1 l lli (' d :.;.har ply. ~ 1'1 : I 'tdly flung Olll lit'r hlllui. 11 1'11.! 11' 1 11111 1 wn s what til e Si lu llttll r s "H ll h .-d. "

:':!', Hilld,

IHI! I '



~ !l'iII. 11111 \

. , 1'1

1'\ ,'" ;,

I', I',

" II lIill ~lI n I' uu I .. h" I i' you, chll ll?" ,.. I!-

11\ :-;



.\ ... ; 1. ' ''''0 ' '


, I •• "",






! 111111111'"

s t A lid t o I1n\'c K WOlllllll l IP:!!, ' ,,'

!a id ndll ,"lI Itl"

' 1 I II;.!

111 1 III ~

III" :-;11""11' :11111 1':II ·l·d r

bn ck o\'~r U\t- l·oul1. 1\. Wl\l'O IH ' I IUllg befo!'e h e 10ClI',NJ U, 11111(''' \\'ht'r th e ~crc"ms cnlue f l'o III , '1"1 1('" lIU,l' I h 'X' t e r llluJ fln OPf"'Ortllll lty til ~ l ll1w n il ttll' spee<1 he hUll. '1'he slghl ", l' flll~' ,, 1' w r l l h lng Iii ti l" 8trun~ nrlll,.. ~'f n lIl un li t·


li n t

H ,.I "· I I tll";I, ") tiff III .... 1I IId .... pI' I" 11 " ',,, • .I, 'n .r 111' _ III III I!Ulllt""lI hilll I II Ide


~ t -.:I l "·.

" I ' h ! I", lillrt .\·HII. Po ll )'"'' III ' qll i'll t'tl, ' ·r \\:1:-1 1".;o(I · " ·\-!." )!tf'P I III : n Idt , )o:ir. lin ' I ·". 'k ll l1 ti lt, tdG

nn ti 1 .. , :L II .... \\ ' · ." ,I I·~·

l" IIII1I""\'~ ~' I I

I'I ' CI. ;':·

II 1,1, ' 111_\' tl i~ t llU{". "


hel p

I hpl lI~ I ·I,,'"

"UII' nil IlIt'

o ll-


r,dks I n the :->Ik" t ('II ~' , :111'-1111- 1' 11 10 \ II yull ( o r e \'l' l' 11IH.I ( n l'l·\·,.'f !" Afl f' r th llt I he larb't-' )00lrltlps


"grl'U I {lRt




S he nnd,

~ lI l tHng u s-

Ihl' dllor, When 1'''11 ,1' OPt" " 'l l It nud I'ec og nlzed the cII II I'I', ~ I'~ wllllid hu\'t! clos(>d Ihe ,10M o'Hl hnrred It If 8 tlll'\I!oIt IIcr oss

th e

Ihreshold, hnd not (l1',' vpnt"t\ h er. TIle re In h is r1f1l 1lj( el" lhes, hUll ghty nncl frowning . si oul l ~llIr c u s ~l fl c K c n -

1.1 • "Whf'rt!' s J en'IIliuh lI "l'klll"i" h e tlc lUtludcu, eyeing l'ol ly"I' sl t' rnly, her Sh e fhl gctell 11' 11 h I h.. Pll '" upro n, lind ~rlld\PIl7.1ll ("(lIIlP to' Iturm her best bl'l ov ed 7 "My dulllly', gnlll' nu!," ~ h e r~turn !'d fln ll lty. In It tow tU lle. " Th en I' ll wuit," sul d ~ln rcu 9, " I'll sit down Rnd walt." ,Polly set oul u dial!' fllr Itlm. her


l e~s

O U It !'!; W n e I LUI NI; rOil MAl:': O FI'ICF.


UA,' TO )/,OIlIO

We have moved from OUI' ol d locati on, Third and Willi ams Street s. to our new I'uildi njt as s hown above. located at Soulh east comer Third and I1roadway, one block west of old location. whe re II'C will be pl eased to see all of our patr on s as 11'('11 as new OICS.





f l'tlm

11 111 II I ! II."



( lil'

( ' IIIIH'

( ·lI ...... t·tI


ttu '

111 1'1111;.: 11

'fh llnl pi Cr ash ! Ba ng !- I ~m't that t he way <irr ' ll g-f' lI l ' I'a lly play '! Yes. il':-; hurd 11 11 flo o h,'/'I "s a tll ,llr flll ish to wilh ~tan d even that II s agl', It's

rl'p\\ II I Iu.:

Ililt' .. 1' " ''' ' ' h ll l1: ",,111 , '11 . li t· ~lt" 1' lh t'llt 1'111 !I n ll ... tr l l l~ cll~"alllfu t j.!lu I 14'1'. Hlld \~IL "IJ I" , t ll l'l h' " 1I1'I'III Id, I'll}.! .' Il o !lldll ,~

'.·1.,.\ . . '"

C II I f,> I " IIi'" IlIll

A s oun d o f h no t ~

TII u dllL!


11.. ,,,,11,,,

Wo s his Clrt ~ y ullswer nerv ou sly ,


lil li'


XII \\' lI~h'lJ

dt·ad .


J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville,

'1'1 11'11 .... h, · 1. 01 .1 1 IIt'I II th a t J( ultl'rt P t.' t · h: ~ d

""u h l t i ll' S4tlH(ll' I~S l'\ hutllrl lit " ~ .. lth'lIll'nt. ~ t lP ~lIl d Sh E !tad It:I,1 II p l", 11t1 ~ t' frum " Il IUII lJ et tP I tlt: 111 t l id ~l nl'l' Ihut he w ,m l tl IH'I I= ,1 11 '111. \ utl .tltll-; ~ h e \Jroll ,!!il l '~ lIIl1 p~ h ll ' I~ rot I III' (nt ' I'''! o r II t' I' IIII ~ t ' I"Hh tt

(' h: d ~ !II ,\


offer," Wflllt on ~f Ul~ I\. "1I 1. I, · " :\,. t Hlt-' . \\1111 1:11 "I~""'d 11\' 1', nnd " udl 1iL UIl n''' · ('on m nk t' m ~ ru l:;p ti lt· )1 1' 11'1' III L. - (·P ll i. ,' ..,'111" ,,1''' '''11 his haod Ol! h er curl, MONEY LOANED I'll KI\'c y o u InN1 t W t' llf~' !I\ ,' dllllnr!i 11t'''I : h I d t '~:-\ IIlJr . np lrwp: y uu s l ~ n 0 ' -(' 1' t .1 111,· ~' ull r f;Q uutt p r rl ~: ht s; Ih en tukl ' ~ II l1r \\'11 01· CHAPTE" VIII . ON EY L oaned on I\VII 110011. eo lind kl fl ~ 111,,1 gil," obs ttela, "leo aecond mor'.a,... II " " (,,"liP thl' III\ Y~ Ih n",~ h w hich N ;>l ee bool(ht , Joho Barbloe, All •• T hfJr{l \\"H ~ fII lt h wont 111 nll..;w{' r to 1S. 6,., t hi s, O nl y W p p .1err~' f"'1 1 11 111'- ,I", 1,i1l11hllulil N lit Ihp SII l'''1 Cit), liv ed Bullrling, Xenia Oblo. wlIh IIO lld ll J.: In ('o lllttlrt Ill l'fU but klns c1n sl' II I", I Ij(ht" I', Polly 11 " I,k ln s. Hrlll ~"t'l y un boul R enl bdllg Ihu t Ili p ~ Itln~' ... 11, liI'~·· t hllt


A UBI1.0 80s ga,



met II I ~ otT,' r \\'It ~ 1'l'llt ·I II';lII.\ It tuslI l . M"d"·' ~tH III 111:-; f"t'l,

fll .

\\ l lIlou t :-: trul,~\'r~ \\ lil ktng o~«'r I la,' I'ltll ..: h 1' •• ,11 1 1h l'Ol ljCir Hu.' lit't 1it'I1I Pllt "\'ou c'UI1I tllk (' It , IIr- 411 ' I!tI tit h - l alld I" " I > I IIIP lt lll' W I hnt (hl'Sl' II It' ll , 80 tor HII I (' u rl'~" he "X(·IHllIlI'd . (lI l·l"u .... Uil tl .v,ol ~ u ullwlllln g ttl speuk li e turtl ed towurll th {" dlln !": Hnd 1' \'('I1:t 'g " .,d dlty, " \\' e l't~ th' l l l:;' ~l' rvtce th en PolI~' o Jl s:o t hlll'k llt~r hn'"th. nll d t •• I· _'I : I ,. \! .... ~l Ht'I, (' u zl l!.

while the 'qu"rter nU' 1I 1,'ul ,'IIi 'd sui · lenty, s he Htf'PJ wd In rrnnt of hll n .

)tH :-:tH'd

,I I

1" .1 "II" Il llY, crll sh ,'d II' llh op-

beyond descrlpt loll.

II lid (II't :J.'d

(JI'1 .h' · IISh)1l

·· You·r e In wroJl g. ml st ,·r." :-:lIt' (lA r ed . Ilu)rldll ' should ~ I'

"You're rl,- tl IW" Pr"" ,. , ,,111 '1 you ; 'l'wlln !v·f1H! d flllllrs \\" ",lil n'l 1II 1, ~ u' nnywh~ere, UIl' \\' l l~l'(l \\'IIIIId we J.ft 8l1yhow' T h i s ulu ' ! ,",,\, 111' d ,, ~· In th" Stlent City. Yuu '\'~ 111 1111.\ ~- I1Il1' lulk, now scoot nlong ." Murcus '1lxed h er 11'1111 "~ "s nn g ry

;jPlh cJ'.

1'l) l ty w us so sure

!! h ' I'

liill! t ilt, l'i l llll~t!.

1',,11. " H i id Hl'uc~' · I'. " y ull or your

bllck Ilt him us shl' 1'" III II'll 1",,'u l'<1 lhe door .

1.II IT\,

nt ~ltt ll ) "


Wilmington. 0., phone



P"'~nd , Cblua MIlle ' BOM SPOTTED 1 yea r Old, el1glblt! &u regl ••er.

jJl l li Type old ,fll_hl nD ed

GEE, - M" HAYS; I CoN GRA"ru loST t '('OU , I 'D R ,\TIiEf( Hft.VE yo,'!!. ' ~ T H""~

60111' To GET .A HU NDERD t-N' FIFTY



A"l '( J' f


- \- 1(::

Wo Rlt> '-

SE E " lot. Tfl E 1'10 V I'C S iloW ~ FUIt NlJT l'IIN '



go.1(I mllY ' abu o t lMon I{ood worker every pla08, Riley, R. 0 2, ..... banou. Ohio


FEED WANTED OME Cl o vor ",nd \tIIen

&.J Polllml .ChlnIlH ogs. Eogllih bred

oow ,

( h ilI; o f the b ODI ) the kiDI' onr 1.. llle r , n~ed '0 rill sI'. big boned, ~1 1" f~ , h i!;; eye@ and big bogs. 1r yop

~ .. ynMvllle.

W ' fl It. ~~ " t~


<;all me and l WIll and .'" 1&. WilHam R" binlOll, 08lv,l/e, Ublo,

I nqtll r .. "f U. J Mnquard, near i:lonk "y " t:;oboolhouse, R. D •• WaJ' n e. vlll e, Obio, mat

I 'ro b<I coatlaufttl .I


(Jail Frlendll

T h e o ld HOlY I ~ l,he mortsalll I,f l>' .. , It... ' tHlU ' bullder; shl! oorlob811 ~i\ \l r Hoi l I ll d f eed~ I,he huuRry; ,he hu ' IC1~ th A ~O IHlO I t< nud oburob9ll.and

WI! h Oll t b or A lnA rl Otl would RO co t h"

litve ber a ""Ie GIVtl price ~b A w i ll eduoa'e 'be H . B, Louaen.CbawIP....IIII~. T h o gr aut eHt era we bave

b ull tl nl1n oitlU;,

!.. h' , noa


I "h lll l r ,, " , ,. \' " r ~eAl I I ~ j Il~t "hauII for the man wi II do I u n ~q u ~ r e thlog with I I I ". ,,1,\ " "W I:I "I:~ • f fi ll IIg~R and ' ' " " I I """~ fo r t<.,I!I . Ther are brect 1 r i ,,1 1I " "d li re '>rlotld r ight K E C. W, LeKQOrn , (' I, . I/n p" ln, lUll Fla lll MIID,Oregoula, the lIett-IDg or i 1\ , rr p" ( 'I' Dul,y , Ohi O, R. D, L, phone Mra B_ V Smab, 1 111- 1;; H II ' r K rl og, flU noavilltl , Ohto

! ". " ,


O ST- II Graot " 6" aU&" IDoblle ' om llk Findor ple,,,e lene ' a& !h l~ Omel'. all

lnqnlre Mr • • Waynelvl)le. Ohio

II FERTI LIZER-B H. 'Ii, .aldo08 and all

Room Dark. Floor Lighted. One of tbe' Inconvcl1 l"III'es of walkIn g uhou! In 8 dnrk CO"'" lit nl,bt II hItting the feet IIllul li S I I hlng¥ Set 'lI, At Ihe snme lim e fl ll e doe• •ot n l \\'u y8 \\IllOt to 1I!: liI up the roolL I'I'I1Cll CUI Ell.clrlcs I~ ',\I' York) ~ 1 , 8(Orlbes the device of n weslerp e1~ tr l eul engl Deer, who "I" ,'es lalllDi un <l er the bed 8nd hu .. t'"u . In WIe way the floor II bri ghtly li ghted, the upp er part ot t he rllUID retaal. f1urk, Thul ooe CIlIi II'lIlk nh/'ilt' lf perfect comfort. and Ilt Ihe SR lne IU_ In prl vaey. "., If


"WH ERE SA VIN GS :\ J: I,: S,\FE"


renl eslalc f' ccurit y


Travel Hanlllca,.. Furlh ermore. ther, I, bardl, ' thing Ihot hundlcBPI a vampire thon to travel with ber ~ chlidren,-OnlvestoD Ne...' , t'

1-: :-, 1 \1\ 1 1:-O i l ED 188 7

l"lAIN OFFICE- T hi rd ;l nil llroadwa)' FIFTH STREET O"'1o'I('I-:-·:; IU E. Fift h S f. (' ENTHAL OFFIC E-Thi :'(! Flool' Da y ton Sit YiIlj!S & Tnl"! I: lildin~ .~"tj:.~~ - -\: r~~~;;,';.



Na'ional Buk BltlK.

WaY " 1





'Ii- ,

W e Put Them O n


Fr ost

to t he quick , c1 eon nl broom mnke It I "It 's oll r h orn e. tnl s t er; she rf'pll ed, n nil sh e should er s with dlgnl "itollcn, Ju st vIe MnrclIs, " SO Y. you I ' h ere before me," He tou ch ed n spot his rid log whip; and upoo It. • -...;,;zmv , ~?u _tillten 'Itemly. "I've co,n"Il-;~.tItn to your tather, Bod It ence with birn, you'd

Into It."

got," her .. repented

and Btond


Polly's face brightened I t w n ~ ' not reol harm H opklns t oooy. She he would come In: nnd. al nnflwer to the lhrobbJng C1t Hopkins passed through the w ith Wee Jerry clloglng, to hi. The trembUDW girl snw hI. facie

.-ray at




Wa:, ,1esv i lle, Ohio 'ational _Hank


.. -

The West Side Building and Loan ' Association

... OeNTIST...


UB-lI. Way'!e8vllle,

' Compound ed Sl'l\li-annllally

DR. J. W. M ILU ::(

Kg,. 100




Mal,e loans on first 1110r:l!'U';(' - the Lest ~ec u rit.y .


whu t tbe people Iv a nt, geC UIe

IDqulre of


tile elwbt 0' bll DOll1'etflil enem,.._,_'__ - - - -'_ _~ ___-!'I

,Terem lBb mn~ e an aWkward bot. of his head to Marcus. slipped Jerl'J ' lnto hlB arml and w i thout a word 'alit down. ADd 'P olll/op, full , o( c:urlollltJ aDd 'n~lety, sat down too. ber brll· lIaat eyea IteodU,. leveled upoll lIao-






. 1&~,~;("" ,



0 ..

r .. H ORSg-A8 ye",. old,

I C YTl...0SmC O~


dlll'olJoe b"oll"..




"Scoot out," .she r e p, 'ul t·t1. " u u,' don't


RU '~ KING-For

l08-1IY- . C, & Edwlnd .. , I ~lIle. Ohio. pR1V .,TIt Bott.. r quire of MtH re~' tt.


he \\'oul l

" It's II dlllll'e of ti le lli r f't! of yo u,

Wrlle Wayn enllh' l


d es l'llir. .Je l·emiah thut on e of them

kef'p Iii" lI'ol'd I " h er-lHlw IIi .. y wuul d



Money to Loan on F arm L an d elor fi ve F.. 6 t 0 1, W 1It1, Obt" . years at per cen . SAVEyoorJoolI,Old P..

to Holl erl Perc h'u l to Ilsk his Illd III k,'{'pi n li the ~e tl1 cUl e nl to-

li t-I" ,,' \ II hluzl 'tI 'Iu dd ,· "1"


One of th e Inrg-e,.; t a nd slrollg'e::, l fill :lIlcial institutions in t his parlor lh e s tat e. ..

Sold by

I II. · ...

co uld scarce ly



,\ .... if II. ' !tnd I\.t! .!'·I ,,,hf'I1 , I ',.II,\' /fun' Idln 1,,1 """ti 1'111 u:-o Il I 'I" tI ""1111111 1Ifh" " 0 111:111 Il1 lp l ilt , ~lllIlI l r . " I'd l·tl ll", r Itt·· d ' II' 1111 li lt' 11 1: 111 1111~· . 11111' "I ~HII." .. 111 ' ~mld, 1It.·r f1. ·... !1 111l/o:· lill )!' \\ltli I 'll l ll . " U ,\'ull 'd 'J!' plltllll't.·d 01 1 '1111 . II:ltJ,l y , fi r ,\1111 . I.lIrr.\' . 11l"d ' H ' Jl ttJ'I" 'd


Thi s HlI pc riOl' fini sh Iweps th o 11 0 01" looking bri and Illstrous ,III the while. Ha rd knoc](s clIn den but tiff'\' neve r Ll'lmk it. !t's clast ic an d durable an sO slicks to its job through eve ,')' test , You Ilpply it yo urself. Lu stro-Fini sh is also fine for furniture and wu rk.

11111 ..; 11111'11 1 .' 11111' Ill ':t d .... . ..

! y flll

I t h :u ·H."

stllll d. G I 'nIHI~' 1i ",.lI' grllll ll'd out u w01'l1 or gre (!tllI ~ , 11111 t~ .. 11 11111 gu\'~ he r D O UII8 W er i ~lT H 1 . lIr tf~ r blh tldng nt him n fell' tlmu", Ihe uhl \\'Ul,,"11 (~II Aslee p. "'1'hls Is Ii r ott" n 11011'." spot oul Mu cK c nz le prese "l1~'. l "okln g a t Ihe girl. T ills sco rn f ul COIrI IlH' lIt on Ihe q unr· l ers nnd<ly H opll i ns lI'orkell so hn r <l t o su !'pnrt 10uel'!'11 11 ,,· s 'l llnlter girl

- -=:--- ..,;.-



"1 '.11

'I I , I '"


O IW l1Iornln..: ('o ll ) Hp wll S ('11.1 0111111: the shltut y nlul UI"11I1I1), Ilope \\'II~ St'u t ert by th e s to ve. A ~ l lnl"Jl r ap ,'11111 (' oil

huo t ,


proJ', ;)stt II Hl lit thrill !t11 1d l .. " If It hndll' t IIt'4' 1I l ilp 4'11",1(':-1 ,',1\' 11111 , I wou lrl ll ' t hun' l'II I\ ~l dt'rt,jl , ! :1 "Ii II II It-. J~tlt nrtl'r I nlklnp: It 0\" '1' \\ ill! III.' I II \\'- j ypr, I' ve tll ·t· hl l'd tn I.: hl · ."'11 n il 1\ SUIn of n h"lnpy It Ytlu ' lI 1" !l \i',lll ' III ' PH '

sur unre 10 tll ,1 ~I ,, " " 's r,, " e ~ 111111 Ih ('r e r(~ l leH h.· tI whllt ({ oIH' n l' l'r f' l"n l lInd 8Hld ub ulit tlt l! (; n 'I., I \.,,,,t ~ tutlaer In the Wo rld ,

mun 's lu.!u\-y


U ; lf ' t' .

1, 1 pll ~'



wh{'11 sh e found n gl'IIUl1 of I,,' r w,)!tll'n ' folks WU llLllll'ltl),! h n w tlte lr 1I11Sf'llt Ind·

ut es w(' rl', Sil l' INt

;h~ ln nil HI


little wur-

(h e t1 11T('n'I\ \'{I III P nlly Il uJlk lm t 11101'(" !-I ll e tutk .... (1 1U () "jJ;

:11 "

I" llly's Iwuu

SII""lIl C' lt y - " I 'I''?'' u p "It II II ('!\o' k, HUll .\ I :\\· h l'll l.' .·, l'UI'Uj.:\ '~1 be)ulld IlIlItn1l, . . tl' lI' Ii l ·tl lI.", 1' twu ~ l tngl llR htu "~ \\ It It I It .. I HhllL: "Irlp_ '1'111'11 114.' "II'III\!' I lu l Itri " lh ,' "p~lI . IIIHI, 11t'ldllll; li i,.: h 111,1 Tltl' p i .. t .. l

nl\ii 11 " .\' l it.', .. 11,11 _.11 " ,·111 " r II .· r, ·ItI;'III I II . j, ." 1'" !I'. \\" InUIL Y I l llIl b l'(,11 "' I ' ot t p 1'1 t· "II \\ I! h 1,1 "1 uk) h nt tI ll ... dll" hi ' h ,'l "" !It .; ,.! I d

rl"'l Ih ln!; Itl Iii" w o"d~, "I'l ' I'y hen \'y heJirt III lll(' ;o( 'lu n t lp r ~ , · t1 1(, 1I 1{" llt fl' lt ~ llIll l' lI

I'll \\'


tl I'

I I' r ~ .... 'll:.' I II


"1I 1I],oRt '" l1llH' r " Il rtl luWIlf'l! the 1':'\' 1' )'


n n~ t I· ....



\\ I)l'ld .·' :-.11, ' :-.add to\ huply. " 1'111 III HIIIIH,Y .. ," Io,j h ll i l ~t· ltl' · IIII·· 1I 1. All ' II!" ~ 'l\l H t·

St'fl ~lJ n.


lu u!lh'r,"


,\, III ""111


Ih " ',,"fldl), 1 1 1 I I~ hel,l III

wnll , ' lIlh' 1',.Ij, ": I "o ll :,1 I" 'I .s IlO lll d'· I" 111 ,,- i ,ll ll' ] 1', '"11':' 1'1",11 ' I. ulld tilt' 1I 1111' !" oil \\' , . ~ ,I, I'! , .., I" '1,1 \'11'-; ,,1 :111 " 111:': ill 111(' \10111' . "'tll i ll ltllL ll ~t nJ't'u N :\1:11'1\ "11 1.1 " \.,11 '. \ I". _I. Li p li lt, \\ 11 .111 '1\ I ldll 1111 ' !'ooltlll ·li. II ,' ' ·11111\.! tl r flli' lI lIl' h ut! II ' tlt ':I! w ll I, 11,·' II' \ \ ' to H d lr, ·, I II:il l IIllt) ~hllll l l'tI 1111 .. ,1' : th,· 11" wkkt 'd \\H)· ~. 114 ' \\' I L, \ IIL I,'\, ·oI , " 1'11 I II \ , , 1' ,'11'.·1' 1t1 1l1l1'Y H ~ aill, 11111 tl n\\ t ll('\' u ..... ·" " wi r 111 1 .. :1.:.1:. .. 1 11 ,1 ollt ~" I1'JI n il ~ " , If I liaYt ' til trurll ,\'11 111



I" " 1,111'


hrhu.: I .a l'I'Y." Ull t Ili tn Ilu' ~ " Ilkl\l' ! .... 11.· '\\ "11', nutl " lI t' lI ~h\ ' ':It llt' IIlI ,.1" lIt· :othl1ut,\'. till'!"" fo il.,,, .'d I." ,'I, ,I I.' set uf ! 1I~ . I'lIlI !t . · d 1111 ' 11 . :,' 1 ,ot . :l ::UIlI '11 :.!I'H!l I J tit \\ 11 111 1'1\ \\ , d ' " I, r whnt (lid ~I ltll ' hlt, t l n " n OUt' hy \'1 1': ti ,.' 1111'11 .. ,I, ' \ t', ,I

" "(I"llIs"-~ht'

I lnd!ly

("lI11t 1,',1.11' ,"

\\'ha t ur£' ~Ull . un ~"

\\,II~' '('

l 'Hlly ll a!'! l wtl It J.!1 :IIIIII 1\' 1t"1 t I I,,' r "C ,} ,ct't 'p ~!\. I I I 'IIt. " 11\' '!II'I" I .',) .. \ n '


"hnIH'! 1 lIUel w cn t

1I1,,'llt 11.

g'1I111J: 1 H h ... . lllllt, h , ·fllrt" t •

I I,' lil l i e In illb WIIS ,h'lI lI, :-:Olhll'~ (,\' \,1' h lll' t It liny 111" 1' ...'. 1\u t tl ,,' re 1)("1'


ti ll' ,\ hili ' .... I I·PIIC-

I,.'tl ltlf l

! w, rl-'



ti t'

lW " H h \., w (II n ..: hl. ~ nd It ~'H,d II.!ht " ! t" ,1I1I1t! I\,'!; 1 \ ' i l",1' r Id wn" fl Ol hnll 1"\111 , I, I ' til :-h.·, 1,1 ,oIp I, ' .\1 II -,I h r' lt i ntl~' frum I I", tJ.l r l'4'1i ' II 111 " II: " I,,· h, "I I·d ,1\" 11' ..... , 01 a-" Illud I I )' rl ddjlll, th e soh ,,, , " f f'r l"", .·:IIH " ,,, I '-.. I I LI ... ",:, ,'Il',' rl" It .... I I ... llln~\ :o- h .. I It ll f'at'~ . Idly he \\' f' IIII\'I'l'd 1111" ,," 1'1" " ' ] \ 1 " wn ~ . n m," ~()lIulll'r IIlUIl d r "' l·i,,Jl,dtl...' '1'1 1,'1 I'. I I hill ... 1· J'P"'] I, · :lIu l 'q I " k hl ~ '\ Irt', )w d.~(.'ldpd ; hut Ill' "1111111 no l I ~' 11 , \ II " !I!\ 0\ \ r '1'" II \\1 I I ,tl :11 I,· " ll ~ nlul l 11tli ntn

ulll·upl l y .

T ill' Slntn,.;p, I lrrilllll l! l'llIlItlu u tllut I. , ,

hp n 'tlln.l'd . I . \\ " d. th l:,/! " ' \11'111 \\ 1 lit. 0.; ", " . , l! I,. t Ilt· " ,wid n 1"1 1," I, I ,I ' .. hn d l h l'" itl II. :-.",.\ 11( 1 " " .. 11"1111 : 111,1 :, I' " ... ! 111" Hr ... , ti ny 11 :,01 ,nil !!' I.' II', I ' l l ... q"! " ,11 1ft· .. lt dll' d rill' '11 11 ., at I til' r • •• ,11 1'1 t ,It II.r. ' p· ~

P "

I. ,'. ' , "'''''',1

1111 '


I .

!.I I

11'1 1 f II \ .', ~



\\) 10 II

of 1· . hpl"

I I :"



,0 , .

. ·PII. I';I .: ' ·...

li p tlr " ~\ I' .," til.,. (JII "'~ ' II .· \\.1" ":11111J' to u:-;k 1It'1' II ~ I Il' hut! ~1" l l' I ' II ,!' IUIIII . ; h UI UII "'1 ' 1' . -I 'II Ul i n l lll' plt ' a olrl L ~, IIII ... ty l",\" S 'I " I' IO/ ' t! hllll. "1 t"\1I1d the lIl lI e f l'I I, ' !' d I'll WIll II' III I I !,' 1'I"l'l' \i, s ir. " sill' 1''\ 1.ln 111"d Willi 1111\\ ,·d IWlld. ~ ' I jll:-ll 1.' 11 1\ Idlll ' h " lI ll! to 1o,,' llilll, lliu t " HS ai L"




Sl ltlr .. n ll .1 c hil ' . I. ,"

"'r, I"



" l ' rtJo

" I '1.1 ~· , ' n - "

t !ltl,

'1 I


:\"11 1111 ,\ II ~

",1' :

Ii, '


1. .. 1 , ' 111 (oJ I III. " tlf' ' IH· \·l t··· . . I.\. JII It t r l, . "'11 111 1. 1 I,,·, U \) ... , .:



Ih ,'\


III . . .· "Ill' IIIUt I UUI'1'd _ " ,\' , 11'11 ' \ I t u" fil l (,,' 1, ' 111 to s w ut 11 \\}t ll 1111 ,( :-.lUlie thu t


11 1:1 '

I ()



a t' suld

lot I .. ,



gO l ttl 1111 wltll


' 11 11 1'''1 h Ullg on t he ).! i rl ·s I"..;tll's. IIIHI thl' ... , q . ... ll he uu del'liI ' qlll \t'rl.',1.

MncKcn zl1) IlI'ted hla 'ridin g whrp thl'('nlCl1ll1g1y, und every mun Iylth II grOWl , Blurted forwa rd : bu t 11M the whip IInck to bl ~ aide. thc~' snnk <l lllI'n 1I1;IIIu, 'I'hl)n I t \V IIS thut he shl fl ell th wh ip to hi I ft hund Rnd ' t oo k ( r om , ,h ie pO/'k,' 1 n shining p l ~to l ; ulILl " It b ough ['ully \l'hll"I1",l, sll e b eld h er Il lid, " .,.\ 11 tl yl l ll. YflU IlII pud ll U hu z,1.,Y,'· SIIUJlPl'(1- · ~llh·I\ '\ Il'7. le. "whot hu\'c )'UU

del'll)" . H'rhel'e'!'i tOI:-- or . qllI1 tt" I':-." "T1H'f1 ('ull In !'mlll(' nf 1111 ' II I!',-!'... ... :\III \:hl ' U1.I(' .... !llIl' lh' d " ,, "" ·1 411,', I ,,'

l { nIJl.'t't. Illlll\lI L!.; 1" 't'll l y It t l'ul -

I~ VI'.

-.- ~ U{tl-,

~W rt,

1' ~ I IIIIIi!

11· c qllltn ' "guln. -

warn___ .... Ohio. z __

The M_mI Gazette. _. ______

ZE-~TE ..•.




~he Pultollk e


D. L.


11 I) uro,·IlI •. I 1,1" .· b. F, to , r I " ..


S ubacri otion Pric.e . $1.50 pt' r ror~l w n ;\ clvcrtl \ n ll H cp,r'liO"nt rl H~


f\ '-i~,


f' ,', .

WEDNE!: DAY. MAltCH 2!l . l!l l:!

Poe ~~l





dU VfoI,

gM t,l lt . .. ,


11 11

I"tt ,

' 11

f ill'

"','11 ' 1 11 •



t l. ~ ,I '"

I II t·..



If' I


"" , I ~lr~ . \\'I IItJl Ill BruwD




un I t lie wH tt' rtoi J\"; t hn\J t ' nl, l l'; cI '""1\ f)\I \ ,'" I II I , 1'. 1 1 llll li Ih o f4 tr tl 'lrn lol , :-ort lt' C" l lI H ill ll ' n 80 r .. Okl ~ 811. pil lld ii, u n rtld . h l rcl 1\4 lI u t-: i "t.!"4 u l , -\11 111·\ 1 11 ! '" \, \. W'l.V ". t\~ w e oU OAiJ f' d liB' w (,lI ther. Th en r lllh~ ,. I fl lid f ilII , II I . . ' 1 ,' 'ID' s h i ve'IJd Iwt'ry 1111 )(1 ""11 o» k e .... , Itn ' Ilui 1U IoC I'l q U -l lll ·. p l.· ~ ' 1'- \\' . \ 'H' e lilr. We On rri e,1 in th " ,\ In ll n 011 01,1 IJTH,.(,,, , ~ :-I I r l'l 111 111\ 1I 1. ... ,'.j ! • wE! "At ar"UIlc\ Ih A lJl "z • . t.ho ou r l y nl "!'1~ of J!f'I ' I' n'" 'I'll" 1,l u l'



\.\" 1"

;\~ 1 \,,. I'; I r I.. g-H r "'. n l \\'II" III ·~· I :--' · ltt1 rdl~\, wonderill' whllL would hll". be J1 t' un'· t he huttt"" t' -nn p ~ ur Cl \\ ,h itl' tr , 111 'l ' !ll 1 1l 1 "'11I1'''~ llJ IHIf the win ter nllv er Lluil,nn ' ou r fr n n) IIl .. i r 1\1\ 1> -11' .. t l '''·' · t 'l 11".:: fl lt· \' 1 I went book t o ~untlUor wit h II.M tU\foI8tifrBSnn'pl:Lllt ll ur kl, 1,Hly lf1/1I\-" , t ,·,·. 1I Ill '" ,\,,,,k Ii,hln ' dll.v~, e "Il"ol .. ll y I·h (l lJ .: I.I' J' ·,' flfld,y

~~~~~~~~~~~!"""'!""--~ _


It you ~hlok you oran't IIll\J:1l "n y 'hinK from aritbme tlo, f1~llre IlP bow YOIl ~ hU8\le If yoo wao' to get Boywhere Tbree . buodred an' ,Idy. five daYII In It vear. I:'lop. 1'018 WI! live for fi rty yearB we h .. ve only 18,2 r.O dal1' to aooomplish . If we 'I tarl worklo' .\ flfteeo then we ohop off b,476 d"ys an' we h .. ve 19,776 leU. If we reU on Sundays bu ,.orlt on all 'be holld"Y8 Bnd 1l1.ver lIut IIhJIt we IIIIve ooly 10 175 d4Y~; 80 yon see If W tl WlIO' oven a bnndred 'boulanli buoks wheL we're flHy, we h,we tn Illve up about tf'O • day wllb'lut 110 m l outo'8 h,t up. NI' "olider I t'me folke wonder whllt tin 10' work a ,fellow ' dos8 when he mllke" .a million ,In B year or tWtt. An,hC'w we h"V.I'D', go, muoh lime for lIo"odal mongln[l', b"ve w,,?


" SO II v!' Ih " t· fu l ks .... oo ·t whisper at your 'funeral


stH}!" .

WQ ~

W illi



dlli l l ' ,

' hnl.; p :"p, ln ,.,. '~


TUl1kln ~


UlH n

proml""olj' notl' hl ~t" ," 1 nf 1111Sl lilll' around Hnd trying II. )Illy II.

No Sound Interpretation. On C" l' llIlIl1 III t! cltnntlcl ~ "r C,'Il \\' lit tJle top ••r Its ," olc!c. n fellow horn el",{ ..... lIrk ed : "Sow bl' YIlwns, thnt slecllY

MARC..., 1922

• I M I T'I WiT I ,. ) • 1 23" 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~ 23 24 25 26 27 28



30 31 .'


Mar. I-Ash Wed'iieaday Mar. 5

Mar. Mar.

M.r. Mar.


l;':;'-~;na ~ .. -- .. "w


Mar. 25

Mar. 26-4lb



MoKNlY ,of

Tbe I.. diell of til'" oo mmunity will Bel ve lun cb u t I·be salH at ESlrly'R mill . n ('xt :s.. lurday . rbe pro,~eeds will go to r eplenisb the ' oburoh

'1Ilt, Z'''I' BttptlRl ohurcil was dedi . cl . I". , '-ulIllay . i!:ve r ~inoe Ib e y II Iv e WII ' k .·,1 FI~ It. inoessllntlv until It \VilA " , ' Il lt'" I nd, lIud no w they lire 10 be oultg" ; li lll t "d f ur thtlir tlDe'IfY

IJr P ll nl VllodptV OT!, Bnd fa1l11l1y . o f Klrk ~ vlllo. Mo .. Rr o guest.s ...t the h OlU tl o t Mr. !lod Mr~ . E E. VIIJDdervorl. Mrs. R. H . Newbreoht , of LlI1lH, is uJ ~o l\ ~ ue.t ill the 9ame b u w p.

LI llI' (:lI i ~.~ II" " - I, e ll h IJ urrivllt.i I"""" . 10 .. \\'r l' t ~ ,. " '1 1 ()t .III 'm .. oi oe Itl ll l'r, , , \)u'~ llI '~ 'h,"" In reLlHir Ih ,.. I, (' h lllln' ~'~ "' " II " . OtICJ hy so IIOIJI" ,I I .q d II Ii 1'1- . h


I" h · 1'"

)I "




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1.:1 111)

'i'l rl'

( ' 111 11

r '"


ItI flst



\\' lil J~


I ,p~ trl

(.. r l'. ll t .

'l i ... lIlure

: IlI dft.:.!. as I ,( ,r' , fll l'lllul , . 1 !~ f il l'

( '011 111 , -', rt~sll'k l l




reoolllrn e nd otl


Use our


,,,111 1'

the fU !'Itl of

II . . 1t : 1~



81rf('tilln. Illit !tin)' ' 1\' HI ·pllrt l 10 ne· •:&J on. !'illl lt ·, 1III1tl 'I'I:I/. ,·,fIorl l . ,' n1l 1l1 e r8 ~ UOII, 0,. tn whutl·\·, 'r IlIn~' hc cun· cc h·(,·fI of us hu v lllJ,! li l'~t a I lal' " polnt, d egTf'e. erc. TIl l' h 'I I "I ' :\ Il'I Ht the be glnnln j! (11 01 th ~ " UIIIIIl" lIcement) Qt every ulphllhcl.

I·' . .'·


I I !1I .11' I :'l'





... :

"i ·.f, II


"P[l" I'l e

i\n d

\ 1 ' ,I~ t

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Ihl ",

1 ,I'

f , 'rllI .




Ill ..:r , iI"'IH" ,

,I. tH " r hdlhi r,j.! .

I rill J..!."

n ll r

1 L, cy Of \.': til ... l l nJ.,.· pu re \\ h , .)e yc .. .. t :->ll itab i c f(' r ,-Ii i !.Jr\'n j II 1\.')' flu nl'l C:'HI " C f",·r: tl\.·urati n l1, L ll"h l ot is h: co lcd to in .. burt: high nnd ullif",rn\ ,·i .. tolmin putcnc y.

t. Ii, ll l;

::- tn. ' 11 ,.:,1 ! I . l lhi ~ il 111 1 t ll" \ • k)~ t

Jou r

Jll ,JnU(fl ttu n,


<: ollt ' / 'IIIII I IIf


in cDnvmimt ",11111


slnJ lJ .·~

thi s



\\'11 ."

1'1 1!1Idl l ~

II! 11111 11


0\ ttl"


1t . . .·...i'.·r-H-.. ~.~........... . nne I 4 .

' Ill s r"lI~h

IIII' l l :. ! fi li I 1II1di'!" t i d' Itlg

lUll,~~~IUd ! j"


iI,'r f nce

1·lt 'II ' '' ' I'.' " -





Examined Correctlo ' Glass.... F.'tted 'I ••• ~


Tr""''''I'II' 1.


Public Sales


Earl l' &. Burnet . ... . ...... April I





Fl\Tll1i Jl ~ I III p1tllnoll.l .. . 11I1 r nf1"~ . AuWn yoe.n\1l e's \'\'Il !! I1 IlM !3n!!/.Iit·s. FOl'd Offioo In B ulnes SeA 1,111" fnr inr th r·r p 'lr tl l:ulfirH .

tnm obil e~.


HilI( ; (i;T,

M ~ rs .

, r'. '\'11' 1•.

Walter McClure

~~---~.~ - --~~~ ! OOOO<>O<>o OOO<>oo<H> X) 000 00000

Jesse Stanley,


o r D cafn css

Ga::d Service. Large Display Room

F or "alc d:tt ,·~. ('a ll \Y. C. Sll1illl '~ :-) lC1!' l' . i\<: w Bur)i llgtrJII, ur Il. lrn; Ysllllrg,

Uh iu, ph ollC' MY

ca used by

\~edonotCJaimtOtl1re I Dr.

Tl';' ~- PHONE

7-2 !~.

f"~ICE , U,' lE





' . --~--


". .


Lloyd B. Hall I Veteri n arian

HALL'S CATARRH 'MEDICINE qt1tt.o ~iok I is a liquid, . ta k-en intcrnall y, 1I1ll1 acts through the blood upon lIw

HI'·lIn,. ~l ""Il'tJl 1,,, ~ llPon quite m*X>UB purfnces the ~ystcm, tll11 8 ",· k. In l\, " hi'l l" ,· n .. ", reducing the il1flammation and TeTo u, .B lOl! nll,1 fllll, : I }' vi . ltf'd Utie I storing normal con(litioos. Ir un " llllol fll "\I~ )' , ';ull ,ln}, "fl orn ( all All Druggists. f'ireu\ars free. A . B. TII)u\Jl I? 1'0'1[[' "n Il ~O I1 vi s, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ij.t·rt W Ill Tulu, ltl!u lind fllmily.

Waynesville, qhlo


HALL'S CATAHH II ~lEIHCTNE oooooo<i<x>ooo~ will do what we c laim for it___ _ , c ure



I! Equippe~-=:r


Classified Ads for r es ull s I

Lead1nr Dezattn Bldg. MaID 8t


~ lIlllu (\ 1 ~ l l1li'~O n J

OUIl A'" 1



Saturday, April I, 1922,

~; I\J t L y A. A. ;I.I c':-<I.·: \V N :" ' H r.. t J' . ·I . , ~ ·114 ' 11 r"r

Xe..... Ollie


{)ptto evenlnp b,appoiDtm.,

MIIJ. lit L VI I". Ohi ti. 011

any other dl sell~e.


I)FI,'I, ' F :


Forest T . Martin Get

tll V

terms for your

! 'lIbllc Sale.

Sa Lisfaclion guaranteed or 110 cha rges.

Box 91, Cenlerville,JOhio Wayn es ville.



Phone J, Cen tervillo Ex

~ u ndflY •

Mr . tlnd Mrs ll'-' or~ a l)Av iH t,oolt rtloner. ::>lllldllV. witll their 80n UIAOD, nod flllllilY . Tbere aro Boven.1 OutleS of " flu" around; none serious, so rllr. Dr Randall is a b,ISY mlln. jus' now . (,;rlto~.


That Bloom in the Spring, Tra-La!

II, ' r "ll"


c. '







[ p • • lH


I I'



l 'I II · t'l 1I IU I i ll.


h'. ':'1 ·l:.hfcts

I "Il',


JI '!"' ..... II :. wkt n t4, t)tltnr.

.1 111\ L" \\,., h ll~ 1." "11

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1r " fJ1 ' ~Ir _ \\'nddlllC lnll uf \ \'ydi' :



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ful'l II 0 I 1111111 11 11' :-.. ' th (' \ \' 1'1, n)l rlll ll'l ll .

tlm n



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L:' !r ....

Cle a n ing Up Pa int S(,dn..

erly Il8rformed with e6Me 8Aem DOW to o"er'ax ber? In oth e r worrls do yo u oUen oome horn s tn II b o us" of trouble Instead of 0 b o u8e o f j uy ? II Dd ba pp I oese. If y our an8wer I~ "yes" t·o th l:!~e po I Dte d qoes tl on8, d 0 0 't "1 u Rm e y o ur wife until ehe hus tnk eD Ou(I (\'~ i:'epto.MIlD!{lln with h er melLltI ror " few wee k 8 ..". ""ue I S S111.11) I Y run . d o <vn li nd nervous tlnd n BedR I·ho k ind of iron tbat she .wlll g!'t III Goda 'H P Pp.


- .- -

tJn d



t ·

It ".


Do the oblldren "oolher hor t o dea'h" every dllV. and do the ordin_ B egi llnl n~ lit IU o'ol oc k . tho fol lo w tory household ta8ks thot she f o rm Inlt : :l Hor~~ ". I:, ('nl tIA, :10 8 ogs,


r ,· "." .) \.. 1,· 1'

BC~ \JlIl "lg


J . ~1. C lI'I'i ' .·,,: " 1'"" m ' ~ hl ",Id to

Is your wIfe "a\l tlreJ n'lt " and cross and Inlbble moob of the t lm ei'

A ' lhl1 ' ~I( ' I ,," ,, ' 'r"m tbtl fifth It" d ., x , h « r!lri, ·,. 1111.1 Vio "n Curry

k nt 'hl' l I" _. I'" '\-1 11,rUll 10. 1 ., "h' I1\O .


" .1

CO IHl11 ul1ilv I' uull o ~u l rl nl, Early't!


I 11 11 ..


.'p. i



, . ,I,

1M tnU, plln IllAok 'I/ut

Gude's Pepto-Mangan Is the Best Tonic for Nervous Tired-Out Wives

nl tl l l 'I' 1" ' Tt lud l. Ft 1ufty" n it.(ht. V { 'u r" p i Iq': U 1 "I u t u . llto. 1o ng rC~ l \l u Tel , ::1 \ w ,. ,01 I " "h OIIl ,I "'~V i , h' !l 1 ti l I lll- 1·(,III1 IlUll lly I)" ' '''' ' .' I " 1",·1, ". 11. ":: Ill. 1)ln~' 1 - - • - - _. . II p , -!.- I.,," 'I ... h ·,lIoi . 11 1111 I he

" 1' 11." '"

. 11



' f t "r l ,.1 r . lJ udpr rb n nn s. I t ,~" II l ~hl . \\lun' h .·lll ut. the FriAJUJ . ,. , "t '" " -. 1t , d, w, l l " PP!'!" (' I, tlll h 1 ,, 1' . Tilt ~ c111 • B v. W . E 1.11\ III 1 'I. I," 01 -'=' prlltg Vrt ll t1Y, H ~'Hl I l1i tl llttll :J . J )f l(:t l.ltRl: d Wu M ~O

111 '· '" "' I! I" "

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'1')1\ '

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11 1'{l1 1, rl'l,r~ .. pot tl tl \· ... ~ r) { I.lU8 io'ehon l to MftDgnn to ~ive h Ar l uore viLtd1t\' r ,1l " .. II " Il t, h ~ 11 .. ", r"; BOlle l U.rliJis !lud stren~th. E'or I,hirty yours doc .

11 1,. lI : u t h, lr,


• (,I

Pepto-M8o~lIn all!l fir~ l .c lll!lR bUIld. I r" ," II ." ",l l·.. .,lh ,,11 ·1 (' Iglltb . ing.up t o nlO o nld by ynur drul! . .I (', "U lt III1lI ' II, ~ 1' 1I:,,, r'>! ,"rl': '" . for J ohll 8 . g lstio bf'l th IIqni .l tlUll 1,,)'1 ,,1 t', rll1. 1o" I'"r" W~) CO 'I\ · Hll wk , u" . w h n ,III '" fl' Ih p h Olll e o f -Advertl1iem ent

I" ll ll I ), , .• ,,,1,, ,, HI P ti ll " ,1'..... .



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l'r . .1 \ . , 1f·",,1 . n. ol r Ib f' ~t lltCl III Ih('.t l1l."" s h! 1l ~ , ;,." ~n g entltest. I), 1"111 ''' .••• 1 "I Jo: 11l l' .I .. II'. w'lI ' I"'~ k hpl,l" I· Ml'r lnK \ u II, .y . h rlrlll y I>fter .

J ," ,,·,1




,\ "long Ih o~tl Il rII~e ut wer,,: D . I J'.::;.. \V . BUJ' d 110 d ~I lIur !lOU f"ol' r id f II t1\1Il11y. (i oo 'I !'I C le r All 1\ '0 y . .1 011 11 illlOlu l' II IH I Inmily I.od Mr l a nrlM r •.. J W . lI11yltole k

,,' tlw 1' lIluIl, Jdl. "" . ·( ',·' n l r u l1Z'1 I i"" "i .','1 ,,,,,1_. ' ~' ''' tl ll Y "\"' Lling, '\ 1,,11 .'. ..\ 11 1'''' ' '11' "I l il A i:fllr "" " -I ''', e' i, ,, ,, ld ' .' r1 (' I.IIII ,1 1 " ~I Iii· ~ II " '" !,,,. , . 111 1' " '~ Il'j,ol lin'

.f : l,,\

Yeast Foam.Tablets In-

trell8ury .

' '''Ilnty ~ t Rt" fir e mnr · .I"N V·Willll .v I' l'ue otly ~'fie Dd d o f MrM . J e nnlA Rlle~es " d I ll" 1 ' ,' . lr~ .. ~u:! li t ~"ll1d u f t.ellllf' r t'd h or u 8urprts£'. out, a y . v v v ~ IJ H

'1" "" " '-


( ' ltlO


" ,IfU" Iii" "'

:\i i.5 L !.luel,a Bealr ice Aurand. 21 ye a rs o ld. i s 'he yO\lnge~ 1 post mi stress in Ih ,· Umle d Sta tes. H er olTtce is al n<a\' ~r Sprin ~ s. P a. \ \ ' h"1\ her fOlh er ~ ntl 'r,- her \\e re :\\\~\V n t w :'\ ,h I' IHlldi . . l l d th e new,paller OWlIC\! by he r (~Ihcr. -

80 pnr!'lruhll' "IJOIlI ~r:"IlI " n" ,11lI1 h,.·11 lit al .. 1 <'I'h l ·11.e 'Ih~ II II'rII 1'.1' 'Iyli' cor II

"Irel I"


111 I·hi d tLlw n,;hip we ar .. obllgl'ld t o h"v(l1llu r e m u ney to Ollud Ollt our . ,· h 'ltll.. . Th ere will IJe Ii v ole tnkell I h"l wn IIII1Y hove m ore ". oney to II, e," Iba Oe06sRory lIdlo\oooy .

On ll

l'UIlt' t ' lit .

sn.\', he knows

\vl t li !'IC' It111(,1l .

Fllrrf'~1 l'-i" , lth

' Wfl1"I f'lrr · ulll l l1 1J./; U rl HJO" ueqlllllnlu.n . l'f'~ l\j·ftl , ~u'n rduy,

"h "l. "n'l "." ' <

pnltlll h l y

Altogether Too F u•• y . Jud

tq ..{ ,.1 1)



tics of wh ic h arc , " " ". ". tounding Ih an uny knL' ;'" drug or medicine. II you wi sh [0 t:,ke dru l ' ,)f medicine. do so 011 t h l' ad , icl' of your ph ysician. If yo u wi,h to lake a s uppleme nt ary food,

()11l" \V,,"I Il Yll lI unl vt' r~it y we lre III II (II II II!~I wonk . f o r sp rlog \'ocntl , u Mr. 11 1101 ~I 1' • • Gl loIll1eut. M. Bee l t\l1 ,1 Mi ~~ lim e n " lllllltl 'l1 lll:h ill hOUi e I IV" Clll loi n ' lI wIlro S uncluy Hu uslS uf fro m III' " w o rl. 10 Mi .. mi V .. lley hOM· 'J ut. U f.( I I\\' 1! r HIutiV 8s pitlll, r oonveTi ng from au o peratloo ~ Ir :-: " IH~ t o r Moore, of Floriclli, MlsA ElleD Jenkins. wh n baR been ~ IH'"1 " u,' lwk in thiS vlolnlty, where with r"l .. hves In Xellitl f u r se v er,,1 I h u I lv, '" fifty y e,,'H !lgo . wBPks , has r tl turo ed to h e r bam,· . ' ~Ir . ho d Mrs . Will. Dixoo. 01 near b e r o 1.1l1ll1Iurton . we r" viSIting friends in Mr . IIlld Mrs G bu~ . ,llrars, 01 IIJl8 ou lUllIunity, Sund~v . ~ e wp J1 rt . K .I' . wer e gu o ~t8. lal't I. ~. Miilcl r, oor vetertlll fruit . tree week, at Hie b OlU e d Mr. "od Mre SII ll's'"8'n, nt~d e .\ d ,,\ivery u f 80W" W .... . Go yl e of hlH ~ llflll g HlilsH, l"st we ek . Tr t> vor V . Hl\vd oc k uo ,l Vernoo N ,1. 11 ftlw of uur oltl~u ull Will be Mol ;r"y pl~.v(ltl witb lb.· Wu:voee . r eq U ~ .. tll(\ \0 "01)611r bot li re t h u Vill e band at Ib e lr bIl ZO U , Wednes. ~ rtlnd jury , wluob w\ll800n OODvene. dny evaning !IiIrs. W L. ' 'oy Ie. who is ~~ltiog Mr bod Mrs. liulBO Harvey and Iwo ell ldrml . of Ile"r Dudrts, were tre"t, m~ot at th e E ~ p ay h o ~pltvtl. I~ t:\uDdtly vi~itorH o f his w u l.bur, .\lrs Dot improvlog UM rlipi d ly IlS her frl eDde wODld Ii k e. C h .. rit y li u rv ey . 1'11.. M. E :So S. orohestTll fur · Re v. Mont ;llloer. of Lees burg, Obl u , bas b ueo 111181811nl( R tl v. Amos nlshed muslo ' or II re~e pti o o Itl Ihe Coq k f o r twn wef' ks tn rf'vivltl 8er· Lombert"n M. b: ohuroQ, Tot1lid8Y I< vooillg of I~~l w ee k VI OEl H It t Ibe Frie nds ohurob .

"Henry VIII ."

"Henry VlU" Is ~'lI'1q l tl ...: P. : : '1 ho '\"e been drllwo lUll l n '.1 11'''t1' l' a" "n,lI , h's "Life of Wolsoy" ,,,,·1 r,''''" Ih" ,·hronl· des at CheW .. 11,,,1 .,: 1,,·rR. 11 "' liS fi eCl'pled thlll Ih ~ 1" :1.1' -1'111' Ill s t ot Ihe Shnkesllcn r rll n I '''''kS- WAS 11 01 writ· ten by him In Its "xa"1 illllli fOl'lll. but \\'88 .01l1l·w hlll 111,\(110.,,111.1' Iltu'I'Il J;e and hi e ,'II ,n pnnv In [l1"'l'll rillj! II fllr

R"('r. h UC ./\·I


vitamin.lhe co rrc'Cli,'c' p r o ;" ,.

t n his h n rll U


)I I .



F '.,," J

Yeast h as wilhin i" " ' 1 !I ... a m az i ng th er"p, 'U1 iL


j. lllt I VE't-I.

'Y o

:---' U ' ll l


Afood - not Clll W , L.

- -_ .




111 l l l ir (1 1 -"

1\ . J.: Tlto lllp'4

Homey Philosophy


111"1. \\''1 " g tl A:4 l~ t d

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l. \\:h

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.n ' . \\ t ~, ·."I -Y' .- t

deman ds h,,,·,· I .. , 'n " , ' .

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, ..... tlOI.

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)n Yeasl F " .lIn'l'.,\. I.· ·· , .

11\' " \\" 11111 ' L Illi ' llll 'r (}u

I '\'r'rllllh


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NEW BU RLIN 610 111

\\ ',' ':,. ': :!:: 1 ~1,:,";"u~;, .': '\"rI~·;ll[I '~'::;" t:~1 1

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surpa.~lll~ int"n'<1 to )U ' thousan J , o! 11,..11 "nJ \\'0111\'" who unJ l'rst dn J 111 · I ·m olr\.. able he "lth-j,lld dl ll ~ p r'T ,'rti es of yl"!' 1 i..; ti l\' k, ,,' wi., 10: .. t ha t you c ..,} l h".\ "" i ~ t ', IH d, ,· way ) OU \ \ ,j rlt it E ver sinct· Ihe ,h"r ,r '11' . v alue o f )'l·.," ".J' d ·I i, I d c [c rmim" \ I" I ,I" • , • • li s[s. {h ('f,' h ,'ll .Ill IJ tent d emand k ' r ;l fl U1 .' \\ I , yeast of hid l yit.1l 11 1l1 : ' .:. , -that woLlldl.." ·p;II ,, \",. be easy nnd .. ~ r ",·., J,I'.·. I th aI could h" C,'II\ ., .' carrie d ahotll II I I h,· I' ~ ' . and, fin all y. Ih .ll ",,"I.i , ' 1 form gas nor C . IU .... • 11 . 1 l ,', or belc hi 1I~ .


11 .. . . , h I' ~la :--~ ln ~r(lJlg o i tH' ~l1 ocl,~ v , "'rll')I) 1 (' l"s '-\ CU VO . 1 I I,,, 111111. 111 I h ' " 1,1,,1' . "1'111' l )rPU IIl I'hllt ('UIIII' ' 1 I ll ' • ' " Ih,' i\ .f I' )".11 II I S )lrin j.(. I \'ft( ' 11'1101 Itn dd lll'k, li t 1, ,, :" /I' tJld u. \· H\·!' ltlll~. 1 ~ 11 l uq~n \ \\ 1 I" ""'nlld ' I \' · 1". l l l q·~ In 111 1 1 H I II' l t'I ' WI 1\'1 1 IInd l P Ut'I . .\1,_. \ \'ultl ' r J" ' lI r i 'M UI I Pllfl e(1 t he , .... 11 It • .'\ ,' .... '.! 1 \11 ' \'Hn r fU ll' I,d 41 t h .. r c' n ~i(l. l\1I r-I. ,l o hn . . f l tll" l B 4 ,11 •. \Vtt\'. !--- I "dt , " f, Itntl.t ,. rrl U H. ·~hurch I) , , . 1 1111\ t tl n, lot .. , TlIpwd n, . :\lr!J. ~.llId{'


II e V(lrywh", .

th lol hillglol~l. IInoker~ ' Nuw at I~ st wf\' r e n il 'be thrP kbold nf RD o th .. r j n:vn n~ 'prlo/l. wheo Ihe SU ll bu ~ 1!1 tdl t·h e

For th e first time YClU can ;.!.~t a p "n; w h o lf..' yeast in a!,!rccablc and CllJ\\ T lli . J( tabkt fur ",

~I ',· Jln ,1 ~Ir~ . . 1 B .l u tH ' wC'lre in 1 '11 ,,111 0, Frlt!u \ . lI rld " ' pr,, H('C ll tll . I' Ii III ""~ I ,' ., l ' rJ"'I'i1l'd I" ' I.v I ill' 11I1.t,.r ·. Ill II'lllU r , 'I I,; CIIIl lI'I , I" ... . , ~u ndu.v ~lr - . Il"It, 'pell \)111. who Wi l l Illuke Jln " II); " !l I l t ,II \' 1.. 1t 111 ' l t\




It·" iI,","'


riVt1tH IlInt hU R 11"11 til., dtt'fHAI zero 8 t,U "1&

.1 " 1,,, V ,"ol" r ~o() r t

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c· .....



"" I ~ Ir"

,. (. ,

l il t

"~ t :AP~OPOS

Now you. can 'get yeast the way you war t t


t' 1 \ "

(I '


Ul\rd en lng III being In'd nlged In b.V Mu. MIlr'garet Johns was a Dayof our oltlzens. ton ~ i8lto r , W e llne~dllY . l'tIr . Berollie D .. kln ha~ been q nlte Mrs Wm . Vo lentllll hr.8 been quite ~iok f o r ~evB ral dIiY ~. ill for a couple of weekll . I I i i! r llpo rt ed that wo h a.vo MO WEl Mrs . S o~'fin HLLvells is qolte poorly " Uu " in till vicinity. lint'! is n ow under t.h e JIlro of Dr. I, M, . blld Mr8 . J.l:i . o bllll k e r were V Bro k. :-;unll"y ,","1I I1 r8 III oubi1l1t . 1I 1 1~SAM Bcr lhu n ml R OI,h Coo n, of Mr. 11 ,,, 1 ,' Ir" . A . L. ";"uol'dy '" I)ll\l"n, ;Pl3l1t tlfl lur!l ltY IIlId ouo d"I' " ~ , \ u r o \'ol!b 110m" f o lk~ .; I h' i' I II !! 111 llfJ YI ,) n.-..:.'"IIT Il= r :Tu""yi lillr,) I.! 'l'ollck c rn. of ~l1rlllglJ o r o . ~ I r lUI 1 .1rf'l . •Jo nn t h ll u ('ililk ru o WI'" " wOf·k An,1 g UIJ.t. o f M r 11lltl 1 t o r , II 1~ 1I Ill-d l !l ur 11)\\"11, . urlf lu y. ~I r". <.'IIII~. CItIl'H . :\1 II t I !11ft ' WI \ '" t H ' n " J ,'011 1 l>l1ytD U . ~" "flk \Voll llt· y untl fUlllily. nf ,,", t il l ! I ! . 11·IH r·ulng :-'n w luv ' ·Vf)fll n ~ . D.ll '· I IO II. ~ I H'III thu WO,.k . P QI I with

I 1. 1 1 I

1" u blisher. \\u) nl ~' ill('. O h io

PANE. Editor aild

l ll E.}\Mr.HI CA I ·

~ I"

. . l l U..... '

wife one!

We have the material to huild your honie of dreams caIne true.

sao' at'

,eoded ohnrcb lit Beeoh Urove, Suo dilY. Rev . Crites gllve us did sermon.




• A

Come to Th ink of It. mUll \\'8S dC f;C l'ib lll:,! tft It woman

the con'llcnsations of lllli \l r ~ how ID the hllnd tile fcellll g of I,," ell waa· SC\1tI); how those wh .. wrr(' dell t In one en r often heard c1l'lI rlS willi the other, ' aD d how n person hllnded In one eye oft en scee ext rn ' wcll with the Round eye. uY:)8," snit' she, "U"a re· murkobte. And . come to thlllk of U. I lIu ve Rlwnys nOlle"d thnl It 8 person hns one sh ort leg Ihe other Is O""U" • .'




.-- --

Oatrich Egga u Food. Mr. Ollllienn, dltlt h pert. who hal been ('x!,)E'I'linj)J1l1n!; with ostrich eg,,_ suppli ed by the New Yor~ zoological aarden . (lec hll'u1 that ' the food value at the o~uich ej(g Is Ilbout"the lame-til Ulat Of tlill tlllm e~tlc hen's egll. The . J)avor Is l\lentJctll. nod. altho\ll:b tbe oett'lch egll ' cuntum lea protein than m eat. liu!y hn\'c more' fat and a fair amooht of (Jh ... ~phoru!l and IroD. One !lIN wUI 'mllk" un oDl"let tor

. UO~o~"-Tbe Arlunau~~

save rent save money be content If you are going to build 'anything from a dwelling down to a ch icken coop or a field fence,


Can supply you with the best .of Building ,M aterial at v~ry reasonable prices. BUILD NOW! ............................~................................~....~~~~~~~~~~~~



The Miami

\Virelus C" s When Dinner





Goo.l-h, to t il . \ e ll -k nown di llner hdl Oil .'. 1tlai. '" ·I a t l11' . \Vird c5s cdll , in >\cad . I' '1'1 . T ~l ho t of , plow 1\ itl' . I ' I ",- ,d~ h.I, <q I I D i l l'

uf til t" !'rnall

r .lli l ll ..,t't!'!> ;t nt!

\\ ',I'ih ifl}.;' ''"tll till ' '': i~ an .. ht ":"n. 10 diI11H': r. I l r: il lso fI ' Ic,' I.\') 1I 1,,,k," t (.' I'Olb ;\11, 1 (U r l cn t 1\1 \\ \. 11\ 11h' (by iiS he k l ' l l ' hU!li

nfl it'l .tI

IIl1\lI ! l' d


I lI"I



- FOR.-


Quality Hardware'

Meeting ever y Sund BY at Ih (' n'r-II - , lar hour. SUlltlll)l <choul al ~ I : :JO ()lIr ' Ach llol hilS !Crowil fl' lUn te n or tll'{' I\tto abo ul fi ft y rL'gu lllril Cume and lhe day wit h u ~ I !I 111m' Cook . Pa~ t o r .



Ohio Tuec Electric Sweepers and Eversharp Pencils, Wayne8ville . : . : •• •• •• 0


.' •

-- ----- -,".


ITH a W tinction

TH UU SUA v- \I urch 30 ' Ill' ... Lllku. 11 , " '1' 11. ' 'li ~ fll, Wllo" Also, iju~l u r l\ lt jll · ~ ul g h b(lni. "

Easy to mint· faSytoWash

'i ATU IW AY -- \p ril I

Y o ur W<1I1-; ('.111 11\' Ill ,lt lv 1l1Ore ;;,lIlit ,lry, ;] ,; we ll a s m ore beautiful, Ly g i\ ill~ t Ii . In ; 1 ~\J ft t illted appcaram:e wi Lh til' Ill odem, \\"I~h; tI ,h- ,,",Ll I t"lIli sh

Thc Tuesday shows will he discontinu ed II nt il furthe r no·

Uilro t. hy tUt'h . III "' The UhlJti ' iu thu Uarrut. " ,\I",. ~t'l1.I Ii c k ~u",·s,

. \


t ice.


-----=-=--::::~~ II COUNTY W, C, T, U, LAST NUMBER CleanUp! Clean Up! : Of LECTURE COURSE . INSTITUTEWAS HELD - OET'fh e W . W. t ' , 'I'. U llrr i' n (" I\ u l ~' )'., !'I,'"'' liP fllf y,)U He will hBul held un e nlhu"ia"tir ' in~ lil ut ' 0 11 llf T r,,~h and A"hes awny Thursday , March ~; tnl. in Ihe M E .\ I ~Il , ~a v (' a ll yo ur olel Pape rs , church at LchalHlIl Thi ~ rn t!eti h~ ! ~ I ~" and HlIbbl·r . He buys th('m was arra nge d fin d cor.du(' l ed by nU l GIVE HIM A CHANCE, County Sup eri ntend ent of Ins lilult WorK, Mrs. Ed ltetallick, of Ort'go nia union . Vire-pf('~ident oj .?fth e~rolrram , ~~Ichwas of pl~a8- County W. C. T U .. Mr~. I{hetll rng vane.ty, ~o n sl strng of <' lever lin- Moss. of Ma ilH'villc , wa~ pr" ,e nt and j persnnatrons rn costu~e lJy Mr Knox, assisted . Si ll ct! the .It'a lh of [J Ut . " ~a nltary Plumbin&-Steam or Hot l and humorous reudlllgs by Mr~. . h'ld ,presid ent , Mrs io:!IlIl HI Chapmlln, Water Healing' FSlimales I!iven ' Knox, w Ilose spec .la Ity IS C I r en 8 M M ' . . Ienl . . .' I stories. The music was excell ent n . OS3 I~ our ao:irng presl(d on Sp<,lfH;alrom; Repair Work )) b b ' h i ' We feel th e loss of our prlo'SI ent. promptly atlendcd 10; Pump Work a mem e r~ ern~ soxop one p ~y. hut "Thy wi ll be don e ,. of all kinds. ers of .m erlt . MI~ ~ elch, so lorst, We have eilt'h( local uni ons in t h ~ re and Fittin\:s-Any size or any and MISS l~eej, plantst. completed county; seven of theRe were r epre- !'iamollnt . the very satIsfactory comp any. sented. A numb er of our county ~ ill"s - Power and PU,her Pumps; . A net surplus o~. over $34 was rea l- superint endents were also pres!!n t pu t) our water In the h'lulC I Ized by the season s success ful close. We we~e well pleased with the num_ ____ - -=-L- v. R ber of mterested and fallhful workera that gathered th er e that dllY · 4th and Tyler SIS., phone 50-2}o We felt honored that our State L. T Waynesville, Ohio L. worker, Miss Mary Erwin, was oresent; s he iR Nat i" nnl alld a lso World Secrelary of the wo rk , and is an.ardent worker in the t empe rance cau~e . She ga~e us two ~ t e rling The Ninth Annual Fiell! Day of addresses. Warren county will be held May 5, The forenoon was d, voted mostly at Lebanon. Ohio. to business and repol t s of work beThe offi~ers of the county athleti : ing done and work that should b~ association, and the superintendents clone in our' county . At noon un ele· of the variOUl 8cbooiB of the county , gant dinner: was serve,. and enj OYold recently me t at Harmon hall to out- by all, thanks t o th e Leba non ladi es line the events. to revi se the rul e~ In th e af'te rn oon a prolZrum WitS and to provid e for ade(Juate regula. pre pared by Ihe supe rinle:nd ent tions governing the m ee t Two sp lendid pap ers wer e read; one The e vents of t he meet will be or- un "Law En forcement," by Miss rallged in groups as 101l0ws: l - ru - B~ II ; allothN, "O ur Tusk ," by Mrs ral grades, 2- villaglJ grades; 3 "":" Mabel Hollll1 gswo nh . Solo, "t,l ory high Echools, For Me ." Miss Erwin spr,ke on It is the desir e of the offi cers of "Prohibition a Success" Sire macle the associa tion to ma ke the day one it plain to u , that .. Prl'hibition 1:3 a of pleasure and recreation f or the success," .in sp.i le of th e .,late ments I the opposmg stde a re makIng I children of the county. Mr. l"rank Andersun WIl S presenl and g ave a short , but i/l struelive talk

Once appli ('d, iL hold s ti g ht to th e wall, whi c h mean s lastin g d llral ,ilit y, and as frequen t w,u.,hin g,; as you please, Thi s fini sh CI.)I111: S in soft , n.: stful sh ades ,

_old a t

QD. R. Smith,



'fhe last numbe r uf tht! lI arv t!y;;burg Lecture l'OUrSl', given under the a~s~ices of the Hig h. Scholl l and the CIVIC. Leagut!, was (l:lv e~ . :I'hur~. ~~y evellrng . to an appreCIative aulenct!. . . The engagrng personahtvof the performers a dded t~ the enj oy ment


own,,-ext tread side-wall runs true to Reputation.

Next Time-





Plumbing--Heating i






To Our Friends and Patrons

"You'll get more milk or better milk and make more money on a cow fed four weeks on Ce-re-a-lia Sweets." That's ou r bet. If we lose, we pay back every cent the feed cost. YOU can't Jose. so why not have us deliver two sacks of Ce-re-a-lia Sweets for the trial, right off? In short and lonlt tests, C e-re-a-lia Sweets proves its economy every time. Milk checks increase- feedin~ costs shrink. No danlter of havinlt your cows ItO "off th eir feed" on Ce-re-a-Iia Sweets, They crave its variety of good cereals, its sweet fl avor. Th ey dieest Ce- re-a-lia Sweets better than averaee feed,S and show their appreciation in the milk pail.

_ _ __ _ _


Get details of four weeks' trial today.

Lytle, Ohio

. ~. ~



1 ry the Miami Gazette's Classi,'iea Columns lor Results

< • • •• • • •




How much brighter and .-


'nore cheerful ' your bome


vould look this spring if would re-cover the faded, sooty, dirty, time a'nd winter-worn walls with bright cheery, sllapry, 1 re tty , new-patterned WaIf Papers, You"will bt' a mazed to krlo\~ how economical: Wall Paper is- how rf'a ;onable the prices are this yea~ compared wit , a Junst else. * We would like the p~i'vilege of showing you · what truly charmin g effe cts can be produced with our new "Pageant f Prngress" Wa.1l ~apers . . The cost will b e 'sIn Lll-your satisfaction will be great. Wbe n m ay w ' have th~ pleasure of hear-} ing from you? ' Sincerely yours, -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--...;. 'l O U


, D. E. Stand


I~~e ~~~:s ~:et~~o:~~~~t~~~1

Th e Divine Ma.qter of the univer se has, in his infinite wisdom, called our beloved sister, · Mary M, K enlloldy. from the scenes and activi ty of life into the Eternal world . lteso lved, thu t we, the mc mb<:!rs of Maple Temp'e No, 357, Pythi l1 n Si~ters, have lost a worthy and ea . teemed m em ber . Resolved, ll;at we cheri~h hf' r memory , and extend t,) he r child rl' n our ~yrn plth y ; t hat our charter bl' drllped, and thllt a copy of t hese re~oluti o n s bf' recorded in our minutes, Martha Davis I Co m Ida Howe ( ,




! Waynesville, 0 - i




Whit e for governor of our s tnte Comm ittee' on r e 'o lulior,l! presented 0 beautiful memoir on the death Of our loved president. Mrs. Em m ~ Stanton Chapman . We, as temperatlce workers, fee l lhut lhis was a prufilab le meetill!(' j alld at partinII:' we pl edg ed ou r~e lve" anew t o th is llobl e ell ris ti an wo rk. I Mrs. Marlha Uav is, !:iec' y. - - -. - - - - --

CHRISIIAN CHURCH Sun day Sc hool at fJ:30 H. m ., and Christian Endea vo r meeting at 6:30 p. m . Eve r), body is cordially invited t'J a tte nd th e~e serv ices every Sunday



Ever at It. A ","Olll lln Is Ul! \·(.'f' 8uLlstl cd . It ahe Massie Grange, of Harveysburg, Iin't trying tc. ):i!l u new mtln she's trywill give an "April Fool" party at Ini to mlll,e n new mnn ollt of the one the Town hall in Harveysburg, Slit· the's got. urday evening, April 1. 1922 Every ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . "'!'.!!!!!! member is urged to be present, and bring their families. A short . pro· gram of music will b·~ given. games and stunts will be enjoyed, a fi ah pond for the children, and all sorts of packages ~nd bundles can be pur· c~B8ed for 10 cents. Light lunch will be served, . Come and let us have an old-fashIOned farmer party. Committee --,-"'~ --- - -

The Late Class,' ned Ads

W e w~re more than' delighted with the outpouring of people from every corner of the county, who vi8ited our store on Saturday. March 25-literally thousands-and while we had a number of extra 8alespeople upon that day, we realize that .all who de8ired to purchase goods from us could not be accommodated on account of insufficient help. We trust this condition will never occur again. But when it is realized that more per80ns visited our 8tore in a given day than ever before' in our history, any one can readily under8tand why we were 'caught "napping." Many were the expressions of ~elight and 8atisfaction at our remarkable S~OWing .i n every department of our Big Sto e, .and the prices at whic~ this superior mchandisc was 80ld was a revelation to all. To those persons who were unabl to le~ the service and 'attention to which t ey are due, upon this occasion, we will aay hal no 8uch condition will occur llIain. .

~ _==='===-====== WANTED-AGENTS S-r-R A-IG-I:IT~A-I_-A-l(Y-,t3-5-0-0-pe-r wee" and expen~ eB to man or womlln with rill. to intrnd 1I0e POUL. TRY MIXTURE Eurell8 Mfg. Vo" EAst St. LouIs, lit m2g

FOR SALE ATTENTION CITIZENS 125 Fence POAtP, 7y' OF WARREN CONUIY A BoUT . 100Il. Inquire or Stlu Rarveysbarg, Ohio. aU .


We tha~k our friends .nd p.tronl for their complimentary expres.iohs and liberal . patronage and Itand ready'. 't all t~",ea to render the best of 'service in all our · linel, consistent with good bu.i.." .. , practicel. May we have the',pleasure' of meeting you all 'again .n the near future. '


The Warren ' County Chapter of the Americ/lD Hed Croll! has opened offices in the rooms :formerly occu. pie.) by Dr. Dill, on Broadway, Lebanon Ohio Phone No. 492-A . Of. • , fire hours: 8:30 to 5:00. i88 Mary K Dill Executive Sec. M , . " retarv. III in ('harlle, Bnd anyone de· airlnll Inforrnatlnn concerning the work the Red C1'OII8 should apply at cblaofoffice.



N t' fA" t 0 lc·e ~ PPOlR ment

EltaCe of Lydl~ K. Sherwood deceuuil, Ito hereby al ven '11M O. B , Sherwood duty apJ)OrulOO and Quallfted u &<1IIIlnJ.kator 01 tho _ _ Ie 01 I.~dfa M. lherWood. fatAl ot W........n 0011011'. or"" dllC8U8d. DaIed IhIII 28'" day of March, liu. NoIl~


i: J:!l~

IlIIIle 0"1


~~"OD1IAn-. _tr_,.., .,. 0Il10, Iia

Robert J • 8L-



, \

.) I" •

~ t~\ , ~\





Whole Number 5541

J ohn Lee ~(O n of J ohn Greer and Julia Smith. wus borll at Mt Holly, Ohio. AIIIIIISt. 4. 1867 . For many ,l'8r8 he h a ~ been sorely Rttlicted a nd hi · sufferingR for months hay!> been a lmoHt unbearijble. He pliss~d quietly IIWUY Ap ri l 27. 1923 , lit the home of his d all~ht e r. who hilS tried to relievp. hi~ sufferi ngs in e\'ery way she could . In, arly life he united with the ME'lh odisl ch urch. but afterwards trans ferred his membership to the Christian church . One duugh te r lind son·in-Iaw,lhree grand children , one sister and three brothers are le ft to fiJeht the battlel of life awhil e longer, while he has IcCOlle on lo try the rea \itie!l of the world bey(mct.

T. E Roltera Wil li a busint!88visllor Rorn- To Mr nud Mrp. Marvin In Davlon. TUellday. Hay. Monday. Muy 7. 1 !l~3 . II ~n n John ft' romm and farn ;ly "pEnl lh ~ Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. H . Allen were week-end with r e i ll tive~ in DHylon Dayton visitors, Friday Fred Barnard. ot Alpha. called on Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sherwood are Waynesville fri ends, Sunday aflervisitlnl relatlvea in Indiana. noon. J . O Cartwright Wall "courtlng" in Cincinnati. early tbie week MrR A. T. Wright and M 's. W. J KUbon were Midd letown visitors, MI. EdnA Kelsey is enjoyinll' a Monday. visit with friend I In New York City . Dr. A T Wright attended a med!" Dr. and Mrs. H. E Hathaway were eal convention in Dayton, ' lut lrUelta of Centerville relativllI, Sun- Wedneeday. day. Mrs LoUella Harl an sppnt Sunday Lewll~ of in Harveysburg wi t h her molher, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dayton, spent Sunday here wltb I Mrs. Bllrvey .



Cbu. Edl\'ards and fa mily and Buy your Boas Oil StOVeII, Ovens Ch ..: Sberwood spent SundliY witb and Wicks of J. E Frazier. Store relatives in Dayton, open, Satnrday'" Mr. and Mrs Charl es Orford, of Mr. and Mrs Horllce Fitzpatrick. Dsyton, are the gu est,. of Frank of Franklin, wllre Sunday guest. of Hea and family ; of Route 5 Mra. C,nthta Evans. Mrs. J . W. l!;dward d anddaughtera ~~~~~~-======F======~==================~~ Mrs. Uda Smith and Milia Clara have returned to their Bummer home ==~~~here, atter spending the winter in W. H . Allen mocle a bU 8ine~8 trip Keyll..returned borne. Sunday. after Dayton to Cincinlillti, TuelldliY . I a vtait In BlaOl:beater. Save your Old Carpets and Rugs Mi. Lillie Benham. Mrs. Robert CrOBS and J W. Burton made a busi- and !let .. Wearwel!" Rugs Dlade. Send tor orice list. lo'ranklin ltug n,. trip to Davton, Saturday Cn ., Franklin. Oblo. , Dr. and Mra. S . S Stabl and Mig Kate MccOllum. of Franklin . were . Mr and Mrs C. M Robitzer and Sunday guestll of Mr W. HAllen Mr and MI~ L. A Zimmelman attended the Shrine c~ncert, at Me· and ,family. morial hall . Dayton. Friday nillht Mr . Roy MacBeth alld tamlly. Ha· lei Cartwrl"ht and Alva Cartwright J. B Penc(', C. M. Robilzer. II . A. lpent Sunday with relative~ in Hill ... Cornell, Gen. Waterhou~e and L. A Zimmerman aUend ed II fllt' ner j.(iven boro and Sabina by the Xenia Shrine club, MundRY Several ot ou~ lea.:heltl attended II evening. Pqeant Illven by tbe Xenia schools, Fridayevoninll, and were guests of Andrew Amlin Rnd famil y and Supt C A. Wallz Lewi~ Clirter, t,f Dayton. clIlled on f,riends here, SundllY afternoon . Mr. M.... Joe Roberts, Mrs Griffith. of Aman says It has been thirty Y(,!1rll l.ebanon. and Mrs Dr. Fro!!t. of Co- .ince be visited his old borne lown. lumbua, were guesta ot Mrs J O. Cartwrlgbt, Mo~day. Mr and Mre. Bert BrBtt and Aon. Mr. H M. Seara. wife and 8On, Harold. Mr. I. VI-: MIII .. r, wife !.'nd IOn, Robert. of Greenville, apent Sunday .ith W. N . Sears and family.

of Chical'o, Dr. and Mril. R A Wil· Iiamllon and two children. of AnderIOn, Ind .• were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiliiamson, for the week. end.




'E xamination Day is Here


Buy your B08s Oil Stoves. Ovens lind Wicks nt J E . Frazier . ~tore open, Saturdays.

··It seemeth s uch a little way to me, Acros" that slrange country-the Beyond . For it nall g lown to be the home of thoRe of whom I am so fond. And so (or me there Is no deatb: It is but cro8lling with abated breath. a little strip of sea. To find our loved one waiting on the other shore, More beautiful, more precious tban betore."

ear. 01 'nIub We wi sh to thank the friends and neighbors tor tbeir kInd assietance


father Also Rev. Goller and MiBB Emley tor tbeir kind words and music. and the Me8llfs. McClure for their services. Mr. and Mrs. Frank He88.

------..-- ..------


Several (rom here saw the Leba. non K . 1. O. team win its first vic. tory. last Sunday.

"Golden Days" will be given by the Senior Class of '23. at the School lIuditorium. on the nights of May 18 and 19. This is a play of youth in tour acts Th e S~niors are workinr diligently on this play and are hop ing for two full houses Don't fail US! Admi ssion 25c. straill'ht . Allsesls reserved. Tickets on sale Thursday, May 10 Seats for Friday night, MRY 18. reserved at tbe Oxley. Pace drug store. Wednesday, May 16. at 8 8. m Seats tor Saturday night May 19. reserved ThurRday. M8Y 17 at 12 noon.

Dr and Mrs. H. E. Hat~away were lit Miami Vall ey hospilal. Day· ton . Munday. where the doc to r's ais· ler. MillS Lorell a Hathaway . under. went Ii serious operalilJll .

REAL WIN.TER,AGAIN On Tuesday morni ng we noticed several boys go to schoo l barefooted. and the poor little fellows went home in 11 s now. At noon the 1.empera. ture was warm, but an hour later it belran to get colder. and at J o'cl. ck a healthy snow storm ensued: The snow continued thfolugh the night, and as we &,0 to pres8 it is 8till snowing. This is surely some weather. Garden t/'ll ck 100kR ou t ·ot place: with !lrtlt'li showing above the white

--_0- •.---

._ horses must 81 \\' :. I)() II t ...,,1 POI 81"rls to boiL


considered wben the

Among puhll.!lbera and 'armer'll many lenders see In Dr. Albert Sbaw e.1I1ur Blld Iltlhlll~ber of MRe-1_ or Reviews," a Itrollg Independent ICptlllhllcan 1'8mlldale. Ilr. Shaw I. Internationally known Blld Bsldo' rrom hIs dominate IIteruoy poeitlon be Is n prtletleal and 8\l('(C~rlll (armer. own In!: llJld OI't'rullng two big renna, Ollr. III :\('w York lind oue In VIrginia. In DCIIIOM'UUC rank s..lohn ". IInvl_ or "" •.;< 1 \' 10',





To celebrate Dr A. T Wright's birthday, which was April 27, Mr8~ Wright \lave a dinner, which the following guests en joyed: Mr. and Mrs. Emmor S. Baily, Mrs. Lina Dev ilt. Mra. Julia Donavan. Mrs. Cynthia Evans a nd Mr . Mert Baird. Cards have been recei ved by friend s here annonncing the engagement of Mr . Ernest A. Earnhart to Mi ss Amanda Kessenger, of Kingll Mills. Miss KeBBenscer is a graduate of the Warren County Normal, and hilS been teaching at Kingl -Mills this year. Miss Mal&,aret Clark entertained at a deligbtful dinner Darty. at her country home near Lvtle. Sunday. The guests who enjoyed ber hospitality were: Misses Edith George, Velma McClure, Edna Bowland, Leona McGinllis, Henrietta McKln· ley and MiliUS. Coulus Yo'unce and Earl Clark . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Surface and mother, Mrs. Susan Surface. 01. Route 4. entertained the followlnll guests, Sunday: Mr . and Mrs, S . D. Everly, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kumler, Mr. and Mrs. tWI. Kumler, of Dayton, Mrs . Laura Crine, Mr. and Mrs. Emetlon Surface' and little daugbter, Mary Virginia, of Pekin, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Surface aDd little IOn, Elmer, o"&ute 4. Mig Gladys Harlan entertained a am all COmllany. lut Saturdayeven. Ing. in honor of Mr. Seth Thomu' twenty-first birthday. A delicioull r~pallt of sandwiches, ice cream, cake and lemonade was served. A larlle cake adorned with twenty-one candles was a feature. ' Those Invited were: Mra. Viola Harlan, Mr. and Mrs H. B Earnhart, Mill888 Minerva Harlan. Marye Thomas, Katbryn Henderson, Messrs. K;enneth Hough, Myron Thomas and Harry Turner.


COMMENCEME-NT BACCALAUREATE The program for commencement week beglnl Sundav evening, wben Rev. John J. Schaeft'er. of St. Mary'. churrh, will preach the baccalaureate 8ermon, at School auditurium. Rev. Holt will take part in . tbe service. The music will be furnished by a union cboir.

Archdeacon J . H. Dodsbon will be at St. Mary 's church next Sunday, Prof. and Mrs. S. C. Frank, Mr. Jrlnln. ~ rorm er Amhll K.<::;fUl nr tu I'~ng) ft ntl. I ~ I c)(~I: , II I1 P t . , 1 \ ' i rh h\ 1 II Jot Eady risers. Monday morninll saw May 13. to administer the Holy Com· and Mra. Geo, Kinl', Dr. lind Mre " (IKrk ·hor~e '·'"1tli·llItl'. ~Ir. Davl. Is 110W urt''''Il ~ ' 101 tiJ · 1\ . I Itn~ UIHJ l". \ ', 1 11I11 t'.8. • l: ~..... ,,; wjl"t munion and preacb the sermon. Brown ' and MI. Am.anda Kesinger, frQst in "eve~al places. Ice froze in --of Klnp MIIl8, were Sunday callera pails. and altogether cold weather ~============:::::=:-:::===:::::====:::::== Rev. Dodshon, who was here r. ---cently and held a week's mi88ion. prevailed througbout the nill ht. on Dr. and M.... J . E Witham _.- - The dry condition of the I!'round prewill be remembered as one of the vented any @erioua effects. strung preachers ilf the diocese. and H . A. Cornell, Will St.Jobn,. F. H the public i8 cordially invited, ' n\!xt F.rr, C. M. Robltzer. J, 0 Cart. Sunday. Rev. Schaeffer will 811118t wriaht. M. D. 9aird. L. A. ZiD;lmer· . M. N, Dougla88,' the SprinlC Valley Walter L Sawyer Wll8 born Febat tbis service. man, E.• M Osley. J. C. Hawke and Real Estate man. tran~acts another ruary 7. died Ji'ollowlng are the Jurors ch6len D. L Crane attended Dayton lodge. deal: Sold the beautiful ,=oond·top aaed 5~ yearll, and 2 months and 21 da,~. _ .... __ .. from Wayne township on the petit F. .!Ii A II., Tbul'lday evenlnll. The home, known 81 th.e "~orham reei· The annuill gottan out by tbe He WRS united in marriage to Miss An aurlience of nearly 500 pt!ople jury: J . B. Pence. Asa Whitaker, "ork Wall put on in the ancient form dence, to Mr. Doul'liass Morris, of Senior claBl of the High Bchool is Ella Lowery. August 13, 1912 One gatiwred at the M. E chureh MonLee Hawke and MtI Joaephlne Gons. bel waa estremeIJ fine. Dayton, who ".111' take po8IIe8flon at child ~ame to their union. he no\\' day evening. to hear the Rev'. A. C. being distributed. It ie a high·class There were no juron, cbosen for tbe once. being 9 years of age. He was vllry Rainsberger.pastor of the Woodward job of printing. and the subject matThe Middletown Hi came bere, granJ jury from this townabip. kind alld faithful to hi s famil" anti Avenue M. E chul'f'h, Da,ton, de. ter is of the hlgheet type. The Saturday, and played Wayneavllle a ------.~-because h. had been in poor health liver his sormon-Iecture, "Look. photagravure work was done at the return game. and, a~ usual, the borne Watch your expiration date. tor sorr.e time, he had not been able ing at the Gos pel Through tbe Three Ridge studio. and tbe printing by team wu badly defeated. the Mounts Printery, In Springfield. to attend to business for three K's .. • months:""but God knew best when The 8peBke~ stated that all of hiB Tbe headinas for the annual were he took him home to reat. . ~tatement9 were made atter six years product!d by studenta of tbe echool, He was faithful to his church as of thorough, unprejudiced Itudy of and show real merit. Altol'etber, long as he was able lo attend, hay· t he Klan, its prlncip,lea and ittl works. the effort put on the wllrk Is cominll j :>ined the Met hodist church in Be defied anyone to Ihow proof that mendable, and the aeneral public. as 1921, and lived and died wilh the any 01 the nefariou!l crimea charged well as tbe pupils of the scbool, Lord Jesus. He' was most intelli- to the Klan have been committed by ought to procure one of tbll88 annuals gent and patient . and spent most of them, and stated tbat two of their his Iile after boyhood in Dayton. most Insilltent requirements for He came to Waynesville six yea~8 membership were :an unqueatloned ago and bought a farm, but lIold It belief In the tenets of the Christian on account of his health. and s~rted religion, and a firm, uuftinching A WATeRPROOF I'lOOR VA"NIS" up busin, s9 in Waynesville loyalty to thf! government of the He leaves to mourn hlsloBlI, ~ wife. United Stlltee of Arrierlca. The or. made for floors andt!oors only. 1t looks one child, two sisters, a brother, and ganization, the speaker said. objects well and lasts for the longest possible a great many relatives and friends to no individual's rcligioul hllef 110 One day last week. Mrs. Carl Ser· time in spite of the tear and constant washing a floor must get. To tbe Christian the Lord's return as he reapect:a the righta of viII fen of( the back door atep and il onl' .of the most wonderful, pre· and do. not tamper with leverel, sprained ber ankle, which is Cloull strings upon the harp of God. American imltltutjonl. caullna ber to be an Invalid for leVIt yields music of unsurpllBled The Woodward AVlDue orcbeltra eral day •. . . •, accompanied thejr' IPutor, and ren" Mrs. Mary Burna fell down stairs . In painting, reaults. aJ;e what fOU want-long-lIl~t- . "Blessed are the eyes of those wbo several pleulnl' aelectloDl. at the Burton home lut w~k, and , ing reaul~. You' know there's n.o saving in putting aee, and ears of thos~ who hear, and A beautiful pantomime of our na- sprained her Wrillt. whll.'b has given a "cheap" paint on your property, and then have it , 'igort>ad" 'within a fe.,,' ·months. That's w~ we.say learn tbat the Lord ·bas come, and Is tiona I . anthem, "Tbe Star-Spangled her quite a bit of pain. Both paralways. use ~OOD paint. . ' .' no,! present." Binner," by Mig Uainaberl'Jr, Wall tiel are gettjng along WI nicely greatly appreciated.-x. Y. z. . could be espeeted. . One more 'chair ill vacant brotber . HANNA~S GREEl'i SEAL pAINT . One m'o re lonely apot for UR; " . • , is go~d paint The fonnu)~' that. is printed on .every Y'/e may hope to meet in heaven" .. 1'lckafe PROVES lta quality . . It co~~ains the \ybe~ the gateS are never !I~ut. ·,;.hmals ~hat money clin tiuy . . It wears 10Dg. It . Caril of Thanka proteets and beautifies your propqrty, and is an In·

---.. - ..










Your floors Would Look

.- .


..: and be sure ·to use

Green Seal"


· I

!*t -.





Oldej.Paee DfIIK eO.

I SI.;.: 7:h




'Like This To.o IfYou Used SHERWIN-WILLIAIIS



.. " .Wli






1.---.-___ 1

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r ntln to J't,nlc' lIll'i! : "W 'II run you du\, 0 tII Q~ sn~1P 1111' IInl l 'vou ~nn.. (.~ l· OIlI ~" lr. - II' .I·... II'H! Oil:\, 1II 0 llY to ""~II. ~' \lll 11I1l!'h l III,,· t ... pU l It In the \\'I ~' d

'i'I'I " .

\~ lIu t


" llI nci \1'11 " 1',·



1.1 III' I

"I\' •. ·cl IIh)11

f the Bahamas

ti l " II'

fRlr. li nd If ~'(l U coin" tl) gr ief ~I I ~ YOllr 0\\' 11 loukout. I \\/111 hU"1J tll o 1'& mulndt'r of your bA I:I:II;: fi.rwnril r ll hOllie to you \l'll'e n I ' rl'u('h E~dll nd." li e InmN' ond'1J~g!l n I" I'lImh Ihe cO IIIJlnn loll Wn v. n" 'I( ht' 1 1I~ld,' d frl):ldly to SatnD 1111,1 ;:"1 ,,,'er Ih

Spa ni sh.

lalln wha t we

I" II!' In g£'l IInl(

:lnd :.:1 "1'

",' l'y wcll," snld Sk<'lton. "n" y~U pI n e. 1 "'A RII m~' 11Iind. nf Ih" nf·


l"x tra hflp.

urlt l Ihl' fJ lIC'Ol· ... ,quI III I:'H If t!lj ',\ kutlw:'



'-' ' ' -_ _ , _ _ ~ _ _ __



n sll llr~." snlll



. " ,'" 1111 '"

,,, ;:.·t 1\ ,1"lI' n to a


1:nlzil 1' 1I1'l." ~:Ih l ~!tfu n . " ru n It 111 1" 1'''''1 ''11-. T lI lIl's IInn llll'r. l.ook! ~' h"' , 1''' lin ' II bOllt orl'." li e .. "Inted t, l Ihe r 'r) I,d ,

They roune! Solnn IInder Ihe nwn· Jo08e n ~ k of the spare !fBII'. .1ucle Dt down on the derk clnsplng her knees, erItlcl,.e<t Sata n' s hAn,U· ~' orIr. M!CeITed Instrucll ons to hc)111 her tonrue, lind th on COl1flPSed. IYl.lg on har back with knees up nnd l11e bact 01 her hand Deross hpf ey"8. She roule! sleep at any odd moml'nt. A tntce ot smoke waR riSing trom tbe ,ellow tunnel ot tlle Drynd 8S Hbo Jay Uke a wblte paInted ship on Il blue pelnted ocoon. They w('re

h f1\'p RhCWk (\n It Ollt nr

tll, Ilttendlnr to the



fll ~

I lnl r r h " 11111 11 In th~ stf? rn shf'ct s, stecr \\ "'" ~' · " lll)n - ~k(\It( ln com in g

th ~

u Sf"l.l

,'1':1 .. 11 ,,~ thl' ho\\' l1~lr h lJok~d un to ti l" Ill np' .. I" ~" ruh.

"Pnp !'lp"rr"r1 sOl111'rldn' p ' ~p on 11i(' fl o r," \\ .' nt un ~ 1I' n il . " a pl,'{'" fir



~lI r


" · III'!1 1.

I lInlll ~ 1t Ili p. t'ellt, ' , !If ";l dl t .... II ,,11t h


l i, l, I



1''' ' ' ''_

THE il apper is not to be con. demned per sa because .s bo is a flappor • . But she is to be e.riticizeJ because of tlle methods she U ~, to become a flapper. ;. If you mean by a flap~,er RIo.



like young girl, with



t he


II ... ..

I ,

:Ih: b

hUIl!'c l,.


Il1oi, ..


n lll'l ',,\\,

Try our J9h Printing


kl,oWh- li,:",


,. I

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,li d


" Ull

Jl"",d I lh'I'f'l n . II l1d h l~ ul •..-:o ll1tt-' Inlll!· f('n 'nc't'" III s po r t. Sula l! n",h(.ad (or t(lnll. T n qlon Anti tn r l)lIn tl ~ h e nllpn

legiti ..

1I1I"cl leilII ,,111 1 ,li .c II"1 II nll ,lI sllaln.

"I (llInnl1," !'P'pIlPd JIIlI!'. "hut !hl'rt"s mate child s hort dress, curly ,olllrth in' SUOllt (hilt guy thnt mllk es , hair, red cheeks, boundin g spi!'it. 1 1" e \I'" nt to I n\l~h" ~ . I t h en let 114t W'" mak 1\ n. u.tC fl ap·


'"Illl ' t




f rlllll

ph" ".. IIncl

t Hl'lh ' JJ, It n ll thp 'fUY" ~ p\\, " "rli lin d " 'H 'h

~ I'(' ''I

1III'I r

(\11 .\' "

lI ~ htln lt

with R (f'IHttlnr'p rod u nd e !!1 -1h " f' ;lfl IInp !'iCI ' t' !! I" .! ttl htm h~r£l rt uf ""II :"o lln , ,l illi I' . . Itt Inc; un tll f' Il('rk nnt! m('ntl· • In z h f' r Jlll nt !'! h~' Ih .. IItrlll (lr Ih l' TlIU I ITI. ('nnl·lIrn 'd .

1 JlC~hl' artificial fiapp<'r of toc\ay


11\' ( 111"'

P "ll l'ji

\,' 111' , 11 ... 11 . \\' 11 \' 11 ." '111 ' 11 tllin"

I Il " jIl l n


- ----- --- --- ---

Farmers, Attention!


Money to Loan on Farms at 51 ' per cent for five years,




"He Said The,.., Was a Hun dred Thoueand DoJlara Aboard Her." piper rolded double, li e Pllt It In his pocket while the tellc rs wer e beln' Iltted 1.0 the hos pltDI. wnere th ey died thll! 8IIme nIght. Be was 00 the jlQuare 011 rlrht. lakin' thlll puper, uml rn tell you wh~· . Six months before thnt we'd sportl'd a wreck com In' up trom Guadn lollpc. Sho's so placed118 mayhe you'lI sce yoursel f on p dny!hut 0 hund red sblps might hnv PO!l8ed her without spottln' h er. ODd beln' alit of trade trRck8 made her al\ tbe sater. Thflle gtl~'~ hod been talkln' about II wreck before they lett the bar tor .tlle back room. and be reckonad It " 'DB our flna they were onto. The plere 01 pap.. r mRt'le him Bure oC thllt. II l1d, tukln ' It with tbe tolk he'd hl'nr ' . he rerkon d he hlH1 got thl! hlg~"sl hl n/! thnt ('\,c r hum ped Itsclf In th ese II" leI'S II .' said tilere " 'as n Ie Itn cl ...· cI til il d dollurs aboard hl'r." It " 'os .. r,, "rll"l r'n)! '1or),. yet It l oomed to ilatcllft'l! IJeIlI ~1I1"n sbowed 1Itt111 enthusiasm over the Io uslDCS8. "You don't seem very keen about It." 8I11d be. "Well." aald Snton. "Ii seema a bit too bIg. and thnt's tll e truth. The booker's there rIght enough. but I don't seem !o see IllI that stutl aboard ot her." "Satnn'd SflOl1 er he STUbbln' round after abnlones," sold Jude. IIDone lazy, thot's wha t he Is t I know the stuff's t hpre. nnd I'm ~nln ' to get .It It I hnve to di g It Ollt lil Y elf." "Wen, ofT. with yO\!. tllC1l." 8ul(1 the oth!!!:. ::J\nJ1 O. r:nl'd rl lldJulN' von'rI h .. I"





"Well. I r8!:kon YOU won't wn.nt to do It a"nln. (~nce rou've tried. Th ere'll be a big loW' tide tomorrow after sun. uP. and you'll ha~e a chance ot seeln' what It la. JlI'tnlshed raul' pipe? Well, rome nloDl' lind belp us to get BlIpper.For au the work Ratcliffe did, sbe . ml"ht haTe rot the supper beraelt. ' Be we mOlltly ID the wa,; but It .... the companlolllhip that helped. Never did two blllDp come toretber so well or create more rapidly a little world at multlal Interests out of the UtUe thlngli of IIt(e, or a weaker belnr dam· Inate more .:ompletely tile Itronaer. "Can you make bread r' aaked Judll atter be ball filled the till kettle for ber, "Well. you'll bave to learn." She Instroocted hIm In the pr\mJ. tlTe method at bread mlklng ronduc1eel on ,b()jlrd the Sarab. TYler. 1Inllb· '

the ~H1.lIr: :-; tncld n ~q tlU'

had to wp·ur

1I 0d:;~ I1.

" 10111'1,), Il l)" ~t .


lwlco Ilw)'or 1'11111. Millll .. Is tlDe l. hi the

" "'ws pupp!"


with n hnng, 'Pick.

1I1 ~ III ' hiM falllOIl S hlll e pencil 10 a s" 1I11 ce Ih(' .'tliturshIJl of the Mi n.ICO p. , · l' l r~. Mr. l-I o<l/:80n Is \;110\ n Ih r CClltrhOll t th e I1lhldlc w ~sl as a ~t.,tlil d 1'111' 1 j "lI hl' r in IJrU!.iC nod vel'se


"lIrl I·

I'll hlle sp,m\;e r.


-----_ ...---

I Ihnt o,'er I

!'I:l\ lne.


l' OU I' S (I,

u ver I

rocks 11n'1 Ih l'''"''Ie ,,"· rr Ilk,· there 011 IIc (' I ~ I ' 11I J.



hw t!~.

Me « co R, cognlze. Beauty. Und,' r Ihl- 1,,11'. (,r ~I \lxt co It la twice

1' BOUII8 FURonllIt EN tHOI'll R oom In Corw Il

Sntnn. whft nt", " r P ll t I d~ hnncl to US 011)(' 11 III, 1I 1 ;I' n !!l~ to mutllute th e menlol wu rk , 1I1111n t;li:d n~. w ltlwul t h e f8 f'f' of II \ \' ( lfll.!(l us that o r 8 mnn, lea st nn'l.!II~t'. h l:-;: JI" .. jl II1D nR ('upt a in Til e Id pn pf t Id,,,: Is • yery 8e o ~lb l e anll owner. r01l1>' II to ~u J1I'c r. \l ~ Onl'. hl' lnl! hll , ,,,, '.11 Ihe fact t hnt to • tore J!olosr on d N'k t o StIlOJi.- he point . I wu mUD Il t'l' II\'nut ~ Is a creat aS8et; to ed out Hntl'IIlTp'R "l1l1l'tl' r~ fccr rhe I mnr It Is [llP ...·(or<· a ver, serious pel'

Mrp. e hllll. I!;. Werntz. pbone 8S-3X, W .. y n e nitle, Ublo ml8

r..yU" PROPII:RTY-Myproper\yID knowo ae Ibll B"rne Jon..


property . Mra. L. S. HarlaD, Bar. v"yeb urg. Oblo. m7

nI gh t. Bl' WIIS tl' hll"Po 1'11Il'H cah ln, ,1 .oaal In jury. th e ~pu ce dl\'lde,1 nIT wit h II rurto lu. J ud p u nel he n IW ny" ""~ pt In h II m· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ mocks slung tn


th~ lI ~u l n()n , "

16rSale \

,)'hen, Jus t liS the mllon \\'AS ris ing, nnll IIf ll' l' th e thlllJ.:'s wer e \\'ushed up. IN FOItEOLOBt1RE the.\' sot on lI ecl,. smoking. listening WASIt&N OOHIclON PLBAS to the wO"('S nn Ib e b each, nnd watch· In j! tl sh Jumpi ng In th e track or the The WealerD Bank'" Trus, OOmpaDY} A Corporltlou 0 ... monn. They tolked ot fi sh . a nll t o RlItr IJlI'e's mind two thln gn hecome • V1!. lr:~l nVDIII,,.n t-!::Mn n'. nrofounll. owtul WIIUam U. Reeder


Pure bred Daroo Sows, HOG8-3 whh IG PilI; 80WI Immnned.


I\IIW Pure bredUurooBoar. Rtohard 8rown, R. O . 1, Spring Vallev, OhIo Uentenll1e HOlDe phons 3118. IIIJ8

• VVhere to Deal In Dayton MONDAY, THE 28TH DAY OF lAY 10.1923 l .,


::l IE







Conducted tours to n r:l .. 411 expenses -:~


..25.,-,":: .- .. 11


"10 · ,p

informa, ..... 0

f'ine.· ~.


,, ; --r r,l ..

furnI s h ..,,"

r:-- . . D ayton ~Q v in .-

l r

" .~

,. ~ : -,. Ct..

Day __ _"

u ... ,·,




Eaet Third

B k IH



I B 'ld'

Surpllu. $'784,000.00

Ov.r 30,000 Acco.ntS



Comer MaIn and ••eond __...

Da..... 01110

Complete line of army and navy eooda. given to m!lil orders, Strictly one pnc8 .



St;ore T h e Ar:r:n.v . ,

17 West Fifth St.


h ...... dquartere



FULTON MARKET E-ery'body's Book' and Art'Shop ... 21. 23 We.t Fifth Street

CijARLES W. BIESER "'_J::..I••• STATI~ ERY.ndeffi.eo ..,b, a H _ lac......

LARGEST • ...!


EAT .'T ,.


· and Lu dlow Cor. FJrlt

AHLERS . DlI3"tFoUnR··RLI~dlnC


and Sou.b....



.- ..... -- . -Dayton'. Leading· Eating Place For Men. "'

Merchant'. Dinner and Supper

35 cellts


. 36 Ealt Fourth Street



Th. Lar,.st 'n Dayte_

Resources $14,500,000.00









~.III '

N.body;, D...., .... Belter






Home 3874

H ••• Your Fur. Sto.....

Speela . It7.


RBODS: sale a\

lSLAN 0 Red ESlFe for 500 per a"Ulos; . ' per 1UO. InqUire of Mrll, J. 1:1. Thom,oD, I~, D. 4, W"YDlIsv1l1e, Ohio, DIG

BOOt! tor ..Ie. 22 STOCK ' quire of .lohn

~~~~~!t:rl~".f 1~~~ID~:r:l::l~M~~~~

t!':t·~mtt~::-bo~~~rct ~:&',~!m

wll.h tbe 8outh-But Jiawj· sbtr80f.\N. , at< 11:. Dayton, Ohio. 12 ~~ teo, to tbe dITI"",. flDee : abeDCB N. U' W H2)i r... to oald Aile),: th ....oe wltb '-_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -thetISnuth .amo I coDtainlog 58' W. 11ft" _ __ __" _ i, to . pi "" .. Ia. or or btrlnDlnr "hatfeet It I ma, Balel roal M,at<) liu been ~lIlarl)' bp praised under order of t"lIe Court .. ~ the lum Firat En gl•• n 0 . ' , .. , of One Thouland Dollario ( "O ~ u , O,,) .... a The Mrsl ~~"L'II .<I ,,,. . "r thll wbol. and will Dot be oold for 1_ tban t ..o· (Jally (l(1JII'II III . '11 '1' .' th!f::~m"::'''h~~r.pral'''''' ...Iue I n J's t s UI HJi1 .\ 11 0. ' ,," MOltlWW Sll i\NT. t le li.-J 11 6 h Sheri ff of Warren UoUO'Y. Ohio Gllzette lIud tire rhll . .11 " "llcJr, In By Alfred O. BriDt. Deout, .

CI '"'






O 't [\f " 1III . , h y

Wayuenllle. Ohio:


UOl r .


tI"· ,



' 11 " .... I

. .

. ,

I "Hoo"e

'Not a bit," IlIld BatclUte. I lbelleL" "Wen, he wa! .Ittln' ,w1th hi s ere' abut. au.d hll heard thew guys ~o· · 111&11' ~ocetber. Be didD'! gel I than baIt ~y aald. but he got eDo':V:1 "m,u e bfin WI~,t to hear more. 'l'h':ll ftMIt CI\lIt bar 'and '\If'ID.t In Ifl a •INlet IOOIIIl th\!lr lemoD ,jolc,' 'lDd




(')"1 ~ ~ : 'N ~,I ""{

I'I ~ . \/.\1'1

' _00 ..... '

· (\.t~

(iRL'N Bl2C>\J6 ttr 140Me IN HI'; e", CAR. -nl A, 6RANP? ...cN4'f'r:r.nt¥'2

HOW DlO 'IOU III!C'Dl'le SUe I'rI-nAATe "R1i!~O Of' ~R. V~

_ _........... ."..,.,~ TO I2JOE IN i c .... ~?


You D\I? rT!

Prl08 110. I,

,~ ./

m~ " Ya ·... I"v \lI .. . n.. 1 I fill I'



~I .. , ..



I ~;;;;:e~c~~e==o::e~~:U~I::~l=n;g~~~.,~,~-G:.=-r~fi~~I~d~I~8~7~4~;;;;~~~~~~\.~~~~SI~3~SI~O~U:t~h~M~a~'n~S~tr~.~et~::~~~17~80~ . ====:::::=~;:::;::::::===~A~It<):n~F~.~B~ro:":n~. A~tt:'y:.==;:;aipr~36-~~':::1'i"~I'~"~';"~';'P~I;V~''~~ -::-~ . '-:-._•.-_-._ . -- - . - - - - - -'-'- - ' - - - - - --

"Ob, 1.'101'8 your headl Thin k I UIII tnlldn' to a CWltoma oIIlcer? H £! don 't I



' l.


R. 11116

Timothy · Ba" H AY-Flret,olUII Inquire of W. A. R,

the Aile,. aael Jobo 8t"'; 'b.D~ rUDalna'

FOUNTAIN Eaat Fifth St.,

ID .


aneldeocrfbedufoUo".,,.I& : BeJOI.lleSOIUh 'Weotpa"oflouumbtreilThlrteen(U)lDlhe U.3, WaYDesvllle, OhIo.

THE 30

m16 OW S-tloml! good t;borthorll COWl!. wUh oal.el by .Ide. J. L.. MeadenbaH, phoue 74-1 1.215, ~ ay. o1l8vllle, Ohio. . m16

~':aJ~~ 8:'.."&~nf:t or~~:~d ::;~Ie.,g~~d~

Steak. and Chop. n.. __ VIII'

li x,eolion Table. 1 Oak,_....,..~_ t;utte,t:iont.b I:S"DdM .. lle.ble~aDle c:: COIlI.oll ritnve, MllcDlle FoldlD, Bed, In'ald LIDoleum, MIIoUIDi, Library Ilible . 'l'o be "en a' bome or iillr. v~y Rye, Third tit. Wllyuesvllle, O.

At. 10 o'clock A, H .. on .aId day. tile folio,,· IU'L;~=~~~·~~~~orw"'~;.:oa and 8tlle of Ohio, bounded and deoerlbod .... follow.: Begluulol at ~he North coruor of Lot number TilIrIAl80 (13) In tho 1Ia.mlet of (lor,,1n ( .. od adJololng ~h'I'Ok» tlc.nce wl~h the North boundlU'l' the"""f (ll~) S. eG" K. UG )? fMHO the But ooroer; thenee wUh tbe EUt bOund' ary and 8xtfludlnll on palt (2M ..) 8. 6S' W. 3eJ)i feot to tb. cornOf or th .. lot IOld hy W. B. Eubanll. to 8arab Orane.ln 18Gl, Theoce wltb her line (ard .. ) N. 13" W. [10 t.... t to iho South Eu' lido of tbe Alley. Thence wl~h ~h. eame (4~b) N, OS· E. 189 feet to ~be plaee of begln.lDg COnu.inlng ..v.nty-~b_ hundredths of an acre. bO ,Ice .ame more or 1_. ICxceptlDg and _NID« from tbe n~T~~~I~ \r:.~~ at'e'gg~th '~:~~e:: linD of ~he Oorwlo and li.npeck road Improvom.ot. recentl,. mad. throlllh oald preml_, Alia the fOllo"IOl ..tate. via: Situat.

donI!, CU8tOIllS-" might runnln' be afterth.the dny's work be'd _ "Luffl" !IIlld .1ude In a WlU'Dl n~

\11"', '

lttra" d

New A.peel to Floor A ~ uq d elTtJl'C 11111 .\ til ' II' ' I ,,,'ert Sf wht-'n plli uttng fI IIl H·... ll HI1 IllI \ t' uld.. rl'~ ld pntill will' IU'lIrd ... :. 11 1114 ,,. drll wn



I"", H~


JUlie. wh" hnll ao l., not onl' Wei rd. 1 . url (Ii'n ly I"'gll n to ,-1l'l:le. " \\'''"1'9 wroul: with )'ou?" nsktld UDtIOphisticatcd, innocent, c hild.·

\I\"t>r tn StlY thu t w e are


t)rltl J.:'t'

1t : ' -l-"h " 'u rl! l! ' I'll ."



S '


Il h~ n Ilh lW

.I IInll" !'... 1 Ca rqulneL is ui sgusting, and to an h on est. 1:1I 1" II I'f" <n w l lell t hI' IV III""II to Any TIc~}' ",,,(('hl'd Skl'ltnn gettl noc .. n i <;~ ri()t1 3 ~ &he is nn objcct of MONEY LOANED " Icct, Ioll t \\':c~ ICCIl)!uc· tlpu ucro rp tile I 1c ()lI rd. and th en Th ey s n\\' the hnndH '. tty. !cnlll'_ 'TO'''' 11 11(1 thl' T)'lers. 1 In}'ln~ al oft a nd th e ~a ",' a8 shaking ' he has used nrtifi ·inl IIll'nnq . " JI ll I It '. Ih ~ rlln nr th l' IllInl:." ~n lt1 "I IN l l'r ( ' '' 1111' nn hOIl.rd.'· ·Rn IfI he, "and .. III I " the tUI'oMnli: brf!e7.c. Rhe is using the cosme ti cs t It a t n llt dirrl ': "It's I h,~ mull'idnl!' nt un~' ,. hll l'!, n 1'lllI t In Ihe cubl n Ie.· r"re )'o u' re Th e Mllrrl"d MO IlOrl of the ~tellm , destroy h er skin, rob he l' o f lito ,..1\111 11111 ' ~ tr"" n t::t h H :.!': l ln~1 thl"' n!oo'h.' · F'or up-r " lit \'\ H' '"" nl ' .' Kllj l l)ntllg IIrr" \\'In('h rlth;l n ~r th ~ anchor came acr08.tii dis tinctive features t hat beh'l1g li t· t ll l)\\'ll ,)( th €' j oys or Hll hnn n i1 Rh · OI' Un fl t' toI II U' V ubtlli n nl OJlt'Y un h,·l lg ~ ,!'Iltn h.'"It :c It'd II mOnll'l1 l. Ih l'n he Ihl! 1I'1I1,'r. Ih en It eeuaNI. and .Tuc1e. to thc sweet girl. S it e is It [ r ll1110 0 lo ~ u ... '11' fly' % cnl"It>~L (; U14t In l!. c''''''''. I II' jw 'e SIII Il " II I·rru. ull url)' rllnn l!!!! To Ihe flng lorke r. felcho!fl I I/ rele$! cr e atu re. Sho i R U11 lin. " 1\'1111 1 1," 11 c1 !) you 1I ~i! rur I h(,1n ?'. o r S<OUrlUII ,·h" .ro m" 1M ver y r ~ "K o n. 1I[1"'r(>(1 .Til II", Dnd. ro ll(I\\' ",] hy lint · " lit 11 llingy 0111 Amerlrlln na /o:, bt'nt It . S ,hi .. , 1.\1 I nlll: h 'I'h" Ft'u.H .. I L,wd n .... l.: r·d ~Htnn . "'"T{'. I II~s(!d Itplow. I " n. rl n(1 rn n It up, dipp ing IT 09 tbe a ttra c tIve person. h e is nil CI\,. B~nk . For tonh " , lutorUlHlh)U 0011 "1'11t'~ . " "r "nn't I.('!lev" ~'on nllAAl utrl,l' Dr~'lId bC-j!II D 10 moye, .i cc t of pity, She is a f.' /l lIl lo ou Or' nun,,-•• M ( : IIHA KE, 'I'riltlR ' .1l1dp :-t IIl'\{'l, f'(1. !'Icn n to (10 t his." ~ n lt l h.,. " I r ll n She I'l'lurnc<l th e cOlDp!lnlPnt, gUdrll!sc-n 'in g t.h c protection a.uJ ":-;,,1 11\'1' lil t'S." liP eXl'lo ln ~(" art'r, J,lh ct ll(' <\1tl-X , L" lm ulJ u. Ohi O, " n,lpr Irln ll " ronn .. nt 'R lelll p<'r. h,·· - Ing owuy with Ih e bt>w ",us h begin· pl'ayers of hotl~st peo pl e. " II III'JlI IIII1 " nt'~ . " lIt' trl,:'I cI tn t1f'lc ut- l hl3 Is n .Jok,· r nrrl erl to" tnr." nln ~ lu ~ h o \l' IUIII lhe wu ke r!lllmlnir 'I'he drug ·tol'6 cannot produce ~ ~l' l hp II rl Iflr'ln l n~" lIlUklu!: und nn· " ~I y IIl'n l' ~kelf" o." .nld (ht! ot her behJtll1 ht'r. Then Ule Is\ond cut her II /Ltul'e's r ose amI hang it on tlte lsi c'cl wllh n R.'nOp or fRllurp os or nn. "wh llt's Ih e Il I) (I? I hOl'e the qrli'ates! olr und the e:ea Isy desolate. (,heek of a girl. No a rl in' ia l wl lO 1",,1 "III!'rI'(1 Ihe J1 ~ t~ In ,1 " fcuIM rpSJlC('1 (ur YOII . hut we ' nrc dead opTh e sense ot hIs lonpllnlll'8 carne jlow cr has ever been able t o pu t ( )f n n l~r: lln;! fo rm at hUMlof's"Ii tllnt " nsltO'. In le mpera men t a nfl we make on Rutclllre, eudden as th e clap ot II the flas h in the human eye, (11' JelloJ \'I,t II Inu <'ll of hllmor In It. 1'11('11 I)l iI,' r unhappy. Whot' s Ihe good door. He hlld cut Ule pulnt er with th e sw eetness in the buman soul, 'I'11t'1I Ih,·.\' wcn l !O rest, and as hI of cnrrylng It onl 1'111 ns h'lPPY 118 c1vll\r:atloD- The deck at the Sarah I h III~' In 1'1I \1'S cablD. Ilsten lrl,ll' ~o Ihl IIn.\·lhlnl: h~rl'." Tyler s~mecll lIIIIaller than ev-er. J ud e 0 1' t 1e magnetism in t c hulltan O(·c·". I"n,,1 lr kkle or the wllter agalnsl TER~ELL & TE~RELLt "1'111 not thlnklnl1 ot you r hRpplnl'8ll. and Satan more lrrelll)oDs lble Bud UIl:"'111'1. The movinR' dUlllmi,!s, Ihl' pln nl, lntr nnd the g ronn of thl Wilmington, 0., phone 301. hUI of th(' poRltlon." Ilecountahle, and 1111 own dllrlDl' • . druj:\' s tore flappers, tht> cos· r uelll,'r nll,,"p d hy the lilt ot the a\\'oll, nnl eJ lll' ,'s blood was bertnnlng to new thing. somewhat dubious. Ha l ' Ii l' f(,lIl!! leN arc hideous. pi ti· It SO"IlI" rl ' 10 him thut lIarlng In Itt ONEY L OB n .. d o n live "OOtl ri se In tCIl1J1ern ture, He Irnew quIte bad renounc~d ServlC8 lind dellca.. ,", I\ll.! f eaturell$ .•s . t',·.. r) dn)' lin II (·ohl·bloo(\l'll rorm eoul rl obB~r.e 18, 81so ascond morlllBlltl8. \I'~II . I;elto n wan ted hJm to go bnck. c1ea and sunr,ty ot p88snge Rnd ufetJ. The 111 ,t hpr s of I hI' country n ... t IltI \·(, ('" ... 1,,(\ ft mnn ",uell fnMh el N () 'e~ bOllllbt. J obu Bllrblnll, A nen bill \\'n~ t'lO proud to 8I1Y 110. and be I ," .(. _' . ! I ~ ible for tIll' f ealllreletters and new8P.aponl. 8\'erythlng tl llln It Il tul curried him. The hnrd BlllldlDlI, Xenl. Oblo . k new quit e w('11 that Skelton wanted be had known I The ahock scarcely 8. ' .11811 1 ,1.1 flirt anu for th e destr'uet ion n"'s ,,( PllJ1 ' ~ bunk hetlll lnl' told 01 lelm hllCk, not ror Rny love ot hIm. but I..ted a minute. and tllen. wit h the ,r j'ema le bea u t y . God hn\'e COIII(ort~ rl'll oltnl'l'd; whil e the mora" "IIIII·I,\' heclluse the pOSition was Irre,,· breeze acroSlll tbe evening II ;> !' ~- 011 the ('onntry when the of Ihe '1~· I ~rs. though good enough. III IIln r li nd !)(,ople, It they hea rd of IlIP dou bl. hull. ns dl""loSpil In th ei r ca n I Ilis, might talk; 01110 It mliht loem lea, came blowlDg the wlJld ot Adv en" 1 r" f." ·p/e.qs .flap per.becomes the ,·pr_ntlon . n l ourll of Ih e rree 18nN qll epr to the yacht's crew. tare and Fr'!edom. I .;ocaa.l qu es? l. He took his seat In an old c.h lllr nnd II Ih rl'lI l nf port nnthorlly I!'Ouble. "Well, It you don't specially want that Salan bad placed uuder tbe TUg I1 nLl (1IITer, ·nr·" .• or op in ion \\i lh th r me bn~k. I'll s ta ..... IIIIld Ile. ' . ot awaln" al~d lit hIs pipe. Thai dl!- III!; up \\'ltll IIIl' In r" I'IlII1t1 0n tlUII cII S I"m ~. \\'Jelll hnd IlIlI ae him r e lIihttul amoke seemed the culm1nll- hnrtltack w' "II(1 I. p tl ... lr p.... t1nn a t I nlllen l'e Ih t< nr.\'Iu l ro r Ih ~ SO I'ah l tlon at eV.e rythlng In these Mrst mOo SU\lJ\,'I' Ihut nb 'hl I1 nol . 1. I',·nlcrll"l ne",t 1 'Yllltt , 1 ~· ln.t'" If! '!l oi; hun' 1111nl" mntif ,ANT I!;O- HOtnp W" .. nlh,tf PIIII. mentll In · thl~ new worl/!. 111", rcmll'n tp,l with Ihp eX('ha ngl! ' lHornJns;, It:.; sli p " OIL " np t o tll ~ ,,'1.10· ""' I!blult "h" OI au "' 40 Ib~ '1'hl' lo "Say," .snlld Jude suddenly, "J \'<' or nll\,l'ntllre nll(1 Ih(' Cl'll\' nel" In nt lI .. r IJlI ~l n ~" R . A" eunl! t he "laqy Ho" Becomes beard what lro\l IIIIld to him when you "Ihrr I,Illnl!s ,\· ft ~ ha"I1 I!:'" tn Jlut a InJ: fOI' ,olllt'lhlnl." n e w contrlhll lcn n. L. R lok ... pb o n .. S 7-2~~ . W" .y np8. m~S An Editor Again were down below. I heor(l you S8yln' ))ut l' h fi ll h t' r t r oll st-rs : not t h ~ one:-;: no 'IOll hl . 1>11' Ihp I11l1ln renson he fell vll l ~. Oblo. t o tell thl' 'T' ), lpr. - S"tnn ",IIh Jel! you llked UR and the old Sa rah bet- shf' \\'a ~ \\·""urlng:. \\·lll,· h \\(' r r> h(l r nt' x t ter'n h1m and his bont-what makes b (l ~t. 11111 he r \\'{lr: t. TI lt' , ·td J;Uf',on· Rl rll nr:,. 'TI enln ll t.l' nnLl QII" r ml'thollR : !'I kln's?,' .TIC(\ f'. IIn ll ke nny other beln!; he hnn ~p.\' j;:l lt' ,,"11[.; \,"" ul' l n;.: \\ 11M Ilf"r Rt'j'un t1 "I don't know." ever m pr, he . t . f'lI l1to'l ~ ~ )11 . t'flJ\ l s wpre I!ltl,f1 e e e "Nuther do I; but we took to yon onou;.:h lin S lIo,II1,\' fi r for go l n.2' lI~lln rfl • right· off, IIIIme as )'ou to us, 1!lver In, hut 110 U ~H' 1II 1Wlt In It ~ ! I I I). ( ' X(' P flt (Continued on pOl;e 3 !.lone abalon,! ftshtn·,.· lin oll Hk ln for '1i II'I " \\· I·a lhrl'. Hwl~

"Ho.. about gettlna' ..h o~?" ask('d Jlatcll1fe. "1 want to llee that ClIche Clt '10UJ'11. Care to rome'" "1'd jnat as lIOOn leAye It till they're aw..,: aId Saton, jerking hie hRnd Wward the Dryad. '"Tbere's no t elltn·. tbl!'1 mltbt be spaWn' US on the location wltll a and tlley'll be 011' tOnliht-eo the chap told me. You Jeeve It to me and I'U Ihow you a C'Il~he better nor that In a day or two." "Shut np, Satan I- came Il drowsy yolce from thll deck. "Shut up yourself I" Aid Sutan. I'rm Dot taatn' at wbat roo mean: I'm taltln' of the abalone reef-Irln' there Uke a IUJ doc and IIppln' your

bett. . r' "Wbere', me betterer' cried Jude. IIttlq balll'up lu4denly, Ilke the ororpee In ""'l'bou art the man." "I'm . JOUr blttera." .Jude broke tnto • eI'IlC!kld lau«b. "'LIlteD to 111m talkin' I" cried abe to. tlIe unberJe In reneral ",Aln't ftc tit) bUe potato.l" Sbe wa. aD ber teet. and be was atter : ber wIth a rope'. eIId. dodlfDlr b.. l'Ound the meet. ~odl me .and I'll tell blm I" It. 1IJck of the rope'. ad caught her. and ost mom...t Ibe wu cllnllnl to Ratcll1fe ' and ulllDr 111m u her shIeld. ',lolt'll an old ship IUDk lIOutb 0' Rum Ikey I" cried lode. "Sooth o· Rum key I I told you rd tell blm If you touc1led me." • Sataa dropped the rope lind 1'& Amed the IOOsenecll: business. ''Now ,00''''' donll it I- 8I11d he. "Told JOU I would," .ald lude. She _t doWl! on the deck alaln al though notblnl bad happened, aDd nUl'Bed her kne.!8. • "Yon needn't mind mil," Bald Rat· dUre. "J won't tell." "Oh, It's not tb.t." l1li112 Satan, "bnt ....p WIll mJgbtJ particular about teepln' clol!8, He located that \looker Clnly . three months before the fever took hl~d ~ · dldn't come on It by cbance lIuther, And now Jude's ~yen the sbow away. That's a woman au over," "Who are you caJUn' a womanr "Jele a1l!lt. Shut your head and gtve oyer bandlln' that ball of yarn. clotch boJd of the pff and teep It lIteadr wbnll I ftx this rtn" to ber I" Be worked aWBJ In ta11i!J1ce while Batcll1fe eat watclllDlr. valf1lely IntrfIued b'1 wha:t bad Jult paued. It _s 1_ the words than. the place and dn:umat.n~the UtUe deck ot the Sarah Tyler. the blue. laiy Bell. the yolce of the mrf 011 Palm 18land. the 8aure . of lode aM Satan. He had lIeD Rum C'Il1. The, bad pulled It III a pink and ~'1' dawn. The ateWU'll bad ' called blm up to look at It. South at that 10Dely and laad· Da~ place old man TJler had located a I11Dk shIp. Wbat eort at Ihlp he kne.. tnatnctl~I'1 and that the T71. . ~ not tbe people to balloo .ver DO~. The gulll did not know theee __ better than thor. "Loot here." Aid Ratcllll'e, "I'll h e1P)'OU It ,ou .care t 0 10 t or It. IdOll't ",aDt an,. ,hare; Just the tun. 'Wb t'i In h ,.. a er "Well," _Id Satnn In a half-bearted wa7, "m."be ..e'11 have a look at her ' --., but 11'1 • Job that want,l more than ... b'1 ...... t8. Fop \~ three men """"" ..... ID hJmaelt; he'd a done It. a . "' _ _ m'o- '~b.. he's got to be blnted ..... ............ IV open." "I"ft heard etortes about bnrled ~re In tbeIIe soo_" bepn Rat dlh .Tudll turned her head, ::!!!!~ b~d"8a""~ap· used __ A __ . . . . . . , . tnrn Inr man down that talkell a r atuft' beln' burled. Havana II tull of talJ Itort.. vt burted treliaur&-chap. lDalte a lIvln' ..Utn· locatlona and rued chllrta and tile 1I11e of tbat. It·w a Spanish IIlme. and .It taketl IOOd n- e ,.eM' One '.. ......- n m o~. ... m"",~.l ,< "ear ~ Illrht whell rap W<lS In nle"ol!' sa JOOD 111 Hn"" nll lip heard Ihree ~pan lab ('lenl'. leI' " Uld r b.nds t o ~ether Be I;n"", th, in!!" well enough 10 malte out Ile l" I' weanln'. They w(>l'~ •UI - the bar • I"'"p was s it""" tl lt!r e .-g ~ that II1«ht jtlat detld bent. WI nny man

1'11 1111'





I ral.-

.hnll hn" e hl'r." NIII,I f;k ('lt vlI ;:1II nee HI 1:'11 ,'11 IT." \\'len Wa"

" 11 '" I,,,,! " 'lei ,I HII IclllTe. " JIIl : jdO! " :-:nld ., f-' kl'.III'I I, ··\\·"u·t .'""11 CIl IIH.' on h nn r (l r"''-n. Ihn n k .1'''" .'' A "nllT rrolD .lillie. \

"1 ,l u ... !


hnn et

c· ,."., I" mllke tl'nllhle or to muke fll .·,:". '1'1,, · ,.,,,.~ r .. ~!, up nnd fe ll with s

l ust 1"hflt on hllll." "1l1~ hrHIrI~ ,,",'rp ull IIvpr flip Iloflr:' paid .lud l' \\ 1I}1 n ' lI...:h . "I ' u p !-tul. ' the\' lo"kt'cl Ilk (' ,,10111' nr "gil b"n l III' nnti f"nl1ll J.!' h t Il fill II p ll (ldl n ' hR ~i u :'

ucr '''~

Ihruwn ),our lnt III wl till" The b"" t pus h-" "" olr. "(l nn(II' ),!" ~r ll.'l1 Rolrll 1T. hlllf IlIu~ hlnJ:, hn lf anl:l'),. wit h l'lIto n. hili It hI p I ., ,·c t 0 tl Ie prom Ise.... g Irl 'III ,' ulln ,. 'II" II d tl II I I ~' . r rp C 10 o,e r, reo" ng II


(lonn I1n (l



Ilhm ."nn lng over, us th fl u ~h t o flnYI "'1'h ls Is Ih l' Ror! of Illito you hnve

A fI IIIr lc'r hn" T hnd hel'n lowered '/1,,1 " ;1' !,1I11 111)! IIWlI ~' rrom tI", ~· Rd'l. .\- -, ,In'\I' cl"s"r II nl"'llfe 8(" .

Robert t'l. Mc8nde G' Co

uJ.'lrs l 111I1t· IUt , ... 1"". I , .. 1 dr i nk btl"'. ; III l1 , · ("" ' 1' 1 I II II ~ II Ii "III, ' r drlllk : ' IU ~ I Hllh' \ ~ry 1m .. 1111'" 1.11 1111,1 ' 1 Ilrln~

you must try a z


'-' .,lIlnn,

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.·r II:"

I tluntbttttB

Seqlle"co. flen Quinn. IlI ll 1,111, iJ. , !:I.I " rl1Y"M. HI''' II . 11)11. Ic ed IIrlll tlr"i .'n. IJ Il .uld :

I looked dn"' n ~ IOY ou ml ~ I ' t NPnd 11M R I"nn or Ihe dlnj!hy. \\'( "1'" , 11" rl or I hl)

w(luld 111111,.,.. th e m • • II tllI'l ,. rlln':i\ "~: I)ln f ~· I' !tn uw(ul 1.. 1 n( ""lic ,el lic·". SIIPI" "" )011 go t I)I '~ .. I till'. 11,,\\ f lrr~ y oU t o Lt t!l rl tl ! !, lIdl n'l\

To k now how good a cigarette really c a n be mad



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'i£HT 1l\I'i O'Ie "I'rt Ll1'ft.I 90'( M491'1 .' UPON ~.t). • ,


·9rAttOl"'" ON '"Ii




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MIAMI EDl••• •



I't . Lofllre .," "YU"'- ,110. ,

L~ CI ' A ' E,



Ed itor and


I " •• , h •• "" •


10" '~ '1 ~ ,,", ,

P\lhli~lIer, ~ a ne~"ille,

O h io '

Su bsc riotion Price, $1. 50· p e r year

===~========~ -=== == - - WF:DNF:SDAY. MAY 9. J!123

·~.lW!..lJ.Jl.Ulll.LWlWJ,Wt.I.UI.J..IlUM;w..;. ' [ flEUllllllllJ 11[1111 '" II 11111111 Iii iii mill II iiii11111111 II! II 111111111 HI inn Kllttj:/'

A TaWIl La No Grcoatet Than the PaJth of Ira Stauncbcttrt Cldzena



Let's End Loafing of Idle Dollars Whell one , of tho youn ~ Vand e rlJil t.s CII n s tro ll up t o t lip l ou! eUEI tahle trI Ha mna, 8M report ed Ity 1\ promirll' lIt A u st ,.i a n bU~ lIIess mall re~ntly , tak e out u bunJl e o f $1,000 h ills, p lll rn ,

o.n e ufter Dnuther on the snme l1umh ~ r, los(' t en tinH's ill SlI f'l'es ~I on lind th en clllmly turn to thl' fas l.illnting fo x l rot . whil e t im o 18 kept by th e popping of rhllmpftgn«:> co rks I\t th e tahl cs around the. dlln ~o fl oor, it is time for. BOrne o f our taxmak e l's to pu t on their thlllldng caps. T en th ousand d olla rll to a Vande rbilt is a mere bugntel\e of course, but when Ihi~ kind of monov waste is sct d own side b,' Ride with the enormous d l' ml\nds made upon midd le duss pr~ du eers to rontribute t.o th(' country's rharitiea until givi ng h ecom('s a burden, th en It a ss umell the a peet of a n ear slIlumaliu, Busines.q men , particularly those .trnggllng to get a foot hold, are th e sufferers , Exnmples at this kind ot spcn(lthrift nonseuse bave brOUlrht about the onorou8 income tax thut hilS tnken out of the world of trade and thrown into nOll-ta xable R('curities millions of dollars. millions that could well hc Il Sl'd f Ol' lho eXPllns ion and d evclopme nt of Ameri can inchl Rtri l'S. The nation ca1 es alouo for re" i ~ ion of our tax Hyst('m , fo r th tl. modifi cation of the burdl'nsoml' ~ urtftl(, but our lawmak er s f1nrl their ex('use in lhe populn r app roval tbat JlIlthers t o tbe rn as R l'C!lU1t of any move tbnt Reem!! t il Rhow them will inl! 10 " RO llk " the rich, There nrc ril'h m en an() ril'h m pn, bowew r . ~o m e nrc of th e young Yanderhilt vari ety. hut th er e arc oth o r~ who IUl\'c mod e th e ir millionR In- finnn c ial and ('omm(,J'l'illl Bl't iyit y o f fl worthy charn('t" I·. mf'il who in thl' ITlRkiulr of thei r f~r tu n es h nve built up the PI'OSpcl'ity of the COun tl..,.

By H. DeVere

Stacpoole ~

A Romance of the Bahamas

"lilt t lit" I r l'f"Zl!.

r "s,· nllll /Iou 1,"1 a way


All the Rorne. It was dull .. ork tor the !JOll t ten,lr r, Ro ving nothlnr elf!(' to th in k ot. Ite tI, ouj(ht ot Jude. Her n,.,'l,rl' dlU 8 Pd an'tt y dullll et!B. Ru trltffe Illd not dell I mueh with th e (' ol1\'entl ons liS a rul e: 8tlll. he t ou lll 1I0t but perceive th a t nil Itf .. htls (t n 111m Bnct e nd In!!. and tltRt th" ('nd of on old !Ul llor' waa Dot whllt 11 ft· fi nd Ihl' fil ness or thln!('tl hn.1 des· tb)/,.I for Ju d,>. '''h ot wo uld she gro\\' up IlIto ? H e Ihou ¥ht ot nil It,e ~Irl ~ h(l 118d 1"'1'1' known. There WR8 no nnl' "" J"lIy "" J ude : Rttl l. It was I(' rrlhl l!. sortl"I1,, \\'. w ou~tro ll 8 , H er ('unt Plllpt

t l)r


r pthlnln e

r nsf'


I,,'fore him. nn " IIgllinKt all tha t hl'r h OIl "c\\'trl' I ~' In stln"I" nnl! thp f 'lot thllt. ~ (,s J)lt e Sltton'8 rOllc·end and IDllltntloal by irwin Myers m()(' k b lu~ l er, yh e r'1I Iefl the S8rah Tj'ler Jllst 0 8 " \\'lIIl1 l1n rlllt'S R housr . ~t1I1 . It w os (ICIIII rn hle. Lookln K OWIl.V In tn thl' dl sllln ce. whllt \\' ould h(!f'om(' ot hpr ? H e \I' II~ kroll spd f rom Ilt esl' lI)edl, RII Icl\I1'c WtlH nwok(,DM h y Ju((e tlltl(lntl It ." SlI ttln- i:\II t:lln wltlt an urlll· cnllt n~ fin hlJ u t o lifi how fl I ~J:'. " .. "'n iH il' S on dLock," sn ld J tHl p, " a nd ful uf II bllllln e8. Su tun sc rllt cl.....1 and It YOll 1)(' I1(1\'e In ",a Rhln ' he'lI give you b l ~ l!ctl n g und soused In sea W1lter. but a s wi ll wltlt II hucke\. Hurry up lind trl umplt" nt. H e reckoned tlo ey \I'er r tli "l gge~ 1 come d01l'1I lIg'tlln. tor I wtlnt 8 swill . mj'splf. Swim ? No t 0 11 your lite I " tl"h" e,·pr got on th ese r(,p(8. Tflere were n ,hn en !lnd ~Ir ali told. uud Sh nrks, tl ttll 's why." The yole'e Clllne frol" a ltD mmork whkh h p h tld bl ll n.l prNI Dl(oln st In th e fremltlarkll .....o . T hpn 011 dl'('k orter Itl' s will. dr)' ln g hltll. "lr with nn ol rl towel pro\' lll pd hy s lIllI n, he sto oll fOI a OI()mpnl wntchln K th e Slln brenk up throu"h the wllt~r IIlId the greal ' ell t b "I ,l n ~ I n IlfP 811r1 tile white ~II ~ nylnK. 0 1., the ~p lt ' n, l u r of 1",ln)! nllve.


MIss V ellll\ L IIIII " O 1M V" TV t bls wrItin g, '

nDom. ,



U intt ed in nny Ohiu SI od::" ~t nd ro reurli"r~ ·' .KEEP P OST ED" Scrvict,


"l'allli. aJ\ dahl,bnl firll' of 1111

"'8 bold I"


Mlgnet'. Lifting Power. A piece ot hardened tool ateel In the shape of a horllClhoe can be ma.· oetlzed tu 11ft approximately tWl pound, per ~Ullre Incb. Aa tbe CI'Olll I8CttOil I, lucre.lIed. the lell,tJJ wUII b. IncN"'ett proportlonal"ly to retalo dlla Itrenl1t1, per Dnlt arel.


-------.--_ ..------

thlll creek RntclltTe t('nded the hon t wblle Salim hunt ed tor the obnlnlJ('R, Satan In searcll ot peorls "'n~ . B IIlabt. Hellrt. 80nl nnd mind bO ll nll up In the business. IIkl! n dog hunting for trnmes, e'l'err !lnll \\' O S Ollll"llII ~ .. d by a ~'elJ or a wh oop, Ilke the wllllnp ot n Red Tndlon. ll.atclll1'c could see squlggly-wll'!!ly cuttlefish tl!n (lrl\s r unning up SlIt :an's tlrms lIB he delved tn ~unte of th., roc kclefts, and. Saton Ills eltgoglllg them and lUngIng lhe "muRlIy hrutes" Il woy, The bIg nbalones were nenrly olways deep down \Inli er tbe rock Ie<lges ond had to he ehlRelet'l off, ,,'nllowlnll' In the water, A t th~se times RRtcllfTe might have fon t'l efl the vllnlsbed one In~t or IIrnwne.I, hut fnr tile profane


IJ ~~ 'TlDbo~ of life. !f. when t1~e world

the morning IUn. Be like tbe sun. Spread your , ~appille811 llverywhere; give it to everybody. It of lile, he ,holds up a ltCht, 1.8 the most wbolesome lind helpful of all conloOomottve throws aliead 01 it a stream taW.ons. .. of lilJ~~ w.uGh heralds the ot a great , The sun is always at work. It molds the Hower throbbllig into fruit. You cannot be fllled with sunshine Lite Is the mOlt wonderful ot ~l 'risible thlop and ,bf Idle. The sunny spirit is always busy at becaUIII it make. ~ thin.. Tiaibl" lOme. uWlillflsh aervic9. It goea through life . Lltiftt is the' great painter. ,Bed, 8I'\lID blue building a ohain, each link of which rep~nta and Y~OW are, ,.' hl ~1m-; ·tJaei are dUrer. a day of laeipful endeavor. . ~t ,t.hlnp in Light beautifies. II There T.o make 'o urselvea sunny we must make 0'01'.. no objeot," , Emer!lOD. I I 80 'foul that in. aelvea' worthy. Our worth is measured not by tenBe liih' will llot ~e , it beautiful," . ouneIves but by others. , A. li,M Ie the aymbol of Hfe, 80 &lao Is darkThe ,Bun wouln be 'of little ·ulic to this world • , n~ t~o .,.mbQI: qf death; We ~ooae the were it sbut lip w,ithin curtainS its wal'mth and , 'Iu~ougb which to_live; the ~Iht ~h which light kept to itself. So with yo~ you 'M Il do' no to sleep. gQOd when' yo'! do 9nly_for YQu'l'flelf• • He who - -PiU yoUr .lile with Ulht ; don 't be -dead one thinks only 1>1 and works only for himself aies Teal' 7OIU' •windoW the uutter. unloved. He hu 'spread no imnshine about him, jealo~ _ faDcied wronp. Be baa given no beart warmth to tlie world. U1eMlDIblI... .The World wuteII Uttle tilDe Real cheMulnett8 is not· mereiy a matter' of III tlrelllldow of PIlI- baherltanoo j it I. more than a paaive virtue. ·The IIIOIIt IIMny are tlie m_ atrenuoUl; they who do










%~':lt: ~~ifi~~"nahbae ball·

lift molt, help moat.

= ;rI.,;;{-": ~~;~~~~&;i~~ii~~iii;iJ~;i~I1l~;aehin6 on aU

II al1fl18 belL. , .

Paths 1011 '\VI !It and

I(lr I8' 1'-'~~~~~_-_-_-_-_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:

II ml .. od Mr s Tolle RD.I 8 H 'l 'll oke ~ ~PbO ~ HI1 I.urd ·,y in Cinc lollllll , vlSll.ln g t be Z In, Cbes Mr pu r , ,.od t UIl !' p ui nL!! of iutll r OIl \ All rl' port II liOH Iltlle Barry HllId .. kllr Ro d fAmil y. ~' r80k BlI.rve y Bod fl\ m tl y. Hnrl l:Iur~ e y ilnd f·,'lIIlly . Mrs Ularll. [larve y, Oe u Ed wurd l! . Mrs , LOll Burlno nod d a u !( h tfl r. t:l IR,IY8. w er e Hnll ,IIlY vis. I t o r~ o f M ra Uh"rity Burvey

ob"por oll P(1 hv Mr


Forest T. MartIn ." Auctioneer

Get my terms for your Public Sale. 1 satisfy and save you money or nq charges.

- - ----

Obedient Daughter. "Dou ght er, dIll ) OUI lIIIe :rou a1ttlnjt In t hot YOlt ll¥ III UII ' S 1811 "ben I paRKed , the purlor tJ'k, r Ills t evenillr?" "Y ee. aDd It WhO . ~ry l'lIluR rraulllg, I wish rou bnil nOl tol ,l me to," "GOOd beu\'ens ! I "e'l',· 10 1(\ yo u to do !lny, Ihlol fir tl1 ~ ~I u d I" "You did. )·ou told m e tl.81 If hI.' ottempte d t o )!d aenthnentll l I must lit 00 b lm,"I PlltJJfllIlIer.

Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, CeolervllleEx. sre



Waynesville, Ohio, .

For Cuts,W ounds and Sores

tl lI·n stond

Houstonia (the Original Jones') Liniment is a Healing, Antiseptic Dressing Shop injuries, from jagged metals, or rusty, dirty tools require quick attention. Prompt application of a soothing antiseptic often prevents loss of time--and, sometimes, 1018 of the injured member- tlu'ough blood-poison. For this purpose, nothing is better than Houstonia, (The Original Jones') Liniment. It quickly stops the pain. Its healing power is almost magical. Safety suggests that you keep a bottle always at band'-:'in shop and home •

"The kind your daddy used with my dad's picture on th~ yellow wrapper."-



eytls. '\l\'tl Y



"Vl!p. Pap wnR keen on. gettln' extro money Into thE! business ot solvln' her. nnd I b'lIeV'le he BOunded Carclulnez-thot's hltl nome-tlJld how much he let out 'I nk In' hts Ilound ln', tI,e l A rd only knOW8 I Cnrk's In the tollOCCO line. Doell n bIt ot e,'erythln'bll s a shop In the Colle P edro In Ha· "nnn ulld 0 gn mblln' j lllnt on the frll nt, o\\'nH ~htpg, Thnt's one of tlt em, ond Mlltt Sellers rune her for hllll , li e ,Jon·t trouble hondlln' her: ~It . In lite cabin all dlly 8mokln' ell"

FOIt CUTS. WOUNDS AND OPEN SORES. <l lean ae wo und. thea . imp ly a ppl, t h e Un l1l!1I~ "t. full urt: n,. t h. aad wrap "lth a de a D ~~~ ~ a~:~If'~~p1 1 the 1in imeDt t wice daib.

.A 8k y o ur dru .lli ,' for "HOUS t · TON E · &....U ..


Dental and General



OIi'FLCE: HAINES BUILDING, T e lephone 114,


; Waynesville,

DR. J. W. MILLER. .•• DBNTIST••• omce lu

N.'lonloi Bulk Olda_

Wayaenljle. 0

.:..& ' l~)r~.---.l.L""luo.y.yud-&JB

.....-IHL&CllawllL--_ _~:-;?



Veterinarian OFFICE:

I"Ollrlh Str eel , near Tyler Telephone 93

IWayn l:! sville.





011: .

Boul e-2' c

Lor,. Bottle-50.,

THE DR.J.C.JONES CO.. So. Cnorleslon, Ohio,

IDr. Bell's Pine-Tar-HOn.ev I For and COUgh8


trNqpo/£on had

had a phoTl2 he probably .,vou1d not have met defeat at the hands of Wellington at Waterloo-he might have conquered the world, and the histQry of our nation might have been wri tten differently. .


I1 r,>,, !,~. "

"H I" s he n nIter· us ever elnce Pap, I dl ell," Sl.lld .Tude, "on and off.~ " 'ru:k !Jl!lIe \'es IF'np fOllnd that Btuff nnd cuelted It- that's whnt he bell e Y!111, or my Dame's not Tyler,", decJnr(',1 otnn. ' "Well, let's ~ aboard," ..Id Jude. they see nil 8(lllaftln. bere. they'll may~ tlllnlt the stufr!. hId here." "TheY've ~n UII b, thl., thODgh 11'8 too far for tt/em to mate Ollt who ,,'e are," saI/I Satan, puahlq bll paDama earther forward to bide bla raee. \ He led thlt way to wbere ~e . boar. WI!re on the 1811/1, ud ~ re-embark""-



D u.-H.E. HA'l'HAW AY



beyond th e Sllrnh 'f~' l er ac ros~ th ~ purpl e blue stood a sail. The IlI lId wInd had 'lied ott:, Rnd tlie strnnger Wit S brlni;lng the 8~ wind with her . A SlllOlf topsull st'hooner !lhe showed DO\\,. with nil soli set, mnk Lng dend for tile Island. "Spotted him hlllf on hour ago," enid Jude. "He was steering nor'· west lind &bItted his helm wben be saw us."lie', been hun tin' tor !l8," said I SRtnn. "curse him I" "Who Is he r' asked Rutell/re, "FrIend ot. Pop's" he " 'a&-" _ "Pretended to bo." pu t ID Jude. "SpaDlsh,;' continued StitaD, "and ev"r sInce Pnp gnve out be's been pretty mueh on our heels. Jude Bnd me worked tbe thing ont and we came to conclude he'd scented, somehow. fr om Pop, nbout the booker I spoke of," "The wreckr'

1.111 shadow, JIlJD wish.- to Ilgnal the existence

8C~::u:;lIh ~ohorol h'I:V~

National Bank

A thump 00 the tloor, 8 8C'u rry up th e com pn nl on In (Iller. nnd then shud- "HI! Chucklehead I Whatcha Leave the Ship ' For?" der,v IUlllentntlons IIn(1 Ihe 80und s of swillin g fr olll lhe d('ck nho"e. mired wlwn th ey were co lo/ l!cte,1 aud pU I on wi th the ttdllloniti ons or Sa tlln trom bo nnl lite dinghy PUI h o ek . below. Coming ro und tI,l' we6tllrn slHlr of "Oh. my 1 nln't It cold? Oh, my I the rl'et. they f oun tl thut Jude hud ain't It frlzzl ll'?" left th e So I'll h- II high crlllle--und ~G 't on, you IIlnl! IUl'I, le 1 You nln't roweu herself " shnre, She seemed 10 \1\'R ~ h ln '. you' re slll nshlng UIO water senrl;,h or som ethin g, on ..hI! dp\'k, Slush It o.or you," "God lo"e wei" cried Sutun. "I'm slus hin g It." li e bett ('lI eti til(! dinghy, hel ped Rat· "Think I tl on't kn ow? Why, you cllfTe to run her up. lind th en s turted. oln' t gIIsped yeti G h'l! 0 gllsp. or tollowed by tlte o(her, rllDttlng Bnd I'll be up to you wltlt a rOJll"end I SIl O1.111I1{ a s he '·ltn. . That's more lik e It." "H I! chuckl ehead 1 Wh ll t"hu leave It \\' BS 1 tlt e Hhlp tor? Dld:n' ( t tell you to '1'ho Bun woe hlg11 "'hen Il.ntclltTe stllnd lJy ber? Wltatl'l'll huutiu' torgot on der k, und n II Jfh t, stelld y hrefl7.e turkles' eKP'/" \\'1L8 blowing up from the straits of "Wlh1t '011 done! with your ey"sr Florldu; tbe gulls looked like sno\\'681ms blowing round Ihe for r eefs nnd ret orted the other. "Cuyn't yOll seer' Justnntly, nnd t,ty her tone and bY ngalnst th e mornIng blue of tho AeR, Breakfas t over, S8tRn nnd Il.lIt· ~o lll e sixth Sllnse, Snton "'a8 appeased, elllTe took tI,t! dinghy to hunt for H e seelUl!d suddenl y to Bcent danger, 11f' sn\\' the work site had been on, abalones on the unco.ered reef. ('n mouno,;lng th e t:llclte more etTec· tl v" ll'. He cnst hili glRnce o,-er U,e

Retrla,klbl. C"n.h'.nc•. 'rw,o 'll!OIn,en ot 8t. Job.,bury. "to A "rull_1 8waln. .tie ,I wt!te ' Itranpn until re~tJ,. Eln,II.h Paper-Tile brid egroom', ~!t! the awae, n.lme aJ!d thelr blrtb4QI ara ft the earn. da, trt the month. 11ft to the brldelDlft Id was 8 gold Botb lsant IIt,le "trta ot the .. m. ·a .... bracel.t, aDd to the II/tie train heal' ,r.b0le Damn ·fiOt1I bellD with the iime '1'1 old ,,'et, plnl.-BoRton Evenlo, llituat ···' . , Tranlmpt.


Spuia lislS ;" Oh iO S rcu, trits Eatebu.hod nos CINCINNATI,O,

m fnut e!"



5th Floor. Union Trult Bld g,

T hen th e ,.,,1<'1' of Sutnn deseend· In >; the ('olllpll n lo n Indll 'r; ",\ In't you Ul.l? Well. you " 'alt one

r~ttl toolt~h . ot

ODe' We'll aU agree It', (lOUr., and th'm we'lI ti ll J"u'll lIIto th; ItCl'Ambll> a\ltllu, A r" w ,.ean 'AIO a chap with 93,000 Ca· IDaD marka waK quIte 1\ boy, Now Itorth 1\ dolln. In tC!n mill' . ute. lie UlAl be wortb fltty t'ellt8 or DOthlpc. WWre all III'olld or tJJe dallar. It'. Ktantllu/I 1111. 'rhe , Brltlah tolk are prolld ot th" IlUlmll, but, WbeD JOU .lIC\Ire It Ollt It'lI aU W.,rih wbat the pe0L"e say It's • worth. .omethlng or DotJJlllg, 10 : IllA)'be the beet ~hanee of beeoUlI~ • mllllonain la to 00 Inre tbl! poo•pie tblil1i at?alllht and belnlt one of the peof)le, tlJiDk atralght Anrseh'eII. 'lbere 'm't much d(1I1I't · ··It the worth of work. .


..J flfl r ."

n en r fl en rJ n!4 l l'el) I"




"Well, dru\\' the curtain , Oh, Lord t \I'hot's lhe good o' gelUn up? I'm

be an ImagInary ml1l! on· W HY a1N when YOU con hI!

In h n pruv 1ur.:: t h e Gl~ n c ra l H ea ltil .


your enhln 811' shllt the doo r." cltnunllndc'll t he yawning yolCi! rroru the hnrnm ot'k.

IT \I'iE() TO BE 'T~"T ~"TI<; "''''' "fOULD "9feeR' ,,"I "~P Of' s.-".,.e,..NOW TJ>4E .... "BU&.&.· IT'.

t'> I l l()11 wd J n ol le ,. l ha l ( ' &tu r r b b o th er tl \ \' 1 f (' 1,Il i:r P ll j t f lnn II1w ' h m,l.rl· th a n w h en they orc in

Walter McClure

ca me hel!)\\". "Get Inl o


pr unl l :.;1 l1 g yo u ng !r HI II , 1111 1'1 t n, k ~ 1J UlJ


" '!' here'e


~~vij rn l n e w (u e l ll bl\ r~

Yr. Cbtitot . U t\ rn Hr. " f Cn!n rl1 h n ", \ 1I 1:i lHl. llw Hr aclt uldlllJ.& u t, \VllnJio g ~~~)~ . l ~h~I~~:~:1~o~~ rT~reedO,400~~~8. .pAOt t.iHl wl1e k" ' 11I1 wtlll " I~ IlH)t h l>r l uu Otli lefl e. Mrs MKr th" Fi IH:h . Jllr ,.n ri Mr~ . A. I:) \ '0 11<,,, , Mr ~!!!!.~!!..!!..!!...~~~~ -'!!~~~~~~~~ .Aupt Barrlot V" lI l' t.t. I "'H ~A'I n w ~ y , !:I oward G mh HItt '" ltl ,\1 r ~. 1,It. H o we , Ilt her b O lltl l. IUHt, Hll t UrlI IIY I/I" r ", : W ,IT t} ~ b o pplll g In U ~.vto n . \ Vedu eB . • ~' un e r n l "f\ r v lco "' Urt, ho ltl . da y o f lus t wee k . IDg. Tuesda y, . \ Wtlll:ltlrvey. Wh l' hl!.8 bee n q lli te Mr .. on \ Ir~ R W . K ay lo r . -. ho II\ .. t th" h OMpitll 1 t n D.. yto n . b os FUNEJUL DlRECI'OR have blle n " pro Ddi ng "b e wlllt,,," III r eturtt en t o b id h otn o. We ,.11 h op e 8'l orldll , rel n roed, Frlcl .. y . Mr o' i l or his ti peedy r llCOVtlr v , Wayne.vllle.Ohle K"ylu r's b ell ith I. mu oh Impr o ved Mr . Bo(l Mrs R I\y Ha rriMoo. Mr . ;<I., =============~= I "od Mr~ . •Iolllltbon Be vl111 I\od Mr . , ' . -==--==-~~ "od M,p. J eS8e W ebb. or Ouy tou , Fully' Equipped far ~ were oallin g on rol utl vell h or e . Sill. urda y Service. . Issues Financed by R. L. Uur b .. tiB ball olub iMh" /l lunto g t o Large Display ah o w 8l g o ~ of \lt e A ll lH tn Ond b ae ' hea n p('ou red, I\od In 1\ t ll W Oll y l! TELEPBOQ T DAY _ NImn t lt"y wlil .tll.rL pl tlyi o g olf t heir

F rom below throllgh tlt e sk yllgbt came 8 sl eer..h pu\, y \' uk e. "A ln't ~' o u dolte yl't r' " ollllng," sold Rltt rll ffe. fi e div ed tlltO hi s ll n J ll mo~ nnd



ot the wllmlerlng Sarah

d e~k

T ."

Bo rD -:~ Mr. t~ o d \lr~ Tllll n Fr l -1 .

We O\VTI alld can sell cert ain of these issues to net incomes of from 8% to 10% , We will d ~ liver certificates for these stocks to your bank transferred 10 yo" r name if you will deposit funds there. We en n help fin a n c their purchase at 5%.

th e


PII -I If' W m " nl b" , _ _ _ _~""'!"~~~~~~~~!!!! lUll:' Tl'tu rn ,·,1 t,,, It" r hr.III., Ill :' ,. -

lit TtlDfWStl Oe r ll r Ih e

laod 00 ~ rld .. y .rl. y 4 1\ H"" 1t,&1 )'1 " . . g " .. d Ioeal' h. fltl8 rnet p ro v es that while 00 ' . , i n t o t.h o li r ll u t-C H, :-illtn rcJ u,Y n l l,!11 1 I l'. 1l:J.l'th Is a lut.:td dLa:sease. it Is grea tly y. ~VH nuw h "lVH qU\ t A 1\ l "q~H ( iru ng o . l lr llI U (~ lH!C ll b y 1,t1 I1 t-1 tll u lio n n l c on d itl on s . Mr. and Mr" . ~I ()~ HAUl. II I h"r ll "I ~: :\ L~? "~,ATJ).~~~~lntM ~~lc9,I N~UI~~~; . B'raDklln , s peu l· F'r lllllV w it h 'I r " I " H,·II.,',·. lo r h'l'II l u l' pll Cll Uo n . a nd tbo N e ll BellI :-; l"' rlllU Il h " lt" rt . , u n" of ou r 10 . ,, 1, Iltle"tIIl M e d ic" )" . n Ton ic. whI ch I>8slsts

un d rfoot I

. . 'Then I k ctrh mVRelf r efl ectin ' tha t there'" muny n h llmll n 80ul , thlll'is le f t ou t in t h e winter by th e t hin w; th C'y eRn' t control when tbl' little t.hinfl8 that '8 wasted could be userl t\1 keep 'c~ warm. till they bloom again, in springtime, with the pnssin' of th e storm. . . .

~I o k

garl Hook,· U II lI rI fIlIDII." pf Wtl V }J 11' C h M e di c i ne ebas . G ordo n , of F r8ultltu , B I'O O ~ 1",_v,II". wtlr,' I"tlltll!.! 0;) Mr. '11)1.1 la s a t arr BUDdl1Y wHh hl l:! f" m lly. M • L', I H Oll tl" n Hu" lIu V ''''''n l0''', I '1'1 '0"" w h o It .. ~ ' n It "ru n rlown" condl·

free. JlnpJl Y. wlt hllut II sln ", le ,"fue, nnd

About the saddest task of mine, when autUmn com es nrt>ulld is beddin' down the rOlle·bush t hat w e lCllve Oll t, in the gr~und,-the houee·planta don 't impress nlC.'. in t li ('i ;' shcltllr, nine an' warm, but I'm II' ff·r the rose-bush , t h ut Th must stand the wi n , . stonn . . . , e 1 gather up th ... " lI el' a ll' th e lea ves nlloll t OUT·DOOR the lawn, sorter strugglin ' wi t h my fl'o li n 'R. ROSmCSH now that nutllmD '8 n early gone,- an ' 1 plnec ' em mighty t endel', whar tlwy'll keep the rose- r~t.s w~ rm , fOI' I love th e little ro~e-bush , that must stand the wmtc r s st orm .

~lr.. ~; rnll ll \ ' 11111' .. I II Il VI II . Prov ' ng It . ~lJtl u t til" WI (Ik - l· ud \\ Ith h .. r 1' 1' · "Tl\l'rr " ul ways lIIurc [ hO D on e "&7 r"lIt. ~ l1 11 rll . . f l o"klt1~ al • thin g." stl ld the small . lOy as h o ~h l ll n ~'1 up the pole outal•• MrM Iclltl N.lhn . wh u lJoo~ !I(IP II , n !he bR sehflll pnr k.-Boston TraDlCript.

Miles' were miles to Napoleon- but to you they have been ~~duced to minut~s_ a~d the possibility of getting results from Clal'sified Advertlsmg are almost In.. stan taneous, Advertisers say SO, too!

Be sure to call our servan~, the telephone, an~l we will attend to your wants


.. ..

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Wait for the next

Sea Qolftll, Indi an. bllOlth, t\ nh·n~.. 8811 'm,.bed. ann br•• k••u. _ Ill' ~R "I!


Have You Seen Our Demonstration?

After 134 Years

mile too slow •. louk d rln~ hlloze; Du t mU. t all r. took 011,,11"'1 (lrln k; 1a.1 mil. very t~8t, look ,",n""'r "!'I Ilk, tb ep bridge In N",d ,I ,"l! lor It."-Hlawatho (" nn ) I,', ""I~t

Waynesville Commercial Club's



." llOwiu g how Oil m ay be adj ll s ted to tile mot or by

\I sing The Gr eat Balso System and the Balso Balanced A u to motive Ulls?



We C ~lJ1 show yo u mor<: abou t practical 'Luhricat io n in Thirty Minutes than o th ers hav!! dune in look it o\'er .

.. They will have many aUractive offers

Hardware , Harness

. for you during this sale

Thirty Years,

Drop ill and


And Farm Machinery

Waynesville, Ohio C r.:: 1'1 rl ;t l-.r- O ",,:: 's

s .. "


FI n \' ,' l' I , \ 'I, "II r l ,I ' ":,, 1" 11 ehl e l1~' 11 :, \ " 1';1 11 ' 1 I' " \th \";'1' ",:1' 1( , Dn n o t hi';,' 1· .. ~'rJll:j· h,\' ,'n t .. ', I, 'r i lle your OW II " ' II " , "" \ .. II UI Ip..; t n ll (ly art ab pl I rt r, !..: II III : t' \t ' I'Y tl a ~' I

b"j "

1 1 11~



r ; l '..


alL t~ W .

FI'lI nd ~


-- .......--

"~Il I'C by LlUying in WnYIl~sville."

.... . . . . ..."


, '':'"

ST, ;\\A RY'S CHURCH The Sunday after AscenBlon. May UCc.nnet" r . noln r ? rMt :-ved. , 1:1' Ch'lrch School at 9:30 a m To tbe 800th KM ~ I ' Itl l l! !DtI~"'llltt. til I ()t I ~ r St' rvices announced on page 1. I... ~d(l., I~ to I t Set' · II ' ~ " ~.rl" "'''gln - -- - - Ihn t p. " pelled th .. r, rh ' t. I h. Rr~1 pR <;- !

For 6ale by FRED l\f. COLE Wayneaville, Ohio

l 'ogar Iteamb('lut w alen;,

"' ~ ' lJ



EU :"OJleHn


The 134th ann" '(,NoII ry or the I"~m."' rft tlon of ""r HI''' ' I"·"" W"ftM markPd by a fl Llrrlnc iK~ I1P A8 :'\('W Yo r k ~ I"' h j)u' d,itl1rt'll ., 11 . '

Mother's Day prog ram followh 'lI ,lhe Sunday· lchool lesson . The Rill .. erint!:ndent, Perry Thomas. " ,ll give a priz , to the motber who has present with her at the service th e largest numlu!r of her family. Another prize will be given to the oldest mother })resflnt, Regular services at the evening hour of 7:80 r:dward D. Goller, Minister.




Plumbing .. Heating . And Pump Repairing attended to; Lift and Power Pumps o hand for any kind of


fry our Job Printing



ISRAEL SAlTERTHWAITE Phone 2~ on 50 Residence 4th and Tyler Sts, Waynesville, Ohio



......- "lit.,

" qll .. C t.1 PPEli w . .... ,,"',.


out lor harmony he's uut or luck.U n~l e H~n In Grit.





i :


Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co.

Phillips Building

Waynesville, Ohio


ered t!1I i= 1: " \' (, I " ln tl IUpny. All th l! llrtlcle~ I1I U:,1 I,,. 'Iantinm dt' nnd Ilueos ond lOU I t'l' h.... :lttlll d he hjllal.wo,·en . Tht!re t-. II :' 11 ' j ' 111 ( 111 ngn In st IlIU' ~hlne wnrl, fIr . I I. Y "I lri . It is !'O lIflPnsed

to brin g

Purina Chick Startena (With

The venerable I~ac Jones died fit his residence In Waynesvill e, Thursday evening, The funeral was held at his late residence. SAturdllY afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Bolt officiuting. [nterment in Miami cemetery.

is the very last word in a starting feed. It represents the knowledge of many years' experience in poultry feeds.

-----Mrs. Lulu Weller, wife of George

Weller, died at her home, weRt 01 town, Friday at noon . The funeral was held , Monday afternoon at 1:80, from her late home. Rev . Patterson. of Centerville officiating. Interment in Centerville cemetery. Mrs. Harriet Collett died at her home. east of Harveysbur•• 8aturduy nterning. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Rev . Bennett officiating. Interment in Mi ami ~emetery .

The Btatler Way to Health Just 100 rear. ago, May 8, John }f01l"ard Pilyne, Bbol'e, ,hen age 13, ,,-rote tbe poem, "}fame' Sweet }fllme," which later was pnt to mu· .Ic. To hili mewory, .very (..stllo hrOftc\C8stlnl, ata tloD hi the U. S. .. Ill ba I' e eung the famous aong on fbe evening or May 8. A mUllan U~tene" wUI bl!8r the ,on6'


q;.Zowsrs' ,

Mother's !iii


Sunday, May 13 Do Dot forget on ~his day your mother, the ;~reatest Pal you ever had. The one who through trying .ci.ays and years never forgot you, for you .were her dreams and life ilmbitlons.


~ I·



See our wonderful Tulip show this week.

We have over twenty This is one of the ~eshbows ~n the Southern part of the state , of imported bulbs. and .. lij will afford you ~u ch enjoyment. Do not miss seeing these 15,000 , . ".~Iooms. Open on Sundays.

.:,' ~w m








Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.' WAYNESVILLE. OHIO,

We insist that the user shall get the utmost in mileage and performance at the least possible cost, Ask the user about their performance, They are guaranteed in plain, understandable terms and sell at a price you can afford to pay_ f

.Every Tire is kept in repair abiolutely free of charge.


Phone 41

Lo;yaltr 1D It. tnJeet aDd deepest m8&Dlna· .. tree !rom enry eIemeDt of .1I1.hoea; loyalty meanll absoInte deTotfon. to prlDc1ple, to party, to pelllOD.

ronnts that COllt too dear,

b~s bursting into one gorgeous array of colors.



Abeoll1te d.MotIon takes into aeCOOl'lt the IIlcrUlce that has to be made to be 10;yaL It may meRn tbe 10M of everything, bllt loyalty \len~r


011[1[801 (CIIICI

Better still, Chick Startena is guaranteed when fed as directed. You can count on more baby chicks when you start them on Chick Startena. Order for yoUI' chicks now.


1t With

. . rr_


Ch' . .r f l""(Jrac tte yO or lIle'Z" is u 4U l'~ lI U II ~ ~ kl!1l us dai ly w€ never ULlernlJl to j{,VI! lill all~we l ' without r-irst muking .. C l reful e:tlim- -tn allull of the slJillt' to delel mine whetller nerv e presslJre is nJUsinj( New et to Floor. A ,ood .tltect moy b~ Reide"ed It the sickneds. If we ri nd lhi ~ nerve "bllll pulntln, noors th o l hnl'e old- pressure-the CAUSE of the trouble fuhlonod wide boards a lin e Is drawn - then we lid vise Chiropractic adustmellt.8. througb the (~ente r ot @ncb h"''''d with "Uo you thi nk you can get me a leAd pencil belore puttin g on the ... rnl ~ h, wbeo 10ll'U hOl'e II n""r whlcb well'!" is the next question asked . We Bay there id within the body, looks IIIte na rrow boords. wh en supplied with ( 0011, everything • necessary to enable th e body to maintain perfect health, The t rouble is that some part of the human machine is not working B9 it should, bec!luse it is not receivinjt ita share of operative power , This power il! NERVE FORCE and it should be delivered to all pal t8 of the body by the nerves Chiropractic adjuBtments get sick people well by making it possible for . - - --f- Ithe nerves to do their share of work imposed upon them' We sill ply re- , lease the pressure which is shuttlnil ' off the full fluw of nerve current to the part or your b(ody affected This removes the CAUSE of your trouble. and everyone knows that once the cause of sickness is corrected, health will follow . I want the opportunitv of answering your QueationR, that yoU may SOMETIUNG ITO KEEP understand WHY Chiropractic is the la loyalty a lost art? Have the better way to health . -Consultation people torgol:ttID It. meaDlna? Hat Is free. I will be at the Chiles Hotel Tuesday and Friday evenlnge from It ceased to h,l lIe powar O'fer the peo7 to 9, ple? '



i By J, A. Nuckols, The Chiropractor

i ., n,lfit


Chick Startena and Baby Chick Chow WITlIIIIITTDIrIIUI a r c balanced to 8upply just the right Ilouris hment to baby chicks, 1AlY00KId One of Startena's principal ingredients is buttermillr, which keeps the tiny digestive .ystem. PURINA active.


11 . ,


1>:1 11 "' 11\ \

of J.



You can count those baby chicks no\y and mark up a number. But counting them three weeks later may mean a very much smaller number, unleas you start to feeding them right. Baby chicks' digestive Lystems are exceedingly delicate, 1'00 many women feed chicks on things they ~k are good chick feed . As a result the loss of chicks is large,

S -:'."f.l n:: f o r Sorrow• ..:.1' 1':01 " Ilol p'.! ('tlt' s t " h~ welt flied, III 1'.\ , ~ .. r .'. ,II" I. n nt ,·C'osld·


lf Y LiM" ;;;:;::~. broth~ BeaUtI J our aWDS i ::T;.~·;;.":~:,~::~~';!:,~' Have your Lawn: Mower s h arpened by ! machinery, m a k i 11 g • mowing a pleasur e in- : stean of a drudge. : Nt' , t t=t~le y o u r : Mu\>,(:1 . leet ' ~, _ll a rpen- : in p-, bI III \! Il t~ us or t : nO ll !' '' U " , ;.II ! , . \ \e will • mak~ it cut ~o nice ly that it will su rprise • yOU. Your money : back if not satisfa c- : tory_

Will Live?

th on o ne CliO cou nt tn " sea scm', 1111 1. And Just AS d. lIlD Uij one




I fin ru re


•• i •••••• ~ .......................................... .


H~rmony . Out of Luek nld worl,1 Isn't lilly \\'o rs~ (If[ tban the peolJle 00 It. Mure tul\; s Ilr e o ut at barlD ooy wll~ thelll tie lHS Knd

Out of

----_ ..---




OIHHODOX CHURCli Sabbath School at 9:45 a . m, Meednlf for Worship at 10:45, Come and worship with UB .

WEn1..Y. $4.0fl PER YEA!


30ih ttl>ll the j!N>u ncl 1I (l01l whlrh WRNhl" ", .." s l0l>41 tn ", akr ' hi" I" " ,, ~ ,, · ntol nc1dr'('Iofl1oo !tud IJtkf~ oHth o f t \ mt"P . Thp ""tnrllr i ~ ). u'uh·d i ll \: 4'\ ~ \ . w l, nt nrotu1 .wi "'ull ~tn.. · t ~ . In frnut Iff 111~ t ' :-;. !'lIh·1'n..·u s uf.\ 1~lIlullll": .

Jr this Ie a correct definition of loyalty. then It la hlrbly prolJllhle tbat It bRl! been IInpplanted t,~· the maRncat klndl of eelllllhness hccnlloo men are sacrlflclog prIncIple, p:lrty and perBon for theIr own $rlnFh In· tere~t, or to 011 their own I,n'ccdy ,



,. ,


'R ed Top Steel Fence Pos,s'! .Hedge Fence Posts . ,

• • • •


Tbey seem to -hll"o but nue Goo. the God or Oold. They , l\"or9hl" at hl ~ s hrine; they bow lJl'fol' c IlI l:1

Ilw,.n lng,

noon 111111 night; thc~' c:tlTY his jlllll!;!! In their pockf!ts; hl ~ \1Il' R!:!! Is stamped UI>OD tbt,j r fl'lIt url'q : IbllY woult! ,sel l t1Jelr gOl"e\'JltI" 'II l ; they wOll11l ~ncr lOco t1;Ielr 1101111'9 . l eft; they wo uld glve up their f'flUI - ' Illes to satisty their' own scIOsh npH~, , ~[a\lY bll8mlesa meD have ceMeli tn fight tor gr(~llt bualnllll8 [lrIDcJlll~~ \lcent1$C. they are atrald It wll! Cmlt

them something.



IOlll;.811ll!e mOrwageil tbe\i' souls,

011, tor


tbai wou!t!


throne ot bualne!lIJ "hIIIOfhllllJlllhl~~ ADd to the rell~loua UIIOIW.. r1Hu.r_ oDtaiDred an.t UIlo

hIldr ,to



Locust Fence Posts • • ••

w.ire ~el1lce

• • • . •r-<




; '-r-

Whole Number 5542


Seventy-Fifth Year



Just arriv d. It fr "sh car of L'!high \ cemenl. Wliller K'-I1r1tk, Lytl e, 0 BUY your B08P Oil toves. Ov en " lind Wick ~ "f J Eo Frazier. ~tore open, Saturdays. .


Another Decoration Day This Month


Mrs. J C, Hawke wu a Davlon visitor, last week,

B')rn-To Mr and Mrs Ells worth Smith (nee Helen Mc Clure), 17 North E MOxley apent Sunday with Kilmer s treet, Dayton , Sli turda v, his family, lit Troy . May 12, a daughter

F B Hendel'8On and family were Save your Old CHrpelS and Hilli S In Dayton, Saturday , . end j(et "Wellrw t' ll" Rugs made. Rend for orice li>lt. ~'ranklill Itug Merl" Kerns, of Columbus, visited CI)., Franklin, Ohio . frIend. here, Sunday . Mrs Forrest Githens, nee Mllrie M'r and Mrs. S D. Everly, of Day· Surfece, who undl1rwenl en opera· ton, vleited here, Sunday . at MIami Valley hospitel IS8t w e~ k, Ie doing nicely and expect s to return Tom Pierce .pent Sunday with hlB to her homt! in a few days, mothal, at Lebanon, Ind, MI'8. L E. McMakan and son, Ethan Crane, of Dayton, spent Billy, left, Su nday afternoon, for Sunday here with his parente. their home in Detroit, Mich ., Rfter Mrs. Edith Harris Is spending Ii spendinll several weeks here with her mother, Mrs Viola Carey. few daya with relHtiveR in Milford Mia Helen Marlatt, pf Cincinnati, _pent the week· end with home lolke. ,F'red aartsoek and fllmily, of Mil· ford, .pent Sunday here with rela. tiyea.

lftcigit . .



Mrs. C. M. Hough, Miss Helen Hawke lind Mr lind Mrs. W. O. Raper attended the funeral of Mrs Grauser, mother of Rev C S, Grauser, at Dayton, .Monday after· noon.

- ---------


lila Alveda Netherton, of Xenia.

~..:the Ifueat of Waynetlvllle friends .




L, ona McGinnis and Mar· pretl Clark were Dayton viaiton, Saturday.

Commencement Week Doing~ -::~~~~~~~~~~==~::::


The WaynesVille Gun club will - - - Mrs Caroline {''henowetb apent hold a ahoot at Oakdale park, Friday Sunday with her eon, Roy, and fame of thla week, when John R. Taylor, IIr. at Xenia. Ohio State champion marksmHn. will be prCl!ent and demonstrate hie ability 88 a clav p'i geJn shooter . Mr. Taylor i~ employed by the Win. chest'!r Arms Co., as their Ohio atrent, and he will not onh giv e an exhibition but will 'show the local boye bow to do things There ia B cordial invitation extend ed to the public to be present on this occ8l!ion. • __- -Buy your Bolli Oil Stoves Ovena and Wlcka of J . E Fruier. Store Mr. and Mr., Carl McClure, of Da.<ton, llpent SundllY b~re with tbelr parenla, . Mr. and Mn. N . P . Clyburn, of WulllnlJton C H ,lIpentSundllY with Mi. Clara Lile

Commencement week 1988 ushe red in, Sunday evening. with the bacca· laureate service, which was held in , h

ORMER CITIZEN MOTHER'S CLUB TALKS TO PAC KERS ~c i~~1 mBoUr~i~~~~~,a~e~:~~I:~~n~: , anef!. Th e class and faculty marched PICNIC ASUCCESS . I.n during the ainginl~ of the procea·

A rea l estat e e1 l'a l of mu ch im po r· tauce to thi ~ "om mun itl' ha ~ recent'· Iy been com pl et ed in which Mr . Rob· ert P atterson, :1 IV!!II known ellpi tal· 1St of Day ton, h a~ purchuserl of t he Messrll. Gallaher and Chnmberl ain the tract of lan rl kn owl1 a~ t h e Wm. Hay farlll of 19:, licres w s t of t own, on th e Upp er I·' ran klin rout! . u;SO about 60 fl cres sdj uining fr om the flirn'ls uf Arthu r T holll as and Fran k Con k. Th i. farm is very pictu resqu e and is now known !IS th e St ony Urook ~ 'u rm ~ Mr. Patt ' r~ o n hu, II num ber of men engag ed in impr,win g the property by 1)lli n tin ~ ~ hrub be ry lind fruit t r ~e~ . ~x te nsiv e repairs li re beilll( made 0 11 a ll ol d hui,dings on th e farm s. and s~ve TfiI ne w ones will he COnSl! ucted Many r oadwa ys drives and other improv ements t end · ing to heautify the place are con· templated . Mr . Lyman Day i ~ the present resideri t manager of thi s es· tate, and will hav.! charge of Mr. Patterson's int eres ts. The community i" very fortunate in interesting a man of Mr. Patter son's ability, as improve ment~ of this kind will Kreatly enhance all the property in thi s secti on. All join in welcoming him and wishing him good luck in his enterpride .

F. C. Hartsock and family, of.MiIford, and I{onald Hawke and family were Sun day din ne r guests of MrtI, Ed ith Harri s and family .




Mr. and Mrs. W. ·fl . Allen enter· tained a t su ppe r. Monday evening, Mr . and Mrs Howell Peirce, MI8S~s May Wright Il nd Emma Heighway Mrs Juli a Don ovan had as her guests for dinn er. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wrigh t , of ' Springboro, MrH. Lina Devit t, Mr . and Mrs. E S. Bail y and M. n. Baird. Miss Alice Marsh, Mi s.~ Elizabeth Torrey and Miss Grace McNutt, of the Dayton Y. W. C. A .. were guests of Mr , W. H. Allen and family for tea on Sunday eyening . Dinner gue!t~ of Mrs. Mary CIUtkev, :>aturday evening, were: MrtI. Margaret Thomas and Mr. Copp, of Greenville, and Mr . and Mrs, Georlfe Hartsock - - -- - Mr, and Mrs. L, A. Zimme, man entertained at a fish fry, Thursday evening, at their home on Malp street Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer.

Mr . S. L. Cartwrillht pasaed IhlJ eighty·first milestone on the journey through life on Tuesday, MII3 loth. ... At lhe noon hour, his couslnB, 'the Misses EmmaCartwrightand Mattha Burnett, celebrated the event with _ _ _. a sumptuous dinner Berved to Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, Mr, and Mrs . · I . Th. e 101IoWI~g reso utlOnB were Frank Zell and Tom Pierce, adopted by Miami Quarterly Meet· ing of friends, held at Waynesville, ~~~~=~~~~~~~~~ Ohio. 5th month . 12th, 1923:

----_ ---


To know

A WI'\! attended meetin .. of the siona.1 hy~n: "Ancient of Days" by Whereas, The Society of Friend, how good. cigarette Long 1:!land branr h of the National ' Auman c OIr. Rev. D. P . Bolt, of The most important event of the has maintained a testimony against really can be mad ,ou must try • Pirkle PackerA' A ~~('ciati on , many of the M E ch~rch, gave the invoca· school year occurred on "'riday, May wsr fOr more than two hundred and whom ure al80 members of the Na. ! tUllJ, after whIch thu anthem, "Lift 4 If you don't believe it uk any fifty years. and, tional Kraut Par.~ ers' AS~ociation' l Up Your He~d8. 0 Ye Gat"s," W88 school child about the time he had Whereas, Th e different nations of was h eld last we ... k at the Hotel sung . A scripture lesson, reild by at the M'lJther'lI club picnic! the world are making an apparently McAlpin, Rev . Holt, w~ followed by the ser· . The pupils from L- Ue the High earnes t effort to settle their disputes • I mon hymn "FI<>ht Th G d F' h " . . ' . open. Saturday.. . Roy Iron ~. nati onal secretary of '. e 00 . Ig t. School bUlldln1{ and the Grade bUIld· by other means in preference to war; th.:l National Kraut Packers' A~flo. The, se -mon was pl'eached by ' Rev. inll' all 8Bsemble'] on the campus of Resolved, We. members ot Miarr.! Yr. and Mn, Jease WrllJht, of ciation, with headquarters at Clyd e , J , J . Schaeffer, rector of St. Mary's tbe Grade building at 11 :30 enJ had Quarterly Meeting, wi sh to ~xpre8S Sprtn.bol'o• • ere week-end viaitora . Ohio, W 8~ present st the meeting cnurch, who took hiS text from a a picnic dinner whicb wouhl have our approval and thankfulness for be.... lth relatives. The Warren CiJunty Field meet, and addressed tb&-lllltlOciation at part of the 27th verse of the thir· pleased a kinlf. And then, after the the prOll'reRS being made toward a . which wall to have been held last length on the greut impetus given to I tet!nth chapter o.f G t'~,;,i~. "I have dinner, to make it a perfect day, better understonding between the M~. and Mn, Herbert Lucu, of I>' riday: was postponed until Thura- the distribution and consumptiun Of \leSrned bv exper:en~e. twenty gallonaof Ice cream-vanilla, different nations, and the tendency Sprln.fteld, lpent Sunday with Mr, day, Mey 17, on account of rain sauerkraut Rince the inauguration of Rev. ~haetler 8 ~Ignlty of manner etrawberry and maple-was served, on the part of all concerned lo do and Ilin. R. U. CIOtlS. Schoofalways clos~s on Thursoay of the n:1tiol1al advertising campaign ,and plam an~ practt~al address made and eacb one had all he could eat. away with the horrors of war, by the lut week in order to make out by the National Kraut Packers' AS' la very good ImpressIOn on the .'arge The ice cream was furnished by the Bettling their disputes In a better 8nd Selveral memhn of tbe O. E . S, 1early Ifrades, report cards and to sociation last season . assembly, Boy Scouts, the MothArs club and more humane way. attended llllpeetion at HarveYlbura, make promotions Since the Field Mr. Irons stated that nation.wide ! After the cl~sin~,allthem, "Blel!8ed I teachere, and the Oxley. Pace Drug lilt Wedneeday evenlnlf· meet cornea on Thursday this year, int.erest has been .roused by the ad. ne The L~rd. <Jod, Rey. Holt gave ' store 'lave it at cost. I': ecbool ia closed today in order to vt!rtising and that thousands of re- th; ben ?dlctlOn. . . Occasions like these are the on . s . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . lin. Rugen Benson, or Delaware, complete the l'ear's work. quests for booklets, recipes and liler· he commencement will that bringe happiness Into the lives lpent 111ger..1daya IlIIt week with ber • _ ..._ _ _ ature have been coming in to the take plac~ Thursday evening at 8 of children and by also mingling Illte~. 'Mn. Bane, Rye. national headquarters weekly ~ince o'clock at tbe SChool audit~rium, together keeps us democratic and the advertisements fil'lll appellred . w~en students Will re- united Mn. Hettie Roblnaon returned At the 1:lose of Mr. Irons' remarks ct'lVe then: dlplomlll. Tbe following - - -... - ••- - bome, Frtd." .after vlltuns ~lativlll " it was moved by the Long bland As· program bas been arranged for thiB ,. I,t.. ftll In Columbul Dnd Dayton. Bociation that it was the· seme of the occilsion: I Both br!.ncbet! of the local Friends meetinll that this association should Music Mr. and lin, M.rtOD Welle!;. of churc:b beld their quarterly meetings jl)in with the natiQnal association in Invocation ..... Rev . John J. Schaeffer Centitrville, were Sund., flu_til of IlIIt SatuNs, and Sunday , Charlea their advt'rtI8in~ campaign for the Introduction .. .... Edith George, Prln . IIr, W. N, Seafland family . ' R~spunse .. .. .. ...... R~fuert Vandervort Isaac Jones departed this life May . Whiteley, o( Oskaloosa, Iowa, was coming Beason 100 per cent. :. preaent and preached, Sunday morn· A d' . f h MUSIC 3, 1923. at the age of 87 years. Have made arrangements The, N8Ular meetlns ' of the Wo- Infl, , at tbe White Bri"k, He 1'8 a f t e r IMCUSSlon 0 t e crop pros· Address ... Rev . J . L. Gehman, Ph, D. peets for the corning season. M r Musk On March 21, 1866 he was united for a public Trap Shooting ed man~ p-acher, and thoae who heard Irons received the thanks ofthe aMI>- p resentahon . 0 f Diplomas.. ............ I'n mar rl age t0" th AUl:llia.., d Ihas be been poatpon I 'fine ·e .)'Jary J ane P ra tt . T 0 contest at ..,d e ate wll Innoum:e . atn him were Il'reatly pleased ciation tor his presentalkn of the ...... : ..... .... ........ N. P Blatt, Supt. thi~ union were born seven children, work done by him thr! ugh the na. Benediction ... Rev. ~ohn J Schaeffer four of whom, with the mather, Bur· . . MusIC: vlve him, three daurhterd havlnlf lional office during the past year .. MUSIC by High School Orcbestra preceded him to the Great Beyond, New York CommercilA'O~. ---.~-~--On Friday and Saturday eveninllB, One Bon by a former marriage is stili living. the annual Senior class play, "Gold· -onHe wae a soldier in the war of the en Days," will be g·iven . The ad· States, and served in the Union mission will btl 25 cents The Warren County Normal com· army. He had (lot been able to do mencement to uk place Tuesday even· manual labor for several yellrs, and at 1 when many huning. due notice of whicb will be give for the past few monthe had been confined to hie room. ters w' i 11 be on hands with en next week. While his going waa not unex· ST. "'''RY'S Cti.URCH their favorite gun. The annual banquet of the Alumni pected, yet when the summons came I Whitsunday. May 20: Church will be held in School .auditorium, it Will a shock to hie family and l<riday evening. May 25 60 cents a ~, _ Schoul at 9:30 a m .; Service and friends . \' sermon at 10:45, Rev . John J. plate Get your tickets of Kennetb , Cant vi 'I1aaab Schaeffer. rector . Everybody cor· Kilbon, at Hyman's s.tore. Ohio State Champion, win We desire to thank all of our dially invited to these services, be here, and give a demonfriends and neighbors for tbeir kind· neaa during our late affliction. FERRV CHURCH .stration of hir> w~ndeiNl Mra, Jones and Family. trap shooting, ' '126 at Bible ~chool last Lord's







T rap S h 0 o· t 1- n g'


The Wa'ynea, Gun Club




Oakdale Park, Waynelville,

Friday, May 18th e.m.,

TAnO~ "



" . Get: G(}()p , ptliilt,- tJ:Ie

kind that costs the least 10 tht' IOr\1r run. Using chellop, tnftlrior' paillt

'• •il(J~. It''laie.i inore -of it


. .:.

is always and it doesn't ·

•. . . ~'.' GIftD'; Seal Paint tptd it wiD co~er .utace pei"pllon and w i. onger.






'.q r ",




. taU .. 16-"': reputation Jor qua}~tY. It o~~I'& , " "



" ('






.... 0d01UtAi other' brands of j)repllred ,paants, and , '~ ' '~U4 oiL" ltave )'o&lllIp'l1ip~r ~~~ it OD'YOur







~ SoIcIb7



,OIHHODOX CHU~Cd Sabbath Scbool at 9:45 a m !!teel,inll for Wonhlp at ·lO:1 5, Come and wortlbip witb UII -......:..-.~ -


OxIey-Paee Drag Co.· ••

DIlY . alld we want all to return May 20. MesslIge by the minister will be "The ' Charm of the Impossible." Evening . "The Empty Room." Of jnter~ at to the young people. .~ward D. Goller, .Minister.




-""'--.. ..---


The annual lot owners meeting of Miami cemetery 888V1CiaUon will be held at the Chapel, Monday, June 4th, at 1:30 p. m .. for tbe election of two trustees, one ~retary.treuurer and for other Important bUll. ness: A lull attendllQce ladeelred at tbls meetlns. '.' , m30 L. M. Bend~n, Clerk,


---.. ...---

----- -_.---

1 " \;,' • ,

Everybody is cordially • lited to come.'

MEMORIAL DAY Plane are heini perf~cted for the 30th of May-MemorIal Da,. The Men liJ. ~a,nesville !elected Walter McCld~ :,as cbalrman on arranlfementa,. iIDcI he Is bard at work preparln. the Pl'Olfram for the ulual bIg day, Annoancement of the prosram will be made In nel:t lEue of tbe Gue~te.




IIr, and M,.. J. L Hartsock spent ~ week.end In D.,ton, peita of

Mr, aDd lin, Robert S WdOD.

•• •


For ~etails Ioqulre of

J.AS ~. •


McCLURE, Se~~et.ry

. Ship direct to the Trl State.~I'!.;-·­ allainBt 10811, aDd .a Spot ~




. _J:.ric.e:-.=, = .



Maj 11-12-18-:-14, . . ..... .. , ,



- --- ~ - -



MAY 19th



Ice Plan 0 en Until 11.p.m.

Waynes .

We want a member of every family to call at the Waynesville Ice Plant and get 50 ~ounda of Ice FREE; if you ha,re time inspect our I ce Plant and Flour Mill. You do not have to buy a~ything-ju8t call . ,t the 'Ice Plant and get your FREE ICE. Ice i. within the reach of cve··ybody .ince we put in the Ice Plant.


Our Special Price at Ice Plant • • .tOe per 100 pounds Our Special300-pound cake at Ice Plant: ••• $1.05 .











Keep Your Money in the Rural (jOIllDl un~ ties •

June First Will be the opening day ot the


Savings DepartDlent

Free Ice Saturday, May 19th. All Come "


The Waynesville National.Bank·

.................................................................. ,...................................................

, ,






----z I M MER MAN' S.---= -=

Myer I-Iyt"an

= = = r = = = == = = = = = ===='= - -


To the first 100 ladies making a purchase Saturday we will give free a JOc package of Lafrance Wuhing Powder and a package of Rub-No-More Powder.



Interest will be credited to your account semi-annually.

for Saturday Only


Ladies' Silk Ho!>e, ( . 11.50 value ............ ............. ... " Q

~~~:.r:~~u.~~.~.O~.~.i,~~~~:..... ....

5c ; Beerhnut Spalthetti . reg ular 29c ~a~ lc~~~~~:~t!.~~,~~: .~ ~ ~. C,8 1~ 25c price 15c a . 3 cans for ,., Battle Ship Coffee. 3· pou nd cans. regular price, 40c a pound , 90c 10 Blue Ribbon Ev. Peaches. practicall y peeled only , "kg" C onlv .. ·· ................ · .... ....... . California Canned P.aehes. htrge size, full of fruit, 3Qcans for ...... ... ........ , ..... " C


"S ave by buying in Waynesville."

Ladies' Union Suits, 75e value..............................

~ · ,.

Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, $1.39 value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

48C 88C

'5 8c 29c 49C 98C 49C 19 75

W(lI start an account.

Table Linen, Regular 75e value .......... .. . .. .. .. .... .

Highest Prices Paid for Chickens and Eggs

Encourage your children to save .by opening an . account at this Bank

Men'~O~is~:~~s.~e.~~~r.s: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

--z I M MER MAN' S--=--

Men's Nainsook Union Suits, 75c value............ .. .......... . .....

SIX BIG SPECIALS EVERY SA TURDA} . "Save by buying in Wuy ncsvi.lle."

"Save by buying in WayneaviUe."

Men's Dress Shirts, $1.50 value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Men's Silk Fiber Socks, 6ge value..............................

50 acres, all level, well located, about 15 miles from Dayton. If sold in the next few days, $6500.

VV·, N. SEARS , Office, Anian Block



·Men's Suits, 525.00 value, Q Extra Special ..... : .. .......... ~


•••••••Home · Bak~ry , Spec_al•••••:. - 8. We will sell a 15.00 Ticket on . -S' I S' . Bargain Day for ....... : ....... ' . .. ' ~ .' ~: 'P. , "• ..


' ..


Ticket Good for Anything in Th~ Store "




MYER HYMAN, Wayne.ville, Ohio.

Phone 61-2

" by buym~ in Waynesville!' D

"Suvc by buying in Wuyncsville!'



Purina Pig ChQw

I ' 0p~of .the i ;;'t.Hog ,Feeds.for .all pu~pose:; e",er l:lade . Come "in .mt:wi ~ill be gia'd ',td 'show ' you ·what Pig Ch w )Qtains, and

·., I

OnlMay 19th,


. .. ' ' . . .: will,.make a SpeCIal Pf1e~ of .


. ., ' 6,'6 5 et. 100 Pounds

, .,. ",


ftenk W. Crew ,



, &!~ you (eeding ins LI tle~i?ns.

._ DGn't Forget TheP~t«;:! " ..

Farmers 'Exchange CQlnpany; , T~~~ne_J




1111 '

Join the ...

... Library As~q~~'tlon ...,

.Lee 'Hawke

. An"uaI Duel, ,1 ,.00 The more membera, th. ' MJ;~ mone,. The more muna'i the more ' book.' ,

'Repairing ~f ------~ ' Fordean '

Barber '

HOURS: · Tuetday, Thu~ay~ Seturctay" " •


Afteraoons . ;' Evenln,s, ~.

2:00 to 5:00. 7:00 to 8:30

"Tbe objee \ of readiD~ ," to, eM~le UDd~ . land tli. Irt of '"


"Save by bu'ying in WuyueavilJe.11


u~ ~ ,


'. : -;.





. I


_ _if HfifiYii!fi


- --

( · r

-B-al-s-o-(--)-il-O-emonstratio ' ~

_ _------

... ....


Remember, -Saturday, May 19th is the Big Day Oil experts will be here to explain the different kinds of Oil

to use with the different kinds of Motors. We 'W ill fit the proper,Oil to your motor the same as a shoe man fits the proper shoe to your foot. or the tailor fits a.r coat to II III ~ til your back. What would you think of a doctor who took lany kind of medicine from his case and gave it to his patient without first diagnosing the case~. .Then why .hould JOU put any kind of Oil in your motor without firlt finding out what Oil the motor l needs. We eliminate t:he piston .Iapping, 'pitting, jerking, and clean your .park plugs with pure fitted Oil.



Remember the Plac:e, Day and Date. We can save you hours of time and wc.1rry Bring us your motor troubles. You will mill good information if you fail to con!~.

A Pound of Balso Cup Grease Given FREE to Every Man Who Will Come to the Store and Ask For It

$75.00 in Prizes Given Free Wise Today 12 o'clock frize

Beed Oar

'$ 4

100 Trap Shells

a Dew Save money by keeping your old buildinal and fence. in repair.

1 o'clock Prize 5 gal. Balso Oil


world is on the ·move.. Fly time is here. We are making a Special Price on SCREEN DOORS; also SCREEN. W~RE for


'$ 4

2 o'clock Prize Ford Spotlight


3 o'clock Prize ' Fish Rod and Reel $4

4 o'clock Prize Horse Collar . . . $6

$75 in Prizes Given Free

5 o'clock Prize 1 pair Fly Nets

Each hour from 12 m. to 9 p m. a prize will be given to the person holding the lucky ticket. For each dollar received in cash either for a purchase or paid on account, a ticket will be given bearing a number and the hour you wish for a chance on the prize.

6 o'clock Prize




,5 gal. Balso Oil .. $4-

7 o'clock Prize 1 Keg Nails . .


8 o'clock Prize 1 Auto Robe . . . $10 I

9 o'clock Prize 30x3 t Fisk Tire, $18.85





~lunlIJ, From

eve'rything that goes to build a good hOllse or harn or otherIoutbuildings of all kinds


, 44S


o'clock until closing.



~~~~~~e.r. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~t~~~~,. . . . . . . . . . .

Ice Cream



Wa,oe.ville, Ohio

ONE Lor OF CURTAIN SCRIM, just bought for ~:;;.,.this day, a good 15c Scrim that we will offer 1 n~ ~ ~: till it is gone, at per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ ONE ~LOT OF ENAMELED WARE THAT WAS BOUGHT TO SELL AT IOc, 15c and 20c, we .~ will sell while they last at.. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . "J" Plates and Pie Plates, each.................. O~

May 19th



ThiS ill our third time to come before you with Saturday ~BARGAINS, and we have two bargains that will appeal to you.

We Mnnounee the opening of our Ice Crehm Department. Again we the exclusive ag.eney for

Of the Best. Possible Quality

.. . ,



Siding, Flooring, O()Orl, ·Winde.wI, . Porch Columns, Lath\ Cement.,


by buying in Waynesville." .


It Is our~pleasure to furnish you with Lumber of all kinds, to build with, such as


ave by buying in Waynesville."

We '1'111 carry the Package ICII Cream in Pints and Quarts. These are full mel\8Ure pints and quarts. filled and sellied at Ith e fsctory. It cornell to you . In all of its original goo'ine~f. .

Pint., ~Sc


Sliced ~Brlck, IIOe

Sean & Cartwright -INSURANOE:FIRE, TORNADO;IAUTOMOBILE, UFE Strongest Companies. Beet of Service Wa1neavill••[Ohio

. Give the MC?,st Vp-to-Date C~n r~ Dental C?ffice in the Rtate an I~P.~tiiOll · . . ~ . .

"s... by buying in Waynellville."

'''Save by buying. in Waynesville!'

~ w'

I, E: MI=Clur4l, FUf,leral. D· t .,. . .... . ," r


,yne.VI e, . . Pbone




tJt~ Set1Jlt.w'·


Quarts, SOe

.' Free ~J!lPl~ ~f..Tooth. Pute for Children

. W·a lter McClure


"Save by buying in Waynesville."

Lest you fail to Remember SUNDAES! Our lIet Is very big. There sre plain oneil and there are lIome very fancy ones. Every Sunday desire can be met every day in the wf'ek.

X~RaY· ~~ilR~~ Work . . 'F'ree., 1"1:":~ t Paiple~ Extractlon-9 to 10'a. m. ,,~, I care of Tedh-2 to 3 p. m.

. . .. . .

FRANK H. FARR & WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio

Clarksville, Ohio

Authorized. ' , Get Your Hat for 'Decoration, on

FQrd,Fordson,LinC!oin' Spiciat';:; .M~ Prtces

S·aIes and' S"erv · e~ . '. 11 ' 'wk'e' -M ' o'tor "S'ales i'f

" l...




, .

RaJ Nets t d HHair i N ta

~::!:~~:~'s~~d":~'i;;:~;" ': "" ::'29t L ....~..·....·..I·:.. ·:....···.... .

, 'IS ror ·.. ·;..

Phone 160







Oppoe!,te Miami Th..ter




. . Ford,1Part.

WayncsvUle ' Aolo & Machine Company , - 'Purol'-De and 0.-1,' .. Spe' ~&ls {Tire19 iO%~and 5'% . . ~ff ~I. . FordtSpark Plu,l •••• 36'da. "

Phllllpa:aullding "Save by





in Wm..mJIIe.-

Phone 17



The Miami Gazetted .Wayueefllle, 01lIo..



- '-


~ --.-

~Ir. ,''lei Mr ... 1. .\ , I (' f <,nk, of' Mn. IA ul. f' W ph~ t e r oDd "oD Rue WMt' I"I utld l \'!.\OIIt .Ilt .JOI,! o r U .. , t (1 0. "'HI Wl1ll k.l,,,t! g\l e~t8I1t. n ,, ~ IIn,ll ",,"I. · bll h ,l111 b t r and Mra WlllIIIIU

11~ " I IIU ,


__ ___.!i2






Waynesville, Oh io ' National Ra nlt

fry .o ur Job Pril)ting

Cooper Tires and Tubes Skinner Inner S)peve8 Tire Auto Jacks Spark Plugs-all caTS Ford Replacement Paris Tools, Special Wrenches Gaskets, Gasket Material General Line Auto Accessories Purol Gasol ine Moore's Oils and Grease




We are trying to establish a business in Waynesville by offering to the trade in this vicinity, Standard Articles that have proven to our customers in the past to be the best.




__ . ...,. . ._ . .m·.......

_ _. .- . .

When .painter applies ; paint on your house


Phone 17




1~ ti)1


Oblo .


At 10 o'clock A . &I .. ou ..1,1 ,I.y. Ibe follow, tu g drutcrll>ed real OIt.o.I t ti. to ' wit : tUt Ulite tu t) CeJuul)' o f WarreD lod Stale

0 1 Oblu

bou ud...! ami d ..crlbcd u followa: .n the North corne r o t Lot Du.mber lu tbe Hamlet 01 Cor.. UI (a ud oodJ(jluUlIL Iherew) tlle"ee wIlb ehe Nortb bouudary Ib."",1 (1 . \1 S. 66' K. 166H feel 1-0 the £ ..1 corD er : Iheo,," .lIh tb e lu, bo uDtI· W• aud extemllDW OD POle (3DII ••) 8. 68' w n a~ feel w Ibe c-orner of ~h . 10' IOld b1 • 1:1 g"bU!< . to l:Iarab Crane. In 1 86 1. 'fheue. "lIb bet lIne (5rt1 ,,) N. ·12' W . \tu fee~ to ~he So u~h &&01 aide of tb. Alley. 'f beuce wllh Ibo um. ( Hh) N. 08' E. U9 I<> ,bl loce of b<lll,unlllj( colltalnlllK .. v.nly·"I..... lleMiDlllDIJ

TbTn...", ( i i i



of Iln acre , IJe '-bo .. m e r.m nll redthll ,.... KXC8 pllug a n J reaervlo, from

D10N or


al>o\'6 descrll>ttd premll'tW 110 much thertlOr .. IltMt NorLh and gu ~ or the South and Wuet

line of t.hd CcUWID aDd Henpeck row i1U lJ tuV e-

ment, rectWtiv mall .. throuah ..Id premJ~, AltIO tim .niluwlui_nal eatll.e, ,,1& : tUtUllt. In t.ile CoUO ")" of Warren aDd dtale of 0 1110 and In t.he Hamlet. of Oorwlo, aut' bouml ud alld ,luocribtMJ •• fo il" ••. vis : Ottloa lho tloutb W.,.I p"rl <>f 101 Duntbered Tblrl.... n (1&110 lb. .. hlrMatd U I OIl ot of COrwi n ; begJnuJuK a t the W t.mL L'Oruer of .Idd lot, It bal Dt( c" rnor o f t hu Alln, Bud John BUOfI" ; t.hon l."e rUDMtnij LJut ..w e course ut . aM S"ree t. 8 ,3 2° 1' . l ·n ~, reet. t.o the 80\l(.h COrDer o r .ald l o ~ ; ,1I.uc. wllh the Suull1 ·K"", lI uB tb oreof "'. 0.' It. 12 0,. foot to the dlvllluD leuce : lhco,,", N . n ' W . I t2 ~ teet w nlll II 1107 : thollet! wllb tbe South ald. of a.m. Ii 5 ~' t.... to .. he place o r beatnnlnil cont aIni ng WI&'- 1t

IV . UO 'f


Said real ..... te haa b<!.D ....M ul. rl' av· pralMld uud tlr order of tho Court ." t h e Ij U[D DI One 'I'bou.antl Dolla... (., oou. OO ) u a whole aDd will not be ""hI fnr I.... Ihan '''0' thlnl. of aald appralllOd .. Iutl, Term. : Ou h. MOn n OW OItA NT. Shrlfr 01 W ......n t'OUDly , Ohio l1 y Allred O. Brant. Depul,. Alton F. Brown. At"". Ipra .. &t



R. SMITH, Agent,

F&rmllrll of WaneD and .. dJUlbloll obmin mont'y UII loug ti me 1 0. 1J~ a~ ~ Y.% lot .. rtl~~. Co~, of 8l!oor\oll ,·be ' Hmo I_ very r ~ .,oll­ .. ble, tb I "Uleb 'I'htl F~l1urlll Lilod BIlnlt . For furtber Infnrmfttt"o call " n or addrel'lI M. C DRAKE. Tre~" urer, pbOll1l SIr-X . .... b.uoll . Obiu. ooUII'I,,@ ",ay

Money to Loan on Farms at S1 per cent for five years. TERRELL

Cook Bv the Clock There are a lot of lhing~ to be d one around th e hou~e thnt "ou cnn 't find n time (or when vou have to spend so mu ch of t he dnv rnnning ba ck nnd forth to the kit chen to mske Bure that th e food is cookin l!' properly. [f voo have a Westinghouse A utom ntic ElectrIc Ranl1:C in vour kitchen. vou can prepare yoor food. pot it in the oven and fOTget about it. Co mpl ete Automntic Co ntrol turns th e hent on Hnt! turns it off nt the exact t ime vou want it done. ' A f t t'r you hove set the clock on the rnnl!'c, vou CRn 11'0 about so me ot h er tnsk. nnd be ~ ure t hat tht' food will stmi cooking Ilt just the Tiltht m~m e nt to hAve it d one b\' meal time. And It WIll hn ve the rich. iuicy f1nv or th:!lt is found only in r. " ~ll r nnk rcl In ~t Int, .. enough. TOIMY AN EI.EC'fRlf RASGE IS Ea!!), to Buy Economical to UBI! A Pleasure to Hnve !,;F.F. nF.~fON!';T1UTEn AT '.111R OFFICE


Xenia. District

Xenia, Ohio

trallic in their ¥Story the railroads of America have adopted a concerted policy and mlen. ive working program to enable the .. to mect the growing tralUlportatioo needs of the couotry. · ., In lull realLtation of the necessity for the greatest improvement and expansion possible of the country'. traaa· portation (acitides to meet the growing demand. of commerce. the railroada have authorized, since January 1. 1922, for con, !ocolDOtivea, U&clcage and other facilities. the eltpendJture of 11,640,000,000, of which '440.000.000 actually wae espeeded during 1922. The railroad. an! this eoormous amount of additional capital largely through borrowed money on the abidiog faith in the fairness of the American people. and a reliance on the continuance of the policy announced in· the Transportation Act of 1920, as a measure of reaaooablc protection 10 investment io railroad property.

, as directed.l.' theSe I two i VOWS do

. not ptodw:e double G'[ ' wth·over , first six

:. " •

From Ja nuary I, 1922 to March 15. 1923. the railrDllds purchased 223,616 ocw Creight carl. Of these. 117,280 liave been de1ivcrL-d aod put in service. The railroada duriog that time also purchased 4.219 new locomotives. Of that number 2,lOll 'have already been placed in aervite. . .




;GcDi OIW.R ..

~ -



"" . , ~



en,n 's ylvanicl




ExchBl!ge COe

~lill$V.UJ.,1il OHIO.

The Penn.ylvllIlla Railroad Syatem looka forward •. c:oftfid.ntly to the - ' u l movement In 1923 01 the I..,....t, volu":;e 01 'traffic In ib hlatory and pled,.. lb . beat ellorts to that and. 1t"cur.1.. annually ..wentMn per cent. of the total ..a-Irer '>traffic and tweI";' per e»nt. 01 th~ total.i Niaht traffic oI~Amarl~ ' .


Thought for th. Day. It we were pleallabt all the, Ume we want to be. tIIJI ba. . . . world.

Fol!1{enf , FOR Ii E N T-~!!~room Boall _nct liSt ore Room in 'Cor.l. Mrp. Chus. 1£, Werntz, pbone 83-3~ • Wayneevllle, Ohio mil

fQrSale \.

A NTICI PA1'1NG .this year the greatest volume of f!Wight


Doub,e.develoPJll~t nz: ~oney back i$,file gu8rantee if, :w hcn fed


WANTIlD-&me Weanlinl PI", well bin, aboa' 30 or '0 lbe. O. L. Blob, pbone 37-2Y.. WayaHville, Ohio . milS


. _.

(HICKOIOW , (Ot""".'


nROP.IIlRTY':"'My pro'perl' ID Ly'le known .. 'b. &lrne Jon .. proper'y. Mn, L . 8. H.r)aD. Blr~ v~Ylbarl, Ohio. . m7

Ba.!>y · Chick Chow

... 'f'



Purina Chicken Cb ::>wc.ezo and Purina fill e~~lY r~!}~ent of.n p~rfec.t feed for baby chicks. Wth Pi..:;-ina PouJtry Chows you ~ Rive YGur chicks a

N;)tee bunjlb'. JohD Barbin .. , Allen BulldlDI. XeD" 'Oblo. 11. ",.»3


Save More Baby Chicks This Year

Chi ; ; e ry yt ar. E ow often you hear the expression "I haa ,ad lu(.;( .with my chicks. '. So many of them died." In most cases the trouble is in the starting, feed. MaK~ ' up you:' m i:: :i to save more baby chicks.


Ltl4loed on live 11'0011, MONIC'\' obauel_, .. leo IMlOOnd mort.gaIlN.


- ---


Wilmi.n gton. ~.• phone 301.


- - -


Farmers, Attention!





Uy v ir tu e o f au o td lJr u f IIlle, d ul, luue4 rn ' m datu COtlrl.. lu th o n.lJO\!ft .t'l ed elM, loud to IUn llltU(' l,4)(1, J will u l!ur '(lr •• J" I" WI)' Jmb1 1c utlCllull. at "lid d~o r ot th. (" 'lI t t. HUUIMt, In 1.ebI\OOU , \\arrnu Ou uDL)"

"S,I\'e by buying in Wllyncs vilJe."

The aetter Way to Health


~ ; Ie

CUIll~)b U),}


By J.J, Nuckols, The Chiropractor

(ordinary gTain feeds


Phillips Building


Mr . Ilnd Mr@. B umer l::Ialu o~ w e r e Sood"y dioner !Ii \lestll of h ll r pll. rent,!!, Mr . lind Mrll Tasso f e rr e ll, of n e"r Ne .... Vl e unll. Wllher Wilson nod wi fe took dlo. Dsr with tbelr d t1 UKlll tl r . Mn. P .. ul Pe'erllon and ftltDII .y 01 t h e Elellzer UEALTH ; TALK NO. 3 Delghborhood, F ri d ay , it is to your best interests to know Mrs. Kale Howl ~ n d aurl dt1u g h. what that paint is-i ts spreading ter , LydIa. spent p .. rt of 111~' WUOK capacity- its appeara nce-its dura" with b er ellter, ~"'ry Hllrluo. Th e y ettlTted 8a'nrddlY m ornlo g for 'belr bility. You are t he ma n-who-pays.. When yo ur watc h goes wrong. do Dew buwe In M.1~tlouri . the .. bill and who loses if the paint you to d(lpe it with oil or Mrs. Ulenna WiI ~on .. nd dOO ll h. goes wrong. Make sure good uther dru !( s to co rrect the trouble? NOl you imm ediately take it to a \ers, Mu.y Ka'lIlryn .. nd JUl\lIo "tte. results-the most satisfactory and Clllled 00 bllr p"reo t~, M r Bod Mu , j ewele r -a wtltch mechanic. because Ernest tlorley; of N ew Horlington economical job-by having your I you kno"," the CAUSE ot your watch 800day dterooon. painter use going wrong is pucely meellanical. t h erefo r e the correction must be Mrs Zwrl Bainelllpeot !:!lItnrday m ec huni ~ al. . nlgM lIod /:lun d a, whb b er brolher, Do yo u f!:a:ercise the same comlllOD tlamue l UomptoD and wife. of WIJ. .ense when you ore aick? Or do you mlnf(\on. Mt.. Compton 18 very d Olle yourself with ~drulls. forgetful poorl y" a' this wrIUn~. of t he f act that n odern schmce bll~ MfR. WeidoEI WIlIOD "ud HOD, It . is b etter than ~ny . other pre p a red " e~ta blr8I1ed indisputable proof that Uerald, lind Oorotby uoulee Bogun p a mt o n t he market, or " lead and oil." . th e C AU S E o f s ickness is mechanical atte nded 'he EI"htb Ur .. de Com The S herwin ..Willia ms C o .' safegu a rd its inte rfe r ence with NERVE FORCE, m .e noemen& elelrolas" of ~prlog Val· " 'Ialily in e very process of m a nufa cture. ; tlnd th at th e m echanical correction lev lowos blp. J!1rlday afSernoon. tiley m a ke all their lin seed o il; o wn a nd of t h. clluse always resulta in Mr . and Mrs ,Jobn WIISOD, Eno~ operate la rge zinc and lead min cs and I H EALT H? Wll8on. Mr. and Mre Raleigh Bugan smelters. and m ake dry colo rs in WI'SllV t he CAUSE of slckne88 i. "nrl d6ugbler weut to Xenll\ t:! uns .. y the la rgest and best equipped dry coler m echn nica l p reR~ure on spinal nerves. "f'erooon to a t l" nd 'b " U II: rall y plant in the United States. Tile results are ' i , Co n there bl' a b e tte r prolof that we of Drlltlml Qtlllr&e- ly w eeliog. i1J the go,ds. . I a r e r iRh t. t h a n the tact 1 hat sick ----.-~ --folk ~ g et well li fter this pressure ha! Protect your interests and yout b pp. rt removed? pr0f'Crty wi t h SWP. . If yo u BfP. sit-k a n exumination will . •• ,./1 it , , revea l nerve press ure The reaulta 1 you will p.xperi enc e from Chiropractic adjustm ents will convince you Wa.ynesville~ ' that the law o f m echanic8 is always ., pos itive-n ever negative . Consulta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!' l.ion and spinal analysis is free. antl can't pat two Quam Into • places you under no obligation . I will be at the Chiles Hotel on TueR~nut «J.P, 110 1111 tbe cup day and Friday evenings. from seven with water 1Ul4 let the po~ drl.nka to nine. ron down the~. The waking ... ... haul'll ot the ~87 are hed. There'. 01117 time tor a UWe thloklDg. Notice of Appointment Here are Peaoe, OoDtentment, Love, B'altb, Truth. Goodness, Harmony, E.tate of Walter L. Sa"yer. declUfld. Beaut7, Klodl_. HeIllth. OratlNoMeo 10 hol't\by given tbat L M. Hen40r· sOu has beon duly appolntOO .nd qualified .. ' tods, SUDCeSS. A.cblevement, HopplAdministrator of 'be Eota'e of Walter L. Sawyer. Illte 01 Warren Oount,.Ohlo. deceued De88. Independeoce. ProtI»erlty 1111 "aled thl. 11th day of Mar. IgU . W. Z. ROLL, , waltllljf to be takeo In. Let·s lill J utl~e of the Probate Oour, W ....... n Oonntr. Oblo m SO ,tbe ~ w1th these and let Spite, n8\'eoge, Envy and ChICRnery ,,,rolJtle wltb tllemselves 00 the oot. 9lde. "No. Admlssloo Uo leS!!' on The very surest way you can save more baby ~lIsln~S!J" "'onld be a eood alg1l to chicks :his. 'ear is to use the right startin g feed. Ordi"In 011 the bea4. r. ·lrv r fRin feeds and home mixed rations kill countless

doubtb ,tart:

Tho W GStfJfU. URn" &. 'J' r UH' Cu rpo r llltluu , " B.. William U. Heeder







Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.








Catarrh Medicine

TllolC who nrc hi " "run down" co ndl· tlon will noUcn th"t CfLlnrrh bOllJor8 th .... much more than when they nro III 11004 hea lth. 1'111. ract pro..... WILt willie Catarrh II a l ocnl dl . ... 81l, Ill. "r.aLly Inftuenced by conoUluU 6nai condition •. HALL'S CA,TA.RRH MEDICIN E con· , el8tl of an Oi ntm ent which Qu ickly Hellevce by local alJpllcnllon. "ml lho : lnterna l M edicin e, n T on h', whlf!h UHsists In Improving th. Ocncrnl lienH h. SOld by drugglat8 ror over (I) ) ' ol1r& F. J . Cheney & Co., T o ledo. Oh io.

" r . e 11 ,1 Mr~ 1)(1 11 ~f,"' r ~n"k on d \. l' ~1· IIl 'ln. . r "'1 \ ,'re. "lill I , ,, ~UI '~I~ n f W . 'I' M r lin Mr- HI' n ,!HmeR tllI·tllr . U . M. lCtlw l\ rfl ~ , of L.e btltl on, "prin t rllllrl T . ,Iou l" n '" .,. \\,1 1' . t"ln .. ,i In :- lIn(l .. v dl OIlN, Miss <'~O rll MrR. J . C 1'Ieki0 "od ~oll . o f Day 'he week: ..nd be ..o 1'1 r\ ti1 D I ton. IIrB 8ueS\" of reJ .. tl v.e ll berll. i\Ir". ('h " , " .\' II'H \' " V 'II"n~ " fAW 1 \(' l1I n .., . fill e~8 rB . a v d anrl . Mr~ . W. 1\ , 111l'Tlr Is !I1t) lIh til! . ,I",\'. 1.. , 1 \\' ,,~I, wllh 1111, t1 ug h te r 'l AI' lh lll II. "" "I~ . Mr . and MrR. Fr8ool11 B osle r lire tl , provollB t ht!! wr iting . Mr. I:-\ lH r v ~h1<l lIk j\f. Mr ~ ('1911 1 L.ewi>l r f' tornllrt fr om 'be paren'" or II SOD, bsr n Mlly 8th . Cbllll, Gordon. of F rllnkllll. ~ pCl ni TIlt' PI P;II'P -lin\\' h"I' ro l '1'0 \\"0 Mlltml VII lIrw ' Itn~pitt". \ t, weo k. Dr. MoCrny WI'~ oull Ull til Cla r ks· Bunday wlIh hl ll r ll lll lly . 'IHLi I I"~' "" ',",, , ",," ,,,.' 1 fl H"," led I hut I" no t l ll ll, ro ying n ~ f"Mt 8 ~ h e r VIll e, last week . by Iho dontll of lin Gall U ord l'll ~P(\fl t, I h n w (1(\ I,.e Oll '1'1", I'll'l lI l , .~ "'M" l ill " I w ,u ld . "' Itill. uDole. wl\b hili ",",il y "I Ly t It'. '1 . •N "\lU ll I ultlO U . M rs W II I ' e r Moore WII!\ I·b e Kuest .1.'lI n Ih'!!" " , n,1 w, " I .. .. 1"""," "r IlS PUfl'ere d a Mrs. V . O l'.) II A ·~ lleot Il f('wdllYs wMI'tinn,I "I' oI l,," .' r ,":" ' " " I ~1 (\~ ':I " lr oko ti t "lJoIJl exy , I n~1 'l'houdny of rellnivos nltllr Mlllmls h orl!'.iaBt with h er lI istl'r, Mrs . M~r(' .. r, to 13" I!"" .",,1 .\ l r .. ~I"", . h fl nn.' ''n n . II lid hIM ooodi tio o at this week . llayton . '11 11" I" \....I'J HIlri.o n @· M.s. Ra ymon c' \VI I- ODUud'IBUob. f\lr llt l i l :\1 , ,,,, . : ' II :--11 1 ', I ~ t ' r 1I 1lii ;l FrhlDd. '! I:! re u r e ,1111'680,1 to learn ,ter . o f Dayton, EIre guelitd of r e ll) Mr and Mr ~ . Hn lLllrl I:lILJrI~ w " r ~ 1'I1r ... .1 ~: ,...h llll! lIk Hr \\' , 'r~ _1I" I.I I)lUI' I lIflt Mr. ~Ll r lJsl a llb "ol:ll~ IUll- r ov. tl ves he re. calilog 00 F. L. I:l .. rr l~. ~undH Y In W IIII ' IIII(I ,, " . , ],, ".111), IU/, ""'\, 11' "ft" r " ~ " rl o u" operatiotJ 0 oh I I d I t k evening. Mr~ ~;mll ' " , ·l l n,'. .:I 1) .. ,, 1"" " I ~11I\lni V .. lI ey IJ splwl ur , 00 II oose 8S w ee. B6rvlIy~bu~~ bllll t enm. \vl ll pls y spent :O;nn ll llY wllh h e r JI" ri\o~~. Mr. . . Tbe re Wf'ro e levon gradu ·,tes from Tippe(l8.o oo Ity, next buud,,)" . "L ,..,lfl Mr- . W . A ~1I'rrlll Lli ok :I.t..~on r At urn ed to his home t he gradel. Barrlfll)l\rk. . .1 f!tRIII .. " p~nl. !'un .1, In 11I'libron mnoh !til.b L It'l e BI IIno b e Ste p b e DS te reoov. Mr M" r r" r 1111 I r k ' HnndllY t 'k Sever .. 1 fr om h\'ro attpn de,l ho ('cn . I • , t ~I ~ ,, ' \' (I 'J' II . pr n"''', iI I·~ r .. ·wu· Wf'P ~ @IIlY wU erllljl n loely fr om '0 ope rn\lon. pl'r. . ( I\ ~ \\It, , r ,"111 .... r. . u, ~ lr \1 111 Mrs ('Illls CherI! f laurel\tll per VI ('IlJ!! lit WI\YI1l3.VII I"" Bn ,I II!l Cl uf\.,,, h" oon IIlUrIJIII Il " .rv,i"" •. ' . ' . ormed In tbe MoUlellan h 08pHal, S UOdB Y Qlllbr.. ~Ir . fino MrR. ()n Wo rn e r ood 108t week. . . ~I r. I nli "r ~ ll . H .. \~. lt 8t ~C' 1. nl I c hlhlrt'" (I f Mldd leto w.n. ~\>en~ t be G . ~. Phillip" blls b on ght tbo - -- - - - - . - - WII .\' n'·"·I II, ·. ,r, ' ~n J ,' \'l nl' n np:,· "'t' t'k. Pll d Wllh t·hl) luttll r 'M pru unl·8 BI/ttt gllrllj:te Bod. with HI" etnole o * r "'''<l " 1\' PIII , ' h ,, ~ ,~d llt (. b: I Mr . nllt l Mr n. lienr", FOl\lk~~ . . h illp nf l::Iowll nl MoUlnrt', wi ll oo n. ., (Lh' (I\'~ IOY D,· :... (1 . Hrr", k IlU:! 1:1. M. CI>"k ~Inu e bosln e,s". Issues Financed by R. L. 1::I "r\' ,' \' - I""~ I. ', I ' " " ''' p h'Y" d I \' I ~I I (', I Ih e l orlll er'M hrut h e r . Lllo N ,·", Hurlll ;,1 In " ' It "n '- )lu r k ' I' k f" I ' "I "I W Blte r De drl o.k. wbo baR bee n III . I .,., . f ,rll" . l\ , " ) 1 nil. II" ,, 10 ... \lOll ' r om OIlO OAf for It. Ion ... time. dl ud t7 11 I U '" d ~Y MondtiY of IS8! wllek. ..FlJne rlll s e r. i t:iu Ii n,lI v l .""Cl lff' .... t u .... 10 I ' Vd r 0 . " l'Y IIU~ Jl I' t B, uy',ou, "on n' \'," , lu rL! ,!f t" rllu Pu. vlo~s w,' r e beld In the Frl l1 n(\~ CO MPANY ~lr . .,,,.1 \It .:'. '·.I II,, 'r "1'I,,·,,\lI·r lint! . 0"url· .. 1 WOS tDad Mr . unci Mrs Wilb u r el Mli, R ev. ohurob, ·I' burMa d ~v ~ m ~ .\" " ' II'..·. ,\ll il ih . " "(\ h " r ' " I-bli nd . .1. II W " .. " ,) 011 ~!r~. Mnrv Car. 10 Be l lb r ook otl Dl ete r y . ACTIVELY BOUGHT, a t I h Rl)i 'l , ''d'r,· " tl ll ll l ~ tl Jl ~lr und l , SOLD AND QUOTED M I ' \\, •.1 P ' .l ll1 .1"" • "' ';''Y I mO llY ,,\l pn ,."" II", [<" .. rm ers ol ub. "!IIq t-\ lII e et li od Ftllnllv, " tbf' _ __ _ ~ __ . --~ I Th o r~d"V . lI1tll , . 1.l 0 Ille of Mr . and pln y letgl v80 byt h eP,T. A.l o t·b e We own and ca n !<f.' 11 Ct' rt "in of ' 1 rH ~I u rrl~ Htlv lJr &lb ool a ndltoritlm 'I'oe!ldny eve n . these issues to net incolI"'s of from 8% to 10%. We will de~ .. IIllli'M n •. FlI re~t (JrBhlt.1Jl e o tog. M"v 1, wus weI! IlHended Ilod liver c ertiO ("a l ~s for t h ~sc sloc ks ' " ' '!l tn t'fI to SUlIdll), ('lu n er , MI' . and pnr tloo l"rly WAil r eo (lfl red. MI ~8 toyou r bank transfcrrc'd IU)'our ,I r~ . ftll ' l'n 1.(, wIH lill l\ snu. Lt'RlItl . FiorAu c8 Wood, In tbe oomedy rol e name if you will deJ108it funds II, ~ R 'J on Dvko, lIf Dny t.o o •• Dd of Ul nrillnoll UCidabout.. ml\oe tbe th ere. We Col n help fi nance their , I,'. II III I At r 8 ~eor g" l1 i1l1 lllnd b U of tb e eveot o g. purchase at 5%. Mi ~~ P ~ ul ' "('I ll ; ~pP Jt I·hp w ep~ _ --I end u, 11 ,,~· t ulI . Mr. ' lUd Mrs . WI Il' nr C lark :lp enl • _. We also specialize in t he issues of -' In,I~ .v lit .MItHrti u o h"er~tt'·, O x OHIO SECURITIES CO. IIIr 11111 1 ~I" I · h ,, ~. " ' hn WI' .. ... rd. Mr~ . CIIAr i; bt hmdl'.1 I /. " CLEVELAND DISCOUNTCD . I)Byl o ll . 1 ~ lt l) r ~ . Tbuf ~rI!' ~' . Mutt e r s' L~euk f" ' I, a n d enl rt" io GEIGER-JONES COMPANY , M i~" Hb .. " llykl', of 11nY'on, WIIS mell t. Kiven by th tl h ll{m to Ku ppo DUBISKE COMPANY Il w(,,, 1t fond /( U IlM t of Mr .In ci Mr s 1I0 rorhy of ... blob her dll o Kbter , 1£ interested in an)' Ohio St ocSLc, ! cnd Klltbryn , Is !l member. MI'8f< Ul .. rk F ur ..,.1 Urlll.mDl ; Cb"ullcey 80130ell 'lI W!l r e Dayton for our Fne "KEEP I'OSTED" Servk" Mr tlotl MrH Barr )· Rplglor. of will \:0 IA gradUlltli of Ml uml in June vlSI to rs Tb ur Hi1IlY. MrM. Emmit La oy WBl! te n rlered 1\ Se veral fr om h e r e Ilttbnded Quar· D"ytou. ' pp n l !->Illlduy with MI' . II.nd STOCKS AN D BONDS ~ urprI B Il, !:Iuoll ay, bv r e lative~ who terly meeting .. t Wllyn esv ille 8 1\\ M r ~ . ~IW P U ll Br o wo 5th Floor, Union Truat Bldg , elllme wltb w e ll.fill ed basket! to Mrs Jum ps .J ohns W!IR tll ken to remlud h Al' ~b~t it waB Molbor '" urdllY · SpcdoUJls ttl Ohio SI(w il iu EotabU.hod 1905 CINCINNATI . O . Mrs. Raymo nd .v 1l80n W!l8 s hopDnyton . 18s~ wee lt, for tr e uttDen~ OilY . T,h o e wh o I;toj oyed tbe oooa. ping In L l'btln fll n I .. st W lldnesdtiY Ilnd riti li rr' Ill'''n ~ qu ll" III. slo u w 01e ' : Mr &11d Mrs Buward " af terno oo . ::llJ llllta . Mr. "ud Mrs . Cllr l W I~ ~tD lln Mr. nnd Mrs Walter WI1~ o n tinrl ohildren . Mr Roll Mrs. Wal&er ~ e,~ U ...... Locy lIod rlli ldre o, Mr. Ilud Mrs. oJlIed 00 r e ill tl veil .. t Wllmtngton Al toLl ' lI"ote, Mr. and Mr .. C1vde t:!undllY .. fteroooo. t\h Bnl~ , Mi~!I Leooa Kr811zer, Mrs Mr. FrHtll! Cr s w lI ud m oth er , :\frr. AmU ll d ll ~hp~ t !! ~nd UbarleB 1:I11I. o f Ra'obel Cr e w. o~ I\e u o u M r ~ . Ellie Iltly l'O'I,\ Ur Mhl Mrs . 1:1 ward IAoy Crewaod 8 00, i::l o nrttly .. ft e rnooll . nod ohtld(~n . Mr . Ilnd Mrl! Wilbur Mrll t..l uy d 0 ,11.,111 I~ ~ ll ell(Jlo g pIIrt Lao ? flDti d[l u ~hte r , Mr. !lOci Mrs. E;'rl YOll "l,\ uod oh II ,trllD , 1.11 Mer of thi ~ wee k wnb Mrs t..lle (hilI', of the Lower l:Iellbroo .. lIllt e . wh o IR rl t!lt,o wo . • I IIlok at t bl .. wrl1il 0g




Railroad SysteDl • .

The Sfan""'" RaUrood of fM


. J'



-=--..:..J&' SOY BEA.N EI HOME-aaOWN Inquire of J. A l:l.rSwlD, a D. I, Wall188Yllle. Oblo.


'C1MICNT-A OBr "load 01 Lahl~ Cemeo'. Waller KeDrlo), L,&1e, Ohio. mBO



Pare.bred Daroo 80".. H0(:lS-3 .I'b 19 Pl"1 eo •• ImmQ~,

o\lao Pore bredUaroolklllr. R1oh'rt1 8rown. R. D. 1, Sprla, Valley.Ob,o Centerville Bowe phOD~ Bill!. . mIll T .. bll.', 1 O.k Bed.ra:,bi 1 \C?t'eDHlon lIalte,tIoalbl:lt·ndM.lle.bleRable

Coal.oll tI\Ove. 'lIa~~le "oldlbl BIit. (nl"ld LioolealU• .MaUIUI, Llbrl'Y 1'lIbl". TO 'be Hea., hotlJe of' Blr. vey Rye. TJ11rd sa Yl.,11enJU.. P .




11 ·

!f ~,


OW B-Some 1004 ,' f:lbodbom; ( . Co ..... , whb oal'n. by .Id~. ~'. L. MeD!\ItDball. pbnlifl7f.1UlI, ~I"t.. J" aenlUs, 01110. . . mil : .


• ,1

22 STOCIt BOO~' tor _Ie. ' " qalre 01 JObD ,wben'lD,l;a ' D. B. W.,De1vllle.Obto.

mil :




"'J • "' ~'<'7!


I "t


UO 't wof!

.00, . IU;O " " .


Whole N··_·...'... - ,5543

MAY '23, 1923

··.....~<.O'.~~....~,'~ -•••,•••.•..•.'..~4~4".1~1~'.1





•• ~'~~. .,,.,..., .... '..... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





i ••




'•. 1 ~ l r Dn d Mrs. Evan Bolr8n,'enter-

10 Sunday di rll1er: ,R~i, and , • ~1 rll. W. E Bogan, ~f ~e\.l.r ,Spring . Va lley , Mr. and MI!I. Horace Comp; 1011. uf ·Npw Burlington. Mr. ann ···~ Mr~ Rl: leig ~ Bol5'lJ1l and' daug~er. -.. D"rothy Lnulse. ' "

: Itaillf'u

. . . . . . .--.·. . . I !

You can get yo ur T,)mllt o Plllnt ~ at D H H-Ifck1!tlli. , ') i j ,! • t=:~~ "! I


·;w .l tI , .

' ,.


Mr~ ,\.j,o,:lJJQilA .S!.'i!l~ fI, ill F,P!:'lditl ll' fe w w,\",. kl! in <;:il)..c;il.lntltj . If•• ; i ,l,,'

\ :,. • •

O. ' b

\v ... ': .

, ..


. : '..

.~ ~, .~:n d'~J~r.~rf ·l.~ wj.~ -Qf'.

ton w'e re Surfli:.lY vit<il or!! h (i ~e,, · · " .


· ~lbf'\JJ\. ' :p.~:. ·9 y".::"-:; :' l'HIJt'

. ~.1Jo E1~ bplh , ~14~'II r.t, •• vj;'i1~;j' . ltM'-Wepk / ~th"N!,;~R, iri, iQa~ ,

h ", rt'~.ilh r e I El~jM ' II. ";,

I 11

D,Hllis. r.f. Ii"", r·"H \lI ~le.

,~~~~~'~~~~~i~,~.~~'~~~~='d~~~~ 'ufttbttdiuJl ' \.-Itb;.,Mi ..& I! '1i~1 ~)avi~. =.; ~ ~~D.1 . . .d! . 1'Ie i . .. tr / ~?I' 'Mrlf!O L:·'A .II'-iml"I~ I· ' n'B n ~ 1'J)U~JW:t!j, (4J.>"'tI ,1"'1 )I"~' to n; . ,r ·~nll'~'r.r~ 111. Jr fi Wl " I

..U~ "H"'"

rt ..

. !!. ~~, f\' ..1 . ,. • j I I, ' . 11'1 1. tt l' 41 u s l. ." 't .' '1 ·'W"'~II· I<J.lH\I1I' ,f;;t,1ir.~, · ~ Ci, .!i nn al

: : • :


. Wieka lOf, .I t. E ,-l1"r tlz itll' , ,i:itOtC .' &ttur'lfay~ .' 1> ' " " i ' 0' : "

• .IroIJ




PJ;i:>gram: . :,;::':': ',;" ~


1, t

"\ "




. ', ..' ', , ::~p'mrnittee~~


. ,""\:.tI ",

1 . ' • • ' ; .... 1 ... 11


PQrkin~Frank ·Blbon and Wilbur

. Clark , , ,

' ,



UI~'" "A1Jlffi'~ " b{lth e Woo

' g \. ,1 1"lfJ.,) , .. ,~.., J~~o~ "'~i1ma&i~il!l[iI¥~t...~~~~l1·· ntanv-a "UXI!. .r~,...."li.ll' ,,1!,If



• '

held on Thursday . .af~rn()o/l. , Muy 24. at 2 ll·c loc~,.~at ·tfle ..holtle of Mrs . Lee nYll(e" l :'" j



, 4" ...

. ; (f

I•." .





The committee in, ceive flowers and fill bas spare We want to of this oay to ,the to haVQ 't>ne of the gin promptfy at 1 :30

.I f

',I .


,.. . • 1 ,


Sp~er~~ Sb.nd-;"Walter K~nrick.


Mr and Mrs. Frank Z\!II .. f)1r,,' ) MrG(' ITI)~ " " MI s''''''dh' d 1'-' .IWI'I "on. of Mu J H Cnleman and Mrs . ~ ~Il",..,;, ~ "J\~.:;.l I'l..n to r N " Crane were in L~ban l)n. \Yl unul~YI~IlIA~ 2':..IP.wIt" w.w . ,of, . Ia,~ t week afternoon ~: .it~lth~111ltcer'iH n1laJ<i ..Mrs. Sarouel • .' .c.,. · ': " . ,. . 1'IIi!' Ifilmfh!!ta,1M8l'ion; Ohio 'lf1'o r,> ~,><'I ~ ... ij1t' ;: c .. , . ,'· 1 Mr. and Mrs . • HeDt'9 Barnes

' 'J, L.


of the flowers

Decorating 'Mbt1timeht-MrS. Wal· '. fer, C4s t , ',:;.' I ,' , .' I , . ' ,Marking .Gi'a'\ies.:.....Qeo . . J. Water· · h"u~.

' , 0( '

.,M~~~:~ ".1.'





Waynesv~lle P~emier '\I


wiIL ,be ' at " t~e

Township house to reI.! ' ~ri~g ~hem Wedrfesday I~ofuipg, aq.d. aU you cah an~ ~Renct ~e ~ft~.riX~~p. ,with' us, aod give ~ part lSeveral comlnittef$-, atej working' hard and hope ibn, we' have ever,lhad. : ,' 'tbe ' ex~'rcist;s' \V ill' be',t':'· ,. ce'mete"'y. I ,. "#~ ,. t. 't ,' " ,. { -H


Hai~~s ~~~~\l::r ?::~:t


, for th e Stlllson. given bv the , R ch orus. . . •.• ,

-:If-.. .., ..

itor A. C. McClun~and wife. ~ Jt. •of• •• Miami·Union. .roy. uhlo. 8~Dpe!<1 here. Monday morning. ellto theirtr ",e from Lfl banon. ealled on rt~n'il~. ..... ""~, ,.. ,11," nlllilu- i." " "" 'Xl " '''' I.!'~'=!e~


••• f

i·~g'~iches,···d~Id...l . to


AfiN'l ''11I' 'ttj" ',' "f.rl

t" .




Walter Elzey and

Transportation- Edward Ricks Bnd

- ". Mo . rr " is Co,)",ne,l1. "

ton, uhto : '. 1/ !, . ~.: Music~Ba~d . ' . Decoration at cannuDS-iMiss Hen~ rieUa 'McKins~~ , 'assj~t~'~ ' fiy ~ .. group of ,~~tt~a~f.lIS ". 'II;" ,0:'." :"JII

Mrs Arl,hur Z\'I I ""II tWI) ,·h ;I<I . ,D' "f Cha~L~lti~.1),..,., W.. y~' .:.,'!';t; ru th. a9"'14, 0f.,~ • .J ~hI) Z,, 1 1. I~l't. ,w~!s,


Flowers~ba1rman, Mrs; Harris and M,r,s : ~., " E.:1i'atbflwa y. .


R eading and Prayer, ,~r~. Mary L. Adams I Reading, John Paul ,Bolton" " '" ' Music..o.LEa~d ' : " ', .. 'JI' ,.,,',,- " ' : "". . C.. R. el\.d ·mg, .o,>.J,.\S ~~va" on~er,,, " . . Muslc-Eand .", " 'Addres~ JUdge 'Alfred' Mdct:iy,Day-

·· t

~llle ik e r' s Corners. Th e' " e.enlng Th(' Commcrr.ial club's 81l1 E' . IBst W,B!I delightfully s pent in' various ' S a t ur d ay. was we II att en ded an d . great interelt w~s taken 'i~ the even WBY !I · , ' particularly in instarJcee whete I.he r. S rtf stores Irave prizes . 'I'hl' rain ~'rid"y Mr. and MT's . •":'awr'e nce u , ace helped quite a bit, as the farm er entl'lrtaineli at dinner, Slln,da~, ~r. wal unable to work, and it brought and Mra, Charles p:dwar~~, ot ~ar­ a lorge crowd to to""n veysburll, Mr, find Mra. · Eml!fllOn ~'red M. Cole's store was the scene Surface, of Pekin, Mr. and ~MI'8. of great activity all day long. all he Howard Surface a.nd Mr!. BullAn had eleven traveling 8ale~~en. on Su r(a~e, of R,oJ~e 4', Maty 'Vi~DI~ hand to demc,nstrate his good .., and and Master Elm.e r Sl1 r (e.ce ,. .Maffll~ also offered special inducements to 08bor~ and famll~i ~f. Hafve)!aburg, buyers. During the afternoon and called In th~ eve~~n". \ evenin&' he gave away OVtlr $7500 ."1 • " worth of prizes. At 12 o'clock t he Th ere will be a Motbers'~ meetlng Gun club got 100 trap shells; at I at the home of Mrs . O. it , 0nscl8llby o'clock Vern Houl{ drew 5 gallons of on Friday afternoon, Junl\.:l, at 2 oil; at 2 o'clock the Gun club got 8 o'clock, . ,in cha~ge cit ~O•.J·1\!'. L, Ford spotlight; at 30'cluck Russell Heston, local music t\la~her. ' . ~~e .campbell got a fitlh rod and reel; at purpose ot the meebinllti.. to-arrange 4 o'clock Claude Stroud got a horse the llrogram"for the summet.~1Jl'8e. coll.r, and at [) o'~lock he got a pair AIJJn<?~hers, of, he~ , p~t>llil; ilrt~ ~~y~ of fly nets; at 6 0 clock Carl p~tler. oJJ,e..inter,est~, are IHi'tM t,Q ,~,P.tes1100 ,ot 5 gallona of oil; at 7.0!~16ck en~. , .. A good , social .~" !IV)!J" ~e L,man Silver got a keg ot n .. lls, it 8 ell']oyed, ' ,' . ' " " .', , , , • _. " '., ' 11' o clock C. M. Robitzsr iot an apto robe ••nd at the last drawinlr a~ 9 o'elock Ruuell Campbell gilt a Fitke ". ~ Ail .ttletlll prizes were genuine, ",f,. worlh·while ·prlzea. ' -,., ' '. , I. ' ., , ,', . ~ I·C. II Robitzer W81 busy all day dlllhlnlf' out tree ,ice, many pedple ,, ' ,.. , laldn, adv~tall'e oUbia propositibn. d.' ' . 'I Oxley-Pice Da:u&, ~tore gave away ',1 ~ " Ice cream cones . 'all day. and they " '1" ( ,. were very bUilt. Dr. aathaJlay Ii , I. , ~ . '':'1.' ' , pulled a few teeth. and L. A. Zim- The Gun . clu ~~tt ~,,~~r. merm.n WB8 Jb.usy handing out free aHer~opn, lIud ~ J• .1\94; 'iII1l . A ~wder... \ • very email .. rowd .of Ihoe.t.$'8 ,W"" gil . Taking th¢ sAle as _ whole, •.ll of the grounds: ·but fiD~ the o\ercha\l were willi sal1sfied' "tb " .... with .l.e day'.! ' work ahd thev will were made amoni' e unateo... . .... , ~ , . M '1"1 ,;a Ste ' :t" f \ th lWId .apQJ;her ~.Ie some .time in .June. ,..~r~" , ~a.y' ~/: &p.J,I. vep," "I?r , ' T,hese ~ee are attraf tlng notlc. all Wmcbeetcr Arms, ·00,. wne p~t oveT ·the - country • . and they ' are and ehot 100 and ''l5.blrds eaeh •.~lk­ hear.!! from 81! far weat as Oklahpma. ing perfeet'icor'eiJ: i'eI\t;\A!meri A BPe~llt· representative of t~e N. C. ave'ib~ clUb m~tDbei'8"~aiiyr pblnt. R. was here that day. and will write fjli " '. 1" . ' " • ,i, i ", • •.!If" LI an aecoun t..of the lame fo u everal ~ Jw.1!i<:p' :...wJJ,I .. Qe, !?., ~/!"''1'n~.fl. ~ trade pape", , them. :.1 " ., " ! . H ' J,'" ~.'"


i, is

rlir'h\r "tMefith,"IMl "'H nll Mrs. r)( e s .rihll '" I1 l 'J ' ·Hl ,,'fH r,...., t\ ~ ") 'I ,II ." Bu.\:. ,y,ull,\" Bv~, l" .:;i Lo vrr1l ' llv~' 1lII

.,~!..,.. .



MJRs \ Henril'ttJl McKinslJY Wil l' Sllturd ay. ." .. •


COMMEHGlAL CLUB The wi re of w .'·S . Weaver; former ' super int enJ ent of the,. 8chopl~ • SATURDAY SALE prepared a surprise fQr, hiq\~ ' tueB~ J ~I~sevoet~· ~~ ~~~i~·n~~::~"e~~~;,


DH ~ ton' vi~itl\r, • •



t .




, I, ,I

ENTERTAINED ·NORMALS ,. --. ......... ~ :'~~ ,

' " and the .unt·".nted ,to ,D"OWlnlm __ ...... __ .... hill lenHil .lId" paJl: :hIm leav,lng the ,poor alrl. Du ' lttlUl~ A«w~,raL,,!,mn. lef The graduating clUl of tbe War,,'- " ! } , ~ 'a~, n.n!\. ...thJl riql , ,-,ount.y Normal at W.ynellVille ' ed hi_ poor girl dl ector . Min Edn iJA..~. ,:10 ' on the rich e ertalned .. 'UI~ 'p"'i id 11'-'8 .1' ~ 1 " party lalt Thuradav evenln" by D r DU .. • hrough the deeepiiQD and Mrs. F . 8 . aarrls at their In Lebanon. , ., with .t be hero, III 'l'he:, becam4!1. 'VfJf¥ "popalal" wit;b. ill an antUl.1 .tralr alld the young' 'iileii ' " "- ' .1:/·. .. \ ot the count} norin.1 look . .'(\ Like., I\,1Ifl,Bu,el'\, . to It U 'one ot the beet I,tu.rnl!rldout ,all. of their sehool year. Problhe "ay through tbe tbe mOllt interesting feature .f I.ll.w·eea ted themselv811 veIT entertainlDent " .. the ~~r,~ We· t"e~ cJftHnmlel• • "bteb·" .... .gqpd '~9i~ ,w.~, vl~I!~ e mn oliffitllffit'bltlrana j'G1tfll'cm1he th'" ent,r, ~r.v varloull memben of the ' AI. . '8nd ~,..., • """'''''II,f, '.,\' '1' I, 'I' ,c· ( ~( " li p ,. r"tll , . , .. .. 1 Ineldenta of tbe year· ' ~.~ ,' '.1 , 'TIi~ Watr en '«o\lIUY 'Normahom. Followina are thOll8 IlPfl!lled t~



Rememl)er the9pening day.fd~bur ~~ , '

Sa~i~g~ :dep~ar?tthl/


.... ... ...

mencement" i~ ~~]~;Ii~ ~~;~t~~tI~l~ ~~E~::~~e;:i, ~=:. ~~;~~:



...... , .. . . .


_ _ .....J




Friday, June Fit~st ...



..., .

at 8:30 ..... -.

\,. ..

...-...... k..... .. .


-. \



.. .:r

.. w •• , .....

, ~ ..... . -



n,' " •. •



,;lii'Je~.lWM/I,IMIIIi!!l 1~";N,Ve~:t'~:r,,, . as . 11 ....d

brJ); .,M.l'Y .CpJ'wln. LaVerne Harper and Edith Harper. of Morrow; de/!oratt!d'.1 \ an 1.oulae Snoob, of Sontli' 'tebahoii; y>t:.l' . . .JrrLLY · i~ 'seUNlIr: " ~ ' Alid" Gray and Es~her Curtill. of H.rorchestrlJ '~P,t!Il" v~ysbura'; .:r!1~lm! ~~mock. <!.!ImeXf!rClllle8, after 'wbicb Rlt~. Bol mIDI Jones" Albert WlllOn. 1Jernlce " The el .... wa~ Peflttftlktlln, Oladyrilol.mhnH...,v , HoWhil1d l W8tkinS;~otW.JJ1811YIIIe~ CbrYlltine " ' ' !I'notbe~ Crane, oL M.lam,lalIqrl(. • 'I

ttl'el 'llhlll8'1

over .

.041(.-<- ']

W~~~k! w~~~nell.

·The .Charm ofdemand At1i.sti~. Walls 'Modern real cleanliness fo'?

housekeepers the home. That is why so many· their_walls and

ceilinlfs painted with 'Hal\na's Lig\lid Satinoid.·

Sa"iloii:l glves a clean, 'dust-free surface that is much more sanltal'Y than waIl paller. And · it costa so more. . ' ' .

Vandervort. Elizabl'thBarnet Turner. Elizabeth Cltlrk. Rulk Tom· liMon , M~rl!Rret Cook " Myron Thomas,.Sy lvla Donohoo, Ruth Rosell Eriith Sides I rms Ellis ElwynStubbl . . , . Cec~ lia Gorsuch . M!lrgaret Starr. Gladys Harlan E thel Satterthwaite Harry Howe' Ruth McMillan and . ' Galvin I"... "n"acre ,


W1I •



~~~~~:8;tfm:~e~:J. , Ed~~lonr' C~

lumb~~, mr~~~~~~t~IIt .I ~.~atl.v.e tJ

th e. fufure 'ilutle,e I~f . t~.~ ~l~ I~ their new tole . d a'lHte.cherll. .- I ~ntJ . Supermtell ent .rr.... n a neat Hpeech, then preaented the clUII "Ith h . d' I d h N I t elr 1~_~~a8. an hi anot er orm. year pa-=u 1nto Itory. The ~ntire clUII pueld their fin.1 . , . h d' I examinatIOns WIt bd out C4~nd It ons, . I f MlM It was ~ c ~ to prou o. The annual Senior play. "Golden Rowland wlll pro~hly return bere DaYI," was prt'sented aad next year. .


• - ••- - -

Cy~·'L-[ H'-III C 'L ' IM8 u ['

W\lo . ... , ·

U! . ,

;.' ~. I


Interest '~

I 1

, ' j " . , , .. .. , I, ,,

_ . - . - . • ',.n..-·r.'..-..:~",bQrsnnoun~emen ..e __ .,... . I h II' I'mb - . -- h " J: 'C BI~ cfyc e I sC' d Pllu ten,," y arm next un BY, lIlay "'. we 01 e

a milltake in ,.gat'd to the elub. t h Id b t h MI I v~i eyc ' I b I s oUd feth eO am M to ~ 'I n .tea 0 e ayton 0 reycIVc U b , h I I b i t . -'bl• ute atter CUI no reapoD.I for this .ttraction. The ellmb will be held as per aehedute under the .u8pieee of tbe Miami Valley Motor.




.'. ~


·C'redited ~~mi-anlluaUy' ,

. ...


:~'. ,t. ,


..... .... .. _, _

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~~.~ A ¥NES'''IL[,E~;,·

NATibNAL': B_:'11 TO '







~:..~~ .

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Saturday nillhts to large .udlences On Satard.y .fternoon tbe Blllh eyele club. each evenillg : The cast. pretlented School ball teani' pl';ectl the Alumni ----........- ... - ••- - -' J' was good, and the selfctlon· of tbe and wer'~ defeated by." tbe leON of Ship direct to the Tri.g~a..te, Cream Qnd' ~n. A:il~~~ • c,u t could not ~ave been better. 9 to 6. Tbt'l Alumni' !»by. IUtrered altalnet 101ll. and a Spot Caah Check. promJ)tly ri\ialled. , ' eh ....eter sustall1lng the part up to Quite a bit Sunday on ' account of Ihe It!'ndard . ' • 110m. ~f them pl.JIIIK .\ . Kame lilr a "rear or 'more: . There WIU be • special ~mun~•• . ' The .play was 'a comedy, conl!a~ ·IDIr ;/ot th ey b' .:a' ' tt' me . ..... __ ~ tlon ot W~n.·dUe ~ , 'clean and. whole~ome ,flln. _ .••.racid III' ' u...' l.e 'Mo... No. ' 118. . " 'be plo~ contained sever.\' rleh ' qult8al.rce audleoee. '. .' Tu_ayeven Ir. ~.,- .... to C1ODfer the II·. M. d~ 011 t1ro youftll.folke arid some 'Poor folka. ' • _ • ancftbi,.tpoor~folke. tbroullh. • rich . , - ' . datil. ' Sojourntn&'~ret~~~~ ,680·Kenyon Ave a~n~. "ere to thetfront.and Save-your Old Carp,eta and ~up Ito,. are eordlaU., IBvit.ecl to be , 'THE TRI put on aD equalilJ th. ·rlcb on.- and ifill .. ~lU1VIll'· ~ ...... ~t.. . ....~ leot. 'the hero . . . . . . bl lem .S.end for . ~rICe lilt. ~Uia ~ KIIIJMIt.b..s.aP, w~ II. . with ' " pool' . .~. IDII .........",~. Fr~klln. Oldo. L. A. lit .1Ii. """







,., ..,),.

I ,,11110Ilt

Il word llI ore Ihe tW'lled ba('IC to the J\JJl!l. . lI lun In t'he ~ Iflper seemed preIlnrln!: to hll ve II til. "\\,ho('s lh e mutter now'" asked


J II(\(,.

~'M~'$!!1~· · A Romance of tl



tI\rh ,\' , rou mutt. w ou ldn' t

''''''II l1Ju " tl 'a t lon~


Perfect Girl .


"Whnl'8 til" mntt e r? Wha l dId YOll M~' I IVRS fIen d f or? n ldn't 1 lell you III , n:; I \\' HS (Iown wIth smal\pox'" "Well. what's th e 11111' rf'nce?"

- ,by·H.DeVere Stacpoo!e


~n"'l'l lIn '

li nd

('r~\' ln '


) ' OU



r 1"83

,I ~ ",l? Anti ,I'O U han ded Ihat ynm out n h ll1l n~ ('1\' 111 U.!it I f y ou were talking



u 'win l ·s


(IIIU rlll I r dlnn't bt'lleve you my·

" ., L"


de u ro( &tid 'RBS ru , OlOt y \I've onty tl) W IIOW ml!, UDn OUt where ~he's I~ted, und chthu Bhn~ for not tellln'. · Well, you 'VEl got It wrong, You mny tollo.". m e tlll .tho old .TuBn r ols to plrces and you'll neve r IcnoVl' not If T don't wont you 10 know -got' tilut c1 enr?" "('Ienr n9 day," Slid SeHel'll. "Well, then. h ere's something elBe. I t thnt \\'rl'l'k IB whot s he's to ken to he. It'~ more than one mlln's job t o Rhlft the hoodl e nn.\' hnnk It. I' ve rot t o hn"e hr lp. ond It we CIlU nrrunllP " ""01 T',I JIIKt II. Rnoll bove YOII t,,·o In

III' ... n l n·ll n ' n nd ('rrin' 0. week If you




l.ord ' \\' lll1t you do think

\'our~pJ( ~ . '

~1I 1"n did not rppl~· . He \\'a5 think· Inll LIlK I hp hnd 1Il11 c1 e a ful le 1110"" 'l'ne anfllones w l' r~ 11'0 1 on h"," rll. fiR(' r .l r l~' n l'tj\ \ \ lill Ill lh .-q 01 fll1~lt'11 nnrl III ~ I .1111'11' hllil Pllt Ihp cap on rr pnlo;urp, hp knrw tltf' (ll1rlh hf'11 1l n n d Ihp 1> 1I,ln,·"". Cllrk would be certRln IIlId then they Rlood ",utch lnl:' th,' RI" noll' Ihn l th t're II' OS 80methln, hldd eD proa ell of tb e 81m njfer. th e I:lltr Inn \\,'11. It hfl W II " kt 'f'n .on t h p wr ..... ·k h u ~1 - , IU I h~ Islond . A s she dropl'erl IIn ~ h o r alHl "Wll n" ~ A 11111 \\'u ~ on tile horna ef a dl· 10 her moorings hrn all sl,l~ 0 11 10 IhP J ness, t In' n .It WfiS h(l'('n ll s~ ht? hRO ex · Il'mmA . a nI' horn WIUI th e cache ot SAr ll h, the rake ot h"r III A",S bpc'lI ll1 e ~lI r n C rf' n ~nns f t't r hi s kroNln .'s~ . A H thp II" "t ,11'011' nl'llI·. Hnt l'l llTe pfll\'lsln n. "ontulnlng II co upl e ot apPllrent, and ber whol.. ,lI s rrplll nhl... notl r~<1 the I'\ lI n In(lus·lonk lnll crew. I hOlls n n,1 dolln rR' worth ot BtUft. th e n e~ 9I)Oke nll'\ld. Rnlrllrre fell Ilk£' R mon wh(l. hnvlng I Spanl nrrl •. IInOl1' or th"lIl wi th red olhr r horn WR. Ihp. ol d WTeck thnt ",t Into pleft8llnt low r Olllpll n)·. Bud· hnnol k.·n·ld"r. tll'd rOllllll thplr hends. mIgh t contai n nothing. T o hanll on htrl' wos useless. ro~ . denl y find s hIm self d ra ll' n In lo un· ('nrk would hang on, too. Even It CHAPTE R IV pleu811D1 low com pnny. ('nrk wpnt nWRY. he would be .u~e tCJ The Tylet'll Bnd thl' 0101 Sn r. h ",rore 1 Jude Ovordo el It. come hn r k to hun t. 1111 right, but tbl s ne'" " r" \I'd II nrl IhAI '" ·nllo. leI" !" e rl erl SI'II Pr' a li the De sat \\' 1111 hi s back to the bul· roltl, old acb'Oonrr I1 r r~ lt 10 be n il works. r hp\\' lng nnd thInkIng. Then, wrong. And thp n ~w" n lller Rmnph uw bon ' ,'A mp nlonll', ldl' th e ~ nrl\ h . "I [11110. younel t." rel'lIrrl JudI!. hepdl e•• \\' ll p lh~r he wu lIeen or not rlld not orltl honp~ t~ or mM1l 1 st n· trom the .1ulln nango, he rose to hla hlllb' to th e apprnrnncp or th p Snroh. ! ""': lero', e you blown io r , oru '"\"\,11111'8 bel:" ml of 881"117 .\ ID't I rM" nnd lellned with hla back Igalnst no. r dId the h n lr·, lI~r1 ns~ ,1 ~ h n r" ctrr I' I II ,. rnll . 11.. hnd come · to a dedsl" n. and actlvltles ot ("a rk ~ h !'<l lu stl'r on III' 8bon ~lIr' n&ked ,;cll Ns, II1l ~r ln ;: . .h llh'. " ' 1Irhlnll hIm, ~n ld nothIng, und old mnn Tyler or his prcsnn t repreIbu '1111'.tlon. \ H" lrllrfl' wllltrd wlthunt a wor<1. !I!ntatlvea. "8111" n'8 d l'nd." • .lld :rUde. "Dl cII It to ll ntrllll'e tL at Sa tan spoke Sotnn hsd coveretl the hpnp of 8bft· o( thl' s mnll pox." , firs t. lonett wIth 80me snlldoth, nnd he WO R "Well. I'm d- d !" s nl" Sellers, cn.t· · "l.ook h prl' !" MI, I S.tan. "You're Mand ln g now working his IBnt Am Ing hi s P )' S O'.er t he SlIrnh and II I'n ' lllmllng 0111 ot till•. aren't you'!" jaw8 on a bIt or chewing J,'llm. hl~ rcstlDJ( th em on lt utc1 lfTe. . " Wltell "Wll irh- t he Wrl" '" bUBlne85r' eyes flIed on tbe s ttan!:el' 8-l-hough " 'as It?" " Yep. \'(Iu're nor kepn IIpon Plitt In' IIhe WOttl made or gll\lls nnrl hI' could "A week ago." monE'y Into It and havln' a ahllre'" _ Qurqulnez sittin g !!l1l01o.1ng hI s Sl'lIe J'1j I:II \'e 0 wor.1 to th e bow oo r "Oh. no. If you wlilited me to. I'd e1~8rette8 In U1e cabin. Bnd th e bon l pu shE't1 orr II h it. th e (eI· he glad ennujth ; but If you'd !'lither T "They ho\-en' t 8hown II RIKJl." ~a l tl 10\\'8 hlln !;ln!: OU fh .. lr ou rs. stood ou t. I'll do RO. I'm not keen .Tude, "I tbou ght I Rn w three or YOII on ubout mon e~· . anYI\' IIY i oDI, I'd IIkl "They're bllttlln' UII to hell eve th ey deck," he s hout ed. to 8ee thp fun. " haven't spotted who v,'1! nrc," stlld "The oth r 'hn p'8 gono helow," re"You'll 8ce run enough." IIIIld s.. Satan. "Onrk Corum't wnnt 118 to plied JII (\I'. tII n. "I'm !roln' to drar Oark In. twl, he'B been lookt n' f or U8 ." 'l'he h"u t nr th e .JUAn hunl! fo r F Irm of n11, It 1 don·t. he'll keep "'Well," IIld Jud e. "let'B get the a moult'n! U ~ Ir In l1I",lIl nl lon. Th en hongln' rOllnd here lind lin Itt the mud·hoot up and pu t out rI gh t away. ('0('\' '' : ~p"nn, l. hc'lI work th e joh for They WOll't liB ve the face to chase us," 118 \\'11'h hlR crew. We've got to get "Yes," said Satan. "and lellve them hell'. IIn,l I ~n't he n8 2'ood 118 anothpr' to hunt the laland and find t'he cache I H tl\pre's no Bturr there. he'll bave 'l'IIe""" leen ns aahore amoDg the nil hl~ worlc for Mthlnll. If hI' hAdn't lIollbl.. Yon IIhouldn't have rone , 1/:" ..·,1 II. h ~ rP. hp'd hn"e trlpll I. Htle wore." P ine Islontl. whlt'h Is lonesompr th nD "r went 10 1Iet! .we hlldn't left no Ihls pinel'. YOII see he's I(ot It In hIs t ...ees." no<l<lI ... AR rll r o~ t ca n ruake ont. thnt "Tra~ be d"-i! I Cart wllnt!! DO I' AI' 11ft cd the ~turr an.1 CBched It, tuld truel. Once he starts to hnnt, he'll I'lnp 1~lnn d or here wou ld have heeD turn tbe durned 181nnd uD.lde down i II.. Ilk plle~t pIli PI'!!. lIe reck one') and Illake It. No, we've got to ell ",hpn \\'e put out Dt HQ\'fIno tills time tID be goes, aDd that'll be t hIs W P Wl' re ou t to Uft It for ,ood. Well, time ,ellr, ho'lI dn Ihe Urlln' It It'" to be done. "What'!, the . e ot Onrqulnes' CIII" f' on . I'm l:oln 2' o\·"r to ~ " him tcboonerr' .lked tcllll'e. rlj!ht ,,0'. .Jllde. YOII RUck here und "The Juan Ba "replle<1 Satan. el,,"n liP them nllnlon e~. " "D1llUd after t tobal'co company He gnt Into th e rll n,t!II),. fOll nwell hy people. Loot, they're geltln' .. bOBt Rllt ('lItl'p. IInrl Ihl')' (Jushed orr. olr. That'l Selle"" and he'l com1o' !'i ell prs was hnn!;ln g over th e rnll al aboard." tho)' CAme nl nn j(slcl e. "nl1l1o. Sal on I" , Then he collapged, squatting under h(' ~ rl ("I . "Th nUj(h t ~'ou WIIS d eod." . the bulwarkL "GUY them," Bald be to "r.~lrk on honrd?" Rskerl SatftD lude. "Tell them I'm down wIth ,,'llho ,,1 wUMtln !? tlmo on e Xl'llInations. lIIlallpox: that'll malce them sbove." "nc's ,Iow n below," snl d Sell erK. ae"Leave 'em t.b me," lIald Ju de. ~ .. ptl n ~ th p n.ttl tu,l e of the other. It Wall Mlltt Selle... righ t enougb. "W ho's you r fri eorl1" " Oh. just a j(pnti emun thnt 's eome • bIg wbeey man suggestive ot Tam· ma~ , but -il lure:eii:Oiigh Mllor In ul .. ng for II crul ~e," sn ld Sutnn. "So prnctl,ce. ''The blUest blackguard on you'v~ found mp I" U1e cOo lit" was hla lubsltllary title. "Hulto, Kldl" Crlod Sollerl •• t h • "Seemn 80." au ld Sell erB ; "hut tie up IBI! wall th e henchmnn ot Corqu lnez. I Boat Came Alo ngside the Sarah. nnel come' nhoa rd ." IDe old mno .Tyler, Sellers bod no Satnn tied the vo'r III 1l . ~hJlnnel

I i



ot H Ot.': klnnlUe, wu .a dJudged Kentncky, tllOit perfect eIlrl Ln ••tatl contCll beld at Lout.YIUe. Sbe 11 G ft. 4 In. 11111; wetaba llll)~ pound.; cbe-.t 3O~ Incbea: and waist 2OJ~ Incbe.. Ror heeltb rula. Ire, bridge, t\Vlm· mInI/', oll,tdoor exercJ-aud plent7 ot pretaela.




nen Ie,',



'WH'ERE TO BUY IN DA YTO,N .READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY These b.liaess boase. are leader. in tbeir lines, and uaute yon value ad semce,

When in Dayton Visit MEDICINIlS Nobody in Dayton Sella Belter Drup



Want Your Trade


~ ~I 11\


I " 'Ovrll. l.UDLOW aTRe8T



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L.r,o Jt D.~t.ft Resources $14,5oo,000.DO Surplus $'784,000.00 The

Over 30,000 Accounts

c ..... M.I... lId •• c.....


Complete liDe of army and navy eood.. Special attenliea given to mail order.. Strict 1'f ODe price,


......chant'. DilUler and Supper c ••t.




Steak. and Ciao". OT .jJ' Specialty. T~. ;

FOUJfTAIN :>f, ":alt Fifth St., U.,t..., Ollie,



39 Eaat Third St.

Beckel Hotel Buildinl ,

Enrybody'. Book and Art ShOPJ 21, 23 Weet ruat. Str... t CHARLES W. BIESER LARGE!T .ad mo., ~olDpl.l. STATION· ERY a1u. -'flee outfitd •• H9u,e In Central and !outhe1'1'l Ohio . '

, G a rfield 1874

Home 3874




Cor, First and Ludlow

plate aDd gilt over tall 8lae, rOIlO'll'8O by Ratclllfe. From thl! toc'sle came the muft!ed thrummlnl' of • trUltar. It was Rat· elllre'. ftnt e:rt)el1ence with a SpRO· lard. Be tollOWE!d Satnn. who follow04 Sellers -down a !tcep compllnlonwoy .nd then Into !I cabIn whors a I'reat Ihaft . of wnllght rrom th e Bkyllght above atruck dowo througb a hUI! or ctgarette sllloke. The place WIIS poneled wltll blrd'lIeye maple: tlie seaU! were upholstered 10 thlck·rlbbed BIlk, worD alld Btulned; thl c.a rpet WWI of the best, but threot!· barll 10 spots nnd bUnll wltb clgor droppIngs; tile me tal Ilttlngs far too good f or a tradIng schooner of tile Juua type. Everywhere lo,y e,'lllence ot spl endor that had see n bettcr days. All these tlttllDgs hn d, III tnct. becn tora out or 0 yucht bough t by Cat'qulnez for on old 80ng, and at tue eod of soloon table, b'Olnll over 1101118 popera with a c·lgn rette In his mouth, lmt Uirquloez blmlSelt, a Ilgure to IIlve one PllUSe. Tbe whole ot the left sltle of Ulls aentleman's rllce WtlS cove red by It green patch. It was snld thnt be hod n. lett side to his tllce, thllt It htH] ~ @llten awny by dlsense, a'tll,,!, were .be to unv eil hlmsel.t, W~ sIght would fr\li:hten the bebolder. Bow· Bur that 1ll0Y hn ve been, whn t remained vlslhle wos enough to frighten any honest mno wIth eyes to bebold the nOH of a vulture above the peaked chili of a mone), chnnger. "Bullo, Cark I" &nld Satan. "Oome 10," &n ld Cark. "What'llfou have'" "Ob I don't know,· s aid SataD .• "Som~t.blng sott wlli suIt us, !lnd lonll." Carqulnez ral.!led a blrd·sbrUl voIce: "Antonlo I" wSI S1cnor," came a response from ootslde, .nd on the voIce a dusky form at the cabIn <loor. "Br1og me two Zln and Zlozlbeen for thelle two zcaUemen. ple.ase." "No glo I" cried Salan, RutcUtre -CODo carrlng. "Glnge'r beer wUI do." "Zlnzlbee rll," Iluld Carqulnez. It was nearly all thot be lIuld ot thl. IntervIew. the trnaty Sell era <loIn&, thetlllklng. 8ald Seliei'll t o Satan, "Well, It's fUlln, U8 hUlln' on you Ilks thIs, durne<l tunny I We'd heen down to Acklin looking up a locarton Cark .... a8 keen about, and com In' blick ' I shIfted the helm, lleeln' you lyIng here and not reeocnl¥lu' the ,old 8arah. I thoupt It Wll.l O1In<1ymllln's boat." 8ald Satan, taklne up the drink ,ust presented by A~ltonlo, "Bere'B our reapeeta to yon both. Tho\lllbt 1 WUB Gundymlln. did ,out Well, I spotted you on IIlgbt. Didn't want to aee you, neither. Let'll cut pretend In' Bnd play on the IIQuare-nre you wl11ln'," "None better." "Well. I'll pul: my eards out. You Bnd Cark here hnve been after ma pretty nenr sInce 10Bt fall; reason wh.r, thnt wreck Pap told Cark ot." "'VOleh wal t.bla n" "I saId let's cut pretendln' and plllY faIr," IIIIld Satnn. Itemly. Cark wilted Rod raIsed hili Onpn In deprecutlon. and Sellen cut In. "Yes. we'll play fair. There wal talk of II wreek between your dad anll UII, Bnd I'm not: denylDg we had an eye after It. You see I'm open and honl!llt wltb you. Hea..e ahend." "I'm comln' to the poInt," ~nld Satnn, "Bnd the poInt Is you ond Cork bet \"eI'n ,'ou h'nve got It In your heA ds

"Now )'o u're l olkln!!," said Sel1l'l1I. "Not U;nt 1 don't bell e " ~ you'll kl· doorlll' me over the hu"lnp~~ Ir ),011 h ud B ch"nce." con tInu e" SRlnn . "1'"" WOUld. "urI'; hn t you see 1'''1' j(ot the weathl'r gouge ot yon. knowlllg wlmt I do of ~' eu . and that's more'n I'd hn"e with RI range!'ll." "Snrp." !o ld S~lI el'll. 1'\Vf'lI. th .. n." laid ~Rtnn. "w(" ve go t that fnr and It cornel to t erms. Whllt'~ v.eur ",,;\re to he for helpln' 10 collll r ihe sturr nnd dl~poHe of It In Hovann '" "Two dollurs out ot el'ery three thnt we mnke." Bald Sell e rs promptly. ''The re's the lIalvlng. you ('an't do thnt 810nl'. or your dad wonld hove done It prom pI : then the~e'! tbe clI Rhln1l ot It. you'rI' 10Bt men If you try thnt j ob Oil by yourselves. 'Vhy, th pre'8 not lin· othe r OIl1 n In Ra\'ano cou ld (10 It only Co rle nnd even he coulrln't hrlng th e trturr Inlo Ravona harb or I yt' lI ho vp to bf' Illnded back of the Islnnd. north of SnnUo(O. Lord knowB ",hnl he'll II.vl' to poy I" l!!ntlln cOj(ltated tor 8 moment. "1'11 IDeet you," aald he I'lt last. "I'm not Rf·t on hlg money. An yUllnR more '" "No. that'! all." MId Se11era. Car~ ulnez nodded npprovol, nnd IIghtlll l! annUl er cigarett e leaned bnck In hl B chAIr. "A n,1 what'8 this ~entlemRn doIng In Ih e h\l ~ lnp"A ?" osked Sell ers. referrIng to RnlclltTe. "Oh ho's standIng ollt." Inld Satan. "Hl" s ·.IU8t on a crulsl! wIth 11M." ''Yc• . I'DI slondlng Ollt:' said Rot· cllrrp. "I'm In It only tor the tun of the th ing, thoullh I'm willing to help." " W I'II. 1 rp.ckon you11 ha,.e fun ennll " h." ", Itl Sellert!, "It WI' lret foul of th (' rUSI " IIlS. or If some othpr hook· er rn l ll e~ pokIng nlong while wO're Sllldn)!. \' .. n·re BritIsh. aren't your "I :11 11 . " " I Ih ' \I1 ~ " t so.





IIJlrl'e ?" ")'(111 mll~' put It like Ih nt," "1 ,1Ir1n'l ,t!et your nome." "Rnt 'IIIT '. My ro ther wo. Ratcllrre the Bhlpowner. nolt & HotelllT .... "Lord-Io\·e-t\--(\uck!" sulel Sellers. "You're not wontIng tor mon ey, t reckon. W"II. thIs gl'ls me. It d n In· deed I Holt & Rlltclllfe---shnuid thInk I dill know them I S atoll grInned. "Well." l\IIld he. "W!l'V" Ibed Ulhl"~ eo tu <,-l"'" UUI of ever)' tbr~e dulluDrs to UuU IIl1d uo deduetluns."- . '''£huI'8 It," IIKI(I Sellers. -And now we'\,e f\xeLl terms," ~t1ld SOIUII, "I wunt to klluW n il nbou1 this bOllkcr," "Whlcb was )'our menn ln g?" usked S II e"'llle era. \\'r l'ck. ~ "I I In to him I·' c rI ed Sellers. • • ,·n "M"a l1 to SrlY you don't know allilb out

~o kft6W , &J.


ntW joo1l It clg.'....

got tram churcllea; but

, •• lIy oan be mad you must try a



, 1N

..0 II tW L08U III!:



The Wealll'n B.n~ lit 1'ru.. com p .0 1} 0 .. Corporation ;::. VI.


William B, Rllder "I'll Meet you," Said He at Latt. "I'm By vlnu. ol.n order 01 ...... dutJ lau" Not Set on Big Money-AnythIng I,,' m ..Id Uon",. ID the .bO.' at. led cue. oud 100 m. dt"""t.ed . I will olf., lor .. b, Morel" .aJ 01 'pUblic auction . ..t tbe dvor 01 tb. C.. urt I1oUM. III lAbaDOD, Warren Oollnl, /Uore thsn a nl1me lind II y.m. I~e Ohio. 00 nu\'"r bunked mucb on the yarn. SeeDlll tflO IDuch ot tbe New Jerullll1em toudl /I IIbout It for me." "Well, I'll tell JOu," ,ald 8elleR. "She weren't no IIhlp wIth COld pl.tea -your dlld ,ut that wall 8 big 8pIlDI • .b tlhlp out of V .... CI'IIII II1l1klne for Spa.\n. Sh. b.4 a carjo 01 tllUher. aome ~ them II....' f_tlD timbers thai dOD't lloaL 8b"d lOt ubou rd her, beeld.1 the Umber, more'n 8 111 11 1100 doJlan' ..orth ot COld-Mat. ,'u n !lold IUOst ot ~ Sp.lll8h collllOme of It. Lopa Will the IlLIDI of the Bklpl'er. Ilod be IlIld to blll1k th.t COld for hl1U8elf. Rim and thl mate were th e ollly DIeD In the know about tb.t g"l d heslde • IUpe~ . . . . .e ot



P l'I'I'? .

""·ell, be colluded ... wtth th"l1l two gUYI to 1111k tbe hooker In s \.1[ tnthom water out of trllde traekl, gl\' e out thot . he'd sunk In 1\ ,ale, .nd come hack In R year or two ond coUar th o boodle. 'l' bey bad ber bored lind plu gged tJr the IRme, lind wbeu they got ber 10 the location Uley puUed uut Ihe plugs, and she went do~ II'lthout " Rneez", nutuntl al a dylD' Christian. "Th ..), got the boata away ID or4... und rh(' cr ew W~' got otl' to B IDBA; hut Ihul crew never got I\shore. May· be It waR Olll elhlng wroog with the grub or th e waler. there'M no .. ytot. bul they neyer got a BIIl)re to tum wi • . ne"s. BUI them three IIllYI had tlkeG th e dlnllhl'. alld they were pIcked liP _I. lind lande(] somewbere QD ••. UJe .~ ttl I lind wei 1M . - ' rae... I"-tl on ..... ...... ,.. A II t h rou .... ,:.. Sell e,,, qulnez; hll~ • • t noddIn, 11111 ileA. , "Thoy aluoc their yam.- .oent l1li Selll'rB, "IIUI! made all good. and It Wall only lett tor th em to walt awblle aDd hIre or stenl a likely bOllt tAl ......11. Up th e s tull. when th e yellow leover tAIOlI tl d the motA Ie...... Ie supercargo Rn .......... I.nuez to fish for hImself. < • ICon&t"uad nn "aR." ,




• -

" \" III1tI'" I bn!1 "dom. I've h:n~d r r n l ll 1';1" , I ... n uto': (·,.Ih·,' t.h~ N !\!.,t:. e




l rryourJobPrl·ntl·n ·- F; d

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""1141"1' 0



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1... 1111

••• _ . _

~ .. 01 W.11ft' L. lito..,..",. "--"<\ lIIolb t. herel., iii • .., Ihal t. W. It ..., . .

• on A~pen dill, .p(1UinkWt """ '~~ I~\I l"" IldmID...n'Dr of 'be y..~.! , "! a . CO , . , I.lenl W,""" C1nu nl , .""I~ .• ""._~ fl ......Ia Ulb "., of r.\VJ~;Ll .








the railroad.

.-ted that

decrepit, broken down and WlIIbIe 110 fUDCtioo lldequately. ~othiac oouId b e _



'Il1e niIaoaada of the UI1ited 5cata

_I .pd


.. jo I . .

Aa.ic:u .-... u.t, die bat



ney _ Inrwgpenbly eqeipped &ad _ didaItt, opana.f .. die ~ They are .......,." - - . today the enatat ..aa- II tnAc . . . . . w.ary.



Farmers, Attention! Irarm .. r .. 01 Warren ... nd .tljuln'D, 'OQUIl,lflfI may obtRlu- mopey on 1011, ~hull 10" "11 . U a~" l!llUlln.

of 180urloll 'be .amell Ilble, lbrouJ(b 1'bll r

Bate die ...t ior II'adr ......... ~ fadIitieo to cat'e foIo die ........ ..., nt~ ~ 01 doe aadoG II ........ ' -



Money to Loan on Farms' at 5i per cent for five years.

0. the put fill the ~'I Ra" ... SyatecD It in..,... tile ~ .. am of ..........tely . . . . . . . . . . . l.ptGS ta . . . ...

.... fac;.lUt''I

clltlonJ.--4acludiDI the _ . , tII _ _ lor _ ~nea and can.a-.

TERRELL A TERRELL, Wilmington,O,. phone 301,

,.... YUt upendttlln1 _ cIacIIIM ...... ta, _ of the . . - t hielt 00It .. . . . . . . . aDd operaUoa becauIe tile .....,.,....



c:CIf'l.... ..

Lueoed 00 11M 'Iook, MONEY aha,..II; allO MOOnd mor"alill .

. .Uoftal ~ the CIa .\P ...dDaaodi&qJportof·.... A·. . . ._ ~

N.,Ma boa.h,. Joho Harbloll, A 11.0 BDlldbl,. XeDla Oblo. ' e·6.118

Pennsylvania ., •

Railroad System

t •

Tit. 1J,_,,-;I R-ar-J ., fM WorIII

or for&hlnDforma'lon ~II

urer, paoll8 :11 ....X. Let>alJlIu,Ohh.

mediate. Americau .......... ........ ... it.


l :O@1

'nil'}' r ';A~OO. lJ~ f& 1 J. tl.lId

OD or addrl.. M. U. DIl'AKE, 'I't~.

.at aad law to _


T h e Arn::1V S t o r e 1 7 West Fifth SL

1W.r:/D,.;e B.,..Jfno

MI.. M.rjorie 8I1r'. .'r, 18,






.~ ,

t h (' Rhow (l R Rn Yflfl c rh;("."

" Wh.,·. I lold 111m you wos dead II "'''·k.'' r rlr,1 J IIII ,·. "D·.vou think I'd

by Robert M. Me Bnde (,; Co




. . .bI U, ~, Mll"I". W .NT£II-W 0 111> • •" IDqalre., tbl,


oflloe for hJr .:. rl".~IO. .

.,' ~ H~ It.(' ,. '5eIf'f "'fMI~ ONa.-

'."".,AowU: MOt""'" WIIU ...

~M'" CiOLLAa

amw .. ...m



...... 11\-

IAN "'"


ANtB:D-&me ,,_,Iltl,


well~lbll aboD~ ' 811 Of 60 I'"

0, L. Rlok., ph.nt< 8'7-''', W.,II.'• .1118. Oblo m~

FOrS)'ale ~~" ~. 111,,1) . ,

praoa! lilly nllw; Bual:iv. 11:'00' BIIV a.. tre. fnctDtffl , of

O. I., RIDke, plaoDiI,8'7.l2". W"'IJI!I•., OhIo, . J,,8 ..

H D, .~ W"1Denllle, Obto. C....·.'l'-A •• .' . of




OMIII-IJBOWN SOY BBANR lllq'llre ·of J"A Barlmu,:iB

mao .

o.a.e... "ai_. "'r__ Io_,








.• ~. T If E.- M I A MIG A Z E_T T E.... [.-OUR. -ADVERTISING *"'''"-' -.10'*= .....'......... . ALPHABET


...1..1. -





r l ' AN i·; , Ed itor and Puhlhher, Wayncsyille, Ohio '



I'.", ,,nk,,' ., Wti ·y ,,, •• ,II(, 1)1,


u' lj.coud ( " '" &I .. i

&I~lter~ I, I,

"";'iiiiiiEiiil.aiiiiiii~_ _ _...

"/J" .



00 .. 1 for

(J .. II "'ordoD 'lJent !:lunday with his ramlly In Lytle. ,

ed 1rop

Mr tl, W . A. Menl" 1& Improving .Iowly thlll wrl&l:n&. I Ed~l!.r S liulon Ie .pencilDg &h. 1 wee k . end wl'h bl. wife I

MA Y 23. 1»23

Let the Farmer Watch His Step


durt,-and I've allllrs been bofrlend.d, when the fervid drouth was end ed by a eopioua an' .plendld thunder-gust I And I '\"c n ever had it fan me, when the prickly hent would ail me,- T'.-l d o my level bMt to not complain, for I know my blessed 1\1 ",.1' watohee o'er Ria earthly ])88tur' !lnd will jugu\J1te disaster with a rain. , , . In Bpit.e of their n ovoti on t herc's some that gut the notion, that fortune or misfortune;/I only' luek but it'" been my observation, there's a 111ighl .v do~e r cllltlon between a man '8 salvation-nn' his. pluck' ,\ 11' so, ill l'n ill Y weather, I never wondcr whf'ther we face IInnihil(lti(ln hy tne flood,-but I keep my spp.I·it hap py with n l'Iwrr'c t hnt's nice an' snappy, thougb Illy oloze is wet 8n' f\;lPPv with the mud! . '

~ie A. New 8R.ool'\'I.L 'iwiI.Ita CLC,t,H-1WT IT POe<>""" "'~"'If''1r KNOW ALL

IRBIOlI(UR that blrtMlI7 wlwD , were twelve eandl,.. 011 · tM .. te ADd the "Ig piece ret!ted 011 ttie pl.te· of thA t ,yonderflll ~I rl wbole rroldlll CW'l1 were the ruost _autnl lD .U the, world-and UJpn that hlrl l "tll1, when th.t. atrl with aat h' "atr ,lanoed ' .byly u Dad t. you were DOW a man, the .. .:sa_. blnw.y. eame qrnck· _ ." uW tIiIN 1w~ no oanclies OIl .... on., 'but jlllt. lonch of tbollght· ~.... lUId love red~ 10 the ·. .klDr. N~ In the mello.... of , .... w. caD thlok' ot blrtbday. Ilod • • ·joy. Jut u tbe mirror ot the :..., II&tltd.,.:...dle cia, w~ Pili Into . 3AVS SAM: ' IU_Into K&en1t,. ' • ~ . N ,lt ,'verybodT O"D bfI Pre~ldeD'. -"'Aean. . ' bat aD1bod. oan leli hlw h <l W,"

'i A Romance of the Bahama~ muatratJeq by inri. Myen

g'o t huck to H nnillu, wnu: n woe


Plumbing .. Heating An I Pump Repairing attended to; Lift and Power Pumps on hand for any kind . of power.

ISRAEL SAITERTHWAITE . Phone 231 on 50 Residence 4th and Tyler Sts. Waynesville, Ohio


..ill. ..

A.",.rkabl, C"Mlf."o., Two wOIllllll . oI II. J.b/Wbu". "Comet" Enl'n, Pr"'.rved. no were uatll ~'lfY. In the Soutll Ken slnl!'f.nll mUIleUOl, In ..... thP aame name aDd their blrtlfo Loodo., I. te be seen the 1'ery eDatD' flip IN 011 the I8me dl1 er tile ...nlh. tII.t proJIlled the Comet, thl f1ul p. . .... little ,lrl. ot tile ..... an. '!Allcer ....ellDAt .een In hropeu ....._ uames butb "Jtb 'tII..... -~ t.Itlal.


Dr. W. E. Frost

eIIel'l1. '






\>D. 1II111~ be · more Wan tllr~rt to farm II dt!l/llrt. He mUllt be·yllllll.'Cr i he mllat· brln, water ·trom ,,"8- , taut mou~ ItO "' " "nel ..release It on tile Pllrclle(l ' "1er ,ates lind, slulcet! to wake ll'oUDd. Jre mIl the relnctaDt hi. . ,II 1111 luhel'tlllt richoess, '. SU_ colliN ' .. ,, 1m l"ho II 1)1"91' 'tban ' his job: '!'be Ielle .re penlll.t~ed .!iY weoknesL ~'!Ie Wt)rkera are rewanltcl 'WIth vower:. It'or ellqll. _tom ot .trenith UltaDded more eatriq 18 atven. \ n......oe pa'oducell rncuon and rrletioD at'M the tyuawo Ita dl'tYlna' power, Trio much ainoothDele ltibrtiatlon l1l8I ~t lD a loa,ot toroe, . , Jour> ~1ItGDoIIu. tDIIDe j. lUll'ft 10 IIk.b' to ........ . wi!. rOIl at 110 "orIr, to do-ilt It '.~~ motb.~ -.rI lo,.aUoh, bec!alllllillll. want 00mDeIa 'iliaD ' to do. ... *Pr ~fDoD4' ...., . IInIrture. the _ ... . . , . . . . t taUt true If8IltIIet.

• Phone 44 Harveysburg, o.





0IIJfIPt. '""

• • • • • • • • •

I Mi~H

Forest T. Marti$

• $1500 Yearling




. .

• .'

llrugIe qalDlt ; tbe element. th.t Uftr• •

'&;tJ!~'::~:-th-:'~ and you I!Ultivate r.our.eit. II.~

make yoonelt crow- BuiWI youree]f, The maD wlio dOliI . recorder! hl hlltorJ u tlMl



Napoleon had hdd a phonP he probably would nor

80111 10 w~.. ther too ell8Y slife. We hcar of n man who l'J\n mallter ud\'urslty, bllt wllo becoltll!(O UI (llItty 1100lAr the llUltlll,lInjO In· fiuence ot alfhwuce. To be torc~'(1 to tIght ror rood . (Jlllokeus the wit. , The SlIlOrtCst dog Is DOl u.. protected lap llel, but tbe dor whose wit Iwwhetted lJy duty 50 perforlll. SI(lthfullll!8ll &UII wute .re IlIWII),1I tOllnd wbfre Natllre La klndeat. the IIOtl rlcheato .nd COIIIL",UtJon lackh'lr. .' Cultlvatlon Is a kindly habit. It 11 Uw expn)8(tlon or a mothe... Inltlnct; Ihe 11n....lon for power to c.r eate, develop antl bl1ll~_ It Is , he wlllb to nurture the ailedll of ' gOod,' to bring them the mol.tllre ot getitle rill", tile wamltli ot the tlun. ·the protect lou from belnl ""'tded out by the stronger thlnp wbleh are bot 01 ) to , the' better end, ' ,'. ,fe cultivate that tlll! beilt ro.wlble may be broucll1 rorth. ADd ' lD the beliutltul economy' ot 11te ~

\ ,. '



. I. reclP1'O!Jlll-



CULTIVATION CUUVATES YOU M.1l be>Delltli more ,by tile prqce8S ot lahot tban I,y tlie prod\lote or .laboi-. Where Natllr.e gives most In 'Ilibly m~n doe. least for h1l1lYeIr mid there we !lIft! Ul1IU.Dll1 at Ita lowost ebb, . . Tbe I•• m.n Cultlval-el the lee's be IB cultivated. N.ture ofcetl, kUlI by k.il1du.,.. It Is trom the stern, l'illuiloUll IDd n.turally uu/rlellllly 8tretcllCI that we I'1!t OUl' bardleill" .uol beet Humnnlty. Th••rld fOrce. tbe' tanner to alertnee8 and

• • • •


Veterinary ~Surgeon

IItrat.,.... '

Locust F ence Posts


By H. DeVere Stacpoole

" fI~

RAINY DAY Ibeer of

• • • •



W. H. MADDEN &CO.,Waynesville,O.

hi. nlllll1'l11 I'Glo e. Hnd thC're he pili IIp with his son, who wns n tro,Ier In , ,,1""'<'0. I [e [lilt Ihe Bon wise ahout th e .vreck; bllt he \l'ou ltln'l gl\'c the-Ioclltl on 0\\"11)' till It wll.q time I n go and [lI ck lip th e s tuff. which 11'ouldn't be for n )'eor yet. "Thptl he up lind died. ond the lIOn 81erl l'd to hunt for the chart and ""lI ltln't find It. The old guy hod gll'en hlill c" erythlng bllt the chllrt wltlt the Inrll lton Illnrk ed on It. It W080't 8 [ll'orw r chllrt, n" 'ther ; just n [licce of '[lu[ler wllh th e tiling done rough . but ""'Ing the heRrings. And II w ns nel'er f,,"n,l - nut hy th e Hon. Thl' grundson rOll nd It - nn" wh ere do you thln!<' I' Il~tl'~ Into Ih p "nlll ~ of nn old hat, TI lt. ! \\"" . ,,·t So l"nJ( ugo. nclt h,.r. Bnd \\'hll t (I I) ),011 think l hnl fool ot 0 graod· 80n ,lid? Well. I'll tell YOII ... hot he ."". J1'I,.,I .. r all he comes to Cark hera. und I ri CH to gel hIm onto the ' oh on II I"D (lpr cent bntils. Cork to ris k hlR tu oney ond reputntion for a to"sy Il'n jler cpnt 011 Whfil might be only Ila' hunes of nn old ship. He let 0111 hf'r nUOIe find history l10tl everythLoII bUI the locution. "Cnrk WII RIl't ho\'I'lg any on those terms.-wlts YOII, Curk'-ond he told th e ,.hup to go to lIIec11c1ne Bllt and pick hllberrles. The chnp goes off I1lId whol docs he do hut trlee to get liP II s),lllllrlllc between hlmselt on(l Iwo ,·e.-emen wlthnut a keel to tilelr

Unleal I'Jn poor at ~n' ~ere ain't a grander blesshl' that'. HIlt to eheer Ua,ii azudolla world of ours. . • , When ·th. farmer atarta to hettia' and the medd~r n o009 a wettin' -...the thinr that h.lp. the bettiD'. is the s'howers , . . I've FOR A. DW a heap of weather- takin' years, all' yea,. toIether,-an' I reckon I have et my



Wire Fence

The announ(!6m t of !.he Federal ParOl GOtlu Board that t12,OOO,OOO i~ now Mvailabl~ for farm ~O'1l1.S uudtlr the new agri. euJturaJ cr~t la,,:; ~d I1t lDte~t whI ch while high is heavenly ~mpared With existing ratOll, will put heart intu UlUDy a man who for year. h ... been .trua1ing under the burden of financial oppl'eliSion i but it i. hop«! the tcmptillg bait win not be . .allowed to the polnt of aaturation. The new ~ will have the effect of reducing inf.eI'CfJt chUIM in lOIll.e states from 10 per cent, '0 7 per cent, or perhaPi lela. ThiA /('I1~d . . . cymbal8 heralding approach to the promiaed 1uuI, '" t it .a..aJd not be f9rgotten that in mllny =_~ au private 10al18 in excesg of six pl'r cent is anou UOty, IDd the lCQdcl'll are punishabl e 'I uer the '~~b ~~. there appllllr. to be one law f llr the com· m>cn>IU UIID _ _ anti another for tho farmer. The law baa Inferentially acknowledged that oommercial JIloney CIDllot thrive on a sevlUl per cent interest rate, and wrule th~ reliet ot the fanner will be appreciated, it will be found DlIgb~" hard ICraping for the famler It! get adcquatl! reward for hi, labor at UUa lowered rute. Danger lies in the likelihood tbat the farmer, 10 I~nlf used to extortion, will over-borrow at the new ratl!, an.d will be. difposed to Beck temporar, ease In 1111l1noe, not 1'eahun~ that th ,' mills of Wall Streot, like ~.he mills of II' " .. d ~. grmd slowly but they grind e,xeecding 8D\oll and that : ,. of sot tl emrnt is 1111 cl'l,tnin liS the day of jnrig . J/lent. . TI. · ,'mer may obtain moncy at 51/2 pl"r cent when b'JI'I'owl~ 1l ; : ' :" '1'~h It rr,oJlf'rlll ive mnrkctill~ IIssociotion. I'llt Iw '" :'.~-: ' 111 11 '(' O\" "' IIf'" rI s teps in Rnd lit e utlditional r. hRrge~ fo ol I ; .. .. "' '' ' 1 ! I:al ~ Iill mu st mllkc the t ille r or tile soil hellu III

e . . ce Posts



ChA rl a" Gordo". of II'rllnklin , ~Jleo l , witb hi ~ family hrr A. Mr, nod Mr~. l{ W . Kaylor visited r e illtivea nllar Xenl'i, S unday . r Mr and Mrll. I;jarry 8lirholiu were oaillng on fri ends hl3re, ~unuIiY. Mr, and Mrs, Don HartsOOk were o.lIing on W, T. Jordan, Sunday. E"rl BookeU and family were oalllllg on Mr, anl\ lMu . Ed Relllon, IBnnd!l.y ,," erooon, ~r, Bow.rd (Jraham aud bmlly Wt'Te calling on EI lu&er Shldaker I' .nd wife. Sunday afternooD. rrtr . • nd Mn. B.rold !:ianls. or Lebanon, were caUlnC on rellitl Te' bere, one eV911iuII la,.' week . Mr. and Mn Ii:vltreU Villars . of , Day'on. Ipen& the week-end wl\h Mr. Frank tlqtJlr811 an,1 family. Bever.1 trow herl! aUended the COmWltlSOem!lllt and ola81 1IIay a' W.YDe.vllle, All report a tine "me IrIr .nd Mr8, William Bell aod lon, or J:lomerTllle were vlet&lag EI " ;""1 K.illlul e . of Id urveys, f Hall's Catarrh Medicine Mr H. B, 1'uoker aad family, !Sun_ day . I bnrK. W~~ II Th ur lldav .lIftorn " ult Those wh o are In U "ru n down" condl. Ig u eHI of I\Ir". Au .. " hI Bmnno u. nt tion will no t ice thllt 'Catarrh bothers Mr. l{lbler, of New ~ IlIhlogton, th e m mu c h mor e than wh e n the ), are III : Mlt1wu " furlll , Ohio•• pent 118ve ... 1 day. hdre. loolt good health. This t act proves Ihat while CoUt rrh I. ·u locnl dlse" •• • It I. Kreatly log after tbe lo'ere.~. Of th. Fertll. (Jeo. W UII vi! Is r ern ode llol: blfl ' K . E 'J h tl n"J~O ll hliR ~old eigb t Inllue n ced by CO II l!l tttu tlonal condlUon., Izer oompaD,. . t Spotteu l'ulll n(I. L:tl1na pi gs for t he HALL' S CATARRH MED ICINE condwelling hoo~ e Igl rl M' "nd IJ Il Y. ' lJig ol ubs Ln Browo ~16 l l5 o f an Oin tment which Qult kly Gall Gordon 'oak 1\ amok load of It ell .vc" by local aPpli cation, and tbe The Reds nrc eleve n aboue! in ou r l1lt c! ,I II m 80 uooLl ofl . Inte rnal Medici ne. a Toni c. which IUIII.t. ohtldrl!n to LebaDoa, last 'l'bunday . ijnnd .. y .l\ch oul co ltL e~t . In improvlllg t ho Oene ral H ealth, , Mrs . (.JIIl ~A cl ORerl b er ' ~ohool ,, ' to the ftel4 mel!&. Waynesville Wat S old by dru ggi8ta tor over 40 Years. Tbe Moo re obi ldrell, who wero ~he , WelltlH.n. Fri rl uy. with 6n olcl-(/l sb F. J , Che ney & Co .• Toledo. Ohio, 'he luok,. wloner , first to bliVIl th e m c!>s]ol s. art:' g~ttlllg ionou bile dinu er. 'Iod u splendId Our bo:" won allo \hl!r ,Bme of heUer . prugmltl In tile flftern oon ball, pl. Tin, TlppeotLooe Cltv, I:!UDWIII.All en and famil y, o~ LY~l e. 1 MI SS Mllnd I'ennlng'on. of Ferry d.y aUernoDo. Boore, 17 &0 II In fawere ~undllY guests of A. ' . A I.eo olo~ccl ber ~(' h oo l hor e, :friday, AI . vor of Harveyaburp:. and wife. t h .u\<Ch it w,,~ Mt s~ Pooningtol? 's Our .ohool OIOlld, lallt Friday, Only 29 at Sund .. Y-Ao u no l un,l nrRt ~ tlltn " l . NVIlr .\· " ,, 0 of hil I' popll s wlSb 11 field meet. an ontert .. inmellt ohoroh, l3 undfl Y m orni ng , 011 Bccotln l. I bl1t I.OIo k t Ill, f'Xl1rui llatloll pus"ell . .nd a bullet dlnDer • larR'e crowd or 8loknel!8. w hIch "f.Jpuk~ ,,.ell t or b .. r ability tIS wei pre. eat to eojoy 'be " .. ohllul tUIl cht' r . HIli) hl18 beeD Th e Terry fuwll y. who hove nil l e Dderlld our ~oh f\ n l o~,,11l for til Mra. I!:mma ClIn. "ad 80ne, Mo\& been siok 80 lonl{, "rf ~ owo b ~ tter lit. oo m i g y en r. bllt, hO!l llot it S yet 110.nd Jllmf'8, lind Mrs . Horaoe Htnmp this writin g o~pt . u. 'She Ifmv ~8 oo r neighbor. .nd d,u~hter8 lUolond ~o T olodo. J, Lee Tdlrn ng.,. of Olly ' on , Obma hood withont an o06m y, a s sba Silturday. to vlel' Mr. aod MrH . dowu und "ps nt S uud Iy WIth !t IS Ullve onll re B l\ti ~fnction to both IIu Alfonso Mnller. hOUle f" lke her t" pilp, pilreut d a nd friends . The Hc bolll boord I h nt Reonre~ Il or f or Thl! I8ml! teaoh.r.bave been bired R HY' H arriso n l1n ll wife. of DaytoJll, for another .Bohool year, wltb tbe ex- were :;a.lurclay an d ::Innd .. y Jl'u""ts t h" coullng yell r w ill ind eed he ve ry f' ort u IIllt.e oeptlon of Mr. V. O. Tolll!, who has uf A 8. A llsn IHl d \vire. ,ccl!pCed .. pOBIU"n In Sprlulboro. Wn Clara Dllan flo rl dnuKht erl!. We wl.b him 8uoeelli. it I. wltb regre' 1\1! ba.,. to lo.e .neb a iood of tlllTer (Jr nvtl, WtlTn f rld Iy gU tls ts "S" vc lIy I", yi l1 ~ in W"ynes vill e, " or Mrs BOllnn, 111 ~V tl llDl "n. -- - ...- - r.lUlIy from oor Gommunily. A, B. 1'1I Irn ll ge onn wif e uull Mrs · Je.sle K~IID o n wllre ~h o PJJ' nl>! lu Vliyn eBvllle, t>nlurrl llY nil e , oo" n. Olll11e. I Pcrrlru WOR [Jne nnme or one. Tow Rloh ond wife spent ~attlr . Auctioneer nod do 811\'0 Wlt8 Ihe nnme of the olher. nnd the)' held a board meeting d llY tl nd lSuudliY w Hit til e In MI' r 'a ID Dlego's anloon onc night ood shot , ".reo t ~, Mr . "'DO MfR. O \ is Jr oU8. l1 t G.e t my terms for your holes 10 one Bootber 10 the bock par- I.ebanon. Public Sale. . lor. MiS! Etbel I!hauk , Ru t h Il nrl "SII\'n and Perrlr. had Oxed It to UlennR Monnon Slid the Mcb':IlY 1 satisfy and save you Iny the grnnrleon out ond collnr tbe ,cblldreD are en ie rt llinill l( Ih., money or no charges . . chnrt tor th emselves, find th ey'd 'hove mea.lee . done It, only he wnsn't bllckwllrd with K E . Tb OIlIl,800, who b·," heen Ihe shooting. Your dod was In the bAr Box 91, Centerville, Ohip'thllt olght, aod he twltrged oomethlllil oou fined to hi A '-'nd for tb e }J 1l~ 1, tlome Phone 2, CeDlervmeB~~ frolll whllt they let dr'op before th ey t hree weekI! wltlt u(t n ge~t l o n I)f 1,J1 H z; went to the bock porlor to hold theIr lungs. Is able l o he \1)) ~om B "I Ihi .. meeting, Then when the oboollnl be. wrltillg. l'h , nk s t o Dr . C. t~ Run ran he WIl8 firat toto the room, aad <11\11, ul B .. rv oy~b nr l! . colinred tbe ('lIert. Wblcll wu Iylol on the Ooor. HI! W!l8 ahoa)'8 quIck OD HA'fHAWAY th e, IVaB your dud. BeLDa I lcnowl ~dg~" ble man, he ~Iloned Curk IUUH Financed by R. L. woa the only chap tn BnvRno to belp DENTIST him toile th e 6tu1l' ,lOci clenr It, but before he could conclude bUijlllesa with Dental BDd Cll rk he 11[1 .. nd died," COMPANY Cll rk nOlldcd. General "Thllt \1'88 so." sold he, ACTIVELY BOUGHT, "W ell." enid Sitton, "'we've rot tt1e HAINES BUILDING, SOLD AND QUOTED wh" ' e yarn nOlt', nnd ['m wlahlng to he Telephone 114, dOUl' wllh the bllslness. I'lO pretty We own and can scll certain of II l'lIr sick or )'1111 two gllYs trailing atter these iss ues to net incomes of Waynesville, Ohio. 0"'. oud I'll . hllnd YO'l out lOy b~ from 8% to 10%. We will dcthese stocks liver certificates for lI!'t for what les \l'orth. It don't seenl to your ban" tran.ferred to your null/rul 10 me to Ond gold In a hooker name if. ),ou will deposit fuod s lik • llllll, jus t tor the p1t'klng up, nnd there. We ca n hell' fin ance lheir 1'01 8 .. 11 fillY milo m)' cllltnCeS for n purchasc at 5 %. thlll/ sl1 nd dollnrs. ['10 Nst (1IIkln' oUI We also specialize in the issues of of Illy heu.1. You know whnt [ am, ..• DENTIST••• ['m ('lIntent to rlln 811111111. \V1!'~e mude OHIO SECURITIES CO_ UIII"" ID I he ,·untruc'. J don't want It written CLEVELAND DISCOUNTCO. "i •• IODaI Baok n dOl. GEIGER·JDNES COMPANY rlown nnd signed. seeln' thnt the Inw DUBISKE COMPANY couldn't help me. I'm o,nly ollyln' that It YOII 18)' me ('rooked 1'1t 8pllt. Gol If inte~lr.d In all)' Ohio Stuck!'. ~n d J oseph Isnl'8Im. fftrtll boy of foreurFrce "KEEP !'OST E O" s.' r viee that In your !tends'" Sprllll:f1cld. Mlnll., CIlslled III on UI!' 1;he nigh contractlnr pIIrtles on the I.:!h\' Hereford enlf he fed nnll ex· oth er side nodded assent. hll ';ll,1 "t St. Pllul I~innlng the STOCKS AND DONOS "Thllt beln' settled," Inld SatoD, NOTARY PUBLIC t:t'tll1d ChOntJ)lonshll) In cotnlll'tltion 5th Floor, Union Tru.t BId!:, ''ltere'~ the ehart_" tl l'er :!1O oU,el' "bnlty bc'c\·es." J-I I~ Spuialisls iN Ohio Se, ,.r;tirs He produced a metlll tobacco box ·. ,':t r·"ll'e r \\"~l lCllc ll 1221 poll n d~. ~ Waynesville, Ohio EotabU.hod 11105 CINCINNATI,O, ond took from It a told ed pIece ot pa· , r,, ' n "n~ "II fll'l1.1'9 nnd wetlrh t or .••.1' "'" ~ I e,, " "rought ~IIIII $1500. National Bank per. which he laId on the tuble before Selletfl. The etrect was magicRL . CarQulnez sprang trom his chnlr like n young mnn, came behind SelIprs, Rnd, bendIng over hts shollhler. looked. Ralcllll'e, though out ot the bU8lne8~, W08 as ex~lted u the oth·eMl. SalOn al one WOR calm. He had heen Cl\rr~'lnl:' the thlnr about 110 long thnt It hod probably loal Ita freshness ot In, te1'l'st . Sell ers. wlthollt 8[1enklng. !ItA red at th .. "',u rl herpre 111m. RUlli coy WIIS sllow·n. ond theil, have met defeat . at the hands of-. soulhwes t or Rum cny, a line of r eef mnrK!'" "Lone Rel'f," 8l~d tn red Ink, Wellington at Waterloo-h~ migh.t "onn e ct,.~ to. the rPI·r by 0 red 1I0e. Iho h ave conqucred the world, a.nd the nUI1lf' "Nomhrl.' do Dtos" · could be mnde out. the "0109" vvy In!lIstlnet lit history o f our nation ' might have th e frllYl'd edge or the !popel'. In th e been written' differently. ",. ..-101' rl l;ht·hllntl corner the' latitude ~ncl lOtl!;1t u,lt! were written, but 80 tllintl y Miles were miles to Napoleon- but. to you they have been reduced to minutes , . th nt It would hn ve requtr-ed close study In II strong 1I!;1It to mn'ke tbe tlirurl'S and the possibility of getting results from Classified Adverlising are almost in:; out; . Nobody botllered tibollt tbem. ioone stantaneous. Ad vertisets say so , too! reef wo~ on all the Chllrts, and tho nRme wns enough, " ' vc beC'n by there," aald Bellel'll at IRst. "on (I I've lIever scen.. algt1l ot .. ~uu d .. y



't •

Gall Gordon I' very bu!.v .. bllQllng our lohool.




."' .. ~.






\\-Teele" ,


"You wonldn't," !!AId Bat.n, Thl! hllll ot' thRt reet muat have r.1.sed Iteelf IJln~ ~he WDII Bullk, for thl water In tbe ertle· doesn't cover ber' .t"bJrh tide lind low tldea It" pretty DMr empty. . Bul ,be'll heeD un~er ~lht enough, rean alO, for the deeb are coraled over, hatcbe. all, and the 1tU1!'. tunie4 to ireD with thl! no and _tiler. lOt to 4pa. mite btll' CI~.~

.C'l'II . . . . . .~

Be sure to call our servant, the tel~phone, a,n d we will attend to ·your wants





_ _ _..._ _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _IIiI_



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wilhoula .:.~~~i~ . ~."




nicelotof M'n~esota White Potatoes just received



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i'~n ll cl~:v .


' ta Ilfs /ibh ~toli olr· "n r-'ew York ,to Cnll· ' ". hl: }s P 1 hf r Wl"" " ..,. " , . I ' , .




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" :lYTLE ,



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'S' P'ARIS''H " ,'. Il a~a week. ,



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' MrA.' M/t rv Cnli~'"y l i~ vl~I"' t1g lier Ml\r t J.<' nx. lu I" " " '", . l, ~r. ~ lIb\l r Cla rk /"n d fll mil.Y. Volll,e., ljlnn Q/t.Y. R,Qhlltli q~ ,~ rs..~'t ry n. . "I"r mppy . " ~ 'tillveral trom h el'tl a Uendeti oom . menoemllnt ..nd ' Ihe 0111111 . plllY 1u W"ynellvllle,:IIlllt week,OJ " ~ re , An.ll L . &mHh f s' III a' 'b~


bo,me ,pt bllr M rs All ell B,a~dy . In Da~ '<]~. ,,' . MeRdamN Emmu Brow n lind Cora



•• '


"OCltL' rr.l\e."B~tter: ,Way ' i:~ ~:~; ;f::~' I!b;::~;';!, with.' Mrs. HAD PLEASAN'TS " H Ih 'Mr'. and 'Yt s Gu y ROI'u :ol~ ,bo I

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Thepnri8hsocialheldatthe 'ho~e

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1 (~le ci';ugb'ter.'lDov·pd t rom west 01


~~~e~.~~~~~t~y~llen' ll:m ~IO~ '8 pr~·p :

of Mrs. Mary Caskev, TcJ"sday even. 'n lf:.. 1,& i",f,.D' , I, ";'" 'r'V ·.,1I. . T.n.. .. ' ' , . . . "~ 'I " .g)!,AU:Al=" ol.4U4\. ..J,'IIV" ,,,,U/leetl., ,,Ka'l).ryn , "lid" MargRr jngl was very well ·a ttended. Misia I OIarl aud Leonq MoWIl,t\ I ~ hav~ \ 10 Mary Cook, or Columbus, IGhureh t '" ;'.N ifm~'s, 1\$lonl In tbe Wl\lpen.1 l1e ,oh9011 ' '\!~ 'j ' : " t' ",. alae oomln.,.y ea,. . I" School lecretary, gave a most ·", esting ' talk on the .'·9h'r \lItlli] Nu'r- J W'I' .~ , 'J' 1.1." I ReV(·'J. 9 , WIllnt spimt a ooupl. ture Course," a new IIYltem .1 .el,gp ,t~ ' C«!Jl5idllr tbe ot" C!IlT e' 1t~" ' Wtoo81t ' wl tll Mrs. WI "tI' O[· (lOllna Without, HEALTH P.. ", a\ Chrltlt bo",JU:al .. ~1 DOIDnut', MTM' Church Schoollee80ne that is belnll 8'Q¢ WfAnt"t. elowl, Improvlog. I ~ ,: adopted by almost all the schools In tJlft , (. .' .,,,, '1 1 •• h 01 A h ,1.9, r"al~ I JIlII' . Chl\s. n. K aur o~ , of Dlly fob, t ~ oceae. mong t ose pr t . . Ipen' a Iloople of day " 118L weell ~;: ~.u~t ,' ~~ wlab Samn,,1 a - IDed at \be h ome of we re Be v . a~~ M! 8...Sc.h8~er.!... td ' . W lie, a~4 "~'~f b Jli ~h of b~ • keep; f,l ll oqF, Mr . and M.... WRiter Kenrl ok . nni~R·, ofJer a• . ·Mr- . GeDr~leiV~· tIeOrek.D!" ,qf - the· t op . 'Burll;ii4~'i!o~al';t>~rU. h~ followed Mi a ~~li addre8s, { e ta " t~~ wlllfare Meshodls' Ohlldren 'lI home cr~am and cak~ were served. ! our automobiles. If IWII neglect Worthington, OhIo. g ATe a fi ne : they soon beqome big tfPu~leII Ly$l., obu.cb . Bunda, aft.ruopn~ I ' '. '" " , .'" - .~ ~ q : ~ J' "'8I bEllfi~. ~n pa,v .. P4Qlt of UI L M 0 ..... 1 I I d . r ~~rll ! l~ked- o!,o r OC~T .... II eonll C nn 8 enterlll ns 'W ' pr.eY . an .•t" lhAt ve. ry-hin.a • & 6, n'oloolr ' I., ...'. , ',',', "'.1 ' '. , "I',.!'.;.,. (, :' , ' .. . the1-..., MOll'dRY : ! "..M1811\ie MildrM ' ,ot US/ I~O~ IIlme dmoe'r', 1lD!1 Marglre' !::tllrk ,Ed"h ,. ~eorlCe" R HCQ'l\8i,d!iJ'aU(ln t f;!r <lur b~le~T.. Do V I M CI a CI Sa I, t~e" Jittie tiqUbl,:. , ~ e ma 0 ure an eo 8.~. ,~ , : wai ~ ::Until .t\l,ey Mr. and Yr8. Wm C relgb ~oD on. "' .... ",...... IIJA't i~. hrylned a n_mbsr of Rneltl, 8nD. 1I!I~!O~fJ...£.",!m~ COlt of dar, ! ..~" . n~~_~w~~!~[H~~~~.-__ ~~8n& of t~e Arriving aboard 100 dou6Ti;reriitl~' 1 aIllICIlUI,el), !ret Mr. and railroad cars forming trainl more Idea thAt we cannot to Mr•• Tholl . Saylor, of SprlJlI Valley. than one and one-third miles long. care for our bealth. ~t us rather Mr, On,- Ro~tzolio ollened Ii and made even greater than In 1922 be convinced that thfl COlt of III garalf8 In Ly\le. Mr. Routzoho II " f bi health Is far more expensive than an experlenoed mpobllulo, and has dd Itlon b y tea h 0 'man, g, new goinll' to the Chlropra~tor to get hid ""eral year.' experIence 10 thlll foreig n' acts. Ringling Brothera and well and keep well. The one Incom· lioe ot worll. Be hUB an enttte osw Barnum & Bailey Combined will IIX- parable gift you poaetqI la your eqolpment, and II prepanul &0 do h1bil at Dayton, Tuesday, June 5. health . You cannot Ifford to do your work '" a rM~oOl\ble prloe ana Those who read the dlily paporl without It Let U8 explain more In a .8I\ti8faotory maun er Be will fully why ~hiropraet\e 18 the better 11,0 oarry a line ')f part" and aOO68or who keep in touch with the movie way to health . ConsultaUon ill free . 80tles. We weloome him and hili ne~('I.r eels need not be reminded l f (",all on me at the Chiles hotel on family to onr ... lI\age the ~ hipload of acta and animals reo Tuesday and F~riday eveninge from - - -... ........- - cently imported by the Greateet lIeven to nine. Sh'lw on Earth. The remarkable car go included two companies of ba by ele phants are now joined with th e forty adu lts of the mammoth Walter LI'0Y 18 driving a new he rd. There were aleo 100 more Oakland ledaD-. pe rforll ing horses acco~panied by MIlOI' Mllry lJoll eU I. home from Euro pe's greatest trainer, Erne9t her 80hool work In AU80uia Schumann, and man v wild animals, Carl Conard bill! a coepted a posl. some of which have been added to "on 118 olerk iu 8lalr's dore t he scores upon scores of trained jungle beasts, while otherll havlI hejoined his wife and I)aby here forball a .. Raymond WIISOII, of (laYlOO, come part 0 f the marvelous visit. menageri e. Big as is this wonder clrcua ot •••• 192H-with itt! more than thirty rl'hlUve8. here. May 30~h has been set aside 811 the day on which we hOhOr thOle trained wjld animal displays in steel Rev. Je~~e Bawkloelllled t,be put. who have dIed for their country, We have al"o set aside·thlit day to arenas, fully 200 wonderfully pit at the Frleuds ohnroh In Way_ remember our departlld I?ved ones By utll,llll' Rowera we aro a&Ie to nentJIe, Sooday show our fondest memories . We have thousandl 'of fto.eni to schoo led horses . 70Q men and women Re ... and Mrl!. O . At Sflllers . ot rare of the demand, at prices th'lt cannot be equaled. ' . perform·ers. 100 clowns, and scores West Milton, were gnB!I\S of reIB. · Selt>et ?eonies . ..... .... '$2.00 per of features- the price of a-dml88ion &tvee herl!, 1111& week. ' CarnatIOns . ........ .. .. .' $1.50 ~r doze.. is no mo re than nefore . Evervthing . B. 8 . Reevea and aon, Maurloe. of Rosel!! . .. . .. .. . ..•• • : ••• ~2.00 and up .. is in one mammoth main tent. One Rlohmond. 10(1, were guest. of reI. Sweet Peas ~n_ b h ticke t admitt! to aU these'. and to the ..tvee' beril, Wednesdllyand 'rhnr... . . . ••• .•• •• • • '. " I~ . .r , one tr~mendous do u b' l e menagerie. day. Wreath,. ~ ... ~ ., .... ,',.'.$3..00.and 'up , There are more than a thousand ani;' R11I1&1lllampkln. of the &r;'I08 Flat. Sprays .... ~ ...... ~.OO and up ." .. mala in the zoo of this ' circus and snffered Inj,ulell ,o·hi. rish' Our GreenhOUBe8 are ftill flowera f91' cemeter, 'v"" and pote. .. these include entire families of hip. . QranlUnll ail eDlllue, ooe I'leaae place your orders earl,., for our PriCe, ate iure to make uala the buylnlC. point for Melnort.I 'D., 8I;1W81I. · ,. ' , Foruleby ' markable zool... llical feature la an "am.. Moore, aged II, who ·:wae ,,",ok by ao aa&omobtle, Banday FRE)) IJ. COLE armored rhlnoeeroul, the ooly one e ••nlD., w.. not 18rlooly IDJar841. to exist aDd alone worth W.,.eerill.. Oldo .' PItofti. 395 ' . " aDd Ia noo'NriDI Dlael,.. ~,ooo.


Purol Galoline Moore~s .Oils .nd Grease FI~.b Light Bat.te,j~. \ Fla.h Light Bulbi ' ~ o icy~e' t~ · dnd Spokes Top Dressing




Cfea'mi'S eparatol!1Oil

Phone 17


C n "~f."I<. O ~·.I. s~ " 'Btt!e ~:

--- - -





Chambr~ Ging·

_·Cooper. Tire and Tubes '.. · Skbin .p'.-·l one l~evel ' Tire :Puq1ps. A to Jacks spark~'PIUgs-~ c~"s . "F:91.dJ~:.ep':~\a~e :nt Parts T 0011, Special Irenches . . =. . '~~!lG~slieh, , M.aten~l. . ' ,. - Gerrerai -'Lln'e ~uto Accessories



of Voile.'\., Organdies , ~ut. hams. which ha ve j ust a rrived fr9~ Baltimo re and Chicago . Our prices I • I ' . . . I,' I will 8u rp r is~ you,......,they a re lower ", ' ''Me n' ' En\b 'rate ~ ln (c illj~ d ." . r 1 have opened · 'a ga rage i n Lytle thlln eve r b~ fore. In I(,'plllll ,1 'lIlI' n " rt1S8 WileD" UilY ' \De et. but /I mnn ra rely klasel a and''al'ri prepar ed' to do y our work . " .. I .. , . ' , , . J soli~l t 8~8h ~re ' ot your pat ronage. The Alumni commJ ttee are des ir· r om/lfl. ous of 'the mem'be'~s 'purCh88illg ; th~ ir , I, 1 ' '' ~I · !i .1' " " GUY Rp u lzohn , t icke ts as soo n as possible. in order .. :' I, "" I " " -,---- t o make '.rese rva tions for ~ e Bu p ~er . " ' for the Miami" Gaze tte Tick e ts may be had at the , National . Subscribe j j , " I ' ,. I • Bank, PostolJice. ·Oxley· Pace l)ru g 1 h.:~ ~ store. li nd Hyman 's st ore. , I Ly tl e sohool olosed; FlTld,,:v ) ' 1 "'). The Me n of Waynesville will h~id , II11s9 Beul ah Coon Jett for her their Mav meeting, Monday evenJng bom~, JQ , llay ,o~, F a;i ~aY ' 1 I r "I' '11 be . h II S a t t he MBsonrc a. upper WI Mn . ' lIIa " DiI~ ' Wll8 a wllek'Jeull ser~ ed at 6:30. and Paul Ackerman, ,aMt ot ' Oay tll'n rela n v(ll ,., '"" sel'retary of the DaytoJl Auto club. , ~~II;1tiel :.i;J.arD~p · :p~ d~\iqD " II will be the speak'er. Installatlon -:of *URb tly 1~l?~9 ~ ~d lit &l}Ir",,.:} r;ne. ,. ,.,., the n ew officers . Calvin Longa,ore wa~ II "rldua'e f Wayne 'l'owu.hlp 8 igh lIobool,

JVIYues~Ue Auto & Machinery Co. .



. ~ ~

$1.!Hl aqd $L95 . ." .

\0 ..


A. Mo~:

" ' R8 ~uw " r~ 1

1)lalle tll" hr



L/~ltt l' {

remlyl 8'1~ ' WOllltY ''rifllr!o/ blcu" Ct he

·t 'O·e'-s '.'

TnrJlllr of Call·

:O; ~lIle Ja y

fo ru \u, pI'om ISll(i

. ::.." ',;: ',.;." U ,• .r '.


" I ;





,, ,

. .

2nd ~ 1I I:O l ll lu Ila e , Am y Hopkin s Buy your II n811 Oi l Stovell , Ov .. n Of J E · F azi!' 2nd 10 I ola to [{ace, Ha rvey .Hul~ he a~r\tal.1D ~'!l Ill ¥ ting oC nd in 7r; y ~ . pash , Ha rvey ~rF8ce, 0 rl Wi<'ni. rlllf;!. ·; tl~ ami l~e~ 'at Qll I be rd in 75 yd . Dash, Al(nes Loflgllcrc ~ 11' ~ ~ h d at h~ Ch8P~ I, o;lday , .fu ne 41' . in 50 yd. DIl~h, Am y Hopkins. Several mem hers of th e 10cHI M 4 ,Iat 1:30 p. m ., fo r t he elecli on or t , 4 e cre tar ·treas41I , in H IghJu ltlp, J "~ ,e M tmd .n h all sons are attend ing inspec tion a t Ha r· urer, and for other impo~tant tiusi- - Y.1y nesville !lot u total o r 1;9Y. -veYl!bul'g . this e vening.. ness. A f ull attend!lnce is desired at poillts, ("lIowed by 1. ,han ,lO wit h 40. 1 ~I rs. Be rt Bra t t a nd 8011 return ed thlfl,lQeew,I&- ' , ' 10 " "" I .., .. .. 1' a nd ~rnll k.l i n wilh "UX , All . th~st! hllrt\e VI i ~b ,*'rltnl~h, ' r1I' amson mOO"· . L . -M, HendenlOn. Clerk , \\lnmng pOlnt q may receive t hei r rill · unci ta n i1yh d'A n be ~#,;ri . nd .. i or 1\ =:;:';;:":::':;::;=.~'';::'~''=:':::'= ' =;:=:::::;:=.:;:=. bu ns at the h'l me of Supt. Blat t. v i ~i t. They have bee n the RUE' :;ta of ""!.!. j ~: F rankli n on ill th e High SchOOl \1 1. and Mrs. C. G Williamson CU I l " " 'Q I ~~iol~ with ~ t otal.of 50 .p oin ts . Mit Ille post wepk. .E'c~' . Ison bemll second with 39Yo. Go to J ohn A. (o'un ke't's .. th is wU\lk .. , , I ' ...' • and next. See the large asso r tm l\l1~8

DO":,, t....


TlUs Waslung MadUnedtys


Fa!' tll n A~'C'lIl lim ill u ,ctlss ion, He rman Co nner ie spend ina- a tew . unday. May 27: Ghurch OUI' t .rade Acilu lII \\' 011 t hE' CUll lit ~he IIa)'8 in Detroi t, Mich . af 9:30 a. m.: ' ervir anti \ a rre' CO ll otv Il it Id 1)1!!!!l , which lit 10:45 ,R• ..., .J ohn , ~ I r~. J . W•.White \s shopping in r.' b i "liS Ill·lel al th" l"ltir ground. as lv · , one da." last ~eek . Sctiaelll:er, rector. Cover ' ell year· Thur .. l u y . If we win it Il n Ct! 1I or... '" enl a ., ~ invit ed to thesp SE'r ir~ ~. it \VOl b.· I he pt'rIllllnl'lIl pn1lle;lv of Mrs . N. H. King, of Indi anapolis, ,)lIT "('I)()ol Nil olhN ~(''' '' l) 1 III tht> l nd .. is vi siting r elat ivl's her e. FERRV CHURCH c<l unly hll" WI'II it 1111"' " (h nll " n'C' , ' .... , Mn, ~ n l, n ... rries.'lRge. MIl\' 27: "~I V ' . h I I . .• , . . . I ' f '" and :,o \VII \ lIe. I'III" II',:, I , . ,I jotc on 1r. and Mrs J am es E. McClurl' are "plrH. 11111 1 IUtI ~ I '1. , '. • l . ' all lhe r "'~ 1. wNe III Piqua. OhiO Monday f II mhessdagle 0 Ie t!EI E' CI,mVl' nll ll11 TIll' slu '\,,"I" ",1 ; 0 \\UIl Llle iJuil)t ~ . t e e ellates _vemng', 7:~IO : fo r (lUr' , ('h ,II) ! M'. ,.- f" llows: Mr und Mrs. Harr y Pace ppenl ' , ' h f' d . 0 Choice of MMf?s ." l!;dward D. Goller. Minister . 1st ill Pol1lto !tile!'. Agnt's Longacre u n ay ,Wi ll' . Ie 8 I~ ayton IHt in I3l1s~h)i1l Thruw (ulld ' f !)!I I W HAll en spe llt t he week· end OIHHODOX CHURCII pound s). Amy H pklll:< I ' tl h' I h . 0 . M' h . I' L II I' , W I I IS Irol er In etrolt, Ie . , 1> 1 I II lH St'u ll lrow ( uv~ r ,,"0 bath School at 9:45 II . m poumj,,), Mflr\' IJullt. M d M k Z II t eetinR for Worship a t 10:~ 5 . . II ' I J' II L ' I (. : r lin ri. . ,fa n f' spen l :<t Hl Ig'l ump, ' f ue rll.c . re~ , .l < tli ,., d H lib k un uuy WI rum S near e r oo . orne and wo rship with u s 1 ~ 1)J1 I:!ro,ltl Jump. Hulph Mumou. I 2nd ill 1I 0 p. :)le " lind Jump, Har · I Dr. lind MrR H. R. Hathaway , vey 'u r fllce . spe nt Sunday wil h relal ives in 2n d I II HIIIlIlIrII{ Bruad Jump , Har· S . b vl!v::\urfHC('. . prill/( o ro.



1~0 Rt'-nA~' S'

Phillips Building


' IAL~'"






Save More Baby Chicks This Year The very surest way you can save more baby chicks this year is to use the right starting feed. Ordinary grain feeds and home mixed rations kill countl~ss chicks every year. How often you hear the .expressmn " har: bAd luck with my chicks. So many of them dieri:' 1 most cases the trouble is in the starting feed. 1 _ake up your mind to save more baby chicks. Purina Chicken Chowder a nd Purina . Baby Chick Chow fill every requirement of a perfect feed for baby chicks. With Purina Poultry PURINA BAIY Chows you can give y our chicks .. a double start. ' .




Waynesville, Ohio

;~~~~~~§~~~~~~§§§§~~~~!;~~~~ D~~on~n!e~:8w!~ft~!dB;~::~ ~~ MEMORIAL DAY . FLOWERS~.'.~ 'dozen


Exchange OHIO. ,


The Gr~oUSes ud~deas' .Lehanel" O~

•. ! . •• j


Seventy-Fifth Year

£ :


· ~ca~ ~:

'. ~.nnm,.~ .~ _~~~c'-

WAYNESVILLE, OH IO, 'fom Barnha rt of Frankl in,

" ij~


Whole Numher 5544

in I ~ 11 May 16, .n jollv yrowd o~ the ~·n.~tlln e n and Sll phomor e~ ml/tqre d

town, Monday .

I . ~I~s. Flora Berryhill, of l'olum bu8, 18 vIsIting here

til lJ.lyton tu see Thoma!! Meillhab in


" Th e Ne'er·l1 o-W ell ," at the Str.nd

Mn Cynthia Evans Is home from Mrs. Alice McKinsey vi., it.. d r"laCincinnati. Uves in Morrow, Sunday .

Mr IIIHI Mr~ W i3 ~'qu i reH enter· tain ed, Sundu) . Mr . Roy Corn ell and family. of Kings Mills Mr . Charl es Cornell ulld fumily. of Ferry, ami Mr, Vern II {Ju~h and famill'.

Joe Hawke, of Sabina, is the guest Miss Ruth Stansbe rry, of D HytOll, of reilltivee here. ill visiting relativ~e here. Mn. H. E. Hatbaw ay w.e a DayMrs. Mary (i;askey left. Tuep d a ~' ton visitor, Saturda y. night, for Washington, D C.

A crowd of young people. chaperoned by Miss Minerva Harlim. spent Saturda y aftern oon near the dam . Most of tlte time was spent fi ~hil1 g after which 0 weiner roast wns enjoyed. . . The Semor class waa ent ertame d , Ilt the home of MBrll'aret Cook. nellr Harvllys~urg, Wednesday. Mav 23 The evening was Bp~ nt In games and I D )' . f h t f ~nus c. e dlclouks re res mendS 0 Ice cream an co e were serve .

Mrs, Chu. LefferllOn, of Clncinn .ti The grand lodge of 1 O. O. F will lpent laat week wltb home folke . meet in Cincinnati. in Selltambl!r . Mi. Mary D. HutchillOn, of ChiMra. Lowell Thomas apent Monrtay caaro, Is the Ilueel of Dr. M.ry Coole, with her mother-in-law, Mrd . Frank Thomas. Born-T o Mr. and Mra. Walter CI.rk, of Route 6, Frld.y, May 25, a Miea Minnie Satterth wait.e, uf CinIOn. cinnati, Is the guest of Mr lind Mra. Cliff Burnett . W, P. S.U8bury, of Cleveland, lpent the week· end here with hie Buy your BOllI 011 Stoves. OVf'nB children . and Wicks of J. E. Frazi er. Store open, Saturda ys. Buy your Boea Oil Stoves Ovena and Wicks of J , E. Fruin. Store Mr .•nd MI'II. Howell Peirce and open, Saturda y", Mr. and Mre. S. L. C.rtwri ght attanded an anniver sary dinner at Dr. and Mre. Ellis Smltb, of Cin- Selm., Sunday . cinnati, weraarue8ta of Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Smith, Sunday , Save your Old Carpets and Ruil's and get "WMrw ell" Ruga mRde. Dr. McKln~l!Y. of Oakland , i. the 'Send for Drlce liat. Frankli n Ruar polllle8ll 0r of Iln Oakland Sport car, CI), Frankli n. Ohio. purchu ed of E. W. Rickll. H.rry Conner and wlfeand daUllhMr. Leeter Surface and f.mily ter, Juyce, GeorKe Styne and wife, ware 3unday .fterno on arueetl of of D.yton , lpent Sunday with C. M Mr. L.wrlln ce Surface .nd f.mlly . Brown .nd family .

Under the light of a great new truth , America 'was born. It was a thQug ht in govern ment so new and overw helmin g that it thrille d nlen's souls. F or it the y would face any fate. It was the idea that all men are horn free and equal. The most recept ive brains of that time couched it in a wonde rful phrasi ng of o·ur Decla ration of Indepe odence. In that settillg , we have cheris bed it to tbe presen t day a.nd will cheris h it for all time to come. It has been the big

theme about which have cluste red !Jig deeds and big sentim ents for a centur y and more. Both for Ameri ca and for the world let us keep firm' the high resolve and meet• the enemy of our flag, wheth er that enemy be here or overse as Only by so doing caD we hope to honor our soldie rs and sailors for their high, unselfish and heroic services -only by so doing can we preve nt those who made the suprem e sacrifice of offering the ir lives on tbe altar of liberty from baviog died in vain .

On Friday night ot the Senior cla!l8 play, the II'raduating clatB of 1923 enjoyed a splendid chicken Rupper at Burton '. restaur ant. The cozy alcove was prettily decorat ed in crlm· son and silver. the class colors. After the Bupper, a short BOcial period wall enjoyed .



ALUMNI MEETING fROM INJURIES I'm only a prune In a ri,ch man'a pot, DECIDED SUCCESS I don't know how long 1'\1 stay;

On Sunday , May 27, the children , grandch ildren and great grandch ildren of Mrs. Hannah Bogan gathere d with w.1I filled baskets at her home witb ber son, Bert. in their annual family Ilatheri ng. For several yeai'll the membe rs of thia family have come to spend a day like thla with their parents . On thle occalion their heart1l were saddene d, for the circle had ' been broken -the father had been taken bv death alnce their lut meeting . But they were welcomed by their mother and their brother , Bert. At the noon hour, a 8umptu ous dinner was l1erved to all. As evening shadow s came, each one bade their mother good-bye, and in their hearts IBid, "God b, with you until we meet again." Thol1e present were: Mr. and Mrs ~d BOK'an, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bog.n and daughte r, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Bogan and daughte r, Mr. and Mra. Weldon Wilson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell and two BOns, Mrs. Clara Dunn and two daughte rs, Mr. •nd Mrs. Glenn Davia, two sons and two dauKhters; Mr. and Mra. Oarleton Dunn and son, Miss Monlmia Bunnell, Mr. and Mrs . George Davia -A Guest.

thel\ler . Mis8 Brackney. Kathlee n lI enderson . Esther Hender son, Anna I'hllmas . Mary Margar et Ungll!8hy. BIRie Hawke, Doris Henderson, Edith McKihbon . Marjori e Hubble , Franells Henkle, Edna Mullen, Nels~n Wa tkins, Marshall Filer, Leslie Lewis and Th omas Burton . A fine l ime was reporte d by sll. Mrs Harold Burlte and Mn Israel

~att e rthwailc were hostesses at the May m ~e ting of the Happy Hour

club. at the home of the latter . The member s responded to roll call with ' f rom Wh'tt' Mquo t atlona I ler . •• . ~' red Gons recited one of Whittie r's poem's and Mrs. Earl Hocket t read k t h f ' I' f A progressive a s ec 0 h IS I e. ga:: e. with five ditIeren t stunts, was then indulged in. The prize (a cut I!laS8 candlestick) was won by Mra ., Raymond Wilson, and the booby ,a' cake of soap) by Mra. Fred Braddock . Hostesses served · B delicious lunch of ice cream, cake and coffee. Ro@ e baskutR filled with candy were the favon. Mrs , r,eorge Mille, Mrs. Harrv Murrav and \Mrll . Lloyd Hall were In~lted guests:

. -.

WARNINGI Poasibly no dlseaae or lnaect peat will ae quickly kill a fruit tree u "Cherry Leaf Spot," a funltUi dillaue that caU8e8 the leaves to tum yellow .nd drop prem.tu rely. Sprayinar with Bordea ux mixture (3-9-50) thie week and again after the fruit is picked will control thla dl.eue, Your druargiat will belp you make up the spray, or IIOme I1tores carry a rllady-mixed Bordea ux l!pray, . To aave your trees, application m~lIt be done at once and thoroui blY . • - .,

1r1188 Helen M.rlatt , of Cinclnn .tl, Mra. Eleanor Scott, of Chanut e, with aia. of her h,llv friend" .pent Kan.. is visiting her aunt, Miss . I'm only 8 pawn In Il rich man's the week-end with Mr .•nd Mr. J. Elizabe tb Carroll, who la quite ill, Daniel Shephe rd, who resided with game, The 40th annu.1 meeting of the 0, lrIariatt . at the Friends Home . hill son on the HarveysburK pike, and A c;ard f.Jr the boss to play. Hlgh'School Alumni 888Ocl.tlon w.s who recently fell and broke. his bip. I'm only a cog In the whettl of life- held In School auditor ium Friday Harrl" Sherwood. J . E. Mc'lurl !, Mr. Bnd Mrs Ralph Dyke, of Day- died early Sat.u rda.y mornm g, the A part that ia oft rep,laced; evenlnlt. About 150 membe ra and C. E. y 'endenhall Ilnd Tom Pierce ton. _pent Saturda y nlarht and Sun- result of his InJury. .. I'~ .only a dot on the page of life- guests were preaent , and attende d the Dokey certlmonial ·In d.y with the latter'1I parents , Mr. It proved A man of remark able vItality , M.r . A speck that Is soon erased . to be one of the best meeting l held D~ton, Saturdl Y. • nd Mn. F . .E. Thomlll', and family, Shepherd had r:ever before been III , . for many yean. The program was enough to be confinl!d to his bed ex- I m only a drone In a hive of men- exceedingly fin., and the evening Mr. and Mn. How.rd Hopkins. The Lebanon High School com- cept once, due to a broken IeII', which ,A useleS!!. dull edlled knife; \ was very profitably spent. aeeomp·. nied b, their dauaht er .nd ml!ncement will be held at the Opera was received wh en h~ was 83 years I m only an ugly. misshsped tool lamlly, or Davton, .ttende d tbe Hill boull. at that place, Thursda y even- of aDe That injury came about . I At 8 0 'I c oc k th e mem ben were as Adrift on th p. stream of hfe. .. ' t . climb, $unda, afterno on. ! sea ed a t th e t a bl eS,.n d a f ter t h e inlr. There are twenty. ;our Ilradu~e9ult of a plunge over a dItch re- No one ca? use m ~ or fi.nd a place \Invocation by Rev . John J . SchaetI er .tee. celv~ when he WIUI . t~rown by a 'nto ~hlch my hfe will fit. . lira. Lin. Devitt, Mr• . Jull. DonoI the entire 88semblage, led by the fractio us colt he wa~ r~dmg. He r€- I've drIfted around from pillar to 90. Mrs. E. S. Bally and Mr. M. D. Born- Tn Mr. Ilnd Mra. A. T. cover~d class of '21, sang the High School y The Waynesville band bu It'~ . ~os t . . BaIrd lpent Sunday with Warner Schullck. of San f'ranc18Co. Cal .. been m from the IDJur . and had I song, .'The Orange and Black." The Phllllpa park for the Bummer, and guod health ever slDce. Till III .... I ve half a mind ta to QUIt.. k Th preside nt, Mi811 Leona McGlnnese ')9 Devitt and tamal,.. in Cincjnnati, May 18, 1m, a son. Mrs. Schunck w ",ve conce.r every wee. Mr ~hepherd would have been 94 Yet no on e who's worthy lies e 111'88 formerl y Mi811 Sarah Sellers. down made an excelle nt addl ess, which ~rst concert will be given thle'eve nyeatS of age Jun~ 3. He was born in life. Meears. Frankli n .nd JeeaeThomaa daught er of Mr. and Mrs Stanley ,waa followed by the roll call and near W.oodsfie,ld, .m Monroe county. Ing. • -....._ __ Mv soul won't stoop eo low; Carl Servt. and H.r·y Prater spent Sellers, of Lebano n. readinar of the minutes , by Frances but most .o~ hl8 life was 8pellt near I will live my life to thE! very the week·en d .t the Reservoir. end 'Janney '20. Mil8 Minery a Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tbompson, of Mra, Forest Githens, who under- New Burling ton, GreenEt COU?ty, Though the going be hard and slow '16, In a winning manner , welcom Tbey brouarht bome several pounds ed Cincinnati, are visiting here. went an operatio n fol' append icitis, w~ere he was a far~er. He retired _ .J. L. Patters ?n, in Mountain the class of '23 The respons of flne ' flab. e was In Miami Valley hospital, baB suffered after the dea~h of hl8 wife, who waa States Momto r, ' given by Robert Vander qort '23, In • g before marriag e, Anna Randolph, . ,- - - Ia very creditab le manner Oilville Gray, O. M. Ridae, L. N. a severe relapse. and Is not recover- and had lived with his Bun near r At t f h ~ Prints .. Fr.nk .nd Warnn Braddock Ing as fast as "er many friends were .( and Wenzel .Herrt!l played with the hoping for. She was lome better at by these children: Mrs, the latest report. Mrs . Ida Mendenhall, Spring Valley;' CI.rksv llle band, Sunday. on .ccount ' a~d Marrar et Clark an.d Barbara of their Decor.t lon' M L' . Th pson Radium Kan The following .re at the R81Ier- M.~:: ~~~;a Filer, sang two selectIOns which ~~I • . Eimwood Place: •• Iwere heartily encored . Th~ four voir for a week's flshmg: Mrs. W.I- Oh' . M J hn Pramer near Xenia' Geortr. W.terho uae .ttendt' tt the ter McClure. Mrs. Ch88. Rye, Iyoung ladies made a hit durmar their Mrs. 10, rs. a ead b • D . ' Mrs. Orville Hood. Dayton . I , Charfes, M K"ly-~rIacR )' .nquat at ayton, Viola C.rey, Mrs. Frank Carman , of of The sixtieth annual convent ion of I'school da . ys w.ith th'elr Ring ni· ~s. New Burling ton. and Albert. of the Warren County Sunday Schoo, MondaF evenlnll' The above avi.- D.yton , Mr. anJ Mrs Jamea Lou Barnha rt 91, gave the memoIr s Johns, Waynesville . Two sisters, Mrs. association will be held at carlisle l \for the dr.ceaaed me~bers during ton were the Pelta of honor. t thla Mr. and Mrs. Myer , Mr. and Eliza Baity, of Mason, Ohio. and Wednesday and Thursd ay, June 6 ~hc pait year-O live ~lde8 Edward s banqua t, which wu ltaaed by the Mre. ·W. O Raper, Mra Max Kohl- Mrs, Sarah 'Thompllon, of Anderson, and 7,1923. The two days will b., 1 80 , James p, Mul!ln 91, Ruth ZlmDayton Amerlc .n Lelrlon POit. Dr. haaen, of Lehanon, Mr. and Mrs, Ind . There are 20 Ifrandc hildren full of work, and the:e will be five Imerma n, Rogera 13, ~8ze~ Moore F. one af the prlncip.1 spea~- \ Fr<d Hawke. IUId 28 Dreat grandch ildren surviv- 8essions . Several State worker en, wu and otber famoul army men s will Mouser 19 and Suaan Sides 22. .. " and IItatelmen were preee.,t , Subscri be fo-r-t-'--e~M-=-la-m-;I""G-aze-;-t-;te-t ing him . VI b~ on hand with approp riate ad- ' Mr,. Mary Collett Til-balls '96. The tuneral was held Monday of· dreeses, and the local ministe rs of who Is an Invalid and was unable to ternoOb at 2 o'clock, from his late the county willarive tall{s. be present . wrote a poem. "A pehome, Rev. Amos Cook officiating The Statt! Sunday School conven- Iightful .'ancy," which was well Interme nt was made in New Bur- tlon will be held at Newark , Ohio, read by M~ss Grace Cowgill '96. I ngton cemete ry. June 19-23, 192i. Thia poem embrac ed many years of _ _ _•• _ • the writer's school life. and was a deliarhtful reminiscence. "Then and Now," by ~. O. Cartwri lfllt '89, proved to be a wonder ful contras t Pr~sident between the school days of the speakThe Warr~n Oounty Chapte r of the er and the present time. His theme American Hed CrolB has Ilreat need was well treated and Willi fully enat present for diahes, knives, forka, joyed . A mixed quartet , compof ed Ben KlillP, of Sprinsr: Valley, haa a table-i n fact, everyth ing for a of the MiS81es Jeanne tte an Louella'd Phillips park for thill season, home thut ha . been completely Janney and Measra. Kenlleth Elzey and will put in a ball team here. burn~ out. If you such artl- and E!baD Crane, sanR' "Our YesterHe haa signed plaYf'rs from several clee, aDd will phone Lebllnon 492A. daye, which was well received. ditIt!rent pillces. and Intends tt.. 'Put we will be glad to c.'all for them Mias Kathryn Hender son wu .ccomin .. C'lub that will be a top-not cher. ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::'~ panillt for 'he v.oc.1 numbe n of the , prOKram . Several of the old Miamis will prob- ably sign up to play . The seaaon The nominlAtinlt commit tee report". will start Sunrlay, when the Dayton ed the following officera for the eomY " . C. A.'H play the Athletic s ling year: Rue Dinwiddie. pNIIldent; on the local diamon d. H.roM Earnha rt, vice - preside nt; ~ .... M.r)' Thomu , aecreta ry; Kennet h Hough, treaeur er . " ..... tIId JOB1lUL,A I" It II riP,t OIl ~. back . The Fred orcheet ra, of Lebanon, h . OIl BamLa'. Seal. It .dded much to tbe pleuur . of the . . . . . , . . ~tt;y of Iqredl_~ aDd ~. oceulon , .nd their muelc wu I'l'eat· ._ _ " .... i lll~ The Board of Tr6.tee . earneetly Ily enjoyed. The excelllll\t Blipper reqQllt a Jour I\ttendance at th'e An· . , HdN A'I GREEN SEAL PAINT !wu aerved by the ladl. of the ============ =======~~===~ nu.i Me'etlnar, JUl)e 4th. There ate 'Gr.nge . M.n)' were present from ~· Q'uaUtY ' fo~ihe, ,,,on~, . It Import .nt mattei'll ~I) be aubmlt~, \• dlet.nee . . . . ta ... WtIU. IPn.dl nK and conriD l'Op&c ity requlrlnar 'your attentio n. Section• The c?qami tteeon decorat ioDl de)4'.and 16 of the By-Laws ought .t o ;' 1M U "':'.~ '~6"eara: rep~tatiOD ·ia Shill direct to the Trl State, Cream an4 Cani 111....nteecl .. rve. a 'word of pr.lee. Floral baabe modified or repeale d. Be on _lCainat 10811, ind a Spot Cash .Check, prompt ly malleil, ' I . . . ~..".. ~ . . . . · ., ic'eie were· lu~pend ed b, ribbonl of t hand 'to encour .ge and assist your ' • oran,e and blaek over the .tablt!l Bo.rd In miintaf ninlt the high stan'and .1110 decor.t ed tbe ..... m"'dard ,'f your ilf:autlful cemeter}/'; ln, a very oba~ln, ~' ,". : S. L , Cart~right, Prea




WARREN COUNIY i q;:~;hin:o~!n:a~t~88M~~d';:d 'i S S CONVENTION



Savings De par tme nt VT'U open

Friday, Jun e First



·f ·

at 8:30 a. m.



Allen has asked for Pass Boo k Num ber 1. Wh o will be first in line and get Num ber 2? Let' s start with a rush.




1;.:._ ,..



---.. --NOTICE

.y;..;.. •.:...\1m·Of ,


.:ODey~Paee DI1.g · ~O.

I~.~ __.t.,~", ' IAlWIIP Try the Drqa S.... Pint






c-.e.. leOTI .......


cu.,". 0 ..... o".t allado!In.


OM ~eteraD CIIIl~ID · In tile ItIUUc _vIew h.. ,craUM the oeeu

. , tIIDII.


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'l'he IIwIIlWI 0' ear . . . 48IIINI

...... betwet'll U IJI4 oW .,... uPI.~ ad lbu tlnIr lIIIPa .. II ~ckaL '

. -'Il

1590 Ken,on Ave


"'. '.





, .'

itJ Sunday, Ma.v 27: Clwrrh our ,rade ~~ hlllli W ' II he Ul' xt the days in Detroit. Mich. at 9:30 a, nl .: 'en ' iee anri Wurre' 'ount\' liit let 1I1eel. which at 10:46, ' . RIt'A . ,I ohn .1, ,~~s h('hll'1l th ' I,',dr llrl1 ullds. las ..Mr~. \Y , Wbite._ t\9 shnpping in


Scliae,/ter. rector . Everybody cor· Thur ~( I"y . If we Will it l/ ll('", :I l)rt', X nia, one day last week . invited to t h e~p a r iCIIH, it will 1>,. Ill'" P"l"Illul1!'nl prope ~tv of Mrs . N. H. King. of Indi anapoli s, ou r >chool " Mht'r ~d , "I In til., Ind .. i~ visIting relati vE'S her e . c,l unly hu" "lOU It n ,o ,',' Ihull lO nct> . ~ . I nil me Rge. May 2;: .. My snd "" \';,, \I\,·,,·ill .. 11 .,. II, · t tl":l' "Il l Mr and Mrs Jam es E. McClurt> are SpIrit, lind are Lif'l ." all I he n' ~I . Vol re in Piq ua, Ohi o, Monday message of Ihe t li t" unv t'n l i,1 11 '1'1,.. ~ llld" Ii1~ wl. l' "Ull U.., lJuill t ~ t he delellotes Eveni~l!". 7:30: for ou r ~c h , , ()! lire Ii. \'~: Mr lind Mrs. Har t y Pace ppent Choice of Moses ." u "day ,with f ie de ~ Dayton 1st in ?brut n i{Q('e. AI!Il<'s Longacre l!:dward D, Goller, Mini ter. l~t in . UIlSI'Ii HII TI!rllW (und er ur, I W H Alle n spent lh e week, end POUIl<i S), AmI' H " J1k ll1 ~ .. . . . . HlI ~ 'l' 1H' II 1'1' ( over.9'0 With hiS brother In Delrolt. MIch. 1, 1 Ii' lrow th School at 9:45 a , m ,.)..~lll ry HU ll t. " eeting for Worship at 1O:4!i I pound. . '' M ~ nn .. '1 "r4i. - ran k Ze spe n t , I ~ t In Ii lg hJllm p, lI erb e rtMcC rE ; ,3 ' • I U III untlav Wit I rlen 8 nellr o ~ )roo k . ome and' worship with us l ~ t 11\ Broad Jum p. I< ulph Mamou, . I 2nd in 1I 0p. ::it!'" und Jump. li ar· Dr. a nd Mrs H. E. Hat , lI ey SU.rfill'e . ~penl. unday with 2nd m HU IllIIIl)t 13 road Jump. Har· " . b . ,'ev Surfll ct'. ..,prlllR oro.







. .



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f,)I O


This WaslUng Machine dtys

H e rl~an . ,onner Is ~p end i ng a few

f'o ,' thp ..c!lnd ti me ill slI tcession,






.. _



you r Boss Oil S love~ , 2n d in Pot li to na e. A m ), Hopk ins . t 2nd in POlato [{ace . Ha r vey , Hole a~ rtje tlng Il\ icl(s (If J E. '~'rnzi t' . he 8 . • . f ,2nd in 7fl yd. ~a h. Hll rvey Sur [aCt' J ' . ~ . amI e t on 11\ qe II!' J '~.I II h d at he. Chape l. Monday . J\uie 3rd in 75 yd. Oa~ \J. Alwes Lo!lJlllc\,e •• ~ , .1J. 4 ,at 1:30 p. m .. for the e lec tion ot 41'. in 50 yd . DAsh. Am y Hopkins, Seve ral m embe rs of th e locli l M t el, n 3I!C rllJ:a D' :.I!I!.~s, 41" in H lgh.llI' up , J I'~ ,t! Mend.nha\l sons are IItt ending inspection Ilt Har· urer. and for other important busiW dynE!9viile llot a total or ,l9 y' veyeBUI'g, this eveninlfr neea. A full attend!lnce Is desired at Pll i/ ,t8. f"lIoW l'd by J. ,ban ,," witla 40. I :'>1 f S. Bert Bratt and son relurned thi eetoill&: ,." "'..:.' _, .••. 1' a llo ~'rRnkliA wilh ~''Jy.. AlI .t h~S \l ! h n llll' \Oi b ' ~ r~ll/rp! -r1~'am sn" mS& ' ~ . L . .M. HendersoQ . Clerk \linnlng POlllt q may recelve t heir flit · lind family !' to lAnbehhrl, rid .. i or " ., ., 'r, -... . , . ", , boils at the h 'lme of Supt. Blat t. \' i ~it. They have bel' lI the I(UI' :;ts of tI' ~_i". ~rankli n wo n ilt the High SchOO l 't l. and Mrs. C. G Williamson fo' 'a"" Ih epostwe£'k. ..E !~ ~ Ison bem R second w . Ith .39_X_•. _ Go to J ohn A. Funk e'''s this wt:\!k , '1 and next. See the lar!!e assortme.\1!8




Tit .. ':

. '.; :.,' ': '. ;: : : -.

't ·O·e"" s 8e~po~ .withlltotal.of50points,1t<lil

U 'O l'---,t·

..'":'. ....,...' , .. ,_,, :. ... I A niie l~j of'Mlnnesota Whiie Potatoes just received y.




C . tn I M'i'k~ o~ ~ ·s S ~ lf :",. tt e .

. A n~flt iLdl",H'j' ~': I(yl nil thhl~~ : hlh ctil etl y ),il\, ' "flli ,·,,,·., l\' It), ynllr~"I f. 0<. ' " o t

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,.'Jn sl di1'rhl.k

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rt·Tlw !1yIHg (tWin ; e\' pr y tin,. , 1:1,11 UrII'W. -f'rnllct. d4t

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To Preve nt a Cut Thumb. P'\l ~I"b



'1r. , "~h ~~ t,,, IPptl"pt " !'t~IlIg t l)ult,

lhllV,h t ~ rl).:u l '1 11 "11

Gin~· ror



1'oU14:o",h tll'I"'I'(, ·,ftl"m. 'hu e t".IR ll tly


,. ,.

CUlllIl,,:,: will ~,,\.•, 1)\ulIIb. (rQ:lU b,eJD. of Voiles., Organdies. (;hambr,a ~ut. hams. which have just ar riv e',j from --, ., Ba ltimore and Chicago . Our prices will surprise yo u~~hey are lower '" ,'Men' Enlb,.l:~" 'n leelind." ., 1 have opened · a g arage in Lytle than eve r befor e. In I c~ lu,, " Ill"'" ' J{IS8 wilen" fleet. bllt " wn l) ra rely klsael a and 'lim prepared' to do your work. The Alumni commjtlee are desir· "O.DJ~J\. lr, \ i J' . 1., ,t 1 solicitIf a "aha-re ' of you'r patronage. r. \ , I , ) )1 ous of t he mem'bers 'pu rch8!liDg ' th ~ir , i ·~ I · J .' , Guy Ro utzo hn. Q ticke ts as soon as possible. in order r I, I','", ' I" -,-,.--... 10 make reservations tor tlje supp,er . " ' for the Miamr Gazette Tickets ma y be had at the . National . Subscribe '. , , Bank , Posl otl'ice. Oxley,Pace -Drug 1 store , and Hyman's stole .

.. -_.---


- ----

, . per bag.

lvfittE'$ • '"


J ."-,,

.Cooper. TireLand Tubes .-· Skhfq ':I" :loner l~eve8 .. Tire :Pumps. A Jacks Spark .P)pgs- '1'cars .,FC?td}~ep'!~~em nt Parts T ~Oll, Special renches


'~J.,G~aliOb. J~~alk~t ,Mat.eri~l:' .

,~Geb'~ra1"'Llne A~Ce8S0rlel

Purol Galoline Moore~• .Ojl. and Grease Fla~~~ Light 8atlte~j~. Fla.h Light Bulbi,> : ~,n icyele ' T~ .nd Spokes .Top DreIling ." .. Cfeam{'S eparator "Oil

The Men of Waynesvilll! will h ~id III MI 8S Beulah Co on leU for her their Mav meeting, Monday evenJng ome ~ IjI ,O .. ,to~, Fr,iday. , I( • , • at the Masonic hall . Supper will be I, Mrs . f IOa O< D8~ ' wall S WlIelr Jen'd aeT\'ed at 6:30. and Paul Ackerman, IUll'l!t '6f ' Oa"ton relatives .. ,,,. • 'I \ " I ' se('retary of the Dayton Auto club, I Mf, eU ID!lel ~aiD\»!' .p~d(~iQD 'J& will be the speaker. lnstallatlon ~'of ~lIl1:h&ly Iml?ro~\~d Ilt$lJi", ~me. , . , . the new officers . Clllvin lAmgslore wa~ " gradult'e - - -... ~ ••- - , - f Wayne Towo.hlp 8igh lIobool, lallt week.




Phillips Building



. ,

I " . .'" The parish eoclal held at the ,home ,, ' '. ' I I,


.H ea1t h - ,. D~


• •"




.\ ,+--'---'- ';


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f~ , ~: lf. ~~six L1t!:!~...t~!r!~11IIl

. ,:,,' O'rdet tb8.eChows'r.oW. before


ch~ ~ stunted for

FafD:1erl' .·Exch~ge Co. 'A.Yl~ES,VILU~

OWO. ,


·. 'T.n . ':,r.,ALK ./ /N,O ,.·. lha,,chirepractor


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.r. in.


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~' S' U'I[~ : l~O '"i:,:~ ". .R"~,'~n~' ' u , ..I·'.~"f'"


Arriving aboard 100 doubleolenlrtb railroad carl forming train. more than one and one· third miles long. and made even ~reater than in 1922 by the addition of many big, new foreign-acts. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Combined will hibit at Dayton, Tuesday, June 6, Those who read the daily paper. or who keep in touch with the movie neW El- reels need not be reminded l f the ~ hiplolld of acts anu animals reo cently imporled by the Greatest Sh,/w on Earth. The remarkable cargo included two companies of baby elephants are now joined wit.h the forty adults of the mammoth herd . There were also 100 more perforn ing horaes accompanied by Europe's greatest trainer. Erneat Schumann, anu mlln v wild animals, some of which have been added to t he scores upon scores of trained jungle beasts. while othera havs become part 0 f the marvelous menagerie . Big as is this wonder circus of L92a-with its more than thirty trainl!d w~ld animal displays in eteel arenas, fully 200 wonderfully schooled horses, 70Q men Bnd women perform'e rs, 100 clowns, and scoreR of features - the price of admi88ion is no more than before. Everything is in. one mammoth main tent. One ticket admits to all these and to the tremendous d 0 ubi e menalterie, There are more than a thou Band ani· mals in the zoo of this ' cire'u s and these)nclude entire f~mllie. of blp. I>opo_mi and giraffee. Another remarkable Zool"Klcal feature ' ll an armored rhinoceroult thJl oaly on~ known to exlBt aDd alone 'worth

·;¥iII~es.. ,~at~~yn lind. . M;\rgAr~$ Olarll and Leon~ M~iDAI" ha.vl' \10 ~t'lonB In tbe WafpellVllle ,lohIlOI' , Ib.fI pomlnl,, :Vllar, "" ( Rev! IJ. D. WllIInt Rpen. a ooupl. ol'TIII""'s ' I....c,wfle'k .wltll Mrs. WI"II' a' Gbrlet bol't>1t:al ;' ~lno\Dnlnt. " MYII ' Wi'A nlill Blowl, 'mtlrbvtnr~ 1 A




·f /




r . ('hft8. R. Kanr o~, of 'Dayton, IIpeo' • oonple of daYH Ilet week wUb Sarno"l B .Ined at tho h ome of Mr . and Mrs. Wnlter Kenrlok . . -Mr-- .Gflnr~lelV;,' tI6Oaek~ ·&t . tlHi· Me'bodl.t Chlldren's bome At : Worthington, Ohio, &fa ..e a fine t .. lk , '81Ly*le ohnlcb . Sunday ."ernllpnt MI .. Leooa M cGlnnl~ entertftlned



~lje aDIl Margaret Clark• .Edttljl .(ieorjlll .. . Velma MeCinre and Cleo S'1I0", ~rq~bll:lI ' !II , Mr. and Mre. Wm Crelgbton . r. en-.

us" lllow . .aame Qur b9~he~T Do JlUle .ait ..unti they iSl"t 'I~ 114!1I:IOm l'~O']JI' COlt


abl!lIlhue'I'l'et atJ., from the Idea thft we cannot afl'ord to care for our health. Let ue rather be convinced that the COlt of III health is far more expenlrive than going to the Chiroprar.tor to Iret well and keep well. The one Incom· parable !rift you J)OIIIIeRII la your health. You cannot alford to do without It Let U8 explain more fully why ~hlropractic Ie the better wav to health. Consultation ill free. Call on me at the Chillll! hotel on Tuesday and I~rlday evenings from lIeven to nine.

'eralned a namber of ane,'., 8UD, dfta" ~.P~hl,.\ ~p..ltqnp; III tM !q~., . ra' weadiog' imnl""rlluy of tlie aliter and hUlband, Mr. and ah,. Thnll. 8ay~or, of SprlJlIr Valle, . . Mr Go" Rontzoliu olillned a RareR. In' Lytle. Mr. Rontzabn I. an eJ:perlelioed m pobllulo aud b"a bad 16.enl years' eJ:perle'nce In IbtB line of wort. Be hila an entlt1l new equipment, and t. prepared do your work '" 8 real!on"ble prioe and In a-tlfltillfaotory manner He will al.o oarrv a line ')f part,,, and aeeea. lorlel. We weloome blm and bill family to onr .. llIage • _ ..._ __








Mrll .

with ' ·'Mr·. Bnd ry 'ts Guy Ronlz' ,b n "nd 1I",le d';ugb·~ar.'mov(.tl frn m west 01 Cllotervme ,to Alleo' li:mrloll's prop: IIr",1'burRlt,&y, - . .,

~r/l: o,oked_:::;,thi~: dln:~;~p~~~~ye~r~' ~I:\!e6: M;~~~~"

Save More Baby Chicks Tbis Year I The very surest way you can save more baby II


of Mr8 . Mary Caskey, Ttlesday even' l.l,·,.'E,l I ,. " t 4,,' ing,. was very well attended. MII!Il Iu Ma.ryCook. ot Columbul, ChUl'eh J~ ~~ ·"uCkt~ts, SchoolaecretarY.lravi! a mo!t inter' I '''':: I' " , ) • '\!~ " 't· ".1 esting 'talk on the .' ·Cti'r i,stlan,.nu'r,: !HI J Y,1f, t • J '"" , .1'" ": I ,I l' . .aul.tY~u: ever .S.UI&ht~ co.nsidtlr lure Course," a new lIy.tem.t Qf·dolng wlthout,HEALTlH "'.1 Church School lessons that iB belnl!' .o.t IrQ~ adopted by almoet all the schools in gIve thA thli Dioceae. Among those pr t ,W, ~llaliJ:~ I . w ~ re gev . an..~ 14r8, ~Sc.ha~er,~ M, ' Wfille. an~ ~pbjli~h or b~ toh. 1}UrlJi~tre's~odaI1~rfbtf.'hi ' r,unni~g, orJer: a • fohowed MiSs ~o~~addrelB, I e are about lookirig t9 , tq~ 'l'l(fll,are crbam and cak~ were served . our automobiles. Jt .w~ neglect 'j . . j ' , ,i ', ~ .~ ~ , " 'they SObon ~ellome bIg ~~u~l"f '\Vlt Elall~,/W pa,y •.,.~t 0


chicks this year is to use the right starting feed. Ordinary grain feeds and home mixed rations kill countless chicks eveiy year . .How often you hear the expression har' bAd luck with my chicks. So many of them dicri." ' .1 most ca~cs the trouble the starting feed. 1 _eke up your mind to save more baby chicks. Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Baby Chick Chow fill every requirement of a perfect feed for baby chicks. With Purina Poultry PURINA BABY Chows y~ can give your chi,?ks a double start. Double develppment oi:'iponey back is thCf guarantee if, ,.,lle.n fed as djrec~~ two' C~ do .. · not'p~uee double grr:w.,th over ,


boroe,pf htjr danglt,ter " Mrs Allen ". Bardy. I~ DaYt 9 D. Mellliamlll Emmtl Brown and Cora





brother, YI\rt Fox . ""d fftOllly, 10 Dayton. ' " I" . . ro ' " i ' d' , . " nllbllf "::lllrll ,,,n f!,wlly' ~8r8 . IllDndIlY R.l;Jhlltll ~ ,,.bs,llt .. ry f"'a .....,.rmopy . , '", ." ' t!everal rr-om hete aUendeu oom. olllnoemellt II-nd ' tbli alan pl ay in W'aynellvtlle, :lallt week, " , ; rd. re , ADD L . El mUb ta ' llI aC 'h~

'S P';ARISH I ST. MARY ' DelA'l ~ , .:i~B;tter·· Way ' t~ ~:~; :f::~I!h~:;~~, HAD PlEASAN'T' S





lYTLE ...

'" L , .',

Phone 17

Fred M. Cole

, ~U8~bO~' ~ I ~~~ ~WaY ~"'I. t~;~;~.r:~~'~M~h~r:.~C~~:I:~:8~i~';::~:v-~;~~~:~~~~~b~ft:r~~ ~~-~~~~==~'~~~=~~i~==~====I~


.",ayncsville.Aulo &Machinery Co.



Walter LI'oy Ie drlvlug a Dew Oakland ledan-. Mltl" Mllry Uollett I. home from her lobool w ork 10 Ansonia Carl Conard hilI! aooepted a pOBI . &Ion as olerk In 8lalr's 1I\0re joined bl. wife and baby bere Raymond Wileon, of OilY ton,for" ball vlelt. . Mt and JoIrtl Frank Beevee, ot Dayton, were week end goee'8 or rptatlvee here. Rev . Je!!~e Hawkins filled the pul. pU lit the Frleud .. ohnrob In Way. uesTilJe, Snnday Re t( "od Mra. O . :M Sellers: of WARt MI1t?n. were gU611'~ of rela, ; tlv811 here. 1118' week. B, 8. Reeves aDd 100, Manrles. of Rlohmond. In", were gnellt! of rel. a'\vel 'h ere, Wedneaday and' ·rhnr., day. . 81188611 Lumpkin. of 'be 8ervtcie 1:1l.,r...'.8 InfJered .lujllrlel bie rlr;h& ...bUe oranklng aD eDglD8"oDe 4.,1.,'-w'lt. · .ram.. Moore, Itged 8, who wu .book by an automobile, BnDd.,. enDtDl(, WAIt DO' IIIr101l111' lDjarlMl, u4 S. Dloel7.


For .&ale by' .



W.,.e.rille. Oldo ..'

u '

Phone ISO

Waynesville, Ohio

~~~~~~§~~~~~~~§§§§~§~~!~~~~~ ••••


May 30~h has been set aside 88 thll day on which.we hoill)r thoee who have died for their country, We have .I~o set' aside this day to remember OUI' departl:ld I?ved onea By uelng' flowera we are able to show our fondest memorIes. We have thouaand. of ftoW'era to take ('are ot the demand, at pri~e8 th'lt cannot be equaled.

Sel..ct reonies . ... , ..... $2.00 per "dozen Carnations ... ," ....•. . $1+.50 per d ~zen ~ Roses . . . . . ... . ,............ c2 00 an . d up . Sweet P eas. '... ..... . , , . ', .. 1Jv.:; ~n_ per. ,b.unch Wreath•.. " ... ! •• ~ ••• .-$3.00 and'up Flat Sprays, ..•......-d.3~OO 'a nd ,up· ,. .' .

Our Greenhpuees are lUll of flowera tor cemetery v_ Ud pota I)I~ae place your orilers earJy, for our prl«;ea are lure to make &bla bUYlDlC point fof' .Memorfi&1 Day 80well, . ..... L . • Ul(1

___ dI';"-dens De Gr,cawouses 81 . 395 DL_...I







.. . J,


Seventy-Fifth Year


Tom Barnha rt of Frankl in. town, Monday .


in I:


MI88 Flora Berryhi ll. of Col umbu ~ , Is visiting hare

Whole Nllmber 6544 )

On May 1(;. a jollv yrowd

f the

Frl'~h men and Sophom or "H mqtqre d

tl) DJytoll to see Thoma8 MeiJzhah In "The Ne'er·n u·W ell ," at the Strand thea ter . Mi ss Urackno!y, Katblee n li ellderson, Esth er Hender son. Anna Mr alld Mr~ W B ~' q uireHenter- I'humas . Mary Margar et Unglesh y. tained, Sund a)·. Mr. Roy Co rnell and ~Is i e Hawke. Doris llender son. Edith family. of Kings Mills Mr. Charles McKihbon. Marjori e Hubble , FranCornell. un d family. of f erry. anrl ces lienkle. Edna Mullen, N.els~n Mr. Vern Ii oug h and famil\' . \wa tkiJlS. Marshall Filer. Leshe Lewis anel Thomas Burton. A fine A ('rowd of you ng people. chaper· t ime was reporte d by all. oned by Mi88 Min erva tlarl an. spent Saturda y afternoon near th e dam. Mrs Harold Burge and Mrs larael Most of the time was spent fishing Satterth waite wer e hoste88 es at the after which 0 weiner roast W illi Ma y meeting of the Happy Hour enjoyed . club. lit the home of the latter . Tbe . . s respond ed to roll call with The SeDlor class was enterta med member . s f rom Wh'tt' r Mn . , q uotallon at the home of Marllar et Cook . neAr Fred GOlla r ecited one I ofIe. Whittie r's Harveys~urg, Wednesday. Mav 23 poe m's and Mrs. Earl Hocket t read The e\lemng was sp~ nt In games and k t h f h' I' f A proareB Ilve . Dr' f h t f a s ec 0 IS I e. .. ~USIC. e dlclouks f e res mend S 0 ga :! e, with five differen t etunts, was Ice cream an ca e wete serv e . th en indulge d in . The prize (a cut .. . jtlass candles tick) waB won by Mrs ., On FrIday mght ?f the Semor cla.~s Raymon d Wil90n, and the booby ~a' pl~y, the Ilradu.a tlll~ cla.s of 1928 cake of soap) hy Mra. Fred Brad· enJoy~ a aplendld chIcken supper at dock. Hostess es served a deliciou s Burton a rt'ata.ur ant. The cozy al· lunch of ice cream, cake and coffee. cove waa prettIly decorat ed in crlm· Roee bask8tll filled with candy were son and silver, the clasa colors. Af- the favors. Mra. George MilllI, Mn. ter the ~upper. a ahort BOcial period Harry Murray and ' Mre. Lloyd Hall we eDJoyed. were invited guests:

Mrs Cynthia Evans Is home from Mrs. Alice McKinsey vi.<ilt'd relaCincinn ati. tivea in Morrow . Sunday . Joe Hawke. of Sabina. ie thegue at Mi88 Ruth Stan8be rry. ot Ully ton, of reilltive l here. is visiting relativllB here . Mrs . H. E. Hathaw ay wae a DayMrs. Mary Caskey left. Tue~ rllI ~' ton visitor. Saturda y. night. for Washin gton. D C. Mrs. Chu. LefferBOn. of Cincinn ati The grand lodlle of l O. O. F will lpent lut week wltb home folke. meet in Cincinn ati. in Se"tem ber .

MI. Mary D. HutchlBOn. of Chi· Mr• . Lowell Tbomas spent Monrlay clgo. Is the gueat of Dr. Mary Cook. with her mother- in-law. Mrd. Frank l!nder the light of a great new trut~, theme. about which have Thomas . cluste red big deeds Born-T o Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amen ca was born. It was a tho~ght m and bIg sentim ents for a centur y and more. Clark. of Route 5. Friday. May 25. a MislI Minnie Satterth wail.e. of Cingovern ment so new and overw helmm g that Both for Ameri ca and for the world IOn. clnnati. la the guest of Mr and Mrs. it thrille d men's souls. For it they would let us keep fir~' the Cliff Burnet t. high resolve and mee~ W. P. Salisbu ry. of Clevela nd, face any fate. . the enemy of our flag, wheth er that enemy lpent the week-en d here witb hll Buy your Boae 011 Stoves . Ovens It WIlS the Idea lhat all men. are b~rn be here or overs~as Only cbildren . by so doing can and Wicke of J . E . Frazier . Store free and equal. The most recept Ive brams we hope to honor our open. Saturda YI. soldiers and sailors Buy your B088 011 StOVetl Ovens of that time couche d it in a wonde rful for their high, unselfi sh and heroic servic es and Wicks of J . E. Frazier . Store Mr. and Mra. Howell Peirce and phrasi ng of o'ur Decla ration of Indepe nd- - only by so doing can we preve nt those open. SaturdaYII. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwr ight at· ~nce. In that settiJlg, we ~ave c~eri.shed wh~ ~ade the suprem e sacrifice of offering tended an anniver sary dinner at Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Smltb, of Cln· Selma, Sunday It to the presen t day and WIll cheris h It for theIr lives on the altar . of liberty from havclDDati, were IUetltl of Mr. and Mre. all time to come. It bas been the big ing died in vain. CharI. Smith, SUDday. Save your Old Carpets and Ruga and (ret "Wearw ell" Ruga made. Dr. MeKln~I!Y. nf Oakland , il the ~~furDri~&~ ~m~lin K~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ • On Sunday , May 27, the children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-••- - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _~g~~~M~n~dg~~~~~hl~. p"_880 r of an OlAkhmd Sport car, CQ,Fra nklin.O hio . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~ purchu ed of E. W. Rick •. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~nofMrs . HannahBo~n ga~ered witb well ftlled baskets at her home Harry Conner and wife and daulCh. Mr. - LeIter Surface and family ter, Joyce. with ber BOn. Bert. In their anGeorge Styne and wife. were &lDday afterno on gueetl of of Dayton , epent nual family Slatheri ng. For several Sunday with C. M. POIIBlbly no dlaease or Insect peet Mr. Lawrllnce Surface and family . yea.ra the membe rs of thia family will as quickly kill a fruit Brown and family. tree u have come to spend a day like thll "Cherry Leaf Spot," a funaua I'm only a prune In a rich man's pot, . Millll O.len Marlatt , of Cincinn ati, with tl>eir parenta . On thll occa· eue that caU88B the leavetl to disMri. Eleanor Scott, of Chanut e, turn I don't know how long I'll stay; with si. of her h,lIv friend,; apent Kan., ia viaitlng her aunt. Mi88 lion tbeir beart. were I8ddene d, for yellow and drop premat urely. SprayI'm only a pawn In ,a rich man'lI the week·en d with Mr. and Mrl. J. Elizabe th Carroll , who IB quite ill, tbe circle had been broken -the Ing wlth Bordea ux mixture Daniel Shephe rd, who resi~ed with IlBme, (3-9-60) The 40th annUli meeting of the father had been taken bv death D •.. Marlatt . at the Friends Home. since thlll week and again after the fruit hili BOn on the Harvey sburg pIke, and A c:ar,j f.>r the boss to play. High School Alumni 888Oclatlon wall their last meeting . But they were Is picked will control thlll dleeue. who recently fell and hroke his hip, I'm only a cog In the 'wheel of life- held In School auditor ium Friday welcomed by their Harr,. Sherwo od, J . E. Mc'lurl l, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Dyke, of Day. died earl, Saturda y mornin g, tbe mother and their Your drullgis t will belp ,OU make A part that il oft rl~placed; evenlnl/:. About 160 membe rl and brother , Bert. At the noon C. E. Menden hall Clnd Tom Pierce ton . lpent Saturda y nllht and Sun- result of hour, a up the apray, or IIOme litO rill c.rry a hili Injury. .. I'm only a dot on the page of IIf_ guests we~ present . and It proved attende d the Dokey certlmonial ·In day with the latter', parellts , Mr. sumptu ous dinner was eerved to aU. ready-m ixed Bordea ux ~pray. A man of remark able VItality, M.r . A . To speck that Is Boon erased . to be one of the beat meeting l held As evenlnlf shadow Dayton . Saturda y. and Mrl. F ..E. Thomlll!, and family. Shephe rd had never befo~e been 111 , l came, eacb one lave your treee, applica tion m.u at be • for many yearl. The program was bade their mothor good-by e, and In done at enoullh to be confin"d to hIS bed ex- 1 m only a drone In a hIve once and thoroug hly. of men- exceedlnlfly fine, and the evening their hearts IBid. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkin s. "God b, with you The Lebano n High School com· cept once, due to a broken ICir. which • A usele8ll. dull . • _ .' ed~E1d knife; was very profitab ly apent. accomp anied b, their daught er and mencem ent will be held at the Opera was received when until we meet again." ThOBe llreahe was 83 years I m only an ugly . ml8l!hllpe~ tool , At 8 o'clock the membe rs were ent were: Mr. and Mr8 family, of Davton , 'attende d tbe Hill houlle at that place, Thurada y even· of age . That injury Ed Bogan, came about as Adrift on thp. stream of hfe. iaeated at the tables. and after the Mr . and Mrs. Raleigh climb, $unda, afterDo on. ing. Thl!re are twenty- four Ilradu- ~eault of a plunge over a dItch Bogan and re- Nu one ca~ use m~ or fi.nd a place (I nvocation by Rev . John J . Schaeff er dau ghter, Mr : end Mrs. Evan ales. Bogan celved when he Will! . t~rown by a Into whIch my h fe WIll fit. I tbe entire 81semblage, led by the and daughte r, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Weldon Mn. Llna Devitt. Mn. Julia Donofractio us colt he wa~ r!dm g . He r £- I've drifted Bround from . pillar to ' clasa of '21. aang the Higb School Wil son and son, Mr. Born- TIl Mr . and Mrs . A. T. covllred Mrs. E. S . Bally and Mr. M. D. and Mra. Chaun. ~he WayneIVlII. band be IE'~~ from the mJury. and had . ~ost . . leong, .'The Orange and Black." The cey Bunnell and two BOns. Baird lpent Sunday with Warner Schunck , of San fi'ranc~sco. Cal., been Mrs. Clara Phll1i~1 park for the summe r, an in good health ever smce. Till I ve half a mtnd to qUIt. preside nt Mi8R Leona McGinn May 18, 1~23, a son. Mrs . Schunc k Devitt and family. In Cincinl llti. '19 Dunn and two daughte ra. Mr. and wlllillv e conce:t I every Mr . t)hephe rd would have been 94 wee~. The . Yet no one who's worthy lies down made an ' excellen . wu formerl y Mi88 Sarah Sellera, first concert WIll be given tbltreve n· t addl eS9, etli which Mrs. Glenn Davl8, years of age Jun~ 3 . He was born two 80na and two. in life . aI_n. Frankli n and J_Tbo maa daught er of Mr. and Mrs Stanley . was followed by the roll call and daullht ers; Mr. and Mra. Carleto n mg. near Woodsfie.ld, : 1II Monroe county. My soul won't stoop 80 low; earl Beryl. and Har'y Prate, spent Sellera. of LebaM n. reading of the minutes , by Frances Duml and son. Mi88 Monlmi a Bun· but most hIS hfe was spent near l will live my life to the very end the week·en d at the Reeervo ir. 'Janney '20 . MI88 Minery a Harlan nell, Mr . and Mrs . George Davl. Mr. and Mrs . Joe Thomps on, of New Burling ton. Greene cou~ty. Though Mrs. Forest the going be hard and slow '16, in a winning manner . welcomed Githens . who underThey brought . home Beveral pounds -A GU88t. Cincinn ati. are visiting here. where went he was an a operatio far~er. n . fol' He retired appendi citis, _ .J. L, PBttera ?n. in Mounta in the 'cIasa of'23 The r88ponse of ftne' ftab. was -:::~~~~~=~~~~====~=~=~~~=~~ States MOllltor . 10 Miami Val\ey h08pita l. ba. suffered sfter the death of hIS WIfe, who was :::I~ 'glven by Robert Vander qort '23,ln • , a severe relapae. and III not recover - before marriag e. Anna Randolp h. - .- !averyc reditab l,mann er O~yllle Gray. O. M. Ridge, L. N. -~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ved ing al fast 8S "er many friends were had U: Prlnta,. Frank and Warnn BrsddO<!k with his son near A quartet from the c'la88 of '21, ~ven~:vsu:~ived by these children: and Wenzel .Oerrel played with the hoping for . She was some better at Mrs. Josephi ne Earnha rt. Mildred the lateat report. Mrs. Ida Menden hall . Spring Valley; ' Clarksv ille band, Sunday . on account a~d Marlar et Clark an.d Barbar a of their Decorat ion' Mrs. LizlieT hompson , Radium ,Kan The fol\owln g are at the RellerFlier , 8an~ two selectIo ns v,:hich L a Roll Elmwoo d Place •• voir tor a week'. flBh:ng: Mra. Wal- M rs. a ,were hea rtIly encored . These four u r . , 0 Geor~e Waterh ouse attendt'rl the ter McClure. Mrs. ChaB. Rye, Mrs. Ohio; Mra. John Pramer . near X~nla; I d' . th I . IY ung a les rna d ea .h I' t . d u~mg er Mrs. Orville Hood, Dayton , Charfes , Kelly-M acRead , banque t at Dayton . Viola Carey. Mra . Frank Carman The sixtieth annual convent ion of IBChool days wl~b theIr RIngIng. Mrs. , of of New Burling ton, and Albert. of the Warren Gounty Sunday Monday evening The above Bvia· Dayton , Mr. anJ Mrs Jamea Sehoo, Lou Barnha rt 91, gave the memoir s Johns, Waynes ville. Two sistere. Mrs. a880ciation will be held at tori were thegu8 ItI 01 honor at thle Mr. and air'll. Myer Carlislel for the drcease d me~bera during . Mr. and Eliza Baity, of MaBOn, Ohio. and Wedne~day and Thursd ay, J:lanquet. whlcb w.. ata,ed by the Mre. W. 0 Raper, Mra June 6 ~he palt year- Olive ~Ides Edwa~da Max KohlMrll. Sarah Thomplion. of Anderso n. and 7, 1923. The twOo days Dayton Americ an Letrlon POIIt. Dr. hageD. of Lebano n. Mr. and Mra. will be 80, James P. Mul!ln 91. Ruth Zlm· F . . wu one of the principa l spea~. Fr<d Hawke . Ind . There are 20 Ilrandc h,ldren full of work, and ·the! e will be five Imerma n, Rogera 13, Haze! Moore Ilnd 28 great grandch ildren surviv- se88ions . Several State workers en, and other famoul army men will Mouser 19 and Susan Sides 22. and ItatHm en were prll8'1t .. · Subscri be for the Miami Gazette ing him . bt! on hand witb ·approp riate ad· Mrs. M~ry Collett Tit-balls '96. The funeral was held Monday af- dreeses , and the 10ca.1 ministe rs of who Is an Invalid and Waa unable to teroooD at: 2 o'clock, from his late the county will give tlliks. be present . wrote a poem, "A Dehome, Rev. Amos Cook officiating The Stat~ Sunday School conven- lightful "'ancy," which was well Interme nt was made in New Bur- tion will be held at Newark , Ohio, read by Mi88 Grace Cowgill '96. I ngton cemete ry. June 19-~3. 192i. This poem embrac ed many years of _ _ __• _ .. the writer'S school life. and was a delillht ful remlnia cence. "Tbell and Now," by O . Cartwr ight '89. proved to be a wonder ful contras t between the achool daya of the speakThe Warrf\n County Chapte r of the er and the present time. His theme Americ an Ked CrolB has great need was well treated and wu fullyen · at present for dishes. knives, (orke. joyed. A mixed quartet , compor ed Ben KlillP. of Sprinll Valley. has a tlble- in faet, evervth ing for a of the MI8B8eB Jeanne tte an Louella leaspd Ph illips pllrk for thill sea~on, hame tbat ha~ bee,n comple tely Janney and MeI8f1. Kennet h Elzey and will pu tin a ball learn here. bur~ out. It you have such arti. and ~!ban Crane, eanjl"O ur Y~ter. He has signed pl8yt'rs from several cles. and will phone Lebano n '92A~ daYI, ' which was well receIVe d. ditftlren t pluces. and Intenda tt.. put we will be glad to I.'all for them. MI88 Kathry n Henders on w.. accOIDin a ('lub that will be a top·notc her . -::~~~~~=~~~~~~ panilt for the vocal number s of the Several of the aIr! Miamis will prob- 'IProKram . ably 8ign up to play. ·The 8euon Tbe nomina ting commit tee reportwill alart Sunelay. ilvhen the Dayton ed the followinll officers lor tbe comY M. C. A.'s ~i11 plAY the Athletic s inll year: Rue Dinwid die. pNIIldent; on the local diamon d. HlArolli Earnha rt. vice - preeide nt; ---.~ .....- - Mary ThomaB, aecreta ry; Kennet h Hough, treaBur er . . ' . ...... .. JOBK tJI,A I" It II dlht OIl the back The Fred orchllllt~. of Leblllo n, ,leta.. of Baua ', C.". Seal Paint. It added much to the pl.uur e of the - aar.dr tM qaalitJ of tqred l_ta aDd ~. occulon , and their mUlllc wu great· q. ",,,.a . Jn~ Ily enjoved . Tbe excelle nt supper ~.::;::::~:::::;'!::::-;::::~::::;::::~:;:: Tbe Board of Tr~.teea earnest ly . ;;.::::.;::::;::::;::::::::::::::.;::::::~::::.::::-::::.::::~::::'::••~~~::::::::~~~~~~~.~~~.~ l'.,il:'.,:;::.:_:::~~ requllt l your attenda nce at tbe An!wu .erved bv the ladles of the ~~~~~~~~~ SE/d. ~~~~~~===~~~~~~~ nual Meeting . June 4th. There are . Grange . Many were preaent from um·ot caualltJ f~t the ~on8J, It Import ant matters to be Bubm!tt ed, !a distanc e. ' . . WI talciQ ..... lPn.dl D. and co~~picl~ > requirin g 'your attentio n. Section s ·The commit tee aD decorat ionll de. , I . . . . IIi' . ......~ee. . 86 . 14 and·.i6 of the By-Laws ougnt 'to repptatioD 'I Shl,.dl reet to the Tn State. Cream and Canl'!J llarante ecl word of pralle. Floral bu' l' _ _ _ .,~ . ~ .<. be modifie d or · repeale d. Be on al(ainBt 10118, .and 'a .s~t Cash Oheck, prolllpt ly m~~. · ,kets were· .u·~pended .. b, ribben. of hand to encoura ge and assist your .; " ~, ,,, orange and black over the tat»lea . Bolrd In 'malntal ninll the high BtAn. Price: i od ' allO decorat ed the ...... .... ~ ," .... dard of your, b eauilfu l cemetery". In~ a verJ cbarm}Dg .:. . May ...... •. ; •. ' .' , .....,•..... . S: L. cartwri ght, Pree . , .•. .. . . . . '. ·2 .... . ; j • Call1"_ o.,. ....doWI. • 690 'Keftyoll

. -.









__.-- -

- --....









Savings De par tme nt


Will open

Friday, Jun e First at 8:30 a, m,


lhe ~Iity S-ck Of The Label



.,..,.tthe ....

Pn:sident Allen has asked for Pass .Book Num ber 1. Wh o will . be first in line and get Num ber 2? Let's start with a rush.









. .



. .. "

_.:ODey~~aee Dr ag ~~o::: rA• ._~ s~ ~Teier~oR:


IAI -. Tr,- . . DNa Stor e F'Int





--_ .- ---

C...- 8 •• 160 'TIIML

ODe YetersD capte iD III the tnJIIIo adaDtlc Hl'vlee bu , CI'IIIItd the IIC8III




0"". ''1'lIe .lbadl'w. of


....... . . . betWeft U8 . aDd .... '*'-

~. ad tlnll tIuII1' I11III1 '" II ~-DI~uaa.


Av._ . THE TRI' ST.• •~


nn't r Itl \\'nnl'~ wrllll'U ,on II se '1" ·t. r';11 "re ! T,.I( II h /too!1 IODg lo.,\(, n,rllll'lI It! \·o y,lu t 'U dollll l'S If )'OU SII(lt whM I meli n, It ·~ (1.8 cleAr !Ill sILo, pl·.,e IIl\tr ll lT'o (,rMld tho tblns be10re , hIm (1D t.he: t :ebl , "I ('l1M' 1 S(, ~ flllytlt ln A In It, h 8uld ho nt I II~t, "l'l(~e-11I wllm's wrlttnn 1II 0in " " ' Illl;h. 'j' h('r '" It.llll ClIY. Ih re's lhe r '"'f. t he Ultll \(> " f tll\~ w"~'(' k wIth II polnll'r to L1w ,·(-,'r, lI 11d Ihe latUmle

"I thlll)1 \11' hH H g(l't file I'cltl'r or nltn In 801111) wily or 1\11 .tiler. I duu't ~1l0"' bol\', nnll r (\O!I't WlIlIt to. I'd \IOOuor wa lt und ~p ," . _ .Jude, th.. hnat woll b('ached, llnt, do\~n on the hlnlll11l(t ~ nnds. It"tclllTe SQt b('. lelo hi l'OtJIIJUnlon, Jude. like nIl)' <'hi SIIIt, hlltl h~r mOlOl'nts ot ,IrA" 1{\ ~ln · A CUV tl a n kitten BS R rul e, sho \\"01\1(1 audllen Iy knock olT, \\'hllo th o tnnC)' took 11 r , "1('( 110 nil holts." . 10 us Sntlln'K exprpss lOl1, nnd gflze. un~' IlllI)!l tll,h\ \11' til th t· l·III'ncr. No, 1 You couldn't ldck b ur out ot It. Sown elln· t se" IIn\ ,hl l1 ~ htl l thu t: It 1111 sold, IJlus t, ·o t i< ,\> by ~" " Ill~ pl tll n I;~ 11 1,lk t·!'O t urr. 1 ta~e uo .. 'Ortle, get uP. and let 's let \I ) 11'""iU l" r\! l·S IUlll,.",,!,, \. 1n (' n Il f OJ.:- I·UlJld, tuo." worle." nlltc ll~ suggested. " " \\"hllt'. t hllt ?, "rill not I;ll 111 , tu \\",Jrk nn mol'('. 10, ' rY'P to~r H m:- 7 111,1<1" 0 writ1ng.'t Illu,,;ble<l .lillie dro~slly. . "I'm <lelld "11 , I hit t'.s what's beforo YOu." sick of retchln' nnd cnrrrlo'. Let Sutun \ Fit "I :' ,lIlln. '"1'111' lI e"c'r t\\' lg"'d It. go lind fatch nnd cnrry for Itlmsplf. n o r nllY ot the Cl'u\\ d th nt had the I' m gnlDI( to sti ck bere." R C'l bct't M Mc Dnde u· Co h'II"III11: n r It . l't"s only a lllClQth ago Sll\ldenl~·, ncrOSfl lite wlIl('r from th e 1 iil:1', .tt ..d It. " Snrnh /lnrt ~ hntlerln g thi s fnnt n y, come ") Illw \\'l1 S It Y<'U cume to disco ver o voice, It wus Slltlln'8 voIce, III Htltnt " Surf'," Sf\ ltl ~ ,..\I{'r~: th"n. nfh' r H II WII .. !I , ... :111111 111 IlIlh' nlln~ I . \h'~It1'" HlI ll'illfl'. mom!'nl '. 1'1111 ~P. " It'll h I' 11 h i!' Jph, If Ih ,' 11I,rd ""rk It hu,1 d,,,, c. rull <,r !'1m I" 11." Ilnl clllTe ond hOMle on th" br('"r.e. " \\"<'11, It ,'''111'' lI11 turul for m o 10 sn), thlll1l(ht he coul d mnk e OUt th e, \\'ords ft'p Whllt y ou ~ti r . 1 111\11 ft In my 11 4't l '" IIlI d \ 'f l!II!', nUt l t\S I" I·,\Io:~ lt l)! kln" I n '" ' <4'lr, 'II",·,,'. II thI ng thnt 's been whU'.y dog, " mInd th 01 ~hp ,,,,"n R n rlh' lnr: j l111 In ~hn l . Ulll ':-.. . 11111 1 1I 01"" "' 1~' ,Hu t ,' npnhltlly. ,," ,1 k"I'I secrN, r et It's /Ill He got up, Judie with the old punn· low 'I\·nh'r-np\·~ r Ihntl j!ht 0 r Ih (' I•IIl SI. )( ,,,1'110·,' hll" li n 1'''l lll('t f,u· h'''''' '. 1 hid wrot .. out 11' 1,11ltn lUi Ill y palm.' I Sllld ma O'·I-r he r to ce hud sIllTened out liS ell rornl. " I A h illid ".\111 41 Hll nll' t ur n ' I'1l1...: p hlln .. " . 1\. It' ~ rh l'rl'... sold ~:lt u n . " nf'nr jU "1 II'" !I,\\\\· ,'rull y H~ n fu,'I': m l'l'.' SIl, t .. "",,'If. ' It · ~ to" bllllL1e slmplel Why, If,drn,!. 11 (' trle<l ro turn he r 0 \'1'1" wllh d,.",,· Ihllt chn rl 10 th~ 8trCl!ts of Ha, his f"ot. Then he telt hllit rrl ghtenl'l\. fa f oo t. tht f'k . lou',·p ~n' fn £1 1'111 It . II n{l I h 'rhHp", f,. 1' II h llnt! IU ' \ ' ('f 11t '~. .tlr k tl,vnn1l1 if p rnrt rl {h!p~ In I h(' <!rI ll · "1'1 ., .'.,,-:, ~IIII I he, ").'"' a'·" ~,)I _ " \'lI n ll, u nd Ilip I\rst ChHP with nny Hut! th e Run ):Ot 10 her 111'1111 7 H I' k,wlt ,I OWI1 beside Iwr unel .honk JlOl~!l nn(' flr,' rh em. (: ot "n~' (l.\, I U\tn\tf~ 1 to Iw r k h . A lid y,' " lin' t:" inJ,:' til E Ii:':- knowl",I ;:,' In hi. h~ Il' 1 Iltnl pl r ks It nhnn rcl'" 111 111 1 ", · 'tHl ' lillY. :1 1111 YUII ' II I UI'U IlI t 4' n 111' \\ 111 1111"0 It Int (l " " lInre ri ght o!f. 111'1' "Ju el,', "'hu t 's t he 11l1l 1ler with It ·, " . I"·" 1'" lt f ,'r r(l~ls, ll11 yh. ,w, und Y0I17" "Not on nu ncp." Brit 1"1... 1": ' 11 ", n'l'kln' (~ ~p ... dl tlHn w011ld h~ out "W~ mlJ.!ht mnkr (lilt wllh hln ~ t1nl! "1 '--11 If I 'I .. ~ :->l1 tll11 :., !\ u r('l'ly, 11ft h .. ' k th~ pnnnlllll frum the tll t'~ . powell' r." I " 11 1l1ln ~" f' lIl1lf' .1 f lli lit " lIh 4 I 1" It h('- h, ·(or(' tiara ('nu of t ll t' Wl'fl k • • Th e n J s n lJ III 1I1\"~"lf, '\\" hll t In th ~ n ';llon d id "Yes. If wp'r! /!Ot II," Mill S~ II ,' r~. , low, rh e 1' )"' ~ "" ' ri' clu.ed nnl l Ihe ur e» "There nlo' t no U ~f' worr,\' lnt:t. w('Ity(t i '~ U Ht SH )8 1'111 Io'n l ll' to 'urn Into ft t he gil." ·W I1 nt I1Inkln· II rhn n nt all \Y"r~ in r~p,)se. t or ?' 1'111lin' Ihl" I'" tlll'(Nh er, I ""),8 to got to shin nll! (If Ihl ~ t>ne'k In Hn yn nn , "rill. hl' r:· N o,"\" r('n l1y nllll'l"II<1, h" JU11l"~'I1 up; nn~ t::'Pt the f'XT'l n Rlw"~ . 0IH'I~tlo n wh o'll OITtilly \\"Qllldn' , own )'~"I. (,J ll lt t "I I - 11ls~el r, 'Th(' f l'lI l'r " u nc~' rn e(l 1l1ust rUD d<ow II I" llo e VOIl[, t!C IZl-a "hI! bulln!: h n " " h ef'n n fl hll In two w a ~' s I f this .,.. in ' 1 41 J:f1 1 ( 11('1 dlu npr r'~:tll,\." W1 tllr t h"m, IIA or ~·(lll . , tin, und lIl1eel It \\'lth Set! WIl,,,r. 11" t hI 1l ~ ' s 1(, 'nlll n(', b ll t 1 I' c kon,' t1 he wus lI~ 'r"







" Nu t me.I! auld . IItn n. "not If she to lie th"rp till Ih~ In ~t IMlmppt.

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I thInk "Thot's It." replied SlItnn, he wonted It to ent?"

hegln," "Whlcb way?" " Well. you'd hnve It Itl the bnnk or; ID"ested ODd It would brlog yOU In. say. twenty thousond dollo rs a ycor; well you couldD't spen d thot OD the dock~lde, could you? You wouldn't be able to spenr! It nt 011 unl ess you I:Ilve up the So r11h ",,0.1 1I,·e<l ash ore In



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"Olvr liS ten dOYA. countIng occlel nt~. nn,I ~'I"I\ pI ck you UP hprl'." . "\Vllv Dot nt thp ...... 0" nskeel Sotnn. " no~'t mntter." ~Qld Sell!'r R, "11('1"1' OJ' Ihpr(', It's nll Ihe some to \IS; nlD'I It, CIIrk?" enrk nodded 08S!'nt , nnll Rntnn , rt'· capturing thc chort, folded It up and Dut It bnck Into Ih.c tnbaeco hox. "Rlllht I" Rn ll! he, 111ndng the bnx Into hIs pocket. "Here yo\}'11 fin ,I u~ ." Tbcy rolle from th.c contl'r n ce whIr . nDIl C'.(trqolnez ~tood hnlcllnt: hI s conI tOj!ether wllh n " clned lI.nd knotted h nnd while the visItors " 'ere mnkln!! thelr adieux, AlongsIde toe Born h they foun d ,l ude wBltlng to receIve the m, Sbc hnd , been c1ennlnp: up the ob810n e8, was dlssatls· lied with the · result-illlo.rter of 0 matchbox fuJI of , seed p(!Qrl!t--tlD(I IIaldllO. It seemed to Ro.tclUre all nt ouce that n cr1tJc had come on t he IICenl', Be had forgotten J'ude In ['('totlon ' t o the dul Over the wreck, nnd h e wn ~ '" Don't Want No Saul Who'a RunwonderIng now how s h e would tok e It. nln' Th is Show. You or Mor' Tbe femnle docs not nlwnys see eye to open 8Kylt g-n t, un a WUli tUlon t to rep ly eye WIth the mnle, Ill! many a bll Ines! In kI nd, whun he r CYI cu ugh l sight of DUlD bM dlsc:Q"ered on M3"eallng n 80m N b lnil Ihltt brought h er to 0 hn lL transactioD to the wife ot bl8 bosom., They werl! hnn cl llnll tI'e cunvass OD "Well. whnt yon been doIng. nny, the .11l01l, wayl" asked Jude, suddeply OP!'OIDg "ClI rk'S otT I" cried Rho. her hatterles. SUlIln cume on declL ,\ cros8 the "DoIng--wblcbr' ft!ked Sntnn, ''ah, bluc hlnte of the sell th ey could henr rou menn w Ith CIlrk. ' Veil, rYe sct· nO\T the clunk of tlte wlneli OAs PUWl!tied thIngs wltb hIm, tlxed It u p SO'Ii the .lull n's "n ~hor WI1 S ('omlng I1P, hs's golD' to b elp." "They' r In II bIg hurl'y, nr D't "Who.~11 he n8ldn'1" snld .Tude. they ?" su ld J111tclill'o. . • "Well, It's thIs wny : · Be'll have to "'f"u 10 t." "" 1<1 Sl1la n with a grID. do the wreckln' bDslDess, nnd th en If "He'll cr1lck ,In m·l' r,n hl,,!! to get to the stutr'1l got ho'lI huve to mn 11 Havnllll fM 1: ,"1 lI)" " ,l1n lt~: won't s top (lshore, ond ofter thot h e'll bm'e to gel to ellt ",,' Ir dllllll'rS till II".)" ',. huck....:. rid of It. rm gtv1D' hIm two d oll ul'li tbnt's wh ut tl lc~" eI I,"\' ~ 1I~ Ioellc\"eout of every three." swnbs I" "Oh. Lord I" said Jude. "Why dWn'l "Why. 1I0n'L you Ihlu k Ihey Mre g<>)'ou gtve· hl m the lot?" . Ing to Hn\"una ?" 'Now look you here I" crIed SutOIl, "Oh, they're going t o Ha\'ono right "1 don't wnnt no 111189! Wbo's runnln ' enough," su ld SUtlln, "You wutch und this show, you or mel How do you you'll see them hendln' thnt way." know whnt rye got up my s leevel The nn ell or lOllS h ome now. nnd tilcy R1lve you ever known me dODe on 0 wntched the SQlls lUl ing 08 .ho hend ed deal yet? Now you toke my ornen on the snme course the D ryud h nd ",hare CUk's concerned and take them tQken: th eD site drew pnst the soutb· amort, with 'n o qu e~(!on9 I LIPI)ID' your ern reefs, Ihe hull vllnl shed, nnd DOlh. bettel'Sl" In g remnln ed but the topso ils fur Sntan turDed ~nd weot below, agalDst the wps lern blue, "Jude," snld RutclUTe. "Suppose you TeD minutes loter , down below ot had 011 the wODey otT that old wreck, dinn er J uue, wh o hlld suld no word 11 tile money Is U.ere. ""hut would you abollt th e departure Of 'he Jllnn, but do wIth Iti" seemed to hnvc been th inking n lot. "'Vhnt's the good ot askln' me t hIngs suddcn ly spoke. li ke thllU" suld Ju de, lO rd precIous "You never to lfl m e Ihut cha p WO.8 soon do somethIng wlUl It I" goltlg to HIl.vnnll for ,Iynuo,lte," snld "No, you , wouldn't. You'd put I,t In Jude , "Whnt tOl'-to husl the wreck the bODk, ond then your trouble would opeD 7"

e1nIL '~' ,


lit .' ..

tetC'hln' nnd rflrrrln' for y nll." "Then we'll go," ~n l el S ellp r~.

o fine bouse wIth 11 currlnge and bor"eM IIDd sen-ants, 11lIel t .. do tltllt you'd ho,·e to hecome a ladY-<l r ,;entlemnn,·· hnstlly put In rt111 dl lTe, Jud e s",hle n· Iy lhrcnloDll1g to tlll'O on him, "You'd h ave to do thllt. n1111 yuu'd huve to do more tllnn that; )'o u'd huve to len m ull sorts o f U, IDg ij. Cun you wl'lte. Jude'" "I've most fo r g t. Pap ~t .. rtecl to learn me. then h e slI lel he rcrlcone(( I \\'n8 more cuI out fo r makIn' pu,Idl n's, but he lea rned me to write my ullme!' "Well, If yuu ever g row rich· you'll have t n do 11 lut more thun ~' r lt e you r nBmr. nDd Y"u are going tl\ be r l ~h 110m!' duy. 116 rlcll 1\9 I nm, I'm 0 tortUlIl' t d l"r. Shu,·, U8 ),our hand ," .J , :(1 Ill ' I nil I " bond nDd llot cli lre


t r.\' lind

We're unelrrh nn{lf'I1 , t or I'm' Ihln\:, nnd , f'r nnnlhrr, I'111 Ilrttln ' III tic rnnn"h ou t at the jnh nll It Rtnne l ~. wltholll

mys'!lt, 'Let's \\'hu t Ih e guy ,ms drl"ln'

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''Thl!l'e's no know In g wftnt 1\ telier , moy Rwollow, seei ng you've swn llowecl that yom." saId Judo. "lIe's !!one t" Hnvnna to sell U8, th lll's my ·plnl nn." . "SeeD' I hove the chnrl." snld SOlnn . """here's th e ~1' l lI n' to como In 7" "But you've ['I'C hIm th e location," saId Ju de. " •...rbnt·s s o," srt ld Sn tnn; "btlt the 1o· ' cotlon Is 110 us(> wll h'lUt th e ('(1'lrt , How often hm'e yo u seen tll nt chort?" uDozcns or tim es." , ".Ever Doticed IIn." thln!! q lleer "hOUf 1~1 Not )-nu I G"·lng RH"B to your hel : ters Is your I n~ In life Insll'l1,1 ot 1l ~ln' )'our eyes." He pllllh (Otl hi s rilltr nWII)'. produ cd til e lobu r cn box, 11ncl. tnkln ~ , tb e chQrt from It , 1"ld It Oil th o ,tnbll' Jude got up ond cOllie belli lid h1m to i look, "tllle ndtcllrre l en nt ~ forwnl'd. ! "Tb er~'8 th~ churt,'· 8ulll :;UtllI "Tbere's tile reet. unrl th e,·u'li tl, · I nnm c of tho hooker 1'01nLlo' lit ,h · I r~f. and U , e l'e ' ~ Ihe Intltutle 1111 1.1 IU' ,gl· I tu d" ""role np III th o corner, l' la IJl. ' alu't It? Well , I tell yuu the whul , busIness Is n o use t o nny UlIID wI., hnsn 't t ha t cll"p In Ill s hund lI11d w1o ·)



Tbe ..... la COII8taJatl7 burllna QC(:uaaU- at the church, but It d_ IIAIt potut J'OU to tbe retIl ro"hera. Would a _n rob God? 'No, But • BoI.Ibe.\k. h7P0ntUt, ' &Ad heretle "'MIld. TIley ' are robblnC the church omIry dR)', ' They aro ReDdlD« their a&elItII, their nationalistic aDd Bolsh..lM1c heret1cs Into the chnrcll, or OIJurae, l!i ey have to perjure themsel'retJ aDd 8I D/,'O their own IIOUla In order to iLl In. Tben when they enter the c.~wch theIr obUgatlonl bestn not to t be chun:h but to the co-uplrat u", agaInst the church. There IID't Il beretlc In the church todfty wbo tsn't the conscloue or UQL'01l8CIoUII oIIBnt ot the COD8p\ratoMl wbo · are t.rylDg to r ob the chut"Ch of her Intluence and power, .. Hcl'CllY IA not an Intellectual evolutlon: It 18 absolute proot of th~ tolll i r! .. prnvlty at mankInd. Tb_ n~ents prencb their talAe doctrIne. bl)('8Uo(! thcy nrc pa rt of II conllP1l"o 11('~· to <I" ~ I· roy tbe \Vorld's contl<le11ce In the church, There Is Bnotbe r group of COD!lplrll'tors aDd rohoora who nre both hI aDd ont of the church. Theil' melllOd 18 to tAke rrom the church Ifor circulnr U8C e very dollar that they rOD po.'lSl hly e:r tract from the JIlPJIlhe.l'8. They Rre CODstaOtly de'·I ~l n/C "chemes ond plans, ftDd at'h"fln lzntlon.q nnd methode liy which t he chu rl'l, mcmber Is r elieved of hi s mom'\' lIud 18 mnde to contrtbute to f)l'gu,ilznUIlo8, methuds. plans, nnll Il r Ol: rnm~, whIch are aDtngOui. lI c to tho spIrItual work or tile cbllrch, ."'early "!!venty por cent of all Iho lll On,,)' S conl rlhuted to these outl!lde (·om petlng 8ntng{)n l. tl c ami <Iestruc1.\,." ClgcnclCli 18 contrlhuted by Iho Cl"~ l11be", of the Chr l.tlnll Ohll ~\:!l. , 'fL ey ore rohhlnH the e'hllrch ntc'lIi~ I-cr, Ill e ~hu""h orgnDI7.11tJon, lind Cod In " rde r Ib nt they may nil Ih o colTers ot the dovll aDd hlltl,l up Iho Ill RlILutions or beU." They lire 1111 ,·o·consp lt'I1 ,,'m with the Inta mous "1·r"I· I~. I hnl nrc today maklDg tbelr ott llckR Ullnll the rhllrch, upon the 8 1hie, nud upon Christ.

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ISRAEL SATTERTHWAITE P hone 2! ~ a ll 50 Residence 4th and Tyler Sts. Waynesville, (ihio

li e chnsNI hpr, '



kl1' · .~s.

Sh' " t"",1 fo r a moment. trl jthl "neel , 01 lwr 1lIl1l1 l1work. Then. Il~ he !,nllell h" "~elf , tot:etlter. she dl,(!w nwuy 0 ' step. "Whnt IIJlS ~' o u 1" n~kNl she. llutcllft'e, MIlling u[l with hIs hand to th e top ot his hend, 1:1"01111('(\, She drew n step closer, Then she 81lW thllt ho WM loughlng, nDti tl rew 8 ' "You Don't Mind Helpln' to Work step hllck. "Ge t li p. and don't be tooll 11 I1o" so Id the Boat. Leavln' Sailing Direction. she. to Me?" "Now, Thon, Lazybone. I" Said Jude. uFoolln" I And who started It r but lie· ·hlit! beu rO cot a ·WIller 01. lU" nsked he. yoti 10Gk olit WIOl ~ntHn, tle's gOt hend WOI a rellu!d" Juli e mnde no reply. She turned nnd 80111" p ltln "bOllt )'ou, sure." As he turned buck wIth the till the went oft to the cllche, IlI glled til(' socka ",,'hot sort ot 0 plun Is It, do yo u c:Qrpse wus sitting up, a bit more nwny from the ope nIng, nnd tblnk. Jude?" "What're )'ou dolllil wltb that ballD, stnrt cd to pu t th e T,oles 1l ~I'IIS8 , Whe n "Lorcl knows. NOl hlDg 10 h nrm you, tin?" su ld Jude. he jllln'd hC' r on the work Rhe wouleln't unywu)'; nlllybe It 's 10 go ahures In "I'll j olly soon show you r" solo1 h e, spenk. She WllS I'v lden Uy mortlllly Sollle cr III- I .Iunllu," mnklng toword Iter. "Shtllllmlog deutll" offl'nt lp". 'I'he 8111"111 ,,"tl'''' "f n b,,· ~ n's whIstle But bero.·c III! could reuch bel" !lho n" kllew nt once nnel by Rome nne CI111t.! o\'er t hl' wllt er, S hl! spruD!: to WUB gone among Ol e bushes. F lIng"IJI In ~ 11l1l-1 whllt \\'U8 the motte,. with 111'1". h e r feet. th o ballDg tin nway. he JoI ned her oud H o hll ,l trod 1)0 her Illgnl ty-tn'RttJd l'ollln's fO~lI np(,el1rCII lit th e ra il ot they s torted. Jude, os If to l1lnke UI), h er like n ch lill. thnt La to soy lik e n the Suruh. ne Wl18 muk lng moveput her liund Inlto hI s In a tru sUng Ilnd :;Lrl, fa,· th c two thin gs were syn uny- ments with his 1!rIli liS though sl(lllol· loving munner. She swung hIs hu nil mou s with Jud o, who aeemed to hn,·e Inl!. lI n ll .JudI! flung up un ann In os th ey walked. Then, uear Ul<!lr de ... no IIl11ro I'IM ot th e r en ll Ues of SClt Iln:;wer . The n. shll,lIng her eyes, she look ed tlllution. 8he flung It nway nDd 010110 thUD n PIl1l1l'K 111. off. hUDtlDg III,e a dog among the \\'Il en s l,!! did s peuk at lo st, It wne ~ eu\\"lIrd. " \\'Ioul's up ?" ""k~(1 rtllt.'II11'o. bushes UII sbe fouDd what s he WQS III to g"·e jee ring onJers. "( \1111 ' lin !" s nhl Jude, se'lrch o1'-a long. kootteo roVe. "l,I)1"d I Old YOll ne\'er ho v() to use Xhp ~e l 7."d tl,.. Slick, culled on hIm "Wltat'a that for? " asked he. your hlln d.s 7 Which ,,·IlY Is thllt to be "You ""alt ond aee," replied Jude. stkld llg the poles ? Why. It 'd to ke to help b el". nDr! lJetween th em tltey "Ele re'a th e cllche. MInd wher e you're tW I!1l t)· dozen t o cover It the wny r Hn It dt)wn to the \\' Htt~ r' s f\{h:e. Then wolkln ' or you'll be Into It." YOII'rp dolnl( I Lellvc n foo t nDd 0 hult they got Ih e lllngh.,' IInou t, tll,' ~n 'k on hounl. /lnd ~tnrlt"\. The cache was well hIdden ftnt ong betw pen th em: ' "Whllt's lip ?" ugaln ask" ll HII, c'lItre, the boy cedllrs, 'l'he open Ing, eIgh t reet " n ight:' 8nld Rntcll!fe humhl)'. long by s Ix broud. IYOS coveretl ove r She hnll reservcd one ot ti,e poles. os they r()\\' Nt "SII 11 ," 8nld Jude. with sbort poles 8prend with cut for whnt rPllson soon bccnmo npparent. HI! !tllel sl'<'n 1IlIthlng, perhlll's b ebrunches goue. withered with Ihe sun. Buch snrl, wljs too henvy to Ite corWhen tbey hn!! got the cO\'erlng 01T, rled h)' one pe rson. so s he s lung one cult se of ·the sun·dn zzle on Ihe woter J'ude tied one end of the rope t o It trep t o t hl' IIIld"le ot the pole, and th ey or lJecRu se he hnd not Inol<oe l In th e close by nnd drol'ped the other e l111 sUm e, 1 ror the bench. Cnleb nDd rI ght direction. T h e 8(,DKltlvCI1t'R8 ot the T)' le rs to th e opJ)roll('\' or stran Into tbe cuche. She swung herse lf JOShll1l tusllion. llutclltre In froDt. do'wD hy It. nud fill tcllffe tollowed, 11 \\"IIS h orrl ble work. They hnd to j;e1'!l lind thl'lr hawk like ,' ls lI'" s trock ~'rolll th e flo or or thIs plnce u step, k eep s Iep, which \\'11 5 dHUcult; owIng hIm 011 beillnging ol l11 ost 10 the UD· cunny, two feet hIgh, gave entr!LDce to the to th e bll Rhes. Ihe going wns bnll. Sutllll hOll r igged n locki e, lIn(\ wIthcave. When they reoched the bench he sn t There we re a cnlulle Rnd S8\11e down, Gnused to hnrd work ond un· 0111 u word littered th a Slick WlI8 "ot matches IDs lde the cnve entran ce. Site usod to the dlmllt e, be WIIS swelltlng nhull rd II ml hclow. 'rhen li nd not tlU lit tlte cnDdle nnd led th(' woy. nn d ~xhou 81 ell. Jude looked compara· tllnn dId. SlIllIn SIWllk, I Con~IDlled 00 Dace 3 Rat cliffe was astounded. less by Ih e tl vely cll(,l und fresh. size of th e pla ce, thul1 the stnck (It "Now ttl(~n, Ll1zyhonfls I" snld .Tud e, goods - cunned peuches, conde nser) Th cn ~hc cnllupsud II lso, sitting down milk, earned heet, toma toes, Oll with hcr kn (,es up find h er n rms roun d Notice ~f Appointment t01lgue8. Tb(! old brig, mn kln g t or th em, aome golf port. must buve been n tloat. Site se","ed t o hnve forgotten the' Il1g wnrehollSe os for as corgo WitS lack. Rllt cllll'e. e,·erythlllg ns Rhl Rita", or W.I"'r L. S."" yor, " llCIu.d. concerned. II " e re by Itl yell LhaL L M. Hondersat whl Rtllng Il r(>1Iml1 y hetween bel" MOnNOllce " ' " ' - 0 duly appolD">d and ell1aIlO..... Tllere were t w o sacks folded upon Admlnlltra"'r ot &ho Elt~'e ot Wtlltor L, the 0001". She "tnrted collectlDg tltllll:S, t",,·t h and 8tnrlnl across tlte water Sawyor. I~te or WarroD County.Oh lo. ,Ieceaaed notod thl. t~ t h rial" or ){v~'Z,191~~U, . nnll when tho sucke were hnlt-lIl1 erl towllrd tlt e ' urQ·h. " You' II hCllr Sutnn begI n to holler Jud"o or the Probate Court Jude. cilllllh"l"Ing out ot the pit, hnul ed lO BO WarreD Collnty. OhIo ID 0 mIDute," so ld J ude. tlte lll up hr th l! rope. hIm," suld the ol1,er. "1'111 Dot "Let "A ny thin!: 1I10ro?" asked be, trolD goIng to stir nuother foot !lI1 I've restb elow, '" r.'ckon thnt will be eDou gh." snld ed myself. " "Oh, he wO'n't holl er ot you. (t's Ju de. look lin: clown li t him. "It'll take us nil our ti me to curry them to the me hc'lI go tor; ynu'l'e the first-c1uSll It bOllt, lind Ir Sullln alD't sntlst1ed Ite I)(U~s en gc r." "No, rm Dot; I'm one of the crew. con cume ond tetch some more "hIm. , ~I Jude IlIll ghcd In u mlrlhl ess monner, selt!· ""~ Veterinary Surge' p '" reckon you don't know Sutan," ''Then drop Ihe rope; 1 wnnt to~t 8nld sh e. "Snlnn ne\'er does nothing out. t • Phone 44 Jud e, kneeling Rt the ca che edge. for Dothlng. II ,,'H got s01l1ethlng up lowered the rope gingerly, He rea ched his "I ecYe , SUI'e. Mind ynu. Su I nil's U[I , lind wns jllst "hout to ,elr.e the ns strnlght liS t h ey nlA ke Ih em unless lte'8 d e1llln' with Inw cJmps nnd 8uch. l008R erid whE!U It eluded hIm, "Why don't yuu ~l1 t ch hold?" osked nnd you'd he sufe with hl11l If you wnll bllDd nn.1 duu.h nnd cnve red with dIn-




NOW Q1!M EM BER lUlL LIM AQf GOfHG ,c.,\J.<JO UN Ce -n(E



Farmers, Attention! F'UrWttTIi of \\' ,H rtU\


n tl J .. r l ll . t.(

l!'luuHt!'" U1 l~Y uht"1fl ID cill t·y I , t . l" l:.:. ;,h u u IOn.ntl ut CiYt % 1IIt t- r br''' . l,, '" ot t!Po urlll ~ I b" .. w .. Iv veq' r~ .. ~"o_ ,bl... th,oujotb ThO! ~'~ 'lt, r .. 1 L"NI BlI ok I For fnrl.h tl " I nfnrmn " " n (lJ,11

,n or A!I <1 r""~ M C OltAKE, -rrllR~ · u r flr, pll o ne 3 1fl-X , I.eb"nou, Ohh.

Money to Loan on Farms at St per cent for five years. TER~ELL «- TERRELL, ' W ilmington, 0., phone 301. @IOO~,

L '"llllJd IIv., MONEY oh"tf.e I8, 111110 Mooond u lll rl.g o !)lell , bonuht, J .,bn Uorblnu , Alle n (n

:-I ;)te~

6. 4.28

BOI III\Il I;l, Xenia Ohio.

' r r BoueeW dNl'EI)-WU8btD~ o Etho fn K InquIre., lbiB


Ilir Inf"rma'ton


-------- - -

Dr. W. E. Fr~~t

Harveysburg, O.


<>SCASlI t;U( H

TA..U:: -


9E~LI Eve

....OV ,,.. 1.0N6


I 8e.~IIl'Ve '(OUAIG FOLIC'; 006 H'I' 'to B! HAPf"i A~ LONG


At; PO<iS' I 81..£!



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pleaBII jelS '

1"" .. 0 IH 'he l2azoUe offioe,





j .,

~......;.J~ iLLER Coal Ran ie, Ftreleu


<;Oolu;r, Be!islead, 8prlng~ iD,l

Ma"r!!!!, :3 . Rook,ng ebalrA, Sql\d

, ~ah')g80'y J.Abrary '·r.bLe, ,Eleo ~~ lo

Relldlng Lamp: Wrl"nl Deek ;' WII. 9il8 n,; Wlhon 1'1011 RUD, 'ullr,3Itl \Hr:; W AlCon Runner, 10 '.t.; Oeverlli ~ mi\l\. lings MrI. W. ~, t\i Itin , WayneSVill e, Ohio ~el3 lOO' R~g,

, prllotlnally n e w . alMb a B t1~tlY 12 tnnt Bay altke, Aleo, 80plS

""'''I! 't'04t ~ ,~




I l.jqlllre at,. E W ·. R lob ' JI!t'n"., '7,. Wi,yn88vllle,Oblo. ) ;:.,-",J, j tl l~JiI

pLANttl...: SWf!~ t )',,~~\ ,\i Tojna~o, , - Ullb lja~~ •. Qhll .fl,»w,,\", 'Pel).,er, P,wfln·to and El{g tilan" !ltlo',e BroM :\iR, U. G, 1!>tt" D)lhl1! ('rnrn . Vito,_ tlll~J1II1t1 o~ .!1vt!I' ,.ro .. je18 '




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A LWA"Ir PLA"'~ "I'Mt. f'MOIoI~ . ~"I"K'


AND r oori'ng Glrr; ' Madill . O t\KL 10 _ A barlC"tu ,I ~~~ .' .~fJn

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-A 'C hlld '8 BinI' L 08TMatn 81r6llt. If foood.,




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TobROOO S lIo k" . Inq I,e of (j) L. !l ln lt I' p~one 37-:2~CI W a ype"v1llo,

-,!",!!~ .~.- '.-


An I PII111P R epairillg nttend ed to; Uft nllc\ Power Pumps 0 11 hUlld fur a ll Y k ind of power,

(o C'e thnt f"lI o\\'('d W118 re\'('lu[\on: It 01 , ,, I"" 'I, .. d hll11 ol'!' hi s hnlllll ce SO l Ih" 1 I,,· H"t ,10\\,11 US th oll(:11 cut otT nt th p


Itll t,'lIl1'l'.

Plumbing .. Heating

'1'111 ' p~l'rp c tl~' nrilllzlllK s mu c k o n tllft


The Com In g of Cleary.

~ ll l e l

\, P 1J

" ou' rt'l l u lkln · ... sa id .Ju rlt'.

Ir rll"t111" 8011ll'hn\\" , kI RRl'r.1 hpr.

fl'O li1 tit."'! ('UdH", nuel you' d Iw ltt'r take thp dlnllh .\" II n,l I(I't It rh:hl "IT, r wltttt 11rfW ls l()lI s tt.r a lUonth fur th ('l threo of

' ..... :II:t ll·:OO

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Uo cI ;.:-" ".: h~rc and thf' rt" UIlI OH~ the hU!o'IlI'!-i.. tlH'n lw "hll!"~<1 tu"r ruund ,, ' tn'l(,. (' n l1~ht h ('r . IlIH!. in hi s nllj!er anLl ,

l\I oon rhl1P, I WlI nt 1l1or(' s lulT


1I1 " lhh~

IInly w ll lt l n ' III hp jll\'l . t' (I Uti fl f'l('. y ou 'ro "- lI'll Ij.!ilt . unrl Hfl ,\ fl Il P nltt t ·,.; s t rul,.:l l! with :-\ntll n 114/1'1 ThL' rnpf" ('ntlle flo\\'n. nnrl hI" \\'H ~ 8t rn 1,I:'1u. 'J'~ '., I,h e'li. ,\ Il Il l!.' ~ lIJIle, JU '4 t Stilt-lu g lhl' l'ud \\'h('n Il wu~ whipp ed !lilt of hlg huml.

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Itllt \lIP thll'd til11e hI' wns 100 ql11l' k ' (ur Ih')·. Th pu I\ ~ Il l" ('Illlle s wnrmlHi li p wllh :-<k ln IH'{t li nll ('k lps IIntl rug,,, In

SlIlIl llg


Huw cou ld

"i l lltldtl ·tl I t 1I J1 slIdd ,'ul,", urlngln~ "'llh h Hllnt ),,··r nn fll .

J h" t Urilt'd t (l Hn l f'llrt:(' . "Ypu ch lD't n11n t! 1I1'lpl n' t n wo rk r :,(' h nll t, ll~ a"l n '


" 1 ~·" I1·t.

IJuli NI It lip nl'uln? C.. lin. d rOI! It II n, l " on 'l 1'111), lite r" ,\."



1'111 pn ~ tty s u r e l'rn


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UtlJll il un dl\' lIn~ :luft 1141W \'1 11 1111 '" ~ 1I (t' hn ~ I1l'(,£1 "cut o rr" l ly rhp ru l i ,<In. f O rt l ll' r prl' ~i ll t\u t IIf 11i(' :""I\(l1\u l ('lt y HaIl1,-. ~' , \' ~ll' IUUJ ' It) Wllrt(l3' t o fo.1i PI 'n rr .THY L.'('d!1. ~ 1l(lW II I!pre with hl ~ Hll l l hl 'I, " " :-utl .)( ·tIIlIllUll. Mr • . S till"",,, II ,,\\" orr,' r ~ 10 Il ss lst tb., II t tl(' l'<l.\"

'ulre nnti


''TI~ra l1 ~c.' ' \\" ro n~ ;

tht! CURC, In th t!

For hil le h y FIUm 1\1, (;OtE Waynl'!<\'i\le. ·O hio

Barv",. ' ~8lf

UROWN tlOY BEANM H OM&' l hqoire of J •. A, a. ' IUIID .R D. 2, W " ,Deavti1e,Olllo

.' mSO

~~":"A oar ,load ol '~.b C BIUJ: Cement, ' W.Ia.r KeilrSoll,

L,tl., oldO.




=4+= I




A ~ E. Editor and Publisll er. Waynes ville. Ohio Subscri otion Price, $L.50 per year i" I~ ':l .U: , \1l \'c ,.71 r.i ",~ ri~pr~ 'I" nlol l\


1111: ·\~II . I( ICi\N PRESS 1\ ' S'"CI,\ I '0 ;,



By H,DeV ere Stacpo ole

.~ --====================

======== --

WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. lilt3 . ~ -

Truth IJ Never Idle. Truth lJ Growth; It II

Mrs. George

Florida Saved by The Press



pilat week.

bBa 'b6en·11I

Ba ril - To Mr. ," nd Mrs . WlIlter A ! C Il\r k, ~'rid .. y, 1\Iuy 25. 1 9~ :j, ' 8un - 1 Wullor A . , Jr . of

c.nmp,- it 'a mighty nigh a Waterlo o, to run nrl'llst a vamp L


He dg e Fe nc e-Po sts

• • • •

.Lo cus t Fe nc e Po sts

• • • •


nDlvt'raJl.y , "pe nt the week . end wtt.ll h ome folk 8. ' )1 ',.; . ' Ipur,\':' sn lll nf' . Mr . and MrM Ha rry MoGlnn ls "nd ,Iu oll' 1" .. 11 110 1' 0111 g'1I6S h e hn " hren rl .. oKhte r. MI~s Luo n ... weru Vaytoll 11 ... 111-':, un(l 4':<lIIlllneti th e etrunger . th en vla!Cor s, ThnrBdl l.Y. RI,,' II :t I1<I('(1 It t o Hlltc lllTc. ne 1uml'd ~Ir . unrl Mre. J . B . Jones attende d It un til l' fl p('k ot 8Illt, whlc b Rprllng g i ~ll nl lc Inln 1101' rorm of n hi/!' tore· th e fun .. r .. l of Mr . (jeorge Vetter, Ilt ll11ti ·lltl ·rl::l:pd h (l ill. h pll llng Ull tor th e "prillg Vlllley. ~lIIt~rd,y 1,I :tl1< I, Ih e 1" l e "ft.' rnno n s unll/!'I' t UIIII U rO o n li od fatuily movod to 11 :,,1.1111: I"'l' k 1',.0111 tile rU'lm lit Ihe l:Iurv"y . bu r ~. 'fhurlld "y . wb e ro Mr. I forp(out 1\ (Ill !l er (tin III-wet hO\\'R. U onjcn IS Bugug e d III truokln g . " \1' 11 .. I" ('I .." ry '" " " I(l'd h e. h ll ndln ~ Mr . lin d Mr ~. tloy Ro ut zo hn oud hl w k (tit' J{IU H!-t, .laul-(hltJr, Uuotlva , spe nt :Sunrla), "I 'II r k'~ ll ltr tn pr ," ~11 1(t SlitH n , " 8o rt wllh r e llll.I\·OM In TipP(,ol ,noe CIty. " or unti h"lt p"rl ner . 1' hey'rl' III· I \\' Un4 hl'stl n' "liP Hlillther. lte v J IJ . Wiant IltLeDdl id tll O C h 'u!"y Is hy I (lr h,'ln' II s lilp I,,'pa ker flnd (H?nl cr Ino ornl I)f hla ~i8te r . lu . IBW , lli~ ~ in ( I rltl~ nnd p llfl ~; n\\"n ~ n l' Ollp l(- nr llarj nri o Mynr., nenr Sprlugf lt' ld , rllt t~· \l ld SdIl HlfH..lo I"!1 l.It·~I II (' ~ I 1111t o ld ~o.turday . ~ e Y ll rtlt fr o lll 11M " 111,1,,".1 ,,11 A 111 111 ' 1'\' ' 'r ,,1 fr . I 'll 1 1)\11 " (' H 1tl'w l"l l f kl'll'I l. \\' ('nli l' r Whlll h e'~ ,loI n' down Hall 's Catarrh Medic ine Mrs . . Ie no le 1,l\mb visited b e r n l at WII)' n nsvill." Frldll Y tlVI'lnl t'K 'l lhl' hi l l I' llIlIh. "'"I1I "y " ("'1l1, H'". rw n " ! l"urtoOl' him !" T/ 1U!'C wl lo ar{' III u "run down" co brolller , W\II t:!tIlO.V, In \)n.ytuv . ndt~ Mr WIll C. PHno"" o f I"lJlrin ghL )r C1 , " II ,,' s 1I1'Ipr ( 'u rk, lIlos t li kely," " "ld Vll rhl I.t'Wl l"l WIl'" u. '1'l I ll !" ~dll5' t llll/ \\"ttl I1l1lll" " that C'ltnrrh b Oth c f8 Wfl r lll "~'lny , And f o ulld blm III a tl l t-' m 111 \1(' 11 m Ol"e thnn v-' hc n th ey a r e III "lid Mr . l'lIlll I.: hrlght. u l' ," prI ng f,;1I".t n ' ~l,I I , 1\ !': Jull,'. ":lllIyllP It C' N got R HII"'U uf .llt e .. k,n" " I I ' LlI II I.' . h lll id Ilcn lt h 8erlou8 oontlltl on . T h is ( ;\I ' l pro v es t ha t wh\lo ,,·rf·l·k:' fl ,'ld , Wt1ru ",uudll), I!u,.' ~f,~ II~ tho l Vlln I.ewl~. WI l""HI a. lucal diselLse. Il is greaU y I ... Il od llllll!!hl,,' r, Irul u,·nr h(' 1Is 1 by l'on!ultut1 on al comlltion B. Mr. aDd M rH. Ja mes R. .Ioh n e left, b Ollle o f ~ Ir . nou Mrs . \\ .nll r I ,,, til. !-P ' " I :""11111" "~III)'III'." r plI,·,1 SIIIIIn. IIALUS l ' Al' .\ Il Il H MJ,;lJ l INI~ COli ' I,{ 1\, ,,,,,r.,, ;II,' . Kenrlol r . It " " "IIlt'd to n "kllrr~ nil nt ou ce 8"\,lIr (11i \ . lu e,' mp 'lIl Y wl,lb \V"YU fl8 t;ltHS r 1\11 I IllI tfn ('n t which Quickly Ih' b RrI L.· ..... l ~ IIl1 tl f ll lllil~ WMII 1( , 11,,' \ U 4 lJ}' )(11':\1 nppl h.;..Ill1nn , an Ll th e tl II1 1 lit e old wreck Iy lllll: fin thllt UD· vill I' fri o nd ~. l o r 0. we e k ' H stl\y AI Mr IInll Mr R. Clvdl'l \VhllTI,I'I n II lI d lllll- r nat %\'1", U" 1I1I1, n. Tu n"' . wh l('h l.ulslate :'un(\ lI), t(tlN<t ~ ut Lo n 11rllllll" " IIIId In HL"l'1'l !"t"l ' r fllh:ht huve lJt'en likell ed t o ::i I, MILry ' ~ r eserv o ir 1111 111' U\ i n ~ ll H' Guncra l H ealth. ohll d r HII, gVll 811d ·MnIHIII . ,,"<1 litre wHu Ii (' lIrr ' n s~ In t he deFw·rt. unt) thul li P ::) u Ii I L y d l ' ll J;~15 ta ( o r over 40 Years. L e "I Ure lllh n u.u WAre wtle k· en d F. J . t..,· hmH!Y & Co., Toledo, Ohio . WU R \\' 11 1t' hl ll;: rhl' glllhl'rln ;: or t he I>lr~ Hnllo Murrl\Y "ll" I. t 1\ Jl .. r~ "I un lIP IH ·:-- t 111 lID , I 1)011 ' t )oI:H." In t nUll' gnPHI·. 01 f rl f' nd8 [llId r el A8 n{mr vultUrL' S to 11 fen st. IHRt WI111k \\11 11 h nr "H'k I c illtlV8R I n I::IlllMbo ro nllt 11 1.'1\' (' ~ hn"I Il ' til r- hHrlU'r. hut ~ I il ll n re ll Into IIIl'dl!n1\"n tor a I'.tiohl g l\tI brt w .."f'n II I11 n nn' nllln I'm honest. nn d Mr. Wm . C o le man flntA r t lilu An mnll1C'Ut. 1' IIen he r~s nlU(lll : 1' 111 g ui ll ' tp h'l.I r"ll ~ trllh:ht ou t C nrk tbe rollowln lJ Hllf o lll n.lllO ll r. ,,"!t wifo. of Frllnk . friends fr lllll Clneln. UThat'R whut th e CURS 11118 hCf'n do· nntl IIII' hn. h p!'I1 I " I'In ' tor y OIl e\' fl r ulltl. TUA"rl'lY of la8t wllek : Mr lin , or,It .. d On K l!: . 1'h o n'l' Ro n lI ud In'. lI e'H ht:clI on the hunt t ur UlO, s ln c«' you r dtul WUN f,;ol unough to gll'e and Mrs. Tr .. oy MaGuir e Imd on , WI fe , o n e 'Illy 111 ~ 1 Will 1;. ""'"" tiS C'lIrk \\'u_. only tor dIO'e .. "nt (J"rl, till ' III' ,,1t,," 1 thaI. Irl'nBure hURl· Ella RoblnAo n a.nd Mr~ . Ell" r i'llHonH. K(lw you ","I! IIl1d ~(·e ." MrR . K . E. 'l'h I) I1IJl~o U h AH lJlleu n o",,- II.,'. hUlltin' f<lf you no\\', lind Klotz. " \I'lI nt' " tt lP "lillie \It Ch'"ry'~ boutr' q u it e HlOk fr'r tb .. ~)f\ ~ ~ week, ""t, iM th ,. ~ lIrl'rl "I (\ ' 11.l n~ II< h~ 1I"" n't t o un,l L~k l',1 n lll('t1O'(' "s he wnt ch e d lh e flJl' MI S , L OUl~ lla Boyoe WR S brougM 80Dle b,·t t p T lit I hI " wr ll lUI(. ,"". kn "w llll! fiB too' t10i'S thl" 18 one Ilro "l'Illn~ Ill!l ch. 1,0 the home 01 ber \l"r e n l !!, Mr lind 01 }'I1Uf J::round~ ." Fe rr y WIlR WAll r' Jlre~e n ted bnre. '"rlt " :-- :01\'1 ,,··, ," " "1,1 Sulan, "un old "II"", do ),rO(. know he hn Hn't found MrR. J. E Smith . :SllMiFd &y, froUl rod t,out , l ,ul1l ut Murthll's Vln f1y nrt1 . Mltunl V ..lley b OApltlll, wh ('rR ~ho on e dllY IU Rt w oe lL Alrlgb t. J!'lrI .. , m(~ ? " turd! II ln't th p), c ru ckln' on t Clellry's underw ent ope ra tion tlhe 18 aome I1gnln, bu t brtng II gn ru ge with "'Yhat r1n you m enn?it In II hurry. ,[,h e r e', 110 dllllyln' lhut." yoa. dOIng nIcely , ~\\, hy , I,,· W IIS here U, ls mornIng and HI' w lll ~ lI e ol conl('nl c llly 118 h e leu ned at!' nul tnllr hours IIgo." Mr, and Mrs C. "'. L~ lUh enter Dor othy and Virglnlf l Olivia, of on Ih e mit, 1l0l1 HlltdtO'e , wlltchln g his " Chrlstop hpr !" tslnerl to t:!unElay dlnnol' Mr "nd Bllrv eY Htiur~ , s pe nt "INt week w ll;b hut dlel ·.I ... rp pruflle, won,le r ed what "11 1m und ReI1Prs ." Mrs E . R . Ranciol ph a nd 80ns. of t h eIr ao a~In!l, Ro t h lind U lenna WU ~ cOllOl ng nt'S l . or ono th ing he was "\\'II ~ he here un busIness r' Dayton , !lnd Mrs . Cera Staoy, ot Ma.nnon he!:lnn ln!: to t ed ecrtllln- Ci ellry, Car· "lie ",,,"- 10,, W8S utler thut wreek UnIonto wn. P a. . The laUer roo Qllinn. Rellers. nnd anything e lNe that Mrs O eo. W. B ngan, o f W ell man, 1'nll lold hIm ot. You Jw;t t old m" malned for a sborl· visi t. . ml;:ht eOllle out o f H.'·lI nn un th e lonl se r ved lIe r nnollnl f"mi!y d l nnll r, he'R h ee n ~ pyln' on me. Ilinow It. nnd trull tor plunder would find u mut ch In Mr. •nd Mrs B AI CIIlrk enter. !lunday . All Ihe 0 Il d r e n . g rlLncl. I'm prett)' si ck ot the bu_l neKs. Satan. n 'sldOfl, he's 011 good to help In It 0 & talned on t:!unda.y : Mrs. I\lltry W"t. ahlldre n nnd g r" .. t g mn,l ob i lrlr en nn~·" n .. I'I~e; AO rY e mnlle Il contrnc' klns, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arthur Watkin s ""'rA present. . Ol,h e r gue~t~ WArt': CHAPTE R VI .. nd oblJareo . HU I\~ell IInO Carolin e. Gpo r ge r'avl ~ lIud wH e n nd Mile "'lIh 111m." "~utT erln' Mo8f's I--a contrac' wIth Tbe ocoaslon was iu b onor of the MODImi a Bo n n e ll An Honelt Man. Curk I" lenry Rtood 10r a momenl soveoty .flrst blrtlldll Y o f Mr~. Mary Auct ionee r Colie rH on K. E . Thomp so n aud Watkln~. The k"l<'h curried nn, hendlng 8R though lI~so rbt ng thIs news. t hen wltu on SaudflV wero: R. J . 1\1 ar · 81rulght f ur flop !lurllh ; th en. 81l1lling he Illughed, the funnIest laugh Rot· ...... ~ ny and wife, 'of thi" place; Vl otllr Get my terms for your the wlnll trom h !'r snl1s, she cltmp clltTe loRd el'er hen rd--tt wnB like tbe Bnrk e WItA Iltld motber . of Mar ti us · round, prC~ l'n l lng n tull "Iew of ber Public Sale. whlnO\' of 11 pony. ville; 'Cba R e uson und ~on, o f U e r . ~Wel\, whnt nre YOIl IIlUghlll' aU" dlrl y nl ll h ull nn " ,Iropptn g hcr Anchor !Dllotow n; Ed R Oliso n , 0 ' 8"rvoYR . 1 satisfy and save you "Nflthln ', Muy r Ilsk whut tenn8r' two C'!l hl p leng-fll s Ilw uy. burg. nnd Irven TIly10T , wife lIud money or no charges, "We go sha res!' AI'II' ,sl 0 11 lh e las t rns p of th e on· dRogli tels, The lma o.lId HladYR , of "Hnve you give him Ihe locatlon r' ehor <:I,,, ln s he dropped u bout. whleb Unrltsle . lit have." Ye8 fir, tbe Rede IIre. l\t\ll n1lead . Sllln 'cd otT t o r the :-:iuMl h. Box 91, Centerville, Ohio "Y!lu've give him the loeatlon and "Thlll's Ch'lIry," 8,\ld Sulnn. sbud· Home Jaoob Phone 2, CeotervllleEx, Miller Is IIdrlou81 y ill u& leI him s lip hla cable-h im and Sel· In g hI el·clI. . ~ • tbls wrIting . IlU Ie",?" it \\'i\s. un\! UB Clenry eam e 00 Amos S Allell dI ed nt bls borne "Whnt odds 7 It'll take Q montb to bonr,l, Ipl: O\' l'r r ll ll, 8l1h,llng Snlun bust her open ond hunt for the stufl'. !tArEl, last Sunday nlJl:ht wllh th e IIn'lIblllt ~· ot old ucquolnl nnceI'll hll after him tomorro w," sh ip "ncl I h e QUllrterd pck with II squIrt Clm.ry ('rossl'll hlA nrllls and stood ut I"h,lf'l'" jtllc.). rtlltrlllTc fell to won· wIth U I (, hnlf· cl~r stuck In the cor· Hh ermuu R ob Arts llf,1\ ~on e to h o HATH A.WA .Y tlt~ rln :.t wll n l s o rt of plnre BovallH ~ xtlTllill(l d ~II hn 0,,11 j .J l n the Marln rs ncr o t hI" \IIouth and pointing sky· 1111,,111 he IIrIfI \\'hllt pI ~e It ntl J; hl gh'e ",,, ... 1. hi s l'~' e " llxed on the d eck nad "1l In lit e way ot d,'lrhll" ntlll •. DENT IST Mr. Amo ~ AI:~n Jl" 8~fl,1 "W I~y ve ry hl R Il'ft eye h olt cloHed. t 'lIrlJ lI l nt·:r. wu s hud uno Sellers wns "u lld e ul y "t. hi ll !t Oil"', BUDlI" y nll!ht "",,'II ," he Ruld nt IIl"t. "you've mnde h:lt1. 11m ( l}PU f\' wlI s---Cl ea r y. Agnlo Ht Dental Mr L~ IIv ( ;Ih rk, o f <:"l um bnl\. i~ your h"I'I:IOln. th pre', no getUn' round thp !!"1<1 "nIl bln e of utt ernoon. th l' and rlown t,rt v l ~ 11 hI M 1,lI r OlltR ftlr a f ll W tl Il.t. rill IIIJt wlHhlu ' to poke my nose "I~lt l ot tI,ls t lllll·t\ limn, who 10okL'!! COMP ANY Gener \ al In yUill" hH s ln £'fO~. onr to usk whitt your ,Iu r~ · as Ih,,";:11 he hlld ..·"n bell " r dul's. Rh o 1'1' I. t (I b,,, bUI fm partners wIth w1l4 ! ~ u gJ.! t ·8 t NI n hrol~£'n -rl ()\\' n school· ACTIV ELY BOUG HT, Mr . Orlo R ohor t.. find fnmilv woro Ol"lqOE : HAINES BUILDING, ('IOrk, ' 1I1Id he'. Ip\ me down-c uyn't n"'" l e.·. with It ~lungRh ol In hIs pocket. "t~llill!~ III I::IllIs b o r o. une rillY IUbt S(Jf.D AND QUOTED you I:ll' e \liP n lend?" Telepho ne 114, s trll ck 1I111 c ll n'e ,,,\t h IIst onlsl""e nl And woek. 'We own and can sell r erta in of "WhI ch wny7" dl'l>r(>g~ lon, It WII S ns thllulth th o MrR glll/llll ' Iio o) (llld Ann . Mott, Waynesville, these issucs to net incomes of • "(~h' e mc " I .. od to the loeotl on. It Ohio. dnzzllng ulr hnlt suddenly 811lit to dIs· from 8% to 10%. We will d <~ of OA~ t o n . ~ IIA n t ~ n nrltly wit,h 1I1r \w'n'! Illllke II. 'Cllt dlfl'e renre \0 you." cl os~ /I London ~I L1T11. liver certifica tes for th ese slocks !lnr! Mrs. W . A . Mflr nl,I.. " Hnw 'R th,,"" "1111110 I toyour bank transferr erl to your UlIlln I" so ld Clenry. "Cl pll r eno u/!'h, I don't wnnt none Mr. II or1 Mr8. H W . 1{'ly l,IT, M .-. 01 natllC "'rh llllgllt t rC\'''I!III1. ed Ihe old hooker. if you will d eposit funds YUlir Ahnre. { 'lI rl" s the mlln I wnnt to th ere. We en n help fill a nce their l-l o ll . Etlw,..rl l" lin d M rN I rllI I:JllwA WII"',, I h e !!I' nll elllnn'r' DR. J. MILL ER. purchase nt 5%. m o t o r nli to ltio!t UlIInrl, I " tl., ~lInrtnv "Oc ntleollllR ~llIn o nbourd t o r B I II I'. IIIlyl n!! " rl ~ hl ItO. being Ilnrtoers.+ HP f;u l:l n Reelllcll to. tum this matter c rul~1.! o fT n ~· n('ht. rOll nee.-ln't Tlllnil We a lso specia lize in the issue. o f 'I'h l' M""f)nl, , III RIll'O l i" u W'l~ 1o " ld ... DENT IST••• 0"1'1' In hl ~ mind fo~ n mom ellt. him ; hc's onl~' out for plcuRure ." bl'r "' , Wf)( I I1f' _"",Y ni",ht. 'If 1,,"1. w,ll' k OHIO SECUR ITIES CO. "Y olI'll hu\'p It tomorro w. " h e BOld. unl"" In Clellry n Ollded 10 nntclltr~, who n.)d· Wayuee vMe. ( \ v"' r v III r ~ (~ o r own wu~ p r Pfh 'lH, 'i .llou. 1 nao k Oklrc . CLEVELAND DISCOU NTCO . "I'm plc kln' up lilY !lnchor lomorrow ded III return . Thr.n thin"" hun g fur A Illll il..dltlfn l ~n pp nr w,,~ JoH'rvl'l-l In' 'G EIGER- JONES COMPANY 11I".. nln'. 'l O tl",~ on l)' to f o ll ow me, n f ew moment s. Suddenly Clenr:r T'\, p IIInde rio,·, E "NLorn HI·I," I "I i, _. "t, I,lto 11I1 1 DUBISK E COMPANY m), hllrgnln wIth On rk, nnd "poke. I.op Inn t.heru's H IntffI!'Ih. n ut.hln' d in any In Ohio t he Stuc coatro ke. 11(',,, c' nhout 1 "(lnrk's n clever own, don't YOll (or o ur J' rce "KE E l-' POSTE D" S,.. rd cc 1/:1\' ln' Our b ny~ )l lil Yf' ll tll1l)1hl \ r hrd l lh t! 10(·"lIon II WIl Y t o Ihlrd Ilor· thInk?" tle~. T cnn't help you toll ow In' me." !lllmo. l'1t1 l1rl tl~' . wilh Nil'" li urilll~ ' "W"II, aeeln' hl"s your pnrlner. "Y tnk e you." Rllld (ll e nr:; . I.(l ll. T UI~ I1 nrl,; 110 " AM I.·" WIlll Bor y('u ' r e o ' bl'tter judge thllo lIIe," reSTOCKS AND BONDS ltn l!t.on . '['he sun \l'IIS nenrly touchIng the 1'h" !lenr.. WU!-l t 1 t.. I H, plll'd :-; ulno . NOTARY PUBLIC . 5th Floor, Union Trult Bldg, hori zon when III; rlruJlJlcd Into his 10001 I wah HIlI'V(lv .bIlTI( o n I ho hll~ AU.1. '~W l'n, muyhe fhnt's so," enId CI!'nry. SptCi"(JlistJ i n OhIO Stt"urit it.f nn,l r"wed otT. N e x t " nud"" Ill e v pili .\' Ih o fn, l· Wayn esvill e, Ohio "Pnrtll crs we were, und pnrtncrs we Eotablloh ed 1905 CINCINN ATI, O. ''I.oak here!" suld Ilntcllt'l'e. "Are Irwin Augur. Bi t " ' UUI, lit WHmi li g nre till I k l·teh 101m And bust him ." YOll In ,·"rne. t with thnl chop? Golog t·on. Nationa l Ba nk ""·II~· . whll"" h p Iwen itoln' to your' to In kc 101m down to Lone !leet?" '·~(I\\· . I'l l tl'll TOil

Wi re Fe nc e

• • • • • • • • •

W. H. MADDEN&CO.,Waynesville,O.






I The world Is full of pitfalls that a feller should avoid, aml'the IlUcker that detect. 'em has to keep his wits em· ployed .-Tben it '. right to lend ~ wamin ' to our uDllUsp ectin' young, which art to '(!Ollie impress ive, from II feller that'l been atung.••• WARNINGS If you ron act'Ol!t II. sniper with a bunch of oily Btock, -refer him to yor enemy, that's j~t around the block, -for he has no objec. tion to the way a fortune 's mnde, and you wouldn 't want to do a thing that's in restrain t of trade! In ginersl , I would advocat e romain in' home of nights, for there's many a fool distract ion, when YOll're out o .~ecin' sights,- I wouldn 't want to stray away- n mile or so from

Re d To p Ste el Fe n

BtlrDltr d Uebbllt t. of M'l limI8hu rg. WItH 'be w eek· end guen of friends here.

Ka\bry u Ch.. k,

..--;..-:..~---~ I,

Mrs, B. T . Vice. of Day t oo. vIsited I b e r friond, Mra. C ortl s Tbowps on, I" ij ~ w ult. I

lI;ullra!lo nl bJ irwin Myerll



Robert J!'riAod aod family uro now rldiog In a new Nasb 811d .. n.

Mi 8~

Fiorida 'i decision to abolish . the convict lash comes as !l. result of newspa per publiCi ty which compell ed .tate ofileials to wince before the anger of decent thinkin g people. Mell and boys tortured and whippe d to death in convict ca.mpa present ed a picture at once revoltin g and outragc ous. Of 'oourse, the situatio n never could have existed had the people of Florida reaIUed what W11lI going on. Unfortu nately. thoy did not r-e.lise, and the lleek omcialK, paid whippcr R ami convict judgea, tbiBkiDt JlC* ibly of thcir own jobs, to"l{ pains to keep di~ d~ frolll I'ublic lIotice. 'Prisone ra WVt I ~hed aM toTtuYII>:l not only as pun i,;hment , but u a IlIcaD1 of terrifyi ntr the /'f.t;1 Cli the glLng and' ' I ' main · t.&in di8ciplin&." Secreey.-1Ui the ~;\o"f ~..l:~. and ,I IIccdt.'CI conrage to turn on the Ipotligl lt. Onl ) Ii'.;:. ~Lri ()n an d puhlic .pirit of a newspa per publish er made J.'OI.:silile iii" endin~ of thill la,rrify ing practice . ·It takes brave to tell the truth; but once the tMlth be· came known, the people 'I anger grew. When the temper of t.he people began to be felt, the politici ans stepped in line. anti 110 wo find marked up another worthy achieve ment ill junrnal ism. It it pleaain l to. note that the reform was brough t I>t., \ ~. oy few of the home newspapeTII of Florida and not by I'r c.'>lIuroa from an alien pres.. The J ackROnv ille Journa l led man fully : 1I the flght, remoM lel_ly draggin g into the sunligh t the bruI.Rlity that put such a blot upon the state. Most of the country new"· pllpCMI did their part yaliantl y. Obviou sly, it was n"t II pleas· in« tusk for the oewspa perl to expose a conditio n 80 dj. ~ r a(· e f\ll ill ' t.h eir own state, but sometim es .. wo must bo cruel oo ly t o be kind ..


A Roma nce 01 the Baha ma.J

PT0gra8 .

...;. -=-- ------=-- ---------

Mr. nod Mrs. PlIter Bllnta [Iud AonB spen t t5und&y wl\h reldl ves t b Ltlbu non. I


- - - --


--- ~YTlE - ~ -- -~~~~~=.;=~~,.....,..--~=:..:;--.,. .,-- ---

"-;-!:!:!!!:~~ - r~'G 'AZE~T E..•. ~~

.•.. T HE MIA MI

Fore st T. Mar tin

--- -



---- ------

' \~le 1ld Jg ~I I

'ioME FO{.~~

T""NI<.. " P~OT06~PM OOfSN'T LO~

OllCe Ihere was a wl8e \xJr. Bo ",u ·wlse. not tooUm, because he bou,bt 1\ car, and wlsl!1' sUII bccaus.. he used It. Whcney cr 110 got lU«l a 'am ho',l go 11110 tile I;lIrngtl aud take a 10llg look at thnt OlvYer. And hlH eyes wOllld OJ: themsel\ 'es OIl IhA shock ahsorbers. Re'd paId about ,20 tor them, When be first drayo the CDr he found out be'd better dod,e tho bnmps amI 80ttOll tboll9 he couldn't dodlle. NowadaYB he Belli tlmt Jtre I s Jnst • vlllago roodwM' clIllIng tor 1m· praveJn" nts, and not " n\l'Y 111111: roadway eIther. A little l'I\ullous drhlng and we can r cnrh Ibe ('11,1 without much shBklDlr lip. Then w (' call go Into neutral without worry·

Glvlna Bird • • Bid Name.





_______.. __-----

;"terol lY "









LI!(.e Tie ...... UNLe.';S IT FL ....TTE:R.<; THIi<M-


The United Stllles tlluloJ,:lcnl Hun., knowR ...·an .. IIg81Mt ehnr!:lng ('rlmes ot tile English 81IBI' IVW t o ,,(her memher l


Of the .pnrrow tll.nlly. wltlch. AlthouI" tSll!nlln ll, Iced·eall ng. PI·rr.II·IIlS g"l'at seldom. No woman :tkea II husband : who I"nlce In Its rllids on II1S~CI8. 118 d. crowl lind hlnckhlr .ls. IlIrt_un les, be'll BOrne otber woman'. 1I1Ilhand. ~4.



A. & J. FRA NK



el cnn'. "1'm

-" 'I' ~ p :

"lIut how ohout OIU'Qulnez7 We had gol tn wnlt tl.r hIm bere 1111 he get! hn('k from Hnvnno with the dynnmlte." -:1'l's." snld Satnn, "we'd got to wnlt here one week, or IIIllybe ten days Ill: ' Iowln' for wellther --where was YOll hom?"

Boya h.,.. the. lJ:ftteat rlllilect tor the fellowB who play lIQui"" . The \Jo.y wb. cheats, who . breaks the ruiN or the gBDle, may _m 10 lIe IIU~Mtul; he muy cl.hit tbe' trult. of temPorary vlctorletl, \Jut Ollce he . la dl(ICovered In wronl-4oltlg. be 'haa Iu.t mo", than In all tbe hollo.", "Ictorll!l l. h(> seems to. have gailled. Hla Illa)'tellow• . view bhn with ·su8plcloll; he has .Iost the prlceleu poIIIeJlston. of confldenoo and trust: The world 1,· evt!'!' rl'lld)' to eheer for tbe tellow , wbo wUl h\lOestl)' lose 111111 find vIctory ln loalng. The 1 world bu nothlog but contemp t tor 101m w\1o seeks '\' Ylctory b, a condllrt that 8hort,elr culte characte r. When


the ·gmss the fll'loler rOM alld held high the baU 10 . hts balld. aa evldellre !lInt he ball mil de the catch, I tbat he had DlU"O nn 0111. cOllIplotelt the Inning. \\'011 I the game, gained tile »CtIllant tor bls team. The moment was hla. The} tans of hl8 city spent theIr wild entbuslR llnl III maddonl ng cheers. Then all chan~ed. The Ionnd thaI held the b811 hl~b. WBtI lowel'«l and the hl'oll thnt h,," risen defiantly out ttle Inll graM IJRnk nnd waa IIhtlkcll negative ly. Tb.. cloeerlng ccnseil : .1'11111\('81 silence la), o\'er tho blencher ll like a Cloudy bl ll!, ltet. , The fleldCl' had won R victory th.t was above the the New " l'I'lIId boseball IMIne brought ItR ,polo ot pennont s. He who hUDI bl8 bead In hnmUla· • -.00 to 'an tol ' . rew yeai'll allo excltelDent ·rall . <I. n "'OR IItt.ed into the glory of borofrln by men WhD blgh Imong the I ',rho two teaml that played otT IrPII n IIlan who da1led IImpl", hhnsolf honestly, tor . the Pennlnt ill, ... ~uch w!>tI two glimel In the Onnl "ould be II' flllr by his o.pp08lnlr tetlm as by hili contNt. The. ble.'~hel'8 we", fl8('~ to wltnesl the ICll m, who could put the Golden Rule UIIOU a. one .lut. atrurgle ·that 8hould decIde. , I,u ollall dIamond and Wilke It a thIng ot matchl _ 1;n the lait half o.f tho ' olnth IlItIlng, the ICQre ' lfood glory, ,~ . I 'S to' l 'aPjDIt 'tbe team .t bat. TIle", ",ere two 0111'; Illvery man II 10IltlilcU'nI\y honllllt. Every maD t",o men. on . .~; the ,batter up had · twice tllntied wants to he honest. BlIt ,the buncer. for 8I11!Ce1ll!. , the tbe air' the ,mild.ta nd·'"., teatle. :" ear tbnt' aches tq beal' hili feUow men ·,c beer. Qtttlmeil . '.11M ~ltcb" dellTere d j tbe Ilalter l lWOnlt: the, I!'8Dd· dulll tbe' coullCleO ee to comprom Ise with aeU to .~de · .taDd !lPrall& to Itl "~.t..:..a pheoom eiw hit. "Ie batl. the truth wltb IItnl\o.'V ta.1ee1i!lod. But eaQh 8I1cll pot np"aid' and outwtUd a. It Itllrted on a journey ciOinprom lae makea1m o", blunt an4 ben41i11 that 'eonto· ....... The !lelder raced to Pw ~r ~ the lcIellce wblqb \I *be prop of ebaraet,er, And ' YIoIfOIclDd.; It w~ a de.perat e race. tor)', real Y1ct~ come. only t9 tbolle wbo hue mad" 'l!\Ie !leeper of tlIe grounda bad oot ealc:otated that elIamete r tlie OlDrlUtar'M 'thelr U~ , . ~ all1 hall . woaI4 __ be driYeD 80 (ar• . .&Jonr , th~ The bo7 wl\o IMmll to pta,. the 'l&~elllua"llF 1"111 \ Ifwllce thfte w.. a mal'lln 'Of tan «ratll. Inm tllle thIi become the man who p1a,.11 the . . at lite IIQtlllrell , ',Wde r..... Be IIPraDs tQr; l~ aDd with lt t\!U Into wbo'fl't1l . ~ 'l'JiI CIIVWd Itoo4 bteatble ill. Tb_ hom . .me t. tQe' DO !'*'U ad"'an~·,wbo laIon that ... eYer won ~_It .. ~ ,.... : -;-: . ~t, ~ IUeIIuC r..IoH ,,~ .. ;. • . . ...



~- ~--


"now?" " Cll rk's tried to sell me a pup, th.t'll how I H e's gone to DO Havona ; he'lI crnckln' on fo r th'e wreck wIth eyery stit ch he CflU cu rry. Reckon s to bust her I.rn li nd scoop the bOOllle while we're Inyill' here rubbln' our DOSes and wnllln' tor hIm. Now, you may thInk me a susptclo us CUS!1. I'm not; but a teller hilS to rUD b), compa8s In thle world or lI'O ntr hlsi couMl.e. aod my COIllPRe8 In this t\lrn()ut I, Oark. I .ay he's gtme down to Lone reet and linn " me tho lett lei over the bu!il.neaa, Ind my compR81 Ie tbe Ifac' that he can't MIn ·stralght . Not It be tried to, he ' couldn't MIn atralght ; nor eould Sel· lers nor Cleary. (f tJiem telleMl were RtrRlgllt, I'd mutch them and .Ive 't~em a fnlr delll. A8 It 1_" t"e),'re ,like a 10' ot bUdd ,bally·hooll,e s pla,.tD' bUnd; m.n's , buff, runnJD' . lrouII8 aDd roDD4. . with me lD tbe middle, ' b'1lD\ to ld· . cioodl'e me ' aDd belIl" kldoOdlMt tIi'-' ieI~e., but, f . 'hnen!t done with ~ ,



It bad- _med to B,t~ ,OD the JIWI that Otu.I)1IDa wubout the apfder ot I the web Of ' thlI bUBlD- . It -Pled to bj.m DOW' that *!Ie apt4er



. ('II"





. ;.

We are "strong" tor The Mian1i Gazette's Classified Ads.

Ask about them \


-= <







PROfiTABLE MEETING \d Mr.m~ ~ ~;: fu~M~~ nt of ou r village . now of t . J.D-


se ph. Mil ., has prE'sent!'d t li library The Woman·s Auxiliary of St . 1wilh 25 volume (I f "The Bx p()~ilor'l! MAry's ch,urch was ' nterlllin ed on Biblll ," '1'h i~ will b.> .. f t!~ I).,cili l inThllrsdllv afternoon, MIlY 24 , by l e rf'~ L to ni l (libl e ~ tlld "nts IlIltl SunMrs. E . L Th omas Rnd Mrs. Lee d .. y-~c hoo l wlJ r k..r. I:)lIwk e. at the home of the IlI tter . Am,'1l1{ till' b _lI <: r Ihinlot~ r e(~~ ntly The meetin.:- ~'a~ opelwd by Mrs Cadwallader rellding the l~ t h chllp ~dd ed to the Iibrllry are: H. H ter of St J~hn. and conducting the Koh! Rll!1l' 8 "Frll m l\IcKilllllY 10 Harddevotional Berv ice Scriptura l quo· ing" and CllII lI liCCY Dppew'!I "My lations were given in response to MelUtH"iI'H uf EiKh t.v Y ,,"r~" !:lllth roll call. After th e businesij for the of theRe lire lhe Rift of Mr C M day bad been d isposed of. the fol· Cartwrij{ht "A L brad or Doctor, " by Dr. Wilfr .. d 1'. G renftll. alii I " A lowing program was given: Piano Solo- "Tliles of Hoffman" ,., Mlln from Maine," by Erlward Bok, .... ..... Mi s8 Rhea Jan ., t Cllrtwright fire nmong th~ n··w pur(' ha ~e~ ; Illso Keading - "Seedtime and llllrVt'st" several v olllnw~ of Inte fi Clion , .. .. . " .. ........... ,Mrs Ada Courtney - - - . - - --Readillg - -"Relief Work f ur l'ok\' u '~ Unfortunates" ... " ... .... .. MillS Li le Relld in'I!I' - Circling the Gl obe" .. .. .. ., .. . ,," ... .. " . .".. . " . Mi ss I.enh ' mith Reatling- " Th e Neillhbll rh oud Dr. H , E Hathllway b o u~ht the House in LOB AnR'el e>!" .. ... ...... .. . ..... .... .. .......... Mrs J . E McClure ' Kin R prope lty, on Main street, In~t I{eadi~g- " Lp~~er fr o~ ~ ,Mission. Iwe.·k Hp. will movo to this prop· IIry In China .. Mr" S. Zimmerman to r t\' ij~ Foon as he can. Rlld in nil Piano Solo :-" Ru~silln MRZ;trka" :.. prllhll bi iity. wi ll bui ld 1111 ofti c!! at ..... " .. MISS Rhn Jan et Cll rlwrlllht · II I I I !I nl!W lome . After adjournment. a pleasllnt 80- , - - -_ - -cial hour was enjoy ed. during which delicious refreshm ents were serv ed by the hoste!!ses a'ssi~ted by tht: Misses Elsie and Doris Hawke.


First fl,"1 ~ xd" , lrp I'lrtHrI' or t ile ~( , ~,,(! lit Cle,·plond . 80mh Cllro·

li ull . \\ hill'll i t' I tt) rt~lu;'4 1 \\"h~1I n k \' I'O~'·th· IlImp ~ XJ1t o cl~d nt 0 school 1\ p Itllntr"ll r (l1lt'\". "·hu)(' r"I1 J11h ·~ I p":l IIw lr 11\'(\8 Rnd ~vvry t.alltl.v


In Ill,· " •• ",,,,, ,,111)' "ull'.·,',>, ) I"ss ..( lire. wl ,e" tlil' n,,, h fu r sufe ty \VII S IIJude .

Out . hl e WOodell stairs co)l:lvae<i





~rs , ~ina ~~~ilttc Mr~ ./ Lj H~:t.



'lTTTl~III:N ' 1~ 1-11'-' K~

Emma J

Colr("11. wife of p, M

rs ,....!. I , ornewere anpresent ISS Cotreil Rhea Jan et vutwrlght ·'1 'Ila '. r~ed f away Iind the A Home ' 119 visitors. h o ~ pltl1 In ,II ayetta. n . prt . aft er suffering a week from pneu moni a She WBS 60 yellra. 11 months and 18 days old. ST. t\\"'RV'S CHURCH Emma J . Smith . daughter at J ohll. First Sunday After Trinitf , June 3: G, and Julill A, (Cour~ e}) Smith WRS Church School at 9:30 a , m .; Service llnd sermon at 10:45. Rev. John J, :!r:; Schaeffer. rector. Everyborly corot her life hav e been spent in thi s dially invited to these services. . , ----. community. where she was widely The hIli climb, on the HIsey farm an d favorahly known. south ot t~Wr.l, drew an immense She WIIS married to Frank Cotrell FERRV CHURCH crowd last Sunday, tully 2000 people in November, 1877 , To this union Morning messaa-e. June 3. 1923: being present. There wer~ Beveral fiv " children were born, three "Others" Annual Children's Day recor~s made at the meet, and the daughters and two sonll. Melsina. prOllram at 8:00 in the evening. A best trme was about 11 seconds. The whu died in infancy and Mrs. Marie series of tpn special days is b~lna­ hill is steep and is about 500 yards Devins. who recently preceded her prepared for the summer. Arranlre- long. and mony contestantll were not mother to the eternal home. Th. menta will be made to have Ii two- able to reach tile top. Several crack three children who remain with the hour program from 9:30 to 11 :30 for riders were pr~i!8ent, including riders husband to mourn their 1081! In her the whole morning service. fro~ Cincinna~i, Muncie and Indian, departure are: Orner, of Jasper, \<.:dward D. Goller, Mini9ter. apolls, I~d. fhe meet . wa~ under Wyo .• Frank R.• of Tucson, Arizona. the auspll'es of the MiamI Valley and Mrs , Rosil Stocktofl. of LittleThere are also five Motorcycle clllib. . ' field, Texas ORTHODOX CHURCI1 The mem.bers of the clubs In Da1- brothers and one sister. together : SabbathSchool, 9:30a.m Meetinlt ten are trymg to get the annual hili· with a host of fri ends that are be. for Worship at 10:80. Miss Mary climbing contest f~r tb~ adjoini~g reaved by her departure. t Antram, of Dover, Ohio. will be five ~tates here on '.he HIsey farm In MrR . Cot rell was a fai thful mem; with us Come and worshi p with U9. September. .If IhlS can be aceom- ber of the Federated church and tbe pUshed. it wil l prpbably be the lur~- vari ous orp:anizations pertllining to est meet ever held in this locality . it. She WA R also Ii memb er of the It was intimated that Ihl're would Rebekas, t he Pythitm SiRters, War be an~ther m,eet here at the Bame Moth en, and the Betty RO l!8 Patri. place In a cou1~le of weeks. otic society. Quiet and unassu minr ---- • in her nature, sbe won many friends by her sympathetic helpfulness and kindly disposition. She was a devoThe world's one big circus-Ringted wife and self-sacrificing mother, ling Brothers and garnum & Bailey and children rls8 up to call ber Combined-draws nearer and ,on ita blessed ,-Blookston (lnd). Reporter. hundred cars will come "ten thou. : and wonden" to exhibit In Dayton, Tuesday. June 5. The Men of Waynesville held their • World toured and world conquer- regular monlthly meeting at the : ing this truly Greatest Show on Masonic han Monday evenlna- The HI-NAMJ;:L Varnishes Earth is now fully a third larger apeaker, Paul Ackerman, of Dayton. This is Chi-Namel week are waterproof, Heelat our store. than it was when it last vls~ed this failed to eome! and the mE!\lting was proof and Hammerproof You are cordially invited Jocality, turned Into an informal business HEALTH TALK NO. 5 because they are made with to come and sec us demon[n addition to the many Innova- meeting. Tbe newly elected memo China Wood Oil-treated strate the rem arkable qualtions offered then. the present Aea- bers were installed. A good sup- BrJ, A. Nuckols, The Chiropractor ities of Chi-N arne! Fi nishes, • by the secret Chi-Name! son's program numbers ten more per waB served by the Eastern Star _ process. trained wild animal displaYIl- mak- lad! , B. ('onvlncing you of the very reason· ..... ing thirty in all-and the most BUablenessof Chiroprbctie Adju8tmenta perb tmined horse act~ Europe has for the correction o( tbe 'CAUSE of yet produced An entire equine sickness should not be dlfficnlt M.y ~ circus WIiS bought outright and patients became convinced tbroua-h f ~arnest investigation . Inveatigatiorl ( broug ht to t his ~ountry last winter. ( should convince you . ( And while th e Ringling Brothers and Once y(,u are conyinced of the rea· ( Waynesville, Ohio Barnum & Bailey aa-ents were secursonable explanation of the simple <. illg this and the trained tiger, polar philosophy upon which Chiropractic The Wayne Township Sunday is ba8ed, you may IItili entertai.n a bear lion, leopard and jaguar groups School conven tion will be held at the str.eak of doubt. as to wheth,er splll~1 adJustmenlli Will be applicable III ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ they had orders to engage the foreI ' most men and women performers of Mt. Holly M. E. church, June 3, at 2 your particular kind of ~ickness , the European capitals. And these o'clock. ({€IV , Judd, of Leban.n, This doubt will surt-Iy vani8h a8 stars from city and jungle are all to will be the Bpl!aker OI the afternoon you experience improv ement from ' the first few adjust~el!ts for the • be seen witb this wonder circus of Everyborly come. correction of the CAU:sE of your -----192)l. More than 700 men and WIIBuffering. men. emhracing the world's fore_ Actual results wjll convert yuu ; most arenic stare. take part. {fhere from the time worn fallacy of taking drugll and dope for symptoms. to are 100 clowns , Aside from the ferothe modern way of eliminating tbe ci ous beasts , the program includes CAUSE of those symptoms Re, for ty trained elephants, There are Amos Allen died at hiB residence movalof the CAUSE invariably refiv ? companie~ of traill ~d seals, many In the Beech Grove district, Sunday suits in the restoration of HEALTH. dogs, bears, monkeys, pigs and pIa-- nla-ht . Whil:e not in the beAt of You may not realize that the CA USE of youi' sickness is in your eons. Added for good measure i. health, yet th~ end was unexpected . s('line, but to get bac~ your health is the mammoth menagerie of more rhe funeral will be held at hill late to be convinced Consultation is , than 1,000 animals. It is the bigjle.t residence, Thursdav morning at 10 without ch .•rge. ·at the Chiles hotel F ;~,.d I,circus program the world has ever o'clock. Interment in Miami on Tuellday and Friday evenings Iseen, given under the largest tent. cemetery. from 7 to 9. SOl!.


THE HilL CLIMB HAD LARGE CROWD ~~.r78~;.w~~:I~~~Ut~:~~~~~~


:: :•





Refinish your Floors 1 and Furniture with Chi-Namel

The Better Way to Health



---_ _--

Fred M. Cole



. ......................................................"

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

Cooper Tires and Tubes Skinner Inner SIE'eves Tire Pumps. Auto Jacks Spark Plugs-all cars Replacement Parts T'_IJJs, Special Wrenches Gaskets, Gasket Material General Line A:uto Accessories Purol GasoJine ~oore's Oils a nd Grease Flash Light Batteries Flash Light Bulbs " "Bicycl~.' Tire ~ ~rid Spokes '" Tbp"l)reasing ,' .. GreuD' S.epal ~tor ~Oil








tfe~ and in a short time it will be yours. If you have delayed plaCing your order because of the cash outlay necessary-you need wait no longer. If you have been depriving your family and yourself of the pleasures and benefits of a car because you felt that you could not afford it-order now and know that it will not work any hardship on you. Use the

~. So plan to ride and be happy, you and your family. Make the first payment of $5 today which will be deposited in a local bank at interest. You can add a little each week. Soon the payments, plus. the interest paid by .the bank, will make the car yours, Come in and learn about this new plan. "..-

... .----

~..... ... .



.... _......

HAWK~'S MOTOR SALfS none 150Waynesville, Ohio ,

. ,J






........ .. ..

" Phillips Building



You. Can Order a








The annual lot owners meeting of i Miami cemetery association will be held at the Chapel. Monday, June 14th, at 1:30 p. m " for the election of two trustees, one 3ecretarY.• treasurer, and for othe'r Important buei; nells . A full attendlince is desired at this meeting. ";. m30 L: M. Henderson;Clerk.


,--...- . - - -

~ --~~.

, ' Why the pevlt IN.nde....~·

"I reckoll de renson 01' 811~ IIay


.t home much Is 'k1Ul8 do Tior)' lIu

.. way of- h>okl,,· looesome. ,,'M II. lIIA't balletll' lI.rouu':'-AtlaAt& 0aa8tI0



~ny o~e who 'uses or ~ug1!t to use varntsh'e~, should ' remember that . we agchcy fQr . . .' .,:. , '1


$.H~RWIN -. ¥'ltLI.~:,j; c

PAIIITS :AND :yean. ~, YARNlill£S..· in this, i ocality.

For fifty,


Ii~~':', tiaa '~f ~,

the world'8rleader~that'll wJw we choae' iiVasia we are leaderS in good tJiingB" lierci~thJl~'8 ,$bY they-. chQ~ us. . ft's '8 pretiy 1WOd oombmad9~-~to do . bU6Jnesa.oMth~ , .,.. .

/:J <\," ~

'I ';





J •

Seventy-Fifth Year



Whole N umber 5545


Have Y.'U (laid your ',ax(o <?

ChampiQn Canning

OW . Hami lt.o ll Rpe nt I,,:<t .,'" ' k with relatlve~ ill Dayton .

H/lvlI you paid your tnxeaT

Mr . and Mrs. J . C (" ,:l cI!, (I f altelldcd Dt'Curn l , 011 1I"re

Duy~on ,

L. E . Kempl e moved his family to Miss Laura Md(ill<l'Y i, all" " oIl' lg" WilminK'ton, last week . th e s prill~ t~ rm at Wilirtl"v' " ",,1i'~mmor Baily and family, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with relatives. Marion Dukt< 111111 C"lIIi l \ , "I' I )~\. ton, were DeCOfJt l io n I) ,I ,Y \'1-11 ,I rs Mr. and MTII. Robert Walton, 01 he re . Dllyton, spent last Wednesday here . Geo rge Funk f'Y . "f (, h i " :1~", .Ii', ·nt Mrs, C M, Robitzer and MrA. J. D. th e week·elld with hi H fal),. · ... .1 A. Marlatt were Dayton vlHitora, Fri· l"unk ~y . day . U H t k f Clyde MarHhul1 li nd fll n il'. , " f I ·ir ,· Mr . an d Mra, (\,oy ar soc, 0 . . . , I fi d .. d f ' d h i t cmnatl, spe nt the wee l. · """ \I i 111 Spr ng el • VIS I te fl e n 8 ere. liS I ' I --' . re aliv e!! lIere . Wed ne"",ay.


. Buy your BOSH Oil S l nv, ·. , Mrs. Rella Ben tley is spt!ndmg '1 Il , ' k ' f J I':. L' I' " I' .. , . ' th h R II U t anI " I C II 0 . - ,. UL " the wee k WI er Bon, usse ven - I • ., t d 'I \ open, va ur ays. IeY,an d f bmlY . U

uv, · ,, ~ "

., I II r t!

Hlirry. Humphreys and f:. rn il}' " 'er e Buy your Boss Oil Stoves Ovens in tow n laML W'e dn esd!t), lind al· anll Wicks of J . E . Frazier. Store tend ed Decoration Day sprv ict's . open, SaturdaYR. Mrs , Leslie McCun e and \ 1i~ ~ I{ulh Mr. and Mra. Walter Bentley and Miller, of Lima, spent ~E'v ('fal days daughter, of Xenia, spe nt Sunday last week with th eir nl lllh,'r, M r~ . with Ru ssell Bentley and family. Eva Miller. Mrs . Etta Printz and son. Joe, of Get your Sweet PotalU P lantsOilY lon, altended Uecu ralion Day th e Early Goldens, Nancy l'lall~ and lIervices he r e, lind IIpenL th e day with J e rseY8. 0 II . Hoc ke tt, It D. 2 relative3 . Phone t;5 - J X

Lee M<.n is lind f»mily and U H. M r8. Anna Hath away Hnd Law· HlllllllLon and family. of Dayton, ren ee urillce ami family ~ (Jent ::;un· were cliHill1:' on their lather, 0 W. day at Lovel a :,d, gu eHt~ of Martin Hamilton, ~unday. l{o us h and fami ly , Save your Old Clirpels and Rugs The regular meeting of ~t. Mary's and ~et "Wearwell" Rugs made. Guild will be held at th e homp o f Send for Drice list. l"ranklin Rug Mrs. J E. McCl ure on Thur ~ day Co. Franklin, Ohio afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs Mark BIIII, Mrs Wm. Mr. and M rll. Fred Ridge, of Mad· Couley, of Xl'nia, and Mrs Julil. ison, Ind ., lind Mr Ilnd M r8, Donald Oldham, of Day tun, were Sunday Ridj:l e and lion, of IlIdh,napolis, Ind ~ arul!llla of ~r. and Mrs. Eli Dean . are the guests of Ma hlon Ridge lind other relatives here. Word was receivd here lut week that tbe venerable John Hartaoek, of Theodor. Biahop Bnd family, FI ank Sprlngfted. had auffered a .troke, E Thom811 an,l family, David. ' ora and W811 In a precarioul condlUon. Bnd A -thur Thomas were Sunday Iluests of Kenneth Thomas and famMr . and Mr•. W. H. Pace. Mr . and ily. of near Springboro Mrs. BuO!tin and daughter. Maxine. and Mi811 (vanell PIiCtl, of Marion. Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Ennis, of Sa· Ohio. epent the week·end with .Mr, lem. epent Sunday with Mr, Ennis' andlMrs, Harry Pace. cousins, Mr. W H Orndorf ulld family . Routhwest of to wn . Mi s~e 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Harteock an· Lydia and Ethel Lawso n call ed in nounce the marriage of their lister. lhe afternoon. Mra, Margaret Thomas to Mr, E . E, Copp. After a trip Ea~t, tbey will Mr, and MTII, Owe n Burne t, Mr. be lit home In Greenville. Oblo .. Ind Mr,. Sam Butterwurth , Mr . and Mrs, Frank Burne t, Mr. a nd Mrs . Mr. and Mrs Wm . Vogel. Mr and Milt Keys, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Ralph Vogel and 80n8, ltay- Burnet.llnd daught e r, CalhlJrine, vis· mond and Billy. Mr . and Mle. Leon· ited M rR. Mab'.ll Dinwiddie and fam. ard VOKel and Bon. Ralph. Mr. and ily, in Dayton, Sunday . Mrs, Ch.rlie Vogel and sons. Robert Leste r Surface, Earl and Will Orn· and Richard. Mr, and MI'II, Earl VOllel. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Tavener dorf and Lee Hawke spent the wee k. and 80n. Walter. and Mi8llClaraCoy; end at the ,l{eservoir. . Mrs. Veda 01 Dayton. and Russell Morgan Orndorf and daughter, Dorothy wer e were wet>k·end guesla of nan Mor- the guests of Mrs Lester Surface while the men were at the Reser· ian and family. voir. intendin~l'ing home ·a big Have you paid YOllr taxesT lot of fish . .





WEll AllENDEO ~ ~

.I"". i


C ( )\









---_.- ---


---.-- ._---

---_._ ..---



1('(\\' £1' ...d ln.t!



rh tft f ur !. ilol : . If.

._- - ....

ENTHUSIASTIC CEMETERY MEETING la n t'" nttenrl~nce "n ll r~ .. d tl rc' an llulIl m eelin),! "f Mi· Itmi C"m.-(p, ,. ""'weillt ion held MonIlav J lilli' 4, 192a . The tru !llees w~;e Illuch pl f' llserl hy lhis evidence of Ir.,:, .'",' cd il1t ~r es t tak en in the aff,ti, ~ ;,f til!! II ssociati o n by il~ lot A ll


Teams Sail for France

, I I I , L . I':. 1<Mnple invited a few Ar.olher M"mt,rial I hI,. Wf.I " ad d , d I) f h"r fri !,IIII R in , la~ L F'ridllY evel"inj{ t o th tl lunl-( il _L la ~ 1 W, ·d"e-day aflt!r· I,ef" r,' he r d t!n arture for her n ew ' noo n . The MI'I1 \I f \\' fI)' lh 'H virll', who hiHII T' in Wilmin>!tu n . A fi ne even· I have IlIk e " ch ... r~" of thl! da.\' for inK W II ~ sIJI'nL , Hnd at. a seasonable I s Pvt' rul Y""' ., nll"I" hllg""" r \ ~ 10 hOllr cleli[' ioll\; re fr eshments wer e ; hllv!! thi ~ or,,' "qlllli I till' fonner Rt'rV('II. one", a nd th py ~ lH·Ct't.'''., u in duill \{ S f" . Wulwr McCl ll rc, I'hu irrllan uf .\1'. run~(!rn e nt ~, hlld p re pare.1i 11 proAl vin I~nrn h art and family enter· gram that wu~ l!"j"Yt'd hI' all presellt i lallted at dinn e r, Sunday, the fol· At 2 f)'cl oc k t" " Wavn r wille blind I lowinl-( ~uests: Mr , an d Mrs, Karl tlntered til(' groun d~ (rllnt th e w e~ t [ Hahb . IIf Xe nia, Mr. and Mr s. Bur· j(ate. lind pn),·c.. d t!ti 10 tht, s l't'ak('r' s tnn Earn hart , Mr . and Mrs. Ernest stand . J O. Cu nwril-(h l had bel'n Earnhart, Mr . Emerso n Ea rt)hart ~elt!cle" as chllirnllln t or till.' and family . Mr . a uri Mrs Harold rh" r p rlJ.\: n twu 1lI1J ;~!1: trt p ti l t·'rHTu'c , the t",o ' ·:lm aio j.t rlli h Jli rl fi teams w hirl , w o n an uuf it.lna1 l'Oll lpt·tlllon nt ("1 '11 .• ~tJ I II Tld ly, ~H't Slit! I' t \\'t· t ', trulI l S . Y on t hr S. S. l.a Frnncr; ufter ( our uny!) in (, h ic l\ ~o !llI d and uf te r 8 few inlroduoto ry n"" " rks ' Ea r nha rt, Mr . and Mrs . J. D. Mar\\. L.. ,lIj) ,'f"Jl .q~ d in Inccti n iZ t he P rc .. id c.'nt. The first p r iz. tcn Ul Is from Edd v\'ill t: TtL The ~l'('(} Jld h 'fUJI fr om Ihe "lI tire !tssemblng-e ~an " two latt and Mr. Madison Ea rnhart. n Il rlnlg tlL l1 C', lo, It (' .I dillt!' kit to rI L!ht, front row t Ih: :r thn n o rl ~c rs, BU t' l hh Rod ~crs nnd Knt hc~ 1'ill c Iloli hn uJ.;h. H II' k r 11W , .\I .lIlIl f· , .~ . ~ i wnd l' ll. E lnil ,(' l-I .'ndrlt'ks, Pr(>s. Brodlutc, An lrrirn n F urm Hurea u, E.!-otcr Bnliult ugh u.nd verses of Ameri clI. :-if·c'r .. 1(JIm l' rd. d (' of {he FIl"" I ;urenu. Mr s . Ma ry Lea h Adam s r elld a On Thursday, May 31st, a crowd bt!au'tiful poem decl iellt".! t o those of YOl lng folks 8u r p rised Miss Lucile who lie in Miami ce me tery, aft e r ~t. .l ohn at he r home in the country. which she in voked th e Divine hl ess· Th ev hiked from tow n and, after a ing . All or iginal reading by J ohn bri ~f r est , partook of a delicious pic· ~l: ,~ [1!' rni l'l-' H~' m"n r. p, 'nt Pa ul Bolto n Wlt ~ an artistic effort nic dinner. Th e afternoon was WP lh with " 'l alivcH in Xe nia both in th e coml o~itio n and the dra· Rpent in a merry round of games all d ( With apul {)R'i es t o "l-liuwl\tha"\ ma tic rendilio n Miss Neva Con ner, dancing , whil e a few of the palty enHorn - To Mr . an d Mrs G W. M,,· Bv th e "horcs of Cuti cura a ge neral favorite he re, also read a joyed a s wim in the str eam back of ran, Friday, June 1 1923, UdJlUK'hlcr Ry th e Man .a. elln w at~r !lea uti ful p ,lelll the ~t . J oh n home. An added at. Liv~d I he proph yl aNic Chi c'let , · A littl e inci ll"nt of more thnn pass· After another selection by the tr action was the fine opportunity for Se\'cral .IIC ou r town ~m el1 w unt to Dani j enne, ' IIIe H I ' 1 It · in;,. i nte r est occurred at the Waynes. c mar !I ( au~ I e r ' l ". blind, C hairman Cartw ri g ht intro· [)~l l ~ l1, ru eRday. t o atte nd thl' She \Va~ loved hy Kl ux JII Pos tum, Iville National bunk when Wilton duced the s peake r for th e d ay . Judge ins pecting the dairy , Late in the 1{lIIgiln" CirCU S . . ' ~on of SunkiRt. and Victro. la , I I~art sock' th e infant son of ~oss a nd Alfred McC rav , of Dayton Tile a ft e rn oon, the pa rty started' on their Ed na H:lr tsoc k, presented hlmst'lf til speake r, a forme r Clarks ville boy, ho me wa rd journey. , . Heir apPllrcnt t o th e Mazda 1 D. Cla~e tt a rri ved he re fr om Of tl t 'b f C I open a ~avings acco un t It so hap the Wes t Tu esd av m ornin g . and Ie rI eo : oca·co a. , . . • and known t o ma ny ci tizene here, .' . Throu "h t he foreHs stroll ed th e lpened that It fe ll t o the lo t of Mr . made a fine talk which was enjoyed On Fridav afternoon. the Girl 110'111 rl' molO e1Urlng June. l ove r~Allen, president of the bank, to be byall. Scouts gathe red at the homq of Woods untrod by Anglo·Saxonlat the window and r eceive t he The band the n moved to the can- Rhea Janet Cartwright for a ' lIurS verul m em berR of Mi ami Cha D" Lovely liltl e wl'igly Chiclet," dl'posit . non~. where the concluding exe rcises prise on Captain Gorauch, A. delic· ter No 101, O. E S, attend erl in· Were thtl burningwlrdsot Klaxon. He remarked that it. had heen hi s we re held. Miss Gladys Kilbon r eo ious picnic supper was served In the RDection at Lebanon, Tuesday eve n "N o Pyrene can quench th e fire, pleasure to no business with five cited ih a highly creditable manne r, ya rd, the hostess acting 811 toast· ing, Tho ug h 1 kno\l~ you're sti ll a mere Renerations of this branch of the Llncoln's Gettysburg address, after mis tress. Those present were: miSJ'l, H artsock family . The line was as which the little girls d eco rated. Captain Gorsuch. Mn . Henkle. ~rs, Oh, my Prest·o·lite desire , follows: Amos Hartsock, . great The services for the day e nd ed with Cartwright. Cecelia Gorsuch, ~ther Le t us m a rry . Timken Djer·Kiss" g r eat grandfather; John Will Hart. taps . Henderson. Kathleen Hendert!on. - Tiger. sock, great grandfather; Frank A . There were rr ore peopl a at the Do ris Hendersvn. Rhea Janet Cart.- - -Hartsock, grandfather; Ros8 H. cemetery this year than formerly. wright, Mildred Hole, Mary MarHartsock. the present p09tmaster many of thorn no t ha vi n~ attended a gar et Una-Iesby. Gladys Kilbon.·Ellz· Miss G race Walton and Mr. Law· and father, and now little Wilton service for many years. Th e per· abeth Henkle, Luella WllllamBon. renee Brown we re quietly married Hartsock. the aon. at Jamestown, Saturduy evening at fect day and the splendid program Ge rtrude Chandler. Evelyn Ufl$tleaby Mr . Ailen is still an active officer will always be remembered. 6:30 o'clock Rev . Father McGinty Doris Hawke, Beryl Cook, Ev.elyn of the bank. baving been connected performed the ceremony. Tbey Cartwright, Elsie Hawke and Fran· .... with It since the day it opened, more we re attended by Mr . Howard Mc-. ces Henkle. About 8 o'dock ; acthan f orty·elght year. ago. Guinn and Miss Virginia Taylor. companied by our Captain, : we The fir8t band concert uf the ses· They will be a t home t o th ei r m llny started on a moonlillbt hike, ' 'Two fri ends on the Lackey farm, north ot son wal r e nd e rt\!d last Wed nesday of the girls ahead were once startled evening. and the concerts will con. by what they imagined to be a white town . tinu e all season. Following is the cow in Beveral pieces lying by the FIVE HOMERUNS p rogram fo r tonight: rOlldsidl!, After a brave scout in· Marc h- "Salut< to Kansss City" Mrs Lydia Mend e nh all, sisler of vesg-tigated. it proved to . be news· Ove~t ur e- "Tro ub ado ur" Emerson ·Mason, and ti is ter· in-Iaw of paper. 'Later several gholita ' apWaltz- " Suwanee Rive r Moon " Amos Mend eflhall, waH badly hurt in peared and were hastily Bcared away Sel",ction - "B e>!t Luvt:d So uth e rn an auto accident. Sun day, on SUg'tl r with threats to "duck 'em." To Melodil s " March- "Ke ntu cky Cardinal" Creek hill. The machi ne, a new one, th ese known ghosts we extend was driven by her 80 n, Roy Men- hellrty t hanks for providing a thrill, Inte rmission of 10 minutes denhall, and while co miog down the March- ·"The Tall Cellurs" bill, it struck fres h 'gravel and he 'ong - " Leave Me with a Smil e " lost centro l of the machine. It Selecli on-"Scen e9 fr OIll Ope raland" turn ed over twice, and the five pas. ji'inal wultz ~ " 3 O'c lock in t he Morn· in Jg " sengers we re thrown out. No one was seriously injured but Mrs. Men· R~gular com~unication of WayThe roncert wi ll begin at 8 o'clock denhall. who Bustained a co mpound nesville Lodge No. 16:i. F. & A , M ., prompt. An intermission of ten fracture of th e right leg and several Tuesday evening. June 12, Work in minutes wi ll be giv(1l after th e firs t bruises, the F. C. degree. -*urning brethhal f of the pro~r8m . Therp. will be r e n and visitors cordially welcome. refreshmen ts on the g rou nds. An Kenneth Hough, W. M : ud nli~si on of fiv e cents will be L . A. Zimmerman. Sec'y. Subscribe for the Miami Gazette c'~ A rge d li t Lhe gate. Pete Sclr"L"i,lor, of thr \'crnon . ;I q !I'.!-h H' 11 (·f' " 1'(\S-: t\(\ , In . Const f."" \! \I(' tt.'fim SC'( " ne\\' pro W fl U I. W P I'!, ·q'l"hu ,' \ "llh'l '., I'e<'ortl II'hrn he slllmnlt'u 1) \11 lIvo t il l. " (1 '- " ''''lI l rti q :' (lI1 he r', .. home I'll 11 " III six tlUlCll at hut Jut el' ll l " "nt' l:1I1 . . 1 tl' ; ' ,· (· " l t~ l. . \\' I'cl(. Th(' rnrmor record was made fJ !.' ,1._ H Irl . 0 1' ,," j "I.l': ,r.j!1. ' h by H(ll,l,y l. owe, of Boston, wbo C ll ll : • II ' \" 1'~ l , ·f l II I . ", J. hl . ' rer.:lsl ' 1"\....1 four. w l1' 1 ' \( '\ r · ' 1 i. :: .. ..1 1111'/ ... (1 I" -


wails That YoU.Can


Ulln " l u ll"

n wn l ' ~.


c lH' r, urll ~illg

yellr' ~ blJ ~ iIl P~~ \Va~

., C thl' pr e~ ente d by the r e porl

treasu\,,,r Secl ifln 14 o f til!' by·hiw~ of the a~snci R t inll was am( nded. jl:rnnting .. more liberal privileg e in the mat· t lr of t mnsf(~rrinl! t he Lille to lots. Secth," 15, prfl hihiting 'th e decora' tl on of grf\Ve~ e l(ct'pt on Mt'lmorlal day. WIlS r epealed . a nd Section 16 was so IImellnf'd that automobiles mllY be 8110~ ed to enter the groundll 1L was neemed that t he fo r~goini changes were i Jeeded . to meet the chan Ked conditions of the present " thne, . The 'officera whose terms had ex' I plred-W . F . Clark anrl SF .. Elbon. a' ·Trua~ee8. and L M. Henderson, as ~ Secret.. ry.Tr88llur~r. we re re·elected


---... ..



Th " I. O. O. r., I hI' 1< of P . anr! the Junior I,ldges will ~a v e their : )ecorll t ion uny, Sun tJ~ y, Jun e 10. Th e lodf,(p.s willas~ e mhl e at lhe I . 0 l), F hall Ilt 2o 'c loch lind qtJi e tly march LO I he cem etery lit 30'rlock . AlJ at ra ctive proj.!ram hil S boen ur· ralJ!!,ed, an d' a good s pea ker will addresll them Th e committee on arran ge m e nt~ asks that all me mbers brinlr all the fl owers th ey can ,


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"1'1'" { . ,Is h,,. ~~



i",. yo~.

A4~" -.,ul ~IJ


,,,. .



We do not expect our

WARREN COUNTY S. S. CONVENTION The Warren Cou ntv Sunday School C0nvention, to he held June 7- 8, at . Carlisle, has an IIttractive program. and every S unday School in the township should spnd ae many delegates as will go . The convention will miss t he help of th e late ,Judge Boxwell, who held the offi ce of president for n any yesrs . All the ministers of the county are on the pregram , and the state Bpeakers arc certainly tin e, and if you go you will be greatiy benefilted,


---_.. ....- - -





.' } ' I•


William B. Chew, of the Chew Publiahlng company. ~enia. Ohio, died at bis bome Sunday morning, after an Ilineea of oyer a year, H• W811 the BOD' .of tbe venerable·J, P. Chew, who ia ,till IIv1De at the aKe of 91, and Ie etill aetiv. ill the paper bUlllneM, The funeral WAll at ~is late home, TI1tl!ldQ aftemoon He is survived by three IoDl, two

_hom are with the x.m. aueUe.

Savings D'e partment To make us much profit, but we do believe we are supplying a need of the community, Your continued patronage will encourage our efforts. .

Keep yourmoneyat home

.,, \.

, I

% Credited Semi-annually


. ,'





tlw ,'_lilt

l' utU~l




l·t~hl J!


wnrm1ng He 1111'

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,A rmour Cloaea'f'ifty MilIioD Deal'

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~'lll \\',,~ ~ "l, ~h""(\I1~

oIl""ctll,,, s t hl~ "r II': 1111.1 lu \(lIlI'fIO, '. 0\1< II(' 11I1 .. ' r;~ 1 wlUI ,1,"1" 1;,'111111: Ih' r"r""~I1\1 I1l1d J lh

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. Tht ·u. \\ 1It' I\ IIH' 1III1 ' !1"r 1\'ns Ilhnn r rl tln.r lh.· -.':1111", II'trullll '. !. c'ulnt' l 'clI 'c. " illl t ll1' \\illci on Ill.· :-ctllrllftllrt t lwnlll IIlld 1111' I'HO ':\1-I hur,t lIj.!uln:-:t the hlut" Mc.Bru.1e <::.' C o lIlt" s .lrn h ..... ttlt'" ,1"W1\ h) )\\.'1' work . ;.;...N:;;::;;;.;,..,..".""........"""'''''''''''''''''''~.....,......,...,...;.................~'''''......,.".'''''................,."''''....,...,.,,..........,._~ l 'alm ' ... 1:1 11,1 fJldill :.: t n Wt'!-Itward IUIII I II! :->.11\ " \1',.01 ,lIl' :":t lch;,z wilh uli suil He lwga1\ tt) \ \ p l l ' h' r " !I !>O 1"1' 1· h it., I :-. d III I,ursult. ~HA P T ER V II wrt'ck 111 111 1, WIIS I I", II', '/I .. tl t',· "'l,l ,',v a Ha l l'llfl·t'. 11I1<l ng hit-: F(ln t 0 11 th e h ot · runh , li e e"ul ll lloll I'C,I,1 t l... 411"~ ' T h.e Wreck . 111111 " f IIH' tllilchy, wntd1t'd ,l lIt l e H~ t loo. H lIl,lI n' t' \\'n~ rnllt ,'d uut h.-fOft' tlnwn I ... 111' ~ I ",' ,","d , IIII" o l fl pUl1Ul11n "1\ lh,' "Thill d,nrt )'011 ,hnw,',1 11-," "" Id h". hy Snllt n , Tilt" cuhln lump wn~ III, til,' hark ,"If l wr lwlllI nn d lwl' " Y"!'O I'(wt ng" lR tlh'r(l nn~' tJ :i n J.! n'1I1 1,' III II'!" rn hl/1 "'prl'l1 j l, Hnt t .Tuelp wa!". 111'11IJ,:"11lJ! In f : II!: ' Ih., l.luIIHel,' to Illl' lulY o r the ~ntHn tt)"k h lill li t fl rH'C'. ('niT,~, \ , Klw RI' t' rnt'tI In n hlltl It 'I II)lf'' r I 1I I, I III'-!1i1. ··Tht." l'hurt'jiI n il n}:h t." :o::d tl lH". " fllf 11(' snt (IInnl t n t nhl <- (ll1r){»ltu-' hpr , Si ll ' A lIlil" or flin t'" IIt' h llld th r ill th ~ tllt.'I, th llt CUll ,',"nil It. I f ~.HI Ilwan l:. :-II ' lIn't'I~ J,C11 \ ' f\ him good l1Iornl n ,l(, H I' :\uldll'Z ~ lIowt'd , II (ri:tn,J.:It,' of Iwa r t, it ~('nlllnc, 1 1" " '1\,," It l : l - (pr t tUt1l1 I h n nc:h l f('lr ,n I1U"IIH'nt thut h ,'r tll · J' lI1111 1... 1:l lId Ilflll \l\ ld:.;llI 'd.'lIull n .. th \ n ~ t hut run r(,flll I I , \\' ,·'1 1 "l'I ' :-Inn)£" ,J a ~' tt" lllp t' f WII ~ c11r('clfltl t owunl Sn t :lIl U'" ",'111 111 111 '1 1 til nil till ' \\ 1,, ',,1 .. r ~l'a IIu l H If 1"m r f,.:ht IIr \\' I" dl!!; bm, II"n":-It ,\\,flil 11-; hll ll:o'I'I(: Own . In ~ OllH~ fo; uh tl f' tn l'·" .. f ';;:11t"1\ , , til Ih,' 1'01J1I 1 11\\ lIl' d - t h(lt tru th, I fill nll t hnll .. ,l"in ' IIIlh'h nhullt If. WII ~· , hfl kllPw If WIli'lIl'L I':u r l,\' rISIIl,L: : "111" 1. ., Hf ~Oll'" fl'l'h:ll1l'r hull IIlI w n nil It YVU II'-=k lilt'. 1' 111 !I,lItH'rlll' IlI lt re- mn~ hll'·p h fll pt' d: hut 11f' ",nSf. t h£" I tit' lIol'\ z o11. nh(lll t t llp kid 111:111 IIlIlIllu' ror monl'\'." \\, h,! t "lid h" II I' rllul d 'I'll<' 'llInl, lillI,' ...' . n : till' ",11",,1 "YOII I1 H'1I1I ?" ' not 1hlnk . N'j'll lt.'d 1II hil \ ' t ' rll l'J..!1 11 11' 1l II IH t·x l!'i lt ' n~e. "Jt1d(', !'UI'IU )~ " I WH ~ til ~"I U Ilu..;,h ~ ' 1111 ~n ld th~ C"n1f("C W ng hllrn t '1'11 1'11 !'Ol1dd l ' nl ~' , HIl Il wit h t ltP "" IlL''' .. 0 flu' heud fru ln nlh' t.f t hem "tI:-'~t l!-\., t n!'> 1 ,t) HI p hilt! bnrle,v, nllc1 n ll ~ht tn 1I I,' n, '(' nnd forrf' of It prl ' lldU ' I' d r l\' l uJ,; t' r tirOl' to th,' sl lu tilpox, ~Hlllt' tiS 1 h,' , llIn l! 110 Ih · sln~h tuh. II lItt'llfT h""," /I 1',,1 101 fr,Olrl I h ~ (l ul " ll, s be pr (>l,lnf). 'd to St.~ IIt·I'S. ,,~ ult'd I h'C','IIl,' of f:IP o rl up for t : IC co fT\'e, hut WllS CUI O:lllIkfl: Ih l' khl1" ~II rl h~ :T lldp . " , Ir yllu l'= l t1C'k l it ti ll' h,'IIIIIII II f Ihu t 1'1 ,,' ., '"nol "r I h,' "kl 'l" fr.l'lnl! 11,.10 ' °1 rp ,: k nn I t ' ~ h ptI '-l [ ly," Mid .T od,, : ~ dl ' I;. II), \ \ll lt I'fll 'hll'r's wux'j" fnt SIII' I,rr rlllll,' nr lxccl wllh 111(' fllI~:l ' " ' Iut 1 hn \ ' I-1\'t rllOff"" t\\'o hn n t1~ t o Ill' I I.' h lH~hpj l ,' nil :-'t ,)I I up.

sn TT ,l du' 1 '11'~, fir t II IHI ~'IIII ' II ) 11,,' fI II

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('flll~" ,




::rn ill ' lh i'

"I kn"w," ""loJ 11111"'1 11'", "U,a l' s R 11I'Ilhlom Ihul IIlIlSI MIt' 1I <'CC IlI' If, y,m,

Ih ' Il~~

both'" - Hwl

C II fTt'l"

(1n the lu hll' lind 11r , ""I H'IIe

f nlh:s

f nl ktn', of :;m nrln'. I

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give any mun p(>l n t~ un,1 lr(,l1l hi m, "nee y(>u Iny oo\\'n 10 It. Wh y, you Ahn kp th e sh Ip so thnl ]'\' 1' wo lle orten of ni gh t" thl nkln' w\,'d got nd rlft nnd ,h, drl(> rln' ovpr Rll n(lhllnkM." ''Lord love you tor 0 1I111' !" wus nil J ude snld , ~ h e refuserl h"!p In cl ear · I n~ nwal: t.he Ihlll l.~, J"l ll lng Ih em on



d pC"k n

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m in ut e s In h~r ,

The su n wa s o\, pr th e s,,"·lIne, t he wind rli;lng to mee l him, li nd to star· board the fresh blu e Sl' n tl ood lnll


the W!ll" I.

f' .. ll"~ "


He turned a n d went below. Rateture foun d himself thlnk log of lode and ber prob lem s. TIre Tylers had

hul,l or he r.

"\\'Il l,' h?"

J lld t,. n lt ("1'I1tg' fl u -

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" T uk(l

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f1 p t ook Ihr !!pnl,e" 9hp hnd bl'On holdIng us s lw rc lf nqul slll'd th em, o lld t he tlrst sensu tlon thot CnOle to him WQS th e rN, l\ng t hot h e hU ll t nkl' lI hold ot sOUlet h lng nlh'e, somethIng nll ve and senRltll'e us a hu re. T he wheel se{lm ("(l t o hu ve n mntlv~ p uwer nnd wi ll nr It" nwn, Ilnd th e Inter,ml com· pass ellrd to tnk!' nrrr(on l lit the l ell~t moveml' nt or th e hl'l m. ,111de I'{'''ten her hu n d on hl ~ left hunll to ~ h olV him bow 111l/1 ):'I\'e h im con fl <! Pllf'l', n lH1 nt t.h t· t OW '11 of h er flrm 11 111,' ha nll th l' ~ t :l~,~r rl J,: llt thn t

every- I

l'ont r ll!"


Thel e bUl ine" hou.el are leaders in their line., and ,a llu're you value aDd tenice,

When in Dayton Visit Thern--They W 'ant Your Trade

' i!I.IllIIIJlifOO!fOOm.JJI I:oom~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobody in D" yton SdJa Better Drulll



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ResourceS $14,500,000.00

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Conducted tours to CHARLES W. BIESER Europe. All expen- I LARGEST a nd mootJ::"'fl e'. STATIO,.. !:l S:::t::cOhi~~t.. ill c..tN1 ses $425 and up, . , G arfield 1874 ' HOlDe 3874

35 cents


Steak. aDd CIaOPI Our Specialty.

Full information r ega rdin g

it neraries , etc.• f urnis h e d.

The Dayton Savings & Trust Co.


F"sftb st.; . fig., Ohio.

.' "It




17 West F ifth St.

M.chant'. Dinaer and Supper


Deyton, Ohio

Complete line of army and navy goods, Special atteDlieo given to m ail order.. Sbjctl y one price.

Day tOil'8 Leading Eating Place For Men.

~ ll

Surplus $784,000.00

OYer 30,0.)0 A c counts Comer Main end Second strwete


Da y ton , Oh io

6';:>r.C''; o( M R," , 8 ROWN!

v's 0.

, I~O


·toi~ US FoR R u " H I ~i1 ~""''1' l ila 'THIS!

\,n l,'j'",. I' t'


" I\'ltn'.

GU. .

TURNER'S LUGGAGE STORE 39 Ea.t Third St. Beckel Hotel Buildio8

'C'eQ"WIoIl.'( Oor-t r UIllDeIl."TANP TJ4E WA'i ';t)0 1~_ ~TEO! '(OU

IStt lIP ~ai LeA'" PA~


1IlII)I ~ ll ll nt



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"f\ Ii'I ,lfl1: h ' f1 H' r" rm of J\ l1 d St \ II (1 T'~ , 1I11f! pIlHR lhl ~'

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~t"l h' rs

t o r u m om en t fiS on~

nrh!h l st Rre ut 0 pro,I1gy. 'I'lten be broke oul : " lllln tnw ' ! H oly Geo rge I Wh nt you 8ny. contrllc'? YOII dllllr to hook onto my chonn el pl n t e~, ond r ll huZJl t his Osh Rt y'r !rend! Shove olf ! Whut n r(> ~'o u 11 01n' hpre, IIn )' woy ' Why ar~ n't you nt Huvlln n ge ttlo' the dynum \tp?" "W hy IIl n' l yon wn ltln' fo r us at 1'0 '11\ 1 ~l nn, I? " IOj(lcnll y r'!"lllIn t!ed Sel· lers. "I r you w nnt t o knnw why we' re her e. I' ll t,,11 you, It WU R II !Jet I h nd wIt h C'ur k." "Whi ch wnyr' "1 !l ef him yuu'd n l'\' cr wolt for na a t I'u' ln 1"lund, hll l' t! li ght out for here 1/1 rHI." tl... ~tllf1' If we wl!nt t oniln ' olf to Hu m nR. SP'CntS' I \\'IIS right. tl nn 't It '! "

1\11 t ' l~


I" 11'1 · ' 1 ....


POtl " ",

!lilultt I tl holl lni


-- --

Lunn e(1 00 11"8 t',oo k , o b"~ I", I ~ . II IIlII " "colld wor t llHl( ell, N ..)\e~ [, ') ,,,Ih l. .I f' h n Hllrhinll . A Il.>u BUl hl " I!! . X e ll tll Oh io , 6. ~ . 23



F armers, Attention!

lohnDaveyneeds young men who desire

trll rWtlr M u t Wlnr " . . . ,,,1 ntlj "l l\l lt~ co uu t ts. IIlllY o ht,"ln Ul clll\' Y " ' . I""K tl WIJ IUlln8 . 0\ 5 y'l'I: '" t ~ II' "I . t ;,,~t of 8t1odri ll ll I,b e ." u," 1Mv e r l' ro'H_OII. .. ble, Ihr o ullb ,'l' h lJ F" 1,,,. 1 L .. nd aau k . For fo rl,h,,. 101 urUlHU .. n 0" 11 lin o r ..d (\r .... ~ M C DR AKE. TreltM. ur"r , .,hou e:1I ~-X . Lllb,u lon, O h l" ,

Inte l'etlll n sr T l'Ilvel FaSCinating Outdoor Worlt Fine A I9OC\tUH Stead y A d vanceme nt Immediate Openln gw John D avey's organiz:ltion. T he Davey T ree Exp<rt Co.• I nc., h as .. limi,ed number of openin gs for nmbitious young men between TER~ELL 20 and 30 )'enrs of ngc, single men preferred. Wilming ton, T he opportunity is unusun! , offering ~ p ay at the s tart, p<rmancnt em ploy ment in the D avey orgnnimtion, and thorough scien. tifi c training in the profession of Tree Sur. gery. Advnncement accordi ng 10 meri t. The work is fascinati ng. offers chance to travel ex tensively, lind association with fine fellows. Only dean, red. blooded younll American., lovers of the outdoors, need apply,

Money to Loan on Farms at 5! per cent for five years. « TE~RELL,


Dr. W. E. Frost



1 " ,1, \

._-- -_.-



l.l " r\l' I'1I 1 "~ l"'flOUlh

( Co n\lnuod on P&"O 3

· Heating PIumb'lOg..


d lll' l! .':

Me ;U~ 'Jre Cl ,

... ·ea t IIt \d ,\'





t (1nk t il l!. of tc'" '11 ,,1 '" flilk h ('I' ,' !" ~nll l lu'. " RtTppllfiie pnli" r HrqJlln t-7. Jl l\ ~' ~ ~' nll II fl lf\ll ~lI nti el l)' III I' \::' :l l!nlu rl l , u n d ~ I1 PII\'!1(l y llu don't fin.1 :I n~' trr'II.!o1l1 r l' , will )' t'm pn .\' h im

The hll plluenl'o uf thlR 1II1ll1" Rut· cli ffe j:(IIMP, but let! S \lliln quit e un· mO \'etl, "S'p osp we quit Iyln· ... ~ul<1 11 ". " ]'111 ",lIl1n' to fo llow SOOI." replI ed write, or lMllt1r W I . WO ' ' ' ' COIIpOft.. "You've Got til Le a rn t4 Hi ndle Her Sull ,' rs. ll , th en," 8n l~ SlI lnn. "foll ow "\Ye Now If You Wa nt to-!' The DUi{ Tree EI~rt Com pany soot ofT to the wel'k on' /Xel your ~:n~6hiOa nk Dull ' iD&, as It t ouelic '" b y a wlzorl'l. th e Rrnr. wo rkln' ","rty nn to Ih .. ''" "In''"8 li ke I Am internted in you r offer. P luta "tiel me fade<l ohO\'e the sea line, the s l, y over hot n olls. I'll he O\'pr til h elp you y~ r llIu.ti-atcd folder conttrnin g 1hc 'W ork o f a Trrc S U'1 roD. a nu alto . (Ju. tlSQ l iQn 812n" , there loo ked s ick. 0 s tttln on the "el· eoon'lI we've hnd h rr nl, tus t. You've Namc _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ____ .• __ _ , _., vety Slllc lI (\ or nt th e ni ght. Fur II hend n o ti me t o wo ste." oDd os If s mlde n l), sk et ch ed by n pe n" H ow's fhll t ?" Add .... _______... __... _._._... ,... _._ c il nguln st the enst cr n lI !=h t. Ihey snw " Cll!n ry's ufter you. H e put loto th e nnked sp or s ot a vessel anchored 1'8101 Islllnn not m ore 'n fou r hou n otter you 'll /:n" e ; sn ld you nn(1 Cark ID t he dllwn. oul'hnt's ' Cnrk," M id SO l un. "T old hnd 11'lrked h im lint! h e wus atter yon we' d 1\11(\ hi m h ere-d- n swab I" your hloot! . I t nld hllll t hat wosn 't n o " \Veil, I eou l ~II'1 hllve helle " ed It." conce rn of m Ine. H e osked m e h ad I Bllid Rnt cll fTe. H e r emember ed th e Been YOII ." "W hnt did you say ?,' 80lllng of Ole JII" n. presumnhly for ' ~Th e t r uth , Bllvo nn, nnd th ollgh hc ho d s l7.()('J up Th Ink I'd perju re m e Sellers D n~ Cllrqu lnez for '''hnt t hey lIoul Iy ln' (o r the likes ot you 'lOd wer e worth, still, t he evid ence at th eir Cnrk ? Told blm I WitS goln ' to j oin . dupllc llY, here before hIs eycs, CRme you ." II ~ n ~ h ock . " SuITer ln ' Moses! You've Pll t your g, Pump Repairin g attendSItton sW11ng hls hend oyer bls shoul· h oM IJI II tl rl!! t lme-J-i7o' on a n d don'r cl ers, RutcllITe .foll owed h Is gnze. 'The 8tnod \\,lIggln ' your to ll! W tl nt 'd he ed to; Lift and Power Pumps sen to wes t war d wn8 em p t y, not n sign Rn~, r ' 00 hand for any kind of ot n sn ll. "Nothln'. fll lln' t Mny n othl n·. but " CI.ellry's gone ." snltl RntcllfYe. when I put out he Pllt out otter me," power. , "Oh. he'll be o osln' olong Boon," snld "Foll o\\'e d ~'o u?" ~ Sutn n. "Be's s ure t o corue d ose "Yep. 1 on l)' IMt him Ills t nIght : enollgh t o see Cork's t opmas ts, ond Tlut It's t ell t o on e ho'lI drop on u s. then he' ll pounce." H e'll !Je bus ti n' everywher e round B e put the he lm over, oDd the Snmh her e." Phone 2~ 00 50 pnye~ '1fT t o th l! north s o 8S to r ouml "H e \\'1\1," snld Sell ers, " ao d th en Residence 4th and Tyler Sts. the norther n spur of the r eef. It's halt s hores he'll be wnnUn', oot '''T hnt's t he w l'eck." Bald SataD, "tbot to mention Curk's liver. DId h e Iul ve Waynesville, Ohio IIn c li ke a lump ot r ock." mun y with b lm T' [{nt ('\I fTe. sh udlng hIs eyet!. could "ltcckon BO. The old Nntchez wns now " (' C th e r eet, long and t oum· tull 08 n beeh Ive with t he toughest· IIL'('k ctl, s tretch ing from no rth to Bouth, look ln' c rowd," th e li ne of rl>clt nhsol u tely u08ugge!fo Th e 81gh t ot Sell ors' fo ~ at this II ve of n wreck:, heyonLl the reet th e ann ouncement fie t Jud e orr. She IIturtJ uan 's mus ts an d apnra, and about the ed oIT to th e golley, \\'hll e SellerB. h nv· recf·spurs t he gull s flittin g nnd wheel· log comm un ed with himself for a moInlr; hilt, deBpl t(~ th e mo,.e ment ot the Veterinary $urgeon m ent, spo ke: 1(11119 Rnd th e 8ple m\or of t h e morn in g, "Cronk ed 's a hsd course to · run." t he plAce struclr hIm 09 t he most desosnld this mornll st. "I've o tways t old Phone 44 latp he hod ever seen. S otU Il. whi stling hetween hIs teeth. Co rk 80, I told yoU we'd no dynnmlto st ood wltlt hi s h ll nds on the rail look· nhnn rd-n elther we hnd- but the re 's o keA' ot powd er In th e h old. and Cnrk In g li t the JUlin. r eck oned ~o Bomple tile goods without "T h ey're wukln' u p," s aid h e, A fAllow 1~ l lb (I rpd hnn rl kpr~hl e f VOIlr h(llb, T.h er p., It's out I You'd

""IOU ' I4AIleH'T' ~I!H TO "A""tOH1l AU. 1!llWHIH6. "I'DU -ON,",," $PIOI(8 TO "Il4& ~ ONe. AAO ~ viA" '

H un '3~1

Tht' tJl I~ II: H '

('II 1IIlo;t II 1\('(' 11 1\11

wit h ll S -"

SntRn 11'''0('(\ "\'r r Ih e mil nnd con· te n, plnl e<1 !;cll .. r. , Th l''' he s pok e. " Ood A' ml lrhtl' I" s uld !SlItnn, He

F UEl) M. COLE W lIy n e8ville, O hi o


r ':I I' 'IuIl 1l'1.

"Whll t ·. thnt'"




"nuL" " I'~~l r ti l(' I lr"rtf ~ ~ n kp wh ut'!'! th p mnt · t p r w ith II ?" "I t f~ n h('HSt1 y JU111 I('. Ir "on wun t ' J! h o!o11. I hen H sh ou l of snrrl ln(l>s, Ih('" 80111(: t hlnlo: :.:h n rt9 ('uti m e whll t n ~' .. lIni: wh I p r RY n nt hll:l.:f"r thun 11 on t' cll l1 ~ TU P ,' " ,;nllp p l n l", th('n n lfw n j.!I'\l\' P flJ' hnnl ~




"1A'Hrnlul: HH t t n I"tN: r ." ('1'1('(1 ,h ,,1(1 n u tc~ llff,', h l ll u",.l f lIJ!uln, I' t.tnklnt: ti ll' w)w pl. lurl u'd t tl h,' r , " I"pr (;lId'~ .,;nk e," H-uld h p, " 11 (111 ' [ l'lI l l n H' IIi n t ;" ,

"~ o w \ ' vu'\'(, r,f t t ..

H hlll1d It yo u w nnt It ,"


t WH HIHrt-' o r tl h'lI1 IIwvln' oho ut II ko \\,111 Y'''I h'''k li t til ,' \\' n ~' th,',·' "" 1"'1HWflod I tw lIl !al1l 1l ~:- 1l 11 11 11 11'." \ " l!o t Iw r n ~ h:ht t nn t' le)..:" t v t h,' ! l' I 'I'r, 4:.11 n \\" (I~ Il"l'n Ot't'u n St-1 1l ~\II " d" ll ly nll1l1 ln ' Hlld t h l' n rw hnr t e' drn~ , "l wl" " " Itll 'Y 1I,-?" 1 A n! I.' I lt n l\l~ h t hf' dlnl1llln r,·("lt' li r w n· ' I'r , IllIrl y fel'! 111'\\' 1\ . th ,'y ""ulll ~" " 111\' ~I nd; IIf t1l(1 H11 t'hllr (.'li a ln lik e " Cll nl!t'r "11 the C'( 1)rll t nnd RpllnJ!t.'. A n ll r~ e Nh ll r l( p as~t.ll l tt ke n g rl s1y

Rr" YIlU ,Inln ' UII .I,·k III" . .

th l'J't,' ?"

taken an extraordloarlly Ilr m h old upon him, It aeemed to him that he had known them for y ears. Wben thlB cruise wo ~ over ood h e paek ed u p bl8 trap8 and left the m. h e wool d probablY o evlll' see them ngnln. Jud e and Satall would their way and he \Vould his wny-an(l what would I)appen to Ju ~e ? Suppose Sntan were to di e, , et knocked on til e h ead or ~all to the smallpox?" T he th ought h urt him !llmost 119 moch nN It hurt latan; tor J u de hod, somehow or n.D\'onle~ l ei "\'P T'~' :-; l pPI'PHIlHrt w h en he first other, captured hI s mInd Bnll t ouched tnk"" UlI' "' h",,1 lef t 1,11ll, hlII heart, and her youth Rnd a bsolute In th 'p mi ll llte~ lip h a d ~fJt t h l' hnng Jrresponslblllty b e!ore the moJor fncts nf tI lt' 11 ,1111":, tJ r tt lnu g hl ._n, of ille had Inft.'Cled him In th e mos l 1'11'> Wl/,d fl'esh"n"d u hit , nn,1 Ih .. extraordinary mllnn er. :';nrll h. licl'lI nl( 9111(\111" , t oo k IIll1tte"" H~. "1'88 engaged In t hese retl ectl on R In h,'r " \\, 11 hn nd for n II1mncnt (11111 fell wben a volee broke t he ~ 11lI ness llf the ofT hrr (' ()lIrRe, He Pllt the w h('('1 over e'feIiln g, a h nlr·tlred. hnlf-enntl1 nk e r· lO ll lil li Ch, II lld 1I1(1! 0 frl!;h tc ll e,1 horse ous voice, the voice of nn ovenvorkeu s he \\'PIII 111' IO lrin g Ilwn y III Ole oppohOU8 keeper who hnd been tryIng fisb slt o ,lIn'r'lI on. tlr,' wi lid s l r ll ll n ~ from wbUe others bnve b een Idllog. " AIn't you com ln' to h elp me?" In· Rat cliffe Found H lm lelf Th Inking .f IH'r s n ll s II n,1 Ill !' mnln b"um th rent en· tn t! In t: w 1ltu t o u ur1. . Q1I lred t he voIce. Jud e a nd Her Prob lema.



" \\' hll l the - -

uNow f' IW'H nn h ('r cnu r se uJ,:'u ln ,"

been born a boy."

()n R

,10llhl('l Urt t'I' {'I f" ' {,11 o'do(,)c " "nil , II " \\'nn ' t klrl, ," SIlI I' ~ e (\" r " , Til l' h l lll i ~h O \' 4"d n\\" n~· . n ll l,'IIIT!' r l'l 111'111" N'r<1 lI' hu! ~u!n n h l1l1 Jlllid u h ptl t 111p "hnn nnd th ('> h h1,1 1'n WI'I II u t! III It n nd r Ill' h h:h prnh o hll lt\' f lul t tIll' IlI l n l' ~ of flu' ~0I J1), T'('I ,1 ., n l",. \\'(\I'f\ I." h l!! t'1 C::l' whf'rf' t h n n 111 '''(1 , ~l ul' p ' 1111 11 p\'pr dlt! II ~W\' 1I1 ' 0 hlll l rll :" ~llt Jln \\'u9 I hi" sn l",'r IIr f 1l 1 ~

I",r Ihn l n",,'11 Ihe hul l. sw nllowl'I I It " n "hhy." ~ IIn ,1 wus hllu lt'd r'n hll urt!, j,' a l' n 10 h nll , llt' 111\1' I HW l r " ti ll wnnl " Yl1u'r,' Iptt ili' h<'l' "IT lI!!ll ln:' "" Id " 1\ ,,'11 I", .. nnll):' h." ~ulo Ju rl ~. " Y01l I n, G h f1hlud Il1P ' 1' 141 l ook ~ o \'t!r my .hlll" . "~ Inrl ll'nrll -- thll l '< lL.J.Icl·"'. 1'1f'1l1l hllll \\' h II " I ~.,.t tlte fr~' l ng plln .. !I,)u l , '('r'-thJf'A t'IL:ld. " ~ lli ll n : h,,'11 L:n on h'lI m lll' yuu. I'm n 'u, I.I', 11 ,, \I ,,! hlps t If ('a rk 's nnt put· lit.· I':tnnd helli l ,! IlI'r: \\,olul ro rl n l.!' &01 0' lJelu\\' tor A wn sh:' 111 ~ (ltr n h,·l1 t !" "h:1 1 Iht, n e xt C TJ IHlJlIll1d \\"I utcl hf'. It A " " nt hurl h",' n d ro pped on t hll (,O(lll' ulm u!=It nt nlH'I', @Iurhon r ll ""ll' of th., J unn nnd \\,n . PAn T II '''~Ll( ' k yuu r e,)'" on t he <'O IllP08 8 r f\ l1nt1 1 n ~ her Rl p rn . It ('orn e o l o lll!'· curd ," "Ill e. Just n" It hll rl com e at Prlhn CHAPT E R VIII " ftI!=h t." 1"lnn tl- so me hOllt. slim e crew. Sell e rs "S' I"" I! O~ t hp pnlnt!'r' R IIlw Ihn t Lone Reef. jus t I h(' sum e. ~lrc'" on hrr CO\l r~p. Now I'll h' l Iw r II wo s th e """ I'ul ll l( o r the third (107 "~I II I1". kill !" rrl !'11 ~pll e 1'll , oJT n ~pok t' OT tW' 'p--lu~p yIl t! r t'yP un ou t, 8011l1'wh el'C uUOIn four o'clock. " 11'/110 Yfll lr.plf! Though t you wn s Ihe ~Il rd. " Th!' moon hull "pt, nll cl th e SlIrn h WOI gont' I " Hu'·n nll." Tit " Jlro lll t!' r nll prPl 1 liS Illfi len tlnn , IIt11n!; aJ,:ulllst n g Plltle h ead sen, boo~ l· "Thnll)1hl YO Il wns to w nll fnr \I ~ Ilt nn.l rh() I11l1 t nc:::n ll ~1'f'OIl.. 't sucltl"n ly Ht - Ing thl) foum from h er UO\\'8 un ller t h e P n'/ u 1_IIIn rl." .n lrl Sell ('rl!. "H ull o. lnr'kt'(1 .1\), fl l f' nj!'Uflo, lI" ht n f II 011111 011 s turs. [lh:h l a hend. j Snl rl ll, I. 1!I :/l you ? How nbo ut your

"!,I III ,' 11

In their bun l Q ' " " !;Ih'1 liP :" ~n l ci :-;lI lnn. r lltllNl1lt I hlwUll ton IIttn{'k on th" 1,'11('81. MA ,,, I

I sh,,"ld IIIlnk ," " You' ,·(' ~ren thl! sr,rl' of ('rowel l1u ntOu's mncl(' ot," w ent on 'ntH1t, "I t'r.; hnrd t o tell wh lrh Is thl! \\'unce. th p Yun ks or t ho Spanlllr ds, tl nd thN ..· S not a senport l hnt's not t he Hnm~ nn ,1 when I think ot me lyl n ' \1 'ud 1I0l1 h er drl rtl n' loo.p. It get s m )' gon l. It'd be dI tterI'll! If sh e was a boy. '''le bother Is. sh e d n't t ll ke to WOlllen folk; nlwuys wns ogllins l them. ILn d th a t T helusson w om nn Pllt t h o eu\! on the husln ,klssln' her li nd handlo' out slop t Ulk. Woll, 1 don't know. I reckon she'll huve t o go on bel n' wb OI s h. 1a UII someth ln' huppens : but It woold have b een a lot handle r I.t she'd

111 n IIl1lIHPllf ,IIIOt' Wll~ \I,':"qq,' !l IIIJ', 1,,·'1' hHl\d~ lin t IH' :O-I'l\\.it'!'i, lind lit£> Snrnh r otH\(' h1 ri I",urt IIH II HP IWl\l'l"" ti ll tJCCl< . on twr ,'u \l r81" IHW h\, ti t' C,' III1H' IIll d Ink t'!] oy.'r th e shtt) nt A \, .. Ir',' ('11ll1t' t r fl l ll h.-low , ",b f' ft' thl' !-iHI'ah, t1 \(\1J \'l\n l~l u' d , ~nlll n , IIkr n ~f'II!-O lth' l' p lnut. h ad t'\ I· " t ~nll" III \\ Ilk" t 'a r k " Ill n r ht ~ h (, I111· d" /li ly f"l t th ~ Hl t " rII l lo n In Ih"lr O' .1 .. ,,1'," .,,111 :-;11 11111 , "Lnok ! Tlwre' B

"Thlll 'lI rl ):'Iol ." ",lid J ," lo.

~ ll OcJ l1 ;':

l' h:hl.

11 \1

"r,,,ld rr>l n. nnfl fi' lI



I rp('k on 11'1 1 11l'

th .... lI'-Jl ncl 11nllll r E'?"



h CI\'e hutl 3'uur ~ hl"'" liS lOll!! 8S 1'0 '8 Illg to ~ tllnd I'lL hOlJ eRl yOIl would, s'fllr nA r wn 8 oncnmN1. IlOtl thn t'. 1\.11 1 h o " 0 t() ~O~' P rs' nllIly on tho nUlUl'r. ""hilt I'm "ctlin' nt 1 ~ thlB: rr ('I ron t ll rn~ lip. IliN ,·'I!. hp h- l lit 0 rOUA'l1-lHl"Rt'. \VIIi ,' n\1 ~to n<1 ror \I~ If th .. rp's Ilgh tl n' tn' IH' II nne?" "1'h ol fl c p~nl\"." Rllhl , ntH II. """II ('h w n.r 1" "1'111 not t.1'lI , 110' you no m o rr', not wll holl t thl' cnln In m~' h nnd, Cnrk'R I(ut 10 f1 lnn l, ,1011'1\ M llIl'lh lrUI on 11('rlll\l/[. If II'~ nn "",r(,'n' n t hnnsnntl ~n ll nr.. If h f' <I nn '!. I'll put nUl f nr



0" phone 301.

A ~ 'l' E n -Mt>n

or w o m e n to t. 1I11 ord e n for " e nulu e g uar. a nteed hOl le ry f ur m e n, wome n and oh lldrt'o , Ji:ll wlntud [Ja rot nl( & 1. a ry 176 " week fnll ' hne, II 50 a n hour " pll re ti me. B lI60l,uul I'\ prlnl hu e. In tar o" Uon lll I:! \oo k t n g Mm. No r r lelown, PI', ' tl 216 ' D for In form KtloD $10 RE WAR t o ' h I! Id ll otl' Y o f 'he .l8

plln y who ~to le m 'y pb Oll8 a nd mlo.

n nw Del ~ n d tKmpe r oJ with l ook on m y an tll. W . A. ~ tlrf 80e . j -20 A R o uod Dog. b ll llriol FOHN UN o. J 5 10. Owuer cau b a ve til(/:

IItu ne by oh ll l lllC U BtlrYey R YII '8 f .. r m, Bouth of t own ; j ~ 20 WANTElI- W Q8hlng or !:jOUl eo lellDlo g I nquire a' 'hll " IliOtl t o r tut"rrn"tlo n , Je6

L OS'r-A Oh1l4 '8 Bloe Swea ler on MelD .lree., If fOODI1. pIe_lie la ue a. 'be UtlZIIU. office.


fOr Sale \


....THE M I A MIGA E T T-E~ .\~;;~ - ;~!!:!:!:!!~ . I


il:OlAlred .,






\\-"YII •• ,'tlle,



\ ' 1110 ..." ~IlCOll<l l' I... ah.1 AHt"erll

Mr. Samn". B"lnoe 18 .e ImI)rovlng. Nlrll. L,oIR Uoleman vIsited her

D. L. CI·' AN f'.. E ditor and PlIblisht'r. Wa n('~ ~' ille , Ohio

Sl~., !.~tterwienekBllmlitoo.

SuhRcril:Jtion Price', $ I .fin per year

. --



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lll l llllol·

'"111 IIl IlJCltlllle "1'- tllI Idltn, I ~n't It?"

·'\ ' f·~. I'

"\\"'1 1. ,cel n' nllll' cn~' Is gh·I'II. onl1 R(','l n' LIJ\w r ...,r I. II own on ull Ihe ch urlS no.l 'lis w ~ iI known II•• Cubu 10 lin.\'

n1l1n, whut IIld thc mnft II"lInt Htl" kln ' th e In Illude nnd lon/:I·

rhoem ~UNCl£ JOHN-= ~~

~Jl ll tlr

lllll" Ii" wn for? Th c cllnrt's not n "nliln' cllnrt. A hllll.1 monkey wouldn't II !oft' it nol' hntlll'r allout cXfllllln ln ' the

IHtllll(I ,' IInli IIl ngltudo w,rot e on It. II p' d

jU fil t Sll~' .

'Lo ne reef Is tlieo ptu ce

I WHUl to ICflt to: nn,1 hc'll I«'t there with Ihl' urdlnnry s hlp's chnrL." "Yc• .'· ""'ull." s"l.rl San,". "In my opinion tI,,· rilll P thnt .on l, the 1'Olllhro de nl ". kn cII" of th e old wre It 1), 111' over Ih e re on Lone reet nnll useel It ne a hllnrt. ror Ih e Intlfufle un(1 longlturle wrote Ih cre ~o fulnt thnt no mon wOIl" 1 hotb~r t o try to rend It Isn't Ih,· IlI tlture nnel Inn"l t ll,le of Lone reef; It'l 8 hllnllrert ond ten mile out. It's the III tIt\Hh! nn.l longltllrle of Oormorllnt CIIY. R hh'Rterl ."nrthnnk down tn s·uthnrd. nil 81\01118 nnd gulls. onll th"t·. where th e Nomhre fIe 01"8 lies. In IllY oldnlo,ll. 1'lIl not soy In' I'IlI rl j!hI. hut thnt's how It seems to me. nnot If hr n~"1lrc(\ thlll no one II'nlllo Imllhl .. IIlwllt r ('odln' und veri· fyill' Ih e Inlitll.le nn.l 10nl;IIl111e n~ gil'"n thcre he \\'M rlgllt . Pup (lion't, and It wos on ly hy chance I did. a

That marrlnge Is n Strlous thing, there alnt the ~h8dder' of s doubt, - we (nee the' Rulferln' It mlly bring, without a plan to keep It out. MDSt everybody ~ It hllnd, In tills, the ehLelest of our deal.,- they IIIl1rry ere they know the mind, th&t youthful Impulse oft conee"I.. They .but the risky married life, without a mlnnlt's sober thouJtht. lUI t1IOUgh • hUAband or a wlf. Is merely MARRIAGE IIOmrlhln' ....y. bought. And when they strike the hidden IIhoru that lay. In walt to swamp the OOllt, Ule rudder swl np beyood rantrol- thev Iall to swim, and 80, they f10llt 1 There ort to be more Itrlcter rules', to govem Cupid In his path, and ' 101' Ih • • lIIy ru_h of fool. Into an awful aftennRth. The ),uungstera ort te> (·.. Ikllnt., ulong with . 'I.o:,.r, older hurla, thllt cruel, uomentto' lIi, e entra!,s the hlUltr newly. weds. We plan R lot of wulhl ...1 law. to hinder . raVld· lI ......Ivo,,"e,- but .leOlll Ignll .... the real cnusc, which hASty mlU'rluge I.. uf ,·ou.... . . . It wedded life was hl\rd to gllln, alld couples 1UIIde the leap, fore-wamed, there'd he II grent surcease of pain and sepa.rations would be scorned.

lI!Untll ngo," "IJU\' fI ~' Oll S t'C'n

- - -_._- - - ---~leJdnw~ , '1'>4 ... IS n.£: TIMe 0' 'fI!A~ -r'HAT THe. FL I Eli ' LE A2'"

Cormnrn nt


"Lorot. ~' 1'8 i

It 's n 1III.'"00n sa nlls l'lt. nnll fln' hool(pr m nl' 11(1 In fi t(! Ing(")oo tnr nil I kilO\\,. or IInder the snnd fM

ull I Imll\\,. or I IIIIIY bl! wron!! nil !'I,rnll gh IIl10t Ihnt 11111), Ill' her on Lhe r ~,.f 0,'"r ",,·rp. \\'(>11 . wc·"" got t(l ~(lf':


A numhe r Ilf p oople tro m h e r A lit. tflorleu tlH' WIIVII" Tuwu.hip 15. ti . oOl' n I>t ~1t; , U o liy , Sl1nduy ..rteru oull .

Mr B.'" l'noker .. nd hllJily Ro d Zolh. Co llllrd r"turn ed. Mall. Mr Crebfi e ld ~pent .. fAw d"y~ IU 81 dlly .totbe h')Ul6 o f Mr "Dd M.s. w een in UMmnnt·ow n, K y . , vi. hl pg W m, <: .. \l1I1I" n. ..Itll r Hjll\ll(\ tng II r " latl veR. w".. k with r!'lattv('s in Uinoinul\I,l 'fbI' MI ~'i o llllry oonv e nt,inn ",III Mr: snd Mrs C Il"rl o~ CI .. rk ''IIter- tRk e Ilinee nt ti'lb lll", W ed n l\~ dny of wlueu o n :SunIIIlY . Mr nnd Mrp, LOll t b ls we Ak i:'l6vArnl del"KlltrM from MUMon, o f Mtisuu , I:ll1rold TlJlloker". h nr A WIll bA IIrt'~l\n~ ot ::5llrlt,gbllro, Dlok Milson !ln,1 littl e '] hA E1llrvlly~llllr~ b,.11 teBm plByed ;J'ru II OilS 'I'b Il\Jktlf!l . of Bellbrouk. . tbe Wilmingtnn AUKur. Bit. tonm. Mr. ",nd IIlrs. Wilbur Ulark hilU onndllv. Rnd W8~ deflJRted. 1300re, for th ei r I::\unduv dlOner gne.ts . 10 to 19 in fllvor of Wilmington. Mr . aorl Mrs Roy ~I"nhr lind oblld The Count, ~unday.8ohool oon ren. of Xeuhl. Mrs Mury Carmony vontion wll\ be b eld at Cu hsl e. Ilnd Miss Leona Moll:ilnnl8 , Wednesday and Thur8day of this' Mr and Mr8. Ben Bawke and week . S e veral good speake r s wl1\ ohildren and Mro . Mary Uopsey be present, Itood a good time til anti spen'SundBY wUh .J. L . HRarl! and olpsted. family, I1t 8 .,bln... Mr J 08. Bawke Ira BarlHook and wift', of Da,ton, who hilI! baen vlHHlnK hero, aooom. visited .l oe Davis And f .. mtly, 8uo· panied them to bls home d .. y , Mrs, Jo~. Dllvls and Bon, --...- - Hlohard, retnrnfld home with 'hem for a week's visit. MI~ 8

.. -

hut It





---_.- ...


rf'pf a r lltS,

biB r,l,.tlve8 In D .. ytoD, the p"st weel!: . Joho Fealy lind li. M EdwardM. of Lebanon, were visUlng bere, over t!unday. Mrs, ,JoS8 Clurk Itoud Bon, Roy,aDd Mt~8 Llda Konnedy IIpe", Friday In WllmingtoD, vieitlnu rela"vel. Roy (Jlllrk and Mil 8 Lldll Kennedy "pent the .... eek.l'nd with Mr. and Mrs EvereU VllIar8. In Daylon.

Vernon MoCray bae resigned hl8 pOSitiOn In 'be poolroom . and Ie worltlng In the ijervloe gbragl' .

\\'1 11'1'1 ' ,


aooncr or lnler, ullles,; he keeps pourIng Into It more power Lhan he t ukes

Th e red. " 'C'n from Ihe deck of Ihe 80mb. ,'howell little slJ,'"n of II wreck. thor th (\, '?!ol tJI'C dl ' (' I~ Jll ll tliung to Uf!' One bn,l to Inntl on It to dlscm'er thnl J;UI thrf)u~iI . " out of It. "W ell," 8,, 1~ !':ntnn. "'I tnld you It wns th e long hOlliln ck or rock rl ~ lng from BuDding a place In the ""orld Is th e creek hud s trnctllre. Th ere "''' s n (tynnmltc Joh. on rl If you'd plnycd not even the Indlcntton of where l\ f" I,· nml 1'01 til" stll ff we'd hO"e been jUlt the Same. We might uS well mUlit hud booD, bowsprll there ",ns n I n n~ Rlt:hl nl'nr('r th e end of the make up our millds thllt wc've got to hll ~ 1 " CSF. P,'I'\) If we sl" rt eti n w ok none. 8\:(>1lJ nnll Ate n. were ftlmn!lt tn- h,tr'r. But there's lin \:I se In Inlkln' now. put Into the world u lltUe llIore t hnn I " lise n ml'R. In' ahout - - - - - - - 1 ~IRtlngm ,. ~ we take out of It If we WUllt to break _______ with the gulls lIylng rOlln,1 hIm nntl pi PI" ". h<>I's here nn" th,...e. Ynur e"M, becl1use there's 1\lwnys u little the lonely 111011 of the BCII In hI. ~tlrs. 1"" I~ to Innlt" n tlol~ hl~ I'nou\:h to Rntcnlre knew U,n t the thllll! he \\"ns pln1, thll't Illlrrc t of pnwc1(' r or yoursleakage In everythIng. SAYS SAM: l:07.lng upnn wns 0 shIp. Structure 1111,,, me? Sink It hnlr (l e"p lind th en A Qll\n oan't be " j?ood tumer BJlI!nks I YOII ell!) destroy It, but can IIl~' n fURt' lind fu'e tile wh ole lot 01 nn ec nnd risk rhnnrl'8. It ·~ tt'n to one wi\boul, being a good fnth"r The 8carcely dlsgulSil It. i He mnrle his wny nft. where Sellers YOII'Il SJ)lIt thp d\>rk ri ght . ope n ftl b,,,'t elook on ,be fllrm Isn't In the \VIIS stundl ng with Snt nn nnr! th e hnlf· nne J;O. · Ao rnr slnkln' little hol c!I harn. Maxleo Recognlz.. e.. ut)l, ~ ( SpnDlnrrls thnt formed Ih e nn,1 ""In' Rmnll chnl·t:es. you'll be -ten Under Ule IOIVN of Menco It .. twl~ workin g port.y. Drills nnd pIckS In y yen", on the jot)," U nlu\!h .n offense to mutlillte the "Well. I'm n<lt s'ur" you nrc>n 't ohnllt. Bnd morks showed where the taM of a woman .. that of a mnn. BLONDE BESS OPINE~: . wnrl, hnd \lcen slorterl th e rlny herore. rIght," 0,,101 ~.'II f'tR. "I'lI Ilx It thnt I ft. Idel of this II . ' Tel')' senstble "It's 8 foot thi ck," sold S.. lIers. wny; bill It·tI he 8 10nJ; Job wIth the • •, being hued on the tact that to & If t'bey made hat8 to fh pr ople I ""'hnt ever It Is, aIHI hu ....ler thnn C~ t ools we hAve," _mlln hel' be.uty I•• cre.t Bsset: to bratDII a peltn u' shell wonld be R "l\!n~·he... SAid Rnl:nn. "And now ment. Rock I-this nln't coml rock, ••r It I. tberefore • '1/81'1 I.rloul Pllr, p.nama for Bome of the o.. ke.ea'ere nflt such ns I',·o ever seen. Harvey- the ((lIeotlon or them flollnrs." _ I lirJul'J. ' IIno • . "Oh. them-I've spoke to Cark, and b .Ati stpel's uwre Ilks It. ond Rfter bc's ngreeRble." "Oh, Is hel Well. then. I'll go rlt:ht Oh081'11 with you now while he'8 wnrm nnll '"'t t hem dollnrs Into my hand. Set yonr men Ilt work nnd you come alnnJl with me." Sellers hunl.'" nrc for a moment, then SEE FAULTS ONLY IN he ngrel"' •. /f"\'e the worltlng pnrty FRONT OF A MIRROR th C'lr iHrecti ons. nnd Icd tile way olr th e dedt n&ros8 ti,e rock hrld~e. De pushed off with SntaD In the Mc.t of UI have eye. that lee fnulta In othel'll but the strength. the will, Ute courage. the chafllcter to over· hont of the Junn, Sntan a8ked Rat· become blind when we laee the mirror, . The patest come them. clll1'c to take Ole dlll~:by bllck to tbe ' fault we eazr · po__ I. to be conllC.loul of none: Among the COlJUnoneat cl6ssifteatlon of common taults 80mb. He who Ia coDlclou_ of hi. faulta Ia gladl., forgiven are cruelty, constllnt nIll\-glng, faultfindlng Rn(t selfish· "You won't wont to be hangln' for mOlt of tbeDI, for men like their kind. He who Ia · ness. Thesc make dlsagreellble men lind disagreeable _obollt !l,e reef." en Id Sotlln;, "yolI'll wltllOut ~u1t Ia Ion... ." , men mnke II dlaagreeable world. , be 1II0re comfortable nboard shIp. Men are lOIIaetlll\ejl loyed more tor theIr laulb thou Lite Is whnt you make It and you make is IlS )'ou think ,their Ylrtua. Fault II excell. · It 11 '68 much Q fault to It. And tell ,Tude to be sure and waab thnt old jumper I lett on the rail, . I!ver-ttve .. to 0ftI'-~ Yet It I, the generous . hnocl, The first sympton 0" fault Inlectlon Is to' be unaware not rruplll' 1wI Ia loved. : . 01 Ita' presMce. She's forgot It, tor thlere It'. h.nglll' etlll." '111_ are .,..... lit W. old world that In the Cheerfulness. nmbltlon, slncerlt." and brotherly feeling lIpt of tIlDe11ft wi .. ~t triumphs. That which h "RIKbt." I&ld Ratcture: ICeIIII to he a fllllll:' toc1a, blOl8OlI1 Into all shidl".; are t e beSt medicines- and sumt cures. , (To be OOlltlllUerl) ! 'vlrtue toaIrrow, . 'One , fault never Ju. tifieA noother, Some 'aulta InFolU 'aft luts. ~'hI8 Ia the hardest truth lor mo.t dulged.ln af! merely the key. that open the glltes to 'olb to ,rup. 1'hct~ ill noae ot UI without our lImlta· (l~nult g,re8~r laulbo to en,ter, A Wilful fllnlt hns no HOIII aiJoIe1\ihert. ' , , excuile nod dese[\'e;! no pardon. Bad mea excuse thdr Truth In T_ . Phra_ , Get Ollt tIM: belt that t.heft I. In everybod'y and IlCcept '.ultl· ..hUe good men attempt to get rid of them. A wltt7 It'renc:bwo~lIan ..III: -xl the Iimltatloaa that we C8IIQOt c1Ianp or ClODt~L That 'l'he foolish man'a lault Ia the wIae man'i l~n. '!'he i'1Ith OIIly knew; if alJ8 nlr eo&I4." .. the rlpt pane In }.lfe. . ', ' : wenk man who ~rles to JUilIfy, hla faiilt~ by polntln~ to .nll • IIrIImatic entle baa wrttt .. of All ,. old ,teI&a 111, '\He .. lIfel.. who ," the lonesome detect In a nd~llor .. like the 81eve that ~ 1allet: "'l'b11"1. 'roje no .et....· _ faultteu." . ' . mln4ed the needle that it ~d a hole In ff:a head.!' DDui M,e II too.,elll l.,~ook the We"", for••nbole f.ulu whleh are Imowp only to. 'l'lothln," worlh , bdug "Ulled .a fault a:~t , .that GIIl'IIIlv. aDd wlille we are 1n1ll_.NOt to our IiICJd quall-, whiCh lnJu"", younelf or hafllll Y1lIl1' helplulness to..--, tiel, _ keep 011 deceI....' OIIree1.. In , IIIpnl to our othen. Be 1.01Ir own phYII~oee )'Ourwelf ca~ ~ IIDW _ at wt to look , upon them.. fuUy-eeek oat your fault pnna rutbleuly--do Dot rest II _ ........................... t....... ~W,..kOl_ A. . . . . ., ......_ .......~ atr.,. Blu of .! __ . ' that Itreallh aad eelf _troI tbat caa Ii" • be:lpJDU Melodrama fer tbe ,c rowd, tracW - . ~ tIItaI II Dill ~ IreedaIIIlrom faula but bai1d to otI1ea. . for womell, eomet1J', w~lleh 4lepleu Ii.

We o\\'n and enn sell certain of these issucs to net incomes of from 8% to 10%. We ",ill deliver certificatc8 for these sloc.ks to your bank tTlln sferred toyour name if you will deposit funds therc. We c.,n help finance their purchase at 5%. We also specializc in the issues of OHIO SECURITIES CO. CLEVELAND DISCOUNTCO. GEIGER-JONES COMPANY DUBISKE COMPANY J(


AND BONDS 5th Floor, Union Trust Bldg, STOCKS

Spu ialists in Uhio Su u,UieJ





f.. '.'


I Hall's Catarrh M~dicine

CbaR. MoUoy nnd fluilily. of Uer lnllntown. wtlro (J6oorlltioD O"y guests at the h ome of ,la Ulas L. Conard. Mem o rial Day WRII approprlotely observed h er e. 'I'he 8ddres8 by Rev . Vernon, of Wilmington. Will very Inspiring . Muslo was furnhthed by the baod.

'rholSC who nrc In a. Hrun down" oondllion will notice thllt Catarrh bothet. th em much more tha n when the), are In goor! "04lth. Till. ract prov.. that ... bll.

Ca tllrrh Is 11 local dlaeaec, It ,. areaUy

Influonced by constltuuonal condItion •. HALVS CATARRH MEDI C IN.Et con· sis,s DC Iln Olntmont which QUickly Helle" e. by tocnl application. "nd the

Internal Medicine, 0. Tonic, which u..s.u In improvinG' the Genora.l Health, Bol~ by druggl8ta Cor over .0 Y6IlrL 1<'. J . Cheney & Co., Tolello. Ohio.

( ,













_ _._tor _~ t.bIaII...-VlctorB....


-----.- ...----

Mrs, J-(OtUl'1C1ijl: - Tltu


(, (J o n

'" 'lOW


"",,,,tat',. will






~ ..gJ/'" il 0 ..




, .' r


boo' .

Peellni a Tomato. To ped a 100l alo easily and qu ickly stick a fork in il and hold over a gas flallle a frw seconds; Ihe skin can tben be readily rcmoved ' leaving the tomato Ii rill ,

• • •

Foreit T. Martin

To clean tin-ware, a le ss exI,cll,il'e and better cleaner can not IJ C found than dY)' 60ur applied wil h a newspaper. Rub hard and yo u will be sorprised at the chan ge. J f a spo t is on your cooking ul ensils a piece 01 fillC sand paper WIll be of g real help I'sr. removing it .

Get my terms for your

Perfume StaiQa. If one should sp ill some perfdlne or cologne on th ei r white kid gKlVes, ins tant rubhill !; of the spot will remov e all Ira,',·s of the stain. A mome nt s <Iday howeve r, and the stain will

Box 91, Cent~rvllle, O~io Home Phone 2, Ceotervll':,';',

• • •

he cume fast:


Public Sale,

I satisfy and save yl,)U money or no charg~~'


• • •

See sliog or Spider Bite. When ,tulll4 by a bee or bitten by a spider sOllie sail and soda llIixed to ge lher will be found very excellent. Co ver the (Jart with a cloth and keep damp with water ,





Mark your POISONS. If one will save a possible tra ~edy s tick a pi n through the corks of bottles co n lain in R' poisonou8 medici It es, thi s would leach a child what bottle s are not to be touched an,1 avoid mi s takes when seeking m edicines at night. • •


Dental aod General








To Keep Cake Fresh, If Ihe hou sewife who has lroubl e in keepin g her cake o r sandwic hes l11o ist.

would put an apple in Ihe cake box. Ihc difficulty would be rcmo ved.


• • •

Cut Flowers. If a little b it of ~ Il g' ar is adJcd to th e water 1I se d for c ut fl O\yers yo u will fill" that th e waler will keep SwCCI and irc sh. Cl ealling Gloves. \Vh en wa s h ing or

Cit.:O\ll i ll g'

.. \'cs put o n th e ha1ld

fir st anll th 'Y will not , s hr ink . Broken Glass. If ~· o u have a piece of broken glass Ih nl you w ish to r cp:lir , nlclt som e alum a}Jv1y

10 Ih,· hr oken rarts, and place firm I~' 10j.(e ther. The crack will not

n. .... , ............



00 , BaAl< Bide.

& &0;>0& •••

WaYdeh'.1e. U


Waynesville, Ohio I.

National Bank

.. l 'n\\'

The Miami Gazette's Classified Ads. sold all my pigs 10 two days, ,'.




Inlrr(.'st cd ITI a ny Ohio St oc k", send

ror our Free "KEEP r OSTED'· Scrvi<'C


L .-



ponth!(l ronnd w ith





A. W . Turoer and tamil' and Rill' Corr and fKlIlily Ilpellt Deooro.ti o n OilY In Meob"uicBburf.( .

"1/ ..14,. clip tAu col ..".,. aNd

Mis I Myro. Haydooll returned. Wedoesday, from a pleaBan~ villit with relatives In Day'ou,

Issues Financed by

Trevor O. !:l" ydoolt . who laBt woek is ilnll[OvlOg.


Raymond Wilion and Earl Brnm. field .. nd tbelr famllleB. of Dayton. ~pent tbe week.end bere.

wRt CI', In:.' t h l' \\' tP("k



• • • • • • • • •

tu b/ish "H,IP/uJ Hi,.'J


The fun e ",1 WUB h ~ 11I Monday d'er . So 111''''1;111 ltnlcllll'e. Aft .. r hl·(·III:fIl81. len"lnl: .T\If\(· to nO(ln .. t· ~ o'c ... ck. I({"'p ~ htp. ' ,Iu'r :;111 tilt' dlnL:h y t)\'(' r, The Junior Aid lDet' wltb MItiS hnnrtl nnll rowNI ' "r tI,,! r rr. Slltllll. Oorlh .. YIII[lr~, .. t her h ome nARr !':(' I'HlllhII Il.!.:. ItJfl rll4' wny o\'rr tll P rOl 'ks BE'lthrook, ba(.nrdl\Y .. ftern uo n. AI) 10 thl' ('('nlrw ,.,.., 1; IlI't" cen til e 1\\'0 rl'port tl fino time.


- - -

U. E Levloy Is 8por"ng another new O"llland . tieveflll trum here aUended tbe Tbs Sun"hlne lloolety held 8 pio 0lrou8, In D"y\on, 'l'uesday . nio 10 tbe woods, Blltnrday. CbarlN Gordon, o:f E'rlinklln. spent The P. T A. will hold a provlalon I:!unaay here wltb hie f"mlly. 11111. In Geguer's mellt marllet, 8e IIero.l from here attended tbe Xenia, nl'xt oaturd .. y. funeral or Mr. Am os Allen, ThuuMrll, CbaB, Mlan b88 jollied ber day . hUAband In Munslng, Mloh., where he IB pltohlng baSI ball . Alber~ Moll1r h8l!l been visiting

Jim pretty ,;lI f(' 11 11)'lI'n.I·. If I cnll t"lIch Cnrll for Mr. Jnoob Miller IPl1esed away Itt fhnt Ihou ~HIH1.'· tbe h ome of MorJe l.'erry, t!l1turd .. v .


• • • •

W.H. MADDEN &CO.,Waynesville,O'.

Mrij . Alln L Rllllth, who hitS hea n lit t he hOIll A IIf IIl1lr rlll·u g lHfl r In fluyl·oo, r utufuo.1 tu h e r h 0 1Jl ~ h or~ ,




Locust Fence Posts Wire Fence

Mr. [lnd Mrs . BSI:ne .l one~ Bnd Bon l'lI t1 rl e, were I:!ulld"y dlon e r I:ue"ts of Mrs. Rebooo .. lJiH, ..t lilt. !:lolly.

MrR .J. . [) Wi ... nt hnl' r e tuTn ed frtlOl Christ h 08 111tlll , lifte r .. five. thin :::, w,,(,ks shly . oho Is 111I1)fuvlllg th l' Mill!' DIOI'I),.

" !l rl ll!: tfi fl nlf'nl, lind \' hl 'n 1t \\'11 ' 11 \ 1'" Ii(l ro,d, tll,· Ie... 1111""" h ll\': f rilltl I d ~ IHI('\( I't IIn ll CI !H·IH·.l till' "'llIrt o n Ihl' r,lId .... , ":'\"0 \\', " lo'u It I ~1I 1 I1 n. "I'll ~ ll ll '" yon "'h ilt I 11l1'!1I1 11,\ ' o,; ll.\' ln ' IIH' ~ tunl nHl,' h" Ih'rt '. h ilt I" s u IrI '! slt.:: llt lnrc er II 1II,\" IIr It I:.:n' f , nt'n't prowI I !liP, ~' lIn d 1H'llInd II If" fin (' ltl1 (1 1' ~ lth:! IInr1 \( 1" ' 1' ~' nllr (l,\' '' ~ I'm ,1 1(-' (·lIurt. \\'('11, n, ·\\', I hl'l""~ L,)I W )'f'I'f \\'1111 th e c r pf"l{ fl Wl'lcpd nn(l litO nllf ll p o r Ii er, Hlltl


• • • •

fllk e,"


h n lJ(' l'ln ~

h n·lIh rll ~ t.

I'l l .... ho\\·

11" 11 "

J ... u ll1 n i l

TIH·I'f\·.... ,lu/l, '


Hedge Fence Posts

.'::1111 Ihprp was nnthlng on

III .. ,'IIl1rl. Ihlll II " !./lnl !


HE Iellow ,.ho runS " eRr , oughn't ~0-eu~9 It He ought to I ltudy It. Ofh", he d.les. I f It StOp8 II beenu.., the bllilery rull" (!OWII Illlel he linda out what', the mntter, he Iluts a new chnrg~ LII the bnttery. .\ 11(1 he knows Its goll1g to rlln down 6g"il1,

Red Top Steel Fence Posts

Mr Rod !I1rH. I :. It. Billognr nnd MIB. Nellie It llco rd vis ited with W .. l!,e r Konrl ck lind ru ul lly , bnndu y

by Rol:wr t M. Mellrlde & Co.

~"I" Il,n l In w H :-- T1'r II p1'p:




Mlslle~ Mil<lred and Ml1rgRre~ i \Jl.ark und LAI)1IB MClUlnnlF "pent . Thurddh,V Ilt MitullluUlversi ty.

"", 1' ,-11 :-': :tl :lJl , 0IJ' \, f' J!1\'po him th e In. " 11 11011. 111111 I hnl' ~ wutth n th o 1l su n (l.




J os8jJh itoigel Fp e rger and tllmlly ' m o vod to OIl,VtOll, Hu Inrdl1Y. lJ" \' In g sold Itwir farru. w eH t or Lytl e .


Every mile of gout! r Ollols laid hy stutes, e01l1l\ iI'S. to\\ li S IIlId villllges hilS a hCal'ing on the nation 's business so fil l' r ,',u' hi lll! that it woult! puzzle the mind t o follow it to it ~ logi"a l ('Oll olu!lion. Of course, tho natural tendency is to look Ill. tlt (' h"I1(' fits that come ncurest Ilnd soonl'fIt to hanel, hen!'fil ~ ",I ,i(' h a I'!' indiRputablc, providing unwise finanC'illK (If fiuch iIl1PI'o\'I'III(' lIls docR not more offset the good thnt is hounn to ht' I!alll'·'] . Re ports from allover the country show tilllt int" l'll'h,, " freighting if! 011 the inerease duo to good rood buil,lin g . P:Ol'tl('l1 JUrly where the rorminal fneiliti6H of railroads Ufe co: I/l,·sl " r! . This mcallB more motor trucks, moro m~ Ilt work, mON ° IIH)rl/'~' , cllrned, and a consC<luent greater spen(ting powe r . Hllulal{(' of . fllrm products ro shipping stations 8pells moro bm;ine.~ for th e \ farmer, and better still makes his marketing more OUISI i('. The e11'cct is also seen in tho great inCI'C8...a of bUR tr an~por · tation in districts where the street ear hn.q not shown il s n04\' . 8S yet, bringing butrlnel!8 Into tlI(1 small towns. 'l'r~l~ Is rlll'i '\ I~' , increasing, particularly where the merchant hM VIRlOn t o scml . his me&llllge to the outlying district:! tbroul{h the local e America today is on the eve of a development In m ot.?1' trucks omnibuses nnd large 8nd smllll farm tractors that In point ~f volumo will lIurpM.'1 the development of til e railJ'ollnt(. Some of tbe railroad men view tbe situation with a rertll in feeling of alarm, but there is nothing to fear . ~t fs til(' "am, fanciful 8])OOt1'O that baunted the mind of the pnnror when th r typesetting machine clime into being. Where one man \Vila Ilt ~'ork undor the old system there arc fifty at work today.



Tho Epworth League held u socilll Mrs . Ulllr I eoce :;wlth, Sat.nrdllY eVU OID i{ .

A Romance of the Bahama3

On With the Motor Power



---=~----t-t~t"t the buw.e of 1\1r . Rnd

I. Growthl 1r L. pfO\:....,. ••



Mr8. N ellie 80WfUd, of Bellbrook. W68 B 1:!.mdBY goest 01 Mr . and Mrs. : aurry McGInnis. . I

By H, DeVere Stacpoole





- -- j


--':This' a 'Satisfi'ed Advertiser

I ••""


The Miami Goette,

...... ~e y A ~sociation

Miami HECElP'r urlals ..• .,.. . . ..... .. J·'ot:l!ldnUons.. . ... ..... .. .. ..

m 'n '(j:.! 4000:'!1

on :.!.;

'a ell .... . . .. ............... .. .. , . 14:{ no l ntllr t ............... ..... ... .. (i!l() 1:-: raVl1 I~i j( ht ~ ... .. II; ~ nC I l.otll sold .. ............... .... . . I tJ:;~ 110 ' 1 aning 1ll0num ... \l t, ..... .. :,:\.J (111 Carpet nud musli n ..... ... .. 40 011 Pasture ........... ........ . .. .. . 15 1)1) Marke~ ............ .. .. . .... .. . 7 ,' 0 1Joge sold .. ... .. . .. .......... .. :l l tiS Se ttin" monumen t .. .. .... . fl tI(l Lot trtm ~ ( <! r .. .... .. .......... . f) 011


R :-; I~~ lI~ N



~'~~';:!i"d .........:. ::.:. . :.:.::.:::$ ~e(1 ~:: : .

Th" Hu nki,:-:-;:'m near Blue ... I 1~O (;1,1 3all. War rplt Go unty. Ohio . whe re \' ,·d,· ..... .. ...... .... .. 'tWi lip Ih tir~ t p('d il! rre of a P oland China j\I Il ~ l t : , " J rn rpt'l . ... . :!:1~ ~ I hoj.! wa ~ WI illl"' . i ~ cl ~linecl to beI r"1~ '" .. ... .. . .. .. . .... ..... I .I~;! , C0 1l1 ' Ihl' M"lca "f l'oland Chi na I llsll r ll ll ~(' ... .. ... ...... .... . ,L .,1 I d I' I I '1 . '[\' 1",, 11 ,1111' r .. nts RhO tolls ... fit) !It I !Tel' ers til W IIC I a lla llllua PI grun· l~ ~11 age will he mad e. n la(' k. lllilh ...... .... . I'II\ "I ~ j I·' II:' In JIII "~ lOf IIlHt year " monument I,d I"',·", 11 11 l"lIn . .... . I :q \\' a~ l·rec t t·c! \I ll th l! lI anki n ~ on fa rm : llIll linJ! . .. . .. . h :111 II . l' 1

~tlllI'rill ll'llclent'~· ~ala ry



~H ,·tv

d t ' l,lll ";' lt • lOX. . ..... . lIn' r" RII 'H~ ..... . .. ...

I rplI' 11 Prlnlinl! ..... .... .... .. .... . Tf'iel! rft m . .. . ... . .... .. ... .. ..

., thl WI




g-r 'H I \'e rt lUl)ny , l u In ern o rlU lze

1. 1' I



ti,1 011 I l\' '·"lll u I" 11l11!llt 0 a Krelll l ree Operllting e xpen s~s ........ ~ .56 S lil '1" f swi ll\' . !i nti no .\' the Ohi o Pula nd G'-' I IIIII ;} B n,(!d "rs ' a 8ociati on has is. Per pet ua l care ........ S3~() 00 1 ,,,,.01 a I'Ht lll n·w id e 'IlJl ' for acdebra. ,>, ,110' rll" ·~. .. . .... .. . .... .. . .. :1111 1 Borrowed ...... ...... 200 00 Sawin g lumh e r .... .. ..... ... . I~ JI; J 'l h Loans pllid in .... .... l Ot) no r,40 00 Oil . .. ...... . ..... ........ .. .. .. 51 V" 11'" 1111 un ... . lit t e sallie vlace. Slln d ri l'~ .. ..... . .. .... ... ... .. .. . . ~~ II i ~ pl,w ned to have J oh n Bloss . - - - pf SI .ri n.).!Io" rn. Ohi o. who bred t.h p Opprulinll t' xp en ~e~ ......... . :l.6~ ::; 14:! du rn II f Ih" lir s t pedigreed l'oland Llltln ~ 1lJ:lCj e·.. · ..... $~.:{O(\ 00 ICh in u fI ~ a I{lI est of honor at the Loan paid .. ...... .... __ 200 2JiOO . lll .. n. J ames U' LI n.en . f ~ r __ 00_I ,.,' I.' I'rnl TOlal Receipts .. .... .. ....... f 5.20S 11 Total di ~ lourse 1lJ e nt s . .. f6 . 14:, 1 ; ~l t"i rl \. J ' a r ~ hop: "erd ~ mun for th e Shul, ' r ~ ut :-ihakurt owll, will a lso bp D i 8bo r scment ~ ('xceed r!'ce ipts .. .... . . " !1:l7 j1 \lr e s~ nl. us w ~ 1 1 as many othe r not· Cush on hand, June 1. 1922 ........ ....... .. . 1.141) 1 14 abl"s who hat t much t o tl o in the Cash on ha nd. June 1, 1923 .. ....... .. .. .. ... 'j~ :.I .I:J fnundilll{ o( th e only American breed !\:l!) 2;; A ~co un ts o u tstnndin~ .. ... .. .. ... .. ....... ............... .. uf HII' ine . Live s tock breeder~ of lI a· Notes .. .. ..... .... ......... ....... ...... .......... . .. ...... ..... . $ 1 ·'.:~67 00 .Cash on hand .. .... ...... .. .. . ...... .. ..... .... ..... .. ... .. ti onal reputa tion will ad d r e~~ t he j4:.1 4:! cel ebrati on




~~~~T~ota~1~A~ss~e~ts!",!,!",!"~"!",!"~"!",!"!, ,!, !, ,!, !,,,~ ,! ,,~,,~,,_,,,, ~:=~~~'_1'l~.G!", 4 ;;~6~8~~ I



Qui :e a g t isl of hli ~in 'Jss wa~ II' ~ n ~ ' acted at he reg ular ~ ' ! ~Si OlI uf lhe ""!"'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!'!!~~~~'!"'! Village Co uncil. last M ndlly ,· veni nj( - - -- S4 uire S . G. J oy was appoin ted to . - - - - - - - - - - - -_______________II! se rve us Police Jus ti('e. and Geo rge A Ze ll was upp uinted t o serve a8 Ue ptrty Marshal. The Law and Or· din llnce comm ittee was instruc led to draf t a n ordi nnnce reg u lating auto· mobile tramc. parking and the use of Cllt' Ouls . Fire Ch ie f SQui r e~ lVaa ins tructed to urde r th e removal of all f xces~ accumulations of boxes ulld Cot her rubbish fr om th e rear of busint·ss h OU8 1' 8 .

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

,. "


General Line Auto Accessorif's ford Replacement Parts .Flash Lighf~atteries and Bulbs 'Gasket Material Bicycle Tires and Spo.kes Automobile Paints . Top Dressing Cooper. Storage Batteries

Phone 17


PhiUips Building -

2nd Sunday a ft er Trinitj . June 10: Church Schoo l at 9:30 n. m .: Service and sermon at 10:45 . Rev . John J . chaeffer , rector . Eve ry body cordia lly invited to these serv ices.



. -: : : :.-":.-===-:::...:--=---=--


WIL~GRADUATE Th e out·of·town person~ wh o will Ilrnduatc th i ~ year in din'eren t school s, who we re fo rme r pupils ot the schoo l ~ he re . a re us follows: Chllrles Grn uRe r. Piq ua ~ligh; Mi88 Es th e rTh umpso n. XeniaHigh; M i~8es Mildred Brutten . Cather in e ilurn et , Marte Co leman, Gera ldine Whi te, of Steple High. Dayton ; Mi ss Mar cella l3ates. of Stivers High. Duyton . Miss Ka thry n Clark will j{ radua le at Miam i Uni l/e rsity. Eight Warren county yo ung ladies wi ll a lso grad uate at Miami. Four of the 41 perso ns to be g rad· ua ted. June 8. from Wilmington college are from Warren county. all of wh om lire t o receive bachelo r de. g , ees from the college of arts. They are Newton Blatt, of Waynesville; Levi Lukens . of Harveysburg; Prof Ler oy Smith , of Mason, and Miss Jeannette Janney . of Waynesv ille. In addition to these th ere are three teachers from Warren county who lire to receive 'certificates from the normal department for work done under the a uthority of the depart· ment of public instruction, and which authorize them tl.l teach in Ohio TheY' are Lester Hause and Miss Elvalois Jones, of Lebanon, and Alma Whitenack. of Cozaddale.

Message, June 10: .. Believ ing is Seeing." Evening: .. A Faithful


.pllig aying ." · A specilll Summe r Camn by the Bible School will be

" direct to .the Trr. State. Cream and Can9 guara nteed. ' begu n SundliY mornin~ Wife (pleadi ngly) --I'm afraid. Shill . . . ' June • 17. al{ainst loss, and a Spot Cash Check , promptly mail ed . wllh something s P ~clal every Sun- Jack, you do not love me any more TR I • day morning for e leven Sundays. -anyway, as well as you used to. STATE Price: On t he evening of June 17.thequarHusband--Why? BUTTER ter 's lessons will be rev iewer! with CO. Wife- Btlll!ause you alwavs let me I' ( I ', ,\ ,\ ~ I June 2, 3, 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stereo plicon picture". ,. ~et up to Ii ~rht the fire now. ~dw a rd D. Goll e r, Minis ter. Husband--Nonsense, my 10 v e! Write for later price 590 Kenyon Ave - -..... --- -Vour getting up to light 'the fire THE TRI STATE BUTTER COMPANY makes me I~\ve ~ou all the more. CINCINNATI, OHIO Pittsburg Press




Ref.e rence-Ask anyone of our 65.000 Cream Patrons .


_..- - -

Public Sales

ROBERT W. BROWN Attorney at Law 4 Lebanon National Bank Building OEFICE PHONE 93 -


' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:


Begga r- I haven't tasted f ood for a month . Dyspeptic- You ain't missing much The 'C1nd~rsl"Ded will offer for It 's the same old taste.-The Torch. sale, at publlo auotlon. "' she Illte pilloe of business tn WBynesvtlte, • OhiO, of VVB1~et' L. Sawyer. de oea@ed, on Poor Op inion of . Some Hus band •• "A ll SIIIIIU husullu s Ilre good (or II Saturday, June 16, 1923, 10 pi llY wttlt the children until you get l btt of sh work done." so ld II WO UlIiO 10 The persona.1 property of satd de. Ul Eogll pollee courr. oeRBAd. cOIIM'isttng In pllor~ IIf !.irocery Stook. I:'how CBseM, l!;leotri o 80110 Ie, Cooler, K er osene Tank , !\lout Bt Jo k . ete. Sule to oomme noe nt 1 p. m . L

M. BEN DE Rl!IUN, AdmtUl tltra ~or.

hro ,







o nn uall.., .e".n tf!en pe,. cent DI the t o tal ptu~


p~r cent 0 1 'h I!

.en t e,. IraRie a n d tUle(v e I, e l,hl lrufTic , ' Am er ica .


lIe hem

t o tal

The Late ClaSSified Ads

................,.................,,,,...., ..,, ............_ ................, ........,, ............


FOR SALE Setter. good Dew. AI. 1TabRooo lot of Locust P08t~. J . B. 118

AI LROAD engine.,, " many year" ago R conquered the mighl Y m oun l ains Wes tern P ennsy lvar ia . Wi th spl endid of

vi. ion nnd indefa.i ,!ablc eflort lhey over· c.o nle the ubata c\ " p l acL"'Cil hel"c hy N a ture and b uilt with C ' .:o unllna te s ki ll t he mai n line uf the Pell' yl',onl " Ra ilroad . Th rough fO! ~. 1 (lnd ~o rge. over hilt and mou n tai Dan rl s trC'Hm . lhoBC tr anarx>rtntino pioneer!! COl'ct:.lvlCt.l and ultimo.tely de~

vdoped .. railroad of lo~ ~ ..dc. and "" re· fully wl'OlIr;h t t4ngenb/ "hieh otund. tod.y ...... monument to thei r gemv:a--·the short·



line betwer:n lhe


and the east.

T hough the A' ' ihenies have t hus been penelra led by I ',e gren teot highway of commerce in th .. world their matchle... na tura! beau ti. , remain unchanged and t! te r nal- an u n f: : i!l8


the Cap. of lh. Susquehanna are all

P9in ls of l!lpe:cial in terest in a great gala.xy of m oun tain viewMof unexainpled c;harm

and splendor .

:P~ylv~j,f] Wl.~~:;' TIN $'a"J",J Rv, l,.ooJ GI tlw WOIIJ


Cummings , R tJ. Ohio.

of inspiration

.nd delight to A': 1"'- who 1""" by. The Pack,"ddle. All egnppuo Corge. the Horseshoe C urve. Lewis town Narrow. and



, '-H-av-e-Yo-u-Se-en--J-~'-~~(!J"o4-1t---,

S,' S, CONVENTION Our Demonstration? Showing how Oil may be ad justeci to th e mol r by usi ng The Great Balso

Sys tem and the Balso B a l a need· Automotive OI l ' ? We can show yo u lIIore about practi ca l Luuri ca t ion in Thirty Minutes

It q~~ ~ _J

l? U


Drop in and

tha n oth ers have done in Thirty Year s. look it ovt'r.

And Farm I\lachincry


l-I :udware. 1-LH11 CSS

Waynesville, Ohio


EARNHART--KESSINGER F:rll Ps t Eur nhar t Wli:; 1111Irr it'd. ~at · urdu:; Rfl er no ll n. J une 2n d . to Miss Am!lndll Kt!s inj;(H . Rt t he pllraollage in Kinl: ~ Mi : I ~ . Ity Ihe R" v ' pindl cf . Th e mar ri'lgl' waH willle_H!'d by the brid e'H hrothel' and si ster . Mr . Ea rnh art iH Ihe ~l' l! of Mr Rlld Mre. Uurton f':R rnhurt, RnJ is Q very 3 u cc e s~ f ul farm e r Th e bride ut· tenderl Nn rlll l1l school h" rll two years ag, .. IIlId II I~de mBn~ friends while here by lI"r winning manne r . I'h e YOlln )!, coupl e will be nt home at ' he Eil rtlhart homestead for the SUllllller The Gaze tte and their numerous fri ends extend eor.gra tu lations



W.. yneBvt ll e, . j e20


Sam Cozad and Tom Gates were arrested, Sunday, for using throw lines with more than th e usual three hooks on each line, as per law. Their line!! contained from fiv e to fifteen hook II. They were taken before Squire Joy and were fined $25 and costs each . The game wardens are watching these matters closely at this time. and 'it fishermen disobey the law they will be caught and tined.

---_.- ...- - -

NO BASE BALL GAME There was no ball gHme:- Sunday afternoon. the Dayton team sending word at the eleventh hour that they could Dot come. Manager Kline tried hard to Kat another team . but was unable to do so . He informs us that there will be a game next Sunday w'lthout fail.

- ---

- - -.... ....

A COnRECTION In the account of the Alumni meet· in2' in las t week'!! iRsue, we said that Kenneth Houg h had been elected treasure r. when it should have read Kenneth Kilbon . The mistake was all our own, and we are "'ad to make the c orrection . •


- - -... ...---

The American Legion will have a banqu et at Grange ha ll . Fridayeven· ing, June 8th . All ex ·service men are cordially invited to attend . ~here ;ViII be go~d speaking aud mu· SIC . I lease nollfy George Wat.erhou se, if YCoU ex pec t to be t here. _

__ . _ _ ••_ __


Jacob Miller died at the home of Merrill rerrv, of Beech Grove, Sat. urday · morning . The funeral was Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 held at that place, Monday afternoon o'clock p . m. at 2 O'clock, Mrs. Murray officiating. Iuterment in Miami cemetery.

---_.- ...- - -

Sunday, .JUDe .10, 1923 BUILD HIGH SCHOOL Clayton, Ohio At Smith Park ~. AdmISSion· : : : . 15 cerils

. Yello'w. Springs will have a rfew

hl.h echool, the contract ' b81Di' ' Iet I..t week. and the work will .tart ..


IO()O ." poIIIible,



. .. R..tI~ f.r OpportunIty. ' Tlle HeHt of _ _ 10 lit. II tor a . For ~ea write to SAMUEL JACK. UII to be ....4' tor bl' OllportuuJ~. SON, R. 5, W'QIl..vUle, Ohio ldIea It --.-olaf..U. ..

Once applied, it holds tight to the walt, which means lasting durability, and as frequent washings as you please. This finish com(;s in soft, restful shades. Sold at

D. R. SMITH. Agent, Waynesville. O.

cHow Easier Than Ever to

Own a

~~ ?hl'()u(lh the


$.- O0

-will enroll ~·)u and start you on the way to owner: ship. Wewillput the money in a locd bank, at in' terest. Each week make an additional payment. C' on your payments flUS t~1e interest p: id by the bank wil nake th e car yO'L:l'S.


and you-in t! l ' - '.lr ..! ..:"0110. Ie is n :;,· \ {n' busines~ or plt:::~\.. n.: ;lr,\ ;:i~., c )'0lJ fo~(: i' i.: D )

At the Chiles Holel WayneSVille, Ohio,


Your walt s ca n be m ad' more sanitary, as well as more beautiful, by giving th c m a soft tinted appearance wi th the modcrn, washable wall finish

So plan to get out i.JY. t he nel.J :l :1 :'1.: ".:' )(I:~;; --:down tothc bCrlch 0; :: rn::~lln - t ; , _ 1 . 11 ~\ d y


Mt. Holly

Easy to mint· msytoWash



The Penfuy : ,I u.n;o Roil,ooc/ Sy. lem eorr/c.

h tL

~~ ~ ." :~ ~ '






The Wayne 'l'ownship c' Sunday School conven tion wos h Id a t M t Holl y M. E. church. unday . Jun e 3. The r epu rts of 1 he various school we re Ki ven. showi ng an in crea ~e . in most c a se~. in both attendance all d collection ov e r til pre vi ous yeu r . The mu sic fo r the a fte rn oon w as furni shed by a ladie . quar l et Blld a men 's due t frllm th · WHYlle;w ill" M ~. , und H VU CIII solu Uy Anna Rulan d. of the M t. 1I 0ily M. E 'di s!! P rend ergast j(llve an int e r· estin g and instruct iv e t\l lk \In "JU II ' ior Work in I he ~lIn rl llY Scholll." Th e ~p,,"kt>r~ for the II fll'TIJO(lf\ we re Rev . J . II. Wianl, of ~prlnlC' born. Hev J udd. of I.phann IJ. n1l(1 Rev. SCH d , of SprinlC VRl ley . T hey broul1:ht out lIIa llY 1",lpf ul idt'as con· I till .1('M. \\' d l n rn h. \~ n i l!" "l ll fe cernin ){ Sun duy :::chnol work . hl,,"1I14 ' 1II' fo r,> II r f't llrn r lla l"'~ \\' it h f)"' II\Jl S i· ~'. It i ... in n ! 'out wlf l , I td .{ The (" lIuwin)! " lIkerH WNO OIl' F i rpo ~, ' h ... d lll,-. rt :at !" , Y .1Id\ 7. pointed fo r t he com i II /.( yea I': J . 1-: V,'ilbrd' " n :ct'ot kn o ~'k o llf !I f ),'111 "(\ Ja nney. pre~i'lent: E. .J. " " ,"p r. vice· .J oltfJ .'O11 , ,shuwf"c1 hil l! in J,lt ' tl ll l ·(; rt dit It'll HJ!i1 i n drs llltr hi s 4 1 Vt'I H ." pr e~ id (' flt: Mlirj{lIre tClllrk . ~ ,'('r"' l u r y · - - - - - - -- - - - -_ _ _ . tr (~R ~ uro'r: ~l r ~ .1. W. Whi tp . nelu l dept: Vlaria Elbun. YOl1nll' p eop l ,,' ~ delll: Kat h , y n P r e r " t crg-a ~ t . child· ren' ~ della r I men t




\ I Jess Wil;ard T6t_ ' IWAYNE TOWNSHIP



w.,....... 0IaID. ..:....

t he drive:'s Sl.:ut a i1 ,.I l'~lr. 'lour fv-.:: starter burt .:: .

.:I t

tb n

It is a car fL:r L 1; " .':~ '." .. r \'!id, i·~·:-.l ::C" ,- --~ for everymw. :\ " .; .\; \'1' it i. ·.: d .::. } .. ,


COr..l ;::

in t'-'-: .~ .. -(~ .t full det:!ils.

1IA WKE'S MOTOR SAlfS Phone 150 Waynesville, Ohi~ ',:; '~



,: even Ly- Fifth Ypar

WAY NESV ILLE, OHIO. WEDN ESDA Y JUNE 13, 1923 Hllve you paid your tax'..M1-

CnJne, But Not Forgotten

Wm . Lippinc ott was ill Day 10" , TuestIay



'~ \iJ 1 i3 ~E .WHEN

vau HAO

1'0 IO:J!ClTE ""~l' LA5" 0"''/ Of

_ BUT GeE IT wA.... GIll:AT .,.,~e,.. IT w/16 AL.L OVER, ,A.NOS'CI-\OOL WA~ DOT -e~?

Bicycle Tires at Waynesvill e Auto Chllrlea Stans berry, was in town. Sundav ,

of Dayton,.

Rob~rt Hopkinll. of Lynchb urg. Ohio. spent SUI d lY here with friends




Oil for Cream SPp " r .' torR Aut" & Mlll'hil cry Co

WIIYll e~ ville

Oral Su rface, wif fino h .. hy ('. Ii",' on Le~te-r Sur fllct! ano wif,. Sund ay evening .

Lowell ThomaR and wif,·· vi. il l'd '" E. Thomfl8 IintI family . M,t nd liY Mra. Walter Kilh:Jn and Mrs H E evenin g. Hathaw ay were Dayton visitors, Monday. Mr . Levi .Cook, of Washi " d nn D. C .. callt,t! on Les ter Sur(n r (·. 0" .. Chas. Fischer and family, of Cin- day las t wee k. clnnati. spent Sunday with W. H. Allen and family . Misa Henriet ta M c Kir, ~ey 'pent I last week wilh relativc~ in L'c" ter· Buy your Hosa 011 Stoves OvenR ville and Dayton. and Wieks of J . E. Frazier . Sture open. Sa turday ... Buy your B08s Oil StoV1J8. O" Ims and Wicks 01 J E. Frazi er. Slort· County Survey or Earl Spenef' r and open, Saturda ys. wife, of Lebano n. attende d Deeoratlon here. Sunday . MrB. Laura Mosher arri ved 11I1I11e. Saturds y. after spendin ll sl'veral Ell Oxley nl.l{,nd etl 11 meeti nll of da)'s with rplativ e~ In Milford . thu Troy HIJ{h Schon I alumni Thura· day and Friday of last wlJlJk. Dr. F'rsnk Ro~naRle. of London. WI B the RueRI of his iji~te r. Mrs H. M 'a Albert A"in ps. of the Ohio E. Hathaw ay. Sunday afterno on. Masllnic Hom e. uf Spri"lIfilJld. fs tht' 8ue~ t of Mr and MrR. J. C. Hawke. Save your Old Corpets Ilnd Rugs and !let "W earwell " RUIll! made Bicycle Tin'li lit Waynesville Auto Send for oriee lipt . 1,'I'IHlklin kug " Machin ery Cu. C'l , Frankli n. Ohio . Mr and Mrs Howell Peirce werl' W. H. Allen atlpnde rl 8 convoca· eallt'd 10 Richmond. Va .. last week. tion of th e Dayton Dennery of the on uccmmt of thl! d(:lI lh of Mrs EpillCopal church. at Cllrist church, Wllrner Plli rl't! Dayt on. la~t Friday.

r~;~ERT~-;-i l fEEBLE MINDED I t

- -



Onf' of the primary f unction s newspa per adverti sing 'is to bring about a quick turn·ov e r in mercha n :lising or, iR otber word s, it is the busines s Of' . th d II t - k k eeplDg e 011' ar a nor .. . ....... h I ~ere IS n~ pfO t ID mere aDdlse that lies on the shelv~s or in the wareho use. The profit comes when the goods are ,. moved into the homes of CODsumers .


'''n '' .' ~ JJ..



t of


WILL PLAY BAll . The CommerC ial clu b heir! their · t th 'I' I' I J ,.une m ~e t tnII'. a e ·own s l IP louse [u esfJ.iy eVt!!I1ng, A lfoodly number of thl1 llI emhers lVere IJ r c~ ent . a .. d a great deal of bu ~ine8s was attll!l!le (I t o. It WIIS decided to hold th e next Rlileon salurd8 y. JUne 30 / The club decided to bold a meeting on Thursd ay. Jun e 2 1. at 12 o'clock. at Phillips ' park. when dinner will be sen'ed to th e club member s, their wives. sweet· hearts. etc. "Bake" MacBe-t b will be (h e caterer for the occasion. lind he assured the club that hI' would do his best to cater . At this mee ting a notable aUrae· lion will be g iv en in the shape of a b,se ball game. Dr . Ellis was elec tod captain of the "Lamei ntheheads." and Dr . Hathaw ay, captain of the "Tiredln theleet ." Th ese two captain s will be th e Itars in the game. and have selected the following lin e- up:

Mr. HunnRh Antram ia vMtlni Clarence Carter ftnd fall ,ily , of relatives in Xenia Dayton , visited frie ds he "'. S" ,, <lI1Y . & Machin ery Co.





Specilll Oil for Cream :-;(' pRra' IHs at Waynesv ille Auto & Mucld /",r y C(l

Have you paid vo ur taxes?

Whole Numb er .5546 - - -.-

Ellis Co le Madden Peekey Cook Oxley Crane Hyman W. MeClur e Robltze r D. R Smith Lee Hawke Grace Smith Baird W. H. Allen St. Jobn Ricks HenJere on

Hathaw ay Pace Younce MacBet h Mills Zimmer man Crew John Hawke Sherwo od Fred Hawke Or. Cook Cartwr ight Jim McClure Ha rtsock Seth Cook Farr Frazier






Mrs . Ronald Hawke entertai ned at d' I" Inner. rl'd ay . th e Misees Elizabe th Chandle r a nd Henriet ta McKinsey. .• Mr. and Ml's. 1(. M. Hawke entert .. ined at dinner. Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and Mr. D. R. Suli sbury and fam ily . Mr. My er Hyman Rnd family entertaine d at dinn er . Sunday , Mrs. J eannett e Uloch. Mr . and Mrs. Max Ex le r. of Cincinn ati. Mr. and MrtI. I ~ ador Bloch. of Spri ng Valley. Mr. and Mrs . Max KohlhBgen and IOn, Waller. of Lebano n. . • _ ...- --

HOUGH··HARLAN Mr. Kemleth Hough and Mi89 Minerva Harlan went to New Carlisle, Clark county. last Tuesda ,. and were married by the Rev. Clarence S. Grause r. The newly married couple then came back to Dayton . and left the same even;n&, for Cleveland. Detroit and Nlsgara Falls, arriving home Sunday eveninll, Mr . Hough is the son of Mr. ' and Mrs. C. M. Hough. and is a proaper ous young farmer . He is a graduate of the Waynesville High BChool. and served bil ' country during the World war. He is at present. Worshipful Master of Waynesville lodge F.&A. M. Mrs . Hough Is the daught er of Mrs. Viola Harlan, and Is " favorite In Wayneaville society. She Is a gradua te of the Higb scbool bere and also of OhioWeslevan univen ity, and was one of the teacher s In the high school bere durina: tbe past Yllar. The young couple '11'111 reside with the groom' s parenta , probabl y for some time The Gazette , togethe r wltb itll numerou~ readers • .extende Its heartie st congrat ulationB . ' • _ •

Early Monday morninll'. Constab le ""--' ilaJr ..,.cy. Chas Joy was calipd to the country B_8* "'" hi JIM - . to g et a couple Of. yuun :g fellows who This game' shOUld prove to be a ~.d ~yl were unable to gIve a1l1 acc~unt of eracker jack. lueh noted "layers as themsel ves. Tha Woman 'a Auxilia ry of St. They told dIfferen t Get your Sweet Potato P lllntsboth teams have ought to make Ilame placeI', hut to Mrs . Wm. Hay t hey Marv's ehurch will met!t at lhll home the Early Goldens . worth goinll milea to see Nancy Halld and There Is confess ed that they wer e from the of MIBII Leah Smith on Friday IIfter- Jersey. . 0 H. Hockett conside rable bettiilg on the outside , . R. D. 2 Home for the Feeble Minded at . noon. Juna 16, at 2 o'clock and lhll favorite a are touted to win . Phone 65 - 1X . Columb us. Mayor Rogers will be on hand to They were brough t to town and MID Amy Hopkin , will enterta in Mr and Mrs J. W. Surton were "empir e" the game . and all of the locked UP. and the authori ties Kot In tbe Church S~hool Service Leallue In in Milford . th'e city and townshi p officials will be on lalter pa't of last touch with the ihstitut ion, and were the .chool yard, Saturda y afterno on, weflk. to viplt Mr. band to keep harmon y amonr tbe Burton' s sister. notified that the boys bE~longed there. lun.16 . at 20'eloe k. Mildred Hole, who Is seriously iii players. The 10Bing team will banEarly Tuesdav mornin g a truck ' was .erelar y. quet the winners at the next meetsent tor them, and they were taken Mr. Abel Williams and daugbte r. ing in July. The officera are anxioua Dallas Graham , a former Mn. Mary Adama, 'Inl. Anna Cad~ Mias Edna. of Barnesville, citizen of bar.k to Columb us. Ohio, are •• that every membe r of the elub Wayne townshi p, died at hie . ----. wallade r, MIIIH8 Clara Lile ond tbe guests of hO'IIIEIln The boys had eC)nfisc ated clean Mrs Amelia E. Wilshould attend . Pallldin g,1Jliio, Thursda y. June '7th • clothes at differen t pla.ces snd bad Emma Hehrbw av aUende d eom- liams and C. M. Robilze r and faOlih·. •- • after a Iona' illness. He leavea a disposed of the old oneil. They also menc:ement e:lerclsea at Wilmin gton There will be the regular band wife and four children to mourn hlB admitte d havina' stolen an umbrel la collqe .lut week. F. E. Thomaa and family. Leater coneert a f Phillips ' park this even- ' loss. Interme nt at Pauldin in town, and they were wet to the ~~~~~~~~~!!!!I g cemSurface and family and ' Mr:J Anna I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ina' at 80·cloc k,. . Saturda y, June 30th, there '11'111 ba 1t1 tery. Bkin when picked up, having probM. Hathaw ay were gu ests vf Ralph a meeting of the J. O. U. A. M , at ably slept out Sunday night. At Dyke and wife, of lJayton . Sunday . Lebano n, wben over on~ hundred times both of the bOY8 acted and candlda tea will be Initiated into that talked rational ly. but their minds Mr . and Mrs. L ' A. Zimmer man order . . Lodres all over the county and daught The fi rst would soon lapse into n()thingnese. bali game of the season er . will ha,. candlda tel tor thia meetin r for Clevela left. Monday morninl!'. was played at Phillips park, SUndBY nd where they will join --afterno on. with the Waynes ville William Collett, of Lezlnsrton, K,. the Dahl·.C ampbell trip to the 'fhou s. Athletic s aRainst the Liberty AthAn enthusi astic Legion meetlnl l Mr. and Mn Olear Griffin. Mr. V. and Islands for a couple of weeks. leties. of Dayton. As this was the waB beld at Grange hall, Frida, B, Collett, of Nasbvil le, Tenn, Mr. J . E . Janney and family. Rev. and firet game, Manage r Kline used sevevening , when 60 membe n, witb aevand Mr.. Ju. Roakelly. of Chlcalfo, Mra Holt, Dr. H E Hathaw ay, Mr. Ilral play ers to Ret a line on what he erallnv lted Ruests, enjoyed an even· MIM Mary Collett. Mn. John i . Coland Mrs. Walter Elzev and Marshail had . It was evident to the fans ing t ogetber : Carl Dakin comlett and daullht er. MI. Stella, and Halnea went to Kingroa n, Sunday that, with Borne weeding and some mand er of thl! Ralpb Snook Poet, lin. Clara Robert .. of Dayton . atafterno on, to hear Gypsy Smith , adding to. he will have onle of the The loenll. O. O. F., ,J. O. U. AM. o f L ebanon, togethe r with thl! offitended tbe funeral of Mn. Anna who I~ eonduc ting a meeting at that tltronge st learns repres~nting this and K. of P. 'Iodies beld a simple; eers. has had it in mind for BOme Collett. Frldav. wn that DaS been in the field fer ye place. ': witholl impreSSIve, memori al and time to visit several of the townl many years decora tiun service ill honor of tbeir adjncen t to Lebano n for the purpoee Have you paid your '.axes? Rave you paid your taxt!!'? The game through out was a little departed brother s, SlJncilllY afterno on of creatin g an Increase d attenda nce ragged. showing that there was a The membe rs assembl ed at tbe I. at their meetin8 s. lack of practice . When the boys .O. 0 F. hall lind proceed ed ·from Aftolr a delleiou8 and bountif ul round out in form they wi.1i do g~ e at thence to Miami eemete ry. The supper. served by the ladlee of the things Mllnage r Kline has it in process ion form ed at the main en- Grangt:, Comma nder Dakin ealled mind. as 800n as the boys get to their trance and wended its way to tbe the me~ting to order, and gave an stride. to have nothinJ,[ but first-class mound. IIIIhere a beautifu l address , Intellig ent talk relative to .Ioveral teams come here. very approp riate to the occasion , importa nt matters pertain lnr to the tlarry Pace caught five inniTllfB W88 deliverd by ou r County Proa(- Legion . After his remark s, he and was all to the ICol.lli. hi s throwin g cutor, the Hon C. Donald Dilntuah. turned ,,he meeting ov.o r to County mon~y to second beinR ., igh class . Pumml' " of Leban on. The last reltinle places Prosecu tor Donald Dilatus h, wbo, E'render ga~t wus at bal t hree times of the departe d were then Rtrewn with wittieis ms and genial manner , and a ~ingle. a double and a with flowers . Introdu ced loveral of thq "buddle e" home run. The latter was too much~ and Kuests, who respondec! with for him and hl' rllti rt?d Karl Dak ~ri talks thllot were very intereat ing to all W88. as usual, a.t home on first, getpre.ent , At a late bour. tbe ,mttlt- .• ting ground ers. side throws and Inll was cloeed jumper s. beside a couple of good Out. of ~ .. ' number of ex; ierflee hits . "Buck" Crane played a fine Dlen In Wly'pe and M88Bie ~w'nablp8 ahort besides getting three hits. Little I ask; my wants are few; the membe rlbip is ver, low, Tbe two ~ingl ea and a two-hollger . Bill I only 'wish a smail aized, ear, benefits thoy would receive from Kline. on third, played like a fiend (A Packar d-·yes. I thln;k 'twill do). the legion are numero us, and tbero all during the game. Bnd made 8 One that will take l{Ie far . is no reason wby every ex-aer, ,. couple of goo.! hits The outfield Into the woods on reetleaa davs vice man should not b~come a m~mt " did not have very much to do. Where I can dream or r,oam byways . ber, It Is deemed a hlrb privileg e ' Adamll, who relievfd Sears In the I care riot m~~h for gold or hand: Right now "Savin i the s~ by tbose who ':lrI! on 'Uie'lnil de to b':: fifth , showed himse lf to be a pitcher A house let on a ~III for' face" means more to you thaD nlin:e. lonr to this wonder fal orpnlza tlon. ever, Property valu8I ~ of no mean ability, besides making a An orchard near; It would pe arand Dot only f?r the in~fo.rm~tl~JI t~~+d " ropairs and .replacemenm co8Uy~ tbree.b allger and a single . The bal; To a'aZtl on lawn,.iu '> lIJ.:vilie. • but' for tbe SeDer'" .soJd (eJloWaii1p ~ ance of the team did not have to Money I'd like withl~ my ~=:;tI'! Keep y'ourp ropert y well pre.. Ia~e ~~ ~hat alway. 'te!~ni' ;.~: tttQ ' 'F.!1~~~~~~~:::::~~·:::;i~~"'~"::::~::::_~.4:!o1:.~!:lj~~:~"~R;~::'lI-~."'!.~, . ..ned by painti nl it with work very hard . ~~~;X:~_~2~::;'~~~O::~O::~::::::::;:::~:~:~:~:~lI;~ ~ I . ' . Just 08 (l mediUm of nrhaDR 8'. ' topthe r • . Don tJn~t~.. matter on. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . The Dayton team played a listle88 !!!!!!!!!! ~!!!!!!!!! .' !!!!!!!!!! ~ , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!'! . . :. HANNA~S GR.aN any lonrer. but come/an d jota. .. rame all the way throu~h, 8mi tbey Clothea are,ba'u bl_: It II. lin ' . . " Ther. . ..............·w..... ·...... ' wilre men f~ t . olily made five hit. dllring the' game. To Iona' for but ~hll p.lalnu~ JthhiRP._ ~n. Sout~'anon; _B,"~. I ',/)' 1\ .nefata "the deBtru~lve fo~. .of ~ . '\ ., . , . Th~ seor" 'was 14 lo 0: There will Look at the lIliea4 0w ilie Win. . b _ anot Wayiliii rill. · pnlwlit ,it < • bOth hot and cold. This matees ita use-more Shl di . t t h TIS . C · Stili they . ( Can pOl8e811 rio.t . \' even rin~ 'be a 'game . at .;::.~ th~ park eefl~g: Sunday . . II'l ibveitment than' an ex~8e '" It l~b tilat ' fee 0 t e r tate, ream and Tut's r!llhl~n' ~v• .~bel'rl~wn ap~, , h; iftentio n of ~~ pjl8t ,ta'teci a'~II.ranteed . -..,......---" ,rai \ob~n 'wt. .loDjeit. " Formu la .on every paeJal p:' beata.1t: 8P!hst' l0ea. and a Spot,. Cash Ch·~. prclmp IY'· DiaIled., SlJede shoes •. ric;b ..t1~I' 188m mote IIml~ meetl~ '.... and ;It " ,oJ' at pther . Price; ~ real. ' . _.'. ... •..t." -In. the cOUa~.r 'ID ' th• 'f U t u~ 1 J 9 10 '.' lhus 'bumble let me.llv uad die . Tb.. iI · .~· .... move la tb. rlabf qe. , , Nor grieve for tblnp lJeanno t ...~. dl~ "" . ouabt ·to It\IIII~t. ~ . ~ . . ~ J' Come and bave a Rood time·at the Nor even uk the reuoII4 "bJ for ~r . the; LimiD work. • • &&0 KenJOft Oreeon la Sebool "ODIe, on Jun8'1&tb Uke Couel'v e not ~n . . .t ~...., ~. U ·' • -.. . TRI STA TE Btrr r£R lit 8 o'clock, Ice c....... cand, aDd I'm aratefu1.tbat m, wan~ are few. . In ,. 1 • OM ........ . 1 0lI0 It1'awlieniw will be aold b, the Sad lad. . werethla not we. iii. II1II1 lin,. lI,.r - -













----_ ...


Idle money sent to the cities for investment helps to build t1;p those cities but is of no advantage to·th e rura l communities.

Use our Savings Dep artm ent and keep the whe re it is needed.

--- --- --



Wisdom Did aK .:Paint Your Property

- .








".. .ihet

.. - ...---



OXley-Pace b.- ag.Co~ ' .s;::r:.;. ,-.a• .:laeW s/,w, T~I'f~one -





. ,. ,." p--




" ~ TI7 the .,.... . Stan FJnt


.,Ql, .

SImdQ-ICboolcllu .. . .




- ....



'¥' J ,I

-., ..4#.











H.DeVere Stacpoole

. A Roma nce of the Bahamas J

nJus t" atio n s



h 'win M.y e l·"

" t>."

Robert 11. Mc B nde


" Suy," !OIltO J uoe. ·· wn e re 010 yo u lennI t o II~ III' hont s '" "Whn l 's Ih(' mn tter T' "~ othlnl': nt present, bll t give h er hnlf nn hou r Rn rl s ho'd work beMi IlI! h-eo or tJlO ~ l om tuol knot." ul'll ~o down nn ll retle It." "No use In troubling, r ill going olr In ber III a mInllte, and she'll hang there till I'm ready." " Wh e.r e nrt' you COIngl" "Oulls·nest lng." · On Ole r~tr' "Lord, no I To th e 51'I t a WIl1 th ere to enst'o ro. You cn n't soo It I It's near so ..e n mile a wa y." "Tl ut YO II cnn't r ow the re a lone." " ('In ' t 1l Y OII bet t !!an, there aDd "('It by l undo\\'11 I" -- _. . i

CHAPTER IX Mutin y. A s he .·.:ull "d t'l' nlnn l1"lde fhl' !'1ft·

nh Ihert' WIIS nn slj:n of J llde. FIe tl ecl UI' Ih" bnnl nn,1 Cnllll1 o,· .. r the 1'1111. .·.Tude, whpre n re rOll 7 ·Whot )'0 11 "'lin t 7" cume ft 8urly Talce from bel a \\,. 1

.rYolL" " W~II,

)'nu k in ~n nn wnntln'. I'm li ck ot the hull 1'1 thl ~ crow,l-wosh· Ing up fi nd enoklnJ( nnd you two plo~'ln ' ehnll! I" "('orne III' on deck ." " Sho'n' t I I'm J!'o ln ~ to ,"cntt e rflaIm's I've ft n l~ h l'll cll'n rln j;/ n",n)'. Li fe nt 0 dog I"-Inrll stln c l Irrtlm b l ~ t oil ing nwny IntI' slleocp. He lit n pI" . nnd wnlter'! . Soon the coUlpo nl onw ny crenk"" lind a h ~nd np!,pn red nt t he cRhln hot ch. He sR ld nothlnJ( '''hll e the ...·hole body eml'rl1ed. stood er ect on tI, e deck, ond s hoded Its eyes t owa rd the J UIUl. . Then, etlll epeechlellS. It looned on the ratl, look lnlr t ownrd t he reet and a pparently 108t tD tJ.ougbt. She soomed utterly onconscIolls at his presen~r p retending to be. '!'ben her eYes t eU t o the wate r OloDg'



" [Jut wbnt wlU Batnn say,", Ju de 101lI':h, 'd. "He' ll be wUathHt's wha t I ,,'nnt tOt make him. 1"11 It'a m blm I B lm an d hI. JumperaJ'" She took t.h e ju mper off the nU. r olled It up nnd th rew It on the deck. then sbe ellved below and roeaweared with a water jar anel lome provtaloDI done up In a bunelle. She had evlden tly been mak~ her preparation&. "Look bere I" saId Batcll1re. "If you're golnlr, rll CO too." "No, you won't' I" saId Jude. rO'Q~ got to stlclr bere and look after the tlhlIr-anel see bow 10U like tL" "Not I-I COUldn't face 8atu; bes Ides. It )'OU want to make blm wild really, he'll be twlee u wild It we botb 10: besIdes, rm 8Iclr of the 1II1p. Oome on: rve never been lUlt.neetIn g." Jude, evidently wet\k eniDa. PGt down her bundle. "Well, there ain't M10ugh rrub 'f or two." she complaIned. "I reckOD there'l enoup water, tbough." " Well, get .ame more rrub." She elllt ber 1lY- about In Inded· ston, now at RIIt~lIffe, DOW at the Juan. then, with one of tboee 1114_ chanJ:~9 sq IndleaUve ot ber, ebe -.te np her mInd and dIved below. Fh~e OIlnlltet later abe reappeue4 wltb onother small bDD41e. RatcllITe. durlnR her abeenCOl\o ba4 tom the bnek off an old letter. Be bael n pencil In bll pocklt. aDd, 8I!I'IIwlIng "jlOne guU s-nestlq on the .D~ IIplt" on the paper, ltu~t the i111111.,. to the mast wltb bIB penknIfe. Then, bundling the too<l and the water Ja r lnto the dinghy, th87 Btort Nl. R ll tclltre lit hIs pipe. .Jode, IIteel'o Inlt, seemed tn hove forgotten ber l~ "Look H.,..I" Said Ratcliff.. "If !mce at 1(I'II"ge Rltnlns t hIm, forgott en Satn n nn d the Jumper and ber You're Going, I'll Go. Too." desIre t o Cllt the whole show and 8Ide and the dInghy. The whlstltDl all her trollbllll'. She soomed Just cee !lel! and ber fuce tttrned to blm. nnw n " ' f'f'-'I'pn ' n(\r~ll n . ,·nmDanlo1ll.ble

'Service-Progress, Special' Shows Century of Railroad Progress Pric:.Ieaa RetL:., ModeIa _CI Mcmea ReSect Complete Hlatory of Traaapcll'tatiao


wm Tour Ohio

•,Ivania. IndIana. Mic:hipn aDd l1llaaia from Oeve1and JUDe lAth. The " Semc:o-Procresa Spedar wUI tour the 13.1XKl miles of the New York untral System. FiftJ-oae ItopI wiI1



'"Lrlr'U'! Von'f you lIe v(>r Ill! ~ntJI n henr YOII ~ny t hut: ~he' ~ hl ~ "kIn I" " We'll do without en l''' hon ds, then. an d work her, the three of nA." Th confidi ng Rhbuloler r~. t (O(j mor(> hell "lly ' 1I~ lI ln st hi m ns n\!lIln ~ II cu~h l nn n" (l she hl'IZ1lD t o hu m II tu no.

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I", s.\("IIII'f1 t n h n \'<! tOn,:IIf! pn him,

1'.. <,r), lhlng. lll . t _ n~ fI rhllt! , IfIllll'nl)' r.o rh"l'I~ . r"I' ryt hln/o! In Iltl. ·drl'IIf11 lun,] Th ~

1l1l ~,) I \1rl ' cun j(' n tnlf'nt

o t (1nIHt:

nOlhl ll ):. n'.c 1m:. IIsH'nl nl( to IlIP wn'...'~. h".1 rll ll ,'n u pon hllll. t,,", with

............ . ........

n !":f1IIINhhq: (' 1 ~t'l n ~(\rt o f nw ~ rn (1 r i ~ 1I1 1l(\rll nf hi s (,o llll1nnl on . t h ~ s t rnn l! "~ t

rt1"lI n}!' os

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.llJfle w e rt' II 1'11 1'[ of

hllll""lt. liS tll nu):h he hn d put h is nl'lII rounr1 h l~ ,)\\'11 \\, 1l 1 ~ t n nd n nr\\' sl' l t n mu ch pll' :l!'1HntPr spIt Ulli n thll ul ,1 on r, It·~~ ~ IIIT. J11l1rl' hultlnn. lind iol:OIlI P~ how mo re alh' p. It SN' I1WI I til hll11 t hut d , hi It f p W lt ~ n ll t 1'= 0 I1 I11t'i l n QU I'!-lfl nn n f "IIu l lty us nf rn\~" wll, \\' n~ thll t the ~""rPl ~ lIll1n Ilfll l ,UR' ("(1 \ ,-"rl' l l- ~lIt l l n. wh " h:HI nl' h"ul{r r· In ~ on l'!" j.!nmt d eh.-s, hu t w os f r flP n ~ II \!'\1H ? ~tlt l ~:t n n ll J lI('l ~ w(lrp go lll '-~' ·II~II I1~.

"Well, When Th.1 Cru l.. I. Over I'll Hive to Ll av,. You Both and Go Home. I Don't W a nt to Go."

n ntllmnhl .. nq H"lIgulls

nn,' H~ fu r r r ol11 ch ·lI l r..Ht lll ll ! It \\' n~ n ~ Chll ll 1:h hl~ li nn W(l r e round It h lr l1 - q tll , '''H'. 'n t hy ROIIH" m l r n ('lf~ IInlt Ill l(1 w lm.,: 1.1 111 to IUlIl dlp It. RIll I IlIl pnrt In1: I n hllll . !oIo lJ1 ,~h(l w . th f> k no w h'(l,:f'

For ,,"le h y M. (';()LE


ro r "" " I!lIl1t),- Iht> .. ll ullt)' or fr p"'l" .... "\1'1,,0( I 11 k,' 1I 1oo 'ut th .. 01,1 Rnrll h."

MSm .... hed T h em , E ve r y One." S~l d 1 bothe r I" p ld he. " Dnn' t let's l¥\1 (l h,', " I!-i lIlt' WHy ~h(l j ,,~t [lot ~ J ud e, W rtd l n g O ut and BeginnIng to thInk of It ; besIdes, we' lI tlx up som e- nh,,"I - wltli n" th lng ! o rlu. " W a.h th e H at. tblng. I don't WA nt to go. I' ve ne ver " :\tllld n ,:: t o tlo !" r r h'nrl l"- I" 'lI plt ' rPIlIII1f' f rlll ll ~ lt tnn had Buch a jolly tllUe In my II r('. a nd "" ' .. 1', .\' lIlI fi nd f'; lI tlln j'H n t nk (l rm n ot Irolnlr to loll'l! sig ht or you nud t hl n)!"s p u~y , Y ou n rc a~ t n 't-' RS tilt' lind .I ,ul .· :1'" p llrr llt ..: f,.11111 ~ 1 '1 11:1I 1 1~. ('lI,I!('iI pit I' ,'ot !I "Ut1I 1'11t In t i ll' J,: r c Ht Satan- unl ea YOII \v llnt to." lI u lls." j.!: lI t h \ jf j'UJ.,:"f' of ('o n \ ,'uti ll n . "Lord I I don' t wun t to." .I ud.' t nol.: h t ~ hu nt! HIII I Tf' m n "PII hhoi " 'hal w Huhl tlu:·y fO I L,\' Hhnu t .J ude ' "We ll th a t's a ll ri gh t. We'll stick ar m trow uro ulIll her Wills! Jll s t as Il l' h ll rI lin In"t ln ett \') · kn,"'·I.. ,I):l' or together , sOlllehow. lind let Uw old w hllt .Ju d e W fl ll It I ~IlY ll lH111 t f ll (' II1 . It " 'orld go haDg, and we' lI go hmlt lng nn,' r,'r,IOI'f'q fI Ioel!. ~ he Wnnf l'tl to t lll 'Y t" "' " 11IC't. wh k h ReP lIl e fl I lIqwlt· abnl one8 anll tls hln g-Ie t's make 81M t hl'r I'" s lt lo n. She sl" ' oucc\ too hu\' O! sll,l e. plan.... 10"1 In ten,. t In t hu con'·i"·slIt l,,n . ~IIn,l '1'11"11 ('n m" the w,'lrfl r<"cnIl N' ti on His arm lomehow sll pped round her hoel got bet wCl'r1 her : oe8. li nd she thnC fli p), 100101. In n "'" ,". n (, I IIII II~' fO) l' t. wa lat, halt Illltoma tIclllly. Just 88 one relllo \' cd It , runn lnt: hor ftn !:,' r h I.'S I H~ hu rl 1111" 1 SI<eltun. t Lt"\ hll.:11 I' rl~ Ht put.l onc'8 band on a penlOn's shoul- t wcl'n lhe ll). Shl! hll d no hn ndkl'rdel'. When be real ised whR t he hnd chl ef-nCl'Cf 118erl one or needed to 0( thp wh ,' I,' '·I·IIWrl. ~ I r Wl lllllnt ~ltl'l · tf, n , Hut't. (l Id 1' 0 I' P I\·(·t)(' l;. WH S t h t' done, h e realized, at the M ill e tillie, U8C one : the pertr..'C tIy henltbl' 011111101 IlIh " l 1C11\' h Jl ~ 1 nn1 xf·d 10 111111 und It rulls.. that she did not seem to mi nd; more ne"(Or dol'S. The sandi lIazed to the I IlB wind, than that, ehe reclpl"OC1l ted In a Wuy Th en s he Iny fl nt. her chin rest ing ,OUICllOW s tuck ulld tltt "lI. \I'loa t lube! and away to the nortb and touth they by le ttIng ber 8h'luliler rest more CO lli · on th e bll ck ot he r hnn lls. ,,""IlIII shr nm ~ to 1119 oltn t ~ . Itl ~ t \\' n trembled anll WIlTed In the hl'ot; hnt tortabl Y oga lnst h is. It wn s COmI'R n· Her hil t 11'118 olT. 1)'In g bes id e he r; m"I,"'n ml d· l·k lnrl"n Runt S. should the CUrtOll8 thlnr: W 8I the tact that. 100000lp, pure and simple, nn,1 her I be seCl lIl'd "l lI ng" d In re,·erle. Then sht) e\'(' r me N th e m 7 . d ellPlte their lonelln_, one cUd not mind seemed tar away, wrnpped In he nntl ced tllllt t he eyes. up tunlcd A fll int 1,,, 11 .. ,, from th e , oUl h spnl teel alone. The tllsee seemed ()Opa- the slIn-blnze CIS wIth a IfII rntl'nl. nnd 1I0rier th eir IlI . hes. wer e SC (,II oIfll s tl.,· Rll nlS IInoi "II oth er cnnslo leru tlnns ny , lou.. nlled with s 'c rowd tha t for B wande rin g-wbo. kn ows wher e l l o"~ ln): nl hl lll . Ins m ntly th e~' Cell, I n ~ , (h, I\l I'n(I(1. .l u tnT n wn,' 0 11 mo~nt had made Itlelf Invl8lble. "Het\ve ahead,'· BAld Jude d rowSIlY'l un d he r 1" " ltI" n lilt 1'1'(1 so t hll t her U l t.) ~n nc.l s . wn s COOl l n ~ towor tl ti lt' PerballCl It wu the rlot of rolor alld ""'I1" t's )'our plans ' " f llt:" WJlM h ld llt~n o n h ..' r n r lll, flJll l!hy . h e ' Wit cll r r),lnJ: 80 IlH" l hl n ~ the brttllance of Ilrht : the effect re"Plan&--oh. I've lote. Let's go li e lit hi. pi pe no!! slIIoked t or B , nn rl rll nn ln!; n~ If pursue d; th en h e mained. round the world In th .. olel Sornb- I DI" ln l' nt In sil ence. 80W I,,'r trill " ml rll ll . Tbey Irot the pro~I8IOIU ",d w ater ,.t a coupl e more h an ds." ".III,I p :'. S lu' \\'n~ on he r f eu ! In n Be-r on d . for nom tbe boat Bnd Bat down on the "Wh e re'd ynll RUck th em"" Nu II n5wer. nn,1 th t· (1I 1nl': \lurs ll in.: hl'r hnd c\' l· sandL It wu pal t noon and eooIer, "Well. yoo've Igot a foe'8'le."Wha t' s t he m ntt er with YOII?" c\f'lItly I;I .. rn up the h unt, for RIle for the bl'Mle bad livened up. the "Not big enoullh for II toment. The SIl(>nce. He r .. mernbc rell h ow s he stOll' I e:mmln lnJ! Ant Ol' thln.: I'hl' hllrl autcolnlr tIde WII B leavtDg II .trlp of Digger Illled II. H e sa id he r et'konl>d hod shllmlUe,1 d,'nll un 1'111111 I>dlln.I, pl ck:!!:1 up fr om th u I': r oll n,l. nnrl wet sand Illtterilll like • 101den be'd got to stick his hea d thr ougb put down hi s pipe, and ('rawled Stll" n' N I r J!' 1I r<III'~s. or e\'C' r)' thlnJ: else. nor(!, and the tume of beaeh fllled the hatch to hreotbe." t ownrd til e cllrpse. It \\'09 rl ~'1d. nnd li e wull l' d r" r he r by th e " ou t. nnd the air reaonant with the I'IItItle' "Well, we'll get rId ot the Sa rnh to re"I"e It he hegn n t o pOllr su nd ns sh p cnm l' III' h e j:II P,se, 1 the trnll:' rhJlhm IYI the wuea. aDd Ret 0. hl ll!!er' hOIll." on It s hf'nrl. e ll y. ~ hl' hllli he,'n "lI rr)' ln!' 0 h nt ful They ate leaning on their ~Idetl lite "Quit t'10Iln/l." I:rllmh lcd n voice : o r hlr" '" I'::I!S nno! hntl SlIInRhed th"m old AthenlanL Ther btU1 DO cup : 10' t hen, 08 Ir the IInD,1 hn rl RIII"Io ' nl~' r()- wh"n shf' r.. 11. Th,· lo ll t wllS eloqu ent. they took It hi turns to drink from ,·I..ed memo ry ond gnln ,"I ,,,,I h ~ r to " , mn ~h fl d t h em (!y t' r )' nn f" ." Raid the WIIter jar. Then be lit II pipe. J uli e. wlldl n!! out nn r! hl'~l nn lml to li te. she s crnmble d to her fIo N . -rbls I. foll7," said he. ''Them egg!!-on rl the ~ u n ' 8 )!e tt ln g wnsb th e hil t. " All ~' ollr fnll it I Stut• Aln't bad," ..Id .Jude. down nnd we tnolln!! nl,,,"t r ' She nn~ lil t! u p wll h t he m Yllrns_" She made s ,Pillow of IIBM tfIIP IIer pi cked liP her hil t. ''I'll tllke this end "Wh nt Yll rn s ?" bead. IUId thea: 01\ bel' baek wIth her nnll you go t'oth er." "l1 nnt s," bet\d 01\ tbl pillow, lay like II tits" Otr s he wen L "DI'I you sO''' nn ythln ~ r flab, IIpread.eIIlled, her hat over her "'Y ('p!' eJ'U. CHAPTER X "WhAt "'". It T He followed lUlL " A wlIz1.nrr1." "How sboot thoee rull.' n C8ta r he Dished. "Whnt wro. It aeked. n" ~t "' l ('k 10 th t! nor th. O"O! r there ( Con ti nued o n p a(t6 3 "Whleb OnNr evaded .Jude. In th .. oN fh th e ~en wus of fI vY c" et you wire colng to hunt '"'!'he _ hlll (, nc,'f'n tun teLl hr Ule whll C hlllze torr of the ..m ,I,. Sho\lld 810w Down. "Oil. them! Well, I reckon there'. T he slI nol s. nnee nne 'j:ot fll lI "lnl1 on dMd loadl ot time." Th e kind of mnn wh o Is R l w,,~' s In ft th em. wl' re tu ll or In!,·rrst. s trewn bu rry Is liable to d ,,~ h Plls t a good "Lo~llten to the sand 1" olonl: th e 81' 1\ · e, I ~1' with nil snrts or thln l: wlt bo ut seei ng It. 1 " It'l the wind blo.lng IL" pr lze9--<:nl"rm] s l,..lls. pu ttl cflsh hl'nPR, "I Inlow. All ths tbl. II a extrnord lnll r.,· scn we<"tIR, bIts or W1'('ck· rom plaee. Do loa know wbell WI nge; n fpw ynrrIs out n nn utll ll ~ lI ~ e t landed bere, JUit now, the fir.t thlna wns s tee rl n a:. with tin ), 8n ll ~ ~I' t t " the that stnlek me' I felt u If the plaee HaU's Catarrh Medicine wind. th p " Illes t 8hl 1'8 th nt C,'P I' fl nnt· wu full of people." ']'hoso who are In 0. " run d ow n " co ndl · ll on th e RP II. un s pnll e ll h.\' ~tnrrn II nr'! e NWbI~h ' wayr tlon will notice lhnt Cat a r rh bOLh c fIJ ti me, j us t ns Ihey weI',) In un.·h .. tI In t h m m Uc h more th an w hen t hey Il Td In "Ob, J don't know: people I couldn't t he m"rnln/( or t he worl ' \. li e wnt ,'he<I good health . This rlLet proves thRI w h ile lee. gbol ta." A _red Sabbath ~Ienoe MOda C n t urrh 11:, 11 l oca l di sease, IL Is g l" ,-,a t1y them fo r IIwh lle. f or ):ctfll l or tl1e 1.'1111 5' lnnucnceol by conoll tullon al condItione, DMn to the goIlr Ilnkl 011 the HoI, Jude, Interested, rolled over, reeted HALL'S CATARR H ME DICIN E conegl!B, nr tJukl< Rn n d ~ . or th e s lIn . now Sabbath. ' her cbln In bel' palmI. and kIcked a e iSlS ot an O ln tm ont whic h Q uickly s(> n 'l hl ~' tI cell nl n!;. Relieves b y locnl applica t ion . a nd the bare heel to the IUD. H e ~!l II' tn h is snt 18f" tl no tho t the lrote rlOnl Me dicine, n ToniC. which /LselllA The JrUOllne mania CAU8e8 thou, "1 NCkOD ron'n DOt far wroo.." l1ull R wcrp. h C.Wl Il,1 hili ren ch, 0 b rnnd In Impro ving the Gen e ra l H eal th. IUICb to take the family. the and 8 0101 by d ruggists ror over 40 YOllrL lalll .Juda. "Tn felt the same wa, chnnn l'l or wnt er cut ti ng th e s p it In F. J . Ch e ney & Co., ToledO, Ohl~ the lunch basket Into the automohlle bere my.elf, aa Lt there wal banta two rl ltht uhend. II" took his s en l early Sibbath morning when they benn li n 0101 RJoll r fn r n m{l ment to r est about und It ,ou'd tum your head gin to break the Ten Commandmenti. the 8pftd I,..... and SRbbath obaenond look nhulIt, nnrl ns he Sli t tho Ihorp you'd ' " IOmeGne behind 70U. gIIU_, wh ep lln ~ nOli crylnl1, k('pt li P No.. you've talked 01 It. rll be alwa11 aroun d h im t ho elllBh'e ot mosphere tl,tlb ldnl It It I come bere a . .IDo Wlah or storylnntl. ae-Jtla aen& thoueanda iii to the rou'd kept lour bead abnL" motIoa picture houses, where they All lhe mnney In the worlr' could Bhe lilt up and looked about ber• make a PIIII! a~k upon God'. not h nve broll j:ht hi m thnt! Nor could "Sorry, H tIIIld Ratclltre. ra1Ilq blmHoi, Da,. he , have fnu nrl It hnd he Innde d ber e eelr on hll arm: "bol It 100 come frnm 0 l'ocht wl t. h grown-up com· AntI Pump Repairin g attenda!l8tD ru rome with 100. and that'll Laaln_ keepll thoulllDds at home pnnlon •. keep the hunta off-unleu I'm 1'0D8." ed to; Lift and Power Pumps wrapped In the bed clothes of IndolHI! f" l1 t o thlnld ng whRt on ext rao ... "Ho\\' d'you mean'" ence-'-too Indolent and . Ioven to draB on hand for an y kind of tUl srll)' lucky perMn h e wo s, and to "Well. wheu thll crulae I. oyer rn &Del attend dltioe worahlp. p lume hi mself on hi. Instincti ve wis· power. 110 ve to leave )'ou botb and .., bome. dom In rlr"pp lng ~k e ltoo find cl vlllznI don't ,,'ant to..,. I'd mu~b lOOn. Palle coneeptlon of wol'lhlp, or betlon tor Jurle Rnrl So t on, who hnd led t'eUle the aennon fa poor, or the IIllnbhim Into a worl d or things he hud IItlck OD he1'8 with ,on and 8aton. ter worae than dead, they drift Into neve r RC<'n. thlnll8 h'c h nd n('ve r ImagWhat's that thlnl "oaUnr out tbere1" the habit of oegledlng church atlenIned, tbln gs he har! hnlt·torllotten. "Tnrkle." 8111d Jude. "Look, !Ie'. dan~ Phone on 50 , Curqlllnez olone wO S 11 rovelutlon, lolng to dIve !" Residence 4th and Tyler Sts. to s ny nothing at Sell er. Rnd Cleary. Be sat op besIde her. 11.e1'e lire thousancb of hll. lnesa, Tbere wo s onl y one cloud, s mall er "So be bilL Well. he'. lone." Be Waynesville, Ohio I,rofuslo .... l,,·a1, ILnd oftlclal mm thon n ma o's hanr'!; hot th ere I-where tIIIt wIth hll kn_ op, IDoklnl oTllr who negl""t ellu ..d, ~"u." they Clre wos It to e nd? It woe 1111 ve r)' well conllClouB of the fllct that &he.r are the .... gnluly Sinful, "'t lft.h, conceited, and talkIng to Jude ubnut su illng rollnd Alone here wltb .Jude lb. aeeme4 a derelict In the I'crformOUlt.., of theIr tho world : you enn' t sa il out or Time, cllfferent penon from wbat she bad duties. They know thlll If they fa.ce nnd the time w Ollld come-Ol e time been aboard tbe Sarah. The atranre the gosl'd a. "" pounded (1'()Ol God's would comt!antaeonllm .he had IUdd.nly exbl~ Infallible Word they haYe to Jude W IIS wi n ding threads round lted, Bnel. a me. of wbleh had ~ aurre",le. theIr aclA, h, mean, coo: malnctd up ·WI WI monllni, leemed! ~eltcd ·hu sln".. nnd prorualooaJ athim as a s llkworlll wlnu a n cocoontlny tbre nds but dellthly strong. It titude tOWRrd ItI,,, church and tIMo to have ~~, .,anlllled. l'jlrbapa Veterinary Surge~n., gospe, was olmost os thou~h she were beIt ...u tbe "banta,- 01' tile 10000lln_, earning purt ot hlmselt- pnrl of blmor a combinatIon of botti, lI" t ahs Phone 44 aelf and pllrt tile slIn ond treedom seemed lubdued. Every dealrable, worthy citiand hi lie s ea. Well, there wos nn use zen ought to be found in hi. "Well, I dOll't lee what you want pew every Sonday monUnl' In botherIng. So he snll1 to hlmselt, loIq for If 70U dOl!.'t want to, H IUd· . worshippin, God and ~ and as he flu Id It the clout! no larger d~lJ IIBld Juda, drawtDg up IIer h ill hone.t obUptioDl to the than a mun's hand swe lied nnd twistkn_ and croulng tIIem wIth hlr church of Juna ChrIIt. eel ond [ollPJI across th~ s und!\plt b~ bBllde. ~t> h',

W ay nl'sv ille, Ohio



Notice of Appointment



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Fn r fo r l·b."


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III OJ ' Hddrtl "M M ' I ' k '" K ~., !tun , l 'b U U t :H f\- X , :~.t" I II1I " II'

Money to Loan on Farms at · 5l per. , cent for five years.




Wilmington, 0., phone 301.-


Men Stay Away from Church

l TE Il-M t' O o r w o m e o tlJ W A :t,,1 16 ord e rs fo r J(o nulD ll g nllr. a n teed h OH ler y f lJr m a D, w o m e n ~nd oh ild " ' n Ii:lI wln lltt' dllr DIDot Bal. tl r y '76 a w "e k 11111 tlrue, '1. 5.0 an ll IOu r .. ~ "rto ti m!' I:Is 01nWul f: prlnll !on.. l nte r o M,lo n ,,1 l:itooklng Mi .ll~ , ~ o~ rl ,"ow,l1, PII. ,, 211 D for Informa"on $10 ItI!:WAR to the Ide ntity of 'he



PllrIS who IIto le my HIl 08a and mIn. fl O W Det lind \ OIm pere 'I ' wlth look 00 m y 1I0to. W. A. t;urhooe. j "l!O

D- A Round Dog, b earing F()(1N . tag No. 1510. Own !!!' cao h"ve ."me by o .. IIID g d Barvey Rye'8 f&rm , "out h of towo . j tl20


LA'fS-Vlve '0 Ilx 'honl!Rod 'l'obaooo La~b. Joho 1:1 , SllokeU, R. D. W.vollnllle, OhIO. je27

Dr. W. E. Fr9st

~\.1. FOR 6oo0N ......, SAi'!!"! NO


SaUer, good .. DeW;. ' AJ. 1TobClooo 80 lot of LoOD'& POlY, J. B.

Uumwloga, R


Also" 8hroPahire Buoi, a 1l00d oDe, F. A. S"r'lIoOk, & ' D 8, WaYDe.. ville, Ohio. . Je20

Coal & ~fI8: J'trel_ ,?ookar, Bed.'C! .d.-~prlngll .D'\ 6cllutrtMIM, 1I Ruo ~I~IC . Chin.! .,SOU4 alah')lJaD1 Librln, Tab~( Jlileatrlo .~ B.adlng Lamp, W,I"D, Delk; Wll~ . &OD Rnli, b :18 ft. i W;'toD ner, Sl[l~ it ; WII$do Ruber; 10 ft."


aa" Bu. •

'"'*' ~. i,,~ IlIA

IN ~. Y"'~I)


- ..~~0Ql~

~IDIP UIi ONal ~Lf8II'r



Type Polt'D~. C~tn Boat, L·'ARGE 2 YIlIU8 old, ellglhle '0

a,A.,1 s.".·

405 OUT

0, 8, W.,oMvll1e,

Oh io.

IoIOM&. ·...ASITS'

-MrNIi fIA N-W!tff

joll7 '

Gazette offioe,

, 'I crr , . .


Horse Power au E N6INE-l~ EOSine inqUire ., tbe all"lnl

Harveysburg, O.

.... .IONIof ~

- - -~--

L" "t1 ~ d

:-I " Iep b,' oll h t J " lID. Hu rbw .. , A ' BUlltl log, Xm,l .. (lhto . II 4 '( 3


1\c1ft ltIOw,o"'.... t ..."""1tO


~- - - --



&ZI4 railroad

- ________ 7


t nro hun I""",'' '-ID\: 1\ l~l/ In 0 II tr(OuV" of foumie re!lI!loIlS. mal o relotloua,





... ~-




Plumbing .. Heating

he made in Ohio alooe. Tbe train II bdntr operated upoa I'llquesta tmde to PresIdent A K Smidt. of the N_ York Central Lines, by Mutu S. J. Lowell, of the Nad~ Granse and P resident O. E. Br-adfwe. of the Amer ican Farm Bureau Federa. tion. that authentic facta OIl transpOrtatl oo be placed before the ..,.icuItural population of the l ' nit cd Statea. Praident Smith, in pur.-nce of bJa Jouc eltablilhed practice · of ctiIIcuatIc queWooa of railroad JIOlicy openl)' aod f~ with the pub1lc; acquI _ _ aDd at oace orckred the ~cultural n.of the New York Ceatr.J to OI'pnlze the "Scnice-~ SpedatM One feahlre to mab thi "SpeclaP' the rrutest railroad uhibidaa traID - - openterl is frye nell of moona, ' pktvrea Ulustratlnc the U;tu~ of 'th<:: nilrnada and the ~ Tbe.te plcturrs are frons IICelIqr\oe written h,' Cltar1"s Frw crlc:k Cartw, .mhal' e \ U'\Vbr " l'- " ·" ~, h W. . New." ~ IIllOW II,. h : I'"II: 01 farm products and will ~ " rown OIl a \arp at both day a1\d nlakt stopa. ~.







The "Senice-I'roiru' StIecial.- of

the New York Central IlDei. wblcb It a tranaportatioo mUJeUDI with the De· Wltt-Olntoo Traln of 1831, &iine ''999," the Wattbu WorIdIw ~ lLodda. anenl of ralJaoo.d uhiblta movinC pIctura wID ItUt OIl ita triJl through Ohio, New Yorlc, PenD-


an a f rleM lY an d IInne, 08 tnOUIJll tne cooillng lind ('tennlng li nd the W Ol'n es Iud troubles ot t he Sarah bad bl'en IIttoo like a dleh·co,'er !rom her p rlMned lIoul ' II ' was Ihe '01'81 time they hnd heE'l1 roqlly lIione togetllor , nnr! th~ compnnlon8h lp th a t IIprln p trom I oneilnea., helped. ' '.ll1 r1 o." sn ld he 10,;lIy. ""ho l r ' "This Is th e , oili est tim e 1 eyor I!Jl cn t. I' ve no,'e r felt f rl'C hefore tlIl j 1\st now. I'll li ke to g(I SA ili ng rollnd nnd round tbe world In tb ls little d ingh y ond f orlfl!t ch ' lI luUon. Do yoo I'flll1 ember the momlnl 1 came on hoa rd the Sarah fl 1'8t r " Them paJ-mlls Y" " Yes, l hem p njamall. Only for t ltem you woul d n't ha.-e IlIu(hed at m e, I\nd If )'ou .b lldn't laughed lit n~ I 6houl dn't have rome aboard. perhnPf'." "Oh, :«,S 7011 woul d." MWh y ?" "~ntn n want ed YOII." " Oh. dId be' RIess Satan I- he made mp )'ounjr ftjrol n." " Lord I yoU 81 n't 110 old as all thRt." ''I'm o ..e r tw ent y~n_anel 70U'1'8 onl y-" "RBIlin' IIIKteen." IIII Ie1 .TII"e. witlt s t .. Rdl' eyes flXed IIbetid wher-. the rllll s above the IT\It were now wel l vl slhl e. They held on, th e ItUIII .hootllllf over them now, Rnd the elab of the ean " s plt. tumlng to the lazy Ilea, In tb elr enrl!. Tt WIIB tllll tide. Rnd 88 tb e keel t Ollched the IIIlDd. letting the IIh~ t rro a nd t he sa il to ft olf In the ,,·In". they tumhled o~er Rnd dra gged t h.. little baRt hIgh and dry. Thllt WIlS on e at till! IItan.-est m&metall In Ra tclltro's lire. H e bad DI' ver _ n onythlnll: <:OInparattle tn this long whit e s t reet of Mnd ~ urbed with . menld wa ves. leadlng nowber .. lost;- ueell!Sl. de!ohlle, brillIant wIth n brillia nce tbat hit the hea rt as ""I'll a8 the eye. lIo""n ,,,,er by the whIte


tlenr.1 ISmail 1Iull"

",., W. B ,

AUen, Wa, neav1lle,. OJll~ .•... jail

' l'OQ~DI , c.~ O·AX.1\1..LAND A .bar,.ln InquIre ' of , . W. W.,DIIIIVllle, OhlG,


Model "

If", 1\914, , ~ . : aloJl!ti \ ~ ,,7.,





DLAtlli's-OelerJ,' .Tomaeo. Cab. bale, oau.l1l0'W81'~"'Pw!pper, Pl. m"$o ud It ' 8--. _ Broe' &i D. 5., 1" ~ , . ..




, ... .

lID '...,... ~



~UWKi& . DL ~ 0.1 111 WOOd'


. 000II:



'.tWA.. ~

1D~7 J. .

-., .•




....TH E ,M IAM I

GA ZE TTE ....


' D. L CP AN E, Editor nud Publish er. Wn y u l's ville, Ohio SubdcriuLion Price, $1.50 ·per year I ur'l:' ~~' " .\ Jv ro rt l ' It'~ R rp r r'l(" nl lt l, ', t· I\ ::-c;,~

iC I"Tln',




A Roma ncQ of

the Baha mD$ TNth .. N."u ldle. Tntth Ia Growthl It Ia ~rdL

[ ,_ _ F_artn __e_rtt_es_Ma_y.:..-P_r_o_v_e_A_n.-:g::.,.e_l_ s _-,

CoVYTI"hLby Robert M.

keep wapi doWIL


M.B.ldeA Co.

" )\ 1.111111',''' t h i"n slI d,h·nll'. nlHt AS 11 ll n h ll r dl1nlnl! h f'r Flnq !. HI h n rln't m n rc'n S:lIt thp l n ~ t of [li p ()g~~ wll " 1 t tlrn N] nn d ~HW ll1T11 wntlit n go on th e 8011(1811111 " 0111 mll n wllh n gill"" under hl~ nrlll . itr £l~~I' r1 IltH'f' r tn 1I Inn)! cont. nn " hil I nil Iii" IIl'nli 111«(' lin ( IllIn nn ",hilt. I wlI ~ n '[ IIfrlll". Ih"\I ~ hl 1, 1' II' n" renl,

nnr! II<' . 11I ,·I(

I h~

1(111"" In his I'ye 'Rlf

h ... WII~ I n() I, ln~ o nt f o r n ~ hlp'" ""j '~. "

"Thl'n II I' w('nl nlll- (llll'l'-Jlke the

~n lf1'

flf It ~lIn d l( -- hl1 - htl- " F;he Mr, and M rM B IIII y Suigler Ilnd chlll L.' t n h im. "It lI ' n~ 111 1 11\\' rnlll t.:' .,llel 11<', "Inll(· oblltlrel l ,\Uti ,' Ir , I\oll Mr~. Erne8\ rl m t n "'H:.(I~~I". n nn'r rl lln l, of it: I:lt own "I,d ob ' ltlren. of Dayto n, It II'II R 0111\' nn " pUr'ol 111 11"1011, !;I r wer e t!o ntl ny ~ uBete of Mr. and Mrs,


WlIlI l'r Sr;lt! AnII' n 111111, II lce thnl On.I'(', nnd he 1<n('", It II' n~ only nn II III Rlnn, n e 111 1<1 ROIII C wino hllmly nnll hI' el r"nl, n gln!s ot It. nnd th e thing dl RII PlwnrNI." "T r('('kn n r ei hnn' drllnk n hnrrel of rum Ir T'oI hlld one hnnd y," Rn lll Jud e. d'·tllI'lnl! nll'IIY n b it . "1.1'1'" I!l't ofT. T.nrel l (Aok III. the "lIl1- II's hnlt elnll'n. COlllc'n help with lh e hont ." 'rh,,~' I!ot 1111. I\ n,1 tnltlnl! Ihe ,1In f(hy h,\' th c gllnn ('l. bl'~n n to hO\l1 her to till' II'lIt(' r, '1'111'), hlHI not Il'nt hpr more flll ln n rnllple 01' )'tI rel. ",lIl'n Jll rle ''''nhtht f'nf'cI "11 IlR thnu"h remcmh er· In ~ .olll clhln ll nml cltl"pecl her hond in l1I'r hpll<1 , ",,"I"ro' 111 . 11(,11 I "~ Mlrl ,111 '11',

::limeon Brown. Dr. H . B Berman . ot Dayton , entfl rl... luod a nomber of friend8 of t bo CIIsh Rl'gi ~ te r Co \0 II B.o 'olook dinnor on Juuo 1, 1\ '\ bi8 oouutr y hom e nel1r here , Mr, Simeon Brown and Mr. and Mrll, W~lter Kenrick attende d the fonenl of Normtl n Wh"r~ou. at hla Illte r esid ence In UakwOOd , O,,)Con . MondllY uflerno on. Mr, t\nd Mrs Wllbor Clark. Mlasee Mtlrye 'l'homlla and Margtlr et UI",k. Mra. Mury lJa rm ony nnd EvereU Chnk II tteDded OOmlDl'DCement lit MlI\ml uDlv61rlllty . .. I. Oxford, Mon. nay, where a5iS8 KatlJry n Clark IIrllduat ed with high h onora , Mr. and MrH. Cblle . Cluk vtalted the 1"~t er'8 sle,er, Mrs. Lydia Men. dlmhllll , at MI"ml Valley hospita l, lalL week. Mrs, Menden hllll re· maine In ... lIe rl o08 oondnlo n, the rf'Bolt of an automo bile aoolden t OD Bngar Creek hlll.t!on day a week ... ~o Everett Early p'.lroba sed tbe ele. ntor here from Mr. L SlmoDt on. of Lebllnon . 1811' week . M, Early tIlke8 p0888~810n thIS week, and will move all tbe mach l nory from bi~ pre8.Dt mill to hia Dew place of bnei. n tlH~ . J o hn Ap"legl lte, wh o htU! had oburlCe nf th a elevat or tor a 110m he r of yellu, will r e main with Mr. Early.

' -JI (l W d o "( IU ", ('lin ?" ~lI M h I'.

Moat C'Verybody's I(Ot 'em, though It'a powerful hard to "y, wlieathcr they are due tmmediate, or, at furder dlalant day. Yet a feUer ort to Il«ger, u he chawl hla dati, bread, ' -how tiler the gall~r PROSPEClS gIory-ln themeetprolpedr a out AHEAD ah1i!,.. s nothm' OIOre abIOrbln' to a I.ller'1 Mart an' adDd, that m t ryln' to ahape hIa prwpeck l to the IOn he'd Illce to lind I and, I ro.uldJi't think of nothln' that eM fill my lOul with dread, like a botch of gloomy plOlpecU ",hlch I. tunler OR, Rhead I I alnt uhamed to own It.- that the chid 01 my delllJhta, Ia, to drealll ot happy l'I'OIt'ee&a. ,lO I Iny awake of nlllhll . . . And I wake up In tbe momm' with my face toward the sky, and the appetite ter b.tUe- .uebbe never knowln' why I While everyhody's hapm' fer a better Itate of things, when they HWIlP these eArthly gl\Tmenb fer a pair of hem'enly "'Inga.- Yet, they better he portlekla r In the pathwllf that tread, If they'd dodge the lire an brltmtone In the prospec u out ahead I


Where ollon u mlln bo.y 11 OllP for hill kllet!? Or a key for ~hE1 IO{l k of. hiH hair? Cau ble eytlH b" oll·II ,'d un uo"dem y I beollolle tbere lire pUl'lh tb ~ .e? I 00 the ornwn of bls hoad what Kema are eet? Who t,I\Vel8 tbe hrld l> e of ble , D08e? Can he OHe when shlngltD K lhe root of hlH mooth, the na.lI~ uu Ule Bod8 of hl8 toel? Wh .. t d01l1l he rI\ie8 from Ibe ellp of bll toogue? Who plaYII au the drUID of ble earll? Wbo knows the ont anaiity Teo f tile oca' hie etomao b ye .. r"? Cau 'he orookB 01 h ie eibowl be lent to ,,,II? If eo. what did Ihey d u ? Bow doea be 8hupen biB ehoulde i' blades? be banged If 1 kDOW; do yooP




SAYS SAM: When ,oa Itve oat where yon oaa He ,be a&8ra, Wa bard to get V.,r1 radlo .. l.

~he c,plai nl'd. II WIIS IIltl' hl' r til torJ! PI nnll Rlwnfl t h.. prl'do lls time InzlnJ: nn" pln)'ln !!' abollt wIth "wuz.. nr~R ." Th l' Run WO. tnklng his ,,111111:"(' Inlo till'. ~('n . c1nrknt'RR wM lI)1on th l'lIl, nn,1 sh .. rou lll nnt On" her wnl' hnpk In the (l urk. Mno n or stnr· lI "ilt w,...,lrI h!> nf nn lll!e. 'rhe thrleldy Rf1l1rs or Iho ~lIrnh onll .1unn, In\'IRlhle from thl' Rll n,l splt I'\'on In elll~· II ~ht. wnl1lll h e r ld,,'f! 1111 nnly seve rol mill'S ollt, She C<lI\l<l not s te .. r hy the . fllr s. nn" thl'r!' wno n J!l'cnl ,w!'e11 of curN'nt ~P ttln i! RO l1'('llSt \\'hlrll m":hl tlll(p th rill tn Tlmloullt u. Rnlnn \\'mlill hll l'o dnnp th e huslness ri ght pllllllith hlln tlrOlI,lt·,I : hl1l 'he WIlB R nl ght-flln lt, ~IJ(! ('nnfp".roi It. All liol . In n IIIgllhrlO1 \19 "nlre not fnr fro m t(Onrs. li S Ih,I'Y "too ~ fn cln)! rnrh nlh r r. nnr! lit hy U.e relllol'!!e less· Iy ." Iflnl[ Hlln. "All rll:hl." snl 'l Rnt l'lIfTt'. u(1)w('t II fl. \\'(,'11 Jllsl hn\'1' to stlcll IIl're till IllI yhr(,lIk, WI' hn"e ROmo Ilnlh Iprt nnd InlS nf w:l l(' r. No u. e pulling th p 110111 fnrtlt cor down, nut 1 expect Sntlln will h .. In n 9tCll' . "I reeknn he'lI know," snlel Jude, 'MH' Rhlpwrockcd mnrln ers lOnt fl own with thplr bocks tn th e rllngh y nnl l Ihl' remnln. ot tile "gruh" he· t wcen th C'll1. Inu lthlng ~11I8 . pn 9~ln l!' IIk p ghMI" In th e twilight. hulled Ult'm. willi e th e st nrR hroke out to Inn lt nbm'!> Ille rlurltl\(', s nnd the teplll


I :WANTED·····INFORMATION ONCE a little schoolboy held a rabblt b)· the enrs. And he talked to the rn"hi t "'n ...", tim.. fOllr" he .&Id. "How lIIuch Ia IH WheD the rabbit rerllnlned silent he encked It over the hcnd with a sUck and repeated the qu ..,tlon. "How mucb Ia three lhnea foud" When he w.. ~ed why he hit the poor rabbit he Mid. "Well the teller I bought him 0« said he would multiply and he wont do notblng of the kind." Apparently botIl buyer alld wier were honest, but they didn't understa nd. The unfortun ate rnbhlt on the IIIde 11n ~. gut the wont of It.


"Dalllb ter, did I not 8M 1 0 U l\ttln, .. tbat youn, man'. lap when I paued the parlor dOor last ."entoll " "Yaa, Ud It wu very embarra allng. I wllh Tolltol' l Sharp Reflection. , ,011 had told m. to." "Good WomAn Is more lrupresalooable than b . .,..nll 1DolDever told 10U to dO mu, Therefo re In tlte Golden age tblna of tho killd I" "You did. IlDYYou thlJ wera herrer tllan men; now thl, I aold me tllat It h. attempte d to get are \IIol'1le.-1'olsloy. l-tlme ntal I mut lit OD 111Il10"PatbIDd ....


\l'itlel. "I ""r


"nc('klln I


0 Illutt!" sn ld JUlie. hp"n on 0 Frl,lny- they

f: I\Y




hprn on n FrJdny.

\\.~ ,holliel n heen 011' two h01l1'l< \>4'-

Mexico Recognlz . . . . . uty. Under tI, e 1t11V ~ of Mexico It ill twic. 81 much 011 "l'I'ense to mutilate the lace of n woma n aI that of a man. The Idea of this II a very sensible one, bein g Ioll ocd on the tact that to A ,..omon her heauty Is a Ifl'eat B8lIet; te mar It Is therefol'\) a .ert lenous per. IODal Injury.



..... I

. . .' ==



. __~of,,!""~~

'In the world of lettcu, thnt which lives ' Ui poetry IB not the half-hearted, Inbored utternnces .. r n Poet Laul'ClIte on BOrne quasi "grent" occasion, Rnlher It 18 the 8ln\ple 8tlll1&a thAt snng it8C!lf out or some iliOn: obscure poet'. heart that binds us nil with IIl'h'8 bolld. ·through collllnunity of feellllg nnd experience. 'rhc great song Is oeve~ th" orato.rlo but the bnllnd. Renl worth is alway8 unassuming '~nd naturol. High tllillklng seems Ilutoinatlcnlly to drl.w unto Itaelf the com· plement of plnln living. Knlloleon wna nl:wuya 1Il08t 8t case In the Spartnn sltllpllt:it)l of ClUl\p on the battle field. '1'0 .his 'mlncl" th~ grnt1<1., .~r Imd, splendor of hla French <'(IlIrt were 110 :on!:C!ll81ol1 lo tI.e limitations of lIie Iell ·put. '.


Omt minds I~ aa are on great wues 8!'1a11 patleDce with ~ trl.laIlt1ea of cu.tem liiiircdb~


\ VClltion.





It Ia only when the bulIdJn, II ' right, trnelll con, CipUaa. .tron, In-fonndatiOll. pDre In outlln~ that the a~teet duel ·:tet It ~an~ forth unadomed. So with haman -u. Our P.JOr terma "hom! ,.esa" .ad "'InImanIlea" IIIaJ ataad lor tJait tI1*t arIItoc: JI!1 of

.... .,..... ,.It









Re d To p Ste el Fe nc e Po sts ----- ------ ------

He dg e


Po sts

• • • •

Lo cus t , Fe nc e Po sts

• • • •

Wi re Fe nc e

• • •


Mre. ~Ilry We8t Is 80me beUer at this wrlUng . Mr , lind Mre , Weldon WI/eon and 80n, Gerald, 60S0ed to Xeula, Mon. day afterno on. Mr. lind Mrll, ' :harley Lah:d rpen' part of thl8 week with lbelr 'daugb. ter. Mrs Luther Balnl~s. Mr. and Mra . ~Imrl Balnea &Od eon. On l'Ier, took dinner w\t.h Lather Balnel and family, Sonday . Mrs . LIzzie Tbomp son. Radium K" nS88, vislte,1 nor hrothe r, Cbar. ley Shophe rd, part of thl~ week. Mr. and Mre ,l obn 'i'lIlBon and Robert were SondllY dinner !fa"'" of Mr. Rnd Mre. I:\amnel Wilson. ~~rH . Bomer Balnea Ie enjoyIn g a vlett wIth her parente . Mr Bnd M.I. T"s80 Terrell, of near New Vienns , Mr , and Mrll L'barley I:Ihepbe rd ent·ortal nt'd to Sonday dinner. Char. ley Bogan lIod fomUy, ot near CJnrk~vtlle. Rnd Lawren ce Shepbe rd qDd f"mllv, of nf'llr Waynes ville. Alhert Shephe rd called In ,be atter. noon


• • •

We Bre glad to report Mrs. W. A Merritt muoh Improv ed at this writ i ng---II ble to ride out a 11 Ule. Onr home te"m played tbe TrlangieR. of Wilmin gton, al Harrill parh, Souday , Soore II 71n favor of OarveY Rburg. MI81 I£lIzllbe ih Bomlo nl and MI811 MarglU et I:hrruon , of German town. Ky.. vlal'ed Barr~ 8. Tooker ana family the pass week. Mr and Mra, Uhaa. MoMma n and. Mr. aud Mrs ~ordon and daoghte r, ot Port William , v.erll calling on Mre , Ida Howe, t!onday evenlug . The Zion Baptist ohoroh j(ave an enterta lomeut at Town ball. SatordllY nlgbt. On I:!onday they bM a bIl8\[f't dinner, and aervloe s In 'be afterno on. A large orowd w .. ~ present .





Mile E~eIYD Tuoter , who apen' a week In German town. Ky • re'orae d home. FrIday , LeIter Gordon aud wife, of Way· nelvllle , IIpent 8anday wllb Charle . Gordon and famll\,. Mre. Nellie Beal and 'wo obll4reD :rrank Barrie, Clvde Levlcy, Harr, Bowe and Earl Cline are eajo:vID I the Dahl.C ampbel l trIp to Bnffalo . Nlagra Valls aad Tbooaa ad Illandl , 'hl~ week. Mr. and Mrll. Artbor Leller, of elnolnna &!. are movlnll ' luto the home of IIrll Emma EIlI.. Mr. LaUer had tbe ml"for' one of loelag bls foot, and has been In a orltlcal =~=:=:=:=:~=:~::::::: :::::::::;=::e ooadl&lon tor lIeverel montbl . We are glld to ba yft them with aI,

--- -- ..- - -

For~t T.' Martin


Auct ionee r

Joh n Dav ey needs you ng men who desire Intereat ing Travel Fuclnat log Outdoo r Work Fine Allocla tes Steady Advanc ement Immedi ate Opentn p John Davey's organizalion, The Davey Tree Expert Co., Inc., has a limited number of opeaings (or ambitiolUl young men betwllCn 20 IUId 30 yetU'8 of age, single men preferred. The opportunity is unusual. offering good pny at the start, perm anent employment in the Davey orgo.nizalion, nnd thorough aciellcific u.ining in Ihe profession of T~ Surgery. Advo.ncernent rapid, according 10 merit. The work i. fascin:uing,olTer. chance 10 uavel extensivtly. o.nd association with line fellows. Only clean, red-blooded young Americans, loveraof the outdoo .... need apply. Write, or ""tier"." . U S 8 " " _

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,The D2Vn: 1'ree EUjf!' rt Compaoy ~:n~3'hioaQk Bu i iD,

I am interested in l our offer . Please &end me

t:! ~~~~~::~~~dla~ ~o~:'~~~ti:~ DI:!k~f a ..•..__ ____


_____.•_._ ._

Addrcl.!l_ .••..____._ .. __... ..•.• ___ .... _ .._ .. __ _ .

Get my terms for your Public Sal~. ",.. . " , 1 satisfy and ,., sav~ you money or no charges.

Box 91~ Centerollk, OJiJo We are glaa $0 report MIIIII Inez Home Phone 2. CenlervllleE", Rloh beUer al thl8 wrl'lng , Thore will be an all-day IDe811ng I '! at tbe ohnroh bare, next"SD nday. =~~===~~~~~~~~~~~ Onr Ladles Aid me. w"h MfA K . E, Thomp8 0n, Wedoes day afterno on DR. HAT BAW i y Wm KoOra ", of nMr B't AnOlent , Wall oall\ug on old frlendll here, ODe DBNT IST day las' week. 'l'be MaDnon glrl8 bave retofne d Dental ,,, theIr home here, after a week'. aDd vlelt In Tlppeol n08 au,. General Wm. 'I.'bomp 90n and danllbt er, or Dayton. a"ende d the foneral of Ja. OFFICE: HAINE S:" BUILD ING, Dob Miller, hllre, Monday , Telepho ne i1l4, Mlslle,,' FraDoM and Vln. Bankin s, Waynes ville. ' . • ,. Ohio. of Barve:n bnrg, were Toeeda r goelta of lire. K. Ill. Thomp lon. Mr!!, Marth. [)avll " aUende d 'he aouuty 8 . 8. oonV8n&\on a' Cal'lIale , I••, week, Mre. Davl' I, eoretar v , DR. J. W. MILLER. A . B Talmag e and wife and Mre . ••• DBNTI$T~ •• JlI8ele Kiln non aUende d the Lodge Oillee III . Decorat ion at Wa1nee vllle. Bunday N'alloU/ WaJOI



ftIde. 0

Mrll. Ida C Mannon and dangh. ter, MI8s IIltbal, of 'rlppeoa noe UUy, bave oome to llpend She 80mme r with relative s and frlende bere. Ray Barrillo n and wife. Wm.Al len and 80n, ot Dayton , and Chatl. Allen WIfe and dllugh'e r. of near W8,noe ville, were 80nday l(11e.'. of Pdrp, Mary Allen.


Wayn esvill e. Ohio Nationa l Bank




We can truthfully say that Classified Advertising pays, because the Gazette's readers always r~ad them first.

Giving Blrdl • Bad Na",.. United Stat.. blololleal nne, warnl 8galllllt chariltn i the crl!D~' !If the EDIUab apar~", to oUler member l of the .parr_ow tamlly, wblch, althoup WenUal 1y 1ee4..a tlnc. P!llrforml ler.tce In Ita ratd8 on l'n~ g . de I.,., erowl ad blackbirds..





I "'If'1

, .

It ·... ..,.


'A wilt)' !'rerulbw olllU ala: J'O'IIth onl, Jme.w; eota14.. ud • cJrr.matle erlUe Wlttt. " JaUet I "'l'ble Ie • role . . aecr.e ... _ _ aW 1be .1e too elt tile



. ..






aner 11 week's vilit wltb ber 81ater, ~bomet============~==============================~==~ Mra I . A. BII,tao ot, of Dayton . Several from bere attende d Ule tabernB ole meeting a 't Kingma n, beld by Gypey SmUb. Bnaday even. .Ing. Hober' ~flrner and mother have returne d from a two· weeki vlrl. wltb Charl88 Garner and wit.,., . ~t Colam has. ,Id Mr. and Mrs. Jrrant Barrla and Mr, and Mra . (ieorge HarrIs spen' ':londay witb Mr. aud Mrs. Bno)d BarriS, of Lebano u. "r(l, EmmB Cline waa wUb h er ' par"Dt8 , Mr. and Mrs, W . A, Merritt this week. OD her vallatlo n. 8he retorne d bome, l:IuDdlloY evenlnR . Mr. and Mr8 Ray Harriso n. Mr . Will Allen and lion; IBerber t, of Dayton and Mre. Mary Allen were olililug on frIend I hert~, t3a'nrd ay night. _ _ _•• _ _- -






W. H. MADDEN Ii CO.,Waynesville,O. m ATHO~! rD · '0

. K. II: Tbompe on h". a new toar. lng oar.


Nal1lral Simplicity



------. - ..-----

Dora't Try To Lo.e Yonr Adcllna Patti's teat for a sInger Will never, aa you ml~ht suppose. "C~ you 'frill P . Can you Imitate a mocking bird'" N~ ,I t Will "Cnn you amg a limp Ie ballnd In honelt, .tralghtt o",Ani (1I8hlon P Such a bal· lad .. 'Home, Sw~ Homc'~" Thnt WIlS a tnlr test. SI;njlllclty Ihdw. quailty naked and unadorned. "nd Ia ollly genUine "o'rtll ~h!lt dares challeuge It. CrltlclSlI1I It takes both colt.rKj,'" "lid the cous,c!uuan"!'8 , ~f value . to come befOre the world WIUI all'rctRtion, ,Our uilwnp .. tlon '01 uumlleJ'lcsa little nln, P()8e& and preJudi~8 is ',but , ~ c;on'~on ",I!! nplllqi!y ,for 'wealtn.,.., . " The Itrorig ar(" I' · S • . "Imple, Simplicity. hnpliea . .traitb:" The wd , ; their delecu and thelr lAck ""th trltlu QIld frll ~ ' " , t , hiPt '&ttallll\\cnu In palntlnlJ and ICUlp~re are DQl' ~ bletdole oplc, brightly- tolored' C!aDY. . . of hnttie not: t\Je c:ampla ~Y"tu_ted • atatue IlNctIlf tll that III1qu1ded patrlcita ,auaetJ .- eleCt bi ' rw oLIdilrrenleDt. The patteat ~ctuft ill the world ' II 'a _ _ aad MihHbe,o AA the laiR of IItIII . . . . aad the eJe keen 111 Ita ~_ o( beallt,. ilia ~lDtialio Jewel.,. and drapePJ, ate atdpped oIr tIaclI MtlafadIGD III the 80wIq .....


=No, muob new8 'hIli week. Ed WillOD ball. a Dew baggy,

flirt' ."nol "wn. nll tl thC'r e I ",o s tnl klnit nnel lI. trn lng 10 your rnms. ulld h ero \\' e IlI'e on th e hench-{ )II, mom mer I" Then ufwr n Itln ~ pOlIse: "nlll ynll notice nnythlnl l lool"n ~ nnnll hefore Runtloll'n, or were you nslf'ep Rlt tlng 011 th ut spAr?" "I did scoe omelllln l1 o\'er there; lookee! like the I:ll09t or n c!OUlI." "Thnt I\'ns Rllm coy, nntl n sure 81Jl1l the l\'('nther'R golnl1 to hold, It IIflR It~elf Into the sky IIkc thot. e\·c· nlng tim es; you cnn see It (rom Lonl' reel. too." "I ",Ish I hnll known thot nnd I Ah olll<l hnl'e lookrd nt It more pnrtlclllnrl y. I was thlnkln!! ." "Whot I\'IlS yO\l tlllnklnJ: about'" HIl Inllgl \l'd. "My people." "Whnt made you tllink ot them for?" (To be oon"n ned) R. W. Kaylor blla 80ld hil pro!'. ____ _____ - erty to Mrs Nelllll Btoal.

;;;;;;;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ "

Bevera l fr om here I\U6nde d the olroos lit Dayton , lall' week. W <;!I'k: 18 now progre8 sl ng on tbe . new h uuee fur Mr ",nd M rB Peter B .. ntll . I A I ,r8 e crowd wail lu IIttonda noe at tile Child r e n 's DIIoY exe rolHe8 ! uudny e vening. Mr", Ben Jam es Is makin g lin ex I extende rl vl8l t with b e r u Dale .•J ohn H r." ll n~, at V (l r~l1 i Il Il S, Mfl lvln lIu d M~loo ln. W ooll e y, of ! O"y t'fI], lire vl ~lt in g theIr g mndpu r. : eut. Mr . "nd Mr~. W m tlr own I Mi~ s GlfLd y~ Rl'r gdn ll rl't nrned, Monelll Y e vun lng, alt e r He ve ral days vl ~ l t WIth her fr lU nd, Mis8 Kvelyn Un g les by, lit Wuyuos ville. M I .~eH Mtldrf'd UI.. rk "od Leo na M ()Olnnl~ wer o IVee k"e nd nnd oom . IDUIl ')~ ment gU P. ~t8 of MiR8 Ka'hr yn Cln rk , a t Miuml uuivere ity , Tho D .. y t on Pow elr 66 Llgbt m eo wer e workin g here la s t week , They tl xt\lDd tld tho li ne t o th e h ome of Mr fLn d Mrs , lhrry Gr .. hllm " "1'1 'rhomBa , o f Route 5. was IU II Hn to Mlurni VII lloy h osp,ttil, ~ ull d"y, IIod l\lIdllrw Aut "u opernn o n f or nppen dlolti •• Monday m orn. lug,


By H.DeV ere

= == == == ;:= == == == == "'-=-..,- ~-

'I'1-.e elperim ent of the fsrm erette In some of the eastern stntes may prpve of gl'cIllcr import to the farm e r than he imagine s. If th e expe riment be extende d to the young men of the colleges the re will soon be an inte lligent awueni ng to thc fact th at the farmer at best gets a poor share of the valu" he produl'C l. When thinking men are eompell ed to work for small wages because th e hlduslry III which they are employe d cannot afford to pay them decently , lhe wheds will 800n be aet in motion to bring about a new order of t.hings. The farmere tte moveme nt has taken deepest root in the Catskill mounta in. where New York girls are invited to spend their " vacations" by the State Departm ent of Labor. The girls will pick berries and frulu . They will earn from $8 to $12 a week above expense s. They will keep house coopera tively and live in eoltllh"CH , convert ed barns &rid tents. Of course only the Iigbtest work on th e 'arm can be affected until the plan Is extende d to include man labor. There are thoulan ds of boy. worklng tbeir way through college . The state colleges of agrlcult we might prove excellen t dist r ibuting points. WhJ1e farm labor i. supposed to be unskille d labor, the fnct is that the averase city man Is quite uselcss on the fann . At th " samc time ODe of the bat in"eatm cnts the fann cr could make would be gatherln fJ to hil aid young men of underst anding and 8Ceing to it that they learn Iblt baud why the farmer \au beea compell ed to




'" I. \ ME A.' '''' A.,' pnE ~ ,-

_ '_ _ _ _ _._~

,The Business 'Getter ' ~ays so




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AT M, E.





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. '. . e. . 't. Fe



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?hr QuaUtyJl1JlSflJ"N!lk'tYtilm( In bl~ orne

i: i


I r


Refinish your Floors and Furniture wi th Ch i· N arnel


. I

H1.NAMEL Varnishes

C are wa ter proo f, H celproof and H ammerproof because th ey are m ade with Chinn Wood Oil- treated by the secret Chi-N ame!

This is Chi- Tame! w.:ek at ou r store. You are cordiall }' invited to come an d see 1' S dem onstra t e the remar k,lble q ualiti es of Chi-Nam el Finishes.


is a chance foJ' you to get started toward greater profits-or to build up a business of your own-and it costs only . $5 to make the start.

Any one wh o

varni s h c~, sh(luld


in t his loca li t y . For lifty ~, . 'l~ Iltig liil t.: hI .,; l ,t'~11 th e world's lead er- I: : \ I ' ~ \\ 11 ,' \\'1' ,-hose it; " lIri \\,t. a rc leade rs in guod Ihi.):.!,; I,v re liLli' S why tlll' Y chose us. I I 's <1 pn.:1ly gili'd cUlll bi ll ll t i(ln t o d o business with. Sold by

Wa~eaville, Ohi~

ft • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

-res ,...,,, •

Box 91, or Home Phon~ No.2





• [!II


Bern" 11 moatllli : la _rove. 11

lee, 10 Jean.

___ a ·_


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8U1I th.1 I ..t. ,et t)llt I Wear; " ' . DO mao bllle. . . ., .0 lIlIA" h.p' ,....; , •• d ot other lIlea', JOO4, COD'


. . . WIlt!




Public Sales The undartllDed will 011'er for 1.le, a' pnblJo alio'lon, a' 'he late plaoe of bnalnHII In Wayn8lvllle, OhiO, of Waller L. Sawyer, d. oaaled.oD

white cake were sierved· by the at· tentive twin pages, dressed in circus The perlonal propersy of eal4 de. cQltume, oeued, oonllla'11I8 In par. of (irooery Before leaving, the guests went , ~'ook, ~ho" Cuee, lI:leo'rlo Boal., around tu admire and enjoy the Cooler, KerOiene Tant. Me... BlJok'lfreat profUilon of rare and bEaut!· ate. Bale to oommenoe a& 1 p. m . L M. BENDERSON, full1owerll, Peoniies, ' iril and roses Admlnlltr.'or. In· masses and clumps were a Juneday riot of color, and told eloquently of the love and car e bestowed upon them b Dr. Batton. Htl who gives

Saturday, June 16, 192J,



3rd Sunel ay a fter Trinitj . Ju ne 17: Church Schoo l at 9:30 a . m .: Service 'mel sermon at 10 :45. Rev. John J . SChA l' A·er. rec tor. Ever ybody cor· dially ill vit"d to th ese se rvice!',



Cincinnati has rd.ived its Fall Fes· tival aDd Industritll Exposition which were famous years ago. which opens Augullt 25 and clc S.~R September 8 The famous Cincinnati Music Hall will be devoted to upeciH I Fall Festl· val features and Washington Park, Om! of the city's moat beauliful open


In which Congressional district do you live? How 'many counties in this district?

m W hat ate the names of these cqunties? m What is the capitol ,Of this State and what county is it in? State, and in which . What is the .la.r~est city in this , county IS It?

These arid' many other questions,. which even' voter should"' know, can be 'answered at a glance at the new oHjo .~TA ~ MAP..~"hi~h is 1~il:tg- ,Introdu~d

Company. ,

apotll. will be the scene of a marvel· OUII electrical diaplllY coating nearly $60,000, to be seen within a radius of

. ~I m


Everywhere, Ford One-ton Trucks and Light Delivery Cars are saving more than this every year for their users. So, as soon as your truck starts running it will quickly take care of the purchase price and add n ew profits as well. It will widen the area in which you can do business, enlarge th«; number of customers you can serve-and keep your delivery costa down to the lowest point. Start now toward the ownership of a Ford Truck or Light Delivery Car- use the

u~~~~ 00 Under the terms of this .


'- Plan, we deposit this Enrolls money in a local bank at You interest. Each week you add a little more - this also draws interest. And in a short time the truck is yours to use. Come in an~ let us give you full particulars.

.HA WKE MOTOR SAl [5 Phone 156 Waynesville, Ohio


Miss Fannie Marshall died in Xenia Sunday evenin g at 8 o'clock. The body was taken to Bellbrook. to the home of her brother, Frank Mar. ahllll, and tho funer!>1 was held at that place Tuesday ilfternoon at 2:30 o'clock . Interrr.ent at Bellbrook.

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co. General Line Auto Accesso~ies Ford Replacement Paris Flash Light Batteries and Bulbs Gasket Material Bicycle Tires and Spokes Automobile Paints Top Dressing Cooper Storage Batteries Phone 17

Phillips Building



tio~l Map



Mrs. Anna Collett died at her . . home In Nallhville. Tenn, Tuesday , I JAS. A. NUCKOLS y . June 5th, The body was broullbt to us beauty Id _ Is _ourbenefactor.-L. _• ...._ _ _ R. v. WayneSVI'11 e, F ray. an d a8h ortser· I vice .was heir! at the Ch"pel, Rev. Holt officillling . Intcrmef\t in MiAt the Chiles Hotel ami cemetery. Mrs . Collett - W8S Waynesville, Ohio, FAll FESTIVAL formerlv a re&ident of Wayue I Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 township. I o'clock p. m. AT CINCINNATI

,-3B.I!'5551'EJ ~

,inu.this:community ,1)y t~'


r E ~RY

JftI'II and , 1i00tll.; t.rrltort.. .....


m m

ON """"I;.



Eleyen special Sunday morl'ing programs wlli be g iven at f errv. belrlnning wit h an excellen t service by the Sunbeam l:la s~ of boys and girls . Others to foll ,'W Boon will be Cheerrul Hl'lpers Da y. Jun e 24; ·Pa· trlotic Day. July 1; Automobile Day. \ July 8. Morning mess age. Ju ne 17. "Whv I Believe in lhe Church of Christ." Evening, the Sunday· THIMBLE PARTY school lessons to the preAent quar· ter will be revie wed with fine stereThe opening number of a aeries ot opticon pictures. soeilll entertainmE!Dts by the Civic ~warrl D. Goll er . Minister. lAlague of Harveyaburg was given by - ---,--,- -Mrs, Horace HaUvn, assisted by Mrs. A, S. Collett and Mrs. Wilson Bennett, on Tuellday afternoon, at DEATHS the bome of Mrs. Hatton. Gay canoplf:s made a flare of Mrs. Warner Peirce died at her bright color under the gretln trees of tbe lawn where o~e'r thirty guests home in Richmond , Va.• last week. were assembled. A pretty display and the fun eral was held at that of thlmbl8l! and much animated place. Mr. P eirce is the son of Mr. cbatter filled a velry pleasant after- Mr . and Mrs Howell 'Peirce, of the noon. Retreab1ng iced fruit punch Friends Home. and a generous offering of excellent

ID .UodltlClll er 10 yell'll III lha .rmy. ft. provtana t!lr ""I~ 18: .4ct1 ••






:.-----------------------1 ==='1::1 ==='13 Centerville, Ohio



4""1 . .me. I. 'rance. " dtlRa of ......~e II all"J~ ..

WiJ) sen as a whole at $7500.00, or the farm can be sold separate. I can guarantee a loan of $3500.00 on this property. This is a mighty good buy. Possession given any time' between now and first of March. We have farms of all sizes and prices.

F. T. MARTIN, ' J\uctioneer,

PE1H\I'.PS ""-ORe.

"",o\QQI,u,£S, TO


This Farm, '~rops and Equipment

For Farms or Sales, call or write

ihJ!le JdnI;v ~ I ~mm~J


Aleer Gard. of Monrovia. Cal, III vl,IUng frlenda here.

BlL(n, Tobacco Shed, .Corn Cribs: nine-room Brick House with new Caloric ' Futnace, new Brooder House. Tbis farm lias 16' acres in blue grass with eVer-~oning water, 24 acres in com, 9 acres in wheat, 14 acres in clover, atid fences are good. Full line of Farm Implements, 6 head of cattle, 5 head of horses and mules, 36 head of hogs, 1000 head chickens. Crops are' looking good. This place would make a wqnderful poultry f~rm. Close to good school and church on good gravel road.

Public Sal~ this next Fall or Spring, see me for your date. I assure you satisfaction in my work or charge nething. Ask those whom I have conducted sal~ fo~. You wa~~t .80oQ prices ~out of your sale, and that s what 'r try to get. Some dates are already talten. A call or letter and your sale will 'be given my immediate attention. .

________ t _

_-L-_. _. ._-_

l Farm 'of 63 Acres

If You Are 'Thinking of Having a

D. R. SMIITH. Agent, W aynesville 0

A special communication of Way • nesville Lodge No . 168, F. & A. M., will be beld Fridu evening, June 15. at 7 o'elo.!k. Work In tbe E. A . degree will be conferred upon three qandidatel. Sojourning brethren Ind vldwrs Ire cordially welcom• . Kenneth Bough, W. M. L. A. Zimmerman, See'y.


Oll c h t In Il ~l' pa ili l'; <1m\ rt' lll l' m l,(: r 11 1. <1 " . • have EliI' -

11 5('" 0r

age ncy for

i Ii



I i


• H ere


Fred. M. Cole • ,


The Children's DIY ••rvlce of the M. E . church "as held IBlt Sunday : e'l!enlng. under the emcient manage• , ment of the 'Mil!8es Helen Hawke • Kath erine Fromm and Olive Din · : wlddic. with Miss Edith ~irte, pre· : siding at the plano. • The program, for the most part. : was given by the very small children 4i in fl~wery coslumfi, Recitations and dialogues were followed by a : play by the ch!lllren - "Nature's S8~ eret to the Children ." Some of the • lit tie folks were flowers. others were : caterpillars,: butterfli~, breezes. : autumn lei veil. the seaBOn' . rain· : drops and snow·flakes MI88 Bea· : trice Kobitzer acted well the part of • children's fairy, telling them a beBU' . : tiful nature story. The children made a beautiful picture and iIIus· trated some beautiful truths of nature. Rev Bolt and the SunQBy Scbool • lIuperintendent, Coulous Younce botb • made Instructive talks, explaining the purpose of Children's Day, allO the offering wbich is taken to aid not only Methodist boys and alrls. but Ilny others who are d8l!erving. to : ' Ilet an ootJCatjcm along anv line of : I work In wblch a college can sid.

. process. .

, .


3D '

tblr~ pillet.

Tlie ' lIltli of the Fall Festival In· C'ludell ten !!Quares of wbat was once the hilltorlc Miami aDd Erie Canal and what today covers the gigantic lubell of Cincinnati's new subway, nwOWllbleinKcbOUNiits· OLIDATE

~ ~





The 57th annual Encampment of the Ohio G. A. R. wili be held in Co· lumbus the weak beginning Monday,\ June 25th . Encampments of the Womana. Relief Corps of the G A.R • Daughters of Veterans. Sons of Veterans, of of Veterans Auxiliary Ladles the G A. R , will and theSons also be held at this time. This Encampment promises to be the largest In many yearll, it is estimated that


lEBANON from 15 to 20 thousand visitors will be in attendance.

Enclmpml.ntNo.102, I. o. lEI o.Wa,ne F., will consolidate witb Lincoln Encampment No . . 100; at LebanoJl, Tbunday .evening at 7:30 'o'clock On account of the small 'memberBhlp bere, It Will thought wise to . make . ;'!J tb. two lod.res If. one , Several III Ifr&Ild officer. wlll 'be prllB8nt at thlll time la' anticipated. .1:1 EI tI me,. Bnd a g ood . • ._ • .

'1 "

The body at the late John H. Gard will arrive here Saturday, and eer. vices will be held at the Ch8p~I, Tuesday afternoon at 2:80, Rev Jesse Hawkins Offit:ill'tillg . Mrand Mrs. C. W. Gard w ill accompany the body to it" la st resti ng pl ace.



....- - -


The I. ~. 0, F. grand, lodlle will meet at MI~dl~town, Ohio, ~n June . 18 to 22. :rher~ has ~een ~ ~l1e program prepare~ fo!, thiS occasion. and ~n wilrlie ll~n~recHor t/:Ie next ye~r by one ot·theIr " ownsm~, Mr. G. F " Brown, ",lio will

be- lns~lled

Thill/lilt 'or ih. D.y. . " 'III deputy gr.a nd . ~8IIter. -wbich will A pntlemaD II -'h,rt 10 mad! the put him In the l'I'imd muter'. cbalr .aD 11110 forpta hlDl'leif .. the!DID in 1924. Several Odd Fellows wi ll

' • • • •JIIIIIJIiiE:::J ID.E'_EilYEJ"EEliSE'EIIEIUDiE'• • •mwile WDIIIi "


probably alteDcl fram &he I~ lod,e.


AMERICA·N GENIUS than two billion dollars _ l)Iqulnd to M ORE ~ulld the PerlftlYlvanl. R.Ul'OOd S)'IItem. '11M

American people furnl.hed the money.


This vaat transportation machine-at work day and aiJltt

in the service of the people-ilmbracea 11,680 milS of main line with a total t~ge of 27,887 milea. " It · owns more than 7,600 loromotiyes and 8,240 paaeeacer . cal'll with a _ting capacity for about 338,000 people. It. freight car.-more than 260,.20 in numba--ve rnpable of carrying about 13,631,000 ton •. During the ftnt three months of the ...-at ,.... the P~n!lsylYania Ra!lroad Syatem handled nearly . two .milllOll loaded freight can. This _i • riconI mQVeo · ment, eilrbteen per ceDt.· greater than tIie frelcht · haJidIed the period Jut )'eU, tbJrty-four per ceQt. more than in 1~1, and tea per eta. _tt... in 11120. .



To ' GlOve . , ~mendou. tralJic) 1afeIy. ad .edeDd, requlred the loyal ~~ aveiy ciaploye and coaelWlimy demonatrated the fact : that the · Pcnneylvania :RailfoQd . orpniatlaa_ -~iII:t ~ ~ geIIlus aad enl~' aoited Ita · chi' ·,perforrnanc:e 01 • pubUc IeI'Vice 01 - . . . . . . . . to · the Americ;:an .f*lIlIe, .·





,Pennsy:ly,a nia ·.(.~S~ n~

... IlIII!wI . . .oMelde........

.•. '. '


.::!eventy-Fifth Year


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. WEDNESDAY JUNE 20, 1923 Have you paid your tax t!s?


Another Jun e Wedding

Mrs. Lillie Dyer and SOil . of Genol!.

IlL, are visiting Dr. Mary Cook.



J O. Cartwr ight and fami lY s pent Sunday with friendK in Sprilll<fi chL

Saye you paid your taxes1


Ed HanbY· and family. of Dayton . Jesse Burton an " family IIl l ··lId ,·d spent Sunday here with relative s. lhe funeral of Mr. )3 UrllHl' , ~ i Ble r . at Milford . Mont hlY · Mias ltuth Chandl er ill attendi ng Mr. and Mrs . Durwllrel Vi e·e. of lumme r school at Chicalo univers ity. Dayton. were week-end Jo:lle~ t ij of W. MI'II. John F. David. of Cynthia na. E. Strou.d and family . Ky .• II the luest of MI'II. Amelia E . Mra. A. L. Sides has bet n called to William s. WiIIlam sburl. Ky.. on .·ceoun t of Mn. Anna Colema n of Sprlnlb oro the serious illness of her mot he r. apent ThursdllY with Mr. and Mn. At the county Sunday- ~ chool conJ. H. Colema n. vention recently held at Carlisle , C. Bu)' your Bola Oil Stovee. OVllns M. Robitze r was elected third viceand Wicks of J . E. Frazier . Store preside nt. open. Saturda ys. Mr . and MrA. Karl Dakin and Born- ·To Mr. and Mra Roy Smith daughte r. Mary Lou. of Lebanon , of near Middle Run. Friday. June J5, wt' re Sund"y lotU tl~t:i of Mr. and Mrs. ilIOn and a daught er. Harry Pace.

.. ~

TWO ACCIDENTS On June 13th. a very ' a&Bnt afterno on was enjoyed _ the twenty· four membe rs of tbe;!f,)jendOf LASl WEEK ship club. at the home 'of MrilllEiale I ,


• Europe Go·mg Back to Farm


Dr. L C. Gray. ~onomist of the U. So Dept. of Agricultur~ after an

~tenckd sur\' c ~

in Europe says big .,s lates arc I-.."ng cui inlo ~mall tract~ and the Il"Ople arc .. going back 10 the land. producin g 1110re (or home than commercial USCL


Miss Ethel Satterth waite has reo turned horne. after a plf:!Bsan t twoweeks visit in Dayton .

Th e regular meeting of the Woo Tbe Waynes \·lIle AthllltiCtl took an· man's Auxilia ry was held on Friday other !ramI'. Sunday . winning over afternoo n. June 15. at the home of the Trlnll~. of Wilmln lton, 6 to 1 Mias Leah Smith. MIA Smith, Mis8 The only run made by the Triailli ea \ Clara Lile and MiA HenrleU a Me· wa scored In the ninth on two wild Kinsey acting as joint hosteeses. th!ows. Adame started the game This was the last: meetlnl l betore the for the Athletic s and never wa In summe r vacatio n. and the att4Dd· danler ·durina the IIlx Inninll8 he Mce wa9 quite good. pitched . Be kept the few bits The meeting was opened . by Mrs. widely scattere d. and the opposin g Cadwal lader reading a part of the telm really had no cbance to leore. 4th chapter of 1 John. which waB H, was there In tight places and followed by the devotio nal service. kept thtl Trianll es gueasln g at every Scriptu ral qUOtatioDS were given In angle respons e to roll call. After the After the sixth. Seara took up tho reading of the minutea . the tollow· burden and was effectiv e, especially ing program wall given: lin the pinches. Several sensntiollal Ave Maria .... -- ..... .... .. ...... ... Vi.;trola plays were mode duriDIl' the game. Reading - "Japan MoveaF orward" land the Athletic s hit Bealty just . ~ ...... Miss Ka therine Prende rgast when they cared to. "Beevo " Mc· "Spring Echoes from St. Andrew 's" !Clure was in the game part way. ... ..... ........ .. .. .. Mrs. Edith Harris then giving way to Dakin . Piano Solo-" M.o rnin.g Song" .... .. There will be team out of Day· .: . ......... ..... MIB9 Mildred Hartaoc k .ton for the next R'amel possibly the Readln R'-"Bac k in Harness .......... : Y. M. C. I.. or the Studeba kers The .. .. : .......;; .......... " Mrs. Lee Hawke boys are playinll' good ball. and Readl!lg::- The HO';1se of Oppor· Manage r Kline is very well sa lisfied tumty ....... MISS Susan Wright I • h h Wlt t e team . · S0I 0 - "Th<B R " ·· ........ . Plano osary .... ........... Miss Esther Henders on - - - - - - - - - - --"Whisp ering Hope" .......... .. Victrola I Wllmln ,ton Triangl es After adjourn ment. a delightf ul ... 0 R B PO A E social hour WII,S spent. during which A,;;;;;;::-;b .• ... ... • G o o 0 D 1 o 2 I deliciou s refresh ments were served ~I~~t~~~r. ~ qo 2 n aJ ~ o 1 0 o by the hostesses. Th e following vis. n~::~lb.~~~ c.':: :: : o o 0 J o itorll were present : Mesdam es De· i.i~;: 11i;:::::::: : o o I II 0 o J U----.l vitt, Adams. Young, Gordon. Smith. S.~ub lJ. It .. . .. . ... 4 o 3O........-iJ . Cral~ . rl. . . . . . . . ... 3 o u 0 0 o Mi88es Rutb and E lizaheth Char.dl er' l 'I' I Esther Hender son. Mildred Hartsock ot. . .. .. .. . 3D H II 3 and Mas ter li'rnnk Taylor Hawke. Waynes ville Athletic s





. ..

r:.-.' .' .': :::


--- ---- --

STREETS ARE OILED :~~:~~~~. ~~~:.:. ::~: 1


Ed Burton anll Vann and Virii l

Mi811 Laura McKinsey has accepte d a position with the Farmer s Ex· change Co. all assistan t bookke llper tor the ~ummer.

ing reaulti. ,You know there's no saving in putting a "c~eai>", pai\lt. on: your property. and then have it "go bad" withm a few months. That', · why we .., Rlway' use GOOD paiat.

The Misses Henrie tta McKinsey, Margar et and Milrh'ed Clark . imd Leona McGinnis Bre attendl nlr ~um­ mer achool at Miami 11 n.lveral t.y.1

. ·tWrNA~ ciU:r.N '$AI. PAINT '· is '~od paint . !l1Jie -rOnDu)a printed on every paek~1n

The Gvpsy S!Dith tent meetingR at Kinlma n . closed SOliday evenlall , Tbe .meetin gs "v'ere well a~t~nde!1 . and ir ('e~t eood haineeult,~d. 10. It·.la , ci'aimed.


its Quality'. : It co~tainS the . ~t . materials that money can buy. If w$r8. 1onl, It· prOtects aDd:beau~ifiea your property, .and ia' aD bl· .

.. ' iVe8tme~t. , - .



.,~ .bI: _ .




',., ,', . . .



· ·'·"Oi ley~Paee. __.. .,.C .O•..' , . . • ~. ." ' IiiMw Telef~on. _ .... TI'J' the ~ · _re ~ ; '




W. N. Seara ·and family ~d B'!I'YI Gookat tended the ehtbth·smad~ commen cement, Friday, at P~ttenoD 1Cboo1. andala o eaw the p.trloU c

Mia. .-



• oJaII.....r

&w .ik ';' .






1 0 0


1 0 0



•I U

I I 2





-G 0 1

, 8

-- - _.- ..---

LODGE WORKED lHREE CANDIDATES Wayn esvill e Lodge No 163. F. & A M.• met in special commu nication Friday evening . and conforr ed the E . A. degree on three candida tes. After the work. ice cream. cake and cigars were enjoyed . Several visit· ors were present from other lodges.


0 2


• 0



0 0


0 1 0 I 1 1 0 1 0 0


0 9 0

2 0 I 0






0 0







On Sunday , June 10,1928 , thl' fol· lowing families enjoyed a pfc:Dic in a beautlt ul,rove , abci\J~;,·on~,~f ~Ile out of Cen tervllle Statlon.-.\\t belnll the birthda y of Mra. Lucy ih~od. The day wu IIpent in a d!b'tfU I manner . Everyo ne di(J )11 " ce to the excell.e nt dinner. followe d ~ ice cream and cake. The little folks enjoyed the stream of water and ':lept paddlin g in it ",11 day. Th09' wbo were fortunn te enoogb to be -tbere Wflle: F. E Hartsoc k an.~ l''n ~te, Charley Rudduc k, wife. son; &barles and rlaught er. Bettv, Raymond~art· sock. wife and two pons. Gerald and Eugene . Leroy Hartsoc k. wl~ .and son. Virgil. Carl Sherwood: 'w~e ~nd son . Morris. MrI. Jennie ~ullen .and daughte r. Edna. James ' aarl"4<>ck and wife. A late hour' founet .t6em all wendin g their . way .' t9 . .their differen t homes. ' ·1

The Comme rcial club will have another big sale day on Saturda y. , June 30th. These sales are becoming Thought for the Day. very popular and the people looking The IIhOLO;:ruphllr hus a h8r~ 1m., for bargain s are on t he alert to If be ma kes 1\ that douri't 1&011 catch them . Watch for their big like 118 . w e d OliIll' !clure wunt It; It It la JUI ad .. next week. like us. we won'l hRye It. ,,','-.':;1



. The 5c- -l Oc- 2 5c- $1.0 0 Sfor ._- e ,



Ou r Gr eat

f .

Midsummer Sale' Sta rts


There will be no band concert toInight. on account of the death of Mra. Lloyd B. Hall.

Sa tu rd ay June 2.3 ' Barg ains in All Depa rbne ntB


. -.

;, .11.. Ef'RXl r

V. thy J,yJ. y 'l& ..6.t.... ",..,.~.

. 't,· 0


1 t 0 0 3


Watch your expira tion date.

Retallick left. S~nday mornin g. for Alhens. Ohio. where they will enter summe r 8chool.




lit paintin g; rea~lts are whRt you want--'---Iong-Iut-

Charlea Brewst er fell throullh the neas of the meetlnl l. dilnt¥, .,P.'IJIh· bay shute at the Waynesville Mills menta wete lerved by Ute hOlteaB. bam. last week, and badly bruised 88tlisted by Mettdamet Irene Hender · his body . He Is able to be out again SOli and Rutb ·Beltz. ., ' I ' ,


I Bc n~u . rr . . .. . ... -4 Mrs. 1t~ll>h Vallce. of Pleasan t ('ace. c .. . , . . .... • Plain. ijp ~nl Saturda y with her pa· The oil wall Dut on eur streets. M~:":: ~b : : :: : ::: ~ Monday and Tue~11ny. Althoug h the T. Uurt<lll. d .. . . . . 4 rents. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hawke. Searf;, lb , p . . . . . .. 4 oiling was delay ed for ~ome time. it I'. !J"kln. I •.... .. . ( Frank LeMIlY and family are occu- came in at a time when it was put on Tolal• . . . . ... il pying the Hawke Ctltta2e at Miami in gnod shape by J. S. Tobltt. of . . 01 . . Th l l l 01 ' l ·l'rIan,I Valley Chllutau Qua for lhe summe r. Wyommg ........ 0J 0 0 110 , e tan kw Athl.tlca 0 1 the cemeterY. Rnd then R'O to Har· • • n H . Huck ett 111\Y9 that this week veysbu rg and finish at Lytle and next is the right lime for setting SWEET POTATO PLA:-ITS Phone61i: O~

Green. Sea l"

The program con~,!~!!d

of Jeft' Smith IItumbled and tell, one several interest ing readinll s. aid. mu· LAST MEETING Of ATHLETICS TOOK day last week. and dislocat ed his sic on the victrola . Since last'Ple etshoulde r. He Is getting along all ing. fifteen dresses have been fldI,lhed WOMAN'S AUXILIARY rilht, althoulr h it has been very and sent to the Freah Air cfiniJ~n of ANOIHER GAME palntul. Cincinn ati . After tbe .regular

o .. Ridge lpent I6veral daya Mr . and Mrs. Allen Kibler spent Havo you paid your !'axes? lut week with his Bon. Kennet h Sunday with relatiVe!! in Spring V, I· Ridge. and family. at Grand Rapid!', Ie,. While there Mrs . Kibler WIlS Miss Bertha Hyman. or Xenia. Is taken Hick. and remaine d in the the lI'uest of Myer Hyman and family IIlch • arriving home Monday . Vaney for a couple of davs . W. N . Sears and family spent Sun· Mr . and MI'II Howell Peirce ar· Miss Elma Roberts . formerl y su p· day with relative s in Darke county. rived home. Thurad ay. from Ricb· mond.V a .. wherfl they had bseu at- erinten dent of schools here. was in Robert Adams. of Dayton . is visit· tendlnlr the funeral of their daugh· 't own, Sunday , visitinl friends. Site ing his grandpa rents. Mr. and Mrs. is at present teachin g in the Bummer w. Mrs. WarTIer Peirce. Ollie Davis. 8chool at Wilmin gton college. Mra. Eleanor Seott. an accqmMrs. ROBS Hartsoc k and 80n are Messrs. William . Bryon and Je!se pUshed mU81clan, who assisted in the .rvlce at St. Mary's church two Prendet ltast, Jt'ase Thomas , Ralph spendin g a few days with relative s weeks ago. and who has been vi!lit. Smith. Lee Hawke and Earl Orndol t nt Clarksville . InK her aunt, MiA Elinbe th Carro·n . were In Cincinn ati. Sllnr!av. and saw Buy your Boss Oil Sloves Ovens left for her home in Chanut e. Kan .• rooklyn s and the lceds play and Wicks of J . E Frazier . Store .Friday. open. SaturdaYR.

-= and be sure to use



i _ __ ._


Mr . lind Mr~ W E Stroud had as Mrs. Ll oy rl R Hall rli erl Tu e~d n~· morning at \I o·clock . af t er lin ill n e~ lheir Sunday di nner gues ts, Mr. and of onl y lw'l day ~ . ~ h e waH I !I kl'll ill MrR. Durw ard Vice. of Dayton . Mr . early SUllrlay Illllrn in". and contiflu('d a nd Mrs Otho HElnder son. Mrs. E. to grow. w " r ~' II ntii dtlU lh relieve. 1 T Stroud and Mr. Claude Strond . her of her "uITerinR'''. - -. ---- -Ur. and M r~ I-Ia ll al te nded GrIlll ge T he Rncia l ~esRion o f the New ('en· Sa tu rday evenin g. when they wero tllry cluo wa~ held ~'riday evening . ni tiatt:'d info lhf' 10 ;Rle ri(,R of l hll t al tho hnme of Mr. and .Mr!i.-'f W . orde r. Bnd Mrs Hall appen r ~ d to be Whi te. Ahout Beventy·ftve membe rs in excellen t healt h und ~ pir i t s Thc IInr! l<u eslS we re p resent. . ·A fin e cause' ,,~ htl r dea th W ' I ~ ce re bra l p rllg ram wa~ render ed. Rftel" which me ni nl< ilis . deli ciu us refreshm ents were sen-ed . Mrs II all. althoug h huvi nl{ li ved ----~~ • ... he re fo~ nnl y n co uple of yea rs . has Th e Hap py Hour club met at th made mllny fr iends by he·r pleas in g ho me of Mrs. Hartma n. witl! Mrs ' perso nali ty anrl happy nuture. nnd Bunnell and Miss Bunnell ft8 MIilstant :111 were ~h n ck e<l severely to hear of hostt'ssp.s. After Ii shurt social hour he r J t!ath . Sh e leaves a husban d lhe meeting waH cailtld to order. and four s ma ll children wh o hav" Ni neteen membe rs respond ed 'to roll the lIymllut hy of the ent ire neighbo r- cu ll by lj uo tations' from Oliver Wenhood . dell Holmtls . Mrs. Reason then read Th e body was shipped at 11):25 a short sketch of the au'thor:s life thl8 mornin g to her formei' home in and one o t hie well·kno wn poemll . West Lafayet te. Ohio, and the fu - The r emainin g part of the afterno on neral will be heIr! there. wall devoted to a contest . at the close of which a ref'r~bing lunch was served . I" .• J.

Frllnlc Sears. of Dayton . wa9 in Myer Hyman and famil y nnd Waltown. Friday. ter Kilbon and fnmily SPl!lIt SUllday at the Zoo. Clark Salillbury. of Clevela nd. is J . O. Cartwri ght and fnmi lv and visiting relative s here. Mrs. Lee Hawk e were Dltyton vi ~i lMiR9 Rhea Janet Cartwr ight is {)r~. Thursd ay . vlsitini relative s in Dsyton . Miss Mary Loui se Zim,nt'r mull I. R. A. Burton. of Detroit . spent the spendin g severa l \V, · , · k ~ wil h rt·lnweek· end here with relative s lives in Cleveland .

E. M. Olley epent the weeh-en d Save your Old Carptlts alld [{ugs with hla family at Troy . Hill IOn. and !let .. Wearwe ll" Itugs I<lsde. Morrll. returne d ~itb him . Send for Drice list. Frankli n ltug CI) , Frankli n. Ohio. Mr. and Mra. E V Barnha rt and lin. Emma Barnett . of Cincinn ati, A. J. Hopper . of Wedt Lioerty . are lpandin l the week' In lOW~ Ohio, apent 11i8t week with hiB daughte r. Mrs. Lee Earnha rt, of IIr. and MrB D c. Rid,e. of Co- Dlall)ond Hill farm. lambul, vl.lted relative . her~ and lit Centerv ille durinll tbe week·en d. Several young people In Wayneaville recl Ivetl invitllti ona to the com· Ill'll J. B. Rammaare and BOn •• f mellcem en" in Dayton . last week. HQlyoke. are the Ilueata of when their friends grhdua ted. lin. EVil Miller and other relative s. Mias Elizllbeth Chandl er left. Mon· Mr. and Mn. C. W. Yoonce Sr day mornin gvfor New Conrord , Ohio arrived bere from Callforn l... Sun- where she will teach during the sum· dar. and will stay here tor Borne mer session at Muskin gum college. time. Invitati ons have been received here IIr. and Mrs Harry Murray and announ cing the graduat ion from lit Raymon d Conner and family at· George school of Miss Dorothy Shertended the Brelafo rd famllv reunion wood. daullht er of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Sherwo od. at Piqua. Sunday .


Whole Num ijr! 5547 , ..~



l'be undel'llianecl. to,eth. r with


. ali the banks of Warren county, will "The House of Better Valu~". 1 '" clOl8 at 12 o'clock. noon, on Wednee- ~;;;;;;;;~;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; da,1 durinJr July and Aulu·.t . ;;J,;.; . ! Harvey sburl NattoDal Bank. TH~ Waynl!llvllle Nationa l Bank.





Shl, direct to the Tri State. C'r eain aDd Can~ .u~~~ alCalnat .10lIl, and .. Spot. Cub Check', pro~Uy nlai!ed.


. Price:,


I Thil is BUrel, c:o~ weathe t. The reamt rain, ' Ilcled b, the bot wtatbe ril makinar the com ·rrow 690 Kenyo~·Av• I faaL '1'be lUll · wbo predlc t.l. ·THE TRI

.....____..................... I.... ··taU-....

•....... ....... ..... butak .to t.~· · · .




': .. ", "

Th. MIami Gu..~.,, Ohio.

--t-- ----

E!!! ! r ye,. 'rJ v~ ,'(\.

" I "a n :1 ~ r

bini liS

\\'U ~ lI"t'l1l g. lle'1I My. 'Whot you niiln n " ' 0\'11111 ttl" , lill" on tl \\'1Iel'6',5 )'nnr ~g~~ '" N,. II (' tiling hIm the~'! rf "nlkl'. I.orrl! I' u> ~ I c k of It nil I l'm jus l 1:"l n ~ III IllY h 're nn,1 dll'." , Th,' " . 111101"n,II' ~ I ,,' . 111 til' . P t on


hf-r 11 :,,, ~f' rl1m h l \"d to IH'r (4-IP l , took n llJnn.'p I't)l ln,\ lh(' ~,l ll . IIn .l lI u\(10 fO I

h'w-in Myel'''


1'1\ ~ s.nJ:p




more NII,' nt

~qllntl l n,l.t


Robert H , HcBru1e

ttol11 ln~




00>1. . . " Gddr:t4Bed to Ar..oo. oore 01 ..... _


nn\l'l llTe

In lh l' hll'l' \nl of tlu' h nJ\t

nus ALIm,.: My husoond and I atbmd tllo mO"lea II ~1'8o t deal. ant! 1 shtlu ld lik e to know the 01l8"' ... r8 to Ih l' to\lowln& 'IUelJlt!ollll: (1) 8hou1<1 n wlfo precede hl'r husband down th.· RI!<i(!? (2) AlRO 100\'lng Iho I'rull\\.ro, (3 ) Wblch ebould go In the row to tft~B their _te first '/ (4) Dl'f".! the same rule IIpply III church 1 MII8. E. M. So

I Da,toa'. Leadj", Place For Mea. ,

Eam. ,


Jll.chaat'. Biaaer ....Supper cab Steab .... Ciaop. 0111' 5.,ec:ialty.


Tli .: FOUNTAIN Z\, da.1 Nth St., Ollie.




S 1 7 W est F'fth , 1 L D. ENDLEMAN. PrOp. )lr---":;';::::::========~·-




39 Eaat Third St.

Beckel Hotel BUI'Id'Ina



LARGEST .beI .. oot ~.. pl.l. STATION. ERY and office outfltu.q u. ... f. CeDtrU

Garfield 1874

Home 3874



Tho Bettor P.. ltlo". Tho Lucky Man. H. that II t. ueM to live upon 11 111e No man ought to lleep launder or owe. mor. to bl. Cather'! wl,dom th an havl' ~weet.r dreaml than he who be tllBI bu a greot deal lett hIm (11) 911 1 OW08 his own farm and h .. hll dabU to bla tl\ther'. CRrB.-WllIIam P unn. "II paId.

liL: ht."

l U ll

tht·), pu t n 111:111 t o It w(" 11 1m,,\\,.

It ', hl n s ti n'

,\ holt t h 'n ,,'c'ln t'h

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~ll k"

I" rl'll''' '-Wllry. his eyPll

Ih'r nllil tl llJ.:1t t III :-:pU t 1I 1nders t f t h,')' IIx It pr(l p' h'lI ' \' ~ It's corul r H\'I ' l'ln'

If YUli Ils\( w o ; un,rh ow, It·8 hur(l l'nnll,:h," " It ,.. ,J"\' e I" Bilill H.nt ('lIrTe. "It thnt's ' 0. It hp" rs ou t 1lI~' th('(lry, 1 hl'llo,,'c ) ' 0\1

In Two ~hr ..... I:'r nl'ilwtUJla ll enid: till )'outh 0111)' kllew: If .~,. ,.uly COUld." and 8 rlrllmlllir "rlll ~ hn • .vrInen ot

\\'ollldn·t 'nllvw,"

Juli et: ·"n, t. I. " role no s ctre •• ' r on m..ler uutll .h,' I. too old to look tho




peted. Tt wus evldentJ.y hIs-Rat· clltre'_portlclpotlon In It that tend· ed oft' trouble I\nd turned wrath Into complacence. Why' Wu It becnuse he was a KUest? Not a bit I SataJl, had he been angry. would not bove bothered about that. He follO'lVed down below. and there. oe\'l' the bre nktast table. the Cleary bnslness wns cleared up. "II dedI I e ropp n as t , nlgbt." snld Satan. "an hour bef'ore sundown. nnd the anchor hndn't more than clawed the mud berore he was aboard the Juan. I expected the &I.ootln· to begin; but there weren't no Oreworks, and otter dn r k I lit out tor tlle Juan In the c'lap!llble nnd tied up nud boarded her. . All the men were In ,the foc·Ble. eatlnlr onIons a11d Dlaylll'



MONEY LOANIW "What Sorter Bug·Water'a Thill?"

I'l)untbtttts '

L,lIInell on MtlNI!:Y ohIHrt<ls. "I." seoood

bu llring nnd his fn ce Injected. "What s OI'lt'r hll~ , wnl e r' 8 IhI R)" "Urltlsh Nu\')' : Ihlrly O\'('f prnnf,"



HI~ TO "lJlf, ~OU$I!' . ' ONL.., "'THE.




DANce 11\.00\:1. f'OIt.

~~; . ~':N~6~~~~


8toOlt ,

mor~AII"~ ,

H8r~lnd. A Il~n " . ~ . 24

N<l'e@ boof(bt . ,

Bu\1rtlnR. Xenl" OhIo.

Ch'u ry, with one f'Yl! shut , sc~moo

tu rnlnll oyer III hll< IIIln,' th e nCllv ltles /lulng "n In his sto1Jlllch nntl nn Ole ",\inlp n 1'llI'Mln!!. tr lLrUl"r~ "I Wllrrltu bod "ilj.llultll>! "\\'''11. '' ""It1 he. " I'v e Ilrunk "'0"1' )UlItI IH" UPIY u h tu ln tD IHlfly u n lu ug brrll1ll ), alllJ ulle ur (\\'u nl,:;.:er llopes- ttrne l lJtlflt4 nt. r, ~; l!u Inlt"fO"', \ 'O ~ , tll ~y ,lun' l I-!et !l eu" It. Il l " In )i n tlt s, )f tU'C \U lug fht' ,unitt If' very rtu, ,,o n. N·lIlu ..e. thlluky, Well . 1'111 nnd .bIA. t hrOIlj1h T h ~ 1'... · d~ ... 1 I~~nd I'll 11.\' Il li ng wli en C'nrk "IYt!s the silt, BAllk. For f url h, 'r lut"rll1l1 \ lOn 011 \1 nll l lie's l'llt the stuff relluy for the 10 or Rddr o~~ M . \ : DltAKI£, Tr ettl" ., fU til· ... <H llr. phone :111',-:\. \."llIlIl,)n, Obio. O IT hI! wcnl.

Farmers, Attention!


"Fllr tilL' lu n,)'s sn kf',

~Htn n l

w hnt

mllli' ,.·" u slI'u llo\\' Ihnt slulT fo r?" 8nld Jude.: Sntnn look hl~ SPlit (In tll(' Nkyll ghl e,l;:c, Ihen he I!ulrl(!d, th ell he hle-

MAN IS TO BLAME It our women are unbalanced or uDBeated or out ot pla~"e. what Ie the eaWle? Who Is to blame? Who brought about thI s chenie? Tlle re 1& but one answer. Her GOII.d&creed protector Is to blame. Man 1& wbolly reBpon!!lble. Woman's plaoo Is borne. Heor throne Is the clnmestlc circle. She dldn't leave It ot ber own volition. Sho dldn't BocrlOoo ber place volun. t nrlly. Man Is whoD>, re.ponslble for the unhalanced condition of W<)lIIIln. It 1& hl8 blJ9ln_ to provIde and protect. And It Is bIB bwtlnOlJll to exercise the rlgb teoU! diaclpllpe necl!fJ8ary to a perfect home. ,. Ho hOB utterly flllled. He hu foiled throngh Indulgence. becaU90 of a lack nf courage. a sense of re8l>On!!lblllty, ond a wtlllngne118 to tace ~ .. plain duty. Ho bR8 practiced Inllulgenee until he hniJ made the womnll extremely extra'ragant. Tbe avemge I(lrl hRtes work. defll)1Ire8 dOmeRtl c rceponslblllty, ond la crimlnnlly coolPlrlni to avoId those blgb duties. The mRn hos nep:l ected to hullt'! the home. 10 millie It "ttract"·" Bod magnetic. CnnNeq lJen tly. the W01118n has gOl1c out Into till) wnrld , MOllY of tbern hecll use ot neCCflslh' hll"e !teen fo rN,t\ Int·o tIle trn<1es to U\"e. MIlIl)' of them hnve' gOl1o out Into the world becnu8e t he h eull of the fOOl· II~' dIll not perform hI s dllt:--. dIrt not mnko tile h ome h nD JlY. did 'not ~ulllte It. Wnrnen 1111\'(' he~n th';OWll Into the nerl'p·\\,mrl<lll jl con tlltlon ~ nr the o11 ter worlll line! the Rtrnll1 Is tno great. hl'r 111'r\'l '~ nrc ullsl'ttlt'ti : she IR lln ho lilU('",I , . R rr ullbnl nn" C'(1 concllt1nn hliR l' .. o,lIl L~ ' d a stil l" nf e.~trll\'nlllll1 C(', wl,lch Is jeopArl1l7.lng the whnlp 'lornt'~t l c li fe of AIIII ·rl,.n. If fllthl',Ml (10 not !!o. hnd, II) tllt'l r h nmp~, n nel l111s hn n el,. do lI i1t 11<'r· f/lrlJ1 th,'lr r111tl"R!II. hends of 1111'Ir fnmll l" •. Ih l' dome,W' li te of AWe!'· leu wll\ sulfe r Irre"umbly,


I.ACT weelC. Hil WAf PVY


A Bottle of Rum. Rntell".!' hl'lprtl In Ih e sw nhh lng an~ 1'\,,1\<h! I1", "rho' '"t<;\ ,,,, nnd ,J 'lIIn. !y.

copper!. "01'10

your hln ,1 leJ!'s 11 011'>1' you nn,1

('o r t til l'

h ott l ~


sul d

Slltn n.

(ConllDUIll OD p ••" I

Waynemlle. Ohle " ("\ At,



WA tulle :' 1'En- M~n or women to orele rs for KtlnulDe gou. ..otend bOMIt'rv for ru on . -womall lina-----=oblldreo , Ii:IIW1DRt I' Ulirtllnl( Sill. tlry .75 a week filII time, $1.50 ao bonr apare time . BHunlllnl KIIrIDIJ line. lu&erOBtioolll tllooldng MI1I8 Norrlstowo, Pa. ..:!~ • for Ip fo rm~tlon $ 10 R~WARD to tbo Ille n my of ,be 1111

(.ItU\y who Itt o le my -h ues and mln. now oet lind '"mpa reJ with look 00 myanto, W. A. tiurfllOo. j ":lO FOUND-A Hound Dog. bearIng tag No. 1510. Oo;ller e lLO hlive ~lima by o"llIng at l:iarvey Rye'll farm, lIouth oC tOWII. j ll20

I .


ror GclOd Service. . •

FUlly Equipped :"' .

Wilmington. 0., phone 301.


FtJNBJW. DlReC'IOIt "'\ ~,


" St r ew l II !-

glmrne th e wilt er jor tlll I f1ullIl 01)' holll ." He drunk till RutcllfTe t hough t b ~ woul,1 nll,'ar stol'. t hen he wcnt to th f pori rail u nd cnnceled mnttl' rs. "1I's Denl erarn Illuck .Tohn." 88111 he npologetlclilly to HntellrTe 09 hf t urnet!, wlplnJ; hIs month with the. hn l'k of hl ~ hl1nd, ". nllle likes It. but rYe no holdln' \\1tll drink." fte s't to .nnJ1 !Iud t'11 " ,'nAslrlll the mil lie hnd !Jean "'"I'I:(ng .m whl! l1 Cleury nppeared. Jude IIUt! HOII'IIIYe toolt up their jolls, UllIl tIll) OI'llInnry life of th e ~oruh resulIJ eil 1111 tllough . 1e rum In cident h ud ne,'el' been. All th e some. work could not pre"enl RntclitTe from ponrlerlng the dark Ilrolilern of !:iatRn and his doln gB. Why hod he'· not Jlut OUI nn nnchor IIg1lt lallt ulght? Why hod he swnl: lowed 0 glRSS ot rum only to unswal· low It n ... ln?


Money to Loan on Farms at 5 ~ per cent for five years.

Hod lhe a,!hl ssl!.'t t).,wn





aad 9 ,P Ili!, BII: weske ~id AIMo a Malo tiog. one YMr old' PUIRnd.Chlna. Juhn DeRoh R D 2' Wayneeville. Ohio. • . . .j, •

large Display RDoai> .




Whhe Millo Pi A Oboe&er. ble ltd register I K.

TIIt.IIoBon , :. DAY.' 'WleIB'

Carl C. tlmitb ' R D

Ohio. '


", .

\I I II g. ,11 nqulre of ! ' oynll8vllle.

:' Jy. p['A1il'8~CeJpr:V. ~OtnUo Cab


~a NE~ve 01" ~IJ

Nutil'C of AI)puilltmcnt

Jl II\\

• • •

• •

WJl)'n~~,' illc. Ohiu

~"l. llI l1", Ilnd h" rrl el' .



tllC ,).0,'1; IiI 1 ",'n't thlt l t\ •• ~ ". r h·I I,· ,'" It·s 0111 pelrlfnl't ..,1

~r .

Cleary ha. ElO ~rutil" u""l11lt \)'\\J\. U there haa been any bother. It has been between Clem ry and Sellers." "Maybe." Isold Jude. , An hour IElter they were 80 close up that they could eee the reef·llne and the line ot the wreck WIOl teUows workIng on It. Whntever hull ,hnpn enell. business wos going on ns u8unl. The three ves~el s. nnchored nn,1 8wlnglng to the thle. looked peocef ul enough. and os ther drew up to tlie oruh. Soto n . who hall jll s t nppenre,1 on deck. cnme stnOd hy th e s tnr· bn~rd rull ",ntchlng th~m , They fostened up. prepnrfng for an r:.-plnslon. None come. "Oouldn't ,!et bllck Inst nl~ht.h s nld Jude ns th e~' cnOle on board. "r,l1ft It till aunil own. nnd then I WaR ofeord ot the current. nnel sny. Sntan,' I AAW a 'I\'Uzzo rd I I wns carryIng th e eg1(8 when I sow hIm. and then I rlln nnd smnshed the lat." "A whIch?''' "A hnnt-lIttle old chnp wRlklng on the snnds. D'you rem \'mher the f1gureh end on thnt old hnrk th ey brokn up 1 last year at Rnynnn-man with n I(loss under his arm ond the oth er arm wa,'ln' his hot? Thnt wns hIm plaIn os my eye. H e up wIth hIs glnss Bnd I let one yelp. Rat'U tell you: he eow me running." "Oh. glt nlon g-gtt nlong. YOIl and your hnnts l' I'd been countln' on them eggs. IlDd here YOII come buck like a one-eyed sklte with YOllr yarns nbollt houtl!. Come al ong down It YOII w1Int some grub. I sighted you more'n on hOllr ago. ond there's colfee wnltln·... It came to natcllll'e thnt the quletllde ot Sntnn OVI!r th e hll slncss come less I from nnturnl good t emper thnn BOrne I other renson.. The desertion ot the Sarnh wns nnullny nnd n ronk crIme. Satan had been left wIth his tooel to cook. hIs sIst er hod been olf wIth nn almOllt 8!ranger for 1\ whole nl ght-

21. 2S We.t Fifth Slreet

hl'f!1'I t1p ~ ,· r l l' c1.

th· rom I \\'t'('I 'k Is 1)'lng nt t hnt I'III"p HII III t1lnt ' ~ I{\\'en In tho IlltltmlfJ nnll \Jon ltltur\,·. Well . 8M he re. wily nol 1:" 1 lhe nn"hor up nnd lIJ!'ht ont rl)l'lll 110W tor Ule other ll lllce? 1'\J~y

So ... Thro. t. An I'COntlJlllcnl nnd '1'le Jld ld gal'glo l.s su It /InrI Ini< ('wn rm ,ru t ll r. An even teaspoon of ~lI l t to n glns.s ot lukewarm WII ter.


aDd Southem Ohio.

1l lil'li llT

Wart.. 'l'be 011 of cinnamon Il8Ot! on "'"rtg will BOOn make them m.




( · II 'a" ~ .

"\\' ''nhln 'r {I II'Y?" tul ld SOllln . "The NIII ('h,' z wu"ltl he nHe r us like a cat p"u nl'i o', :-,,), l'rI mlh('r stick, It It's nIl the RI1I1W to you, II nll see the Il rewnrks. Aft .'r thnt lenve 'elll t o me. T h('rl' nn'n '{ nr n n)"~ !!ot tire hettpr of nil) wh" 11 li lY dl1Jl'ler's up. Now rll!.'n. J 1Hle. If you" 'e dnn e !!tl1t1ln' YOI1"Aelf. I11l1yhe you' II lentl u hllnd on deck. There's swnbbln' to be done."

I wlc'e


th"11 I IIlI III,' lilY plIlDII, 1 ill ,JII't \lilt ou t

In ordinary nrlllll-:"U I'CtJck uuli push ,t hllck. C'nttlnl,( mnkll8 It Gl'OlV

, fEverybody'. Book and Art Shop

"ho r .. '"



YOW' Naiil, . );e"or cut the en· Iide on your nlllls. In.leud. tuko


0' )'''11

woo't dwu!lC me

yo u'll tlnd uut," saI d Satnu. k {' P your eYl's ::J k lll l\l~l1 nOl l 'tliP ,,~kln' qu es llons, \1' ,,11. tll nt'N Wl lf'ft' \\' 1' nr t', 'rh,'y'li 1Ifl\' " t he bur· r ei of J.[lI npo\\'dcr fix"11 hy tOlllorrow to I,I,H\' ( hI' ct pc), (.n' lIer. nnt! ufo! !o'olln

'1 yet he wns [lot dlspleosed, U Jllde hnd done the business nlone. she most surcly would have been car.

..II -r..::::.. _



In g I/i !'~' nl('nl IInCl "1111 t r nl'I,(I ,·,·t " " " tllt'l , phllw"11 lIu ll' 81/111 ' oC m e, 'l' \J e ,," or ldnJ,: Hurty ,'n the r st!I'llIe,1 bllsy t'nllllgll; hilt Iht) ijll IIiS. fIII ,or for n r II' hlitHIs It'lIn!!l n)! 11 1 Ih~ rll ll ~ or s qllnltllll< II hOll1 f .. ~·. l c h e. I\. ml j:hl

U\\' h ,lt tlrf' ~ '(l 11 J;:'f1t n.c tn "".,. "I \\ " rid '" ,lit, hull thil l~ oll t In!iZ1 nl ~ h l I,\'f"re I III)nl',I" ,1 {hl'llI, !o;c .. ln~ ebl'n' \\ ,t~ n o Ughtln,:. ] ('I) IH' I 'I4I ~d thf'y'd JlIlIH'd up nn' 11\-,I' OIll" trlt'n.!!';


Complete line of army and llavy good.. Special atte-':-n • '1 rd ' .given to mat 0 er.. Strictly one price. "'-~



"~ l:Iyl t ~

(4) Y. .



nUl of


(3) 1'be I.....

Dayton. Ohio

II ,,·), won'l

uW hil i \\ 1I!i your 1U1"IUllng in not putl ln;..; out II lIJ.!h t ?" u Nlt t't! .luth' ,


Surplus $784,000.00

The Ar"f'''''''v



Til. !argus' In Dayton

' II)'

t o J!(' t Ih ('t r tnntH'y h:ll:k.,

11 1('



(l) Tes, wbether marrIed or not, Il "'omllll IIhonld nlwuys prllCC<lo IL wa n dS!!!1l tile eIBle. (2) 'nIe MIM rule holds golld It thoro I. IlUoIl • erowd on lIIust Ip8\'e In sIl\IIII m" ' 1IIier ... I!It! n may stOJ) lnl.o t h, , 10. wnlt 1M Illo Inely. when the)' CMI.1 IlO oat tU(;etnc r •


eo....r • •I...... --.... _ _..



I1l r:J n to

\) ''\'011

S1I111'0sl n' the J!'n lrl Is 111t!1'I',

o • • Ie tile Theat..

J( )[ ]( J( )( )[ )[ J( )( ](

Over 3O,C OO Accounts

,11I rl.

nnytbln&, split 8 t R l.Ilhlo. 2, Ro' 8hould orr"r It to the lAdy to him, Just snylllJ!. "Mfty I hel11 )'OU 7" 'rllell she wtn IJ\)\J la 18 oorvCl1 before I t Is PIU~lJed 00.

READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY n. buiaea ho..... ~ leader. ia their linea, and ...:.:re you value and lenKe. When in Dayton Visit Them-They Want Your Trade

n l.. nr)'·, Irt "1r

FII ' lI{lr ' ~ ~tr l ~ u nd ,,'t ' l :-; h 11 11 th p IIlttlh rr 's : t luul tllt'

, '11

d r unk Il ls p pclll.!!,(I" frolll I'up _ " ' ,'11 , t'\'rl hnc1 1\ th fll lCJlI Il! l I l d l l nr~ fl'nm ( 'u r I, on nco ('oun! o r t nk ln'9i , ! \ ( ,\\' ~'O \l "wp how t nIH. SllP I H '~ l lf til L' " r~ 'k (UI'J) R OIi C n

1. It 18 t.he mo Id'8 plftee to cteer


'II rk Iltrn ln,


a:i'll fl

GroBm: B. Pur 10 .


Resources $14,500,000.00

In with



J(' }[ H

Y"" I" IIf lt fl ll'l ~ .'lI cr8 oTPn' l IIlUd l hy th'·II1 ~ f ·"~P.s, hut ( ' ll' llT\l I ~ tlu· !-irlll'\ (>'~ , ont h an' pnlN.lll h u ):' ~t Ihnt cUlII l> llIatl" n, 11''''' thll t II ,' R Join rI

Dlalns 11 a guellt 81111 1s Halt at a tIIbkl, lIbonld be clen r It up 01' let !he mAid do It ? At It ,IIr,II,'r wbtu1! there I. un 1Il1l1'I, whe" I>u:ilil llg !.lie food . 6hullltl n III UII hclp hll1laelt l\Ht If be Is nex t In Une. ur let the girl next him ll~p beraelf 11m? 'l'h ft nk



1I ~'1t ., . \ ,

• • •

'Mil-n he r l (l~('(1 IIIR e)·PR. A mnm~nl hl'tore nn,1 he hllll he.. n lenguPR nw ny "Yefi. r w1l8 wnnl'lrl'1nll' whnt ,.nl1'<1 from ~l cpJl. hut with tho;v think of them It YOI1 sn", thel11. ('.1'1'- closIng ot hl~ eyes n drowslne"s bClllln cl olI), my nunt8." to Atel\ l on hllll. rt WOB os th ollllh Ihe "Well. rou te.kll the hun." so lcl Ju~e. tide ot sleep wpro rl 'Ing to drift hIm "y0 1l Blttln!: th eM' thinkIng of your otT. aunt. and roo running \\1lh t hpm Now, I!1ld<1l'nly. he \\'08 wnlk lng In egwlIl" Sh" stoJlJlPd nt n sudrlen : hl'r thp hlnzlng RlIntlght on the spIt. nnd memory hMI suddenly conjure,1 I1Jl the townrd hIm was wn lklng th o "WII Z. "w\J uaro." he mllre thnn thnt-n wurm com· znrd" -f\ IIttlp 01 (1 mAn In R cot'ked ''Tha t CUI'S I" sold Jude, "The ane h nt with n Iq1Ylrlo . .. IIntler hIs nnn, pnnlon It rust nl on" to!(\'lher. jUHt nS I saw." SilO wrlg\:l eO close to him who " on IHhl'(l, 1l1\'lnll pla ce to Ju,le. Rile mh:ht he with ~ntu ll . or IIDy 'stran. till tllelr sIdell tOllche,!. " S'posln'?" CllfT"lug a hutfuJ oC /lulls' ellgs. ger her fnnc,}" Hl lproved or. "Yes'" ' [I pn !"ltl'lton Innc1ecl trom ROm&He gl1\'(' up thinking, wnt r hlng her "S'posln' htl wnR to tnke It Into his 'I\'h"rr. olld JUrl l ', tu mlng. W08 callIng lind bow well sbe luwll loll tho boal belld to do a wnlk nlong hereTo him n ""esky I,rute." The words b "oke the drtl1m. ond he Thl! crylnlt ot the gul ls round the spit "Don't YOll hot her nhollt him." s old' Ratcliffe. "I'd kIck hIm Into the ~en- opened hIs err' s. The mo' ,n ho ll jnRt I llIId di ed down; nothIng rewn ln ocl but besIdes, he \\'Us only an opttcRI IIIn· rl "en. louch ln: the "pIt. nnd In b l'r I lire voko of the sea. s il en t as d umh 810n. It \\'811 my stuJlltt talk dId It" II cht. "ellted on the sn nd propJ'1~ \1p ' Mnth from the hlu o horl1.on to the "rro not bothering." 8nld Jude, on ItI! RtIItS, n spIrit crab. wt.tte 08 ' I':nnk ln g of the dInghy wl 'l!n It ": >oke, "only It·s 1\ uurued long time till flnow with rnby ey es, wall staring lit "Thfil'S her I" sudtl,mly 8uld ,lu de. morning. N'mntter :'" BIIO r<!!lt ed her Jude, "Whut 7" hand on hI s Ilhouldcr In ull the fAnlll · Drugged wIth wCQrlnesB antt ozone. "Lou_l I<ln see Ihe 81'I1rs or t he tarltJ of comp3nJonshlp: then ahe he closed hlB eves for one rnom('nt. I .Iunll an' the Snrnh. 110d th e N:,tch'·7. ... ahlfte4 her hflnt'! from hli left to bI8 de.termlned to riee up nnd drf"e tb e su ld Jude. "Look . d o. e up to lh o rtpt eb.lllder so thnt her IU'tJI WUI thing Away In one moment. When be Ju nn. Clenry's PU t III and we n ot aerou bll back. lind then lIbe fell opened his eyes aga In the I!tln WIUI tbere I I '~ forgot Cleary; dldll't beIIlent and he Celt something poking rfslng. lIavo Irp'd pick up the place so 600n. IAto bll lett 8houldel'-It ,,"'aB ber The gull8 were mew Ing and ea\llns 'J'here he Is. Oh. b-I I" DOIIeI ' 8m! had evIdently under hIs and l1ylng above blm In the blue. ge "No mntt er." saId Ratcliffe; "It can't proteetJon forgotten "hanta" and wall lying aD hla back hIs lett ann be I)elped:' "W1IaardI," torgotten blm. even. for out, and Jude's head o~ hIll Moulder. ''Ou ss them gullal It th ey' d stuck abe wal bumming a sort ot tune UD' She hlld snuggled up betllde hIm tor to theIr lay lo!! places. wc'd h nve got del' ber breath. company. and ,had tall en asleep, Her He eractly ber mentnl condl. arm waa flung over bls chetlt. It wall Uoo-mlDd wanderlng_od It was a the ~mbroce of a tired chllt'!. delight· • ~e feeling to be cat'!dled Ulte that tul to wake up as the freshness of b, a penoa who bad halt.forgotten ~ aIr aDd the new me ot the world hi. ez1Ita:1ce, except as a pl'Otec:tlon and the Innocenco of the 110wer·blue qal!uIt fears, etJpedall:r when be reo "7. delightfUl as he r hrenth. sweet membered tler receDt aDta,I9nl1111' tbat aDd warm aplost hIli cheek. As he 'II1d 4et'eloped 10 m,ateriodll7 and moved Ahe Iltlrred, grumbled lIomeU aipterloaa1:r nnllbecL He slipped thing nnder ~er breat~. IIhlfted he r IU left ann , round her to mue her bead so tbflt hlB arm was r el cosed. IIIOl'e mtortable. 'l'heD ber nOll8 and tnrned on he r other side. with her Pft plaee to ber ebeek against hili rtgbt nrm flung out on the saud. 1IhoaJ4er and abe :rawned. He conld H e s tood up. The tide wa8 10 and ,.. her rib. under ber lIIerDaeY ADt'! the dInghy only waiting to be 'tile bait,ot her he8it Jaat. beneath the launched. Not a 8811 or speck upon . .tie IlrIlP ot h,e r b~eut. the sen, .,. nteuecl heraelf trom,\ bl. ann Hp turned to where the starbORrd IIid ~blm. abont In the tltartlgbt watch WAS lying. c:llngtng stilI to MorCIl lIer bantJI ud kn_ ~ to ph.e us, and BUrred It gently with hla .-le' a IIID4 pillow. " foot. Jl1de moved. tl1rned. grumbled '"nI_ yon are I" IIlld Ibe. "Stick to be~lt. and then. aB If elect rified, lUQr beed on It; I'll talte Ilrat 'Watch. sat up dIggIng h er fiBtS Into he r eyee Yon be port watch. and r.1I be sta'. and yawning. Then s he SRt gazIng boa.-d." ' at tlle sen liS If stunned. -No. :ron WOD·t I I ' will. rm lIot a "Collie on." IIlld Rn tclltre. "we'vf blt IIlMp7." got to be sta rting. All the grub" -Nelther'm L Stlek our bead on go~e nnll n!'lIrly nil the water. hR& If; You've lotto tum In or Jou'lI be -nfOlilher. the cu rrent Is agnlDBt us. 110 UII8 tom ITOW'" " Oh. It nln't nn dI Ht l1n~e." SRht Jo ,le. ae did :. he' 'weI bid and Jude "and n te,,' minutes 1Il0re or leas don't Wok ber plaee Bltttng o~ the anne! count. W(lntlpr \\'ha~ !'lolan's dnln ~ 1" In a Minute They Were Afloat. tho do.e to hIm ' "Gootlness knows I . so ld he. "I'm Sail Spread to the Wind. "GIve UI 'a call If aJl7thlng hnp- wond~rlng whllt he'll say when we get the eggs soon'8 we'd landed nnd been back la8t nIght. Wonder what's been pena." said be. back.. , "You bet I" renllet'J lade. "He'lI Btart jawing." Bnld Jude ",nlng on?" drelUll llv a nd. fatefully and ..wltb . he r "Well." s61 i1 he. "SRtnn's nil rIght.


" ] 1(1\\ 's lht>l ~~ ..


1111,1 IIl1tt· ('Ide 10 do thun smuke on ",nidi .Tuu,·, Ju,I ... engll;!<'eI with h(,1 own Ih u 1Jgli l~ . un,1 with her eye! kt>ell"rI ror Ule Irllllcllilun" of Lont n· ef. spC'",ed nusolulely to hll\'e Co ... ~oll en him. 'l'hl're wos n n In tll cntion or th e com· 1'0nl l )O ,yho hnd slept with her arm round hIm, who hn,1 Slit almost It)\, ' In,:I)', ho lf·forJ,( clflilly. with h er IIrnl RCroS!! hi s shoul,l"r a nd hi s arm roun d IIt'r wnl sl, It ('unu) 10 hlro 8ud,lenly nn,1 with n cl1 rlouR pn ng tllllt Ju ,lij woulll n e \'1\!

(y C.

II1\' n r lldllill .. Il~ t d ~ "(..... , h\lIl1 1i\' hneJ.l: IHH,J:htn ', Thut ' ,., hll'" I fotln " th em, :--:\\ l" " :t" ~ 1I~ n l' tllo l \ ' ,\ p r, ' ; hll t J l UU .\ 011 thl .. , 1" I :1" fl'1..:h"" lI il d OS II-I."

• •"" q ~ 1IM1 OIl &ofl(ftuJll e eciJl "- ,lodlll U"<lUJ~TItd fit

Ih" rlln"h )'. ":-;11 1) " " III t1. ~ "'Mor jur." so lll JII<l 1\1' I,ut the jnr In. selz", 1 tlie U\II'I)8IU j!'unn"l. nnd mn her down , In n mInute Ihp~· w,'re nOont. IhE .nll Rltr"n{\ t o the wIn d. Juele Sleerln~ llnel 1,,>I<lI n)( the sheet. It \\' us n

111ust" otlOT\a by

t llne~ nn j(lI1tnrH - nn I\I1I'n r WlitChIInrl th" ('I"lIry rl'ltl\·., dow n In the uhlon 0 tI'Io ' I':I ' '' ~ ph'. C:urk Indllng l h~ II III r 111\11 ' 'IIr' ~ 11 il lll ' It down . cl!:orw liS hi.: n. \'''111' Ii'~ In th.~ lr [uri'll, 111111 l 'lrlt I) \\'11 II \,1 1Il11 mh ~ In


It I

bago, Cftullflownr. ' P"IlPllr PI menlo. 'ana' Eill! 'P I"ot 8& • • Bro@ • R. () Ii. IX U1 I It'~ 'f row WUI,O , :lle8,llIo on Lytltll·u..d jy\l:"

poo ... t ...a w~li


o(~"" ' CM~\J J:peuR.: A"'-' WA'I!

TP~"C;()<>: .['A·r~--Irlvll

" &0 ,I tboullllod 'l'uba"OI) L"lb r hI: B. SIIOIlaU R D ' • 0 II 'Oh , ..~. Waynellvllle 10.





EN~IN.E.-I %: • Engln..

'Gazene (lffiJ8 ' ,


, JB27 .


. Borle POwer G l"qOlre II' lb III Ie . e aJnt


TobllOOO 'Sauer. Rood lUI lIe~ . 80 lo~ of I~cin.' AI. :~~mdlh1 8~. a '!l ,J 8 ~ . .J. , B




• . n"1118!1Vllle

Ohio: ;' . jelQ ' ARQE. 'r~' Polllllc1.llhf 1;111111'1 old. ellRtble 10 q Boar, A leo .. Shropehlr. Baot .,.1...,.


1:... A. liar.,.,., a ·





'BaloodW . . .

..,..... ~

---•... THE MIAMI

The.Miami euAtte, Waynesdle, OhIo.

G,A,Z E T T E ••••


AMONG THOSE PRESEN.,L .l-ffARVEYS8URG' Next week'S relell88 'Of Literary

D . l. CIJ ANI·:. Edilor nnd Puh ) i ~ her. \\'aynt:sv ille, Ohio :UUNcri otiun Price . $l.OO per year

=== ==========:::::::==---

011( HI,'e "FUll frum the Pre~8" In

m,) vlng piuture l!oulle8 (I II over tb e ""tl on. wil l 1)6 on e of oor "U uole .lllbn ·l\ ,loHb" JOIl:HK . We "Te ill. t rmM by 1.1 ter ' ry Digl\st thll t I t~ hum"r I- hlllong th e uellt uf t lt e week'd offerings





Crltlcllm Decam" Nobl" When It Seek. Not to Antallonlu but to FOOJter a Good Work





. Let Our Town Be Heard From If tho !l'J't'1lt American hen could talk, the principles of

. i,~mocrucy wo uld BOOO be lipread over the globe, for th ere is 't: <L':C~ a IlI.lId undor the sun where the cackle of our barnyard

:"Jwl 18 not heard. . The. fi ~eal ycar of 192~ will show that approximately thirty. 111 M m1l1l0n dozon AmerICan oggs ,vere shipped IIbroad in that . ~ri ()(l , 1Ulc! if wo include those sent to our own oolonies IIlld :lIt ineluded in tho government figures IlS exports then the " Hnbe r will exct'ed forty million dozen. T o th is must. be added IC 0!!'1rI and yolk~, frozml, dried, or Milled, which brings the .11Il total up to quite a .half billi on, having a value of $12,000,000. I II the yeur procedmg t he wnr th e, value of eggs, dried and WAln, entering the United States, clliofly from the Oriont ad. Il1 c~d $~7,~O. I n 1919 it had risen to $8,000 ,000. Then Uncle : 11\ S 8clt:ntlilc dCpllrtrnent workers p erfec ted tJle m ethods of 1'C>le rviJlg the product WId in two years our importation I'opped to $3,000,000. Th eso si len.t and poo~ly paid 'Yorkers in bare looking experi. l ~n.tal room s III the natIOnal en pltlll every now nnd then add n : II lio n or two of dolla rs to tho incomo of the lllltiOll. Ther "oll id takQ a ICSllOn from tho hen and let themselv~ be heard .rom.


Mr , Ablja b CoHler hos rlltorned rr om a tWO.WOi'I K8 visl, with hiS Han Will, ur 1'0r U uud, Jod.



Tip. th, Ilrl keeps on, ~l1\n, ,0_ ...,. will be • totAl consumption of attention to \vhat a lovely rln, tb • 118,000 tODl ef Inorll.ole nltrolleD lD Itoon b!LI, ,rab Tour hRt IUId hom.. -Richmond Tlmea-Dlapatt:h. ... COUJltl'7.



to Power

Locust Fence Posts

• •,• •

,., i

'II' ; , ,I

• • • • • • •

f"'. "

W. H.MADDEN &CO.,Waynesville~O:

Mr . nnd Mr(!. Ira BuhuolI, o f Dayton, spout . tb e week.end with M r lind M r ~ . J uo Va vis.

Mr. and Mrs , Ever ett Villan, a t Dayton . we r e v l ~lf. ln g Mr. aod Mrll, B al.'te r I:3b idll k er, over t·be wee k.end.


Mr. Wilhnr Le wIM a nd MI88 Ev elyn FolkR who ~ .. y th .. ~ od lege mRrlp S oO llovor WOl'e til Il rrltld , ~' ri d8 Y f olt! of tbel r blly~ f tlr ~(JI, w h o fur. UI)!ht, lit th e home of F ra oK WII~ou. n l" e J the fnw lIllit,lIrl .. 1 Mrs Cli rl !:lhl(l.dl e r Bnd t w o sons . "'ho lia ve \.oee n c(,rlnK for be r muLbOl' for the (lust week. r e tarn ed h ome We IAre g lad to r e port t h e Hick 1111 !:luudllY eveulull. better Mr . Bnd Mrs. A , L K ennedv lind K. E Thompso n was In Dlly tOll, Mrs , .Il;ttB Brook s snd oh l)d ren w ere ToesdliY . 0,,1 1I ug on Miss LI:la Ke nnedy, of Wilmln!!ton, tirlDday . I"ou Brannon snd wife IIpent J:ol nn. Mossrs. Fred, Boward and William day In Wilminaton . Uoon and BowlUd JBoobs, of I:3 prln ~ . Mrs. Mary E. Allen ancl gralldson. fi e ld, were vi elltinl(' Mr . snd Mrs , Berbel t, werll Sunday gue"t" of J awe8 Jaoobs , S andal', Frank Bevan and family, at I::iprlng )lr . and Mnl, Tom Weloh and Bill. ba by, of Ft. DodIlI:e, iowa, Bre spend. By H.DeVere The Re,i8 are 26 ahead and, of ing tbe week w it h their parents, oODne, we are 10 far ahead that 'be Stacpoole "r. lind Mr s V{. W. Weloh. Blaee oanno' catoh DB, 8.8 they have EHlher Underwood Ilnd II'loramond only two more SUlldaYB. ~ ailed lett, f:!'u llday evening, for Mill Ethel Mannon bas taoght Hbverford college, Haverford, PIl" A Romance of where tbey will aUend tbe i'rlend8 ' Bohool for 18 years and has missed only one and one. half aohool days . snmmer 80hool. the BahamtJ.J Bow many can lI&y a8 muoh? F . L. Barris, O. E Levloy, E. E . ClIno, B, A . B owe. Mrs. Nellie Beal Several from thia I-Iaoe went be. IlluatrotioDi b, Inria t"en Bnd two dau g bt'e rs, who spent 10llt fore I,he ' County Commlsaloner8 week on the Dahl .Campbell trip, Monday al\ernoon. In the In'erellt of rep ort n fine time . tbe Oregonia bm Improvement . Great exoltemen t WliS oaused on Miss Pearl Moore wt\l teaoh our our !ltreel" Saturday evening ",ben lohool the oomluR yeAr . MlsR Alida "fltt·n In rhe monotony 01 WlirK IU tl tilBU & 1:30n, ot Spring VaHey, dill. Gray will teaoh 'he Wellman 8Ohool ll lind I'II I'OS(·tI frolll th ese consldern- pla yed tbeir eleobloal eqalpnent '" aDd 8. MIRS Sewell will teRoh the U.. ns to II slUt!' of pl ellsn nt expl'Clnn· W . P. MoCarren 'f garsge. Bioltoryvll1e lohool . cy . \\"hn l WlIlIhl th ey find In the,



"1 \\'ll tH to t:;ce her Innnrd s when the


• • • •

Mr s Harry H oogh and 80n l!, La w . r ence tlud Robert, wer o oall ing on AUlot! Hough, tlunday·.

wrl'rk. IIn, l the ex plosion of the bn rrel oC p"w(h·r. how I\'oul rl " come olr? li e f,' 11 li S p l ell~L'd 11 8 II boy about to nrc It In-ns f! eunnun nnd nnt sure whether II \\'111 burst or not. ~lIrlln l,"c<1 u mod lfielltion of th e tleek IWllr f(lr c1ennlng hi s (\l'Ck~ ; tlml Is In SIIY. Il hox IHi NI wit h stones hnv· In!! n r"II!!11 nllll nullec1 unll er It. The deck hll\'ll11: ht>\'n sprlllkled with 8Imrt, til e IIpll r lind 10 he I'lIl1ert hll ckwlIrd IIn,1 f .. ,.wllrd lIt'ter the fllshlon of a en 1'111'1 S\\'I'l)I'er. Thls WII S Hlltelllre's Joh. IInrl he WuS 1I0t sorry when It WIIS o\"Cr. Dinner wn~ sen 'cd nt I'll: ht bell s. und ~ Ntl ng Illong lownrd one o'clock tiH' ~lItl'l,,· 7. lind JU lin werl' "y lng a ll SIII·tM of 1111;(. on th o tep id bret'z\! liS n 81;:111\1 . ~dd"l1t1y. Ihllt It WIIS time to 8. daJnt,y job Is the 8aUor U4, • Ibe pe~ 0'. gN II' hll~ll1l'58. ' rntne old . . . wben the luge, plnJt 118ft that oaD't be hie!. Rllldln'c mnrle out the red and "TO tanned to ft ru_t gold. . . . ADd 8. tonG red, adeb \'ehemenL'e ral'@ to the lClener7 ternt_ tile bqan. • •• It'e whlf,' rlo g In rllt'lI !ln): 11. Ihe Irlllnl:llll1r tbe old boy, t"",b from the ba~, tha~'a ~wttb hlu .. wllh III ~ WillI I' \)0 1\ . th e rc(1 crnRS ....eet a1xteeo I . on n whl tl' I:roll l1 ') . 1111(1 the wl,lte wlth tI, e hlllp "llllLr ~ 11. D. V. S. I dote 011 tile IU7 In tbI damp _ t ..bop. who tum. out the .allor lid . . . tor the old lIaloot with the ~ "\\,1111 1 uro they Irylng t o sn)'?" he tal*. I. Yam .. the a'Yerage Idd. . , . Be pUIldOl B.1"Oaclw8J uskcd. In a manner sa)" IU)d ~ee 011 the ~ eye,-Se'. a "Oh, them 80):8." replied SOIOII. muber bold--tbollllh .. I'OOIlter oJd.-cau t aomeb0d7 Call "'j'he\,' re not I r\'ln' 10 sny nnyth ln', me wbT' Qlll.I' . fl yill' tn HI;o\\, IIl11e's IIJl. Cll rk I daran't 110 oear to ~er'. Laue, topped oat in a ..uo.r pew .. . • for tW.r I ~ht aclclle aom. Dearie'. hIlHII" Silt n full ~~ I of Ihe c'merellll walch Itl1' wife wouldD't want mo to. • • , So, I ItlCk !![!!!!I!~--+--I'-:c:::l"I':;; WlJlI' nt -now 'ow to use ml YiDll-clad porch, to keep !DT attracliOll8 hid. . • . For, Ihl'lI\. nl·lthrr. Now If you're renlly nothln' will Idndle IIIrt&Uon'. torch, like .. bran'·new ..nor wc'll I'llt ot\'. J uel!' will stick here lid I to '''' ''\1 ~h I1'." JII II" IWnll'sled. "\\'hy. Y"U'\I Sl'e the blllw,up from hl'J'e II dllrn ('(1 "I):h t hetter Ullin from thfO 1)0<1111." gulrl SIIt'nn.

It ba. beeD ..Umaled that In 1088


Hedge Fence Posts

Wire Fence

Mr. lI ud MrH . Clint Cl eave r and IlutU:hl'I' r s pen't Suuday wHb A , 'I'. Molor nnd wife.

llCem of renl impurt move us 1.0 urt::e e VI·t·y roaUor of this ncwspaper of voting age to CUlIt a ball ot in . I he

Pr1l8id e ntinl Voti ng 'I'~st b eing take n to lenrn, so far liS pos.,q lhl e, publio Nel1tirnen t rcgal"!ling th o coming elcction. If every couutry town in wh ich th e vo te i~ now b ei ng taken m O/l,l;U I'os up to 11 proper BtanUlll'l1 ot illto rcs~ the ctl'cct may he far· r eaeh i ng. This ll uws pllper, by r Cll.'lon of itt! excluHi vo frllltc!Jiti< · in th" Publishers AutoclISt e r Service of NI'\\' YOl'k, wi ll record th e "oire of snuiu town s aud f'0 l111try Amcr i(,11 wholl tho ' fina l figllrf'H 11ft · IIllnounCed, and it i· ' IIfl l't n11 t that ou r town shuu lu supply [\ representative expr I uf l o~a l o pinion. Quite apart front 'He interes t that nil of U8 take in loa rni n lo{ what our p 'ople think of the Presiden tial Contollt, II very v i llli Interest will be tak lln by politiein ns. It ia th o Rmllll tOYo'flS ll11d '.)()nntry Amorica tlill t finally mus t decido thiR PreRidentid i s.~ III'. Tho big citie!l seem wonderfully impol-tant., but only to tl WHO who live in th em. Only on e-t hird of our popul ntion JivCIi in tOWD9 of over 25,000 inhnbitunts. Tho balanco is t:iMtr ib u \Ct:\ ru! IGUowa: In towns of 10,000 to 25.000 6.6, ill towns of f).ODD 10 10,000 4.7, in towns of 2,500 to 5,000 4.3, ·in villages of le:ls than :l,500 B.S, in other rurnl territory 40.1. A really repre.'leotlltive vote from amnll towns and th o country i.!I likely 1.0 have a marked influenco on the hnn dful of men who as lenders pI ny 80 important a part in deciding 011 the l'utllr'(' guvommeut of A meri ca. Astute politicians evo r hllYC th eil' Pill'S to the ground, ami they are not apt t o fly in tho face of pr.;!,i i~ ':, ;1 :.,!, il' it Ii,' ,1, ~ ! Ii : " l.\· n ll , ll1 ~gl'('~~h' c l ~' ns~rrtcit. Vd : 1, r ~"I\:I ' (·11" :" " 1'111' 1'1'('~i , lellt 1 ·I'I!:trd l ('s.~ "I' pm·ty. K C('p '1,11 1' ::1 . 1': : ~ · " ('( ' 1," Ii' ."1111 \\i ~ h. 11I11l'1I-1 your \"II!'.

Mr. nnd Mrl!. V O. 'l'oll e s pent a few daYIi l ust week ut Indian Lake, fisbilJg

Willtum Lawson and fltrull y were vltlitiug Itl e fat ber. near WlIv n eB. v il/e , i:l uu dtly.




of Weilul!lu

LA'i l.OW AN' 6~1'" •

t.,\. .

ence Posts

, ~~

Mr . II nll Mrs. R. I'.J . Kn,l or 8pent 8u ndliv wlt,b Mr . fond M rs T Orti ROij8

n ...


Learn A Lesson from the Hen


Red T,I)p Stee

fll rrn ~.

[ l~le Jcbg tbml



Oharl es Ga,rDer, of Columbus, epeuL Suodny with bls mo,ber. FrRnk Wlls(ln 18 n()w the proad POeSIl180 r of II Dew Ford ~ouriog Oll r. MI8s MUT Hllrla n spent J::Olluday wiLb Mr. und Mrs. Geor~fJ Hllrri~. p, 0 Claget lt o f ArhoQ", III bere looking .. I ttl r 'be In terBstH of blM

(\(tel,'s 011'," slIld ,Tude. "\\·hr . Lorll hl ess me! you'll hAve dRI'S to see Ih~m In," RIIIlI Sutlln, "nml t1 1:· ....·S "n knowln' whnt mn y hnppen wh en the hlo\\,·up COJII"S, whnt with fl y In' tll1lherR nn d muck. I'll come " nck oml hrlng ~'o u off when Ule po\\'· !I(·r's fl t'L'lI. I Clln't sny tulrer thnn th nt." They I(ot Into the dlnllhy and shoved 011'. ,Ju ,lp \\'11 tehlng them. Sell er" \\'II ~ wnlll n!! fnr them on the I"l'cf, lind (' Iollry. '{'heir honts were on I h ~ ~ Irlp M IWltch surrounded by till' Cl'j) WS nllli II ctlupl e or fellows on I ht' \\'1'1'1'1; \\'ere puttIng the lost tOIl('he, t, ) tho pre\lurntlon of the chltr):\,. :"lInts WIIS ' holdIng whllt ~t"' JII c,l II ltmglh of thick 'whlte COl"!I In his hondo "lIt'r,"" Ihe tuse," anld he. "I hod It lefl (I\, er with the harrel from , thlll IIIMI wrccl<lnl; hu.IJle~s we did In the full. II '~ 0 flve-mlnutea' tuae." "O il IS It'" sn it) SatHn, llllndllng the Inl:. ' ''And where', _1qur guaJ'o nntce? i';' posJu ' It only ·ta ei a mln· ute' Alld flve minutes is uone too milch for Ihe mnn Umt IIrllJl It to get clear nf ihe reef lind T)ut out." . "Thill's true," Mid Sellers, olund oue ot 'you wlll ·huve to' do the. t1rlu' bUS}' nl'SII, Reel n' I'm lIulle." .\ . ",Whul '. lomed )'011'" "t" ell on the deck thh' mbmln'. O\'er a slush tnb 0111/ of tll em . ~-n dngoea left Iyin' In the ' dark. Near put my knco 'out.,. . . "Then Cle/lry will do the trlq)l," !!Old • I1tn)l. ~_ , C1ellr), Inughcc1. "Not me I • I'm not lame, , t)ut .,1t aIn't . my J~. R~UnIJi: 0\'t.1' rocks ~oult suit mp~ anll I reckon tb e mnn that la,8 41 IIgbt to tIl,t thlDc ,,'III;'want to be .. bound In' .kanl!lll'VQ," "ll1.1tea.d of a d-d Uke 1181e1 !'lobin, "Come on. I'll llaht It, I'ni ntlt otM rei...




'l'I1l'Y clambered 09.. tb. roeu, the roe1t btl_ ud .....

Our hoys playlad Blallobe.ter. SaDday. Blanohes t er won by the 800re of 4 t o 3 . StarkEIY and Fe81v pltohed r.he g 'lme for Blllrveyshurg . Next Sunday wo play Bellbrook. Oaly t"'"O gameH haVE' been lost, 80 far this Ileft eon ,


fn ~ f'· hnl c.



been III

worK IUlll tlna·n

:rhoae from a dlstanoe who at. tended ohuroh bere on Sunday were Rev. Barry L Lelaore and famlly, MillS Olive Carr, or GrnillY Bun, Everett Mendenhall and wife, VeTg l Miohener, Imd MllI8el Eather Mioh. euer, Sartlh Btline l'. Bel en and Hazel Bill and Eleanor Uaydook, of New Burltn~ton . Mise BaIne. fflvorecl 0 8 wUh a oouple of sonllS, and Mr8 Mendenhall told os tlbou' 'he Jew

Dr. W• E• Ftoat Veterinary Surgeon Phone 44

,'Tells Bank ' " I

Rural N I

Harveysburg, O. &11

Foregt 1.M...tih AuCtI Cin~e r 1----- 'f '




Phone 2, CeutervilleE :

l1~til)Jla l h ttll icers at New Yorl ' 10 - : wc ,:k thaI ou r Foederal Re"'''''n , )'<ICI" sho uld be built up to prop"r ly care for agricu!tllul IlJld live slock need3.

n R. H.E . HATHA~A Y

th OII":';lll l~






Gei::ral ;,





OR. J . W. MILV3t·. •••DENTIST•••

w hen you sec me

.IGldlDa.d, ...._ _ __

...... 0(TIl _ _••• _



E IIgt' li C M ryl r. Jr.. ma nage r of the \Vor F,nallcc Co rp .• tol d len

SlIllI lI ro~p lip. elaplwd rhp knee8 of his Iro u ~~ r~ " " If III ,,,,, ... 1, dUMt off th'lll, nnll prndiJ ~ t'd 1\ hox "f mOlches frOIll hi" purkl't. "\'ook h('rI'I" su ltl RllI'cllrre. ' "!t'R not fnlr. Lel's drllw lots ",bo'\1 fire the thin):." . "Nol me," ~ l tlI SOlnn. "1 wDu ldn'1 tru st one of tht)l" two with u bo~ of ITcR. let mlmc u uullllr. Now tben. sentler' for the Iion t s!" Tllt'n 10 Rnldlffe. os Selll'rs ond Cl enr~' millie nIT. "~l lIml by rendy 10



Box 91, Centervilli;'o;' 0

hl lll~"'f.




Public Sale. .~ I satisfy and save ; you money or no charges~ ..

de l'al'IUrC IIncl were nll'e"lly down hy lh " " nllts. lell\' lng onl y four mcn on th c wreck-Satll n. S(·II,''''. Clellry and

sl uwp ttl{'


Get my terms ' fof "your


cOlllln):. orr wit h Yll u,1 0ntl. If I'm blowl\ 10 hluws. look nfter the ki d." Wh on Hlltclilre rellched til e ~ trlp of heoch the hn,\lH of th e Juun nnd Nntchez h"d ~ IHl "ed off. Be could /!e" th e flllure of Cnra utnez at th e nfter, roll nf the .Ju no IlOtl Jude \\'nt chln ~ fr0 111 th e So rn h. B e pull ed the din, ghy dowlI II bit more tn tlte water lind th en. turn ing. looked lit th e wreck. Slit un wus stllndlng nl;nlnsl the sky· line, now ' he \\'(ISI down on his knees. ~'1n d now he WIlS up ogoln. The f use hllll e\'\dently lIeen tired, bllt be di d nnt ""WI!; sloorl c\' ldentl y Inoklng tn SI'(' lhllt It \\,118 burning proJlerl y, ond rh ,'n lIlo\-ed tift. ',I·ulklog. nol running. II U ri nt>t e\'en IIt1l'ryl ng hl111Sl'lt. Then he ('B me dnmherlng over the rllel(s, r Pllched tb. dlnglt)', lind the)' pU~ \Jed olr. "Well, yuU ore n cool chllp," saId Rnldllre. "I'd have run." "A;ul broke ),our l~, mnybe. Tbere', no !Iunger unl llSB a opurk got Rt tbe powder. The dumed thing wos spark· Jp' IIml 8)lItln' like ull POSSesselt when I left It. I reckon that's wily Sellera got cold teet. We're Ollt fIlr enough now." [Ie censed rowIng, and they hung drl Wng. Ratclllte looked round. The other bonts were much fRrther out. The tepid wInd had ulmost died off, 80 that til e flags on the Junn lind Nut('bez hung In whips. 'l:hey eouid benr the wus b of the ,woter on the reef and the OCC!l8IQMI IUlltlcntUU!ln of a gull .. No other soUnd broke, the ' silence of the blu~ ' alld IOrgelOUS afternoon. . "There ahe gOOfII" crloo ltatelllf9. A jet ot lIame a.nd n column of .molte 8pmng' tram the reef, followed by II clap of thunder that eonld we , beeIl heJl'd 'I1t RUlla cay. . Fl7tna ftlth and deek pla~ ftlled the ·alr, ,and on t~p oi 011 ~ the ye1l1llLOt a thoUlllUld nllll.



Oor all-day mee\lng, IBSt Sunday, was a oomplete 8000e8s, 8.8 080al. Rev , Lellure, of Grtt.8sy Run, preaohed a spleD,tld sermou, and .Jnhn Zel1, of Wayneavllle, gave UII an Interesting &alk.

\\'('Te e~t1(l1ll1 l1l g tile Ha r,., lrr!' tnok nntl ce of Ule ClII R rnrlllltlng slllrllkc frllm tho ('hnrl(e-hnl" t!ant hnt! h<'l'n Imule In Ule elecl,·rIlRln!!. Wh oll he turned again, Sntnn. \\'lIh the Bid of f'elle r8. hnd BYflrl fhi, 11.... Th e Sllu nlRh su llors

'\' h \I (I


Willing to Be Convinced. Hall's Catarrh Medicine J oh n-"Do you rpnll .1' be llc\'c tba' I Those who I\N! In 'lIo "run down" condl. nbsencl' m a kes th e h(oll rl grow tond. \ tlon will notice thllot CIltaM'h bOthers err' Loul_ "Well yo u might tl'7 It th em mu ch moro than when thoy ar" In , !luod helllt h. Thl. Cact prove. that whll. for a mont h or l wo."-The ArnerlC1l.D Co tar rh II Il local dlaBaae. It I. rreatly Lelflon Weekly. \ Influenced by constllutlonal condition•. HALL'S CATAR.RH MEDICIN E con0181a or an Olntmenl which QuIckly Relieve. by local application, And th. lntern"l Modlclne. 1\ TODle, whi ch llNl.ta Mex ico Recognize. Bea ut,.. In ImprovIng the Oenerallleallh. Sold by dru ggl.t . for over 4!l Yeara, Un der Ihe 1:0 \\'s nf Merica It \a twI« F . J . Chene, " Co., Toledo, ~blo. u mU"h 811 olIense to mutllllle tbe ~i face of n "'o m~n •• that of ft mBD. )I. Tbe Idea ot this III a nl'7 sensible ' c;. ene, being baset.! on the tact that to .. ll'omllU her bea uty II a creat alset; to I mar It Is the .... fo ...' a vef'7 aerlou. per- 'I ~DIlI Inj ury.

L.M.HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC GIJ:. lllplon Jacl! DeruPIICT Is here shown with blA trillnel'8 ID Ida cnlllP 1) 11 tbe outeklrts of Orent Falll, Mout., wbore on Ju\J1 4th. he wtlL deft:'nd hi. title agllinst Tom Olbbona. of SL Pllul. Dempaer 18 IIOW InlO boo vy trahilng. .


Waynesville, Ohio National Bank


You ask the really satisfied customer. ..




::::s__ rpent~r,

of ·liar-

v Yllbur.\r.

W h ~n the ('111 1 clime for vol un teers

I 'Presid~nt

Off on .Alaskan 1"rip I

ou ring' the civil lYllr, Mr . AllilO, th en n Is e! of 1~ Y4'ur • came bra ely for ,'

ard and offer d his service lind r i ked Ilis We in the lu~ rvi c ~ of his He en li ~ t e rl in the 79th coul1tr r egi munl , nnd se rved until the cl ose of the war , coming throug h th se perilous ti mes unscathed . He w a ~ a brllve soldier and t rue, and his recital of thrilli ng escapes and harrowing scenes throu g h which he had passed were li ~tened to ~i th admiration'and respect und will a lway s be cherishlld hy his fri ends. He WIIS a member of the G. A. I( and enjoyed attendin g the encampment meetings held nt different lIoint s where he met hiBold com rad es ond relived the scenes of his ea r lier conflicts. Mr . All en was very loyal to his friends nnd for many years was faith· ful in attendance at Decoration dllY service, where he paid all due respect Henry Allen, rormer Oon~uor or to the Boldier dead . But he is gone K aWJRs, Just bIIek frolll EuroP<' Oll from amolllz us. "Mustered out," /'iear £art Relief, Is IlIlght y hoperlll ror a .:ul,.11 re<'Overy as ng rlclIlIllrt.' few of his old comrades su rvive. and anrt a:-nt'lnNlI'II are dlllgcntly nt they are looking at a rapidly setting wu~ tbere. 8un. Be was united in marriage to Mary NOI ~o n on Juiy 31,1867 , and to t his cou ple h as be, n acccrded the rare pri vi leg e of 5(; years of r.omp ·j:Jlon. sh ip, which hl.3 been spen t alm o.!t en· AmOi S. Allell, third Bon of David ti re ly In the home ill wh :ch he diE'rl. and Rachel Allen, was born in War- Mr. and Mrs. Allen we re the par e nt ~ ren county, Ohio, on December 16, at 10 children, thr ~e sons and sev ~ n IUS, departed thlll lite, May 27, daughters, all ot whom are living ot 11128, qed 79,81n. 5 months and 11 present with the exceptien of Orie . the yuungest of the family, whohe death occurred more than one year Be wu one of a family of nine children, onJ, one of wbom survive. ago . Mr. Allen united with the FreeWill Baptist church at Beecb Grove, about 35 years ago. and hllll remained . a .foit~ful ~nd willing worker, contributing hlB time and meanB to the Now being picked, $3.50 per Bupport of the church. He waB a bushel Sabbath Bchool superintendent for LEE . E EARNHART many years and was very faithful in • the dilcharge.of his Christian duties Valley ~oDe 74-6 , Waynesv,iIIe. 0, HII home was always open to the

ST, " RV'S CHURCH 4th Sun day afler l'rinitJ . June 24 : Church Sc hool at 9::10 a . In .: Service and sermon u t 10:45 , Rev. John J . Schaeffer . rector . Every bocly cordially invit ed to these services,

FERRY CHURCH One of the best services given .n any church. anywhere, WII:! g iven by the Sunbeam clo s~ , last Lord's Day The Che ' rCul Helpers give th41 pro· gram , June 24. 'ermon- "The Declicated Life;" Evenin R', "A Ques· tio n of A ppet i te .. l~d w u rd D. Gull er. Mini ~ l e r.




A. I. . McCar thy. ex· postmaster of Frank li n. died 111 his home , 'I'hurs· day. Th e deceased was p romin ent in Democratic politics ill the countv. and W H~ well knQwn t o many he re . Th e fUll eral was ht;ld Munduy murn · ing ut the Cat.holic church in Franklin .





Th e funern l of the late J H Gard, of California , WIlS held at the Chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. J esse Hawkins ofliciating. Mr . and Mrs Will Gard accompanied the body here.


Mrs. P . E. Kenrick received word of the death of her sisler, Mrs. Ells· worth Foster, who died eudd('nly, Thursday, June 14, 1923, at her home in Shartlls, FIll.





• ' ~. 'PimllSJllrxinla 'Rdilrood

'. manna:fi·.. Excursion to

. -

@ ~• .




"... .• , .~



- -




- -

June 24th

rip $ 125; R'ound T· ,

.r. ,,18, inquire of Ticket Agent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



C·HIRO' PRACTOR . At the Chiles Hotel Waynesville. Ohio,

: llciftdaya and ThundaY8 from 7 to 9 o'clock p . m.

O" 'lIll1ll wllh IIU 0,1111',,"" II I l-it . Louta. 'I'hurMay lUIlt> :lbt. Pr~>s I,I . lIt "" n\l ll!! wIll flud,,' 111 S l"'<'< ' hc~ 011 bl M Alnskltll trill. One 81111'''88 wUI

bl' <l d I 1',," 1'.1 II' \·UIlCOII I·.. r. UrlllHh Columbia. Jllly 26th. The Itlll~ror)' I. II. follows ' S •. 1.01111<• •1ulI(, 21 sl; Kall8lls CIty . JUII(' 22nd ; lIutchl· 8011. 1, ,, " .. Jlllle 23rd: ["1I 1'er, lU1I1.' 2.'Uh: Cheyenne Wyo., JUlle 25th; SIlB l.uke e tLy. JUIIl' 26th : Pocat .. Uo. Illaho, June 28th; I(!ltbo 1"0118, Itlaho. JU DI' 2Slb ; Dlltte. Mont.. Jun" \!!)th: I1cleoa. Mont.. JUlie :!!ltI.; l';1",knne. Wosh .. luly 2od: MeocllllDl. Ore_ Jul ), 3rd: {'orllautl. O,·e., July 41 h. Dud ·l'IIcoma. Joly 611L The Pr~ 8hle nt will 8(ll'nd two weeb In AI.uka; retnrnlr'A. he "'ttl !"~ "'" ot Vqnm\lV",. R1'Itl8h (,,,,Imllhla. July 26th: Seattle. July ::''7 , ; j u t · \';tl. l"lh ':U. Jul.\' ~U S t; 1...4.1.. 1\ h;':\! H!ti• • ut:; .~ ' l...; L, (:tll , :. f. ;:~ l :!_·.,;o • 4\ U ;! It '" ·Hn.

James E. Mu"lberger died at his hom e In Columbus , Monday night. He had been a !slesman for the E. B. Huenefeld Tinware Co. for 38 year:;. ana was well known in Waynesville, havinK made monthly visit d mlnlBters and other workers at the , church and he and his fai t hful wife here for many, ycars. Mr. Muhl· t ave been noted for lheir hospitality berger 'was a jovial man and mad" in vadous ways. For many yean he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! many friends in Ohio . was a member of the board of ed uca...- - Card of 'I1aaab tion in Mauie township and still held this office to the day of his death. We desire to expren our heartfelt Be was deeply concerned in the weI · thanks to all the nelKhbor8 and fare ,. f the school and gave freely of friend's for the klndne81 and sympahili time and energy to 888idt in the thy shown ua in our recent bereaveR. D. Collett is remodeling bill ment in the loBS of our beloved hus· work of education. One of the primary fllnctioDs of newspaper advertising is to Mr, and Mrs. Allen were granted band and father, especiany do we de0. A. Pbllllps bu s sold hie garage the "reat pleasure at celebrating 8ire to thank Rev. Wm. Dudley and &0 Howal'd MoClure briog about a quick tum·over Rev. Willi8 O'Neall for their conllol· t heir golden wedding anniversary Inspection of 'be O. E. 8. ooourred in mercban:lising or. in other, and on this day they met an unbroken ing words, the quartet for their beaubere, Ifril1ay evenl o g. words, it is the busines, of tiful songe and the donors of the f am ill' with thei r C;hild ren, g randMrs. Horaoe Com p\on remalne keeping the dollar at wo rk children, relatives and friends to as- beautiful floral offering!!. Also do .onflned to her home by illnes8 There is :no profit in mercbanaist in making this a rare day to be we wisb to to thank Walter McClure William Ua.rh.n. ot ~he Lookland & Son tor tbe efficient manner In . dise that -lies on the shelves or .ob:>ol~. 1811\ b uwe fo r Ihe tHIWmer, long remembored by a ll whor;n which they conducted the funeral. in the warehouse. The profit permitted to ut' preEent . C . l'. Noggle hli M purobased 'be M re. Amos Allen and Family, comes ,"hen the goods are He leaves a devoted wife, nine chil· Thomas Hayduck property, and will ... moved into tile homes of conmove Into It loon. n_ntannnni CAp.' •• nc •• dren,~ne !lister Im~ olhe r relatives A man nevll' reallies how humo II. sumeB . B N. Lemar Ie able to be In his w,ho will miu the kindly presence of .. until be baa made a blC tool of himplace of bOlllnees. aUer sevllral daYM a loved one . . _It.- n EV'tntnl{ Transcrtpt. tIIoen 01 1l8\blDs: flUS8 Ru th Wood. of tlprlng Val ley. waH 'he gueet 01 Miss Viola Cnrry. fllll\ week Miss Ellen Jenkins hAS returned 1 to her hUmA, after several weeks villit with reldl ves In Xenill. A pa rty of young Frleuds "'tended serVlce8 at ~'lat F"rlr, ~u nday moro. ing. aod 8 ~ Wilynesvllle, dundav evening. W: C. 8mah and tamlly attended oommenoement at Ohio Wesleyan Their Bon . Forrest, WIIS "member of This weele, a dozen fields of Trum · this year 's olasll. bull and F1ulhio whl.!lit in Warren MI~s Ele~nor Haydock Wall " county will be field inspected for member of the Dabl.Uampbell party 'l'hous8nd Islands I\nd NIllgara, purity, freedom from cheat, cockle t8St week . and rye. These fields were all sown Mrs. G. P . Noggl e and daoghter, with certified seed wheat which retu~n e d Wedn68day, paBSed inspection last year . The Ulltherin9, from B ploasllot viSIt whh friends growers of the pure varie Lie~, in a tn Frowont. Ohlo meeting at Farm Bureau office, Fri· 1'he b~. nd will h old Its opening day evening, arranged the trip for ooncert ~nd ' est! val nn tbe scbool the Official Inspector, as follows: grounds, Tbursday evening. l:3el\_ H. A. Cornell and Sam D. Hen kle , Hoo llble refresbmeob; good muslo. Waynesville: M. C. Drake, Lebanon; Albert Urton . Clarksville; Carl J . Obedient Daughter. Miller and John M. Lane, Franklin; ''Daughter, dtd [ not '" 70U Rttlll, Louis Verbl·yke, J. C. Wilson, Fred JII thot young man'a lap wben I panod Woud, W. D. Hoff and Geo. Spurling the parlor door last evenin,,., "Ve.. near Mason, and Harrv T, Lewis. and tt Wk. verI emb8l'raulog. I wlsb you bod not told me to." ''00001 near Foster1l. heaveull I never told lOU to do all), ' --thlnl of th e kind t" "You did. Yuu

t t

... - ---


10______ _

,---' ----. ---~---..... 'WHEAT FIELDS



------ ..---

----- ..

HDtlmeutnl J must .tt



Florenee .PurItan

New Perfection '.V:apo

. -.

The wedding of Dr. Otto E Kr88ll, of Louisville, Ky" and Mise Ailee Monfort, only daughter of Mr and ·Mn. 'OllCar p, Monfort. was Bolem.nized at the Presbyterian church In 'Lebanon, Tuesday evenlnK, June 12. The wedding was a beautiful affair and many guests WAre pres.~nt. The JounK couple. will make their home at LoulBYille.

.. - ..- - -






Bring the first $5 in to u s. Enroll under the terms of the new, easy way to buy n Ford. Select the car you want. We will deposit your money in a local bank, Ilt interest. Add R little each weck. You will be surprised at the rate the money piles up whcn everyone is helpIng. Soon the paym ents, plus interest pald by thl! bank w ill mak e the car yours. (:Qme in-let us give you full particulars,

HAWKE MOTOR SAlIS Phone 150 Waynesville, Ohio


.Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co• General Line Auto Accessories· Ford Replacement Parts Flash Light Batteries and Bulbi Gasket Material Bicycle Tires and Spokes Automobile Paints Top Dressing Cooper Storage Batteries Phone 17

Phillips Building



a_.._ . . ._ . . . . . .

When the painter applies pain.t 'l on your house it is to your best interes~s \O -know what. that, paint i~its " ;pr~dnig capaCitY- Its appearance-its durability. You are the mart-wh'o-pa~ the-bill and who loses · if.' the .paint goes wrong. . Make. SUre . good results-the most ~tisfact:.ory and economical jo~by ,haVing .your paintt:!r use . I .





It. ill better than "any' other pr.epand paint on .the market,. or ."Iead and oil." .They make all , JjnaeeCl, Oil; 'operat~ latge. 2;mc:;lutli -~e8;d .




mmea and i, th~r, ~ry~lors in

. ......---

Wh" ., Cour... PubUe oplnloa .. you ud I


The Sherwin-Williams .. Go. s&rt!iUard

John.' Beach says if any of ' his nellbbon tee a .warm of beell that want a home: ' i't the1 win let ' hIm know he wlllaive them. home. .



. ,,"uality in eVety ~ProCelle ~Qf ' manufacture.




that It he attempted to get o~ h1m."PatbOnder. told

()ur line of' Oil,Stovel. is very corn plete, .including the

Father starts it- mother finds she can add a little-even the kiddies will contri bute their pennies and in a surprisillgly sho tt time, the whole family i ' cnjoyiI~g the pleasures of owning a Ford. Her~ 15 how you ca~ do it through the



Red Star Detroit Vapor 011 Stove





Place Your Order Now For a

. emelters, ,and '" mae tbe largest and; best ·equipped dry c;olet

pJant,in the·United. !:;tatea. TIt.,e.ndU caN in tM gDfJds. ,. . . Protect tour ilu;ert18~ ~ ~ prOpC,ty WIth SWP. ' . '.

. .. NII II"' alld

w.UI 1lI.-4ab""lI



• ,





Whole Number 5648

Here's to 4Dld Glory

Have you paid your taxea?

JU~T Are you IIII,kilill fu r an opporlun· . The nlOn lhly lurwl ll'on fl Jld meet- I Mayor ROllera did not abow up to Harry Stokes i8 drl"ng a new ltv to helIJ ~ vur cun;munity of to' ing of th e COnlm el'l'ial rlu h was held " empire" lhe game, as he aald h. IN TIME.' morrow in a practical way! Of Franklin sedan. at Philli)l~ plJrk Thul':<uny at 12 yalued his life too high to coD:le near course. everyone wants to do that o'clock . A menu l' ,)n~ i " l inl{ of such a bunch of roughneck, hke tbe Dr. LI( yd B Hall arrived hJme. Clin you hope to find a better way roasi. bee f sa nrlwi ches. II't1.uce a nd Comme rcial Club members. Sunday evenln&,. than by encouraginll the alrls of to· Will Madden tried to catch the pick les. straw berl y !lhortcake, ico P. D ela&,ett returned to Nogales, day to lay the foundationa ot healthy. cream and Ipmonade wos ~('I'v "d by b II' I ' h >- the uSAful. broad·minded womanhood? . I II \0 fII Ahstraw ha,t dmuc .... Ariz., thla morninlr. Caterer Madl ll th , aH~l s tptl by· MeM' I' "tb To lay just such a foundation is , I I . , I ~gll s t 0 t e straw , an e c rowil I cl ame~ MucH!'l I, CIIII! !Jill l'I\(·e. t f h' h fl ' 't fl .. 141'1. Cynthia Evans Is entertain. tbe aim of the Girl Scuut organiza. COPe. 0 I ~ at went Ipl y. ap. . . I h wus a deliclouH re rfl ~ t nil' I he w ole Ing relatives trom Cincinnati. tion Now. any kmd of foulldation 6O~1~ company. consisti ng of I he members ur;e of< MIBS Helen Marlatt. ot Cincinnati. I CO.BtH ~oney, you know, so the girlM their wi vl's and oth ers, fully enI ho I r her 8ummer vacation wllla'IVe you a chance to help them A.-.eR.I,/I4N joyed it, build for the future by purchasini s me 0 After the luncheon I.\Uq nv('r, th e FL.A<I Mise Clara Berryhill Is atter,dlnR' one of the tags they will offer for wid ely udvert iHed hall gam e W89 summer Bchoolal Oxford university Bale next Saturday. June 30th. played betw een Or. 1':llis' " IameinDuring the drive last winter, Day. . theheads" lind Dr. Hathaway s leam Mr. and Mra Robert Walton, of ton showed her appreciution of the "liredinthefeel " Afte r quite a Dayton. spent Sunday wltb borne wllrk and the ideliis of her Girl squabble on the umpire, who,by the tolk.. ScoutH by a gift to hl'r twenty·four nemark bJ ODO ot 'be h"n.. wh... Eddle 0,,· ley tatlod to lieS. hll Mrs. H"nnah Antram Is lit home troop8 of over J3,OOO. Undo\lbtedlv ~ galn, after a vielt with Xenia rela you will want to prove to th)a com· Ed Ricks got 80 enthusiastic that tlves. . munlty'a one troop thllt ~ou are back he ran almost to third base before ae ot the Scout movement a. heartily, wa9 put out, and didn't even hit the Mr. and Mrs. N. A King, of In· in proportion, RlI~ Dayton. ball. dianapolla. (n1, Ire visiting rela· You may aak wbether or Rot theHe tlvea here. . ilrls deaerve your backlnll". The na· Myer Hyman tbrew the ball at tbe lunch stand when some one yelled C. G Williamson and family moved tlonal officers in New York City have plate. He thought ijle ball needed into the Haint!s property, on Main bestowed upon one of the Waynea. ville Scouts eighteen merit badgea somet~ing to eat. IItrl'et. Mondllv WilY, turned Ollt to be hired by the for her knowledlle of health lawB, Hathaway gang, for all ot his close Buy )lour BoBS Oil Stovell Ovenll aewlnll". cookinll, canning, laundry· decisions were in favor:o! them . the and Wleks of J . E . Frazier. Store Inll'. nurding, entertaining, 'Writing, open, &turday". economy, cllizenahip zoololl'Y, a~tron· quite a squabble Clean your car of road oil by u&- omy, etc. Anotber haa won thirteen forming a distinctive feature during as .who was to pitch, etc .• 8S Dr. SYMBOL FLAG LAW Inll Wl1iz 'far Kt'moYer Waynes- merit badlCe8. another twelve, and 110 the remainder of the ceremony. Ellis had twelve men for that posl· on down to tbtl more recent ·n embers The flag ot the United State8 epm· "There is but one Federal statute ville Aut,o and' Machinery Co. tion, and Dr. Hathaway selected hia who have bad leEII time in which to bolizet! that freedom. equality. jus- which protects the fl It throughout CHURCH whole team to play that important F. M. C" I" amI ( .. mlly will move, win honora. tice and humanitv for which our the country from desecration . This "When the flag is displayed in position . After "thetiredinthefeet" The merit of thil movement haa forefathel'l sacrificed their lives and law provides that a trademark can· thlt! w.. "k, lUlu lh" E Vil Jones propchurch it should be from a ataff had wrangled about half an hour, attracted approximately 100,000 personal fortunes . Today thi~ flag not be registered which consists of etrty 011 Mllin atret!t placed on the congregation's right the "lameintheheads" told them "Are there any more UDdwieb. Mr . and Mrs. EUllene FOlter, ot mem~ral ~~~ IltauorSlI"alnlZ819t}i06n on representa a natl.on COf ov~r l?O.OOO'd· or comprises, among other things. 88 they face the clergyman. with the either to play ball or get off the e8?" asked Jams McClure. And .,..,IS n 'H' d n '·M 000 f ret peop Ie, I tH ~nB t I tutlon an the flag, coat of arms or other in· service flag, state flag or other fiag Buuerworth's Station. 'vislted rela· a natlona . there are, Mrs. Warren G. ar Ing. ra instltutiona, ill! achievements and signia of the United States or any on the left wall. It in the chancel tlves he're, ..... -lurday ' t herei) f . (33 'St a t .L, P. Woodrow Wil8On. Mrs. Her bert a8pirationa. eimu Iallon When it comes to sprinting there the flag of the United States should PtlrllUliti ha\llnl( Building I: Loan H'¥lver and ~ra .william G. McAdoo "The national flag represents the 720, "'eb. 20, L9015.) is some cla88 to little fellow. like be placed on the clergyman's right boukll, pleaae leave them at the are a few women of naUonal reputa· living country and ia itself conBid· DlEIPLAY Fred Hawke, Lee Hawke and Ray as he faces the congregation." ltore. J E Janney. lion who consider the Girl Scouts ered as a Hving thing, "The flag should be displayed MiII8. Together they stole ..,,_ worth booatin/r. • ' bases, Are you aoing to paint your So come along and boo~t too, next PLEDG. trom sunrise to sunset only or be. UON TS nobile? We hllVol tile paint. Way· Saturday, by helping the /rirla reach "I pledge allegiance to the flag of tween such source as deslgnat¢ by Do not dip the flag of the United Dr. Mary Cook and Mrs. Graee neeville Auto lind M"chlnery Co. their 1126 Iroal. Tnere ill no limit to the Un~ted .States and the R~pub.lic proper authority on na~lona.1 and States to any person or any thing. Smith, who were sl.ted to do Mr. and Mre. Carl McClure and tbe amount you may pay for yo'ur for.'",:'hlch .at a~ndd, one ?atl?n \D' state holidays, a!nd on hl8torll~ and The regimental color, state flag, or. the pltchinlr for their reapeetiy. Mr, and 14,.. Jam" Robbina. ot tlllf. Then proudly dilplay your dlvlalble With liberty and Justice for apecial occasion. T~e Rag I!hould ganization or institutionlll flag will teams, backed out .t the laat minDa1ton, apent Sunday In town. clylr patriotiam by wearin&' ~t in a all," alwaY8 be hoisted brIskly and low· render this honor. ute. mucb to tbe f&fret of the othar SALUTE ert:d slowly and ceremoniously. --d M 13 th J' McClure boys. conspicuoull place. Your ....tance "Durin&' the ceaemony of hoisting __ _ Do not let the !lag of the United j(roun s, ~c e , Immy MeNfII. Ed Oxley. L. A. 7Jmmer· -ill -I'n the gratl-tude ot every " I . th fl ben the fla" . d t ' I ' and Mert BaIrd thought they were man and Myp.r Hyman were bualneaa Girl &Out, or owerlng e aa: or w • "When carried in a prOCeBalOn States touch the groun or ral In the best players on the ground~, and - -Did you·everfeeHlke a boiled lob- . ,,1,lton at Lebanon, Saturd., morn•_ is p888ing in parade or review .11 with another Rag or flags the place the water. had tbe nerve to want to play on ater? Several of tbe bOYII looked . In&'. persons present 8hould atand at at- of the flag ot the, United States ia on b h 'd d th . B d the part. all rllrht. tention tacing the flag Men'8 head h . ht Do not use the flaK of the ' United ot SI es, an e umpire. uy CharJev Cook. Will StJohn, Harry C. G. Wllliamaon and famU, redress should be remo~ed with the t e rig ___ States in any form of advertising Henderllon, used all ~i8 strength to Shewood, .J!)hn Cartwrflrht, Seth tnmed bome, Saturda" after ,pend. right hand and beld at the leftsboul"Wben a number of flairS are nor fasten an advertialng sign to a keep them ~rom s~ dom g •. lalf laat week with relativ. In An· --_. der Those present in unitorm grouped and displayed from staffs, flag. Atter an interminable time Hath· Cook and Oy Frazier ~t cold feet deraon, Ind. Funel'lli' services tor Daniel 0111, aho~ld aalute with the right hand_ the Raga of the United ~tates should away'a team went to t-at and Harry and did Dot show .p. ltaJmond Conner and tamlly and wl\o paaeed away Thufllday evening, Women should atand at attention be in the center or at the highest Do not use the flag as drapery; ~ace procefed:.d to ~nock d t~e ~a.Ii The lIIustrati"ns ulled In thla artI. C. R. tlherwood attended the Ken. were beld at Mt. HolI~ ~burch, Sun- facing the flag o'r aa the flag is pallS' point ot the grolllp. use bunting, Just out olamon s. an y as cle were probably designed by Coul. atternoon .at 1:8C 0 clock. Rev. ing In parade should aalute by plac · PLATFORM Do not. drape th e flag over lhe dall family reunloo, Dear N.weutle, OU8 Younce and Frank Crew_ om~latmll. Interment at ing the rlll'ht; hand over the heart. I' I f In·d . Sunda,. ' Valley cemetery. If the national anthem is played "When ueed on a apeaker's plat· hood. top or sides of a ve IIC e . or 0 Mr. and Mn Fred Henderson; and no flsg Is present all stand at form the flag should be displayed a railroad train or boat. If it is deMN. J. H. Colemao and Miaa Kalh· attention arid salute at the firat note above and behind the speaker. It !.'irp.a to display the fiag on a motor I hFune. for Jacob . should never be uaed to coyer the car affixI the 'staff ryn Henderson were In D.,ton, Fr· d aillervlce!l .--1 hi I' f F r Id Myers. ft of the anthem, retaining the po81' t t firmly h d'tot the chas' d., afte'rDoon. • 0 epir""t,lt & Ithe h IIY a. he~. tlon until tbe la8t note of the air is 8peaker'a desk n.or drape over the sis or c amp l o t e ra la or cap. noon~ w,ere .... d at e ome 01 18 played front of the plat l/orm. , - -- ' . SaYe your Old Carpeta and ~ur. 'Val Myel'8, Dear Lytle, Sunday 'ANTHEM "When used in unveiling a atatue Do not use the flag pf the ~n~ted Harry Pac.'. bomo run and It8t "Wearwell" Rup made. attefl!oOn at 1 o'clock, Rey, Golle, "The Star.Spangled Banner" ill or monument thEI flag Bhould not be Stat~s as a rer~Ptacledtl~r r~CelvlDg, Send for price lilt. lI'~kltn Rua oftlclatlnlf· Interment at Middle reocmmended for univeraal recogni. 'allowed to fall 00 the ground, but ho!dlOg, carrymg or e Iverlng any· sprinting got home before the ball 'Co, Franklin, Ohio. ' RUn e,metery. tion as the national anthem. should be carried! aluft to wave out, thmg. could be retri eved. Then they got Another Kame ill IIChedulad for four more tallies. making the scora IIr. and lira. J. C. aawk.and Mr. 5 to O. By this time, however, old next m·onth. We bet that at leaat FRnk McDonald, 8upt!rlntendent and Mn. JOhD Fromm attended the Sol had bellin to get his work in on 30 out of the 35 members will not the Odd Fellow8 home at Spring· chrlatenln/r ot Mr. and Mt.. Ray the "lameintheheRds," and they be there. died at the city hospital, Sun· B.wke'l child, In nay ton, Su~da1' were nearly exhausted when they .ftemoon_ Tbe tuneral was There i& BOme talk of ehallenlJin, MH. Ru_lI BenBO", nee Mabel came to bat. However they made thla afternoon at Wilmington. the Meo of Waynljfjville for II ,lUIle Sali,bury, wbo haa jUlt ,racloated three runs somehow. at least the c'in thtl near future, from Ohio Weeleyan, .1IIuae". 10 8c~rekeeper counted th'lt many. lbe Dela.are Bigh acbool, nat A numb ?r of their Eastern Star AB the game proceeded the boys RalIJh Smith Bald the bat was en· The 8hareholdera of the Wayn8l!' The Commercial club has gotten and Masonic friends perpetrated a waxed good and hot, almost to the tirely too short, or he would have lin. Sue Halnea left lor ber ville National Bank. Warren county ,\ out their edition •. this wee~, and by very pleasant surprise upon Mr. and point of boiling, and after playing made more hita. He hit tbe rubber at the Ohio MalOnic bQ~e, M.o'njl.~y on May 12th vote<rto increase the readinll the ads. you can Bee that Mrs Kenneth N . Hough, at their mat more than he'did the ball. .tter apendlq three w~a h~~ \"I&- Special Patriotic program, Sunday capital atock of the bank trom $60,- thia will be a dllY tor bargai/ls in country home, Mon9ay evening. latl Itln, " . and f~leftdj.;. momln., July 1. Relrular evening 000 to $100.000 by declaring a divi· every department . . Charley Robitzer aaid it waa a fine Are you Ifolnll to paint ' ,o dr auto- "r,lcee,. Tb~ Sunbeam clase and dend of 100 per cent . out of the In addition to the articles for sale" Mr . and Mrs. Evan Bogan enter. day-for ice. mobj'le'l W. han tbe palnt. Way- the Cheerful Helpers have surprised earnings. T.he figures . .now stand the club is going to give to every tained to Sunday dinner, Mr. and D8IVllle AutoAlIii MaehlDel7 Co. tbe audienee with the moat excellent capital $100,000, surplus $60,000, un· purcbBller a ticket good for admis· Mrs Lester Compton and da ughter. '.. prolrams Great interest la bf!ing divided profitH $16,000. . sion to the picture ahow . The film Mildred, of-Xenia. and Mr. and Mrs_ MIM Ada Micbener 8rrl"~ home, . In tbe Bible school July Mr. William H. AII,n, preal~entof to be IIhown i8 Alice Calboun, in "A Raleigh Bogall and daughter, Doro.'rlUlk Crow ... ked tor .. Thurl!day from a ·trlp I!lBilt. She at· will be Automobile Day, on ~hlch the bank, is lar&,ely 'responalble for Glrl'a Desire," and ia aaid to be a thY, of near New Burlington. tended eomml'ncement at Holyok" I drivers of'machlnl!8 will be given ateady growth and suceeea of fineyne , Also Kino,ram New8 reel. five innings they stopped, because oollege and vllllrt!oJ relatlvllllilt Pltls· a copy of a helpful booklet, "Recog- this institution. He has been con· the plllyers were lIO tired "a capite • _ ...._ __ burg, PIA. . nized. Road Lawa .. . Sunday dinner gueats of Mr. Seth ad calcem ), Such actions from Borne tlnuously .:onnected wltb if tor more Mr and MfII CharI. Manning and ~ward D. Goller, Minister. Coek and family were: Mra. Lillia of tbe younger boys, say, for in· The Federal and State plan of b0Dyer and son, John, of Genoa, Ill., !ltanee, Madden, Wal~er McClure. Mr 'and Mrll a"d Mon, oH.ena, vine tuberculosis eradicatioa of the Hes.'1ie White and daulrhter, Henderson;Ellis, John HawkE',Crane Mrs. 1875. He holds the diatinctlon of . Miami cuunt.v, d rclY~ 1h r"u~h, Sun· Geraldine, and son, Horace, of Day· and others, wa'S almost overwhalm- United Statea as completely earned day, and "pt'nt the day with IIr, and Have you paid your laxesT being dean ot 'the Warren county out Ihould. eventually lead to tb. , ton. Supt. Steddom and wife, of ing. . Mrr.',Moth l" .. Rirl..,,,. bankera. ." . Lebanon, al80 called during the The scoreke~per, a'v the close ot eradication of the dieeue In lbla McKay and tamlly, of Day. . The other officers are: J. O. Cart. afternoon . the game, said the Bcore was 20 count~ . Out of the 1278 e.,~" StnlCia, the'lfueata of J , E- wright, vlce-preaident; Gearle E. tested in Warren county laat f.U, Riley, vice-president; L , •.' -~4mder. The Waynesvme. A.thletlcs were ."'IOU'.,. -'nd .famll,. ~ t only about S per cent were found to son cuhier -The Obio blmker , scheduled to play the Dayton Fede.r. be tubercul!lr. ,In aorpe j areaa , ttl~ • . . • > " ala lut Sunday IItternoon, at Phil· disease is aald to be Dreient not I... . • _. . II~ park, but only, fo~r o\f tha pla.y• than 1 per cent Qf ~ca.t~le.· ," _ erl showed up. After a long walt, By ~rrylng Ollt teat ol'l tbtr+ plan tubea:culolla t~bl and • 4 spread of the dit\eUe " 1I mueh. ,. ' .' . ri\np ot practice ,were indulll"ed In friends for their BIIIIlllt-.nce and um~ c"mple~ly elim'J;labid, .1'OIe IH!r _ . 5th Suuday !!te~. T"lni~J:. Jul~ I:· ,The FederaiiallleltPa.Yton .toKe~her p~thiea in our ber~vement In the l ~ore ~ 1.000.000 eatde ha" .... Church School at 9.80;" m., .Service 'but one niacblnE' Ifot lato troul;IIe, ,to1081 01 our J,.r: wlte and mother. '. tested tor the tllberc~ :.~ . " . and ' l8rmoo at. .~9:~, R;e"~ J~~ ~ ~fd. and ~everl showlCi up. - . We al80 thapk the dol!l9n of· tila ' Pnd 011.. ca..... ~ " ,"',dl.'11 Qlltematie work ... __ .. , I . , " . Scbaetrer,~. E,.".b0d7 Tbl81a the MCOnd ..-e achaduled "-utltlll ft.oral otrerfqa. , . . . • . ·8.".~Q paid J.!)ur tax~ d~1J tn.. ted to th..-'.r·vte-.. with DQtoII.t.eu1i! that bu ftsaIed, , Dr. LloJd 0; Ban aildFamiI,.. to I In fa"or o.f Dr. Hathaw., I 1918, . II - ~ IIaDI of the ~ aroWlCla, '. _ • te..m, but thia could not be relied 01 oil ChM. ....... ___ . . P.Uce • • Dr. ElI• ..,.thattbe . . . . -...- ., _,__....











{ZiJciiiJ1 ' _




.- ..---


~~a~:: ~;:~!a~:!,ata;::u:!~h ~~ ANOTHER FIZZLE





CARD 'OF THANKS 'S CHURCH . 5T MARY ~,'. , :.~ ~" .:;:i~~=~~~;::e~~a::eae':::~: an~~!~~;~~ :'::S'toQ~~eai~c:nr; '

111._111_....,...,tJ.D"",,, ...


~.. W..paeranclJ. It,~ W~ of .......l.... bl~ to4v ....



~ for tbI ...... 0

,,'eta. ~pon _.....,~ 11.J.G,





Have 0 ee eading Our Monthly Bargain Bulletins! Every article that we haye advert ised is orw a nd IIf the highest quality. No shop worn goods with li S. We buy to sell, and sell to buy aga in. So we otTer you a nother staple bargain Jist to draw from.

Keep Your Money at Home

a DeSll

Money deposited in savings~ institutions ~ in the cities helps the building operation. of those cities :lnd takes the money from the rural communities. ' To borrow money from these institutions, you IUlIst give a mortgage on real estate, furnish an abs tract of title, aud pay, the maximum rate of interest.

IWelcomes Pomona Grange and EveryboJ)




If yo u keep your money at home, if is always available for short time loans l to i farmers aml

business men .

Saturday, June 30, 1923, is the date


We pay

We still have a few SCREEN DOORS, and a few standard sizes of Screen Wire Cloth, at very low prices.

on savings.


National Bank

One Day Only of highest quality at bargain prices.

....., .."

to suit your needs .

DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES of the best material. Poreh Columns, Porch Squares. Garage Door Hangers for , the folding doors, Barn Door Track, Plaster, Lime, Cement, Wall Baard, Plaster Board, in fact, all the material that it takes to build a good house or other building. We have it from the nails to the higbest grade of Qjgh grade. finish.

Lumber Yards at Clarksville and Waynesville,

FREE FREE FREE . Fly Swatters

W. H. Madden &: Company


A Big Special on Fisk Tires 25% off on all Fisk Tires and Tubes in stock, This is your chance to cash in on one of the highest grade tires on the market.

Fred M. Cole •

Hardware, Hlarne... & Farm Machinery

Uree .Cans . ~ ............. :....

Scrap Tobacco ' Made With Milk

......... 15c

, Medium Canl .............. ·.. ......... Small Cans...... ........ ......... ...... JUST HALF PRICE

Toilet Paper Large size Ro1l1 . 5 bie rolls ~or ...... ··· ......... .




Free recipe pamphlets given to ladies who will ask for them. Home baking is now considered one of the real arts . Use the kind and quality of flour that makes home baking most successful.


43c· ~~:~~!!:~I~o~~~.~~.~~.~.~~~~.: 2Sc

Tuna Fish

The baking will be done on Florence and "Red Star Detroit" Vapor Oil Stoves loaned of the Fred M. Cole Hardware Store .

"Su've by buying in Waynesville."


,' ~~r~~~ .................... .........

These Cakes and Biscuits will be baked here in our ollice by two e ladies will also demonstrate the economical use of Enterprise Flour. 1 you, and you can bake an Angel Food Cake that will take the prize in aJ

Standard Plymouth Twine at 11 cents. Paris Green at as cents. From $2 00 to Si5.00 saving on all Florence, New Perfection and Puritan Oil Stoves.

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

Kirk's Flake White Soap

A Bot Buttered Biscuit to eve on Saturd Also, -an Angel Food Cake wi. Enter)

Other Bargains Ohio

Quaker Maccaroni and Sp:lghetti. Regular 15c packa)l!Ps, 3 big packages for .. .. .. .. ....

2S c

Sweet Potatoes


3 hUlle cans. solid pack ...... ..... ......... ....... C Better and cheaper than new sweets.

We w~t to buy 1000 young Chickens every week. We pay the highest prices, any quantity, any time. Call us when yoU are ready to sell.

- L . A. ZIMMERMAN. "Save by buying iu Waynesville."

• West Virginia .. White Ash Coal .. Regular Retail Price, per ton •• $8.00 Sale Discounjt • • . . • • . . • • SOc

SALE PRICE. • • . . . • • • • $7.50

at the Home Bakery for


'l d. of Baked Goods .' ~~E Wt:

BAKERY TRUCK, in lown and in country, EVERY DAY

cup far as ni strength milled frc hard whE

Will be given on Enterprise Flour on the above named date, and hop' quality old wheat flour, before the new wheat flour comes on the mar ulti.mate aim of cre!1ting a greater demand for wheat prod4ct!,: __Every c , pohcy. It is a well estimated fact that th~ consumption of flour on th that formerly come to town and bought from one to five lOO-pound sack Best of all, it should appeal to the public at large as a means of "knick knacks" in the food line, is healthier and has more vitality and el and other more or less luxurious dishes. Tbe physical well-being of a .•p prosperous we become th~ more inclined we are to eat richer but less nut

Waynesvill'e Farmel

SO cents less if tak..

All kinds 'of Feed, Flour. Salt, Seeds, .Coal, 'Ceo Drain Tile and Sewer Pipe.' . .

en from the yard.

Waynesville Mills

Walter McClure

James E. McCJurl

gtunsra.Z 1)irsotors .,

Telephone No. 7


Our c0!ls~nt .effort is to make our lervi~e better and more satisfactory all of · the time. We want oUr effiCIent service to he far famed ,

HOME BAKERY, Waynesville, Ohio


" Save by uu yin,; in Wilynesville."

'The "Men of Waynesville" have completed a very successful year in which many activities have been engaged in with many worthy aCcomplishmen~~. The new officers were inst~lled at the May 11 ..'.: ting. The copung year should be a very active year, for , the nt:\\- officers were well chosen and will make e'v erv effort to make . the .. , 1t:tI of W"'YJ:u~sv~lle" ~e foremost organiz~tio~ of its kind in theco\lnty. " , ,'. . ' . . ,,' .. X "Men of Waynesville" has for itS motive the promotion ,o f al(itii that work (or the welfare of the communtty. It should ~tio~of e:very man in'the community. The"Com~ .&1 Club" pledges it$ co-operation, and web::omes the new offie'~ with the .,b est of wishes for a'Successf~l year . . \ FRED , M. COLE, . Pres. Commercial Club.



. . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

Buy a $5.00 Ticket for $3.98

First show ~tarl May your Jvi:

"Suve by buying in Wllynesvilla .

A regular firstclass Fly Swatter, with 18 inch handle and 12-inch rule will be given free to every man or woman who will call for one.



A TICKET TO THE PICTURE SHOW FOR cash purchase or paid on account.

" Save hy buying in Wa ynes,·illc."

felt Roofing, per square · S-UO Slate Surfaced Roofing, per sq., $2.25


"Save by buying in Waynesville."

" SaVtl by, buying in Waynesville."

C. 'Lee Hawke J

.SfJe:cia/izes on Hair Bobbing And Chi/dreri's Hair Cult/n!l.

fRANK.W.CR(W Specialjzing in

Repairing of.

fiord Cars : ','

H. E. Hathaway'" D. D. S. i will do business at the same old stand. Will be closed at night,. exc~pt by call .

HaineS ~ding, .

Phone 114 DENTAL (W · . "f , X'·R - ay·. ,1~ENERAI:Y . ora; t'

"Save. by buying in WayJiesvDIe."

"Sav" by buying in



• J

!RIiYiYi!fi!l;y;t;.-·. -' t!"'~·r.~I"'·

r.~~---.----~----~-~. ----_ ----~~--~~ ~······...............o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


to our city and



COIning The Big ·Day




you to be our guests at the



MYER Hy'M~'N Specials for Saturday Only M~n 's

Best Grade $1.00 Work Shirts.


I Saturday,June 30 i

uring our

Men's 75c Athletic Union Suits,


Ladies' $ 1.25 Bungalow Aprons.


. . . . . . . ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I ~ Get

JUNE· 30, 1923 TURDAY, JUNE 30, will be given with each 50 cent ,2:30 p. m.; evening show, 7:00 p. m. be an enjoyable one. .


,._..,. one ·that comes to the Elevator _____ , June ' 30th each purchase of one barrel of Flour. ex~ert lady demonstrators, who took part in the food !!how at Dayton, Ohio. These Ladies, this is your opportunity to .become acquainted with a flour that never fails contest.




I Eight or even less

of Valier's Enterprise go 88 of. ordinary flour because its is concentrated. 'Ent~rise is only the centers of the finest

Try a 24-pound sack at our ' risk- if you aren't delighted with your baking results, your money will be refunded. One home baking with Enterprise Flour will make you enthusiastic about home baking. You can pay for your Flour and leave it stored-take it out just as you need it.

.PRICEI=== that people who use the flour wilt take advantage of this sale, and lay in a high . Flour jobbers, bakers, millers and farmers sbould an get together with the snould be vitally . intere:;ted in' this. The farmer himself should practice this 'farm 'is mater~aUy lower at this time than it has been for years past. Farmers flour, now buy a twenty-four or forty-eight pound sack. "F... t·t.r health for the people. A man who eats more bread and less of the fancy !.>.,A·loon" than the fellow who likes to eat a meal consisting of rich fancy salads, meats I~"""."" is .. nerally ill reverse ratio to the amount .of bread consumed. The more trl'innc:: foods. . .

Exchange Com'p any by buying in Wa.ynesville."

Gatel, Barb Wire, Staples, Posts. Telephone No. 25

Cigars, .Tobacco, Clnd,ies . and Soft Drinks We have all the old favorite brands ' of cigars, but they are all brand new stock, so the cigars such as we sell, ate the best to buy:. . : :

. o. o.

your free tickets to the Pic! ture Show from any of the fol1owing list of members of the Waynelville Commerciall Club: M. D. Baird Edward Ricks L. A. Zimmerman H. E. Hathaway Myer Hyman The Home Bakery W aynesville Farmers Exchange Co. Ray F. Mills . . W. H. Madden & Company Seth Cook Kilpatrick-French Motor Car Co. J. E. F razit;r Charles C. Cook Oxley-Pace Dru~~ Co. Frank H. Farr and Wife Walter McClure·- J. E. McClure Sears & Cartwright Waynesville National Bank Fred M. Cole Waynesville Mills D. R. Smith Ross H. Hartsock The Miami Gaze:tte Grace L. Smith Dr. Mary L. Cook J. C. Hawke , C. Lee Hawke Frank W. -Crew Hawke Motor Sales Dr. J. T. Ellis Waynesville Auto & Machinery Co.

Open Evenings

"Save by buying




We believe our store to be the only store in tOWb from which to obtain your regular supplies and additional wants, iUustrated by unusual quality and carefully prot~cted. Besides, excellence in quality we also lay claim to carefulness in filling ·ofall prescriptions.

A 6 ,Reel Feature. .'



FIRE WORKS . Of all kinds. Celebr&.te the 4th the old-fashioned way.

Six rolls of Films for the price of 5. An unusual offer. Any size roll.



. When prints are ordered, FINAL CLEARANCE! save developin2' cost when . PRICES SLASHED.! you can. A chIld can take a All papers reduced one third. picture but it takes an expert It will pay you to buy now to develop it. for next season's decorations .

. '

. Kin'?ifam News Reel

Men's Soisette Dress Shirts, in all colors, coUars attached. Regular $1.75 value,

$1.19 " Sqve by buying in Waynesville."

A Car Load of Snnoco Motor Oil



BAWKE MOTOR SALES Authorized Ford Sales and Service - Phone 150

OpeD Evenillla

day morning at 10 o'clock at

62c a set Special for Saturday-At--l p. .-m:- Thin blown straight ahap• . G.enulne Cu t T umULIera style. with grape clullter deaign cut in them. Sale price at 1 o'clock Saturday.

8c each

(Limit-Six to a customer)

B.rgalns All Day I n Every Department

FRANK H. FARR & WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio (I


If you buy any camera at no less than $3.50. Don't overlook thi~ one.

The Store of Better Values." "Save by buying in Waynesville."


Sears &

Cartwright .

Oxley-Pace Drug Co.

Insurance and Sale Conductor• .

rAe ~~t.t .Slol'll




Alway. Try the Drug Store Fint

Program.. .}'re,e .T icket

"A· Girl's· ' . Desire" -


... The ac-IOc-25c-$I.OO Store ••• Our Midsummer Sale is Still Goiog 00; WiD Close Saturday Two Specials for Saturday-One at lOa. m. are pure r.erman China; IOld SUlar and Creams These for 98c a set. Will go on sale Satur-

"Save by buyiIlg in Waynesville."


Ladies' Best $ 150 Silk Hose.

ODly One Best Store in Town for Good


Alice Calhoun in .

Sge Men's Regular 50c Belts, 2ge Boys' and Girls' 75c Bathing Suits. Sge

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

Store open Evenings

Pool Room

Ladit·s' 75c Union Suits,

" Save by bUyiltg in Waynesville."



- -.-~y;y;~~

100 Acrel $4,000

. Five miles from Waynesville, on .. ~ pike; good house, barn, tobacco shecl;;. 70 acres levelland. . . Cllt this Coupon.out and take ' \ .. Have cash buyer for a fal'Q1 of !t to qnll ,!,ember .o f the 'ommer- . 70 ac:res; must ~ level, with good' cial Club. and thell will exchange 'buildings, and DO ~ar tax.on: price it for a ticket 10 the' PIcture Show. N.



. ·W.


w., 9hlo

Aman Block



Phone 61..2


Mtil r, H:o "t l~ 1 Be.u ,y Uhd~ 1I,t' 11\\\' "r Mt Ittt II ,. I 10' .. .. much /I II "tT"11 e tll Dlutl hll" til " tBce ut n wtl'nlol U .. that (>t II /II: )


'I'h r,' 'wi ll I", /I L'~ \\; 11 1''< I al the enl', 11I'lnll IJU 'I'~ on tile' (e(,1 Ih :lt t .... ,..; I 'orn"11 n il th ~ ,'v" lli ng woman II I'lt au\:.\ 1• • fTIlRI jj ~~CI : In h"nlt' ,If war II 1& tb r ,tOl'\: II veI'J crlnu8 I'llr· ,.f .1ul, 4th. rll' till I,elll lir .. f I,' e l'ry I lonaJlDJ ury, (· hu rl'h, 1':~ (~r.\b' "ly is 'Imli 111\ in· ~ited to Iltl,·"II .



Truth In Two Phfaees. TIl PllolIl'h A. will y F'rpn,·h wom.II ~ " I~ : "11 durln" U :!' rl ny to mrlt 4'1 \)(\UnIl8 et Ice "n d ·n ,1. P Ihp ltlJlllo1 10 I,oll tng :!,oUlh on 11' k II'\\, . If I\~" IInly could," .n~ II rlr/;IJ""I ~ rrl llr llli~ WTI~ten of - - --.-"'lDL j JUli et : IITh! -.; I..; II rfllr lin ItI,." t~ fU' CRn ' mlilluer ull rll ""11' 10; Inn old to lunk the

Watch your expiration ~


el a le. ' part."






~. ,.,

90'(1;. I'T~ ~I! FOUQ.~

OP ,)"W "0-4'. ,. Keepo; '1liE.




1 Mr. a ndMrM. Bero e. J p o eil8t'~e nded B Marybelle B .. rn er called On t he IUIler.1 ' of 'be II~Uer 'a uu II', Mra. Bonea Compton. Saturday Danlt,l UIII, a' Mt B olIv. SundllY nOOU . I\fterooon. Mr ond Mrs. Weldon WIl~ on and Mrs . 0 01'/\ MoKll'bv and oblldrpn , eo n , Gtlrald , lind Rev . "ud Mrl! . W . o f O.,tnn . " r e making all eltteolll'd E dngan went to \ b e Z JO, Wedll,,@. visIt w tth h,'r lJareut8, Mr. Ilnd MI8 day. ~- rank ::! mllh .

By H. DeVere Stacpoole

t1 um a" ,""Ieat Mea_urea, hUIIIAII htllJ)' g n (' r'tt~

--- _11'_ .. ---



Ttl ' Idea ot lhla II a ., r>' R"I,_lhh'

air aad Mre, Glenu Johu, aDd Ion . Paul, of DBytOD, I penfBundllY wl$b Mr. aDd MrB. Ohal! Ii:' Johlts.

Mr. BOll Mrs G'lV Kout z()hu Aud Mr, liud Mr • . John WII~on Ilnd Robert "'.Hued to Blghland ooun 'y , Ueneva Mav rSOAIl" ty "1~lted ~h ~. ~ und "y mornIng, a nd vlMl'od w\lh Rou~z tl h n'K porent_. Mr . dn<1 Mr~ . relatlv"" J osiah Boytoott. at 1'IpIJeOAnne (;1I.y.

~ Romanc~ of th~Bahama$


'rhe fun e rBI ()r ,1110,,1) Mv .. rs w . ~ beld. ~n nd"ya"t~'I\""'1\ nt ' tl '111 " 1" , of hl~ ~I)n. VIlI M~,tr~, n .... 1,, 'rp . Anfl .. 1 WIlK lIIlIll e lit Mldrlle HOl1 r ,· tn " t ~ ry .

MI N~ 1\l'lry Ktlt,hryn \VI I.on WI\M B Sundny dluu e r l( u llSI of h er unole, Harry Hurley , liud family, of ne .. r Spri ng V.. IIHY Mr . .. od Mrs . hllrlll~ Hilmer Ilt. •••cr••• .. ten d ed 'he Williams. Peel" wedding "t Orn"~ :r Ruu ohuroh, Clinton Copniabt b,.ltobut K. MeRrido a c.. Olluoty, \Sacora"y .. Herooo n. )11'. und Mre. Ralpb 'fhnrnbtlrj{' ~a'an :<e ll.\'d t h" :.;('11 Is II nll h ~'l tlh'(J SAYS SAM: <.It uellr t' prlng Vullev, "nd Mi88 Oar rll r IIII' 1.11'11 (' h. 'I'h,' hOll IS or the JUli n No man knows Ilny\hinjt ulltll he dO ll. of Belldfountalne, otllled On and !\utdul.z. n ln'lll ly 1I11<ll:'r wny . were ltalelgb Bogll n 'H, Satu rdllY nllrht. knows he CRD't k now ()Vl'rythlng .


I ~~~I~lIu c1o~n~l~b~' io.M~,eMn~;.~

Sonoco {VIator


!l.s it fur


\\' I\J: l' r,

---__ .0---

hut the din·

hllil th., lelld. Th,'l' h" tl l'hed htlr, 1111 111 ('1 1 h"r III' II foot. 11 ,,11 SIU I'lfll ov('r

~h >'



Ilw rod,s. ru nnlnJ.! tlll~ 11II If', II t-' t'(1I t'8~ uf brll " :'1] lImhs, Sntltn Ipudln!; IIkl~ n kUIl/.:UI'OO 0[111 Wllf Hlpln~ u s lie w ent.

Tho I·tlck brluK" wns 'till Inlucl. hut

and Greases The factory lepresentative will be present on Saturday, and will give .a talk on Lubrication and a practical demonstration of oils.


Ih'url y th ~ whoh ' (I f til t;' ufu'r purt t ttt-, .h'('k wu s gUilt', "n" "lIrl'l'III !" a t"11 ~ fltll l\ . lit' 110t d o\\' n un hllnds ltu ll knees und, crow)·

Ime. rll ll "",I''' h~' H:III'I\ ITe, lellnl'd OVllr til\' 1,1"'lI k 11 1\(1 lool;.'d . Hll ldille " rl('(1 .,ut In horror. In lIlnl \'ust nlill ~l o" IIlY Intl·rlor Ihe ~J'''1I 1

Iw um s shuw(1 t1 IIIH! Ute .. ltu~ uf


Mllrj ' ri e I"turnl' r e I um ed from Toledu, Sl\turday IIlgh!. ~undBy.~ o ho o l (lOIlVAll ll il n at 'he Zion Haptl8t. churoh , ::;,IUdlloY. Pau l Nole n, of U" r maul,lJ wo. dpe nt the week-end wi~h hId w o ~her . Mies Mary Lewl~, of Wilmlugtoll, spe nt .:lundILY here with ber p"rents.

('\ ts,'(' rllI l,<1 lIl'tn ~ \('r Bnd the h"m's l ligh t tlr ,III), f(·11 Mlck upon Ihe

~"mr l'U'·;.c l

, ('nr)::"


tSk lll1~.

Relativ es from Htumautow n ~ I) en tbe week.end with Mr . bud Mrs . MlOrley Evans .

rl hH, \'(·r-

Mr .. nd Mr ... MflrrAI W olen and dllDl!htor, ~h\rijnr et. le ft. Mnn rlD~ hy auto r. r 'h£llr h ome In hl o/lj{" . Mte r • two-weekH R"'Y ot tbe b oml' Ilf Mr , and Mrd . H . M Clllrk.

Mr. a'n d Mrs . Carl Duke en l.s r . tal nert '0 \Sunday dinner th e foll owMr. a nd Mrs. Chtlnccey Bunnell Inlll guestB: Mr. Fred Gray Rnd !lnd HO nR snd MlsM Moulmla Bunuell f"mlly , of nellr O.. yt.on. Mr . Ollnt wor e dinner gUdst8 o r Mr . lind Mrs . , U ray .. nd '''mllJ' a nd Mr NAt. ball lLd Wlliker, of Dear New VlenuR, IG ray. of BarveY8burg. tiunday.

For £oale by

FRED M. COLE Wayneeville, Ohio

Mr. and Mrs Cha rl es Kenasr and tl"UKh t·e r , Mtizte, and Mr . "nd Mr •. ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-; Rolll>nd K ll o ze r, of Ftlrmers ~'atloo touR dinner ",lIh Zilllri B"lues and rl\m ily, Sunday .

Dr. Wo E. Frost


Mr . Bnd \1 n . Walter Wlleon and Mr. R0<1 Mr A. Pll ul PetHson and da ugb 'Bf8. of the Ele8zor neighbor hood. vlslttlu rel .. Uve8 "nd friends III Higbltlud oou nty. Rund.1Y.

---_.- .



..• DENTIST•••

Veterinary S\.Irgeon



"''''00 ..1 Balik Rlda .

Phone 44

Wllvn~I, le.


Harveysburg, 00

t"hl'/ll', nncl 'nlll'e sk,·lp IOn". plltd Mrs Lydl .. Mnrphy and dllugbter, hl"lI, tJ8 thllugh five hundr ...,1 men hR" a21 s trll g!(Itl(1 11ft rur pxlt In one mad rush Mlils"NeTl e, spen' lbst week wltb Mr. Bod Mrs. Robert Carr .. nlHl ,1Ie11 11l~lllled one IIpOll the ot her like rprusl'. A chnrnel, limy slOell Mise LoulslS Baley, of Wilmington Uur 8treel8 were o iled. Thunday, 1'08'" JI ISHnln!: th., nlr. spe nt a few day .. weck with iu B Vtl ry 8titlsfllotory mltuner. "0(}0, 1 (; -11~" , "ld Haldltre. Mr ... nd Mr!. UILiI ~ordoo "~IH\'rr," 8u lll ~lIlfln . " \\'hut dId I Mr. lind Mrs. J It Johnl made a Mr. and Mra. Edwin Randall. ot h'lI \'C)lI? Nombr!! de 0108 h" 8111:111'1',1 I bnsloe88 trIp \0 Tren ton, FrldllY. NOTARY PUBLIC f;h P'~ un old s lll\·cr. wl'f'<'ked 111th the (Jioolnnati. ~pent I"st week with Dr. Dlok MRl!oo, of Bellbrook, spent men nntl er hnt ('Ilt'~. 'Here's Splll'rs I" C. G. R8od"U ILod hmlly. Waynesville, Ohio Mr. and Mt~s . Charles Tneker and Sunday with Mr. lIod Mrs. Oh"rles S~ II ('rs. pllutln/C. his rucl' 1111 mnl· MONEY LOANED Ul'd, IIn(1 rollowed by C1 ary, hud family .. ttended the mall oarrlere' Clark . National Bank oonventlon a lt Franklin. BalurdllY. Rev . Dwl ~ht Wiant left last week gain ed the deck. ON EY Loa ned on live I,ook, "Unys, ",hilt Is II ?" cr11'11 Senrrs. Mr. and Mr8. Barry Varner and for a two. weekI! slay at Delaware ohB&t.els. al ~o s800ud mortKIlj(8II. "Colrl!" crI ed ~n tnn . "00 cllrerul, dangh se r , of Ltlkeland. Fla.,. spent oolleg e N;)Y8 bonjl:ht. J ohn Barbin\). AileD f or th e" hllll det' k'" sprunl1. (:.'t on 'rh ur8d 'y with H. \V. Kaylor and Mrs. CaBBie Budy. of Dayto n.wlle YOllr h.n nds nnd Iwees. Cnld hurs nn ' WIle. a Sunday gneet of h e r mol,her, Mu. Building , Xenia Ohio. 6. 4024 ,1I'monds-we're nil rl e' h men!" h Ann S mith The "air ot ~CI)Ullllrel s. crtLwllng, Mra. Joho Fealy and daug ters. li ke cralJs stucle th Ir beuds o,'er the Lula alld Blrdlu,. and lOn, Glenu, MI l'S Mildred Clark will 'esoh 'he - FUNERAL DlRBCTOR bren k. . 8pen' tlulldav with MilS Amllnda f ou.tb gra de ,,' Cen Yrvllle aohool, " h. h-I!" so ld Sellers. 6ray . 'be ooming year. oo un \ leH may obt.alo m Oll ey 00 l<.l ulr .'", ('\ "" time loane. al 5~X In'erellS. can Mr. aDd . EvereU Villars, of " 1I1\'('r," sllld Suton. Mis .. Ml1dred tialOI!B, of Belmont, .•. L of 8eourlol( 'he ,,,me III very rea.oll. leary spat. He was the IIl'8t to DaytOn. J'UnB8 Salley and Mrs. 11. vlelttng at 'he h ome of Mr. and PuDy·..·'I:l'qulp..... £.-. . ~~~... ..ble, &h"lUgh The Federal Land lu ugh. Emma Bormlcl were oILlllng On Mr. Mrs . Wl\her Kenrloll. G t - lUI" uvuu BElulr. For forthel' Inlormatlon call "'rills Is pllttlng It o\'er on Cark, and AlIre . Hal'ter !::Ihidakl'lr. ~ ~. SeJyJce. - • on or addre88 M. 0 DRAKE, Trea,,Mrs . Sne 8tou'B" nber ger , of Bell oln't It r' 8ult! Clenry. "How mnny Mr. Bnd Mirs. Clyde Clellver and Dis~7 nrer, phone 31 tl-X , Lebaoon. Ohio. dollurs d'you thInk It's cnst our firm aOn a4d Mr. and Mrs. Clln' Cleaver brook. wae tbe w ee k.end guest of to hlow Ihe Iltl 01T thl d---d scrorllgus, Bud d a ngbtEIr spent l:!undBY with Mr, lind Mr8. C 8. Lamb. ~ DAy .. to 8I\Y nothln' of the time? And he Mr. Bnd Mrs. P. B. Olellver : MIlS Ella M&1 Lewl! spent 'se pncked me orr to Pensllcolo to get me Me88r8 Mott Cline, Lawrenoe peat week with Mr. .. oct Mr ~ . Dearth out of the WilY I Oh, send for him to B'ealy, Willtllw Lllmlu and Artbur 8heehlloo, Dear Centerville have a look I" ,f UNo u se sendln'. he's comln'." Ba ld WllBOn, of Dayton, speot the week . Clvde Whar'on Rnd family were Sotan, pointing to where the gl;: or end With \heir relBtlves here. week. e nd guests of Mr and Mrs. tile JU an \\,IIS opproaehlng the beuch. Mr. and Mrs . F , L. Barris, Mr. Levi Greathouse, In Dayton. TERRELL & TERRELL. CU"lulnez crossed Ihe rock·brldge and MrB. Ira t!yterd and IlQIl Bod lind od\'lInced along the dl'ck, clutch- John Tuokelf apen* t!undBY wltb Auctioneer MIs8es Eva and E'hel Reeder. of Wilmington, 0., phone 301. Ing hIs old Looot together ond moklug Rev. Bnntlnl~tOD, ", C:arkevllle. Rou te 4, are attendloR Bummer 8Ohool at Wilmington oollege. hlnl-Ilke noises. Wllen he reached Get my terms for your Mrll. Mary-Oswald II.nd Ion. Rob th e breuk, crouchi ng like' the otbers. er' B'ranklln; of Leb~noo, and Mls8 Public Sale. be looked over. 6ra06 Smarll. or Olnolnnllo'I, apent The sight below dId not seem to 1 satisfy and save you ~a'ulday whb Mr. aud Mrs . W A hnrrlry hIm. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Baines. or no charges. money "SlaYer," sold Sntan for the thl.rd T holMt who are In a "run down" condl · Mr. lind Mn 6 . J F igley and tlon wtll nollce that Catarrh bother. time. turnIng his head for a moment them much more than when they ..... In trolll the olJJects that seemed to fue· ohlldren. Mrs Dew it& Holladay Bod rood heallh. Thla [act prov • • that white Box 91. Centeroille. Ohio 08T-X" of Automobile Tool" Mrs. Joe Jobran, of I:UlIsboro, spen6 Catarrh la a 10cII.I •. II I. greatly clnote him. Home Phone 2, CenlervllleEx. InOuenced by con.tIlullonal condlttone. be'weeD Lytle aDd CorwlD. tbtl week.eDd with Urla Boburtll " Pst. pst, pst I" suld Cal'Qulnez. 18 HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE confinder pleale re&urD &0 .'amee do aDd tamlly . .Iats ot an Ointment whIch Quickly "Vel, r reckon tl~t Is 80." R . by tocal application, and the Johns , Lytle, Ohln. jU The old l,'entlemlln seemed tnklng The B . A . 1, olass of tile Metho- Internol Medtclne, a Tontc. which &allte his setbnck extraordinaril Y well: 80, dist !::IundaY_lIoho,,1 h ..d a plonlo d In ImprOVing the O.neral Health. I Bold by drulU,lats tor over 40 Year&. too, seenwd Sellers ond OIenry. '.riley Lllkeslde Ilnd 1. llUld par ka, In Day. DK. HA.THA.W AT F. J . Cbeney '" Co., Toledo, Ohio. were evidently U Red to revetsetl LD \ on , a D Wedn eMd"y uf 1886 week. hllslness, Rlld trctlSllrC bunting was Twenty at ,be 01llS8 were prellent. .' DENTIST wlldcnt unyway, 0 thousand ,to one .lohn l!'edlJr m et WI th a painful ao n,:tlllngt th e chllnce of n cololl8tll foroldent, t!undllY a lteroeoo, while JAS. A. NUCKOLS Dental tune. watohlng tho b .. 11 game at Wllmlng • . Curqulnez draw buck from thfl brenk too . Be was watoblng from the Ge;;a:ral Il ke II repUle balked nnd retreotlng, sidelines ~he n a foul 'Ip WIlB Shl, direct to the Tri State. Cream and Cans gnaranteed ro_o to hIs teet, and s lood eontemplot- knOCked, whlob hit him lu 'be eye, At the Chiles Hotel A~TEIl-14en or women to alCainst loBS. and a Spot Cash Check, promptly. mailed . Irrg the 's en. Waynesvllle Ohio. OFFICE: HAINES BUILDING, tllite orden for geDollle gDar. brnlslng ~nd outtlng It very badlv. Suwn rose ulso, as did RntcUrre. • Telephone 114 anteed hOilery for meD, women aDd The Harveysburg ball ,,,am Jour- Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 ' "I'm otT," said Satan. "'l'hls boneohlldren, Ellmlnllte ctarnlnR Bal. o'clock p . m. Waynesville, Qhlo, ary 176 a' week tull time, '1 .60 an Price· yartl dnn't plense me ouy, Suy, what ney e d to ~\I i1mln gton , ~ unday, and YOll !(oln' to do?" again beat tbe Triangles, of tba' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hour apare time. 8a.utUul 8pr1vrChanged June 26. . . . . . . . . . 01'1. by t be 900re of 10 to 5. tHllr. "Von moment." snld Cork. line. International Stooklng Mill, key-phohed " gond gILme for our "W hich ?" nsked SlItnn. Norrill'owD, Pa, a2~ , Write for· later price "Cllrk DICUIIS how obout the con· team. Our boys started olf In the 690 Kenyoll,Ave lead and aHEI' mBking 6 rnns In the true"I" snlll Sellers. THE TRI STATE BUTTER COMPANY seoond innlolg hud tbe gllme prllotlo.. "WI,lch way ?" CINCINNATI, OHIO "Lonll WilY, we're lert, left with Bllv Won. Beatty pitohert good b ..lI n curgo of skeletonS, und you-why, for the TrlalJlgle8,. bu' had poor supReference-Ask anyone of our 65,000 Cream Patrons. port. Next I;;unday Barvey,burg you've got a thou-Bund do\lllr8 In your plays Blanohester h ere. pocl(c t." ~ , "'J'here \ \' IIS onthln' In the contrac' ubout huodln ' litem back," 811ld Sutan : EGIBTII:RII:D Jerley Cow, hllh ''lI's ldUH, Ille contruc'Y bust. That tBII'er .nd oOnslsleo' mllker. thuuslInd dollurs wus On IIcco unt or Have YOUnl( helfer8 Irelhealo. and IIn<lln'8. Is 11 my fuult the 6l1dln's Is do not need her. Prloed to 1011. ske lct"n.~? But. see here, you glve's Walker AuaUD. R D . 1. Bprlu. Val- . u few hours to turn the thJng over, Forrest BUilth baa hken a pOIII. ley, Ohio. Farm I, on 8erryhill and cOllie ubollrd tile Snrah gettln' tlon In 1\ Columbus bank. Corner on Bellbrook & Wa,neeyllle nlong su nd own, nnd we'll huve a clack. MIIIII Marl' OolleU leU, Wedneepike. Jll Wc·...! ull In the so up, seems to me: day, for 11 tri p to Colorado. nnll 1'111 not wlshln' to be hnrd on Ill. foot Bulky Bay Rake. Ia. Mra. l..!lnrlL Laokey , of Xenia, Is AlTltlng the great resorts of the world YOU," quire of L, RIokll, R. D ... the glle8\ of her .soo, Wal'er, aDd "We'ff drop nhounl," snld Sellers. Atlantic City stands notable and preeminent. Waynesville. Ohio. jSl Cleury ~ uld nothing. Atter hIs out- wlftl. III WArCRPROO F'F.O,:)R VARNI.$H Its far -f:mloo Boardwalk_kirting the ocean Ihore for O RN-400 or GOO bUlhel1 of (;food hurst of luugbter he hud remaIned Mis'! Bes8 S hldaker, of Barve". more than seven milee-ia a marveloul esplanade Corn 111 Crib. Ch.rlM Vm ..... clumb. burg. III tbe guest of Min Alloe made (or floors and f1 ')ors on Iy . Jt Inoks Clagett f.rm. on Waynenllte & on which are to be found thousanda 01 pleasure "\V(.'II , rill off," sold SlItan. "I ReevB8. well and lasts fo r th ·:! longest p o 'sibl e Btuvey.burg pike. jll &eekers at all seasons 01 the year. Wealth and wllnt II drlok und that 's the truth. time in spite of the tea r and constant Oar band furnished mnslc for a The ~JII(' II of them skeletons' enougb fostlV'alln P Iliuterevtl le, Wednesday beauty-the pomp and circumataD.Ce of li{~bb washing a floor must ljet. DAvenport, aulCe of three ple08l, to starl '1 mini ster on the booze." eveolng. and flow on its broad expanee in an unending I Axmlnl&er RUI, Vlolrola••lx 'rll etl he turned to Curqulnez. "What procession. Ulnlniroom Chatn. a ••1 it bn1rel••• Mr. !Lnd Mira. A. L. Nlohol,on are dId I tell you, s lnln' In your cubln'/ private I18le, .Mra Lulu Da;orll, CorI n The Boardwalk-vibrant with life, with ita magnifi· Told YOll I dIdn't bnnk on thIs busl- the pareo'@ of 11 dBughter-Mlldred Will, Uhlo, phooe 53·8 jll cent hotels. its glittering and gorgeous lbops, itl neSR, fIIuyb e yo u'U remember that. Catherine. amUl!ement places endlel' in variety and charmFllast treo SII I'C II flln'! Ll'uvln' salvage OW and Q PIIII, Ilx weeki old Ed TroxeJl, of 'flmn, WBS the /I sIde, 1I11"!! you ('\'cr seen on ounce guest of hIS uDole, A, A . Reloman, is to be found the spirit of Atlantic Clty-tbe Also a Male Hog, one year old. of gol(\ rulsed 10 all III~He years? it's lut week. Poland.Chlna. JobaBeaoh, It, D. 2, ' """nce of 'the. thing that seta It .pert and disonl y III" ellIl!," thn t sell loclltions to WaynelVllJe, Ohio. jf. tinguishes it from all other rroort•. WilHam Bulau Is attending a mu g!l that llIok., !l1oney O\'ar thl.6 bu8IoJnvllutlou of Ohio teacherB, In OhMt"r White Male PIc. ellll. A b.ou/ift#!y iflustrGud boollkl .mmpttoe of Well, see you Iless, It's m,y b'lld. Saotloaky, Allanite ·CtlY-lJruJ of- m/J"y DIm ,ulitluful ble '0 regaCer. lngiUri 01 abon rd later OD." ,esorls alo,,/! IIu New Jtn~ sluw_IfI4Y be Oarl C. Smith. It. D. 1.' W.ylienllle, orr he went, Rndcllt'l'c following. .James ~ . ConHrd and family were obllJiMil ~p'on IJfll!lkali"lI to /J"y' tUut /Jc...1 Ohio, . As they camc alongshle tile Borab, 'htl week.eDd gneats of relaUves, of III. P'"lUy/IIIJ"t4 Railrood. S ..mmtr to.., . ueal: German&own . . Judo was hun gi ng over the· rnll. ['ANTs.-~tel'1'; Tomato, "' iIJ'" Ilia Ddowr. Riwr B,td~ OfI/y "What's the luckf' crIed Jude lUI olJ-rtJiI r~. ,.olD effeUiw. bele, 0&01l40"er, P.~I', ·PI­ MIIIII MaryE. Reeves. of 'he pu~thcy came abour!!. mento, aDd PI •• '. 8ti'0a!e 110 Bohool! of Tacoma. Wfleh, II aC "Slreletons," snld Satan, "shlplond bome- for tbe Mummer. . Brol , It, D. I. 1" mU .. from Wa,o 9f !kults uu' crossbones. Slaver, thllt's neevtlle OD L1tle roiwl. j'~i MI'!!. Park 8uokly and BOn!. of wbut sbe was ; dead meo's bonl!l, WllmlDRkla. were recent !loeBY a' ~BAOOO ' LATB __n •• toMs 'be home of· IIr. and .Mra . W. O. "LordI" . a &bOllMDd To~ Lath. .Job ~ml&h. . "AI'e YOII goi ng to put out .nowr' B. 8&o1le", D. I, W.yaeeYlU•• , Ohto. '. ' jeI7 nJlk.....1 II n t"11 11',. aprlnl TOWUlhlD Ho.da,_ rIN S,-"-4 R.ur..tI eI 'lI.e Werid ('l'O be oonUIIooedl 1011001 oQI~yel~&1IOD wlll be held ID BCfIlU-W ... Po. . G~ the II' B here DR' SDDda,


Hawke Motor Sales


Authorized Ford Sales and Service

Phone 150


Open Evenings

Walter McClure '



Wa,ne.vllle, 0,111. I

, •

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

targe r...... , .....

Whiz Tar Remover




Cream Separator Oil ,Whiz Sewing Machine Oil '. Wb~ Top Dressing Automobile Enamel Replacement Parts fG'r F ordi Gen~r~l Line Auto Accessories Cooper Tires and Tubes

Forest T. Martin




Your floor:5 Would Look 'Like This Too IfYou Used ' '''~,~:~OT

XR •


fOr Sale \





















'P 'e nris,y lvania •

---... - ..---

"Save bJ' burlna In w~•. "



Work W


______ .0----




Phillips Building


Money to Loan on Farms .at Si per cent for five years.

,RBnroad .System • .

, j,.



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is' •

:::ev£>. C) -VifLh Year



£~ Have you paid your t.aXeaT


W. N . Sears was in Lebano n . Monday . Millll Emma Helghw ay is visiting frlendl In Cincinn ati.

Whole N ~~~r 5549




. '.


Mr . nod M r ~ . J . C. Hawke hlld al Th" Wuyne T ll w n ~ h i p Sr lllHl I hoard 111'1 .Lqlu Davia lpilot Monday ill Tobacco h Iii hl"1I runce· Sear"- & :r Cartwri llnt. t.h pirll'u estH n l dinn er. Sunday . Mr met.• M un rl uy (·v l·lling' . And '· " l1.tu ~ ~ d Cinciilllali. • the teuchf' r/'! fPr I h r- f"lIow ill g' yea r . nnl l Mr~ . Ka rl Hawke. of Dayton Georlfe Dakin, of Dayton . is visit· l:ubaCco hail insuran ce. Seal'1l & On accou nt II f sl'vcral re: il{nali ons Mr. Lee Hawke and family: and Mr. ,Ing relative s here. t.:artwritchl. d urin ~ the p ast year . eig' hl new John Fromm and family. I .... teacher s hllve been ~mp l oy e d Fol · J. Cartwr ight is- possessor of a L . N. Prlotz _w811 visiting in Cen- new Cleveland Six sedan. Dan Morgan lowi ng Ilre the teacher H: and family enterwrville . SundllY · t~i n ed th e fo llow)l(g guests to ice N. P. Bl at t, Superin tend ent J. M Cook and W H. Alien were cr ' fl m. cak e Dnd pop,' Sunday evenAlf red Wlllk illP . M u~i c Sp<lclal lo' UII pullcies ftir "rain . Clncin'n ati visitors , F'riday . ing' : Mr. and M rs.~:. H.arley Frye. l:!UrtI & ~u.rLWrl"IIL . HI';II SC Il OOI. Miss Ed na Bann ah. :. Messl'1'l. Wilbur Special Fire policies for grain. and Ever ett Hannah . Clarenc e WoolEdith Geo rg'e. I'I'inci nll l OllCar Laybou rne. of ~prinllfield. Sears & Cartwr i"hl. la rd, Edd ie C:ollin s and Walter Kath ryn Cl flrk wu In town, "'riday afternu on. Shic ·lds. of Day ton . V ·Imu. McClu re Mr. and Mra. Walter Chandl Anna M. Bachm an it ,M, Allen. uf Detroit , Mich ., il Dayton. spent Sunday here. er. of the ~U~lIt of hill brulher , W. H. G IU DE S CHOOL AI "l/) Merle Kerna. of Columbus, spent Clara Lil e. i-'ri nci pal Sunday in town with friends. Opal Da vids Mfli Hulduh ~urnett. of Route 6. Leona McGin nie _poIUL la8l we"k with relaLi\'eli i~ Mrl. Ada Courtne y spent the Ed ward Burton iJa~ l" n. week· end with friends in Spring Charles Moore Uuy. your BOlli Oil Stoves, Ovene VllieJ. Margar et Cia! k The Council p8B!!led an ordinan ce liInd Wicll. of J . E. Fruler. HUll e Laura McKi nsey Born-T o Mr. and Mrs. R. E . Da· in regarding: the parking of autol vpell. Slilurda ya. Lilla Benham via. of DaytoD, Tuesday . June 19. and the cl osing of cut-out s. Tbe orGlady s Roland 1923. a son . dinance ill p\lblishe d on page four of M, .•. I,U Mil', CI)de Coleman. 01 Cl a ro Berr yhill t his issue. and will take effect and ,'i ." ~ vuU. "1IIILt:J Mr. and Mnl. J . li. Buy your BOIB Oil Stoves Ovens Henriet ta McKinsey be in force on and afUlr July 12, 1923. L ' rtUftl. , ILI~\. w~t:k. IinO \\lIcks of J . E Fraz.ier . Store LYTLE S CHOOL Th ereafter . all veh~etes parked on open. Saturda y". I '. • Uill LDuck lind family. uf MilMain street betweel1~' High street C. B. J ones .vIU, _""Ill :sunday wlLh Mre. Edith (the Catholi~ church Bernice Penninl lton lind FrankMr. and MrR. M. G Schatlm an, Of M. Hll ria Imll flUIlily . lin avenue (Raper' s corDW) mUllt Cincinn ati, Bpent Sunday with Mr . The mu sic for th~ coming yellr, stand at an angle of forty-five deand Mrs . W. O. Haper. will be well taken care of. 8 8 Mr. grees with the right Allen Hole and family and W. N. 'f ront I wbeel Watkin s, who has but recently reo touchins;r S611rll and family spent Sunda, with Mr. and Mn C. L. Allen and Bon the curb. Cut-out s mUlt turned from Europe. and who is a be kept closed any Juhn Hole Ilnd family, of Dayton and Mr. and 8111'11 J . B. Smith were place In town. fine violinis t, has taken charge of Thitl is an ordinan ce in the nlfht Cincinn ati vllitorl , Sunday . Tobllcco hail IDlllran88. Seara" the music in the schuols. and of the directio n, 88 too many drl\'enl are Cartwrl llbt. orchest ra. Mra. Earl Orndor f and daughte r. 6AIH $ careless about the manner in wblch Dorothy , apent I.. t wet'k with Mre. they park, and tbe nol~ , ot tbe cut· The Athletic s met their firstdaf eat. M I .. . . 1 Mr. Thomaa P FeUer. of Mrs. Clarabe lle Lackey commit ted 'J>4y Py thy; , &. Orndor f's mother . near Lebanon. outs is sometim es deafeni ng. ·' Marof the seaS\ln, Sunday II, ~ (, . . . after v1 ~"o"ic home. JI.~e . 'n~eal.> a hard suicide a t her home in Bellbrook. shal Bentley and his deputy , George • foulfht battle .. , \ ... . .. ' J .:i1llilb 11110 lamily. with the Riverda F'riday le mornin g. She lost her hu s~"'.Js"wilI Save your Old Carpets and Rui'S , Zell, intend to enfor~ the new law band last March. and since then she and !tet .. Wearwe il" Rugs made. Mercha nts, of Dayton . The battle Mr and Mre. · W. O. Raper arrigidly. and it is up to our cltizena to M4Xe atarted !J"'D' off in Ilrest ~ss style. The River· has had quite a lot of trouble . Her rived 'bome, Friday evenlnl l. after a !\end for Drice liet. It'rankUn Hug dal" attemp ted the bunting game assist them by reporlin ll all the vioMrs. son has Agnes recently Wright recover passed ed from an away )r>4y! , vilit with relative s In Brown countJ. CIl • Frankli n, Oblo. from the Itart. and were fortuna te attack of pneumo nia. and only last at her home on Third street. Sunday lations they know of. Don't cenSure .,;' M S. Harlan had the pleasur e of enlluarh to get two men on. but they Friday her litt le daul!ht er fell off the morning . July 1. after an illness of the officers Ulltil you have done your ~p"clal "' ire policies for grain. p8rt. Remem ber, tbev are human. died 3n bases. The inninas went on compan y from a dl.tance . Saturda y. porch and broke her arm. It is more than two years. ~"II . " &: \ ; /1 w riKht. to the fourth. when thERiverda IllS foliowl: lee. general ly though t that the trouble s Mrs. Wright W8B the widow of "even 8B you and L " ,;, ,, ' Mr. bnd Mn. Alonzo - --_, ~;,.:....-with the lIid of a two·bal lger Wittem tbe and late John Wright . and the youn· an. of a of this Montan young a, Millll Wittewoman had been too Mr ." d .~r.. S. L Cartwri llht, a'C· rank error by Kline, scored the first man, of much Oklaho gBllt daught for ma. hp.r, and er and ~f Mrs. for Dr. Belle the Francis time she and " ,ujJ ·, I" .. 11 by I.htl MilBea Rhea Jllne! run of the game Some ~ore errol'1l Dr, Miriam William son . Practica lly Coon, of Da,ton .• ' was ment ally unbalan ced. .. : 11 1 l!: ' ~ I~ fI t:"rL . rlaht, lpent Sun· and a sacrifice fly gave them another all her life was spent in and near The luneral was held Monday af· d ' ,1 "'Ilh rel dives in Midliletown . Mr. and MI'1I. W. H. Allen. accom· in the eilfhtb . ternoon at 2 o·clock. at Bellbro ok. Waynesville. where a host of friends paniAd ll6' the MIIIea Louella and The Athletic s, in the meantim e. Eld er Sebasti an, of Cincinn ati. offici- enjoyed her courteo us welcom e and Mlh" ~"rcolh)' DlAkln arrived bere, Franctll Janne,. IIpent Sunday near rould not do very mucb with Junes' . Interme nt in the Bellbrook and kind hOllpitality. __ I , AI "'.~"k . fruUl Idliho ....·here Ih. Tippeca noe City, vialUng the Y. W. pitching until the ninth, when three One daught er. Susan Wright . Bnd cem etery . h ... bl!-n t eachinlt for the psst year, C. A. camp. where eeveral youna straigh t hits put one run over the B brother , C. G. Willi amson, of this Mr. T. P. !i'etter. of Sprlotrfteld. ~ illf' . ·. ! ..' vialL h",r lIunt, Milll May ladl.. are lpendin , tbelr vaeali.IOB. place. survive wbo favored St. Mary'll conereg ato mourn ber passing . plate, but the followlnll batsme n \"rl<.I1'- · h.·' ·10 ~he loes 10 her pa- Mill Olive Allen hu chaflle of the could not make the aemblan ce of a tion with a beautif ul flute 11010 last I cann o~ l ay Bnd I .. III nol oa,. I·J" , IO .. U Tlla' .be .. doMl.-B he II J.. ' """,1 camp. hit, and the game ended 2 to 1. Sunday . will play in the aervi·. WI~h a ch _ T emilo. aud I wa vo 01 t b e band. again next Sund~y. () l, \tuou ph. tht!.IlY\'l\ilCht epeclal. ., Bho 11 .. wllDd.rod In'" all unkuown land. The chances for a tie or a victory were great, If only one man could Have you paid your taxes7 I.ot, ,, " I boo Itt Cllrey 'd J ewelry Shop, __ And Ion u droa mlull bow very fa'r h need. mUl t boo oIDee obe 1101101'8' have P8Bted the pellet for a single. Lebano n. Monday eveninl l from 6:80 Aod ,ou- O JOU . wh o "ltde" ye"m Thv gsme W8B fuJI of thrills from Jacob Myel'1l was born at Zon es· unt il 9:30 pm . \0 accommodille Fo r tho old · tlme sl op .... d tbo glad re'urn. start to finish. and IIveral big league ville. Obio, A'ugult 20. Tluok of hor 0~1II ... 'he •• rne. J " ay : lhl' ~ who bus)' th rough the day 1829 He C. R. Carl t on. pas~enger repre- tlbe III oot dead - oho .. Juot awayt- Rllo,. etunts were pulled off. Bill Kline Will tbe son of JOllph and ____ ' .. '1 Ahu~. Tu e>id ay ft om 7:30 It m. to Sarah sentativ e of the Pennsy lvania Rail· 8eemed to have an off da,. u be Card had of &bllrs, Thank and . of III family of six chil road system. of the to 8:00 p m . . souhtt!a stern four larlfe errors cbarged up to him, dren. One of Ithla family, Regula r meeting ' of M,i aml ChapI wish to lhank my neighbo rs and a sister. region. was in t ow n Thursd ay and Mrs. Ainee Wrhlht died Sunday two of wbich resUlted In the ter NG. lIYl, O. E. S .; Mdnday evendillaete r Mrs. Sarah Da'~iB, of Bellbro ok sur· made us a very pleasan t call. Mr. friends for their kind ministt; ation Morri s Graham lind f amily. Rich·' mornlnl l at 2:8C, after a long illness of the day . Ing, July 9th. All membel'1l are ~ vlvel. HII ' mother waa one of Carl ton ass ured us tha t th e and sympllt arl'! Cam pbell and fa mily Rnd Ken· The (uneral ' 'iVU held at hy in my bereave ment. compan y her late Randall . the new pitcher , had Warren Counl;y 's oldest residen quested to be present , as there ia ts. were bu ilding new equipm ent, such ~ nllth Thom8~ left, ~u nday . fllr Hnel. home. Tqeldil y attemo on Miss Susan Wright . at2 o'clock good control and foullht gamely to wbo d1ed at. BellbJo work in the degrees . ' ok in 1907. at 1.18 nl:w ya rds. t erminal s, shops, cars ton . Ind .. w h er~ Mr . Gf8h .. nl ha!! Rev. John J . Shaeffe r officiati ... ng , win. but the errors were too mucb the age of 102 YeB.fe. Laura McKinsev. W. 11-•. the contrac t for paiming a big bridtre Interme nt in Miami cemete and locomot ives. and will work hard ry. for him . The two umpire s were Sue Hawke, Sec'y. Mr. Myer came. to the vicinity of to meet the country 's growin g Theywill camp outrlur in, the time of Correct Measur. ofM ::' ~~a;.;;n·~l-IIrl_ _--'=== ='''''''"___~----------''-. The t . degree ~Q.\h.Jv of h,en vl~lon their working tin,l wlllira ke It a IOrt a thatyoung man and demand for transpo rtation. Mill Ellz"tle th C.rroll- dIM at the l~plil:ma!llye'L1d/....l.lsltullndllIal...y-.">:oWull:.g':lh.ltLitlolU:hlllalLv" , man Is the correct meU8ure of the e"g-'oo:Jo"':d~- =marrled Miss Diller Brinker . of that The compan y iil al so putting on an of a picnic during t he seven or el"bt Frlend~ Hom~, Sunday aftern~ nan.-Ca rlyle. on at lIupport from the umpirin g. which place. To theDJ were born Watch your expira tion date. three aJverti Ring campaig n. The ads are weekll o f t heir stay . l'h y will 2:80 0 cl~k. after a long Illneps. a failure at this larr.e. · children . Margar et, Loretta alld written by fl rstdu}'s ad writerll cam ped a long the Whi ttl river and fut1era rwaa beld at the Home. Thol Athletic s will go to Wilminll- Val.. The wift~ and daught er hove the ar tisti c work of the drawin gs momio a. Interme nt In Mi· ton Sunday to play the Augur. Blts. some years @llnce passed to the are itavt' you paid your taxea1 (or beyond t he average advercemete ry . ' _ _ _, __ 0-----,, .great beyond . tising' putout by big corpora tions. He waa a farmer by vocation and Read t hese ads for they are highly W8B a verv hard worker in his youn- educational. and are urinllin ll the ger days. but f,e lt the need of care ~ce ni c rou te o f the railro ad to the Take ~ Your film:; when old aile . lind feebieneS8 crept front more and more. upon him. H:e was in declinin g I Kodak __ ..._ __ co.n be d~vel­ health tor 10Dle time and on th e I with I/ou · oped right but beautif ul summe r afterno on. of : . June 22. 1923, his 80ul passed pence· I on·your" I ona!~we A large crowd wu In town, Sat· fully to 1;8 rewl t tbe alre of 93 1 AND how do you remem ber th~e th~t you know? . ,... urday afterno on and evening , and 'Vears, 10 montlia aad 2 days. ., Vacation do it that 1'1. By their location? By thelI' pnces? Or by I the mercha nts were busy all Of. that Funera l services were held at the \ tima, They are all well sstltfled home of his aon, Val Myers. their servi ce? or pn gour wag, and : .. neaT i with the results. At the Fllrmer s Lytle. Ohio. at 10 o'clock Sunday , \ We are proud to say that we are known "by our Camprng Exchan lre Co., where flee lunch was conduc ted by Rev. Eaward make them D. . Warren County Pomona grange dispens ed. there wu quite a crowd Sloller of the Ferry Church servic e. ~. . ' . Inter. met in the Grange buildin g here,. last Trip piOSSIl. too. all day long, and a bitr volume of ment ~t Mlddle~un Cemete ry. Satur~ay. On account ?f the harbusinee We are makin g an enviable reputa tion ;by ; the s W8B done. , , vest tIme and farmera belDg so bUI!_ _ _••._ • Card of Thank. special attenti on we are giving to lubrica tion. ~ NQ ily engaged . tnere was a email at· We wish to thank our np.ighbors\ t.mdanc e. Howeve r, there was other factor detenn ines to such a great degr~ ' ~e Are IOU i,d;plie d wiiti wbat for their kindne811 shown us durlnlt quite a volume of businell8 attende d .11 reclulre d for anJ emerlte JIc'? life of a car aod its econo my of oper~tion. ~ , ..,~ ..~ ... the deatb of our beloved fDtht'r, to. ', , . FqrlRl tince-C Otton Sand..... A fine dinner was served at Rev. Edward D. Goller , for his con· oon' by the IlidieS'·-c.f·-the Grange . , Adhesiv e Platj~r, loa\n~,eD Let us prove this to you by draini ng ·your·~­ IOlinlt wordB. the singers. and to Mr. Everybo dy seemed to be well will neea all of ~heee, beeau.. satil!'Waltar McClur e . lIuftere d a llitrbt Walter McClure for the, efficien t fied with case and refilling with SWlOCq Motor' O~ ,~~ithe aceldan tl will ~.,pen . the m lieting. IItroke .f paralye ll, Thul'llCllU' even- manner in which he conduc ted the proper type for your car. This cr~.~ce · • _ . . IDIf. Mr. McClure, who haealw &>,lfun era'. ' W'e ",II th. .., Famoul.. is freeour only charg e bein~ .,for the;fr ieh 1 ou. been ave" attlve milD. Is tHlnJr ·an Val Myers and famify . enforce d vaC!'Uon. .Be is .ble to be .. _ ..._ __ ab~ut .,ain, ~d It II hoped by hll : ' In ..lnta, qJ.,ttI, I1lc~ BrlO~, many frieada that,he will lOOn b. 'Phon e 150 Waynesville •Neopol ltln • . br,lc!k and ball. ""'9hi~' u well U fIVer. . • -, . " The Warren ' Couniy 'Woma n', Nothln l more .delicio ul for d.. . l!.i", , ,• . Christia n 'Tempe rance Union will l . . • holel iii annual conv~ntion at" Bar-, .












- ----.. ..------



-... Will PLAY Af::,;:


• •


= = = = = = RAllROA n PUlliNG



---_. -_.- --


. -.



----_ ---



Ho w ma ny gar age s ~n yo u nam e?


merloty Ouifits '



Red \till' Ie. 6:• .

"'l . .




LEBANON PllHIOl S 0fte8~I~c;:;~:.n;:~lo::fA~;r ::~~;:~ ~~, ~~;dl;:::~, :~ t: .. ___ "


... . .




- II be beld

T...d v'eomi July .'!i uy-'~ e . lbe LebaBOb P~~ot . . . IOld .'" 1~. Work In.. tbe M. M.- ..a' \>earree. the recet••, W, G. '1'ho~PIOD, to lWou.mtalr brethrE n .• nd vte,ltonl




lin M..., WIIIOD, .bewlOpl'OballlJ .-eord lalIJ weleom... l'IIn the paper fer ••Ialle. OoDlldel'. KlDnet b Hoqb! W. II•



... A.. - - - lW7,

lon~ send s; an come that caD Ev~!'Ybody . .Ieome. Box luch . ~ lin. ~ Davia, 001111" Se!Nta rJ'.

TIi. Miami Gazed .n,


u'w i 1\

J'~y 1'.1'


,' j'j"i1 "ellers, hulr'ln u il nrn~.

"'TIll t', thil wlltl r wll h n", 1.1,17 ,r hn('s I;l nltcr,ln' ~ou UII ' " 'Jlh,' n I~sw(~r cume tr In RnOlllt'.t •"III,,,h,·,1 plltte be low . .rlvle !liud,· n ~prlnl.r for " dt' ... k. 111"/1 . IUnllltl~ !iftody, twlriud It Sll th nt I It... \\:t IPI' ~pM1 ~' E'd trow It In a rliin. I"",. '''III hl','lIgh t I to th(' f'\llI rl:~. \ ·,'·u r.l· ~liJ'Pl'U tJ \'t'r Ih e rulL "I ' If \\ lilt you !" cr l ~ .JudI!. "1 'ul ,\ol\\'n lhtl t lOOp I" cried .Sel lars, ",,\I "lu)IIo'lIlr !"rlou~. "Put down I Ilil t 111111). )'i111 limylng Illt lp rl",'111 I :,,'n I:" t I ntt' r )'u ur pt' t fknlll~: You " ill'l " h,,~'! I n p,' pr h' ll p"p/1 It, n ot

s IIl u~t,·

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I ni l' I n~ 1 ~·I .!\ llI(\nth ~. un' n ow I I., ,\, ' Y lI t!'\"(' :,:In' ~'o urtt('lf nwny 111''' 1'''''' "'IJr. IOnk a t you, RS rOllnd 111'\ II t IIh-y,'tJ'ri" II wumma n , ••


r .... h t by


M. McBride C- Co

I', 1,110'" I

-""Put ou t !" snlrl Su tun.

\\ 1[U II

UWhy. I've tl t(k tHl th ose felll' r'i t u ('nnw ~cltll1'


on r" ,' SlIlIllnwu, 00 (1 ..-beUIer or 110, It I rRI"<'d M tuol or cllAln th ey'd he on mo wllh Ihe flrsl c:!.Ick of lhe wlnrt lfl f<>t. I t"11 ~ nl\ we'rtIn a Ugbt pl :ll.'el Ch'nr.,· ~IIl d n,l1 hl n·. 700 .notl cetl thll t. tlut. ~.'I I<'rM WUlll. bla t housnnn . We' n' 1l.'lcl to r ,>n,' thousand dol l,,",. ul,ld w,,'re nol : lronK &oogh to tl",h I them." "Wel!. see here:' SllI,I t1u' I'l'nrp.. maJcer. "1'IIY Ulem. I 'll - In lll i lil e racket. It's unly 0 lill ie over two htl o · ~ pound ~, o.not I'll !rlve ),ou "









"You dOD' t get me." ~nlll SlIln n . "It's oot the doHors I'm Ihlnk ln ' or S,) much III Ule game. ('.u k 1'II,),l.o(\ ru@ • low-{lowD trick lI j(htlo' nut tor l,er e to ICOOp the hoodl!!, B's lde , It J was CD h aod over Iho\ m(moy. f'd Dpvpr" i,e abl" to 8how 'iny on>;e Ilgalo In Rn · ftD R."

·'How lOr' "WhJ, them two ,,'onld







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put the lau,h 00 me, ood It'd be 'whll t price Ikeletolll' wben" 'er ] went. see? l'd lie tbe trlug th en. They're the ruUgll .,., eee!n' they've paid 11 Uwusu.od , . what they',,,!! ItOt." "I see. But con~lder1 n g thnt th e-y'\1 lie lifter you If you mo\'e. nnll tb nt we're not Itrong enough to fight the m, "Jaat', to be done?" "Well." MId SlItnn, Kwheo they eome .abollJ'd It'll be elther to get the .ollant bacll: or IIlfhL You" 'e n oticed 1 ,.lIed tbem . to come, seeln' they'd haTt! eam. whether I allked them ' or .,at. Well, tt I can tooll e th em Into ..D«tn3 on lor their II n sv.-er Ull to· morrow, I'll Il~ them the "lip tDIdI\t, Moon's Dot up un lite," " "nut tb", 'U b.. YOIl getUng the , ud.';r uP UI4 handlin, th. salls." "Not. wHb u ..r trulD&Jtlt," .,Id

"l~ Iii



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I , I' .. ll; JI .... i "l\~ 1) ( 1 1t~ liluluil !\ud Wl llH h l l\"~ ~ 1\11 hl'H l. \· '!" t·I.·ad d I it t' \\ nmUfl ou t or he-r ns a ~' "utllt·l· l 'hlll' " PH I. t <lI nllll l'" 1II'IJl~'" II r nhhJ t Ollt It hnt. IOr lll MI14, i},.." ' l "! f 1111\\ 1.1 Ihat 11H)p !" "thO,",. r 1" tI r f' I " I T! " d j' :11" U 1'f'(\, ,JlI' :,' II','''' l't H;!' ,'olo r hI! fl I tlrnPtI J Udi·· ... n ' ~ ' .. lid nol ";1'1' 111 III \', ,,n '\', r : II~' \\h i l ,'; tlH'n wllh tllP plftn li nd nn.\~ tu hh11l ' , nl ·r I!f\r iltt'('. II""" I·r, I,·d I III ~ I I 111 11 ;.:a llll"'ol'k stt(l rlu\rl,fp d, The ""ul ll ,l.!t'rl,orH lh :n'" or ,' ru.-}u· l' ,\' " "r' !l'P" ,'r "'w ll b hit ttw rutttun r'ull In h is t\r~ !In(l c"' arpl111 h .. ,· ... .,a, I"'~, Ino.: l . !l l" !a' r, I" l', an " li t! fell on the d('lc k w itb t h .'ly h !! tln :: l'lt":lr~ , ~.,l"" o.: (·;l rlc.I,1 I lan ~, UO l t HII Ihr l~ I IOt"u .::n _ ... , fpl'lin . : \ I f I! In II S t' ('OI1 t1 lit! \Y"8 up noll 8c rampe rfp C' t 111 11)":11 Iii,, ' fl'''r h I. I 111'''11 hl lnJ,{ o\' pr rJw rull , Agn ln she cbatKPu ,





rllllH:,nut tUQ~

clip t r t-l\ "; l1r\, "r 1111' .· ~;.;: +,l ,. Ihl·uu . l l C.H 1 . , :-. t.(-, \\ I ~

I' J H .... \\111>

~HIIIt ' ljl 1\\

IfU hi ...

Illt't.' t IDK 1J lm th l8 Cull fo.:ft'rn lIud ~l' n ('lInl b lJn over Into

cOIn- lo('lnl:. ~" I " n \\'111, I'fir .. :o n h""jllo, ' 1"'"1 like II bilK or ""I s. l'llP ", n, A , Iu s l! 111 1>, (, 'rtuoAl ely, lIu1t.tull. ; 'ork ••rj h ~ r Ull 10 th .. pnrl or l' r~' ln~; he r wln,1 was r ;'~l n; IIn.l IlInd,,'tI by hcr preRc len[ (\lInd abov e


\\ .. ..: lIt:1' nr·X't WE'lipOn,

Th e


"1111110, Kid!" rrlNI ~ IIp r~. 11< Ih.. bout grnllllll Il l",,;. In!' U Il, 1 II 11IIhy runlt,n wllh a huud l" 'I·'·I",. r 1\\, ,1.-1 rOU IIJ hl ~ 111'1111 .-IIIW('<1 I, ll lil li' n bUill. hook. ·"'·hnt's tl,u ""'tlcr. I{ itl? W h"t's up with you ? WI1,'rt'S SotAn?" "W!to' re you kl'I 'lIl1'?" ('ril'rl .f ur!p,

..n llg l,t I ' Ienry tull In Ih e fllce, aod •• II,,· 10 "111 "lUde off. the oara, aU /I t " I,,'~ li nt! RHE'OS , \\,U<lly ro ·, r lng. ~ he pll r"IPII It wi th UI E' butlery of the I"nl:ll e UII It W08 ou l or rlln~. Thl'n ,It .. hm" .. dow o Ilod cried, .nll'l'l'd, II I'h her ttrm hid ing her face, and th eo, 11 II <h ..d, Ilk e 0 t hi ng of shlllOe dived

liS Sellers

he!li w .


n.hllflr tl,

rull o ,\ f"d l . r

Waynesville, Ohio.

I' r- -'Freedom.

Dn\;'o Or sunset or IJ' O rlta 1-" ;" , .. " ~ ,In -- " u\<l l\\It tllke ' frOIll It.. d.',,,1 \. lion, IIn,l Ih ls ey 11 n~ ~h \l ,h ll ~I \'r II nil ' ot tll ~ WI' 'k dOllllnutc(1 e,,(·\,.,'Ul lnlf • tnroln ' Ih e blt t1.e at ilUosct 10 Ihe lI !;ht tit II fun\!l'U1 pyre. Th\! ' lIflllt , ulO" lnK io tlt o swplI. crl'lIk ~tJ 11 1111 whlm llt'I" 'u, ANI nuw nllli


tht:'ll s'roiu lt ~lu\r he cOllhl h en," \"Ukl' -JIHIt;·'. \'O,I Cl' IIlId Ih .. ,' nl l' or l'1I III U . Be~'()n' l Ihlll I'n nll' tl,{! IlIllrtllur .. t Ih p rC! t nnd the cla ng nr Ihp ~1.11"'0 nd son ~


~ n/lld,

no\\' /lnrl lIH' n n


Ri' " .i1~ II

pi,.... It wi11 brlD# this

frllm ti n.' JUIUl.



totwln :dn;.:

hl'lnw 11.'1>

pll~.,' d

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I'~pr .

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l'u ll ,

it. hr(. II .cht to h i ... , I, ·\\, II q"


JU lin flod S lI ld l('1..... hi(l'" nr ~1 11"'\ in l\ wOl'hl uf Ih l" k pu wdprt'tl w itll ",1:1'-


"1. on

(lust. )I n -sP ill I," n 1I1.!'IH W:l~ r l ln till- ~·a td lt" 7.t l lwn til,> ,I uan {l il t

III' h er r lrl l nc lI;:h t. rli p il ~ Jl fJln !lppt':Ir,'d . I H du ' J..y "11'111 , r l,..l l1 ;": frl llll till' l':lb!11 1 hHC {'h HI HI lollu \\ {'d h." J w ll', Tt l t!' .\ f ': I Ule rOI·\\,lIl '.1. ,"II!4' ~ ljI ,' 11" ,'1 on t ht, dt,t'k, lin d ~atan tin '\\' t'l q ... o,: In

9OUba~ •

HIII.-i ill',·. ltat"ll ~I , lIn k(o: 1I11d IIn~ ~('n sp In lIu'lr !-o 1,1J I1~ , 11I ,',\"c \ ~11'1, lIu t 8 1t'1Iarrl h I1 Ut. " :-- .tllI :'alall: "bill I'\'f' t'Hlr put I hi' 1111,111 111 1 ! 111'11 1, I I,' t:, \ I ' , Hnd tln'.\'\' .· n. ' n·r !'Ia \\' Wltll! r \\:1'" oftPr, III'l'II'nllrn' I I lI ltt 1\(\ o il 1"1' till ":,," 0 \\ ,


IIncit ...· lII<hl . to h~ pll r I'll I

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mor.' und \\,., '11 h.< lin'," 'uH II \\' nrC' ~'n \1 ~\llrl!: 1(\ df~ It'( ' " .'ntlt'k 1111' ~ llHI ' I, It · .,It' t ilt- n tl,'"pl'

r bo ln nn ' 1"1 h",' dr lrt.


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fHvrr.- orr- IIMelC

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4a1lJfr W1UL.... · . ~."

'r'OIJQ. '1l.01(~

"",SI!! CIOtACJ''l 1t16ARL'i UP TMIE. AQ,,1l..,Y _ Wat.N

WI ·.... ~e 6Ut!"IN6 A6ES" ~H() 'SOM~8oDV 6VI!S"S'.P Jlt\R.S• . ~ITlI A,T 'fot J WltAT VoI"q IT 'Iou Ci/o.IO 'TO HI!.Il. HE~ Cio




" ft r ) (" Ugh t '"

Oleary. "I""<'re th e h-I fin' I'u ,:r Illllrll ffc knen' . fendcl1! ? ('lI ml n' c uttl n' tile " fli nt nrr. : li p,r gex proclaimed IIloud by thll )'ou nn<l your 81(lIll1nl',""! \\, hpn"~ , Fh u lnel,,!'.!! Sell e rs wall as a r&rment "Not th ey ," !'u ld ~"tnn . wl't lf' y 'll Satan ? H e'. rlown bd.,\\, dr llnk " " / SII'IP I' d olf h er publicly. 00 the very say u othl n'. Rf\c ln' ll.!' hnw tltpy'rt riOll f' Billy be d-n nnd cutt l,,' tI , .. 1I!!'10\ 9 fll'llt clll." SII IaD hnLl stated ber en ... out of th l' sh ip." , nn,l she didn 't mind, th()Uih he, Rat.- Rnd the l o u gh' s It g-H ln !'!1 th"In. \\' h,\' , j Cllrk w ill rpsp"f' t mp mMe for Ihl s joll "He '8 b(,pn ot the 1'1 pw" . h 1 "'o s ,.lItrl', hlld been a stronger; but It Willi than It I'd n ln strnl,(tltI \\'Il h him O\' pr tell ln' ." ou ot." ~, I . I Clt."r.... " I.onir. tl l~pr~n t nO\v, some how. It waa 1111 11 IJIg h on t he crown points or the Ih e bl/ ,1 1'>'1. I f It'd 1"' l'n Ih ,' l h e's broke 0 hOltl " or It. I."rll! L1nn'[ I th e "nil ot her boy hood had cotrle, Statue 01 Ub er ly 10 Now York other wo,\' nbout no ,l 111' ' < 1 plIlI",1 11 '0 I th e plnr!' Rtlnk?" ~c.llprs wo1I1,1 DO doubt proclaim the h arbor. Cnrl Berqui st, ncrohntlo dollar~ ofT nw, I' tl I lIl\'~ ht-'pn ,, "whprll "W C, II rl Mln k o r ~tlllt~r, Jw'~ ~n t t o I furt In HO \,fl nn . 8teepl ~j8ck, e.:t:('Cutcd some th ri lling with him. ~lIn d """. 0111 hrt'I'. It I stun ts la ~t w<.'ek, Phdto sholl'e COlDball up ," ~!lI (1 ~,'II"rp . "It" my b e!! t Il e heurd \' olces trom below, " 'RS to s ll d( h ~re till (('111""'1'" ",. 1 pilrotl"o sl ~o Of man to IlIc great he's heen Rp",.lIo · liS ni l "I AOg," ,"1 , doo't care If I'd killed him I they 'd he Rb !'lIrtl IIn,l I1In~'h" '"l1n· etnl ll~, "hl('h bolds O\1t tlIo t orch " I>"o fln' wh o r ' cried .rude. \\ IMh t I had I Len' me aloo_for two "('/Irk nD' me." (,I'nts I'd go dro wn myaelf I Look a t hnndlln,(t U~ It r dilln'l hlill II,, : 11111 Of LII'crl y oDd Freedom to thguha ck In n nvn n n Ih ... th lnlr \\' 11 1 be ,n~111s or old world oppressed all " On rk uc' YO Il- thnt 01<1 Irrothr r th ' lll Illnteal You 've broke tlIe two closed onrl Ih.· 8('COlln t8 " ToI" nfl'." , til Y came to merge In this peat taCll no' you I ~"lnl1 I>(,{!D pc"""n' I' ltl\! pntte m on8!l .D' the chlUleY one The sou~ of 1\ '::lIllur came tI .rouJ:h " ,,,Itllll!' [-ot or t'reernen, ~ n tlln's \\~~h tho hlrd on It. the best .... e b ad, . . . "If I _ only tooele tbem lDto you- p olr of ~'el:i;1nen I the du sk, cro~slng tbe wllrm ,,·Ind. Ihe atrnl,(tht, the all'v Rtrnl " hl mUll In rh. u not Il cru('~ VIle ton ched I't la.y. l"ni uoroo8 w ind of II p .. rCect · . ' rou no BOnSe r' I O vana . ..I off tills ~hlp lome In / . ItDIImer's nllght, Se\,llIe, whi ch hp o fl" the rllJ;~ fin SIlO \\' ~U n Je-ne e II. the momlD' It YOIl wnnl 1-0 try nn' rob " N~~' er you mlnll; I'll set ;YOIl lome bftd I\el'er !Iepn. rose beCor o Rll t!'lItr(', P.)rt u~l't! , ·' blm. Oil' w llh \·ou no\\' !" mo ro. R tll cI!O'" ~'\) t Dlo\'e fO"wnrd wh ile "J'rn not w llntln, more. Them ftreftr ·hounlPd ortln lre gro o;E's. l ovel~' plates were motber'8-much ;yon cllrel wbmeD a U sk ewererl tl'getller 10)' th e tll e~' k'l"I'I,,'d I he olll'f'I, h, 1 11' I he Itn· chur d\J d ll. 'I'ltl·n' (: :llll fi .n sl'l nsh. I t you must be breaklolJ and c:uttlng remembered ~' orlls ot n rlhnld Rang. Then ti ll' III Ct'liuJ,! I'P"'lIrJH'LL "Wbea I " .. . .tud Gnt at C .. dh: ," up, co uldn't YOU a broke the cracked "If Ih,',· h":,r" Ih ll t ~l'lf, .. h ," sa id ones ' AD' where'8 the aeDlle In break· "Tllera g ues ol d (Julgul s, " .,LiLl Sa· Ing tltem anyhow?" tan, "He'lI tlt e banll nbOllr(\ the JU li O Sawn. " llte.,··(\ put II dr,w n 10 n IIsh :X u\\' ~' II U wltll' h th em "Wool, I reckoned lt'd IIvtn you 1111 - A.Dtonlo, Ala.zo, A. lphllUSO-U-1l his jU l l1pln' , lI j:hts," h ellrln' the cro ckery 1J0In'." IlIme'" II II I cll O'l' wl1l.'h f'd Ih fllll hl'r 11 1:11 18 "It '''D't,'' Bold Ju de. "It·s t11Ht olLl " L lveo me up I Makes me believe )'OU hnv\! been getting at the to copper· patch Cleary's gOt wltll !thll . of I h,' :'\ald,~7. till" J Ill"'. They did y til.h ~n r y ou t nlk, Where', the MII* In I'n hllllr d 111m In hurbor. I I;IIV H 111m nllt SPPI Il 10 nll.''- polsl l lI ,lt In the leusl. Anll qu""tto .... on etiquette 0 11 your dolDg_Wp Itlnk_ of a plug or l"ba eco ollee (or gCllilt l; ·uw In I hp 11.-,,[ of t h~ 'III.-lll:hl flDd the will be gla.tllv· al1nvered In drink lind nil the crockery broke. Ind lome bult, und h e showed IJJO t h~ I U~1 nr U.r \l lI sl; till' "IIIII';' nllll h ull s column V addrenCC£ t o ti.lng. It·s Iglll a cruck In It o r SU I hl n '. nt Ih 1'\11 ,.~,,~ l'I~ ,," ul,1 Just he mulle what's the lise?" A!ed4, of tAW new .. "I' ll sbow ,-OU after dark, I t ell and makes 0 nois e like a Slleel!;!' In u uul. fHlPM', '1'I11' n I"'p"'nt ly It" S,, \\' 111111 ch e St....._ (1) Wh('{l a you ] wnnt to get a way from tholle Jug--kln d 11 tlzzln' ool se b e[\\,{,~ 11 th e hoy 111 walldq witll II girl Ihould he thugs, and If 1 hadn't lleaded tbem plonlls. H("s gU I un ul ster on I, l. Il'g II gh l ~ I", d d.· .. lI' n II 1111 mo.·c ort :r nd alwaY8 belp b er a cr oss tbe street or ott pretendln' t. be dl'lUlk they'd h..,. so'S YOU ell n ~ee U.e b nc. He IOll k SI'("lll'cl dll!\ \')' rlll.!I'fh, '\'. Th t:' ff'e l of Just w hen a .ehlcle Is apllroBC~ gone through mI." (2 ) Wbo 8ho'l ld ge~ 00 Ibe rtoll~ "Well. th ey'll go through you rlrllt cn,r Ors t, the mnn or the WomllD 1 eDough tomorrow momIDr." (8) DMI tbe ume rule apply wben "No. they won't. I'll be·sone. You lenvlng a ear? l en ye It to me." Heury R. V., Mloo. "\\'1!II, I wis h wo'd haye wont beAns.-Yes, a youog D\Bn should fore yo U broke tIlem plllte.... alWIlYll olre- r his a ss istan ce to 8 1I\(ly " Oh. <:11SI the p lutosl " at II. cross ing. Ju st toucb lng h er elbow with bl8 hand Is courteo u8 "Ellsy 10 suy Il1at. It Wilkes me "Well," ealll "'tan, "When Til.,. and III sutll('lent. \2 ) Tbe woman. jll~t n" chernl wild to see that old Aboa .... It'll II, Eltlter to Get (3 ) No. The ,(teDtlewan leuves Urst DI'It' pl a te s tarin' me In tile tace,. tile Doll ... aaok .r FIght." - tbls In ' order tba t be mn,)' belp r ou nd nn,l sound, nDd tbe blue patteMl ftltlll' un tomorrow. Now tII_ the lad, air. , ..:one,'· .TUde, lend a hand w Ith t,be dlngby ... S il ence for a moment, Rt the end ot Hat EtiqueUe.-Io Bleiler J 8111 whlc'h SMuo's \tend und bUilt appeared LIked IOma QuesUons 0 11 lUll etl· OHAPTIIR XII fi t I h co bin h lltch . Quette. Tbe le tter reada. "IIPOII en· •et'lng the then Ire or mo"I!!., wh en " There 's DO 81gn at them swabl mould a mou r'move bls but? (2) «;rocka~ Ware. cumi n' oft ngnln'" lI!ked he. Is there liD)' specllli plllc<: n 1110 Il ~ hom: before eun.set, Jude, on tM "Xo," su ld Ratcliffe. "The, ' seelU sbould ~ut his bllt L1u rlng Ih e Iler· IoaItbu," ..... the a1,rm. "Sel.... to ho "0 hnd e nou gh of It," formance? (3) Sbould olle wuil til l Jitt1DC ready to come oft," ,be c:rIJIII. out.Jllde thl! tbelll ro to pu l it . un The rum bottle hnd broken fa lrl,SatlA', bead appell"lll at tbe eabfn In t\l'O w lth Ollt ~p llol l'rs. aglrlu? (4) What Is Ihe hRt cU. quette In an e levator? 'rbnl.1l y lJ u. "Y ou mll:ht henve the battle over, "'I!lllNr 1II(!' /1 ..:no<'\ ooe," Auld Satan. "I can·t A.n 8.~.gentle mllll Abflu ld rc movo ""I.'IIe bolt', .tongalde the .Tup full Rlww on de('k tor tur ., tlwlII ~I s b a . Boon 118 I", ... nl l" ·" th .. or dqoea. ud Sells and Cleal7'iI pt. lobby ~hrlmps 6(,pI D' me. It'll be dn.rk la of a ~1I1 c r where I h .. li ck. eta' ID." ets are sold. (2) Yes. L' ud er lho un 110111', noLI Ihen I'll he up. You ettA did 701 ,tick that bottle of Sellt there Is u~unlly a rllck ror .. ,,' . for YOllr snpper tUi meo's bat •. . ( a) Y es . (4) tr II IIwuy 1" ..,..palrltr mno Is 10 II prlva le eleva lor ~w' I ' n ~ "Startloard forward locker." an aparlment b ous ~. hntel . d epart. "Oh. yes ," said Ratcliffe; 'TIU III "ODe mtaute," In • minute the bead reep~ared m('ot 8to r ~, et c .. wh ether t Il~'rl' UJ'n no hurry," ladlra preselJ l or not, he .holt lll It l. He lit n pipe. Hnvlng disposed ot U<! lID arm boldlo, die .rum bottle. ways r emo .e bl s hilt. II nwe " cr It "Now, mmd )'ou, I'm drunk," .Iald It Is a bl1s ln .. "s el e\'nt o!' ttl(' ';l:t n the tl'l1KlUpnl8 of the bOltle, he &ot the w op lIud a bucket of water and SItu, "ft,htln' drunk. not to be dill(rej:ur,lI ess 'a n.\' ltlt ll rs pr",,' ul ) swublJcd the TUID·stalned de ck, TheD turbetl on DO account. TIle)' can call need Dot reUIQI'e his hilI. he look Illg Ben t forward IIDd watcbed ap1D tomorrow mol'lll.q." til e s un set. Be. EAShed the rum bottle oa tbe T he great IlUD balt·shorn of 1lI1 H I NT5 cSea. 1""""9 1I11t! bul glo, bro a d as Jupiter, "Lea" tile plecee 171n'," Be nn· l u lled obure the reef ID a eky of Ill' 1IlIe4. . Sty on E,e,- A POll It Icc to r rl','< h tlurnuu1 Kllid fuLlIDg to aquumarlne. . Jed. looked at HatcMe and moned, t ea le M\'eS Ul lli ~ l enNI wh h Ii Hlt.' r -Rub )'OUr'UOII4l and pretend to be w ill uRllally cu "e II S lY un tl .., ," ,' . Oull " , ,lllrk os wlthel'l'<l lell"es, blew An Olber ('ure whl ph I~ ;!l i'l I" :," alr "" l I,hn, nnd shlttl Dg here aod t'rJID.... cam~ a voIce trom below. t1'erp Iu Ilorth lind aouU, lJecnme Kulla "What tor abould I be cryln'?" an· j! ood. I• • ~old I\'('tldlug ril l!! rulol '",j ee ntl, 0 0 tbe Of)' . or ):o ld, while tlIe wlod blowlog np wered Jude, , fr o ltl lil(' gulf snd the westward.rUD"God AlmlPtJ I ru mow you If J If YO'l I",,· 11o·' .t nl ol( cmTent, meetlog the IBlt of the pt on deck I AIn't I drunk and cut· b.nlr Alid " ' i.i h to kel'p It .. " "l'lI a Shown above Is tbe home orBetsy ROM on Arl'h s t ,'CcL ' P11 1111(lellihl " flo od, brol,e th e &'tI a 8urfoce loto a 1 Ult l~ Ii!tnon lu lce In lh ~ l a ~,' rJil ", t!Jl' uD' Wbat elae would you be do· ~here 1.46 yea1'1l o go, Jnue 14, the ling of the Un it<,d SI Ole~ \\'118 lit: log waler. mllli un t iny dancing WR Ve&, m omen'l Ill" I'll laro )'ou I· g n!;& Thousnnds .gnthered therc two w('Cks ngo to pay IrlllUie It , I. " lury mll'rot's dllzzllnr the eye with IItt_ 11IrQ'C8. A amub of c:roekery came tl'Om b&lod jn~ . - Art er ""I n ~ \1),lI ne rio s hnll l' l·,,,1 lI..:ht. low that made the houaekeeper spring llQt I " h d .l ~f , III' t~ rrrrrl"! 1,3 rt. Ii I'p~f RPpm~d w ell J)R.mM, to the cabin IIkJlU,ht, \\ I JI U l u..:t! U t;.1,: ' c n ' I..! uru,

i n tte



'1'11 1' ".n.-llOr li (:ht8 uloll e mnrkerl Ih.'lr pl ll'·"s. "\\'to' re fl ll rl::h l now." Fald SqtaD ; Ub u t 1111 Cl\'flo th em anoth er n..~ min. ut es. " ot (he ulatche.s tor tbe biD'

ou t at II I1- whlt'h II,,'), wun·1. 1"11 In i1n~I, e' ll ReE' li S by hl'l!t!d n' wl"re there." "1.0..1! 1'.1 I nv~ 10 Sl'f ' thf' lr rn ~ .· .• In th e l1Iornln lr: " murl1lur e-<1 ,r 1.11'. "Out \\ ou't th f'.r ~ n t or ) 'O U wh('ln we IIPt b nt'k 10 1I11 1' lID "~" nsk ,'d IInl ' clltl'e.


au .... •

y ,\S, flit, ~ou nt1 I ) t til .. cul tllr wu s f ulnu"r. · 11111 ('11 f nlnlf"r, HIlII tilt· ~l'u r 8 ,~ncl h llll t. \If Ih e ",'s"~'I ~ no\\' In\'I"I\l11' "" " ,o u ~tt th ey hllrl t.een (1I ~8o h'ed In tlw d oOl I' .

ynu : ul l hls d i.... f :H lI·f"

11 101,

t~ \.

t,) the ~we ll. ~ ullllr RCI"Illrd

flWn .


tJl ey \ton ' t "ttmp f:p or

,,, n·,"'r(Oni..

\\,,,,,101 dl't! II", l'urn h H littl e " h'Il, 00 10ltil.·,. thun II ... _1111> ot n gi rl's IIflUd, all tll p In\\' "Iun k ln,.:. n" It jljkln g with I,,' r p\' pr ~o m t! tle{', e t 8hl\l't'~1 In l'om·

renr Is rlln nJn' (our 1\l1I~ 1"' . " "Hut P\' t'J\ \\ Itllnll l flit , '1n c' h ol' 1!:.:111 I thr:\"1J bp HIli£" t,\ }; \'I' 1I!' h~' til t-' !41nr..:."

uLord hl <,,!os

\\' 11 10:

IIlOr(' f,'r .. l.\'

1'1 ,,· ",," .ltl IIr •

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10 t1 11.. ~~

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sa ld.Ju r1f1. .IIl nut( 's I""'p/!, th PD they rot th \! ( ' UIl\UR un il L' ! ', a nd ,'tll&1U, at Ule wl ..... 1. I.. kllll! hIs bellrl ngs frOID the fllr·nrr IIght$ ut U,e b~lroyed onee. l urne,l Ih e Sl 10k 1'<1 . "Wh"I"I' 111'\' you golog to snU fo;'" II 5k ",-1 1t1l1 C'lIffe. " CIJI'fIl"rtll14 cay." said Saln n. "I've a r fl n ,· ~· 10 luok al thut pln l:e." He h ntl dlrltli!<1 it ulcllffe 'ID'! Jude IDto ",atd."., port noLI .tn rb uurd. Jllile IlIrll pd In firs t, relle ,' ln g 111m somew!t £' rcucurtwol n UleOlornln&:, At 81I, wh en Rn tclLffe turned out IIndt'ame on ,Ie~k, he- fouDd SotRn at the wheel, rplInf)ul shed by Jud e, IUld day pur.u· Ing the Snruh l\ ~ r08S 8 wrlokled ilea of tou rmnllne lind hinted blue. AWl, nh erlll so mewhere to tb e south la,Corlllornnt ~.Y, the true tomb, If the churt IllllkllltiOIlS were correct, of thl 'l'inlllbrc rle 010 •. A.Slrong sulilng wind was blowlng, And SlI tltn gtl" e their speed at s even knot s. li e retused to hond ove r tlIe wb eel. " l·'· ~ hod II ! nOO7.e on deck," IIthl he. "\I'ltll ~ the kid took cba~It< . We're nell rly sl>' I3' mil es sOllth ' of Lone, ant! It Ih ls wln,l hold s will be 00 to Col' morunt smucl\'bere about elltht beUII." "Nol II slrrn of Ihose ChOP8," uld RatcHtT" , 10llklng hllck oyer the lea, clen r of lellry anll Sellers and theIr t1!·rty crowd. "Nnw; they'll be just.,about roualD' u l> nuw nnd rullhln' Ihelr eyCi." . "YOII don't think tIley'U try to fol· low us ?" "Not likely, J don't think, They're wa ~ tln ' lime ond money 11 they crulse lifter 115. Cork'8 ~ot hIs bulllnells lD Anl' nnll to att end t o. IIDd Clear)"s the so me. Whn t'8 gl'ttln' me lIS the tIC' tllllt SrllC'1'S ho~ spolted the kid tor whn I shl' Ie. It'll be 1111 over Hevana, nryll shp kno\\' ~ It," " '\·plt. It h url to colDe out lome FI\'"

t1 111C'."


Fanners, Attention, "I

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Money' t 0 Loan on Farm . sat S·2l pe r

r cent lor fiv e years, ~

TER~E L L &: '1 I~ 1< 1 L : j WI'lml' nlJlOll. ( ), l!II I) I" ;' Il i 0


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W A 'allll ' TEI'l-1I1. n "r ""'Ofol, . order!! tOi ,,""011111 Kn. r

snteed hOllh' rv f ur men ","me, 1\1 d ohildi' t'u ICllml.n tl tll d~rnln'l ~' I . ry '76 ~ week full tilDl!, 'lllli ,: h our @l.1lnE' time HI"ll I]\.I ' 01 ".,'1"" hne Intern~t1oDal t:I~OO"I1'1C MIt.. Norrl!UowD, Pa, hili

1I~l n:d l e. n

----~ "Look herr, Snwn!" en id RAl.tclllfe. "['VI! I>",' n Ihln kln;r I lot lloont the g il'! lind whlll's to hecome at he r, She cnn'r !!,O aD 8 8 ~he la. We lDuat ftJt up BI'methl n!:," . HThnt's ~nsy 811"'." "W pll, 1" '0 grown fonder of bet' \hnn ,lO y pe r 'on I've ever met. that'a ~ . the trut h. There's no one like her; servlolla of 'be followlu, dll. site's Itolr\ right through," . ~oribed Jadl8: Jumbo, blsok. " She /ll n't bod." 16 haDelt', w~,lI50 . re"i8t+-red, Hen, "This Bo rt or thing WOJ aU right tuoky lo bn, ,I.J c,y, lfly' baud", " '. ~hen she WfUl 11 chUd." went on Rat· !l00. Jim Porter, btly, l.X h~uli~



~~ ......


cli ffe; "tlut she'a growing out or that. WIlY. e,'en In the little time 81nce I've cOll'e uboard, abe seems dllferent, somehow," " Well, If you nllll me," saId Satan, " you seem to hll\"e made a cbange ID h er, She's br ightened Ull, 1I0mehow, hn s ml're ~0S8 In her. Y'see, when we we~e crulsln' ronnd since Pap dIed, mo. ab c, lind the nl&:ger, there WIUID't much c n mllOny, nnd phe WIlS gettln' I bit d owoJleori ed. I ~heo , when · you enme aboftrd , lIhe picked up:' , She hadn't lollghed tor i weeks tUl she eaw )'ou In that p njnrjla rig; theD lb. chummed onto you'." " . ' • " She did ." "Liked Y01\) from the 11",1: minute ehe SIlW you , There'll UII two ..... Y• about Jud_We eltlIer 111m ' ,or the other thlog, right olf." .' "Well. I'm pretty much tlIe ~m&­ nnd I don't 'ant 10 lose si ght of ber-or you." I Colllillued OD pap • _~_"I':"..... ._.


'l'he~e are t hree vi ~b .. b...i




breedl n~ JaOks In l'Ioulh" rn Uhlo \Jome aDd see l.hAm . U A. oh .. wu .

Wayne8vllle, Ohio.




A· N o

1 Ford Truok, In good ooudl , 'laD, lind a 1000,p " Qrtd. OfIptl . Oll.y TraIler Ittqulre 01 R. W . lor, HarveYllburg, OhiO . jl8



OT of While PAaohbll1w Po"'o .. f or 8ale llJqulre of Pllrk lAIs~ , W~YD88\'Ule. OhiO . JUI


R~I8Ta:RED Jeney biBb ·tell1llrl and ooutli1!teot milker. 6a'98 youna heifers frepheDIDI 'aDO do DO' DNLI ber, torjoed &0 HIli. . Walker AutIn. R 0 I, Hprl1l1 Val. ley. OhIo. Farm tl on ae,...,blll Oorner' oD Bellbrook" Wayne""l lle Olk.~


A• Il1.quIre foo$ Sulky fitly arake. 111 of 0 L U,Wkll. R r,•• JII P

", .. ,n..,II1",Ohi",


Sub3Cribe tor the Miami Gazette. CORN-.OO o r 500 bn. bl!l~ t Q."", Corn In U~l b, Ubl1 rllltl 'Vll14 rs UllIl!et$ rBrrn , on W~YllO~Vlll!!" ~ I:I'Hvey@borg pik e . . J11

.. I






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~,,~ . Uiuv. llnllu ~~ Ii


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ow and D PIp; w..... olel . Aillo. Mill" I tn~, · 111 p , ',,"rt ." h!)w i )h,, 'R"""'; 'R ,

.w. ,


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I •- ::::----;t=£ .--".------::- .




GA.Z E TT E.....·


W~n N E


'DAY - M~ .~ell Seal an-d ohlldren spent




cr AN 1<..

l1hl i~ I',E' r

E ditor and

"0 ) ncs\'i1Ie .

t~e we b8_and I~I Uayto o .


Miss OI othn Robortll aUen dc d "rullga a t Kingm~n, la st 'rhurBdny e vo[1 log .

Suhscrinli,,1J Price. $t. fiO pe r year \ '11"1 "


\ t v ,· t l '.., ln lJ H"' ,I " . " 1'

.,,, , t h "

.. --",--,:======== ====c=-=WEDNES DAY . J ULY 4, 1923

Mrs _ Emma Cline, of Dliyton, 8p u t Su nd sy w!th-ber- pa-r-eOlll,; -W--:---/--'-A. Merritt and wife.


A Lesson From the After many months of

National Budget

spcculnliull 1\10 to the fi l1lUlciul outcome of governmf'nt operations l()r the cunellt fwcal y en.l·, it ia now certain that tlie -Federal exponditure will como wlthlll the Federal revenues and leave a baiullce 011 hHl\tI, 1111 du e to the budget lIytltem which up to duto hns prov ('d .il,~rlf wull worth while for the public purse, regardless of t.he polll ical complexIOn of government, . ~neral Lord, Director of thA R Ull get , gIVO!; tho figure of .60,000,000 118 hill e«t-imate of the halllnce 1hilt Will be left on

luind subject, of course, to

~lo dc\'cl~pmcnt.~ thul.

mny occur

within the next two \\ Its which lIlay UP!lot cal c ulatIOns. Bringing the '-un hume, the filol'ul'lJS !lh(~w thllt tl.le Federnl Oovornmen, it the only fOfm of lCo \' O J'll11le~lt III t~e IJlllted St)lt~1I that II Hhowing' 8. reduction ill itll filllln (,1U1 le.vl el! anll c xt> on~l­ tUI'CfL The OOilt of goVQMlDI~nt in th e I>tat~~, III the couuttes, 10 the tewnl and in the village IS constantly I'Wlllg. . The proportionau, Inereasc in gov ernm.c~lt caet In th~ .mall ClommuniullII i8 startling. The octunl nddltlOnal outlay III taxation may ap)iCar BItIall to the illdiviuual-, but in the n~'Tel!'~te it ill found tha~ the Dation for some tjmc has been on a .... lld .pending Ipret. It ill the ~ate condition that affccts tl'l\~ Many where loool improvements hove forced up taxation or bonded indebtednlllll! will lloon begin to feel the elTed in deareaaed realilltate operations. Sooner or la~er home buyel'll will avoid the incorporations wbere tnxce Ilre hIgh nnd !leck to ~ on the outakirta of tllC incorporations to escape tax, '.

No ODa doobts tor a mOlnent t blit tho enrrylng ot coucvtlled weaPOIIS III a mcn&ee to the petiOlI and bn p. pln\!S8 of a community. The hlp vocket as a rcvoher case III not ooly a dtag-rncc to a man, but 18 al80 n CQI'IIe to soctet;y. Tbe htp pocket re..olver ~ III not 10 any measure 88 groat a menace to socleq or os great a diftgroro to tile lndh1duol as tho blp weJt~t ftoak . , Tbo young nIDn who todllY mls hI! hlp weJtotB with lIo8ks contaltll o ~ Intoxlcatlog beverages Is WIUsel! a curllC to 60clety IUltI tl <llrect enewy at tIIa CooatItutlon of ti,e {Jolted States. lIe 18 unfitting hJmsolf tar Bl1J' position ot responMlblUly. Bo DO doubt tIIlnl; M Ibe blp poek('t IInsk I" an avldcncc M IlQIIrtnes. and the I!Sseutl8.1 etlulpment tor a Ia.rk. Such a yonog mun cnterl 701lr parlors with bl. btp pocket Duak lind one of b1. Orat IntrodUctlODl to your 4u ughlllr 18 to noUfy hcr or bl. poaea\on of tIIo BRllk, Bis next step It to tempt her to drink. It be rmcceedB he pute her iD' a "e1'7 dangcroull posttJon IIDd makee at htmN!lf a 1IOCial eur1Ml. It 18 almost Iml>08I11ble to protect ,hia trom the hlp pocket menaee_ toong men eeem to tblok thllt thl!,)' can violate the constllutlon, trample tha la W8 of the laud under tholt' reet. forgm the amenities of lite. repudiate tho doctrlncR of morality, nnd 11olato e'2er'J--- kDown mle or society. Talk aoout II crima WII'I"Il! The hlp pockel 60sk menRC(' Is tha In· C'IIbalor or tho crime wave whk" It ...eeplng soeJety. C111'811111' the borne. blightlng youth. damning YOUIIIl /IlNl, and destroy! ng many young wompn _ a"r u,1 be tlw Mil-pocket-., r ' -l 'n'"'d('(J.,


Mr , fllld ' Mrs, W _ A , Mllrrltt li n d MrM. l:!uIlUl.b Cr llH Wtl lJ w orll L.o bn. non v ltHl ors, tiaturd .. y . W , L. Harvey aD d wlfo e o ter t"l o tld Mr. aud Mrs WiIIl(llll Millum. of Dayton. at flQnd ... y dinner .

S evern I trom bore attend ed the Uhllrtrao 's Day (lXerotses at the Flut Fork ohurch, ::luuday attarnoou. I lMlss Eliaabalh. BBydook, of King muD, speut the week-end wltb tbe tlill ~ se~ Oletha (lDd Thelma Robel't8 Born-To Mr . and Mrs. Joss W e bb (n" e Lucile Be va,n), of Dayton, June 24, a ~ e veu ' \lonud d(lugh~er , Domed Phylll~ Auu ... The B"rveYllburlt Nation!ll bank has bvugM tha Ii W Kaylor prop. erly . lind will ereot a banI! buildIng in Ih e u e .. r lutnl'e _ MrR _ Emool1 Elli s lIort M.-. .. od Mrs . Lilitar e ute rtlllUod Mrll. Hodso n "od s on , of Norw(lod, ILun Mist! Ett .. Arnuld. o f Day ton, Suo..!"y . ' Tho ohildren 's serviOll Willi hold at I-he M E. churc h. Suad,lY e ve nInG A g UJd crowd Iln.d Il splendid pro Ilr14m, 1>11 the children doiuK nICely. Born-To Mr. and Mrs . b', G. Bnodeoburg (nee MyrlB Bevlln ). o f Wilmington. Juoe :l9. \10 e iHht . pound duughter, Damed Beny Lncile The M. E. t)undlay.sohoo\ will giv~ " pi cnlo .. t BlIormoo park, Leb ..oon, Tbursday evenlllg of tbls weok, Briol1: your lunoh and have a good &lme Bisnohestllr b .. a team' oame over, Bunday, aDd 1I0ked the plaUer ollllloo _ Boora, 15 to 0 In f'ivor of dl .. nob ed er Gu-r-bo-y·e-wHl 'ry and do better tho' next time. Mr , and Mrs , Btenlzeoho l7.flr and Mr. aDd Mrs. Earl Battla, or U ..yto o . and Mr. Bnd Mr •. Fr"ok 0 url, u f Wilmingto n, w ertS S,mday cu lIers of John Rud Laur .. Word



Red Top

Mr nnd Mrs. Ev a r ~ tt V illan, of Duytoll , ca lled on Ml ij~ Lida Ken _ n edy , ::lund'!y _



IIe dge Fence Posts

• • • •

Locust Fence Posts

• • • •


Wire Fence


RICHARD LLOYD JONE.S~ ; ,.._. ___ ' k , "; )


I '~' ,' _., ./

Heed Your Call




• • • • • • •

W. H. MADDEN &CO.,Waynesville,O. BEECH GROVE ___

Army 8arvlc e In F re n c..e. A c1 l lz~n or F rtln ep I~ ""hJect '11.n 8.8!o1oC'la t ion at 80 y .. n r~ In ttl", a rmy. 'flle pro \' I ~ lon fo r 8er\'\ce 1ft: Art!ve



Il MU Y s~n'lce IS m"ntll.; In re"en -e, 18 Mis s Nelli e FerriS, of D ny l nu . W,18 )'urR olld 6 months: territor ial senth e t' uoduy Kuesl at her p " r eut~_ Ice, 10 1enr8. Mrs. MAry,Barrett, o f LcoMb org, Is - - - __ _ - - lhe go e~ t of lI ur dRu ghl.c r. Mr~ , Deat" Rll te of Col l,g, Women. Rntb Murray. Life \IIS"nl nl'\! . l uUst lcl show that Our l)ig Blln d l\ y .~ o ll Qo l cont""t, coU"lCe \\'O llll'n bnve II deeth rate at cloped Jllrit 8unduv m oroiu K ", L1 il . uf R,n lI er 1 , I ~l\' , oOl1rae. we R arls W O D _ 'I' h e @oc r e ~ tood : Blu,,~, -123 ; Re rl R, ~H O , .- 0 yon IItle w e we ra 67 poi O\H "hflll d _ VQe RA d~ will all Ollt Fllrn\ B u r el\u Hall's Catarrh Medicine Ice ora"ru alI th o BI ues , n e x l, I!'r i du y T hose who are In M. " run down" c on d leveolng _ _~S;.:A;..::Y:..;S;;......~{t:_~;:;;;'-OIoI. "'-"....:.~<~T lion w il l tHH i"c thlll Ca tArrh b Olh~ rH t h'm mU l' 11 moT,· th;w when t he y nru i n Onr Chlldre n 's D" y, laet, l':) 110d f~y g ood heal t h . Thi!:t ra '-t pro\'ea that w h i1~ IIfternoo n, \VIIS w,,11 litl.\!u u ttd Il lld 'utarrh It) u lOl.:a l ,1l:'CUB c , il Is gron.Uy W1l8. like everything e lH" BatlOh t n llu n c(.' d tlY l' OIi RlIt ll tl l,. tnnl c OII J lt lo l1 s. lIAL I, ' ~ ' ATA ltHII M8DICINI:: ,'on· Uruve ulldertllkea, a complete suo- s lels of n.o ol nun ent which Q u h:k l y oeS8 frllID st"rt t o fini sh, esp eol olly lt oJlC\'c8 by 10 1.;:\1 a" p ll a ti vil. nnll t ho Tile llrat object In IIro Is 10 ' 1I01l1 VI II "S ",'11 . :- .. " II , l n t "lrnnl M edic i ne, n T o n k, w h ich ussls t s the beautifUl ~ on ll tb .it w .. ~ ~ u llg by in lD.b~ lead until be hHd rOHlhJ hi li VWII I " HII ~I I "'t' ! \ I, I. Irnpr o\' ln s- thl" li t! n ernl Hea lth, do. uoble deed and to be LhHhJ rf' tJ tl ) IJWU Il' ttw '" \ II 'he Misses lJl .. u d l l1- f\ od J ose phine Sol d by 1,.1ruJ;E;ItHA lor O\' Ur .w Yea rs. F . J . Cheney & '0 .. Tol ~ do, OhIo. ey.r1 dlaapLJOlut""J b"art II"",: IlIl' k" l id" 111 " .. 1 Muelj pr.. i ~e I~ uuo Xlo1!Mr. aud Mrs. R. W . Kaylor and Uray. ~ •••.rJ' lIIall til l4.~k i ll~ tor hl~ C.' h l1l1l'~' 11111 1 II ,II I Mr, Dnu Mrs, Fred B",riBn spent d ..inea Martha Dll vls nod ru"hll l ::-==~_~_-:::-:======~ .orld reet. wIth his ltDl mdt, lu ~i"ll ul .. d l .lllt ' , I, SuodllY In Bellafonntalne with Mr_ 'ferry Ilnd the MI~ Be!l IDlogen o .. nd - - - JJe wllo 1't'~I MU tb e \' 011 Iu do III\' li hw IIt,,1 " " ; j" , Kaylor's m o ~her !lnd broSber. 'rhay Alida Uray, , wll o 8 0 s u coessfully J.··.....,..H ... Lu"t! lu~U phl l"~d hc' ro n ' l11l'1a I H oI l, ;, __ , ,:' DR. J. W. MILLER. also visited Indlilln Lake aod the traIned the children, Tbe -•• rld ULChlHlrl':i hill! ll,' hl:\ In~H I I !l c · t d 11 ~ II ' , : . caves at West Jefferson. It tbe worhl thlnk ~ little vr ItllI,. I( I, .. , W " " " " , Amon g thoBe from a di dt a nce who ... D E NTI ST ... WbMu the vulee. III ltlllllrCII ' ~ (' a n,' I , .I ,. , attended Childr en's Uny he re, la Ht datIe ber CILr8 (If Mlrb bt.!'r CUI). j.'ur , ' " ~ l::!undRyafternoon, were: th '" trill, o m"" (n W'Ivnctn' I,le, Tbfl'e were Ollian wbo 1'011111 I '-.i ,., veY8hurg oorrespondont, Mrs _ W .. I_ N UIOJl.I Il""~ H' .'v. that cltuld rlR to t 110 lIr.ed or F ~ 10" at the 8n~ah-Ulell, straIning '"5 ey.:8, tar Jord(ln. Miss Helen Raodall a n d I ==~===-==':"':=====~ When J CIIUY IJlul " ':lnl th e I ' :"!! ' :'1 j t: I Coleman Ja cksoo and fa mtl )' . o f wne the ll"rt her I lI ac fur ." 1.",,,, III I ' ll : 1, , ' he matle out n speck 00 the soa·llne. JAS. A. NUCKOLS l.'u"luruttue lett t1u.' pi... 0fQ' ~ 1: 1,11 !ll' 11'1 : !n ... 1 \1' I" .. "Must's gone." aald SlItnn, "wblte B .. rv/lyshurg; WlIl1flln Y,lIIarp, wife , and dangu\er-ln. lnw, of UI"rk .vllle ; ; tban bJ U1RkluC tun-ow. lit ' 1,. 1,,, 101 pallll~d, not 1II0re'0 ftfty tou, and she's •..He who r locls tbe N11 18 Jt ~ I . t ' h I ," 1: lIl rI l' 111 1,' III ' '' ! 1 II II ' ,. lay In' In the lagoon. She muat han Bllrry 8eUJemyer and family aud l .iIt,to the plow. hut . . ttI:~ til ' i'lle I II : ,;' l l"1t ': ( Wt . " I ;" ~ I ' ' . 1' COllie In o\'er the sood 'Wi'here It nar- Mrs. Clara DUDll Bnd fo;mlly, 01 wl.i,'b hI:' eRn hnll o l. to tt:t ' Ill d "r l. iI ' I:-(' l r 1I 1I t! III l ilt, ..: q " l l " I ByH.DeV . . At the Chiles Holel rows to the westward. There's a plneb Silver Grove. aUfI ath~ llIlIhl t o prt'u ('h ~) 11.'u t :1 " ;1 11. Stacpoolli ot eflnd there that's nenl" UIlder water Waynesville, Ohio, . • _. T he' . world Is j l h U n~ 111 111' 11 ( 11 11" 1'01 o · 1.,:1\ " " ..:: a!' ''.:.( ·\ ' ' 11 11 .. .. ' p at 1Iood. Rod Ole lreas come right over I I u.:"l'" 1t I. n hi ;.: lJ u rt tv t.w It I r ll " 1\11 J I. - I " II I 11. (,'I· , lil ll oI vr IlI .. 1 Mondays an d 'l'hur~ d ays f r o m 7 to 9 hi : 'Irer. It 10 an elUlt'nrd gale," o 'cloc k p _ m. ~ , o r (' (," Crr IU lin rh pre h~ II I It ' n ~ t ulle I'u nd " PI II 1" Ill! ' II k h Wfll ' lie hood ed the glflRS to Rotcilite. • Offen Billion for 1' - h , ... I ,· )l o w II h ' l1 , It I1lJl t ;£ln" IIl f l .., If I !til ! "'.111 :11' I l· hi lltl I ! II "Fuony," sl\ld Rat clll1'e, "If you were Romance of , Itt.. p lo w , h ,!,' llfl 1\ 1'..... :,· ,1' 11 II' I r I~" : '11' 1.1 " S. Merat.nt Fleet right about the Nombre de Dlos be;::::: ______ .. .. It., I 11111 11 (1 " \ ' 1"' .' l'" ': n·t ' .... ' the SalaamlU Ing sunk here 1I0d We rollle to have a look for het· lind iIlnd unother wreck." "Well, I don't Utke no shares In the N01l1bre de 0108," 8111t1 Satn.. "I rao 'bere more tor som ewhere to ruo to FUNruuL "'RECI'OR tban with ony thought of the Nombre. She's a hundred toot under the sand If Waynesvflle, Qhl~ sbe's here ot all; but U's luck all tbe r; : -: \' same. 'l'bere'U be plrkln's, There RUI"3 1 ''Bow'd you meanT' :'-' , .I ". wos 11 hlg hlow two weeks ago rrom ... Aft eJW'W O.-N .,."./ "Oil, just thut. I'm hotherlng about Equipped ~d the enst- thnt'll 1\'hnt'8 done hel'-lUld "'hen Ihls crulsc III o\'er. Thllt's both· . . . . . ".~ .. -",*,, 'HM : ... ' , .. ServiCe. , . • the ~lIh' Rge men won't he here yet, erlng me a lot. WeU, we'll leave It at It the)' eVer eorne." ~ tw. ~ fl.ATrl.a! D~play thn t tor tbe preS!nt." He stuek the glnss to hte eye. 8111an turned' blIJ lantern tace to "She's a yacl1t, that's what she 18. 'l'IILI:rao... Nrcun starboard for bal! a moment to ex· ana of tbem' sruall cruisers, not morc'n pectorate right over the starboard fifty or slrty, ond ber flttlo~a will jtl~I rnll-mllybe ul80 to hide a grin. do for us, It she'lS not been sfrlpped . "I reckon It'll come all rlgbt some- There's 811 sorta of folke come tram bo",'," said he. "We ain't mu. ·hI the New York and I'htladelphla and NIl.. HATHAWAY world, but we're stmlght. Reckon y'Orleoos, erulsln' about these sena In Job" W. 8)a(ok, PreIIdent at a , yon're stralllht. too, That's aU I wunt, tubs like that-lIahln' mostly." ownr!8Ctur1n&. plant at liUvu CNfIt, That teller Thelus80n, ),'remember. I 'DENTIST The SllrRh hend on. almost lIue ~. Y.. ofr"r8 tJ\e :0~f!\·11"'''.n.t ;: ~~l,000,000 for the entiro V. S. m..rt{tOAnt told yOU I!.e _ wonted_ to come tor a uth, 'lYlth-t1te-dllrln:r "' a sell bird. lleet. '"1'00 ,lIuct!." tIt1SB re dl'!'u ,; cruise with us. 'WeU, ha wna IItrnlght Satllft giving dlre(!tlons to the steeM!Dental Chairman ~cr. It IJI I'..1LtOO enough a'tor as do\lars went, but I m(ln Rnd seeming absolutely rt'gordnull H',lIr)' Poru bad a baud In tbe t.t<1. wouldn't llfl\'e had him on this ship, less of the "~ath and dODJteM! aroun~ General all bough Mr, Slnelt 'Vll neJ.LIu!r not It bc'll pold me a dollar (\ minute thelll- reefH dlAt they sho ved. rocks CODflrm DQr deny the re1Iort. and n bonus tor every knot we mnde thut wo,'ed ((1lholO-lofli ribbons at tuel \ OFFICE: HAIN ES BUILDING, -not with Jude AbnArd- Here's the a tew feet uDder wuter-be aVOided Imm.n.. Ch ..... T e lephone 114 . wheel for n sec', If you'll take It whiles them all. The largClt ~hp.e8e ever mft~e would I I(et some coffee rendy." Soulh, east and \\'6IIt Cormorant lIalle 800.000 Inntlwlchea, W ayncsvi lie, Ohio, TowRrd noon n wrl'll th of guile ID cay Is de\'old of danl!er, Only here Ihl' .ky ~howed COMOorant. to th I! north do tbe ree" and rocks OloNl)f 8E~S OPI~E!': E u gQIlC ~'Icycr, Jr., manager of Jude WIIS lit the wheel, Satan for- IIhow, lind It Is jtlst here Ulat the ooly the \\'.. F inancc Corp., told ten "11. H 1",(\ " J118 f- " hO Il' I"u g flnnU lo: h Ih ou'.r' na tional benken at Nc," entrRnce to the Iflgoon Ilea. "'nrd on the lookout. flOW flU " l" It • .Ino .. hrld ,,~ to leArn ; York week that ollr Federal The ,place consist.! really of two Twenly mlnut611 Inter Sattln ~m. ~hllt HI " IIttln olroll'l ot I{nld o.n Rcser \' <;,> system should be built up 80ndaplte widely separated to the runnln. 11ft, fetched the old gllln out 1 Iblr ll ,1HlIl 0 tb" I,'ft, milt iR In ra .. 1 to properly tare for agricultural lit Ita sllnl!, lind went tOMVull with It. north 80 all to fonn B pondllke barbor ' 1" o (lIni d"'vln:z h~n<1oujJ" I and Ii~c .lode DUct.. .. "Ther'" a hoolrl1' eD -the 1I04al- ruonlng from five to ten fathoms decp, Fartber IIOntli thl! sandllPlts, join so ___--,.:--. _ 4.____ I as to fortD a wide street, like the Iptt I ~ elUltward of LOlne reet. Ttl. Luoky M.II~oor Opl"'e" of . .me Huab.nll.. ,; 'I1IeY beld on, The BOund of the Nil _ oaPt to al~ .ounder or "All hu•• nd~ .,.. ,ood for .. I'!Dtle lIurf on th(~ 118.0ds came OOW• aw..ur drnllll th.. III' wbe Ie pl(l1 wltb till tblldren until )'OU .... Ind a fUll view ol the logooo ... a ter -........._ fa,.. Dd IIu ilia d. . . , bit of- worll done," .. Id a WOIII. . III rollectltlg the .un blRP.8 like a mlrror, "II ".18. I " brllill polite NUrt. On the sttn lagoon, wltb strange lIterooacoplc effect seen het~o the two IIOnd·aMOs baldIng off the wrinkled 8e8, lay the craft. 1I0ntln~ on an even k!!e1. lind shOwing a ntump of mnln· mast IIgBlnlt the 8kyllne. From her linea sbe hed been II )'acllt. "Wby, Go' bleas my soul, she'. anchored I" crted Satlln. "Dercllc' and anchored. The people mUllt hove got HmN tile &Y~ IlIAD tlOllte iIp .. a IIW, be a,' " awny 10 a boot or SlIthln'. There's luel It down; wlM'a be YMw. the brN4 ~a1le1Dot a sign ot them. Port-hard-port iaD' .tlU, be man lte wltll~ towu! It be . . '. you were-etend1-1io I" trelm In mI,Jest.y Gow, to DOunlll 1IOIIle luru\llbln' Gower, Be rlln to let go the halyards. Another anchor had been bent on to , ~o'll eonjure louie lutrletlf.e' 1IDow, ~ lIt_l, .a' some spnre ' chaln, It was henved bI rnetll I t. power. . . 1 " , over, Rod the Sarah came up to It. Wben the &Yera.. miD oaee ~81 bl..... liD tbe (!Wln,lng 1_ tbaI~ 1IttJ ,ardl trom moa.l1:b', belt. lIe'l lure to cooul.. III • d_a wQItill a .tump and die lea," are lett! It be f t ... up the I!t.l'1llirer. Sbe "'U a picture, a a,lla.t -tbe ,nDlte til ••, of a ' rorll!OlII _untata belrbt. forty-ton f1ablllr ylawl, wbJte Paloted, -be'll talllll.te tbe number ot bUh, that 9D tetc~b Ita gracile ' RII a- IIsb, dllmuted, aban- _ b~lltt to ',lb, UPt!- . . ' " , . I d,oned, and lIw1ngirlf til • taut anchor WHf'1I lbe ai.o-ID a wOllllerfuJ ~lm, .\IIII*te . eha,l n: beyond her aDd the ~merald of \nunarulate plla, b. 10lIl DO tla!e la _r~ fer ,tile tile 11..,00 lay the ~t ttreteh of III CODrte'.., bj caD • • , Oat. alter ilia DIlIID.,.,.u ";hl. 80rt e' Thing, via. All IUg~ IIDd~ rnnnlnr 4n,! south, b~etlnI fPeat,' .D' III. e.... dIe-u' .... Will" She W .. a Chll~,· Went en ,to the beat- oil abo~ Poa4I of . . . . of earth wecIl& i ,." aQuamtrble aDd Itonni Of lUna. Ratcllff., 'l'be Dchor, down, Satan ~ _wtth tilted on the ~: · lU4. ,tDG. .... ""\lob nlre II II'IItlU trult. bla Tbey I88DIBIl C!OIInlderlq IIII' U • t .'eo up:' <.: ' ';It1d11lj( beside him, CDUl4 bateber 8111bt C!OIIlId. a ~ ... ." - Llle I&I1d, owtDa to their , . . III lilt It 'l'llI! Invllllble &e* ft1ii ........1111






1- -





Dr. W. E. Frost '~ ,


Veterinary Surgeon I


Phone 44

'. "

Harveysburg, O. ,


~~ --==wc. -~_--_-_-_-. I~::::::::::::::;:::::a:I:I~:;;______,I~






Telli Ban k'

• .. . L



"fie "--,:'-:'oAY·ii'Robm- -,



, t








You ask the really satisfied customer.



Waynesville Ohio , ..

National Bank _

Foreat T. Martin


t¥, ,.









Get my terms for your Public Sale, I satisfy and save you mODey or no charges • . - c--- ---:-----:-

Box 91. Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, CcnlervllleEx. 28

Try our Job Printing



W to


th" l

"f ..


..J ...


Kansas Wheat ST,



6th Sunday a fte r Trini tJ, July Churcb School at 9:30 n, tn ,; Servi,e and sermon at lO:45. Mr. Ralph Lee . lay r e ade r, of Dayton , will conduc t the service: Everybody i ~ cordially invited to th eRe se rvic es ,


At milc h 1 wer ru (r s tlHII ' 1'll f Jrl ' t'l y , covering all kinds of tobacco, ill u. s pl'l:i ~ I I ,oli, ,\'.

No tohu cu grow~r l 'U II a .' ' d I II lllll the risk- a few POllll cls a t til t pri ce w ill p-" ill:; UI :l1ICC 0 11 everal acres.


If yuu illlclId ;, tlllll1g Y0 l. Poli('il' ~ tll ~t! ens l


Sears & Phollc A Kansaa b.,.,.Ct<{ ' 8W' i:l'nt "OWII 00 i'I',.,.I".·,,1 11 11.,,1 1" 1; "~ I,,· l< uve Into gear to stnrt tbe 'Vh" Rt-<'ulting lI ~nr I llItI ·III". ,Jt'. ,/1111,' :::3, '1116 0 t.bll btllldles fIJId "abocJ.:c<l" U1CU' with Ill" ""lII ll rk . '-rill " I I,,,w \1' 0 (hI It lu Uhlo.~

a il l, g l'l vile or our

fur ai'll: tl l illie


usc ollly .


ti J-2


1r1llrripd UPPER OR LOWER ? h"I~~l~UItIl~I.I ~" '. \: i,-A-DV-E-RTISE" --, AND THE RICE!:;:~'~ ~I\~I,~'~;i:~: '~ ~ I':' i~'I~~\~I(l ~~;~ ~I~ ~i:I~~ to

Itl' W;l lI

SAfE_ l_Y__fIRSl

"Save by buyin~ ill \\'1\~' lIe ~ \'ill~

Ordinance No. 04 .- OnIlnance 10 ._-'laWl tb. narklo" .... ~ . or VC>bid,,", "b.ther propelled by 1n1l..,lIlar or _ r power 01\ cenaln per tl! or MalD ~_llD lhe VUlap 01 Wayn•• vlll~. Oh io. beVllla,e 01 Bettonlalnedbythe WaTDMTlUe. 8t&le 0 1CoUllctloll 01110: 1lecl.100 proJ)6l1ed I-Tbat lUI ... and •. whell,.r by veblCl muocular or truck motor po- 011 Main 8treet bel .. Ulg n 81l'tM1t &ad PranklJn Avenue. WbOD Dot J moll or. ooba1I t&aDd a\ an angle 01 approximately lbtIy·!I •• d _ ( 4'· ) "Itb tho curo 110 •. w15b lbe ItJIIt fron t "b....1 01 tb. vebil-I. or ,"="!o~r:~~fl~~~II!':;[UI for an\' per_~p&rkIlD,Yt>hlCl.ortnJck, wh.'b.rpro..ued by mu..,u1ar or motor \)O"'.r. on Main 1 - - fu ald vtllap beL"oen HI.h SO_L &ad J'raDldlo " • . • "COpL at provide'" 10 lIeUoo I orUllt . ce, .ball be clOfl!tl llec:tloo 5-AIIOrdlnao cuklutl WltIl1D ,be Oorpo ...tlon IIml ... or W.yo".. lIle, IlleUo , AD II tl ftb pro.wo:a I:


;;;,~ 8'rd'it,~n~ at.arJg~~ed

Doll ....


PI!1od aIIo ..ed b, I....

RS P-.lthJ.2Ddd.'OIJUI~ ..l8n. .heI~: T . L. Pllacf. RoYerk. . Wa70r.







DaMd 'hili 1Mb dar or JUDe, lua, W. Z. ROLL, .JlIdn 01 th. PPoba'«l Oou""



,W _ 0011017.


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH • Tbe Eye Sight Specialist

.At fMy's Jewelry Shop ~non, Ohio



8:00 .. m, to 4 p. m.




In , .





l I"







o~e ,


I '






Irbenstealll\'lIv.KI\,ellltle wllrnln

Sho\lld Slow Down. The klnd of man wbo I. alway. III • bnrry ""Itbout Is liableseeing to dash A series of stereopticon pict ures thinK It. po.t a JOOd

will~~nwnat ilie~rry~ u reho n ~~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~====~~_~~~~=_~~

next Sunuay evening, July 8. w hi Ch l a m ost bea utiful quurler'~ Sund!!y~chool lesson s. All ole invited to this evening of profitable pictu res Edward D. Golie r. Minister

U. S. Se" Queen Re.. -1-1'


" . "1 '

Say nu l. CHlld lIig- ht., but in so m e I But the poor man had tainted! - , bri~hler c lin lE' , Epworth Herald. Bid me . Gonri mor nin g. " I

to go higher It Will be lowe r





---- - - \

Giving Blrda

R B ad N an'e ,

ti t Hl e~ I H l. ltI~kl1i ::lIn' ey ,,'.t:lru s lIg-nln !'r ,' hn q .: i n ;.:: lilt' crllll~s (It

Th e Unlled


( lie ~n J.:lJ s h spun'I'\'

First European Voyage


tl llI l' r IIlCIlIhcl'8

or tl lP ~llHl'I'P'" ( IIIIIU,' " \\'!, " '1 , nlthp l I(:h ess(l lu l nll\' ' ('I'd ,~ tlJ\,.' . 1lp r fll l Hl" .: t \' lI t

~ r,"ke

II; Ir s r !lid,1i


lI Ht'I 't::L


Obedient Daughter. "DulIlo; lIlcr. clld I not He!! yon


..n thut roun,

11111 11 ' :1

Poor Hu mani ty. Some people bope for til e hesl only rnd er proteM nnd lire Lli Sll ppnint\ICJ ..,hen It happens.

",.\. P~ . II


ond It I\'hS ~ery ~llI hnrrnsslng. ] wl~ l, you hod nul t"ld tile t o," "G ,)"d heo\'ell I I ",,\'l'r \Old you to do "11)' IhinK ot tl\(' ~Iud:" "YOII 11Ifl " 'l Ull I told IlJ r [t. UI If he ult ellip teol to ~ 'I

Owing to an acoident to our press. we are about tw , nty-four hours lute this week . We truRt that o ur patrons will bear with us al this time, and for~et allllbout it .

...- - -


lup wh en l 1J11 8St.!1I

lb. pur lo!" df1q r las l ev en I 11 g' 1"


Ill; do

In, s, cro ws Knd hl m.' I;;lJ l rd s

lIenthll l'lI l ul


lu us l

t{l t

0 11

b(LU.'~ ­

"awll ll' lI!r, lIul1lt! ..fter ,,,,,t .. loll.blu. a !leW world "!CUrd v ·, ;",1<,..., "QII'''''' ', ' t Ihll s-." Is belD, preLNlred tor 1" II 1.!!" ,.;l l c u :i


Al II.· ··

blowing h~ _


1"'1' htllll' UII h" .. 11'1011 11'11' lu I:!cI'lIrul1a, Illo ber I1r~t trllu8ftt1au rlc \'nYII;':C liS II )llls!Wllge.r bOll t TboIlaaD4la ot New ~or"e.1'II IIl1ed Ihe "I101'e to \\'d" O IIl ~ 110" I ,;~ !>onr Inro h nr lJor ., .. , .. d:,.~~=r

. J Ure.

-Bed Star Detroit Vapor 011 Stove

Willing to Bo Conv inced. 1ohn-"Do you rcull y bellcre that absencll (oakes the hellrr gl'ow ronderT' LouI18&-"Well, yoU ml gb l try It tor a mOI~th or two."-The Ame,lcaD LeetOD W"eeklJ'.






N urm llll Wha r ton, so n of Mal on a nd SlIr"h Wharto n, was born in Lvtle , Ohio. Ma rch 28. 1868 , and dt!pnrted thi s ea r thly life at his home Ollkwuod , Dayton Ohio, June ~, 1923 lit lhe age of 55 yoa r s, 2 mon t~8 an,l 9 uuY S, H tJ cum ~ to Diy ton in th t! early yellrs of his life und continued his residence hers unt il his d eath , Mr , Whllrtun is ~\lrvived by hi@ wife, Hosemoml Lt , Wharton, Mis e

TIp. WbeD the etrl keeps on calling your ltteDtion to wbat a lovely rIng ttll Ilae, ,reb Jour bar and go home. -alcbmond Tlmes-Dlspl\tch ,




,z 'j

I Surc h lJ bflyil1.Q in WaYllesville


,SlIMe of MaP)' &. er.".u, dtJCeUod . lfDlloe Ie ber8b, pno UIa~ W. A atort'ltt will illust rat e in .... be8Q dUl, ~jIOID~ &Del Qua1l6ed at _ _ ~r or abe a.w.'«I 01 liar)' E, Ore."eU, manner the last

.... or Wt.lftll OotIDt~. 01110, dec:aued .






Arler lI' r tl" at h, thi~ ler llh tl tll"n!' II l1ai ll . nnd until l There is a m ll ve m Dnl on t o ('d ucat e 1"">lI"~ d l' llth Ih l'Y cllnl inu "d 10 live ped es trinn R 10 walk "" till' le ft sid e l l. n c,'of th. primary [unctioDs The man had just infor(l1 tld th e U~ before of th e road wh e n they walk on u road I [ d t" 's to Pullman agent t"at he wan led ,,' FIlr ,,'vt' m l >,'ll r" Ill' lI'a~ the la~t , 0 newspnpe r a ver !lung I I)y au t omohtl' s u sed At hr~t n >m ltillin g ""' ll1lo,' r of till' fllmil\' linn , brlllg about a qUlc k turn -ove r I Pullman berlh . thoughl t hl 9 ,.et'm~ '.\'l'IIllg . hu l lIny , i rnercha nJising or 10 other "Upper or lower'''8IIked th e uKenl hud l,,'e ll ill f" ilill g- Ill'ul t h . bu t hac! per80n walkinll .. n the r081i on tht' What's the difference?" usl! e!! bee n I( iV"n Cllr 1\11.1 1111' /l d VUI1 tug ell right h and Rid t1 is always in nunger " wo rds, It IS the bU51De5S 'k of the mon . !If a Illl m r' I, ilh IV'"I1 I1I1' S minll' lra ' (rom autom o hiles , nppr uachinj;! from 'I kecplIlg' the d ollar at "'01 . "A diffE'rence of fifty c e nts in lh i. ti () n~ I , !lo lh .." h i~ III~I UU,V ll , T.tI tht!' , h ' the res casw" rllplied the 8Kent. "Th e Te rry {nrnil y IS du e Kreu t credit f or I r . The nnvc l' bdues not know l I ,here IS 110. proht ID mere h I anbur t le walkl! r rnuy e Hlune d ea f d ISC that IIcs on the s eves or lower 18 hiKher than the upper, Th e the hUmallllY and k ln<i n esR show n toIf t Iley Wb Ik on t h.1' Ie f t Ole rOil d l j 10 ' the wlJre Ilouse. Th e pro fit · . .IS for t h e lower. If. you on e In netlu " 0 t S,V111puilY I 1.111 d k 'III d nC.d ' hlKher price automobl"~11 rUnntng nn thal Sld t' UI e l comes whcn tbe goods are want it lower you'll have to go hIgh e r H,: wa~ 1\ n~u,n lJf f e w w orrls . I e tw always approaching f ro m the f r ont ./ , move d 10 ' t 0 lile 'Iomes of conWe lell the upper lower than th e illg p: , II I ,llt ~ llo"lIl un . h UIlt' t In'Idtlalln ' They are no l in th", RHrn e dunK e r. It lower , In other word s th e higher With hI :! I f 'l lo 'w 111<111. • , u m e rs. ' , ' fUlld WI d lIng tll IS beller f odr ,,11 W.hfy' nol Ikeep Ihl s the lower , Most pt'ople '.1 ' d on't lik e 'ItiH IHt li t lerl:llll 1111)(, 0 lIee , In min .. lin speuk u I W len oeca· the upper although It la lo we r be " Life, we 'v e Lrc~ n 10111{ tllge lher, aion offe rs? Thi'! is so urce o r cause it is hiKher. When you nc· Th roul:h clou!!y we llther danger th nt co ul d be el llntllllt ':U . cupy an upper you have to get up t o 'Tis h r1 III p urt when f r iend s a re - - . --• - ,- - - - - - - - . Iro · to hedl and get down wh en you dt'~t1,. ' 11 ' I . Iret up, You can hav e the lowe r It P~rlHl\'~ [WI cos t ,u slg I, 1\ t enr" g, . ' II Ing ' you pay h'Ii h?r, . If you are ,:VI Ch UOFe lIlII'le 0;' n limll.






~~I;i~_ __



------ ' - ---


Special for Friday and Saturday

Gran. Sugar Only

1 Oc

a lb .

It/ II Canning timenow , !J Futur. Nitrogen Consumption. l!uPlllies . uy YO ur It hu b4!eD eetimated that In 1936 Ibere will ba • totfl-.-eonsu"'l'ttmr...;rl~ill1rli<i~;;:sWo"sflen:triClO;;:n;;rrr-"'ECi""i'!iCli~;rHiiffi:tTlMar8O'lt"lI~H!:~!Jit!r~.r.tllrs, Ecol IDD,OOO ton,• • t Inorgunl c nllru"cn In ' omy Jl1r~ , Tin Cans , M llqlln ilton, Ohi o. WhIle ,~ r , L'Id 8t\.. .'r'.10 L'd RU bb er~, .,ea .., I I 9, ibis eollnrr.'~. had no chil d re n (If his o wn. he reared inll Wax ,



- - -- - ...- - -

fr orn

two others, Clara Bdl I!a.\'le~s awl KUlhryn ~1ay H ar-

' Fair-Haired Girl. QUickest. Fau·,hnlrco.l !lirl ' I11l1ke th e Ill'RI wllit. ressca, Accordill/: 10 une ",,~ert, 118 they are QuIckel' In mOI'CII1I,"!.

inf uncy.

rin )l:ton upon who m he lavis hed th e fllth e tly care un d a frec tiun of which th ey were d e p ri ved through the - Moore's Hilth T est GJ1 ~ n l i nf' "tlrI "High ' . T es t Oil- (1o r,'t s ru o lie taking Ilway oE th e ir pllrellt9. H ~ u.p squr sloves . I ~ also su rvived by a niere, Mrs. Ll oyd I) avi ~ . of Waynesvil!e, Ohio, Highest pr.ices paid t()~ all ki,nrls of Poultry N ow IS th e trme lind n Il cll he w. C lurence Morford, . to sell your youhg Ch icke n!! of lh iM city, 4 1130llne r 's treet, Mr Wharl on p os~essed' a nobility It Pays to Trad e al of charact er " lid uisposilion which was aPI>recial ed b y lill who had the pieasli re of hi ~ frieI\[J~hip . Wholly unselri 4h , neve r II th () u~ht for him-. self, always d evo led to the comfort of hi8 fr iends o f wh um he had many. and willin g a t ull times to render servi ce whe re and when it was in his power to d o 80 . E s pecially did he show his character durinll his illness fro m the dread disease Which at le hgth ~vercame ' his vital forces; solicitolls for t~e welfare and comfort of his friends to the last. , This tt'i bu te his df;nr ~riend.8 anc;! famit" wish to,pay tb on~ wbo,m they loved,- to a Do ble character which has passed from their prege~c:e into the Great Deyond , Peace to his ashes, His earthly ' house i8 dillsolved, hjs personality '.abides with us still ' ~ '.' ' , l~terment was {Dade. at Hamilto~, OhiO. " " , Can! af'lbaU -


Our line of Oil Stoves

Florenee Puntan




very conlplete, including the

New Perfeetion Superfex Vapo



As k- to see our new Dry Ha nd Mop , They wring dry withoUI getting your hand!! we,t


The family desire, hereWith, to ex-

't---l-lllr.esl! tl~eir thaTiks to all ~helr friends and neighbors for their llelv ' Bnd sympaUIY at this time of BOrrow and bereavement of their beloved dead,

----- ..---~

WQDIIV~Ue erijoy~ a quiet 4~.


Save by buying in WayneSVille





WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY JULY 11, 1923 lIa,>:e you paid your taxes? Tobace o-ha!Hn llUrane e, . Cartwr ight.

Have you 1!aid your I.aXes?

se',",,"~-I------- -A-~~ ., _'"\ t-Big River to

Mrs George J. Smith apent Monday In Dayton .

Mrs. O. M. Ridae was a Dayton Tobacco bail InMurance. visitor. Monday . Cartwr iaht.





Searq &

TobReco hail insuran ee. Sear. & W, C. Smith, of New Burlina ton, wu in town, this mornln e· Cartwri lrht. Milll Grace Williamson wa. In Edwin and Lena Shuler are spend. Dayton, Saturda y, Inll their vacation in Cincinnati. MI8B Olive Allen. of Dayton. "u Coulous Younce and L N. Printz a week· end visitor here were in Dayton. Sunday afterno on . Special Fire policlea for Ilrain. Mr. J . H Smith Is vieltinlr hi8 sis- ' Se1lr8'& Clutwr laht. ter. Mrs. J . F, Grey. at New Vienna Mr. Anna Frye, of Muncl •• Ind. Mra. D L Crane la the auest of is lhe guest of relatiyes, her•. relativo!s in Lebanon. for a few days. Loren Hadley, of Wilminll'ton. WII Special Fire policies for grain. the guest ot trillnde here. lut fi'ridD' Searl & Cartwr ight. Mrs LOUtlll.t Rllmlley. ot Lebanon, Mn, Lon Beckett and daughte rs the auest of H H Williamson and are In Cincinnati and Kentuc ky. this family. week


Mr and Mr. John Leonard , of 1. W. Lincoln. of Dayton, spent Kings Mills, \'iaited relative s here, Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs, John H. 1811 wet!k Smit.b. Mi~~ Louella Williamtlon left. SalS. M. Sellers and c.lauJhter. of urday, for Cleveland, wherll 'he will L.!hanon. were in town, Friday v~kre~ili_ ~"~n~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~

Mi~8withHel!!n Marl •. lt spent leveral a sehuol chum at Sidney,


Oli ... ,



Waltllr Burnet t and .Frank Hese. of R. 0, 6, were Davton visiton, Saturda y .

MarlCliret Shuler and Audra Atkin· 34rs Grace L. Smith and Miss son are ~pendlDlf a week with rela- Stella Dauaha rty "'lie Day tun viaitliveliin Dny ton orll. Mflnday, Mi.~ 1""d,,11 Dlvoll, ster ~1 .. tI~ .. i~ vi ..itinll Mrs. J W White.

of LeominMartha ll Harlan If'ft u. a nice her cousin. me8B or peas, week. and WI! are duly thanklu l

Pd rs Am .. lill William. left. Salur· L. M. Hender80n, cuhier of the f"r all extende d visit National bank, WIS off on hia vaeaVI '" It t i v,,~ in ':;prtnllfteld. No. tion last week.

'1. \ ,.. \ , ." IllIo! ,

'. ,, 11 h " nd ('Imily. of Da,MI'II C T. Harner. Clf Route 2, is d . ~ ""rt', llilt week, vi ~l tinR a neice. Mra. O. F. Sehul'le . wllh .1 U I ;I!l lwri~ht IAfld fllmlly. at Buffalo, N. Y. ., 1'

'- 11 ' II I I.

:VI .



; nd


~ , ~r, U 104'



D 'C

Judy and

1.0 UI'..... f C I O o urn·

bUll. lire the and family . IfU88t. at Roy MacSet h

Mr. anc.l Mrs Hall. parenl. ot Dr. L1<lyd H HilI!. arrived here. Thu,. d.iV, They will take eare of the dl)Ctor's home and family .

. iii . '


Mr8. Edith and NIIIII d' Mil· be en . apen mil' d' lev~ral ay. WIth relative s In Athena. OhiO. , Save your Old Carpets and Ruga and , get .. Wesrwe ll" Rugs made . ~nd for price list. "'ranklin Rug Co., Frankli n, ·Onio.

k Harris ha dr~~d Hart.~ . ..... ve

M Effie Crew and 8On, Audrey, Mrs Lida Smith W81 the au ..t. of Route 2, enjoyed a birthda y dinla.t week. of Frank leMay and fam- ner at the bome of Bernie Dill near ily. who are lpendin g the summe r at ·Englewood. Sunday . • thtl Miami Valley Chauta uqua ground s . Mrs ., E. M. Oxle, and Ion. Paul. arrived here from Troy, Ohio. 'fuelMr. and Mrl, James John., Mrs. da" anI I will apend a few weeki here Viola Carev and dauaht er, Mill Alice durin. the aumme r Mrs. Chas. Rye and Frankli n Thoma , • are can pine at Prendereut'a~ It II Jr. and Mrs. Robert Crew. Mrs. old that they are livinar entirely on Rachel Crew and Phln... Cook fish called on ·Mrs Effie Crew and eon, Wednes day afterno on. W 0 Raper. 0 E. Standif ord and Peter Demaa went to Middle. Mi .... Annie and Ma~e Brown. town, Sunday atterm. on. Ind IIIW of Columbus. are .umme rlnJ at the Gardne r-Harve y leam, of thltt Centerv ille. and at pr_nt are In city, defeat the Frankli n Gra,. Waynetlvllle for a few daya. T~e P"tter. Tram Ill. of eintlon ati, . .hmin~tt'd the LeblAnon aureea tlon Mr•. Edith W. Smith. Qf Denver. lrom the K I 0 league race. in a Col. Mr.. Jennio . McCune and lame at Leb_non Lo. how the daught er. Vlreini a. of Kokomo. miehty (1) have lallrnl Ind •• 'and Horace W Smith, of Oakland. were Iluettl of Mi81 Letitia Have you,pal d your taxee? McKay. Monday.



mL Y

Buy eggs at the lowest possible price, and preserve .them in a solution of Sodiu m Silicate, usually called W ATER GLAS~3. Eggs kept In this solutio n retain their nu~r,itive .value and <;omparative freshness from six month s to a year: ~rve y.our eggS in WATS'R GLASS. , I~ is c1ea~ aDd' easy to use. Ally quant jty .





Rev. F. W. Gorden . psstor of the Baptist church, Frankli n, Ohio, left I that city, Saturda y, under a cluud. I and In a big blue Senan. purchu ed of a ' Middletown firm. whlcb he ,' I bought and paid for with a draft on a ChicaJo bank. which wu found ' worthll!88. The ministe r failed to appear at his church, Sunday mornin g. although his congreg ation kept their , faith in him until the last minute . I When all hope of hil arriving had been abandon en detectiv el were put I on the case. I The Warren Nationa l bank. of I Frankli n, which charges that It . cashed a draft for $1,100 for him, : which was founa~ to be worthle ss. I had attache d his household furni. -::~~~~=~~~~ ~~= ture, . The First and Mercha nts INational ban\". of Frankli n. which ; Special Firll policies for grain. ~hed a draft for $600. also ob- ,Seara & Cartwr ight. tamed an attachm ent. \ The detectiv es they have • - • learned that the ministe r lett Frank- I COBB lin. last Monday night. in the car which he had just purchas ed, His wife and two children disappe ared the next day. A few days before thie depar~ure it W88 learned that he borrowed an automo bile from a neillhbor, put two trunk!! In It and drove away toward Cincinn ati. He returne d later withou t the trunkB. It la believed now that he brouah t them to Cincinnati and ahipped them to IOJIllLdistant city,' At first hi' ablen.: . was not notlced, but on Friday when the Cbl- , caio bank refused to honor the draft a search wae inltitut ed. Detecti vea learned that <iorden was formerl y \ employed by, a Wall Street financial houle and "hit the trail" at '" Billy Sunday meetine . Heatud ied for the I Ty Cobb, the Georgia Peach, ministry and became paator of a to attack "Corn on the Cob" church' In PiUBburJt', later beinlf l 'il,cs :hcnever he glCls the opportunity, called to a church In 8t .Louis. From ' l o u~h th~ greal bas eball player i~ tliere he went to Frankli n a8 putor I 01 In any ~"Y can.uali .tically inHe IS seen here engaged ia o~ thl! Baptist church. He made ! ' liI ~ued. second favorite SjlOfL • many friends thl.'re and maJ\Y of the ! mam'-iera of hjs congreg ation are : still of the opinion that he will return lind explain his absence .









desire d.


The Athletie a went to Wllmln Jton Sunday. and came back home 10Bers by the · acore of 4 to 2. Tbe game ought to haye been the other way. but foozlea on the part of tbe Athleticf! and bone-headed playa Ic)at them an;eaBY victory . Adama pltcbed a fine lame, and Pace cauaht biB ulual game, .

. -.

Repu blic·a n's New N ationa ! Chairm an.

Whole Num~er 5550

Three educati onal films turnish ed by theU .S.Depa rtment ofAgrie ullure will be the baaia of Township meetings Ichedul ed for the sout~ern and eastern part of the county. next week. "Ancho red Acres" ahow8 the latest and most effective meaJll for tbe prevent ion of soil erosion. It shows the constru ction of brush and atake dams In stoppin g gullies. the making of concret e brakes. and the laying out of terraOO8 to carry the water off the fields at an euv grade-t ID as to prevent washing. In fact. this is the lut work in agdclltura l enlfinee rlng along this line. "Out of the Shadow s." consista of two film. prepare d by the U, S. Bureau of Animal Industr y, and shows the losses due to Tuberculosis. a'ffecting the varlouB for,ns of farm atock. and Ita contagion bv the hu· man fami·ly, Tbe scene is laid on 8 typical corn belt farm, where the daughte r contrACts tubercu lesis through milk from the family supply. The daught er's experience in the sBDitarium, the eradica tion and cleanillg up of the cattle and the final acquisition of an ' accredi ted herd Is fully illustra ted. These films will be shown on the Schoohrrounds of the old building, next Monday evening . July 16. The Premie r band· will give a concert , and there will be an ice cream loelal In connection. These picturea will be shown wlthon t cost to the public, and the manale ment hopetl that they will be liberally patroni zed. The nme picture s will be .ahown at the Flatfor k church, Friday evenine , July IS .

.. - ..---


My first rememh ra n:e of Allne_ William son Wright was as a little school girl. I would stup, on my way to and from school . and t alk with her a t her home un Mai n street. A few years la ter when I learned that my uncle had married her, I was delighted. It seemed t o me I had select ed my own nu nt FroU! that ,jay until now. our love and interest In each other has lasted. She was an unusual personality; and this might be expec ted coming, as she did, from unu~u .. 1 par ent s Dr. Williamson. her falher, - whRt R name for the olc.l.e r peop le to conjure with! And Miriam, his remarka bl e. forward-Iookin.r wife. The lal ter was a natural osteopa th and prac· ticed, in her IIlmpll'. original way, what has in our dav become II science. I rememb p. r only her voice- that ha9 IinKered in my mllmory thn.l uih all the interve ning years. That beautiful voice. with the metallic ring. Agnes Wright bfllonged to Waynesville, all the days of her life. Born here, married here. and enterec.l Eternity {rom our lovely little horne town . Olive Schrien er saytl that Love is "a great serving ." This my aunt demons trated in her lone years of loving devotton to her hUlband . He was affected with a tedious, heart-b reaking illness, but he had her always at his side. never tiring in her ministr ations, and she pro· longed his lite. if shorten ed her ow n, with her willing, loving service. In a letter to me. during the last year of her life, she said: "Tell Lina to come; I want to ear her laugh once more." This eased me eo; to be rememb ered b v 80meth ing pleuan t was so like her. And it was granted U8 both to laugh togethe r once more. for last Thanks giving I had the pleasur e of sitting by her side awhile, and though old and broken and Buffering , we laughed togethe r over some old rememb ered jest, "Lord vouchsafe her light and rest. peace and refresh ment. joy and o!on80lation in Paradise-in the companions hip of saints, In the presence of Christ, ill' the ample fold~ of Thy great love. Grant that her life (so troubled here) may unfold in the spacious of Eternity ." Lina Wright Burch .

OILATUSH··BAHR Prosecu ting Attorne y C. Donald Dila' ush was married Saturda y, June 30. to MiBB Freida Bahr. ot Lebanc.n, Mr. Dilatus h made many friends here last November, who are overjOYf.d at hiB becomi ng a benedic t. Mrs . Dilalusb is one of Lebano n'a popular younlr women.

_-_ 0-..0- --

Fred Gona and family left. this mornin g, for a vi~it with relative s at New Lebano n. Canada

. -.

"Save by buying in WaynesVille ,"

Mrs . Hu ldnh Burnet t and two Waller snd Chnrles. entertain ed at a Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ('oleman , Mr. and Mrs. D. L Crane and Mr . E. C. Crane.

90 11:3.

C. M. Brown and family and Albert Cleaver and family enterta ined at a 4th of July picnic at the Cleaver home. Tho~e p~e!e nt 'were: Wm. H,m ell and wife. Leonard Daut and wife, and Ralph Hozell and . family. of Dayton . "Gathe red around a campfir e, we can pop corn. fire jokes, sizzle welners, etc. Five cents each pays for the eats. Come alon.r over." Thirty· three neighborll respond ed t~ this invitntion and gathere d at the borne of Joseph McMillan, Wedneaday evening , where 'an enjoyab le even ing wu spent togethe r. u Indicated in th e invitati on. around a bonfire built in the spaclou . barn yard . Guests departe d at a lata hour feeling that it had indeed been good to be togethe r. Let'B do it again some day. ;.

- - --

---'-.- - -

FOURTH Of JULY WAS VERY QUIET The Fourth passed off very quietly

her~. most of the noise from fi ....

cracker s having been accompllebed earlier than the Fourth. In a ,rest many cities and town8, which bave been observi ng the sane Fourth . there wu more noise than formerl y. A few evening fireworks wer-ah ot off. and tlie band concert waa about all that went to make a Fourtb in Wayneaville. Many people passed through tbe town. and the river .and creek were lined with fishermen, There were not many fiah tbken. howeve r.

HAS ADDED AN EXTENSIVE ADDITIO The W. H. Madden and Co. lumber mercha nts have lidded an addition to their already large buildin g at Corwin. This buildinll. whlcb il II.n addition of 127 feet. makes for the Madden Co. the largest lumber buildin g in the county. Thil buei· nl!88 haa grown 80 in' the put few years that it hIlS been imperat ive to enlarlfe from time t. time. Thtl company enjoys an extende d trade, for durina the palt year they bave furnishe d lumber tor several houBeI at Centerville, lind elsewhe re about the'cou ntry.

--_.- ...---

HlI.vlI you paid your taxt!8?

...:...- -


Ho w ma ny gar age s can yo u nam e? '

LAST WEDNESDAY H. M. Sherwood made two mammoth fire cracker s last week, and Wednesday evenina he sent one of them into the pool room. where things happene<i pretty lively for a few minutes . The tUle waH lighted and the crarker was tbrown to the floor. Cuea were thrown aside. chairs were overtur ned and the habitues made a break for the outside . One brave fellow grabbed the fUlle and burned hiB finaera for his trouble . Then, after the room w. empti.ed , the fUle died out and that wu all. There wu quite a laugh trom the outside from spectat orl who were wiae. ,


,MASONIC NOTICE Special commu nication of Waynesville Lodae No. lRS F. & A. M,. on I Friday evenlne . July 18th, for the - purpoee of conf~rriDS tile F. C.,ad 11. Y. derrea The craft are requ.ted to be p~nt. Visitors are cordlall J lDvltec;l.

1Cemaetb Hoap, W. II. ~ . . We




By theIr locatIon? By their prICes? Or by their servi ce?

We are proud to say that we are known ~~y our servic e. .1'. -.

We are makin g an enviab le reputa tion ,by 't he special attenti on we are giving to lubricati~>n. " No other factor determ ines to such great degree the life of.. car and its econo my of operation,. Let tis prove this to you by draini ng your a\mk~ . case and refilling with Sunoc o Motor Oil of the proper type for your car. This cr8nk~ ~ce " is free- our only charge being for the ~ oil. .


HAW KE MOTOR Si\LES·; ~· ~. Phone


WayneSVille, Ohio ,-"" \,



n un 11\"'-11.\, a.:1IU"ln\1 ~ hUf

U d"~ S, 1U II lIull' ,;ns:l tu\ r(tulU t h," till fllur~ , Il 1:\

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1;, hnr"" II"\\l'r jll' lr 1I'I\Mtftl n I\:1'1"ln "11'111". t\\,. ,,·) 1111,11'1'. I,tth Ih\1"lJ11ft rUIl

oln;: nUl thrml 'h tl... ' Iuurter, .. nd u ~I ,al't' HI\r 'ttk J ,r,'nl~It-,'r, wllle·h ~huU;

., -

,b~ H.DeVf re Sta poole -A Romance of the Bahamo$

Uu n nrl HfH ·n ... out n llt 1IIll t kn ll)1 wheu li n fIIotltln . \\,Ilt' n I I I "~' ~nm p u n 11' k 1\ IlI II nite r 1\ rilpltl uhllh '{' III tru-, ~"i th l n gb H hntln \\'11\" " HIIl , 1 , ,, Unll 'll n' l', "L.,\,I, Iwrf-' I" :ooH! eI hI', " " ·h y no t [fI\\ Iwr hark hi 11t1\llnl' un l' l"'ln(m ~ llh U1;, l '( ~ l ll " ", \\ 4.1rlh II lilt lind :'\lu.. ':-o




Illust l' ot{ on$ by Ll'~i n



... .. h I by

"A ren 't you


Ull n ,' P you f\\' p r ~ "(ln A fh~ !tl l h'tt r?" Isk er) Sato D. u ~n m(" !l rn t\ '" 1\ h 'ur j~n ' t I S cl f't\~ as hp I ,"10k ", n n d 'Ol1lPrlll1f"q n II~

I! In"k", I!'_ R co mmQn th i ng (or mrn nn t hI' Fln r Id" COli'" to hlrtl' In R d rlf l ln' <"lI fI''' ' and rift" up line! Inulth li t 1/1"111 n il"

dp,rell r ' l, n' l no I'ntl,l.\'

('Otu@ ou t


('1 m ', Tnal{,' out ttl" t ftl1<"I II r l'hn ln twin' d l"\ n . unt1 I'll j ust !rh· ... theln tll h' hour wil li .·..: \\ (' 10 ("01 I N"'I


ba ve L1 lnnpr " "' h ~n

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Jtfile l'll'l. l'tI (ru i n

I8kod UatdllTe,

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till' 11,,' 0 III"'·, .. ... I II " 1.1 \\ .'I..'rtoi. \\ h u t.l"t 111 !'ol lll) lids :-:,· II;':II. :l lIn "h , It'\"1" tie ,~ 1"'1 'I,t n ' II I' , I ll ' :-\\ l 'UrJU' IH! ld u ~t llll', IIp'd !'ou) I II' h ' ll I IP I' '\ Ilil ttu' unl.· hor Ihl\\ n In hUr'I;"r: tl llJlhl\IUb 10 tllul. I h\lll~h ~ Ia":- th"n..lll ..." r i~ I H IU u U)! Il . '-';,,1 ~ I'l l I II~ " I\'hut I Wunl I\'lIh' 'I ll nil l u " ~ l:"'~ III "t~ l p Int'. ~hl"' s 11l~

Robert M Me BrIde (( Co

ro nf'nrCl lu'r r

~4\l nR

dt'I ' k

n;.!lIl n

aft ('r Ille I1l£'nl. t1l\'y dr"pi', ·t! t h!' tl ln,,· by, a nd the three ot th ('lII " UI "rr t or tb e dereli ct, She must hove boc·n dl s lJlfl~lt'd IlU I· sId e the snn ,ls. for n ol 1\ ~p nr Iny In the wRter HIIID/:sld, ~ ,II~fIla " lf"1 o n,1 drl\'e n over by n hll: WIl\,~. h~ r rrcw clingIng to her. 0 11 II,~ I .. ,\\, "liS Iwr name, HoLlo118. Th e), 11,,01 up nnd scr..mbled on hnllrr\. Th e ,Ie" k ran lIu sb toro nnd IIrt. 'rhe WII<' (' I luoke' l ell right, bul \\'os jn nllllL''' nnd 1m· m.o vable; t he bInn acle glnss wa s ·AlDlIs bed. SatlUl stand. wh is tling ond looking about him, The n lie <lI ved be low, tal· lowed by the 0 1hers. The eubln bad been lett In gOO<! orn e r, 1t wus 0 bit ower·g llded a ntl decorllted tor 0 1, 1:.110 man's taste. hut en>rythl ng WIIS ul tbe beat, and 8 bnnglng la mp ot Sf)lId brass 8tIll 8"' 1I1g ovpr the cenler table. The walls were of h lrd'seye JDa ple, ' tbe cushIons of Ihe hest hlue dotb, Rnd the Ilttlng ot tile tiny sleepIn,g 'cnblllS to mntch. Thero was pll'.Dty Qf s tull' ly Ing ab.oot- books, clotb es. boot s. The people hutl evIdently put o il' In 8 hurry, n ot caring mucII what ,they ~ook as long ua they got owoy. Per· hap' they had taken IIdvantoge ot II passing' Rteamer. Ratcll1l'e pIcked up a book, a volume ot o. Benry. There was a name In tt-.1. Sellgtl!BJlD. Jade, ItelvlDg lD the Rtarboord atterubln. came out boldlng up 80metbliag. It 11'118 a paIr ot boots, wom· eli'S, patent leather wIth wh~e suede topa BJld beel. th~ Inches hIgh. "Look at them tblngtll" BRld Jude wttb 8 bunt of rmflpre88ed lallghter. -A Itrl'. boot," sald RatcU1fe. ''TrY them OD. Jude." "It I wore them thlngtl," snlt'l Jude, "I'd bave to wulk on my hnnd8. There'. dead loada more of titutr, und the place IImelll 81 It a polecat had been lIvlns there." Batcllft'e stuck bl. bend Into the lit· tle cabin. It reeked ot CalifornIa popP1 and cosmetic 8eents. OlOUleR were IJhlc about In disorder; a womon's '"hlte raclltlng enp. ' deck shoes. ilDCel'le, b11l'lltlng like trotb out ot a cabin trunk, gave added touch to the b7lterlcal distraction ot the scene. One conId see ner, the woman, rush· Inc about BRvlng or collecting ber nluables. leavtnc everythJng else.

lilt"" .... lId :-:'UlltU, " 11 11 \' (' .}vu t"Jailll \'d :-.,11\ HWt! 't ..l'tr~l lhcnfs lu " . :t u d \\t.' r·l' \lw lt' ,·hulhh'd .


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II" UI , ·"

!!1I 1' 1I 11 'Ut

IIn)!I'r \,· Ih lX, hll lh.'.1 lit II , roll~d I I up, tin t! " :t..;:t II w ltll II ,htld.. " · t Oln ti ll ' hunk . lilt n ~II,' rt ltl' lh·d lip Hnd tl lll' lwd th, ' (JIll., 1",.1'1. ! UH'.d, hy 1111 t lt t' h t \\S or tit .., seu, an i! I hn t ·..; t h .· t' I H I lit II. " . H ll l d llTt\ 1, ' ['[ Il l '" I'lIr:-- II~ 1I1.! In'r In · Y f'sl i ,.;'lI lill n .... tLIII'0I1 ' 1(' " h~' I " , \\hulI!,S ..\ I'I'I'U rl '" .1lId " rrnw Ihl" rulli o or ~ lI t Hn, ,, 1111 ... ·. ·1I1 '·/t pur .. u!m: tll ll1!::' h:ll, ' II. " !lrr~\ II :': H!'4 n Irll f' ll .\ ' a lIn · nll o ut tht' th ,. ~(, a:-ollun ' ) \11 t :-.11l' hlill \lnl' ar t h ~ 'd f rlJllI ~Hlnn , wttl! hi!" IInl r \\' 1111 nu ll h t~ !'oo'{llI U'\\ iu'n " H l·I·\I~IIt'd !'it ru wlll· rr y ' (ty(~S nhI1l7." , 11;l d rllp l dl~ ~;l ll1pll'tl lib ,'o)lI r pt l ",tr:t\\' hnt - u r W II ~ It n h on , t n~: tsurt ., E\,'r .' th t n,.: II.' wa n lt'd hu ll 111"" 11 had I tln~ :itrln,;s l\ud It ruM( bf't'n I"ft, 11 11.1 lit' (tiun.! [ht ' :\ 11l11t.rt· ~ l\l l'k un Utl(,1 slrle or It. till'



ti l' I II.. ~ wHh ,::,,/(1 t o hl'r hll l ,'I"·,,, It Is .1<' Ulllful It h l~ l'x r lh' lIh' o t wII1l 1,1 hlln' b ~f,'n


"Lf}lIk whn t

U Ult~"

(' rl(\ ll

rlt t n \\' lIlIIJI\J~

lip, pul ntl n g

to rhe "'" HI \\ In dl . " \\' lIntin' I t s ho u lll t hlnl. 1 hnd hee n ! ( . In (' olo nl: find ,,!'c !" 11 1' it'll Ihe WA~' In " h .. n p nf mmp and h rflk pn HllnM' ron\"lU'd.

CHAPTER XIII A Secret of the San d. T! sef'mC'l1 to HAtrltrrc In the dn y! Ih ll t f"II,," ~II Ihu t Iw IllId nl" '!!! k ll Ow o wllnt work


11ll ' H \\ 1'l tllIl\' llmJ

of ' IIll' "'n s.~ l·S.


'] "hf\1

r l·S nel·tl~ t.I IIl tlmit



IIrlil sh tl pP,·r· mlllrl1, nn ex·Chrlst t1lurch mHn, nne

a nlNnl)!'r vt n" ,lIlIr<. w n8 " s~ l s tlnlf Sll lll n 'J'yll'r In "I""I' l n ~ Ih .. Irlpt's"

n ut or H.nntht'l'


yncht, ul so


l'Uf'reU 10 hIm S~ lIwl lm s uS a tll ct, a rll~lnrIP(1 son of fll/' I. hlurred li n d 1I111lllJI'!1 hy the hIH 7.l n~ an,1 h rl II 11m I 11 !I n''"Jlh~re In wl ll l'\l I ""y \\' 'rf) wnrk · In)!. Ihe ousolule unci sh oc kIng InneIIn,'s8 Ihllt hl'nJ llw ,1 Ih l' m In . Saw n's I wr ' onalll )"

lUl l)

Ju tle'~


!jhl!'. By nil Ihe Inw" of Ih e S(,II. Reeo r cl· in,!.! 14 1 ' ntun, 1IH'~ta t hlng-s \\" (> n ! the

property or the first fi nd er,

Th u t

Wfl 9

11 11 ,'('r.,' well accord lnl: to Sa llln. ' Illd

"Look at Them Thlngs l" Said Jude W ith a Burst of Suppressed Laugh· ter.

"Lool{ "t

J nw~,

gJlJ\' un lzeo on' CO \'~ r d ~' I I h hid,' . nnd me wIth 0111 wooll" n "Dl~R c n'nld n' IIkl' u n old s hbe I T hPrc' ~ " !l1ulnNll cct bu!Tp r too I Cllmpe r Nlchols"n's<:rlng letl --{.'om e to th e sn ll room! '" They went 10 Ihe s,, 1l rO"IlI, the n to tJle gulley-e verywhere flnll ~ , I:IorloU8 finds. with thI s rou gh Sum 111111 1 : In the sail room. slxt.\' fuUl oms ot new IlmnlJlI r upe, un e lghly·fnllt o tter trnw\' h(lrvOOD' und I:r"lll ' nn d fI seI ne net, a trysnll , sl lun re snlls. two JI bs; tn th e 1:1111 e.l' , clloklnl: gt'II I'. lin Atk ey cookln/!: stOYI! to hurn """ l or coko : In oddltlon to n il t h is ""llle Alll e ndld blocks wit II llll te nt sh"t1\'es with bllll beol'ln l:R w h ll'h run 8" lJIudl /Jetter than d l1mlll l ,·~. " lower IIl11l n s heet block and t wo q lllll't"r·hllleks. fuho me Ind calilng on. the codI to ",ltne. of gll Ivlln lz(,11 dill In. Imel tWf) Ni chol· O th er thIngs that ahe wonId never aet foot again son' s putl'nt "nf'l"'r~. on BJlother fIIlIlall Ylcht tor a plellllure Inclullefl 1:tlllP". II 1'lllr 01' liln oeulnrs. a sextunl :Jull :t I'I'fI HlIU l lt't fil '. ('hurts, aulae amowr the ItUnn."S, tlIew glf rr

fr"l11 dl ~ lrtS'e. "Lonl! lIlu " I'D' I yo u hlld. ",DQu!!h of rills olt! tl1l ' k?" sn ld JU lIe. "1 .Ion· t r..~ I·~ It I ""er WOO l d 10 s.... U h ,Jj' UI f.r rvp,' 11 ~'r a l'rl n!:le IIgllln." RUICIlIT.:; fell pretty lU udl Ihl' >lA IUI'. "I ' ll IInl s h Ihe lJus lnl'Ss m~' elf," nhl RUI"II. "\' uu 1\ 0 koock 01T It YO Il IIkf', C:u 'n hu nt for lur k l e~ ' eggs," " 1'111 gvl ng," BII III Judl'_ ' '1'11 'nOblE' nl nll~, Inn." Rlllri n,\!, cliffI'. X'ii n n (rnl "II IhpI" OVPr to th " Flnntl!4. h WUS IIholi t tw o h l~ ur~ hern rf' !'4U1Hlpwn , Hud un f·a~ tl·r I LJLr~'?(' WU ~

un "

Ino/ coeel accv rdlng to wh ot ~l!l'fll ... d eOIlIIlJVn ·se ns('; st ili. sen IIIII' "'liS (o r 011 h' cnuld t II n o l quite lhe sume tllln,:: AS the IIIW 9 of th e I'll. Dccordlng to !-\uI RO, 'I'hol1 g h belonl,>i ng to a great s hlp-o\\'nl ng tnmlly, he kn e w nu th lnl: ot t he rights ot the 11lntt r: bu t I hl! bu s Iness t b ey were enl(uged I. n sl'clIled 10 hIm so me times. whe n h e cllrl',1 to t hink , most Ireme nd ol~. ly lik e IlIr 'eny- llIrrenl' excused by a 101 of cun~ld e rutl on 8 ,and mude pI c· tures qu e lJy euv lronm e nt; s tili. II, bu s l· n eSR IhDt In th e unpll' turesqu e Hur· r oundlngs of the Lond .. n 8 .... s lons would undouh tedly ho\'e uppell ll'd to u jl1d/:c In the " o lce ot Lllrcl'ny , Sometimes he IQlll glned 0 ",u!'Shlp. one ot thoBe pryln\:. 'olllelous little cruIsers Ihut do p'Jll ce wo rk., d osIng up wIth the cny nnd sendin g a l'oot Into th e Ingoon, Some tlm cs he fell to wonll e rlng whnt ScllgUl nnn \\'0" like-on AII IC r1· COD s urelY, one or th e Gu\( hllunl ers. hel ongl ng, mos t ll robllul)·. to one of thl' numeruus dubs on th e Flllrl<lu loonst. and Mrs. Sl'II,::nlllnn-o r wos It Ml s!I-Or not even thu I? One thlDg wus ccrt ul n. ellgmllnn "'liS rI ch , Th ey we re not rubbI ng II

~ li l \,,..t'ln~

\.' 001.

11I~(lH n \\1l1 .... r um " Ul1 ll1 n /o.: t ll tl ~:l nd - ~I ' al n s .


JlI d~'

a l llllio=

IH l li p und lIhH'O \' j 'r l n" n p t l lllll.': . " lY~It(1

d Ol":!,


\\'hl ~ p cr ln l-!

\\ k ,·,1 d t\spun d t: ntly

rrllll J,:""d

Il l"

t1 11'~

:O: PH \'J ~ ..

!'O::li d I btdUT\" " \\,,,'q. D(,V,'r t'v ,'n ~ t n nt · d 1,. hunt fOl' II jo.;lt.:n of thp ~ ('It",r, ' d .." 1)111:-. 1 1 w n nd ,'r I f fdl l t'~

"nllw ,"


Hny" II4' rr-

1"l lll1y,


h {'rf'T' "I .11111 11":' "OlIld .J lI ,tl'; u.l h n " ' , ' : I rl ' , n tllhl' \' ~lIt lltl'~ fili I or h i..: I It':-:k~ old flllll1 J.!~ h i,''' n il 111111' t d t h in k of Illlyth ln:.: f' l"-:t ' ," " t ' lit'I ' r li p . . l n ll ... ... "1' 1"11 111 1 r i:,.:h '." ":\11 . .\llu' rf' 111 ' 1. " ·lI lll' .;; " rPII1,:'" lI J.plN uf thl n~~: '

hn ...

Il'd h,'h ln tl h~r ! " ('r1l',1 .lull e. "~fJlt ~' u ur fonll n ·... c rl.d Sutlln, " l1ntl eOIll~ ul n nj.( 110(1 h'nt! II bu nd, H "rt·, h' lst lh esc tJllnbs In to th,' dln ~hy I" .hHl e tlun/!: th e hut tlown t he 01'1'11 ijkyll~llI . nnd Ih . rnuk uur);IIIry of til e lIo ll" tl lI beglln,

Illlt · ,, ~,w.

ULo.,)\ n t

I'h ut

11,1' ,pnd "r Ihp Ultro !lny ,'"oe "III, nl>l rOlll wenrlU~lItL but

.. ,,·twn


i;!' t'l

h!l rk


" l l\ :J n : I - "

hl"J!tlll Itlltdll!II, SlIP I'HI hllll sh u rt. " I fl ll n ' , \\ IIn l [0 ~!I Inwk t o IIn \,nn :I." su l ll o:: IIP. '':\In ' l J,:"rdm:. " Sh(' ~ nt d,,\,·u o n th,... ~n tHi~ (lIUIIlP, nU N<t'd h pr knr l 'li: . li n d ~rnrl'tI nY l ' r tl l(\ M('oll,

('II ~ t1n L:


~ t o()t l


h Ilt' hnt tw ~I, 1f\ hl"r. li p rn f)l1H' nl , th fi n h l' SR I down .

li p knpw fl i

I I!WI' ,

k O(lW



READ ·THESE ADVERTJ~EMENTS CAREFULLY These huiaeu houe. are le.ders 'in their lines, and ...ure you value and luvice.

When ip


'~ ' DaytOD'1 Leading £atina Place For Mea. , .....chaat'. Diaaer aacI Supper '

35 ceata ,

Stew aDd Ciaop. 0... Specialty. THE FOUJlT~N 30 East PIfth St.. Dayt•• , Ohio.

Visit Them-They Want Your Trade THE MUTUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCIATlON The urg •• t In Dayton

Reaourcee $14.500,000.00 eo-......nd S.cand S _ t a

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Complete line of army and navy goods. Special attemien given to mail order.. Strictly one price,

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~ )L I



21, 23 We.t Fifth Street

CHARLES W. BIESER CARL A. SCHMIDT : [ LARGEST and ....t _pl.te STATlOI'IERY ond offic. outfiltUo. Ho .... I. C.nbal tOP SOlrrt1 LUDLOW sTIle I!T


ond South .... Ohio. ,. Garfield 1874



Surplus $784,000.00

OVer 30,000 Acco.nts


oVe OOMll'i.


AALL , ,",!'!E\; ~~ C;U6A~ I FO~

A WeE"L..A.C,T SVMMe~!







PIC"~ ~OI.I'"&

l.U Ull"

(1U I'h


u(a u '

lint! ] HlIghhl~


~h ..

got d ll Wl1 .'n I,,'r kn /~',. aliI! hll l'd tl tf' c ..;:~ In h ~r hilI , wtlll hJII!:hln ~. 111' help~',I. Ol ll ll g hl~ hnt I\nol hl~ p"('k "I". aDd th"11 Ih .. ~· . tarl'" r r t il 1" ' fI" n 1'(11;". JIIII !' sIHI' h' nl~' In !hE' \\' 1I,II·'t 8plrl t~. Jl e hud n " 'flr ~",' n . her In suc'h hl;:h. ,'I"U ~1J1 1·1t., II'h(,1I th l·.\' j1:o1 uh oll nl It WIIS Just I hl' "" III I', ~: "' n Illlln's lJIUn hll'u l (lu ~"I "lI f,'" ol rl JIl III" e..'lJrI'S;;' 'fl " , MII're r In Ih ~ 1II' t rllllllll ' li on 10 ~Iwnd two mo l'\' (h,~· ~ pkk lnl( li n d ~"r, ,, oI n~ II I ",,' 1l llll,l1 ls. ,lid I",t fh' pn' ... ~ l\f' f . I f I nly IURd ... la f'r lUlI ... h . " r t' I/ ' 1l lip ('r) In' he rld'(' ,\'n u ' l'~ Ih'lI P I( yillJ ;': " 1 1I1J~ld n 11k .' 11ml." i"nld ~ H"tH+;- .. \\ :111 1 ... 1" '''SI ' ..;..: t·d .\ U\I • • ·h'r !'un' P fl "II I.!J . ~ !! " \\ II... . '1'111' wllnl~ tt l' I' d lI"' l' II I'ln (' 11 U 1," j.1t1.· :--illil llu ... lu·d . l' u .. ll pd h, ' !' 1,1:1t .., :I\\"II,\', hll ll 1'11": " . lin d 11\1'11 !--tlt tI,l" n HL!'!lI u .


.• , " \I ' !". ,

111 \\ ") ....

~dlll l!

I. n

III" :


I ' ll kil t


1.1I1l.:1t :& •..: IlIlId , :I"

T !I'-II . 1"J,: I"ul ~,


th,~ r.~'8 nO

I l1lu \ \ ""

or hIs


I'w~ lI1 ecJ


hunl, tl'"1

Snlr('t'ly tht.' l a ll fl'f" Ll l:! hu ll I II l' t (.)I S uf YU llth III hIs tim". un d II I,utl 11"1

oU nH·tt'tl


n,u "'l ;

wl\,' n

" e~ I lh!~ .

yoU IUI\t: ol1h" t tl Inuk Inlu Uw l oo k ,

IlIlk 11 8

a~~ ~dl~Nm mol~~ th ough nolhlng hu d oe·

'1'1 ·1' " fll llnd 1\ n est of turtlcs' egg s. nnd ,Itll le marked It; fllrther' alonR ttley cllme upon something etmnge, a sort or plutform holf·co" e reel with sunrt, Jude s olt! It wa s the ?ciretop ot u s hIp su nk 0 11(1 sunded o\'er, "It·s the NomlJre de Olos. mnybe," 8u/(1 RAt ·\llTe. ";\llIyhlO." 8uld ,TulIP. ..It·s the foret op ot on old s hi p. anyhow, See, wh ere the mast's brotte ofT-she'. thh'ty o r fnrty root und e r thill ," "Not mu c h good (0 ' us, even Jf sbe Is the l"olll h re de Olos." j'Not IUlIch." The I:ull s seemed to agree, nnd the IIttll' WIl'· C~. flllllllg crystll l dear ou the he udl. 1/ WII S nea r thl! I'lld of the ~plt Just h ere. and Ihe sancls shel ~ed out. los· Ing Ih eIl1 8l'I\'es In the llOmensurDme 1 0 ll l' I J nl's ~ of the sen Rlretchlnl( to hlJlrll.'uJln u und Ih e Cniros nnd Ule north e rn s houl,lcr of South Ameliell, Jude. on her knees wIth a bit ot drIftwood. wus se rllplni away the Bund froru th e edge of the suuk foretoP. when Eiumethlng cought her eyc, A lurtle hlld ' iontle d where they hKd morl, ell the e~gs. It was so fur a\\'1\l' Ihut It d Id no t look bIgger thlln a hnlf·d')lI u r, She nun" the bit of driftwood aW07, r OHe to her fl·Ct., ROil started running, to "I .. ng t I,e extreme sea·c d ge w he re II Ie sunil wu s hllrll. Hlltcl\lTe followed. Tbev we re h nlt u minute too late, the



I" , u ll ll'll,'li ,

1.11 11



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", 11)11 11 ' IIf

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tilt· '·,,1,1 It,

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It..h 'll ,

Il ln III!.!' 1'011<,/ " ," 1 llll' Hlld~ u nd 1' lId"' In 11 tl~'H I ', Ill' tll rtl " , 1 It l ... " ,\1 ' '''' t n 1111 ' ~"I'ali . d l ll !! h ~ .

:-; d t n n, !Ii i hl1S

I ll:.! 11" d liP I rllt1 ... ldl,pi n~

' \ 11'"

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l~ armcrs,


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1)11111111 ' 1'. '1'1 "'1\ 11 11' 11 PIIU I., ,I I thl' 111 0r n- ·" unt1. ,1'4 In I . ' , oI ,l lI 1fl 111 " ' 11 .\ . 1 11 I . .. ~ , , .. I In )! ~I 'II Il lilllian!! lil t .. Ih, ' h l'..! OIPI I. 111'111 ll I U.1 I 'l nll :oi . Itt. fl'~ " 11 IU! I· I t' .. 1 I ' ,, _,11_ I dln 1' 011' H 1II III II " IIt. I I I' f"lI I1H, -" llil ' o f :-: "OUrlllJ,t tilt! - Itt U " 1.. \ "'1 ,Idrt. Ih r dU j.!h F', . t , .. .. J..""u ll~ In 1111'11' !l1l:h!. Hllt ,'d Ihl' :oo\lold,llI ~~n r fnrt h." l11 f ·01 U \ I, 'l I hn 'JlJ~ (1'11 111 C' HlI'r: dd to I111 I'fl 11111 I' ln4' Hll il k .


un t'nns('1()u~

p r('sencl' nnd nnt to hn " o )wa,,1 hi s word~ . H e wnt l'hcod oor I'rolll l' ul:ll ln st the Rk)" notl('eU the erelu ~hes whkh seellwd lon!:e r nnd mor e c un'e ,1 u p thnn (''' .. r . Ih" nll-e ~hupe of Ule h end. f r!e or tb e "'d ponn mH. Then 8h,~ luml'd . Il'ltnl'd o n h ~ r pl· bow. RDd looked np ut h im- t h en she lookell dow n , "Wh nt mn lle you t~lnk I w ns both· e rln' obout Hell e rs?" n ~ ked ,Jude. "I dOD't kDtlw," said ROlcllrfe, "] just Ih ought II. I've been th Ink in g a lot about you - I cnre for you Il lot, tllat's about It." She looked up Ilt him n ~n ln , full In Ule eyes, llnd \\'Ith Il Dc w express Ion he hud no"er se.:!n betore, u punl ell, hulf·stllrtled look, lik e thut of u per· aon suddenly uwukened In strung,· s urroundIngs. Then her eyes fell uWlly from hlru , She t ook u hun lltul of ~n n d flod let the grnlnH full betwee n he r fing e rs. "Just thut," suld ItntclltTe. She WU.'l stili plllying wIth the sUlla, lett In!: It ' t nll be tween ber tinJ,,"e rs ca refully liS thllugh tryIng to count t be grltl ns, Then she thrllw the slulT IIwuy. bru Hhl'\l th e puhn of h llr hund clelln, ulhl su t up, Orn wln~ u littl e closer to h e r. he put bls " " nd round her wais t. jus t us he h ud d on e wh ~ n tll ey we ~ c on Ul e sundsp\t . nnd jU8t ns " n th e sllndslllt, slle lilt It res I tll ere--for a mom ent. Th e n. wIth II qu ee r little Inugh, s he removed th e bund nud s truggle d to her feet. He ro~e lIl) 'unrl thpy WPllt on . with · 'OUt a word . Then pre~ they be-

'1'.\ III

n l~"1.

III ' ft'll til \\tJn,h-riu.lo: , IlJII llBj,! o(llt'r t h l l1lo! :o-., \\ hUI lh~ ~ l>llil \\' 11:-0 ( t llt l dna\\, 111 111 h .)\\' Ul"ti J utit" u nl l h ...' lti Idl l l " \\' us Il t lli ' lmlpllou b le H l lnt f.' t i \'~ qU lllity t hH t hud 1I1uJt' h e r I1hltllt'J' It " I1 Hf.'ilt.' rll l l.'t llu IIl I I y " \\ ht~ n' 1Ilt.' n \\ en' f,'II Il\'t' l'nl'( 1. or Ju st th e pu\\er of .\' 11111117

hltrlll 111 hlii ng A

ulm o!'lt

, ..::.:

1''''''. lIli d I'a ll 11 11 fh ·di. " \\ hul l ilt''' IIIUl l llo· ... tl .. , I IIIII(. ' r \\ III! h.',. "(· 1I~ 1 '~ ' d :--:1I1: UI , " I d .,U·1 hllll" , , l'I 'Idl " d Hllt dI IY,'. JI,I 1111.1 l illie til Ih l ilk "'l'r llt,' II I H t ~

girl . 110 more Ih a n thC'rtl Is In bolng u mnn." 1'" rf'" I~'. A Inul:hlng Jl ull I'o ~ RNI nnll J(O(Or(O ~ at th COlli , .Jude (ollow l'l l II w ll h Iier t')'('~ .

11'1 1' 11 illI'lIh ulpl' d 11.\ L .' I., FI1I1I \, II I :0.- 1111 It'.\ . 111. j ... IHII I I) I 'I I'.\!\ 1)1." \, HI I ,~ 1\ l 'I H'+I I II I'


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"111 1'

\\ ·11111 - "

:0:1"" 1" "ld,,'

"\\,hnl ' ~ thl' glH ...11'" w ~nt 011 Ha t· cliffe; lI, en I'll lfl iulf sly "lid (",,11 111; llill t h o \\'U8 tn'H,III1!; on dUIl):,,'rnI18 ltI''' IIIHI.


',111 11 ' II IH' ~' '' ': lr ol d

\\·!Jut.II·1I "Hilt lil t' I,' dol? II' 111"1 ,·r.d ln!' . I 1I1IJ,:ltl t Il III ' Inll~hlll · . 111 ' If 1'1 11 1:llJ ;:ldll' I 0 0:.:111 1" /t,' I'n l n ~"

DrawIng a LIttle Cloaer to Her, He Put H is Arm Round Her Wa ist , lng·glu ss to set.! y OU01. H , ~ at

o f .Iu"e, '.1ude.

h'· I·~I ·tr

fll !I <".I' III!!


yh'ldl llg' t o


10):, or 1Ill ,e r. hli Li I' k" ',1 "I' Ih e ,h"

' l-' uzzlln g O\'f! r (he 1I lIlllt~f, he (,lI l ne to Uw bl'urv' k fuct tli ll t Jud e, In SC)IJI ~ cX LrH onHllury Wuy, blHI lh e p ow-

~I J.s t' tl

\\'cr \ nil

hon 'S (.\',

fult hfulocss.


S tl lI 1C

1!' .... It;'hul' , hil l lin d put It she,was Itlilli lll ll Hl 11l' l'ht' l f In tlte n lr Ilspd t n tilt" ufttl l' hll lk hl·lh.l. \\'us lihlklll:'; HI Ill'r:-:.df \\ till Ill'r

nu w UUl'

st~UI~1I1 :lilll n uw rllt ",Ida; tJiI ' ll Ihe tWlI d >~~

Sll !! Illd nlll

Ins lln ct 1,,1,1 hIm t hut Ihl s rom pou nd II "ullty \\'JI~ "",,r th mor c thun ull t h ~ go ld lyI ng unoler the h"t ehes uf th ll No mhl'C tic Oll)s. IIwre thull 1111 th ll t1hll ll vn us In th \! HULl,I. wh e n com· blned \\'llh Ihu t Olh" r qUlllll y s l'eukIn;: In II e r le\'e l ~lIz e--~ l e lltlfll s loe s ~, th ll .0mell ,lnl( ~hllt would o, nk" her\) th e wheel In 11 11 wcu thers. Hu l thl's" excclt.·n ces \\'uuld hnve u{,pn n nl llllll: without th e Iml'osslhll· lil ,·~ with whl r h they w e re n lll l'1.I-, ""rlul nn,1 co nv e ntn,,1 Im possib ilIti es. The on e rrnrt d on the other, mllklug un IIT E'slstlhle whol e co mhlned wIth II,p somel li ln/: else Ihllt WIIS Jude, H I' renJ e mheJ~! d the Cluee r IItlle In ugh wIth whIch s he hod (reed h e r· SE!lr from hI. hunt) round her wals t Ih en h e fell n s leep (loll /lrllJl m t thnt be IID ,I .Tutle nnd !l lot or lurrlkluB WCrt, lyIng In ,.,'1I1t by n . hn rbo r blue ns Ihfj ~ell 01T JUllJlll cn. to cl ot! hnthlllg nl j!ber ilrls ; lind tllI'n h e wo s elmslnr:: JUf1e rnun,l a nll l'ounl1 n tre~. onl." to rnrcll h e r lIocl find tll nl s he wus Car· qul neT-, W he n he j10t nn rI" ('/t n ext 100rn\ll,lI he round th e shI p deserted. The oth· ers \\·... re oway on U,e s andhnn/;. IIlId he nmuse ll blUls elf by fisblng till they rctul·n eu. Jude s howed no truces ot 'Ute tertrs ot the lus t nig ht. nnd SlIton WIIS elUl· ed, He hud h een e"u llllnlng Ole wreek·wood, and /J18 expcrlenced eye bucked tbe declorutlon of Jude. It wu s Ille Corc top ot n s hip, rIght c no ll!:h. nnd. u hUlllli'Ctl to Oll e, so he declurl'tl. th e foretop ot Ole Nombre. HlltclllTe, wODderlng vaguelY why h e seemed so plensed ove r !I'e flntl, co~slde rl ng lhe S Il nil conditions, Rsked hIm th e chunce. of rulslng her. Then 8IIld Sllt un . seem ing t o turn hIs gaze In\\,l1rd lIp a n hI s IIwCul nnd profound kOll\rl efl ),(c o f Ih e SPII und Its WIIY S : "IC you \\'us t o gel nil the drldgers from H 'l'Ilna to I'en saco la und drldged till yinlr e~' "s hull:ed ou t 0' your helld an' )'ulIr w n),(ue h nngell down to your he<>I H, you \\, ouldn' t clenr-slltI!l'-but she', II sure enougb mug trop."


' du u ~



K l t. L u ,,;rbtl

.. nt L VI ,.. ~' II,ld tl r plt" .e r tlL il i U .lulJ nd, ] .h', Uhlli.

1I1O\'1" 1111' 111S

n ludy In n hilt In

UI'" .

:511 1

LotSt r----. . ,_~

h . . . ud

\(11 1"'10\, : h"r eyes

I H'"n Ih lf :o-.l~ uf


0. , pit


~lIl: ht ly to tl1r1h: tI , h UI

m j~l l[

III 'r

li lt:


u 11 "'1;,


\v illllill ~lo ll,


Wt 'n' !'it l ll lb. l,,1 li n Ih...~ h a l , :;11 ' wns l u uklug II I it f:;ld t' \riMl.



t l ~," Il"l' :O>I ' ( HJ IIU Il Jl II I r .L 'J "tj~ !lu nl!ht " ,'hu H"JI 'I I ,.·I ..-\ lJu t \l llllt( • .x l~ni t\ t H, II. Ii , ' -1

un ; mi r ·

slllll,lIdty ulw ut Julie thut I'CIllUI'ed her fruIII th ~ (,lI t"bury ot IMul'l'utet! b", lnl: ' ami ra l. cd Ilcr to 111 l! III vel of


T E RRE LL & NEY M Oolw. (

~nll l'ely

nl Cllwl

I I I{ \ h r . I.t I ' ,

Money to Loan Oil Farnls at S ~ per cent for five ) ears.

I H' ~Imp t '

Ii '0 1S-

e r Lu IJlU k~ h i m ft!e l more Id l\' ~ lilit n he Ilu l! evcr felt uel'or\!. I. t>ud ng o!her th in);. aside. Ih l'r~

,11 ~t r lI ud n\l'4~ ~1 ' ur( r . pll ll n1~:i J tl-X

tlpf 'I, ,'nln 1! to p lIl'!,I" , lInll 111.\1111 1\ t Ill' rl'l ·f.... I It ,· .. IJ d dl· 11 d i ll. '1' " r it I,'upln · H!o>h . TI It'n li t.· 1', ' lIh'lIIh t' l' t·tl ,I IItJ ,' tillwn ttd,,\\'. lI t l ('mil,' t il t he (,(lll1l' a n iP II\\U r lind do\\ It t il,' · 1 !l1 1·~. Tltl' raldn "a ~ brillIa nt " "ith f't111 Hgh!. w it h \\ 111 1' 1' 1'\'11\'1' 111111;0; lhr n\lt! h ( Iu' Opt'll lUII' I hll h~!'i I'lu~ I n~ lin the c dlltlJ.! UI1\1 IH III:iIH.', 1 IHH l,le HI H.t \ ' l ·lI\.'t-[U or lli l' \\ 1I 11~ . /\(' 1"(1,10, " II p ill' 1)1' Il·ut.'k n nd b un k bl'tlifilll! 1I1',1\1(14} 1111 111(' l able h p l' u m:h l .II J! n lllJ)~e u l" l I.L' 111 11",'1' part


Wll . 1I

!l 1Il 11l IlwI" s ~ h"I' tr )'l n ~ "n Crll "';d spl l'l l. XI,,, 1111 ' 1 n .. 1 I...,ml hhn ('(> lII ln ): tlown

I ,'


... j ,


th l' f'fl1"pan llln\\'II ~' , 0 \\ InJ,: III 1I1l1 fnet th lll he \\ as In h l~ htlrl.- rl 'l"l. :In d , he

dill n nl

h ~ll r



up lfl:a in.

On d f"l'k Itt.' tHnl{ h l:-l !'!l' lI t un on old box u peud(!d t'l1 1 ~l' tfJ Ih~ IIIHi utlln !'t s t U1lll', fl n ,l "II nsl dl"'" ,] till ' lh l n ~ he

h rHl jll ~ t spirit. 11

\\~ttlll" !'OM·,J

In 11 1,11I 1" :-'0l'III('u l

\\'II ~ 1110 '1 ~f"l'l n~ It

t.' h r yt-;n ll ., ('rn It

and fl "ulltl l'lIy' s w ine- Ilr ll trlHlIng-. If .Ju de Ii " d n,'t 1""'11 "t/mil'ln.: he r· sr lf In Ih llt hilt, II ... " s ight wus II lIu,'

W A ,TE n -M ('n

lO r

W,' !lII'n

t,", Jt" ort.1 ~ rti fnJ K U UUII H:' ~u .. '

!llltAe cl hosle-n' f o r mt'IJ , wum .. " '" , I /l u t JtJ (If' olJlldrf1 11 , I£llLniunt.... (l ur llllll( ~~ I Shp hlltl 'Iry 14 WfJt'k fnll 1.11111', $ 1. 50 hn '1c ' I·I~ l ll n. b o ur. ~IUIof ~ tlmo I:\ ,".olll·ul . ·"rlui( broll g hl II lin rlt'r k III s how li S nn ou- lin e Illt,e r ustlon,L1 l::itooklug 111111_. jeel Of mirth, rind ti ling It dllwn till' No rristown, PII. U:!lj fikyll ~ hl oi)I' n ln!! with contc1IIp t-

and lis e \' ld nl'l' WIII'l h l,''''',


wns U:;l Ii 'Ill !':-o t n~ j It ~ d a~': gr ('11'1 / Ihp ti li n e: 1\'lIh

y est€:!·dn .v IIl1nnlnL{.

W hal 111,,1 haPllcn!!" sIn e t heD to mill", 11'1' ,·o nsl ll .. r III· thlllll lit nil. I N Bl on e wrar It herM' a h) olclng·j:hl !!.~ ? HIl ,I she l1 ut It on In t1e"; s lon nn ,r tn IIC' " whal n ):'u~' Rhe louke d? 1\,,[ n b lt l !>I'l' IlIId mil Ill' fr il"Hls \\"llh Ih ll l hut 1

Th ose fe w

IlHH' OI1Wnts

for Sale

of til e

: ___ --.Jk h ell,1 .p"k" of ~o n sl " el'atlllll ; 1I ot tI ,' r l· sinn, In a Inn l..'1lU1;U flIt.! u S Il tt · clI J'licst OR 80. 16 or Will 'I'r"doo n F .. rrute>IIt/ II'" h.',\(11"''''5 nn" lU ore unlre rs lll t_'ornor L vt un Third ~t ,,11 t til II n ESI'~rllnIO, 6'rllDkllD Ito nd, Wllyne sv lll o1, O lllu , Th en II r(l l'1lctl1ltt" I'f!ll lu st e\'enlo).,: tlouse,l:l rooms. m o <lero ; gumllo l o r on thp 511111I"pll lin" h er s od, l"l\ p lI.· Jj ve wlloblnea, ben hnu~t! . sh o p '1'0 sage> fro III l/ ('H p"n dl·n .. y to hl !:h Rplr· know pl>r t touhHII. au ll lind Inok UII8 It t-;: he r t'1lI('1 l1lhl' t"tI hpr '1 t1f'I' I' IIltl .. good property over, C W, Vu nna,!, '

:lnU f.! 1I li S s ll .. !'PIJIO\' f"l! h is lUiutl from rf.,unc1 h er \\'lIl~t - hH d th flt h eN) th e

7 YOl1rs 01 (1, Bound, Rood HORS!!;, worker Ilnd driver; gaud ul~o

Bound of th e ri ft cOll d ng In th e ehrys · nil . rll "l n!: 7 Iro r 0 lllOl"l'm he "h" ns t )'l eIt1pd 10 the lIe~ lr ~ I') ):'ll hd o\\' 'n n,l see If tll~ bUlll!rll.l' 1" ,, 1 J'l·nlly IIrr h'c'l. 'l'h en h I' chc>cl!Cd hlll1 s~ l f. '1'III)r e ",us time, plenty o f 111,"' ; I",s llies. S" tnn WIIB 11Il!!lng ofT 1I~ lIln In tho d inghy for ono lher 101lcl. SU Uln. o,' er thIs 1msl nI'R". II I,e n mnn In Mink or " Iuolltlc, "hnd his h ot tits lind cold fitH, A hut lit had sulld enly "'1'I~,tja 0 11

l:\uggV l1ud thr0 '388, In good s h"pe . Inquire of AlvII Lnddlugton, It 0 I, W .. ynosvllle, Uhlo , jy25


A . D . Bole Bud !(At. a GtlH tluvor , , Not merflly f or Fo.lrda, bot for automobiles nnli truot,vre 11M well. .k'rlce 12 00,

.. Uverlt\nd. A UTO-Flve.passenger M odel 9<); just overhl1uled

'1'8rws , J , 0. V"rtwrlght, Wt\vnel. ville, Ohio, jy211

hll)"I "

(To be oonMouBdl

8erVIce, of the fo110wluI{ dll. T HEHo rihed Jt1ll1b" , bl"oll. ,10."118:


A ev~t.AR ge~1! INTD "'It~. AT "T'M~e.e. ......._ ....., O'c:LOC,," TW'i .... O!tHIN"!



worry," Nu r,·ply.

I·UI' I'('f! .



IH'I'11 w"rk In s; In Iwr II1l nll for ,lnYR, " Y o u ' re h ll l llt-' r lng Rtwut wtlllt Sel, le rs so lcl. d irt y scou n drel I I'd IUl\' e pu ndl .. d h Is heud. ouly th e wh o l ~ th Ing hUI'\l~n ed ~o CllI kk und you lun,led 11 1111 wit h thut IlI l1l d uO'1

==================~==================================~ III1" ~In o.tto



l ..fl\ Ini,f

OH, M't f 1'10 H6GET


16 hllndtl, wt, 1150, reIi:1tlt.fl rp.(\. Ke n. tuoky ,I ohn , buy, 15y' hAnds, wt. 1100, ,11m Porter, b<lY, By' hHnd., W~ DuO 'l'be8e fire t,hrlle "I I.b\l b... , br eed log JliOkS III Hout,hllru Vhl Come "ud see thllm. U A , titrtowu ,. w'"ynesl1l11e j ,Ohio. jl8

I <;a.\OVLD 'iA"f Ha PtO•• Hey HA.D TO TAI(E. T~E "oolO!,. 'Et.. .. O\tol ,.0 '\"to4& HO""ITALyOU '5~1! - 'SHe THOV6HT I'T WA~ "'~12. MV40BAAP


Truok, iD good oondi A N tiao 1n.Ford Ilnd .4 d.:"" lOilO , p r) ulld~

CIr.y 'l' r cuI6r , Inquire of Ro. W K \~, IM •. H urve y burg, Oh~ o jl8


of White P"aahblow PO'~6111!~ . for 8'ale , InqtilrB of Park Leak, ' W " YflBIIVIUe, OhIO . JlB ~


~~I.""'I~OP 'n4B. eNGINI! fH -tGUIl C;....R..

.... :1' , . t r.. &NT8_C"IAI'Y, Tom,,'o, C"b: b ilge . Cilul fi. P '1') , . (> IDeo'" , !lOr!. E~1t PI~nt ~ , ar 9 , R . D ' 6. lU IDlIeo! fn.u V




jDe••ll1e OD 1.1,"- ruad,


!S z




GA~Z £, TTE ..••


"Sa vo


by bnying in W a ynes vilJe."



ISSUEO EVERY WEDNESDAY ' ttot,.r 6rl .. " 'the pr)lI ~otf\ ce

1\' WaynPlllv llie

tJt1i(l all f.tecnnd

I .fid Ma ll Munl!l

Mr , and Mrs . B e rbe r $ rite mo, tore(l to P or tsm ou tb , one dav last week .

D. L. ell A I E, E ditor and l'ubJisb e r. W ayn esville, Ohio SubscriOlion P rice, $1. 50 p er year F'nre t Au A dvf!rth' n ~ Rc pru;n t "tlvr ' n 'IF ,\ ~II . nl CA N P Il£5S A . SOCIATl ('t-.

WED NESDA Y. JU LY 11.1 923

" ~Iwe

hy huyinl: ill Wll yucsvillc."

~uncbtttt~ Wha t Advertising Mean s to You 1';\'l'I'l' HU ll' a n d th e ll wc lik e t o tal k t () OU I' lIle rdlU nts abou t a d vcl' 1is;II,, IIlId we li ke to d o it iu t hi l3 wuy uecu usc th e l3ubjcct iN of equal ' illtl' r cst t o the ·public. Frankl y th e ill tcr est of th e puhli(', t he in tcl'rl3t of 111(' III r l'e ha nt and tho iflt e l'cst of the locul J1CWS P;1 11o' 1' pU bl ish!' 1' 11 1'(' ill s(' plIl'nhly linked. Th e puhlil' nlwllYs is hest sel' ved by bu y ing adv ertised goods. Goods t hllt Ill" a d\'l'l'ti scd II I' C gOoUlI t h ut a r c mo re cx tcul3lv ely lllllllll rll (' llI rcd and C{J Hsequ I'lI t ly chca p cl' becau se of inercus l.>U IJrodul·t iun. Mureov er adv cl·ti s ili g tud ny is a gUIll'lIntcc of merit. 1'u II II l! 111' 1.'1 1 he a f raid either of Ill e hOlleMty of t he priee or the q llH I ity o f' IIthcrt j,"d goodB. COlllpc t it iull cump eL; hunesty eve n i" ·I'I· ohould 10,· ., wish to a voi d it . • I 111' 1'(' is II l1 ut he l' bcnefit, t uo, ill Im'a l ncwspa pcr lid I'c rt i ~ing. ., 1,, '11 II dl'CI'I isi u.g is though tfully elll lll ")"I·d . it IIICII IIS. lh~ builJII,/-! "I' It'ad e fu r OUI' local merehan Ui uno t h iS rCllcts IJ1 Increase ill I'ca l csl at e 1'lI lues general ly. A prQljper o u s busi nelSs ~ee ti o n 11I"aI IS 1I 11t!pl! Jl lipu lation and i ·aeed eOllv('ni eOl:ClI. The w hole . ",·h'·lilC uf ul! l'(' rl isi llg, mereluw~ and lJll ying is 0 11 1.' of 1.'0OPl' I'uli on t o III nl LIll i advant ap. 'l'll e III l' re ha nt II lways willa favorab l e r ellc lion wh en he talk ~ fra nk ly ill his lIdve r tisi n g to the p eopl e li nd ~ h o w R them he is d (,lJ li/l ~ hOIIl's tl y wi th the m a tlll lIIaking a normal I ,r ofit. '1'1 ,,· 1111111 who wce k It)' \\,, '{'k ('on ~ i ~ t c ntl y in his ad ve rtisi ng ,,11" "'s he ho lds I he Jluhli· ill t(' n 'st a t 11I'nl't is the man who wins. ~ I IIII \. llll'r"'la n is Insc lhe 8u hs tll lH'C uf publi e coufidellcc ill g rasp li lt-! j'IlI ' t ht' s had uw of i m llll~diul l' slllc8.

Why We Boos t the Schools

.\ , ." "1'11 1'1'1' reade l's, plIl·tit·lI lnd y thosc whu have nu children , Ol' tl'lI lIond e r why II CWSP Il P CI' pd it.ol'll tuk e Huch a keen in te r Clit ill I it(' I,ni ldi n g 01' nt'W se hools :lII r\ th e cncou r a gement o f educa1 iOll . S(JlJlrt imrs, wltt· n tlie cost of sc hool e xt e ns ion sCl'lns parl i(·llla d .l · h('/I "~' , ('[o r ts 111'0 m llde ' 10 ha ,'c it appear IlS if th e It)(·,, ' edit"r \\, ,' 1',' UlllIlilld ful of t he publi c in terest in fore ve r boostill:; I'or new /I\,I 'lIl1eS nf Il·llrll in g . llut let u s lift th e profess iona l (·I II·tui li sll t ltut yo u III lIy seo ther o is u sually helpf ul thou g ht !Jeh inti t ht' II' rit iII g 0 f a n cdi torial. Thl' ' ''I'OWl h of (.Ju pulat ion plllcC!I Mllcc('edi ng generat ions at a dis!\d l'III1I1I1;:". (It'i!!inu l stor es of n uturnl wealth a re being d eIlld ·d. They m ust uc con '\alltly I'c plel~ished. CU1·ct' I·I'C fullis suy t hat by the tim o exha uslion is in sigh t we will hu\'c !u kr n (,lI rc of t ho situatio n Borne other way; that II'hc lI II II('IV f u!'1 is fOllne!, cuul ulld mining w on 't be nocessa r y. A nd Ihel'll e~acl l~' is th e point. Th e great n eed of th e hour is f ul' ill l'l'n t ir)ll, fol' seit' lI t ii1(' r cscar(· h , for disco ve ry, for ingenu ity , fO I' th e dc"pinp lllenl of all lholle chul'Qot erilitiCll dlat can find 1'001 Dilly ill thll Il'Ilincd Illul edu('/It cd mind . l 'nlcss W I' invclIl a nd disco\'c l' new m ethods of produc tion 1I,~ ,1 ilis t rilm t i01l ill (' Xl't');.~ of 0111' consum pti on nnd d estructi on, I "1 , otl n Io N'() III (. IInhl'Qr ah le lind prlr R w ill rise t o a point . (\' lI UI11 ex i ~!t ' Il('" will be 1\ bu rde n . , , \l h~' II'C nlll'uys boost th e schools, even when th ey are ; '''> lor.


Tio t' II Ight'llt

N'C l e~ IIlHtlcul courts r~H l'l~· t1 \'1I dl'nUIlllnRtloll9

of I II.. hu n· Just cl O ~ I'rI IlIel.r tUIIIlInl sea·

H l lln ~.

I r we


t v ltelle\'t! the n ....

I)<trls 11 M tlrlllh·d In th" pu per8. th e Llh.·rll i. went Into I hj)~c retlllt.'etiv o l"-,· ll,,,l u. llcn l (~ '" r I 8 tor tb e 1)(lrp060 of rorei lll( their hcrl!lIca l, r ntlonHI lind Ilc.t r uett,·o ,·Ie\\,s upon Ibe r lt urch. Tllt·1r prOll rtlt1l Injected I lie Hgll t Ill to tbe cb urch. Around lbe IlI rll llllllllty or I he IIlble lind tbe "1 rt::1n hi rt h of {'h rl8t til.. grent ha 1lie I ~ heln ~ wllg(·,1 bct-Il use tbe Llhcru ls mnde th e Bttack upon the ou tllorlty Of God's Word. T he prog ram Of IIherlllls m In the ch url'h. lu pa llllCH untl In lbe world b, to destroy the SOllt ot autbority. the bur ot IIccouDtnlJlllty. th e ,udg· . l\Jent hall. 1'bey wllnt Ilceu8e. not \ lI be rty . • '1'bo orthodox. pr actlcnl. 8lnl'ere. honesl. CtlllHocrnted Christia ns of nil 'dennrulllU11 0 113 "· prOlC rel!8ll11l III , thel r el'lI ngel\stlc work without .. nlllilce. hlttfl'(l. or anlngonlsm te. wnrll RnYOnO elcept S6tan. Tho I.I hc rnls made th eir nttnck upon the 1111010·. ¥lm rl oll8 Chrlstlu alty. the rl e it ,\' or ('hrl"t nnd 1118 "lrg ln hlrt.h l'ec'llllW Ihey walli ed 10 fur.-e lbe tll(itt unlll they got 1)()8I!t!6!Ilon ot t he "roPE' rty or the churl' b. For the IlIs1. twent y· the yonrs the Lthl!ra! ~ bllve hee n piounlllg nnd Rche lll l n~ to got tb e propert)· of tlJe cbllrclil"i in th eir 1>Oll8cH. lon. Le t them ~" n88ured now thnt the ort hodox torces Of the chure.bel who IJeI lcl'e lu tho deity of t!brist. 1118 I·t;-gln birth Ilod nlll su pe rnatnr il l re8urrec tl on nlltl tbe Int alllblllty of Goo's wurd wl\l De,'cr leu ve the churc b. alld. tbe Liberal ••bull never loWt P(J8BCilNlol1 ot the property ut the chu rch. Their metll'es are oDder. slolld. their program Is com pre. bellde<l. their lIum be~ Is written bet oJ'{' Ihe l'ye or every int orl hodol ChristiAn In tlie world.. Th ey sh.a ll t .. lI . Tbey never 1"1..... Tbey shnll um'er abnll get PONse ... KI(J n ot tbe prope rty nor the seat ot power or Rll lhorlty. He wn ro of tbe motll'e belUnd IJlJerallatu 1u cliurcb or 8tato. __ _ " _.'


AKeen Conscience Cultivates Success

Conscien('I' Itl\'(~s \1 8 COU\'Qgc ITbell we TeSlJeCt It. 1ndeed 1II " I;c cowa rds of us nil wil e ll wo defy It. Conscien ce Ie Itthedoth battlefie ld 'JI' pu.slon. , the court betore whi ch I"8IUIOn pleads. The voll.'e "cll' nCe WU R 11('I'('r si lenced wltbout rctrlbullon. No man koows a of congreater ~IOI'Y lImll t he Icsllrnouy of strong. clcar conscIen ce. Conscience Is the pedMtaI on whlcb etonde characte.l'. Weaken pcdeslIIl 1111(1 the IIgure It bolda will wase to staud erect. COllscleotbo ce Is III Iile "oul wliu t constltu tlon 18 to the bod,y . AR the U1111mctlc ncedle poln" to tlIa pole, 10 does t.1lC trained "unSt:II'IlC' I' pol ltt th!! wuy to duty. It 18 the eoU1llaAA tbut directs you I.) Ihe r l ~ ht rou d. Uend It and It dlrectl10 11 to the wrong road. Milch heUt ling hrcnks. Broken. lOU becom. u IoIt u It alone on unkuown He llS. •

'ollMcleucc COnHnU li"~ ftd demand .. "Do yonr best" III Its reql1cst. "Follnll' nn t he llllbt )'on baY. UI4 all the lIgbt YOIl cao get," 18 It" fl'(lulrcDll!nt. · Your conscience rwr eontldenea. It cannot grow st.rong Wltl,out It. Wlwn ~' uu wenken ,our wnllClI ID ,011 chonge Its 'Ilower trom l· tJ U I ·II~ (· 1.0 t'O\\'urdlcc. Your _ I, 0" Joar p,resent or l' ,, "rs~ lf . Oilly wben colllC!len ce .~ lODe I. ho)>e gonl!.bonest opinion I 'ulIsclencc hl'cnk s It s silence onl7 Ia ItIlltnde. It works for YOII anrl \I'l l h you Ill rur llY-IIC1' cr lodlrect lJ. TOIl call flud It through no ono tJllt yuurself. Crcd It Is I he script of conllClence. It III the fl:Jllndation of trade. No IItlukd enn I'.rosper tbat (loOti not Itand upon Its IInu foundati ou. AII,ll t t'Hch <l1I.' ··S work with roul' COlllclenco thllt at tbe dllwn . of NIl'll lie\\' d "~' ~· " u may f!l CO the world ul\lroubll'tl. A keeo coollc1f1l1 ce ('ullll'l1lt 's SIII,(,CS9.


Copyrillht ;921 by Richard Ltoyd Ion ..

M... H . ......,.,


colt.... . dflki pGJI« il


_{Jot... ..."

,o.r "0,.. boo• •

Sewing- ]f you will wind a piece of adhlOS ive tape around your forefi nger when se wing, it will save yOU hav ing a pric k:d .fin1jcr. Cleaning PianO' KeyS-K erosene will clean your oilcloth table and shelf covers, while alcohol rubbed 0 11 piano keys will make them bright and cl ean.


ttlll1~ tnt tl n t

Hlltl Itt

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ON A VACA.., ..ION I At l- W A'IS Fee \. L.I K..E.

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1'ltl. lJl1 n.:. I'll .. of Mr.llud Mr •. Will . COh' UIIl II Mi.M !l urll IPC'" (-/rubltll l "pI' ul IMA I· 'I w


'TNeO !t'f'I DON'T WOQ.~ ~

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vltlu. 1Mnll,k lll !! '\In pXI-I' n']ml v i ~it II m un!! ro·lal l'·I·. uI1l1 frtt't'Hh !J e ro JIlt." 8111. 01 K inK. lit I it· d ll ngllte r nf Mr. II nu i\'lr s Clarr\D()1I 1< 11l1J . Wt1~ t llk " n ttl ClIlClurtllti 'flJlIr ~ ll ll.v. for lID op6rl1tl on






n n nt, i\lr li. D o Ttl Whll O, 111,,1 rll lll ilv . i ll 1J,,'.' ton. ~lr t' . Cn th hrt ll ft .J o iln~, li t l' 01lLt, r.



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i'!'-- C'X" Y • q ui~ for.~·QOOd C!-.J_ """,yftJlZ. . :r . ~ _


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1------Dr. ---W ---EF t;



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f ry our Job Prin ting

Waahing Woodw ork-W hen washing woodwork, cold water is very preferable to W&nD. Thi, becau se It does not tIOak in the wood a. much and therefor e drlCi more quickty.

---_ e --.. ,...- - -

Me"lco Recollnl,... lI.aut,. Under the III W8 of MaJ:Ico It II twice u mnch an ot\'enee to mottlute the fIICt> ot a womaD a. that of a man. 'nI. Idea of thl8 III a nry eenelble eIle. betng hued on the tact that to a ,..oman Iler beauty t. a INat llIIIIet; to mar It 18 therefor e a,..". 18r101lll per.ouaJ In'ur:r.

•• •

Threadi ng a Needle -When threadin g a needle, try cutting· the thread on the .wnt. instead Q{ straight, and see how much ea.ier it is.

• • •


Silver Clean- If you wrap your silver in para6ne paper. it witl look like new at the end of a summer .

Truth In T_ Phra_ .A. witt, Il'rencbwoman ..Id: ''U ,Ol1th onl, knew; It ... oaly co1l1d." and a dramati c critic baa wrttt. of lu1l~ "TItte I, a rol e DO a~11 tall malt_ 1IIIttl llIe III tOI) .Id t • .look th.

• • •

Window ' Shad_ A new method of altachin f window shades, is with the ule 0 adhesive tapc. Use tape an inch wide. Thil is much easier and better than hammer and nails.. • •

. lpiltr.

- --


.- .





:1 C:111


"r,. ."l'YIoe .In ·France, A eltlaeil of France Ie lub,td .. an alBoclll tl_ .r 80 yun III tbe anny. The prov'W lg 'lOr "I~ce Ie: Actt,. • ., .,. . 'anay eemee 111 lllouth.: In re.e~ve, 11 J ou/: J ENKINS SEll Th. " ottar Po.ttlon . , y..... and 8 .0Dtbl: terrlt.rl al ...... l !Ju tI\i'rull, ;' \'1 (J .bnli1l v Bo that 18 tau,ht to Un upon Uttl. lee, 10 lear.. . to Illt'er hear a hlllLp abon' ..... t. 1I0UDQe ll $bBt be doe~ no' · ad~ea:"afe, . IDg the wind on' ~~ hi ••alla~ " Ro~ OW81 more to. bla tather'1 "'ldom thu· lie that hal a IJ'ftt d..l lett bIIII "'Ie .dver~lelng '0 b.n~~r~ tb.a be • I"a "'aklD , abe .I~ Q1l~ bll tim .. to hlI fathe!'1 cue.-WI1llam Pilla; • "~r rlak." • " ... ~-..-L.\ .~ aava'. ClnchOina 'oreet. . ~ fte c:la.a_ f.rel t ID J ...~ eo~ , Th. Truly "~PP'. . Thought for tit. Da,. l1,OOO aera. TtIe lara_ part of the , 011. ba be kin' or J)q11tllt, kJa.. . . Ii guilt)' mun cloes need a ,.., _MI IIIPPI7 .t QuInine eo_ !ha ,,~ ,_ wbo lII ' bIa bOlM _~ If hl el .. to Cflnvln~ not Il1Ja t.IIat .... dial 1IUtI7. QeaUIa,

Gi \ ' e us

l\1r. find I\Ir_. Clllrl'llc e K I II~ ',n<1 Mrs . Wlll ' titn CO IOlll tlll Vi~IIt-llt Hlly.1J1 DR. HAT HAW AY KIDi< at t h e ('hlltlnm 'M b O~lIl t.. ,1. in CI nelllllii 1,1, Su nd llY. DE NTIS T Mr . nod M rN. J . Berlle .10 n eR, M r8' RolH; ccn Dill Illlc! 'l'h ori o .JonllM Wll rB Dental Hunu~y KlIe~ts nf Mr . \lnd Mrll . ..od B" r llio Dill . (l ()l' lh uf ,ln yt.ulI. Gener al F ri tl nd~ ()f Mi~~ MIILlrel 1 Miltenberj;(l' r nrll ple llHAtI ~o ,orll t hl1t. s h e OFFICE : HAIN ES BUILDING, it! ~IJ H edll y rliCnVOrl ll \f flfter un op!1 rT elephon e 114, J\li lJll fo r "pp"nt l ioltl~. lit MI I1Il11 Mr . and Mrs. R . W. Kaylor , Mr. Vnlley h o~ pt L I1 I . R'JIll B t f1 n d"ys ago . Waynes ville, Miss Velmu. '1lIlth WII8 II Ue m Ohio, Geo . Edward s and. MrB. lOll Bowe 't I It . Mr . und MrA G nv n olzohn te r. were Cl&lllng on Ii'rllonk Perrlll and C , y v s or, ::;a t or d uY . 1.1.inod tu t'lnntltlv ", ~lr.e nIIml famtly. at Wa8hID gton U. H, 8110. MillS C leo Hawke Is ont flllal n 'l Mrs .l ()sitlh H;ly t unt.t Mit,s day afterno on. a"er a 81ege of mef\s les . Mtl rv Boy lnOlt-, of T ip Pflolln oA City. A number fro "D h ere h el p ed I!wpil '\lid Mr . nnd Mr~ J oe Boy Mr. and Mr8 . J ohn Pu.s ke l an4 ~not.t li nd and 80n, Krnest , "nd Mr . Imd MrH. the oro wd Oot Fe rry olmrob. 8 Unda y \8011 , Rolle rt. 01 1roy . .. . Boward King and ohlldren , of Lex_ morn i ng. ::'I'hA L ~dle~ AI.! h old theIr ,July I Ington, Obio, were- o ~ llln g on A . L. Vete rinar y Surg eo n I:!eve ral oaS68 of m e ns lea IHve , III N1Ll o g tit t lHl h om o of l\1r. U. 1l c\ Keoned y and family, la8t week. b ee n reporte d In $hls vicinity , t b e l Mrs Kos ier Urn llulll . W etlneH(\II Y Mr GIIO . On anll family, of Leb. pan 'wo weeks a vontn!!. fHlU enttlrt.llin od t h ei r hllR_ Phon e 44 anon. Natblm iel B a rv ey aod Mr. blinds '1S g neHts . l oe orel,m [md Frlend8 from bore utte n ded. t.b e aad Mrs . Barry Orr Oond 80D, of o. lie we re se r ved . Wllmtn gtoo, wen, olllliog on Mr. tuueral 01 Clarflbe tJ Lao k ey, tit Boll and Mra. 8uH8ell J e fferI es, S unday. brook, lost wee k. Cora C lurlr @1l6 n t Fou r th Uur tHlll oluh journey ed to Bea . mlltn on tbe FourUl and 10llt the at t lt e bowe of ,"I r . lind Mr~ . •Iu ok for the Miami Ga:u : : 8ame 5 &00, hus 'bey made up for it Martin, In DtIov ton. I:!onday , when they be",t a t eam 0 11' MI1l8 C larabell e Bnn t re t urned I of Warhlo BtoD e. lEi .. U to 2. Eeuly h om e. Tbllrsd oy, afte r I' visit with Ha U:s Catar rh Medicine pitohed a g_nd game. ge tting 15 r e ll1tiv es Oot L ondon , Ohio. "Those. w l10 u r c ill :t " r Un tlo w u " ontll. 8trll1e·o ot8. Ne:u Sunday , the y \\'111 "ultl cU ,M (," lIl rr ll IJIl l/,e'·. Mr. OoD<1 Mr8. Bon .J DtuA~ , MI~" tlion NOTARY PUBLIC h em Olut.,' h lIl un: llinn wh play Middleb oro he'r e. u ll th e y tiro tn Co ra Th oml\ ~ .. n d Ar tlJu r 'fbolDu l! g OOd h ea l th. This ( nc t llro ... {'! t h n t W lll1c c..;u turrh Ie a. lue ll l dh:nm Hl' , Il t il g-re llLly About 88 or 40 m,embe rs of tbe M. 8pe nt t he Four t h in Dflyton . Wayn esvill e, Ohio Inllu(, llct,' (j by \ Ofl tillt uUo nn l C"orHl ltltH ld. It. SundaY -lobool ,oolr tbelr suppers HA I. 1.·S (',' '('An H!! lII EUICINI , ,·on · :\Irl!. C"t\lRrl n e Uorue ll. of 01111'- s lots o r an O lutml'l1l wh ich lJuh.-' k l y and wen' '0 Bu.rmOln park. Le" .. non Nationa l Bank for a ploolo, last 'l'I~ursdav eTenlng . "o n. 8 h e lby oounty, Oblo . IH viSltillg H · l l c\'(.: H b )' hJl~a l ILJ) IJll r.n ll u ll, n.od th ..Into rrm l ~I (o tl kll h' , n T ltlllt-...... hid . IltiSI Mt s All bad a fine 'I me and ob, 'he g ood b e r oblldre n Im r! fllm llieB h ere . I n Impr ,I\' lr l"; 1)\1' (it:lll: rOi I lI cu l lh , Sold Ly ti l U ~giH l H t o r O\l'r 4() Yc u rs. thlogs there were $0 ('fIt. All who Ml s ~ 131111io Sl.Ilit,b , of W oy n e~vl ll p . }>'. J . ·henq· & Co .• Tuledo. 01 110. ra\led to be there 81lrely dtd miss 6 viRlted wlt.h Mr ' nor! Mr . I:t M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ treat. C la rll , a oo uple of d OoYs 1u.l<t w ee k. Mr8. Wiant a nd ohlldre n BCOOID. Aucti onee r O~ . J. MILLE J<. puul ed R e v J. 1) . W 100 nt to l.y ttrj. Sn ndBY aftern oon, t o th e oh uroh ... DENT IST... Get my terms for your He rvi ne . onlco '-n Public Sale. MIBMLouise W oolJe y \I nd br oUlor. NIiof.ton. ' UaDk ll rr! u , W ynelv, 0 WIUII\W, ot U"yton . lire m Aki0A' Il n satisfy and save you ~ x t' ll od ed visit witb t h e!"r grrllldp n. money or no charge s. ruo ts, Mr. an d MrM Ww . B r ow n . J AS. A. NUCKOLS All memhe r s of ~h e U ru n ge liD O Box 9 1, Centerville, OhiQ th tllr frl e nd~ HI'S Invited t o th e o pon Home P ho ne 2, Ccnlerv illeEx. .. Ir meeti ng of t h e Sprl nl{ boro 029 Hrlloge t,o be h elil In t hfl ~c h oo l yo r,'1 A t tire Chiles Hotel Olledl.n t DI.ught.... Wednee nay ev ening, Jnly 18. ~ta l·e Waynesville, Ohiu. -Dau¥bt er, did loot _ IIIttln. Mflster U.. &on ",1\1 give 110 addr e~R. Monday s and Thurs Ja y~ frolll 7 t o 9 fit that yeun, man'l lap when I passe4 Plenty of mnslo and loe oreOom o'clock p m . lb. parler door hilt ."lII11ng r' "Yeti. and It ,.. .. ..ry embarra ulng. I Wl8h 'OU hod Rot told m. '0." "Good b .. "enll J .enr told you to do any · ====== ======.-=========== ==============: thine of tb. klad I" "You did.. YOIl ==~ told ilia tbat It ha Ilttempt ed to get IMIltimentai I mut .It OIl h!D1."ratllAndtll'_

Washin g Copper and Brall- Put some vinegar and salt in the water when washing co pper and brass and see how they will .hine.


We w ill take plea sure ill supp lying your needs


S~dinr; natel-S eeding dates il a very sticky job, but if one would wet th ei r hands in cold water, there would not be the least difficulty.


Always ea rn' th e h es t I,u mhe r, Shingles, S,lsh, Doo rs ~Ind ivlill \ 'V()rk, Roo fi ng, in fact. ever ythi ng in th e Building Mntcrial line


Reviving Leathe r-To revive the luster to your leather chairs, or whateve r you wish, use the white of an egg wit~ a. s ~aU spong.:.




Grease on SlIove- If I!;rede :. spilled on the stove, sprinkle the place with salt. T his will prevent an odor of bur;.ni'l,g frease-



Fore st T. Mar tin

• • • Woolen Clothin g-Cuttin g lint. i hair and fuu: from woolen dothes is not a n easy task. Howeve r, it can be made Olle if a rubber spouge is used. Moisten the sponge with water and squeeze almost dry belore usin g.




• • •

I'\,'e learn t to he contellled with the way the 100ft Lord made me; I CUII' t hellc\"o thut Bn3'thlllg be ever done tv. . wrong; "'\l uhln't u lI'lI un appetite Ihat ever dlsolleyed we. and-whl lp. I [ \\"0111,10) ~o lll ct lm e". I IIn" e 1I1I ~1'8 g,ot aloug. . . . I ue\"t'r ' hurltor Imtlons. when they lI('t tbe enlPIc1oUB, ot I ('.yill· Iv nozll) 111 uotweell my I",ttl'r >!('If un ' IDe• . . • Bnt. take tl i'l",siliuli t.hnl i. mlu. or n" lIriclooS, -woat an, brand of foolerya (:JI " I. nt 'rlll lip II tree I I cnn't inclulge nil Impnlllll. wben my eonacience don't apllJ'O'I'e It: tl wrc's ull.·r. hidden dOllJ:cr. clost arouml the IlAtet"l one: To over('OIlIC my m('u no ess. J determillc not to love · It, for the deT11 18 a (lIlI el' tll nt It pnys to lot ~Ioll e. . , , 'l'II ('ro's folltles In tbe tCll10nlne thot clrklillte ,ronnd me: An' (n·uk. In I1lJl ~l!nlinity . . whlch J)eflter DIe a beIlP.!-b ut [t I retain m, IIIlJotl'lltu. ft " \\11Cll my mother tonult me. 1 c:ouldll't d~d PerdlIlltli if 118 ho le . WIlS twlcet .. deep I .



Sub~Cl'i hl·

H.",s" '" "u f orm 01 r .... ww ,",,,-t,,,I,. W ,. 1t4/1,II' ,OM eli, " .. (l wbU,,}. "H riPi ul

Mllses Veld" Lem on !lnd Ve sta EIUa ca lled on MI 8S Lid!!. K!'lnned y, reoe n ~l .r . I:!e veral fr om be r e atten ded ' he sal" a t Mrs . Mur y A I I(ln · ~. ::;lIt.llrda y aftor n oun . SlI bl n Mao OonRld Rn u fRml ly W,'r e callio g 011 . Ed C lu rk Rmi flllnily . ~ uD(lll .v evenlog MaRt e r B lraU:1 Taylo r w,,~ r un nve r by [In ao to, Bnnd a ) . b a t WuA Dot Re rt oot'ly hUI·t. ~ " ve r l\ l from h ere en j oyod t he fi r ,, · works Ilt lJa.rlll oo IJIl r k, Lebll-. non, on the Foort h . Mur loo Uor don !tllll Mr •. U ilil Uorr\() n an,l ua oght e r .. er o ehop plli g In Du yl o n. la st wee k. Mr . Ra m ey, of Ootr ui t , MI Ob ., Is s pendlog tllfl "' Au k .... ith A . L . K e nnlllly and I lO m l ly. Mr . aod Mrp. Ira I:! yforll lIn u . s on J ohu. IIJlent d un d"y In L ee~ll ur g wit h Mr. ::;yfe r r!'s Ris te r , Mr. an d MrR. CII1 .. 8. 'f uo ke r call ed on Mr . Imd Mrs. Frank Rodd oOk, of tlprlng lilli, t:!undoy . Mr., Ida Bowe !lnd soo . Harry . .pent 80ve rlll d u.y s lOoll t week wt th her wo' h" r, at Fh.t l"urk. Mr. and Mrs. Cbaunoey G r~ y , Of Day t on . were oulling on Mluley Evans Ilnd family . S unday . Molt Cline, of IDlIoyt·on . 8pen t t,be week-e nd with bill g rllo d pllor ent8, Mr .. nd Mrs. W . A . Me rrl" . tlondllY t:obool (!lonv entlon will be held n ext, ~onda lr afterno on , .luly 15, at 2 o'olook, at Friends oburob, Mr and Mrs. Wilbnr tihtdak o r and daoab1 er, Muy, called on J, 1:L 8bld"lr er and wue. ~Dnaay eve n in g . Mr. u.nd Mrs . Ed Batton an d father. Dr Blotto n , formerl v of thl ~ plaoe, sptln$ the wee k-end w h b ~d valrln and wife, RoberS t!mllrt an.d ramlly , of 8ha. rnnvllle , spent tlandllY wHb Mr . and Mra. Will Bilio es . Litt-Ie MIs8ell Mal garet and EmlDlL r emaine d ove l' for a vlsl I .. Mr . and ~rs. 'follIl W e loh, after a two. week. vi ~ it with bls pare n ts, &lr and Mrs. W . W . \\l e lob, r fltor ulld 10' 'beir b o mo In l o wu. Butorday .



Harv eysb urg, q.


""'' ' 1f!!!III


Go od Go

Mr. and M~~. F . L . Ha rris vls Ueii Mis\! Velda Lemon, Bun duy ufter. noon .





Nay , nay, Paul in e, thou know est we use only the best advertising . medium - The Mia mi Gazette~foi" results. ,

. I


\ -



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l "u 1'1 \., 11 111'1:11""11

k§1RJIl~ OlINe . iI


an,l ,·, .. 11111/=. 'l'h lM o\,Hlhl Will Ill' Ill " ' lIh \ I:.!,t'll t tI,,) I,f th .. , 11""111111 ), ; ~I I·- . A"h"r will iJ.!: wll h 1111.1 "lid ,\l,I\I'1 II" , nlll n), vr till! Wily Emma Jane e a per on, daughter ::;111101,,, ,(Ih ,~I'l' I' d llh. fl'UIII 0 1110 of A'II1m and Martha Casper8on, was ST. J\'IARY 'S Ca-.URCH ull.1 lilllllulll \ III b~ ~1I'es ' li t. Sudl UI! a:','a \ t~r t:d pl\I Is tH' h lo JU \1110 11 any born June 22. 1859, and was called 1 7th 'unday after TrinitJ, July 15: (,11 .. ' PI'''~''llIt', T tlI' l! ltJU"' :lU<1l; u f t l'l l'Jh.l H to r est June 28. 1923 . al1'ed G' years Chu~ch 'chool Ilt 9:30 a. m.; Service 0 1 .\1 U1111,' Hnil iu " " II H," 'rh. "Th · 1.11 · and 6 da}'s t ilt , 14.. 1111-"1" " I t t l ~ P r blill ", " witt b(' lind sermon at 10:45, Mr. Ralph Lee, ! On Jul y 19, 1 80, she was united' ~ la ,1 I" !dJO\, IILlI $tl(' l~ to h l' "l i t. lay readt'r, of ))ayton, will conduct :1" 1"" n·.. d.I,' :tfl t ·rUIII'Il, .\ 1I~ 11~1 t llt' in marri!lKe to EI ijuh J . Campbell, the service. Everyboriy is cordiully I Hlh !"-h,' I~ ull t, .. f . t.lh' J,:' rl'lI l l!'8 t who sur viv es her. Th ey were blessed . ' I· ;.I .II ·~ i ll ,\ "II ·d~·H .I HI I h~l-; (h~ 1 1t' su \ 0 these services, invited m\w.1 MwlllH\', 1" l ig-hHhh nn tl Jl a11 . m- with nin e chil dren, four girls and 11 11,,1 [h Ilt h,": 1I1:lll y frl"IIti s ,, 111 wun t five boys , seven who are now living 1,\ 11 1'.l r 111'1", I ' H I'Hl l ' I"~ ' tlH ~' w ill It (' FERRY CHURCH and 'two that preced~ to the !'- ,I".l' da.\. ,, \ 1I).'''~1 11 . w ll" 11 rhf' t l ,l l1. Jul y 15. the Loyal Wom en ~ave ,I . (\.. ·I, llI ll lI. \\!llI l~ f'll llllL' \ ' l l ' d " wi th Great Bey ond. To them all ~he was l ; t.,1 ;.:" .In l 1',,;·1 11 UlIl' , '1I1I I'r~n I\I Z ll . th e best of mothers, alway!! ready to charge of the wh ole morning pro· F our flr ~ tl g hliu J! Ir1l 1u ~ HI III Ifn~ "IIt1 s pullll... ill l 1 "II'" \\.11 dl'll,,'r ,I ll Uth lr·'·l"it) "I I ""I' h e alwnya roacJy to m ll l\t~ n jCt,'clrt) fun lnlu b U r- lIi lll.! 11 1111 111 111 111 tlm li l' l'. hel p them in any t ro ubl e and t o gram and will furnisb the speaker I I n-n ds. Many t(l \ \f ' 'I'\ \ ' C bee n ~U \' ('(1 11." th '~ l\ :-I l l·.·li1I .... I:' l' r y trn ln F . t 1"11 ~"r :111 \.1 J: 11:-111 " ::-0:0.:' -i' ll t ' 111 111'11 1Ill( The minister will i corrlcs waler ,'11" 'asl an h,mr or IUlcr" II'" 1I ::l lIlu ~. I'l hll O s h u \I' ~ h 111".:-0 t"r II,,· s l u ti l tHL" l·ln:".:'. will h~ nurse and take cure of tht!m when Don't miss it. 11'11111 IIItbtlojl n I, .. ' 1' hl ~ h 0 11 Uh! :'; I ~rru~ . speak at th e evening service. on lhe It ll r'oIdl\" Illt h-I'd . T h l' !'oI d l0 ,,1 o r m ls· they were sirko ::11111 .. tl url 'q..: I!l t' 11 1·... 1 '''' 'd, IIlh l" r Ih e To Mr Campbe ll she was all that Rubjecl, "Who is the World's Greu t·1 1 ' · ;I'~ I'I· .. llI li lit" Ll r , 1. T . II t' ;JllIH lld. I' r l)' :. ' ..... .. "1" " , ( '. ~" 'I I t'n ill ,', ll f Ji llnuls a wife ~ho uld bfl, always work in" est Hero?" I:;dward D. Goller, Minister. \\ , ' .. I,'.' a n l · l1 hl·! '.. lt y. \\ il l d l' U"' r a with him s hou lde r to shoulder, and 1 ' \ I 'r ~ d l' .. lr t· tlr 1~1.' t',I'I'l' I '!', " till \ ' :1 I li llil Jll" 1111'1"" 11l\Hlt tlflll I II' 1.) , ·!' . . . ; 111 1 :--" 1'1 ,' .... tI( 1 1'\'lllr , ·~ I' n I " ~ ":I ry ::- u llJ\'('ld as th e years passed a way they seemed dll l" ill!!' 1ht' fo'l l"' tl l d \\ ,'p" , TI II', .u.:h J11 :1 l't' (II l-o l,, 'nd ,' '''''11' ':14':111 1 11 !hall Jl I 11.,"11 \\" " ks 1· 1·111"· ... :-.', 1" E . 1., H a Wk to be one in all things. and their love T II ~ \ :\11 1I 1I 1j Y ,I1' , -\, ("'II:1 ll1 aI 1l1 11 :I , .\ \\ !l 1 :.:hl· 1" l'lI1 I"Cb II l1 d 111, I..l \' l u 8.S,,"9 for each other wa s II beautiful thinl: Jl",':: r :l ill o r a'lliark :" )1111".. f!'- j:h"'n II H t 'II: II'II" " ' " . \ 11111)" 6 11'\ 1111 U UU:$lutiBI to see. t'\ I ' r ~' d :l)' w i l li :1 r ,·,'p::n l,,·d 1\ '\l l l' f t l 'l:)~ d lll l " g ,\" " In 1'1Inl'l:l' , .-\ lIi1 r ll~ ' r lItt ll :o" lI al (, ':l tu r t' All her neig-hbors and triends will of ou r :t s~ p m h l.\' I' rfl j: ralll I ~ tllt' , wo miss her. fo r there never was anyone h and run" ,·r t :=::. w h k ll Jl n ' J:h' t' n du l1 r sick or in want in reach of her help . Cholllnuq ull . Ohio. - ~ " I" 'r III ti )o' ,II II-Irq.: 1 h~ ;1........ .. lTI h ly h,'" 1t1l t ~ " r t1H' ing hand but what Mhe was there Id!!tory· or th " ~!"' Ilil \ ',, 11,'), (,ha ll' t " H·... 1 ) l ll i ln r~" B an d:o:. Ul1 ,}t 'r tht' 4""a I'Ut8Uql11l hfL~ 11u~ rf' l.J f'~n J! r~ 'lI t . \ r I' rfllll l ... t ~ b it' 1 ".'l tJ l' r~ h lr "r ( ·!l Pt. :-\ {'h n l'fTt' r" read V to lu!lp. RUBBPII Haines, a Clinton County to-,. u eurr ~ . "rill ns<t'III1oI)' lhnn ,1111 1 Summer E vent . At Ch ;lU t~ uqu •. During her last sickness ~ t the boy. waB killed at Columbus. Monduring rhe "'m l nl! I.">'<I. tI. ,·f I! '~ : t . ( ' hall l :l u qlla I.. i lll· rt ·: ... il1l!ly p . ' p tlln r There will be an ice cream social The I'pn' fart Ih.\I 1I'IIIIIn III,' 1:,sl n s : 111 olllin ;.: 111 :U'p fill" 1"111 11". fr:lt t.' r.· at the Odd F 1I0ws hall. Sa tur~ay suniloriu m she was alwuys cheerful, day, whIm the airplane, in which he although sh e suffered great pain all was instructing a new avi ator. two " pn~R th lrl ,·· ('h:ht •·.. n or:"" I'H"!' n l l ll '~. (' lIn \ ' \'lI t l,,'11 " li n d I"h 11 1"1"11 ~I S "'t'1I 1 bet'll . pl'eCII!<I. In lli ,',11 ('~ IWIIPr 111 " n h lh '~ " 'l' h l~ 1111 11 "; 11 : .1 f: 1dUti .·.. ro r eveni ng. July 14. given by the D. of the time. Everyone at th e hospital ' ·fro ze ." Mr . Haines had bee:! in nny thlnr: I'lsl' could. III" \1"1'11111 1'11 )' It f 1", ,,,· rl'.u IHIl :I nt! ."olllf,)f·t d ll rin!! "'111 11 ' A. lodge At this tim e the quilt will was greatly grieved t o lose her, and Wayneilville several t im es , and those tl ll' r w":lth"r 111111\ " ( '!i : IlU ,Ult P 1:l a n be given away to the one holding the Chnutn tH)lln Its n 11lnct--' f or n SUI111 l1 t' r her nurse' s pruise of her is copied who went up with him were treated b om e. lind Ih ... high q l1 :1 I1I~' (If oll r I d" :11 pIll,' ~ f,l r :t "" l1l1llt't' r Yllt·: It!O Il . right ticket. E"erybudy c"me. A IilIlIl !.: t h l ~ lllllll ,.\" a::l t l h'!'!fI).! '" 1IJ10 1l t l ll~ here. to a fine ride in the !lir. He was a L'!SembiS }lror:rnm s. Ollr pnl rnns will ~1' '' 'l l1il wi ll \> .. Ih,· fn ll,· w ln~, lilr!'(' .. Mrs. Clampbell's life at the sani· man who did not care tor trick ridini oils rYe mnns ('hnn):,'s 1I\1l1n the f l'nt l' r lllll l':-t fru m 1 'l ll d ll l~:J 11 l !lIh r>r~lIn d •. nmollg 1lIl'~ (I. ('Ir:h l n I'l\' COl· torium hWiI been a pl easant life, one ~I I~ : 110,· ~ :r \l ' alill n .\ "1111' 111' 11I1It{· " n,I The funeral is being he ld at Wil · Try our Classified Ad. column . t ~ n n~ nO'\\' !'I('clrl .. 1I1!h l ~)'''I (' m .,11 111 )I ' · '· I Ir , ~ . .1 III .\' ~ . 1.-, : Epw"rl h that I have enjoyed taking care of . mington th is atternoon. end t he l1(t\Y (','In r , fl lW sl1'"C" r J,tI"Py, ]." 11):' 11' III BliI<l I," .I 111~· 1I:. ~::! : ('h rl,; · _ _ _ __ I have prayed with her and she has Of the (' hnlltnll'l l1l1 111111 (II nl:F . T h p ll n l1 E t1(h ·n ,· ,, ~· ( ',In ' ' t' ll t llln,, .l n ly 2 1·'.!7 : put her fa ith in God . And when th e J'eCl'CRtionnl r.'lI llIr.' . . h" ,"I I\~. b nllllnr: H apli:-'1 C' onn' ntl nn . ~"P l l'Hl h(' r jon. end was near she told me she trusted lind teDol. \\'111 II .. Ilrsl "'nSF us 11.11 111. T he S IHllT lIl'r t P1'1I1 f t il .,,' )l l n lll i ~1 111NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY LIEN People who ,In " " I IUI\' l' r n l l :1 Il"" \\'111 Tll ry In 111 111 " "Ill I: I ~I Ill1rllll; Ihe in her Savior and was ready to go .. tina th nt Oil! Il'nll'< l <"('lllIn "'11\ ~ 1i('s m""l hs "r .llI ly li nd '\ U;! II"1. Th e 1 don't think any more pleasant or muln n""C'lII lJiv \\'111 he hl'lll .11111' 2,· A U""k~t 12. . . ~t Y:u~·~lt~I"111.~~1 :t~!: ~\r.~~tl~~:c,~C~~~::~ comforting thought could come to . 1.10 Ih. VIII .... 01 Co rwIn . Warroll UoUbLy . H otels And T ~ nt • . the bereaved family and friends OhIo. ou tho T ht' ro arf' l WI) 11I'IJlIla r :'\lItIl Il H"r hnNo. 2220 than that elhe trusted her Savior and t pl" u po n t h (\ g r ll uili b . on \' .~ f wh lC"h 17th day of July, 192.1, ('1I11 l n ln 8 11 d lJlIII~ 1'00111 Hnd (~n f(\ [ (' rin , was ready to go. ~t 10 o · 'Iocl< A. If .. the 101l0"lng prop.Ky · Vern Hough and W. O. Raper ~ I 1111 nn j;{ (' r', (nrl ~ tl n" !o" . iF HtTerln~ to-wi': She Will! a member of the M. E Of the CondItion of the Waynes- 'll hhtlck(·n ABU U T GO DOX S ~ O~ TOD .... CCO . \1 .... n ntl X It'J II~ dJ lI n t' r~ f o r tl ll l ~1} ville National Bank, at Way nes wh o w nn t s Olll~ r t. i Jl,L! lIf l u..:n n ll,\" !tnf', looll nM t o Mo rrl. Ho~erl ). to •• tlsty th. 160 church at Harveysburg, and IIlways went to NElwtown, Monday morning, n ot the u nd e nt igued" creru.ed b7 ~ · -'" d Ch rls . t Ian ' I·t and came home with several youn~ ville irt t he State of Ohio, at the A n lI ut·(I u -ip I h en:. wi ll fur ob;!, ~" " II one t.heroo ment elated tho 1t.h day ot e ptember. 192 1, I IV"" a goo I e. . • . cloSe of business, June 30, 1923. (1f thC' I1nt'''1 UIlI··. " lIlJn ~." 111 ,,1 ('0111 ,1 T erm s: Cull on day ot . aie " . . d t II h h' l bass, which they placed m the rlVtlr Great praIse IS ue 0 a er c 1. . . . I W. J. DAKEIl . b e h a d. For oll l( ~',,:," I'l u ' J"I ' l!ol II ( 'II f'eo. nSEOUHCES. at varIous pomls. The fishmg 8 nee dren and husbsnd. as everything m h f h I h b b d t!ll'lu un,l reSll1 Urll ll1 ",II I"h 11'111 fur· Loana and dLscounte. IDcludlng . . . t e opening 0 t e aw as lien a , nlsh ull thll l mn " II<' d (' In' <i In 1t. 1.' Ndlacounte . . . .. . . 277.87e . l1 theIr power was done for her, but It h ' d th k b th b I' g , . t e rl A<lQepta"""" 01 other banks ver an e cree 0 e n Wu y ')r l~lI t lltJ;" 'lIu nd n ·tJs or p ' ''ple dIICoun'-<1. .. .. .. . . • .. • . . . • 277.8 7C . II I dd f th a 'lns was God II WIll to take her home CHARTEh NO . 11617 .. h d extreme y mu y rom e r . o ftI'C1rVU; UII.SOCUI'ed • • • • • • • • • 2 H . 96 preff' r I.. ~I II)' III 1"IlLS ull rln/! rhf' She 11 . surVIved U. I. UovommeDt 8ecurlttM oll'nod: u s! "'II IJI)' Fl·s~I O I1. (In' n( thl.' m "~t . by her . usban 'severa I ca tfi 8 h have b et!n tak en • I>epolllted to eec:tlnl circulation REPORT Ullrll ct I'h' ~ 1 J:II ts fit "lIr Chll ulnU'l llfi 8e~en chIldren, twenty·three ~rand- some of them of good size. These ( par .o.Iue)60.000. 00 I the 1(\lIg Iin.'S or 11'1011 0 r"IIL'. Pur Of conditi on of the Harveysburg I I o&Iter United Oo.erD. Ilhlldren, three great grandchildren, bave been l k off of throw and meos 8ocurl~I ..... .. . 6. 610 .00 05.630.00 el l'\'('n dollal"::! on e ('1111 lin"., 1I I~ nl. National Bank at Harveysburg. in one brother. one sister and hosts of ()$iler be'od.o, stocks, eecurltle • • a en with ('X l rn 0)' Rn d Ilo(lr. fur Ih(l pcrl" d ek .•.....•.••. .. .. • . . . . . . . 98 . 383. '6 the State of Ohio, at the close of other rel8ltive8 and friends who trot lines . of t11 ,l n:o:!;(\,nbly, H lIt OS I r t'lI s lt n H hl~ 1IaDId,. RoWlO ..... . ........ . 8. 000. 00 busine8s, on June 30, 1923. j.&wlul .-rYe with Federal Re· prlet' iLu h'cd. :sen.1 \ ' m lr rl ",erl'llli{) n mourn her loss . RESOURces c.%":. B~~••nd· a:mouit'~' ilue 17.88 0.4 1 111 u t one" U('('Ofll llill liC;1 h)' III'" ,lull "ra. ...!.."!!I' Ilatlonal bank,. . . . •..• at.779.07 A Ii te we loved is taken, Watch your expiration date. Lo ans ~D(I DIlICount.. . . . 66. G88 H ' ~8.88 8 11 Assem bly Program. ....... of I_a 8. 10. 11. 12 IUICl . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . 117. 78 A voice we loved is stilled: One Of Ih,' wulu rc"tnrl'!! o f )1 13ml Oyordrallo 11 ................... ?18.87 U .B. Goy.rnment 8ecurIU ... oWDed Bec*Dptioll fund with U. B. Vll ll e), hllntll ll'lUu Is lIS eXCl'l1 enl Depoilled to ....,ur{iclrculatlon (U . A place is vacant in our home """'rer and due tram U. 8. iI. bondl8ar value) . . . . . . DODe That never can be filled . T,....urer . ••. •.•.•. ..•.• .•. 1.80000 P r"l!rnT]l. Ollr pUllf" rm Is op('n to AU oLhor • i. Government 8e· [h e dlscu. "lon or nil questio ns II' llkh , ---curltl... .... . . . . .. . . .. a. 68 • . 91 3.8 84.9S To'-' .••...•....•....•.•. "'0..891. 67 lI ~ r ' nltl to the s o<1u l, , ...' nl ulII!cul nnd Olher bomll . • tockl.ncu rltlee •• I.C. ~I . UU . OO Card TbuIIa aDd O.xtu... . .. ...... ~ . 4~3.SO LlADlLITIEB nnliollal welfure of Our peollie. l ' he Furniture R""I ...nato o wned olbar th .... We wish to thank all the kind b anklnll heuSll . . •.. . . •• . . • •.. oapl'-' fiQCk pAid 111.. ........ '100.000.00 8trn nl!~ s r men o f al i I" own and ()t tl ~ r 100.00 81liD1ue fnDd .. ........ ..... . nut lOlls lind their plnrc 111"0 11 " ur plitt. IAwlul 1'MeI'." wIth Federal n... triends and neighbors who sympaUDIl1v1ded pmllr.. •• • . • U.713 .80 ller.e Bank . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . 4. 673. " torm . An unll s llllll~' fin e n rl'ny of Cub FOR SALE In VAult and amouDt due thized with U8 and helped )lB in o).lr ~ C1II'NII&~. lJJ .....t, aac1 t~ paid ...... ..... . : 11.131. 80 tolellt Is presenled durin/! th e ('omlng lrom na~lonal ban... . . . . . . . . . . ' . aU. 16 great hereavement. We wish to es, O\reul&Uoa 110'- our..h.Ddloc·. . 48.600.00 0 .' l"fTl bly. A IUlr1l1l1 1I!!1 "f OUr ut- To\allollteml 9. 10.11 . (3 ; aod I ~ . .. . . ..... ...... . ... . 6. 096.a6 N-' _Wlr.. duo &0 N.tloDal tructlons II"\JI be tI, o fo ll o w in g , H"n. JER8iLY VOWII. fresh; one a 1.21 pecially tlllank the donors of the ~.~ . j,iit.d&Dili,;c ::: lo.oO~:~~ C ll nlon N . Hownrd. ."The Littl e M1"""lIaDOOUI c ... b Ilolm • .. •.. 1. ~ S young OOW, fir8t oaIr. Otber OaohW·.obecka outMh.DdlnlJ. ... 1,610. 38 Glnnt," or Hol'lI esh' r. !'.'. Y., who h il S Total. . ... ... . . .. . . ....... . ' g'.906. 18 beautiful I\oral offering~. Rev. Long matoro oow with calf IIlx weekll old . Tow of 1 _ 1I, U. 28 le for his comforting word@. and Mr LIABtLITIE8 tbe unltllte dlst ili ctio n o-f hn\'llIll aDd 16 .... .. . ..... 11,631. '6 C liO be eeen at wy tarm Yo mile lDdlYlduai depoelta .abject to 8p"llI~n nne thollsond 111111'5 III hi s oll"n J .. W Vreswell. Oapltal Itock po.ld 10 .. . . .. . . . .. . U8.000.00 Arthur fo.r the efficient manner in wellt of Wellmno. ~_oiii"PQ.i'i1ue'ln'ieM 240.152.80 cl t~· . n record IInexrI'lIe([ by any olher. Surplu. lund ... ... . ...... . . .. . 1.500. UU which he conducted the funeral. jy25 UDI.llytded prolltl . .. . ... I . U O.9~ &hall .. d&7a ..... , .• • •••. • • 627. 43 lie Is on ornlol' UIlt'x CI'II e.I. hlHDONUS. Leu curren. expe.n.M. ln lerttlt , The Bereaved Family . Dhld~ unpaid . .• :. .. ...... 2.01~.00 pIIII/:""nl. strlklllg nu,1 cOIII·lnclng. n aud 'u.. paid ............ .. t .0 20.86 To&aI of deIII&nd. depoelte (other will ,Iell"er two :r{\,lr . S!'S on I)lIr open· lodl vld ual depoII" .ublocs 10 &hall bU1l< depoelta) ,ubJect to c heck . . . .. ... . . . · .. . .. ... . . 65. U6 .83 Ing SUlldo)" Jul y 29. "Grl?'· SmIth, C.r~lnca\ a-v.. 26,27. 28. 28. ... 6t depoalt duo In 10. : lOud 11 ..... . ... 242.70.. 28 who has spenl II ~r(,U l r1 'nl of ht. than 3 U d~YI (o ther than lor OU- tim. depotd" .•......... e . 604.61 li fe In tho' wild er Illuc(>!; or America, 1lI0 UfJ7 borrowec.l) , . .• , , . ,,. ,., S40. 00 To .... of " ... aepoell.e aubJeet &0 _ , 1 _ II. II. at. and C(lllIes to gin:! U ~ I h ~ slory (If Ihe wild nom. 16. 11. 28. 19. 10 an<l U ... .. . . ...... . Cf GH6.8 3 _ _ __ 16 .. . . . ...... ... . . ,e.a04.n IInlulflls and th l'lr lICe In !l ur (·ount r),. U , 8. DoIIO-'r... odler lball POleaI ·Total ........ . .. . ........ . . . SS • . g8G. 78 'I' he Hnrp Ensembl e Cotll l'all .l· ; nOIl' III',1 aaYlnp. lIIoil.dllla Wtu loaD de }IOIIlt accoUllt ud del)Oelr.. 01 Or ·b ~st.ra; 'rb e Bu r-rud el Ll ghl Opera STA.TE 01-' OHIO. WARREN COUNTY.SR: Cards were received here, last U. 8. d1abu....... 01llcan .. . . . • 3.600.00 C<wlpnny ; IIroll"n .fuli ll"e l \lIIll1llllr; I . II. 8 . Tucker. O""III.r 01 the .. bove No'- and bUla hidJICOUDI«!. IIl'1'hl! Apollo C.,nl'Crl C(llIIl'lI l1r : \' Bile- named baoK . do IOI.mnly .wear tbat 'be week, announcing the weddini of c1ucU,. _ph.Dc... 01 otbor •• at ateman' II true to Lhe be.t or mJ btlnlul and olb. 101'11110 billa t lnn !'; (,~'1 t' It C, fOI'm n unlfil ic and nt· abo James A. IOdell to Miss Helen Marie. knowledge aDd belief. . olettcb_ordrattaaold wltb H. S. Tucker. Cubl.r. IJIdOreeGl8lli 01 'hit banll .. • • 21 . 100.00 IrIlCII"i) IInc of l'OtW"rts fw d en'lert aln lll eDIS. [..ollis W lillulIl S with lila SublOl'lbed aad .worn to belore m. tbl. eldest daughter of Mrs. Mab\ll DinLlabllltl.. o\b.... $han tboae "'a· I«! abo •••. • ..•.••.•• • • • . . 13 81 DlurI'eis or eleclrlelty. lU ll I Heno the 10Lh d~y 01 Jul,. 1828. widdie. ol! Dayton. The wedding \If/ . A.. Merritt Correct. Au ••t : Tow •• • .••. •. •..••. • • • .• 1484.891. 87 Un;;lellln ; L11e Yl erl'a Huwliull S; Shell. Not.., l'ubltc. took place at the Methodist parsonh errl or th e Hlll ij 0'111 PII D.\·, IIlId F'rflllJl (J. I. CLEAVER 8&ato of Oblo. Clount,. 01 warreD . .. : .age in ~ew Carlisle. Rev. Clarence O. D. COOK I . L. M.. Hlllldenon, Cubler or 'he above G. Arlllal.llllc, Wllh IU s recl lul ILnd O. E. LItYlOY named bank. do lOIemrul' ,"oar that the above characl er portraYllltl, wi ll }l1!!Use e\' pryS. Grauser officil<ted, the ceremony DInc&oI'll. _ n t fa sru. to \be be.t of my kIlowledge bnlly. Sellulor GO'l'e, LouIs A. Oon"ls, taking place in the presence of only III1d belIet. . Con. .f. Ketchum', Arthllr Wu]w)'1l L, iii. HENDER80N. Oulll.r. immediate relatives . Immediately 8QDecrlbed aud IWoro &0 berore me ~bl. E I'nns, nre umong our spell keN!. ' "n· &bdayofJulT. IUL ' . otor S. D. [,' ass on vur ~e .o lld Sund,,), following 't he young couple left for lIIahlon Ridge . a wedding: trip by motur throullh Onrrecl At'-': w. H. All~W PUbliC. will gl\' c Ill! nrldl'l'ss on Tbe PrOf,used Internntlonul Oo urt, whldl wlU IJrlr'i I. W. WHITS Michigan After July 15 they will mUIIY thOUSll ll c,.1.C; lin t h e g ruu uds tor I. B. P¥N'bt-..1'II lbll.1 tla,·. OW' lru!J Suuiliu' we sh.o.\1 An Ordlaance to retrulalo the parklDg of ve · be at home to their friends at 131 S. hlcl... whethor Propelled b}' muscul .. r or motor DO"er , 011 certain parta ot Alain Philadelphia street. Dayton. Stroot In Ihe Vlllaao 01 Wayn.8\'lIIe. Ohio. Mrs. Od.ell is well known bere, a De It ordaIned b y the OouDcli oUbe VIII~ gra:iulte (If our schools, beloved by 01 Way nCB ville. Stale 01 Ohio: Sec tion I- That .. II . I'ohleloo and tru ckl. all who knew her. and for the pSllt Flighf of Refugees · from Mt. Etna whet her propelled by musc ular or motor IlOwor on M.ln Street bet"'OOD Hlgb !It""'" tew years baa been associated with antI f'raoklln A VeDue, " ' hen no t In motlotl sh. 1I .tao(1 nt ao anglo 01 approxlmat.ely the secretarial staff of the Y. M. C ~1~~;ifll~O r~:f,~::"~: ~~he';\&~' ttboo ~~Ic1~D~r A.• in Dayton, 'while Mr . Odell is "ruck at, the c urb or curb line, Sect io n 2-Jt shall be unlawful tor anv per- affiliated with the Lewis Mctor Mart Inn &.0 park auy \I c h k lo or truck whether pro. pr llOl1 by muscu la r or moto r po wer. on Maw company. Their many friends join St re e t In ,.a iel vtJIai8 between High 8t.roet the Gazette in wishinll' them much D.ucl Fraukllu :\ \'euue, eXcODt as provided 111 ~ c ct lo ll I 01 this Ordlnanc6. j oy and hllppines8.

r... -


JOBACCO HAU INSURANCE At much lower rales than formerly, covering all kinds of tobacco, in a spec ial policy.





, ,





Nil tobacco grower can alTord to run the risk- a few pounds at the price will pay insurance on several acres.

If you intend storing your grain, ge t one of our Fire Policies that cost for actual lime in use olll y.

Sears &


Phone 61-2

Waynesv ille, Ohio





Making Railroad History :n 1923 D

U nlNG the r e maind e r of tho preaenl year the railroad . wi1l b o con front e d with the t ... k of h Hndlin g the greateat volurn e of traffi.; in A m ~ ri cl\n hi l l9ry . Tho dc m n nd. (or fr"i g ht se rvice in that period lee nl certnin to e.ceed the peftk. o( wor tim e and the boom of

1920 . To tr.Dlte good In 1923 mean. thaI a ll prt) yiOU 8 r .. cord. mUll t be broken " T h o! ia a bi g job (or railroad man-










th.t prorrun i. continge nl upon the wholeh_rted luppert of the public, ,.,., loyalty of ev~ry mun in the railroad .erviee. and (ree<\om (rom the ill-thTled and d e morali zing interjection of politic.. Any In.A11 who . trive. to make the railroad. " political football In 1923 when they a .... (lTa~pline with the moat diffi"ult and momentoul t . .k In theIr hl. tory, may be atlrmati zed .. an enemy of aood 11'''''-

---_. - ..----


There mUlt

Th t.~ lucce •• of

. .I


Dnd e mploye."

b e 11 0 f ail ur for failure would ~ a n D~ io n al dianlter. In mectin i the . it .. elion the railroad. haw sole mnly pl"dg"d the m ... lvea to a vaal program of conurted and "0operative action.


Pennsylvania tJ

The Late Classified Ads

Railroad System "


Ti,. Standard Railload 01 tAa W_ld


----- ..----



Red Star Detroit Vapor Oil Stove

Ordinance No. 104

Sed lo n :.I - All c u t-·out s 8ball be cloand wlth(n the ()orvo r "tlon limits ot \Va)' D6IIvllle . S&l~ lIol1 '-Any l)8r50D viol Btlo g an" of the prodslons o r this Ord ina nce 811011 be flucd In

~$lr5' ~II~~ln~~r.e~:t~e:lI~?o:!c~et7~;;: flVO OoU~ >loc UO"

~ -Thl.



lako offect

an d ho III force rrom aut! .flur the earllellt verl u ~

allnwed by I....


Pus80d thll' 2nd cia7 of July . 1923,

Att ... t :

T . E. n nu It RS. Ma,.or, Clerk.


Notice of Appointment ENr.!\te or Marl' E. Ore.wcll , decouetl. Notice I. hereby KlveD that IV. A Merrlt& h IlS 1;0. 11 duly .ppolnted and 5juallOed ... Executor 01 the • .tato 01 Mary 1£ . O_web lot o of Wa rren County. Ohio . dec.MOd. . . Dut ...1thll 30th uay 01 JUlie. Ion. IV . Z. nOLL. Jud~.., or the ('rob.1e Court. 11 18 WarreD CounLy, Ohio.

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH· The Eye Sight Speclalist

Come and bring your friends to the open air meeting ot Springboro Grange, t.o be held in the school YBrd, Wednesday evening. July 18. State Master Caton will give the address . ]plenty of ice cream and mUBic


THANKS TO THE PUBLIC We are very Irrat~ful for your evi· der.ce of llood will . as shown by your !lIft to us on June 3(;th, Little Miami Troop of Girl Scouts.

Our line of Oil Stoves

Florence . Puritan .




very complete, including the

New Perfection .S1:lperfex Vapo

·l· ..... '

At Cary's Jewelry Shop' Lebanon, Oh(o

Every Tuesday . 8:00 a. m. to. p. Ill.


Giving . Bird. a .Oad N~m •• The UnIted Stlltee bIological 1IlI"8J warn a aplnlt ebarglD, the crtmee.J!! CAe llInalllh -IIIal'lll" t~ othef membert Of. tbe 8parrow tamil" whIch. altboull _t1ali, aeecMaUDC. pertorma creat ~ to ItI ralda eo lDIecu, u de ~CN. . "'~II~ .



W~1D"viUe" Olaio


.. !2!2k:'

Seventy-Fifth Year

£~Q w. O. Raper





TOBIICCO hail insuran ee . Sears & Cartwl'ig~t .

J ess.) Hawkin s. of New Burling ton was in town, Saturda y .

WlUl in OilY ton , Sat·

8eal'8 "

Thr ee Rings, Cou nt 'Em

- ,-



L N . Printz S)) 'li t Sund ay with friend s at WIlIt,,' . Cltrner .


Tobacc r hail fnRurance Cartwri llht

----- .~ -

RUBliell Lewis, of Dayton, with lleveral frlend l . spent Sunday here.

-. -

- --

. #'~

in~ II·,.mma .The i 88e~ ~artha Bu rn.ett I .nd CartWr ig ht ente M

rtamed at dm n.'r. Illst Wednes day . Mr . and :III(' II I1 HII" " I I,,· 110"1,., '1 1111' 11 1 \I f ~I r ~ William Dinwidd ie , Mi ss Olive I lin widdi e and Maste r Paul Savage . AJ,! ri l' lI l i l i f l' !"f ' ld 1111" " l 'l jl Jl! Hli t HHlI I fil. II , I " (·" ''' ,l \' A I/:. ' II\ 1/1"" . Hnd I h ~v a r l' h" iIlL' , hllW rI ar " ,, " J t he :\1 i s ~ N eltie Ear nhart wall pleast Oll n ty . all t ly s urprised at her ho me on Sun· "U •. I " f 111,· ,1' /101, ,\\ ," ,I oJ 'I .,d t he d u y . July 15th, when Mr. and Mrs. I " ':l " ~ .! u P I ,' . "h l'r,· ul." j,. ,d id t he I{"y Earnh a rt ent ertained the foluu ts t an J i n),! t i )' tJr c' ill t l\ ," f; ' 11l \\ a~ a lowinR gues ts in honor of her bIrthyn ll nj{ I{ lrl wi ." hud " " 111 r" r ll~ I t u- day: :~: r . and Mrs. Chas. Lefrers on. lJ e rc lIl o~ j , Ihrllu j{ h oIr i ll k lllR' I)f Covingt on. Ky ., Mr . Chas. Ellis from a lul )(;rculi n ell '" Th .. ot he r and family, Mr. S. S. Ellill and fam· fi l m \111~ a pict u re \I f " tl'l P 1" th e ily. Mrand Mrs Clar ence Hites and 1110 0n , I,y I h" <l Id IIf it l.ll", I II \I hi cll s" n, Mrs . Mary Wate rhouse. Mi.. rudium " a~ lIh(' c\ fill' t hl' 1I 1f: li ve Laur a McKi nsey and Mr . Clarenc e pO.I·pr . Th e d r a m of t hi ~ hiyhly in· Itye venl iv e l{ t'n iuH may , ~lI lll e d"y, be Th e memue rs of th e Happy Hour rl alized. A lilm of an imu ted pic . club were very pleasen tly enterLun'~ Cl" "l'd t he lll1t<! rtu ili ment . Th e dClllI l't lIl ~ tl t, in cunjunc tio n tai ned at t he home of Mrs. Jobn with Ilu, I{cd Cro H~ 8nd lI ealth de- Bea(·h. T ue8dav. July 10th. A short pa rtments 1111 ove r the country , is pr ogr "m of reading s-patrio tic and IlnX i ll U ~ to e rad icate th e "while humoro lls- was gi ve n. allio an eduplague, " li nd iH t aki nR auva ntage of cationa l cunlest . Mrs. May Sattereve ry o pportu nity to do so. If thwaite won t he first prize and Mr., sevelli y· ti ve Iw rcent of t he farmers Jennie Davis the booby , The guests in a local ity will ~ ign, t he depa rt. we re then invited outside on tbe ment wi ll Hend ul,{ en ts a nd thev will lawn . where t he hosteeaee- Mn. examin e he rds tof cuule f ree of Beach and Mrs. Fred Braddo ek('harge The Olll o lln t of money fu r s e r v e d deliciou s refresh ments . t his iUll n is limited in ~ ach Dainty rose baskets filled . with lItate u nd the fir ll t ones siRning up candy wer e given as favora. Mfl. will be th e luc ky Diles t o have thei r Ar mstr oni' and Mias McCom88, of Dayton. Mr1l, Joe Disbro and Mn. herds exa mi ned . I t is th e wi sh of t he Farm Bureau Ira Rich were invited guests. By t o have the farmers ill this locillily vote of the merI}be rs. it WlUl decided s ign UR Qui ckl y as possible ill order to have t heir annual picnic at Snyder to ,1l'et in on th e Kround floor. , pa rk . SpriDgti eld. August 7th. --~. Music flo r thIS occ81' ion was f urnishet! by t he Premi e r ba ·, d . ,,\· e nj r ~l' .

an d

\\ H ~

.l I tll l ' . " ( ' r H\\' d



Herbpr t S. Edwlfd ll .pent Salur· Mr. and Mrll Waltllr McClur e left , day with relative eln Dayton . ThunKI ay, for a two· weeks visit with relative ll in Mlchil'a n . Mr and Mri. Harlley Rye Bpent Sunday with relative s In Xenia Mias Emma Hehchway return~ home, Saturda y, lifter a plllilsan t Mil! Rowena Wrleht. of Red Lion. villit with friends in Cincinn ati. lI pent Sunday here with relative a Mr. and Mr •. W. B. Folker and M. 0 Baird anrl 0 L Crane were Mri. Kate Oxley . of ' Troy, spent in Clarkawille. afterno on Sunday with Ed Oxley and t llmily. Special Fire pellcie!l for rrrain . Mrs. Edith Harrill, Mrs. Laura Sean A·Cartw rlght. Moeher and Mr. Harris M08her _pent Sunday with relallve s at Mr. and IIrI. E V. Barnha -t anI! Milford . Uri, Emma Barnett lpeDt the week· end here Mr. and Mra. George Hamilto n had th8 plelllur e of a vieit. Sunday . Mri :\'I liry Hin"h !"pent lalt week from all their children and seven with hl!r Bister. M... · ludor Bloch, gral>dcbi Id ren . of Sprlnll Valley.


E v •• r\ h' Niv Inviter!

, T ,e rivpr , fur t he patt wpek or 10 . Mr and Mr. CharII'll Coolley and i rufr lv lin..d with cllmpln ll parties. Mr. and Mill. Will Spence r and II areat mflny helng frfJm Dayton daulht er. Wilma. of Cedarvi lle. were aUNts of Mr. aDd Mre. Eli Dean. M,. ontl '!,h R. P anl Nllbor, of Cln· FrIday . I'illnllt i, 'll"nt ·Sunda" .. lI'uests of Mr. and MrtI. Clarenc e Mendenhall . Mr . anrl M".. l~ arlor Bloch, of Spring and eon. Earl. left. Sun~BY. for their Valley. home in Dayton Earl will be miMed by hie many friends Mrll. Rllymnn d Peiree and two Main Itreat. as he haa endeare along d him. children . of Toledo •. are ,Ue!ltl of eelf to lhe .neighb orhood . Mr f nd Mn HOIII('II Peirce. of the Frlpnde HCtme, Mn Edith Harrll. who wae vi,it· Ine In Athenll. was called to Ci ncin· Mri A D. Hole and family . and nati . la.t Tuesda y. by the death of Bovd Hen" erl!)n joined the eampln r her brother 'a wife. Mra . Charles F part v at l-'rend" rtrut·lI. lut week. Moahet . Alr, MOIher III well known thUR making a comple te fal1)i1y camp- he~e. and hie many friends will reo In, party eret to hear of his bereave ment.


'I'll " 1' ,l rlll I (l1<'IlU h,.I t! a me,", , Il l II" . \ )' 01 "I'i , •. Ii ),' oI . II: ' ~, ~ Jnn d 'I\'

Mr. and MrI, Herman Conner were Special Fir. p olicies for ' g rain. Dayton viliton . MonrlU . Sears & Cartwrl wht,

Save your Old Carpets and Ru,s to the lawn Bnd Ilet "Wearw ell" RU g1l made. fele TUPlday nl,ht, July 24. in the Send for price list. "'rank lin Ruj.l yard of St Mary's chur ~h OJ • Frankli n. Ohio .



Whole Number 5551


--~-,-,•• .:.:-.,,! : ~'.!.=<:...--

Sa~~da~.alter Elzey

was in Dayton ·

Tobacco hail inRuran ce. St!ars & Cartwr ight. Mr. and Mrs . S. L , Cartwr ight at· tended the tuneral of Mrs. Charles Mosher lit Cincinn ati. Thursd ay . • Mrs. Mabel Dinwid die aDd famil. , of D.yton . attende d the funeral of ~ii8Lelia Young. Tuesday afterno on




\Vho Will He Be?

The lon gest a nd p robabl y t he best g am e ever pl ayed on t he field was played at Philli ps park last Sund ay afternoon. wh en the C. M. I. A. Cubs. II fas t Dayton. col,ored team. ~ef~atl'd ou r AthletICS I.n ,fourteen innings of t he m,)st th ri lli ng com-


---- ---- --


St. Mary's Guild will have a lawn fete in the church yard. Tuesday - , J u Iy 24 th evenmg , e pracee dS t 0 b e __ . . t d t' ' t u""'" or ecora Inll th e It n erlOr 0 th e c h urc h ,

At Ferry church. a lIeries of lIix illust ra t ed lecture on "The Roman re of Saul of Tarllus. It will be !riven, beginni ng July 22. Illustra ted BOnp will be g ivlln each night. The lect ures we re prepare d by ODe of On Se pt ~ l11b e r 29 th. Wnyn esvlllf' Amer ica 's famous Experl.s on the Lodil" N,1. 11;3, ~' . & A. M.. will subj ect, a t Vin t on. Iowa. The lint cel ebra te t he 75 lh annive rsa ry . At lecture, July 22. will be "The Boyth e last. cC) mm nn ica t.ion It com mittee hood of Sa u!." Other subject s will was ap.1J oi II led , consisti ng -'ll-lirlU<-I~ fOllOWs: Hough . Wa te rhouse . Hender on aurl pa9l.m lls terRCa rt wr i>:ht , SllIith and When a Great Light Shined. Hawke. to m ake a rrang emen ts ror a A MeSBenger to the Gentile s. mi ng some time next The MaD of Macedo nIa. mon th. Al present tim e the re are Christ for the Whole World. thi r teen paHtmaster s living- two in I Mu st See Rome . distant cou ntries. and one hBvinl!' _ __ I - ••- - : - demi tted to an othe r lod ge . Plana f ur the hom e·comin g will be announ ced lilt er .

ba!. -d f h 't h ' th h SI e rom '~ e PI c mg, ,e on· Drs undoub tedly belong t o Tom Bur. ton and Harry P~ ce , Tom hIt safely , _ four times m fiv e attemp t s. sco rm g . . two runs h'm~ se If an d d rl. vmg In Try our Classified Ad . column . three more; he also made two spl en· did. IIfe·sa vini( catches in left fi eld Harry's work behind the ba t was ',::;;=,~~~~~"~--~~~""":;:;;;::-="'~~XIC-",.",~";'.o::;.......--...._..;-.....$:R;:R:"ZR;:;R;:=,,~::f!:Tf!IF~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~%(~ extra good and his hitting was hard and timely . T he other ca tcher put on a specialt y of one-hal,d e1 cat ch · ing and com i.:al coachin g . Adams displaye d the best brand of pit\!hing j he has ever put on exhi bition on the local lot and. had eithe r of the Ca r Is (McClu re or Dakin' been stati oned at first base. would have won his game in the rel!tulaticn distanc e . The game walla nip-and tuck affair - -- .0.--- -all the way throulth . Neither t eam \ . The i\utocas ter Co of Npw York scored until the third inning. w heffn who furni sh us wi lh t'he cllr Marshal Bentley wu busy. Tu. . tuo ns w~ day markin g out parking IIpacetl on B.urton and Prende rgast brok? a use, held a straw vote for preside nt Main street. The _paces are wide hits and Adam!1 scored the~ With a d uri ng the m(,nth of Jun e, and t he enough tOl"ive pienty of room for solid smash. The Athletic s add ed followin g is tb e r esult. The an nual Peach Tree Cr eek reo parking . and the machine s another in thl~ fourth, but som o mUlt be . . u nion will be held at the home of parked within the marks. putrid work at first base allowed a Ford : ... ..... ... .......... ... ..... The law .. . ,. 276.87. Henry Mull . two miles from Leba· will be rigidly observe d after Saturtied. score in the fifth. In t he dixth, H a~dlng ....... ...... . .... -.. .. :. We certai nly apprec iate the kindly patron age which .. .:.:...:..:1.i4(;i;'.:s7ii 28i.1-!~~f:L:!~~~lml.Y..ilIJ:l...l;~~~~fd~~~~~~~tleI!in POllted un Smith .... ..... , ...... .. ...... ~ .:..:.:. the Athletics a8sume danoth er three- McA doo .. ....... ........... . ,... .. .. the people ~f· Waynesville and vicini ty have given us during roads leading into town. 'concern ID" tun lead. only to allow th eir oppo· Wilsu n .... ... .. .. ... ... .... ...... ..... 19.803 wa r lire cordially invited to a t tend . parking and cut·outs our first year's business career in the town. It has helped . and it will be nents to add a c:ouple in the eig h th . La F'ol lelte ...... .. .. ....... .. ....... 14,310 There will be seve ral fmm Waynes . rigidly enforced . If you don't want and again tie the score in the nillth J ohnson .. .. ........... ..... . .... us very materi ally in carry,iog out our original intent ion to Each team scored once in th e Under wood ... ..... ... ....... .. ..... 14.224 villll in alt~ndan ce . to pay a stiff fine , watch your s~ep ...... J-1, lati do a real service in the comm unity. Bora h ........... .. .. ... .... .. .. .... ... 12,U81 _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ .. twelfth and th e Cubs ag ain in th e Hughes .. .. .. ... ...... .. ...... ....... 10,867 fourtee nth.' but this time the Alh· Cox ...... ........... . .. .. .. -.. .. .... . .. 9.683 ' - ' . ... leticll .::ould not When we Cable here it was with the full intent ion of cume back. Hoove r ......... .... .. ... .. ... ..... .: .. 8,~60 !'-":I t:. . . . i'" ~ l " ;..- --:-u. lly.;:'1; ..'"!t A feature WIIS the work of th e B!'yan ... ... .. .. ........ ..... .. ... ,... creati ol and maint aining a Drug Store that was close in its 5,fl30 PlO chol. .... ..... .... ...... .... .. 2,927 Cubs' umpire . • If ever An official Debs .. .. ... .. .............. service to any City Drug Store in .ohio. We did not expect .......... ... .. . 2,784 gave fair and s.~uare decisions. thi8 Clipper ... ... ... .. ..... ......... ...... 2. 636 to maint ain ak large a stock no\- do as large a volume of boy certainl y did . His work was a Dr Albe rt S ~aw . . .. .. ....... ... ... 2.562 very pleasing contras t to some W I;; John W. DavIs .. ... ......... .. ..... 2, 19? business, but we did ' intend to maint ain a real Drug Store h' thO James A. Riled.... . ... .. .. ..... ... I ,G39 ave lIeen IS year . and do the comm unity a real service. Haskell (Okla ) ... .. .......... " _'" 852 - -- ... - . Scatter ed .... ... .. ... ...... .. -......... 7, B46




An 'A pp re ci at io n Th an ks




Dear Frie nd. -




Ho w ma ny gar age s can you nam e?

We feel that we have succeeded in a very satisfa ctory way .n achiev ing this end, and we 'have been able to do it only because we have had the s ) mpatb etic appreciation and co-operation of so large a .numb er in the comm unity. "


•We fetl now that we are firmly established, th",t we chose tberig ht coUJOSe and our purpose for the future ' is to contin ue alODJ the lame way.. ' We propose to give a firstclass service; to featur e only reliable goods and to sell at as . low a priCe and as lmail a ma'igin of profit as good business priqcip~ will jllltify :" Believe us to be


.~.rQ':'- ~! O,F' F.RIENDLY

c ,


'.J.~ ' •• '~.

.. t

"Very si~ce~]y, ,











Old~y-,Pac~' )Dl Dg CO.~ . " 8toNop ea ~ ' ~. ' ;'I~ . . " BveaJar..' . ' 6~ " ~ 'J

S~ Alw aP TrY ~ ~ 4itore ~



Mi88 Martha Deathe rage and Mr. Douglas Derryb erry were united in marriag e by the Re v. Harold CierI.. at Lebano n, Monday, July 2, at 4 o'clOCk. Mr8 . Derryb erry is a sister of Mrs, Ross Hlirtsoc k. alrd is the daught er of Mr_ and Mrs. C. H . Deathe rage. of Oregon ia. She is well known in Waynes ville, .where sbe ha9 many 1'r iends, They will rellde. in Dayton

----,. - ...



Total vote ... ...... ... .. .. .... 679 .902 These vot es we re sent in from every state in the Uni on . and du rinll the latter days of the contes t Hard· ing gained rapidly ove r Ford and Smith. Hardin g carried all of the importa nt s tates : New York . Mary. land. l11inols. Ohio. New Ham pshire. Massllchusetts. Californ ia an d Maine Smith polled a large vot e in New York ci ty. but Harding was a cl.Jse second . Collier' s Magazi ne a lso hel d a straw vote contest in whi ch F'ord lead HardinJ l 3 to 2; McAdoo thir.d • Cox fourth. J ohnson fifth, H ug hes si x;n .

.. - ..-----'SOCIAL A SUCCUSS ------

• The D. of A. ~ochil --'eld fast Sat ur. , ' day ·pvening . at their. hall 'in the Od " The Wayn~vl11e pike , leadlDe to Fellows bujl~ng; was 8 grea't IIUC"'il~iDgton II clo~ed on account 01 ceim. 'over lOO·. being rea lized. The t..UJIIiIl repairs to the road . Tour. quilt "hlch W88 a hand80me one. 8DtOute JP \,\filmlng~~ whl ~et made by Ute membe rs of thla lodge. qulrker by. eolnll ... XenlL W88I1I.,en away, a Mr. Creage r, of t ...... . who bualMIB aD thia Da.ytoD , belDIl theluc Q winner.

It wUl be rea





A ND how do you remember those that you know?


By their locatio n ? By their prices? Or by their s ervice ?

W e are proud to say that we are known QY our servic e. W eare makin g an enviable reputa tion by the special attention we are giving to lubrication. No other factor determines to such a great degree the life of a car and its economy of operat ion• Let us prove this to you by draini ng your 'crankcase and refilling with Sunoco Motor Oil Qf: the proper type for your cat. This crankcaSe ~ce , is free- our only charge being for ~e &eahol1.


Phone . 150


.' WayneSVille; Ohio.




I .


The Miami

·- .•:.TH E MIA MI ' GA ZE ,T TE ••.. l-lIilCle~hl~ IS UED EVERY WEDNESDAY


lCo~rt!d U ~he POl tom e • • ~ W.,.oen illo, Uh lo. II 8ecoud 0 1... Al o,1 MI"~er

'iloe STEPPIN G TAKe'i

D. L. CPANE , E ditor and Publish er. Waynes ville; Ohio SubacriDtio,n Price, $1.50 per year -Forei Rn Adl/-~ r l t.ln ---. l: R ~pre"(l ft U"e 1_Til EM~E~I CA N P RloS5A S~O~nl A!l0 i'



- AI\,\O






------HI---I--;~!Ii!'~~;:_--- - h


, WEDNESDAY. JULY 18, 1923

- rj..,,~.~,~

to Human Wellarc and Uberty


. L.I

We are prone to criticiz e the metrop olitan prcss for ' itt! Ienaationa1.iam: which in the light of our peacc ful Hves and ennron ment seems strange and is abhorre nt to us. Perhap s we are 10 far relDove d from the spectac ular in IHe tbat we have come to regard actual news r(.'Cords as colorfu l imagina tive writing . We should, howeve r, be thankfu l for th e imagina tion • hoWD in some of the metrop olitan comme nts on the news of the cities, for it may serve to arouse the people to n deeper SeIl8& of old·fash ioned Americ an justice. Comme nting on the trivial sentenc e given to two New Yorken who atole tG,OOO,OOO frOm their gullable cUBtome rs, Arthur Briaban e sets doWD the followi ng motto: " If you want to .teal in the U, tod States be a wholesa ler : this is no placo for a ~tail thief." Some penona IDa1 regard this iii rabid literatu re. Actuall y howeve r, it to drive home the fact that the sooner Dam~ JllItlce puts on togs more in keeping with the ' times, the less rea.aon will there be to worry about the lipreadi ng of unrest. Nothin g can be more helpful to the n~tioD' than sl\arply e&lling to public attentio n any indicati on that there is one law for the rioh and another for the poor. The public miJld ill rapidly reachin g the boiling point. With politica l leaders respons ible for the appoin ting and electing of our judges, and th ... 'lxhibiti on of justice we experie nce as a result, no wonder . lines are breakin g down.

Now F'r Some Poetry A hUl A r og ne, a ItUle onrl ; A po wil er box, a pr eUy girl; A bi t fl f r"in, 'HVKY If, Kooe , A d l1l'ur pn ' gi rl , wiJ,b fr eokled nose.

BLONDE BESS OPINES: Mr. TuO' mo at be au awful bones t motn ~ Be ,.Id ma be worked In a I'urklah batb-a n 1 never ye t bad tRkull on e

.. --- --

- --


SATAN ByH. DeV. ., StacpooJ" .

Who Pays the War Piper?

. Just as the majorit y of rich m en escaped great sacrific e durmg the war, 80 are they now escapin g paying the cO'Jt of War. Govern ment moves in a mysteri ous way its wonder s to per/ol·m . Take tho case of honest John Smith, who hus spent $100 000 ill t>uilding his busines s. John gives work to 50 men. H e pays llis village and county taxes and perhap s a persona l propert tn. On ~ii; busines s proper~y he pays a school tax th ough hey hilS no chtldre n. Ho pays hIS share for connty road improv eJneuts and mainten ance, but he is too busy to use the roads. AlllO he pays a 81ale and corpora tion tnx. Then he turns al"9und and pays nn income t!lx on any profit he makes and a surtax he makes much profit. He ha d a hard time keeping his businesifs alive while h(' was away at the front. '~om J~n es, . who ke ~t tI.le home fires burning during the wor, IS rowlll g' m qUIt e n differen t boat . H is childre n go to Ilchool. He drives his motor car alon g the county roads. H 'e enjoys the lir o Dnd police prot ection that John helps pay for and ht! b.en efit s by all loonl improv ements. Tom invsstc • ~OO,OOO. too. But Tom 11'8 9 wise in his gen eration. He putd blf money int o ' ta x exempt secllriti es. · . ~o.m, being slIccess ful, wit h quite a bank roll, often is hen reJ t'MtJ(!I ZlDg Jo~n bec~u5e John d oe!! not spend another $100,00 0 to ~ nlarge blS buslIles s, B.nd th e Wnsbin gton wisenoccs, our DlItlOnal experts OD taxation , wonde r \'I'hy it is tbat all the John ~ miths don 'I expand , an d \\'h~' all I he 'fe rn J on es df'clille tl' JlI' mlo hUSlncss, and at. 0 why lOIs of the r iah ~ ~ve no monc,y l~ ~cn~ _l or husillcs s exp ansion. •

'i! A Roma nce of the Baha m".. t


modelt, l'tIardle u of ablne_----"'"II~-. . neYor urn of dly fIlp. · . • • J don't like to bras on product1ona of mlne. uo matter bow l!Otent their pep. . ~ • And BO. 1'111 dlecrete wbeo I bllPpen, to wrltA! the news of a Mdal aUalr-a n J keep m1 hlanUjr clean out of alfbt, b, IIllnln' it, "On.- Who Wa. There.' I'm otten luvlted ~ furnish tb. mulO, wheu te.tal oecll@lonl IItntulnd. . . . I can N~':" ~,. 1I11era dte np IIOme .e1ectlon. to UI8, that .Iu't been medl'd over. or canned. , •• An' I Uttel' wlth Inlf'th. jll8' to _ 'em hI print, /lud It mak. all the frequ~ntenJ glad, RI they :re11C1 III tbe paper the pertinent hint, that "Dalnty retrl.'llbmentA! wu lind." I like to re..'Ord It, wben <;l!tpld II IaIHI- -th'l'lnlP on the conQublal attatk- and I dOll't onrlook , that tbe brlde wore a drellll; and the groom "Tbt' conventional black I' I'll 1141 It'a a wonder -the IIInculI, . we Kot, to mlICb t1 nllh mrdle the blooclwhen we wdte or a vlcUm 'l"hlch lOmebod'\' sho·. thnt "He fell with It elckenln ' thud I" • t

, . ,.







....,.~~r-:=~-=::'''I:r.:::-~::-::::::::;-'';;::-:II~teIlm_ kettle "brse. on the ftre. But a IWUI with imagina tion to rooopl.. tbat In that ketUe W18 a power whlebWatt'. mtrbt be bllrne8lled Into 1IM,·lea. • .' Othen laW' tile n.m eJIIine worklne. but It took the Imallua of. Fulton ~ bIlIn. that paildJ .. propelled b;v thla power. could tloo drive • IIO&t ahead aDd not me1e17 IIIlash tbe waaD. Tbe 8 of 8paln IlIl11had - at QolWllbue wbo bad Imartna tton Btltltlgb tobroQfte ltIle"e that tIll' wotid wu roun.4. . · 810ce 'JIlan wal; he bad. oblervlld IlghtnlDg wtth onl1 wonderl or 1IIItII Deli Fran~1In let b1. ImlllPnatiOli lIy wlth a kite n, awe Ilonu IliIcY the ~bUltiea of, electriclty were IntrodllCed to the In the world. 'J:'h!I tel~ and the telepbQne that· day lltarted on their Journey to 11& · Scheele obaenllll tJje ebenge of color on IIklJlll expolled to 'the Run. BII hbqIDlU oa bronibt to UI tbe lun·trac lng lICheDle Of dupllr.llt lllg drawl... .. To data Dapeft e IeDt bl.• lmag1n~I_0..!'l and Ilbotogt'aph), • KcOomllek W18 Illnghe4 at beenOI8 he tmqu!ed tbat II horse Clune. mlgbt . operate • aletle. that ~ v llld do the work of lIeveral ,ioon with IIC3'thes. An accldMlt M the ~ aD~ ¥alnEl RMJroaJl"l,'OItlng Inan), IIvtll', ealled the attentiOn of · a man bT the uame 'of>.WeatinghoulIB to the ID' ' adeqUa!:7 ut h&1\4 po_r brill... Be ~t btl ImllllnatioD to work '9D ilIe ~wer of ~m1liMeacJ atr, "I'oo~ 18ld the will!! onal who alwlIY. ~ow 't t 'aU: "I1Ieh ~ 110ft en.hioD can never a tratn." Bqt bill air 1 rske made hllb IIPHd travel 'lafe, ' .' _ , . . The roan wbo would build' II ' Jlala~ ltC)n. must ftret build with .tli...,bt. . lmac1l! aU_ il 'the .abIUt)' to of buUd' lsi. the ' mind; It ill tbe .rcbltee t, .blull ~t" plla-drlver and _eleetrlc, ~f the future. It ' to~ plalll,. ear.r-, 1I1abda. No man can becrane great whl) d~ -not uae bh imqlJla ttoa. , BUt 1rIIclom mUlt alway!" ~ wlt)1 llr\al1naUon, . • t Jlseralee the fDiaatn. tlnn. It will lOme (tal' bring Mara. Venua and 8a~ to UI 1Ji4"JD&ke th! little Earth ''thl! trontyar d ot tbe ulllverlle." ~ ' wbO DeIliebi IlII bn, uUou allQWI tbe IIey to 'UCC8IB ~ rust.



OW,''''' U''lB-I-B7. B.I~ Lloid .To_



Being to Btn rl)f)nrtl. the unnCller s had not seen her, un d the men on deck bnd been too busy. Cllrquluez alone had sighted ber. The ett'ect wus mn"lcnt. P ence fell like II suJ dclI drOIJp cd dish cO\'cr, nnd OVl'r Ihe rull cume ·n rllu l"c;.: nnd bal! a dozell lIIore ~p lllliurds from tile bon., . ";';ow we're done I" SRld Sellers. "She's 8 i1rltlshe l', nnd this d- m sandbll nk's BrlliRh IIl1d we' lI be hnd to the BuhuII1I1S Courts 0' luqulry nnd Lord knows whut ull. Heterred to HavunB for Inquiries. 'l' hey've I'een U8 at It. DO use " cnyln' It. Look at them CUSSelI' bloody noses und Cleary fluttened out Kick blm ullve, some of you fools I He re th ey come !" The lIestro)'ill' had CIlSt an chor Rnd dropped a bOllt. With tile terrible preclslun of a hawk of II warsblp closing on Its IJrey, she was on to tbe Surah. .&. tilue and I:old mllll beld the yoke li nes, find the oars of the rowers rowed like one. "Look ut that Iml1l:e on the stemBh cct ~, " slI lrJ :;elle,·s. "L~ lIv e him to we." said Sllton. "\\,h ll t 's yo ur gu mc: " vnu r " PIli)' Ilere

" ~ h'\I

li t.! l!il"


11l'7trJr'\ -

Anll Q1Ie"w. .. 1m ot'qlletlo tllilll be I1IodlV olWltDered tlWl oolu_ " 4 AWdo., __ 01CId4n!I.e tAM _ to . poper.




Th e H il mburge r olou m et io W . A. Ha ln 8' wOJda, "'nturdl1Y Ilv il ning T be W . U. '.l'. O. Conv on tion Wtl ~ h eld at the F r iends obu reh, las t Friday.

Go od Go ods Al wa ys Ple ase ,



l- -==' Allie Da k-lu retn rnud t o h At' hom e, 'l'uesda y. from a s b or t Vltl lt a$ Leu&u on.


Ml s ~ l:inrrillt 'ru ok "r W ll ~ t h e Monday afterll oon v l8 1~ o r uf Mrs. Lllllftn Gllrr . C

FlIUllr. ~ of TNCb Ie the anI v Safeguard



_I 'r'Ov


Mrs Idl1 Howe Is enter taini ng b er m otbe r, Mra. Ma ry All en, of Fla t Fork, ttll s week. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Ston er lind so n were o!llling on Mr. and Mrs . J . B . 8 bidllker , SImdIlY . Mr . and Mre. HnroM HIlrrl", or Leb<t non, called on Mr. and Mr ~ . ~. L . Ha rris, Buuday eVllnln g. MISS Opal 'rolie, of lIe6 r Pe eblep. epen t II. few da y s weel!: wit h he r brother , V . 0 'Ji.'olle, Ilod Wife . MI 88 UItHIl B'itton. of Cl nolnnllU , spent the week -e nd witb b er pa . rents, Mr. .. ntl !\drs . H. K Hlltto o Mrs Ruby N. Chandl er, o f Plain. field , lUd .. spent 11 fe.... d'IYs Jn Ht week with Mr. Ilnd Mrs . W . W . Wulcb. MIRI Llda K ,~ nn edy mo tor ed t o



.. 1


., Always carr y the best I _ umb er. Shingles , Sash, ])oo rs and Mill \ \1ork, Roofing , in fact, everything in the Build ing Materi al line We will take pl easure in suppl ying you r needs Give us a call

B~m onpuk.m8 ~Fr l day , wl~bh e r ,!~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

":uoday . sch ool pl oolo.



e n j oy



Wilbur Wilson, of Lllxin gton, Ky . vltlltln~ hhl ptlrenta, Mr. Il nd Mrs . tl'rank Wlillon, sevenl dllYs Ilist week . Mr. and Mrs. lrll Bllrtsoo k Ilre ~pendlng their vllcatlo n with Frank Hart"oo k and wife and J oe l)llvi !! and family. Mr. Ilnd Mra. V . O . 'rolle we re enter$a l6ed to a s lx.o'clo ok dinn e r lind a thellt er p arty by Mr . and Mu. C. A Wal tz, of XenIa, la ~t " llturJay evenin~ . Middleb oro we nt down t o dAfeut bere, t;unday . 1::1Ix rU08 In Ibe fi·ft.b Inning dlscour llgetl tbe Middl e boro boys lind from then on It Was easy. 'rhe Roore stood .11 to 1. Mr. lind Mrs . F . L. 8arrlR, Mrs. J llrrl e • •lyen, of Peoria, 111.. lind Mis!! Ednll Ootflil t. 01 Uolumb u ' . spent 8u ud <1Y ""It,h Mr. and Mrs . Petereo n, of Sprin g Vall ey . 'fhe !:iunc1ay .. soh ool oonven tion h illd at tbe Friend!! ohurob , /::lundll.Y Ilfserno on . Was very well at te nded . Rev. P emberto n , of the ~ limingt on Friends ohnroh, gllve a flue tlllll:. WIIB

T he °hi lut cnm e 1I1()1I g-~t(l t\. 'l11e ORr" ' g II ll e one. ({'II wit h f\ crush. th e bow our hook ed on. li nd Q,'cr t he mil

a subUeut enunt of the Brltillh nn\'Y, smooth of tllce IIJ.\d oellt 11" til oLl l:b JUst tuken trom a bUlldbox . "What lhe devlll are you fellow s ~p ;"0. flgb ting bere?" aaked the subllf:ijrten ull L SUlun broke Into n Inugb. "We're movie mon," sa.ld Satan. CIUllO

"You're what?"

"Movln' pictures.... "Oh-cln emntog l:apb'l" "'Thllt 's It." nutclltrc, fired wltb admlrut lo n tor this Sutunlc move, Joined In lougblng. "Did you th in k we ,.ere figbtlng, really'/ Well. thut's fuIlDY. Whut's th e IIlIlIIe of your s·hlp'l" • "The ....Al bntross." replied the suulieutenant, compl etely and roundly tuke" In. "You're English, nren't you,/" "1' es. l'm J!.,'nglls h. J ol lled the show Borne lime 011'0." "Whllt'li tbnt on t)}e sand over Ihl're ?" "Oh, that's part ot our show. Boat supposed to buve heen wrecked -these cho ps nre plrntes." "J oll y good muke-up r" snld th e other, Burv e~ lng th e 1)lrlites DlId Inking III Onrk. 11150 Olenry, \\'ho, resuscltllt ed In time, wns leunlng o,,'e r the rull chew. Illg. 8 lJ tl Spliting Into tbe water. 'i' he awful question, "Where' s your cameru 1" never COlOe. If It hnd. Suloll wou ld 110 doubt bnve met It: but the 81lbilent ennnt "'u s new to tills so rt or bu ~ III ess ond not on tile hunt for evl· dence. 'rh e thing WUH Ilulpnbl e /111,1 Illuln. r.;o com plaint Clllll e f roID the I1Uncked, nnd Rtt/lekcd ond atlllcker s were ull sel'mlng ly frI ends. 'rhe w"rds "clnemutogrupb cOIIJ\luny" cov· ered the sltuntlon completely . Ue gn\'e a tew words of Information about the Atblltross. She hud put In for a Sllulll repulr lind would be oft 81:nln tomorrow Olornlng. Then he dropped Into his bo;~t uod tbe hlcltlent WD S closed .

I CJJII. ': i



DlIsroR . '"

FUNEAAL K E. 'fb oUlp80 n wasl n Rooh est er , Sa\ur da y. . Wayn e.Ylll e, ~. M . Terry an d K . E. 'l'iJ ompaon . , r"I were in Morrow , Mondu y. I'!\ Chauno ey Bunn ell flO d family ptill;i. Equipped. ... wer s Sun d ,, ), gue.ts of l-l leo n Uav la :.~ " Set t . ,. ..-~• and familY T·... _ DIspI9.' ~~·~ '· •. -~<: Mrs. Mllry E All en Is s pending ...a~" '-~. , '1 this we ek wltb r oitltlvel ' Ilnd frlend~ Tfuno Jq t ·fDu~ . N~ a, In Harvey sb ur g . Ed Mo ll'nrl /ln " nd wife Ilnd Fred Burian Illid Wif e we re Snnday even. Ing clilI erH I1t. tu e Ueo. Davie homa. Thie plaoe w as weI! represe nted DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y at the !:3unda v HO!lOOI oonven tlon at the Fri end . ob o rob in Harvev~ · DENT IST burg. !:iundllY u ft e rn oon . Denta l Our Lldies Airl will give Iln loe aad cream 800iall1 t, t be churoh hore on General 'l'bol'sd a)' even l n !>! . .1 uly 26, 1923 . Everyb od y in vit·od. Prooeed s for OFFICE: HAINES BUILb lNG, Mr. and. -Mre . Albert Stacy aud the benefit of t h" churoh dllught er, Miss Uleo, qlslted wltb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Telepho ne 11., ~~ Mr. lIod Mrs Will Laokey , at MI ~ Wayoes vllle. Illetflwn , SundllY . Olilo. . Dr. Crist, the dletrlot superlo tendent . preaohe d at t·he ohuroh. ')'u08da y evening of Illst week, and also held the qnllrter ly oonfere noe. Mr. and Mra . Be nry Fonlke and Mr. \lnd l1rs. Wilbur B:oulka IUId ohlldre n were week.en d gU68'" ot Veter inary S\.Irg eon Mr and Mrs. Ora Warner , at Iild dleton . Phon e 44 Mr and Mrs , B. R. Blllnes' I\nd 80n . JIlmes, and Mrs. Walt-er Kenrick v isited at tbe home ot Mrs JIlIl Cbrlsto pller In I:3prlngboro, Wednes day . aU W11lt'am Urel ghton met with II pllinful aoolden t. one d~y Ilist week, when he fell from a lOBO of hay, In · juring his foot He Is slowly re ooverlD g. Mr. Ilnd Mra. Guy HoutzBhlln and NOTAR Y PUBLIO daught er ~pent t:lundRY wi t h the former' 8 par e n'~ . Mr 'lnd Mrs. K err Wayn esvill e. Ohio Routza ban and family, near Middletown . Nationa l Bank A very dellght fnlday wa s s pont . Saturda y, by Lytle f olk IUJd Irien ds t o the number of slxty.on e, wb e o thev J.lonlce d alonR " !:ltony Brook" ~===_-=--=--=--=--=--=--=.:::::== ===== at tbe RobertP a ttersoD estate. Booth of here. An Ide~l day murked t,h .. DR. J. ocolI(llun . AD el egflDt dinn er WB A MILL ER. Auct ionee r sprelld at the noon hour. t o wh ioh ... DENT IST••• all did justloe, esp8oio llv Will tAr Get my terms for your Kenrlok lind fo r oe. who I~r e n o lV om"" 10 WavnclIVl.le. 0 employ ed on til e oarpen ter w ork N a\l ooal Hallk Rlffll. Public Sale. there. Mr. Ilnd Mrs . U. S. Lamb visi ted r elativ es in Bellbro ok, .Sunday MfS. Emma Ulork and lIUI" s ('> n ~ pent III M$ week with Mr and Mrs. tl . M. Ulark . Mr8. Kesler Uraham s pept last week at the borne ot her s later, Mrs. Dora Wblte. lu Dayton . ~ Mrs . Rel'lloca. Dill i8 visiting at 'he b om & of her daugb te r, Mrs. Berne Jones, aud family . MI88 Mildred l1IUenb erger re. turned to ber bome from Mlawl Vall ... v hospita l, Wednes day. Mr, lOud Mre Chas. E Johns were !:lunday gnests of Mr and Mrs. Ulenn JObUR lind son, In Ollytou . Tbree tbresbl ng maohln es are now employ ed In tblM vlolnlty . 'l'he tarmera are threshi ng from tbe field s.


W -'

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...-s.. II)'ItaD. e •


HaU'. Catar rh 1,{edlclne

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Harveysburg, O.


Fore st T. Mar tin



satisfy and save you


fry our Job Printing



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y6u.-do not want.





Dr. W. E. Frost


• "'i ' . F':'" 8~-.A.1l Ill'AJI&'8 _lan halt an hour before bnaktu t .. a 1P18lldl~ IJc1 to Uut



Dear Aleda-W hat III Uie ~t w&1 money or no charge s. to anuounce au eogagan entl (2) lAS. A. NUCKOLS Wbo ~oos It, the brlde'll famll)" or Arm,. Strvlc. In Fr.n ce. the groom's? (8) Wbo paye for the A r lll7.en of I"rlln "e 18 ~ l\ h J ~~ t to Box 91, Centerville, Ohio ~v1ng, ete? aD ft MOrilltiOll of 30 yuar" In I li e • rmy . Home Phone 2, Centerv llleEx, MI... A. L., Clautornla. The prol'lalon ft'\r ser,'lce Is: Alot!V. AI the Chiles Holel u A~The U8Ual WIQ' of anarmy s e r~l ce 18 month. ; In resen 'e, 18 Wayne sville, Ohio, nouncing an engagement II throu,b ye nl'!< aud 6 months; terrilorllli sen" the papers. Veln, tbIa · method : Monday s and Thllr ~day s fr om 7 to 9 Ice. 10 ;rears. P'IMlt &elect your paper and tben o'cl ock p. m. IIeIId the notice to the IIOClety edltof'. An example 18: Mr. and Mra. Ed. ward Black announce the engagement of their daugbte r lene, to Mr. J obn CoI. of Denver, 001. No date has ~ let tor tbe wedding. It "Now, you cuss es," sold Sntan, "see wUl prob&bb' tUB place In No~em­ whero you have Innded yourselves I be~ (2) The brlMe t&m11y. (8) Wh ere'd ),OU bave been only tor me?" The IllUDe. • e e "Vi'ell, I don't dell), you slipped the Owing to a md4ea ~ In our hood over thut Hrltlshe r pretty smart," tamll, we mnet postpone our auld Sellers. tlaulhl:ll!r'l weddln&. WUI,ou ple&ee Clear), turned his bead &Od looked tell me what II the Qulekeet en~ befit ut Sellers. "1' ou don't deny I Why, to ro abc:mt thla. The weddluK you bloo(ly bar,nllcle' scraper, I told you was to be tbla September. to hold ofT trom the business I Sulun, Mra. R. JI., Wt.coneln. I forl:lve you that clop on the beud. -'_H ave ~_ printed cllrd~ Lord love me I I'U .never curry a der-made. .&. rood Itat19Dar aboold ,et rin ger uguln. Give me a fryln' pan, tbem out In 2f hours. Have them thut's the weppln: )'ou can't dodge It word IlOmetbl n, like thl. IUI4 eend no more than you (!(lJ) do~ge a thun. one to each pe1'llOn tluit lMII,.ed an de rstoml .." In,.ltatlon : . "Well," 8llid Sutnn., "tryln' puo back 0"""0 'ollie ftUUM ...,~ oJ Mr. the lot of you, nnd I'll be au bOllrd the ROllmoll ll lIf'O~" lo''It:er', ¥r. aM Jir'. RIJI/fIIOtId Bf"OII)ft bfjI 141' ..-4 JUDn Inside half nn hour and settle my :1111 wm'Gt4cm "IIIed ' lor tMfr business wIth ' you. It Cnrk bad Icept aatiI1M""'. ~ .~Hott. hl8 mouth. shut Illstell!1 of glvln' me orders, we'd have finished , It by now and nO fiends brok e." "Wo'lI he waitinG for ;vou," said Prldoly H . .t...... A. •. cum Sellers. powder treqnent17 . IWplled ' . dOllll They tumbled Into the boo ts IIDd moch to eUmlnate t!ilii ID1IOYlnc sk!Jl dbteue. When '" _ row<1<1 ,ot;f .. If you d~n't let the people , of Use tb columns of the Ilrlckly beat II 8IlV_ the; likln (110 be aonlJouecl) know what have to sell Ibanld be hIIthe4 ,"th a mature Miami .G azette freely. You of One P,l!n alcohol to three of wa. YQU wUl alwBYs keep what need the money ~d ~ do · ter, aftarwir dl d~ ·w lth talcum



.Walter l\tcCIure I





'lb. MIamI Gantt., Wap=.aJe; OhIo.



. Another Birthday for John D.

'I'll., w rl dilll( t, f Miss Etbei \ Iltt!rlilIV llite, 11 3uICht<" r o' Mr. and Mrs lI en n ~ ul lcrltl\':'~ il", o f Wuvn t's villt' ~I .~ . 1,. .'\ 7. 1111111<'rnl lll hn llE' ~ " t o Mr. Wa "ren "'~ IlY . son (If \I I' 1\ml Mr~ Rd F:, p\', ll f Center vil lt'. was quii>l ly ~1l1 1 mniz ~ o un Thllrsdn y Mi .<~ H,·I,·n M,,,la ll \I'II ~ 1\ f)ayl nn ,' vf' ni ng . . llI lv I:! . at 7:<15 o' cl t,ck. · ViEilil l', T u ~~ ',,), f I I'w v J (' S ~ ' IIa w k 'III~ . PllHIOI' 11th .. . Friend s Cl ll l'di in Ne.\' l!ur1 in ~I " ..



. W ilson's Daughter



In Business Now.


Elil!:ubl!lh . E.. dUulChte r of ~~nIl8 and Ma ry Ann ' arroll , . WII~ ! near Ma ineville, Ohio . 71h mont h . 25th. 18-14 , anti depur ted thiS lite 71.h monl h . l~t . 1923 . al{ed 78 yeu 11 months lind 6 days. • he wa~ one of a fllmily of flv e chi ldren (a ll ef whom are r1 eceaged) whu \\It' re b!:'re ft of a futher in early ,J . E . J .l nrll 'v und f Hfui1y \\'t\ r~ In Idli ..:iul jr' l ' rl ,, ' II p l ro \.\' 1. · ... HI . life. The widowed mo l her camt! to )) 111' 1. 111 . M" lId ll.' ·' ' . .. ·.. 1 I. \ " < L u ,., I '~ jf ~1I r1 M,' Wllynesvill e t,1 live , and brove ly as· 1 ' ~ \' t~n~ 11 Kt·n rw k . ' . l \ 'iI"r vilr.,. ~ um e d Iii .. ,' .' re lI f he!' fa mily. rear. "pt" 'ill l V" 't' l"oIic il 's rt,r ~ra i n. I • 'I' ll. I" ,,fl ' W O . ~ . w illi e l :llnton ing her child ren in >u .:: h a W ilY thn t ~ e Hr~ & \ 'url \\'rl~ht . crt'Pl·. and carr ied while ru"" bud ~ they could tr uly " rise UIJ 8':1l1 clIlI , . I ulid . ~ .w(, l'L l'l'a" he r blessed .. (,u ~ II I I1 : t' r rll pped nn,' Ct' n l. Illst -. ' "' I I' ~~ " . "a c ll' .... ' or~ . ' Lizzie Carroll. li S w e a lliovetl to cal l wI'e k; 1I 0 W ~e l l in g f!lr 22c . penwlllkle gl' ur).(elte Irtlllllh:d With I ~l",el bead ~ . a nd carried pink rosp he r, was end owed to a n unusult l de· I buds ICrlJe with t h o~ e Quuliti"s tlult ~o to - To Mr. a nd ~lrR . i-IltrOl rl l 'l' h l. ' 1 I Horn mulle on., Ct)lIIpfinionable. 80 she had 1. T ' d J I 17 .19')·! a mPllIb e r " f t• Ilt' . O rsuorn. U ( g ay. u v . _', I I . I' urli e was . . 1!.l23 grarl uat lll).( claHs o f WIIYlleSv ili e ~ COrEg o f fri ellds. : :'Ii~h ~c h ool. rh e ).(1'00111 hR ~ Ii posi· ~he 1I 1Jt! nt the yeurs nf mi ddle life III th' ~tllte garage in Day lon ti on In the West, hllvinl-C been a nurse in MiRli I~" th er Henllersoll wa s the They will be at hom e ill Cente rville . Denve r, Culorado, for mo rll t hall 20 week·end l!'uest of Miss Sa rah Mi s· T heir many fri end . ex l end conllr at· yearg . She br i~h t e n ed many u seld ille ulations and hesl wi s h~9 . . ho me, ellScd rtlany a sufTe r·e r, and bv her never· fai!i ng sellMe of h u mo r Miss Novel la Bpnecke. of Hidgt>. mnde the hpI\ vy.hearll·d Hee t he vill e C,' rn e r ~ . Ohi n. is vi Hitin£, ~ unny side of life. Oll e rt'ma rkable fritmd s herQ . reco rd in her exper ience was t hat 99 litt le lives we re e n't ru!lted to her Born - To Mr . a nd Mr>l Leroy mOlherly cart! during her year~ Hurd , ot Piqua, Ohio, Friday , July !!pe nt s s a n u rse . AthmcllnlJ; r(og-ultH' S4!1 , 1h,:t.":; .11 t he 13. 1923, a 80 n . Pdl~s Margaret Woodrow Wilson, romnnml!Y church nl'n~ IIi: I1l1l11e For 17 years ~h e has been 1\ happy dn\lgbt~r of the Cortller Presl ""nt. at Tarrytown. :-.. Y.. J nhli n. bus ' 1!utl'lI'lod tbe adve rUslng IJl1s1· me mbe r of th e fam ily a t t his HOlli e. Ruck"r .. lh-r ol ...rved his &\111 hlrt h· Mr. an d Mrs . F r bnk 7..ell and Mrs . I U(!SS 1.0 J'{'W \. tlrk. The pboto was We whu have know n her hes t. d urdny .July . 'rhe roull<ll'r or ~ " .. ,\. Th e following Girl SCOllts a re ; l /lk"n her til'll! day III h,.., ne w job. ard ~11l Co. " nd now ulll' ,,( the J . C. HawkE' visited relativlls at planning [0 go to Shad owbroo k cam p wh ich . Iw !;Uy~ "I. 8 hus lnellS whl dl ing th ill period of her life . can SI'1 world's rlch~ Olen, WIlS very Sabina , lasl week. that she never g rew old , bu t e ver nexl Sa turday, to spend II week : hus ulwll,)'s lDlCrested OIl!. " erAololIR !Xl llew8llRI.>er men. had a f und of interesti ng exper ience Pra nces He nkl e, Elil!:a bet h Henkl e, Mr and Mrs . Karl Hawke and and a fond ue8!\ fo r young people, Doris He nd e rson . Ka thleen H en derI ~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~ Mis8 Mar y Haw ke. of Daylo n . spent th a t IT.ade her a welcome complI.nion son, Eslher Hen dersu n, Rhea J anet Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John C. to yo u th as well as those who we re LET THE BIBLE ALONE Cartw right , M! ld red Hole. Ma ry Hawke. olde r . M ar~a r et Unglesby , Gladys Ki lbon, Heretical, mtionn.lIstic forces do Her ret entive me mory made he r Gert ru de Cha ndler a nd Dori ~ Hawke . llot seem to be satiJ!lled wllh tho Mr . and Mrs. George Pease and an au thority on occurences of th e Guests will be welcome on Sund ay. wreck thO)' have produced. They past, in t his co m mu nity , and her are responsible tor the latl' \\'Ilr. two Bons. Howard Bnd George Jr ., Jul y 22 nd, when' a pageu nt will be Mr . J . Mi lton T hompson and MiBS in te rest in t he present kept her They are a lso responsiblo' ror Iho spent Sunday wit h th ei r a un t. Mr ~ . ICi ven . crime wave ,",eeplng tb l ~ <'ullul ry I Lizzie We r ntz . Mi ldred Gusti n went to Lebanon, ale rt in respect t o t he events of th is abd Europe. Tbe orgy or . 11l li nd Whe n physical in fi rm ities Tu e~day a ft e rnoon, July 17th, and day. crime cz.:l' be t r&ced dIrectly Lo Mr . and Mrs J ameR Curtis. of R. wEi'e her port ion, she bore them . were q ui e t ly ma rr ied. Squire M.' A. talse teaChings. D. I, a re en ter ta ini ng t hei r three Jam eso n officiati ng T he yo ung peo- with t he f ortitude of a courageo us Like tbe vultures they mnke a grandda ug hters, Cleo, Stella and ple have B host (}f fri ends in this charac te r , and was an insp ira tion to teast ot the decayIng carross. ~ot Doris Till m an, of F rankli n. community , where both· we re born a ll wh o we r e associ ated with her. satUlc4 with· the murller, (>XJl<' u~l'. Miss Lel ia Younll died , Saturday and reared, who join us in ex~ending o r la te , she has fe lt t hat her hold 0 11 wreck, p.lld ruin pl"O<luce.l. tb<,y 11" "0 T he P re mie r band has been en- evening afte r a long ill nesl . T he cong ratul a Uons and best wishes. this li fe was weakeni ng, a nd !lbe anwrlft/!:l a shorter Blhh. whll' b w ill gaged to p lay at the Xe nia fa ir t his fune ra l was held . T uesd ay afternoon Mr. T hom pson is e mployed in the ticipated t he cha nge wit h a ca lm l/tl,-P9tnata t'he orgy. tt'he aatmlllhlng tliing I. Ihnt year. They will be the at t r action from the F r iends church , Rev, J . J . bak ery at Mason. They wi ll reside OM QU iet faith . Schaeffer officiating . In termen t in with the bride's fa t her for the A s a mem ber of t he Soriety of thilre a re leaders ronucctl'(l w i 1h on t he big day- ·T hu rsday. Miami cemetery . F riends, she was ever ready to a cpr e~e n t. the pertain religIous orgunl zlHl"us - -~-woo have lent their nrunes nnd Ihl'lr cept every duty aSliisned he r, ar.d inlloeullll to the Intamous. lwll ·l'om carried fo rwllrd he r wo/ k wit h an produet1on aliled the Shorter BII,le. enlhusiasm that was contagious. It theM orsaniMUoD8 permit Ulelr '1'0 have lived almost the four - . . . - IIIId the names or tll Ir !~~member? score years !let brave ly and cheerlM4erw to be attached to thlR ~ \1<1r· ' f ull y , throul{h sunsh int! a nd shadow, tiOll, thell the n gbtf'ou8, or l hoduor ST. MA RV'S CHURCH 811 d Pllllll to he r rewa rd lov ed by old • 0brUt1an fol'CN of Aml'n ~I sh o~' Vl 8th Sunday after T rinit.r. July 22:. and young , apeakM sure ly of a life ·l;: eruIb ' them. Our bors nn,1 )!Irls Chu rch School at 9:30 a . m .; Ser vice Nell spent. We wh o sha ll miss he r caunot be entrusted to th l> ]j·"t1 t' I·· bright presence can say with t be . ) ..a\!}p 01' to' the educntiunnl tlml t:111 11 and ser mon at 10:45. by Re . J ohn J. , ..tuna of lnstttutlous Il ruII' i tt)! Sch aeffer , recui r. Eve ry body is cor· , poet: their 8W1tenanoo tro m Ihe ('h",·"l,,,, dially invi ted to th e se r vices, "Look up, look u p , .ve eorrowinle, or the livIng Christ. to bllYp t bl' de.~pair ing so uls! faith or thoee chlldrell uull efllllh('ll FERRV Ctl URCH The c louds onl y seeming . b:r ·8UCh Intamou8 ntt4 cks 111),111 The light behind the da rk'ning !!Croll OClCl's InfaiUble Word. Men's Day in the Bibl e S(' ho?l, E ternallv is beaming . J uly 22. The mi niste r will speak on Tbe Shorter BIble. so clllleji. Is t he subjeet, " The M~liness of " The warmth and g low of deathless ono or tbe moat blaspbemoll" a l· vou t h ." At t he e vening senice Chriat tack. that bas betll modt) upou Rhall crown the true endeavor; I B will be given the first of a seri es of God' The tide of God'8 eternal t r uth .' Ho y Ib~e. . illustrated lect ures on t he life of the Climbs up an~ on f orever . Orthodox, eelt·~, con~ g reat Apostle P aul. The first will CNted men nnd women will not be "There is no death, there is no night, .ks hIId a -good lnugh receolly 8~ tI, l' insulted by RUcb a tta~lI of thl' r"l- be " rh e Boyhood of Saul" Nor life, nor day' declining, .. .. !i.I· of Ih'e hloycle mQllelR (',011 r "" t lonnllstll' r/') .... ~. . l!:d ward D. Golle r , Mi nist er . Beyond the day's departing lig ht The sun is always shining .




- - --- -- -_.



... - ..

" COUld we but pierce the rolling storms That veil the pathway sunw ard, Wf!'d see a bost of shining forma Forever beckoninll onward."

Join Our HEATROLA Qub ,


~ eve one lIJ. Joins brfi're OuglZ!



The body of the late l(usgell Halnos wag brought to the J ordan home in Wilmington, shortly before noon Tuesday. Funeral servicee were held in the· Firat Baptitlt church . Wednesday afternoon, and inter. ment in Sugar Grove cemetery. The dece8!led wu 32 years of age and, besides his widow and son, Is survived bv hiB mother, Mrs . Zimeri Haines, wbo lives at the family home between Lumberton lind Painters. vllle; four Bistere, Reva, at borne; Mrs. Clarence Telfair and MrB John Telfair, and Mrs. Lenora Weihe, of Bellevue, Fla .; and three brothers, Elton, at home; Tillman, of New York, and Eber, of Highland. Lieutenant Haines Willi at the bome of Lester Surface, tw'o yean ago, fGr about one week, when several of' the citizens of Waynefvllle and vicinity enjoyed taking air ridtlll in hie passenger DIane. Many of these friends will be 80rry to learn uf this I8d accident, and extend htartfelt sympathy to his family and r.e latlvea.

FREE W e offer to sell E state HEATROLAS during the next three weeks under a liberal club plan. By joining our HEATROLA CLUB before August 12th and paying down only $2, you are insured one of these wonderful heaters, installed in your home. at your convenience, and you receive ABSOLUTELY F REE ONE FULL TON of coal. The $2 applies on your purchase price, Come in fOlr fun par. ticulars.

This is the &IiiIl HEATROLA t



fo 6 connecting jJ.oQms. .


'. '

COL·E ·~-·

- HARNESS · AND FARM W.yoeiviDe, Ohio




101" ~ INFANT

N"i oltl,./Jui ~, fO w;~e J 1ft ...,,4:n:t· il "Pur.. up I ii nwutA ""



W I NNEItS l'oinl 8 .. ... .. .. .. ........ .... ...... .. 40[)0 7 .~ ..; Pll r r uws ... .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. 710 2~~ Hats .. .. .. .. ...... .. . ... .. .. . .... ..... Z4 90 4! ')) It! ken Hawks . ... .. , .. ... ..... 100 1 Horned Ow l.. . .. .... ........... .. .. .. 50

To l al.. .... .... .. .. . .. .... .... .. ..


No . 1.0SEltS Poinl s 3 ~ SpHrrows .. ... .. ... .. .. ...... · ....... 320 ~ Huts .. .. .... .... .. ... .. .... .. ....... .. . !It)

Notice of Appointment

Estoto II I Mor)' E. e ""."ell . ,I()(·o...oo . Tuta l .... ..... .. .. ..... ....... ...... 410 Notice I. I"". hy ,1 " 011 th •• w. A &i.rrlll hu beau dul y &J,pol u Lt.'<.l and tlUaUthxl u It is inl ima ted thal 8 mu ch la rge r ,ltxecul·o r " I t ho a. t aw 01 &\"ry E . e ..... law of Wa rnm Oouu Cy. Ohio. tleceued . cl u b wi ll be I: otlf n u p I hi~ n ~ xl win D.t6~ 11111 aUtll ,lay 0 1 June. I na k IV . 1.. IW t.L. te r . J . 0 Wh Ita er was secrl'!lary Judo. 0 1 the Prob.l<I Co urt. of t he club hi S IVa.rren Co u nty. OWo. o


Heade rs of the Minmi Gazette may receive a fr ee copy of the natio nul rul es go ve rning ho rseshoe pitC hillg by writ ing t o R . B Howard , Seere. tary. Na ti onal Horses hoe Pilch e r~' :

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8 :(10 a,

m to" p, m.

A9I'0ciation. Wi ll i ing t on , Ohio. Mr. ! HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Howa rd is also publishe r of lhe ;:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ H o r~esh oe Worl d , a monthly magazi ne devo led to the IIDnrt . ~:""""':""""':""""':""""':""""'~:""""'~:""""':""""':""""':""""'~:!



Barbed Wire



BCj{ iunin g wit h tooay the 11th GUARA~'TEED to be~1 without Ie!!,,' " . • . Ing II blemIsh, or MONE'\: REFUNDED. girls will n ot be p ~ rml lted to ge t , 600 Ilnd $1.00 eilles for (ree h wounda, marri ed unt il t hey a re 21 years old , old sore!!. sore bllcke andsh oul d.Cflt~urDi unl es~ the'" h e t h t f th' and brntsce. 2lic size for Fanuly use . .1 av e consen 0 I' lr , DR. cors PAD4LE5S BLISTER pare n ts, and both parents m ust a ~- Ie pnin.lcS8 and guaranteed to cure com plmy the mino r in or de r to get 11. ' Spnvin , Ri \l ~bono , Curb, Sweeny/Bplill', I Puffs t or nny onlllrgcme n~ of DOlle or license A ysung lady cllnnot i • 8 len a WUSOIC, or mo ney refu.nded. Price 6Oc. deed until phe is 2 1. fOil "La DItUOQI5,..




TOBAtCO HAIL INSURANCE At much lower rates than formerly, covering all kinds of tobacco, in a special policy. No tobacco grower can afford to run the risk--a few pounds at the price will pa.y insurance on several acres, \

If you intend storing your grain, get one of our Fire Policies that cost for actual time in use only. I

Sears & Cartwright 61-2

Waynesville, Ohio

The Late Classified Ads .. '


~rom~ting the

General Welfare

I .-Let railroad r.t.. and r.n ...... la_ .Ion. for the pr.unt. GI.. the raJlroada a chane. to on their , - finandall, belon further tilhtanlnl up on thalr .aml"-a, GI .. the Tran8pOrtation Act 011. . a ftlon adequa.. _t baI_ ...... ftllninl what .....won.-..u jIft,



z.-e.t MlIdI,. a-. 01 the rallroada In canyin, out th.1r adaqua.. b'aNpartation .-.rant ' 01 1.23-

the lact that the _ tinuad ......rit,. 01 the - t r y .. dlpandent upon ' the a--.lul ~ out 01 that ...... _ ..



Stray Blh of WI.dom, Helo!lrllma tor the crowd, trapd;r fer women, comedy, which dr.pleta 1111~tr, tor the tblnkers.- VIctor Rqo.




n o Cro ws

-· .. - - . . , 4__•______

.@.oks like a phonograph wo.rks like a/urlUl(,'e I


Last win ler !leveral fflrlJlerS a nd' other~ I(ol togeth e r liliti urgunir.ed II pest cl Ub two siJcs were cho~t!n , and LOll C<l rter wa ~ mudc cll ptaill of I olle ~ide nnd I.esl er Stn rr cliPt~1Il of I th e othe r . The objec, W li~ to t{et a~ ; many p es t~ as p08sihle d urin g t he winte r, Th o co n tl!~l e lided early in the s pring, und t he . c ul ll came Slllu rdllY eveni ng, wh en Ihe l oaer~ pllici t heir losse>! by fu rni shi ll j{ th e ice cream lo llie winne rd. 10'01· lowing is t he resu it of their la bor :


One Ton of Coal

NOle bow lbe H ealrola ba rm onizu with Ibe furnl sh lngs of a modem home. It Is • handsom e piece o~ furnllu re, a D ornament to any parlor,

_. 2!2L -

awry paaalbla ~

m_t to tha Jo,.al end aamaet wwkinl f _ 01 the ..!bead. . . that the,. me,. ooopuata In the bart and _ t -utuaiutic aplrit . with the manaaw-nt. . n. .,.ncultural, IndUltrial and ._ rcIaJ In..~ 01 the - t r y. In promotinl the pnwal ...... ba.. been lnwited to taD an actiN' part In iIIIIkIna' ~ platfOftli .a-.. With the .upport ' 01 the pubUc: Ilia ~ti,. bel-.... that our rallroada, th•.lr ~ . aM arnplo,w, will be able aplancilcll, and efficientl,. pufa;n;:a thewitaU,. Important .uk which hu been .eat r . . tha.n to clo. · . "




pen.nsYlVania ..• Railroad sntem • . n. .,fIte .•• &,...~ .......



COlnm.erciiLI~iub's Seventy-Fifth Year


~-; ~~a

oc a




"Save by buying in Waynllln'ille."

TobllCC( hlAil Inllure ce Cartwr hrht. Mr•. J C. Hawke is spendin g this

C. G. William son was a Dayton visitor, Monday .




Whole Numb er 5652

Something to TIlink Abo ut





annulIl ~o n ve nli u n of the county W C. T. U met at Harvey s· burg recelltl y. T hpy had a fine conl'ention . and 8 g rl'81 amount of work was report ed by I h~ "llieers. Mrs. Elsworth Shl'rwood Wll~ on the I program fr om this place and gave a I coupl e of fine talks . Th e oflice r~ l' lected for Ih e following yea r were: I'r t'~ident . Mrs. Ma ry Grltnt, FOllte r~; Vice· I'reside nt. M,s. Lelia Bunn ell. Lebanon; Sec· retary. Mrs. Marth a Davis; Cor respondin g Secreta ry. Mrs A.H . Moss, Poater!!; '1'rea~urer, MI·s. Oba We lch, Harv eyshurg . The convent ion will meet at Main ev ille in 1924

Mrs. Ed Yuuuj,t is ~ lIending a few dayl wlt.h r elatives in Cincinnllti.

·"eeek .. Plea18nt Plain.

Mias Lavoon e Burton. wh o haB been qUlle ill is somewh at beller at Mr. -and Mrs. Harry I'ace were prluent Lebano n vlliloJ'lO. lut week Mh. James Viln ervoort Ilnd 80n, Mr . and Mra Warren Elipy. of Robe rt, attende d Ihe Miami VaileI' Centerv ille. Bpent Sunday with relaEpwort h Lellgue in~l ilute. last week. tlVIlII . IoIt Frllnkli n POIltml8ler and Mra Frank Hiatt, Dr. lind Mrs . J K Wilham and of Sprln, Valley, were in u.wn. SunAdllm Stoops spent the week-end dayaftt rnoon, with James ::itoope Ilnd family. of Mr and Mrll. W. O. Raper and Van Wert. Ohio Rev. and Mrs. Holt were DaytoD Save your Old Carpets and RUlls vl.ltor •• Friday. and flet "Wearw elJ" Rugs made. .. W H tft Id f Send for price list. "'rankli n Rug Mr.. an d rorl. m. a e • 0 Co., Frankli n, Ohio. Xenia. .oent Saturda y with Mra . Stiles and dauaht.e r. Mr. and Mrs. B. :) Howell. of .. W E 0 I ,,- f Port William, and Mc, and Mra Dr an d ",ra. • . fl ee~. a D ' . h with ean Howe II , 0 f Ch IcaJ(O, were vlsltCleveI In d ,lIP8nt a t ew oura Ini' friend~ here last week friend. here. Tuelda y.






f Mew York

Mrs. Wm. Shamba ugh and daughMI. Be II a K a h n. 0 ,ter, Wilma and sao Vernon . of near City wu the aunt of her cousin. Lumbe rton, Mrs Hl'rmao Walton


MrsM,~~me~d ' hm~ ~t~dMrs~~~li~e~~~ri~ ~~~~=~======~~~ week. ~~~~~~==~~~~=7===========~'= Valley. were recent guests of Mi. ~

Special Ii:lre policies for grain . Lizzie Joy . Sears & Cartwr ight. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mn. N. P. ~Iybuln, of Wuhlnl rlon C. H ., guest. of Mra . Anna Cadwlll lader and Miss Clara Lile. Monday .


Leading Tone

in Fall FrOcks

Mrl. Ellswor th Smith and daugh-

tefl. Miriam and Plltrlcia , of Dayton ,

Several trap shooter s went to

Kina. Mill., Saturda y. to attend a

aboot at tbat placa. It is Baid ' that tbe, cltme b. ('k victorio us. IIr Ellswor th Smith and Mr. and lira. Jamefl L Cornwell and children Vlr,lni a lind Billy. of O"yt<ln, were Sunday luesla of Mr. and Mra. Jllck Ltvl Mr. and.Mr•. Andrew lo'lf!', of the Nauuna l Milltarv Home. and Milll Jennie Daniell . of the SanduBky Mil· Ita", Home. were week-end aueatl of Edwin Chandl er and family. The Mia&.- Trillena and Marpr et Edwerd s arrived home from California. lallt week, where tbay bad ~n atlendi n, the Natipna l 'IW~I'lI' Educati onal meeting . Th., bid I fine trip.

TobM:eo hail IDlUrlD tIe. Seara " Carl"t Mr. and Mi•. · R. C. Younc. and flmlly. of N"~ark. Ohio, IpIDt the week-end "Ith NIall •• here. II ... ter ~rkln and IIi. Ramona remained over for a I~r .laIt their arrandpaND~; , r , Several bMebal l entbUl lutI -_ . t. to Lebanon: S u . afteroo ob, to . . the Lebanon-MUoD Olben "ent to Xenia 10 . . ~ome' play, and a load " ...tlloCin elonlU to Me tb ••am. tber,_ TIlt abOw. CrMtion la fell turt><! In . . - ' . .: _ 00ciiIa SaHa·f. Crepe, the onll A pGlt-eard .... ncelved ~t tbtl ~ teAn.e.d a Ilrdle ot bronze Om•• Mond., aornID ', from WaI- _III nidi eatcbftl tbe left trunt fI6 eIrcIIIar eklrt Into. panel. Jf'U nl tar IIcCI ·ure. He aayl b• I• hav Ih8' Mtk a~ abort llle"" with clrcuttl.t' • wonder ful vaeatloll. and wl1l lOOn ..... edae. ooftlplete BtunDlnll be NaCiy to b. on ,the job . .aln . ...... It- II totlped b7 Ible a brown telt --Li ut. Ambel' necklace and hrown IIr. and lira. ¥s:Clur e .... at MIICa - ........ .... IeD4 COIIml' to lb. nae 1I11,l ld. . .....






9th Sn nday after TrinitJ. July 29: Church School lit 9:30 a. m.; Service and serm on at 10:45. by Rev . John J . Schaeff er, reclor . Every bolly is cordially invited to these se rvices, There will be no servic es at this church dUring the month of August .





"'~~~~~~~~~~~;~ ;y3•• ,~c

JOB Whil, .. for Dr. ,,'. W. fiordon . tbe missing ~r~k~tI Baptist ministe r of Frankli n, hill He ....... .,f ~ whereab oats is still unknow n and detectiv es MY all clues have tailed . ,JwJ .I-s ,b,. 10 .J/. His swindles on mercha nts. banks and individu als have reached nearly $8.000. He is now though t to be the Rev . Edward C. Camero n who disappe ared from Palisad e. Colo .. in 1914 in much the same way that G·,rdon disappe llred from Frankli.n. Photos are on the WBY snd when they arrive will prove whethe r Camerun and GlOrdon are one and the same . Report comes from Eminence, Ky .• that a ministe r who suddenly and mysteri ously disap pea red from that place a few yeare ago ia undoub tedly Gordon also that !!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! !!! he has been in prison. Ho\teve r, i.---detectiv es and poliee admit they are all at sea liB to the probabl e where abouts of the Frankli n pastor


are spendin g the summe r with- her OIother, Mrl Jlltk LevI.




Speelal Fire policies for g rain. Seus & Cartwri ght Chas. Cross. of Lebano n, town. Tuetlday. on business.

Spe cIa ,'.I.o . n




Wherea s, our Heaven ly Father has seen fit to remove from our midat our lister, Mrs. Lloyd B. Hall. who on the nme nil{ht th.t ahe became Il membe r of our Order was strick~n. death enauing two days later; anil Wherea t. The wembe ls aud offlcerl of Farmer s Grange No . 13 will ever cherish her memory ; • And tho' we grieve. ae grieve we musl. And long' for the clasp of her hand, We can but feel that. she must be near, That 'tis but a Btep twixt there and here, And God has the chaam 9panne d" Therefo re, be it Resolvl!d. That ,,!,e extend our heart. felt sympat hy to Bra Hall and hl8 little ones. Be it further Resolved. That, out of reepect for our silter, our charter be draped for a period of thirty days. and that a cop.,. of the~e reAolUlions be entered upon the minu'es , a copy sent to the bereaved family, one to the Ohio '3tllle Urange Monthlv, and one to our lo.~al pappr. Elsie Hocket t ~ John. Shuttz Com. Asenath Thomas

--- --- ---


The WayneevilJe Athletic s we'lt to Xenia Sunday to play the Bayliffs. They came homa badly di88ppointeli for the Beare was 4 to 1 against them . The Athletic s lead the opposing team until the Seventh Inning 1 to O. but a few wobble s put the Eayliffs in the lead, which they held until the close of t.he .came. Adams pitched -an exceedi ngly good i'ame, but was handica pped by the umpire . All the boys put up a stiff fight. but the breaks all went the wrong way . Bel,brook will plaJ here. next Sunday .

-_-... _.0- --

---_ 0-•.---


• • •

To Run Ribbon through so le. baby's dress or any lise a sma lt saft'ly pin. or el'en better, a man's co ltar


a camicasinff, wha t IS pin .



New Grand Exalted Ruler of Elks •


--_ -----

,Ln ......MI.





. . TIl. 1'ruly Hap". . Ob, be be kina or PIU8Dt. be II bapo CIS- whll In hi. IIoIH IIida r-c.oe.-




IV H. Dinwidd ie and famj)>, had

their din ner guests Sunday , JObD ';henow eth an d family of Olive Hranch. Mrs. Ruth Daughe rty and dauahter. Miss Stella , and Mr and Mra. J . H. Smith were Sunday dinner J(u(>sls of Mr . F~nk Miltenb prgerand family. '-' \;

' ~,.

The membe r. of tb~ cl888 of '23 picniced at one of the summe r roHort!! at Dayton. last Sunday . They hac! a line time. .. Mr. and Mr8 . J . E. McClure enterlained at dinner last WedriE!llday. Mr. and Mrs . Lester Gordon and Miss Mal tha O'Neal. Aaaln. OD SlltU rday, their guests were' ·-Mrl. Wil son Edward s, MiB8 May Wrillbt and Miss Dorothy Dakin •

Miss Lucile St. John entertai ned a few of her friends at a rarewel l pam Ilt her home last Thursda y July 19. Those presen t wf!re as foliowl: Misses Elsie and OorJs Hawke. Dorll. Esther and Kathlee~ . HenderlOD, Rhea Janet and Ev~yn:l'Cartwright, Elizabe th and F~an~ Henkle, Elizabe th Nixon. 'Mary Maraa m Unglesb y. Gladys ·B rown, ~belma St John, Martha and Agnes <;:<lata. Messrs Howard Cooke, Butnet t Butterw orth, Charles Chaplna n. Carl NobIll, Nel@on Watkin s, SWan Nixon. Kllnneth St, John. Levt,' lUId Th eodore Coats and Roy Marsha ll.

---_._ ..---

BARN CAUGHT'..ON FIRE Monday mornin g there came lUI alarm of fire, and was respond ed to by the volunte er compan y, It hapo pened at the barn of the lIIi8le. Marthll Burnet t aoil' Emma Cart· wr ight. They had" : ~n burning trllsh, and a spark lighted on the shingle s and set them on fire. It took the company about five minute . to extingu ish the blaze. The damage was very slight. _ _ __ a ..-. 40_ __


The law for parking and closing cut-out a went into effect Saturda y. and autoists were careful to ob~rve the law . Possibly a few tralUlienta did not ohserve tpe Jaw as stricti V as they might, but ·the ·Iaw . II one that should have· been in force IODIr ago.

---__-_.0- --

Washing China-A folded lowel placed in the bottom of the dish pan when washing fille glass or chin:!. Warren county will have $162.400 witl save breakage. in State and Federal aid funds to • •• llpend on the' 'Construction of highOld Whiskbroome-O ld whiskAt II meeting of the board of way., which will be availab le by the brooms lila), render a doublt ser· "'h tn Ih ty h;l\'c hccomr "'Mil directo rs of the Waynesville Nation- time the necessa ry legislat ion i8 vice. cut th e worn p:t rt off ~ qu :1.rel\' a ll" al Bank yeeterd av. Mr. Wilbur F. pa\l8ed by the Boards of County it will ",ake a splendid silll< brush. Clark wae appoint ed to the vacancy Commissioners and bids taken and In the board cau8ed bv the death of labulate d . This amount of mlluey Mr . Charlea S . Sllara was set 8l!ide by Leon C. Herrick . former directo r of Highwa ys anrl - --'- _. -~.--Public Works, and is the last official act of the RepUblican Iltate adminis tration. r Herrick 's term expired midnig ht, JunE 30th. This fund is in addition to the Superin tendent William N . Thompson. of the Warl'en County HOI~e nece8sary mainten anctl fund and is I made a trip to Mount Vernon , OhIO, to be applied only in new constru clast Monday. takinll Meynard Cheno- tion . in co-oper ation with the boards weth. aged 16 years, wbu lives near of county commis sioners. The above N(\w Burling ton, for treatme nt at amount cannot be reduced except by the State tubercu losie hospital . The the action .of Govern or A. Vietor round nllc.~ssitatold travelin g DonahllY an~ his n~w highwa y direc288 miles and was made in a new tor, L. A. Boulay. The prOPriety I f aeeitlg to It that Nash tourina ear. recently purchas ed for the home by tile county commle- this matter is given publicit y, not only in the newepl pers. ·but among sionen . oraenlz ations sUch as Chamb ers of -, ...... . Comme rce. Good Road" AasocilltlunB . and , Automo bile Clubs 'and alao aaventeon .Co_untrlel OrOlnl.t The lnlenllltionu I Federation otel,UIIJo amonll the abuttin g propert y owners "ratty Women In~lude8 oal1ol181 Of" i. su"ee~ . . The roads' to be con'IIt1'Ucted can be ascertai ned from 'IIIDlaatJons In '17 '!I!t1otrletl. the County Com~I.lor.ers .• · -~ ._ ._ - '- -

Rain fell Monday everting and continuously all n·ight. The rain eame 'In splendid time 89 the. c('lrn was sorely in need of it. In severBI pIeces the corn' WOB !,huotin lt, and had turned yellow The sweet corn >-.1 especill)ly. will b~ Ilreatly bene fi t~ 'as the ciry weathe r began to ahow its effo!c~ . Threllhi ng. abOut. all dpne in thil neighbo rhood ' The wheat yle,ld this year 111.. aooye the avena"e . and It DeatII ~te of Coli ... W_~ h.. belln ..timated that the average Uf. tnlUraDc.oe ltattatlc a abow CU, yield "III .,. oyer tblrtr bUlh~11 to . 1111..- .,·nmpn l1a", a . .til ... ~

the acre arowacl.....


fl UNUU-if, : Tlt i~ 1I'w~pal'. r :!. The latter pllrt of last week. most P.. Mr~. bl,.t~. " 11, 11'/",1 Hi"IJ " If' J #tu fur", 01 r r-.,· of the men of our commu nity re- wig,. ,,,,,.,,'QII. ,V,. r WDI'" you dip th u ceived invitati on to hear II lecture on ~(J"''"" and past , " i" )'our ,.;n'p, book. A'meric anism, at the Odd Fellows' Darning Siockings- I..vhcn darnhall, Monday evening . July 23., No ing slockin gs u,. crochet colt 011. one seemed to know from whence This is milch bottor alld will not gOI ha rd and stiff in the wash. the invitationll came, but it was ru• • • mored that the lecture waR to be an To Op"n Windows Which Slick expoaition of the principl es of the -Pour a t<asf,oonful of mdled tard Ihe rUIIl" and casing alld Ku Klux Klan, consequ ently abou t betweon rull a bil on the sash cord. 200 men present ed th emselves at lhe • • • .Ham- Ham has a tenden cy 10 hall at the appeint ed time. mold-es if cut. To prevent After prayer hv another ministe r this, weIpccially the cut end with vinegar of the Gospel, Qr, f urner. pastor of each lillie alter cutting. • • • a Baptist churclr' ih Clevela nd. gavl' Palms Ferns-I f you hal'e a an enthuai astfe Ilddress . clearly set- palm or or fern in your house ami ting forth the principl es of the Klan. wish 10 improve il s look ~ and growlh pour two leaS!lOOnsflll oi He paid a glowing tribute t o' the oli"e oil at th e roota 0 Ih c plan ts Declara tion of Indepen dence and our on ce or twice a monlh. • nalionRI Con9tit uti on, and made a • 0 Hair Tonic-M any people u'e a strong plea for the continu ation of hair Ionic before retiring. I twill the Christia n prinripl es upon which save lit e pillow if an otd lo\\'d or our Nlltion WII~ foun'ded; the preser- pillow case i& uscd, and bel,vce n th e case and pillow a .mall ru bber sheet valion and improv ement of our pub- is in8Orled . lic sCltool sys tem; law enforce ment. • 0 • Scorched Linen- If YOll hav e and th El sanctity and purity of our scorched a linen article Ih< score homes and womanh ood. Hi s talk call be removed by scrllbbin g \\'ilhh a fresh C III onion. Then soak the was absol utely free from bittern ess. garment in cotd A n iron antagon ism and questio nable re- mold in linen maywaler. be removed by marks. and made a decided ly favor- dipped in a solution of oxalic acid able impress ion on his audienc e. This prevenls .,inj~t~ 10 the fabric. The meeting was rloBed with a saInk Stains on Paper-F irst was h the spot with a camel's -hair hru~h lute to the Ame[ic an Oag. dipped in a solutioll of oxalis acid It is said that about 50 men ex- and then wash with clear water. prell88d their reaJine ss to become •• Woolen Articlee -Never hang identified with the movem ent, bringwoolen ar1icles as scarfs, ing the local represe ntaion well over shawls or sweaterssuch on Ihe lin e 10 dry. It will streich them entirely the 100 mark . Ollt of shape. Dry Ihem fl at between two towels.


-illlRRECIION In the prizes offered by the Commercial Club. there was a mistake in the prize given by C. M. Robltz. r. The item read 100 pounds of ice for 11.00. but should have read 100 pounds of ice for 40c. 'IIbese mtatakes will creep in, eo.meUmee by the writer and often ~he printer . _____ .'-.10by ____ __ Thouoht fOr the DIY_

,entlcman II not 10 IInirll -. . IDao who torlela hlmselt II the ._ who thlon of oth~. _ , . A



.Keep Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT is gro\ving in popularity' every day. -f-'+--~"""'-li£I -EARNERS sh-eu-ld save e-ach week or month. Encourage th e CHILDREN to start an account. Watch for the BALLOONS.



It (




L·U·M·B·E·R It is a satisfaction to know that you





"Raining Gifts from The Sky"

Madden's Lumber ·Lards -AT- -

Is the home of good Lumber, Shingles, Siding, Flooring, Doors 'W indows, Mill Work, Lime, Plaster, Cement, in fa,ct, everything that goes to make a good building. \



Credited May 1st and November 1st.


Waynesville and Clarksville


Saturday Mo]

can depend on Madden's Lumbt:r Yards for Quality, Price, Service and a Fulfilment of every obligation.


White Pine Siding for your Toacco Barns is the best.


"SIlVC hy bu ying in WIIYllcsville."

COMMERCIAL CLUB 1 Trade Ticket good for $5.00


Rumford Baking Powder

Royal Baking Powder

Laree Cans. regular price 35c

Large Cans. regular price 46c

Only 3ge

Dayton Biltuit Company's

Tin Cans


Selling everywhere at 50c to 60c

.2 Pounds for 2Be

Only 43c a Dozen

. In Tins, 12c II pound

Better buy your Blimmer's supply

Regular price, 35c a pound

Complete with Best Rubbers

I Pound Tins, 3Ge 3 Pound Tins. 8ge

I Doz. Pints, only 73e I Doz. Quarts, only83e


Bring us your ChickenS-II II kinds. anv time. any quantity.

(1) 1 Gal. Clln of Sun oco Motor Oil 1 5· lb Can S un oco Molor ( ;rease (3) Th e privilege of ha ving YO U r crllnkcase of your motor drain ed lind re lillerl , with Sunoco Oil of I he prope r lype


W. H. MADDEN & CO. 4 Trade Tickets. each good for $260 ·.. , ............. ... ..... ... ... $ 10 00 McCLURE t\l SON 3 Cash Tickets for $1 each ........ $3.00 1 Cash Ticket tor .. ..... ..... .... .. ... 2.00 LEE HAWKE 1 Haircut and Shave .... .. . " ... .. $ 1 Shave and Massage ..... ... . ,.,. .. 1 Haircut and Tonic .... ·............ 1 Shampoo and Tonic ..... ..... .....

.50 .1i0 .50 .50

MIAMI GAZI!.'TTE ? Year SubAcriptionR. @ $l 60 ... $3.00 2 X ·YearSubs .• a 75c .... ....... · 1.50 MYER HYMAN 2 Ties, each worth $1 .00 .. ......... $2.00 2 Belts, each worth 50c .......... .. 1.00


Trade T ick et s, each good fur $1. 00 ........ .. .. . ... . ... ...... .. ... , .. $1\ 00 AUTO & MACHIN E RY CO.

1 Sel 4 X Spark Plugs ... ... ... . ..$320 1 Set 4 Bethlehem,sparkPlugs ... 2.40 1 Can Whiz Top Dressing ......... .85 1 Box Winches ter Shells.. .. ..... .. ,25

Savin~8 Acct .. ... $1 00 1.00 Credit on Savings Acct .. .. . : 00 1.00 Cr~it on Savingfl Acct .. ... 1 00 1 00 Credit on Savings Acct ..... 1.00

Telephone us your order and send us a check, and we will haul thi,s coal when convenient to you.

Buy Your Coal Now!

Buy Winter's Supply of BRAN Now The regular retail price of bran is SU)O per cwt.

AReduction of $6 per Ton on Saturday, July 28th



People have birthday parties, why not ·a store? We-a This big party will be something that will interes t ev erybody in


AB We shall offer at special prices man y of our goods prominent amo high-class goods which are so popular in Waynesville because recognized as

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO l Just think of the large number of household goorls that are carried I housecleaning supplie'S, toilet ar:tic1es of every description, rubber goods, toe of articles and this wonderful big First Anniversary celebration will give yo the date-the occason-be on band. You are urgently invited.


CIGARS 8e Cigars . ...... , . ..... 5 10e Cigars . . , ......... . . 2 13c Cigars . . . .. .. . . ... .. 5 l~e Cigars . . . ........... 5

liE have more in t you about her , ees will preV Come and help UI c versary, and help mi ot everybody for D day, Saturday, July

for 30c for 15c for 50c for 55c

Sundries 50c Stationery . . , ... . ..... 42c $1.00 Stationery . . .. ........ ~5c 75c Cloth Brushes . ........ , 63c $1.50 Hair Brushes .......... $1.27 $2.50 Tennis Rackets ........ $2.12 $5.00 Star Vibrator ....... . .. $4.25 $3.00 Lunch Kit ............ 1255 33.75 Food Jar ...... .. ..... . $3.20 $2.00 Tliermos Bottle ... . , ... $1.70 $3.50-Thermos Bottle ..... .' .. $2.97 32.50 Thermos Bottle ... . . . .. $2.12 33.50 Big Ben Alarm Clock ... $2.97 $2.00 Electric Hot Plate ..... $1. 70 15,00 Gillette IRazor .. . . , .... $4.25 31.50 Gem Razor ...... . .... . $1.27 $1.00 Ever Ready Razor . . . , . 85c $2.00 Box Candies ...... '" .. $1.70 The Rexall Store

All $5.00 Articles . . ' " . . . .. .. . S4.~

All 54.00 All $3.00 All 32.00 All 11.75 All 11.50 All 31.25

ArtHes . ........... 13.4 Articles . '. .......•.• 12.D Articles .. , ......... 11:7 Articles ... . .......• 11:4 Articles ...... , ...•• '1.2 Articles ... . ........ IU) I

Rubl Water BoUie . . ...• 11.0 ~

$l.25 Hot $1.25 Roxbury Fount. Syringe.I1.0 32.00 Roxbury Combination ....t.7 $2,75£ymbol Combination .•• 12 60c Rubber Gloves. . . . . . • • &





"Save by buying in Waynesville!'

Ice Cream Salt Special

"Save by buying in Waynes ville!'

Saturday, •

Dear Friends-

}l 00 Credit on

$6.50 a Ton, from yard

Watch for our Balloons on Sliturday.


100 Tons West Virginia White Ash Coal

We pay the most.




Mason Glass Jars

Battleship Coffee


"Sa,'!! by Imying in W ny n e~\ill e . "


Only 23c

Here is the Sensational Novelty of the Season. A big Balloon As day, starting at 8 o'clock and continuing every 15 minutes. If the weat hour, or the first good day thereafter. Nearly 100 members in this WOI1 Some of these Ascensions 'will take place near the following to Spring Valley, New Hurlington, Mt. Holly, Harveysburg, Kingman, Cis it is up to you to chase, catch or lasso one or m ore of thes~ balloons are from the members of the WAYNESVILLE ~OMMERCIAL CLUI

If you catch one or more of these balloons, this is what you will receive:

"Save by buying in Wa ynes,ille."


a nesyt I

A 20 Pound Sack, on Saturday Only, for

Buy a $5.00 Ticket for $3.98 at


Home Bakery (or

All Kinds of Baked Goods

HOME BAKERY, Waynesville, Ohio

Waynesville . Mills

"Save by buying in V"aynesville,"

" Save by b,uying in Waynesville."

WATCH FOR THE BAKERY TRUCIC, in town and in the country, EVERY DAY

'James E. McClure

Walter M..:Clure

25 cents

qiunsra,Z 1)irsQeors TelepLone No. 7

Waynesville, Oblo

~ur eonstant effort i8 to m~ke our Beniee better ane! more , qU.faclory .

We want our efficient service to be 'ifar famed • .

.11 of the lime. .

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

I am selling the

Whilikins, It's Hot! "Hurrv up, Buddy.

I'll beat you to it."




an:d BUd~~ are racing~to

fRANK W. CR~W Cleveland ·Six' , .'" ~~UTOMQBILE Specializing in the

Repairing ~of

C" Lee Hawke Ford Cars The Popula,' "Barber'

"Sava by ,b uying in Wayne.ville."


- ~'The Better Six with Tbe Lcs5er Price"



, Ask 'for ~ demonstration ~



NNIVERSARY 28 , 19 23 '

, ' I'g to answer this b y giving a big Birthd ay Pa~ty to celebr ate ,?ur comm unity. It will have severa l featur es promm ent among whIch fi~st year in WIll be which will be the Rexall Toilet Goods, Rexal l Rubbe r Goods and others reliabl e. We shall have also our great summ er candy sale. It will of these be a

NECESSARY HOUSEHOLD GOODS the moder n Drug Store. The househ old remedies, the comm on household drugs, pastes , powders, soaps, brushe s, combs, in fact. there are hundr eds and hundre ds a chanc e to buy them a t a great and substa ntial saving of money . Don't forget

Goods $1.75 Ice Cap . ... , .....' . ... . SI.48 $3.25 Invali d Cusbion . ...... . $2.76 $1.25 Rubbe r Shee,t ing ..... .. $1.06 . $2.50 Vall,inal Douch e ...... . . $2.12 50c Baby Pan ts .. . . " . . . . .. 42c

Toil et Arti cles 50c Tooth Paste. . . . . . . . . . . 42c 25c, Tooth Paste ...... .. .. . 21c 50c Cocoa nut Oil Sham poo.. 42c 3Se Cream of Almon ds. . . .. 3lc 7Se Junev e Vanill a Gream .. 63c 75e Junev e Cold Cream . . . .. 63c $1.00 Cara Nome Van Cream . 85c $1.00 Cara Nome Cold Cream . SSc $2.00 Cara Nome Face Powder .$1.70 $1.00 Cara Nome Talcum . . . .. 85c 25cJo nteei Talc ...... .. . .. 21e . SOc Jdntee l Talc. .. .. . . . . .. 4:lc SUlO Boque t Rame e Face Pow. 85e 60c RexaB Shavi ng Lotio n.. 5lc Also, all advert ised Toilet Articles.


Su no co Mo tor Oil Da y


Sat urda y, Ju ly :2.-;, EJ2;" II' P arl' stng ill R an eve nt that is of vital intt' rest to e\'er\' .\ loU ,r C[lf T ru ck and Tracto r Owner . "

"Save by buying in Waynes \ille."

:'Iff . W. P . Saundf'rs, reiine ry repres entative, will be here and explai n th e' diiTe re1ll'c hetwet'll I TJST OIL and PROP E R LUB RICAT IOt\ . .

"Raining Gifts from The Sky"

Th e l1lost \'ilal poillt ah 'lut yoU i' mo tor is proper lubrication .

Ice Crea m All The Time

J The Rexal1 Store

Telepho ne No, 103

I am Moving from· My Old Q~arters, . to' My New Office; One Square Nor th

All old patron s aud n~,~ one~ will be wel~me to come and inspec quarte rs. suits you, make a date ~Ith me to put your moutht J?Y new 10 good condit ion. The Opening wllllJe on the 28th of July.

H. E.. HATHAWAY, D~ntist X· Ray )~:::aill Wor k

SUNOCO \[OT OR 0 1L i" a purcly d istilled oil in all l ypes. NoL a d rop "r C\'LlNDl~ R o n. in it. It is made just as d isL itl cd wa ter is lllatle - jll<; Las pure.

Lasso one or more of these balloons, and this is w~at you will receive:

FRED M COLE L. A. ZIMMERMAN 1 Flash Light .. ....... ... ........... ... $1.00 ' . 3·lb. Cans Battlesh ip Coffee. 1 Jack Knife ...... .. .. .. ... ...... ..... 100 each worth $1.00 .... ......... .. ... $4 00 1 Pair Pliers ......... ......... ......... 1.0(: 1 EYer-Sharp Pencil ........... .. .... 150 DR. J. T . ELLIS HOME BAKERY 4 MolrchandiBe Tickets , each good for $1 00 in Trade ........ $4 .00

FRANK FARR &: WIFE 1 Set of Plated Table Spoone .. .. .$ .50 1 Record for Phonog raph ....... .. .75 1 Trade Ticket good for .. ...... ... 1.00 1 Pair of Ladies Hose ........... ... 1.00

Lel ) lr.

FARME RS EXCHANGE CO . 160 lb. Starten a .... .. ... .. ... .. . $2.25 160 lb. Sack of Flour .. .... ..... ... 2.00 125 lb. Sack of Flour .. ... ..... .... l.00 1 60 lb . Block of Salt.... .. ...... .. . 60


Gallon of Ice Cream ...... ... ... $l.OO

Yo Gallon of Ice Cream. ..... .. .... 1 00

DR. H. E. HATHAWAY 1 1 1 1

Credit on Credit on Credit on Credit on

Work .. .. ....... .. . .... .. $1 00 Work ........ .. : ... .. .. . 1.00 Work .. ..... . .. .... .. .... 1.00 Work .. ... .. " .. ......... 1.00

S~tlItl der-;

t II you th e SUNOCO story.

Ca tur e a

all oo n

On til above el ale W ~ wi ll scnd up a nu mber of B'lllo on' To each Btflloon wil l IJe altacl :cd a card. This card \\ ill entitle the holder to:

OXLEY· PACE DRUG CO. 1 Vantines Toilet Water .. ........ $1. 25 1 Vantine s Incense Burner .... .... 1 50 1 Wall Paper .. .. ..... .... ........... .. 2.50 1 Base Ball Bat ......... .. ... ... ... ... 2 00

(1 )

1 on ll'o ll call 'If SUNOCO MOTO R OIL Qf the proper lype f r the ca r owned by the person who is luck y cnou~ h Lo captur c one of t hese balloo~s.


(2 )

1 fi ve· pound can of SVNOCO MO TOR GREA SE.


(3 )

The p r iv il e~c of hav ing th c crankcase of your motor dra ined aud refilled with S VNOCO OIL of t he p ro per t ype.

"Save by buying Ul Waynesville." " Suve loy

Pocahontas Lump Nu mb

( M~d e


Let us demon st rate t he " STA R" or lhe " CLAX TONO LA" Ph o l lO ~rapl l to you . Easy. Terms' or Cash.

---- ---- ---- -- -

FRANK H. FARR& WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio. "The Stor e o f Bette -

r Valu es"

-_. - - - - -

" ~ :I \'('


••••Se ars &

1 11t ~' l U~

in \\-Jl y rh';,vi ll c. "

art wr igh t ••••



I t costs 11 /1 il Ion' lo ill ~lt re \ ' 0 1: 1' proper ty in a B ig Com pany, but il' s worth more to you. A sale c IIrl ueled bv li S l11eall S llnllars and Cell:l:s 'on Sale Day, ll uL j~ls t gellin g rid of prope rty. Aman Block

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

hy Pal m Olive Co )

25 cen ts

Re me mb er the Da te an d Gi ve Us Yo ur Or de rs

"Save by buying in Waynes----ville." -------.--------

\\'n.l' n c~v iJl e . "

With ONS BAR COCO A AL MOND SOAP a t IOc, FREE Have you heard hea rd lhe ! ~e G l d, ({ }Tl?S!-~''Have No Bananas?" Ye~! we Il'l ve it. C ) :u e in a nd let us play it for you. SPEC IAL FOR SAT URDA y" .. . , .. . : ... .... .. .. .

J U L Y 2 8 th SPECIAL PRICf AT YARD • $ 9.15 D~LIVERED • • • • $10.25

Pho ne 25


5 Bars ASSO RTeD TOr I.l.n' SOAP

er 3

Waynesville Ohio

l",yi n ~

... 5c- 10c -25 c-- 1.00 _-Sto t_ The _ _ . _ re_ ..• __ __ SPE CIA L FOR SATURD A. Y

Qu ali ty Gu ara nte ed

Fteew lr61





A Child Can Take a Pictur e, but it take. an exper t to finis:.h__ :_.i..t~. _--t---jHI----~-

D R c U o G . G STO


- - -- - - --- --·_ -··-- --rllr '""..


WAYN ESVILL E MILLS 25 lb. Sack Starlig ht Flour . .... $100 100 lbs. Bran ..... : .. ........ .... ..... 1.60 100 Ibe. Scratch Feed . ........... .. 235 100 lbe. Ice .... ....... .... .. ........ .... 1.00



$ 2 Down,

F'RANK W. CREW 1 ValvesGround and Carbon [{emoved


85c 63c 51c 42c ·34c 31c 21c


The Estate Heatrol a id the new.·day way of heating small homes and bungalo ws. Installed in your living r oorn. it luo ks like a phono· graph and operate s like a furnace . It is finished in hand some grain ed mahoga ny enamel. You must see it to appreci ate it.

RC!pnf'iion of the famou s '''Gift Fa mily" of nearly! 100 memb ers takes place Satur ·is bad. Balloon ARcen sion takes plaC!e on the following Monday at the same "Gift FamilY ." Leban on, Dodds, Red lion, Sprin gboro , Lytle, Cente rville, Bellbr ook, lie and Orego nia. As each balloo n ~arrles a card redee mable for a gift ~nd get the prizes (cards must be return ed wlthlA 30 days) . These gifts A Ballo on will also be given with each purch ase.

All $1.00 Articles. . . . . . . . . . . . All 75c Articles . . • . . . . . . . .. All 60c Articl es. . . . . . . . . . .. All SOC Article s. . . . . . . . . . .. All 40c Articles . . . . . . . . . . .. All 3Se Articles . . . . . . . . . . .. All 25C Articles .. ; . . . . . . . ..


On eT on of Coal Free

g ,J u iy 2 8 th

stor e than we can tell So the following prion all mer chan dise . t"llIIl! hr'Ate our Firs t Ann iit the delight and joy arou nd on this big 28th . .'

Jo in O U T Qltawe 1IIilltilleyou

at 8 o'clock

, ....! .. ~ .,... •.rtr. -t~ ', ~ ,;rI;;;' - -.__ ;n


HEATROLA L U B be.[ore August12tj


.......... -




\Vayncs\,i lle, Oh io

Phone .


":-;,,\,~ II.\' hllyi ng hI 'Voyne~v ilJ e."





·. Machinery Company . . ..' . . s'


Qn.e ry ? ? ? ?.?


Domestic' Science ,



Men's Elk Hide Work Shoe§, . Do you patron ize tbe $3.00 value, . .. . To~ For SatuJ day .~~,ly, .. , . , '. f ~()t,. ~hy';~t? . . Me~'s '.li'ine .D~ess ' Shirts , 'up to Either lpecia lwork dr a generalA '. mon, tts . 1500 ' VC?Iumes ' I. IS . valne,ay . OnJr good '13.50 .For Siturd ,' . . course, .at my home. ~eading for .all tbe fallJily:', Use- . ' '. .' ... , . . the~; th.e y may be had for, the Mye r WavnesvllIe ~~lng. .. . ,Ob to

WIYle. . "$ 6.00 . '-. • $ 1. '70 , $tQ .15 •

Sl' 95 Sl 95

PuhIie -J.ihtlry?

" by buYm« ill W.,... m.... .




E. H~t~away

S.m ith 's

G ro ce ry

35c yalu e Shop ping Bask ets' •• 45c valu e Shop ping -B,a skct s 8 bari Pola r 'White Soap - ~ . -'


D. R . ·-


i TB

"Sa\'" by buying- ill WaynellVu.e."

• • • •

r (



• -



"' Ull


UII !t'I,f,'

ulln ,"' u~· n~t HlIl~hrll\.'"I ~­


UlI);11l h" ' e ~ulfin


" \\" ,-'11, ~ " llIlelH~Il, " l:iUld ' ltlUl\, "\\ h ut's h ) I Ul Y ~" TlI,l l ..... "l' l'~ l' \U'1l I!lu:-~~'i Ull the tnh1. · II lit 1 II I,ox bf , ' Igllr~ . TII~ dJ;u t' t! \\"('1"\1 p ush t·t! u lCl ull Ily S. ')lel' HS ht!

lipllkt'. ' ''I 'l'''r''':-I ,'n l'I; '~ 1I,:oo'i n( Ilna·... ~tl n , ~ .. Ih.r ... " ' If II I " ~H y IlIi l l l' lin d t ''It\ary ' s, t ril ' d ( ' \r ,\"11 1 011l ld H UII1 " 11,\' \\1", 11 n'lI I.! U\ t' i h t ht· ... 11 ". :1 1l 11 1111'n Ih "I"I' ~\ :I '" 11\ ,- r lll i ,1 ·\\ 11 Ilt'n' . A lhuln...alld dullllr~ til U:ooi l li a l 1I1\· a n ~ . a lit I U"c huu·



A Romance of

tha Baham,,,,

llrt'd hi l ' ll' :lr ~· ." ")1111.. 111 ' I I 1 \\ " Il r .·d lind f or ty ,"

m.tratlou bp Inria Myel'l

Ilv e hUll ' ~I\IHIL ' Till

ll HIU!oO:tl1d

:-;ul tl

ugl·'·\':thl,'- lin tl IIIC' IIl'n t lle ' is lIl l nt'." ""' hlt-Il dl· rl'1!t.:·{' usk~t.J S"II\~I'S IlIno('t'll t lr . ~ " \lll\,

'''l'1I.t!y never 11rl' \. a I.nlr.. ," 6ul<1 Il>It·


IIlre. "Oh, Cork t (lf.,k , hp!r

kn h' ('~



"onll whut'ti t he


"ll h' ll~e


th' t.--b·sld~s,


ou r

lIlCllt." Sll tnll Il rol'pe" St!lIel":! unci turned to ·urqulncz. " Yvu' lI mnylll! eXJllllln."

Ilt '" dl'II UlI Ht·

Ju d,'.

sulu Ill'.



lliw. It you try

Ten mln uh-S 1l:th~ r ~ ula n 8ntl H il t-


th o I'I ~hls (If t he

cullllr th llt

I'll come in w illi ti rs t c1 ul m,

dlll'6 bUllr,It'd the JUUlI . 'Ielll')," IIR ulrcnlly on hoard , dO\\'l! In Ihe ",.hln wlt h' lhe ot hers; On!'k 1I00d n buttl .. or ~In were prcl<ill1{1g tit aile end or the table. So Inn, with n ontl tn 1h" (·"m· I,any, clime to Ih e tHhle lint! l"ok his ~eat, mOllollln/: IIl1l dltfe to luke th e


IIll a


a gt'ntlelllun \\'111 hllck nH' In III W ex · penSl's. You kllow hi m-Mr. fi ult'lilfe, H olt & flnlclllfe." "I'll hnck l'Oll," su lll Itflt r lllf... "An!! It e""'s to lIle IllW I s not ~' ollr loy, '~ nrk , " went 011 Sill lin. "WI' come In here Yl'stl'nln) lind bOllrded Ilnrl r ln lllle,1 thllt honk,' r, nnd ) wu s tlxlng lh.e lilck le for lowing when you IJle" ulong. 'l'he thlnl:'s II'; clillr AS poin t. ' he's ours tor soh',,!:e, ontl you're not In It" "Look here '" b(,gtln ~el1('rs "Iolelltly - tllen he c1 Me,1 itl' : C lll'k hnd tll "en him n kick unller tl,,! luhle. 'fhl'n there wos !l11I'ncll for H nWlllPnl, dlll'lng whi ch th ese two ",'nnn.lrl'l< "ul'med to I>roool tOl:l'lh ... I"I"i'~lhl '· nll~· . Th en Cllrk spokl!, ullllrt)S>llnll SuUUl.

.;eat t\.I '\IINUtP , ,") him

DR. J. W. MILLER . .•• DENTIST••• Ollloe III NaUoDaI Bule Blda,


thotl~ !l nll

"" 'lIl"lIn lh lll (II" dls lllllsl r,1 "ul htln I slllck 0 11 the slInd" ~!1td 'leill·Y.

hy81~rlcMI1Y .

~o ld

worth All tr-t1

0 11 Ihnt ': "

JUlIe, who hn,1 C(ll htJ '",'II HII! I II~· wise on the de.·k . toe!:" 01 I" lutl _ h " '\'h ot nre you lftl1J.:"lItn '

II t'l1:1l r.

I ll r~'"

Ihem," 811ld !'OH18n . "II" ,110101'1 "a n t 11 0 blood ~plllln ' Nllt! Irou hle-IC', ' m il" " " trll 1,1 of tl'" low."

ed SalaD. "I dUIlIIt,,"

. hsolu ll'I)· (liSllnlllln!: to reply,



Wavn... I,le.



Wh 1\ 1',,11,,(\ "'1 ,fl'u('11 till"

I)", u.. dulllflt> or · It- It ,- b ..... " u \ 'u l '41 IJ111'ty. with h_1 S~r- 1l1 lll1 . ' lI l a t' II,\',

By H. DeVere

·--·-$220 R. H.E. BA.TRA WAY \

h 'l"!lh IS.

nnllt' ~l




It \.: • Ii ,")1 UH' t' llll! nf ft Ilflurtl ,\t ,lIrr .'Io,,·", HIl' 1 t h(' tuhlp jlt 't Iwl,1 tho

.~ " "II"II""t.~·



tl hl~ Wrt1itH~,


vetry poorly It., !



Mr. ,\ l'\ hO!' LII,I,'r I. sMII very Ilul! ~t th ~ wrlt,iu',

Special Fire policies (or - grain. Sears & Garty.'right.

Mis!4 EIt\\,'IlN h IlH k Wtll visiti n g rel Rflve. h e rfl. luH week. Mr , andl Mrs Ga il RU88um " nd '1' 110 H.l!llll U u ,. r J~ lUIlU~ with Mr... daughte r , of Dayton, visited rela· J rll ti y re nl, Sfllu rlla y afternoon MONEY LOANED A lphllpl ,\"cl h e r o, ·nDdI&Y . Bnr tive8 here Tuesday , , ' - 0 !'burg \'. 1111 by th e SCOTe ot I t04 Quite6 number of tbeGirlsScouts ' Farmer!)" Attention! Mr'. lIoli 1," H - trv Llnd •• r "' .. IU p a r ents spent Su nd ay witb tbem at' ~'arm e l' ~ of Wllrre n I&Dd ItodjulDlo!( .~ I tILl,,\' VI . r l " :~ IJ 1 • i , . 1 ( CI) t l t l ' U tloJ Sh"dowbrook camp n ear Dayton oou utleH may obtain mou ey o n h:lDg t IlIlh~ T he Ilirls lire having' a fine tim e 'time 10l&n8, at uy'% luttm}~ t. Uoa l II rI" R , ' Il ~ ot, 11 n d fll iullv vi~1 tell , of S60urlug t he lAme 18 ver y rea80D .. 1I "IlTl\" - ~ fI' Ulll o n <h.lUlIty, ·~Ilf.urday "hIe, lhroullh The Federl&l L,wd n tHi ;:" ' Udtl Y Peter Demas . ou r local candy Bank . F or fnrtb e ~ Informa\\on oall \lr . I4t·rtlwdt> r ttln:':ll r, tJ f Pin8. maker, and family are leavinll today on or otldra~8 M . <.; DRAKE, Trellil' bun:, I'll . , oll li ao 00 nit! I rhm, ls h e re, for New Vienna, wh e re he has pur· u ror, phone :1I0-X , Lohlln ou, Ohio, '1,,1 un1uy ni"h k chas .~ d a candy fac t ory Imd ('onfee· M o n e y t o L o a n o n I' re W o m llO'~ Uom e Missio nary lionery store. will lII eet with Mrd . Annll l:Iarrlli. Frid.~' nit ernllon. Mr, and! Mrs W. H. Alien and i F a r m s at per MT. IIDrI Mr~. 'Everett VIIIHf8. of Miss. Olive, will leave Thursday lcent for five years. Ollrl"' Il , wort! Thur~(1tt y ev eDln g vis. m orn ing Iby auto for Chautauqua, l1ur~ of ,J. 1:1. 't:ih ld"k " r, TERRELL, N . y .. wh'~ re th ey will dpend about TERRELL MA"t or!llJ horl t's oud Boward Mllc. three weeks . nono ld a re sp e nolnrr a few daY8 aWilmington. 0 .• phone 301. with Ed l:(ar k a od fllwll7. ON EY Luane d on live 8,00k . L . C. St,John , w" O has bee n em· Mr~, liIudie ReaHon ppen t la 8t week ohattels, "lID ~eootld Ol,)r~gtlI!6d ,,;-lUI her dlto u gb~er , Mr~, E,.. I B.tJok. ployed a t the Stokes dairy farm , N<ltes bou g ht . John l:I"rblo;!, Aile e ll, of near Wltoynf'dvl ll e will r emove with his family to MorBuilding, XeDIa. 01110. 6. ' . 2-& row , the first of August, where he M 'l ~ te r Robert F rHoklln , of lJlD ohmati I@ spend ing a fe w \Veek8 will be e mpl oyed by the Morrow with W. A I:i lli neM a nd wlfo, Supply Co MIESAS Harri e tte ond LnolleTnoker 'He ~plmdlng Ihle Wt'el wl,h Mr Tobacco hail insurance . Sear s & "'HI Mrs J , L Mlton ur , of XeDla. Cartwright. Mr. a nd Mrs, Ll ocolD Hentlriok. of Dllyton, were tiU"ud",y vl~ltorB of Mr'. and Mrs. S, L . Cartwrigbt and M r ~ EmUl~ Ellis a u d Mrs. LI8ter, Mr. :lnd M 1'11, J. H, Coleman attendIIfrs. H. ,.1 lJ"rr 8n~ 80n, Billy. ed the Peach Tree Creek reunion WA :.I TEO-Ml'n or women to snd Miss Barrl ette 100ller IIpent near Lebanon last Friday. There hke orders for genulDe guar , ant lllld hOlier v tor m e D. women aDd 'l' horsdllY with W H . I:!lllokor. of ",:ere seve r'al In attendance . Seven ohlldre n . EliUlloR~6 d.rnlni{ Sal W ilmi ngto n. Mr... A. L., Kenned.v and 8001'. ~ ohn ot the old veteran~ tailed to respond ary '75 a week full time, &1 ,50 fln hour ~ par" time Beautiful SprlD, ~nd HArllP rt. "nd Ilrll En .. Br(\ o k ~ to the roll call this year. line. In 'eroatlonat 8&ooklnl Mills. and ohlhlren vlHlted In Wilmtngtou, a211 BUDd .. v Ilfternouo . Dr. J . T . Ellis. local Board of Norrls'owD. Pa.





".""- - -

Notice of Appointment

K.,a14 01 AIDM W, Wrljrbc, deceued. Notlc<t I. I.ereby ,lven ""'~ !:lillian II. WrI@.bL b u ~u dul, al'polutotl "nd Q.uaU!Ied &It K..""utrl x or tbe &."18 01 Alf1Ie. w. Ohio. Waynesville. WrlKht 1.14 01 WorreoOouII.y.Ohlo. daeaued, '\ U.I"" Ibl. 19t h day 01 July, un ~~====:::::======== . OoUDt" Z Probat.e ROI.L, -: - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jud"e 01IV 'he Oourt, Warrell Oblo.

Tel epbone 114,


_ l_

Walter McClUre I; FUN~



WaynHvllle. qhle





,I '

1 he rye !'Ight Spec/aiM

Fully Equipped foe Good





Large Display Room' TEr....BON. T ' DAY oa Hlmn


At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

,. '

Every Tuesday


8:(10 a. m . to" p. m.

HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Sub3erlbe for the Miami Gazettp.






Butter Fat 10e per pound higher Ihan lut year T r i State Price

July 23, 1923........

We guarantee cream and cana agaln.1 105••

590 Ken yon Ave

THE TRI STATE BUTTER COMPANY CINCINNATI, CHIO R~ference -Ask a nyone of o ur 7(1,000 Cr eam PatronR

_ __ _ _ _ _ __

Health d irector. i8 in Lebanon. to· dav. aUen,lin&, a meetiDJ{ ot Health directors Jrrom four counties, tbe ~r~ , object ot which is to erect a tuberAt the Chiles Holel "Sure," sn ld Silt Ull. culin hospital. These hospital8 are Waynesville, Ohio, A few minutes later th ey were culled maintained by per oapita ot popula. Mondays aDd Thursdays from 7 to 9 down ngfl ln. " 0 here," snld SellNs, IIctln ); liS The market now is full of berries, ti on, and in order to get one for this o'clock p . m , apokesmnn for the olhers. "w e Jou't ' hom e g rown Ill,elons, SWee t co rn, locality, th,e four adjoinina counties wDnt 10 ben r hRl'll on you, hut w e've tomatoes, ete • and oh boy, life is must ao together. PPLES-CookIDR and E .. tIDg. 30 . to GOo 110 peak l'htloe yo u· be... o ut 8 bl" lo' s o"er this huslness." worth living to get your fa ce on one ",.. nts to Ea rnh"rt's, Valltly Phonr " And who let ) 'V1l In for It 1" nsked s ide of a cob filled with corn. and U 6 a2 Snlon. "lIo\,oll't you be~n cli O In' me well plastered over with butter and si llce Inst fnll. O\'cr the Nomitl'e? Was . . salt. The prIce ot these luxurIes It my fau lt she weI' n't th rl!?" S POTTED P . C Pigs, 8 weeb " Well, anyhow WO'I'O loscrs. nttl I'm : is still plenty high, but a8 the sea · old, reotJ rded K E. TI1uWP80 D Veterinary S"rgeon phone 19-1 y', Oa rvAYHbnrl\ ring coming to the tle,·cllc'. You'll nc",!r be j son advances the price will !urely Oregonill P 0 .. WarreD Co. Ohio ab le to do the tow with the S!lI'lIh-1 have to ItO down . Vlvl"n Retalliok Ie Phone 44 R F. D. 1. Box 103. H8 wh y. the Sunlh nln't bigge r t1111,l1 her, l ohool In Wilmington. - - and you're unrl erllllllded lillY hOw." We Itore ulad to r eport Mrs , Mary Boshels or Coru for 8111e 00 u1.'hoCs ·so;' s1I Id S'lllUlI. WilSOD beuer at Sbld wrltiuli . lJloolnnatj pike. Write ""'eli, whut I propose Is Ihls." snld Sell ers. "We'll lIrOl) clnlOlS tor lhe Prof ti . .I\ ri.inger. ot Pllt8barg. Flora Beu)' hlll , ~127 lDdio nlto J\ V 8 , Uo ltlmbu8, Oblo, or phone IIl\me ad. P .... Is vislUng o ld (rleDBd here rUIJ down be re u lHi only llsl( I.' thoudrtlssaHllr 6. 11 Ill . • Ii ~ . t ime, o~ sand o f YO II , nnd you drop claims on Mrs. Ruth Murroy spenS 8uQday the derellc':' . Light Bearers will have charge of wit h her home fo lks, Itot Lee8bnrg Bn ~htll8 of 'good haod 80rted Satan Inllghc.1. COrD for S8 Ie IDqo!t'e of Tbe Prl.ollla olub me t with M'8 "!I1oybe YO U .lon' t know ,;he's gol. a n Bible Scho,)1 Jul y 29 , pnd they bave R H . Millflr, phone 69-3, WIJYOIlS a UII11ary In Iter wort h four thou, nnll sec ured the !lervices of a speaker of Mllry Mo o non. lut WedoeedlioV at. ville. Ohio . 8110 . doll It It'. worth n Cl'Ut. She' ll na tional reputation, Mrs. VanVoor- ternooD. r,GTAilY PUBLIC broke her propeller, but she's "ot a his, of Findley. 0, who will give LIHle M"ry Moore Iii _pendlDg EGISTERED Jer~ey Bull. S yr8 spare one on board , nnd tt [ knuw 'uoy, 'l:! Waynesville, Ohio olil Exile I<.IDg8 Rtllelgh , N o s pecllli lectures on young people'8 sevtlral dlloYs with her aunt . a' t:!lIver lirove . 18S238, 11 blK due fe llow . . Barry work at 11 a . m ., and officers, tllach· thin' of Injlns I'd drive ber bnck on National Bank Millll G a r not Edwards. or e prlDg " haw. 1 mile uorth of Ore80nllto . her own power. No, I sticks to the e r8, and parent s from other churche8 Ohio, 08 derellc' It thut's the best you co n ol1'or are cordially invited. lJictures on fi eld. oalled OU Mr8. K, E, Thomp80n t:!a,nrday, and here's your dollars- though I'll the Conve rs ion of Paul will .be given 'roble. 1 KUobeD bave to give you lilY check for the f or 15 minutes preceeding the lec~ R obe rt [,ewI8 aDd fAmily speut Table. 1 K itohell Ctlblnfl~, 1 Vlo S unday with Mrs. Lewl8' 8111ter. rola. 1 Wasil Maohlne , I 011 Cook extra money." ture. He produced a buntJle; then, wl lh his Mrs Fceelan. D8fU Melvin. Ohio . Stove, 1 :lOth CeD Laurel BeaUnll Edward D. Goller, Mini8ter. blind on It : . Her t Bog .. o· aDd motber and l'h <ls . 8tove, 1 Oil I·. ~pr(>uter, Mrs, Peter Auctioneer "It you choose to toke th e derelic' Rloh l1t1ended a tslble l:ta88 meetlDg lJema~ . Corwin, Oblo. 61 for what she's worth li nd cull It quits, at llesllr'8 4lJreek. Sunday afternoon Get my t«;rms for your I'll trude, one or the other. I'm not Me .leo Recogni ze. lIeauty, , MALE BOG- Registered Po hllld. Bet on thR t to\\'. But there you ure; I It II twtu R"wembtlr. the L .. dle8 Aid willI ChIn" bi'" t pC ' R./s o a tnn.hol' Public Sale. Un.j "I. I II e I11\\.<, 0 r" ... ex co bold an ICf~ cream soolal at 'he' , ~... . 70U know th e chu n 'es. " • all mll ciJ "" olTense to mutilate the h h b Th d 1 , 1 boma8 \Ii befit Urlll. a ood oondl. I satisfy and save yuu re ''I'll tllk I" 8uddelll y broke In Car· ta ce or II woman III that of a man. ~ ~r026 ~e, ., eveD DK. tinD A B, Earnha.I't. pbone 20&. 4, money or no charges. qulltez, und the bUSiness \\'us ended. The Idea of Ihls III a nry seDIllble 0 y . very 0 y oome . WaYDesvllle, Ohio. tt.l .ne, hel. 'hu~ell on the tad that to .. MrH. M, B. Starbnok. of Whittier . (To be OODIiDUOOl OR Bale or Will Trade OD Farm",omno her belluly I. a creat &IIlet: to Col., Mrs . Mary Billey.of WllmluK ' Box 91, Centerville, Ohio lJorner Lo' 00 'rhlrd St ann mar It Is therefore a vef'l' "rlool pel' COD, "D~ MiSt! MIIoY Barlal.l. of Blok. Home Pbone 2, CeotervllleEx. oryville, ware Wedne8dav KDeets of FraDkllD R oad, WaYDe8vllle. Onlo I o u r J o b Printing lonal Injury. 'he MelldarIlBs Idoliay. Hoqle, 8 rooms. modern i gange for five mHohlnes, beD 1l0Q~I!. sbop To 11:. e. "fIoDDOD. Mr8, Ilia ManDoD, Iwow l)luMoular~. 01&11 aDd look 'his' MI.~ e8 Gltllln . . . nd Rut·h MannOD. good prDperty over, lJ W, You Doe LOD BrannoD aDd wife fIoDd K E. 'l' hom(J8t.D aDd wlte oalled on ~he JlilR'lI!:Y Cow~ , fresh; one a Terry fllomlly . Sunday aUoroooD, young cow, flnlt oalf, Other A. 8 . Tal ma~A aDd wife. J. Lee matore oow wltb oal' 8itt weeka old . TalmRge, AmaDdl& tHrner and CUD be lIeen at my farm Yo mUe dauabter, Mrs Jes81e Kennon, of welt of WeHmaD . J. W Cre.wAII. . jy2G READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY 'bls place, J ohD Thompson and wife of Wellman . aDd AlherS Berrel and ORSE. 7 yean oM, 10UDd, Kood Theae ho.iness bout. ue leader. in their line., and anure you value and .enice. family. 0' D~y'on. BpeD' Suuduy worker and , driver; allo good with (jeo, Tbompson RDd family. a' Buggy and BU0388. ID good shape Ma8Dn. OhIo When in Dayton Visit Them-They Want Your Trade Inquire of Ah'a Luddinatou. R D I, WaynellvllJ". Ohio .' jy26




Dr. W. E. Frost


Dental aDd General

F"lr· Halred Glrll Qulokllt. FIlIt'·III,lre,1 );Irl~ ItIllke th e bellt "all· resseM, IIrc()rdltlg 10 olle expert, .. are quiCker In movement,



"W ill you tuke the air on ,ll'<'k t or DIle moment ",llh )'o ur rrlenl11" slIhl








At much lower rates than formerly. covering all kinds of tobacco. in a special policy.

No tobacco grower can afford to run the risk-tl few pounds at· the price will pay insurance on several acres. If you intend storing your grain. ge~ one of our Fire Policies that cost for actual time in use only.

Sears & Cartwright Phone 61-2

Waynesville. Ohio




Foreat T. Martin

----_ .. - - -


SafegUarding the


Nation's T Highways

HE railroad • .,. bel... o......ted .t p..-nt under th. T ....... portaU- Act of llZO. na.t ....uUN I. not perfect. It repnMftte, .....rthal.... tho mOllt oon.tructi" and hopolul ploco 01 r.Uroad I..... l.lIon .nr ....cted by an AmerIcan Con~. It t. worthy of an .dequate trial undor normal condltiona W_ an,. chana-lf auch be found ad detormlnod upon.






- - -..

Tlte urgest In Dayton

Reaources $14,500,000.00 Cont••••,. allll

OYer 30,000 Accounts ••eoiMIStreeu



Dependable Used Cars A leading (fi st ributor of a~tO:T. o­ biles in Middlet oo wn hall aulhorized me to di po e of the foliuwlnj!'



ext ra good 192 1 Dodge Tour'n2 , fine condition J 1920 Dodge TourIng a ~ ood car 192t1 490 Chevrolet . good 1It1le car 1919 Overland 90 1913 Ford ~edan, like new 19lJ .Ford Roads ee r. like new , f )'DU Ire l -lo.kinl[ for a car, don't m ' lhiloP JUlrtu nity. Yoor o ld ear ~ In trade on eny of the above . .... Tenn,,'to «uit


Nobody in ['ayton Selle B It 0 . e er rue·

C I ..






aDd moot fompl •• e STATION. [ LARGEST ERY ••d offlc. outfilt'D. Hou •• In CODtroi and SoutherD OhiO. Home 3874 • Garfield 1874 - .- -

Dayton. Ohio

W. -I. KILiioN








~ III:J. ; $3775' Mr, Graham $3778 30; john Spencer Ennis Donald '8504 60. The



. ~C"R. I Wt<;H ~u WOULD MOW 'THI!. LAWN ""NO FI)(' uP -r'HA" P>R.O ..... EN lliCR6EN


Three bids were submitted TerD:l8 J . 0 L'l&rhrtlgM. Wavnal. , by threediff.~rent bidderll8sfollows: vllle.Oblo Jy21i


" pr.ANTs-ceI Ar y , lomato. Gab. '. , . bage , Cauliflower. Pepper, Pt. :I lcommlsslOnora reserved .the rleht to menlo, and Eltlt Plan t . Strouee _ reJec • t any an·,... a II bid so r to accept Br ORRD"6, Iy' I W miles from ay '" the lowest or bellt. ' ne~ville OD L.ytla r Ul&d jy1l5


t. no n .... ., m_ .._ or What t. urpntl,. NqulNd t. a policy ., cowornrnant 'that wW ..,. to . - , . ralhoed compan,. and aywt_ in ~ca that It 1D\Ml IItand OIl Ito ' own feet. pa,. lte own ..-t and eohe Ita own ..,••• tabU.h MUnd ....tIoau with Ito own omploy_ _nd tINa _ that It t. a~nrc1e4 a f . and - w e mora patornaliam.


EE A. D . Bole and got a Ga. Saver . No' merely for Ford8. bot for automohl\lll1 aDd trao'ore al well. l'rloe 12 00.

the contract fol' cutting down the AUTO-Fiva.pa810Dger Irerland , hill at Orel{o'nia to John Spencer for Model 9') ; jusl overhauled .

D.rton. 0"10

M ED, : , NilS

Everybody'. Book and Art 21, 23 We.t Filth Street

The Dayton Savings & Trust Co. ,;

1920 Buick 6 Tourin\[ ca'r,

The county commissioners have let






'«1u ' TIJ TAKa


/0\11 'tl7 .,..AA.,.. MUC;I C"'"

peAR -


"NO TO ""He L.1!.Cl"UUi\.


WH"T .aVE~

'Iou 'iN'l!




':=============:-;::===~~=~::;:~;:;:==~ $3775

Full information rewarding i toeraries, etc.• furni8hed.

Used ColS: '





EUROPEAN TOURS Conducted tours to Europe. All expenses $425 and up,

An opportunity ahould be ~ the railroad. to eam ,..1 JII'Oiu onco mora-In orod_ that tha,. ma,. nMtabUah tholr c:rodlt. Without profita there can be no but. of credit aad without CNdIt railroad ............ and ....... Ion .,. impoaIlbl.. Rallroacll", la a public __ .Ice. It I ••leo • b ...l - . . . 1 to be .uccoaeful mUll be 'C onducted on _U...tablIahed b _ l _ prlnd-

oppoI'lunIty -f


Pennsylvania _

Railroad System _



Ye ar


Tubactn bail illRurll rice.

Cartwri~ht .

;'Sa ve by buy ing 10 W.y nesv llle. " Ed Oxley bUBlnell8 .



Whole Nu mb er 5653

S~a rs &


MI'8 . N . N. Arn old . of Springfild. wall the week-end !Cuest of Mrs . Lida Smi tb.




Wal ter Har bau lCh and familv . of in Troy . Mon d.y. on Day ton. are gue st>! of Koy Mad:leth and tam ily.

DF THE WORLD ~Cad:.:::::'",

I Rev John J. Schaeffe r. who iR~on- Clar a Lile ente rtai ned Mon day even duc ting services at St. Mar y's ch urch TobtlcCO hail insu rane e. Sea rs ing at dinn er. Missel Ann ie & Anyone wan tin g new Ford ears and with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Marne Brown. Emm C.rt wri ght . a Hei gbw ay and with in a week . 8~e E. W. Rick Well e r. will stsr t abo ut Janu ary ll. , pho ne 47. from New Yor k to mak e II tour ~th Hen riet ta McKinsey. of Sev eral of the Girl Scout II picniced the wor ld. The trav elin g will be at Pre nde rgas t'. cam p Monday. alm ost enti rely on the wat er. And Mrs . Wm . Nor ton spen t laBt week it On July 27 at the hom e of Mia with her slat er lit LUdlow Falls. will takl! abo ut four mon ths to com in Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Rye wer · Emm a Cum e Miami cou nty. plet e the tour . min s. ther e was a birt hDay ton visi tors Satu rday afte rnoo day part y give n in hon or of Mil n. l Louise Dak in . Refr eshm eDti of Special Fire policies for grai Ice n. Mi~ses Ann ie and Marne Bro crea m and cake wer e Blrv ed to wn Seara & Car twri ght. the of Colu mbu s. are vlsi tinll frien the gue ats. ds here . Miss Mar ie Williamson. of lIt'ar Bellbrook. spen t Sun day with J .a Allen Emrick and fam ily. of Lytl Mrs. Israel Satt erth wai te ente e. Whi take r and fam ily. rIpen t Sun day with Chas. Anderso tain ed with card s. Tue sday afte n rand fam ily . noon in hon or of Mrs. Juli a Don Mr . and Mrs . War ner kidg eway .Miss Dor othy Geb auer . of Hen , van 's gue sts. Mra. Geo rge Mlc of Day ton. IIpent t he week· end k.1 ders on. Ky .• has been elec ted Dea with Any one wan ting new Ford cars n ond Mrs. E. Fish er and dau ghte Mr. Bnd Mrs . Har ry Pace . r. of of Women at Wil min gton college with in a week. eee E. W. Rick and Indi anap olis. Ind. s. will star t her wor k with the begi pho ne 47. n· Special Fire poli ciell for grai n. ning of the coll ege year . Sea rs & Car twri ght. Arw in Agn a and fam ily. of Troy Miss Geb auer W88 a teac ber in the Mr. and Mrs . !. Satt erth e en. school here . seve ral yelr s ago . wer e the week· end gue sts ot terta and ined at a fam ily dinn er, Sun day Ed Mr. and ~rs. Abr am Coo k nnd mad e m any frit<nds. who will rejo Oxley and fam ily . ice Mr. and MI'8. C. E. Rid eno ur. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Cook. to hea r of her !food fort une . 01 and Mrs. Chaa. Ride nou r. Mr. Byr - - -... on The 27th ann ual Col lett· Me Kay Spri nab oro. spen t Sun day with Mrs McCelland and tam lly. Mr. and Mra Emm l1 Reta lli~k . . IlicDie will be held at the usua l plac C. G. Stac ey and son. all of Spr lnae - on Satu rday . Aua ust. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Pier ce and field. Mr. Lau renc e Sim 18n dtam lly, thll Misses Dor othy Daki n of Lytl e, and Mr. Har old Bur ae and and Mrs . Marv Wat erho use has been Hen riett ll McKinsey wer e in Leb a· famfly. spen ding Neveral days with her non Satu rday . .Th e mar riag e ot Mi88 Hel en She rtlaulithter in Cov ingt un. Ky . At an elab orat e dlrln er liye n by wood, dau ghte r of Mr. and Mrs . Mi88 Hele Tom Pier ce. of th is office. is spend· n Mar latt en Wed ntld ay Fred E . She rwo od, form erly of Mis8 Ver a Pric e hiS retu rned this July 10 ing a few uay s with his mot l,er 18. the mar riaa e of Mil l Jean · plac e. to Mr. Rich ard Pric e. of in her hom e in Wil min gton . afte r vilil Col- Leb anon . Ind . who has been nett e Jann ey to lIrtr. Lor en S. Bad umb ul. took plac e Julv 14, 1928 in ill inll her 8181er. MrR D R Smi th · , at ley, . beal th for lIome time . Pre sid ent Warren G. Ha rdin g, who of Wil min gton , whicb will take Colu mbu ... has been ma kin g a The tou r af Ala ska and oth er points, ding cere mon y was per- place Aug ust 8 was ann oun ced. Any one wan ting new For,l carll was tak en severely ill wit h form edwed Sav e you r Old Car pets Hnd RUII by Rev. Stim mel . of Glen- Covers wer e laid tor Mil l Jann ey, with in a wetl k. Hee E. W. Rlck ' pne ulUonia, on his arri val at San Fra ~. and jZ'et .. Wea rwe ll" nci sco woo , and d RUIC II IIltld t: lIrt. E. cbu rch. Mr. and Mrs. Mn . J. E. Jann ev. MI888I Lou ella his fur the r peon . 47. tou r will be aba ndo ned for the pre Send for pric e lidt . ~'runk lin Pric e are resi ding at 1l()( Miller Ave and Fran ces Jann ey, Mn . Fra nk sent. Itu~ , Hain Advices from the Associated Pre ss es. the MI88e8 OllYe Allen. Alice DI'II J. T. b':lIh a tI A. T Wr lllhi Co') • Fran klin . Ohio . dis pat che s this morn- Columbull. Oblo. Car ey. Eua enla Wh itak er, Reb ecca ing . say he has passed the crisis and atte nd ed 8 mt'rtilllC uf the War - -t (n is on the roa d to recovMcC lure , Hele n Haw ke. Mar y Mes~ r8. OrvlIl Gra v. Ch8 ~ Cou nty Medicaillociety. at Otter~ Andt'r· ery. Dr. Saw yer say s: "Si nce in 50n. roll. The lm. Orvill. Emi ly Inw we hav e our tox in und er Mur rav Hop kins and L l3ulC bl Hom e. Frid ay . ood con trol, I feel safe in saying tha t we and wen t to Cin cinn ati. Monday. to MI88 Mar latt. Frie nd. of both hav e pas atsed the pea k of trouble ." of th8l e you ng peop le will be pleu Mra E Fieh er .nd dau ghte r. and tend the Brooklyn Red dou ble bl'ad· ed to lear n that they hav e acce pted er aam e Mr•. (jeo . Mickel. ot IDdianaJ>OIi The doc tors sta te tha t wbilC the re Earl y Sun ~, day mor ning the are road s posi tion s at Geo rge Sch ool, chances for com . Ind . wer e the week-end aue lta in Pa... plications. yet the y feel tha t the dan tbro tow n wer e lined with machine of s. pre~ echool the high 'Itan ding ger is pas t, and that~the the obje Misaetl Lou ise and Carolyn Smi th, Mra . Juli a Donovan. of ct. gene Pre rally sid . ent bein g berr y whi ch Is well kno wn is well on the wa y to recovery. who have been auel tll of Mr. E. to our peopl •• plcklDa. Almost ever y mac hine V. had 141M Jann The whole cou ntr y has been wat chi Bar nha rt and fam ily. of Cincinna L~vertng Car twri ght. of con tinu e har teac hti. Evanllng the case for sever- bask et•• and but a tew had fishing Ing. whi leeyMr.willHad wer e here SundllY enro ute to thei WA~qENG. tiAQ OIN O, 0 ton. III .• Is spen ding II IIpendln ly hal been mad e al day s, and since the good word of this mornin pole r g a berr ies are plen tiful . aaeilltan all poH ica l affiliatic,ns all ove r the g, people of and s.the The t foot ball and buk etba n hom e in Brookville. fe. wee ka with his Irra ndp aren ts. pickel'll In man y .cases had coac Un ited Sta tes are rejoicing ove r h. Mr. and Mra. S. L. Cartwrl~ht. fair luck . the good news. _ ___o• ....__ Mr: Fred Har tsoc k and fal1lily. of -'--.... . I Mr. and Mra. Clyde Col ema n. The Milf re ord. will be no banrl con cert to-I and Mrll. Uu ra Mosher. of Anyone wan tina new For d can Any one wan ting new Ford cars Nor woo d, and 141'11 Eth an Cole with in a week lee E. W. Rick man who hav e been apen ding the week at nigh t. l. with in a week, lee E : W. Rick Sen . Hir am and chil dren . of Tola do, Ipen t Mon Indi an Lake. cam e hom s. pho ne 47. e Satu rday pho ne 47. • Tobacco hail Inlluranee Sears. Ho d.v with Mr. and Mra . J H. Col and visi ted rela tivll s here me fro m Eu rop e & . Sunday . man . Car twri ght. -----~-Spe cial Fire policies for IlraiD ." . -. Mn . M:lry Ada ms visit ed rela tive Mra. J. O. C.r twr i,ht .nd d.u ,b. Sea n ...... Girl Wr ites 2.50....~wrordl a Min ute s & Car twri ght. tera ; Mr'. .nd lira . Owe n Bur in Mor row last wt!ek. ett, C. T. Haw ke and dau ,hte r. MIII ! The Ath letic s took two seve nThe Mlslles Hen riet ta McKinse I y. Ollie Davis. Is suff erin g from an Bele n. and Fran k LeM .y and fam Innina' gam ee Sun day . The Mar gare t and Mildretl Clar k. Leona fint attll ck of blood pois onin g. MI. . B lrd le Ily are .tte ndl na Miami V.ll ey Ch. gam e with Bell broo k was a hotl u McG innl aand Clar a Berr yhil l-ret Bee T", 16 fear J urntauq ua. coh teste d one. eigh t Inni ngs beiDa ad hom e P'rlday afte rooo n from old St. Lou ll girl. Dr. ~nd Mn . J . E . Wit ham are tieln a a new two Dlay~ to deci de the con t8lt . Stoc kMiami Unl ven ity, whe re they have _ IlDger typewrltins vllit ing in Indi anap olis , Ind. "S., .e b, bU) 'iq in Wa1Dlllvill• ." been man . who pitc hed for the Bellbroo atte ndin g sum mer school. IO'N em, wrItes 2lIO ka, and who waa said to hav e been WOrdl a m1ou~e. inMrs. Mar y Cuk ey ente rtai ned whic h 1I a record _ _ !22! S vincible. hav ing won ever y gam e r en s rom Oa, ton Satu rday . aDd makes her this season. WB8 hit at will •• nd aide cIIamploo. d by the erro rs back of him . lost Mia Ida Githenll. ·or Day ton. hlB is first aam e. visi ting rela tive s here tbls week. ~agan. of Xen ia, pitc hed for the Athl eticlI, and bis wor k W81 goo d Any one wan ting new Ford cars unti l the fifth . whe n thre e hitll Uncle Sam Is with in • wee k. see E. W. Rick and e, a Id I n g In the an erro r let the Bel1brooks lead tbe Pho ne ftsbt being wag L'<l scor e. Man sile r Klin e took him &galllllt the drl'/II \' out 1llld he was re-p lace d by Ran aall td Gyp ey Moth. Osc ar La,b our ne and brot her. . of w\tlob hu bo.'t\O and was hit talr lylh ard. but man 'lred Springfield, wer e bu~inelB visi dolo i lfl'e4lt dotlltors to keep them scat tere d. here Satu rday . A,O to ero"e I II I The Bcore was tied In the Illv enth New HaD lrahl r ... . Phot o .how s arlllY Bellbrook taile d to scor e, but Mrs . Ear l Swa in. of Ridgeville, the air &en' lce v.I. Ath letic s mad e eno ullh hits to acor lpea t Thu rsda y with her mot loona ancb ored 110 e her, one run, sufficient to win the gam e, teet above "rou II,1 Mn . Chrilltle McKinsey. by 811 un"" ,:) 1 the scor e beinlr 9 to 8. rlAl og Whil e Ih ,'v The seco nd gam e with Har vey each I I' r Rl' ~.\ Mr. A. G. McP hers on and family sburg jJonlltla of po\\'d~r was devo id of man y errol'll. spen t last wee k with his uuc le and to th.. acre every and was a clea n. hard -fou ght aam aun t, Mr. and Mra . e. :> 11110ult's. H. Mad den . with the Ath letic s lead ing. ecor e 4. to 1. Har vey sbu rg. by the .Id of The re will be a spec ial nllJeting of a scra tch hit. a p8l8ed ball and 11ft St. Mar y's Gui ld, Thu rlida y afte r· erro ________ r. man aged to 1IC0re in thtl Me_ _ _ _ _ _1_ _ noon at 2 ________ o'cl ock at the hom e of _111141'11. JaB. McC and fram e. Stoc kma n play ed with lure. Har vey sbur g. and got two hlte . Realren pitc hed the gam e, and W81 ~ . and Mm. Mra. Mor all to the goo d, etri klng out the gan , Mrs . flrat LOuella Dou glas . Miss Hele n Dou five men that face d him , and gett g. SucceBSOn to ing 1&9. and B. L. Roe pken . of Day ton, twe lv. atrik eout ll dur lna the leve n wer e Sun day visi tors at the hom innl nga. "Ra bbi t" Fesl ey. who e of bal Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Lev l. of R. 0 bee·n .wln nlng alm ost ever y gam e At tpltch lower rate s tha n forme ; 2. for '. rly, covering all HarveYllbul'A'. W8I bit bard and kin ds of tobacco, in a special pol 'hll icy. sup port wen t up ·in the air in the We tak e this opp ort uni ty to intr fifth and thre e play en thre w odu ce Nu tobacco grower can afford to the Sen. HIra m ;'ohn 800. homo . lltter ball at dilf eren ron the ris ,,-a our selv es t ang · t~ tour l •• the mon allo . ths. peo win Iii g ple two Euro of po. WayneIV~ ' said. ".J am few pou nds at the pric e will thlnktng Dot ot politics. eithe ins ura nce on. sev era l . . and vicinity., r of rune . ' }lace. Cra ne, Pen der aa.t and . ""ee lt or anJ individuaL ,The acres. Ran dall led . wltb the IItick wor k re DO domesU,e polltlce In Hlm e Cominlr Day AUKUst D. the • thro uab out both pm ,., H .v eral 'You will find us 'eve r rea dy to. ~e In New forI! lut week. ItIDJI talk fine -' am bit. bein biag eat da,. yet. whe n m- .re yc.,u " able In the eoau loi moathl. I Ibal you inte nd sto rin g yb~r gra in, get g a. mad e. l pro mp tly and cou rteo usl y. one of our from form er mln ilte n w.tll be read tIIlk generlll17 on Inte~allollal , rela, . UOII Fir e Policiee tha t COlt ~r act uan im a aDd tbe attlt ude which old frie nd. and mem bera will e -iil -• .onJy, 0IlJ' be ctuotr}'. In mY- Tea .hum --We . are equip~ to ' do : all ble opinion, pres ent. ' All day me etiq , 'plC "au ld lilc malntalll." Automotive' /fepGir Wor#J, ". and wiD ~ dinn er at tbe ··chu rch. All Invi ted, ". Afte rnoo n MUlon at 2 .00. gla d to hav e yoU ca11 wb ta ~ ... • ... I'thl rd lect ur. on the Llf . ~f ~I, this kiDd of servic:e. I.I,A, Me llHl lpr to ~be Gen UI_... will I be live a with SIMI pic m., ~ W....

1; .

--_.-_.- --


__.- --



--_.- ..







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Waynesville Motor Co.





Sales an d Service, Accessories, Oils an d G re ue s


U n co ln FO rd F o rd so n





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\nt1ld 8ODI! at





khi4t .


"1'\1.,k 1\ w!ronm lIJ:nun' 1,- ~1I10 :O[l\n. ." 1",11'11'8 uke, whR.t's como til them 1" Then lie bu tlllied b low to niaku ~(Jnw entree: lud e suulTed the IlUlt I'D out. snl! "'tl ~ m('I' I"g I\.WIIY from the !lIt'o and lui'uy "1'0111 ' lluI ~lJll'e, wbell 110 cllught hUIe! of h'r ruun(\ th holly, Slle olll lIot res l!!t 111111, Ue hull her clOile 10 hid lJC!lrt.

Rrrorm.or nguroIII 81n. .. 1t1l1){)S Ib le; YOI "'h n tt,le Ilgbt IIRn.,1 111' Ilgnlt. there \ Il8 , kelton, s ur~' e,,'olljth, ~Iltl ll\; wllh auother mllU, :\1111 llllW ) \' \\' IIS rllling. ('"Wentty tlr etl OIi th ' 1m\\', IIIHI nn Ing out, t ollow c'tI h!' h l~ f,·I"II<1. I{I'U' (,) II thou J{h he hod II ' '1\ II Il'I"li nJ; h is llIother'Mfun crnl In· lit 11.1 or th\l blUrrlngl' f J llIl nllnllY Itl VIM" 1,'lnch In 1\ 1'11111081' ca r wlUI




-,by H.DeVere StacpooL . A Romance of the Bahamas



11" w ,' r~ '\'('nlnl/ rl.lIh('s, cov re<I Ii, " I I~ ht ." 're\1I1!. Hllt clllfe r o n lin d.




" \ l'

hlo t Jlbh ' !:" . t1rlnk('rs,


'rho gentleman. Tho perMn extCl\dJng 1111 InvltatJon III alway s tbe olle to ooe tbat thlnga roody. lJ o\\'l'ver. 118 n mau nllually hila no fa ctUtles I:or I1IIttlllg up a meal. the IsJy 811oult.l Il8k It there Iao't 1IOIll~ til hue sh e cIi 1\ do or Bbe \;lIO con'Ulbute. .

III," sui d Ha lt'lilfo. "n nd l l'"e'. "'hl'I'IJ'S th" Dry ud ?" llo u whort, coa ling," replied

~. , t

r li'I . I II ~


' k .., lllIll.

nh$lIrhl llg

H lltdUfe's r ou gb.

1I1111·r,"l(ly gllrh, the cloth CIlP he W08 \\ cllrillg, lind SUIIlIl. ''I'm stuylng at Iht' ~ l lIlulizas ; uut I ~o "holl rd tomor· row 1111 rnlnl.!, lnnd w~' ro · ot't t n tbe eve· nlll)(. \\' hlll h",'e you u~eu doing with

opern 110118<', tI.e ('athC<lrn l. 'l'h~~' pn~s('(1 F'lorlon'8 \dlh Its mnr·


Dear A,leda: It a ' 10Wl1r 111llS' t. o"ked to go on a ptOnlc with a man. who turnlBbcla the luncheon, the Indy or gtmtlemnn l-JI'bllllka. D.

full ll \\ ,>.1 ",~ !'jnt:ln, pursued him, touc hin g 111111 lin H' ~h( l \lldf' r uut.sldu lind tn till' fllll 1.1 11 7. ' of till' lumps. "f ;, .. ." I ; d !" ~ : d tl ~k("1 t o n . UHo t· 1'\1 np ~'. ' '''U~I


uJud l.!

:t("C'O lUl'on11llt'nt:; . .,

df\rnlno p1ny~rs, nnd .lIto n SIIIIII" ltly hn\'<' to. ""'lIl'r!' (\')'011 wnnl 1(> 1''' n<l \\,'(" ~:l l d Il U tl

1t n w1lom street. h e 18 11. n.

• • • • •

gI rl weet& a young man wIth sbo b acquaJutc<1 on Ibo sbould she S 8Y fl nythlng It

~ LtU rMl~1 n" The Vani s hed Llglrt. taUtlng with anotber girl7"uh, h"l'lliS uo t!lId of fun. We A week In«'r, toward su n. IO\vn, the !OUIlU nil uld u 'casu ru ship nnd blew Sarah ('arne up the hal[' lolle chnn nel SOlnll . "n'YlIlI wll nt drl ll l"?" I, er uI' 1\110 fe ' lIl1ll Bh e was full ot skulls It Is quite pro~ler tor her to mop and drol'PNI her h ook 10 118\'01\u hur· ":\0, I dolt 't wont d r luks," sn ld Hnt. nDd s peak If sbe wlsbeil, Iltlt \llIually and bllllns. \' Oil lillOw Sal un 1" IIOr cl osO! 10 th e old an~hornge ot the c~ "Como O\'er here." morfi grlle ctnl It .he ju.l BwllC!! or Skelton. who hud Ib'llOred Satnn, Ol'Kaine. A Roya l mullbollr puS!! lng out A hl llzin g clnemo 1>Hl nce shone ncro ss bows be r het\cl In rocogllltiolL knowleu g",1 hi s ex l t euce by IL llttle rave her the illck or 11.8 w ash us s bo Ih e \\, uy, UI1. 1 they Clltl'rrtl, Hll lcllITe • • • nod, RUled dow!) to her moo r ings. 8 eus· IIn)'l n ~. lOB lotter trom a young In~y In friend?" n s kcd Rot· "Who'ij your ConU<lct:l<.'ut, wbo Is golllg to maJwi toma boat Ilro\lped Illon~ shJe , un~ the TIo " l'ln<'C WII~ In bln c k .lurkll('SlI. A II ,'''11 L sbe I14Y8 : "loI.v trlends a.rB C'Ultom' men, hll lling ntan us a trhmd co w l,oy shoo llnl: 1I1' n bll r WII S (lit the cliffe. p:lnnd n ll nt Skelton's compllUlon, Ooth ollc lind I wo nt to know whe lhand broth er. came abOftrd und trons· !/eTc 'n . ond u runll wllh nn ekcl rlc who had I'I.!IUO\·ed hllllscif a tew PILC~ er I should ntteod my own churcb. "I 'ons,lUl,y-dlllllJmu I Ie s~n' l ee. SCII acted bus.lnrsa with him In tbe . cabIn . I toreh lecl Ih"m to tI .. I,' ·«,.t . . whk'b 18 ProtcatBnt. or jtO w ith . blgl , I . , •. • here. el'llI ' ou b oard to luucb tOluorro" The wInd blew warm , r ~ ng IICent8 'J'hell lh .. y sa t wutehlng Ihe Ilkl u res, tbew. It I go to tllelrs. should I and 8OUIl4& across th e V8St barbor, Satan critic izing the actors 51J 11l et lmc8, --()IH:· D(tf~ll." conform with tholr eervlCE8~-yta " lll ght." A. 8., Conn. t1utlerlnl th e Oags of the shlpplog, and anO In a loud ,'olce onrl not ulwoys "I hlln! some !lenr of yoors." Ratcll1fe, 8tandlol a t Ihe rail, dazzled favorably. The cowllo), .h ul hlm..,l f "ltll:ht. I' U SL'C nl ll'" 1 It." It would be very Ir\"ftclous of )'00 by the brilliance of .the 8cene before off the sc reen, th e lJ&hls On red lip for to atte~d your triends' cburcb. Tho .. '1"ll(ht." bim, k:oew that his cruise was o\·er. hid! n m In ute well t OUI nnd the pic. "buncee B,re tbat tbey \vllI a~k yoU .. 'NIJ;ht." It ...... lIi1e comlni to tbe end of a IUre ft res lllll ed'. . If ~'OU h£\ ve aDy preferenC!.'. 1'hen orr ht! wenL booll.-& volume IlUddenly hllnded to Hutc H".c fe lt a nud,::e, anti In the mention yonr 0"-0 . No. It wlIuld '111l'), hlld seen elllllibil or the pichim by hte t o read , and of whlcb be darkness Slltll n's \·olcl.!, llIut ed now, not be n e('e88llry to oonfonn wltb tures, 1I0d hu vlng no lo cllnatlon f~ t belr 1ler>1ec'8. Will rondernIl/!d to wrIte tbo sl!que1. CBme In his ellr. De rem\!lDbered the mornIng at Palm "SIIY " whl~l1erC\l Suton, "did you sr.e co fCB or III "erns or guwllllng sbop. tb('y made bock toward the wbarves. laIand wben he boarded the Sarah Oral. him 1" ,'ntlln wnlk lng In profound sUence, aod the picture was sUli fresh In hIs "\rho?" mind of tbe Ballotls as they bad left "The mn ll thnt rlrol'Pl'd you at ['n'm Hot cll!re thinking. Eye Loshel--A I' tlle )'cllow \'ascTh whole e\' enlng be bud been {ol. her In tile lagoon ot Cormorant, Sellers Islon.\''' lin e appli <d to Ihe cydas h ~s eac h low d hy n ml sc rahl e sort of half· lm· and Oleary and their men 8\vnrmlng ni g ht will im pro\'e th ei r growth a nd "S kelt on 1" about her Ilnd tinkering her up. They beauty. '''l'hllt's him . n e's 8Ulln' rIght a pression. It had attached Itself to biOI 1IItended to 8blp the spare propeller tront ot YOII." firSI on the de.'k of the Sarah, born 01 aJld brln, her Illoog under her own his rei urn to dvlllzatlon; It had mnn· Removing Duat-A paillt ' bru5h "Are you Hure7" moUn pow~r to the oearest port, Nne· aged 10 deco lorlze the past few weeki u.ed in place of a dust ra g CU ll ge t 'I S UTC as sure," 8an In the Baham•• Ihe dU51 ' " crevices where th" dust Skelton h en'l Bllt wh erf', then, WIlS flnd dcmagnetlze Jude. ra.g Cann(ll. They bad been 80 busy with the the Dryo,17 Huu hI! wl'e<:ked h or, or H I" conscious mind bnll never quite en,loee and ttle bull that they bad \\'hRtl gauJ:cel the hold lI,at JUtle bsd muo· never notIced bow completely she had Bg.::.1 to get upon hlro, and tbls sub· Halr-:-lfl rush ~our hair Ih orou gh. The worr1" of Sntnn serme.l tn niter been stripped. The were unconsclouJl Iy. Brush II tWice daily- night and e\, ery lhl lll!. trnm tho Ulusl c to Ihe pie- conscIous d vII , t1slnll at the toucb o! morning. Th eil whenever yo u 1I00' e ot the fact that 8be had been left with tllre of ,Toh n Hunny on till' sc reen. clvlllzntlon, like n gOft bubbl e from hll time massage th e sca lp wi lh the ber anchor down-unfortunatee! Be conventlonlll pnst, bod burst, with The dnrlmcss. lHle,1 with no tlve Bn· spoili ng ('!Tect, robbloi the Sarnh of hel halls of t.he fillgr rs; thi sIJrts the eould sUll Bee· them like ants laborin, circula ti o n goi ng an cl one will ~oo n 111 the s uo, at the tOllk set to them b, v anll 8l·l.![l tS. 1Je1.'JllUe tln J!ed with the rouUlOC0 Illld sea·cbarm and tbe pall find much Ilew /lair growing. • I\lIuo~ phere or B rltl sb Huspc<'tau lJlty. the utmly humorous Satan, tik cl ton ut the pi cture I Why, ll\! olllo(l't 'rw w l'i'k~ nf theIr brl:::h lnesB. Jud.. Satan bad won the game they bad hud II I111111 I'd wit h everything else, beforced 'OtI him,' boldlog. all be dId, a to h a \'0 bee n ut t he opera or oon of tile conte part n nd parcel of wb ut seemed tlwoters or milking on tJw uillme tlu t:ldllkl':, C()lorCd nl t! u, :S I Jll n l ll l· u~. fino thousand dollars, the "trIpes" at the on illusion. AIII " .. lcuos , It' l! ~r ll llftIiC" \lilt! galet." BaUot\a, and the secret ot tbe mu, '1I If" ~ llnf hi s Ill nn er nnd lh lnldo a of It WIIS while Bitting lit the !llctures. wlthq.ut henrt, thut sel'lIIed Ilk" a bar· trap, to be disposed of. perbaps, loter In bluck darkness, wllh ko ow ledge of rl cr l, etw('o~n 111m nnd th e hlllllllie little ou tor a conalderatlon. Satan would, Skelton's 111'(,5(,lIce, thllt the ntmol!- Surab and Juue away out there In the DO doubt, aet other untortunates dIg· plte ra h~l!'lI n to clcnr, the wa\'es to bent darkness ul one-woltlng fur h im I It IIDr for the Nombre ,uat 88 he had set Dgaln UII C,I\'IUQrI\ut CRY, th e gulls to lIy Clime to bllll that Jud'" wu~ Ih" oo e Cleau aod Sellers tinkering and tow· IIIIU co li - II lid Jude cOlu e buck to life. ~ol e Ihlng he wRnlNI In Ihe <'ru~l , COld 111& at the RalJoMII, jUllt all he bad beld lie heard " gu ln th ot queer litHe · ,,1~'Clrle·llt world- ond hIJ hud le rl her I up trel&bters tor a bunch ot bananBs, InuJ;h (If her s as she rem oved his bond. They po ssed thrl.lul(h nurrow streets ,ult "a8 he had made Thelu880q nnd II " fel t IIl:lIl n tile "' Itrlll body lhut hud like tha streets In Ull evil llre:lm aud bla ~w 'careen ¥d scrape the Sarah, res led ('ollfltleo tly agaInst hIm away ~llIzlng sJ:n'(lts IlIdeoua with noi se. j\Jat u be bad mnde RatclIffe an aC'Il lI'rc ull Ii,,, ~ uDdplt. 'l'hen at Illst lb ey reached the wh .. r! compU(lI! In hla pllUlll aud a bnody man ' AIIII lh cn s he waS out on the black with Its aUlbcr IIgbts spilling on the to, help him 111 hili works; yet the funny huruor IIl ulI(' In tl, e Saruh, while he and billek wll\' lng Witter, '11I1I n hired B thIn, about· the scamp was the fact Sut"n wel'll wmchlng the pictures I bout, anel t.h ey put orr, two tllIgocs row· that he was absolutely dependnble. Ilig olld Sutuu nt UI" yoke lines. wheo Dot deaUn, wIth ('()DIpanleB or lO,emmenta or dereltcts. Ratcliffe Th e Sur,ah was ancbored Il Iulle out, would have tft1lltfld him wIth his Il\lIt l\lld the \,n s t thr~rnlle hllrhor, vngne penn,. . In the sturllght nnd clrelC<l by the hills. Dependable If' ~ou took hoi. ot him seemed t o Hut~lJr!'e III ore Inllllilnse thnn b, his handle and not by bls cuttlnll wh eo sen n by duyll" ht. edge I Trustable If you tl'U8ted blm·1 Li ghts, Il gbts el'erywher&-sellttered Tben Jude eame up In ber harbor KlLUNG PROGRESS I1 ght:i of SI!lIppln ll. 80IDe neur. SOUle tar rI4r: that Is to say, boo .. and a coat. UWIlY, gem·crust ed bulks U,nt were :We have been i.hrtenlng to tho "SO tao's c1acklo, away with the eus- elogBn, "Build your borne. Amerlca gren t IIn e rd Ilt unchor, su ngs 8.IId .tlme an' th6 port doctor man," aohl mUllt build Ih'e million new bomell." voices. nnd the crenk ot the unrs lu the rowloeks I 'I'h~n a sudd('11 green, Atter 118tenlng to that slogan the red, IIlld whit e light nbeuu and 'll fussy people began a great progro.m of Dnd furious littl e tUIl thaI neurly I'fIn collstruetlon, Bnd It would have coo· them dowlQ alld left them rocking In tinned had oot materials been lI er Wllsh. rnlt!ed to olmost probJbitlTe prIces; "Scowbnnkol's I" Hol.1 Snton. Then; alld labor demundod a WIlg9 locretlll8 "1 cll n't mnke out UIO lI"ht of the Surah, 1I0how." anll a decrl!88e at workln, Ume. It A clntch cnme to rtat elJll'e's henrt, Is now absolutely certalu tbat thO the clutch of something cob] nnu malign Imlldlng boom wlll cesae uulcea whlcb hud seemed following him c,'or these two great tactJons agutnBt since Ske ltou's pres ence hud mude Ilfosperlty nud projp'08I'I cnu be Itse lf felt like un evil oUlen. "'Ili le t o see tbe I.Igb~. They Wj!re SO tllr out now IIlDt tbe 'fh e: f"rmers' bulldlng plan8 ba vo sonnds of the to\\'n und whor 'es hnd t l'('rl groond to powder. Be boN died to nothIng; but stili tile crcuk of to $(1\'0 702 egga 10 order to Il8CUrC! the ours In the rowlocils kellt on. 'I'hen n Jl lasterer for oue day of elgbt CIIUlC Sot lin's voice : hours' labor. De baa to i1ye 28 "Thllt's her, O\'~ r beyond them three lights 011 the sturllollrd bow," I'iJicltCIlS wehlhlog tlJroo pounds ('nch to pny 0 ~Ialnter tor OliO daY'R '1 Skelton , Who Had Ignored $;Itan, AoUatcllll'l! breathed uguln, and his \\'o rl<. Be bCUI to give 11'>11 hushels J knoWleda1.d H Is Existence b)' a hrllft leupC<l In biOI 8S be IIl cked out nr corn, or a yeur's recolptA from Little NoB. thl' light. lIn. holf nere. to pur n ~rlckl8ycr Satan altereu lh elr coursc. f or <lne d ay's work. lie has to fur· SUPJlf>'e SOUle lumberlug soiling crnft "Are you sure?" nslled Hlltdlffe. !lIst) ~2 vonnds ot hutter, or tbe being Il l"'!!11 to he r In Oorln j,,'S, Or sUUle "Sure." o urJlU t ot 14 cows' teed Rna 1D1Ik 10 'om lng mllll!Jou t were to s mll sh Into "You ga\,tl me tbe devil of ft frlgbt." for :!·I hunrs, In order to l"'Y tbe the Sflrnh - flll,l lhey were to row olr "Which \\'0)'7" Jlhnll""r ~14.00 a du..v. 'rhe farmer hus to gIve u hoI: li nd find lI othl llg--11O Julie? "I tbought she might hR\'e heeo run w('i J(hlng l1n l)flUIlc\ij and re~lrCl;Cnt · Th e tll OUl5ht olmost modo him rise do-yo by some shIp comlng In-ilr Ina p.1J,(hl monthR' f~ecI ln!C uull cure from his sen t t o lea ve th n plnce. But 80methlng.'" III o rrler 10 pny a curpentl!r for ono He Produced a Bundle; Then, WIlli lie could not expluln to Sotno: so be "Oh, sh'3'S well out ot the troc.... ll" .\·'~ work. HI, Hand on Itsnt 011 till the II gbts flared out. And suld Sill 1111. II ow Cilil one e.'t\l('Ct III'Ol!r('~s nod "All the snme, I d idn't feel ensy," I'rM i" ' I'It~· wh cll Iu,' d elll,'r" In 1111 thn tirnl'. Dl ocklug tho pictures OD Jude. "You ean't S~ aeross tbe cabIn t'lll lhllllP: IIlat c rlltl ~ 011 thr lin/) Hide the Sl"l'Cnn, cnme pictures ot Jude. a\l Then th ny hung silent, Uetcllffe's wSth the lIDloke, and 1 bad to cball&' ullil tho Illbor 0 11 the olhpr ,1<10 sunlit, relll, fresh as herselfl eye~ on the light and his bood 10 hi. 1117 fl, 111 the galley." e xpl oit rrll)ll Ih<' wou l<1 ·t., !lullder Th en, UY lhey pursucd theIr way to pocket feeling for dt>llnra to pay the thf' lJ1s t ('t'nt thut h ~ ('un tW:i: nod . "You lOin, Ils bore?" aSked Rntcllfre, the whlll't arter Icul'lng Skelton, tbe boatmen, I ,Ol"l'dW': It Iii 1111 IIn.1l1st. nn E'q unl "No," 8ald Jude, "Sn la n's goIng. I've "What's tbere to pnyr' asked he. HIlIl i ll t':tJllf lll S l ' IJIHI II I "11 tll ut c xtstfJ I ulIlla llull t·1.! Incrensed; th e darklle911 of pC to keep sbJp. You leolng with blm'" th .. nlglit, th " blaze oC th .. ,uwn, the "A doll a r, seeing thl're's two of In th is cOlllltry n t thp I'I·r!.-"' (~l\t- tillH'. "I +08e so." \'" c 11(.\( '11 tin' 1111111 .. 11 h O Ill t'fl . unu Kny I1f" of l.h e str"PIS, and the rnvelr7 them," rep lied SUtUII. "SlImh ahoy I" ~ed Sutan. followed by the the re OI~g-ht 10 1.(1 III Ih l" ('itlp!" nr ur l il\) cllr~s seelued sln ls ler anll banded "Ahoy I" cmne Jude's voice, and 8 port men, who tumbl ed Iuto the boot t hi:-> 1f\1II1 ' l1 illton ~ of' d"l1l1l'~ \\'ltrth III a C,JI '" JlII'III:) lIj;ulost him and the lantel'D 8WlIOli O\'er the aide, alld rowed off, or (lmf '" nlld ot h t'f It iml s lit' 111\ 1Iti· Illnel.\' lilLi e fi;:II"" ot Julie. The Ill. Snton buollled on hoard, IIlld Rat· 1m::i l'ro 'dl " !' I'll t flw ,\' (,,'Ul nut he "Goln' asbore'/" a sked Sato n. (lI fl'l'I ,' n" I' "I' :ik I.!I lOll, the way he hod elltre crnmmed Ove dollnrs loto the 111111111', 1 wllilft ,III'I'p un.' thl):oIe who "Well. I'U row you to tbe whllrf after b Ull" 111 11' h'd l)' uIY, the WilY he bud . haOlI of tbe 8tem ollr; th~n he fol· flr' l' hldll ~ .. t il., ) lI~t 1I11111HI' o f f) e; h I've bad a bIte ot supper, Jude'U InWI! d. and the fellows DUqhed orr, kllO lI " .. '''''1. tile 1110\,1111; c;owd of II , III. ~ 1I..' II II/ ll · /.Jc iJu ilcll'J'lt. brln, the bOllt back. and we Can get a . shore boat off for bo.!! a doUnr." Dolt an bour later, just as the el ectrics were sprlngln, alive and the V "' .'" - HE C; C; ~"f 611;T II CHI,y ,AND THEQE; A.RE, nachor 11&bts 'ot tile sblpplng marking WA'~ ~A<;-r o"IOMTH -"NO H\!:CTO~ the dosk blue IIky. tbey started. Tb ey T&N 'Ye",~'i> DtFJ'CIlENCE 8tood 00 the wharf 8teps tor a Ull)1<0 TDMORIl0yt. ~e'LL 91!TWeBN ~A. AG\!:~. mellt Wlltclllng Jude row off. then they Be FIFTY Ye~ turned to the towo. Havo nn smells different trom any other seoport. She smell.. of rum and garlle 1I0d dirt Rod c\lfanJ and the .-am Of Cubit, whlch la dlJTcreDt frOID . the eRrtJl ' .\Jly,,·here else. The harhor a.n d tbe ·town e~chQnge bouquets; tbe IlCI.'1VeB help; Sp\lulsll cliarettes, Flor. Ida 'I\'ater nnd decAying vegetableg lend a haud, SntaD led tbe .way. Be kuew the plAI."e III! "ell All the lwIlde ot hIe II tTUdgecLal..Qllg liepocket. a.!!.U lick l~tcl1tre lind", tlie elect.rrcs I1C1't>SS pia..... 01' tlll'O\l1:1\ "lOrt~t CII t·throat· I_Inc by.... ... be poInted out the Got.alll ot tbe ploee-DutCb ~ tile .tJ ares fac tor)'. the . creat A.".CAn .. ;

• •

i I



• • •


1 I '.





"Wh ut 111 It?" nsllpd Jud e, with a suddeu ratell In Iler hrclIlh Qed spcuk· lug In 11 \\'hls l' r. "\\' hnchn \\'nn t?" Tlh'Il hl~ II I'S flirt III:r5. illl1 . l;'lvc \l1ll1l1led Iuter :;lIlulI, lIIulllng hIe, con·~.. o\'er. th o I'rllll u~ ,;11l \' 0 or the Elt1llotlll. hell!'!l II Kl ru):l,! lIng sound, m~l\...,d 'with '1111" u 11I1I);III " r, IIlId Hu t· cline UPJll""'e'd III 11 '0 ell" lu .1 .."... U e wui drnl: ~lu~ Jud.' In ; s he "'liS hall'· "cslstllJl;, IIIHI 1\ t; fa ce WIIS hid III the cruok of h t.1r n rill,

Untt'I\fI'<" Irlrn.hnd d

,'fIr t h.o

jn~ t


,'10,,11' .'n (h'e" cn h;t~


tv th'

flIl1 , JI!( I' look ell ULl 01 hi III Iln d IU Ullllt'Cl, U .., hull» ber Itl u~hlll:: !lcrort>, III!' hud , ~'l\\L1 hl'r ~ ul'i y, 1111'1111lit I.",'. h l'lI o 11· IUl(, W" l'lllnJ(, tl u ' h 'U wllh II Uj("r, ,;,' 11111' hlJ!lll: bu l II(' 11(11 1 n ll""r S , ~u h~~ wit h II IIhlk IUle thIR- hll l.IIIY, ' :;Ine,' IIISI 1)1 -ht SOJ II 'l'lh l n~ hll.1 Ollie Into her e"~" lhllt "",,", h 'r. wlll'lI her ey's me l ' hl~, u.'nnllill i. It \\,,,,, us thouKh u IU lllp had !Joeu sll. lekli ly Itt 1""I,lu her, 111 111 th e 1II11gil'n l ' l hluJ: \\'II S lhl! kno\\'I,'d~e tl mt h o hlln. elf \\II ~ th e

. Sl~ Jl;y l'Itper MooteJfCrtlve and ....ltaryl!T d .. lroyerkno"n. C" llecu ..... bold. IIi... Roully dl.pooCd 01. No detld or poralya:<i m .. (aU·

....~ ..m.·•.


by MJ'OCI!


O"""":ll~ w-1Ctl

Ir ryour J0 b P"rlntlnE, . - -- - -



,} .

~.. , ,


li e l,u,l "r"atl'll lhl R ne ll' ~IIlNhln~ tllll t s l'" ku (II hili. I' I,;h l uU I. r l):h t 10 hi_ 1'l.!lIrl, r1 J:ll t 110 III, "..,"I ! II ~ 1(01 Inl u IIH' .1111 I!h ,\', o 10tid .. I In


ntun, lITHt t llf",Y !'t nl'll 'd. J Ulh' 1\ 1 t!lf! scu ll s, lu'r t ,'t\w""r!of, 1', .11(·\1 IIl1tf· \\u)' \II) to th ~ kllf'lt'S 111\,1 ht' r . ,1.1 panall ill un

"SUWII," ,"111 Hald ln'c, .... II I golui to Ulan y ,JIII I" ." "Ood hell' ~ o u I" ,u ld Satll " .



" I : .. sJ!)W,"

Hull! Ill' , " t ll,'r, ,',, hl l..;

"t ......... ,., ...

Th eil. wltl."1t tlll'Y W,'!' L' \l lI t ot tw arl ll"; Hlld 11" WII !:S IIlunl' \\ Il l! II" .. ut rl ill t ':'


1",1 :


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eTo be coutlnus,\)

The We ddi ng Preae"t. ul'm ):\1; n:.:

M 0:'olli:\'

10 Ilull"!' \" Jthl~ '"

dill' ot "lie

""''' ' 1•.

with the sky 10

Li, e

t llli O 1 0 Ilo~ .

uu s y t;eltln g U,e .lIn l{h)' h ... r IhtIl("e oft to thl'

Dryad. She \\'a~ ove r th r s lile III h r, hllsy


tint.! hU lJulllng u turu' us she w nrk(~tI, hullng out Wili er. !I xl II!; the ('lI,h lo",.,

and 80 on, whil e Snllill wnlch ed her III a brooding mllllncr lIl' or HIe rlill. A 6:huslly fe'llr WIlS work ln.: III lhu heurt oC 'ntllll , thl! fl'n r tbllt SI(cllou lulMht wunt thu dingh y returlled. "Now, mi li d you," ~u ld Slit lin, "ulld \)rlng lhe blO ut ulld,.. I'd sooner lose lUe hend U,un thnt \)uuL lr YOll ('Ville hack I\'IUlOu t he r. I'll d lll ek you In the hnr· bor! I'III l tl lk h~ Ml'lllcht."


uy' ,"to lul.,r';d t .

lung Co~\

Money to Loan on Farms at S1 per cent for five years.

to gf't IIltu skins, hUll t urn eu i lad, lntll


nut,l,iu fu ou ey


o f l'curlU~ t he <IlU e '" very re~ ~u~ •• hln, thr ougb 'I'll " ~'tlder,,1 LII.ld 13,,011 . ~'or farthur InfMUlHUo\l oollil U ll 01' "dclrell8 M (J OHAKE, '1'rll<l" nrer, phooo 31(\-X, Ltlbllnon, OhI o.

Ju,I~ .



~' lIrm " rH of WArren "nd "djulnlng Ul l unt, Wt4 lU I" ?

ship cOlllllltc on'r l it" wUIPr, 1111.1 Or)'od 11<'lnlC tmn'd 10 her , "uo l' llg~ half II mil\! Nb"re\\ Ill'l l. Tbu blu shlll~ l 'rh lL~ lo-b p of In st night. h ldln.: hllr nIOS" all R ll lcllf'fe's Bhoulcl~r, us th ry ""I tllKeth " l' 011 the couch I,..Cure ~lI t nll, w hll~ h e lllu nted her with l h., fll e'l tl lI, t now , he'd h lll'e'

Sh e was


Farnlers, Attention!

north"'nnl IH'''t'1tI hllq.: hIl t 011 11 11\ 1111:\ haruor like th e' "'''"lh .. t a hille (),·.. n, fl ags flutll·rlnj.: 10 Ihl' wi 11<1, tlo t' cJl'llIn lI od fifc IIIUld .. f Ill' .\n 'l' I·kulI u·u·l nlllg


LUllUell 0 11

ohlll, tnl~, IIlslI MIlIlOlIlI mor~gA!(~. N"te~ UUlll(ht , Jobu [lurblnl!, Allen Bo\lc.lllll(, X .. uh~ Olnu . ().~ . 2-l '

The falll !l ~ I \(' ( lI (' t ~mll (l(tt-l:t' In tl' 0s e words UPIWaf't 'd h, 111 m t' lIlly IInl s t,,· xt


Will. II. And('l'sOIl, SupL of Lbe New York Antl·Sa loon League, wbo taces Gra ud Jury Indlctml'nts clJarg· Ing forgery, ex tortIon /lud gTuud Inrceuy. t ntil ~Iltly, the letllPle was ):l'IIM'<lIIs ly suh::l<: r1h, -li to lIy John D . H ock" ft'l~ cr. Jr.



l6r Sille ~;I

~~ ; . ""'.... _Jr bu.bols of 1000 (;orl1 . laqalre

lonod ()Iar. enoe Ilye, V'i f\ynedvillB Ghlo. alii i::1l00



C.11lI plJe ll ' II

Trlplo Flrllle88 Cooll" IIlmost new. luqulre of &!I •• Addle Keys, Wayne8vllh.', Ohio . alii AT,

I"n!! ",,,I A PPLES-CII" to a t-"IHlDe WIlO1 td

~Oo \ltl'J k to E~rnh .rt'H .

"1a~IDg, 10 ,OU'I'

VIlIley Phone


7~ (j

P V PllCs, 8 we.,kI 9 bPO'rl'H:[) o ld, reoordlld K E. TboWIl"OIl I,houa 19-1 y', Bluv"ys!JllrR rlOI. Oregoolll P ~., Worren Co, Oblo, R If. D. I, Box ma. H~ of C oro for aale all 100 Ba~h"IM CID(JIDU .. ]lIke, Wrl'e ~I

Flora 8erryhlll, 2127 Indlaua Avo. , (Jo l,HuhuR. Ohio, or jJbone Sf\me ad. dre88 nrter 0 I) m , d 8 Mme . a!l

400 801lhe!!1 of good hand.80r.,d Corn for aulll InquIre of R . U . :diller, ph o ne 69-3. Waynet. Ville, Oblo. Illl REGISTERED Jorsey 8ull, S yr•. nld Exile t{lnge Ralelgb , No, ) 85~:J 3 , .. hil( flue fellow . DanTe ~ I tl w, I mile n"r~b of Oregoola, Ohio . . 118 Table, Table, 1 Kltobett C ..


KUobeD I Vlo. rola, 1 Wallll Maohlne, I 011 Cook tilove , I \lOth Cen L.aurel BeallnK Mtove, 1 Oat. Sprouter, Mr~, Pecer Vemas, Vorwlo, OhIo, al blue~,

M AChlna, LID BOG- Reglatered Poland. big t ; pe; III1eo; a 'eo.hoe Thomas Wheat Urlll, iood ooodi. tlnn . A B . Iiluuhllr', pbone 2'.', Waynesville. OhIo. al Sale or Wllll'rade on FllrmFORCorner Lo, 00 Tblrd St aa" .'rankl\u Road, Waynesville, 01:110. l:Iouee, II rooms. mOllern; gafille for fhe mBohlnell, ben honse, ahop To kuow pIlrtloular". oall aod look 'hle Rood property over. C. W, YouDoe,



A., D . Bole and get a Ga. SEESilver. No' merely for I'orde,


ba' for au tom a bile. alld &rao$ora •• WBlI . 1'rloe 00,



0A'f OLDeIl TAAN ~ HU48"NP!



~"rrj,Howl1, PR.





OM,NO - ,.." INDI!eo!


Wilmington, 0., phollc 301.

WA .'ol1'EO-MpO or women to tllke order~ for !tenolne guu. Buteert bo"l e rv rnr men, women and chihlr Au h:llruttln te dar"I,,\{ tj"l. 'lrv f,7ii f\ w ee k (ull time , '1.~0 itO h llr "I'"re> time Beltoli I 01 !'prlnr l'n A Int.ern'lI.l o nlil titoo k lllg Mille,



"TI-I\!: I~" Of' "10U MII.KII'I6 ... "»TUPIO QeMAQI( LIKe TWI'T

1'0 f'\R,,<;.PURQY



. I



....T H E JtD ~.N.l


~!ID~E~R~ WE~!~ E T ! Ille


a\ w.YD.... Ule.

Oblu. ~ 8ecood

E••• ~

UI• • 8 AIIII )I . .\ e ,



.__ E E2i

Iways Plea'i~,.


D. L. CF A-N B, Editor and Publisher. Waynes ' il1e, Obio


Subscrintion Price, $1.60 per year

W. H. MA )DEN &.CO.


'-~-:-. Respecting Your Opinions

G"t Rid of Hypocrisy


dJlLssador, reporti~ to hili government 011 tho effect ot prulJ •• lit ion in tho United ~tates, is careful to con· fine himsclf to a recital ot facts, steering olear of fill opinions. H c slutes that the accounts in savings banks hllve greatly increased , tbat prohibition is a success Outside of the Atlantic seaboard and other points of easy ontry for the rum runne r. , H e dcclarCR, howeve r, it would be improper to assume as a fa ct · that th e increase in saving is due entirely to the absence of liquor, be('lInse, he SI\Y9, thero are many other elements thllt enter into the returned prosperity of J\Qlel'ica since the elollo of the war. AU in all tho roport i • eOt\&lervative to a degree. P ossibly the Ambassador is treau ing on ticklish ground . W e fear, too, that tho press roports have manhandled th o Ambassador's language in sotting fo rth his statements that tho enforcement of the Yolstead law is generally a Ij)lccess. Whether one be in favor of prohibition or against it no one can follow tho news of tho day without reslizing that tho law Is hOlloreJ morc in the breach than in the obllCrvance In d ozens of states,yes, even in the national capitol. It iR this situution of hy pocritical t emperance approvul shouted from the hotlNotop s fo r public eommmption whilo th e bottle is u Rad for privato consumption that ill causing morc in-iution in tho country thmv the law itself. Tho poor mnn who likOJ! his beer has a prop r r protest if whnt h e consider~ to ho 1\ luxury is kept from him. wh ile the ri&h man is free for all ~" rts of indulgence. Disregal'd for law is eating Ilt the v e l'~ ' \ ilnls of democratic government. That, mol'1l than prohiLitioll , . , I he cause of our unrest.



Power is Within You AU men 11 " . love ot power but not an eQual CIIptldty to eratlty It. ~ more than mere euere; It 11, a directed fo"",. Power La 8011 Wbate~er ten"",,, Ille steam puge GO a looOlnotlve IIlsy abow, th .. I!I1gju8 III a llfede811 thing wltbout a braln-guldl:d band to mo~e itll UH'utUe. Power 18 torce under control. 'l'be watetfaU fa Wt1ated euergy' banleued to a wheel it producelJ null power, . , Concentration Ia the secret of power. Hltcb your Clle1V to some ftnd lJur~. To be noble III to be powerfuL Nerathe t;oOOn_ III never a l'OO· tdbatlnl goo4neea: positive gooone811 lII. Poalt1vu good_ hu PUrpoM. IIIIIeraY put to P1lJ1lO18 III ~wer. T!WJ world alwll7l1 maltea wa)' tor Ule man or powI!\!' and be mak~ room tor JDIlll1. 80 doe. reol power direct tor Coo4. 'nIe men 0( greatest power are they wbo atve to the world a JPritual rather thall a matetia. torce. NapoillOll WWl &reat becaUIC be dll"OOted bie powor to make blmlIOIt • eIOwlled muter. ot men. LIncoln WIllI 1IT8Ilt beca\llle he used h1II power to malte 1IIen muter.

at themaelVeti.



EviJc,. . lhe h ead8 of our g reat railroad . systems 11,'e com· ing to IICIlHC tho fact that tho opinion of tho p coplc in rural Americn is worthy of consideration. The Ilew vico-president of ,the Island Railway Company announced the other day ·that the company proposed to talk to the pOOplol thl'Ougb the columns of the home town newspa pers in paid auvertising. Ho fIIlid bo regarded th e home town weekly newspaper as the most valuable of all ad ver tiijing media because the readers have CODfidence in the sincerity of purpose of their home town editors. There is nothing so bencficial for corporations sa lIigne<i · advertising that explains to the people their seeming shortcomings and r ecites their accomplillhments. The people know the officials dal'o n ot ad~erti!le anything but the truth because ; they will be checked up. Consequently an honest story otten · turns bitterne.'18 of feeling into a desire for cooperation. Naturally, the railroads 1lr6 anxious not to fall again into government hands. Tlley wont to retain their business identity and make money, which is n laudable and legitimate desire. The railroads owo R debt to thl public but by the same token the people owe t o the railroads all obligatioll, namely to understand bcfore they criticize. Nothing is more destruetive than condem· nation without knowledge of the facts. We hold no bricl fo~ the publio corporation. Each must mand on its merits and be judged by its acts, but let us bo jWlt.


. .•


The Bat E.qulpped Bmln, to Be Efficient, MUit Be Mounted on a Strona Backbone.

Ohmt wa. the greateet beeaulIG Ho WIed H1B power to spread tlle 11017 ot the GoldeD Rule over tho world, tl1llchlng men that tbey servo tbem8e&vee bKt wben tbey Berve othel'll. HI. e.aDlple brtng8 to every man, woman and chlld tbo 91mple I..aD tb.~ In 811 the .world tbero la uc> sweeter tiling Ullm a &Ott aud poUe wblch UDcetlBLngly work. tor tho rood ct mauy, 80 It II tbat tbO¥ wbo ba vo the IDO)Bt Power In the wonld are the)' wbo ' are IDeat genorouB 10 ben rt. Powat' cannot have too gcnUe an oxprcsalon, tor Ita oppono' olways weakuetill. Joluubood Is menu red by tbo use made of Ita power, Oop,r1Cbt, 1928-8, RlcLdrd Uoyd Jonel,

Alwa) s carry the hcst Lumber, Shi n g l~s, Sash, Doors and Mill \Vork, Roofing, ln fact, everything in the Building Material line We will take pleasure in supplying your needs Give us a ca ll \,


J_e le d M inarets to be Erected 'In Waehlngton Park, -Bedecked with 50 .000 Brilliant Jewels.

CinCinn ati

1'11(' IIh' " 1 ~l, .... lncul ur "IOOrl<:>ul dl"PIIlS In Ule b lffl.\Jry of t lte \\'orl el \\111 eDehllUl l ilt· ('In<"lIlIlUU FilII Fe"Ii",1I lind Indu'1rl1l1 F:ST'( ' ~ ll on wh'id, "I'l'OS AUI[lIs t :!" l('HI 'lvs(Jd 5;l!plruul.o,,, 8. T lI " ' ''I'owN o f J "w o!~. " .;(lIn .llng !)() t .."'1 high \lnd LV.ll ng *tJO,OOO, <,o nlol n8 [~O< ~ I IHlutulur IlIZiltN 1II""oII'd li n 20 s un . hurst 911111 " lIrd" I,,' ur l ,u: I he cily seul. Tile tH'n ut y 01 r" .I I\)) JlIw!!ls In M'YI<lIl! j On.lull. rl11,y, 0'1"'1 IIl urillC. II nJ!!11'Y',t , ,·\IINII .. I nnd r OIle In Il'" dn7.zU"j( u r ll : III1IU", IIf fnrty ~rt' lI t H! Indl 8l' lIrl'l Jl l glllS, ''/It'lt 11I1\' lng i ,i'~I.(I\l() ClIll dlCjlow cr

Is I':';'"n d

thl' IrIlJlj(lnlillOIl. 'I'he 101111 1I J:h-t, llJ'e 4f.),II\)I,IIt)tJ ('" ll tll {'ll ow"r: I It ls I. only (lfl l' of Illl nr!r~d s of t r'/lIUrt!S In"1I1(1Inl( ;<lyl o show s, (JI (l(:t rlcn I allo\\'o!, II III " "', ludll"lrln l ~.>q) oHl t l"nR, 1I~'1'i<' ulIllrlll (,S p"' .111 11n,;, lind Ule b ost UIll\1 Sf'l l1pnt ~ fl n It I" ro II (' A \·e nn e.... Hulll'lIu d:; wi ll o fT l'r Spt'(·ln l rU I ~ noel h l)l e lt: Ill'" IIl'rOD1;ln,; t oo gr0('1 II m ill ion "I ~II O)I'" 10 l h~ T tlP F fI 'l! Aut o T ou rist CUII II) will hp npen .

on" resl ullrllnls


Ci ty .

Mrs li'rlink Shid6ker entertaioed relative. from YAllow ii prlngs and Uld Town, Thurs day, Mr .. HorBce Barvey . wbo has been Mr. uud Mrs. W. to. Hl1rvoy WAre ve , y ~ i ok t or t wo weeks is muoh la Dayton Mondoy aHern oon. n ~ Lhls writing. ' Mr nnd Mra. Fnnk Emm ons Bnd Mr . Rnd Mrs. V. O. Toll e life Bpend. daughter, R'.lth, and Mr anll Mrs. Ing a fe w d .lYs in Ad"llll! ooun ~y . Frank 8hldaker were in Xenia Ilnd Mr. W. A . Merritt \lnd Jlimes .I"mestown Sunday. . ClIne were Dayton 'l81ton Sunday Mr ond Mrs . Frank Harris Mr . Mr. Barry SmRrt . of Cinclunatl, Is visiting W. A, Halno@ and wife. Boll Mrs . Paul PI~te n oo, of l:\prlng Vallcy, BpAnt I::innday wl\h Uwen Mr . ftn,t MrR . Evart ViI1Rr@. of Bnrrls In lloluUllJos. Oayton are enj oylug their v~olltion Mr . a nd Mrs . CeCi l 1{lrk n.nd here. . danl(, Kermit, aDd Miss GaOl ge Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HRrrls are en Ann Cups. of 'l'oilldo, arB vi siting tertalnlng MI' . Wlllllim WeekI!, of Russell J effries .,nd flimlly. Dayton. Rev . and Mre Hnut,lngton pa88ed Bar) Barvey ond family . Of Leba. ~hrouih bere en.route to Franklin non spent Bunday with Mre . Chadty Chautauqoa. They 'were aooom_ Harvey . panled by two ot;ber families. Wilbur Bhidaker and family were Mr. Ar,,, ur Lealie passed away l:luuaay vlsltorll of Mr. and Mre. P . )B8t Thnre-iay mornlng ·aft er IL long B Cleaver. iIIne88. Fnneral W88 beld 8"turday ~r8, Rebeooa Morrltt Is spending at the howe of Mrs. Emma Ellis . II few dO.V8 with her dtmghter, Mrs . Mrs Sofie Moore entt'l rtained Mr. J. E. Shumaker. . Epbram SmUb, of Love)ll nd, Mrll. Mr.ond lirs. Berne Sbldaitl'r, of Llc!a Smith, of .Waynesville. Mr. and Xooill were g"llIng on Bllrry Bbt. Mrs . :Fox, of Ky" and Mr. MOle RogBn , for Sunde,y dlonA~ . daker Ilnd family. Mr8 Emma Ellis, and Bister Mrs Mr. and Mr. .Hny HarrlsoD. of DaytIJD, s pent Sundar with Mre Lister Bre vi8UloIC wUh Mr. Floyd Anderson and family. where they lda Bowe Ilnd son. will atteud .. fa.rewell dinner f or H . 8 Took or sud f[lmtly ~pAnt their Bon. Carlt o n, before len viug l'luoday at lSumervllle. 0 ., with W. lor a lrlp to ' ;lIli fo rnlli. Ii. Bell and fumily . Mr. Hogh Burgett. ond '"mily, of --Da.v ton ure "pendin g t.h tlir vaolltion with Mrs lllllrl& Couner Mr. nnd Mr~, R . W. Kliylor. Ida Howe and Onee Bl&rll&n W'lre In Ony . . ' ton last 1!'rlaay on buslnesR. Ed MoFarlll1l' and wife ente rt .. lned Mrs. Melvina Stacy, of E~yton, Is visiting rela~lve& bere. :~I y~::: SI~~:~,:~lr~~ftl;"t~n~~~: Mr . nnel Mrs C!hlltl 08 Clark were day dinner. D.. yton visitors Friday. Mra W. A. Merrett. who Is spend. Mnd .. m(>~ Ann IL 8mlthond :';hloe In, lIeversl weeks whh h er dllogh. ter • .\tr~. Emma Cline, 01 Dayton . !3i\ltlH lue ou tbe HioK list . IS 1110191, Improving. Wilbur Clark ROc! fnUllly are now Mr. Ogden', oar new t eaob e r ', or ridIDg in u new Franklin touri[]g tbe coming year. met with tho 11& olir. dlea of the olvlo league anG lIeleoted Born-To Idr . and Mrs. Ern est a lectnre OOUfall for the oowlng Arobdeaoon, I::!aturday J nly 28, a year. While bere ha ~ook very slok son. lind Wtll! 'liken to tbe home of Mr. Rlbert Hunt /lnd Berne Jt'ne8 V. U. 'l'oLle, where tbey cared for him until he was aNe to be Mken m"de a business trip to London, 0., home, HIM new friend. Ilre wlah. last Tuesday . . tnl a speedy reoovery . Mr. and Mn Wilbur Clark Ilnd ~~~====~~=====~ danghter Mia8 Ka,thryn, spent l!'rl. dtlY at Oxford. Mr. M. V. Monle, of Bellbrook, W>lS a gnest of Mr. lind Mrs. Allen Emllok on Thunday. Staoy Lamb . of ColmbulI, Wtl8 a "fI.Ilfg!'~ "'''III.... . '" '" AN week. end gnes' of hla parents, .Mr. 'TloIAT CRO~K -nI£ ';T"EA.~ and Mrs. ll. tl. LIImb. I~ C;'EI\RCH OF WATER.! Mr. and Mrs G 'IIY Routzihan and daughter were Sunday guests of l'el. attve8 In TlppeO,.llloe Cltl'. Elmer WeIkle, of Middletown, apent the pas' wellk Ilt the borne of Mr. lind Mrs. Albl~rt Staoy. Mre. Dora MoKlrby and ohlldren. of Dflytoo, tue v:sitlng ber parent.B, Mr. and MIll. Frank I:!mith . Madams Celia Grabam anfl Mel vina Stacy were dlinner guest. Wed· of Mr8. William Coleman . Mrs. llatherine Coroell, of DawlI,on, Ohio, apen' ' :he past weck with Mre,Obloe titdes fInd Mr . and Mrs. C. t:I. Lamb. Dr. and Mra. L. U Brock attend. SAYS SAM: ed tbe funeral of 'he former's . bro The fel1('1w who BaVI "generall, 'bel', Mr, Orlando Brock, '" Salina I"ealting" 8l1ne1'ally 18. . Sunda, aUel'noon, • - • Tb.8. S.-and ol~uroh 8ervtoe .88 . . beld Jut Bnnda, morning and , will . That'. What He SaId oon"aue kl be 'In ~be forenoon duro Woman: "I'd like .. bo~ 01 otPn Ins · Obautauqua, '! fOr m1il1lIlband... , lit.._ Maraalr8t and Ktldred Clerk: "IIUd or Ilronl, ma4&m ,.. biUt and Leona 11I~lnnl' remrned Womaa: ..Stro.... pl__• Tbe ,homllfrom.lltaml Unlvenlty. Oz. an 1 boqht hlID kept bnaJdallD tfor4, I'riu,. &be, bave been


- - - _.- ...



~~~~ ~ ~~.t~~:;"~;~IIl\I!JlI:· ~~n:!y D~~ ~1,~)~n"~1

'1 1 AHA,..., nf'J;

' f'!



!ill., haw""g Il rld "lt ft,...

t,'l\OI. r If" fl n.ttll ....-e'ut "'h~e Lrl1l u 'I. 'ftahlrG HJ..



' .


HI M). Ule p rludpAI

..." ..." OZONE

~,~:~:,~r,t~~j':~' I~. r~'lr,~II~,~~~unt t~~~rt~'Ul NO SPRAY , OOU CH '8t'Jl d


Ih dllu

• • ,

UH ArOlrlllllER R£QU I Rt O

&.IhlJlIIU Sfh\' - l'f\cl~1.n 1 '10"

or t •• , ! ,\M '.I ... ".1 .J,A hcn - And aut ~~~~~M:. ,;r.,:~;:'If:t-I::1!",~~hl~W.IJ:t.'UIU'toc:l



lull ,I~u

1M C I-'hA FulI.h,.:"' L LAOORATORI[S IIhd . Dtlu .. :W C" ntu . St . N ...... n. ell)


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye SiJ(h l SpeCiali st

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:008. m, to 4 p,

William llarl80ck . II "" 01 Warren 0 0 UO(1 . D.\od lhl. mh day Il ~

W.J~~.I)t J~r:

Jud~e of l h o

rrob .. ~. O<ou rl.


Forest. T M arlIn .

------ ...- - -

WUroll OounLy , Ohio.

cl OCfll1Af\tI .

Not.lce Is hereby gl vUD dll~t \V III . Carr ILnd Robe rt Carr ha\'e boOD allllol ut6(J " c d qual IOed u Admlulnrat.ora o f Lha oe\aw o f (.loru I I. . , I1arrl • • lat,o or WfJ..rrCll Cuunty . O h io. du o



Dated LIlIH ~ Uh doy ~\UC i.. Jwlge o C tI lt) I'ro Ul1'e (Juurt , "a Warren Co unLy, Ohio .


Get my t erms for your Public Sale. I satisfy and savp. yuu ' money or no charges .

Box 9 L Centerville, Ohio

gatate 01 AID"" W . WrlKbt . ..a.COlUlOo!. NU II«l I. nerebf g Ive n Lllnl. Susa n II .



Ibll 19th day ~) ·d~t~L. Jud ge of tho I'n,ll . i.ol Oou rt . Warren County , Oh Io.


do what we claim tor It-rid y our sYilem of Catarrh or Dearno6s cnused by


DR. J. W. MILLER. ... DENTIST••• om""


W.yoen ..... O

Nlllon ..1 IlaDk Bide.


CHIROPRACTOR At the Chiles Hotel Waynesville, Ohio,

IMondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 o'clock p. m.


===~ ·-··==-- ------· -----I~------------------~

DR. COX'S Barbed Wire LINIMENT _

:rJ,bxt.~~r~:O~ltU"I~tJM~~~~~Odl~n~t ~ll\l~'~lf\\, ~ CUAHA NTEE D to IH'n t without leave WrlghL. lote ol worrou Coll lJ\:I .~hlu: <1"" . '''0<1. ' lult a blJ' lll iAh, or MONEY HEFUNDED. o.ted


Home IJllOne 2, CentervilleEx,

uOO. E . Younl:, AUT ,

Notice of Appointment

Telephone 114,


Notice of Appointment Eatato of Cora P. HarTl "

600 nud $1.00 lo r frc.h wour,ds, old soreR , soro backs nn t1 abllulrl ors, burus and bruiBca. 25c size lor Falllily Uso . DR, COX'S PAINI,ESS BUSTER Is pniu lres and gtloranl<'ed to 0111'0 Spaviu, Hingbol1 , C urb, SWCNI)'/ Splint, l>Ufl8 \ Elr allY I:I1I:UgllllWllt ul oone or IDuse C, or Ill' "l e), IIlj,·d. ~";ce 600,



E. Frolt



Phone 44

Harveysburg, O.




HALL'S CA·TARRH MEDrCINE can· .Iste or an Ointm e nt whi c h Qu ick ly n e Ue v cs thd: calo.r r hal Innnmmatlon. Bill! lh e Inle rnal M edi cine, 1\ Tonic. ....hlc h n cta through the Blood on the 'ltlucou8 Surfac es", thus &1Jalstlng to restore nor· mal conult1onl. Bold by druggists for over 40


Waynesyille, Ohio

F . J . Che ney'" Co., Toledo, O.

Notional Bank


Willie mon ain't over·annoul to acquire. a pllir ot wIlli.. It'll a land able. ambltloll to aspIre to better thInp. . • . TbIa world alo't 9yn8rrlllUc wlf,tJ. a lite at suowy whLt&-8be'U spot yer robe with blood·amearM, or, she'U blind 1e wltb lIer night. • .. Sbe keep. a ~Ial smudge·pot ter the extry worl~·WIIe, tor tbe aalntU· (!at or bl'1lna11ll ~e nlueat ~.. III lies. But, trom the meanest huvels to the Pllla~'CB ot ~, we flod the admonltlon to 1l8plre to better thing.. • • . It', a simple pleoo ot bualn8l1& to Indulge tbe bonest BOul, wben ahe ' CTRVes tbe bllrlurl' virtues tbtlt tbe devtl cau't cooU"ol .. ' . . and, It" 1lI1gbty nlgb a certainty on which we con depeod-It ~e etore ou, blnll ~tb lITatitudo, tbe Lore! wUl be our .tr.lendwhlcb leads to the cOllclualon that all Boller tplnklu' brlnp: We can't be mucl1 mistaken, roachln' oUt fer better tblnp I




~ .....


• ---::-.



Ie p • •t, ..








DENTIST Dental .. nd General


E.'ate 01 J ohn William n.rt.ock . '1"'·... 6<1 la horeby al ven till.' Franci8 Barteock haa boon duly IlPllOluted aud (jUBI. 10"'.1 III Admlnlslrator or Ihe •• I.le 0 1 ohU ~~~~ -"'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~ Oblo. decoJlled .


You fiDd of Rem . ..die. that Will PllOll1lSE relief but alOne ACTUALLY DOES

Notice of Appointment .NotJ<~e


C canA''plent,. " .,Ca tarrh RH

Mr. and Mu. K tlall'r Grah am llnd dau ghter, Bernice tt.nd Wm. GfIIlJam le ft SRturdliY even ing for Mlob lgA n, wbe re they 11'11\ speud a week wltb lIb . tt.nd Mrs . Ber t Grabam . Threshing il! about fini shed In this seotlon . 'rhe wbellt t.llr ued out well, 1\ gruat d eal of It mll do ao bo too ' be Bore . 'I'llI' "IAvlllor bere re· celved aooo bu. some days . Mr. and Mrs, Wll lJur Clark ond fllwily entertained on Sund"y, Mr . und Mrs. E . J . C .. rmony and ohil. dren, Marian and Robert, of Spring. fltlld, and Mrs Marv Car mon" . Mr. and Mrs . Earl Thomlw and 80n Warren, of Route 5, ore r ,mp. ing at Ch'lutauquli together wltb Mr . .. nd Mrs . J . B. Thom'l8 and Mrs . C .. therine Johns, of Cenl·er. ville .. Mrs Willia m Colemn.n Ie o,ul n!! for Tbe lm .. K e rn 8, tb e littl e orlp ole Klrl. wbo was o" erlLtod on a t Cin . olnnatl a short time ago. ThAse cripple ohlldren from Wllrren ooun . t y were sent and are bein g oared for by tbe Rotary Club, of Leb n.non .

O(lr 1'''1:0, The l.Iu.ill""" Gutw Ht.1'; :

If you don't let the people

know what you have to sell you will always keep wha t you do not want.

'Use th columns of the Miami Gazet~e freely, You rieed the mone~ and so do we.







WayneSVIlle Auto &Machmery Co.

Arthur u'ster, of Cincinn ati, died Itt the h me of his sis'ter, Mrs. Amo. Elli s. t hursday afterno on from the I d fact!! of nn amputa ti on. The funeral A law now in effect in Ohio reThe balloons sent UII by tho com- ! WflS held ::)alU rtl ay af ternoon at 2 quires that all er.terinsr any kind of mercial cluh caused quite a bit of . I'clock. HI'v. Amos Cook ofllciTlting, u schoo l for til{' traininlC of elemen· stir in town Saturda y, The first lot In te rment in Miami cemete ry. tary or special teacher s in a course was sent up about 8 o'clock, an,l of less t " an four years must t.8ke a they went to the ellst, In fact. they ' (jf ~ r l!:e Cnr r"th "S , li ed But1tlenly te~t in general ability. really ,an In· wJ!nt out of sight. £II ot many of the I III hi3 hu mt! in Day ton Sunday even· telligen ce test, and also in languag e baUodns have b. en heard from as yet ' illl( II bo ut II o·cloc k. after on ly a and gramm ar. arithme tic, geogra· potlsiblv 'not :,more lban seven or l rew d~Y9 i1Ine~ 9 Tbe fum nil will phyand reading , eight. '. . For all th ose expecti ng to enter be held at 11 : o'clockl Thursd ay It was the intentio n of tbe club to \ mo rni/I I!' from his late home, Inter· cou.nty Normal s the test will be lend up more Mondoy, but as the I Mos t compl ete line of really given August 14th in all countie s wind was still in the same directio ment in l3el,lh rClok, n, where a county Normal is located it Wal postpon ed. Altoget good Tires carrie d by any her. near· Mary E. Terry. a fflrmer reRident and will begia at 8.30 A. M. In Iy 100 ballons will be eent up, sev· , one in this vicinit y, and they of WayneSvil le . died at her homEl in Warren county the lests will be eral d uring this week. ' are !liven priced in Uoom D, Lebanon High to sell . Dflyton , Sunday IIfterno on at 2:30 There Wal a great crowd in town o'c1uck . Sh e left Waynesville in School Buildin g, formerl y the Leba· Saturda y all day. aDd the lito res were I 1871, and went to Dayton , were non Univers ity building . This ex· very busy until !ate at night. Ox· , she wa9 employ ed as a teacher aminati on is only for those intend· ley & Pace gave favors to the men ! in th e school s. The funeral is being inll to enter County Normal , and and women who came into the store, held at her hom e this afterno on al not for those enterin g state or other it being their first anniver sary, 2 o'clock. Interm ent in Woodlawn normals , as first announc ed . Tbey enjoyed a very large patrona ge. Those enterin g other than county cemete ry. These sales are to be looked for· normals will bave to take the tests ward to, 88 each and every store at the opening of school in the insti· will offer rare bargain s. Truth In T_ ~h ... _ tution attende d, lit sueh time as may --"" wlt17 Jl'ten chwomaD Sllld: "It Butter Fat JOe per pound hleher than la.t year be 8~ rranged and announc ed later . 7alltb only knew ; It I,e oal1 coal"n Prol!pec tive student s in all 8uch IUld a dramati c critIc bas wrttt_ fIl .lullet: "This Is a role no actr... ~ Beeools, all other than county nor· muttr antll ~h~ III too old to loak Ib, ma!!!, will have to depend upon ne ws· part." patll~ rs for informa ti on in regard to Magnus Jobnson . Mlnnt'8o to's new "d lrt·form " "<'lInlor. the time and place of these tests . ~~ bls CORI and el:p08e8 bls gnU owses wb en he hus 0 ll1 ~o<n~I lIli "~ ofT All intendi ng to enter a county ,' to J,:et We guarantce cream and cans aga inst 105s. a cro~s . Insert photo Is or ~lr 8. J o hll son who thinks 590 Kenyon Ave hI.' \\ II I " ." "" normal in Ohio must take the reo the ra rw with their six child ren wheu her h n~\lmm-gllC t,) 11' Vern Hough was unloadi ng coal 0. '" ' .. u ll THE TRI STA TE BUT TER 10 U1ke Ills SI:Q I lu the Senute ut the nex t sc<;,lon or COW;l. quired tesls , There is no arrange · ' ; last Thursda y, and while on top of CINCIN NATI, OHIO men t for any other. Even if not the car he lost his balance an,l fell Referen ce-Ask IIny one of our 70,000 Crellm Patrons . fully decided to enter it will be the to the s:cround, landing on his shoul· safe!!t to tllke the t ests and so be I der one side of his face striking a Glvlnl IIlrd, • Sid Name. I prepare Obed ient Daughte r. d , The place in Warren 'l'II. Uolted Stntfi! blologlclll !!Urn, tie, If hI! had fallen three inche." UDaulIh ter. did I not "'0 you slttln, county Is Room D, University Build· ~&1'1111 agaillst ooarglol : the crimes ot further he might have been seriouE,n thul young mll ll 's IIII' when I PUled Ing. near the Courthq use; time lb. ED,llIb .pnr~\V to olher ma lDberl th' por lor door I,;st eveolnll7" "Yel. Iy hurt. He is around al:ain. "till' of tile ~arrow tamlly, whi ch . nlthou,1 I Tuesda y. August 14th at!f30 A. . M. IUId It wu fery erulJnrrnulng. 1 wlllh alld l!(Ire, but witb no bones broken. _tlaU , leed-eot lng. perform s gr~at JOU had .-M11e IJl Ita r aids on IDseCts. 1111 d • . bwveua ! IDotlI wid IDe to." "Oood ever told you to do Iny ' ..,., erowl In4 blackbirds. thin, or th e k lurl l" "You did . You lIld me t hsl If he attempte d to gilt ....UmelltRI I must 'It on bllD."-

Ke lly Sp rin gfi eld Tir es Co op er Tir e Fin ley Tir es


Pho ne 17

---_. - -.---

. "

.. -.- --



Phillips Building


July 30, 1923........

42 C






Amv. . . ,.,,1 .. In 'ranee. Path1lnd er. ... dUII!· .r I'ranee .. lub jeet .. ' .. UIOda Ue af 10 ,ean IJl tb. arm,. TIl. pronmll ll tor 1.",I~e II: Actlv. Thought for the DIY. ...., aemre 11 .0Dtu; III rele"e, 11 A ,entleml D Is not so macb the r - an4 " _thl; ttrrltorl al """ ••n 11 ho rllr,etl hlm sel f ns th e mall I~ 10 ~~ 'who thlDlu ot otlle ....

Am ttt ise 9OUr&1eto

thiaNe'W5pa~. It



OBITUARY loh nDa vey nee ds Arthur, son of Hcnry and Emma BLACK BERRIES Lister, wall born h Hamilto n, eanyou ng men . ada, ARE PlENTlfU l Novem ber 9. 1858,

and pllssed away at the residen ce of his wife'll Intereat iolr Travel Bister, Mrs , Emma Ellis. in Harvey s· Foscion ting Outdoo r Wodt burg, Ohi o. July 26. 1923. a~ed 64 Fine Assocla tee yeare. g months and 17 daYIl. 'S teady Advooc ement He came to the United States Immedi ate Openln p John Davey's organization, The Davey T_ when quite young and locatl'<i in Expc:rt Co., Inc., bas a limited numba- of Cincinn ati, Ohio. ir. and n,;ar wbich opc:nings for ambitiou s young men between be hBll spent his entire life He en· 20 and 30 years of age, single men preferred. gaged in his occt:pat ion of a brush The opportun ity is unusual, offering good maker, and has followed this trade PIlY at the start, pc:rmanent employm ent in all hill life, becoming efficient and the Dllvcy organizat ion, and thorough .ciensuccess ful in his work. tilic training in the profession of Tree Sur. He was united in marraig e Octo· gery. AdvanCement rapid, aC<XIrding to merit. The work is f:ucinating,offers chance ~r 1, 1900, to Elizare th McDorm an, to travel cxtensive ly, and associatio n with then of Cincinn ati, where they have Ii ne fellows. Only clean, red. blooded ;oung since maintai ned a 'h"spita ble and Americnns, loversof theoutdo on, need apply. happy ,home . Mr. lLister was of a ,Quiet,k lnd and Wrire. or H'..... ,,...,.,.,,,.,... industll'ious di~position mllkinc many staunch friends both in bis business The na.vl{ T ree E~Tt CompaA1 It:nf.iOhioaok Buil ina and lodal circles. He was esteeme d t a m interesttd in your offer. Ple.. e lend me by all with whom be came in touch your iIIuatratc.d folder cOClcltmina tbe work of. Tree Suraeon. and a110 a Qualific.atioo Bbak. He was induced to come to the Name quietud e of the little ,villai'e of Adufe" _____ ._.. ___ .•_ _......_ _ _ _ Harvey sburg when with the willing help of her aister and other , kind friends and relative s bis faithful wife ministe red to his needs until the end making every effort possible for bis relief. Mr. Lister leaves a widow' two sisters, and a bost of relative s and friends who will retain sweet lind tender recollec tions of him whose quiet, Industr ious and un888uming life helped to make their own lives worth living here and who will rejoice in anticipa tion of the happy gatheri ng that will take place when we all come to mar. fully understand God's perfect plan. eal1lor 'l'laaab We wi8h to extend our heart-fe lt t,h anks Ito all those who rendere d such kindnes s of aympat hy and comfort in tille sad hour of death of mv dear husban d, Arthur Lister, to Rev. Amos Cook, and Rev Huntin g. ton. to Mrs. Harry Tucker for the beautifu l Bongs, and the pallbea rers. We also wl8b to thank the Ladles' Aid for their services . Elizabe th Lister and Four Sislirs.

who desire


wi ll britt,. 9OU~



There seem to be plenly (I f black· berries this year, althoug h they are smaller than U~UIII. Pickp.rB .. re having a !ille time, and manal!e to accumu late a number of "jigger S " as well , They ,are very plenLiful. too.

--- ._-- --

Sub-icri be for tbe Miami Gazett e




wanT. $4.00 PEl. '!!B




- -- - - -'




. . . . - MW YOItIC CLIPP.1 l

... ...,. """"'-

Have youJoined 01 0

HEATROLA Club? ON E TON of coal FREE to all whojoin before Aug12! ",

This i. our offer: To all who join our HEATIR OLA CLUB before AU,,'U8t 12th we will give absolutel y FREE ONE FULL TON OF COAL. Tho club fee i. $2, which Dppli •• on tbe price of tbe Heatrola . The balance is payable in easy In-

Fu rn itu re Va lu es , . .. Fo r Th rif ty Buyers~. ,

·---0 "-••- - -

T hought 'or tt1t Day. A. ~ullty /Ulln dOft not need a Jur " twelve to convince blm that lie Ia



stallmen ts. H ere is a chance to gel one of these wonderf\ ll new - day

heaters and" supply of fuel for tbe price of tho Heatrola alone. InSlallation of tbe Heatrola will be made &1 any tim e specified by tbe purchase r.

Au gu st Fu rn itu re Sale

'~puts an 6M aI i HEATROLA

In YOUT home! Order itHow!

Can be the ' means of .completely furnishing your hom e qt a much smaller~ost than you had expe cted ', ,.'

F R aD

M . C O L·E

'20·24 N.' Main St.


W. ,a••ville, Ohio





8eventy-Fifth y:ear


Whole Number 5654

Ohio Mourns fo r .A n o th er F av o ri te Son Tobacco hail iURurance. Cartwr ight.

_ _5

Stlars &

Myer:. Hyman and family SundBY in Da)·ton . Toba('c(l hail IntlUrance Cartwr ight.

Searp. &


__ _


Miss Marlt Shutts id visiting relatives In Xenia thi. week .

.leAAC Thomas was in Clndnn atl. Special Fire policies for Ilrain. last Friday. Seara & Cllrtwr lght. Harold Orsborn spent last weak at Born-T o Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hazelton. Ind. Archde acon. July 28th. a son. Mr . J . F~ Ja",lf~y and family were F. E. Sherwood and family. of CoDayton viltitors Friday. lumbua . were week·en d visitora here. Cnme and get a frell l:Iu Herick W. P . Salisbu ry. of CleyelaDd. 0 .. FaMhion Shellt al Myer Hymlin·~ . II vlsltinl( his children here tor a tew days. Dena and Irma Rich are spendinR' the week with relalive s in Xenia . Mr. and Mra . Ed Haines. of Kings Milia. are vlsllinlr Mr. and Mrs Mrs Emma F'. Dakin. of Xenia. D. P. Fetter. spent last week here with relallv811 Mr. AI.Jert Ricks. of I!:ast Chicago. Mrs. Vernle Kelly. of /;pringf ield. Ind .• Is visiting his parents . Mr. and epent the week·tmd wilh MrM. Mary Mrs Winston Ricks. Caskey . Mrs. Lee Hawke and family are MAAter Jnhn Rain py ill 81lend ing a spendin g the week campin g at Mi· few weeks with friel1lls and re laliv811 ami Valley Chaulau quB. In Kent ucky. A comple te line of the latest ButThe 67th 1I1tnUili Collett· McKIY terick pattern 8 just received . Au. picnic will be held at the u8ual phtc. lumn etIles. Myer Hyman . Saturda y. Augus ill . Mr. and MI'8. Jamee Kerrick ('nter· The Cheerfu l Helpers ClaM! ot the tained Mr and Mr• . John Beach and Ferry church will hold an Ice cream Mr. A. D. Shiner and family. Sunday IIOcial on Thursd ay nlllht. Au·g . 9. Mr. Marcus Orr. of Thornville. Mr. and Mrs . J E. McClure were Mrs Susnn Cook. of North ~ain' waslhe gueet of Mr. and Mrd . J . E the dinner guests of Mr.· llnd Mr. Janney and flmlly for a few day. street. is seriously ill. Earl Conner, on Saturda y. this week. E . M. Oxley and family ~pen A comple te line of the latest ButWill St. Johll and family lefl Tuesday in Cincinnati. terlck pattern s just received. Au· Tuesday for their new home In Nor· 'umn Ityles. Mver H),man. Uonald Hender son. of Lebanon. wood. where Mr. St. John ha, a spent Sunday with his parents . 1I0od poaltlon . Fred' Hlwke. Ralph Smith and C. W. Gordon went to Toledo. Il8t FriMilS Mildred Gilhens spent last Mr. Merle Kern.. of Columbus. day. to drive aome new can ~broulfb. hIS been spendin g the Il8t two weeks week with Mr• . Hurley, of Frankli n. It Camp Llnller Lonller , the guesl Mlnea Annie Ind Mame BrowD Mrs. Walter Elzey and Miss Lucy of Mill Helen Marlatt . returfle d • to Centerv ille, Friday, Emley were Dayton visitors Tuesda y. enjoyin g a ·w~k' •• illt with Mr . Wilbur H. Black and family . frleDd. here. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrl~ht enterand Mr-. and Mr. Clarenc e Brown. DlJton . spent Sunday with MI'8 talned friends from MIddletown Ed EdWard l, D. L. Crane Orval Sunday . Sarah E. Snell. of Wellma n. Gra,., E. ShUlla and A. Blrlow at· . tended the Red..Gianta double Fred Swartz and faml"~, of Colum· Plana for the Home·C oming at header' at ClnclDn lti. Monday. Sprlnll Valley are well under way. b~II, spent today h~re vllllting among uoder the leaders hip of Arch Capley frlendl . It will be held Saturda y. August 20. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mendenhall are entertai nlnll' relative s from Fint LadV lAnd ""1MI'I. Lulu Davia, and daullht er. Peru t Jnd. .. l1li Raehel. lin. Ju. Davlll, Mrs Nettle Kepler and Roht. AdamI atMr. and MI'8. Elmer Rogers spent tended Sparkt circus at Wilmin gtou tbe week.en d with' relative s near Monday evenlDll. . Lebanon. Ind.


Mrs, J . T . Ellis enterta inerl her Hik ing is a very pleasan t rec re ni e:()~ aod daug hthers·i n · law last ation and very much in vogue. but Friday evening . The occasion was when a case arises which neressil al es in honor of Miss J eanette Janney . a a long walk over a dusty roae! with brid e-elect. the thermo meter r egisteri ng 90 degrees in the sh"de it is "no t so On last Tuesda y evening i Mr. and good" ~ays Morton Bai rd. one of a Mrs Raymund Miller. of Frankparty going to a ball game in Xenia lin. gave a family dinner in hon· Sunday . About fQur miles out of that place. Ralph Smith burned OUI or of Miss J eane tt e Junney. who become a bride this week. a bearing in his car. Mr. Smith. will Memheo s of th e family who were Wil bur Sla:lsbu ry. Geo rge Prall. n. include rl at tbis dinner were Dr. and L. Crane and Merton Baird starled Mrs. J . T. Elli s. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. to walk to Xenia . It was a ' grel\t Janney lind family and Mr . an.1 Mrs. sight to see the dust these gentle· John Mc'Clur e and family. and Mr. men sti rred up. Io'ortuna tely they Loren Hadl ey . of near Springb oro. were picked up after walking about tw o and one half miles. On last Thu sday afterno on at the - - -... ...- -home of Mrs. Anna Sheeha n. on Third street. a~sisted by Mra.Howell Peirce. a shower was given for Mi8B Jean ette J anney. who becomes th bride of Mr. Loren Hadley. of WiI· mington . on Wednes day, August 8. Shortly after their arrival. the twenty· four Ruests enllaged in a The waler situatio n in Wilmin gton contest . in which Miss Franc .. has become so acu te that the water Janney was victorio us. but upon the Is turned off at differer .t hours- unanim ous opinion at those present . Consum ers on the low levels can get it was decided that the prize should water all lhe tim e. but those on. the be awarde d to the brlde·to ·be . MiBl higher levels are enlirely withou t Janney was then present ed with I. water. beautif ul sliver plate. An aftemo oR There has not been as much rain in at enterta illment was enjoyed .whicb Clinton county as there has been in ir.cluded reading s lind a talk by norther n Wa rrim. fo r we have had Mra. Dudl ey Keever . of Centerv ille. so much rain thaI it is almost im· on George School. where the bride possible to get the Ihreshin g done. and Iroom are to teach the coming many farmers on the Xenia pike year. Refresh ments of orangeice, For the second time this season the having never touched thei r wheat peaches and cake were served. AthletiC$ played in Xenia. this time shocks. --- -witb tbe Xenia Reserve s. Old reliable Adams was In the box for the Athletic s and was hit rather hard In the early innings but timll . after The SugarC reek Christla n(Oweo a) time pitched out of holes that were church will hold its Ilnnual Homeenougb to diecour age any twlrller . Tbls game was close ' throu~hout and Coming meeting the thild Sunday in Septem ber (Septem ber 16. 1923), at at the end of the ninth inning the score was tied 5 to 5. · In the first W. W. Culp. former Spring Valley the church. Service s forenoo n and afterno on: dinner In the church half of the tenth hits by Pace. Adams ministe r who startled his congreg a· yard. All friends ani- families of and King then gave the Athletic s tlon and friends by desertin g his the church are urged to be present . two runs and the ~ame. The team family to elope with Miss Esther Ali are invited to meat togethe r on was streni't hened by Cox. of Mason. Hughes, of Greenville. is now reo who held down the hot corner in a united with his family at this pl1!8sant occasion. Bring well Misha· filled baskets . commendable fashion. The heavy wauka and has just been appoint Fratern all,.. ed hitting of the day was done by general superin tendent of two inter· Burton and Pr~ndergast who were urban divisions I:etween Goshen. taken out of the game for no good Ind .• and Chlcago .-Xeni a Herald. rea!Oll whatev er. This makes ten l?St'l lltr Wive s of games played. six of which have been Senators entered on the credit side of the Athletic s' record. - - ••- - -



S,~~~l'~'~:::d:':::';" (" .,,;,.IWORlO STRICKEN AGAIN EXTRA INNING GAME


and HerB oyt

Tlu! nation mourns another honor·

~da:~ie~~::(~~:re~~:~\h:na:l~~~ welcomed the news that the presi· dent was on the rOlld to recover y. t.he very next momen t, almost. came the word of his sudden death, at San Francisco. . The body. after Il short service at San Francisco. Willi plsced on a train and brough t to Washin gton . Along the route. thousan ds of people gath· er~ at the railroad . and with bared heads and streami ng eyes. testified by their pretenc e to the love and esteem in which he was held. The body reposed in state at the White House in W8Ishin~ton, all day Wednesday, Thul'8Clay the body will be brough t to his old home in Marion where the funeral will take place en Friday.



.. - ..


The service will be as simple as that of any ordmsr y citizen. and will be held at the Calvary Baptist church. of which Preside nt Hardin g was a membe r. There will be .no militarv ceremo nies but suitable guards will be furnish ed to avoid confusi ons of any kind. Miu Edna Howlan d. directo r 'uf Mr. T. R. Smith and familv, of PI esident Coolidge and family and the Warren County Normal BCb~oo~I~.~:ooIw·'Cle. 8pent--Sunday at Miami high governm '!nt oflicials will go to wu In toWD . meklria Ir· Valley Chauta uqua. Marion to particip ate in the last sad ~ementa for ber return here the rites. ftl'8t week in Septem ber. ·Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Falkinb uag. of The Commercial Club officials ~ et Glendale. Ohio, are spendin g a few Monday sftemo on and decided to Un. Elale H.... or Moraao town. days here, visitinll' friends. hold a service at tht! School campus The clerks in town have iSBued a and Mra Ellube th Mc;Lane and Mil&at the same hour as the dei-vices are chall i nge to the Comme rcial ter Allen MeKue, of Weet Virgini a. Club Th e Ch eer f u I He Ipers CI ~ss 0 f th h let e e at Marion. The village council for a ball game . They seem attende d the fUDeral of Mr. Georar e Ferry church will ho~d an Ice to think cream met Monday evening . and in that they can beRt them. and thereM. Carothe re t lu~ Thurtd l,. BOCial on Thursd ay mght. Aug 9. . tion wilh the Comme rcial fore the challen ge. The game will . club. will as~ist in nerv way. take place soon. Mr.. Raabel Crew and IIOD, Frank Mr and Mrs~ Matt ~cKlI1sey •. 01 Mayor ROllers has issued a procla. _ _ _ .. _ ..._ __ Crew, are lpendln r a coultle of weeks LOB Angeles•. Cal.. arrIved Tuesday nlhtion that ail busines s houses shall' at Lake"'e w,.Ohio. Mn. Cr.w en· eveninll for a visit among relative s. be closed frcm 1210 6 o'clock. The enjoyed a ftlllht In the air lut week, wblch wu quite In 8Jtperle nce for · . postoflice will also be closed during Earl Clar)c. of Koute 6. IS spend- the above hours. J . O. Cartwri~ht her. Inll Beveral weeks in the East. visit- has been :made chairma n of the Nay York, Philade lphia. and other meeting , and following is This annual meeting will be held the lira. Mn WllllOn Edwlrd , and children promin ent on cities. Thursda y. August 16.1923. at the gram: apent lu,-weak ~Ith Mr. lod Mr.. home of Joseph W. Hisey. two and Band V'.. Barnha rt, at Walnut Hili •• Save your Old Carpets and Rugs Invocation .......... .. ........... Rev. Holt one·hal f miles south·e ast of WaynesCincinn atli .w here Mr. Edward s and ~et .. WearweU" RUgll made . Song. "Lead Kindly Light," Male ville. Everyon e who knows himself joined them the litter part of the Send for Drice list. l<'ranklin Itug to be in any way connect ed. Dlease Quarte t w..k. Co. Franklin . Ohio. Address ......... Mr . J. O. Falkenb urg come Anyone will be welcome. Martha Davia. Sec'y. Song... Americ a ..... E:ntire Assembly Dr. Mary L~ Cook Ittende d the Many chautau qua enthusi asts at· Band .. ....... "Star SpBiOgled Banner .......- - " waddln , of MI~ Winifre d Z1&rtman tended Tobflcco hail insuran ee. Sears & Miami Valley Chauta uqua. Benediction ........... ......... Rev. Holt. aDd, Mr. Howard Flulkne r, at· the Cartwr ight. home of the bride'!! mother . Mrs Sunday . Senator S. D. Fess being l~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1IHlIIWI~n.a Redfern ia·r tman. In Xenia, the attracti on ot'the day.




- - _.-

ajit: • , '..;. . ,

MItIS Doruthy Dakin. lII'ho has been visiting for some time wlth'he r aunt, fti..and lin. ~wln Chandl er and MIIIII May Wright . has returne d to , ldt~~lllter.:III_. ~uth ao~ . ~liza· ~er ho-m e In Sprlnle r. Fla. , Mre;" Bowcll Pierce. L. Catl!,rl~~t and W .. J. Bakel' I~ft, Tuesda y morn· Adam. attende d :J:~r-ll~u-terl:"Ii~"IUri" a~ SeliDa, Mon· ing. forDen ver; .Col. where he. wi}1 spend some time tourin~ ~he West and ~ieitlnll ",Ith h'allO~. "

Mayor's Proclamation .



In 'accord with a proclamation issued by Governor Donah ey: Augu!lt 6th, I r.e~ . tfnlly 'request the business m~n of Waynesville to close their respective places of busilless' on F~iday afternoon, A\lgu lt 10; 1923. from 12 to' ,5 9'clock, and meet .on the School grolUlds. where tiona Will be made to can.v out a proarD.ftI of P reniora v "MemQrial servicc!i for our depar ted 'Praide Jlt. 0 We alsO hope to meet wi" a hearty ~ from aU the citizeus of 'o ur toni aDd the ,u~1 c:omDIulty, •

----_ ..- --


HaitI OileR) BtU dllte hM~""'++---P mark Saturda y evening . August 18. for Lytle hall. Why? The young people' s class will hold a fe stival for tl)e benefit of the Lytle M. E. church. "Save by buying in Lytle ."


George M. Carothe rs was horn i'ii Granvil le, W. Va .. on Februa ry !l. 1863. He was married to I"rances Hornbe ck. in p,'rtsmo uth. Ohio. Octobe r 15, 1899 . He departe d this life. Sunday t!vening . July 29. )923. al 10:05 o·clock. after 8 day of restlessnel!~ caused by a sudden illness. He had lived here many year ~ . where he had a goodly numhel ' of friends. Ihen he went away for Bome time. About two months sillce. he returne d to Corwin. and began work where he had form erly heen em· played. A full day's task was his. and on SRtur~ay he put in his time at his worlc . The summo ns came suddenly. and certainl y was a great shock t-J all . His wife. sisters and relative s have the prayerf ul sympat hy of the peo· pie, in thei r great loss. Card of TIIub While our hearts are filled with Borrow, we are not unmind ful of the kind nelS. iove and sympat hy shown us In the loss of our dearly beloved husband and brother . George M. Carothe rs. We wish to sincerely thank .11 our relatives. friepds and neighbo rs for their many kind iJeeds and cOD90llnl( words Especially do we wIeb to thank the donors 'of the mlll1 beautif ul floralo fferlnp ; Kev. Bolt far the o08lle11t 118"108 whieb he conduc ted. SlId tbe ~Unl!ert:aken McOiaN for tbe .~ni.:~_a.r ·;Ia .I "-11ii:

••~._w__~, :L~~~__~..~~~T~.!8..~R:OG::8:BS~.Ma~~~'~J~~~~;!~~



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"I," ll'cd- I>"t \\'hn t I@ th ere horrloly I1 lltl\l l 11,"17" j!'U\'\' h" r I .. ~ 'IIIIII , "'hllC hll l"l klll Q "~ ,'thl n j! - 1t' 8 not thnt. It·s Sonle, the Slll11 0 ~lI d t'fy gu ll s Ull t ' H I I t ll" '~ n11("11 1" Oli n.: "1 ,,,: hllt le l's 8111 ,'t with t1o nt , wh en ti ll! IltllllJ!lI t uf It l'tH ll l''ol 11 1' " \"" 'Y \\'t'II ," CIIII' C 11r (' (111",r's, "You I' m )!'ollll! tu 11ll\ rry th li t girl w10 0 rO\\'lJd ngnlnst ~ll llh.' t l ll llg ulh' ~ HIlI t Cr" 1"'II 11111 1 Wllil t i ll S t T \ \,111111111 l' fllIl{ ':-l 011 11I'l· k." nit' " ,"' r hUl'e t<Klli)" Sn tnn 's siSler," fr ee fro", ~I!" I .II~"Y lik e .I"d." 11" '11 . :-;'l~ pltn n w t lll n grim t' lllth' uln H'1 1 tt !,;kl'll'.n Illld (lilll'n his fork, All hI. thIngs \I ~I! I (,I! nll, l Oil , I h,,,l n', I II,,: d'", I', 1",III (cd 10 Ih e cl'H'k ' HI "tlll'(,t. hnd l'lln ls hcd , Su rprl sell oul time for Ilrlnkln~. Olld erhlll1 d,·" liS \\' " I ti t hIs IIf, ·. he seemed s u,hlr llly to were; und tha t \\' n ~ (h(' rnl u l t l1l l1 ).:. Cpr , "1'111 g otll/o! 111\ dl'l.· k," !!m l t1 h e. " Rt"'e j!ro", YOIII, /:er onll mtJre notu rtll look- 1 110801'1' <'11 h(' r II'lthll" l ,lIllll; IIII:-- l\ or \ ttllli tlHl 'k - pl'411U lsu fil e til ~ tl l' k lU'rll I n).!. h er ru ('\' or I,n dy, hilt I H' r 1'1 1J1 I':H' tt' r'l rlor 1\\'" I"II!" ' \,~ II Y II 11 '\\1 th lllk rl ~ hl "Good O-d I" Rold Skelton. stnrlng Y ou knuw 1hu(. UlI11 "'l'lIl1nl1 l' .1 :llId 1'11 1~l! n\'f' r tli(> 1tl u lt l'r rl1r th ~ lu s t t i ll"'" fl t Ihl"' otho r, t'You don't menn_ 1f togeth l!r f'n " tu h 111'(1 til l! :-: :IJ'U Il , dlnr· l .olI 't 11 ' t 1I11)' lhtng I h uve s uld wl 'lg-ll "1 110, 1 !lon' t know why I nlll t elling acte r Is Ihp Ihilli: tl1"t s h''I\I ' n,,, 1 \\ 11h SHU ." yn u, bu t th ere It Is, You enn't \1n!ler- counts, 1111(1 ut !'H ry hrlll ,!'R I I! I'll h""" I hI \\ ,' III 111\ .l£'c l, unll , kC"l'l'lu J; c lf'nr stnnr1 In Iho I ~ n s t-cou ldn't hope 10 showed up li nd got R t1 J:ht i..·r J,:r1 p .. 1\ i Itt tilt ' !'ni l, "o tl' I' t'.1 l uto C'HI\'t' nmtl"u mnke you ," m e. It "," sn ' t u d HlrH('tt'r 11 11 JUJIl , I \\ It II t ill' li nn IIIHcI 'T. Noll' HI,,·lton wltb hIs stn reh orr nnd e Ither. but fi t WUH a Ihl ll l: III (' UII II' .. n Thrl 'c mhlll l t·s rlU ~S I ' cl, lu u l Hnt· In n n ctneq;ency WOS a sO\1nll mll n. rmel r~ltl n8 lh e srn- yoll (',ID' I lI ,,,lcr- (' 1I1f, " :-: li t'wl np pcure-.l llt the snlnu u with n hea rt os boml as a ny ordlnory stnnd." hutt:ll. monn l' s. Rk.'lt nll sudclcnly sh owed u III1 Hh ot "G uill!:?" . nhl Sk plt on, ) Ie hnd an eye Ihnt no tittle deloll Irrlto Ur.II, f .. yt·... ,·· snit) Hlltl'llff(' . evc r C~~II pcd, li e hod B('en J\1de ot "COlli" li P to t he pol lit." Ruld h t', " Il 1;.:11 l ! \' uu I'n ll k.·"p Ih l' ,1I 11 ~h, {'nllll 1 ~ l and, ho hnrl henrd he r spenk . "Are you. Mtn whllt I'v e 5lthl, HIIiI - H 's n Wt'dtl lll J..: lu·.... s(" lI t. )'twk !" he hn,l >'(]en he r hnl t UII hour ogo. nn ,l flxl!<l In YOll l' pu rpnse? Arc y,m g""'.1: I' "~lItlll' to .\41\1 !" ~1I 1ti H u t dtt'l'C'. Rntl'll fTe's monnc r left him III 110 doubt to ntnrry I I(~ r7" li t: j!"II'I,,'d 11r ~ nIh,""" hu," I, nl111 the us In hI s ohsol ut e ourneS llleSs. liAs 1\10011 AS eyer I ("'on J;f' t 8 p rlp!i4 t ~'Tlp \\ n~ rl'lUrlH'II. rl'h e twu nlt' ll h a d Thl' mnn \\'6S nhout to co mmit suI: otT to th o 0111 Sum h." rI'pll.,,\ Rll tdm"' 1 n" " t'l' 111.'''11 ~u I ' I II S~ t o l':I(' h o tl lt'1' becllit'. Bor lnl su lcille, Il l' hnd see II me ll "Thnt Is yo ur I n~t wor,l'I" fori' . 1i{l \ ' , ' I' would hn ug ilin. do th e sll mo U1IIIg otten In dUferell& "",~c " • • "r,, " ,,~'




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'!'h('A "C e xcellent pictures or Presl(len l :1\11'\11 1111 ll (fnr,1 n " Iml," or r ('!l it' ; ('xCCllt l\'e. o t dI tTerI'll I poIn ts 011 his tr ip 10 AIII ~~:l. w!\f.... · IIi,,, 111'''11 his ret\1rn f r olll the Korth co ulled d eep eo"~l'II Ihrou g!;ou! t

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li'aith. [[ope, and Chnrit y aro t ho on))' pllrmanent virtues , All tho other virtues and nil the othor grl\Ce. ar e temporary, • Charity dominated U1\'! con· t rollt!d hy love is perSon a!. The greatest dynamic tha t hall evC!' moved anyone il! tIll.! dyIlllm ie of love, VtThcnovcr you reduce love to a m cc h llllic al blWis or rou r r duce

Ihcm g llls.

n ,'ol ec,

""I t, 1." "lt hl'r.., f;la:J,lon, I wunt to t .. 11 )''''' "" I1H.. tlhn,;- I· m- m-goln/: to Ii

I'". n lot to ' Ill. n'HI wh pl1

t'll t prl n..:- thl'otlJ;h tht' "Pdt ( 11I 1· t ~, cai ne

"lo ut " ,)n'l'l hl lll; I)/IS j\ls l . Irll.'k 111 0 M II" rl'lI ,l), (,,\IllY I co ul ,ln' t hl'lp ' ''''I:h-

mn rry

\I ~

0\\' 11



1 1\ ': - IIIl~' how ,


li t' ~ lI1JlPt·tI :-l hort 111 11 1 r ,\11t Ills d:.:n r, III1 t1 t ll .. ~, 1 1\l 1l ~ sll l ~ nl , PHi'll t'H ;': II J!"d In

ti ll ' pl'''': I(1pl(1


11 1\,' n

" ()lI , r ll lh pT: 'hut nut fnr II Yf' nr Of


" I )'( ':': yo ur pn r (lnn ,"


ton? I'IL pl'k It till Ih ere wh.' n I r"'" til "11 , " " Ynu nrc rom ln).:' bud;:?"

Ill lfl I. ,','\lj!'h t hl l11 on oou rd bccn \1 s o hI' ~ k,'l tl l ll

It bo ck. will

·~.rllk e

d Ul 1)," s Hlr1 t ho , lt ht'r , u lln ,l It'a Yt' it with tho ,\'u 'ht Ill 'opl l' ut ~(lut lwlll"·


II,(' t bllrr(\I'~, crlu.:ICR, :1111\ '~ n ~I n! 11 0 \\ n 8 nnn ")(t'li t o fi t .' "d l' j ll ... 1 11 r' th e 11I!l!i"t· wln c- h of th£' I h lll l ti lo.t \ \1\'" IItlf1f'X"I'll t o fit th e , nm h ! ,111 11 1' 1 i! ' r~ , ' H lind (\,!f'tn r e-u that Su t o rl

• I


cllul" : II \\' I\ ~ 1I 1<\' 1('~~, ""('ry 1\'('11," HIlI.I h ('. "gll "h""rl. Afli'r all. It's .IIIt 111)' u(flllr: Ilut I'll he I nl e r~ t{!(J to know huw yn u ~ I ' t nil. ny ltltl \\'uy. hll\'\' ~urno gl'IIr (1r ~' Ol"'~

~lI l1dlll h ,

"\ \ '111 11 ' ( 1

• Ih'lI lltl. 11 I ~ mil n·, Il l! IlIld Ilonl! wlt "t h u


'1\' 1' IlllI\n~,·.1.

nn hun r d ."

11:11 1 \\ I~ll j .. t H ;l tl 'II:'t\' on b nn rl1 of Uh.' .... ·\· ;1 11 T :. hl'. It.-, ICd !lll . " WII~ pnrt ur 111 (' HO i l · p l . klrlt:' Ihl .. ,:11 (1Il r t nfld p u n ', ·) ., dh 1, ,11'\ 1,111' ''; , 1) 1111 1111!l! IS . I't ~l ' or pn i li t.


"," l'f'Y



u.. lOST

.M..ay.'- siDkA ..

un,1 nil




out tho light a1 lovo alllI you have ehill('d the pel'llOna l touch, nnd hlll' e robbed virtue of it. heart. Wh ,· , ' -" or you administer chari I proxy or by I1n or~li7.UI " ' . which is more intercsted i 1\ illvMtigati01to, r cgi.!trtJo l ion, tabulati01to, and OO1IjiscatiofJ of tho domestic skeleton then It is of administerin g ehari ty, you buve tu.m cd the sweetest sentiment on ea rth in to mockr ry, a c urse, lind a n obj ect of contempt. Let eneh fam il y in each "llUrch be l'l'sponsiblo - pcrsonn! 1y rosponsih1&- for Rome unfortunato fam ily , JJet them adminlster to that fl1 ml1.\' porsonall y, visit it, c1enn i t.~ house, dotbe its children, feed its hungry, DU rse itll si!'k, r flucate its ignorant, and sing the son~ of elJecr lind hap· pill /,<,' I\nd thus dispel its dullnc.~~ 'll gloom. .. Thr.n, lind only then will yon erndiellto Ruffcring nnd put r enI charity hac k on its throne,



O NEY LoaDed o n live "uok , oll"ttel~. ,,1.0 8eoond 1ll0r\I! It I!ef' . No\e8 b o oltbt. Joho H,ublu 9, A 11611 Bnlldlng. Xenia Oblo , ~,~ , 2 ~

Farmers, Attention! ~'arru e rH of W IIrrell aDlI .. ,Ijul UIDI: couotlos llillY ot)(.l4ln wou"y 00 IOD8 time 10aDIl. ", Gy,; " lulert!~' . Uo •• ot 880urlug tile ~au e 1M very reooou· .. blo 'hrnugh '1'1", Fdderll \ I..lInd Bank For forther IDforrnH'l o o 01111 OD o r '"ddres8 M , e · DRA.KE. 'l'rllllt. Drer , 1)llo ue 3lf1-X, I..ebltllt1u, Ohio,

Money to Loan on Fanns at 51 per cent for five years. TERRELL & TEI{RELL. Wilmington, 0., phone 301.

OUTsed--thrice cursed be th. flot fllilCMne charity.



.....,!JBSATA H.DeVere Stacpoole ,

~ A Roln~nce of the Bahamas

or womeD to W it WrEI1-Ml'D 1,.. Ilrdl!rM for gennlne gOllr. 11: ..

l.llt,OIl,1 hnKlery f or m ltn, women .. ud nh,I " " ·,, ~;l1l11lnftt(l rlarnlul( tItIl. otr\' ' 7[, "w e!' k fult t!tue, 11.60 IIU !t ollr "\I,lr .. t.!WI' , BIlItD.lful ~prlnr III' A Il1tl\rl1RtloDll1 tllookln8 MII18, N orrl~towo, PI'. .211

_.... ,


D1\U1t.·atlol\, by

h'win Myel'"




Hole lIud Kel • G•• No' merely for For~., lin' for antomobll811 tlull traolor ••• welt t'rlce t:!lltl"taolioo gu ,r. anteed or mon e y refunlled In lOd,,:VI, a:lll


' "Wbatr under t nc loflu ' nee ot wIne. uno tile "n';rou remember rcsterdny you hnrl equ ln thou gh t thll t i1e ulln t o dnnce alked me It I was goIng away DOW tho 'In his hen". "10m gol ll", for 1\ honeyanchor was down?" ' moon to th e slI nd sl'lt wIth J I1\le I" Ho Inu /:hc \l occn s lonlilly I\ t nothing "Yes." "Wbat would you havo done It J In po rtll'u lur. and ~'1w lt ()n th o u ~ hl his mllnner "I r" oge. h cn d~' . ql1 eer. lind bohad,.. "I'd a drowned myselt In tho har- gn n to thunk hi s ~ In rs th ll l Ponsonloy bor," saId Jude Wltllout a moment's IVOS Ind is posed, He not iced niNO t h nt bealtatioD. "Wbat·s the good of as k- Rll tcllfl'o's hnn ds. desp l[e sc rubbIng, boro the e,'ldellre of hn n1 work llOt dlsInCr "WheD did rou begin to cnro tor me soclnted with t nr, Th !'r!' wos olso somclh lng quee r nhou t his Mlr, a bltr Th ere \\,UH I Slllnn hnd hnrbnrlT.c(1 "n'yOli remember the sandsllit r' It \lown at Corn 'O""nt with the pnlr 01 lIiIked Jude. "I dunno-maybo It WI\8 s clRso rs III' used ou .ludc, beyond !ben-remem ber the cllche7' Sk elton. In Ilsk lng ItlJtelltTe on bonnl "When I ehased you round the tree to IUllcheon, lin d con~ld~ rCl! him self 0 and_N mo st for givi ng Indll'1llu nl. Lenvlng .Jude 8Cl'ewed up ber lips, "1'011 guve ' me nD IIw!ul bllng 011 the aside th eir lilli e l\uli,'rel nt Plllm 181011d. he-d." "You frighten ed the glzznrd out of remuln ed th e fil et !I'll t Rutc lltTc hud me," add .Jude. "Dud 1 wn5n't the snme lett Ills sllll'. d,'s l·,1:cd hIm ror the com, pnny of th ose Yn llllce "~l'ow l "urk .. I'S," atter-that nlght.·' an II, t o !JIu ke IUlI llOl' S \\'OI'"U, nmcll ffe "I remembe r. I hen rd you t elling Bcemcll [0 hllvC eliJoyed I he !'~CI\l\II~(" ,Satlln thot hllnta were ehnslng you." Kow. In c l (l~e r I'UIU I'II I\ )' II'lth th e II I" uYou were th e hant8," lln'lU enl. he \\' UR 10"1;111111 "" to re~;l'el "But ;rou dldn 't care for me then." hLs t org ll'l'!IL,!;S, "'I'he mon h nll de"1 reckoD It was a sort ot cnrlnj( te rloru t cd I" turned InsId e out," s old Jude, She As 11 rc" ult of t his Impr('sslon hI s turned her head to see If tlt ey were !Dllnn er hurl s tIlT,·,",.t ; ho felt Irrltu ted maklna t or the Dr ),ud, and bUl'e '!. "You're letting hcr otT her cO\1rse." Th e ~ t e wl1r.1 hn.1 ,,-Ith,lmw n. hov lnl: wd 8he. "uuless you' re rllll k ing for tit at pln ced th e IIl'ss"rt nil Ihp 1111 011', nnd brill." Sk i,lton \\'rl ~ 11\ lh" ad of .. an in I!' II " I'd just as BOOn I11Ull!! tor her 118 l )in cnDlll c In th u flu l .v \\' n ~' II piU l II\I)anywhere else," slIlcI he nlterl ng the 1'1(' ouglr t to !.re l'un'c,l - llra t Is t o SII Y CO\1rse, "unless It W IUI tir e s1\I1dspltb,' t l'url n :: It tnt n ph~l' l.'s with t wo Jude I" f~rk"- \\'I II·il UII ,dl(f.·, \l'h<) "",1 loi"'11 ''Yep.'' "Im ngine It we were ul one on the s tarln~ n t til t' frllit liS tl u lI 1;:1I hJIHlil o sandsplt. you and I. j us t O~ \\'1' were li ZI'll. '1111,"'"1," lJruk," Into II ('llI1l'lt l"l of 11 1 1I~ll ll' ro that day. Instead of In this roltp n ,,1 ,1 T ilt· 1'11l1 ';IJ'lde, ('Ollll('t..: t lJ l /! I ts ....1t . harbor-Iet's go th ere I" II IH) III ', \\ itlt ("'111111(,( 1 plllPlIl' p l\',o;: l'o hIH,.~ 1 "I'm willin g," f l'IUIi tll o :-q (ln ' 1' \11)111 or til ITnll o th.;, "'Vhen7' ,,",1 ~ "(I"~ I1I ,I' hrou;: I' t up lit e ,' l ~ l o n of "Soon'lI you Ilke," S,Lt 1111, "We cou get a t en t nnd g ruh. nnll :-; :l lI1Il III n J1 1\\, g l1 IK,~ SH l a n HS Ii Baton enn take us there 111111 comc hl1 ck fIInr..t IIHU I; (\ I'1 t or us. D-n I here's !lIe n rynll l" The first officer or the Drynd W,\S leonlnl! o\-er tIle N,Il wflt ('lrlng ll,em, T lle s tage was down, and Jud e b rought the Illngfiy al ongside, Then on th e Btng' be wo l che d ber rowIng ott, Be wan 'd h Ili huud 10 Iter. lind 5111' replied. ,,'hen be r eaChed the Ileck. he fO\ln" kelton 01100 1\t th e rull , " llomlng." sul d ItntcIUl'I!, "'ru nt's Satllll·. mllter." "Wblehl" , allked Sk Iton, "'l'hnt~n In the hont?" ~y_ Dut foU SIll\' her 00 deek 4o';'-u at IlI.ltn h\nnd. ~ ld n' l you 1"






"'l bad Corca





aIaIkI& llIe ~

1!l\11l Sk ~1tOll, ~


, 'I'btoIt ~rl! tlO III PonlOnb, ... to bau tOOIe. bot be ,,"as' lndl. peee4i ",8 lundJeoo 'A'U JDIl . . . . . .. aft'I1r &II tb01lP • dOIl!D . rI \I 01 t wo. IIIMI, boweftr. ~tfII




A, D


Roberl H. Mc8ride 6' C.

"I Am Going for a HoneY'l'oon to the Sand . pit With Jude!" f1u ~I ,I'''

l1e ros ~


ttl c pln ej,pplc away, IIDd

fro m (ia c tHul e.


.. '1II1 'C 11It o Ihe SlII ol:lllg roo m," auld he, In lli e 1'00111 be rUI1", for cotTell. NOl 11 wonl ' ah out Jude, Deud sllellce. Th en. wh l'n th e co tree wus brought IInll th e elllOr c! oscl1. he turn ed to the oth er, "llll tc lllTc. you enll' t (10 thi s thing. I I>noll', Let lI1e spca k fo r a moment. You nre your ulI'n 01l\8tc,'. free to do 1111 you ch nose; !.r ut I 1I\\I ~ t spell k, I lik e yo u, O ur tempernl11 'IItS I1rc (1('n,1 Illt· (e rellt. u'HI we don't n1l1k e 1:00<1 com· pan lollS ; but you hr1v e mnny ste-rllng qUllllll es. nnd I lI Ull't II'lI nt to you COmo 11 IIlI ll'lw r, YO\1 clln do n thing Ilko lIris III t\\' o minut es ; '!.rut tll'O hund re\! n:" 1'8 \\,on't get YOIl oul of It. onre II's dO'"', ('('ake su!:" r In YOl1r cotree ? Yes. I l'Cl11 clI1lr e r,) S~e he rc I [ hud n YOIII II; br"I he r nllce \\' hn \\,IlS G'ol n~ 10 ,I" j" st tir e sa nr c--alisolut ('ly rulll hlt nsco if, I IIlIl nnge<i to stoll It, sU\'l·d hI s rutu re " ,"1 1,Is nl1111e," li e picked II 1'11!1Ir "tlt of n box ontl. cOIIIIIIG' t o a ,leu,l s top In hi s remarkS,' CUI 'h e (,," 1 on', ' "My \lellr fellow." s nld Rntcllll'c. bero"c tll! cn ulrl contlnu." "I knOIV nh81')oo I III"'ly nn ll rxneti y how you feel on tI, .. s \ll,j,·" t 1111\1 \\' hl1t YOII woul.1 811y. I'",! f. ·1t It l1I), se lf ond su ld It to myeeH, "I I" ,);"" In !(et fnllll of her nlmnst fro II I IIr"" If you 'u h'-I'n In my


HE spectaeuTlI1: Tower Jewels has been secured at a cost of $50,000 alone. Twelve bands will furnish the music, A gorgeous Style ShoW' will feature the latest fashions. 10 acre!! of Industrial and Agricultural Displays with free distri· bution of souvenirs. Continuous Hippodrome Show. John Robinson, famous show man, has as,sembled an unequaled array of star performers and acts. No expense has been spared to interest and entertain the hund:re ds of thousands of visitors.


~l H II ':-: . 1": I IlI C.


rOI l

:'\' ,)

WHu l(l hl! \ ' p lwen

n ue

('IIO l fl

the Ili'l p g-etllng- f ond

All of Cincinnati's famoUI attrac. tions will be open: The Zoo Reds' Base ball Field, Theaters, etc. ' Ample parklog space for tourist.. Low railroad rates, Excellent Hotel Accommodations,




Waruer SH..)'~r.. P reaideD.l

S odl'lS,"

" ",,"', , n,!pr li t. Society." sold Skel·

E, J. Llnd.wood, olose 1,0 ,he old 1'llielrllph Mill, "»2 CAbinet, S fl. K ITCHSN sien 'rabie, Utlll,log

Elt&l'n. Cup. board, Wallh ~Ultn(J, 'J',po Maohloe. C. W. YOQIlOe, W"yntldvllle Ohio. ~tov.,


bUlbel1 of 8 00d lound 1000 Uoro , Inquire of (Jlar. euo" Itye, '" ayn88vlIlo , lIhio,

• Hi


pbell 'II Triple .. Coat.... 1er,Caw.lmOlt Dew. iDqulre of MIllS Addle KeY8, W.YDe8vllle, Ohio .Il) aDd EaSlnt, 110 A PP'0 LB:8-CookIDI 600 a peok l'blDe yoo~

wanb to Earnhnt'lI, Valley Phone



p , C Plgl, 8 "Iek. 9 8POTTED old. reoorded K 1:. Thomp.on phoDe 19-1Ys, aarvey.borll rio" OregoDl1l P 61)" W.ureQ Co. Ohio. _8 R lI', D , 1, BO:l: 103. or Oorp lor . .II 0" 100 Bosbel. Cioolnoatl pille, Wrl~

Florl& Berryblll, alllT JodiaDa ~Vtl" CO!.lIubus.Oblo. or pbone . .me _d. drell liner B p ru" d , II, alme. alii

or good baDd ••or'.4 400 Bothel. Corn for sale loqulre of

jll !'1 t

IIf lil'r, Th " 11 Url,!r 8\\' hl1 0 I fnund lin\\' 1 ""IS (1,'l frl nl(, 11,"1 I SlIld to my· "I' If. 'II ,' ~ "",, ,r,I :' 1 ,plclured nil my f('IIII11.. I'I'IIIII UI\" IIn,l so forth Anrl my pnslt I" " III tI, e wond<!rtul thing you call

MARE, wetght 1500 lbe B LIND Will Bell or node. Inquire of

R Il. Miller, phonl BP-S. Wl&rneli. vll18,Oblo , h




Jerley Bull, II "II , Exile !ClogR Rlllel&b. No , IM5~33 , " big flue fellow. Blrry 8bllw, 1 wile north of Oreronla, Oblo as Old ,


WEU" WHE~e. 00£<;




f! "(OU ' q NOT O&..O!








.~ ~be

Po,n odl,'. _.l W.YD ... UI8 . ·. Jh ... . ..

tle~o ll d

. lease": 'J',


, ' , ... 61. ,1 Matte,

w ys

Good Goo

D . L. CI~ AN E. Euilor and }'ubliblJ ~r. \\'n~ tl .. ~v ille. Ohio


Suoscriotion Price. $1.50 pE'r Y' Br I· O rlH ~ 1I A ft ~rrll. l uv R "IH";::~l ' " bit.'


nlEAME RI ANPll cSSAS'>O( ··I\·IIO ..'


WEDNESDAY. AU GUST 8. 1923 ___

.• .•


• Th oulIIlDda of letters,' ma ny from readel'li ot thi s newspaper. !'''''l'lnll .In 011 OoY. gmUh, bI Ne w York. d t mlludln,g Investigation or dl ~ IlII""" 1 of mlll'd.., cbule ~lIII!t' Wa l !'er S. Ward. IlOD or millionaire btlk~l' • .-ultet\ II) • II/IIW Indlctmeut ollarilna 11l'1li: desree wu rdor or Olareoce Pe¢erI, peunUaIB ex·mlU1ue. l'QotQ IboW8 Walter Ward (right) . nccolll·


.oated bJ IIrot21er. -,"111& lilt up at SUL



Power in Small Towns

POI1UCIaUli who doubt where the atntDl1h of America lies lIhouid examint) the report made from a 8urvey of thirteen north· centrallltateM in relatioll to tarm'and town h·ad~. It is found that hi tOWIUi of 2,000 or leu population, tlle farm trade representa aboll' 76 })IIr cent of the. t.>1.&1. In dry ROOda it representa 80 })IIr cent; in hardware &5 p" r cellt j 1Il Luildin., material 80 per cent ; in rurnltUN 70 p~t ':C:llt., a nd in clothing 68 pel' cent. Automobnejl Ire sold in these 8mall toWllll to the extent ot 80 per cent of total consumption. . 'l'h_ figUl' t B u!'e startling Bnd they run onlv Bl..ightly lower In. t<; WllJI 01 fl' om 2,000 to 25,000. The IImah town consumption is moro than fitly per ceut in every line. . Thill aurvey shows where the market li08 tor Amerioan ~. ufactured gooda. It cmphasiel's again the impor tanco of national legi81atorll looking attor the inlt r est of thc ~n.rme r. The fn rmer iy awakening to a 8tlUBe ot his strength poJ~tlcally and ~conom­ ieally. UnlelW he receivea more ael!ious conslderutlon ho I i likely to prove a troublesome tactor. The writing Is on the wall. Politicians both in the lltates and ill the Ulltion lIhould keop their oal'll to the ground. The voico of tbe home town is well wOI-th listening to.

. • •.


'rhe lesi;on of coursa if! obvious. Tho cxtension of good r ondll 0011 be halted', nor 1. It wiso thnt they should be. nut thBlr building mean. that local merchants must come ro know 1110re ot lIIercharulialng, that they must take the home·town. folks mort Into ·thelr confidene8 and show them conclusively 111ey ean tracla .t bDmo advantageoully. T'lc oompetltlon In tile small t own fa not between storekec~r and .torsKoopar, but between tOWl! and village, hetween illty and town. The Utt1(· fellow hu his plaeo, but hp IIlIl11t be awake to hit rupoJUIlbilit1, never

M r . (lod MrA F r 8nk Mon t.golllt' r ), IIc d BOO. Rll i ph . c'l llmi lin rnlLII l" eR hore, ound .. y. IIIlB" .J olln Boc,klltl i ~ ~11"'"l in~ Ihi s w \Vil h hu r I,Irlln,l 11 ,"lhll r . M r~. Sndlo ItOIlHOC . Mr~ . l!:mnll\. ; ' lin e id ~ p e n tl lng II f ew d uyllt with h nr Imren~8. W . A. Me rr itt. nod wlfo.




being sai d and

:'d r . W Ul . Nor ton, of

written about WOID1LU'" poIIltlon. S\lPCrtlclul mo~ I\Dd WOLOOD !lIO tulk.o l ug " bout the broader lI ald t or WOO

e .. lled on his n i llcn, Mo n d ll Y ,,( ter uooll.

murA dlltg us tlng. m oro 8upcrlldAi nn d IlIlm l ,'Ul to woman's po. lt1on. It mllY ho OInt BOrne poor. noglcctt'<1, IUIII':'8ull'er lng nnd over· bur/l oned \1'1 f., unH 1181.('"00 to the Biron's song or th o In r~cr liber ties of wOlll an. Sho IIU douut longs tor UII" ds)' wLe n shu CUll olX'u t he trout IrBte an d HI rull ttll! Hlduwalk.. or uuiJUpooctl (emilio liber ty . It 11111 )' bo tbesc scntlmeots w oro \oor ll In Iho bruin or some nl ll>\~lI l1 n(). I), IIIC.llnl'<l WOLOen. The:; It ''''e


W OU1ttll Iii IIlnre lDan .

:h" Gll ld pn nge

they w c r" hl:I.ll.'r Ih ll l1 men: n nw the y are \\ un,;,·,- I nl !'l tuy. .~

Ir. aoUWI' ... thaA tntll, to IQ', t!II w.~ JpIl - aft to PQ-I.e ~ ~ r~ ~!fII. ' . . W. pq a ~ !!!Pt I!!tfM ~ Of! CaUbu ~ I~ ~

....- - -

Tho Bettor POlltlon. Be that la IIIUtI:ht to li ve upon little owes more to hi. 'fnther', wladom thllc

F:s tl\te 01 Cora ..~ . IfR,rrbt doc el\~c d . Notkc IN hCrllby gh'un tlUL{, Will . Unrr no d

:'~I~j~~ \~~~tIIIIJi~~~~!~~ ~I'~~';~ft~~':_!t i U!,urll~ It" II Hrr18. In t o o r \ Vt\rro n ( 'u un t.y, Uillo . uu

l 'tlnsf ·, L

- - -...


\ ~JLoeQIlI. ~ ~~~


- ..- - -

.A "II qU68tWil.a Ott etiquette 10411 !Ii /l1.dll/ G"f1O(:rOO I,. t1l.t" oolllmn f;f CJ4dr~. ed to .Aleda, O/Jr1J 01 '"" fI8IC.


'uture Nitrogen e.neumptlon.

tooa., lUI' r..a atral

~ _ _ ~_ _ _ 4'~~;~.--~~~~~~~~_ _~ tJ



Dear Aleda~;Jt proper tor a lIhly to I:Dvlte Il gcnO(!Iluui wLo ho s tnkc n her out In I,h., e vening Into he r home ? (2) It the p8rMtI! IuIvo retlred ? (3) U the7

YOllll g

ft h .. beOll eetlmol ed tllAl In lD34I .IIert wUl b • • total co ns ulUptlon of 188,000 tOOl II Inorllanlc nltrolCen In COUll try.

Dl1tod l hl h ~1 ; tl1 u or o r,J~t!: lC~?I~ 'L , Ju di4e fIr Lhu I 'ruh(i,"e CO llrt . n 15 \\' Ilrrtm t:O\J IHY, O hi o . ti oo • .E . YQ\lv '(. At.Ly.




\V nync5villc,



llro !II.Ul up? ('i) Do..... the boot mllke IUI7 difrenmool--Thank ,fon.

0. P.


Get my terms for your Pu blic Sa le. 1 sat is fy and save you money or no charges.


Box 91, Centerville; Ohio

Mondays and Thursdays trom 7 to 9 o'cl ock p . m .

Home Phone 2, CcntervllleEx .

At the Chiles Hotel Waynesville, Ohio,



Notice of Appointment


lie tba t hua a .:ren t denl lett hi", tlOM to bit rather'. care.-WlIlIa m Plnll'.

9/J """ t~ ~~ W. Ja4~" .,,' ~ 'II." "p~ mtt PIII41~ _ ~~ Y!l~-eo d8at 'Fe II!IIII ~ lip, • • • It eG!9~ I ot eoIn ,., 1IIIb~ torh tim.


Notice of Appointment

Et·tn.'le ' tte




Wayoenlilo. 0

---.-~ ---

M exi co RecOll n l" . . Bea uty .


DENTIST Dental I). n d General

8 :(10 u. m. t o 4 p. 111 .


a" noon .

Un do.' th e h,\\" o r Mexico It 18 twice .1 much nil on' n ~ e to mUlllnt .. t he fa ce at a \I'''"':l n a8 tbo t ot n m nn. Th e Ideft of litI s Is I Te ry sensible .ne. be lnl( hn,pc! 011 t he tlle t tha t to .. nn he r henu ty Is II grea t n~set : to mar It Is there t o re a 'nl'1 s erion ll pc",


Te lephone 114.

Every Tuesday

Ap poin ~ment

very m uo h

Mr . aud Mrs. Walter Jordn n . Mr . I\nd Mrs W. A IJ Il; n BS, Mrs. Idn B Bowe, Dr. lind Mrs. R n n d l\ Jl l!.t1dl Mias Belen R a n dn lJ IIHo n de Ll the ', ledloat ioll of Ka llny B,Ll e'~ n e w h o~ . 1)ltal Wilmin gton . "nn clllY ufte r .

Refl ection.

·I·I"·/"·r" ... • III


O.. y,on .

w l \'~,.,

I ItI I'Te~s lon Hh l e

S l~ ht

im pr oved In h E' altlt. anAr .. few weeks' vi ... lt with her dau llhte r. M rEl Em m '\ Cli n e . of

-bill tbat'•• m1Dor _


Notice of

IOnal Injury.

IllW IIUI7 _lip ua tw _'N t..un' nw.-\Jut th_ an trtYial bam& Oar ta_ IDA, .. blqu'Il NDt.--u4 tHe the trill· d.-I 1u& NIt ..... aD' pow WlUI tt.i1ed pace. • • • TIle -.ur IIUQ' attadl oar JIIIltl, uI drift _ , . to _wbeN'......

T Ip. k!'(> [1R

Lebanon, Ohio

Mrs . \"1 . A . Mer rlt·t hRR retnrn nd

h om e ,

lHlllw . /liitl t hu i nlll,!" tl'l JQoo <': h l'l~ 1 11I 1I IUvl h e rli.


The Eye

------ --

Mr p. NI111 Beql nnd c h i lrlrf'n and N el l . :" mplt elJ w ro ~llm l bY vl slt.o r >! II ' tllO h ll Dl O of Mr. WililY Mo n t,g o m ury, In "pringborlJ.

~wOllr l·.

~1'I. -"I' li l1 n ~ ItR

I At Cary's Jewelry Shop


,.. ,,',. vt

'l'!Ie las . . Ita" to 11&1. a1D't Ie¥IcId 011 IMIr "'~ u ' 1aQ'. """ ..cI4IM _ our tarma. . • . '!'be dread euotl_ 01 tile,

the Klrl


A . fl. C oll e l l· nml m o thl'r , M r . nnel MrH . n eo Phlll i l,S. W C. Ma ry (-l r "blilll, IIf "'til e L'i o le In Smith :11111 (nmilv. ,111 ,1 th o h" twee , ~ h o W oofl .· · ~ J1 e n t .'< I' venll dU YB ,,~ AIBt.C "" flrn onJuping lit Min III I Vnll e y ChuuLu l1qnn . Ch anlllnqofl .

ot wl nJ,. nutl t h o '~I,ohl 'It birds Is ""01111111'8 G. d·c,·c,, 1';'\ Ihroul>- lI ome. sweet IlIlJlllo, ·... It'·11 sl,o l ll kes I lI'r ~l~ \1 n" n C' hI'lN . III \\,1 1'\1 1111\1 n ('hl'Ip, Ulln motlll·'·. .II, c,·I. 110 \\' I II n·~ I\I,(·t to Ill'r 1m. . ' 1 1." ,1 11011 111111 10 tho III1I c~I1' uc­ -, ,. ~ IlIl r SN'Jl t (":' • • /1

hun l-fTY you

~l1e sl

Mr ~


( ' lIrt ~ lt nn

Mr s A IW T lIrn(' r Is th o of r nl"ii\'(\B i n Unnt n n .



H( ' l~ I !oI

h ll'.\'


lIut I1I1 <u tile same rights. • W h eth er thl!ge slIhjl,"' 1~ ur o dl&clu.,jud Berlo llAl), fl' l' .. lolIsly , nU will be t'OlJlJ'Clloo to IIl' r l\'o ut t ho collo.i u810n timl the hlgbL'>'t. hrolldest, deepest BIlII g rn ndL",t I,lal"'" Oil. cllrt h I.. wOllllln's Illtl\,1Ollr uctiblo t hron~R olt1o . HWOIl t H ,lme. \' o u CUtlllot IIIllld WOIlle n to the Uuhla Wlluuut nClllectlJlIf tlie t r ou t lloor ut GUII's mnns lou- H oUle, A\\'e<lt 1I01D0. You onnnot pu l wo moll Iu !l,e DoellllJu ~ at II1l\oI(JUllnO compotl. tl oll wi thout lUfIIltljf t ho children 0 ' e r to tho Juv""U" court a ud tho " old ,' hll r lty lit t hl> wlntl'. Yuu cunnvt )1111 '1'111110 11 III l'OUlIll'tltllln wi lli 11" 11 nllt! con tlnlll! I.G 1101Iulltte tho cllrt ll . You CIIPlIot U.I Il U II ~slltntll

: II



Our I.JUnil f u rni ~!1o rl mnMi o nt tbo Uuzett" . tl r llAn n Cll nntv f ,dr . Frltl .. y .


rorth protll.:,ll

Id" U,)W e


It y o u thlnl' nil I lIln J.:!" r hllH\ hi h im who "'nlt ~ j \l ~ t ~lt dr1\\ II ,,,ul w~tI( nd


\l' lIl c\tc.1 lbll-lr poo r C I C;!CII, X li to \oruth r M mu r c hl ng 811 /lOus, an ti wOlldered why thcy could

tor MOlber.

W8 y n (\~vllh ,

M r ~.



on cnlllng )'on r 11ll\l'h.:h Rq:fll1 1111,1 f n tllil v !lro ViM , ttenll on III \\'hr.1 n 1I) \,ely rIng lh. MI 8~eM Dnrthu !llId Vi r !(inill Da "\s itillg rt.l"tl vf'S ill IIrid Mc'Jl "rl;. Itlli . t} o"n I I/'~. g rnh your h nt nnd go hom8. lu e vis lling i n lJny t lJ ll WIth ~Il o lr -lll c hnu,n il l~nlPs· nl ~ pn l (' h . B \V ]{o ln h, o f C h icILgo, b'll' ___ ___ - - a un t . M rs Irn Bllwtsllo k . jolnflll lli R rJlmll.v 114 ,r (1 f o r l1iH Vt1 00 t:ievor ,, 1 fr o m ho r n ut.f.ondB ,l t·b e ttn n . Be Ready for Opport unity. Mltlm l V .. lley C IIIlU I.6 11'l1l1l. onndllY. Mr ~. Veq~o Mit('hnnr (\lid ~1l1l ~ Th e !':i"cr~t of SllC('I'SS In Ilfl' I s tor . t o benr ::;elllilor S lJ . Fe.IO . Bu 'l.'") II i" 1 N[lf'nt 11I :!1 w oek in I Uc u . I1SIt to h e rrnd y ror hl g ulll,lIrltlolty Idu! 1I com es.-DlsrHetL Mr. !lull M rs Ed Dtl kin flnrl Mrs 11100 (1. I nct Dehor a h DnKln Il .·e Mkinj.{ n W'l'ck 's Tb ll lIlu. i c p n plill of l.o o ln I( Bi oI I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vflos hon lit lhu Min " l'Il l I:!prio gB. rendnrl',ll, r U"lt,d II~ h o I' h n lllO, Mon' ~ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - : Mi ~ReR IiAle n, Kathill e n a n d N ellia dny lI nr! Tuel'duy IIve nlng s . ~rt.t\ll m b 1\ V a ""t.,lfuocl froll1 u. I1t i ~~ Ehmn( r J:lnyrlQok rlJln roerl. 1 w ell k '8 vl~it with r o lllt\v es In 1(00 . T b nrHtltl v. (1'111 11 II plefiR ant. ~oj o u r n tucky. tI t lit 111111 i V,dI AY e lls nt.l uCJ llfl .

u,on. a oout woman's opportllllltica. n bout he r llQ ullllty with mall. M d

ulo",·" Iho


Give us a call

liflrry Orr Rnd fAm ily oflll fld on R nsBo lI J e ffor y's , :::llodllY ovnn ing .

t he 1,,,.11(011 wblch . - r8 Ill! h co d


We will take pleasure in supplyi ngyourneeds

Mi se Ma r tha Lukoll~ onll ud o n Will . Lu ke n R Im d rLl m ll y. t! U1 l1lt~ .v .

11 would bo most dlfllcult to /lud n son es or subjectll

Commuulty building is bellot with moro puuling problems thaJl olle might suppose. P erhaps . ollo of the mos~ difficult ot t>olutiou being the problem created by the uxtenslOU of good r Olld• • The world admits good rOAds IIpoll the development of Amc l'iaa the spread of education and 1\ better und er standing SllIong' ~elgbboJ'8. There hILI hoon difference of opinion, }lOwcvcr. as to whether villages are first built by stores attractjng rCllidcnla 01' by IncrclllIing residenta at.tra~ting at.orcs. Whichevc r theOl'Y ma)" be correct the tllet r CIIlllln8 that the g rowlh ot /lily community depondJ very larll8ly on the pro~ p crity of Its trllding IIcction. . SPUID vUwgea nre eo 8ituated georraphlca1ly that good roade IIlmply Op CI! up lin casy avenue tor trade to go out of t own . 'rhe n thor/l \.IJ An olemcnt of danger in su ch thoroughfnre.q which lnuNt be bBlIlIIlltld of (lOurse by the advantagcs derived by tho

fa rmer.


Ilhout bor r ights.

Good Roads and Competition •

1\ 1\\";1vs carry the hest Lumber, Shingles, S;,lsh, Doors and lVtill \Vork, Roofing, in fa ct, everything in the Building Ma terial line

Barbed Wire Esta to uf A g nos W , \\' r iJ,;h t., rj(\C'(HIBUd. Not.lce Itl h or eby j: i ' -l!ll tl ~ al !-oil Ma n II . Wrl/{h l ' l llls boou d uly h.ppolut cd null qllulillOll "" I£xcctl lrLx or 1110 & .\~IO u! '\ " UU8 w. W ri~II', latuo r War,..,,,CoulI ' y. Ohlo.


Dr. W. E. Frost Veterinary S"rgeon

GU A R ANTEED t() Ill'nl wit hon t Ion", duce,,,,"'1. IIng n b ll·1Ili Hh. o r MONEY R P:FUliOED. lJllIll<lllllo 19111 du y 0 ~/U~" I!,9)i ~l' . 600 nJld $1.00 s i1.cS fo r frt's h wou n d s,


(Phone 44

Juugo 0 1 ~ho rm lJlllo Court, old SOT\:S, sor o bn ' k s nncl fi h l'll ld"' TH,buTDB n8

Wn rrell Co uuIY. Oh Io.

!lnd brui ses . 2'0 BiZ(J (u r )'-.. mily Uee. DR. COX'S PAIN LESS BLISTeR is pllinlt'toIH nn fl JjuarU lllfl t'd to curo Rp ,l\·in. Hilll(bIJII' ·. ('lIr\.t . !'lw"" II }'1 Spilnt, ..;..,;.'.:.. ' _--1 i'urrs. vro rnllV "ltlllrj;:"IIl,mt o ( oooe6Oc. or;"j-;:=~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~= wUdclc, lIi tl l1l 'y n' (lIu~"ee

Harveysburg, O.



HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARHH M F.D I(' ll' E will do w h at c laim f u r It - rlu y our SYSlf' 1lI

o ( Cata r r h o r nearness l' U U 50 d by ( "n tnrrll. HAL L'S CAT AnlUI hlEDIC"I N I': can· I "da ls of a n Ointm ent w il i c h Quh'k l y Itt.·liu v cs the catarrhu l in fl n mma t lon . nnd I h e Intcrnn l l\l ctiir \n o, a T on i ' , wh k h :lcts th ro u ~h thi..' JUnod on t lw Mucous



~l~rtlcC;:~d ll~ ~~:. asslstln),t to n) ~ Lore nor· So1cl by urUK~l s tR

F. J . Clll'n oy 6<

The bour Ja tho whole YJ1og. For


Waynesville, Ohio

oVer 4('1 Y ars.

0 .• 1' olc du. O.

. ...•

Nntl ?nal Bank

. aD example. RUppo&e n coottle hnve


&0118 to an etll'I:y meme IIII4 IlftI home by nlDe-tblrty- tben tho girl may Invtte the bo7 In whetbel' her tamlb' bave ret1r'Od or not. It. 01\ tho otbel' band. they have gone to a pIcture trom wbleb they mum at eleven. sho MouJld not cx~t1d a u


Getting to be a Big Boy

lovttuUoo to e nte r . A ~ Uc mtln calling U8UA Uy concludes hln VlB1t between t.eo·tbtrtJ/ And cleven. Nev· er later thon e)",'t'.n.

·"C OMa . ..

1~j.PFlJI..HEALTHHINTS I Splinter ia lM SJW.. A " ,·,·,Ile \\111 IIs u ully remove n 8pl tu tcr r ....U! y our skin. First w oah hUlIIIR ill """P llnd hot wuter nnll lIU HIj l1 ood l ~ u a name to ovoid \>O~~ I"lo lll fl'(l.Ion. Ie th is Is not 8u<X:cMflll. try tl )llllr


SAYS SAMI . A dirty dig nAVAr unoovors !lny. ,bing exoept ~r o~ble

- ..---


ED rUlWV SAYS: Chrls&op1aor Colllmbu8 '



0~'J' an e~plorl)r .a nd Il'.oove'rer-

b~. a proplle'., w,ll. ~e miDn'" be ••w ~~erl~ be -.14, ·\Dr'....ud ., t ,


BLONDB BBSS OPINESs . The ~loth. &h, aappen wear

• • •

Poiaon 1.,-111 n VCJ'y Ir('o<:her OU8 . pllln t. You mny h nlllll" It at cue time ,vlth no ill cft(.'Cu. ," ,,1 Lbe n o~t tim e be severely JIIOIROIIClI. A ~x1 trontmelll al)l\ ~l l11j.1l 0 0 110 Lq till.: W~&\I tile Infl runOO sk in In \lo d e acid 8010tlon In ",'ater . tollo\V('(] hy IIUIcal'1ng HOrne ol'dln a,ry 7.1 tlc oint-

----- ..--- -- ...


ment 011 the skill. Oov~r th is ,,1tll • thin cloth. Thtl ointment .lIould

be . wnshoo off !IllllY.. UHlng 111110 water. T ho skin: should then 1J0

dried. and carboll zed vnscllnc nil all ointment applied. A gOOd old· ~e remedf I.B malle by putti nG' a . lNIllII1 Ja eome vinegar and nso th11I . ~ • treqnoot '. • • w8llb. t, • .


It.. cramp 1.1 atto caUllCd Of' bY oold. EfIIlOcl.n, It ODe seta overhootcd In bot Nevel' drink a lOt of cold


,..ther. water att.r IIOID. IItteDDOUS ~t:dool U


~ble too~ Gall WIll otten


a 'spasm Of

the III. . . . 1114 Ia QuIte dllll8"' ""ou. Soda mlDta or better yet a DttIe bot water with a bit of IIYrpp

.....' 4ea1 WI, barbell wire f,DGe 01 _ _ eo . . taIleD. For . mllil -the7 III'OMO' 'Il. propeny b1d . . . , . IIa& plaGMJ IMI daD'. ....,......... . . . ' PI I .,. nIW.


' 3"


.First Yankee-.Doodle President


. J



Enrolls You

For as little as $5.00 you can start toward the ownership of a Ford Car under the terms of the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. This enables you to become a Ford Owner out of your weekly earnings,

d t1nl.

Your money is deposited in the bank and draws interest. What easier way could t~~re be ? The whole family can ' participate.

Come inl


. _.

30x3}1. $13.50

Cooper Cords 30x3 Y2. $13.50

Ji'inley Cords 30x3Y2. $12.50

Get full particularsl

Finley Tubes

As usuallhe Greene County fair had a large attendan ce this year. The booths were all taken and the lillplays were many . The hurse racillg was exception ally fine. sev· Il ral new hor~e s being on the ground . The Wayn esville band pleyed Thursday. and made a great hit with the bllard bnd with the people. Rain stopped the r aces Friday after· noon.

The Waynesville Mot~r .C ompany

... -p,.eS';kl4.t

Lebanon has organized a Chamber of Commerce. f ollowing in the footsteps of her sister town at the North end of the county. They are in line for several things. and are working hard to get new enterprises There is reason to believe that a IIhoe company will take up the defunct Elbinger Shoe Co . arip keep on with the work . A Clothing Co. hal also come to Lebanon.

Our Page has this to sayWe find that the Classified Ad. columns in the Miami Gazette are "sure pullers:' Try it, you will find it so. "I

'1 ,1 I' I Ih


I,ll" I'

----- ..- - -

pr ·" "n'lI ' tl!ttHI fl u· n ~ u lO~ illtlthH1 I~f .J n l\ l ~ .\ . (:n rf\pltl .


A Farmer's View ,

Last ~ar. mainly because of scab. wheat from southern Ohio weighed from four to five pounds II!88 to the bushel than the ave ra~e run of wheat from northern Ohio. But that is not tru'e this year. The quality is even and seed wheat submitted to state inspectors is running from 51 to 61 pounds to the bushel. the state over .

"I lliiNK

that the farmin. bu.in_ and the railroad bu.ine•• are 10 utterly deprndent upon each other. their Intue.t. are ... Identical that the man who drive. a wed,. betw_n them !a either crazy or he 1. a



"What I want moot of aU il lemea and I don't lee how any railroad can live it unleaa It hal a IfC)Od we tr"ck and .\lfficient carl and the ample power to pull them,L and thet means. ENOUGH MONt.Y to buy them . .

Agrl'cultur~, tra".po'tG'i~n and in· ~,~


:.; . 1 . -:


~ I

Pennsylvania \'t Railroad System V Tit. Standard Railroad of the World



Butter Fat 10e per pound higher than' l!llt year



,JII--,'* iD.r

OM oC cnu


70.000 ~ Pa~'"

..- - -

-----.- --

F. L . C" o pmtn, . Edi'or, " BtUt1 For",i"," ,

August 6,

PhiHips Building

At much lower rates· than formerly, coveriug all kinds of tobacco, in a special policy.

Special f.lre policies for grain. Sears & Cartwright.


No tobacco grower can afford to run the risk-a few pounds at the price will pay insurance on several acres.

Tom Pierce has returned from a ten·days visit with his mother and sister. at Le banon. Ind . Mrs . William Ford and son. of Hillsboro. and Alva Carrwright. of !c~~~~~~~~~~~ Springfield. epent Tuesday with Roy • .~ MacBeth and family. The members of St. Mary's church will ~ive a \pIcnic at Phillip's' Park on Labor OilY. There will be events of all kinds. and a general good time. ' The pro~ram will be announced later.

- - _0- ..---



If you intend . storing your grain, get on~ of our Fire Policies that cost for actual time i~ use only.

Sears & Cartwright Notice of Appointment

-Phone 61-2

Waynesville, Ohio

E.t.te 01 OllOr,o C.rotbe .... decouOO. NotIce I. "Iven that FlUlule Carotb· oro haa boon duly ~\lJ)Olnto<l ~nd quaUUod .. Admlnl. tr.trl, of tbo • • t~te 01 Ooorve ~~:!':u~. late 01 W~rren Counly . Ohto. Dated tbls Tlh d.y bl AUif.Ult. 1928. W. Z ItOI.L. Judu 01 tho Probate Oollrt • • 22 W.rren Couo ty . OhIo.

Thos. Romine di ed at his hom e in Corwin Tuesday afternoon. after a Thoullht fOr th. Day. long iIInl!88. The funeral will be A pntlomaD Is Dot 80 much tile . ..D Who tor,etll hrmwelf as the mu held at the Chapel at 2 o'clock 00 11'110 think. of othen. Thursday.


"They can't have 'l'ine!"

Tri State Price '

Phone 17


"Save by buying in Waynesville"



dU!f tr.y are three mighty element. in America', ,reafne... Tlte;r intere.', are on .. an~ in,eparable- now ancl alway.. NeIther can pro,pcr. in any ,ubatantial and la, ting way • • aVe a' the .o ther. pro.per in equal degr"" .

T bfl fhJrd wns


James W IIliamB died at hiR home S)~~~~;:;~~~",~'\;;~""~",~",::::",::::",::::o:.~"~=-........~",,::::.::.::::,,,~~~·~~ ~~~.p~.p~..~'\;;::::::::~:::;~~::::::::::::::::::~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ in Wilmington Monday morning at 6o·clock. His entire life waR . spent in Dlinton Counly. The funeral is being held today at his lale home. He was the grandfathe r of Walter Williams, we ll known to many of our resident ... lhrough hi" marriage -Roy Earnhart was called to KinR"s to Miss Edna. J anney . Mills Tuesday morning. on account ...- - of the dell t h of his b1other·in-law. Wm . Stowe. who was killed when one of the mills blew up . -- ~ -

UThe que.tion before UI i. not '.hall we "VOl .. rew doll a .. on rreight?' but '.h ..11 the railroad bu.lne•• remain .. bu.ine•• or .hall It be a ,overnment agency owned In ~om­ mon but run by politIcal employe.?' If It i. to remain a ' bu.lneo. It will have to be nan ... a bu.ln.... and run to pay ' at I.a.t per cent. for ita ownerl. If It i. to be communized. that i. owned In common. I am ju.t wamlne you that the communiata will not wI.h to .top the re. They will .ome day covet your farma.


I" . Morl ou. \·I'·('-l't,'. I,IN,1 to I' rl'lficlcu l II '' .... It!Oll.



It' l II'I'I "~ 'I ' ,IIUil , I II' , II

of the

CooHJi,e •

(" ..... 11111'(' or Mn .... llch" .,· 1! ~ I. "'"' IIr_ 1 \' nllk ('t' Hoo<lIe \·r\'!ll · d('nt. tl et" ~ horn 011 the F ourlh or JlIl ~', 11".\,,0 0 (, yenr . III'Ct- l!<7:! nt I'1~· lll o .. th. VIII .. t. thp thlrol \· I",,· pr('~II1 (, III ( .... ,,' II\n! I'lnlt,-.w,1 11 is a , ~llll rhh' n("t· thot 0 1'1 1' of Ihe! nthr·r tWfl. (,h~~ t (> r .\ . .,.\ rth u r , I ~UU1(~




30x3 y:!. $1. 7ii A full line or Dimming Appliances to comply with the State Dimming Law. Spotlights, etc.


· H. Archdeacon~ Manager

"~~. ,I•


Waynesville Aulo &Machinery Co.


You'll be surprised how quickly the car J will be yours.

Buy You,r Coal Now!


The . rounl y road forcll is bus y wi,).·nin \{ th e pik p li t th e top of th e hi ll just beyond Mason's Sprin!Z. whe re a narrow and rough bit of roar! wilh a stee p bunk on either side with no protf'ction. 'has heen II menace t o motorists. This hit of work and t lte cutting away of the corner at t he point whe re the lower Sprinl!'boro road rum- in to it an' ({reat improvement s. and lesson thl' da nge rHof a co\ii ~ i o n or a bad aeei·

l£t the?flhole rJ-amitp 'Participate

-------------------------------, It is' a good time to have it delivered and pu t in your bins. If yo u are in doubt as to the quality of our difTereut grades of co'al , please ask us to deliver you a sample, and if yo u find that it is not what we recomm~tld, it wi1l not cost yuu anyth in g. We are in the Coal business to slay. and you can depend on us all the year round' to serve you to the best of our ability. You will find our prices riRht for the quality and grades of coal we hand le. Call at an y time. give us your orders. and we will be glad to lake l'are of you. Phone 25.

Wilmi"lZtnn [ISHUmell a !Zala attire thi Hweek i,·ith the SI)lIrks circ us on Mnnriny un d th· {'lir th e r e rnnin ne r of th e w .. k Afl l' r sev ernl y ('u r ~ " f id leness t ill' \\·illl1 i!1I! I,.n fair iRlIl/ai n "" " VPl1 t t o h.· 1o, I.e.! forwaru to by I r.. ir 1l0t' I" S T h... . xh ibit s lire cla im· illl!' I' .e all f'nti l'n "r many and the r ace pruj!ran · is ve ry a t.lractiv e Seve rn l Ih" '1 de fr"m he re are atte nd· i 111(.

, , '.

,. h ,._'__


JUVENILE GRANGE All who belong to the Juvenile Grange please meet at the Grange hall. August 19. at 3 p. m. We are going to have a picnic. Bring a guest and your supper. Irma Rich. See'y.


LECTURE There will be a stereopticon lec. ture. Monday evening. August 30th. at the FriendA church. by alady who filled Mr . Mllrray Kenw.orthy·s place as r eHef worker while he Wall sick with typhus fever in Rus!lia. Freel - - _0__0 - - -

SUSTAINED STROKE The venerable Ju. ' Benham was stricken 'wlth paralylis lut week at his home on South Main street, and II in a vu, precariOUl cond1tio~


Annual F.ellowship Meeting of Disciples of Christ in Greene County will be held 4. mil es north of Jamestown. at the Ross t ownship school building. Su nd ay. August 12. All are urged to aUend . Sessions at 9:30 to 11 :00 a nd at 2:00 p . ~. At Ferry the f'ourth number on the "Romance of Saul of Tarsus" will be given at a p. m . with many col· ored pictured and illustrated songs . Subject. "Th e Man of Macedonia." Aug. 19 W. G. Loucks. of Cleveland. will speak at F erry . Edward D. Galler. Mini ster.

- -------

MASONIC ,lODGE Regular communication of Waynesville LodgE!' No. 163 F. & A. M. Tuesday evenln~, ' AUlrust i4. at o'clock. Work In the M. M .. nelll're~ :1 1 Sojourning brethren and visitors are cordially invited to be 'present.

g. N. HOUib, W. M. Zimmerman, Sec'y.


iQs! WeeR tfFree CollI O/fir Join our HEATROLA Oub now and get Ton of Coal absolutely FREE



This IS the last week of our HEATROLA CLUB special offer. Join 'NOW and get absolutely FREE with . your Estate Heatrola ONE TON OF COAL. All you pay down on this CLUB OFFER is $2. You pay the balance in easy iIlstallments on this, liber~ plan. Installation of th'e Heatrola made at ImY time you may ~ify.



SMilie HEATROLA·· will .Save i1s,

Price in Fuel·an~ Labor:EConomies' f



8eventy·Fifth Year

£:~: '=::;::

WAY NESV ILLE, OHIO, J . H. Smith was a Dayton visitor. Tuesda y.

Our Nex t Big Fight

Fred M Cole and family were in Deyton , Tuesda y .

Tobacco hall Inauran ce. Seara Ii Mrll. J . W, White was a Dayton Cartwr i"ht. vl.itor. '1'hur~d~v .


' Whole Numb er 5555




. .'

T" II'I!;C(} hail insu ra nee. Sea rs & Ed ilo r Mi a mi (; "7.ett :-Cripple Cn 'e1e Color ud n, (,IICI' lhe ·a rt w ~ iK ht . ~ r eate9 t U'old Ca llII' ill t llr wllrld. i ~ Mr and I\l rs. H. B Sherwood. of cami nl{ int" it>l ow n aL!aili. " f l.'r a Fred Hartloc k and family. of Mil. Mnr. J. M. Sullins. of Lafaye lte, pe ri u(1 of CII llll'ara ll\'e illa cli vity Ih y lon. v i~ it e( 1 home f olk!! here, ford, spent Sunday here. Ind .• ill visiting Dr. Mary L . Cook. since W18. Wilh the re·lIp.·n illlr o f · li nd ay . mll llY old work ings and I he' disl'IIv ery H. W. Pace wa. a bualnee& vlaltor Mr lind Mra. Frank Zell and Mr . COl rage for rent Inqu ire of J. H. of new v {' in ~ ,,1 orL'. Th .. f1l1l111U8 . In Xenia, Monday mornin a. and Mra. M. McKins ey spent Sunday Portlan d mill. f ro lll wh il' lI I!lil liun • (ole·rna ll. or l h s treet. of doll a rs' wu rllr (,f orf· 11:I ~ 1"·" 11 Several of our citizens attende d in Xenia. taken in th e pa, l. h.'l~ I"cul,'" all i'lltb. Wilmin "ton fair. last week. IJa vid POpe and famil.\.', of Route Mi88 Mary Hawke. of Day tun. mense buLl y uf o re al " d t' )l1 II I. f I. ~ lJ e nt Sunday with Albert Cleaver .pent last week with Mr. and Mrs. 2,785 feet , Ihe luwr_t Jlll ldut inl-: and family . Coma alld "et a free Buttarl ck J. C. Hawke. level in the s tate of C'Jlo rud ... anI Fuhiol l Sheet at Myer Hyman 's. Wilmin g ton Vearly meeting i9 a re i!:! being tak t: n fro m thi M !lew 'Che conditio n of Mrs. Su~an Cook. b inI{ held with sovenil from here vei n which has se ul ed for as hi J.(h as G60rie WaterhoulH! spent last who waa Quite illlilit week, is "reat. atlew] if.lg. $10.000 10 the lon al th l! rnill e~ "eek lit Miami Valley Chauta uqua. Iy improvl!li . Whe n one c (Jl1 ~ id ~ rs th t· al titude. C S. Mu ore. of Washin gton, I) C .• 9,500 feel a bove ~('u le v '1. Crippl e I. W. Lincoln . of Dayton , apent Mr. William Jeffery and Mi88 Ruth Creek has th e tine. t cl imate ill the pent ~eve r a l days he re, las t week. leversl days IlIlIt week with home Jeffery , Gf Dayton . were callers in sta te of Culnr at.l o. Du r inl{ II resi- vi ~ itine relative s . lolka. town. SUliday evening . rl ence h ere of :11 years. th e cold" t I Mr. and Mrs. D. L . Crane spent Ii hove seen was 2G b eluw ze ro. J a nu· Master Milo Miltenb erger spent Mr. Ed. C. Jeffery and wire. of ou ple o f daYR last week with relaary 7. 19 13. and lhe warmes t is S5. the week-en d with Mr. and Mra. J. Orqoni a. sp.ant Sunday lives in Norwoo d. evening Jul y a nd Aug uHt is the rainy season. H. Smith. with her brother , C. H. ::lherwood. wh en it rains alm os t e ve ry afle rnnon .John I' rom and family, enjoyed a The nigh ts are delightf ully ctJol J.frs. Grace Lincoln Smith ia In Quite a number of our citiz~ns vis it from his two brother · in-laws . one can sleep with co mfort under Clodnn ati, this week. attendl n" the heard the Rodehe hver Concer of Duy ton. S unday. t Co .• two pairH uf hlank ets. The mini· .iUiDil ry opening . at MiamiV alleyCh autautju a. Sunday mum t ernpe r!l ture las t Hight was 39 The M. E Sunday -school is hold Walt« Whitak er and' family. of • degrees Mi. Velma Cornell arrived here. ---- - - . - - - - - - inR thei r annual picnic at Trianill e Route I. were Sunday gueRts of J .O. Tlwre a re II U hed b ugs . fl eas or na rk. Dayton, today . Munday . evening . after a delightf ul Special Fire policies for grain. Whitak er &fId family. mosq U i toc:' I ha " c IIl! VCr SI!~ 11 a visit with Prof. and Mrs . William Sears & Cartwr ight. rat he re; th e a ltitud e- is l OO hilIh for HADL EY··JA NNEY Mrs. W. B. Squires . who has been MEMO RIAL SERV ICE Itenne~h Elzey, of the N . C. R.. of Mirhen er, of Pittsbu rg . 1'a, and i~ them . At the larJ,!;e l-:fIlin ware- quite ill for the past two weeks, ia Darton . ia 'enjoyin e a couple of now spendin g a few daya with her Russell Hale. of Springf ield. spent hou Res of the C. T . &. T Co . th ~ re i9 !:!o mewhat improv ed. parents . Mr. and Mrs . Morris Cornell J Sunday here with Forrest weeke vacation at home Last Wednes d ay evening not a ra t. to bC.'3een ullou t th e place at 7:30 Brown WELL ATTE NDED the weddin g of Loren Hadley and Y" urs tr l! Y. Mr. and Mrs. C' M. Brown and A comple te line of the latest But. Miss Jeanne tte Janney took place at Lh o> !'enee Morun . Dan Surface spent Sunday afterno on the home of the bride's parents, MI. terlc" patternl l just received . Au- " ' - -The service, held Friday afterno on wi th relative s in Springb oro. and Mrs J . E. Janney, on North on the grade School campus tumn atyle8. Myer Hyman . Ceme tt;ry at M~()n . was well tltreet, in the presenc e of 75 Ifuests. attende d, a larlfe crowd Body being Wi-l~ \0'. B. Hend e rson and family are Precedi ng the ceremo ny, Russell tendanc e, At th e appoint ed in at· BR INGS MIS. L. E . Kemple and children , hour. ~ pen din lt a week at RU93ell's Point. of Wilmin gton, were' week-en d Linton . classma te and close fri end of after a lIelectinn by the band. liahing and e njoyinll an outing. Rev. both bride and bridegr oom, sang. Holt led in prayer, IrUe8\.8 of Wavnes ville friends. afte r whi ch a U "At Dawnin g," accomp anied by the male quartet compos ed of Mess ~8. Frank Elbon and wife and Edwin brid ~ 's sister, Mis8 Frances Janney. L. N . Prinlz, F. Mr. and Mn. hank Zill and Mr. B. Hender son. WaiChandle r and wife attende d Yearly To the strains of the weddin g ter Elzey and T . E Rogers. Mis~ . and Mra ~ . McKinMY wC!le KUeetl H H . Wa rwick. >lssiMtant t o the Mee ling at Wilmin gton, Tuesda y. march, Lohengl'in'@ Bridsl ChoruB, Kathryn Hender son accomp of Mn Allc. McKlnlMl)'. Thunda y. llnis t, preside nt of the Andrews Land co m.\ played by Miss Helen Marlatt . the sang "Lead Kindly Li ght." pany, who firs t I{lirnlJse d Erie dur- • Mrs. C. M. Brown. Mrs. Albert couple unatten d.ed came down the Mia Henriet ta t1cKlne ey and Mr Mr . J . O. Faulkel lburg was then ing the wal wh!:n he was assiKlIed Cleaver and Carroll, Dan and Forstairs and took their places in the introdu ced by the chairma I. B. Pence were euellta of Prlf. n, J. O . by th e Unite(1 St ates \:l ousing cor- rest Brown spent Thursd ay In Day. Iving room of the home. before a Cartwr ight, and for half and lin. C. A. Bruner , DC Lebano n. an hour pOl'utio n. to make a su rvey of th e ton . bank of ferns and tall baskets of held the attentio n of the Budien.: e. hou sinK Tbund .,. s ituati on in thi s city . has beautif ul gladioli . Maater Wilbur He explain ed the type of man, why been con vinced (,f I':ri e's great Mrs. C. M. Brown, Mrs. Albert " William , a nephew 8 of :the bride, he was loved by tbe people of thi9 Sl rowth und Born-T o Mr. and Mn. Walter IJ roMperit y ever si nce Cleaver and Bon. Robert, an~ . Mr. carried the rings in a tiny bas- Nation, and also spoke Robert i. nee IllBllora Lc.-wll. of near in glowing that time, ~o i mp r ea~ed was Mr. ~an Surface were Lebano n VISitor. keto The very impreea ive lo' riends terms of his work I1S Preside Lebano n. Saturda y. Au"Ult 11.1923. nt. Warwic k. whose hom\' WUM in Col- ~at urday afterno on. marriag e service was perform ed bv a dauKbt er. At the conclus ion of Mr. Faulke n- umbus, Ohio with \!;ric tha t ~ hortly Rev. Jesse Harvey . granilfa tber of burg 'e IIddress , Chairm an Cart· aft e r the cl ose of t he war he decided After today, AUllust·15. the Day· t . ht d b the t 'f bridegr Rev. and Mn. NellOn Thorne and oolT; and the double ring wrlg rea a fau I u I eu Iogy. PUu' I. to mak e E rie hi s fut ure " orne f or tOIl- Waynesville bus will again make , I'IS h e d b i B k ' ceremo ny was used. ctauKht er. Mary Lou. of MominK . . , y t Ie an ers aasoclatlOn In the silllpl e r a.'on thut he uelieved ill! r egu larly schedul ed trips intO the · · t'I c..n(julr t.' . The bride. a IIltriking ly beautifu l th e CIDcmna Slln, Ohio. apent lut week bere. the er 0 t t h at d ale. the city wOlllLl continu e t J grow at bu siness section of Dayton . pesta of relative s. girl, wore an exquisi te weddin g The audienc e th en sang "Ame rica. " a rapid r a t«' and th e r e wo uld be M d M C E M d h II gown of white crepe. with veil. and and stood at attentio n while the great opportuniti~s h ere . . 1 r. an I rH· D ' t' b en e " tha d i ~ulte a bit 01 excitem ent "'u d i "TIIe St S carried lovely brides roses. I 1 W ' k E an f p Dye . I ar- pang ("[ • 0 th ay on. spen t Mr. DrWIC I\olW a resl! c nt of anu k>Ion, J• ar 'th l'oUowtur UfL Hard~. . eau ...~. Saturd a, 8veninl l, b, the ts'" e At the close of th ~ ceremo ny. and Banner, " fa ter w h'IC h R HI ' . wee ·em WI ev. elr 0 paren t Ene fur nearly three years . IS more ' d M WlIb I be I'relhleu l', bod)' A during the period of congrat ulations . pronoun ced the benedic tion. M d h II • IDr. bumir.:~ of two fiery crOU8l on our wa. neeh"" at Wllult In firmly convi~ced t hat he was rig ht an rs. 11108 en en a '.. atreeta, -,t the .cIKe of toWil. quIet ceUleter1 upou ttl ar· Mr Linton a~ain Bang. "Unite d ." - - -- - • Shortly after coming with lhe Ar.· rtut lu MarloD. . Miss Harrieb Duvall has 'returne d The bride's table. at which were ,\lIO"'-I 'I«UI"II ot ~ drews Land compan y Mr. Warwi ck to her heme in Leomin ster. Ray Mill., ~. F. Ride•• Ro. Hart. MB88 .• seated Mr. and Mrs. Hadley aud sev-1W ENlY FIR" In), \"lIb tllaert aOO",ID' W3~ placed in cha rge o~ the inv est · afte r a vi~i t with he r cousin. Mrs . J. aock. L A. Zim:ne rman and H. W, aIt'II. I1ardln, aDd tile ~ale . eral intimat e friends , waa a t t r a c t i v e - ' men t departm ent. moving uP . from W... White, lind other relative I· .....tdeul·. Iialer, .Aln. n. Pace 1fent to Ma,;:..on. Friday, to atIy def'orat ect In a pink and . white s. C. fteulilberr, who IIc(.'om· sales manage r. \:l e IS now assl:\tan t · tend Pretld8 llt H.rd\.... funeral . color Icheme , andl waa centere d by , .. "led body au ~laJ ANNU AL REUN ION to T. O. Andrews. the president., tr.h •. beautifu l pink rOBes. , M d M G W Clif. and was on e or the organiz ers of the IIr. and IIr'. Lindley .:,.nd.n ball. r. an rs. MeorgAe thynn·W If ' ·' th e U n k nown to th elr frlenuB. . L' - I i',UI'Id IIIg ' I L Ura. Anna Sheeha n. the Mi~a Ruth or I nl{ed , dre91 de M UtUII lin . rs. r ur . . o . am 08n Lib . . happy couple slipped qui~tly and un. of yne I urll, were F rr'day VISlto The twenty- fith annual an4I Eliube th Cbandl er. Ruth 'l~m. ra n expecte dly away and ~Ill be lone the No . 9 District School reunion of 8SS0clatlOn. It was under Mr . War· f Ch d f '1 of Clear- wicks imm ediute directio n Ihat the 0 IInaoo. Etbel MendMlball. Sarah UIlas. rll ws ter an ami y . for a few days. returnm g to com · creek Town!lhip, Warren derwoo d. and the llear.. Roaeoe County . r~ cent model home ('x p ositioll in Tobaceo hail Inluran ee. Sears & Special Fire policies for grain. 130m- To Mr. and Mra. Verne K. plete plans and arrange menta for Ohio known aa the "Five Points" Garden Court . I ACa~~m aDd Ell Furnas and CIa ... Chapma n Cartwr ight. y !) iH~r ict l3ritton . of Mishaw aka, Ind ., JUly Sears & Cartwr ight. their journey to the East. their real district will meet at the are attendi ng the Indiana Yearly n w;,l! I suc °i ut~tan l home of was put °M I"d/.( 2B , H)23, /.' dau g hter . M ra. Britton honeym oon, to. Philade lphia, wh~re Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelsey, on the success. lleetlnw . at Pendlet on. Ind. Raymon d Conner and family were r .. " aflVI Ci{ lasd a WI {' was formerl y Miss Ethelyn Jones . Mi811 Bernice Hyman haa returne d Prof. Hadley Will teach mathem atICs Lytle and Vandev ere Mill road, one. acquall ltallce In the Clty lin IS ve ry lIueati of C. E PAward . and family. tram sn extende d visit withrei lltlve8 and be coach o.f football aDd baaket- balf mile weRt of the Dayton and active in church Bnd civic u!1'nirs.Sunday . Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Yogel and in Peoria, III. ball the comlDll year at George Lebano n pike, one.hal f mile east of The Erie. Pa. Daily Timell . sons. R!lYllIond Ilnd Billy. and Mra. School. the (i'ive Points schoolh ouse and Mr. and Yr • . Herber t Getter. of ' Mr. and Mrs . E. V. Barnha - - - --Lltm bt to Wm . Vogel. of Dayton . were the rt and The bride is one o! WaYDL'8 ville's tour miles south of Cente~vi Cincinn ati. &pent Sunday with rela· IrIrll Emma Barnha rt lle. ST, spent the own daught ers. a~d ".belov ed by all This will week-end guests of Dan Morgan anel be our regular basket piclive. here. family. week end here. who know ber. She IS a gradua te nic. and will occur on SaturdllY, ?f the schOOls here. and after enter · August 25th . Let all who are interA comple te line of the laleat Rut· Mr . and Mrs. Merl Elae and two MI8Iea Lillie Nedry Bnd Letitia I~g college .w.on more tban or- ested in this reunion , come Dnd contarick pattern . just receive d Au- McKay attende d the Collett. st. Mary's annual PICIlIC will he sons , of South Dakota, were in town. McKay dIDary. recognlt~on aa a 9t~dent, and tribute to a good time. tumn IItyl... Myer Hyman . held Wednesrlay, August 22. Th ose Su nday el'oning, and made a plea· annual picnic Saturda y. took hIgh rank ID Ilcholaallc and genRowena Munger Gregg, See'y . eral college work. Laat year she I{oillg will meet at the church at !) a ant call on Mrs. Else'a uncle. Mr. C. _ _ _ _ _ ..- _ _ M, and Mrs J . J . Fromm . of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman were taught in Adams High school. earnnl. sharp. Th e picnic will be he ld at H Sherwo od . They are on a motor Dayton. 8pent the week-en d with In Cinclnn ati. Friday. to trip from coast to coast. and expect Ib e Soldier ~ I-l ome . Dayton. attend the ing recogni tion as l18plendid teacber . WILL their Ion. John Fromm and famil,. Harding Memori al servicea to spend the winter in Lo. An"eles , She is winsom e and likeable . and the . HOLD AN Cal. Mrs Else Is a daught er of Dr. most sincere wishes for her and her Irish P rove, h. C. F, Ridll'e. 01 Nilllfara Falls. N H. W. She.rwood, of Dolan. S. 1). Mr . and Mra. Frank Anon apent husband '8 happine ss will be ex-; Y.• isspend lnll a twa.wee kll vacation the week·en d with their dau"hte pressed by all their friend~. If II k i l n H s lnO( '. Il l " I, "i l;'! ' =" n \ICIl ----- r. She PICNI C ~: lI ll lll l lo11 . a nd t h 4' " p ;.:. in f , : I1 ~ IIf healtb at the home of his parents . Mr. and Mrs Harry Snail, in Springb will also teach at George school. oro. Mra. O . M. Ridge. " Sa ve by buying in Waynesvi1le." Mr. Hadley haa earned a reputa..Save your Old Carpets and Rugs tion for both scholas tic ability and The ?range and the Co~m~rciol Mr. and Mrs Lou Vinllon aocl and !tet "Wearw ell" Ruga mad.e. athletic talent and a9 a Itudent and club Will hold an all-day plcnrc at dau"ht er. Marth~. Mr . and Mrs. Send for Drice list. }I'rankli n Rug a coach, aa ~e/l 1\8 a teacher and Phillips ' park. Friday. Augu~t 24. Tpwnlle y and Miss Jean Ferguso n. Cn, Frankli n. Ohio, g,meral all-arou nd fellow. he stands All membe rs of the Grange of DQton . , wereTl .lurada y evening and the high with all his friends . Comme rcial club. with their familieR. I i f M - . _ _• • v s tur~.o are invited to come and bring their r. and Mrs J W. White Mis! Martha ,Waahb urn, of Dehm· baskets . . C H .' . aOll. N. : • Mr. and Mrs S. W. KeeCROS SES BURN ED • She~~ood ud p. E Edward s ver. of ueorlle School, Pa .• Edward All kin1s gam~8 will be con. tested. but the b"ll game between ~nd family enlo~~ ~ visit. /llSt Sun- Fronefie ld, of Wayne. Pa .• lind AI-, the two organiz ations will be the day, from their coulln. Mr8. J. Ern- fred J Wright dro~e through from real event of the day . A 80rt of eat A,er. of Wuhln gton. D.C. Mra. ~hil.delphia. a~rivinll .Mondav even'l Saturda y evenlnw . the town people friendly rlvali y hu' ~risell .betwee n AJer wll\ be ...membe red as Mi88 mg. ... were , startled whl. n a bom~ , wu them. and it will CUlmin Gertie Kilr8r, who mllde ber home . ate in tne " . heard on top of the' hill, and a lit.tle ball tr . with Mr. andM~_ John 0 : Clem"~tl! ame . . Mr. and Mrs. Charlett Blair, th,,1 while later snother wu heard at the abo~t tbll't,J, ,eara ~o. She and her Misaea Estelle .nd JeIIle ., -~ Blair and ball ' park. After the ftl'lq of the IOD • . Mr. Clau~e ~.r. and M~ Jeanne tte Cole. of Xul.. Mr. ud bomba. two cl'Ollli. were bunted . L1Jr 8ecrll~. of Charla town; Va., Mra. Leonard V(lwe.! and 'OD, 'The Cur ieul Crab, Ralph, ~Ilt unounc log that the kl~ ~ I8Otond &0 Oilton , Oblo, wb.... the, Mr. and - Mn. Ralph . Tavene r aDd auotbe The cmb, JI) hI. bl1b~'ho\)(l. hne a r quota of new mllll~. . . . riIl~ _tiYI I. Mri. Jamea IOn. Walter, of Da,ton , we... the rouDd h~I\IIet wllh" D lonl. shnrp I!)Jlke. , - • . Thill Vlnl!lbetl with Y1IrlOl18 mol\IDp 'fIr1or. Of;l).,t eih . . . with them SuncIu 1'1• .of Dan lIorpn aDd and "eotua ll, be tDeka bls tall aDder to W~ · f ami.,. __ and a~o~t. ble alcIewQ a pit. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hawke were In Dllyton , MondllY .

Special "~ire policies for gruin . Sears & Cllrtwr lght.


Quie t President's

--- ---- -

Whe re Received




Top In . Musical Worl d



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Presidential Funeral P~esdon •





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Go-kGEOUS Style Sho\\' and di~pll1Y of th e world':> fi nI':>t goods awaits you at this Milliun Dollar ExJ.!O lIi ti un. SpeCial exhihits will he held by stores. affordi n~ excl'pti onal opportulI ities to \'illitors. Hundl"l~ dtl of interesti ng and instructive exhibits, including an Electric Show and Tractor Dpmons trations. Fro e ::lo uvenirs,

In n Se wing Oasket·-T,,' " li lt k ho\\ o! ! r1;.lht r ihh!lll 'Ill tht: . h.uldh' f Y C'II" ~ (I ..... nl ·~ .o ld I" t'~ \\'111 h e m1l dl ,. " ",,,'; tn '-'lid.


Salad - In I" i lll~ " i<-lIl1cc ., I,ul ~ l eaf HI IIHllt allli ,.,: r.\f illg of ollin n i s a p lr::t!>Jlll l add itI on t o sonle I ~tc:-. '1 r-y i l. Mice- I f

\\' ishts


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pumpki ll ~c t'd:-t in it 1~ \· ~r .r . :lttr arti \,t, h ;lI t .

m irt·, p ot tla (' t l ai'~

Scorc h Spot .

be rCrllIln,' d irutlt 1\ vcn' <ie l ir;It c fahrt c iI,· w('ttin~ \\ I t II (' fear waler


:\,,, oue questions the I1ll1rtnlng

an ti sp rinkling wi lh Ho rax. v<ry ord i·

n a ry stai ll \'.:-hi l~ h few Pl'Ople know h ow t o rrmnvc is an icc cream ~taill . Take I!lf spotletl malerial and lay on a clt"n folele" cloth and r ull


I,e r('Q lll rerl to 1"""l'nt f!"l ' lIl lllllm(lI'IIChllblo, o rthollux (Ih y~ l · ,'IIHl " L" .'l lllt~, ( e ot perfl'l.' t bl'lIltb , " I' rf",'t su lllly, nlid It N fllr ns It Is " ,,"" 11,10 ror Iho "hY NiI-(nn til go. a e,'rllJlt'll('" of good mornl c hurnrtl'T. E\'ery

\\' (11 1111



t he (mil , y" tt will f.nd it to have " mil ch ht lter An"or and ha,'e twi ce

('1'11 11,-" . ' ·0 1' ... •


unusual drama of the West

• • •

replete with action and stirring conflict, with ita background of the lonely desert and all the surpdses which that desert can so suddenly pJeSent. The record of a fearless man and a splendid woman. A man's story, but the kind a woman loves to read.

Fine Linene--Fi ne linens nnd embroide ry will have a longer lif~ if th ey are washed in cold Wllter with whIte soap and a little dissolved Borax.

• • •

Snapper'll on CUJ1IIin&..-If one wishes to aave laundry bills, trouble. and have curtains stay dean , sew a snapfcr at each side on the lo wer part a the curtains. Then s<w the corresponding. ras~ner about eigh teen Inches from the top of the curt.i ns. At night just snap th em up ' n~ Ih p.y wil f nn! he soil cd hl ,,·,"'; n ~

"'Gift of the Desert" is additional evidence of Pirriah'8 marvelous story-telling powers and of his inimitable style of writing.


.:r r'" n/; . ,.tr,



The Miami Gazette

Till' 11 :11 1'111 1 I ... hlln:..: 111' IIp' I t"!" : al~ t' ll tI. ' \ 11\ f ht·

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Practice And S ' \lIl1 '

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f l H '.\' ";1'1' 1141 11 11 III · I I I I I' "

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1!4 nfh' lI fin .1114 In th .. Ill · If yuu \\'111 ('liminutn

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f' l lJ) ~ tll r rntl olt ­

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will r L'<I1I1'!! the l!y flrty pcr ('e nt

AlIlIIony . hulIlI\ nl','rr he pRIll ex · 'n till' InnoCt'(/[ mother who 190'11 ('lIl1 rlrl'll to rCllr, Til gllllty hushnl1(1 sliolllci hI' millI e to edltcut!'. c1oth l', SUp(lorl antI furnIsh 811m · dellt fund s fur t he "1'lIrllll' of hla r hlliJren . 1'hclr motht't' Ahoul(1 he 'gl" e ll n c(llIIl K'tenC)' whil e she Is pertormln!{ thllt tn~" . If th.,tO lire no .. hlldren, lind It the womnn 1M wpl\ nnd s trong, she .1","111 nol I I~ I! rn11t,,<1 I'1I01011Y. No IIttorney fl'(' _h "lIhl h~ nil owed. Ull "Jll rt ~o.1 .II o nhl 10" )1111<1, no ~ d11l.'<'m('nt 9hnl1 11'1 lJ!' oO'l'rto(l 10 IUllko eli"MOO lItignUo n l'OSY lind tl<'illrahle, Another thing th'" might ellm1· nllt l' mnn, dl"orccs woultl be w r&Rtorl' thl' whi[1I'Inl: pORt. And when· .1'1"1'1" n nll'" IllIRtl'eo lR hI. wIfe nnd ('h lldrl'1I p11hjl'ct him to ph~'81<'fll ;" lIIl ~hm l'tl t, I'll t h im 00 hn>ad nnd ,,'fl t er , n.ll,1 r(,O Jl 'i ' .... hIm to work In· L.. '!I.~a ntl~· fO I' II · .. ••· romfort nnd hop.. I'I" e.~. ' ~'el'r

Rem ed y for Curl In Rugs.

CI I.)' l CC 5 01

TIlt' (' lIrlln ~; uII of !lI e p(l J!l.!s of nl ,-!~ [ s \'ulI:,,-d II~ lit' wny III ",I1I (' h thel ' arc \\ ,'\ "Il. ,\ f'I ' llll'dy f o r t Il ls Is to

L on O ~ \lity .

rak e t \\'Il S l r l p~ !lr \'{~ ry th In wool, eactl nllt'llt I lIn' c \ 1lt'lIc~ I o n S!. nnd SP W

I·' j I.;. t ltn;..~n~t1 · IIIld .111 1 h ilI" , "': I~1", " Th, ' 'u \' I 'rnJ!l" p l' r ... n lt d ...... It,,! ,- {alld lilt' ht'~t ,'lIi, net' Or 11\ i n~ I I : 1 ~. Ti ll ' 111 1111 or \\' UIII :IO w llo ", pi;"",,: ::11 otl' :~O I','r (' l'lI t Iw ln \\'

nu (I](~

t!lf' n \·" I' :lP· II:lJol


1 :1 .1 1" H " IIIII

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I .. rhl ' II It II r!'i . Or rub· IlIa .\ hI' l il lI' l:ll:t~ ~tJ III U

----- ..- ---

ftlrn ll III , -" ,.

More Mountain. Ma y Rise. Th e )!""Cll t c'hnngl.'s (h at th .· c: lI·th Itn· der:lO('s may be jurt ~ "I fro ," th e fnct th nt f o ur tlnu~9 slnt'." ),!'lIo llIg'ir'a l hi story bl!,:!m new I:'cner ll ilons or lIloll n tlllns ho\' c IIrl ~~n h~ Europe, 1111<1 tfH'rt-! Is no

ren snn In suppuse Ihlll l liere will nOl he nnotl ,f'tr,

n r.

1·:u!.' I ' I\ ·'

L ~ I !;II I

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ht"!OO 1 f'lt !!nl"" for 11m ),! II fl'· II I .......1:·'· til ~:l y ti lt ' :I\"I':I ~ ' Illdh idll ul , :11 lit"" Iht· ld " 11 1 111 1ll tl :II th in .' I I 1: 1' \':,11 k ""lt IlI"ar (h al hlilid f ur I II,' rl· ... 1 pf 1 1i~ lill', h e III l' r e H 51 '~ Iii :, (! II Hlh." , ·s t t l' h.Il:!I·\ Ity."

- ----

fl it'

- -.- ---

Ti p Froln th e Wes t . wl'hj' \\ bol' h ll !'l h lln rl ." ~ay..t Iht· I' n w ..


JO I II'lial . ..

'·t·. ... r\'t ·/'O

thl ' pllwt! tn

his t \Vcln: .l-:Tcall' ~ l \\'Vf1Il'n 11)o;( fl"

In the Imll1 l~lIlite Evening Trnnscrlpt.

m~ e

fll llllly."-Uoston


011 ' liv e MONEY obnUols. 11180 Mooond



N.,tes boul!h~ .

John B"rhln9. AlI,w

I~~d~~:~:' O:tten;i~~! FBrm erK of Wllrrell ... nu I\lljolllinil coun tIes Ui .I Y obt,,,11I moupy aD hill" tiwe 10autI, U ilX yu 101"r"8\. CO~~ of securing t he jaUltl 18 very reasor. .. ble, \.luoul/h The FSI1,'rd Lund Bank, For forther Inrorma\lon 01111 t)n or Bddres8 M, IJ DltAl{lC, Trotl.urer, phone al B-X, Lebanon. Ubi, .

T ,('I



Tblel 7tomantlc /'Iodel to lie Prlnt.d Serially In

.J I


. 1;:lIl l1 cnnt

ut I 1111'",1' YOII 1IIIIII iI,'r of ,\I\' Ort"'8 n t l "I\!'It.

in g chickens, ll o ld o ver a n flil o r ~RS s !<>vc an d the , kin will nol

CamiaoI.e Strap&-lf un d ~ "" a th the plain ribbon used for shoulde r stmps n piece of na rrow e\asllc is sewed. th er e will be no t.rouble aboul "straps slipping,"

th eir

tnlwlI tnth

(' 011

t I,,·

Singeing Feather.t--When sin ge·



IIH lIU·l y ,

• • •


Iwh w


Til eS(' eorHlllt u m~ Wtill h.1 pr\'\ Nil I1H1HY tll\'orct'~. '

jus t s qucczi n;{

hla cke n. ns where 3 burninR papcr is 'L.en. Also use a pair of tw ~e7.e r s to remo\' c pin feathers. They will take hold of the very small ones,

lIl u rrl l'd


l,' rlt'," 1

a,:llll' it ·;-;.

Leltlonade-- l ( the wbole lem o n is fill t through Ih e (ood chopptr (o r

mil ch.

yuu ng

MllIHllti ian ,.(. n home of th eir o WU. L,' 11 l,n 't'r So ilumhll". .\ I :nr-Ied llrn !'Ihou lrl I lt',' (l f l ~ t1(*~11Il til It tlHt, he).. t vl 0 1' un Hl'nr llu (')llt JHH1 ~C. 1r th("y t ' III1·t. h un' hut 11 ft lllllll OiIl'· r PQ ln 11 " '"1' I Iw.\" ~ h o uld \!l'l(it, hOIlHl!k""tJ111 ": Itl tlmt. u\'er whu:,1() d oor t! IC'Y


:l !'

E\'urr It('''I1~P

lI lI

cu mmod 1~ti on8 .


('(j nr t



h CIl/ in c al\d r uh li g htly but Ftrnlly . T h e lattt'f to ' rL'lnO\'l' t he f)r('ase .


II hn ~ h\."t'1\ thfl rt·r"rlll

hut III tlw lIIi1rrln gc Jic('llce. n pplit'llIIl f or It mun'lu j.!p

t hl' Slain , T h en t ake .Ro m e e t he r I} r


dh'OT ' L~, 1 that

~n t

8ho llli l hI' '1<11 In Iho

li;:hlly wilh luk e-..... arm water. This will take the proteill (swee t ) oul of

h,tnC'tnad .


t oefl' fi St'

Rpl!Ctacular Tow e r 0 f J eweJ.- 1~ Bands-Continu· ous Hippodrome S how Frolic Avenue. nnd many other wonderful attracti ons, Ampl e parkinlr space for tourists. Special railroad rates. Excellent Hotel ac-

,\ <corcll , pol m av

Icc C....,am S{'Ot- i\


ODe ot the chief IIttrnctiollll of tbe 'CIncinnati FilII F!'lItJval and Industrial In its issue of . Exposition, whIch opens 26nnd continue ror 1('\ da)'s. Is a gll;anUc ngrl c.-ulturnl exhIbit covering three ~t7 sql!"rt:!8 nnd contnl nlng five acres. , W1thln th e IIrIlU 1"1\1 be a mooel COOD1try vill pge and It .....111 be thf'rotJ«hl,. , equipped with a newspaper plant, I JU £I t he b If l o! el'' ''l rlc lIgh t Illnnt. a mlnlnture roll· 1 "'1'11(1 lII n th'rli fu tl l i l ~ ~ Jilt ·:! (I f 100 roull enclrdln~ the entire grounda and lUunl' other rcn turetJ, ~;::,~;~;11 1~~:;':,71 11~~ ",',I " i::, :;:::::::~·I~'I.:;'~1I ",~; This IIgrleul lUre exhibit will hicludfl t lW ulIIny w!\·elS. l~, ... I "fl 1'. \·t'lIlng Trlln ~t rlp t, every concelvubl e model of tvmtnC muchinery trom the huge motor drtven maiclllDery used In the western r..nn· It the aurvt vlng fronti ers men of : Innds to the swnller pieces used Notice of Appointment .AmerIca aee fit to form C\ SOCi e ty, th Dr c tbe tarm er on modemte tarma. An~ b ai ng A t ew o f th e Inter on e s le tt, olher dlsplny wUI abow the progre.u th ey could w 11 Inc Jude H(\n d tlll E st&te lit Geo rge Carot.hoNi. (I econaetl , of Ilgrlculture trow pre-historic dllY8, Pa rrl s h and give Notice Id hereby Jotivc lI thuL I"oulilo Oo.roth him th e p {Jo lli o fl 01'11 h lUi lieu n du ly U.ppolutLoJ tlnd l llllllHlod as ' wben a sharpened stick waa u.eed to at hl Bl or l n.1l ot th e I Admlnlstr&t.rh o r th o ~ .Ll~t o o f (ioo rKo b o tl y. 'rh e d ea th Ollrothers. Into at Wurron Cou nly . Oh io, plough witb-to the present day of of Emer~on H o u gh doceasod . modprn fnrmlng machinery. w as 0. dis tin c t lU88 Du l-od Ih ls 7t.h uay o f A\l~ us t . l D1J. t o th iH n Urr ll\\' W Z. H O !.!. In the ngrlcultul'l! exhibit " cun be circ le ot wrtttli loJ I Judgo o f t.h o l'ro l.HU(l Court . m e n who h U\' e [122 Wurrc ll (;u unt y. Ohio, \ fO'uo (1 nrtld"s whICh appelll not anI,. m Jl de n 8pecln 1 I to the men but tv the women; IncludIludy of th e old - .. _\\'cst and e ve n Lng electrical dri ven or motor ' driven a. cco mpunl e d Ita churna nnll other Implements which dltn ,nl . hlnK (ron · Notice of Appoint~ent tt cr. Rand ul l Pur· !,he fnrm .. r's w·lte .. called upon to r l!th 1s on o of th e f e \V rf'mnln lll H' 1 uae. Anllclpatlng the arrIval CIt thou't\;~I~r(1b~: ~o r~l~~ ~8h,1e or Julin \\' IIIII.IID II nrl~.J(·k: d(K'oasod sands or perllODS· interested In farmln, K t' \. ~(JLlt'O If( hllrehr ~I\'on lh at l- rtl ll cJII A. ot I th e u"ttum ('3 Ilarttiod< has I)t'l'f l d"I1' h l' l'uinlOd nntl tjual the Olnclnnatl Free Tourista' Oemp .. r e g o n W t!K nn ltIf't1 us :\l1m illl"'tralor i,r Lllo l'st-M e o f ohu A.nda!1 Parrlah. beIng enl arged and lIpeclal nrraDt!&8outhWt'u t at til t) Willl ... 1I1 H 'trt ~j 'cl\, InL v o r Wu.rT('U Co uoty, MI A8o ur l. Uhlo dl'C,:OU8Cd mente wode to permit the vl!!lkJn to Parrish's experi ence whh t hA \V eln ; lJaLud th is 4!'jt.h ullY o t July . l~ ~J, .ou back to I SH. who n ho ent orM I . IV . Z. HII LL . camp In OInclnnntl durlni their 'tlalt on uf the prac ti ce o f l o \\' In 0. p l)rl ln n I Jlld~o o f l lw Prohu t e OourL Lara ShadurshaY;I, a Ruuian Prince .. and refugee of H,e Bol.hevl .. l" .... o Kans as BtU1 UH8oclat l"d wlttl t h ·· a t :' Warrull COUllLy U hl o, • to the DIg Festival .....hlch rovere more Santa. F e Trail and Jl Url u,klng or tl h ' I ' I glme, was noted for her remarkable dancin g and hal. gathered about her a ,t hM 20 neres aDd Includes a $tIO,OOO wUd ~barnctc r l.t'c8 o r lh nt C ell~Jflll " {} score of beautiful Russian glrlt to take part In the ballet; thoro ughfAre of th e co ttl e l.HJ :t ln t" ~~. E1ectrlcll) Spectacle; 400 Indu'-fllIl gIn ell probo.blllly the countr ,r gft·w 'I'IJe ,,-ild ,,,,((.l1 ons 01 u Husslnn dilnt'e wlt'h the ryt'hrn of foreIgn m1lslc aoo hlblts; a contlnuoul ~tyle soow, Ii:". ~­ the Ihr il l " f wildly tlt·l lrl ous d n:nc lng movemenls ure outstAndIng feulures ot ~~~.~::e'r o~r ~!' ~~::r·~r~~g:SI~~' : ~~ Notice of Appointment Ing ' he IIlt.,.t lIJ<)(\els of all 1dodII: .al'l y ,~ lghtle8 and b ecam e 8 pru ~ p('I' to r till' ~ hadlll\"-I,,' )" n IInll" t w!lith J01,n RobID"" ", Asslst,"'t Dlreclor of the Foil In N('w M e xi co and .ArtE Ol ln . A N t it,· ~ _ __ the "Electrical Puillce," and "JIroIlc l,' t' ~l l v:i1 II l1d In tl u" lrlnl 1':")I'05Itlol1. htUl BU ccI' Nl ell In hrlnglnl( to the Qnean flum bt' r or n e w8p a n er s tnc r e8.s t:ll In ItH' (11)' ,:11"1" '1 ,"1>111 U ~I' mlltlon[ll ul'pelll'8llce at the Ne.w Yo rk HII"ROdrome, A,·etllle." where the beat attract10Da \Vt>,n t he d t.'ltlRnd gr ew t o r In(' n t nllill . I El::ltalu of (Jorll F . H I~ rr l:j. rloce ll8cd . Th e 1'; ' I>",lllon hl'l:lns Auguat 25 Q"d lascs 16 dU~' 8 , The !tuBslnn d(l;Jlc~", and en tertu lo.meots In the COUDtr1 lar """Ith,, t hf~ 'ounlry wh l') n l ~IJ ('.)~!I " l\oLic l: I... Ia~l rl!b )' ~I~I'II l llli l \\' 111 . C llf r~ml writ e 1 Ar rl Hh (>l1t e r cd th f! pr .. rt ·~ !4I H n Hohort t ·ll.r r 1111\ 0 IU)tOIl np pt,mt.lJj j and qual .. wi ll " 1"1"' '''' e"pry lI uy I'rrsentlDj( epe('tacles of nym]lhs, tnuns. flllr ies and otb-I l,ave been gllthered Special con~rtc o( JO,u roaJl s m af}d f ollOWl't ) I t ( 'I f II IIIUlI o.l'J Ad lll iIlJ!"t r n l .. rti (If tho "s t- Ille li t Corn er (·),,," ,I,·lrrs. 1.111" >1 ~ h nllllr8hllyn w()n her life f"om a n ell Offi cer In chnrge CQ llti ldt> rn bl ,. Ile ,.l od, n cnrf' l'r \ ... II I\' h F . llll rrJ!I l Ul l ' u f W un'I'lI t 'ttUU( \' Ohio do. wIll be gIven by Iii hunds 011 the 11'..eVlt'ln lua lly b 'd him Into p r ulll t nPTlI 1'11'1 · j·ellSrnl. . . , . 01 n 1:1I"III n li .. lnl': fqund wlwl1 ~he pr66ented he r fnmous Dunre 01 Death. tlvtU Irrollnds. !tollrul/da are anllOUDCfI.c ll on \vlt l! du lJ y p n rh,' r ~ tn n"n \ ,·r . Uo.ted tJl is j! l;t, h dltr flf Jul ... . I \)~ : I . \\' I"'n hl' l" 01" :1 110 ,,~n ll'nt'e wus r"Prl8ved she slll'cceded In r elMsl ng Ioevernl 810ux CI t)" . Omaha und C h lcoflf). 11' . "1. . It'" .I,. lug ~ peclul ra lC. nnll the entire 'Ott,. OtlH ' " Ilf fI ll' 11,,1 11110'. O u t o r n rich n. lt Q va rt (ld l· xpj ~ rlj · t 1t~c, " w hee II r 1I11J Prqh lll e \~olt rt at Cinc1 /lnan (s beIng decoratllCl ,... aoco mpunled by nn tu r n l J)ow <.' r H nt n nr · Il I !'/ Warron 'U Ull lt)'. Oh io, '. ration. ca m ., th(' In e vltnhl A lIqn ' I.. ti tj( J. 1l: . " O Ullf-!. AlLy. r.IIe bJi; avellt. wr ite IH(lrl es nnf1 n (wels . lirA O""q lo t ll , l( al) pc\f\ r ed In t !)0 4 nnd hn.!:f be(' n r .. Il ~ 'Wt ' d

Farms fit S ~ per cent for five years. TBRRELL « TE~RELL, WihlliugtOll. '0" ph oJle 30).

August 22, 1923 I




-- - ----





- - - - - - - ---



Itll c h


fOr Sale \ JI/hn .Rob.) naon, Dlrootor gf Am,u. . m.ri~. Clnelnna", Fall Featlvnl . .Jobn Robinson • . vetsran l"Ircu. man. whose nlltlle Is knuwn to hundreds of thouHnndll of Amerlcrula, la In chnrge ot l1le entire nmU8ement program tor the Cincinnati FilII FestlvlIl nod ladnBtrlnl E:q><>titian aM nllSurea the FestIval that the lIneat and mollt thrilling features In. the world would be on tbe , groundt between AtI&ult 2Ii IUId Septcmbcr 8, wllen the expo9llloo II held. "Froll~ Avenue", coverln, live 8~res and the entire Music BaU w111 be given over to ercltlnc tea· tures. ' The Million Dollar Elq)O.1 tion Includea tour n~r.. at agricultural eshlblts; ten a(!res of Intluttrlal exhibIts; Style ShoWII during the ft!teeD <1o,.t of the Felltlval; a $JO,OOO electrical 8Ileet8cle known l1,li the "Tow_ er at Jewels"; "ElIectrlcnl Pala~" a~ hunDreds of otber attractlonc, Railroads are offerIng spedal rates; the CincInnati Free Tour. . Qamp .. open to motorist«; botela aDd mher QCl'OlDUIOdationt are "'eo lai prepared to welcome tile tbo. . anda of peOllle "beI "au vl.U dI. _ upolltion. .

A. D . SEEI:!tlver,

80le and got a Ga. IllBrely fur Fordtl. bn' for automobiles 8u11 troo'on III well. t'rice'~ l:S8tlsfaoilon lIuu. snteed or monbY refunded In 10dtlya.



MARE, BLIND 'Will 8ell or' 6rllQtl.


lGOO Ibe iDquire of E. J . LIndamood, 01088 t.o \he old TtllegrApb Mill. ' . '. d~

Cabinet, 8 K ITCBEN slen rabie, BAM.t ng

($, £1'8n. ~tov., (Jup-

board, Wasb I:na~d, Type Maobine. IJ. W, YonDce, W... yuenllle Ohio,

&22 batbel, of 1I0 od tound 1000 Cora. Inquire of C1ar. enoe Rye. ~aYDecvIll6, vbt",

n lnn tt r flll r rln lt wl.I,t"rn t nl .·s, ~ r ll n l' " tITllf\,. he c o mb(" ~ t h .., t wo, ria In "(';1 r t o f th e llN· Ctt." n th n lllfChl)' e x f'ltlna::we"t rn IIlun' In w hl(' h flppel\ r~ un (' 11tlNl'ly n ew t ~· P (\ or I'I,'c r t " ' T\'JCi.\ Ulan.

.. - - ----





Terry Gilkison,

'50 "TbOA'I ~ "''' LrrTUS GlIlL.~ 911;!''THDA'I? WELL,;W!:LL. IF A. GoOO FAIR,,( GAVe 'cI)V TWO

Addie Key., W.ynenlllej Ohio a16




• WeLl., I nlINJ(.. I'D Yfl'i~ ~ /It,



,,(I!'i Io..Np \'.0 ~"e , ~ OTHeR. U/IIT\L. , 4"'W'



Triple Firele.. Coot 1er,Campbell', .Imoat DIUI1'. Inquire 'of Mi ..

o r r.' :tll-

ij't Hnci!' w u ll t o w nrd th~> ( ')J.' am on )Z J-' nwrl t'n n w rltj· r !:l. In lh (' lIl a l · t er~ ('\ f o utp u t Slid pnpulnrl t y . II I' It! n n Il 1JCIlstl o f 1.11' \'i J'ilf' ft lld t lir ll lIn ,:: I\nrt ,,' Icl (l1J hl ~ nlJl1hy nhu ut (ll']unl .. 1,. h e t"" ~"n ('(~ t e('tl\' 8torl (>s ~ n n rl r n -



It s t of work !;. fllJPeo Hn Jo{ t o

a clImn,antty wt dt' nlrUl clr e

fOrI'! . l hn.'


an'eel'l boslur\" fllr tn ~n women and ohlldrRn I\:llmluIlt,lI l1.rnl\1\t Mal. ory Iii/) Il wtlpk rnll !.I me. '1.50 an hour ~1'8r .. time ' BIlllot,lTnl ~prln, IIntl lntornal,lon,,1 t!lookillg MIIIJI NorrlUown, PII, r' .. 22 '



W A .\lt"lw TEfl-M eri or women to tOJ J(enalae 8U8r.

hdd.' ~ .~



- -r -

sC • GA ZE TT E •••.


....'T.H E MIA MI ,



Wn Y U ""~ UIQ. UbI O. ...

81l<'ODd C·la•••1811

~l"t ~ r

D . l.. CH AN E . . Editor and Publil> her. Waynr s\,i)1e, Ohio S\l u ~c ril)ti(ln

Price. $1.50 'per yea r

Advft rtl l lnuRrprfO ' f'ntnt lve 1'1 11 . ,\ IEllle AN PIU'.SSAS SOC IA n ON F ,. t t' II 'n



WI·~ \) Nb: SDAY .

. . . , Orellt

AUGUS T 15.1923

A~empt t. Gloriou s Even If 1< flSiI.

_c_U__ ma· .~e_R_e....; . g;;..u_l_a_tl_·o_n_t_o_r_lffi_ffi_·..;;ig;;..r_a_t_io_n_-,

· 1.....

Farmers ill parli('u lur will ue interested to \cam of the study giv n to immigr ut in ll IlIIII tu kl' " W that resear'" SllllWM that clim!lt o rClIluin s a dUlllinutin g rador iu detel'lnininl-{ tlte section> ' of th e COUII(I')' th ut nrc tu he tlill fu ttl 1'1 ' uui(ling pb,r c.~ of thoSt! who COllie to our shore '. P l'ev iou~ occuput.ion pI ns climate seem!! to settlo the l[ uc~t iOIl . The 1I10\'l' 111('lIt5 of OUI' Ill'\\' nrrivlIIs domonstrate this fact in no \111 ('( ' I'tll ill way . A Iru'ge pen'cn (IIJ(C of th e SCllnuiu li vian a rriva ls havl' 1I11'('1I(1,v dpllurtr d Cor the furms uf th e DL\kotan , Milllil's uta, Wisconsiu IIlld Illinois . 'l'hiH elirn lltie influ l' nee h us its nuvanta ges, but ulso it hIlS itl; di sa,\mllt uj.('·s. L a rge IIUIlIl!"I 'S 01' fOI'c ignen Hettling in bl ock fOflllll ti oll I' l't'~t'n t s an ill('l'ca,d llg l.v di tf: mtlt proble,,1. 1t Illtlllll:l . Ih nt th u alosol']llion of AIIICl'ic tmilill1 ill rellder cd much slowor, \lllieh is n ut II ui III pIIl'tltll1 , aR our illlllli gl'u nt 'l,upulll ti on is entl'u:lt('d wilh Ih e yo(e. Til Nr w York we 11m'!, for ('xflmplr. the Italian quarter, whl!l'c the I'('sklcnt s tllke ycal'S to uccumo cyen UPIJ:'oxilnntcly ..\ lIwri,·au . 'I'11('Y spcak their 0 11'11 languag e ulmORt cJ{clusiYcly . 'rher 1'('11,1 Ita lia ll I lCwSpnp CI'lI. 'rheir homes, th eir fooo, t heir c \' pry Itf·ti vity . rcmaill Italilln fo r .n·uN. Wen: tI' ey scattere d th,·), wou ld be Alll e l'icalli ~ 'd in one-twt lntieth the time . 111 rCj:(lIl ll ting illl lll igrtltion from eMh co untry it mi ght be I lise f, rr I I,,· (' o "~'Te~s tn (uke cli mat e plus the needs of Americ an indU"II'." ililo I·ollsiderutioll .

Earl C.lne Is vl8ttl ng hla elster, Mt· .. PMrl MillieI'. of 'I'oledo. Mr S .. m l:arhllok Ilncl family have moved book to tbo U. D. COll k rlUm. Wilbur 8hidtlk er and fUlU ll,. ot WlIlJlin gton. HIJtlnt lSund lloY wltl; .P. B. C lt' aver lind wife. . Mr. RIl.vmo nd Brooks lind faDlily tire u~t u l . dID g th oll' fa ulUy r eunlou in lL r1 i~no, th iM week ' • &1, .d ILu .es Hlwnnh L'reswel l, Ma ry t::iy lerd IIn ll An" .. 1:I,,,rl,, "pout FrI day "V~ U IU ~ uL CblLnl.o nqull. Mrs. W A . M"r rltl returlJ ed bOUle witb bl'r d.l u >;lI t or. Mrs EmUia Glin.,. vI U" y l ,' U. fur a Huo rt time. Mf8 ~U1W" ~~lti. IIntl Mr ~ . Li"ter onv" 1 "'~ 1l .\I~, · d I I~ 11 low Il lLv~ 10 Xoo l!.l, Wl l h ~' l ny.1 AllderslJ~ al .d wife. Mr . Ell Urny. ot Filit furk. iH III a orlloi",,1 oUIIlIi tillu with \!lIrJ1lYRi8 I:l i ~ many frt e lH.J~ "18h bill. a ~peedy r eou v~r) . T IM Civic :""ogue will buld the ir

pl c lllO Il t t.h e l:llokor yvtile W e du bl!(1I1Y evening of thi 8 we" k Mr. und Mrs. F. L Bflrrls and Mr. !lDd MrH. FrKuk ~billflker oa llod on H E . ColleH' ij, In l'l"biDII. Sunduy dleraoo n Mr. ""(\ M, • . H. W Kll y lnr a uter. h l ulld Sn ud " y ,IIDIl 8r. Mr . 111111 Mr~ . ,I eM" " Yv ud er and mot.lI er ,oull littl e IIul oe , u f Bel lefooul,,,hll' Mr. IlUd Mr • . " Wlllu. Ilur lellober s for tbe oomin g yeor . olllllHt on Mr . aU II Mrs . V O . Tuli a. :;; .. turd tl Y ev en iug, look lll ll for" b 'lU80 IlD IIU,, 1

~ob llo i blJu 8e .

~Ies Lyda and .iuh tl K e nned y Bre eD tertalni n/{ tb e lr on UHin 8, MI88eij ::Ite ll .. "n ker lind Belvn ~p~1 gao n, Ilf Llln euHte r, t or a fe w weeks, Mr .. nd Mr~ . U. O. Con k Bnd Mr . tl Tuok" r IIDcl f 'lIl111y ,,'.Ie n,l od U~e pl .. y. • ''I'he ~IH' \1h ~ rd nf t h o 81118. " ai, CbU UtIlU'(II1', Frld"y uvuu.


RIC HAR D LLO YD SA YS --....,~r:t!(


Keep Still and Study Silence In Ute1r dCIIJ)ftlr. kuu,,·. how 10 \coop SIlODI:l' I., ""ven dtlfenm t laugnoge s." It WOR"lie his bom.lng tacl· turnlty tllUt ~lunted ~e ~DII thl!1 had forged agulnst hIm. Slleuce 18 lIerbape tbo &1'(l&te5t urt of CODveraallon. J OI!6l.h JIlII'erllOlllll crec1lted artlh tUlvlug dltIcovered Weher nnd FIelds, lhe comodtll.ll& After them play 10 an olNjcur" Roy.ery tbeater, be hnrrled. to a theatric al mlllUlPr friend, l!IlylIig; "They know how to lWAln." A pertIOtl otten gains credit for !MlIl8e, eloquenoo lind wit, wh o merely IIll,)'H notlling Wld dooe It well. Silence lndlcotos both courtesy and conslderaUou. It gi ves oU.e r. rollow h\a turn. It LIIlYs, him tbe compllm@nt that his braiD tho mllY al>lo hnrhor llellne wortbwWle IdOOll. Flvery Ideal rl'laUun or roctp",,,,lty. I':very IIOUl muM bllve Il medium IWd oPPlJ rtwllt,y8IlVOl'8 ror lltllr· oxpl'l!ll8lon. TIle Ol1&-8lded eonvena tlon Ia alway. arrogant . Grllnt the othor fellow n chllnoo to M1 Ws 881. Silence lndka u.'S oootrol. We otten read: ''He mMteNl d blmself and WIl8 lIIlent." The trtnat ,Ilbble I When the mind III In rontrol the machine III geared up tlcbt. TIle wagging tonC'lle m Olln8 10080 /:cnaIon. It III tile ~ IIIMU' that rattle& All Daturealwa)'s pay8 bomagu to 881t-«>ntrol. SUence Ie the groat bea.\ln&, ·power ~ aolItOOe. In tbe face of a great cr1BIII we U'I! sUent. In a an-t eotlon are still SlIent>e can be oIoqoent. It III al1n1. majeade . M81lenee Ia the ieeIIOD ~ kJ.oIII," IIIIld ,Jean du Beauvai the toner-BI or Loll1a xv. A.n4 Oarly1e bM jSn.d aOeDoI tbe esl at _ t ~ great thlngs that tashieD tblWlllllll".. +.ocelller to PIlle. SlIenee Is more nnlm~ than ~b beeaUIO It cannot be atbt:ked . GreIll IhouIbtll ani born In IIlIsnoe. It Is tbe of trudl. It 1/1 the IIIlrvant at ~ It .. the bea bell> to blmmother wbo mlJ;. tru.'tB hLID84!lJ'. "Let!Ja .be efleI>t,~ ..,. IIlmeftoD, Mthat _ may beur lhe wlJ1Bper of llIe 1OiIa." NoLMI . and tumnlt are t2Ie IIam I!¥leDoe Ia the lD8IguIa at s-ce. It La Qulbl as m1ldl , malt!:otofwar. .a.math tao kDow bow to bold. 70f1r twpe U to kDcPIr boW to wtaeb' me M:.



Mr. Ceoil Kirk "n d family IIDd Oeorge Aotl CUl'ps return ed t o their home In T oJerlo. a rte r a two· week s va oatlon wltb r eltl tlves and frleud~' he re. Mr flud Mn. C hll ~ Sma rt. of Cln . olnoBtl. and Mr •. Mnry Odwllld , o f Le hllnon . .. Uended th e Catl e tt-M o. KIlY pionlo. and were t.ho rl I(oests ot W. A HaitiI'M "od wife . Mr. Rohe rt C .. r r . while oro.sla 8 the Htreet . WIIS stru oK hv an auto. oauslng sever e o ntt. nnd U~Uldll" . N o booes were ur o keD. ' but I~ mi ght hn ve been 110 verv sori OUR 1I00Idon~. W . L . Barvey Bnll wife, Walte r .Jordao and wlf!', Bllmllto n Bogau . wire .. nol halJy. 1111' lind l::IKrry Bowe aoclOeo Edward s otte uded tbe fu oeralof PreBide ut Harding . at Ma rloD, Ohio. Friday .

Mr. find :\trp. Bowllrd Ora.ham ano tbree dKught ers. Mr . lind MrR, Will tilll,'n. Or Ilnd Mn. Rundnll ~ud Miss Ho\(,o . Mr. Clyde Levl uy . Mary n .. VIN, Mr s. D.. lsy Bortsoc k. Mrs. I(la B B owe anrl Mi s!! Soe Wu e\~e l .. Ue noled the Frankli n Cbaotau qua, 8undllY .

- - -

.. -.- - -

Gladstone's Ree.eatl o"s. G lads tClIl P, who "pr \, r:1ri lly lOSt A'f!e p Ih e r('sult nr p nlll ieu l wllrry, fnull ,1 so llit ·(· In II IIH~!r ni l 111,"ouJ.!"tl his ('nreer. 118


Ih ough It Is po""".)'· hi" "'00,,· IOnnship "'" 0 II II I 'l'"R " ",,rll' In rlIR'

trudlng hI s rolInl , 111111 Illlvlq. . l1 l1 ll1l o n \\' US SOlllt:.· tlUh·S rt"fJ l tI..:l tlflrlt' d


\Y~ II.

I I,


It's a mlcht7 II'OOd Mea to





the brink of a verge, with ~ bolt of , . 0I)8p: the way to get onto Ie to "merge." "Wrlll an ab718 In ~ at 11!r flh'Ter~ 1IO borrtble. rocky, and de.p that the .....t at It upeet. yer Uver, IUKI turnl '8 .. white .. a ~ wbC!D )100 tblnll: YPO are bnd ter the 4anJ, to. a wreak at the eod or yor IIPIUrgI!. the way to get on Ole IInW.1a to bunt up lIOIDobody lind merp I.

, tt's t1.1e hRven of ret'ntre undoubted, ter llIe


_ -that'.

dofrn on hi. lock. . . . A -rear baa DeYel' beeb routed, 10li CAll swim In Ita paola ute • duck. . . . TIle ~ the merrir' embtacOII the worm-eaten ilark_ 100 briDl', 100 aID .... t Ull ~ diirnltlell plncetl, and amoke c:1prettM Ute a ~ 80, WbWl feo are m1,btJ nigh buted, and 7W ~I IIOUDde like p (tlr,e.-i t you ever expect to be truBtec!. tbere'8 nothln' til do. but to Merj[e! .

IIcl"''''ri~t _ ......·.'1


"Save by buying in Wllynea

, P,r:a,letorlt Be... ._ . For 20 years a 8WRnn or heee hllve ~lIptecl. rhe buck of tlle "cbool proek , at loflcheltlever•. Knl!lnnd; ' and no at· tempt ot remo"lng t.hwn has boon 1lI0> ce.stul. sblles 1\ re.ldeJ;l1' O(tl)Rt town. fte ~RJ'liI ' had . be~n Ulougtlt ·.de1tro1ed anme yeurs 0IT/l Bud the eDtaIIett ' the lIeee lIIld mild\! ~a • .cemel!t· tiel up, but eacb ),ea l' tbl!1 have r. t8IMd. and theJ' even bored • aew ..... ~ &]Ie ctIIllDlo

•• _ _ __

. . li!'arbl.. Marble Is a product of' morlne lecll. m~tl lind . "oJ~le .flres. ·It I. laid down tbe lea bott9Dl'U ahetrbea plo . Which graduall J' 'lim Into. e:lja,k. It tbe .trata should be deeplJ' burteit ID the I'OI!k.. . llIe' IDteucr 'beat of 'llIe eartb cauaea chemical eleuulllt . 'to r. ItrIt&llP themllll ly. to lbat lb81 ~ tatUU Into afaitiIe. 'fUlou ImpDltttea to. the dlalk tile IIWIIIe Ita ......



~~ ..--. -~--

of the


Who \\'11 1 8 u~ceerl l1Hrd lll~ SA [Ior ty leRder IB 0 Queatlon bol ng . . ad. Accordin g to oplnl o,, " or vurl ou. pnrty leaden the tollowln& , .... listed B8 t'llndld .. !e. ror Iho 1021 H e l~.I b llcft n nomlnatioD ; 8llt Coolidge . Ali re to I'UD: 2- Hlrulll J ohlllon. sure: s-cbul tal-Presld In. H ...... probnble : 4-WIll 11 II.Y 8. prohable ; l'i- Dr. Albert Shaw, editor &lid "cUrt'" former. jloll8lble COO\'enti on comprolllt.e; 6-1_ rd probabl e: 7- Rot. .. rt rJI Folleue. prohn hle: Blld _ Herbert Hocmtr,Wood. !'rObahl... ' , .

Forced by the most fiend. ish of circumstances inlo a marriage that was distasteful and full of terror

for her, Deborah Mere-

dith chose. instead of living with brutal Boh Meager, to trust her Me to the perils of the desert.

Go od Go od s Al wa ys Ple ase

From the midst of treachery and outlawry appeared a hand of doubtful charicter, .but which she was forced to $r~ize u a guide. Then followed in rapid succession a number of adventures with startling sequences, arriving at a climax so pleasing the reader expe~riences a pang


---... - ...- - -


Alw ays carr y the best Lum ber, Shingles, Sash, Doo rs and Mill Wor k, Roofing, in fact, everything, in the Building Mat erial line

Follow th:e Narra tive as a .ferial In

The Mia rni Gazette

We will take pleasure in supp lyin gyou rnee ds Give us a call

Starts Next Week

LYTLE Mr "Dd Mr~ . Allen Budy , of Daytln , Hpent the d wltb Mrs. Aun t;mUb. EVil Wh .. rton

Is Visiting her grandp"r8nt8 . Mr aud Mn. Levi Urellt.. bOOMO, In Oay ton. Mr. Uba9 FOJ{ a.nd family moved tr om Dayton , last week. to tbe BarI .. n prop,n' y h e re. Mrs. Keeler UuhAm aUonde d the funeral of her r elative, WIII!dt owe, at Lebano n. Thonld ay. Mle. U1adya Bergda l\ retorntl d, Sanday . ILfter a~e ndlug 'he pas' we('k with Day tOR relative s . William Cox returne d. Sunday , from Hlaml Valley hUlp"a l, where ue has been tllklD ~ treatme ot. Misses Kathry n , Mildred and Mar_ garet (l1ark rE'malo ed at Chauta o . q a .. from Thorlld ay an til !donday . Mr . and MrA. R . M. Clark speD' San day wllb Mr. aDd Mrs Will Tbomps on aDd daught er lu Clnclo. nntl. A nomber trom 'bill oommu nitv alteDde d the' Memori al service tor Pre81de nt Barding M Chautau qoa . Friday afterno on.

Mr. aod Mrs. J Ii~ Johnll returne d t o their b orne. Mond"y , "her ORmp. Ing fOJ: sovenl wee ks. along tbe Little MIIIOH rlvllr. ,. Mr. lind Mra. Will Noll, of Spring. I-oro, and Mr and Mrs RUlIsell Bor. net and aoo were SUDday gueUs ot Mr. aDd Mrs . Albel:t 8tlloy .

"Suve by buying · in Waynes ville.-

BEECH SROVE Mrl. May Terry, qf Dayton , Is sbe gue8s of the Terry f .. mlly . Beveral from this pl"oe attende d ,be Chaula uqua, Suuday . Mr!. Mary Allen II In Dayton . the guell' of her soo and daught er . Several from tbls vlaoe atteode d 'be Wtlmln gwo fatr, la8t week. M. Stt. 'l'erry aod K. E Tbompl loo were 10 Wllmln lwn, Wednes day.


ID wm do what we cl&lm ror It-rid qat.... or Caturh or Dearne. . your cnuHd by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARR H M.EDI'C'INI!: eon.llta or an Ointment whleh Qulclll, Rellove. the ca.ta.rrbal Inftamma tton, and Ihe Intern&1 MedleID •• a ToniC. wbleb acte throu~ the Blood 011 the Mucou. ~r~"o~dltlo~:. aaatetlnc tAl .... tor. 1I0rSold b)/ drun'llte for over to· Yeart. F. J . Cbeney .. Co., Toledo, O. HALL'S CATARR H MEDlCIN

Wha' Is tbe maUer with our oborob bell, l' doeln'l ring aDymor e?


Ueo. Gray, of Morrow , epeot Sunday here witb hla .Iok 810k brother , Sd U,ay. . R. J. Murray and wife atteode d Qoarte rly meetlog . at Caelar's Creeli: tiatorda y . Rlohard Baker and wife, of Bam. IIioa, wore Thursd ay guests a f R .J. Murray and wife. M. J . Baosell and wife, of Spring Oeld, were Tuesda y guests of K. E. Thomp son aud wife.

L.IK.II THe TIMe. __~_"1

·Ray :i:::!. 'Work

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tue sday 8:00 •• m. to" p, m.



Thle plaoe Ii well represe nted at lhe Frleods Yearly meeting In WIl I~"'!"'!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!'~'''!'''!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!''''!' ''!!''''!'''!!''''!'''!!'!!! mlng'o n, tbls week . Mesdam es Edith and lIa MoKay enierta lned tbe Prlsctll a olob. la.t Tbored ay Ilfterno on.

Forest T. Mar tin

- ...---

Mr and Mrs. W. C . Bergdal l entertaine d t o ~ uDdllY dinner: Mr . rlUd M,8 William Dyke and ohllli. r Im, of Day too, a nd MIs8 Leona I will offer for .. Ie at Publto Auo MoUinnlll. tlon, at my r88lden oe on NorlbT blrd SuudaY -IIohool will be beld at 2 street. In Wayne8 Yllle, Ohio, 00 o 'olock next Sunday , aod 10 the abo SaturdaY, August 25, 1923, lenoe of the mlDISf.llr, Rev . D P. Bolt. ot Waynes vtlle, will prtlach IlS Beginni ng "' 1 o'olook pm. 'he fol. 30'o100 k. lowing proper tv, viz : A Lot ot Aotlque Furultu re, Otber Furnlta re Mrll. Ueo. Starr, of Belmon t, "od Gardeo 'roola, Old Barn Frame and Mrs, Ralh 8helby ond tour IIUle Lumber , and many Ilona, of Aberdee n, Souah Dakota, See bill! for partlou olher artloles . Jars. were rAoenc floelltll of Mr . and Mrs SUSAN B. Wri.IGB T. WIlliam Prown L>oui Holllng swortb, Auet. Mr. IIDd Mrs C. 8 . Lamb hlld as ... ihelr Sunday gU6lltll; Mr and Mrs Sub3Cri be for the Miami Gazette W. J. Taylor and lion, Will. of tbe Day too pike, and Mr . and Mre. JI)o aeph Champl oo, of t~oollli Row . Mr. and Mrs. George ~oot& and famll,. enteria lned. eeveral days IIllIl week : Prof aDd Mra O . A Allen alld daugb'& er, Luolle, of Ureenv llle, MIII8 EllIo" Brooks and carroll Broota, .Hamer nllle. Beo Bawke ell08p!m what might have been a bad aoolden *, Bainrda 'Y, while working t or W"lter Kenrlok , on a tobacoo ahed on tbe Stacy farm Be fell from the top of the buildin g; n d bon611 wore broil eo, but be Willi badly bruised aod bll wrillt WflS spraine il. '

- ..- - -

Wayn esvill e,.



Auct ionee r

••• DENT IST•••

I satisfy Ilnds ave you money or no charge s.



Box 91, Centervlll~, Ohio Home Phone 2, CeotervllleE",

At the.Chlles ·Hotel Waynesville, Ohio.

Mondaylliod Tburad aye from 7 to 9 o'clock p. m,




roJt1'SIU!I) WEEILY. $4.00



Veter inary aur.e on

ItDTIl~., ORUOO IiT.. ."1:0111. 1.11"',


__ Ii..,

'Phon e . .

._v. . . . . .





I .... , ....

NOTARY PU.UO '" ~ 'f

Wayne~vllle. · Ohio National Bank


~-- --

• Use,,,1 Wa lking Stick. . . CU$lUIIi (,I1 lul"8 In IIOme portIons of Spllin In r ' ~11f(1 to betrot hnls . . A y lll lDj: 1!lIin who look. wlUt i"vor U[I!HI II h"nulltu l Renorltll, aod wlahes to 111110 I",r hUIIII. cIIIII 9D tbe pnrenlM' for three 8 ucce~ve da,,, at the same Illiur I hI! (tny. At the 1s81 e\ln be leuyt!~ hI. ",alklDIf diCk, aDd It be I. '0 win tbe dt!lljred . bride the cane II' banded to hlw wbeD be c:alIa qatn..


At Cary's Jewelry Shop

J . Lee Talmag e has returoe d to Rem ember tbe festival at Lytle Daywn . after spendlo l( hIS twohal\ neltl ~a\urday evenln/{ , Aug .'~1 weeks vaodlo n with his bome fol1' • . 18, gIven by tbe y o uog folkM' 01as8. for 'be beneOt of Lytle obnroh . A. B. 'falmas e bad a fine draft mare severel y oui on barbed wlr", Mr8. Mary Copsey and Mrs Ben laet week. ~he IItlll remaln l In a Bowle and ohlldre n. C leo and AI. erilioal condl&l on. bers. atte nd pd She Fox reonloo lit ... Waldra e lJark, n eRr 8prlngb oro, Sa turday.



The Eye Sight Specialist


'Ib -n-4~ M.A.N WIT~O\IT lit. ""~TCH Tf4EQE'S ~ pR1!~e~




of regret that the tale is not


'Mt.! .. oa.on · ~ pOrnl) anr! N~''1re'~ hl.lom,

vilIe." ____ ~____ ±lY. -~-.__ . ~ 1"'_..- .._

Probable 'and Su::--r.·e,r. . ~~~~~~C~a~n~di~d~at~es for President

Public Salea


11". ""


_ _I

4 __


yo_ call ,.". I~IJ.'J R-.J e.. -ad ·)~~aill.

II IIOrrOWlOjl folll do'h oonlolroK"te bIItore tbe oold and pal"Ble~8 tomb tbat bold! tbe world ' ., Chint MaIJI~'ratA 1l'0rjleU Ing eaob hi. oult or ore"d-r f'lInqul sblDlr Ideal" "nd phllll, WII 1:t'ltIpaf,llIze 9dth bent. tbat bl64'd- and, mourn al &rue Amerlo anal Busbed I, she voloe _bu vestl'rd av proolalm ed of Pe,oe wUb Wledom 's tOD8ue ; I!'or: uanlolp nt Mankin d mual obe,. 'hll Illw of da~t. wbenoe Mankin d IIprunK . , • • The IIlIent .eloquenof'l ot O,Hth enjoln8 none olber Clln-to . ,t.llIlIto ·. fiDal bredb, that poleui nllmll-" AmerIO l\n oberl8b I" Froln onithe of 'be J)a~t, rna, ,prinK .. wondrou~, '.Ilo,.ml njl ftower -raob 01111%. lovlter tban .bfl lad may cbum away IIf""" moornl n, honrGr . And, IIf~, with en"f'gy replet8 .•11,,11 tUlJe~l.tndllllr, nobler ·be. heo .. UHe a life (If d"edlt m?8t meet, h"*h r P8)1cd I '




KII'.'." ~. tho I" "to lll • •



A curluus


... . .

- .,. --...-.. .

- ~ -.


..., ; ,

. ................................................... JOIn OUT 1 ~



TI•• ,.",. • .,tIlQnfO RaU,,",Ul SY" .IT1 I. ,,, • • /t o ,,' Un. It.t~en ,A t! W .... , and Ea.t a,,,l ~a" (<<. Q.n mHd/~ n tt., u' #~.'~ n!c n pe, ~. l1i 01 the t ot ,:' po .. t:n l f' r 01 Am.,.lc .. .


, o~d bet"'.... n the \~ · •• t nnd East lollow. t h e old "nil. (o r ma n \" !n ,les Ih rough Ihe All.·

onllin 01 ,he old IndiM t""I. ,. T H Eahroudcd in the miM s of II ntiqllity.

llhc: n ieto nnd the -trn w·lcr o f t e)"I ,,), C"njo~:! 8p)cndi d Vl :U01li o f r4\ IVi\1l be ut y OJ h l JO\ln\l~' \' I cnJ~ h llll "llln '..; Ihn~ u gt"~uld path • .

For unnumbered centl' ne:a they were- t r..,d h ·

the moeea"i ned fee t of Nl Vl\ce Wnrr10 r :. and laler bee.",e the hiKh",. y (0' Ih .. halYl) pioneer" in their CoUt"8 t Ogu wagllr..s.


They had been develope<! wil h ulI~rri n ~ .kill along t he short"", .vail. ble ro ule ov~r

th rough


rlu lro hC't

th c

cn nl Cl" t

Ihe P. c .... d.lle.

JI\e k.

w ny

sai!'c1uded in the sale, which broug ht a price of $'62,250, were 42,000 pairs of Hhoes. The Charl es Meia Shoe Co , of Cinc.innati. who was II former owner when the company was fi rst brought t o Lebanon . which bought the Plll~t, an nounced it soon woultl 'open With 250 em ployees.

f'.:nrro ...... .

LeWISt Own N'Hr o ~ ~ " no the Cnpe of the S U&queha.nno. . f\.t oc~(l.mC'(1 fret and C on e •.. to. o \W' &g'O n ll h ave KivC'n plfl C ~ 11.1 modem all-IHee.l train. . Bu t t he pru.tmc glorie. ?f n a ture ill m ount ru n Nld stream remAin

mountRln a n d pll.'li n - l (\ ktn1{ (\d v nnll4:c whcreV'C'r possible o f \llri ld and p ict urrtoqu \." 'Api cut by on rus.l, ing 8 t reanl! in the ever ~ IubnS hill , o ( Pen".ylvft ni ll. The main line oS the Pcruay lva nia Rail.



unch.nllcd and unnv llled .


~ylw~ _J!~~ ~ n.

$4.,..,,,,,,, ..,roatl J

HEATROLA!i CLUB $2 Down . it

The Elbeng:, hoe 'Manufacturing . Cu ., its Iln,) other I18sets we re soltl b~' former J udlle J, W, P.'ck, oi in~ i n " lIti. trustee in bank· rupley, The fi rm r ecently became involved by mismllnsgement , Char les p, Grev~, the r eferet! in bankruptcy,

rpal l'~tule


, 1M W.,.J4

Puts this new-day ;•• Weekly Purchase Plan h eater tnyourbo. me i Will enable you to own a fORD CAR. $5.00 will .

One Ion '-UCI i • ~


Free q:YOUJOln .



11 .II"b U~ ..






; enroll you.




Butter Fat IOc per pound higher Ih a n las l year TRI STA TE BUTTER


Tri State Price August 13, 1923...



;\("I \\ .;~I


Prof. W. G. Loucks, of Clevelan d , will s peak at th e ~ p ecia l " ~upe rin' t endent's .Day" program, Sunday mo rAing. August 19 A urief show · ing of the pictures on the Life of 1I11 ss 1.;)~lo McCoy, of Wilmington , Paul will be gtvt:n at the e vening service, and Mr. Louck!! will speak Hll o ~e In t·lt a ~'rluLltls ohnrob t; uo . II .. y, also . His lheme, both morninll and Re • . Bftllingnr is spendin g a few e vening, will be on lhe Hiblu School day' In C hri~t Botlllltl1l, Cloolnul'\' work . Edward D. Goller, Ministe r . BarlllV ~ tIIith Ruffered a s evere --..t·tl\ok of !I; "II~t o u "s ~lludBY . JIIS , R :-;mith. of 8pringfield, 18 tho gue.t, of reloCtlves h ere B . B. Mill a r has bought Lemar'l! grooery 111111 will conduct tho bnsl. D B!8 tbAru, Mrs. M"rtha Folaud Ii very low lit this time. Be r frl onoJll fear t o MOl1day afternoon,September 3rd, hear of har deflUl ..lOy tlmo . J .. mf'~ l'ot'U ! Otl ILnrl family were the ladies clf Sl. Mary's Epigco pal . church will hold a celebnilion in Dayton yi"lt o r ~ Munday . Tbe honu uid not b old \1.8 DaUKI Phillips park, to which all are invited There will be many athletic ar.d oo noert in Bprlng V,,)lo), ,his weok OWIDIl t.o tbe prepltr"ttonll for b omo other conteslts, music and refresh· comIns week 10 that vlll"se next ments for ai L See bill s for further w,e ek . particulars.

~9Ct1fl!nyon' Avl!




----_ ..- - -

..gUlUantee .cream and cans againlt loss. ~......







Reference-Ask anY 'one of our 70,000 Cream Patron s

--_.- ...

- ..---

~'E1ectric Horns





Sa Ie!

The Yo~ng,Property 'on Third Street Five-room house, cellar, ' extra good lot, well, cistern, some fruit. Priced to sell.

w~ Office: Aman,plall'.'

N. Sears,

~gent Phone W 'aynesviJIe, Ohio 61-2



Much of Mr. Pamah'. ability ia derived from the fact that he helped tn tame the old Weal AI a yOUDg man he participated in its stirring history. and now. as his yeam accumulate, he 6nda Iguch p/eaaure and in weavina hit penooal ellperiencea, and those of which the Rdion was rife, into fascinating novels. "Gift« the Desert." one of his latM thriIIina taIea. wiD be presented to rcaden 01 thiI publication as a aerial

Tu Polish Sliver. n '1 " ""111 .1" (I f sll,·C/· I ~ to ~ rll' lIl1 ctl 11'.1' 1101. mell,", I: ~II < s lVC ~1 oil /lnu \\"III1I I1 ~ Ito II SII,,,O' I" cr enmy r "'~ l e. '\PI ,I..- II" ll h II !l unn!'1 cloth. ~ '""'I 1111111 III"Y. roll~ I , lIil ow II II"~I wllh ""11 "" IIl1nl1l'\. t'he n with



cl1:l 11lU ls. Ti d .. IlI l~ t ll(lti will lIu l eat or l 11J III''' till) sl h ' " " IIlntln,;.


.. . -----:..--------~

Purina Dem-onstrators

wltll 110,· ;" '," 1101 " " 8. whn or<' snld to

White and 'Yellc.,w F re e8~~ne$ r'



C.,M· ROBITZER, Way~esyjlle,.O. "


We find, that the.ClaSsified Ad •.columns ·in· the Mia'qli GaRtte are "sure puller&." Try it, you wID find ' it so.


will t hcr enn,·, ""'1 11 11 10 11I1"elf IIkc • more rl'II!'lIlIahfl' hlllll ~ln heln g,-I""' rom

"'l'hrn1J 1-r1t Iht' U I:1l1 l~ y,'s hy J UIIl! O Ul.',

.- ..

(I t

11 \V omuD,"

--There will be a tereopticon lee· ture, Monday evenfnlr. August 30th, at the Friendll church, by a lady who Height of Excellence. II I! whn OXCl'IR In hl~ 111"1 so "9 to filled Mr. MUI~ray Kenworthy's place as relief worker while he was sick carry It to t he utm ost h ('l ~ht of pe rf~ ttOIl of whi ch It Is cn pn b le IIIl1y be slI ld with typhUS' fever In RU88la. Free! 10 Bome m ensure to bO heynn'l It; hili tr8D8cendellt producti on IIdmlts of no nppellatlons.-Ln nrll ycl·e.


There was no ball llame at the park, Sundav afternoon. on account of rain. This is the first time this eealon, that rain has stopped ~the game.







They will go to every home in the town and within a radius of 5 miles outside of the town, who have chickens ancI are interested in feeding chickens. They will demonstrate the IllOSt economical way to feed chickens and the right kind of feed to use. These women came to us highly recommended, and hav e had ma ny years experience in the chicken feeding bu si ness. Don't hesitate to ask them questions. They will be glad to give you the information free of charge.


TOBACCO HAIL INSURANCE At much lower rates than formerly, covering all kinds of tobacco, in a special policy.

No tobacco grower can afford to run the risk-a few pounds at the price will pay insurance on s e ver~l acres . If you intend storing your grain, get one of our Fire Policies that cost for actual time in use only.

Sears & ,. Cartwright Phone 61-2 .

.fnr~ ~e~ tfFree Coal {)jfir -.



Oub now and get One Ton Qf Coal absolutelj:.FREE *

Thought for the Day. Som !.' of I II.. IlHrdes' knuc ks we get ftrc th·I!\'pr,-.j li y our liuP Jlu~ ....d friends.

This is the last week of our HEATROLA CLUB special offer. Join NOW and you ge t absolutely FREE with your Estate Heatrola ONE TON OF COAL. AU you pay down this CLUB OFFE:R is $2. You pay the balance in easy installments on this liberal plan. Installation . of the Heatrola made at any time you may specify.


Is It Hours or More Money Wanted?

No one begrudges labor ita right to • front liDe on the pay roll, It has been fouod, however, that after employers in lOme ind us tl'i ('.~ hu\' c conceded the eight hour day t:he wor~ra have contiuued to work just the same hours they worked before, their battl c for tb~ s hort-el' day llbviously being to· get extra pay under the questionably justiflable -overtime echedule. In brief, most of the flghts for the eight hour day have not been· tighta for the eight hour day nt 'all, but camouflaged eiforta tol obtain exce&lliv6 advances in wagos. - - This is unfortunate, because the reaotlon·wW be aleuV 1njm1. ous to tJl ose who ton. Perhaps the greatest trouble ie not cauaed b~ t hose wl.1O .('oil , but by those who, like the lillill of the field, tOil 1I0t, IHltth or do they spin, There would be little complaint about high wllgcfI or short· houra if me wobld live aD bon8lt day's work.


.. _ ..._ __

The country geoerally will uphold Judge Clary, head of the United States Steel Corporation, in the deoiaion to make the eight h our day 8 straight eight hour day aDd not • baaic eight hour dn y . . This change will put the acid teIt to the oontention of labor that a work day of more than tdrrht holl1'll is harmful to the wOl'kers,



En am eli ng Long Proctlced. A new flag pole waB erected. Il18t 1'hc "rl lOr ' ·!lII !I ... IItI~ I. II "cry "n· week. at the postofilce corner. where clent 01"' . ' "00''' l"Iuitlll ll A' II OlI'lghlnt ctl lbe flag is flying at half mast. h u rp In II'H,III (' ,'d It Into C hina. Extant c\' ltll ~ n (' j ' (' Xl ~' f ~ 111Ut th e ulICJl'ut f4~gYn · t 1t1n s. f'h (t l! III .' I Hn~ 00(' As~ yrillua used ('n amel ,'oa ll l1t; In Ih ~ rh.!cul'u lltm of

for · Sale

his 1"011' ''1". 10111 slo c

Halt! Opeln your date book and When it comea 10 presentinS the Weal mark Saturday evening, August J8, -------.~ ----in ill rawness, its VIces and virtues, R~ for Lytle hall . Why? The young dalI Parrish is singu)arly competeol. Bul people's cla88 will hold a festival for A Dud Is Alwa~. a Dud. he does not neglect the romantic and pleu- the benefit of the Lytle M. E, church You (' Oil t a k t· It fl"l llII 1J1(~ rumllntfc ins aides. He!!C1I the almoti>heie 01 the wr i t ers IHl1wll h:o'llI n tll lll! 11I:l lrlmony "Save by buying in Lytle ." 10000~ty and draws the hllDWl characteris1l0 SSl'!":o(e.~ Do llld lt'Ifl .\' t o lrunapo se • tics II! they were and are, He like. fearle., dUll f,'II"II", II rlll,e. II COlli , or IIny otlol'r chance-takinB.type& of men and women. Ilum u n tll r ilw.ullt . 111 10 u hUfd.u nci who

"Save by buying in Waynesvill~." :

',. Par '


lI',lIl.. 1 I"'·ak. \\"ulllll)! ov~r lind O\'c r ugnln, ";\'ultOtly IU" fI!C me hut my self; (l Oh(lL1y Ill \',oS li lt' hut mysel!.!1

t I )


( 'oll ~ l a rll

III111Hdng-. I1 c (.'nlled hUPllcll e d to loe hu ~y 11 1111 "ouILi lIot l'umc. w h er eupun tht· lad h jl~u II tl~ so u HS If hi s h eur.

clui n'{j

Dimmer Switchej' Spark Plugl '~ ~ ~;- Automobile 'E namel • Full' tine of Whiz Prqducts \~ Battery J;I~~f!!' , Replacemept Parts for Ford. Rifle 'a'nd Shot-gun Shells Tires and Tubes,~all sizes> Phone 17

O ldest Known Will. A wil l """' \11,'01 In :?fH 8 B. C. 18 tbe oldest I'XI U l li . It I~ wrlrttln on pUI'YruS hy 1111 1-:;:.'·l'l llI n 1I ' " lleoi Uu h. In It h e ga ,' ~ hi. h"" II , 111101 olh e,. prl)pe rty to his ,df" . I.. 10 " I.. rl lo y her 10 uny of Ihelr ('I,II,Io·,' n : nrr,.n):NI f or th e burlnl

We art! trUily Inde bted to our old fri end, the Patriot, and Mrs, Mary of hll,, ~,'1r un,l wlfc, IIlId RIlI",lnle<1 " Wilson, who is again· at the helm, ~lIrcll llll ror II M"" . In fnet the will for helping ula out in:our extremity. diller. 111 11 .. CI'''III Olne whIch willbl be e Xl'l:uh·d to tl ay , last Wednesday, when our press --again broke down. We are very II'rateful to them for letting U8 !let Me a n ing Clea r. out our last run of tbe Gazette . 1l1o'lounl 1" ,,1 I""'n III. :1 11,1 811110111110 - - -... h e ll e r I II . \\" . II , ,, , 1111 In bCII IItI,l rc.

WaYDes~ille Auto·&Machinery Co.


WAYNESVILLE, OHIO I ~~~~~~ ---~~-~~~~~~~





: H. ARCHDEACON, Manager. i.....................................................

---_.- ..





Harness, Hardware aud Farm Machinery

For furl her iuformation call





8Rate HEATROLA will Save,its Price in Fuel and Labor Economies

-PREll ·M. C '{ )LE ..







Sixth '




Club S


Special Editio~

i/ ••

Seventy-Fifth Year


ALABOfl-DA-Y-CELEBRATION Blanche tlter .' air thia week Harry Turner spent a few days at RU9l!ell' s Point. layt week . Mrs. &Ii th Harris is spendin g a few days with relative8 in Milford . Robe rt Vander voort will enter Ohio WeHleya n unive rsity. this tall. Prof. and Mrs Wm. Michen er. of PittsburlC. Pa • lire visitinlt relative s here. Mias Rlichel .. Ridge. of Newpor t. Ky • is the \luest of Mllhlon Ridll'e lind wife , Edgar Berll'lln. of Detroit . Micb. , i8 8pendinIC a week with his mother . MrB. Julia Berlan . Mnt.' Eugene Foster and daurhter of 1o'08ters, spent Sunday with J . E , Janney and family. Born- To Mr. ,and Mra. b ryan Prender ll'ast. Sunday , AUKust .19. 19~. a dau"hte r. Walter Williama and family. of, Kingma n. were Sunday Iruests of/J E . JIIDIley aud family .

--- ,---- --

Mr. and Mr!!. W. H. Allen imd Mias Olive arrived home from Chautauqua. N . Y. Frida, evenln l' They had • fine outing. havlna driven both waYI in their Frankli n machin e, . MI88 Jennie_ Dinwid die. who Ihal been spendin g Borne time here and In the country . will leave for her home In Indiana polil. Irld .• In a few days, Mill Jenni!! II always a wei. cOlDe visitor In Wavnee ville. "Save by buying' In Waynes ville."

[jIrx ie';" Cave Girl



19t 1






Menitei'; lid..r. thl'l'e In Ollcngo. Rno . nn nlly, Ilnrl lllll~' from pity, partinlly from thllt ne,,' lo"e or RI1"enlu re en.

mf 'I'

ISh'" I

bO~ =--=, =


i , . I











""'1 ... _. ....... __!I ..... I_..



NOTICE The Wayne Townsh ip Prutect ive Uetec tive associlitilllJ will meet ~t the Townsh ip house. Saturda y af ter noon. August 25 th . Memberll are r('quest ed to be there, as matte rs of im po rtance wil l come beforo them li lt d

--- ---- -OBITUARY

Amanda Jane. daughte r of Joseph and Elizllbe th Gilson. was born in Senecav ille. Gurnse y county. Ohio. AUK, 23. 1846 and d eparled thlillfe , July 25. 1923 at t he home at her daughte r, Mrs. Jno. :odcKnlg:bt. near New Burling ton. Ohio. dter an illness of five months . aa-ed 76 yearB. t 1 months and 29 days. She wae married to J08eph McCoy Simpson . Mav 14. 18&3. To t'l18 union were born 14 children . One child. Henry Sumner and her busband precede d her to the Great Beyond . She leaves to moUrn tbeir 10... elllht dllurhte rs. five 8Ons, one broth erand one sister. Belle Blackbu rn. of Springf ieid. Malinda Gullette . of Columb us. MaliBSie McKnill'ht. or New Burling ton. Myrtie "'cKnill 'ht. of Wilming:ton. Mattie Carter, of New Burling ton. Mary Jamison . of Wilmin gton. Zora Eaton. of New Burling ton, Silveste r and Georae , or Chicago , III.. Eleanor ' of w,aynllJa ville. ~ohn. of New Burlinlr ton an. Webste r. of Springf ield, her brother Chas. GiI&on. of Walla Wal1a, Wah, hersiste r, Emily W right of Marlett •• She is also survive d by forty.tb ree grandch ildr&n. twenty great !pand· children and a host of other rela· Uves and friends . And altho we II'rleve as Irrleve we must. . And long for the clasp or her band. We can but feel that she must be near. That ''fis but a step twixt there and here. And God has the chasm .panne d. Sbe was conver-ted when quite

younlt. and was baptize d and joined the A. M. E. Church at Harvey aburg about Juue 1895. Sbe Willi In Irood health until Februa ry 27, 1928. when ahe had the miafort une to fan and break her hip. wblch wu followed by paralys is. at the home of her daughte r. Mrs. Blackbu rn of Springf ield. She was tenderly cared for by Mrs. Blackbu rn. for three months , but the last two monthll of her Illness were spent with her daulI'bt er. Mrs. McKnig ht, at New Burllng ton,Obi o. She bore her lIuf· ferlDir 110 patientl y. never eompla lnInll'. always tru8t1n g In the Lord. She prayed sucb 8weet prayera and sanll' sucb 8W~t son~. Her favorite IIOnll Willi. "In the Sweet Bye and Bye." Meager'1 nurae. JOO IIIldt Prett, Her life alone . exempli ftee her job. Isn't In I don't believe there I be In)' necesl /1 tor ber hnlnr • nnrae veil' Ion,. Wbat'l Jour naml'" sunny disp08ition made her countl e. number a of frlendl!, Sillce tile "Deborah Meredith ." Be I.u,bed, Ihowllllr I ro~' ot ernel of her husband . ten yearl aro. Ibe whIte t hllll always said. "I am only waitin&' "Sound I Uk. I IItory book; "b_ on the Lord ." did tb, old m.i1 pick )'OD opt" Mother is not dead. tlhe is only "){, bome II In Chlcaro." "W"U. be certalnl,. Ibowed pod tdeepinll'; we feel we tlhould not tut.. I'll tb.t for bIOI. YOU.N II'rieve. But, mother . we are 80 alad lome rood-looker. Deborab M.r.dlth . we will eee you again. wbere we will rm d-d tt I don't rathlr like ,our part no more. Mother . thou art 1t71&" aone. but we feelHe Itared It her lnaolentlr. ~I lIanee appralll n, torm .nd fllturea "For euch as you there III no death. mnch .. he ml,ht take III the points Just ll'ivina I,lP of mortal breath. of lome Inlnial be cootempl.ted pur- For immort ality and life. eb..lnl. TIl. rlrl'l t.ce 10lhed In· Beyond tl1is vale of strife." dllll&ntl,. bot her er.. never "Yoll lUre do look good t. _," h. Innounced Onall,. ".nd I dou't believe ru lint ,ou'-no t yet, .n,how. " "It will not be at .u nec....I7... Ihe IIld quletlr. "I Iball attend to that tor myself." "You meaD ,.00 will quit!" "I certalnl , aha II," "Oh, h-II Spunk, little derell, aln't you' I reckon nl have 10m. thin, to 8ft1 about Ihat."Yon meaD you will compel me to NDIaln whether I Willi to or not!" lIIe lIked In IIU!'JIrtle. "Wh" thlt elllnot b. done; I sm not I alavl." "It c:aD't bey' Do 7011 know when

Membe rs of the Bchool board went to Richmo nd . Ind. . IllIIt week and purcbas ed new bodlell for the 84!hool trucke. the old onee havi:!&, been about used up • The drivers will drive their cbassis to Richmo nd and tbe bodieR will be fitted to them. The hoard il alllO puttlnlr In a new side walk in front of the Grade bulldin&,. somethl nlr very badly need The canning factory Btarted to -:--The Kanrlte club will "Ive adem- ed. and thuB making a good Improv epack corn Monday mornin g . Sev- The stereop tIcon lecture will be onstrati on in Canninll'. at the Granll'e ment. erlll new feature s were added to the given at, th e Frienda church here hall, Saturda y eveninl r . The club • - • factory this year, making it more Thursda y evening , August 30th. A will go to the State fair at Columb ul e fficient than formerl y . The corn i8 young lady who has bt!en in RUBSia where they expect to carry away Mi88ell May Wright and Jennie said to be .of excelle nt quality and will present the lecture ,. It Is free several prizes in the canninll' depart- Dinwid die were auest!! of Mr. and the factory will enjoy a full pack ., to all. so come and hear It. J ment. , Mrs: J . 0 , Cartwri ll'ht. Sunday .

IIllle, elIC IlIld ," IIlP WQ net'll"'! (0 O n , wns nor m" rnuA'h li fe, ,11'1I)1'1l1l ne(\ to keep her I never 8 0 much al craned wor"d. iJut nl" 'crthele s growing con· old of her room. It thent tbe thr.,.bbad been • IJW~Il14_o(\...Jw.kI>WHter-""-m!rn'M!"lR'm,F8i'mrmrlf'nn '-J)r,' -Rriil more hellrtslck. will, no one searched It, or made tbe water, njUt'ed to come west with Then Tom M,r nA'er cnine to hIs Inquiries. By sheer for torce .nd .0' hIm? Of cnursl', ' sloe never had denth. Rhlln.l1 h,nmc from N()- duclt)' Rob Meuger took command. dreamed whnt It rcolly woul,l he l!k~ gnl('R at night, In the alone of ' Stlvet' I Dsklng perrnlsRlon of no one. lite on this vast Isolnteel rllnrh nl ..n;: "'''·:<1n. hi . hor.e RIl"lleddnrk pnd fell . ond . For some day" after bll .rr(,·.1 I~. gIrl did not even encounter thIs new the southern border, wllh the drear mn!ter. From da'l\'l1 to dark he wu desert alrNchlng awny on ev .. ry side , In the sud,dle. fllmlllariEing hllDlelf I from thi s IItU e ollRl. of woter nn,' I wltb every detail of bll new pQY. . gl'Ms. Tom lII enger hnll ne\'cr toll1 slon.. She had 110 dellre to meet blm. the whole story ; he h011 dwelt on the ror I(lng IIgo his .tory hn d been told lonellnes9 of hi. sick wife, tho chnncp to her-not by old Tom, who never she hnd of regolnlll ~ heu lth , with \ spoke hlB son's name, or the patleut. proper nursing lind co re ; th e mre 611 Invalid wIfe. ' but by otherl. lou I III henuty or the RunSl'ts, the wonderful the Meager lenice. IJlad now ot an RANDALL glow of the cool d e~e n nl!rlots, the opporlunlty to 10001Ip with. Itranaer. wl1<1. free existenc e of I h" rung", Hnell PARRISH It ... all a Itory ot brutal Ihame; of wltl, excit ement ond n dnsh or I'ongf'r. base Ingratitude. ver,ln, on crIme; ot It on hn,1 upp,'nlt't1 tn her slron!:elylIudden dtsappearance; of vag1U! MIt the sen-Ice. the ('oml'l ete ('hnn!!I' In en I mora 1I0atln, ,back from hire and ~i;i"=-;;.;;;;i _.~~1 ,·Irollment. Ih l! es cnpe fro lll th e hum, there, beartnr tbe tale of • wild, 411drum life of the Mnrln l' ho.pltol. Th. reputable Ute. To her Bob Meacer PIl Y WO' ",""rI , Ihe oPl'nrtllnlty e:tcel had become the aynon)'m of all tbat lI'nt. nnrl , 1,,· had suhl "~' e8" wllholll WBR evil In thll borderland. Yet no ... hair r ellllzl n~ lill'l1 II'h"t It fill ml'nn!. through lome atrange play of fate. bl BlIt she rellllzl'rt now. Those tl r"' CHAPT ER I was here aud ahe was lett belplell l, fell' wl'1,ks hn ll h(',' n J!lorlnlls In,leet!. In hIli power, under hI, order., whoU, Sile fOllnll l'verythlnll new, nttrnct! ,·c. dependent on him for empl01lllent. The Choice. tinged ,,,Uh rOlllll nee n nd (·olor. SilO The tbought wos almo*t m.ddenllll. It a wonderfol thing to he lik ed I\lr8. Menger, nnll They ftnony met the momlna of the twenty-three. full ot- bope and emlll- her tn ek to bp. oi, posy one.Iliscoverell her tlm o Ofth dnr. unexpectedly, when, Wlthoot tlon, ond In the wide out·of-doors; largely ot her own dlSl'osu! . BlIt It even knocking, the fellow Itrode Into more wonderf ul altll to pOBse8S tho WOR lonely, terrlhly 10llely : o nll , orter the widow'. room un~remonloull,. glortona memory ot nearl)' two yeor.! I those tlrst fow w eeks, nothlllA' seeme,l The rtrl, In her nUI'lIIl'1 uniform , anile In II,e hospitals of Frnnce. six monlhs i to occur 10 brenk O,e dull monoton y. hasUly to ber teel, aDd confronted the of Ihftt time jnst !,ehtnd Ihe Al!' erlc.n It W88 elxty miles o\'er a hoff-obll t. rude Intruder tQdlgnanU" her e1ft ftllhtlng line. Yet tbe gIrl woa not erated desert t rill! to the nenrest town, blazIng with suddeD anta,on.l lw. thinkIng ot thll then al ahe IUIt there " tt,Dd Ihnl little more thnn "Who are rou?" he aaked grulll,. nlone al the ed,e of the rovlne. goz· 8tore and a cattle corrol. n generel yet with a meaenre of doubt III !be Inr allenUy ott across the dull l~gDl'R " link between ~re Rnd the The only tone. "Some poor rel.tive!" of dnert to where a dlstont blue she 'hRd lett to the eastwar cIvilization d were the "Not quite u b.d .. th.t," Ihe . . range of mountaIns cut ort the view ' lrllltenlDI ralla or the rullro ~ d. ' swerell. rellentlnr bll m.nner. ret _ with their railed summits, while Day b)' dRY, week foilowlng week, "Who Are You?" lrio Alked GI'IIfII)', deavorlnr 10 control her lpeach. "I archlnl ·over all hung the clear ArI· she saw .t be ume tnces, hoord the lore-ager Tny lltere o'n me rot'll m_~ am MI'I. M8IIII!r'1 lona IllY, IIlowly turnltl!) to pUl"J.lle. nOI'lL" lIomo vo.lcea. ' Ridei'll trom the outer less. A pncl,er fo und his body the "NuJ'Ie I" be lIneared IIrclltlc al.,. She comp.~ that 8un-klned vlstu range came 111 with , their rePortl next doy, . nnd brought It on t~ thl "Oeod 'Lord. 10 thl old wltb other lunMtI ID .France and brfnglnr the talea of Mexican stOod two ralclera: , ranch.' In some WIlY , the mesll,' IJIl that, did be' Will, mlllY. when 'the crouM was yet ' red or fit cattle atr~ Into ,ea' eaD barcIIf the lI .. ert. the old mnn's posslng crossed til. bar- aped ae ~o; It II more th.1D I"Q' with the blood CIt 1II<!rIllced manhood. ~ ' . Her' beart ached IJtIll with the IIRd Whenever. --' ahe could, ahe rode, Ibo'ot del' Une down tar Into old M.... ,~ mother eYer bad; . Do FOIl know wile memor)' that woold not dle-hoa rl of r 'with old Tom Meuger. In 'aDd out tbe Wltii It renehed the enrs of bll I0Il, I am'" ,tol' eeeae. of ' IIitre-lng. Bot thla I ra\'ln8l; aDd occn!!lqn , . allr Tal" beyond God alone kno\vs wbere. Three dar.. "I pNIIOm. lOU maat be . . . . mood bad allo puled', awa,. Ind DO"" Into the vallt Mnd ('Aalna. after the burtal thl. w.ndere r of 018111 H.. ",r." JlltenID , to , . ' lIthoql i ber 8JI8 were ItIll npon that hll qnalnt t.les of o4veDtilf I\II, lind 1Mi'll returned. dro,re hll ..adla Ii'- "'fou ,u_ed r1Pt. .1114 1'Ye "e.e-e ptdan below, her thought halplnr blm ' round up bWlc1J811 of . Illt'o the corral, an(1 '88lUmed fCI1ItroL back h.... tC1 raa .... 1Uda; ,.. . IlaD ~ the pruent In a Itra)'ed Itock. She b _ e apert In Whatne . r ml&ht b4t 1ep1 JiIbt, mel" cI!IIl ....... ...t at tile 1tnDI'8 "tua- the 18ddl.. leamed· to Ole a run ' , 1IdUtia,re wu,non e to hlIlIol 4... "Qalte e1~. tIaD ..,..,.. ........ WQ IIad llae J tu Uy,ud eyes IIleted liP 10IIII 1aIInr.. IUmpJiOll fit 111811 8P1M&."., ,.. ....." ..... ~ . . • _ ....... to ...... fI tW"'" ... " tile ~ a.. ~... '" or-


The Wayne Townsh ip schools wiil open on Monday. Sep tember 3rd, at the u8ual hour , The first day will be short. the fi rst hacks leaving for home lit 11 o'clock , School '1'1111 can· tinue thereaf ter for th e full term , The firs t dav will be devoted to lllI8igning stude nts tl> th eir clallSl's. the illSuing of text books, etc . Due to overcrowding in the first . seco nd, fourth. fitl h. ~ixlh and seventh grades. it will be necessa rr to divde them into sec tions . Thedra w· ing of the namas for the differen t section s will be done by the luperintendent on the first day of 8chool and anyone interest ed is welcome to vi ~i t the school at that time, The school building a have been thoroul thly deaned and repaired Dnd(are in first CIIl88 condition tor the ,'pening of school. Twelve new steel lockers have been purchas ed for the upper cl8saes in Hia-h School in order to r elieve the conies led conditio n In the cloak rooms. The science laborato ry has al&O been moved to the g:ir1s' playroo m in the haseme'n t In order to provide anotherclassroo m for the 81xth grade . Anothe r new feature this year will be the scven new hacks which the School Board purchas ed from a firm In Richmo nd. Ind. These hacks are the best which could be secured being larger than the old backs. of uniform size and much more comfortable . The School Board IIbould be commen ded for purchas ing this splendi d equipm ent. As no resigna tions have been received. the same corps of teacher s which wal announ ced a few weekI will have charll'e of our Ichaoll. and we are al1 looking forward to another succee. ful year.




Mr. Chflrles F . Mosher . of CincinThe Ku Klux Klan seems to have Dati. spent FrilJay with hiB eiater. come to Warren County to sl.ay. Rnd MrR. Edith Harris, and family. i8 apparen tly makinll' rapid gains in numeric al strengt h. Last Saturdoliy Mr, Clem Anson. of Dayton . ~ pont niKht. a mOllste r demons tration was Saturda y and SUllday with his pa· Itaged at the Wllrren Countv Fair rents. Mr. and Mrs Frank Anson . ground . preceed ed by a bi, par!'de throua-h the'stre flts of Lebano n . Mr. and :Mrs. Frank Elbon aDd The parade was headed by a white Mr . and' Mrs James Kerrick atand purple robed fta-ure bearinl the tended Yearly meetin&, at Wllmln&,Holy Bible, and other white robed ton. Sunday . firures bearing the Americ an fl ag. N"!xt came an auto to which were a tMr. snd Mrs. Sidney Colvin and tached two large electric al crOBBeStwo &on8and Jake ·Eby. of Weat Carone white and one red - followed by rollton. sptmt SundllY with Mr. and the Kink Kounty Klan band. whi ch Mrl. li'rllnk Anson. dlspenlled IIIcred and patrioti c music en rout!'>. Tben clme :severa l coroF . B. Hender son and family arpanles of white robed figures, each rived borne from RU88ell's Point, headed by the Americ an flag and Fridaye veniDg . after having lpent their OWD compan y emblem , Ilnd the a week at that resort. majorit y of whom had raised their muks . [t is estimat ed that 2.000 Mr. and Mra. Matt McKinl ey and robed men from Springf ield. Day tun. MIIII Laura McKin6ey spent several days last week with Earl Swain and Xenia. and varlou! other placea. took part in the parade , wife, of near Rid&'eville. Upon their return to the fair ground . the robed fiKures and their Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitcbin and IOn. of Sprlu&,field, .pent the week- fellow Klansm en adjou rned to the end hert! with relative s. . Mrl. Kitchin W88 formerl y Mise Beule Stanllbe rry.


center of t.he qua rter stretch, wherfl ! the apeaker 's s tand was beautif u lly decorat ed, and th e thousanns of spectators were invited to occupy Guy Smilh, 11 younjl man of nellr Stlats in the grand stand, where they Lebano n, was fi'ned by Mayor !togera S. 0 , Everly died at the homt! of could see but not hear. Then, und e r Tuellday mornin g, for speedin g on his daught er. Mrs, Chas. Tate. in the light o f three fiamfng ('rossI'S , lhe s treels . It cost the YOUT,g maD Da vton. Friday about noon. after a the obligati ons of Klsns mans hip $ 12.10. and HilS Honor informs UII lonll i.llness. The funeral was held were assumed by a large class of that t here will bo otber cases similar at 1 o'clock Monday from his late candida tes. In the interim , the spec - to this une. if t he autoists are not home. and conclud ing services 'were t ators were highly entertainec1 by a careful. A sta te law provide s against held at the Chapel here at 2 o·clock. Klan qua rtet from Springf ield . speed ing . and the municip al law Interme nt in Miami ~emeter y. Rev At the ciose of t~e in it ia to r~' exe r- sees t hat it is enforce d . Do not for- V. F , Brown. of }lenla. officiat ing. ci se~. lhe spectato rs we re in vited t o get to pa rk your machin e properl y come close to the speaker 'ij stand, I:nd keep your (:ut-out clORed. if you Frank Smith died at his home and several speaker ll- one a lady- don't want to pay II stiff fine . north of town Friday evening . The expoun ded the princip ies of the f unera I was h el d at t h e Middle - - - --Run organiz ation , church Tuesda y mornin g at 10:80 Throug hout the evening a gorgllIntermE nt in Middle Hun cemete ry. OUB disolay of fire· works was piliced I on exhibili or. I Th G --d C . 1 I bl Jas. Benham died at hie borne on " e ran~e an ommerc ta c u Main street. Saturda y mornln lt at The dem o n~tration created a de- all·day PICDlC has .been p09~pon ed. o~ 4 o'clock. the result of a stroke of cidedly favora b le impress ion amonll' ac~o,unt of ano tlier me~t1ng . ul)tli lapople xy. The funeral was held the citizem of Lebano n , Friday. Au~ust 31. Don t make any Tuesday afterno on at hla late home. • date for lhls .dal~. for tbere will be 8 Re 0 H P l ' Col b usan d v. . . .. mer,o. urn lot a f f un &,OlDg on. the K. of P 's havin&' char&,e of the - - -... - • funeral . Interme nt in Miami cemetery. _ __ •• _ •

KLANSMEN HELD Mrs Anna Cadwal lader and Mise Clara Lile spent the week-en d with LARGE MEETING relative s in Washin rton C. H.


Mo re Tha n On~ Ent ry In This Race

An old-tim u I. .. hur Day celcbru tion will be ~\Jil!cd al Phillip'" Dark on Labor Day afterno on. This celtlb ratiun will consist of even ts for men ,and women. boys and girlH, and will occupy the ntlre afte rn oo n You will ha ve plenty of fun. be~ides seeing some wond erful events. There will LJ~ II uall Kllme bet.wee n th~ Comme rcial club lind probabl y the Men o[ Wa ynesvilltl. These ball ItlilneR Bre full of inte rest to 1l1i. and al e heaps of fun, t oo , There will be all kindli or refreshment8 lin the ground 8, and no one ought to go away hungry or thirst y . The Wayn esville P re mie r band wi ll f urnish the mu sic for the oCfasion, nlld there will be lot s of it . 'There will be fine prizes offer ed to contest ants in every event. donut· ed by the businellS men of the town , A five-dollar savi arcount wi ll be giv"n to the church or Sunday · ::icbool having the larg-esl atten ' dance on thi8 .. fternoo n , The celebra tion will be giv.en un dsr the auspice s or St . Mary's guild and the proceed s will go inlo the church repair fund . You will want to spend Labor Day in Waynes ville. Co me 10 the park and have a good time.

S"veral base ball fans went 'to Mt Holly, Sunday . ' \0 Ree the DodJI team wllllup them. 22 to 6.

Whole Number 5556





"Cert.IDly I do." "B, Q-4, I doubt It. 'l'II1. II the Meepr I'IJIcb In Art.ona. Tbete aln't another outfit wtthln 11ft,. mUM, Ind mothln, elle rouDd 01 but delert ; thiN ain't DO ....tll', aDd De 1ftII. rm a-nmnill' thln," hare. and ,00 bet ] know how 'to run . them. Yoo pt me' rm the bOlt; before .noth.. oot evell' white DIIIl on dill " ranch "III be hontlllC 'a job. and there'll ba Mft ID thetr plaeea. I Dcn, 11011' to haDdie 1Ia:: th81'll , " wbat I 1II1'-70U. bet thC17 w11L 80 II... Deborab Meredith. how II It ,...!Jot ,otQ to lIult bwtoN .....] 111 AIm to IIotII it al!l'Ml", tile


,... all'


aIIIaII ... HOI.\.....' 'I'ta ..... fI . . .

Ild WIIII4 liNd ~......





The MIami I







!Rf!fi'Ji!fi!RRY;ffi!nS-I!f1~" L'l: .":;, " ; !;;.• !fl!:fiYi!fi!fi!r;y;y;y;y;y;~i!R:fi!fi!fi



" ·~~~IiYi!~Yi!I;Y;Y:i!fiYTSIill




Wi e

a DBSIH Will Hold 'rb

Are your buildjngs in proper rep:1 i r? \I

Ha\'e vou m:lde your stocl~ comfortable in winter quarte rs?


H~1\' e

you built that c hicl~ e n hous e you pro Tn i sed you r wife?


This Sale'

•.•Savings · Department.•• Beginning at ~ : 3() a. rn . on Sa tllnh y. August 25th. we give each boy or girl who wi ll he n pup il ill a ll Y school this yea r, who will l:Ollle ill and ask for it, a Valuab/~ Sou,ven;r (as long as they Jas t).

It is marvelous how far a do WAYNESVILLE NATIONAL BANK to, and an "Extra 'D istance" at th glad to accept. Take advantage!

Have you laid the cement walk around the house and yard? You may need a few shi ngles, a few boards, a li ttle ·plaster,


"Sllve by buyi ng in Waynesville,"

A little of this, And a little of that

Kilpatrick·french Motor Car Company

A score of items that go to make yourself and your stock comfortable and make the place 'look neat and tasty.


To let your buildings go ramshackle is to Jose money. Keeping them in good COJ ldition is al~ays a profitable investment.

!)on't Fail


.to visit the

Service ~




Hill' the Lumber and BuUding Material for Every Purpose and Place that' you may need it. I

Phone· lOS

"Save by buyinlt in Waynesville."

6 pounds Rio COFFEE, only...




$1 • 00 6 large cans Cala $1 • 00 PEACHES.. .... . 25 bars Kirk's F iake White SOAP.

$1. ~O $1 00

~g{rT~E~ ~~~e.t. 20 bars Rub NoMore SOAP for..


Term. Very Reasonable

W. N. Sears, Auctioneer .


The Miami Gazette . "Save . by buying in. Waynesville." ",


11-12-13-14 -


- - c-



~~~.e;-.~ ,


PRIZE given to the lady or girl getting first prize on Home Made Bread and White Cake at the Warren County Fair, if baked with t'ither Albino or Starlight Patent Flour.

Bring the Kiddies to

C Lee. Ba.wke Th. . .rber Who Does Daddy'. Work

Special Attention GiVen to Children's. Work and Hair Bobbing "Save by: b\1yUar in Way~e.vil1e." ,


'''Suve by buying in Waynesville."

Jamt:s E. McClure

Walter McClure

.qi'ttnsra.Z · 1)irsotors Telephone, No.7

Waynesville, Ohio

Our c:onetant effort is to mske our service better and more satillfactory all of the time. We want our efficient service to be far tamed.

"Suve by buying in Waynes"ille."

For one day, only, Saturday, August 25th, we will take orders for the fonowing :

Same paper BS letter hea4


Waynesville Mills

"Save by buying in WaYMs,ille."

50 Envelopes , .

Warren County Fair

We win meet you at the Fair. Our display wiD be with The WayneeviUe Commercial Club.

If you wish to buy or sell a farm , or think of making a public sale of any kind, I would be pleased to hear from you. r have give this class of work special attention for the past ten year~.. Satisfied patrons for reference.

H igh·cla!lS paper and reg. size .

Saturday, August 25,

Look for our display at the Warren County Fair. .


50 I.etter Heads

ton of any kind of Feed.


"Save by buying in Wa ynesville."

Phone 61.2




Waynesville. Ohio

at the


Highest Prices paid for Poultry and Eggs.

Aman Block

:D isp]ay

Waynesville, Ohio


$1.00 Specials 14 packages Scrap TOBACCO. . . . .

Waynesville Commercial Club

" Save by buying in Wuynesrule,"


and Accessories ~

Waynesville, Ohio

$1 00 51 00 ~t~~~ .~~l.~.~~i~.e $1. 00 $1 00



Will start an account ill our

Have · you put down th;lt feeding floor for the pigs?

12 pounds Gran. . SUGAR;~ for . .. , . .


- -

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

Ready For School! It is School Supplies we ~ell~ the best you could buy anywhere.

Oxley-Pace Drug Co. The

3t2aq&' Store' ,


Try The Drug Store Firat" Sfore Ope.p EvenlnJt8 Phone lOS "Always

·lISav~ ·by

buying 'in Wayn..,.ill.. " .

Wayne,ville Auto ," * ..




.', , ~ve~ything ' for ,"


SpeclaJa fo~

2 S~'itdorf Spark ·.PJII

;3~ethlehem S~~rk


..1' Quart ,A~to En....

ommercla Six th Sa le


, AUGUST 25th

For TWf) Day s-Fr iday and Satu rday

Below are ginn a few of the Hundreds of Bargains offered

51 00 • Dress Gingham,32 inS 1 00 35c val., 4 yds. for. • Ladies ' Vests, 35c value, 4 for .. . . . .

OXL EY. PAC E DRU G CO. sko::n~~:~ tne ~ Stor ti Tei~63hone

Large size Turkis h Towel s. 39c val.4 fa,.

51 00 •

" Save by buying in \Vosynesville."

Men's Athletic U. S. 75c value, 2 for. . .

$1 00 •


Bleached Muslin. 20c value, 7 yds. for

Thr ee Wom en

30x 3 Non Skid Fab ric •• $11.00 with tube $12.00 30x 3 Red Top ••• ••.• . $12.00 with tube $13.00 30x3~ "Nin ety· ,ix" Fab ric $8.50 with tube $9.50 30x3~ Prem ier Fab ric ••. $10:00 with tube $11.00 30x3~ Prem ier Cor d •... $11.50 with tube $12.50 30x3~ Non Skid Fab ric .• $12.00 with tube $13.00 30lt3~ Red Top • • • • • . • $15.00 with tube $16.00 31x 4 Non Skid 'Fab ric .• $17.50 with tube $18.50 31x 4 Red Top . • •.•• • $20.00 with tube $21.00 32x 4 Prem ier Cor d • ~ .. $18.00 with tube $19.00 33x 4 Non Skid Fab ric •• $20.00 with tube $21.00 33x 4 Red Top • • •••• • $25.00 with tube $26.00

Are Her e

All Tissue Gingh am, 32 in.

wide, 75c value, 2 yda for. . . ......

.They will ;ome t? your home if you have chickens and are 1Oter~ste~ 10 feedtng chicke~s, and will demon strate the most ~c~)Domlcal way to feed chickens to get the best results. They Will also cull your flock if yolO care to have them to. These women came to us highly recommended. and have had many. years of exp~rience in the chicken feeding busine u. ~on't heSitate to ask them questi ons; they will be glad to give you the inform ation free of charge.

Phone No. 114


" You r Auto ,·

HOME BAK ERY SpeC ial for Satu rday: I . Dozen Large·Size Loaves of Potato Bread •. regula r price 11.32,

.$1 .00 .,


$1 00 •

Men's ~,all.colors 20e va . . pall' for.

Ladies ' best SOc Hose, 3 pair.. . . ..

$1 00 •


W.tch for OUt Truck

Ladies' U. S, i e val.. 2 for ...... ..

M ye r, H Y lt ,a n . Way nesv ille, Ohi o "Save by buying in WayneniUe."

CO. Ha wk e M ot or Sales Ov erl an d



Wi lly s-K nig ltt Ca rs Ac ces sor ies

If you are thinki ng of owning a car. either at the presen t time or in the future . we would be glad to show you the Ford line, and talk the matte r over with you.

New Location in the Hain es Building , Phone 47·2

••••Se ars & Ca rtw rig ht••••

Specials for ISaturday, August 25, 1923 .

IDlu rane e

I;~ .~~~~~~~~ .~. ~~~~~. ~~~~~~ .... ~ ........

S1.00 ~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ .~i~~~~ . ~~ ~~~. ~: .i~:. ~~~ S1.00

Fire, Tornado. Life, Livestock, Automobile, Hail Greo/ at Protection at Lowest Cost Aman Block

"Save by buying in Waynesvill .....


Men's 1 L Union SUits .IOif or short sle ves. $1.50 value ... : .. •

Linc oln- FOR D.Fordacan

"Save by buym, ~ Waynesvill...•

Machinery Company

Men's Bal. Shirts or Drawers, 2 for .. , .

We carry a full line of Genuine Ford Parts and our Service Depar tment is ready to help you you at all times.

Wayne3ville. Ohio

Men's Dress ShiN , up to 11.76 val...

1 00 •

"SaTe by buying in Waynesville."

"Save by buying in Waynesville."

A welcome to myo Id patr ons .and all new ones Den tist and X-O ·Gra phis t

EXTRA SPECIAL All our White Shoes. $1 00· up to 15.00 value. .. •

Phone 25 Don' t Fall to see the Purin a Spec ial Film. featu rIng Char ley Chap lin and Purin a Hens

Way nesv ille, Ohi o

un Main Street.

M~n's Silk 7& val., 2 pair for.

We are now in a position to deliver Ford cars within a reasonable time from the date of order.

In my npw quarter s

Men's or Boy's

:r~~~~ ~.~l~~: . . .. 51.00

Waynesville Farmer,' Exchange Co.

Mac hine ry

H. E. H at ha w ay

Percal~, all col. 36 in., 25c val.. yds.

$1.50 Caps .......

Boys' and Girls' Hose, all col·

Chic ken Cho wde r, per cwt. , $3.3 0 Hen Cho w, per cwt.. $2.6 5

Linen Crash, 20c value, 7 yds. for.

On the above date we will make a special price:

P re d M . C ol e Farm

51 00

Ratine . an col., 36 S in. 65e val. 3 yds. .

, Aug ult 25th

Ladies' & Child!eIl's Bloomer.!, 2 pair. • .

Pepperell MUl. Sbeetio...... bleached, 9·4 wide, 65c value, ~ yds. . . •

$1 00


Har neai and

$1 00 S1 00 $1 00 5 S1 00 Soz. S1 00 $1 00 S1 00 $1 00 $1 00 51 0 $1.00

••Pu rin a De mo nst rat ors••


B1~ached Table LineD. 60 in. wide, 7& value, 2 yds. for .. . .... .. •

S1 00

Ladies' Silk or Fiber Hose, black or brown. 75c value, 2 pair for. . . •

Gen uine Ford Part s and Acc esso rial

Har dwa re.







Of exceptional bargains. and this great money savi~g event assures Friday and Saturd ay, Augus t 24 and 25 the greate st Dollar Day in their history. Do not f~i\ to visit Hyma n's store Friday and Saturd ay.




I '

WUI Be a

can go . Fa rth er tha n it use d ~_. . . Sa le. Un usu al va lue s yo u'l l be Of ev ery on e of the m.





School rIDle is About Due Yo,! will want


and ha~ them; aUktn ds Candy Department. in Full ~wlllil ·

Frank H. Firr &: lifp·, Wa1n~aY ille. Ohio , ."7

. ..,.... ~re of !lett... v ........ , "San by bllJiDr in Wayn.u iUL"

Domestic .Science Taught

Phone 61·~

"Save by buyinlr in WayneavWe."

Sm .i th 's . Spec ials fot' Augu at 25th


1 GIIIoa ~ ·Sherwin:WiDiains Fly Spray, $1.15" value •,$l~OOl'l. · 4 CIos DeImoaIe Apricots, 30e value • • • •.• • • • $1.00 .

Either special work or a general. course, at my bome .; • . ..

Waynesville, Ohio


Mrs. ·'H. :E. Hathaway

D :. R . ' SM IT Ii ll ~





y "

~=== r!I't. = (F~ == Vl= J =:i111

, ,..



Mr. hOlt Mu . Frank Rbldak er and More r.1 Du ntaltl . Ma)' IU. e. Mr . .. lid .Mre. 'r.. nk Hurrls o.. lJed 'I'hll j(1'clI l chlln!:,,,_ Ih'lI Ih ~ porth till· HAT..L'ft • ·1..11Um It. \ '1 '1" will 'ID Mr. Mld MIS . Harold Hllrrl". of Ij,'n: .•,," 1;111)' h e .III'\): 'ct r"UIIl lilt) til'. db w"at w cl 1m l'or U- rhl :nUJt J'4y'n"111 Lehs ooD, tluBday evening or CAtlll'rll r lklHn" c;.Ytn.·U b ' (l m t r~ 'ul' tlm l"F ~hw, ' ~'~II II l! h'lIl hlt! II)Ij! I'aufrl.. . } "t!'i , . J ue Oil-vis le ft, Monday m ornin g, 1' . hl'U-Ult 11 ~\\, ~fl,u'r u (ll)ll fo; IIr lU olI ll l/ll nS a U ••• ~ ..a.,., . flAJ.,1,/S ' ATARRH IImnl '1. 'I: n· Mils Stella Daughe rty Will att~nd Alta Roll r~8 and , f!ltul)y bave Wr IAvelt.Dd, whe re h e 18 .over.~ e& .IIta or .. n I n tm~1I1 whl h ..'uld;I, I 1111\' 1' 111''''' n In '" . ',I'~. Hllil 1I ,('r.- I ~ no _ , Ir. and Mr~ Hol ph Frazier and to my Buildi ng and Luan bu siness In g sowe of Ule OOOO&y roall work. OIo\'ed t·" tillblnll. nella • H. c"UlrrlULI Innltl1'" ,til'''. n d J r"nlln n 10 SUIJ I,(I~ ,' Ihlll t h,·'·'· 11'111 OOt lh tntlll'lIlLl ' '''' loI n.... Ton'~. whh' h during my absence. s'o pleB8e take B e will be gODe so.era! w eeke. Myr a. 1:Iaydook hll8 been aD 'be be unothf '. u ta tl1 roull'h th BlOod on the {\l oqu. fa mily Silent ulIllay at Clifton . Burr. '1 Lh'iJ • • 3811111111;' to r e' toro nor .. your deposits (and also your books m",1 <9noltlon •. Mr avd Mrll, R. W KHy lor tt.oll Hlok list, tbu pan week SOld by dru~'1l 1 IS t or ovor 40 Yellls. Mi ~s 1I 11ltln Marlatt spent the at the end of the year to have the in· the Mi88 e~ ~arrlet IDd LDolle Tnok. Mrs. J J. Plok lD lind 8011, of Day. F . J . Cheney " Co.. Toledo, O. week·end wil h friL· nc!s in 3rookville. terest c red i t ed) t o he r . ' he is very er .pen' MODday In Rlcbmolld , l od. tOD, Il r e ~u ilta of r ela\lves bl're . eflicie nl and wilt render 'you good vlslMDg J osoph Kaylor Ilnd faUlll y . Auction ee r Mr~ . rtll .VUl o nd Cmll( 1M vl.ltmg lt ho Arl lto! I a nd dau ghter . of s"rvi ce Cbarl es O ..rD llr . of ColambU8, ro fe lMlvtl8. no"r Ub aatu r)omd , O blo Ual lon . s pe llt Tuesday here wi t h t ur Ded ~o bls olt! h ome h e re . .. ooom ·1 Mlsq KRth l' riue tl o1l6 ud W"8 I,be et m \' terms f r Y OUt A Plain Talk on SO\' lngl frjcl1d ~ V,tnl ~d b) bit! Dlo~b er ltDrt brother. goest ut X~ull\ relaf.lve •. 1" 8~ wetl k . P U ! llc Sa le. Your m oney sh ould work f or you who 11.Ive belln speDctlnK se vernl NOTARY PUBLIC we6k8 wi~h .h11U '" ColuUlbu _. I! . W K lllotl . wh o wll h hi ~ ',IIl1l1 y I sa t isfy a nd sa \'!' YVU ~IT . and M '~ Earl Clark. of Au;>nll, ju~ t II ~ you wo rk for your money ! wall ij pondinK H,e ~ nww ", r bertl . hilI! The first s tep in thi~ direction is the mOll c)' o r 110 eha rges. Waynesville, Ohio Ohi... . IHl' thl' I!II{,Hl" ll C ~Ir . a nd Mrs. r"turned to bls bom o In Chlonl( O decision til i1ave SO METHING out , Alvin ,Eu rn illtll. Mi ss E leallur ti n v!look hud 1\1 Na lional Bank of vo ur in come . and make that Box 91, Cenfe,.ville. Ohio SundllY \;l U8stS. Ad~1Il Hirth lIud Home Phone ::!. cule r\' illeEx. MI S" t.olFi Wbitaktll', of llablio, Obi ... ....... Mr~ Alice M c Kin ~ ey and daugh· SOMETHING brinll YO U an increasecl l\ 19 ter. Mi ss He nrietta. a re v i ~ it ing rei· income . I!;lw e r U"ruos hud th o mist rton6 MONEY LOANEl> f 'urt her , you lay asid e fOI a "rainy I Mrs Kesler Onhllll\ h on t h e to lI u ~taill n broken leg , ~' rld .. y IHives in l' os torill, Ohio . day" "an ind penn e nt old age." Mlok list . A pnrt o f lite ~ mv A I VH , III ..... hl oh I Mu. Milry 1{ .. ll!o r. of Dll ytOIl. It! tl tl Wilt! worki n g . oll ved ID on tJl m . M ONI!:Y L uan tl d on IIv o lltook, Mis!! ~usun W ri ght attended th e or th a t Vtlrv comfo rtable thin"'. "a .. o hIHI. e l ~ , IIIt! u stloo nd mor$~nl< ap . (IHlNul of he r cuu~in. Ur . Clifford financial bll/·k ground " The dec is· I vll!l'ln~ .. t Hit' h OlD o of IIlr IUld A 0I t1l'-6 n" meetin g uucl Ar th o BU8· N . lt f'~ ~ll) nl! ht . .I " hn Bnrhlno. Allcn lll ~es ul , be K 1{. K .. \\,,,. twill III l'I " iI.II I1~, Xonl .. Oh io. " 4- t~ Veterinary S"rgeon • • • I CaulVltllau e r, in Norwood, Saturday . ion h o wevll r to b sy~telllalic is th e Mrs . WllliHUl Bro wn . .. ' . . ' tl ar 0 orowd atteDrted tb e Noo lnl L'nr VIlIH~Il. 1'b ll r ... I" ." ,· v, " ing . T he Eye Sif,tht Speciali s t first r "Q Ulslte . A I g P tlll plR frum m"n v HII"rll"uq IDg IF Mi~s Mildred Hartsock. after sev· Tht' I illle that the averaRe n an ~bt LYI~le b"III'I ~..('I'!fll~:.e~vuerD IO ~. lind I oeil\hlJ"rhllud~ we rl' 1" .tl ll l·. I ~ Phone 44 .. . hi ' cl • e 0 aMB re" :.Ie Il v," 0 u. e ral weeks Vl81t Wit r e allves . reo an woman should sa ve and accumu· Dr. MuGr" y "Ott I'Hu\l <·. R. D' l l"'''' w er~ of W"rren .. nd olu llIt( I Tb " F oulks reuDlon WU8 b ilid . J tur ned l u he r humic' in Milford. Mon· late i ~ between the ypa rs of 12 and ~ Il Dctay, al ,.h e huma of Mr 1l0U Coll ll tt 1l1l,II . LUllv , 1.,·_I " r Kl litl!l~ ld I(\Ull lltl e8 U1"y obtllin mouey uo luug Lebanon, Ohio day . 50. Some lire born with t he spirit Mrs. David P a VE'. 80 u~b at hare . lilld fJi l1lll y II III I MI ,,' ·1 ~Ir " ::; I ;. 1111'(\ I" ",,". a l· U~% iol .. rn8 1.. l'o~' of thrift and s tart to save earl in titllnfitllil ,,"",,"d!'et t L, · ~ '''' tl Id re· u r ~"lI U r1 l1l! I,b" '~'~l'" 1M ve ry rl'''"lit · Mrs , Mary Adam ~ , w ho has been . Mis8 Margaret RIlge n, of Cento r UD WU, " .. "r Cl.. rk Bv ,1,-. .-"'oI t.y . ,,1,1 ... thr'>UlCh Iho F~ lIurtd L"nd . h ' Y . . . Hll u l, . ~'or turt.her Inrorma'i oo cll'll att end ing Yearly mee ting in WiI· hfe, Very few r ea lize t e Impor· vill e, II! m .. ldng .. D exL ~ D (led visil 8 :00 II . m. to rn. tal\ce of saving and !Taking mon ey wIth Mr . and Mrs, l)L,,,~. Clark . Martb" Compton ~ h, " . " lit,. ' 1J(I\'o~" M. t: DltAKE Tr~" •. min g ton , re turJI E't1 home unday 10DII: r osllitmt of" UUUlUlUlIlty. ou n . " • . • Obi earn money be fo r e the age of 35. It Mr. Bnd Mrs, RoutzllhBn aDd sev. pllSHl'd aWIlY W ed n~ Rd .. y . Anl(oSC orur, phone ill~-X, l.ebanon, o. HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED e vening . JAS. A, NUCKOLS is howeve r. neve r too late to start. e rHI r e illtives from Tlppeoanoe City 15 . N" une has evo r II v. d h.'r o wbo DON'T FORGET that $1.00 de· vieniolld at "Sto ny BrOOk, " Fraduy . \\ 8M m ore hig hl y eH~t)eD.led . Her ,,-;dl!'ar Smith was ope rated on for posited in 8 . Building and Loan 8SSI). Mr~ . ahbel WllrDer .. nd ohi ldr e D IHe W tl lt tull of good works , Fu. adnuids this morning' lit Spring Val · ciation each week al (i % compounded of Middletowo', Ine vi~itloK wif.h h e ~ l ne r ll ' 8e l' vl ce~ were " tl ld . til.lurdl·Y. At the Chil~ Hotel " Sa \'c by buyi ng in Waynes ville." ley. ulIll is getting ulu llg us well as "!>re ul e, Mr . and l lrll. tillDrv Foulk!! from I.b." FnoUlJs ohurob , where Hhe Waynesville, Ohio, semi· annually 8mounL~ to $707 .44 in .. t b ls we" k. I wa. It m o m b.. r . clln be expec t ed . ten years . J . E JANNEY. . ---..,............,=.--- - - ---"=-::_,,, Mondays and Thursdays from 7 to 9 " _ _ _ ___ - - The l'owos b ip road eouth o r b llre ' Uur c r mrnll ntty W68 snr pr lsed . o'"lock p. m . Mr . an I Mrs . Malt McKi nsey and oeu r t he r",lIroau hR~ been g ltiondav . to leuro of the Ill lurl6lte. lIt TERRELL -& TERRELL. Improved by b~IDg g r6ded aDd ' New H nve oburcb, of Welden N. Miss Lillie Nedry were guest. of Th ("~J~Jh 1 fo r t he D a y . Widened. MoKIlY Rn d Ada Tu rn or MoK6Y , of Wilmington, 0 ., phone 301. Mr. and Mrs. J N . McKinsey. in n ear Lumbert.on . Mr. MoKtty III SUltl l' !~I 1111' 1':'I'lh".,t k ll ol'ks we get Murrow . Monday . MI~8 LeoDo McGIDol8 h"d for h o r ; ()be 01 unr mos t pros perous r,,"" OrA tcrp ,!t·lrn 'r,·.) 1, \' nu r sU~ I HI~ ed frhmds. HATHAW A" Sund,,}' guests, Mias EugeDla Wbh· ' lind boldl' a m OM' p opular plaoe ID FUNEr-.AL DlR.ECTOR - -ak er. of WaYDosvl)l e. aDd Mist M.. r. 1 !,h tl he .. r t . IIf tb e peo ple . Mn Mo. Suve your Olu Curpels and l{ug~ DENTIST. KII .v I ~ t h e wldo\y of t be Illte RIIY. ,gare$ Clark . Wayne.vllle, Ohio a nd R'e t .. Wearwell" Rugs made . Rev. nDd Mn, J . D WllIDt aD d ' m ond Mc Ka y l'hey hav e tho beijt ,..., Send fur price li6t . ~'ra nk lill Rug ohildren ntt.entlod t be weddlog o f wl s bes of " h ost of frl eodd. / -, .". C() .• Fr anklin. Ohio . tb u form e r'l! 8I e~e r. Rt 8prlo~tleld, - -- _ - - --.Funy Equipped for ' Good ·ut urdll j. o;PEAi'- Rllt WHKf 'OJ , Service. • Mr. A. B. Shaner and family enIn~ THe. "Qv,ll\.&.&.IN6 Mrs, A lIeD Emrlok left, Thursday ANTED 1'U BUY-About 3000 te rtain ed at S unday di nner. Mr . and OFFICE: BA~NE3 - BUILDIN G, Display Room' CHI,"!) THAT 68T'i THIl for a visit wUh her dllughter. MrH . 'roI-oI\OOO S'lollM. InqUire of U . A t:\·I..Johu, R 0 5. WaynetIVllle, . Telephone 11... Mrs. Harold Slevens and daughter, LeaD Sallsbnry, IIDd fumlly, ot """1."- ! DAT _ NIOB1 Ohln. .5 Cleveland . Ve lma . of Xenia. Ohio. MI ~se ij Mildred. Murgll ret and Mrs. M Ill ie ~hr t lo iH a t be r h ome URD 'l'RUUKlN~ or 1\11 kind" KlJ.thryn CI6rk Iltl eDded tb e M. Ii: h ero for .. t~w c1 .. ys. Mrs. A. 13. Shane r. who is the r ep· d ... ue I\t reayoo"ble priOIlR. Cut! pic nio Itt T.ltlll gitl park . Daytlln. VerD Hough. phono 73-4. WaYDetl. rese ntati ve of th e loral D. Jf A. es ""d Irlend. "Headed R el"tlv WedDo.dIlY · ville. OhIO. iii $bo tii utly r eaol .>u, Thnr"dIlY. lodge. is attending the S tate Co uncil Mr lIod Mr!. William BrOWD and meetings at Columbus. this week. Wm. Smitb e n' e r~Rlned a number A ,~'l'En-M ~ n or womeD to '11 " lr lIo us t m otor tld to a ·eDmood. of r elltti ves at di nner, Suoday . t .. k " orders for genuIne gnut5uu d"y , I,nd nUencied " ramily r W. J , Baker re turned, Sunday R!lbe rt Lewl!! .. Dd f"m ily moved IInteed h oslnr.V ( ur meD. women aDd u vi on Bt ljleun Miller pllrk. ohlldren /I;UmIUltI,1l d ..rulntC Sal . e ve ning. fr om a trip to Colorado. Mr . ::;Iaoy La mb. of Col nmbn s . Iota the ir De w hou Ne, la"' week lOry 175 a wet!k full time. 11.50 an THE MlTFU~ HOME aDd SAVINGS ASSOCIATION His daughter·in·law. Mrs. J. F. anLi Mr . .. od Mrs. E . R. Rnurlulpb Mls8 Vera Tlbb .. ls cRlt e,1 aD Mlsa bonr s pllrl' ttw('t Be .. nt,ltlll RpriD. Baker. aRd little son. Earl. returned and SOD, Rllbert, vlslled w itb Mr. Mllrle C"mllbelJ. t;uUllay Ilfterooon. \lne. Jntertla,lonal l:!'ooklol! Mill., '. " TIle ~ .. o.yfoft • with him for a vi sit. aDd Mrll C 1:1. Lamb. Honday. Clint Jaokson aad family were Norrie&owD, 1'8. a2~ • $1S,OOO,OOO.OO Surplus $800,000.00 Mr. lind Mr~ . HRrry GrahatU ar e sbol,plag In l:larveYllborlo{. Sa,.urday ... 0... 30,000 Accounts 8ptlndin~ their vltolltlon with th e nigh& . fOlmer'ij brot,her. Bert Grtlhflm. aDd Mr. and Mrs. Jaok Rloh oall ed 00 family. Dear Ka llUsk .. , Mloh . Ed tiny. t5uodflY, Mr. ljray III very M Mlu EdDn Garrett. ot Youogs serlon81y Ilok. • r--~~~----=-sea.-=--- % ' OWD. ppeot th e pa s t week at the OQr mailllarrler, J. '). BI8ey , "Dd ",- ~ . \ b omes of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur wife were seen on onr 8&ree&., MUD. Conducted toura to Clark IlDd Mrs. Milry CarmODY · day afternoon , Rober~ Cnrr is able &0 be oot on - - - •• _ - -BBT All ... ,....-naes Ur . and Mrs. Be n James. MISS Mrs. RaDoflb BogoD and 10D, Bert. OST-Around or near Wa,ofl. D ,,-=---:,:,:,:""'~~."~"";:;:;-~~"-~.w~~... ~-orlltohes . C H ~IE M I O·A L • . $425.00 and up. ~ , Ce.r .. 'fhomas a nd Arthor Thomas ahe nded Yellrly ouitlliDK as WII L ville, AUKu,' 7. tt.n ao&o LlcenM The annual r e union of the Milten· tia'r ' er l:!bid .. ker Is very (loorl y at lef t . l:Ia&t1rdIlY, for a m otor $rlp to mlngtoD, SnDd"y . TBg No. 7gll.'lll5. ~' In de r pleue Full information retPU'd. berger family was held at the counthis wrHlnlf. Toledo, Detroit and Nltt.gara F ..lla . 16 .. ve at chiS 00100 s6 inc ttinerarie .. etc. furnlahecL the Differen.c e tr] home of F. H . Milte nberger near Mrs . Mabel ljllrrllon visUed ber Several from here attendod Yel1~ly Seventy or m()ro relatlYel and mother. Mrs Helghway. ac the LOST-a Pllir of Guld.Rlmmod Lytl e . Aug . 19 numbering 71 in all . The Dayton Savings MeetiDg. HnndllY. ~ roar NEW SUIT from friendl were In ..tteDdllnoe the home of Wllller Tilt bal •• Il18t weell: 010.81118 In Le~Oulflt oa,e. The table Ilroanecl under the heavy Mlltenbergor reulllon, held . a' the B' Hews\ltoblDg .. od plootlug done ooontry· & Trust Co. URBAN J. ZIMMER home of Mr. and Mrl. Mrs. Mary AileD, 01 Beeoh Grove, tnder ple".e leaye a' shll office. Bit _ , IT.-. burden of the choicest cakes of al at Mr8, t:\ ..dle RellsolJ's, Dayton. Ohio.. Fraoil MiUenberger . haslIold her home to Mrs. Seaeon, descriptions and everything in fact. c.. x-a,.-" ...... s...&. and will move to LebaDon In a few Berber' Ford, of O~ytOD, called a .human b eing could wish. Mr. alld Mrs. Ben Hawke and daYII on frleDds here. SODday . As the sun drew near the western children and Mrs. Mary Copley ac. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Mla8 BeI81., Ford, at Day$on. II 'eDded a surprIee dlDDer at the horizen , eacti one departed "for their vial ling her father, Ch"rles Ford. home of Mr . and Mrll. tilyden respective homes. fully satisfi.ed that MOllO BogaD olliled OD Ed Gray. Boope. In OIlY'OD : Tnt Your DIamond .. the day was well spent and long to who 18 very slok a$ 'hiS ~rl'lng. Mr aDd Mrs. Wnbor Clark and Dlnmnndll feel mul'll rolder to tbe be r(,m e mbered . l'be MI8.lcm .. ry soole'y meetH gnest. MIs~ Edna GRrrett, lire. Mary tongue tllan do pUle or "lass. wl'h Mrs. May Kaylor, Frldav aUer. Carmony. MIHSeS K,,~bryn and MI!· 10qQlre a' FARM of 43 aorel. dred Clark ploDloed with E. J. Car. 'fan. • this 011108, .It mODY lIud family lit Snyder pulr. Mill8 Lida Keonedy IlUeoded the Sprlnlltleld. t;uDd"y. . ( GOOD FARMS-O~e. 86 loro.; miD8lrei at WilmlDgton, Friday , One, 96 aorel. Addrel!l P. U. nlllht. tsox 298, Wayil~nllle, Ohio. Ib MarloD Osborn and fomlly are liD. .. Flower. Day" next 'Sunday when ter&aloiog oompaDY from 1I11DOl8, EE A. D. Bolo aDd got • GIS each one is r equested to briJlg a this week. S .. yer . Nol mer('tly for Ford •• . flower of some kind. ' A prize will bo' 'for automobll88 aDd ~rao'orl .. John PaUl BoltoD, of WayneSVille Guaranteed be given tl.o the person who brings olilled on a friend. ~uDdflY eveolDg . wall. l'rlee ,ll ::;"tI8fllo.lon guu. 1 will olYer for Bille at Publlo Allo " nteed or wonllY refuoded 10 1 OelaYI. It tioo, Ilt my residenoe on Northl'hlrd the largest flo we r. and another prize GU8S8 who . alltl to the one bringing thEe most beltUti· 'rhe Junior Bome tiutlfds met at street. In Wtt.ynesville . Ohio, on tul boqu et. An object lesson. the home ot MfS. Mary Syferd. Hd. Notice' of''Appointment L1NO MARE, welll:bt 1500 lbe Saturday, AUjtust 25, 1923, Show Y'our,Colors .. Fl ower s that Talk." will be given urdllY afternooo. Will lell or lrade. ioqulre of ' BeglDnlng "I· 1 o'olook pm. Ute fol. E. J. LIDdamood, 0108e t.o 'he old lIlrs. Ina t:!bllDe, oor o][ohaDlle by the ministe r. At the evening 10wlDg I'ropertv viz : A Lot .(Jf· ~. ~tate ul GeoI'lO O~~ben. (I~a.ed. aJ~ r . ' b F '<! I . No~lc. I. he /11M hal FUlnie tJllt'Otb- ; ¥~ ll. . service th e closing numhe r of the lady, has gone OD .. t\wo.week .. vaoll ADtlque F IlrllltDre, Ot er oro ture oro II ... b...." duly appointed a,id qualltled u tlon, tu visit rillatives. Life of Paul wilt be given. Garden 'fools , Uld BllrD Frflme and'rlx 01 'he ••la\.O GOO~ge KITCBEN CablDet, 8 ft. Edlin. Mrll. W . P . lIoCarren tt.Dd GftJl Lnmber, and many other artloles. ~:C~~J'" late or Warren Coun y. 0 o. slon 'l'flble, Heating ~tove, Cup. Edward D. Go le r, Minister . Gordon are both sollerlDg wltb ee. See bills for J.BrHoulars. Dated 'bt. '1111 day 01 ~T~J~ts . board, WlI8b Stand. Type Mllohlne. vele a&Llloka of tonllJitIa. 8USA~ B. WrUGHT. JudlfO 01 tbe Probate Cour~.U . W . Y JOIlO!!, W"ynenllle Ohio. an Warren CountJ. Ohio. a22 Mrs. Id .. Howe was a RaDday a~. t>oug Hollings worth . Auot. terDoon caller on ber motber. Mrs. Mary Allen. at Fla' Fork. Mr. and Mr@. Herber$ Lowe8, of Do you want a well drilled? If CIDolnnatl, are villiting C D. Uook flDd fam\ly, for a few daYII. you 'do, call ~'red M. Cole's HardMr . "Dd Mrs. BSDry Morpby aDd J' .... , [ t". ware store. ,,wsynesville. for partie. daagbter, Nellie. SpeDt Sllnd"y willi ulars Wm . M. Smith 107 E . .Third Mr . and MrI!. !Cobert C).rr . St .• Xenia, O. Phone 1222--R. Clem AnsoD Ilnd friend II, of the '.. ----- ~ -t:!tllto hORpi"'l. Dayton, oalled on v Butter Fat 10e per pound higher than last year friend s hero. t:! .. turday 8yenlDg. Effect Vln .. on Walt .. Mr~. W A. M.errlU, Mrs Emma Stoue It nd brtek buildings are not Clioe " no 80n, Muts; of Dayton. were InJ\lr~" hy r llnj:lnl: vines. These may viHlllnll: W. A. Merritt, over :3nDday keep till' hulltllng cool somewhat Ia't er Mr aod Mrs A. L. HeDdrlok, at In th e sp rln!:. hut lire oth erwise barm. less. 0 " woo'len buildings damnge DnytoD, were week.eDd Visitors of mfly be 'lone, since mn ny vlncs wl'lcb Mrs . Emma Ellie and Mn .. Lls:!;le We guaranfee cream and cans against loss. 590 Ke.n yon Ave climb by twInIn g force Ulelr way Lister. THE TRI STATE BUTTER COMPANY throUl;h !Illy Jolnl whl rh is nol perfect , MUise!! BeleD and Paulinl! Evan8 •• Ilnll th en I,y continued growth torce the have been ID DaytoD for two weeks, •• CINCINNATI, OHIO "'eod\\' o r~ oport. vlsUing their grandmother, Mre. Evaos. Ref~r~ce-Ask &Dy>one ~f our 70.000 Cr~am Patro'!8. ~ Loolle Tuoke:r h"l1 returned home Iofter a two.weE'ka visit with her Re-cords: in Thi nness. "l u I ifi ll ' " wi re tIll S :;t" ~ n ell'nwn so grandmo'her, M~II. Lottie Boutb, 01 nue Iblll :lll.UlJt' p lel'c~ ,<hIe hy side Lebanon, woul" nfl l ( " " , ( ., 111I-:r" tll,un un 11I ch, The Woods.on reunion wall hetd "'l ' lI e. n o Illpc'\'R' IJnlln,l l{Jgcrhcr would Salurday, a' .Iamel W.OOdIOn ·1I real. fonll II fll l" ' l! '! 1\:- .ltll'li :.I !I 0 tllllrnent of denoe. A larg., orowd 'WIII In at Our Page hilS this to say~ r:II~ , sill! '," tendaD08, "




-, I .

" '-1. J'I. J







.---.-----------: I

----- - - ----

Forest T. Martin





Dr. W. E. Frost


At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Harveysburg, O. ,,,


a rmers, A tten"tlon,



Every Tuesday


Money to Loan on Farms at S! per cen t for five years.



..Walter McClure;

DR. H,E.

----- ..


X-Ray :!:1:~1 Work






..................................................... WHERE 'TO DEAL IN DAYTON







r=!~~.."~.:~ . I :--~I;--~ '. ~=========Du-.=O~W.I MILTENBERGER EUROPEAN TOUIS

~ 'CA::~~HMlJjT :




----... ...- - -





Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co. ,

Everything for Your Auto



----- ..---


Public Sales


Dieo Spark Plugs

Flags and Flag Holders



Spot Lights, Dimmer Switches Shot Gun Shells

Phone 17 ..


PhiUips Building


.... .



Good Goods 41ways Please


Tri' State Price . August 20, 1923...

46 C







" Always carry the best Lumber, Shingles, Sash, 'D oors and Mill Work, Roofing,. in fact, everything i~ the Building Material line .. ,

--- _.- ..- - -

We .find that the .Classified , Ad. columns in the Miami Gazette are "sure pullers', u . Try it, you will 'find it' so. '


Mrl. Fraok Wllllon, Mr8, Lonl8e , • Corift:lence Win. • tiltl, MnI, Ida' Boweaod 10D, alrr" There Is lIotll]o,g tllilt Is 'more et'fee- \ a"eDded 'lie WilibiogtOD fair, 1118& t1ve 111- jlr Otnlll ln!; )'ou. tIll'ntal cleo Thurllday. Cblri .. Gordon' "11 DOW baullng ments to do bel'ter work ulJ(\ more ,\York tJ,UII llif! pmlltJ'\e cun\,IcUon that .ravel a' Booth Leb~oD. and W.P ',00 cnn, the deep ItIlerJ ur feeling Ihat MoOarren I. Utili... OD the ClarkI lOU , CIUL-LanolL' TlJle.lilarvlIJ'lbarl pike.


We will take pleasure in supplyingyour needs C"


Give u~


i calf








Seventy-Fifth Year

/ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29, 1923 Chester CarllY spent the week-end in Daylon . . ...... _

• •_ _ _ _ _ _ ' _

' 1-

Ernest RlIllera of Dayton , is spending a few days here. Go to Phillipll park Labor Day,

Whole Numb er 5557


Miss Elta Emley, of Dayton , visited relative s here llist week.

Kennet h Kllbon wu a Dayton viiMi811 Helell Marllilt was a weekitor MondlY. . end vi.ltor with friends in Columbus.

Upo n tho so llc U,l\tl o n or


rrlo nl1K ,

wo are prloLloK the o.ddross mado lJ )' Pruf. J , O. l"l1lklD bura .t tbo momorlal lcrv it'e8 o f the lale 1'...ldeot lJa nJlo~ . OWing t o tbl le c glh of lb. arti cle. are co mpellou to prlut I'ln , .. olu ot.I"'"UI I.- ( Ji:,mor .)


Golni' to tbe Warren County fair' Born-T o Mr. and Mra. Carring Tbere will h all manner of tun at ton EIIII1, Sunday , Augu8t 26, 1923, Phillips park Labor nay. a daught er .

Friends and relative s happily lurIlrised Mr. and Mrs . Lawren ee Shepherd last Sunday , the occuion being tbe birthda y of Mra. Shepbe rd. Miss Alice Gons waa hosteaa at a large party, given Saturda y evenlnlr, August 25, at her home. About forty guests were present . The evening was spent playlnll carda and dancing . Delicious refresh ments were served.

Mr. Chai diee and gentl emen, friends of my bo,h ood daIS, men and women whose names and faces recallao many scenes and incidents the recolleetion of which makes Waynes ville one ot the dear spots of earth to meIf on the tenth day ot August . Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and 1856, some one had spoken to a cer- Miss Olive Allen enterta ined at dintain barefoo t urchin playing ' upon ner Friday evening in honor of Mr. the streeta of thl. village and In- Rnd Mrs. Loren Hadley, Mr. and tormed him that aixty-seven yeara Mrs. Janney, MlsAes Louella and later he would be Invited to bi) wilh Frances Janney . Martha O'Neal and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace lpenl Orville Gray and family you in paying a tribute of respect to Alice Carey and , la.t week with relativea In Marlon, Apheus Bogan and family spent one of the great men of the nation. SunOhio. day with Mr. and Mrs. James Wolf, he would have been sadly compllMr. snd Mrs. W. E. Stroud bad of near Clarksville. mented , but not more so than he as their guests' last week at dinner Don't fall to Bee the Waynelville really is today . Mrs. W. E. Crane and three dau,hCommercial diaplay at the Warren . Sec the big Labor Day billa for a Not for a score of years have the ters. Misses Louise, Mary and County fair. Anna· Hat of the h.ndllom e prizes tbat will oeople of Americ a .been called to- line, of Bethel, Ohio, Mr, and Mre. be given . Select the event you want gether for Buch a aari purpose 18 Otho Henderaon, Mrs . E. T. Mn, Mary Lemmon and dauKbt er to enter, and get a fine prize. Stroud that for which we have here met: and Preston Vaughn . III. Stella. apent Sunda; -ith relabut today f ro m Maine t o Californ ia tiv. 10 Kentuc ky. Mr•. Lucile Berry hal returne d to and trom Florida to Oregon in tens Mrs E. E. Re880n and Mrs. V. O. her home in Lebanon, after a pleasof thousan ds of commu nities mil- Toll e were Harvey sburgC lvlcLea C. C. Servia. who haa been work- ant two-weeki! visit at the home rue ot lions of Americ ans have gathere d to hostellBes to a party of ten Inll at the Bullock factory , in Nor- Jamea Vander voort, of Route mother l 2. pay their lallt tribute of honor to and their daugbte re on ThuMa y wood, apant Sunda, at home. Mrs. Amand a Maffit t is visiting the memory of our departe d Chief afternoo n, August 23 . Conver Capt. Charles Frye and wife, ot sation Malriatrnte, and to exprells our .ym- and a number of spirited relative s in Toledo Mill Emma Peacock, ot Dayton, Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. W. game. W. pathy with her who has been 110 were tak.m bart In by tholle apent Hveral day. last week Curti •• of Chillicothe. spent preeent . Salurr.eo. Waterh ouse is spendin g lh. sadly bereave d . with Mr. George Smith and family day with Jas H. Curtis Rnd Later, l'antelo upe. wblte If"lpeB, familv we. k at Russel's Point. It la eapeclally fitting that we in am all cakes and Iced tea were pretSave your Old Carpets and RUII'B this commu nity, and in oth ers tily served on ' small tabl.. Mrs Mazie Walter Rouse to the Burnet t, of R. D. 5. apent and daullht er and Itet "WeIlrw ell" Rugs made. through out the stale, should thu8 gaily red-cap ped lfUe8ts on tbe lawn. Send for llrice list. lo'ranklin Hui' Mlsa Marian , of Peoria. 111., who a couple of davslas t week in Dayton Atter a hard fought battle for Fifteen salelme n of the Eavey show our regard for our departe d Several spent snaps of the dlfferen tlJ ara couple of weeks here Bnd at twelve Innings, the Lebanon blUl8 company were shown just Co • Frankli n, Ohio. how the Chief. Other states Rre mourni ng ranged group8 were Clarenc e Mendenhall lind family. ball tl'am defeate d the Spring Valley, left for their home taken for futu re Athleti c. by corn-w hich they are to diatrlbu te the loss of their much loved Pres i- remembranceoftheoec:&lllon, Those of Dayton, apent the week-en d with the score ot 3 t o 1. Tbe game lira. F. II. Cole and lIOn lpent lUI lut week. through their various branch jobbinll dent. but we go fbr beyol,d that, we prelent were: Mrs. W. C. Welcb their parents . week witb relatlv.. In Brown coun through out "'all Il pitchers ' battle, houset! -Ia packed at the Waynes ville have lost our neighbo r, our friend, hnd Helen, Mrs. Charles Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Keever , Mr . ty. Mr. Cole joined the~ alld Cook and arid althoug h Adam! wall hit freely Packing CO.'I plant, one day lut une Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fetter. of St. of ourselves; one who has so Margar et. Mrs. Harrv Tucker brough t them home Sunday evenin&,. and Mrs. Wynne Keever. MillR Marand no Icoring wu done against him, ex· week . ably, effectively and honestl , been Evalyn, Mrs . Alva Kennedy and tha Wuhbu rn anr! Ed Fronefield Louis, Mo., are the guests of W. R cept in the first and twelfth . Llda, The salet!me n arrived In a body, b, our guide and counselor in both our Mrs. Charles IIr, and Mra. J . R. Trun, of Cin. were gueebl of Dr. A. T. Wright Rnd O'Neal and family . Tucker and Harriet , With the aid at a couple of hltl, automo bile. . The, were IIhown the st.te aDd nationa l life during a score Mrs . George Ellia and clnnatl, were recent &,unts of family, Mondayevenin&,. Mrs . Chas. Braddo ck and Bon, Lebanon first Inning, Veata, Mr•• but corn in tbe fteldl, which are cultlva· of years put. Twenty-nine differ- Howard Mr. and Mre. JOII. Tinney. Tb" Graham and Helen. Mn. Ernest. of Dayton, .pent the week_ icould do nothlnK . more until the ted by tbe packing company, and set ent men, Including the present in- Frank Squires and TinDeYI returne d bome wltb their Mr. and Mre. J . R. Baker an-i d here with relative!!. Dora, IiIrI. L. V, Itwelfth , when a hIgh thrown ball a leading exampl e tor com cumbeo t, havi held the position of Reed and Floram ond, Mn. gu ..ts for a week'8 villt. Mra. Chaa. Gray returne d, last Sat- en Igave them a life, lind with the aid of In the Miami valley. Aftergrowera Earl seeing Preside nt of the United States. Of Hocket t and Jean urday, from a motor trip through There are lots of attracti ons at the 'I a single over the house gave could not be them the green corn In Its natural atate In theae, seven were native·b orn citi- present . Dr. and Mrl. E. W. Hufftr, of Cleveland t~ Niagara Falla, and WRrre'l Coutity fair this year, Sept- the winninll run the fieldl, they were IIhown every zenll of Ohio, while one was ours by Toledo, and Mr. A. J. Hutrer, of home by way of Plttabu !'g. ~ember 11, 12. 13 and 14 . Neither side made many hlta, and operati on the corll p888et! through adoptio W.. t Liberty , Ohio, I1pent a few n . Surely, our state hu but four errors were made during until it Is ready for shipmen t, begin- reason to be proud ot its record. day. thi. week with their .Ister and Mrs, W. E. Crane and daughte rs, The Warren Cnunty Fair this year the game. The gllme was a tbrlller ningwl th the hUlking, which is done dau.rht er, Mrl, Lee Earnha rt aTld of Bethel. Ipent several days here will be a big event. You all rememb er the stor, of the Good prices from start tu finlsb. by marhln ery, after which the Roman matron , who, when Borne of family. lut week with relatlve a. Mrs. Crane are being paid for racinlt, and the ~t is rumore d tbat the old Miamia husked eare P8811 to white enamele d her friends were exhibiti nll the jewhaa purchased. the Younce propert y entries guaran tee a fine prOllram. Mr . Clarenoe Rye, lIOn of Mr. and will reorgan ize, this week, and fin· receiving tables, where the We are Indebte d to Fred Slmpkl nl on corn III els with which they were adorned , Tbird street, and will move here ish out the Mra. season Chas. Rve, and MI.. Nettl. here. for a copy of the Pike'l Peak Breeze. !lOme carefull y sorted by wemen who are pointed to her two sons and extime In Septem ber. Elliott Wright , who spent the ' Earnha rt, daught er of Mr. aad IiIn. • _ .. fitted out with nnitary white com- claimed, "These are my It II a little paper rotton out In tbe jewela. " summe r aslnstu ctor in a boy 's camp i tnter..t of tbll famoua reeort, and position rubber aprons and caps. At the Columbian Exposition in Chi- Roy Earnha rt, were married at the Mr. and Mra J. E. Janney and In Ontario Baptiat pareona ge in Lebano n Tu ..• , Cllnada , has returne d ' bl, name appun on the Ii,t of tboae dau&'h ten, After the corn I.. carefull y sorted cago. in 1893, there was a statue ex_ MiSSel Louella and home to spend the remaind er of the wbo ba.e reaI_ter ed at the Summi t Frances , left and tr immed, passes automa tically hibited at tbe Ohio building which day mornin g, August 28, They are ' Monday mornin g for summe r witb his parents . Hou... Mr, SlmklDlIlI touring tha Deland, Fla., where into a revolvinJr cylinder, made of caused a thrill of pride to all nativea spendin g their honeymoon at Ru.. they will apend sell's Point. Welt. The popular ity of the HIOrt the winter. enamele d roda. A blJrh-pressure of our state. A woman was repreTbey are taking about The annual Burnet t reunion will Both Mr. and Mrs. Rye bave bOlts water-li ne Is connect ed to thla cylln· 8ented Itandin ll upon a pedesta il ..idanca.1 by th8 fact that, durin, a week to make the trip. visiting be held at the bome of Ernest Butl, of friends who join the Guette In der and through a pertora ted pipe, wblle below was a group of 1922. more than 75,000 peo"te went Wal1hlnrton. D. C. and figures wishing tbem much joy other places terwort h and family, of Route 4, and baplIlup Pike', peak. a vut amount of epraye of water represe ntinlr of Interee t enroute . those on Sunday, Septem ber 2, 1923 All men, natives of ness. A Volley Ball Tourna~ent wu wasbel tbe corn tboroug hly fortrom Ohio, who had rendere d brillian t membe rs are earnllStly request ed to I conduc ted. by the athletiC depart· Hven to ten minutes . After tbe aervlces Goin, to the Warren CountJ fair! to the nation at different Go to FhUlI1l8 park Labor Day. come and brinll well-filled bu~kets. ment of Wilmington College durinr corn I. thorour hly wa.hed , It Is au- times In its hl8torv . The wuman 's the rBllular summe r term and the tomatlcally conveyed to anotber banda are extende d over the figures team from Warren County came out white enamel ed recelviDll table as she excilaims, "Theae are my first. Tbere Wertl eight count, wbere tbe corn Is cut from the cob jewels. " Today, -!t~0....;th~e teams, four indepen dent teams and by automa tic machines, after ~8n~t~-1'I~-nnr--S;iffijlii"""fbiP''l'rI:iiIi which dladllm which encirc el t e ~b~r~il~Ii row of one composed of f!lculty membe rs. it pallle8 to a white enamel ed allking Ohio. we add another Ilem, one Septem ber 2: The ~arren COUIIII.y team d~" not machine where tbe 1m all particle s of whose brigbtn ess does not suffer in a m ., service and Hrmon at 9:46, 10le a s1llgle set of gamea and 10 the ailk are removed. Tbe curn tben comparison with Iny of its compan- Rev. John J . Schaeff er om.laU DI. finals, beat out the faCUlty leam for paSlel to the mixer and cooker, ionsln that glorious -'company, the Everybody II .invited to tbeM 1IeJ'. first phice . Tbe players .r epresen t- where tbe proper leallOnlng Boys' Norfo lk Suits, all wool, II aup. name of Warren Gamaliel Harding "Ices. . Ing Warren Countv were as follows: plied and the corn beated to e 2 pair Pahts, 17.95 and ..... . .-. e a proppr Peace haa her victories as well aa N. P Blatt, Capt .. V. O. Tolle. deaired tempea ture to Imure tbe war. The imagina tion may be dazCharles Moore, Vivian Retallick, G. retentio n of the &'oad, fresh Boys' Norfo lk Suits, with one quality . zled by tbe great achieve ment! of H Laymon, C. H. Ogdon, T. W. Then to the fillinll m.achinea pair Pants, $5,95 and ...... . wbere tbe battle !leld, but these fade away Cutler Bnd R. y, Hawse . the corn la automa tically placed In when compar ed with those which • • the canl, after the cans are thor- appeal to our reuon and our senlt! A firelesa cooker will be made at oughly wuhed and aterllized wltb of rl&'ht and justice. Here i8 where the Township bouse at 2.30 p. m. treab bot I1team, Mr. Hardin&, rendere d such efficient Saturd<lY for any wbo are Intereat ed. I After the canl are filled, they p881 service to tbe cause of humani ty and Thia work I!I under the directio n ot Boys' Waists , light or dark, automa tically to can'l1u ling rna- civilization. the Farm Bureau and il the IBIlt 69c and . . , ...... . .. .... .. . . chin .. and are hermeti cally Haled at (Contin ued on page 4) demona tratlon that will be ,ivell, the rate of onl hundre d and thirty --Boys' Shirt!!, collars attach ed, a minute . While Jesse Burton, the popular cans Tbe men were 10 well pleased with ________________________ in all colors , 98c and .. . ..... . _• ' electric ian and Dlumber, wu work- every operatio n, tbey were anxiou. : ing a week ago, be hit his knee, and to eat IIOme of the goodl the, Boys' and Girls' Hose, were Ias a resu 1t he is abou.t laid ' up from to lell, and to their comple aU co'on 25c and . .. : ...... . . te sur· • I the injury. He tbin:ks he IBgettin&, priae they were taken to the com• Ibetter, but the wound Kiv.. him pany'l newly equippe d rt!l!taurant, Girls' Gingb am Wasb Dressts, conaiderable where the real Koodl they were .to Special Prices, 9& up to, .. , . . • I Howard Burton, s()n of Mr. aDd 1811 wu I1pread In abunda nce. ., Mrs J . W. Burton, W'88 badly cut on Before leavinlr, eacb sahnma n u· top of his head lut w,e ek wblle bang- lUred the manlee ment that It 3013}2, $13.50 would ling tobacco. A tobacco .Uck fell be n~7 for tbe Eavey compan J and made an Dilly cut on hla 1IC11lp, to IDCreue Ita purcbu , of com, which require d l1everal ,Utchell, He wblcb II already a large percent age ~chool 30X3]1, $13.50 . is at work alain. ' of III total. pack. Mrs. B. T. Vice, of Daylon, wu. Special prizel for Farm Bureau , recent IlUeBt here of relati". .. llranlCe, BOY8' and Girl.' work. Get in line tor a prize. Plentv of .ood mUllc and a barrel of fun at Phillips park Labor Day. Mr and Mn. John Reese, of Dayton, llpent Sunday with Jas. H. Elmer Stanabe rry, of Dayton, Curtis and famil,. apent lut week wlt'l relatlve l here. Mra Laura Moaher ie spendin g Meet your friend. at the Warren the week In the country . the guest County fair and have a Irood time. of Ronald Hawke alld family.


------.. ...------



. I


.- .


.. .








35c $195

Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.

Bo ys' an d Gi rls ' Sc ho ol Sh oes Special Prices, on all Shoes Sc ho ol S~pplies

5e TUiets .3 for 10e

Ke lly Sp rin gfi eld Co rds


lOcoTablets • 3 for 25c ' 5e PencilS 3 for iOe

---.... ..---





1. The R3tary club, of Lebanon, wili

The Granae ud Comme reial club will· bold thelr plcilio at · Pbllllpe' park Friday, Aqurt .ll. :~e pnera! commit te ftOlD the two .chllll ba•• conter nd teptbe r, aad til., baYe made aut a Ille propam fC!l'

OroSI bats with tbe Commercial club

WaYD.viDe, Ohio



Co op er Co rd. 'F i_l ey ' Co rds :

ithlaev enlng,a tPbilllp epark. Alter the pme there will be an-entertainment for. little wbUe. ancI • a ,water melen ',,-, A,II Com~a1

CIUb melD"&0 "',come. with Chelr aN Invlwci

'.30x3}2, $12.50

_l8IIba.......fora-t .....

famUI., W. tile att.nooD. Dem't

FIDley Tu bes .. 30x372, $1.75 Sp otH . ab.t.S, .


1'___ _____

tile r.

Phone 17 ~



"An II ndi'l'!! rnn,lIn!: ?" Rllrl'rl~e.

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All rI gh t , I'll "'li lt, hili ·.'" ~ t rh \! ~ 'tnll' ~ I ~' o n'lI II" j U<1 whnr 1 te ll Y" u f,'. Sit ,tI ,lw n thun' 01 11 t h nt log . Y II U hpn r 1Ilt'1




~I II n ' l l nt "


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" I S\lTe like YOllr ner ve, Uttl e gIrl," a II tlie cntr h III the ' olce, but Cl 8 In· he admitted IIdmlrln I. " No I II I(!n 't IItlln lly cll't ,>r mln ln" f" 11'11 t he truth, g)'t b t ' I nn el fh ll H Irll r n, Ir p,"" It"~ , h Is pu r· come usc tly t or th R . U W lnte l" 4?'r ,. brouKht me I've changed m)' mIn d, pose, ot " hil t :r Oil httpnd t o tdn ,vllh We'll let Ihlngs flO on Jos t a s they fire In l'. I - I t'unn " l C. ntl nu e 0 beu r .t prelent, I reck·on. B ot d on' t )'ou thl nlZ~ n e t h~ .•· n rc'," ""·h y, t h '.\' ure not "0 h Rd , orp . e ver Imagine I a m vl R11nl wIth YOII ; t h ey?" h,' n. kl',1 pro,·oklng ly. bllt 1ft ..· don't ~unt for mu ch ou t here, mnkl n ,~ n o £tn'0 rt tn tHI\"a n c p. "Th i s Is I later, an' .... b a t I III)' goes." fh e snm e rn nr h to wh l"' , ~' ou "lime She w ntcb ed blm as be tu rn ed nnrt _o lu nt fl r l1 y; I hnVt"l H o t Ctl t dU WD your weot out t he door , hl'r hand s ch'nch,' d, \\'0 111'1', II n(1 tI ,p f" nll. nntl nil I hnt , I ~ • waTe of Intenle b atred sor~ln/l o" cr j u s t IHe ~onil . n n yuu lIIC1ln yo u tl on '( b~. Yet In a n olber moment shr hod lik e It h pre' li n.\' 10n l1O' r 1" ronqucr ed lIeflelt, lin d moved Qu l c t l~' "I rert lll ll ly rln not nnlle r the cl r · bll ck to t b. ,Ide of the hed on wh ich ~ Dl H t ll nc(, 9 . I am n 10ll ge r here of b er patient 1117 lobb Ing, She ben l my own fr .. e will ." a bon tbe dIItreaaed woma n. "Oh, Is thn t It ?· Well, v e rhuvs we "B . Ie WOr1!9 even than .I tbougbt," ca n r ptn l'd.., thot Irouhl... S It down lIbe 1II1d, unable wholl". t o hIde her th er e u~11l whil e w" t ulk It over," tultr8la. "Whllt cauled blm to come "I pre '~ r t o s tunll." 111 ber e, ~o YOIl ItIPPOlle '" "All right th CII , onl y It nln ' t gol n!! "He c am e to IIBnd lIIe a way ," lin· to do you no good t o be omah ahout ewered , the other clll!olDr th e I lrl'e It. I'l l tell you Ihnt ot the "Inrt. You ... " h ands. '11 k nel!' It woulO not be long; ought t o kn o ,~ by th is tl tnp th ut I be hBl dis liked m e al woYII." aIn't tI,l' pluylng sort . Fou nd any \voy "Send ),011 a"l'1lY I Wby, )'00 w e r e t o Ipl\vo r e t? J rc k on not, or you hi. ' a thel's wlte. Even It t bere wa s w ou ldn't be here. Well, th a t les",IU no will you mult have dow er r ight. ou!:ht fO men n Rnm t't hlu ~ to you, I'l'e III. tbe a tllte. 8un!I)" t ba t III the law ," left yon n lone for th r ee days n o'v, j ll st "I-~ do not Imow,n wearfly. '-Tom to let It sink In.'' n ever explained anytblng to me, bu t"" 'hilt I coul d not escape frO ID h ere but I IIID IIffaJd of Bob Me aler, Don't with out 8 ~811! I a n c e?" CroIII blm; don't a nger h im. Be Is daligeroo.. and I am afraid of him, for " Sure ; th ere OID' t no WII)' t or a ),our Bake III wall aa m, own." womu n-o l en,ie rfool - to J:ct a cross "Whll t do r oo want me l O do?" the th nt desert wI th out h elp of s nme k Ind, gtrl qUeBtloned , Influen ced by t he lind u horse, I rl!<'kon you lire smn rt tImidity of the other, "Let t hat benst enough t o know thll t. It \\'IlS mostl y have .hll own wa y w ith meT' on you r IIccount r s ent them old " No-no, not tha t. But-but treat IlU llchers nwny, li n ' got 0 lot 0' Mex him fa llly,' Mill Meredith. Be w ill In to ride herd, on' do whatever odd not al";'YI be III be 18 today. AI be j oh8 we re n ee<letl , T h e re nln't no• • Id, )'OU CBllDot /lgbt or run awny. body roun ll w h o cll res B whoop In h- I All dependl on ",Inning bls fa vor, w hnt h n ll pens , You better let t hnt TIlen.lOmeUme there will be a chnnce. lInnk In, tllO, Onrt of nIl. Then It w Ill We mUtt wait 'aDd wntcb, u ntil he Ie ~~f ~:~.~~: I'~or 118 to come t o un under· In a, )]Iood to let UI b oth go. But If there ...111 a wa, fo r you to .. cape. alone, you coul~ 1I0t lea ve ml b.,. In, h" power." "You fur blm Uke tha tr' "It I lIland between the man a nd t!Ila fortune hll fllther lett, my lite , II wortll notblnr-I know thnt." ~ud Deborah Meredith, lookln. dowIl' into tbe wblt. face lying on the 1II110w. mad. ber chOice.

Quick Ho.nger- I n a n cmeTaenC'V a ne",sl'aper ro l1~ d up t igh t aDd tied in Ihe CCD :c.r ~; th a loo p to ha n" up by mn kes a l{ood su b5ti tu ~ w r a ,I re ~ s h a nll!n ,

• • •

M eat~ 1 lid you kno,w t!lIlt ;Yo1per

w il l.

I li ke )'lInr d- n ner,,!,. hut ""u' ll II n.1

RJ: O I ,IIIln' t ... ,,('n ~n",," , ''' n " ' I >I\~1. I1 l1 t uft l' r w" hurl thll l II ttl r ' Cll n.'9 ", ~etJlt'r lh e oth ,' r "".1 III till' "'d III" .I·'s r"o,o, I IIIl1d e III) '".\' ,, ,In.1 Ihllt I WI1 S Ilo lug 10 g h ' p yo u n h'~S(l n o You dJ lln' t like IIlI', rll rl y ou ?" li p . 11I1'I'P<1, hUI .1,1' cll rt nnt II n8wer, IIlI h" " l1h h"r e) PS ,11 .' 1 hi' " I\'n . "C,'me 'n n ! IlI lk III' , I kn,)w ,·o u " " Io't : hut I wo ut to Ilpur yu u BUy ; .. ," .. "It ('C rI ~'ln l y Is t~u , :, , ~ ure II ~ IrU t. " h) In h -. I ~houl " n t • h l I d fl I I It Ill'. 'I' e o " mlt n ,n I.... yo u tull - " "Your f nt he r nA" c r nn re ' rok ~ of )'ou to Ill " ." '"rhen my p rec ious s t!'pM,other dill." "Only In rupl, to somo QUelltlo~ h il t np"' ('rlh~l es s, r l!n~w . It It Is n e~ . . ·:-:-.u rO J [ p r HI e t o Il HSW r r , I \\'111- 1 UO n ll { Il kl' you, B uh ~h!R l(e r: '

'1'1,(' IllIlIl !irl n n ~ d II hu os t cheerf ull)" " ,;"me r.. ll nw8 mIg h t ~ e t mo,' li t thnt, hut I (Ion 't. J rnther l'njoy It . \ \'"' lI y ? l h 'cam;e l ive ~lIt . you w il l'r. II dllu ' r nmk ' II ny d - u dI ffer uee. 1 'h u l ':-; wh y. As l uo J! 1t 8 I w a nt you,

[' m 110lng to hll VII yo u. [ <l lIn 't ,'u r.' wl ," t )' 0)1 thInk 0 ' lII e . Ll k..ry I' m o,'('n worfi C t hu n tI,ut ; but fro m t he OrHt m ili ta t e I 8 ~4:.n y uu In thut white II 11 trorlll , [ III II de II I' my mInd you wus th E' 1(1 1'1 I "' tl n led; un d I 1lI11,le " l' my IIIln d, ((l0, tiln t It WII SII't . ll ny u sc ot n,), tryIng t o llI ak e to n ! to ),oll- nnt II II- n !>It. Y ou'd JURt Inu l1h nt thll t , So I went t o work nnd fl h'U r e<I out n n4 't ht-r wuy." " 1'0 grt TIl e ?" In ),!f nw l n g h u rror . "'ro ge t 11l(' 7 F or wh ul?" "Oh, It's 11 11 going t o h p hono m hle, "0 don't lot thnl wor ry you now, Th Is Is golllg to he II sClunre deli i. un ly I IIIHld le th e cnrlls-l'<!e ? The Ors t t h Ing I hull to rIo was to build n hog· l Ight rence uround li ds rnnch, 80 r ou ~o lllel n' t I1l't OUI. I nln't " t't'n hOlh or· I n ~ ),011 ony lII ell nw hll p. 1 haln ' t sroken to Yl)" "IOl'e Ihnt t1"~ 1 lIm e, T he re wu so' r 0 ( 1 U ~e. I sow In you r ey e whll t ~o rt 0 ' girl yoU w ~s, nn ll JIISt nhout \\ hil t you 111l' ught 0 ' lU I'. 'I \ut I' d made my m Ind wllllt J \\'fi 8 nft er, nn d 110 '" I ""li S' goin g to get It. I clld n' t hll" e IIn y not l" n ot 'oml ng to yuu li gnin unfll J h ucl tb e cnrtls st llcked-

G rease


S ~)() t-T" r e m o l'~

"In wh u t wny do

:>. .pot H"b the

... .

w ily to do It.

know you u re



CHAPTER II .......r etatu Hla ~Ian. It wu the memory ot this !lcen_ ber promlM to Hra. Mealer, and ber 41I11te of Bob Meagel'-whlch lett the IIrl unoble"ant of the desert view outlPNad below, and thou ghtl ess ot ~ ~DdIDI IIlabt. Sbe had lOui ht t!Ila lpot to be "ODe. to escape any poulblllt7 of eDeaUnlerIDi Bob, and to tnnl o"r once more In ber mind the ~ndlUoDI wbleb blld mllde her v1rtQlIlI)' a prtlOner. Tbe re bad b een lin .. p ......on In the m an's e)'u tbat had trI&htened ber more than s be would neD cOllfea8 to heraelf-an In· 80Imt boldneaa, II snearlnl domlJlllnce wbl~h baunted b er memory with Its l1nJ.ter threat. H e wal plaJlIll with II.. as a cat plays wIth II mOllse, bId· ~ tha prop,e r ti me to !trtlte. He ~ hi rould aftord te walt : that Ilhe

HE CREAT era of railroad prollreu In the United State..... the period p r ior to the deve I opm en ! or regula tion In III Rlanlfold e r n for m. , " R eg ula tion with t .,.,iI ," h ad its _I .... In thtl e arly part of th e prelont century, Before tha t ti m e> the r a ilroa da we re conapicuous a l le ader. of the cou ntry' . advancem ent. The y ke pt n o t m erely a bre a.t but a h ead 01 th e n ation'. n e ed . a nd h ad a reaerve c apadty to t ake enre of boom period. and extra ord In a ry dem a n d.,

• • •


SI~ce t 'h e a d ven t o f "toothed"

Hot T~n or C otlee Stain s- Soak th e s taine 4 fahri c in col d WOlle r. Let it r~tn ai n about twe n ty min IIt S, th en wri n lr o ut a nd p our a fe w drops of gl y ~e rin e on ~ ~ " h ~ taiu , A h er it has s loa n scvenll hour s w3!l h \ t- 11 w i tr. 1'("11(1 w n ~f"· ;w t} 0


nol. 3f uybll you 'IIIn·t JIISt .," el s trnlght? Well, IISIl'n. JII th e flrst pl nce 1 a m Boh M e n~p r, nn d, 1 reckon, you npver h eR rd nnlhln ' " cry sort nhout rue. Jl' e oren y Generull y known a roun d hore 't hn t I a m • h e-IIIl1 n , li n" fhll t [ nsuall y get whnt J go arter, YOII kn ow tll ot , don't you 7" " 1- 1 hn,'e hell r d ot your ru ethod_ yes." "I thou ght most II II:ely you hnd. Well, th nt 's one poInt, Th. second p"lnt Is, I'm tJle reu l boss of th1l ru nch: It's mIne, ond r ve got tbe let·


ada, PIIDed without wltllesa· dlan,e In the personne l or the ranch. She wight not have Ob 8 ll r v e~ ,thlI, bat for her own personal 8U8pl· clOII. Old Tom Meager would n e,'er 1ltDp1., a MexI~.n 00 t he place, n or tnJt tJMm ; but now, one by one, the old handl dlll8pp eared. whil e swart hy· iklnnecf riders app eared mr s ter lou 61y to talIe tbeir place.. W IthIn six dll,l the transformation w ns ·practl · cally eomplet e, and Bob Meuger " 'US I UrroUl\cted b)' th olll of his own kI n d. CNlhre.t of hll wtll, denIzens of th nt wer1d be knew but. Thle ch ange was, to Deborab'. mind, ominous ot ev il; It Increllled her fear, li nd r end ered tUO ... "dl&<N1t an)' poealblll17 ot escape. 'llI. wll1la doled btl!' mora tightl y III. What did this m an plaa to tl o wl lh har! TIle question could not be Rn· IIwered; lb. coold onl". .... It t earfully for hie a ctioDII to mnlle r ('IlI"., Ye t It mUit be . .. 11; s he rou ld conceIve noth .... elle In Bob 'M eal er 'l h enri, Ber though t wall aot w ith lh c wild deaert .cene outstr etched bet ore h er, o r tha beauty of t hllt red 8uwiet be· h lll4 thoee t a r· 011' peaks, She Will not _ coni doul of ~r more Immedi ate _!'NUlllngl , remlllnini totally obllv· . . to the IOlIt a r, horseman, ap~ ~ I a1011l tbe borel, dl_ mlbl e tnIl altlrtlD( t he ectae of the mesa. 'Ih f~Or.e ,... IDnlac Ilowly, wIt h , ....rt17 droopll1l b ead, .nd on the ..nd die boof. w ade no ~.t to dllturb her. Jf 1I' GII .. til. ftt~er of the d lllPllrral



W _ m


Ii• !' '

Ii I~ ·, . _.



Th e St a ndard Railroad of rhe World




Terry . CilkiaoD AUTO CAS TU


ep We,04T WITH THI .... IOOW

FOQ T£N 'feA~'i - 104& PICttoI'T

PROf'O<i& ~ H~ BI!('''Uti. 'ill! HAP .M(WI!",. oH,Nol IT WN;

8 F. ('IWS'E (.If: "I~'T ~WI!

" · 11 0 1'\0(' 1"

1I"':~ ' II' , ·.t1\O


w ll\l l~1



I .. ' a ' · rt ' ll h II" '" ltll.! 0 ~ tI 11: 1'0\ .' d 1I1 11!t\ r •


Pyt' -t on t h ~ 11 II4.'Jl llI g- t h r lluj.!h lh t, dlllflltrr n) h'n !l lnL! t ow llre! tl ll' h u u "'~ f li p Irn l1 1I )lIn ,;r w h l d l fl uh M ,"u J,:- ,'r h url 1)1 14 11 p r '''tI rt'(1. l'1t,> fl lI1!H f (1 1h n \' h im : t liPrt"' W ll ~ n\lwl wr~ plSl' f or h pr t n s;: no

!<h ,' 11111 "1 r" r r Ihl. Ihlll l1 nl onc, wllh n ll

h o r~ e ,

li n" . 1", "ttI" II t he re, trc ml>lInlol In e,'ery "," h, lIa he ,'unls hed arul,l t h p ~hll (\ ow •. Sh e un rlersl"ocl nnw, elenrly , cle"· ('ulll'ct

o8 •

N , l tll~ !lunl/ b t ,

,J uh n Hllr bl u 9, All en Builtllll K, Xe Di" O h Io. 6 · ~ ,~ ~


Farmers, . Attention!

0 1 "eonrl u g I·be ,BID" il very r eBso n.

U l lt) n

to tU Cl·. II<,h M('IIl:t' r hll<l nOf mllu'.',1 hi s worlls , or Idt Il n ythln g tn 1111111:1. nnt!tlll. II " hu,1 I'llI nned thl M (\(!IIII· era 1£'1),: In ('oltl b l""II, ,in ll he IILI,I the Will , n nll, I' e r lt n l '~ ' t h ~ 1 10 w ~ r, t o cur ry It out. At IIl's t ~he wo s In " whlt c Onme of 1II1I1 I(nnl1 011 : sh e H l'1I 11III gI,ed hysler· It I... ll ly Itt Ih p f.' I1"",' s t hrc llt. J,-eel ll t"d pre po~ tt' rIHl!\ , ahslIrct It drtt1l "l

nf ,1 .. Ilr1um. Mnrr)' hlul !, M " IT~' Ih ot c1egl'nl'rll t e hrll le ! W hy, s he wotl" l rnt h" r rile a hun.lretl (1(- AtI .. th un IUlI'e h im e,',' n ,"l1 r h IlI'r. He wns II f nul , b r u t" 1 t'ur ! '\' t.'t P\'en Jl~ ~ h e ren ll zcd t hi s, shrln k lnl( In lerrll r f", nll a n y I' ..s· s Ib il' "nn tBl't w ith hIm, lI ,e r!' arose In p f f llu r , a grim , pcr


sl stl'lll r('Ur . hp (',," Ir1 not ""nq ul'r, H e W IIS ru th loMB, Ulprl'l les". It be tn,l y d e~ lr," 1 I, er. 'ni,t h ln ~ would be p" r ml ert',1 ttl " tnnd III his WilY . He h Ufl nllt hceo ,Irlllking when h e tn lked with I...r ; h e hll ,1 s p"ken soiJ erl)' "n,1 wllh tllll knowlelh:c 01 wh nt he MId , F lc nc1ls h " " It WII '. he hnd 8cted de · IIbernt ely unt! III cold blood. 1, ,8 1 mude It 011 th l! OIore dong ero lls , for he woulel li kely d rInk now li nd b~ " nm e " n utt er n"I>!!. WithIn nn !tour he woul d bp ruglng <lrunk, c lllll\ble ot An y Indlplty, nny wild nct, A brut e Silbe r, he b"l'nme R '''!lUOII drunk. And s lle m tl~ t fucl' It- n Inne! ThIs was th e ('" m 'letlon thut . loll'ly t ook full po~ses S l o n ot her mln<l, H I ~ t hrent W il li not n n Idle ODe. H e could tum cont emptu ously aWII)' nnd lellve hel' t herf', completely conflu ent t hn t 8he coulcl nnt pscnpe. Tl u' re wos n o spot of 8nfO' t)' t n whlr h s he could fl y, no f ri end to whom she coul d npllenl, S he IlA zed h O[lel e~" ' y out Into th e blu r k void ; nnt n IIlI:ht g leurn ell nny· wh ere except fr om tllo!e <lls ta nt stars o\'e rhend, Th ere wu8 but on e way lel1 rlln g nc r088 t hot ex panse, the s In gle trnll r'nnne ctln il with the noss throUKh

th ~

tl t' Sll tl fll l l"'

en tlru K~

Rill' l'o llhJ

1tl 1l !ot1t"I' o If tl l '~ W (W~t l' al1 W si l l" mu s l ft ct. " w l ft l ~', rle<'I. \I',' ly - O'",'n tn k'lI· i n..: th e ItHHl!oltt' r . T lw r~ "'li S no otll(lor


Money to Loan on Farms at 51 per cent for five years. T ER~ELL &


Wilmington, 0., pbone 301.

<,hoke IH t . n o oth r r pO"slhlll t)' of Hilt w lh' rf' ('H u 1t1 s h e' I' ro t' lI r~ n w(' upnn ? ,11(' p n ~.s C' ~s (},d 1I0ne or h (l' r ow n : h ll d n~ \· f' r dr('n l1l l 'd tlf II w nl n ~ t'S t'UP ,:l


"ul' h n Ihlnl'( ,


('our d

pn ~ l1 r



Ih".\' wen' pl en ll fu l

f'n f1 l1l!h nholl t fli p rttnt'll .

Rurel y on,·

~ (I(' lI rfl r1 ,

11I' llPlI",1 hy thIs Ih ll ul1h f of "elf· rr allz ln): (' I.. "rl), chnt -I)c "IIul ,' t u,'n n" ",I', r r(' r ls l' wIth II nr h.,I'"


, l l' r,' n.~ ,


OUSE of I; r OOm8: al eolrlo USb'l

w a ,e r, IlI1 In good oondtUon • or I)"rupl n g tla ts Ilpl\l t nl f' flt : t hnt ~ h ~ ('oul ,1 nplfh r r 11('(' Ih l' pl nce nor fin d I n qol re ur iju81ln WrllhC, W.ynee. llil 1ll'4" I!'\run cp. J)('hl lru h, th e color h l}:h In v lllil. O h io, hC'r t'I ,{'tJks , hp r lip" Onu lr pre88ud In fl t-u"" m lnn t Inn .

rlll\' lln l' efi

r PMolult'ly

Ihroug h t h!' ol nrkm'. s towurl l the huu ",·. ~ h e "'''ltld ,Iefend ,herself Of a ll hllzu n ls: Iwrorc ~ h l! wo uld su hntlt I n Ihllt h rult' ~hr woul d s hol't to k il l. Th e . Ol eon nr lh e home rl1O('h ",pre r "III ~ ntl )' II I ~ u llll e r , the hll; ,lIn ltllr·' hnll ",>111", lI ",hll''' , li nd , n~ . he 8I1 pp"" pnsl tIl(' UlI sllllllecl \\,ln, lows , Alw hnd ~ II'"\ls e of th e f pll nws wll hln lind lH'urcl I h t~l r 1't,l c e~ c 'lII \' er~ l n l( lou dly In. Spllnl sh . Th e ~' we re n mol ley hllnt'l" s"I1,'.'ely n fn r e clown Ih e lonl( I" hlp th ll l wn. n" t ',,' clolls nn tl d~ w u\'C(I- th,' "" um nr MI'Klco, tho mil· Jurll ), exhll ,lIl nl1 Indlun blood. They were n IIt'l' 'I UU8 gll ng of M, m UII S, In· d ~c, I, wurth)' of their moster, und th e gIrl cr ,' pt II WOY , gll1<1 t n cecupe th e Roun d IIf tl, plr vokes. T h .. re was II s lnl( le clll n ligh t hu rnlnj{ In the b unk· house, hut nu HIKn of nny occllpa nt. Un dlJuht edly e ''tlr~ bun d on tbe p laee wnR Jl t supper, nnd no I)clte r 0llpor· ttllllt y coult! he roun ll In whI ch to seek for IlDd a llllropriute .'Orne foriot.



TO BUY-Abou' 3000

T OhllOOO ~'10_8 . InqUIre. of O . A t:l~ " l ohn, R 0 , 5. Wllyuesvllle,


O h io.

'l'RU OKING or an _111111, FURD done reuo Dable prtcM . Call IIC

Vllrn B OUlh, phone 73- 4, WaYPH-


ville, OhiO.


ten wenpon. She ac1 vnncec1 cnil tlollsly, OST -Around or near Wayns.. IIstpn lnl1 Intl'ntly t or uny sOllnd, ellger v Ille, AOf(nl' 7, IAn anto LloenM to Il ccnmpllsh he r object , Once armed, Tag N o. 799,725, l!' luder 1l1e.M elle wou ld reel 1II0re cOll lldent ; the lene li t tbla olBoo , iii "ery tuuch of a weull olI In her h und wou ltl brllll: her r enewed c:o urolre. OijT-1l Pair of Gold.Rlmmed (TO be con&lnuedl GI1I8sea In LeYon'r. Il•••. II'lDder pllll\le leave a& lhl. olBae. 15


.- .

A .... old MI:;l:n oers:a ndlngl , n o nu' 1111 , \I a Irh' lu l I1Il s under8 l n ll clln ~


\\ l l l l l ' "


h lm'Mo m s -o f

sprlnJ,:. whl ('h " n, ·,' pili fllr l II utilI bli ght· ed l'ann ot hI"' "I' J,," wt-tl.-Dlckcns.


WHERE TO DEAL IN DAYTON , ,,5.0 B~~~a~~~eo~~tl~:~::~elP'~::

•••••••• ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••••••••••••••• ,

r:::-::::-------------------.,...-.:...-....-~:·~\ THE MUTUAL HOME aDd SAVINGS ASSOCIATION

"Now Do You Get the Picture?"

r ailro a d i n g.

Pen nsylvani'a R~ilroad System V

" : " 1'




Thc ,'., I. only on e . e rned".- to " ttmet more cnpit a l Into the ra il : oad a. The r e i. onl y one .ound w ay to brin g t h n t a bout- to make Tnill'oadln ll a p r ofitable indul try o n ce m o r e . Ab i lily to ell rn profit. i. the o n l y bn al. o f c r ed it in any b u r,ineSll- lnc!udin g the bul lne .. of




t lt t' llI ~

III H I.,..\"

ON ~ Y

od o n . ,ook, M Oh llt.t ui",L unn ,1180 s eco nd m o r'gfltl

, Ill' ,lrI ,·k n.," • . III' r hrlnds !!Mr l,NI. hrr

II I' tllrnl!c1 , uncI II' nlkr cl bnck to hI_

!il'n ~l\


w h l u ' IIllI n !t' f' t (I n 1114'


parnl yz,'(t , s tnrlng' hlll1 th r oll g l l th e J,!ll llwrill K tlnr-k.-

he-r II1 ll1d n


1' 1"' 1"--

\ \On,; t lw r r't' I 1'J1 I1 Re o r hn r .. bin, \br ou l( b T ho F dd Land IIrt ' uh,r. ,wn o Blink. For Inr ~ h e . Inforwa\lon Oftll 1'\n, t h f"rp \\"1I ~ II hRol u t el y n l) On (' 1 / , lI n or u dtl ru 88 M. D RAKE, Treas . ,,'ly 11 p ll II hut h l' r :-l ('l f . .A n tl wh u l orer, p houo 31 ~-X, l.eUan o D, O h io . (' " " Id ,:.h p 'In ? Tilli g'l r l tl t n n l' u p h i

~· Il U

sh ~ Wll ~

Oil l"

Il t ' IO \O II U ~

~1.,\· III t:' ( 1

nU f' I,v. J us t "' h ut


~ tl ' p l'Oo n

It II."


t il

IIth l' l' ',I nt!

It ntl )/., on hnck t o , he huuse. Wh~n I 8.,n.1 for you, :YOtl loutl l!J' come ; th " t'8

• • •

ment to cove r r .. ne n tal a ge n c ieat hl. c o n d ition h a D been . t e a d ll y IIlterl n g a nd h D O fin a lly bt,c,n eo m F"otely revereed , Today the c.paci t yof tho railroad . lu g. be hind the nation '. n eeda--c: h eckin g inat oad of fa c ilitatinp.,. gene ral progre... In lat e yean the gap h aa ~n Ine reaacd to a m a rked d e i re<>.

Not lnI a


W JI !iO

'ltt hf' dn'llI tl .. tnlH'I "~ o An .1 ~ I .. ,... ~ t l 'I1~ I ' r ~" Hm tlr" o f W l1 rr on au d a d j oln lug WHI1 111 n rll " hn'u k ,11l,," n li n" r- r r : II n o co u o tl e~ OIl\y o b tai n m ouey o n IOI'i th ' r no (· . lfld ltll . n ~ "H Uitt .sl u"' h (l or ' h t' t.!UlO 10l1n s, I" 5'y' '% tnl e rlll' , tJo~ ' !' 1 1L:- I l l(1 ~ t )of'I"\°I, '(', h pl' l r-rr ,ir nr It f'r

" ( a ln' t Kul n lot t o t ll ll C'h you n ow," h t' W(' Ot un Rullpu l y, Itn l!t'r(lu b y h l' r 81· h' n,'e. " II UI you JUMt thI n k \I o" pr,

reg lli a t i on -v~ leh r e a ll y menn o the tra n . fer or the powe n . of mana e-

was .ull'l)' .. hll power, HIs 'ft"' 1OeDe. ..d alootoclII lDcreused her 1I1UlD, bel' drelld ot the mor ro w.

t hL

!ol 111 ~ l p

ht" \\1If: , IIi' WOIlIt! t Urt' " f ~tt . : "': t ·r· '"

n t 'S~ .

- 1 f n il e w i"h e , to cl t"Uil tl'c ir pa r..: h mc llt l )lwp fJ h .. rl ..,~ ta k t> .l Tl V }to d p ol i~hi tl fl ~rr am :l.'ld I,: l t it an a 80 rt c1o~ :I, . R ub iii. Sll ta l1 il ftorf of t he Shdcll a n d t hcu rll n o ff \'.>i lh A J n o i ~ t cl o th . 'Rcpc;. t thi s mlli l ti le s hari c hal be e n g O Ut' o ver o You



P ll t

III IIC I t" n n Hlff'llIp t to m n\"(~ or t o

:l lw uk : sh p


Railroad Progress In the T United moo States

hl ~

bl'u Cl' 1111 Ullt! I[,' t rO'IIIIy."



11 II

An d tI H'r.-·

t n h , l r J..n p w h ' tI ·:,,'; 11 f1 1 ' til .tlll /·I'r or 111f' III\\" n ' \lI rP I' 111:' 11 !'\ ' I ~ lI ItoR o T ill ' JII .. l k " n( th l' I lI ' un' \\ 11., " 11 :-0 ("1Jl l l n J!

t en ,,'clo ck n Ju . tl ce of t Ilt' !,PII ('>' I ~ gol n" t n ,Irl,'e In I"' r~ t o 11o "I' ch.! bll "I II "~s for UR, Th ll l'S why I' m It'l l, In jl y ou

p,·,,' n"

1 ' ~rH tj '

f",,1 Ill'fco re ."

ain't 1l11: s OIll l"l tll e tJl'l we t'll n nw un ll

C lean tng P L lU.l;> S h"d~ .

" And-l1 nll now you- yo u nr e rendy to plu y, lind hn " e come?" "Correct. I call't lose. Yo u got to dn w luu l ~ nv. ", Iwth er you li ke It or

npt n

lI e n~r

pil ~ tJ ) o r1l' nl p nT

"n rll l' t o h tft l w H it r ' · P I, .l :ll'I ll'f:

tl'lI r!~.

t)fh er I hln/: ~ 1 /:n( a mn _I'III I(" 11 (· ~ n"e . II'I righ t l, pre In IIty p or'kl'l, "n' th e Dumps wrltt t' n in It Int' 'HHhr rt ~h·,, · Krr alHI n olllll'lI h )I ~ r~dl lh.' .~ml Ihnt

D yeing- N . l< f time when dyei "if ... ith . a cake va r i ~ ty of ,t ~ e , \,,~ a l o:or . haker as seive. It k rr l,' ,II " tl i"o " 'rt! PQ r tidc ~ of dy e fro III ' 1' _'1t in!,! thc .:lo th es. :)11" " t;"1'! AI" j pr.1le cts the hnnds 1;0!11 ciy e ''','' h oI wa te r. '

~eer '





(" ~".t p."--f'lf

voice IlIIrd.'nln g. " n"I 'II U ~ I' yil t! wIll hn" e no chAn('E'. It Is nlll " lng t o me wh ethl' r yo u HUY yeM or n il. I b.'cn dOWD In Noglll'" t otl ",)' , flU' am oD&

• • •


th f' r (t n n ,y n t h l' I' h il t'£' n f 10 nplII'lI t t il Hnh lI f l'ItJ.,:'f'r won ld II t·, ·"111 , p H..: II nl\th l n ~. S I H~ kn o w tilt' lin ..;" t l i'Hrt or t ht"' II l all n ll w If ~ h " ' W \ ' t ' r huet h i'fol'f' : III' \\' fl uld p n l ~· l ul1;:II, wl " ' I II. ' r ," .-t.

In tld " world .

fl co\l n tl rf'o l, hil t I II

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uNn, n nrt )"nu n e n . ' r will u J.,:u ln, "

scra td, in g I niil t c be ~ , \...-.11 d i~i\p ~u: f'.r If rn blocd wit h a cut lem un.



t holl gh t yu u were

f~ w

w ill fi nd th a t your sha d. rl' llI" in. cl enn for a Iiong whil e,

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" Mllr ry Yllu ?

• • •

I' " t~ ilt \\·;11 I i ., .

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Now l ' lll fl".lll ly t n (Hlk

lIlt ~ "'l' tl n l1

age, ",'en

S crat eh.1 - [Ji sfi l; lI dng o n w ood ....·o:--k t m:-t"! c h y


Tn')l u n or n tlt lllw - ll l1 t


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husi n .., . . lI nw I. ' It, ttl Y lu,ly? t o h e nll-t· uhfl ut tt or'

or ue

• • •

m a l ks


kIlOW U t n ti l ls )l1I1 1i wn !" hui! U'll v, ' II'd

fl u"' only (HU" ~ h ,' ("" ·,'r A n d it n4' \·p r r oul41 Iw t rjl \" t!' r s\,,1 IIl " nl '

he (' rll lo'II ,'or ",1 t o rol :}' hc ,' c'out··

Varnish Stain - . A \' ~ rui.h s h ~lIa( SpOI o n dO I~illK may rrmo vcd wit h alco huL


yO t1 -~"H\ e?

(.,,, ,.... \

rn l Jl h t. or i · lltl~ t\ I", ntlll.'fR-

n" lI uo tllt' ItrAI tim e I MUW yu unut I yuu' re ,'x 'H·tl)· m)' sfy le. kn o,," '(\ tl ,e n tlll're wlI>n ' l but .me


To Sour Milk- If de s!r,,, .,, l ourin \! .• onle milk juSI a"'l • dro ps o f "i n ," ~ a r .

til(> mnUUnl IO r'IlIl.\'n n III'y .m:r.

)"(111 lII l'u n ? "

"lI on ' n' l yn u got tlo l' 1,ll'lI yd? J:u lng to mu r ry

Rlhninatin.(l Mothe- - lf h.w e no "nil ., , (' '; nk l. vOll r d Nh. in l! wi,h IlIr pcn till t . "I'he fDO ';" wi)) n o t CO Ule lI ear theIn,


We fin d that the Classified Ad . co't umns in the Miami Gazette are " sure pullers." Try it, YO ll will fi nd it so,

t it he hp ~s : I ~ I\ W tlilit fr ont \·ll,·y tl l"!"t. II n ~1 U nit 's w hn t tlII ~ [lI ell l\~ n o w ; I'ru Il, d lq.: 10 h ' t h f\ lUle:'

• •

• • •

Our P age has this to say-

hn~ ~o t

. Coo king Egga·-A ' poo n fll l of flo ur a dded to the i rcasc in whic h ~It' !'!' arc to U~ frito<l will (' Tntll t th ~rn from st ic kin g as weU a!t brea k.. lll K.




01 ~ reas c fr 'J tIl ,."Upu pcr . pillc e with:>. v ir <.c o f flan nel d~o ~­ <oed w ith a l o h ol.

wuy ror

"No," tlh., s nld fr'tln kly, "I lere >1'8 no "th"r cours e p08811110." "Which IIICIU1S ' you lion', lIke me at .. 11 ?" " It n]l'lI 118 1111 or thul, fi nd more, Ho!) MI'ltl;cr. I ,10 not b elle ",) I e "e r d e· sp l ~~ d oDy"np ~o 111\1 II In my IIrll ns ' 1 do 'you , I dlSllk ()d yon berore 1 e " er IIU W you; now J hute Ihe vp ry grounll you wnlk on, II nve yon IIny UMe for ml' ufter t hut?" " You Ju ~ t bl't [ hnv e," h .. ·. j(: rlutl c ... "YqU 'rp ~ ure Il wlld clI t, but ) ' 11 IlInll' you, D-n III J li ke It In you ; yo u'r<! n ot tIll' wlshy-wu >hy kInd. Iloe of U8

absol'us JUlcci W ~I1, It d r s, Ib ere· fo re aJw RYs re ll l 0 V ~ a uy before putu ng y o u r mea t away .


l" \' l' JllJt ~OIIW 111 ,\ ~t'lr . . :\o \\', ~~e tltlC Jolll ( ' fln~' (l\" (l r I h t'r e:. ~l l s !'l n('l w r nh :\"'1"\' <1 1111. A w ....o k

tbe wIndow, lind, III "rite of her nllt· ural conragl', th e lilr!' s h ('urt s onk . Was t here a ny nct of h r u t" 'It ~· lilt' mnn " 'ould h'(' In t'al'llhle nt? H I' WM \

W1t S



( n n ' ln ,L;

I ou c

:I n.1 rw ,!o. \\ t he IInlmll1'8 hencl. I",fore 811"" Oclnl: to,,"II r,1 " . r on f" 0 1. It '''liS nOI un l ll he hll d r('u('h o.1 \I IIh ln 1\ \'f' rr f('\\' 1111'(ls of h er pos lOon t l, nt n~t"'rHh b ill'. bu r ly, with hrnnd "h0111 c1f"r!'l nu ll hac'HlJl P a w u r c t lf ~lu nu lll"'~ ~),nl' (" n l'ltr. " deep ~he.qt, nlmo~ t It glnnt or 1\ m ltll,' nnd nrnA~ II\ ~t tl nt h t o hpl' r .. el . r" dn l[ hut It \Yes th e fll cO' "'hlr h he. ""k, hIm In stlCl dt.'1I It \\'II~ to. ' IIl'le I hi s ~hnrn c t l'r. Brut e Wit S wMIt !'" th en to f1" .. : th l' mn n hInckI'd th e onlT pl aInly 811 'w er II, scem ln" ly 1m· I'uth o"nll lll, lc, ' : printed on el"f'rldy f elt tn r " , yeht I at tlh . "F'rlghl en,'" you. "Idn't n " hp RAk e.l lUomf' nt , he (! not f ea r m : n· lItl n('t1"el s he felt t he ('owll r d . knl k. ('n rel !'s~l y, flIl.IJl ln!! n we(\(1 wllh hIs yf h b I I quIrt , b ll t w it h ..' n n ·h lnl[ " """ on I", r In,;" [h a ~ kI 0 " Ish rutII8 lUt'SII. ' I II " t t fu cp. " \ • ou rn u~ 1 h a ,~ hO()J1 In some pr e eJ', 8 e sa , ~u e y , I ~O n <ln yllrenUl , I'll ~n y," rll s~n.s th e mntt e r nC'" ,, UN!I ! thIs "I I I\' l~ II l n k ln ~" I n" 'ere I "&l\\,


S it Ill,

In t o

wI ll 1I0t .. n to wto nl " 1.l o.; t{'1'l I

:sn e


" tll~r

,,'t yO\l- W~ l< the/'(' r '

\' r II r" l ~' 1I11 Ihr"lItl'n me?" 1I f' 101l:: hl'll, " Till'''" lI'n, II- I ! don't h nvp to' fhr,·tl i 'n; I' m hClltlln,,- -fl ll till! cnrlls." n ., to,'k n ~tPp (or \\'lInl, un d, U ~ lhe /llrl dl'\'w ~IIK hIlY h,u'k fr om hI " tl lIp ron d l, hI r"e.· 'I u ,ckly durk!'n ·,1 \\'11 h nnlt"r, "1nll ,Inn ' t wnnt lI1e 10 • . .t l'u r l,

un y

t h ~(tl W II~n ' l

s ll., UI'kl'(I In

' 'Yoll ,Ie.lrf' tn Ilxl'l nltl, th en ?

t l'ra to prove It, No w, do you get the p lctnr .. ?" It W IIS nlm oR t dllrk , but she could stili ,lI atlngul!!h hI s ta ce, ns he Ietl ned f" rwnTlI peer l,ng a t he r. T here was no duubt nS to the real meonlng of th e UlUn, nnd she c6mpreheuded tully her 0\\,11 he lplllllSne811 of reslslnnce, All she could h O~1 to do now W0 8 to caule cleluy, to thuEl wIn a chance to tblnk nnd a d . " Ye_," she monaged to sny, mn",el· In g ut the cUIlmoos8 ,wIth which IIhe s r oke, nn el now on her t eel fuc LDg him, "I thInk I kno w whnl you mClln, You hnve tlI r "Cll1I ple tl'ly In your power: you hu"p plulln ell It nil out." "1' h"t '8 th e tlt-k et: Now there ain't n o lI!o1t ' ~· n llr J,: (' t lin g mnd , I llke y ou: J il kI' )'''" IIWfll ll .v \\'ell, Rn rl I'm golni to h i"' " ' :uh t ' o ~uu n rt~ wl t h you. But



Resources $1~ . . . . 30,000 ~nta c __ .... _ ............ II

"c CARL A.




....i A/Ojl' T".... WillI!

'T'I4IV ,..0




ITII. THeV SQUAIU!O Of'II, ,"'TTLI ~T"I2Tep _ .... lUI CT.......,., CALt.I""G Io;e~ ne l.16HT "\:iE. PUT


. SCHMIDT .. •

s.a. DnIp






EUROPEAK TOURS". Conducted tour. ··to

Europe. AU ~ ' $425.00 and up. , Full lnI~ recud-

MEN-Sa.e the Difference

ln8w.-arte..eta. ~


The Dayton savhiga .& Trust Co.

. . . . . .tTaIIar c:-. :tta.Ia Aw..... s-.

,'i"""1Ii0" • "04& .....If;


.... t.w"..S'


AGoUT HA""P P.... NT!!D _' 'ieelNd ISN'T A I.WA'fS' aEl.le~11'I6. ~"'I HI'" BuT 011WT \n\.lfVE


.1 Dlalng Table. 1 KUoheD Table, 1 KI"'ben and 1 0 ... Cllbl~e'


MEolCINIlS Nobociy .. D~

from oer&lfled ' seed. Inquire of Lllwrl!noe I:!urt.oe, R , 0 , 4, WarD ... ville, Oblo:, • 1112

Dayton. Ohio.


lPqUlre of Peler Demu.



of. ;IS aoree , FAR" tbla ' offioe .


Inqnlre a. a5

2 GOO~

BjAR¥8-0De, 8Ii aarel; One" 94 aOf ee. .A!1d~ P. O. Hex 2118,. W IIYDenllle,' Phtb. all

A , D'.· Bole aDd get Gal S ,EESaver, No' merely for Fordl, II

baa 'for lIatomobU_ aa" &rae'ora u well,' .t'rloe" Batlefao'loD guu. a,,~ed or m~8)' refDnded In JOelaYI, . " a211 . MUllele. Iii Cat'. Ta ll,

There are three ,tltl1 ~S If ~ mony mu• cleR In t he tall of • cnf ,, ~ fh ere lire .. the hllmnn hand IIni,. w ri st. .





....TH E . MIA MI


GA ZE TT E ••••

ISSUED EVERY WEDN ESDAY J;D~ed a' UII P OlIO DIce a' W IJDOI; lIIe, 01110 . u 8111'0011 la •• illll .'an tlr

Gail OordoD II v ery I Iok wl'h qulnHey . Mrll . AmaDd a I:Uarr III lOme baUer at thll wrl 'ID~. Mrll. I::Itou t , of WllmID g'on. II "III\log 14188 Kenned y, tbll week, T he Orabam rennlOD wal heJd aa IIr. Boward Graham 's,l::Ia&nrday. Mr. and Mr8 W T Jordau lpent San d l1Y with b i8 mn t ber , Mra. Kalil Jorda n . I4r Rn d Mre. W . L . HarveT an apebdl og ~ b l~ we ek a& MalneU o ijpri ufl8 .

. Chal. Bea.on , of Dayton , ' pen' SnDday wllh hla famil y bere, Onr 80hool wtll btlg l. Moneiay wlah IU811 Pearl' Moore aa ' eaoher . • Rober. Lewl8 and family han moved &0 'heir mlew home. eaa' of Well m an . Ml.a E~bel Sbank, of Day aen, W&l 'bl Tuesda y luest ot I14rll . K. E, Thowp lon I14ra. Hary Al len haa 8014 her plaoe t o Mre, i th e l !JeBsoD, and ha. m oved LebllDo n . 'rbe AId 800lety WIll m ee& at 'be 1141 88 Hal:e l Mo Urlegbt , o f WIl. b om e of Mrs . Id a COllins , near Bar. mlDgto n, Id vhltlng her aunt, Mr! . veyebur lt. tlep'em her 6' h. J ee811 (Jhu II . MI~ Be~ E'hel, Rnt h and G lenDa Tbe Uolll nll,'rh ump ilon r euni o n WRDDOU s pen t irillay aftern oon whb wae h .. ld .. , 'he We lltDl1n lohool t b e Ulark f .. mll y, near Orego uia, hou se, ~nn tl ay . AUer t hree wee ks vllolltlo n, t h ere Mr8. Mam e H,, ' fi eld , of Waynee will be preaobl ng bero ag ai n ned villa, was a I::In nd" y g uest of Cb al. BnDd llY m orn ing a ' 'be n su al hour. (£Ili ~ ~o d fami ly. A. 8 . Talmag e loet ble fin e bill Mrs. EIthe r Clark . of Hlgblan d drllfl mare, ODe day Ik " w eek . She ooun 'y , Is vlsl Ung Mra Cbarlty wal quite a 101l1 . ••• ah e wa. one ot ,he bost ma res 10 t he oonn'y . Ebrvey , ~bi8 week. Lon BnDDoD and wife, K. E. The Rioh. Uarr·Clel1vor r ennlOD was held at t he W e llman Hohool Thompl on und w ife a Dd Mr • . Ma bel Terry 'Pln' tlnnnay afterno on In hoaBe, laa' ~ a t nrd a y . Wllmln li toD, v lll&lu, with Bud Mr . and Mrs. Paul R elllon, of I'ruler and famil y . Day t<.l o . CAII ~ d OD Mr and Mrs. Ed HHr old MoK ay and wife,. Reli~ on , Sunday evening E!l I&b MoKay und aon, ROber Mr. IDd Mre, · :bap. Oray and Mn. Rntb Murray . Bert Bogant , Mrs . and Ne llie. Bealao d ohlldre n Bre epend. motber , B:. C. Ma1lnon !lnd faUltly, IDI 'bls week a' Marlon , Ohio. LOD Branno a aDd wi fe aDd K . 11:. Mra Emma Cline and hllr m otber Thomp ~ou and wlte aad Mrs. Mahe l Mrs . W . A . Merritt , retaroe d to Terry IIUende d 'he ~' rle n d s '( el1rly Wllml a gt ou. Mrll. Cline's borne In Day'oD , Bun meeting day . Am on I 'hOle from a 411tanoe who Mra. Ida Bowe and eon, Harry, aUende d the Cle!l ver.Car r. Rlob re. .peot la .' week In DaY')n , vlBISlDg nnl on, beld at t h e Wellma n lohuol tier IIlner, Ah., Ray HarrlsoD. and noule, were : Elm.r Seara and falll. lIy, ot Dayton . Le w S~r8 aad fam her bro&her. WlII Allen . lly, of Jeft'eno nvlllle, ClareDo e Cle .. Tbe re~nlon of Mrs. Boraoe lIa&. ver and family. of Norw ood. The &OD 'S Ulnolnna&1 relatlve a wal beld relaUve s .. ad frlentl8 nnmber ed • , tbelr ooon'ry bome, I::Inbday , ninety or more . A large orowd '1'1'&1 prssen' . Qnl&e 110 larprllo bIrthda y IDpper Mr . Barter r died very wal I prung on 'he Mannon 11118duddenl y at ble home. Bonday Rn'h and GleDD a-on Saturda y a' 1Il0l nlng at II 0 'olook. Tbe funenl 'erDoon . Tbole ror&ana le enongh '1'1'11 8 beld Tnead .. y atlern ooo . &0 be pre8snt were : Nellie Boerd. Cbarle8 Ellie enter&a loed '" b l, ler. of Norwoo d, Rlobard aDd Vir. bome hlB ohlldre n and IIrandoh lldreD Illnla D .. VI8, of Harvey sburg . Rbea to a blr&hdlAY dinner r or blmBe]f Ellis, Claudia a nd Josephl De (ira,. and hll aont, M&rlettll Carpen ter, UarT and Ellzolbe t h Mooro, Lnolle whose blrtbda y la also In ,he aame ienl., M~r'hB Weber and &'1'1'0 lillie Ilrll from Bowera vllle, Meldam e. wellk. Joe Llavls, U laul~e (iray, Awo. Owen Barrie, of Colomb us, Mr . Allen, Roy EIIIII a n d George Davis. I\Dd Mra Panl Peterso n . of Spring Tbe refresh men'., d or pink Va lley, a nd Mr . and Mre. Barold and wblte loe orlllim. Harris , of Lebano n, were BaDday OAndle., on ibe blr&hda EleveD pink y v l.ltors of Mr and Mu. Frank &oken ot their aKel-H ollke &8 a ntb ill and l:iarrl~ . Glenna 11. The oa,k/ls were all plak - -- .... ....- - andwbl te. Saob IlUle II1I reoelve d a beautlf nl s ouvenir bIRke' fillod wl&b "IDk and wh Ue oaudy.

D. L. CRAN.E , E ditor and Publish e r . Way nesv ille . O b io Subscri Dtion Price. Sl,50 per year foreig n Ad verU,.injJ: ft epreU n llttl ve THE AM E R ICAN PRE55A5 SOC IATl Ofol


, . W E DNESD AY, AUGUS T 2g, 1923

r---' ...


The' Rule of Reason

P erhaps I. " ulle is more fauillia r with the confliot ing ideas of our hoUlo d weUcrB than the editor of this new8pa per . Scar cely a d ay paIIIMllI but he r eceives some criticism of the way in which the a1I'ainl of the commu nity are run. It would take COIUIIIIl 8. and aillo it would be vcry unfair. to publish 1Il&Dy of these corn· municat ion&. 'I'he IIIOIIt import ant thing for our taxpaye ra to real izo is that little is to be gained by simply compla ining and tha t everythin g rnay be gaiued by constru otivo critieillm if it be a ceom· pan ied by an idea of how the conditio n compla ined of may be unprov ed. It ill not a diffloul t matter to orsank e a lpotl_ town. All it needa is a little study of the princip les of oommu ni ty building and a reasona ble amount of money. Howeve r, there seeIIUI to b6 the rub. Tho officia" cannot JIIlt. money out of the air. They cannot make improv emenw witbou t spendin g money aOlI the lpendin g of money me&nl a jump in the tax rate. N~ ono need be remind ed whllt happen s "hen there UI talk of increlUl eu tI1Xos. The howl echoes even through out the county. As a fac t alight t.a.x inoreas es for legitim ate improv ements should not ~ dep.l ured. Only waste ~ public monie. should aronse our indignation. MODOY !!pent III uaeful publio improv ements is an investme nt not an el,pense. We are all st.oekho lden in the corporatio n, and we alw~ys RIlt dividen d.. ill the ahape of increase d valu~ to OUT propert ies ."ben the tow1l adds to IOmeth ing of public momen t. JIlIt a little reuoni ng will make a good many Ill!)" DlIlp! pll p pie r. And perhlll'~ "J!~~~I't) llrof!!lP.rOT1!L


Oul, a lItt10 oourteq- that didn't ~ a eent,- a thing I' vo earrled with me netlr4' evor)'wherel I'Ve went. . . . I kD ow I didn't WJe It when I could, .. well &II DOt,-lt'. a pOwertu l 1ame CXIIlf.-lo D, but- hlame It- l fOl'1lotl • O"ly a lI tlle conrtee1 -bnt there alot 110 " obler debt.- wb lcb we better pa;f It prowptly, or we're tllrUn' With rea ...t . . . for, to BU"ht a fell~r. mortal b. to ~ .: pllen dart, either thoughU e.. cw ... pilrllO* t-lt Ia l Ui'll to strike the beuU ODt)' a IItUe courtell7-tU1' Jot. bow mnch It me~ 10 Ita intimate relat10u to tile "&1 alfectlOll 1!'Rna. , •. lr. a mlPlT hap\l1 cbaUeole at Che Ilentr1-Po.t ~ ...... It w!l'd battlAl hi the IIPIrU Ql ...... lIP alloftl













We will take plea sure in suppl ying your needs Give us a call







"RM AH" ~g


Adwel.tiSe 9OUrSaielo

thlaNe-ws,.P fte


~ .hrbi,

Firat Aequlalt ... other knowled ge I,' burtful to no b... Ifot hODeltJ liad,coocI'"

goa _, en

~ IJl


......... .OP'.lp..




HALL'S CATA RRH MEDICIN E) will do wha t w e c la Im for it- rid your Iya t llm of Ca tarrh or Dearne.. c a uoed by C&tarrh. , HALJ.,'S CATkRI UI ltlEDllCI NE conaloto of a n Ointm ent w hlcb Quickly Rellove. tho calAr rh" l Inllamma Uon . and tho Inte r n a l Medicine . a Toni c. wbl ch n cl a th roullh tho Blood on the Mucous 8 urtaceB, t.'bu. .... l.Un ~ to r 6l tore nor.. mal con d ltlon • . Bolli by druggists f or over 40 Y ......... F . J . C hene7 " Co., Toloclo. O.


who UII!t Chicago laat aim more money for WhC!lt l:r'()\\,el'f: hy curtailing proollctlon thru encouraging cro"" ,lI verillty. t. left to right. A. J . Brosseau ; Pres. O. E. Brodtut o. AmerlcnRtan.lIl1l n Pa rm Hureau; Wtn. 11. J)eall, Agri cultural Directo r; GrotI\'cuor Ou ....... { . S. Wbeut C01ll1l'1I ; J obll M. lledl)Qth, Reseorch Director SYdoey Ander"ou or Mlone50lII, Pres. of WllC!1t Council.; IICll tl.'d., Cong.

_. DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Speclallllt

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

45C :..HA:t;;--URm'E~--~S' -- :.

Butter Fat 10e per pound higher Ihan lart year

Eve ry T ue.d ay



We guarant ee cream and cans again It losi.



CINCINNATI, OHIO Refere nce-As k anyone of our 70,000 Cream Patrons .

VOCATIONAL, TRAIN ING VoeatJoaal tndDJrlC "1Ioi*' atn.1 It the - s o ltt. fit ... ....". II to be ebanp4 fll~ 1M '*'- ... boy. and ,trla mlJllt ba &.Nt " . , . trained. 1DVeI'J 00" IboUl .. ,.. qulnld to ____ tnIde. Ja'"

old dQ.



had &he I)'II8ID

ctt .-

'fbe Ladles Aid met at tbe home of 'be Ml •• e. Reevea. Thursd ay . Uri. O. 1', Vloker . and .on, Dila. lei, of Dayton , were week. end gue," of relatlve l liele. Mis., K.athlee n Mahone y, or New Antlooh . III the KII.' of ber aunt, Mrs. I'red Badley Bey. and Mn. Balling er &Dd ohlldren lue Kuelta or reldl v.a In Wee' ldanobll B'er. Mile MY,I\ Baydoo k, wbo WAIl Blrloue ly 1II or appendi oltlll, laa' week. I. mnoh Improv ed. MIll! Mary E . Reeve •• who haa beeD ,pendin g ber vaoa\lo n bere. hall returne d lo her 8011001 work In Tacoma , Kellv Mendlln bllll alld famllv and Yr. aDd Mrs. Trevor U. Haydoc k at'ended ,h. Farqnh ar reaDlon at FraDkll n, ~anday .


\lI'ODUce$Jp. &me, ~ ilia . . nlllCbanlcl the eoIIIIb7 baa _ W were tralDed .. WPNDt iaa .... da; baa ~ Or1l8l l1li4 ~ cnJ or~ hi" pas, ' . hOYIl trom beOom"IC ...' 11_ Cnn~IN!11Uy. tIMft . . . . . . . . dBllrtb of t.ebDIaUr Ini...s . . . Vera Tibbals villi ted Vera Jaok. The pobUe III!beol wtzlealu w _ orlPnall y orpniH d 011 the ~ Ion. Bnnda, afterDo on. 11011 that all puPiII woa14 ~ Lee Talma. a, of Dayton , spent uoUl they bad lint... ttIaW .... 8nnday wllh home follt., leare edueatloll.. a A • . , ~ tul eYer 10 ~ Tom Rlob and famll), .."ended the ' . S-ha\lll ' - thtw . . PI!' eIIIL Ironl reanloD , oear LebanoD , SnDday It m.Ia'ht be . h to ~tII tJlIIt a\l\lronmat1117 ~ drap Mr•. George EIlII and daaghte r. \ll'llllllLturel7 Old f1l the pabHe Veeta, "PIlnt t:!anday wl&h Mrl l1cl1ool8 of AmerIca .-.-~. 'nliII I4lUle Mar'ID. vaet group cat " 7 II&tIe '-lit !rom the puNly CIaltanl ~. lin, alnnah Bogan. Mrtl. Edltb What they Deed .above all . . fa Davll and Bert BOlaD called on Ed tmlnlng wbleb wtll IMIp them to . - Gray , Sunday evening , desirabl e emploY _It. lI.r , and Mre. Jamel (;iray aDd VocatiODal educatlo a far tile ~ and &Iris who wtlb to enter tM Wm. Smltb vlelted Ubtlll, l::I&aDllel tradC8 .. abaolntd 7 Imperat tft. n. aDd family 10 ' Day&on, l::Iaoday puhllc lIdloola or the - b 7 aft lin -Banna b Boaao. Mn . GleDn rondenn r &II lnellt1mable IIInIoe 10 the. country when tber' IDdit em .". D.vlll and Bert Hogan atteDde d the eat!onal tratn1n«. ·18018 allft 1Jlri~ OIbora reanloll , near WilwlnK loD , 8holtld he equipped with tNdII III 'l'DNda y, • order that they may enter ute .-. IIr , aDd Mrl, Walter Jordan and rared not only to i1Qpport .t!i81JldVeR, but IWIo to " - nluable IIr. and Mra, Lew' ioley and daugh. ter were IInDday callerl lit 'he homa OOlJtrlbutlng c1tbeDII. Tb.~ are 42,ooo.oeQ people III tbI 01 ~1Ir., Job. ~otdaD, Dulled Stilts wbo ' IN reported IIi1 The . Olllner.Carr~Bloh reuDion the Cen8U8 &I ~y ~ RUPpoll6 thl!J' bad a ' e.ebDIeal tftIo. ~'o wal held a' $he Wellma o Int? Certaln17 Ihat teclmSaaJ tN'. jo01lool hoalse, lI.hlrda y, Augal' ·H , Ing would add at lent 10 tWltw q.l~ .aulllb er of rela"y . were in· day to: their wa... ,iP1119 WIIQJd be . ,. .dIll108 $oI,2OQ,ooo dally to toM JIQ'roIl 01 lin. Geor'lI Kllit an4 daulhk r, Amerioa, or $l.,JOO,OOO,OOO to the pay·roD Of tile. people. V.... and lin. Laura Beed and Vorce VOC!IltJoaal tralJdlll _ - . . . .htll', I'lOralDODde, were ""'lIb& . the bon aud IIrlll ~ 4ND . . 01 f~ ~ ..rtalD.ed a' tb8 bom. 01 IClhool. JIIqulp ~ Gift lin, Tone, Ia Ihne, .buc, TIlan.

- - -..



'''Save by buyinlt in Waynes ville."


More Money

Tri State Pric e August 27, 1923...

are no.... on whut Mrl. JOKlah Boy\no U, of Tlppe. ACademic careers. Arter canoe City, Is V\8I&1DII Mr. aDd Mrs. tbelr coneludlng these, 91awlna tlona and celebraUons they race the (iny R outzahllon. world; they contrODt & world that Deed. IDeI1 \Vomen tnlned In IDlnd and bod7; but tbey contTOnt a world wWehand needB leaders. Mr .ud Mrs. Wllbnr CI""II and IOYlI'1 ' bualn_ eDterprlae, everr pollUcal party tolWll. county, family 'pen' Snnday wl,h Mrs . aUte or uatloa. everl poUUcal and economit' Idell, 'lu Qye ry brallch 01. Mary E. Carmou y, aetenUIIc! f)IIdeayor and nfll"Y rell&lou movement looka to a leader. . Ma1l1 a Itudent before bo ",lichee hll IISDlol' year naft Il!IIrDed ho-w Weele, Beoham a&tende d the fa to cooceotr ate and apply his own mlud; he haalearn ed how to acquire; neral of ble hrother . Jaroel Benbam III baa IItOred power In bimaelf. But be may do all tbla nnd In WaYDe nlUe, Tuesda y . pathetic faUure III the world. Hlgb clau--room etanding De,.er be a mllde all)' .-D .reat. That which doel WIlke a man gftIlt I. the poW1!r to Miss Mlldr lld Clark Is attendlD R PYl! odIen power. &he Mon'go mery Conn'y Teaohe n' .J1lIi to tblDk out an Idea wU1 never Ildvance tho Idea. Not until IDsthut ll, at Dayton . thll week, 70U bay' tboulbt out IUId tben out tbe Idea he ve you mllrle a contrlbu ttoa to the worl4, Columl lu could DOt prove hi S\laln that the Min Gladya 8erBdaU bad al her world WU roUD4. To do &hla be bad to take dbbelle ven wlth ~blm ==--_f-&1ll"'"'t•..-+loI~'tlt~Ww.ednetlday-a·nd Tbare. aDd with them flrbt the Vlst _.. d~J, Evelyn Ungl.,b y. of W ,.ynel. Darwin th01llllbt oat the Idea of world Cr.ttODO and evolution 8 J he obaerY.e4 tbl Iluntah forml of lower ute OIl the teemlnr hano ville. Amason . But be spent a decade to conv ln~ bimll8lf that he hall or the found Mr. and Mrs. '/Vllllam Bergdal l, a .truth, tben be fought through a full aDd bus1 Ute to e6nvlnce the Mr Na'e Smith aDd Dr. L. G. Brook world that the truth he rouDd waa of uae to the world. 'attende d tbe fnneral of Fraok Resolye to do lOtnethlng, then lind IOmethlng to do. If It be BOlli&tbilla new make It of U80 to waDY. Bl 110 doing )'011 take your "la<'8 Smith. 'l'oeRda y. &DIVII8 the leaderB of wen. It I~ be aomethlng old and tried that you do, ' do It better than It was ever (lone betON. and h1 ao doing ahow Mn Walter Kenrlo k lett, Satur. <lIthera how beet It. Then 81t81D yon lead. Both )'our nomo Bnd d .. y, for a motor 'rip to NI.,ara r labora will endure beyond tbOlle of tem\loral beroell, who trlum\lb Fal1t1 with Mrl. Belle Coon and ~n17 In tbe Uln8h IUceeeaetl or the hour. dangb&era. of Dayton . e 10nr Infor mation Illto hlllpl.ration Rnd Ilsplro tlOD. So .,qul\lped, ro to It. DO and then )'OU wID. Tbe Ml8ee. Kathry n and "ar CoPyrillbt, l02S--B l' RIchard Uoyd Jonel. .Y~~ garet mark, In OOroPIDJ wltb a p&r'y or frlen1R. plonloed SnDday a' Overloo k park. West MII&on . Mr and Mn. Wtlhar Clark and daoghte rllloUB nded the anion meet Thll teat of 110 roo n I~ wbe&he r be Ing Of 'be Farme n' 0lubB. Wed nell day, a' 'he bome of ChaR. T. Bawke IIg.,. grlloefu Jly or bUterly


'~ncat h{~aru





Mr . IIond Mu . B M. Clark vl."ed frleode ID DaytoD . BUDday. B. N, Lamar suff'e red a Bevere aa. Mr . and Mre C E Johu., were laok of aathma . '!'hured ay piabl. Day toD "h opper s , lallt Tbuud ay . Robert Smith wal the gn8l& of Mrs. R ubdr t Bunt laU, I.. , wlek. ror a vilit wUh Cedarv ille rela&lve8. Wllmln lt'oo relative s, la.' week. J oe I:!camm abora, of Detroll. I. Roha r' Clyda Whar&o a&lende d Friend tbe and Blanoh ester fair,n viSiting bl. oootDer aDd otber rela. tlvOI, Thuflld ay, Mr and Mrll. Luther aalne8 are Mr I\od Mr • . S. B . Baine., Ind Mr. Waller Kenrlok epent Sanday &he pueD'1 of a aaugM er, Pbyll18 II:lIeen. ID D&ytOD . lira. Ella Dedriok aDd dngbte r 590 Kenyon Ave The Lytle 1::11l0dBy . .,chool enjoyed their anoaal plonlo at Schantz parll, .re VllfllDg relatlvo llD 80uth BeDd. THE ~ TRI lodillona. I&at Thorsd ay.






/II\AH """". ~"'.L~4 Of' .A90L 'H. OW'" AH ~OI"\OV\~.-


Alw ays carr y the best Lum ber, Shingles, Sash, Doo rs and Mill W ork, Roofing, in fact, ever ythi ng in the Building M ateri al line

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!"!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!! I

NO'f' .,.~

.G ood s Alw ay s Ple ase



............... r'::,tor

..,. . , . . ...... .., ... "..t.

F i gur c~



Show Co untry's G r owlh.

" In " I,' :-:I'W York \'f l y hn"lt of t&(,lI rr l, '~ 11l'posl l !": N l l1 nl l u J,: m ore thun twenty·ollc I II/\ ~ ~ llip tntlll deposlta In ull the cit y's h nll l; ~ tn 1847. Th e d~p ..sll s III New y" .. I, h'II nks In do)'




HAINE S BUILDING. Telepho ne 114.



tlte yenr ' j,ClH !ota lell ~~RI HH'I.()(~ I , Three banks co r r ll_ 1 $l1 .()()(l.OoO or sl'Pclc nnd bad 11 ('\ rculullon of nli ou! $7.()(J(l.OOO.


o .



.•• DENT IST•••

At the Chiles Hotel Waynesville. Ohio.


In NaIIOD" Baak Blda.

Monday s and Thursd ays from 7 to 9 o'clock p , m.

Fores l T. Mar tin L.M.HEN DERSON Aucti onee r NOTARY PU.LIC

Get my terms for your Public Sale, I satisfy and save you money or no charge s.

Box 91, Centeroille, Ohio

Home Phone 2, Ceoterv llleEx.


Wayn esvill e, Ohio NatIona l Bank

Dr. W. E. Frost Veter inary S ... rgeon l Phon e 44

Harv eysb urg, O. "





suo ra lUI

IIOTIL" . Dltuocii iTi, .P..OIA....,... OO.TU M.It .. TItA . . . . . . . OA~ •• D .UI IIItVIO . OAII IIY UIIIIO .,.. ADV."......O OO!.UM _

PRO"" . ,

.- .......


. . . . . . . . . yOlUlo u ..... ·

--. ~'I

HAWKE REUNi l~ III hllme of Mr. and 1\1 rs .1 C. Hawke t )/1 A.u g ust 26 !:-iXly·t lo n l ,. of the immedi llte fam Ily 'lll ~ ~' er II to roll call Bnd I bout ' tHty ,\ th ~ r frl endA njoyed th e ideal day UIH\ delici ous dinner to ~e t h r . Tho~e in attendll nce were f fl'm Rblna . Lima. Leba non, Dllytun . Springfield. Pleasan t Pluin. Lill cin· nuti and vic inity .

- --

Boys and girls, s,\\' o your mOlle) I nd spend it Labo r U3Y at Phillip; park, Gel In line fo r a special prize In any of the events.

Nad.ooal Champion aDd Only 17 •

'I -n





. D,P'ill!!


_! s:





"~Cl, rr


rOOI11>; II illt M ··~ :h' rt itJ EHrnhn rt I Ilnd hl!\'''' ,.,'nl(·(\ II "lI r pn1pert y t ro Mr lind ~1r~ II Arc tH I"nCIJIl Me Iln d l\I r~ 1{ \I ~~,.1I B!!lIllt' I' Imvl'l11o ved I in t,) lb" Bll! Il e ll pn'" .. I'I),


--- - - ----- -

HAD TOBACCO MEElING ! Dav id Bill . a r tJPoe~enta t ive of the Co.Ope ratil' e Tobacco Mark etin g assoc iat ion. h~ld a meet inl!' III Wa y· nesville IUil l week . li t! I'xplain ed t he modes for llIarkel ing t obRcco. oslensib ly for the pll r \1o~e of 1Ir1l1l1li:tinll' th e tOlHICCO II rro wer ~ of Wa rr .. n coun t y. I t i~ sai ll Ih a t a grt'll t num· ber of t he IlrOwer! hav e 8ig ned u p wit h t he l1ssoci alion ,

----_ ..


Ilon·t mal,e "flY arrange ments to There are so me hand so me prizes to lellvl' home on lllbo r Day . Do yo u be a warded to the contest ants . If rE'm e mbe r Ihe big clays we used t o you have a larl/:'e famil y o r a big hllve ill Wlly r' eRvill e ('11 ~ i mi lll r oc- Su nday sch ool. a pretty g irl . ah eavy cas ion ? Th is will bu 1\ facsimil e of 1 111 an or t he oldest one. or a p re tty t hoRe ol d da l's . allli t.he aft e rn OO!l baby. for g r'lcio u s sake trot lhe m will bE' c rowuetl with fun fr om star t out. f or il will su rely be wo rth their to fin ish . A r eal old· fashi oned tim e ti me . is nnli cipateu . Then again, the girl s and boys Rea d the bi g bill s fo r the events. will have con tests. the me n and wo-

men will have con tes ts. awl a tug of war wi ll be pull ed off that will be a barrel of fun . Tak e a look at lhe prizes. Re lect the onl! you deaire most . Ilnd go a f t,' r it. Refresh men ts will be served on the grou nd s. the l'rem ie r ba nd will play all afternoon. and you will probably meet a lot of fri ends you have not seen for some time.

Spe nd Lab or Day in Your Own Home Tow n'



Ha rry Salterth waite. Bon - of Mr. BI'ble School and sermon 9,30 to and ,M fR. Hen ry Satt t!r l hwalte, of 11 30 At the ev' enl' n a servl'cll the Ro ute 2, "'lid Miss Pa ulettll .Ha r- f om oue IItory. "In HIB .. Steps," by baugh . of n a r R~d Lion ...... ere. mllr· Charles Sbeldon will be recited and ried last week at th E' bride's home. illustra ted with 100coio rerl picture! . They will mtlke t heir ho me in "Yayne lIlustra ted 80ngs williliso be given. r tow nshi p. Edward D. Goller. Minis tlil .

rt\!' 1I,!l1 w..... k . >:I VVll ftl in t he villlllCt! 'r~ ,Iv hllv,· j.~ ' :"'U' t' hIlS.. JpUf('h',~ ed I.hll ,l' Y unef.' p""'",r tl' " " d will ~onll mov e her'.' f r,) I 1.0,hj.l . )h h). lh<1 Y .lUnce~ 1 ..(oill'" :" I 1'1\'1 ')'1 . .~ ~IIlrY f'II~" itey 111101 h ,. 111\11\-> ,.1' have lake n I





Thl) HRwke r e Ul'lIon wa~ -lw' l! lit



~'. ; J'"

Jlj ...


SI.. Mary 's Sunclav ·schoo l. which held it's annual picni c at the So ldi ers home in Dayton last week.ha d a fine ti me and enj oyed th e day imm ensely . About llfty we re present includin ll' t he me mbers and their friend s .

----_ ..- - France the P lo"oc r .

Th o fl r~ l ~n \'e l' n ll l l-' n '.I (~ml)luYUl ent - - - -bureuu l)rl~l tHi tf- rt i n 1" I'lI lIt'C'. I n 1848 OIi U Stu-II hu rcuu ", •. f-; ~·,:.I r Jl h lls l lt!{1 In

!'I'C), of the IlI l1 lrl c. or 1·lIrls. The fir"1 ugenc}, or t he kllH I In E II A'lond '\'II" olleued III !88!'l, II nrl Ihe nr. 1 In this ('oun - t ry _ fn Ohl_n On· .a_ ""II 1'9 htlt·r.

_ _

Mus t Comma nd


NI-ltluIlS, IIk l' Indl \' ltlu lI l s, nrc pow. e rful III Ih.· d,'!!""" I hll ' Lh ey command


the SY '''I'II Lh les of th e ir nel llhborl. -

n ,w ee.

J . Harte r ShirlakN (l it!t1 lit hill home in Ha rl' tJy!! bu rg Sund ay morn· ing Il t t! o·cl oc k . Th e fun e ra l , was held lit his la le home TlI e~ clll Y aftt! r· noon at 2 o' clock l"t"rm(!lIt in Miami cemete ry .

--- ---- --


Fitting Tribute to President




............. """

A large cr olVd w all in a tte ndnnce a l lhe Spring Va ll ey h ome coming . (Cont inued f rom page 1) mUIl Y form er resid ent s hav in g come . - 1 back to en joy the hospit ali ty of th eir l'tecenUy adopted by the Sugar In me mory of Brother James former home. A base bnll l(sme a nd Ag nin . this ser vice is fitt ing here Creek Chrililia n Church (owens \ Benham wh o died Au g ust 18. 1923 other li t t rac li ons nd ned much to t he becau se of t he ki nd of Once again the ~u p reme Chlmce l· commu ni t y of Chapel) plpasur e of th e day . which this is n t ype. Here and in . ReSOlved • . That this Church ~ e-I lor of the Univers e ha th 8umm oned . l .. - .... - - simil a r tow ns an o! vil lages is f ound ~I res to put \tself on record as being lthrOU~h death, a Brother Kniltht. all t hll t is best in Americ an manhoo d 10 favor of 10,\1' Ilnd order. relative from the Illbors oJf t he CII811e here I Co nt rnst"' 11 En lish Count ies . to the r ecent 08tablishment in itB im· to the joye of the beautif ul L I1 11'olu ,,-tdr,' \ ... th; I1 nt t t':i t antI \ Ve!'"t - and wo manhood . In our great citCastle in I m Orl' lund ,h. ' ",,, .. I llilly English collnly. ies lVe fi nd our littl e ltalys, otIr littl e mediate vicinity of two questio nable the ne w J erusale m , He has comThe latest from New Polands . our littl e Hungar ys: people kinds of amu sements . conduct ed on ple ted his labors of Friends hip in York, Paris and oth· i ~~~~~~~~~~= who refu se to assimila te with U8. or Sunday afterno onslnd cer tain even- helping his fell ow brothe r. of Charity er "orld center s to accept ou r Ame rican ideals . Here ings of each week . Di sorderly con· in reli eving the c ries of't he di stressed we fin d a lmosl entir ely the class to dllct has already chnract erized lhlil'e and in Benovo lence In ministe rinlt Exqui si 'e desis ns \ which Mr . HardinII' belonge d and to gatheri ngs, and disrega rd for the at the bedside of t he sick As a l . """"'" ''',....,''''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' '''' which you and I are proud to belong welfare of the commun i t y . We recomp ense of his silrvici und er t he I with strong and irFOR SALE for the moral . social relig· tri·colo red banner , he has rec t ived - the g relt claBS of lhe Ame rican resistible appea l. comm on peopl e; th ose of which Mr. 10 US welfare of the commu mty. the plaudit. " well done " from the S aore fa rm. B room good honse Lincoln spoke 80 touchin Done by order of the Church Grea t I<' alher . An d wh ereas . gly when he the I ~ , aod u tb nlld ingll ; 9 helid of See the new Velours said . "God mu st love the commo n oat t ie, milk ronhl. boUI!!s ond oan ~ and Beave rs and the people because he made 80 many of f oJr sale T wo "nct one bll ir miles below Wliyne svtll e on t·he River them " Orieat al effects, And 80, because of the road. !:lee o wner, E. J . Lindam ood. loyal t y of o ur class. it Is fitting 1 that 812 - -we comme morate one of our brightof our Mys tic Order. t he ref ure be it • YOUR PRES ENCE or 1:!~l e -R an ga ouly need two est exampl es . Do you want a well drilled? If resolver! that C rown Lodge No. 538 • winters , small B e~ tln g 8 ~o ve, you do, call !"red M. Cole's Rard. Kni g hts of P ythiss . Wayn esv ille. We are glad. too, to kn ow that CORD IALLY large extElnsl on ta ble. 8ew lo ~ obalr, w .. rdrot:e. ob tfJI 'r oba tllHLrly ne w. anythin g comme ndatory which may ware Btore. WaynesvillE'. for partie. Ohio. in testim ony of our luss t en· WELC OMED full leng \h mi rr lJr " nd a n elootrlo be said of Mr. Hardinl t can be pro· ulars . Wm. M. Smith 107 E. Third ders t o the family ~f the dec eased St. , Xenia, O . PHone 1222.- R. \swee per 811me liS nl'w Can be IIlIen claimed from th e brothe r our s incere condole nce in houeeto ps withou t .. \ :\!I ra. Cillo reooe Alie os Wrl \e ~~~~~~~~~~~....."'!!!'~ thi~ deep afflic ti on. and that a copy Mrs W. U. t:lt J ohn. Lelimln gton fear of contrad iction. While is is " of these resoluti ons be sent t o the i Apt! , Bllfrls lind P opllu tits. Nor true that of the dead nothing bu t i In Mr. Hardin g's case, good wood a should fear . Ohio famil y. be spoken. in the cases . Helea WllII. 11 year old ClIlltor@12 1 '011 1U'1, ill tbe Dew Nationnl Weof many public men their fllilinll's was quickly dispelle d. and he showed C? O. Mis~el ,ti ne ,lDen'l TeDnla Champion. defcating of a re minimi:z;ed bnd their 1I'00d quail· his ability to maintai n the dignity C wo Hll· c ocnnetr 'ua. .nen time clIamplon. Mrs. Mol· · LOST B er 34 Green Street as. XENIA, 'OHIO I hi g h 0 ffi ce entrust ed to hIm . _ _ _ __ .a_ __ ties over-es timated . But in hill cas!! tIe 11 JtIe1l00'. at New York laet week. in iltratabt eeta. 6-2. 6-1. Now the perfect since rity may be used In (To be continu ed .> Su b~c ribe for th e Miami Gazette I ~ _" :••...;::."'::' ~ = YOlltbtnl atar II returnin g holtlc to LOBT -A ne w tIre eom ewhere be- speakin g of both his pu blic and pri· tllr:e np, IWthetic dlnclng' to hllpro\,Q : 'welln W "yn8Mvllle and Al tlbu t h ~ footwon upoo the. courts. Sbc lfarlD. Finde r pious _~ I le"ve lit 'be vate actions in lhe highest pOh ible will not pia, 10 any ~ore louTlla· Wayne8vllle Mills. terms. Pass f or a momen t in Illen812 . 1Deota tbla fear. . . tal review those Qualitie s that ai,;Ieal to you moet as Indicati ve d a stronlt charact er and you will find \ tha t Mr. Hardin g p osse3sed them in an eminen t degree. In magnan imity he belonge d t o th e IIRme class as Garfield and Mc Kinley , The former. durin!l his weary weeks of sufferin lt, only once alluded to hl8 assasin and then only to say,"Iw onder what made that man shoot me ," The latter. when an infuriated mob wa~ ready to tear his assail !1nt to pieces. said . "Don't let them hu r t that man ." I once asked a gradua te of a univers ity of high rank, wh flt was the benefit of a collegiate course and the answer was, after a momen t hesitati on. "The broadeA ing of on~' B mind which it - ---¥+..;·v es." Mr. Hardi ng p09se!sl!d this in a very high degree, for he harbor ed enmity against no on~ ,Not long ago. in speakin g to a fri end, he said. "I intend to approac h every Questio n so far as I can with neither bias nor ill will. 1 shall continu e. no malter what may be said of me, nor Our Line is Complete, including the how harsh the criticism may be, nor how unjust. patientl y to apply good will and a friendly feeling III the settlement of every question ." 2:16 Trot Purse $350 2:30 Trot Purse $350 2:11 Pace His integrit y was beyond dispute . Purse $350 2 :15 Pace No word can truthfu lly be uttered 2 :24 $3!)O Trot 2:2 i PSIC4t $350 S350 against either his public or his pri. 2:19 T~ot Also a tine of Smaller Articles for your Fall needs 2 :15 Trot $350 3-Yea r-Old and Under Trot, 1350 vate charact er. His humilit y is Mule R~ce, %-mil e, 2 :13 Trot ... ahown in the fact that he regarde d $350 2 in 3 $350 2,in 3 . . . . $350 Mule Race %-mil e Dash : himsel f only as a humble instrum ent 150 And Farm ., in the hands of the Almigh ty for the Hardw are, fulfillm ent of His own designs . His Machinery Harne ss sagacity in public offi:!e is shown by the jlldgme nt display ed in ohooslnll Way nesv ille, Ohio his cabinet. He selected Buch etronll •••••• ••• '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . men as Hughe>!, Hoover , Mellon and others. men "of algnal ability; nor did he fear that "Ilny brillian ry which they miltht displllY would tend ,to dim his own . What he wished was to utilize thdr etrong qualitie s for ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER i4th, FROM the good Ilf the nntion 3 TO 4 O'CLo(~K ·P. -M. - - --wi th-- Hisiode penden ce of charact er is sh own by his firmnes ! in dealinlt with other branches of the !lovernmenl Some of us feared that hav· Satisfa ction is my motto . If I can't make and ing been a membe r of the Senate he ~ave you money, I do not want your sale. See would be domina ted by the Qligarchy iDe for terms, ~ which rules that body. The Ameri- , It you want " 't~ buy or sell a Farm, see' me. can people have only In tw~ In· , I .have 'all sizes. ' . stances . chosen a Preside nt frqm among the membe rs 'of the upper house of Congres s, probabl y because of this feeUng. Were all the mem. . berB like that Iplendl d Trian, Simeon Cenu rville , Ohio .. Phone 2 D. Fe88, such feeling would not exist. "'

fALL .:. MILLIN~RY .:. OP~NIN6 Frid ay and Satu rday , August 31, and Sept. 1


IThe Late Classified Ads




" W-E-L-L'-0- -, ING



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~~~I:~~eol!~ndbe ~~:~if~~:nrte:~:c~:~




W a rr e n C o u n ty F a ir

The Things You .. Need Now

We Ha ve Th em

Sup erio r Drills Nisco Man ure Spre ader s


New Home Stoves and Ran ges

i Famous Heatrola Parlor Pipeless Furnace i

este rZ; ! .Jf1iZZ·insry


SE PT EM BE R II , 12 , 13 an d 14

4 Da ys of Fu n, En ter tai me nt an d Ins tru cti on , W arr en Co an ty' s An nu al



Wed nesd ay. Sept. 12

Thu rsda y. Sep t. 13

Frid ay, Sep tem ber 14



Da te Yo ur Co mi ng Sa le F.


Special Prizes


Farm Bureau, Grange, Boys' & Girls' Club Work

Wed nesd ay will be O!d Sold ier'. Day~ whe n Free Adm ission will be furnished the vete rans .o f .all wars. .

Auc tion eer

Amp le

GOO~ MU SIC EA CH DAY . Accom.m,odatioDs for Aut~mo"iles and otbe r Y~hi~le.

ADMISSION-Siogle Tickets, SOc


'M'ARTIN, Auctioneer /ltIome

'. ED S. CONKLIN, S~reta.. y

Velricles,' 25& · "Meniher~ .ni:kds, :$I.SO :, 'EOMON STEWART, Pr.'id~Dt

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